PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION IN ANIMAL MAGNETISM. BY J. P. F. DELEUZE. TRANSLATED BY THOMAS C. HARTSHORN. REVISED EDITION. With an Appendix of Notes by the Translator, and Letters from Eminent Physicians, and others, DESCRIPTIVE OF CASES IN THE UNITED STATES. NEW YORK: FOWLER & WELLS, PUBLISHERS, 753 Broadway. 1881. COPYRIGHT, 1879. SAMUEL R WELLS & CO. PUBLISHER’S PREFACE. Previous to the discovery of anaesthetics, Animal Magnetism had deservedly come to attract general public attention, and probably no other work did so much to popularize the system as this of Deleuze’s in its earlier editions. It had by repeated editions attained a large circu- lation in this country, and, by its aid, a science was being established that promised not only to prove a great curative agency in sickness and disease, but to banish a great deal of pain and suffering from the human family. Under the influence of Magnetism important and protracted surgical operations have been effected without the slightest knowledge of pain to the pa- tient, and with no evil effects; but our hospitals and the medical faculty at large adopting the application of anaesthetics, Magnetism ceased to be made avail- able in practice, save by a few. But so many fatal accidents, to say nothing of the large number of shat- tered nervous systems, have resulted from this danger- ous agency, the public are beginning to inquire if there is no substitute, and hundreds now endure pain rather than assume a worse alternative. Having from time to time had calls for this work, which has been out of print for many years, we re- iii iv publisher’s preface. Bolved, if we could find a copy, to offer to the public a new edition by its republication. Through the kindness of our friend, Dr. George M. Bourne, of California, we were finally able to obtain one from the private hands of John McGraith, of San Fran- cisco. ♦ We take especial pleasure in presenting this book to the public at this time, believing it will supply a great public want, that it merits a general public ap- probation, and that the benefits under its direction will be manifold. We can especially recommend the moral tcne of the author, as his only desire seems to have been, that he might be a blessing to his race by teaching them the art of relieving pain and suffering. If there are those who would make an evil use of their Mag- netic powers, there can be no better way of counter- acting it than to place such information in the hands of the people as will enable them to understand its power and influence themselves, and in this way pre- vent and restrain any improper use of the principle. New York, March, 1879. TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE. Since the first edition of this work was printed, the practice of Mesmerism has been greatly extended, and it is observable that every advancement has con- firmed and substantiated the statements made by the literary and professional gentlemen who confided to me the publication of their observations. The Ap- pendix, which contains them, is still retained, though enlarged by additional notes and letters, which can- not fail to increase the interest of that part of the work. It will be perceived that the views and opinions of these gentlemen vary; a circumstance not to be re- gretted, since they harmonize in their facts. Their character insures respect. And no man possessing common honesty or a decent sense of propriety will go abroad and report that few scientific men in this vicinity believe in Mesmerism. The character of Dr. Charles Poyen, who intro- duced the subject into this country, was naturally viewed with suspicion, and by many misunderstood; yet the complete success of the enterprise in which he embarked has taken away all motiv^for the one, and all pretence for the other. He labored zealously and unselfishly, and ever demeaned himself in such V vi translator’s preeace. a manner as to justify the vindication which he found in this volume. He will soon return to this country, after finishing his medical course in Paris As no great pains were taken to circulate the first edition of this work, several small, cheap and lll- digested works have been published in different places, containing instructions chiefly derived from Deleuze, without acknowledgment; and mingled with precepts either doubtful or absolutely injurious in their tendency. The price of this edition is there- fore reduced, in order to place it within the reach of all who wish to profit by the experience of Deleuze. Providence, August, 1843. T. C. H. CONTENTS. LIFE OF DELEUZE, 13 INTRODUCTION, 23 CHAPTER I.—General Views and Principles, . . 29 CHAPTER II.—Of the Processes, 39 Explanation of the word pass, .... 41 Meaning of being in communication, ... 43 To magnetize a patient who is in bed, ... 45 Method of dislodging pain, 47 Processes not indifferent, 51 When the exertion of force is necessary, ... 53 Case of M. H.* * *. Coup de soleil, ... 54 Chevalier de Barbarin, 55 CHAPTER III.—Of the Effects and their Indications, . 57 Effects commonly exhibited, 59 How to calm nervoufi movements, .... 61 How to proceed with contagious diseases* . . 63 When you should not magnetize, .... 63 Explanation of the term crisis, .... 64 The patient should be roused gently. ... 66 Convulsive motions, when produced, how managed, 67 How to make a feeble magnetic action useful . . 69 Case of Oudin. Another case. Instruction to mothers, 72 CHAPTER IV.—Of the accessory means to increase the magnetic action, and of those by which (he direct ac- tion is supplied, 75 VII viii CONTENTS. To magnetize water: its effects, 76 Magnetic batteries, mode of constructing, . . 81 Dr. Roullier’s plates of glass, 85 The chain, how formed, ..'... 85 Steel wand, 89 CHAPTER V.—Of Somnambulism, and the use to be made of it, 91 Forced somnambulism of no utility, ... 95 How to proceed when it occurs, 96 To produce moral effects, 100 Susceptibility of somnambulists, .... 103 Not to admit spectators. The author’s experience, 106 If your somnambulist prescribes remedies, . . . 108 And gives you a description of his disease, . . 109 Cautions about following his prescriptions, . . 112-115 Epileptic fits. Case at the SalpOtri&re, . . . 115 Explaining our will by words, 117 Influence in the natural state, 118 Address of somnambulists, 120 Ecstasy or magnetic exaltation: its dangers, . . 122 Description of an abstracted somnambulist, . . 124 Retracing the ideas of infancy, .... 129 Imaginary Inspiration, 135 CHAPTER YI.—Of precaution in the choice of a Mag- netizer, 142 Women ought to magnetize women, . . . 143 Madame Chambon de Montaux 145 You should inform your physician when you resort to Magnetism, 147 Magnetism produces the effects desired of medicines, 147 How to proceed when a treatment is commenced, . 148 To magnetize one’s self, 151 Magnetizers by profession, 152 Why they should receive regular fees, . . . 152 Puysegur’s valet de chambre, Ribault, .... 154 Special faculties of some magnetizers. Cases, . 155 Moral influence of M. N 158 CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER VII.—Application of Magnetism to Diseases, and its connection with Diseases, .... 161 Why physicians should be consulted in applying it, 163 The best rules for practice, , . ... 165 Acute and chronic diseases distinguished, . . 168 In acute diseases, call in the physician, . . . 168 When to discontinue the action, . . . . 171 Putrid and malignant and nervous fevers, . . . 172 Local inflammation: quinsy. Acidulated water, . 173 Inflammation of the stomach. A case, . . . 174 M. Boismarsas, 175 The treatment should be uninterrupted in certain dis- eases, 178 Diseases of the lymphatic system. Dropsy. Enlarge- ment of the glands. Obstructions of viscera, 179-80 In what case Magnetism is dangerous, . . . 181 Scrofulous diseases. Ulcers. Cases cited, . . 181 Pulmonary phthisis. Slow fevers. Asthma, . . 183 Vomitings. Nervous diseases. Vapors. Epilepsy, 184-5 Hysteric affections. Hypochondria. Paralysis, 188-9 Spasms. Mental alienation. A case, . . . 190 Schirrhosity or ulceration in utero. Suppression, . 191 Intermittent fevers. Pains in the stomach, . . 192 Headache. Rheumatism. Sciatica, .... 193 Gout, 195 Scorbutic affections. Diseases of the eye, . . . 195 Cataract. Opacities in the Cornea. Cases, . . 198 Deafness. Deaf mutes. Cutaneous phlegmasias. Biles, 199 Scald head. Pregnancy, 200 M. Thiriat. M. Wolfart’s practice with children, . 201 Orgelet. Bowel complaint. Rickets. Spinal affection, 202 Hip disease. A case 204 Testimony of 250 physicians mentioned, . . . 204 Case of tic douloureux, 206 Acting at a distanpe. When proper, when improper, . 208 Somnambulism renewed by a magetized object, . 210 Letters written in somnambulism, .... 210 Chorea and constant vertigo cupe,d, .... 211 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII.—Means of avoiding inconveniences and dangers, . 212 Of the moral dangers. Hospital treatment, . . 213 Sir David Brewster, 216 Opinions communicated by intimacy. A caution, 218 Ill-founded prejudices against somnambulism, . 218 Of the physical dangers, 220 Nervous irritation. How to proceed, . . . 222 Critical pains not to be feared, . . . 223 Interruption of a treatment, ... 223 Two cases of interrupted treatment, . . 224 Severe organic diseases, . . . 226 Nervous crises in certain cases necessary, , . . 226 Magnetizers in bad health impart disease. Case of a somnambulist, .... . 228 They sometimes also catch diseases of their patients, 228 Directions about somnambulists, . . . 230 Exciting the faculties to obtain surprising effects, . 231 Magnetic exaltation or ecstasy, . . 232 Danger of too much confidence in somnambulists. Direc- tions, . . 233 Professional somnambulists. Their mode of examin- ing, 235 Consult for persons absent and unknown to them, . 237 Sometimes prescribe for diseases, . , . 237 Should not be consulted, unless worthy of esteem, . 242 When the somnambulist prescribes for nimself, 244 Extraordinary faculties developed do not exclude error, 246 Faculty of prevision, how limited, .... 247 How to prevent somnambulists from running into error, , 247 Reveries of Illuminism, 249 Somnambulism not always a state of purity, . 251 CHAPTER IX.—Of the means of developing in ourselves the Magnetic faculty, and of deriving advantage from this development, ... . 253 Mesmer, a good observer and a learned physician, 254 Propositions of Mesmer. The currents, . 254 CONTENTS. XI Somnambulists the seat of diseases, . . 256 Many magnetizers have the same faculty, . . 256 Mode of acquiring and using it, 257 To establish intimate communication and examine diseases, 260 Magnetic Yapor. Perceiving the currents, . . 262 Peculiar sensations of the magnetizer, . . . 264 Observation of M. Babst, 266 Magnetism has laws—is a science, .... 267 CHAPTER X.—Of the studies by which a person may per- fect himself in the knowledge of Magnetism, . 268 The practice and the science, 268 What preliminary knowledge is desirable for those who study the last, 270 In what cases experiments may be made, . . 278 The principles of Magnetism not to be sought in other sciences, 283 Its theory based upon one great principle, . . 284 M. de Puysegur’s maxims, ..... 286 APPENDIX, 289 NEW APPENDIX, 465 INDEX TO THE APPENDIX, . . . .515 LIFE OF DELEUZE. The life of the author of this work was translated by a lady from the elaborate volume of Doctor Foissac. Whoever reads it, will find his confidence irresistibly drawn towards him by the evidence of a character in which it is delightful to confide. Whatever may be our opinion of Mesmerism, which Delueze has practised gratuitously for more than half a century, we cannot refuse to accord to him sincerity of mind and uprightness of intention. His various works indi- cate a careful and scrutinizing spirit, dictated by a single-mind- edness which rarely leads into mischievous error. We trust in him as a guide, because we see his caution; if he does not bring conviction to his theory, he drives suspicion from his motive. And he is little to be envied, who suffers a vulgar prejudice to influence his judgment, when a subject of the first im- portance, supported by the practice and testimony of De- leuze, claims from him as a professional man a serious and careful investigation. JosEPn Philip Francis Deleuze was born at Sisteron, Lower Alps, in March, 1753. Desirous of pursuing a mili- tary career he came to Paris in 1772, intending to study math- ematics; but the nominations not having taken place, he en- tered the infantry, with t'he rank of sub lieutenant. Three years after, the corps in which he served being disbanded, he left the service and devoted himself to the study of the natu- ral sciences. While residing in the country near Sisteron, in 1785, he read for the first time an account of the cures performed at Buzancy, in which he put no confidence; indeed, he suspected them to be fabrications designed to bring rid- icule on the partisans of Magnetism. But hearing that one xiii XIV LIFE OF DELEUZE. of his friends (M. D. d’Aix), a man of cool reason and en- lightened mind, had been to see Mesmer at M. Servan's, and on his return to Aix had succeeeded in producing somnam- bulism, he resolved to visit him and ascertain the truth. “ I performed the journey on foot,” said he, “ botanizing as I went, and arrived at Aix the second day at noon, having walked since four o’clock in the morning. I immediately imparted to my friend the object of my journey, desiring him to tell me what he thought of the progidies I had heard; he smiled, and said coolly, ‘ Wait and see for yourself; the patient will be here in three hours.’ “At the end of that time she arrived, and with her several persons who were to form a chain. I joined this chain, and in a few minutes saw the patient asleep. I looked with as- tonishment, but falling asleep myself in less than fifteen minutes, I ceased to observe. During my sleep I talked much, and was so much excited as to trouble the chain. Of this I had no recollection'when I awoke and found them all laughing around me. The next day, instead of sleeping my- self, I observed others, and desired my friend to teach me the processes. On my return home, I attempted to magnet- ize the sick who were in the neighboring villages. I wa3 careful not to excite their imaginations, touching them under various pretexts, and trying to convince them of the. salutary effect of gentle frictions. In this way I obtained some very curious and beneficial results, which strengthened my own faith. In the autumn, being in the city, I applied to a young physician, a man of much merit, who to the wis- dom that sometimes doubts added the desire to be convinced by actual experience. I requested him to obtain for me a patient, and if I effected a cure, he might consider this con- clusive proof; suggesting at the same time that the subject should not be considered in a critical state, lest fatal conse- quences might follow from my inexperience. He introduced to me a young woman who had been sick seven years, suf- fering constantly great pain, and being much bloated; hav- ing also a local swelling externally, in consequence of the great enlargement of the spleen, which she showed to us. She was not able to walk or lie down. I succeeded in removing the obstruction, circulation was restored, the LIFE OF DELEUZE. XV swelling gradually disappeared, and she was enabled to attend to her customary duties. When I touched her, she slept, but did not become a somnambulist. Soon after, an in- timate friend of mine (Mr. D.) magnetized a young girl of sixteen, who became a somnambulist. She was the daughter of very respectable parents. I assisted in the treatment of this patient, and I have never known a more perfect som- nambulist. She dictated remedies for other sick persons as well as for herself. She presented most of the phenom- ena observed by M. de Puysegur, M. Tardy, and the mem- bers of the society at Strasburg. Among these were phe- nomena I could not have imagined or explained. I can only affirm that I saw them, and after this it is impossible for me to suppose the least illusion, or the possibility of deception.” From this time M. Deleuze neglected no opportunity to multiply and observe facts, relieving and curing a great number of persons. Two years after, in 1787, he returned to Paris, and pursued with renewed ardor literature, science, philosophy, and particularly botany. In 1798 he wTas chosen assistant naturalist of the Garden of Plants: and when the professors belonging to the establishment united in 1802 in publishing the Annals of the Museum of Natural History, he was appointed secretary of that association.* M. Deleuze was first known to the learned world by his trans- lation of “Darwin’s Loves of the Plants,” in 1799, “Thompson’s Seasons,” in 1801-6, at which time he published his “Eudoxus, or Conversations on the Study of the Sciences, Letters and Philoso- phy,” 2 vols 8-vo; Paris,1810. The varied knowledge displayed in his writings, the soundness of his doctrines, his exquisite judgment, his style, so clear, so simple, and at the same time so elegant, place him among wrjters of the first rank; and his book, the best of those intended for the instruction of the young, has received from the learned praise the most flatter- ing and honorable. Yet notwithstanding his various duties in the Garden of * Several of the great naturalists of Europe have written upon the sub- ject of Mesmerism, among them Nees Yon Esenbeck, mentioned byDe- leuze, pages 204 and 205. His great work, • Genera Piantarum Florae Ger manicse," printed m 1839, m 20 volumes, is advertised Jn London at £4 per volume.—Trans. XVI LIFE OF DELEUZE. Plants, he did not neglect this new order of physiological phenomena, until now despised by the learned. He did not say, like Fontenelle and others, “If I had my hand full of truth I should be careful how I opened itbut during the furi- ous contest occurring between the partisans and the enemies of Magnetism, he was contented to observe in silence; and waited until the excitement was over, in order to publish his “ Criti- cal History of Magnetism,” the result of twenty-nine years of investigation and reflection. This work appeared in 1813, forming an era in the annals of science, and is now translated into all the principal languages of Europe. In this work he took a different course from those who had preceded him. I shall not, said he, permit myself to form any hypothesis, but shall state what has been witnessed by myself and by men worthy of credit. After a general sketch of the history of the discovery and the obstacles opposed to it, he devotes a very remarkable article to the examination of the proofs on which the new doctrine is founded. He first lays down pi n .- pies of indisputable correctness, concerning the probability of testimony, and applies them with equal logic and sagacity to the examination of the proofs of Magnetism. He shows that its effects have been attested by thousands of witnesses, in whose ranks are found physicians, savans, and enlightened men, who have not been afraid to brave ridicule in obeying the voice of conscience, and fulfilling a duty to humanity; that those who have published their opinions, and by far the larger number who make their observations in silence, and content themselves with avowing their belief, when ques- tioned on the subject, have all either witnessed, or actually produced the phenomena of which they speak; while among the adversaries of Magnetism, not a man can be found who has examined the subject in the only proper way, by experi- menting for himself with the most scrupulous attention, and in exact accordance with the prescribed directions. With the same powerful reasoning, he has treated of the means by which Magnetism acts, of the methods of produc- ing it, of the influence which the faith of the patients and the comparative power of magnetizers may have upon the efficacy of the treatment. In speaking of the therapeutical application of Magnetism, he points out the cases in which LIFE OB DELEUZE. XVII we may hope for success, and shows that, provided the proper precautions are taken, its employment can never be injuri- ous. In the description of the phenomena of somnambulism, we see that the author brings them forward with reserve, that he endeavors to rob them of their marvellous character, and to show that they are not in contradiction to the laws of nature.* His explanations of them agree perfectly with the principles of sound physiology. “ Let us confine ourselves,” says he, “to what observation teaches, and take care that we do not go beyond it.” No one has insisted so much as M. Deleuze on the dangers to which Magnetism may give rise, and the means of avoiding them. His advice acquires the more value that it comes from so pure a source, and that never in the midst of the most eager discussion, has the most en- venomed calumny dared to cast a doubt on the veracity of the savant, or the honesty of the magnetizer. The second volume of the “Critical History” fully justi- fies the title of the work. It is devoted to an analysis and examination of the writings which have been published con- "'ming Magnetism, of which there are nearly three hundred. M. Deleuze has fulfilled this difficult task with great discern- ment. His researches show that the adversaries of Magnet- ism have in vain attemped to shake the foundation of the doctrine, and the authenticity of the facts on which it rests. “ It is to be decided,” says he, in conclusion, “that the science of Magnetism should associated with the other branches of human knowledge; that after having proved the exist- ence of the agent, we should ascertain the part it plays in the operations of nature; and having classed its facts accord- ing to the degrees of probability, we should place them be- side the other phenomena of physiology, that we may decide whether they depend upon a new principle, or upon a modi- fication of one already known.” Among the writings which M. Deleuze has published in favor of Magnetism we should particularly notice, first, the "Answer to the Author of Superstitions and Impostures of Phil- * An able paper in relation to this snbiect appeared in the Boston Medi- cal and Surgical Journal of October 25th, 18-°7. It is from the pen of Ben- jamin Haskell, M I)., of South Boston. XVIII -uIFE OF DELEUZE. osophers,” M. l’Abbe Wurtz de Lyon, in •which, after hav- ing stated objections which seem renewed from the thir teenth century, he examines the causes which opposed the re establishment of religion in France. Second, “Defence of Magnetism against the attacks made upon it in the Dictionary of Medical Science,” Paris, 1819. This work, chiefly devoted to -an examination and criticism of the article, “Magnet i&n,” of M. Yirey, at the same time answers, in the most satisfactory manner, the declamations, sarcasms, and even coarse abuse, in which men of merit, blinded by rooted prejudices, have allowed themselves towards observers who were only actuated by the love of truth, and the desire of being useful. M. Deleuze proves that these adversaries knew nothing about Magnetism ; that they father upon its partisans absurd opinions; that they pass by in silence the most convincing proofs ;«and that forced at last to admit indisputable phenom- ena, they attribute them to a cause incompetent to pro- duce them. We should know little of M. Deleuze, did we suppose for an instant that he profits by his advantages, and hurls back upon his calumniators the ridicule and contempt with which they wished to overwhelm him. His argument is a model of dignity, reason and politeness. Among the instances of this which I might adduce, there is one I cannot pass over in silence. M. Yirey says, p. 404 of his article on Magnetism, “ Shouldjilesmer, or one of his most able successors, throw a horse or an ewe into somnam- bulism, then I would recognize the empire of universal Mag- netism.” To this strange demand, M. Deleuze contented himself with replying : “ Everybody knows very well, that M. Yirey will never be convinced if he must first witness such a phenomenon as this.” After having addressed the learned world in his “Critical HistoryM. Deleuze wished to draw up a system of rules, which should place the subject within the reach of all minds. This end he has attained by publishing his “Practical In- struction,” Paris, 1825. Men versed in its phenomena will find in this book the results of a consummate experience. Those who have as yet seen nothing, and who desire to assure themselves of the truth of the facts, will draw from LIFE OF DELEUZE. XIX thence all the knowledge necessary to avoid mistakes, to observe with profit, and to give to their practice a salutary direction. Since that period M. Deleuze has published nothing con- cerning Magnetism, although he has still in his hands rich materials upon which some physicians who have read them agree in bestowing the highest praise. Such are, an Essay on Prevision; several very curious modes of treatment; the remainder of the articles on Van Helmont; and several dis- sertations on the most important questions of Magnetism. Upon the death of M. Toscan, in 1828, he was appointed librarian of the Museum of Natural History. He is a member of the Philomathic Society, as well as of several learned bodies, both in France and foreign countries, and for fifteen years has drawn up the annual reports of the Philanthropic Society, of which he is secretary. Such is the ascendance which the wisdom and private virtues of M. Deleuze acquire over all who know him, that in the discus- sions of the Royal Academy of Medicine, his name has never been pronounced without the most honorable epithets; the commission have always cited him as authority. His rare qualities, his pleasing and instructive conversation, have gained him many friends among the most celebrated of the learned, Levaillant, Duperron, Cuvier, de Humboldt, etc., and in the unanimous opinion of his contemporaries, he di- vides with M. le Marquis de Puysegur, the honor of having defended and propagated one of the most beautiful discov- eries of modern times. LIST OP THE NEW WORKS OF M. DELEUZE. I. ON MAGNETISM. 1. Critical History of Animal Magnetism. 2 vols. S vo.: Paris, 1813 and 1819. 2. Letter to the author of the work entitled, Superstitions and Impostures of the Philosophers of the Eighteenth Century. 8 vo. 80 pp., 1819. 3 Defence of Magnetism against the attacks made upon it in the Dictionary of Medical Science. 1 vol., 8 vo., 1819, XX LIFE OF DELEUZE. 4. Observations addressed to those physicians who were desirous of establishing a Magnetic treatment. 8 vo., 20 pp., 1821. 5. Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism. 1 vol., 8vo. and 12 mo., 472 pp. 1825. 6. Letter to the Members of the Academy of Medicine. 8 vo., 39 pp., 1826. 7. A large number of essays upon Magnetism, and the phenomena of Therapeutics, Physiology and Psychology, which it has brought under our observation; inserted in three periodicals which appeared successively, to wit: 1st, The Annals of Magnetism; 8 vols. in 8 vo., from 1814 to 1816. Paris, published by Dentu. 2, The Library of Magnetism, 8 vols. in 8 vo. 1813 to 1819. 3, Hermes, a Journal of Magnet- ism, 4 vols., 8 vo., from 1826 to 1829. 8. A treatise on the faculty of Prevision, 8 vo. 1836. II. LITER A TUBE AND THE SCIENCES. 1. The Loves of the Plants, a poem translated from the English of Darwin, one vol., 12 mo., 1799. 2. Thompson’s Seasons, 8 vo. and 12 mo., 1801 and 1806. 3. Eudoxus: Conversations on the Study of the Sciences, Literature and Philosophy, two vols., 8 vo., 1810. 4. History and Description of the Royal Museum of Na- tural History at Paris, published by order of the adminis- tration of that establishment, two vols., 8 vo., 1823. 5. Several historical euloguims of learned naturalists and celebrated travellers, inserted in the Annals and Memoirs of the Museum of Natural History, from 1803 to 1831. Also, several essays, one of which, on the introduction of or- namental plants, has been mentioned in a very flattering manner in the poem of “ The Three Kingdoms of Nature,” by Delille. 6. Lastly, several articles inserted in the Moniteur and other journals, on works of Natural History and Belles Lettres. Dr. Mialle thus writes in 1836: “ A new era has commenced, for Magnetism. Authentically recognized by the Royal Acad- emy of Medicine in 1831, and regarded by the commission, as LIFE OF DELEUZE. XXI •a very curious branch of psychology and natural history,' it has taken rank among positive truths. The rising generation will be prt'ompt to cultivate the new field laid open to them. What surer guide can they take than the man who by the superiority of his intelligence, the sagacity of his conclusions, and the example of his whole life, has so powerfully contri- buted to the triumph of this noble discovery?" INTRODUCTION. Several persons have requested me to publish, upon the subject of Magnetism, plain and simple instruc- tions, free from all theory, and proper in all cases to direct those who are convinced of the reality of the agent, and who are at a loss how to make use of it. I am now going to fulfil this task, solely with the view of being useful. It is not the object of this work to convince men who, otherwise well-informed, still doubt the reality of Magnetism; it is intended chiefly for those who are not engaged in medicine, physiology, or physics, who believe upon oral testimony, without having seen any person magnetized, and who, being persuaded that I know more than themselves upon the subject, wish to try my method, in order to succeed, as I have had the happiness of doing, in curing and ameliorat- ing the ills of their fellow-creatures. I shall lay down principles which I believe true, without entering into any discussion to prove their truth. I shall avoid pronouncing upon that which appears doubtful; and if I sometimes err in the mode of explaining things, my errors, appertaining solely to the theory which I have adopted to connect the phenomena by refer- ring them to the same cause, will not affect the indi- 23 24 INTRODUCTION. cation of the means to be taken to produce these phenomena and derive advantage from them. I shall not stop to detail facts in support of my doc- trine. I shall limit myself to the citing of a few of those which I have myself observed, whenever exam- ples shall appear necessary to the better understand- ing of my subject. For the purpose of obtaining a more orderly ar- rangement, I shall divide this instruction into chapters. I shall first lay down certain principles, in order to make my instructions more plain and simple. If my manner of announcing these principles be somewhat hypothetical, there can be no change in the results. Thus, I shall employ the expression magnetic fluid, because I believe in the existence of a fluid, the na- ture of which is unknown to me; but those who deny the existence of this fluid, who compare the action of Magnetism in living beings to that of attraction in inanimate bodies, or who admit a spiritual influence, without a particular agent, cannot, on that account, contradict the consequences to which I shall arrive. The knowledge of the processes, and of all the con- ditions necessary for the efficient use of Magnetism, is independent of the opinions which serve to explain the phenomena, and of which, up to the present time, none are susceptible of demonstration. My first chapter shall contain an enunciation of the principles which are general and applicable to all cases. In the second chapter, I shall teach the various processes which are employed in magnetizing, when somnambulism does not take place. In the third, I shall speak of the indications which INTRODUCTION. 25 the first perceivable effects afford for the choice of processes. In the fourth, I will give information concerning the auxiliary means by which the force of Magnetism may be augmented, either by communicating the magnetic virtue to certain bodies, or by putting Mag- netism in motion and circulation, so that several per- sons may at the same time experience the action, under the direction of one magnetizer. In the fifth, I shall treat of somnambulism, and of the manner of proceeding with somnambulists. In the sixth, I shall speak of the precautions which the patient ought to take in choosing a magnetizer. In the seventh, of the applications of Magnetism to various diseases, and of its association with medicine. In the eighth, of the dangers of Magnetism, and of the means of preventing them. In the ninth, of the method of developing and for- tifying in oneself the magnetic power, and of drawing from it all the advantages possible. In the tenth and last, I shall speak of the studies which are appropiate to those who wish to acquire a profound knowledge of Magnetism. Persons who read these ten chapters in course, will observe that some things said in the first are repeated in the others in almost the same terms. I would have avoided these repetitions, if I considered my work as a literary production. I have left them thus, that those who consult only one article, may find all the advice relative to the subject in question, with- out my being obliged to refer them to what has been already said. If, in some places, I permit myself to speak in a 26 INTRODUCTION. dogmatic style, it is not because I hold my own opin- ions in too great esteem; it is merely for the purpose of being more clear and precise, and of not leaving in uncertainty whoever shall consent to take me for a guide. No person feels the imperfection of the work more than myself, since there must be in it many omissions. I will receive with gratitude any critical observations addressed to me, and will profit by them in the correction of my faults, and in adding to my second edition whatever may appear to be wanted in this first essay. Among the men who have devoted themselves to the practice of Magnetism, there is a great number who have more intelligence and more knowledge than myself. I have a lively desire that the reading of this work may determine them to execute the plan I proposed to myself, better than I have been able to do it. I invite them to take from my in- structions all that appears to them worthy of being preserved, and not to quote me except to rectify the errors which may have escaped my diligence. Our wish is to do good. This wish unites us, it identi- fies us—so to speak—one with another. When suc- cess is obtained, let us enjoy it equally, whoever may be the author of it. It is possible for self-love to be gratified in the discovery of a truth, but never in having done good deeds. A physician who has already become celebrated would perhaps increase his reputation by publishing a good work upon Magnetism. He would call atten- tion to an order of phenomena which belongs to ani- mated nature; he would found a school; he would find disciples among his brethren in the profession. This kind of success is impossible for us. Our adver- INTRODUCTION. 27 Baries condemn us without examination, and they ex- ercise a great influence upon public opinion. We have no partisans except among those to whom we have rendered service, and the greater part of them dare not raise their voice. Happily, their number increases every day; and that should sustain our courage and our hopes. Let us continue, then, to work in concert, to spread abroad the knowledge of Magnetism, without disputation, without fear, and without the spirit of system. Let us banish the abuses and the dangers which may attend the use of it. Let us collect the materials of a beneficent science. The time will arrive when a man of genius will reunite all these materials, and rear an edifice which time cannot overthrow.* * This was written in 1825. Since that time, in 1831, the Royal Academy of Medicine, through their committee, whose report is worthy of study as a model of accurate philosophical investigation, pronounced upon the sub- ject an opinion which has changed the popular feeling in France in rela- tion to it. Its existence, as a peculiar faculty of the human mind, is no longer a matter of question among men of science who have witnessed its phenomena. The extent of its utility is now a question worthy of pro- found investigation, and not to be settled by men who never think, and who decide without looking into its merits. Theses on Mesmerism have been written in Paris, by candidates for the degree of M. D., one of which, in 1842, was dedicated to Prof. Orfila, Dean of the Medical Academy. Orfila and Arago—names of which France has reason to be proud—have devoted attention to this subject. The former, on witnessing some of its results, declared that they ought to be proclaimed to the world from the top Of the French Institute. Dr. Lordat, in his recent work on Human Physi- ology, assigns to it a high place among the phenomena appertaining to man’s organization. The evidences hi favor of its utility are so abundant in European works of high authority that an ignorance of its true history, which is not to be found in the Encyclopaedias, may be deemed singular in men of good information, and disgraceful if they suffer themselves to oppose it through incurious prejudice. In this vicinity it receives the sup- port of medical practitioners of unquestionable skill. It should always be in the hands of such, or administered under their direction. To promote this object, and to recall the public attention from the curious phenomena to the true use of it, the translator has given the instructions of the vener- able Deleuze an English dress. ANIMAL MAGNETISM. CHAPTER I. GENERAL VIEWS AND PRINCIPLES. 1. Man has the faculty of exercising over his fel- low-men a salutary influence, in directing towards them, by his will, the vital principle. 2. The name of Magnetism has been given to this faculty: it is an extension of the power which all living beings have of acting upon those who are submitted to their will. 3. We perceive this faculty only by the results; and we make no use of it, except as far as we will to use it. 4. The first condition of action, then, is to exercise the will. 5. As we cannot comprehend how a body can act upon another at a distance, without there being some- thing to establish a communication between them, we suppose that a substance emanates from him who magnetizes, and is conveyed to the person magnetized, in the direction given it by the will. This substance, which sustains life in us, we call the magnetic fluid. The nature of this fluid is unknown; even its exist- 29 30 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. ence has not been demonstrated; but everything occurs as if it did exist, and that warrants us in ad- mitting it while we are indicating the means of em- ploying Magnetism. 6. Man is composed of a body and a soul; and the influence he exerts participates the properties of both. It follows that there are three actions in Magnetism: first, physical; second, spiritual; third, mixed action. It will soon be seen how easy it is to distinguish the phenomena which belong to each. 7. If the will is necessary to direct the fluid, belief is necessary to induce one to make a firm and steady use of the faculties he possesses. Confidence in the power we possess makes us act without effort and without distraction. As to the rest, confidence is only the consequence of belief: it differs in this only —one believes himself to be endowed with a power whose reality he does not doubt. 8. In order that one individual may act upon an- other, there must exist between them a moral and physical sympathy, as there is between all the mem- bers of an animated body. Physical sympathy is established by means which we shall indicate; moral sympathy, by the desire of doing good to one who desires to receive it; or by ideas and wishes which, occupying them both equally, form between them a communication of sentiments. When this sympathy is well established between two individuals, we say they are in communication. 9. Thus the first condition of magnetizing is the will; the second is the confidence which the magnet- lzer has in his own powers; the third is benevolence, or the desire of doing good. One of these qualities may supply the others to a certain point; but to have GENERAL VIEWS AND PRINCIPLES. 31 the action at the same time energetic and salutary, the three conditions must be united. 10. The magnetic fluid may not only act directly Upon the person whom we wish to magnetize, but it may also be conveyed to him by an intermediate body, which we have charged with this fluid, to which we have given a determinate direction. 11. The direct action of Magnetism ceases when the magnetizer ceases to will; but the direction given by Magnetism does not cease in that case, and the most trifling circumstance sometimes suffices to renew the phenomena which it first produced. 12. A constant will supposes continued attention; but attention is sustained without effort, when one has entire confidence in his powers. A man who makes towards a designated goal is always attentive to avoid obstacles, to move his feet in a proper direc- tion; but this sort of attention is so natural to him as to be easy, because he has first determined his movement, and feels in himself the force necessary to continue it. 13. The action of the magnetic fluid, being rela- tive to the direction given it, will be salutary only so far as it is accompanied with a good intention. 14. Magnetism, or the action of Magnetism, springs from three things: first, the will to act; second, a sign, the expression of that will; third, confidence in the means employed. If the desire of doing good be not united to the will to act, there will be some effects, but these effects will be irregular. 15. The fluid which emanates from the magnetizer exercises a physical influence upon the patient; hence it follows that the magnetizer ought to be in good health. This influence exerting, in the course of 32 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. time, an effect upon the moral condition of the pa- tient, it follows that the magnetizer ought to be worthy of esteem for the uprightness of his mind, the purity of his sentiments, and the honesty of his character. The knowledge of this principle is equally important for those who magnetize and for those who are the subjects of magnetism. 16. The faculty of magnetizing exists in all per- sons; but all do not possess it in the same degree. This difference of magnetic power in various in- dividuals arises from the superiority which some have over others in moral and physical qualities. Among the moral qualities are, confidence in one’s own power; energy of will; facility in sustaining and concentrat- ing the attention; the sentiment of benevolence, which unites us to every suffering being; strength of " 'nd, enabling one to remain calm in the midst of most alarming crises; patience, which prevents uneasiness in a long and painful struggle; disinter- estedness, which makes one forget himself, and de- vote himself to the being whom he attends, and which banishes vanity, and even curiosity. Of physical qualifications, the first is good health, the next a peculiar power, different from that which raises burdens or moves heavy bodies, and of which we recognize the existence, and the degree of energy in ourselves, only by the trial we make of it. 17. Therefore there are men who have a mag- netic power very superior to that of others. It is so great in some persons, that they are obliged to mod- erate it. 18. The magnetic virtue develops itself by exer- cise, and a person uses it with more facility and suc- cess when he has acquired the habit of exerting it. GENERAL VIEWS AND PRINCIPLES. 33 19. Although the magnetic fluid escapes from all the body, and the will suffices to give it direction, the external organs, by which we act, are the most proper to throw it off, with the intention determined by the will. For this reason, we make use of our hands and of our eyes to magnetize. The word which indicates our will can often exert an action when the communi- cation is well established. The very tones of the magnetizer, being produced by the vital energy, act upon the organs of the patients. 20. The magnetic action can be conveyed to very great distances; but it acts in that manner only with persons who are perfectly in communication. 21. All men are not sensible to the magnetic action; and the same persons are more or less so, according to the temporary dispositions in which they are found. Magnetism generally exercises no influence upon per- sons in health. The same man who was insensible to it in a state of good health, will experience the effects of it when ill. There are diseases in which the action of Magnetism is not perceived; there are others in which it is evident. We do not yet know enough of it to determine the cause of these anomalies, nor to pronounce beforehand whether Magnetism will or will not act. We have only certain probabilities in regard to it; but that should not create an objection to the reality of Magnetism, since at least three- fourths of the patients feel the effects of it. 22. Nature has established a communion or a phys- ical sympathy between certain individuals. It is fot this reason that many magnetizers act much more promptly and more efficaciously upon certain patients than upon others, and that the same magnetizer does not agree equally with all patients. There are even 34 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. some of them who are more powerful over certain maladies. Some persons think themselves insensible to the action of Magnetism, because they have not met a magnetizer congenial to them. 23. The magnetic virtue exists equally, and in the same degree, in the two sexes; and women ought to be preferred as magnetizers of women, for several rea- sons, which we shall mention. 24. Many persons fool much fatigue when they magnetize; others do not feel any. This is not owing to the movements that are made, but to the loss of the vital principle or magnetic fluid. He who is not endowed with great magnetic force would exhaust himself in the course of time, if he were to magnetize every day for several hours. Generally speaking, every one in good health, and not enfeebled by age, might undertake the treatment of a single patient, nnd give him a sitting of one hour each day. But every one has not the strength necessary for magnet- izing several persons, nor several hours in succession. As to the rest, the more one exercises himself in it, the less he is fatigued; because he employs only just as much force as is necessary. 25. Children over seven years of age magnetize very well, when they have witnessed the operation. They act by imitation, with an entire confidence, with a determined will, without effort, without being dis- tracted by the least doubt or by curiosity, and they very well and very quickly remove a casual ailment. They learn to magnetize as they learn to walk, and they are moved by the desire of soothing him for whom they have an affection; but they ought not to be per- mitted to do it, because it would injure their growth and weaken them. GENERAL VIEWS AND PRINCIPLES. 35 26. Confidence, which is an essential condition with the magnetizer, is not necessary in the person magnet- ized. One can act equally upon those who believe, and upon those who do not believe, in Magnetism. It suffices if the patient yields himself up passively, making no resistance. Nevertheless, confidence con- tributes to the efficaciousness of Magnetism, as it does to that of most remedies. 27. In general, Magnetism acts in a more sensiDie and efficacious manner upon persons who have led a simple and frugal life, and who have not been agitated by passions, than upon those with whom the course of nature has been troubled, either by habits of luxury or by remedies. Magnetism does no more than to employ, regulate, and direct the forces of nature. The more the course of nature has been interrupted by foreign agents, the more difficult it is for the magnetizer to re-establish it. Magnetism, therefore, cures much more promptly, and much better, persons who reside in the country, and children, than those who have lived in the world, who have taken much medicine, and whose nerves are irritated. Nervous persons, when Magnetism has once gained empire over them, present the most singular phenomena, but much fewer cures, especially radical cures. 28. Magnetism, having for its object the develop- ment of what physicians call the forces medicatrices — that is to say, the seconding of the efforts that nature makes to relieve itself, and the facilitating of the cures to which it is disposed — it is essential to act constantly in aid of nature, and never to oppose it. Whence it follows that people ought not to magnet- ize through curiosity, nor to exhibit the power with which the} are endowed, nor to produce surprising 36 effects, nor to convince the incredulous; but solely for the purpose of doing good, and in cases where it is thought to be useful. It follows also that the magnetizer ought to employ his power with economy. He ought to be exempt from vanity, from curiosity, from interest. One only sentiment ought to animate him —the desire of doing good to him whose cure he undertakes, and with whom he ought to occupy him- self wholly, all the time he is magnetizing him. He ought not to search out any extraordinary effect, but to know how to take advantage of the crises which nature, sustained by Magnetism, produces of itself, for promoting the cure. • 29. Although the choice of this or of that process is not essential in order to direct the action of Mag- netism, it is useful to adopt a method, and to follow it habitually without thinking of it, so as never to be embarrassed, and to lose time in searching what motions it is most proper to make. 30. When one has acquired the habit of concentrat- ing his attention, and of abstracting himself from everything foreign to the object he has in view, he will feel in himself an instinctive impulse to convey the action to this or to that organ, and to modify it ac- cording to cirei instances. It is necessary to obey this impulse, without searching into the cause of it. When the path nt yields himself entirely to the action of Magnetism, without being distracted by other ideas, it often 1 appens that a similar instinct causes him to indicate the processes which are the most proper for him; the magnetizer should then suffer him, self to be directed. 31. Magnetism often excites pain in that part of the hody where the disease is located. It renews old ANIMAL MAGNETISM. GENERAL VIEWS AND PRINCIPLES. 37 and slumbering pains. These pains are produced by the efforts which nature makes to triumph over the malady. We ought not to be troubled on their ac- count; they are but transient, and the patient always finds himself better after having experienced them. This is what distinguishes the pains which are called critical from those which are produced by the prog- ress of the disease. 32. When any crisis takes place, it is very danger- ous to interrupt or trouble it. We will explain what we mean by crises, and designate the various kinds of them. 33. Before undertaking a magnetic treatment, the magnetizer ought to examine himself. He ought to ask himself whether he can continue it, and whether the patient, or those who have influence over him, will put any obstacle in the way. He ought not to undertake it if he feels any repugnance, or if he fears to catch the disease. To act efficaciously, he should feel himself drawn towards the person who requires his care, take an interest in him, and have the desire and the hope of curing, or at least relieving him. As soon as he has decided, which he should never do light- ly, he ought to consider him whom he magnetizes as his brother, as his friend; he should be so devoted to him as not to perceive the sacrifices that he imposes upon himself. Any other consideration, any other motive than the desire of doing good, ought not to induce him to undertake a treatment. 34. The faculty of magnetizing, or that of doing good to our fellow-creatures by the influence of the will, by the communication of the principle that sus- tains our health and life, being the most delightful and most precious that God has given to man, he 30 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. ought to regard the employment of it as a religious act, which demands the greatest self-collectedness, and the greatest purity of intention. Hence it is a sort of profanation to magnetize for amusement, through curiosity, or through the desire of display- ing singular effects. They who demand experiments to see a spectacle, know not what they demand; but the magnetizer ought to know it, to respect himself, and to preserve his dignity. CHAPTER II. OF Tins PROCESSES IN ANIMAL MAGNETISM. The principles we have given in the preceding chapter are essential, invariable; and, in all cases, the power and efficacy of Magnetism depend upon their application. The processes of which we are about to speak are not alike employed by all magnetizers. Many of them follow peculiar ones; but, what- ever method they pursue, the results are nearly the same. The processes, however, ought to be diversi- fied according to circumstances. We are often de- termined in the choice, not only by the kind of disease, but by a regard to convenience and other circumstances, and even by the desire of avoiding what might appear extraordinary. What I am about to say is useless to persons who have acquired the habit of magnetizing. Let them continue to fol- low the method which has constantly issued in the comforting or cui-ing* of their patients. I write for those who, not yet knowing anything about it, are embarrassed in the exercise of a faculty whoso existence they do not doubt; and I am about to teach them the manner of magnetizing which I adopted after having received instruction, and after having * I add the words comforting and curing, because every method having for its object the production of surprising effects, or to show the power ol the magnetizer, is essentially vicious. 39 40 ANIM A L :.IAGN ETISM. •'‘ollected and made observations during thirty-five years. When a sick person desires you to attempt to cure him by Magnetism, and neither the physician nor the family make objection to it, if you feel the desire to secohd his wishes, and are resolved to continue the treatment so long as it shall be necessary, settle with him the hour of the sittings, make him promise to be exact, not to limit himself to an attempt of a few days, to conform himself to your-advice in relation to regimen, and not to speak of the undertaking ex- cept to persons who ought naturally to be informed of it. When you are once agreed, and determined to treat the thing seriously, remove from the patient all persons who would be troublesome; do not keep near you any except necessary witnesses (one only, if it can be so), and request of them not to occupy them- selves at all with the processes you employ, nor with the effects that follow, bet to unite with you in the intention of doing good to the patient. Ai range things so as not to be too cold nor too warm, b: that nothing shall interfere with the freedom of your movements, and take precautions to prevent all in- terruptions during the sitting. Cause your patient to sit down in the easiest posi- tion possible, and place yourself before mm, on a seat a little more elevated, so that his knees may be between yours, and your feet by the side of his. Demand of him, in the first place, that ho give him, self up entirely; that he think of nothing; that he do not trouble himself by examining the effects which he experiences; that he banish all fear, and indulge hope; and that he be not disquieted or discouraged if PROCESSES IN ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 41 the action of Magnetism produces in him temporary pains. After you have brought yourself to a state of self- collectedness, take his thumbs between your tAVO fingers, so that the inside of your thumbs may touch the inside of his. Remain in this situation from two to five minutes, or until you perceive there is an equal degree of heat between your thumbs and his; that being done, you will withdraw your hands, removing them to the right and left, and waving them so that the interior surface be turned outwards, and raise them to his head; then place them upon his two shoulders, leaving them there about 'a minute; you will then draw them along the arm to the extremity of the fingers, touching lightly. You will repeat this pass* five or six times, always turning your hands, and sweeping them off a little, before reascending; you will then place your hands upon the head, hold them there a moment, and bring them down before the face, at the distance of one or two inches, as far as the pit of the stomach; there you will let them emain about two minutes, passing the thumb along the pit of the stomach, and the other fingers down the sides. Then descend slowly along the body as far as the knees, or farther; and, if you can conven- iently, as far as the ends of the feet. You may repeat the same processes during the greater part of the sit- ting. You may sometimes draw nearer to the patient, so as to place your hands behind his shoulders, de- scending slowly along the spine, thence to the hips, and along the thighs as far as the knees, or to the * I employ here the word pass, which is common to all magnetizers it signifies all the movements made by the hand in passing over the body. Whether by slightly touching, or at a distance. 42 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. feet. After the first passes, you may dispense with putting your hands upon the head, and make the succeeding passes along the arms, beginning at the shoulder; or along the body, commencing at the stomach. When you wish to put an end to the sitting, take care to draw towards the extremity of the hands, and towards the extremity of the feet, prolonging your passes beyond these extremities, and shaking yonr fingers each time. Finally, make several passes trans- versely before the face, and also before the breast at the distance of three or four inches: these passes are made by presenting the two hands together, and briskly drawing them from each other, as if to carry off the superabundance of fluid with which the patient may be charged. You see that it is essential to mag- netize always descending from the head to the extrem- ities, and never mounting from the extremities to the head. It is on this account that we turn the hands obliquely when they are raised again from the feet to the head. The descending passes are magnetic; that is, they are accompanied with the intention of mag* netizing. The ascending movements are not. Many magnetizers shake their fingers slightly after each pass. This method, which is never injurious, is in certain cases advantageous; and for this reason it is good to get the habit of doing it. Although you may have, at the close of the sitting, taken care to spread the fluid over all the surface of the body, it is proper, in finishing, to make several passes along the legs from the knees to the end of the feet. These passes free the head. To make them more conveniently, place yourself on your knees in front of the person whom you are magnetizing. PROCESSES IN ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 43 I think it proper to distinguish the passes that are made without touching, from those which are made with the touch, not only with the ends of the fingers, but with all the extent of the hand, employing at the same time a slight pressure. I give to these last the name of magnetic frictions. They are often made use of to act better upon the arms, the legs, and the back, along the vertebral column. This manner of magnetizing by longitudinal passes, directing the fluid from the head to the extremities, without fixing upon any part in preference to others, is called magnetizing by the long pass, (magnetiser d grands courans.) It is more or less proper in all cases, and it is requisite to employ it in the first sitting, when there is no special reason for using any other. The fluid is thus distributed into all the organs, and it accumulates naturally in those which have need of it. Besides the passes made at a short distance, others are made, just before finishing, at the distance of two or three feet. They generally produce a calm, refreshing, and pleasurable sensation. There is one more process by which it is very advantageous to terminate the sitting. It consists in placing oneself by the side of the patient, as he stands up, and, at the distance of a foot, making with both hands, one before the body and the other behind, seven or eight passes, commencing above the head, and descending to the floor, along which the hands are spread apart. This process frees the head, re-establishes the equilibrium, and imparts strength. When the magnetizer acts upon the patient, they are said to be in communication (rapport). That is to say, we mean by the word communication, a peculiar and induced condition, which causes the magnetizer to 44 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. exert an influence upon the patient, there being between them a communication of the vital principle. This communication is sometimes established very soon, and sometimes after a long trial. This depends upon the moral and physical conditions of the two individuals. It is rare not to have it established at the first sitting. Experienced magnetizers generally perceive it in themselves when this takes place. When once the communication is well established, the action is renewed in the succeeding sittings at the instant of beginning to magnetize. Then, if you wish to act upon the breast, the stomach, or the abdomen, there is no utility in touching, provided it is not found more convenient. Ordinarily Magnetism acts as well, and even better, in the interior of the body, at the dis- tance of one or two inches, than by the touch. It is enough, at the commencement of the sitting, to take the thumbs a moment. Sometimes it is necessary to magnetize at the distance of several feet. Magnetism at a distance is more soothing, and some nervous per- sons cannot bear any other. In making the passes, it is unnecessary to employ any greater muscular force than what is required to lift the hand tod prevent it from falling. The move- ments should be easy, and not too rapid. A pass from the head to the feet may take about half a minute. The fingers ought to be a little separated from each other, and slightly bent, so that the ends of the fingers be directed towards the person magnetized. It is by the ends of the fingers, and especially by the thumbs, that the fluid escapes with the most ac- tivity. For this reason it is, we take the thumbs of the patient in the first place, and hold them whenever we are at rest. This process generally suffices to es- PROCESSES IN ANIMAI. MAGNETISM. 45 tablish the communication, to strengthen which there is also one other process. It consists in placing your ten fingers against those of the patient, so that the inside of your hands are brought near to the inside of his, and the balls of your fingers touch the balls of his. The fluid seems to flow less copiously from the back of the hands than from the inside; and this is one of the reasons for turning the hands in raising them, without carrying them off too far from the body. The processes I have now indicated are the most regular and advantageous for Magnetism by the long pass, but it is far from being always proper, orevenpos sible, to employ them. When a man magnetizes a woman, even if it were his sister, it might not be proper to place himself before her in the manner described, and also when a patient is obliged to keep his bed, it would be impossible to make him sit, in order to sit in front of him. In the first case, you can place yourself by the side of the person whom you wish to magnetize. First, take the thumb, and, the better to establish the com- munication, place one hand upon the stomach, and the other upon the back; then lower the two hands opposite to each other, one down the back, and the other at a distance down the fore part of the body, one hand descending to the feet. You may magnet- ize the two arms, one after the other, with one hand only. In case the patient cannot raise himself, take your station near his bed in the most convenient manner; take his thumbs, make several passes along the arms, and, if he can support himself upright, several along che back; then, not to fatigue yourself, use only one 46 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. hand, placing it upon the stomach, and making lon- gitudinal passes, at first slightly touching through the clothes, then at a distance. You can hold one hand fixed upon the knees or upon the feet, while the other is in motion. Finish by passes along the legs, and by transversal passes before the head, the breast, and the stomach, to scatter the superabundant fluid. When the communication is established, one can magnetize very well by placing himself at the foot of the patient’s bed, and in front of him; then directing, at that distance, both hands from the head to the feet, dashing them aside after each pass, so as not to conduct the fluid to himself. I have produced somnambulism by this process, without establishing the communication by touching. This is what I have to say about Magnetism by the long pass, with which it is always proper to commence, and to which a person may confine himself until he has a reason for employing other processes. Let us now consider the circumstances which point out particular processes. When any one has a local pain, it is natural, after establishing a communication, to carry the magnetic action to the suffering part. It is not by passing the hands over the arms that we undertake to cure a sciatic; it is not by putting the hand upon the stomach that we can dissipate a pain in the knee. Here are some principles to guide us: The magnetic fluid, when motion is given to it, draws along with it the blood, the humors, and the jause of the complaint. For example, if one has the headache, owing to the tendency of the blood to the head, it the forehead be hot and the feet very coid, by making a few passes from the head to the PROCESSES IN ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 47 feet, and others along the legs, the head is relieved, and the feet become warm. If one has a pain in the shoulder, and the magnetizer makes passes from the shoulder to the end of the fihg'ers, the pain will de- scend with the hand; it stops sometimes at the elbow, or at the wrist, and goes off by the hands, in which a slight perspiration is perceived; before it is entirely dissipated, a pain is sometimes felt in the lower part of the bowels. Magnetism seems to chase away and bear off with it what disturbs the equilibrium, and its action ceases when the equilibrium is restored. It is useless to search out the causes of these facts; it is sufficient that experience has established them for us to conduct ourselves accordingly, when we have no reason to do otherwise. The following rule, with some exceptions, may thence be established: Accumulate and concentrate the magnetic fluid upon the suffering part; then draw off the pain towards the extremities. For example, do you desire to cure a pain in the shoulder? Hold your hand upon the shoulder for several minutes; then descend, and after having quit- ted the ends of the fingers, recommence patiently the same process. Would you cure a pain in the stomach? Place your hands several minutes upon the stomach, and descend to the knees. You will accu- mulate the fluid by holding your hands still; by bring- ing them down, you will draw awTay both the fluid and the pain at the same time. If your patient be troubled with an obstruction, place your hand upon the seat of it; leave it there for some time, either immovable or making a circular motion, and draw it along towards the extremities. 48 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. If the obstruction does not occupy a great space, present your fingers near, without uniting them, because it is principally by the points that the fluid escapes. Turn them aside when you bring them away, and then wave them towards the extremities. You may be assured that the motions you make ex- ternally will operate sympathetically in the interior of the patient’s body, Wherever you have sent the fluid into it. If any one has received a blow behind the head, producing a contusion, take the head between your two hands, conveying the action of your will to the seat of the injury. Then bring your hand down along the back, if the contusion is behind the head; or down the fore part of the body to the knees, if it is in the front of it; or along the arm, if it is on the side. You will thus prevent the blood from tending to the head, you will avoid the danger of inflamma- tion, and probably render bleeding unnecessary. If you wish to cure a burn, chilblains, or a felon, follow the same process. The examples I have just cited may be applied to most cases. I think that, in gen- eral, contact is useful to concentrate the action, and that passes at a short distance are preferable for es- tablishing and maintaining the magnetic currents. Magnetic frictions are employed with advantage in pains of the limbs. In the headache, if the pain be very great, and if there be heat, after having placed your hands upon the head for some time, withdraw them, as if you be- lieved the fluid you have introduced to be united to that of the patient, that the mingled fluid stuck to your hands, and that in separating your hands and shaking your fingers, you could draw it off again; it PROCESSES IX ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 49 is, in effect, what you will see verified. If the head- ache proceed from the stomach, this process alone will not succeed; it will he necessary to act upon the stomach. If the blood tends to the head, it will be requisite, as I have said, to draw it down, and repeat the passes over the legs and over the feet. I have said that the fingers, brought near and pointed towards the part, act more powerfully, and concentrate the fluid better, than the extended hahd. There is one other process, the action of which is much stronger, and which may be employed with success for local pains and for obstructions. Place a piece of linen, several times folded, or fragment of woollen or cotton cloth, upon the suffer ing part; apply the mouth above it, and breath* through it; it excites a lively sensation of heat; andth*. breath, which is charged with the magnetic fluid, intro duces it into the system. It is also observed that th« heat is not merely at the surface, as that of hot iroi would be, but it penetrates into the interior. Aftei having employed this process, make the usual passes to draw off and expel the pain. Blowing cold air from the mouth at a distance pro- duces a refreshing effect. It helps to dissipate the heat, which is withdrawn by presenting the fingers, taking care to separate them as you draw them off, in the usual manner. The head may also be cooled by putting the palm of the hands upon it, and holding the fingers elevated and separate. The fluid passes off at the ends of the fingers. It is often impossible to draw a pain far from the part where it is fixed; and you will succeed solely by driving it off progressively and gradually A pain 50 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. upon the top of the head will be lessened at first in the centre, by waving the hands downward and out- ward, on the right and left. At every pass, a portion will be dislodged and carried off. It will take more or less time to dissipate it entirely. I will not here relate the details given by M. Kluge, Professor in the Medical School of Berlin, upon the various kinds of manipulation.* What has been said suffices to indicate the processes that may be employed when no perceivable effect has been pro- duced. I will merely add, that the action is more lively and penetrating by the digital manipulation—■ that is when one presents the ends of the fingers— than when he presents the hands open and the fingers straight, so as to have the fluid pass from all the in- terior surface. Manipulation with the open hand at a distance is a process generally used to soothe; it is often sufficient to appease the sharpest pains. The fingers, united to a point, concentrate the actio.ii upon the part towards which they are directed. I am now going to recapitulate, m few words, what I have said upon Magnetism with the long pass, by indicating the processes which are the most conven- ient at the commencement, during, and at the termi- nation of the sitting. 1. Establish the communication by holding the thumbs, placing the hands upon the shoulders, and making passes along the arms with a light pressure, and placing the hands upon the stomach. 2. Direct the current from the head to the feet, or at least to the knees. Touching is useless. 3. Make passes, or else magnetic frictions, along the legs, to the extrem- * Iii the German work entitled, ii A-fiimal Magnetistn as a Cuvativt Means" Vienna, 1815. I’KOOESSES LN ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 51 ity of the feet; soothe the patient by several passes at a distance with the open hand; and, finally, throw off the superabundant fluid,, by a few transversal passes The first sittings ought to be about an hour in duration, when there is no reason to prolong or abridge them. I say the first sittings, because a part of the time is consumed in establishing the commu- nication As soon as that has been once well estab- lished the action of Magnetism is manifested at the first moment; then a sitting of half an hour, or three- quarters, provided the labor commenced is duly sus- tained, will be sufficient. It is necessary to order the treatment in the most uniform and regular manner possible. The sittings must be periodical, and equal in duration. The mag- netizer must be calm and self-collected; all foreign influence must be banished; all curious persons ex- cluded, and also every other witness except the one chosen at first. There must be a similar degree of magnetic power exerted at each sitting, and the mode of procedure first adopted must be continued. Never- theless, when the patient experiences sensations, these often determine the operator to vary or to mod- ify the processes. This then, is the place to speak of these effects, and of the indications they afford of the manner of proceeding:* Before entering upon the details, I think it impor- tant to combat an opinion which appears to me en- tirely erroneous, although it is maintained by men well versed m the knowledge of Magnetism'; namely, * Many magnetizers experience sensations which ought of necessity goverr. them in the choice of processes. Bm as this precious faculty is no; tommon to all, 1 shah in another chapter speak of the means of developing V in ourselves, and of the advantages arising from it. 52 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. that the processes are in themselves indifferent; that they serve only to fix the attention, and that the will alone does all. People have been led to adopt this idea at the sight of a phenomenon which some somnambu- lists present, and by the application of a particular case to a general theory. There are some somnambulists perfectly concen- trated, whose interior faculties are so energetic as to act upon themselves by their own power, and conform- ably to the will communicated to them by their mag- netizer. The magnetizer causes a headache or a side- ache to cease, simply because he wills it. There are likewise men endowed with such magnetic power, that they can act upon patients who are very suscep- tible, and in perfect communication with them, while directing the action upon this or that part, by the thought and by the look; but these cases are ex- tremely rare, and no conclusion can be drawn from them for ordinary practice. The processes are nothing, if they are not in unison with a determined intention. We may even say they are not the cause of the magnetic action; but it is in- disputable that they are necessary for directing and concentrating, and that they ought to be varied ac- cording to the end one has in view. Somnambulists point out for themselves processes altogether different, according to the seat of the dis- ease, and when they advise a patient to have re- course to Magnetism, they take great care to pre- scribe to him the processes he ought to employ. It is certain that, by proper processes, and not by the will only one is able to displace a pain, to make it de- scend, to accelerate the circulation of the blood, to dissipate an obstruction, and to restore the equi- PROCESSES IN ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 53 librium. There are cases when one does much good by placing his hands upon the knees, though he would do much injury by holding them long upon the stomach. Numbness, heaviness, disagreeable sensa- tionSj are produced by charging the head too much. It is often necessary to scatter the fluid at the close of a sitting, and to withdraw it by the extremities, in order to relieve him who is overcharged with it. When I said that a method different from mine might succeed equally well, I intended to say that each one might modify the processes according to his own views and practice; but not that he could omit them, or employ them in a manner contrary to the general rules. , For example, various magnetizers act equally well by passes? more gentle or more rapid; by contact, or at a distance; by holding the hands to the same place, or by establishing currents. But it is absurd to believe one can cure chilblains on the feet by placing the hands on the breast. There are some general processes that are employed at the commencement; there are others that are sug- gested by circumstances, or by the effects first pro- duced. We shall discourse of these in the next chapter. NOTE I. I have often remarked that persons who are not in the habit of magnetizing think they ought to exert a great deal of force; for which purpose, they contract their muscles, and make efforts of attention and will. This method is not good; it is often injurious. When the will is calm and con- itant, and the attention sustained by the interest we take in the patient, the most salutary effects ensue, without our giv ing ourselves the least pain. There are cases when it is nec- essary to make a violent effort, to oppose a false direction, to 54 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. vanquish an obstacle, to sustain or terminate a crisis. We may then have need of extraordinary power; but it is never at the commencement of a treatment that we are obliged to have recourse to it. A person ought not to fatigue himself by magnetic processes; he will experience fatigue enough from the loss of the vital fluid. NOTE II. I have said that, at the close of each sitting, it is proper to relieve the patient of the superabundant fluid, by making transversal passes, and passes beyond the extremities; and have hinted that it is sometimes better to draw off the fluid from the patient, instead of charging him with that of an- other; but I neglected to insist upon this point, and to show the case where that negative method is of great importance. I will explain my views on this subject. When there is a great excitement of the nervous system, a great irritation, or a tendency to inflammation, you will al- ways produce a soothing effect in drawing away the fluid. It also frequently happens that the ailment is drawn away with the fluid. Thus, in the inflammation of the brain, it is proper to begin the passes at the lower part of the head, to draw it out either by the sides or by the top. I will cite a remarkable fact, to which I was an eye-witness. M. H , a mate of a vessel, went several days ago to see M. N , of whom I shall soon make mention. About five years ago, he had a stroke of the sun (coup de soleil), and since that period he has frequently felt violent pains in the head. One day, when this pain caused him intense suffering, M. N thought of filling a glass with magnetized water, of covering it with linen cloth, so that, in turning it over, the water might not spill out; and he applied it thus inverted, to the back part of the head of M. H * who leaned down for that purpose. Then he made passes from the head to the tumbler to draw off the fluid and make it enter the water. M. H felt something pass from his head towards the in- verted glass. He told me it was just like drawing out a fine stream of water. In five minutes, the pain ceased entirely. I do not know whether it will ever return; but there is no PROCESSES IN AMiUAE MAUNETlS. 65 doubt that the same means will succeed in causing it to dis- appear. You might, in many circumstances, apply this process, which ought to be accompanied with the proper intention I believe that if, after the operation, any one had drunk the water contained in the glass, he would have experienced very disagreeable effects from it. A short time after Mesmer, who explained all the phenom- ena of Magnetism by causes purely physical, some persons, going into the opposite extreme, substituted, in the place of this theory, a system of spiritualism. M. le Chevalier de Bar- barin, a very pious man, but probably too much devoted to mystical ideas, pretentded that all processes were useless, and that faith and the will were sufficient to operate prodigies. Those who adopted his opinions had recourse to prayers at the patients’ bedside, and often succeeded in curing them. The success they obtained proves nothing to support their principles; and the state of concentration which this method demands might give rise to bad consequences. Our spirit is the principle of voluntary movements; it gives impulse to the nervous fluid; but so long as it is united to organized matter, it is destined to act externally, by the aid of the organs, either immediately, or by the emanation which is conveyed to a distance, like the rays from a luminous body. I have interdicted myself from all theory, and I would have been silent upon the opinions of the spiritualists, if there were not at this time men of good intentions, who, disdaining Mag- netism, undertake to treat patients by practices which they think more powerful and more efficacious. They obtain cures, undoubtedly; they produce ecstatic somnambulism; and their somnambulists are persuaded they are inspired This may lead into errors, and disturb the imagination not omy of the patients, but also of those who consult them Let anyone recall the singular ideas entertained by those who witnessed the somnambulists of Sudde, and he will see that nothing can be more contrary to reason. Let us not, then, consider somnambulism as a supernatural state, m which NOTE III. 56 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. they have celestial visions and inspirations; but let us see in it the extension of our faculties, and perhaps the develop ment of an interior sense, which is active when the externa; senses are slumbering. Let us employ Magnetism as a means of aiding nature, of reanimating strength, of establishing the equilibrium, of facilitating the circulation, and let us not im- agine that man can give, to himself or to others, the power of working miracles. If no other advantages were derived from the processes than that of curbing the imagination, it would Btill be necessary to make use of them. CHAPTER III. OF TEE EFFECTS AND THEIR INDICATIONS. Of the Effects by which the Action of Magnetism is mani- fested, and of the. Modifications which the Observation of these Effects indicates in the Processes. There are some patients upon whom Magnetism does not act, owing either to peculiarity of constitu- tion, to the kind of disease, or to a want of analogy with the magnetizer; hut this is very rare. It is less rare that the communication cannot be established until after several sittings; whence one cannot pre- sume that Magnetism does not act, till after a trial of five days. In order to found this presumption, even after this lapse of time, it is not enough that the patient has felt nothing when you have attempted, to magnetize him. It is to be considered whether he has experi- enced no change in his condition; whether he does not find himself better, or whether his disease is not rendered worse, by pursuing the ordinary course. It frequently happens that Magnetism gradually re-estab- lishes the harmony of the system without producing any sensation, and its influence is perceived only in the restoration of health. In that case, you ought to continue zealously to follow the processes I have pointed out, without troubling yourself about the 58 ANIMAL MAGNETIS3I. manner in which - the Magnetism acts, and without seeking for any apparent effect. By making efforts of the attention and of the will, and trying processes which are thought more active, you would fatigue yourself uselessly, and perhaps disturb the gradual and peaceful course of nature. The happiest thing that can happen to him who for the first time attempts to magnetize, is to en- counter a subject who is not insensible to the action of Magnetism, and who, nevertheless, feels only slight and gradual effects from it. If the first patient whose case is undertaken is absolutely insensible to the ac- tion, one is apt to imagine he has not conducted the process aright, or else he doubts his own power; and in proportion as one doubts it, it really becomes en- feebled. If one were at first to see wonderful effects produced, he would be apt to yield to curiosity and enthusiasm; and the attention would be drawn from the essential object, which is a cure. To magnetize well, it is necessary to be very attentive, to be sur- prised at nothing, and to observe the effects produced, only the better to direct the action of Magnetism. The instruction which I here give has for its prin- cipal object to prevent false ideas and exaggerated opinions, to which persons are liable to be exposed for w'ant of experience. They who adopt my princi- ples will not lose confidence in their powers because they have*not at first succeeded; they will not be pre- cipitated into exaggeration because they have seen surprising things. They will know how to modify both the influence of their will, and the processes which they first employed. There are patients in whom the influence of Mag- netism is displayed in two or three minutes; others EFFECTS AND THEIR INDICATIONS. 59 who do not feel it for a long time. There are some in whom the effects are constantly increasing; others who experience at the first time all that they will ex- perience in the course of a long treatment. We sometimes meet with persons who obtain from it, the first day, results the most remarkable and salutary, but who finally become accustomed to it, and receive not the least advantage nor the least impression. The effects by which Magnetism manifests its ac- tion are greatly varied; sometimes only one effect takes place; sometimes several show themselves to- gether, or successively, in the same patient. When these effects have been once produced, it is very com- mon to have them promptly renewed at each sitting. They change sometimes, in proportion to the change wrought in the malady. I will now describe the effects which are most com- monly exhibited: The magnetized person perceives a heat escaping from the ends of your fingers when you pass them at a little distance before his face, although your hands appear cold to him if you touch him. He afterwards feels the heat through his clothes, m some parts, or in all parts of his body before which your hands pass. He often compares it to water, moderately warm, flowing over him, and the sensa- tion precedes your hand. His legs become numb, es- pecially if you do not carry your hands as low as his feet; and this numbness ceases when, towards the close, you make passes along the legs to the toes, or below them. Sometimes, instead of communicating heat, you communicate cold; sometimes, also, you produce heat upon one part of the body, and cold upon another. There is often induced a general 60 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. warmth, and a perspiration more or less considerable. Pain is felt in the parts where the disease is seated. These pains change place, and descend. Magnetism causes the eyes to be closed. They are shut in such a manner that the patient cannot open he feels a calm, a sensation of tranquil enjoy- ment; he growls drowsy; he sleeps; he wakes when spoken to, or else he wakes of himself at the end of a certain time, and finds himself refreshed. Some- times he enters into somnambulism, in which state he hears the magnetizer, and answers him without awak- ing. As the state of somnambulism ought entirely to change the manner of magnetizing, and as it does not take place except in a small number of cases, we shall speak of it in a chapter by itself. Now, we are merely describing what occurs when there is no som- nambulism, and pointing out the conduct to be ob- served in various circumstances. I said, in the preceding chapter, that one of the most ordinary effects of Magnetism is, to dislodge the pain, and make it pass down in the direction of the current given to the fluid. If, when this is dis- lodged, it does not at first reach the extremities, you will succeed in forcing it thither in the subsequent sittings. But there are cases wdien this result re- quires uninterrupted action. For example, if the gout were seated in the head, and if, in descending, it is arrested at the breast or the stomach, it is essential to continue the action un- til it is conducted to the feet. The displacement of the malady is always a proof of the efficacy of Magnetism; but this displacement sometimes produces very sharp pains: instead of be- EFFECTS AND THEIE INDICATIONS. 61 ing troubled about, these, it is necessary to magnetize during the succeeding days, until they are entirely dissipated. I once saw a lady who had a catarrh, with a severe cough. At the first sitting, the catarrh was cured; but there remained in her limbs violent pains, which lasted three days, because she did not again have recourse to Magnetism. The action of Magnetism is sometimes accompanied with nervous movements, and very often a disposition to yawn; sometimes the patient experiences pains at the stomach, and nausea, which is even followed by vomiting; at other times, he experiences colic pains. These crises ought to give the magnetizer no dis- quiet. He ought to know how to calm those which are nervous, and to aid the tendencies of nature. It sometimes happens that the patient desires to have the sitting prolonged, sometimes to have it sus- pended, because he feels a species of irritation. In these cases, it is well to follow his inclination as far as possible. , I here repeat, that what I have just described are insulated effects, exhibited in various circumstances, with various individuals, at different times; and are rarely united in the same case. Now let us see what modifications the observation of these effects ought to suggest in the processes: If the patient feels the sensation of heat or cool* ness from your fingers, content yourself with mag- netizing with long passes. If the action of Magnet- ism excites pain in any organ, concentrate the action upon that organ, in order to draw it away afterwards. If there be manifested any heat or heaviness at the head, attract it to the knees. If Magnetism produces a sense of suffocation, or an 62 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. irritation of the lungs, make passes, beginning below the breast, and continuing to the knees. If colics take place, and if they indicate, as they often do with women, that the circulation ought to be accelerated, avoid letting the hands stop at the breast, or even at the stomach; carry the action to the sides, and below them; make passes along the thighs, and let the hands remain some time upon the knees. If the patient have pains at the back, make passes along the vertebral column. If you see any nervous movements, calm them by your will, first taking the thumbs or the wrists, and afterwards making passes at the distance of several inches, or even of several feet, with the open hand. If Magnetism seems to act too powerfully, moderate the action, and render it more soothing, by making the passes at a distance. If the patient sleep, let him sleep tranquilly 'while* you continue to magnetize him. When you wish tc rest yourself, take the thumbs of the patient, or place- your hands upon his knees. If the sitting has been long, and you are obliged to quit, rouse the patient gently, by telling him to awake, and by making passes transversely across the eyes. If the eyes are closed fast, not attended with sleep, open them by transverse passes, but not till the ter- mination of the sitting. If, after being roused, the patient feels anew the desire of sleeping, you will leave him to sleep alone, taking precautions that no one shall trouble him. Here I ought to observe that the magnetie sleep is of itself essentially restorative. During this sleep, nature, unassisted, works a cure; and it is often suffi- EFFECTS AND THEIR INDICATIONS. 63 cient to re-establisli the equilibrium and cure nervous complaints. When you have ended the sitting, you will agree with the patient upon the hour when the next one shall take place, and you will endeavor to be exact. It is advantageous to magnetize every day at the same hour, and, above all, not to change the hour agreed upon for many days in succession. Should the patient whose treatment you have un- dertaken appear to have any contagious disease, you will take care to be always active while near him, so as always to impart, and not to receive; that is to say, to sustain your attention, and employ your will, that you may constantly throw off the fluid from you. You will also avoid, as much as possible, immediate contact. After each sitting, if you have the oppor- tunity, you will cause yourself to be magnetized for some minutes with the long pass, to free yourself from the bad fluid with which you may be charged. If you cannot do this, you should pass your own hands along your arms, to withdraw it and shake it off. If you experience fatigue, the open air, and especially the sun, will in a few minutes restore your energies. You should not magnetize when you have eaten heartily, and during digestion; but it is often useful to take something before the sitting to increase youi strength. He who undertakes a treatment ought to Uve temperately, avoiding all excesses, and to guard as much as possible against all things which tend to interrupt or disturb the exercise of his physical and moral powers. I have laid it down as a principle, that when Mag- netism produces crises, it is dangerous to interrupt 64 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. them. I will now explain what is meant by crises: Physicians give the name of crisis to every sudden change which, supervening in a disease, modifies its progress or character, and enables us to foresee the result of it. These crises appear to be the effort of nature to free herself of the morbific principle. They are salu- tary when they operate completely'r they are injuri- ous when the patient has not strength to sustain them. They are manifested by symptoms; such as a removal of the seat of the malady, a remarkable change in the pulse, evacuations, excretions, erup- tions, the gathering of humors, pains in certain parts, nervous motions, etc. In acute diseases, these crises generally operate on determinate days, which are called the critical days. Mesmer says there are no cures without crises. If by this he meant that the patient does not recover his health except by a change of state, it is so clear as to require no notice. If he meant that the cure is wrought by sudden change manifested by evident symptoms, it is not always true; for many diseases are cured by slow and gradual amelioration, without any one’s being able to mark the moment when they assumed a favorable character. A fever diminishes day by day, and entirely ceases; and a hundred other diseases are soothed and disappear when no one can determine the cause of the cessation, any more than that of the attack. But it is true that, in most acute diseases, the cure takes place by an evident change, which occurs all at once, in the state of the patient. Magnetizers have given the name of crises to the remarkable changes which the action of Magnetism produces upon those who are subjected to it, or to EFFECTS AND THEIR INDICATIONS. 65 that state which is different from the natural one, into which they are thrown by its influence; and as, of all the changes of state which are produced by Magnetism, somnambulism is the most singular and most characterized, they have generally designated it as a crisis, and they have called somnambulists crisiacs. The expression, thus limited, loses much of the sig- nification usually given to it by physicians; but it suffices to be informed of it, that it may not be mis- taken. I thought this explanation necessary, in order to let the reader understand the principle I have laid down. We come to the application: The magnetic action has put your patient into a state different from the ordinary state, which displays itself by divers symptoms, such as sharp pains in a part of the body, the sense of suffocation, nervous movement, spasms, a considerable perspiration, the impossibility of opening the eyes, drowsiness, sleep, somnambulism. You ought to allow the crisis time to develope itself; to calm the spasm by degrees; to concentrate the action upon the seat of the pam; then to draw it off, taking care that nothing check the perspiration; to dissipate by little and little the drowsiness or the sleep, if it be too much prolonged. But you ought never to wake your patient suddenly, nor permit any one to trouble him; nor ought you to quit him until the singular state into which you have thrown him has entirely ceased. The term magnetic state has been given to every state different from the natural one, and resulting from the magnetic influence. This word is more gen- eral than the word crisis, and is not equivocal. You 66 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. ought to avoid leaving the patient so long as he is in this state, during which a ensis really occurs. It is essential not to disturb the process of nature. When a patient is put into a profound sleep, if he is touched by any one who rouses him roughly, he feels much evil from it. I have seen this thing pro- duce convulsions or violent pains, render the return of somnambulism impossible, and even change to such a degree the condition of the patient that he could not aftewards endure the action of Magnetism; and it was necessary to leave his restoration to time and regimen. Persons who have been for the first time put into somnambulism have been known to lose, all at once, the faculty of entering into it again, by being rudely roused from it. General Rule.—Whenever any crisis is mani- fested, the magnetizer ought to develop it, to second the work of nature, and not to quit the patient until the crisis is at an end, and until he is brought back to his natural state. It is important to have the magnetizer free from anxiety, on account of the pains which he may excite in the abdomen, and which are often renewed during several sittings; these critical pains will disappear of themselves,when nature has re-established harmony, and triumphed over the obstacle which is the cause of them. I ought here to speak of an effect, happily very rare, but of which it is proper to forewarn those who are commencing the practice, so that, if it takes place, they may not be alarmed, and commit any act of im- prudence. It often happens that the first impression of Mag- EFFECTS AND THEIR INDICATIONS. 67 netism produces a crisis, accompanied with convul- sive motions, stiffness of the limbs, and fits of laugh- ing or of crying. In this case, it is essential that the magnetizer be not alarmed. He ought first to take the thumbs of the patient, and tell him to be calm; then he should make passes along the legs and feet, and withdraw himself in order to magnetize him at a distance by the long pass. If he keeps himself collected, suffers no one to approach, takes merely the necessary pre- cautions, and trusts in his own powers, and the action of his will, the crisis will terminate, and the person magnetized will not be fatigued, and perhaps retain but a faint recollection of what has passed. If he wishes to continue to magnetize him, which will be very proper, he must, at the next sitting, as soon as he has put himself in communication by hold- ing the thumbs, magnetize him by the long pass, with the intention of soothing, and not augment the action too fast, taking care not to produce any violent shock. Above all, it is important for the magnetizer to have a mind free from all inquietude, to act as if the pa- tient were as free from it as himself, and to banish all witnesses who might trouble him. The effect of which I am now speaking is so rare, except in nervous and convulsive diseases, that I have not produced it myself but three or four times, in the course of a practice of thirty-five years. I know very well that it has taken place many times, and been at- tended with bad consequences; but it was in the hands of persons who magnetized to make experi- ments, to exhibit phenomena, and not with calmness and the pure intention of doing good. I should hardly have dreamed of noticing this ef- 68 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. feet, if I had not recently seen an example of it, which I am going to give an account of, the better to make myself understood, although this work is not intended to report facts in support of what I ad- vance: I was desired, several days ago, to instruct a lady who wished to magnetize her daughter, while labor- ing under a slight but long-seated disease, the cause of which was unknown. I caused the mother to sit by my side, and, to show her the processes, I attempted to magnetize her daughter, who experienced not the slighest effect. The mother having told me that she herself bad been once magnetized, and felt the necessity of clos- ing her eyes, I wished to see if I could act upon her. After trying the long pass four or five minutes, and placing my hand upon her stomach, she cried out, “ Oh, what an agreeable sensation ! ” One min- ute after, she was seized with convulsive movements; her limbs were stiffened; her neck became swollen; and she threw her head back, uttering shrieks. I took her thumbs, and repeated to her, several times, with a tone of authority, “ Be calm! ” I made passes along the legs. I then withdrew a little, to mag- netize by the long pass. Finally, keeping at a dis- tance, I attempted to make transverse passes, in order to draw off and chase away the fluid. Her ap- pearance then changed, but a laughing fit succeeded, which lasted several minutes. She gradually became calm. She told me she felt very well, and that she did not believe she had suffered. Now, if I had called in any one to hold her, or if I had been frightened, it is probable that the lady thus magnetized would have suffered for several days. EFFECTS AND THEIR INDICATIONS. 69 If it is rare to pi'oduce convulsive movements by the method generally employed, after the instruc- tions given by M. de Puysegur, it is not rare to meet with persons upon whom Magnetism produces a ner- vous irritation which leaves them, after the sittings, in an uneasy state of feeling. When you meet with subjects who are thus susceptible, it is proper to make Use of the most soothing action, and to act from a distance. If, after three or four sittings, the same effect takes place, you may presume that Magnetism is not good for the patient, or that the fluid of the magnetizer does not agree with him, and you ought not to persist in it. One might merely try, two or three times, other magnetizers. Many things remain to be said about the indica- tions which may direct one in the choice of procesess. These indications are of two kinds; the first are furnished by the state of the patient, and will natu- rally find their place when I speak of the application of Magnetism to various diseases; the others belong to the sensations which a practised and attentive magnetizer frequently experiences. I shall not dis- course of these last, until I have mentioned the de- tails relative to the employment of Magnetism, to the crises it .produces, and to the precautions that ought to be taken to obtain salutary results. But, before ending this chapter, I ought to say a word upon the advantages one might obtain from a very feeble magnetic action, exerted by persons who have no idea of it, and by processes much more sim- ple than the ones I have described. We often see, in the most laborious class of peo- ple, patients to whom we presume that Magnetism would do the greatest good, and whose treatment it 70 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. is impossible for us to undertake. I will now explain how, and to what extent, we can make their relations and friends supply our place for their service. Although I have thrown all the light I could into the explanation of the processes, it would be useless to cause it to be read by peasants and laborers, who are never occupied in anything but their work. They would not understand it, or at least they would not know how to apply it. But one might give them verbal instructions which they will perfectly comprehend, and which will suffice to put them in the way of doing more or less good to the patient who inspires them with a real interest. Here is the way to effect it: Say to the person who appears to you to have the greatest affection for the patient, and who is with him the most, that he can soothe him by making slight frictions; that these frictions make the blood circulate; that the heat which escapes from the hand is salutary; that by holding the hand upon the suffering part, the pain is lessened; and that, by passing the hand over the body, he may draw off the disease. Tell him that one person may commu- nicate health to another who is sick, as we communi- cate disease to a well man, when we ourselves are diseased. You can even assure him that the heat produced by breathing through a linen cloth is very good to relieve an obstruction, and that blowing from the mouth at a distance assists in soothing a local in- flammation. You may add that the processes you are teaching produce no effect when the person who employs them is thinking of anything else. If the persons to whom you address yourself are pious, you have a sure means of sustaining their attention, of EFFECTS AND THEIR INDICATIONS. 71 directing their will, and of exciting their confidence. It is to recommend to them to pray to God for the restoration of the patient, while they are engaged m acting upon him. When they are persuaded that you give such advice through goodness, and that you do not doubt its efficacy, you will have little trouble in making them follow it. Then show them how they ought to put it in practice, by magnetizing for a quarter of an hour, and gaining the assistance of the person you are instructing. While you are mak- ing this essay, guard well against seeking to produce any phenomenon. Try only to soothe pains, to bring heat to the extremities, and ease to the patient. Finally, warn them that, if the patient should fall asleep during the operation of passing the hands over him, they must not awaken him. It is desirable that no phenomenon may be manifested so remarkable as to astonish the one who is magnetizing him, but merely such effects as augment his confidence. Among the persons whom you have thus instructed, you will meet with some who, after a few days, will magnetize very well, without any suspicion of what they are about. Ignorant people being often disposed to have faith in the efficaciousness of certain practices, one might point out to them, as a curative means, a par- ticular sign, or a form of prayer, objects which have received the benediction of a priest, or a sort of amulet. But this is what no one ought to do, because it is practising deception upon them, and the para- mount obligation is, to say nothing which we do not believe to be true; besides, the abuse of means, *n nocent in themselves, ctxir keep up ignorance and favor superstition. 72 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 1 have frequently obtained the most happy results from the sort of instruction which I have just pro- posed. The action of Magnetism, thus* directed, is doubtless more feeble than it would be in the hands of one who is acquainted with the power of it; it does not produce surprising effects, but it is salutary, and accompanied with no danger. I have often seen a man soothing the pains of a wife, and a wife sooth- ing those of her husband, by conforming with sim- plicity and confidence to the directions I had given them. Two examples may be cited: 1. Oudin, an old soldier, whose case has been de- scribed by M. Ollivier, in his work “ On the Spine and its Diseases,” was paralyzed from the hips to the feet. He could walk only by the aid of crutches, and his legs trembled continually. He had most violent pains in the loins. He had been treated unsuccess- fully at the Hotel Dieu, afterwards in the fourth dis. pensary of the Philanthropic Society, when I directed his wife, although she was very feeble, to make slight frictions, almost without touching, from his hips to his feet. From the first day, the feet, which were very cold and white, grew warm and red, as when sinapisms are applied, and, a few days after, the legs ceased to tremble. The pains in the reins were al- ways very sharp, when the physicians apprised me that the disease originated in the spinal marrow. I then told the woman to apply frictions along the reins, drawing towards the legs; and very soon the pains were entirely removed. Oudin is not cured of his paralysis, but he suffers no more; he can even make use of his legs, and is infinitely better. 2 The wife of the man who takes care of my apart- ment was confined to her bed by violent pains, at- EFFECTS AND THEIR INDICATIONS. 73 tended with fever. I went to see her, and, perceiving she was very sensitive to the action o,? Magnetism, I pointed out to her husband how he oeght to proceed in order to relieve her. The benefit which he at first produced imparted confidence to him, and in fifteen d ivs his wife was cured. She then came to thank me. I asked her if she still suffered pain. She re- plied, “ Only in the shoulder. When it was very severe, her husband caused it to pass away; but it returned, and he had not time every day to bestow care upon her.” I then placed my hand upon her shoulder, and was much surprised to see her close her eyes, and a few minutes after fall into the state of somnambu- lism. I spoke to her; and this is a summary of our conversation. “Are you asleep?” “Yes, sir.” “Why do you sleep?” “I do not know.” “Do you see what the matter is with you?” (After a little reflection.) “ Nothing is the matter with me but the pain in my shoulder.” “What must be done to relieve you?” “You are now doing what will cure me.” “In how long a time ? ” “ Three days.” “ If, when you are awakened, I tell you to come three or four days suc- cessively, will you do it?” “Yes, sir.” I then caused this woman to come four days. The first and the second day somnambulism was renewed; the third day she suffered no more, and it was difficult to produce an imperfect sleep. The fourth day she ex- perienced absolutely nothing; and since that time she has not been ill. It is very remarkable that the husband, who hq,d no idea of somnambulism, did not cause it to occur, although his wife was much disposed to it. I did not produce it myself the day I went to see her, be- 74 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. cause I did not intend it, and because I avoided act- ing upon her head. The kind of instruction which I have given is par- ticularly appropriate to mothers who have young children. What they are taught seems to' them analo- gous to what they are naturally prompted to do in order to soothe them when they suffer; and as they identify themselves with the object of their solicitude, and as nothing can withdraw them from the will to do good, it is enough to excite their confidence, and they will unite all the qualities requisite to the efficacy of Magnetism. NOTE. Among the effects of the magnetic treatment, there is one of which it is proper to be premonished, and which I omit- ted to mention. I will now supply that omission. When a patient has an issue, it frequently happens that it closes after several sittings. This ought to give the operator no anxiety. It is a proof that the humors have taken another course. I directed the treatment of a lady who had been very ill for many years. Two issues, which she had been advised to keep open, closed in a few days. She was at first alarmed at it; but very soon she found herself better, and in six weeks she was restored to health. CHAPTER IV. OF THE ACCESSORY MEANS TO INCREASE THE MAGNETIC ACTION, AND OF THOSE BY WHICH THE DIRECT A C'TION IS SUPPLIED. The magnetizer can communicate his fluid to many objects, and these objects become either the conduct- ors of his action, or proper instruments of its trans- mission, and produce magnetic effects upon persons with whom he is in communication. He can also, by means of some one of these auxiliaries, and without fatiguing himself, conduct the treatment of many patients at the same time, when they are not somnam- bulists. These auxiliaries are water, woollen and cotton cloth, plates of glass, etc., which have been magnet- ized, magnetized trees, and magnetic troughs or reservoirs. The chain, or the union of many persons holding each other by the hands, and in harmony, under the direction of one magnetizer, is also among the auxiliary means. Magnetized water is one of the most powerful and salutary agents that cail ber employed. The patients are made to drink of it, when the communication is established, either at or between their meals. It car- ries the magnetic* fluid directly into the stomach, and thence into all the organs. It facilitates the crisis to which nature* is disposed, and, therefore, sometimes 75 76 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. excites the perspiration, sometimes the evacuations, and sometimes the circulation of the blood. It strengthens the stomach, appeases pains, and often supplies the place of several medicaments. To magnetize water, take the vessel which contains it, and pass the two hands alternately from the top to the bottom of the vessel. Introduce the fluid at the opening of the vessel, by presenting the fingers close to it, several times in succession. Sometimes you may breathe upon the water, or stir it round with the thumb. You may magnetize a glass of water, by holding it by the bottom in one hand, and with the other throwing the fluid upon the glass. There is one process which I employ in preference, in order to magnetize a bottle of water, when I am certain it is not disagreeable to the person whom I magnetize. It consists in placing the bottle upon my knee, and applying my mouth to the nose. I thus throw my breath into the bottle, and, at the same time, I make passes with both hands upon all the sur- face. I believe this process charges strongly; but it is not necessary. It is sufficient to magnetize it by the hands. One may magnetize a pitcher of water in two or three minutes; a glass of water in one minute. It is unnecessary to repeat here that the processes pointed out for magnetizing water, like everything else, would be absolutely useless, if they were not em- ployed with attention, and with a determinate will. I have seen magnetized water produce effects so marvellous, that I was afraid of having deceived my- self, and could not be wholly convinced until I had made a thousand experiments. Magnetizers, in gen- eral, have not made sufficient use of it. They would have spared themselves much fatigue, they could have dispensed with many medicines, they would have hastened the cure, if they had accorded t® this means all the confidence it merits. In internal diseases, especially, magnetized water acts in an astonishing manner. It carries vhe Mag- netism directly to the organs affected. You give, for instance, a glass of magnetized water to one who has a pain in the side; some minutes after he has drunk it, it seems to him as if that water had de- scended to the seat of the disease. For eight days in succession, I have purged a patient with magnet- ized water. The effect was the same as if she had taken the ordinary medicine, with this difference— the operation was not attended with colic. Doctor Roullier says that one of his patients was thus purged five or six times a day for more than a month, and that the evacuations, the consequences of which, under ordinary medicine, would have justly excited alarm, procured ease and a return of health. I knew a patient who was cured in the same manner. I have seen magnetized water entirely overcome inactivity of the intestines which had lasted many years. Magnetized water is a very great help in convales- cence. It gives strength; it restores the tone of the stomach; it renders digestion easy; it throws off from the system, by perspiration or otherwise, every- thing which resists the entire re-establishment of health. A man of merit, whom I have now the satisfaction of numbering among my friends, was affected with colic pains in the stomach and bowels, for which he had, during seven years, in vain employed all the remedies of medicine. They came on by crises which ACCESSORY MEANS. 77 78 ANIMAT MAGNETISM. lasted two oi three days, and returned every week. His residence was sixty leagues off, and he came to Paris to seek some further advice. He made appli- cation to me. He inspired me with much interest, and I undertook his treatment. After the third sit- ting, I made him drink a glass of magnetized wTater. It produced in his stomach a very great heat. He told me that it seemed to him as if he had drunk a glass of spirits of wine. Two minutes afterwards, this heat was diffused through the whole system, and was followed by a gentle perspiration. From that moment I caused him to make use of the magnetized water; and in fifteen days I had the pleasure of de- livering him from all his sufferings. He then wished to return home. “I am very well,” said he, “but I am going to make a decisive experiment. I never could travel in a carriage without a great deal of pain.” I gave him two bottles of magnetized water, and advised him to drink of them by the -way. He had hardly been a half hour in the carriage before he began to feel ill; he then drank a glass of the water, and, during more than four hours, he felt no further inconvenience. By thus drinking, every four hours, his glass of water, he reached home 'without the least fatigue. Yet he was not entirely cured; and there remains in him the principle of disease, which it is perhaps impossible to destroy. But his wife magnetizes him when it appears requisite; and in the evening, when he finds himself indisposed, she gives him a glass of magnetized water, which soothes him, and makes him pass the night well. When he is obliged to travel, the magnetized water always renders him the same service; and this experiment has been repeatedly tried for five years. 79 Magnetized water has been employed successfully as a lotion for wounds. In affections of the eyes, it strengthens them, and generally produces a sensation like that of water in which have been mixed a few drops of spirits of wdne. Baths of magnetized water have often produced excellent effects. I have several times made the experiment of put- ting a bottle of magnetized water at the feet of a patient, who, while in bed, was constantly cold at the feet; and, in certain cases, I have seen it excite a great deal of heat, and bring on a perspiration. The bottle acts here only as every other magnetized object will. Nevertheless, the result of this experi- ment was remarkable, because a bottle of water ought to jjroduce cold, and not heat, as it often hap- pens when the patient is not disposed to this sort of crisis. Patients often perceive a peculiar taste in the magnetized water, and generally they distinguish it very well from that which is not magnetized. I thought I could see that the taste which the pa- tient found in it indicated the species of remedies of which he had need. For example, if he found it bitter, and yet drank it with pleasure, it gave grounds of presumption that bitter things were salutary to him. I have not made this observa- tion frequently enough to state it as a fact. I mention it, because, in many cases, any one can easily verify it. When the magnetizer cannot give his patient more than two or three sittings a week, magnetized water supplies the direct action. The use of it must be continued some time after the treatment has ceased. I am certain that with epileptics, or persons at- ACCESSORY MEAN'S. 80 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. tacked with a nervous disease which, to those who are not physicians, appears to be epilepsy, magnetized water, continued for many months after some sittings of direct Magnetism, has caused the fits to disappear entirely. I believe that the water given to the patient to drink ought always to be magnetized by the same person who has undertaken the treatment. This is a consequence of the principle I have laid down, that a patient ought not to be magnetized by many per- sons who havo not a perfect congeniality with the first magnetizer, and that, the fluids of various indi- viduals not having the same quality, and not acting in the same manner, we ought not to unite their ac- tion. Some very remarkable phenomena Confirm this opinion. Somnambulists distinguish very well when an object has been magnetized by several persons; and this mixture of divers fluids is sometimes insup- portable to them. We do not yet know how long the magnetized water preserves its virtue, but it certainly retains it for many days, and numerous facts seem to prove it not to have been lost after several weeks. Never- theless, when one lives near the patient, it is proper to magnetize every day the water or other drinks of which he makes use. Some food, also, may be magnetized in the same manner, and especially liquid food, such as milk and broth. Many persons, with whom milk does not agree, like it very well when it has been mag* netized. It appears that magnetized water exercises no in- fluence upon persons who have never been magnet 81 keel/* It generally produces marked effects only after two or three sittings In order to have the fluid of the magnetuzer act upon the patient, the communication must he established; and it is never established except by direct and immediate manipu- lation. I have extended my observations upon magnetized water very much, but those who make use of it with confidence will discover that I have not said enough upon the advantages to be derived from it. Yet I ought to add that there are some persons on whom it appears to exert no action. The number of these, however, is very small. Magnetized reservoirs, or troughs, are vessels filled with magnetized materials, and provided with conductors to direct the fluid which they contain. The most common mode of constructing them is the following: Take a wooden vessel, two feet high, larger or smaller according to the number of persons to be placed round it, having the bottom elevated an inch from the floor by the projection of the sides. Place an iron rod in the centre, to serve* as the principal conductor, having a diameter of half an inch, or of one inch, descending to within two inches of the bot- tom, and rising above the trough two or three feet. The lower end of this iron rod should be firmly fixed in a glass foot, or in a jug, so that it may retain its ACCESSORY MEANS. * Some observations, recently communicated to me, have convinced ma that my conjecture was false, and that magnetized water does sometimes act in a very efficacious manner upon persons who have never been mag netized. I can cite, among other instances, that of a woman who had been troubled for a tong time with dyspepsia, who was promptly cured by this means. Objects magnetized can in the same degree exert a very salutary action, although no communication has been previously established. 