■V 'Aft. ft^^-iC f- 'fev": $ ■ ■" ■::'■ ■■*" "'>'-■! ■ - ■- ;i*'•■.<■■ ':' ■.,':-'f':i. .>!■-V -!'i&.y , i ' ;. • .' ■'.- ^p # CATALOGUE OF SKULLS OF MAN, AND THE INFERIOR ANIMALS, IN THE COLLECTION OF SAMUEL GEORGE MORTON, M. D. Vice President of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia: Author of " Crania Americana,'" Sfc PHILADELPHIA. PRINTED BY TURNER & FISHER, No. 15 N. SIXTH STREET. 1840. CATALOGUE OF SKULLS. M A ITc 1. Negro, born in the United States. 2. Negro, born in the United States. 3. Chinese, Male. Born in the Province of Canton. Dr. J. K. Mitchell. 4. Bengalee Child. Dr. Burrough. 5. Bengalee Child. Dr. Burrough. 6. Bengalee Child. Dr. Burrough. 7. Anglo-American, Female, Aged one hundred years. S. G. M. 8. Hindu of Bengal. Dr. Burrough. 9. Negro Idiot. S. G. M. 10. Anglo-American Boy. Hydrocephalous. Aged 8 years. S. G. M. 11. Chimuyan, Peru. Dr. Burrough. See Crania Americana, PI. vi. p. 112. 12. Native African. Dr. Ruschenberger. 13. Young Hindu Woman, Burned with her husband, near Calcutta. Dr. Burrough. 14. Anglo American Female. Died insane, 1830. S. G. M. 15. Huron Chief. See Crania Americana, Plate 37, and page 194. 6 16. Iroquois ? Exhumed with many others near Lake Erie, about twenty miles east of Niagara, A. D. 1824. Mr. Thomas Fisher. 17. Mulatto Lunatic. Died of Religious Mania, 1831, aged 22yedrs. S. G. M. 18. Ancient Irish : from the Abbey of Butte- vant, county of Cork, Ireland. See No. 52. S. Wright, Esq. 19. Bengalee Child. Dr. Carson. 20. Hindu of Bengal. Dr. Burrough. 21. Skull of a Soldier, with remarkably large superciliary ridges. From the battle-field of Chippeway, in Upper Canada. Dr. Mickle, 1831. 22. Young Choctaw Female. Dr. J. Hutchins. 23. Guanche, from a cave in the Island of Palma, one of the Canaries. Dr. J. C. Warren. 24. Anglo-American Female; a fille-de-joie, aged 26. Died of mania a potu. 25. Hindu of Bengal. Wm. Cobb Hurry, Esq. 26. Quinnipiack, (Mohegan) Indian, East Ha- ven, Connecticut. E. C. Herrick, Esq. 27. Massasauga Indian. Peterboro', Upper Canada. Rev. Samuel Wood, 1837. 28. Bengalee. Dr. Burroush. 29. Bengalee. Dr. Burrough. 30. Cast of the Skull of a Natchez Indian in the possession of Mr. Dorfeuille, of Cincinnati.' See Crania Americana, p. 161. 31. Hindu of Bengal, Dr. Burrough. 32. Hindu of Bengal. Dr. Burrough. 33. Oneida Warrior. Dr. B. Tappan. Crania Americana, PL 36 and page 193 i?4, ToorICA (Mexican) FemaI*. W.Maclure, Jbsq., 18Jo. See Crania Americana, PI. 18. A. page 156. 7 35. Menominee (Mich.) J. A. Lapham, Esq. 36. Anglo-American Idiot. S. G. M. 37. German, setat. 30. 38. Natick Indian, of Nantucket. Dr. P. Swift. 39. Euchee. Florida. Dr. Z. Pitcher. See Cran. Amer. Plate 27, and page 174. 40. Lenni Lenape, or Delaware. See Cran. Amer. Plate §2, and page 189. Dr. Z. Pitcher. 41. Tagelos Malay : native of the Island of Lu- zon (Luconia) in the Manilla Sea. Dr. Burrough. 42. Irishman, aged 21. Imprisoned for larceny, and in all respects a vicious and refractory char- acter. Died A. D. 1831. S. G. M. 43. Chetimaches. See No. 70. Dr. Le Beau. 44. Menominee. (Mich.) /. A. Lapham, Esq. 45. Anglo-American. Lunatic. S. G. M. 46. Javanese. Dr. Mead. 47. Malay. Island of Bally, coast of Java. Dr. Mead. 48. Juvenile Mummy, Female, about eight years of age, from the Theban Catacombs. Dis- sected by me, before the Academy of Natural Sciences, Dec. 10, 1833. S. G. M. 49. Hindu. Dr. J. Carson. 50. Cholo, or Hispano-Peruvian. Dr. H. S. Rennolds. 51. Hindu of Bengal. Dr. J. Carson. 52 Ancient Irish. Abbey of Buttevant, county of Cork, Ireland. Dr. Smith (Hist, of the county of Cork) says these are the bones of the Irish slain at the battle of Knockinoss, A. D. 15—. 53. From a Mound at Circleville, Ohio. Sec Cran. Amer. Pi. 51., page 219. Dr. Hildreth. 8 54. Osage. See Cran. Amer. PL 41, p. 199. Dr. Z. Pitcher. 55. Negro Lunatic. S. G. M. 56. Chinese. Male. Dr. T. F. Betton, 1833. 57. Lunatic Irishman. S. G. M. 58. German Lunatic, A. D. 1833. S. G. M. 59. Skull of Peirce, a convict and Canni- bal, who was executed in New South Wales in 18—. A letter addressed to me by Wm. Cobb Hurry Esq. of Calcutta, contains the following particulars of this man's singular career. "With regard to the Cannibal Pierce, all that is known of him is, that he was a native of Scotland or the north of Ireland, and a seaman. He was a convict in Van Diemen's Land, and escaped with others into the woods. Hunger compelled them to prey upon each other, till only Pierce and another were left. A romantic tale might be made from Pierce's own narrative of the feelings with which these two men watched each other, till, overcome with fatigue, the last of the band fell a victim. Peirce was relieved by a party who fell in with him, and the cannibalism of which he had been guilty being attributed to necessity, was not punished. From that time his propensities acquired their full de- velopment, and he succeeded repeatedly in per- suading his fellow prisoners to escape with him, for the sole purpose of killing them and devouring their flesh. He used to return secretly to the depot, and persuade a fresh victim that he had been sent by others who were waiting in the woods. He was at last caught; and being asked if he knew where one of his companions was, deliber- ately pulled an arm out of his jacket and shewed it to the soldiers. Mr. Crockett, from whom I had this account, and who gave me the skull, is the 9 Colonial Surgeon, and attended Peirce in the Hos- pital both before and subsequently to his crimes. He stated to me his conviction that Peirce was insane, which, however, did not prevent him from being hanged." 60. Head of a female Egyptian Mummy, brought from the catacombs of El Gurna, near Thebes, by the late Antonio Lebolo, of whose heirs I pur- chased it, together with the entire unwrapped body: the latter I dissected before the Academy of Natural Sciences, on the 10th. and 17th. of Dec. 1833, in presence of eighty members and others. 61. Cholo, or Hispano-Peruvian. Dr. H. S. Rennolds. 62. Lunatic Englishman, aged 30 years. 1832. S. G. M. 63. Negro Lunatic. S. G. M. 64. Mulatto Lunatic, female. S> G. M. 65. Skull of a Child born at the seventh month. Dr. Goddard. 66. Child six months old. Dr. Goddard. 67. Ancient Peruvian. See Cran. Amer. PL 4 and page 108. Dr. Ruschenberger. 68. Peruvian ; from a tumulus near Lima, Dr. Rennolds, U. S. N. 69. Negress, aged 80 years. 70. Chetimaches Indian, from Louisiana. Dr. Le Beau. See Cran. Amer. PL 19, page 163. 