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Ralph ABEECEOMBYr. $1.75. New York: D. APPLETON & CO., 1, 3, & 5 Bond Street THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES ANIMAL MAGNETISM ALFRED BINET BY AND CHARLES ASSISTANT PHYSICIAN AT THE SALPETRIfiaE NEWYORK D. APPLETON AND COMPANY 1888 PREFACE. We think it well to state that this work was written in the environment of the Salpetriere. By this we not only mean that our descriptions apply to facts observed in that hospital, but also that our personal observations were made in accordance with the method inaugurated O by M. Charcot, the chief of the school of the Salpetriere, that is, in accordance with the experimental method which is illustrated by clinical science. While relying on the observation of spontaneous facts, we have strengthened these facts by experiments. It would at present be premature to write a didactic treatise on animal magnetism and hypnotism. This work only aims at giving an account of special researches which, notwithstanding their number and variety, will not justify general conclusions on the question. After receiving this warning, the reader will not be surprised VI PREFACE. to meet with, occasional breaches of continuity, which are, however, more apparent than real, and which are due to our resolution not to speak of experiments which we have not verified for ourselves. Completeness is good, but it is still better to assert nothing of which we are not assured. B. AND F. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Animal Magnetism in its Beginnings—Mesmee and PAGE PuYSEGUE... ... ... ... ... ... 1 11. Histoby of Animal Magnetism—the Academic Period 33 111. History of Animal Magnetism.—Braid: Hypnotism— Grimes, Azam, Durand de Gros, Demarquay, and Gieaud-Teulon, Liebault, Ch. Richet, Charcot, and IY. The Modes of producing Hypnosis ... ... 88 P. Richer ... ... ... ... ... 67 V. Symptoms of Hypnosis ... ... ... ... 104 YI. The Hypnotic States ... ... ... ... 154 VII. Imperfect Forms op Hypnosis ... ... ... 164 VIII. General Study of Suggestion ... ... ... 171 IX. Hallucinations ... ... ... ... ... 211 X. Suggestions of Movements and of Acts ... ... 277 XL Paralysis by Suggestion : Anaesthesia ... ... 304 XII. Paralysis by Suggestion: Motor Paralysis ... 323 XIII. The Application of Hypnotism to Therapeutics and Education ... ... ... ... ... 352 XIV. Hypnotism and Responsibility ... ... ... 361 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. CHAPTER I. ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS—MESMER AND PUYSEGUR. We propose to discuss a question as old as the world itself; which about a century ago was admitted into the sphere of scientific discussion; which, although con- stantly rejected and disclaimed by learned bodies, has always reappeared, and is still in process of evolution, notwithstanding the importance of the results already achieved. In retracing the history of animal magnetism we shall endeavour to explain the causes of these vicissi- tudes of fortune, and to indicate what instruction may be derived from them. As we proceed with our subject, the truth will become more evident that it was owino- O to a lack of method that animal magnetism was not admitted at an earlier date to take its place in science. It concerns scholars to trace the course of animal magnetism through the ages, and to seek for its remote beginnings in the customs of ancient peoples. We refrain from such historic studies, for which we are incompetent, and propose merely to sum up the conclusions of science 2 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. with respect to animal magnetism, and consequently only to speak of its history so far as this history has left its traces on the present state of the question.* From this point of view, it is unnecessary to go back to an earlier period than that of Mesmer and of his immediate predecessors. Mesmerism is connected with a tradition which had its origin towards the middle of the sixteenth century, a tradition which, as the name of animal magnetism implies, not invented by Mesmer, ascribed to man the power of exercising on his fellows an action analogous to that of the magnet. It seems to be established that a profound impression had been produced upon the human mind by the natural magnet and its physical pro- perties, the existence of two poles, endowed with opposite properties, and a remote action without direct contact. Even in ancient times it had been observed, or assumed, that the magnet possessed a curative power, and it had been employed as a remedy. This belief still subsisted in the middle ages.f In a work by Cardan, dated 1584,J there is an account of an experiment in anaesthesia, produced by the magnet. It was then customary to magnetize rings which were worn round the neck or on the arm, in order to cure nervous diseases. The idea gradually dawned that there are magnetic properties in the human body. The first trace of this belief appears in the works of Paracelsus. This remarkable thinker maintained that * Many authors have written the history of animal magnetism : Dubois, Dechambre, Bersot, Figuier, etc. The only study of the subject entitled to be called critical is that of Paul Richer, in the Nouvelle Bevue, August 1, 1882. % Cardan’s Works, book vii., on Precious Stones. + Eichet, Bulletin de la Societe de Biologic, May 30, 1884. ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 3 the human body was endowed with a double magnetism; that one portion attracted to itself the planets, and was nourished by them, whence came wisdom, thought, and the senses; that the other portion attracted to itself the elements and disintegrated them, whence came flesh and blood; that the attractive and hidden virtue of man resembles that of amber and of the magnet; that by this virtue the magnetic virtue of healthy persons attracts the enfeebled magnetism of those who are sick.* After Para- celsus, many learned men of the sixteenth and seven- teenth centuries—Glocenius, Burgrave, Helinotius, Robert Fludd, Kircher, and Maxwell—believed that in the magnet they could recognize the properties of that universal principle by which minds addicted to generali- sation thought that all natural phenomena might be explained. These men wrote voluminous books, filled with sterile discussions, with unproved assertions, and with contemptible arguments. Mesmer drew largely from these sources; it cannot be disputed that he had read some of these many books, devoted by early authors to the study of magnetism, although such study was forbidden. Where he showed his originality was in taking hold of the so-called uni- versal principle of the world, and in applying it to the sick by means of contact and of passes. His predecessors do not appear to have been addicted to such practices; they believed that in order to infuse the vital spirit, it was enough to make use of talismans and of magic boxes. Anthony Mesmer was born in Germany, in 1734. He was received as doctor of medicine by the Faculty in * See Sprengel, Histoire de la Medecine, vol. iii. pp. 230 et seq.; and Figuier, Histoire du Merveilleux, vol. iii. chap. v. 4 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Vienna, and took for the subject of his thesis, The Influence of the Planets in the Cure of Diseases (1766). He undertook to prove that the sun, moon, and heavenly bodies act upon living beings by means of a subtle fluid, which he called animal magnetism, in order to point out the properties which it has in common with the magnet. After the publication of this whimsical and mystical work, Mesmer made acquaintance with the Jesuit Father Hell, professor of astronomy, who in 1774 settled in Vienna, and cured the sick by means of magnetic steel tractors. Mesmer discovered some analogy between Hell’s experiments and his own astronomical theories, and tried what effect the magnet would produce in the treatment of diseases. An account of his cures filled the Vienna newspapers. Several people of importance gave evidence that they had been cured, among whom was Osterwald, director of the Munich Academy of Science, who had been affected by paralysis; and Bauer, a professor of mathematics, who had suffered from an obstinate attack of ophthalmia. On the other hand, the learned bodies of his native country did not accept his experiments, and the letters which he wrote to most of the academies of Europe remained unanswered. He soon abandoned the use of the magnet and of Hell’s instruments, and restricted himself to passes with the hand, declaring animal mag- netism to be distinct from the magnet. Obliged to quit Vienna, in consequence of some ad- venture not clearly explained, Mesmer came to Paris. He first established himself in a humble quarter of the town, Place Vendome, and began to expound his theory of the magnetic fluid. In 1779 he published a paper ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 5 on the discovery of magnetism, in which he announced to the world that he had discovered a principle capable of curing all diseases. He summed up his theory in twenty-seven propositions, or rather assertions, most of which only reproduce the cloudy conceptions of magnetic medicine. Propositions. 1. A responsive influence exists between the heavenly bodies, the earth, and animated bodies. 2. A fluid universally diffused, so continuous as not to admit of a vacuum, incomparably subtle, and naturally susceptible of receiving, propagating, and communicating all motor disturbances, is the means of this influence. 3. This reciprocal action is subject to mechanical laws, with which we are not as yet acquainted. 4. Alternative effects result from this action, which may be considered to be a flux and reflux. 5. This reflux is more or less general, more or less special, more or less compound, according to the nature of the causes which determine it. 6. It is by this action, the most universal which occurs in nature, that the exercise of active relations takes place between the heavenly bodies, the earth, and its constituent parts. 7. The properties of matter and of organic substance depend on this action. 8. The animal body experiences the alternative effects of this agent, and is directly affected by its in- sinuation into the substance of the nerves. 9. Properties are displayed, analogous to those of the magnet, particularly in the human body, in which diverse 6 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. and opposite poles are likewise to be distinguished, and these may be communicated, changed, destroyed, and reinforced. Even the phenomenon of declination may be observed. 10. This property of the human body which renders it susceptible of the influence of the heavenly bodies, and of the reciprocal action of those which environ it, manifests its analogy with the magnet, and this has decided me to adopt the term of animal magnetism. 11. The action and virtue of animal magnetism, thus characterized, may be communicated to other animate or inanimate bodies. Both these classes of bodies, however, vary in their susceptibility. 12. This action and virtue may be strengthened and diffused by such bodies. 13. Experiments show that there is a diffusion of matter, subtle enough to penetrate all bodies without any considerable loss of energy. 14. Its action takes place at a remote distance, with- out the aid of any intermediary substance. 15. It is, like light, increased and reflected by mirrors. 16. It is communicated, propagated, and increased by sound. 17. This magnetic virtue may be accumulated, concentrated, and transported. 18. I have said that animated bodies are not all equally susceptible; in a few instances they have such an opposite property that their presence is enough to destroy all the effects of magnetism upon other bodies. 19. This opposite virtue likewise penetrates all bodies: it also may be communicated, propagated, ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 7 accumulated, concentrated, and transported, reflected by mirrors, and propagated by sound. This does not merely constitute a negative, but a positive opposite virtue. 20. The magnet, whether natural or artificial, is like other bodies susceptible of animal magnetism, and even of the opposite virtue: in neither case does its action on fire and on the needle suffer any change, and this shows that the principle of animal magnetism essentially differs from that of mineral magnetism. 21. This system sheds new light upon the nature of fire and of light, as well as on the theory of attrac- tion, of flux and reflux, of the magnet and of electricity. 22. It teaches us that the magnet and artificial electricity have, with respect to diseases, properties common to a host of other agents presented to us by nature, and that if the use of these has been attended by some useful results, they are due to animal magnetism. 23. These facts show, in accordance with the practical rules I am about to establish, that this principle will cure nervous diseases directly, and other diseases indirectly. 24. By its aid the physician is enlightened as to the use of medicine, and may render its action more perfect, and he can provoke and direct salutary crises, so as completely to control them. 25. In communicating my method, I shall, by a new theory of matter, demonstrate the universal utility of the principle I seek to establish. 26. Possessed of this knowledge, the physician may judge with certainty of the origin, nature, and progress of diseases, however complicated they may be; he may hinder their development and accomplish their cure without exposing the patient to dangerous and trouble- 8 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. some consequences, irrespective of age, temperament, and sex. Even women in a state of pregnancy, and during parturition, may reap the same advantage. 27. This doctrine will, finally, enable the physician to decide upon the health of every individual, and of the presence of the diseases to which he may be exposed. In this way the art of healing may be brought to absolute perfection. Mesmer’s doctrines obtained success. In the outset he was fortunate enough to convert one of the leading physicians of the faculty of medicine, Deslon, the Comte d’Artois’s first physician. Pupils and patients flowed in. The moment appeared to be favourable: men’s minds had been stirred by recent discoveries, and were open to any science which afforded a new horizon. Franklin had invented the lightning conductor, and the Montgolfier brothers were inventing balloons. Some scientific discoveries excite popular superstition by rendering the marvellous probable. All the world wished to be magnetized, and the crowd was so great that Mesmer employed a valet toucheur to magnetize in his place. This did not suffice; he invented the famous haquet, or trough, round which more than thirty persons could be magnetized simultaneously. A circular, oaken case, about a foot high, was placed in the middle of a large hall, hung with thick curtains, through which only a soft and subdued light was allowed to penetrate; this was the haquet. At the bottom of the case, on a layer of powdered glass and iron filings, there lay full bottles, symmetrically arranged, so that the necks of all converged towards the centre; other bottles were arranged in the opposite ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 9 direction, with their necks towards the circumference. All these objects were immersed in water, but this condition was not absolutely necessary, and the haquet might be dry. The lid was pierced with a certain number of holes, whence there issued jointed and mov- able iron branches, which were to be held by the patients. Absolute silence was maintained. The patients were ranged in several rows round the haquet, connected with each other by cords passed round their bodies, and by a second chain, formed by joining hands. As they waited a melodious air was heard, proceeding from a pianoforte, or harmonicon, placed in the adjoining room, and to this the human voice was sometimes added. Then, influenced by the magnetic effluvia issuing from the haquet, curious phenomena were produced. These are well described by an eye-witness named Bailly: “ Some patients remain calm, and experience nothing: others cough, spit, feel slight pain, a local or general heat, and fall into sweats ; others are agitated and tormented by convulsions. These convulsions are remarkable for their number, duration, and force, and have been known to persist for more than three hours. They are charac- terized by involuntary, jerking movements in all the limbs, and in the whole body, by contraction of the throat, by twitchings in the hypochondriac and epigastric regions, by dimness and rolling of the eyes, by piercing cries, tears, hiccough, and immoderate laughter. They are preceded or followed by a state of languor or dreaminess, by a species of depression, and even by stupor. “ The slightest sudden noise causes the patient to start, and it has been observed that he is affected by a change of time or tune in the airs performed on the 10 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. pianoforte; that his agitation is increased by a more lively movement, and that his convulsions then become more violent. Patients are seen to be absorbed in the search for one another, rushing together, smiling, talking affectionately, and endeavouring to modify their crises. They are all so submissive to the magnetizer that even when they appear to be in a stupor, his voice, a glance, or sign will rouse them from it. It is impossible not to admit, from all these results, that some great force acts upon and masters the patients, and that this force appears to reside in the magnetizer. This convulsive state is termed the crisis. It has been observed that many women and few men are subject to such crises; that they are only established after the lapse of two or three hours, and that when one is established, others soon and successively begin. “When the agitation exceeds certain limits, the patients are transported into a padded room; the women s corsets are unlaced, and they may then strike their heads against the padded walls without doing themselves any injury,” Mesmer, wearing a coat of lilac silk, walked up and down amid this palpitating crowd, together with Deslon and his associates, whom he chose for their youth and comeliness. Mesmer carried a long iron wand, with which he touched the bodies of the patients, and especi- ally those parts which were diseased; often, laying aside the wand, he magnetized them with his eyes, fixing his gaze on theirs, or applying his hands to the hypochondriac region and to the lower part of the abdomen. This appli- cation was often continued for hours, and at other times the master made use of passes. He began by placing ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 11 himself en rapport with his subject. Seated opposite to him, foot against foot, knee against knee, he laid his fingers on the hypochondriac region, and moved them to and fro, lightly touching the ribs. Magnetization with strong currents was substituted for these manipulations when more energetic results were to be produced. “ The master, erecting his fingers in a pyramid, passed his hands all over the patient’s body, beginning with the head, and going down over the shoulders to the feet. He then returned again, to the head, both back and front, to the belly and the back; he renewed the pro- cess again and again, until the magnetized person was saturated with the healing fluid, and was transported with pain or pleasure, both sensations being equally salutary.” * Young women were so much gratified by the crisis, that they begged to be thrown into it anew ; they followed Mesmer through the hall, and confessed that it was impossible not to be warmly attached to the magnetizer’s person. It must have been curious to witness such scenes. So far as we are now able to judge, Mesmer excited in his patients nervous crises in which we may trace the principal signs of the severe hysteric attacks which may be observed daily.*!* Silence, darkness, and the emotional expectation of some extraordinary phenomenon, when several persons are collected in one place, are conditions known to encourage convulsive crises in predisposed subjects. It must be remembered that women were in the majority, that the first crisis which occurred was * Louis Figuier, Histoire du Merveilleux, vol. ii. p. 20. Paris, 1860. t See Bourreville and Eegnard, Iconographie photographique de la Salpetriere ; Paul Richer, Eludes diniques sur VHystero-epilepsia. 12 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. contagious, and we shall fully understand the hysterical character of these manifestations. We must again draw attention to some of the characteristics of these convulsive crises. The movements of all the limbs and of the whole body, the contraction of the throat, the twitchings of the hypochondriac and of the epigastric regions, are manifest signs of hysteria, and may be referred to the nervous antecedents of the elegant and frivolous crowd which was the subject of Mesmer’s experiments. There is, however, still considerable un- certainty as to the nature of many of the phenomena which took place round the haquet. The desire to submit to Mesmer’s treatment soon became more general. The house in Place Yendome became too small, and Mesmer purchased the Hotel Bullion, in which he established four baquets, one of them for the gratuitous use of the poor. Since the latter did not suffice, Mesmer undertook to magnetize a tree at the end of Hue Bondy, and thousands of sick people might be seen attaching themselves to it with cords, in hopes of a cure. But this rage for Mesmer’s treatment could not last long, and difficulties of all kinds assailed him. On his arrival in Paris, he had requested the Academy of Science, and subsequently the Royal Society of Medicine, to institute an inquiry into his experiments; they were unable to agree as to the conditions of this inquiry, and the meeting dissolved in anger. Deslon, a professor of the Faculty of Medicine, asked his colleagues to sum- mon a general meeting to examine his observations and Mesmer’s propositions. This meeting, incited by M. de Yauzesmes, was extremely hostile to him. He was ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 13 condemned without any examination of the facts, and, moreover, was threatened with the penalty of having his name removed from the list of licensed physicians unless he amended his ways. In consequence of this, Mesmer left France, although the government offered him a life-pension of 20,000 francs if he would remain. Mesmer’s absence was short. He was soon recalled by his disciples, who were aware of their master’s avarice, and opened a subscription of 10,000 louis, in order to induce him to give a course of lectures in which he was to reveal his discoveries. This course was, how- ever, the point of departure for dissensions between the master and his disciples. Since the latter had bought his secret, they thought themselves entitled to publish it in lectures to the public. Mesmer claimed the monopoly of his discovery. Moreover, in spite of his promises, he had never made a complete explanation, doubtless because he had nothing to tell. He had nothing definite o o to add to the twenty-seven propositions published in 1779. Several of Mesmer’s disciples, who had paid a high price for his secret, accused him of having enunciated a theory which was merely a collection of obscure principles, and in fact they were justified in this asser- tion. One of Heslon’s hearers said: “ Those who know the secret are more doubtful than those who are ignorant of it.” It was a period of disputes, dissensions, epigrams, invectives, vaudevilles, and songs. Finally the government intervened, and in 1784 a commission was nominated to inquire into magnetism. This commission consisted of members taken from the Faculty of Medicine, and from the Academy of Sciences. Bailly, the celebrated astronomer, was chosen as its 14 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. reporter, and it included other illustrious men, such as Franklin and Lavoisier. Another commission, composed of members of the Royal Society of Medicine, was charged to make a distinct report on the same subject; Laurent de Jussieu was included in this second com- mission. We find it interesting at the present day to read the reports of these commissions, since they contain a disquisition on an obscure matter, of which time has revealed part of the secret. The line of conduct pursued by the commissioners in their inquiry was irreproach- able. The question concerned the existence of a mag- netic fluid of the nature which Mesmer and Deslon claimed to have discovered. Deslon proposed to prove the existence of the fluid by the observation of the cures which he effected. But the commissioners rightly con- sidered that this method was too doubtful; they decided to observe in the first instance “ the instantaneous effects of the fluid on the animal body, while depriving these effects of all the illusions which might be allied with them, and ascertaining that they could be due to no other cause than animal magnetism.” The immediate effects of magnetism, as they occurred at this period, were crises, and these were the special object of research. Some really magnetic effects might be combined with them, but Mesmer and his disciples only ascribed curative virtue to the manifestation of these convulsive movements. Deslon asserted that it was only by means of these crises, which were produced and directed by the will of the magnetizer, that he was able to assist or excite the efforts of nature, and thus effect a cure. We are now aware that these crises are real ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 15 phenomena, of which the cause is generally admitted to he hysterical neurosis. Moreover, a considerable number of facts demonstrate that, under the influence of such crises, certain forms of paralysis, which have persisted for months, and even for years, may suddenly disappear. There was, therefore, a certain truth in the curative virtue of these convulsive phenonema. The commissioners placed themselves under treatment once a week, and experienced nothing, except from time to time, after the seance had been protracted for several hours, a slight nervous irritability or pain in the hollow of the abdomen, to which Deslon applied his hand. We can understand this negative experience since we are aware that such crises, as well as magnetism, can only be produced in a favourable soil. In the case of susceptible subjects, the commissioners observed an extreme difference between those who were treated in public and in private, and this can be still more readily explained by the well- known contagious effect of example in all hysterical manifestations. The commissioners were particularly struck with the fact that the crises did not occur unless the subjects were aware that they were being magnetized. For instance, in the experiments performed by Jumelin, they observed the following fact. A woman who appeared to be a very sensitive subject, was sensible of heat as soon as Jumelin’s hand approached her body. Her eyes were bandaged, she was informed that she was being magnetized, and she experienced the same sensation, but when she was magnetized without being informed of it, she experienced nothing. Several other patients were likewise strongly affected when no operation was taking place, and experienced nothing when the operation was 16 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. going on. But the most curious experience of this kind was made in Deslon’s presence, much to his confusion. According to the theory, when a tree was magnetized, every person who approached it was affected by its influence. The experiment was made at Passy when Franklin was present. Deslon magnetized one tree in an orchard, and a boy of twelve years old, very sensitive to magnetism, was brought towards it with his eyes bandaged. At the first, second, and third tree, he turned giddy; at the fourth, when he was still at a distance of twenty-four feet from the magnetized tree, the crisis occurred, his limbs became rigid, and it was necessary to carry him to an adjoining grass-plat before Deslon could recall him to consciousness. All that these experiments show is that the preconceived idea may produce the same magnetic effects as purely physical means. This truth is well known to the performers of experiments. It is now an established fact that a subject may be thrown into a magnetic sleep, simply by assuring him that this will occur, and by the same process he may even be magnetized from a distance, if it is asserted that he will fall into somnambulism on a given day and hour, in any place which has been selected. The commissioners, ignorant of all these phenomena, which are now thoroughly established, thought that all which they had observed might be explained by three chief causes—imitation, imagination, and contact. This is the conclusion of their report;— “ The commissioners have ascertained that the animal magnetic fluid is not perceptible by any of the senses; that it has no action, either on themselves or on the patients subjected to it. They are convinced that ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 17 pressure and contact effect changes which are rarely favourable to the animal system, and which injuriously affect the imagination. Finally, they have demonstrated by decisive experiments that imagination apart from magnetism, produces convulsions, and that magnetism without imagination produces nothing. They have come to the unanimous conclusion with respect to the existence and utility of magnetism, that there is nothing to prove the existence of the animal magnetic fluid; that this fluid, since it is non-existent, has no beneficial effect; that the violent effects observed in patients under public treatment are due to contact, to the excitement of the imagination, and to the mechanical imitation which O 7 involuntarily impels us to repeat that which strikes our senses. At the same time, they are compelled to add, since it is an important observation, that the contact and repeated excitement of the imagination which produce the crises may become hurtful; that the spectacle of these crises is likewise dangerous, on ac- count of the imitative faculty which is a law of nature; and consequently that all treatment in public in which magnetism is employed must in the end be productive of evil results. “ (Signed) B. Franklin, Majault, Le Boy, Sallin, Bailly, D’Arcet, Be Bory, Guillotin, Lavoisier. The commissioners therefore merely regarded mag- netism as an effect of the imagination. Deslon appears to have come to the same conclusion, since he says, not unreasonably, “ If the medicine of the imagination is the most efficient, why should we not make use of it ? ” In “ Paris, August 11, 1784.” 18 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. our day this would appear to be an insufficient explana- tion. We might as well say that hysteria is due to the imagination. At the same time, the commissioners presented a secret report which expressed their final estimate of magnetism. It is the object of this curious document to point out the dangers of magnetism with respect to morality. We think it well to reproduce it in extenso. “ The commissioners entrusted by the king with the examination of animal magnetism have drawn up a report to be presented to his Majesty which ought perhaps to be published. It seemed prudent to suppress an observation not adapted for general publication, but they did not conceal it from the king’s minister. This minister has charged them to draw up a note designed only for the eyes of the king. “ This important observation concerns morality. The commissioners have ascertained that the chief causes of the effects ascribed to animal magnetism are contact, imagination, and imitation. They have observed that the crisis occurs more frequently in women than in men. The first cause of this fact consists in the differ- ent organizations of the two sexes. Women have, as a rule, more mobile nerves; their imagination is more lively and more easily excited; it is readily impressed and aroused. This great mobility of the nerves, since it gives a more exquisite delicacy to the senses, renders them more susceptible to the impressions of touch. In touching any given part, it may be said that they are touched all over the body, and the mobility of their nerves also inclines them more readily to imitation. It has been observed that women are like musical strings ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 19 stretched in perfect unison; when one is moved, all the others are instantly affected. Thus the commissioners have repeatedly observed that when the crisis occurs in one woman, it occurs almost at once in others also. “ This organization explains why the crises in women are more frequent, more violent, and of longer duration than in men; it is nearly always due to their sensitive nerves. Some crises are due to a hidden, but natural cause, to an emotional cause to which women are more or less susceptible, and which, by a remote influence, accumulates these emotions and raises them to their highest pitch, thus producing a convulsive state which may be confounded with the ordinary crises. This is due to the empire which nature has caused one sex to exert over the other, so as to arouse feelings of attachment and emotion. Women are always magnetized by men; the established relations are doubtless those of a patient to the physician, but this physician is a man, and whatever the illness may be, it does not deprive us of our sex, it does not entirely withdraw us from the power of the other sex; illness may weaken impressions without destroying them. Moreover, most of the women who present themselves to be magnetized are not really ill; many come out of idleness, or for amusement ; others, if not perfectly well, retain their freshness and their force, their senses are unimpaired and they have all the sensitiveness of youth; their charms are such as to affect the physician, and their health is such as to make them liable to be affected by him, so that the danger is reciprocal. The long-continued proximity, the necessary contact, the communication of individual heat, the inter- change of looks, are ways and means by which it is well 20 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. known that nature ever effects the communication of the sensations and the affections. “ The magnetizer generally keeps the patient’s knees enclosed within his own, and consequently the knees and all the lower parts of the body are in close contact. The hand is applied to the hypochondriac region, and some- times to that of the ovarium, so that the touch is exerted at once on many parts, and these the most sensitive parts of the body. “The experimenter, after applying his left hand in this manner, passes his right hand behind the woman’s body, and they incline towards each other so as to favour this twofold contact. This causes the closest proximity; the two faces almost touch, the breath is intermingled, all physical impressions are felt in common, and the re- ciprocal attraction of the sexes must consequently be ex- cited in all its force. It is not surprising that the senses are inflamed. The action of the imagination at the same time produces a certain disorder throughout the machine; it obscures the judgment, distracts the attention; the women in question are unable to take account of their sensations, and are not aware of their condition. “The medical members of the commission were present to watch the treatment, and carefully observed what passed. When this kind of crisis is approaching, the countenance becomes gradually inflamed, the eye brightens, and this is the sign of natural desire. The woman droops her head, lifts her hand to her forehead and eyes in order to cover them; her habitual modesty is unconsciously aroused, and inspires the desire of concealment. The crisis continues, however, and the eye is obscured, an unequivocal sign of the complete disorder of the senses. ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 21 This disorder may be wholly imperceivcd by the woman who experiences it, but it cannot escape the observant eye of the physician. As soon as this sign has been displayed, the eyelids become moist, the respiration is short and interrupted, the chest heaves rapidly, con- vulsions set in, and either the limbs or the whole body is agitated by sudden movements. In lively and sensitive women this last stage, which terminates the sweetest emotion, is often a convulsion; to this condition there succeed languor, prostration, and a sort of slumber of the senses, which is a repose necessary after strong agitation. “ This convulsive state, however extraordinary it may appear to the observers, is shown to have nothing painful or contrary to nature in it, from the fact that, as soon as it is over, it leaves no unpleasant traces in its subjects. There is nothing disagreeable in the recollection, but, on the contrary, the subjects feel the better for it, and have no repugnance to enter anew into the same state. Since the emotions they experience are the germs of the affec- tions and inclinations, we can understand why the magnetizer inspires such attachment, an attachment likely to be stronger and more marked in women than in men, so long as men are entrusted with the task of magnetism. Undoubtedly many women have not ex- perienced these effects, and others have not understood the cause of the effects they experienced; the more modest they are, the less they would be likely to suspect it. But it is-said that several have perceived the truth, and have withdrawn from the magnetic treatment, and those who have not perceived it ought to be deterred from its pursuit. 22 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. “The magnetic treatment must necessarily be danger- ous to morality. While proposing to cure diseases which require prolonged treatment, pleasing and precious emo- tions are excited, emotions to which we look back with regret and seek to revive, since they possess a natural charm for us, and contribute to our physical happiness. But morally they must be condemned, and they are the more dangerous as it becomes more easy for them to become habitual. A condition into which a woman enters in public, amid other women who apparently have the .same experience, does not seem to offer any danger; she continues in it, she returns to it, and discovers her peril when it is too late. Strong women flee from this danger when they find themselves exposed to it; the morals and health of the weak may be impaired. “Of this danger M. Deslon is aware. On the 9th of last May, at a meeting held at M. Deslon’s own house, the lieutenant of police asked him several questions on this point in the presence of the commissioners. M. Lenoir said to him, ‘ In my capacity as lieutenant-general of police, I wish to know whether, when a woman is mag- netized and passing through the crisis, it would not be easy to outrage her.’ M. Deslon replied in the affirmative, and it is only just to this physician to state that he has always maintained that he and his colleagues, pledged by their position to act with probity, were alone entitled and privileged to practise magnetism. It must be added that although his house contains a private room origin- ally intended for these crises, he does not allow it to be used. The danger exists, however, notwithstanding this observance of decency, since the physician can, if he will, take advantage of his patient. Such occasions may occur ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 23 daily and at any moment; he is sometimes exposed to the danger for two or three hours at a time, and no one can rely on being always master of his will. Even if we ascribe to him superhuman virtue, since he is exposed to emotions which awaken such desires, the imperious law of nature will affect his patient, and he is responsible, not merely for his own wrong-doing, but for that he may have excited in another. “There is another mode of producing convulsions, a mode of which the commissioners have obtained no direct and positive proof, but which they cannot but suspect; namely, a simulated crisis, which is a signal for, or produces many others, out of imitation. This expedient is, at any rate, needed to hasten or maintain the crises which are an advantage to magnetism, since without them it could not be carried on. “ There are no real cures, and the treatment is tedious and unprofitable. There are patients who have been under treatment for eighteen months or two years with- out deriving any benefit from it; at length their patience is exhausted, and they cease to come. The crises serve as a spectacle; they are an occupation and interest, and, moreover, they are to the unobservant the result of mag- netism, a proof of the existence of that agent, although they are really due to the power of the imagination. “ When the commissioners began their report, they only stated the result of their examination of the mag- netism practised by M. Deslon, to which the order of the king had restricted them, but it is evident that their experiments, observations, and opinions apply to mag- netism in general. M. Mesmer will certainly declare that the commissioners have not examined his method, 24 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. proceedings, and the effects they have produced. The commissioners are undoubtedly too cautious to pro- nounce on that which they have not examined, and with which they are not acquainted, yet they must observe that M. Deslon’s principles are those of the twenty-seven propositions printed by M. Mesmer in 1779. “If M. Mesmer has enlarged his theory, it thereby becomes more absurd: the heavenly influences are only a chimsera, of which the fallacy has long been recognized. The whole theory may be condemned beforehand, since it is based upon magnetism; and it has no reality, since the animal magnetic fluid has no existence. Like magnetism, this brilliant theory exists only in the imagination. M. Deslon’s mode of magnetizing is the same as that of M. Mesmer, of whom he is the disciple. When we place them together, we see that they have treated the same patients, and, consequently, have pursued the same process: the method now in use by M. Deslon is that of M. Mesmer, “The results also correspond; the crises are as violent and frequent, and the same symptoms are displayed under the treatment of M. Deslon and of M. Mesmer. Although the latter may ascribe an obscure and inappreciable dif- ference to his method, the principles, practice, and results are the same. Even if there were any real difference, no benefit from such treatment can be inferred, after the details given in our report and in this note, intended for the king. “ Public report declares that M. Mesmer’s cures are not more numerous than those of M. Deslon. There is nothing to prevent the convulsions in this case also from becoming habitual, from producing an epidemic, and from being ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 25 transmitted to future generations: such practices and assemblies may also have an injurious effect upon morality. “The commissioners’ experiments, showing that all these results are due to contact, to imagination and imitation, while explaining the effects produced by M. Deslon, equally explain those of M. Mesmer. It may, therefore, reasonably be concluded that, whatever be the mystery of M. Mesmer’s magnetism, it has no more real existence than that of M. Deslon, and that the proceed- ings of the one are not more useful nor less dangerous than those of the other. “(Signed) Feanklin, Boey, Layoisiee, Bailly, Majault, Sallin, D’Aecet, Guil- lotin, Le Roy. “Paris, August 11, 1784.” The Royal Society of Medicine presented their report five days later, and came to the same conclusions. But one member of the commission, Laurent de Jussieu, dissented from his colleagues, and, with scientific courage, published a separate report, containing his convictions on the subject. De Jussieu had performed some experiments which could not, as he thought, be explained by the imagination. These facts demonstrated, in his opinion, that man pro- duced a sensible action upon his fellow by friction, by contact, and, more rarely, by simple proximity. This action, ascribed to an universal fluid not yet demon- strated, was, he said, certainly due to animal heat, which he elsewhere terms animalized electric fluid. With respect to the theory of animal magnetism, he did not reject it as absolutely as Bailly, who said, “Everything is done by 26 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. the imagination; magnetism has nothing to do with it.” He was content with saying, much more wisely, that the theory of magnetism could only be accepted when it was developed and supported by substantial proofs. In short, as Dechambre remarks, the idea pervades this report that Mesmer is on the track of a fruitful truth. This presentiment of the illustrious naturalist was soon to be confirmed; and, moreover, it is worth while to consider some of the assertions in de Jussieu’s paper, since they contain an element of truth. The efficacy of the action of contact and friction is proved by the existence in certain subjects of hypnogenic zones, of which the slightest stimulation produces som- nambulism. M. Charcot has shown that the irritation of hysterogenic zones produces convulsions, and these zones are generally seated in the hypochondriac, or in the ovarian regions, on which Mesmer preferred to exercise his manipulations. After Bailly’s report, Mesmer left France, and returned to Germany. His part was played out, and we shall not recur to it. His friends have represented him as a man desirous of fame, but at the same time full of love for suffering humanity. Public opinion, more severe in its judgment, regards him as the type of the scientific charlatan. Up to this time, animal magnetism had not been dis- covered ; it probably had something to do with most of the mesmeric phenomena, with the haquet, etc.; but it was not recognized amid the nervous crises excited by Mesmer. It is to one of his disciples, to the Marquis Armand Jacques Marc Chastenet de Puysegur, that the discovery must be ascribed of animal magnetism, or of artificial som- ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. 27 nambulism, which ought, therefore, to bear the name of Puysegurian somnambulism.* In May, 1784, M. de Puysegur, living in retirement on his estate of Buzancy, near Soissons, employed his leisure in magnetizing peasants, after the manner of his master, and on one occasion he chanced to observe the production of an entirely new phenomenon.! A young peasant named Victor, twenty-three years of age, who had been suffering for four days from inflammation of the lungs, was thrown by magnetism into a peaceful sleep, unaccompanied by convulsions or suffering. He spoke aloud, and was busied about his private affairs. It was easy to change the direction of his thoughts, to in- spire him with cheerful sentiments, and he then became happy, and imagined that he was firing at a mark or dancing at a village fete. In his waking state he was simple and foolish, but during the crisis his intelligence was remarkable ; there was no need of speaking to him, since he could understand and reply to the thoughts of those present. He himself indicated the treatment necessary in his illness, and he was soon cured. This is a brief account of the peasant Victor’s case. The news of his cure was rapidly spread abroad, and from all sides there was a concourse of sick people demanding relief. The phenomenon was repeated, to de * The following are the works of Puysegur:—Me'moires pour servir a VHistoire da Magnetisms animal, 1784; Suite aux Memoires, 1805; Du Magnetisme animal, etc., 1807 ; Decker dies, Experiences et Observations physiohgiques sur Vhomme, dans le'tat de somnambulisme naturel, et dans le somnambulisme provogue' par magne'tique, 1811; etc. f Puysegur asserts that Mesmer must have been acquainted with somnambulism, but that he did not choose to mention his discovery to his disciples. 28 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Puysegur’s great joy, and he wrote : “My head is turned with joy, now that I see what good I am doing.” Since he was unable to minister to the continually increasing number of patients, the marquis pursued Mesmer’s plan of magnetizing an elm which grew on the village green at Buzancy. The patients were seated on stone benches round this tree, with cords connecting its branches with the affected parts of their bodies, and they formed a chain by linking their thumbs together. Meanwhile de Puysegur chose from among his patients several subjects who, through contact with his hands or on the presenta- tion of a metallic tractor, fell into the ordinary crisis, and this soon passed into a sleep in which all physical faculties appeared to be suspended, while the mental faculties were enlarged. Cloquet, an eye-witness,* has given us some valuable information on the subject. He says that the patient’s eyes were closed, and there was no sense of hearing, unless it was awakened by the master s voice. Care was taken not to touch the patient during his crisis, nor even the chair on which he was seated, as this would produce suffering and convulsions, which could only be subdued by the master. To rouse them from the trance, the master touched the patient’s eyes, or said, “Go and embrace the tree.” Then they arose, still asleep, went straight to the tree, and soon afterwards opened their eyes. As soon as they returned to a normal condition, the patients retained no recollection of what had occurred during the three or four hours’ crisis. But it was the cure of diseases at which de Puysegur * T)Hails des cures opHrHes a Buzancy, pres Svissons par le magndtisme animal. Soissons: 1784. ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS 29 aimed: therapeutics were his object, as it had been that of Mesmer. He observed, or thought that he observed, that during the crisis, the patients possessed a supernatural power which entitled them to be called physicians; it was, in fact, enough for them to touch through his clothes the sick person presented to them, in order to feel the part affected, and to indicate fitting remedies. Since they were solely occupied with this question, de Puysegur and the other magnetizers who followed his example in Lyons, Bordeaux, Bayonne, Marseilles, etc., did not study the natural history of this artificial sleep. De Puysegur, like Mesmer, was a healer. But in the case of de Puyse- gur’s treatment we agree with Dechambre that if his o O faith was robust, so likewise was his honesty. There was no public exhibition, nothing was done to strike the imagination; there was no selection of subjects from among silly or melancholic women. His patients of both sexes were of the peasant class, and were often suffering from severe and obstinate diseases. De Puysegur’s honesty and disinterestedness contrast well with Mesmer’s avarice. As far as de Puysegur’s theoretic views are concerned, they are slight modifications of those of Mesmer. As little versed in physical science as his master, he always maintains the existence of an universal fluid, of which he recognizes the electric nature; this fluid saturates all bodies, and especially the human body, which has a perfect electric organization, and is an animated electric machine. Man can display this electric fluid at pleasure, and diffuse it externally by his movements, in order to produce somnambulism. It is curious that de Puysegur should have strongly condemned the use of magnets in the treatment of disease, and of all electricity foreign 30 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. to our organism. This dogma has been falsified, and, as we are aware, electro-therapeutics has come into use. In this way de Puysegur modified the tradition he had received from Mesmer, and simple contact or spoken orders were substituted for the use of the haquet. There were no more violent crises, accompanied by cries, sobs, and the contortions of an attack of hysteria; instead of these, there was a calm, peaceful, healthy, and composed slumber. This was not a transformed phase of mag- netism, but the actual discovery of this state, of which the honour is due to de Puysegur. It is easy to disentangle the portion of truth which exists in the descriptions of the magnetic sleep left by de Puysegur. He has carefully observed the obedience of the magnetized subjects to the magnetizer’s orders, who directs their thoughts and acts at his pleasure. We shall presently study this symptom under the name of suggestion. He has also observed the patient’s uncon- sciousness, and that he retains no recollection of what has occurred during sleep. We shall see that this uncon- sciousness is a frequent and almost constant phenomenon during profound hypnotism. Finally, the descriptions show the singular affinity which seems to exist between the magnetizer and his subject; a phenomenon which is shown in some curious ways: the magnetizer alone must touch the sleeping subject, for fear of producing suffering and even convulsions. All this is accurate, established by science, and now admitted by every one. But it is not yet admitted that the subject is able to divine the thoughts of the magnetizer without any material communication, nor that the patient is acquainted with the nature of his disease, and can indicate effectual ANIMAL MAGNETISM IN ITS BEGINNINGS. remedies and foresee future events. De Puysdgur tried to give this faculty an air of probability by naming it pressentation. Mesrner’s theory had been condemned by the judg- ment of scientific bodies, and this judgment was not reversed by de Puysegur’s experiments, in which there was too much of the supernatural. Professional magne- tizers adopted his experiments as the theme of their discourses. We can also understand the favour with which his assertion of the clairvoyance of somnam- bulists was received, since this was a new form of the gift of divination which had always obtained credence. Numerous magnetic societies were formed in different parts of France, especially, as Thouret states, in those towns which possessed no university, and which were therefore less under control. The Harmonic Society, however, founded at Strasburg, consisted of more than one hundred and fifty members. We must mention in passing Petetin’s experiments in catalepsy, since he had the good fortune to be the first, or one of the first, to observe the phenomena of the transposition of the senses. Petetin was a Lyons physician, President of the Medical Society in that city, and opposed to the new theories of magnetism. He observed and exhibited to his colleagues a cataleptic woman who saw, heard, felt, smelled, and tasted by means of the epigastric region and of the finger-tips. This occurred in 1787. After Petetin’s death a paper by him appeared, containing seven observations of the same kind. He ascribed these strange phenomena to the accumulation of the animal electric fluid in certain parts of the body. The magnetizers seized upon this fact, ANIMAL MAGNETISM. and we shall see that for some time to come the question of the transposition of the senses was predominant. Up to the year 1820, we find no work to quote, except that of the naturalist Deleuze, on the history of magnetism. His book is entitled Histoire critique du Magnetisms animal (1813); it is a crude work, which has been estimated much above its real value, and while it displays the honesty and sincerity of its author, it adds nothing to the sum of our knowledge on the subject. Deleuze, like his predecessors, was chiefly concerned with the curative virtues of magnetism; and in order to prove their reality, he found no better expedient than to advise the incredulous to make use of it in various diseases. He said, moreover, that faith was essential to success, thus dispensing with any legitimate demonstration. Magnetism was held to be applicable to all diseases, and constituted, as in the days of de Puysegur and of Mesmer, an universal panacea. At about the same period, in 1813, a thaumaturgist named Faria, who came from the Indies, gave public representa- tions, for money, of the wonders which could be effected by means of magnetism. The process by which he induced sleep was curious. He seated the subject in an armchair, with closed eyes, and then cried out in a loud and imperious voice, “Go to sleep 1 ” After a slight movement, the subject sometimes fell into a condition which Faria termed a lucid slumber. This charlatan had rightly observed that the cause of somnambulism rests in the subject himself. He truly said that sleep might be induced at the will of the subject, or when such will was absent, or even when it was exerted in the contrary sense. 33 CHAPTER 11. HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM—THE ACADEMIC PERIOD. In 1820 it might have been supposed that animal magnetism was about to enter upon a scientific era. Dr. Bertrand, a former pupil of the Polytechnic School, had just brought the subject before the public in a course of lectures. General Noizet, about the same time, drew up a paper for the Royal Academy of Berlin on somnam- bulism and animal magnetism. Experiments were per- formed in the hospitals, directed at the Hotel-Dieu by Du Potet, pupil of Husson, and at the Salpetriere by Georget and Rostan. The experiments made on hysterical patients were not such as to modify the scepticism of the scientific world, and it was thought probable that the experimenters had been deceived by their patients. Indeed Petronille, one of Georget’s well-known somnam- bulists, afterwards confessed that she had imposed on the observers. But Richer justly observes that such confidences are the common boasts of hysterical patients, and that those who believe them incur the same reproach of credulity as their opponents are charged with. The general council of the hospitals put an end to these operations, on the ground that the patients should 34 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. not be subjected to such experiment, but on all sides the need of some definite proof was felt. In 1825 Foissac induced the Academy of Medicine, which had succeeded to the Royal Society of Medicine, to take part in the controversy. He drew up a paper, in which he undertook to show that simple contact enabled his somnambulists to diagnose their diseases, with an intuition worthy of the genius of Hippocrates. Although such language did not seem to be adapted to convince the Academy, its members nominated a com- mission charged to decide whether it was expedient to undertake a fresh examination into the question of animal magnetism. The report presented by Husson was in favour of such an examination, and the Academy, by a majority of thirty-five votes against twenty-five, nominated a commission of inquiry, consisting of Bourdois, Double, Fouquier, Itard, Gueneau de Mussy, Guersant, Leroux, Magendie, Marc, Thillaye, and Husson. Magendie and Double, finding that the experiments were not very carefully performed, took no part in the labours of the commission. At the end of five years’ patient research, in June, 1831, Husson presented a report in which the exist- ence of animal magnetism was affirmed. “The results are negative or insufficient in the majority of cases,” the report declares; “in others they are produced by weariness, monotony, or by the imagination. It appears, however, that some results depend solely on magnetism, and cannot be produced without it. These are physio- logical phenomena, and well established therapeutically.” The importance of this work decides us to reproduce its principal conclusions in extenso. “The contact of the thumbs and hands, friction, or HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 35 the employment of certain gestures within a short distance of the body, which are called passes, are the means employed to place the patient en rapport, or, in other words, to transmit the action of the magnetizer to his subject. “The time necessary for transmitting and effecting this magnetic action varies from half an hour to one minute. “When once a person has been thrown into the magnetic sleep, it is not always necessary to have recourse to contact and passes in order to magnetize him afresh. A glance from the magnetizer, or his will alone, may have the same influence. “ The effects produced by magnetism are extremely varied; it agitates some people and calms others; it generally causes a momentary quickening of the respira- tion and of the circulation; this is followed by fibrillary, convulsive movements like those produced by electric shocks; by a more or less profound torpor; by stupor and somnolence; and, in a few instances, by what masrnetizers term somnambulism. O “ The perceptions and faculties of individuals who are thrown by magnetism into a state of somnambulism are modified in various ways. “ Some, amid the noise of general conversation, only hear the voice of their magnetizer; many make a direct reply to the questions which he or the persons with whom they are placed en rapport address to them; others converse with all those who surround them; in few instances are they aware of what is passing. They are generally completely unconscious of any sudden external noise made close to their ears, such as the 36 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. striking of copper vessels, the fall of a piece of furni- ture, etc. “ The eyes are closed, and the lids yield with difficulty to any effort made with the hand to open them. This operation causes pain, and the pupil of the eye is then seen to be contracted and turned upwards, or sometimes towards the base of the orbit. “ Sometimes the sense of smell is altogether absent, and they may be made to breathe nitric acid or am- monia without being incommoded, or even without their becoming aware of it. But this is not always the case, and some subjects retain the sense of smell. “ Most of the somnambulists whom we have observed were completely insensible. The feet might be tickled, the nostrils and the corner of the eyelid might be touched with a feather, the skin might be pinched until it was discoloured, pins might suddenly be driven to some depth under the nails, and the subjects would betray no sign of pain, nor even a consciousness of the fact. Finally, a somnambulist has been rendered insensible to one of the most painful surgical operations, and neither the counte- nance, the pulse, nor the respiration betrayed the slightest emotion. “We have only observed one individual who was thrown into the state of somnambulism when magnetized for the first time. Sometimes somnambulism only occurs after the eighth or tenth seance. “We have constantly observed that natural sleep, which is the repose of the organs of the senses, of the intellectual faculties, and of voluntary movements, precedes and terminates the state of somnambulism. “The magnetized subjects whom we have observed HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 37 under somnambulism retain the faculties of the waking state. The memory even appears to be more retentive and of wider range, since they recollect all that occurred on each previous occasion when they were under som- nambulism. “We have observed two somnambulists who were able, with closed eyes, to distinguish the objects placed before them; who could declare, without touching them; the suit and value of playing cards; who could read words traced with the hand, or some lines from a book opened at random. This phenomenon has even occurred when the fingers are firmly pressed upon the closed eyelids.* * “On January 12 there was a meeting of the commission at the house of M. Foissac. This physician amiounced that he should put Paul to sleep; that when he was in this state of somnambulism, a finger would be applied to each closed eyelid, and that in spite of this he would distinguish the colour of cards, he would read the title of a book, or some words or lines indicated at random in the book itself. After the magnetic passes had been made for two minutes, Paul was thrown into sleep. The eyelids were kept constantly closed, in turn by Fouquier, Itard, Marc, and the reporter, and a new pack of cards was presented to him, from which the royal stamp was freshly removed. When these were shuffled together, Paul named them successively without effort: the king of spades, the ace of clubs, the queen of spades, the nine of clubs, the seven, the queen, and the eight of diamonds. “ When the eyelids were kept closed by Segalas, a volume with which the reporter was provided was presented to him. He read from the title- page, Histoire de France, was unable to read the two intermediate lines, and could read only the name of Anquetil on the fifth line, where it is preceded by the preposition par. The book was then opened at page 88, and he read the first line: ‘le nombre de ses . ..’ He missed the word troupes, and went on, ‘Au moment ou on le croyait le plus occupt des plaisirs du carnavaU He likewise read the running title Louis, but was unable to read the Roman figures which followed it. A paper was presented him on which were written the words agglutination and magnetisms animal. He spelled the first word, and pronounced the two others. Finally, the report of this stance was presented to him; he read the date 38 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. “In two somnambulists we observed the power of foreseeing the more or less remote or complicated acts of the organism. One of them announced, several days, and even months, in advance, the day, hour, and minute on which an epileptic attack would occur; the other indicated the epoch of his cure. Their previsions were verified with remarkable accuracy. These appear only to apply to the acts and lesions of their own organisms. “We only observed one somnambulist who indicated the symptoms of the diseases of three persons with whom he was placed en rapport, although we inquired into a considerable number of cases.* with some distinctness, and some of the words which were more legibly written than the rest. In all these experiments the fingers were applied to the whole surface of each eye, by pressing the upper on the lower lid from above in a downward direction, and we observed that there was a constant rotatory movement of the eyeball, as if it were directed towards the object presented to the vision.”—Text of the Report. * “M. Marc, a member of the commission, consented to undergo ex- amination by a somnambulist, and Mile. Celine was requested to consider attentively the state of our colleague’s health. She applied her hand to his forehead and to the region of the heart, and at the end of three minutes she said that there was a determination of blood to the head, and that on its left side M. Marc was now suffering from pain; that he was often oppressed, especially after eating ; that he was subject to a hacking cough; that the lower part of the chest was congested with blood; that there was obstruction to the passage of food; that there was a contraction in the region of the ensiform appendix; and that in order to effect a cure, M. Marc should be frequently bled, that hemlock plasters should be applied, that he should be rubbed with laudanum on the lower part of the chest, that he should drink lemonade prepared with gum Arabic, that he should eat little and often, and not go out walking immediately after meals. “ We were anxious to hear whether M. Marc’s experience agreed with the somnambulist’s assertions. He said that he really suffered from oppression after eating, that he was subject to a cough, and had pain on the right side of the head, but that he was not conscious of any uneasiness in the digestive canal. “ We were struck by the analogy between M. Marc’s sensations and the HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 39 “ Some of the magnetized patients experienced no benefit. Others derived more or less relief from the treatment; in one case habitual suffering was suspended, in another strength returned, in a third epileptic attacks were averted for several months, and in a fourth serious paralysis of long standing was completely cured. “ Considered as the agent of physiological phenomena, or as a therapeutic expedient, magnetism must take its place in the scheme of medical science, and consequently it should be practised or superintended by physicians only, which is the rule in northern countries. “The commission has had no opportunity of verifying the other faculties which are said by magnetizers to be possessed by somnambulists. But the facts collected and now set down, are of sufficient importance to justify the belief that the Academy ought to encourage researches into magnetism, since it is an interesting branch of psychology and of natural history. “ (Signed) Bourdois de la Motte, Fouquier, GukNEAU de Mussy, Guersant, Itard, J. Leroux, Marc, Thil- laye, Husson (reporter).” Such was the celebrated report, of which the mag- netizers made so much that the Academy did not venture to print it. It must be admitted that the commissioners did not pursue in their researches a rigorously scientific method. Since they were chiefly desirous to prove the existence assertions of the somnambulist: we noted it carefully, and await a future opportunity of confirming the existence of this singular faculty.”