82 vertical position. Put into the vessel bottles of mag. netized water, or other magnetized substances cork them, and run through each cork a piece of iron wire projecting two or three inches; and arrange them in such a manner that the neck may be near the central conductor, and communicate with it by the iron wire which pierces the cork. Then place a second range of bottles above the first. If the baquet, or trough, is large, you can put two ranges of bottles in the same order ; the neck of one being placed in the bottom of the other. This being done, you will fill the vessel with water, white sand well washed, pounded glass, and iron filings, all well magnetized. Place upon it a cover in two pieces, fitted closely together, having an opening in the middle for the central conductor. At a short distance from the circumference, at points corresponding to the spaces between the bottles, you will pierce several holes, for the purpose of thrusting into the reservoir iron conductors, bent and movable, which are raised and lowered at pleasure, so that one may direct them against any part of the body, and pass the hands above them, to draw off the fluid. And, lastly, you will attach to the central conductor cords of cotton or wool, which the patients may twins around their bodies. Although everything that is placed in the reservoir has been magnetized beforehand, the reservoir is to be regularly magnetized, when its construction has been completed, before the cover is placed upon it. When this operation is first performed, it takes a considerable time—nearly an hour. It is even proper to repeat it three or four days in succession. But when once the reservoir has been well charged, it is readily charged again, by the magnetizer’s holding the ANIMAL MAGNETISM. ACCESSORY MEANS. 83 central conductor in his hands several minutes. I do not know whether reservoirs filled with water are more easily charged with the magnetic fluid than those which contain between the bottles only pounded glass, iron filings, or simply sand; but it is certain that these last are more proper and convenient, and for this reason I give them the preference. It is diffi- cult to prevent the water’s escaping from the baquet, and it might become foul in the course of time. The same magnetizer ought always to charge the reser- voir. I will say no more about the large magnetic reser- voir, because we do not have recourse to them except when we wish to magnetize a great number; in which case we ought to have a great deal of leisure, and de- vote ourselves to Magnetism. He who does this ought to procure the principal works published on this subject, and to study them with care. But a large bottle filled with magnetized water, furnished with an iron wire inserted into the cork and forming a curvature of from three to six inches, ter- minated by a knob, is a little reservoir which keeps up the magnetic action, and may be very useful. The magnetizer charges this bottle occasionally with- out taking out the cork. Some magnetizers think that the fluid which comes from the reservoir brings with it an emanation of the substances w>hich are contained in it. Many facts seem to authorize this opinion; it is not yet proved, but it remains a subject for experiment. You mighl put into the reservoir aromatic plants, carminative or tonic, according to the end proposed. You might also try whether a bottle well magnetized, and filled with medicinal matters, would act more efficaciously 84 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. than one of pure water. Such experiments should not be neglected. The water contained in bottles placed upon tbo reservoir, and put in communication, by an iron wire, with the central conductor, becomes magnetized of itself. You might place on the top of the central conductor a small cap ol iron or of wood, in which you have put silk or cotton, which will become very strongely mag- netized. We now come to discourse of magnetized objects, of the mode of using them, and of the effects they produce. Tissues wrought in silk or cotton thread, the leaf of a tree, plates of glass, gold, or steel,* and other mag- netized objects, placed upon the seat of the pain, are often sufficient to ease it; but they produce no effect until the magnetic action has been established. I have very often seen magnetized socks produce a warmth of the feet which could not have been obtained by any other means. These socks preserve their virtue during four or five days. It then grows feeble and is lost. A magnetized handkerchief, carried upon the stomach, sustains the action during the interval of the sittings, and often calms spasms and nervous move- ments. Sometimes the headache is dissipated by en- veloping the head during the night with a magnet- ized bandage. I ought to speak here of the use which is made of plates of glass magnetized, both because I have often succeeded, by means of them, in calming, with sur- * Metals whose oxides are dangerous must not be used for ubs pur ACCESSOKY MEANS 85 prising ease, local pains in the viscera, and because their application is usually accompanied with a Very remarkable phenomenon. Dr. Roullier is, I think, the first that has mentioned this phenomenon, although it had been observed by other magnetizers. He thus expresses himself: “In some circumstances, I have caused my patients to wear a piece of mag- netized glass upon the pit of the stomach. I prefer a lenticular shape, about an inch and a half in di- ameter, attached to the neck by a ribbon. This, when magnetized, will commonly adhere to the skin, and remain there several hours.” When it has pro- duced its effect, it fails, and will not again adhere un- til magnetized anew. The same thing takes place when we make use of a piece of steel, or the leaf of a tree. Some persons are very impressible, and fear that any other than their own magnetizer should act upon them. A magnetized object often suffices to repel all foreign influence. I have seen many examples of it, which could not be attributed to the im- agination.* It now remains to speak of the chain—a method formerly much used, and which is the most effectual of all for augmenting the power of Magnetism, and putting it in circulation, but which, though it has great advantages, has also great inconveniences. I am going to explain what it is, how it is formed, and under what circumstances and conditions it may be useful. If you have near you many persons, in good health, who have confidence in Magnetism, who feel an m- * To produce this effect; & gold ring is worn on the finger of the patient, ir a medallion, set in gold or in crystal, is placed about the neck. 86 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. terest in the patient, and who wish to aid you in the cure, arrange them in a circle. Let them all take each other’s hands, holding on by the thumbs, so that he who is on the right of the patient may touch him with the left hand, and he who is on the left may touch him with the right hand. You will form a part of this chain, and, when you wish to make passes with your hands, the two persons by the side of you will place their hands upon your shoulders or upon your knees. If you place yourself in the centre, your two neighbors will approach each other, so that the chain be not in- terrupted. The magnetic fluid will soon be in circu- lation, the patient will feel the effect strongly, and your power will be considerably augmented. But to have a chain good, it is necessary that all who compose it should be thoughtful only of the patient, and unite constantly with you in intention; without this condition, it is more injurious than bene- ficial. Some persons in the chain often feel the effects of the magnetic action; they faint, or go to sleep. But that does not counteract the effects so much as a single act of inattention. . You should avoid admitting into the chain patients susceptible of nervous irritation. It would be dan- gerous to put persons there who ar'e tainted with contagious diseases. The chain might be made use of in families, when there are to be found from four to six persons who take a lively interest in the patient, and who desire that Magnetism may be of advantage to him. The chain should, as far as possible, be composed of the same persons. If a new individual be admitted into it, especially after it has been once formed, he ought first to be placed in communication. ACCESSORV MEANS. 87 The baquet ami the chain have often been employed at the same t ime This is done after arranging the patients around the reservoir. They are directed to form a chain For the following reasons, I do not approve of this method- When several patients meet round the baquet, it is for the purpose of receiving the action of the mag- netic fluid there concentrated, without any direct communication between them; but when a chain is formed, it is that the patient may receive the influ- 3nce of all the persons who compose it; whence it follows that all of them ought to be in good health. These two means should, therefore, be employed separately, and in different circumstances: they do not agree equally with all patients, and each one has its advantages and its inconveniences. This subject de- mands a few additional observations. Although the baquet has a milder and slower ac- tion than direct manipulation, persons attacked with severe diseases, which do not spring from morbid in- action, are exposed to crises which should be soothed apart. When these crises occur, they may have in- fluence upon the other patients, and even be com- municated by sympathy or by imitation. We know how violent these crises may become, when we re- member how they were in the time of Mesmer. It is true, we did not then understand how to calm them, and the same accidents did not take place at Strasburg; yet it is alwmys proper to take precau- tions ; and if you assemble a large number around the baquet, it is necessary to have several izers, and one of them should have an acquaintance with medicine. I think then that, in the domestic practice of Magnetism, it is not necessary to make 88 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. use of the baquet for nervous affections, but solely for such diseases as intermittent fevers, dropsy, en- largements of the glands, rheumatic pains, debility, sluggish circulation, etc. In these it would he very useful to the patient to go every day and charge himself with Magnetism at the baquet, previously to being magnetized by direct manipulation. As to the chain, several conditions are requisite, which are often difficult to fulfil • 1. All who com- pose it ought to be in good health. 2. They should be such as have an interest in the sick person. 3. No one of them should interrupt the action, either by his curiosity, or by the desire of exerting a par- ticular influence. All these conditions having been fulfiilled in some treatments which I have pursued, I have obtained from it very energetic and very salutary effects; but when one of these conditions fails, I have known it to be more injurious than useful. In diseases of the lymphatic system, in those of inaction, etc., it is doubtless beneficial to have re- course to the chain, if it be possible to form a good one. In disorders of the nervous system, or of cer- tain viscera, disorders whose treatment exhibits crises, and especially in those where somnambulism takes place, it is absolutely necessary that the pa- tient should have near him only his magnetizer, and the person he has chosen from the commencement to assist at the sittings. It is essential that the most perfect harmony should reign in a magnetic treatment; and this can- not be obtained unless all things are directed by a single will, to which all the others are in unison. Hence it follows that, in a magnetic treatment, what- ACCESSORY MEAN'S. 89 ever may be the number of the patients and of mag netizex-s, there ought to be but one chief- to whom all those who co-operate in the action shall be in submission during the sitting. If he who has estab lished the treatment, and charged himself with its direction, has for co-operators persons better in- formed or more powerful than himself, he must not invite them to take the lead; and they must be very cautious not to exert a direct influence. They will regard themselves merely as the aids and the instruments of the leader, and must magnetize un- der his direction, following the processes which he points out to them. The observance of this rule is especially important when there are som nambulists. 1 speak of this in my chapter on som- nambulism. I ought not to finish this chapter without saying a word of an instrument of which the magnetizers made much use in former times, and of which they make little use at present, because of the pleasantries to which it gave occasion. It is a steel wand, in the form of a long cone, ten or twelve inches in length, about five lines in diameter at one end, and two lines at the other. It is held in such a way as to have the large end in the palm of the hand, and the straightened fingers touch it at their extremities This is used to direct the fluid at a distance, to fix the action of the five united fingers upon any particular point. It is also used in magnetizing water; which is done by plunging it into a vase half its length, and stirring it round in the water. This wand is not necessary, but it is often convenient, and some- times very useful. I have seen a patient who felt in his chest all the movements that I made while 90 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. pointing it towards him. I have seen others who found the action too powerful. Some magnetizers make use of wands of glass in the shape of a spindle: they are as good as steel wands; perhaps they are even preferable.* Some have occasionally employed iron wands arti- ficially magnetized, like the compass needle; and they think that they act with more power; but they cer- tainly do not agree with all patients. I do not rec- ommend them. The wand is designed to direct and concentrate the magnetic fluid, and not to modify it by a foreign influence. The magnetizer who makes use of the wand ought to have one of his Own, and not lend it to any person, lest it should be chai'ged with different fluids—a pre- caution more important than it is commonly thought to be. * The conducting power of glass wands evidently proves that there is no analogy between the fluid of Animal Magnetism and the electric or galvanic fluids. CHAPTER Y. OF SOMNAMBULISM, AND OF THE USE TO BE MADE OF IT. It is a well-known fact that certain persons walk, speak, and act, in their sleep; and that when they are awakened, they have no recollection of what they have been doing. These persons are called somnam- bulists; that is, sleep-walkers; and the state in which they are is called somnambulism. The disposition to walk in the sleep has been considered as a nervous affection, which we should endeavor to counteract, because of the accidents which might spring from it. The apparent resemblance between spontaneous somnambulism and the crises which are often pro- duced by Magnetism has induced men to call the lat- ter magnetic somnambulism. A more appropriate name might have been found; but as this has been received for forty years, it is useless to change it. Magnetic somnambulism, which we call simply somnambulism, because that term cannot be equivo- cal, in this work, is a mode of existence during which the person who is in it appears to be asleep. If his magnetizers speak to him, he answers without wak- ing; he can also execute various movements, and when he returns to the natural state, he retains no remem- brance of what has passed. His eyes are closed; he generally understands those only who are put in com- munication with him. The external organs of sense 91 92 ANTMAI. MAGNETISM. are all, or nearly all, asleep; and yet he experiences sensations, but by another means. There is loused in him an internal sense, which is perhaps the centre of the others, or a sort of instinct winch enlightens him in respect to his own preservation. He is sub ject to the influence of his magnetizer, and this in fluence may be either useful or injurious, according to the disposition and the conduct of the magnetizer.* Somnambulism presents phenomena infinitely va- ried. A description of them may be found in a great number of works published upon this subject. This is not the place to describe them. My design is solely to teach the means of obtaining the most use- ful results from this crisis, without exposing one- self to the least inconvenience. Of all the discoveries which have excited attention, from the remotest antiquity, that of somnambulism certainly gives us the most insight into the nature and the faculties of man. The phenomena to which it has. drawn our attention demonstrate the distinc- tion of two things; the two-fold existence of the inter- nal and the external man in a single individual. They olfer a direct proof of the spirituality of the soul, and an answer to all the objections raised against its immortality. They make evident the truth known to ancient sages, and so well expressed by M. de Bonald, that man is an intelligence served by organs. This advantage cannot be too highly appreciated, es- pecially in an age when audacious minds do not fear to employ the researches of psychology to shake the certainty of the interior sentiment which reveals to us the dignity of man, his supremacy in the order of * There are exceptions to the character here given, but they are extremely OF SOMNAMBULISM. 93 creation, and his moral liberty—a sentiment which is the basis of social life, and which engages to the prac- tice of virtue, by pointing out to us, in a future life, the development of our earthly existence, and the recompense of sacrifices made to obey the dictates of conscience. On the other hand, somnambulism makes known to us the mean's of curing diseases which are curable, and of relieving those which are not. It serves to rectify the errors of medicine, as well as those of metaphysics. Finally, it.points out the origin of a great number of opinions prevalent antO' rior to the experiments which have confirmed their correctness; and it restores to the order of nature a multitude of facts which philosophers have disdained to examine, either because ignorance and credulity had altered some of their circumstances, or because, in the dark ages, they were made to serve as the foun- dation of superstition. The discovery of somnambulism having been made, or rather renewed, in our time, without our being prepared for it, and the application which can be made of it demanding a meditative mind, great pru- dence, severe manners, religious dispositions, gravity of character, positive knowledge, and other qualities which do not accord with the amiable levity and ex- citable imagination of Frenchmen, it may be doubted whether its sudden propagation has not produced as much evil as good, and whether it would not have been better that this marvellous phenomenon had not been at first observed, and that people had confined themselves merely to Magnetism as Mesmer taught it, and as many persons before him practised it, without knowing wdiether they employed a partic- ular agent, or a faculty common to-all men. But it 94 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. was impossible that they who devoted themselves to the practice of Magnetism should not be struck, sooner or later, with a phenomenon which would not fail to present itself. It was equally impossible that they should not have been seized with enthusiasm at the sight of the wonderful things which accompany it, and made it a secret. It was, finally, impossible that men who wrere strangers to the true principles of Magnetism should not seek to produce the same wonderful things, to exercise their power and satisfy their curiosity, and should know howto confine them- selves within proper bounds, to avoid dangers and errors. Hence it has resulted that Magnetism has often been employed, not to cure diseases, but to pro- cure somnambulism. And as somnambulists have faculties and means of knowdedge which we have not, people have imagined they ought to know everything, and have consulted them as oracles. If, instead of yielding to enthusiasm, they had examined the phe- nomena by the lights of physiology, they would have perceived the danger of pushing too far a state dur- ing wdiich an inexplicable change occurs in the func- tions of the nervous system, in the play of the organs, and in the manner of perceiving and transmitting sensation; that the more the sensibility is exalted, the more ought they to be on their guard against what might increase that exaltation; that at the extremity of the course which nature has marked out for her- self, and which she has strength to run over, preserv- ing the harmony of all the faculties and the control of reason, an immense field is open to the imagina- tion, in vrhich illusions take the place of truth; that somnambulism is only a transient crisis, of wdiich it is necessary to use without wandering from the OF SOMNAMBULISM. 95 design for which nature has produced it ; and that somnambulism too much prolonged would give us habits which would not be in accordance with our or- dinary destination, and of itself would become a dis- ease. I will not insist upon these considerations, the de- velopment of which would carry me to a great extent. I propose to teach what it is necessary to know in practice, without entering into any discussion. Somnambulism is known ; it presents itself often in the magnetic practice ; let us see what are the means of always deriving from it the greatest advantage, and avoiding all misuse of it. The first advice I shall give is, that you never seek to produce somnambulism, but to let it come natu- rally, in order to profit by it wThen it takes place. Many magnetizers, in order to produce it, charge the head very much ; and, by this means, they often succeed in obtaining a forced slumber, a reflux of blood towards the brain, and partial crises, which are of no utility. This method is not without danger. It is much better simply to employ Magnetism by the long pass, and not to charge the head more than the other parts. If nature is disposed to this crisis, the fluid will, of itself, be carried fo the brain, and the tendency to somnambulism will be manifested by the patient’s being in a state of tranquillity, by his closing his eyes, and by his sleeping. You may then, with- out any inconvenience, pass the extremities of your fingers five or six times at a short distance before his eyes, in order to give more intensity to his sleep. You may then ask him how he is, or whether he sleeps well. Then one of these three things will take place—he will wake, he will not answer, or he will 96 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. If he awakes, somnambulism has not taken place, and you must not think any more respecting it in the course of that sitting. If he continues to sleep, with- out answering, there is reason to suppose he is enter- ing into the somnambulic state. If he answers with- out waking, and, after his waking, has no recollec- tion of your speaking to him, the somnambulism is real. In case the patient continues to sleep without hear- ing you, you will continue to magnetize him as I have pointed out; and you will wait, before you put him a second question, until the moment before that at which you think the'sitting should be terminated. If he makes no more answer to this question than to the first, you will leave him to sleep tranquilly; or, if you judge it necessary to rouse him, you may merely make transversal passes at a distance, bidding him to awake, in a gentle voice, and not commanding him with a tone of authority. If the patient makes a sign that he understands you, yet without answering, you will beware of urging him to speak. It is a happy thing for him to be by himself, to collect himself, and accustom himself to his new condition, and to arrange his ideas. You will merely ask him to let you know, by a motion of the head, whether he desires to be awakened, or to sleep longer; and you will conform yourself as much as possible to his wish. You will continue in the same manner during the succeeding sittings. Yet if this state of mute som- nambulism is prolonged, you will inquire of him whether he hopes very soon to acquire the faculty of speaking; whether you magnetize him well; if he finds himself better for it; and you may make all in- OF SOMNAMBULISM. 97 quiries of him which he can answer by a sign and without effort. Have a perfect command of yourself, he patient, and beware of employing your will to influence your patient to speak, or to make his somn unbulism more profound. Have but one intention, entertain but one wish—that of facilitating the cure; and leave nature to employ, of herself, the increase of power which you give him. It may happen that his somnambulism will not pro- ceed farther; but this is of no consequence; it is not your object to render him a somnambulist, but to cure him. If somnambulism were necessary—if his constitution rendered him susceptible of it—this state would spontaneously develop itselfMerely ob- serve what peculiar precautions this demi-somnam* bulism requires; such as, not suffering those to ap« proach him who are not in communication with him, not to oppose him, not to awaken him roughly, and to continue to occupy yourself about him. If your patient speaks, and to the question, “Do you sleep?” answers, “Yes,” he is a somnambulist; but it does not follow that he is endowed with clair- voyance. Some persons have distinguished many degrees or shades of somnambulism. It is useless to occupy your time with all that, and there is no need for me to enter into this examination, to point out to you the surest and the most simple path, and to instruct you how to draw all the advantages possible from somnambulism, at whatever degree it may occur. When your somnambulist shall have given an af- firmative answer to your first question, “Are you asleep?” you may address others to him. These 98 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. questions should be simple, clear, well adapted, and concise: they should be made slowly, with an interval between them, leaving the somnambulist all the time he wishes to reflect upon them. If you have been able to suppress your curiosity, which is always more or less injurious; if you do not suffer yourself to be astonished to see one who is asleep answer you with propriety; if you have no other end in view but the doing of good; if you do not think of collecting ob- servations—you will put only those questions which are necessary. The response made to the first one will suggest others to you, always in relation to th6 means of curing the patient. The following may serve as an example of the series of questions to be first put to your somnam- bulist. “Do you feel well ?” “Does my manner of proceeding agree with you?” “Will you point out any other mode?” “ How long shall I let you sleep ? ” “How shall I wake you ?” “ When shall I magnetize you again ? ” “ Have you any directions to give me ? ” “Do you think I shall succeed in curing you?” These questions will assuredly be enough for the first day, when somnambulism has been induced. At the next sitting, it ought to be induced sooner; but you will not try to bring it on immediately, by charg- ing the head. You will first employ Magnetism by the long pass; and, when your somnambulist assures you that he is sleeping, you will let him have a little time longer to collect himself. Then, after having repeated some of the preceding questions, you may ask him whether he sees where OF SOMNAMBULISM. 99 his disease is: if he says yes, you may request him to describe it; if he says no, you may persuade him to look for it, observing to keep his attention to the point. You will take care not to form your ques- tions in such a manner as to suggest replies which he can make without reflection, through indolence, or the desire of pleasing you; you must let him be oc- cupied wholly with himself, wTith his disease, and with the means of cure. When he has once explained to you what he thinks of the nature of his disease, of its causes, of its con- sequences, of the crises he expects, you should ask him to search out the remedial means proper to be pursued in connection with Magnetism. You should listen to him attentively; you should take notes of what he tells you, if you are fearful of forgetting it. You should ask him whether he is very sure of the effect which his prescriptions will produce; and if in them there is found anything which appears to you improper, you should make known to him your ob- jections. You should especially take care to inform yourself well of the crises which are to bring on the cure, that you may not be alarmed at such as he has an- nounced, and that you may know well the mode of soothing them. You must be exact in magnetizing him at the hour indicated by him, and by the processes which he judges most appropriate. You must ask him what things you ought to let him forget, what things it is proper to warn him of, and what means it is proper to take to induce him to follow out his own prescrip- tions. When he is awake, you should let him be entirely 100 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. ignorant of his being a somnambulist, and not let him suspect that he has spoken, provided he has not of himself expressly recommended that you should in- form him of it, either to inspire him with confidence in regard to anything that disturbs him, or to induce him to follow a course of regimen, or to do some- thing useful, which when he is aAvake is counter to his inclination. But, in this case, you will merely tell him what he believed absolutely necessary to know, and you will entreat him not to speak about it to any person. It is very rare that a patient has the curiosity to be informed of what he has said in a state of somnambulism. I believe, also, that it never happens, when the magnetizer, during somnambu- lism, has forbidden him to meddle with it after waking. I have indicated the kind of conversation you ought to hold with your somnambulist. I cannot in- sist too much upon a point on which chiefly depends the developement and the direction of his faculties. I cannot give any advice in relation to the details, because it would not be equally applicable to all cases. But there is a general rule from which you ought never to depart; which is, never, on any ac- count, to permit any question of curosity, any at- tempt to prove the lucidity of your somnambulist; to speak to him solely of his disease; to direct all his attention to the means he ought to adopt for the restoration of his health. Ilis cure is your essential object, your principal aim; you should not desert it for a moment. I know that one may sometimes profit by the con- fidence of a somnambulist, to combine with him the means of correcting his faults, and of rendering his OF SOMNAMBULISM. 101 conduct more regular; to break off dangerous asso- ciations; and, in fine, to apply to his ordinary state the elevated moral sensibility which he exhibits in somnambulism. In this, one will not depart from the rule I have prescribed; he merely gives it a greater extension. For it is then, in effect, a ques- tion about preventing or curing a moral disease, more destructive than a physical one, and which often aggravates the latter. You are doing right, since you have really no other object in view, no other idea, than the intention of doing good to him whom you magnetize, and do not engage him except in that which is most essential to him. The faculties of somnambulists are limited. Their surprising penetration may be regarded as the effect of a concentration upon one single class of sensations, upon one order of ideas; the more their attention is distracted by various subjects, the less of it will they give to the essential object. If your somnambulist appears to meddle with things which do not promote his return to health, employ your will to withdraw him from them; do not hear him; and especially do not appear as if you were astonished at the proofs which he affords of his lucidity. You will excite his vanity, and that is very dangerous; for when you have once awakened in him this sentiment, to Which somnambulists are in general very much inclirfed, you can no more depend upon anything. In the state of somnambulism, the moral sensibility is ordinarily much more lively, and the somnambu lists are often disposed to abandon themselves to th e ideas or the sentiments which have affected them m their common state. Endeavor to withdraw them 102 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. from these, or at least do not say or do anything which might favor this disposition. There are some somnambulists endowed with a surprising clairvoyance, which is extended to objects that are very distant, and entirely foreign to what interests them in the wakeful state. But these som- nambulists are rare; and it is only with a great deal of precaution and reserve that we should have re- course to them. I shall return to this subject after having finished what I have to say about ordinary somnambulists. It would be advantageous to the somnambulist to be alone with his magnetizer. As in most circum- stances this would be inconvenient or improper, you will be careful to have only one witness, who is always to be the same person, and who takes an in- terest in the patient. You will banish all useless witnesses, all who are excited by mere curiosity, and especially all the incredulous. All such must, of ne- cessity, distract your attention. lie who is con- scious that another is watching his motions does not act with the same single-mindedness, and the same freedom, as he does who thinks himself alone. The idea of the judgment which the spectators will form seizes him from time to time, in spite of himself, and prevents him from concentrating all his faculties upon a single object. The more you are observed, with the less advantage will you magnetize. If there is a physician to whom you have imparted your attempt to pursue a magnetic treatment, and whom you have also engaged to attend when wanted, you will certainly have a desire to let him see your somnambulist, either to convince him of the effects which you produce, or to give him an opportunity of OF SOMNAMBULISM. 103 forming an opinion upon the character of the disease; but guard well against yielding to this conceit, which appears to have a useful purpose, though it really has its source in vanity. Nothing is more hurtful to a somnambulist than the presence of a physician who is not familiarized to the processes and the phenomena of Magnetism. The physician and the somnambulist do not speak the same lan- guage; they do not see in the same manner. Your somnambulist would wish to convince the physician; he will conduct his conversation with much address; he will seek to answer all difficulties; he will lose that simplicity which is necessary for his clairvoy- ance; he will depart from the line which nature has traced out for him; he will make use of all the re- sources of his wit; and, in the same degree, he will cease to have the faculties which are really useful to him. Give an account to the physician of what takes place, and you will do well; but limit your- self to a simple and sincere relation of facts. What he does not believe on your authority, he will be- lieve no better when he sees it, unless he has made experiments; and every experiment is extremely in- jurious. To the reasons which I have given for excluding all kinds of witnesses, I can add another, which is stronger than the others. There is in most somnambulists a development of sensibility, of which we can have no conception. They are susceptible of receiving influence from everything that surrounds them, and principally from living beings. They are not only affected by phys- ical emanations, or the effluvia of living bodies, but also, to a degree much more surprising, by the 104 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. thoughts and sentiments of those who surround them, or who are busy with them. If you are alone with a somnambulist, and any one is permitted to enter, the somnambulist generally perceives it. Sometimes the person who enters is indifferent to him; at other times he feels for lnm either a sympathy or an antipathy. In either case, it diminishes his concentrativeness. If he entertains a sympathy, his attention is divided; if an antipathy, he suffers. If the stranger is incredulous, and sus- pects the sincerity of the somnambulist, or makes a jest of what he sees, the somnambulist is troubled, and loses his lucidity. If many witnesses surround the somnambulist, and are occupied about him, the fluid of each one of them acts upon his organization; and, as these various fluids are not in harmony, he experiences discordant effects from them. If you have around you only the the persons who desire the cure of the patient, and if you magnetize them all to put them in communication, and all are in good health, the somnambulist may not be in the least dis- quieted. But it will be difficult to prevent many of the spectators from often occupying themselves with other things besides the patient. For, every time they occupy themselves with something else, they will break the communication; and these interrup- tions produce shocks (secousses), which disturb the tranquil reign of somnambulism. There is sometimes among the spectators some one who inspires the som- nambulist with a particular affection, of the most ex- alted kind; and that would turn him aside from his attention to himself: the will o'2 the magnetizer being no longer active, he does not exert the same control, and the somnambulism takes an irregular character OF SOMNAMBULISM. 105 The greater part of somnambulists, even in the hands of good magnetizers, havt lost a portion of their faculties, because many persons in succession have been permitted to see them. At the close of the preceding chapter, I said that, in a magnetic treatment, there ought to be only one will active, to which all others ought to be subordi- nate. This rule is especially to bp observed when you have somnambulistst M. de Puysegur has not failed to call attention to this; and yet many well- informed magnetizers do not pay sufficient regard to it. As to those who try it for the first time, it is almost impossible that they should feel the impor- tance of it, and that even the desire of enlightening themselves upon the means of doing more good should not mislead them from the path which would conduct the most surely to the accomplishment of their object. It is proper to enter into some details upon this head. When a person, who has no experience, obtains for the first time some of the singular effects which gen- erally precede lucid somnambulism, he thinks it would be useful to get acquainted with an expert enced magnetizer. If he finds one, he entreats him to come and assist at the sittings, to give him instruc- tions. This conduct, which is dictated by a very praiseworthy motive, is, nevertheless, in need of pre- caution; and I cannot point out the precautions ex- cept by recalling attention to two phenomena, the reality of which a great number of magnetic expert ments demonstrate. 1, Somnambulists, or the persons who are in a magnetic state, feel the influence of those who ap- 106 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. proach them, especially of those who have an active will. 2 Persons who are in the habit of magnetizing naturally emit the fluid from them, and act power- fully, even wdthout a determinate intention, upon those who are in the magnetic state. From this it follows that the presence of a mag- netizer is never a matter of indifference, and that, in certain circumstances, it might be more hurtful than that of one who comes out of curiosity. If the mag- netizer disapproves of any of your processes, if he counteracts your action in any manner whatever, he will do an injury to your somnambulist. This inconvenience can always be avoided if he is warned against it, if he is attentive to himself, and if, on your part, you take the necessary precautions. When, then, you desire to consult with a magnet- izer, and call him in to see your somnambulist, this magnetizer must put himself in communication with you; must submit his will to yours; must beware of acting alone; must occupy himself only in concurring in the good you wish to do; must not seek the rea- son of the processes you employ; must not pretend to direct you in anything; so that nothing shall affect your somnambulist except through you. When the sitting is ended, the magnetizer can make his obser- vations, and give you advice; and, after having re- flected upon the principles he has given you, you can adopt and make use of them. In my Critical History, book first, chapter fourth, I have related what took place the first time I pro- duced somnambulism. I was a mere novice. I in- vited a magnetizer, a pupil of Mesmer, and who had great power, to instruct me how to make my som- OF SOMNAMBULISM. 107 nambulist speak. He came to see him; he did not touch him; and yet he exercised such an influence upon him, that the course of the somnambulism was entirely deranged, and my young somnambulist, who had exhibited for several days the most extraordi- nary clairvoyance, ceased to manifest his different fac- ulties, to acquire suddenly that of expressing himself by words, and made no progress afterwards. May the instruction which I now give cause others to avoid the numerous faults I committed before I acquired experience of my own! I might here enter into many details relative to the essential character of somnambulism, the general cause of the imnumerable modifications it presents, the distinction between the states of wakefulness, sleep, and delirium, and to the transitions from one of these states to another; but I resolved to abstain from all theory, and limit myself to the giving of precepts which I believe correct, without explaining the reasons of my adopting them. I will then simply say: If your patient become a somnambulist, have near you only the witness whom you admitted at the com- mencement, and who is in communication with you. Refuse absolutely to show him to any curious person, and let no one approach him, except when it will be of utility, and with the precautions which I shall soon indicate. Put no questions to him except such as relate to his health, and graduate these questions so as not to fatigue him. Do not seek for wonderful effects; refrain, by all means, from relating those which you have seen. You can give yourself this satisfaction when the treatment is ended; but, until then, you ought to think only of the cure. 108 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. If your somnambulist prescribes remedies for him- self, you will contrive with him the means proper to be followed to induce him to take them when he is awakened. If among the remedies there are some that you can- not procure, or whose application presents too great difficulty, you will induce him to substitute others. If he request you to magnetize him at an hour or under cii’cumstances which render it impossible to you, you will explain to him the reasons that oppose it, and determine him to search out the means of supplying your presence, at the moment when he thinks it would be necessary to him. Some somnambulists, after having announced that their condition is very serious, consider it with a sort of indifference, and do not wish to give themselves the trouble of looking for a remedy. Others mani- ifest a reluctance to examine their disease. The sight of the disorder which they perceive in their internal organs affrights them. When this is the case, you must not partake of the fears of your som- nambulist. You must exert the power of your will to determine him to a very scrupulous examination of his complaint, to consider,without affright, the interior of his own body, as if it were not his own, and to make efforts to discover the means of cure. If you are calm, and know how to exert your will, your somnambulist will certainly cbey you; he will recover himself, and explain to you the actual danger, and the means of re- moving it. Perhaps you will not succeed in curing him: but you will procure him all the soothing influence pos- sible, and you will know to what you ought to direct your efforts. Do not lose hope, even when he assures you that his disease is incurable. Somnambulists have OF SOMNAMBULISM. 109 often said, at the first sittings, that it was impossi- ble to rescue them from death, and afterwards have found the means of restoration to health. When your somnambulist gives you a description of his disease, you must listen without interrupting him. You may afterwards . request him to explain more clearly, and more in detail, what you were not able to understand. You may interrogate him about things which you ought to be acquainted with in order to perform your own duty well, but you should go no farther. Ask him no anatomical ques- tions. He perceives the seat of his own disorder; he sees the lesion which exists in one part; but it is rare that he sees the situation, the form, and the tissue of his organs, especially of those which are not affected. If you make him talk beyond this, you will obtain from him only vague and perhaps erroneous views. He will not make a mistake either in foretelling a crisis, in pointing out a remedy, or in describing the effects it will produce; but he could easily give you explanations which would be ridiculous in proportion to the interest you display in hearing them. You do not interrogate your somnambulist to dissipate your doubts, for you ought not to have doubts; if you have, you would magnetize very badly; nor is it to satisfy your curiosity, for this would withdraw you from the principal object; nor is it, finally, to acquire a knowl- edge of physiology, anatomy, or medicine; for what a somnambulist says, is not applicable to any but him- self. Confine yourself to the knowledge of what is requisite for his restoration, and take cai’e not to let his imagination dwell upon things foreign to this ob- ject. If he busies himself about persons absent, bring him back to what concerns himself, without 110 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. permitting yourself to wonder at the faculty he pos- sesses of seeing at a distance, and without seeking new proofs of this faculty. Some circumstances authorize the magnetizer to admit some one to his treatment; there are also some which make it his duty to do it. I will give exam- ples, and show how one ought to conduct himself in such cases. If your somnambulist often mentions to you a person who interests him, and desires you to bring him in, and you see no inconvenience in doing it, you may yield to his wish. Thus a woman in the magnetic state might be continually dwelling upon her daughter, whose state of health gives her anxiety, and to whom she wishes to give advice. Do not re- fuse to let her enter, and put her in communication. The same might be said of a husband, or an intimate friend. If your somnambulist gives proofs of remarkable lucidity, and affirms that he is able to know the dis- ease of another, as well as his own, and if a consulta- tion would not fatigue him, you could consent to it, in order to render service to one who desires it, and has confidence. But these consultations ought to be rare, and you ought never to permit two to be held the same day. You ought also to avoid trusting the di- rection of many patients at a time to a somnambu- list. He can hardly take the same interest in all, iden- tify himself alternately with each, and manage them well. As to the rest, it depends upon the faculties of the somnambulists.* In all cases, it is necessary to avoid fatiguing them. * The sensibility, the clairvoyance, the power of attention, differ pro- digiously in different somnambulists, and in the same somnambulists at various times. OF SOMNAMBULISM. 111 Before introducing a patient to your somnambulist, you will let him touch something that the patient has worn, so that he may tell you whether he feels any repugnance to it, and whether he sees any danger in being put in communication with him. When you have introduced the patient, you will require him to speak only of his health; and if the conversation takes another turn, you will oppose it. You will not permit any one to give your somnam- bulist any token of gratitude; he should not be moved by any other desire than that of doing good. You will not suffer your somnambulist to be mag- netized indiscriminately by any person. The som- nambulists who are in communication with several magnetizers end by losing their lucidity. If indispensable business forces you to interrupt the treatment of your somnambulist, have an under- standing 'with him to find some one to supply your place. Should the interruption be only for a few days, the magnetizer taking your place should act only in your name, according to your views and your method, and under your direction. If the interrup- tion is to be of long continuance, you should give up your somnambulist entirely. If your somnambulist has caprices, you will oppose them by letting him know your will, without dispute. Never suffer him to get the upper hand of you. You ought to yield all that will conduce to his good, and resist his fantastic notions. You are for him an attentive and benevolent, but a just and inflexible, providence. If your somnambulist has mental troubles which aggravate his malady, seek with him the means of easing them. You will console him, and profit by 112 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. his confidence to relieve his anxieties, and destroy the cause. If he has any inclinations which you dis- approve of, employ your ascendency in vanquishing them. You must avoid, most carefully, penetrating into the secrets of your somnambulist, when it is not evi- dently useful to him to have these secrets known to you. I need not add that, if he tells you anything which he would not have told you in the ordinary state, you will never permit yourself to impart it to any person, not even to your most intimate friend. I have already said that, if the somnambulist pre- scribes for himself remedies which appear improper for this state, the magnetizer ought not to depend upon his first suggestion. I ought to insist upon this point. It is very rare that a somnambulist orders for him- self a remedy which would be injurious to him, or mistakes in regard to the doses; yet this may hap- pen, for there are instances of it; and though it happen but once in a thousand times, it would be a sufficient reason for taking the greatest precautions. I am going to explain the possible causes of mistakes, and the means of preventing the consequences. The state of somnambulism is not always accom- panied with a perfect clairvoyance; and that clair- voyance, when it is manifested in the most surprising manner, i§ often relative to a certain order of ideas, and variable in its intensity. For the proper exer- cise of it, the somnambulist must concentrate his faculties upon a single object, without distraction, without trouble, without the intervention of any foreign influence to change the direction of his mind. It is necessary that the interest he takes in the ob- OF SOMNAMBULISM. 113 ject which occupies his mind, should determine him to make efforts of attention, to vanquish his indolence, and free himself from all the prejudices of his ordinary- state. One might tell me that the interest which the somnambulist takes in his own health will prevail with him over every other consideration; that he will see his own body more distinctly than anything else; and, if there be in him an instinctive faculty, he will exercise it upon his own wants. This would appear to be the case, but it is not always so. Many somnambulists, either through vanity or ex- cess of benevolence, are more fond of being busy about others than about themselves. Others are un- willing to examine their own disease and the conse- quences it may have. Others, again, seem to set lit- tle value upon their cure. They think they shall be more happy when their souls shall be freed from the bondage of matter. The magnetizer, instead of being amazed at this species of exaltation, should employ all the power of his will to bring it to an end, and to induce the somnambulist to be occupied only with his own health. All that I have said in this chapter tends to show the importance of these prin- ciples; and if my readers have confidence in me, they will keep themselves free from enthusiasm, which is much more dangerous than incredulity. But suppose a somnambulist is occupied only about his own physical state, and his own cure; suppose his clairvoyance is real, and he speaks from his actual perceptions, and not from anterior impressions; he may, nevertheless, commit an error in the treatment he prescribes for himself. This is owing to a cause to which it is proper to call attention. It often happens that a patient, when put into a 114 state of somnambulism, is afflicted at the same time with several very dangerous diseases, and that the treatment which is proper for one is not proper for another. The somnambulist at first is employed upon the organ the most affected—the most severe and painful malady; he fixes his attention upon that which gives him the most uneasiness, and, in conse- quence, prescribes remedies for himself, Avithout ex- amining whether they are not otherwise injurious. I have lately .seen an instance of this. A somnambulist whose lungs where affected, and Avhose stomach was much impaired, ordered for her stomach a remedy which would have probably aggravated the disease of the lungs. The magnetizer made some observa- tions to her about it; she agreed that these observa- tions Avere just; she put off the use of the remedy she had prescribed for herself; and, fifteen days afterwards, she cried out, of her oavii accord, “ How glad I am that you did not permit me to take the medicine I thought of taking; now the state of my lungs allows me to make use of it.” She was, in fact, cured. She would not have been, if the mag- netizer had been less prudent. It may be laid down as a general rule, that, when the somnambulist is at- tacked by several diseases, he is naturally induced to fix his attention upon that Avhich appears to him the most serious. Some precautions will now be ghren by which you may be sure of preventing the dangers springing from too much precipitation, or from blind con- fidence. When your somnambulist prescribes for himself a remedy which ajDpears to be unsuitable to his con. dition, you will make your objections to him; you ANIMAL MAGNETISM. OF SOMNAMBULISM. 115 will engage him to examine the state of his organs successively, and with the greatest attention, and give you an account of them. You will request him to explain the reasons which have induced him to choose the remedy in question, and to describe ac- curately the effects he anticipates from it. You will present him the medicine, and make him touch and taste it. You will request him to tell what a dose should be, not only by the name of the measure or weight, but by showing you the quantity which he wishes to take. If, after all these precautions, he persists, you may depend upon him. It seems impossible to me that, in the state of somnambulism, an individual should entertain the criminal project of putting an end to his own exist- ence; and I could not believe that, after having care- fully examined a deleterious substance, he would not reject it. Yet if it should happen that the prescrip- tion of a somnambulist may put his life in imminent danger, the magnetizer, it is evident, ought not to conform to it. Repeated proofs of great clairvoy- ance and purity of intention are, doubtless, powerful motives of confidence. But they do not give us the entire certainty, which alone may authorize us to make use of an unknown means, where an error would be attended with fatal consequences.* Somnambulists often prescribe for themselves remedies of which they have heard, or of which they * An epileptic patient, who was under magnetic treatment at the Salpe- triere Hospital, declared the only means of curing her would be to excite in her, in the most critical circumstances, and by violent means, a sudden fright, which wonkl naturally put her life in the greatest danger. For three months she insisted upon the same thing. They finally resolved to follow her advice, and the result was a cure. But they who did this were ablo physicians. They knew the desperate state of the patient; they had never 116 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. have formerly made trial. In place of these one might substitute others much more efficacious. You should then call their attention to what appears more proper for them, and discuss the motives of their choice. Many things might be added in relation to the di- rection of somnambulists; but I think they will be naturally deduced from the principles wdiich I have laid down. I return to the manner of applying the processes when somnambulism has been induced. The somnambulist always indicates the processes which are proper for him; so that there can be no un- certainty about them. These processes are some- times very laborious and very fatiguing to the mag- netizer; they demand from him patience, courage, and devotedness; yet they are indispensable to de- velop and happily terminate a crisis, essential to the eure: but this is very seldom. The greater part of the time, nature labors alone during somnambulism, and you have no need of doing anything more than to hold the thumbs of the somnambulist, or place your hand upon his knees, or even to be busy about him. You need not magnetize him longer than he judges useful, on the days and at the hour he intimates. If it is essential not to interrupt a crisis at its com- mencement, it is often injurious to prolong it beyond the necessary time. seen her make mistakes; they judged that the shock indicated might pro- duce a salutary crisis, which could not be obtained by any other means; and their profession authorized them to calculate the chances of danger and success. A magnetizer, who was not a physician, would not have been able to assume such a responsibility. OP SOMNAMBULISM. 117 There are somnambulists who fear the impression of too strong a light. I have seen some of them who caused themselves to be bandaged across the eyes; but there are others who experience fatigue by clos- ing the eyelids, and who request to have their eyes opened. The magnetizer succeeds in doing this by making passes across the eyes, without its diminishing the intensity of somnambulism. The somnambulist then seems to be in his natural state; but it is nec- essary to watch over him with the precautions he in- dicates. There are cases when this non-apparent somnambulism can be very useful, as we shall soon see. When we wish to ask the somnambulist a question, it is necessary to explain our will by words. Good somnambulists understand the will without our speaks ing to them. But why should we employ this mode when there is no need of it? It is an experiment; and it is a rule which every one ought to adopt, to in- terdict all experiment. I agree that there are cases where it is expedient to employ only the influence of the will. For instance, there may be near you a third person, and you perceive your somnambulist, who thinks himself alone with you, about to say tilings which this third person ought not to know; you will impose silence by your will. At the ciose of the sitting, when you wish to waken your somnambulist, you will first make passes along the legs to free the head; then you will make some across the eyes, to open them, saying to him, u Wake /” The eyes often remain shut after the somnambulist is awakened. You will bring them from this condition by patiently passing your fingers many times across them Then you will disperse the fluid from the 118 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. head, and from the rest of the body, by passes made crosswise at a distance, in order to scatter and shake it off. You will have the precaution to continue this until your somnambulist shall be perfectly roused from sleep. It is of the very greatest consequence to establish a line of demarcation, well defined, between the state of somnambulism, and the natural state of wakeful- ness. The somnambulist, when he is awakened, ought to preserve nothing—positively nothing—of the sen- sations which he experienced, nor of the ideas which occupied him, in somnambulism. Somnambulism, prolonged beyond the necessary time, imparts a ner- vous susceptibility, which is attended with great incon- veniences; it ought to cease after the cure. If it should continue and renew itself spontaneously, it would itself be a disease. I have already noticed that it would always be ex- pedient, as far as possible, to let the patient remain ignorant that he has been a somnambulist; and that, excepting certain very rare cases, it is proper never to repeat what he may have uttered; for it would establish between the ideas of the natural state and those of somnambulism a relation which is con- trary to the natural order, and which equally al- ters the habitual faculties and the somnambulic faculties. If you know how to control yourself by your own will, your patient will never be informed of anything which you think ought to be kept from him. Somnambulists, perfectly abstracted, whose interior faculties have acquired great energy, are often found in a frame of mind of which you might avail yourself advantageously to make them follow a course of regi- OF SOMNAMBULISM. 119 men, or to make them do thing3 useful for them, but contrary to their habits and inclinations. The mag- netizer can, after it has been mutually agreed upon, impress upon them, while in the somnambulic state, an idea or a determination which will influence them in the natural state, without their knowing the cause. For instance, the magnetizer will say to the somnam- bulist, “ You icill return home at such an hour’ you, unit not go this evening to the theatre; you will clothe yourself in such a manner; you will take your medi- cines without being obstinate; you will take no liquor; you icill drink no coffee; you will occupy yourself no longer in such a thing; you will dribe away such a fear; you will forget such a thing” The somnam- bulist will be naturally induced to do what has been thus perscribed. He will recollect it without suspect- ing it to be anything moi’e than a recollection of what you have ordered for his benefit; he will have a desire for what you have advised him, and a dislike to what you have interdicted. Take advantage of this empire of your will, and of this concert with him, solely for the benefit of the patient. Your will probably acts merely in modifying his, and you might obtain from him the performance of indifferent things, to which he would devote himself to please you; but this would be contrary to the spirit and design of Magnetism. You may often find it in your power, wdiile your patient is in the somnambulic state, to induce him to take a medicine for which he has a repugnance. I have seen a lady, who had a horror at the sight of leeches, cause them to be applied to her feet during somnambulism, and say to her magnetizer, “Prevent me from looking at my feet when I awake.’* In fact, 120 animal magnetism. she never suspected that any one had applied leeches to her. Many somnambulists are endowed with inconceiv- able address, and can perform certain operations as well as the best surgeons. I am acquainted with a lady, who, in the state of somnambulism, opened a swell- ing beneath her breast, and dressed the wound until it was healed. This address of somnambulists can be useful to others as well as to themselves, especially when it is accompanied with clairvoyance; there are some cases, even, when they can render the greatest service. I will instance a midwife, who, having become a som- nambulist during a disease for which she caused her- self to be magnetized, preserved the same faculties after her restoration to health. When she is called to exercise her profession, if the case appears to pre- sent any difficulties, she goes to her magnetizer, who puts her into somnambulism, and opens her eyes. She declared to me that, in this state, she could act with much more address, strength and certainty. In January last, she in this manner very successfully de- livered of three children a woman whose state was very dangerous. Among the phenomena which somnambulism often presents, there is one from which persons might, under certain circumstances, derive a great advan- tage. It is that of absolute insensibility. There are many somnambulists that one could pinch and prick very hard without their feeling it. One of the som- nambulists that were in the Salpetriere Hospital re- ceived no impression from a bottle of sal volatile ap- plied to her nose; and, when experiments in Magnet- ism were applied at the Hotel Dieu Hospital, moxas OF SOMNAMBULISM. 121 were applied to two somnambulists, who were not awakened by them. Persons have concluded, from these dangerous experiments, that, if a surgical opera- tion were neccessary to a patient susceptible of Mag- netism, it might be done without causing pain; and it is true in certain cases. But, althc ugh this insen- sibility is displayed by nearly all somnambulists who have been at the Hotel Dieu and the Salpetriere, it is far from being general. I am even inclined to think it would never occur, if the magnetizers did not overcharge their subjects, and if they took care to preserve the harmony of the system. My som- nambulists have never exhibited it to me. On the contrary, their sensibility was more delicate than in the natural state; the contact of a body not magnet- ized was disagreeable to them; and the touch of a stranger gave them a great deal of pain. I am also certain that somnambulists have experienced convulsions, and have been awaked, by having been roughly touched by some one who was not in com- munication. I know that a magnetizer can by his will paralyze any limb of his somnambulist; but he ought never to permit himself the trial of this experiment. As to the rest, if a patient has need of an operation that is painful, we should learn from him whether it ought to be performed during somnambulism, or during the natural state, and what precautions ought to be taken to insure success. The absolute insensibility of the organs of sense and of those of motion, united to the exaltation of senti- ment and of thought, is sometimes a symptom that life is drawing towards the brain and the epigastrium. The spirit ,seems then to disengage itself from the 122 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. organs, and the somnambulist becomes independent of the will of the magnetizer. This state, to which the name of ecstasy, or may- netic exaltation, has been given, and which many German authors have considered as the most elevated state of Magnetism, is exceedingly dangerous. You could not suddenly wake one who is in it, and if you should succeed in doing it, he would remain in a state of excessive weakness, and perhaps of paralysis, which you could not put an end to without great ex- ertion. I cannot, then, recommend too strongly to magnetizers to oppose the development of this crisis. I believe even that it would hardly ever present it- self, if the somnambulist were to busy himself only about his own health, and if one were to take care to free the head, and to re-establish harmony, when he sees the limbs stiffen and become insensible. I shall return hereafter to this subject. The details into which I have entered appear suf- ficient to make you acquainted with somnambulism, as it frequently presents itself in the course of a mag- netic treatment, and with the means of directing it to a useful purpose, and of avoiding its inconveni- ences. I have also said, with sufficient distinctness, that this crisis, if you oppose the workings of nature, might become as hurtful as it would be salutary if you have the wisdom to listen to her and aid her. X know that some instances of success obtained by im- prudent rashness might be cited; but these instances are rare. Wise cautiousness can never be a disad- vantage; and when we desert it, we expose ourselves to the greatest dangers. There remains, then, noth- ing essential to say upon the application of somnam- bulism to the treatment of diseases; and when I com- OF SOMNAMBULISM. 123 mencfed writing this chapter it did not enter into my plan to go farther.* I resolved to pass over in si- lence the extraordinary phenomena. I thought that those who had not seen analogous ones would regard me as a visionary; and that such a reputation would not only be afflictive to me, but might also put an obstacle in the way of my doing the good which I wish to do; for people will be guided by the coun- sels of a man subject to illusions no more than by those of a man void of good faith. But after hav- ing devoted reflection to it, I thought it my duty to yield to more important considerations, and to ele- vate myself above the fears excited by self-love. I am determined, then, to speak of a very singular state, because it may be presented to others as it has been to me and to many of my friends, and which it is important to know, that it may not be confounded with the exaltation, of which I have already pointed out the danger, and that its development may not be counteracted. I am first going to describe the species of somnam- bulism of which I wish to speak. I will then tell how one ought to conduct himself with those who have reached that state, if he would derive any advantage from it, to them or to himself. * Various somnambulists exhibit very different phenomena; and the only distinctive and constant cham ter of somnambulism is the existence of a new mode of perception. For instance, there are abstracted somnambu- lists; there are others who are not. Some of them exhibit a species of at- traction like magnetic needles; others have only the internal faculties. Some of them have all the sensations concentrated at the epigastrium; others make use of some of their senses. There are, finally, some of them, who, after waking, preserve for a certain time the recollection of the impres- sions they have received, and of the ideas they have had during the crisis. I was obliged to limit myself to explain what takes place most commonly, and to teach what it is necessary to know to assist nature, and to derive from somnambulism the greatest advantage. 124 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. In this state the circulation is regular, the heat is equal through all the body, and the members preserve their sensibility. The somnambulist is so thoroughly in communication with his magnetizer as to read his thoughts, but receives no impression through the organs of sense. It is no longer the sensation which produces ideas; on the contrary, it is the ideas which produce sensations. In the ordinary state, every- thing parts from the circumference to reach the cen- tre; in this, everything parts from the centre to reach the circumference; and this circumference sometimes extends to illimitable distances. But it is not this which characterizes the degree of somnam- bulism of which I speak. It is the absolute indiffer- ence to what appertains to terrestrial objects, to the interests of fortune, or of reputation. It is the ab- sence of the passions and the opinions by which one is governed in the ordinary state, and of even all ac- quired ideas, of which they can very well preserve the recollection, but to which they no longer attach importance. It is the little interest that they take in life; it is a novel manner of viewing objects; it is a quick and direct judgment, accompanied with an intimate conviction. The somnambulist appears to have lost the faculties by which we are directed; the impressions and notions which come from without do not reach him; but, during the silence which he observes in regard to what is foreign to his soul, he feels within himself the development of a new light, whose rays are darted upon all that excites in him a real interest. At the same time, the sentiment of conscientiousness is aroused, and determines the judgment which he ought to form. Thus the som- nambulist possesses at the same time the torch which OF SOMNAMBULISM. 125 gives him his light, and the compass that points out his way. This torch and this compass are not the product of somnambulism; they are always in us; but the distracting cares of this world, the passions, and, above all, pride, and attachment to perishable things, prevent us from perceiving the one and con- sulting the other. When the somnambulist has reached this degree of exaltation, his manner of speaking is almost al- ways different from that which he has in his ordinary state. His diction is pure and simple, elegant and precise; his manner unimpassioned; everything an- nounces in him a state of tranquillity, a distinct view of that of which he speaks, and an entire con- viction of its reality. You perceive in his discourse not the least of what is called excitement or enthu siasm; and I insist on this point, because those who have spoken of this state without having seen it have supposed it to have a character opposed to what it really has, and which even serves to distin- guish it. In this new situation, the mind is filled with re- ligious ideas, with which, perhaps, it was never be- fore occupied. He sees everywhere the action of Providence. This life appears to him only a jour- ney, during which we ought to collect what is nec- essary for us in our everlasting mansions. The inde- pendence of the soul, the liberty of man, immortal- ity, are to him evident truths. He is convinced that God hears us; that prayer is the most efficacious means of obtaining his aid, and dissipating the ais around us, or at least of turning them to ouradvan- tage. Taking care to make our labors on earth, as Well a? the troubles we experience, acceptable to 126 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. God, appears to him a means of moral improvement Charity is for him the first of virtues—that which affords us the easy means of expiating our sins, and which often suffices to obtain their remission. He is so much penetrated with it that he forgets himself for others, and no sacrifice for the sake of doing good costs him too much. This sentiment of benev- olence is extended to all, and he make supplications for those who hold opinions the most opposite to his own. Sometimes the prodigious difference he per- ceives between his new manner of viewdng objects and that which he had in his ordinary state, the new lights which shine for him, the new faculties with which he finds himself endowed, the immensity of the horizon which is spread before his eyes, persuade him that he is inspired; what he says seems to him dictated by a voice from within; what he sees is shown to him; he regards himself as the organ of a superior intelligence, but this does not excite his vanity. He delights to reflect in silence, and he speaks to you only to say things useful for your moral direction. Happy the man who has chanced to meet a som- nambulist of this kind! for there is no means of bringing forth from an ordinary somnambulist the faculties I have just described. It is a horologe fabricated by nature; we can easily disturb its movements, but we can neither set it a-going, nor regulate it, because we are unacquainted with its springs. We must consult it, but we must not per- mit ourselves to touch it for the purpose of accelerat- ing or retarding its motion. If, then, you see the state of which I am speaking manifest itself, you should listen attentively to your OF SOMNAMBULISM. 127 somnambulist. You will put no question; for the moment you design to direct him, you will cause him to leave the sphere in which he is; you will turn aside his faculties from the object for which they are destined, and transport him into an immense field of illusions. The power of your will, however great it may be, cannot force him to see beyond the circle in which he is placed. If you mingle your ideas with his, your conjectures with his perceptions, you will obscure his clairvoyance. The only mode for you to pursue, is to favor its development and its application. It is the confidence and the simplicity that you show, not by your words, but by the dis- position of your soul, which has need of no expres- sion in order to be perceived and recognized by him. Without doubt, some person will say to me, where is the proof that this state of my somnam- bulist is not owing to a peculiar disposition of his imagination, which causes him to mistake chimerical ideas for correct notions? Ought I to withdraw my reason to grant him a blind confidence? And how shall I assure myself of the truth of what he tells me, if I do not combat his opinions in order to hear his replies, and appreciate their correctness and their worth ? ” I will answer you in this manner: I am very far from advising you to renounce your reason in order to adopt the ideas and follow the instructions of a somnambulist. On the contrary, your reason and good sense must combine the whole, and your decis- ion must spring from their proper exercise. But it is necessary to point out two conditions. While your somnambulist is giving utterance to his ideas, you will let him speak without interruption. You 128 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. will not only make no objection, but you will banish from your mind all those which suggest themselves to you. You will not exert your will to influence or direct him. You will not demand of him an explana tion of what he has told you, except when you have not well understood. You will not desire to know what he wishes to teach you of Ins own accord. You will also try not to be astonished at what appears to you extraordinary. You will not seek to penetrate into that which appears incomprehensible. You will, above all, avoid putting your somnambulist to the proof, and taking indirect means to ascertain Ins clairvoyance. You will listen to him with seif for- getfulness, confidence, and simplicity, as a child ns tens to a mother when she relates things to form his heart and his understanding, while amusing his mind But after he has re-entered the ordinary state, and you are away from him, you will recapitulate all he has told you; you will examine the connection of Ins ideas; you will appreciate the correctness of Ins reasonings; you will weigh the degree of utility in his instructions. You can then indulge your aston- ishment at the penetration with which he has read your heart; at the sincerity of his wishes for your real happiness; at the exactitude which he has shown you while speaking of a past event with which he was not acquainted; at the probability of his pre visions of the future, which it is useful for you to know. But th is astonishment should not produce conviction. Tie more marvellous a fact is the more we ought to fear being seduced by appearances; >o mistrust the impression they first make upon us, and search out the circumstances that may give them a natural explanation. OF SOMNAMBULISM. 129 Man} somnambulists, when their faculties were exa.ted. have been known to read the thoughts of otners, to have previsions, to be exempt from vanity, and moved solely by the desire of enlightening others; and yet to be the dupes of illusions which are mingled with the most luminous perceptions. You ought, then, to ascertain that his opinions are not produced by old impressions on the memory, by the prejudices of early youth, by lectures or conver- sations which have formerly acted temporarily upon his mind; finally, that no exterior influence has con- tributed to impart a peculiar character to his manner of viewing things.* If, in all he tells you, there is nothing which cannot be verified, you w'ill evidently perceive that he is not deceived, that the torch by which he is enlightened is not an ignis fatuus. Then your confidence will be excited by a train of facts and observations which determine your reasoning; and not by discourses more or less eloquent; by ex- hortations more or less affecting; by phenomena which are inexplicable, but which are seen elsewhere; nor by images and descriptions more or less calcu- lated to move you. It should be only after this ex- * There are somnambulists who retrace with surprising facility the ideas which they received m their infancy, and upon whom these ideas exercise more control than those which they have since acquired. A very lucid somnambulist, magnetized by M. de Lausanne, afforded me a remarkable instance of this phenomenon. She was a woman about forty years old. She was bom at St. Domingo, from whence she came to France at the age of six or seven years, and she had never afterwards been among Creoles. As soon as she was in the somnambulic state, she absolutely spoke nothing but the peculiar dialect (patois) which she had learned from the negress who had nursed her. In these recollections of infancy, in this return to- wards the first years of life, we must search for the cause of the opinions of some somnambulists. There are some of them who seem to forget the no- tions they have acquired by reason and observation, as they retrograde by degrees towards the period when their minds were but as smooth tablets. 130 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. animation, made in the spirit of reflection and in solitude, that you should form your judgment. It is essential that your belief should be supported by facts well demonstrated to your own mind, so that no objection may afterwards present itself which has not been settled beforehand; because this belief, far from being a fugitive opinion, ought in certain respects to decide your conduct. Then, if it happens that your somnambulist enters several times in succession into the same state, you will continue to hear him without any expression of thankfulness or approbation, but with a desire to profit by what he will tell you; and perhaps you will find in him a guide who will not lead you astray. He will, at least, convince you of the existence of an order of things different from the present order, and will bring you acquainted with the source of pure and durable felicity, which nothing external, terres- trial, and transient, can impart. The species of somnambulism which I have just de- scribed is extremely rare, and many persons will think that, in a work designed to teach the use of Mag- netism, I ought to have abstained from speaking of it, because there is little probability of its being pre- sented to my readers. To this I answer, that, if this state is rare, it is our own fault; it doubtless supposes an unusual development of the soul’s faculties; but this development frequently takes place, and nearly all those who have practised Magnetism have had it more or less in their power to observe it. If it has not been attended with that pure lucidity of which I have seen examples, it is because they have disturbed or turned aside the natural tendency. I am per- suaded that, out of ten somnambulists, who, left to OP SOMNAMBULISM. 131 themselves, would reach this state, nine have been thrust into a false direction. Their astonishing fac- ulties have then made them run over a thousand paths in the vast domain of the imagination. Hence it has resulted that, among those who have had op- portunity to see this extraordinary somnambulism, some have regarded it as the result of a communica- tion with spirits; some, as a gift of prophecy; others, as the effect of the soul’s exaltation; others, again, as a transient insanity. Sometimes we perceive in it illusions of the strangest kind, without any real foun- dation; sometimes a mixture of superstitious notions with very astonishing previsions; sometimes meta- phoric language and incoherent images; and people have formed various judgments of this state, according as they were most struck with what was presented of light and truth, or of darkness and illusions. Noth- ing of this would have existed, if the somnambulist had been well directed, or, rather, if he had not been led astray by the ignorance, the vanity, the curiosity, of his magnetizer; if the natural chain of his ideas had not been interrupted, to occupy him in subjects which were absolutely alien to him. The greater part of my readers will, without doubt, judge that I labor under an illusion in relation to the phenomena of which I have just given an account; and I ought the more to expect it, because I would not myself believe until I had been an eye-witness. I did not perceive their reality till very late, and long after I had published my Ceitical Histoey; but then they were frequently renewed before my eyes, and I am well convinced that I should have seen them sooner, if I had conducted myself with more single- ness of purpose. Those who will follow the instruc- 132 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. tions I have given will have the same happiness that I have had, and this consideration alone has deter- mined me to give them precautions, by taking which they will profit by the favorable circumstances, and not let slip an opportunity which does not occur when we search for it. but which we may seize when it comes in our way. 1 ought, further, to mention that this state is rarely much prolonged; and that the magnetizer has no power whatever to reproduce it, when it has ceased to manifest itself When the somnambulist has told you what he deemed important to tell you, his clair- voyance ceases, or at least is no longer engaged upon things of the same nature. You must profit by the moment. I do not pretend in any manner to discover the causes of the phenomena about which I have spoken.. Every one can explain them as he chooses. The wisest way is not to search for an explanation. For in our waking state we can very well recognize, by the effects, the existence of a new faculty in somnam- bulists; but we can no more determine the nature of it, than they who are blind from birth can conceive the phenomena of vision Perhaps some one will ask of me, whether the som- nambulists of whom I speak could not give us some light on the doj mas of religion, on the choice between the various fo ms of worship, and on certain ques- tions which ha re unhappily divided mankind. I can merely answer that I do not believe they can. But it is too essent ai an object to forewarn my readers against a curiosity always useless and often danger- ous, for me to neglect adding some observations m this place to the principles I have already laid down. OF SOMNAMBULISM. 133 These details will also serve to make them the jnore easily distinguish the species of somnambulism to which I have called their attention. I have said that the somnambulist is illumina'ted by a light which our spirit received from God when it received its existence. This light, anterior to human education, shows to man that which is the foundation of all religion, as the conscience unveils to him that which is the foundation of all morals; but it teaches him revealed dogmas no more than it does positive laws. What are the truths which are shown with evi- dence to the somnambulist? The existence, the om- nipotence, the bounty, of the Creator; the immortal- ity of the soul; the certainty of another life; the recompense of the good, the punishment of the evil, which we have done in this; Providence, the neces- sity and the efficacy of prayer, the pre-eminence of charity over the other virtues; to which is joined the consoling idea that those who have preceded us on earth, and who have merited the enjoyment of eter- nal happiness, hear our wishes, take an interest in us, and may be our intercessors before God; the pro- found conviction that God never refuses to enlighten us in what we ought to know, when, submittted to His will, we ask aid of Him; the firm persuasion of the utility of worship, which, by uniting men to render homage to God, prescribes rules and practice to all, by which they pray in concert to obtain the blessings of Heaven. These are the ideas common to all religious somnambulists. They go not beyond that, which is to urge you, in a general man- ner, to fulfil the duties which religion imposes upon you. But, when you are once imbued with these 134 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. principles, will you fail to have the means of instruc- tion, to know what you ought to believe and what you ought to practice ? “ But,” says some one, “ I would like very much to interrogate my somnambulist, and profit by his knowledge, to dissipate this or that doubt, to answer this or that objection.” You will gain nothing; you will even lose the advantages which you might de- rive from his lucidity. It is very possible that you could make him speak upon all the subjects of your indiscreet curiosity; but in that case, as I have already warned you, you will make him leave his own sphere to introduce him into yours. He will no longer have any other resources than yourself. He will utter to you very eloquent discourses, but they will no more be dictated by the internal in- spirations. They will be the product of his recol- lections, or of his imagination; perhaps you will also rouse his vanity, and then all is lost; he will not re-enter the circle from which he has wandered. And how can you suppose that a light which is in- nate in all men should throw its rays beyond that of revelation ? Is it not enough that it brings us to rec- ognize the advantages of this revelation ? If you are in an obscure labyrinth, your guide makes use of his torch; but as soon as he has conducted you to the place where the light of the sun is shining, his torch is useless. If, in embarrassing circumstances, you have to decide between different duties, your som- nambulist may enlighten you, but if you say to him, “Is it permitted me to avoid paying such a tax?” he will merely answer, “ Consult the laws.” I know very well that somnambulists have been, and are now, known to discourse about religion, and OF SOMNAMBULISM. 135 even about the socia1 organization; but they do not resemble those ol whom 1 have just spoken, the imagination controlling al! their other faculties; their manner of utterance, and the expression of their features, stamp them as enthusiasts. The two states cannot be confounded, if you will but conform to the rule? 1 have given. Moreover, these somnambulists are evidently influenced by the persons who surround them, by the circumstances in which they are placed. The errors tc which they are subject, the illusions of which they are the sport, the extravagances which they utter result from a nervous excitement which they would never have if the faculties had been naturally developed, in silence, solitude, and freedom from external influence.* Many enlightened men among those who are en- gaged in physiology, and who have some notion of the phenomena of Magnetism, will not fail to affirm that the state which I have described is only one of * I have said that the somnambulist, when arrived at the highest degree of concentration, sometimes imagines himself to be inspired ; but he can impart no idea of the beings to whom he thinks he owes this inspiration. When a somnambulist has visions they ought to be considered as phantoms, like those which are witnessed in dreams. Bodies only have forms. If spirits could communicate with us, it would be by exerting an immediate influence upon our souls. Socrates, who believed himself inspired by a good genius, affirmed that w? could no more see it than anything else which is divine. (See Plutarch,“ The Demon of Socrates," section 35.) He said that we could have an internal voice, because thought is manifested to us only by language. In somnambulism the sensibility which is proper to the organs of the internal life is exalted from the latent state in which it is ; it becomes per- ceptible, and these organs are then the instruments of our soul, as Doctor Bertrand has very well stated it in his Treatise on Somnambulism. But this new mode of perception may lead us into error, as does that which we enjoy in the ordinary state. It is then important to distinguish what appertains to the natural development of the intellectual faculties and the motions fur- nished by the new instruments, from what may be produced by the imagina- tion or by a foreign influence. I have endeavored to impart the means to avoid confounding these two classes of phenomena. 136 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. the varieties of ordinary somnambulism, which dif- fers from others in the concentration of mind upon religious ideas, and that this does not prove anything to establish the truth of the opinions held by those who enter into that state. I will not discuss this question, because it is not the design of this work to inquire into the nature of the magnetic phenomena, nor to prove the truth of the notions they impart to us. 1 have merely intended to point out how the peculiar state which I have made known ought to be observed when it occurs, and what line of conduct ought to be pursued so as not to trouble or change its direction. Those who see it as I have, and take the proper precautions, will soon decide for them- selves as to the degree of confidence to be placed in it. I wished to teach the mode of avoiding the errors springing from ourselves; but I do not pre- tend to point out the sure characteristics of truth. I have told when and how the facts might be ob- served; but it is for each one to draw from these facts, by the use of his own reason, the consequences which appear to him the most probable and the best founded. I will merely call attention to the fact, that the doctrine which somnambulists, in the high- est state of concentration and abstraction (isole- merit), have laid down, is as far removed from mys- ticism as from materialism, as much opposed to in- tolerance as to incredulity; that it makes no innova- tions, and merely confirms opinions uttered at all times by some of the sages; that, far from proscrib- ing philosophy, it brings it into accordance with re- ligion, finally, that, whether it be regarded as the product of the imagination, or as inspired by the in- ternal sentiment, we are forced to agree that the 137 consequences flowing from it inspire a high idea of the dignity of man, favor the happiness of individ- uals, and tend to establish peace and harmony in society. It is pleasant, it is delightful, to have one more reason for expecting another life, to believe that Providence watches over us, that our afflictions, supported with resignation, will have a recompense; that all men, the children of a common parent, ought to be united by the bonds of charity; that those who have preceded us on earth hear our wishes, and fake an interest in ns; and that the good will one day be united in a communion of sentiments and en- joyments, wdiere the delights of pure affection, and the torch of truth unobscured, will crown the desires of our souls, which were created for knowledge and love. Among the men who are engaged in Magnetism there are, unhappily, some materialists. I cannot conceive how it is that some of the phenomena of which they have been witnesses, such as the power of seeing at a distance, prevision, the action of the will, the communication of thought without the aid of external signs, have not appeared to them suffi- cient proofs of the spirituality of the soul. But, finally, their opinion is opposite to mine; they are sincere, because they have no object in sustaining it; they are better instructed than I am in the physical sciences; my arguments cannot change their manner of seeing, and I should be very presumptuous if I flattered myself with the idea of overcoming them in the warfare of opposition. Well persuaded that they are in error, I ought to wish for new phenomena to enlighten their minds. Perhaps, if they had ob- served the development of somnambulism in all its OF SOMNAMBULISM. 138 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. simplicity, if they had exercised no influence over their somnambulists; if they had not excited their imagination or their vanity in requiring extraordi- nary things of them; if they had left them to the natural order of their ideas—they would have ob- tained results altogether different. I invite them to follow the path I have traced out. It is an experi- ment worthy of their sagacity, as it is of their cour- ageous frankness, to retract their first opinions, if they are ever convinced of their having embraced an error. In relation to the employment of Magnetism, and the management of somnambulism, I believe I have given all the directions necessary to persons who are not already enlightened by experience. It all con- sists in having but a single end in view—that of ren- dering service, of devoting yourself to the patient whose treatment you undertake, to make an entire sacrifice of personal considerations, to free yourself from all self-interest, from all vanity, from all curi- osity; but, I must confess, the requisition is severe. He who, by the desire of the family, and with the consent of the physician, has taken charge of the treatment of a dangerous disease, ought to abstain from all other labor, except what the duties of his condition impose; to be indifferent to the pleas- antries of worldly men; to be silent in regard to the phenomena he witnesses; to renounce almost all di- versions, to avoid that which may cause lively emo tions; tc husband his strength habitually, so as to employ it, when it is required, without the fear of fatigue, finally, to occupy himself continually about the patient who has placed m him his confidence, and tc consider him as the counterpart of himself. 139 What shall indemnify him for so much pains, for so many sacrifices? The satisfaction of having done good. There is nothing beyond such enjoyment. If the services you have rendered are soon forgotten— if you are exposed to pleasantry, to ridicule, and even to the accusation of charlatanry—you will remember that you have God as the witness of your actions, and that you are happy enough in having Him as the only one who deigns to charge Himself with your reward. After what has been said, it may be seen that the practice of Magnetism requires the possession of rare qualities, and that the love of doing good should be the sole motive for engaging in it. It is also evident that great prudence should be exercised in the choice of a magnetizer. OF SOMNAMBULISM. NOTE I. I have stated that somnambulists do not every day exhibit the same degree of clairvoyance; but I forgot to mention that they sometimes lose it in respect to this or that patient with whom they have long been in communication, while at the same time they show a great deal of it in relation to others. This anomaly is singular; but I have, unfortunately, seen many instances of it. I will explain. In severe chronic diseases, it happens very frequently that, at the first consultation, the somnambulist sees, in an aston- ishing manner, the anterior state, and the actual state, of the patient He points out the remedies which first produce alleviation, and, some days after, such an amelioration as to make us consider the cure as certain. Everything he tells is realized, and our confidence appears to be well founded. But in the sequel, the condition of the patient changes. He grows worse The somnambulist continues to prescribe rem- edies which do not produce the intended effects. He no 140 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. longer judges by instinct, by intuition. He conjectures, he gropes in the dark; he seeks to remedy the accidents which he had not foreseen; and we find too late that we should not have depended upon him blindly. It is expedient, then, to conduct ourselves with the same prudence and the same circumspection during the whole continuance of the treatment; and we ought not to persuade ourselves that the somnambulist will commit no mistakes in the second or the third month, because he saw well, and per- fectly succeeded, during the first days. As soon as the som- nambulist ceases to announce beforehand, with exactitude, the effects of his remedies, and the crises which occur, we ought no longer to place dependence on him. It is entirely futile to ask the somnambulist for an explanation of what has befallen him. The greater part of the time, he is not in condition to give it; but he ought never to make a mistake m the announcement of the effects which will occur. What I have now said applies more particularly to somnambulists by pro- fession. A somnambulist who is charged with the cure of one or two patients, with whom he identifies himself, almost always preserves his clairvoyance unimpaired; or, if he loses it, he perceives the loss, and gives notice of it. The Treatise on Somnambulism published by Doctor Ber- trand is the first work, ex professo, upon the subject, and the only one in which it has been examined in its numerous re- lations. In this publication, we recognize a man profoundly versed in the study of medicine, phjrsiology, and metaphysics. The author compares natural somnambulism to that which is exhibited in many diseases, to that which arises from the excitement of the imagination, and to that which originates in the magnetic treatment; and he proves that they all pre- sent analogous phenomena, and are referable to the same cause. He also reduces to the natural order many facts which have been attributed to supernatural causes; and he arrives at this highly important conclusion, that, if the world had at first known the phenomena of magnetic somnambulism, they NOTE II. OF SOMNAMBULISM, 141 would not have attributed to the devil those which the pre- tended sorcerers exhibited; to a celestial inspiration, those which were witnessed among the prophets of Cevennes; to the influence of Deacon Paris, those which were witnessed at Saint Medard. But he seems to me to make a mistake in what he says upon the action of Magnetism, and upon the principles of that action. He has searched into physiology for the explanation of phenomena which depend upon a dif- ferent law; he has generalized the observations which were proper for his purpose; and he regarded as illusions facts less surprising than the ones he has seen, when they did not ac- cord with his theory. If he had been a witness of many of the facts which have passed under my eyes—if he had ex- amined the evidence in favor of most of those which have been reported by enlightened men—he would not have thrown aside what he calls the pretensions of the magnetizers. I would not have permitted myself to make critical obser- vations upon this work, if I had not judged it sufficiently in- structive and important to make it a duty to advise the read- ing of it. I would also add that M. Bertrand, though he is not en- dowed with great physical energy, has cured by Magnetism very severe and very inveterate nervous diseases. This does not in any degree demonstrate the truth of his ingenious theory, but it proves that he possesses many of the qualities which constitute a good magnetizer. CHAPTER VI. OF PRECAUTION IN THE CHOICE OF A MAGNETIZER. Of the Precautions to be taken by Patients who wish to be magnetized, in Regard to the Choice of a Magnetizer, and the Success of the Treatment. After having pointed out, to those who wish to practise Magnetism, the principles which ought to di- rect them, the processes they ought at first to employ, and the conduct to he pursued in case somnambulism occurs, I think it also my duty to give advice to per- sons who, being ill, wish to try Magnetism for the re- covery of their health, and who do not know in their own society any person in whom they have an entire confidence. It is unnecessary for me to observe that, in slight and recent injuries, such as a bruise, exposure to the air, a headache, pains in the stomach, and, briefly, all those which do not require a treatment prolonged for many days, you may dispense with the precau- tions I am about to indicate. Look out, in your own family, or among your friends, for some one, who, if he is not convinced of the reality of Magnetism, may be at least disposed to believe in it, from the testimony of those who seen its effects, and from the desire of having in himself the means of soothing the distresses of his 142 CHOICE OF A MAGNETIZER. 143 fellow-men, and who joins to this disposition of mind physical and moral qualities essential for magnetiz- ers, that is to say, good health, discretion, the love of good, a character tranquil and firm, and having leisure to give you the attendance requisite for your restoration. It is always of great advantage to have a mag- netizer in your own family; the ties of blood contribute, by a physical sympathy, to establish a communica- tion. The confidence and friendship which exist be- tween a husband and his wife, between a mother and her daughter, and between near relations, have al- ready produced that affection and that devotedness which ought to unite the magnetizer to the mag- netized, and which authorize the continuance of these sentiments when the treatment has ceased. 1 have said that women ought to be preferred to magnetize women; I say more; it is that (leaving out the case where plain good sense declares it a matter of indifference) they alone ought to be charged with it. The reasons are these; 1. It is clear that the magnetic processes never present the least embarrassment to persons of the same sex, and when a man magnetizes a woman, he is obliged to be attentive lest any of the processes wound decency or the common usages of life. A man, for example, cannot place himself opposite to a woman and fix his eyes upon her; if any crisis occurs, he is obliged to call on a woman for the pur- pose of administering to her wants. 2 When Magnetism is accompanied with som- nambulism, it generally imparts to the somnam- bulist a very lively affection for her magnetizer; and this affection continues in the wakeful state, 144 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. even after the treatment is at an end. I know very well that this attachment is of the same kind as that which we feel for near relations, and implies no idea injurious to the best sentiments. But it is contrary to all propriety, that a young woman should have a very lively friendship for any other man than her father, her uncles, or her brothers. If she has this sentiment, she is obliged to moderate it, and es- pecially not to express it, if she regards propriety. 3, Chronic diseases are sometimes attended with symptoms in regard to which modesty compels si- lence, and about which even a physician is obliged to conjecture, for the want of being informed. They often spring from secret chagrin, mental troubles, constrained feelings, etc. The somnambulist has, and ought to have, an entire confidence in her mag- tizer; but as she does not lose the sense of propriety, there are many things about which a woman in that state will not dare to speak to a man. There are also many questions which a man cannot ask of a woman, much advice that he cannot give her, many particulars of which he cannot discourse. 4. Finally, Magnetism sometimes produces, in nervous diseases, spasmodic movements, and other crises, of which it is not proper for a man to be a witness, and in Avhich he cannot employ the processes best calculated to soothe them. Thus they who have said that, to avoid all the in conveniences of Magnetism between persons of dif- ferent sexes, it suffices that both the magnetizer and the magnetized possess an honesty and delicacy above all suspicion, have not considered the thing in its true point of view. All I have now said is with out allusion to the fear that Magnetism wiil create CHOICE OF A MAGNETIZER. 145 sentiments or attachments which morality forbids.* All other things being equal, the best magnetizer for a woman is her husband; for a husband, his wife; for a young lady, her sister or her mother. One other consideration makes it desirable that a woman should find a magnetizer in her own family, or among the friends she most frequently sees, and with whom she is most intimately connected. The motives I am going to mention will no longer exist when the practice shall be generally spread, and when physicians shall advise the use of it; but in the actual state of things, they are important.f * I owe several of these reflections to Madame Chamhon de Montaux, who, by practising Magnetism after the instructions that I have given her, has obtained such success as her ardent charity merited. M. Chambon de Montaux was, in 1784, one of the doctors of the faculty who pronounced against Magnetism. He had then seen nothing. I showed him some facts, and his old prejudices did not prevent him from yielding to the evidence. His wife has many times aided him in saving patients for whom the resources of his art appeared to him insufficient. Unhappily, Madame de Montaux is of delicate health, her physical powers do not correspond with her moral energy, and the practice of Magnetism causes a fatigue which she is always too late in perceiving. After a treat- ment of a malignant fever, which she had cured, by joining, at the request of her husband, Magnetism to medicinal remedies, I have seen her so ill that she could hardly have been restored without being herself magnetized. One very extraordinary thing, which I cannot account for, is, that she com- monly takes the disease of the person she magnetizes; not that the cause of the disease passes to her, but that she has, for several days, the sensation and symptoms of it. I have seen an instance of it in an attack of the gout, and in an ophthalmia, which are not contagious diseases. By reflecting upon the effects she has produced, and on those she has ex perienced, Madame de Montaux has discovered of herself the principles of Magnetism; and she has drawn from them the most useful results. She has written down her observations, and shown me her manuscript, by which I have profited. I have there found very just remarks, singleness 01 purpose, and, above ail, the love of order, and a zeal for good. It is the same character which has been observed in the work she published under the title of ‘ Moral and Political Beflections upon the Advantages of Mon- archy.” t The reader may bear in mind that these observations were written many years ago. A great change has since taken place in the opinions of men o; science m regard to this subject.— Trans. 146 It is almost impossible, especially in a small town, for a man to come each day and pass an hour with a woman, without people’s perceiving it, and discover- ing the reason. Then inquisitive persons ask the magnetizer many questions which embarrass him; and, if the disease be not a very severe one, the in- credulous will indulge in ill-placed pleasantries. In- discreet persons will talk to the patient about the method she has chosen to pursue, and give her inquie- tude. A woman does not like to draw observation. Those who surround her, and wTho approve the use of Magnetism, have much trouble in preventing her from experiencing some inconveniences. Doubtless there ought to be no mystery in the practice of Mag- netism; but it is useless to speak of it to those who do not believe in its reality. As soon as you have chosen a person in whom you are willing to place confidence, and he has consented to bestow care upon you, you will entreat him to read this little work attentively. If, after having read it, he adopts its principles, and continues willing to render you the service you require, you will entreat him to speak of it to no one except to those of your friends to whom you can impart a secret, in order to avoid the talk of the incredulous, and especially the solicitations of the curious, wdio may desire to assist at the sittings. You will arrange things so as to fix upon an hour convenient for him and for you; be- cause a treatment once commenced should never be interrupted. When you have made an agreement with him, and he has given you his word not to try any experiments upon you through curiosity, but to act solely for your restoration, you will abandon yourself to him with ANIMAL MAGNETISM. CHOICE OP A MAGNETIZES. 147 entire confidence, and, as you are sure of his discre- tion, you will conceal from him nothing which relates to the cause of your disease. If you have already taken remedies, and have a physician, you will impart to him your determination, requesting him to keep it a secret. Entreat him to consent; to your employing Magnetism as auxiliary to medicine. I do not doubt, that, even when the phy- sician looks upon Magnetism as a chimera, and at- tributes all its effects to the imagination, he will con- sent to observe, from time to time, the changes which this new agent works in you; to combine and modify, consequently, the remedies he prescribes, and even to suspend the use of those which do not appear to him absolutely necessary, in order to judge better of the influence of the new means you w'ish to try. It is essential to inform your physician of the in- tention you have formed; because he may attribute the crises which Magnetism may produce to the pre- scriptions he has himself administered. In severe maladies, the action of Magnetism is often insufficient; it must be aided by medicine, which the physician alone can prescribe. Magnetism some- times produces an effect similar to what we desire of a medicine, which then becomes useless. For in- stance, you wish to administer an emetic at six o’clock in the morning; you will magnetize at five o’clock; the effect takes place without giving medicine. Some have prescribed opium at night, to lessen sharp pains and restore sleep; after the magnetic sitting, the pains have ceased, the patient sleeps peaceably, and you do not give him the opium prescribed. You do right; but would not the physician have cause to be injured in his feelings, if you did not let him know 148 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. that you did not obey his orders, and if you make a mystery of the motives which have influenced you? In case of lucid somnambulism, the advice of the physician is no longer necessary; but it is no more than right to inform him of the phenomena you have obtained; and it is even your duty to give him an op- portunity to be enlightened upon the effects of Mag- netism, so that he may, as occasion requires, connect with it the resources which study and experience have rendered familiar to him. I have now pointed out the resolutions and the measures which ought to be taken before commenc- ing a treatment: we will now see how we ought to conduct ourselves when the treatment is commenced. If you are put asleep, and your magnetizer pre- scribes remedies for you, you will follow them with entire security, observing his directions exactly, with- out asking the reason. He will not prescribe rem- edies, until he has made you become a somnambulist, and satisfied himself that your somnambulism is ac- companied with clairvoyance. This is a subject on which you ought not, by any means, to concern your- self until after your restoration. You will not be in the least alarmed at any crisis or transient indisposi- tion, and you will mention them unreservedly to your magnetizer. If you do not sleep, one of these three things will occur: you will feel no effects, you will experience either relief or some one of the encouraging effects I have described, or you will grow worse. In the first case, you will try nearly a month; in the second case, you will continue with patience so long as your magnetizer is not wearied; in the third case, which is very rare, you will renounce Mag- CHOICE OF A MAGNETIZER. 149 netism after some flays, to make use of ordinary medicine. But it requires careful attention before you can say, with certainty, that the disease is rendered worse. A person might be deceived by appearances, and re- nounce Magnetism at the moment when it is on the point of doing the most good. A physician who has studied and practised Magnetism would assuredly not err in regard to the nature and the consequences of the effects it produces; but such a physician is not readily found. I am going to make some obser- vations, from which a person might form a judgment according to circumstances, and conduct himself with all possible prudence, without being disturbed by ill-founded fears. In describing the effects by which Magnetism mani- fests its action, I have said that it frequently brings on very sharp pains. These pains prove that it acts powerfully; they are necessary to subdue the disease. If, then, you experience sufferings, you will have the fortitude to bear them, without speaking of them to any one. You will regard them as the proof of a salutary action; you will not even ask your mag- netizer to calm them. If you have not beforehand taken the firm resolution of resisting the first pains that it causes you to feel—if your magnetizer has not confidence and force of character enough not to be alarmed about them—it would be better for you not to commence. The impression first made, being no longer sustained and regulated, becomes injurious. I acknowledge that Magnetism has been known to excite a nervous irritation and an uneasiness, which continue after the sittings, without being followed by any crisis; and there is cause to suppose the fluid 150 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. of themagnetizer unsuitable. But this irritation and this uneasiness do not resemble the pains of which I speak nor the convulsions which occur in nervous diseases, and which the magnetizer can always quiet. In the succeeding chapter, when I shall treat of the application of Magnetism to various complaints, 1 shall enter into a more particular examination of the circumstances in which it is proper to suspend the use of it. During the continuance of the magnetic treat- ment, you should be careful to follow a mild regi- men, to avoid excesses of all kinds, watchings, fatigue of body and of mind, and all that can excite lively emotions and trouble the tranquillity of the spirit. You should make use of magnetized water, so long as you can without exciting the attention of others. If you experience a considerable amelioration in your health, and people of your acquaintance take notice of it, do not, on that account, tell them the means you are employing; wait until your restora- tion is sufficiently advanced, so that no doubt may exist in relation to the efficaciousness of Magnetism. It is as useful as it is consoling, to flatter ourselves that we shall obtain a complete cure; but we are far from always arriving at this result. In long-seated maladies, it frequently happens that a person, at first, is conscious of an improvement of health, which continues, but does not increase; then, after several months of treatment, he may cease being magnetized every day, withdraw himself gradually from the sit- tings, and finish by having recourse to Magnetism only when he feels a renewal of the pam, which may be easily dissipated. Avoid being magnetized when it is no longer nec- CHOICE OP A MAGNETIZES. 151 essary. If you continue after being cured, or even after having obtained from Magnetism ali the good it can effect, you will become habituated to it; and this is a great inconvenience to persons sensible to its action, and especially to those who are suscepti- ble of somnambulism. Although Magnetism consists in the influence ex- ercised by one individual over another, many mag- netizers think that one can magnetize himself; it is true—but only in regard to certain persons and to certain cases. When a man, in the habit of magnetizing, has a local pain, for example, in the arm, the leg, or the stomach, he can dissipate or relieve it, by attentively employing npon himself the magnetic processes. But to do this, he must be in good health. When a per- son has a general disease, a fever or an organic affec- tion, it is plain that he cannot draw the remedy from himself, since the fluid of which he makes use has no longer the necessary qualities. Among the persons who have been magnetized many times, there are some who can, of their own accord, throw themselves into the magnetic state. I think it a faculty they ought never to employ; because, by exercising it, they acquire the habit of concentration, which may fatigue the nervous system, and become very injurious, as we shall say when we come to speak of the dangers of Magnetism. I think I ought not to finish this chapter without answering a question often addressed to me. In the present state of things, say some persons, Mag- netism is so little known, that many patients can- not find, either in their family or among their friends, any one who can, or who is willing to magnetize them. 152 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Among those to whom one would voluntarily make application, some are incredulous; others believe in the reality of the agent, but not in their own power; others lack leisure; others have not the physical con- dition and the health necessary to follow up a treat- ment. Many physicians have confidence in Magnet- ism, but the occupations of very few permit them to practice it. Can we not obtain a magnetizer for whose cares we could be grateful, and whom we could recompense for the sacrifice of time ? To this I answer, there are at Paris many persons entirely devoted to the practice of Magnetism, and who, when they are not already charged with the cure of many patients, are ready to visit those who give them a call. Among these, there are some who have much experience, who are endowed with (he most happy faculties, and who form a lively attach- ment for the persons of whom they undertake the charge. I know some of them, who perceive the seat of the disease, and modify their action accord- ingly. I know some of them who pass into a sort of demi-somnambulism, during which they magnetize with much discernment and efficaciousness. The per- sons of whom I speak have not chosen the exercise of Magnetism as a lucrative profession. After they them- selves have been cured by it, they have endeavored to render service to their friends; and they who have wit- nessed their success have engaged them to continue it. Thus obliged to renounce every other means of subsistence, it is very necessary for them to find a livelihood in their new occupation. But it is not enough that any one is known to prac- tise magnetism, to induce us to make application to him. It is proper, in the first place, to find out CHOICE OF A MAGNETIZER. 