71. Peruvian, from Santa. Dr. Waters Smith, U. S. N. 72. Anglo-American Boy, aged seven years. 73. Peruvian, from a mound near Santa. See Cran. Amer. PL56; Page 225. Dr. Waters Smith. U.S. N. 74. Negro, died of Malignant Polypus of the antrum. Dr. Turnpenny. 10 75. Peruvian. Temple of the Sun, near Lima*. No one was permitted to be buried in this sanc- tuary but Priests, Nobles, and other persons of distinction. See Herrera, Lib. vi, Dec. 5, and Cran. Amer. page 132. Dr, Rnschenberger 76. Peruvian, from the Temple of the Sun. Dr. Rnschenberger. 77. Peruvian, Temple of the Sun. Dr. Rnschenberger. 78. Menominee, /. A. Lapham, Esq. 79. Peruvian, Santa, near Lima. Dr. Rns- chenberger. 80. Menominee. /. A. Lapham, Esq. 81. Peruvian. Santa. Dr. Rnschenberger. 82. Peruvian, Santa. Dr. Rnschenberger. 83. Hindoo, of Bengal. Dr. Mease. 84. Natick Indian of Nantucket. Dr. Swift. 85. Peruvian, Temple of the Sun. See Cran. Amer. PL XI-B and page 129. Dr. Rnschenberger. 86. Peruvian, Temple of the Sun. See Cran. Amer. pi. XI, and page 127. Dr. Rnschenberger. 87. Peruvian, Temple of the Sun. See Cran Amer. PL VIII and IX, page 125. Dr. Rnschenberger. 88. Anglo-American child. Dr. Turnpenny 89. Penobscot? Indian, remarkable for its' distorted proportions. Dr. Paul Swift 90. Peruvian. Temple of the Sun. Dr. Kuschenberger, V. S. N. 91. Percv.ax, from Chorillos, 8 miles south of Lima. Dr.Ruschenber-er oW^VM- Temple °f the Sun- »• * lus- ctfnZ™™' TemPle 0f the S«n. Dr. Rus- 11 94. Chinese, one of seventeen pirates, who attacked and took the French Ship "Le Naviga- teur" in the China Sea. Dr. Ruschenberger. 95. Peruvian, Temple of the Sun. See Cran. Amer. plate XI. A, page 1. Dr. Ruschenberger. 96. Peruvian, Temple of the Sun. Dr. Rus- chenberger. 97. Peruvian, Temple of the Sun. See Cran. Amer. plate XL D, page 131. Dr. Ruschenberger. 400. Peruvian. Pachacamac. Dr. Ruschen* berger. 401. Natick Indian. Dr. P. Swift. 402. Peruvian. Pachacamac. Dr. Ruschen- berger. 403. Peruvian. Pachacamac. Dr. Ruschen- berger. 404. Peruvian. Temple of the Sun. Dr. Ruschenberger. 405. Peruvian. Temple of the Sun. Dr. Ruschenberger. 406. Peruvian. Temple of the Sun, Dr. Ruschenberger. 407, Miami Indian, Dr. Tuley. 408. Choctaw. Dr. W. J. Wilson. 409. Peruvian. Pachacamac. Dr. Ruschen- berger. 410. Hindu. H. Piddington, Esq. 411. Hindu. H. Piddington, Esq. 412. Peruvian. From a tumulus at Rimac, near Lima. Dr. Rennolds, U. S. N. See Cran. Amer. Plate 58, and page 227. 413. Hindu. Male. H. Piddington, Esq. 414. Peruvian. From a tumulus at Rimac, near Lima. Dr. Rennolds, U. S. N. See Cran. Amer. PL 57, p. 226. 12 415. Ottigamie. (Fox.) Dr. Hildreth. 416. £kull from a mound on the upper Missis- sippi. Dr. Hildreth. See Crania Americana, PL 52, page 220. 417. Cayuga Chief. See Cran. Amer. Plated, and page 192. Dr. Z. Pitcher. 418. Manta. A tribe of the Lenape, or Dela- ware nation. Found in excavating near the bank of the Delaware river in New Jersey, about four miles above Burlington. Dr. E. Swain. 419. Head, at the full period of utero-ges- tation. 420. From the Cave at Steubenville, Ohio. See No. 436, Sec. Dr. Jackson. 421. Male native African of the Benguella tribe, aged about forty years. Dr. J. W. Russell. 1835. 422. Female native African of the Mina tribe, aged about twenty-eight years. Dr. J. W. Russell. 423. Male native African of the Mozambique tribe, aged between forty and fifty years. Dr. J. W. Russell. 424. Malay of the island of Madura, in the Indian Archipelago. Dr. Doornik. 425. Malay of Borneo. Dr. Doornik. 426. Chinese, of the Province of Canton. Dr. Doornik. 43X. Chinese. Was hanged for forgery at Bata- via, in Java. Dr. Doornik. 428. Javanese, of the district of Djogocarta. Dr. Doornik. 429. Malay of the district of Makassar, in the island of Calebes. Dr. Doornik. 430. Malay of Amboyna. Dr. Doornik 431. Malay Idiot of Amboyna. Dr. Doornik. 432. Hindu of Bengal. Dr. Doornik. 13 433. Malay of the island of Sambawa. Dr. Doornik. 434. A Dutchman of noble family, born in Utrecht, and for several years a captain in the army at Batavia, in the island of Java, where he died in the prime of life. He was remarkably handsome, not deficient in talent, and of an ami- able disposition, but devoted to conviviality and dissipation, which finally destroyed him. Dr. Doornik, from whom I obtained this cranium, gave me the above facts from personal know- ledge. 435. Oceanic Negro, from the Indian Archi- pelago. Dr. Doornik. 436. Skull from the cave near Steubenville, Ohio. Dr. McDowell. 437. Same. Dr. Andrews, of Steubenville. See Crania Americana, PL 63 p. 235. 438. Same. Dr. Andrews. 439. Same. Dr. Andrews. 440. Do. Dr. Hildreth of Marietta. 441. Creek Warrior. Dr. Pancoast. 442. Bengalee. Dr. J. Carson. 443. Bengalee. Dr. J. Carson. 444. Bengalee. Dr. J. Carson. 445. Peruvian Child. Arica. See Crania Americana, Plate 2, and page 106. 446. Peruvian. Temple of the Sun. See Crania Americana, plate xi.—c. page 130. 447. Peruvian. Near Callao. Dr. Ruschen- berger. 448. Peruvian. Near Callao. 449. Peruvian. Santa. 14 450. Peruvian. Pachacamac. Dr. Ruschen- berger. 451. Peruvian. Dr. Ruschenberger. 452. Peruvian. Near Lima. 453. Menominee Indian. Dr. Sat- terlee, U. S. A. 454. Menominee Indian. Michigan. Cran. Americana, PL 29, page 179. Dr. Satterlee, U. S. A. 455. Mingo. Ohio. Dr. S. P. Hildreth. 456. Seminole. Florida. See Cran. Amer. PL 24, page 169. H. B. Croom, Esq. 457. Chenouk Indian, of Columbia river, Dr. J. K. Mitchell. 458. Anglo-American FemaJe, an Idiot from birth. Died, Sept. 1836. Dr. Patterson. 459. Malay of Amboyna. Dr. Ruschenberger. 460. Malay of Malacca. Dr. Ruschenberger. 461. Clickitat Indian of Columbia river, much flattened by art. See Cran. Amer. PL 48, page 214. Mr. J. K. Townsend 462. Chinouk Chief of Columbia river, greatly flattened by art. See Cran. Amer. PL 43, page 208. Mr. J. K. Townsend. 495. Malay of Ceylon. Dr. Ruschenberger. 496. Peruvian. Arica. 497. Head of a Peruvian Foetus. Arica. 498. Natick Indian. Dr. P. Swift. 499. Arab, of old Cairo. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 539. 540. Skull and Cast of the head of James Moran, who was executed for piracy and murder at Philadelphia, May 19,1837. 541. Big-fire, a Miami Chief. Dr Ena? JLowe, oi Wisconsin. 542. Miami Chief. See Cran. Amer. PL 30, page 182. Dr. J. W. Davies, Indiana. 15 543. Suabian, a branch of the Teutonic family. Tubingen in Wurtenberg. Dr. G. Engelmann. 544. Same as 543. Dr. Engelmann. 545. Same as 543, Dr. Engelmann. 546. Same as 543. Dr. Engelmann. 547. Same as 543. Dr. Engelmann. 