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I w i< IC TIO N.A»T OP S sHt^ a§ix^)aeitce s/r/rv/ssy ////'y//rA'j7* Ay/.tr/v/r/7//7si*///:7/AfY-/w/ And the Present State of every braneh of Human Knowledge 1 tfA IT ^ JA'MJA-Ur Chaptoin k> t/u JJifiwp (f£a/ufatf: Jutfor <>/'*/«■ Zvw//w, rf. AsWw A'c.A'r. n*o1a1^A '■ tr LADEI.IMII A%V7 A> VI 'BIAS11 ED BY ISAAC I'KIRCE. N? 310 Market Sirert, 18J6. (/{{ s , . ;7t. v7/^jy /. DICTIONARY 7 T5?* OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. BY G. GREGORY, D. D. DOCTOR IN PHILOSOPHY AND THE ARTS, AND HONORARY MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL UNIVERSITY OF VVILNA; MEMBER OF THE MANCHESTER AND NEWCASTLE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETIES; HONORARY MEMBER OF THE BOAD OF AGRICULTURE; DOMESTIC CHAPLAIN TO THE LORD BISHOP OF LANDAFFJ AUTHOR OF ESSAYS HISTORICAL AND MORAL, THE ECONOMY OF NATUKK. » Sec &c. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. I. FIRST AMERICAN, FROM THE SECOND LONDON EDITION, ^CONSIDERABLY IMPROVED AND AUGMENTED. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY ISAAC PE1RCE, No. 12 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, 1815. / MeM'tf. 03£ Aci x^a &<*xi/ V TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THOMAS, LORD ERSKINE, BARON ERSKINE OF RESTORMEL CASTLE, IN THE COUNTY OP CORNWALL LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR OF GREAT BRITAIN, &c. MY LORD, THOUGH a Dedication is in general an expression of gratitude from an Author to his Patron, or of friendship from one lit- erary character to another, yet I cannot but be of opinion, that there should be some accord between the character of the Work and that of the Patron to whom it is presented. In this point of view the world will see the propriety of a Work which professes to treat of the Sciences and the Arts in general, being inscribed to a nobleman who unites in himself more various, as well as more splendid talents, more general knowledge, and more diversified taste, than any other public character of the present age; who, deservedly filling the chair of Bacon, possesses the same excursive and expanded genius; but whose public duties, being more onerous than they were in the time of that great man, alone preclude him from -gratifying and enlightening the Public by researches out of the line of his profession. If a private sentiment might be indulged on such an occasion, the Editor would add, that your Lordship's unremitted zeal for true Religion, and your tried and disinterested Patriotism, must for ever endear the name of Erskine to every friend of liberty, piety, and active virtue. 1V DEDICATION. That your Lordship may long continue to serve your country, and pro- mote the best interests of humanity, in the arduous situation to which the Divine Providence Jias been pleased to call you, is the fervent prayer of, My Lord, Your Lordship's Ever faithful humble servant, G. GREGORY. West Ham, Jan. 20,1807. PREFACE. FROM the time of Chambers, Dictionaries of Arts and Sciences have been increasing in magnitude, without, it is to be feared, a proportionable increase of utility. The authors appear to have regarded it as a kind of sac- rilege to retrench, while they have equally thought it their duty to add every thing that came within their reach* Hence not only obsolete terms, but obsolete sciences, as magic, alchymy, and astrology, have been retained even in works of high character, and otherwise of distinguished merit. Hence, that which was new even in the living sciences, has been combined with what had been long since exploded: a practice calculated not only to confuse but to mislead. It was upon this view of the subject it occurred to the editor of this work, that in framing a new Dictionary, selection was a more urgent duty than accumulation ; that perspicuity, not less than convenience, would be con- sulted by reducing the size ; and that whatever is practically useful in science and in art might be compressed within a smaller compass than had been commonly imagined. However deficient he may have been in the execu- tion of his plan, he has the satisfaction to say, that in this idea he was not deceived or disappointed. A dictionary of this kind is intended for two purposes: first, as a book of reference, to lie on the table of a man of letters, for occasional consultation where recollection has failed, or where a subject occurs in reading or conversation which had not previously come within the course of his studies. The second is, to serve as an intro- ductory or elementary work for students, or for those who may not have leisure to bestow on the great works of science, or to travel through the many volumes which at this time almost every branch of knowledge includes. The first of these ends, it is humbly presumed, will be sufficiently answered by the present publication. Most of the technical terms in science and the arts, are inserted with a proper definition or explanation, in the alphabet- ical order; or should there be a casual omission, the word will still be found under the head of the science to which it belongs, and probably in the index to the treatises at the end of each volume. To some sciences it was found necessary to attach a glossary. The technical phrases, however, in anatomy, surgery, &c. are generally referred to those branches of science expressly treating of them, that nothing may appear, on casually opening the book, to offend the most modest or delicate reader. Terms also which now constitute a part of common colloquial lan- guage, and which, therefore, every person must understand, have been omitted. With respect to the second object, no pains have been spared in preparing those articles which treat of the respective sciences. In a work of this nature it cannot be expected that the whole should be original, nor could it in that case answer so well the ends for which it is designed. An Encyclopedia is in its nature a compilation ; and its best commendation is, that it amasses together the best information from the best sources. Yet in this work there is much original composition ; and such is the progress of science, that it contains scarcely any articles of importance which are to be found in any similar publication. In order also to facilitate as much as possible the study of the sciences, every attention, consistent with the nature of the work, has been paid to method; and the student will not be much at a loss to distinguish the order in which the several parts of each science are to be read. Thus, under Natural History, he will find a synopsis PREFACE. of the several branches, the classes and orders, and under these the names of the genera; under Zoology, again, he will not only meet the classes and orders, but also an immediate reference to the genera. Under Chymistry, he will find the outlines of the science, and references to the different branches, which are treated more at large in other parts of the work. Thus under Furnace and Laboratory, is included the whole of the apparatus ; and he will then turn to Air, and the simple substances as they stand enumerated there, or under the word Elements. Astronomy and Mineralogy, he will see, have similar references. Electricity, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Mag- netism, Mechanics, Meteorology, Optics, Pneumatics, and the Medical Branches, are complete in themselves. Those articles which relate to the Arts are also complete. Those which treat of the different subjects of Trade and Commerce are also complete, and contain all the new information which could be obtained on those important topics. The Editor cannot conclude this address without frankly stating, that whatever may be thought of the merits of the new Dictionary of Arts and Sciences, they are more to be attributed to the very able assistance with which he has been favoured from different quarters, than to his own exertions. He wishes he could make his acknowledgments in terms equal to his sense of the obligation. To his industrious and truly able coadjutor, the Rev. Mr. Joyce, he is indebted for much general assistance, and for the exclusive superintendence of all the mathematical and as- tronomical articles. A similar acknowledgment is due to his friend and neighbour, Luke Howard, Esq. particu- larly for his attention to all those articles connected with the almost new, and important science, Meteorology. The public will estimate better than he can point out the extent of his and their obligations to Mr. Grellier, of the Royal Exchange Assurance Office, when he mentions, that all the articles relative to Trade, Commerce, Political Economy, Finance, and Revenue, were drawn up by that gentleman. The Medical and Physiological articles were written by Dr. Uwins, of Somers Town; Husbandry and Sur- veying by Mr. Crocker, of Froome; Rhetoric by Dr. Thomson, well known as the Continuator of Watson*s History ; Architecture by Mr. Henderson,-the plates by Mr. Moore; Exchanges by Mr. P. Hamsbrow ; Farriery by Mr. Lawrence; and Anatomy by Mr. A. Walker. Those articles which are connected with History and Antiquities, have been furnished by a distinguished scholar, as will be easily perceived; those relative to the Fine Arts, by a gentleman well known in the literary world; Poetry by a lady, who, like Vida, has asserted her title to the character of a critic, by having excelled in the art itself; the Military articles are the production of a literary gentleman who was educated in that profession; and some of the principal Law articles are by a member of one of the inns of court. Besides these, the editor has been favoured with single communications from Dr. Mavor, Mr. M. Smart, and several correspondents who desire their names to be concealed. A ARTS AND ABA A9 the first letter of the alphabet, is used, on many oc- casions, as a mark, or abbreviation. Thus, in the calen- dar, it is the first of the dominical letters : among logicians, it denotes an universal affirmative proposition; as a nu- meral, A signified one among the Greeks 5 but among the Romans it denoted 500, and with a dash over it, thus, a, 5000. The Romans also used it on public occasions for antiquare, to antiquate or reject a proposed law ; as did the judges of the same people for absolvo, I absolve or acquit; whence it had the name of litera salutaris. A is frequently also met with, denoting Aulus, Augustus, Ager, Aiunt, &c. A.A. stands for Augusti; A.A.A. for aurum, argentum &es; and, among chymists, for amal- gama. A.M. is used for anno mundi, artium magister, or ante meridiem ; A.A.U.C. for anno ab urbe condita; A.B. for alia bona, or artium baccalaureus ; A.C. for acta causa, alius civis, or ante Christum; and A.D. for anno domini. On ancient medals, A. stands for Argus, and sometimes for Athens ; but on French coins of modern date, it is the mark of the mint of Paris. A, o, or aa, among physicians, denotes ana, or an equal weight or quantity of several ingredients. The letter A is also used by merchants, to signify accepted. A AM, a measure of capacity used by the Dutch, oth- erwise called h.aam ; it contains 128 mingles, or 288 En- glish pints. A AVORA, a fruit of a kind of palm tree, found in the West Indies and in Africa. It is of the size of a hen's egg, and is included with others in a large shell. In the middle of the fruit there is a hard nut, which contains a white almond, very astringent, and used in cases of diar- rhoea. AB, in the Hebrew chronology, the eleventh month of the civil, and the fifth of the ecclesiastical year; it com- prehended part of July and August, and contained thirty days. ABACATUAIA. See Zeds. ABACK, a sea term, which signifies the situation of the -ails in a ship, when the surfaces are driven bv the voi. . 2 OF SCIENCES. ABA wind flat against the mast. They may be brought aback by a sudden change of the wind, or an alteration in the ship's course. ABA COT, the name of the ancient coronet, or cap of state, worn by the English kings, the upper part of which was made up in the form of a double crown. ABACTORS, drivers away and stealers of cattle in herds, or great numbers. In Spain this crime is very common, and the punishment severe. ABACUS, in architecture, the uppermost member of *the capital of a column. In the Tuscan, Doric, and Ionic orders, the abacus is flat and square; but in the richer orders, its four sides, or faces, are arched inward, with some ornament, as a rose or ether flower, in the middle of each arch, and its four corners cut off. According to Vitruvius, the abacus was originally in- tended to represent a square flat tile, laid over an urn or a basket. The invention is ascribed to Callimachus ; who observed a small basket covered with a tile, over the root of an acanthus plant which grew on the grave of a young lady ; the plant shooting up encompassed the bas- ket, till, meeting the tile, it turned back in the form of scrolls. The philosopher took the hint, and executed a capital on this plan, representing the tile by the abacus, the leaves of the acanthus by the volutes, and the basket by the body of (he capital. See Architecture. Scamozzi also uses abacus for a concave moulding in the capital of the Tuscan pedestal. Abacus, or Abaciscus, in the ancient architecture, likewise denoted certain compartments in mosaic pave- ments, and the like. , Abacus, among the ancient mathematicians, was a table strewed over with dust, or sand, on which they drew their figures or schemes. Abacus, an instrument for facilitating the operations of arithmetic, by means of counters. Its form is various; but that chiefly used in Europe, is made by drawing par- allel lines, distant from each other at least twice the diam- eter of a counter ; which placed on the lowermost line, signifies 1 ; on the second, 10; on the third, 100; on the ABA ABB fourth, 1000 ; and so on. Again, a counter, placed in the spaces between the lines, signifies only the half of what it would do on the next superior line. According to this no- tation, the same number, 1806 for example, may be repre- sented by different dispositions of counters. See A and B, in Plate IX. fig. 1. Abacus pythagoricus, a multiplication table, or a table of numbers ready- cast up, to facilitate operations in arithmetic. Abacus logisticus, is also a kind of multiplication table, in form of a right angled triangle; each side contains the numbers from 1 to 60, and its area the product of each two opposite numbers. ABAFT, in sea language, a term applied to any thing situated toward the stern of a vessel: thus, a thing is said to be abaft the foremast, or mainmast, when placed be- tween the foremast, or mainmast, and the stern. Abaft the beam, denotes the relative situation of any object with the ship, when it is placed in that part of the horizon which is contained between a line at right angles with the keel, and that point of the compass which is di- rectly opposite to the ship's course. ABAGI, a silver coin, current in Georgia, worth about 18 pence. ABARCA, a kind of shoe, made of raw hides, formerly worn by the peasants of Spain. Some mention another kind of abarca, made of wood, like the French sabots. ABAS, a Persian weight, used in weighing pearls. It is one eighth less than the European carat. ABASED, abaisse, in heraldry, is said of the wings of eagles, &c. when the tip inclines downward to the point of the shield ; or when the wings are shut; the nat- ural way of bearing them being spread. A chevrond, pale, bend, &c. are also said to be abased, when their points terminate in or below the centre of the shield. Lastly, an abased ordinary, is one placed below its due situation. ABASSI, or Abassis, a silver coin, current in Persia, worth from 16 to 18 pence English. It derives its name t>om Shah Abbas II. under whom it was first struck. ABATE, in the manege. A horse is said to abate or take down his curvets, when he puts both his hind legs to the ground at once, and observes the same exactness in all the times. Abate, in law, signifies to overthrow, demolish, or de- stroy. It is likewise used to denote the act of him who steps into an estate, void by the death of the last possess- or, before the heir can enter, and by this means keeps him out. AB ATELEMENT, is used for a prohibition of trade to all French merchants in the ports of the Levant, who will not stand to their bargains, or refuse to pay their debts. The abatelement is a sentence of the French consul, and must be taken off before they can sue any person for the payment of their debts. ABATEMENT, in law, signifies the rejecting a suit, en account of some fault either in the matter, or proceed- ing. Hence, plea in abatement is some exception alleged, and proved, against the plaintiff's writ, declaration, &c. and praying that the plaint may abate or cease; which being granted, all writs in the process must begin de novo. Abatement is also an irregular entry upon houses or lands, and in this sense, is almost synonymous with intru- sion. Abatement, in heraldry, a mark which is attached to a coat of arms, in order to lessen its true dignity, and point out some imperfection or stain in the character of the per- son who bears it. Abatements are either made by rever- sion or diminution ; the whole escutcheon being turned up- side down, or another inverted one added, in the former case; and as to diminutions, they are either a delf, a point, a point dexter, a point champain, a plain point, a goar sinister, or two gussets. Abatement, in commerce, is a discretionary allowance for damage of goods sold, for a defect of weight or measure, on account of bad markets, &c. Abatement in the customs, is an allowance made on the duty of damaged goods, upon the judgment of two mer- chants upon oath, and ascertained by a certificate from the surveyor and landing waiter. Abatis, in a military sense, is formed by cutting down many entire tree9, the branches of which are turned toward the enemy, and designed to guard entrench- ments, to cover the passage of a river, to block up roads, &.C. ABATOR, in law, one who enters into a house or lands, void by the death of the last possessor, before the true heir; and thereby keeps him out till he brings the writ intrusione. ABB, in our old writers, is used for the yarn of a weav- er's warp; and hence the wool of which it was made, had the name of abb wool. ABBA, a Syriac term literally signifying father, and used as a title of respect and honour. Slaves were not allowed the use of this term, which explains the meaning of St. Paul, Rom. viii. 15. The Jews assumed the name as a title of dignity ; and in many of the eastern churches it is the title which the people give to their bishops. But the bishops themselves bestow it particularly on the pa- triarch of Alexandria. ABBE', the denomination of a class of persons in France, who have not obtained any fixed settlement in the churches, but are expectants of one that may happen to become vacant. Their dress is that of an academic, rather than of an ecclesiastic. v ABBESS, the superior of a convent of nuns. The abbess enjoys the same privileges, and has the same au- thority over her nuns, that the abbots have over their monks; spiritual functions only excepted, of which the sex renders her incapable. ABBEY, the name of such religious houses as are gov- erned by a superior, under the title of abbot or abbess. Abbeys differ in nothing from priories, except that the latter are governed by priors, instead of abbots. The abbeys of England, at their dissolution under king Henry VIII. became lay fees : no less than 190 were then dissolved, of between 200/. and 35,000/. yearly revenue, which at a medium amounted to 2,853,000/. per annum; an immense sum in those days. The abbey lands before this dissolution were chiefly tithe free; and these exemptions were continued to the lay possessors by the act 31 Hen. VIII. c. 13. ABBOT, the superior, or governor of a monastery of monks erected into an abbey or prelacy. The abbots of the primitive monasteries, from the pov- erty they professed, and commonly practised, had no other claim to superiority or respect than what arose from the ABB ABC sanctity of their lives; 'but afterward, affecting not only pre-eminence over each other, but even to be independ- ent of the bishop, there arose new species and distinc- tions of abbots into mitred and not mitred, croziered and not croziered, and oecumenical abbots. Abbots, 'Mitred, were those who were privileged to wear a mitre, and besides enjoyed the full episcopal ju- risdiction of their several precincts. Among us, these were called abbots sovereign, or abbots general, and were lords of parliament: they were twenty-seven in number, besides two mitred priors. The unmitred abbots contin- ued subject to their diocesan bishop. Abbots, Croziered, were those entitled to carry acro- zier, or pastoral staff. Abbot, Oecumenical, the same with universal, was a title assumed among the Greeks, in imitation of the pa- triarch of Constantinople: nor have those of the Latin church been backward in this respect; some having call- ed themselves abbas abbatum, or the abbot of abbots; and others assumed the title of cardinal abbot. Abbots, however, are chiefly distinguished, at present, into regular and commendatory; the former being real monks or religious, and the latter only seculars or laymen. These last, notwithstanding that the term commendam seems to signify the contrary, have the perpetual enjoy- ment of the fruits of their abbeys. Anciently the cere- mony of creating an abbot consisted in clothing him with the habit called cuculla, or cowl; putting the pastoral staff into his hand, and the shoes called pedales, on his feet; but at present, it is only a simple benediction, improperly called, by some, consecration. Abbot is also a title given to others besides the supe- riors of monasteries: thus bishops, whose sees were for- merly abbeys, are called abbots; as are the superiors of some congregations of regular canons, particularly that of St. Genevieve at Paris, and among the Genpese the chief magistrate of their republic formerly bore the title of abbot of the people. It was likewise usual, about the time of Charlemagne, for several lords to assume the title of count abbots, abba comites ; and that for no other reason, but because the superintendency of certain abbeys was committed to them. ABBREVIATE of adjudication, in Scotch law, is an abstract or abridgment of a decree which is recorded in a register kept for that purpose. ABBREVIATION, is a contraction of a word or pas- sage, made by dropping some letters, or by substituting marks or characters in their place. Abbreviations are employed in language three ways; in terms, in sorts of words, and in construction. Lawyers, physicians, chym- istsj"&c. use many abbreviations. Abbreviation of fractions, is the reduction of them 24 8 2 9abx 3ax. to lower terms thus, — = — = —, and —— = . 36 12 3 36c c ABBREVIATORS, a college of 72 persons in the chancery of Rome, whose business, according to Cham- pini, is to draw up the pope's briefs, and reduce the pe- titions granted by him into proper form. The abbreviators are divided into two parts, or ranks ; the out' called abbreviatores de parco majore, who are twelve in number, and all prelates ; the other abbreviatQ' res de parco minore, called also cxaminatorea, Mho mav be all laymen. ABBREUVOIR, in masonry, certain indentures made with a hammer, in the joints and beds of stones, in order that the mortar, being received into these, may bind them the more firmly together. ABCEDARY, Abcedarian, or Abecedarian, an epithet given to compositions, the parts of which are dis- posed in the order of the letters of the alphabet: thus, we say abcedarian psalms, lamentations, hymns. These are met with chiefly among Hebrew writers, and as they have but 22 letters In their alphabet, poems of this kind consist of 22 lines, or systems of lines or periods. and every line or period begins with each letter in its order, The cxixth Psalm is a very remarkable instance of this kind. Psalms cxi. cxii. and Lam. iii. are perfectly alpha- betical, in which every line is marked by its initial letter. There are others, as Psalms xxv. xxxiv. xxxvii. cxlv. &c. in which the stanza only is distinguished. This was a contrivance probably intended to assist the memory, and was employed in subjects of common use, as maxims of morality and forms of devotion. ABD ALS, in the Asiatic customs, a kind of furious en- thusiasts, whose madness impels them frequently to run about the streets and kill all they meet of a different re- ligion from what they profess : this our sailors call run- ning a muck, from the name of the instrument, a sort of poniard. ABDEST, among Mahometans, a kind of washing or lotion practised both by Turks and Persians, before prayer, entering the mosque, or reading the alcoran. ABDICATION, the act of a magistrate, who relin- quishes or divests himself of an office. It differs from res- ignation, as this last is done in favour of some other per- son ; whereas abdication is done without any such view. In this sense, Dioclesian is said to have abdicated the crown; but Philip IV. of Spain resigned it. The parlia- ment of England voted that James II. having endeavoured to subvert the constitution of the kingdom, had abdicated the government, and that the throne was thereby vacant. Abdication is also used by civilians, for a father's discarding his son. This, called likewise a/ami/ta alien- atio, was different from exheredation, or disinheriting, as being done in the father's life time; whereas exhere- dation never took place till his death : so that an abdicated son was actually disinherited, but not vice versa. Abdication, among the Romans, was also used for a citizen's renouncing his liberty, and voluntarily becom- ing a slave. ABDOMEN, the lower part of the trunk of the body reaching from the thorax to the bottom of the pelvis. See Anatomy. For diseases and wounds of the abdomen. See Medi- cine and Surgery. ABDUCTION, in logic, a form of reasoning called by the Greeks apagogue; by which from a certain or un- deniable proposition, we infer the truth of something sup- posed to be contained in that proposition : thus in this syllogism: Whatever God has revealed is certainly true : Now, God has revealed a future retribution; Therefore a future retribution h certainly true. ABE ABE In arguments of this kind, it is always necessary to prove the minor proposition to be contained in the major, or uudeniable one, otherwise, the reasoning loses all its force. Abduction, in surgery, a kind of fracture, wherein the bone being entirely broken near a joint, the two stumps recede considerably from each other. See Surgery. ABDUCTION, in law, is the act of carrying off a woman, and marrying her against her will, (a) ABDUCTOR, or Abducent, in anatomy, a name given to several muscles on account of their serving to withdraw, open, or pull back the parts to which they are fixed. See Anatomy. ABEL TREE. See Populus. ABELONIANS, a sect ofiieretics, called also abelians and abeloites, whose distinguishing doctrine was to marry, and yet live in professed abstinence ; a tenet which, ac- cording to some authors, they founded on that text, 1 Cor. vii. 29. Let them that have wives be as though they had none. To perpetuate the sect, they allowed each man and woman to adopt a boy and girl, who were to be their heirs, and who were to marry under the same obligation of continence. ABERRATION, in astronomy, an apparent motion of the celestial bodies, occasioned by the progressive motion of light, and the earth's annual advance in her orbit. This effect may be explained by the motion of a line parallel to itself, in a way similar to the explanation of the composition and resolution of forces in mechanics. Let the proportion of the velocity of a ray of light, to that of the earth in her orbit, be as BC (see Plate XIV. figure 2.) to the line AC ; then, by the composition of these two mo- tions, the ray will seem to describe BA or DC, instead of its real course BC, and will appear in the direction AB, instead of its true direction CB. Therefore if AB rep- resent a tube, carried with a parallel motion by an observer along the line AC, in the time that a particle of light would move over the space BC, the different places of the tube being AB, ab, cd, CD; and when the eye, or end of the tube, is at A, let a particle of light be supposed to enter at B; then when the tube is at ab, the particle will be at e, in the axis of the tube ; and when the tube is at cd, the particle of light will be at/; and when the tube has arrived at CD, the particle will be at C, and will appear to come in the direction DC of the tube, instead of the true direction BC. Thus one particle succeeding anoth- er, forms a continued stream of light in the apparent di- rection DC. So that the apparent angle made by the lay of light with the line AE, is the angle DCE, instead of the true angle BCE ; and the difference BCD, or ABC, is the quantity of the aberration. We are indebted for this great discovery to the late Dr. Bradley, astronomer royal, who was led to it by the result of observations made with a vie# of determining the annual parallax of the fixed stars, or that which arises from the motion of the earth in its annual orbit about the sun. See Parallax. Aberration of the planets, is equal to the geocentric motion of the planet, or the space it appears to move as seen from the earth, during the time that the lisjht em- ploys in passing from the planet to the earth. Thus in the sun, the aberration in longitude is constantly 20"; that being the space moved by the sun, or, which is the same thing, by the earth, in eight minutes and seyen seconds, which is the time that light takes in passing from the sun to the earth. Hence the aberration of the other planets is found: for knowing the distance of the sun from the earth, it will be by common proportion, as the distance of the earth from the sun is to the distance of the planet, so is 8' 7", to the time of light's passing from the planet to the«earth ; then computing the planet's geocentric motion in this time, that will be the aberration of the planet, whether it be in longitude, latitude, right ascension, or declination. The aberration will be greatest in the longitude, and very small in latitude, because the planets de\iate very little from the plane of the ecliptic ; so that the aberration in the latitude of the planets may be neglected as insen- sible, the greatest in Mercury being only 4"£, and much less in the other planets. The aberration in declination and right ascension, depend on the situation of the planet in the zodiac. The aberration in longitude, being equal to the geocentric motion, will be more or less, according as that motion may be. It will be least when the planet is stationary ; and greatest in the superior planets, when they are in opposition; but in the inferior planets the aberra- tion is greatest at the time of their superior conjunction. The maxima of aberration for the several planets, when their distance from the sun is least, are as follow: Saturn 27' 0 Jupiter 29 8 Mars 37 8 Venus - - - 43 2 Mercury - - 59 0 The Moon ... 0 40 Between these numbers and nothing, the aberrations of the planets in longitude vary according to their situations. But that of the sun is always 20": the sun may, however, alter his declination by a quantity which varies from 0 to nearly 8", being the greatest about the equinoxes, and vanishing in the solstices. Aberration, in optics, a deviation of the rays of light, whereby they are prevented from meeting in the same point. Aberrations are of two kinds ; one arising from the fig- ure of the reflecting body, the other from the different refrangibility of the rays themselves : this last is called the Newtonian aberration, from the name of the discoverer. With regard to the former species of aberration, or that arising from the figure, we may observe, that if rays issue from a point at a given distance, then they will be re- flected into the other focus of an ellipse, when the lumi- nous point is in one focus ; or directly from the other focus of an hyperbola, and will be variously dispersed by all other figures. If the luminous point is infinitely dis- tant, or the incident rays parallel, then they will be re- flected by a parabola into its focus. These figures being difficult to form, curved specula are commonly made spherical; the figure of which is generated by the revolu- tion of a circular arc, which produces an aberration of all rays, whether they are parallel or not : and therefore it has no accurate geometrical focus, which is common to all rays. Aberration,, crown of, is a luminous circle about the real disk of the sun* and depending on the aberration of the solar rays, by which his apparent diameter is enlarged. ABETTOR, or Abbettor, the person who promotes a crime or procures it to be committed : thus, an abettor of murder is one who commands or counsels another to AB L ABO commit it. An abettor, according as he is present or ab- sent, at the time of committing the fact, i3 punishable as a principal or accessory. An abettor is the same with one who is deemed art and part by the law of Scotland. ABEYANCE, Abeiance, or Abbayance, in law, the expectancy of an estate or possession: thus, when a parson dies, the fee of the glebe belonging to his church is said to be in abeyance during the time the parsonage is void. It is a fixed principle of law, that the fee simple of all lands is in somebody, or else in abeyance. ABHORRERS, a name given to a party in England about the 1680, in opposition to those who petitioned for a redress of grievances. ABIB, the first month of the ecclesiastical year among the Hebrews. It was afterward called Nisan, and an- swered to our March. ABIGEAT, abigeatus, the crime of stealing or driving off cattle in droves, otherwise called abactus. It was more severely punished than simple theft, vis. by con- demnation to the mines, banishment, or even death. ABILITY, in a law sense, is the power of doing cer- tain actions, principally with regard to the acquisition or transfer of property. Every person is supposed to have this power, who is not disabled by any specific law. ABJURATION, in law, is used for renouncing, dis- claiming and denying the Pretender to have any manner of right to the throne of these kingdoms; and that upon oath, which is required to be taken upon divers occasions under certain pains and penalties by many statutes, par- ticularly 1 W. and M. 13. VV. III. 1 Anne. 1 Geo. I. Abjuration, in our ancient customs, was an oath taken by a person guilty of felony, and who had fled to a place of sanctuary, to leave the world for ever. This is much the same with what in Scotland is called signing an act of banishment. ABLATIVE, in Latin grammar, the name of the sixth case, which is peculiar to that language. The ablative is opposed to the dative ; the latter expressing the action of giving, and the former that of taking away ; thus, ablatum est a me, it was taken from me. It is sometimes called the comparative case, as being much used in comparing things together: thus, dulcior melle, sweeter than honey. Ablative absolute, among Latin grammarians, is so called, because governed by no other word. ABLECTI, in Roman antiquity, a select body of sold- iers, chosen from among those called extraordinarii. ABLEGMINA, in Roman antiquity, choice parts of the entrails of victims. The ablegmina were sprinkled with flour, and burnt on the altar; the priests pouring some wine on them. ABLUENTS, diluting medicines, or such as dissolve and carry off acrimonious and stimulating matter, in any part of the body, especially the stomach and intestines. ABLUTION, in a religious sense, a ceremony in use among the ancients, and still practised by the Mahome- tans ; it consisted in washing the body, which was always done before sacrificing, or even entering their temples. This custom was probably derived from the Jews. Ablution, in the church of Rome, a small quantity of wine and water, which the communicants formerly took to wash down, and promote the digestion of, the host. They also use this term for the water with which the priest washes his bands after consecrating the host. Ablution, among chymists and ap6thecaries, i> used for washing away the .superabundant salts of any body; an operation otherwise called edulcoration. ABOLITION, in lav?, denotes the repealing of any law or statute, or prohibiting some custom, ceremony, Sec. sometimes also it signifies leave granted by the king, or a judge, to a criminal accuser to forbear any further prosecution. Abolition, is also used by ancient civilians and law- yers, for desisting from, or annulling, a legal prosecution ; for remitting the punishment of a crime; and for cancell- ing or discharging a public debt. ABOLLA, a military garment, worn by the Greek and Roman soldiers : it was lined, or doubled, for warmth. ABOMASUS, Abomasum, or Abomasius, in com- parative anatomy, names used for the fourth stomach of ruminating beasts, or such as chew the cud. These have four stomachs, the first of which i3 called venter; the sec- ond, reticulum; the third, omasus ; and the fourth, abo- masus. It is in the abomasus of calves and lambs that the runnet is found, used for curdling milk. ABORTION, an untimely or premature birth of a foetus, otherwise called a miscarriage; if this happens before the second month of pregnancy, it is called a false conception. Abortion, which is always a dangerous, and but too oft- en a fatal accident, may be owing to a multiplicity of causes ; but the most frequent ones are immoderate fluxes of any kind, violent passions of the mind, stimulating med- icines, strong purges or vomits, sudden commotions of the body, as running, leaping, falls, blows, &c. to which we may add a too frequent use of venery, copious bleed- ing in the foot, a debility or laxity of the womb, and a plethoric habit of body: this last is often the cause of abortion in young women, pregnant of their first child. In order therefore to prevent abortion, Ihe above causes must be carefully guarded against. It is likewise condu- cive to the same end, to bleed at proper times; as also to use strengthening and attemperating medicines. It ought however to be carefully attended to, not to give any thing restringent either internally or externally, when the abortion is become unavoidable. The signs of an ap« proaching or threatened abortion are, a sudden flaccidity of the breasts, a constriction or subsiding of the belly, a pain in the#head and eyes, grinding pains in the stomach, coldness of the extremities, faintings, shiverings, &c. As to the immediate forerunners of an abortion, they are these : violent pains in the loins and hips, a dilation of the orifice of the womb, the formation of waters, an eruption of the same, a discharge of pure blood, or blood mixed with the waters. When these symptoms appear, immediate delivery becomes absolutely necessary, without waiting for strong pains, which seldom return after the flooding is grown so excessive. This is performed in t he same manner as for a timely birth. See Midwifery. ABOU-HANNES, or Father John, the name of a bird found in Ethiopia, and supposed to be the Ibis, which the Egyptians formerly held in high veneration, but whicii no longer exists in that country, (a) ABOUT, in sea language, the situation of a ship im- mediately after she has changed her course. About ship, is the order to the ship's crew for tacking. About, in military language, expresses the movement by which a body of troops changes its front, by facing ac- cording to any given word of command. ABR ABS ABRA, a silver4 coin in Poland, nearly equivalent to the English shilling. The abra is current through all the dominions of the grand seignior, where it passes for a fourth part of the Dutch dollar, called assani in the Levant* ABRAHAMIANS, or Abrahamites, in church history, heretics who renewed the doctrines of the Pau- licians; a sect, who, to the principles of the Manichees, added an abhorrence of ths cross, which they are said to have employed in the most servile offices. The term is also used for another sect, who suffered death for the worship of images. ABRAUM, a name by which some call adamic earth, a kind of clay used by cabinet makers to give a red colour to new mahogany. It is found in the Isle of Wight, also in some parts of Germany and Italy. ABRAXAS, a word denoting a power which presides over 365 others, the number of days in a year. It is thought to be made up of the Greek numerals A, 1 ; /3, P, 100; A, 1; S, 60; A, 1; 2, 200: which added to- gether make the number of 365. Abraxas, a mystical term expressing the supreme God, under whom the Basilidians supposed 365 dependent deities. It was the principle of the Gnostic hierarchy, whence sprang their multitude of aeons. From abraxas proceeded the primogenial mind; from the primogenial mind, the logos, or word; from the logos, the phronesis, or pru- dence ; from phronesis, sophia and dynamis, or wisdom and strength; from these two proceeded principalities, Eowers, and angels ; from these other angels, to the num- er of 365, who were supposed to have the government of bo many celestial orbs committed to their care. Abraxas, among antiquaries, an antique gem or stone, with the word abraxas engraven on it. There are many kinds of them, of various figures and sizes, mostly as old as the third century. They were used as amulets, and were supposed to have great efficacy in driving away flies. ABREAST, a sea term, expressing the situation of two or more ships, that lie in a parallel direction. When the line of battle at sea is formed abreast, the whole squad- ron advances uniformly, the ships being equally distant from and parallel to each other. ABRIDGING, in algebra, is the reducing a compound equation to a more simple form. This is done to save room, or to simplify the expression. — a0 Thus the equation x2 -f- o + 6 X x-----= 0, by put- c ab ting p = a + b and q = —, becomes x* +px — q — 0. c ABRIDGMENT, signifies much the same with an epitome, or abstract of a large work. The perfection of an abridgment consists in taking only what is material and substantial, and rejecting all super- fluities, whether of sentiment or style. It is very seldom, however, that a good work will bear this retrenchment ; and above all, the practice of teaching by abridgment is reprehensible. It is a practice which has unfortunately been too common in schools; and is calculated to make smatterers, and not scholars. Abridged history, for in- stance, can only give a dull chronology of events, without the manners, sentiments, character^ the knowledge of human nature in short, which well written history is in- tended to convey; and abridged geography supplies only acknowledge of the latitude and longitude, or at most of the relative situations of places, with a few charges upon the memory, the least improving parts of the study. The climate, soil, the productions, the manners of the country, its commerce and political relations, are only to be learn- ed from larger works. But the worst effect is, that when the pupil has committed a few barren facts to memory, he concludes himself master of the science; even his curiosity is blunted, and his desire of acquiring knowledge anticipat- ed ; and the great probability is, that he never afterward is sanguine enough to open a work of real information on the subject. Abridgment, in law, is the shortening a count or dec- ■ laration: thus, in assize, a man is said to abridge his plaint, and a woman her demand in action of dower, if any land is put therein, which is not in the tenure of the defendant; for on a plea of non-tenure, in abatement of the writ, the plaintiffmay leave out those lands, and pray that the tenant may answer to the remainder. The reason is, that these writs run in general, and therefore shall be good for the rest. Cowel. ABROMA, in botany, a genus of the polyadelphia do- decandria class and order. The corolla consists of five petals larger than the calyx: and the essential character is, pistils 5; capsule five celled one valved, gaping at top ; seeds subovate, incompletely arilled. We know of only two species : the one abroma angus- ta, a native of New South Wales, and the Philippine isles; the other of the East Indies. The former is a tree bear- ing a purple flower, the other only a shrub in its native climate. With us, the abroma angusta is treated as a stove plant, and may be propagated by cuttings ; the abroma Wheleri is not known in Europe. ABRUS, in botany and the materia medica, a genus of plants of the class and order diadelphia decandria, called vulgarly the wild liquorice. The essential char- acter is, the calyx obscurely four lobed, the upper lobe broadest. Filaments nine, united in a sheath at bot- tom, gaping at the back. Stigma blunt, seeds subglo- bose. We know of but one species of this elegant plant, which grows wild in both Indies, Guinea and Egypt ; and pro- duces those beautiful red seeds resembling beads with a black spot or eye at the end annexed to the pod, which have been so much admired. They have been worn in many countries as ornaments. They are eaten in Egypt, but are the most unwholesome and indigestible of the pulse tribe ; one variety produces white, and another yellow seeds, but otherwise they are not essentially different. The abrus is with us a stove plant, raised from seeds sown in light earth, and plunged in a hot bed. It sometimes ripens seed in England. ABSCESS, an inflammatory tumour, containing puru- lent matter, pent up in a fleshy part. Abscess is synonymous with apostem, imposthume, and imposthumation ; and is always the effect of an inflamma- tion, which frequently may be discussed without coming to a suppuration, or before an abscess is formed. See Surgery, &c. ABSCISSE, in conic sections, the part of the diameter of a curve line intercepted between the vertex of that ABS ABS diameter, and the point where any ordinate or semi-ordi- nate to the diameter falls. From this definition it is evident, that there are an in- finite number of variable abscisses in the same curve, as well as an infinite number of ordinates. In the parabola, one ordinate has but one abscisse; in an ellipsis, it has two; in an hyperbola consisting of two parts, it has also two ; and in curves of the second and tnird order, it may have three and four. In the parabola, the abscisse is a third proportional to the parameter and semi-ordinate. In the ellipsis, the square of the semi-ordinate is equal to the rectangle of the parameter into the abscisse, sub- tracting another rectangle of the same abscisse into a fourth proportional to the axis, the parameter, and abscisse. In the hyperbola, the squares of the semi-ordinates are to each other as the rectangles of the abscisse, into a line composed of the same abscisse and the transverse axis. See Conic Sections. ABSCISSION, in rhetoric, a figure of speech, whereby the speaker stops short in the middle of his discourse : e. g. " One of her age and beauty, to be seen alone, at such an hour, with a man of his character ! I need say no more." ABSCISSION, in surgery, is used to express the cutting away any unsound and soft part of the body; while amputation is the cutting away of bones. See Sur- gery, (a) ABSINTHIUM. See Artemisia. ABSOLUTE number, is the known quantity which pos- sesses one side of an equation ; thus, in x3 + 12 x = 24, the absolute number is 24, which is equal to the square of x added to 12 times x. Absolute equation, in astronomy, is the sum of the optic and eccentric equations. The apparent inequality of a planet's motion, arising from its not being equally distant from the earth at all times, is called its optic equa- tion ; this would subsist if the planet's real motion was uniform. The eccentric inequality is caused by the planet's motion not being uniform. ABSOLUTELY, among divines, is used for com- pletely, or with full power and effect, independently of any thing else : thus catholics hold that the priest for- gives sins absolutely ; whereas protestant divines do it only declaratively. Absolutely, in grammar; a word is taken absolutely when it has no government: thus, in te Pray without ceas- ing ;" the word pray is taken absolutely, as it governs nothing. ABSOLUTION, among civilians, is used for a defini- tive sentence, declaring the accused person innocent, and releasing him from all further prosecution. Absolution, among catholics, is a pretension assumed by the priests to forgive sins absolutely, that is, by virtue of a power inherent in themselves. By stat. 23 Eliz. to procure absolutions from Rome is declared to be high treason. Protestant divines pretend to no such power, but only declare the scripture terms of pardon. Absolution, in the Scotch presbyterian church, is chiefly used for a sentence of the church judicatories, re- leasing a man from excommunication, and receiving him again into communion. Absoldtio ad cautelam, is a provisional absolution, granted to a person who has appealed from a sentence of excommunication. ABSORBENTS, are such medicines as have the pow- er of drying up redundant humours, whether applied to ulcers, or inwardly taken. ' Absorbent Vessels, in anatomy, is a name indiscrim- inately given to the lacteals, lymphatics, and inhalent ar- teries. See Anatomy. Absorbent Vessels is also a name used by some nat- uralists for the fibres of the roots of plants, which draw nourishment from the surrounding earth. See Physiology of Plants. ABSORBING, the swallowing up or imbibing any thing: thus black bodies are said to absorb the rays of light; luxuriant branches to absorb or waste the nutritious juices, which should feed the fruit of trees, &c. ABSORPTION, the effect of absorbing: thus we read of absorptions of the earth, when large tracts of land have been swallowed up. Mount Vesuvius has in the course of time lost half its height; the upper part having been undermined by the fire beneath, and falling in, has been absorbed by the un- der part and the sea. In the year 1646, during the ter- rible earthquake in the kingdom of Chili, several whole' mountains of the Andes disappeared, and were one after another wholly absorbed in the'earth. Absorption. It is a well known chymical fact, that inmost cases of the combination of gaseous substances. either with other gases, or with liquids and solids, a very considerable diminution of the volume is experienced. This effect is called absorption. ABSTEMII, a name given to persons who could not partake of the cup of the eucharist, on account of their natural aversion from wine. ABSTERGENTS, medicines proper for cleansing the body from concretions and other impurities, not to be effected by simple abluents. ABSTINENCE, the abstaining or refraining from cer- tain enjoyments; but more especially from excessive eating and drinking; thus, it has always been a practice to abstain from a luxuriant diet at stated times, as well out of a religious view, as to confirm and preserve health. Abstinence is highly extolled by some physicians ; and that justly, when no more is meant by it than a proper regimen; but it must have bad consequences, when prac- tised without a due regard to the constitution, age, strength, &c. of the person who uses it. There are many in- stances of the cure of disorders, and of protracting the term of life, by means of a strict and well regulated ab- stinence. Cornaro, a nobleman of Venice, after all other means had been tried in vain, recovered, and lived to the age of a hundred'years, by rigid abstinence only. Many of the early Christians who retired from persecution into the deserts of Arabia, lived to a very advanced age upon bread and water only. St. Anthony lived 105 years; James the hermit 104; Arsenius 120; Epiphanius 115 &c. The records of the Tower mention a Scotsman im- prisoned, and watched six weeks, during which he took no sustenance whatever; and on this account he obtained his pardon. ABSTRACT idea, among logicians, the idea of some general quality or property considered simply in itself, without any respect to a particular subject; thus, magni- tude, equity, &c. are abstract ideas, when we consider them as detached from any particular body or person. ABU A C A It is generally allowed, that there are no objects in na- ture corresponding to abstract ideas; nay, some philoso- phers, and particularly lord Bolingbroke, dispute the ex- istence of abstract ideas themselves, thinking it impossi- ble for the human mind to form any such. Abstract ideas are the same with those called universal ones; ;u I the manner of forming them, according to mod- ern philosophers, is this: we readily observe a resem- blance among some of our particular ideas, and thus form a general notion applicable to many individuals. Thus, horses are found to resemble each other in shape, voice, and the general configuration of their parts. Now, the idea which takes in this resemblance, excluding what is peculiar to each individual, becomes of course common to this whole family or class of animals, and is therefore called a general, universal, or abstract idea. Abstract is an epithet given to several other things, on account of their purity or universality; thus, we say abstract numbers, abstract mathematics, &c. ABSTRACTI, a name given to a sect of Lutherans, who asserted that Christ was to be adored not only in the concrete, as the son of God, but that his flesh in the ab- stract was an object of adoration. ABSTRACTION, in logic, that operation of the mind whereby it forms abstract ideas. According to Mr. Locke, abstraction is performed three ways. First, when the mind considers any one part of a thing by itself, without attending to the whole; as the arm, leg, &c. of a man's body. Secondly, by consid- ering the mode of a substance, without taking in the idea of the substance itself: thus, geometricians consider the properties of lines, or the length of bodies, without attend- ing to their breadth or depth. Thirdly, by generalizing our ideas in the manner mentioned under Abstract idea. This doctrine, however, of abstraction, is denied by Berkeley, bishop of Cloyne, who owns that he can im- agine a man with two heads, or the upper part of a man