—Text of Report. 40 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. or non-existence of animal magnetism, they applied themselves almost exclusively to the study of extra- ordinary facts. They thought that if the results of a given experiment exceeded the limits of the possible, animal magnetism would thereby be proved. In this way the question was wrongly stated, since it was possible that magnetism might be at once a natural fact, and a fact wdiich agreed with known physio- logical laws. The commissioners did not understand O this elementary truth. Impelled by curiosity with re- spect to the marvellous and the supernatural, they directed their attention to those phenomena which were the most disputed and the most open to dispute, such as the transposition of the senses, the power of reading with bandaged eyes or vision by means of the internal organs, by the epigastrium or the occiput, together with the diagnosis of diseases and an acquaint- ance with their remedies. It appears that on all these points the conduct of the inquiry was unsatisfactory, and that the commissioners neglected to take any sufficient precautions. Some of the experiments were really futile. The report states that a somnambulist named Petit, whose eyes were so firmly closed that the eyelashes were interlaced, and who was constantly watched by commissioners who “held the light,” was able to read what was presented to him, and played several games of piquet with great spirit. It does not appear that any precautions were taken to prevent this individual from reading through his eyelashes. The commissioners were content to watch his eyes, and it did not occur to them that there is nothing more easy than to read with the eyes apparently closed. HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 41 At another seance, Paul, a young law-student, over whose eyes a commissioner placed his hand, displayed a marvellous clairvoyance; he divined the cards in a pack and could read almost fluently. The reporter observed, however, that the eyeball was constantly rolling, and appeared to be directed towards the object presented to the vision. When we add that the young man read slowly, before a large circle, and that he made mistakes, we shall agree with Segalas, a member of the Academy, who had himself on one occasion kept the eyes of the subject closed, that it was probably possible to move the eyelids, to catch a glimpse of some of the words, and to guess the rest. At any rate, more careful experiments were needed before admitting that it is possible to see and read with closed eyes. We do not speak of internal vision, of the prevision of crises, and the instinctive knowledge of remedies, since the experi- ments were all of the same stamp. Together with these unsatisfactory statements, we find some good descriptions of somnambulism. The commissioners observed that when the subjects were put to sleep they presented “an acceleration of the pulse and of the breathing, fibrillary movements like those produced by electric shocks, stupor, and somno- lence. . . . The subject sometimes made a direct reply to the question addressed to him, but in general he was quite unconscious of any sudden noise made at his ear. . . , The eyes were closed, and on raising the eyelid, the pupil was seen to be contracted and turned upwards. . . . The surface of the body was generally insensible to pain; . . . the skin might be pinched until it was discoloured, pins might be driven 42 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. under the nails without disturbing the subject’s im- passibility.” All this description is excellent: it is unfortunate that the commissioners, who observed the natural phenomenon with such accuracy, were unable to detach it from the phantasmagoria by which it was surrounded. Finally, the commissioners were mistaken in two points. First, in confounding the question of animal magnetism with the extraordinary and supernatural phenomena described by the magnetizers ; secondly, in not bringing to a study of these phenomena, which required the utmost caution, the rigorous care which we have a risbt to demand from an academical commission. The Academy, which did not include among its members many partisans of magnetism, was somewhat astonished by Husson’s report. It was read in the meetings held on the 21st and 28th of June, 1831. But there was no public debate, nor was the question put to the vote.. The report was not even printed, only committed to writing. The Academy shrank from deciding such burning questions. In 1837 the brooding discussion burst forth, on account of the painless extraction of a tooth during the magnetic sleep, which was related by M. Oudet. Berna, a young magnetizer, implored the attention of the Academy of Medicine, and a fresh commission was nominated. It consisted of Boux, Bouillaud, Cloquet, Emery, Pelletier, Caventou, Cornac, Oudet, and Dubois, the last-named acting as reporter. The Academy was again drawn in the wrong direction. Berna urged them to examine extraordinary phenomena, such as vision without using the eyes, and the communication of the HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 43 magnetizer’s thoughts to his subject, phenomena which he boasted of producing in two of his somnambulist subjects. The results of this inquiry, which was conducted with greater care than that of the previous commis- sion, were negative. We give the conclusions of this report, as we have already given those of Husson’s report. “ls£ Conclusion.—Dubois, in terminating his report, states that it appears from all the facts and incidents witnessed by us that, in the first place, no special proof has been given to us as to the existence of a special state, called the state of magnetic somnambulism; that it is only by way of assertion, and not by way of de- monstration, that the magnetizer has affirmed at each seance, before undertaking any experiments, that his subjects were in a state of somnambulism. “It is true that, according to the magnetizer’s pro- gramme, we might be assured that the subject, before he was thrown into a state of somnambulism, was in perfect possession of all his senses, that for this purpose we were to prick him, and that he would then be put to sleep in the presence of the commissioners. But it appeared from our experiments at the seance of the 3rd of March, and before any magnetizing process had taken place, that the subject of experiment was as insensible to pin-pricks before the supposed sleep as he was when it had occurred; that his countenance and replies varied little before and after the so-called mag- netic sleep. Your commissioners are unable to decide whether this was from inadvertence, from a natural or acquired insensibility to pain, or from an unreasonable 44 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. desire to attract attention. It is true that we were told on each occasion that the subjects were asleep, but this was purely a matter of assertion. “If, however, experiments made upon subjects pre- sumed to be in a state of somnambulism should ulti- mately prove the existence of such a state, the conclusions we are about to draw from their experiments will show whether such proofs have any value or not. “2nd Conclusion.—According to the terras of the programme, the second experiment is intended to estab- lish that the subjects are insensible to pain. “We must, however, recall the restrictions imposed on your commissioners. The face was not to be subjected to such experiments, nor yet those parts of the body which are usually covered, so that they could only be performed on the hands and the neck. . These parts were not to be pinched nor twitched, nor placed in contact with any burning substance, nor exposed to any high temperature; the only thing permitted was to insert the points of needles to the depth of half a line, and at the same time the face was half covered by a bandage which did not allow us to observe the expression of the countenance, when the attempt was made to inflict pain. When we recall all these restrictions, we deduce from them the following facts:—(l) that the sensations of pain we were permitted to excite were extremely slight and of limited extent; (2) that they could only be excited on a small portion of the body, which was perhaps accus- tomed to receive such impressions; (3) that since these impressions were always of the same kind, they were of the nature of tattooing; (4) that the face, and particu- larly the eyes, in which the expression of pain is most 45 HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. apparent, were concealed from the commissioners; (o) that under these circumstances, impassibility, however absolute and complete, could not be accepted by us as a conclusive proof that the subject in question was devoid of sensibility. “ 3rd Conclusion.—The magnetizer undertook to prove to the commissioners that, by the mere exercise of the will, he had the power of making his subject either locally or generally sensible to pain, which he terms the restitution of sensibility. “ As, however, he had been unable to give us any ex- perimental proof that he had taken away and destroyed this girl’s sensibility, this experiment was correlative with the other, and it was consequently impossible to prove such a restitution; moreover, the facts observed by us showed that all the attempts made in this direction had completely failed. You must remember, gentlemen, that the only verification consisted in the somnambulist’s assertions. When, for instance, she assured the com- missioners that she was unable to move her left leg, this was no proof that the limb was magnetically paralyzed; even in this case her words were not in accordance with her magnetizer’s pretensions, so that we only obtain assertions without proof, opposed to other assertions, equally without proof. “4th Conclusion.—What we have just said with reference to the abolition and restitution of sensibility, is applicable in every respect to the so-called abolition and restitution of the power of movement, of which your commissioners did not obtain the slightest proof. “ sth Conclusion.—One paragraph of the programme is entitled, ‘ Obedience to the mental order to cease, in 46 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. the midst of a conversation, to reply verbally and by signs to a given person.’ “In the seance of March 5, the magnetizer attempted to prove to the commissioners that the power of his will went so far as to produce this effect; hut it resulted from the facts which occurred during this seance that, on the contrary, the somnambulist was still unable to hear when the experimenter no longer wished to prevent her from hearing, and that she appeared to possess the power of hearing when he distinctly desired her to hear nothing. So that, according to the somnambulist’s assertions, the faculty of hearing, or of ceasing to hear, was in this instance in absolute revolt against the will of the mag- o o netizer. “But well-considered facts lead the commissioners to the conclusion that there was neither a revolt nor a submission of the will; only an absolute independence. “ 6th Conclusion.—Transposition of the sense of sight. —The magnetizer, as you are aware, complied with the commissioners’ request in turning from the study of the abolition and restitution of sensibility and the power of movement, in order to consider more important facts; namely, the facts of vision without the aid of the eyes. All the incidents in connection with these facts have been shown to you; they occurred in the seance of April 3, 1837. “Berna undertook to show the commissioners that a woman, influenced by his magnetic manipulations, could decipher wTords, distinguish playing cards, and follow the hands of a watch, not by means of her eyes, but by her occiput—a fact which would imply either the transposition or the inutility of the organs of sight HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 47 during the magnetic state. These experiments were made, and, as you are aware, were a complete failure. “All which the somnambulist knew, all which she was able to infer from what was said in her immediate vicinity, all which she could naturally surmise, she uttered with bandaged eyes; from which we at once concluded that she was not without ingenuity. Thus, when the magnetizer invited one of the commissioners to write a word on a card, and to present it to the woman’s occiput, she said that she saw a card, and even the writing on the card. If she was asked how many persons were present, she could, since she had seen them enter, approximately declare their number. If she was asked whether she saw a commissioner sitting near her, engaged in writing with a scratching pen, she raised her head, tried to see under the bandage, and said that this gentleman held something white in his hand. When asked whether she saw the mouth of the same indi- vidual, who had left off writing and placed himself behind her, she said that he had something white in his mouth. Hence we concluded that this somnambulist, more experienced and adroit than the former one, was able to make more plausible surmises. “ But with respect to facts really adapted to establish vision by means of the occiput, decisive, absolute, and peremptory facts, they were not only altogether absent, but those which we observed were of a nature to give rise to strange suspicions as to this woman’s honesty, as We shall presently observe. “Ith Conclusion. Clairvoyance. When the mag- netizer despaired of proving to the commissioners the transposition of the sense of sight, the nullity and super- 48 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. fluity of the eyes during the magnetic state, he sought to take refuge in the fact of clairvoyance, or of vision through opaque bodies. “You are acquainted with the experiments made on this subject. The main conclusion deduced from these facts was that a man, placed before a woman in a given attitude, is unable to give her the power of distinguish- ing the objects presented to her when her eyes are bandaged. “Here your commissioners were occupied with a more serious reflection. Admitting for a moment an hypothesis which is very convenient for magnetizers, that in many cases somnambulists lose all lucidity, and are as unable as ordinary mortals to see by means of the occiput, of the stomach, or through a bandage, what are we to conclude with respect to the woman who gave minute description of objects quite different from those presented to her ? We are at a loss what to think of a somnambulist who described the knave of clubs on a blank card, who transformed the ticket of an academician into a gold watch with a white dial-plate inscribed with black figures, and who, if she had been pressed, would perhaps have gone on to tell us the hour marked by this watch. . . . “If, gentlemen, you now ask what is the ultimate and general conclusion to be inferred from all these experiments, made in our presence, we declare that M, Berna undoubtedly deceived himself when, on February 12 of this year, he wrote to the Royal Academy of Medicine that he could boast of affording us the personal experience of which we were in need (these are his words); when he offered to show to your delegates con- HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 49 elusive facts; when he affirmed that these facts were of a nature to throw light upon physiology and upon thera- peutics. You have now been acquainted with these facts; you agree with us that they are by no means conclusive as to the doctrine of animal magnetism, and that they have nothing in common either with physi- ology or with therapeutics. “We do not attempt to decide whether the more numerous and varied facts supplied by other magnetizers would lead to a different conclusion, but it is certain that if other magnetizers exist, they do not openly appear, and they have not ventured to challenge the sanction or reprobation of the Academy. “ (Signed) M. M. Roux (President), Bouillaud, H. Cloquet, Emery, Pelletier, Cayentou, Cornat, Oudet, Du- bois (Reporter). “ Paris, July 17, 1837 When this report, taking such a decided part against animal magnetism, was read, Husson felt him- self to be directly attacked, and replied. The Academy, however, accepted the conclusions of the report by an immense majority. In our opinion this report did not prove much, since general conclusions could not be drawn from the negative experiments performed on only two somnambulists. In order to settle the question of animal magnetism, the younger Burdin, a member of the Academy, proposed to award from his private fortune a prize of 8,000 francs to any person who could read a given writing without the aid of his eyes, and in the dark. The Academy accepted the proposal. In this way the field of ex- 50 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. periment was restricted, and it seemed that by limiting the point at issue, it was rendered more decisive. This was a defiance hurled by the Academy at the mag- netizers, and at the first glance it might appear that Bardin went straight to the heart of the question. He, speaking for the Academy, seemed to say, “If there is a single somnambulist capable of reading without using his eyes, we will admit the existence of animal magnet- ism, and go into the question. If no somnambulist can stand the test, animal magnetism has no existence.” But as Richer has observed, the dilemma is false. Somnam- bulists might easily be admitted to be incapable of reading without using their eyes, and yet be genuine somnambulists. In fact, the Academy demanded that a miracle should be wrought before they would believe in animal magnetism. At this time Pigeaire, a Montpellier doctor, had a daughter, ten or eleven years of age, who, in a state of somnambulism, did many wonderful things, and especially could read writing when her eyes were covered by a bandage of black silk. This was attested by Lordat, the Professor of Physiology at Montpellier. Pigeaire brought his daughter to Paris, in hopes of gaining the Burdin prize. He began with giving private seances, which were completely successful; and, indeed, the private seance generally succeeds. A very favourable report, signed by Bousquet, Orfila, Ribes, Reveille-Parise, etc., is still extant. But the scene changed when it was necessary to appear before the commission nominated by the Academy. The commissioners suspected that the bandage used by Pigeaire did not serve as a complete obstacle to the normal vision. In fact, there is nothing HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 51 apparently so simple, and in reality so difficult, as to find a bandage which is absolutely opaque; any one may see perfectly through an extremely minute hole, such as may, for instance, be perforated in a card, and especially if there are more holes than one, placed at intervals of one or two millimetres from each other. If our readers wish for further information on this interest- ing question, we must refer them to Decharabre’s article on Mesmerism (Dictlonnaire encyclopedique den Sciences medicates).* Dechambre took the pains to try for him- self the arrangements made by magnetizers for covering the eyes of their somnambulists; and he was satisfied that none of these arrangements, although apparently very complex, would after a while prevent them from reading the writing placed under their eyes. We may add that errors become more probable from the excessive keenness of sight common in somnambulists, from the time which elapses before the reading begins, and from the contor- tions by which the subject tries to displace or loosen the bandage. The Academicians were, therefore, justified in rejecting the bandage used by Pigeaire. They suggested a mask or headpiece of black silk, very light and stretched on two iron wires, so that it might be held at the distance of six inches from the girl’s face, so as not to interfere with her breathing, nor with her freedom of action. Pigeaire, on his side, objected to this, and they were unable to come to an agreement, in spite of the concessions made by the commissioners, so that the experiments did not take place. In fact, Pigeaire’s stipu- * Gerdy’s paper on the same subject may also be read with interest: Histoire acad&mique du magnetisme animal, par Burdin jeune et Duhoitt d’Amiens, p. 635. 52 ANBIAL MAGNETISM. lations would, as it was said at the time, have degraded the experiment into a mere game o£ blind-man’s-buff. Pigeaire was succeeded by another magnetizer, Teste, who presented himself before the Academy: he boasted of the possession of a somnambulist who could read writing which was enclosed in a box. This experiment was easily performed, and the magnetizer and the commissioners soon agreed upon the conditions. But the failure was complete, since the subject was unable to divine a single word of the writing. The Burdin prize was not awarded. In conclusion, Double proposed that the Academy should henceforward refuse to pay any attention to the proposals of magnetizers, and that animal magnetism should be treated as the Academy of Sciences treats the propositions which refer to perpetual motion, or to the squaring of the circle. Such was the result of so many efforts, of such patient research, of so many discussions and reports : an absolute and complete negation of the existence of animal magnetism. This failure of the long labours of the Academy of Medicine was, as we have already said, primarily the fault of the magnetizers. Instead of contenting them- selves with the study of the simplest and most ordinary phenomena, they were bent on establishing the exist- ence of complex psychical phenomena, such as vision by means of the occiput, or an acquaintance with future events. The Academy was also mistaken in being seduced by them into this research into the marvellous. It may be said that at the outset of the Academic history of animal magnetism, the problem was wrongly HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 53 stated. It seems to us that the Academy ought to have clearly stated a question which the magnetizers were allowed to obscure ; it should have been seen that amona’ ' O the phenomena proclaimed by the magnetizers, there might be some which were connected with known physical laws, and which might become the object of serious and fruitful study. At any rate, the Academy ought not to have accepted Double’s trenchant proposition, declaring that the ques- tion as to animal magnetism was definitively closed, as if no new facts might subsequently arise to compel the Academy to reverse its summary judgment. These new facts consist, as we are aware, in hypnotism, formerly regarded as an illusion, and now accepted as a truth of which no one can doubt the reality. In fact, the history of animal magnetism is of all histories the most instructive and philosophic: we must be indeed incorrigible if it does not disgust us with d priori negations. It was a matter of course that after the Academy had pronounced its sentence, somnambulists continued to see through opaque bodies, to predict future events, and to prescribe remedies, just as if the Academy had not spoken at all. Du Potet, the celebrated inventor of the magic mirror, was at this period the chief representa- tive of magnetic science. This famous mirror, which had the effect of throwing people into convulsions, was made as follows:— The performer of the experiment described a circle on the parquet with a piece of charcoal, taking care to blacken the whole circle, and he then withdrew to a distance. The subject approached the magic circle, regarded it at first with confidence, raised 54 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. his head to look at the assembly, and again looked down to his feet. “ Then,” says Dn Potet, “ the first effect might be observed. The subject drooped his head still lower with an unquiet movement of his whole person, and he revolved round the circle without losing sight of O O it for an instant; again he stooped lower, drew himself up, retreated a few paces, advanced anew, frowned, became gloomy, and breathed hard. The most singular and curious spectacle followed ; the subject undoubtedly beheld images reflected in the mirror ; his agitation and extraordinary gestures, his sobs and tears, his anger, despair, and fury—everything, in short, revealed the trouble and emotion of his mind. It was no dream nor nightmare; the apparitions were actually present. A series of events was unrolled before him, represented by signs and figures which he could understand and gloat over, sometimes joyful, sometimes gloomy, just as these representations of the future passed before his eyes. Very soon he was overcome by delirium, he wished to seize the image, and darted a ferocious glance towards it; he finally started forward to trample on the charcoal circle, the dust from it arose, and the operator approached to put an end to a drama so full of emotion and of terror.” Du Potet, a sincere enthusiast, incapable of any scientific research, explained the effects of his mirror by the intervention of magic. Gigot-Suard subsequently performed similar experiments on hypnotized subjects. This was at the time when table-turning, spirit-rapping, Home’s apparitions, and other eccentricities of spiritual- ism were carried on. Lacordaire, in a sermon preached at Notre Dame in 1846, gave his adhesion to magnetism, which he regarded as the last flash of the old power, HISTORY OF AMIMAL MAGNETISM. 55 destined to confound human reason, and abase it before God; it was a phenomenon of the prophetic order.* He went on to say, “Thrown into an artificial sleep, man can see through opaque bodies, he indicates healing remedies, and appears to know things of which he was previously ignorant.” Other members of the clergy went further, and practised magnetism with the avowed object of obtaining revelations from on high. The Court of Rome intervened on several occasions, and in 1856 an encyclical letter from the Holy Roman Inquisition was sent to all bishops to oppose the abuses of magnetism. The following is a translation of the Latin text:—t “At the general assembly of the Holy Roman Inqui- sition, held at the convent of Santa Maria Minerva, the cardinals and inquisitors-general against heresy throughout the Christian world, after a careful examina- tion of all which has been reported to them by trust- worthy men, touching the practice of magnetism, have resolved to address the present encyclical letter to all bishops, in order that its abuses may be repressed. “July 30, 1856 “ For it is clearly established that a new species of superstition has arisen respecting magnetic phenomena, with which many persons are now concerned, not with the legitimate object of throwing light on the physical sciences, but in order to mislead men, under the belief that things hidden, remote, or still in the future may be brought to light through magnetism, and especially by the intervention of certain women who are completely under the magnetizer’s control. * (Euvres de Lacordaire, vol. iii. p. 246. Paris, 1861. t Quoted by Mabru, Lea Magne'tiseurs. Paris, 1858. 56 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. “ The Holy See, when consulted in special cases, has repeatedly replied by condemning as unlawful all ex- periments made to obtain a result which is foreign to the natural order and rules of morality, and which does not make use of lawful means. It was in such cases that it was decided, on the 21st of April, 184.1, that magnetism as set forth in this petition is not permitted. So likewise the holy congregation thought fit to forbid the use of certain books which systematically diffuse error on this subject. But since, exclusive of special cases, it became necessary to pronounce on the practice of magnetism in general, the following rule was established on July 18, 1847 :—‘ For the avoiding of error, of all sorcery, and of all invocation of evil spirits, whether implicit or explicit, the use of magnetism—that is, the simple act of employing physical means, not otherwise prohibited—is not morally unlawful, so long as it is for no illicit or evil object. With respect to the application of purely physical principles and means to things or results which are in reality supernatural, so as to give them a physical explanation, this is an illusion, and an heretical practice worthy of condemnation.’ ‘'Although this decree sufficiently explains what is lawful or unlawful in the use or abuse of magnetism, human perversity is such that men who have devoted themselves to the discovery of whatever ministers to curiosity, greatly to the detriment of the salvation of souls, and even to that of civil society, boast that they have found the means of predicting and divining. Hence it follows that weak-minded women, thrown by gestures which are not always modest into a state of somnambulism, and of what is called clairvoyance, pro- HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 57 fess to see those things which are invisible, and claim with rash audacity the power of speaking on religious matters, of calling up the spirits of the dead, of receiving answers to their inquiries, and of discovering what is unknown or remote. They practise other superstitions of like nature, in order by this gift of divination to procure considerable gains for themselves and their masters. Whatever he the arts or illusions employed in these acts, since physical means are used to obtain unnatural results, the imposture is worthy of condem- nation, since it is heretical and a scandal against the purity of morals. In order, therefore, effectually to re- press so great an evil, which is most fatal to religion and to civil society, the pastoral care, vigilance, and zeal of all the bishops cannot be too earnestly invoked. Aided by divine grace, the ordinary of each diocese must do all in his power, both by the admonitions of paternal love, by severe reproaches, and, finally, by legal means, using these according to his judgment before the Lord, and taking account of the circumstances of place, of time, and persons;—he must do his utmost to avert the abuses of magnetism, and to bring it to an end, so that the Lord’s flock may be preserved from the attacks of the enemy, that the faith may be maintained in its integrity, and that the faithful committed to their care may be saved from the corruption of morals. “ Given at Rome, at the Chancery of the Sacred Office of the Vatican. “Y. Card. Macchl “ August 4, 1856.” It will be seen from this document that the Court of Rome appealed to a singular motive in their condem- 58 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. nation of magnetism. “ With respect to the application of purely physical principles and means to things or results which are in reality supernatural, so as to give them a physical explanation, this is an illusion, and an heretical practice worthy of condemnation.” The encyclical letter goes on to define this idea, and speaks of “weak-minded women . . . who profess to see those things which are invisible, and claim with rash audacity the power of speaking on religious matters, of calling up the spirits of the dead, of receiving answers to their inquiries, and of discovering what is unknown or re- mote.” It would be impossible to declare more plainly that the Holy See proposes to maintain a monopoly of the supernatural. Condemned by the Court of Rome, as it had been condemned by the Academy of Medicine, animal mag- netism did not perish, but took refuge in the popular imagination. To this day we possess clairvoyant, and even excessively clairvoyant somnambulists who find the trade profitable. They are to be found in the drawing- rooms of private houses, as well as at public fairs. It is certain that animal magnetism will not perish, since it is one of the thousand forms assumed by that belief in the marvellous which is eternal. As we here conclude the history of the wonders of animal magnetism, which must give place to the positive facts of hypnotism, we ought to say that it would be an error to suppose that all the phenomena of this species of legend are absolutely false. There are degrees in the marvellous. The transmission of thought, or mental suggestion, which constitutes the first stage in this domain,, has been recently the subject of an article by HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 59 Ch. Richet, in the Revue Philosophique of December, 188k He has attempted to show “ the influence exerted in a definite direction by the thought of one individual on another in his vicinity, without any external phe- nomenon, appreciable by the senses.” Although these phenomena are not logically connected with hypnotism, since they could be produced in Richet’s friends when they were in normal health, awake, and in no sense hypnotized, yet it is true that public opinion has confounded together, under the name of animal magnetism, the nervous dis- turbance termed hypnotism, somnambulism, etc., and the phenomena which appear to be supernatural, such as the communication of thought, vision through an opaque body, prevision of the future, etc. For this reason we propose to say a few words on mental suggestion. The facts in question are not absolutely new. Richet observes that we may perhaps trace the first accounts of mental suggestion to the well-known case of possession at Loudun. According to the story, Gaston d’Orleans found the Ursuline nuns agitated by frightful demoniac attacks, and he declared that they obeyed orders trans- mitted mentally. This was regarded as one of the chief signs of demoniac possession, De Puysdgur also men- tions facts of mental suggestion. In the course of this century, many magnetizers have asserted that they could transmit their thoughts to somnambulist subjects; but they have been unable to prove this faculty to the satisfaction of learned bodies, which throws some doubt on their sincerity, or at any rate leads to the supposition that they unconsciously placed themselves en rapport with the subject by some external sign. It is now known that the slightest contact suffices to 60 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. establish a communication between the one who divines and the one who suggests. Cumberland’s recent experi- ments must not be forgotten, of which the wonderful results were shown to be explicable by very simple causes. Cumberland held the hand of an individual who had hidden, or who was thinking of, some particular object, and, with his eyes bound, went directly towards the object in question. Eichet has ascertained that when the experiment succeeds, the subject, who is generally impressionable, unwittingly and involuntarily makes slight movements with his hand. This involun- tary action betrays his thought, and puts the seeker on the right track in a way which no one who has not tried the experiment for himself would suspect.