N437c 1833 v" -/si. -r -'^';\Y *fc~ k iM* !1. ;;;. 3. . SJwcj'; Boston CATALOGUE ARTICLES TO BE OFFERED FOR SALE THE LADIES' FAIR, At Hamilton Hall, in Chestnut Street, SALEM, ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 1833, jFor tlje _encftt of t&e Weto^EitfllanD Steajlum for tjie _lfno\ *< '.Tf The doors will be open at 10 o'clock, A. M. Some of the most valuable articles will be offered at auction. Price of admission, 25 cents. Should the weather prove unfavorable, the sale will be postponed. The Hall will be open the day previous, from 10 to 1, A. M. for the exhibition of the articles.—Admittance, 1 dollar ttv N437* 1833 CATALOGUE. An elegant representation of an ancient sybil, who is the distri- butor of fates. Doll, dressed as Swiss Peasant. " " in Russian costume. 2 " " in Turkish Costumes. 12 large dolls, dressed as fashionable ladies. Female Equestrian. Bride. Very large figure, in the costume of Queen Elizabeth. A very touching representation of a blind girl, with a pathetic appeal in her hand. Group of figures, in the uniform of Salem Light Infantry. " " of Salem Cadets. A figure, in the uniform of the Salem band, with each group. Young sailor boy. 4 dolls, as young gentlemen. 1 toilet lady. 6 fate ladies. Peasant girl. 2 large dolls, in crimson and yellow. 2 beautiful figures, in the mirror dance. A fine large doll Very interesting domestic group. Comic group. 2 parlor scenes. " Debby Saco." Group of figures, in the costumes of different nations. 2 black figures. Indian Chief. Sailor and lady. Doll in dressing gown and easy chair. Doll, beautifully dressed, with a wardrobe. Infant school. French dressing chamber. Dolls in fancy dresses. 1 fancy piece. Fannies. 2 books of costumes. Carriage, with a child and Moorish slave. Flower girl, with a stand of fruit and flowers. Beautiful flower stand, with Italian flowers. Golden-crested wren. Indigo bird. 2 yellow birds. Humming bird. East India pheasant. Purple finch. Swan. 1 Turkey. 1 Guinea hen. Chanticleer. 4 pair beautiful transferred screens. White embossed screens, with cardracks to match. 4 1 pair japanned do. 1 pair of book screens. 1 pair, splendidly painted in oils. Japanned miniature centre table. 3 beautiful transferred card receivers. 2 embroidered birch do. 12 fancy do. 2 handsome transferred work boxes. 11 transferred cigar cases, 8 transferred needle books. 6 pearl " " 3 fancy cigar cases. 6 " pocket combs. 2 carved bone fans. Card case, birch embroidered. 2 carved ivory card cases. « « " with memorandum. (( « in beads. 6 carved ivory pin cases. Moss grotto, and cardracks to match. Variety of beautiful cardracks. 13 fancy lanterns. 2 fancy glass baskets. 12 imitation pearl necklaces. 3 black necklaces, with crosses. 24 bead guards, various colors. Silk do. Casts of the Holy Family, in embroidered birch boxes. Do. of the Supper, do. Do. of the Madonna, do. Do. of the head of our Saviour. Do. of the head of Washington, with the retaking of Boston. Boxes of Casts. Temple of Friendship. 8 Japonicas. 10 bunches wafer flowers. 2 books rice flowers, with appropriate mottoes. 3 sheets, do. Baskets and vases of flowers and alumets. Glass ship, in a case. 2 flocks of sheep. 3 spaniels 2 horses Basket, made of melon seeds 3 alum baskets Ornamental fly cages 6 beautiful boxes, filled with alphabets Box of handsome shells Model of a gothic church 2 cabinets for jewelry 5 maps of matrimony 2 snakes 4 bird cages 2 fancy pens 4 small camphor trunks, containing each a pair of embroidered blankets Panoramic box Camera Obscura Miniature hardware Small rubber shoes Dissected map of the world 8 napkins 2 flags 6 travelling baskets 2 small hat trees, with dolls' hats 4 fate flowers Wooden rakes and spades for children 4 charade flowers Doll's French bed 9 fate books Silver tea strainer 5 2 splendid bedsteads, with curtains 2 pair splendid tabourets, wrought in crewels 1 pair ottomans, do. do. 1 pair miniature do. 20 lamp mats, do. do. 2 do. with border of flowers, very rich 15 bell ropes, do. do. 1 pair Russian moccasins 1 pair Oriental slippers 6 pair gentlemen's slippers 2 pair ladies' slippers White crape shawl, splendidly embroidered in colors. 