joined to the body of a horse ; ''nay," adds he, " I can consider the hand, the eye, the nose, each by itself, ab- stracted or separate from the rest of the body; but then, whatever hand or eye I imagine, it must have some par- ticular shape and colour; likewise the idea of a man that I frame to myself, must be either of a white or a black, or a tawny, a straight or a crooked, a tall or a low, or a middle sized man. Neither can I, by any effort of thought, conceive an absolutely abstracted idea of motion, for in- stance, distinct from the body moving, and which is neither swift nor slow, curvilinear nor rectilinear; and the like may be said of all abstract ideas whatsoever.1' Abstraction, in chymistry, is the evaporating or draw- ing off, by means of heat, one part of a compound from the other. If the part abstracted is collected, it is called distillation or sublimation, according as the process is wet or dry. ABUCCO, Abocco, or Abocchi, a weight used in the kingdom of Pegu, equal to twelve teccalis and a half. Two abuccos make an agiro, or giro; two giri make half a bisa, which weighs 100 heccalis (2 pounds 5 ounces) the heavy weight, or 3 pounds 9 ounces light weight, of Venice. See Weight. ABUNDANT numbers, those whose aliquot parts added together make more than the whole number : thus the parts of 20 make 22, vis. 1, 2, 4, 5, and 10. ABYSS has been used by some philosophers, particu- larly Dr. Woodward, to denote a vast cavity filled with water, which they supposed, but with little argument, to exist in the centre of the earth. Conformably with this idea, it has been imagined by some writers, that there is a communication between the Caspian sea and the ocean, by means of a subterraneous abyss; and to this it is at- tributed that the Caspian sea does not overflow, notwith- standing the number of large rivers that run into it, of which Kempfer reckons fifty in the extent of sixty miles. But the daily evaporation is by others thought sufficient to account for this fact. Abyss is also used for several other things, as the cavernous bowels of a mountain, or hell, or the bottom- less pit, the centre of an escutcheon, a gulf, &c. ABYSSINIAN church, that established in the em- pire of Abyssinia. It makes but a branch of the Cophts or Jacobites, a sect who admit only one nature in Jesus Christ. ACACIA, in botany, a name applied, but erroneously, to several sorts of shrubs and trees. See Guilandia, Guiacum, Mimosa, Poinciena, and Spartiom. Acacia, in the materia medica of the ancients, a gum made from the Egyptian thorn, and thought to be the same as our gum-arabic. Acacia Germanica, an inspissated juice, made of wild sloes, hardly ripe. The true acacia is said to be very scarce in the shops, where the German acacia is used in its stead, both being powerful astringents, and conse- quently good in haemorrhages, and all kinds of fluxes. Acacia, Akakia, a roll or bag represented on the medals of the Greek and Roman emperors ; some think it is only a handkerchief, which they used as a signal; others take it for a volume, or roll of memorandums or petitions; and finally, others suppose it to be a purple bag filled with earth, to remind the prince of his mortality. ACACIANS, the name of several sects of heretics, some of whom maintained that the Son was only of a like, not the same substance with the Father; and others, that he was not only of a distinct, but also of a dissimilar sub- stance. ACADEMIC, or Academician, a member of some academy. Academics is a term more particularly used for a sect of ancient philosophers, the followers of Socrates and Plato, who maintained that all things were uncertain, and consequently that men ought to doubt of every thing. They even went so far, as to doubt whether or not they ought to doubt, it being a received maxim among them, se nil scire, ne hoc quidem. quod nihil sciunt. Of this sect, however, Cicero, who was an academic philosopher himself, gives a more favourable account. He tells us, that all the difference between the academics, and those who imagined themselves possessed of the knowledge of things, consisted in this: that the latter were fully persuaded of the truth of their opinions ; where- as the former held many things to be only probable, which might very well serve to regulate their conduct, though they could not positively assert the certainty of them. " In this," says he, " we have greatly the advantage of AC A ACA the dogmatists, as being more disengaged, more unbiassed, and at full liberty to determine as our judgment shall di- rect. But the generality of mankind, I know not how, are fond of error, and choose rather to defend with the ut- most obstinacy the opinion they have once embraced, than with candour and impartiality examine which senti- ments are most agreeable to truth." ACADEMY, in Grecian antiquity, a large villa in one of the suburbs of Athens, where the sect of philosophers called Academics held their assemblies. It took its name from Academus or Ecademus, a citizen of Athens, as our modern academies take theirs from it. Academy was also used metaphorically, to denote the sect of academic philosophers. Academy, in a modern sense, signifies a society of learned men, established for the improvement of arts or sciences. Hence, Academies of antiquity, are those designed for the illustration of whatever regards antiquity ; as medals, coins, inscriptions, &c. There are several academies of this kind in different parts of the world, as at Upsal in Sweden, at Paris, and at London. These two last are called the academy of in- scriptions and belles-lettres, and the antiquarian society. Academies of architecture. See Academies of Paint- ing, infra. Academies of belles-lettres, those chiefly designed for the cultivation of eloquence and poetry. Besides the academy of belles-lettres at Paris, and one at Caen, there are several in Italy, vis. one at Florence, and two at Rome. Academies chirurgical, those established for the im- provement of surgery. Academies cosmographical, those which make geog- raphy and astronomy the chief objects of their researches. Such is that called the Argonauts, at Venice. Academies of dancing. Of this kind there was one instituted by Louis XIV. with ample privileges, worthy of the nation! Academies ecclesiastical, those which employ their studies in illustrating the doctrines, discipline, ceremonies, &c. that obtained in each age of the church. Such is that of Bologna. Academies historical, those erected for the improve- ment of history. Such are those at Lisbon and Tubingen. Academies of languages, those established in many parts of Europe, for refining and ascertaining the language of each country; thus the Paris academy was designed to illustrate and polish the French, that of Madrid the Spanish or Castilian, &c. But besides these, there are others in Italy, Germany, &c. Academies of law : such are those of Bologna and Beryta. Academies medical, those instituted with a view to promote medical knowledge and improvements. Such is that of W^'Natura Curiosorum, in Germany, and those of Venice, Geneva, Palermo, &c. to which some add the colleges of physicians at London and Edinburgh. Academies musical ; these are frequent in most parts of Europe, but more especially in France and Italy. Academies of painting, sculpture, and architecture. There is one of these at Paris, and another at Rome. The royal Academy of arts was instituted in London for the encouragement of designing, painting, sculpture, vol. i. 3 &c. in the year 1768. It has for its patron the king, and is under the direction of forty artists of the first rank in their profession. It furnishes living models to draw and paint after. Nine of the academicians are annually elect- ed to attend and set the figures, to examine the perform- ances of the students, and to give them the necessary in- structions. The admission to this academy is free to all students qualified to reap advantage from the studies cul- tivated in it. There are professors of painting, architec- ture, anatomy, and perspective, who annually read lec- tures on the subjects of their several departments. The Academy of arts at Petersburg was established by the empress Elizabeth. The scholars are admitted at the age of six, and continue twelve years; they are lodged, clothed, boarded, and taught at the expense of the crown. Besides this, there is the imperial academy of sciences at Petersburg, the transactions of which were formerly entitled Commentarii Academic? Scientiarum Imperialis Petropolitana, but now are called Nova Acta Acad. Scient. Imp. Petrop. Academies of sciences, those chiefly designed for the improvement of natural history and mathematics, with their numerous branches, botany, chymistry, mechanics, astronomy, geography, &c. There are many other academies in different countries : as at Cortuna, for the study of Etrurian antiquities; at Florence and Milan, for painting, &c. the American, of arts and sciences ; the royal Irish, &c. Academy is also more particularly used with us for a kind of schools, where youth are instructed in various branches of learning. Of this kind we have two royal ones, vis. one at Portsmouth, for teaching navigation, draw- ing, &c. which may be called a naval or maritime acad- emy ; and another at Woolwich, where youth are taught fortification, gunnery, &c. which may be styled the mili- tary academy. Besides these, there are numerous acad- emies, especially in London, for teaching mathematics, lan- guages, writing, accounts, drawing, and other branches of learning. The dissenters have likewise their academies for teaching philosophy, divinity, &c. See University. Academyfigure, in painting, a draught or design, made after a model, with a crayon or pencil. ACjENA, a genus of the tetrandria monogynia class and order of plants. Its essential character is, the calyx four leaved ; corolla four petalled; berry dry, inferior, one seeded, with spines bent backward. We know of only one species, the acsena elongata, which is a Mexican shrub of about two feet high. ACAJOU, the cashew nut tree. See Anacardium. AC ALYPH A, in botany, a genus of the monoecia mo- nodelphia class and order. The essential character is, in the male blossoms, calyx three or four leaved ; corolla none; stamina eight to sixteen. In the female, calyx three leaved; corolla none; styles three ; capsule three grained, three celled ; seed one. There are fourteen species of this plant, some of them annual, and resembling the broad leaved pellitory of the wall; some of them are shrubs, but none appear to have either beauty or utility to recommend their cultivation. ACANACEOUS plants, those which are prickly, and bear their flowers and seeds on a kind of heads. ACANGIS, in Turkish military affairs, the name of a kind of light armed horse. ACC ACC ACANTHA, the prickles of a thorny plant. Acantha is also used by zoologists for the spines of certain fishes, as those of the echinus marinus, &c. ACANTHACEOUS, an epithet given to all plants of the thistle kind, on account of the prickles with which they 3rc beset ACANTHOPTERYGIOUS fishes, one of the gener- al classes or families of fishes; distinguished by having the rays of their fins bony, and some of them prickly at the extremities. ACANTHUS, bear's breech, in botany, a genus of plants of the class and order didynamia angiospermia. The essential character is, calyx two leaved, bifid; corol- la one lipped, bent down, trifid; capsules two celled. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 1. There are about ten species, only four of which are exotic and tender. The acanthus mollis, or smooth leaved acanthus, is that which was formerly used in med- icine, though, we apprehend, with little effect, as it seems to differ very little in its medical virtue from the altheas, and other mucilaginous vegetables. It is also the plant which is said to have afforded the hint to Callimachus for the invention of the Corinthian capital. The Gothic sculp- tors are supposed to have adopted for their ornament the leaves of the acanthus spinosus. ACARUS, the tick or mite, a numerous genus of in- sects, of the order of aptera, or those which have no wings. The acarus has eight legs; two eyes, one on each side of the head ; and two jointed tentacula. They are in general very prolific. The eggs of the cheese mite hatch in about fourteen days in summer, but in winter take more. Ninety millions of these eggs may be comprehended in the size of a pigeon's. The acarus will live seven months without food. There are thirty-five species. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 1—3. ACATALECTIC, a term in ancient poetry, applica- ble to such verses as have all their feet and syllables, without any defect at the end. In the following lines of Horace, the first two are acatalectic, the last catalectic: Solvitur acris, hyems, grata vice Veris et Favoni; Trahuntque siccas machine carinas. ACATALEPSY, among ancient philosophers, the im- possibility of comprehending something. The distin- guishing tenet of the pyrrhonists was, their asserting an absolute acatalepsy with regard to every thing. ACATERY, or Accatry, an officer of the king's household, designed to be a check between the clerks of the kitchen and the purveyors. ACATIUM, in antiquity, a kind of boat or pinnace used in military affairs. The acatium was a species of the naves actuarial. ACAULOSE, or Acaulous (Acaulis) among botan- ists, a term used for such plants as have no caulis, or stem. ACCALIA, in Roman antiquity, solemn festivals held in honour of Acca Laurentia, Romulus's nurse; they were otherwise called Laurentalia. ACCAPITARE, in our old law books, the act of be- coming a vassal, or paying homage to some lord. Hence ACCAPITUM, signified the money paid by a vassal, upon such an occasion, It is likewise used for the relief due to the chief lord. See Relief. ACCEDAS ad curiam, in law, a writ lying where a man has received or fears false judgment in a hundred- court, or court-baron. It is issued out of the Chancery, and directed to the sheriff; but returnable in the King's Bench or Common Pleas. It lies also for justice delayed, and is said to be a species of the writ Recordare. ACCELERATION, in mechanics,, denotes the aug- mentation or increase of motion in accelerated bodies. The accelerated motion of falling bodies is produced by the impulse of gravity, which keeps continually acting upon them, and thereby communicates a new augmenta- tion of motion every instant. If this increase is equal in equal times, the motion is said to be uniformly accelerated. See Mechanics. Acceleration, in astronomy, is a term applied to the fixed stars. The diurnal acceleration is the time by which the stars, in one diurnal revolution, anticipate the mean diurnal revolution of the sun ; that is, a star rises or sets, or passes the meridian, about 3' 36" sooner each day. This apparent acceleration of the stars is owing to the real retardation of the sun, which depends upon his apparent motion toward the east, and that is at the rate of 59' 8^" daily: therefore to find the acceleration we say, As 360": 59' 8-i" :: 24h.: 3 min. 56 sec. nearly, the acceleration required. This acceleration serves to regulate the length and vi- brations of pendulums. If, for instance, the pendulum marks 9h. 6m. when a fixed star sets or passes behind any object one day ; and on the next, the eye being pre- cisely in the same situation, the same appearance occurs at 9h. 2ra. 4s. by the pendulum; it may be inferred, that such a pendulum is truly regulated, or measures time accurately. Acceleration of the moon, is a term used to express the increase of the moon's mean motion from the sun, compared with the diurnal motion of the earth, which is said to be about 10' in a hundred years. This by some is thought to be occasioned by the sun's becoming less, from the particles of light continually flowing from it, which renders the motion of the earth slower ; or if the earth's by any means be increased, the motion of the moon will be accelerated. This acceleration is shown by M. La Place to arise from the action of the sun upon the moon, combined with the variation of the eccentricity of the earth's orbit. ACCENDENTES, or Accensores, in the church of Rome, a lower rank of ministers, whose business it is to light, snuff, and trim the candles and tapers. ACCENDONES,or Accedones, in Roman antiquity, a kind of officers in the gladiatorian schools, who excited and animated the combatants during the fight. ACCENSI, in the Roman armies, certain supernume- rary soldiers, designed to supply the place of those who should be killed, or anywise disabled. Accensi also de- noted a kind of inferior officers, appointed to attend the Roman magistrates. ACCENT, in a general sense, denotes a certain tone or manner of speaking peculiar to some nation, country, or province ; thus we say, the Scotch accent, the Irish ac- cent, &c. Among grammarians, it is the raising or low- ering the voice in pronouncing certain syllables. We have three kinds of accents, viz. the acute, the grave, and the circumflex. The acute accent, marked ACC AC C thus ('), shows that the voice is to be raised in pronounc- ing the syllable over which it is placed. The grave ac- cent is marked thus (N), and points out when the voice ought to be lowered. The circumflex is compounded of the other two, and marked thus (" or a) : it denotes a qua- vering of the voice, between high and low. Some call the long and short quantities of syllables ac- cents, but erroneously. See Quantity. Accents not only give a pleasing variety and beauty to the modulation of the voice, but serve to ascertain the true meaning of the word, as in present and to present. The Chinese are remarkable for the use they make of ac- cents : thus the word ya, according to the way in which they place the accent, signifies God, a wall, an elephant, stupidity, and a goose. The Hebrew likewise abounds with them; there being no less than twenty-five tonic ac- cents, showing the proper tone of the syllables over or under which they are placed ; besides four euphonic ones, serving to render the pronunciation more sweet and agree- able. It is generally allowed, however, that the accents now in use were unknown to the ancient Hebrews. Concerning the antiquity of the Greek accents anthors are not agreed; some making them of modern date, and others contending for their having been known to the an- cient Greeks. Accent, in music, a certain modulation or warbling of the sounds, te express passion; either naturally by the voice, or artificially by instruments. Every bar or meas- ure is divided into the accented and unaccented parts; the former being the empbatical, on which the spirit of the music depends. The harmony ought always to be full, and void of discords, in the accented part of the measure. ACCENTOR, in the old music, denotes one of the three singers in parts, or the person who sung the predom- inant part in a trio. ACCEPTANCE, in common law, the tacitly agreeing to some act before done by another, which might have been defeated without such acceptance. Thus if a hus- band and wife seized of land in right of the wife, make a joint lease of feoffment, reserving rent, and the husband dies ; after which the widow receives or accepts the rent; such receipt is deemed an acceptance, confirms the lease or feoffment, and bars her from bringing the writ cui in vita. Acceptance, among merchants, is the act by which the party on whom a bill of exchange is drawn, makes himself liable to the amount. An acceptance may be ab- solute to the bill itself at all events ; or it may be partial, that is, to pay a certain part of it; or it may be conditional, that is, upon the performance of a certain condition ; in which last case, when the condition is performed, the ac- ceptance becomes absolute. An acceptance may also be collateral, as an acceptance upon protest. An acceptance may be given either verbally or in writ- ing; the latter, however, is the most regular and custom- ary. But any thing tending to show that the party means to be bound by his undertaking; such as the signature of the initials, or the day of the month, keeping the bill long- er than iiMial, or any verbal promise or agreement; will be an acceptance. Bills payable at sight are not accepted, because they must either be paid on being presented, or else protested for u*;;t of payment. The acceptance of bills payable 3* at a fixed day, at usance, &c. needs not be dated; be cause the time is reckoned from the date of the bill; bu1 it is necessary to date the acceptance of bills payable at a certain number of days after sight, because the time does not begin to run till the next day after that accept- ance. This kind of acceptance is made thus : Accepted such a day and year, and signed. In general, he to whom a bill of exchange is made pay- able ought to demand the acceptance of the person on whom it is drawn, and that in the full extent of the terms of the bill, and on refusal of acceptance to return it with protest. This he ought to do for his own security, as well as for that of the drawer. Thus, if the bearer of a bill consents to an acceptance at twenty days sight, instead of eight days expressed in the bill, he runs the risk of the twelve days prolongation ; so that he can have no rem- edy against the drawer, should the acceptor break in that time. Again, if a bill is drawn for three thousand pounds, and the bearer agrees to take an acceptance for two only, and should receive no more than that sum, the remaining thousand would be at the hazard of the bearer, as well as in the former case. If, therefore, a bill is only accepted in part, or for a longer time than that expressed in ft, the bearer ought to protest it, at least for the sum not accepted. Again, if the acceptor breaks, or refuses to make payment when the bill becomes due, it is necessary to get the bill im- mediately protested by a public notary, to be sent along with the protest to the remitter, to procure satisfaction from the drawer. By statute, inland bills of exchange must be accepted by signing or endorsing in writing, and protested for re- fusal of such acceptance, otherwise the drawer is not lia- ble to costs; it must likewise be returned to the drawer within fourteen days. Such protest, however, is not nec- essary, unless the value is acknowledged in the bill to be received, and unless the bill is drawn for 201. or upward. A bill drawn on two jointly must have a joint accept- ance, otherwise be protested; but if on two or either of them, the acceptance of one is sufficient. Acceptance, among civilians, denotes the consenting to receive something offered to us, which by our refusal could not have taken effect; or acceptance is the actnal concurrence of the will of the donee, without which the donor is at liberty to revoke his gift at pleasure. Acceptance, in the church of Rome, is particularly used for the receiving the pope's constitutions. The acceptance of the constitution unigenitus has oc- casioned, and still continues to excite, a world of confu- sion in the popish countries, but more especially in France, where many of the clergy refuse to accept it. ACCESSARY, or Accessory, in law, a person who is in anywise aiding in the commission of some felonious action. By statute, he who counsels, abets, or conceals, the committing of such an action, or the person who has com- mitted it, is deemed an accessory. There are two kinds of accessories, vis. before the fact, and after it. The first is he who commands or procures another to commit felony, but is absent when it is done; for if he is present, he is a principal. The accessory after the fact is one who receives, comfortF, or assists, the felon ; knowing him to be such. ACC ACC In the highest crimes, as high treason, &c. and the low- est, as riots, forcible entries, &c. there are no accessories, but all concerned are principals. It is a maxim among lawyers, that where there is no principal, there can be no accessory ; so that it is neces- sary the principal be first convicted, before the accesso- ries can be arraigned. If, however, the principal cannot be taken, the accessory may be prosecuted for a misde- meanor, and punished by fine, imprisonment, &c. Acces- sories in petty treason, murder, and felony, are not allowed their clergy. A wife may assist her husband, without being deemed accessory to his crime ; but not e contra. A servant as- sisting his master to escape, is reckoned an accessory; also furnishing others with weapons, or lending them money, &c. will make persons accessories. Persons buying or receiving stolen goods, knowing them to be such, are deemed accessories to the felony. Also if the owner of stolen goods, after complaint made to a justice, takes back his goods, and consents to the escape of the felon, he be- comes accessory after the fact. . ACCESSION, a term of various import; thus among civilians, it is used for the property acquired in such things as are connected with or appendages of other things ; among physicians, it signifies the same with what is more usually called paroxysm ; among politicians, it is used for a prince's agreeing to and becoming a party in a treaty before concluded between other potentates, or it more particularly denotes a prince's coming to the throne by the death of the preceding king ; and lastly, it is used by Romanists for a peculiar way of electing a pope, which is, when one candidate has got two thirds of the votes, the rest are enrolled by accession. ACCESSORY nerves, or par Accessorium, a pair of nerves of the neck : which arising from the spinal mar- row in the vertebrae of the neck, enters the cranium by the great foramen in the os occipitis. Here it is joined by the par vagum, and coming out of the cranium again by the same aperture, it recedes from the par vagum, and is bent back to the trapezius, a muscle of the shoulder. See Anatomy. ACCIACATURA, is a term in music, which denotes the putting down with any interval the half note below it, and instantly taking off the finger which has struck the lowest of the two notes, continuing the sound of the other note till the harmony is changed. ACCIDENS, per, is used to denote what does not fol- low from the nature of a thing, but from some accidental qualities of it, in which sense it stands opposed to per se, which denotes the nature and essence of a thing; thus fire is said to burn per se ; but a piece of iron made hot, only burns per accidens, by a quality accidental to it. ACCIDENT, among logicians, is used in a threefold sense. 1. Whatever does not essentially belong to a thing, as the clothes a man wears, or the money in his pocket. 2. Such properties in any subject as are not es- sential to it; thus whiteness in paper is an accidental quality. 3. In opposition to substance, all qualities what- ever are called accidents, as sweetness, softness, &c. Accident absolute is used by the Romish church for an accident which may possibly subsist, at least miracu- lously, without any subject; an absurdity which has been strenuously maintained by many of their casuists, and even solemnly decreed by some of their councils. Accident, in heraldry, an additional note or mark, in a coat of arms, which may be either omitted or retained, without altering the essence of the armour. ACCIDENTAL, in philosophy, is applied to that ef- fect which proceeds from a cause occurring by accident, without being subject to general laws or regular returns. In this sense accidental is opposed to constant. The sun's greater or less altitude is the constant and chief cause of the heat in summer and cold in winter ; but wind, snow, or rain, are accidental causes. Accidental colours, are those which depend upon the affections of the eye, in contradistinction to such as belong to the light itself. The impressions made on the eye by looking steadfastly on objects of a particular colour, frequently give a false colouring to other objects which are viewed during their continuance. Accidental point, in perspective, that point in the horizontal line, where all lines parallel among themselves meet the perspective plain. See Perspective. Accidental, in music, is an epithet added to such sharps, flats, and naturals, as do not occur in the clef, and which imply some change of key or modulation different from that in which the piece began. ACCIPENSER, in ichthyology, a genus of fishes, belonging to the order of nantes, and class of amphibia, in the Linnaean system. The accipenser has a single linear nostril: the mouth is in the under part of the head, and contains no teeth; the cirri are below the snout, and before the mouth. There are three species of this genus, vis. 1. Accipenser Huso has four cirri; the body is na- ked, i.e. has no prickles or protuberances. The skin of the huso is so tough and strong, that it is employed to draw carts and other wheel carriages; and the ichthyo- collo, or isinglass of the shops, is made from its sound or scales. The huso is the largest of the genus, and grows to 24 feet in length. It inhabits the Danube and the riv- ers of Russia. 2. Accipenser Ruthenus has four cirri, and fifteen squamous protuberances. It is a native of Russia. 3. Accipenser Sturio, or the sturgeon, has four cirri, and 11 squamous protuberances on the back. This fish annually ascends our rivers, but in no great numbers, and is taken by accident in the salmon nets. It seems a spir- itless fish, making no manner of resistance when entang- led, but is drawn out of the water like a lifeless lump. It is seldom taken far out at sea, but frequents such parts as are not remote from the actuaries of great rivers. It is admired for the delicacy and firmness of its flesh, which is white as veal, and extremely good when roasted'. It is generally pickled. The greater part of what we receive comes either from the Baltic rivers or North America. Great numbers are taken during summer in the slake Frischehaff, and Curisch-haff near Pillau, in large nets made of small cord. The adjacent shores are formed in- to districts, and farmed out to companies of fishermen some of which are rented for 6000 guilders,, or near 300l' per annum. They are found in vast abundance in the American rivers in May, June, and July ; at which time they leap some yards out of the water, and, falling on thei- ACC ACC sides, make a noise to be heard in-still water at an immense distance. Caviare is made of the rows of this, and also of all the other sturgeons, dried, salted, and packed up close. Isinglass is likewise made of the sound of this fish, but in very small quantities. The sturgeon grows to the length of 18 feet, and the weight of TOO pounds; but it is seldom taken in our rivers of that bulk. In the manner of breeding, this fish is an exception among the cartilaginous kind; being, like the bony fish, oviparous, and spawning in water. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 4—6. ACCIPITRES, the name of a whole order of birds, the distinguishing characteristic of which is, that they have a hooked or crooked beak. This order comprehends four genera, vis. the vulture, falco, strix, and lanius kinds ; and 72 species. ACCLAMATION, in Roman antiquity, a shout raised by the people to testify their applause, or approbation of their princes, generals, &c. Such is that of Ovid, Fast. I. 613. Augeat imperium nostri ducis, augeat annos. The acclamations of the theatres, which were at first confused and tumultuous shouts, became in process of time a kind of regular concerts. When Nero played in the theatre, a signal was given, and upon this 5000 sold- iers began to chaunt his praise, which the spectators were obliged to repeat. The honour of acclamations was chiefly bestowed on the emperors; but sometimes it was conferred on their children and favourites, and on magis- trates who presided at their games. The Greeks were accustomed to practise acclamation, an instance of which is mentioned by Plutarch, in conse- quence of Flaminius's restoring liberty to Greece, when the shouts were so loud, that it was hyperbolically said, the birds fell from the sky with the noise. Acclamations which were at first practised in the thea- tre, passed to the senate, and other departments of civil society, and were at length admitted into the acts of coun- cils, and the ordinary assemblies of the church. Chry- sostom checked acclamations of this kind, but Augustin received them very willingly. Sermons were applauded with hands and feet, by leaping up and down, and exclaim- ing "orthodox," and by shaking the loose garments, and waving handkerchiefs. These were some of the ancient forms of acclamation: of the Hebrews, "Hosanna;" of the Greeks, Aya0*j Ta;^, good luck ; of the Romans, Dii te nobis servent, may the Gods preserve you! To the disgrace of the famous French convention in 1792, it may be added, decrees were voted in a legislative assembly, not upon discussion, but "by acclamation." Acclamation medals, among antiquaries, those where- on the people are represented as expressing their joy by acclamation. ACCOLADE, in ancient customs, the ceremony of conferring knighthood, by the king's laying his arms about the young knight's neck, and embracing him. ACOLLE'E, in heraldry, a term used in different senses; sometimes it denotes the same with accolade; sometimes two things joined together; at other times, an- imals with collars, or crowns about their necks ; and final- ly, battons, or swords placed saltierwise behind the shield. ACCOMMODATION, or Accommodating, in geome- try, is the fitting a line or figure into a circle, &c. agree- ably to the conditions of the problem; and in philosophy; is the application of one thing by analogy to another. ACCOMPANIMENT, in music, is used for the in- struments which accompany a voice, to make the music more full. Among the moderns, the accompaniment fre- quently plays a different part or melody, from the song it accompanies; but authors are not agreed, whether or not it was so among the ancients. Accompaniment, in heraldry, denotes any thing added to a shield by way of ornament, as the belt, mantling, sup- porters, &c. It is also used for several bearings about a principal one; as a saltier, bend, fess, &c. ACCOMPLICE, in law, a person who is privy to, or aiding in, the perpetration of some crime. It is general- ly applied to such accessories as are admitted to give evi- dence against fellow criminals. By the law of Scotland, accomplices cannot be prosecuted till the principal offend- ers are convicted. ACCORD, in music, the same with what is more usu- ally called concord. See Concord. It is sometimes used for chord. Accord, in law, a verbal agreement between two or more, where any one is injured by a trespass, or other of- fence committed, to make satisfaction to the injured par- ty ; who, after the accord is performed, will be barred in law from bringing any new action against the aggressor for the same trespass. It is safest, however, in pleading, to allege satisfaction, and not the accord alone; because in this latter case, a precise execution in every part must be alleged; whereas, in the former, the defendant needs only say, that he paid the plaintiff such a sum in full sat- isfaction of the accord which he received* ACCOUNT, or Accompt, in a general sense, is used for all arithmetical computations, whether of time, weight, measure, money, &c. Account is also used collectively, for the books in which merchants, traders, and bankers enter all their business, traffic, and bargains with each oth- er. See Book-kkeping. Account, in law, is a writ or action, which lies against a person, who, because of his office, or business, is obliged to render an account to another, but refuses to do it; as a bailiff, for instance to his lord. It is now seldom used. Accounts, Chamber of, in the ancient French polity, a sovereign court, answering nearly to our exchequer. ACCOUNTANT general, in the court of chancery, an officer appointed by act of parliament to receive all monies lodged in court, and convey the same to the bank of England for better security. The salary of this officer and his clerks is to be paid out of the interest made of part of the money ; it not being allowable to take fees in this office. ACCOUNTS, public, commissioners o/, are commis- sioners appointed, with handsome salaries, to examine and state in what manner, and at what times, the receipts, is- sues, and expenditures of the public monies are accounted for; and to consider and report, by what means and meth- ods the public accounts may in future be passed, and the ac- countants compelled to pay the balances due from them, in a more expeditious, effectual, and less expensive manner. ACCRETION, in natural history, the increase or growth of a body by an external addition of new parts ; thus it is salts, shells, stones, &c. are formed. ACC ACE Accretion, among civilians, a term used for the prop- erty acquired in a vague or not occupied thing, by its ad- hering to or following another thing already occupied; thus, if a legacy is left to two persons, and one of them dies before the testator, the legacy devolves to the sur- vivor by right of accretion. Alluvion is another instance of accretion. ACCROCHE', in heraldry, denotes one thing being hooked into another. ACCRUED, in heraldry, a term applied to a tree full blown. ACCUBATION, the posture used among the Greeks and Romans at table: which was with the body extended on a couch, and the head resting on a pillow, or on the el- bow supported by a pillow. Pitiscus tells us the manner in which the guests were disposed, which was this: a low round table was placed in thedining room, about which stood sometimes two, butmore usually three beds or couches ; from the number where- of the dining room got the name of biclinium or triclini- um. These couches were covered with richer or plainer cloths, according to the quality of the person, and furnish- ed with quilts and pillows. Each couch usually contain- ed three persons; it being deemed sordid to crowd more. The first lay at the head of the bed, with his legs extend- ed behind the second, who lay in the same manner to the third. The middle place passed for the most honourable. However, before placing themselves, they always took care to pull off their shoes, aud put on what was called the vestis canatoria, or the dining garment. ACCUMULATION, among lawyers, denotes the concurrence of several titles to the same thing, or of sev- eral circumstances or proofs to make out one fact. Accumulation of degrees, in an university, the taking several of them together, or at smaller distances from each other than usual, or than the rules allow of. ACCUSATION, among civilians, the bringing a crim- inal action against any person. The ancient Roman lawyers distinguished between postulatio, delatio, and accusatio. For, first, leave was desired to bring a charge against one, which was called postulare: then he against whom the charge was laid, was brought before the judge; which was called deferre, or nominis delatio: lastly, the charge was dpawn up and presented, which was properly the accusatio. The accusatio properly commenced, ac- cording to Peedianus, when the reus or party charged, being interrogated, denied he was guilty of the crime, and subscribed his name to the delatio made by his opponent. In England, by Magna Charta, no man shall be imprison- ed or condemned on any accusation, without trial by his peers, or the law; none shall be vexed with any accusa- tion, but according to the law of the land; and no man may be molested by petition to the king, &c. unless it be by indictment or presentment of lawful men, or by proc- ess at common law. Promoters of accusations are to find surety to pursue them; and if they do not make them good, shall pay damages to the party accused, and also a fine to the king. No person is obliged to answer upon oath to a question whereby he may accuse himself of any crime. ACCUSATIVE, among Latin grammarians, the fourth case, which is always governed by an active vepb or prep- osition, expressed or understood; thus, amo Deum, I love God; to Londinum, ».e. to ad vel versus Londinwn>l am going to London, or I am on my way to London. In the English noun there is no difference between the nomi- native and accusative, except that the former precedes and the latter follows the verb. ACER, the maple tree in botany. It is of the class and order polygamia monoecia. The essential character is, calyx five cleft; corolla five petalled; stamina eight or ten; gerraen two, or three, superior; stylus simple; capsule two, sometimes three, with one seed in each ter- minated by a wing. The male blossoms are without ger- men or stylus. The maple genus consists entirely of trees, and em- braces twenty species. The acer pseudoplatanus or great maple, vulgarly called the sycamore tree, or mock plane, and in Scotland the plane tree, is too well known to re- quire a description. Before earthen ware came into com- mon use, the wood of this tree was in great request for trenchers; and it is still much used by the turners for bowls, dishes, &c. It is of quick growth, but not of long duration. In spring and autumn the wounded stem of this tree will, like the birch, pour forth a saccharine juice, from which wine may be made. There are two vari- eties in the nurseries, one with very broad leaves, the other variegated ; both very ornamental for large planta- tions. The acer campestre is also well known, growing very commonly in our woods and hedges. It is much culti- vated in some parts of the kingdom for hop poles. The scarlet maple is also propagated with us for its beautiful scarlet flowers. The acer saccharinum, or American sugar maple, how- ever, is perhaps the most distinguished of the tribe. It grows to the height of forty feet; and large tracts in North America are covered with it. The sugar is pro- cured by tapping, or wounding, the tree with an augur about the months of February, March, or April, when the sap is rising ; and from 23 gallons one quart of sap drawn from two trees in twenty-four hours, 4 pounds 13 ounces of sugar have been obtained; and in some cases one pound of sugar from every 3 gallons of sap. The sugar thus obtained is grained, clayed, and refined in every re- spect as that from the cane in the West Indies, and is of a very excellent quality. There is no doubt that it might be cultivated with great advantage in this country ; since the Indians of Canada have practised the making of su- gar from the maple, time out of mind, even in that ungeni- al climate. ACERRA, in antiquity, a kind of altar erected near the bed of a dead person, on which incense and other per- fumes were burnt till the time of the burial. Acerra also denoted the pots wherein the incense was burnt; hence we read of plena acerra, a full acerra. ACETABULUM, in antiquity, a kind of utensil where in sauce was served to table, and not unlike our salts or vinegar cruets. K Acetarulum was also a Roman measure, used as well for dry things as liquids; and equal to a cyathus and a half. Acetarulum, in anatomy, avhollow cavity in the heads of certain bones serving to receive the protuberant heads of others, and forming the articulation called cnarthrosig. See Anatomy. ACH ACI AC-ETIAM, in law, a clause devised by the officers of the king's bench, and added to the usual complaint of trespass. This is done in some cases to save the suitors the trouble and expense of suing out special originals. ACETIC ACID differs from acetous acid, by having a larger proportion of oxygen. See Acetous Acid and Chymibtry. ACETITE of Potash. This salt occurs native in the sap, and some other vegetable juices, and also in the urine of quadrupeds. It is prepared artificially by adding car- bonate of potash to distilled vinegar, till the liquor contains a slight excess of acid; if the salt is wanted in a solid state, it may be obtained by evaporation. It has a strong affin- ity for water, and deliquates readily in the air. For this and the other acetites, see Chymistry. ACETOUS ACID, a transparent colourless fluid, obtained from distilled vinegar, in the proportion of 7 or 8 per cent, to the distilled vinegar. See Chymistry. This acid forms an important article in the materia medica. Common vinegar, which is this acid in an impure state, is also much used in food, and for the preservation of an- imal and vegetable substances. ACETUM rosatum, vinegar of roses, is made of rose buds infused in vinegar five or six weeks; the roses are then pressed out, and the vinegar preserved. It is used in cases of headache. Acetum prophylacticum, is a preparation of acetic acid, camphor, flower of lavender, &c. It is called also the vinegar of the four thieves, who during the plague at Marseilles plundered the sick, the dying, and the dead, and escaped unhurt by the use of this preparation. ACHALALACTLI. See Alcedo. ACHANE, in Persian antiquity, a corn measure equal to forty-five attic medimni. ACHANIA, a genus of the monodelphia polyandria class, and the natural order of columniferae. The essen- tial character is, calyx double; outer many leaved; co- rolla convolute, berry five seeded. The achania genus includes three species, all exotics, and cultivated, chiefly from cuttings, as stove plants. ACHERNER, a star of the first magnitude, in the southern extremity of the constellation Eridanus; invis- ible in our latitude. See Eridanus. ACHERSET, an old English measure of corn, prob- ably the same with our quarter, or eight bushels; the monks of Peterborough had, among other things, an allow- ance of 12 achersotes defrumento. ACHIAR, a Malayan word, signifying a mixture of all sorts of fruits and roots, pickled with vinegar and spice. The Dutch import this pickle from Batavia. ACHILLEA, a genus of plants comprehending the millefolium and ptarmicaof Tournefort. It is of the class and order syngenesia polygamia superflua. The corolla is compound radiate: and the essential character is, calyx ovate, imbricate ; florets of the ray about four; down none ; recept. chaffy. It includes twenty-seven species, most of them hardy, though natives of the south of Europe, only two being in- digenous here. The achillea ptarmica, or sneezewort, is of this description. It is used in medicine as a sternuta- tory ; and in Siberia ia decoction, to stop haemorrhages. A beautiful double variety is cultivated in our gardens, under the name of white bachelors' buttons. The- other English milfoil is the yarrow, well known in our meadow s. This has also by some been recommended in haemor- rhages, dysenteries, &c. ACHILLES, an appellation sometimes given to the principal argument made use of by each sect of ancient philosophers, in defence of their system. It has obtain- ed this name in allusion to the strength of Achilles ; and is particularly used for Zeno's argument against motion, which consisted in making a comparison between the swift- ness of Achilles and the slowness of a tortoise ; whence he inferred that a slow body, if but ever so small a dis- tance before a swift one, could never be overtaken by it. Achilles, tendon of See Anatomy. ACHIMBASSI, the name of an officer who presides over the practice of medicine at Cairo. ACHIROPOETOS, in church history, a name given to certain pictures of Christ, supposed to have been paint- ed in a miraculous manner. ACHOR, a kind of running ulcer on the face, chiefly infesting children, but sometimes also grown persons. ACHRAS, the wild pear tree, a genus of plants of the class and order hexandria monogynia, the flower of which consists of five erect petals, of a cordated shape; and the fruit is an oval berry divided into ten cells. The essen- tial character is, calyx six leaved ; corolla ovate, sexfid, with six scales alternate, more within; pome celled; seeds solitary. There are four species, and they are called mammee, sapoti, and bully tree. They are all natives of the West-Indies, where the fruit is eaten. ACHROMATIC, a term used to denote telescopes contrived to remedy the aberration in colours. See Op- tics. ACHTELING, a measure for liquids used in Germany. ACHYRANTHES, a genus of the pentandria mono- gynia class of plants, belonging to the natural order of misal lanese, Linn. The characters are ; the calyx is a double perianthium ; the exterior one consisting of three lanced acute leaves, which are persistent; the interior of five leaves, also persistent. No corolla ; the nectarium is five valved, surrounding the germen, bearded at the top, concave, and falling off. The stamina consist of five fila- ments the length of the corolla ; the anthers are ovate and incumbent. The pistillum has a top shaped germen ; the stylus is filiform, and the length of the stamina; the stig- ma is villous, and divided into two segments. The peri- antbium is a roundish one celled capsule, not gaping. The seed is single and oblong. Of this genus eleven species are enumerated ; but the character of the genus does not agree in them all. They are all natives of the Indies. On- ly one of them, the altissima, is commonly cultivated in bo- tanic gardens, and that more for the sake of variety than beauty. It grows to the height of three feet, with oblong pointed leaves. The flowers come out in long spikes, from the extremities of the branches, and appear in July, the seeds ripening in September. Plants of this kind must be reared in a hotbed, and may be transplanted, when they have acquired sufficient strength. If kept in pots, and sheltered during the winter in a warm greenhouse, they will live two or three years. ACIA, a genus of the monadelphia dodecandria class and order, and natural order of pomaceae. The essential character is, calyx five parted; corolla five petalled, une- qual ; drupe full of chinks. We know of only one species, ACI ACI a native of Guiana, which rises to a tree of sixty feet in height. The fruit is eaten by the Creoles, and account- ed pleasant. ACICULiE, certain small spikes, or prickles, in form of needles, wherewith nature has armed several animals, as the hedgehog, echinus marinus, &c. ACID, in chymistry. The word acid, originally sy- nonymous with sour, and applied only to bodies distin- guished by that taste, has been gradually extended in its signification by chymists, and now comprehends under it all substances possessed of the following properties : 1. When applied to the tongue, they excite that sensa- tion which is called sour or acid. 2. They change the blue colours of vegetables to a red. The vegetable blues employed for this purpose are gener- ally tincture of litmus and syrup of violets or radishes, which have obtained the name of re-agents or tests. If these colours have been previously converted to a green by alkalies, the acids restore them again. 3. They unite with water in almost any proportion. 4. They combine with all the alkalies, and most of the metallic oxides and earths, and form with them those compounds which are called neutral salts. It must be remarked, however, that every acid does not possess all these properties, but they all possess a sufficient number by which they may be distinguished from other substances. The acids are by far the most important class of bodies in chymistry. It was by their means indeed, by studying their properties, and by employing them as instruments in the examination of other bodies, that men of science laid the foundation of chymistry, and brought it to that state in which we find it at present. The nature and composi- tion of acids, therefore, became a very important point of discussion, and occupied the attention of the most eminent cultivators of the science. Paracelsus believed that there was only one acid prin- ciple in nature, which communicated taste and solubility to the bodies in which it was combined. Beccher em- braced the same opinion ; and added to it, that this acid principle was a compound of earth and water, which he considered as two elements. Stahl adopted the theory of Beccher, and endeavoured to prove that this acid prin- ciple is sulphuric acid; of which, according to him, all the other acids are mere compounds. But his arguments were only conjectures or vague experiments, from which nothing could be deduced. Nevertheless, his opinion, like every other which he advanced in chymistry, con- tinued to have supporters for a long time, and was even countenanced by Macquer. At last its defects began to be perceived : Bergmann and Scheele declared openly against it: and their discoveries, together with those of Lavoisier, demonstrated the falsehood of both parts of the theory, by showing that sulphuric acid does not exist in the other acids ; and that it is not composed of water and earth, but of sulphur and oxygeH. The opinion, however, that acidity is owing to some principle common to all the salts, was not abandoned. Wallerius, Me^yer, and Sage, had advanced different the- ories in succession about the nature of this principle; but as they were founded rather on conjecture and analogy than direct proof, they obtained but few advocates. At last Mr. Lavoisier, by a number of ingenious and accurate experiments, proved that several combustible substances when united with oxygen form acids ; that a great number of acids contain oxygen; and that when this principle is separated from them, they lose their acid properties. Thus phosphorus, charcoal, and sulphur, being separately inflamed in oxygen gas, combine with its base ; acquire an additional weight, equivalent to that of the air consum- ed, or absorbed ; and are converted into phosphoric, car- bonic, and sulphuric acids. The Lavoiserian theory is further supported by exper- iments, in which the known acids are decomposed into oxygen and one or more combustible bases. If purified nitre (nitratof potash,) previously deprived of its water of crystallization, is exposed in a silver retort to a low red heat, a large quantity of gas, consisting of oxygen and azote, in the proportion of four of the former to one of the latter, will, be given out, and pure potash will remain in the re- tort; the weight of which, with that of the gases, will be equivalent to that of the original nitre. But force the gases into union, by means of the electric spark, their vol- ume is gradually diminished, and at length the whole is reduced to an acid liquor, possessing all the qualities of nitrous acid; if this, and the potash remaining in the first process, are mixed together, chymical union immediately ensues, and nitre is reproduced. He concluded, therefore, that the acidifying principle is oxygen, and that acids are nothing but combustible substances combined with oxy- gen, and differing from one another according to the na- ture of the combustible base. This conclusion, as far as regards the greater number of acids, is certainly true. All the simple combustibles, except hydrogen, are convertible into acids; and these acids are composed of oxygen and the combustible body combined. This is the case also with four of the met- als. It must not, however, be admitted without some limi- tation. 