* Gley has thrown further light on Cumberland’s method by his tracing of the muscular movements which explain the so-called thought-reading. The tracings clearly show that throughout the experiment there occurs in the subject’s hand fibrillary contractions, slight move- ments of pressure, and in some cases a traction movement of the hand and whole arm. These movements increase in intensity when the object is approached, and when it is reached they suddenly cease.f Positive results were obtained from sixteen out of twenty-five persons. We now come to Eichet’s experiments, and to the three orders of proof by which he sought to demonstrate mental suggestion. 1. In naming at a venture a card taken from a pack * Ch. Eichet, A prnpos de la suggestion mentale (Sociele de Biologic, May, 1884.) f Gley, Sur les mouvements musculaires inconscients en rapport avec leg images (Society de Biologic, July, 1884). HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 61 of playing-cards, or a picture from picture-cards, the repetition of the experiment for a given number of times will show an average more or less in agreement with the o O calculus of probabilities. For instance, in a hand con- taining six cards, the probability of guessing aright is one-sixth; that is, one time in six. This is not the case when the card taken at random has been seen by another person; the average, varying with the sensitiveness of the subject, is then somewhat higher than that which would have been afforded by the calculus of probabilities. In 218 experiments, it would be 67 instead of 42. 2. With the aid of a rod which reveals the un- conscious action of the diviner’s muscles, the average is still higher than that indicated by the- calculus of pro- babilities. The probable number in (J8 experiments would be 18; the actual number was 44. 3. If the subject be placed in what are call spiritist conditions, which only serve to reveal the slight, un- conscious movements of a sensitive person, the average obtained is very much higher than that of the calculus of probabilities. The author considers that these latter experiments prove more than all the others. Three persons are seated at a table, engaged in conversation; the middle one, termed the medium, unconsciously moves the table, and this movement, by means of a simple arrangement, causes an electric bell to ring. Two other persons are seated at a second table, placed behind the former one, and concealed from the other three persons: one silently runs through the alphabet with a pencil; the other notes on which letter the pencil rests when the bell 62 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. rings. Finally, there is a sixth person in the room, who has thought of a given word. On consulting the letters dictated by the table, it will be seen that there is a singular correspondence between these letters and the word thought of by the sixth person, who is neither seated at the spiritist table nor before the alphabet. We give instances— Words thought of. Words dictated by table. 1. Jean Racine. 2. Legros. 3. Esther. 4. Henrietta. 5. Cheuvreux. 6. Doremond. 7. Chevalon. 8. Allouand. 1. Igard. 2. Heghn. 3. Foqdem. 4. Higiegmsd. 5. Dievoreq. 6. Epjerod. 7. ChevaL 8. Iko. On a first inspection our readers will doubtless find these results very unsatisfactory. Richet has, however, deduced some curious results from them, after submitting them to mathematical analysis. Thus, in experiment three, where the word Esther was thought of, and the medium replied through the table Foqdem, the exactly corre- sponding number of letters counts as in the calculation of chances, since the alphabet consists of twenty-four letters, and the word of six letters, so that it represents six attempts to guess right. The actual number is, however, much higher than the probable number; it is one out of six, namely—the letter e, which is in its right place. On applying this analysis to all the other cases cited, Richet finds that the total probable number is equal to =2, a calculation our readers may make for HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 63 themselves. The actual number obtained was fourteen, which is very high. Richet comes to the definitive conclusion that the pro- bability in favour of mental suggestion may be estimated at two-thirds. He, therefore, admits it to be probable that intellectual force is projected from the brain and echoed in the thought of another individual. He likewise admits that this re-echo acts chiefly on the unconscious intelligence of the individual who perceives and of the individual who transmits. This accounts for the success obtained with the spiritist table. Under these condi- tions the thought of the transmitting individual acts on the unconscious thought of the medium: the latter is endowed with a faculty of semi-somnambulism, in which one portion of the brain effects certain operations without giving notice to the ego. Finally, it should be said that this transmission of thought occurs in a degree which varies with the individual, since some are much more sensitive than others. While we heartily applaud the step taken by Richet, who has had the courage to declare at his own risk what he believes to be the truth, we cannot accept his theory without reserve. It will generally be found that the facts prove less than he asserts, and that his inter- pretation of them is too favourable. One main objection consists in the fact that the calculation of chances is not adapted to decide questions of this nature: the mental transmission of thought is one of the phenomena which can only be accepted when demonstrated by proofs which should be strong in proportion as they are remote from established knowledge. The calculation of chances is, however, for the most part incapable of affording a 64 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. peremptory proof; it produces uncertainty, disquietude, and doubt. Yet something is gained by substituting doubt for systematic denial. Richet has obtained this important result, that henceforth the possibility of mental sugges- tion cannot be met with contemptuous rejection. While Richet, followed by Pierre Janet and others, has been trying experiments in France, a Society has been formed in England, called the Society for Psychical Research, which likewise makes the transmission of thought the object of study. This coincidence shows that the question is “in the air.” The results obtained in England are surprising, and much higher than those of Richet. The least we can infer from them is that research should be continued in this direction, and that we should not be justified in an a priori denial of the possibility of these phenomena because they appear to be improbable or supernatural. Moreover, if we consider the question of mental suggestion in its simplest aspect, if we study thought- reading in the absence of any deliberately expressed movement, we shall soon see that we touch upon phenomena which physiologists do not disdain to consider.* Of late years Strieker has strongly insisted on the fact that a mental representation of a word or letter cannot occur without a corresponding movement in the muscles which serve for the articulation of this word or letter. This movement, constituting external speech, is * Ch. Fere, La question de la suggestion mentale est une question de physiologic. (Bull. Soc. Biologie, 1886, p. 429; Revue FMlcsophique, March, 1886, p. 261.) HISTOKY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. not generally considered as such, since it may remain un- perceived by the individual in whom it occurs. Yet such a movement is visible enough to be rapidly understood by certain subjects, as we have observed for ourselves; nor will the fact appear surprising to those who understand the process by which the deaf are able to understand what is spoken. This can only be regarded as mental suggestion, since it is the reading of unexpressed ideas. But it is not only the muscles concerned in articu- lation which undergo modifications of tension under the influence of external excitement, or of mental repre- sentations : all the muscles of the organism take part in this modification.* There is no paradox in the state- ment that certain subjects are endowed with a peculiar sensitiveness which enables them to seize these changes of form. The experiments in graphology undertaken by Eichet, Ferrari, and Hericourt constitute another and no less interesting process, which shows that each psychi- cal state corresponds to a dynamic state, characterized by objective phenomena which come within the depart- ment of physiology. If it is true that every psychical phenomenon is accom- panied by vascular modifications,! and consequently by modifications of colour, of temperature, of secretion, etc., we shall not push the hypothesis too far if we admit that excessively sensitive subjects are capable of feeling these thermic or secretory modifications. Nothing occurs in the mind without a modification * Ch. Fere, Sensation et mouvement (Revue Philosophique, October, 1885 ; March, July, 188G). f Ch. Fere, Changements de volume des memhres sous Vinfluence des excitations peripheriques et des representations mentales (Bull. Soc. Biol., ISBG, p. 399). 66 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. of matter, and it is impossible to say at what point these modifications of matter may become perceptible. The study of mental suggestion is thus reduced to the reading of involuntary signs, and includes research into our most subtle reactions, and the measurement of the differential sensitiveness of various subjects, and especially of those who in their several states are hyper-excitable. This study should not be relegated to the occult sciences, to the unknowable; it is a most interesting physiological question. CHAPTER, 111. HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM.—RRAID : HYPNOTISM— GRIMES, AZAM, DURAND DE GROS, DEMARQUAY, AND GIRAUD-TEULON, LIEBAULT, CH. RICHET, CHARCOT, AND P. RICHER. At the time when the Paris Academy of Medicine was condemning animal magnetism, Dr. James Braid, a Manchester surgeon, directed the question into its proper field—that of observation and experiment. Braid must be regarded as the initiator of the scientific study of animal magnetism. For this reason, since it expresses the change of method which he effected, it is usual to sub- stitute for that of animal magnetism the word hypnotism, by which he designated the artificial nervous sleep. Magnetism and hypnotism are fundamentally synony- mous terms, but the first connotes a certain number of complex and extraordinary phenomena, which have always compromised the cause of these fruitful studies. The term hypnotism is exclusively applied to a definite nervous state, observable under certain conditions, subject to general rules, produced by known and in no sense mysterious processes, and based on modifica- tions of the functions of the patient’s nervous system. Thus it appears that hypnotism has arisen from animal 68 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. magnetism, just as the physico-medical sciences arose from the occult sciences of the Middle Ages. Braid began to observe the results of magnetism merely as an inquirer, and even as a sceptic. In November, 1841, he was present for the first time at some public experiments performed by Lafontaine, a Swiss magnetizer. Convinced that the phenomena which he saw were only due to an adroit imposture, he was anxious to discover by what means the operator was able to dupe his audience. He was soon satisfied that these phenomena, however strange, were quite genuine. But he saw no reason for admitting with Lafontaine that they were the consequence of the operator’s personal action on his subject, by means of a magnetic fluid; he rather considered them to be due to a subjective state, independent of all external influence. This was the first result of Braid’s researches; he showed that the theoretic fluid was not required to explain hypnotic phenomena. Braid gives the following account of the way in which he arrived at this discovery. All which he saw at the first magnetic seance left him incredulous. At a second seance, six days later, his attention was struck by the fact that it was not possible for the patient to open his eyes. He regarded this incapacity as a real phenomenon, for which he sought the physical cause; it occurred to him that this cause might be found in the fixed gaze, which has the effect of exhausting and paralyzing the nervous centres of the eyes and their appendages. It signifies little whether this explanation is true or false—it is only a matter of detail; but it is important that Braid should have regarded this first symptom of hypnotism, the spasm of the orbicularis HISTOKY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 69 palpebrarum, as due to a modification of tlie state of the nervous system. Two days later he began, in the presence of his family and friends, a series of experiments, in- tended to justify his theory. He tells us that he requested his friend Walker to sit down and look fixedly at the neck of a wine-bottle, which was placed at such a height as to cause considerable fatigue to his eyes and eyelids when he looked at it attentively. In three minutes the eyelids closed, tears flowed down his cheeks, his head drooped, his countenance was slightly contracted, a sigh escaped from him, and at the same moment he fell into a deep sleep. Mrs. Braid was much astonished by the patient’s fear and agitation when he awoke, for which she could see no cause, since she had not ceased to wTatch her husband, and she had seen that he did not approach Walker, nor touch him in any way. Braid proposed that she should herself submit to the operation, to which she readily assented, assuring those present that she should be less easily frightened than the first subject. Braid made his wife sit down and fix her eyes on the ornaments of a porcelain sugar-basin, which was placed at about the same angle with the eyes as that formed by the bottle in the previous experiment. In two minutes the expression of her features was changed; in two and a half minutes the eyelids closed with a convulsive movement, the mouth was distorted, the patient sighed deeply, the chest heaved, she fell back. It was evident that she had passed through a paroxysm of hysteria, and Braid then awoke her. This account shows that there was nothing complex nor mysterious in the process which caused sleep; it was only necessary for the subject to concentrate his attention 70 AMIMAL MAGNETISM. and his gaze for a few minutes on a given object. A brilliant object was sometimes employed, but this was not an indispensable condition. From this time the reality of somnambulism was established; it became a state subject to observation, which any one could produce at pleasure. Numerous observers since Braid have repeated the experiment of the fixity of gaze, and have reproduced precisely the same phenomena. The simultaneous fixing of the attention appears to be necessary as a rule, and Braid considers that this explains why idiots cannot be hypnotized. This important discovery throws a vivid light on religious practices which up to that time had been inexplicable. We know that Indian devotees are thrown into an ecstasy of union with God, by contemplating for hours an imaginary point in space. The monks of Mount Athos were addicted to the same practice, fixing their gaze on their navels. These are evidently hypnotic states, produced by the fixity of gaze. Since he showed that hypnotism could be produced by fixing the eyes on an inanimate object, such as the stopper of a bottle or the blade of a lancet, Braid proved that this nervous state did not necessarily result from the transmission of a fluid by the operator. He had therefore simplified the study of hypnotism by getting rid of all the marvellous phenomena which had discredited it for such a length of time. But Braid’s conclusions were too absolute. The first conceptions of things are always simpler than the reality. It would be a mistake to suppose that the personality of the operator never has anything to do with the phenomena displayed HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 71 before him. Broca’s assertion must not be taken literally, “The subject is not put to sleep; he goes to sleep.” The sleep produced by fixing the eyes on a brilliant object sometimes differs in certain points from the sleep produced by personal intervention. We shall soon have occasion to show that in some cases the patient displays a sort of affinity for the person who puts him to sleep, and who touches his bare hands. Braid pursued his investigations further. His most important discovery relates to the effect produced by a given attitude on the subject’s sentiments. When placed in the attitude of anger, with clenched fists, his counte- nance assumes a menacing expression, and he begins to box; if he is made to imitate the action of sending a 7 o kiss, his mouth smiles. So, again, the action of climbing or swimming is produced when the body is placed in the position required for executing the several acts. These were Braid’s two chief discoveries; he also made several observations of which the justice has now been admitted. He ascertained that the character of the sleep was not always the same, but that it consisted of a series of states, varying from a light slumber up to the most profound sleep. He observed that breathing on the face had the singular effect of changing the hypnotic state, and breathing on it for the second time caused the subject to awake. He also observed that the senses, espe- cially those of touch, smell, and hearing, might suddenly become excessively acute in hypnotized subjects, and it appeared to him that this sensorial modification might afford a rational explanation of some of the marvellous effects obtained by professional magnetizers. Finally, he observed that verbal suggestion might produce hallucina- 72 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. tions, emotions, paralysis, etc. Suggestion during the waking state, which has latterly been asserted by some writers to be possible, did not escape his notice. Although so many of his observations were just, Braid’s descriptions of hypnotism are not definite; they contain an indiscriminate account of all the symptoms of hypnotism, anaesthesia, hypereesthesia, hallucinations, paralysis, suggestions of theft and other criminal acts, unilateral hypnosis, duplication of the consciousness, etc., as if all these phenomena had not their peculiar con- ditions, and did not belong to distinct states. Braid’s imperfect work has been completed by the Salpetriere school, which shows that hypnotism is a nervous condition, presenting characteristics which vary in in- tensity, if not in their nature, so that it is possible to distinguish the several phases or states in which the action of the subject varies. In addition to the want of classification betrayed by this disorderly exposition of facts, Braid has erred in putting in one category the unproved and the uncertain, the uncertain and the purely imaginative. A few pages of his book suffice to show that we have to do with a believer rather than with an observer. Braid has also been blamed for his unsatisfactory experiments in phreno-hypnotism, intended to prove the possibility of exciting special sentiments, ideas, and acts, by pressing on the humps of the skull of a hypno- tized subject. The account of these experiments occupies an important place in his Neurypnology. Braid, after taking care to inform us that, while making use of phrenology, he is no materialist, confidently asserts that he could inspire the idea of theft by pressing on the HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 73 organ of acquisitiveness ; of fighting, by pressing on that of combativeness; of prayer, by pressing on the organ of veneration, etc. The following experiment was the most curious of the series, and will give an idea of the others. Acquisi- tiveness was excited, and the subject stole a silver snuff- box from one of the spectators; the pressure was then transferred to the organ of conscientiousness, and the patient surrendered the object with a striking air of contrition. Braid seems to have foreseen the charge of simulation, and he takes care to affirm that several of his phrenological experiments were performed on persons who knew nothing about phrenology, and whose honour was unimpeachable. It is easy, up to a certain point, to understand the strange illusion of which Braid was the dupe. He had not observed the importance of that frequent source of error called unconscious suggestion. It is now known that an indiscreet word uttered before subjects very sensitive to suggestion is enough to show what is expected of them, and to make them act in the sense intended by the operator. A gesture may some- times produce the same effect, and this explains how, in some public exhibitions, the magnetizer, having agreed with his subject to deceive the spectators, is able to make him obey mental orders without expressing them verbally. There is in reality no communication by thought, but by signs which are comprehended by the subject with extraordinary quickness of perception. In Braid’s experiments it is probable that something- analogous occurred, although there was no imposture. Braid was doubtless as honest as his subjects, but the latter unconsciously obeyed a gesture or word, or were 74 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. unconsciously influenced by the recollection of a previous seance. This seems the more probable assumption, since Braid’s subjects were often people in good society, assembled to take part in a seance of phreno-hypnotism, and who, after seeing what Braid effected on others, voluntarily submitted to be the subjects of experiment. Braid’s errors are not, however, wholly devoid of truth. Numerous observers have declared that pressure on the heads of hypnotic subjects produces a surprising variety of sensory and motor effects. As a physician, Braid was much occupied in applying hypnotism to therapeutics. His observations refer to diseases of the eye, to tic-douloureux, nervous headaches, spinal irritation, neuralgia of the heart, palpitations and irregular action of the heart, epilepsy, paralysis, convul- sions, tonic spasms, affections of the skin, rheumatism, etc. We cannot refrain from the belief that here again Braid was deceived in more than one instance, but he must be credited with having made a fairly methodical study of hypnotic therapeutics. The results of Braid’s labours have in our day been considerable. He has the merit of having proved that animal magnetism is a natural phenomenon, a definite nervous condition, produced by means of known pro- cesses. Lasegue regards him as an indifferent physiologist. But this matters little, since many more intelligent and liberal minds have not the merit of having discovered a single new fact. Indeed, it appears that a certain narrowness of mind, allied with an obstinate will, is to some extent characteristic of the innovator.* * We subjoin a list of Braid’s works ; Neurypnology; or, The Rationale of Nervous Sleep, considered in relation with Animal Magnetism, by James HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 75 Braid’s discovery had little success in his own country, although it obtained the support of the physiologist Carpenter. In 1842 he submitted his researches to the medical section of the British Association, and offered to repeat his experiments before a special commission. The offer was formally rejected, and the section proceeded to other matters. It was said that this subject, like so many others, must make its way independently of learned bodies. Braid was not discouraged, and became the propagator of hypnotism with the indefatigable ardour which is characteristic of innovators, and which we have lately observed in Burq, the inventor of metaUo-therapia. He held many experimental seances in London, Liver- pool, and Manchester, without obtaining the justice due to him. Braid’s theory had more success in America, but not under his own name. In 1848 an American named Grimes, who does not appear to have been acquainted with Braid’s discovery, showed that most of the hypnotic phenomena could in certain subjects be produced in the waking state by means of verbal suggestion. This theory, which passed in the United States under the somewhat absurd name of electro-biology, reached Eng- land in 1850, and produced a new movement in favour of hypnotism. Although extracts from Braid’s works were published by Littre and Bob in, by Bobin and Beraud, etc., and Braid (London: John Churchill, 1813); The Power of the Mind over the Body (1846); Observations on Trance, or Human Hybernation (1850); Magic, Witchcraft, Animal Magnetism, Hypnotism, and Electro-biology (1852); The Physiology of Fascination (1855); Observations on the Nature and Treatment of Certain Forms of Paralysis (1855). 76 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. there was an article on the subject in the Presse by Meunier, his theories were little known in France. In 1850 the question was, however, again brought before the French public by Azam, a Bordeaux surgeon. Azam had been called in to see a poor girl who was said to be insane, and who presented the singular phe- nomena of spontaneous catalepsy, of anaesthesia, and of hypersesthesia. Azam was acquainted with the mag- netic phenomena of artificial somnambulism, and was struck by the correspondence between these and those which occurred spontaneously in his patient. One of his colleagues mentioned to him Braid’s experiments, which were reported in Todd’s Encyclopedia, and he tried to repeat these experiments on his patient, not without misgivings. He tells us that “at the first attempt, after being subjected for one or two minutes to the usual process, the patient fell asleep; the anaesthesia was complete, and it was evident that she was in a state of catalepsy. Hypersesthesia afterwards supervened, accompanied by the power of answering questions, and other symptoms indicative of the exercise of the intelli- gence.” * Similar experiments were successfully per- formed by Azam on another girl living in the same house, for the most part such experiments as had been described by Braid. We quote an instance of suggestions by means of the muscular sense : “ If, during the period of catalepsy, I place Mile. X ’s arms in the position of prayer, and leave them thus for a certain time, she states that her thoughts are fixed on prayer, and that she supposes herself to be present at a religious rite. When placed with folded arms and drooping head, she * Archives de Mtdecine, 18G0, p. 8. HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 77 feels her mind possessed by a series of ideas of humility and contrition. When her head is raised her ideas become haughty.” The hypersesthesia of the senses is no less decided. Azam asserts that the hearing becomes so acute as to distinguish the ticking of a watch at the o o distance of nine or ten yards : this sensitiveness to noise fatigues the subjects, and an expression of pain passes over the face at the rolling of carriages, the human voice, etc. When a bare hand is placed behind her back, at a distance of forty centimetres, Mile. X stoops forward and complains of feeling the heat. Azam was, however, chiefly struck by the general anaesthesia which frequently accompanied the hypnotic sleep. In concert with Broca, he sought in hypnotism a fresh mode of producing anaesthesia during surgical operations. This idea gained ground. Broca remarks that a method which introduces no foreign substance into the system appears to him to be absolutely in- offensive. This, however, is erroneous, since death may be produced by a suggestion. In 1851 Broca and Follin put a woman under hypnotism before making an incision in an abscess in the anus. This fact was communicated to the Academy of Sciences by Yelpeau, who, in an- nouncing with satisfaction this “new discovery,” appeared to have no doubt that animal magnetism, which had been condemned by the Academy, had reappeared under a new name. A few days later Guerineau, of Poitiers, employed the same hypnotic anaesthesia during the amputation of a thigh. The interest in hypnotism became general, and it was remembered that as early as 1829 Cloquet had amputated the breast of a mag- netized woman, and that Loysel had performed very 78 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. serious operations under like conditions. It was, how- ever, a transient interest, since the surgeons perceived that the hypnotic sleep could not be produced in all subjects; that even in those most susceptible to it, a series of daily hypnotizations must precede the operation, and that sometimes, instead of producing anaesthesia, the converse effect of hyperaesthesia was produced. These failures were partly due to the fact that it was not then known that suggestion might be used to produce in- sensibility. Chloroform was, therefore, soon preferred to hypnotism as the safer and more convenient means. The year 1860 witnessed the dawn and decline of the prevailing fashion of employing hypnotism to produce surgical anaesthesia. The question of animal magnetism, which had been proscribed twenty years before by the Academy of Medicine, was, however, reopened. The reality of the nervous sleep was no longer disputed; the mode of producing it was known, as well as its main symptoms. Distinguished physicians were now anxious to study these phenomena, without fear of compromising them- selves. It was at this time that the works of Demarquay, and Giraud-Teulon, Gigot-Suard, Liebault, and Philips (Durand de Gros) appeared. The chief result of these researches was to confirm Braid’s work in essential particulars. It was again proved that the personality of the hypnotizer is not a necessary element in producing the subject’s sleep. Demarquay and Giraud-Teulon, in order to ward off the influence of the experimenter’s gaze, made use of a polished steel ball, which was mounted on a stalk and fastened to a diadem; this diadem was placed on the HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 79 subject’s head, and his eyes were consequently drawn into the indicated convergence without the intervention of the experimenter.* It is needless to add that this method produced sleep in the subject, just as other methods did. Gigot-Suard even ascertained that a bril- liant object need not be presented to the eyes, and that the fixity of gaze would suffice. It was enough to order the subject to look at his nose, and then immediately to bandage his eyes. This also produced hypnosis. Demarquay and Giraud-Teulon agreed that a pre- disposition to hysteria was a general condition of hypnotic effects. In fact, results were only obtained from four persons out of eighteen, and these four were all women; the men submitted to experiment were altogether refrac- tory. Moreover, in one of these women the attempt at hypnotization produced the first symptoms of an hysteric attack. Hence they concluded that the nervous state designated as hypnotism was not physiological, but alto- gether morbid. The work by Demarquay and Giraud- Teulon is brief, accurate, and full of carefully observed facts, without the mystical tendency which is found in Braid. It is perhaps the first work on hypnotism of a strictly scientific character. Durand de Gros, better known as Dr. Philips, since he was one of the proscribed of December 2, and as- sumed this name in order to return to France, delivered public lectures on hypnotism in Belgium, Switzerland, France, and Algeria. In 1860 he published a Cours theorique et 'pratique de Braidisme, in which he developed his ideas on the mechanism of hypnosis. But the medical world was not much moved by his abstract conceptions * Recherche sur VHypnotisms (Gazette Medicate de Paris, 1859, 18GO). 