153 whether he really has, independently of all interested motives, a decided inclination for the practice; whether he has any instinctive faculties; whether he possesses the moral qualities desirable in a friend; whether he has not already engaged in taking charge of many patients; whether he is not devoted to other occupations which distract his attention. Supposing we are satisfied in all these respects, we might have recourse to him to try his influence beforehand, and afterwards to put ourselves wholly under his care, if we received benefit, and if the physician who approved having recourse to Magnetism decides that it produces salutary effects. Then the person to be magnetized should look upon the magnetizer as a friend, and treat him as such; for if they have no affection for each other, it is impos- sible to establish a perfect communication. Although the magnetizer receives fees, just as a surgeon would when he has come to dress a wound, he should not be moved by this motive, but by the desire of doing good; and although the patient pays for the service, he ought not to show himself less sensible of the care bestowed upon him. The relation may cease at the termination of the treatment; but, so long as it lasts, they ought to be in confidence and friend- ship. If the patient becomes* a somnambulist, he should have near him a relation or a friend, who will take note of what he says in the somnambulic state, and who will apply to a physician to know what is to be thought of his clairvoyance. No other witness should be admitted to the sittings than the one first chosen. The magnetizer, on his part, should agree never to mention any of the phenomena which take place during the treatment, provided he 154 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. is not freely authorized to do it; but when the treat- ment is at an end, he might publish those of them whose publication might be useful, observing the precaution of suppressing the names, and of conceal- ing the circumstances which might designate them. What I have said of the communication established by Magnetism between the operator and the recipient, and of the influence temporarily exercised by the for- mer over the latter, shows clearly enough that, in the present state of society, it would almost always be inconvenient for a man to be magnetized by his do- mestic. That can be done when he has an entire con- fidence in, as well as friendship /or, his domestic, and the domestic entertains towards his master the affec- tion, the respect, and the devotedness that he would have towards a father.* It is not unfrequent that a waiting-woman magnetizes her mistress with as much zeal as intelligence, without overvaluing herself on account of the good she does her. I have many times seen domestics, who had become somnambulists, magnetize exceedingly well while they * M. le Marquis de Puysegur has had for forty-five years in his service a valet de chamb're hy the name of R’bault, who takes his place in his mag- netic treatment, and who, in concert with him, has accomplished surprising cures. He has magnetized the marquis, with as much success as zeal, m several severe indispositions. He is an excellent man. Being instructed and perfectly convinced by seeing his master magnetize, he magnetizes with much calmness and energy, without searching into the reason of the effects that he produces. M. de Puysegur thus expresses himself on this subject, m a note to the work which he published in 1811: “ This clever man is the same that I had for an assistant magnetizer ir. 1784 and 1785, and of whom I speak in my memoirs of that period. His attachment to me for more than thirty years, the esteem and friendship which I have for him, establish be- tween us that unison of intention and of will which is known to be so nec- essary for the unity of the magnetic action.” It is unnecessary to observe that this note is as honorable to him whc wrote it as to him who is the subject of it. Why are not such examples more frequent? CHOICE OF A MAGNETIZER. 155 were in the somnambulic state. It is a great advan- tage to have near one a somnambulist to whom we may have recourse; but, whatever gratitude we en- tertain towards him, wre ought as much as possible to conceal from him the fact that he is a somnambulist. It is especially important not to let him suspect that he magnetizes while in the somnambulic state. NOTE A. There exists with some individuals a magnetic power truly prodigious, of which I do not pretend to know the cause, but of which I think it my duty to say a word; first, to re- quest those who are naturally endowed with it to use it with- out ostentation, without endeavoring to produce astonishing effects, hut with simplicity, wuth prudence, and solely with a view to do good; secondly, in order that, under certain cir- cumstances, people may apply to persons of whom they have heard marvellous cures related; thirdly, in order that they may be well satisfied of the circumscribed and limited nature of the power to which I refer; so that he who can perform certain things will not succeed in obtaining effects less sur- prising, which are not of the same kind. For instance, many magnetizers induce somnambulism with very great facility, and do not hope for success, except from this crisis, while others scarcely can effect it, yet do not do the less good. Some of them cure certain diseases only oth- ers soothe or cure indifferently all that are curable. Some of them act only by the will, without any apparent magnetic process; and they can even exert this action at a distance: they put themselves in communication with the patient who applies to them, by uniting intention with him, and by the in terchange of thoughts and sentiments Finally magnetizers have been known, who, possessing an extraordinary power make no use of it except to produce astonishing phenomena without any utility. These last expose Magnetism to ridk cule; they drive wise men from the subject; they arms to those who consider it dangerous. I cannot too muca 156 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. persuade persons attached to the good doctrine never to go and see these curious experiments; they will derive no in- struction from them, and they will have reason to reproach themselves with having, in some degree, authorized them by their presence. To give an idea of the special faculties with which some magnetizers are endowed, and of the use they should make of them, I will relate succinctly what determined me to reflect on this subject. Last year I had occasion to form an acquaintance with M. le Compte de G s, and he has become a friend of mine. He communicated to me his observations, and gave me a chance to witnes: many facts, which proved to me how much his power excels that of most magnetizers. Such are these of which I am going to give an account: 1. A young woman suffered much from an obstruction pe- culiar to her sex, which had existed for several years. She made use, without success, of medicinal remedies, of such as were indicated by somnambulists, and she had been mag- netized by several persons. M. de G s having been en- treated one day to magnetize her, he did it with all the energy of which he was capable; and in an hour he obtained a crisis which they had in vain attempted to produce, and which was necessary for the re-establishment of her health. 2. A very clairvoyant somnambulist was suddenly attacked with a burning fever, accompanied with delirium. She ex- perienced colics, vomitings, suffocating sensations and severe pains in the head an'd in the loins. Her magnetizer could neither calm her nor throw her into somnambulism. While they were in the most lively alarm, he went to request M. de G s to come to his aid. Three hours of continued action sufficed to dissipate the fever and the pains, to bring on a tranquil sleep lasted all night, and to re-establish her strength to such a degree that the next day the patient found herself in condition to come on foot to the Jardin du Boi to give me an account of her cure. 3. A woman, whose husband had cured her of several indis- positions by rendering her a somnambulist, and in whom he induced this crisis with the greatest ease, was run over by a carriage, and received very severe contusions on the head CHOICE OF A MAGNETIZER. 157 and on the side: she was soon afflicted with violent pains, which her husband could not drive away. This state lasted three days, when one of his friends, who knew M. de G s, prevailed upon him to try his skill. The patient soon entered into somnambulism; but she declared she saw no remedy for her injuries. “There is,” said she, “a swelling in my head, and Magnetism only augments my sufferings.” M. de G s tried in vain to inspire her with confidence; and it was iu some sort against her will that he persisted for three hours in producing very painful crises, but of which he perceived the necessity. He finally succeeded in freeing the head and the side. He restored her tranquillity, and she assured him there was no more danger, and that she owed her life to him. The next day he gave a second sitting, and became satisfied that the cure was complete. When M. de G s assists at a somnambulic treatment which has for its object the restoration of the patient to health, he thinks it would be indelicate in him to exert his influence otherwise than in subordination to that of the mag- netizer. But if he sees that this magnetizer desires to try ex- periments contrary to the end of Magnetism, he is capable of annihilating the action; he need not even be present for this purpose; provided he has once been put in communication, he acts, although he is in another apartment, and without the magnetizer or the somnambulist’s having the least suspicion of it. We perceive that such a power would be dangerous in the hands of a man capable of abusing it; but it would lose its energy, if it were not moved principally by the iove of doing good. M. de G s, besides great physical force, possesses all the moral qualities which can render his action salutary; and I would enlarge upon this point, if he were not to read what I say of him. He succeeds very easily m producing somnambulism; but this is only when he wishes it; and he magnetizes without bringing on this crisis, when he judges it necessary, and when he is not certain of being at liberty to continue the treatment. I will now give an account of faculties very different, but not less remarkable. M. N , who holds an offico in a little village not far 158 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. from Paris, had no idea of Magnetism, when, at the begin- ning of last year, he read the first volume of my Critical His- tory. His son having then been h for four years, he tried to magnetize him, and he cured him. Ilis cook had rheumatic pains; he dissipated them. The latter told several persons of her acquaintance, and very soon several patients came to request M. N to cure them; he succeeded in doing it. The number of these patients soon became so considerable that, not being able to treat them all with direct manipula- tion, he constructed a baquet, at which he finished by connect • ing a dozen or fifteen in the morning, and as many in the afternoon. He devoted some minutes to each one of tnem. to direct the fluid; he soothed those who experienced crises, by taking them apart from the rest. But. notwithstanding the desire he had to accomplish it, he never produced com- plete somnambulism. Moreover, he went to the houses rl the sick, who could not come out of doors. Things were thus when he came to find me, to tell me what he had done, and to ask my advice. Although he expressed himself with the greatest simplicity, what he related appeared to me so extraordinary, that I desired to ascertain the facts. I went to pass two days with him at his house I conversed with the patients whom he had cured, and with those who were under treatment. I advised him to substitute, for his baquet filled with water, a dry baquet, m which should be placed bottles filled with magnetized water; and, three months after, I returned to pass three more days with him, to find out the results obtained since my first visit. I will not here relate the cures performed by this treat- ment; it will suffice to say, that, among those subjected 10 it, many had inveterate diseases, which had resisted medi- cinal remedies, and that the small number of those who were not restored to perfect health were considerably relieved. But here is what may be considered as more remarkable. M. N is exempt from enthusiasm, and he exerts over his patients a morat influence which is congenial with the disposi- tions of his own spirit. All who place themseives round his baquet feel calm and agreeab.e sensations. Their imagination is never excited. They are attached to their magnetizer. and take an interest in each other This influence is perceptible CHOICE OF A MAGNETIZES. 159 in their character and their habits. A woman one day said, “ I did not dare to be alone at night; I was afraid of thunder; I was afraid of mice : now I fear nothing.” “Neither do I,” responded three or four at the same instant. Although there is no decided case of somnambulism, many of the patients are in a magnetic state, which struck my at tent ion, and which M. N did not himself suspect they see the magnetic fluid; some of them even perceive the cur- rents of it. When M. N magnetizes a glass filled with water, they see a luminous vapor enter the water; and this water, which they drink with avidity, is for them an excel- lent remedy. Some of them perceive when M. N ap- proaches; and I have seen a child, eight years old, whom he used to magnetize at the house of his mother, indicate the moment when he left his apartment, and the path he had taken. M. N sometimes makes the relations supply his place with the patients; and the confidence he inspires in those to whom he gives a few simple instructions enables them to succeed very well. We see that the action exercised by M. N differs greatly from what we have seen manifested in other mag- netic treatments. He dissipated some slight affections in two or three minutes. It seems as though a curative fluid con- tinually emanates from him, and as though he needs only to use a simple act of the will to direct it. If I had a friend seriously ill, I would advise him to address himself to this excellent man. Nevertheless, M. N has not great physical force, and the fatigue to which he has subjected himself has several times affected his health. He cm see no one suffer without identifying himself with him, and devoting himself to his good service. More than forty patients owe their restoration to him. No person can suppose that any other motive than charity could have determined him to consecrate to the relief of the afflicted all his leisure time Yet he has not been able to escape malicious insinuations. Some persons have en- deavored to detach from him those who came to ask his assist ance, by telling them he could not do things so extraordinary but by the influence of the devil. Several persons have given him notice that, if he continues to receive patients, they will 160 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. denounce him as a charlatan, and that lie will lose his office. They have also troubled the quiet of his wife, who found herself happy in the good she saw him do. And finally, to preserve his peace, he has been obliged to end his magnetic labors. I appeal to enlightened men: there are many of them among the ecclesiastics, and among men eminent in society, wdio have correct ideas of Magnetism. I hope they would not re- fuse to undertake the defence of the man whose sentiments I have made known, if he had to repel the attacks of ignorance or of envy. Probably there is not a city nor village in North America ■where there could not be found at this time—1878—one or more magnetizers. Usually one can be found in every fam- ily. NOTE B. CHAPTER VII. OF TEE APPLICATION OF MAGNETISM TO DISEASES, AND ITS CONNECTION WITH MEDICINE. From the time of Hipocrates to our own days, medicine has been practised by men who have con- secrated their lives to study, who have called to their aid all the natural and physical sciences, and who, endowed with the talent of observation, and with indefatigable zeal, unite to their own experi- ence that of their contemporaries and that of then- predecessors. Innumerable facts have been collected, discussed, and compared. A positive foundation has been established in anatomy; in the knowledge of external signs which indicate the alterations of va- rious organs; in that of the constant action which certain substances exert over the human body; in the comparison of the effects obtained by various modes of treatment; in the classification of diseases; and in some general principles, founded upon experi- ence, in relation to which all are agreed. And yet medicine is still uncertain, it has been taught in the schools for two thousand years, phy- sicians do not agree either about the causes of dis- eases, or the choice of proper remedies. The science has changed a hundred times since the days of Galen, and opposite opinions have reigned successively in the schools. There is hardly a disease which has not 160 162 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. been vanquished by different means: there is no sys- tem unsupported by facts. The method preferred in one age has been rejected in another; and, at the same time, different sects have been seen to oppose each other, each one professing to have discovered the true way. Some physicians have declared them- selves for the medicine that is to be; others, for medicine as it is. Some are for using few remedies; others advise having recourse to many. The most active medicines have been cried up with enthusiasm, or condemned as dangerous, according to their agreement with the docti’ines of the leader of this or that school. Even at the present day, when the science of medicine has been so well taught; when the most exact observations have been collected, classed, and compared; when pathologic anatomy has arrived at the highest degree of perfection— physicians are still seen to differ in opinion relative to the use of bleeding, leeches, purgatives, and Peru- vian bark, in this or that disease. The pupils of one master, doubtless very skilful, maintain that, up to his time, no one has properly understood medicine; while those of another school, acknowledging that he has shed great light upon the nature and the seat of many diseases, and confessing the success he has himself obtained by his method, consider him, never- theless, as a rash innovator, whose principles, too much generalized, may be erroneous and dangerous. Magnetism doubtless has a curative power truly prodigious. But in what cases ought we to have re- course to it ? In what manner ought we to modify its action, to give it the degree of energy wdiich cir- cumstances require ? When ought we to employ it alone? When and how ought we to associate it with MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 163 other remedial means ? What modifications of the ordinary medical treatment ought it to introduce? When does it act as a palliative? When as a radical cure? In what cases will the effects it produces authorize us to believe it will operate a perfect cure ? Are there no cases wThere it may do mischief ? Are there none where it is absolutely insufficient? Ought it to be employed equally in chronic and acute dis- eases? What -are the diseases, in these two classes, which it will most readily and most surely cure? Should the crises resulting from its action be always considered as salutary effects ? As many somnambu- lists desire to be magnetized only during a certain number of minutes, and at intervals more or less dis- tant, ought we thence to conclude that persons easily affected, but who are not somnambulists, can receive any injury from an action too much prolonged, or too frequently renewed ? and, under this supposition, by what symptoms shall we determine the season and the duration of the sittings? All these questions, and a thousand others not less important, cannot yet be satisfactorily and positively solved; and he to ■whom these do not present any embarrassment is either an enthusiast, who breaks down all difficulties, or so ignorant as not to know them. Magnetism cannot take its rank among the sciences, and present a doctrine of which application may in all cases be made, unless it is taken up seriously, and its effects upon various temperaments and diseases understood, together with its mode of application as adapted to each patient. Hence it follows that it would be rash to depend upon it alone for the cure of severe diseases, except in some desperate cases, where other means have been 164 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. thoroughly tried without success. I am far from ad- vising you to trust in Magnetism exclusively: I ad- vise you to recur to it solely as an auxiliary to other treatments. I will here add a moral consideration, which I have laid down in my Critical History. It is this: If. .n a dangerous malady, you rely upon Magnetism with- out consulting your physician, you take upon your- self a great responsibility; and, if the patient dies, you will have cause for self-reproach. Medicine it- self could not have raised him: this maybe true; but you would have followed the ordinary course; you would have done what has always been done; and you would not be troubled with the fear of having neglected more efficacious means than the ones you have employed; relations and friends would not be justified in blaming you for having made the patient follow a treatment of your own choice. Ought it thence to be concluded that one should be very reserved in the application of Magnetism ? that we should not have recourse to it except m slight affections, or in desperate cases? Not at all. On the contrary, we ought to make use of it every time we can, observing to be prudent, and not to dis- card everything else. I know very well that cases will be found, where Magnetism, employed alone, with unbounded confi- dence, with all the energy possible, would have cured a patient; but he is not cured2 because the magnet- izer has moderated the action too much, because he has not entirely devoted himself to him, and be cause he has used in connection therewith medicines which neutralized or counteracted its influence. But how shall we determine beforehand whether we MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 165 ought to renounce all other means ? And is it not better to expose ourselves to the danger of not doing all the good possible to the patient, than run the risk of leaving him to perish by renouncing the methods generally pursued ? A man who is wearied of medi- cine by useless attempts—who, not having received any relief from remedies, is determined to take no more of them—may well devote himself exclusively to Magnetism, and to claim for that purpose the cares of a relation or a friend; but none other than a physician has the right to give him such advice. I believed these reflections necessary to quiet the enthusiasm of those whom many astonishing cures have persuaded that Magnetism can triumph over all diseases; that it is the medicine of nature, and the only medicine truly salutary. I will lay down what I consider the best rules for practice; first, by examining the derangements of health in general, and then the various diseases.* In slight and recent indispositions, in those which are not absolutely attended with danger, and when the object is to dissipate a local pain, to prevent the consequences of a contusion, to promote the circula- tion by restoring heat to the extremities, to accelerate a cure which nature is operating alone, you might employ Magnetism without any other precautions than the ones I have pointed out, and without the least apprehension; the only inconvenience might be that of not having succeeded. For example, one has a headache, you try to dissi- pate it; a woman has colic pains, you drive them off; or if an accident has recently arrested the progress * Before giving this chapter to the printer, I submitted it to the judgment of several physicians. 166 of circulation, you make the blood take its natnral course. You magnetize for a fluxion, a whitlow, (mal cVaventure), for a slight wound, for a sprain, for a rheumatic pain, for the stomach-ache, for diffi- culty of breathing, etc., etc. There is no need of con- sulting any one; it is enough if the patient desires it. Continue it as long as you think it useful, and/ if you do not succeed, you are not to be astonished at your want of success, but hope to be more success- ful another time. I have nothing to say upon these kinds of indispositions, except that themagnet- izer should set himself to curing them the most promptly, and as completely as possible, by simply aiding the action of nature, without searching for any phenomena, without permitting any experiment, without dreaming of displaying the power with which he is endowed, or of proving to the incredulous the reality and the efficiency of the means he employs. I wish to speak of diseases for which, if we did not have recourse to Magnetism, it would be requisite to follow some other treatment; and I say it is prudent to impart to a physician the resolution which has been taken to try Magnetism, and to entreat him to observe the effects which this new agent produces, in order thereby to modify the treatment. This is a general rule; let us now discuss particular cases. Although we have not yet a great number of ob- servations made by able men upon the effects of Mag- netism, there are some of them, however, well estab- lished, and from which conclusions may be drawn. There are also some which prove the peculiar efficacy of this agent in certain cases. I am going to enter into some details on this subject. In Germany, Sweden, Prussia, and Holland, the ANIMAL MAGNETISM. MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 167 physicians have attended to Magnetism; they have published the facts which they have witnessed and have drawn instructive results from them, but, as 1 am not acquainted with the languages in which they have written, I have not been able to read their works. I am, therefore, obliged to limit myself to the ob- servations I have been able to collect in French, Latin, and English books, to those which have been com- municated to me by enlightened men, and to those which I have myself made, to serve as the basis of my principles. I am at least sure that I shall not go beyond the truth, and that no one can reproach me with having pushed my confidence too far. I invite physicians who have studied Magnetism to rectify my ideas, and to lay down rules, by the aid of which one may act with more boldness. Cures of almost all diseases, effected by Magnet- ism, have been cited; but it would be wrong to con- clude from them that Magnetism is a specific for all. There are many individuals on whom it acts very slightly, and perhaps not at ali, as there are others who are extremely sensible to it. Therefore it cannot be said that Magnetism cures this or that disease; but only that it has cured these or those individuals who icere attacked by it, which is a very different thing. Besides, those who have written upon Magnetism have generally related cases wherein they have pro- duced remarkable effects, without speaking of those in which its action has been powerless. Thus the various relations which have been published of cures effected by Magnetism are well calculated to reveal to us the inconceivable power of this agent; but they do not enable us to understand either the limits of this power, or the obstacles which prevent 168 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. its full effect. In regard to this, we can obtain in- struction only from our own experience, or by that oi those who, after having practised it a long time, have not forgotten the unsuccessful trials they have made, or the desperate cases in which they have succeeded. But, though we cannot affirm beforehand whether an individual will be affected by Magnetism, and whether he will be benefited by it, yet we know what diseases have most frequently yielded to its ac- tion. and m what manner we ought to modify its use to draw from it all the advantages possible. I am going then, to speak of various diseases, and to point out the line of conduct which appears to me the wisest according to circumstances, and the cases wherein, from experiments made during forty years, you may be most warranted in expecting success. There are two great classes of diseases—the acute, which are rapid in their progress, and which, when the dangers that they exhibit in their development are surmounted, terminate at a known period, and are succeeded by convalescence; and the chronic, which are not limited in duration, whose course is uncertain, and whose crises and symptoms vary, without our knowing any very certain means of judging from them the probability of a cure. These diseases some- times prove fatal in the end; more often they render existence painful or languishing. Some are incura- ble; but in regard to no one of them can we deter- mine at what epoch a crisis will occur which an- nounces death or a cure. The conduct of the magnetizer should be altogether different in these two classes of diseases. In acute diseases, call in the physician as soon as MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 169 you can, and follow the prescriptions that he gives; but tell him you desire to try Magnetism as auxiliary. I do not think a sensible physician would take it ill that you passed your hands over the patient with the desire of curing him. If he regards the practice as absolutely useless, he cannot regard it as dangerous, provided it does not hinder you from administering the remedies he has ordered. If you obtain any re- markable effects; if you produce any crises, such as perspiration, evacuations, etc.; if you allay the fever, or the pains—you will let the physician know it, re- questing him to observe it; and you will continue to follow his advice, until you have the happiness of ob- taining well-marked somnambulism, accompanied with lucidity; for in this case, the physician can en- lighten you, and indicate to you the questions which you should put to your somnambulist, but the som- nambulist should be heard in preference to him. You will attentively observe the sensations experi- enced by the patient, as you are establishing the cur- rents of the fluid, and slowly making passes over all the body. These sensations, which often indicate the seat of the disease, will intimate to you when to modify, to lessen, or to increase your action, and to direct it, in preference, to this or that part. The in- dications furnished by the physician may also be very useful to you, by engaging you to create a reaction towards a particular point, to the advantage of an essential organ dangerously threatened with attack. You will take care to magnetize thoroughly all the drink which is given to your patient. You will ex- amine whether the action of Magnetism is agreeable to him. In case it disturbs him, it is necessary to cease. Try to make use of the simplest processes, in 170 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. order to cause your patient neither trouble, inqui- etude, nor astonishment. If your physician is not convinced of the reality of Magnetism, you should avoid magnetizing in his presence. The de- sire you have to produce perceptible and convincing effects might withdraw your attention from the prin- cipal object, and be injurious to your patient. If you are too much fatigued, if your strength is ex- hausted, discontinue; you should not magnetize him more. If the inquietude which the state of your pa- tient causes, or the want of rest, has brought you into a state of nervous excitement, cease; you will do him harm. Wait until your tranquillity is restored, and your confidence banishes your apprehension. If you have within reach a somnambulist who has already given you proofs of clairvoyance, you may consult him; but you should make it a rule not to fol- low any one of his prescriptions without the consent of a physician. It may happen that the somnambu- list will say the physician has not well judged the character of the disease, and that you have good rea- son to suppose he says the truth, from the description of the circumstances which preceded the manifesta- tion, and of the symptoms displayed by the patient, of which he had not the least knowledge. In this case, you will find yourself embarrassed. You should have an explanation with the physician, preserving the respect due to him, but speaking with frankness and confidence, and entreat him to institute a new ex- amination. If he does not agree, call in another phy- sician to consult with him. If the physicians reject the advice of the somnambulist, you ought to rely upon them, whatever may be your own opinion. 1 make this one exception—when the physicians pro- MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 171 nounce the disease desperate, and a perfectly disin- terested somnambulist answers for the cure, and sup- ports his assertions by arguments and proofs. During convalescence, you should sustain the strength of the patient by Magnetism. Neither during the disease, nor during convales- cence, should we magnetize too long at a time. Two or three sittings of a half hour, or of three-fourths of an hour, ought to be enough in almost all cases; and you will fatigue yourself uselessly by devoting more time to it. I say “in almost all cases,” because we sometimes meet with circumstances where we ought to keep up the movement impressed, or terminate a crisis com- menced. Thus, the gout being carried to the head, and you have contrived to make it descend to the breast, it is necessary to continue until you have drawn it to the feet. But then the effect produced suffices to point out what ought to be done, without the necessity of instruction. In the most violent acute diseases, Magnetism has often been seen to quiet nervous movements, spasms, and the attacks of pain, to free the head, to put an end to the comatose state, to produce salutary crises, and to put the patient in a condition to use the rem- edies ordered by the physician, which it was before impossible to administer. Several physicians, who have caused Magnetism to be employed under their own eyes, have declared to me that it has been of great assistance to them in facilitating the administering of remedies, and insur- ing their efficiency. It often happens that patients who are reduced very low, and can hardly breathe, are revived after 172 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. being magnetized one hour: they feel new strength; they experience a sense of ease which surprises them; they even request to have some nourishment, which the physician can give them without inconvenience. Almost always, when Magnetism produces good, the pulse becomes regular. The change is so observable that the physician can always be convinced of it. Magnetism very often assuages a fever, or at least its paroxysms; it puts a stop to the delirium; it im- parts strength at the same time, when it diminishes the agitation of the nerves. But the violence of the fever sometimes opposes the establishment of the magnetic communication; it appears to repel the ac- tion, when this action has not been previously estab- lished.* There is no doubt that it is in the most severe acute diseases that Magnetism acts with the most readiness and efficacy. It truly operates prodigies in those kinds of diseases. It does not always act; but when it does once act, it hastens the course of the disease; it sustains and develops the forces medicci- trices. It rapidly brings on the crises which are to determine the cure. It is of great aid in putrid and malignant fevers: in the former, it sustains the strength; in the latter, it regulates the motions. It quiets the nerves in ner- vous fevers; it gives strength to the stomach, and produces evacuations in bilious and gastric fevers. I would not dare to advise recourse to Magnetism * A physician, who has practised Magnetism with great success, toid me that, in very violent fevers, he had obtained good effects by a process which I ought to mention, it consists .n dipping ihe hands into water acidulated with vinegar, and then making long passes with the palms of the hands. He assured me that, by this means, he soothed the paroxysm, and often pro duced perspiration. MAGNETISM IX DISEASE. 173 when a very great inflammation, accompanied with a general disturbance of the functions, indicates the necessity of retarding the movement of the blood, and of weakening the patient. Magnetism, properly applied, is soothing, since it re-establishes the equi- librium; but it is not less true that it is a tonic, and generally accelerates the circulation of the blood, and augments the vital action. Nevertheless, we can, in case of a general irritation, magnetize by the long pass at a distance, with the palms of the hands, and with the intention of soothing, taking care to throw off the fluid from the sides. If the magnetizer per- ceives a burning sensation in his hands, he can, from time to time, moisten them in acidulated water. When there is merely a local inflammation, as m the sore throat, it is easy to turn the blood from the direction it has taken: by drawing the fluid towards the legs and the feet, the upper portions of the body are disengaged. I have cured a quinsy under the eyes of a physician whom I had invited. I magnetized on the second day of the disease; the inflammation was stopped; and on the day following, the tumor could be opened without employing any other means. In certain inflammatory diseases, which are seated in the most essential viscera, Magnetism, employed at the time of the attack, can perform wonders m re- establishing the general harmony, and bringing about a crisis. Many experiments prove that it has promptly cured pleurisies which commenced by a sharp pam ’n the side and the spitting of blood. In this case, we begin by placing the palm of the hand upon the seat of the pam we let it remain there some time; then we spread the pam by making passes at a distance with the open hand. We continue this K4 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. dunn'i- two hours and, if the pain is not dissipated, O! a! ieast considerably lessened. 07 if we have not brought on a salutary crisis, such as a general per- spiration we have recourse to more prompt means. The time wdnch passes between the instant when the physician is sent for. and the instant when he is en- abled to come to the house of the patient, suffices to ascertain whether Magnetism acts well, and whether it can subdue the disorder. And it is seldom that wre are not necessitated to join some other remedies to the magnetic treatment, and it belongs to the physi- cian to prescribe them. I have known Magnetism to cure very speedily, and by an action altogether peculiar, very severe in- flammatory diseases Here is an example: A lady, about fifty years old, had an inflammation of the stomach for more than a month. They had employed leeches, and all the remedies recommended by able physicians; yet the condition of the patient became every day more alarming. Her son, a medi- cal student, having come to consult me in relation to the employment of Magnetism, I advised him to make use of it by holding only for a short time his hands upon the stomach, and making many passes along the thighs and legs. Two days after, the young man came back to tell me the pains had quitted the stomach, and were lodged in the bowels, which troubled the physician. I assured him that he had rendered himself master of the disease, and that he could make it descend to the extremities. In fact, tbe following day she experienced slight twinges in the tmghs. afterwards in the legs, and the abdomen was entirely fieed from inflammation. During the disease, the stomach had lost its digestive energies. MAGXETISM IX DISEASE. 175 As there was then no more irritation to be feared, they acted strongly upon the stomach by the appli- cation of the hands, and its usual tone, which it had lost, was restored. The patient, having been weak- ened by leeches and by dieting, had a very long period of convalescence, but her health was perfectly established in the sequel. One might collect from the works on Magnetism, and especially from those which have been published by the physicians of Germany, a great many in- stances of cures effected in acute disease by the mag- netic treatment. I should make two observations on this subject: 1st. To form an opinion of the curative power of Magnetism, we should depend solely upon relations given by physicians, who have been enabled to judge the character of the disorder, the severity of the symptoms, and the progress of the cure. 2d. We should not attribute to the action of Magnetism alone the cures of diseases in which the patient has been sojjmambulous, and still less those in which he has consulted somnambulists, because then the action has been aided by remedies. I have sometimes seen acute diseases cured by Magnetism alone, at the moment when they had reached the highest degree of violence. I think it proper to recite an instance of this kind. M. Boismarsas, an old soldier, afterward guard of the monument erected in the Place Yendome, hav- ing been attacked by the cholera morbus, wTith ex- cruciating pains, vomitings, and convulsions, the or- dinary remedies had been resorted to in vain, and they entertained little hope of saving his life. M. Despres, one of the physicians called to the consulta- tion, proposed to try Magnetism, which he had known 176 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. to succeed in an analogous case; the other physi- cians having consented, although they expected noth- ing from it, he came at once to look for me. I soon saw that the patient was sensible to the magnetic action; and h's wife perceiving the effect I had pro- duced, I told her she could cure her husband, and I showed her how to set about it. The vomitings and the convulsions ceased at the first application of the hands; a slight sleep soothed him, he took no more medicine, and in five days the patient was restored.* I do not pretend to conclude from this fact that we should obtain the same result in all similar cases. I merely conclude from it that the soothing action of Magnetism can readily restore the equilibrium; and this is a reason for trying it in the most violent dis- eases. We are sure it cannot be injurious when prop- erly applied, but its efficiency, less or great, depends upon a number of circumstances which we cannot ap- preciate. Among the proofs of the power of Magnetism, one of the most convincing is, that it has been known to rekindle life at the very moment it seemed to be ex- tinguished, as oxygen gas relumes the brand upon which there remains only a feeble spark, f When im- portant organs are so much altered as to be no more able to perform their functions, this return to life is of short durati m. But there are cases when such a * M. J. Dupotet hr already reported this fact in his “ Exposition of the Experiments made a the Hotel Bleu In 1820.” t There are several jxamples of it in German writers. A very remarkabe one is found in a worn; entitled “ The Russian in Paris," printed in 1814, by Barba, 2 vols. 12mo., at the 223d page of the first volume. The anecdote there related is the exact truth. The author, who was an eye-witness, put the recital of it into my mouth, although I had not recounted it to any per- son. MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 177 power has been able to save a patient Avho appeared in a desperate condition. If the French physicians would take the trouble to collect the facts hitherto published, to submit them to a critical examination, and join them to their own observations, we should soon have surer data in re- gard to the efficaciousness of Magnetism in acute dis- eases; at present we must employ it with prudence, and as auxiliary to medicine. Let us come to chronic diseases. The patient who applies to you has a disease more or less inveterate; he has tried various remedies, or he has not yet tried any. If the disease is recent, and if the patient has not undergone any treatment, you can dispense with the services of a physician; provided you do not wish to obtain his opinion upon the nature of the disease, upon the chances and means of cure, in order to appreciate, in the sequel, the effects which Magnetism shall have produced. As the progress of these diseases is slow, there is no inconvenience in deferring the use of remedies; and this for various reasons: In the first place, to assure yourself that the changes effected are due to Magnetism; in the next, to avoid disturbing the course of nature by foreign agents; finally, that nothing may trouble or annoy the patient, who ought to abandon himself entirely to you. Continue this for about a month, even although you obtain no appar- ent result, and with stronger reason if crises occur: except in case you see the essential symptoms of the disorder grow worse. In general, the curative action displays itself sooner the less inveterate the disease is. if the patient has already taken medicines, you will 178 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. prevail with him to leave them off for a few days, in order to observe more carefully the action of Mag- netism. Substitute for his drinks magnetized water. You will recommend to him to live temperately, and avoid fatigue and excess of all kinds. There are some diseases which are both very severe and very long seated, the origin and principal seat of which are not well ascertained, which have for a long time resisted all the remedies, whose symptoms be- come every day more alarming, and which excite ap- prehensions for the life of the patients. For these diseases, people generally desire to try Magnetism as a last resource; but it is in relation to these that the magnetizer ought to reflect much, and take the most measures before charging himself with the treat- ment. First, he must ascertain whether the patient is firmly decided to continue the treatment all the time necessary, perhaps for more than six months, and whether the persons who have influence or authority over him will not endeavor to oppose this decision. For in this kind of diseases, when the action is once well established, and the crises are at hand, it is very troublesome to struggle against obstacles, and dan- gerous to interrupt the treatment. It is also neces- sary for the magnetizer so to arrange matters as to have the treatment regular, to have it regarded as the most important affair for himself, for the patient, and for the family of the patient, until a cure is effected. Finally, the patient must make it a point of honor to give all his confidence to his magnetizer, to take ad- vice from him only, and to follow exactly the regimen he prescribes. If, as I have always recommended, he wishes to MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 179 avail himself of the information and skill of a physi- cian, it is essential to choose one who is acquainted with the effects of Magnetism, that he may not order remedies which might oppose the development of crises. This physician ojught not to assist at the treatment, provided he is not familiar with the vari- ous phenomena of Magnetism; he may see the pa- tient in the intervals of the sittings, and favor the magnetizer with his observations. But he should never be admitted for the purpose of satisfying his curiosity, or of augmenting his belief. It is proper for the magnetizer to have a good substitute ready, in case any circumstance, such as sickness, or a nec- essary journey, imposes a suspension of his duties for some days. And it would be very advantageous, that, until a cure is effected, the treatment under- taken should be kept secret from all but the relations or intimate friends, with whom we ought not and cannot make a mystery of it. In imparting Lt to the physician in whom we have confidence, we should request him, in like manner, to say nothing about it. The precepts I here give are very rigorous; but there are cases when they are very important. Their application may be modified according to circum- stances, and according to the severity of the com- plaint. Let us now enter into some details relative to the various chronic diseases, which are the most common. In torpid diseases, in those of the lymphatic sys- tem, employ Magnetism with all the energy possible. Aid yourself with the chain, if you have the means of forming one. Many examples of the cure of dropsy are given in the books; I have myself cured it in three instances. 180 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Magnetism produces crises of perspiration and of diuresis You may, nevertheless, second nature by light sudonfics or diuretics, in selecting which you should consult your physician, and magnetize them thoroughly. They will then take effect, although they have ceased to exert any action, if they have been given in large doses before the magnetic treat- ment. Magnetism is a sovereign remedy for enlargements of the glands. I have often seen the glands of the breast, when much enlarged and very painful, cured by it, when the most able physicians and surgeons had advised their extirpation; and I have been suc- cessful in that way myself. I have seen some of them which would not entirely disappear, but would be reduced to very small size, and which, remaining in this condition for several years after the treatment had ceased, have not caused the least pain or incon- venience. When the action is established, it is proper to blow upon the affected parts through a linen cloth several times folded, when it can be done with- out fatigue. Generally, when the gland begins to lessen, a crisis comes on, manifested by inflammation and local pains. This crisis is transient; it creates no cause of al~rm; until it has passed, you may em- ploy Magnetisi 1 by the long pass, to lessen the pains and the inflammation. In obstructions and enlargements of the viscera, Magnetism is the most powerful of all remedies. You should present the points of the fingers, moving them round to spresd the fluid, and then drawing it off; or you may use the breath, as before. The treat- ment is sometimes very long. Critical pains are ex- perienced in the region of the obstruction; but the MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 181 patient grows better each day, and the obstruction is dissipated gradually. The obstructing substance may be thrown out of the system, by using laxatives. In- sensibility to Magnetism proves the cure to be com- plete. But when the obstruction of an essential organ is arrived to such a point that it performs none of its functions, and its tissue is destroyed or entirely changed, Magnetism may be dangerous. By rousing the sensibility, by exciting a lively movement in the obstructed organ, it may produce a crisis beyond the ability of nature to support; and the patient will die much sooner than he would if the obstruction had remained inactive. I have known examples of this sort. In order to avoid this liability, you should con- sult a physician, who will determine whether the ob- struction has become incurable; and in this case, you should not undertake the treatment. You might, however, attempt, two or three times, not to concen- trate the fluid upon the seat of the obstruction, but to magnetize by the long pass, to see whether the patient is susceptible of somnambulism; for if he be- comes a somnambulist, he will tell what ought to be done, and we do not know but he may be cured. Magnetism has wrought astonishing cures in scrofu- lous diseases. The history of Greatrakes suffices to prove it. When these diseases are long seated and inveterate, much patience is required. When they are hereditary, I doubt whether they can be radically cured. Ulcers which have exhausted the resources of medicine have frequently been healed by Magnetism. I will mention a few instances: A woman, fifty-eight years old, had an ulcer on the 182 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. leg, and it was apparently healed by topical applica- tions. But two months afterwards, there rose on the top of her head a swelling, which having acquired the size of an egg, burst, and poured forth a greenish, purulent, and foetid matter, mingled with clots of corrupted blood. Soon after, the bones of the head exfoliated, exposing an orifice; the ulcer increased, and the physicians judged it incurable. The patient was about five years in this state. She suffered con- tinually. She was deprived of sleep, and desired nothing but death, when M. le Chevalier Brice, a geo- graphical engineer attached to the postoffice depart- ment, wished to make trial of Magnetism, of which she had no idea. At first, he quieted the violence of the pains; he restored sleep; he produced crises; and, notwithstanding the strong repugnance which this frightful malady naturally inspired—notwith- standing the fatigue he experienced — he had the courage to continue, and the happiness of succeeding after four months of uninterrupted care. The cure being accomplished, he still magnetized her once a week for several months. This fact is still more worthy of attention, because it was not attended with somnambulism, nor with any phenomenon calcu- lated to excite curiosity. This woman constantly made use of magnetized water, and took no medicine. She was one day magnetized by a very strong man, who put her asleep; but this proved to be injurious. The four facts following just took place at Corbeil, the correctness of which I went thither to ascertain: 1. A woman who had an ulcer on the leg for ten years was cured in thirty-five sittings. 2. A man, seventy-five years of age, who for the last three months apprehended the necessity of hav- MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 183 ing his leg amputated, on account of an ulcer as large as his hand, which increased from day to day, is now almost cured. The opening is no more than a quarter of an inch in diameter.* 3. A man who had been wounded, had been trou- bled with a sore in consequence of it for two years, which had been dressed with lint. This sore was closed in a few days. 4. A soldier lost an ai*m in service in 1813. Last winter the wound opened, and he suffered much. He was restored to health with such rapidity as greatly to astonish him. “ I have traveled much,” said he to me, “but I never saw the like of this.” In pulmonary phthisis in the last stages, I do not believe that Magnetism can effect a cure: it is beyond its power to regenerate an essential organ which is almost destroyed. If there is a cough, oppression, difficulty of breathing, or weakness, it eases the res- piration, lessens the cough, restores the strength, di- minishes the sufferings, and quickly brings on an ob- servable relief; but it does not prevent the progress of the disorder; perhaps it is even to be feared that, by augmenting the activity, it acclerates the final crisis. It is requisite, then, to use much moderation and pru- dence and to continue the use of Magnetism only so long as the patient desires it, and feels its soothing influence. It is proper to try Magnetism in a slow fever. If this fever be of a nervous kind, we can perhaps suc- ceed in restoring the equilibrium; if it is produced by an interior suppuration, the cure is not very prob- * M. de Puysegur has just published an account of an analogous fact; hul the patient, having become somnambulic, prescribed remedies for himself, and his cure was not wholly owing to the magnetic action. 184 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. able, unless we can induce somnambulism. But as the action is borne directly to the seat of the disease, it powerfully aids medicinal remedies, and even has a particular efficaciousness. Asthmatic attacks are almost always soothed by Magnetism; and *1 am persuaded that this disease could be entirely driven off by a prolonged treatment. We have seen wonderful effects in casual and chronic vomitings, when all medical means have been thrown aside. M. Barbier, who resides at Rheims, was for twenty years afflicted with this cruel malady. He could not, for a quarter of an hour, keep the lightest food upon his stomach. He followed my advice in having re- course to Magnetism. On the second day, the vom- iting ceased, and a treatment of two months' estab- lished him in perfect health. Two girls, one of whom had been troubled in this manner for fifteen months, the other for ten months, were lately magnetized at the Hotel Dieu; both of them ceased to vomit after the second sitting.* In nervous diseases, if there be a prostration of strength, inaction, or torpor, Magnetism is a sove- reign specific. It acts without producing apparent crises. If there are spasms, convulsions, etc., it generally quiets them; and it often produces crises more or less singular. If there is a general irritation, an excitement of the nerves, or a nervous fever, it frequently happens that it does not act; sometimes it aguments the irrita- * See the “Exposition of Experiments in Animal Magnetism made at the H6tel Bieu at Paris, during the months qf October, November and Decem- ber, 1820, by J. Dupotet. ’ MAGXETISM IX DISEASE. 185 tion. In general, it is less efficacious in the nervous affections which are called vapors, and in the greater part of other diseases when they are long seated, and when many remedies have been taken, it pro- duces singular phenomena ; but this does not prove that it will cure the more readily, or the more speedily. The somnambulism of persons whose nerves are very delicate present strange crises, and traits of marvellous clairvoyance, but the patient whose imagination is very excitable, and whose at- tention is distracted by a thousand objects, does not see so distinctly his disorder and its remedy. With such somnambulists we most require calmness and prudence ; it is with these that we should most fear to be dazzled by wonderful results, and led away by curiosity. It is especially necessary to be attentive, that the patient do not remain in the magnetic state during the interval between the crises. Of all disorders, the most frightful in its attacks, the most formidable by the dangers to which it ex- poses, and the most inaccessible to remedies, is pre- cisely that which offers the most convincing proofs of the power of Magnetism ; I mean epilepsy. It is not because we are sure of triumphing over it. If many epileptics have been radically cured, with many others the violence and the frequency of the attacks have been diminished merely ; and I have found such in my own practice. But it is certain that in the great number of epileptics who have been under magnetic treatment, many more perfect cures have been obtained from it than from medicine. We should, therefore, never hesitate to employ it. The attempts may be fruitless, but they are not attended with any inconvenience. In many other long-seated 186 ANIMAI MAGNETISM. diseases, you ought not tc commence a treatment un- til you are sure of continuing it: if you have excited a crisis, it is essential to bring it to a close; but in tms one, the worst thing is to leave the patient m the state in which he is. A good magnetizer will hardly ever fail to put a speedy stop to an attack of epilepsy but he would do wrong to conclude from this that the cure of the disorder is easy The treatment of epilepsy demands on the part the magnetizer, great confidence, courage perseverance, and devotedness. Epilepsy may be hereditary or accidental, long- seated or recent. It may originate in a defect of organization, in a derangement of the nervous sys- tem. in an irregular movement of the blood or of the humors, in the suppression of an evacuation, or in several other causes; therefore we cannot know beforehand whether it will yield to the magnetic treatment. The attacks being generally irregular, and renewed at epochs more or less distant, they may be suspended for a longer or shorter time with- out having the cause destroyed. But we have more reason for confidence when the attacks are frequent than when they were rare, before the employment of Magnetism. For example, he who had attacks every day may be regarded as cured if he passes two or three months without having any ; while it is neces- sary to wait a year to form a similar judgment in relation to one who had these attacks only once a month. Hence it follows that, when the patient is freed from his attacks, it is necessary to continue mag- netizing him, in order to prevent the return and des- troy the cause of them. When several of the epochs MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 187 at which the patient usually experiences his attacks have passed away without his having the least symp- toms of the disorder, we may discontinue magnetizing him every day; we may at first let a day, then two days, then three days, and finally a month, intervene between the sittings; but we should constantly con- tinue the use of magnetized water, which ought to be employed from the first day of the treatment, and a long time after discontinuing the sittings. It would be well, also, for the convalescent to carry about him an object magnetized,which the magnetizer will take care to charge, from time to time, with the fluid. Somnambulism has been frequently induced in cases of epilepsy. If it occui’s, the magnetizer knows what he ought to do and what he ought to expect. He is even almost sure of curing the patient, provided he conforms himself to the principles I have given for the direction of somnambulists. I am acquainted with a young lady of twenty, who has had attacks of epilepsy ever since she was nine years of age. They were very frequent at certain periods, and had been unsuccessfully treated by able physi- cians.* It is three months since she had recourse to Magnetism. From the first month, the attacks be- came weaker and less frequent; at the end of the sec- ond month, they entirely disappeared, and her health is now as good as any one can desire. She interdicted to herself all sorts of medicine, and declared it nec- essary to magnetize her two months more, every other day, and that without this the disorder would return. * I have read four ot the consultations given by different physicians. In the first three, the malady is designated by the name of symptomatic or sympathetic epilepsy; in the fourth, it was called an incurable hysteric af- fection. 188 ANIMAT. MAGNETISM. Unhappily, she imagines that Magnetism makes her sleep three hours every day of natural sleep. She does not believe in somnambulism. She says she is cured, and her mother has great trouble in making her continue a treatment of which she is wearied. As the disease was caused by an accident, and as the somnambulist has given proofs of great clairvoy- ance, I do not doubt that she will be radically cured, provided she does not interrupt her treatment before the termination of the period she has assigned. In the diseases which physicians call hysteric affec- tions—diseases which are long, painful, variable in their symptoms, the seat of which is in the abdomi- nal viscera, and which medicine herself despairs of—■ Magnetism exerts the most powerful and the most salutary action. It produces wonderful effects, and the cure is generally wrought by singular crises, some- times very violent, and about which we should not be alarmed. It is in this malady that we most fre- quently obtain a very lucid somnambulism, attended with extraordinary phenomena; but we should not forget any one of the precautions I have mentioned. The magnetizer ought to restrain his curiosity; pre- serve his self-possession; interdict to himself all ex- periments; carefully avoid exciting the imagination of the somnambulist; prevent him from attending to things foreign to his health; not flatter his vanity by appearing astonished at his clairvoyance; not yield to his caprices; watch that he follows a suitable regimen; not push the magnetic action beyond what is necessary; and absolutely break all communication between the magnetic and the ordinary state. When in this disease somnambulism naturally ceases, it is a proof of the perfect re-establishment of health. MAGNETISM IN DISEASE 139 I here repeat several things which I have said in my chapter on somnambulism: but it is because there is no disease in the treatment of which the magnetizer is more exposed to be carried beyond bounds by the wonderful phenomena, and because there are none in which such deviations are more dangerous. The hypochondriac affection is nearly allied to the hysteric affection, and yields in the same manner to Magnetism, but with this difference—the cure is often effected without apparent crises, and by a grad- ual diminution of the symptoms of the disease. The strength, the gayety, the appetite, the complexion, the good bodily condition, return by degrees. The same effect takes place in chlorosis, or leucorrhoea. Magnetism is effectual in all kinds of paralysis. It almost always restores the sensibility, and re-es- tablishes the movement: but sometimes sharp pains appear as the sensibility returns. It is then necessary for the magnetizer and his charge to have patience. In palsy of the limbs, it is proper to make magnetic frictions. If Magnetism acts in a perceptible man- ner, and appears insufficient, you should seek to aid it by the remedies prescribed by the physician. Paralysis of the organs of motion is sometimes at- tended with pains, which the magnetic action can drive off, without restoring motion. The paralysis of the lower limbs often springs from an affection of the spinal marrow. It is then necessary to mag- netize, commencing at the back, and conducting the action along the thighs to the extremities of the feet. I have magnetized a man who was in this condition. I did not cure him, but I greatly relieved him. After each sitting, lus feet were red, as if they had been served with a mustard poultice. In paralyses "which 190 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. originate in the disorganization of a part of the brain, I presume that a cure is impossible. In the “Relations of Cures effected in France,'5 you will find more than sixty of paralysis; and in this number only three are mentioned as somnambu- lists. I make this remark because nothing more fully proves the efficacy of Magnetism than this disease. In the first place, the patients not having been som- nambulists, they did not prescribe remedies for them- selves, and they owe their health to Magnetism alone. In the next place, when people wish to publish mag- netic treatments, they prefer to choose the ones which have presented singular phenomena; and since they have cited sixty cures of paralysis, it is proba- ble that there have been ten times as many. Magnetism speedily soothes spasms, by re-estab- lishing the equilibrium. In spasms, especially when they proceed from a moral cause, a concentration of the vital power generally takes place towards the in- terior of the body, which becomes evident from the coldness and paleness of the extremities. These spasms ordinarily terminate in a diuretic movement, which the magnetic action favors, while, at the same time, it brings back the heat towards the parts which were deprived. Recourse should be had to Magnetism in cases of mental alienation. I do not, however, believe that it will cure this disorder when it is hereditary or of long standing, when it springs from a defect of or- ganization, and when there is a continued state of phrenzy. But when the disorder is accidental and recent, there is much reason to hope for success. As a proof of this, I will mention a fact of which 1 was a witness. MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 191 A young man, twenty years old, became so insane as to be placed in a lunatic asylum. His afflicted family made application to a man wbo possesses in a high degree all the qualities which constitute a good magnetizer. He went to see the young man, and after reiterated attempts for three days he succeeded in putting himself in communication, to make his presence desirable, and entirely to soothe his fits. In fifteen days, the cure was complete, and there re- mains no symptom of the excitement which preceded the frenzy. Persons whose minds are alienated are often known to experience pleasurable sensations in the presence of certain persons who have a natural dominion over them, and to whom they submit without resistance. These are the persons who would most readily suc- ceed in curing them. Those whose presence fright- ens or repulses them will not accomplish it. It is probable that with most insane people whose fits are irregular, one might produce a soothing influence fol- lowed with sleep, and eventually with somnambu- lism ;* then their restoration is almost certain. If he has a prevalent idea, the magnetizer may chase it away by an effort of the will. I know very well that the greater part of the trials of this kind would be fruitless ; but here the thing is so important, and medicine has so few resources, that we should not neglect a means whose success is possible. When women are threatened, in an essential organ, with scirrhosity or ulceration, Magnetism is the best * The history of the disorder and the cure of the young Hebert published by the Marquis de Puysegur, is one of the most curious and most instruc- tive works that can be consulted in relation to the power of Magnetism to calm the agitation of the nerves, and to stop the fits of madness which spring from it. 192 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. and the most active of al> remedies; but I do not believe it will bring about a cure if the disease has made much progress In this case, it first dissipates Uie pain, and restores the strength; but the disease reappears afterwards and grows worse, notwithstand ing all the care bestowed upon it. Many inconveniences, and also some severe dis- eases, are produced in women by a suppression or a dis- turbance m the course of circulation to which nature has subjected them In these cases, which are very frequent, the efficacy of Magnetism is proved by in- numerable facts. It almost always establishes the circulation sooner or later, according to the length or time since the appearance of the disorder. It is requisite to direct the action from the sides to the feet letting the hands rest a moment at the knees.* You will avoid putting them on the, stomach, except when you are about to commence the long passes. You will particularly avoid putting them on the head, for fear of causing a tendency of the blood thither. Somnambulism being frequently displayed in tins disease, you may expect to obtain it; but for the reason i have just hinted at, you must take good care not to provoke it, by concentrating the action upon the brain. When the desired effect has been produced, you will content yourself with lightly mag- netizing so as to establish the general harmony of the system. In intermittent fevers, you should first employ the long passes upon the arm, then the application of the hands upon the stomach, from whence sweep off towards the feet. You should choose the moment * Thto process ought no l to be employed it there is reason to suspect a stale 01 pregnancy. MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 193 when the attack commences. You will often have the satisfaction of arresting the ague fit the first time you try, and the fever only will take place with great heat. You will also magnetize on days when there will not be any attack. Fevers very f requently cease after a few sittings, say from three to six. It is proper to magnetize several days more, and give the patient magnetized water to drink, to prevent the re- turn of the complaint. In pains of the stomach which proceed from de- bility, the application of the hand upon the stomach creates a heat which is tonic and curative. If there is any irritation, this process is not proper; you should then act at a distance, with the most soothing processes. If the stomach is coated with bile or with sorcles, which may be discovered by the state of the tongue, you should not dispense with an emetic or a purgative, provided Magnetism does not immediately excite one of those motions, which often takes place with persons very sensitive to its action. To cure the headache attended with cold feet, put your hands upon the head for several minutes, con- tinue with the long passes, and make repeated passes over the limbs. The feet will become warm; the head will be free. If the headache be accidental, it will not return; if it is habitual, make use of mag- netized socks. The megrims which have their seat in the stomach, yield to the application of the hand upon the region of that organ. Those which are nervous are more difficult to cure. You may make a trial of various processes, and draw the fluid from the head, by conducting it towards the sides. If the pain is periodic, if it has existed for years, if it is the consequence of a blow, if it is pi'oduced by a gather- 194 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. ing in the head, it ought to be considered as a chronic disease, which exacts prolonged attention. In this case, you could easily throw it off on a sudden; but there is danger, if you do not continue your treat- ment many days in course, in order to destroy the cause, by bringing on a crisis. In general, when we have dislodged a periodical pain, it is essential to continue the use of Magnetism, until the epoch when an attack is expected to return. The cure cannot take place except by a crisis, which must not be left imperfect, and we have no grounds for supposing it to have been effected until we see that the expected attack has failed to come on. The sudden dislodge- ment of a humor, which has been fixed a long time in an important organ, may bring on a serious disorder when we neglect to sustain and direct the movement we have first given. Pains produced by a stoppage of th*e perspiration are almost always cured by Magnetism, the most or- dinary effect of which is to re-establish the perspira- tion. The ills caused by the suppression of a local perspiration, as in the feet, the hands, etc., disappear in the same manner by the return of that perspira- tion, which may be effected by drawing towards the extremities. You must take some care to keep up this perspiration. In rheumatisms, sciatica, etc., the pains are some- times considerably relieved, and even carried off, at the first sitting; at other times, they are merely dis- lodged. They are most generally soothed or dissi- pated by degrees, after a treatment of greater or smaller duration. Rheumatism is generally chronic; but it may be classed with the acute diseases, be ac- companied with a violent fever, and impose the neces- 195 sity of a medical treatment analogous to that of in- flammatory fevers. In this case we should magnetize at a distance, drawing beyond the extremities, and by the most soothing processes. We should hasten to call in a physician, who, from the effects first pro- duced, will judge whether he can dispense with hav- ing recourse to other remedies. It is in acute rheu- matism that, upon certain subjects, Magnetism oper- ates in the most prompt and surprising manner. I have seen patients, who were affected in every limb with pain so lively that the slightest touch was insup- portable to them, become so much relieved, after half an hour of magnetic action at a small distance, that I could give them frictions without their experi- encing the least unpleasant sensation. But when the pains are thus assuaged, we should not imagine the disease to be cured. This cannot be done without a crisis, or a prolonged treatment ; and, as I have al- ready said, it belongs to the physician to declare what it is proper to do in order entirely to dissipate the inflammation, to prevent the recurrence of the pains, and to destroy the cause of the disease. I ought to add that, of all the diseases treated by Magnetism, rheumatism is the one in which the most success has been obtained, although somnambulism has been very rarely produced. I do not know whether it would cure the gout seated in the foot or the hand, when there are chalky concretions {nodus), but I have seen a fit of the gout, so violent that the patient could not put his foot to the earth, relieved by one sitting, and so cured by three that the pains have not returned for eighteen months. I have also seen a somnambulist, in fifteen days, cure her magnetizer, who, for a long MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 190 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. time, suffered with the gout in the knees and n the feet. For this purpose she merely employed passes along the legs, continuing them each day for a quar- ter of an hour. As it is only six months since this cure was wrought, I cannot affirm that the soninam- list does not mistake in saying the disease will never again return. When the gout has mounted into the head or the chest, Magnetism readily brings it down to the feet. Three experiments of this kind, which I have lately made, were perfectly successful. It is true that the patient was very sensible to the magnetic influence, and perfectly in communication wTith me. I think Magnetism would be an excellent remedy in scorbutic affections, produced by bad air, by bad diet, by obstructed evacuations, etc. When this affection is constitutional, and has reached its last stage, if the cure is possible, it must at least be very difficult; but the magnetic action wTill greatly aid the power of medicine. The magnetizer ought to employ an energetic and well-sustained action. Diseases of the eye are so numerous and so va- rious, that they are become the special object of study with a class of physicians who attend exclu- sively to them, and who judge that the treatmnet takes a long time, and that the cure is very uncer- tain. I believe that Magnetism is better suited to them than any other remedy, because it directs its action immediately upon the organ of vision, and penetrates into the brain. In most cases, it acts more efficaciously than bleeding, purgatives, and blisters. If the eyes are weak, it imparts to them strength. In ophthalmia, it dissipates the mflam- MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 197 mation, by turning aside the humor which has a ten- dency to the eyes. In an incipient paralysis of the optic nerve it would be well to restore motion and sensibility to it. I have many times seen cures effected in a few days, of ophthalmias for which the most skilful oculists had judged it necessary to make a compli- cated treatment. The processes should be varied according to the nature of the disorder. If there is an inflammation we should seek to lessen it and draw it off : we establish the equilibrium. If there is want of action (otonie) we act directly upon the eyes by presenting the fingers united at the ends, or, rather, we hold the thumbs over the eyes, and place the fingers upon the temple. It is expedient, in all cases, to bathe the eyes with magnetized water, which almost always excites a peculiar sensation. One might also, for a quarter of an hour and several times a day, hold in his hand a bottle of magnetized water, presenting the mouth towards the eyes at the distance of a quarter of an inch.* When a disease of the eyes has reached a certain point, or when it springs from organic injury, it is plain we cannot succeed in the remedy. In the gutta serena, when blindness had been total for seven years, I have, at the end of fifteen days, restored the faculty of seeing the light, and of distinguishing certain objects. The pupil recovered its sensibility, which caused it to contract; but I could go no fur- ther ; and when I ceased to magnetize, at the end of six months of patient attention,the blindness returned * In speaking of magnetized water in another chapter, I forgot to point out this process, from which I have seen remarkable effects, especially m an inflammation in the interior of the nose. 198 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. by degrees. If the disease had not been of such long standing, it is probable that I should have suc- ceeded in curing it. I do not think it would be possible to destroy a well-formed cataract ; yet I saw, at Corbeil, a woman Avhose total blindness was attributed to a cataract, and who was cured in a fortnight. Opacities in the cornea of the eyes {tales) have been frequently made to disappear. I am acquainted with a woman whom this disorder, produced by the smallpox, had deprived of the use of one eye, and who recovered it while being magnetized for an- other disease. Here is another instance to prove that we may sometimes succeed by continuing with patience, although at first we may have produced no effect. M. Paul Geritz, a physician and a professor in the Institute Georgicon, at Keszthely, being at Pesth,was consulted in relation to a girl eight or nine years of age, who, in consequence of the smallpox, had one eye entirely covered with a film so thick that she could not see the light. He judged, as did all the physicians who had been consulted, that, the disease being incurable by the ordinary means, it was useless to administer remedies ; but, the child having in- spired him with much interest, he resolved to under- take her treatment with Magnetism. During two months, the action appeared absolutely powerless ; the third month, the film grew thinner ; and in the succeeding one, the cure was complete. M. Geritz, during his recent visit to Paris, related this fact to me, and authorized me to cite it. For two months, I magnetized a young woman of seventeen, who had had, ever since her birth, a film MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 199 upon the right eye, and whose left eye was so feeble that she could not read or work by the light of a wax candle without much fatigue. The film was made considerably thinner, and I do not doubt that it would have entirely disappeared, if I had not been obliged to discontinue the treatment. As to the left eye, it acquired, and it has preserved for ten years, all the strength she could desire. Accidental deafness yields to or resists the mag- netic treatment, according to the cause which pro- duced it. The most appropriate process consists in directing the Magnetism into the orifice of the ear by the fingers united to a point, and by blowing into it, to determine thither the currents. Deaf mutes have sometimes been successfully treated; apparently when the deafness has originated in torpid action (atome) or obstruction, and not in the absence or the lesion of any essential parts of the organ.* As to buzzings and pains in the ear, they are often dissipa- ted with surprising quickness. It is the same with the toothache when nervous. I have not yet spoken of a class of diseases, some of which are chronic, others acute. These are cutaneous phlegmasias; as the smallpox, the measles, the chicken- pox, biles, ulcers or carbuncles, pimples in the face, scald head, etc. I believe Magnetism a remedy for all. In the smallpox and the measles, it hastens and regulates the progress of the disease and faciliates the eruptions. If by accident the eruptions strike in, * It is possible to feign an imperfect somnambulism in presence of per- sons who take no precautions to verify the reality ; and I recollect having been for three days the dupe of a person whom I thought incapable of de- ceiving me ; but whatever address the pretended somnambulist may have, you may discern the deception at the first examination. The faculties pecul. iar to somnambulists cannot he successfully imitated by any one who does not possess them. 200 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. which is very dangerous, it makes them reappear. There are many instances of it. In biles, if you magnetize at the moment the in- flamation commences, it is possible to reduce it by faciliating the circulation and producing a slight crisis. If the bile is already formed, you may lessen the pains, and greatly hasten the maturity, by em- ploying a local action. I have several times made the attempt with complete success. For a felon, we ought to make passes along the arm as far as the ex- tremity of the finger, upon which we concentrate the action, and then draw it off from the end; and if we make use of a soothing or a drawing cataplasm, we should take care to magnetize it well. For pim- ples in the face, we should employ the long passes, and repeat the passes over the legs. There are possibly cases wherein Magnetism would not succeed in curing the scald head; but it will al- ways be well to try it before having recourse to medicinal remedies. I have seen a child of five or six years ciu*ed in two months, by the long passes, by the trough (bciquet), and especially by mag- netized water, which was a powerful drastic. It is probable that the use of Magnetism in tetters, and similar affections, would be attended with good results, especk lly if magnetized water acts as a purgative. The state of pregnancy ought never to be an ob- stacle to the use of Magnetism. In this state, it can even render the greatest service. It has often been known to remedy serious accidents, which occasioned fear of premature accouchement. It has also been seen to render the pains of childbirth more easy ; which may be readily supposed from its increasing MAGSTETISJI IXT DISEASE, 201 the strength, and quieting pains and nervous crises. I believe that, in the state of pregnancy, especially during the early months, passes ought not to be made along the thighs and the legs. They might give the blood a movement which it is important to avoid. After the birth has taken place, Magnetism may still be of great utility, particularly in re-establishing the natural course of the milk, when it has been in- terrupted.* The choice of processes depends upon circumstances, and can be determined by the princi- ples I have given. At the close of a very laborious accouchement, the newly-born child exhibits scarce any sign of life, be- cause it has not strength to move the inspiratory muscles, which is necessary to establish the respira- tion. It would then perish for-want of air, if peo- ple did not succeed in exciting this movement by various means; such as frictions, and the introduc- tion of air into the lungs. M. Thiriat, Professor of Obstetrics, has ascertained by experience, that Mag- netism produces the desired effect very speedly. He has employed it by blowing upon the chest through a linen cloth. He supposes, with some reason, that the same means would be very efficacious in recall- ing persons to life in cases of asphyxia. [See “ JBib- liothbque Magnetique,” tom. iv. p. 149.] Magnetism drives away most of the pains of children at the breast; it gives them strength, and favors the development of their organization. Mothers employ it by a natural impulse when they see their children suffering, and succeed in soothing * it IS plain that we should abstain from Magnetism when we wish to let the mu* dry up. 202 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. them. They would have much more success if they had entire confidence in the power with which na- ture has endowed them. In general, children are very sensible to the mag- netic action. As soon as they have experienced benefit from it, they perceive that he who has mag- netized them has the power of curing them by the processes they have seen him employ, and they are eager to demand the same assistance when they find themselves unwell. A child of five years, that I see every day, having been stung in the nose by a bee while I was walking with him, I took away the pain in a few minutes. Ever since that, he comes to ask me to cure him, whenever he has the slightest com- plaint. A physician who has, for eighteen months, fol- lowed the treatment of M. Wolf art, at Berlin, tells me that this celebrated magnetizer used to have a sitting twice a week for very young children; that, after having placed around the trough the nurses and the mothers, who carry them in their arms, or hold them by the hand, he makes several passes over them, which the children regard with delight. He also told me that he did not recollect seeing any of them cry during the time of the sitting. Finally, he said that, at the hour of the treatment, the children that had been carried thither many times, testified, by their gestures and their cries, their de- sire of being conducted to the place again. Among the numerous facts which prove the speedy and efficacious action of Magnetism upon children, I will record two, which I have verified: A child of eighteen months, a girl, had an orgelet, which caused her much inconvenience. Her father MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 203 took her upon his knees, and magnetized her. put- ting his hand over her eyes. The child immediately fell asleep. One hour after, she awoke, and the or- gelet had disappeared. Madame , of Chalons on the Marne, had a child of six years, whose bowels were extremely loose for a long time. All imaginable means had been employed to remedy this weakness. His mother at length began to magnetize him. At the first sitting, Magnetism produced an extraordinary evacuation; at the second, there was another movement of the same kind; and at the third, the child was cured. She continued the treatment several days, without his ex- periencing any sensation; and he has not since had the least symptoms of his complaint. Surprising effects have often been obtained by means of Magnetism upon young persons who were rickety; or who had defects of conformation, which seemed to demand, for a long time, the well-con- trived mechanical means of our days, joined to inter- nal remedies. An able physician related to me, that, after having attended unsuccessfully a young lady who had a considerable curvature of the spine, he made a trial of Magnetism, and was much astonished to see, at the end of some months,the vertebral column restored to its proper position. I knew a girl, twelve years old, whose lumbar ver- tebrae formed a considerable projection; a respecta- ble clergyman, who had first administered the com- munion service to her, advised her mother to mag- netize her, and he charged himself with the direction of the treatment. In a fortnight, the vetebrae recovered their natural position. This girl had a fever, and internal pains for two years; she had consulted many 204 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. physicians, and taken much medicine. Magnetism constantly relieved her, but it could not cure her. I saw, at Corbeil, a girl of fifteen years, who, from early infancy, had one leg shorter than the other by six inches, and a callosity at the hip as large as the fist. In six weeks of treatment, the callosity dimin- ished one half, and the leg lengthened three inches; at the same time, she recovered her strength. I will not say more in relation to the effects pro- duced by Magnetism in various diseases, and to the mode of application which I think preferable, accord- ing to circumstances.* I return to general observa- tions. I have said that, in order to succeed, we must unite confidence to will. But it is useful to be fore- warned that the power which we employ has limits which we cannot pass. In many chronic diseases, known to be incurable, because they attack an essen- tial organ, and have made much progress, Magnetism often produces a change which astonishes us, and after which we do not doubt that we have obtained mastery of the disease, and that it will be cured in a short time; but the patient very soon relapses into his * One of the founi irs of the Magnetic Society which existed at Paris, and of which M. le M trquis de Puysegur was president, proposes to publish an exposition of all t: ) cures effected in France from the time of Mesmer until the present. T is work, the manuscript of which I have read, will form two octavo volu’ ics, with analytic tables. The works from which its au- thorities are extracte make more than sixty volumes. One may therein find all that can thro light upon the kind of diseases, the mode of treat- ment, and the crises which have brought relief, ora cure. The compiler chiefly intended to gi e an account of cures made by physicians, or undei their direction. The number of those who have given their testimony is more than two hundi :d and fifty. This collection of facts will save the trou- ble of searching for them in a great number of books, some of which ar« very difficult to find, and nearly all of which contain useless details, or the- ories more or less hypothetical.—[This valuable work was published in 182& —Trans.'] 205 former state, and perishes at last. It is because Mag- netism, which cannot triumph over an organic affection in an advanced stage, dissipates at first the accessory diseases; it gives strength, it restores sleep, it quiets the nerves, it puts an end to pains, it diminishes swellings: hut the essential malady always exists; it afterwards reappears; Magnetism has less influence, and the patient ordinarily loses all confidence. This is no reason for not making a trial of Magnetism; but it is a reason for not flattering ourselves, for not de- claring as certain the cure of a long-seated disease, because we have produced in a few days a notable change, and an amelioration which we could not have obtained by all the medicinal remedies. Besides, there are many diseases which are consti- tutional, or which originate in the blood, or which principally attack the nerves. In these, Magnetism may act beneficially without destroying the cause. We should not, therefore, expect more from it than it can perform. One would be wrong in supposing he might find a better magnetizer, or might succeed by more active processes. It is necessary for the pa- tient to know how to resign himself to living with his enemy (as the vulgar saying is), and for the mag- netizer to have the courage to continue a treatment which does more good than any other, and is not at- tended with inconvenience. Governing himself by the nature of the malady, one might cause himself to be magnetized a quarter of an hour daily, or not have recourse to Magnetism except when the need of it is felt. How many people of my acquaintance owe to Magnetism a supportable existence, without flattering themselves with the prospect of being restored to perfect health! MAGNETISM IN DISEASE 206 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. It happens pretty frequently that, after having at first a very perceptible amelioration, Magnetism ceases to act, or at least to manifest its action; then the pa- tient becomes dissatisfied; he renounces it, and has recourse to medicine. This is very prudent, in case he has not yet taken any; but I ought to observe that I have never seen a disease, for which the re- sources of medicine have been exhausted, and which has afterwards been aided by Magnetism, cured by new medicinal remedies, after the aid of Magnetism has been renounced. On the contrary, a disease has been known to be weakened, and to be finally cured, by Magnetism, after a very long time, when the patient dared no more to please himself with a hope of restoration. I am going to cite an instance: A young woman, very interesting, born in Paris, and married in one of the provincial towns, was for three years tormented by the tic douloureux. She had consulted several physicians; she had tried a great number of remedies, and made great use of Peruvian bark. Her stomach wfas m a very bad state. Having had an opportunity to see her during a journey which she made to Paris, I advised her to try Magnetism, and I made trial of it for two months in succession. I put her asleep several times with- out producing somnambulism. I succeeded in driv- ing off the pains when she had an attack, but I could never prevent their return. When she returned home, I made her husband engage to continue the treatment. During two years, he magnetized her al- most every day, without being able to cure her, but the attacks became less frequent and less painful; and the magnetized water, of which she made constant use MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 207 rendered her digestion very easy. Finally, at the end of four years, she was, by the perseverance of her husband restored to perfect health. The subject of which I have just treated is suscep- tible of great development. When able physicians shall have studied Magnetism, they will be able to give us new light upon the modifications which the seat and the symptoms of different diseases require in the application of this agent. Nevertheless, the details into which I have entered appear to me suffi- cient for the direction of persons who wish to em- ploy their faculties in the doing of good. If I have sought to inspire confidence, I have taken still more care to maintain that confidence within the limits of prudence. By following the plan I have traced out, no one will have cause to repent having made use of Magnetism as an auxiliary to medicine. It remains for me to make two observations, one of which is applicable to all the severe diseases which have been cured by Magnetism, and the other to those in which it has exerted a great influence. I have said that, when one has restored health to a patient, and when the convalesence has terminated, it is necessary to cease magnetizing. But people have remarked, in many diseases, that, a year after the cure, they have experienced disagreeable feelings, or some symptoms which rouse their concern lest the cause of the disease may not have been entirely de- stroyed. When, therefore, we have ended the treat- ment of one of these diseases, I think it a very pru- dent precaution to have recourse anew to Magnetism for a fortnight, when about a year has elapsed since the termination of the treatment which brought on the cure. This is not always necessary ; but, in the 208 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. uncertainty, you would do well to follow this rule, especially if you are not far from the magnetizer to whom you owe your restoration. When Magnetism has established a communica- tion between the Magnetizer and the person magnet- ized; when the latter has entered into the state which we call the magnetic state; and, above all, when he is a somnambulist—there is no doubt that the magnetizer may act upon him at a distance, if he makes a vigorous effort to that end. I ought to ob- serve that the exercise of this power exacts the greatest precautions, and that we never should per- mit ourselves to make use of it for mere experiment. It is, without doubt, very curious to try whether we can make our action perceptible to one who is dis- tant from us, and who is not conscious of our at- tempt; but it may be attended with many inconven- iences; it may even give rise to mischievous results. When there is no somnambulism, the inconvenience is to excite demi-crises, which we can neither de- velop or sustain. Upon him who is susceptible of somnambulism, there is danger of producing that state when the patient is with persons who are not in communication with him, and who, by touching him, seeking to awaken him, may do him in- jury. I have said that he who would magnetize ought to free himself from all curiosity; and it is, in this case especially, highly requisite to make the application of this principle. Yet there are cases when the magnetizer should make use of the faculty which he has of magnetiz- ing from a distance; but this should be after having taken all the proper precautions, and never through motives of curiosity. Your patient has sharp pains; MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 209 you presume they will prevent his sleeping at night; you have discovered that you can assuage these pains by your presence; occupy yourself with him, and magnetize him by the thought, with the sole intention of soothing him; it is probable you will succeed in it. If your patient is a somnambulist, ask him, when in the somnambulic state, if you could do him any good by acting upon him at such an hour. If he makes you engage to do it, then take the proper precautions, so that nothing may interrupt him; tell him at what hour he ought to be alone, or with the person who is accustomed to assist at the sittings, and to whom you have imparted your intention. Thence- forth you have nothing to fear, and somnambulism, brought on at the hour when nature has need of it, will do him much good. But people will say that somnambulism has been brought on by the imagina- tion of the patient, and not by my thought and by my will. People will say nothing about it; for you ought not to tell any one of the phenomena, at least until after the cure. But I should not know myself whether I have really acted upon him. Of what consequence is that? Do you magnetize in order to convince yourself, or to cure your patient? If to cure him, it is indifferent whether you cure him by your own influence, or by that of his imagination. Besides, you have no need of searching for extraor- dinary phenomena to fortify your own faith; and if you have a somnambulist very susceptible, chance will offer you so many wonderful facts, so many convincing proofs, as to astonish you. Once more: When you magnetize, it is not for yourself; it is solely for the patient who has delivered himself over to your care, your benevolence, and your affection. 210 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. It has frequently happened that a magnetizer has continued the treatment of a somnambulist, who had been obliged to separate from him, and that the patient has written, while in the somnambulic state, a detail of his crises, and what must be done to finish the cure.* This will always succeed with a prudent magnetizer and a docile somnambulist. But if the precautions have been badly taken, if the magnetizer neglects to occupy himself with his pa- tient at the appointed hours, it would be better, a hundred times, to break the communication, and abandon the patient to nature. With many subjects we may renew somnambulism by means of a magnetized object. This facilitates the action of the magnetizer, but it does not dis- pense with the necessity of thinking about the pa tient in order to sustain and regulate the crisis. They who are not acquainted with the phenomena of Magnetism will consider as absurd what I have just said; but they who have once recognized in themselves the influence they can exert upon their somnambulists would be exposed to commit impru- dences, if I did not warn them of the danger. It is, therefore, my duty to make known what I know to be the truth, without troubling myself about the opin- ions of the incredulous. I do not ask of the per- sons to whom I address this instruction to take my word for the reality of the extraordinary phenomena. I merely request them to follow the advice I give them, whenever these phenomena present them- selves. * I possess several letters written in a state of somnambulism. They are much superior to those which the same persons write in their ordinary state, not only as it respects depth of thought, but also elegance of style and choice of expression. MAGNETISM IN DISEASE. 211 A physician of the faculty of Paris has just sent me an ob- servation which I think it useful to publish, because it re- lates to a disease of which I have not made mention. A constant vertigo and an accidental chorea cured by magnet- ism.—Mademoiselle S , aged thirty-eight years, experi- enced, on the 17th of October, a violent fright, which suddenly changed the state in which she was, by producing a suppres- sion. Twenty-four hours after, there were heaviness in the lumbar regions and in the lower parts of the abdomen, head- ache, loss of appetite, irregular motion in The arm and the leg on the right side. These motions greatly resembled the Saint Vitus’s dance. The physician employed, for the space of three months, all the appropriate remedies—leeches, seda- tives, anti-spasmodics, sulphate of quinine, etc. He con- sidered the stomach and the abdomen to be better; but he could not succeed in dissipating the vertigo, in re-establishing the course of the blood, or in quieting the nervous motions. The patient, who was much afflicted, demanded whether Magnetism would not be useful in these circumstances. The physician advised her to try it. He ceased giving medicines, and recommended her to live temperately. They com- menced magnetizing her in the middle of January, only three times a week, and twelve or fifteen minutes at a sitting. The patient drank nothing but magnetized water. At the begin- ning of February, the nervous symptoms were gradually dis- appearing, and totally disappeared by the middle of the month. The patient recovered her freshness and gayety, the blood retook its natural course, and in the month of March her health was restored. NOTE. CHAPTER VIII. OF TEE INCONVENIENCES, THE ABUSES AND TnE DAN- GEES OF MAGNETISM AND OF THE MEANS OF PREVENTING THEM. The opposers of Magnetism, after declaring that it does not exist, have declaimed against the dangers which attend it. I will not stop to prove that what they have said of the processes employed to put it m action, and of the effects it produces, is very far from the truth, and that the anecdotes they have cited to render it odious are entirely foreign to it. I agree that Magnetism has been sometimes abused, and is still liable to be abused again. But a danger ceases to be important when we are warned of it, and have easy and certain means of avoiding it. Magnetism is an agent of inconceivable power. Its utility depends upon the way in which it is employed; and in this it is like fire, the use of which is not in- terdicted for fear of conflagration. They who will conform to the directions laid down in the preceding chapters, will never have occasion to fear the least inconvenience from the use of Mag- netism. Yet, as many of my readers may not see the importance of the precautions I have recom- mended; as others may be alarmed by what lias been said of the bad consequences of some treat- 212 OF MIG^JKTISM. 213 meats; as others, finally may reproach me with hav- ing misstated the motives of those who condemn Magnetism—I think it proper to devote an article to recapitulate and develop what has been said on this subject. I would rather fall into repetitions than leave the least uncertainty about things which are essential. I am now going to point out the incon- veniences, the abuses, and the dangers of Mag- netism; and I will show that all, without exception, will be infallibly avoided by applying the principles which I have established. To obtain more order and clearness in this discus- sion, I will consider Magnetism under three points of view; and I will speak, fix*st, of the moral dangers which may attend the practice; secondly, of the dis- order which a wrong direction of this agent, or the want of some essential conditions, may produce in the animal economy; thirdly, of the inconveniences which spring from a blind confidence in somnambxilists, and from the erroneous opinions to which a person is sometimes conducted by a sight of extraordinary phenomena. First—Of the Moral Dangers of Magnetism, and of the Means of obviating them. In describing the processes, I said that we might employ light frictions, the application of the hands upon the chest, upon the heart, upon the knees, blow- ing with the mouth, looking steadily at the patient, etc.; but I also said that these processes, pointed out as the most active, may be laid aside for others, which, sustained by the will and the attention, will be equally efficacious. When a man is desired to magnetize a woman who is ill, he ought to avoid whatever may 214 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. wound the most scrupulous modesty, or cause the least embarrassment, and even whatever might to a spectator seem improper. He will not place himself directly in front of the person whom he intends to magnetize; he will not request her to look at him; he will merely ask her to abandon herself entirely to the influence of the action; he will take her thumbs during some moments, and he will then maCke passes at a distance, without touching her. It is uitnecssary to observe that some one of the family, or a female friend, ought always to be present. If the magnetic processes are attended with any in- conveniences, it is neither in society, where one is obliged to avoid impropriety of conduct, nor in the public treatments, where all things are ordered in a decent manner. It is in the hospitals—and I ought to fix the attention of superintending physicians upon this point; not that they should restrain the employ- ment of this salutary agent, but that they should di- rect and oversee the method of employing it; for it will be their fault if anything reprehensible should be mingled with the good which ought to be derived from it. I will explain: Physicians and medical students attached to the hospitals are now beginning to try the action of Mag- netism. They choose, in preference, young women or young girls attacked with nervous diseases, because they believe them more susceptible, and more likely to present curious phenomena. As they are accus- tomed to touch indiscriminately all the patients, either to ascertain the seat of disease, or to dress their wounds and ulcers, and as they never have any other idea than that of fulfilling the duties with which they are charged, they do not suspect that the magnetic DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 215 processes demand a particular reserve, and precau- tions taken beforehand to banish everything which might act upon their imagination or upon that of the patient. I am willing to believe that they respect themselves so much as never to permit the least thing injurious to modesty, and to repel every thought foreign to the end proposed ; but the very effort which is made to chase away an intrusive idea turns one aside from the object which alone ought to occupy the attention. They ought, therefore, to distrust themselves ; to dread equally the impressions which they can experience, and those which they can pro- duce ; and to take measures in advance, so that no- thing shall trouble the purity of an influence which has, at the same time, both a physical and a moral effect. These are the counsels which I ought to give in re- lation to this subject, until Magnetism is so generally known, established, and practised, as to render them unnecessary. When a physician intends to magnetize a woman who keeps her bed, the clothes ought to be kept over her. If she can rise, she ought to be clad in the most decent manner. The physician will not touch her ex- cept to take her thumbs, or to make frictions along the feet outside of her garments. All the passes will be made at a distance. It is often necessary to concentrate the action upon an organ ; for example, upon the solar plexus, the liver, or the spleen. In this case, he will present the fingers brought to a point, or else he will make use of a glass or steel rod, in order to avoid touching. It would be proper to have a nurse near the bed during the sitting. No person should enter the room. Themagnetizer should not permit himself to make any experiment; and, if 216 he obtains somnambulism, he will ask the jmtient only about her disease, and the means of curing it. He will give an account to the chief physician of the re- sults of the treatment. It may happen that a nurse, endowed with intelli- gence and kindness, inay perceive, with her own eyes, the efficacy of Magnetism, and feel the desire and the power of doing good. In this case, the magnetizer will excite her confidence, and get her to take his place, after giving her suitable instructions how to proceed. He will always recommend to her not to speak of it. The time is not yet arrived for nurses to consider the exercise of Magnetism as one of their most important functions. I have here spoken of the employment of this agent in the hospitals, merely because several trials have been recently made of it there.* I suppose that, if the young physicians continue to occupy themselves with it, they will not neglect to learn the conditions essential to the success of the trials which they would make to furnish a powerful auxiliary to therapeutic medicine. Let us return to the employment of Magnetism in society. The precautions already pointed out will suffice to banish all the inconveniences attending it, when it is merely intended to make use of it several days, and when neither somnambulism nor magnetic sleep pi-esents itself. But there must ne- cessarily be many others in chronic complaints which appear to require a very long treatment, and whose ANIMAL MAGNETISM. * It is now used in them very extensively in many parts of Europe. Sir David Brewster says that the medical colleges m Germany have professors whose business it is to deliver lectures on this subject, in its connection with medicine. I have learned the same fact from an intelligent German, and from several travellers.—Trans. DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 217 cure is preceded by crises and by a decided mag- netic state. In these kinds of diseases, Magnetism between persons of different sexes ought to be proscribed, un- less the principles and morals of the two individuals prevent the fear of an improper influence. The only men who can undertake the treatment of a young woman are the father or the husband. I have told the reason in another place. I think it useless to go into greater details. I ought only to point out the exceptions to what I have given as a general rule. These are to be sought in the advanced age of one of the parties, and in the difference of circumstances in which they are found. I foresee that some one will seek to put me in con- tradiction with myself. “ You have,” says one, “ a hundred times uttered the wish that physicians only would make use of Magnetism ; how, then, can women be magnetized unless by men'?” This is my reply : It is to be desired that experienced physicians only should be charged with the direction of the mag- netic treatments ; but it is one thing to have the di- rection of a treatment, and another to perform the manipulatory processes. A physician might gather round a magnetic reser- voir a great number of sick persons of all ages and of each sex, and devote his cares to each one, accord- ing to circumstances ; yet he cannot charge himself with a direct treatment, but by observing all the proprieties, by banishing all the possible clangers, and preventing even ill-founded suspicions. He must, therefore, cause another person to take his place to magnetize a female patient, and choose for 218 animal magnetism. this purpose a woman instructed by him how to pro- ceed, and having equally the confidence of himself and of the patient. I say more : When Magnetism shall be generally recognized, when it shall become an essential part of medicine—and this time is, perhaps, not far distant —the physician who has an extensive practice will have two treatments, one for men, and another for women, hie will thus avoid affording occasion for improper remarks. As Magnetism establishes confidence and friend- ship between the magnetizer and the patient, the precaution of interdicting the use of it between per- sons of diiferent sexes is not the only one to be taken, especially in regard to young persons, being, as they are, more susceptible of new impressions. If the father or the mother cannot themselves magnetize their son or their daughter, they ought to know the character and the principles of the person who per- forms the office for them, not only because opinions are communicated by intimacy, but because, in long treatments, and particularly when somnambulism oc- curs, the magnetizer will at length, even without his own knowledge, exert a moral influence capable of modifying the temper, the sentiments, and the prin- ciples of him to whom he restores health. As to the rest, persons who, without any selfish motive, under- take the treatment of a disease, are urged by the de- sire of doing good ; and charity supposes almost all the virtues. What has been related of the dependence which somnambulists have upon their magnetizer, has given rise to ill-founded prejudices against somnambulism. But this dependence is only relative. It has neces- DAGGERS OF MAGNETISM. 219 sary limits, and cannot have the consequences which some have dreaded. The somnambulist preserves his reason, and the use of his will. When he per- ceives that the magnetizer designs his benefit, he yields to him; and, fortified by him, he determines to vanquish a bad habit, to resist an inclination or an injurious fantasy, to take a medicine to which he feels a repugnance, and which he has judged neces- sary, He profits by the ascendency of the latter to work for himself, and to put himself in an advan- tageous position, which may be continued in the waking state. Sometimes he obeys the orders of his magnetizer in things that are indifferent, because the desire of satisfying him predominates over the re- luctance whidh be experiences; but the magnetizer coiild not obtain from him either the revelation of a secret which it is his duty or his interest to conceal, nor things essentially contrary to the principles of honesty, to which he is attached in the common state. A reprehensible act of volition would cause him t>o revolt, and throw him into convulsions.* The experiments which have been made to show that one could make somnambulists obey his will, have always been experiments of curiosity, without any moral danger, but very imprudent, since they * Sr. Passavant expresses himself thus, citing in support of his opinions several remarkable facts : “ Exterior agents may, in spite of ourselves, carry disorder into our phys- ical organization, but our moral constitution depends only upon our will. Thus so long as a man wills to be free he remains so in somnambulism, as much as in the ordinary state. One might wound or kill, but he could not demoralize a human being without his consent.” Yet suppose the possibility of a lethargic somnambulism, and the exist- ence of a being sufficiently depraved to take advantage of it; we need not inquire whether any danger might result, if we observe the rule laid down above—that a woman, when magnetized, ought always to have a female friend near her. 220 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. fatigue the patients uselessly, and may prevent their restoration. People will absolutely interdict them when Magnetism shall be so well known as not to astonish by its phenomena, and when they are well convinced that it is a sort of profanation to em- ploy for amusement a faculty which God has given us to do good to our fellow-creatures. I will finish this article by a remark worthy of at- tention. It is that, among those who are induced by curiosity to attempt Magnetism, some renounce it as soon as their curiosity is satisfied; and some, on the contrary, attach themselves more and more to the practice, as their curiosity is extinguished. These last are captivated solely by the pleasure of doing good. The enjoyments of the mind are enfeebled by the loss of novelty; those of the heart become more lively the longer we have enjoyed them. The source of the last is inexhaustible. Second—Of the Dangers that may occur to the Animal Econ- omy, either by the Abuse or the Misapplication of Magnet- ism, and of the Means of avoiding them. Those who have wished to inspire the fear of em- ploying this agent as a curative means have based their observations upon very specious reasoning, which would be unjust if applied to ordinary medi- cine. Since Magnetism has a very powerful action, they have said that this action ought to be salutary or injurious, according to the nature of the disease. If it is a tonic, it will augment the evil when there is too much excitement; if it is soothing, it can pro- duce no good results in a torpid state of the system. The defenders of this agent have answered that it cannot be compared to medicines which have in themselves a determinate property. Magnetism, DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 221 say they, acts upon the whole system; it seconds the efforts which nature is making to throw off the prin- ciple of the disease. If it. soothes, it is by re-estab- lishing the equilibrium; if it strengthens, it is by re- calling the vital fluid into the organs in which there is a deficiency. The answer is dictated by the theory which is most apparently true; and I think that if Magnetism were employed in all its purity, and freed from all ex- traneous principles, it could not in any case be in- jurious. Some privileged beings exist who are endowed with a lively faith, which never hesitates; with a confi- dence exempt from pride; with a charity so expan- sive that they forget themselves, and are identified with the suffering being. The union of these quali- ties puts them into a state for employing this agent, during which they are directed by an instinct more sure than all the calculations of reason. The power of their soul predominates over all the interior forces of the patient. It excites or soothes them at will. Their action, sometimes insufficient, will be always more or less salutary. But I ought here to consider Magnetism as it can be practised at the present time, and by the persons to whom this instruction is ad- dressed. Let us not, then, dwell upon an abstract theory. Let us consult experience, to know if, in certain cir- cumstances, Magnetism has not done some evil. Let us listen to those physicians who condemn the use of it, not to dispute with them, but to profit by what- ever truth may be found in the motives of their opin- ion. Innumerable facts, collected for forty years, have demonstrated in general the curative power of 222 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Magnetism. But has it not sometimes produced ef- fects contrary to what people have desired to obtain ? If it be true that it has, we must examine in what circumstances they have occurred, to what causes they ought to be attributed, and what precautions we ought to take to prevent the recurrence hereafter. I am persuaded there is hardly a disease which, by itself, is of a nature to be aggravated by Magnetism properly employed. But it may happen that Mag- netism does not agree with this or with that indi- vidual, either because of peculiar temperament; or be- cause there exists no sympathy between him and the magnetizer; or because the latter has too strong an action, which produces trouble; or because the action is too feeble, so that it induces a struggle in which it cannot triumph; or because he does not know the mode of application which is useful. In these cir- cumstances, it is prudent not obstinately to struggle against obstacles, unless the patient is forced by a kind of instinot to demand its continuance. There are certain persons on whom Magnetism causes a ner- vous irritation. When this is perceived, it would be well to magnetize at a distance, with the intention of soothing, and withdraw one’s self gradually from one end of the apartment to another; you will even draw off the fluid by transversal passes; you will not give yourself any uneasiness; but you will stop if you do not make a state of calmness succeed this first nervous shock. We know by the somnambulists that, in cer- tain cases, Magnetism ought to be employed with much reserve, and that its application ought to vary according to circumstances, either in the degree of force, in the duration of the sittings, or in the choice of the processes. When there is an exaltation of the DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 223 nervous system, it is prudent to moderate, or even to suspend the action. The species of nervous irritation of which I have spoken does not in the least resemble the pains which Magnetism produces or renews in an alfeoted organ. These pains prove the action of Magnetism, and re- sult from its efforts to expel the principle of disease, and they often make known the seat of it. It is cus- tomary to continue these critical pains for a certain time, and to calm them as well as we can before the end of the sitting. You may expect to see them re- newed at the following sitting, and sometimes in the intervals, until there is no longer an obstruction to the free circulation of the fluid; and you neednotbe affrighted on account of them. In palsy, Magnetism often excites lively pains, because it re-establishes sensibility in the limbs before restoring movement to them. This leads me to speak of a real danger—the inter- ruption of a treatment commenced, and the omission to sustain a crisis which has been excited, and which nature cannot develop and terminate without being aided by Magnetism. This danger is nothing in slight and recent indispositions; but it is very serious in organic and long- standing diseases. A person might do much mischief by magnetizing with energy only once to drive off an internal pain caused by a tumor, or by a humor which, for many years, attacks an organ at certain periods. When a person has de- ranged a movement which was established, or excited a contrary movement, it is necessary to regulate it so that it may not bring on any disorder. The accidents which have occured by the rude interruption of a treatment ought not to be attributed to Magnetism, 224 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. but to the imprudence of the magnetizer. I shall make myself better understood by citing two exam- ples. The first is that of a lady who for twelve years had a violent headache every month. One day, when I was at her house, and she was suffering much, I re- lieved her of the attack in half an hour. The follow- ing month, the headache having returned, she sent for me. I relieved her as before. The next day she was very well; but two days afterwards she had in- supportable pains in the body. She was attacked with a violent fever, which lasted six weeks, and of which she was cured by ordinary medicine. Since that time she has not had a return of the headache. I do not doubt that this acute disease was produced by the humor displaced by me; and that it would not have taken place, if, when I drove off the headache at first, I had continued to magnetize her for a month, in order to produce some crisis. The second fact is still more remarkable. It clearly proves that one ought not to permit himself to attempt the action of Magnetism, except when he is sure of continuing it as long as it is necessary. A girl of sixteen, who lived in the country, hav- ing had a fall, experienced, for several months, pains in the head, and became completely blind, having the gutta serena. Persons who took much interest in her caused her to be placed under the care of able oculists. She was sent forthwith to the Hbtel Dieu, where all the re medies were essayed. She was finally declared incurable; and, as her parents were without fortune, she w s sent to the Salpotrifcre. She was there for three years, when a medical student, who was magnetizing a lady, proposed to her to come to the house of that lady, telling her he had hopes of DANGEBS OF MAGNETISM. 