1. When it is said that oxygen is the acidifying princi- ple, it is not meant to affirm that oxygen possesses the properties of an acid, which would be contrary to truth; all that can be meant is, that it enters as a component part into acids, or that acids contain it as an essential ingre- dient. 2. But, even in this sense, the assertion cannot be ad- mitted : for it is not true that oxygen is an essential in- gredient in all acids, or that no body possesses the prop- erties of an acid unless it contains oxygen. Sulphurated hydrogen, for instance, possesses all the characters of an acid, yet it contains no oxygen. 3. When it is said that oxygen is the acidifying princi- ple, it cannot be meant to affirm that the combination of oxygen with bodies produces in all cases an acid, or that whenever a body is combined with oxygen the product is an acid; for the contrary is known to every cbymist. Hydrogen, for instance, when combined with oxygen, forms not an acid, but pure water, and the greater num- ber of metallic bodies form only oxides. All that can be meant, then, when it is said that oxy- gen is the acidifying principle, is merely that it exists as a component part in the greater number of acids ; and that many acids are formed by combustion, or by some equiv- alent process. The truth is, that the class of acids is al- together arbitrary; formed when the greater number of the bodies arranged under it were unknown, and before ACI ACO any precise notion of what ought to constitute the charac- teristic marks of an acid had been thought of. New bodies, when they were discovered, if they possessed any prop- erties analogous to the known acids, were referred without scruple to the same class, how much soever they differed from then in other particulars. Hence we find, under the head of acids, bodies which have scarcely a single prop- erty in common, except that of combining with alkalies and earths. From what has been stated, however, it follows, that the acids are compound bodies, and almost all of them form- ed by the union of some other substance with oxygen : this substance is called the base or radical. In some cases the radical has never been found in a separate state, when it is said to be unknown. See Acidifiable base. The acids as combined with oxygen may be arranged as follows: States of Oxygenation, according as the compound contains less or more oxygen. *. A........„, With simple radicals. Bases. [ Sulphur | Azote J Phosphorus >\ Carbon f Arsenic 1 Molybdena V^Chrome 1st. Sulphureous Nitrous Phosphoreous 3d. Aisenious With double radicals. ^ Carbon and hydrogen in t different pro-*> portions. f Acetous 2d. Sulphuric Nitric Phosphoric Carbonic Arsenic Molybdic Chromic Acetic Tartaric Citric Oxalic Malic Gallic Benzoic Succinic Saccholactic Formic Sebacic {Carbon, {\™»ic Hydrogen, lj,th,c and Azote. With un- s- Muriatic Oxymuriatic known radi- 3 Fluoric cals. c Boracic See. Chymistrt. ACIDIFIABLE base, or radical, is any substance, whether simple or compound, that is capable of uniting, without decomposition, with such a quantity of oxygen as to become possessed of acid properties. Almost all the acids agree with each other in containing oxygen, but they differ in their radicals-; of course the acidifiable base or radical determines the species of acid. Sulphur combined with oxygen, forms sulphuric or vitriolic acid. Almost all substances will combine with oxygen, but they are not all acidifiable bases. That the process of acidification may take place, a large proportion of oxy- gen is necessary, otherwise the result is only an oxyd. See Chvmistry. ACIDOTUM, a genus of the monoecia polyandria class and order. The essential character is : male, calyx five leaved; corolla none; stamina fixed to a globular receptacle. Female, calyx six leaved; corolla none; style trifid; capsule three grained. One species only is noted of this plant, which is a native of Jamaica. But of its qualities little seems to be known. ACIDULJE, a term used for the cold mineral waters* distinguished by their sparkling appearance when poured vol. i. I from one vessel to another, and by their brisk acidulous taste. They contain a considerable quantity of free carbonic acid. ACIDULUM, a term to express a kind of native com- pound salts, in which the alkaline base is supersaturated with acid; these are employed in chymical processes, and for economical purposes as acids. The two species already known are, the tartareous acidulum or acidulous tartrite of potash; and the oxalic acidulum, or acidulous oxalat of potash. ACINACES, a kind of cutlass, or cimeter, in use among the Persians. ACINUS, a name given to grapes or berries growing in clusters, in opposition to baccae, or such berries as grow single. ACKLYS, in medicine, signifying dimness of sight, or blindness, arising from opacity of the cornea, (a) ACLIDES, in Roman antiquity, a kind of missive weapon, with a thong fixed to it, whereby it might be drawn back again. Most authors describe the aclides, as a sort of dart or javelin; but Scaliger makes it roundish, or globular, with a wooden stem to poise it by. ACNIDA, Virginian hemp, a genus of the dioecia class, and pentandria order of plants. The characters are; in the male, the calyx is a perianthium consisting of five leaves, ovate, concave, acute, and membranous on the margin. No corolla. The stamina consist of five very short capillary filaments; the anthers are versatile, two celled, and forked at both ends. Female on a sepa- rate plant, of which the calyx consists of an involucrum many leaved, linear, and deciduous ; and a perianthium two leaved, very small and persistent. No corolla. The pistillum has an ovate germen; the styli are five, long, reflected, and downy $ the stigmata are simple. The pe- ricarpium is an egg shaped fruit, compressed, many an- gled, sulcated, and covered with a succulent calyx. The seed is solitary, round, and compressed. There is only one species of it, vis. the acnida cannibina. It is a na- tive of Virginia, but rarely cultivated in Europe, except for the sake of variety. It has little beauty, and at pres- ent is applied to no useful purpose. ACNUA, a measure of land, among the ancient Ro- mans, containing about a quarter of an acre. ACOEMETI, a kind of ancient monks, who perform- ed divine worship night and day in their churches. They divided themselves into three classes, each of which of- ficiated in their turn, and relieved others, so that their churches were never silent, night or day-. ACOLUTHI, or Acolythi, denote candidates for the ministry, so called from their continually attending the bishop. It is a term applied to persons who are stead- fast and immoveable in their resolutions. Acoluthi, is used for the body guards who attended the emperors of Constantinople. Acolcthi, is also an appellation given to the stoics, on account of their steady adherence to what they had once resolved. ACOLYTHIA, in the Greek church, denotes either the order of divine service, or the book containing it. ACON, an instrument used in ancient exercises, like the dircus ; a name likewise given to an ancient order of knighthood. ACQ A C R ACONITI, an appellation given to some of the ancient athleta, who anointed their bodies with oil, instead of covering them with dust $ or who overcame their antago- nists with ease. ACONITON, signifies not plastered, and is a name applied to vessels not lined within. ACONITUM, wolfsbane, or monks-hood, a genus of plants of the class and order polyandria trigynia. The essential character is, calyx none ; petals five, the highest arched ; nectaries two, peduncled, recurved; capsules three or five. Nine species, all hardy herbaceous perennials, are enu- merated of this genus, which has received the name of monks-hood from its flower, being composed of five irreg- ular petals, resembling in some measure a man's head with a helmet or hood' on it. The upper petal represents the hood or helmet; the two lower ones stand for that part which covers the lower jaw; and the two wings seem adapted for covering the temples. From the centre of the flower there arise two pistils, resembling feet, and re- ceived into the hollow of the upper petal, or hood; as is also another pistil, which finally becomes a fruit, compos- ed of several membranaceous vaginae collected into a head, and usually containing angular and wrinkled seeds. AH the species of aconite are extremely acrimonious, occasioning mortal convulsions, or inflammations that end in a mortification. It is even said that some persons by only smelling at the flower of the common monks-hood have been seized with swooning fits, and lost their sight for two or three days. Like other poisons, however, it has been used as a medicine in small doses, particularly in rheumatisms and intermittents. Acontias is used for a kind of meteor, with a roundish or oblong head, and a long slender tail, resembling a javelin. ACONTIUM, in Grecian antiquity, a kind of dart or javelin, resembling the Roman pilum. ACORN, a little ornamental piece of wood, in the shape of a cone, fixed on the top of the spindle on the mast head, above the vane, to keep it from coming off the spindle in a whirlwind. ACORUS, calamus, aromuticus, sweet flag, or sweet rush, a genus of the monogynia order, belonging to the hexandria class of plants, and ranking in the second nat- ural order, piperita. The characters are, the calyx is a cylindric simple spadix covered with florets; there is no spatha, nor perianthium ; the corolla is composed of six ob- tuse, concave, loose petals ; the stamina consist of six thick- ish filaments, somewhat longer than the corolla; the an- therae are thickish and didymous; thepistillum has a gib- bous oblong germen the length of the stamina, no stylus, the stigma a prominent point; the pericarpium is a short triangular, obtuse three celled capsule, attenuated at both ends ; the seeds are numerous, and of an oblong egg shape. There are two species : the acoros calamus grows natu- rally in shallow standing waters, and is found wild in riv- ulets and marshy places about Norwich and other places in this island, in the canals of Holland, in Switzerland, and in other countries of Europe. The shops have been usually supplied from the Levant with dried roots, which do not appear to be superior to those of our own growth. The root of this plant has a very agreeable flavour, which is greatly improved by drying. It is reckoned carmina- tive and stomachic, having a warm, pungent, bitterish taste, so is frequently used as an ingredient in bitters. Acorus, a blue coral, found on the coasts of Africa, from Rio del Re, to the river Camarones. It grows in form of a tree, on a rocky bottom. ACOUSMAT1CI, in Grecian antiquity, such disciples of Pythagoras as had not finished their five years proba- tion. ACOUSTICS, the science of hearing, or of sounds in general. See Pneumatics. Acoustic duct, in anatomy, a name sometimes given to the external passage of the ear, mere usually called meatus auditorius. See Anatomy. Acoustic instrument, or ear trumpet, one contrived to assist hearing. It is fashioned in manner of a horn, with a perforation in the smaller end, which is fitted to be put into the ear. ACQUEST, or Acquits, in law, denotes goods not descended by inheritance, but acquired by purchase or donation. ACQUIETANDIS plegiis, in law, a writ which lies for a surety against a creditor, who refuses to acquit one after the debt is paid. Cow til. ACQUIETANTIA de shires et hundredis, a freedom from suits and services in shires and hundreds. ACQUITTAL, in law, is a deliverance or setting free from the suspicion of guilt. Acquittal is either in fact, or in law ; in fact, it is where a person, on a verdict of a jury, is found not guilty: in law, it is when two persons are indicted, one as a princi- pal, &c. the other as accessory : here if the former is dis- charged, the latter of consequence becomes acquitted. It is also used for a freedom from entries and molesta- tions of a superior lord, on account of services issuing out of land. ACQUITTANCE, a discharge in writing for a sum of money, witnessing that the party has paid the same. Every man is obliged to give an acquittance on receiv- ing money ; and a servant's acquiltance for money re- ceived for the use of his master, shall bind him, provided the servant used to receive his master's rents. An ac- quittance is a full discbarge, and bars all actions, &c. ACRE, a measure of land containing four square roods, or one hundred and sixty square poles. The arpent, or French acre, is equal to 11 of the En- glish acre. That of Strasburg is only about one half of the English acre. The Scotch acre is to the English acre by statute, as 100,000 to 78,694. We have computations of the number of acres contain- ed in several countries ; thus, England is said to contain forty-six millions and upward ; and the United Provinces about four and one third millions. Acre tax, a tax levied upon lands, at a certain rate by the acre, otherwise called acre shot. ACRID, an appellation given to such matter as is of a sharp or pungent taste. Ancient naturalists distinguished two kinds of acrid tastes; one proceeding from hot and dry, as in pepper* the other from hot and moist, as in garlic. ' ACRIFOLIUM, signifies any prickly leaved plant ACROATIC, in the Aristotelian schools, a denomina- tion given to such lectures as were calculated only for AC R A C R the intimate friends and disciples of that philosopher; be- ing chiefly employed in demonstrating some speculative or abstruse part of philosophy. Acroatic is aUo used, in a more general sense, for any thing that is sublime or ab- struse; thus we read of an acroatic philosophy, theology,&c. ACROATICI, an appellation given to such of Aris- totle's disciples as were instructed in his acroatic, or sub- lime philosophy. The acroatic lectures stood contradis- tinguished from the exoteric, which were adapted to a com- mon auditory. ACROBATICA, or Acrobaticum, in Grecian anti- quity, an engine on which people were raised aloft, that they might have the better prospect. ACROCHIRISMUS, in Grecian antiquity, a kind of gymnastic exercise performed with the fists, without clos- ing at all. ACROCHIRISTES, in Grecian antiquity, one who practised, or excelled at, the exercise called acrochiris- mus. ACROCHORDUS, or Warted Snake, a genus of snake, with body and tail completely covered with warts: there are three species ; 1st, the Acrochordus Javanicus, which is whitish beneath, with the sides marked by dusky spots. The remarkable snake which gave rise to the institution of this new genus, is a native of the island of Java, and was first described by Mr. Hornsted in the Swedish trans- actions for the year 1787. It was found in a large pep- per ground near Sangasan, in the year 1784, and measured about eight feet in length; the thickness of the neck be- ing six inches, that of the largest part of the body ten inches, and that of the tail an inch and an half: the col- our of the upper part of the animal was blackish, and of the under part whitish; the sides marked with dusky spots: the head truncated, depressed, and scaly: the jaws equal, the superior being emarginated beneath; the inferior curved : the eyes lateral, on the fore part of the head; the irides lived: the nostrils circular, small, approximated, and situated above the tip of the snout: the rictus or gape rather small for the size of the body: the teeth in both jaws subulate, very sharp, and reversed, without any appearance of fangs, and accompa- nied by a double row of very small teeth in the palate: the tongue thick at the base, the forked part black and slender: the body entirely covered, as well as the tail, with rough tricarinated warts: the vent small, the body very suddenly tapering toward the tail. This snake was secured by a Chinese, by means of a split bamboo applied over its neck, and thus carried to Batavia, where, on be- ing skinned and opened, exclusive of a quantity of indi- gested fruit, were found five completely formed young, measuring nine inches each; the flesh of the animal was eaten by the Chinese people, who affirmed that it was ex- cellent food, and the skin, being preserved in spirits, was brought over to Europe by Mr. Hornsted, and deposited in the museum of the king of Sweden. •idly, Doubtful or Brown Acrochordus, with carinated abdomen, and sides spotted with black. In its general appearance a»»d proportion so very nearly does the pres- ent serpent resemble the preceding, or Javan species, that one description might almost serve for both, except that the head in this is covered with very minute rough jv warted scales, differing in size alone from those on other parts of t he animal; whereas, if we may rely on the accuracy of Mr. Hornsted's description and figure of the Javan Acrochordus, that part is covered with flat, ovate scales, and of a far different appearance from the muricat- ed or wartlike scales on every other part. The size of the present specimen also falls much short of the former, measuring only about three feet in length: its colour is an obscure brown, with some ill defined clouds and patches of a darker colour dispersed along the sides and abdomen; the shape of the vent, thickness of body, and sudden con- traction at the beginning of the tail, as well as the compar- ative size and shape of that part are exactly similar : the abdomen, however, in this serpent is slightly carinated be- neath toward the tail, which is a circumstance not particu- larized in Mr. Hornsted's description of the Javan species. The present specimen is in the British Museum, and the engraving which accompanies this article will show in the most satisfactory manner the resemblances and discrep- ances between this and the former animal. Its native place is not particularized. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 7. 3dly, Fasciated Acrochordus, with carinated abdomen, and whitish ascendent lateral bands. This is so much al- lied to the preceding, that it may perhaps be doubted whether it really differs in any other respect than age, size, and cast of colours, measuring about 18 inches in length, and being of a dusky brown colour, with several paler fasciae which take their rise from the abdomen, and ascend on the sides; the abdomen is carinated, as in the former. This is certainly the Hydrus granulatus of Mr. Schneider, who, in his work on the Amphibia, describes it as a water snake, though, seemingly, without any other foundation than its having a carinated abdomen; its other characters by no means agreeing with those of the genu- ine Hydri. ACROMION, or Acromium, in anatomy, the name of the upper part of the scapula, or shoulder blade. See Anatomy. ACROMONOGRAMMATICUM, a kind of poem, wherein every verse begins with the same letter with which the preceding verse terminates. ACROSPIRED, in malt making, a term used for such grains'6t barley as shoot or sprout out at the blade end, as well as at the root end. ACROSTIC, in poetry, a kind of poetical composition disposed in such a manner, that the initial letters of the verse make some person's name, title, motto, &c. ACROSTICUM, Wall Rue, the name given by Lin- naeus to a distinct genus of fern, of the class and order crytogamia Alices, formerly called ruta. The generic character is, that the fructification covers the whole under the surface of the frond. The species are 44 in number, two only of which are natives of Britain. ACROSTOLIUM, in the naval architecture of the ancients, the extreme part of the ornament used on the prows of their ships. This was of various forms; some- times in the shape of a buckler, helmet, animal, &c. but more frequently circular, or spiral. It was usual to tear the acrostolia from the prows of vanquished ships, as a token of victory. Authors, not unfrequently, confound the acrostolia with the decorations of the poop, as also with the rostra; from which, however, they are very distinct. ACROTELEUTIC, among ecclesiastical writers, an appellation given to any thing added at the end of a psalm or hymn; as the gloria Patri, or doxology. ACT ACT ACROTERIA, in architecture, small pedestals upon which globes, vases, or statues, stand at the ends or mid- dle of pediments, or frontispieces. The height of those at the extremes should be only half that of the tympanum; whereas that in the middle ought to be one eighth part more. Acrotkria likewise denotes the figures placed as or- naments, or crownings, on the tops of churches; and some- times sharp pinnacles standing in ranges about flat build- ings, with rails and balusters. Acroteria, among ancient physicians, a term used to denote the larger extremities of the body, as the head, hands, and feet. Acroteria is also used for the tips of the fingers, and sometimes for the eminences of the bones. ACT, among logicians, denotes an operation of the hu- man mind; in which sense comprehending, judging, will- ing, &c. are called acts. Act, among lawyers, is used for an instrument or deed in writing, serving to prove the truth of some bargain or transaction. Thus, records, certificates, &c. are call- ed acts. Act is also used for the final resolution, or decree, of an assembly, senate, council, &c. Acts of parliament are called statutes; acts of the roy- al society, transactions; those of the French academy of sciences, memoirs; those of the academy of sciences at Pe- tersburg, commentaries ; those of Leipsic, acta erudito- rum; the decrees of the lords of session at Edinburgh, acta sederunt, &c. Act, in the universities, a thesis maintained in public by a candidate for a degree. At Oxford, the term when masters or doctors complete their degrees, is called the act, which is held with great solemnity: at Cambridge, it is called the commencement, as being the commencement of the long vacation. Act of faith, auto daft, in the church of Rome, a kind of jail delivery, for burning or setting at liberty the pris- oners of the inquisition, or heretics, as they are called. An act of faith is the utmost exertion of brutal tyranny, and a reproach to humanity itself; the tragical part of which is thus described by those who have seen it. The prisoners being clothed in peculiar habits, are carried in solemn procession to the place of execution; where there are as many stakes set up as there are prisoners to be burnt, with a quantity of dry furze about them. Those who make profession of dying in the communion of the church of Rome, are first strangled, and then burnt to ashes; but those who persist in their heresy, are chained to stakes about four feet high, a board being fixed on the top of the stake, on which the victim is seated. This being done, the Jesuits, after repeated exhortations to be recon- ciled to the church, deliver them over to the devil, who they tell them is standing at their elbow to receive their souls, and carry them with him into the flames of hell; which instance of popish charity is followed by loud shouts from the deluded mob, exclaiming let the dogs' beards bt singed; this they do by holding a bush of flaming furze, fastened to a pole, to their faces, till they are burnt to a coal. At last, fire is set to the furze at the foot of the stake; but the unhappy sufferers are placed so high, that the flame seldom reaches above the seat on which they sit, so that they seem rather roasted than burnt. Such is the wretched death these poor victims suffer, and that for no other reason (for crime it certainly is not) than that they do not believe all the absurdities of pope- ry ! There cannot be a more lamentable spectacle ; yet it is beheld by both sexes, and by persons of all ages, with transports of joy and satisfaction. How shocking is the practice! how detestable, beyond expression, are the au- thors and promoters of it! From such a religion, and such diabolical maxims, will not every protestant most fervent- ly pray God to deliver us ? As to those who escape the flames, some are imprison- ed, and others obliged to do penance during their lives. ACTA denoted, among the Romans, a pleasant garden formed near the bank of a river, in which they gave them- selves up to all kinds of pleasure. ACTAEA, or herb Christopher, a genus of the polyan- dria monogynia class and order. The essential charac- ter is, calyx four leaved ; corolla four pet ailed ; berry one celled ; seeds semiorbicular, in two rows. The genus includes four known species; one of which, the actaea spicata, grows wild in England, and is some- times used in medicine as a powerful repellent. Caution, however, is necessary in employing if. The actaea race- mosa is an American plant, and is called black snakeroot, to distinguish it from the common snakeroot. It is used in that country as an antidote against several kinds of an- imal poisons, and particularly that of the rattlesnake. ACTS, in dramatic poetry, are certain divisions, or parts of a play, designed to give some respite both to the actors and spectators. The acts are always five in regular and finished pieces: a rule not unknown to the Romans, as appears from Horace. Neu brevior quinto, neu sit productior, acta. According to some critics, the first act, besides intro- ducing upon the stage the principal characters of the play, ought to propose the argument or subject of it; the sec- ond, to bring this into action; the third, to raise obsta- cles and difficulties ; the fourth, to find remedies for these, or to raise new ones in the attempt; the fifth concludes the piece by introducing some incident to unravel the whole plot. ACTIAN games, in Roman antiquity, those instituted in commemoration of the victory at Actium. Strabo, whose opinion is now generally "followed, tells us, that they returned only every fifth year, and were sacred to Apollo, thence called actius. Actian years, an era, or series of years, commencing from the battle of Actium, and otherwise called the era of Augustus. ACTINIA, a genus of the mollusca order of worms j its body is rough and wrinkled, furnished with eccentric cirri and with a single terminal aperture; it attaches it- self to rocks and other substances, among which it is found. These animals are called urtica marina, sea ane- monies and nettles; the latter appellation is given from the painful sensation experienced when they are handled. They are viviparous, and feed on shell fish. There are five species. ACTION, in mechanics and physics, is the pressure or percussion of one body against another. It is one of the laws of nature, that action and re-action are equal • that is, the resistance of the body moved is always equal ACT ACT to the force communicated to it; or, which is the same thing, the moving body loses as much of its force as it communicates to the body moved. See Mechanics. Action, in rhetoric, may be defined, the accommodation of the voice, but more especially the gesture of an orator, to the subject he is upon. It is chiefly directed to the passions of the audience. The power of action has been known at all times. Cicero tells us, " That it does not so much matter what an orator says, as how he says it." Horace, in his Art of Poetry, is no less explicit in setting forth its vast influ- ence on mankind. With those who laugh, oar social joy appears ; With those who mourn, we sympathize in tears. If you would have me weep, begin the strain ; Then I shall feel your sorrows, feel your pain. After all, the utility, and even morality, of studied action is controverted. It is certainly enough if an orator studies sufficient of external grace that there shall be nothing dis- gusting in his manner or delivery. In truth, the attempts at theatrical action in some young orators, and particularly in the pulpit, are calculated to make themselves, and what they say, ridiculous, rather than respected, in the eyes of all judicious persons. Action, in poetry, denotes much the same with the fa- ble or subject of an epic or dramatic poem; only that the former may be real, whereas the latter is always feigned. It is necessary to the perfection of an action that it be but one, that it be entire, that it be important or affecting, and that it have a suitable duration without being inter- rupted. It is no breach, however, of the unity or integrity of the principal action, that there are subordinate ones, serving to obstruct the hero's measures. Action, in a theatrical sense, is nearly the same with action among orators ; only the actor adapts his action to an assumed character, whereas the orator is supposed to be in reality what his action expresses, whether joyful, grieved, &c. The perfection of theatrical action consists in imitating nature, or expressing, in a lively manner, the behaviour of a man of the assumed character and circum- stances. Action, in painting and sculpture, denotes the posture of a statue or picture, serving to express some passion, &c. Action of the mouth, in the manege, signifies a horse's champing upon the bit of the bridle, thereby emitting a ropy foam ; which is looked upon as a sign of health, vig- our, and mettle. Action, in law, denotes either the demanding, in a le- gal manner, what is any man*s due; or the process brought for recovering the same. The suit, till judgment, is prop- erly called the action; but not after; and therefore a re- lease from all actions is no bar to execution. Co. Lilt. 281. Actions are either criminal or civil. Criminal actions are to have judgment of death, as ap- peals of death, robbery, &c. or only judgment for damage to the injured party, fine to the king, and imprisonment. Under the head of criminal actions may likewise be rank- ed penal actions, which lie for some penalty or punishment on the party sued, whether corporal or pecuniary. Actions upon the statute are also brought on breach of any statute, or act of parliament, by which an action is given that did not lie before; as where a person commits perjury to the prejudice of another, the injured party shall have an action upon the statute. And, lastly, popu- lar actions, so called, hecause any person may bring them on behalf of himself and the crown, by information, &c. for the breach of some penal statute. These are called qui tarn actions, from the words of the writ. Civil actions are divided into real, personal, and mixed. Action, real, concerns only real or landed property, for that is the only property which our ancestors account* ed real. It is therefore that whereby a man claims a title, lands, tenements, &c. in fee, or for life ; and this action is either possessory, or ancestral; possessory, when the lands are a person's own possession or seisin; ancestral, when they were of the possession or seisin of his ancestors. Action, personal, is one brought upon any contract for money or goods, or on account of trespass, or other offence committed; and thereby the debt, goods, chattels, &c. claimed. Action, mixed, is one lying as well for the real proper- ty demanded as against the person who has it, and on which the thing is recovered with damages for the wrong sustained: such is an action of waste, sued against a ten- ant for life, the place wasted being recoverable, with treble damages for the wrong done. All actions seem to.be temporary and limited. A real action may be prescribed against, in five years after a fine levied, or recovery suffered. Writs of formedon for any title to lands in being, must be sued out within twenty years. Actions of debt, account, detinue, trover, and trespass, are to be brought within six years, of assault and battery within four years, and of slander within two years, after cause of action, and not afterward. It ought, however, to be observed, that the right of ac- tion in these cases is saved to infants, feme coverts, and persons in prison, or beyond sea, &c. provided they com- mence their suits within the time limited after their inabili- ties are removed. Actions may be brought by all persons whatever, but those attainted of high treason or felony. An outlawed or excommunicated person, &c. cannot bring any action till pardoned, absolved, &c. A feme covert must sue _ with her husband, and infants by their guardians. Action upon the case, is a general action which lies for the redress of wrongs and injuries done without force, and which by law are not specifically provided against. This at present is the most frequent of all actions, being brought in all eases where no certain form has been estab- lished ; and the reason why it is called an action upon the case, is because the whole cause or case is set forth in the writ. It may be brought as well where there is another action as where no other lies. . Action upon the case for words, is brought where a person is injured in his reputation j and for words which affect the life, office, trade, &c. or tend to the loss of pre- ferment in marriage, or otherwise; or to the disinherit- ance, or other damage of a person. Action prejudicial, otherwise called preparatory, one which arises from some doubt in the principal; as, where one sues his younger brother for lands descended from the father, on which it is objected to him that he is a bas- tard. Here this point of bastardy is to be first tried or judged, before the principal cause can proceed. ACT ADA Action of a writ, is when a person pleads some -/ut- ter, by which is shown, that the plaintiff*had no c^nse to have the writ brought; though, perhaps, he may have another writ for the same matter. It is hence called, a plea to the action of the writ, in contradistinction from a plea to the action. Action, among physicians. The actions of the hu- man body are divided into the vital, animal, or natural ones. Vital actions are those, without which life could not be maintained: such is the motion of the heart and lungs. Under animal actions are comprehended the senses, imagination, judgment, and voluntary motions, without which we could not live comfortably. Lastly, nalural actions are those which, though not so immediately necessary to life,but that we may live some time at least without them, yet are absolutely necessary to our well being: such is digestion. Action, in commerce, a terra used abroad for a certain part or share of a public company's capital stock. Thus, if a company has 400,000 livres capital stock, this may be divided into 400 actions, each consisting of 1,000 livres. Hence, a man is said to have two, four, &c. actions, ac- cording as he has the property of two, four, &c. thousand livres, capital stock. The transferring of actions, abroad, is performed much in the same manner as stocks are with us. ACTIONARY, or Actionist, in commerce, a term used among foreigners, for the proprietor of an action, or share of a public company's stock. ACTIVE, among grammarians, an appellation given to words expressing some action, as I write, I read, &c. These are denominated verbs, or active verbs, from the Latin verbum, a word. ACTOR, in a theatrical sense, is a man who acts some part or character in a play. Actors were at first few in number, one or two persons oft- en acting all the characters in a play. At present, however, their number is not limited: a circumstance which creates such a diversity as must greatly interest the spectators. It is remarkable with what difference actors were treated among the anc ients. At Athens they were held in such es- teem, as to be sometimes appointed to discharge embassies, and other negotiations : whereas, at Rome, if a citizen be- came an actor, he forfeited his freedom. Among the mod- erns, actors are best treated in England ; the French hav- ing much the same opinion of them as the Romans had. Actor was the name of a person who had the superin- tendence of all the goods of a Roman citizen. He was called actor bonorum. Actor summarum, a slave, to whom was committed the office of cash keeper. Actor, among civilians, the proctor or advocate in civil courts or causes. ACTORUM tabula, tables instituted by ServiusTul- lius, in which the births of children were registered. ACTUARLE naves, in Roman antiquity, a kind of ships designed chiefly for expedition. ACTUARIUS, an officer, cr rather notary, appointed to write down the proceedings of a court. Actuarii were also officers who kept the military ac- counts, and distributed the corn to the soldiers. ACTUS, in antiquity, a measure of length, containing one hundred and twenty Roman feet. The square of the actus, was just half of the Roman acre or jugerum. ACULEATE, or Aculeated, an appellation given to any thing that has aculei, or prickles : thus fishes are divided into those with aculeated, and not aculeated fins. ACULER, in the manege, is said of a horse, when working upon volts, he does not go far enough forward, at every time or motion ; so that his shoulders embrace or take in too little ground, and his croupe comes too near the centre of the volt. ACUMINA, in antiquity, a kind of military omen, taken from the points or edges of spears, sword3, &c. ACUPUNCTURE, in the Chinese and Japanese sur- gery, a method of curing several disorders, by pricking the part affected with a needle. This operation is performed with a gold or silver nee- dle, which they strike into the body with their hand, or with a hammer provided for that purpose. Not only the legs, arms, and the like parts, are pricked in this manner, but likewise the head and abdomen. They have recourse to acupuncture in the head for headaches, lethargies, epilepsies, convulsions, diseases of the eyes, &c. and in the abdomen for colics, dysenteries, want of appetite, surfeits, &c. ACUTE, an appellation given to such things as termi- nate in a sharp point or edge : thus, we say, an acute an- gle, acute angled triangle, &c. See Geometry. Acute diseases, among physicians, those which sud- denly rise to their crisis, and terminate in a few days. They are extremely dangerous, as not affording time to administer proper medicines. Acute, in music, an epithet given to sharp or shrill sounds, in opposition to those called grave. ACUTIATORES, in antiquity, a kind of smiths re- tained in the ancient armies for sharpening the arms. ACUTITION, in grammar, the pronouncing, or mark- ing, a syllable with an acute accent. AD, a Latin preposition, expressing the relation of one thing to another. It is frequently prefixed to other words : thus, Ap bestias, in antiquity, a kind of punishment, which consisted in throwing the criminal to wild beasts. Ad hominem, among logicians, an argument drawn from the professed belief or principles of those with whom we argue. Ad libitum, at discretion, in music, the same with piace, or si piace. Ad ludos, in Roman antiquity, a kind of punishment, whereby the criminals entertained the people, either bv fighting with wild beasts, or with each other. Ad metalla, in Roman antiquity, the punishment of such criminals as were condemned to the mines, and therefore called metallici. A piece of excellent policy, thus to make the punishment of rogues doubly subservient to the good of the commonwealth. Ad valorem, among the officers of the kind's revenue a term used for such duties, or customs, as are paid ac- cording to the value of the goods sworn to by th«3 owner ADACTED, in military affairs, is a term applied 1o stakes, or piles, driven into the earth by large malls shod with iron, as in securing ramparts or pontoons. ADAGIO, softly, leisurely, in music, a term used to denote the slowest ef all times, the grave only excepted ADD IDE Sometimes it is repeated, adagio adagio, to signify a still greater retardation of time. ADALIDES, in Spain, officers of justice for matters that tespect the military forces. ADAMANTINE spar. See Mineralogy. Adamantine, terra1, the sixth order of earths; to this order belongs the corundum. ADAMI pomum, in anatomy, a prominence in the fore part of the throat; so called from an idle notion, that a piece of the forbidden apple stuck in Adam's throat, and occasioned this tumour, which in reality is only the con- vex part of the first cartilage of the larynx. ADAMIC, earth, terra adamica, a name by which some call the common red clay supposed to be the ada- mah, or ruddy earth, of which the first man was formed. ADAMITES, a sect of heretics who went naked ; pre- tending that mankind were restored to the original state of innocence, wherein Adam was created. ADANSONIA, Ethiopian sour gourd, or monkey's head, is a genus of the monadelphia order and polyandria class, called after the famous French traveller in Senegal, Adanson. The essential character is, calyx simple, de- ciduous $ style very long ; stigmas many; capsules woody, ten celled, with farinaceous pulp, and many seeds. We know of but one species, the adansonia digitata. In its native country, Africa, it grows to a very large tree. Its height however is not above twelve or fifteen feet, but its circumference is often sixty or seventy feet. The fruit is pleasant, of an acid flavour, and eaten with sugar. The pulp, or a syrup made of it, is used in putrid fevers; and at Cairo the pulp reduced to a powder is administer- ed in fluxes, dysenteries, &c. It has grown, from seeds sown in a hotbed, to the height of eighteen feet in our stoves. ADAR, in Hebrew chronology, the twelfth month of the ecclesiastical, and the sixth of the civil year. It has only twenty-nine days, and answers to the last half of our February and the first part of March. ADARCON, a coin mentioned in the Scrip ures, usu- ally of gold, worth about fifteen shillings. ADARME, in commerce, a small Spanish weight used in America, and nearly equivalent to our dram. ADCRESCENTES milites, under the Roman empe- rors, a kind of junior soldiers, not unlike our cadets. ADDER. See Coluber. ADDEXTRATORES, the pope's mitre bearers; so called, according to Ducange, on account of their walk- ing at the pope's right hand, when he rides to visit the churches. ADDICTI, in Roman antiquity, slaves who were re- duced to that state because they could not satisfy some creditor; whose slaves they became till they could pay or work out the debt. ADDICTION, addictio, among the Romans, was the making over of goods to another, whether in the way of sale, or by sentence of court: the goods so delivered were called bona addicta. Debtors were sometimes delivered over in the same manner, and thence called servi addicti, as above. ADDITION, in arithmetic, the first of the four funda- mental rules of that art :• for this, and addition of fractions and decimals, see Arithmetic Addition, in algebra, is the connecting or putting t<> gether all the letters or numbers to be added, with their proper signs + or —. See Algebra. Additions, in law, denote all manner of designations! given to a man, over and above his proper name and sur- name, to show what estate, degree, mystery, place of abode, &c. he is. Additions of degree, are the same with titles of hon- our, or dignity ; as knight, lord, earl, duke, &c. Additions of estate, are yeoman, gentleman, esquire, &c. Additions of mystery or trade, are carpenter, mason, painter, engraver, &c. Additions of place or residence, are London, Edin- burgh, Bristol, York, Glasgow, Aberdeen, &c. Tnese additions were ordained to prevent one man's being grieved, or molested, for another ; and that every person might be certainly known, so as to bear his own burden. If a man is of different degrees, as duke, earl, &c. he shall have the most worthy ; and the title of knight, or baronet, is part of the party's name, and therefore ought to be rightly used ; whereas that of esquire, or gentleman, being as people please to call them, may be used or not, or varied at pleasure. An earl of Ireland is no addition of honour here ; nay, the law addition to the children of British noblemen is only that of esquire, commonly called lord. Writs without the proper additions, if excepted to, shall abate; only where the process of outlawry does not lie, additions are not necessary. The addition of a parish not in any city, must mention the county, otherwise it is not good. Addition of ratios, the same with what is otherwise called composition of ratios. Addition, among distillers, a general term for such things as are added to the wash, or liquid, while ferment- ing, with a view to increase the vinosity and quantity of the spirit, or to give it a particular flavour. Addition, in heraldry, something added to a coat of arms, as a mark of honour; and therefore directly oppo- site to abatement. Among additions we reckon a border, quarter, canton, gyron, pile, &c. In this manner the arms of a kingdom or state have been added to those of noble- men ; as happened to the dukes of Boufflers and Richlieu in the Italian war, who, by a decree of the senate of Ge- noa, were permitted to add the ensigns of that republic to those of their families. Addition, in music, a dot marked on the right side of a note, to signify that it is to be sounded or lengthened half as much more as it would have been without such mark. ADDUCTOR, in anatomy, a general name for all such muscles as serve to draw one part of the body toward an- other. See Anatomy. ADEB, in commerce, a weight used in Egypt, princi- pally for weighing rice. It is about two drams less than an English pound. ADELIA, a genus of the diocecia monadelphia class and order. Its essential character is, male blossom ; ca- lix three parted ; corolla none ; stamina many, united at the base. Female, calix five parted ; corolla none, styles three torn, caps, tricoccou*. A D I AD J There are three species of shrubs which bear this name, all of them natives of Jamaica. We do not find them re- markable for any particular quality, and therefore, as their flower has no beauty, they are seldom cultivated here. They may, however, be raised from seed, and treated as stove plants. ADELPHIANI, a sect of heretics, who always fasted on Sundays. ADEMPTION, among civilians, denotes the revoca- tion of some donation or favour. The ademption of a legacy may be done either in ex- press terms, or indirectly by disposing of it otherwise. ADENANTHERA, a genus of shrubby plants of the class and order decandria raonogynia. The flower is com- panulate; and the essential character is, calyx five toothed, petals five, globose glands affixed to the outer tip of the anthers, whence its name, legume membranaceous. Three species are at present known, but the adenan- thera pavonina is the only one which has been as yet cul- tivated in England, where, however, it has not flowered. The seeds, which are obovate, rounded, and convexly lens shaped, are very beautiful, and from their equality in weight, being each four grains, are used by goldsmiths and jewellers ; they are also eaten by the common peo- ple in India, and form a cement when beaten up with water and borax. It is one of the largest and handsomest trees in the East Indies, and commonly lives 200 years. The wood is solid and durable. With us it forms a hand- some shrub for the decoration of our stoves. ADENOS, a kind of cotton, otherwise called marine cotton. It comes from Aleppo by way of Marseilles, where it pays twenty per cent. duty. ADENOSE, abscess, is used for a hard tubercle, diffi- cult to be discussed, and resembling a gland. ADESSENARIANS, a sect of Christians, who main- •tain that Jesus Christ is really present in the eucharist, though not by way of transubstantiation. The adessenarians differ among themselves, some of them holding that the body of Jesus Christ is in the bread; others, that it is about the bread; others, that it is with the bread ; and others, that it is under the bread. ADFECTED equations, in algebra, those wherein the unknown quantity is found in two or more different pow- ers: such is xs—ax 2 -\-bx — a2b. For the solution of these and other equations, see Al- gebra. ADFILIATION, a Gothic custom, whereby the chil- dren of a former marriage are put upon the same footing With those of the second marriage. This is otherwise called unio prolium, and still retained in Germany, under the name einkindschafft. ADHESION, in physiology, is used to denote the sticking together of two bodies. Muschenbroek has given many curious experiments on the adhesion of bodies, which he properly attributes to attraction. Adhesion, in medicine and anatomy. There are fre- quent instances of the adhesion of the lungs to the pleura and diaphragm, which occasions many disorders. ADHIL, in astronomy, a star of the sixth magnitude, upon the garment of Andromeda, under the last star in her foot. ADIANTUM, maidtnhair, in botany, a genus of plants of the cryptogamia class, and of the order of Slices. The generic character is, the fructifications collected in oval spots under the reflected tops of the fronds. There are thirty-nine species, but only one, the adian- tum capillus Veneris, is a native of Great Britain, and even that is found only in a few places in Scotland and Wales. Like the other plants of this class it has no visible flower ; the seeds being contained in capsules. placed in the sinuses and folds of the leaves, and surround- ed each with an elastic ring, which contracting, bursts the capsule and scatters the minute seeds : as, however, the leaves of all the species of maidenhair have one general appearance, it is easy to distinguish them from other plants of the fern kind. Maidenhair was once highly esteemed as an expectorant, but is now generally rejected. Indeed, it has been well remarked, that if the syrop of capillaire, which is pretend- ed to be made from it, has any virtue, it is derived from the orange flower water, which is also an ingredient. ADIAPHORISTS, or Adiaphorites, names given to the modern Lutherans, in the sixteenth century. The name imports lukewarmness, or indifference ; being com- pounded of the privative a,, and of Algiers is pres- ident of the divan or council. AGAP^E, or Agapes, love feasts kept by the ancient Christians as tokens of brotherly charity and mutual be- nevolence. AGAPANTHUS, a genus of the hexandria monogy- nia class and order. This is the African tuberose hya- cinth, or African blue lily, with an umbellated flower. The corolla is one petalled and funnel shaped, hexapetaloid, regular, and this forms its essential character. We have only one species, the flowers of which are ab- solutely those of the hemerocallis, but this genus is dis- tinguished by its spathe. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, was cultivated at Hampton court in 1692; but now forms a frequent and most beautiful ornament of our green houses. It flowers in September, and contin- ues a long time in bloom. AGAPETJE, an order of nuns among the primitive Christians, who attended on and served the clergy. At first there was nothing scandalous in these societies, though they gave great offence afterward, and were whol- ly abolished by the council of Lateran, in 1139. AGA PIS lapis, a name given by ancient writers to a stone of the colour of the lion's skin; it was held in great esteem in many nations on account of its supposed vir- tues. AGARICUS, the mushroom, a genus of the cryptoga- mia class and order of fungi. The generic character is a pileus, or cap with gills underneath: gills differing in sub- stance from the rest of the plant, composed of two laminae: seeds in the gills. Authors have enumerated no less than 634 species of this fungus, and Dr. Withering gives 213 as British spe- cies. The agaricus campestris, or common mushroom, is cultivated with great success and profit in the gardens about London. The spawn is usually found in old hot beds, or horse dung, where the animals have been fed on a pasture; in which case it is supposed that the invisible seed which is scattered from the gills of the mushroom, is eaten with the grass by the cattle, and deposited un- hurt in their excrements. There it vegetates, and forms those white fibrous radicals producing tubercles like pota- toes, and which are called the spawn. The spawn may easily be known by the smell, which resembles that of the true mushroom, and which, if planted in a bed of fresh hot dung, and kept moderately dry, will soon produce a crop. It is the agaricus orcades, another of this genus, which produces the fairy rings so frequently observed in pasture fields. The agaricus caesareus, the most spendid of all the genus, is eatable, but is rarely found in Britain. It was made the vehicle for conveying poison to Claudius Caesar by his wife Agrippina. AGATE, in natural history, a genus of semipellucid gems, variegated with veins and clouds, but no zones, like the onyx. The Iceland agate is found either in detached masses, or forming a part of rocks. It has the appearance of black glass. It is usually invested with a gray or opaque crust. Its specific gravity is 2,348; colour black, or grayish black; when in very thin pieces it is green. It is com- posed, according to Bergmann, of 69 silica 22 alumine 9 iron 100 It is found in Iceland, Italy, and other places. Agate is also the name of an instrument used by flu gold wire drawers ; so called from the agate in the middle of it, which forms its principal part. AGATHOPHYLLUM, a genus of the class and or- der dodecandria monogynia. The essential character is, calyx superior, very short, toothless; corolla six petalled, somewhat villous; stamina alternately inserted into the calyx and petals; drupe juiceless with a half six celled nut, and one seed. There is but one species, a large tree, a native of Mad-. agascar, where the nut and leaves are used as spice. AGAVE, a genus of the hexandria monogynia class and order, called also the American aloe. The corolla is funnel shaped, and the essential charac- ter is, corolla erect, superior; filaments longer than the corolla, erect. The species are six, including some vari- eties with striped leaves, of which the most remarkable is agave Americana, or great American aloe. It is a vulgar notion that this plant does not flower in less than a hun- dred years. The fact is, that its flowering depends upon its growth. In hot climates therefore it is known to bloom much sooner, and in thi3 country, if it was kept in a dry stove instead of a green house, we have no doubt that it would flower earlier than it doe«=, It is chiefly remark-. AGE AGE able for the height to which the stem shoots up wheji it blooms, from twenty to thirty feet, for in our opinion (here is no beauty whatever in the flower. Cortusus is iaid to be the first European who possessed this plant in 1561. It flowered in England about the year 1698, and now scarcely a summer passes without one flowering in some of the nurseries about London. In the course of the year 1805, one of the striped leaved, said to be the first which ever flowered in England of that variety, was exhib- ited by Mr. Smith of Dalston. In Spain and Portugal there are hedges of the great agave. The leaves are said to answer all the purposes of soap, and are also good for scouring pewter and other utensils; the inward spongy substance of the dried stalks may be used for tinder; and the fibres of the leaves, when washed, dried, and beaten, will make a strong thread for common purposes. AGE is sometimes used in the same sense as generation, for a period of 30 years. Age, in chronology, denotes certain periods of the du- ration of the world. Thus, among Christian chronolo- gers, we meet with the age of the law of nature, which comprehends the whole time between Adam and Moses; the age of the Jewish law, which includes the time from Moses to Christ; and, lastly, the age of grace, or the number of years elapsed since the birth of Christ. Among ancient historians, the duration of the world is also subdivided into certain periods, called ages; of which they reckon three: the first, reaching from the creation to the del- uge which happened in Greece, during the reign of Ogyges, is called the obscure or uncertain age; the history of man- kind, during that period, being altogether uncertain. The second, called the fabulous or heroic, terminates at the first olympiad; where the third, or historical age, com- mences. The ancient poets also divide the duration of the world into four ages, or periods; the first of which they called the golden age, the second the silver age, the third the brazen age, the fourth the iron age. Not unlike these are the four ages of the world, as computed by the East Indians, who extend them to a monstrous length. Age also denotes certain degrees or periods of human life, commonly reckoned four, vis. infancy, youth, man- hood, and old age : the first of which extends to the four- teenth year; the second, to the twenty-fifth year; the third, to the fiftieth year; and the fourth to the seventy- fifth year, or rather as long as a man lives. Shakespeare divides the term of life into seven ages. Age, in law, signifies certain periods of life, when per- sons of both sexes are enabled to do certain acts, which for want of years and discretion they were incapable of before : thus a man at twelve years of age, ought to take the oath of allegiance to the king; at fourteen, which is his age of discretion, he may marry, choose his guardian, and claim his lands held in socage. Twenty-one is called full age, a man or woman being then capable of acting for themselves, or managing their affairs, making contracts, disposing of their estates, &c. which before that age they could not do. By the marriage act, no person, man or woman, can marry before 21, without the consent of pa- rents or guardians. A woman is dowable at nine years of age, may marry at twelve, with consent of parents or guardian, and at fourteen choose her guardian. If a man or woman acts in any of the above mentioned capacities, before the time prescribed by law, he or she may retract at that time, otherwise they are supposed to agree to it anew, and it shall be deemed valid. Thus, if a man mar- ries before fourteen, or a woman before twelve, they may either agree to the marriage, or not, at these several ages 5 and so in other cases. At fourteen a person may dispose of a personal estate by will, but not of lands. Age prier, atatem precari, is when an action being brought against a person under age, for lands descended to him, he, by motion or petition, shows the matter to the court, praying the action may be staid to his full age: to which the court generally agrees. As a purchaser, how- ever, a minor shall not have his age prier ; nor in any writ of assize, of dower, or petition ; but he may in any action of debt. By the civil law the case is otherwise, an in- fant or minor being obliged to answer by his tutor or cu- rator. Among the Romans it was unlawful to offer for any pub- lic office or magistracy, unless the candidate had attained to a certain age; which differed according to the offices sued for. Hence the phrases consular age, praetorian age, &c. Age of the moon, the time elapsed since her last con- junction with the sun. See Astronomy. AGEMA, in Macedonian antiquity, was a body of sold- iery, not unlike the Roman legion. AGEMOGLANS, Agiamoglans, or Azamoglans, in the Turkish customs, Christian children raised every third year, by way of tribute, from the Christians tolerat- ed in the Turkish empire. The collectors of this odious tax used to take one child out of three, selecting always the handsomest. AGENTS, among physicians and chymists, an appel- lation given to all kinds of menstruums. Agents of bank and exchange, in the commercial polity of France, are much the same with our exchange brokers. Agent and patient, in law, is said of a person who is the doer of a thing, and also the party to whom it is done. Thus, if a man who is indebted 1o another, makes his creditor his executor, and dies, the executor may retain so much of the goods of the deceased, as will satisfy bis debt; by which means he becomes agent and patient; that is, the person to whom the debt is due, and the per- son who pays it. AGENTES in rebus, in antiquity, signifies officers employed under the emperors of Constantinople, and dif- fering only in name from the frumentarii, whom they suc- ceeded. J AGER in Roman antiquity, a certain portion of land allowed to each citizen. It is also used, in middle age writers, for an acre of land. fe AGERATUM, a genus of the class and order svnee- ?nrm ^{f™ **"a"8; ™e corolla is compound uni- form; and the essential character is, receptacle naked ; down five awned; calyx oblong, subequal; iorollets quad- rh^Vh6 tW° TtheS5 na,i.Ve? °f Sou,h A,11erica and irVp a^ttq6! desc"Ption of tender annuals. AGERATUS lapis, a stone used by the anc enls in dy.ngand dressing of leather : possibly a species of py A G I AGO AGGER, in the ancient military art, a bank or ram- part, composed of various materials, as earth, boughs of trees, &c. The agger of the ancients was of the same nature with what the moderns call lines. Agger was also used in several other senses: as for a wall or bulwark, to keep off the sea: for the middle part of a military road, usually raised into a ridge; and some- times for the heaps of earth raised over graves, more com- monly called tumuli. AGGLUTINANTS, a class of strengthening medi- cines, of a glutinous or viscous nature ; which, by readily adhering to the solids, contribute greatly to repair their loss. They may be divided into two kinds: 1. Good nourishing food, especially jellies, whether of hartshorn, veal, mutton, &c. 2. Medicines, properly so called. AGGLUTINATION, among physicians, signifies ei- ther the adherence of new substance, or the giving a gluti- nous consistence to the animal fluids, by which they were supposed to become more fit for nourishing the body. Agglutination is also a term used by astronomers to denote the meeting of two or more stars in the same part of the zodiac, or the seeming coalition of several stars. It is more peculiarly understood of the seeming coalition of several stars, so as to form a nebulous star. AGGRAVATION in the Romish canon law is used for an ecclesiastical censure, threatening excommunication, after three admonitions used in vain. From aggravation, they proceed to re-aggravation, which is the last excom- munication. AGGREGATE terra, the seventh order of earths, comprehending those that are formed of the aggregate earths of the preceding orders. To this order belong the granites, gneissura, porphyrias, amygdalites, breccia, and arenarius. AGGREGATE, a term used in botany to express those flowers which are composed of parts or florets, so united or incorporated by means either of the receptacle or ca- lyx, that no one of them can be taken away without de- stroying the form of the whole. AGGREGATION, in natural philosophy, denotes a species of union, by which several things, nowise connected by nature, are collected together, so as to form one whole. AGIADES, in the Turkish armies, a kind of pioneers, employed in fortifying camps, &c. AGILD, or Agilde, in old law books, denotes a per- son of so little account, that whoever killed him was liable to no fine for so doing. AGIO, in commerce, a term chiefly used in Holland and at Venice, where it denotes the difference between the value of bank stock, and the current coin. Money in bank is commonly worth more than specie : thus, at Amsterdam, they formerly, before the barbarous French invasion, gave 103 or 104 florins for every 100 florins in bank. At Venice, the agio was fixed at 20 per cent. The agio of the bank of Hamburg is about 14 per cent. which is the supposed difference between the good stand- ard money of the state, and the clipped, worn, and dimin- ished currency poured info it from neighbouring states. Agio is also sometimes used for the profit arising from the discount of a note, bill, &c. Agio of assurance, the same with what we call policy of assurance, AGIOSYMANDRUM, in the Greek church, subject to the Turks, a wooden machine, used instead of bells, the use of these being prohibited. AGISTMENT, Agistage, or Agistation, in law, the taking in other people's cattle to graze, at so much per week. The term is peculiarly used for the taking in of cattle to be fed in the king's forests, as well as for the profits thence arising. Agistment is also used for a tax, burden, or charge, levied for repairing the sea banks in different parts of En- gland. Agistment lithe, is a small tithe paid to the rector or vicar for pasturage of cattle, horses, or sheep. It is, how- ever, understood to be payable only for dry or barren cattle, and not for cattle that are nourished for the plough or pail, because the parson has tithe for them in other kind. It is paid by the occupier of the ground, and not by the person who may happen to put his cattle there to graze at a certain hire per head. It is commonly estimat- ed at 2s. in the pound, according to the value of the land. See Burn's Eccl. Law, tit. Tithes. AGISTOR, or Agistator, an officer belonging to for- ests, who had the care of the cattle taken in to be grazed, and levied the monies due on that account. AGMEN, in the Roman art of war, denoted an army, or rather a part of it, in march: thus we read of the pri- mum agmen, or van guard ; medium agmen, or main body ; and the postremum agmen, or rear guard. We also meet with the agmen pilatum, which was a part of the army, drawn up in form of an oblong parallelogram, and answer- ing to what the moderns call column. The agmen quad- ratum, however, or square form, was that mostly practised in the Roman armies. AGNOETiE, a sect of heretics, so called on account of their maintaining that Christ was ignorant of many tilings, and particularly of the day of judgment: an opin- ion which they built upon the text, Mark xiii. 32. AGNOMEN, in Roman antiquity, a kind of fourth or honorary name given to a person on account of some ex- traordinary action, virtue, or other accomplishment. Thus the agnomen Africanus was bestowed upon Publius Corne- lius Scipio, on account of his great achievements in Africa. In cases of adoption, it was usual to retain their former cognomen, or family name, by way of agnomen : thus Mar- cus Junius Brutus, being adopted by Quint us Servilius Caepio, called himself Quintus Servilius Caepio Brutus. AGNUS dei, in the church of Rome, a cake of wax, stamped with the figure of a lamb supporting a cross. These being consecrated by the pope with great solemni- ty, and distributed among the people, are supposed to have great efficacy : as to preserve those who carry them worthily, and with faith, from all manner of accidents ; to expel evils spirits, &c. It is also a popular name for that part of the mass, where the priest strikes his breast thrice, and says the prayer beginning with the words ao*- nus dei. AGONALIA, festivals celebrated in honour of Janus, or of the god Agonius, whom the Romans invoked before undertaking any affair of importance. They seem to have been kept three times in the year, vis. on the 5th of the ides of January, on the 12th of the calends of June. and on the 3d of the ides of December. A G R AG \ AGONISTICI, a name given by Donatus to such of his disciples as he sent to fairs, markets, and other public places, to preach and propagate his doctrine. AGON1UM, in Roman antiquity, was used for the day on which the rex sacrorum sacrificed a victim, as well as for the place where the games were celebrated, other- wise called agon. AGONOTHETA, or Agonothetes, in Grecian an- tiquity, was the president or superintendant of the sacred games; who not only defrayed the expenses attending them, but inspected the manners and discipline of the ath- letae, and adjudged the prizes to the victors. At first there was only one agonotbeta in the Olympic games; but several colleagues were afterward joined with him, three of whom had the direction of the horse races, three others of the pentathlon, and the re3t of the other exercises. AGONYCLITiE, or Agonvclites, a sect of Chris- tians, in the seventh century, who prayed always standing, as thinking it unlawful to kneel. AGORANOMUS, a magistrate of Athens who had the regulation of weights and measures, of the prices of pro- visions, &c. The agoranomus answered in part to the sedile of the Romans. AGOSTUS signifies the part of the arm from the fin- gers to the elbow: also the palm or hollow of the hand. AGRARIAN stations, agraria stationes, in the Ro- man art of war, were a kind of advanced guards, posted in the fields. Agrarian laws, among the same people, were those relating to the division and distribution of lands; of which there were a great number: but that called the agrarian law by way of eminence, was published by Spurius Cas- sius, about the year of Rome 268, for dividing the con- quered lands equally among all the citizens, and limiting the number of acres which each citizen might enjoy. AGREEMENT, in law, signifies the consent of persons to any thing done, or to be done. There are three kinds of agreement; first, an agreement already executed at the beginning; as when money is paid, or other satisfaction made for the thing agreed to. Secondly, an agreement after an act done by another, to which a person agrees : this is also executed. Thirdly, an agreement executory, or to be executed in time to come. An agreement is generally made preparatory to some more formal instrument of conveyance. On breach of an agreement there is a remedy either at common law, or in a court of equity. But when the matter is merely in dam- ages, there the remedy is at law; because the damages cannot be ascertained by the conscience of the chancel- lor, but by the verdict of a jury. All agreements to be valid ought to be on a stamp, or at least duly stamped at the stamp office within the time limited by law, vis. twen- ty-one days after the date of the agreement. AGRICULTURE. See Gardening and Husband- RV. AGRIMONIA, a genus of the dodecandria digynia class and order of plants, with rosaceous flowers, the cup of which at length becomes an oblong echinated fruit, con- taining one or two oblong seeds. The essential character is, calyx five cleft, fenced with one another; petals five; seeds two, at the bottom of the calyx. There are five species ; two, the A. rupatoria, or com- mon A. and the A. odorata, natives of Great Britain. The leaves of the common agrimony make a very pleas- ant tea, said to be good in the jaundice, in cachectic cases, and in obstructions of the liver and spleen. The country people also formerly used it, by way of cataplasm, in con- tusions and fresh wounds. AGR1PPA, a denomination given by ancient as well as modern physicians, to children born with the feet fore- most. See Midwifery. AGROSTEM A, a genus of decandrious plants, accord- ing to Linnaeus; but comprehended among the lychnises by Tournefort. The class and order is decandria pentagynia. The co- rolla is wheel shaped ; and the essential character is, ca- lyx one leaved, coriaceous ; petals five, clawed ; border obtuse, undivided ; capsule one celled. There are four species, all well known as highly orna- mental to our fields and gardens. The A. githago, or corn cockle, though a troublesome weed to the farmer, is beautiful to the eye. It is an annual plant, and flowers in June and July. The agrostema coronaria, or rose campi- on, has long been an inhabitant of our gardens, and the double variety is particularly handsome. It is biennial, and sometimes perennial, though apt, in the gardener's phrase, to fog off after it has flowered. The A. flos Jovis is more rare, but is an elegant perennial. The A. cceli rosa is an annual, very delicate and beautiful. AGROSTIS, a genus of triandrious plants, called in English bent grass. It is of the class and order triandria digynia. The essential character is, calyx bivalve, one flowered, a little less than the corolla ; stigmas longitudi- nally shaped. There are not less than 35 species of this grass; most of them are foreign, and some only annual. About eight species are enumerated as natives of Britain. AGROSTOGRAPHIA signifies the history or de scription of grasses. Such is that of Scheuzer, con- taining an accurate description of several hundred species of grass. AGROUND, expresses the situation of a ship, the bottom of which rests on the ground. AGRYPNIA, denotes much the same with watchful- ness, or an inaptitude to sleep; which is a very trouble- some symptom of feverish, and other disorders. Agrypnia, in the Greek church, the vigil of any of the greater festivals. AGUE, a general name for all intermittent fevers, which, according to the different times of the return of the feverish paroxysm, or fit, are denominated quotidian, tertian, or quartan agues. See Medicine. AGURAH, in Jewish antiquity, the name of a silver coin, otherwise called gerah and keshitah. AGUSADURA, Agusage, in our old customs, a certain fee paid by vassals to their lord, for the sharpening ot their plough tackle. ' l a AGYNEIA, a genus of the monoecia monadelphia class and order. The essential character is, calyx six leaved; corolla none In the male flowers the anthers are three, growing to the rudiments of the style In the female the germ is perforated at top, without' stvlp nr sterna. " A I R A I R The genus comprehends two shrubs, natives of China, hut of little note. AGYNIANI, a sect of heretics who condemned all carnal commerce with women. AHEAD, refers to any object that lie3 immediately before a ship, or toward that point of the compass to which her prow is directed, used in opposition to astern. AHULL, denotes the situation of a ship, when all her sails are furled, on account of the violence of a storm, and when, having lashed her helm to the lee side, she lies nearly with her side to the wind and sea, her head being somewhat inclined to the direction of the wind. AID, in law, denotes a petition made in court to call in help from another person, who has interest in land, or other thing contested. This is called aid prier, which not only strengthens the party that prays for the aid, but gives the other person an opportunity of avoiding the prej- udice that might otherwise accrue to his own right. Thus, a tenant for life may pray aid of the person in reversion; and a city or borough that holds a free farm of the king, if any thing is demanded of them, may pray for aid of the king. Aid, auxilium, in ancient customs, a subsidy paid by vassals to their lord on certain occasions. Such were the aid of relief, paid upon the death of the lord mesne, to his heir; the aid cheval, or capital aid, due to the chief lord on several occasions ; as to make his eldest son a knight, to make up a portion for marrying his daugh- ter, and so in other cases. AIGHENDALE, the name of a liquid measure used in Lancashire, containing seven quarts. AIGUILLE, an instrument used by engineers to pierce a rock for the lodgment of powder; as in a mine, or to mine a rock, so as to excavate and make roads. AIGUISCE', Aiguisse', or Eguisce', in heraldry, de- notes a cross with its four ei.ds sharpened, but so as to terminate in obtuse angles. It differs from the cross fitchee, inasmuch as the latter goes tapering by degrees to a point, and the former only at the ends. AILANTHUS denotes, in Amboyna, the tree of heav- en, so called on account of its lofty growth; a genus of tree, the class and order of which are not ascertained: some accounting it polygamia monoecia, and some dioecia decandria. It has male, female, and hermaphrodite flow- ers. It is a native of China, but grows very fast in our climate, and is recommended for ornamental plantations. If the bark is wounded, a resinous juice flows out, which hardens in a few days. The wood is hard, heavy, glossy, resembling satin. We know of only one species. AILE, orAiEL, in law, a writ which lies where a per- son's grandfather, or great grandfather, being seized of lands, &c. in fee simple the day that he died, the stranger abates or enters the same day, and dispossesses the heir of his inheritance. AIM FRONTLET, a piece of wood, hollowed out to fit the muzzle of a gun, to make it of an equal height with the breech, formerly made use of by the gunners to level and direct their pieces. AIR. The most important discoveries of modern phi- losophy are those which relate to the composition of flu- ids, and of the elastic or aerial fluids in particular. The restricted form of a dictionary, which is confined to the alphabetical arrangement, renders the development of rOL. I. 7 seience, so as to meet and satisfy the ideas of the youu; student, in some measure difficult. We shall depart from it in this instance, in order to render clear, if possible, the present most important article, which may serve in some measure as a key to the most valuable discoveries of mod- ern science. The air, even of the atmosphere, was formerly account- ed an elementary principle. It never entered into the minds of philosophers that it was of a compound nature. It is indeed somewhat extraordinary that they never were led to investigate the causes of fluidity itself, or to in- quire what were the circumstances which constituted a fluid substance. Previous to the grand discovery of Dr. Black, Boer- haave, Hales, and some other philosophers, had suspected that the presence of heat, or the elementary matter of fire, was the efficient cause of fluidity. The melting of tallow, wax, and metals, by the application of heat, and the con- densation of water into ice, by the withdrawing of it, had led them insensibly to this conclusion; which was con- firmed on finding that mercury, which has so strong an at traction or affinity for the matter of heat or fire, that it remains fluid in the usual temperature of our atmosphere, became a solid metallic mass, ductile, and possessing all the qualities of a metal, in a certain degree of cold, be- yond what is common in these climates. The indefatigable Dr. Black, on investigating fully the nature of heat, or elementary fire, found that the first ef- fect of its admission in a larger quantity than usual to solid bodies was to expand them; that the next effect was to reduce them to a fluid state; and that the last ef- fect was to present them in a state of an elastic or aerial fluid. Thus, water, in what may be called its natural state, is ice; by the application of a higher degree of heat, above 32 degrees of our thermometer, it becomes fluid: and by increasing the heat to above 212 degrees, it is con- verted into vapour, which is an elastic or compressible fluid. Hence it was concluded, that heat, elementary fire, or, as it is called in modern chymistry, caloric, is the only permanent fluid in nature, and the cause of all fluidi- ty in all other substances whatever. It was found also, that certain substances had a stronger attraction for calo- ric than others; hence it was accounted for why certain matters continued in a fluid state, and some even in that of elastic fluids, in the ordinary state of our atmosphere. See Caloric and Fluidity. Some of these aeriform fluids are found to retain their elasticity only in a very high temperature. Such is the vapour from common water; such as forms smoke, clouds, &c. and such are the vapours which arise in distillation, and which are condensed as soon as the superfluous calo- ric, or heat, is withdrawn; See Distillation; while oth- ers retain their aerial form in all the varieties of our atmo- sphere. Hence arose a distinction between elastic fluids and permanently elastic fluids. These latter, for a rea- son that will be presently assigned, were called gases. Some of these will be found to be sbnple, that is, when caloric is united with some simple elementary substance ; others will be found of a compound nature, when two ele- mentary substances are held suspended in a mixed state by the matter of caloric; and such is our common atmo- spheric air, which consists of two elementary substances ; oxygen in the proportion of about one fourth, and atote A I R A I R about three fourths, suspended in a mass of caloric. See Oxygen, Azote, &c. Hence it is evident that the aeriform fluids differ from each other, according to the nature of the elementary principles which form their respective bases. This was, however, a matter which did not strike the early chymists. Though they perceived that those fluids which were oc- casionally raised in their processes, were permanently elastic, and different in their nature from common air, they did not inquire into their different properties, contenting themselves with giving them a name which meant nothing, denominating them, in general, spiritus sylvestris. Van Helmont distinguished them by the name of gas, which he defined to be a spirit, or incoercible vapour, as the word gas, or rather ghoast, in the Dutch language, signifies. He supposes the gas to have been retained by the substances from which it is extracted, in a fixed or concrete form. He asserts, that sixty-two pounds of charcoal contain sixty-one of gas, and only one of earth, and attributes the fatal effects which workmen experience occasionally in mines to the emancipation of this spirit. On the same principle he accounts for the eructations from the stomach and bowels, and for the floating of drowned bodies; and he concludes by determining, that this gas is a fluid of a nature quite different from that of our common air. The existence of two different kinds of vapour or elas- tic fluids, had been previously observed in mines and coal works : the one was observed to affect animals with a sense of suffocation, and to extinguish life, and it therefore ob- tained the name of the choke damp ; the other, from the dangerous property of catching fire when a candle or any ignited body was brought in contact with it, was termed the fire damp. A specimen of the fire damp, or inflammable air, was collected from a coal mine of sir James Lowther, in Cum- berland, and brought up in bladders to be exhibited to the Royal Society at London, in the year 1733; and in the year 1736 Mr. John Maud procured, from the solution of iron in oil of vitriol, a quantity of the very same spe- cies of inflammable air, and demonstrated that the same might be procured from most of the metals in certain cir- cumstances. The experiments of Van Helmont were greatly improv- ed upon by the sagacious Boyle. He changed the name of gas to that of artificial air; he demonstrated, that this artificial air was not always the same ; for instance, that the air produced by fermentation is essentially differ- ent from that which is formed from the explosion of gunpowder. He was the first who perceived that the vol- ume of air was diminished by the combustion of certain substances. This last observation of Mr. Boyle seems particularly to have attracted the attention of Dr. Hales, and he inventr ed instruments for determining the quantities both of the air, which was on some occasions produced, and on other occasions absorbed, by different substances. These ex- periments deserve the attention of every philosopher, and for accuracy or ingenuity have never been ex- ceeded. Among other circumstances which were particularly re- marked by Dr. Hales, was the great quantity of air contain- ed io the acidulated mineral waters, and to thh air he sus- pected they were indebted for their sparkling and bright- ness, and some other of their peculiar qualiies. In ob- serving the absorption of air by bodies in combustion, he saw that this absorption had its limits : he remarked also, in some cases, the alternate production and absorption of air, as for instance in respect to the air which he produced from the burning of nitre, which air, he observed, was very soon diminished in bulk, though he did not perceive that the absorption was owing to the water, which he al- ways used in his experiments. The production of an air capable of inflammation from the distillation of certain sub- stances did not escape his observation; and he has ad- vanced, that the augmentation of weight in the metallic calces was in some degree owing to the air which they im- bibed. That the phosphorus of llomberg diminishes the air in which it is burned; that nitre cannot explode in vacuo; and that air is in general necessary to the crystal- lization of salts; are among the facts, which are noticed by this philosopher. From the uncertainty, however, of Dr. Hales and his pre- decessors, with regard to several material circumstances, of which they appear to have had some casual glimpses, and from their total ignorance of others, the doctrine of the aerial fluids was but in a state of infancy, till the deci- sive experiments of Dr. Black, Mr. Cavendish, and Dr. Priestley, furnished us with a new system in this import- ant department of natural history. The first of these philosophers observed, that lime and magnesia, in their mild stale, consist of an union of a certain aerial fluid with the earthy base ; that this aerial matter is actually extracted by the operation of burning, which re- duces ordinary calcareous earth to the state of quick lime ; and that it is afterward reabsorbed by the quick lime when exposed to the air. On this principle he was able, not only to account for the loss of weight by the burning of limestone, but to estimate to the greatest nicety the additional weight which it could acquire from the atmosphere. He extract- ed the gas, to which he ga\e the name of fixed or fixable air, also by another process, namely, by dissolving the calcareous earth in acids ; he found that the causticity of lime depended upon its violently attracting from vegeta- ble and animal matter a portion of that air of which it had been deprived, and that upon this principle he was ena- bled to render caustic the alkaline salts. To Mr. Cavendish the second place in the order of this history belongs. He pursued the experiments of Dr. Black, and ascertained the quantity of fixed air which could be retained by the fixed and volatile alkalies. He accounted for the nature of acidulated waters, by the fix- able air which they contained. He procured a species ot inflammable air from solutions of iron and zinc in vitri- olic acid ; and he was the first who remarked, that a solu- tion of copper in spirit of salt, instead of yielding inflam- mable air, like that of iron or zinc, afforded a particular spe- cies of air, which lost its elasticity by coming in contact with water. Dr. Priestley commenced his philosophical career by some experiments upon fixable air: and the first of his and now commonly practised in the imitations of the arid' ulated mineral waters. The doctor tried the power of A I R A I R fixable air ,)w i animal and vegetable life, and found it fatal to both. The indefatigable mind of Dr. Priestley was not, how- ever, to be satisfied with the investigation of a single ob- ject. He next turned his attention to the nature of atmo- spheric air. He observed, after Dr. Hales, its diminution by different processes, as by combustion, &c. but differs as to the cause. Dr. Hales supposed the specific gravity of the air to be increased; but Dr. Priestley judged, that the denser part of the air is precipitated, and that the re- mainder is actually made lighter. The discovery that the atmospheric air is purified by vegetation is also Dr. Priestley's. On pursuing the experiments of Mr. Cavendish on in- flammable air, the doctor found that it was not only pro- ducible from iron and zinc, but from every inflammable substance whatever. Dr. Priestley discovered the cause that air, which has been respired, is fatal to animal life, to be, that it becomes impregnated with something stimulating to the lungs, for they are affected in the same manner as when exposed to any other kind of noxious afa. But his most important discovery was, that the nitrous air which he procured from the solution of metals in the nitrous acid, had the property of destroying the purest part of the common air. On pursuing his experiments Dr. Priestley found, on extracting airs from different sub- stances, that the air produced from calcined mercury, was of a purer nature, and more favourable to animal life and combustion, than common atmospheric air : it was, in truth, the same with the pure part of the air which was destroy- ed by the nitrous gas, as well as by breathing and com- bustion. He therefore denominated it pure or vital air, and this was afterward found to be what is now call- ed oxygen air or gas, the basis of which is oxygen, al- ready noticed under the article Acid. Dr. Priestley continued his experiments on inflamma- ble aii, and found that all the metals which yield it when dissolved in acids, yielded it by means of heat alone ; his mode of extracting it was by subjecting the filings of the different metals in vacuo to the action of a burning glass. The next remarkable, and perhaps the most important discovery, was that of Mr. Cavendish, which has explain- ed to us the nature and composition of water. Mr. Cav- endish was led to this great discovery by an experiment of Mr. Warltire, related by Dr. Priestley, in which it was found, that on inflaming a mixture of common and inflam- mable air by the electric spark, a loss of weight always ensued, and that the inside of the vessel in which it was fired became always moist or dewy, though ever so care- fully dried before. On repeating the experiment, Mr. Cavendish did not perceive the diminution of weight which Mr. AVarltire supposed to take place, but the latter ef- fect was completely exemplified. In prosecuting the ex- periment, it appeared that it was only the pure or empy- real part, that is, about one fourth, of the common air which was consumed, and the water produced was per- fectly tasteless and pure; on mixing vital with inflamma- ble air in a due proportion, and passing through them an electric spark, the whole portion lost its elasticity, and was condensed into water. 7* Mr. Cavendish pursued his experiments with remarka- ble success, to ascertain the constituent principles of what was then called phlogisticated air, or that which constitutes the impure and unrespirable portion of the atmospheric air; and by passing the electric spark through common air, and through a certain mixture of vi- tal and phlogisticated airs, he was able totally to con dense the latter, and to ascertain its constituent principle to be the same with that of nitrous acid, with, as he then thought, a small portion of inflammable matter. In this latter opinion, however, he has since been corrected by La- voisier, and other modern chymists, who have proved that azotic, or phlogisticated air, as it is called by the En- glish chymists, is no other than the basis of the nitrous acid. In Mr. Cavendish's experiment, as he probably used air which had been rendered impure by combustion, some small portion of charcoal, or other inflammable matter, might be contained in the air. Some gases exist in nature without the aid of art, and may be collected; others are only producible by artificial means. The principal airs, or gases, noticed in modern philosophy are, Oxygen gas or air. Nitrogen gas or air. Hydrogen gas or air. Ammoniacal gas or air. Carbonic acid gas. Phosphorated hydrogen gas. Nitrous gas or air. Sulphureous acid gas. Gaseous oxyd of azote. Muriatic acid gas. Carbonated hydrogen gas. Oxygenated muriatic acid gas. Sulphuratedhydrogengas. Fluoric acid gas. Air vital, or Oxygen gas, formerly termed also dephlo- gisticated and empyreal air: is a substance destitute both of taste and smell, but possessing in an eminent de- gree the power of increasing and supporting animal life and combustion. It is heavier at the same time than at- mospheric air, in the proportion of 103 to 100, and the latter maintains life only in consequence of the quantity of this fluid it contains. This proportion is rated an 27 in 100. This air changes the colour of animal and vegetable substances. It is a composition of oxygen and caloric. Combustion by it is rendered amazingly intense; and its powers, when urged by the blow pipe, far exceed the pow- ers of any burning lens. A lighted wax taper, fixed to an iron wire, and let down into a vessel of this gas, burns with an inconceivable bril- liancy. If the taper is blown out, and let down into a vessel of the gas, while the snuff remains red hot, it in- stantly rekindles. A red hot piece of charcoal im- mersed in this gas, throws out beautiful sparks. In this gas thin iron wire will burn with beautiful effect. During every combustion in oxygen gas, the gas suffers a materi- al diminution; and all bodies by combustion in it acquire an addition to their weight. Oxygen, or the basis of oxygen gas, is naturally or arti- ficially combined with a great variety of substances. From some of these it may be detached by the simple ap- plication of heat, since it has a remarkable attraction for caloric, or the matter of fire, with which when it unites, it becomes expanded, and assumes the form of jras or air. AIR A I R The substances from which it may be most easily ex- tracted, by means of heat, are red lead, calcined mercury, nitre, and manganese. Dr. Priestley exposed a quantity of red lead in the focus of a burning glass twelve inches in diameter. A quantity of fixed air, or carbonic acid gas, as it is now called, was always produced at first; but after that was separated, the remainder was found to support flame, and to sustain animal life, much more vigorously than common air, and to have all the characters of dephlo- gisticated air, or oxygen gas. By various succeeding experiments of Dr. Priestley and others, it however appears, that dephlogisticated or oxygen air, may be obtained not only by means of heat, but also by the action of the vitriolic and nitrous acids upon a number of mineral aud metallic substances. This kind of air may also be obtained by the same process, from the native oxyd, or calx of manganese, or from minium or red lead, which, it is well known, is an oxyd of lead, or lead united with oxygen. The better to understand these effects, it must be ob- served, that this fluid is not found in these substances in an entire state; they only contain the basis of it, which is the oxygen ; for metals neither calcine nor burn, but in consequence of their combination with oxygen, which by that means becomes solid, and joins its weight with theirs. This oxygen is then expelled by the application of heat or caloric, which, combining with if, causes it to pass into the state of an clastic fluid ; during this process, the metal, losing the oxygen which had reduced it to the state of an oxyd or calx, assumes its metallic properties, and loses the weight which it had acquired in becoming oxidated. There is, however, a method by which oxygen gas may be obtained with less heat and g -eater facility, and it is as follows : put some red lead into a bottle, together with some good strong oil of vitriol, but without any water. Let the red lead fill about a quarter of the bottle, and the vitriolic acid be about the same quantity, or very little less; then apply a bent tube to the bottle, by inserting it through a cork, and having inverted another bottle filled with water in a basin about half filled also with water, di- rect the other end of the crooked tube into the bottle in- verted in the water. In this stage of the process we must observe, that without heat, this mixture of red lead and vitriolic acid will not afford any oxygen air, or a very inconsiderable quantity; it is necessary, therefore, to ap- ply the flame of a candle or wax taper to the bottle con- taining the ingredients, while the crooked tube opens a communication between this bottle and that inverted in the water. In this manner the red lead will yield a quan- tity of elastic fluid, which will pass through the crooked tube into the inverted bottle, and as the quantity of oxy- gen air increases in the inverted bottle, the water in it will be seen to subside; this air will not be all pure, because a considerable quantity of fixed air enters with it. In or- der to separate the fixed from the pure air, the inverted bottle, when filled with the compound of both, must be agitated in a basin of lime water, by which means the lime water will absorb the whole quantity of fixed air, and leave the dephlogisticated air or oxygen gas by itself. Oxygen gas may also be obtained in considerable quanti- ties from the decomposition of water, especially from pump water, which, when exposed to the sun, emits air slowly ; but after it has remained so for a considerable time, a green matter adheres to the bottom and sides of the glass vessel in which it remained; afterward it emits pure oxy- gen air in great quantities, and continues to do so for a long time after the green matter has exhibited symptoms of decay by turning yellow. Dr. Ingenhousz rightly supposed this green matter to belong to the vegetable kingdom, and procured pure air by putting the leaves of plants into water, and expesing them to the sun. He observes that of land vegetables the fittest for this purpose are the poisonous plants, such as byoscyamus, lauro cerasus, nightshade, &c. But he extracted the purest air from some aquatic vegetables, and from turpentine trees, but especially from the green mat- ter he collected from a stone trough, which had been kept filled with water from a spring near the high road. While Dr. Priestley was engaged in a series of experi- ments to enable him to purify contaminated air, he discov- ered that vegetables answered this purpose most effectual- ly. The experiment by which he illustrates his assertion was this : having rendered a « AT R A 1 R crooked tube be placed at the end of this iron, and bent, so that it may be passed into a glass vessel full of water inverted in the pneumatic apparatus. There will then pas3 into the glass vessel an aeriform fluid, which is in- flammable air or hydrogen gas. In this process the water suffers a decomposition, and while the hydrogen passes into the glass receiver, the oxygen unites with the sub- stance of the gun barrel, and oxydates or rusts its internal surface. The electric spark also, taken in any species of oil, produces hydrogen or inflammable air, this substance be- ing a constituent part of all the oils. The same may be said of selher, and alcohol or spirit of wine, which contain a great proportion of hydrogen. Mr. Cavallo informs us, that he has procured this kind of air from the ponds about London, in the following man- ner : fill a wide mouthed bottle with pond water, and keep it inverted in it; then with a stick stir the mud at the bottom of the pond just under the inverted bottle, so as to permit the bubbles of air which rise to be received in the inverted bottle ; and this air will be found to be inflam- mable. The ignes fatui are supposed to proceed from the inflam- mable air which abounds in marshy grounds, and to be set on fire by electric sparks. The most remarkable properties of this gas are, 1st, its great inflammability, which arises from its propensity to unite with oxygen and form water. 2dly, Its extraordina- ry levity, as already noticed. 3dly, Metals are very easi- ly revived or reduced from a calx or oxyd to the metal- lic state when heated in a receiver filled with this air. This also arises from its attraction for oxygen, which in this case is expelled from the calx; and, uniting with the hydrogen in the receiver to form water, leaves the metal pure, and in its natural state. 4thly, Plants vegetate in this fluid without impairing its inflammability. 5thly, Water will imbibe about l-13th of its bulk of this gas. 6thly, A very clear sound resembling that of the seolian harp, is produced by placing a tube of glass or earthen ware over this gas while burning. The sound may be va- ried at pleasure, by raising or lowering the tube, or by using those of different dimensions. What renders this most extraordinary is peculiar to the burning of hydrogen gas. («) This gas remains permanent over water; it is inflamma- ble. Fill a small jar or common phial with the gas, and holding it with its mouth downward, bring the gas into contact with the flame of a candle; the air will take fire, and burn silently with a bluish flame. In a strong phial mix equal parts of hydrogen gas and common air, and ap- ply to the mouth a lighted candle, and it will burn with a sudden and loud explosion. One part of oxygen gas, and two or three of hydrogen gas, will give a report equal to that of a pistol. Hydrogen gas has an unpleasant smell; it extinguishes burning bodies: it is fatal to animals; and is, as we have observed, considerably lighter than atmospherical air. These then are the three simple or original gases, from which, variously modified, all the rest are produced; and the first of these productions is universally diffused, and of the first importance to life, constituting an essential part of what we constantly breathe, and by which we are sur- rounded, atmospheric air. Air, combined, or atmospheric gas, is a mixture of two or three substances in the elastic state. By the powers of chymistry this fluid, when examined, is found to con- sist principally of oxygen air, azote, and carbonic acid in certain proportions. From the abundant production of inflammable air, or hydrogen gas, at the surface of the earth, in consequence of the corruption or decomposition of animal and vegetable matters, this fluid must also be generated ; yet its extreme levity will naturally carry it to the higher regions, so that, though a part of the atmo- sphere, it is placed in a situation beyond the examination of chymists. To a mixture then of oxygen and azotic air, with car- bonic acid, the term atmospheric air is applied ; and this mixture is in the proportion of 27 parts of oxygen air, 72 of azotic, and one of carbonic acid gas. The proofs of this composition of atmospheric air were first offered by Mr. Scheele, who found, on its exposure to certain substances, that it suffered a diminution of vol- ume, and that by this diminution it was rendered unfit for the support of life. This abstracted part, therefore, could not fail to be oxygen or vital air ; and from this mixture of oxygen and azote, he naturally inferred that atmospheric air came to be formed. This he further coo- firmed by restoring oxygen to it, in consequence of which it regained all its properties of atmospheric air. On the same subject he was succeeded by Lavoisier, who, in ad- dition to these facts, showed that the oxygen, or attracted part, was received by the substance producing the change, and could be often recovered again from it. But though the composition of atmospheric air has been thus ascertained, something still remains wanting to complete it; and this is, the manner of combining by ex- periment its parts. Hence it is doubted whether its parts exist naturally in a state of chymical combination, or of mechanical mixture. That the latter takes place appears probable from the different proportion of oxygen which it is found to contain in the higher and lower regions, it be- ing always greater toward the surface of the earth; and from the unlimited proportion in which these airs can be mixed, while the different matters present in the atmo- spheric regions may tend strongly to prevent their separa- tion. At the same time, as a proof of its simple mixture, it is soluble in 30 times its weight of water. From this knowledge of the composition of atmospheric air, an attempt has been made to ascertain its purity, or its relative capability of supporting animal life in different situations. This is effected by eudiometry, or measuring the exact quantity of oxygen the air contains. To do this it requires to add to the air some body capa- ble of combining with its oxygen, and from the diminished volume of air, the quantity of oxygen is inferred. Different substances have been employed for this pur- pose, and each preferred by different chymists. The first eudiometer was made in consequence of Dr. Priestley's discovery, that when nitrous gas is mixed with atmospheric air over water, the bulk of the mixture dimin- ishes rapidly ; in consequence of the combination of the of Z' n'/^ OX^ f 'aT01} air' and lhe ^sorption ot tne nitric acid thus formed by the water When nitrous gas is added to nitrogen gas, no diminu- tion takes place ; hut when it is mixed with oxygen o-as in proper proportions, the absorption is complete. Hence A I R \ I R it is evident, that in all cases of a mixture of these two gases, the diminution will be in proportion to the quantity of the oxygen. Of course, it will indicate the proportion of oxygen in atmospheric air, and, by mixing it with dif- ferent proportions of air, it will indicate the different quantities of oxvgen which they contain, provided the component parts of air are susceptible of variation. Dr. Priestley's method was, to mix together equal quan- tities of air and nitrous gas in a low jar, and then transfer the mixture into a narrow graduated glass tube, about three feet long, in order to measure the diminution of bulk. He expressed this diminution by the number of hun- dredth parts of nitrous gas and common air: and if the sum total was 200, or 2.00 ; suppose the residuum, when measured in the graduated tube, to amount to 104, or 1.04, and of course, that 96 parts of the whole had disappeared, he denoted the purity of the air thus tried by 104. Atmospherical air is wilhout taste, and for the most part without smell. It is invisible, transparent, necessary to the support of combustion, vegetation, and animal life, particularly respiration. It is absorbed in a certain quan- tity by wafer, and again expelled by boiling, or by the air pump removing pressure. Ai a, alkaline, or ammoniacal gas. This air possesses a strong pungent smell, and is even capable of inflaming the skin of animals. Its lightness is next to that of in- flammable air, and in specific gravity it falls short of at- mospheric air, in the proportion of 600 to 1000, and it is incapable of supporting animal life, and also combustion, though the flame of a candle enlarges before it is extin- guished by it. It is proved to be a compound of azote and hydrogen, 1000 parts of it containing 807 of azote, and 193 of hydrogen. This air has a strong attraction for water, and is rapidly absorbed by it. When dissolved with water it produces heat; and when dissolved with ice it produces cold. Ammoniacal gas was first discovered by Dr. Priestley: it is nowhere found in a natural state, but must be pro- duced by an artificial process. To obtain it, put into a retort a certain quantity of liquid ammonia, and heat the bottom of the retort, and having suffered some air to es- cape from the retort and the tube, the gas may be collect- ed in vessels filled with mercury. This gas, which seems to be nothing but ammonia deprived of water, is perfectly absorbable by water, and the solution forms liquid ammo- nia, the same which is vulgarly called sal volatile and spirit of hartshorn. It is the lightest of all the saline gases, has a penetrating odour, and gives a strong tint of green to blue vegetable colours. It combines rapidly with car- bonic, muriatic, and sulphureous acid gases, and forms neutral salts, throwing out a great deal of heat, which arises from the free state of the caloric that had been combined with these gases. Ammoniacal gas suffocates animals, and extinguishes burning bodies; but it is so far inflammable, that it in- creases the flame of a taper before it extinguishes it. Carbonic acid gas is the first elastic aeriform fluid, different from common air, that was known. We are in- debted to Dr. Black, of Edinburgh, for a knowledge of some of its most remarkable properties. In the year 1755 he discovered the affinity between it and the alkalies ; and Bergmann, in 1772, proved that it was an acid. Carbonic acid gas cannot support flame, nor animal life . its taste is acid. Neither light nor caloric seem to pro- duce any effect upon it, except that the latter dilates it. It is absorbed by water. These two fluids, after consid- erable agitation, at last unite, and form an acid fluid. The colder the water, and the greater the pressure ap- plied, the more carbonic gas it will absorb. Water, so impregnated, sparkles upon agitation ; it has an acidulous taste, and reddens