548. German of Berlin. Dr. Engelmann. 549. Same as 548. Dr. Engelmann. 550. Same as 548. Dr. Engelmann. 551. Same as 548, Dr. Engelmann. 552. German of Frankfort, on the Main. Dr. Engelmann. 553. Hindu. H. Piddington, Esq. 554. Hindu. H. Piddington, Esq. 555. Mexican Soldier, with three cicatrized gunshot wounds in the right parietal bone. Slain at San Jacinto, Texas, A/D. 1836. J. J. Audu- bon, Esq, 556, Mexican Soldier, with cicatrized depres- sion of frontal and nasal bones. Slain at San Ja cinto, 1836. /. J. Audubon, Esq. 557. Mexican Soldier, slain at San Jacinto, 1836. A rifle ball has entered the Occipital bone and passed out of the left Parietal. /. /. Audu- bon, Esq. 558. Mexican Soldier, slain at San Jacinto, 1836. Skull perforated by a ball. J. J. Audubon, Esq. 559. Winnebago Warrior. Dr. P. Gregg. 560. Winnebago Warrior. Dr. P. Gregg. 561. Sauk Indian, Wisconsin. H. Cole, Esq. 562. Miami Indian, from Indiana. Dr. Wright, of New York. 563. Menominee Indian. /. A. Lapham, Esq. 16 564. Sandwich Islander, of Oahu. Dr. Rus- chenberger. 565. Kanaka, or Sandwich Islander of Oahu. Dr. Rushenberger. 566. Sandwich Islander of Oahu. Dr. Rus- chenberger. 567. Naumkeag Indian. See Cran. Amer. PL 33, page 187, 246. A. L. Pearson, M. D. Salem, Mass. 568. Lenni Lenape of the Minsi Tribe. Mr. Witmer. 569. Peruvian Child, from Santa. Dr. Rus- chenberger. 570. Camanche Child. Arkansas. Dr. B. B. Brown. 571. Kanaka of the Sandwich Islands. Dr. Ruschenberger. 572. Kanaka, of the Sandwich Islands. Mr. J. K. Townsend. 573. Kowalitsk Tribe of the Columbia river. Very much compressed by art. See Cran. Amer. PL 49, 50, page 215. J. K. Townsend. 574. Calapooyah Tribe of the Columbia river. Much flattened by art. See Cran. Amer. PL 47, page 212. Mr. J. K. Townsend. 575. Clatsap, Tribe of the Columbia river. Greatly flattened by art. See Cran. Amer. PL 46, page 211. J. K. Townsend. 576. Killemook, Chief of the Columbia river. Much flattened by art. See Cran. Amer. PL 45, page 210. J. K. Toionsend. ™57Z*itLATST°,NI' Tribe of the Columbia river. Much flattened by art. See Cran. Amer. PI. 44, page 210. J. K. Townsend, 578. Chenouk. Slave. See Cran. Amer. PI. 42. page 207. 17 579. Athlaha-ficksa; A Creek Chief. Dr* H. S. Rennolds, U. & N. See Cran. Amer. plate 26, page 170. 580. Native African, of the Macua Tribe, Dr. Lobe. 604. Seminole Warrior. See Crania Americana, PL 22, page 166. Dr. G. Emerson. 605. Dacota, or Sioux Indian. See Cran. Amer. PL 39 p. 190. Mr. Poole. 606. Shawnee? Indian, found in excavating the Licking canal, Ohio. Dr. S. P. Hildreth. 607. Huron? Near Cleaveland, Ohio. Dr. Mendenhall. 630. Lenni Lenape, or Delaware Indian. Ex- humed near Trenton, New Jersey, 1838. Mr. Thos. Collins. 631. Naumkeag. Salem, Mass. See No. 567. 632. Cherokee. " From a cave in Springtown, north of the river Hiwassee, and near an ancient battle-ground. The form of the cranium and the developments are strikingly characteristic of the mountain Cherokee of the present day." Dr. Martin, U. S. A. 633. Cherokee. Found with the preceding. Dr. Martin, V. S. A. 634. Cherokee. Dr. Martin, U. S. A. 635. Cherokee. Dr. Martin, V. S. A. 636. Sambo: Mixed race of Venezuela Indian and Negro. Dr. Vargas. 637. Quichua Indian of Upper Peru. Dr. J. M. Vargas, of Caraccas. 638. Charib of Venezuela. Found in a terra 18 cotta vase, with the Os Sacrum and some small bones. See Cran. Amer. PL 64, page 267. Dr. Vargas, of Caruccas. 639. Ottigamie, or Fox Indian. See Cran. Amer. Plate 31, page 184. Dr. B. B. Brown, 640. Native African of the Dey tribe, near Liberia. Dr. E. Skinner. 641. Chinook Child, about four years old: much flattened by art. J. K. Townsend, Esq. 642. Choctaw Child. Dr. Wilson. 643. Mandan. Upper Missouri. Dr. Brown 644. Mandan. Dr. B. B. Brown. 645. Native African of the Grabbo tribe, near Liberia. Dr. Robert McDowell. 646. Native African of the Grabbo tribe. Dr. R. McDowell. 647. Native African of the Bassa tribe. From Liberia. Dr. R. McDowell. 648. Native African of the Bassa tribe. I received this skull from Dr. Robert McDowell, with the following memorandum—"The skull of an African Gree-gree man, or Doctor. For com- mitting some crime he was tried by the ordeal of drinking red-wood water: and being found guilty, he was cut in pieces, and thrown into the St. John's river, Grand Bassa, Africa, where his skull was found.—a very good specimen of the Bassa tribe.—1835." 649. Arickaree. Dr. B. B. Brown, 650. Minetari. Dr. B. B. Brown. 651. i Atacames Indians, from the nation or 6o2. V tribe of that name now inhabiting the de- 653. )sertof Atacama. Dr. J. N. Casanova. 19 654. Chilicoi, an Araucanian Chief. See Cran. Amer. PL 68, page 241. Dr. Casanova. 655. Bampuni, an Araucanian Chief. See Crania Americana, Plate » 6.67, page 242. Dr. Casanova. 656. Chiluchi, an Araucanian Chief in the Chilian cavalry. Dr. Casanova. 657. POTAWATOMIE. See Cran. Amer. PL 34, page 186. Michigan, Dr. Walker, 658. Aboriginal American, from the cave near Steubenville, Ohio. See No. 436, 437, Sfc. Dr. S. P. Hildreth. 659. Assinaboin. Upper Missouri. Dr. B. B. Brown. 660. Osage. Upper Missouri. Dr. B. B. Brown, of St. Louis. 681. Pames. (Mexican.) See Cran. Amer. plate 17, A. page 154. Acad. Nat. Sc. of Philadelphia. 682. Mexican. Toltecan? stock. See Cran. Amer. plate 17, page 153. (In Cran. Amer. Table \,page 257, this skull is erroneously referred to No. 559.) 683. Chippeway Warrior. See Cran. Amer. PL 28, page 177. H. R- Schoolcraft, Esq. 684. Chippeway. Prof. Eaton. 685. Peruvian. Pachacamac, or Temple of the Sun. Dr. Ruschenberger. 686. Peruvian. Santa. Dr. Rush&nberger. 687. Skull from the Cemetery-Cave at Steuben- ville, Ohio. See No. 436. SfC. 688. Natick, or Nantuket Indian. Dr. Paul Swift. 689. Mexican Indian, slain at the battle of San Jacinto, in Texas, 1836. W. M. Blackford, Esq. 690. Mexican Soldier, with a cicatrized sabre 20 wound of the Os Frontis. Slain at San Jacinto, 1836. /. J. Audubon, Esq. 691. Suabian: Branch of the German race, from Tubingen in Wurtenberg. Dr. Engelmann. 692. German, of Frankfort, on the Main, Dr. Engelmann. 693. Same as 692. 694. Ottigamie, or Fox Indian. Dr. P.Gregg, of Stephenson, Illinois. 695. Hindu? This skull, which is chiefly re- markable for its small size, was obtained from a dissecting room. 696. Sioux, or Dacota. Child about five years old. Upper Missouri. Dr. B. B. Brown. 697. Peruvian. Temple of the Sun. Dr. Ruschenberger. 698. Seminole Warrior. Florida. Col. J. J. Abert. 699. Peruvian. Temple of the Sun, near Lima, Dr. Ruschenberger. 