ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY WASHINGTON Founded. 1836 Section- Number .../..Q.J.j^.j.. Fobm 113c, W. D., S. G. O. (Revised June 13, 1936) VSHSa£S£SL___-. PHRENOLOG-l.OAL BUST, See Page 164. ETHEROLOGY; OR, THE PHILOSOPHY OF MESMERISM PHRENOLOGY: INCLUDING A NEW PHILOSOPHY OF SLEEP AND OF CONSCIOUSNESS, WITH A REVIEW OF THE PRETENSIONS OF NEUROLOGY AND PHRENO-MAGNETISM- BY J. STANLEY GRIMES, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, FORMERLY PRESIDENT OF THE WESTERN PHRENOLOGICAL SOCIETY, PROFESSOB OF MEDICAL JURISPRUDENCE IN THE CASTLETON MEDICAL COLLEGE, AND AUTHOR OF ' A NEW SYSTEM OF PHRENOLOGY.' All the known phenomena of the universe may be referred to three general princi- ples, viz.: Matter, Motion, and Consciousness.—p. 17. NEW YOR^^r^-^T SAXTON AND MILES, NO. 205 BROADWAY PHILADELPHIA:—JAMES M. CAMPBELL. BOSTON '.--SAXTON, PEIRCE & CO. 1845. GSLZe. 124 5" Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1845, by J. STANLEY GRIMES, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. CONTENTS. SECTION I SYNOPSIS OF ETHEROLOGY SECTION II. HISTORY OF ETHERIUM ..... 39 Ignorance of the Ancients concerning the causes of Ethe- rean Phenomena — Witchcraft — Divination — Magic— Discoveries which led to a Scientific Knowledge of Ethe- ropathy—Van Helmot—Mesmer—His Career—D'Eslon —Adverse Report of the French Commissioners—Foissac and the Academy of Medicine—Their favorable report —Gall—La Place. SECTION III. NATURE OF ETHERIUM ..... 75 Theory of Light—Of Heat—Of Electricity—Of Magnetism— Of Gravitation—Newton's Conjecture—Rev. Mr. Town- shend on the Mesmeric Medium—Sunderland's Notions —Animal Electricity—Experiments of Crosse—Electric Fishes. SECTION IV. OXYGEN ........ 127 SECTION V. PHILOSOPHY OF SLEEP ..... 130 Liebig's Error. PAGE. 17 VI CONTENTS. SECTION VI. ORGAN OF CONSCIOUSNESS ..... 136 Infusoria—Immortality—Rationalism. SECTION VII. INTER-PHRENO SENSES . . . . .149 External Senses—Internal Corporeal Senses—Cousin's Cri- ticism upon Locke. SECTION VIII. MOTION . . . . . . . .155 All motion communicated—Nothing originates motion but God—Sympathy is same motion. SECTION IX. TRIUNE SYSTEM OF PHRENOLOGY .... 164 Temperaments—Engraving and bust to show the location of the Organs—Summary of the Principles of Phrenology. SECTION X. ETHEROPATHY ....... 181 Credencive Induction—Imitativeness—Credenciveness. SECTION XI. ETHEROPATHY, CONTINUED ..... 210 Clairvoyance. SECTION XII. ETHEROPATHY, CONTINUED ..... 219 Abnormal Sleep—Manifestations of Uncommon Strength— Conferring Power on Medicine, Water, &c.—Reading Cha- racter—Discoveries in Phrenology and Physiology by Fowler, Buchanan and Sunderland. CONTENTS. vii SECTION X1I1. NEUROLOGY ....... 248 Buchanan—Caldwell's Letter—Buchanan's Discoveries — His " Catalogue of Organs." SECTION XIV. PHRENO-MAGNETISM, PATHETISM AND HYPNOTISM . 271 Polarity of Organs—Sunderland's Experiments and Dis- coveries—London Phrenological Society Meeting—Elliot- son's Address—Gardiner's Experiments—The Doctrines Denied — Reasons— Elliotson's Experiments — Lang— Braid. SECTION XV. COMMUNION WITH SPIRITS ..... 304 SECTION XVI. ABUSES OF ETHEROPATHY ..... 309 Immoral Induction—Local Induction. SECTION XVII. RULES FOR EXPERIMENTS ..... 314 Credencive Experiments—Experiments during Somnambu- lism—Upon Diseased Persons. SECTION XVIII. INDUCTION OF BRUTE ANIMALS .... 322 The " Charm" of Serpents — Dr. Wilson's Experiments upon Animals. APPENDIX. EXPRESSIONS OF OPINION ..... 331 Resolutions passed at Union College—Horsford's Report adopted by the Albany Phrenological Society—Lectures at Albany—Resolutions adopted, &c.—Lectures in Hud- son—Resolutions adopted. ERRATA. Page.5, Contents, Section II., for Van Helmot read. Van Helmont Page 6, Contents, Section VI., for Rationalism read Materialism. In page 1 of Preface, 10th line from bottom, for credulity read incredulity. Page 40, 15th line from top, for sensation read veneration. Page 40, 10th line from top, for principals read priestesses. I have sometimes used the word etherium when I meant motions • of etherium. P R E F A C E.Vi