tincture of litmus. Heat disengages the gas from the water. Carbonic acid gas precipitates lime from its solution in water. It is eagerly attracted by the alkalies. Its specific weight isto that of atmospheric air, as 1500 to 1000. It may be poured from one vessel into another. Of all the bases of the gases, that of carbonic acid gas is diffused in the greatest abundance throughout nature. It is found in the state of gas, and also in combination with a great variety of bodies. It may be easily obtained as follows: Put into a com- mon retort a little marble, chalk, or limestone, and pour on it sulphuric acid, diluted with about six times its weight of water ; an effervescence will ensue, and carbon- ic gas will be disengaged, which may be collected over mercury; but a mercurial apparatus is not absolutely nec- essary, since the gas may be collected over water, if it h to be used immediately. Marble, limestone, and chalk, consist of this matter and lime. On presenting to it sulphuric acid, a decomposition takes place; the sulphuric acid having a greater affinity to the lime than the carbonic acid has. It therefore unites to it, and forms sulphate of lime, disengaging, at the same time, the carbonic acid in the state of gas. Carbonic acid gas is often found in the lower parts of mines, caverns, tombs, and such other subterraneous places as contain materials for producing it: it is then called the choke damp. The grotto Del Cane, near Na- ples, has long been famous for the quantity of this gas pro- duced there, which is so great, that it runs out at the open- ing like a stream of water. A dog, or any other animal, is immediately killed, if its nose is thrust into the lower part of the cavern. But the upper part of the cavern is quite free from the gas, as it does not rise high enough to mix with the atmospheric air. Carbonic acid gas is likewise formed during fermenta- tion. On account of its great weight, it occupies the empty space of the vessel in which the fermenting proc- ess is going on. It may, in this case, be collected by plunging a vessel into it. Light carbonated hydrogen gas, is hydrogen gas holding in solution carbon or charcoal. There are several kinds of it obtained by different processes, which differ in their properties, and in the proportions of their constitu- ent principles. Light carbonated hydrogen gas has a disagreeable smell. It is neither absorbed nor altered by water. It is very inflammable, and burns with a denser and deeper coloured flame than pure hydrogen gas. Its specific grav- ity is greater than that of hydrogen gas, or of common air. This gas is produced from animal, vegetable, and min- eral substances. It is found very commonly in marshes and ditches, on the surface of putrid water, in burving A I R AI R places, common sewers, and in those situations where putrid animal and vegetable matters are accumulated. It is also generated in the intestinal canal of living ani- mals. It may be plentifully obtained from most stagnated waters. To do this, fill a wide mouthed bottle with water, and keep it inverted with a funnel in its neck : then stir the mud with a stick at the bottom just under the fun- nel, so as to collect the bubbles of air which rise in various places : as soon as the bottle is filled with gas, it must be corked undeV water. It may also be obtained during the distillation of animal and vegetable matters. Let shavings of wood or sawdust be put into a retort, and apply a gradual heat till the re- tort becomes red hot: a great quantity of gas will be dis- engaged, which may be collected over water. On exam- ining this gas, it will be found to consist of carbonic acid gas and carbonated hydrogen gas. In order to obtain the latter in a pure state, the whole must be mixed with lime water, or with caustic alkali dissolved in water. The carbonic acid gas will be absorbed, and the carbonated hydrogen gas left behind. Heavy carbonated hydrogen gas is not absorbed by water. It has an odour different from that of light carbonated hydrogen gas. It burns with a strong flame, similar to that of a resinous oil. When mixed with oxy- genated muriatic acid gas, its bulk is diminished, and oil is formed. When the mixture of these two gases is explod- ed, a quantity of charcoal is immediately deposited in the form of fine soot. When burned with oxygen gas, or when passed through a red hot tube filled with any oxyd from which oxygen is procured, carbonic acid gas is formed. This gas is obtained by decomposing spirit of wine, by sulphuric acid in a great heat. It is also obtained abund- antly, when alcohol is passed through a red hot earthen tube. Sulphuric sether, mixed with sulphuric acid, and subjected to heat, also affords it. Let four parts of sulphuric acid, and one of highly rec- tified ardent spirit, be mingled together gradually in a glass retort: heat will be disengaged, the mixture will become brown, and heavy carbonated hydrogen gas will be ex- tricated. When heat is applied, the action is very vio- lent, and thegas is procured very copiously, and may be received over water. The gas so obtained is mixed with a considerable quantity of sulphureous acid gas, from which it may be freed, by agitating it with lime water, or a solution of potash. Sulphurated htdrogen gas has the properties of an acid; for when absorbed by water, its solution reddens vegetable blues. It combines also with alkalis, earths, and with several metallic oxyds. Sulphurated hydrogen gas has an extremely offensive odour, resembling that of putrid eggs. It kills animals, and extinguishes burning bodies. When mixed with oxygen gas, or atmospheric air, it is inflammable. To obtain it, take dry sulphuret of potash, put it into a tubulated retort in a sand bath; or, supported over a lamp, direct the neck of the retort under the receiver placed in a pneumatic trough; then pour gradually upon the sul- phuret diluted sulphuric acid: a violent effervescence will take place, and sulphurated hydrogen gas will be dis- engaged. When no more gas is produced, apply heat by degrees till it boils, and gas will again be procured abundantly. The water employed for receiving it should be heated to about 80 or 90 degrees : at this temperature it dissolves little of the gas j whereas, if cold water is used, a vast quantity of it is absorbed. Water impregnated with sulphurated hydrogen gas, slightly reddens blue vegetable colours. It is this gas which gives to the mineral waters of Har- rowgate and Aix-la-Chapelle their peculiar smell. Such waters may therefore be artificially imitated, by impreg- nating common water with this gas, and adding the other constituent parts to it. This gas acts strongly on most metallic oxyds. Dip a slip of paper into a solution of lead, and expose il to the action of sulphurated hydrogen gas; and the paper will instantly become blackened. Writing performed with this solution is invisible when dry, but becomes visi- ble when immersed in a bottle filled with this gas. In this instance, the hydrogen of the gas takes the ox- ygen from these bodies, and causes them to reapproach the metallic state; at the same time, the sulphur contain- ed in the gas combines with the metal thus regenerated, and converts it into a sulphuret. Phosphorated hydrogen oas consists of phosphorus dissolved in hydrogen gas. It is the most combustible substance in nature. It is distinguished from all other gases by the property of tak- ing fire immediately when brought in contact with atmo- spheric air. When mixed with oxygen gas, or with oxy- genated muriatic acid gas, it burns with great violence. When bubbles of it are suffered to pass through wa- ter, they take fire in succession as they reach the surface of the fluid. It has an insupportable odour, similar to that of putrid fish. To obtain it, take a small retort, put into it one part of phosphorus and ten of concentrated solution of potash; make the mixture boil, and receive the gas over mercury, or, if it is intended for immediate use, it may be collected over water. In this process a decomposition of the water takes place. Its oxygen unites to part of the phosphorus, forming phosphoric acid, which joins to the potash, and forms phosphate of potash. The hydrogen of the water dissolves another part of the phosphorus, and is converted into phosphorated hydrogen gas. In preparing this gas the body of the retort should be filled as nearly as possible with the mixture, otherwise the first portion of gas which is produced inflames in the re- tort, a vacuum is formed, and the water is forced up into the retort, which endangers the bursting of it. Phosphorated hydrogen gas is also formed by nature. The air which burns at the surface of certain springs, and forms what is called burning springs, and the ignis fatuus, jacko'lantern, which glides along burying grounds, consists of this gas. If the bubbles of air which come from the retort are suffered to escape into the atmosphere, they will burst with a slight explosion, and produce flashes of fire. A circular dense white smoke rises like a ring, enlarging it- self continually in an extremely beautiful manner, if the air is perfectly tranquil. This gas burns with a green light, in nascent oxygenat- ed muriatic acid gas, under the surface of water. Put A I R A I R into a deep glass some phosphoret of lime, broken into pieces of the size of a pea, and add half as much oxygenated muriate of potash. Fill the vessel with water, and bring into contact with the materials at the bottom of the fluid some concentrated sulphuric acid. This maybe most conveniently done, by letting the acid fall through a long funnel reaching to the bottom of the vessel. A soon as the decomposition of the water, and that of the oxygenat- ed muriate takes place, flashes of fire dart from the fluid, and illuminate the bottom of the vessel with a beautiful green light. A riband, impregnated with a solution of gold, may be gilt by the action of phosphorated hydrogen gas. Nitrous gas. This name is given to an aeriform fluid, consisting of a certain quantity of nitrogen gas and oxygen; first described by Priestley, but in some measure known before to Hales. It is colourless, having no sensible taste, and is neither acid nor alkaline: it cannot be respired. The greater number of combustible bodies cannot burn in it. It is nevertheless capable of supporting the combustion of some bodies. Phosphorus burns in it, when introduced in a state of inflammation ; pyrophorus takes fire in it spontaneously. To obtain it, put into a small retort some pieces of cop- per, and pour on them nitric acid diluted with water; an effervescence takes place, and nitrous gas "will be pro- duced. After having suffered the gas to escape for a few minutes, on account of the common air contained in the retort, collect the gas in the water apparatus as usual. In order to obtain this gas in a pure state, it should be shaken for some time in contact with water. We have seen before, that water was decomposed on bringing in contact with it a metal and an acid. But here the case is different; the water suffers no alteration; on the contrary, the acid undergoes a partial decomposition ; the metal robs the nitric acid of the greatest part of its oxygen, and becomes oxydated. The remainder of the acid having lost so much of its oxygen, becomes so altered, that, at the usual temperature, it can exist no longer in the liquid state, but instantly expands, and assumes the form of gas, ceasing at the same time to be an acid. It was mentioned before, that nitrous gas greedily at- tracts oxygen gas from atmospheric air. During this union an acid is produced. Pass up into a tall cylindrical glass vessel over water, about one part of nitrous gas and two of common air. The two fluids will speedily unite, red fumes will be pro- duced, and the volume of the two combined gases will be diminished. A considerable degree of heat will be per- ceived, the wafer will rise in the vessel, and absorb the red vapours. When the two gases have mixed in proper proportion, nothing remains at last but the nitrogen gas of the atmospheric air. Usually sixteen parts of common air are requisite to destroy completely seven of nitrous gas; this, however, varies according to the purity of the atmospheric air. The nitrous ga.»:, in this experiment, decomposes the atmospheric air; it lakes the oxygen gas from the nitro- gen gas, unites with it, and forms nitrous acid. The ni- trous gas is therefore left behind ; the heat which is gene- rated, is that which kept the gases in solution, which is now set free. vol. i. 8 If, instead of atmospheric air, oxygen gas is used, this experiment will be still more striking, and the gases will almost entirely disappear. Upon this property which nitrogen gas has, of absorbing the oxygen of the atmosphere, Priestley formed the eudi ometers, already mentioned. Gaseous oxyd of azote, or nitrous oxtd. The union of azote, or nitrogen and oxygen, which we consider- ed before under the name of nitrous gas, does not consti- tute the first degree of oxygenation of nitrogen. There is another degree below this. This was formerly calleddeph- logisticated nitrous gas, but now gaseous oxyd of nitrogen, or nitrous oxyd. It was first discovered by Priestley. Professor Davy has examined with great accuracy the formation and properties of all the substances concerned in its production; and to him we are indebted for a thor- ough knowledge of this gas. We shall describe its prin- cipal properties as we find them in his Researches. Gaseous oxyd of nitrogen is a permanent gas. A cau- dle burns in it with a brilliant flame and crackling noise : before its extinction the white inner flame becomes sur- rounded with a blue one. Phosphorus introduced to it in a state of inflammation burns with increased splendour, as in oxygen gas. Sulphur introduced into it when burn- ing with a feeble blue flame, is extinguished ; but when in a state of vivid inflammation it burns with a rose coloured flame. Lighted charcoal burns in it more brilliantly than in atmospheric air. Iron wire with a small piece of wood affixed to it, and introduced inflamed into a vessel filled with this gas, burns rapidly, and throws out bright scin- tillating sparks. Nitrous oxyd is rapidly absorbed by water which has been boiled ; a quantity of gas equal to rather more than half the bulk of the water may be thus made to disap- pear ; the water acquires a sweetish taste, but its other properties do not differ perceptibly from common water. The whole gas may be expelled again by heat. It does not change blue vegetable colours. It has a sweet taste, and a faint but agreeable odour. This gas explodes wifh hydrogen, when electric sparks are made to pass through the mixture. Animals, when confined wholly in this gas, give no signs of uneasiness at first, but they soon become restless, and then die. When it is mingled with atmospheric air, and then re- ceived into the lungs, it generates highly pleasurable sen- sations: the effects it produces on the animal system are very extraordinary. It excites the body to action, and rouses the faculties of the mind, inducing a state of great exhiliration, an irresistible propensity to laughter, a rapid flow of vivid ideas, and unusual vigour and fitness for muscular exertions, in some respects resembling the sen- sations attendant on intoxication, without any languor, de- pression of spirits, or disagreeable feelings afterward, but more generally followed by vigour, and a disposition fo exertion, which gradually subsides. The accounts of these wonderful effects, which, when first announced, were scarcely credited, have been confirmed by a variety of ex- periments, so as to be past all kind of doubt. This gas is produced when substances, having a strong affinity with oxygen, are added to nitric acid, or to ni- trous gas. It may therefore be obtained by various methods, iu whrch nitrous gas or nitric acid is decomposed A I R AIR by substances capable of attracting the greater part of their oxygen. The most commodious and expeditious, as well as the cheapest mode of obtaining it, is by decom- posing nitrate of ammonia by heat in the following manner: Put into a glass retort some pure nitrate of ammonia, and apply to it an Argand's lamp: the salt will soon lique- fy, and when it begins to boil gas will be evolved. In- crease the heat gradually, till the body and neck of the retort become filled with a milky white vapour. In this state the temperature of the fused nitrate is between 340 and 480 degrees. After the decomposition has proceed- ed for some minutes, so that the gas, when examined, quickly enlarges the flame of a taper, it may be collected over water. Care should be taken during the whole proc- ess uever to suffer the temperature of the fused nitrate to rise above 500 degrees Fahrenheit, which may be easi- ly judged of from the density of the vapours in the retort, and from the quick ebullition of the fused nitrate ; for if the heat is increased beyond this point, the vapours in the retort acquire a reddish and more transparent appearance, and the fused nitrate begins to rise, and occupy twice the bulk it did before. The nitrous oxyd, after its generation, should stand over water for several hours, and is then fit for respiration, or other experiments. To experience its effects in breathing it, put about a gallon into a large bladder, or oiled silk bag, having a tube attached to it of three fourths of an inch in diameter. First, the common air must be expelled from the lungs, before the tube is received into the mouth, and the nos- trils must be accurately closed with the hand. It must -then be breathed backward and forward into the bag for a few minutes. Sulphureous acid gas is no where found in a natural state, and is entirely a production of art. It is obtained by exposing to heat in a retort, sulphuric acid, while it is exercising an action on some combustible body, such as oil, charcoal, mercury, &c. in a word, on such bodies as can take up a portion of the oxygen combined with the sulphur contained in that acid. It is sulphur combined with a less quantity of oxygen than that which is necessary to make it sulphuric acid; the combustible body, therefore, takes a part of its oxygen from the sul- phuric acid, which, by these means, becomes sulphureous acid ; and caloric combining with this acid, causes it to as- sume the gaseous form. This process requires a mercu- rial apparatus, because this gas is entirely soluble in water. Sulphureous acid gas is more than twice as heavy as atmospheric air. It extinguishes burning bodies, and suffocates animals immersed in it. It first reddens, and then destroys most of the vegetable colours. It has the property of whitening silk, and giving it a lustre. Sulphureous acid gas combines with alkalies, and forms with them neutral salts, which differ from those produced by the sulphuric acid and the same alkalies, in their form, their savour, and particularly their property of being de- composed by the weakest acids, and even the acetous acid. Muriatic acid gas is obtained by exposing to heat fuming muriated acid, put into a retort, the beak of which is introduced below a bell filled with mercury, and placed on (he shelf of a mercurial pneumatic apparatus. You may obtain it also with the same apparatus, if, in- stead of muriatic acid, you expose to heat a mixture of muriate of soda, or marine salt and sulphuric acid; the sulphuric acid combines with the soda the base ot the marine salt, and the muriatic acid remaining free, passes into the state of muriatic acid gas. Muriatic acid gas is perfectly soluble in water, and in a very short time. If you therefore introduce into the bell in which the gas has been collected, a small quantity of water, the latter, by its relative lightness, will rise to the surface of the mercury; the gas will be immediately ab- sorbed entirely, and dissolved in the water; the mercury will ascend toward the top of the bell; and the liquor found above the mercury will be real muriatic acid, more highly concentrated, according as there is more gas and less water. Muriatic acid gas, therefore, is nothing else than the muriatic acid itself deprived of water; that is to say, as much concentrated as possible, and combined with caloric, which causes it to assume the gaseous form. Muriatic acid gas has a sharp pungent odour. If a lit- tle of it is mixed with atmospheric air, it produces, like the muriatic acid, white fumes or vapours, occasioned by the combination of the gas with the moisture of the air. , The base of the muriatic acid gas i3 strongly combined with oxygen, for which it has so great an affinity, that it cannot be separated from it. The nature of this base is therefore unknown. Its affinity for oxygen is so strong, that it can even combine itself with a larger quantity of oxygen than is necessary to constitute an acid, and it then appears in the form of oxygenated muriatic gas. This gas is much heavier than atmospheric air. It gives the same signs of acidity as the muriatic acid itself; and this indeed ought to be the case, as it is the same sub- stance. It reddens blue vegetable colours, but it destroys neither them nor any of the other colours, as the oxyge- nated muriatic gas does. It combines with all the alkaline bases, and forms with them muriatic salts. If it is mixed with ammoniacal gas, it combines with it, and forms muriate of ammonia. It suffocates animals immersed in it, and extinguishes a lighted taper ; but it first enlarges its flame, and makes it appear of a green or bluish colour at the edges. Oxygenated muriatic acid gas. The dephlogisti- cated muriatic acid of Scheele, under a gaseous form, is the muriatic acid gas surcharged with oxygen. This gas is obtained by exposing the muriatic acid to heat and evaporation, whilst it is acting on a substance which contains oxygen ; such, for example, as the native oxyd of manganese: if you therefore put black oxyd of manganese and muriatic acid into a glass retort, and ex- pose them to heat, a strong fermentation will be excited, during which the muriatic acid will be converted into gas, but surcharged with oxygen, which is taken from the oxyd of the manganese, because it has a greater affinity for that substance. It may be prepared in the water apparatus, though it is absorbable by water, if care is taken to fill the bells or air jars, completely with the gas, and to leave no water in them. Oxygenated muriatic gas is not invisible, like the other gases; it is of a greenish yellow colour, which ren- ders it very perceptible. This gas destroys vegetable colours entirely. All flow- ers, and t he green leaves of plants, are rendered white by it, and alkali is not capable of restoring their colours. AIR BALLOON. This effect can only be ascribed to the absorption of oxygen. This gas, which contains oxygen in excess, gives up a part, which vegetable substances absorb with avidity, and by this absorption lose then) colour. The oxygenated muriatic acid gas then becomes converted in- to common muriatic acid gas. This property has given rise to a new method of bleach- ing, which has proved successful. The application of the oxygenated muriatic acid, either in the gaseous or the liquid state, has assisted the process of whitening thread, cotton, linen, wax, &c. in a surprising degree, and it is now very generally employed for this purpose. To show its effects in bleaching, suspend some un- bleached calico, or linen, moistened with water, in a jar filled with the gas; the natural colour of the cloth will soon begin to fade, and at last totally disappear. If dif- ferent coloured patterns of printed calico are immersed for a few minutes in the gas, their colours will soon be de- stroyed, except those which are yellow. Though oxygenated muriatic acid gas is exceedingly noxious to life, it does not extinguish combustion. If a burning taper, fixed to a wire, is immersed in it, the ta- per burns of a red colour, and more vividly than in atmo- spheric air : a greater quantity of smoke is emitted at the same time. Fill a tall receiver, furnished with a ground stopper, with oxygenated muriatic acid gas over water, and let fall into it copper, in thin leaves, called Dutch gold. The leaf, before it reaches the bottom of the receiver, will burn with a pale green light. Gold leaf may be burnt in the same manner. Copper wire, when heated to redness, also takes fire when intro- duced into the gas in that state. Fluoric acid gas. The radical of fluoric acid gas is unknown. It may be obtained by decomposing fluate of lime, Derbyshire Bpar, by means of sulphuric acid. For this purpose, put one part of powdered fluate of lime into a leaden retort, and pour over it two or three parts of sul- phuric acid. A violent action ensues, and fluoric acid gas is extricated, which must be collected over mercu- ry, either in a leaden or tin vessel, or in a glass receiver covered within with a coat of varnish or wax. When no more gas is produced, the action of the acid must be as- sisted by a gentle heat. The most remarkable property of this gas is its power of dissolving silex: it therefore dissolves glass crystals, and various precious stones. It is heavier than common air. It does not maintain combustion, nor can animals breathe it. It is absorbed by water, and forms with it liquid fluoric acid. It has a penetrating odour. It cor- rodes animal and vegetable substances. Light has no ef- fect upon it. It emits white fumes, when in contact with moist atmospheric air. It reddens blue vegetable colours. With ammonia, it forms a concrete body. It has no ac- tion upon platina, gold, silver, mercury, tin, lead, antimo- ny, cobalt, nickel, or bismuth; but it corrodes iron, ar- senic, and manganese. The property of dissolving silex has caused it to be applied to etching on glass, which is done either by means of the fluoric acid gas, or liquid fluoric acid. AIR BALLOON, a general name given to bags or other light substances filled with an aerial fluid. The art of flying, or of imitating the feathered tribe, has long been the objeot of earnest desire amongst men. Cars, artificial birds, wings, and other mechanisms for flying, generally absurd, and always insufficient, have frequently been ex hibited to the undistinguishing eye of the vulgar; but the strictest inquiry into the accounts of authentic histo- ry, finds no mention of any success having ever attended the attempts of this nature previous to the year 1782. The recent discoveries made on the nature and proper- ties of aerial fluids, by the industry of Black, Priestley, Cavendish, and others, suggested, some time before the above mentioned year, the practicability of forming ma- chines sufficient to elevate considerable weights into the regions of the atmosphere. Mr. Cavendish was the first who ascertained the specific gravity of hydrogen gas, then called inflammable air, and found it to be a vast deal light- er than common air. His experiments on this subject are published in the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1766. In consequence of this discovery*, it was natural to conclude, that if a large bladder, or other envelope, was filled with hydrogen gas, and that if the weight of the envelope added to that of the contained gas, was less thau the weight of an equal bulk of common air, the apparatus would mount up into the atmosphere, for the same reason, and in the same manner, as a cork would rise from the bottom toward the surface of the sea, supposing the cork was left at liberty in the former place. Dr. Black of Edinburgh thought of filling the allantois of a calf with hydrogen gas, for the purpose of showing at his lectures that such a body would ascend into the atmo- sphere ; but he never put the project to the test of actual experience. Early in the year 1782, Mr. Cavallo made the first at- tempts to elevate a bag full of hydrogen gas info the surrounding air, and an account of his experiments was read at a meeting of the Royal Society on the 20th of June, 1782. The weight of hydrogen gas, the mean weight of at- mospherical air, and the weight of the substance of which the vessel or bag is to be formed, being ascertained, it is easy from those particulars to determine by calculation the dimensions of a vessel, which, when filled with hydro- gen gas, might be lighter than an equal bulk of common air. Upon this principle Mr. Cavallo tried bladders, the thinnest and largest that could be procured. Some of them were cleaned with great care, removing from them all the superfluous membranes, and other matter that could possibly be scraped off; but notwithstanding all those precautions, he found the largest and lightest of those prepared bladders to be somewhat too heavy for the purpose. Some swimming bladders of fishes were also found too heavy for the experiment; nor could he even succeed to make any durable light balls by blowing hydro- gen gas into a thick solution of gums, thick varnishes, and oil paint. In short, soap balls, inflated with hydro- gen gas, were the only things of this sort which he could elevate in air; and these perhaps were the first air balloons that were ever constructed. Not long after this, news was received from France of the success which had attended an experiment of a simi lar nature made at Avignon, by Stephen Montgolfier; but the bag was not filled with hydrogen gas. It was filled with air rarefied by heat, which of course was light ci » '; AIR BALLOON. than an equal bulk of common air of the usual temper- ature. It is said that the two brothers, Stephen and John Montgolfier, began to think on the experiment of the ae- rostatic machine as early as the middle or latter end of the year 1782. The natural ascension of smoke, and of the clouds in the atmosphere, suggested the first idea; and to imitate those bodies, or to enclose a cloud in a bag, so that the latter might be elevated by the buoyancy of the former, was the first project of those celebrated gen- tlemen. Stephen Montgolfier, the eldest of the two brothers, made the first aerostatic experiment at Avignon, toward the middle of November, 1782. The machine consisted of a bag of fine silk, in the shape of a parallelopipedon, open on one side, the capacity of which was equal to about 40 cubic feet. Burning paper, applied to its aperture, served to rarefy the air, or to form the cloud; and, when sufficiently expanded, the machine ascended rapidly to the ceiling of the room. Thus the original discovery was made, which was afterward confirmed, improved, and di- versified, by different persons in different parts of the world. As soon as the news of Mr. Montgolfier's successful ex- periment reached Paris, the scientific persons of that cap- ital, justly concluding that a similar experiment might be made by filling a bag with hydrogen gas, immediately at- tempted to verify the supposition. A subscription for defraying the expenses that might attend the accomplish- ment of the project, was immediately opened ; persons of all ranks ran with eagerness to sign their names, and the necessary sum was speedily raised. Mess'rs. Roberts were appointed to construct the machine, and Mr. Charles, professor of experimental philosophy, was appointed to superintend the work. The obstacles, which opposed the accomplishment of this first attempt, were many ; but the two principal diffi- culties were to produce a large quantity of hydrogen gas, and to find a substance sufficiently light to make the bag of, and at the same time impermeable to the gas. At last they constructed a globular bag of a sort of silk stuff, called lutestring; which, in order to render it im- pervious to the gas, was covered with a certain varnish, said to consist of dissolved elastic gum. The diameter of this bag, which, from its ball like shape, was called a balloon, and from this the name air balloons was derived, was 12 feet two inches French, or about 13 feet English. It had only one aperture, like the neck of a bladder, to which a stop cock was adapted. The weight of the bal- loon, when empty, together with the stop cock, was 25 pounds. The attempts to fill this bag commenced on the 23d of August, 1783. But the operators met with many diffi- culties and disappointments, from inadvertences, want of materials, want of precaution, &c. so much so, that the accomplishment of the experiment, vis. the actual ascent of the balloon, did not take place before the 26th of the same month. On the mocning of that day the inflated balloon, having a small cord fastened to its neck, was per- mitted to rise only to the height of about 100 feet; but at five o'clock in the afternoon of the 27th, the balloon was disengaged from its fastenings, in the Champ de Mars, and rose majestically in the atmosphere before the eyes of a great many thousand spectators, and amidst a coPIO"s shower of rain. In about two minutes time it rose to tne height of about 3128 feet. After remaining in the atmo- sphere only £ of an hour, this balloon fell in a field near Gonesse, a village about 15 miles from Paris. Its fall was attributed to a rupture that was found in it, and it was reasonably imagined, that the expansion of the hydrogen gas, when the balloon had reached a much less dense part of the atmosphere, had burst it. When this balloon went up, it was found upon trial to be 35 pounds lighter than an equal bulk of common air. Thus in the years 1782 and 1783, it was ascertained that bags full of hydrogen gas, or of rarefied common air, either of which is lighter than common air in its usual state, would ascend into the atmosphere, and that they might take up considerable weights. Soon after the success of the first attempt, the Mont- golfiers repeated the experiment in the open air, and with bags of different sizes; but their first grand and public ex- hibition in the presence of a very respectable and numer- ous assembly, was made on the 5th of June, 1783, with an aerostatic machine or bag that measured 35 feet in diame- ter. The machine, inflated by the rarefied air, ascended to a considerable height, and then fell at the distance of 7668 feet from the original place of ascension. This ex- periment was described and recorded with great accuracy; and accounts of it were immediately forwarded to the court of France, to the academy of sciences, and almost as far as literary and entertaining correspondence could reach. The younger Montgolfier, arriving at Paris not long after the above mentioned public exhibition, was in- vited by the academy of sciences to repeat his singular aerostatic experiment; in consequence of which invitation, that gentleman began to construct an aerostatic machine of about 72 feet in height, at the expense of the academy. But while this operation was going on, and as a successful experiment with an inflammable air balloon had already been performed on the 27th of August, the project of making balloons became general^ and-those who wished to make the experiment on the smallest scale soon calcu- lated the necessary particulars, and found that the per- formance of the experiment was far from being either dif- ficult or expensive. The Baron de Beaumanoir, at Paris, by the suggestion of a Mr. Deschamps, was induced to try gold beater's skin, and soon made a balloon by gluing several pieces of that skin together. This balloon was no more than 19 inches in diameter; it was of course easily filled with hydrogen gas ; and on the 11th of Sep- tember, 1783, it mounted with rapidity into the atmo- sphere. Mr. Montgolfier, having completed his large balloon, agreeably to the desire of the academy, made a private experiment with it on the 11th of September, which sue ceeded. On the following day another experiment was made with the same, before the commissaries of the acad- emy, and a vast number of other spectators ; but this ex- periment, in consequence of a \ iolent shower of rain was attended with partial success : and the aerostat was'con- siderably damaged. A similar machine was speedily constructed bv the same Mi. Montgolfier, by whom the experiment was ner formed at Versailles on the 19th of September, before the royal family of France, and an innumerable concourse of AIR BALLOON. spectators. The preparation for filling the machine with rarefied air consisted of an ample scaffold, raised some feet above the ground; in the middle of which there was a well or chimney, about 16 feet in diameter; in the low- er part of which, near the ground the fire was made. The aperture of the balloon was put round the chimney or well, and the rest of it was laid down over the well and the surrounding scaffold. A3 soon as the fire was lighted the machine began to swell, acquired a convex form, Btretched itself on every side, and in 11 minutes time, the cords being cut, the machine ascended, together with a wicker basket or cage, which was fastened to it by means of a rope, and in which a sheep, a cock, and a duck, had been placed. These were the first animals that ever as- cended with an aerostatic machine. The apparatus rose to the height of about 1,440 feet, and remained in the atmo- sphere during eight minutes; then fell at the distance of about 10,200 feet from Versailles, with the animals safe in the basket. After the success of this experiment with the animals, &c. and when ten months had scarcely elapsed since Mr. Montgolfier made his first experiment of this sort, Mr. Pilatre de Rozier publicly offered himself to be the first adventurer in the newly invented machine. His offer was accepted, his courage remained undaunted, and on the 15th of October, 1783, he actually ascended into the at- mosphere, to the astonishment of a gazing multitude. The balloon with which he ascended was of an oval shape, its height being about 74, and its horizontal diameter 48 feet. The aperture or lower part of the machine had a wicker gallery about three feet broad, with a balustrade both within and without, about three feet high. The inner di- ameter of this gallery, and of the neck of the machine which passed through it, was nearly 16 feet. In the mid- dle of this aperture an iron grate or brazier was supported by means of chains, which came down from the sides of the machine. In this construction, when the machine was up in fhe air, with a fire lighted in the grate, it was easy for a person who stood in the gallery, and had fuel with him, to keep up the fire in the opening of the machine, by throwing the fuel on the grate through port holes made in the neck of the machine ; by which means the machine might be kept up as long as the person in its gallery thought proper, or till he had no fuel to supply the fire with. The first aerial voyage with an inflammable air balloon, was performed subsequent to the above mentioned exper- iment, vis. on the 1st of December, 1783. Mr. Charles and Mr. Robert, who had constructed a balloon of this sort, as has been already mentioned, were the first adventurers. The balloon was globular, its diameter being 27£ feet. A net went over the upper hemisphere, and was fasten- ed to a hoop, which went round the middle of the balloon. From this hoop ropes proceeded, and were fastened to a boat which swung a few feet below the balloon. In order to prevent the bursting of the machine by the expansion of the gas in an elevated region, a valve was made on the upper part of it, which, by pulling a string, would open and let out part of the gas. There was likewise a long silken pipe, through which the balloon was filled. The apparatus for filling it consisted of several wooden casks placed round a large tub full of water, every one of which had a long tin tube, which terminated under a ves- sel or funnel, that was inverted into the water of the tub. A tube then proceeded from this funnel, and communi- cated with the balloon, which stood just over it. Iron fil- ings and diluted sulphuric acid were put into fhe casks; and the gas. which was extricated from those materials pash ed through the tin tubes, then through the water of the tub; and, lastly, through the tube of the funnel into fhe balloon. See the Plate, fig. 1. When Mess'rs. Charles and Robert placed themselves in the boat, they had with them proper philosophical in- struments, provisions, clothing, and some bags full of sand, by way of ballast. With this preparation they ascended at three" quarters after one o'clock. At the time they went up, fhe thermometer, Fahrenheit's scale, stood at 52 degrees, the mercury in the barometer stood at 27 inches, from which they deduced their altitude to be near- ly 600 yards. During the rest of their voyage the mer- cury in the barometer moved generally between 27 inches and 27,65; rising and falling according as part of the ballast was thrown out, or some gas escaped from the bal- loon. The thermometer stood generally between 53 and 57 degrees. Soon after their ascent they remained stationary for a short time; they then went horizontally, in the direction of N.N.W. They crossed the Seine, and passed over sev- eral towns and villages, to the great astonishment of the inhabitants, who did not expect to see such a spectacle, and who had perhaps never heard of this new sort of experiment. This delicious aerial voyage lasted one hour and three quarters. At last they descended in a field near Nesle, a small town, about 27 miles distant from Paris; so that they had gone at the rate of about 15 miles per hour, without feeling the least inconvenience ; and the balloon underwent no other alteration than what was oc- casioned by the dilatation and contraction, of the gas, ac- cording to the vicissitudes of heat and cold.. The success of the experiments, which have been al- ready described, spread a universal enthusiasm through- out Europe; and the aerostatic experiments, both in the diminutive and in the large way, were soon undertaken in different countries. The first experiment of this kind was exhibited in London on the 25th of November, 1783, when an inflammable air balloon, 10 feet in diameter, was sent up by count Zambeccari, an Italian gentleman. The first aerial voyage undertaken in England, with an inflamma- ble air balloon of 33 feet in diameter, made of oil silk, was performed by Mr. Lunardi, another Italian, on the 15th of September, 1784. The abbe Bertholon seems to have been the first per- son who made use of small balloons for exploring the electricity of the atmosphere, which must be a very use- ful method, particularly in calm weather, when electrical kites cannot be raised. He raised several air balloons, to which long and slender wires were attached, the lower extremity of the wire being fastened to a glass stick or other insulated stand, whereby he obtained from such wires electricity enough to show its kind, and even sparks. On the 13th of January, 1784, an aerostatic machine, of about 37 feet in height, and 20 in diameter, was launched from the castle De Pisancon, near Romans, in Dauphiny. It rose with surprising velocity, and «is the wind was north, it went southward ; but when the machine had as- cended to the height of about 1300 feet, it went back tow- ard the north, and in less than five minutes time it a?- AIR BALLOON. ended to the height of above 6000 feet. In less than ten minutes it fell at the distance of nearly four miles. This experiment, and indeed the similar success of many others, shows that there frequently are in the atmo- sphere currents of air in different, and sometimes quite op- posite directions; this, however, is far from being al- ways the case. If different currents could always be met with at different heights above the surface of the earth, the method of guiding balloons would be extremely easy; for the aerial traveller would have nothing more to do than to place himself in the favourable current, which he might do by throwing out either some ballast or some inflammable gas, according as he wished to go higher or lower. The largest aerostatic machine ever made, and filled with rarefied air, was launched at Lyons on the 19th of January, 1784, with not less than seven persons in its gal- lery, amongst whom were Joseph Montgolfier and Pila- tre de Rozier. The height of this machine was about 131 feet, and its horizontal diameter about 104. Its weight, when it ascended, including passengers, gallery, .Sec. was about 1600 pounds. This machine, having suffered considerably in conse- quence of previous trials, was by no means in a perfect state when it ascended ; nevertheless, when the action of the fire had inflated it, the seven persons, who in spite of every remonstrance had placed themselves in the gallery, refusing to relinquish their places, the machine was re- leased from the ropes which confined it, and ascended majestically into the atmosphere. At a certain height, the wind turned it toward the west: but it afterward pro- ceeded east-south-east, ascending at the same time, until it was at least 1000 yards high. The effect which was produced on the spectators by this spectacle is described as the most extraordinary that was ever occasioned by any production of human inven- tion. It was a mixture of the strangest nature imaginable. Vociferations of joy, shrieks of fear, expressions of ap- plause, the sound of martial instruments, and the discharge of mortars, produced an effect more easily imagined than described. Some of the spectators fell on their knees, and others elevated their suppliant hands to the heavens ; some women fainted, and many wept; but the confident travellers, without showing the least appearance of fear, were continually waving their hats out of the gallery. At about fifteen minutes after the ascent, the wind shift- ed again; but it was so feeble that the machine stood al- most stationary for about four minutes. Unfortunately about this time a rent was made in the machine, which oc- casioned its descent; and when it came within 600 feet of the ground, its velocity was considerably accelerated. It is said that no less than 60,000 persons, besides the Marechaussee, ran to the spot, with the greatest appre- hension for the lives of the adventurous aerial travellers. They were immediately helped out of the gallery, and luckily no person had received any hurt, except Mr. Mont- golfier an insignificant scratch. The machine was torn in several places, besides a vertical rent of upward of 50 feet in length, which clearly shows how little danger is to be apprehended from the use of those machines, espec- ially when they are properly constructed and judiciously managed. On the 5th of April, 1784, Mess'rs. de Morveau and Ber- trand, at Dijon, ascended with an inflammable air balloon, which, according to their barometrical observations, seems to have reached the extraordinary height of 13,000 feet, when the cold was so great that the thermometer stood at 25°. On the 15th of July, the duke de Chartres, the two brothers Roberts, and another person, ascended with an inflammable air balloon, from the park of St. Cloud, at 52 minutes past seven in the morning. This balloon was of an oblong form, its dimensions being 55 feet by 34. It ascended with its greatest extension nearly horizontal; and after remaining in the atmosphere about 45 minutes, it descended at a small distance from its place of ascension. But the incidents that occurred during this aerial excur- sion deserve particular notice, as nothing like it had hap- pened before to any of the aerial travellers. This ma- chine contained an interior small balloon, filled with com- mon air; by which means it was supposed that they might regulate the ascent and the descent of the machine, with- out any loss of the hydrogen gas, or of ballast. The boat- was furnished with a helm and oars, that were intended to guide the machine, but which were in this, as well as in every other similar attempt, found to be quite useless. On the level of the sea, the mercury in the barometer stood at 30,25 inches, and at the placo of ascension it stood at 30,12. Three minutes after its ascension, the balloon was lost in the clouds, and the aerial voyagers lost sight of the earth, being involved in a dense vapour. Here an unusual agitation of the air, somewhat like a whirlwind, in a moment turned the machine three timea from the right to the left. The violent shocks which the adventurers suffered, prevented their using any of the means prepared for the direction of the machine ; and they even tore away the silk stuff of which the helm was made. Never, said they, a more dreadful situation presented it- self to any eye, than that in which they were involved. An unbounded ocean of shapeless clouds rolled beneath, and seemed to forbid their return to the earth, which was still invisible. The agitation of the balloon became great- er every moment. They cut the cords which held the interior balloon, which consequently fell on the bottom of the external balloon, just upon the aperture of the tube tbat went down to the boat, and stopped that communi- cation. At this time the thermometer was a little above 44<\ A gust of wind from below drove the balloon up- ward, to the extremity of the vapour, where the appear- ance of the sun showed them the existence of nature; but now both the heat of the sun, and the diminished den- sity of the atmosphere, occasioned such a dilatation of the gas, that the bursting of the balloon was apprehended; to avoid which, they introduced a stick through the tube, and endeavoured to remove the inner balloon, which stopped its aperture within the external balloon • but the dilatation of the gas pressed the inner balloon so' forcibly against that aperture, as to render every attempt ineffect- ual. During this time, they continually ascended, until he mercury in the barometer stood not h>her than 24 Ifi T^A S^ ""T* If1* hdSht above1he earthlo'be about 5,100 feet. In these dreadful circumstances they thought it necessary to make a hole in the balloon in or der to give exit to the gas; and accordingly the duke AIR BALLOON. himself, with one of fhe spears of the banners, made two holes in the balloon, which opened a rent of about seven or eight feet. In consequence of this, they then descend- ed rapidly, seeing at first no object either on earth or in the heavens; but a moment after, they discovered the fields, and that they were descending straight into a lake, wherein they would inevitably have fallen, had they not quickly thrown over about 60 pounds weight of ballast, which occasioned their coming down at about 30 feet be- yond the edge of the lake. Notwithstanding this rapid descent, none of the four adventurers received any hurt; and it is remarkable, that out of six glass bottles full of liquor, which were simply laid down in the boat, one only was found broken. In the course of the summer of 1784, two persons, vis. one in Spain, and another near Philadelphia, in America, were very near losing their lives by going up with rarefied air machines. The former, on the 5th of June, was scorched by the machine taking fire, and was hurt by the subsequent fall, so that his life was long despaired of. The latter, having ascended a few feet, was wafted by the wind against the wall of a house, and some part of the ma- chinery was entangled under the eaves, from which he could not extricate it. At last the great ascensional pow- er of the machine broke the ropes or chains, and the man fell from the height of about 20 feet. The machine pres- ently took fire, and was consumed. We shall now relate one of the most remarkable aerial voyages that were ever made with an aerostatic machine. It is the crossing of the English channel in an inflammable air balloon of 27 feet diameter. The adventurer in this dangerous voyage was Mr. Blanchard, an intrepid French- man, who had already made five other aerial voyages with the very same balloon, both in France and in England. Mr. Blanchard is remarkable for having made a greater number of aerial voyages in England, in France, and else- where, both before and after the crossing of the English channel, than any other person recorded in the history of aerostation. The only trial worth remarking which Mr. Blanchard appears to have made in his aerial excursions, is the ineffectual use of oars, wings, &c. for directing the balloon. Profit seems to have been the principal, if not the sole object of his numerous excursions. On Friday the 7th of January, 1785, being a fine clear morning, after a sharp frosty night, and the wind being about N.N. W. though hardly perceptible, Mr. Blanchard, accompanied by Dr. Jeffries, an American gentleman, departed in the old balloon of 27 feet diameter, from Do- ver castle, directing their course for the French coast. Previous to the departure, the balloon, with the boat con- taining the two travellers, several necessaries, and some bags of sand for ballast, were placed within two feet of the brink of the perpendicular cliff before the castle. At one o'clock the intrepid Blanchard desired the boat, &c. to be pushed off; but the weight being too great for the power of the balloon, they were obliged to throw out a considerable quantity of ballast, in consequence of which 1hey at last rose gently and majestically, though making very little way, with only three bags of ballast of ten pounds weight each. At a quarter after one o'clock, the barometer, which on the cliff stood at 29,7, was fallen to 27,3; and the weather proved fine and warm. Dr. Jef- fries describes with rapture the prospect which at this time was before their eyes. The country to fhe back of Dover, interspersed with towns and villages, of which they could count 37, made a beautiful appearance. On the other side the breakers, on the Goodwin Sands, appeared formidable. Upon the whole, they enjoyed a view per- haps more extended and diversified than was ever be- held by mortal eye. The balloon was much distended, and at 50 minutes past one o'clock was descending, in consequence of which they were obliged to throw out one bag and a half of sand. They were at this time about one third of the way from Dover, and had lost distinct sight of the castle. Not long after, finding that the balloon was descending very fast, all the remaining ballast was thrown over, as also a parcel of books, in consequence of which the balloon rose again. They were now at about half way. At a quarter past two o'clock, the rising of fhe