80 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. of the hypotaxle state and of ideoplasticism, of which we will only say a few words. According to this author, the exercise of thought is necessary for the regular diffusion of nervous force into the sensory nerves ; the exercise of this mental activity is suspended by hypnotism, or rather is reduced to a minimum by submitting it to the exclusive excitement of a simple, homogeneous, and continuous sensation. Since the nervous force is no longer consumed by thought, it accumulates in the brain, and this sort of nervous congestion is termed the hypotaxic state. But, by a special impression on the sight, the hearing, or the touch, a given point of the brain may be excited, so that all the disposable nervous force may be accumulated on it. The same result may be obtained with a mental impression as with a sensorial impression; it awakens the activity proper to a given part of the brain, and produces the most varied effects. This is ideoplasticism. Durand de Gros’s theories somewhat resemble those set forth five years later by Liebault, a physician of Nancy, in a work entitled, “ Sleep, and the states analo- gous to it, specially considered in the action of the morale on the physique ” (Nancy, 1866). In his preface Liebault writes: “In my endeavour to study the passive modes of existence, I have first sought to demonstrate the truth that they are the effects of a mental action, and then to make my readers acquainted with their properties, from the point of view of the action of the morale on the physique.” In these words we find the germ of the idea developed by subsequent writers, who wish to prove that all the phenomena of artificial sleep,—both mental and physical phenomena, such as contractions, catalepsy, etc.. —are produced by suggestion. Thus, Liebault asserted HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 81 that artificial as well as natural sleep was produced by an act of the intelligence, that is, by concentrating the attention on one idea, that of going to sleep. This explanation does not apply to those persons who are hypnotized against their will. Liebault goes further, and maintains that modifications of the attention, its too energetic retreat into the brain, etc., cause the difficulty of breathing, the dilatation of the pupils, the weight of the head, singing in the ears, cyanosis, and the palpitations of the heart which accompany the approach of sleep. In Liebault’s opinion, attention appears to sum up the action of the mind on the physique. Concentration of the attention causes the isolation of the senses, the cessation of muscular movements, the establishment of a rapport between the somnambulist and the operator, catalepsy, etc. The afflux of attention to the organs of the senses increases their power of perception; its accumulation on the “ empreintes sensorielles ” quickens the memory, and so it is with the other senses. On waking from a state of profound hypnotism, there is oblivion, which is due to the fact that all the nervous force accumulated in the brain during sleep is, on awaking, again diffused throughout the organism; since the nervous force is diminished in the brain, it is impossible for the subject to recall to mind that of which he was previously aware. Liebault’s ideas were received with incredulity; his mode of practice appeared to be so singular that it was rejected by his colleagues without further examination. He lived in retirement, apart from the medical world, and entirely devoted to his convictions and to his patients, who were almost wholly of the poorer class. It is not 82 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. difficult to understand the cause of his failure. His book does not contain any clear and definite account of hypnotism; the symptoms which result from this pro- found modification of the system are not the object of a methodical study, and his descriptions are vague and without definite character. There is, perhaps, not a single scientific proof of hypnotism in the whole book. Yet we must give Libbault credit for having been a conscientious observer, convinced of the truth of his practice. It is said that his convictions brought him into unpleasant relations with his colleagues, and it is probable that they would never have been accepted without the labours of Charcot and his pupils, who re- established the study of hypnotism, simply by giving an accurate description of the physical characteristics of some of the nervous states designated by that name. The theories of Braid were now again in the ascendant. Up to 1878 nothing of much novelty was contributed to them. We need only mention the works of Mesnet (1860), of Lasegue (1865), of Baillif (1868), of Pau de Saint-Martin (1869). No advance was made, but the same ground was traversed again. There is a good account of the works of this period in an article by Duval, which appeared in 187-1 in the Dictionnaire pratique de medicine et de chirurgie. At the same date, Dechambre declared in the Dictionnaire encyclope'dique des sciences medicates that animal mag- netism did not exist. By degrees the question sank into silence and oblivion. The more earnest minds turned away from it, and abandoned the subject to professional magnetizers, who contrived to make money by public exhibitions of lIISTOEY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 83 hypnotism. From time to time a man of note attempted to shake off the general indifference, but no response was made. In 1875, Ch. Fichet published in the Journal de Vanatomie et de la physiologic the result of some researches on hypnotism, which he had made while house-surgeon of a hospital. Although the paper was interesting and full of facts, it obtained little notice. At about the same time the somnambulism of animals was studied in Germany. As Fichet justly observes: “ In order to judge of the question of simulation, nothing can be simpler than to perform experiments on beings incapable of playing a part.” But it was ascertained, on setting to work, that the symptoms of somnambulism in animals are by no means strongly marked. As early as 1646, Father Athanasius Kircher relates, in a book entitled Ars magna lucis et umbrae, that if a cock, with his legs tied together, be placed before a line made upon the floor with white chalk, he becomes at the end of a few moments perfectly motionless ; if the string be untied and he is excited, he does not issue from the cataleptic state. This experiment may be of still earlier date, since it has been ascribed to Daniel Schwenter (1636). However this be, in many countries the hypnotization of poultry became a popular amusement. In 1872, Czermak carefully repeated these experiments; he hypnotized a cock without making use of the ligature, or of the chalk line, and kept the animal immovable. He extended the experiment to other animals, to sparrows, pigeons, rabbits, salamanders, and crabs.* Preyer,f whose treatise on the subject is the most * Coinptes rendus de VAcade'mie de Vienne, 18/2, p. 361. f Die Kataplexie, etc. Jena, 1878. 84 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. complete which we possess, ascribed most of the phe- nomena observed under these conditions to fear. This author holds that strong excitement produces the cata- leptic state, that is, a paralysis due to fear. For instance, if a lizard’s tail, or a frog’s foot, is suddenly pinched, the animal becomes petrified, sometimes for several minutes, and is incapable of moving its limbs. Gentle and protracted excitement is needed to effect the hypnosis of animals. If the nostrils of a guinea-pig are kept for some time slightly compressed with a pair of pincers, the animal becomes hypnotic, and is thrown into such a stupor that it can be placed in the most absurd positions without being awakened. This arbitrary distinction between catalepsy and hypnotism has not been accepted. We need only note that many animals can be hypnotized, either by a brief and strong excitement of the skin, or by a repeated and fainter action of the same kind. The experiments on the frog are interesting, and easy to reproduce. Heubel * has shown that if a lively frog is lightly held between the fingers, with the thumb on the belly, and the four fingers on the back, the animal becomes perfectly motionless at the end of two or three minutes; it may be stretched upon its back, or placed in all sorts of positions, without making any attempt at defence or escape. The same paralytic state may be produced by gently scratching the frog’s back. But it must be admitted that none of these facts throw much fresh light on animal magnetism, and we do not, therefore, insist on them further. We now come to the year 1878, and to the researches of the Salpetriere school. * Archives Pfl tiger, vol. xiv. HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 85 The history of animal magnetism has shown that if, up to late years, the existence of the nervous sleep, and of the various phenomena allied with it, has been doubted, it is chiefly because the experimenters wanted method, and were principally concerned with the study of complex psychical phenomena. Such phenomena often lack the material characteristics which would place them beyond dispute. Since the proofs of these remarkable manifestations were wanting, it was at once concluded that they were, at any rate, hypothetical, if not false. The disputes and doubts might have gone on in- definitely, but for the intervention of material facts, which it was impossible to interpret in different senses. These material facts could not be at once discovered in the domain of the complex phenomena which had attracted the attention of the early experimenters; they belonged to the purely physical order of things. We must add that these physical signs of hypnosis have not hitherto been observed in their complete development, except in subjects affected by hysteria. Hence it follows that the hypnotism which first took its place in science is that of hysterical patients, and it is still termed profound hypnotism, both to characterize the intensity of its symptoms, and to distinguish it from the feebler forms which had, up to that time, been exclusively studied by physicians, and which may now be grouped under the name of slight hypnotism. The method which led to the revival of hypnotism may be summed up in these words: the production of material symptoms, which give to some extent an ana- tomical demonstration of the reality of a special state of the nervous system. This is merely an application of 86 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Descartes’s rule, that we should go from the simple to the compound. Before adopting this method, we have passed through an age of senseless errors and sterile discussions. It is to Charcot that the honour must be assigned of having been the first to enter on this course, in which he has been followed by numerous observers. The violence with which he was attacked is a proof of the important part he took in the question. Whatever objections may be made to his description of the different states known under the name of hypnotism, it is certain that the application of the nosographic method to this study enabled Charcot to establish phenomena within the domain of science which had hitherto been regarded as beyond its range. Charcot was not only fortunate enough to establish the scientific value of hypnotism, but to obtain compensation for his earlier academic failures by his triumphant readmission into the Academy of Sciences.* The researches of the Salpetriere school served as the point of departure for a fresh scientific movement, which continues up to the present day. In 1880, Heidenhain, an eminent German physio- logist, resumed the study of hypnotism, prompted by some public performances at Breslau, given by a Danish magnetizer named Hansen. Heidenhain’s paper f gave the signal for several other German publications, among * J. M. Charcot, Essai d'nne distinction nosographique des divers etafs compris sous le nom d’Uypnotisme (G. R., Ac. des Sciences, 1882). t Heidenhain, Dcr sogenannte thierische Magnetismus; Physiologische Beohaehtungen (Leipzig, 1880); Heidenhain uud Grutzner, Halbseitige Hypnotismus, ffypnotische A phasic, Farbenhlindheit, u. Mangel des Temper• atuvismus hei Hypnotischen, in Brest. Artel. Zeitschr., ii. 4. 1880. HISTORY OF ANIMAL MAGNETISM. 87 which we may mention that by Griitzner,* by Berger,| by Baumler, X by Preyer, § by Schneider. || In France we find, among others, P. Richer, Bourneville and llegnard, Dumontpallier and his pupils, Ladame, Bottey, Pitres, Bremaud, Bernheim, Beaunis; in Italy, Tamburini and Seppili, and Lombroso; in England, Hack Tuke. * Griitzner, Ueber d. neureren Erfahrungen aus dem Gehiete des sage- nannten thierischen Magnetismus {Cent. f. Nerv. Psch., 10. 1880). t Berger, Eypnotische Zustdnde, und Hire Genesnng, in Brest. Arztl. Zeitschr., ii., 10, 11, 12. 1880; Das Verhnlten der Sinnesorgane, in hypno- tischen Zustand, in Brest. Arztl. Zeitschv., iii. 7. 1881; Experimentelle Katalepsie; Deutsch. med. Wochenschrift, vi., 10. 1880. $ Baumler, Der sogen. ardmalische Magnetismus, oder Eypnotismus. Leipzig, 1881. § Preyer, Die Entdeclcung des Eypnotismus, Berlin, 1881. |( Sclmeider, Diepsych. Ursache der Eypnot. Erschein. Leipzig, 1880. 88 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. CHAPTER IY. THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. As far as its mode of production is concerned, hypnotic sleep does not essentially differ from natural sleep, of which it is in fact only a modification, and all the causes which produce fatigue are capable of producing hypnosis in those who are subject to it; it is in this sense that we may say with Richer, that all means are effectual, if only they are applied to a predisposed organism. Sensorial excitements produce hypnosis in two ways : when they are strong and abrupt, or when they are faint and continued for a prolonged period. The former mode of excitement was studied for the first time by Charcot and his pupils, who employed, among other means, vivid impressions on the sight, such as the sudden introduction of a solar lamp into a dark room, fixing the eyes on the sun, the incandescence of a strip of magnesium, the electric light, etc. In hysterical subjects the intense excitement immediately produces catalepsy. If the patient is seated at work, is standing, or walking, she is transfixed in the attitude in which she was surprised, and fear is expressed in her countenance and in her gestures. The same effect may be produced by an intense noise, like that of a Chinese gong, by a THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. 89 whistle, or by the vibration of a tuning-fork. When the subject is predisposed, comparatively slight, but unexpected noises, such for instance as the crackling of a piece of paper, or the chinking of a glass, are enough to produce catalepsy. If the excitement is moderate, rather than violent, it must be prolonged in order to cause the hypnotic sleep, which, however, it scarcely ever fails to produce. The subject is put to sleep after Braid’s method, by fixing his gaze for a few moments on an object which may be slightly luminous, or altogether dark, such as a black stick, which should be held near the eyes and a little above them, so as to produce a convergent and superior strabismus. After a while the eyes become humid and brilliant, the gaze becomes fixed, the pupils are dilated. When the object is withdrawn, the subject remains in a cataleptic state; if it is not withdrawn, the subject soon falls backwards with a sigh, there is a slight frothing on the lips, and lethargy ensues. The converg- ence of the eyes alone will produce sleep, as for instance at night (Carpenter); some subjects fall asleep spon- taneously when their eyes are fixed upon their needle- work, when they are reading, or looking in the mirror while dressing. Monotonous sounds also produce sleep. Weinhold and Heidenhain produced hypnosis by causing the subject to listen to the ticking of a watch; and a faint but continuous musical sound may produce the same effect. It is also well known that monotonous action on the hearing, a nurse’s lullaby, the noise of the wind, the reciting of prayers, have a marked effect in producing natural sleep in many people. It likewise occurred to us to produce a lethargic 90 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. sleep by fatiguing the sense of smell with a protracted odour of musk. No experiments have been made on the sense of taste. Tickling of the pharynx has succeeded with many subjects, but in this case it may be from complex reasons, since the subject nearly always fixes his eyes and keeps the thorax motionless. Some facts appear to indicate that an excitement of the organs of the senses which does not act upon their special functions, but only mechanically, may produce like effects. Thus, when the eyeball is compressed through the closed lid, which was often done by Lasegue, hypnosis may be produced in some subjects, and a like effect may be produced by pressure on the external meatus of the ear. These modes of hypnotization belong, as we think, to the group of those which act by exhaustion of the special senses. In fact, a pressure on the eyeball, however slight, produces irritation at the base of the eye, whence there follows a sensation of light. When the external orifice of the ear is compressed, there is a pressure on the membrane of the tympanum by means of the air contained in the tube, and it may easily be shown that this causes a continuous murmur, which fatigues the sense of hearing, so that in this case also sleep results from exhaustion. The hypnotizing processes in which a method in- volving contact with the skin is necessary, are, however, susceptible of more than one interpretation. We know that magnetizers formerly made use of what are termed passes; these passes consist in lightly touching the subject, either directly, or indirectly, through his clothes, and a prolonged repetition of these gestures produces sleep. Ch. Eichet has ascertained that a gentle excite- THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. 91 merit of the skin may produce the somnambulist sleep as well as the excitement of the special senses ; yet it may be assumed that the success of the passes is greatly due to the psychical element. We must note one interesting point in the history of hypnotizing processes, by means of irritation of the skin. On looking over the writings of magnetizers in o o o the first half of the century, we are struck by the re- currence of certain gestures which contributed to dis- credit animal magnetism. It appears that the experi- menter often caused his subject to sit down opposite to him, pressed his or her knees within his own, grasped the thumbs with his hands, and sometimes applied his forehead to that of the subject of experiment. These gestures, which appeared to be indecent, and unnecessary for the purpose he wished to effect, were in fact founded on accurate observations, which have since been verified. It has been ascertained that when the scalp of hypnotized subjects is slightly irritated, the character of the sleep is changed. Thus, individuals plunged in the state designated by Charcot as lethargic or cataleptic, may be made to pass into the somnambulist state by a slight friction in the region of the scalp. Heidenhain, Griitzner, and Berger, by slight and prolonged friction on one side of the heads of subjects in the waking state, have produced in them a unilateral hypnosis, displayed by an excessive muscular excitability. The influence of irritation localized in certain regions has recently been well described by Pitres, who has shown that in some subjects there are zones he terms hypnogenic, sometimes superficial, sometimes deeply seated, and that even a slight irritation of these zones may produce hypnosis, 92 ANIMAL BIAGNETISM. or occasionally cause it to cease.* Such zones may be found in all parts of the body, but most frequently in the vicinity of the joints, on the scalp, and especially on the forehead, and also at the root of the thumb. The legitimate observation of facts therefore justifies the gestures formerly in use, and we must not hastily condemn or deny that which we do not understand. Irritation of the skin is as effectual when it is done with a feather, or some other inert body, as with the hand. We have ascertained that the sleep may be produced in several instances by placing a magnet close to an hypnogenic zone. We have also observed that the subject may put himself to sleep by pressing on such a zone. It should be added that each subject may display different hypnotic zones, not only as to their site, but as to their action; lethargy, catalepsy, and somnambulism may result in their several forms from the excitement of one or other of these zones. Heat may produce the same effect as a mechanical excitement of the skin. Berger showed that he could produce hypnosis by holding his hot hands near the head of a person in a natural sleep ; the heat disengaged from his hands produced this effect, for when he wore woollen gloves, or covered the sleeper’s head, hypnotization did not occur. Berger also obtained like effects by placing metal plates, moderately heated, near the heads of his subjects. An excitement which is not felt may have a hypno- tizing effect, since consciousness is a super-added element, which is not essential. Thus the magnet, which acts as a peripheral excitement, may hypnotize a subject * A. Pitres, Des zones hysitfrogenes et hypnogenes. Bordeaux, 1885. THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. 93 without his perceiving the action exerted by this body on his organism. The influence of the magnet on hypnosis was first pointed out by Landouzy, in 1879, and the fact was afterwards verified by Chambard, and by the present writers. Hypnotization by sensorial excitement, or by a physiological process, may be summed up as follows : 1. By excitement of the sense of sight: (a) Strong and sudden excitement, by luminous rays, by solar or electric light, or by the sudden incandescence of a magnesium wire; (b) slight and prolonged excitement, by fixing the eyes on an object, brilliant or otherwise, which is placed near the eyes, and somewhat above their level. 2. By excitement of the sense of hearing: (a) Strong and sudden excitement, by a gong, by copper instru- ments, etc.; (b) slight and prolonged excitement, by the ticking of a watch, the vibrations of a tuning-fork, or any other monotonous sound. 3. By excitement of the senses of taste and smell. 4. By excitement of the sense of touch: (a) Strong and sudden excitement, by pressure on the hypnogenic zones; (b) slight and prolonged excitement, by passes, contact, action of heat or of the magnet. These several physiological processes act very differ- ently on different subjects. When used in combination, their effect may be greater or more rapid. Although, as Braid has shown, the operator’s personality has not the importance which was formerly ascribed to it, yet it cannot be said to be altogether negative. It can easily be proved that some experimenters are more successful than others, at any rate with some subjects. This 94 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. elective phenomenon is not unimportant, and is perhaps partly due to the specific heat, smell, etc. If this elective affinity exists in physiological pro- cesses, it is much more manifest in those processes which are psychical. In fact, hypnosis is not produced only by sensorial and peripheral excitement; it is also effected by central excitement, that is, by acting on the imagi- nation. It may be asserted that, whenever the subject is warned that he is about to be hypnotized, his mind contributes to the success of the operation, and the sleep is partly due to psychical action. The Abbe Faria, who induced sleep by intimation, has clearly shown that hypnosis may be effected by psychical action. His process consisted in desiring the subject, in an imperious voice, to go to sleep, and some- times, without uttering a word, a commanding gesture was enough to effect his purpose. Faria’s simple process is rarely employed, and insinuation is often substituted for intimation. Sleep may, for instance, be induced by telling the subject that he is sleepy or heavy, that his eyelids are closing, that he does not hear, nor see, etc., or —as we have ourselves observed—when the experimenter himself feigns to deep. This gentle process is perfectly successful with subjects who have previously been hypnotized in other ways, and it succeeds at once with predisposed subjects, who have been under a course of treatment, and who feel confidence in the operator, and in the result of the operation. It is, in fact, only sugges- tion in the waking state. This suggestion is often veiled by manoeuvres which formerly led to the belief that it was possible to magne- tize from a distance. A susceptible subject could be put THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. 95 to sleep by making passes through a door, if only the subject was aware that a magnetizer was present with that purpose in view. This experiment, intended to show that somnambulism is produced by a fluid which escapes from the magnetizer’s body, and passes through opaque bodies, simply proves that the subject’s fixed idea that he is being hypnotized is enough to put him to sleep, and this is a psychical impression. In this way it can be explained how a magnetizer in Paris can hypnotize one of his subjects in the country, when the latter is aware on what day and at what hour the operation is to begin; and, again, how some subjects are hypnotized by causing them to touch objects to which magnetic virtue has been openly ascribed. This likewise explains the action of magnetized water and magnetized trees. But the most striking experiment is the suggestion of sleep after a long interval of time. The subject is assured, with the necessary firmness and authority, that after so many days, at such an hour, he will spontaneously fall asleep. On the day appointed and at the given hour the suggestion is realized; the subject is overcome by sleep in the midst of his occupations, and in whatever place he may happen to be. Several writers, who have observed the power of suggestion as an hypnogenic agent, have regarded it as universally present. Thus Braid asserts that the imagi- nation of the subject is an indispensable element in the success of the experiment; he declares that the most expert hypnotizer will exert himself in vain, unless the subject is aware of what is passing and surrenders him- self, body and soul. In our day, some authors have maintained that the expectant attitude was the cause of 96 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. all hypnotic phenomena, as well as of the phenomena of metallotherapeutics. Schneider and Berger consider that hypnosis is produced by a unilateral concentration of the attention. These assertions are too absolute. A whole series of purely physical agents exist, which prove that sleep can be induced without the aid of the subject’s imagination, against his will, and without his knowledge. We will mention, in conclusion, some of the experi- ments made by one of the present writers,* which confirm the idea already suggested by Braid, that hypnosis results from the exhaustion of the cerebral influx. An experi- mental proof can be given that all the sensorial excite- ments which induce hypnosis act by exhaustion, for the first effect of these excitements is an exaggeration of the motor phenomena. If the subject is made to ’hold a dyna- mograph in his right hand in such a -way as to exert no pressure on it, and if he is then hypnotized, it can be ascertained that a motor discharge occurs in the in- terval between the excitement and the sleep. There is an intense pressure of the fingers on the dynamograph, and, indeed, the movement extends to all the muscles of the body. It is therefore probable that the hypnogenic excitement provokes an exhausting activity. We are here met by the difficulty that the theory of exhaustion does not explain the sleep produced by sug- gestion. It has often been said that the psychical element in hypnosis vitiates all the attempts to give a physical explanation of this state. While admitting that the problem is difficult, we think it possible to * Ch. Fere, Inhibition et epuisement (Soc. de Biologic, May 7, 1886); Impuissance et pessimisms (Revue Philosophique, July, 1886); La medicine climagination (Brogres Medicals, 1886, p. 717). THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. 97 reconcile some psychical processes of hypnotization with processes due to exhaustion. All kinds of suggestion consist in making one idea predominant in the subject’s mind; the suggestion of sleep is included in this category, and hypnotization is effected by the idea of sleep. Re- peated experiments, which we shall afterwards mention in detail, show that every idea is an image, that every image recalls an anterior sensation. From this point of view, hypnotization by suggestion consists in hypnotiza- tion by physical excitements, not actually occurring, but remembered. In confirmation of this assertion, we give an example of an experiment communicated to us by Ballet. The suggestion was made to a subject, either in her waking state or in a previous sleep, of an electric lamp, shining from the corner of the room. The subject was awake and conversing tranquilly. When told to look in the corner where the imaginary lamp was placed, she was at once attacked by catalepsy, just as if the electric ray had shone upon her face. Hallucination, that is, the image of the luminous impression, produced the same effect as the actual impression, because it was recalled to her mind. So it seems probable that the suggestion of sleep only effects its purpose by inducing the recollection of certain impressions of fatigue which involve exhaustion in the same way as a physical excitement. The awakening of the hypnotized subject, as well as his hypnotization, may be effected by two different pro- cesses—by a peripheral impression, or by a central and psychical impression. It is generally enough, in order to awaken the subject, to breathe lightly on his eyes or fore- head. The wind from a pair of bellows may be substi- 98 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. tuted without inconvenience for breathing from the mouth, or a few drops of water may be sprinkled on the face. When these means fail, the subject’s eyelids are opened, in order to breathe strongly on the cornese. And, in the case of patients, who do not awake under this treatment, pressure is applied in the region of the ovarium. Pitres has also shown the existence of super- ficial zones in many hysterical subjects, which may be excited in order to awaken them. It is very probable that they might be awakened by addressing special senses, particularly those of sight and hearing. But nothing certain is known on these points. If the experimenter breathes on one half of the forehead, while sheltering the other half with a screen, only half of the body is awakened. The subject may also be awakened by a psychical impression. When the order to awake is repeated a certain number of times, the subject awakes, just as he goes to sleep when ordered to do so. We see that there is a certain parallelism between the causes which produce hypnotism and those which remove it, and that in both cases it is done by excite- ment, whether of the surface of the skin, or of the special senses, or by a psychical excitement. This relation be- tween the two processes is still more marked in some hysterical patients in whom there are found zones en- dowed with inverse properties, at once hypnogenic and the reverse. When the patients in question are awakened, an excitement of one of these zones, as for instance 0:1 the scalp, hypnotizes them, and an excitement of the same spot awakens them. In this case it may be said that the same cause has produced contrary effects, de- pending on the physical condition of the subject at the THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. 99 moment of its action. But this is not a general rule. Some zones are exclusively hypnogenic; others are exclusively the reverse. If there are numerous ways of producing hypnotism, their efficacy greatly depends upon the conditions. The first of these is habit. It has been justly observed that the first attempt to hypnotize a subject nearly always fails, and that it almost invariably succeeds when the experiment has been several times repeated. It is important to note this fact of hypnotic education. Although absolutely no effect may be obtained at the first seance, and the subject may declare that he ex- perienced nothing, yet the attempt has impressed a permanent modification on his nervous system, which will render subsequent attempts more easy. At first the sleep is tardily produced, then it comes in a few minutes, next in a few moments, and finally almost instan- taneously. After this, the subject is entirely in the magnetizer’s power. It is interesting to observe that these facts are the expression of a general physiological law—the law of repetition. Numerous psychometrical experiments have shown; first, that when an act is frequently repeated, with sufficient intervals of repose, each series of repetition is accompanied by a shortening of the period of reaction; secondly, that this period becomes shorter in proportion to the increase in the number of repetitions; thirdly, that it is finally reduced to its lowest limit. We, now come to one of the questions most disputed at this time in the history of animal magnetism, namely, whether every individual is capable of hypnotization by the processes of which we have given a general account, 100 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. or if, in order to effect the result, a morbid predisposition must exist in the subject. Is there, to use Ladame’s ex- pression, an hypnotic neurosis, without which hypnotiza- tion is impossible, and are nervous diseases, and especially hysteria, to be regarded as the indispensable predis- position ? We have already said that, as far as its production is concerned, artificial cannot be separated from natural sleep, and we will add that in its attenuated forms the one does not differ from the other in nature and character. We readily admit that artificial sleep may be produced in any subject by repeating, varying, and sufficiently prolonging the attempts, so as to induce fatigue. Before asserting that this result is impossible, these attempts should be made, and it logically rests with the sceptics to prove a negative. It is, however, certain that most nervous patients, and especially those suffering from hysteria, are distinctly predisposed to the hypnotic sleep, and that it differs from natural sleep by special physical characteristics. It is precisely the addition of such characteristics which constitutes the most important part of the question, for these physical phenomena serve as the indication of the extremely complex psychical manifestations which accompany them. Up to this time it has been asserted that physical phenomena, impressing a special character on the sleep, have only been observed in the hypnotism of hysterical patients, described by Charcot and Richer under the name of profound hypnotism. We admit that, in a great majority of cases, sufficient exhaustion to cause sleep may be artificially induced. But the following point remains THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. 