700. Ancient Peruvian. From a tomb on the island of Titicaca. (A cast.) Mr. Pentland. See Crania Americana, page 97, Sfc. 701. Ancient Peruvian. From a tomb in the island of Titicaca. (A cast.) Mr. Pentland. 702. Cast of a skull found with the preceding. 703. Cast of a skull taken by Mr. Pentland from an ancient tomb at Caracolla: latitude 17° 38' South. 704. Cast of a skull of the Ancient Peruvian race, taken from the tombs between Pomete and Chimguage, by Mr. Pentland. 705. Cast of a skull taken by Mr. Pentland from a very large tomb in the island of Titicaca. Cran. Amer. page 97, #c. 21 706. German. 707. Seminole. See Cran. Amer. plate 23, page 168. Dr. E. H Abadie, U. S. A. 708. Seminole. Florida. Dr. E. H. Abadie. 709. Skull of a Foetus at the sixth month of utero-gestation. 710. Cast of a skull of the Ancient Peruvian Race. Dr. O. S. Fowler. 711. Cast of another skull of the Ancient Pe- ruvian Race. Dr. O. S. Fowler. 712. Thugg of India, executed at Calcutta for murder. Presented by Dr. Martin of Calcutta, through W. A. Foster, Esq. 713. Thugg, executed with the preceding, and presented by Dr. Martin, through Mr. Foster. 714. Mexican, from an ancient tomb at Otumba, See Cran. Amer. PL 61, page 233. Mr. Joseph Smith. 715. Mexican, from an ancient tomb at Otumba. See Cran. Amer. PL 59, page 231. Mr. Joseph Smith. 716. Mexican, from an ancient tomb at Otumba. See Cran. Amer. PL 60, page 232. Mr. Joseph Smith. 717. Ancient Mexican, from a tomb at Ta- cuba. Mr. Joseph Smith. 718. Ancient Mexican, from a tomb at Ta- cuba. Mr. Joseph Smith. 719. Mexican Indian, from near the city of Mexico. Mr. Joseph Smith, of Mexico. 720. Ancient Mexican, from Tacuba. Mr. Joseph Smith. 721. Chenouk, flattened by art. Columbia river. W. Slakum, Esq. U. S. N. 722. Ottigamie, or Fox Indian. H. Cole, Esq. 723. Ottigamie, or Fox Indian. H. Cole, Esq. 22 721. Head of a white Woman, of whose history nothing is known. 1839. 725. Cast of the skull of a Kamsciiatkan Female. Dr. O. S. Fowler. 726. Seminole woman of rank. Dr. Abadie. 111. Seminole Boy. Dr. Abadie, V. S. A. 728. Seminole Boy. Florida. Dr. Abadie. 729. Seminole Girl, of the Fuke-luste-Hadjo tribe. Dr. Abadie, V. S. A. 730. Seminole Warrior. Killed at the battle of Okee-Chobee, December 25,1837. Dr. E. A. Abadie, V. S. A. 731. Parsee, or Persian fire-worshipper. From the tower of Silence, Bombay, India. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 732. Seminole Warrior. Killed at the battle of Okee-Chobee, Dec, 25,1837. Dr Abadie. 733. Micco-Sukie, (Seminole.) Fort Bassinger, Florida. Dr. Abadie, U. S. A. 734. Skull of a Chief of the Ancient Azteck nation, exhumed near the Indian village of Gua- na pan, on the slope of the mountain of Popocate- petl, looking into the valley of Cuantla. Dr. J. Macartney, of Mexico. 735. Azteck, found with the preceding. Dr. Macartney. 736. Infant Indian Skull, from a mound in Wis- consin. Mr. John J. Libhart, of Columbia, Pa. 737. Potowatomie, Michigan, Col. J. J, Abert. 738. Mandan. J. N. Nicollet, Esq. 739. Mandan. J. N. Nicollet, Esq. 740. Mandan. /. N. Nicollet, Esq. 741. Mandan. /. N. Nicollet, Esq. 23 742. Mandan. J. N. Nicollet, Esq. 743. Parsee, or Persian fire-worshipper. From the "Tower of Silence," near Bombay. G. R. Gliddon. Esq, 744. Cotonay. Blackfoot. Rocky mountains. /. N. Nicollet, Esq. 745. Cotonay. Blackfoot. J. N. Nicollet, Esq. 746. Minetari. Gros Ventre. /. JV. Nicol- let, Esq. 747. Minetari. Gros Ventre. Mr.Nicollet,E&fr, 748. Arickaree. J. N. Nicollet. Esq. 749. Arickaree. J. N. Nicollet, Esq. 750. Minetari. GrosVentre. Mr. Nicollet, Esq: 751. Creek Woman. Dr. Joseph Walker, M&f. 752. Narraganset. Dr. R. Collyer. 753. Phrenological organs marked on a Plaster cast. This cast was presented to me by George Combe Esq., and is the same from which PI. 72 of " Crania Americana," was drawn. 754. Seminole Warrior. Dr. J. Walker,U.S. A. 755. Otoe Warrior. Dr. J. Walker, U. S. A. 756. Otoe Warrior. Dr. Joseph Walker. 757. Otoe Woman. Dr. Joseph Walker. 758. Otoe Child, eight months old. Dr. J. Walker, U. S. A. 759. Copt. From a Convent near Cairo, on the road to Abersabel. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 760. Copt. Child a year old. G. R. Glid- don, Esq. 761. Copt. Obtained with No. 759. 762. Saraksa, or Pure Circassian. Male. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 24 763. Same. Female. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 764 Same. Male. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 765. Same. Female. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 766. ) 767. V Arabs of the"Owlad-el-Beled," or better 768. } class of that nation, from Bab-el-Nasr, in 769. ) Egjpt. G. R. Gliddon. Esq. 770. J 771. Jew of Cairo. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 772. Jew of Cairo. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 773. Jew of Cairo. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 774. Arab "Village Chief," or " Sheik-el- Belled," from Shubra. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 775. ) Fellah, or Arab-Egyptian Peasant of 776. J Shubra, in Egypt. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 777. } Fellah, or Arab-Egyptian Peasant. 778. > From Mattorich, the ancient Helio- 779. ) polis. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 780. ) Baramka, or Barmecide Arab, from 781. $ Gemardash. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 782. ) Fellah, or Arab-Egyptian, peasant of 783. 5 Old Cairo. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 784. ) Bedouin of the Eastern Desert. G. R. 785. 5 Gliddon, Esq. 786. Greek, from Old Cairo. G. R. Gliddon. 787, Greek. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 788. Jew? G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 789. Armenian. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 790. Armenian. Gf, #. Gliddon, Esq. 791. Armenian. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 792. Armenian. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 792. Armenian. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 25 794. Armenian. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. The Preceding series of genuine Armenian Skulls, embraces two males, one female, and three children of different ages. 795. } Egyptian Mummies, exhumed from the 796. > front of the First or Northern Pyramid 797. j of Dashour, the Memphite Necropolis. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. Necro- G. R. Ancient Egyptians, from the Necropo- lis of Memphis, north-west of the " Py- > ramid of Five Steps" at Saccara. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. Male. 804. Ancient Egyptian Female. Same place as last. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 805. 806. 807. 808. 809. 810. 811. 812. 813. Child five years old. polis. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 21 J- ] Same as No. 805. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 815. ) 816. Ancient Egyptian, from the Necropolis of Memphis, north of the Pyramid of Five Steps. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 817. Ancient Egyptians, from the polis of Memphis, at Saccara. Gliddon, Esq, Memphite Necro- 818. 819. 820. "* Egyptian Mummies from the ancient Abydos, " Arabat-el-Matfoon." Found 'with Scarabse and ornaments bearing the oval of Ramses III., or the Great,— 26 Sesostris, Sesoosis, and Pharaoh who knew not Joseph, whence it is presumed that they belong to a period about fifteen or sixteen hundred years before Christ." (Vide Rossillini's Chronology,) G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 821. ^1 Mummies exhumed by Mr. Gliddon, from 822. I Tumuli at the island of Biggeh, the an- 823. f cient Senem, a sacred spot close to 824. J Philse, in Nubia. " These may have been Pilgrims to the Temple, and as such, of any nation, or of any epoch. But I think them ancient Nubians, Kens, (as the name reads on the monu- ments) of the same race which still inhabits that country, and at present called Kenous." G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 825. Ancient Egyptian. Necropolis of Mem* phis, north of the Pyramid of Five Steps. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 826. 1 Kens, or Ancient Nubians ? Exhumed 827. I by Mr. Gliddon at Debode, in Nubia. 828. | Some writers maintain that there are 829. J no Mummies in Nubia: here is proof to the contrary. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 830. i "Ancient Egyptians, from the mummy- 831. V pits at Koum Ombos, probably inhabit- 832. ) ants] of the Ombite Nome." G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 833. "j Ancient Egyptians, taken by Mr 834. [Gliddon from the Crocodile Mummy- 835. f pits called Magaret-es-Samoun, be- 836 J hind the village of Maabdeh, opposite Manafloot "I brought these from a measured distance of four hundred and thirty-eight feet under ground horizontally, averaging twenty feet below the surface." G. R. Gliddon. Esq. 27 837. ) " Very ancient Egyptian Mummies, from 838. £ the new Chamber or Corridor discovered in the Autumn of 1839, by the indefatigable pyra- mid-explorer, Mr. Perring, in the upper part of the interior of the Pyramid of Five Steps, at Sac- cara. These are perhaps the most ancient ex- isting skulls,, and are at least four thousand to four thousand five hundred years old." G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 839. Egyptian. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 840. " Skull obtained from a Tumulus recently opened at the ancient quarries of Torra, (on the east bank of the Nile, seven miles above Cairo,) whence the stones of the Pyramids of Ghizeh were' taken. The bodies were covered with coarse matting and enclosed in Sarcophagi, and &r& doubtless* the remains of quarry-men. Jews? Chaldeans ? Egyptians ?" G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 841. Egyptian mummy; Male. Theban Ca- tacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 842. Ancient Egyptian. Thebes. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 843. Ancient Egyptian. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 844. Ancient Egyptian. Female. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 815. Ancient Egyptian. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 846. Ancient Egyptian. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 847. ) The Crania No. 847 to 861, inclusive, 848. > (fifteen in number) are from the Cata- 849. j combs of El Gurna, near Thebes. They 28 were ascertained, by means of the papyri, ornaments, &c. found with them, to have belonged to individuals who lived during the Pharaonic epoch of Egyptian his- tory. This inval/uable series was most obligingly presented to me by Clot Bey, f Chief of the Medical Staff of the Viceroy of Egypt, at the instance of my accom- plished friend, George R. Gliddon, Esq., United States Consul at Cairo, whose munificent contributions to this collec- tion command my warmest acknowl- 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. • 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. edgments. 862. Female mummy. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 863. Female mummy. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 864. Ancient Egyptian. Theban Catacombs at El Gurna. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 865. Male mummy. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 866. Female mummy. El Gurna, near Thebes. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 867. Ancient Egyptian. Male. Thebes. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 868. Head of an Infantile mummy. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 869. Female mummy. El Gurna, Thebes. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 870. Ancient Egyptian. Male. Thebes. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 871. Ancient Egyptian. Male. Theban Ca- tacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. ^ll'.Ff™^ mummy- El Gurna, Thebes. G. K. Gliddon, Esq. 29 873. ^1 875 I female mummies from the Catacombs 876 I °^ Thebes. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 8771 | 878. ) Mummies from Thebes. Males. G. R. 879. 5 Gliddon, Esq. 880. Egyptian mummy. Theban Catacombs G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 881. Egyptian mummy. Female. El Gurna, Gr. R. Gliddon, Esq. 882. Egyptian. Female. Theban Catacombs. Gr. R. Gliddon, Esq. 883, Eyptian Female mummy. Theban Cata- combs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 884. Egyptian mummy. Male. El Gurna> Thebes. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 885. Egyptian mummy. Male. Theban Cata- combs at El Gurna. Gr. R. Gliddon, Esq. 886. Female mummy. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 887. Ancient Egyptian. Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 888. Male Egyptian mummy. Theban Cata- combs of El Gurna. Gr. R. Gliddon, Esq. 889. Egyptian mummy. Theban Catacombs- Gr. R. Gliddon, Esq. 893. ) Mummies of the Ptolemaic Epoch. 