mercury in the barometer showed that they were de- scending; inconsequence of. which the remaining books were thrown into the sea. At 25 minutes after two, they were at about three fourths of the way, and an enchanting view of the French coast appeared before their eyes; but the lower part of the balloon was collapsed, owing to the loss or condensation of the gas, and the machine was de- scending, which obliged them to throw over provisions for eating, the oars or wings of the boat, and other arti? cles. « We threw away," said Dr. Jeffries, " our only bottle, which, in its descent, cast out a steam like smoke, with a rushing noise; and when it struck the water, we heard and felt the shock very perceptibly on our car and balloon." But the balloon still approaching the sea, they began to strip and cast away their clothes. They even intended to fasten themselves to the cords, and cut the boat away, as their last resource; but at this critical point, they had the satisfaction to observe that they were rising; their distance from the French shore, which they were approaching very fast, was about four miles. Fear was now vanishing apace; the French land showed itself every moment more beautiful, more distinct, and more extended; Calais, and above 20 other towns and villages, were clearly distinguished. Exactly at three o'clock they passed over the high grounds about midway between Cape Blanc and Calais; and it is remarkable that the bal- loon at this time rose very fast, and made a magnificent arch; probably owing to the heat of the land, which rare- fied in some measure the hydrogen gas. At last they de- scended as low as the tops of the trees, in the forest of Guinnes, and opening the valve for the escape of the gas, they soon after descended safe to the ground, after hav- ing accomplished an enterprise which will probably be re- corded to the remotest posterity. The following is the melancholy account of an experi- ment which was attended with the death of two aerial ad- venturers, one of whom was Mr. de Rozier, the first person that ever ascended with an aerostatic machine. Mr. Pilatre de Rozier, desirous of diversifying and im- proving the new method of travelling through the air, formed a plan of combining the two species of aerostatic machines, from which he expected to render their joint buoyancy more lasting, and of course more useful. His plan was to place an inflammable air balloon at top, and to affix to it by means of ropes, a rarefied air balloon, so that a space of several feet might intervene between the two. The passenger or passengers were intended to take their AIR BALLOON. places in the gallery of the lower machine, whence they could regulate the fire, and might by a proper manage- ment of the fuel, elevate or depress the whole, without the necessity of losing any inflammable gas from the upper balloon. , Accordingly this plan was put in execution. The up- per or inflammable air balloon was of varnished silk, lined with a fine membrane, like gold beater's skin. The other balloon was of strong linen. On the 15th of June, 1785, at seven o'clock in the morning, every thing being ready, Mr. Pilatre de Rozier and a Mr. Romain, placed them- selves in the gallery of the balloon, with plenty of fuel, instruments, and other necessary articles, and rose in the atmosphere. The machine seemed to take the best possi- ble direction, but the wind being both feeble and shifting, they changed their direction two or three times; but when they were at a considerable height, and not above £ of a mile from the place of ascension, the machine ap- peared to be in flames, and presently the whole was pre- cipitated down to the ground. The unfortunate adven- turers were instantly killed, their bones disjointed and dreadfully mangled by the tremendous fall. How this inflammable air took fire, is variously conjec- tured ; but it is natural to suppose, that the sparks of fire must have flown from the lower to the upper or inflamma- ble air balloon. On the ground, the bag of the upper balloon was in great measure burned or scorched ; that of the lower was entire. Omitting the various uninteresting, though not nume- rous aerial voyages undertaken in various parts of the world, during the 17 years subsequent to the above men- tioned dreadful accident of Pilatre de Rozier and Mr. Romain, we shall only add the account of two aerostatic experiments lately performed in England by Mr. Garne- rin, a French aeronaut. The first of these is remarkable for the very great velocity of its motion ; the second for the exhibition of a mode of leaving the balloon, and of de- scending with safety to the ground. On the 30th of June, 1802, the wind being strong, though not impetuous, Mr. Garnerin and another gentleman as- cended with an inflammable air balloon from Ranelagh gardens on the southwest of London, between four and five o'clock in the afternoon; and in exactly three quar- ters of an hour (hey descended near the sea, at the dis- tance of four miles from Colchester. The distance of that place from Ranelagh is sixty miles: therefore they travelled at the astonishing rate of 80 miles per hour. It seems that the balloon had power enough to keep them up four or five hours longer, in which time they might have gone safe to the continent; but prudence induced them to descend when they discovered the sea not far off. The singular experiment of ascending info the atmo- sphere with an inflammable air balloon, and of descending with a machine called a parachute, was performed by Mr. Garnerin on the 21st of September, 1802. He ascended from St. George's Parade, North Audley street, and de- scended safe into a field near the small pox hospital at Pancras. The balloon was of the usual sort, viz. of oiled silk, with a net, from which ropes proceeded, which terminated in or were joined to, a single rope at a few feet below the balloon. To this rope the parachute was fastened in the following manner. The reader may easily form to himself an idea of this parachute, by imagining a large umbrella of canvas ot about 30 feet in diameter, but destitute of the ribs and handle. Several ropes of about 30 feet in length, which proceeded from the edge of the parachute, terminated ma common joining, from which shorter ropes proceeded, to the extremities of which a circular basket was fastened, and in this basket Mr. Garnerin placed himself. Now the single rope, which has been said above to proceed from the balloon, passed through a hole in the centre of the parachute, also through certain tin tubes, which were placed one after the other in the place of the handle or stick of an umbrella, and was lastly fastened to the bas- ket; so that when the balloon was in the air, by cutting the end of this rope next to the basket, the parachute, with the basket, would be separated from the balloon, and, in falling downward, would be naturally opened by the resistance of the air. The use of fhe tin tubes was to let the rope slip off with greater certainty, and to prevent its being entangled with any of the other ropes, as also to keep the parachute at a distance from the basket. The balloon began to be filled at about two o'clock. There were 36 casks filled with iron filings and diluted sulphuric acid, for the production of the hydrogen gas. These communicated with three other casks or general receivers, to each of which was fixed a tube that emptied itself into the main tube attached to the balloon. At six, the balloon being quite full of gas, and the para- chute, Sec. being attached to it, Mr. Garnerin placed him- self in (he basket, and ascended majestically amidst the acclamations of innumerable spectators. The weather was the clearest and pleasantest imaginable; the wind was gentle and about west by south ; in consequence of which Mr. Garnerin went in the direction of about east by north. In about eight minutes time, the balloon and parachute had ascended to an immense height, and Mr. Garnerin, in the basket, could scarcely be perceived. While every spectator was contemplating the grand sight before them, Mr. Garnerin cut the rope, and in an instant he was separated from the balloon, trusting his safety to the para- chute. At first, vis. before the parachute opened, he fell with great velocity; but as soon as the parachute was expand- ed, which took place a few moments after, the decent be- came very gentle and gradual. In fhis descent a remark* able circumstance was observed, namely, that the para- chute with the appendage of cords and basket, soon be- gan to vibrate like the pendulum of a clock, and the vibra- tions were so great, that more than once fhe parachute, and the basket with Mr. Garnerin, seemed to be on the same level, or quite horizontal, which appeared extreme- lydangerous: however, the extent of the vibrations di- minished as he came pretty near the ground. On coming to the earth, Mr. Garnerin experienced some pretty strong shocks, and when he came out of the basket, he was much discomposed ; but he soon recovered his spirits, and re- mained without any material hurt. As soon as the parachute was separated from the bal- loon, the latter ascended with great rapidity, and, being of an oval form, turned itself with its longer axis into an hor- izontal position. In July, 1803, Mr. Garnerin made his thirty third aerial excursion from Petersburg, accompanied by Mrs AIR A I R Garnerin, and his thirty-fifth from Moscow. During the lat- ter, a huntsman, who spied him, fired at him, which induc- ed him to descend. Omitting to notice several other ae- rial voyages undertaken since that time by different aero- nauts, several of whom were actuated by a zeal for ex- tending scientific observation; we will confine ourselves to two nocturnal excursions of the same intrepid Mr. Garnerin. He ascended from Tivoli, at Paris, on the 4th of August, 1807, at 11 o'clock in the evening, bearing the Russian flag, as a token of the peace that subsisted at that time between France and Russia. His balloon was illu- minated by twenty lamps, placed at such distance as to ob- viate all danger from their communication with the hydro- gen gas. He ascended to the height of 15,000 feet above the earth, and descended in seven hours and a half from his departure, near Loges, 45 leagues distant from Paris. Mr. Garnerin undertook a second nocturnal voyage, on the 21st. September, of the same year, in the course of which he was exposed to the most imminent danger. Prog- nosticating an approaching storm, from the state of the at- mosphere, Mr. Garnerin refused to be accompanied, though earnestly solicited. He ascended alone, from Tivoli, at 10 o'clock, and was carried up with astonishing rapidity to an immense height above the clouds. The balloon was then dilated to an alarming degree, and Mr. Garnerin hav- ing been prevented, by the turbulence of the mob, before his ascent, from regulating those parts of the apparatus which were meant to conduct the gas away from the lamps on its escape, was totally incapable of managing the bal- loon. He had no alternative left, therefore, but with one hand to make an opening two feet in diameter, through which the inflammable air was discharged in great quanti- ties; and, with the other, to extinguish as many of the lamps as he could possibly reach. The aeronaut was now without a regulating valve; and the balloon, subject to every caprice of the whirlwind, was tossed about from current to current. When the storm impelled him down- ward, he was compelled to throw out his ballast, to re- store the ascending tendency. In this forlorn condition fhe balloon rose through thick clouds, and afterward sunk, and the car, having struck against the ground, with a violent impulse, rebounded from it to a considerabbj^dti- tude. The fury of the storm dashed him against the moun- tains ; and, after many rude agitations and severe shocks, he was reduced to a state of temporary insensibility. On recovering from his perilous situation, he reached Mont Tonnerre, in a thunder storm. A very short time after, his anchor hooked in a tree ; and, in seven hours and a half, after a voyage which had nearly proved fatal to him, he landed at the distance of 300 miles from Paris, (a) We shall conclude this article with a description of the several figures on the plafe, to which we have before occasionally referred. Figure 1 represents a balloon D F, suspended by means of (he poles G and H, and the cord, for the purpose of being filled with gas. It is kept steady and held down whilst filling by ropes, which are readily disengaged. A, A, are two fubs about three feet in diam- eter, and two feet deep, inverted in larger tubs, B, B, full of water. At the bottom of each of the inverted tubs there is a hole, to which is inserted a tin lube; to these the silken tubes of fhe balloon are tied. Each of the tubs, B, is surrounded by several strong casks, so regulated in number and capacity, as to be less than half full when the vol. i. 0 materials are equally distributed. In (he top of theo< casks are two holes; to one of which is adapted a tin tube, formed so as to pass over the edge of the tub B, and through the water, and to terminate with its aperture under the inverted tub A. The other hole, which serves for supplying the cask with materials, is stopped with a wooden plug. When the balloon is to be filled, the com- mon air is first to be expelled, then the silken tubes arc fastened round the tin ones: the iron filings are to be put into the casks, then the water, and lastly the sulphuric acid. The balloon will speedily be inflated by the hy- drogen gas, and support itself without the aid of the rope GH. As the filling advances, a net is adjusted about if, the cords proceeding from the net are fastened to the hoop M N, the boat I K is suspended from the hoop, and what- ever is wanted for the voyage is deposited in the boat. When the balloon is sufficiently full, the silken tubes are separated from the tin tubes, their extremities are tied, and they are placed in the boat. When the aeronauts are seated in the boat, the ropes that held the balloon down are slipped off, and the machine ascends in the air as in figure 2. In figure 3, is a representation of a part of Mr. Garnerin's balloon in its ascent, to which is attached the parachute, in its contracted state, and below is the car. Figure 4, shows the manner in which Mr. Garnerin descended in the car by means of the expanded parachute, after he had detached it from the balloon. In figure 5 is represented an apparatus as described by Mr. Cavallo, for filling balloons of the size of two or three feet in diam- eter with inflammable air, after passing it through water. A is a bottle with the ingredients ; B C D a tube fastened in the neck at B, and passing through C, the cork of the other bottle, in which there is a hole made to receive the tube, and to this the balloon is tied. Thus the inflamma- ble air coming out of the tube D, will pass first through the water of the bottle E, and then into the balloon. Two small casks may be used instead of the bottles A and E. To obtain the gas from the coarser kind of materials, the following apparatus may be recommended. Let a vessel be made of iron in the shape of a Florence flask, figure 6. Put the substance into this vessel, so as to fill about three fourths of its cavity. Lute a tube of brass to the neck C of the vessel, and let the end D of the tube be shaped as in the figure, so that going into the wafer H I, it may terminate under a sort of inverted vessel, E F, to the upper aperture of which the balloon G is adapted. If now the part A B of the vessel is put into the fire, and made red hot, the inflammable air produced will come out of the tube C D, and passing through the water will at last enter into the balloon G. AIR GUN. See Pneumatics. AIR JACKET, a sort of jacket made of leather, in which are several bags, or bladders, composed of the same materials, communicating with each other. These are filled with air through a leather tube, having a brass stop cock accurately ground at the extremity, by which means the air blown in through the tube is confined to the bladders. The jacket must be wet before the air is biown into the bags, as otherwise it will immediately escape through the pores of the leather. By fhe-help of these blad- ders, which are placed near the breast, fhe person is sup ported in the water, without making any effort to swim. AIR A J U AIR PIPES, an invention for drawing foul air out of Bhips, or any other close places, by means of fire. These pipes were first discovered by a Mr. Sutton, a brewer in London ; and from him have got the name of Sutton's Air pipes. The principle on which their operation depends is no other than that air is necessary for the support of fire ; and, if it has not access from the places most adja- cent, will not fail to come from those that are more re- mote. Thus, in a common furnace, the air enters through the ash hole ; but if this is closed up, and a hole made in the side of a furnace, the air will rush in with great vio- lence through that hole. If a tube of any length whatever h inserted in this hole, the air will rush through the tube into the fire, and of consequence there will be a continued circulation of air in that place where the extremity of the tube is laid. Mr. Sutton's contrivance then amounts to this. As, in every ship of any bulk, there is already pro- vided a copper or boiling place proportionable to the size of (he vessel; it is proposed to clear the bad air by means of the fire already used under the coppers or boiling places for the necessary uses of the ship. It is well known, that, under every such copper or boiler, there are placed two holes, separated by a grate; the first of which is for the fire, and the other for the ashes falling from it; and that there is also a flue from the fire place upward, by which the smoke of the fire is discharged at some convenient place of the ship. It is also well known, that the fire once lighted in these fire places, is only preserved by the con- stant draught of air through these two holes and flue ; and that if the holes are closely stopped up, the fire, though burning ever so briskly before, is immediately put out. But if, after shutting up these holes, another hole is open- ed, communicating with any other room or airy place, and with the fire, it is clear the fire must burn as before, there being a like draught of air through it as there was before the stopping up of the first holes. It is therefore propos- ed, that, in order to clear the holds of ships of the bad air contained in them, the two holes above mentioned, the fire place and ash place, be both closed up with substan- tial and tight iron doors, and a copper or leaden pipe, of sufficient size, be laid from the hole into the asb place, for fhe draught of air to come in that way to feed the fire. And thus it seems plain, from what has been already said, that there will be, from the hold, a constant discharge of the air; and consequently, that air, so discharged, must he as constantly supplied by fresh air down the hatches or such other communications as are opened into the hold. And if into this principal pipe so laid into the hold, other pipes are let in, communicating respectively either with the well or lower decks, it must follow, that part of the air consumed in feeding the fire, mustbe respectively drawn out of all such places to which the communication shall be so made. AIR PUMP. See Pneumatics. AIR SHAFTS, among miners, denote holes or aper- tures let down from the open air to meet the adits, and fur- nish fresh air. Sir Robert Murray describes a method, used in the coal mines at Liege, of working mines without air shafts. When the miners at Mendip have sunk a groove, they will not be at the charge of an air shaft till they come at ore; and for the supply of air have boxes of elm exact- ly closed, of about six inches in the clear, by which they carry it down about 20 fathoms. They cut a trench at * little distance from (he top of the groove, covering it witn turf and rods disposed to receive the pipe* which they contrive to come in sideways to their groove, four teet from the top, which carries down the air to a great depth. When they come at ore, and need an air shaft, they sink it four or five fathoms distant, according to fhe convenience of the breadth, and of the same fashion with the groove, to draw as well ore as air. AIR THREADS, in natural history, a name given to the long filaments so frequently seen in autumn floating about in the air. These threads are the work of spiders, especially of that species called the long legged field spi- der. See Aranea. AIR TRUNK, is a contrivance by Dr. Hales to pre- vent the stagnation of putrid effluvia in jails and other places where a great number of people are crowded to- gether, in a small space. It consists only of a long square trunk, open at both ends; one of which is inserted into the ceiling of the room, the air of which is required to be kept pure; and the other extends a good way beyond the roof. The putrid effluvia, therefore, being lighter thao the pure air of fhe atmosphere, ascend, or are forced by it, through the trunk, and carried clear away. The reason why vapours of this kind ascend more swiftly through a long trunk than a short one, is, that the pressure of fluids is always according to their different depth, without re- gard to the diameter of their basis, or of the vessel which contains them; and, upon this principle, a gallon of wa- ter may be made to split a strong cask. When the column of putrid effluvia is long and narrow, the difference be- tween the column of atmosphere pressing on fhe upper end of the trunk, and (hat which presses on the lower end, is much greater than if the column of putrid effluvia was short and wide, and consequently the ascent is much swifter. One pan of a single pair of scales, which was two inches in diameter, being held within one of these trunks over the house of commons, (he force of the ascend- ing air made it rise so as to require four grains to restore the equilibrium, and this when there was no person in the house; but when it was full, no less than twelve grains were requisite to restore the equilibrium. AIR VESSELS are spiral ducts in the leaves, &c. of plants, supposed to be analogous to the lungs of animals, in supplying the different parts of a plant with air. See Physiology of Plants. AITONIA, so named in honour of Mr. Aiton, his maj- esty's gardener at Kew, a genus of the class and order monodelphia octandria. The essential character is, style 1, calyx four parted, corolla four petalled; berry dry, quadrangular, one celled, many seeded. There is but one species, a shrub found at the Cape of Good Hope. The segments of the calyx and the petals are red ; the fruit is also red and large. It must be kept in a good green house, or a moderate stove. A JUG A, Bugle, a genus of the gymnospermia order, and didynamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 42d order, Asperifoliaj. The characters are, the calyx is a short perianthium, monophyllous and persistent; the corolla is monopetalousand grinning- the stamina consist of four erect subulated filaments • the an- therae are dimidiated; the pistillum has a four cleft ger- ALA ALA men, a filiform stylus, and two slender stigmata; there is no pericarpium ; the calyx converging, and containing the seeds in its bosom: the seeds are four and oblong. There are six species, the principal of which are : 1. A jug a genevensis, with woolly leaves and hairy cups, a native of Switzerland, and of the southern parts of Europe. 2. Ajuga orientalis, with inverted flowers, is a na- tive of the East. 3. Ajuga pyramidalis, or mountain bugle, with a square pyramidal spike and blue flowers, a native of Swe- den, Germany, Switzerland and England. 4. Ajuga reptans, common or pasture bugle, with creeping suckers, and blue, red, or white blossoms, a native of the southern parts of Europe, and is met with in woods and moist places in many parts of Britain. The roots are astringent, and strike a black colour with vitriol of iron. AJUTAGE, or Adjutage, a sort of tube, fitted to the mouth, or aperture of the vessel, through which the water of a fountain is to be played, and by it determined into different figures. It is indeed chiefly the diversity in the ajutages that constitutes the different kinds of fountains. And hence, by having several adjutages to be supplied oc- casionally, one fountain comes to have the effect of many. See Hydraulics. AIZOON, a genus of the pentagynia order, and icos- andria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 13th order, succulentae. The characters are: the calyx is a single leaved perianthium, divided into five segments, and persistent: there is no corolla: the stamina consist of very numerous capillary filaments; the anthe- rae are simple: the pistillum has a five cornered germen above, with five simple styli; and the stigmata are simple: (he pericarpium is a bellied, refuse, five cornered capsule, having five cells and five valves ; the seeds are many and globular. There are ten species, of which, 1. Aizoon Canariense, a native of the Canary islands. 2. Aizoon Hispanicum, a native of Spain ; and, 3. Aizoon Paniculatum, a native of the Cape of Good Hope ; are the principal. They may all be raised in this country in hot beds; but they are not remarkable ei- ther for beauty or any other property. AKOND, an officer of justice in Persia, who takes cognisance of the causes of orphans and widows, of con- tracts and other civil concerns. He is the head of the school of law, and gives lectures to all the subaltern offi- cers. He has his deputies in all the courts of the king- dom, who, with the second sadra, make all contracts. AL, an Arabic particle prefixed to words, and signify- ing much the same with the English particle the: thus they say, alkermes, alkoran, &c. i.e. the kermes, the ko- ran, &c. ALA, in botany, is used for the hollow of a stalk, which either the leaf, or the pedicle of the leaf, makes with it; or it is that hollow turning, or sinus, placed be- tween the stalk or branch of a plant and the leaf, whence a new offspring usually issues. Sometimes it is used for those parts of leaves otherwise called lobes, or wings. ALABARDA, the name of a spear anciently used by the Helvetians and Germans. ALABASTER, in natural history, a species of that genus of stones whose base is calcareous earth. It differs from marble in being combined, not with the aerial, but 9 * with sulphuric acid; therefore when mixed with any acid, no effervescence appears. It is soluble in about 500 times its weight of water at the temperature of 60. It is fusible alone in a long continued porcelain heat, or by the blow pipe. Specific gravity 1.87. Texture granular, with shining particles. In composition, and consequently in its chymical properties, it does not differ from gypsum, selen- ite, or plaster of Paris. The fineness and clearness of this stone render it in some measure transparent; whence it has been sometimes employed for windows. There is a church at Florence still illuminated, instead of panes of glass, by slabs of alabaster near 15 feet high, each of which forms a single window, through which the light is conveyed. The countries in Europe which abound most in alabaster are Germany, toward Coblentz; the province of Maconnois, in the neighbourhood of Cluni in France; Italy toward Rome, where that of Montaiout is particularly remarkable not only for its whiteness, but also for the size of its blocks, some of which are so large, that statues as big as the life may be easily cut out of them. A new manufac- ture of basso relievos, from a singular species of factitious alabaster, was some time ago established by Mr. Letapie, at the baths of St. Philip in Tuscany. The stream at these baths deposites a peculiar kind of sand, which, when collected and condensed in the cavities of any body em- ployed to oppose its current, acquires the nature, hard- ness, and colour, of alabaster, and assumes the forms of those cavities in which it is thus lodged. There are three species of alabaster, vis. 1. Alabaster, the snow white shining, or lygdi- num of the ancients. 2. The variegated, yellow and reddish. This species is the common alabaster of the an- cients. 3. The yellowish, or phengites of Pliny, is found in Greece, Germany, France, and Derbyshire in England. The alabasters are frequently used by statua- ries for small statues, vases, and columns. After being calcined and mixed with water, they may be cast in any mould like plaster of Paris. See Gypsum and Miner- alogy. AhJE, in anatomy, a term applied to the lobes of the liver, the cartilages of the nostril, and sometimes to the armpits. Alm, in botany, the plural of Ala, is used to signify those petals of leaves of papilionaceous flowers, placed be- tween those others which are called the vexillum and ca- rina, and which form the top and bottom of the flowers. Instances of flowers of this structure are seen in those of peas and beans, in which the top leaf or petal is the vex- illum, the bottom the carina, and the side ones the alaj. Ala? is also applied to those extremely slender and mem- branaceous parts of some seeds which appear as wings placed on them; and likewise signifies those membrana- ceous expansions running along the stems of some plants, which are therefore called alated stalks. ALAMODE, in commerce, a thin glossy black silk, chiefly used for women's hoods and men's mourning scarfs, commonly called mode. ALARAF, in the Mahometan theology, the partition wall that separates heaven from hell. ALARES, in antiquity, are supposed by some authors to have been a kind of militia or soldiers among the Ro- mans ; so called from ala, a wing, because of their light ness and swiftness in the combat. Others make them a ALA ALA people of Pannonia; but others, with more probability, take alarts for an adjective, or epithet, and apply it to the Roman cavalry, because placed in two wings, or ala, of the army ; for which reason a body of horse was called ala. ALASCANI, in church history, a sect of antiluther- ans, whose distinguishing tenet, besides their denying baptism, is said to have been this, that the words, This is my body, in the institution of the eucbarist, are not to be understood of the bread, but of the whole action or cele- bration of the supper. ALAUDA Lark, in ornithology, a genus of birds of the order of passeres ; the characters of which are, that the beak is cylindrical, subulate, and straight, bending toward the point; the mandibles are of equal size and opening downward at their base; the tongue is bifid; and the hinder claw is straighter and longer than the toe. 1. A. arvensis, the sky lark, the specific characters of which are, that the two outermost quills of its tail are white lengthwise externally, and the intermediate ones are fer- ruginous on the inside; the length is about seven inches. The males of this species are somewhat browner than the females: they have a black collar, and more white on the tail; their size is larger, and their aspect bolder; and they exclusively possess the faculty of singing. When the female is impregnated, she forms her nest between two clods of earth, and lines it with herbs and dry roots, being no less attentive to the concealment than to (he structure of it. It sometimes builds its nest among corn and in high grass. Each female lays four or five eggs, which are grayish, with brown spots ; and the period of her incubation is about 15 days. The young may be taken out of the nest when they are a fortnight old, and they are so hardy that (hey may be easily brought up. Some have said that she hatches three times in the year ; but this must depend on the temperature of the climate. The parent is very tender of her young; and though she does not always cover them with her wings, she directs their motions, supplies their wants, and guards them from danger. The common food of the young sky larks is worms, caterpillars, ant's eggs, and even grasshoppers; and in maturity, they live chiefly on seeds, herbage, and all vegetable substances. Those birds, it is said, that are destined for singing, should be caught in October or No- vember; and the males should, as much as possible, be se- lected : and when they are untractable they should be pinioned, lest they injure themselves by their violence against the roof of the cage. As they cannot cling by the toes, it is needless to place bars across their cage; but they should have clean sand at the bottom of the cage, that they may welter in it, and be relieved from the vermin which torment them. The lark is found in all the inhabited parts of both conti- nents, as far as the Cape of Good Hope ; though Villault says that it is not found on the Gold coast; nor, according to Averroes, in Andalusia. This bird, and the wood lark, are the only birds which sing whilst they fly. The higher it soars, the more it strains its voice, and lowers it till it quite dies away in descending. When it ascends beyond our sight, its mu- sic is distinctly heard; and its song, which is full of swells and falls, and thus delightful for its variety, commences before the earliest dawn. In a state of freedom, the lark begins its song early in the spring, which is its season of pairing, and continues 10 warble during the whole of (he summer. , 2. A. pratensis, the tit lark, of which the specific char- acters are, that above it is greenish brown ; its two outer- most tail quills are externally white, and it has a white line on its eyebrows. This bird is of an elegant slender shape, five inches and a half long; its bill is black ; the back and head of a greenish brown, spotted with black ; the throat and lower part of the belly are white; the breast yellow, marked with oblong spots of black; the tail is dusky : the exterior feather is varied by a bar of white, which runs across the end and takes in the whole outmost web ; the claw on the hind toe is very long, and the feet yellowish. The male has in general more yellow than the female, on the throat, breast, legs, and feet. The tit lark is found generally in meadows and low marshy grounds ; and, like other larks, it makes its nest among the grass, and lays five or six eggs, which are roundish, of a dusky red col- our, with many small spots. While the female batches, the male sits on a neighbouring tree, and rises at times, singing and clapping his wings. It feeds chiefly on the worms and insects which it finds in new ploughed lands; and it will live for a long time on no other food than small seeds. Like the wood lark, it sits on trees ; but it is flush- ed at the least noise, and shoots with a rapid flight: it has a very remarkable fine note, singing in all situations; on trees, on the ground, while it is sporting in the air, and par* ticularly in its descent. 3. A. arborea, the wood lark of English writers, is spe- cifically characterized by a white annular belt, encircling its head. This bird is smaller than the sky lark, and of* shorter thicker form ; the colours of the plumage are pal- er ; the first feather of the wing is shorter than the sec- ond ; the hind claw is very long and somewhat bent; it perches on trees; it haunts the uncultivated tracts near copses, without penetrating the woods, whence its name ; its song resembles more the warble of the nightingale, or the whistling of the black bird, than that of the sky lark; its note being less sonorous and less varied, though not less sweet; and it is heard not only in the day but in the night, both when it flies and when it sits on a bough. This bird builds on the ground, and forms its nest on the outside with moss, and on the inside with dried bents, lined with a few hairs, and conceals it with a turf; and the situation it selects is ground where the grass is rank, or be- come brown. It lays four or five eggs, which are dusky and blotched with deep brown; its fecundity is inferior to that of the sky lark, and its numbers are not so great: it breeds earlier, since its young are sometimes flown in the middle of March, and therefore they pair in February, at which time, and not before, they part with their last year's brood; whereas, the common lark does not hatch before the month of May. This is a very tender and delicate bird ; so that it is impossible to rear the young taken out of the nest ; but this is the case only in England and such cold climates, for ,n Italythey are removed from the nest, and reared at first .ke the nightingale, and afterward fed upon panic and millet. The wood lark feeds on beetles, caterpillars, and seeds : its tongue is forked; its stomach muScU|ar and fleshy ; and it has no craw, but a moderate dilatation of the lower part of the oesophagus; and its caeca ALA ALB are very small. It lives ten or twelve years. The males are distinguished from the females by their larger size; the crown of the head is also of a darker colour, and the hind nail longer; its breast is more spotted, and its great wing quills edged with olive, which in the female is gray. The wood lark mounts high, warbling its notes, and hovering in the air; it flies in flocks during the winter colds; it is found in Sweden and Italy, and is probably dispersed through the intervening countries, and consequently over the greatest part of Europe. It is also found in Siberia, as far as Kamtschatka, and in the island of Madeira. 4. A. campestris, the meadow lark, is rather larger than the tit lark, being six inches and a half in length. Its specific characters are, that its tail quills are brown; the lower half, except two intermediate quills, white; the throat and breast yellow. According to Willughby, the meadow lark differs from the other larks by the blackness of its bill and feet; he adds, that its bill is slender, straight, and pointed, and the corners of its mouth edged with yel- low ; that it has not, like the wood lark, the first quills of the wings shorter than the succeeding; and that in the male the wings are rather darker than in the female. Though the males are hardly to be distinguished from the females by their external appearance, yet if another male is presented, shut up in a cage, they will instantly attack it as an enemy or a rival. This bird has a slenderer body than the sky lark, and is distinguished from it by the shake of its tail, like that of the wagtail and tit lark. It inhabits heaths and uncultivated tracts, and frequently the oat stubble, after the corn is reaped, where birds of this species gather together in numerous flocks. In spring, the male perches to discover or woo his mate, and some- times he mounts into the air, singing with all his might, and then descends quickly to pair on the ground. When a person approaches the nest, the female betrays her fears by her cries; whereas, other larks are silent and unmoved, when danger is apprehended. They make their nest close to the ground, sometimes in furze bushes, and form it of moss, lined with straw and horse hair. 5. A. trivialis, is distinguished by brown tail quills, the outermost half white, the second white at its wedgelike tip, with a double whitish line on the wings. The Ger- man epithet piep, and the English pippit, formed from the Latin pipio, which signifies to utter a feeble cry like chickens, alludes to the sibilous notes of this bird. Its cry, especially in winter, is like that of the grasshopper, but stronger and shriller, and it utters this, both when perched on the tallest branches among the bushes, and when it is on the wing. Its tones are soft, harmonious, and clear. This little bird builds its nest in solitary spots, concealed under a turf, and its young are frequent- ly a prey to the adders. It lays five eggs, of a light grass green colour, thinly sprinkled with deeper coloured specks. The grasshopper larks appear in England about the middle of September, and great numbers of them are caught in the environs of London. 6. A. cristata, is distinguished by black tail quills, the two outermost white at their exterior edge, its head crest- ed, and its feet black. Its length is about six inches and three quarters. It lives in the meadows and fields, on the sides of ditches, and the backs of furrows : it is often seen at the margin of water, and on the high roads, rarely in the skirts of woods, perched on a tree, and sometimes on the tops of houses, and of abbeys, &c. This lark, though not so common as the sky lark, is found in most parts of Europe, in Italy, France, Germany, Poland, Denmark, Russia, Scotland, and does not change its abode in winter. The song of the males is loud, and yet mellow and pleas- ant; and their warbling is usually accompanied with a quivering of the wings. The crested lark is the only one that may be instruct- ed ; in a month it learns many airs perfectly, which it re- peats without confusion, and retains nothing of its native warble; and in these particulars it is superior to the ca- nary. The other species are, the alauda rufa, capensis, calan- dra, alpestris, magna, minor, italica, ludoviciana, rubra, mosellana, malabarica, gingica, tartarica, mutabilis, nemo- rosa, undata, senegalensis, testacea, lusitana, africana, cinerea, Novae Zeelandiae, mongolica, sibirica, flava, ob- scura, most of them foreign birds. In all, 33 species. ALBARIUM opus, in the ancient building, the in- crustation or covering of the roofs of houses with white plaster, made of mere lime. This is otherwise called opus album. It differs from tectorium, which is a com- mon name given to all roofing or ceiling, including even that formed of lime and sand, or lime and marble ; where- as albarium was restrained to that made of lime alone. ALBATROSSE. See Diomedea. ALBE, a small piece of money, current in Germany, worth only a French sol and seven deniers. ALBERNUO, a kind of camblet, brought from the Levant by the way of Marseilles. ALBERTUS, a gold coin, worth about 14 French li- vres : it was coined during the administration of Albertus, archduke of Austria. ALBIGENSES, in church history, a party of reform- ers about Toulouse and the Albigeois in Languedoc, who sprung up in the twelfth century, and distinguished them- selves by their opposition to the discipline and ceremo- nies of the church of Rome. This sect had their name, it is supposed, either because there were great numbers of them in the diocese of Albi, or because they were condemned by a council held in that city. In fact it does not appear that they were known by this name before the holding of that council. The albigenses were also called albiani, albigesei, albii, and albanensts, though some distinguish these last from them. The albigenses, by the truth of their doctrines, and their vigour and energy in propagating them, became so formidable, that the papists agreed upon a holy league or crusade against them. Th« v were at first supported by Raimond, count of Toulousv. Pope Innocent III. desirous to put a stop to their progress, sent a legale into (heir country, which failing, he stirred up Philip Augustus, king of France, and the other princes and great men of the kingdom, to make war upon them. Upon this, the count of Toulouse, who had support- ed them, made his submission to the pope, and went over to the Catholics; but soon after, finding himself plun- dered by the crusaders, he declared war atruinst them, and was joined by the king of Arragon. His army wa3 de- feated at the siege of Muret, where he himself was killed, and the defeat followed by the surrender of the citv of Toulouse, and the conquest of fhe greatest part of Lan- guedoc and Provence. His son Rainaond succeeded him ; who agreed with the king and the pope to establish the ALB ALB inquisition in his estates, and to extirpate the Albigenses. In an assembly held at Milan, the archbishop of Toulouse drew up articles; agreeable to which the count made a most ample declaration against them, which he published at Toulouse in 1253. From this time the Albigenses dwindled by little and little, till the times of the reforma- tion ; when such of them as were left fell in with the Vau- doN, and became conformable to the doctrine of Zuingli- us and the discipline of Geneva. Albigenses is also a name sometimes given to the fol- lowers of Peter Vaud, or Waldo; and hence synony- mous with Waldenses, or poor men of Lyons. In this sense the word is applied by Camerarius, Thuanus, and several other writers. The reason seems to be, that the two parties agreed in their opposition to the papal innova- tions and encroachments, though in many other respects different. The bishop of Meaux labours hard to support a distinction between the two sects, alleging, that the Al- bigenses were heretics and Manichees ; whereas the Waldenses were only schismatics, not heretics, being sound as to articles of faith, and only separating from the church of Rome on account of forms and discipline. Dr. Allix endeavours to set aside the distinction; and shows, that both of them held the same opinions, and were equal- ly condemned and held for heretics ; and this not for points of faith, but for declaiming against the papal tyran- ny and idolatry, and holding the pope to be the antichrist; which last, according to the bishop of Meaux, constitutes little less than Manicheism. In this sense the Lollards and Wickliffites in England were not only Albigenses but Manichees. ALBINOS, the name by which the Portuguese call the white moors, who are looked upon by the negroes as mon- sters. They at a distance might be taken for Europeans; but, upon a near inspection, their white colour appears like that of persons affected with a leprosy. In Saussure's Voyages dans les Alpes, is the following account of two boys, at Chamouni, who have been called albinos: " The elder, who was at the end of the year 1785 about twenty or twenty-one year3 of age, had a dull look, with lips some- what thick, but nothing else in his features to distinguish him from other people. The other, who is two years younger, is rather a more agreeable figure : he is gay and sprightly, and seems not to want wit. But their eyes are not blue; the iris is of a very distinct rose colour: the pupil too, when viewed in the light, seems decidedly red: which seems to demonstrate, that the interior mem- branes are deprived of the uvea, and of that black mu- cous matter that should line them. Their hair, their eye- brows, and eye lashes, the down upon their skin, were all, in their infancy, of the most perfect milk white colour, and very fine; but their hair is now of a reddish cast, and has grown pretty strong. I am therefore of opinion that we may consider these two lads as true albinos: for if they have not the thick lips and flat noses of the white negroes, it is because they are albinos of Europe, not of Africa. This infirmity affects the eyes, the complexion, and the colour of the hair; it even diminishes the strength, but does not alter the conformation of the features. Be- sides, there are certainly in this malady various degrees : some may have less strength, and be less able to endure the light: but these circumstances in those of Chamouni are marked with characters sufficiently strong to entitle them to the unhappy advantage of being classed with th variety of the human species denominated albinos. ALBORAK, amongst the Mahometan writers, tne beast on which Mahomet rode in his journies to heaven. The Arab commentators give many fables concerning this extraordinary vehicle. It is represented as of an inter- mediate shape and size between an ass and a mule. A place, it seems, was secured for it in paradise at the inter- cession of Mahomet; which, however, was in some meas- ure extorted from the prophet by Alborak's refusing to let him mount him when the angel Gabriel was come to conduct him to heaven. ALBUCA, a genus of the hexandria monogynia class and order. The essential character is, corolla six petal- led, inner ones difform, stamina three of the six castrated stigma, surrounded by six carps. There are eight species, rather tender, but may be kept in winter in a garden frame. ALBUGINEA, in anatomy, the outermost coat or teg- ument of the eye, otherwise called adnata and conjunc- tiva. ALBUGO, or Leucoma, is defined by physicians to be a distemper occasioned by a white opaque spot grow- ing on the corner of the eye, and obstructing vision. See Medicine. ALBULA, in ichthyology, a genus of fishes of the truttaceous kind, having no teeth. The principal specie! are, > 1. Albula indica, a small fish resembling a herring, caught about the shores of the East Indies, and called by the Dutch the wit fish. 2. Albula nobilis, a truttaceous fish caught in great plenty in the lakes of Germany and other places. Albula, in natural history, mineral waters of an alumi- nous kind ; hence endowed with an astringent quality, and of use in wounds. ALBUMEN. The eggs of fowls contain two very different substances : a yellow oily like matter, called the yolk, and a colourless glossy viscid liquid, distinguished by the name of white. This last is the substance which chymists have agreed to denominate albumen. The white of an egg, however, is not pure albumen. It con- tains, combined, with it, some soda and some sulphur : but as albumen is never found except combined with these bodies, and as no method is known of separating it without at the same time altering the properties of the albumen, chymists are obliged to examine it while in combination with these bodies. Albumen dissolves readily in water, and the solution has the property of giving a green colour to vegetable blues, in consequence of the soda which it contains. When albumen is heated to the temperature of 165° it coagulates into a white solid mass; the consistency'of which, when other things are equal, depends, in some measure, on the time during which the heat was applied. rhe coagulated mass has precisely the same weight that it had while fluid. This property of coagulating when heated is characteristic of albumen, and distinguishes it trom other bodies. ° fllThr!.aS^10f1CuOagU,atew albumen is The coagulation of albumen takes place even though air is completely excluded; and even when air is present, there is no absorption of it, nor does albumen in coagulat- ing change its volume. Acids have the property of co- agulating albumen, as Scheele ascertained. Alcohol also produces, in some measure, the same effect. Heat, then, acids and alcohol, are the agents which may be employed to coagulate albumen. Scheele and Fourcroy have ascribed the coagulation of albumen to the addition of a new substance. According to Scheele, caloric is the substance which is added. Fourcroy, on the contrary, affirms that it is oxygen. Albumen then is capable of existing in two states; the one before it has been coagulated, and the other after it has undergone coagulation. Its properties are very dif- ferent in each. It will be proper, therefore, to consider them separately. 1. Albumen, in its natural state or uncoagulated, is a glary liquid, having little taste, and no smell. When dried spontaneously, or in a low heat, it becomes a brittle, transparent, glassy like substance, which, when spread thin upon plain surfaces, forms a varnish, and is accord- ingly employed by bookbinders for thai purpose. When thus dried, it has a considerable resemblance to gum-ara- bic, to which also its taste is similar. The white of an egg loses about four 5ths of its weight in drying. It is still soluble in water, and forms the same glary liquid as before. ' Uncoagulated albumen soon putrefies unless it is dried; in which state it does not undergo any change. 2. When albumen is coagulated either by heat, alcohol, or acids, it is an opaque substance of a pearl white colour, tough, and of a sweetish mucilaginous taste. It is no longer soluble in water, and is not nearly so susceptible of decomposition as uncoagulated albumen. Mr. Hatchet kept it for a month under water, and yet it did not become putrid. If is to the experiments of this ingenious chym- ist that we are indebted for almost every thing at present known relative to coagulated albumen. By drying it in the temperature of 212°, he converted it into a brittle, hard, yellow substance, semi-transparent like horn. These properties indicate sufficiently that coagulated albumen is a very different substance from uncoagulated albumen. During the coagulation its component parts must arrange themselves differently. From the effects of nitric acid on albumen and its prod- ucts, when subjected to destructive distillation, it has been concluded that it consists of carbon, hydrogen, azote, and oxygen, in unknown proportions. As it yields more azotic gas to nitric acid, it has been considered as contain- ing more of that principle than gelatine. It is obvious, however, that it does not differ much from that body, as nitric acid spontaneously converts it into gelatine. Albu- men forms the membranous parls of many shells, sponges, &c. It is, in short, one of (he most important and general animal substances. The property which albumen has of being coagulated by heat renders it a very useful substance for clarifying fluids. See Thompson's Chymislry. Albumen, vegetable. This substance was discovered by Fourcroy. who observed that the clarification of the expressed juices of antiscorbutic plants was effected by the spontaneous coagulation of their colouring matter, at the temperature of boiling water, on which account he was A L C led to examine whether this property did not depend on the presence of albumen. He obtained the juice of two pounds of young cresses, and filtered it while cold through blotting paper, and thus separated the grosser parts of the colouring fecula; the liquor was still of a bright green, and upon being exposed in a broad shallow vessel to the air at the temperature of 80° Fahrenheit, in two hours it be- came turbid, and deposited green matter, becoming itself almost colourless; in this state it was exposed to the heat of boiling water, and in a few minutes there separated a quantity of whitish flocculent matter. Another portion of the same liquor exposed to the air, deposited, at the end of two days, a similar coagulum; and the same effect was produced on a third portion by the addition of sulphuric acid. This substance exhibited all the properties of an imal albumen. Albumen has since been found in the roots of various vegetables; also in wheat, and the farinaceous seeds; and in general in all the green and succulent plants. The acid pulp of fruits are totally destitute of this substance, but they abound with jelly; and it is supposed that, in all these cases, there is a conversion of albumen into jelly, by the gradual evolution of the acid, and fixation of oxygen. ALBURNUM, the soft white substance found in trees between the liber, or inner bark, and the true wood, and which, in process of time, is itself converted into that sub- stance. It is found in the largest quantities in trees which are vigorous. In an oak of six inches in diameter (his substance is nearly equal in bulk to the wood. In a trunk of one foot diameter, it is as one to three and a half; of (wo and a half feet diameter, as one to four and a half,. &c. but these proportions vary according to the health and constitution of the trees. The alburnum is frequent- ly gnawed in pieces by insects, which lodge in this sub- stance, and are nourished from it. ALCA, or Auk, in ornithology, a genus of the order of anseres. The beak of this genus is without teeth, short, convex, compressed, and frequently furrowed transverse- ly : the inferior mandible is gibbous near the base; the feet have generally three toes. There are 12 species of the alca, of which the most remarkable are, 1. Alca alle, the little auk, or black and white diver, with a smooth conical bill, a white streak on the belly and wings, and black feet. The size of Ibis species exceeds not that of a blackbird. It is not very common in En- gland. It seems to be most plentiful toward the north, being met with in various parts as far as Spitzbergen. It is common in Greenland, in company with the black billed species ; feeds on the same food; and lays two bluish eggs, larger than those of a pigeon. It flies quick, and dives well; and is always dipping its bill into the water, while swimming or at rest on the water. It grows fat in the stormy season, from the waves bringing plenty of crabs and small fish within its reach : but from its size it is less sought after than the others. In Greenland it is called the ice bird, being (he harbinger of ice. This species is sometimes seen of a pure white. 