101 open to discussion: whether, because it is proved that an individual is artificially put to sleep, it necessarily follows that this is a special, not a natural sleep. Even if this question should be decided in the affirmative, and it should be established that no one is absolutely refractory to hypnotism, we should feel justified in asserting that hypnotic phenomena consist in a disturbance of the regular functions of the organism. As Barth lately observed, it is possible to give every one a headache, but this does not prove that a headache is a physiological state. We do not therefore accept the opinion of those authors who treat hypnosis as a physio- logical state, and appear more anxious to separate it from other forms of neurosis, than to connect it with them.* A second question is immediately connected with the former, namely, whether an individual susceptible to hypnotism can be hypnotized without his consent, and even against his will. Many persons are agitated by the idea that a stranger may influence and dispose of them as if they were mere automata. This is certainly dangerous to human liberty, and it is a danger which increases with the repetition of experiments. When a subject has been frequently hypnotized, he may be un- consciously hypnotized in several ways : first, during his natural sleep, by a slight pressure on the eyes; next, in the case of an hysterical patient, by surprising her when awake by some strong excitement, such as the sound of a gong, an electric spark, or even by a sudden gesture. Some curious anecdotes are told on this subject. An * Under the name of hypnoscope, Ochorowiez has invented an instru- ment to show the peculiar sensitiveness of some subjects to the magnet. These subjects appear to be also more easily hypnotized. 102 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. hysterical patient became cataleptic on hearing the brass instruments of a military band ; another was hypnotized by the barking of a dog; another, who had hypnogenic zones on her legs, fell asleep in the act of putting on her stockings. Even supposing that the subject knows that he is to be hypnotized, and desires to resist, this resistance will often be in vain, in spite of his urgent protestations, and he will soon submit to the authority which the experimenter has acquired over him. Sometimes, how- ever, it has occurred to the subject that he will not sleep, and then the experimenter finds himself opposed by an idea which he is unable to modify;—neither the gong nor the electric light produces any effect, and pressure on the eyes, continued for hours, only brings on an attack of convulsions. If these fixed ideas are artificially developed, they form an almost complete obstacle to all attempts at hypnotization. Of this the patients are aware, and some- times, when they do not wish to be hypnotized by a given person, they cause their companions to hypnotize and suggest to them. Experimenters sometimes adopt similar expedients; and the caskets and talismans which have been given to patients, with the assurance that no one can hypnotize them while they carry these objects about, must be regarded as simply a mode of suggestion. With respect to persons who have never been hypno- tized, and to the question whether they can successfully resist the forcible attempt to put them to sleep, some authors have said that an individual can prevent any one from hypnotizing him, if he resists. The naivete of this assertion reminds us of those philosophers who say, “ I am free to do this or that, if I wish it.” Everything depends on whether the subject can exercise resistance THE MODES OF PRODUCING HYPNOSIS. 103 and use his will. It must not be supposed that because moral resistance is a psychical function, it is found to an equal degree in all men. On the contrary, it varies with the individual, just as muscular force varies. The ques- tion does not therefore admit of a simple answer. In the case of a person who has never been hypnotized, and is not very susceptible to hypnotism, his consent, and even his good will are very necessary for the success of the operation, and without these he cannot be hypnotized. But some people are excessively susceptible, and in them the resistance is necessarily slight. They may be taken by surprise when naturally asleep and hypnotized by pressure on the eyes, and in the waking state they may be intimidated, taken by surprise, and may even receive dangerous suggestions without being put to sleep.* Such persons should guard themselves carefully, since the seriousness of the danger cannot be denied. * In confirmation of this statement, we may cite the well-known story of a girl hypnotized by a beggar called Castellon. She left her father’s house in order to follow him, although regarding him with terror and disgust, and remained in his power for four days, during which time he outraged his unhappy victim several times. (Despine, fctude scientijique sur le somnabulisme. 1880.) 104 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. CHAPTER Y. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. The hypnotic sleep, by whatever processes it may have been effected, is displayed under very different aspects; sometimes it is marked by distinct physical charac- teristics, and is then designated as profound hypnotism ; at other times it does not differ from the natural sleep, and it is then termed slight hypnotism. Between natural sleep and the most profound hypnosis it is possible to establish an unbroken chain of intermediate states, which it is somewhat difficult to distinguish from each other. The diversity of symptoms which marks the gradation of hypnotic states accounts for the disputes which are of daily occurrence, and which are far from being exhausted. Each observer, who con- scientiously describes the subject before him, believes himself to be in possession of the whole truth, and allows himself to doubt the phenomena which he does not find in this instance. In many cases he even denies their existence, thus contributing to establish an absolute disbelief in those who do not observe for themselves. Without attempting a critical study of these dis- crepancies, we believe that they may be ascribed to two chief causes; first, the different states of the patients on whom the experiments are tried; second, the variable SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 105 nature of the exciting causes of hypnotic phenomena in these patients. If the Salpetriere school obtained results which do not only agree with each other, but with those obtained by other observers (Tarnburini, Seppili, etc.), it is because they took care to define with the utmost accuracy the physical conditions of their subjects, and the nature of their experimental processes. These two points include the whole method summed up by Paul Richer * in the following propositions : 1. To choose those subjects for experiment whose physiological and pathological conditions are well known to resemble each other. 2. To submit the different experimental conditions to a rigorous law. 3. To proceed from the simple to the compound, from the known to the unknown. 4. To guard carefully against simulation. 5. To be chiefly occupied with simple cases, that is, with those in which the different phenomena appear to be most distinct and isolated from each other. 6. To follow the method of nosologists in classing these different phenomena in natural series, so as to establish several subdivisions in the great group of facts collected under the name of hypnotism. We shall in our description accord tbe first place to hysterical hypnosis, which is entitled to serve as an intro- duction to the general study of hypnotism, not only on account of its historic importance, but on account of its clearly marked divisions, and the intensity of its symp- toms. We shall describe separately each of the hypnotic * P. Richer, Eludes cliniques sur la grande hysl&rie, ou, Hysle'ro- epilepsie, p. 512, 2nd edition. 1885. 106 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. symptoms,beginning with, the neuro-muscular phenomena, which are manifested by more objective, and to some extent more palpable, signs than the others. We shall substitute synthesis for analysis, and give an account of the different nervous states designated by Charcot under the names of lethargy, catalepsy, and somnambulism. In order to do this, we must define the nature of these hypnotic states, which have been the subject of so much discussion. Our study of profound hypnotism will be succeeded by that of its slighter forms; we shall endeavour to classify all these different states, and to connect them with each other, so as to show how the phenomena of hypnotism are allied with those of physiology. We hold that hypnotism should not be considered by itself, nor simply as a matter for curiosity; it is chiefly im- portant as enabling us to study the physiological processes in man, and especially the cerebral functions, and it is adapted to play a considerable part in psychology. We do not propose, however, like some German writers, to discuss theories on the mechanism of the nervous sleep, since these theories, whether physical, chemical, or physiological, are not founded on solid experi- ence, and appear, at all events at present, to constitute the metaphysics of hypnosis. We shall aim at giving to the ensuing descriptions a purely symptomatic character. I. Neuro-muscular Hyperexcitability. Definition—Excitement of the Muscles.—Charcot and his school regard this important phenomenon as the dominant characteristic of lethargy. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 107 The patient in a lethargic state appears to be in the deepest sleep; the eyes are closed, or half-closed, the eyelids quiver, the face is impassible and expressionless. The body is perfectly helpless; the head is thrown back; the limbs hang slackly down, and if they are raised and again dropped, they fall heavily back into the same position. An examination of the muscles shows, however, that they have acquired the property of contracting under the influence of a direct mechanical excitement, and even, when thus contracted, of forming a contracture, that is, of remaining fixed in the acquired position. To this phenomenon Charcot gives the name of neuro- muscular hyperexcitability.* It may be produced by very simple treatment. For instance, on kneading the muscles on the front of the fore-arm, the limb be- comes fixed in a bent position; if the thenar eminence is excited, the thumb turns inward on the palm of the hand. If the muscles of the face are excited, those, for instance, which connect the malar bones with the lips, the latter are raised upwards and outwards. It may be said that all the striated muscles respond to mechanical excitement, without excepting those which do not usually contract under the influence of the will, like the muscles of the pinna of the ear. The abdominal and thoracic muscles form no exception to this rule, so that it is imprudent to perform experiments of this kind on hypnotized patients without an accurate acquaint- ance with anatomy and physiology. Some unskilful experimenters have produced unpleasant phenomena by * J. P. Charcot and P. Richer, De Vhyperexcitabilite neuro-musculaire (Archives de Neurologie, 1881-1882). 108 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. simply touching the larynx, and by manipulating the diaphragm. In order to produce a lethargic contracture, a me- chanical excitement is usually required, which goes beyond the limits of the skin, and either acts directly on the muscles, on the tendons, or on the nerves. There are several ways of applying the excitement; in most cases friction, pressure, a shock, and massage are equally successful. The process may be carried out equally well with the hand and with an inert body. The application of a magnet, held at a little distance from a group of muscles, produces the same effect as direct mechanical excitement, but with more energy and diffusion.* Finally, the degree of excitement is important; a slight excitement produces a simple con- traction, a stronger one produces a contracture. Excitement of the facial muscles.—The facial muscles, during the lethargy accompanied by neuro-muscular hyperexcitability, are differently affected from the other muscles of the body. Contraction may be produced by mechanically exciting the nerve which animates them, for instance, the facial nerve as it issues from the parotid, or by exciting the body of the muscle itself; but this contraction does not become permanent con- tracture. It generally ceases with the pressure, and if the excitement is continued for some time, the effect is exhausted, and the muscle becomes relaxed. In order to fix the contraction of the facial muscles during the lethargy, it occurred to one of the present writers to uncover the subject’s eyes at the moment when contrac- tion had been effected. The subject at once became Tamburini and Seppili, Rivista di Freniatria, p. 278, 1881. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. cataleptic, and the contraction of the muscle which had been excited was maintained for some time. It is possible to cause many of the muscles to con- tract singly, such as the frontalis, the depressor alse nasi, and the triangularis menti. Several muscles may also be contracted simultaneously, so as to produce what is termed by Duchenne combined, expressive contractions. With the finger, or with a slender stick, rounded at the end, all the electric experiments performed by Duchenne on subjects in the waking state, may be reproduced on the face of a subject in the lethargic state. These studies, carried on with the utmost care by Charcot and Richer, afford an experimental proof of the part taken by each muscle in the expression of the emotions. In fact, with some few exceptions, the muscular action due to hyperexcitability is strictly localized in the muscle which has been directly excited; and the action ol this muscle does not induce that of the other muscles which are habitually associated with it, in order to pro- duce an emotional expression. For instance, by press- ing the finger, or the end of a blunt pencil on the zygomaticus major, an isolated contraction of this muscle may be effected, so as to give the expression of a forced laugh. In order to obtain the expression of spontaneous laughter, the inferior half of the orbicularis palpebrarum must be simultaneously excited. Lastly, the hyperexcitability of the muscles of the face make it possible to set in motion those muscles which are not usually subject to the will, such as those of the pinna of the ear. The contraction of the muscles is not only produced by acting on their fleshy body; the mechanical excite- ANIMAL MAGNETISM. merit of their tendons, or fibrous extremities, produces the same effect. Excitement of the Tendons.—The effect of exciting the tendons of the knee is particularly marked. If, in the case of a normal individual, the ligamentum patellae is struck, a contraction of the quadriceps fern oris takes place, and this induces a slight shock in the limb, to- gether with an extension of the leg. Hysterical subjects frequently present in their waking state an exaggera- tion of this tendon reflex. But some fresh symptoms occur in the artificial lethargy : first, a diffusion of the reflex action which is displayed in the shock extending to all the corresponding half of the body ; and next, by a marked tendency to contracture. Excitement of the Nerves.—The mechanical excitement of the peripheral nerve-trnnks is chiefly interesting from the fact that it produces the contracture of all the muscles to which the excited nerve is distributed. Hence it results that the limb subject to experiment assumes a characteristic attitude, which is determined by the special distribution of the branches of the ex- cited nerve to the muscles of that region. It has been said that neuro-muscular hyperexcitability constitutes an anatomical demonstration of the reality of the nervous sleep; it is at any rate certain that this phenomenon cannot be simulated, even by those subjects who are thoroughly acquainted with anatomy. The nerves of the arm, which are easily accessible to mechanical excitement, are generally chosen to demon- strate this neuro-muscular property of lethargy. The ulnar nerve may be easily reached, in the region of the elbow in the hollow between the olecranon and the internal SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. condyle. If mechanical pressure is exerted by the finger on this point, the subject’s hand becomes contractured in the attitude represented in Fig. 1. Fig, I.—Ulnar attitude. (From Charcot and Richer.) The fundamental characteristics of this attitude, which presents some secondary variations in different subjects, are the flexion of the ring and little fingers, the adduction of the thumb, the extension and separa- tion of the index and middle fingers. Analysis shows that this attitude is in complete accordance with our anatomical and physiological knowledge. On the one hand, anatomy teaches us the distribution of the ulnar nerve in the fore-arm and the hand; on the other, physiology shows the partial action of the muscles by means of the ulnar nerve. By combining both these data, we may rigorously infer what attitude the hand ought to take under the combined action of all the muscles brought into play. The attitude deduced by reasoning precisely agrees with the attitude produced 112 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. during lethargy by excitement of the nerve. The attitude is controlled hy the localized faradisation. In healthy individuals faradic excitement of the nervous trunks gives the same results as mechanical excitement in subjects in the lethargic state. The median attitude, which is produced by exciting the median nerve, which extends along the inner edge of the biceps, consists in a contracture which causes the flexion of all the segments of the limb; the fore-arm is Fig. 2.—Median attitude. Fig. 3.—Radial attitude. (From Clxareot and Richer.) raised in a constrained position, the wrist is bent, and the hand closes (Fig. 2). The radial attitude, which is in some sort the con- verse of the preceding one, consists in the supine position of the fore-arm, while the wrist and all the fingers are extended. This attitude is produced by exciting the radial nerve, where it issues from the spiral groove of the humerus (Fig. 3). SYMPTOMS OP HYPNOSIS. 113 By the mechanical excitement of the spinal nerves, Berger and Heidenhain were able to produce movements in the limbs in correspondence with them. We have one remark to make on the localization of the contracture which is produced by exciting the nerve. In the case of the ulnar position, the band becomes stiffened into what may be termed a sacerdotal attitude. In fact, the muscles in connection with the ulnar nerve are not the only ones affected ; their antagonists also are evidently in a state of tension, and it may be said that all the muscles of the hand are affected. Yet the ulnar attitude assumes a characteristic form which enables us to distinguish it from the median and radial attitudes which we have described. This is due to the fact that, in the collective action of the muscles of the hand, it is only the muscles connected with the ulnar nerve which give a characteristic attitude to the hand, and the other muscles only come into play in order to keep the hand immovable in that attitude ; their contraction is perhaps due to the excitement which affects their fibres in consequence of their sudden extension. Galvanic Excitement of the Scalp.—The phenomena produced by the galvanic excitement of the scalp of a subject in the state of lethargy must be referred to an hyperexcitability allied to that which is neuro-muscular. Charcot observed that the application of a galvanic current to the cranial arch during lethargy produced strong muscular shocks in the subject’s body. The posi- tive electrode is placed on the scalp, at a level with the motor regions, and the negative electrode is placed on the sternum, on the fore-part of the head, or behind the ear. When the circuit is interrupted, at its open- 114 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. ing, and especially at its closure, a distinct shock is produced on the opposite side of the body, and of the face. In some patients the shock occurs on both sides of the body, with a marked predominance on the side to which the electrodes are applied. When the same experiment is performed on subjects in the waking state, variable results are obtained. In some, the galvanic excitement has no effect; in others, its effects are the same as in the lethargic state.* Character of the Lethargic Contracture.—Lethargic contracture presents some characters which clearly dis- tinguish it from a voluntary contraction, and make it easy to ascertain that there is no simulation on the part of the subject. Experiments have been performed on strong and healthy subjects, who voluntarily assumed attitudes resembling those of lethargic contracture, and the com- parison furnished the following results. Under the influence of a continuous traction, the contractured limb of a lethargic subject gradually relaxes, just like the limb which is voluntarily stiffened. So far the re- semblance is complete, but the myographic and cardio- graphic tracings reveal curious differences. In the simulator, the trembling of the limb and the irregular breathing soon betray that the effort is voluntary; in the hypnotized subject the respiratory rhythm does not vary, and the contractured limb is slowly relaxed, with- out the slightest irregularity. Charcot and Richer state that when, during lethargy, a group of muscles is excited, and at the same time the limb is not allowed to move in the direction of the * J. M. Charcot, Society de Biologie, January 7 and 14, 1885. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 115 muscles under excitement, this excitement is trans- ferred to the antagonist muscles. For instance, if while exciting the extensors of the fingers the hand is kept half bent, its flexion is accentuated by the con- traction of the flexors, although the excitement was limited to the extensors. We remarked above on an analogous fact; the attitude due to a lethargic con- O 7 CD tracture depends not only upon the muscles which are excited, but also on the antagonistic muscles. It may be stated as a rule of motor-nerve power, that the antagonist shares in the excitement of any muscle whatever. In ordinary circumstances, this contraction of the antagonist has only a regulating function, but it may become preponderant if the effect of the direct contraction is in any way arrested.* If the contracture is left to itself, it will continue throughout the lethargy ; in some subjects the transition to another phase of sleep, or the awakening, will put an end to the contracture; in others, it will remain for an indefinite time, even after they are awake. In order to put an end to it, the experimenter must in this case throw the subject into a fresh lethargy, and then proceed to excite the antagonistic muscles. Friction and the kneading of the muscles will, in fact, soon relax lethargic contractures. When a con- tracture of the flexors has been produced, the excite- ment of the extensors on the back of the hand will soon cause it to disappear. If the sterno-mastoid muscle has been excited, so as to produce a rotation of the head in the opposite direction, the excitement of the opposite muscle will bring back the head to its original * Charcot and liicher, Brain, October, 1885. 116 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. position. This antagonistic action is one of the charac- teristics peculiar to contractures of the lethargic type. There is another interesting phenomenon which should not be omitted in the history of neuro-muscular hyperexcitability. Under the name of “a paradoxical contraction,” Westphal has described the following phenomenon :—When a sudden and energetic movement of dorsal flexion is, for instance, given to the foot, the anterior tibial muscle contracts so as to produce ad- duction and a certain degree of dorsal flexure of the foot, which remains fixed in this position. Charcot shows that this phenomenon is more marked in hyper- excitable patients. If, instead of abruptly bending the limb, it is gently placed in the same position, and the extensor muscles are mechanically excited, the limb remains fixed in the attitude of flexion. The excite- ment of the extensors has a reflex action on the flexors to which they respond by forming a contracture. Erleraeyer makes the reasonable suggestion that the term “ contracture by antagonistic distension ” should be substituted for that of “paradoxical contraction.” This phenomenon, which is most marked in hysterical and hyperexcitable subjects in the state of lethargy, explains why some of these subjects retain the positions due to a sudden effort, as, for instance, when a subject who has thrown a stone, or given a blow, retains his arm in contracture in that position.* The msthesiogenic action on lethargic contracture must be briefly noticed. In subjects sensitive to the magnet, the transfer of unilateral contractures may be * Ch. Fere, La Contraction paradoxale (Progres Medical, 1884, p. 69). SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 117 effected by means of this agent; thus, when the ulnar attitude has been produced in the right hand, and a magnet is brought close to the subject’s fore-arm when he is asleep, and even when he is awake, both his hands become agitated with slight, jerking movements; then the contracture of the right hand ceases, and is trans- ferred to the left hand, without losing any of its charac- teristics or of its precise localization. Several other agents, such as a vibrating tuning-fork, metals, and electricity in all its forms, may be used to effect the transfer.* Some interesting phenomena are allied with this last experiment. If the circulation is arrested by the circular compression of a limb in a centripetal direction, by means of one of Esmarch’s elastic bandages, the me- chanical excitement of the limb thus rendered anaemic does not produce contracture, or rather, it produces a latent contracture, of which there is no external sign, but which is manifested when the circulation returns. In fact, when the bandage is removed, the contracture of the limb takes place in proportion as its colour returns.! Again, the magnet applied to the anaemic member transfers the contracture to the sound member, in which it at once becomes visible (Charcot and Richer). We have observed a phenomenon somewhat allied to the one just cited. When a lethargic subject is placed under the influence of a magnet, and the subject’s hand or arm is mechanically excited, the contracture does not occur in the muscle which is directly excited, but in the corresponding muscle of the other arm. * K. Yigoureux, Metalloscope, Metallothfrapie Eslhesiogcnes (Archives de Neurologie, 1881). f Brissaud et Kichet, Progres Medical, Nos. 23, 24, 1880. 118 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. When the magnet is applied to a bilateral and symmetrical contracture, such as two radial or ulnar attitudes, it does not produce a transfer, but another phenomenon, for which we have suggested the term polarization.* Under the magnetizing influence, both the subject’s hands, when in a state of contracture, display slight, irregular, and rapid oscillations, succeeded by more extensive movements, then by actual con- vulsions, and finalty, the two contractures almost simultaneously disappear. According to Tamburini and Seppili, the neuro- muscular hyperexcitability of a limb may be destroyed by the application of cold water, or of ice. Neuro-muscular hyperexcitability, like other patho- logical symptoms, is not equally developed in all subjects. In some we only find an exaggeration of the tendon reflex with no tendency to contracture; in others the contractures may be displayed, yet without any precise localization. Finally,—a singular fact, which shows that in some subjects the waking and hypnotic states are closely allied, and that there are symptoms common to hysteria and hypnosis,—contractures can be easily pro- duced in many hysterical patients in their waking state, either by kneading the muscles, by pressure on the nerves, or by striking the tendons. These contractures in the waking state are, indeed, of the same nature as those which occur during lethargy, since they yield to the excitement of the antagonistic muscles, and may be transferred by the magnet; they are occasionally as intense and as clearly defined. Several writers—Charcot and Richer, Heidenhain, Tamburini and Seppili, Brissaud * A. Biuet et Ch. Fere, La Polarisation psychique (Revue Philos., 18S5), SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 119 and Richet*—have observed that hyperexcitability may continue during the waking state. In many hysterical patients, digital pressure on the nerves will produce in the waking state median, radial, and ulnar attitudes, identical with those produced in the state of lethargy, with the exception that they are sometimes accompanied by pain. We may infer from these facts, at any rate in the case of some subjects, that an aptitude for contractures is not a symptom peculiar to lethargy, and cannot prove the reality of that state. In reply to an inquiry into the nature of the con- tractures produced by muscular hyperexcitability, we should connect them with reflex phenomena, without, however, claiming to throw any vivid light upon the question. Even when the excitement is directly applied to the centre of a muscle, the contracture which ensues is due to a stimulus which has followed the diastallic arc formed by the afferent nerves, the nerve-centres, and the efferent nerves. This is proved by the inhibitory action exerted by the antagonist muscles on the con- tracture, even when they are, like the sterno-mastoid pair, placed on either side of the median line. This kind of interference can only be produced in the nerve- centres, in the brain, or in the spinal cord. Some of the poisons which affect the central nervous system may, by suspending its action, serve to show the part taken by the nervous centres in neuro-muscular hyperexcitability. If an hypnotized subject is made to inhale ether or chloroform, the moment comes when all ti'aces of hyper- excitability disappear, and the mechanical excitement of the muscles and the motor nerves ceases to take effect. * Fails pour servir a V Ridoire da Contractures (Frog res Medical, Nos. 10, 23, 21, 1880). 120 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Finally, neuro-rauscular hyperexcitability constitutes the most important objective characteristic of that hypnotic state which is termed lethargy ; it is displayed by an exaggerated reaction to mechanical excitement applied to the muscles, the nerves, and even to the nerve-centres. It cannot, however, be doubted that the same reactions may be produced on some subjects in the state of lethargy under the influence of superficial excite- ment of the skin, or of bones in the region of muscular insertions. It need not astonish us to find them occasion- all}7 in other hypnotic states. We have already observed that nenro-muscular hyperexcitability is displayed in some hysterical patients when not under the influence of hypnotism. In a slight degree, that is, when it is reduced to a simple exaggeration of normal reflex action, neuro- muscular hyperexcitability belongs to other pathological states of the nervous system, with which consequently it is necessary to be acquainted, in order that we may justly estimate the value of this phenomenon. 11. Cataleptic Plasticity. Immobility is the most striking feature of the cataleptic state. The subject maintains all the attitudes given to his limbs and his body. The arms can be raised or bent by the observer with great ease, since they offer no resistance. The eyes are wide open, the gaze is fixed, and the countenance is expressionless. These collective phenomena give to a cataleptic subject an appearance which cannot be forgotten when once it has been seen. These attitudes cannot be maintained for an indefinite SYMPTOMS OP HYPNOSIS. 121 time, as some authors have asserted. A cataleptic subject cannot remain in a constrained position for more than ten or fifteen minutes, and a strong man might do as much. The distinctive character of the cataleptic attitudes must be sought elsewhere. If, in a case of true catalepsy, a tambour is applied to the extended arm to register its slightest oscillations, and a pneumatograph to the chest, to obtain the curve of the respiratory movements (Fig. 4), the following facts may Fig. 4.