225 curing her. She accepted the offer with gratitude; and some of her acquaintances undertook to see that she was attended thither every day. She came then to the lady’s house, and he who had offered her his cares magnetized her with energy for an hour, by putting his hands upon her head. She experienced an extraordinary sensation, which, nevertheless, was not painful; but the following night she was at- tacked with violent pains in the head. She returned to the house of the lady, but she did not find the magnetizer, who had left word that unexpected cir- cumstances obliged him- to suspend the treatment. The pains increased from day to day. They finally became insupportable, and were accompanied with a fevei, which continued every evening and a part of the night. The poor girl was sent to the infirm- ary, where many remedies were administered to her without effect. She was eleven months in this suf- fering condition, when some one requested me to magnetize her. She came to my house every day. I employed Magnetism by the long pass, and made passes along the legs, which became at first so be- numbed that she could not move them. After five sittings, she was restored; and, since that period, she has enjoyed good health, excepting her blindness. This is the same girl whose treatement I continued for nearly a year, because the effects which I had produced after the cessation of the pains made me hope to restore her sight. I spoke of this in the preceding chapter. It is evident that the pains in the head were critical pains, produced by Magnetism, and that they would have ceased in a few days, if the crises had been sustained. Perhaps, at that time, vision might have been restored. 226 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. In certain organic diseases which are very severe and long-seated, the efforts of nature to take a new direction may produce the most painful and alarm- ing crises. If the magnetizer is frightened, if he interrupts the action, the patient runs the risk of succumbing. In these cases, happily very rare, it would he necessary to have a somnambulist suffi- ciently clairvoyant to announce the crises, to describe the manner of developing them, and the results which they ought to have. The magnetizer would be equally assured, if he were directed by a physi- cian versed in the knowledge of Magnetism. If this aid be wanting, I can only recommend confidence and courage. I have seen the interruption or the false direction of a treatment have, in the course of time, the most fatal consequences; but I have never seen a serious accident follow a violent crisis, the development of which has not been hindered. Many fear that Magnetism excites ner- vous commotions, and even convulsions; because they recall to mind the effects which were produced at first by Mesmer. But at the time when Mesmer connected patients for the first time around the baquet, he knew neither the means of directing the agent that he employed, nor of calming the crises; and since 1784, the true principles of Magnetism* being well known, the scenes which once made so much noise are no longer reproduced. But it is well to say here in what case nervous crises may occur, and how all their inconveniences may be avoided. Magnetism really produces nervous crises in dis- orders of the nervous system; but they are necessary for the cure; they are the consequences of the efforts of nature to change a bad direction and re-establish DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 227 the equilibrium. The magnetizer does not interrupt them; he calms them by a soothing action, and by his will. Let him not be troubled—let him have patience and the desire of doing good—and after the crises the patient will find himself better than before. It is very essential to know that Magnetism renews attacks which it gives the strength to support; but it accelerates the progress, to destroy the cause of the disease. Magnetism also excites nervous motions when peo- ple make use of it out of curiosity, to exert its power, or to obtain singular effects; when its action is con- centrated upon the head, or when an extraordinary force is employed suddenly, while the subject resists the action; when, instead of being tranquil, the oper- ator is himself agitated. Do not magnetize unless you are yourself in a state of calm, and nothing dis- turbs the employment of your faculties. Employ your force gradually. Have no other desire than that of curing, and you will never excite the least trouble in the one you magnetize. If, in a treatment wherein several persons unite in a chain, or around a magnetic reservoir, a nervous crisis displays itself, the patient attacked by it should be instantly taken from the chain, and led to another place, that he may be calmed. It is known that ner- vous attacks are communicated by imitation or by sympathy: and this is a reason for not exposing the other patients to them. I ought here to reiterate a condition essential to the success of every treatment; namely, that the magnetizer must be in good health. Rheumatic pains, nervous affections, and especially organic dis- eases, are communicated from the magnetizer to the 228 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. person magnetized, with facility proportioned to the thoroughness of the communication between them. In the state of disease, the vital fluid may be vitiated, oi at least morbific principles may be thrown off with it 1 will add, that in the magnetic communi- cation there is established a sympathy between the similar organs of the two individuals; whence it follows that a person whose lungs are delicate cannot, without danger, magnetize any one whose lungs are affected.* Hitherto I have spoken only of the dangers to which we are exposed in magnetizing, without pre- cautions, persons who are not somnambulists. Those which spring from somnambulism are still greater. To avoid them, it is necessary to know them, and I wil! therefore point them out. I have just said that a magnetizer whose health is essentially bad may communicate the disease to the person whom he magnetizes. This thing is especially to be feared in somnambulism. I have several times seen the proof of it. I will merely recite a fact which struck me forcibly. A young lady, who for a long time had a very serious nervous disease, was mag netized by a friend of her family, who rendered her a somnambulist the first day. She very soon had favorable crises, and her health appeared to be sen- sibly ameliorated. She flattered herseif with the prospect of obt lining a complete cure, when her mag- netizer was attacked with an inflammation of the larynx. As he could no longer go out of his own house, he sent every evening to the patient a mag- * The magnetizei who enjoys good health sometimes sympathetically ex periences the pains ot his patient, but he does not catch the principles or the disease, the reason oi whicn is, that, as he throws the fluid from him self, he is active, and not passive; he gives, and does not receive. DANGEES OF MAGNETISM. 229 netized handkerchief, which renewed somnambulism for two hours. The young lady was very soon attacked with the same disease, accompanied by the most alarm- ing symptoms. Happily, another magnetizer came to her aid—a circumstance which did not prevent her from being in the greatest danger when the former one died. And it was only after a very long treatment, and making use of all the remedies which her clairvoy- ance suggested, that she was perfectly re-established in health. I will not here return to the accidents that may re- sult from temporary inprudences; I confine myself to a succinct summary of what I have said on this sub- ject. Never interrupt a crisis. Do not suffer your somnambulist to be touched by any one who is not in communication with him. Do not put him in com- munication with any one, except it be for some good purpose, and when he desires it. Avoid magnetizing him in presence of many persons. Occupy yourself solely with his health. Follow the processes which he indicates to you. Do not fatigue him with experi- ments. If you neglect these precautions, you will diminish his lucidity, retard his cure, and do him an injury. Yet this injury maybe ordinarily repaired by proper cares; and the greater part of magnetizers are not instructed on this point by their own experience. The dangers of which I am about to speak are, happily, much less frequent. They are not caused by a momentary fault of the magnetizer, but by the abuse of his own power. They are, with some indi- viduals, the natural consequences of somnambulism; and, as they are very serious and difficult to remedy, the magnetizer ought to conduct himself in such a manner as infallibly to prevent them. 230 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Persons who have been for a long time somnam- bulists have been known to Reserve, even after their restoration to health, a nervous susceptibility which renders them impressible in the highest degree; and the slightest action of Magnetism may cause them to fall again into an imperfect somnambulism. Some of them have been seen to be habitually in a mag- netic state. This is a great inconvenience, and you must avoid it by observing the following directions: Do not magnetize your somnambulist any longer than he tells you it is necessary. Never speak to him after he awakes of what he said in somnambulism. In terminating each sitting, disembarrass him of the fluid with which he is charged, and wake him per- fectly, so that there may be no intermediate point between the ordinary and the somnambulic state. As soon as your patient is cured, refrain absolutely from the desire of preserving in him the somnam- bulic faculties; will, on the contrary, that they cease, until a new complaint renders them useful to him. Somnambulists who are no longer ill are generally poor somnambulists; and the tendency to somnam- bulism is not in accordance with the ordinary habits of life. Many magnetizers preserve somnambulists after their cure, and they hope through them to ren- der service to other patients; but it is wrong to have confidence in such somnambulists. They are often made use of for experiments of curiosity. They are exhibited to persons who interrogate them upon various subjects. All this does no good. It does not even convince the incredulous; and this presents many inconveniences. I know that some exceptions to this rule may be cited, and that somnambulists, when thoroughly DAGGERS OF MAGNETISM. 231 cured, have been known to preserve, for many years, a surprising clairvoyance. This phenomenon is very infrequent. It has its source in moral and physical dispositions, independent of the magnetizer’s in- fluence, since persons who have never been magnet- ized have been seen to be naturally in a state similar to that of the most extraordinary magnetic somnam- bulists; but this state demands so much management, and requires so much prudence, discretion, and disin- terestedness, to derive advantage from it, that a wise man will not seek to produce it, or to sustain it by magnetic action. But the inconveniences of a somnambulism too much prolonged, and made almost habitual, are nothing, compared to the dangers to which one is exposed by turning somnambulism aside from the single end to which it should be directed; that is, by exciting the faculties of somnambulists, to obtain of them surprising things, from which they can derive no advantage, either to their health, or to the per- fecting of their moral qualities. There is not the least doubt that such an abuse of Magnetism may carry trouble into the nervous system, and derange the imagination. If you exact of your somnambulist things which are difficult and contrary to his will; if you should wish to act upon him in such a manner as to make him see the dead or spirits; if you compel him to go into distant times or places, to discover things lost, or to announce the future, to tell you what numbers will be fortunate in a lottery—a thing which he knows no better than you; if you interro- gate him about political affairs, etc., you will do him much mischief, and might even make him idiotic. If this should occur, it will be your own fault; it ought 232 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. not to be attributed to Magnetism, but wholly to your temerity. Somnambulism will never produce the least disorder when not abused; and we are sure of not abusing it when we employ it solely for the pur- pose of learning the means of doing good to the som- nambulist, or to the patients with whom he consents to interest himself. Somnambulism of itself is a state of calm, during which all the forces of nature put themselves in equilibrium. The stream of life then flows freely; its waters, united in a single chan- nel, are purified in their tranquil current; but if you build dikes, it will overflow its banks, and pro- duce the greatest disasters. In many works on Magnetism, and especially in those which have been published in Germany, the authors have distinguished different degrees or states of somnambulism, the most elevated of which has been called ecstasy, ox magnetic exaltation. I spoke of this extraordinary state in the preceding chapter. I ought here to state that it is very dangerous, and that, in the hands of a magnetizer who lacks force, coolness, and experience, and who is governed by the desire of witnessing marvels, it may be attended with the most fatal consequences. When this state has reached a certain degree, the magnetizer has no longer any control over it. If, then, you see som- nambulism taking this direction, it is necessary forth- with to oppose it; and if you fear you shall not suc- ceed, you should renounce the treatment. It is never at the first time that this state becomes suffi- ciently manifest for the will of the magnetizer to be inefficient. I think this danger has never been bet- ter exposed than in a pamphlet entitled u Memo ire sur le Magn'etisme animal, presente d VAcademiede DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 233 Berlin,” 1820. This is from the pen of a distin- guished physician, and I knew the man whose som nambulism was the subject of his observations. I believe that the accidents which have sometimes resulted from somnambulism have never occured ex cept when it has been pushed too far, or when its beneficial and restorative action has been counter acted. the Dangers to which Persons expose themselves who place too much Confidence in Somnambulists. Many enthusiastic magnetizers have a blind faith in their somnambulists. They believe them infalli- ble, both in the judgment they give of their own disease, and in that which they give of the diseases of others. If the remedies ordered by them do not succeed, they suppose it is because the prescriptions have not been followed with sufficient exactitude; if the remedies have done mischief, they regard the mischief as a necessary crisis. As they have some- times seen inconceivable wonders, they have become credulous, and this credulity makes them lose all pru- dence. Even when a mischance arrives, they con- tinue in the illusion. There are, without doubt, some somnambulists en- dowed with such a lucidity, that when they have been placed in communication with a sick person, they clearly explain the origin, the cause, and the nature of the disorder, and prescribe the most suit- able remedies by indicating the effects they ought to produce, and the crises which are to be expected. They announce a disease which will develop itself in several months, and the precautions which ought to be taken when the first symptoms are perceivable. They even see the moral condition of the patient, 234 ANIMAK MAGNETISM. penetrate his thoughts, and give him appropriate advice; but these somnambulists are rare; and even those who have given proofs of this inconceivable clairvoyance do not always preserve it, and do not possess it except at certain moments. It often happens also that the-clairvoyance of som- nambulists is not extended equally to all objects; they see very well tilings which no person in the or- dinary state could conjecture; and they do not per- ceive others which a physician would notice at the first glance of the eye. Let us not doubt of the faculties of somnambulists, but let us be the more prudent, since we are engaged in a career in which we do not see the rocks and quicksands. In order to avoid all the dangers of a blind confi- dence, observe the following directions: When you have been so happy as to meet with a somnambulist who has given proofs of his lucidity, present your patient to him, sustain his attention, and let him speak without interrogating him. If he perfectly describes the symptoms of the disease; if he points out the origin of it; if he speaks of reme- dies which have been employed, and of the effects they have produced; if he sees clearly what it is impossible to divine, and especially what you are ignorant of yourself, as it has often happened to me—it is evident that he is well acquainted with the disease, and this knowledge will be very useful to you. Then you will request him to point out the treat- ment to be pursued. If this treatment exhibits nothing that can be in- jurious, and if it does not oblige the patient to re- DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 235 nounce that which he is already pursuing, and from which he has experienced relief—if the somnambu- list affirms that the medicines which he points out will produce such Or such an effect, and that the patient will be cured after having experienced such or such a crisis—you will follow his prescriptions wTith the most rigorous exactitude. But if, among the remedies indicated, there are some which, in certain cases, might do mischief, you will apply to an enlightened physioian, who, if he be not a partisan of Magnetism, may be at least exempt from prejudice, and you will submit to him the ad- vice of the somnambulist, which you will follow in case he sees no danger in it. You will not put your somnambulist in consultation with the physician, provided the physician is not himself a magnetizer; for, in talking with him, the somnam- bulist may yield to his vanity, and say things not prompted by instinct; but you will combine what he says with what the physician in whom you re- pose entire confidence tells you. By this means, you will have no risk to run; and, even if the treatment does not succeed, you will have no cause for self- reproach. There are at Paris somnambulists who make a profession of giving advice for a fee, and the enemies of Magnetism do not fail to say that their somnambulism is pretended. I can affirm the contrary, and I have examined a great num- ber of them with the most scrupulous attention. I have collected a large number of facts, which I have examined in such a manner as to leave me in no uncertainty on this head. They differ among themselves in the degree of their faculties 236 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. and of their moral qualtities; btit all are really somnambulists.* Among those whom I have observed, there is not one that I have not known to commit errors; but there is not one that has not exhibited to me proofs of clairvoyance. This clairvoyance has appeared to me imperfect and limited on several occasions. At other times, they have singularly astonished me. bor instance, I have conducted to the houses of these somnambulists patients whom they could not have known, and of whose state I was myself ignorant; and I have seen them, after a quarter of an hour of concentration and of silence, divine the origin, the cause, and the stages of the diseases, determine the seat of the pains, discover what no physician could perceive, and describe with exactitude the character, the habits, and the inclinations of those who consult them. I have seen some of them who have cured very severe acute diseases and inveterate chronic disorders, by boldly changing the treatment pursued up to that time. Each of the somnambulists of whom I speak has methods of investigation peculiar to himself. The attention of some is at first struck with the most se- rious evil; others examine separately and successively all the organs, commencing at the head; and d is only after having viewed them apart, that they endeavor to determine their reciprocal influence. There are *It is possible to feign an imperfect somnambulism in presence of per- sons who take no precautions to verify the reality; and I recollect having been for three days the dupe of a person whom I thought incapable of de- ceiving me : but whatever address the pretended somnambulist may have, you may discern the deception at the first examination. Ihe faculties peculiar to somnambulists cannot be successfully imitated by any one who does not possess them. DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 237 some of them who, to make this examination, do nothing more than to touch with one hand the pulse of the patient, while with the other they feel over all the body; they thus perceive by sympathy which are the affected organs, and they sometimes expe- rience the pains of the patient so much as to suffer considerably after the sitting. Some of them consult for persons who are absent and unknown to them. Some hair of the patient, or something which he has worn for several days on the stomach, next to the skin,* suffices to put them in such close communication with him, that they wrill describe exactly and minutely his physical and moral condition. I do not pretend that they do not often deceive themselves; but I have seen them many times succeed, *in an astonishing manner, in cases where they had nothing to guide them, and where the disease for which they were consulted had char- acteristics too rare for them to come at the truth by conjecture or chance. If he who consults has for his aim, not to enlighten himself, but to put the somnambulist to the proof, it is possible that, with- out knowing it, he will exert an influence which will furnish him with new reasons for his incredulity. To what I have just said of the somnambulists by profession, in reference to their varying faculties, I ought to add that I have noticed in many of them much uprightness and sensibility. Some of them take the most lively interest in their patients, and mag- netize wuth zeal. I have seen them carefully distin- guish between what they thought themselves sure of, and what they thought merely probable, and * It is necessary to envelop these tilings in paper, and not to have had the packet opened, when it is presented to the somnambulist. 238 animal magnetism. refuse to give a consultation when they did not feel themselves to be in possession of sufficient clair- voyance; or, when the state of the patient appeared desperate, they would not declare the opinion they had formed respecting it. The part which these somnambulists have taken, of giving consultations every day, which fatigue them, obliges them to take care of themselves, and renounce all other business. It is proper that they should be recompensed for their trouble and the sac- rifice of their time. The persons who apply to them are very glad to be able to acquit themselves of the obligation, if they have received good advice; and as no one designs to deceive them, they have no reason to eojnplain, if they have merely satisfied their curi- osity. This is what I had to say to justify an abuse which will exist so long as Magnetism is not practised in families, under the direction of a physician, and which, in the actual circumstances of the case, ought not to be condemned.* But without pretending to make any particular application—without disapprov- ing what exists—I ought to show that somnambulists by profession, those especially who succeed in throw- * Some men, who have not taken the pains to inform themselves of the services rendered every day by the somnambulists of whom I speak, would have the police forbid their giving consultations. Such a measure would cre- ate inconveniences a thousand times more serious than the ones sought to he obviated. In the first place, these somnambulists could no longer find a mag- netizer who, by a disinterested zeal, would consent to direct them and sus- tain their strength. In the second place, those of the somnambulists who have the most delicacy would think they ought to renounce a practice which is interdicted to them. Finally, those who, in spite of the law, would continue to see patients, having risks to run, would demand a higher price for their services, and require secrecy; and the persons who obtain a con- sultation from them would not dare to submit it to a physician, for fear of compromising their obligations to the somnambulists. DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 239 ing themselves into the crisis, ought in general to in- spire less confidence than those of whom I spoke farther back, and -who, in the waking state, are igno- rant of the faculties with which they are endowed during sleep. What I am about to say is supported by the true principles of Magnetism, and confirmed by numerous observatfons. In order to have a somnambulist judge correctly the state of a disease, he must in some sort identify himself with the patient; for the motive Avhich de- termines him to identify himself with a suffering be- ing can be no other than the sentiment of pity, or the love of good. It supposes a forgetfulness of one’s self, and personal interest must necessarily alter its purity. When somnambulism, by being too much pro- longed, becomes a habit, there is established a com- munication between this and the ordinary state. In- stinct no longer acts independently. The acquired ideas, recollections, prejudices, interests, are mingled with that species of inspiration which develops in the somnambulist a faculty absolutely foreign to those which we enjoy in the common state. Professional somnambulists are rarely in a state of ab- straction (isoles), from which it is to be presumed that they have not reached the degree of concentration which ordinarily precedes perfect clairvoyance. As they see many patients in the course of the day, the impressions which they receive change their nature at every moment, and it is difficult for them to iden- tify themselves alternately with each one of those for whom they are consulted. Besides, to see the dis- ease, to describe its symptoms, to divine its origin, is not all. The somnambulist is also required to point 240 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. out the treatment. The faculty of seeing remedies is very different from that of seeing diseases, and is not always united with it. It may also be remarked that many professional somnambulists have a phar- macy peculiar to themselves. They order, according to circumstances, a certain number of medicines which they are acquainted with, because they have made use of them, and their complicated prescriptions often ap- pear to embrace useless things. The lucidity of somnambulists varies from one moment to another. A somnambulist who consults only with the desire of relieving a suffering being, when he perceives that he is not for the moment en- dowed with pexffect clairvoyance, says to his mag- netizer, “I do not see well to-day. The patient must return, and try to find me in a more favorable condition. I am not well acquainted with the dis- ease; I cannot devise the remedy. I suspect such or such to be the case; but I am not certain, and I can- not permit myself to say positively,” etc. The somnambulists who receive in succession sev- eral patients, each one at the hour they have ap- pointed, think themselves obliged to answer the questions put to them, provided they do not experi- ence too much fatigue; they rarely think of examin- ing themselves, to be sure of their own lucidity. They would not willingly deceive you; but they de- pend upon the first sensations they feel, and pre- scribe remedies after the habitudes they have ac- quired. As they desire you to entertain as favora- ble an opinion of their lucidity as they themselves do, they are dexterous in the manner of expressing themselves. If they perceive that they have erred, they endeavor to rectify their judgment, and to per- DANGERS OF MAGNETISM. 241 suade you that you have not well understood them. When they do not discover the essential disease, they almost always conjecture some of the symptoms; and, if you appear surprised at it, they profit by this discovery to direct themselves and to augment your confidence. If the remedies they have ordered do not produce the effects they expected, they do not on that account think hemselves in error; they find pre- texts for excusing their error, and plausible reasons for modifying their treatment. AH this may take place without any misgivings, and with an entire honesty on their part; for oUr interest influences our manner of viewing things, our decisions, and our con- duct, without our knowing it. Somnambulists of this species have often gone to see physicians who are prejudiced against Magnet- ism, and who wish to sustain their incredulity by experiments. They have almost always succeeded in putting them at fault; and they have thence con- cluded that all those who profess to have acquired proof of the lucidity of somnambulists are dupes. If they had known the principles of Magnetism, they would not have drawn this conclusion. Somnambu- lists of whom insidious questions are asked are much embarrassed; and if vanity, or the fear of avowing their ignorance, determines them to answer, they make efforts, they are troubled, they speak at ran- dom, and very soon they are put in contradiction with themselves by some one better informed than they are. Besides, in order to have a somnambulist lucid, he must be sustained by the confidence and the to ill of the person who magnetizes him, and he who is put in communication must desire to receive use- ful advice from him. If he is exempt from all inter- 242 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. est—if he preserves his independence—he will tell the one who comes to consult him, and whose intentions are not in accordance with his, “ I cannot consult for you; I am not in condition to answer your questions.” But in the contrary case, it is natural that he should employ the resources of his wit to supply the in- stinctive faculties which fail him.* Yet these somnambulists may be very useful; and as I have said, there are some of them who are en- dowed with the most astonishing faculties, and whose goodness of heart raises them above every other sen- timent. Even those whose clairvoyance is very im- perfect have, at certain moments, and as it were by flashes, a surprising lucidity. One might apply to them, not to put them to the proof, but to hear their advice with attention, and to derive from it some in- formation. It is not during the sitting, but it is afterwards, that we ought to weigh, combine, cuss what they have said, in order to judge of the degree of confidence which they merit. I will point out the conduct you ought to pursue, and which you can do without fear. If you decide to consult one of these somnambulists, do not limit yourself to the inquiry whether he has given proofs of lucidity; endeavor also to find out whether in his conduct he has always shown himself worthy of esteem. We cannot be certain that a somnambulist will not deceive himself, but it is at * What I say hers is founded upon facts which have been related to me, and not upon my own observations. I never permitted myself to consult somnambulists to put them to the proof. I have not even gone to ibe houses of any except those whom I knew to have given evidence of clairvoy • ance. It seems to me not very proper to employ insidious means to learn the truth. It discovers itself to him who searches for it with perseverance and honest intentions. DANGEKS OF MAGNETISM. 243 least necessary to be assured that lie is incapable of deceiving others. If the somnambulist has a sensible and enlightened man for a magnetizer, this will be one motive for confidence. It is desirable for you not to be known, directly or indirectly, to the somnambulist, in order to be sure that he knows nothing of your disease; but this is not always possible. In all cases, when you have been put in communication with him, you will not inform him of what you suffer; you will answer yes or no to his questions, without testifying the least surprise. If he describes the symptoms of your dis- order, if he discovers its origin, if he finds out what could not be known by his senses, you will have some reason to believe in his clairvoyance, and you will take note of all the remedies that he prescribes to you. It is not until he has finished telling you what he has seen and perceived, and what he advises you to do, that you will permit yourself to invite him to direct his attention to any particular organ, or to interrogate him upon anything which disquiets you. I suppose that, after having quitted him, and reflected upon what he has told you, you will be en- tirely satisfied, and even astonished, at the judg- ment he has formed of your condition. You will then address yourself to a candid physician, and sub- mit to him the advice of the somnambulist, before you take the remedies prescribed; for it may happen that there is a complication of diseases of which the somnambulist has seen but one. It may also be that the somnambulist sees the disorder very well, but mistakes in regard to the remedy. The physician will certainly find in the advice of the somnambulist perceptions calculated to enlighten him; but it be- 244 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. longs to him to appreciate them, and to modify the treatment in consequence. When a lucid somnambulist prescribes remedies for himself, we should conform ourselves exactly to his prescriptions. If he is charged with only one patient, in whom he takes interest, and to whom he devotes himself, he ought to be heard with great confidence; and you will follow his advice, provided there appears to be nothing in it of a dangerous character. The physician is solely to approve or to disapprove. But with the somnambulists of whom I have just spoken, the physician ought to preserve his supremacy, and direct the treatment, while he profits by the intelligence of the somnambulist, and makes use of the remedies indicated, if he sees therein no inconvenience. If reason permits us to depend solely and unre- servedly upon a somnambulist by profession who has given proofs of lucidity, it is only when physicians have declared the case to be beyond the resources of their art, and that they know no means of curing the patient which has not been tried. As much as I love to contemplate somnambulism in its purity, when the soul, disengaged from sen- sation and all terrestrial interest, sees nothing with- out her but what is enlightened by the torch of charity—it is painful for me to consider it as a com- plicated faculty, of which I know neither the prin- ciple, the direction, nor the limits, presenting itself with vacillating and diversified characters. But the details into which I have entered appeared to me necessary, because this work is not destined solely for persons who wish to practise Magnetism to do good, but also for those who, having heard of cures DAGGERS OF MAGNETISM. 245 effected by somnambulists, come to consult them without having the least idea of the circumstances which favor or trouble their clairvoyance, and with- out being acquainted with the precautions which are necessary to distinguish between their instinctive notions and the illusions to which they are often ex- posed. Somnambulists may give erroneous views to those who consult them with too much confidence, not only in regard to the treatment of diseases, but also in regard to things not less important. I have seen persons who, at sight of the somnambulic phenom- ena, were led to the adoption of most absurd and extravagant opinions. I know that a thorough knowledge of somnambulism places one beyond the reach of this danger; but there are few persons who have sufficiently studied this state to escape being dazzled by its phenomena, and to distinguish what is produced by the imagination from what is per- ceived by the new faculty developed or revealed by the interior sentiment. I should wander from the path before me, if I stepped aside to enter into many details on this subject. It should suffice for me simply to trace the route you ought to follow, so as not to be led astray; yet I will make a few observa- tions, in the first place, which will render the just- ness and the importance of my counsels more per- ceivable. In somnambulists there are developed faculties of which we are deprived in the ordinary state; such as seeing without the aid of the eyes, hearing without the aid of the ears, seeing at a distance, reading the thoughts, appreciating time with rigorous exactitude, and, what is still more astonishing, having a presage 246 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. of the future. But there is often Avitli somnambu- lists an extraordinary exaltation of the faculties with which Ave are endowed. Thus, among them, the imagination may assume a prodigious activity; the memoiy may recall a thousand ideas which were en- tirely effaced; the elocution may become so elegant, so pure, so brilliant, as to seem the product of in- spiration. But all this does not exclude error. The exercise of the faculties peculiar to somnambulists, as well as that of our ordinary faculties, has need of being attended with certain conditions, in order to give us exact notions. Experience and habit have taught us to recognize these conditions as it re- gards the external senses. We know that for our eyes to impart to us a just idea of the form and color of objects, these objects must be situated in the light, at a certain distance, and that the rays of light re- flected from them must not pass through a medium Avhich distorts the images. On the contrary, we are ignorant of the qualities necessary to the free un- folding of the new faculty of the somnambulist. Further, this faculty acts alone, wdiile the tes- timony of each of our senses is rectified by that of the others. As to the exaltation of our ordinary faculties, if all were exalted together, and to the same degree, har- mony would be preserved, and man in somnambu- lism Avould be in all respects superior to what he is in the ordinary state. But it is not so. One faculty is exalted, if not at the expense of the others, at least more than the others; it predominates, and harmony no more exists. It sometimes happens that reason bears the SAvay, Avhich is a happy circum- stance; but this is precisely Avhat strikes people DANGEKS OF MAGNETISM. 247 least forcibly. The astonishing fact is, to hear a somnambulist display much information upon a sub- ject to which he had heretofore paid no attention; and people do not reflect that things, which he may have heard or seen at a very distant period come up before his mind with extreme vividness; that cer- tain associations between objects become perceivable to him, which are imperceptible to us; that the preju- dices of his childhood operate afresh upon him in all their power; that his imagination can realize the phantoms it has created; that the facility of associat- ing his ideas, of expressing them in the most delight- ful manner, of investing them with all the charms of poetry, of joining them with some unperceived truths, which he causes to shine with the brightest splendor—is not, by any means, a proof of the truth of what he believes and of what he says; that the faculty of prevision, the most inconceivable of all, never extends but to a certain number of objects; that it is conditional; and that, if there are facts enough to prove its existence, there is not a case where we can reckon upon the exactitude of its ap- plication; finally, that all the faculties of the mind can draw man far from the truth when their exalta- tion has destroyed the equilibrium which ought to reign among them, and which is necessary to main- tain the supremacy of reason. We will now see how we may prevent somnambu- lists from running into error, and preserve ourselves from the influence of their illusions over us. The only infallible means is, not to let them busy them- selves on anything except the subjects in relation to which experience has taught us they have lights wnich we cannot have; that is, in regard to their own 248 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. health, and the health of those who are perfectly in communication with them, and to interdict them abso- lutely from all religious, metaphysical, and political discussion. The precept I here give is not in contradiction with what I have said farther back relative to som- nambulists, who, of themselves, and without being invited, expose the fundamental ideas of religion. These ideas are inherent in the human soul, which cannot know itself without also knowing the cause and the end of its existence; without ascending to its origin; without perceiving its relation to other souls free from matter. The existence of God, Provi- dence, the immortality of the soul, are proved to us by the order of the universe, and especially by the inner sense; and the knowledge of the essential prin- ciples of morals is the result of the unfolding of our intelligence. For the view of the order of the universe will be the more clear, the inner sense will be the more quick, the unfolding of intelligence will be the more regular, the more the soul is disengaged from all ter- restrial interest, the more estranged from all passion. And this is the reason why the somnambulist, ab- stracted and concentrated in himself, is, in this re- spect, more enlightened than we. But in regard to things which have been revealed to man, or which have been taug nt us by tradition, it does not belong to somnambulists to instruct us; they have merely the same gift that we have. Their disposition to piety might ed iy us, but if we make them reason about mysteries, their imagination will be exalted, and they will give in to all sorts of errors; they will no longer draw consequences from innate principles, DAGGERS OF MAGNETISM. 249 but from the prejudices of childhood, or from some hypothetical views. They will conduct us into an ideal world, where, as in the actual world, illusion and reality wall be mingled, not to be separated except by the aid of reason and experience. Even when, in this ideal world, the somnambulist sees what is concealed from us, he cannot communicate it to us, more than we can give to those who are born blind an idea of the phenomena of vision. I know that many persons have been led to embrace the reveries of what is called illuminism, by the con- fidence they have had in mystic or ecstatic somnambu- lists. The way to escape from this danger is, not to let the somnambulist wander into the regions of fan- tasy, and to limit ourselves, as to religious doctrines, to wThat we are required to believe. God has revealed to us what it behooves us to know, and the indiscreet curiosity which would go beyond this will be always punished. Ecstatic somnambulism is often exhibited without being induced by Magnetism. They who enter into this state manifest, upon certain points, a clairvoy- ance which would appear miraculous; they do not exhibit less in the strangest errors; and they have ex- erted the most fatal influence upon those who have had the imprudence to listen to them as oracles. If it is dangerous to consult somnambulists upon the dogmas of religion, it is not less so to consult them upon political affairs. I have seen men, other- wise well informed, become the dupes of their visions and their predictions. I cannot too much recommend your never permitting them to enter upon such a course. The metaphysical acumen of certain somnambulists 250 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. is sometimes very surprising. Doubtless it is better than that of the materialists, but it does not repose upon a solid basis. It generally conducts us to sys- tems analogous to those of the Alexandrian school, or of the Eclectics pf the third century, in which sub lime truths were associated with senseless creeds. Somnambulists who give themcelves up to this species of research ordinarily lose the most important facul- ties; and the proofs of lucidity which they exhibit in relation to certain things of a useless nature merely serve to mislead the judgment of those who mistake their visions for realities. I have seen persons who had certain proofs of the clairvoyance of a somnambulist consult him about the conduct of their domestic affairs, and suffer themselves to be guided by him; and I have also seen them by this means take imprudent steps. I do not deny that a somnambulist may sometimes, and in cer- tain circumstances, give excellent advice, because of the penetration he possesses, and even because of his ability to foresee the issue of an event which is in progress; but for this it is necessary for him to speak of his own accord, yielding to his instinct, without being excited, without being solicited, and without reasoning. A very good somnambulist, who is in thorough communication with you, will tell you, “Beware of such a person; he is deceiving you; ” or, “Do not undertake such a journey; the result will be unfortunate.” This merits some attention. But, if you argue with him, he will enjoy no advantage over you, except that of having more wit, and more facility in conveying his thoughts. I repeat it for the last time—if you desire to avoid the danger of the influence which somnambulists may DANGERS OP MAGNETISM. 251 exercise over you, do not consult them except about what appertains to their real interest, and about what they may know better than you, namely, upon the means of re-establishing their health, or of direct- ing their moral conduct. In many works upon Magnetism somnambulism has been represented as a state of purity, in which man is superior to the passions, and would reject the slightest thought which would wound decency or the moral sense. Those who have sustained this thesis are supported by some facts; but the principle gen- eralized is absolutely false. Many somnambulists preserve the passions and the inclinations which they had in a waking state. There are some of them who would sacrifice themselves for others; there are some who are profoundly selfish; there are some who are of angelic purity, and these would go into convulsions if themagnetizer had a thought injurious to modesty. Some may be found who preserve in somnambulism the depravity which they display in the ordinary state. There are some of them who calculate their own interests, and profit by what is told them to pro- cure themselves some advantages. Vanity and jeal- ousy are sentiments very common among them. It follows, from all I have just said, that the great- est wisdom and the greatest prudence are requisite for the good management of somnambulists, and for preventing their gaining an ascendency over the mag- netizer; that he ought always to preserve his suprem- acy, and yet not to maxe use of it except to retain them in subjection, and never 10 excite them, finally, that this state, in some sort supernatural, may\ in bad hands, be attended with many dangers But let plain and upright men be ieariess, let ihpm but ex 252 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. ercise an unshaken will for good: let them cut]’> j somnambulism only for the object for which Prov.' dence has destined it; let them repress their curiosi: y, the spirit of proselytism, the rage for experiments; let a compassionate charity, an unbounded confidence, be the only motives of their action—and they will never have any thing to dread. CHAPTER IX. OF THE MEANS OF DEVELOPING IN OURSELVES TEE MAG- NETIC FACULTIES, AND OF DERIVING ADVAN- TAGE FROM THIS DEVELOPMENT. When Mesmer announced his discovery, he would not divulge a secret of which he thought himself the sole possessor, unless they would allow him a certain number of select students, to whom he could ex- plain all his theory, and at the same time teach them the mode of its application. But to let the world know how vast and important that theory was, and to establish his priority of discovery [pour prendre date), he published its fundamental principles in twenty-seven propositions, the proofs of which he reserved, and the development of which he promised to give, and also to explain its consequences, as soon as they had consented to arrange the matter, and to take the measures he judged proper to prevent the abuses of his principles, and the robbing him of the glory of having discovered them. These propositions were very obscure. Several of them seemed con- trary to the received principles of physics. They have never been clearly explained, and yet the prac- tice of Magnetism has been attended with the great- est success. This proves that they were not so im- portant as their author thought them; and that the effects which he produced, and those which his pupils 253 254 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. produced, were not essentially allied to liis doctrine. Yet we cannot but agree that the assertions of Mes- mer merit the greatest attention, if not for the gen- eral system of physics with which he associated h.s discovery, at least as far as it relates to the proper action of Magnetism, its power, its effects, to the means of directing and strengthening its action, and to the utility derivable from it, especially in the treatment of diseases; for Mesmer was both a good observer and a learned physician. The twenty-seventh of the propositions of Mesmer commences in this manner: “ This doctrine will put the physician in the way of .forming a correct judg- ment of the degree of each individual’s health.” People have not sufficiently reflected upon this proposition, and they will search in vain in most of the works upon Magnetism to discover how it leads the physician to decide in relation to the state of the sick. Mesmer also said, in the thirteenth proposition; “ Experiment has proved the existence of a subtile matter, which penetrates all bodies without apparently losing its activityThis proposition has been left unexplained, as well as the twenty-seventh. Mesmer afterwards spoke much of the currents, and no account has been given of what he meant by the term. The supposition of currents passing and re- passing through bodies, as that of the poles, apper- tains to the general system of Mesmer, and I agree* that it is useless to look into this subject now; but if we can ascertain, by experiment, the flowing of a subtile fluid, and if the name current is given to this emanation, the nature of this emanation, the degree of force with which it escapes, and the cause of the OF DEVELOPING THE FACULTY. 255 direction it takes, are physical and physiological prob- lems which ought to he examined with the greatest care. The phenomenon mentioned by Mesmer has been known to a great number of his scholars. It was in particular known to M. d’Eslon, who fixed upon this subject the attention of almost all those to whom he taught the practice of Magnetism. This knowledge was common to several of the members of the Society at Strasburg; and yet, in the numerous mem'oirs which they have published, they have spoken of it only in a vague manner, as of a thing known to all the world by an oral tradition, which it is therefore useless to explain. I have myself scarcely said any- thing upon this subject in my “Critical History because I did not well understand its nature, and not being endowed with the faculty of perceiving in myself the diseases of others, and not having paid attention to the action of the currents, I could not speak of it from my own experience. I have since read some manuscripts of M. d’Eslon, in which the question has been treated of; I have also read a manuscript work, written thirty-six years ago, by a highly-intelligent gentleman, an excellent observer, and who, having first been instructed by M. d’Eslon, had added much to the knowledge he had acquired as a pupil; and I am convinced that what I had neglected to look into was a very remarkable phe- nomenon, the observation of which is the most useful in the practice of Magnetism. M. de Lausanne recently gave a long extract from the manu: cript I have just cited. It forms the first volume of the work entitled 11 The Processes and Principles of Magnetism,” 2 vols. 8vo. 1819. I in- 256 vite those who wish to practise Magnetism to read this work with the greatest attention, and to exer- cise themselves patiently in the method taught by the author. Of course, I cannot here lay down all the principles, nor give their explanation. I must limit myself to let the reader know the principal phenomenon, and the indications with which it fur- nishes us, the better to succeed in the treatment of diseases. It is well known that good somnambulists discover the seat of the diseases of persons put in communi- cation with them, sometimes by experiencing, sym- pathetically, pains in the part of their body corre- sponding with that which is affected in the patient; sometimes by passing the hands over them, and ex- amining with attention from the head to the feet. It is also well known that without any instruction they magnetize much better than they do when awake, and that they give to the magnetic fluid the most suitable direction. This faculty of perceiving the seat of diseases, and the direction which we ought to give to the fluid, does not belong exclusively to somnambulists; it is also developed in many magnetizers, when they are attentive to the different sensations they experi- ence, either while magnetizing various patients, or while carrying the action of Magnetism upon any organ of a patient with whom they are in communi- cation. I know many magnetizers, who, when they hold their hand upon the seat of an internal disease, per- ceive a pain which extends to the elbow; their hand is benumbed, and even becomes swollen. This ef- fect diminishes with the disease; it ceases with the ANIMAL MAGNETISM. OF DEVELOPING THE FAOULTY. 257 cure: and its cessation indicates that Magnetism is no longer necessary. I saw a physician experience this sensation the< first time he attempted to magnetize. With others .t does not show itself until after reiterated attempts. I have not observed it m myself, because my occupa- tions have not permitted me to magnetize except by intervals, and when I was induced to -t by the desire of alleviating a sick person. Yet some effects which I have perceived in various circumstances, make me think I should have acquired it, had I taken care to notice the causes which produced them. The delicate tact which enables us to perceive the seat, and sometimes the nature of the disease; to foretell a crisis which is in progress; to judge of the moment when a crisis will terminate; and to choose, as by instinct, the processes best calculated to dim t the action well—being the most useful of all the faculties to the magnetizer, I am going to treat : i.e- cinctly of the mode of acquiring it, and of making use of it. What I shall say is not the result of my own experience, but of the explanation which many magnetizers have given me of the method pursued by themselves, by whom I have seen wonderful cures ef- fected; of my conversations with the late M, Varan r. with many pupils of M. d’Eslon, and many members of the Society of Strasburg; of the theory explained m the work I have just cited; of some observations which I extracted from the English work of Dr. de Maineduc;* and finally, of the examination and com- * I nave no longer this book in my possession. It was published at Lon- don, nearly thirty years ago, in an octavo edition. The author therein un- folds a curious, but very systematic theory ; and it demands of those who wish to practise Magnetism a knowledge of things which do not appear to me at all necessary. 258 parison of a great number of facts which I have wit- nessed, and of all those which I have been able to When a man magnetizes, he puts himself, by the exertion of his will, in a state different from his habitual one; he concentrates his attention upon a single object; he throws off and directs beyond him- self the nervous or vital fluid; and this new manner of being renders him susceptible of new impressions. He first perceives a change operated in himself by the action in which he is engaged. He then expe- riences, by the reaction of him whom he magnetizes, various sensations which affect him more or less, ac- cording to the degree of susceptibility with which he is endowed, and according to the degree of at- tention which he pays to recognize and distinguish them. The change which occurs in us when we act mag- netically—that is to say, when the passes we make are magnetic—and the feeling which persuades us we are in communication with- him whom we wish to magnetize, are things which it is impossible to describe, but which they who are in the habit of magnetizing, and who have observed what passes in themselves, recognize with certainty. This disposi- tion is composed of a determined intention, which banishes all distraction without our making any effort; of a lively interest which the patient inspires in us, and which draws us towards him; and of a con- fidence in our power, which leaves us in no doubt as to our success in alleviating him. When experience has taught you that you are susceptible of this feel- ing, if you do not perceive it after you have tried a quarter of an hour, it is useless to continue; the ANIMAL MAGNETISM. OF DEVELOPING THE FACULTY. 259 efforts of will that you could make would he un- availing. You will try two or three time more on the following days, and you will cease if you have no more success; for then it proves that you are not in a state to magnetize, or that your action does not agree with the person on whom you wish to act. On the contrary, if you perceive in yourself a manifesta- tion of the disposition of which I speak, you should persevere; for, when the patient feels nothing, it is extremely probable that you exercise upon him a real action, whose effects will be manifested in the sequel, either by some crisis or by an amelioration of health. Besides the change in the moral dispositions, there are also some signs purely physical, or some sensa- tions which will indubitably assure the magnetizer that he has established a communication, and exer- cises a magnetic action. Commonly his hands are warm; it seems as if the vital action were carried outwards. I have been intimately connected with a man who had a very energetic and a very salutary magnetic power. When he had begun to act upon any one, he was obliged to continue nearly three-quarters of an hour, or otherwise he found himself the rest of the day in a state of agitation. When he had once put the fluid in motion within himself, it was necessary to let it pass off in the direction he had given it. He ceased, if at the end of a quarter of an hour his hands were not warm. In the last case, he was sure that he had not acted; in the first, he was sure of the contrary; and I have never seen him deceived, al- though at first the patient experienced nothing. I am acquainted with a lady, who, when she begins 260 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. to magnetize, experiences much heat in the hands, After a sitting of three-quarters of an hour (more or less, which depends upon whether the person she magnetizes draws off more or less of the fluid), her hands become very cold. Then she acts no more. The same thing takes place when she magnetizes ■water. Her magnetic faculties are re-established after an hour of repose, especially when she walks in the open air. Some magnetizers feel, at the end of several min- utes, a correspondence which is established between their two hands, so that when they place one upon the stomach of the patient, and the other behind Ins back, it seems to them as if their hands touch each other. This sensation proves that the fluid penetrates the patient. Let us now come to the effects produced upon the magnetizer by the reaction of his patient. These ef- fects occur only when the communication is well es- tablished. They can manifest themselves to a greater or less degree by three phenomena of a different or- der. The first of these phenomena is very ordinary, and known to a great number of magnetizers. The two others do not show themselves distinctly, except to those who have made them an object of incessant study; perhaps it is even necessary to have peculiar dispositions to acquire the knowledge of them. I here stop a moment t o tell the means which the author of the work published by M. de Lausanne has pointed out to establish the intimate communication which is necessary to the end which he proposes, namely, the examination of diseases Place yourself in such a manner that all the parts of your body may be as much as possible opposite to OF DEVELOPING THE FACULTY. 261 the corresponding parts of the patient’s body, and hold him by the thumb six or eight minutes, direct- ing your will and concentrating your attention upon him. Then make very slow passes along the arms and before the body, from the head to the feet, or at least to the knees. Withdraw yourself by degrees to make passes at first at the distance of an inch, then at several inches, giving to your hands only the force necessary to sustain them, continuing to observe well all your sensations. Here I will tell you what you will experience, in a manner more or less sensible, perhaps at the first time, perhaps at the end of eight or ten sittings, per- haps only at the end of some months. I am ignorant whether there are persons who have not the necessary temperament to obtain this end. Totietermine this, it would be requisite to know whether they who have never attained it, have not, like me, failed in patience and perseverance in their researches, and whether the habit of magnetizing without taking no- tice of their sensations has not hindered them from following the necessary course to develqp them. These are the three phenomena, and this is the ad- vantage derivable from them: 1. While drawing your hands slowly before your patient, at the distance of three or four inches, and holding your fingers slightly bent, you will feel, either at the ends of the fingers, or at the palm of the hand, different sensations, as they pass along before the af- fected organ of the patient. These sensations will be either of cold, or of pi-ickly heat, or of slight pain, or of numbness. They will indicate to you the princi- cipal seat of the disease, and consequently the part upon which you ought to direct the action. 262 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 2. You may experience a feeling of pain or a diffi- culty in the internal organs of your body,corresponding with those which are affected in your patient. This is a sympathetic action noticed in many somnambu- lists. It is evident that this sensation intimates to us the seat and the nature of the disease. I will add one thing, the reason of which I will soon explain. If you experience pain in an organ on the right or on the left of your body, you should first approach by little and little to render the sensatiori more strong, and then withdraw yourself gradually to the distance of two or three feet; for it may be that the affected organ of your patient may act at a little dis- tance upon the organ in you which is opposite; that his spleen, for instance, may make its action be felt upon your livdl-; but by withdrawing yourself, you may be sure that the sensation will be transferred from the right to the analogous organ on the left. 3. And here there is something more important, which has been unhappily too much neglected in our day. You will perceive, as it were, a vapor which escapes from certain parts of the body of your pa- tient, and talces a certain direction. This vapor will act upon you as a slight force which will attract or repel your hand, and which will conduct it from one place to another, provided you abandon yourself en- tirely to its action. These are what are called the currents. The fac- ulty of perceiving them is often acquired only after a time, longer or shorter; but when they are once recognized, you will follow them naturally; you mag- netize, as it were, by instinct; you will assist nature by carrying the vital action upon the deficient organ; you will augment or moderate your force at will. It OF DEVELOPING THE FACULTY. 263 is by these currents that the analogous organs of the magnetizer are sometimes affected. The currents will enable you to perceive a crisis which is at hand. They also indicate the moment when it is terminated; for then calmness is re-estab- lished; you are withdrawn far from the body, and you feel nothing further to attract you to it. They also enable you to discover the principal focus of the disease, and they direct you to follow all its ramifica- tions. A very severe disorder of the liver, or of the spleen, or of some other viscus of the abdomen, s often accompanied with no pain in that organ, but it produces either headaches, or ophthalmias, or ear- aches, or appearances of an affection of the chest. The currents conduct you to the part where the cause of the disease resides; they direct your action, they can even indicate to the physician the remedies to be employed to aid and favor the work of nature, excited by Magnetism. It is almost useless to say that, to observe the cur- rents carefully, the magnetizer must be free from distraction; but it is well to remark that, when he has once habituated himself to being directed by them, he needs to make no effort of attention to fol- low them. I am acquainted with a man who was closely allied to him whose work I have cited. Pie perceives the disorder of those whom he magnetizes; he expe- riences beforehand, and sometimes in a very painful manner, the crises which they are soon to experience, and which he develops in them. When he is in com- munication, he examines successively all the parts of the patient’s body ; he shuts his eyes and concen- trates his attention. He very soon perceives his 264 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. hand to be as it were wrapped in a vapor, the cur- rent ot which he follows involuntarily, and this vapor conduct*? him by different routes, to the place where it must stop. I have sometimes seen him magnetize several hours in succession He does not cease until the crisis is terminated. I will enter into no further details concerning the currents, because those who shall once have acquired the faculty of perceiving them will read the work I have cited, and then conduct themselves according to the experience they will soon secure. But I ought to add something relative to the sensations which are felt at the ends of the fingers, at the roots of the nails, or in the palm of the hand, because this phenomenon is more frequent, and it is good to be aware of the indications thence to be derived, ac- cording to the opinions of those who have observed them. What I am going to say on this subject is extracted from the work entitled “ Principes du Magn'etisme,” and from that of Dr. de Maineduc: “ A sensation of cold almost always indicates an obstruction, an enlargement, inaction, or a stagna- tion of the humors. You must at first exert a gentle and soothing action, augment it gradually, concen- trate it upon the spot that produces coldness, and then spread it out to re-establish the equilibrium. If the patient feels a sensation of cold from ymur hand, you should continue until you have changed it into a sensation ot gentle heat, in which you will not always succeed at the first sitting.”—Prin. du Mag. ‘ A dry and burning heat announces a great ten- sion of the fibres, and inflammation. You must use the circular motion, to spread the fluid, until this heat becomes gentle and moist.”—Ibid. OF DEVELOPING THE FACULTY. 265 “The pricking sensations at the ends of your fin- gers indicate the existence of a humor more or less acrid, if they are felt when you hold them before the viscera; they are the proof of an iritation, and of whit is commonly called acrimony in the blood, if they are perceived when you touch the head or the arm.”—Ibid. “ Numbness at the ends of your fingers indicates want of circulation. You must then magnetize with activity, to re-establish the currents.”—Ibid. “The magnetizer sometimes feels a fluctuating movement in his hands and fingers. This indicates a movement of the patient’s blood, and an incipient evacuation, which you must favor, by making passes along the sides and thighs.”—Ibid. “ When there is sordes (glaires) in the stomach or lungs, the magnetizer experiences a sensation of thickness and stiffness of the fingers. Sometimes he feels at the ends of the fingers a circular pressure, as though a thread were bound round them.”— Maineduc. “When the nerves have lost their tone, he per- ceives a weakness in his fingers and wrist.”—Ibid. “ In obstructions, the magnetizer has a sensation of acrimony, dryness, contraction, and formication, if there is no inflammation; and of heat, if there is inflammation.”—Ibid. “ Contusions produce heaviness and swelling in the hand.”—Ibid. “ The presence of worms excites formication and pinching (pincement) in the fingers.”—Ibid. I will say no more on this subject, because, if it appears to me indisputable that the sensations expe- rienced by the magnetizer indicate the seat of the 266 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. disease, it seems very doubtful whether he can, by means of them, determine its character. We are indebted to M. Babst for the knowledge of the means of exploring the nature of a disease in which he has always succeeded. He has observed that, when he puts his hand upon the seat of the dis- ease, the pulse is raised. In consequence, after be- ing put in communication, he draws his right hand slowly before the body of the patient; he holds, at the same time, his left hand closed, so as to feel the pulsation of the artery in the thumb, and directs all his attention to that hand. When the pulsations are accelerated, he stops; and if the acceleration continues, he concludes that he has found the seat of the disorder. I have tried in vain to experience this effect, but I advise magnetizers to observe it. It seems to me that a person might feel more distinctly the acceleration of the arterial movement, by plac- ing a finger of the left hand upon the temporal artery. The theory treated of in this chapter will not be of much utility to the greater part of the persons to whom this instruction is addressed; but as many of them will be disposed to acquire the faculties of which I speak, I thought it my duty to point out the means of developing them. Let not others be dis- quieted on this account; by conforming to the prin- ciples I have given, they will be always sure of do- ing much good. Magnetism, considered as a means of relieving our fellow-men, of aiding the action of nature, of facilitating the crises, of assisting ordinary medicine, is an instrument of charity which all men of good intentions may employ with success, without any OF DEVELOPING THE FACULTY. 267 study, without any knowledge of the physical sci- ences. One might even say that an innate instinct often induces us to exercise it; and perhaps the practice of observing everything, of explaining everything, of admitting nothing which lacks accor- dance with our acquired notions, of rejecting every- thing of which our senses do not afford a direct proof, and everything not found in the philosophy we have adopted, is much less favorable to the exer- cise of this faculty than a benevolent simplicity un- accustomed to investigation and discussion. Why do children whom we have seen magnetize, magnetize with success ? They do not account for what they do, but they believe they will, and they perform cures in proportion to their strength. Yet Magnetism presents phenomena which may enlighten us upon our physical organization, and upon the faculties of our soul. It is an action in living beings resembling attraction in inanimate matter. This action hath its laws. Let physicians, physiologists, and metaphysicians unite to study them, and they will soon make a science whose appli- cation will add much to the various branches of knowledge which are destined to strengthen the ties that bind men together, and diminish the ills to which they are exposed. CHAPTER X. OF THE STUDIES BY WHICH A PERSON MA Y PERFECT HIM- SELF IN THE KNOWLEDGE OF MAGNETISM. Magnetism may be considered under two points of view—jither as the mere employment of a faculty which God has given us, or as a science whose theory embraces the greatest problems of physiology and psychology, and whose applications are extremely varied. Hence it follows that the persons who are engaged in this subject may be divided into two classes: The first class comprehends those who, having rec- ognized in themselves the faculty of doing good by Magnetism, or, at least, hoping to succeed therein, wish to make use of it in their families or among their friends, or with some poor patients, but who, having duties to fulfil or business to follow, do not magnetize except in circumstances where it appears to them necessary, without seeking publicity, without any motive but that of charity, without any other aim than that of curing or relieving suffering humanity. The second class is composed of men who, having leisure, wish to join to the practice of Magnetism the study of the phenomena it exhibits; to enter largely into it; to establish treatments for taking care of many patients at a time; to form pupils ca- pable of aiding them; to have somnambulists who 268 AUXILIARY STUDIES. 269 may enlighten them; to examine closely, compare, and arrange the phenomena, in such a way as to es- tablish a regular code of laws, whose principles may be certain, and whose consequences, extending daily, may lead to new applications. This class is separated from the preceding by a great number of degrees, which must be successively mounted before one can find himself situated where he can command a more extended horizon. I there- fore advise those of the former class not to think of passing beyond their limits unless they are masters of their own time, and have some preliminary knowl- edge. Their lot is very good; they are strangers to the vanities and the inquietudes which attend new attempts, to the uncertainty which springs from the conflict of opinions and of various points of view under which things are presented to us; they taste without mixture or distraction the satisfaction of doing good. May they be so wise as not to meddle with any theory, or to search for extraordinary phenomena! Let them continue to employ, with con- fidence and self-collectedness, the processes by which they have suceeeded, without any other de- sign than to benefit the patient in whom they are inter- ested. When they have obtained a cure, they will speak of it unboastingly, so as to engage other per- sons to employ the same means* The instruction I am publishing is sufficient to direct them in all cases; they will not even need to have recourse to it, except according to circumstances. As to the persons who desire to belong to the sec- ond class, I advise them to consider at first the ex- tent of the career they will have to run. It is better not to enter it, than to stop in the midst of their en- 270 A XIIIA I. MAGNETISM. terprise. In what appertains to the practice, a pru- dent simplicity is preferable to science. In what re- lates to theory, imperfect notions expose us to dan- gerous errors. The laborer who cultivates his farm, as his fathers did before him, collects every year the price of his labors. Should he give way to an in- clination to pursue an experimental method, he might be ruined before he is enlightened by his own experience. It is not in my power to impart to others much of the knowledge they ought to have; but I perceive the need of it. I see the superiority of those who possess it; and I could point out the mode they must pursue to acquire it, and especially the dis- position of mind which is requisite to direct its ap- plication to the object in view. I think it useful, therefore, to end this work with some advice to those who wish to elevate themselves into the region of which I have only had a glimpse, but the chart of which is well known to me through the relations of those who have run over it with more or less success. I suppose the men whom I now address to be entirely convinced of the power of Magnetism, and to have recognized in themselve; the faculty of using it, and of producing the most surprising and the most salutary effects. Without this first condition, what I am going to say would be to them absolutely useless. It is desirable that persons who wish to study this subject thoroughly, should have at first some ele- mentary notions of physics, of anatomy, of physi- ology, and of medicine, in order to appreciate the facts, and to avoid being duped by the errors which are found in various books. There is also a neces- AUXILIARY STUDIES. 271 sity for them to be versed in that part of philosophy which treats of the origin of ideas, of the develop- ment and of the relation of the various faculties of the soul, so that the view of certain marvellous facts may not precipitate them into false systems. Supposing a person to have the dispositions, the faculties, and the preliminary knowledge, of -which I speak, he must read in order what has been written upon Magnetism. I think that they who are not ac- quainted with foreign languages may commence with my “ Critical History,” not because this work is worth more than many others, but because it pre- sents in a mass, and gives an idea of the history, the proofs, the processes, the phenomena, the application to the cure of diseases, the means of avoiding the inconveniences, and, finally, because it contains a succinct notice of all the books which have appeared in France upon the same subject at the time when it was published. To those books, which I have classified, may be added “ Les Annales du Magn'etisme,” “ La Biblio- theque du Magn'etisme,” and other works recently printed, of which it is easy to procure a catalogue. You should not neglect to inform yourself of the objections made by physicians, and of the explana- tions they have given of the phenomena, the reality of which they do not deny.* * You will find, in my “ Defence of Magnetism,” some references to most of the articles in which it has been attacked. Those objections which it is essential to know were afterwards collected, and presented, with much talent, in the article “ Mesmerism,” in the Encyclopaedia. I owe thanks to the author of the article for the great politeness with which he has spoken of me. I do not think myself deserving of the eulogium he passes upon me; but I think, if his article had not been composed before the publica- tion of my “ Defence of Magnetism,” he would have found in it a solution of most of the difficulties he proposes; and I would have voluntarily de- pended upon his judgment. 272 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. You will consult the works on medicine and physi- ology, in which the authors, treating of questions foreign to Magnetism, have been led to assent to its action and to the effects it produces. Such is the work of M. Georget, entitled “ Physiologie du Sys- feme JVerveux.” You will also examine into the na- ture of the diseases in which some of the most ex- traordinary phenomena of Magnetism are spontane- ously presented, as may be seen in the work of Dr. Petetin, and in the history of Mademoiselle Julie, by M. le Baron de Strombeck. You will not fail also to read the fine dissertation of Van Ilelmont, the writings of Maxwell, Wirdig, and other authors of the same time, who are quoted by Thouret, in his “ Recherches et Doutesalthough he read them superficially. But the instruction to be obtained from French and Latin books is nothing compared to what may be obtained by those who are acquainted with for- eign languages. The Dutch work of the celebrated Dr. Backer, of Groningen, contains excellent precepts and very curious facts; and the German works of Kluge, Wienholt, Wolf art, Eschenmayer, Passivant, Ennemoser, Kieser, and Nees-von-Esenbeck, are an inexhaustible mine. All these authors agree to the same facts; they differ in regard to method and ex- planation; they have combined the knowledge ac- quired by Magnetism with what they have drawn from other sciences; and several of them have as- sociated the theory of Magnetism with the most ele- vated philosophy. Ennemoser has much erudition; and, although not much of a critic, he points out traces of Magnetism in the historians and philoso- phers of antiquity. Kluge was the first to give a AUXILIARY STUDIES. 273 classical work, in which phenomena are compared and explained by a very ingenious hypothesis, based chiefly upon anatomy and physiology. Wienholt collects a great number of facts, carefully observed and ingenuously discussed. Wolf art has published in succession all that he has observed, either in his individual practice or in his public treatment, in which he is aided by several of his pupils. He has thrown great light upon the application of Magnet- ism to the cure of diseases. He adopted, expanded, and rectified the theory of Mesmer. Eschenmayer admits the existence of an organic ether, spread everywhere, and much more subtile than light. In other respects, he is a metaphysical spiritualist. Passivant unites his theory to the most touching and sublime religious sentiments. His work carries light to the head and charity to the heart. Kieser is a bold and systematic genius, who searches for the explanation of the phenomena in a very singular theory of the general system of nature. Nees-von- Esenbeck, and the authors of “Hermes,” modified the hypothesis of Kieser. Without adopting the opinions of these various authors, you will at least derive this advantage from the study of them, namely, the certainty of the principles in which they all agree, and the facts upon which they equally depend, which have been observed with the greatest care. In studying these various works upon Magnetism, we ought not to lose any opportunity to make obser- vations for ourselves. I ought here to lay it down as an important principle, unhappily too much ne- glected, not only by those who are pursuing these in- vestigations by themselves, but still more by those 274 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. who have undertaken the task of enlightening others by their writings. In all sciences, we should commence by the most simple principles, and pass, by degrees, to such as are complex. The solution of the highest problems in physics would be unintelligible to him who is igno- rant of the laws of motion and the action of electri- city and caloric. It is the same in the study of this subject. You should begin by closely examining the most simple and the most common effects, such as are daily produced with perfect facility, such as merely prove that Magnetism produces influences which are peculiar to itself, before you think of tak- ing notice of the striking phenomena, such as somnam- bulism; for these are complicated by several causes which it is first necessary to study separately. While reading works published upon Magnetism, you should not neglect to form acquaintance with persons who practise it; to see, test, and collect new phenomena; to distinguish what is common to all, and what is peculiar to each of them. You will en- deavor to discriminate, in the various phenomena which the same somnambulist often presents, those which originate in the action of the magnetizer, from those which may have been produced or modified by the will or by the imagination of the patient; those which are owing to a very great excitation of the organs of sense, from those which announce the de- velopment of a peculiar sense; finally, those which demonstrate a clairvoyance more or less extensive, but which is displayed only in regard to real and sen- sible objects, from those where the same clairvoy- ance is clouded with illusions. You will also exam- ine whether there is not a magnetic force pervading AUXILIARY STUDIE.. 275 nature, which acts upon men when disposed to receive it, and when voluntarily placed in circumstances that may concentrate and direct it. After having collected a great number of phenom- ena, you should endeavor to class and compare them, and to establish a theory resulting from this compar- ison, if, perchance, we have arrived to the point where it would be truly philosophical to form a theory. Up to the present time, nearly all the writers who have wished to lay down general principles have founded them upon some facts of the same order, without regard to other facts, to which they are not applicable. This is very natural, for the reason that the somnambulists of the same magnetizer have gen- erally a certain analogy among themselves, because of the identity of the influence exerted over them. Hence, to discover general laws, it is necessary not only to have seen many facts with your own eyes, but to have collected a great number of others, which are to be carefully proved, and all their circumstances scrutinized. As to the curative action of Magnetism, indepen- dently of the indications which somnambulism has been able to furnish, we cannot know how far it ex- tends—in what diseases and upon what temperaments it is most efficacious—until physicians shall have sub- mitted to the magnetic treatment a great number of patients whom they have examined before the treat- ment, to determine the nature of the disease, and to know if it be curable by ordinary means, and, after the treatment, to judge of the changes that may have been produced. Yet the multitude of cures effected in a short time by the magnetic practice, in certain disorders whose character is well marked, such as 276 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. rheumatisms, intermittent fevers, glandular enlarge- ments, contusions, etc., is a proof of its efficacious- ness in diseases of the same kind. I have now pointed out the kinds of knowledge to be acquired, and the objects requiring attention, if you wish to examine the general subject of Magnetism to determine the rank it occupies among the grand phe- nomena of animated nature, to discover its laws, and to fix its applications. But I have not yet spoken of the plan to be pursued to gain skill in the prac- tice, without which the notions drawn from books amount to nothing. I have merely said it is neces- sary to pass from the most simple to the most com- plex facts, and this is all that the method of study proper for Magnetism has in common with what is appropriate to other sciences. In these, the more ar- dor one has for the work, the more activity in vanquish- ing obstacles, the more desire of discovering truth, the greater will be his progress. In the investigation of Magnetism, these qualities would be more injurious than useful, if they were not united with much re- serve, patience, and moderation. In the physical sciences, and even in medicine, there are two means of acquiring knowledge — observation and experi- ment; in the practice of Magnetism, there is but one—for he who magnetizes ought never to make experiments. He should let the phenomena present and develop t iemselves, and note them down after each sitting. The most difficult thing for a magnetizer who wishes to gain instruction is, that he must have in himself, as it were, two persons, who must not exist together, but successively; one to act, and the other to reason. AUXILIARY STUDIES. 277 While you are magnetizing, you must occupy your- self wholly with the cure of the patient to whom you have devoted your time. You must not investigate; you must not take note of anything; you must with- draw from all prejudices, opinions, and knowledge; even reason itself ought not to be busy; the soul ought to have but one faculty active—the will to do good; the mind but one idea—confidence of success.* But after the termination of the sitting, you will recall to your mind what you have seen; you will take note of it; you will combine all the circum- stances, search into the causes, and try to reach results which will be more certain, as succeeding obser- vations confirm them. The magnetizer, while act- ing, should have unbounded confidence; he should doubt of nothing. But when he takes note of the phenomena presented to him, he should be distrust- ful, doubtful of everything, and admit no fact except upon incontestable evidence; no principle, unless supported by a series of observations congruent with themselves, and which are not contrary to any of the truths of physics and physiology. This self-denial is a thing very difficult to men ha- bituated to observe coolly and to men who suffer them- selves to be carried off by the imagination; and this is the reason why men who possess simplicity of character and little knowledge of the subject are often more proper to cure diseases, than those who * You must conform to this precept not only when you are yourself mag- netizing, but also w hen you are admitted to see phenomena. You must then unite intentions with the magnctizer, and look on attentively w ithout permitting yourself to form any judgment. In a word, you must conduct yourself when you assist at a magnetic sitting, just as if you were carrying on the process yourself, with this single difference, that, w’hen you are merely a witness, you must not exert your will but in subordination to that of the magnetizer. 278 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. are versed in the sciences, and especially than those who have a lively imagination. Greatrakes, the Irish gentleman who was so suc- cessful in curing various diseases, was neither a learned man nor an enthusiast. Many rustics and matrons, who believe they possess the gift of healing—some of them, bruises; others, the toothache; and others, attacks of fevers—often succeed; and if they were more enlightened they might not succeed so well. When I laid it down as a principle that the mag- netizer ought to interdict himself from all experi- ment, I wished to speak solely of the direct action which one individual exerts over another by an ema- nation from himself, imparted by his will and by the appropriate processes, and of the natural develop- ment of phenomena which this action produces. But this principle is no longer applicable, or at least it should be modified, as it respects modes of treatment, or the means of directing, strengthening, and con- centrating the action which Magnetism may exert of itself, when once put in motion. Upon this subject, a man who has well studied the particular effects of this agent, and who has an acquaintance with the physical and natural sciences, ought to permit himself various trials, to ascertain the best means of employ- ing an agent which is, perhaps, diffused through all nature. For instance, what relates to the construc- tion of baquets, or magnetic reservoirs; to the direc- tion of extensive treatments; to the employment of the chain, and to the precautions it requires; to the influences exerted by certain substances; to the prop- erty which certain substances have of imparting a particular quality to the fluid passing through AUXILIARY STUDIES. 279 them; to the question whether there are bodies which insulate the magnetic fluid* or retard its action, and others which are conductors of its ac- tion, or concentrate it so as to render it stronger; to the difference which the seasons, the hour of the day, the presence or the absence of the light, the tempera- ture, the state of the atmosphere, etc., can make in the effects of Magnetism; and, finally, to the action of Magnetism upon animals, and even upon vegeta- bles. All this cannot be known except by trials made prudently, but frequently, and taking note of all the circumstances. Let no one be in haste to form a theory; for it is easy to select facts in support of such an hypothesis as one might desire to imagine, without having this scaffolding of plausible proofs serve for the erection of a solid edifice. It is neces- sary for a long time to collect all the known facts; to group, to arrange, to class them, and to remain in doubt in relation to the causes, until we see a theory spring spontaneously from their arrangement, and until the applications and the consequences of this theory lead to results seen and announced before- hand. A man of distinguished learning has just published in Germany a work, in two volumes octavo, in which he considers Magnetism in all its relations. He be- * What we call the magnetic fluid may be, as Yan Helmont thought, and as Kieser believes, an agent which penetrates all bodies. The recent dis- coveries of M. (Ersted, of M. Ampere, and of many other celebrated physi- cians; the researches of Messieurs Provost and Dumas, and of various physi- ologists, upon the influence of electricity in the phenomena of the animal economy; the observations of M. de Humboldt upon the electric gymnotus, etc., may give us some light upon this subject. But the problem does not consist in this; it is in the power which man has of directing this fluid, of modifying it, of communicating to it such or such a virtue. This problem I believe to be incapable of solution, because our external senses teach us nothing about the internal principle of life. 280 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. lieves there is in Magnetism two different actions— one which depends upon a vital principle spread throughout nature, and circulating in all bodies; the other, the same principle, modified by man, animated by his spirit, and directed by his will. He thinks that the first sort of Magnetism, which he calls tellur- ism, or siderism, can be employed without the con- currence of the human will, and solely by the action of certain mineral or vegetable substances. Accord- ing to him, a baquet regularly constructed can, with- out having been magnetized, act upon a patient who comes to place himself there every day for a certain time, and produce, in the course of time, most of the phenomena obtained by the magnetic processes. I invite philosophers to examine this theory. My ig- norance of the German language does not permit me to judge of it; but the testimony of Kieseris of great weight; and if, as I suppose, there is reason to reject his theory, there is none at all to deny the facts upon which he sustains it, and which are certainly worthy of attention. This is not the place to enter into greater details upon the researches to which a person should devote himself when he wishes to study Magnetism as a science. He who has this object in view will learn, by reading the works published, what things ought most particularly to fix his attention. I merely rec- ommend to him not to neglect anything; to consult the works of the enemies of Magnetism as well as those of its partisans; to search out, in the books of historians, philosophers, and physicians, phenomena analogous to those which the practice of Magnetism brings to our view; to separate them from all the hy- potheses to which they have given birth, and not to AUXILIARY STUDIES. 281 be hasty in adopting general principles. By reading the works published upon Magnetism in the various schools, from Van Helmont to the present time, we shall soon perceive that there are effects which have been exhibited everywhere, always with the same characteristics; and phenomena which are presented only in certain schools and by certain magnetizers. and which one might vainly seek to reproduce him- self. These phenomena ought not to be rejected; the most of them are real,*though often attributed to chimerical causes; people have drawn erroneous con elusions from them, and you cannot use too much care to distinguish facts in themselves from the colors with which they have been invested by enthusiastic and credulous narrators. I have now pointed out the road for you to follow, if you would reach the elevation from whence you may behold the subject in all its extent, penetrate its depths, see through the veil which covers some of its mysteries, free it from what does not belong to it, and determine the part it acts in the drama of nature. But upon the route I have traced out there are stumbling-blocks of which I should warn you, because it is essential to avoid them if you would make a just application of the knowledge you have acquired by reading and observation I have said that one wouid gam but vague ideas from books, if he not been first convinced, by his own experience, of the power of Magnetism, The phenomena of somnambulism which it offers are truly wonderful and instructive, and it is impossible to get a conception of them if you liave not seen some of them with your own eyes. The various re- lations that have been given contain facts so unlike 282 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. in appearance, that you cannot perceive the tie which connects them—so marvellous, that you are dazzled, and know not on what to rest your faith. When you have once produced these extraordinary pheno- mena yourself, you are at least convinced of their reality; and you might employ the time which you would, perhaps; have uselessly sacrificed in satisfying yourself by reading, in examining its successive stages and its circumstances. Even in this case, much attention and prudence are requisite, to dis- criminate, in the discourses and in the perceptions of somnambulists, what appertains to the exaltation of the senses, to the nervous susceptibility, to the in- fluence of acquired ideas, to the errors of the imag- ination. from the manifestation or the development of a real faculty, absolutely foreign to those which we enjoy in our ordinary state. I have many exam- ples ot somnambulists endowed with an astonishing clairvoyance, in the exercise of their new faculty ap- plied to things positive and within their scope, who would speak at random if asked by what means they were enabled to see, and especially when requested to speak on subjects which excite their imagination. I would compare somnambulism to a microscope which causes objects at. its focus to be distinctly seen, though imperceptible to the naked eye; but, on this side of or beyond the focus, the rays cross each other, the hues become more brilliant, and the im- ages are wholly distorted. The clairvoyance of somnambulists, inconceivable as it is, is not less in- contestable; there is no exaggeration in what has been related concerning it; but it is in each individ- ual limited to certain objects, and confined to a cer- tain #rder of ideas; and it is only by comparison AUXILIARY STUDIES. 283 between great numbers of facts, in which truth has been separated' from illusion, that you will be en- abled to perceive the extent of which it is suscep- tible, what is its origin, and what are the conditions which favor its development. If tvro magnetizers were each to form a theory of somnambulism from the facts exhibited by their respective somnambu- lists, it is very probable that those theories would not resemble each other. I go further, and affirm that, by reasoning from some phenomena considered separately, a person might form not only the strangest hypotheses, but might also be induced to deny even the reality of Magnetism. I have told you to how many errors you may be exposed by an incomplete and limited examination of the phenomena. I ought now to advert to those which spring from an inconsiderate application of the branches of knowledge which do not belong to Magnetism. I am convinced that a person will never make a real progress in the science of Magnetism wdien he looks for its principles in other sciences. To explain magnetic phenomena by the laws of electricity or galvanism, by anatomical considerations of the func- tions of the brain and nerves, would be very much like explaining vegetation by crystalography. It is essential for learned men and physicians to know that the most profound knowledge of physics and of physiology will never lead them to the discovery of the theory of Magnetism; yet this knoAvledge will be useful to secure the observers from many errors, by enabling them to distinguish what belongs to Mag- netism from what is due to other causes, by furnish- ing them the means of verification, by authorizing 284 them to reject all consequences essentially contrary to well-known physical laws. Magnetism, considered as an agent, is entirely dif- ferent from the other agents of nature. It has its own laws, which are not identical with the laws of matter. Considered as a science, it has peculiar principles, which cannot be known except by obser- vation, no idea of which can be caught from known sciences. So much I can say wdth certainty; but I permit myself here to add an opinion, common with me and many enlightened men, but which I merely propose as an opinion: The theory of Magnetism is based upon this great principle, that there is in nature two sorts of ele- ments, radically different in their characteristics and properties—spirit and mattery that these two ele- ments act, the one upon the other, but each one pos- sessing laws peculiar to itself. Among the laws that regulate the action of matter upon matter, many have been successively brought to light by observa- tion, determined by calculation, and verified by ex- periment: such are the laws of motion, of attraction, of electricity, of the transmission of light, etc. It is not so with the mind; although the existence of our soul has been demonstrated, and many of its faculties are known to us, its nature is a mystery, its union with organized matter inconceivable, and most of the laws by which mind acts upon mind are un. known. Living bodies which are composed of mind and matter* act upon living bodies by the combi- ANIMAL MAGNETISM. * Instead of recognizing only two elements in man, ft would perhaps be more exact to distinguish three—the soul, the body, and an intermediate element, which is the principle of life. This was the opinion of the an- cients, who designated the last as the spirit, or the chariot of the soul {char de I'ame.) This is also the opinion of most somnambulists who have AUXILIARY STUDIES. 285 nation of the peculiar properties of the two. It is perceivable that there are in this action two distinct elements, and a mixed element. The knowledge of the laws that govern them constitutes the science of Magnetism; and it is only by observing, contrasting, and comparing the various phenomena, that we can arrive at the discovery and the elucidation of these laws. Hence it follows that those who would establish a theory of Magnetism upon the properties of matter, and those who search for it wholly in the faculties of the soul, strike equally aside of the truth. Mag- netism, being an emanation from ourselves, directed by volition, partakes equally of the two elements which compose our being. This is not the place to enlarge upon this idea. The object I proposed to myself being to teach the practice of Magnetism, it is rather to restrain than to exeite the persons who wish to study it profoundly, that I have permitted myself to lay down the route they should follow, and the difficulties they must vanquish to effect their object. Longer details would be useless; I will therefore merely sum up, in a brief way, what I have said in this chapter. To practise Magnetism, you have need only of will, confidence, and charity; and all the books which have been written since men have been treat- ing it as a discovery would add nothing essential to reached the highest degree of clairvoyance. It wiil be perceived that this metaphysical question is foreign to my subject. I speak of it merely to avoid the imputation of not knowing it. That there are in sentient be- ings two elements essentially different, is an incontestable fact: one is matter, the other is not. The principle of life is distinct from matter, because it is a principle which acts upon matter and organizes it; is distinct from the principle of intelligence, for plants are alive. 286 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. the principles proclaimed by M. de Puysegur; namely, an active will to do good/ a firm belief in our power; and an entire confidence in employing it. To examine into the cause and the similarity of the phenomena, you must have first acquired, by your own experience, an entire conviction of the power of the agent. Next, you must have gained a general acquaintance with the natural laws, then of the or- ganization of man, and of the various conditions in which he is found; and, finally, you must rise to another class of ideas, in order to become acquainted with the influence of mind upon organized matter, and to explain how one man acts upon another by his will. Let us thank Heaven that the exercise of a faculty so useful, so sublime, as that of Magnetism, demands only singleness of faith, purity of intention, and the development of a natural sentiment which connects us with the sufferings of our fellow-men, and in- spires us with the desire and the hope of relieving them. What need have we to consult the wavering decisions of the mind, when we may act efficaciously by abandoning ourselves to the impulse of the heart ? APPENDIX. NOTE I. This work was originally published in three parts, and the appendix of each part embraced such communications as were received at the time of its publication. It was then intended to make a new arrangement of these and the translator's notes as soon as another edition should be put to press ; but, on reflection, it seems better to preserve the original form, and to add the new ones at the conclusion. It must now appear to every one conversant with Mesmerism, that many of the experiments detailed in this Appendix must have been injurious to the subjects of them, and can find no ex- cuse except in the inexperience of those who permitted them, and in their strong desire to convince scientific men of the power of this agency, then recently introduced to our notice. It is, how- ever, useful to let them remain, since they tend to lessen the pub- lic curiosity to see them repeated, in proportion to the authen- ticity by which they are supported; and since they establish, by the most respectable testimony, the fact of the wonderful influence which may be exercised. To that portion of the correspondence to which physicians of high standing have contributed, we must look for the legitimate exercise of this agency. In such hands, it is destined to produce much good, as an auxiliary to medicine. NOTE II.—Page 34. A child about nine years of age, attending the school of 289 290 APPENDIX. Miss S , in this city, -was, about a month ago, during an intermission, found to be asleep in the school-room. One of the young scholars came and gave information. Miss S and others tried to rouse her, but, not succeeding, they be- came alarmed. A young medical student, a son of Commo- dore John Orde Creighton, being called in, soon perceived that she was in a magnetic sleep. A little girl, about ten years old, betrayed her agency in the matter by bursting into tears. She was so much terrified at the result of the mis- chief, that Miss S called her into another room, soothed her distress, and told her she need not be frightened; she had ouly to go to Anne, and ask her to wake up. This was done. She merely spoke to her, and she came out of her magnetic state, with that smile upon her visage which is peculiar to those who are gently roused from it. The child had been once before, and only once, put into the somnambulic state. It was effected in about five min- utes, by a lady who had never before tried her hand at this business. I learned these particulars from Mr. Benjamin Cozzens and Mr. Joseph Balch, Jr. An instance of the power of magnetizing without manipu- lation, and causing sleep at the first trial, is afforded in the case of a woman who, being in a nervous state, was put to sleep for the first time by her husband, in the course of fif- teen minutes, without her knowing anything of his intention; she sitting at one part of the room, and he in another. When she was asleep, he went into an adjoining room, out of her direct vision, and, taking down a book, began to read it. After being some time in the magnetic state, she was awak- ened. She related correctly what he had done, and evinced the usual proofs of clairvoyance. The gentleman is a resi- dent of this city, a friend of mine, on whose veracity I can depend. Dr. , of this city, informed me that one of his daugh- ters, seven years of age, put her little sister, between two and three years of age, into a deep magnetic sleep, so that her mother could not rouse her. Some time afterwards, she was very eager to experience the effect again, and cried because she was not permitted to be magnetized. See page 202. APPENDIX. 291 An instance occurred of one boy’s putting another into the same state, which was related to me by an eye-witness of the fact. It took place in this city. The power exorcised over the imagination of the patient is not the least singular thing connected with the subject. The success of all experiments of this kind depends upon the con- trol which the magnetizer has over his own imagination, as well as upon the strength "which belongs to it. A long prac- tice will enable a man to call up a clear conception of the article which he wishes to administer; and he will succeed in proportion to the clearness and strength of this conception, other things being equal. A glass of wTater being held in your hand, you will cause the magnetizer to be called into another room, where a person whom you select will whisper to him what you wish to have it taste like. The magnetizer returns, fixes his mind upon the glass of water, to impart to it the desired quality, and requests the somnambulist to take it from your hand and drink it. He will then ask him wrhat he is drinking. The somnambulist rarely fails to tell, if it be anything with which he is ac- quainted. It may be he is but slightly acquainted with the liquor whose taste is induced into the glass of water: in this case is evidently involved another condition to render the trial satisfactory, viz., the patient must know the article at- tempted to be imposed upon him. An empty glass does as well as a full one. A peach may thus be transformed into an apple, a pear, an iron ball, etc. A handkerchief folded may be changed into a child, a cat, or a dog, and thrown into the lap. In the first case, it will be fondled; in the second, thrown off with violence, or caressed, as the feeling or the prejudice may happen to be. Nor is it the fact, as some suppose, that the effect is pro- duced merely upon the imagination of the patient. Any medicine wdiich the magnetizer can form a strong conception of may be administered in this manner, and will be accom- pained with all its usual effects, as if it were really taken. This is a well known and common fact. NOTE III.—Page 54. 292 APPENDIX. This brings me to the design of this note. At page 54, men- tion is made of magnetized water. An explanation of its uses, and of the manner of preparing it, will be found on the 76th page. "Water is magnetized by making a few passes along the vessel containing it, stirring it with the thumb, and accompany- ing the action with the steady exercise of the will, as to the effects which it shall produce. This experiment differs from the ones described above, since they were to influence the taste merely. In the present case, the taste is not altered much, and sometimes not at all. “ The patient generally distinguishes it from other water by a peculiar sensation which it excites in the stomach.” NOTE IV.—Page 102. Clairvoyance.—This term is used to denote the faculty peculiar to somnambulists and epileptic persons, which enables them to see things near, and also things distant, without appear- ing to use the eye. It seems to be a more expressive word than any in the English language that could be brought to convey its meaning, because the idea meant to be conveyed is peculiar; and we must either limit a familiar word to one of its signi- fications, invent a new one, or adopt that which is already in- troduced, and is appropriate in the technology of Magnetism. Its literal signification is, clear-sightedness; its technological signification is, clear-sightedness in the somnambulic state. Somnambulists, when they wish to examine an object atten- tively, generally press it lightly against the epigastrium. The translator has seen one case where the seat of vision was on the back part of the head; and another, where it wras on one side of the head, near the organ designated by Spurzheim as alimentiveness. The objects examined, such as bank-bills, and the superscriptions of letters, are always neld with itie blank side next to the seat of vision, so as to be read from right to left. Mr. Stephen Covill, of Troy, New York, being desirous of testing the clairvoyant power of one of our somnambuiists, and being withal a sceptic, nothwithstancling the tvjJence offered by the statements and by the thorough convictions of some'of his own friends, wrote a sentence upon a piece of APPENDIX. 203 p iper without the knowledge of any other person, enclosed it between two thick cards, folded them aLup in a deep-blue sheet of paper, to prevent the transmission of light,took the pre- caution to seal it. with his own sea1 and a number of wafers, and put the whoie into a larger sheet, directed to Mr. Isaac Thurber Mr.Thurber presented the letter, sealed, as it came, to Miss Brackett, while she was in the somnambulic state,in the presence of Mr. Henry Hopkins and a number of others, and requested her to read the contents without breaking the seals Miss B. took the letter with her on retiring for the night In the morning she gave the following as the sen- tence contained therein, which Mr. Hopkins wrote down at her dictation. • No other than the eye of Omnipotence can read this in this cncelopement. ****** 1837.*' The letter was then sent back in an envelope, the seals not having been broken, with the above sentence written upon the outside of it. There was something where the stars are placed which she could not read. This number will be published before an answer can be re- ceived from Troy. In the second number it shall be made known, whatever may be its purport The following letter may serve to show on what basis we raise our confidence- ‘ Sir: Previous to the experiment of Mr.Stephen Covill, of Troy, I had done this thing to try the clairvoyant power of Miss B. I wrote this sentence on a sheet of paper, ’ Animal Magnetism may be rendered useful,' and carefully folded up the sheet so that the writing was covered with three thicknesses, sealing it with four seals. I then directed it to Dr. Capron, with a request that he would find out the contents of the letter ana write the same on the back of it. No person but mysen knew wha1 -was in it Dr Capron brought it the next day tr my courting room, and V. was opened in the presence of a number o: witnesses The writing on the back corre- sponded exactly with the writing inside,and the seals had not been broken. On another occasion, Miss B whc. by the way, is per- fects blind in the naturai state, as Mr. Jesse Metcalf will in- 294 form you—for she has resided many weeks in his family— recognized a lady of her acquaintance in a house about a quarter of a mile off. Miss B. had never been there till that morning, and then only in spirit. My object in sending her to that house was, to see if she would recognize that lady, who, I knew, was there on a visit Yours, “ Isaac” In order to prove whether a somnambulist can really visit a place where he has never been before, and describe the pres- ent appearance of things there, many trials have been made. One of these was made by a young lady in this city, who sent a somnambulist to the residence of her father, and received a satisfactory description of it. After the sitting was at an end, she invited the patient to go home with her; and as the latter had been told to remember, when awake, what she had seen when in the magnetic state, she readily told at the door of several rooms what she had seen within. Still the suspicion very naturally remained, that the som- nambulist derives all his notions from the mind of the person in communication, which, though it be an astounding cir- cumstance, would induce us to view the subject in an ea txrely different light. To try this, I one day put an old spike into a gun-barrel, and placed it about four or five feet from my writing-desk, against the wall. I then sent a note to Dr. Brownell, who was with one of his patients in the somnam- bulic state, requesting him to ask her what was in a gun- barrel lying on my desk. The lad who carried the note did not know its contents, and did not go into the house, but came immediately back. In about thirty minutes, a line came from Dr. Brownell, stating that there was no gun-bar- rel on my desk; but that there was one leaning against the wall a short distance from it. Other facts affording similar proofs are abundant. It is proper to state that the gun-barrel had probably never been in the room before. A still more interesting proof is exhibited in the following relation, which, I am authorized to say, is true in all its im- portant facts, and is known to have created a great sensation ai the time. Fortunately the witnesses are gentlemen of high standing, and of scientific attainments, whose words are the APPENDIX. APPENDIX. 295 currency of truth. The relation is extracted from a long and interesting article in the “Salem Gazette.” ■‘Dr. B , of Providence, operated upon a young lady, who, during the period of magnetic sleep, frequently left the body, and could see and hear without the aid of eyes or ears. She could tell correctly the time by a watch, though envel- oped in a cloth, and at the same time having a bandage over her eyes. The doctor had a patient, sick, as was believed, of the liver complaint, and bade the girl, who wras sitting near him, go (in spirit) to the man s house. Arrived, she, at the doctor’s request, described the house, that there might he no mistake, and then entered. ‘What do you see?’ asked Dr. B. ‘A man sick.’ ‘Now I want you to tell me what ails him. First look at his head; is that well?* ‘ Aes.’ ‘IIovv do you know ? Do you mean to say that you see the internal organization?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Is the liver, heart, etc., well?’ Yes; it looks just the same as yours, or anybody’s else.’ ‘Well, do you see anything wrong?’ ‘Yes, there is an enlargement of the spleen.’ Several questions were then put to confuse her, and also to ascertain if she knew what the spleen was, and where situated; to all 'which she gave satisfactory replies. Still the doctor was incredulous. But now comes the proof. In four days, the man died; and Dr. B., having obtained permission to institute a post-mortem examination, called on every physi- cian in the city, and narrated the story of the girl. In pres- ence of several of them, the body was subsequently opened, when, to their surprise, the girl was right—all that ailed the man was an enlargement of the spleen. “What shall we say to this fact? It is substantiated be- yond the possibility of a doubt, as may be learned by any one passing through Providence. Shall we set it down among the list of curious coincidences, or admit that the girl actually possessed a supernatnral sense of vision, and that, for the time being, her immortal spirit, released from the body, roved freely and at the will of the operator? “As in the state of vision, the fact is no more strange than in the vrell-attested case of the famed Springfield somnambu- list. Now, if we admit that the soul, in this case, saw with- out the aid of the eyes, why not admit that, in certain states 296 APPENDIX. of the nervous system, other senses or faculties of the mind may also act independently of their material organs? We know the soul thus exists after death, and why not in the state of temporary death caused by Animal Magnetism? What know wre of the nature of that deathless spark within us? And if we allow that it may, without the body, enter the next room, we cannot deny the possibility that it may in the same manner annihilate time and space, and travel hun- dreds of miles as easily and quickly as it can so many feet. “But some say, ‘We cannot believe that God has given such a dangerous power to the human will. It is out of the common order of nature; it is a miracle, w‘e cannot believe it.’ But who can set bounds to the dominion of the human will? Man—before the steady gaze of whose eye the forest-king trembles and flees; whose power extends to the huge dwellers in ocean’s unfathomed infinite; man—at whose nod the giant oak, which for centuries has braved heaven’s thunderbolts, falls prostrate, and rises again in beauty to adorn his mansion; who lays his will upon the everlasting rock, and it becomes as wax; whose highway is earth, and air, and ocean; whose servant is the lightning; whose intellect spans earth and encir- cles heaven; thinking, reasoning, godlike man—who can set bounds to the untried power of his mysterious will? Who shall say to it, ‘ Thus far shalt thou come, and no farther' ? “Now, though, in the above-mentioned cases, our will operates through more tangible means, the facts, were they not so common, are as wonderful as the alleged fact that this same mighty agent, operating through the nervous system, produces all the wonders of Animal Magnetism. If actual experiment demonstrates the fact, fools may laugh, but wise men believe; and, believing, bow down and adore with deeper reverence that Great Being from whose almighty will these millions of human wills emanated.’’ On reading this communication, which nearly accorded with what I had heard stated, I conversed with Dr. B., who is one of our oldest physicians, and asked him whether the statement there made was correct. He replied that it was, in substance; but some of the particulars were imperfectly stated. He gave me the following account: APPENDIX. 