2. A. Arctica, known in England by the name of puffin. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 8. These birds are found upon several of the rocky coasts in England, in Ireland, North Britain, Iceland, and Greenland. They frequent Carolina in America during winter, and have been met with in Sandwich sound, where the natives or- A L C nament the fore parts and collar of their seal skin jacket witn the be-fcs of them. On the coast of Kamtschatka, and the Koriie i>'«nds, the inhabitants wear the bills of the artica about iheir necks, and their priests put them on with a proper ceremony, in order to procure good fortune. They arrive at their breeding places here about the first week in May, and endeavour to dislodge the rabbits to sa*e the troiible of making holes for themselves. The female lays bui one egg, and the young are hatched in the beginning of July, and about the middle of August they take their flight. The young that are late hatched, be- come the prey of falcons, &c. Notwithstanding their neg- lect of the young at this time, on every other occasion they are very attentive to them. They will suffer them- selves lo be taken by the hand, and use every means of defence in their power to save them; and if held by the wings, will tear their bodies, as if actuated by despair, and when released, instead of flying away, will hurry again into the burrow to their young. 3. Alca cirrhata, so called by Dr. Pallas, or tufted auk, is somewhat bigger than the common puffin, and the colours much the same: the bill is an inch and three quarters in length, the same in depth at the base, and crossed with three furrows: over each eye arises a tuft of feathers four inches in length, which falls elegantly on each side of the neck, reaching almost to the back; and white as far as they are attached to the head, but after- ward of a fine buff yellow ; the legs are of a bright red ; the claws black. The female is principally distinguished by having the bill crossed only with two furrows instead of three. This species inhabits the shores of Kamtschat- ka, the Kurile islands, and those intervening between Kamtschatka and America. In manners it greatly resem- bles the puffin; living all day at sea, but at no great dis- tance from the rocks; it comes on shore at night; bur- rows a yard deep under ground, and makes a nest with feathers and sea plants ; is monogamous, and lodges there the whole night with its mate. It lays one white egg in the end of May or beginning of June, which alone is thought fit to be eaten, the flesh of the bird itself being insipid and hard. It feeds on crabs, shrimps, and shell fish, which last it forces from the rocks with its strong bill. 4. Alca impennis, the northern penguin, or great auk, with a compressed bill, furrowed on each side, and an oval spot on each side of the eyes. According to Mr. Martin, this bird breeds on the isle of St. Kilda; appear- ing there the beginning of May, and retiring the middle of June. It lays one egg, which is six inches long, of a white colour; some are irregularly marked with purplish lines crossing each other: if the egg is taken away, it will not lay another that season. The length of this bird, to the end of its toes, is three feet; but its wings are so small, as to be useless for flight; the length, from the tip of the longest quill feathers to the first joint, being only four inches and a quarter. This bird is observed by sea- men never to wander beyond soundings; and according to its appearance (hey direct their measures, being then assured that land is net very remote. It walks ill; but dives well, and is taken in the manner used for the razor bill and puffin. The skin between the jaws is blown into a bladder, and used for the darts of the Greenlanders, as is also that of some other birds. A LC 3. Alca pica, or black billed auk, has the bill of the same form with the torda, but is entirely blacK. nr. Pennant observes, that it is sometimes found on our coasts; but, according to Mr. Latham, it is in the winter season on- ly, when the common sort has quitted them. They are said to be met with on the coast of Candia, and other parts of the Mediterranean. 6. Alca psittacula, or perroquet auk of Dr. Pallas, is about the size of the little auk. The bill is much com- pressed on the sides, in shape convex both above and be- low, and of a bright red colour : from the remote corner of each eye is a very slender tuft of fine white feathers, hanging down the neck. This species is found at Kamts- chatka, in the isles toward Japan, and on the western shores of America. They are sometimes seen in flocks, but seldom far from land, except when driven by storms. During night they harbour in the crevices of rocks. About the middle of June they lay an egg, almost the size of a hen's, of a dirty white or yellowish colour, spotted with brown, upon the bare rock, or sand, for they make no neat. Like most of the tribe, they are stupid birds, as is evinced by the method of catching them. One of the natives places himself under a loose garment of fur, of a particu- lar make, with large open sleeves, among the rocks at evening ; when the birds, returning to their lodging placet at dusk, run under the skirts, and up the arm holes, for shelter during the night, and thus become an easy prey. Their stupidity likewise appears from their flying aboard ships, mistaking them for roosting places. 7. Alca torda, or the razor bill, with four furrows on the bill, and a white line on each side running from the bill to the eyes. These birds, in company with the guil- lemot, appear in our seas the beginning of February, but do not settle on their breeding places till they begin to lay, about the beginning of May. They inhabit the ledges of the highest rocks that impend over (he sea, where they form a grotesque appearance ; sitting close together, and in rows one above another. They proper- ly lay but one egg apiece, of an extraordinary size for the bulk of (he bird, being (hree inches long ; i( is either white or of a pale sea green, irregularly spotted with black. If this egg is destroyed, both the auk and the guillemot will lay another: if that is taken, (hen a third: (hey make no nest, depositing their egg on the bare rock; and though such multitudes lay contiguous, by a wonderful instinct each distinguishes its own. What is also matter of great amazement, they fix their egg on the smooth rock with so exact a balance, as to secure it from rolling off; yet should it be removed, and then attempted to be replaced by the human hand, it is extremely difficult, if not impos- sible, to find its former equilibrium. According to Mr. Latham, it is by means of a cement (hat the bird fixes its egg. ALCAIC, in ancient poetry, a denomination given to several kinds of verse, from Alcaeus, their inventor. 1. 1 he first kind consists of five feet, vis. a spondee, or iambic; an iambic ; a caesura, and two dactyles ; such is tne following verse ot Horace : Eheu! | fuga | ces, | Postume, I Postume, Labnn tur an ni! | nee pie | tas raoram. 2. The second kind consists of two dactyles and two IrOCuCcS Z 39) AL C A L C Afferet, | indom | taeque J morti. 3. Besides these two, which are called dactylic Alcaics, there is another styled simply Alcaic; consisting of an epitrite, two choriambus, and a bacchius: the following is of this species. Cur timet fla | vum Tiberim | tangere, cur [ olivum? ALCAID, Alcayde, or Alcalde, in the polity of the Moors, Spaniards, and Portuguese, a magistrate, or officer of justice, answering nearly to the office of the British justice of peace. The alcaid among the Moors is invested with the supreme jurisdiction, both in civil and criminal cases. ALCANNA, in commerce, a cosmetic powder prepar- ed from the leaves of the Egyptian privet. It is much used by the Turkish women to give a golden colour to their nails and hair. There is also an oil extracted from the berries of alcanna, and used in medicine as a quiescent. ALCANTARA, the knights of, a military order of Spain, which took its name from (he above mentioned city. They make a very considerable figure in the his- tory of the expeditions against the Moors. After the ex- pulsion of the Moors, and the taking of Granada, the sovereignty of the order of Alcantara and that of Cala- trava was settled in the crown of Castile by Ferdinand and Isabella. In 1540 the knights of Alcantara sued for leave to marry, which was granted them. ALCAVALA, in the Spanish finances, was at first a tax of 10 per cent, afterward of 14 per cent, but is at present of only 6 per cent, upon the sale of every sort of property, whether moveable or immoveable ; and it is re- peated every time the property is sold. The levying of this tax requires a multitude of revenue officers sufficient to guard the transportation of goods, not only from one province to another, but from one shop to another. It is to the alcavala, accordingly, that Ultaritz imputes the ruin of the manufactures of Spain. ALCEA, the Hollyhock : a genus of the polyan- dria order, belonging to the monodelphia class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 37th order, columniferse. The characters are : the calyx is a double perianthium, monopbylions and persistent; the exterior one six cleft, the interior half five cleft: the corolla con- sists of five petals, coalesced at the base, heart shaped in- versely, and expanding: the stamina consist of numerous filaments, coalesced below into a five cornered cylinder, loose above, and inserted into the corolla; the antherae are kidney shaped : the pistillum has a roundish germen ; a short cylindric stylus ; and numerous bristly stigmata the length of the stylus : the pericarpium consists of many arilli, jointed into a verticillum about a columnar depress- ed receptacle; the seeds are solitary, reniform, and de- pressed. There are three species, the alcea ficifolia, rosea, and africana. ALCEDO, or Kingfisher, in ornithology, a genus of (he order of picae. The alcedo has a long, straight, (hick, triangular bill; with a fleshy, plain, short, flat tongue. Of this genus there are many species, with one or other of which almost every, part of the world is fur- nished. Most of them frequent rivers, and live on fish, the singularity of catching which is admirable: some- times hovering over the water, where a shoal of small vol. i. 10 fishes is seen playing near the surface; at other times waiting with attention, on some low branch hanging over the water, for the approach of a single fish which is so un- lucky as to swim that way; in either case dropping like a stone, or rather darting with rapidity on its prey ; when, seizing it crosswise in its bill, it retires to a resting place to feast on it; which it does piecemeal, bones and all, without reserve, afterward bringing up the indigestible parts in pellets, like birds of prey. The wings of most of the genus are very short; yet the birds fly rapidly and with great strength. It may be remarked, that through- out this genus, blue, in different shades, is the most pre- dominant colour. There are above 30 species of this ge- nus, of which the following are the most remarkable, vis. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 9 and 10. 1. Alcedo galbula, or green jacamar, is about the size of a lark. The bill is black, of a square form, a little incurvated and sharp at the point; the plumage, in gener- al, in the upper part of the body, is of a most brilliant green, glossed with copper and gold in different lights. This species is found both in Guiana and Brazil, in the moist woods, which it prefers to the more dry spots, for the sake of insects, on which it feeds. Though these birds are solitary, yet they are far from scarce, as many may be met with. They are said to have a short and agreeable note. 2. Alcedo ispida, or common kingfisher, is not much larger than a swallow; its shape is clumsy; the bill dis- proportionably long, it is two inches from the base to the tip, the upper chap black, and the lower yellow. But the colours of this bird atone for its inelegant form: the crown of the head and the coverts of the wings are of a deep blackish green, spotted with bright azure; the back and tail are of the most resplendent azure; the whole un- der side of the body is orange coloured; a broad mark of the same passes from the bill beyond the eyes. From the diminutive size, the slender short legs, and the beautiful colours of this bird, no person would be led to suppose it one of the most rapacious little animals that skims the deep. M. D'Aubenton has kept these birds for several months, by means of small fish put into basins of water, on which they have fed ; for on experiment they have refus- ed all other kinds of nourishment. 3. Alcedo Paradise a, or paradise jacamar, is of the same size with the former, and has a similar bill; the throat, fore part of the neck, and under wing coverts, are white; the rest of the plumage is of a deep dull green, in some lights appearing almost black, in others with a slight gloss of violet and copper bronze. It inhabifs Surinam ; and like (he galbula it feeds on insects; and sometimes frequents open places. It flies further at a time, and perches on the tops of trees: it is frequently found with a companion, not being quite so solitary a bird as the other. 4. Alcedo rudis, or Egyptian kingfisher, is fhe size of the Royston crow. The bill is blackish, more than half an inch broad at the base, and two inches in length ; the head, shoulders, and back, are brown, marked with oblong ferruginous spots; the throat is of a ferruginous white; the belly and thighs are whitish, marked with longitudinal broadish cinereous spots; fhe upper tail cov- erts quite white; the quills spotted with white on the in- ner webs, chiefly at the tips ; the tail is ash coloured; A L C the legs are of a pale green ; and the claws blackish. It inhabits lower Egyp*» about Cairo; builds in sycamore and date trees; and feeds on frogs, insects, and small fish, which last it meets with in the fields when they are overflowed. 5. Alcedo taparara of Buffon is about the size of a starling: the hind part of the neck, the back, and scapu- lars, are of an elegant blue; the rump, and upper tail coverts bright beryl blue; (he under parts of the body are white ; the wing coverts blue ; and the legs red. In- habits Cayenne and Guiana. 6. Alcedo toro.uata, or cinereous kingfisher, is about the size of a magpie. The bill is three inches and a half long, and brown; the head is crested; the upper parts of the head and body are bluish ash; the under parts chesnut; the throat is whitish, descending down the neck, and pass- ing behind like a collar, ending toward the back in a point; the under tail coverts are of a pale fulvous, transversely striated with black ; lesser wing coverts varied with blu- ish, ash, black, and yellowish. It inhabits Martinico and Mexico. ALCHEMILLA, or Ladies Mantle, a genus of the monogynia order, and tetandria class of plant; and in the natural method ranking under the 35th order, Senticosae. The essential character is calyx 8 cleft, corolla none, seed one. There are 4 species, the principal are : 1. Alchemilla alpina, or cinque foil ladies mantle. It is a native of the mountainous parts of Europe. Goats and cows eat it; horses, sheep, and swine, refuse it. 2. Alchemilla minor, or least ladies mantle. It grows naturally in Sweden, Lapland, and other cold countries. 3. Alchemilla vulgaris, or common ladies mantle, with leaves plaited like a fan, and yellowish green blos- soms. It grows naturally in pasture lands in Ibis as in most other countries in Europe. The leaves discover to the taste a moderate astringency ; and were formerly much esteemed in some female weaknesses, and in fluxes of the body. They are now rarely made use of, though both the leaves and roots might possibly be of service in cases where mild astringents are required. ALCHORNIA, a genus of the dioecia monodelphia class and order. The essential character is, male, calyx three, five leaved; corolla none: female,calyx five tooth- ed, corolla none, styli two parted, capsule berried, de- corous. There is one species of which little seems to be known in this country. ALCHYMY, from al, the, Arab, and X>jjui#, chymistry, that obsolete branch of chymistry which had for its prin- cipal objects the transmutation of metals into gold ; the panacea, or universal remedy ; an alkahest, or universal menstruum ; an universal ferment ; and many other things equally ridiculous. ALCOHOL, or Alkool, in chymistry, is used for any highly rectified spirit. Alcohol is extremely light and inflammable, is a strong antiseptic, and therefore employ- ed to preserve animal substances. See Chymistry. Alcohol, ardent spirit. The term alcohol is applied by modern chymists to the purely spirituous part of all liquors that have undergone the vinous fermentation. It is certain, that the method of procuring ardent spirits by distillation was known in the dark ages ; and it is more than probable that it was practised in the north of Europe much earlier. A L C Ardent spirits, such as brandy, for instance, rura *nd whisky, consist almost entirely of three ^S^"1®""* water, alcohol, or spirit of wine, to which they owe ineir strength, and a small quantity of a peculiar oil, irom which they derive their flavour. When these spirituous liquors are distilled in a water bath, the first portion that comes over is a fine light trans- parent liquid, known in commerce by the name of rectifi- ed spirits, and commonly sold under the denomination of alcohol or spirit of wine. It b not, however, as strong al possible, still containing a considerable portion of water. This water may be separated, and the alcohol obtained as pure as possible, by the following process: Saturate the spirit with a quantity of carbonate of potash, which has just immediately before been exposed for about half an hour in a crucible to a red heat, in order to deprive it of moisture. Carbonate of potash in this state has a strong attraction for water; it accordingly combines with the water of the spirit; and the solution of carbonate of potarit thus formed sinks to the bottom of the vessel, and the al- cohol, which is lighter, swims over it, and may easily be decanted off; or, what is perhaps better, the solution of potash may be drawn off from below it by means of a stop cock placed at the bottom of the vessel. The alcohol, thus obtained, contains a little pure potash dissolved, which may be separated by distilling it in a water bath with a very small heat. The alcohol passes over, and leaves the potash behind. It is proper not to distill to dryness. Alcohol is a transparent liquor, colourless like water, of a pleasant smell, and a strong, penetrating, agreeable taste. When swallowed it produces intoxication. It is exceedingly fluid, and has never been frozen, though it has been exposed to a cold so great that the thermometer stood at—69°. Its specific gravity, when pure, is only 0.800 ; but it is seldom obtained so low. The specific gravity of alcohol, as highly rectified as possible, is 0.820; that of the alco- hol of commerce is seldom less than 0.8371. It is almost unnecessary to remark, that the diminution of specific gravity is always proportional to the purity of the alcohol. Alcohol is exceedingly volatile, boiling at the tempera- ture of 176° ; in which heat it assumes the form of an elas- tic fluid, capable of resisting the pressure of the atmo- sphere, but which condenses a?ain into alcohol when that temperature is reduced. In a vacuum it boils at 56°, and exhibits the same phenomena; so that was it not for the pressure of the atmosphere, alcohol would always exist in th« form of an elastic fluid, as transparent and invisible as common air. It is exceedingly combustible; and when set on fire, it burns all away with a blue flame, without leaving any residuum. Boerhaave observed, that when the vapour which escapes during this combustion is col- lected in proper vessels, it is found to consist of nothing but water. Junker had made the same remark ; and Dr. Black suspected, from his own observations, that'the quan- tity of water obtained, if properly collected, exceeded (he weight of the alcohol consumed. This observation was confirmed by Lavoisier; who found that the water produced during the combustion of alcohol exceeded the alcohol consumed by about one-seventh part. Different opinions were enter(ained by chymists about the nature of alcohol; but Lavoisier was the first who at- A L C AL C tempted to analyze it. From his experiments it follows, that 76.7083 grains of alcohol, consumed during the com- bustion, were composed of 22.840 carooo 6.030 hydrogen 47.830 water 76.7 Such were the consequences which Mr. Lavoisier drew from his analysis. He acknowledged, however, that there were two sources of uncertainty, which rendered his conclusions not altogether to be depended upon. The first was, that he had no method of determining the quan- tity of alcohol consumed, except by the difference of weight in the lara,p before and after combustion; and that therefore a quantity migljit have evaporated without com- bustion, which, however, would he taken into the sum of the alcohol consumed. But this error could not have been great; for if a considerable quantity of alcohol had existed in the state of vapour in the vessel, an explosion would certainly have taken place. The other source of error was, that the quantity of water was not known by actual weight, but by calculation. That alcohol contains oxygen, has been proved hy a very ingenious set of experiments performed by Mess'rs Fourcroy and Vauquelin. When equal parts of it and sulphuric acid are mixed together, the sulphuric acid suf- fers no change; hut the alcohol is decomposed, being partly converted info water and partly into ether. Now it is evident that the alcohol could not have been convert- ed into water unless it bad contained oxygen. When alcohol, in the state of vapour, is made to pass through a red hot porcelain tube, it is decomposed com- pletely. Carbureted hydrogen gas and carbonic acid gas are disengaged ; water passes into the receiver, and on its inner surface are deposited a number of small brilliant crystals, which Vauquelin ascertained to be a concrete volatile pil. The inside of the volatile tube is coated with charcoal in the state of a fine black. This experiment was first made by Priestley; but it was afterward repeat- ed with more care, and the nature of the products ascer- tained by the Dutch chymists. Alcohol has a strong affinity for water, and is miscible with it in every proportion. The specific gravity varies according to the proportion of the two liquids combined; but, as happens in almost all combinations, the specific gravity is always greater than the mean of the two liquids ; consequently there is a mutual penetration: and as this penetration or condensation varies also with the propor- tions, it is evident that the specific gravity of different mixtures of alcohol and water can only be ascertained by experiment. As the spirituous liquors of commerce are merely mixtures of alcohol and water in different propor- tions, and as their strength can only be ascertained with precision by means of (heir specific gravity, it becomes a point of very great importance to determine with precision the proportion of alcohol contained in a spirit of a given specific gravity: and as the specific gravity varies with the temperature, it is necessary to make an allowance for that likewise. The importance of this object, both for the purposes of revenue and commerce, induced the British government to employ sir Charles Blagden to institute a very minute 10* and accurate series of experiments. An account of these was published by Blagden in the Philosophical Transac- tions for 1790; and a set of tables, exhibiting the result of them, was drawn up by Mr. Gilpin, who had performed the experiments, and published in the Philosophical Trans- actions for 1794. The following little table constructed from Dr. Thom- son's experiments will enable the reader to ascertain the proportion of real alcohol and water in mixtures. Sup- pose alcohol at 0.800 to be pure; then alcohol of 0.813 is composed of 100 alcohol + 2 water. 0818...........100 + 4 0.825...........1004- 7.53 or 93+ 7. Alcohol has no action upon sulphur while solid; but when these two bodies are brought together both in the state of vapour, they combine and form a reddish sulphu- ret, which exhales the odour of sulphurated hydrogen gas. This compound contains about 60 parts of alcohol and one part of sulphur. The sulphur is precipitated by water. Alcohol dissolves also a little phosphorus when assisted by heat. This phosphorized alcohol exhales the odour of phosphurated hydrogen gas. When a little of it is dropped into a glass of water, a flame instantly makes its appearance, and waves beautifully on the surface of the water. This phenomenon, which is occasioned by the emission of a little phosphurated hydrogen gas, can only be observed when the experiment is performed in a dark room. Alcohol has no action upon charcoal, hydrogen gas, azotic gas, the metals, nor upon any of the metallic oxides. Alcohol dissolves the fixed alkalies vepy readily, and forms with them a reddish coloured acrid'solution. It is from this solution only that these alkalies can be obtained in a state of purity. When heat is applied to it, the al- cohol is partly decomposed ; but the nature of the prod- ucts has not been accurately ascertained. Ammonia also combines with alcohol with the assistance of heat: but at a temperature somewhat belew the boiling point of alcohol, the ammonia flies off in the state of gas, carrying with it, however, a little alcohol in solution. None of the earths are acted upon by alcohol. It ab- sorbs about its own weight of nitrous gas, which cannot af- terward be expelled by heat. Sulphuric acid, nitric acid, and oxymuriatic acid, de- compose alcohol; but all the other acids are soluble in it, except the metallic acids, phosphoric acid, and perhaps also prussic acid. Alcohol is capable of dissolving a great many saline bodies. A considerable number of these, with the quan- tities soluble, is exhibited in the following tables : 1. Substances dissolved in large quantities. Names of the substances. Oxysulphate of iron Nitrate of cobalt . , copper . . . alumina . . lime . . . , magnesia , Tem- pera- ture. 54.5 54.5 54.5 180.5 240 parts of alcohol dis- solve 240 240 240 300 694 parts A L C Names of the substances. Tem- pera- ture. 240 parts of alcohol, dis- solve. Muriat of zinc . . alumina magnesia iron . . copper. Acetat of lead . . 54.5 54.5 180.5 180.5 180.5 113 240 parts 240 1313 240 240 copper ........ Nitrat of zinc decomposed iron decomposed bismuth decomposed 2. Substances dissolved in small quantitits. Names of the substances. Muriat of lime . . Nitrat of ammonia . Oxymuriat of mercury Succinic acid . . . Acetat of soda . . Nitrat of silver . . Refined sugar . . . Boracic acid . . . Nitrat of soda . . . Acetat of copper . . Muriat of ammonia . Arseniat of potash Superoxalat of potash Nitrat of potash . . Muriat of potash . . Arseniat of soda . . White oxide of arsenic Tartrat of potash . . Nitrat of lead . . . Carbonat of ammonia 240 parts of alco- hol, at the boil- ing tempera- ture, dissolve 240 parts 214 212 177 112 100 59 48 23 18 17 9 7 5 5 4 3 1 3. Substances insoluble in alcohol. Sugar of milk Borax Tartar Alum Sulphat of ammonia lime barytes iron copper silver mercury zinc Sulphat of potash soda magnesia Sulphite of soda Tartrite of soda and ash Nitrat of mercury Muriat of lead silver Common salt Carbonat of potash soda pot- A L C ty of his alcohol; but as he compares it with that o ac- quer, we may suppose it nearly of the same streng . ■ the solubility of salts depends upon the ■«*"*'V1** alcohol employed, the experiments of these chymists must be considered as defective, because they have confined themselves to one particular density. This detect is m part supplied by the following very valuable table of Mr. Kirwan's, constructed from his own experiments. Solubility of salts in 100 parts of alcohol of different densities. Salts. Alcohol of ^0.900 : 0.872 0.848 0.834 1 0.817 Sulphat of soda 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Sulphat of mag-nesia 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. Nitrat of potash 2.76 1. ■ 0. 0. Nitrat of soda 10.5 6. 0.38 0. Muriat of potash 4 62 1.66 0.38 0. Muriat of soda 5.8 3.67 0.5 Muriat of am-monia 6.5 4.75 *• 1.5 Muriat of mag-nesia, dried at 120° 21.25 23.75 36.25 50. Muriat of bary-tes Ditto crystal-lized 1. 1.56 0.29 0.43 0.185 0.32 0.09 0.06 Acetat of lime 2.4 4.12 4.75 4.88 These experiments were made chiefly by Macquer and Wenzel. The alcohol employed by Macquer was of the specific gravity Q.840. Wenzel does not give the densi- When alcohol, containing certain saline bodies in solu- tion, is set on fire, its flame is often tinged of different colours according to the body. Thus nitrat of strontian tinges it purple; boracic acid and cupreous salts tinge it green ; muriat of lime gives it a red colour; nitre and ox- ymuriat of mercury a yellow colour. The affinities of alcohol are but imperfectly known. Those stated by Bergmann are water, ether, volatile oil, alkaline sulphurets. Alcohol is also used for a very fine, impalpable pow- der, which women in the East make use of. Dr Shaw, in his Travels, speaking of the women in Barbary, says, that none of these ladies think themselves completely dressed until they have tinged their hair.and edges of Frl % • 7 m al-ka-hol>th* Powder of lead ore. t rom this impalpable powder the name was transferred to alted to its highest purity and perfection ALCOR, in astronomy, a small star adjoining to ih* lanre bright one in the middle of the tail of ursa^ajor TL wofd is Arabic. It is a proverb among the Arabians, *^™ed ALE ALE to one who pretends to see small things, but overlooks much greater: Thou canst see Alcor, and yet not see the full moon. ALCYON1UM, in zoology, a genus of zoophytes, the characters of which are, that the animal grows in the form of a plant: the stem or root is fixed, fleshy, gelatinous, spongy, or coriaceous, with a cellular epidermis, penetrat- ed with stellated pores, and shooting out tentaculated ovi- parous hydrae. There are 28 species, as A. arboreum, with woody stem, obtuse branches, and pores in the form of pimples, found in Norway, in the white and Indian seas, sometimes of the human height. A. digitatum, stemless, oblong, coriaceous, and rugose,called also dead man's hand, &c. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 11. ALDEBARAN, in astronomy, a star of the first magni- tude, called in English the Bull's eye, being the eye of the constellation Taurus. Long. 6° 32' 9" of Gemini. Lat. 5° 29'40" S. ALDER, in botany. See Betula. ALDERMAN, among our Saxon ancestors, was a de- gree of nobility answering to earl or count at present. It ranked inferior to atheling, but superior to thane. Alder- man was also used, in the time of king Edgar, for a jus- tice or judge. In modern British policy, it implies a mag- istrate subordinate to the mayor of a city or town corpo- rate. The number of these magistrates is not limited, but is greater or less according to the magnitude of the place. In London they are twenty-six: each having one of the wards of the cify committed to his care. This of- fice is for life. When one dies or resigns, a wardmote is called within three days, who elect another, and return him to the court of aldermen, who are obliged to admit him to supply the vacancy. All the aldermen are jus- tices of the peace by a charter of 15 Geo. II. The al- dermen of London, &c. are exempted from serving inferior offices; nor can they be put upon assizes, or serve on ju- ries, so long as they continue in office. ALDROVANDA, in botany, a genus of the pentan- dria class and pentagynia order of plants; of which there is but one species. The calyx is divided into five parts ; the petals are five, and the capsule has five valves, with ten seeds. It is a native of Italy and the Indies ; and has no English name. ALE, a fermented liquor obtained from an infusion of malt differing from beer chiefly in having a less proportion of hops. See Brewing. This liquor, the natural substitute of wine in such countries as could not produce the grape, was originally made in Egypt. The natives of Spain also, the inhabit- ants of France, and the aborigines of Britain, all used an infusion of barley for their ordinary liquor; and it was called by the various names of calia and ceria in the first country, cerevisia in the second, and curmi in the last, all literally importing only the strong water. The method in which the ancient Britons, and other Celtic nations, made their ale, is thus described by Isido- rus and Orosius: "The grain is steeped in water and made to germinate, by which its spirits are excited and set at liberty ; it is then dried and ground ; after which it is infused in a cerfain quantity of wafer, which being fer- mented, becomes a pleasant, warming, strengthening, and intoxicating liquor." There are various sorts of ale known in Britain, partic- ularly pale and brown: the former is brewed from in ait slightly dried, and is esteemed more viscid than the lat- ter, which is made from malt more highly dried or roast- ed. In Staffordshire they have a secret of fining ale in a very short time. Ale is flatulent; and hence sometimes produces colics; and the cholera morbus : it is acescent; but it does not produce calcareous diseases, as has been asserted. It malt liquor, of any degree of strength, is become flat and tartish, as it is used, it should be drawn out of the cask into a jug, in which as many drams of powdered chalk is put as there are to be pints of liquor : Ihusa new fermen- tation will be raised, a sprightly taste will be restored to the liquor, and its acidity will be destroyed. Tart liquors of this kind are apt to produce a dysury, strangury, or a gonorr- hoea; in which cases a small quantity of brandy may be taken. The consumption of ale in these kingdoms is incredible. It was computed thirty years ago at the value of 4,000,000/. yearly, including Great Britain and Ireland. The duties on ale and beer make a principal branch of the revenue in Britain. They were first imposed by lhe 12th of Car. II. and have been continued by several subsequent acts of parliament to first Geo. HI. which lays an additional duty of 3d. per barrel. In the whole, the brewer of ale and beer for sale shall pay 8s. for every barrel of either, above 6s. a barrel; and for every barrel of 6s. or under, the sum of Is. 4d. Additional duties were laid on in 1803. Ale Gill, is that in which the dried leaves of gill or ground ivy have been infused. It is esteemed abstersive and vulnerary, and consequently good in disorders of the breast and obstructions of the viscera. ALE CONNER, an officer in the city of London, whose business it is to inspect the measures of public houses. Four of them are chosen or re-chosen annually by the common hall; and whatever might be their use formerly, their places are now regarded only as sinecures for decayed citizens. They are the same as ale tasters, which see. ALE HOUSES must be licensed by justices of the peace, who take recognisances of the persons licensed, and of their sureties, vis. 10/. each that they will not suf- fer unlawful gaming nor other disorderly practices in their houses. Every person, excepting those who sell ale in fairs, neglecting to procure a license, is liable to a penalty of 20/. The license is granted on the 1st September, or within twenty days after, at a general meeting of the jus- tices for the division to which he belongs, upon his pro- ducing a certificate to his character, unless, by living in a city or town corporate, this last circumstance is dispensed with, and continues in force for one year only. Alehouse keepers selling ale in short measure, aro liable to a penal- ty not exceeding 40s. and not less than 10s. and likewise to a fine of 10s. for permitting tippling, &c. By the 29th Geo. II. c. 12. persons keeping alehouses in Scotland shall be licensed as in England, and the justices there shall meet annually to license alehouses; on each of which licenses a fee of Is. is payable to the clerk of the peace. ALE TASTER, an officer appointed in every court leet, and sworn to look to the assize and the goodness of bread and ale, or beer, within the precincts of that lord- ship. Co'iiH. ALE A L G ALECTORIA, a stone said to be formed in the gall bladders of old cocks, to which (he ancients a? ribed many fabulous virtues. This is otherwise called alectorius la- pis and altdorolithos, in English the cock stone. Modern naturalists hold the alectorius lapis to be not generated in, but swallowed down into, the stomach or gizzard of cocks and capons. It is known that many fowls swallow pebbles, which are supposed to be of service in trituration, and digestion. A-LEE, in the sea language, a term only used when the wind, crossing or flanking the line of a ship's course, presses upon the masts and sails so as to make her incline to one side, which is called the lee side : hence, when the helm is moved over to this side, it is said to be Orlet- or hard a-lee. ALEGER, an inferior sort of vinegar* made of aje or malt liquor instead of wine. ALEMBICK, a vessel formerly used in distilling. They were usually made of glass or copper, The bofr tom, which contained the subject for distillation, was called, from its shape, the cucurbit; the upper part, which received and condensed the steam, was called the head, the beak being fitted into the neck of a receiver. Retorts, and the common worm still, are now more gener- ally employed. ALETRIS, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order and hexandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the tenth order, coronariae. The charac? ters are: the corolla is monopetalous, funnel shaped, hex- angular, much corrugated, semiquinquefid, and persistent; the stamina consist of six subulated filaments, the length of the corolla, and inserted into the base of the division? of the corolla; the antherse are oblong and erect: the pis- tillum has an ovate germen ; the stylus subulated, and the length of the stamina; the stigma is trifid : the pericarpi- um is an ovated capsule, triquetrous, pointed, and trilocu- lar: the seeds are numerous. There are eight species, among which are, 1. Aietris capensis^a native of the Cape of Good Hope. If is with us a stove plant, fhe flower is pink. 2. Aletris farinosa, a native of North America. This, though the most hardy plant of the genus, requires to be sheltered under a frame. The flowers appear in June or July, of a whitish green colour. 3. Aletris fra- grans, a native of Africa, and, when placed in a stove, pro- duces fine spikes of white flowers in March or April. 4. Aletris hyacinthoides, or Guinea aloe, produces like- wise white flowers when kept in proper warmth by a stove, in the month of July. 5. Aletris hyacinthoides, the Ceylon aloe, is with us also a stove plant. ALEXANDRIAN manuscript, a famous copy of the New Testament. This MS. is now preserved in the British Museum. It was sent as a present to king Charles 1. fro.n Cyrillus Lucaris, patriarch of Constantinople, by sir Thomas Rowe, ambassador from England to the Grand Seignior, about the year 1628. Cyrillus brought it with him from Alexandria, where probably it was written. In a schedule annexed to it, he gives this account: That it was written, as tradition informed him, by Thecla, a no- ble Egyptian lady, about 1300 years ago, not long after the council of Nice. But this high antiquity, aud the authority of the tradition to which the patriarch refers, have been disputed; nor are the most accurate biblical writers agreed about its age. Grabe thinks that it might have been written before the end of the fourth c«ilury I others are of opioid that it was not written tilI wear me end of the fifth century, or somewhat later. A tac sunn* was published by the late Dr. Woide. ALEXANDRINE, a kind of verse borrowed from the French, first used in a poeaj called Alexander. They consist, among the French, of twelve and thirteen sylla- bles, in alternate couplets; and, among us, of twelve. They are well characterized by Pope : Then, at the last, an only couplet fraught "With some unmeaning thing they call a thought, A needless Alexandrine ends the song, That, like a wounded snake, drags its slow length alonj;. Essay on Criticism. ALEXIPHARMICS, in ancient medicine, were prop. erly remedies for expelling or preventing the ill effects of poison; but some having imagined that the animal spirits, in acute distempers, were affected by a malignant poison, the term has been understood to mean medicines adapted to expel this poison by the cutaneous pores, in the form of sweat. In this sense alexipharmics are the same as sudo- rifics. ALFECCA, in astronomy, the star otherwise called Alfeta and Lucida coronas. ALG^E, Flags, one of the seven families or natural tribes, into which the whole vegetable kingdom is divided by Linnaeus, in his Philosophia Botanica. They are de- fined to be plants, whose roof, leaf, and stem, are all one. Under thi3 description are comprehended all the sea weeds, and some pther aquatic plants. In the sexual sys- tem they constitute the third order of the twenty-fourth class cryptogamia, and the fifty-seventh order in Lin- naeui's Fragments of a Natural Method. ALGAROT, or Algarel, in chymistry, an Arabic term for an emetic powder, prepared from regulus of anti- mony, dissolved in acids, and separated by repeated lo- tions in warm water. ALGEBRA, a general method of resolving mathemati- cal problems by means of equations: or, it is a method of performing the calculations of all sorts of quantities by means of general signs or characters. At first, numbers and things were expressed by their names at full length; but afterward these were abridged, and fhe initials of the words used instead of them ; and, as the art advanced further, the letters of the alphabet came to be employed as general representations of all kinds of quantities ; and other marks were gradually introduced to express the op- erations and combinations, so as to entitle it to different appellations. It has been called specious arithmetic by Vieta on ac- count of the species or letters of the alphabet, which he brought into general use; and by sir Isaac Newton it was denominated universal arithmetic, from the manner in which it performs all arithmetical operations by general symbols, or indeterminate quantities. Some authors define algebra to be the art of resolvine mathematical problems : but this is the idea of analysis' or the analytic art in general, rather than of algebra which is only one particular species of it. ' Indeed algebra properly consists of two parts- fW the method of calculating magnitudes or quantities, as rep- A L G A L G resented by letters or other characters; and secondly, the manner of applying these calculations in the solun)on of problems. In algebra, as applied to the resolution of problems, the first business is to translate the problem out of the common into the algebraic language, by expressing all the conditions and quantities, both known and unknown, by their proper characters, arranged in an equation, or sever- al equations if necessary, and treating the unknown quanti- ty, whether it be number or line, or any other thing, in the same way as if it were a known one: this forms the com- position. Then the resolution, or analytic part, is the dis- entangling the unknown quantity from the several others with which it is connected, so as to retain it alone on one side of the equation, while all the known quantities are collected on the other side, and so giving the value of the unknown one. And as this disentangling of the quantity sought is performed by the converse of the operations by which it is connected with the others, taking them always backward in the contrary order, it hence becomes a spe- cies of the analytic art, and is called the modern analysis, in contradistinction to the ancient analysis, which chiefly respected geometry and its applications. There have arisen great controversies and sharp dis- putes among authors concerning the history of the prog- ress and improvements of algebra, arising partly from the partiality and prejudices which are natural to all nations, and partly from the want of a closer examination of the works of the older authors on this subject. From these causes it has happened that the improvements made by the writers of one nation have been ascribed to those of another ; and the discoveries of an earlier author to some one of much later date. Add lo this also, that the pecu- liar methods of many authors have been described so lit- tle in detail, that our information derived from such his- tories is but very imperfect, and amounting only to some general and vague ideas of the true state of the arts. It is highly probable that the Indians or Arabians first invented the noble art; for it may be reasonably supposed that the ancient Greeks were ignorant of it, since Pappus, in his mathematical collections, in which he enumerates their analysis, makes mention of nothing like it; and he besides speaks of a local problem, begun by Euclid, and continued by Apollonius, which none of them could fully resolve, a circumstance that could not have occurred had they been acquainted with algebra. Diophanfus was the first Greek writer on algebra, who published thirteen books about the year 800, though only six of them were translated into Latin in the year 1575. This algebra of Diophanfus only extends to the solution of arithmetical indeterminate problems. Before this translation of Diophanfus came out, Lucas de Burgo, a friar, published at Venice, in the year 1494, an Italian Treatise on Algebra. This author refers to others who had preceded him, and from whom he had learned the art; but their writings have not come down to us. He also as- sumes, that algebra came originally from the Arabs, and never mentions Diophanfus, which makes it highly prob- able that his work was not even then known in Europe. Burgo's Treatise goes no further than quadratic equations. He was succeeded by Stifelius, who was a good author, but did not advance the science. After him came Scipio Fer- reus, Cardan, Tariagilla, and some others, who proceeded to the solution of cubic equations. In 1590, Vieta introduced his specious arithmetic, to which we have already alluded, which consists in denot- ing the quantities, both known and unknown, by symbols or letters. To Vieta we are indebted for the method of extracting the roots Of equations by approximation, which has been since greatly improved by Raphson, Halley, Maclaurin, Simpson, and others. Vieta was followed by Oughtred and Harriot; the for- mer invented several compendious characters to show the sums, differences, rectangles, squareB, cubes, &c. of any given numbers; the latter left behind him his Analysis, which is highly esteemed at this day. In 1657, Des Car- tes published his geometry, in which he made use of the literal calculus, and the algebraic rules of Harriot: he ap- plied his method to the higher geometry, explaining the nature of curves by equations, and adding the con- structions of cubic, biquadratic, and other higher equa- tions. The elements of the art were compiled and published by Kersey, in 1671, in which specious arithmetic, and the nature of equations, are largely explained and illus- trated by a variety of examples. Sir Isaac Newton's Arithmetica Universalis was published in 1707, which abounds with useful and important instruction ; and since bis time we have had a great number of excellent Ireatises on Ihe subject, from almost any of which the science may with very little difficulty be learned. Algebra, as has been already observed, is called an uni- versal arithmetic, and it proceeds by operations and rules similar to those in common arithmetic, founded upon the same principles. This, however, is no argument against its usefulness or evidence; since arithmetic is not to be the less valued that it is common, and is allowed to be one of (he most clear and evident of the sciences. But as a number of symbols are admitted into this science, being necessary for giving it that extent and generality which is its greatest excellence; the import of those sym- bols is to be clearly stated, that no obscurity or error may arise from the frequent use and complication of them. Thus, The relation of equality is expressed by the sign = ; thus to express that fhe quantity represented by a is equal to that which is represented by b, we write «=6. But if we would express that a is greater than b, we write a r* b ; and if we would express algebraically that a is less than b, we write a <3 b. Quantity is what is made up of parts, or is capable of being greater or less. It is increased by Addition, and diminished by Subtraction; which are therefore the two primary operations that relate to quantity. Hence it is, that any quantity may be supposed to enter into algebra- ic computations two different ways, which have contrary effects ; either as an increment, or as a decrement; that is, as a quantity to be added, or as a quantity to be sub- tracted. The sign -f, plus, is the mark of Addition, and the sign —, minus, of Subtraction. Thus the quantity being represented by a, or -f a, imports that a is to be added, or represents an increment; but — a imports that a is to be subtracted and represents a decrement A L G Wh.