—Plan of arrangements for experiments in cataleptic immobility. R, Marey’s tambour; P, Pneumatograph; C, Revolving cylinder; TT, Tambours with lever. (Charcot, Legona sur lea moladiea du ayateme nerveux, vol. iii.) be ascertained :—the cataleptic limb does not tremble ; it drops slowly and gently, and the style of Marey’s apparatus traces on the cylinder a perfectly regular straight line (Fig. 5, II). At the same time the respira- 122 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Tory tracing maintains the same calm and normal character throughout the experiment (Fig. 5, I). On the Fig. 5.—Plan of tracings obtained from an hystero-epileptic patient in a state of hypnotic catalepsy (Charcot). I, Tracings of the respiration ; 11, Tracings of the oscillation of the limb. other hand, an individual who voluntarily attempts to SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 123 maintain such an attitude soon becomes fatigued, his hand trembles (Fig. 6, II); his breathing, calm at Fig. 6.—Plan of tracings obtained from a man who attempted to maintain the cataleptic attitude (Charcot). I, Tracings of the respiration ; 11, Tracings of the oscillations of the extended limb. first, becomes hurried and irregular (Fig. 6, I). The 124 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. tracings show abrupt oscillations, which betray muscular fatigue, and the efforts intended to conceal it. The Salpetriere experimenters have endeavoured to define the characteristics of true catalepsy, in opposition to the false catalepsy, or catalepsoid states, which may be met with in other phases of hypnotism. If the limb of a patient in a state of lethargy or somnambulism is raised and held up for a few moments, it will remain in the position in which it has been placed. At first sight, this might be called catalepsy, but the truth is that the muscles of the arm were excited by this process, and they have formed a contracture in situ. The limb is contractured, not cataleptic; friction and massage will at once cause the muscles to relax. Besides, a certain resistance is offered to a change of attitude, and neither of these characteristics belong to true catalepsy. We do not, in fact, in profound hypnotism, meet with contractures during catalepsy. If a prolonged pressure is exerted on the muscles, nerves, or tendons,, only a relaxation of the muscles takes place, which is followed by paralysis. Richer has devoted himself to the study of cataleptic paralysis. He shows that the paralyzed muscle loses its elasticity and becomes elongated, and the in- fluence of the opposing muscles becomes preponderant. For this reason, when the flexors are excited, the limb is extended. The cataleptic attitude is therefore the exact contrary of the lethargic attitude produced by the excite- ment of the same motor point. As, however, there is no contracture, the new attitude is not maintained with any rigidity. Localized faradization rapidly puts an end to cataleptic paralysis, if it should continue after sleep is over. It is modified with difficulty by excitement of the antagonists, and by suggestion. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS, 125 The magnet and other sesthesiogenic agents may effect the transfer of cataleptic attitudes.* A subject is seated near a table on which a magnet is placed; the left elbow rests on the arm of the chair, the fore-arm and the hand are raised in a vertical position, the thumb and fore-finger are extended, and the other fingers are half bent. The right fore-arm and hand are stretched upon the table; the magnet is placed at a distance of about five cen- timetres, covered by a cloth. At the end of two minutes, the right fore-finger becomes tremulous and is raised, the extended fingers of the left hand become flaccid, and so likewise is the hand for an instant. The right hand and fore-arm are raised and assume the original position of the left hand, which is extended on the arm of the chair with the waxy softness peculiar to the cataleptic state. It is possible to limit catalepsy to one half of the body, an experiment which it occurred to Descourtes to try at the Salpetriere in 1878. f It is well known that during catalepsy the eyes are widely opened, and that the cataleptic subject falls into a lethargy if they are closed. If one eye, the right, for example, is closed while the other is kept open, a mixed state ensues; the right side continues to be affected by catalepsy, while the left acquires all the characteristics of lethargy. If the right arm is raised, it retains the position given to it, while the left arm falls heavily down again. Mechanical ex- citement on the right side fails to produce reflex action, or contracture, while excitement on the left side imme- diately produces an intense contracture. Catalepsy may also be combined with somnambulism, * Ch. Fere anti A. Binet, Soci&te de Biologic, July 5, 1885. f Progres Medical, December 21, 1878. 126 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. by first throwing the subject into a lethargy, and then acting on one side of the scalp, while opening the eye on the other side.* The magnet produces the transfer of all these divided states. The transfer of hemi-catalepsy, associated with hemi-lethargy, presents a special feature: at the end of the experiment, the eye remains open on the side which has become lethargic, and conversely, the eye remains closed on the side which has become cataleptic. Thus, in the case of a typical subject, this mode of transfer enables us to obtain a hemi-catalepsy with the eye closed, and a hemi-lethargy with the eye open.f Cataleptic attitudes display a certain number of characteristics to which we shall revert when we come to describe suggestions. Braid was the first to point out that there is a constant agreement between the attitude of the body and the expression of the countenance. The alternation which exists in catalepsy between the atti- tudes and the intellectual manifestations should also be noted. When, for instance, a cataleptic subject receives an hallucination, the fixed attitudes, artificially impressed on a limb, give place to complex and perfectly co-ordi- nated movements, corresponding with the object of the suggestion. The subject resembles a statue, endowed with animation; presently the suggestion is exhausted, the hallucination loses its force, and the subject, if left to himself, again becomes immovable in a cataleptic attitude. This sort of oscillation between psychical and motor disturbance is peculiar to catalepsy. • Dumontpallier and Magnin, Society de Biologic, 1882, p. 147. f Ch. Fere and A. Binet, Socie'te de Biologic, July 5, 1884. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 127 111. CUTANO-MUSGULAR HYPEREXCITABILITY. We have seen that daring lethargy strong con- tractures may be produced by the mechanical excite- ment of the nerves, of the tendons, or of the bodies of the muscles themselves, and sometimes also by the excitement of the skin. In the state of somnambulism, as it is pro- duced in hysterical subjects, we find a contracture which seems to be of a different kind; it differs both in the mode of excitement and in the mode of its relaxation. The starting-point for the contracture of somnam- bulism appears to be in the skin, which acquires an exquisite sensibility; it may be produced by making use of very slight superficial excitements, such as stroking, passing the hand over the hairs of the skin, breathing from the mouth, or moving the hand to and fro at a little distance, so as to induce' a slight current of air, and perhaps also a psychical excitement. This is different from the contracture of lethargy, which is generally the result of a strong excitement. This first difference in- volves a second : produced by a diffused cutaneous excite- ment, the contracture of somnambulism is itself diffused, and although it may be limited to one segment of the- limb, there is none of what may be called the anatomical localization of the contracture of lethargy. On the con- trary, the observations of Heidenhain and Dumontpallier show that it gradually overspreads those parts which had not been subject to the excitement. But the mode of relaxation offers the best distinction between these two species of contracture, at any rate in the typical cases of profound hypnotism. The excitement of the opposing muscles, which at once puts an end to the contracture 128 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. of hypnotism, has no effect on that of somnambulism ; it can only be relaxed by renewing for a few moments the cutaneous excitement which produced it. Other differ- ences have been noted, but they are less constant than those given above. It has been asserted that it is only the contracture of lethargy which can be transferred by the magnet, but we have been equally successful in the transfer of the contracture of somnambulism. The aptitude for contracture by means of cutaneous excitement is generally diffused over the whole surface of the body. But it is possible to limit it to a definite region by exciting the scalp in different ways.* We shall presently see, as we continue our description of the different states, that when a subject of profound hypno- tism is in a lethargy or catalepsy, friction of the scalp will cause complete somnambulism, and all parts of his body acquire an aptitude for cutaneous contractures. A lateral friction, limited to one side of the head, will produce hemi-somnambulism; restricted to the corre- sponding side of the body, the state of the other half of the body remains unchanged. Thus we have a hemi-somnambulism, allied with hemi-lethargy, or hemi- catalepsy. If, again, instead of applying the friction to the whole of the scalp, a strong pressure is exerted with the finger, or some blunt instrument, on certain points of the hairy scalp which seem to correspond with the motor centres, it is possible to effect the partial somnambulism of the limb to wThich the motor centre affected appears to belong. In this way it is possible to effect the isolated somnambulism of one half of the face, one arm, one leg, both arms, both legs, and of * Ch. Fere and A. Binet, Societyde Biologic, July 19, 1884, SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 129 the whole face. It is even possible .to produce the isolated somnambulism of the upper part of the face, by exciting a point of the scalp situated above the horizontal line which would pass through the eyebrows, and behind a vertical line which would pass at the back of the mastoid process, etc. The isolated and successive ex- citement of these different points produces a generalized, partial state of somnambulism, in which the subject speaks, hears, and is receptive of hallucinations. The rigorousness of these experiments secures them from fraud, for they involve the local disappearance of the phenomenon of neuro-rauscular hyperexcitability which is peculiar to lethargy. This is not a phenomenon capable of imitation ; the subject can neither produce nor suppress it at pleasure. We think it is impossible to explain these experiments, and to decide if they are a con- firmation of cerebral localization, or if it is to be explained by the existence of reflexogenic zones. The latter inter- pretation appears to us to be the most probable. We find, in fact, that in hysterical hypnotized subjects there are several zones in which excitement produces reflex action: first, the hysterogenic zones, on which the pressure produces an attack of hysteria, which is arrested when that pressure is removed; * next, the hypnogenic zones, distinct from the former in their position and effects ; the excitement of these produces, or in some cases modifies and even puts an end to, the hypnotic sleep. Then come the dynamogenic zones, pointed out for the first time by one of the present writers; i* the excitement of these produces a momentary * Charcot, Maladies du Systems nerveux, vol. i. t Ch. Fere, Sensation et Moucement (Jtcvue ridlosophique, 1S8G). 130 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. exaggeration of muscular force, which may be measured by the dynamometer. There are also erogenic zones, of which we shall speak presently. Finally, Heidenhain, Born, Dumontpallier, and Magnin have described the re- tlexogenic zones, which, when excited in hypnotic subjects, produce motor phenomena, in places more or less distant from that point on the skin which has been excited. In some of Heidenhain’s subjects, pulling the skin of the nape of the neck, in the region of the cervical vertebrae, produced by reflex action a sonorous respiration, or groan; in this way the celebrated experiment performed by Goltz on frogs is repeated on the human subject. Dumontpallier, by exciting the skin of the hairy scalp, produced direct or complex movements, in correspondence with the motor centres excited by him. All these experiments show that in the hypnotized subject many points of the body, and especially those of the hairy scalp, are in a state of hyperexcitability. It would be imprudent to go beyond this simple assertion. IV. Disturbance of the Breathing and of the Circulation. When a subject is put to sleep by a slow and pro- longed process, as for instance by fixity of gaze, it may be observed that after a while the breathing is quickened; then, at the moment when sleep comes on, a peculiar sound is often heard in the larynx. Tamburini and Seppili have applied the graphic methods of modern physiology to the study of the respiration and the circulation.* The results to which they have arrived by * Rivista sperimentale di freniatria, No. 3, Scries vii.; Nos. 3, 4, Series viii. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 131 these methods are in perfect agreement with those made at the Salpetriere at about the same time. During the state of lethargy, the respiratory curve is fairly regular; its movements are usually slow and deep ; in short, the respiration does not essentially differ from what it is in the normal state. The same may be said of the state of somnambulism. The only characteristic peculiar to hypnotism appears to be a certain disconnec- tion, or even a true antagonism between the thoracic and abdominal respiration. In catalepsy, however, there is a considerable modifica- Fig. 7.—Respiratory tracing. L. dnring lethargy; G, during catalepsy. (Tamburini and Seppili.) tion in the mode of breathing. The movements are in- frequent, superficial, and extremely slow, and separated by a longer or shorter interval of complete immobility. In the subjoined figure (Fig. 7), the widely different tracings afforded by catalepsy and lethargy may be compared. It has been observed that the application of a magnet to the subject’s epigastrum produced profound modifica- 132 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. tions in the respiratory curve of lethargy; in catalepsy, on the contrary, the curve was scarcely affected by the magnet. The subjoined figure (Fig. 8), which we owe to Tamburini and Seppili, who performed the experiment, accurately represents these two contrary effects. The Fig. 8 —Respiratory tracing. L, curve of lethargy ; M+ , the magnet is approached to the thorax; 0, catalepsy is produced; L, lethargy is produced; M—, the magnet is withdrawn. subject is placed in the state of lethargy; after a few regular respirations the approach of the magnet induces a strong movement of expiration, then of inspiration ; SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 133 catalepsy is then produced by opening the subj ect’s eyes, and the shallow breathing peculiar to this state is at once displayed. Soon afterwards the eyes are again closed, and lethargy is produced; another deep expiration, followed by a deep inspiration, takes place, owing to the unchanged position of the magnet, and if this is removed, the curve of lethargy reverts to its normal type. The researches made by Tamburini and Seppili on the circulation are no less interesting. By means of Mosso’s plethysmograph, and the air-sphygmograph, they ascertained that in the state of lethargy the graphic tracing shows a constant tendency to rise, and that when catalepsy is produced, it again descends gradually. In other words, lethargy increases the volume of the fore- arm, that is, causes the vessels to dilate; catalepsy, on the other hand, diminishes the volume of the fore-arm, or causes the vessels to contract. Tamburini and Seppili’s experiments were repeated by one of the present writers, and although the results obtained were not absolutely corroborative, yet they showed that modi- fications took place in the peripheral circulation which appeared to be wholly independent of the subject’s will. We have dwelt long upon the neuro-muscular pro- perties of hypnotism, because the Salpetriere school considers that these phenomena display physical signs which irresistibly prove the sincerity of the experiments. The precise localization of the lethargic contracture in the muscles supplied by the branches of the nerve which has been excited; the maintenance of the cataleptic attitudes without trembling or fatigue; the effects of a continuous traction on the contractures of lethargy and somnambulism; the limitation of each of these phe- ANIMAL MAGNETISM. nomena to one half of the "body; their mode of appear- ance and disappearance—all these signs serve as so many guarantees against simulation. On this point the demonstration is complete. It is almost certain that no individual in the waking state, unless affected by. a nervous state allied to hypnotism, could imitate the distinctive physical signs by which profound hypnotism is manifested. The dread of simulation, which dominated the whole history of animal magnetism, has now become a completely imaginary danger, if the experimenter is adroit and cautious. V. Subjective Symptoms. Up to this time the modifications produced by hypno- tism in the condition of the senses, and of the intellectual functions, have not been the subject of accurate research. Some isolated observations have been made, which are not wholly in agreement with each other, and no general view can be deduced from them. In order to obtain a clue to the labyrinth, we should compare hypnotic sleep with natural sleep, and we shall see that the psychical manifestations of hypnosis present a strong analogy to the faculty of dreaming. 1. The state of the senses, in hypnotic subjects, ranges from anaesthesia to hypersesthesia. During lethargy all the senses are suspended, with the occasional exception of the sense of hearing, which is sometimes retained, as it is in natural sleep. During catalepsy, the special senses are partially awake; the muscular sense, in particular, retains all its activity. Finally, in somnam- bulism the senses are not merely awake, but quickened SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. to an .extraordinary degree. Subjects feel the cold pro- duced by breathing from the mouth at a distance of several yards (Braid). Weber’s compasses, applied to the skin, produce a twofold sensation, with a deviation of 3°, in regions where, during the waking state, it would be necessary to give the instrument a deviation of 18° (Berger.) The activity of the sense of sight is some- times so great that the range of sight may be doubled, as well as the sharpness of vision. The sense of smell may be developed so that the subject is able to discover by its aid the fragments of a visiting-card which had been given to him to smell before it was torn up (Taguet). The hearing is so acute that a conversa- tion carried on in the floor below may be overheard (Azam). These are interesting but isolated facts. We are still without any collective work on the subject, of which it would be easy to make a regular study, with the methods of investigation we have at our disposal. 2. More careful observations of the state of the memory have been made, but this state has only been studied as it is found during somnambulism, when it generally displays the same hyperexcitability as the other organs of the senses. The contrast between the memory on awaking and the memory during hypnotic sleep has been justly re- marked. There is a difference between the two phases of memory; and this, indeed, is also the case with natural sleep. The hypnotized subject seldom re- members, on awaking, the events which occurred during his hypnotic sleep. On the other hand, wThen he is asleep his memory embraces all the facts of his sleep, of his waking state, and of previous hypnotic sleeps. 136 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. We will first consider the hyperexcitability of the memory which occurs in somnambulism. Richet per- formed an experiment which throws a strong light on this strange phenomenon. “ After hypnotizing Y I recited some verses to her, and then awoke her. She was unable to remember them. I hypnotized her again, and she remembered the lines perfectly. When I awoke her, she had again forgotten them.” The memory of a hypnotized subject has a wide range—much wider than it has at other times. Frequent instances of this extraordinary memory have been given, so surprising as sometimes to lead to the belief that the subjects were endowed with a mysterious lucidity. Richet remarks that somnambulists describe with minute details places which they have formerly visited, or facts which they have witnessed. In one instance, a hypnotized subject sang the air of the second act of VAfricaine, of which she could not remember a note after she awoke. Beaunis cites the case of a subject whom he induced during sleep to tell him all that she had eaten on the day, or two days before, without omitting a single item. When she awoke, he recounted the menu of her dinner, and she was astonished to find him so well informed. We have been able to make a hypnotized subject give the menus of dinners she had eaten a week before. Her normal memory did not extend beyond three or four days, and in order to cause her to exceed this limit, it was necessary to use the excitement of the magnet. We give one more instance, well calculated to display the acute memory of somnambulists. A girl, in a state of somnambulism, was in Charcot’s room at the Salpe- SYMPTOMS OP HYPNOSIS. 137 triere when Parrot entered, the physician to the refuge for Enfants assistes. The subject was asked what was the stranger’s name, and she replied, to the surprise of all present, and without hesitation, “M. Parrot.” On awaking she declared that she did not know him; but, after looking at him for a long while, she finally said, “ I think that he is a physician at the Enfants assistesWhen about two years old she had been for some time in this refuge, and had long forgotten the physician, whom she now recognized with difficulty in her waking state, while she could, during somnambulism, give his name when ordered to do so. The acuteness of the memory during somnambulism, without absolutely justifying those who assert that nothing is lost to memory, yet shows that its con- servative power is much greater than is supposed, when measured by the capacity of reproduction or re- collection. It proves that, in many cases in which we believe that a certain fact is completely effaced from the memory, this is by no means the case; the trace of it is there, but the power of recalling it is wanting; and it is probable that under the influence of hypnotism, or of some excitement to which we are sensitive, it would be possible to revive the apparently extinct memory of the fact in question. It is therefore evident that hypnotism has a peculiar power of exciting the recollection. Our experiments, which are in accordance with those of other observers, tend to show that in the sleeping and waking states the conservative memory is about the same. After repeated attempts to make hypnotized subjects repeat a series of figures after only one reading, we could not discover that 138 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. they were able to retain a greater number of figures than in their waking state. But these are negative experi- ments, which must not be taken for more than they are worth. The development of the memory under somnambulism may be compared with its development during natural sleep. There are numerous facts to show that in dreams we see people or hear names with which we were once acquainted, and which we believed we had completely forgotten. Maury, an author who may with advantage be consulted on the subject of sleep and dreams, gives several interesting examples of this revival of old memories in the sleeper, “ Some years ago,” he writes, “the word ‘Mussidan’ was recalled to my mind. I knew that it was the name of a town in France, but I had forgotten where it was. A few days later, I saw a person in my dreams who said that he came from Mussidan. I asked him where it was, and he told me that it was in the department of Dordogne.” Maury verified the truth of this fact when he awoke. The same author gives another instance of the recall of forgotten facts in a dream. His youth was passed at Trilport, where his father built a bridge. He dreamed one night that he was a child at Trilport, and that he saw a man in uniform and asked his name. The man replied that his name was C , that he was the bridge-ward, and then disappeared. When he awoke, Maury was haunted by C ’s name, and some time after he asked an old family-servant if she remembered any one of that name. She answered at once that a man named C was bridge-ward when his father was at work on the bridge.* * Maury, Sommeil et Jteves, p. 6. Paris, 1861. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 139 The comparison we have just made between natural and artificial sleep may be extended to the phenomena which ensue on awaking. It is well known that the forgetting of dreams is an almost constant fact. At the moment of awakening we have a somewhat vivid sense of our dreams, which is effaced a few instants afterwards, unless we take the precaution of relating them to a third person, or of writing them down. So also in hypnosis; if the sleep has been at all profound, forgetfulness ensues on awaking, and this forgetfulness is even more absolute than after the natural sleep. This characteristic fact has been noted by all observers. Take a subject who has been caused to execute the most complex acts, and to display the most dramatic hallucinations: he has ex- pressed astonishment, has laughed, wept, and been angry —passing through all the violent emotions; he may even have fallen down and injured his head in so doing, yet he remembers none of these things when he awakes. If left to himself, he will be unable to recall one of the scenes in which he has taken part either as witness or actor. On a closer examination, however, we see that his forgetfulness is not absolute; a vague and confused memory remains, which may be revived by putting the subject on the right road, especially when he is aroused from somnambulism without allowing him to pass through its deepest phases. Heidenhain gives several instances of this recall of the memory, which is, indeed, equally possible in the case of ordinary dreams. After hynotizing his brother, Heidenhain repeated to him the following quotation from Homer:— He then awoke him, and in order to bring the line back notov ere inos (pvyei/ ipicos oSovroot'. 140 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. to his brother’s mind, it was enough to say, “ Homer, flight.” The brother then accurately, but with extreme slowness, repeated the line in question. I take this instance from Eichet, who cites another of the same nature : “ On awakening F , I can revive his recollec- tion of what has occurred. He says at first that he remembers nothing, but if, for example, I indicate that he rose up in terror, he says, fAh yes, I remember that you made me see a serpent.’ ” Other experimenters— Beaunis, for example—have made use of a different method, suggestion. It was enough to suggest to some subjects that they would, on awaking, remember all that they had seen, heard, and done during sleep, and their recollection was accordingly complete. Delboeuf arrived at the same result without making any special suggestion; he ascertained that whenever the subject is awakened in the midst of an action, he is capable of remembering all that is connected with that action.* For instance, the experimenter smokes an imaginary cigar beside his hypnotized subject; he suddenly says that the burning ash has fallen from the cigar on to her neckerchief and has set it on fire. The subject rises at once, and places the neckerchief in a basin of water which stands on the table. This is the moment for waking her; she feels that her hands are wet, sees the neckerchief, and recalls the whole scene. In this experiment, the last act of the dream is the first act of awakening. Delboeuf insists on this condition, which he considers necessary to ensure the recollection. It is not enough that the suggestion made during somnambulism should leave a material * Delboeuf, La Memoirs chez les hypnotises {Revue Philosophique, May, 1886). SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 141 trace; it is also necessary to surprise the subject by awaking him in the midst of an action. These experiments are the more interesting since they agree with other pathological facts. One of the present writers has shown that in the epileptic state, which has been compared to the so-called unconscious- ness of somnambulism, the patient may have retained the memory of the act reputed to be automatic, and can, under the same conditions, even explain it.* We should not, however, be too hasty in including all these modes of reviving the memory in a formula, since the result depends upon many causes—the constitution of the subject, the form of the suggestion, the hypnotic educa- tion, etc. It may be a matter of surprise to learn that it is sometimes possible to cause a subject to remember some act committed during somnambulism, without putting him on the right road as Eichet does, or giving him a special suggestion like Beaunis, or awakening him in the midst of an act like Delboeuf; it may be done simply by firmness, and by fixing the subject’s attention as steadily as possible on the memory which it is proposed to evoke. If at the same time an exciting cause, such as the magnet, is employed, it contributes to revive the memory by suggestion. Whatever may be the expedients devised to excite the memory of an individual issuing from the hypnotic state, so as to form a kind of bridge between his sleep and his awaking, the truth remains that a profound hypnotic sleep is always followed by a suspension of the power of memory—a fact proved by the very efforts * Ch. Fere, Note pour servir a Vhistoire des actes impulsifs des epileptiques (llevue de Medecine, 1885). 142 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. which, it is necessary to make to restore it. It is evident that hypnosis produces a lesion of the memory. This lesion is, however, superficial rather than profound; it only affects one portion of the memory— that of the recollection; the memory of conservation remains almost intact, since a fresh sleep gives back to the subject the complete memory which he appeared to have lost in his waking state. It may, therefore, be said that the disturbance of the memory which ensues from somnambulism is superficial, and only concerns one kind of memory—that of recollec- tion; its power is exaggerated under somnambulism, and depressed on a return to the normal state, and we are still completely ignorant of the cause of such variations. We shall have to make many such con- fessions of ignorance in the course of this work. It is difficult to define the intellectual condition of hypnotized subjects; we may estimate the keenness of their senses, and make an inventory of the contents of their memory, but it is not possible to appreciate with the same accuracy the state of their judgment and of their reason. All that can be done is to make the general remark that the intelligence of a hypnotic subject is developed in proportion to his sensitiveness. What is called lethargy implies a deep and dream- less sleep, in which the psychical faculties are usually dormant. Those subjects who retain the sense of hear- ing are still capable of receiving some elementary suggestions: if pulled by the sleeve, they may be made to rise, and hallucinations of the hearing may also be produced; but this is all which can be effected. It is, however, possible that lethargy only suspends the power SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 143 of reaction, and that behind the inert mask of lethargy a remnant of thought is still awake. In the two other phases of catalepsy and somnam- bulism, the sleep is not nearly so profound; the subject’s intelligence comes into play, and the hypnotic dream begins. The automatism of catalepsy is its dominant character. This epithet has sometimes been used to define the in- tellectual character of hypnosis, but it is, in fact, only the cataleptic subject wdio can be termed an automaton. Catalepsy is sometimes allied with a partial wakefulness of the intelligence, which enables the experimenter to act on his subject by verbal suggestion. In all cases, catalepsy permits the mind to be handled with the same docility as the limbs; the subject’s ideality may be said to be plastic. The suggestions offered to him are inevitably accepted, since he never resists them. It has been justly said that a cataleptic subject ceases to have a personality; that there is no cataleptic ego. An analogous state may be found in certain dreams to which we surrender our- selves without reflection and without resistance. The condition of the somnambulist is very different; he is no automaton, but a person endowed with character, aversions, and preferences. For this reason the name of secondary condition, in opposition to the waking state, has been given to somnambulism. In this state there is certainly an ego. The somnambulist’s intellectual condi- tion may be compared to those dreams in which the sleeper actively intervenes, and displays judgment, critical sense, and sometimes even mind and will. There are, indeed, somnambulists who dream spontaneously, and then cease to be en rapport with the experimenter. 