297 “ The patient lived more than a quarter of a mile from my residence. I requested a somnambulist, then at my house, to see if she could find such a man, at the same time pointing out to her the situation of the house, which was not in sight from the room where we continued all the time. She saw him. On being asked in what room, she replied, in the third room back from the street. She was then requested to describe the situation of the furniture in it, in order to discover whether she had got into the right place, and whether her clairvoy- ance might be trusted to at that time: she described it very exactly. “ I then told .her my patient had been sick a longtime, and desired her to examine him, and tell what the disease Was. “ She said, ‘ He looks so bad I do not like to do it.’ I re- plied, ‘Never mind that; it looks bad to you, because you have not been, accustomed to looking at the interior of a body.’ “As I supposed him to be affected with a diseased liver, and with indigestion arising from a diseased state of the stomach, I asked her to look at the stomach, to see if that was diseased; she answered, ‘No.’ “ ‘Is the liver diseased?’ ‘No.’ “‘Well, examine the whole intestinal canal, and see if there is any disease there.’ “ ‘I do not see any,’ said she. “‘Examine the kidneys.’ ‘Nothing is the matter with them.’ “Not knowing what other part to call her attention to, I requested her to look at every part of him. “After some little time, she says, ‘His spleen is swelled; it is enlarged. ’ “ ‘His spleen! ’ said I; ‘when we speak of a person who is spleeny, we suppose he has an imaginary complaint. What do you mean? ’ “ Said she, ‘ The part called the spleen is enlarged.’ “ ‘ How do you know it is enlarged? ’ “ ‘ It is a great deal larger than yours. “ ‘Do you see mine?’ ‘Yes.’ “ ‘How large is his spleen ? ’ “ ‘ It is a great deal longer and thicker than your hand.’ 298 APPENDIX. "I then asked her to put her hand where the spleen is sit- uated. She immediately placed her hand over the region of the spleen. “I then asked her what the shape of the stomach was. She replied, that it was like a flower in the garden. I was not acquainted with that flower, and do not recollect the name she gave it. “I then requested her to recollect all about this, saying, I wished to talk with her about it when she awoke. “After she came out of the somnambulic state, she was asked whether she remembered having examined the sick person. She remembered it. “ ‘ What part did you tell me was diseased? ’ After a little consideration, she replied, ‘ I believe I told you the spleen is enlarged.’ “ ‘ How came you to call it the spleen? ’ “ ‘ I do not know.’ “ ‘Did you ever hear any description of the internal organs, or see any plates of them? ’ ‘No.’ “‘Should you know the plate representing the stomach, if you were to see it?’ ‘“I think I should, if it looked like it.’ “ ‘I will go into the library, and bring out some plates, to see whether you know the internal organs.’ “ While I was gone into the library, she said to alady pres- ent, ‘ Every once in a while I saw fluids pass from his stom- ach into his bowels.” “ On returning with the volume of plates, in order to as- certain whether she really distinguished the different organs, I showed her a plate somewhat resembling the stomach, and asked her if that was what she saw for the stomach. She said, ‘ No. ’ Turning to several plates in succession, she de- clared that neither of them resembled the stomach. “ Then turning to the true plate, as if accidentally, while throwing open the leaves, intending to pass it by, unless she noticed it—she immediately cried out, ' That’s it; that's what I saw for the stomach.’ “ I then conversed with her in relation to the other viscera; and she gave a very correct description of them, as she had done in her sleep. I asked her if she had conversed upon the APPENDIX. 299 subject, or seen any plates of the internal organs. She de- clared she never had. “ Seven days after this, the patient was taken more seri- ously ill, and died on Saturday, the third day following. “ On Monday, a post-mortem, examination took place, pre- vious to which I invited all the physicians whom I could find in the city. “Eighteen persons were present, of whom sixteen were physicians. “I then stated all the particulars of the examination hy the somnambulic patient, and requested the physicians to ex- amine the body to see if they could discover the diseased spleen from external examination. They, with one voice, declared they could not. “I then opened the body,, and, to the utter astonishment of the physicians present, found the spleen so enlarged as to weigh fifty-seven ounces. Its usual weight is from four to sict ounces. “No other disease was perceptible, except a general in- flammation, which, no doubt, came on about three days be- fore his death.” * NOTE V.—Page 219. Among the somnambulists that I have seen, there has been a peculiar delicacy exhibited while in the magnetic state. Though the magnetizer undoubtedly possesses the power of changing the appearance of things to their perception—such as turning an apple into a walnut, and water into lemonade— yet he, probably, cannot destroy that native sense of propriety which seems to be quickened in the somnambulist. * “Mr. Thomas C. Hartshorn : “ Sir : In the account yon have given, from conversation with me, of the discovery of the diseased spleen, you have stated that all the physicians present at the post-mortem examination declared they could not discover, by external manipulation, any enlargement of that organ. Two of those gentlemen have since told me that they, individually, did not make such examination. I therefore beg you would make this correction in your second edition. A general invitation was given to examine the body. If there were any who did not do it, it was presumable that they were satisfied with the examination of those who took that trouble. B.” 300 APPENDIX. Foissac says, page 392, that “ when M. de Puysegur saw, in 1784, the control which he exercised over somnambulists, he. was affrighted at the thought that others might turn aside this power from its holy intention But all his patients declared to him that they preserved in that state their judg- ment and their reason; that they perceived very quickly the designs of the magnetizer, and that these could readily cause them to awake. The authors I have cited in the preceding paragraph are of tbe same opinion. My somnambulists have told me exactly the same things. If, th \ come instances of a contrary nature are thrown out against us, I will say that Magnetism has been the pretext, and not the cause, of these disorders; because it does not take from all those who practise it the vicious propensities of their hearts, and all the abuses of which complaint is made would have existed as much without it as with it.’: NOTE VI.— Page 95. The gentlemen who have practised Magnetism in this coun- try have arrived to the observation of the same general rules which govern the more experienced practitioners of Europe. This is the more remarkable, since they have been obliged to depend upon the experience which they gained from their own practice, through a want of proper means of informa- tion. This fact, about the consequences of making short passes before the head, which M. Deleuze calls charging it too much, was observed to me by one of them who had never read on the subject. It is not to be wondered at, then, if some rough attempts made to rouse a somnambulist, by persons who doubted the reality of the sleep, have effected tho object and thrown a temporary suspicion upon Mesmerism itself, as though it professed to do what it could not perform. One instance of this kind has sometimes produced strong scepticism in the minds of many persons. Hence it is proper to know that there is always a liability, though a very slender probability, NOTE VII.—Page 66-122. APPENDIX. 301 of having a patient waked by such means. Unfortunately, the curious phenomena must be exhibited, before Magnetism can gain converts to faith in its curative and restorative vir tues; and few are satisfied with hearing about tbe power pos- sessed by somnambulists of visiting in spirit the houses of their neighbors and friends; each one claims the privilege of sending one into his own house, and hearing his own furni- ture described. They want the proof of Didymus; and when they have obtained it. they depart in wonder and astonish- ment, like the woman of Samaria from the well of Sychar. and relate what they have seen, to excite the wonder and as- tonishment of others. Hence they who merely hear of these phenomena form an estimate of the subject not from its real utility, but from its curious nature. And there is some dan- ger of having its curative and restorative powers overlooked in the rage of curiosity When this rage shall have subsided, the magnetizers will have leisure to pursue their avocation without interruption. And the maxims of the benevolent JDe- leuze, who forbids such experiments, will command the respect and the attention which they deserve. NOTE VIII.— Page 121. The translator has himself witnessed, the exertion of this paralyzing power, both upon patients who were in the mag netic sleep, and upon others yvhile they were not. He has not, however, seen a person paralyze the limbs of another who had never been put into the magnetic sleep by him it seems to be a necessary condition that a perfect commumca tion shall have been established at some previous time The power which is gained by the practice of Magnetism is, how ever, so great, that it may be found to be effectual in a trial of this kind, without this condition When the patient is in the state of magnetic sleep, this paralysis of the limbs, of the muscles of the face, of the tongue, and of the eyelids, has been produced in the presence of many persons, who tried all means to detect imposture or mis- take. The magnetizer would act, by the wili merely upon PARALYSIS. 302 APPENDIX. the part indicated on a slip of paper thrust into his hands, he continuing at the distance of eight or ten feet from the per- son whose limbs were to be paralyzed, and not uttering a single audible word. Nor was this effect produced by stran- gers whom we do not know. On the contrary, they are our own citizens, in whom we have perfect confidence as to their integrity of purpose, and who have never been known to be devoted to tricks of legerdemain and diablerie. “ Providence, August 25,1837. “ Sir: In the Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism,’ which I am now publishing in English, the author mentions the power that some magnetizers have of paralyzing the limbs of a patient in the magnetic state. But the instance which you recently related to me is so much more extraordinary, that 1 wish to obtain from you, in writing, a statement of the facts in relation to it, with permission to make use of it in a note. I shall esteem it a valuable addition to the authentic matter to be embraced in the appendix of each number of that work. Yours respectfully, n m tt » “ T. C. Hartshorn. “Dr. Thomas II, Webb. “Providence, Sept. 1,1837. “ Dear Sir: My time has been so much occupied, of late, as to have rendered it impossible for me, until the present moment, to reply to youp note of the 25th ult. • and even now I am so circumstanced as to be unable to do more than write a very brief reply. ' In conversation with Mr. Daniel Greene, of Pawtucket, who as you probably well know, is the most powerful, as he has been the most extensive, magnetizer in this country, 1 in- quired if he were able to magnetize, and thereby obtain con- trol over a single limb, whilst, the rest of the body remained in a natural state. He said that he had done it in the case of Miss J.. with whom you are acquainted, and would attempt it on another patient that we were going to see that after noon, if reminded of it. ‘ The individual alluded to had never been magnetized but three times, and did not present a very striking exemplification oi the usual magnetic phenomena. After trying various ex periments, that consumed several hours, we left the house. APPENDIX. 303 having forgotten the subject matter of my interrogatory. But, upon recollecting it, we returned, and the patient re- seated herself upon being requested so to do, without any reason being given her for making the request. “Mr. Greene then went through tlie usual manipulations some dozen or twenty times, confining them to the space reaching from the top of the left shoulder to the extremities of the fingers on the same side. He afterwards requested her to raise the left hand to the head. She said she could not. There was evidently a powerful effort made to do this, as Was shown by the working of the muscles inserted into the upper portion of the shoulder; but the limb remained pow- erless and motionless, not obeying the dictates of the owner’s will. She was asked to raise her right arm to the head, which was done promptly, and with perfect ease and free- dom. Again she was directed to stretch out the left hand, but unavailingly. It was completely paralyzed—devoid of motion and sensation. I gave it a severe pinch, nipping with the thumb and finger as hard as I deemed it prudent to, leaving'deep impressions with my nails. Upon inquiring if it did not Ijurther, she, with an incredulous smile, observed that I had not done anything to her. I then, without saying anything, pinched, in the same manner, though less severely, the other hand, when she drew back from me with a sudden start, and complained that I hurt her. The arm, to one lift- ing it, was a perfect dead weight. I poised it on my fingers, and Mr. G. restored it; and there was a very marked differ- ence in it and about it, as it passed from the magnetic to the natural state. “ To a person not acquainted with the magnetizer, magnet- izee and the gentlemen present * there will of course appear nothing conclusive upon the subject of Magnetism, in what is here detailed • but to those of us who had previously examined other patients, and satisfied ourselves of the existence of a power by means of which, to a certain extent, one individual may obtain mental mastery over another, the experiment was satisfactory. ♦Mr Benjamin Hathaway, of Providence, and Mr. Abner Jones, of New ¥ork. were present. 304 APPENDIX. “Should a suitable opportunity hereafter present, I may furnish you with a statement of some singular cases which I have witnessed. In the mean time, “I remain,yours, etc., -Mr. Thomas C. Hartshorn.” "Thomas H. Webb. Among the persons who have possessed this extraordinary power, Gassner deserves especial mention. A bne, nance of him may be found in the volume of Doctor Foissac, page 446. I will translate a portion of it: “John Joseph Gassner, born at Braz, in the circle of Suabia, 1727, having been delivered by exorcism from a long-continued disease, which had resisted all the resources of the medical art, persuaded himself that the greater part of human infirmities might be attributed to no other cause than demoniacal possession, and that they should be treated with exorcism. He began by curing the sick persons of his own parish; but very soon Switzerland, Tyrol, and Suabia sent him theirs, and he cured four or five hundred a year. After having gone over different provinces, he established himself at Ratisbon, under the protection of the lord bishop (prince- eveque.) The number of persons resorting to him was so con- siderable, that he often had ten thousand of them encamped in the neighborhood of Ratisbon. Gassner regarded faith as an essential condition to be cured. It was rare to have the patients delivered from their afflictions at the first exorcism. He consecrated to them several hours, and often many days. When he wished to act upon a patient, he made him place himself on his knees before him; he almost always touched the affected part. Sometimes he rubbed his hands upon his waist or upon his neck, but it was not always the case. “ Gassner had the power, by his will, to make the pulse of his patients vary; he made it small, great, strong, feelne, slow, quick, irregular, intermittent; and finally, just as tne physicians who were present requested of him. lit para lysed their limbs; caused them to weep tc laugh; and soothed or agitated them simply by expressing his order in Latin, or rather, mentally. “He thus operated the most extraordinary cures. They found a small number of persons to contradict the lacts. APPENDIX. 305 But, strange to tell, the celebrated De Ha6n,* one of the first physicians of his age, not conceiving how Gassner had been able to perform such cures,concluded that his power was derived from the devil. He. however, first argued the question whether they could have been done by sympathy, or by Mag- netism. but he declared he did do' know any one sufficiently well versed in occult philosophy to perform such wonderful things. “About this time, Mesmer published his first observations. On his journey to Munich, being consulted by the Elector of Bavaria, in relation to the cures of the curate at Ratisbon, he recognized in his exorcisms the presence of the virtues of Animal Magnetism, the nature and the properties of which it was reserved for him to make known.’’ Mesmer himself was endowed with the same degree of power, which whether exerted in the form of exorcism or of manipulation, would have exhibited effects equally remark able From the notes reported by Thouret, in his “ Becher- ches ei Boutesf I shall translate a few instances: 'Mesmer, being one day with Messers. Camp and d E •, near the great basin of Meudon, proposed that they should pass alternately round to the other side of the basin, while he remained in his place. He made them plunge a cane into the water, and plunged his own into it. At this distance, M Camp experienced an attack of the asthma, and M. d’E a pain in the side, to which he was subject. Some persons have been seen who were not able to sustain the experiment without fainting • One day Mesmer was walking in the woods of the coun- try beyond Orleans. Two girls., taking advantage of the freedom of the country, went ahead of the company to chase him He began to run but suddenly turning round, he pre- sented Ins cane towards them, forbidding them to come farther Immediately their knees bent under them, and they could not advance. “One evening Mesmer went into the garden of M. le Prince de Soubise w:th six persons. He prepared a tree, and a short time after, Mme laM. de , and Mesdemoiselles * De Haen, under whom Mesmer studied. 306 APPENDIX. de Pr and P fell senseless. Mme la D de T held on tlie tree without power to leave it. M. le C de Mons was obliged to sit down on a bank, not being able to sustain himself on his limbs. I do not recollect what effect M. Ang , a very strong man, experienced, but it was terri- ble. Mesmer than called his servant to take away the bodies; but, I do not know how it was, although well accustomed to this sort of scene, even he found himself in no condition to act. *It was necessary to wait a long time for each one to come to himself.” NOTE IX.—Page 120. In the report of the committee appointed by the Royal Academy of Medicine at Paris, and read to that learned body in 1831, may be found the following statement: “You have all heard of a fact which at the time fixed the attention of the Chirurgical Section,* and which was commu- nicated to it at the session of April 16, 1829, by M. Jules Clo- quet. The committee thought it their duty to embody it in this report, as one of the least equivocal proofs of the power of the magnetic sleep. It relates to Madame Plantin, aged 64 years, living at 151 Rue Saint-Dennis, who consulted M. Clo- quet, on the 8th of April, 1829, about an ulcerated cancer on her right breast, which she had had many years, and which was complicated with a considerable enlargement of the axillary ganglions. M. Chapelain, the physician of this woman, whom he had magnetized for some months, with the intention, as he said, of reducing the enlargement of the breast, had been able to obtain no other result than a very profound sleep, during which her sensibility appeared to be annihilated, but the ideas preserved all their lucidity. He proposed to M. Cloquet that he should operate upon it while she was plunged into the magnetic sleep. M. Cloquet, con- sidering the operation to be indispensable, consented to do it: and it was agreed that it should take place on the following Sunday, April 12. The two evenings previous, this woman was magnetized several times by M. Chapelain, who disposed * The Academy was, in 1820, divided into three sections—Medicine, Sur- gery, and Pharmacy.—Trans. APPENDIX. 307 her, when in somnambulism, to support the operation with- out fear, and even led her to speak of it with composure, while, as soon as she waked, she repelled the idea with horror. “On the day appointed for the operation, M. Cloquet, on his arrival at half-past ten o’clock in the morning, found the patient dressed, and seated in an arm-chair, in the position of a person peacefully wrapped in a natural sleep. It was nearly an hour since she had returned from mass, which she always attended at the same hour. M. Chapelain had put her into the magnetic sleep since she Game back. The patient spoke with great calmness of the operation she was about to undergo. Every arrangement having been made for the operation, she undressed herself and sat down upon a chair. “M. Chapelain held the right arm, the left arm being suf- fered to hang by her side. M. Pailloux, a student at the Saint-Louis Hospital, was charged to hand the instruments and to make the ligatures. First an incision was made from the armpit, above the tumor, to the inner side of the breast. The second, commencing at the same point, separated the tumor below, and passed round to meet the first. M. Cloquet dissected the enlarged ganglions with caution, on account of their proximity to the axillary artery, and took off the tumor. The time consumed in the operation was ten or twelve minutes. “During all this time, the patient continued to converse tranquilly with the operator, and did not exhibit the slightest sign of sensibility: no movement of the limbs or of the feat- ures, no change in the perspiration, nor in the voice, no emo- tion, not even in the pulse, were manifested; the patient did not cease to be in the state of self-forgetfulness and passive insensibility, in which she w\as several minutes before the operation. They were not obliged to hold her: they merely sustained her. A ligature was applied to the lateral thoracic artery, which was exposed during the extraction of the gang lions. The wound was closed with sticking-plaster, and dressed; the patient was put on the bed, still in the state of somnambulism, and left there forty-eight hours. An hour after the operation, a slight hemorrhage ensued,which did not continue. The first dressing was removed on the succeeding 308 Tuesday, April 14. The wound was cleansed and dressed anew; the patient manifested no sensibility nor pain. The pulse preserved its natural beat. “After the dressing had been put on, M. Chapelain awoke the patient, whose somnambulic sleep had lasted ever since one hour before the operation, that is to say, for two days. This woman did not appear to have any idea or any impres- sion of what had passed; but, on learning that she had been operated upon, and seeing her children around her, she expe- rienced a very lively emotion, which the magnetizer termi- nated by putting her asleep immediately.” The following names were appended to this report: Bourdois de la Motte, President; Fouquier, Gueneau de Mussy, Guersent, Itard, J. J. Leroux, Marc, Thillaye, Husson. APPENDIX. NOTE X. “ Providence, August 31, 1837. “ Sir: In compliance with your request, expressed in a note, dated the 24tli irist, I herewith furnish you a statement of the case of somnambulism which I have under my charge, to ap- pend as a note to the work you have in progress. “ Numerous professional engagements at this time will ren- der the statement necessarily very brief and general in its character. This brevity, however, is less to be regretted, as you are able to obtain statements of many of the particulars from a number of respectable gentlemen, who have witnessed the case, and who could command more time to devote to making particular experiments. “ Miss L. Brackett, the? subject of this case, is a respectable and intelligent young lady from Dudley, Mass. Four years since, when about sixteen years of age, she had the misfortune to have an iron weight, weighing two or three pounds, fall from a height upon the top of her head. The injury which she sustained was so considerable as to deprive her of her rea- son fora number of months, during which time she was sub- ject to the most violent spasms, and other serious derangements of her nervous system. From the immediate effects of this injury she gradually recovered, and at the end of the year her APPENDIX. 309 general health was partially restored. Notwithstanding, how- ever, the improvement in her general health, an affection of her eyes, which commenced immediately after the reception of the injury, and which threatened total blindness, was daily growing worse. The disease with which her eyes were af- fected is called amaurosis; it is an affection of the optic nerves, often of a paralytic character. As is usual in cases of amaurosis, tie loss of sight was very gradual; and it was not till the end of two and a half years that it was entirely destroyed. Simultaneously with the loss of sight, she sus- tained a loss of voice, which was so complete, that for fifteen months she was unable to utter a single guttural sound, and could only whisper in almost inaudible tones. “ This was her state, in respect to her eyes and vocal or- gans, when I first saw her, about the middle of May last; and her general health, though somewhat improved, was still far from being good. “ Considering her case as a hopeless one, arrangements had been made by her friends to send her to the Asylum for the Blind in Boston, in hopes of her being able, after finishing her education, to obtain a livelihood as a teacher in that or some other similiar institution. When on her w7ay to Boston, she stopped, for the purpose of making a visit of a few days, with some friends which she had residing in this city. Being in attendance, at the time, in the family of one of her friends, I was requested to see her and examine her case, rather as a matter of curiosity, than from a hope that I should be able to prescribe a remedy for her deplorable malady. In the course of conversation with her, I found that all the usual means in such cases had been pcrseveringly employed by the most skilful physicians, without material benefit. “There being, at this time, a considerable excitement upon the subject of Animal Magnetism, and being mj'self engaged in investigating it with a view to its remedial effects, and hav- ingbecome fully convinced of its salutary influence upon some diseases, especially those of a paralytic character—it occured to me that it might be beneficially practised in this case, upon the supposition that her complaints were dependent upon a paralysis of the nerves supplying the affected organs; and I accordingly, as a dernier resort, proposed a trial of it. The 310 APPENDIX. following day, having consulted her friends and obtained their consent, she desired me to make an experiment. The first sitting occupied about forty minutes, before she was thrown into a profound magnetic sleep. On this occasion she manifested many of the usual phenomena of that state. She walked about the house, drank her tea. etc with as much case and confidence as she could have done had she been in the full possession of her sight, and in a waking state. “ From the time of the first experiment to the present date, being three and a half months, she has been magnetized daily, sometimes twice daily, with the exception of thirteen days at one time, and three or four at another. The number of times she has been magnetized, therefore, considerably exceeds one hundred. “The magnetic phenomena, though very astonishing at first, became more and more so from day to day. Whether it were in consequence of the magnetic state becoming more and more perfect the more she was magnetized, or whether, by becoming better acquainted with the subject, we learn to elicit those phenomena with the better success, it is difficult to determine; but it is probable that it isowing to a combina- tion of both these causes. “ The somnambulic, or perhaps more properly the magnetic phenomena, have been of several different kinds, and each kind manifested in several different ways, The first and most obvious of these phenomena is what the French lerm clairvoy- ance—clearsightedness, mental vision, or vision without the use of the visual organs. This wonderful power is manifested, first, in her being able to see any object that is presented to her when in the magnetic sleep, though totally blind when awake. Experiments have been varied and multiplied almost indefinitely, to prove the existence of this power and with entire success, as you have had frequent opportunities to wit- ness. Objects, when examined by her, are never held in a direction to be seen with the eyes, but are laid down upon the top of the back part of the head, from which point she has generally seen, though the seat of vision has varied at differ- ent times. She has been able, though with more exertion to see objects that were enclosed in boxes, trunks, and watch- cases; to read letters that were folded, etc. APPENDIX. 311 *' Secondly, this power is manifested in the ability to see objects not present—in a distant city, for instance. In the exercise oi this power, another seems to be necessary—that c’ as it has been called, or of transporting lier- se*t trom one piace to another. This she says she does through tflt air. ’ Another description of phenomena, which may be called those of intelligence, is manifested in the somnambulist’s understanding the will of the magnetizer, or of the person with whom she may be in communication. To test this power, 1 have made a great number of experiments, which have been almost uniformly successful. She can, for in- stance, be willed to have in her hand various kinds of fruits, cakes, wines, animals, birds, etc. ; or any other things may be changed from one to another at the will of the mag- netizer. * There is a class of phenomena which seem to partake more of a physical character than those above mentioned, as witnessed in the attraction which takes place between the hand of the magnetizer and the magnetized, and also as wit- nessed in the attraction and repulsion in the application of the artificial magnet. I do not wish to be understood to mean that this phenomenon certainly partakes of a physical character, though the sudden, powerful, and apparently in- voluntary action of the muscles seems to favor this opinion. On the contrary, it must be admitted that the patient, in this case, not only understands the will of the magnetizer, but observes all his actions; and therefore these motions may be voluntary and in obedience to his will. Or, in using the magnet, a powerful influence may be produced upon the im- agination, and those effects may be occasioned by the imag- ination acting upon an excitable nervous system. The want ot time and opportunity on my own part, and the desire to have as many distinguished and scientific per- sons see and investigate this case in their own way as has been consistent with her convenience, have prevented my making experiments calculated to establish this point conclu- sively neither have I for the same reasons, been able to de- termine. satisfactorily, whether all the senses can be used in reference tc things not present, as is the case with vision, 312 APPENDIX. though, from some recent observations, I have myself no doubt of the fact. “ In speaking of the magnetic phenomena, I mean only to refer to those which have been manifested in this particular case. Many others, differing materially from these, have been observed in other cases, of which it is neither necessary nor proper that I should speak at this time. Should I, how- ever, ever find it convenient to communicate to the public a more detailed and better digested history of this case— which is my present intention—I shall attempt, after giving the result of my investigations, to follow out the classifica- tion of the phenomena which I have here merely glanced at. By pursuing this mode, perhaps we may arrive at some ra- tional theory. At present, however, until a greater number of facts have been established, and more clearly arranged, to attempt to theorize appears to me to be entirely futile. “ In conclusion, it gives me great pleasure to be enabled to say from my own observations, that, however interesting Animal Magnetism may he when considered in relation to science, however interesting as matter of curiosity and wonder, or however interesting it#may be as a means of dis- covering the condition of our absent friends, or the machina- tions of our enemies, it is still more interesting as the means of mitigating the suffering incident to human nature. It will be recollected I have stated that, when Miss Brackett came to this city, about the middle of May last, her general health was far from being good; she wTas totally blind, and unable to speak excepting in the lowest whisper. Her con- dition is materially different at this time. Her health is good; her vision is partally restored; and she speaks in her natural tone of voice. “With much respect, “Yours, etc., “Mb. Thomas C. Hartshorn. G. Catron.” Providence, August 30, 1837. Mr. Henry Hopkins states that Miss Brackett has lived in his family, as an invited guest, four or five wreeks, at differ- ent times. He is satisfied that she was totally blind w hen she first came to live with him. Her voice, when he first APPENDIX. 313 became acquainted with her, was bo low and weak that it was difficult to hear her speak. Her eyes were very much inflamed and painful; the lids were scarcely open; they were easily affected by the light, so as to be painful. She has since improved very much in her eyesight. Her eyes have assumed a healthy appearance; they are not troublesome. She can even lay aside the green shades which she used to wear, without experiencing incon- venience, except in a very bright light. She is now able, in the natural state, to discern the outlines of objects, such as a book, or a fan, for instance. There is also a very great improvement in her appetite, ap- pearance, and general health. She has been magnetized al- most daily by Dr. Capron; and it is to this that this improve- ment is to be attributed. Her natural cheerfulness and elas- ticity of spirits have improved with her health. In the magnetized state, she enjoys a walk as much as any one, and often walks in the garden among the flowers. If she wishes to examine any flower very closely, she holds it just behind her head, near the top, without talcing off her bonnet; in (bis manner she holds whatever things she examines. To look at any picture hanging up in a room, in a house where she has not been before, she steps into a chair, and brings the top of her head towards it. Mr. Hopkins permits me to publish the above statement. Mr. Jesse Metcalf says he has known Miss B. about two months. She has resided in his family, at different times, about four weeks. He was not acquainted with her when she first came to Providence, and could not understand her very well at first, because her voice was very feeble; she did not speak, except in low whispers. Her health was quite delicate, and her appetite poor. Her eyes appeared to be quite in- flamed ; it was necessary to keep the blinds of the room ah most always closed, and the lamp where it could not shine so as to pain her eyes. While at his house, she has generally been magnetized every day. She would sometimes remain in the magnetized state ten or twelve hours, during which she would walk about the house as well as any other person; but when she was in her ordinary state, she would have to grope 314 APPENDIX. about, and feel her way. In the magnetized state, she enjoys vision, looking at objects with great pleasure, especially pic- tures, portraits, etc. This makes her delight in being in that state. She describes such things very accurately. Mr. Metcalf says that her general health and her appetite are very much improved. When in the somnambulic state, she walks along the streets with perfect ease, and hears any person she is directed to very well. She has been to meeting three times with his family in that state, and could remem- ber some parts of the discourses, having heard them very well. When Dr. Capron leaves her in the magnetic state, he first tells her to answer and converse with all his family, or with some member of it. She cannot then talk with any but these persons; nor can she hear anything addressed to her by any one else. She cannot, when in that state, hear the conversa- tion between any two individuals. She can only see their lips move, and wonders they do not talk. She cannot even hear the person with whom she con- verses, when he talks with anybody else. She hears him only when he addresses her. Miss B. is intelligent, has re- ceived a good education, and is cheerful and pleasant. When in the magnetized state, she can tell immediately in what part of the house every member of the family is, without moving or turn- ing from her seat. Mr. M. has eleven in the family, includ- ing Miss B., who is now staying with him. Miss B. says the walls of the house, as do all other walls, appear to be transparent. She can see through them, and yet she can see them, and describe what kind of paper, or paint, is on them. Miss B. is of pleasing manners, and is an invited guest in his house, where she has interested all the family. Mr. Metcalf permits me to publish this statement, which he made at my request. Unless she is magnetized, she cannot enjoy the pleasure of reading, and this is one cause of her being so fond of remain- ing magnetized. While she was residing at the mansion of Stanford Newel, Esq., she found there Hannah More’s “Private Devotions,” APPENDIX. 315 a small work which has been printed since she became blind. This she look with her when she retired one night; and in the morning, before she was restored to the natural state, she observed that she had been reading most of the night. There was no light in the room. One of the ladies of Mr. Newel’s family soon discovered that by giving out the first line of several of the poems, she was able to repeat the whole, ver- batim. In this manner she had learned at least twenty of the pieces. I have seen the book. It is the fine-type edition of Messrs. Crocker & Brewster; Boston, 1880. This exercise doubtless has a tendency to retard the progress of her cure; but the natural activity of her mind makes it difficult for her to sit idle. NOTE XI. The following paper was drawn up by M. B. L , a gen- tleman at the head of one of our noblest literary institutions, from notes taken at the time of experimenting. One thing adds much to its value; and that is, the early date at which it was drawn up. This serves also to explain why circumstances are stated, so minutely, which are now so well known to be attendant on most exper m nts of the kind. There is no danger of carrying such minuteness too far in this subject, since those who are familiar with its phenomena, and those who are not, are equally prone to form hasty conclusions, without sufficiently considering the great variety of phases they present, and the intricacy of principles they may involve. To make theories is very easy; but to observe facts requires patience and caution. Hence we hear men, every day, in regard to this subject, speak dogmatically, as though they had established everything they utter by a careful observa- tion of the facts as they exist; ■whereas its acknowleged diffi- culties ought to make us more cautions, and more willing to bestow care upon it. This paper wras not intended for publi- cation : “ Providence, 12th month, iS36. “ To assist the memory of the writer, and for the gratifica- tion of a few of his particular friends, the following brief ac- count of Animal Magnetism, as witnessed and practised by 316 APPENDIX. himself, has been penned. It contains a simple statement of certain phenomena produced upon one individual by an- other, principally by the agency of the will, assisted by cer- tain manipulations, known by the name of 'passes' The attention of the writer was first called to the subject by pe- rusing notices published in Boston papers of wonderful effects, caused by Bugard and others, such as producing a sleep so profound that a tooth could be, and actually was, drawn, without occasioning any painful sensation. Far from putting confidence in these statements, but little was thought of the subject, till an intimate friend gave him some account of a lecture he had attended (perhaps the evening previous), on Animal Magnetism, by Charles Poyen. He was unphilo- sophical enough to exclaim, ‘ I do not believe it ! ’ and to attempt to prove its fallacy by its strangeness. This circum stance is mentioned to show that the writer was far from be ing prejudiced in favor of what was then generally believed to be a humbug. “ As, however, it became the general topic of conversation, and as questions of this sort—‘ What do you think, Mr. , of Animal Magnetism?’ ‘Dost thou think, M , there is anything in Animal Magnetism?' were repeatedly asked, to which, of course, he could give no satisfactory answer, he came to the conclusion to embrace every opportunity for gain- ing information which could lend assistance m forming a judgment. Far from finding an associate in his immediate circle, he undertook the investigation alone. “To carry into effect this resolution, Charles Poyen’s lec- tures were attended, his experiments at Pawtucket witnessed, and finally the Report of the French Commissioners read. (It is proper to remark that the experiments at Pawtucket were far from being satisfactory It seemed to be the opinion of the experimenter, that the object in coming was rather to behold wonders than to investigate. There was apparently, therefore, no exertion to remove whatever might ’ead to sus picion of artifice.) But still being unsatisfied, the only way remaining seemed to be for the wnter to experiment for him- self. which he did, as follows. “First attempt.—Individual, L T a young man, about twenty-three years of age, in good health, except occa- appendix:. 317 sional difficulty of digestion. Time, twenty-five minutes. Effects, nothing worthy of note. “Second attempt.—Subject, time, and effect same as last. “ Third attempt.—Subject, a young lady, about seventeen years old, in good health, said to be nervous. Time and ef- fect same as above. “Fourth attempt.—Subject, time, and effect same as be- fore. “Fifth attempt.—Subject, a young lady, about eighteen years of age, apparently in good health. Time, twenty-five or thirty minutes. Effects, drowsiness and great difficulty of keeping the eyes open ; flow of saliva to the mouth. “Sixth attempt.—Subject, G C , a lad fourteen years old, subject to attacks of croup. Knew nothing more of Animal Magnetism than the name. Of good endowments, and an innocent and affectionate disposition. “12th mo., 13th—Time, effects, etc.—He was called to the writer’s room about 5 p. m. , seated in a rocking-chair, and told that he was to be magnetized, and that all he must do was to sit still, and keep his eyes open as long as he could, to which he assented. There was no one in company except his brother The manipulations were the same as those mentioned in the French report under the name of ‘ passes.' Notwithstanding repeated laughter from the brother, yet scarcely five minutes had elapsed, before evident effects were produced—an incessant tremor of the hands, and, occasionally, motions of the feet. Ten minutes, convulsions increased, particularly in the hands and arms; lids partly closed, with constant motion resembling rapid winking. Fifteen min- utes, convulsions continued ; lids closed, but still in motion. Twenty minutes, little change during the last five minutes ; occasionally sudden convulsive motions of the whole body. The magnetizer now despaired of producing sleep, supposing the nervous system to be affected by the imagination, and mis- taking the convulsive motions of the eyelids for voluntary. The process ceased. The brother, with a laugh, exclaimed, ‘George.’ But no reply was obtained. The magnetizer— ‘Art thou sleepy, George?’ ‘Yes,’replied G. C. ‘How long before thou wilt be asleep ?’ ‘ One minute.’ S. A. (a teacher) was called in, and requested to ask him a question, 318 APPENDIX. which he did repeatedly, without getting any answer, till the magnetizer mentally directed him to reply, when he answered Immediately. The company were completely astounded. It appeared to be the general wish that he should be waked, llis eyes remaining closed, he was, however, asked how many there were in the room; to which he replied correctly. A knife was held before his forehead, and he was requested to name it. Reply, ‘A knife.’ ‘ How dost thou know? 'It has iron about it.' His m other, being requested to wake him, endeavored to by shaking him, speaking his name aloud, etc., but iu vain. ‘ Come, George, it is time to wake up,’ said the magnetizer, taking him by the hand. He immediately rubbed his eyes, and arose from his seat. The trembling of his hands still continued, but ceased in a few minutes. Said he felt well. “Second sitting.—Commenced magnetizing about 7p.m. In twelve minutes, profound sleep was produced, accom- panied by convulsive motions, as before. He went to sleep in presence of his class, twenty-five in number. He was asked how many there were present; to which he replied, without hesitation, ‘Thirteen.’ (Wrong.) The great ease with which he comprehended the will of the magnetizer at this sitting is remarkable. A single mental request was sufficient to cause him to take or reject the hand of any one present ; and by the same means communication with those around him was readily established and broken off. Several articles, as knives, pencils, etc., were presented to different parts of his head, which he named, generally, correctly. At this sitting, and most of the following, he manifested great uneasiness at the presence of iron. ‘ What is it, George? ’ (A key being held by his forehead.) ‘A key,’—at the same time withdrawing his head. After repeatedly endeavoring in vain to awake him, his schoolmates retired; when the magnetizer left him for a few minutes, to invite the superin- tendents and teachers to witness magnetic sleep. Upon the return of the magnetizer, being asked who was present, he repeated the names of several of the teachers. (Right.) And being asked whethoi any women were in the room, he spoke the names of most of tne females present. Again he was re. quested to tea what was held by his head, which he did, APPENDIX. 310 generally correctly, and invariably took or rejected the hand of any one, at the will of the magnetizer. He would also converse, or not, according as he was commanded to or not, by the thoughts of the magnetizer. S. A requested him to rise and walk with him, which proposal hems, mentally opposed by the magnetizer, he could not be prevailed upon to comply, till the magnetizer, in accordance with the wish of S.rA., expressed by a sign, willed that he should rise; when he immediately arose. Magnetizer offered his arm, which was accepted. Magnetizer asked him if he perceived a comb before his face; to which he replied in the affirmative. (A comb.) Being requested to remember the comb after the sleep ended, he promised to do so. Finally, all being per- fectly satisfied that he was completely subject to the will of the magnetizer, and that he alone could awake him, ‘Come, George,’ said the magnetizer, ‘it is time to get up.’ lie im- mediately rubbed his eyes and awoke. Being asked if he knew what he had done, he replied, ‘No,’ (hesitatingly.) * Something about a comb.’ He thought he should not remem- ber the comb, as he did not see it distinctly. Upon presenting two dissimilar ones, he immediately selected it. lie said he had some recollection of a key, and that he knew it to be a key, because he ‘ felt a hunch of attraction, a line of attrac- tion, and a ring of attraction.' “12thmo., 14th—’Third sitting—Pulse seventy-nine, sleep in nine minutes, lids closed. Magnetizer put the questions, and received the answers which follow. ‘ Is I D in the room?’ ‘I can’t see him.’ ‘Dost thou feel pleasant?’ Aes.’ ‘ How many are present, George?’ ‘Thirty-eight, moving his head round as if to count them. (Right.) ‘ Dost thou count thyself?’ ‘No.’ ‘Dost thou count me? ‘No. ‘Dost thou count Jonathan?’ ‘No.’ (There were thirty- eight in the room besides the three excepted.) ‘ Dost thou count Samuel?’ ‘Don’t know.’ ‘What lesson art thou toie- cite this morning?’ ‘Spelling.’ (Right.) ‘From what book?’ ' Philadelphia Expositor.’ (Right.) ‘What smell has this?’ (Ammonia.) ‘Acid.’ What is this?’ (A shell being presented.) ‘Paper.’ (Paper being near in magnetizer s other hand.) ‘What is it, George?’ (The paper being re- moved.) ‘A shell.’ ‘Feel anything?’ (Being pricked 320 APPENDIX. under the nail with a pin.) * Yes.’ (At the same time mani. testing sensation.) ‘What is the matter?’ ‘Pricking me.' ‘What with? ’ ‘ A pin.’ "Who pricked thee? ’ ‘J S .’ (Right.) ‘ What is this? ’ (A file being presented.) ‘Steel.’ ‘ What is this? ' (Hare’s aerometer.) ‘ Some copper about it.’ ‘What is this?’ (Button.) ‘Button.’ ‘How many in the room?’ ‘ About seventy.’ (Being eighty.) ‘What time is it? ’ (Being five minutes after nine.) ‘Quarter of nine.’ ‘How dost thou tell?’ ‘By watch.’ ‘ AYho has it?’ ‘Moses.’ (The magnetizer.) ‘What time dost thou say it is?’ ‘No—a little past nine.’ ‘Wilt thou wake, George, in just three minutes from now? ’ ‘Yes.’ (He fulfilled his promise to a second.) “N. B. Pulse somewhat increased. “ 12thmo., 18th—Commenced about half past 6 p. m. Sound sleep in four minutes. At this time, magnetized readily obeyed the will of magnetizer, and generally told correctly what was held before him. He manifested much uneasiness at the presence of iron, as before. Convulsive motions about the same as prevous sittings. He told the number of persons correctly, some of whom had come in after he was put asleep. He was requested to wake in two and a half minutes. In two and a quarter minutes sleep ended. “ About five minutes after, he was again put to sleep in two minutes, by the will alone of the magnetizer, who sat at the distance of four feet. Lids fixed, but not closed. He shut them at the wish of the magnetizer, accompanied by a motion of the hand downwards. He told the number in the room correctly, and answered various questions put to him by others, when permitted by the magnetizer. Convulsive motions entirely ceased. Magnetizer stepped to a distant part of the room, and mentally requested magnetized to come to him. He complied. Finally, he was requested to awake in just ten minutes, which he did to a second. “ Lastly, magnetizer retired to an adjoining room, and willed him to sleep in one and a half minutes. After a few experiments, to be fully satisfied that he was asleep, mag- netizer waked him. “12th mo., 191 h.—Fifth sitting.—G. C was explainingto his teacher tlic method of solving a question in algebra, after APPENDIX. 321 which he was to solve two others to finish his lesson. He knew nothing of the intention to put him asleep. Magnetizer seated himself in a room at least seventy feet distant, between whom and the magnetized there were as many as three stone and brick walls, besides several partitions. To take the nearest route from one to the other, seven doors are to be passed through, five of which were shut. The process of magnet- izing continued about two and a half minutes, when magnet- izer went to ascertain the result. He found magnetized explaining his sum, but manifesting a fixedness of counte- nance. After he had gone through the explanation, which, as his teacher informed, was rather singularly accomplished, he commenced upon the questions following. G. R , a teacher, spoke to him, but could get no answer. Magnetizer then stepped to an adjoining room, and magnetized abouta minute longer. On returning, he could perceive no change. Magnetized still sat engaged about his lesson. His eyes were open, and he was free from convulsive motions. Magnetizer said, ‘ Come, George, wake up. ’ No reply or sign of wak- ing. ‘When art thou going to wake up? ’ ‘When 1 get my sums done.’ Magnetized took off his cravat, and laid it aside; being asked the reason, he said, ‘It is warm.’ Magnet- izer, feeling some anxiety at his inability to wake him, rendered him some assistance, at the same time telling him to finish his lesson as soon as he could, and then to wake. Several attempts were made to deceive him, that he might get through sooner; but one only succeeded, at which time he was looking in his book for the answer. As soon as the questions were solved, he rubbed his eyes and awoke. Being questioned, he said he remembered nothing that had occurred, not having seen the magnetizer before that moment since a quarter past 3 p. m. We proceeded immediately to the table; but just as we were leaving the room, he inquired for his cra- vat, not recollecting that he had laid it aside. After tea, mag- netizer told him he had interrupted him some during the after- noon, and wished to know if he had finished his lesson. He replied, ‘I have two more sums to do;’ entirely forgetting that he had solved them during his sleep. “Sixth sitting.—Sleep produced in half a minute. A bar magnet was brought near, when magnetized manifested great 322 APPENDIX. uneasiness. Magnetizer saul 'What is it, George?’ ‘Mag- net.’ ‘Why dost thou not sit stiiU *It hurts.’ ‘Which pole is toward thee? ‘ Nortn pole,’ (right)—at the same time moving his bead towards it. ‘How dost thou know?’ It pulls.’ Upon leversing the poles, he instantly started back as if touched by a hot iron. ‘Which pole is it?’ ‘South.’ (Right.) ‘How dost thou know?’ ‘It pushes.’ This experiment was several times repeated, with the same result. In a word, it was impossible to deceive him. Whether the magnetizer or any other person held the mag- net, he invariably moved his head toward the north, and from the south pole, even when it was. presented at the distance of eight feet. Indeed, he showed, by words and various move ments, that he was not at all pleased with the experiment. Magnetizer extended his hand towards him, to which he moved his head. Being asked how it felt, he replied, ‘It pulls.’ It seemed to be rather agreeable to him than other- wise. Magnetizer then withdrew his hand and brought his head near to the forehead of the magnetized at which he manifested the same uneasiness as at the south pole of the magnet. The novel thought occurred to the magnetizer. that perhaps himself might be magnetized, negatively by induction. He therefore concluded to form the circuit and know ilie re- sult. It was formed by placing the hand of the magnetizer upon the head of the magnetized, and (he hand of the mag- netized upon the head of the magnetizer. Just as the con- nection was being made, the magnetized sprang as if he had received an electric shock though nothing was felt by mag- netizer. I H tried the same, with the same result. Magnetizer—‘What is the matter George?’ ‘Giving me shocks ’ The connection was made by several persons (per- haps five) taking hold of hands Still tbe shocks were felt To ascertain whether the will of the magnetizer was at all concerned in the production of the shocks he willed that tbe magnetized should feel cold, where the connection was made But in vain; the shocks were feit as before Glass proved not to be a non-conductor On being waked, he had no recollection of what had occurred but complained that he felt as if he had been receiving severe electric shocks. “12th mo., 25th.—Seventh sitting —Magnetizer at least one APPENDIX. 323 and a half miles distant.—Time, G p. m.—Perfect sleep in one minute. Magnetizer directed him to shut his eyes; also, to tell one present, J L. IS , that he was coming, and then proceeded to join the company. At the same time, magnet- ized whispered something which was not audible. A com- munication being tnus established between nim and J. L. S , the following questions were put and answers received: ‘“Where is the magnetizer?’ ‘Coming.’ 'Where was he when he put thee to sleep?’ ‘In a house, and sitting.’ (Right.) It may be proper here to remark that G. C was informed that he was to be magnetized some time during the evening, but not at what hour. Neither did he know whether the magnetizer was at the institution at the time or not. ‘ How dost thou know?’ ‘I saw him.’ ‘Has he an umbrella?’ ‘ Yes.’ ‘ How dost thou know? ’ ‘ I feel he has his hand on it.’ ‘ Canst thou see the streets, or the lamps in the streets?’ ‘No.’ ‘Canst thou see the bridge?’ ‘No; it is dark.’ ‘In wdiat direction is he?’ (Magnetized placed his hand upon his forehead, and then moved it towards the place at which he said the magnetizer was.) ‘ How dost thou know he is in that direction?’ ‘I feel him pull.’ (At the same time mani- festing uneasiness at what he called the pulling of the magnet- izer. The last two questions were often repeated, and the same answers as often received.) ‘ Shall I stop the pulling?’ ‘ Thou canst not stop it; no one can stop it. ’ ‘ Is he walking or running?' ‘Running, now.’ (Magnetizer does not now recollect whether he ran any or not.) ‘ How many are there in the room, and who are they?’ ‘Four. J. L. S , J C , B. B , and myself.’ (Two entered while he was asleep.) “Magnetized was shocked, as at the last sitting. "When magnetizer had approached about one mile, he wished him to speak to J L. S and C. W. J , supposing them both to be present. About the same time, he took J. L. S by the hand, and with the other seemed to feel for some one. Being asked by J, L. S what he wished, he replied, ‘ C W. J .* At the same time, magnetizer wished him to speak to none but the two individuals just mentioned, when be ceased to answer the questions of J. C , his brother, 324 APPENDIX. with whom he had been conversing, without any directions from the magnetizer During the early part of his sleeping, he made various gestures, supposed to indicate a wish to hurry the magnetizer, saying at the same time, ‘Faster! faster!’ “At thirty five minutes past six o’clock, magnetizer ar- rived, and found magnetized asleep, in company with J. C and J. L S . Of his own accord, on the entrance of the magnetizer, he put out his nand, smiled, and seemed glad to see his friend. After a few moments in conversation, the sleep of the magnetized was terminated by the will of the magnetizer.” To Messrs. A. Y. and C. C. Potter, to whom I am indebted for many opportunities of seeing and trying interesting experi- ments, I take this occasion to express my thanks. The for- mer gentleman, in addition to all other obligations, has fur- nished me the following account of his experience as a mag- netizer. It is very observable, to one who has had a chance to become acquainted with the statements of foreign writers, that there is a-striking similarity of conclusion between them and our own magnetizers, in cases where it was almost im- possible for the latter to obtain the notions of the former. This is certainly a prioi'i proof of the strongest kind In favor of the reality of Magnetism, and of the universality of its principles; and it should be an inducement, to such as have leisure, to investigate the subject, until those principles are as clearly demonstrable as those of electricity. I would re- mark that Mr. P. differs from some others in regard to the in- tuitive knowledge of time, which is claimed as one of the fac- ulties of somnambulists. He has even now a patient who wakes every morning precisely at the hour he tells her to the evening previous—a fact which I learned from Captain James Bratteile, in whose family she now resides This young lady, whose case is a very peculiar one, cannot see while in the magnetic state. Her waking up at the hour indicated by her magnetizer is a strong objection to his own conclusion, which is, that somnambulists borrow their notions of time from the thoughts of others, or see it on the nearest watch NOTE XII. or other time-piece. This case, however, has occurred since the article below was written : APPENDIX. 325 “The first good subject I ever obtained was a married lady, of about twenty-three. At the fifth sitting, of about forty miuutes each, she became sound asleep. I asked her, after a few questions in regard to her feelings, whether she could see anything out of the room where she was sitting. She replied that she could. I asked her the time by the clock in the other room. She said, twenty-two minutes past eight; upon looking, I found it to be correct to a minute. I knew that she had never been in my shop, where men only had been employed. I asked her how it appeared. She gave a correct account of its appearance. I then asked her if there was any one in at the time. She said there were three. I supposed that there was no one there, it being evening, and at a time when it was generally closed. I went directly thither, and, to my astonishment, I found three of my appren- tices at work. On my return I took an out-of-the-way road, and sat down upon a drag for a few moments, to see if she would observe it. When I returned, she told me exactly where I had been, what way I returned, and observed that the short time I sat upon that drag could not have rested me. ‘ ‘ I asked her to tell the number of persons in the room directly over where we sat, it being occupied by another family. She answered, ‘ There are seven ; Mr. Day. his wife, and two children, a small girl who lives with them, and two ladies that I do not recollect to have seen before.’ I sent up the maid directly to ascertain the fact. While she was gone, I asked the patient what she said, and to whom she spoke. She replied that she spoke to Mr. Day, and asked him what time in the evening it was, and no one but him made reply. “ The girl asked the time of night, as a pretext to ascertain the number in the room. She stated the number precisely the same as my subject. There were two ladies there whom she did not know. The maid was not in the room when my subject told the number in the chamber, nor did she know the reason of my sending her on such an errand. “ I took a number of small things from the shelf, and en- 32G APPENDIX. closed them perfectly tight in my hand, and she told what they were. I took my watch and covered it as closely as possible in my handkerchief : she mentioned the time to a minute. I took a piece of blank paper, and marked one or two capital letters with a lead pencil, and placed them be- tween the leaves in the middle of a book. She had no diffi- culty in telling what they were. She would frequently tell the time of day by a dozen watches that were in the room, without their being taken from the fob. “ 1 have the most indisputable proof of their seeing to a great distance, although they frequently fail in experiments of this kind. I find a great difference in the veracity of sub- jects, owing partly, I think, to their vanity and desire to an- swer every thing that ia asked them, and partly to their in- ability at times to distinguish small objects. They some- times appear to draw largely from their imaginations and preconceived opinions. They are apt to get into this habit after being magnetized a great number of times. I consider the information obtained from new subjects to be much the most correct. “Two gentlemen came to see one of my subjects one evening; they had passed Newport that afternoon, and had observed some things to test her clairvoyance. They sent her into a room of a house there, to which she and myself were total strangers, where she found an old gentleman asleep in his chair. They said it could not be otherwise than cor- rect, as it was a fixed habit for the occupant of the house to sleep at that time in the evening in his chair. “She gave a minute description of every house and room which they directed her to. On asking her the time of night by the clock at Newport, she said that the clock did not go, and both hands hung directly down. The gentlemen were astonished at its correctness, as they saw them taking down the clock when they passed through in the afternoon, and remarked that it would be a perfect test of her clairvoyance. Newport is thirty miles distant, and a place where my sub- ject had never been. I do not mention this as an insulated fact, but as one that will not admit of contradiction, not only from the nature of the proof, but the character of the wit- nesses, they being the Hpnorable Judge Durfee and Judge APPENDIX. 327 Staples, botli of our Supreme Court, and Horace Manchester, Esq., attorney, of this city. “I have had gentlemen from Boston, Salem, Newport, Taunton, New Bedford, New York, and other places, who have witnessed experiments of seeing to a great distance; and in such cases I have directed my subject to go (as we term it) to their respective places of abode, and have generally enforced the most perfect conviction. “ I sent a subject to New York that was never in the city. She gave a most correct description of Trinity Church, the monuments in the enclosure, their situation, and the whole of its internal structure. I then sent her into a broker’s of- fice in Wall Street (Mr. Yernon’s). He informs me that the description is correct. She said she saw nothing except a few books and some money. She could not see any goods, although 1 called it a store. Mr. Vernon was an entire stranger to myself, as well as to the somnambulist. “A good clairvoyant will never fail to tell the denomina- tion of a bill, the superscription on a letter, or any sentence distinctly written, even if it is folded so as to wing the writ- ing on the inside. I have lately been trying some very inter- esting experiments, in connection with two or three gentle- men, upon the faculty of clairvoyance, which 1 should not feel justified in laying before the public in their present un- finished state. “I have found that all my clairvoyants can tell the time; but upon asking them how they tell, they will say they see some neighboring clock: such as that in their own house, or the nearest church. I said to a patient of mine one evening, ‘ Can you tell what time it is ? ’ She said, * No; our clock does not go.’ Upon looking, I found the clock had been stopped fifteen minutes—two hours after she had keen put into the magnetic sleep. I have told them to wake by a prescribed time, and have found them very accurate. At other times, they would wake before half the period had elapsed. “There are some subjects, however, that are very exact in their time of waking, very rarely varying more than six seconds from the prescribed time. I have told others to wake in four minutes, and in four minutes more to go to sleep again; they would wake in three minutes, or less, an<J 328 APPENDIX. go to sleep again in the same time- I have told others to wake in four minutes by a certain ciock or watcn, and go io sleep in the same time; they would wake at eke exact time and qo to sleep one minute, or one minute and a na.f too soon. So that I am convinced, not only from the artificial divisions of time, but from a great number of experiments, that they either see some timepiece, or guess at its duration. ’ NOTE XIII. No one who reads medical works is ignorant of the fre- quent occurrence of natural somnambulism. A hundred cases could undoubtedly be quoted from the best authorities. A remarkable and well-authenticated one recently appeared in the “Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.’’ I do not know whether to class the following relation, which I find in a very old translation of Pliny’s “ Natural History.’ with facts or with fictions. Does not its resemblance to what ’3 known to take place in induced somnambulism authorize us to consider it as having some foundation in truth? “We read in Chronicles, that the ghost of Hermotimus Clazomenius was accustomed to abandon bis body for a time, and, wandering up and down in far countries, used to bring home news, from remote places, of such things as could not possibly be known, unless it had been present there; and all the while his body lay, as it were, half dead in a trance. This practice it continued so long, that at last the Cantharidae; who were his mortal enemies, took his body and burnt it to ashes. and by that means disappointed his poor soul when it came back again, of that sheath as it wrere. or case, where she meant to bestow herself. ”—Pliny b. 7 cli 52. There is some similarity between the above relation and the following, which is extracted from Watson's “Annals of Philadelphia, ’ page 235, edition of 1830. “The good people of Caledonia have so long and exclu- sively engrossed the faculty of second sight, that it may justly surprise many to iearn that we aiso have been favored with SOMNAMB UL1SM. APPENDIX. 329 at least one case as well attested as their own. I refer to the instance of Eli Yarnall, of Frankford. Whatever were his first peculiarities, he in time lost them. He fell into intem- perate habits, became a wanderer, and died in Virginia, a young man. He was born in Bucks county, and, with his family, emigrated to the neighborhood of Pittsburg. There, when a child seven years old, he suddenly burst into a fit of laughter in the house, saying he saw his father (then at a dis- tance) running down the mountain side, trying to catch a jug of whiskey which he had let fall. He saw him overtake it. When the father came home, he confirmed the whole story, to the great surprise of all. The boy, after this, excited much wonder and talk in the neighborhood. Two or three years after this, the family was visited by Robert Verree, a public Friend, with other visiting Friends from Bucks county. I have heard, in a very direct manner, from those who heard Verree’s narrative, that he, to try the lad, asked him various quest ions about circumstances then occurring at his own house, in Bucks county: all of which he ascertained to have been really so at that precise time. Some of the things mentioned were these, viz.: ‘ I see your house is jnade partly of logs and partly of stone; before the house is a pond, which is now let out; in the porch sits a woman, and a man with gray hairs; in the house are several men,’ etc. “When Verree returned home, he ascertained that his mill- pond before his house had been just let out, to catch musk- rats; that the man in the porch was his wife’s brother, Jona- than; that the men in his house were the mowers, who had all come in because of a shower of rain. In short, he said every iota was exactly realized. “ The habit of the boy, when he sought for such facts, was to sit down, and hold his head downwards, his eyes often shut; and after some waiting, declared what he saw in his visions. He has been found abroad in the fields, sitting on a stump and crying; on being asked the reason, he said he saw great destruction of human life by men in mutual combat. His descriptions answered exactly to sea fights and army bat- tles, though he had never seen the sea, nor ships, nor cannon, all of which he fully described as an actual looker-on. Some of the Friends, who saw him, became anxious for his future 330 APPENDIX. welfare, and, deeming him possessed of a peculiar gift and a good spirit, desired to have the bringing of him up. He was therefore committed to the mastery of Nathan Harper, en- gaged in the business of tanning, in Frankford. There he excited considerable conversation; and so many came to visit him as to be troublesome to his master, who did what he could to discourage the calls. Questions, on his part, were therefore shunned as much as he could. He lost his faculty by degrees, and fell into loose company, which of itself pre- vented serious people from having any further wish to inter- rogate him. “ To instance the kind of inquiries which were usually pre- sented to him, it may be stated that wives, who had missed their husbands long, supposed by shipwreck, for instance, would go to him and inquire. He would tell them, it is said, of some strll alive, what they were about, etc. Another case was, "a man, for banter, went to him to inquire who stole his pocket-book; and he was answered, no one; but you stole one out of a man’s pocket when at the vendue;—and it was so. “His mother would not allow him ‘to divine for money,’ lest he should thereby lose the gift, which she deemed heaven- derived. “These are strange things. I give these facts as I heard them.” The above cases of natural somnambulism; and it is to be obseiv (1, that such subjects are frequently in condition to talk with any who address them. This was the case with the Springfield somnambulist, who was recently thrown into induced somnambulism by a gentleman of this town, as will be seen by his letter, published in this Appendix.* It is laid down by some writers on Magnetism, that the diseases which produce the one may be cured by the other. Where somnam- bulism is induced by the magnetic process, the magnetizer gains such a mastery over the patient, as to turn his clairvoy- ance to a useful purpose; which is, to look into the nature of the disease which made him naturally subject to this crisis, * The same has been done in the ease of the Uxbridge somnambulist. She was found, as I am told by Dr. Parsons, to be exceedingly susceptible to tie action of Magnetism. APPENDIX. 331 and to point out its proper remedy. Not only so but Mag- netism alone, without other aid, restores such persons to health, and then generally ceases to act upon them. In one of the numbers of The Magnetizer,’’ a series of papers published by the translator in the "Providence Journal,’’ the following description of a magnetic sitting may be found. It is designed to convey to the imagination of the reader who has never seen anything of the kind a correct conception of the real power exerted, and of the feelings ex- cited by its contemplation; '“I confess that I am sometimes astonished at my own indif ference to the singular phenomena exhibited by my friend, -while he is in the magnetic sleep. He is this evening sitting beside me m his arm-chair, while I am at the desk penning there observa- tions. lie has been asleep about an hour. No one is present but myself. He is immovable—in his deep and placid serenity. His breath is scarcely heard; the pattering of the ram drops against the casement comes with thrilling distinctness of sound to break the stillness of the room; and, now and then, the lightning, 'which Leaps from the riven cloud, sends forth its rolling thunder in the distance. But these cannot arouse him from his slumber There is on his countenance that godlike tranquillity which the ancient artists strove to express in the representations of their fabled deities. Ilis eyes are closed; he feels not mortal touch; the surgeon might sever his several joints, and the exquisite nerves of feeling shall not convey the intimation to the brain. There is no restless movement, no nervous irritaton, as in ordinary repose. “ In vain has Carlos, who has just entered, called him by his name. He answers not. How shall he hear the voice of friend ship who hears not the voice of thunder? His ears are sealed is with seven seals. The mysterious will hath closed the avenues cf intelligence in the mortal body. But from this dreary death of sensation, how quickly is he roused ! By a simple volition I cause him to see, to hear, to recognize, everything about him. I can send him forth instantly, through the thick darkness of night, into distant lands, and cause him to bring us iiidngs of our absent friends. His spirit seems to delight in this activity; his intellectual countenance brightens up with various emotions. He glides along the surface of the earth and ocean, as rapid as the 332 APPENDIX. lambent borealis ; and ever and anon, as different scenes arrest his attention, he bursts out into involuntary exclamations of pleasure or surprise, of joy or sorrow. The smile that tells of some ludicrous sight is occasionally seen to play over his features. Anon, the hot tears course down his cheek. Powerful feeling is in every lineament. He is weeping over a death-bed scene which he accidentally witnesses in a distant city ; and he cries aloud, with the generous fervor of excited sympathy. ‘ lie is gone, poor man! She has nopi'otection for her orphan children—but God!’ “ Instantly by a power which is more mysterious to mysfff than 1 think it seems to others, I replunge him into the profoundest sleep. I sprinkle the waters of Lethe over his spirit. His muscles lose their tension ; his limbs, their elasticity; his senses forget their office ; the placid serenity of slumber settles upon hisfeatures, ana he becomes as void of sensation, of motion, of volition, as the beautiful creations of Canova, or the stony victims of Medusa.’' It is sometimes necessary to send a somnambulist to examine the sick This has been practised to some extent here; and h will be practised much when Magnetism becomes more ex- tensively appreciated in this country Great caution should be used, in such cases, to test the clairvoyance; and it seems proper to give some hints tc those who seek direct evidence of this power from somnambulists. 1. If you send them away give them time enough to look round after you have assurea yourself that there is no mistake in the house to which you send them. 2. It yen are in communication, keep yourself perfectly free from excitement, and attend to what , the somnambulist says 3. Observe simplicity of conduct; not wearying the somnambulist by asking questions which manifest scepticism or an intention to embarrass him. 4. Bo carefui, as far as possible not to ask unimportant questions: for the somnambulist, if properly trained, does not view your interrogatories as intended to test his clairvoyance, but to obtain information oi things as they are. Apollo himself, in me paimy tranouin-ty of his soul, took it in high dudgeon, says Piatarch tc be interrogated about so many trifles. Be- sales most somnambulists imagine you to be present with mem wherevei they go, and think you can see as well as they can. It therefore requires caution and skill, not only to ob- tain infomation from them, but also to direct their attention to the proper objects. The Marquis de Puysegur says, in his work entitled Be- cherches Pkysiologiques sur VIlomme,' page 423. “ There are somnambulists whose active energ}r makes them almost spon- taneously perceive all that can be useful and salutary to themselves. There are also some who are inert- and indolent, whose intuitive faculties are not manifested unless their de velopment is aided. A somnambulist may be compared to a person having very good eyes, who is unexpectedly placed upon an eminence rising from a vast plain His vision would sweep over a great extent, without distinguishing anything. He would wonder at all things, without remarking any; and the most beautiful situations, the most interesting objects, would often be the very ones to which he would pay no attention. It is exactly so with many somnambulists. If you do not arrest and fix their attention upon that which ought particularly to interest them, they will often observe nothing in the vast and indefinite domain of their perception.” APPENDIX. 333 NOTE XIY. TRAVELLING SOMNAMBULISTS. The somnambulist always appears to have a perfect knowl- edge of what the magnetizer is doing. If he occasionally loses trace of him, it is because some other person is in com- munication, and absorbs his whole attention. But the mag- netizer generally keeps his control over his patient, even though at a distance from him; that is, he can cause him to sink into a state of insensibility; he can make him answer the question of one person, and return no answer to the question of another; can make him lose the power of seeing any one present; can make him call for any particular article of food, can wake him suddenly, etc.,—all by the mere powrer of the will. It sometimes happens that such experiments fail: but it is evident that the patient commonly has the faculty of di- vining the will of his magnetizer. He seems to be drawn towards him by an intense impulse. He can almost always tell where he is. I have known one somnambulist, who, 334 APPENDIX. when left by the physician that magnetized her, wrould volun- tarily trace him through all his professional calls and give a pretty correct account of them to the persons left in commu- nication with her. At the same time, she would mention how many and what description of persons were in the several rooms of his patients. I could never discover an architectural anomaly in the de scriptions given by somnambulists of the houses to which they are sent. It is not proper, however, to conclude that they never commit such an error, though I have made many ex- periments of the kind. I will explain my meaning. Somnambulists frequently get into the wrong house, and fre- quently give a wrong description when they get into the right house; and it requires some tact to draw from them a correc- tion of the errors into which they fall at the first sight, as well as to discover the cause of their being led into the commission of such errors. But when they get into a house, or imagine thej- have got into one—which neither they nor any present have ever been into—they will give such a description as will be congruent in itself, whether it be true or false in respect to the house supposed to be visited. Thus, if the somnambulist describes the fireplace in the parlor as being on the north side, and a door as being on the right of the fireplace leading into the room back of the parlor, he will, when carried into that back room, make the fireplace there correspond with the position of the chimney previously indicated in the description of the first room. As soon as I took notice of this congruency, I varied the experiments very much, to ascertain whether it is always so. After examining one room in a house, in relation to the position of the window's and the grates, I proceeded to the second or third story in one of the back rooms, to get a description of it; then down into the yard, to get a de- scription of the back part of the house; then into the front yard, to look into the parlor window, and describe the situation of things from this new point of view; then to one side of the house, to look in at a window into a room in Which we had not yet been; then into a room in the second otory, directly over the room back of the parlor, and the fire- place was found to be on the south side, exactly corresponding APPENDIX. 335 with the rest of the description. This experiment has been tried by me when I was not in communication with the somnambulist, but conducted it through a person who was in communication with them, in respect to buildings which neither of us had ever seen. But it may be said the somnambulist, having a good idea of the manner in which houses are generally built, could not fail in a matter of that kind, and if he merely imagines him- self to be in a distant house, he would not be so obscure in his imaginary perceptions as to make such an architectural error, for the imagination must grasp the whole object at once in all its complexity. Besides, there is also reason to believe that the somnambulist borrows the whole description from the model in the mind of the person in communication with him. To all this it may be replied that innumerable examples are given, some in this book, of the power not only of transi- tion, but also of transition and clairvoyance united, which were properly verified. And, in the next place, these trials were, some of them, made when the person in communication had no particular knowledge of architecture, and no intima- tion of the design of the experiment. Hence we must adopt the obvious explanation. If you wish to carry a somnambulist to your own house, or to the house of a friend, it is not necessary for you to trace out the path for him to travel; at least I have found it so in all the trials I have made, and they are many. Just take the hand of the somnambulist, observing first to request to be put in communication with him. You must remember, by the way, that it requires much circumspection on your part in making the proper advances, especially if the somnambulist be a woman and you a stranger. After being put in commu- nication, take his hand, and ask him if he will go with you to your house; (you need not tell him where, or in what direc- tion it is); and if he sajrs he does not know the way, tell him you will go with him. If he consents to go with you, carry your mind home, and he will soon be there with you. Bid him let you know when he arrives. He will enter the house, and will surprise you by the correct description which he will give you of it. At the same time, if you have ordered some one of your family to make an arrangement of the furniture 336 APPENDIX. in a particular room, without letting you know what the ar- rangement is, you will probably discover that he does not de- rive his ideas from your own mind. You may, however, influ- ence his mind, and mislead him. He will sometimes make wonderful mistakes in some things, while he is wonderfully correct in others He who is acquainted with the mode of proceeding will frequently, by attending closely to their mo- tions, discover the cause of their mistakes. I have known several cases analogous to this. You send a somnambulist to examine the house of a friend. He describes the house correctly, and your friend correctly. He says your friend is sitting at his desk in his study. You go off satisfied that all is right; but on writing an account, and re- ceiving an answer from" your friend, you are astonished to learn that he was not at home on the day in question. How did Somnambulus contrive to give such a description of him if he did not see him? The following letters present in- stances of the kind to which I refer. PROM DOCTOR HARTSHORN. “Dear Sir: In compliance with your request, I cheerfully submit to you an account of an experiment in Animal Magnet- ism, made a few evenings since by Mr. William Grant, at his father’s residence, in High street. The person magnetized was a young lady, a relative of the family. Similar experi- ments had often been made by him, and it was by particular request that he consented to gratify the curiosity of a few in- dividuals on this occasion. There were present, Bishop Brownell, of Connecticut; Dr. Brownell, of this city; Major Lomax, of the U. S. Army; Mr. E. Dyer, Jr.; Mr. Potter, and myself. Mr. Grant placed himself in front of his patient, and fixing his eyes steadily upon her, she soon gave evidence of being in the magnetic sleep. As it seemed to us among the most interesting and extraordinary facts, in connection with this subject, that the person magnetized could visit mentally, and describe, distant places and objects, we concluded to test her powers in that way. The magnetizer was accordingly requested to direct her to Newport. She soon signified her arrival, and was directed from the landing, through the town, “ Providence, September 1,1837. APPENDIX. 337 to the residence of Major Lomax. Passing through the front door into the entry, and then into one of the side rooms, she gave such a description of the interior, the furniture, and family, as to satisfy all present that she was not exercising the Yankee prerogative of guessing. Major Lomax had pre- viously intimated to me that, if she would hit upon and de- scribe a particular article of furniture in his house, it would serve, as forcibly as anything could, to remove his doubts, inasmuch as the article in question was rare, probably what she had never seen. She was now directed to return to the entry, and enter the room on the opposite side. As soon as she had entered the room, she declared it to be a par- lor; and immediately her attention was arrested by an object which she said was a musical instrument. She was told to play upon it; but she said she could not, because it was cov- ered. She was asked what the covering .was, and answered it was green baize. She now went through the motions of untying the covering, lifting it from the instrument, and lay- ing it aside. She was now told by Mr. Grant, who did not know what the instrument was, and who alone was in com- munication with her, to strike the keys; but she declared there were no keys. She now drew her hand rapidly across, as if to vibrate the strings of an instrument, at the same time turning her ear, and listening with apparent surprise and pleasure. She next took hold with her thumb and finger, and motioned as if to spring the chords. She was asked what the instrument was, and answered that she could not tell; that she had never seen anything like it before. To the ques- tion if it were a guitar, she answered that it was not; that she had seen a guitar; that this was not like one; that it had many more strings, and was much larger. This description, Major Lomax assured the company, corresponded with the fact. There was in the parlor a harp of large size, and it had a covering of green baize cloth. Upon subsequent inquiry, it was accertained that the harp had been on that evening re- moved from the front parlor to the one immediately in the rear, communicating with the first, however, by means of a door.*- The gentlemen were assured that the young lady * It is asserted by all clairvoyants, that walls always seem to be transpar- ent. When told to pass from one room to another through the partition or a fastened door, they appear to find no difficulty in doing it.— Trans. 338 APPENDIX. had never been in Newport, and she was also a stranger to them. “It should be remarked, in conclusion, that this statement has been submitted to Major Lomax, and has his concurrence. " Yours, very respectfully, “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” Isaac Hartshorn. FROM KEY. FREDERICK A. FARLEY. Tuesday Morning, October 3. “ My Dear Sir: In reply to your note of yesterday, I am happy to give you any statement of facts in my power, nor can I have the least objection to the use of my name in con- nection therewith; since I mean that it shall be a statement of facts, and neither more nor less. “ Somewhere about two months since, I asked Miss Brack- ett (the blind lady.), in an interview at my own house, she being in the state of magnetic somnambulism, to go with me to Boston. I guided her to the house of a brother-in-law, and she described with remarkable accuracy much of the arrangement of the house, the furniture of the drawing- rooms, etc. As I understand you, in your present inquiries, to seek illustrations of the uncertainty which attends the relations of somnambulists when they are at a distance in spirit, and of the singular errors and illusions to which they are liable, I confine myself to this point. Miss B. said there was a gentleman in the front parlor standing near the win- dow reading a letter, and upon requesting her to describe him she described the occupant of the house as accurately as I should have done to any inquirer. She said, indeed, that his hair was very thin, when I should have said he was bald on the top of the head, and that he wore spectacles which had not silver bows, when 1 should have said they had gold bows. Upon seeking to know how far these state- ments corresponded with the facts, it was found that the oc- cupant of the house was not at home at that hour (half-past 6 o’clock p. m.), not having been at home between half-past 3 o’clock and 8 o’clock. Again she said that a man was spreading a cloth on the floor in the back parlor, and a little black boy came in, and they talked together. It was indeed about the hour when APPENDIX. 339 the male domestic of the family might have been preparing for the evening meal; but it was found that nobody inter- rupted him. “Upon leaving the house, she crossed the street to inspect the church on Church Green. While apparently engaged in examining its exterior, she of a sudden drew herself up with an air of great dignity, saying, * I’ll thank you to mind your own business,’ or words to that effect. ‘What now?’ I asked. She replied, ‘That boy is troubling me!' 1. as if I saw him, commanded him to desist. ‘ There, he is laughing at you,’ said she. ‘Well, then I’ll kick him, I rejoined, accompanying the words with a suitable movement of the foot. ‘Ah, you’ve made him cry now,’ she replied. “After this, upon returning through the streets, she com- plained constantly of being jostled by the crowd; although, as I afterwards learned, there was nothing to cause any un- usual crowd at that time. “In this interview, Miss B. exhibited the faculty of clair- voyance, in my house, with perfect accuracy. I do not re- member a single error in regard to the things around her in several distinct rooms. And, as I before hinted, the external appearance of the house at Boston, its entry or hall, both drawing-rooms, the china closet, and many articles of furni- ture, both w’hat they were, and where placed, she also de- scribed as well. -i “Very truly yours, “Frederick A. Farley.” FROM DOCTOR JOHN FEINT. “ Boston, October 1,1837. f Dear Sir: I have been so much engaged since my re- turn from Providence, that I have not until now found leisure tc comply wuth your request; and even now I fear I shall be able to give you but a very succinct account of the state of things on my return to Boston. In your note of the 28th September, you wish to know if Miss Brackett was correct in relation to the fire in Pearl street. You will perhaps recol- lect that she did not say there was a fire, but after having Visited my house, on going into the street she made this re 340 APPENDIX. inark: ‘What is the cause of so many people’s running?’ and then observed, ‘ There is a lamp raised upon a pole. ’ And, on requesting her to follow them, she 60on said she was in Pearl street, but that the people were returning. There was no alarm of fire on that evening; neither could I ascertain that there was any disturbance in the streets for several days. Finally, however, a friend, Mr. E., was passing the evening at my house, and in conversation incidentally remarked that there was a disturbance at a neighboring house a few even- ings before, and that the watchman sprung bis rattle; conse- quently many people were collected in the street. Upon mak- ing particular inquiries respecting the evening, I ascertained, for a certainty, that it was on the evening, and at the very time, we were in communication with Miss Brackett. That a lamp was taken from the engine-house—it being next door to the watch-house—on the alarm being given by the watch, I think very probable. The fact, however, is not known. Miss B., you may remember, would not give any account of my par- lors, but answered all questions by saying, ‘You can see as well as I can.’ Neither was I much more successful on visit ing the office; for she dismissed that with two or three re- marks, such as, ‘You are not very neat;’ ‘It looks nearly as bad as Dr. Capron’s;’ which, sub rosd, was satisfactory evi- dence to my mind that she must have seen it. I then pre- vailed upon her to step into the kitchen; and upon inquiring if any one was there, she answered that there was a girl about twenty-five years of age, dressed in a small figured pink calico dress, and that she was mixing bread or cake, and that no one was with her. Immediately upon my return, I inquired of the girl whether she mixed any bread or cake on Tuesday evening, and she gave a decided negative answer; but said she mixed bread on Monday evening. I then left her, and concluded that Miss B. must have been mistaken. The girl soon followed me into the parlor, with eyes as large as toler- ably-sized teacups, and exclaimed, ‘Why, yes, sir, I did bring some dough from the cellar into the kitchen, and worked it over, and put it into the closet.’ Upon asking her what time in the evening, she said, ‘ Between half-past 9 and 10 o’clock;’ which corresponds with the time when Miss B. Was on her visit to Boston. APPENDIX. 341 “With regard to her giving you cistern-water* to drink, from a tin wash-bowl, and her remarks concerning the dog, I was fully satisfied of the correctness of her statements then, and have found no cause to alter my opinion since my return. You will recollect, upon leaving my house, I took her to visit the house of a .sister of mine, Mrs. G , and upon going, as I supposed, into tlie parlor, she evidently fook an- other door leading from the same entry, and went into Mrs. G's chamber. For, after giving her a reasonable time to iook around, she says, “If you will get up, I will pin your dress for you. Your brother is in the other room, and wishes to see you.’- She likewise remarked, that there was a child in the bed with her (Mrs. G.), about eighteen months oid. Mrs. G. was in bed at that time, and her little girl, * In order to obtain a more particular description of things, I said to Miss B.,—Dr. Flint and myself being both in communication with her—“Let us sit down here in the parlor I wish you would have the goodness to ask the girl to bring me some water.’ Miss B., immediately gliding down into the kitchen, made the request; but, after waiting for a reply, she added, “ I shall have to do it myself, for she will not answer me.” She returned, and with her fingers arranged as if she were holding a dish, said, “ Here it .8 the gir wouid not answer me.” I drank. She took the vessel, and carrying i’ to the place from whence she took it, she exclaimed, “ There, J have given Mr Hartshorn water out of the wrong pump: this is the good water I gave h.m the hand basin to drink from.” Hr. Flint inquired where sh - go., >1 and she described the cistern-pump, and said she found the basin hanging up by the side ot it * But,” said she, “ the other pump has good water in it, for 1 drew some and tasted it. I hope you will excuse me sir ” Dr. Flint, several of whose friends from Boston were present, assured me, as he has in this letter, that the description of the relative position of the pumps, etc., was accurate. It may as well be added in this place, that it was necessary for each of us to have hold of the young lady’s hand, or to touch her person, otherwise the communication is entirely destroyed. Once, when I wished Dr. Flint to converse with her alone, I withdrew my hand from hers, saying, before releasing it, “I will return directly.” “ I wonder he should go oil so,” said Miss B. During the time the two were in conversation, I retained my seat, and on taking her hand again, she asked me where I had been, observing, “ I wonder you could leave me in the house of a stranger.” But when a somnambulist is not sent abroad, it is not by any means nec- essary to retain the hand. You may be in communication, though at any part of the room. Sometimes he is told to converse with all who are pres- ent. Then he hears everything addressed directly to him, but not the con- versation of others. [See Note X.] 342 APPENDIX. about four years old, with her. I would remark, that Miss was correct with respect to the color of Mrs. G.’s hair. ‘ I fear I have not given you a sufficiently minute account of the matter, but want of time must be my excuse. If there are any particulars upon which you would like a more detailed account, I shall be happy to furnish them. “ lam. sir. very respectfully, “ Your friend and servant, “Mr. Thomas C. Hartshorn.” “John Flint. NOTE XY. In note fourth of part first, I detailed the experiment of Mr. Covill, of Troy, in New York; and as no reply had been received, I promised to make known the result in this part. As the whole has been laid before the public in Colonel Stone's “ Letter to Dr. Brigham,” I will merely add, that Mr. Isaac Thurber has received a letter from the gentlemen in question, which confirms the truth of Colonel Stone’s state- ment. Miss B. read the sealed packet in the following man- ner: “ No other than the eye of Omnipotence can read this in this envelopement. **** ** 1837.” The true reading was— "No other than the eye of Omnipotence can read this sen- tence in this envelope. Troy, New York, August, 1877.” “ Providence, October 5, 1837. ‘ Dear Sir: About three weeks since, I received a letter from Rev. Richard Stone, pastor of the First Congregational Society of West Bridgewater, Mass., enclosing one addressed to Miss Brackett, with a request that she would read it with- out breaking the seals. As he is a particular friend of hers, she was easily induced to do it, though such communications have generally been read with reluctance, as it requires great exertion to read through several thicknesses of paper, as is frequently necessary. 1 addressed a line to Mr. Stone, giving Miss Brackett’s reading cl the letter directed to her, and have just received APPENDIX. 343 an answer from him, in which he says, ‘Your letter con taining mine, with the seals unbroken, came safely to hand and, to my gratification, it was read correctly.’ “ Should you consider this fact of any importance, you ai« at liberty to make such disposition of it as you may think proper. Yours, with respect, “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” Kapron. Experiments of this kind have been tried frequently. The fact that some somnambulists have the faculty of seeing through opaque substances is established beyond a doubt, [See Note X.] When a somnambulist lias anything in his hand, the mag- netizer may will him to give it to any person in the room, and it will be done accordingly, tnough not a word be said by any one. If another individual attempt to take it by grasping it, or by insinuating his hand between the object and the hand of the person to whom it is offered, the som- nambulist evades him with the rapidity of thought, and places it where he was requested to place it. I have seen several persons try in this manner, all at a time, to seize the object, but without success. With almost inconceivable dexterity of evasion, the somnambulists retained their own hold, and conveyed the charge in safety. What is equally singular was related to me by Mr. Potter. A patient of his, with whom I am acquainted, when she is in the somnambulic state, though she does not see, that is, has no clairvoyance, when requested to hand any object to an- other, though the magnetizer endeavor to exert no influence at the time, will not give it up to any but the person designated. She does not offer any explanation of this herself, but says she always knows when the right person presents his hand, even when he says nothing. This has been witnessed by several of my friends. The case of this young lady is a strong one to prove the alleviating power of Magnetism. She is under the medical care of Dr L. L. Miller. [See a note at the end of the Appendix.] NOTE XYI. 344 APPENDIX. NOTE XVII. Somnambulists frequently display ingenuity and acuteness of thought which are very striking. An instance may be given which was related to me by Dr. Cleveland, of Paw- tuxet. Professor Yates, of Schenectady, and Rev. Mr Dumont, of Newport, had been admitted by him to see a patient of his, while in the somnambulic state. After various experiments to test the clairvoyance of the lady one of the gentlemen, perhaps to dispel the lingering mist of incredulity, opened the Testament, and, pointing to a verse, requested her to read it. She declined reading it; but at length said she would read one on the opposite leaf. On being desired to do so, she pointed her finger to the following passage, and read it: “ Except ye see signs and wonders, ye will not believe /”—John iv. 48. NOTE XVIII. The following passage is extracted from one of the letters of Lafayette to Washington. As it was written in English, the reader will perceive the peculiarities which stamp it as the production of a foreigner. It is found in the “ Memoirs, Cor- respondence, and Manuscripts of General Lafayette, published by his Family,” 3 vols., justjssued by Messrs. Saunders & Otley, New York. “A German doctor, called Mesmer, having made the greatest discovery upon Animal Magnetism, he has instructed scholars, among Tjhom your humble servant is called one of the most enthusiastic. I know as much as any conjuror ever did, which reminds me of our friend’s at Fishkill interview with the devil, that made us laugh so much at his house; and, before I go, I will get leave to let you into the secret of Mesmer, which, you may depend upon, is a grand philosophical discovery.” NOTE XIX. Somnambulism will probably give the death-blow to su- APPENDIX. 345 perstition, at least in some of its forms. The superstitious are they who, through ignorance, attribute natural appearances and events to a supernatural cause, and are the least likely to have faith in the power of this agent. Prepossessed, as they generally are, with the opinion that a supernatural in- fluence is exerted in all uncommon things which they cannot account for, they are unwilling to listen to one who refers them to a principle whose laws are but little known. They see all history full of unaccountable relations, and they look upon the attempt to explain them rationally as daring, and even impious. Such is the case with some very conscien- tious, but very weak people. They do not consider that Omnipotence is displayed as much in the extraordinary ap- plication of known principles as in the application of those which are hidden from us, and that the idea of a contraven- tion of natural laws does not of necessity enter into the sig- nification of the word miracle. The word miraculous, mean- ing wonderful, may with propriety be applied to every exer- tion of Divine power which surpasses our ordinary expe- rience. But if it were necessary to quiet the apprehensions of such people, it might be stated that the least miracle re- corded in Holy Writ is beyond comparision greater than any- thing effected by this agent. The turning of water into wine, and the healing of the sick by the touch, are the only things that are approached in semblance by the magnetic ac- tion. To affirm that the two things are the same, is an as- sumption not warranted by a careful attention to the facts. And if, in the two cases, the same agent is employed, we cannot help perceiving a vast difference in the effects produced. In one, the cure is instantaneous; in the other, long and tedious. In the there is no failure; in the other, there is uncertainty. The tree that is caused to spring from the earth instantane- ously to a great growth, and the one that throws out its branches one by one, gaining its maturity in a hundred years, may both be sustained by the same laws of vegetative growth, accelerated in one case, and not in the other. Yet the first exhibits an instance of miraculous power exerted, and tha other follows the course of nature in its slow development. It is not, therefore, a derogation from the virtue of recorded 346 APPENDIX. miracles to suppose we have obtained a faint glimpse of the principles by which they were performed but the supposition is gratuitous The crude and ill-digested state of our knowledge on this subject, the wonderful effects which have been produced, and the suggestive energy with which they are fraught, have led en- thusiastic men into a wide and boundless field of speculation. They imagine there are no limits to this power, because they cannot fix them. They are like the first discoverers of Nootka Sound, who laid it down on their charts as a vast inland sea, simply be- cause the mist prevented their seeing the opposite shore They do mischief to the cause of truth by rash attempts to sustain unfounded theories; and they are they who have broached the doctrine to which allusion has been made. When we examine the subject coolly, we shall find in it traces of what has been practised for centuries. Witchcraft magic, exorcism, and sorcery will soon be capable no more of perplexing the minds of men; for superstition will be known no more. As the progress of astronomy dispelled the dread inspired by eclipses and by comets, which ‘ from their horrid hair shook pestilence and war,” so may the discovery of this new power in the human mind destroy the lingering rem nants of superstition, while it also rescues from the reproach of utter falsehood many a tale of barbaric times. Transmission op Pain.—The transmission of the symptoms from the magnetizgr to the magnetized is frequent, and it is for this reason that Deleuze considers good health indispensable in a magnetizer. In the case of Madame Montaux, we see ihe opposite effect taking place. If this occurs more frequently than we are aware of, it may account for the peculiar op- pression and weakness which some persons feel after magnet- izing. And if there be any truth in the theory of a fluid, the directions given by Deleuze to flirt the fingers at the termina tion of a pass, in order to throw it off from ourselves, derive additional weight from this circumstance, and are worthy of being implicitly followed in cases of contagious disease. NOTE XX.—Page 145. APPENDIX. 347 I have known a somnambulist, when in her natural state, to be afflicted with a violent side-ache, in consequence of sitting down and taking tee hand of a patient then being magnetized for that complaint. Her susceptibility to the magnetic influence was so great that, although the magnet- lzer did not direct his attention to her, she was the first of the two to fab into the magnetic state. The same thing has been observed by the celebrated physiol- ogist Georget. He says that, whenever he put his somnam- bulists in communication with a sick person, they immediately experienced a pain, an uneasiness, and sometimes a sharp affection, in the corresponding organs. NOTE XXL—Page 159. The Magnetic Fluid.—I have heard patients say they can see the magnetic fluid, as did those of M. N. Whether this is an illusion of the imagination, or whether there is in reality a fluid, has long been a matter of question among the learned. M Bertrand, in his work on somnambulism, rejects the opinion of its existence He says that the idea originates or is perpetuated m the minds of the magetizers, and is thence transfused into the minds of their patients. That such might be the case, were there no fluid, there cannot be much doubt; but it has frequently happened that patients have professed to see the fluid when they who magnetized them were not fluidists. And it must also be remembered that the imagina- tion of somnambulists cannot be permanently affected in regard to an object As soon as the will of the operator ceases to act, the object returns to what it really is. For instance, he may cause a lady s work bag to have the appearance cl a child, and he may induce the patient to caress it as such but the mo- ment he withdraws his attention from the subject, it returns to its proper appearance ana she hugs the illusion no more.* If you try this experiment and find out that every impression o: that kind is of necessity transient, win there not be some * I am assured by Dr. Cleveland, of Pawtuxet, that he has one patient whom neither he nor any other person has ever succeeded in deceiving by experiments of this kind, though they have been often tried. 348 APPENDIX. difficulty in adopting Bertrand’s notion ? Besides, it requires a positive effort to induce a deception of any kind, and many who try to do it fail, because they have not exerted sufficient energy of conception. It would therefore seem impossible for a mere opinion among magnetizers that such a fluid does exist, to produce an illusion so strong as to deceive their somnambulists, and make them constantly affirm the same thing in regard to its existence. It should, however, be borne in mind, as somnambulism presents so great a variety of phases, and is attended with such diversity of powers, we cannot be too cautious in adopting theories, especially such as tend to foreclose all further in- vestigation of the points in question. It ought to be stated here, that some somnambulists do not see any fluid, even when their attention is drawn to it. If any one thinks this a strong objection to the theory of a fluid, let him remember that somnambulists vary greatly in the power of clairvoyance; and not only so: the same indi- vidual has it at one time very weak, and at another time very strong. It is difficult to conceive how any effect can take place without a material medium. It may be granted that somnambulism may, under certain circumstances, occur by the mere power of the imagination, but this does not by any means admit the conclusion that th q phenomena are attribut- able to the same cause, or that the will and influence of another’s mind do not produce any effect when they are ex- erted. Polarity may be given to an iron rod, heated to a cer- tain degree and held in a certain direction, by a smart blow at one end with a hammer; and the rod may acquire polarity by the silent operation of nature in the course of a long time, if left in the same position. But if, from the latter fact, we infer that the hammer had no agency in the former one, we are guilty of an absurdity altogether analogous to the one hinted at above. Allowing, then, that the effect is produced by the vis voluntatis of the magnetizer, and that it is difficult to conceive how it can act without a medium, we should not reject an opinion which is supported by the authority of perhaps nine-tenths of the European writers on the sub- ject, unless we can present the apology of a thorough in- APPENDIX. 349 Vestigation. We may hold it In doubt until it is proved to be correct. But we could give another reason in favor of the theory. The passes are always made downwards to produce an effect, and upwards or transversely, when we wish to lessen the magnetic action or relieve it entirely. Let any one try the one for the other, and the result may assist him in perceiving the force of the argument. If a pa- tient requires the manipulations in order to be put to sleep, and you cannot effect it by the upwaid passes, is it not a proof that the imagination does not play the most important part in producing the magnetic sleep? Of course, it must not be forgotten that some magnetizers make no passes at all with very susceptible persons; but since the passes are gen- erally requisite, we may argue from the general fact. Sitting once with a somnambulist while she was in a mag- netized state, she observed „o me, “You could magnetize very well; you can magnetize my hand;'’ at the same time she ex- tended her hand towards me. I took her lightly by the wrist, and, with my other hand, made several passes along her hand from the wrist to the ends of the fingers. It was paralyzed. I suspected she had done it voluntarily, for I have heard of their doing it of their own accord,* and I had deter- mined not to exert any will during the manipulation. Several persons in the room came to examine the hand. “Now bring it back again,"said the somnambulist. ' Well,” said I; and I began the passes in the same direction as before. The ri- gidity of the fingers and the tension of the muscles became ex- treme. She seized my wrist, and, with considerable violence, * Mies A , a youug lady magnetized by Mr. William Grant, of Prov- idence, has the power of paralyzing ettfler of her own arms or fingers, when she is in the naturahstate, and tnat hy the mere force of her own will. While Miss A was on a visit in New York, Dr. David L. Rogers called upon her, stating his desire to investigate the subject, and his utter disbelief m its power. Miss A. being in the natural state, Mr. Grant, in order to con- vince him that he possessed this power, requested Dr. Rogers to magnetize the lower part of one of her arms. The Doctor took hold of the forearm, and at the same time, as he afterwards declared, willed to have the shoulder paralyzed. On asking the question, it was found that she could move the forearm very well, but, on requesting her to move her shoulder, it was com- pletely paralyzed, so that she could not move it. 350 APPENDIX. made me change the direction of the passes from the fingers to the wrist; and eight or ten of them restored the hand to the natural state. This is a question which may one day be satisfactorily settled; and. perhaps, it involves important con- siderations in regard to the processes employed in curing the sick NOTE XXII.—Page 181. Scrofula.—Mr. Daniel Greene, of Pawtucket, has been successful in diseases of this class. I have seen one of his pa- tients, thirteen years of age, a somnambulist, whom he has cured of the king’s evil. Epilepsy.—Miss , of this city, has been successfully treated for this complaint by Dr. Brownell. He began to magnetize her in the month of January last, and has con- tinued the treatment up to the present time. This young woman has exhibited some of the most striking traits of clairvoyance. Among the many individuals who have had an opportunity to witness them are Rev. John A. Clark, of Philadelphia; Rev. Drs. Yates and Potter, of Schenectady; Rev. A. Kaufman, of Charleston, S. C.; and Dr. Joshua B. Flint, of Boston. In the consultations she has had, she has been successful in pointing out the causes and the seats of some diseases; and so much confidence has been inspired in the correctness of her observations, that few who know the cir- cumstances would hesitate to rely upon them in cases of dis- location, of diseases which affect the bones, etc. She is not a “ somnambulist by profession,” and is not, therefore, liable to the suspicion which is involved in the consideration of pecu- niary interest. In order to state this case correctly, I have just been to seo Dr. Brownell, and gathered flie following particulars in the pourse of conversation: She had been troubled with epileptic fits about six years. They were at first irregular in their attacks, but afterwards NOTE XXIII.—Page 185. APPENDIX. 351 they came on as frequently as once a fortnight, and some- times once a week; and they were very severe. She has been under magnetic treatment about eight months, during which no medicinal remedies have been administered. At the first sitting, which lasted about three-quarters of an hour, no apparent effect was produced by the manipulations. At the second, sleep was induced in about twenty minutes. At the third, in about ten minutes. At the fourth sitting, she was put into the magnetic sleep in a minute, the magnetizer standing about eight feet off, and making no motions of the hands; since which time no'manipulatory processes have been used. She is generally awakened by making the reversed passes; but is easily roused by the volition of the magnetizer. If she is told to wake up at any given time, she is punctual in doing it. Dr. Brownell once left her in the somnambulic state at his own house, and in communication with several visitors, bidding her to wake up at 5 o’clock. He then took the Fall River steamer, which started at 3 o’clock, intending to be ab- sent about twenty-four hours. While on the passage, about ten miles dow,n the river, fearing that the visitors at his house might, by their experiments and conversation with her, pre- vent the patient from waking at the specified time, and being desirous of trying the extent of his influence, he told the Rev. Frederick A. Farley, who was in the boat, that he intended to “ cut off the communication between them.” On his return, he learned that she had ceased speaking at fifteen minutes before 4 o’clock, after which no one in the room could get any replies to the questions which were asked her. On waking up at the appointed time (5 o’clock), before the visitors had retired, she gave as a reason for her conduct, that Dr. Brow- nell had told her not to answer them. The health of this younglady appears now to be fully es- tablished. She has not had an epileptic fit since the com- mencement of the treatment. In the magnetic state, she de- clares that she is perfectly cured, and shall have no return of the disorder.* * This case occurred more than five years ago. Dr. Brownell ceased the treatment on her assuring him, while in somnambulism, of her complete restoration, and future exemption from the attacks. She said't would bo 352 APPENDIX. NOTE XXIV.— Page 196. Blindness.—In the appendix to the first part of this work, I have inserted some articles fn relation to Miss Loraina Brackett, which the reader will recollect. Since those arti- cles were published, I have received, among other foreign books on the subject, two large volumes, containing an alpha betical list of cures effected in France, from the time of Mes- mer to the present, to which Deleuze refers in a note p 204. Among these cures, which, by the way, are duly authenticated by the names of physicians, patients, and witnesses so that they may as justly claim our attention as any on record, there are several performed upon persons totally or partialiy blind. It will be recollected that Mesmer had nearly succeeded in restoring perfect sight to Mademoiselle Paradis at Vienna, and would doubtless have succeeded thoroughly, had he been permitted to remain secure from the attacks of bigotry and ignorant malice. • The whole of that case is detailed at length in these volumes. Many others also may be found under the heads of Cecite, Goutte Sereine, and Oplithalime. I cannot re- frain from translating two of them. “M. Hebert was at Paris in January i814. among the conscripts destined to join the grenadiers of the guard Certain writings which had been given him to do at the bar- racks, and in the performance of which ha had already passed several nights, occasioned an inflammation of the right eye. Having gone to pay a visit to M. Ducommun, the latter proposed to magnetize him. He consented, but with the air of a person who placed no faith in it. The next day he returned, with his eye still more red than it was the day before. M. Ducommun put him m communication with a somnambulist, who prescribed eeches at the temples. The two succeeding days, not having seen him. M Ducom mun went to him, and found him on a bed surrounded with domestics, neighbors, a nurse, and ail the medical parapher nalia. He was told that M. Hebert had passed a very bad injurious to prolong the treatment. Her brother Mr Thomas M. Parker recently informed me that her health has continued very good; and her ap- pearance seems fully to justify the assertion. (1843 ) APPENDIX. 353 night: that he had had a frightful delirium; that four per- sons could hardly hold him; and that the physician had de- clared him to be affected with a nervous malignant fever. He approached the bed gently, and placed his hand upon the pit of his stomach, scarcely touching him, and saying nothing. At the end of several minutes, M. Hebert was in somnambulism, and could tell the cause of his disorder. It was the optic nerve, which, irritated by the inflammation of the eye, had communicated the same irritation by sympathy to all the nervous system. In the evening, M. Ducommun returned, and found the patient sitting near the fire, alone with his nurse. The latter had told him he had been better during the day. He approached him, put him to sleep by touching his stomach, and made him write down the state of his health, and the remedies proper for him. He ordered for himself a copious bleeding on the right arm, leeches at the temples, clysters, bathing of the feet, barley-broth (sirop d'or- geat) for drink, etc. When he was awakened, M. Ducom- mon showed him his prescription, and told him to request his physician to bleed him the next morning, if it appeared to him proper. ‘ He will be so much the more willing,’ re- plied Hebert, ‘as he told me this morning such was his intention.’ “ The next day, February 3d, M. Ducommun arrived, and asked the patient the effects of the bleeding. 1 The physi- cian would not do it.’ * Why? he ordered it himself." ‘Yes; but ■when he knew that I had been magnetized, and that my own prescription, given in somnambulism, had been presented to him, he was excited against you, and he went out, declar- ing he would never set foot in the house again.’ “ M. Ducommun was grieved by this disappointment; but he put M. Hebert asleep, who told him to send for a surgeon merely to bleed him. As soon as the patient was bled, he experienced relief. On the 5th, he caused leeches to be ap- plied at 9 o’clock in the morning. On the 6th, he was much better; he ordered for himself clysters and foot-baths; and finally, on the 27th, he said the eye was cured, and that it was only necessary to cover it with a bandage to protect it from the cold. “The next day, he wrote to his father an account of his 354 APPENDIX. disease, and the singular circumstances of his cure • and, as nothing prevented his going out, he came to pass the evening at M. Ducommun’s, and to be magnetized. Three or four hours had hardly passed away, when he perceived a foreign body introduced into his weak eye, which had there caused a little globule of blood. He prescribed for himself an emol- lient and cooling poultice; and, in case the blood were not dissipated at the end of two days, a leech was to be applied to the eye directly on the alfected part. “The next morning, the mistress of the house where he resided sent a servant to M. Ducommun, to inform him that M. Hebert had just been arrested by two agents of police, who, without hearing his expostulations, and without regard- ing the state of his disease* had compelled him to dress him- self forthwith, and carried him away with the poultice over his eye. M. Ducommun ran immediately, but he could ob- tain no information from the persons in the hotel. No one had thought or dared to ask these a'rents whither they were conducting M. Hebert. He went to ike police office, with- out any information; he went to the houses of all the friends of the prisoner, without introductions. Finally, after fifteen days of fruitless search and painful expectation, he received a letter from M. Hebert, in which he announced to him that he had been arrested as a refractory conscript; that, without more ample information, they had cast him into a cold and damp prison, where he had nothing but straw for bed and covering; that the fever had seized him anew, and the oph- thalmia had returned; but, nevertheless, the symptoms had diminished by degrees, and he was cured; but had lost his right eye entirely.* “ On the reception of this distressing intelligence, M. Du- commun wrote forthwith to General the Baron Preval, to ob- tain leave of absence for M. Hebert, having still the hope of restoring sight to him. The General had the goodness to grant the request. “ Hebert hastened to the house of M. Ducommun. After many explanations of his adventure, and its sad results, and * Many examples of the danger of interrupting magnetic treatment are given in this work.—Trans. APPENDIX. 355 after the examination of his eye, which appeared to he very good, but which was insensible to the impression of the strongest light, the latter magnetized him. Hebert was no sooner in the magnetic state than he burst out into the most lively emotions of anger and despair. ‘Wretches!’ cried he ; ‘to treat me like a vile criminal ! to throw me into prison ! to refuse me all aid ! If 1 am not dead, it is no fault of theirs ! What injustice ! what infamy !’ “‘My friend, be calm.’ ‘Ah, sir, let me breathe out my rage and my chagrin. In the wakeful state I command myself; but I injure myself by doing it. This tends to con- sole me, and dissipate the sadness into which I am plunged.’ “When his passion was calmed, M. Ducommun demanded whether his eye was irretrievably lost. He examined it with attention, and said, no ; there were three days left to com- mence a new treatment ; and if it were not done in that space of time, there were no human means capable of curing it. ‘ How many days are required to accomplish a complete cure ?’ ‘ Twelve.’ “ As soon as he was awakened, M. Ducommun told him to go and ask leave of absence for a fortnight, to enable him to bring him under treatment. He obtained it the next day, and returned in the evening with his father, who, alarmed at what had befallen his son, had come from Merlerault, where he lived. “ When the elder Hebert was gone, M. Ducommun put the young man asleep. The crisis occurred as he had announced it, but much weaker than the first one. ‘ Do not abandon me,’ said he to his magnetizer. ‘ If you do not treat me your- self I shall never recover my health.’ ‘ What must be done to your eye to commence with ?’ ‘ Recall the ophthalmia ; my eye is in the condition of a limb broken and unskilfully set, which ought to be broken anew.’ ‘How much time have we now to commence a new treatment ?’ ‘ Until 12 o’clock to-morrow.’ ‘ Why not a longer time ?’ ‘ Because there still remains a trace of the last inflammation, which would cease at that epoch. If it were completely passed the eye would be radically cured, and I should be one-eyed for life ; but by means of the remains of this*inflammation, not apparent it is true, but which nevertheless exists, I will recall the dis- 356 APPENDIX. ease; I will treat it as it ought to have been treated, and as fast as the pain and the inflammation disappear, the sight will return.’ “ He then said it was necessary to put a handful of coarse salt into boifing water, to place his eye above the vapor, and to continue this three days, in order to bring on a speedy in flamnviti'on. M. Ducommun observed to him, that, accord- ing to the laws of chemistry, the salt does not volatilize with the steam, and, in consequence, the irritation he wished to produce could not occur. ‘ I am sorry for chemistry,’ said he, ‘ but I assure you the water will raise a part of the salt, which will irritate the eye and bring on an inflammation. “ This effect took place as he had predicted. “The fourth day. he ordered for himself the following collyrium: Boil a fresh egg till it is hard, take off the shell, cut it into two equal parts, take away the yolk, put in the place of it a piece of white vitriol as large as t pea, moisten the whole with four spoonfuls of rose-water, put it into a fine linen cloth, press out the liquid through the linen, and use it to make three injections daily into the affected eye. “This collyrium, three drops of which were put into the eye by the end of the finger, as he had directed, was the only remedy employed in the cure. On the fifth day, the patient said he could see the light, if one would uncover his eye a moment. The experiment was made for my own satisfaction; but only once. On the tenth day, the inflammation began to diminish, the pain was not so sharp, and he could bear day- light for a few instants. On the twelfth, he was perfectly cured. He then ordered for himself the use of green specta- cles for two months, because his eye would be still feeble and delicate all that time, on account of the various treatments which it had received. “Some days after his entire cure, he gave notice to M. Ducommun that he should lose his clairvoyance in less than two days. ‘Will you cease to sleep?’ ‘No; I shall always sleep when you wish me to; but I shall cease to see so long as I am well.’ At these words, M. Ducommun testified his sorrow at losing him at the moment when he had a sick son. M. Hebert reflected an instanf; all at once he uttered a cry of joy, and informed him he had just found out how to preserve APPENDIX. 357 his clairvoyance while in health. He afterwards told him what was to be done for this purpose, put off the execution of it till the next day, and made him promise never to teli this method to any person, not even to himself, when he should awake. The next day, after he had been put into som- nambulism in pursuance of his own direction, he assured us he should be clairvoyant so long as he was ip good health; but, by a change in the ordinary laws of Magnetism, he should see no more when sick, provided the same means were not employed which had then just been used.* “M. Ducommun adds that he never saw a somnambulist less fatigued w’ith holding consultations, more prompt and correct in seeing diseases, or more sure in pointing out the remedy or the treatment. Such was the superiority of his clairvoyance, that other somnambulists asked his advice. “We once had occasion to see M. Hebert in somnambulism; he was wounded in the knee, and at first consulted one of the most celebrated physicians in Paris. M. D . Not being satisfied with his advice, he came to M. Ducommun to be magnetized. As soon as he was in somnambulism, he men- tioned the consultation of the doctor, and told us in what respect appearances had deceived him. Then he detailed the cause and the effects of his disease, and pointed out the rem- edies with the greatest readiness and the most entire confi- dence.” The next case which I shall translate is that of the Mar- chioness of Rousses, aged forty-five years, at Paris, in 1818, under the charge of M. B , a member of the Society of Magnetism, originally published in the “ Bibliotheque du Mag- netisme,” No. 16, p. 47. “On the 26th of June, 1816, Madame la Marquise des Rousses, coming from mass at the church of Saint Sulpice, where she had had a long fainting fit, while in the midst of the Petit Bourbon street, was suddenly struck with an at- tack of the gutta serena. She was conducted home by her attendants, and had lost her sight. A large blister was ap- * “1 We know,’ says the compiler, ‘ that the execution of this means waa preceded by a terrible nervous crisis.’ ”—Trans. 358 APPENDIX. plied immediately to the back of tbs neck. The next Jay when ’t was removed she experienced something tike an electric shock she saw something flash before ner eyes and she fainted again Recovering her senses, she perceived that ali hope was vain, she was totally blind “ During the first months of her disease the marchioness experienced inconceivable pains n the nead. The disease without being apparent, manifested -tseit at once by a swelling so extraordinary in the muscies of the back paid of the head, that her head dress was moved by the violence of their contraction Not able to endure the bed she thus passed three months extended upon a sofa and without sleep ing. M. l’Abbe d’A— T had then occasion to see her He magnetized her; but indispensable affairs obliged him to dis continue the treatment Her health grew worse, and she re moved into the country. “Finally, after two years and a half of suffering, she re turned to Paris in the beginning of July, 1818, and stopped at the house of M. l’Abbe d'A By good fortune, she there met M. B , to whom she spoke of her sad condi tion. Touched with her misfortunes, he proposed to mag- netize her. She consented to it, and in a few minutes she was in somnambulism. Her clairvoyance was gradually developed in a singular manner. One day, consulting with herself about the fate of her son, who had been absent ten years, she saw him arrive from America, and land at Calais three days afterwards. It will be seen that this circumstance was not, as some might think, althogether foreign to the treatment of Madame des Rousses. She caused M. B to write a letter to her son, and with her own hand added to the letter two lines, while she was in the somnambulic state, and announced the time when an answer would arrive. The an swer did not arrive at the time specified,* and the inquietude of Madame des Rousses caused her to quit the country-seat where she lived, and where M. B used to go every week to magnetize her, and she returned to Paris. M. B ar- rived at her house with a somnambulist M. Lemaire, a young * “ M. des Rousses remained but a few days at Calais. Important affairs obliged him to go suddenly to Havre ; and this is what prevented his answer from arriving in due season.” soldier, of twenty-three years, blind also, in consequence of a gun-shot wound in the head. M. B put the two in communication, and made them examine each other’s case. Madame des Rousses told M. Lemaire that he would see well enough to walk. And he, in his turn, assured her that the same cause which had deprived her of sight would restore it, viz., the blood. ‘ A strong excitement,' said he, ‘ will give it an impetuous tendency to the head.' ‘Yes, it is true; and I see all the humors flow out by the ears. This excitement will be occasioned by the presence of my dear son; and I shall see him at Havre. I must go thither; I must depart immedi- ately.’ Instantly Madame des Rousses employed herself in searching the places where the hacks usually stand. She looked at them all, and finally found some in the Bouloy street. ' There arc two left,’ said she. Some one went and ascertained it to be a fact. Filled with confidence in Divine Providence, Madame des Rousses departed the same day for Havre, and, some days after her arrival, s he had the happi- ness of embracing her son. The impression of this moment produced an extraordinary effect upon her organs. She seemed to herself absolutely light-headed. The second day she experienced in her head the most violent pains, and es- pecially on the night of the 20th and 21st of October. Fi- nally, between 4 and 5 o’clock in the morning, after a mo- ment of horrible sufferings, she heard, as she thought, the report of a pistol close to her ears. She fainted and re- mained in a profound stupor until 8 o’clock in the morning, when some one entered to call her. “ They found her inundated with blood, and with a very black matter, which had flowed from the ears during the sleep which had succeeded her fainting fit. She put her hand to her head, and, raising the bandage which she kept constantly over her eyes, she perceived with rapture that the sight was restored to them. ‘‘The physician, who was immediately sent for, was con- founded by an effect so extraordinary. He declared that the flowing which had taken place through the ears ought, ac- cording to all the rules of the art, to have been diffused over the back part of the brain, and consequently to have occasioned the death of the patient. Madame des Rousses did not recol- APPENDIX. 359 360 APPENDIX. lect, in her ordinary state, that she had two months before announced this effect, and that from this moment she had re- quested M. B not to go beyond the ears at each pass, in order to concentrate the action of the fluid there. “ Since her return to Paris, she has been magnetized many times, and has ordered for herself the few medicaments which were necessary for the completion of the cure. M. B attended her to one of the sittings of the magnetic society, in order to remove all doubt in respect to this case. While there, Madame des Rousses, in compliance with the desire of some one of the members, took the first volume pre- sented to her, and read without hesitation. At present, her sight is so strong that she can read, work, or write, even without the aid of glasses. “We have entered into some details in regard to the Mar- chioness des Rousses, because we have had the happiness of seeing her many times. Wc were present when she made the relation of her treatment in somnambulism. It is impossible to imagine anything more touching and interesting.” NOTE XXV. The reader is here presented with letters from various physicians, which cannot fail to be highly interesting, not only from the nature of the cases whose treatment is de- scribed, but from the high characters of the authors in their own profession. Most of the intelligent physicians of the country are turning their attention to this subject, with a desire to become acquainted with its claims as a remedial agent; and, so far, it has sustained itself to the satisfaction of all who have approached it in this spirit. These letters embrace percisely such cases as are stated in Deleuze, and have thus stamped the “Practical Instruction” with marks of its intrinsic value. FROM DOCTOR CLEVELAND. “ Pawtitxet, October 2,1837. “Dear Sir: It gives me much pleasure to comply with your request that I would communicate to you for publica- tion the results of my experience and observations in Animal APPENDIX. 361 Magnetism as a theraputic agent in the removal or mitigation of disease. I am the more willingly disposed to submit the following cases, from the firm conviction that many persons ■who are laboring under severe indisposition, and who might be relieved, hesitate about having recourse to this agent, be- cause they have not sufficient evidence of its power. If, by communicating them, I can induce such persons to have con- fidence enough in it to make a trial of its efficacy, I will also suggest the propriety of applying to some magnetizer who has an acquaintance, not only with the diseases to which we are liable, but also with the complicated machine upon which he is to act, and with the peculiar sympathetic movements which are constantly going on, and are ever liable to be ex- cited therein.* “First Case.—The first case I will present is that of Miss , possessing a constitution originally firm, but recently much impaired by disease, affecting principally the nervous system. Neither the patient nor myself had ever seen any manipulations,and she knew nothing of Magnetism, even by name, as it was then but recently introduced to public, notice in New England. “About the first of January of the present year, she was at- tacked with an inflammation of the lungs. Her nerves became so much excited as to baffle all the ordinary means of quieting them, or of producing sleep. She was fast sinking for the want of rest, the least noise, even the snapping of the fire, throwing her into painful spasms. “Having heard of the effects of Animal Magnetism in cases of this kind, I gave it atrial, which resulted in procuring more quiet sleep, in five successive hours, than she had experienced in as many preceding days, But it took me an hour and a * The observation here made by Dr. Cleveland is worthy of attention. It requires no little exertion of magnanimity to rise above the fear of having selfish motives attributed to us, when a sense of duty obliges us to tell what we believe to he an important truth. It will be found, when Deleuze is thoroughly studied, and when the subject of which he treats .s better known, that his cautions on this head are not the result of timidity, hut of well-informed fear, lest it should he abused by the ignorant. His character and his long practice have justly made the “Practical Instruction ’ the text- book of all Kuronean nractitioners. 362 APPENDIX. half before she was put into this sleep, and my perseverance was rewarded by the most clairvoyant somnambulism at this first essay. This was repeated daily, with the same happy effects in relation to the repose which she enjoyed; and she soon became convalescent. A firmness was imparted to the nerves, which I had despaired of imparting by the usual medi- cinal means; and although she is not restored to perfect health, her life was, in my opinion, preserved wholly by the salutary influence of the magnetic practice. “Dr Eldndge, of East Greenwich, Dr. Perry, of Newport, Dr Cleveland, of Pawtucket, and many other physicians, have had an opportunity to see this patient. Her clairvoyance is very lucid, and while in the magnetic state, she reads any book with facility, though every precaution be used to ban- dage and secure her eyes. ‘ Case second.—I was called to attend Miss , and found her laboring under a severe attack of the tic douloureux. I pursued the ordinary course of treatment for four days, with- out affording her the least alleviation. On the evening of the fourth day. I resorted to Magnetism. After an hour and a half complete relief was obtained. Owing, however, to the disturbed state of her mind perfect sleep was not induced, though I have good evidence of her not having closed her eyes one hour for the three preceding days and nights. At the end of seven hours, the pain returned, though it was less violent I saw her soon after, and removed it as before, in one-fourth part of the time. In ten hours, it returned again, when, by a slight effort, it was permanently removed. Som- nambulism did not occur. “ Case third.—On the third day of last June, I was requested to visit Mrs. of Providence, between thirty and forty years of age. from whom, and from her attending physician, Di L L Milier 1 obtained the following history of her re- cent and her then present situation. She had been laboring for three months under an affection of the liver. During this time she had not left her chamber, had become considerably emaciated and was daily losing her strength. Her nervous system had become so much deranged that she could not see her friends, could not sit up but a few minutes at once, and, APPENDIX, 363 at that time, she was suffering for the want of sleep. This deprivation of sleep was the occasion of my being called to see her. “ I found that the principal cause of her suffering was the large accumulation of bile, which nothing but powerful doses of calomel could remove. From this she experienced temporary relief, although she said it rapidly exhausted her strength. In short, she appeared to be convinced that she could not continue long, and was satisfied that this was also the opinion of her physician. ‘ Now,’ said she, ‘ if you can, by the aid of Magnetism, afford me any alleviation from my present sufferings—if you can in the least smooth my passage to the tomb—it is all I can expect.’ '■ The first attempt to procure sleep proved successsful in thirty minutes; and, though she slept but one hour, she felt much refreshed, it being the first she had had in forty-eight hours. The next morning, I found she had passed a comfort- able night. I then magnetized her again, which had the ef- fect of procuring a copious evacuation of bile, affording her all the relief, without being attended with the debilitating effects, of calomel. Magnetism was continued several days, followed by the same results, and thus rendering the use of cathartics unnecessary. Her health soon began to improve, and at the end of two weeks she was able to ride out. I discontinued my visits on being assured by her that she was getting well fast enough. She was confident that she owed her restora- tion to Magnetism, and she recently assured me that she should resort to it again, if she found herself relasping int* her former miserable condition. " Case fourth.—Mrs. W , about thirty years old, wa^ afflicted with hypochondriasis. I cannot give a better ac- count of her situation than by giving Dr. Cullen’s description of this disease, as every symptom therein described obtained in the present case. ‘ The state of mind peculiar to hypo- chondriasis,’ says Dr. C., ‘is characterized by languor, list- lessness; a want of resolution and activity with respect to all undertakings; a disposition to seriousness, sadness, and timidity, as to all future events, an apprehension of the worst or the most unhappy state of things; and therefore, 364 APPENDIX. upon slight grounds of apprehension of great evil, such per- sons are peculiarly attentive to their health, to even the smallest change of feeling in their bodies; and from any un- usual sensation, perhaps of the slightest kind, they appre- hend great danger, and death itself. In respect to these feel- ing and fears there is commonly the most obstinate belief and persuasion.’ “Considering Mrs. W a suitable subject to receive benefit from Magnetism, I obtained permission to make use of it, though she was entirely sceptical, and thought the whole process of Magnetism ridiculous and chimerical. On the first trial, August 12th, 1837, I l't-d the satisfaction of in- ducing magnetic sleep in less than five minutes, and it con- tinued five hours. “When she awoke, the favorable change in her appear ance was evident to all the family. I saw her the second day after, and she appeared to be much improved. She was magnetized again, with the same effect as before. “As her place of residence is five miles from my own, I had an'understanding with the husband and family that she should retire precisely at 9 o’clock, or before that time, in the evening, and I was to magnetize her as soon after as would be convenient, without regard to the place w7here I might be at the moment. My attempts to magnetize her under the above circumstances were perfectly successful, not only in inducing sleep, but also in the entire removal of all those unpleasant symptoms enumerated above. She is now enjoying better health than she has for the last four years, which blessing she and her friends attribute to the influence of Animal Magnetism. Yours respectfully, ■‘Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” "Thomas Cleveland. FROM DOCTOR CUTTER. “Nashua, N. H., September 19, 1887. “Mr. Thomas C. Hartshorn: “ Sir: Yours of the 14th came to hand three days since; but, being engaged extensively in the practice of medicine, I have not had an opportunity to reply ere this. Although not habituated to writing for the public eye, yet sometimes the cause of truth may require our observations and expetienco. appendix. 365 however limited, to be made public, our private feelings to the contrary notwithstanding. For the last four years, 1 have fill an interest in Animal Magnetism. For the last few mouth', t have been practically engaged in its in- vestigation. I am convinced that it is based upon truth, or, in other words, that it is a real science. I have come to this conclusion from sober reflection and observation. As all truth is of value, and none need fear the truth if their conduct is right, this may be made a blessing to our country. “My attention has been directed principally to its use as a remedial agent in disease. I have attempted but few of the many interesting experiments which may be performed upon persons in a magnetic sleep, except for its therapeutic power. I do not underrate them as connected with science; but the investigation and treatment of disease is my business, and in this I use Magnetism, and deem it of much utility. Among the number that I have magnetized for disease, there have been more than twenty perfect somnambulists. Some of them excel in pointing out and describing disease; and to this I have directed their attention, among my patients. Out of several cases of examination of patients by somnambulists, I will briefly relate two. “ Sept. 10, 1837, I put Miss M., a somnambulist, living in my family, into a magnetic sleep, for a headache, as she sup- posed. In about half an hour, Mr. Samuel F. Jennes came to my house, by previous appointment, accompanied by Miss Martha Dunn, aged twenty-four, who has been deaf and dumb for twenty-two years. This was caused by sickness. Health is now good; formation of head apparently perfect; intellect very good. I requested Miss M., the somnambulist to examine Miss D. After a little time, the somnambulist said that there wras a reddish-yellow body in the brain, con- nected with the nerve that went to the ear; and that Miss D. could not hear or talk. I asked Miss M. if Miss D. could see; she replied that she could. I then asked the somnam- bulist if Miss D. could smell; and the reply was, that she could. The somnambulist and Miss D. had no knowledge of each other previous to the examination; no person in my family knew of the examination previous to its taking place. 366 APPENDIX. Subsequently, Miss M. informed me that she knew nothing of deaf persons, or the cause of deafness. “ Aug. 16, 1837, I put the same somnambulist into a mag- netic sleep; and, by appointment, my respected and talented friend, Dr. Bartlett, mayor of Lowell, came in with his lady, I then sent a short distance for Mrs. Collins, who had a child about nine months old, which had been afflicted with incipi- ent cataract in both eyes for four months. Mrs. Collins has previously had three children similarly diseased, who died young, with disease in the head. The child, being asleep, was examined by the somnambulist, who soon said that there was something in the body of the child’s eye that prevented its seeing well. She further said that this was caused by the nerves of the eye being diseased in the brain. I am certain, as Mrs. Collins had recently come into town from Lynn, that Miss M. could not have known of the child’s eyes being diseased previous to the examination; and no person in my house knew of the examination previous to its occurrence. “For some months I have been in the practice of using Magnetism in the treatment of many diseases, among which I may name tic douloureux, rheumatism, cephalalgia, bron- chitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, tonsillitis, spinal irritation, hemorrhoids, delirium tremens, ulcers, and paralysis. With the exception of three cases, the results have been salutary; and in these cases no influence was induced by Magnetism. The effects of Magnetism I have found to be various, and yet I have noted some results which I term general; among which I may name increased activity of the capillary circu- lation, warmth and free perspiration, removal of pain, and somnolence. The last is not so common as the former. I will relate a case or two of diseases, and their cure by Mag- netism. I shall relate only three, in which I am certain im- agination did not cause the result. “Eleazer Barret, aged about forty-five, for eight years past has been afflicted with a paralysis of the right arm. For the space of three years, he has been suffering from pain in the back of the head, attended with dyspnoea and cough. Some months since, out of curiosity, he challenged me to put him to sleep. I magnetized him at his house, and produced sleep APPENDIX 367 in about fifteen minutes. The warmth of the skin and the circulation of the capillary vessels were much increased per spiration was free, and the paralyzed arm became warm and swelled. I repeated it four times. The pam :n the head neck, and chest together with the dyspnoea and cough, were removed; mobility and sensibility were restored to the paralyzed arm. I have obtained the same result in two other cases of paralysis. ‘ ‘ Miss R. McIntyre for about two years has been afflicted with an irritable ulcer on the ankle the diameter of which was about two inches. The pain has been so smart as. much of the time, to prevent sleep; and it caused much swelling of the foot. She made application for medical aid to many good surgeons, but received no benefit. J une 29, 1837, Miss M. applied to me to try the effects of Magnetism. Without attempting to produce sleep. I magnetized the ulcer and foot. The immediate effect was the cessation of the excruciating pain, a visible diminution of the redness around the uicer followed by a subsidence of the swelling. The foot, wlncli had been for months cold, became warm. Without any other means being used, the ulcer rapidly healed, and is now entirely well. Her health has not suffered by the healing of the ulcer. This interesting phenomenon and fact, of the red- ness attendant on the inflammation surrounding the ulcer subsiding under the immediate action of Magnetism, has been witnessed by many in this place, among wrhom I may name Dr. Ebenezer Dearborn, of Nashua, and Drs. Bartlett and Kimball, of Lowell. “ If the magnetic power whatever it may be, immediately removes the pain,the swelling, the redness, and the heat at- tendant on the inflammatory areola of this ulcer why will it not in the same manner in inflammation of the brain lungs, stom- ach, liver, or any other organ? Some other facts which have come under my notice, lead me to believe that such is the case. Facts like the above open an interesting field of in- quiry for the philanthropist and the scientific physician. I wish that some investigating physician would enter this field of inquiry, and make public ms observations for the benefit of suffering humanity. “I have perused with much pleasure the first number of 368 APPENDIX. your translation of the work cf the venerable and philan tliropk. Deleuze. With pleasure I can give my testimony in favor of the truth of many of his statements in that work, and presume tliar most of the statements which I have not veri- fied are equally correct. ,. Yourg respectfuliy, “Calvin Cutter.” FROM THE SAME. ‘ Mr Thomas C. Hartshorn. “Nashua, N. H., October 3,1837. • Sir In conformity with your respectful request, I will now briefly detail a few observations in addition to my for- mer communication. To render this agent more useful, it has appeared to me a desideratum to convince people that we could act upon local and definite parts of the system, the other parts remaining uninfluenced. Although this requires a greater effort, on the part of the magnetizer, than to affect tne whole system, yet I have succeeded in this, in many cases, to my own satisfaction, and producing an entire conviction of the utility of Magnetism in many beholders. “ In two instances, I have succeeded in curing complete paralysis of the limbs of persons who had not been previ- ously magnetized, and this without any somnolence; and in these cases the individuals were unbelievers in Magnetism. These experiments are important and interesting, as they show the ability which good magnetizers possess to act upon the diseased organs of the system without altering the state of the normal organs, which very much enhances the value Oi Magnetism as a remedial agent in disease; for it is well known to physicians that, to cure diseased organs, the medi- cine given often induces functional disease in some other or- gan of vital importance; and happy is it for the patient, if the functional disease thus induced does not become organic. It we can show, by careful experiment and observation, that the above statement, in relation to the local effects, is true, certainly the remedial power of Magnetism is a boon not to be despised As it is probable that many cases of fatal dis- ease commence with only an irritation of some organ, and as probably this irritation is at its commencement merely an APPENDIX. 369 increase of the sensibility, inducing an influx of fluids to the part, and as the direct and apparently specific effect of Magnetism is to lessen the sensibility and vascular activity of the organs, might we not expect relief by the use of Mag- netism in irritated and inflamed organs? This relief I have obtained in irritated and inflamed brain, bronchia, lungs, liver, stomach, and limbs. I will here mention that the pa- tients whom I have magnetized for the above-named diseased organs, make use of the same language to describe the effects of Magnetism upon them, as in case of magnetic paralysis of the limbs; and the consecutive warmth and perspiration are the same in both cases. Hence 1 infer that the action of Magnetism upon the important and vital organs is the same as upon the limbs. This is to me an interesting field of in- quiry. “ I will now detail a case or two. “Mrs. Ober, a respectable lady of this town, had been af- flicted with an inveterate cutaneous disease, of about eigh- teen months’ standing. This was attended with an intolera- ble itching, to so great an extent that sleep was often pre- vented, sometimes for many -days and nights in succession. At the request of the family, and in particular of her son, Dr. Benjamin Ober, of Montville, Maine, I magnetized her in the month of June. This I repeated several times. She be- came a good somnambulist. To the surprise of all, the intol- erable itching was removed immediately, and returned no more. Under the use of Magnetism, the cutaneous eruption subsided; but in a little time I ceased to magnetize this lady. In August, she died of dysentery. “ June 9, 1837.— I was called to attend Mrs. Fern, of this village, as accoucheur. She had been in travail about forty-eight hours, and her labor pains had been somewhat ir- regular. She had obtained no sleep for three nights. At her request, and in presence of Mrs Lawrence and Mrs. Wes- ton, I magnetized her. She went into a magnetic sleep in less than one minute. I would mention that I had never seen Mrs. Fern previous to this evening. Her sleep was very quiet. She slept about three hours, and then awoke very much refreshed. To my own surprise and the astonishment of all present, we observed this curious and interesting fact 370 APPENDIX, and phenomenon, viz., that the specific and regular uterine con- tractions attending accouchment continued with perfect regular- ity. After she came out of the magnetic sleep, she was much refreshed, and it was apparently of benefit to her. “ The following are the names of some of those who have been magnetized by me for diseases. Eliza Barrett, Abigail Wynn, Mrs. Marshall, Deacon E. Barrett, Mrs. Sargent, Mrs. Ober, Flora Fuller, Sarah Mevens, Mary Russel, Mary M. Kean, Mrs. Ames, Miss Tarbell, Mrs. Adams, Rebecca Mc- Intyre, Miss Woodbury, Mrs. Fern, Mrs. Smith, Samuel Law- rence, Sally Putney, Mrs. Shurtlilf, Mrs. Frost, Mrs. Reed, Miss Noyes, Miss Brigham, Mrs. Merrill, Miss Phelps, Susan Hartshorn, Moses Saunders, Abigail Gage, Almira Cartce, Mrs. Butler, Hannah Conrey, Martha Dunn, Miss Adams, Miss Dustin, Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Cutter. “ I name only those on whom the magnetic action was well marked. I have as yet found only two individuals who were not susceptible of magnetic influence. “ A list of all who have witnessed my magnetic experiments would fill an entire sheet. I will name only Drs. Bartlett and Kimball, of Lowell; Dearborn, of Nashua; Ober, of Mont- ville, Maine; Rev. Messrs. Pratt and Smith, of Nashua; Rev. Mr. Porter, of Lowell; Rev. Mr. Carpenter, of Milford; and Rev. Mr. Pease, of Hudson. To this list I could add some hundred of other citizens. “Yours ’ C. Cutter. “ P. S. Write me relative to the third number soon, as I am having new and interesting cases daily, some of which I would communicate if desired. Use any part of the above you please.” FROM DOCTOR CAPRON. “ Providence, October 10 1837. “Dear Sir : As you have requested that, should any- thing interesting occur in my practice in reference to the subject of Animal Magnetism generally, and especially when remedially employed, I would communicate the same to ap- pend to the second part of the work you are publishing, I have hastily drawn up the following statement of a few cases which have fallen under my observation. Should you APPENDIX. 371 consider them of sufficient interest to enhance the value of your publication, you are at liberty to use them. It is not pretended that Magnetism has acted as a specific in any of these cases, but that it was a valuable auxiliary in the treatment of them, and that it may be employed as such in the treatment of diseases generally, does not, in my mind, admit of a doubt. “ Case first.—On the evening of the 25th of last month, I was requested to visit Mrs, L., in High street, who, on the previous morning, had had a severe paroxysm of the fever and ague Upon inquiry, I found that she was attacked by this disease in its usual form the fore part of August, soon after returning from a journey in the western country. She immediately put herself under the care of skilful physicians, and followed their prescriptions about two weeks; but the progress of the disease was not arrested, medicine in this case not having its usual beneficial effects. She was advised by one of her physicians to have recourse to Magnetism, and Mr F was sent for to magnetize her. Having magnetized her once to establish the communication, he commenced the second operation as the cold stage of the paroxysm was be- ginning In about twenty minutes, the patient began to feel more comfortable in thirty, the cold stage bad entirely passed off. and was succeeded by an agreeable glow of heat The paroxysm, in this instance, was very much short- ened in ab its stages, and she was soon materially improved, though she took but little medicine after this time. '* Mr. L , her husband, seeing the beneficial effect of these two operations, was induced to continue the treatment him- self, by magnetizing her daily, and on some days several times. Whue this was continued, she had no return of the disease; but Mr L's business calling him again to the west, the treatment was discontinued, and in about three weeks she had a relapse of it in a more severe form. The fever was of the tertian type, the paroxysms returning every third day, and constantly increasing in severity, except an interruption of three or four days. 4 When I first saw her, about ten o’clock in the evening, she was sufferiug from a violent headache. For several 372 APPENDIX. hours previous, she had been delirious, from the intensity of the fever. Understanding that Magnetism had been of ser- vice to her on a former occasion, I thought it proper to make a trial of it, and was gratified with the success of the experi- ment. Her headache was cured in a few minutes; she be- came tranquil; the fever in some measure subsided; and in a short time I left her comparatively very comfortable. “ The following day, though somewhat more comfortable, her state did not differ materially from what it had usually been on the days when she had been exempt from fever. I called on the third day,at the hour when the paroxysm was ex- pected to return. The cold stage had begun. The hands and feet were cold, and purple under the nails; the surface generally, and especially the nose, was cold and contracted. The shaking had not yet commenced. “ Being anxious to put in requisition all the means in my power to arrest the paroxysm, I gave a dose of Dover’s powder, and immediately began to magnetize her. During the first twenty minutes, there was occasionally a shudder from the cold, when she began to feel warm and comforta- ble; and, in a few minutes more, the cold stage had entirely subsided, instead of lasting two or three hours, as it had pre- viously done. The Dover’s powder produced slight sickness at the stomach, and she vomited once moderately. The suc- ceeding hot and sweating stages were almost entirely pre- vented, and she was as free from fever and distress when I left her, an hour after my arrival, as she had usually been on the days of the intermission. “ It must be admitted that the medicine given in this in- stance probably had some agency in arresting the disease; but if we recollect that, when Mr. P. magnetized her, the same effects precisely were produced, although she took no medi- cine at that time, and that, notwithstanding she left off tak- ing medicine entirely, the paroxysms did not return as long as she continued that treatment, it must certainly be admit- ted that Magnetism was the most efficient agent employed. It is now thirteen days since I was called to her, and she has had no recurrence of the paroxysms except the one I have mentioned. Magnetism has not been trusted to alone in this case, though it has frequently been practised, particularly APPENDIX. 3*73 for the headache, to which she has been subject, and which it has never failed to relieve in a very few minutes. “Though Mrs. L. has never been somnambulic, she has been generally put into a magnetic sleep, which has been very soothing and restorative. She is now nearly free from disease. “ Case second.—The second case which I shall mention where Magnetism has been employed to advantage, is that of Mrs. C. This was a case of the most violent distress in the head, dependent upon a relapse of fever, which partook of the irritative rather than of the inflammatory or typhoid char- acter. This affection of the head, which was somewhat dif- ferent from the ’common headache, returned with great severity every afternoon. The usual remedies, though per- severingly employed for four or five days, had failed to give much relief. My success in the case of Mrs. L. suggested to me the propriety of trying Magnetism in this, and I accord- ingly proposed it. At this proposition, Mrs. C. smiled with a look of incredulity, having never had the least confidence in the existence of such an agent. She consented, how- ever, to make a trial of it. In five minutes, her head was re- lieved, and, at the end of twelve or fifteen, was quite free from distress. It did not return again that afternoon. She has since been magnetized several times, with a similar result. “In this case, it was not carried so far as to produce sleep, though there is no doubt that this effect would have been produced, had the operation been continued long. Mrs. C. has now no doubt of the magnetic influence. “ Case third.— In December last, I was requested to visit MissM., a young lady who had for nearly two years been subject to epileptic fits.* During the first year, she had only three or four; but during the second they had become more frequent, so that she had had three within the two weeks im- mediately preceding my first visit. She was put upon such a course of medicine and measures as are usually prescribed m such cases; but with only partial success, as she continued to have a fit every two months until May. * See Note XXIII., for another case of epilepsy. 374 APPENDIX. “A trial was now made of Magnetism, and medicines were almost wholly discontinued. She was occasionally magnet- ized for six weeks, at first by myself, and afterwards by another gentleman. The whole number of sittings may have been twelve or fifteen. While this treatment was continued, and for three months afterwards, she had no recurrence of the fits. Two weeks ago, however, she had a return of the disease. “Sleep was not induced in this patient, though the mag- netic influence wras very apparent. The young lady herself is fully sensible of the benefit derived from it; and, had the treatment been persevered in, I am persuaded a recurrence would have been prevented. “ Case fourth.—The next case I shall mention is that of Miss O., who, if I mistake not, was the first somnambulist in this city. This young lady, who had been in delicate health for four years, was afflicted with a most distressing spasmodic cough, recurring periodically every evening. Most of the articles of the materia medica had been employed for this cough, without the least benefit, but Magnetism never failed to silence it in a very short time; on some occasions, in less than two minutes, as was witnessed by a considerable num- ber of the physicians of this place. “ Case fifth.—Some time in the course of the last spring, I was called upon to go and extract some teeth for a lady, who had been for a number of weeks tormented with that worst of all torments, the teethache. It was her desire to be put into the magnetic state, that she might not be sensible of the pain of extracting. To gratify her, I made the experiment, with little confidence of success, I acknowledge. I continued the process about half an hour without producing sleep. Being fatigued, I discontinued it, and advised her to have them ex. tracted in the waking state; but, to my surprise, her teeth were so effectually relieved from the pain, that she consid- ered the operation of extracting unncessary. “ Three months afterwards, she informed me that she had had no return of this troublesome affection. “ Case sixth.—While visiting a patient in the westerly part APPENDIX. 375 of the city a few weeks since, Mrs. J., a lady apparently m delicate health, came into the room, who, as I was informed, had been magnetized, and manifested several of the phenom- ena of somnambulism. After having some conversation with her, I was anxious to see the character of her somnambulism, and .she consented to let me magnetize her. I put her into a state of somnambulism in a very short time, not exceeding fifteen minutes. Considering that she had been magnetized only once in several months, and then by a different person f i om the one who first put her asleep, I found her powers some- what extraordinary. In the evening of the following day, I was called upon to prescribe for this lady in a case of violent pains of a spasmodic character in the stomach and bowels. I gave her immediately a dose of anodyne medicine, and, knowing the influence Magnetism had had upon her, I thought it proper to try it. About ten or twelve minutes after I com- menced the manipulations, she was entirely free from pain, though not asleep. “ I left her at the end of half an hour, with directions to repeat the same kind of medicine she had already taken, should the pain return. She afterwards informed me that it did returp soon after I left, and that several doses of the medicine were taken, with only partial success. Had the re- lief, in the first instance, been wholly dependent upon the anodyne, it is rational to suppose that the operation of the succeeding doses would have been more prompt than that of the first, as the anodyne was accumulating upon the system. “ It is proper to observe, in this place, that this lady subse- quently informed me that, on the evening when I first mag- netized her, she was threatened with the indisposition for which I wras afterwards called to prescribe, and experienced an alleviation, though she did not mention it at the time. “After receiving your note, I called upon this patient to learn the particulars of her case previous to my seeing her. And she informed me that some time in the latter part of March, or the first of April last, she was magnetized by Mr. H., of Brown University. She did not believe in Mag- netism, and submitted to it rather to convince the gentleman, who was an advocate of it, of his error, than from the expec- tation of receiving any benefit from it; but, to her very agree- 376 APPENDIX. able surprise, after these few experiments, she found herself nearly cured of an inveterate palpitation which liad for sev- eral years rendered her life miserable and apparently precari- ous, So severe indeed was this affection that she had not for a year or more been able to ascend a flight of stairs or walk an eighth of a mile, without stopping to recover from the agony occasioned by the exertion. It is now six months since she was first magnetized, dur- ing which time she has been entirely free from the complaint with the exception of a few slight attacks within the last six or eight weeks. ‘ ‘ Case seventh.—The 20th of September, I received a message to visit Mr D. a gentleman who has a painful affection of the lup and back. Having, a number of times, been re- lieved from his excruciating sufferings by being magnetized by Mr. P., he was desirous of continuing this treatment, with the hope not only of relief, but of a permanent cure. “ Upon examination, I found his disease to be one not likely to be cured by Magnetism alone, and advised him to an effi- cient surgical course of treatment. I, however, magnetized him a number of times, and always with some mitigation of his sufferings. He was not put into a sound magnetic sleep, but the influence was certain. '* Case eighth.—I magnetized a young lady for a distressing affection of the whole nervous system, attended with erratic pains in the head and eyes, wakefulness, and disturbed and unrefreshing slumbers. The optic nerves participated in tins affection to such a degree that she apprehended a total loss of vision. She was frequently annoyed by the appearance of dark motes floating before her eyes, and other ocular spectra, as is frequently observed in cases of incipient amaurosis The number of sittings was twelve ; and the benefit to her general health was unequivocal. Her nervous system was soothed and strengthened, and her slumbers became calm and restorative. The effects of Magnetism in this case were some what peculiar; for, though her physical system wTas com pletely under its influence, her mental faculties continued wakeful, and her senses were unusually acute When appar ently in a sleeping state, she was perfectly conscious of her APPENDIX. 377 situation, which is not usual in somnambulism, or in ordinary s eep This case i> reported to show the influence exerted by Magnetism upon the system generally, and especially in affec- tions of the nerves. “ Case ninthIn answer tc an inquiry in your note of the 8th instant, respecting the health of Miss Brackett, it gives me much pleasure to inform you that, notwithstanding an alarm- ing genera! indisposition of two or three weeks’ continuance, her vision is still improving She believes herself capable of walking the streets safely without a guide, she can judge of the comparative size of even small objects, and readily dis- tinguish colors when there is a strong contrast. “Her present indisposition has proceeded from an acciden- tal cause It has been ot a highly inflammatory nature, and, when she was in a waking state, attended with great pain and suffering. Under these circumstances, Magnetism has bken invaluable to her, as it has never failed to render her insensible to suffering, and has wholly superseded the disagreeable ne- cessity of g'.ving opiates She is now convalescent, and we hope soon to see her not only in the enjoyment of good gen- eral health, but in the full possession of that most useful as well as delightful of our senses—vision. “The subjects of all the above cases are respectable and intelligent persons, living in this city; and most of them may be referred tc should any one have a particular interest in obtaining further information in relation to them. ‘ ‘With much resPect> “ G. Cafron. “Mr T. G' Hartshorn.” NOTE XXVI.—Pages 100—118. Deleuze remarks, in the chapter on somnambulism, that ' Somnambulists whose interior faculties have acquired great energy, are often fcund in a frame of mind of which you migh: avail yourself advantageously to make them follow a course ci regimen, or do things useful to them, but contrary to their inclinations. The magnetizer can, after ic has been 378 APPENDIX, mutually agreed upon, impress upon them, while in the som- nambulic state, an idea or a determination which will influence them in the natural state, without their knowing the cause.” He then gives instances to show in what cases this influence may be exerted. Following up this.intimation, the author of the following letter, who is acquainted with this work in the original, has arrived at some important results in verification of what Deleuze and other writers have stated in reference to this curious branch of the subject. FROM DR. ROBBINS. “ Uxbridge, October 3,1837. “ Dear Sir: I had the pleasure, some days ago, of receiv- ing a copy of the first part of your work, and the accompany- ing letter. I am particularly pleased with the execution and the whole character of this specimen of the performance. I feel that, when completed, it will render the subject strong in ample evidence both of its power and its utility. You are at liberty to publish the subjoined article, if it meets your purpose. “Yours, respectfully, “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” “J- W' RoBBim CORRECTION OF THE HABITS OF SOMNAMBULISTS. The influence which the magnetizer, with the consent of the somnambulist, is able, through his somnambulism, to exert upon his waking state, may be readily proved by a variety of experiments of pure curiosity; but the magnetizer should seldom indulge in such kind of experimenting. This power may, however, be frequently rendered highly useful in correction of habits—and those not only bodily, but mental. The following instances where the writer has, with some success, employed this influence for the benefit of his patients, may serve as illustrations of this power, and may induce magnetizers to have recourse, in all similar cases, to its exercise. One individual, of a highly-nervous temperament, and much afFected with dyspepsia, had at times a craving almost irresistible for certain fruits and aliments, which were sure to distress her stomach and aggravate her nervous symptoms. APPENDIX. 379 Having, upon my first essay of Magnetism, with great facility induced somnambulism, I resolved to make trial of this power, with little confidence, however, in the success of the attempt, impossible as it had been to restrain her in the use of those articles. I accordingly enjoined upon her, in the most im- pressive manner, not to indulge herself in their use. The day following, having procured an apple, she wished to eat it, but found herself under the control of a mysterious influence, which rendered it morally impossible. It seemed to her that a person told her, while asleep, not to eat such things. “And,” said she, “I do not think I shall be able to eat one all sum- mer.” I soon found that I had not included in my prohibition one important item, namely, tea—in the use of which she had for years been in the practice of freely indulging, and which I believed to exert so unfavorable an influence upon her nerves, that I had for a long time employed every means to induce her to abandon it, but without success. I therefore issued the order; and, as every law has usually its appropriate pen- alty, I annexed it, as follows, namely, that the use of the smallest quantity should be followed by nausea. The experi- ment was perfectly successful, all succeeding attempts to take tea being followed by distressing sickness. As long as she remained in the family where she then was, she continued unable to take either tea or the interdicted articles of food. I was, two months afterwards, informed that those habits re- mained corrected, and it is to be hoped that they are perma- nently cured. Another somnambulist I had observed to have the habit of conveying air into the stomach in the act of swallowing. Suspecting that the practice tended to increase the distress which she sometimes experienced at the stomach, I directed her to swallow no more air, or, if she did so, that she should be seized with a pain in the throat. This pain was actually observed, by the inmates of the family where she was board- ing, to seize her twice on the day following, and she after- wards informed me, in somnambulism, that she believed she was getting cured of the habit. A third patient had long indulged freely in the use of tea and coffee, and they had become, as she supposed, absolutely 380 APPENDIX. necessary to enable her to continue her labor. Endowed, as she was in her somnambulism, with the faculty of prevision of a character almost perfect in regard to the exacerbations of her own disease, and tbe effects which were to result from different agents, I desired her to examine the influence of tea and coffee upon her system. The result of her examination was an acknowledgment of their bad effect, and her consent that l should break her of the habit of using them. I ac- cordingly issued the prohibition,- accompanied with the pen- alty that they should taste unpleasantly, and be followed by nausea. The next day, to her utter astonishment (for she retained, while awake, no trace of what had occurred in her somnambulism), both her tea. and coffee wTere not only offen- sive to her taste, but the forced introduction of small quan tides into the stomach, from the conviction that she could not do without them, was followed by distressing sickness of considerable duration. The various attempts which she has at intervals made to take them have for months been followed by the same results. A similar course was subsequently pursued in regard to snuff. She had long been in the habit of using this article in considerable quantities. The result of her examination of it during her somnambulism was, that it was decidedly prejudicial, but that its use ought not to be at once aban- doned. She accordingly consented that I should restrict her to the use of six pinches daily. I did so, adding the injunc- tion that whatever she should take beyond the prescribed number should seem extremely nauseous and offensive. She assented, but went on, for some time after waking, in its use as before. At length, after taking a pinch, the sudden con- tortions of her countenance, and her strong exclamations of loathing and disgust, plainly indicated what had occurred. She had unwittingly transgressed her limits; she had taken the Drohibited pinch, and could take no more during the day. The following day, she couid take it; but her passion for it daily diminished, as she was several times dreadfully an- noyed by the seventh pinch. The habit was thus entirely broken, and but a trifle in comparison has been used in sev- eral months. She attributed the effect to the constant use of magnetized water. APPENDIX. 381 From the following example, we should be led to suppose that certain habits and weaknesses, more especially mental, might be corrected by the same means, which, unfortunately, are applicable only to somnambulists. One of my patients had always been unable to see any one in convulsions, or in great distress, or to assist in renderingthe necessary attention to a corpse. If obliged to be present upon such occasions, the effect, both upon her mind and body, was severe and dis tressing. She told me, in her somnambulism, that she had exerted herself strongly to overcome this weakness, which was a source of much mortification and inconvenience to her, but without success, and she begged me to assist her. I ac- cordingly pursued, in this instance, the same course as be- fore. Apparently assured now, in her own mind, of the cure of her failing, she thanked me in the most grateful terms; and, although totally ignorant, while awake, of what had occurred m her somnambulism, she assisted at the next preparation for a funeral without any exhibition whatever of her former weakness. These facts, like others appertaining to Animal Magnetism, will doubtless appear of a very extraordinary character, and fail to gain the credence of those who have not examined the subject in the true spirit of philosophic investigation; but they are confirmed by many writers on the subject. A work entitled “ Cures Effected in France by Animal Magnetism,” details various similar facts. To those who wish to apply the science to use, these facts may serve to furnish hints which may lead to highly-useful results. It would give the writer pleasure to exhibit the evidence of these or any other facts of interest in his possession to such as may wish can- didly to investigate the subject. NOTE XXVII.—Page 120. Insensibility to Pain.—The following letter from Dr. Esten, surgeon dentist of this city, gives the particulars of operations performed by him while the patient wras in the somnambulic state. 382 APPENDIX. Providence, October 1, .83' “Dear Sir I cheerfuny comply with your request. Some time during the last summer I was informed by Dr Brownell that one of Ins patients was at bis bouse .n die magnetic sleep, and was invited to call and see ber I ac cepted tbe invitation, and found the lady sleeping After some curious experiments, she was awakened She ie- quested me to examine ber teetli which she said she bad un fortunately broken off by a fall and expressed a desire to have some new ones inserted. Upon examination, 1 found ber teeth badly decayed and broken, and informed ber that it would be necessary to have tbe roots of some of tbe broken teetli extracted, and others cut off to a level with the gums before she could have artificial ones inserted. It was accord mgly agreed that, on some suitable occasion it should be done, while she was asleep. Several weeks after. I was again called in by Dr. B., and found tbe lady sleeping very com fortably in an easy chair. I immediately extracted tbe roots of four front teetli which bad been broken off. without awaking her, or even disturbing her repose The case "was rather a severe one, as the teeth were broken down so low that I could not take hold of them with a pair of forceps, and was obliged to take them out with a hook whiph I use for such a purpose. On examining them about a week alter 1 found it to be necessary to remove one more. She was put asleep, and I extracted the tooth. She appeared not to know what I was doing, and manifested no signs of pain. She did not on this, or on the former occasion, spit ihe b»ood from her mouth. It was removed by a towel, the corner of which was laid in her mouth. After 1 had extracted this !ast tooth, Dr.’B. asked her whether it hurt her She replied ty saying, ‘Does what hurt?’ She afterwards came to my office with Dr. B., and, after being magnetized, had the two cen- tral incisors cut off to a level with the gums, and holes were drilled into the roots of them preparatory to inserting aiti ficial ones. She afterwards nad seven artificial teeth .n . sorted The operation was not all performed at one ume but at two or three differenc sittings. Every part of the work usually attended with any pain was done wmle she was asleep and. according to an appearances, and her own APPENDIX. 383 testimony, she was not sensible of any pain. She was sev- eral times asked by Dr. Brownell, during the most painful part of rtie operation, if it hurt her ; she always replied by saying, ‘ Does what hurtV “W. T. Esten. “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” The readers of the “ Boston Medical and Surgical Journal” will remember a similar case detailed at length by Dr. Benja- min H. West, in the twenty-second number of the fourteenth volume of that valuable work. The operation was performed by Dr. Harwood, surgeon dentist, on an epileptic patient of Monsieur Bugard, an accomplished French teacher of that city, in the presence of Professor Treadwell, of Harvard University, Drs. Ware, Lewis, Lodge, A. D. Parker, Esq., and Messrs. Ware and West, medical Students. The latter gentleman, the writer of the article, had previously ex- tracted a molar tooth from the same patient, who was a girl of nearly thirteen years old, without producing the slightest indication of feeling on her part. The Taunton “ Whig,” of September 13th, gives an account of a similar operation, by Dr. Nahum Washburn, upon an intelligent young gentleman, now a medical student of that town. The character of the witnesses who are named pre- cludes the possibility of a doubt in regard to the literal cor- rectness of the relation. It is somewhat singular that in Taunton almost all the somnambulists are men. “A gentleman who had a carious tooth was desirous of having it extracted while under the magnetic influence, and seated himself for that purpose. He was put into a state of perfect magnetic sleep in the course of five minutes, at a dis- tance of eight feet, by a friend, who had magnetized him many times before. In that state, he remarked that the room was too light, and a silk handkerchief was therefore bound over his already closed eyelids. Being then asked if he wished to have his tooth extracted, he answered that he did. After a lapse of a few minutes, the magnetizer, standing at a dis- tance, willed him to open his mouth, which he did, asking, at the same time, if it was wide enough. “The magnetizer then retired to an adjoining room, and 384 APPENDIX. the operation was performed during his absence.* I was near the patient, watched him closely, and did not observe any sign of suffering. There was not the slightes? contrac- tion of a muscle, either of his face or limbs, during the opera- tion; no change of the countenance, or of the respiration. His whole body remained as perfectly composed as in the most quiet natural sleep. A bowl was placed under his chin, but he made uo effort to free his mouth from the blood which flowed out between his lips, until the magnetizer re- turned, and wiUed him to do so. “ He inquired ‘what made him spit so much;’ and shortly after complained of the ‘stuff running down his throat.’- Being asked what it was, he replied, after tasting, that he 'did not know.’ “He was permitted to sleep a few minutes more, when the magnetizer went into an adjoining room, and willed him to awake in ten minutes. In precisely that time, there was a considerable movement of the eyelids. The sleep continued three minutes longer. “Soon after awaking, he observed the bowl containing the blood in a chair by his side, and, immediately placing his finger upon the cavity, asked, with the appearance of great surprise, if his tooth had been extracted. He declared that he was not until then aware that the operation had been performed. ‘ The tooth was a large one, had two stout fangs, and came * Dr. Cleveland, of Pawtuxet, mentioned to the translator a curious fact, which fully agrees with what has been asserted in a previous note, namely, the somnambulist always appears to know what his magnetizer is doing. Having put one of his patients into the somnambulic state, for the purpose of performing a slight surgical operation, he found that he could not do it himself, because the patient, though insensible to the touch of others, ex- hibited towards himself a perfect consciousness and sensibility, which he could not annihilate long enough to continue the operation. The moment his mind was fixed upon the object, it was withdrawn from the exertion of the will, so that consciousness and sensation instantly returned to baffle his purpose. It may be further observed that, in Cloquet’s excision of a cancer- ated ulcer, mentioned in part first, the patient was magnetized by another person. If this should be discovered to be a general principle, we shall see one more reason for Deleuze’s instruction to keep the intention well sustained. APPENDIX. 385 out unusually hard. It was one of the molar teeth of the under jaw. “I have shown this communication to Messrs. C. R. At- wood, Hiram M. Barney, Samuel C. West, Horatio Gilbert, Francis S. Munroe, and Jonathan Hodges, who were present, and to Dr. Nahum Washburn, w ho operated, and have their authority to state that it is an accurate recital of the incidents of the scene. G.” NOTE XXV1IL— Page 102. Distant Clairvoyance.—The following letters are in- serted for the purpose of gratifying a rational curiosity in re- gard to the wayfarings of the spirit in somnambulism. Others will appear in the third part. They are from gentlemen who are well known in this quarter, and their authority is second to none which can be produced. The reflecting mind will find in them enough to excite activity of thought, and the most sensual enough to be kindled into a spiritual flame, though it flicker and be temporary in its rising. That the human spirit hath power to leave the body, and take cogniz- ance of things distant in space, is but an elementary truth in this branch of psychology. He who cannot grasp the evi- dence on which it rests, with a firm hold, will find himself constantly vacillating between belief and incontinence of faith; but he who has once weighed it, and suffered the con- viction to produce its legitimate effect, will find his notions of things to come quickened and informed, and be happy in the consciousness of immortality. For, if we are convinced that the spirit can be absent, or partially absent, from the body, and, while deriving little or no sensation from it, be engaged in real scenes in other climes, we are furnished with the aliment which strengthens our conceptions of a separate spiritual existence, so that the doctrine of a future state ap- pears to be consequent upon our nature, if not susceptible of direct proof. FROM E. Ii. FROTHINGHAM, ESQ. “Dear Sir: I have just received your note of the 80tb “Boston, October 3,1837. 38G APPENDIX. ult.., containing a request that I would send to you some ac- count of my experience in Animal Magnetism, while on a visit to Providence in August last. You are perfectly wel- come to all my experience, and should be still more welcome were it of greater importance. The facts which I have to state are more general in their character, and of course less satisfactory, in some respects, than they would have been had I not been so limited in time. On this account, they may not be thought of sufficient importance to require their publicity, as many others may be furnished, if I may judge from what I have heard related by others, which are much more circumstantial, and therefore more generally interesting. “ Hearing from many sources of the wonders of Animal Magnetism previous to my visit to Providence, and being anxious to satisfy myself of the real or visionary character of these phenomena, on my arrival there I obtained an intro- duction to Dr. Capron, who, upon being made acquainted with my wishes, very politely expressed a willingness to gratify my curiosity, and appointed a meeting for this pur- pose on the afternoon of the next day. At the time appointed, I was introduced to Miss Brackett, the interesting young woman whose case you have laid before the public. After the process of magnetizing had been completed, she, at the request of Dr. Capron, rose from her chair, to which she had been previously led in a helpless state, walked through the room with the greatest confidence, avoiding the chairs which stood in her way, and passed into the next room. In a few moments she returned, equipped for a walk, and, accom- panied by one of the family, but without any assistance, passed rapidly down a flight of stone steps into the street, and disappeared. The change from sightless helplessness to clear-sighted confidence was remarkably striking. In a few moments we followed, and, on stopping at the house where she had been directed to go, we found this blind young lady, now endowed with more than natural sight, running through the house like a young girl let loose from school on a holi- day, and examining pictures in a very novel manner, by placing her back towards them. “After being seated, she, at the request of Dr. Capron, agreed to accompany him to Boston ; for, being a stranger, APPENDIX. 387 to her, and unaccustomed to such odd ways of travelling, I did not feel myself competent to take charge of her. The journey to Boston was accomplished in about one minute, passing, as she said, through the air, on a line with the rail- road Ou arriving at the depot in Boston, she was directed through several streets, complaining all the while of being jostled by the crowd, to my residence. She described cor- rectly the external appearance of the house, and, upon enter- ing, three members of my family, in a very particular and correct manner, even some particular points of dress quite unusual, which, upon my return to Boston, I found to have been correct. I also ascertained that the individuals of the family not described by her were absent at that time. From some cause, however, nothing more could be extracted from her, the answer to all questions being, ‘You can see them as well as I.’ As she appeared to be so uncommunicative, a second meeting was appointed to take place on the evening of the following day, which I attended with a friend, Mr. Nathaniel W. Brown, of your city, being the only individ- uals present at this experiment, excepting the members of the family. “ Miss Brackett appeared to be in the magnetic sleep when we arrived. In a few moments after, Dr. Capron, having other engagements for the evening, left the house, placing Mr B and myself in communication with Miss Brackett, and directing her to wake at half-past 9 o’clock. As some time was consumed in visiting Mr. B. ’s house, which resulted very satisfactorily to him, there was something less than an hour left at my disposal previous to the time set for the ter- mination of her sleep. This, you must be aware, was alto- gether insufficient for a full experiment, as it is impossible, in these cases, to hurry anything; and this, joined to that unwillingness to describe formerly alluded to, renders the facts obtained less particular and numerous than I wished. IIowr- ever, although not fruitful in particulars, this experiment may be found to illustrate some 'principles in the most strik- ing manner; and this, after all, is the principal object. “The same process wTas employed in accomplishing the journey to my house in Boston as before, and her description of its external appearance was in the same words. 388 APPENDIX. “Upon entering the house, she described a painted carpet, and a very peculiar table, which were in the entry. As she said there was no individual in the lower part of the house, I invited her up-stairs into the parlor. In this room any leading questions being put to her, she described many of the principal articles of furniture, ornaments, and pictures, in the order in which they are placed in the room, and in such a manner that each article was immediately recognized by me, although her descriptions were general. “Upon entering the room, I asked her to tell me what there was in it that pleased her. She immediately com- menced describing a figure with her hand, as if passing over a solid, smooth substance. ‘ What are you looking at ?’ ‘Why, this portrait.’ ‘What kind of a portrait is it?’ ‘ Why, it is white; how smooth it is ! ’ ‘ How heavy is it ? ’ ‘ It is very heavy. I should think it was marble.’ ‘ What kind of a shelf does it stand upon?’ ‘It does not stand upon any shelf; but on a projection from the fire-piace.’ This was her description of a marble bust, weighing not far from one hundred weight, standing upon a Doric stove which projects into the room. She distinguished differences of size, figure, weight, color, and surface (as smooth or rough), in the articles which she described; and, although many things were omitted, and some only partially indicated, not the slightest mistake was made, although many attempts were made to mislead her. The subject of two pictures, which she very obstinately refused to give me a description of, she very readily described to me when she awoke. In this room she recognized my daughter, and said she had seen her be- fore, but could find no other person in the house. I then asked her to pass into the chamber, and look for the children. After a moment’s pause, she stooped over, and turned her hand, as if turning down the clothes of a bed, and said there was a child asleep; but that his head was entirely covered with clothes. At this she seemed quite disturbed. She said the child was very uncomfortable, and that ‘it was not healthy to be so covered up.’ “ As there was now Very little time to spare, I said, ‘ Let us go down stairs; perhaps we shall now be able to find the rest of the family.’ In a moment she said; ‘ Good-evening.’ APPENDIX. 389 On asking heT whom she saw in the room below, she described three individuals, two of whom she recognized as hav- ing seen the day before, and the other as an elderly Quaker jady whose very peculiar dress she described with the great- est accuracy and with considerable humor. This was the ciose o* my experiment as the time fixed by Dr. Capron for her to awake was near at baud, and I hastened to conduct her back to Prqvidence. I arrived at the end of my imag inary lourney just as the time expired, at which moment she awoke On my return home, I ascertained that all her de 8criptions relating to the individuals of my family were perfectly correct • At the time of our supposed visit, my daughter was alone in the house—with the exception of the children, who were m bed—and sitting in the room where she was described to be The other three members of the family did return about the time at which our experiments concluded, and were in the lower room, as described by Miss Brackett. Further- more, Mrs F on visiting the little boy on her return, found him in precisely the uncomfortable situation which so much distressed the sympathetic invisible visitant. • You will excuse me from making any observations or of- fering any opinion upon these remarkable phenomena. As facts, you are perfectly welcome to them, and to make what use of them you please; being satisfied that all remarkable facts, but particularly those of a character not referable to any known principle, should be made public. ‘ Yours truly, rr n TT ». “E. L. FROTHINGHAM. “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn. from monsieur b. f, bugard. . T,r m „ tt “ Boston, October 10,1837. ' Mr. T. C. Hartshorn: ‘ Hear Sir: I do not delay a moment to answer yours of the 7th inst. At another time; you shall hear from me again; at present, I will relate a tact about a somnambulist. “ About three months ago, I went to the house of Mr. L., to spend an evening. I found him and his lady at home, and with them their son A., Mrs. C., a French lady, and Mr. G., 390 APPENDIX. a friend of mine. Mrs. C. not feeling very well, one of the company suggested to me that I ought to magnetize her. Having offered my services to relieve her in that way, she accepted the offer. I put her asleep iu less than five minutes. As it generally, though not always, happens in such cases, she answered all my questions. “This lady has come to this country with her husband, leaving in Paris her mother and three children. After a lit- tle conversation, during which she drank some tea, I sent her home to Paris, to look after her family there. She answered a question in relation to their health, by saying that her eld- est daughter was not well, but was affected with sore eyes; that a certain physician was in attendance, whom she named distinctly, but whose name is at this moment out of my memory; that her second daughter had a cold, and that her little son was perfectly well. “ Upon asking her whether her mother had attended church during the day, it being Sunday, she replied that she attended in the morning, but not in the afternoon. On being requested to look at the clock, and tell the time, she replied without hesitation, ‘4 o’clock;’ and on making the calcula tion myself, I found her to be correct* “I soon after awoke her by the mere exertion of my will. She was not aware of having taken any tea, and although she put the question to every one in turn whether she had taken any, she remained unconvinced of what she had ac- tually done. “ About five or six weeks after this experiment, Mrs. C. received a Tetter from her mother, confirming every particular she had said concerning her children. “I would observe that, when awake, I asked her what o’clock she thought it then was at Paris. She was obliged to calculate, and, in giving the answer, she was far from being positive. If any one desires to know who these persons are, whose initials only are given, I shall at any time be ready to * I have tried this experiment by sending several somnambulists far to the west. The result showed a correspondence between the time and the longitude, though the signification of the latter word was unknown to two of them.— Trans. APPENDIX. 301 give them, together with such additional proof as may bu wanted. “Iam your obedient servant, “B. F. Bugakd.” FROM REVEREND E. B. HALL. m ,, __ “Providence, December 1,1837. “To Mr. T. C. Hartshorn: “Dear Sir: You wish me to write you something about my experience and opinions on the subject of Animal Magnet- ism. I have been unwilling to say anything publicly about that of which I know so little; and I should decline now, if my uame had not already appeared in several journals with- out my permission, and in support of facts not correctly given. It was so in the reference to me which the appendix to your first number contained, afterwards quoted by Colonel Stone, although there was no exaggeration, A man’s own opinion may be of little importance; but truth is of great importance on all subjects, and especially as to matters of observation and fact. I feel willing, therefore, and feel it to be due to others, to say, in brief, what I have seen and what I believe. “I can do this best by giving a view, first, of the princi- ples by which, not I alone, but many observers in this city, have examined this subject, and then of some of the results, so far as they can be called results. There seems to be an im- pression abroad, and here also, with many, that those of us who have not had sufficient confidence in our own wisdom, nor seen sufficient cause in the facts offered, to pronounce this whole affair an imposition, or reject it as an absur- dity, are altogether believers and dupes. How far we are dupes, I am not concerned to say. That we are not be- lievers, I do say. I believe I may say it of a very large portion of the intelligent in this place, though I am not authorized to speak for others. What is exactly intended, in saying that we are not believers, will appear from what follows. It may not be useless, to this or any cause, to speak of principles of evidence—the kind of inquiry and test to which all matters of this kind should be subjected—and the distinction between inquiring and believing. Candor and cre- dulity are too often confounded. The first is one of the 392 APPENDIX. noblest of traits, most rare and most useful; the last is one of the most common and most hurtful. Let me recommend, on this subject, the perusal of some pieces ascribed to Judge Williams, of Taunton, published first in a paper there, and afterward appended to a pamphlet by Charles Poyen, as writ- ten by 'a member of the Massachusetts Bench.’ “ The reality of that which is called Animal Magnetism is purely a question of fact. As such I view it; as such alone do I attach any importance to that which is said or done about it. Whether it be new or old; whether it agree with preconceived opinions or oppose them all; whether the wise men in France of the last century, or those of the present, believe or disbelieve; whether the marvellous powers here sup- posed, if real, would do most good or evil; whether the ‘possessed nuns,’ the ‘ Salem witches,’ and the ‘old wives,’ of all ages and both sexes, have not wrought as great won- ders as the modern somnambulists—are all questions of lively interest, it is true, and proper inquiry, but utterly im- potent, if not irrelevant, in settling a question of fact. Then, as to fears or hopes in regard to the truth of Animal Mag- netism, I have neither. I have not the least solicitude that it should prove either true or false. I know it is either true or false, whether proved so or not, whether I believe or re- ject, or any man, or all men. If it be false, it will do no great harm. If true, it will do good; for all truth is good, and does good. Its interference with any other truth is an impossibility. It is not in the power of Animal Magnetism, or anything else, known or unknown, to destroy one particle of truth in religion, or nature, or man. Truths are never destroyed. They are not of man; he can neither create nor annihilate the smallest of them. They are of Cod, and they are imperishable. There is but one question and one inves- tigation, in this or any subject, that should awaken great anxiety, or be deemed essential—What is truth? “ Now, in seeking the truth in regard to Animal Magnet- ism, there seems to me to have been too much credulity, a too easy faith, with many. The public at large are incredu- lous, and they ought to be. Some of them, to be sure, are very weakly incredulous, from self-conceit, or obstinacy, or timidity, or blank ignorance. But many are wisely APPENDIX. 393 incredulous. A healthy mind will never, as it cannot, believe that which is wholly strange, intrinsically improbable, and not yet supported by evidence adapted to its nature or proportioned to its magnitude. And much of the evidence offered in this case, and relied on, is neither of the kind nor degree that the case demands. I have seen many trials, where the truth of everything was almost taken for granted, and the men and women merely looked on with open mouths. Supposing the ‘ subject’ was of course asleep, and insensible to all sounds and sights, they have openly said and done everything, and then wondered that she knew it! This is singular folly. It is child’s play. The true principle in testing such supposed wonders, is to take nothing for granted; no, nothing. I go to the examinations without as- suming a single fact in the case, but rather distrusting every- thing until it is proved. The whole matter is improbable, i. e., is opposed by all we have ever seen, and all we know. I have a right, therefore, to institute the most rigid and sus- picious scrutiny on ever}' point. I will not believe because the operator is an honest man, and the subject pure and true. That I do not dispute, and it is to be taken into the account. But it does not of itself prove much in a case like this. The best men in the world may be deceived, and so may the wisest. Nay, such is human nature, that in certain circum- stances, the best and wisest may deceive others, however un- intentionally. I will not believe even my own senses,in matters so unaccountable, until I have had frequent opportunities of examining. I hold that anything which is possible, is more probable than that a person should see without eyes, and travel without moving. I demand, therefore, for such facts, such evidence as it is not possible to evade or resist. So long as there can be any evasion or other explanation, my own mind will not receive the appearances as facts, whether others receive them or not, whether I wish to receive them or not. “I distrust all appearances that may be feigned, or in which imagination may be the sole agent; and the power of imagination is almost indefinite. I distrust all answers given to leading questions. A very great portion of the questions which I have heard put to supposed somnambu- 394 APPENDIX. lists, have been suggestive. I distrust all information given, when that information could have been obtained either from hints carelessly dropped in the room, or from personal in- tercourse and previous knowledge of objects and places. To make out a case of actual clairvoyance, or of mental locomo- tion, there must be not only no probability, but no possi- bility of any of the above helps or explanations. Nor can I conceive of but one kind of proof of this particular power, so inconceivable and inexplicable. That proof is the con- sciousness of holding in one’s mind a fact unknown to all others, proposing the inquiry ourselves in the most guarded manner, without any suggestion, or hint, or help of any kind, and then hearing a true and unequivocal answer. It is little to hear others ask questions, when you know not what communication there may have been previously. It is insuffi- cient to be told even that letters Avere read, through band ages and envelopes many, if you know nothing of the actors, even if you believe their assertions. For letters have been read, by peculiar processes, without being opened; and letters have been opened and returned so well sealed, that the writer himself could not detect any appearance of change. So that, wffiile I disclaim all suspicion of foul play in the cases of this kind occurring here, I insist that they are not positive proof of the power of seeing through opaque sub- stances, except where the letter is not for a moment lost sight of by the writer or operator. If it is not lost sight of, but openly read, and its contents correctly told, then is this also evidence of the highest kind; supposing, as before, that the writer is sure no one but himself knows what the letter contains. “These things are said, not for their peculiar value, but in explanation of the kind of feeling and principles of evi- dence which many in this place have brought to tms subject They show that, so far at least, there has been no very great credulity or liability to be deceived. And 1 believe L may add—to speak now more definitely of the results—that, whether deceived or not, some of us have not been satisfied. I know of few intelligent observers of Animal Magnetism ;n Providence who look upon the subject as settled, or who wish to be considered as any other than interested and candid APPENDIX. 395 inquirers. If there are those who know not the difference between inquirers and believers, or who think that the only wise ones are the scoffers, we must be excused from going into any argument with them or about them. It is violating all probability and all common sense, to suppose that hun- dreds of men and women, of every profession and station, of unimpeachable veracity, and at least respectable informa- tion, without any concert, compensation, or assignable motive, should engage in the same childish attempts at imposition, produce the same strange results, and in different places be- come operators or subjects on a large scale, for no earthly end but the pleasure of being duped! Then, to crown the wisdom of such a supposition, it is only necessary to take a single case; for instance, that of a young woman, of good sense and character, feigning total blindness for a year or two before she hears of Animal Magnetism, in order to be prepared for it; subjecting herself to all manner of priva- tions; denying herself the agreeable privilege of seeing, working, eating, walking, or doing anything with com- fort; falling repeatedly, in this pretended blindness, so as to receive serious injury, and remain for weeks in severe pain and dangerous illness; then all at once contriving, her eyes still closed and covered, to walk about easily and to see cor- rectly; not for her own comfort or gain, but only for the public entertainment or public suspicion; her family, physi- cians, and friends at home, all the while asserting her actual blindness, and all with whom she lives being unable to de- tect in her a single appearance of insincerity, or even power of management; yet all an imposition! Believe it who will. Find its parallel or explanation, if possible, in any case of witchcraft or delusion, or rather, imposition; for it is im- portant ■ to distinguish. Delusion there may be, of some kind, in this very case, and every other; but imposition there is not, if any evidence can be trusted, or any fact proved by testimony or observation. “This is the first result to which I am brought, viz., that there is no intentional deception in this matter. I do not say that none who have ever engaged in Animal Magnetism have been deceivers, or that there has been no wilful deception in a single instance here. I mean simply that, as a general, if 396 APPENDIX. not a universal fact, the circumstances of the case forbid a suspicion of fraud. Self-delusion there may be. But an at- tempt to delude others, any kind of collusion or imposition, artifice, management, humbug, there is no reason to suspect. Those only who exhibit themselves for money give room for any such suspicion; and they may not have been guilty. In the most remarkable cases we have had, in almost every case that I have seen or heard, there has been an utter ab- sence of all ground for suspicion of motives. Nor have I known of more than one observer who has imputed bad mo- tives ; and he has given more evidence, in his book, of having practised than of having detected fraud. “A second conclusion to which I have come, in common with most inquirers, is in favor of the realty of the magnetic sleep. This follows, indeed, from a belief in the honesty of those concerned. But it deserves notice as a conviction almost universal now, in the minds of those who have given any at- tention to the subject. There is no reason for the least doubt that a peculiar sleep is produced by certain manipulations, differing widely from common sleep, accompanied often by a suspension of sensibility, and sometimes by a remarkable activity of mind and power of communication. So far as this constitutes Animal Magnetism, I doubt if there are many informed minds, in this or any city, or any country, who doubt its reality. “ Of all beyond this, there are many who doubt, and there is reason for great diffidence and caution. In all that per- tains to the action of one mind upon another without words or signs, i. e., the power of simple volition—and all that is meant by clairvoyance, especially the faculty of inspecting human bodies, and visiting in spirit distant places—I have no opinions which can be called conclusions, or absolute convictions. Much of the evidence adduced in support of these wonderful faculties, is to me wholly insufficient. I do not mean that it is suspicious or unimportant, but insuffi- cient to produce conviction. I have seen evidence, at times, which in itself was irresistible; facts which I defy any man to account for on any known principles. But the powers themselves which these facts tend to prove are so amazing, bo utterly incomprehensible and tremendous, that my mind -APPENDIX. 397 demands more evidence, repeated in every variety of circum- stance, and tested by all orders of men, before it will or can fully believe. Then, too, there are so many failures made by every somnambulist, so many inequalities, inconsisten cies, and perplexities, that it becomes the part of wisdom, if not of necessity, to suspend judgment, and wait for greater revelations. Inequalities, it is true and failures, are no proof of the absence of the power. They belong to all states of mind, and occur often even in the natural sciences. They weigh something in favor of the honesty of the parties. And at all events, until we know what the power is, we have no right to prescribe laws or conditions, to say that it must always do this or never do that. We ought only to examine the more closely and widely on this account, and draw in- ferences and pronounce judgments with extreme caution. “‘But they are facts,' you say—‘what will you do with them?’ I can only say I know not what to do with them. Facts they arc, so far as I can discover. I have witnessed them, I have tried them severely, I have been compelled to admit them in some cases. The evidence has sometimes, in some few instances of my own observing, been as high and complete as I can conceive. But the cases have not been suffi- ciently numerous and varied, the evidence not sufficiently tested, to sustain belief in such monstrous capacities. I will believe anything, or more properl3r, I must believe any and everything, that is proved, whether I understand its nature or not, whether I can reconcile it or not with my pre- conceived notions. Its relations, its purpose, its uses, and consequences, I leave with Him who gives all powers and ordains all truth. But it must be proved; and the proof must be proportioned to the nature and magnitude of the thing to be established. “ You may wish me to refer to some facts. It cannot be necessary, and I have already been too iong. In the particu- lar case with which my name has been connected, I had Miss B. wholly under my own control. I questioned her about places and objects which she had never seen, and some of which, as they then existed, no creature but myself could have known. I proposed the questions in the most guarded manner. I had never been satisfied before, and I did not expect to be then. 398 APPENDIX. But, if not satisfied, I was confounded. She described distant objects, whose 'position in some cases I had just changed, whose existence m other cases I did not then know or believe, so truly, so wonderf ully. that I could only marvel. At other times, she has done the same in regard to my own house, and houses in other towns and States. Then, as to her power of seeing (not taking her blindness for granted, though unquestionable). 1 have tried it in various ways, and am convinced that she sees either by some other organ than the eye, or with such rays of light only as can penetrate all substances, if there are any such I have seen a sealed Utter, containing a passage enclosed m lead, which Utter she held at the side of her head not more than a moment, all in sight, then gave it back to the writer, and afUrward wrote what she had read in it; the Utter was opened in my presence, and the two writings agreed in every woid, there being two differences in spelling only. Of her power, or that of any somnambulist, to examine bodies and describe diseases in others, I have seen no satisfactory proof. But one of our first physicians, who has published nothing on the sub- ject. has recently told me of a case of his own which is enough to silence, if not convince, most sceptics. “I regard the whole subject as a matter of curious study. It has no claim to be called a science, for that denotes some- thing known and settled. It is hardly a subject for lectures or public discourses, much less for exhibition and profit, It should be subjected to private and quiet examinations, scien- tific inquiry, patient, rigid, unsparing experiment, yet candid and kind. If it will not bear this trial, let it fall. If it will let us learn what it is. There is much doing now, I am told, privately and encouragingly. Yet it will not surprise me if the whole matter dies away soon, and is not revived again for years. I am not sanguine about its progress or its benefits If wisely pursued, neither weakly trusted nor weakly scorned, whatever of truth or delusion it contains will appear in good time As yet, I believe little, but hope something, and fear nothing. With great regard, “E. B. Hall.” APPENDIX. 399 PROM THE REV. MR. KENT. “ Roxbury, November 27,1837. “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn: “Dear Sir: I shall give you a simple narrative of what passed in my presence, on the evening when Miss Brackett was put into the magnetic sleep aud conducted to my place of residence in Roxbury, as the facts appeared to me, leaving you to make such a use of it as you may think proper, and others to draw whatever inferences from it they please. If charged with too great minuteness, I will only say that my desire and purpose is to state the whole truth, without coloring or reservation. “ Intending to visit the Mansfield mines in my August vaca- tion, I was induced, by friends in Boston, who had recently witnessed the powers of different somnambulists, to go on to Providence, and seek an opportunity to see them myself. One of these friends kindly obtained for me the letter of intro- duction presented to you by me from your brother in Boston, in which he simply mentioned my being ‘a brother teacher,' and one anxious to see the effects of Animal Magnetism, from other motives than those of mere curiosity. Not a syllable was said, and 1 am sure no one could have conjectured, about the objects I should wish to have described, and which were described by Miss Brackett with a promptness, accuracy, and particularity which amazed me. You must remember, also, that, in the course of my conversation with you, I had avowed myself, as I really was, before trial, a sceptic on the whole subject, to be reclaimed only by evidence which should seem to me irresistible; and a determination to watch, with the closest scrutiny, every circumstance, look, and movement, that might pass before me; and I distinctly remember that this was, also, your evidently sincere and repeatedly expressed desire. " Meeting accidentally with my friend Mr. Joseph Harring- ton, Jr., of this place, who assured me of his strong desire to witness an exhibition of somnambulic clairvoyance, if it ex- isted, I requested, in your presence, the privilege of having him accompany me, which Mr. Metcalf, at whose house Miss B was then residing, very kindly and politely granted. 400 APPENDIX. After calling, with Mr. Harrington, on Dr. Capron, the mag- netizer, stating the motive which led me to wait on him and solicit the favor of seeing his patient in the magnetic sleep, and having the hour fixed upon, we went to Mr. Metcalf’s at half-past 7 p. m., and were introduced to Miss Brackett. Dr. Capron soon came in, with several other gentlemen and ladies, who were successively introduced; and, in a few minutes, he proposed to commence the process of magnetizing, after 1 had placed a rocking-chair where I pleased, and Miss B. had been led to it in the perfect attitudes of blindness, by Miss Metcalf. “ In order to prevent unfairness or collusion between the parties, I requested that lamps might be placed near, and directly before, Miss B., and took my seat at her side. Dr. Capron readily complied with my request, but said that, as her eyes were still, as they had been for several days, inflamed, it would be necessary to put a bandage, or cotton, before them, to prevent the effects of too strong a light. I proposed the latter; it was brought, and, in our presence, rolled into balls, and inserted between the spectacles she wore and her eyes, in such a manner that it icould have been impossible for her, even with the best eyes, to see a ray of light. This cotton was watched, and it remained in its place through the whole time. Of the process of magnetizing, I will only mention one or two phenomena which I have not seen stated. After Miss Brackett was apparently in a profound sleep, Dr. Capron re- quested us to observe the effect of pointing his fingers to- wards, but without touching by several inches, her hand. At first, her arm and hand were gently agitated, the agitation increasing as his fingers approached, until her hand was drawn or attracted with violence up to the magnetizer’s. The experiment was repeatedly tried on the right and left hands, according to the direction, in every instance successfully, and with the same result, without a word spoken, or sign given, which could have indicated which hand would be approached. We were then requested to try the same experi- ment ourselves, and did so without the least effect. “On being roused by Dr. Capron, Miss Brackett instantly started from her chair, and, to our astonishment, passed twice round the room, with a rapid and sure step, avoiding APPENDIX. 401 every individual and article of furniture, and saying that she ‘ could not, and would not, stay where there were so many people.’ She then hurried through the parlor to the door of the entry, seized its handle instantly and unerringly, and, turning her face towards us, opened it, and gained the outer step, where Dr. Capron took .her arm, and, persuading her to return, seated her in the chair she had left, when she was again introduced to all the strangers present; the first introduction having been made while she was in her natural state, the last while in the magnetic state. “Dr Capron then requested a tumbfer of water to be brought, and, after drinking about half of it himself, he roused Miss B. who had apparently sunk into a profound and quiet sleep, as she afterwards did repeatedly,, and requested her to drink some of it. She did so, when Mr. Harrington drew to a corner of the room, and, after writing on a slip of paper, beckoned me to him, and simply held the paper before me, on which was written, ‘ Will the,'contents of the tumbler to be castor oil,' or words to that effect. He then beckoned to Dr. Capron, who went to him, and, reading the sentence, indicated by a nod that he would cheerfully do it; and, re- taking his seat, which was placed between two and three feet before Miss Brackett, he said, without moving a limb, or uttering a syllable more— “ ‘Come, Lurena, drink a little of this, and you will feel better, I think;’ alluding, as I supposed, to a severe head- ache, of which she had spoken to us in the course of our conversation, before the doctor’s entrance. “ She raised the tumbler to her lips, and suddenly replaced it in her lap, with evident nausea and aversion. “Dr C. ‘ Come, drink a little of it. It is very good.’ “Miss B. ‘ Good! ’ moving her lips; ‘you know it is not good.’ “Dr C. ‘Why?’ “ Miss B. ‘ Why ? It makes me sick.’ “Dr. C. ‘ O, no; drink one mouthful.’ “ She did so; and, had she witnessed the ceremony of tak- ing pure castor a thousand times, the apparent effect on her could not have been more true to nature. “ Mr. Harrington again summoned the doctor, and whis» 402 APPENDIX. pered, too low to be heard by any other person in the room, ‘ Will, now, that it is snuff.' He turned, and repeated only words resembling those used in the first experiment. On looking into the tumbler, she seemed to smile ironically, and said— “‘Drink this! drink this! you know I cannot,’with an expression of countenance which any one, seeing snuff to be the contents of a tumbler about to be drank off, must have assumed. “ I then requested Dr. C., in the same manner, to ‘ will it to be pleasant lemonade.' After long persuasion, without a word or gesture, however, which could have indicated the nature of my request, on Dr. C. ’s part, she put the tumbler cautiously to her lips, and, tasting, drank the whole of the water that remained. “ Dr. C. 4 Well, Lurena, how do you like that ? ’ “ Miss B. 4 Why, it’s very good, but a little too sour.' “Some one of the strangers present now requested, in a whisper, that he would ‘ irAll the tumbler to be Jilled with an ice-cream.' I sat at Miss B.’s elbow, and watched both her countenance and Dr. C.’s words and motions. Collusion, or anything like a secret understanding between them in what followed, I believe to have been impossible. “ Dr. C. ‘ Come, Lurena, drink what I have got for you now. You will find it very good.’ “ Rousing, she looked into the empty tumbler, and con- tinued silent. On further inquiry, she said— “ You know I cannot drink it.’ “Dr. C. ‘Why?’ “ Miss B. ‘ I've been waiting for a spoon this half hour.' “A spoon was then brought and given her. She raised the tumbler, and, imitating to perfection the manner of a lady taking an ice-cream in a fashionable and elegant circle, she finished it, and replaced the tumbler in her lap, as one wait- ing for a servant to take it. “Dr. C. ‘Well, is not that good?’ “Miss B. ‘Yes, it’s very good, but a little too highly fla- vored for me.’ “I should have mentioned that, while eating it, she put her hand to her face in apparent pain. APPENDIX. 403 “Dr. C. ‘ What is the matter with your face?’ “Miss B. ’ Why, it makes my teeth ache : it's so cold.' “I then requested Dr. Capron to take the tumbier from her, and, in a whisper scarcely audible to him, to ' will a Mack kitten to he in her lap.’ He assented, and, taking his seat be- fore her, as I did mine at her side, he said, without previously uttering a syllable, even in whisper, to any one, or making the least motion, ‘Lurena, come, wake up, and see what you have in your lap.’ She seemed gradually to wake. What have you in your lap?’ Looking down, she instantly began to draw her arms up with aversion at the object seen, but remained silent. “Dr. C. ‘What is the matter? Is it not pretty?' “Drawing her arms still farther up, she said, evidently of- fended, ‘Pretty? no. What have you put that in my lap for? • -a’u't take it! I won’t!’ “Dr. C. ‘ O, yes; take it.’ “MissB. ‘I won’t.’ “ Dr C. ‘Well, if you do not like it, give it to me.’ Lift- ing it precisely as one would by the nape of the neck, and tossing it, she said, ‘ There, take the dirty Mack thing! ’ “ The preceding exp iriments were tried, in consequence of our having heard that similar ones had been made without failure in any instance; and I am as certain as I am of being able to see or hear anything directly before me, that no direc- tion, either by a whisper, pause, or gesture, was given by the magnetizer to the magnetized; and I know that the directions I gave Dr. C. could not have been anticipated by him or any one else. “I now requested Dr. Capron to take her to Roxbury, and to ‘stop in front of theUniversalist meeting-house at the bot- tom of the hill,’ as the nearest prominent object to my own house. “Dr. C. ‘Well, Lurena, Mr. Kent wishes us to go to Rox- bury and visit his house. Will you go?’ “Miss B. ‘Yes, I should like to go very well.’ “Dr. C. ‘In what way shall we go?1 “Miss B. ‘We will go through the air, if you please, and I should like to go high.’ “Dr. C., at some one’s suggestion. ‘ Why do you wish to go high?' 404 APPENDIX. ‘ Miss B ' Why, to avoid the steeples and trees that will be in our way.' ‘ The appearance manifested on her passage from place to place has been correctly described by others. In about one and a half minutes, Dr C. said- * Welt Lurena. have we got there?’ * Miss B Yes, we have:' with an appearance of exhaus- tion; “At this moment. Dr. Capron proposed to put me in com- munication with her, as he had engagements to attend to at the hour arrived. I requested, however, that I might first see you take the guidance of her, as I was wholly ignorant of the manner of it Dr. C. mentioned that this might be as well, and introduced you. “ Mr. H. ‘ Miss Bracket, how do you do? Iam very happy to meet you in Roxbury.’ “Miss B. ‘Why, Mr. Hartshorn, how came you to be here? ’ “Mr, H. ‘I am here on a visit.’ “You were not in the room when all present were led up and mentioned or introduced, after she was magnetized. Mr. Harrington now requested you to ask her what she saw. “Mr. II. 'Well, Miss Brackett, what building have we here? “Miss B Why do you ask that question? You can see for yourself, as well as I can. “Mr H T es, but I should like to know how we agree.’ “Miss B ■ Why, it is a large meeting-house.’ “Mr H. Well, look round, lookup; what o’clock is it?' “Miss B , after apparent examination. ‘It has no clock.' This is correct Mr II What do you see? Are there any lights?’ ‘ T es there are and what strange people they are in Rox- bury, to have lights on posts in the daytime! If I could only reach higher i. would take them down, it looks so silly.’ Mr Harrington now directed you to ask what she saw before the meeting-house. Miss B I see a building.’ * Mr. H What sort of a building is it? ’ ‘ Miss B 'It is a brick one.’ Correct. APPENDIX. 405 “Mr. H., at Mr. Harrington’s suggestion. ‘Now, Miss Brackett, we will go to this building. Are we there?’ “ Miss B. ‘ Yes, we are.’ “Mr. H. ‘Well, should you like to go in, and see what there may be there?’ “ Miss B. • I should.’ “ Mr. H., after a moment’s pause. ‘What do you see?’ “MissB. ‘ O, how beautiful these are! How good they taste!' She then appeared to eat some kind of fruit; but, suddenly stopping, said, ‘O, I forgot; I have no money, sir; I beg your pardon; ’ and apparently laid down what she held in her hand. “Mr. H. ‘What are you eating, Miss Brackett? Do you wish for money? Here it is.’ “Miss B., smiling with evident pleasure. ‘I thank you;’ and seeming to take up the fruit again and eat it, said, ‘ How pleasant it is ! It is so good I think I’ll take another.’ She did so. “ Mr. II., by direction. ‘ What sort of fruit is it ? ’ “ Miss B. ‘ I don’t hardly know. They are apples or pears. They taste very good.’ “ Mr. H. ‘ Well, Miss Brackett, look round and see what else you may like. It will refresh you to take something after your rapid journey.’ In a few moments, putting her left hand under the chin, she seemed like one attempting to crack a hard-shelled nut with the teeth. “ Mr. H. ‘ What have you there ? ’ “MissB. ‘Why, it’s a Castalia nut, and so hard that I can’t crack it;’ trying with still greater effort. “Mr. II. ‘ Castalia nut ? You mean, do you not, the Castana nut ? ’ “Miss B. ‘ Yes; I don’t know what you call it; but I call it a Castalia nut-’ “Mr. H. ‘Well, shall we go now ?’ “Miss B. ‘ If you please. But, O, I haven’t paid the gen- tleman. There, sir;’ laying, as it were, money upon a counter. “ The building where this imaginary scene passed is a brick one, occupied at present as a West India goods store. The day after my return from Providence, I called at this store 400 APPENDIX. and inquired, first, whether the storekeeper had any fruit for Bale on Wednesday evening. He replied in the affirmative, and directed me to a basket of apples which he said had been on the counter three or four days. On tasting one, I certainly should not have doubted the correctness of Miss B.’s taste, had she been present when she seemed to enjoy them so much. ■“Have you any Castana nuts?’ ‘You will find them in the win- dow next to the door. ’ They were there in one of the three di- visions of a box, containing different kinds of nuts. “At the door of the store you will remember having put me in communication with her. “Mr. H. ‘Miss Brackett, here is our mutual friend, Mr. Kent, who was introduced to you in Providence.’ “ ‘ Good-evening, Miss Brackett; I am very glad to see you in Roxburytaking her hand. “ Miss B. ‘ Why, Mr. Kent, how did you get here so soon?’ with apparent surprise and emphasis. “ ‘ I followed you in the railroad cars.’ “ Miss B. ‘ In the cars! That is impossible! You could not travel so fast in the cars as I did through the air.’ “‘ Well, suppose, then, that I came in the stage.’ “Miss B. ‘In the stage! You have just said you came in the cars! Tour stories do not seem tohany togethersmiling. “‘I confess, Miss Brackett, that I cannot tell you how I came; but that is of no consequence; it is certain I am here, and wish you to go with me to my house, a short distance from this. Will you attend me ? ’ “Miss B. ‘Yes, sir, I will.’ “After a time sufficient to conduct her only a few steps, and giving two or three directions, I said, ‘ Stop, we must go back and start again. I believe I am wrong. ’ She laughed audibly. ‘What are you laughing at, Miss Brackett?’ “ Miss B. ‘Why, I am laughing at the fact that you, a gentleman, should invite me to attend you to your house, when you don't know the way there yourself /’ I cheerfully con- fess, sir, that my feelings at this moment, in consequence of what I had witnessed and heard after her arrival in Roxbury, very much resembled those of an oratorical tyro, who has lost the place in his manuscript, and stands before an audience evidently waiting for words, which it is not in his power to appendix. 407 command utteny at fault! I did not feel certain that I should select such landmarks and use such terms as would be sure to-guide such a companion to the house, and said, ‘ I am very free to acknowledge, Miss Brackett, that you may have a better guide, under my direction, and here is our friend, Mr. Hartshorn, who will take you in charge." “ Mr. H ‘ Wili you go with me to Mr. Kent’s ? ’ “ Miss B., with evident pleasantry. ‘ I will;/o?’ he does not seem to knoro the way there himself!' “Mr. H., by direction ‘We are now at the first corner on the right, Miss Brackett. What do you see ? ’ “ Miss B. ‘ See ? A large brick house.' “ Mr. H. ‘ Is it a tavern ? ’ “ Miss B. ‘ It may be. I think it is.’ “Mr H. ‘We will go forward a little. What do you see ?’ “ Miss B., after a pause. ‘ I shall not tell you, for you can sec it yourself.’ “ Mr. H. ‘I wish to see whether we agree in opinion.’ “MissB. ‘It’s a very large barn.’ The stable by which she must pass measures ninety feet by thirty-two. “ Mr. H. ‘ Is there anything on the top of it? Look up.’ “Miss B., after looking up. ‘ Why, what curious people there are here! They keep lamps on posts burning in the day- time, and put creatures on their barns.’ There is on this livery stable an unusually large gilded vane, in the form of a horse. “Mr H. ‘We will now go forward, cross a street, and on the left-hand corner is Mr. Kent’s house.’ After a short pause, ‘ Are we there ? ’ “MissB. ‘Yes.’ ‘ Mr. H. * What is there before his house ? ’ ‘ Miss B. ‘ I sha’n’t tell you, for you know.’ ‘Mr. II ‘ O, yes, tell me. Is there any yard here ? ’ As you had never seen my house, your question was put at random * MissB Yard? Yes.’ ’ Mr. H " What sort of one is it?’ * Miss B Why do you ask such questions? ’ “Mr. H ' Is it a gravelled one?’ * Miss B. No, it is a green one; you know it is.’ She 408 APPENDIX, seemed here, as in several other instances, to feel that she was trifled with. Her answer was correct. “Mr. H. ‘Well, we will go in and enter the room on the left. Are we there?’ “Miss B. ‘ Yes. What a handsome carpet this is!’ “Mr. H., by direction. ‘ What kind of a carpet is it? Is it Brussels, Kidderminster, or what is it?’ “Miss B. ‘I hardly know what to call it. It’s a very handsome one, but it is not woollen.’ The carpet is a painted canvas, one which had been purchased at the factory and laid down a short time before. “I was here again put in communication with her. * Well, Miss Brackett, you see me now at home, and I w’ish you to look round this room and tell me what you think of the different objects here.’ “Miss B., apparently looking at the wall. * O, what a beautiful picture this is! It would be perfect if the hair of the lady was pushed a little farther back. It comes too low over the forhead.’ Speaking in a whisper to herself, ‘Oh, what hair! it spoils it. I wish I could push it back;’ mo- tioning with her fingers, as if attempting to do so. ‘How beautiful that arm is!’ The picture described is a Chinese copy of a lady holding a kitten in her arms, and hangs near- est the door. Although it has been there three years, I was unconscious of any striking defect in the hair, but found, on my return, that no artist, with perfect eyes and the most dis- criminating taste, could have made more just criticism upon it than she did. Her remark upon the arm was precisely the same, in words, that I have repeatedly heard made by others. “‘We will now, Miss Brackett, pass on, if you please. What do you see here? ’ “ Miss B. ‘ See! wrhat you see, sir—a table.’ “ ‘ Is there anything over it? ’ “Miss B. ‘ O, that lady is perfect. How beautiful she is! ’ with earnest emphasis. The painting over the table is a Chinese copy also, of a full-length portrait of ‘ the Maid of Athens,' and wTas correctly described. “ ‘ Is there anything on this table? ’ “Miss B. ‘Yes; and they are the handsomest of the kind APPENDIX, 409 I ever saw. How very beautiful these are! I must look into one of them.’ “ ‘ Well, Miss Brackett, open and look into it.’ “Miss B., seeming to make an unsuccessful attempt. ‘I can’t; it is locked.’ “At your suggestion. ‘You can look through the top of it.’ “Miss B. ‘ No; I want the key. I shall not look through the cover of such a one as this is.’ “ ‘ Well, here is the key;’ putting the ends of my fingers to hers. “MissB, trying it, and handing it back again. It does not fit.’ “ ‘ Oh, I have given you the wrong one. This is the key.’ “Miss B., holding it up, and looking at it with a smile. ‘What a pretty, cunning little key this is! I never saw one of such a color.’ Inserting and carefully turning it, she opened the box, and seemed to admire the inside. There were on the table two Chinese work-boxes, having the usual pieces within, and, what I believe is not common, a very beautiful cluster of flowers painted on white satin, in the cover of each, with a third, resembling them in external ap- pearance. The key was described with amusing and singu- lar accuracy; and 1 found, on my return, that Mrs. K. had locked the outside work-box, in compliance with our agree- ment before I left home, that she should make what striking alterations, unknown to me and every one else, in my room, she pleased. I, in a few moments, asked what else she saw on the table, having in my own mind a large book of 'paintings on rice paper, which I remembered leaving on this ta- ble before the work-boxes, of whose merits I was curious to learn her opinion. She smiled, but would make no reply. ‘“I wish you now to look at the fireplace. Is there any thing before it?’ “Miss B. ‘Yes. O, what a singular and splendid urn that is! I never saw one so large, and of such a color.’ “ ‘ What is its color? ’ “Miss B. ‘ I don’t know what color to call it;’ speaking in an undertone. ‘ It looks white—red.’ The urn standing there was a large one, of polished variegated porphyry. 410 APPENDIX, “ ‘Now, Miss Brackett, look over the mantel piece; look high. Is there anything there?’ “ Mfss B., speaking with, evident emotion and veneration. ‘ O, how beautiful—beautiful! ’ And, as she spoke, she bent forward, folded her arms on. her breast, and put herself exactly in the attitude of our Saviour, as he is painted in a miniature which represents him at the moment when he said, ‘ Thy will be done. ’ This painting is on ivory, three inches square in the clear, set in a deep and broad gilt frame, and hangs about one and a half feet over the mantel-piece. It was received from Canton, and placed there but a few days before, and I know that no individual in America, except my family, had then seen it. I continued— “ * What do you see, Miss Brackett?’ “ Miss B., raising her eyes. ‘What a beautiful picture that is!’ “ ‘ Is it a large one? ’ “Miss B. ‘ No: it’s a very small one. It’s too small.’ “ ‘ Is it as small as the one opposite? ’ “Miss B. ‘Yes; why, you know it is as small again.’ Correct. “ Well, look down; is there any thing under it? ’ “Miss B. ‘You know there is.’ “What is it?’ “Miss B., promptly. ‘It’s an image of Christ.’ There icas, standing directly under the picture, a cast-iron image of our Saviour bearing his cross, in bass-relief. “ ‘What more do you see here?’ “Miss B. ‘What large and beautiful vases these are!’ “ ‘Vases! How many are there? ’ “ Miss B, ‘ Why, you can see as well as I do. There are two.’ There were four glass shades, or vases, covering large specimens of Chinese rice-paper flowers; two of them touch- ing each other at each end of a long and broad mantel-piece. “We will now, if you please, go into the other room, and see what may be there.’ “ Miss B. ‘ Stop a moment; I want to rest me on this sofa; my head aches.’ A sofa stands between the fireplace and door, by which she would naturally pass. “In a few moments. ‘ Will you go now? ’ “ Miss B. ‘ Yes, I will.’ “And what do you find in this room?’ aitendix. 411 “ Miss B. ‘What! are there pictures here too? But I don’t like this room so well as the other.’ “‘You do not? Look round, if you please, and tell me what the pictures are.’ “MissB. ‘Why, I don’t know what they are. There is one that looks like an apostle.’ There was no such picture in the room, although there had been but a few days before. ‘ O, these are beautiful. O, they are beautiful, very beautiful.’ “ What are they? ’ ‘ ‘ Miss B. ‘ Why, this book of pictures. Don’t you see them? ’ “ Where are they? ’ “MissB. ‘ On the piano-forte. Bull must go back into the other room. I want to look longer at the pictures there.’ I found, on my return, that Mrs. K. had removed this book from the table in the other room, where I left it, to the 'piano, in this room; and, in sport, placed a coffee-pot in its stead. Whether or not this was the object smiled at, but not mentioned, I leave others to decide. Returning with my charge to the other room, I requested Dr. Capron, who had now come in, to receive her from me. He did so, and, after indulging her in looking at the pictures a short time, on which she made the same remarks as before, he said— “ Well, Lurena, Mr. Kent wishes us now to go up-stairs. Will you go? ’ “MissB. ‘Yes, I will.’ “Dr. C.* ‘We will go up and enter the left-hand door.’ “ ‘ What do you see here? ’ “MissB. ‘See! I see a lady.’ “Dr. C. ‘How is she dressed?’ Her answer was correct. “ ‘How old is she?’ “ Miss B. ‘ Why, that is a polite question! Madam,’ bow- ing and smiling, as she spoke, ‘ the gentleman wishes me to ask you how old you are ! ’ “Dr. C. ‘How old do you think she is?’ “Miss B., raising her eyes. ‘I don’t know. I should think she is about twenty.’ “Dr. C. ‘ Are there any other persons in the room?’ * These and many of the succeeding questions were put by my direction, Dr. C. being unacquainted with my house. 412 APPENDIX. “Miss B. ‘No.’ Mrs. K. was the only person up, in the chamber, at the time. There were, however, two children asleep in the bed. “ Dr. C. ‘ We will now go forward and down-stairs, and pass through the left-hand door.’ “What sort of room is it?’ “MissB. ‘ It’s a large kitchen.’ Correct. In a short time she seemed to be sipping something. “Dr. C. ‘What have you found, Lurena—anything to eat?’ “MissB. ‘Eat! no. It’s water, and very good water, too.’ There is in the corner of this kitchen a small table, on which my cook keeps habitually a water-pail, and generally a long- handled tin dipper in it. On my return, I inquired of her if she remembered certainly whether there was water left in the pail on the evening mentioned. She replied that she was certain of having left it half full, in consequence of finding more water in the boiler than she expected on that evening. This pail, however, I found, without letting any one know the object of my examination, to be left empty when my domestic retired, four nights in succession. I now directed Dr. Capron to take her into the next apartment, ‘ the pump- room, with a lattice front,’ forgetting, in my astonishment at what had passed before me, that there was an intermediate room. “Dr. C. ‘Well, we will now go into the next room. What sort of room is it? ’ “ Miss B. ‘ Why, this is a kitchen too, only it is a smaller one.' Correct. “Dr. C. ‘We will go through the next one, and take the left-hand door into another room. Are we there? ’ “Miss B. ‘ Yes, but,' with evident surprise, ‘ why did they tell me Mr. Kent was a minister? It isn't true. He’s a schoolmaster ! ’ Dr. C. looked at me, and appeared, at least, to believe that his patient was here at fault. You will re- member having assured me, sir, on the evening when we separated before the Franklin House in Providence, that you had mentioned me, both to Miss Brackett and Dr. Cap- ron, only as a minister. On my stating to the latter that, al- though I had been a minister, she was correct, he said, A APPENDIX. 413 schoolmaster, Lurena? Why do you say he is a school- master? ‘ ‘ Miss B. ‘ Why, you say this is his room, and he is a school- master, because this is a school-room. And I never saw such a one. He has pictures here too. And what singular desks these are! He has chairs fixed instead of seats.’ It would have been impossible for a person with perfect eyes, and in broad sunlight, to give a more accurate description of this room than she did I could not at this moment repress my im- patience to have her conducted to the room above, the char- acter and contents of which, I was sure, could be known neither to yourself, to Dr. Capron, to Miss Brtfckett, nor to any one else in Providence, except Mr. Harrington, who had been totally silent on the subject, from the fact that I had my- self scrupulously guarded against giving the least hint of them to any one, that less than three days had elapsed since my letter of introduction to you was written, that I was a perfect stranger to your brother in Boston, who penned it, and that to entertain a moment’s suspicion of collusion be- tween him and the gentleman who obtained it for me by which any intelligence of the truth might have been secretly communicated, would be a gross and unpardonable insult to unimpeachable integrity. “ Dr. C. at length said, ‘ Come, Lurena, we will now go out of this room, and up stairs into the room above, which Mr. Kent wishes us to see. Will you go? ’ “ Miss B. * Stop, I can’t go up yet. I must sit down in this chair and rest me; my head aches.’ “Dr. C. ‘Well, sit down; we need not be in haste.’ He then made a few motions with the hands before her, after which she soon roused, and said, in reply to his invitation, ‘I don't want to go up these stairs.’ ‘ Dr. C. ‘Why?’ “MissB. ‘ Because they are so steep and twisting.’ Ap- parently making an effort, ‘ They are the hardest stairs I ever went up.’ The stairs leading to the room above are in one corner of the school-room, not of it; are ‘steep and twisting, and have more than once occasioned in others the same complaint while ascending them. Dr C. ' Well, are you in the room? ’ 414 APPENDIX. "Miss B. ‘Yes. Why, is it possible? What a singular man Mr. Kent is! He is a minister and a schoolmaster, and keeps a museum. I must see all these things. I could stay here four or five days; yes, a month. How many things there are!’ While she appeared to examine objects, I requested Dr. C. to question her in relation to what she saw. He did so. "MissB. ‘ Why, what a curious window that is! I never saw one before that went clear across a room! And only look! He has got it full behind the windows, too. What large things! The glass seems to magnify them.’ My as- tonishment was at this moment complete. There is a glass window, or-partition, across the room, to secure my apparatus, and several large articles connected with natural history. " Dr. C. ‘What now do you see? Look up.’ "Miss B. ‘ Why, that is very handsome.’ " Dr. C. ‘What is it?’ "Miss B. ‘ It looks like marble.’ Alluding, as I supposed, to a bust of plaster of Paris, standing on a pedestal against the partition. "Dr. C. ‘Are there any shells here?’ "Miss B. ‘Why do you ask me that question, when you know I have just put one into your hand? ’ There were shells within her reach. After she had seemed to examine the dif- ferent objects around, with the different sensations which they were adapted to produce, I requested Dr. C. to take her to a friend’s house in this place; but she refused decidedly to go, saying, she would leave this room to see no other one in Roxbury. She was then charged to remember some of the things, with a view to have them described the next day, as- sured that she might return to look at my cabinets when, and stay as long as, she pleased. " Reconducted to Providence in the same manner as she came to Roxbury, re-entering the room at Mr. Metcalf’s, she instantly said, ‘ Why, there are two gentlemen here, to whom I have not been introduced!’ It was acknowledged, and she was introduced to these gentlemen, strangers, from a distant State, who had entered the room between her leaving and returning to Providence. “ In eight or ten days after, the parents of Mr. Harrington called upon me and expressed a wish to see my cabinets, saying APPENDIX. 415 that they had received a letter from him (he had not yet re- turned home), mentioning that Miss Brackett had returned to them, and spent the night in examination, after being put into the magnetic sleep, that she had described to Miss Met- calf, the next day, certain objects which he mentioned, but which they had decided not to name, until they had seen for themselves. We went to the room, where they found every object Mr. H. had specified in his letter—a bust of Milton, a large table in the centre of the room, several pictures scat- tered on one side of it, which belong to a perspective box, and a box covered with paper, which strikingly resembles what Miss Brackett said it was—‘something like Mosaic work.’ I could not account for her recognition of Milton’s bust, seen, as it was, in a teacher’s room, or ‘ museum,’ where any other than his would be likely to have place, until I found, on being requested by a gentleman to examine it, what I had forgotten—the name, ' Milton,’ written deeply and legibly on the back of it, which touched a board partition. “I am aware, sir, that there may seem to be indelicacy in thus exposing to the public the objects to be found in a pri- vate dwelling, and I would, if I could, have avoided it. But I promised, at the moment of leaving you, to describe and place at your disposal an account of what I saw and heard. It is right to keep that promise; and, in doing this, I have felt obliged to give literally the questions asked and answers returned. You have, according to my best recollection, the whole truth, without reservation or intentional coloring. The facts, as they appeared to me, are at your disposal. With the in- ferences to be drawn from them I have nothing here to do, and cheerfully leave the subject with those who may think it worthy either of their ridicule or serious consideration, calmly and humbly asking for myself, ‘ What shall we do with these things ? ,, yourSj very respectfully and truly, “Benjamin Kent.” FROM MR. JOSEPH HARRINGTON, JR. “Roxbury, November 29,1837. “Dear Sir: I was present at the above-mentioned inter- view of my friend, Mr. Kent, with Miss Brackett; and with 410 APPENDIX. tlie exception of a few unimportant particulars, wherein my memory does not distinctly serve me, I bear unhesitating wit- ness to the truth of every statement contained in his com- munication. Unless our senses were grossly deceived, or our judgments thoroughly bewildered, we were, on the evening referred to, spectators of wonderful and unexplained mental phenomena. And most desirous must every lover of truth be, that the subject of ‘Animal Magnetism’ should receive that attention which it merits, and that its juggles, if it pos- sess any, should be exposed, or its astounding revelations be corroborated by accumulated testimony, and its mysterious nature unravelled. If your humble servant, sir, has been duped, hardly less wonderful is the dexterity of the impostors than somnambulism itself. “With great respect, “ Your obedient servant, “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” “Joseph Harrington, Jr. FROM MR. FREDERICK S. CHURCH. “Providence, September 1, 1837 “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn: “ Sir: In a conversation with you a few evenings ago, you asked of me a short sketch of what I had seen of the phe- nomenon called somnambulism. “ In reply, I can only say that my observation has been con- fined principally to one case, and that of a young lady of this city, known to you. I first saw her the latter part of May, and having previously heard much, but seen nothing, I was, like most others, rather incredulous respecting the facts re- lated to me by those who had witnessed them. After seeing her put into an apparently sound and quiet sleep, from which she could not be awakened by any of the means usually em- ployed to rouse sleeping persons, the magnetizer proceeded to show the influence of his will, by causing her to see things which existed only in imagination; for instance, to drink water from an empty cup, and to eat bread, fruit, cake, etc., from an empty plate. She was also made to see and describe distinctly the number of persons in the room, articles of small size wrapped in many thicknesses of cloth, or in the pockets APPENDIX. 417 of the persons present. Having known of her being sent abroad and describing persons and things, and having found her descriptions to be generally correct, where proof was to be had, I was once induced to request her being sent to the Island of Cuba, knowing that, if she could describe things there of which neither she nor any one present, save myself, had the most remote conception, it would, in my mind, put the matter of her spiritual vision beyond the possibility of a doubt. The request was complied with,.by sending her along the sea-coast in a southwesterly direction, until she came to the peninsula of Florida. She was then directed to go di- rectly south over the sea, until she came to land. Not more than half a minute elapsed before she announced her arrival. She was then told to seek a city. It was almost immediately found, and, being called on to describe the entrance from the sea, I was satisfied she was at Matanzas. Wishing at that time to have her at Havana, she was directed to go west about sixty miles, until she came to another city, which she did. Being told to enter it by the harbor, and relate what she saw on the right-hand side going in, she described a large stone building, unfinished, which I knew to be a new prison then building, likewise the city walls, mounted with cannon, the shipping and the harbor generally, with the forts on the opposite side of the entrance, Moro Castle, Castle Blanco, the lighthouse, etc. Leading questions were of course avoided. “ She also described correctly the quay, the launches load- ing from an open shed, with many persons there collected, standing, smoking, etc.; which place is used as a kind of Ex- change, where the ‘merchants do most congregate.' “ She was then directed to enter a large building in that vicinity—the Cathedral; and her description of it was very minute, and, so far as my memory served, was very correct. Being asked what kind of church it was, she replied she did not know, having never seen anything of the kind be- fore. Observing a number of priests officiating at the altar, her attention was directed to them. On being asked their probable age, she said that ‘ two were nearly bald, and three, although very young, were beginning to be so;’ fully satisfy- ing me tl ;.t she recognized the * priest with the shaven crown.' She saw one bearing a bright vessel, suspended by a chain, 418 APPENDIX. from whence issued asmoke, which he swung before; and others engaged apparently at prayer, and kneeling before the altar. Occasionally a lid would close over it, and the smoke cease, when it would be handed to a boy in attendance, then taken back again, and so used several times during the cere- mony. She described with exactness the organ as being very small for so large a building, and much out of place, which is the fact, being situated in an arch of the ceiling above the capitals of the columns, the floor of the altar as being beauti- fully inlaid with marble, in> mosaic; also the many and splendid paintings on the walls. “At another time, she visited Matanzas, describing the vessels in the harbor with sufficient exactness for me to identify one in which I was interested; the quay or landing, the public square, with orange trees on the borderland a marble statue in the centre; the church at that place, with the peculiar architecture and location of the town; to- gether with the interior of the church, the altar, statues, or- naments, etc., including a miniature brig suspended from the Ceiling, by some pious individual, who had been saved from shipwreck by praying heartily to his patron saint, and thus fulfilled his vows by dedicating the said vessel to his or her glory. “I recognized, by her descrption, three ladies of my ac- quaintance at their residence. And her whole description, so far as my memory could be relied on, was strictly correct. I would observe, that, on first being sent to Cuba, no name of place was given her, and nearly ten days elapsed before I met her again, when she asked me where she had been sent, as she knew it must have been in a foreign country the ap- pearance of things being so entirely different from anything she had before seen. “I close by giving you the assurance of my most implicit belief in what I have witnessed, only stating facts and not at tempting to account for them. “ Respectfully yours, “ Frederick S. Church * APPENDIX. 419 NOTE XXIX.—Page 137. It may be that Deleuze had then in his mind the lamented Georget, who had published his work on physiology a few years before. I am sure the reader will be obliged to me for translating the brief notice of him taken by M. Foissac, page 283. “The experiments at the Hotel Dieu have proved the real' ity of a particular agent, entirely independent of the pa- titent’s imagination. Those of La Salp6triere afford instances of the extraordinary phenomena of somnambulism, produced and tested by men who are an ornament to science, and whoso talents and integrity no person has yet dared to dispute. It was not the love of the marvellous, nor of notoriety, which induced M. Georget to study the subject. In his work o» madness, he inserted the following passage: ‘ So long as tlieso magnetizers perform their experiments in the dark, with thtf aid of their abettors; so long as they do not work their mir- acles before the Academy of Sciences or the Faculty of Medicine, they will permit us to omit the trouble of refuting their reveries or their faith. ’ But Georget’s incredulity hav- ing been shaken by the experiments of the Hotel Dieu, he examined with distrust what he at first rejected with disdain; and, six months after having written the preceding lines, he added, in a note, while his work was in the press, that he had since witnessed several magnetic phenomena, and that he had himself put to sleep several of his convalescent patients, and caused them to speak, of which we shall present a very succinct analysis. “ When he put his somnambulists in communication with a sick person, they immediately experienced a pain, an un- easiness, and sometimes a sharp affection in the correspond- ing organs. It often happened that they were immediately attacked with epilepsy and hysterical fits when they touched persons afflicted with these maladies, just before the attacks came on.* “A somnambulist, who had an inflammation of the left lobe of the kings, said she saw very well, and as if with her * Sec note on transmission of pain. 420 APPENDIX. eyes, tlie organs of her chest, and, in fact, gave a very re- markable description of them. The heart, said she, is en- veloped by a membrane to which it docs not adhere; it re- ceives seven vessels, two of which, appearing largest, were agitated by a peculiar movement. The disordered lobe ap- peared very red, resembling the liver in some parts, and pre- senting grayish spots in several others. The healthy lobe had a rosy appearance. In proportion as the inflammation di- minished, she saw less and less clearly, and finally could not see at all. There was a relapse, and lucidity returned; but it was limited to the diseased lobe, the other organs being no more seen. Georget observed several facts of the same kind. “ The therapeutic resources of his somnambulists presented nothing very remarkable. They rarely employed any but those remedies which were daily made use of in their pres- ence—bleeding, leeches, baths, moxas, blisters, and few po- tions. He always administered everything they prescribed for themselves, and never had reason to repent of doing it. ‘ It was curious,’ says he, 'to see them, when awake, exclaim against their own prescriptions while blisters or moxas were in preparation.’ One of them, however, caused eighteen or twenty moxas to be applied to herself, several setons or is- sues, and a great number of blisters, in the space of eighteen months. “ Georget could, at pleasure, deprive his somnambulists of sensation. The skin wras totally insensible to the lively irritation of hot water deeply charged with ground mustard- seed, and even to the burning of the moxa— a burning and irritation which were extremely painful, when, by his will, the skin resumed its sensibility. “ He suspended the muscular power of his somnambulists with the same success, sometimes in one part, and sometimes in another, and sometimes in all. One day, he tried this power upon the respiratory muscles, and he produced such an immobility of the thorax, and such danger of suffocation, as very much to alarm himself, and make him determine to attempt nothing of the kind again. He says that, if one were to recall a patient from the somnambulic state without having restored motion to the muscles, and their proper faculties to APPENDIX, 421 the senses a paralysis of the muscles and of sensation will continue * Nothing could equal the suprise and fright which such a phenomenon caused to a person who experienced it for the first time, whether it were the loss of hearing of speech or of motion. ‘ The most singular phenomenon and the most worthy of attention,’ continues Georget relates to the foreknowledge of organic action more or less distant in point of lime. I have seen, pot ibitely seen, a qreat many times, somnambulists announce, several hours several days, twenty days beforehand, the hour, the minute even, of the attack of epileptic and hysteric fits, and of the menstrual eruptions and indicate the duration and the intensity of the attacks—things which were exactly verified.’ “ Six months after writing this article he had observed many other new and extraordinary facts. He promised in a note, to report an instance in the chapter on epilepsy; but when, in his second volume, he traced the history of that disease, he added that the reason which had made him defer the publication of these phenomena to the article on Magnet- ism induced him to put it off to another period. He says, nevertheless, the person to whom he referred had displayed to him instances of prevision and clairvoyance so astonishing, chat he had never read any thing so extraordinary in any work on Magnetism; not even in those of Petetin. “ This somnambulist, Petronille, declared that a great fright would cure her. After she had been thrown into one, she as- sured her friends, while in somnambulism, that she was radic- ally cured. In fact, she experienced no new attack during three months, while before she used to have two every day. ' The author of ‘ Cures effected in France,’ states, in his first volume, page 259, that this patient Petronille, said, one day, to Dr Londe. one of the French physicians sent into Poland to observe the cholera, that in fifteen days he would have an affair of honor, and would be wounded. Dr. Londe consigned this fact to his memorandum, without attaching importance to it and he appeared to liavo forgotten it, when, fifteen days * I have the authQrity of two magnetizers in this place, to state this fact a? having fallen within their own practice; but the subjects, on bejpg plunged again into the magnetic state, were relieved, and then were awak- ened free from pain. 422 APPENDIX. afterwards, he received a sword cut from the hand of one of his associates. ‘ In the ' Physiology of the Nervous System. Georget makes no mention of the names of his somnambulists, nor of the place where he made ms experiments, nor of the numerous witnesses, physicians and others who were convinced, like himself. It is because says he ' we live m an age when it is permitted to conceal our belief in Magnetism,.' " How shall we reconcile this timidity with the courageous homage which in his work he renders to all useful discoveries, and especially to Magnetism? The true reason of his reserve and his silence was the fear of displeasing those who had the administration of the hospitals, who had severely interdicted all essays or tha* nature. He proposed to publish, at some future day more in detail, if his time should permit him, the result of his observations He expressed his desire to me, in the last interview I had with him; he -wished to recommence his experiments, and give himself up wholly to new researches. ‘ For I am persuaded, said he to me, ‘ that great truths have escaped observers, but far from accusing them of exag geration I rather believe, they have in their recitals kept below the reality. I believe, for example, that there is no perfect mode of treatment but that which somnambulists prescribe for themselves, and that it is possible to render then admirable instinct serviceable to others. In one disease, (fluxion depoitnne,) every physician knows that bleeding is necessary, but he does not know the precise moment of the operation, at what vein it ought to be done, and the exact quantity of blood it is necessary to draw, etc.’ ‘ He then read to me the details of his first experiment at the SalpStridre. The woman whom he magnetized became somnambulous, and, in the midst of great agitation,-* told him that at a certain period, she would be attacked by a serious disease, and die of it, at such a day and such an hour. Geor get, not then knowing any works in which facts of this kind were mentioned, and ignorant that somnambulists could themselves give the means of turning aside the effects of their previsions, believed it must of necessity be accomplished. Full of terror and grief, he hastened to awake her; and, at the time indicated, she fell a victim to the disease which she had foreseen. APPENDIX, 423 “Georget died at the commencement of a career so bril- liantly begun, in the'midst of the labors he had sketched out for himself, and of his dreams of the future. All the physio- logical facts which he had observed with so much care are probably lost to science; for, since his death, no person has spoken of publishing the notes which he left. But he himself rendered a last, a striking homage to the principles of Mag- netism, by these words, inserted in his will: ‘ I will not finish this document without adding to it an important declaration. In 1821, in my work on the “Physiology of the Nervous Sys- tem,,'' I proudly professed materialism. The preceding year, I had published a treatise on “Madness,” in which are laid down principles contrary to, or at least different from the ideas in agreement with, the general belief, (pp. 48, 51, 52, 114); and hardly had I published the “Physiology of the Ner- vous System,” when new meditations upon a very extraordi- nary phenomenon—somnambulism—would permit me no longer to doubt of the existence in us, and out of us, of an intel- ligent principle, altogether different from material existences. It is, if you please, the soul and God. In regard to this mat- ter, I have a profound conviction, founded upon facts which are not to be controverted. This declaration will not see the light, until no one can doubt its sincerity or suspect my intentions. If I cannot publish it myself, I urgently entreat the persons who may take notice of it, af the opening of the present tes- tament, that is to say, after my death, to give it all the pub- licity possible. March 1, 1826. FROM MOSES B. LOCKWOOD. NOTE XXX. “Respected Friend: In the appendix to the second part of thy translation of ‘Deleuze’s Practical Instruction,’ I notice a number of cures that have been either -wholly or partially effected through the agency of Animal Magnetism. It seems desirable to record as many cases of this kind as facts will permit. If an unbeliever be told of an individual who, after being magnetized, has ceased to be afflicted by a malady that had been hanging about him perhaps for years, he will be 424 APPENDIX. very likely to reply, ‘ It wasn’t Magnetism; it will happen so sometimes. ’ Chance, however, can only he brought to bear against solitary instances. By multiplying cases, retreat, under cover of ‘ It will happen so sometimes,’will be cut off. “It is for this reason that I take additional pleasure in com- plying with thy request. “G. C , for four or five winters, has been subject to the croup (as he, and those wTlio have attended him, termed it), so that scarcely the space of two weeks, during either of these winters, elapsed, without his becoming an inmate of the nursery, until the 12th month, 13th day, 1836, when I magnetized him, not only wishing to put him asleep, but also to cure his disease. No medicine was used; yet he has not had a return of it since. “The following facts goto show that 'the phenomena of Animal Magnetism are not produced solely through the influ- ence of the imagination.’ In endeavoring to ascertain this point, in the early part of my experimenting, frequent occa- sion was taken to magnetize an individual when he was to- tally ignorant of my intention, and when his mind was closely engaged with other things. For example, when he was stu- diously endeavoring to solve some mathematical question, or to commit some passage to memory, I have repeatedly caused him to sleep, simply by the action of my will; being, in some cases, with my face towards him, in some with it from him; sometimes in the same, at others in a different room; gener- ally in the same house, but occasionally at a much greater distance. On one occasion, we were at dinner, he at one table and I at another, and so situated that my face could not be seen by him. When I went to the table, I had not even thought of magnetizing at that time; but, as his mind ap- peared to be very far from Magnetism, it seemed to be a very favorable opportunity to test the point; and, although no one around me suspected what was going on, yet, in less than three minutes, his head dropped upon the shoulder of the one that was next to him. I then awaked him, when he turned round, and cast a look towards me, by which I understood that he knew what I had been doing. In this and the other instances alluded to, it would be absurd to endeavor to main- tain that his imagination produced the result. ‘The phe- APPENDIX. 425 nomena of Animal Magnetism are not produced, therefore, ‘solely through the influence of the imagination.’ “ Clairvoyance—After putting a patient asleep, I left him for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of his account of what was transpiring at a distance. He was in communi- cation with C. W. J. With me were M. B. H. and J. C. On our return, after an absence of about an hour, C. W. J. in- formed us that the magnetized had traced our course; said that I ‘ fell down on some ice in the path,’ etc. He said further, that while we were returning, just before we came to a rope- walk, we all laughed very loud at something which M. B. H. told us. He was correct in all these instances. “ Respectfully, <■ Thomas C. Hartshorn.” “Moses b- Lockwood. NOTE XXXI. LETTERS FROM PHYSICIANS. PBOM DB. CUTTEB, OP NEW HAMFSHIBE. “ Nashua, November 22, 1837. ** Sib, The second number of your translation of Deleuze’s work was duly received. No encomium of mine can add to its intrinsic merit. The chapters ‘ On the precaution in the choice of a magnetizer,’ and/ Magnetism applied to disease in connection with medicine, ’ need only to be read to be appreciated by the moral, the intelligent, and the humane. As jrour valuable appendix is intended to record facts and observa- tions made by American citizens, I send you a few cases. “ Neuralgia or Tic Douloureux.—I was called to see Miss E. M., of this town. The disease was confined to the right side of the face, theportio dura of anatomists being diseased. This was of long standing. I proposed the trial of Magnet- ism. To this she assented. Somnambulism occurred in a few minutes. After she had slept a little time, I awoke her. The pain was gone. I repeated Magnetism several times. There has been no return of the pain. “Neuralgia, after filling a carious tooth.—Miss D. applied to a skilful dental surgeon, Dr. J. M. Reed, for advice rela- 426 APPENDIX. tive to a carious tooth. Dr. II. filled the tooth with gold foil But, the nerve being exposed and very sensitive, the filling was of necessity removed. It was replaced and re moved several times, the young lady not being able to endure the pain caused by the pressure of the gold on the sensitive and diseased nerve. All the branches of the trifacial nerve had become painful. After the tooth had been filled, she applied to me to render my aid in giving re- lief by Magnetism. At the first sitting, the pain was com- pletely removed, but sleep was not induced. In a little time, there was a partial return of the pain, and I again magnet- ized her. At this sitting, she became a lucid somnambulist, the pain was entirely removed, and has not returned. From the result of this and some other cases, I think Magnetism worthy the attention of dental surgeons. “Delirium Tremens—June 20, 1837.—Mr. S. L., afflicted with delirium tremens, caused by the free use of stimulating drinks, applied to me for medical advice, having passed sev eral days and nights without sleep, and having used opiates in large doses without benefit. I tried the effect of Magnet- ism. In a little time, it caused tranquillity, followed by sleep. I repeated it two or three times, and the man was able to resume his usual business. In this form of disease, when there is an increase of action, with a diminution of the powers of the system, I think patients may receive much benefit from the use of Magnetism. “Bronchitis.— Aug. 27.—Miss A. C. for two years had been laboring under chronic bronchitis, characterized by cough, dyspnoea, pain in the chest and between the shoul- ders. After trying many things, she consented to make trial of Magnetism. She was magnetized several times. At each sitting, the dyspnoea, pain and cough were removed. This I could effect without influencing any other part of tie system. The paroxysms of coughing and dyspnoea became less severe and less frequent, but her circumstances pre- vented her from continuing the use of Magnetism but a little time She is now much better, but not well. “ Dyspepsia and Spinal Irritation.— Miss F. F. for some years had been afflicted with pain in the stomach and back, attended with soreness, appetite capricious, and when food APPENDIX. 427 was taken it caused much distress. Under the circum- stances, at her request, I magnetized her. It caused sleep, free sweating, and complete relief from pain. Magnetism was repeated several times. The pain in the back and stomach, and distress after taking food, were completely re- moved. In this case, the patient became a lucid somnambu- list. After the disease was removed, this lady ceased to be a somnambulist, and was not susceptible of magnetic influ- ence. This is worthy of observation in using Magnetism as a remedial agent. “Partial Paralysis.—A few months since, I was consulted by Miss. S. II., who for more than four years had been trou- bled with pain in the back part of the head, and want of feeling and strength of the muscles on one side, something like the wry neck. I advised a trial of Magnetism, as she had been under different methods of treatment, and had re- ceived no benefit. To this she consented. At the first sit- ting, imperfect sleep was induced, followed by very free sweating in the paralyzed part. I repeated Magnetism several days in succession. The pain in the head was removed, and sensibility and mobility restored to the parts paralyzed. In this case, somnambulism was complete. She is now per- fectly well. “ Headache and Dyspepsia.—A few months since, I was called to see a lady from Chelmsford, Mass., who for some two years had been afflicted with much pain and heat in the stomach and chest, and a peculiar, heavy pain in the head, for which she had tried many things, and had found no re- lief. This case was attended with pallor of the skin, and great coldness of the extremities. I made use of gentle aperi- ent medicine and Magnetism. At the first sitting, the pain in the head and «tomach was much increased primarily, but this was followed in a little time by relief from pain, free sweating, and warmth in the skin and extremities. I con- tinued to magnetize this lady for about two weeks, once each day. The effects after each sitting were the same as at first; but the primary increase of pain gradually diminished, until the magnetic action was quite agreeable. The disease in the head, bines, and stomach was completely removed in about three weeks; and this lady has since remained well. 428 APPENDIX. Hepatitis and Cephalalgia.—About threejnonths since, Miss A. applied to me for medical advice relative to a pain in the head and the region of the liver. Her food caused much distress. These complaints were of some years’ standing, for which she had taken much medicine. She had been sali- vated three times for the pain in the side, without benefit. At her request, I tried Magnetism. The pain in the head was completely removed after a few sittings, and returned no more, but the side was not bettered. I applied a blister to the right side, and continued the use of Magnetism. The pain in the region of the liver yielded immediately, and has not since returned. This lady is now perfectly well. In this case Magnetism and vesication mutually aided each other. '* Chronic Inflammation of the stomach and bowels.—In the early part of last summer, I was applied to by Mrs. S. A. for medical advice. It was her desire to be magnetized. This was one of the most complicated cases of disease I ever saw. For more than ten years, this lady had been afflicted with great pain in the head, dizziness, want of sleep ; and so great was this that she said she had not slept one night soundly for many years, and frequently passed many nights in suc- cession without sleep. There was constant pain in the left side, steady pain and soreness in the stomach and bowels, at- tended with frequent paroxysms of vomiting blood, with dis- charges of the same per. anum. At these times, tumefac- tion of the bowels was attended with severe pains re- sembling colic, retention of urine, and pain in voiding the same. Food and all things taken into the stomach caused great distress, if not rejected. This had been the case for manf years. These are a few of the leading symptoms. She had applied to many medical men for aid, and was nothing bettered. “ I commenced the treatment by trying the power of Mag- netism. At the third sitting, complete magnetic sleep was produced. I continued this for some days, and I found that her rest became better, the cephalic and abdominal pains less severe. After some little time, I ceased magnetizing this lady myself, and Mrs. Cutter commenced magnetizing her. From time to time, I gave such medicines as the case seemed to require, with external counter-irritation. Mrs. A. became APPENDIX. 429 a lucid somnambulist, examined herself, and directed such things as she said would be of benefit. These prescriptions I followed, as they appeared to me to be proper. She is now comparatively well. She sleeps well, and has been able to eat anything for months without uneasiness or pain. The pain and dizziness in her head very much lessened. The pain, with discharges of blood from the stomach and bowels, is en- tirely removed. The urinary trouble is much relieved. Within a few days, she examined herself when in the magnetic state. She said that Magnetism had been of great benefit to her, but that the medicine she had taken had been very im- portant. She said that the blood vomited came from a sore in the stomach, and not from the bowels, as I had supposed; and that this was cured by Magnetism and a particular medi- cine, and that it was now completely well. This, she says, was the cause of the food’s distressing her. She says there are eight large scars on the inside of the bowels, where there were sores for a long time. She says the bladder is small, and will never be well; but it is now somewhat better. She has been uniform in her assertions at the different times she has examined herself. I might mention that she says her head ias been much benefited by Magnetism, but is not well, and never will be. She said her side would be well; and such is the case, at this time. In this case, I think the union of medicine and Magnetism has been very happy, and the results highly satisfactory in removing a mass of disease which many good judges had deemed incurable. This and some other cases treated by me this season fully sustain many of the remarks of the excellent Deleuze in his chapter on the connection of Magnetism with medicine, and in that on som- nambulism. “Yours, etc., ‘•'Mr. Thomas C. Hartshorn.” “ Calvin Cutter. FROM THE SAME. “ Nashua, November 29,1837. “ Sir: The following observations are at your disposal; do with them as you may think proper. It is known to the ob- serving physician and others that we frequently meet with diseases in which there is a local increase of vital power or 430 APPENDIX. action. These are, in general, characterized by preternatural heat, arterial throbbing, swelling, and frequently pain, com- monly termed inflammation. We also meet with diseases in which there is an apparent diminution of the local, and, it may be, general vital forces, distinguished by a diminution of heat, arterial action, and contraction of the size of the parts, commonly seen in cases of paralysis and debiliating diseases. Now, it is obvious to any person, that, in most cases, a remedy producing the same uniform effects would not be proper in the two above-named classes of disease. Ceteris paribus, if it benefited the one, it would injure the other. Consequently, if the magnetizer cannot modify the effects of the influence which he may exert, he cannot benefit diseases of a sthenic ahd asthenic character by this agent. It will be seen by my remarks, that I think it highly necessary for the magnetizer to be a person well acquainted with the causes and character of diseases, or that he should act under the direction of some person who has this knowledge. Magnet- ism should not be used at haphazard to cure diseases by every ignorant person, or any ignorant person, who may by chance have learned that he has this natural and inherent power. If this care is pursued,Maguetism may table and useful. In relation to the ability which I pos- sess of modifying this influence, so as to cause, by my will alone, either sedative, stimulant, or soporific effects, I have been making observations for some time, and upon different persons, and am satisfied that it can be done, although dif- ficult. To accomplish it easily, I am obliged to keep in mind the relative anatomy of the different parts of the system, par- ticularly that of the nervous system. The following are my observations on this point: “About the middle of November, I accidentally met a lad in the street, a son of Mr. Wm. Love joy, who was obliged to use two crutches, in consequence of a complete paralysis of one leg, from the hip downward. He is about seven 3Tears old, and has been in this state more than five years. It is said to have followed, and to have been caused bv, a severe fever. He could move the toes of the diseased limb a very- little. He was brought to my office, and I took one of his hands, and held it a little time, and then passed my fingers APPENDIX, 431 over his arm a few times, with the intention to paralyze his arm I then asked him tc move his arm, and he could not. There had been nothing said relative to Magnetism in his presence and consequently imagination was not on the alert. A short time after. I saw the boy at Mr. Lovejoy’s house. Without making any remarks concerning my desires, I took his hand, with the intention to put the boy to sleep. In about one minute, he was in a prof (And sleep. In a short time, I awoke him, and then passed my fingers over the dis- eased limb several times. This limb is always cold. After being magnetized as above named, I examined the limb, and found it of an icy coldness, and no mobility in the toes ‘ On the following day, I again called, and found the limb with its wonted coldness. I then magnetized, with the in- tention of removing the coldness without causing the least loss of motion. In a few minutes, the limb became quite warm, as much so as the other, with some moisture, and he could move the toes much more freely. In the experiments on the limb, the head was not affected. In these different experiments the lad and those present were not made aware 0i my intention until after magnetizing. “I have obtained similar results on many different persons; but the above 1 deem satisfactory, as the age and circum- stances of the lad, and his entire ignorance of Magnetism, preclude the probability of that active and almost universal agent, imagination, being in the field of this experiment. “Mr. Thomas C. Hartshorn.” Calvin Cutter. FROM DR. CLEVELAND. “ Pawtuxet, December 10,1837. “Dear Sir On the 31st of May last, I was called to see Mrs , a lady about fifty years old, whom I found labor- ing under a violent inflammation of the chest. On the 3d of June, her symptoms became alarming. At a consultation of physicians her case was considered quite hopeless. Her prnse was intermitting, her extremities cold; she had a par- tial delirium, a wakefulness that had continued forty-eight hours, restlessness, and extreme distress in the system gen- erally, and especially in the chest Further attempts were 432 APPENDIX. made to procure sleep, which, as heretofore, proved un- availing. Opium, in its various preparations, was resorted to, both internally and externally, with no other effect than aggravation of suffering. From idiosyncrasy, she was never able to procure rest from this drug. At the expiration of twelve hours, I found her appearance still worse, symptoms of mortification being more decided. “Under the circumstances, I was induced to magnetize her, though I had but slight hopes of affording relief. At* the end of thirty minutes, I threw her into a quiet sleep. My own surprise was surpassed by that of her friends, who were entirely ignorant of the cause of her sudden and unexpected relief. She awoke at the end of two hours, without exhibit- ing any particular change in her appearance, except a greater regularity of the pulse. In a few hours, she was magnetized again, and warmth was restored to the extremities; the cir- culation was also improved. “ She was magnetized a third time, and awoke twenty-four hours after the first operation, with her reason perfectly re- stored. From this time, her disease assumed a more favor- able turn. She was occasionally magnetized with much relief, until her natural sleep was restored, and recovery ensued. “Not much doubt, can exist as to the cause of the changes which took place during llie twenty hours alluded to above, as no other means than Magnetism was made use of during that time; and without this, it is more than probable that the case would have terminated fatally. “ On the 31st of August of the present year, I was called upon to attend Mrs. ,* who was suffering a severe and deep-seated pain in the breasts, arising from a scrofulous affec- tion. Although there was no obstruction to the flow of milk upon the application of the child or of the pump, yet the pain produced by them was almost insupportable. The or- dinary means had been resorted to, but not successfully, even in the slightest degree. Her sufferings, on the contrary, were daily increased, until other organs, from a peculiar sympathy * The translator had conversed with the husband of this lady, a respect- able trader of this city, in relation to this case, before he received Dr. C.’s account of it, which confirms that gentleman's statement. ArPENDIX, 433 well known to nursing women, became affected to sueli a degree, that the application of the child or of the pump in- duced such violent spasms, that it became absolutely neces- sary to abandon the use of both as the means of removing the superabundance of milk. “ Recourse was had to Magnetism. Sleep was produced in forty minutes, and sensibility so far suspended that, instead of its requiring several persons to confine her to the bed, as heretofore, while attempting to nurse the child, she expressed the greatest delight while it was nursing, turned her face towards it (her eyes being closed), and caressed and fondled it in the most affectionate manner. I cautioned her to re- tain a knowledge of her impressions when she awoke, to which she replied, ‘You need not fear ; I never shall forget them !’ “It being necessary for me to leave her, I asked her how long she would sleep ; to which she promptly replied, ‘ A week ! ’ “ Her friends being unwilling that I should leave her in the magnetic state, I remained two hours, during which time her sleep was uninterrupted. I then left her, with the assurance that I would return as soon as possible. About six hours afterwards, I found her suffering, though less severely than before. The same pleasant effects followed in the second magnetic sleep, into which she was immediately thrown. After directing some necessary arrangements for the night, I put her in communication with her husband and the nurse, and retired, leaving a request that I should be called if occa- sion required it. “ On calling again the next morning at 5 o’clock, she was still in the magnetic state, having been so seven hours, although she had been removed to another bed, had taken refreshments several times herself, and attended duly to the demands of her child. “ Her sufferings from this time became less severe, although permanent relief was not obtained until a suppuration had taken place in one of her breasts. “Yours, „ tt „ “ Thomas Cleveland. "Mr. T. C. Hartshorn. 434 APPENDIX. FROM DR. UTLEY. “ Providence, October 13, 1837. “ Dear Sir : I feel that I should do injustice to withhold some facts that have recently come under my observation, appertaining to the subject in which you are interested. Notwithstanding my former scepticism in reference to this matter, I must, when constrained by incontrovertible evi- dence, own myself a believer. “ After having heard much from credible authority, and witnessed some astounding facts myself in two cases, I re- solved, if a favorable opportunity ever presented, to ascer- tain whether I had the power of effecting what is denomi- nated the magnetic sleep ; and, in compliance with your re- quest, I submit to your disposal the detail of the following case : “ Mrs. W. C. is about twenty-six years of age. Her health had been very feeble several months, and she had been most of the time under medical treatment. One day, as I was leaving the room of the patient, 1 was requested by several of those who were present, among whom was the husband and mother, together with the patient, to magnetize her ; they having reference to the operation as a remedy for her restless nights, and violent pain in the head, with which she had been afflicted several weeks. In answer to them, I acknowl- edged my inexperience in the subject. However, after they had repeated their importuuities, with an evident expression of scepticism depicted in their countenances, I asked the pa- tient if she was sincere in her request. She said she was willing I should make the trial, although she was sceptical in regard to it. “Thus privileged, I made a persevering effort by manipu lating,accompanied with concentration of thought, and all the benevolent and pure emotions 1 was capable of feeling to- wards a fellow-being, at the same time somewhat faithless in regard to my success ; but determined to make a thorough trial. After manipulating about twenty minutes, I discov- ered in the patient an inclination to close the eyes. This ap- pearance evidenced nothing more than an inclination to nat- ural sleep, as would be consequent upon soothing the ner- APPENDIX. 435 vous system in this manner. After continuing the manipula- tions about ten minutes more, her chest heaved with a sigh, and she completely closed her eyes as in a natural sleep. Still doubting my success as to its being a magnetic sleep, I thought I would test it. I passed my right hand at a distance from her left, and willed her to take my hand. She as promptly obeyed as though she had consented to a verbal re- quest. I became convinced that a magnetic sleep was pro- duced. I then, to satisfy myself and others present that there was no deception on her part, bandaged her eyes with several thicknesses of a handkerchief, with portions of it placed upon the inner can thus, next the nose, which precau- tion rendered it impossible for her, under any circumstances, to use her natural organs of sight. I then brought my hands together at a distance from hers, and rotated my thumbs over each other, with a mental request that she should do likewise, which desire she as promptly obeyed as though she had seen the motion of my thumbs with her naked eyes, and heard my voice with her natural organs of hearing. I then reversed the motion of my thumbs, and every motion and position of my hands, thumbs, fingers, and arms was responded to by her in obedience to my will, as though they had been directed and moved by my own muscles and powers of volition. I then tried her powers of speech, and asked her if her head was free from pain. She said it was. I asked her if she felt comfortable in every other respect. She said she did. I then tested her discerning powers. I held my watch to the back of her head, and requested her to tell which side of it was next to her head. Sbe answered correctly. ' Can you discern the hands of my watch?’ ‘Yes.’ Will you tell me what time it is ? ’ She answered, but not correctly with- in several minutes. I then asked her if she could see the clock which was in an adjoining room. It was impossible for the patient, or any others in the room inhere we were, to see it with natural vision. She said she could see it. ‘ Can you see the hands of the clock?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Will you tell me the time by it ?’ She told to a minute. The same questions in reference to the time, by the clock, were repeated in the course of her sleep, and answered correctl}'. I then requested her to tell me how many persons there were present in the 436 APPENDIX. room. She hesitated about long enough to count them, and answered correctly. I asked her in what position and what part of the room certain individuals were. She toki correctly. I promiscuously placed the hands of ihose present in hers, and requested her to designate and call by name the person whose hand she had hold of. She told correctly, with one or two exceptions, which mistakes were corrected on asking the question a second time ; and after various other experiments to test the magnetic vision. Ire- quested her to wake at such a minute by my watch. She passed over the appointed time about five minutes, with all the appearances of rousing from her usual sleep. I asked her if she felt refreshed from her recent sleep. Said she : ‘ I feel refreshed, and free from pain in my head ; but have not been in a natural sleep. I have been in an indescri- bable state, and felt perfectly obedient to what you desired me to do, but cannot now recollect what particular requests you made when I was in that state.’ “ This want of recollection corresponds with other reports upon the subject; for I did not will her to remember the ex- periments that were performed. After informing her of some astonishing facts in regard to them, she expressed doubts of the propriety of putting one into such a state, and manifested an unwillingness ever to be magnetized again, but taking into consideration its remedial effects in her case, I thought I should do right to insist upon a repetition and obtained the privilege but three subsequent times, the fourth and last time in the presence of Dr. Miller who had been my consult ing physician in the case, and for further information and evi- dence in regard to these experiments and others instituted by himself, you are referred to him for testimony.'* "Mr T. C. Hartshorn.” " Yours with much esteem, "L. Utley. * Her complaint was dyspepsia and her stomach was apt to reject her food a short time after eating. Bnt after being magnetized, it appears io have acquired, in a greater measure, the power of retaining nutriment She also slept without the anodynes which she had formerly taken. Dr. Miller sent her to examine a patient of his, and her description of ihe disorder was strikingly correct. APPENDIX, 437 FROM DR. TOOTHAKEB. ‘ Mr. T. C. Hartshorn: “ Cambbidgepokt, December 6,1837. “Dear Sir: Yours of the 2d inst. was duly received: since which my engagements have been such, tli#t, till the present moment, I have had no opportunity of answering it. I am perfectly willing to furnish you with any facts within my knowledge, ou the subject of Animal Magnetism, which are of a character suited to a popular work. The detail of some cures in which I have used it successfully as a remedy, would bt better suited to the columns of a medical journal, where they may at some future time appear. My attention was directed particularly to the subject of Animal Magnetism, nearly a year since, by the urgent solicitation of a literary friend, that I should read the report of the French Academy. I was, at first, entirely incredulous, and unwilling even to read attentively. But I soon found there was testimony of such a character in its favor, as to demand of every physician a candid examination of the subject. Further to satisfy myself of the reality of the alleged phenomena, I commenced experiments upon a girl, aged about sixteen, in whose case idiocy and mania were combined I thought her a favorable subject for experiments, as there was no possibility of deception. After two or three sittings, I succeeded in producing evident drowsiness, as was apparent to al. present She gaped several times, dreuled, and pre sented other phenomena, common harbingers to sleep. When in this state, she will always start suddenly, as if to re- lieve herself o' its spell, and has never gone into a sound mag- netic sieep. On one occasion, she immediately after left the room, and went up-stairs into her sleeping chamber alone, which she had never before done in her life “ These experiments, made on such a subject, so far con- vinced me of the reality of a natural power of this kind, given to man by his Creator, that I determined to test it by further experiments, when opportunity offered. I con- sequently soon tried the manipulations on a young lady of lymphatic temperament, and plethoric habit, who was in 438 APPENDIX. rather poor health at the time. At the second or third sitting, a tolerably sound magnetic sleep was produced, yet she never became a somnambulist, strictly, and would wake if I con- versed much with her. “ The third subject of my experiments, Mrs. M., who was an entire unbeliever in it, became a somnambulist by three or four fittings. I am certain she is capable of receiving impressions, when in the magnetic state, by the will alone. April 13th, magnetized her the sixth time. While she was eating a seed-cake, I willed to have it taste bitter, without say- ing a word or making a sign. She immediately said, ‘It is as sour as swill,’ and threw it away. She soon after said, ‘It is bitter.’ I gave her a piece of wheat bread to eat, and witled it to be brown bread. I then asked what kind of bread it was; she said, ‘Brown.’ '‘April 20tli.—Magnetized her in presence of several liter- ary gentlemen of this place. The experiments were proposed by them, singly, to me, in another room, that there might be no possibility of her hearing. I gave her an empty tumbler, and asked her to drink some lemonade; at the same time I willed it to be tea. She made the motions of drinking, and paid, ‘ It tastes sickish.’ ‘ What is it? ’ ‘ Tea,’ she answered. Also by will made an apple taste bitter, and, soon after, sweet as honey. These and other similar experiments were entirely satisfactory to those gentlemen who proposed them, though they were previously somewhat incredulous. “May 2d.—Magnetized the same patient. There were present Drs. J. V. C. Smith,* editor of the‘Medical and Surgical Journal,’ and Leland, of Boston. Standing at some distance from her, I willed her to wake. She said, ‘ Don’t be ■willing me to wake.’ Dr. Smith wrote for me to have a pleasant apple she was eating taste like a cranberry. She immediately said, ‘It tastes very sour;’ and, after much so- licitation to tell what it tasted like, she said, ‘ Cranberry. I knew before, but would not tell, you are always asking so many questions.’ * Dr. Smith had given me some account of these experiments, previous to my writing to Dr. Toothaker. Many physicians in Boston and its vi- cinity are engaged in investigating the utility of Mesmerism as an auxil- iary in medical treatment.— Trans. APPENDIX. 439 “With respect to clairvoyance, I am perfectly satisfied she has at times seen objects that she could not possibly have Been when awake. But, as she complains of severe headache after much effort to see, and my principal object has been the restoration of her health, I seldom urge her with experiments of this kind. At one time, she sat with her back towards the door of another room, and a lady present passed through the door, and selected a book from a large number that were upon the bureau, which she brought privately, and held over the head of Mrs. M., then in magnetic I asked her what was held over her head. She said, ‘ A book,’ and after- wards told the title. There was no leading question put to elicit the answer, nor could I think of any circumstance by which she*would be induced to ‘guess right.’ I must there- fore infer that she did actually see it. To this some may ob- ject, and suppose that I informed her mentally, or by the will. I answer, it was impossible, as I avoided seeing it my- self till she told what it was. “ June 17th.—Magnetized Mrs. M. She examined a gentle- man who was in poor health, and told correctly his disease, though of such a character that I could not have detected it by any external examination; and I knew nothing of it, even by conjecture, till she told. I was informed by them both that she knew nothing of it before, and must infer that she saw it, as she said she did. It was a disease of a portion of the alimentary canal, for which he had formerly been under treatment at the Massachusetts General Hospital a long time. “I can establish a communication between her and others, either by will or by contact. This I have done with six or eight persons at a time, having them join hands. I have been careful to ascertain that a communication may thus be es- tablished without the aid of the wTill. In support of the theory of some physiologists, that there is a nervous fluid, of an extremely subtile character, by the agen cy of which the brain and the nerves are enabled to perform their peculiar functions, I will add, that a much longer time is requisite to establish a communication with several persons than with one; and it is not destroyed for about the same length of time after I let go the hand of the one farthest from the som- 440 nambulist. It likewise requires a longer time to establish a communication with some persons than with others. This part of the subject, however, needs further investigation than I have yet been able to give it. “Mrs. M. has been afflicted with painful affections of a distressing character, and chronio disease, which seemed to bid defiance to the whole catalogue of remedies in the matei'ia medica, but -which have been much relieved by the use of Magnetism as a remedy. In truth, she seems to be fast re- covering the health of former years. “ The fourth subject on whom I experimented, was put into the somnambulic state at the second trial. I have, in this case, once or twice, obtained decided evidence in favor of clairvoyance. She was in the magnetic sleep -j- her eyes closed. I took a newspaper from my pocket, I had just got at the office, and handed it to her. She began to read it. A lady present then so blinded her eyes as to be perfectly cer- tain she could not see the least thing if awake, and yet she continued to read. I could not have informed her mentally, for I had not read it; and she afterwards told me she had not before seen it. I have frequently relieved this patient of in- tense pain by the use of Magnetism. A short time before she was magnetized, she applied to me for advice, assuring me that, for nearly or quite a year previously, she had been afflicted with a constant headache, and had used leeches and other remedies, without much effect. After being mag- netized a few times, she said her headache was cured. It was six or eight months since, and she has had no return of a permanent headache. “I have magnetized several other individuals of both sexes. A little boy, aged five years, was put into a profound sleep-in fifteen the first trial. Also, two little girls were magnetized about as easily; but with none of these have the experiments been continued. A young man was so far magnetized, the first trial, that he was utterly un- able to keep his eyes open, but did not sleep. The same ef- fect, with slight sleep, was produced upon a gentlemen who is engaged in investigating the subject. Probably further experiments would produce the state of somnambulism him. APPENDIX. APPENDIX. 441 “I have one other distinct case of somnambulism; but I could add nothing new with regard to it that would be of special interest. “I have, in this statement of facts relative to magnetic phenomena, and the cure of disease, far out-written my own prescribed limits. I have necessarily written hastily, but With an ardent desire that the whole truth may be known relative to so mysterious and deeply-interesting a subject, I submit it to your disposal. ‘ I am, dear sir, “ Very truly yours, “Samuel A. Toothaker.” FROM MONSIEUR E. F. BUGARD.* “Boston, November 10, 1837. “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn: “Dear Sir: I have just received your favor of the 7th inst. Only two of my cases have been published. One of these was the first given to the public in this part of the country —that of Mrs. Russell, of this city, which appeared in the ‘Boston Medical and Surgical Journal,’of the precise date of which I am ignorant, and I have no copy to send you. “ Although I am much interested in the subject, I am sorry to be obliged to say that I have been prevented from devoting to it the attention it deserves. The little information I can * Mons. Bugard is now attending lectures in Boston, with the design of entering the medical profession. And, as his course of preparatory studies will soon he finished, he has a right to be placed here among the physicians who have been so kind as to furnish the communications embraced in this note. He will have the advantage of carrying into his profession the prac- tice of Magnetism, which places one more agent in the hands of medical men—calculated not to mpersede the use qf remedies, but to aid their opera- tion. If any one deires to know how far this practice obtains in the north of Europe, he will find a brief account, and some references to foreign authori- ties, in the work of Dr. Poyen, recently published, entitled “ Progress of Animal Magnetism in New England?'—a work which, from the great vari- ety of facts which it contains, is highly interesting, and, from the great number of respectable names avouching them, is worthy of confidence. Of Dr. Poyen’s fidelity, those who know him well do not entertain a doubt. He labors under the disadvantage of having introduced a subject entirely new to the unlettered, and of having been most liberally vilified by men who misunderstood his character. 442 APPENDIX. give you shall be cheerfully granted. It will consist of a few facts only. As to the names of the persons alluded to in them, I do not feel authorized to give more than the initial letters for publication; but, on personal application, I shall be happy to give any one whatever proofs he may desire. “One day, in the fall of 1835, I was requested to magnet- ize Mrs. R., a widow lady of almost forty years of age, who had been, for several years, afflicted with the tic douloureux in the lower part of the spine, and with palpitations of the heart. When I went to see her, she had not for a fortnight left her chamber, which was in the fourth story, and she could not move, without assistance, from her bed to her chair, or from her chair to her bed. She wished to be mag- netized, because all other remedies had proved of no avail; but, being entirely ignorant of what Magnetism is, she had merely fallen in with the suggestion of some one that it might prove beneficial to her. After I had magnetized her only three times, she was so much better that she was able to go down into her kitchen, and attend to her daily occupations. At the fourth or fifth sitting, she became a somnambulist Her health improved so much and so rapidly, that, on the day succeeding the seventh sitting, although she was not perfectly cured, she found herself so well that she went on a visit to Salem, where some of her relations resided. One day, after putting this lady into somnambulism, I re- quested her daughter, a girl about nine years of age, to speak to her. She addressed her mother several times, calling aloud; but receiving no answer, she burst into tears, thinking her mother to be dead. I took her little hand, and, placing It in the hand of her mother, told her to speak to her again. Her mother immediately answered lmr call, and the countenance of the child beamed with joy at the certainty of her being alive. “ This lady was prevailed upon to take another magnetizer, because I refused to make her an object of exhibition to the curious. But her health, instead of improving, grew worse, and her new magnetizer, Dr. D., who magnetized her merely for the purpose of making experiments, would have unmercifully sent her to the grave, had she not refused 10 continue the treatment. I mention this circumstance, be- APPENDIX. 443 cause it affords a striking proof of what is observed by Deteuze in his • Practical Instruction,’ as well as by other authors relative tc the dangers that frequently attend the change of a former successful magnetizer. ' Last tu umer was a year since I was requested to mag. netize Mrs. F , who, with other affections, had a pain between the shoulders. At the second sitting, she experienced a sen- sation like the pain moving about, following the motion of my hands. She soon lost herself in a sleep, or at least in a partial sleep, and I left her. The pain left her too, for she felt u no more "At another time, this lady was suffering from the tic dou- loureux in the face. In the afternoon, when I came in to give a lesson in French to her two daughters, she was in the same room with us and in such an agony that I offered to relieve her by the use of Magnetism. She assented to the trial. She had been magnetized hardly ten minutes, when I thought she was sound asleep but she opened her eyes, and said that her pain had subsided. I then left her, to attend to the French lessons which being finished, I requested one of the young ladies to see how her mother was, she having retired into another room. She went, and returned, saying that her mother was entirely free from pain. I understand that she has not been attacked since, though she had formerly suffered pretty often. "About a year ago, I had occasion to magnetize Mrs. L., a French lady, who, for many years, had been afflicted with violent periodical headaches, with excessive vomitings, and some more serious affections. The day after the first sitting, she felt much better, and she continued to improve very rap- idly. However, on the morning of the sixth or seventh day of her treatment, at about 10 o'clock, her husband came to tell me that his wife had a violent headache, and a very great disposition to vomit. I immediately repaired to see her. She was sitting by the fire, having prepared some tea to aid the tendency I magnetized her head onty, before she had taken anything She soon felt better, and in half an hour the pain had almost subsided. I left her. In the evening, I returned, and found her very well. She said she had not vomited, and, at 1 o’clock, she had dined with a very good appetite. 444 APPENDIX. What is most to be remarked in this case is, that, before being magnetized, whenever such a headache took her, it never subsided until she had vomited to exhaustion. “About a year ago. I was called on by Mr. H., who re- quested me to magnetize his wife. This lady was suffering severely with the tic douloureux in the face. She had been more or less affected with it for several years, and had now suffered for several weeks, without finding any relief in the remedies of the best physicians of this city. I magnetized her several times without much apparent effect during the operation, but she slept much better afterwards. I think she was put asleep only twice, though I magnetized her about fifteen times. Her health, however, was gradually improv- ing; the tic douloureux had subsided; and last week she told me, in the presence of several persons, that it had not re- turned. “It is not quite a year since I was requested by a gentle- man, a Mr. Y., to magnetize him. For two or three years, he had had an affection of the stomach,, and been treated as a dyspeptic. His physician finally declared his case to be the tic douloureux, and not the dyspepsia. He had been in a state of constipation for nearly a month. 1 magnetized him only five times. The day after the first sitting, he felt much better, and had satisfactory evacuations. His health im- proved so much that he renounced the project he had formed of going to Cuba for his restoration. I would observe that it is not true that Magnetism always has the effect of filling the heart with tender and grateful sentiments' for this Mr. V. has not yet come to my rooms to thank me for the good I have done him, although he found the way thither to request my services. “One evening, last winter, I went to see my friends, Dr. Benjamin H. West and Dr. Ruel W. Lawton, who boarded together, and occupied the sam£\dom. Some refreshments were brought in during my visit. Early in the evening, Dr. L. said to me: “ ‘ Monsieur Bugard, I know that you have magnetized several persons; I wish you would give me some information on the subject of Magnetism; I should like to have my mind satisfied; I do not know what to think of it.’ APPENDIX. 445 “ ‘ Well,’ said I, ‘ I can add but very little to wliat has been published on the subject; but, if you are willing, I will try to magnetize you' “Although I think it very wrong to magnetize a person in good health, I made him this proposal the more readily be- cause his constitution is rather feeble. “ ‘Very well,’ replied he. “ I began to magnetize him. For a quarter of an hour, he seemed much inclined to laugh; but I soon perceived I could produce an effect upou him. I therefore continued the manipu- lations, and in less than half an hour from the time of commencing he was perfectly asleep. Whilst he was in that state, Dr. West and I indulged ourselves in demolishing the refreshments. About a quarter of an hour had elapsed, when Dr. Lawton wildly opened his eyes. “ I immediately put my right hand on the pit of his stom- ach, exerting my will to put him asleep. This was done in less than half a minute. Then Dr. West and I went on de- molishing as before; and ten minutes had hardly elapsed when Dr. L. opened his eyes upon us. “ I again placed my right hand upon his epigastrium, and my left on his thigh, grasping it near the knee, putting forth the power of volition: and again Dr. L. went to sleep in less than no time. “ On his awaking, about ten minutes afterwards, I asked him what he thought then of Magnetism. ‘Well, sir, my scepticism is rather shaken,’ was the reply. “ Receive the expressions of consideration with which I am “Your most obedient servant, “B. P. Bugard.” FROM DR. BENJAMIN HASKELL.* “Dear Sir: I owe you an apology for not replying to your letter before. But the truth is, it was not in my power “Boston, October 20,1837. * I wrote to Dr. Haskell, in relation to the case of natural somnambulism which occurred at Gloucester, Mass., in 1834. I wished to ascertain whether the subject of that case had ever been brought under the influence of Mesmerism, as three other similar cases have been. I deem his reply worthy of attention, as it embraces an qpinion which is important, if cor- 446 APPENDIX. to send you anything satisfactory relative to the inquiries you saw fit to make. And as I was in expectation of receiving some further details from a brother of mine residing in Glouces- ter, whom I had commissioned to make inquires of Mr. Blatchford, in particular, on those points which had a bear- ing on Animal Magnetism, your object, as well as mine, would be best answered by delay. Yesterday, I heard from him; but he had not seen, nor was likely to see, him for some time. When anything comes to my knowledge, calcu- lated to throw light on this intricate subject, I will forward it without delay, that it may obtain all the publicity possi- ble. In the meanwhile, as you seem somewhat desirous of knowing my views on it, I shall take the liberty to express them without reserve. There is nothing unphilosophical in supposing that somnambulism may be induced by an agency transmitted from one individual to another. At the same time, whenever and however it takes place, it is a disease, and, like all nervous disorders, has not only a tendency to recur, but to superinduce other diseases of the same class. I cannot but regard the practice of it as injurious to those on whom it is exercised, and, when its nature is fully under- stood, as morally wrong, except in those cases in which it is made use of as a remedial agent. You have my permission to insert this opinion in a note to your translation, and combat it if you think it erroneous. I have never magnetized any one, nor have I made myself acquainted with the steps by which it is done. The interest which I have taken in it is not practical, tat theoretical. Yours respectful!y> “Mr. Thomas. C. Hartshorn." Haskell. rect, and which deserves weight from the scientific attainments of him who advances it. The case of young Blatchford is given in a communica- tion to the editor of the “ Boston Medical and Surgical Journal,” of June 34, 1837, by Dr. Haskell. Dr. H. is also the author of an ingenious article on Animal Magnetism which appeared in the same journal, September 20, 1837. APPENDIX, 447 NOTE XXXII. SEEING THROUGH OPAQUE SUBSTANCES. FROM ISAAC THURBER, ESQ, “ Providence, November 4,1837. “Dear Sir: I take the opportunity, which a few mo- ments of leisure now afford me, to give you an account of a recent visit of Miss B., the blind young lady, to my house. As I suppose you to desire an account merely of the phenom- ena then exhibited while under the magnetic influence, I shall notice briefly the facts in relation to them only. Miss B. came to my house on the morning of the 28th of Octo- ber, with a view to pass the day with my family: at about the close of the day, she was put into the magnetic sleep by Dr. C. At first, she appeared to be in a state entirely sense- less; from this apparent slumber she was aroused by having her attention directed to the objects around her. Dr. C. then left her in communication with myself and family, with directions to awake precisely at 6 o’clock. During this interval; Miss. B. appeared cheerful, much disposed to con- verse, and, at times, quite playful. While in conversation, she expressed adesire to examine the arrangement of the house, the furniture, etc. In passing through the different rooms, she noticed and moved various articles. She was then conducted into a dark room, in which the largest ob- jects could not be discerned by any one who was not pos- sessed of more than ordinary powers of vision. On being requested to give the time by the clock which was in the room, she immediately stepped to the corner in which the clock stood, and replied, ‘ It is twenty-three minutes past five.’ The answer wTas correct. I then asked her if she saw any other object in the room. She replied, ‘I am looking at the pictures.’ ‘What pictures?’ ‘This one over the fire- place.’ The picture alluded to is composed of various emblems, together with a certificate of membership to an insti- tution in this town. Miss B. described the emblems of jus- tice, wealth, industry, and also the certificate, and mentioned the niace in the picture which each of them occupied. When speaking of the emblem of wealth, I requested her to place 448 APPENDIX. my finger upon it. On admitting light into the room, I found my finger pointing to a small figure representing Wealth dispensing her gifts from the horn of plenty I would here state that Miss B. was never before in this room, and was entirely ignorant of the furniture which it contained. “Having obtained the evidence of ciairvoyance 1 gave her a sealed paper containing a sentence, which I requested her to read She held the paper to the side of her head for the space of about one minute and then returned it to me without apparently noticing its contents. No further notice was taken of the letter during her sleep. Some time after she awoke, she gave the substance of the letter to one of my family. This being communicated to me. I requested Miss B to write down the sentence inside, that it might be pre sented, in her own handwriting, to a company that wouid meet with her at Mr. J. M.'s on the following evening; at which time the sentence was so presented, in the following words: ‘In these latter days as m former times the blind re- ceive their sight.' The letter was then brought forward, the seals of which until this time had not been broken, neither had the sentence or any part of it been communicated to any indi vidual. It was opened by Rev Mr. Stetson, of Medford in presence of Rev. E. B Hall, of this city, Mr Jesse Metcalf, and a number of others, and found to contain the same sen tence as that written by Miss B., differing only in the spell- ing of two words. The sentence was written on a slip of paper, and this placed between two pieces of sheet lead, the whole enclosed in an envelope in a letter form. ‘Yours, etc., '* Isaac Thurber. “ Mr. T C. Hartshorn.” FROM MR. GEORGE HUNT. *• Providence. November 22,1837. “ Mr. Thomas C Hartshorn “Sir Having heard much of the -wonderful powers of Miss Brackett, under die magnetic influence and being rather sceptical as to her ability to see and describe objects that were previously unknown to her and aiiwno were in attendance— believing, at the time, that she did not see the real object of APPENDIX. 449 her description as it existed, but the mere image of it in the mind of her magnetizer or in the minds of those who were in communication with her—I was induced to try the experi- ment alluded to in your note. “ I took a wooden box, made of half-inch stock, measuring eight inches by fourteen, perfectly tight, and tilled it with various articles curiously arranged. I presented it to Mr. Metcalf for Miss B.’s inspection. On inquiring about the re- sult of her examination, I was informed that she took the box, and held it over her head, and saw a great variety of dried pressed leaves, and some flowers. Dr. Capron requested her to enter the box, which she effected through the key-hole, or the top—I do not remember which—and then mentioned two books, one pamphlet with a blue cover, onecard, marked L. M., and a substance that looked like tow, which I suppose was the bird’s nest made use of on this occasion, the greater part of which was made ot tow. She said there were many other things in the box, but the air was so confined that it troubled her to breathe, and she was obliged to come out. “ Her description, so far as it went, was correct, except as to the nest. In this, however, she was correct as to the sub- stance she saw. In the conclusion of her remarks on the box and contents, she seemed to think it belonged to some old maid. The result of this experiment is in every way sat- isfactory to me, so far as it goes, inasmuch as no one knew the contents of the box except myself. Every article was packed close, so that no one could have formed any conception of what the box contained by shaking, or otherwise disturbing It. If these facts wiL aid you, you are welcome to them. “Yours respectfully, “ George Hunt.” In the eighth note of part first, several instances of the power of producing paralysis are given; and I there stated that the power gained by the practice of Magnetism may be found effectual in producing it without having a communication previously established. The following letter from Dr. Knox, of New York, gives well-authenticated evidence that the con- jecture was not unfounded: 450 APPENDIX. FROM DR. KNOX. “Providence, September24, 1837. “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn: “Dear Sir: You requested me to communicate to you some facts in Animal Magnetism which 1 had observed. Al- though I cannot certainly attach much importance to them, yet, if you can make any use of them, they are perfectly at your service. “A few evenings since, being in company where the sub- ject of Animal Magnetism—at present so engrossing a theme —was the topic of conversation, I -was requested to magnet- ize some person present for the amusement of the company. This I declined, remarking, at the same time, that I had fre- quently known peculiar sensations produced locally by the magnetic passes, and offering to make the attempt. In this, much beyond my own expectation, and to the amusement of the company, I was completely successful. The magnetic operations, continued during two minutes, produced com- plete palsy of the left arm. Besides the complete anni- hilation of muscular power, the arm lost, to a certain de- gree, its sensibility, and its temperature was somewhat reduced. The firm health and previous scepticism of the subject of this experiment conspired to render the result remarkable; while her unquestionable veracity, her eloquent look of surprise, and her reiterated assertions, precluded all suspicion of imposition. There were present, on this oc- casion, Dr. Parsons, and General Greene, of Providence. “ I have frequently made the same experiment, and, in the majority of cases, some peculiar sensations have been the re- sult; generally a sense of weight in the arm, a degree of im- mobility, when compared with the other arm, and, though less frequently, a sense of pricking, such as occurs when the arm or foot is said to be asleep. Whether these results are the product of an excited imagination, or a direct influence of the will of the magnetizer, I shall not attempt to decide. At the same time, I must candidly avow that a scepticism, somewhat more than philosophical, with which I com- menced the investigation of the claims of Animal Magnetism, has been vanquished by facts which I have witnessed (and APPENDIX. 451 less than ocular demonstration I did not feel inclined to ad mit), and by the curious results which, in a diversity ot cases, have followed my own experiments. I do not wish to be understood as declaring my belief in all that magnetizers or their patients, much less the retailers at second-hand of magnetic miracles, have asserted. Much allowance must be made for credulity, a love of the marvelous, and that pro- pensity, so common, to make the most of the easy faith of our neighbors. Yet, after all these deductions, I apprehend there will remain a residuum of unimpeachable testimony for facts which have hitherto been considered as warring with the laws of nature, and as possible only on the supposition of miraculous interposition. “By the politeness of Dr. Capron, I have had several op- portunities of seeing Miss Brackett, whose case he has de- tailed in the first number of your translation. To test the lucidity of this somnambulist, I resorted to an experiment which had previously been frequently tried, and, according to the assertions of the most respectable witnesses, with com- plete success. I wrote a note of four lines, directed to Miss Brackett, to the contents of which she could have no pos- sible clew. I enclosed it in two envelopes, so that the writ- ing was covered by four folds of paper. I sealed it with four wafers and four wax seals, and impressed it with a peculiar device. No light, however strong, could render it possible to discover that there was anything written within. This was left with the somnambulist, and two days- after Dr. Capron returned it to me with the contents of the note writ- ten on the outer envelope, with the exception of one word, which she could not decipher. This was, no doubt, owing to the illegible character of the handwriting, as, on opening it, I was convinced I could not have read it myself but from recollection. She likewise wrote ‘ sentiments’ instead of ‘selections’—another mistake certainly attributable to the same cause. The note contained seventeen words, which were known to no one but myself. It was returned as it was given, without the slighest appearance of having been handled or crumpled. The supposition of the removal or opening of the seals was out of the question. The idea that the discovery was a happy conjecture is absurd. _ To resort 452 APPENDIX. to a mathematical expression, the chance of such a solu- tion being unity, no number short of infinity could represent the opposite chances. Such facts as these, I grant, require for their establishment a mass of evidence, great in propor- tion to their marvellous character. Yet such a weight of testimony is rapidly accumulating, if it does not already exist, as must shake the incredulity of the most sceptical. The denial that any proof can establish such facts, involves principles no less dangerous than those by which the cele- brated Hume vainly sought to overthrow the evidence of Christianity. .'Respectfully yours, “J. R. Knox.” NOTE XXXIII. INSENSIBILITY TO PAIN. FROM DR. ESTEN. “ Providence, November 13,1837. "Dear Sir,—In the appendix of Deleuze, I find it given in the notes as an opinion that the somnambulist always appears to know what the magnetizer is doing, and therefore he can- not perform a surgical operation without producing pain. I am led by the experiments which I have tried, to think this is not always the case. I think the patient, in the som- nambulic state, may sometimes know what the magnetizer is doing, even while he is performing a surgical operation, and may assist in the operation, and still be insensible to pain. This perhaps depends very much upon the degree of sym- pathy which the operator has for his patient—a sympathy that induces apprehensions lest the patient should suffer under the operation. “ On the 28th of October ultimo, a lady, in company with a friend of hers, called on me to have some teeth filled. One, in particular, was so badly decayed, and so sensitive, that the touch of an instrument produced severe pain, so much so that she could not endure to have it filled until she waa magnetized. Knowing that she had been frequently magnet- ized, I obtained permission to make use of it on this occa- APPENDIX. 453 sion, to ascertain whether I could or could not perform the operation without producing pain. I threw her into the magnetic sleep in about live minutes. I then removed that entire portion ot the tooth which was carious, without re- garding the nerve or membrane, and filled the cavity. Dur- ing the whole time, she showed no indications of pain. She appeared to know everything I was doing, talked about the operation, opened her mouth when I approached her with an instrument, and closed it again when I withdrew it. I asked her if the operation was painful, and she said it was not in the least. " The pain of removing the carious portion of a tooth, where the nerve and membrane are exposed, as in this case, is greater than that of extracting the tooth. I should not have filled this tooth, on account of the insufferable pain that would have naturally attended the work, and which would have followed it, had the patient not been magnetized. “ I filled twTo or three other teeth while the patient was in the somnambulic state; but the one to which particular refer- ence has been made above, is the only one that would naturally be attended with much pain. Before I awoke her, I inquired if the tooth ached; she said it did not, and that it was perfectly easy. On being awaked, she immediately clapped her hand to her face, and said her tooth ached. I advised her to keep the filling in, to give it a trial, and see if it would not stop aching. The next evening, she sent for me, and informed me that her tooth had continued to ache ever since it was filled, and was then aching violently. I re- moved the filling, and applied some kreosote, but without producing the desired effect. The tooth continued to ache violently. She was afterwards magnetized; and, while in that state, she asked for a knitting-needle, which was given her. She heated the needle, and thrust it into her tooth with her own hand, for the purnose of destroying the nerve. In this she was successful. Tito oneration which she performed with her own hands, she said, did not produce pain. “For further satisfaction, I cut around one of her teeth with a gum lancet while she was in the somnambulic state, and placed a pair of extracting instruments upon the tooth, and pulled quite hard, giving it a rotary motion with as mucl} 454 APPENDIX. force as the t#oth would bear without starting it. I asked her if what I had done did not hurt. She said she did not feel it, for I had not pulled any. She then took up the instru- ment which Iliad laid down, and wished to extract the tooth herself. I placed the instrument upon her tooth, when she seized it with both hands,, and pulled with so much force that I was obliged to exert my strength to prevent her from starting it. The instrument bore so hard upon the tooth and gums as to start the blood. She still said she felt no pain, and she certainly showed no indications of it. She bore the whole without changing countenance, or moving a muscle that indicated pain. “ I think I could have extracted cither of her teeth with- out her being sensible of pain, but did not wish to sacrifice a tooth to gratify curiosity. “ When she was in my office the first time, I had occasion to take an artificial tooth from a small box in a closet, which had been shut, and into which she could not have looked had she been awake, and in the chair where she then was. She immediately told me that I had taken it from a box in the closet, and, rising up, she carried it back to the same box, although there were several others filled with the same sort of teeth. “ Yours respectfully, “W. T. Esten.” NOTE XXXIY. FROM MR. AMERICTTS Y. TOTTER. “Dear Sir: I embrace the first opportunity to give you the information you asked in regard to the effects of Magnetism upon men. I am not prepared to speak positively about the relative susceptibility of the two sexes, as I have attempted to magnetize but few men; yeti think them the most diffi- cult to magnetize. I speak of susceptibility because I be- lieve the action depends as much upon a certain constitu- tional adaptation as upon the health of the subject. “ I magnetized Mr. Angell, a gentleman of Providence, o! “ Saratoga Springs, September 14,1837. ArrENDix. 455 about twenty-five, in good health, of a very active and rather nervous temperament. At the first sitting, I closed his eyes in about five minutes. Afterwards, I found no difficulty in doing it in about two, so that he could not open them. I have done it more than once at the distance of half a mile. I was never able to get him beyond this state, although I magnetized him six or eight times for the purpose. “ In five minutes, at the first sitting, I closed a gentleman’s eyes (Mr. Rogers, attorney), at Saratoga Springs, so that he cmld not open them. I have not attempted since. •‘In ordinary cases, when we wish to convince a man of the truth of anything, we desire and try to open his eyes. But, in this case, you will perceive I have taken a course clean con- trary. I convinced Mr. Rogers of my magnetic power by closing his eyes in spile of his teeth. To tell the truth, he yielded with a good grace, and he is now film in the faith. I trust no witling will infer from this that we mean to blind people merely to impose upon their imaginations, or that Mr. Rogers rushed blindly into a belief in Magnetism, without see- ing a reason for his sudden conversion. “After a sitting of about twenty minutes with a young man of our city, I found him unable to raise his hand, or even speak, with evident symptoms of somnambulism,although he was not asleep. After two more sittings, of about the same time, he progressed very sensibly, so much so that I could act considerably upon the muscles of his arm; yet I think it would take two or three more sittings to make this a perfect case. His health appears to be good, but he has a very slender constitution. “At the solicitation of a gentleman at Newport, I magnetized a very active colored man, a waiter at the Bellevue Hotel, of strong constitution and excellent health. In about forty minutes, he was unable to speak or move. I raised and ex- tended his arm at an elevation of about thirty degrees, and kept it there at will for more than fifteen minutes; although I asked him at several different times to drop his arm, he could not do it unaccompanied by my will. When the influence was thrown off, he did not know that his arm had been moved. I saw symptoms of somnambulism, but had no further op- portunity to continue the experiments. This man had never 456 APPENDIX. heard of Magnetism before. No other case occurs to my mind worth mentioning at this time.* “On my passage from Providence to this place, by the carelessness of the driver who was to take me at Springfield, I was left, and obliged to wait for the next day’s stage. Having seen an account, some four or five years since, of a girl who was a natural somnambulist at that place, I de- termined to see her, if she was to be found. 1 learned that Dr. Belden was her physician at the time. I called upon the doctor, and stated my business. He received me very courteously, and was perfectly willing to give me any information. On my declaring it to be my conviction that I could produce the same phenomena by magnetization, which she formerly exhibited in a natural way, he expressed his en- tire unbelief, yet was willing I should try the experiment, with the young lady’s consent. “ I found her to be a girl about the age of nineteen, and having the appearance of the most perfect health. I sat down before her, holding her thumbs, and in four minutes she was entirely insensible to all external objects, f “Dr. Belden informed me that the appearance of the girl was the same as formerly, when in that state, except that she is much more calm. There was some difficulty in wraking her. He appeared to express his conviction of the power of Magnetism, from the singular and striking effect pro- duced in this case. “ Since my arrival here,. 1 have been solicited to prove the existence of the magnetic power by magnetizing various in- dividuals. Among them was Mrs. F , about twenty-five years old, light complexion, hair, and eyes, the daughter of Judge Cowing. She had been subject to tic douloureux, but was not afflicted with it at the time. She possesses a fine mind and a cultivated taste. At the first sitting of twenty minutes, she experienced a sense of numbness. At the second sitting, the next day, in thirty minutes a state of * Since this letter was Written, Mr. Potter has magnetized several men. t In a letter from Dr. Belden to the translator, this statement is confirmed. Dr. Belden died in 1842. APPENDIX. 457 tranquillity was induced and a total loss of muscular power. At the third, the above symptoms were much increased The fourth sitting was at the house of Mr. J. W. Westcott. In twenty minutes, her eyes were closed, and she obeyed a mental request, by raising her hand several times. From this state, she passed into the most perfect ecstasy, with violent and energetic action of the hands and the muscles of her face, frequently exclaiming, 'O, what thoughts! if I could only clothe them in words! ’ The motion of her hands and the changes of her expression were as if she were acting some part in a tragedy. Sometimes she hurst into violent screams of laughter. After throwing off the influence, she continued in the same state for about an hour, till it gradually wore off, and she was enabled to go home. Before it wore off, her eyes being wide open, she continued the motions of the hands and watched them, without being able to stop them, conversing, at the same time, upon other subjects. She sat down and played upon the piano, without experiencing any difficulty; but, as soon as she left off playing, the motions re- turned, though less violently. “ The next sitting was attended with the same results, but of much shorter duration. Mr. Westcott and lady, and four or five others, were present. “My next patient was Miss Maria Read, sixteen years of age the 4th of July last, under the medical attendance of Dr. Steele. I understood, from Dr. Allen, that she had suffered a total prostration of strength, and great nervousness, so that she could not hold anything in her hand. She was troubled, moreover, with an obstruction, and a loss of appetite. Dark complexion and eyes. “ In twenty minutes, she went into a magnetic state, resem bling natural sleep. She would not answer the questions of others or of myself. Sometimes she would answer me in a low whisper. Other persons could rouse her by a noise, but not by speaking to her. She was magnetized once a day for ten or fifteen days. The effect upon her. as I am informed by her mother and herself, is a re-establishment of the strength of her nerves, and an improvement in her general health. “At Saratoga, I put the lady of General Smith asleep in fifteen minutes. For some time, she was unable to speak, 458 APPENDIX. but, when I commenced waking her, she requested me to let her remain in that state, because she felt so happy.’ At 1 o’clock, she wished to remain until dinner-time, which was at 2 ' I then asked her husband to inform me, at 2 o’clock, if everything was not right. When the bell rang for dinner, General Smith went to her room, took Mrs. S. by the hand, and went down to the table, where she was immediately taken ill He went back with her to her room, seated her, and re- turned to the tabie At 3 o clock he came to her room, and found her on the floor, nearly serflfcess, quite deranged, and suffering the most excruciating pain in the head, stomach, and bowels. He placed her upon the bed, and applied fric- tions over the chest and limbs, without giving relief. Al- though it roused her a little, she remained in the same state until 7 o’clock, when Mr. Hubbard chanced to meet me, and informed me that Mrs. S. was dangerously ill; but he did not ascribe it to Magnetism. I went forthwith to her room, where I found her as above described. I placed one hand upon her forehead, and the other upon her waist, and in five minutes she was entirely restored. General Smith should have informed me, as I had particularly requested him to, as soon as she was taken ill at dinner-time. ’ October 7th, Albany. Miss S , fair complexion, hair, and eyes. I drew my hand, for two minutes, from the shoul- der of the left arm to the ends of the fingers, slightly touch ing them. She complained of great sense of weakness in the arm. On the next Monday, at 9 o’clock in the morning, there was a pain in the muscle of the left forearm. This had con- tinued from the time I had magnetized it on Saturday, so that she was not able to raise any small weight or to use it. I re- stored the arm in five minutes, after a continued paralysis of thirty-six hours. “While in Albany, I got acquainted with Dr. March, who, as you well know, lectures on anatomy, and whose anatom- ical collection, by-the-by, is an exceedingly fine one. My friend, Mr. G., threw Dr. March’s little daughter, seven years old, into a magnetic sleep in about ten minutes, without touch- ing her, and without using the manipulations. To ascertain what effect could be produced at a distance, Mr. G. and Pro- APPENDIX. 459 fe-sor McKee being at the Temperance Hotel, and Dr. March being with the little girl at his own house, about fifty rods distant, he put her into somnambulism in five minutes. “This was only the fourth time of magnetizing her; and she not only did not know of the attempt, but Dr. March kept her reading. She dropped her book, and fell asleep. “A. K. Hadley, Esq., and another gentleman, a physician, both from Troy, were present. “She has since been magnetized in.the presence of Drs. James and George McNaughton, Dr. Peck, and about twenty others, of the first respectability. Dr. March put her to sleep easily. “Mr. G. also magnetized Mr. John Perry, in the presence of Governor Marcy, Mr. Attorney-General Butler, and several physicians, among whom was Dr. March. Sitting at the dis- tance of six feet from Mr. Perry, he began to magnetize him mentally. In five minutes, his eyes were set wide open, but he took no notice of things. In seven minutes, he closed them, and began to tremble nervously, and his whole frame to shake. The convulsions were violent, stamping and strik- ing with his fists, and they continued about half an hour. By placing the hand upon the bare neck and breast, and the upper part of the stomach, he finally succeeded in waking him, after carrying him out into the street.* "At the second sitting, I threw him into the same state, in presence of Professor McKee and Dr. March, and the effects were about the same. When spoken to, he would not an- swer He is an active, healthy, intelligent young man. "Judge Spreicker was also magnetized four times. He was so much affected as not to be able to answer any one but * Mesmer maintained that these convulsions were useful. lie endeavored to produce them, and the great power with which he was endued was thus exhibited in an extraordinary degree. Experience, however, has shown that they are sometimes attended with effects which are had, though neither fatal nor permanent. At present, the magnetizers use their influence sooth fngly, and find its effects salutary. Their patients are, howevei, sometimes thrown into convulsions, when the action is too great, or not sustained by firmness of purpose. The Messrs. Potter are abundantly able to prove the existence of the magnetic power. But to ascertain the true value of it as a means' of alleviating and curing the sick, demands incessant practice. They have been several times successfully employed hv physicians in this city to magnetize their patients.— Trans. 460 APPENDIX. Mr. G. The judge was an unbeliever even after seeing a case of somnambulism. He is now ready to testify to the power of this agent. “ At the house of Rev. Mr. Wycoff, in the presence of the principal of the Female Academy, Dr. James McNaughton, and others, I magnetized Miss Van N., about seventeen years of age, light hair, light eyes, and good health through life. She settled down from mirth and laughter, in five minutes, to a vacant stare, without winking. In a few minutes more she closed her eyes. There was a slight trembling of the frame. In fifteen minutes, she would answer no one but myself. She was awaked by reversed motions in thirty seconds. “ Yours, ' “Americus Y. Potter. “Mr. Thomas C. Hartshorn.” NOTE XXXV.— Page 219. Deleuze says that the influence of the magnetizer •will be felt even in the waking state. I have evidence of a very curious nature in proof of this assertion. Every one who takes the true way to convince himself of the existence of the agent called Mesmerism, that is, by at- tempting the proofs on individuals whose state of health he desires to benefit, will find nothing more common than this influence over somnambulists. Georget seems not to have known this, for he might have prevented the repugnance which his patients manifested when they were served with moxas and blisters of their own prescription. The reader is referred to the letter of Dr. Robbins, at the twenty-sixth note, for some curious results. In a subsequent letter, that gentleman states that he does not find the plan equally effica- cious with all. An inveterate attachment to tobacco in its various shapes has been entirely destroyed, though the pa- tient, a young medical student of about twenty years of age, knew nothing of the cause of it while in the ordinary state. Many weeks have elapsed, but I am informed that the attach- ment has not yet revived. It is not therefore so extraordinary that any article of food, APPENDIX. 461 when magnetized with the design of changing its taste, and presented to the somnambulist, should retain its induced qualities long after he is awakened from sleep. Any person who is n er :ly put in communication with one may do this to his own satisfaction, without saying a word of his inten- tion, even to the patient. I have tried this successfully, changing a piece of wheat bread into cake, a part of which was eaten immediately and- pronounced to be cake, and the next day the rest was eaten while the patient, who was blind, was in the ordinary state, and did not know that she had had the piece in her hand. How far the experiment would suc- ceed with one who possesses vision, I have never yet availed myself of my opportunities to ascertain. I have in the same manner imparted a peculiar taste to water. “Dr. Robbins has tried experiments of the same kind. One of these he relates in a recent note to me, which exhibits this power of transfusing tastes in a very striking degree. He gave one of his somnambulists a clove to eat, and told her to recollect, after waking, that she had eaten a piece of cinna- mon. On waking, she had some of it remaining in her mouth, and thought it was in reality cinnamon, while another clove which she ate had its proper taste. At another time, when she was asleep, he gave her a piece of aloes, not in- forming her what it was, and told her to have it taste on her awaking like liquorice. Observing it upon the table after waking, she mistook it for opium ; but, on being told to taste it, she did so, and recognized at once the nauseous sweet of liquorice. Such is one of the powers of this un- known agent. It changes the most disgusting bitter in the whole materia medica into the most intense sweet. If any one thinks these experiments were not made with sufficient care, it is easy for him to repeat them in many ways, if he can obtain the privilege of being put in communication with a somnambulist. ‘ ‘ There is another power closely allied to this, which is no less surprising. You can induce a desire for a particular species of food at a particular hour of the day. A trial of this was recently made by Dr. Cleveland, of Pawtuxet. The patient, without knowing anything about the influence which had been exerted the day before, called for the several 462 ArPEKDIX. articles which had been specified for each of the three daily meals. The patient’s want of appetite for several weeks in succession was the reason for pursuing this course, and it was completely successful. Dr. Cleveland once called upon another of his patients, who enjoyed a good appetite, and was anticipating a choice article of food for dinner. He advised "her to sleep an hour before dinner; and, while she was in the Mesmeric state, he told her that she must not eat of the dish she was anticipat- ing, but of another one, which he specified. On her awaking, no one being present but the nurse, who knew the doctor’s intention, she refused to partake of the viand, though it was urged upon her as being well prepared and palatable ; but she called for the substituted food, on which she dined with relish, without suspecting the cause of the change wrought in her appetite. Dr. Cleveland has also succeeded in several other experi- ments of a highly useful nature, the particulars of which I have in some letters from him which are now before me. One of these was to induce a spirit of charitable feeling towards an individual who had rendered himself an object of the pa- tient's hatred and indignation. Thus far the spirit of forgive- ness still prevails, although the somnambulist knows nothing about the influence exerted by the magnetizer to produce this happy result. Some other experiments have been made by him upon sev- eral somnambulists to excite cheerfulness, hope, and order, respectively, which were attended with success the most complete. I state these things not to excite the marvellousness of the reader, but with the design of enforcing the precepts of Deleuze, wherein, to the minds of men who are not suffi- ciently acquainted with the subject, he seems to be over- cautious; for instance, in the chapter on somnambulism, and especially in his chapter on the choice of a magnetizer That one could take advantage of the magnetic sleep, in some in- stances, to subserve an evil purpose, seems now to me un- questionable. But the physician has drugs of most potent effect, a drop or two of which would be immediate in its action, whether the recipient be in good or in bad health; APPENDIX. 463 while by the aid of Mesmerism, the process is slow, uncertain, and tedious, and seldom effective on persons who are not already prostrated by disease. The physician is one on whom we bestow our confidence in an especial manner, and there- fore we are careful, in the first place, to choose one on whom we can depend; having regard not wholly to his skill, but to certain qualities of the head and the heart which vindicate our choice. If the physician wre have chosen proposes to try Mesmerism in aid of his remedies, we do not require the exertion of greater confidence than we already repose in him, if we have been governed by the right motive, and have made no mistake in our choice. He is the proper person to employ this agent, provided he is in good health, and has the good sense to make a trial in spite of his prepossessions against it. Yet there are certain requisites in a magnetizer which we do not find in some physicians. I cannot do better than to recommend the reading of the two chapters referred to above. The principles advanced in them derive support from the facts embraced in this note, and from the experience of many physicians with whom I have conversed. Many men of sci- ence are heartily engaged in the investigation, not, I trust, with partisan feelings, but with the sincere desire of doing good; and at this very time, though the first excitement is nearly over, there are more somnambulists and more patients under treatment than at any previous period. They may be stated at several hundreds in this and the adjoining States. The number of somnambulists referred to in this appendix is upwards of sixty, leaving out those who are merely thrown into the Mesmeric state, who are much more numerous. END. NEW APPENDIX. NOTE XXXVI. LETTERS FROM PHYSICIANS. FROM DR. DOUGLAS. “ Hamilton N. Y. June 28, 1843. “Dear Sir I received yours of 21st inst. this day, and in compliance with your request, proceed to give you a detail of a few, out of many cases which have occurred under my own treatment, of the effects of Mesmerism upon disease. # “ Case first.—July, 1842, evening. I was called to visit Mrs. . I found her in the seventh month of pregnancy, and in severe labor, which had continued nearly all day. The pains were now as frequent as every four or five minutes, and very urgent. An examination showed the os uteri to be sufficiently dilated to admit the finger with considerable play, and the tense membrane was plainly felt. She had been, during the whole afternoon, much stupefied with opium, in the hope of deferring her confinement until my re- turn, having been absent during the day. She expressed a perfect determination to have nothing done to retard the progress of labor. She had been in the same condition in her last two pregnancies at the same period, and all the means employed to prevent premature delivery had only prolonged her suffering. She had sent for me to hasten, and not retard her delivery. Without saying anything, I laid my 465 466 NEW APPENDIX. hand carelessly outside of her dress, over the uterus. The first pain, after doing so, was obviously lighter, the second scarcely waked her, and the third did not appear. I re- mained an hour, during which she slept undisturbed. I di- rected the husband to repeat the process, if the pain returned. After expressing the confident belief that my hand could have had nothing to do with producing the result which had followed, he promised compliance. On visiting her the fol- lowing evening, I was informed by the husband that her pains had returned twice since my former visit, and he had found himself a better doctor than I, for he had perfectly stopped them in five minutes. They recurred a few times afterwards, and were allayed by the same means with the same facility. About two months from this period, she was delivered of a large and healthy child. “ Case second.—In May, 1843, I visited Mrs. , a young married lady, who had suffered one abortion at an early period. She was now at about the same period a second time, and had had regular labor pains for the last twelve hours. Knowing her to be very susceptible to the Mes- meric influence, I laid my hand over the uterus, and the next pain did not occur. She has had several attacks of la- bor pains since, and the hiisband informs me that she is so sensitive that she never has a single pain after he lays his hand upon her. “ Case third.—March 29, 1842. Visited Miss T., a girl of about ten or eleven years of age, who had been attacked, the previous day, with acute rheumatism, which had located in the knees, ancles and feet. These parts were swollen, hot, red, and intensely tender and painful. She had slept none the previous night, and was loudly crying with pain. The pulse was over 120, with thirst and hot skin. The slightest motion of the affected joints could not be borne. I re- quested the father to lay his hands on the affected part3 and make passes over them, expressing the hope that it would afford her relief. He chose to be excused from what he deemed so useless a process, but at length consented. In about five or six minutes she ceased to groan, and talked cheerfully, saying that her limbs did not ache at all. In NEW APPENDIX. 467 from ten to fifteen minutes, she was perfectly relieved, not only from pain, but tenderness also; and suffered her joints to be pressed and moved freely in every direction, declaring that there was not the slightest tenderness. About the mid- dle of the following night, the pain returned, and was re- moved by the same process with equal promptitude. Twenty- four hours from this, it again returned, and was removed to return no more. “ Case fourth.—In April last, I was attacked with rheu- matism of the feet. It increased during the day, and was so painful at night that I was unable to sleep. At three o’clock in the morning, the pain had become extremely intense, and I sent across the street for Dr. J. Babcock. He applied his hand and made passes over it for fifteen or twenty minutes, when the pain entirely subsided, leaving slight soreness in one joint. I resumed my ordinary in the morning, with slight lameness, which disappeared during the day without any recurrence of the pain. “Case fifth.—In the Spring of 1842, I suffered a bronchial attack, which, in the afternoon of the second day, had be- come severe, and was attended with tightness of the chest, great soreness of the chest and throat, shortness of breath, incessant and harrassing cough, considerable feverishness, and such a degree of hoarseness that it was difficult to emit a sound above a whisper. By the application of the same hand for about a quarter of an hour, to the throat and chest, I was so perfectly relieved of all these symptoms, that I could not as- certain from any feeling, that I had a cold or was in the slight- est degree unwell. I did not feel the least disposition to cough again during the evening or night, though I believe I did not pass five minutes during the previous afternoon without coughing. The change was palpable to others as well as myself, in the immediate and almost entire restoration of my voice. In the morning, the Mesmeric influence seemed to have passed off, and my disease resumed its course, but so much improved that I did not deem it neces- sary to trouble my friend for another application of the remedy. If I might be allowed to use such a form of expression, I would say that it was three-quarters cured. 468 NEW APPENDIX. 1 cannot doubt but another application would have rend- ered the cure complete. "Case sixth.—In March, 1843, I attended Miss , for a spinal affection. It was extremely tender—very slight pressure producing intense pain on the spot, and in distant parts of the system connected by nervous communication with the parts of the spine pressed, and faintness. By passing the hand over the spine for a few minutes, the tenderness was entirely removed, so that any degree of pressure was borne without inconvenience I then proceeded to make two long and deep issues with caustic potash, one on each side of the spine. During the whole operation, she declared that she did not suffer the slightest pain, but the same sensation of pleasure which she experienced from the passage of my hand m Mesmerizing Just at the close of the operation, she complained of sickness of stomach, an effect which I have often witnessed, On Mesmerizing the back, unless some passes are made at the same time over the stomach. The most se- vere pain from these issues was subsequently at any time re- moved in a few moments, by some one passing the hand over them. “ Case seventh.—In February, 1843,1 visited Miss , under the following circumstances. She had been troubled for two or three years with a chronic affection of the stomach, at- tended with indigestion and vomiting of her food. She had recently been attended by a quack, who had pursued a stim ulatmg treatment This had brought on acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and bowels, attended with uncontrollable vomiting and diarrhoea. After some days the inflammation had extended to the serous mem brane, attended by obstinate constipation, and great pain and tumefaction of the bowels. When I saw her, she had vomited aimost incessantly for ten days, retaining nothing upon the stomach, she had had no evacuations from the bowels for four or five days, and the tumefaction was as great as the integuments would admit. The pain was constant and terribly severe. Other symptoms were alarming. The face was pale and sunken, and covered with a clammy sweat —the pulse was a weak and almost undistinguishable flutter. NEW APPENDIX. 469 Standing by the bed-side, and reflecting with great anxiety upon the probable impotency of medicine in such a state of things, it being extremely probable that mortification was about to take place, or was already taking place, I almost un- consciously and from habit, laid my hand upon her stomach and made passes over it and the bowels. In a few minutes she ceased groaning, and on being asked if she was easy, she replied, ‘easier.’ In a few minutes after, on being asked again she replied, ‘ perfectly easy, and my sickness at stomach is gone.’ Her pulse became distinct and full, and her face, from a deathly paleness, became flushed. I proposed giving her a dose of castor oil, but was assured that that article was always very nauseous to her. I however turned out a full dose, raised her head and presented it to her, requesting her to take it. She swallowed it deliberately, sipping it clean from the cup, without manifesting the least dislike. She lay apparently asleep, and at perfect ease, for about four hours, when she waked and soon made an effort to vomit. This sickness was at once allayed by the same means, and the oil repeated. During the night it produced its desired effect, and every immediately alarming symptom had disappeared. By the daily application of Mesmerism, she was in a few days tolerably comfortable. But the bowels, though comparatively free from pain, retained the tenderness and tumefaction. I had often removed the tenderness in a few minutes, and there I had stopped. Continuing the process a little longer than usual one day, I was surprised to observe an obvious dimi- nution of the fulness. Continuing it some time longer, I was more surprised to find it disappear altogether. Their pres- ent softness and flatness contrasted very strangely with the former fulness, extreme hardness and distention. This was often repeated afterwards, with uniformly the same result— the great fulness and hardness being perfectly removed in about fifteen minutes, leaving the abdomen entirely flat and soft This process was repeated, till the tendency to fulness and tenderness was overcome. Since that time, other cases, of great tumefaction from inflammation of bowels, removed in the same manner, have come under my observation. The above patient, under the daily influence of Mesmerism, finally recovered fyom her superinduced attack of acute disease and 470 NEW APPENDIX. her original chronic affection. I have no hesitation in attrib- uting to this agent the preservation of her life. “ The above are a few ordinary examples illustrative of a most important fact in Mesmerism, viz., the power of that agent to annihilate irritability or sensibility to pain, and thus to remove one of the most powerful exciting causes of a con- tinuation of disease, and one of the most obstinate obstacles in the way of its removal. It supplies a desideratum in medi- cine. “At the time of addressing you in 1839, I was in the in- cipient stage of inquiry, with a variety of phenomena which I had elicited, and which surprised and puzzled me. Unac quainted with any practical magnetist, I was under the necessity of prosecuting, to some extent, an independent course of inquiry, which has gradually cleared away the difficulties, and led to many clear and definite results. My little work on Mesmerism was intended to give the practical information I possessed at the time of its publication, and supply the place, at less trouble, of the numerous letters I was obliged to write in answer to inquiries addressed to me. I will send you a copy. It may, to some extent, answer some of your inquiries. Since its publication, my greatly increased experience discovers many imperfections in it, and some errors. It has, however, more than answered my ex- pectations in directing the attention of the community, and especially of the medical profession, to the subject. “ The cases of disease of various character to which I have applied Mesmerism with benefit, are innumerable. I have never seen an amputation under its influence, but I have performed a large number of minor and every-day operations by its aid without pain, as cupping on tender places upon which the least pressure could not be made without pain before magnetizing, the insertion of setons, making large and deep issues with caustic potash, blistering in irritable habits, etc, “I have witnessed the most surprising relief and cures in all of the following diseases, viz.: asthma, (a perfect cure of the most distressing breathing in fifteen minutes); colds at- tended with great hoarseness, sore throat, tightness of the NEW APPENDIX. 471 lungs, and distressing cough; angina pectoris (a perfect cure in a few minutes); acute rheumatism (many striking and sur- prising cases); inflammation of the bowels, gastritis, dyspep- sia, spinal irritation, after-pains of the most severe character, headache, dysmenorrhoea, toothaches, universal pain attend- ing attacks of fever, extreme and painful fatigue, habitual sleeplessness, etc. “ Respectfully jours, ••Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” "J- s- DouoI-A8- FROM DR. BARRETT. “ Fokkestvelle, N. Y., June 14, 3S43. “ Sir: I am gratified to learn that you are engaged in the work of which you speak. I have paid some attention to the subject, but have had access to no very extensive work. I am satisfied that it has claims vihich but few medical men at present duly appreciate. I have performed no amputation on a person in the Mesmeric state, although I have the most perfect confidence that it may be done. “ I will briefly state to you such, cases as have come under my notice; and shall be happy if.I can do anything to aid you in the furtherance of your object. “Miss E. J., aged 18, was attacked in January last with pleurisy. On being magnetized, the breathing became easy and free; but the pain and difficulty of breathing returned on her being restored to consciousness. She was again magnet- ized, and bled until some degree of faintness was manifest, without her being conscious of anything having been done; only she felt much better. She was then put into the Mes- meric state again; and a blister plaster, six by eight inches, ap- plied to the side, which remained six hours; at the end of which time it was found to have drawn and filled well. It was removed, and a dressing given; she, during the time, apparently enjoyed quiet sleep, and perfectly unconscious of having been bled or blistered. The incision made on bleed- ing, was without soreness, which was quite different from those made in the waking state, as the case wras a severe one and required repeated bleedings. “ I am satisfied the cure was much facilitated by bringing 472 new appendix. to my aid Magnetism. She was afterward afflicted with the teethache; I extracted a large molar tooth, and she was not conscious of it; nor did she miss it until some half hour when her attention was directed to it. Miss S. E. also had a molar tooth extracted while in the Mesmeric state without being conscious of it, or even moving a muscle—the soreness in either case following the operation was trifling compared to what it had been when they had had teeth extracted before. “ Miss E. C. has been afflicted with spinal irritation for several years, so much so that she has been confined to her bed for several months; she could not bear the least pressure about the spine. On being magnetized she could be scarified and cupped without any pain, and it only to magnetize the part to which I wished to apply the cup. “ A son of Mr. G., 14 years old, had been subject to nat- ural somnambulism, in which the organs of self-esteem and combativeness seemed to be the most active, though in char- acter he was naturally diffident. In these paroxysms he would pay no respect to age; whatever came in his way he consid- ered himself equal to, as regards mental and physical powers. These paroxysms would last from two to four hours. What- ever attempts were made to arouse him served to excite his combative feelings, .and he was ready to encounter anything that came in his way. The paroxysm could be brought on at any time when he was asleep, by partially arousing him and leaving him to himself for a few minutes. He would get up and put something on him, sometimes his clothes, at others some portion of the bedclothes, and present himself wherever the family were. The first time that he was at- tempted to be magnetized in these paroxysms, the effect was but partial; on the second attempt the effect was fully pro- duced; and by exciting other portions of the brain, he became perfectly quiet, and has not had a paroxysm since, now three mont^s- “Tours, in much haste. “Mr T C Hartshorn ” “ Solomon Barrett. NEW APPENDIX. 473 PROM DR. CLEVELAND. “Dear Sir,—In compliance with your request I have made several experiments upon the memory, or rather upon the power of recalling events, which have proved very sat- isfactory. “The first experiment consisted in inducing the mind to recall, or to be impressed with all or any of the past events of life, back to the earliest period possible. Many incidents of maturer years, which had long been forgotten, were men- tioned with a perfect remembrance of their occurrence, not, however, by the ordinary means of the accidental association of ideas, but, as it were, by a sudden impression. The events of earlier life, without that clearness of memory as to their certainty, were very distinctly and minutely recalled and described, as were those that occurred at a period of life so early as not to be substantiated by the evidence of mem- ory, but appearing like dreams. Events that took place be- fore the magnetized was ten months old, were by her perfectly and very minutely described, although she had to depend upon the testimony of others, as to their reality. Individuals were described and called by name, whom she had not seen, or whose names she had not heard mentioned, since she was two years old, more than twenty years ago. The events of infancy and early childhood appeared more to her like a dream than a reality. The restraints under which she was placed when she became able to creep about house—the cir- cumstance of falling down-stairs and the person who took her up—her first attempts to walk—her peculiar favorites, etc., etc.,—all of which occurred before she was eleven months old, were described with much feeling and accuracy, as tested by the recollection of others of the family, who were sur- prised at her mentioning them without knowing the reason of her doing so. “These exercises were continued two days. The mind was then directed to the recalling of particular events. I say di- rected, for in these experiments my subject was not con- sulted. The influence was exerted while she was in a mag- netic state, and arrangements made the day previous t« their going into action. “ Providence, August 4, 1843. 474 NEW APPENDIX. ' So perfect was the success of this second experiment, that sermons, prayers, etc., which she had heard seventeen years ago, when only eight years of age, and which had not been thought ot for years, were so perfectly recalled that she could readily repeat large portions of them. ‘ These experiments have resulted with several patients with the same success. “ I have also been enabled to direct the mind to any sub ject for study and meditation, with the greatest intensity and abstractedness, for any given period of time. ’’I have been induced to communicate these observations, with the hope that others, better qualified, may be led to im- prove thereon, and reduce them to some important results. “In the eighth chapter of the Practical Instruction, some ob- servations are made on the transmission of pain. My own experience accords with that of Deleuze. One of my pa- tients a lady twenty five years of age, was afflicted with an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat; for which I had, on a former occasion, treated her in the ordinary way with very poor success. She was now so unwell as to be unable to swallow anything but fluids. After being Mes- merized twice, sbe was enabled, the next day, to partake of food as usual. But as for myself, I found it very trouble- some to eat; my throat was inflamed, exhibiting an actual transference of the symptoms of her disorder to myself. As this was not the customary fee for medical service I went on the third day, and told my patient that I meant to return the complaint which had been transferred to me. ‘ I then made a few passes from my own throat towards hers. The succeeding day I found myself relieved, and my patient was afflicted as before. '* Neuralgia seems to yield readily to the Mesmeric action, so far as my own practice is concerned. A short time ago I was ca’led upon to visit a lady twenty-two years of age, who had for four days been prostrated by a severe nervous pain in the head She could neither sit up, nor endure to be raiser*i from the bed. She was cured in three visits, within tbirt; -six hours, so as to attend to her affairs in perfect heall l. “: sudden blow or shock has been known to throw per- NEW APPENDIX. 473 eons into a sort of somnambulic state; and before I relate the next case, 1 will give the relation once made to me by a carpenter. He was at work on a building; he fell from the staging to the ground. ‘ As I struck the ground,’ smd he, ‘ 1 suddenly bounded up, seeming to have a new body, and to be standing among the spectators looking at my •old one. I saw them trying to bring it to. I made several fruitless efforts to re- enter my body, and finally succeeded !’ “Tetanus.—A scuffle which I witnessed took place in the street between two men at a short distance from my resi- dence. I seized one of them who had thrown the other down, and held him fast; but as the fallen man was rising, he received a kick from his antagonist directly in the eye. The blow was very severe and from a heavy boot; he stag- gered and fell, struggling to rise again repeatedly, and plung- ing headlong to the ground. Frightful spasms and convul- sions and ftrious raving succeeded. He was taken to his own house, by three or four men, where he continued to rave and rattle on incoherently, taking no notice of any one present. Opium was exhibited without effect. There was great dif- ficulty in swallowing, on account of the spasmodic affection, and an appearance like one laboring under hydropohobia. It required two or three men to hold him. “Intending to Mesmerize him, I could scarcely retain his hands, which he twitched from me several times with vio- lence. But I persevered,and at length, in ten or fifteen min- utes, the spasms began to yield. In about thirty minutes he recognized me, expressing great satisfaction at my having come to see him, still taking no notice of any one else, but being perfectly quiet. (He seemed all the time to suppose himself in a certain old building in Foster.) “ I then put him in communication with his wife, of whose presence he was not before aware. He expressed his joy at seeing her, and talked of his being still kept in that ‘ infernal old building,’ meaning the house in Foster. “ As he remained tranquil, I left him for the night in com- munication with his wife, directing her to withdraw her com- munication by a wave of the hand, if he should prove trouble- some before my return. This she was obliged to do, and he could no longer recognize her, or be conscious of her presence. 476 NEW APPENDIX. “ In the morning, I found him in the same condition, ex- cept the tetanic symptoms, talking wildly as before. As soon as I took his hand, he recognized me, complained of his situation, and wanted me to go home with him. The hint this suggested, I took him home in the usual Mesmeric way. “As soon as we arrived, his whole appearance changed. He seemed pleased and called for his wife, whom he forth- with discovered in another part of the house, putting together fuel for a fire. (A passage or entry intervened between the two rooms, and both doors were shut.) His words were: ' Now I want to see my wife—I see her—she is making a fire in the bed-room.’ “ When his wife came in, I established the communication between them, and shortly after restored him to the natural state. His recovery ensued without return of the tetanic symptoms. The peculiar state of the patient is ob- servable; for, in ordinary cases, tetanus is not accompanied by delirium, which in this case may be accounted for by the injury sustained by the brain. It is characterized by the powers of thought and sensation remaining unimpaired, and this distinguishes it from epilepsy. The Mesmeric, or rather somnambulic state, may be brought on by an accident of this nature, as in the instance given above, of a carpenter’s fall- ing from a scaffold. “You will recollect, my dear sir, that in 1837, I wrote you a letter in reference to the influence which may be exerted over the faculties of somnambulists, especially cheerfulness, hope, order, and charity. That letter was not published in your Appendix, but I perceive that you have referred to it, and quoted the very words of it on the 197th page of the Ap- pendix to your first edition,* which was issued in 1837. I re- fer to this, because, although I did not make use of manipu- lation, I by that extract gave a hint to the phrenologist, which is certainly prior to any date hitherto claimed by those who have discovered the manipulatory process of exciting the organs. Yours, etc., •• Mr. T. C. Hartshorn. " “ Thomas Cleveland. * See page 462 of the present edition. NEW APPENDIX. 477 FROM DR CAPRON. “ Providence, August 1,1843. ‘ Dear Sir- Since you informed me of your intention oi publishing a revised edition of your translation of De- leuzes Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism, and de- sired that 1 nuglit communicate to you anything upon this subject which 1 deemed of sufficient interest, to insert in the Appendix,ii has occurred to me that it might not be uninterest- ing to the public to be briefly informed of the sequel of the case ot Miss L Brackett, some account of which I fur- nished for the former edition of this work. ' This case appears to me the more interesting, as being one of the first which attracted much public attention, and gave a more decided impulse to the investigation of the sub- ject of Animal Magnetism, than it derived from any other source. “Had it not been for a few cases which occurred in this city and yicinity, it is not improbable that it would have been in a great measure neglected, and comparatively little known upon this subject, in this country, at this time. Besides, it appears to me that justice to Miss Brackett demands some further notice of her case. “ It will be recollected by all who had any knowledge of the events of the year 1837, in which the cases above referred to were the cause of so much excitement throughout the coun- try, that she, in common, it is true with others, was basely slandered by those who had no knowledge of her or of Mag netism; and owing to her peculiar situation, she has been obliged to wait patiently, for time and circumstances to ex- culpate her from the imputation of witchcraft or imposture. It must be peculiarly gratifying to her, however, as well as to her friends, to be conscious of having outlived this slander, and to know that the time has arrived when no one, who is not either wilfully ignorant or blindly prejudiced, will pre- sume to deny the occasional existence of the phenomena de veloped in her case Among all the cases which have come to my knowledge, I know of no one more interesting than this—no one m which a greater number of the somnambulic phenomena 478 NEW APPENDIX. have been developed or were more clearly manifested. If some new phases have since been observed, it is perhaps be- cause the science, and manner of conducting experiments, are better understood, rather than because the subjects have been more lucid. ‘ ‘ Before Miss Brackett left Providence, she had good rea- sons for hoping that her health and sight would ultimately be perfectly restored, should the magnetic treatment, to which she had then been subjected for four or five months, be continued. The recovery of her voice, the improvement of her sight and general health, which were evidently the effect of this treatment, were the grounds of those hopes; but she was doomed to a different fate. ‘ Her friends, who were at a distance, and had not the means of obtaining correct information respecting Magnet- ism, believing all the idle and ridiculous reports which were then so rife, thought proper to remove her. “ This injudicious measure, and the exciting circumstance attending it, in addition to the discontinuance of the mag- netic treatment, were the cause of a very unfavorable change in her health, both of body and mind. “ From the indisposition into which she was at that time thrown, she did not recover for more than a year and a half. “After having been magnetized almost daily for so long a time, it is not strange that some marked change should fol- low the sudden discontinuance of the practice. It should be remarked, that her mind had been somewhat deranged at times, previous to her commencing this treatment, but that she bad since been perfectly sane, except on a few occasions When some other persons than myself were permitted to mag- netize her. “The supervention of some disorganizing disease in her eyes, soon after her leaving Providence, destroyed all hope of her sight ever being restored; and as soon as her health was sufficiently improved, she was admitted into the Perkins Institution for the Blind; her destination when I incident- ally became acquainted with her. Since she has been at the institution, she has frequently been magnetized, and until Within the last year, continued to be as susceptible and NEW APPENDIX. 479 clairvoyant as when in Providence, six years ago. Within the last year, however, although she can be put into the magnetic state, she has nothing of this power; which she ac- counts for by having gained a more perfect state of health. “That she has been very much benefited by the magnetic treatment, neither she, nor any one who is acquainted with her case, entertains a doubt; and if she has not been entirely restored, she has been sustained and rendered comparatively comfortable, under a much greater load of affliction than usually falls to the lot of humanity.* “She has now been at the institution five years, during which time her intelligence, industry, and exemplary conduct have secured to her a comfortable and agreeable home, the esteem, the sincere, and to her, invaluable friendship of the Superintendent, and the love and affection of the inmates of the institution generally. “ Having, for the last five or six years, given but little at- tention to the subject of Animal Magnetism—only practising it occasionally, as a medical agent, I have not been able to carry into effect the intention expressed, in my former com- munication of following out a classification of the phe- nomena, and thereby arriving at some rational theory; as, how- ever, I had at that time formed an opinion upon this subject, and adopted a theory, founded upon my previous observa- tions and reflections, which I thought it would be premature to publish, and as I have not yet seen any well-grounded reasons for changing the views which I then entertained, I will endeavor to mould this theory into as condensed and in- telligible a form, as the difficulty of the subject and my limited time will admit. Should it appear to you that it pos- sesses sufficient merit to be brought before the public, it will be at your disposal. “ This theory, which from the commencement of my prac- tice in Magnetism, has appeared to me to be the most satis- * Among other afflictions, any of which were snfflcient to weigh down the strongest heart, she has, for the last three years, been in a great measure deprived of the use of her lower limbs, in consequence of an injury received upon her spine. This has of course diminished very much her ability of being useful in the institution, and deprived her of the opportunity of reap- ing that amount of benefit from an education, which she might have other- wise expected. 480 NEW APPENDIX. factory, is based upon the following principles and hypothec ses, all of which I believe to be demonstrable by experiments, or are the legitimate inferences of well grounded reason, ings, viz.: ■ That there is pervading the whole created universe, an inconceivably fine, elastic, invisible, imponderable fluid or aura serving as a medium of communication, and a bond of union to ah its parts; that this fluid is everywhere essen- tially the same, but is manifested under a number of differ- ent modifications, among which are Electricity, Electro-Mag- netism, Yoltaism or Galvanism, Mineral Magnetism, Animal Magnetism, Elective and Cohesive Attraction, and Attraction ot Gravitation, and consequently that the same agent that gives impulse and motion to the heavenly bodies, and retains them in their respective spheres, puts in motion the wheel upon an Electro magnetic apparatus, and binds together the particles of matter in the smallest pebble; that through the agency of this fluid, everything in nature has a particular sphere of action; and that no material body, however nearly or remotely situated, can act upon, or influence another, except through some medium; that nervous fluid, sensorial power, energy of the brain, etc., of different authors, are only so many names for Animal Magnetism, or a mani- festation of this general principle, in connection with living animal matter, and that the phenomena to which the terms Animal Magnetism and Mesmerism are popularly applied, are peculiar or abnormal developments of this particular modification. “This fluid I suppose to be the primum mobile or main spring of created nature, and that in whatever way it may at first have been brought into existence and put into operation, the quantity is ever the same, and cannot as a whole be in- creased or diminished, but is constantly varying in particular places and objects. We know not but it maybe tbe fluid which fills that space in the universe, which would otherwise be a vacuum, the ether of the ancients, the soul of nature, an emanation from God himself. “It would he interesting to enter into a consideration of each of these hypotheses particularly, but the want of oppor- tunity and the impossibility of condensing such a mass of NEW APPENDIX. 481 matter into a reasonable compass, for a communication of this kind, will oblige me to limit myself to a few remarks. “That there is such a fluid or agent as above supposed, I think will be admitted by all who duly consider the subject, whatever may be thought of the views I have taken of its various modifications; without it, in fact, the works of crea- tion would be incomplete, as we would see a thousand effects for which there would be no assignable cause. Indeed, few natural phenomena can be accounted for upon any other sup- position. “ Whei*in conversation with a learned gentleman, six years since, I suggested the idea that electricity, galvanism, the ner- vous fluid, etc., might be only different manifestations of the same fluid, he observed that it was unphilosophical to attrib- ute these various effects to the same agent; that philosophy taught, on the contrary, that there were more elementary principles than had formerly been supposed, and therefore that these different manifestations were more likely to be dependent upon distinct agents. This, as a general princi- ple in physics, is no doubt true; I can but believe, however, that the instance under consideration is an exception to the rule. “If it can be established that electricty, galvanism, electro- magnetism, and the nervous fluid are identical, I see no reason why the other properties of matter which have been enu- merated above, including light and heat, may not be equally referable to the same general principle. “ ‘Every step,’ says an anonymous writer in the ‘Boston Medical and Surgical Journal,’ Sept. 10, 1837, ‘ made in the progress of science, tends farther to generalize the laws which regulate the motions and affections of matter. Gravitation, electricity, magnetism, light, heat, chemical attraction, have approximated so far towards unity, that it is easier to say in what they resemble each other, than to point out in what they differ.’ “A great number and variety of experiments, which are familar to every one at all conversant with the subject, have been made to establish the identity of the nervous and gal- vanic fluids, which, though there are some who think differ- ently, I believe has been very conclusively done. 482 NEW APPENDIX. “ Dr. Good, who seems to have summed up and put into an agreeable form most of what is known upon the subjects of which he treats, in speaking of the principle of life, ob- serves, ‘ Every one in the present day, has some knowledge of galvinism and voltaism; every one has witnessed some of those curious and astonishing effects which the voltaic fluid is capable of operating on the muscles of an animal for many hours after death; and it only remains to be added, that since the discovery of this extraordinary power, oxygen has in its turn fallen a sacrifice to the voltaic fluid, and this last has been contemplated by numerous physiologists as constituting the principle of life; as a fluid received into the animal system from without, and stimulating its different or- gans into vital action.’ “ ‘ The identity,’ says Wilson Phillip, in his work on Life, 'of galvanic electricity and nervous influence, is established by these experiments ! ’ “In the experiments above referred to, the galvanic fluid has often been substituted for the nervous, and the functions dependent upon a supply of this power, have been performed in the same manner as though they had received this neces- sary stimulus directly from the sensorium. “The supposition that galvanic electricity and sensorial power are only different developments of the same general principle, derives great support from the fact that there are occasional instances of persons in whom this fluid accumu- lates to such an excess as to exhibit sensible effects. It is not long since there was published what appeared to be an authentic account of a lady, in a neighboring State, who, when approached by another person, or had applied to any part of her body any of the conductors of electricity, gave off electric sparks, like one who had been highly charged with this fluid by an electrical machine. “A similar case was communicated to ‘Silliman’s Journal,* and republished in the ‘Boston Medical and Surgical Journal,’ January 24, 1843, which is so much to the point that I shall take the liberty to transcribe it: “ ‘ Extraordinary Case of Electrical Excitement. —Dr. Hosford, of Oxford, N. II., relates, in the last number of “Sil- NEW APPENDIX. 483 liman’s Journal,” the case of a lady in that town, who became unconsciously charged with electricity at the time of the oc- currence of an unusual aurora borealis, on the 25th of Janu- ary, 1837. This extraordinary state continued until the mid- dle of the following May, during most of which time she was capable of giving electrical sparks to every conducting body that came within the sphere of her electrical influence. When her finger was brought within one-sixteenth of an inch of a metallic body, a spark that was heard, seen, and felt, passed every second. When seated motionless, with her feet on the iron stove-hearth, three or four sparks per minute would pass to the stove, notwithstanding the insulation of her shoes and silk hosiery. When most favorably circumstanced, four sparks per minute, of one inch and a half, would pass from the end of her finger to a brass ball on the stove; these were quite brilliant, distinctly seen and heard in any part of a large room, and sharply felt when they passed to another person. These experiments were so often repeated, that there was no doubt left of their actual occurrence. The lady had no internal evidence of this faculty, which was only manifest to her when the sparks left her. Her health had never been good, though she had seldom been confined to her bed. She had suffered much from unseated neuralgia in various parts of her system, for some months previous to her electrical development. Her health is now better than for many years. Dr. H. thinks this phenomena was not caused by the aurora alluded to, but that it was an appendage of the animal system.’ “ The astonishing electric powers of the gymnotus or elec- tric eel, and of the torpedo, are well known instances of the same condition of the animal system, continuing permanently. In these fishes, this power, which appears to be a weapon of defence, is evidently under the control of the will. “1 The hook’d torpedo, with instinctive force, Calls all his magic from its secret source ; And through the hook, the line, the taper pole, Throws to th’ offending arm his stem control. The palsied fisherman, in dumb surprise, Feels through his frame the chilling vapors rise, Drops the vain rod, and seems in stiffening pain, Some frost-fixed wanderer o’er the icy plain.’ 484 NEW APPENDIX. “ ‘We now know,’ says Dr. Good, from whom the above lines are quoted, ‘ something of the medium through which this animal operates, and have no difficulty in referring it to an electric or voltaic aura, and can even trace a kind of vol- taic apparatus in its structure.’ “ It is through the medium of the sensorial power or ner- vous fluid, the identity of which with the galvanic I consider established beyond a reasonable doubt, that the mind acts upon the different organs of the body, and stimulates them into an obedience to will ; it is, as it were, the messenger of the sensorium, and if not life itself, is as essential to it as or- ganization, and forms a connecting link between the intellec- tual soul and inert matter. “In whatever manner this fluid is generated, whether se- creted from the blood, and consequently derived from the aliments taken into the system, or absorbed from the sur- rounding atmosphere, and other objects with which the body may come in contact, its production and concentration in an available state, is undoubtedly a function of the brain and its appendages, which may in this particular be compared to a galvanic battery. From this battery, it is conducted off more or less constantly, through appropriate conductors, to supply the expenditure in the different parts of the system. To the heart, respiratory and other organs whose functions are con- stant and involuntary, the supply, in a state of health, is nec- essarily continuous ; but to those organs whose functions are under the control of the will, and not constant, it is irregular, and proportioned to the demand. It is necessary to observe that I have reference here to the sensible or more obvious effects of the sensorial power ; and that excitability, or a sus- ceptibility of being stimulated into action, is dependent upon the constant presence of a greater or less proportion of this same principle, which is in a comparatively latent state. “I have assumed as a principle that through the medium under consideration everything in nature, every heavenly body, from the largest suns to the smallest satellites, every human being, animal, vegetable, and even the most minute particle of matter, has a particular sphere of action and re- ciprocal influence, varied perhaps by circumstances with which we are unacquainted, and limited by laws, few of which are yet understood. 485 “ This sphere of action, in the animal system, at least, in its most obvious manifestation, is limited by the extremities of the nervous filaments. If we will a hand or finger to move in a particular direction, the motion is instantaneously performed, every other part of the system, perhaps, remain- ing at rest. This action is evident to our senses, and it is eqally evident to our reason, that some messenger must have been sent to the muscles performing the motion, informing them of the requirements of the will, or in other words, that there is some ethereal medium through which the mind acts upon these organs. The sensorial power is limited here, however, only in its most obvious operations ; it has, even in its ordinary influences, a much more extended sphere of action, which is manifested in a thousand different -ways:— the indescribable influence that some persons have over others, an influence which cannot be imaginary or mistaken the same thoughts occurring simultaneously to different in- dividuals who are in the presence of each other ; the influence exerted by some persons over horses, dogs, and other animals, and which is sometimes known to disarm the fury of the most enraged and vicious wild beasts of the forest. “Fascination, or charming, and the torporific influence of some individuals, and even tribes, over poisonous serpents and scorpions, completely disarming them of their deadly powers, is probably allied to that of the torpedo and electric eel, and may be exerted at the pleasure of the possessor. “ A circumstance worthy of notice, which varies very much the potency of the sensorial influence, and enlarges its sphere of action, and which may also be considered among its natu- ral operations, is a state of joy or grief, anger, etc., producing that wonderful and most useful affection, sympathy ; an af- fection of which 1 am not aware that any very satisfactory explanation has ever been given. “The excitement of joy. grief, and other strong emotions and passions, rapidly increases the production of the senso- rial fluid, and an unusual accumulation in the sensorium is the consequence. This over-charged state of the sensorium is the cause of a more than ordinary radiation or projection of this fluid, increasing very much its influence. This radia- tion may be compared to light passing off from luminous NE"W APPENDIX. 486 NEW APPENDIX. bodies or to currents of galvanism passing from one metal to another—and all who may be within the sphere of its ac- tion, and who are sufficiently susceptible, will experience from its influence the emotion of sympathy. The kind of emotion or passion giving rise to the accumulation so modi- fies the influence that the emotion caused is of the same na- ture as the original. “Every person must have observed the different degrees with which he sympathizes with different individuals, under what appear to be the same circumstances, and perhaps has reproached himself with cold-heartedness, because he did not feel that emotion of the soul, and that irresistible flow of moisture to the eye, which he conceived such distresses of his fellow-beings should excite. Who has not, on the contrary, experienced this emotion in a degree which did not seem called for by the circumstances of the case ? This may be accounted for by the various degrees of nervous influence which different persons are capable of exerting, and also by the various degrees of susceptibility of different individuals; and even of the same individual at different times. “Dr. Good, under the article Sympathy and Fascination, says, ‘ The corollary, then, resulting from these observations, is, that in the animal system, as well as in organic nature, bodies in various instances act where they are not, and through channels of influence or commnnication with which we are altogether unacquainted.’ “Perhaps there is no saying more frequently repeated or more generally believed, figuratively, than the old one, that ‘the devil is always near when you are talking about him.’ How often are we accosted with ‘ How do you do ! We were just talking about you!’ And I would inquire if it is not only possible, but eve* probable, that that principle which emanates from the sensorium, constituting a medium of com- munication and reciprocal influence, may not precede an in- dividual, and being, of course, strongly directed, by the will, upon those persons whom he expects to see at the place of his destination, excite in their sensoria thoughts, and conse- quently conversation about him ? “ The sympathies between different parts of the same body are numerous, and so familiar to every one, as to render it NEW APPENDIX. 48? unnecessary to make any farther remark upon this subject, than to suggest the idea that they are dependent upon un- usual accumulations in the particular organs which are the seat of disease, and that a radiation or projection may take place from these organs, which have become so many distinct batteries, and falling upon such other parts of the system as are obnoxious to the sympathetic influence, produce more or less functional derangement. “In connection with this part of the subject, it would be in- teresting to make some remarks upon the sympathies and other affections of plants, but it would be incompatible with my present design to do more than to allude to this interest- ing topic. Here too we have evidences that everything has its sphere of action and communication, as is exemplified by the reciprocal attraction and influence observed between the different parts of the same flower, and between different flowers somewhat remote from each other, when the males and females are situated in different houses. Were vegetables endowed with locomotion, we‘should doubtless witness more daring exploits among them than swimming the Hellespont, if we may judge from the conduct of the gallant Yallesneria, an aquatic and diaecious plant, the male blossom of which is said to cast itself upon the bosom of the waters and he- roically float away in search of a bride, and when he arrives within a certain distance of her dwelling, to approach it even against the wind and current. “Design is evident in every department of nature. Noth- ing is left to chance. And the poet has truly said that— “ ‘All nature is but art, unknown to thee, All chance, direction which thou canst not see.’ “ The sphere of reciprocal influence of plants is not con- fined to the sympathy manifested between different parts of the same plant, or plants of the same species, but is occasion- ally met with in a sensible degree between those which are peculiarly sensitive and living animal matter. The effect produced upon the sensitive plant, by handling, is a familiar instance. “ 1 Weak with nice sense, the chaste Mimosa stands, From each rude touch withdraws her timid hands.’ 488 NEW APPENDIX. “Dr. Darwin, from whom these lines are quoted, is in- clined to the opinion that the sudden dropping and collapse of the leaflets of this plant, when touched, are owing to a * numbness or paralysis consequent to too violent irritation, like the faintings of animals from pain or fatigue.’ “The supposition that both are the effects of exhaustion of what in animals is called the sensorial power is probably correct, but in the case of the sensitive plant the effect is so sudden that it appears more rational to suppose that the elec- tric or sensorial fluid is conducted off suddenly by the hand, which may have a greater affinity for it. “The phenomena heretofore very imperfectly considered are among the more constant and natural operations of this universal magnetic or galvanic fluid, the existence and uni- versal diffusion of which has been assumed as a principle. There is still another class of phenomena which are less con- stant, more irregular in their manifestations, and the laws of which are hut very imperfectly understood. To these the terms Animal Magnetism and Mesmerism are popularly ap- plied. “In regard to the use of the term Animal Magnetism, I see no greater objection to it than might be urged against any other that has been suggested, and as it has already obtained general currency, not only here, but if I mistake not, through- out Europe, it will not be easily supplanted by that of Mes- merism, which some have adopted. “The process of putting the system into this peculiar or ab- normal condition called somnambulism, by manipulating, or magnetizing, as owing its discovery to Mesmer, may properly be called Mesmerizing; but when speaking of the fluid itself, I know of no good reason for the exchange. Should the term Mesmerism be generally adopted, the compound one, Phreno- magnetism would require to be exchanged for Phreno-Mes- merism, as there would not be a proper correspondence be- tween the terms. “The term Pathetism has also of late been proposed, and almost exclusively employed in ‘The Magnet,’ a periodical pub- lished in New York, by La Roy Sunderland, and I am not philologist enough to discover any objection to the term itself, but I very much doubt the propriety of introducing NEW APPENDIX. 489 any new terms, unless we are sure that they are not only bet- ter than the old ones, but also that they will be generally adopted ‘ If the view which I have taken of the subject be correct, We shall find no term more expressive of the thing meant than Animal Magnetism, or Animal Electricity, until we have a scientific term for the general agent, from which to derive a part of the name of each of its modifications. “By the process of magnetizing, or Mesmerizing, the sen- sorial fluid may be increased or diminished in the whole sys- tem, or any particular part of it, according to the will of the magnetizer and the manner of performing the operation, thereby communicating to the different organs of the body increased action and power, or depriving them, at will, of that of which they are possessed. All the phenomena of som- nambulism may be accounted for by the different conditions of the system, in respect to the quantity and distribution of the fluid above referred to. Exhaust the sensorium of this principle, and a state of coldness and stiffness resembling death is the consequence. A case of this kind I witnessed in the summer of ’37, in a young lady, who was magnetized by Dr. B.,of this city. There was in this case complete insensi- bility to all surrounding objects and to pain; to test which a sufficient number of experiments was instituted. Deprive an organ of its necessary proportion of it, and it will be para- lyzed and cease to obey the will: but communicate to the same organ, by a strong effort of the will, an increased pro- portion, and unusual energy will be produced. A consider- able number of experiments have lately been witnessed by the public in this city, which very conclusively establish the truth of the foregoing remark; among these experiments the one which appeared to me the most interesting and convinc- ing was that of diminishing the action of the heart, reducing its pulsations nearly one-third in the course of a few minutea There could be no collusion here. “ But it is unnecessary to particularize, my design being to propose a theory which, if well grounded, every one can apply to practice—if not, it will be a waste of words to dwell upon particulars. “Never having given much attention to Phreno-magnet- 490 NEW APPENDIX. ism, this being a branch of the subject which has taken its rise since I have had an opportunity of experimenting, I feel inadequate to express an opinion upon it; I would briefly observe, however, that although I do not know of any experi- ments which conclusively establish the position that the dif- ferent organs of the brain can be magnetically excited singly, thus confirming the truth of both of the sciences incontro- vertibly, I can conceive of no reason why this may not be the fact; as there is nothing in the supposition that is opposed to the principles of either. “Most of what are now called Phreno-magnetic phenomena I have, it is true, witnessed in my own patients, especially Miss Brackett, from an effort of the will, without even think- ing that the brain was constituted of many different organs, performing their functions in some measure independently of each other. I may be allowed to suggest, that the experi- menter will find it difficult to distinguish between the direct magnetic effect upon an organ, and the operation of his will, as well as to make a proper allowance for the habits of the somnambulist. “ That some persons, in certain conditions, have a peculiar kind of vision, a peculiar sense, or a faculty of using their ordinary senses in such a manner as to be enabled to obtain knowledge through some other channel than that of these senses in their natural state, is a fact so well established, that I believe no rational man, at this time, with the usual means of information, controverts it, however much it may militate against his own preconceived opinions, or those of the phi- losophers, the dogmas of whom he may have adopted as his rule of faith. To account for this strange phenomenon, which has frequently occurred spontaneously, as well as in the mag- netic sleep, is much more difficult than to establish the truth of its existence—not an uncommon case, in the mysterious works of nature. “The only approximation to a satisfactory hypothesis, it appears to me, is based upon the foregoing premises. If these premises are correct, we may suppose, that in certain pecul- iar conditions of the system the sensorium may be preter- naturally charged with the sensorial, galvanic, or as it may with propriety be called, intelligent principle, and that an NEW APPENDIX. 491 unusual emanation or radiation may be the consequence. This radiation I have compared to light passing off from luminous bodies, and may extend to indefinite distances, taking its impulse and direction from the will; and, being endued with the greatest imaginable susceptibility, receive impressions from the objects to which it may be directed, and communicatate them, probably, through some undulatory or vibratory motion, to the sensorium. Impressions made through this medium upon the brain or sensorium, which is supposed to be in an exalted condition, are taken cognizance of, and the mind perceives them in the same manner that it does those which are made through the ordinary inlets or senses. “In the foregoing hypothesis, we have also the only rational explanation of mental communication, or the understanding of the will without the use of language, an occasional operation of the mind familiar to every one who has seen much of som- nambulism. It would seem that with -persons in a highly magnetic condition, there is a commingling of spirits, not only with those individuals with whom they may be in com- munication, but sometimes, also, with others, as though there were an atmosphere of thought, and this sensorial emanation were sufficiently sensitive to receive distinct impressions from similar emanations from the sensoria of others. ‘ ‘ It may not be irrelevant to the subject to observe in this place, that through the agency of clairvoyance we are enabled to explain and reconcile with human reason many marvel- lous and otherwise incredible phenomena, both of ancient and modern times, which have obtained general belief among mankind, but which have been rejected as fabulous by a few who are too bigoted to admit the existence of any phenome- non which cannot be accounted for by their philosophy. I have reference to second sight, ecstasy, trance, magic, for- tune-telling, witchcraft, fascination or charming, and the an- cient oracles. “I am not unaware that there are some who account for the oracles entirely by priestcraft, and others by what is but little worse, the machinations of the devil. That the former has been a fruitful source of imposture and deception, through all ages, I shall not attempt to controvert, but I believe it will 492 NEW APPENDIX. be admitted by every candid person, that there must have been some other agency concerned in these oracles, which were a species of fortune telling conducted upon a magnifi- cent scale, and claimed an alliance with the gods. In mod- ern times, this art is confined to more humble circumstances, and the artificers are vulgarly believed to ‘make a league’ with a very different being, who is supposed to claim their souls after death, as a recompense for his services while they are permitted to remain in their earthly tabernacles. “ Rollin, after endeavoring* *hs it appears to me with but lit- tle success, to discredit the Oracles*.by the ambiguity of the language of the Gods in giving their answers, says, ‘ It must; be confessed, however, that sometimes the answer of the Or- acle was clear and circumstantial,’ and then relates two cases in corroboration of this reluctant confession. These were evi- dently nothing more nor less than cases of clairvoyance, such as have been often witnessed in this city. “All or many of the circumstances related of the Oracles are such as to establish almost conclusively that the answers were given by somnambulists. It appears that the sybil in some instances officiated at different Oracles. In speaking of the sybil of Delphos, this author observes that ‘ she was at the same time the sybil of Delphos, Eurythria, Babylon, Cuma and many other places, from having resided in them all.’ “ The manner of producing the magnetic or somnambulic condition appears to have been very different from magnet- izing as practised at this time. It is probable, however, that historians were not acquainted with the whole process, just enough having been permitted to escape through the walls of the temples to confound the curious without enlightening them. Or it is possible that this condition may be produced by intoxicating exhalations or vapors arising from substances with which we are at this time unacquainted. “ Whether the priests and priestesses themselves knew how' they were enabled to divine what was hidden to others, is matter of doubt, but it is not impossible that they really be- lieved in some divine assistance, being themselves deceived, rather than they who consulted them. “The ridiculous manner in which Rollin accounts for the occasional truth of the Oracles, is one of the many instances NEW APPENDIX. 493 which prove to us that the greatest men are not exempt from the prejudices and superstitions of the age in which they live. “Dreaming in natural sleep appears to be of two kinds, both of which are explicable upon the principle of an ema- nation from the sensorium. In one kind the mind receives distinct and true impressions of objects and events, whether present or remote, in the same manner as it is supposed to do in magnetic somnambulism. This is clairvoyance occurring naturally or spontaneously, instances of which are too nume- rous to be set down to the account of ‘ remarkable coinci- dences.’ “ In the other kind, impressions are made upon the same intelligent principle and conveyed to the sensorium; but the will, which in other conditions directs its operations, and the perceptive faculties, being dormant and inactive, these im- pressions are consequently vague and indistinct, and percep- tion obscure and fleeting. “ Why there should be so great a difference in the suscep- tibility of different individuals to the magnetic influence is difficult to explain, but it is probably dependent upon the quantity of that portion of the sensorial fluid which is con- stantly present in every part of the living system, constitut- ing excitability, and upon the different degrees of affinity which different individuals have for this fluid. “The impossibility of putting every person to sleep by magnetizing is a sufficient reason with some for disbelieving everything connected with the subject; I see no reason, how- ever, why they should not, upon the same principle, refuse to believe that opium will produce sleep; for it is well known that this drug not only frequently fails to produce that effect, but even makes some persons more wakeful; and, I may add that the modus operandi of Magnetism is no more difficult to comprehend than that of opium. “Although it is impossible to put some individuals into the magnetic sleep, I believe every one is susceptible in some degree to its influence, and that it will frequently have a re- medial effect without the slightest somnolency being pro- duced. “ Believing as I do in the universal diffusion of the mag- 494 NEW APPENDIX. netic principle, I deem it not unreasonable to suppose that animals and even vegetables may also be in a greater or less degree susceptible to its influence. “ That many diseases both general and local are dependent upon some irregularity in the supply of the sensorial fluid, resulting either from a deficient production of it in the sen- sorium or from some imperfection in the conductors, is gen- erally admitted, though scarcely any two authors employ the same language, in expressing their views upon this subject. Whatever the cause of the deficient or unequal distribution of this agent, it may often be considered as the primary de- rangement, and as the cause of a corresponding derangement in the circulation of the blood, and the performance of other functions necessary to health and life. These are the primary or forming stages of diseases, and if arrested here there may be a restoration to health without any serious consequences, but being allowed to go on, disorganization may follow, and if an important organ be implicated, death will be the con- sequence. “ The proximate causes of diseases are of so obscure a na- ture that they are but very imperfectly understood. All the different theories, of which there are a great number, are founded upon hypotheses. The closest observations and most profound researches extend no further than the effects of some unknown cause, which has preceded. The obvious rea- son of this is the inscrutable nature of life. Until we know more of life, we shall remain in ignorance of the proximate causes of disease. “ The most eminent men in the profession, however, have directed their researches to the sensorium, as the fountain- head of diseased action. “ Dr. Cullen, who seems to have had very clear views ol the subject, calls the sensorial fluid the ' energy of the brain' and says, * all nervous powrer commences in the encephalon it consists in a motion, beginning in the brain, and propa gated from thence into the nervous fibres, in which a con traction is to be produced. The power by which this motion is propagated, we name,’ says he. ’the energy of the brain, and we therefore consider every modification of the motions produced as modifications of this energy. ’ NEW APPENDIX. 495 “The theories of Brown and Darwin are founded upon the doctrine of accumulated and exhausted excitability or sensorial power; only another mode of describing the same agent referred to by Cullen. “ As the doctrine that the primary derangement in most diseases is in the sensormm is generally acknowledged, it is matter of wonder that more attention has not been bestowed upon investigating the means of preventing and curing them through the agency of the sensorial fluid, before disorganiza- tion of the solids takes place. “This branch of the healing art, which has been left in a great measure uncultivated until the present age, is beginning to receive that attention which its importance demands. Should the investigation of this subject be continued with perseverance and in a proper manner, there can be no doubt that some further useful and interesting discoveries will be the result. “The exciting causes of epidemic diseases have been sought for in vain in the sensible conditions and various changes of the atmosphere. The degrees of heat, moisture, the proportions of its constituent elements, the wind, etc., have all been carefully observed, without throwing any light upon this obscure subject, but to prove that those proper- ties, whether natural or adventitious, the proportions of which are susceptible of measurement or detection, have no agency in producing those affections, except as accessories; and I would inquire to what source we shall direct our re- searches for these causes, if not to that universal but name- less property of all matter, whose effects are so evident, but whose essence has so far eluded discovery. “In my former communication to you, I expressed my opinion of the remedial effects of magnetizing; and this opinion has been strengthened by my subsequent experience and observation. I am, in fact, as well grounded in the be- lief that many nervous and other diseases, in which disor- ganization of the solids has not taken place, may be cured or palliated by this means, as I am that electricity and galvan- ism sometimes produce beneficial effects; and even where dis- organization has taken place, some benefit may be derived from it, by diminishing excitement and relieving pain. 496 NEW APPENDIX. '’In the present imperfect state of our knowledge of the causes of disease, and the manner of applying this remedy, we shall always be in danger of making a wrong application of it, and consequently of defeating, rather than accomplish- ing our object. It is from this cause that electricity has fallen into disrepute and neglect, not that its properties, or the character of diseases have changed. “I do not feel competent to enter fully into the various methods of magnetizing in different diseases, neither should I deem it necessary or proper on the present occasion, having already exceeded the limits of my original design; but I will take the liberty to make a very few general remarks, which I presume will be found applicable to a large proportion of the cases likely to be benefited by this treatment. “In treating diseases by magnetizing, as well as other remedial agents, we should endeavor, as far as possible, in the first place, to ascertain by the symptoms the nature of the affection; whether there is a surplus or deficiency of sen- sorial power in the system generally, or in any particular part where the disease may be located. We shall thereby establish a mode of proceeding which will aid very essen- tially the concentration of the will, and consequently aug- ment the effect of the manipulations. “ In the second place, before attempting to operate partic- ularly upon the diseased part, we should, if possible, estab- lish a communication with the patient, by magnetizing the brain and its appendages, the spinal cord, etc., as our suc- cess will be much more certain than if we commence upon the disease without this preparation of the system. I do not, however, consider this indispensably necessary, as much benefit will sometimes be derived from an exclusively local operation. “ Coldness, paleness, and loss of motion or feeling are in- dications of a deficient supply of the vital fluid; heat, red- ness, swelling and pain indicate a superabundance, and spasms an unequal distribution of it. In the first of these states, we should endeavor to restore heat and action, by communicating to the part the magnetic or vivifying princi- ple; in the second, our efforts should be directed to calling it off, and thereby diminishing excitement, and assisting na- NEW APPENDIX. 497 ture in restoring the part to a healthy condition: in the last, our object will be to equalize the excitement, by diffusing the fluid over the system. “Allow me, sir, to say, in conclusion, that no one can be more sensible than myself, of the imperfect manner in which I have fulfilled my promise of moulding this theory into a condensed and intelligible form, and it is with some degree of reluctance that I consent to its publication. “ As an apology for whatever faults may be observed in manner or matter, to the difficulty of the subject and my lim- ited time, I may add, and hope a due allowance will be made for, the frequent interruptions incident to a professional life. “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” “ Respectfully yours, “G. CAPRON. [The work of Wilson Philip, quoted at the 482d page in che above article, Is entitled “ The Vital Functions.”] Neurology.—The following letter, from Dr. Buchanan, will be read with interest by all who have had an opportu- nity to witness his experiments. His classes in New York, Boston, and other places, have been formed among men of science and literature, and composed chiefly of such, embrac- ing many physicians; and they have, in several published re- ports, expressed a very favorable opinion, both of Dr. Buchanan as a man, and of his system, as demonstrable by experiments. Some accounts of these experiments, which are performed on persons in the natural state, have been given in the periodicals: but the public will soon have Dr. Buchanan’s exposition of his own system. Dr. Buchanan possesses learning and science, and the talent of applying them. Ilis error, if he has fallen into one, may consist in supposing the absence of the vis voluntatis in his experi- ments; for he says that some of these effects can be produced by the will alone. But whatever fate may befall his theory, his facts are very novel in character, and easy to be tested; and cannot fail to attract the attention of philosophic minds. NOTE XXXYIT. 498 NEW APPENDIX. “Sir1 The sketch of the principles of Neurology which you desire may be given in a few words, notwithstanding the intricacy and magnitude of the science. It wrould require a library to give us a just and full conception of the subject, although the cardinal principles of the science may be stated on a single page. “ The science of Neurology is the -whole science of man. It expounds the functions of the brain, and proves that in these functions we may learn all his mental powers and all the laws of his physiology. It proves that the mind of man is a microcosm, in which we may discover indications of the laws and facts of external nature. “ This science owes its origin to the discovery which I first publicly announced in the month of April, 1841, that the human brain could be excited and compelled to manifest the functions of its different convolutions. By pursuing this dis- covery, and exciting each convolution so as to make its functions predominate over all others (as for instance, by ex- citing Alimentiveness until hunger became uncontrollable), I have succeeded in demonstrating the mental functions of the different organs, which in most respects are in harmony with the theory of Gall and Spurzheim, and in establishing the controlling power of the brain over the physiological phe- nomena of the body. “An intricate system of Phrenology and Physiology has been developed by my experiments, which might very prop- erly be called Anthropology. But as this system has been developed by experiments upon the brain, and as the nervous substance of the body is the seat of its vital powers, that sci- ence which expounds the human vital functions is merely the science of the nervous substance, and should therefore be called Neurology. “By the term nervous substance, I have especial reference to the encephalon, which is the most important mass of ner- vous substance in the body. The study of its functions gives us the whole science of man. The mind holds its communi- cation with the physical world through the brain, which forms its connecting link with the body, and which transmits its vo- litions and its continual influence to the body The body *• Providence, April 12, 1843. NEW APPENDIX. 499 receives an infinite diversity of physiologial powers or im- pulses from the brain, continually modifying its circulation, se- cretions, respiration, calorification, nutrition, health, disease, etc., as well as its muscular movements. “The brain, therefore, being the common theatre of physi- ology and psychology, is the place in which to study both. Take each of the convolutions and parts of convolutions— excite them to a manifestation of their functions, and we may learn the source of each faculty. Thus one portion of the brain, when excited, makes us benevolent, another selfish; another makes us laugh, another makes us weep; another makes us violently angry, another makes us love the whole human race. Again, the physiological phenomena are equally distinct; cne part of the brain makes us strong, another makes U3 weak; one makes us go to sleep, another makes fis wide awake as soon as it is excited; one makes us hot, another makes us cold; one accelerates, and another retards the action of the bowels; one accelerates, and another sup- presses the respiration; one develops and another suppresses perspiration, etc., etc. Thus every physiological act of the system may be excited, arrested, or modified, by exciting the controlling organs in the brain. “ The phenomena developed in the processes of Animal Magnetism are thus traced to their physiological causes: somnolence, sleep, strength, paralysis, clairvoyance, sympa- thy, the volitionary power of the operator over the subject, etc., are merely the displays of certain faculties belonging in various degrees to different individuals, according to their endowment of the organs whence these faculties or tenden- cies arise. “All the Mesmeric conditions may be produced or con- trolled by direct operations upon the organs of the brain. They are as simple as possible; too simple, indeed, for that love of display and wonder which belongs to the unre- flecting. No apparatus is necessary—no particular state of body or mind. No formal process or preparation of any kind whatever. “ It is only necessary that you find a person of impressible temperament, which is indicated generally by the largeness of the pupils of the eyes, and by a general delicacy or soft- ness of the organization. 500 NEW APPENDIX. “ When you find such an individual, if you hold your hand near to his without touching, as by bringing the tips of your fingers near the palm of his hand, he will feel a slight sensa- tion of coldness in less than one minute, which will be quite distinct as you move your fingers along toward the extremi- ties of his without touching. He wTill also feel very peculiar effects if you touch each of your fingers to the corresponding finger of his hand. Each finger will give him a different impression. “Having thus ascertained his impressibility, place your fingers gently in contact with his temples, about one inch or one inch and a half horizontally behind the external angle of the brow on the temples (upon the spot marked in the Neu- rological Diagram, Somnolence), and you will in a few minutes (five or ten) perceive a winking of the eyelids and a drowsy influence, which gradually increases until he cannot keep his eyes open. “By brushing off the excitement from the spot which you have touched, and placing your hand upon the upper part of the occiput, he will be restored. “ In this experiment you may on some persons produce unpleasant effects, from the excitement of the neighboring organs. These may be removed by dispersive frictions, touching the head very lightly. “If successful in this experiment, you may then excite other organs of the brain, and bring out all their functions in the same manner. Thus you may take the Neurological Diagram, and verify every function which is located upon it, if you find a constitution sufficiently impressible to give striking manifestations. “ The art of operating in this manner is extremely simple. Any one may acquire it, and may use it to relieve pain or disease, by learning the principles of Neurology, which point out the proper organs to be excited for any specific result. This process, however, is not the principal aim of the science. It is applicable to a comparatively small number of persons. The experiments upon the human brain answer their great purpose by revealing the nature of man—the laws of his physiology. “ They furnish us a science competent to guide our moral, NEW APPENDIX. 501 mental, and physical education. They give clearness to physiology—they make pathology and therapeutics intelligi- ble, and they give us a new basis and a new philosophy for the science of medicine. “ Some time during this summer, I hope to be able to pub- lish a volume sketching in outline.the principles of this intri- cate science. Very respectfully, “ Your humble servant, "Mr. T. 0. Habtshoen." "Jos- R b™hmak. NOTE XXXVIII. In giving directions for the construction of the magnetic battery, Deleuze points out the danger of making use of metals whose oxides are poisonous. The fluid might convey the poison to the patients, in the same manner as the Galvanic fluid is known to transmit acids and alkalies, through inter- mediate substances. The following experiments by Dr. Buchanan prove, with apparent conclusiveness, the justice of this caution. It is ex- tracted from the report of the New York committee published in the “ Evening Post” of Dec. 6, 1842. The report is signed by Dr. Forry, Wm. C. Bryant, and J. L. O’Sullivan, whose names are not unfavorably known to the public. “The committee now proceeded to the house of Mrs. R. The first experiments consisted in the application of medicines in the same manner as was practised at the previous sitting for the purpose of ascertaining to what extent a medicinal influence may be imparted through the hand. Dr. Forry having brought with him six different articles of the materia medica, each was tried successively; and as none of the par- cels (each being enclosed in double papers) had any labels, the results could not be anticipated, as the contents of each paper were unknown even to Dr. Forry himself. A decided effect was usually produced in the course of thirty seconds: and most of the effects which did occur were similar to those observed in the usual mode of administering such medicines. In those cases in which it was necessary for her to describe 502 NEW APPENDIX. her feelings, the experiment would not, of course, be so suc- cessful as when the effects would exhibit themselves. In re- gard to sulphate of quinine, however, she described the ef- fect with much correctness, as ‘ cooling and strengthening.' The narcotics, however, told their own story, and in language, too, admitting of no two-fold meaning. A paper, for instance, was placed in her hand (it being at the same time held by Dr. Buchanan), which speedily produced so powerful a nar- cotic effect as to create some alarm: and it was some min- utes before she could be recovered by Dr. Buchanan from its poisonous influence. As she was being restored to a state of consciousness, she made several efforts to vomit, but after the lapse of eight or ten minutes, during which time various passes were made for her relief, she seemed quite recovered. On examination, the paper was found to contain the extract of stramonium (Jamestown weed.) One of the papers which had been previously tried, and found to produce an ‘ irri- tating effect and copperish taste of the mouth,’ and which had been laid aside for subsequent trial, was now again presented. The effect, as it now perhaps proved less irritating, she described as ‘stimulating, heating, and exciting,’ to .a greater degree than she could well bear. This was opened and found to contain Cayenne pepper. Another paper was presented which induced narcotic and sickening effects some- what similar to those of the stramonium. It was immediately removed, and the paper, on being opened, was found to contain opium.” It ought to be observed here that Dr. Buchanan’s experi- ments above detailed were made upon an impressible person in the natural state; and are therefore conclusive. He calls the agent by which one individual makes a physiological im- pression upon another, when in contact, JVeuraura, an appro- priate name until it shall be identified with the universal fluid of La Place. This fluid, says Dr. B., is radiated and conducted freely from the human hand. It should be remembered that Mesmer maintained the ex- istence of such a fluid, and perhaps justice as well as con- venience would suggest the propriety of continuing to call it the Mesmeric fluid: in the same manner as we call the one NEW APPENDIX. 503 discovered by Galvani, the Galvanic fluid. An arbitrary name in such a case has peculiar advantages, for it continues to represent the same thing in the whole progress of a science. Whereas it is well known that several names, such as animal electricity, derived from resemblances and partial develop- ments, have been thrown aside in the course of investiga- tion. NOTE XXXIX. The Rev. Dr. Packard, of Shelburne, in Massachusetts, where he held pastoral relations, and where he was ordained nearly fifty years previously, having been subjected to inju- rious reports in consequence of the attention which he be- stowed upon Mesmerism, caused a council to convene in August, 1841, before whom he laid the whole subject, to- gether with the evidences of the good effects which he had produced through its agency. The report of that council is here given, as published in the “ Boston Courier ” of Nov. 28,1842. “ acquaint- ed,” says the editor of the “Courier,” “with the Rev. Dr. Packard, and we believe him to be too shrewd to be imposed upon, and too honest to practise imposition upon others.” Result of council convened August 18, 1841, at the house* and by the request, of Rev. Theophilus Packard, D. D., in Shel- burne, consisting of Rev. Moses Miller, of West Hawley, Rev. Amariah Chandler, of Greenfield, Rev. Tyler Thatcher, of Hawley, and Rev. Edward Hitchcock, of Amherst. “ The council were requested by Dr. Packard to consider whether, in the attention he had given to Animal Magnetism, or Mesmerism, as it is called, there was any reason for the report, circulated in the community, that he has acted incon- sistently with his ministerial character, or even by Satanic in- fluence ! And whether, on the other hand, he has not, in * The council adjourned to the meeting-house, and communications made to them and the hearing and investigation were in public. And lest vulgar prejudice should make misrepresentations of his verbal statements before the council, he made them from documents written out and preserved. 504 NEW APPENDIX. some measure successfully, applied mental agency to the re* lief of the sick and suffering ? “ In deciding these questions, the council are by no means prepared to stand forth as advocates of Animal Magnetism in the abstract. They cannot but admit, however, that experi- ments on this subject, some of which have been made in the most cautious and satisfactory manner, have disclosed re- markable facts, not apparently explicable by the principles of any established science. These facts appear to have an important bearing upon mental philosophy, the doctrine of materialism, and the cure of diseases. Sound philosophy, then, dictates that they should be examined and re-examined, with a carefulness add accuracy proportionate to their mar- vellous and important character. “ Instead of deciding beforehand, as some do, that they cannot be true because they are so marvellous; or because we fear they are contrary to established principles of religion; or, instead of imputing them, as others do, to a Satanic agency, let them be put to the test of the severest investiga- tion. For we need never fear that the development of any truth, which Providence may place within our reach, will, when fully understood, be otherwise than beneficial. The earlier discoveries* in almost every physical science have created alarm in timid minds, lest they should become an en gine with which to assail religion and morality. But their full development has shown them to be only allies and friends. "If these views are correct, Animal Magnetism deserves examination; since it seems, so far as we understand it, to hold a close relation to theology and human comfort; and it is surely an appropriate study of the minister of the Gospel, so far as he can make its pursuit consistent with his more im- portant duties Particularly proper do the council regard it for Dr. Packard. For it is well known that during a long life, he has devoted his attention to mental science, and who would wish him to pass by this new and interesting, and al most unexplored field? If this were his only object, why should he not be permitted to close a long and useful life in * Every new discovery in science is a further discovery of the goodness of God, and in some way or other for practical use to man NEW APPENDIX. 505 researches so interesting and apparently of useful tendency? Especially, when it is known that, by the settlement of an able and faithful colleague, much leisure time has been se- cured to him? Who would have believed that a man, whose praise has so long been in all the churches, should be sub- jected, on this account, in the nineteenth century, and in the centre of New England, to ridicule, and even to the suspicion of acting under satanic influence? The council, however, are happy to say that no evidence has been presented to them that the people of Shelburne have originated, or circulated, or believed these imputations; and they have too much confi- dence in the intelligence and Christian candor of that people, to believe that they can obtain a footing here. But they ex- ist abroad; and as the reputation of Dr. Packard is, in a sense, the property of the Christian Church, the council feel themselves called upon to bear strong testimony against them. On these grounds, the council feel as if Dr. Packard would be fully vindicated from the evil and ridiculous surmises which a busy few have circulated to his injury. “But they have evidence also of a decided character, set before them, to show that a still more powerful motive, by which he has been actuated in his attention to this subject, is a benevolent desire to relieve the sick and suffering. This has led him to examine more than two hundred cases of diseases, by means of Mesmeric clairvoyance; and of the nature of the diseases, and the remedies prescribed, and the ascertained results, a careful record has been kept. This was presented to the council, and certainly forms a most curious and remarkable collection of evidence on the subject, which they cannot but hope will some day be made public. The council by no means assume the place of medical men, nor decide whether the remedies prescribed were the very best; but if they can place any confidence in the testimony of the sick themselves, or of their friends, or of several respectable physicians, they cannot doubt but important relief and appar- ent cure were often the result. And in the fact that Dr. Packard has persisted in these offices to the sick in spite of the obloquy he has incurred; and that he has never lectured on the subject, or performed experiments before invited audi ences, or for mere gratification of curiosity, and that instead 506 NEW APPENDIX. of profit, he has incurred pecuniary loss, they have strong evidence that his motives were benevolent. He may perhaps have devoted more time and effort to these labors than other duties would justify; nor do the council feel called upon to decide, whether in a worldly point of view, he has taken the most judicious course possible. But they bear the most de- cided testimony to the benevolence and purity of his motives, and express their undiminished confidence in his Christian and ministerial character. “And although they do not understand that this council was called with any special reference to the church and peo- ple of Shelburne, they cannot but express their best wishes, and their fervent prayers, for their future peace and pros- perity, under the ministrations of their long-tried and beloved Pastor. “Edward Hitchcock, Scribe.” "Moses Miller, Moderator. Some communications have been received from persons who are not willing to give their names. The translator has therefore avoided all allusion even to the facts contained in them, being desirous of presenting such accounts as are duly authenticated. In this manner he is obliged to omit some un- doubted cases of medical interest, and some curious phenom- ena. The caution observed in this particular at the com- mencement of his work, enables him now to say that no one of his correspondents has expressed a desire to withdraw any statement hitherto made in this appendix; but, on the con- trary, all subsequent experience has confirmed their faith and corroborated their facts. An exception, however, is made in favor of the following statement, because the translator has permission to refer to the gentleman who makes it; and because his authority is acknowledged by all who know him, to be worthy of confi- dence. This gentleman recently visited Portland. He gives the following account of an interview with a somnambulist. "The next morning after my arrival in Portland, I went into a store where I was not personally known, and where NEW APPENDIX. 507 some gentlemen were discoursing about a somnambulist’s having discovered concealed property. “ On my expressing a total disbelief, and a desire to wit- ness something of this kind, one of the gentlemen offered to accompany me to the residence of Mr. Tarbox, who was magnetizing his wife. “Neither the gentleman who went with me, nor any other person in Portland, knew me or the place of my residence. And, as I afterwards found out, neither the husband nor the wife had ever been to Providence. “Being thrown into the mesmeric state, she was asked by Mr. T., ‘Can you tell me this gentleman’s name? ’ “ I will omit the questions put to her, after observing that I was careful to give no clue to any one as to myself, nor to her by asking leading questions. When she gave a correct account, I gaye no sign to signify its correctness; and when she gave an incorrect account, I observed the same conduct. She made two mistakes only, and these she discovered and corrected almost immediately, without the possibility of gaining any information from any gesture or exclamation of mine. “First, she told my name. Being asked how she knew it, she said it was written in my pocket-book. She next indi- cated Providence, R. I., as my residence. “My name and residence were printed in large letters. My pocket-book was in the inside pocket of my frock coat. I was not in communication with the somnambulist during my visit. “Mr. Tarbox sent her to Providence, where she gave a correct account of my house and family; and mentioned the presence of two children. As I have no children, T was at a loss to conjecture whose they were, and thought her in error; but having minuted down the precise time—half-past eleven o’clock—and remembering it was the general election in Rhode Island, on my return I ascertained her to be correct. She also declared them not to be my children. “ She was then asked by Mr. T., not at my suggestion, whether I was a married man. She replied that I had been married twice, and gave an account of the number of chil- dren I had had, and lost; and also their sex. 508 NEW APPENDIX. “ She was then directed to ascertain what my profession and to look round and find my place of business. “After awhile, she found it and described its exterior and interior. She said that the stove was such as she had never seen before, having wires inside of it. While busied iu the description, she suddenly started back, and gave as a reason the appearance of the hands of one of my workmen: saying they had been burnt very badly. “ The stove is one of ,the self-regulating air-tights. The young man’s hands and arms* had been burnt, and shock- ingly, too. “ She described my iron safe as a black cupboard under my desk: and being requested to look into it, she declared she could not, for it was iron. She, however, ‘looked into the stove, without being requested to do so. “ On being asked whether there was a church near my shop, she described its general appearance; saying*, however, it had no steeple, but voluntarily correcting her error, and declaring it a very high one, the highest she ever saw. She said the church was in a large green yard, full of young trees, and my shop in the same yard; which you know cor- responds well with the fact.” In order to complete the view of Mesmerism as now prac- tised, the translator obtained from Mr. Silas Allen, of Bos- ton, a number of certificates of cures wrought upon his pa- tients. Most of them were prescribed for by a lady under his charge, whose somnambulic powers are often called into requisition, and whose character is worthy of con- fidence. Among the diseases specified are, Palpitation and Enlarge- ment of the Heart, of ten years’ duration; severe Cough and Raising Blood, Salt Rheum, dangerously Ulcerated Foot, Liver Complaint, General Debility of the System, etc. And among the names of the certifiers are, Mrs. Tileston, Boston, 49 Hanover street; Parker Barnes, R. A. N. Atwood, Georgs Paul, Boston; Dorcas Dill, Samuel W. Brown, Bethiah P. Brown, Julia A. Lewis, Thomas E. Roberts C. Woodward, Lowell; H. W. Buxton, Nashua, N. H.; Dr. Charles Stratton, Keene, N. II. NEW APPENDIX. 509 The cures wrought upon children are peculiarly interest- ing, because we cannot suppose them to be affected through the agency of the imagination. Indeed, the imagination often acts powerfully in aiding the results of ordinary medi- cines; and it is difficult to decide how much it interferes with and modifies the practice of the physician. Dr. Cleve- land was called to a child three days old, troubled with con- vulsions, which had lasted twenty four hours. lie placed one hand upon its head, and made passes with the other along its body. The convulsions ceased in five minutes, and the child went into a quiet slumber. Surgical Operation— A Home Case and a Strong One.—An operation has been performed in this city which coes far to establish the fact that there is something in Mesmerism beyond all dispute. Mrs. Davis, of Eddington, has suffered for some time with a tumor in the right shoulder, and was advised by her physician to have it removed. While thinking upon the subject she heard of Animal Magnetism, and came into the city several days since to have its effects tried upon her. Mr Wm. E. Small, of this city, who has recently been practising Magnetism among his friends and found to be a successful magnetizer, was called upon and succeeded in mesmerizing or in putting her into a magnetic sleep. This was repeated several times within a few days, when the physician and sev- eral friends met for the purpose of removing the tumor by a surgical operation. The excitement of the preparation, Mrs, Davis remarked, was so great that she doubted whether Mr Small would be able to mesmerize her sufficiently for endur- ing the operation. Mr. Small commenced magnetizing her, and in eleven minutes she fell asleep, and the operation wras continued as much longer, when the surgeon, Dr. George B. Rich, made an incision in the shoulder over the tumor, of about two inches in length, and inserted a hoolt into ilie tu- mor, which was about half the size of a hen s egg, and dis- sected it out, and dressed the wound. During the operation, Mrs. Davis manifested some slight uneasiness, like a person in a troubled dream, and one or two slight spasms in the opposite arm. On being taken out ojf (From the Bangor Courier.) 510 NEW APPENDIX. the sleep she was told that they had not been able to extract her tumor, to which she replied that she had feared they would not, as she was so much excited about it. She was at length apprised of the result, of which she was previously quite unconscious, and the only sensation of which she was in any way conscious was that of being asleep, and wishing to wake up, but not being able. Nor has she suffered any pain since. We have this statement, substantially, from those who were present; the parties are of the highest respectability, and have no motive for an erroneous statement. (From a Cincinnati Paper.) Death Baffled by Magnetism. —Every day is bringing out ne-w wonders performed by Animal Magnetism, which appears now to be the great agent in every operation of nature. From putting people to sleep and making them expose the secrets of other people, it has become the powerful instru- ment in the hands of medical science to effect the cure of diseases. The ‘‘Pittsburg Intelligencer” gives the result of a marvellous case of this kind, which occurred there last week. A Mrs. Erkson had been confined to her bed since the latter part of last May, with a disease generally known as “milk leg.” She was unable to leave her bed to walk across the room, or take a step, except by the aid of a crutch or stick; and the greatest caution and watchfulness were necessary to prevent her death. On Sunday, 31st July, she was induced to submit to be thrown into a Mesmeric sleep. With the greatest difficulty she was moved from the bed to the chair, and in about thirty minutes Dr. Ewing had her in a sound magnetic slumber, which continued about two hours, during which several successful experiments were made in neurol- ogy and sympathy. She was then awakened, and, to the as- tonishment of herself and friends, got up and walked about the room, up-stairs and down-stairs, and through every room in the house, without the aid of a crutch or stick, as if noth- ing ailed her. Another experiment was tried, and it had the effect of removing every trace of the disease. Dr. Ewing is well known in that city, and Mr. and Mrs. Erkson are both highly respectable, and their statements are entitled to full credence. NEW APPENDIX. 511 NOTE XLI. “ Providence, August 4,1843. “ Dear Sir : An interesting case recently occurred to me, which exemplifies the power of the mesmeric agency to quicken the faculties. A gentleman wished me to mesmer- ize his wife, who had been for some time troubled with a nervous excitability. After a few sittings, she was entirely freed from this affection. She never reached further than a state of demi-somnambulism, during which she would accom- pany her husband with her voice, while he was playing upon the harmonicon, improvising as she sung. Some stanzas of these pieces were written down by her husband,, and they possess great merit. “ This lady had published some pieces of verse exhibiting a fine poetic temperament, which seems thus to have been excited to action. When in the natural state, she could not compose in verse without giving thought and attention to the subject and metre ; but when mesmerized, her composi- tion would be adapted to the tune played. ‘ ‘ One of my friends was recently attacked by a severe nervous headache, to which complaint he is periodically sub- ject, and which commonly lasts from 36 to 48 hours. He was in great distress at 9 o’clock in the evening, from which I re- lieved him completely in an hour and a half, and left him en- joying a quiet sleep. I shall probably be able to cure this tendency by operating whenever he has another attack. “I have succeeded in giving great relief to a young lady who was in danger of falling a victim to a spinal complaint. She was not clairvoyant, but was perfectly obedient to vo- lition. Respectfully yours, “ Isaac Tiiuiiber. “Mr. T. C. Hartshorn.” “The effects produced upon persons who, before the opera- tion (of mesmerizing) was begun, were in a state of insensi- bility; those which have taken place upon other persons, after the operation itself had reduced them to that state; and, also, the effects produced upon brutes—no longer permit it to 512 NEW APPENDIX. be doubted that the proximity of two animated bodies, in a certain position, and with the help of certain motions, do pro- duce a real effect, wholly independent of the imagination of either. It is also evident that these effects are owing to a communication which takes place between the nervous systems of the two parties.”—Cuvier, Anatomic Comparee, Tom. II. “The extraordinary phenomena which result from the ex- treme sensibility of the nervous system in some persons, have given birth to a variety of opinions, on the existence of a new agent, denominated Animal Magnetism. It is natural to suppose that the influence of those causes is very weak, and that it can easily be disturbed by accidental circum- stances, but it would be unfair to conclude that it never exists, merely because, in many cases, it does not manifest itself. We are so far from being acquainted with all the agencies of nature, and with their different modes of action, that it would be unphilosophical to deny their existence, because in the present state of our knowledge they are unexplainable to us.”—La Place, Traite Analytique du Calcul des Probabilites, p. 41. NOTE XLIL— Page 324. Magnetism, a Science.—As objections are sometimes made to the word science, as applied to Mesmerism, I have avoided the use of it in the appendix; but as some of my correspond- ents have used it, and as Delcuze himself does not licsit ate to do so, it may be expedient to consider whether it is enti- tled to that appellation. We apply the term to any subject of study that has cer- tain fixed principles, as music, electricity, Galvanism. The whole science of electricity, so far as it is known, according to to the Franklinian theory, is based upon two principles. But there are many facts not reducible to these two princi- ples; perhaps they refer to laws not yet discovered. Its re- lation to terrestrial Magnetism and to Galvanism is not ascer- tained : theory supposes them to be modifications of the same agent. If it were necessary for all the principles to be de- NEW APPENDIX. 513 vcloped, before a subject is dignified with the name of sci- ence, we may have been too hasty in regard to electricity. And if we were to examine the claims of all the other branches of human knowledge to this term, we should find them, by the same argument, equally unfounded; for every one of them may have unexplored or undiscovered laws. Properly speaking, we should not have a single science. Again, if we limit the application to those subjects which have a certain number of discovered laws, how shall we de- termine the number that is necessary? If more than two are required, then electricity is no science. Every one who reads the Practical Instruction, will ob- serve that Mesmerism has two fundamental principles, which are to be regarded in its application. , First, this agent must be employed with attention. Secondly, it must be employed with the pi'oper intention. If any one objects that these principles refer solely to the conditions of its action, it is easy to say the same thing of the two laws of electricity, which do not pretend to explain the agent itself. The laws of both of these agents are easily demonstrated further, there are certain circumstances which are requisite before the demonstration can be made. It cannot, therefore be urged with propriety, that Mesmerism is improperly termed a science, simply because its effects are not always produci- ble: nor can it be urged from the consideration that wrn do not perfectly know the circumstances which impede its action. Electricity would itself be a science, if we were ignorant of the disturbing cause arising from the moisture of the atmos- phere. Neither- can the existence or the non-existence of a fluid determine this question, or affect it in the least. Electricity cannot be proved to be a fluid. The light which we see when we apply the discharger to a Leyden jar, may be noth ing more than the sudden and violent compression of the at mosphere, which attends the restoration of the equilibrium If there is a fluid it is invisible; otherwise we should see it in the Leyden jar when fully charged. Since we cannot suppose effects without an agent, and since the effects of Mesmerism arc readily demonstrated, we 514 NEW APPENDIX. must suppose an agent. The controlling laws of this agent are to be traced in these effects. The knowledge and the application of these laws, so far as they are known, constitute a science, however imperfectly formed. It may be further observed, that there is a distinction be- tween the manual application of the rules of this science, and a knowledge of its laws and anomalies; which exhibits another analogy with electricity, for the latter can be prac- tised as an art, medically; or studied as a science, philosophic- ally. INDEX TO APPENDIX. NOTE 1 289 NOTE II.—Scene in a school-room. Children possess the magnetic power. Three instances. Somnambulism at the first trial without manipulation 289 NOTE III.—Power over the subject’s imagination. Va- rious experiments. Magnetized water 291 NOTE IV.—Clairvoyance. Explanation of the term. In what manner some somnambulists examine objects. Reading a sealed letter. Note from Isaac Thurber. Experiment by a young lady: by the translator. Ex- tract from the “Salem Gazette.” A somnambulist ex- amines one of Dr. B.’s patients. Post-mortem examina- tion. Note from Dr. B., 292 NOTE V.—Degree of controI*exercised over somnam- bulists 299 NOTE VI.—Coincidence of experience in this country and in Europe, in relation to the magnetic practice... 300 NOTE VII.—Awaking a somnambulist 300 NOTE VIII —Paralysis, produced in somnambulists by volition: in the natural state by manipulation. Letter from Dr. Webb. Notice of Gassner. Exorcism. Mesmer’s extraordinary power 301 NOTE IX.—Cutting out a cancer, the patient being in the somnambulic sleep 306 NOTE X.—Dr. Capron’s account of Miss Brackett. Blindness, Curious phenomena. Statement of Henry Hopkins and of Jesse Metcalf 309 515 516 INDEX TO APPENDIX. NOTE XT.—Experiments by M. B. L. Effects of a key. Magnetizing at a distance. Obeying a will. Somnam- bulist solving arithmetical problems. Effects of a bar magnet. Magnetic circuit. Dlass not a non-con- ductor, 315 NOTE XII.—Experiments by A. V. Potter. Notions of time. Distant Clairvoyance 324 NOTE XIII.—Somnambulism. Hermotimus Clazomen- ius. Eli Yarnall. The magnetizer. Examining the sick. Extract from Puysegur 328 NOTE X1Y.—Travelling somnambulists. Mistakes and illusions. Letter from Dr. Hartshorn: from Itev, F. A. Farley: from Dr. John Flint 333 NOTE XV.—Reading sealed letters. Note from Dr. Capron 342 NOTE XYI.—Dexterity of somnambulists 343 NOTE XVII.—Instance #f wit ; 344 NOTE XVIII.—La Fayette to Washington 344 NOTE XIX.—Superstition 344 NOTE XX.—Transmission of pain 346 NOTE XXI.—The magnetic fluid. Argument. Paralysis, 347 NOTE XXII.—Scrofula 350 • NOTE XXIII.—Epilepsy. Dr. Brownell. Distant in- fluence 350 NOTE XXIV.—Blindness. M. Hebert. Marchioness des Rousses. Prevision. Sight at a distance 352 NOTE XXV.—Letters from physicians. Nervous affec- tion. Tic douloureux. Liver complaint. Hypochon- driasis. Mesmerizing at a distance of five miles. Som- nambulic examinations of the sick. Case of Eleazer Barrett—paralysis. Miss McIntyre. Local action. Curing paralysis in two instances without somnolence. Inducing functional disease. Inveterate cutaneous dis- ease. Labor pains. Fever and ague. Affection of the head, with fever. Epilepsy. Spasmodic cough. Toothache. Bowel pains. Hip complaint. Neuralgia... 360 INDEX TO APPENDIX. 517 NOTE XXVI.—Letter from Dr. Robbins, on the cor- rection of the habits of somnambulists 377 NOTE XXVII.—Insensibility to pain. Operations by Dr. Esten, Dr. Harwood, and Dr. Washburn 381 NOTE XXVIII.—Distant Clairvoyance. Letter from E. L. Frothingham, Esq.: from Dr. Bugard: from Rev. E. B. Hall: from Rev. Benjamin Kent: from Joseph Harrington, Jr.: from Frederic S. Church 385 NOTE XXIX.—Dr. Georget. Somnambulic examina- tions and prescriptions. Dr. Georget’s power. Pre- vision. Petronille. Dr. Londe. Somnambulist fore- telling her own death. Remarkable declaration in- serted in Georget’s Will 419 NOTE XXX.—Letter from Moses B. Lockwood. Case of Croup. Mesmerizing at a distance. Tracing the mag- netizer 423 NOTE XXXI.—Letters from Physicians. Neuralgia, or Tic Douloureux. Delirium tremens. Bronchitis. Dys- pepsia and spinal irritation. Partial Paralysis. Head- ache and Dyspepsia. Hepatitis and Cephalalgia. Chronic inflammation of the stomach and bowels. Modifying the influence according to circumstances. Restoring warmth to a paralyzed limb. Inflammation of the chest, with symptoms of mortification. Deep- seated pain in the breasts. Spasms from nursing. Case of Mrs. W. C. Dyspepsia. Obeying volition. Seeing through opaque substances. Distant Clairvoyance. Idiocy and mania combined. Mrs. M. • Influence on the taste. Clairvoyance. Somnambulic examination. Establishing communication. Clairvoyance. Tic Dou- loureux. Palpitation of the heart. Changing Mag- netizers. Case of Mrs. F. Tic Douloureux. Chronic periodical headache. Tic Douloureux. Constipation and ingratitude. Demolishing scepticism. Mesmerism should be used only as a remedial agent 425 NOTE XXXII.—Seeing through opaque substances. Letter from Isaac Thurber, Esq.: from Mr. Geo. Hunt: from Dr. Knox 447 518 INDEX TO APPENDIX. NOTE XXXIII.—Insensibility to pain. Letter from Dr. Esten. Severe dental operations. The mesmerized person destroys the nerve of her own tooth with a hot needle 453 NOTE XXXIV.— Letter from Mr. A. V. Potter. Com- parative susceptibility of the sexes. Various experi- ments. Paralysis. Springfield somnambulist put to sleep. Curious effects on Mrs. F. Maria Reed. Mrs. Smith. Miss S. Dr. March’s daughter. Effect at a distance. Mr. John Perry. Judge Spreicker. Miss Van N 454 NOTE XXXV.—Influence in the waking state. Choice of Magnetizers and Physicians 460 NOTE XXXVI.—Letters from Physicians. From Dr. Douglas. Labor pains, two cases. Acute Rheumatism. Rheumatism in the feet. Bronchitis. Spinal affection. Deep issues with caustic potash, made without pain. Acute inflammation of stomach and bowels. Tumefaction of the bowels. Various dis- eases 465 From Dr. Barrett. Case of Miss E. J. Pleurisy. Two cases of extracting teeth without pain. Spinal irritation. Local Magnetism rendering the patient in- sensible to pain in the part magnetized. Natural som- nambulism cured 471 From Dr. Cleveland. Experiments upon the mem- ory. Recalling the events of childhood, and those of a later period. Transmission of pain from the patient, and to the patient. Neuralgia. Curious effect of a fall. Singular case of Tetanus. Tetanus distinguished from Epilepsy 473 From Dr. Capron. Notice of Miss Brackett’s case. Interruption of its treatment. Theory proposed. Wil- son Phillip. Identity of Galvanic Electricity and the Nervous Influence. Extraordinary cases of electrical excitement in human subjects. Gymnotus. Fascina- tion. Influence of the passions. Sympathies. Sensi- tive plants. Reducing the pulsations of the heart. Phreno-magnetism. Understanding the thoughts of INDEX TO APPENDIX. 519 another. Ancient Oracles. Dreaming. Origin of dis- eases. Dr. Cullen. Mode of commencing a treatment, 41V NOTE XXXVII.—Neurology. Letter from Dr. Bu- chanan. Explanation of the science. Indications of impressibility. Mode of procedure 497 NOTE XXXVIII.—Dr. Buchanan’s experiments. Medi- cinal influence imparted through the hand 501 NOTE XXXIX.—Rev. Dr. Packard. Result of Council. Somnambulic visit. Notice of Mr. Silas Allen’s cases. Various diseases. Convulsions in a child cured by Dr. Cleveland 503 NOTE XL.—Cutting out a tumor without pain. Dr. Rich. Milk-leg. Dr. Ewing 509 NOTE XLI.—Letter from Isaac Thurber, Esq. Poetic faculty excited. Chronic headache. Spinal complaint. Extract from Cuvier. Extract from La Place 511 NOTE XLII.—Mesmerism a science 512 NOTICES. To show the favor with which this work was received when the first edition was published, we append a few no- tices of the press: Mr. Thomas C. Hartshorn, of this city, has published Part I. of the work of J. P. F. Deleuze, with the title of “Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism.” We have ever been sceptical as to this subject, probably because we have taken no pains to obtain evidences of its truth; and we have probably been prevented from seeking these evidences, first, because we did not wish to be carried away by a momentary excitement; and second, because, as we frankly confess, we have no desire to be convinced of its truth, until satisfied that, if true, it will be productive of more good than evil; and which we do not believe. But as to th * work before us, though other pressing avo- cations have prevented us from giving it a thorough pei’usal, there are two things for which we can vouch. Whatever Mr. H. does, is well done; and, therefore, the public may have the utmost confidence in his translation as being a faith- ful and elegant one; and be assured that his own notes are penned with the utmost degree of candor and good feeling.— Republican Ilerald. We have been favored with a copy of a work entitled “Part First, Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism, by J. P. F. Deleuze, translated from the Paris edition by Thomas C. (Extracts from Providence Papers, noticing the First Edition.) 521 522 NOTICES. Hartshorn.” The work is very neatly got up, and from a hasty examination of the same, the work of the translator ap- pears to have been faithfully and ably performed. Mr. Hartshorn has given great attention to this subject, and we know of no person better qualified than himself to favor the public with a full history of Animal Magnetism and its vari- ous developments in this region. Public curiosity is now so highly excited, and the interest felt in this subject by scientific men, especially of the medical profession, is now so great, that nothing short of a full and complete investigation of the extraordinary phenomena of Magnetism will satisfy the de- mand of the public.—Daily Courier. We have been favored with the perusal of the proof sheets of this work, now in the press of B. Cranston & Co., and which will be published at the close of the coming week. Considering the excitement which the subject of Animal Mag- netism has made of late and is still destined to make in this country, more particularly in consequence of the astonishing developments of its power that have been made for months past transpiring in this city and vicinity, we are glad to see our rec- ommendations acted upon, and to learn that the public are about to be furnished with information touching the whole matter, in the appendix of the present work.—Daily Journal. The translation of Deleuze’s work on Animal Magnetism, from which we made a few extracts while it was passing through the press, is now published and on sale at our book- stores. Besides the contents of the orginal work, it has much additional matter in the form of notes, relative to some of the cases that have occured in this quarter. We recommend both believers and unbelievers to purchase and read it; and reiterate what we some time since stated, that implicit reliance may be placed in Mr. T. C. Hartshorn, as a translator and anno- tator.—Ibid. (From the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.) AMIMAL MAGNETISM. Although a variety of facts have been given to the medical public within the last year, to convince the profession that NOTICES. 523 there is some truth in Animal Magnetism., we have been un- willing to meddle with the matter of late, for fear of being considered either a dupe, or a tool in the hands of designing knaves. But the recent developments in the city of Providence are so well authenticated by members of our own profession, that we cannot withhold some notice of them without doing a manifest injustice to our patrons, who have aright to expect a fair chronology of all events occuring in the circle of pro- fessional observation. With these explanatory remarks, we shall republish, from an appendix to Deleuze, just pbblished at Providence, the following statements of Dr. Webb, Dr. Capron, and others, whose reputations place them entirely above the suspicion of a design to impose upon the world.— Vol. 17, page 89. Deleuze’s Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism is a very exciting little work, translated by Thomas C. Hartshorn, of Providence. A page will hereafter be devoted to a further notice. In the meantime, being on sale, we recommend it to the candid perusal of the profession.—Ibid, vol. 17, page 98. Aside from any particular feeling of dislike or partiality lor the subject of Animal Magnetism, candor obliges us to acknowledge that this compact manual is a very captivating production. There is a peculiar manifestation of honesty in the author, who writes what he considers to be substantially true, without any reference to the opinions of the world. Having no guile himself,he seems to be unwilling to believe that any one else can be influenced by bad motives. Fully aware of the ridicule to which the devotees of Mesmerism have been subjected, he shows no disposition to shun the criticisms of those who have endeavored, from the very beginning, to overthrow the labors of those who are toiling in this new field of philosophy. What are we to know of Animal Magnetism, unless some exertion is made to become acquainted with the facts which are continually being presented ? To be so thoroughly ob- stinate as neither to hear, see, nor read, is virtually closing our eyes against the admission of those few rays of light, which men of science and of the highest respectability are concen- 524 NOTICES. trating for our immediate benefit. The mere act of express, ing a supreme contempt for the assertions of those who have witnessed, over and over again, in different countries, pre- cisely the same phenomena in individuals who were the sub- jects of this newly discovered power, will not overthrow it, till collusion and deep hypocrisy can be found to have been at the bottom of every case, both in the operator and patient. The translator of this work has certainly presented the profession with an uncommonly well-digested treatise, en- hanced in value by his own notes and the corroborative tes- timony of eminent physicians. There is an orderly arrange- ment perceivable in it, which gives character at once to the matter, however doubtful we may be in relation to the real- ity of the details. When the second part is published, which cannot be de- ferred very long, we have it in view to enter into a more minute consideration of the probable value of Magnetism, as an agent in the cure of diseases. It should not be forgotten that the biographical sketch of the life and services of Deleuze is worth the price of the book.—Ibid, vol. 17, page 113. WORKS ON MAGNETISM. There is now an increasing interest in the facts relating to Magnet- ism, etc., and as the people are awakening to the importance of a knowl- edge of the subject, we present below a list of the most important Works published. How to Magnetize; or, Magnetism and Clairvoyance.—A practical Treat- ise on the Choice, Management, and Capabilities of Subjects, with instruc- tions on the Method of Procedure. By James Victok Wilson. 18mo, paper, 25c. A very complete little Manual on this subject, and containing more than has before been published in so small a space. The Philosophy of Electrical Psychology. B. John Boyee Dods. $1.25. Philosophy of Mesmerism and Clairvoyance. By the same. 50 cts. Fascination ; or, The Philosophy of Charming. Principles of Life in con- nection with Spirit and Matter. By J. B. Newman, M.D. $1.00. History of Salem Witchcraft.— A review of Charles W. Cpham’s great Work from the Edinburgh Re- view, with Notes; containing, also, The Planchette Mystery, Spiritual- ism, by Mbs. Habbiet Beeches Stowe, and Dr. Doddridge’s Dream. 125 pp. Cloth, $1. The Planchette Mystery.—Being a Candid Inquiry into the Nature, Origin, Import, and Tendencies of Modern Signs and Wonders. 20c. Medical Electricity. — A Manual Showing the most Scientific and Ra- tional Application to all Forms of Disease of the different combinations of Electricity, Galvanism, Electro- Magnetism, Magneto-Electricity and Human Magnetism. By Wm. White, M.D. $2. Practical Instructions in Animal Magnetism. By J. P. F. Deleuze. Translated by Thomas C. Hartshorn. New and revised ed. Over 500 12mo pp. Price $2. Nearly ready. This is a most comprehensive work, and covers the subject ver}- fully. It has long been out of print, and repeated calls fora work containing practical in- structions, have led to the publication of a new and revised edition of this valuable book. The Library of Mesmerism and Psychology. — Comprising the Phi- losophy oe Mesmerism, Clairvoy- ance, Mental Electricity.—Fas- cination, or the Power of Charming. Illustrating the Principles of Life in connection with Spirit and Matter.— The Macrocosm, or the Universe Without: being an unfolding of the plan of Creation and the Correspond- ence of Truths.—The Philosophy oe Electrical Psychology ; the Doctrine of Impressions ; including the connection between Mind and Matter; also, the Treatment of Dis- ease.— Psychology, or the Science of the Soul, considered Physiologi- cally and Philosophically; with an Appendix containing Notes of Mes- meric and Psychiea. experience, and Illustrations of the Brain and Nerv- ous System. 1 vol. 12mo, extra cloth. $3.50. This work contains several of the smaller works, and also some others which can not be supplied separately. Vital Magnetism: Its Power over Disease. By Fred. T. Parson. Cloth, $1.25. These comprise a list of the works we now have on this fascinating subject. Copies will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of price. Address FOWLER Sc WEILLS, Publishers, 753 Broadway, New York. LIBRARY MESMERISM AND PSYCHOLOQY. OF COMPLETE IN ONE LARGE VOLUME. 44 All are but parts of one stupendous whole, Whose body nature is, and God the soul." Comprising the Philosophy op Mesmerism, Clairvoyance, Mental Elec- tricity.—Fascination, or the Power of Charming- Illustrating the Principles of Life in connection with Spirit and Matter.—The Macrocosm and Micro- cosm, or the Universe Without and Universe Within: being an unfolding of the plan of Creation, and the Correspondence of Truths, both in the World of Sense and the World of Soul.—The Philosophy op Electrical Psychology ; the Doctrine of Impressions; including the connection between Mind and Matter; also, the Treatment of Disease.—Psychology, or the Science of the Soul, consid- ered Physiologically and Philosophically; with an appendix containing notes of Me s meric and Psychical experience, and illustrations of the Brain and Nervous System. In this Library is embraced all the most practical matter yet written on these deeply interesting, though somewhat mysterious, subjects. Having these works at hand, the reader may learn all there is known of Mesmerism, Clairvoyance. Biology, and Psychology. lie may also learn how to produce results whjelt the most scientific men have not yet been able to explain. The facts are here recorded, and the practice or modus operandi given. In order to give an idea of the scope of the work, we append a brief synopsis of the table of contents : Charming—How'to Charm; Fascination; Double Life of Man; Spiritual States; Stages in Dying; Operation of Medicine; What is Prevision, or Second Sight ? Philosophy of Somnambulism ; History of Fascination ; Beecher on Magnetism ; Electrical Psychology—its Definition and Importance in Curing Disease ; Mind and Matter : The Existence of a Deity Proved ; Subject of Creation Considered ; The Doctrine of Impressions ; The Secret Revealed, so that all may know how to Experiment without an Instructor; Electro-Biology; Genetoiogy, or Human Beauty Philosophically Considered; Philosophy of Mesmerism; Animal Magnetism; Mental Electricity, or Spiritualism ; The Philosophy of Clairvoyance; Degrees in Mesmerism : Psychology; Origin, Phenomena, Physiology, Philosophy and Psychol- ogy of Mesmerism ; Mesmeric and Physical Experience ; Clairvoyance as appnsd to Physiology and Medicine; Trance, or Spontaneous Ecstasies; The Practice and Use of Mesmerism and Circles ; The Doctrine of Degrees ; Doctrine of Cor- respondences ; Doctrine of Progressive Development; Law Agency and Divine Agency ; Providences, etc,, etc., with othei interesting matter. The Library contains several works by different authors, making some Nine Hundred pages, nicely printed and substantially and handsomely bound in one poitly liiiuo volume. Price for the work, complete, pre-paid by return of post, £1. Addreee, S. It. WELLS & CO. Broadway, New York. “It is an Illustrated Cyclopedia.” SISSS 0F OK, As manifested in Temperament and External Forms, and especially in the Human Face Divine. By 8 R. WELLS, Editor Phrenological Journal. Large 12mo, 763 pp. With more than 1,000 Engravings. Illustrating Physiognomy, Anatomy, Physiology, Ethnology, Phrenol- ogy, ana Natural History. A comprehensive, thorough, and practical Work, in wliich all that is *■ known on the subject treated is Systematized, Explained, Illustrated, and Applied. Physiognomy is here shown to be no mere fanciful speculation, but a consistent and well- considered sjvtern of Character-reading, based on the established truths of Physiology and Phrenology, and confirmed by Ethnology, as well as by the peculiarities of individ- uals. it is no abstraction, but something to be made useful; something to be practiced by everybody and in all places, and made an efficient help in that noblest of all studies— the Study of Man. It is readily understood and as readily applied. The following tre some of the leading topics discussed and explained in this great illustrated work: Previous Systems given, including those of all ancient and modern writers. General Principles of Physiognomy, or the Physiological laws on which charac- ter-reading is and must be based. Temperaments. — The Ancient Doc- trines — Spnrzheim’s Description — The New Classification now in use here. Practical Physiognomy. — General Forms of Faces—The Eyes, the Mouth, the Nose, the Chin, the Jaws and Teeth, the Cheeks, the Forehead, the Hair and Beard, the Complexion, the Neck and Ears, the Hariris* and Feet, the Voice, the Walk, the Laugh, the Mode of Shaking Hands. Dress, etc... with illustrations. Ethnology.— The Races, including the Caucasian, Die North American Indians, the Mongolian, the Malay, and the African, with their numerous subdivisions: also National Types, each illustrated. Physiognomy Applied—To Marriage, to the Training of Children, to Personal Improvement, to Business, to Insanity and Idiocy, to Health and Disease, to Classes and Professions, to Personal Improvement, and to Character-Reading generally. UtU ity of Physiognomy, Self-Improvement. Animal Types.— Grades of Intelli- fence, Instinct and Reason — Animal leads and Animal Types among Men. Graphemancy.—Character revealed in Hand-writing, with Specimens—Palmistry. “ Line of Life’' in the human hand. Character-Heading. — More than a hundred noted Men and Women introduc- ed—What Physiognomy says of them. The Great Secret.—How to be Healthy and How to be Beautiful—Mental Cosmet- ics—very interesting, very useful. Aristotle and St. Pawl.—A Model Head—Views of Life — Illustrative Anec- dotes—Detecting a Rogue by his Pace. No o? e -an read this Book without interest, without real profit. "Knowledge is power. ' ami this is emphatically true of a knowledge of men—of human character. He who ha“ it is “ master of the situationand anybody may have it who will, and find la it the " t of success” and the road to the largest personal improvement. Price. ii one large Volume, of nearly 800 pages, and more than 1,000 engravings on toned p-pet, handsomely bound in embossed muslin, $5; in heavy calf, marbled edges, $8; Tut key morocco, fuU gilt, $10. Agents may do well to canvass for this work Gfood fieklth Sook^. Digestion and Dyspepsia. A Complete Explanation of the Digestive Processes, with the Symptoms and Treatment of Dyspepsia and other Disorders of the Digestive Organs. Illustrated. Third Edition. By K.. T. Trall, M. D. Sent by first post. Price, $100. The latest and best work on the subject. With fifty Illustrations; showing with all possible fulness every process of digestion, and giving all the causes, and directions for Treatment of Dyspepsia. The following, from the Table of Con- tents, will show something of the nature and scope of this important work ; Part I.— Digestion. — Nutrition, Insalivation, The Teeth, Deglutition, Chy- mifleatiou, Chyliflcation, Intestinal Diges- tion, Absorption of the Nutrient Elements, Aeration of the Food Elements. Part II.—Ilyapepsia.— Nature of Dyspepsia, Special Cause of Dyspepsia, Symptoms of Dyspepsia, Dyspepsia and Cachexies, Principles of Treatment, Food. Drink, Exercise. Pathin" Clothing, Mental Influences, Occupation, Position and Mal- position, Sleep, Temperature, Ventilation, The anthor gives the summary of the data which has been collected during an extensive practice of more than twenty- five years, largely with patients who were suffering from diseases caused by Dyspep- sia and an impaired Digestion. It tells you what to eat and how to eat it: what to do and how to do it; not whai medicine to take and how to take it, to cure Dyspepsia. The Mothers’ Hygienic Hand-Book, for the Normal Development and Training of Women and Children and the Treatment of their Diseases with Hygienic Agencies. By R. T. Trall, M.D. i2mo, cloth, 1S6 pages. I'lain edition, $1.00; fine edition, $1.25. The great experience and ability of the author enables him to give just that advice which mothers need so often all through their lives, and this will be found by far the beet work on the subject yet published. It covers the whole ground, and, if it be carefully read, will go far towards giving us an “ Enlightened Motherhood.” The work should be read by every wife aud every woman who contemplates marriage. Mothers may place it in the hands of their daughters with words of commendation, and feel assured that they will be the better prepared for the responsibilities and duties of married life and motherhood. It is a fact that, other things being equal, ihe Dis- eases of Women and their infants are in direct ratio to the unhygienic nabits of the mothers; and, this being the case, how important it is that the knowledge con tained in this book should be widespread. Physicians, and nurses, and all who havo the care of women and children, whether in health or disease, should read the Mothers’ Hj gienic Hand-Book. Ladies wanted to act as agents. The Hygeian Home Cook-Book ; Or, Healthful and Palatable Food without Condiments/ 'A Complete Book of Recipes or Directions for Preparing and Cooking all kinds of Healthful Food in a Healthful Manner. By R. T. Trall, M.D. Paper, 25 cents; Muslin, 50 cents. By far the best book of recipes ever pub- lished. It is not a work on the philosophy of food, but on its preparation, consisting of recipes or directions for making all kinds of bread, rolls, gems, crisps, etc.; mushes, nies, and puddiugs, that are hygi- enic; all Kinds of soups, how to cook vege- tables, and the preparation and use of fruits, also how to preserve them, it is a book which will be welcomed by every housewife; whether Hygienic or not she should have a copy of this new cook-book, that she may prepare more healthfu! dishes. Every hygienist will certainly need a copy of the “ Hygeian Home Cook- Book,” and will aid in its introduction. FOWLER & WELLS, PUBLISHERS, 753 BROADWAY. N. 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