894. \ Clot Bey through Mr. Gliddon. Mohawk Indians, (Iroquois Confede- racy,) exhumed from a cemetry of that nation near Manheim, in the State of New York. L. Vanuxcm and /. Beardslee, Esqs. 30 &98. Native African. /. Trudeau, M.D. 899. Pawnee-Maha Indian. Missouri. J Trudeau, M. D. 900. Osage, J. Trudeau, MD. 901. Thirty Skulls of genuine, unmixed Ne- groes born in Africa. This interesting series was collected by Don Jose Rodri- guez Cisneros, M. D. of Havana, in the island of Cuba, and by him presented to me for the purpose of ascertaining the internal capacity of the cranium in the1 pure African race. MAMMALIA, QTJADHTFEDS, $c 200, Sus scrofa. Wild Hog of Senegal. Var, Acad. Nat. Sciences. 201. Delphinus delphis. Dolphin. 202. Felis concolor. Panther. South Caro- lina. Dr. Standing. 203. Felis concolor ? Panther. Columbia river. Mr. J. K. Townsend. 204. Felis canadensis. Wild Cat. South Ca- rolina. Dr. Standing. 205. Felis domesticus. Common Cat. Dr, Chaloner. 206. Simia---. Ring-tail Monkey. 207. Simia Sai ? South America. 208. Simia---. Dr. Burrough. 209. Didelphis Americana. Opossum. 210. Geomys bursarius. Pouched rat. Mis- souri. Dr. Pickering. 211. Arvicola Pennsylvania. Field mouse. 212. Manatus latirostris. Dr. Burrough. 213. Fiber zibethicus. Muskaat. 214. Arctomys monax. Ground Hog. 215. Procyon lotor. Racoon. 216. Lepus americanus. American Rabbit. 217. Lepus cuniculus. English Rabbit. 5S18. Mephitis Americana: Skunk. 32 219. Mustela vison. Minkf 220. Sciurus striatus. Ground Squirrel. 221. Pteromys volucella. Flying Squirrel. 222. Sciurus hudsonius. Red Squirrel. 223. Sciurus carolinensis. Gray Squirrel. 224. Cervus americanus, Deer. Penn. 225. Ovis aries. Domestic Sheep. 226. Canis familiaris. Var. Bull Dog. 227. Canis familiaris. Var. Setter Bitch. Dr.' Betton. 228. Canis familiaris. Var. Setter Dog. Dr. Betton. 229. Canis fulvus. American Red Fox. 230. Canis aureus. Jackal. Bengal, 231. Canis latrans. Prairie Wolf. Arkansas. 232. Canis cinereo-argenteus. Gray Fox. Arkansas. Dr. Pitcher. 233. Ursus americanus. Black Bear. 234. DlDELPHIS AMERICANA. OpOSSUm. 235. Simia----- 236. Simia Sai ? Sonth America. 237. Delphinus delphis. Indian ocean. Dr. Burrough. 238. Ursus americanus. Black Bear. Penn- sylvania. Dr. J. Trimble. 239. Didelphis cancrivora. Surinam. 240. Histrix irsidiosa. Brazilian Porcupine. 241. Sus scrofa. Common Hog. 242. Dicotyle torquatus. Peccary. Mexico. 243. Arctomys ludoviciana. Prairie marmot. Dr. Pitcher. 244. Mus musculus. Common Mouse. 33 245. Mus decumanus. Norway Rat. 246. Tarsius spectrum. Manilla. Dr. Bur- rough. 247. Myrmecophaga didactyla. Two toed Ant-eater. Surinam. 248. Simia midas. Guiana. 249. Chloromys acuchi. Cavy. Surinam. 250. Felis---. Surinam. 277. Ursus americanus. Amer. Black Bear. 279. Same as 277. 281. Meles labradoria. Badger. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend* 342. Canis lupus. Wolf. 343. SUS BABIROUSSA. 344. Felis chalybeata. Spotted Leopard. Bengal. Dr. Carson. 345. Hyaena vulgaris. Bengal. 346. Lepus palustris ? South Carolina. 347. Mus rattus. Black Rat. Penns. 348. Lutra canadensis. Otter. Dr.Blanding. 360. Manatus latirostris. Florida. 369. Canis familiaris. Var. Pointer. 370. Lepus -----. South Carolina. Dr. Standing. 371. Canis cinereo-argenteus? Var. 372. Sciurus carolinensis. South Car. Dr. Standing. 373. Felis canadensis. Wild Cat. Dr. Standing. 374. Delphinus delphis. Dolphin. 375. Canis cinereo-argenteus. Gray Fox. South Carolina. Dr. Blanding. 34 376. Simla-----. Borneo. Mr. Darley. 377. Simia-----. Java. Dr. Doornik. 378. Simia-----. Java. Dr. Doornik. 379. Bos bovis. Yearling of the common breed of cattle. Dr. Swain. 380. Dicotyle torquatus. Peccary. Mexico. Dr. Burrough. 381. Sciurus carolinensis? Black Var. Cayuga, New York. Dr. J. Thomas. 382. Simia-----. Dr. Turnpenny. 384. Dysapus-----. Armadillo. Brazil. Dr, Burrough. 385. Sciurus capistratus. Fox Squirrel. 386. Caloromys acuchi? Cavy. Surinam. 387. Didelphis-----. Opossum, 388. Dysapus---. Armadillo. S. America. 389. Arvicola riparius. Marsh Campagnole. Mr. Townsend. 390. Scalops canadensis. Mole. 391. Equus caballus. Horse. Dr. Miohener. 392. Felis Tigris. Tiger. India. 393. Lepus cuniculus. English Rabbit. 394. Simia. Burmese Monkey. Dr. Burrough. 395. Vespertilio subulatus. Common Bat Pennsylvania. Dr, Swain. 396. Mus leucopus. Penn. Dr. Swain. 397. Mustela vulgaris. Lin. Weazel. Penn. 398. Sciurus niger. Black Squirrel. 399. Condylura cristata. Star-nose Mole M^ZZ™*- BeaV6r- CoI*rive, 35 464. Sciurus-----. Small striped Squirrel* Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 465. Mustela-----. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 466. Vespertilio----. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 467. Plecotus Townsendi. (Cooper) Great-eared Bat. Ca. river. Mr. Townsend. 468. Sciurus ----. Black striped Squirrel. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 469. Mus leucopus? Columaia river. Mr. Townsend. 470. Sciurus townsendi. Bachman. Colum- bia river. Mr. Townsend. 471. Ursus americanus? Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 472. Felis Tigris. Tiger. Java. Dr. Rus- chenberger. 510. Simia troglodytes. Chimpanze. Liberia. Dr. M. Murtrie. 511. Chloromys---. Mexico. Dr.Burrough. 512. Canis lupus Wolf. Penn. 513. Lepus timidus. European Hare. Dr. E. C. Evans. 514. Mustela----. Near Phila. Mr. Darley. 515. Cervus alces? Californian Moose. Mr. Townsend. 516. Neotoma drummondi. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 528. Felis hudsonius. Lynx. Columbia river= Mr. Townsend. 36 529- Felis concolor? Panther. Colnmbia river. Mr. Townsend. 530. Meles labradoria. Badger. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 531. Canis---. Wolf Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 532. Canis---. Wolf. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 533. Cervus -----. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 534. Cervus-----. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 535. Canis -----■. Columbia river. Mr. Townsend. 536. Canis----. Fox of Chili. Mr. Townsend. 537. Lepus---. Columbia, river. 538. Lepus----. Col'a. river. Mr. Townsend. 583. Chloromys acuchi ? Mexico. 584. Simia----. Western Africa. 585. Simia sylvana. Barbary Ape. 586. Ovis aries. Ram. 587. Simia---. Mr. Bobbins. 588. Mus----, A desicated Mouse found in a Nubian skull. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 589. Felis domesticus. Var. 590. Canis fulvus. Amer. Red Fox. 617. Camelus dromedarius. Egyptian Camel. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 618. Ovis aries. Common Sheep. 619. Canis vulpes. English Red Fox. Alex. Nasmyth, Esq. 37 620. Meles Europoja: English Badger. Alex. Nasmyth, Esq. 621. Sciurus vulgaris. England. Alexander Nasmyth, Esq. 622. Mustela vulgaris. European Weazel. A. Nasmyth, Esq. 623. Cast of the head of Simia troglodytes. Rev. S. Wood. 624. Lepus americanus. Var. Penn. 625. Felis rufa? Lynx. South Carolina. Dr. Standing. 626. Canis lupus. Wolf. Ohio. Dr. Hildreth. 627. Simia----. Interior of Africa. Dr. R. McDowell. 628. Dysapus---. Armadillo. Brazil. Dr. Pleasants. 629. Coslogenys----. Viscache. Brazil. Dr. Pleasants. 661. Vespertiliocarolinensis. Mr.Townsend. 662. Sorex dekayi. Penn. Mr. Townsend. 663. Canis famliiaris. Var. Greyhound. A. Nasmyth, Esq. London. 664. Rhinoceros indicus. Rhinoceros of India. 665. Bos bovis. Hornless Domestic Cow. 666. Vespertilio novoeboracensis. N. Y. Bat. 667. Skull of a mummied " Apis," (Bos bovis,) the Sacred Bull of Memphis. From Saccara. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 668. Mummied Sacred Ram. Ovis aries. From Saccara. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 669. Same as No. 668. 3N 670. Canis familiaris. Var. Embalmed Egypt- ian Dog. Saccara mmmmy-pits. Mr. Gliddon. 671. Antelope tao. Nubian Oryx. Kordofan. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 672. Mangusta ichneumon. A mummied head from Koum Ombos. G. R. Gliddon. Esq. 673. ^| Four skulls of the ancient Egyptian Cat., 674. [(Felis domesticus,) from mummies of 675. f that animal obtained at Koum Ombos. 676. J G.R. Gliddon, Esq. 677. Viverra---. Mummied Skull from the Catacombs of El Gurna, Thebes. Mr. Gliddorii 678. Putorius africanus. Mummied head from the Theban Catacombs. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 679. Ancient Egyptian Dog, (Canis familiaris. Var.) From a Dog-mummy of Abydos. G. R< Gliddon, Esq. 680. Skull of a Dog mummy from Saccara^ G. R. Gliddon, Esq. BIRDS. 101. Fringilla pusilla. Field Sparrow. 102. Muscicapa tyrannus. King-bird. 103. Larus---. Gull. 104. Loxia cardinalis. Red Bird. 105. Turdus migratorius. Robin. 106. Turdus milodus. Wood-robin. 107. Fringilla albicollis. White throat Sparrow. 39 108. Alceda alcyon. King-fisher. 109. Caprimulgus americanus. Whipperwill, 110. Caprimulgus vociferus. Night-hawk. 111. Picus auratus. Golden-winged Wood- pecker. 112. Sylvia petechia. Red-pole Warbler. 113. Corvus cristatus. Blue Jay. 114. Sternus ludovicianus. Meadow-lark. 115. Hirundo rufa. American Swallow. 116. Fringilla canaria. Canary bird. 117. Cuculus carolinensis. Cuckoo. 118. Fringilla arborea. Tree Sparrow. 119. Perdix virginianus. Partridge. 120. Strix asio. Mouse-owl. S. Carolina. 121. Rallus virginianus. Rail. 122. Vireo flavifrons. Yellow-throated fly- catcher. 123. Icterus barytus. Crow Black-bird. 124. Xanthornus phosniceus. Swamp Black- bird. 125. Turdus polyglottus. Mocking-bird. 126. Totanus bartramius. Bartram's Sand- piper. 127. Picus erythrocephalus. Red headed Wood-pecker. 128. Troglodytes palustris. Marsh Wren. 129. Sterna minuta. Lesser Tern. 130. Sitta carolinensis. Nuthatch. 132. Columba carolinensis. Turtle Dove. 133. Anas bucephala. Buffle-headed Duck, 134. Fulica Americana. Bald-coot. 135. Rallus crepitans. Clapper Rail. 40 136. Fringilla hyemalis. Snow bird. 137. Totanus macularius. Sand-piper, 138. Scolopax minor. Woodcock. 139. Ardea virescens. Green Heron. 140. Corvus corone. American Crow 141. Ardea nycticorax. Night Heron. 142 Strix nyctea. Snow Owl. 143. Numenius longirostris. Curlew. 144. Ibis alba. White Ibis. Florida. 145. Ardea Americana. Bittern. 146. Mormon glacialis? Puffin. England. 147. Rhyncops niger. Shear-water. 148. Tantalus loculator. Wood Ibis. 149. Pelicanus onocrotalus. White Pelican, 150. Pho3nicopteris ruber. Flamingo, 151. Phalacocorax carbo. Cormorant. 152. Ciconia argala. Adjutant. Bengal. 153. Vultur aura. Turkey-buzzard. 154. Fuligula marila. Blue-bill. 155. Anser bernicla. Brant. 156. Fuligula glacialis. Long-tailed Duck. 157. Anas obscura. Dusky Duck. 158. Strix asio, Red Owl. 159. Strix nebulosa. Barred Owh 160. Falco borealis. Red-tailed Hawk. 161. Phasianus gallus. Common fowl. 162, Fringilla hyemalis. Snow-bird. 163. Icterus spurius. Orchard Oriole. 164. Columba migratoria.1 Wild Pigeon. 165. Corvus ossifragus. Sea Crow. 166. Sylvia cerulea: Blue-gray fly-catcher. 41 167. Saxicola sialis. Blue bird. 168. Psittacus---. 169. Fringilla pennsylvanica. White throat Sparrow. 170. Muscicapa fusca. Pe-wee. 171. Trochilus colubris. Humming bird. 172. Icterus Baltimore. Baltimore Oriole. 173. Parus bicolor. Crested Titmouse. 174. Sylvia varia. Black and white Creeper. 175. Fringilla melodia. Song Sparrow. 176. Picus pubescens. Downy Wood-pecker. 177. Fringilla iliaca. Fox coloured Sparrow. 178. Fringilla palustris. Swamp Sparrow. 179. Sylvia coronata. Yellow swamp warbler. 180. Fringilla tristris. Goldfinch. 181. Turdus rufus. Brown Thrush. 182. Certhia familiaris. Brown Creeper. 183. Bombycilla carolinensis. Cedar bird. 184. Mergus meganser. Sheldrake. 185. Anas Americana. Widgeon. 186. Numidia meleagris. Guinea fowl, 187. Troglodytes europ^eus. Winter Wren. 188. Fringilla pinus. Pine Finch. 189. Fuligula clangula. Golden Eye. 190. Anser canadensis. Canada Goose. 191. Fuligula valisnerii. Canvass back. 192. Fuligula ferina. Red-head. 193. Fringilla purpurea. Purple Finch. 194. Fuligula rufitorques. Tufted Duck. 195. Tetrao umbellus. Ruffled Grouse. 196. Anas boschas. Wild Mallard. 42 197. Strix acadica. Little Owl. 198. Strix nebulosa. Barred Owl. 199. Meleagris gallipavo. Domestic Turkey, 297. Muscicapa virens. Wood-pe-wee. 298. Sylvia rubricapilla. Nashville Warbler. 299. Icterus pecorus. Cow bunting. 300. Ramphastos chlororynchos. Green billed Toucan. Rio de Janeiro. 301. Anas boschas. Common Duck. Var. 302. Loxia curvirostra. Cross-bill. 303. Paradisea apod a. Bird of Paradise. 304. Anas, sponsa. Summer Duck. 305. Fuligula rubida. Ruddy Duck. 306. Larus argentatus. Herring Gull. 307. Anas clypeata. Shoveller. 308. Fuligula perspicillata. Surf Duck. 309. Scolopax grisea. Red-breasted Snipe. 310. Falco sparverius. Sparrow-hawk. 311. Fringilla linaria. Lesser Redpoll. 312. Fringilla cyanea. Indigo-bird. 313. Alauda campestris. Shore Lark. 314. Tanagra rubra. Scarlet Tanager. 315. Tringa arenaria. Sanderling. 316. Lanius borealis. Northern Shrike. 317. Charadrius melodus. Piping Plover. 318. Sylvia pinus. Pine Creeper. 319. Totanus flavipes. Yellow-shank Snipe, 320. Totanus solitarius. Solitary Sand-piper. 