8 aprons, silk, richly embroidered 14 belts, splendidly embroidered 6 aprons, plain 10 muslin do. 1 pink gingham apron, embroidered with colored crewels 6 do. with colored points 14 do. plain 16 do. gingham wrought 30 do. plain 5 do. colored muslin 24 pair pantalettes, trimmed. A great variety calico aprons Child's walking dress 15 bags, silk, richly embroidered 8 do. plain 1 do. velvet. 12 do. gingham, embroidered 80 do. plain 2 do. velvet, embroidered in beads 10 do. fancy 3 black bombazine work bags 24 toilet cushions, very handsome 1 shell do. 3 do. white, embroidered in crewel, with watch cases to match 3 do. ribbon Toilet bells 3 Decca canvass cushions, elegantly embroidered 1 do. belt do. 16 bachelor's pincushions 3 beautiful basket cushions Invisibles and pincushions, embroidered, painted, and plain 4 bead invisibles 18 butterflies 1 dragon fly 4 fish 4 embossed birch needlebooks 200 needlebooks 6 embossed do. 4 harp do. 6 bellows do. 6 sofas 6 ottomans 18 strawberries 12 emery cushions 3 knit bead purses 8 bead purses 20 cord purses 2 silk purses Amulet do. 2 large kid threadcases 1 silk do. 6 kid pocket books 2 bunches beautiful cherries, with leaves 2 do. grapes, do. 4 oak leaves, with acorns 16 lady's lace caps, trimmed in the newest style A turban, painted with blue and gold 60 night caps 8 linen cambric do 4 silk do. 7 robes de nuit 12 linen cambric bachelors 6 imitation do. 6 2 grass cloth do. 70 gentlemen's fine linen collars 14 boy's lawn collars 3 boy's linen cambric ruffles 3 pair infant's shoes, embroidered 8 wrought infant's shirts 4 do. do. robes 18 quilled lace ruffs 12 muslin ruffs Nun's cape lace, wrought Do. muslin, trimmed 8 do. do. plain 3 children's capes, trimmed 3 white capes 5 pair embroidered cuffs 3 pair bandalettes 2 pair children's shoes 2 muslin spencer handkerchiefs, trimmed 2 lace inside do. wrought 12 gent's linen cambric handkerch'fs 3 gentlemen's flag handkerchiefs 6 ladies' linen cambric do. hemstitched 4 do. scalloped 4 do. elegantly embroidered 4 do. embroidered 30 children's grass cloth do. 6 pair mitts, white cambric 6 pair mitts, washleather 4 do. linen Embroidered muslin collars Watch cases, different patterns Stiff under sleeves 12 pair tidy cuffs Small easy chair Cut paper ornaments Tippoos Post horn Book marks, various colors Bunch of hearts 56 children's worsted socks, embroidered, clouded, and plain Kid and worsted balls 2 trinket boxes 5 sets studs Children's gingham and jean dresses, embroidered and plain, different sizes. Holders 6 children's hearth rugs Child's embroidered blanket and cradle quilt 2 ladies' cravats 8 children's gingham bonnets 2 boxes patchwork 24 gentlemen's stocks, various patterns Silk winders Centre table workbox 4 fancy workboxes Fancy baskets of bonbons 1 pair graces 2 small corded robes Flower table and tables of refreshments 2 Splendid Paintings, in Oils, of Scenery near Bristol, in England, by Miss Sophia Peabody. Blind Miriam, an original tale, written for the occasion, by Miss Savage. Well selected books for Children. Bust of Dr. Spurzheim. 20 numbers Landscape illustrations of the Waverley Novels. V=Many other articles, of which no memorandum could be obtained, will be offered for sale. iff ARBLEIIEAD TABLE. 2 Chinese pheasants 2 black capped flycatchers 2 Canada flycatchers 4 goldfinches 6 Baltimore orioles 10 Humming birds 1 Chinese bluebird 2 painted buntings 4 swans 4 guinea hens 4 Turkeys 4 chanticleers 1 turtle 3 dozen fishes 1 dozen butterflies 6 dogs 1 donkey with panniers 3 bunches grapes l£ dozen strawberries 2 flower pincushions 2 feather flowers 1 shell flower 4 worsted flower mats 2 fringed do. 2 Lyres 4 brocade toilet cushions 4 ruffled do. 4 embroidered do. 4 wrought holders 4 plain holders 2 spool pavilions 8 plain silk needle books 6 shell needle books 2 embroidered indispensables 4 morocco needle books 1 transferred box 1 bead necklace 2 dolls 4 lace caps 2 infant's caps 1 grass cloth neckkerchief 1 pair wrought muslin cuffs 3night caps 2 cambric muslin caps 3 pair pantalettes 2 infant's dresses ' 12 aprons NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLH D32AA527 M NLM032885274