144 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Setting aside what concerns lethargy and catalepsy, we propose to study some developments of the in- tellectual state of a somnambulist. Somnambulism is emphatically the medico-legal state, and it is the state in which the aptitude to receive suggestions is the most fully developed. We have now under observation two subjects, repre- senting the two opposite types of somnambulism—the active and the passive types. The latter remains motion- less, with closed eyes, without speech or expression, and, if asked a question, she replies in a low voice. Yet we are confident that this repose of the intelligence is only apparent; the subject retains her consciousness of places and of persons, and hears all that is said in her presence. The other subject is a singular contrast to the one we have just described, since she is in a state of perpetual movement. As soon as she is thrown into a somnambu- list condition, she rises from her chair, looks to the right and left, and will even go so far as to address the persons present with familiarity, whether she is acquainted with them or not. On one occasion the photograph of one of these persons was shown to her; she took it, looked for and found the original, and compared him with the photograph, in order to satisfy herself of the resemblance. At another time she spontaneously described some hyp- notic experiments which another person had performed upon her a few days before. In short, this subject did not, like the other one, appear to be asleep. These are, however, only appearances, and we must endeavour to examine more closely the psychical state of somnam- bulism. In the majority of subjects there is no marked SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 145 difference between their normal life and that of somnam- bulism. None of the intellectual faculties are absent during sleep. It only appears that the tone of the psychical life is exaggerated; excessive psychical excite- ment is nearly always present during somnambulism. This is clearly shown in the emotions. It is, in general, perfectly easy to make a subject shout with laughter, or shed tears. He is deeply moved by a dramatic tale, and even by words in which there is no sense, if they are uttered in a serious tone. It is curious to note the influence of music; the subject expresses in all his attitudes and gestures an emotion in accordance with the character of the piece. In short, hypnotism does not appear to effect any radical change in the character of those subjects whom we have observed. The intellectual faculties are as active as before. The following is a convincing proof of the exercise of the mind. A patient who had been ad- mitted to the Salpetriere at an early age was in the habit of tutoying M. X when she was alone with him, or in company with her acquaintance; she ceased to do so on the entrance of a stranger. Even under somnambulism this patient observed the laws of good breeding, address- ing M, X as tu when she was alone with him, and ceasing to do so as soon as a stranger came in. It is in somnambulists that we find the curious phenomenon of resistance, of which we shall speak further, when we come to consider suggestions. When an order is given to somnambulists, they will often dispute it, ask the reason, or refuse to obey. It is under the form of a refusal to obey a given order that resistance occurs; subjects more rarely resist hallucinations, since ANIMAL MAGNETISM. these do not affect their personality. There are, how- ever, instances of this latter form of resistance. When we proposed to transform one of our subjects into a priest, and to give him a cassock, he obstinately refused it. It was suggested to one of Richet’s subjects that her arm was being amputated, and she screamed at the sight of the flowing blood, but almost at the same moment she discovered that it was a fiction, and she laughed through her tears. Facts of this kind have unjustly led to the suspicion of imposture. Richet’s subject was really under an hallucination, and beheld a sensible image, but her reason was not completely paralyzed, and she was still able to defend herself against the false perception suggested to her. If we study our own dreams, we may all become aware of these curious duplications of the consciousness; and this shows the connection between normal and hypnotic sleep. The dreamer is, in general, like the somnambulist to whom hallucinations are suggested; he is surprised by nothing, although the most absurd im- probabilities are presented to his vision. Yet there is sometimes a remnant of critical sense which induces him to say, in the midst of some grotesque scene, “ But this is impossible ; I must be dreaming ! ” Somnambulists can not only resist, they can tell lies. Pitres states that he suggested to a somnambulist woman that she should murder one of her neighbours, and when she supposed that the crime was accomplished, he caused her, still in the somnambulist state, to appear before a magistrate. She declared her innocence of the crime, and it was only after a prolonged examination, when pressed with questions and overwhelmed by proof, that SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 147 she finally confessed that she had stabbed her neighbour with a knife. And even then the confession was made with some reserve* These facts show that a somnambulist is far from being, as some writers assert, an unconscious automaton, devoid of judgment, reason, and intellectual spontaneity. On the contrary, his memory is perfect, his intelligence is active, and his imagination is highly excited. Instances have been given of subjects who could, during somnambulism, perform intellectual feats of which they were incapable in the waking state. We ourselves have ascertained nothing decisive on this point, except that we have sometimes observed hypnotized subjects, who could read printing in an inverted position more rapidly than when they were awake, and who could even supply the omitted letters of a double acrostic. There is, indeed, nothing improbable in this quickening of the intellect. There are several instances of a thinker having, when dreaming at night, resolved problems to which he had devoted the fruitless study of many days. We must, finally, note a peculiar mental state which is only found in slight hypnotism. The subjects assert, on awaking, that they have never for a moment lost consciousness, and that they have in some sense been present as witnesses at the phenomena of suggestion developed by the magnetizer. The very vague observations to which we have been obliged to restrict ourselves show the difficulty of stating the psychical formula of somnambulism. We are content to assert that the state is not accurately defined by applying to it the term of automatism. * Pitres, De la suggestion hypnotique, p. 63. Bordeaux, 1884. 148 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Finally, their aptitude for suggestions is a feature of the intellectual state of hypnotic subjects, and this fact is so important that we propose to treat of it apart. The phenomena of elective sensibility, which we have already mentioned in speaking of the processes of hypnotization,are considerably developed during somnam- bulism. Somnambulist subjects often display a kind of attraction for the experimenter who has hypnotized them by touching the scalp. We shall see presently that friction of the scalp is the means most generally used in the secondary production of somnambulism. When pressure on the scalp is effected with an inert object, as, for instance, with a paper-cutter, a state of indifferent somnambulism is generally produced: the subject remains calm, and may be approached and even touched by any one without causing him to make any gesture of defence; the contractures proper to a state of som- nambulism may be produced by any one, or produced by one person and destroyed by another; they do not depend on any individual influence,- and suggestions may be given by any of those present. It is quite otherwise in the case of elective somnam- bulism. As soon as the experimenter has pressed upon the scalp with his hand, or has breathed upon the subject with his mouth, the latter is attracted towards the experi- menter ; if the experimenter withdraws to a distance, the subject displays uneasiness and discomfort; he sometimes follows the experimenter with a sigh, and can only rest beside him. Any contact with a third person causes suffering. Elective somnambulism is also produced when the subject is hypnotized by means of passes, which is the SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 149 practice of magnetizers, or by intimation or suggestion. It is a curious fact that if the subject is told that he will fall asleep at a given hour on the following day, the sleep which occurs at that hour in the operator’s absence is elective, and the subject is only en rapport with the person by whom the suggestion was made (Beaunis). Finally, when the subject is in a state of indifferent somnambulism, and a person touches an ex- posed part of the body, such as the hands, the elective phenomena are displayed in his favour. All these processes display the common characteristic of bringing the personality of the experimenter into play, and if his importance was formerly exaggerated, it has been too much depreciated since Braid’s time. It has been ascertained that electivity is altogether absent in some subjects, while it is constant in others. And again, in addition to the artificial electivity de- veloped by the experimenter, there is a natural or spon- taneous electivity; for this reason one experimenter is more successful than another in hypnotizing or in giving suggestions to a given subject, and especially when he has often hypnotized that subject before. This special influence of one individual on another, which is so strongly marked during somnambulism, is, in fact, only the exaggeration of a normal fact. It is not uncommon to find persons who feel a special attraction towards some others, and who have a sense of sympathy or antipathy without any sufficient motive. It cannot be disputed that these are real psychical states, although psychologists have for the most part abandoned their study to novel-writers. It is probable that the phenomena of electivity have 150 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. their origin in the experimenter’s contact with his subject. Bain, in his work on the Emotions, remarks that animal contact and the pleasure of an embrace are the beginning and end of all the tender emotions. We have seen, in fact, that electivity is displayed in a somnambulist after his scalp and bare hands have been touched by the experimenter; the action of the fingers, as they are used in making passes, seems also to be due to a like influence. The production of elective somnam- bulism by means of suggestion may also be explained by the fact mentioned above, that since suggestion con- sists in the recall of a sensation, it probably acts in the same way as a sensorial excitement. An ingenious experiment made by Richer confirms this view, and shows that electivity has its source in an exaggeration of the sense of touch. “ When the subject is in a state of profound somnambulism, owing to friction of the scalp with some inert object, two observers come forward, and each takes hold of one of his hands, without meeting with any resistance on his part. Very soon the subject presses each observer’s hand with his own, and will not leave go of them. The special state of attraction applies to both, and the subject is in some sort torn in two. Each observer only possesses the sympathy of one half of the subject, who offers the same resistance to the observer on the left, when he attempts to seize the right hand, as to the observer on the right, who would take the left hand.” * A variation on this experiment is also very in- structive. The experimenter preferred by the subject may transmit this attraction to another person; the • Eicher, op. cit., p. 603. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 151 second experimenter has only to slip his hand over that of the former one, so as gradually to lay hold of the subject’s hand, and he, after one strong shock, presses up to him in the same way as to the first experimenter. Elective sensibility is displayed by several phe- nomena, of which that which relates to contractures is the most important. Only the experimenter who is en rapport with the subject can produce and destroy the contractures of somnambulism. It is useless for another person to try to put an end to a contracture by a fresh excitement of the same nature, directed on the same point. His efforts are fruitless, even when the subject cannot see him. The hypergesthesia of the sense of touch enables the subject to recognize the contact of one operator in a thousand; he may even recognize it through his clothes. Electivity is also found in suggestions. In the case of indifferent somnambulism, the subject complies with all suggestions, from whomsoever they come ; an halluci- nation effected by the words of one person may be continued by another, and destroyed by a third. This also occurs in catalepsy. In elective somnambulism, the subject is often only able to hear the voice of his hypnotizer, and from him alone he can receive sug- gestions, We have also remarked that when two observers divide the subject’s sympathy in half, the hallucination by the one en rapport with the right side only affects the right eye; it is unilateral, and the subject sees nothing with his left eye. When the phenomena of elective sensibility are subjected to gesthesiogenic action, repulsion, by a singular transformation, succeeds to attraction. At the moment 152 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. when one of our somnambulist subjects was holding M. X ’s hands, we placed a small magnet close to his head. The subject at once withdrew from M. X , uttering a cry; M. X followed her; she still with- drew, groaning whenever he touched her. Shortly after- wards she came towards the experimenter of her own accord, and again drew back, so that it was impossible to touch her. When she approached for the third time, he took the opportunity of awaking her.* We must here remind our readers that in the case of some hysterical subjects there are regions in certain parts of the body, termed by Chambard erogenic zones,f which have some analogy with the hysterogenous zones, and simple contact with these, when the subject is in a state of somnambulism, produces genital sensations of such intensity as to cause an orgasm. These phenomena have often been displayed, unknown to the observer, who might be liable to the gravest imputations, unless he had taken the precaution, indispensable in such cases, of never being alone with his subject. When we add to this fact the possibility of suggesting to the somnambulist the hallucination that some given person is present, it is easy to see what culpable mystifications might occur. The erogenic zone only becomes sensitive when somnambulism is absolute. In partial somnambulism, produced by artificial excitement in the region of the motor centres of the limbs, the erogenic zone is inactive; it becomes active when the occipital region of the brain is excited. * Binet and Fere, La Polarization psychique (Jlevue PhUosophique, April, 1885). f Chambard, Titudes sur le Somndbulisme provoque. 1881. SYMPTOMS OF HYPNOSIS. 153 The erogenic zone may be transferred by the magnet. This transfer is followed by consecutive oscillations, which produce an intense genital agitation. Finally, the excitement of the erogenic zone has no effect unless it is made by a person of the opposite sex; if the pressure is made by another woman, or with an inert object, it merely produces an unpleasant impression. 154 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. CHAPTER YI. THE HYPNOTIC STATES. Charcot’s nosographic essay—Catalepsy—Lethargy—Somnambulism— Meaning of the three states—Their variations—Intermediate states. The different phenomena presented by the symptoms of hypnotism may either exist separately or occur associated in a certain order. Charcot and his pupils have observed that in hysterical subjects these symptoms tend to fall into three distinct groups. We think it well to give here a summary of Charcot’s nosographic essay.* “ Attempt to make a nosographic distinction of the different nervous states known under the name of Hypnotism. “The numerous and varied phenomena which are observed in hypnotic subjects do not occur in one and the same nervous state. In reality, hypnotism clinically represents a natural group, including a series of nervous states, differing from each other, and each distinguished by peculiar symptoms. We ought, therefore, to follow the example of nosographists in endeavouring to make a clear definition of these different nervous states, accord- * Comjptes rendue de VAcademic des Sciences. 1882. THE HYPNOTIC STATES. 155 ing to their generic characters, before entering on the closer study of the phenomena presented by each of them. It is owing to not having begun by defining the special state of the subject under observation that observers so often misunderstand and contradict one another without sufficient cause. “These different states which, taken as a whole, include all the symptoms of hypnotism, may be referred to three fundamental types : Ist, the cataleptic state ; 2nd, the lethargic state ; and 3rd, the state of artificial som- nambulism. Each of these states, including moreover a certain number of secondary forms, and leaving room for mixed states, may be displayed suddenly, originally, and separately. They may also, in the course of a single observation, and in one subject, be produced in succession, in varying order, at the will of the observer, by the employment of certain methods. In this latter case, the different states mentioned above may be said to represent the phases or periods of a single process. “ Setting aside the variations, the imperfect forms, and the mixed states, we do not propose in this account to do more than indicate briefly the general features of these three fundamental states, which may be said to dominate the complex history of the symptoms of hypnotism. “1. The Cataleptic State.—This may be produced : (a) primarily, under the influence of an intense and unex- pected noise, of a bright light presented to the gaze, or, again, in some subjects, by the more or less prolonged fixing of the eyes on a given object; (5) consecutively to the lethargic state, when the eyes, which up to that moment had been closed, are exposed to the light by raising the eyelids. The subject thus rendered cataleptic 156 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. is motionless and, as it were, fascinated. The eyes are open, the gaze is fixed, the eyelids do not quiver, the tears soon gather and flow down the cheeks. Often there is anaesthesia of the conjunctiva, and even of the cornea. The limbs and all parts of the body may retain the position in which they are placed for a considerable period, even when the attitude is one which it is difficult to maintain. The limbs appear to be extremely light when raised or displaced, and there is no flexibilitas cerea, nor yet what is termed the stiffness of a lay figure. The tendon reflex disappears. Neuro-muscular hyper- excitability is absent. There is complete insensibility to pain, but some senses retain their activity, at any rate in part—the muscular sense, and those of sight and hearing. This continuance of sensorial activity often enables the experimenter to influence the cataleptic subject in various ways, and to develop in him by means of suggestion automatic impulses, and also to produce hallucinations. When this is the case, the fixed attitudes artificially impressed on the limbs, or, in a more general way, on different parts of the body, give place to more or less complex movements, perfectly co-ordinated and in agreement with the nature of the hallucinations and of the impulses which have been produced. If left to him- self, the subject soon falls back into the state in which he was placed at the moment when he was influenced by the suggestion. “2. The Lethargic State.—This is displayed: (a) pri- marily, under the influence of a fixed gaze at some object placed within a certain distance of the eyes; (b) in suc- cession to the cataleptic state, simply by closing the eye- lids, or by leading the subject into a perfectly dark place. THE HYPNOTIC STATES. 157 “At the moment when he falls into the lethargic state, the subject often emits a peculiar sound from the larynx, and at the same time a little foam gathers on the lips. He then becomes flaccid, as if plunged in deep sleep; there is complete insensibility to pain in the skin, and in the mucous membrane in proximity with it. The organs of the senses sometimes, however, retain a certain amount of activity ; but the various attempts which may be made to affect the subject by means of suggestion or intimidation are generally fruitless. The limbs are relaxed, flaccid, and pendent, and when raised they fall back again as soon as they are left to them- selves. The pupils are, on the other hand, contracted, the eyes are closed or half-closed, and an almost incessant quivering of the eyelids may usually be observed. There is an exaggeration of the tendon reflex ; neuro-muscular hyperexcitability is always present, although it varies in intensity. It may be general, extending to all the muscles of the animal system, the face, the trunk, and the limbs; and it may also be partial, only present, for instance, in the upper limbs, and not in the face. This phenomenon is displayed when mechanical excitement is applied to a nerve-trunk by means of pressure with a rod or quill; this causes the muscles supplied by this nerve to contract. “ The muscles themselves may be directly excited in the same way; somewhat intense and prolonged excite- ment of the muscles of the limbs, trunk, and neck pro- duces contracture of the muscles in question; on the face, however, the contractions are transitory, and do not become established in a state of permanent contracture. Contracture may also be produced in the limbs by means 158 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. of repeated percussion of the tendons. These contrac- tures, whether produced by excitement of the nerves or muscles, or by percussion of the tendons, are rapidly relaxed by exciting the antagonist muscles. As it has been already said, the cataleptic state can be instan- taneously developed in a subject plunged in lethargy, if while in a light room the upper eyelids are raised so as to expose the eyes. “3. The State of Artificial Somnambulism.— This state may, in some subjects, be immediately produced by fixity of gaze, and also in other ways which it is not now necessary to enumerate. It may be produced at will in subjects who have first been thrown into a state of lethargy or catalepsy, by exerting a simple pressure on the scalp, or by a slight friction. This state seems to correspond with what has been termed the magnetic sleep. “It is difficult to analyze the very complex phe- nomena which are presented under this form. In the re- searches made at the Salpetriere, many of them have been provisionally set aside. The chief aim has been to define, as far as possible, the characteristics which distinguish somnambulism from the lethargic and cataleptic states, and to demonstrate the relations which exist between it and the two latter states. “ The eyes are closed or half-closed; the eyelids generally quiver; when left to himself the subject seems to be asleep, but even in this case the limbs are not in such a pronounced state of relaxation as when we have to do with lethargy. Neuro-muscular hyperexcitability, as it has been defined above, does not exist; in other words, excitement of the nerves or of the muscles them- THE HYPNOTIC STATES. 159 selves, and percussion of the tendons, do not produce contracture. On the other hand, various methods, among others, passing the hand lightly and repeatedly over the surface of a limb (mesmeric passes), or, again, breathing gently on the skin, cause the limb to become rigid, but in a way which differs from the contracture due to muscular hyperexcitability, since it cannot, like the latter, be relaxed by mechanical excitement of the antagonist muscles; it also differs from cataleptic immobility in the resistance encountered in the region of the joints, when the attempt is made to give a change of attitude to the stiffened limb. To distinguish this state from cataleptic immobility, strictly so called, it is proposed to distinguish the rigidity peculiar to the somnambulist state by the name of catalepsoid rigidity; it might also be called pseudo-cataleptic. “ The skin is insensible to pain, but this is combined with hj’persesthesia of some forms of cutaneous sensi- bility, of the muscular sense, and of the special senses of sight, hearing, and smell. It is generally easy, by the employment of commands or suggestion, to induce the subject to perform very complex automatic actions. We may then observe what is strictly called artificial som- nambulism. “ In the case of a subject in a state of somnambulism, a slight pressure on the cornea, made by applying the fingers to the eyelids, will change that state into a lethargy accompanied by neuro-muscular hyperexcita- bility ; if, on the other hand, the eyes are kept open in a light room by raising their lids, the cataleptic state is not produced.” We ought to add that this description is made from 160 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. nature, and that the Salpetriere nearly always furnishes patients in whom it is easy to observe these three states, with all their characteristics. In order to observe these states in a new subject, the conditions laid down by the Salpetriere school must be observed. These two conditions have been already noted by us: (1) The experiment must be tried on the same kind of subject, that is, on one affected by epileptic hysteria; (2) the same mode of operation must be used, that is, by the simplest processes—by fixity of gaze, pressure on the scalp, the electric spark, etc. Any change effected in one of these two conditions alters the experiment and consequently modifies its results. It must be admitted that even in the case of subjects affected by epileptic hysteria, results differing from those of Charcot will be obtained if the patients are subjected to a different modus operandi; if, in other words, they do not receive the same hypnotic education. We have often been struck by this fact in the course of our researches, and it has appeared the more significant to us, since our experiments have been made on subjects resembling those who served to establish the theory of the three states. We give some examples. It is not, as might be supposed, a necessary symptom of catalepsy that the eyes should be open. We have observed that if hemi-catalepsy and hemi-lethargy are produced, and these hemi-states are then transferred, half of the body becomes cataleptic, although the eye belonging to that half remains shut. Catalepsy with closed eyes may, there- fore, exist in profound hypnotism. So, again, it is possible to throw the same subjects into a deep lethargy, in which no trace of neuro-muscular hyperexcitability remains. THE HYPNOTIC STATES. 161 We have ascertained that when a magnet is brought near to the arm of a subject in a natural sleep, or to the scalp of a subject in the lethargic state, a new state is pro- duced which has nothing in common with the lethargy described above except the relaxed state of the muscles; mechanical excitement of the nerves, muscles, and ten- dons, and pressure on the hypnogenic or hysterogenic zones, produce absolutely no effect. No change occurs when the eyes are forced open, the breathing is impercep- tible, and there is complete insensibility; it is, in fact, the image of death. Pitres * had the opportunity of observ- ing a case of equally profound lethargy in a patient who was subject to spontaneous attacks of sleep. When one of these attacks came on while he was in a lethargy accompanied by hyperexcitability, this phase of hypnosis became more profound, and all muscular reaction disap- peared. Finally, as we have already remarked, neuro- muscular hyperexcitability is not a symptom peculiar to lethargy; in cases of profound hypnotism, contractures may be produced in the waking state, corresponding in all respects to those of lethargy. These facts only prove that the general symptoms of profound hypnotism may be incomplete or modified, and this is also the case with all other morbid symptoms. The number of states or periods may also vary in the case of each subject. Speaking generally, there are three states—lethargy, catalepsy, and somnambulism ; but this number is not fixed. Dumontpallier and his pupils demonstrated some time ago, and any one may verify the fact for himself, that there are transitional stages between each of these periods, really mixed states, which * Des Zones hypnogenes, p. C 5. 162 ANIMAL MAGNETISM. the experimenter may make permanent by the employ- ment of appropriate means. In this way from six to nine new states may be created, or even a greater number. It is probable that the invention of new experimental processes, subjecting hypnotic patients to fresh modes of excitement, would lead to the pro- duction of entirely new manifestations, differing from those which have been described up to this time. In fact, hypnosis is not a spontaneous neurosis, but an experimental nervous state, of which the symptoms may vary with the processes which give rise to it, while, however, still falling within the limits of the general physiology of the nervous system. We should misunderstand Charcot’s description if we regard it as a systematic work. The only object of the description was to represent hypnosis in all its forms and details. It must not be forgotten that at the time it was made, he wished to establish the real existence of a certain number of hypnotic phenomena, and to demonstrate the existence of an experimental nervous state by such strongly marked characters as to be obvious to every one. Charcot selected subjects in whom these characters were displayed in an ex- aggerated form which left no room for doubt. This method was perfectly successful, since even those who were unwilling to accept profound hypnotism, were led to study its less developed forms. The theory of the three states, therefore, only includes one part of the truth, but it is a part which opened the way to all the researches subsequently made upon the question, and even now profound hypnotism is the only state in which we find such objective characters THE HYPNOTIC STATES. 163 as to limit tlie field of discussion. It is the object of the Salpetriere school, not so much to give a definitive description, as to show that hypnotism may be studied in accordance with the most improved processes of clini- cal science and experimental physiology, and that the science can only be constituted by means of the charac- ters determined by this mode of study. As long as patients affected by acute hysteria exist, most of the results obtained by the Salpetriere school may be verified. The history of profound hypnotism serves as an invaluable guide in threading our way through the con- fused mass of observations which are not included in this form of neurosis. ANIMAL MAGNETISM. CHAPTER YII. IMPERFECT FORMS OF HYPNOSIS. imperfect states—Confusion of states in hysterical subjects—Hypnosis in healthy individuals : Experiments by Richet, Bottey, and Bremaud— Different results obtained by the Nancy school. There are many hysterical subjects in whom the division of hypnosis into three states cannot be traced. Many observers have pointed out these exceptions to the rule, which are indeed much more numerous than the normal cases; it is only just to add that this fact was first pointed out by the Salpetriere school. Richet writes : “ The neuro- muscular phenomena of lethargy and of somnambulism are often confounded, while the cataleptic state retains its peculiar characteristics. Sometimes the confusion is still greater, and the neuro-muscular phenomena remain the same, whatever be the phase of hypnotism.” Dumontpallier, Magnin, and Bottey * have insisted on this confusion of states. They ascertained that some hysterical subjects display an aptitude for contrac- ture throughout the periods of hypnosis. They also found that there was often a complete confusion between the * Magnin, Effets des excitations periphe'riques chez les hydc'ro- epileptiques a Ve'tat de veille et d’hypnotisme (These de Paris, 1881); Le Magnctisme Animal (Paris, 1884). IMPERFECT FORMS OF HYPNOSIS. 165 two kinds of contractures distinguished by Charcot; excitement of the skin and profound excitement of the muscles produced the same muscular phenomena in all degrees of hypnosis. This phenomenon may also occur under the slightest excitement, such as the ticking of a watch, the noise of a telephone, the wind of capillary bellows, a drop of ether or of warm water, a ray of light falling directly on the skin, or reflected from a mirror. Finally, all the peripheral excitements capable of producing contracture are also capable of putting an end to it. Pitres has also described another deviation from the normal type in what he terms the catalepsoid state, when the eyes are closed, which he has observed in some of his hysterical patients. We pass from hysterical hypnosis to the hypnosis of persons who are, or are assumed to be, in perfect health. We mean by these words persons who display none of the well-known signs of hysteria. Many experimenters have observed persons of both sexes, of all ages and conditions, without taking any note of their pathological antecedents, which involve such minute research, that nothing can be said about them without a careful ex- amination.* Richet, who holds that no one is absolutely insensitive to magnetism, pursued this course as early as 1875. He hypnotizes his subjects by exerting a strong- pressure on their thumbs for three or four minutes, and then by making passes in a downward direction over the head, forehead, and shoulders. After a while, this prolonged process produces what Richet terms som- * Cli. Fere, La Famille n