321. Fringilla erythropthalma. Chewink. 322. Sylvia aurocapilla. Golden - crowned Thrush. 43 S23. Fringilla graminea. Baywing'd Bunting; 324. Falco lagopus. Rough legged Falcon. 325. Strix brachyotus? Pennsylvania. 326. Ardea----. Great white Crane. 327. Vireo olivaceus. Red-eyed fly-catcher. 328. Ardea----. South Carolina. 329. Psittacus----. Chili. Mr. Townsend. 330. Psittacus sosova. Green Perroquet. 331. Columba minuta. Lesser Dove. Brazil. 332. Strix nyctea. Snow Owl. 333. Ardea herodias, \ 334. Plaster model of the Dodo,—(Didus in- eptus)—the sole remaining relic of this species, now preserved in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford, England. G. Mantell, M. D. 335. Diomedea fuliginosa. Albatross. 336. Plat ale a ajaja. Spoonbill. 337. Ramphastos sulphuratus. Toucan. S38. * Tetrao urophasianus. Columbia river. 339. Grus canadensis. Columbia river. 340. Cygnus Bewickii. Columbia river. 341. Tetrao obscurus. Columbia river. 473. Coloptes mexicanus. Columbia river. 474. Tanagra ludoviciana. Columbia river. 475. Scolopax drummondii. (Wilsonii?) Co- lumbia river. 476. Falco columbarius? Columbia river. 477. Garrulus ultramarinus. Columbia river. 478. Phalacocorax graculus. Col'a river. * Nos. 338 to 341, and 473 to 486, were presented by Mr. J. K. Townsend. 44 479. Columba fasciata. Columbia riven 480. Picus torquatus. Columbia river. 481. Fringilla arctica. Columbia river. 482. Garrulus stelleri. Columbia river. 483. Certhia vestiaria. Sandwich islands. 484. Dhxeum---. Sandwich islands. 485. Icterus ---. Crimson Icterus. Sand^ wich islands. 486. Icterus ---. Yellow Icterus. Sand- wich islands. 487. Picus carolinensis. Pennsylvania. 488. Turdus---. Golden crowned Thrush. 489. Ramphastos---. Toucan. Mexico. 490. Picus principalis. Pennsylvania. 491. Tanagra osstiva. Red Bird. Penn. 492, Quiscalis versicolor.1 Pa. Dr. Wilson. 493. Icterus agripennis. Penn. Dr. Wilson* 494. Sylvia trichas. Yellow Throat. Penn, 500. Ardea herodias. 501. Turdus lividus. Cat-bird, Penn. 502. Sylvia estiva. Pennsylvania. 503. Turdus rufus. Thrush. 504. MUSCICAPA RUTICELLA. 505. Picus varius. Pennsylvania. 506. Buceros---. India. Dr. MMurtrie. 507. Ramphastos----. Toucan. Mexico. 508. Crexalector. Fizan Real. Mexico. Dr. Burrough. 509. Penelope---. Fizan Griton. Mexico 517. Falco leverianus. Dr. J C. Jenkins. al8. Diomedea exulans. Albatross, 45 519*. Procellaria---. Chili. 520. Puffinus----. Chili. 521. Hcematopus----. N. W. Coast. 522. Pyrhula ?----. Sandwich islands. 523. Sterna inca. Chili. 524. Turdus meruloides. Columbia river. 525, Corvus columbianus. Clarke's Crow. 526. Alcedo?----. Tahiti. 527. Fringilla----■. Columbia river. 593. Phaeton jETHereus. N. W. Coast. 594. Sterna? — Tahiti. 595. Troglodytes bewickii. Columbia river. 596. Trocheilus cynocephalus. Chilian Hum- ming-bird. 597. Corvus pyrocorax. Europe. 598. Parus atricapillus. W. States. 599, Corvus corone. European Crow. 600. Corvus monedula? Jackdaw. England 601. Sylvia blackburnia. Blackburn Warbler. 602. Sylvia striata Blackpole Warbler. 603. Fringilla leucocephala. White-crowned Bunting. 608- Fringilla socialis. Chipping Sparrow. 609. Turdus---. Himaleh mountains. 610. Muscicapa fusca. Pe-wee. 611. Muscicapa acadica. Small green Fly- catcher. 612. Sylvia icterocephala. Chestnut-sided Warbler. * Nos, 519 to 527, and 593 to 596, from Mr. Townsend 46 613. Cypselus pelasgius. Chimney Swallow. 614. ) Three heads of the embalmed Egyptian 615. V Ibis (Ibis RELiGiosA,)from Koum Ombos. 616. ) G. R. Gliddon, Esq. FISHES & REPTILES. 251. Chelonia midas. Green Turtle. 252. Chelonura serpentina. Snapper. 253. Emys insculpta. Pennsylvania. 254. Emys centrata. Terrapin. 255, Testudo polyphemus. Gopher. Florida. 256. Cistuda clausa. Land Tortoise. 257. Crotalus horridus. Rattle-snake. 258. Squalus---. Shark. 259. Sargus ovicephalus. Sheep-head. 260. Emys rubriventris. Red-bellied Terrapin. 261. Trionyx ferox. Alabama River. 262. ? --- Peru. Dr. Ruschenberger. 263. Crocodilus gangeticus. Ganges Croco- dile. W. C. Hurry, Esq. 264. Emys picta. Pennsylvania. 265. Pogonias chromis. Drum. S. Carolina. 266. Diodon rivulatus. New Jersey. 267. Emys muhlenbergii. E. biguttata. Say. 268. Emys punctata. Penn. Dr. Swain. 269. Ostracion---. India. Dr. Burrough. 270. Ostracion---. China sea. 47 271. Diodon----. China sea. Dr Burrough. 272. Pegasus draco ? Lin. China sea. Dr. Burrough. 273. Hippocampus longirostris ? China sea. Dr. Burrough. 274. Syngnathus -----. China sea. 275. Pimleodes nebulosus. Delaware river. 276. Testudo indica. Gallipagos islands. 278. Trionyx javanicus? Tigris river, China. Dr. Burrough. 280. Pimelodes albidus. White Catfish. Mr.. J.K. Townsend. 282. Emys odorata. Stink-pot. Penn. 283. Bellone----. Gar. Delaware river. 284. ? Atlantic ocean. Dr. Burrough. 285. Agama undulata. Fence Lizard. 286. Ameiva sexlineata. Striped Lizard. 287. Testudo carbonaria. West Indies. 288. Iguana tuberculata. St. Thomas, W. Indies. Mr. Nissen. 289. Pagrus argyrops. Porgie. 290. Emys serrata. South Carolina. 291. Scaphiopus solitarius. South Carolina. 292. Rana fontinalis. Green Frog. Var, 293. Bufo clamosus. Piping Toad. 294. Agama ——. Peru. 295. Rana sylvatica. South Carolina. 296. Rana fontinalis. South Carolina. 349. Crocodilus lucius. Young Alligator. 350. Crocodilus sclerops. Oroonoko. 351. Raja----. Stingray. Coast of N. Jersey 48 352. Tetraodon turgidus. Toad-fish. Atlantic. 353. ? Atlantic ocean. 354. Anguilla oceanica. Sea Eel. Atlantic O. 355. Bufo americanus? S.Car. Dr.Holbrook. 356. Bufo musicus. Dr. Swain. 357. Engystoma breviceps. S. Carolina. 358. Hyla squirilla. South Carolina. 359. Rana pipiens. Bull Frog. 360. Lepisosteus----. Gar. 361. Lepisosteus---. Gar. Ohio river. 362. Trionyx ferox ? Ohio river. 363. Chelonia imbricata. Hawksbill Turtle. 364. Chelonia caretta. Dr. Holbrook. 366. Testudo indica. Gallipagos Tortoise. 367. Chelonia imbricata. W.Ind. Mr.Nissen, 368. Chelonia mydas. West Indies. 383. Lepisosteus----. Gar. 591. Trionyx ferox. 592. Emys---. Medelin river, Mexico. 890. Crocodilus vulgaris. Embalmed Egypt- ian Crocodile. From Magarat-es-Samoun. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 891. Crocodilus vulgaris. Embalmed head of a young Egyptian Crocodile. Koum Ombos. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. 892. Crocodilus vulgaris. Skull of the recent Crocodile of the Nile. G. R. Gliddon, Esq. finis. PTT?™ !|fc fcfi If :■!■■.& NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NLM DmME31D E Ip^ !§plp ll NLM041423102