-'ii several such quantities are joined, the signs serve to show which are to be added, and which are to be sub- tracted. Thus -+- a -\- b denotes the quantity that arises when a And b are both considered as increments, and therefore expresses the sum of a and b. But -f- a — b de- notes the quantity that arises when from the quantity a the quantity 6 is subtracted; and expresses the excess of a above 6. When a is greater than b, then a — b is itself an increment; when a = b, then a — 6 = 0; and when a is less than b, then a — b is itself a decree- ment. As Addition and Subtraction are opposite, or an incre- ment is opposite to a decreement, there is an analogous opposition between the affections of quantities that are considered in the mathematical sciences. As between excess and defect; between the value of effects or money due to a man, and money due by him; a line drawn tow- ard the right and a line drawn to the left; gravity and lev- ity ; elevation above the horizon and depression below it. When two quantities, equal in respect to magnitude, but of those opposite kinds, are joined together, and conceiv- ed to take place in the same subject, they destroy each other's effect, and their amount is nothing. Thus 100/. due to a man, and 100/. due by him, balance each other; and in estimating his stock may be both neglected. A quantity that is to be added is likewise called a posi- tive quantity; and a quantity to be subtracted is said to be negative: they are equally real, but opposite to each other, so as to take away each other's effect, in any ope- ration, when they are equal as to quantity. Thus 3— 3 = 0, and a — a = 0. But though + a and — a are equal as to quantity, we do not suppose in Algebra that -\-a =—a; because to infer equality in this science, they must not only be equal as to quantity, but of the same quality, that in every operation the one may have the same effect as the other. A decreement may be equal to an increment; but it has in all operations a contrary effect. It is on account of this contrariety that a nega- tive quantity is said to be less than nothing, because it is opposite to the positive, and diminishes it when joined to it, whereas the addition of 0 has no effect. But a negative is to be considered no less as a real quantity than the positive. Quantities that have no sign prefixed to them are understood to be positive. The number prefixed to a letter is called the numeral co-efficient, and shows how often fhe quantity repre- sented by the letter is to be taken. Thus 2a imports that the qdantity represented by a is to be taken twice ; 3a that it is to be taken thrice, and so on. When no num- ber is prefixed, unit is understood to be the co-efficient. Thus 1 is the co-efficient of a or of b. Quantities are said to be like or similar, that are repre- sented by the same letter, or letters equally repeated. Thus, + 3a and — 5a are like ; but a and b, or a and aa, are unlike. A quantity is said to consist of as many terms as there are parts joined by the signs + or —; thus a -f 6 con- sists of two terms, and is called a binomial; a -f 6 + c consists of three terms, and is called a trinomial. These are called compound quantities: a simple quantity con- sists of one term only, as -f- a, or -f ab, or + abc. A L G OP ADDITION. Case I. To add quantities that are like and have like, signs. Rule. Add together the co-efficients, to their sum pre- fix the common sign, and subjoin the common letter or letters. EXAMPLES. To -f 5a to — 66 to a + b Add -f- 4a add — 26 add 3a + 56 Sum + 9a Sum —86 Sum 4a+66 To 3a — 4x add 5a — Sx Sum 8a — 12x Case II. To add quantities that are like but have unlike signs. Rule. Subtract the lesser co-efficient from the greater, prefix the sign of the greater to the remainder, and sub- join the common letter or letters. examples. To — 4a I -{- 56 — 6c Add + 7a \ —36 + 8c Sum -f- 3a f 26 -f- 2c To a + 6x — by + 8 I 2a — 26 Add — 5a — Ax + Ay — 3 | — 2a -f 26 Sum — 4a -f- 2x — #4-5 0..0 This rule is easily deduced from the nature of positive and negative quantities. If there are more than two quantities to be added to- gether, first add the positive together into one sum, and then the negative, by Case I. Then add these two sums together, by Case II. -f- 8abx — 7a6x* 4- 10a bx — V2abx Sum of the positive + 18a6.T Sum of the negative — 19abx Sum of all — abx Case III. To add quantities that are unlike, Rule. Set them all down one after another, witfa their signs and co-efficients prefixed. EXAMPLES. To + 2a Add 4- 36 Sum 2a -f 36 To 4a + 46 -f 3c Add — Ax — Ay -f 3s 4- 3a — Ax 3a —. 4X Sum Aa + 46 + 3c — Ax — Ay +3* A L G ALG OF SUBTRACTION. General Rule. Change the signs of the quantity to be subtracted into their contrary signs, and then add it so changed to the quantity from which it was to be sub- tracted (by the preceding rules:) the sum arising by this addition is the remainder. For, to subtract any quantity, either positive or negative, is the same as to add the opposite kind. EXAMPLES. From -|- 5a Subtract -f- 3a 8a —76 3a-f- 46 Remainder 5a — 3a, or 2a 5a — 116 From 2a — 3a: -f 5y — 6 Subtract 6a + Ax -f- 5y 4- 4 Remainder — 4a — 7x 0 — 10 It is evident, that to subtract or take away a decrement is the same as adding an equal increment. If we take away — 6 from a — 6, there remains a ; and if we add 4- 6 to a — 6, the sum is likewise a. In general, the sub- traction of a negative quantity is equivalent to adding its positive value. OP MULTIPLICATION. In Multiplication the general Rule for the signs is, That when the signs of the factors are like (i.e. both +, or both —) the sign of the product is 4-; but when the signs of the factors are unlike, the sign of the product is —. Case I. When any positive quantity, -f- a, is multipli- ed by any positive number, -{- n, the meaning is, that 4 a is to be taken as many times as there are units in n; and fhe product is evidently na. Case II. When — a is multiplied by n, then — a is to be taken as often as there are units in n, and the product must be —na. Case III. Multiplication by a positive number implies a repeated addition: but multiplication by a negative im- plies a repeated subtraction. And when 4- a 's to be multiplied by — n, the meaning is, that + a is to be sub- tracted as often as there are units in n. Therefore the product is negative, being — na. Case IV. When — a is to be multiplied by — n, then — a is to be subtracted as often as there are units in n; but to subtract — a is equivalent to adding 4- a, conse- quently the product is 4- na' The lid and IVth Cases may be illustrated in the fol- lowing manner. By the definitions, + a — a = 0 ; therefore, if we multiply 4- a — a by n, the product must vanish or be 0, because the factor a —. a is 0. The first term of the prod- uct is -f na (by Case I.) Therefore the second term of the product must be — na, which destroys -f na; so that the whole product must be -{- na — na = 0. Therefore — a multiplied by -J- n gives ~— na. In like manner, if we multiply 4- a — a by — n, the first term of the product being — na, the latter term of the product must be -f na, because the two together must destroy each other, or their amount be 0, since one of the factors {viz. a — a) is 0. Therefore —- a multiplied by — n must give -f- na. vol. i. 11 In this general doctrine the multiplicator is always con- sidered as a number. A quantity of any kind may be multiplied by a number; but a pound is not to be multi- plied by a pound, or a debt by a debt, or a line by a line. We shall hereafter consider the analogy that there is be- twixt rectangles in geometry and a product of two factors. If the quantities to be multiplied are simple quantities, find the sign of the product by the last rule; after it place the product of the co-efficients, and then set down all the letters after one another, as in one word. EXAMPLES. Mult. 4- a I — 2a I 6x By + 6 J + 46 I — 5a Prod -f a6 — 8a6 — 30ax Mult. — Bx I + 3a6 By — 4a j — 5ac Prod, -f 32ax — 15aa6c To multiply compound quantities, you must multiply every part of the multiplicand by all the parts of the mul- tiplier taken one after another, and then collect all the products into one sum: that sum shall be the product re- quired. EXAMPLES. Prod. Mult, a -f 6 By a + 6 §aa +ab I +ab + 66 2a—.36 4a + 56 ( 8aa — 12a6 I +10a6 —1566 Sum aa -f- 2a6 -f 66 Mult. 2a — 46 By 2a -f 46 Prod. 4aa -— 8a6 + 8a6 —1666 8aa 2a6 156 XX — ax X + a $ XXX axx I 4 axx aax Sum 4aa • • 0 . — 1666 xxx Mult, aa -f a6 -f- 66 By a — 6 0 . —. aax ™d't _aa6 — a66 — 666 Sum aaa ••• 0 •••• 0* —666 Products that arise from the multiplication of two, three, or more quantities, as a6c, are said to be of two, three, or more dimensions; and those quantities are call- ed factors or roots. If all the factors are equal, then these products are called powers; as aa, or aaa, are powers of a. Powers are expressed sometimes by placing above the root to the right hand a figure expressing the number of factors that produce them. Thus, ~~st ^\ power of the^j a 2d I root a, and 1 a* 3d > is shortly >a3 > 4tb j expressed I a4 ^5thJ thus, J a' a a a aaa aaaa aaaaa inus, [Z 2 J .3 AL G A L G These figures, which express the number of factors that produce powers, are called their indices or exponents $ thus 2 is the index of a*. And powers of the same root are multiplied by adding their exponents. Thus a2 X a3 = a1, a* X a3 = a7, a3 X a = a*. Sometimes it is useful, not actually to multiply com- pound quantities, but to set them down with the sign of multiplication (X) between them, drawing a line over each of the compound factors. Thus, a -f 6 X a — 6 expresses the product of a-f b multiplied by a — 6. OF DIVISION. The same rule for the eigne is to be observed in Divi- sion as in Multiplication; that is, if the signs of the divi- dend and divisor are like, the sign of the quotient must be -f-; if they are unlike, the sign of the quotient must be —. This will be easily deduced from the rule in Multiplica- tion, if you consider that the quotient must be such a quan- tity as, multiplied by fhe divisor, shall give the dividend. The general rule in Division is, to place the dividend above a small line, and the divisor under it, expunging any letters that may be found in all the quantities of the divi- dend and divisor, and dividing the co-efficients of all the terms by any common measure. Thus, when you divide 10a6 4 15ac by 20arf, expunging a out of all the terms, and dividing All the co-efficients by 5, the quotient is 26 + 3c ------5 and 4d 26) a& + 66 la -f 6 fa 4 6 \ 2 12a6) 30ax — 5Aay /5x — 9y ■ 26 4aa) 8a6 4 6ac /46 -f 3c ( 2a And 26c) 5a6c /5a /5a \2 Powers of the same root are divided by subtracting their exponents, as they are multiplied by adding them. Thus if you divide a» by a8, the quotient is a5 — 2, or a3! And 66 divided by 6*, gives 6« - «, or 63; and a7 b'» divided by a* 63, gives a5 6* for the quotient. If the quantity to be divided is compound, then you must range its parts according to the dimensions of some one of its letters, as in the following example. In the dividend a* + 2a& + 6a, they are ranged according to the dimensions of a, the quantity a*, where a is of two di- mensions, being placed first, 2a&, where it is of one di- mension, next, and &>, where a h not at all, being placed last. The divisor must be ranged according to the di- mensions of the same letters; then you are to divide the first term of the dividend by the first term of the divisor and to set down the quotient, which in this example is a; then multiply this quotient by the whole divisor, and sub- tract the product from the dividend, and the remainder shall give a new dividend, which in this example is ab 4 6*, thus, r a + b) a» + 2ao + 6* (a 4- & a* + ab ab -f 6* ab -f 6* 0 0 Divide the firBt term of this new dividend by the first term of the divisor, and set down the quotient, which io4> this example is 6, with its proper sign. Then multiply, the whole divisor by this part of the quotient, and subtrtct the product from the new dividend ; and if there is no re- mainder, the division is finished. If there is a remainder,. you are to proceed after the same manner till no remainder ^ is left, or till it appears that there will be always a re- mainder. Some examples will illustrate this operation. EXAMPLE I. ei + 6)ax — 6* (a— 6 a* 4- a& ab — b* ab — b* 0 0 EXAMPLE II. a — 6) aaa — 3aa6 + 3a66 — 666 (aa aaa — aa6 2a6 4 bb 2aab -f 3a66 2aa6 -f 2a&6 666 a&6 _ 666 a&& — 666 0 0 EXAMPLE III. a — 6) aaa — 666 (aa 4 a6 -f. 56 aaa — aa6 aa6 — 666 aa6 — a66 abb — 666 a&& —- 666 0 0 EXAMPLE IV. 3a — 6) Qaaaa — 96 (2aaa + 4aa + 8a 4- 16 Gaaaa — 12aaa VZaaa — 96 12aaa — 24aa 24aa — 96 24aa — 48a 48a — 96 48a — 96 A L G A L G It often happens that the operation may be continued without end, and then you have an infinite series for the quotient j and by comparing the first three or four terms, you may find what law the terms observe; by which means, without any more division, you may continue the quotient as far as you please. Thus, in dividing 1 by 1 — a, you find the quotient to be 1 + a 4 aa 4 aaa 4 aaaa 4 &c. which series can be continued as far as you please, by adding the powers of a. ^ The operation is thus : ™ 1 — a) 1 ( 1 -f o + on + aaa, &c. 1 — a 4- a + a —- aa 4- aa + aa — • aaa ' -f- aaa -j- aaa — aaaa 4 aaaa, &c. Another Example. 2xx 2x3 2x* a + x) aa + xx (a —x -\---—----!-------&c. aa + ax a a* as ax -f- xx ax — xx t -f- 2xx + 2xx + 2x 2x3 2x* a 2x3 a a* 2x* + — > a» &c. In this last example the signs are alternately 4 and —, the co-efficient is constantly 2 after the first two terms, and (he letters are the powers of x and a; so that the quotient may be continued as far as you please without any more division. But in division, after you come to a remainder of one term, as 2xx in the last example, it is commonly set down with the divisor under it, after the other terms, and these together give the quotient. Thus, the quotient in the last 2x* example is found to be a — x 4- -. And 66 + ab, a + x 2ab divided by 6 — a, gives for the quotient 6 -f —. 6—a 11* Note. The sign — placed between any two quantities, expresses the quotient of the former divided by the lat- ter. Thus a 4 6 -r- a — x is the quotient of a 4 & di- vided by a — x. OP FK ACT IONS. In the preceding page it was said, that the quotient of any quantity a divided by 6, is expressed by placing a a above a small line, and & under it, thus —. These quo- 6 tients are also called fractions; and the dividend or quan- tity placed above the line is called the numerator of the fraction, and the divisor or quantity placed under the 2 line is called the denominator. Thus, — expresses the 3 quotient of 2 divided by 3; and 2 is the numerator and 3 the denominator of the fraction. If the numerator of a fraction is equal to the denomina- a tor, then the fraction is equal to unity. Thus, —, and & a —, are equal to unit. If the numerator is greater than the 6 denominator, then the fraction is greater than unit. In both these case-;, the fraction is caHed improper. But if the numerator is less than the denominator, then the frac- 5 tion is less than unit, and is called proper. Thus — is an 3 2 3 improper fraction; but — and — are proper fractions. 4 3 A mixt quantity is that whereof one part is an integer, and 4 2 a* the other a fraction; as 3—, and 5 —, and a -\---. 5 3 6 Prob. I. To reduce a Mixt Quantity to an Improper Fraction. Rule. Multiply the part that is an integer by the de- nominator of the fractional part; and to the product add the numerator; under their sum place the former denom- inator. Thus 2}, reduced to an improper fraction, gives y; a* a& + a* a* — ax a*—x* a -\----=----—; and a — x 4--------=------- 6 6 xx Prob. II. To reduce an Improper Fraction to a Mixl Quantity. Rule. Divide the numerator of the fraction by the denominator, and the quotient shall give the integral part * the remainder set over the denominator shall be the frac- tional part. 12 2 a&-fal a» ax + 2xx Thus, — = 2 —; -------= a -\-----;--------- 5 5ft b a + x x% aa 4 xx 2xx — x H-----;------= a 4- x -|—.—. a + x x a — * A L G A L G PnoB. III. To reduce Fractions ofdifftrent Dtnomina- tors, to Fractions of equal Valut that shall have the same Denominator. Rile. Multiply each numerator, separately taken in- to all the denominators but its own, and the products shall give the new numerators. Then multiply all the denom- inators into one another, and the product shall give the common denominator. Thus, a b c The fractions —, —, —, are respectively equal to bed acd bbd ccb these fractions, —, —, —, which have the same denomi- bed bed bed nator 6cd\ And the fractions!, | f; are respectively equal to these £$, £f, |V Prob. IV. To Add and Subtract Fractions. Rule. Reduce them to a common denominator, and add or subtract the numerators; the sum or difference set over the common denominator, is the sum or remainder required. acd adt + bct -f- d*b a c Thus, — + — -}- — :=-------.----;-------= b d e bdt 6 d arf —6c 2 3 8+9 17 3 2 » 4 — = ———— = — = lTf;— —• = 6d 3 4 12 12 4 3 9—-8 1 12 12 5 x A x 16 — 15 1 20 20 3x — 2x x 2 3 6 6 Prob. V. To Multiply Fractions. Rule. Multiply their numerators one into another to obtain the numerator of the product; and their denomina- tors multiplied into one another, shall give the denomina- tor of the product. a c ac 2 4 8 Thus, — X— = —; — X — =—; 6 d 6d 3 5 15 0 + 6 a — 6 a* — 63 and-----X ■-----=______. c d cd If a mixt quantity is to be multiplied, first reduce it to the form of a fraction, by Prob. I. And if an integer is to be multiplied by a fraction, you may reduce it to the form of a fraction by placing unit under it. examples, 2 3 17 3 51 2 9 2 5— X — =— X — = — ;9 X — = — X — = 3434 12 313 18 ox a ba + bx a a*b + abx - = 6;H-X- =----X- =------ 3 a x a x ax ab + 6x ab =-----= & + -. x x ♦ Prob. VI. To Dividt Fractions. Rule. Multiply the numerator of the dividend by the denominator of the divisor, their product shall give the numerator of the quotient. Then multiply the denomina. tor of the dividend by the numerator of the divisor, and their product shall give the denominator. Thus 4\2/l0 3\5/35 c\a/ad a + b\a — b T/li\l2, 7 ' 8*24' d/6\c6'a— 6/ a /0« —2a6 4-6* I-----------------• v a* + a6 These last four Rules are easily demonstrated from the definition of a fraction. ace 1. It is obvious that the fractions —, —, —, are respec- b d f adf cbf ebd tively equal to .----,----•,----; since, if you divide ait bdf dbf fbd by bdf, the quotient will be the same as of a divided by 6; and cbf divided by dbf, gives the same quotient as c di- vided by d; and ebd divided by fbd, the same quotient as e divided by^. 2. Fractions reduced to the same denominator are ad- ded by adding their numerators and subscribing the com- mon denominator. I say a c a -fc a c ---1---=------. For, call — = m, and — = n, and 6 6 6 6 6 it will be a = mb, c = rib, and m6 -f nb = a + c, andm a-fc a c a + c + n =----; that is,---1-— =----. After the same 6 6 6 6 a c a — c manner,-------= m — n =----. 6 6 6 a c ac 3. I say, —- x — (= m x n) = —; for bm — a, in b d bd ac a c = c; and bdmn = ac, and mn = —; that is, __X - bd 6 i ac bd' a c m ad 4. I say, — divided by —, or —, gives —; for nib = b d n cb a, and mbd = ad; nd= c, and nbd = c&rtherefore mba ad m ad --- = —; that is, — = —. nbd cb n cb Prob. VII. To find thtgrtattst common Mtasure of two Numbers; t^ is, the greatest Number that can di- vide thtm both without a Rtmaindtr. .„?? a Fir?t dividC ^Gireater number h7 «he »esser, and if here is no remainder, the lesser number'is the greatest common divisor required. If there is a remaH> der, div.de your last divisor by it; and thus proceed con- tinually dividing the last divisor by its remrfnte S A L G A L G there is no remainder left, and then the last divisor is the greatest common measure required. Thus, the greatest common measure of 45 and 63 is 9; and the greatest com- mon measure of 256 and 48 is 16. 45) 63 (1 45 48) 256 (5 240 18) 45 (2 36 16) 48 (3 48 9) 18 (2 0 18 0 Much after the same manner the greatest common measure of Algebraic quantities is discovered ; only the remainders that arise in the operation are to be divided by their simple divisors, and the quantities are always to be ranged according to the dimensions of the same letter. Thus, to find the greatest common measure of a* — 63 and a2 —2a6 + 62 ; a2— 62)a2 — 2a6 4 62 (1 a2 —6s — 2a6 -J- 262 remainder, which divided by — 26 is reduced to a—6) a2 — b2 (a + 6 a2 —62 0 0 Therefore a — 6 is the greatest common measure re- quired. The ground of this operation is, that any quantity that measures the divisor and the remainder, if there is any, must also measure the dividend ; because the dividend is equal to the sum of the divisor multiplied into the quo- tient, and of the remainder added together. Thus, in the last example, a — 6 measures the divisor a2 — 62, and the remainder — 2a6 4 26 ; it must therefore likewise measure their sum a2 — 2a6 -\- b%. You must observe in this operation, to make that the dividend which has the highest powers of the letter according to which the quan- tities are ranged. Prob. VIII. To reduce any Fraction to its lowest Terms. Rule. Find the greatest common measure of the nu- merator and denominator ; divide them by that common measure, and place the quotients in their room, and you shall have a fraction equivalent to the given fraction ex- pressed in the least terms. Thus, 256c. 75abc 3a 156aa -f 156a6 J = > == 256c' 1256cx 5x 572aa—572a6 3a -f- 36 a2 — 62 a +6 11a—116 a2— 2a6-f 62 a —6 a3—b*a a* — 6a a* — 64 a*4-2a64-6* a 4-6 a» + b* a'62 When unit is the greatest commcti measure of the numbers and quantities, then the fraction is already in "ifs 'Sab lowest terms. Thus,---cannot be reduced lower. 5d*c And numbers, whose greatest common measure is unit, are said to be prime to one another. If it is required to reduce a given fraction to a fraction equal to it that shall have a given denominator, you must multiply the numerator by the given denominator, and di- vide the product by the former denominator, the quo- tient, set over the given denominator, is the fraction re- a quired. Thus — being given, and it being required to 5 reduce it to an equal fraction whose denominator shall be c ,* find the quotient of ac divided by 6, and it shall be the numerator of the fraction required. OF THE INVOLUTION OF QUANTITIES. The products arising from the continual multiplication of the same quantity, were before called the powers of that quantity. Thus a, a2, a3, a*, &c. are the powers of a; and a&, a262, a363, a464, &c. are the powers of a6. And the rule given for the multiplication of powers of the same quantity was, to "-Add the exponents, and make their sum the exponent of the product." Thus a* X a5 = a9 ; and a263 X a662 = a966. In the above place you have the rule for dividing powers of the same quanti- ty, which is, " To subtract the exponents, and make the difference the exponent of the quotient." a6 a'63 = a- and- =a» —463 — a4 Thus,---= a6 a* = a62. If you divide a lesser power by a greater, the exponent of the quotient must, by this rule, be negative. Thus, a* a* 1 l — = a4 — 6 = a — 3. But — = —; and hence — a6 a« a2 a1 is expressed also by a* with a negative exponent, or a— *. a It is also obvious, that — = a1 a a = a« 1, and therefore a0 — 1. but— = a 1 After the same manner, — = a a° t aa 1 a aa a* aaa 1111 ac j3 a* a a' — s i° — 3 = a — 3; so that the quantities a, 1, —, —, —,__5 a a* a- Sec. may be expressed thus, a1, a0, a — l, a a — 3, a — 4, &c. Those are called the negative powers of a, which have negative exponents; but they are at the same time positive powers of—, or a — l. a Negative powers, as well as positive, are multiplied by adding, and divided by subtracting, their exponents. Thus the product of a — 2 1 7\ (or —) mulfipliedby a— 3 (or — ] is a— s — 3 = a— f a2 «3/ al a (or — ) ; also a - • X a* = a "*"' = a - s a* ' 1 V (or —); and a— 3 X a3 = a0 = 1. And, in gener- as/ al, any positive power of a multiplied by a negative power of a of an equal exponent, gives unit for the pro- duct ; for the positive and negative exponents destroy each other, and the product gives a0, which is equal to unit. A L G Likewise = a = a __ 3 __ and a— * a- * 1 — tl I — a — 1 = a = a3. But also, 1 1 ----; therefore --- a—3 a— = a! a- * a * . And, in gener- al, "any quantity placed in the denominator of a frac- tion, may be transposed to the numerator, if the sign 1 1 of its exponent be changed." Thus — == a — 3, and----- = a3. a8 a— 3 The quantity am expresses any power of a in general; the exponent (m) being undetermined; and a — m expres- 1 ses —, or a negative power of a of an equal exponent: am and a*» X a — m = a"»— m = a° = 1 is their product, a" • <• "• 4-n - i expresses any other power of a; am X an = a is the product of the powers am and a", and am — n is their quo- tient. To raise any simple quantity to its second, third, or fourth power, is to add its exponent twice, thrice, or four times to itself; therefore the second power of any quanti- ty is had by doubling its exponent, and the third by treb- ling its exponent; and, in general, the power expressed by a -f 6 = Root. X a -f 6 a 2 4 ab + ab 4 m of any quantity is had by multiplying the eXP°"ent by m, as is obvious from the multiplication ot powers. multiplication Thus the second power or square of a is a — a* > its third power or cube is a x *= a3; and the mth pow- er of a is a "* ' = o«. Also, the square of a4 is a2 x 4=a8; the cube-of a4 is a3 x 4= aix; and the mth power of a4 is a4 X * • The square of a6c is a*6V, the cube is a363c3, the with power a™bmc™. The raising of quantities to any power is called Involu- tion; and any simple quantity is involved by multiplying the exponent by that of the power required, as in the pre- ceding examples. The co-efficient must also be raised to the same pow$r( by a continual multiplication of itself by itself, as often a*!1 unit is contained in the exponent of the power required." . Thus the cube of 3a6 is 3 X 3 X 3 X a36s = 27 a3K.M As to the signs, When the quantity to be involved is positive, it is obvious that all its powers must be positive. And when the quantity to be involved is negative, yet all its powers whose exponents are even numbers must be . positive; for any number of multiplications of a negative, if fhe number is even, gives a positive; since — X — = 4-, therefore— X — X — X — = 4- X 4 =4; and— x — X — X— X — X — = 4 X +X 4=4-. The power then only can be negative when its expo- nent is an odd number, though the quantity to be involved be negative. The powers of— a are — a, 4- a2, — a\ 4 a4, — a5, &c. Those whose exponents are 2, 4, 6, &c. are positive; but those whose exponents are 1, 3, 5,&c. are negative. The involution of compound quantities is a more diffi- cult operation. The powers of any binomial a 4 6 are found by a continual multiplication of it by itself, as fol- lows. ( a* -f- 2a6 -f 6* = the Square, or 2d Power. X a 4-6 a3 +2a264 ab1 4 o*6 4 2a6* + 63 a3+3a*6 4-3a6* 4 63 = Cube, or 3d Power. X a +6 a4 -f 3a36+ 30*6" 4 ab3 4 o36 4 3a*6» 4 3a63 + 64 a* 4 4a36 + 6a*6» 4 4a63 4 64 = Biquadrate, or 4th Power. A L 6 A L €? X a +b a' + Aa4 4 a' '6 4 6a3 6Z 4a36J 4-4- 4a*63 6a*63 4-+ a6* 4a6*4 6« X a1 a 4 5a46+10a36* 4-0 4-10a»63 4- 5a64 4- 6' = 5th Poi a* 4 5a + « *6-f •6 + 10a46J 5a 46* 4-+ I0a363 10a»63 + 4- 5a36* 10aa64 + ab' + 5a65 4 66 a6 + 6u*6-f 15a46a 4 20a'6» + 15a*6* 4 6a6* +b* = 6th Power, &c. If the powers of a — 6 are required, 4hey will be found the same as the preceding, only the terms in which the exponent of 6 is an odd number will be found negative ; " because an odd number of multiplications of a negative produces a negative." Thus, fhe cube of a — 6 wrll be found to be a3 —3a *6 -f- 3a6' — 63; where the 2d and 4th terms are negative, the exponent of 6 being an odd number in these terms. In general, "«he terms of any power of a — 6 are positive and negative by turns." It is to be observed, that " in the first term of any pow- er of a -f- 6, the quantity a has the exponent of the power required; that in the following terms, the exponents of a decrease gradually by the same difference, (vis. unit) and that in the last terms it is never found. The powers of 6 are in the contrary order; it is not found in the first term, but its exponent in the second term is unit, in the 3d term its exponent is 2; and thus its exponen* increases, till in the last term it becomes equal to the exponent of the power required." As the exponents of a thus decrease, and at the same time those of 6 increase, " the sum of their exponents is always the same, and is equal lo the exponent of the pow- er required." Thus in the 6th power of a + 6, vis. a6 4-6a56 4. 15a46l -f 20a363 4- 15a*64 4- 6a6* 4 &8, the exponents of a decrease in this order, 6,5,4,3,2,1,0; and those of 6 increase in fhe contrary order, 0,1,2, 3,4, 5,6. And the sum of their exponents in any term is al- ways 6. To find the co-efficient of any term, the co-efficient of the preceding term being known; you are to " divide the co-efficient of the preceding term by the exponent of 6 in the given term, and to multiply the quotient by the exponent of a in the same term, increased by unit." Thus to find the co-efficients of the terms of the 6th power of a + 6, you find fhe terms are a*,a'b,a*b*, a363, a26*,a&5, b* ; and you know the co-efficient of the first term is unit, therefore, according to the Rule, the co-efficient of the second term will be 1 ____ — X^+l =6; that of the third term will be 6 _____ — X4 + 1 =3 X 5 = 15; 2 that of (he fourth terra will be 15 _______ — x 3 + 1 = 5 X 4 = 20; and those of the follow- 3 ing terms will be 15,6,6, agreeable to the preceding table. In genera], if a -f 6 is to be raised to any power m, the terms, without their co-efficients, will be, am, am — *b, am — *6*, am— 3b*, «"»— 46*, am — '&', &c. continued till the exponent of 6 becomes equal to m. The co-efficients ^of the respective terms, according to the last Rule, will be m — 1 m — 1 m — 2 l9m} m X ,m X-----X » 2 2 3 m — 1 m—2 m — 3 m x----- x----- x-----, 2 3 4 m—1 m—2 m — 3 m — 4 m X----- X----- X-----X-----, 2 3 4 A 5 &c. continued until you have one co-efficient more than there are units in m. It follows therefore by these last Rules, that a-f hi "* m — 1 = am + mam — *6 -f m X ------x am— *6* ■+■ m 2 m — Iw — 2 m — 1 m — 2 X-----X-----X a" — 363 + m X ----- x—— 2 m — 3 X ' ■ X am — *b* -f, &c. which is the general the- 4 orem for raising a quantity consisting of two te/ms to any power m. If a quantity consisting of three or more terms is to be involved, "you may distinguish if info two parts, consid- ering it as a binomial, and raise it to any power by the preceding Rules; and then by fhe same rules you may substitule instead of the powers of these compound parts their values." Thus, a+6 + c = a+6+c = a + 6+2c X a + 6 + c» = a» -f 2a6 + &» + 2ac -f 26c -f c*. And a + ------3 -----3 -----3 ______ &+c = a-f&-f3c x a + 6-f-3c2 Xa-f6-fc3 = a3 -f- 3a2& + 3a62 -f 63 + 3a*c + 6a6c + 36*c -f- 3ac» + 36c3 + c3. In these examples, a -f 6 -f c, is considered as compos- ed of fhe compound part a + 6 and the simple pari c ; and then the powers of a -f 6 are formed by the preceding rules, and substituted for a-f-6 and a~4-63* OF EVOLUTION. The reverse of Involution, or the resolving of powers into their roots, is called Evolution. The roots of single A L O quantities are easily extracted by dividing their expo- nents by (he number that denominates the root required. Thus, the square root of a8 is af = a4 ; and the square root of a4 &• c* is a»6*c. The cube root of a6 6 3 is a f 6* = a* b; and the cube root of x'y's12 is x3y*s*. The gi-ound of this rule is obvious from the rule for Inyo- luii n. The powers of anv root are found by multiplying its exponent by the index that denominates the power; ond therefore, when any power is given, the root must be found by dividing the exponent of the given power by the number that denominates the kind of root that is required. It appears from what was said of Involution, that "any power that has a positive sign, may have either a positive or negative root, if the root is denominated by any even number." Thus the square root of + o* may be + a, or — a, because -fax 4 a, or — a X — a gives 4 a2 for the product. But if a power have a negative sign, " no root of it de- nominated by an even number can be assigned," since there is no quantity that multiplied into itself an even number of times can give a negative product. Thus the square root of ~-» a* cannot be assigned, and is what we call an " impossible or imaginary quantity." But if the root to be extracted is denominated by an odd number, then shall the sign of the root be the same as the sign of the given number whose root is required. Thus the cube root of—a3 is --a, and the cube root of—- a663 is —• a*6. If the number that denominates the root required is a divisor of the exponent of the given power, then shall the root be only a " lower power of the same quantity." As the cube root of ala is a4, the number 3 that denominates the cube root being a divisor of 12. But if the number that denominates what sort of root is required is not a divisor of the exponent of the given power, " then the root required shall have a fraction for its exponent." Thus the square root of a3 is a|; the cube root of a5 is af, and the square root of a itself is a|. These powers that have fractional exponents are called " imperfect powers or surds ;" and are otherwise expressed by placing the given power within the radical sign V j and placing above the radical sign the number that de- nominates what kind of root is required. Thus m a| = Va3)0^ ^^a* J and a7* == vV"- ^nnumbers the square root of 2 ia expressed by y/2, and, the cube root of 4 by ^4- These imperfect powers or surds are " multiplied and divided, as other powers, by adding and subtracting their exponents." Thus, A L G ai x af = af = a3; «! X<4 = af4|=a4! = i*/a^n af 7—3 and — —a-----= nf = a2. nf 2 They are involved likewise, and evolved after the same manner aa perfect powers. Thus the square of af The square root of any compound quantit&:*St *}, 2a6+62 is discovered after this manner. '."•'* 4 ea after this manner. '* r*™\' e. care to dispose the terms according to the dimensions of the alphabet, as in Division ; then find the square root of the first term aa, which gives a for the first member of the root. Then subtract its square from the proposed quan- fity, and divide the first term of the remainder (2a6 -f. 6*) by the double of that member, vis. 2a, and the quo- tient 6 is the second member of the root. Add this sec- ond member to the double of the first, and multiply their sum (2a 4 6) by the second member 6, and subtract the product (2a6 + b2) from the foresaid remainder (2 «6 + 6*)and if nothing remains, then the square root is obtain- ed ; and in this example it is found to be a + b. The manner of the operation is thus: a* 4- 2a6 4- 62 (a + 6 a8 is a X * = a* ; the cube of af is a * X $ = a T* The square root ofaf is a = af, the cube root of af isaf. 2a 4-^ X bj 2ab 2ab + 62 4&x 2a 4 26 + c\ 2ac + 26c + c * X c) 2ac -f 26c -f c* 0 . 0.0 Another Example. xx — ax 4 iaa (x — fa 2x~ X ~ia\—ax -f x ax -f ±aa 0 . 0 But if there had been a remainder, you must have di- vided it by the double of the sum of the two parts already found, and the quotient would have given the third mem- ber of the root. Thus, if the quantity proposed had been a2 -f 2a&4 2ac 4 62 4 26c -f- c*, after proceeding as above, you would have found the remainder 2ac + 26c -f c2, which divided by 2a -f 26 gives c to be annexed to a -f 6 as the third member of the root. Then adding c to 2a -f 21, and multiplying their sum 2tt -f 26 4 c by c, subtract the product 2ac +26c + c* from the foresaid remainder: and since nothing now remains, you conclude that a -f b +c is the square root required. The operation is thu3 : a2 + 2a6 4 2ac -f 63 -f 2 6c -f c9 (a + 6 -J- c a* 2a 4 6\2a6 + 2ac 4 62 4 26c + c2 X 6/2a6 +6* In general, to extract any root out of any riven quan- tity, "First range that quantity according fofhe dimeo- sions of its letters, and extract the said root out of the first term, and that shall be the first member of the root required. Then raise this root to a dimension lower by unit than the number that denominates the root renuired and multiply the power that arises by that number itself! divide the second term of the given quantify by the prod A L G A L G uct, and the quotient shall give the second member of the root required." Thus, to extract the root of the 5th power out of a1 4 5a46 4. 10a36x + 10a*6s -f 5a64 4- 6«, I find that the root of the 5th power out of a5 gives a, which I raise to the 4th power, and multiplying by 5, the product is 5a4; then dividing the second term of the given quantity 5a46 by 5a4, I find 6 to be the second member; and raising a 4 6 to the 5th power, and subtracting it, there being no remainder, I conclude that a + 6 is the root required. If the root has three members, the third is found after the same manner from the first two considered as one mem- ber, as the second member was found from the first; which may be easily understood from what was said of extract- ing the square root. In extracting roots it will often happen that the exact root cannot be found in finite terms; thus the square root of x2 x* x6 5x8 a -f- x* is found to be a +----------1-------------- + &c# 2a 8a1 16a5 128a' The operation is thus: x* x* x* a* 4- x* (a 4--------1-------, &c. 2a 8a3 16as a1 x\ 2a-\---) 4- x* 2a' x*. x4 X —) = x* +--- 2a' 4a2 x-3 X4 v x4 2a+-------)----- a 8a3/ 4a* x4 N x4 x6 a;8 8a3' 4a* 8a4 64a« x6 x8 +-------,&c. 8«4 64a6 After fhe same manner, the cube root of a3 -f x3 will x3 x6 5x9 lOx1* be found to be a +-----------f-------. +, &c. 3az 9afi 81a8 243a1f "The general theorem which we gave for fhe involu- tion of binomials, will serve also for their evolution;" be- cause, fo extract any root of a given quantity, is the same ihi!)'! as to raise that quantify Id a power whose exponent is a (': tction that has its denominator equal to the number that expresses what kind of root is to be extracted. Thus, fo extract fhe square root of a -f 6 is to raise a 4 6 to a -----m m power whose exponent.is f. Now, sine* a + 6 = a m — 1 m — 1 -f mi x a'" — * l> 4- m X------u7:l — * b2 4 m x .------ m — 2 '2 2 X-------X «'" ~ :b3, Sec. • j VOL. !. I 2 OL. T. V2 •Supposing m = f, you will find a 46)* = «f 4 I X a""H + fX — £Xa ~* 62 + f X — f X — f a~* b 6* 63 63, &c. = af 4---------+-------, Sec. 2af 8af 16a£ ______i And after this manner you will find that o*+xM = a 4- X* X4 x6 — —.-----1- ■ • —, &c. as before. 2a 8a3 16a5 OF PROPORTION. When quantities of the same kind are compared, it may be considered either how much the one is greater than the other, and what is their difference; or, it may be consid- ered how many times the one is contained in the other, or, more generally, what is their quotient. The first re- lation of quantities is expressed by their arithmetical ratio ; the second by their geometrical ratio. That term whose ratio is inquired into is called the Antecedent, and that with which it is compared is called the Consequent. When of four quantities, the difference betwixt the first and second is equal to the difference betwixt the third ancT fourth, those quantities are called Arithmetical Propor- tionals; as the numbers 3, 7, 12, 16 ; and the quantities a, a + 6, e, e -f 6. But quantities form a series in Arith- metical Proportion, when they "increase or decrease by the same constant difference;" as these, a, a 4 b, a -f 26, a 4 36, a -f- 46, &c. x, x — 6, x — 26, &c. or the numbers 1,2,3,4,5, &c. and 10, 7,4, 1,-2, — 5, — 8, &c. In four quantities arithmetically proportional, " the sum of the extremes is equal to the sum of the mean terms." Thus, a, a + 6, e, e + 6, are arithmetical pro- portionals, and the sum of the extremes, (a 4 e + 6) is equal to the sum of the mean terms (o+6-f e.) Hence, to find the fourth quantity arithmetically proportional to any three given quantities; "add the second and third, and from their sum subtract the first term, the remainder shall give the fourth arithmetical proportional required." In a series of arithmetical proportionals, " the sum of the first and last terms is equal to the sum of any two terms equally distant from the extremes." If the first terms are a, a + 6, a -f 26, Sec. and the last term x, the last term but one will be x — 6, the last but two x — 26, the last but three x — 36, &c. So that the first half of the terms, having those lhat are equally distant from the last term set under them, will stand thus : a, a -f- 6, a -f- 26, a + 36, a -f- 46, &c. x — 6, x — 26, x — 36, x — 46, a -f- x, a 4- x, a -f x, a 4 x, a 4- x, &c. And it is plain that if each term be added fo the term above it, the sum will be a -f x, equal to fhe sum of the first term a, and the last term x. From which it is plain, that "the sum of all the terms of an arithmetical progres- sion is equal to the sum of the first and list I-hen half as often as there are term.-'," that is, the sum of an arithmet- ical progression is equaltothesum ofthe f'r.st and last terms multiplied by half the number of tonus. Thus, in the preceding se;i«:s, if n be fhe number of terms, the sum of all the terms will be a -f >• x li. A L G AL G The common difference of the terms being 6, and 6 not being found in the first term, it is plain that " its co-effi- cient in any term will be equal to the number of terms that precede that term." Therefore, in the last term x, you must have n—1 X 6, so that x must be equal to a 4 And the sum of all the terms being a + x X nb — 6 » — 1 X 6. ^, it will also be equal to 2an 4- n*b — nb -, or to a 4 2 X n. Thus, for example, the series 1 +2+3+ 4 + 5, &c. continued to a hundred, must be equal to 2 X 100 + 10000 — 100 -----------------------= 5050. 2 If a series have (0) nothing for its first term, then " its sum shall be equal to half the product of the last term multiplied by the number of terms." For then, a being = 0, the sum of the terms, which is in general a + x X n, will in this case be ^£. From which it is evident, that X 2 " the sum of any number of arithmetical proportionals beginning from nothing, is equal to half the sum of as many terms each equal to the greatest term." Thus, 0 + 1+2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + T + 8 + 9 9 + 9+9+9+9+9+9 + 9+9+9 10X9 2 2 « If of four quantifies the quotient of the first and sec- ond be equal to the quotient of the third and fourth, then those quantities are said to be in geometrical proportion." Such are the numbers 2, 6, 4, 12; and the quantities a, ar, 6, 6r; which are expressed after this manner j 2 : 6 :: 4 : 12. a '. ar \\ b \ br. And you read them by saying, As 2 is to 6, so is 4 to 12; or as a is to ar, so is 6 to br. In four quantities geometrically proportional, "the product of the extremes is equal to the product of the middle terms." Thus, a X br = ar X 6. And, if it is required to find a fourth proportional to any three given quantities, "multiply the second by the third, and di- vide their product by the first, the quotient shall give the fourth proportional required." Thus, to find a fourth proportional to a, ar, and 6, I multiply ar by 6, and di- vide the product ar6 by the first term a, the quotient br is fhe fourth proportional required. When a series of quantities increase by one common multiplicator, or decrease by one common divisor, they are said to be in " geometrical proportion continued." a a ASjfl, ar, ar1, ar2, ar4, ars, &c. or, a, —, ----, u a a r ra r3 r4 r5 The common multiplier or divisor is called their "com- -ion ratio." In such a series, " the .product of the first and last is al- ways equal to the product of the second and last but one, or fo the product of any two terms equally remote from the extremes." In the series a, ar, ar*, ar3, &c. if ■u be the last trvrn. then shall the four last terms of the se- y y y *,,--»* ries be y, —, —, —; now it is plain that a X y — «r y y . y X — = ar» X —- = a*"4 X —, &c. r r* r3 " The sum of a series of geometrical proportionals want- ing the first term, is equal to the sum of all but the last term multiplied by the common ratio." y y y For ar + ar% + ar3, Sec. +— +----1----+ y = /v.3 «• * «• y y y y r X a +ar+ ar%, Sec. -\------1-----1-----1----. «>4 «r>3 jf.* &c. + ar3 + ar2 + ar + a, and the number of the terms be supposed infinite, then shall a, the last term, be equal to nothing. For, because n, and w—i y consequently r , is infinite, a =----- = 0. The rn—1 yr sum of such a series s =-----; which is a finite stim, r—1 though the number of terms be infinite. Thus, 1X2 1 + 1 4 \ + | +tV, 4- &c = ,----= 2. 2 — 1 1X3 and 1 + f + f + ,«T + Tlj. + Sec. =------ = s, 3—1 OF EQUATIONS. Definit. 1. An Equation is a proposition asserting the equality of two quantifies, and is expressed by placing the sign = between them. * Definit. 2. Equations containing only one unknown quantity and its powers, are divided into orders, accord- ing to the highest power of the unknown quantity to be found in any of its terms. See the Rules under the next general head A L G A L G If the highest power of the unknown quanti- ty in any term be the The e- quation is called Simple, Quadrat, Cubic, &c. But the exponents of the unknown quantities are suppos- ed to be integers, and the equation is supposed to be cleared of fractions, in which the unknown quantity, or any of its powers, enter the denominators. Thus, x + a 3x—6 5 =------- is a simple equation; 3x — — = 12, when c 2x cleared of the fraction by multiplying both sides by 2x, becomes Qx* — 5 = 24x a quadratic ; x3 — 2a;4 = x* -—20 is an equation of the sixth order, &c. To resolve an equation is to find the value of the un- known term in known terms. OP SIMPLE EQUATIONS, AND THEIR RESOLUTIONS. Rule 1. Any quantity may be transposed from one side of an equation to the other, by changing its sign. Thus, if 3x ~ 10 = 2x + 5 Then, 3x — 2a? = 10 +5 or x =15 Thus also, 5x + 6= a + 2x By transp. 3x = a — 6. For equal quantities are thus added to or subtracted from both sides. Corol. The signs of al! the terms of an equation may be changed into the contrary signs, and it will continue to be true. Rule 2. Any quantity by which the unknown quantity is multiplied maybe taken away, by dividing all the other quantities of the equation by it. Thus, if ax = 6 6 a Also, if mx + nb = am nb x -\---— a. m For if equal quantities are divided by the same quantity, the quotients are equal. Rule 3. If a term of an equation is fractional, its denom- inator may be taken away by multiply ing all the other terms by it. x 6 Thus; if— = b + c Also, if a-----= c a x x = a6 + ac ax — 6 = ex And by trans, ax—ex = 6 6 And by div. x =----. a—^c For, if all the terms of the equation are multiplied by the same quantity, the quantities on each side will be equal. Corol. If any quantity be found on both sides of the equation, with (he same sign, it may be taken away from both. Also, if all the terms in the equation are multiplied or di- vided by the same quantity, it may be taken out of them all. 12 * EXAMPLE. If 3x + a = a + 6, then 3* = 6. If 2ax + 3a6 = ma + a8, then 2a? + 36 = m + a. x 4. 16 If-------= —, then x — 4 = 16. 3 3 3 By these rules the unknown term may be separated from the known, and the equation is resolved. Examples of simple equations resolved by these rules. If3x +5 =x + 9 2x = 4 4 x = —- = 2. 2 5x 4x U5x-----1- 12 =---f- 26 2 3 5x Ax 5x----------= 26 — 12 = 14 2 3 30a?— 15a; — 8a; = 84. Or 7x = 84 84 x = — = 12. 7 5 9 If----1- — = 16 x A 20 ---h 9 = 64 x 20 + 9a? = 64a; 20 = 64* —. 9a; = 55a: 20 4 55 11 SOLUTION OP QUESTIONS PRODUCING SIMPLE EQUATIONS. General Rule. The unknown quantities in the ques- tion proposed must be expressed by letters, and the re- lations of the known and unknown quantities contained in it, or the conditions of it, as they are called, must be ex- pressed by equations. These equations being resolved, give the answer to the question. For example, if the question is concerning two numbers, they may be called x and y, and the conditions from which they are to be investigated must be expressible by equations. Thus, if it be required that the sum } of two numbers sought be 60, that > a? + y = 60 condition is expressed thus : } If their difference must be 24, then If their product is 1640, then If their quotient must be 6, then x — y =24 xy = 1640 x — = 6. y Case 1. When there is only one unknown quantify to be found. Rule. An equation involving the unknown quantity must be deduced from the question; and it is obvious, A L G that, when there is only one unknown quantity, there must be only one independent equation contained in the question ; for any other would be unnecessary, and might be contradictory to the former. Ex. 1. To find a number, to which if there be added a half, a third part, and a fourth part of itself, the sum will be 50. S 2 Let it be s: then half of it is —, a third of it is —, &c. 2 3 s s s Therefore, s +----h — H---= 50 2 3 4 24s + 12s + 8s + 6s = 1200 50s = 1200 s = 24. Case II. When there are two unknown quantities. Rule. Two independent equations involving the two unknown quantities, must be derived from the question. A value of one of the unknown quantities must be derived from each of the equations; and these two values being put equal to each other, a new equation will arise, involv- ing only one unknown quantity. Ex. 2. Two persons, A and B, were talking of their ages; says A to B, Seven years ago I was just three times as old as you were, and seven years hence I shall be just twice as old as you will be. I demand their present ages. Let the ages of A and B be x and y, then seven years ago their ages were x — 7 and y — 7; and seven years hence they will be x + 7 and y + 7; therefore x — 7— ~y^~7 X 3 = 3y — 21 .c+7=2/ + 7x2 = 2#+14 x = 3y — 21 + 7 = 3y — 14 x = 2y+ 14— 7 = 2*/ +7 Therefore 3y — 14 = 2y + 7 y = 21, and x = 49 Ex. 3. A gentleman distributing money among some poor people, found he wanted 10s. to be able to give 5s. to each; therefore he gives each 4s. only, and finds he has $s. left. To find the number of shillings and poor people. If any question such as this, in which there are two quantities sought, can be resolved by means of one letter, the solution is in general more simple than when two are employed. There must be, however, two independent conditions; one of which is used in the notation of one of the unknown quantities, and the other gives an equation. Let the number of poor be s, then the. number of shil- lings will be 5s — 10, and also 4s + 5; therefore, 5S _ 10 = 4s + 5 s — 15, equal the number of poor, of course the num- ber of shillings is 65. Case III. When there are three or more unknown quanti- ties. Rule. When there are three unknown quantities, there must be three, independent equations arising from the question; and from each of these a value of one of the unknown quantities must be obtained. By comparing these three values, two equations will arise, involving only two unknown quantities; and in like manner may the rule A L G be extended to such questions as contain four or' |"or*j" " known quantities. Hence it may be inferred, V1" ™" just as many independent equations may be derrvea irom a question as there are unknown quantities m if, inese quantities may be found by the resolution of equ*t,ons- Ex. 4. To find three numbers, so that the first with half the other two, the second with one third of the other two, and the third with one fourth of the other two, may each be equal to 34. . , Let the numbers be x, y, z, and the equations will be y + s x + ----= 34 2 x + s y + ---- = 34 3 x + y s + _____= 34; then, by the first equation 4 68 —y — s x =------------ ', and by the second 2 x = 102 — 3y — s ; and by the third x = 136 — A%—y; therefore 68—y — s ------------=102 — 3y — 3 2 136 — s y =--------; and by the two latter equations 5 3s —34 y = ■■, therefore, 2 3s—.34 136 —s 2 5 15s —170 = 272 —2s 17s = 442, or s =26 y =22, and x = 10. On many occasions, by particular contrivances, the op- erations by the preceding rules may be much abridged* This, however, must be left to the skill and practice of the learner. A few examples are the following. 1. It is often easy to employ fewer letters than there are unknown quantities, by expressing some of them from a simple relation to others contained in the conditions of the question. 2. Sometimes it is convenient to express by letters, not the unknown quantities themselves, but some other quanti- ties connected with them, as their sum, difference, &c from which they may be easily derived. 3. In the operation, also, circumstances will suggest a more easy road than that pointed out by the general rules. Two of the original equations may be added together, or may be subtracted; sometimes they must be previously multiplied by some quantity, to render such addition or subtraction effectual, in exterminating one of the unknown quantities, or otherwise promoting the solution. Substi- tutions may be made of the values of quantities, in place of quantities themselves; and various other such contri- vances may be used, which will render the solution much less complicated. A L G A L G GENERAL SOLUTION OF PROBLEMS. In the solutions of the questions in the preceding part, the-given quantities, being numbers, disappear in the last codflusion, so that no general rules for like cases can be deduced from them. But if letters are used to denote the known quantities, as well as the unknown, a general solution may be obtained, because, during the whole course of the operation, they retain their original form. Hence also the connection of the quantities will appear in such a manner as to discover the necessary limitations of the data, when there are any, which is necessary to the perfect solution of a problem. Ex. 1. To find two numbers, of which the sum and differ- ence are given. Let s be the sum given, and d the given difference* Also, let x and y be the two numbers sought. x+y = s a;—y = d Whence \*= !»7V \x~ d + y d+y=s—y 2y = s —- d s — d And x = 2 8 + d Thus, let the gu/en sum be 100, and the difference 24. s + d 124 Then x =(----= — = \62 V 2 2 / (s — d 76 \ ----= — = ]38 2 2/ Equations are either pure or adfected. Definit. 1. A pure equation is that in which only one power of the unknown quantity is found. 2. An adfected equation is that in which different pow- ers of the unknown quantity are found in the several terms. Thus, ax - m% + x5 , are pure equa- ;3 -\-x% = 17, are adfected equations. a* + ax2 = ¥ tions. x*— ax = &3, SOLUTION OF PURE EQUATIONS. Rule. Make the power of the unknown quantity to stand alone by the rules formerly given, and then extract the root of the same denomination out of both sides, which will give the value of the unknown quantity. examples. If a1 + ax* =fts ax* = 6s —a* b3 —a2 x* =------- i=t/ /F~=V axm — b = xm — c axm — xm = b — c b —c a — 1 a?= If SOLUTION OF ADFECTED QUADRATIC EQUATIONS An adfected quadratic equation, commonly called a quadratic, involves the unknown quantity itself, and also its square: Rule 1. Transpose all the terms involving the unknown quantity to one side, and the known terms to the other ; and so that the term containing the square of the unknown quantity may be positive. 2. If the square of the unknown quantity is multiplied bf any co-efficient, all the terms of the equation are to be divided by if, so that the co-efficient of the square of the unknown quantity may be 1. 3. Add to both sides the square of half the co-efficient of the unknown quantity, and the side of the equation in- volving the unknown quantity will be a complete square. 4. Extract the square root from both sides of the equa- tion, and by transposing the above mentioned half co-ef- ficient, a value of the unknown quantity is obtained in known terms. The reason of this rule is manifest from the composi- tion of the square of a binomial, for it consists of the squares of the two parts, and twice the product of the two parts. The different forms of quadratic equations, expressed in general terms, being reduced by the first and second parts of the rule, are these: 1. x* + ax = 6* 2. x* —ax — 6* 3. x* — ax — — 6* Casel. x* + ox = 6* o2 aa x* + ax H---= 6* -J--- 4 4 a* a x — ± V 6* 4----- 4 2 Case2. a;1 —aa; = 6* a* a* x* — aa? H---= bz -j--- 4 4 a /"" a* *----= ± V o*4 — 2 4 a /^ a'' x — — 4 y/ 6s + — 2 4 Case 3.x* — ax = — b2 a2 a2 x2— a2 -\---=----b2 a /a* x----= ± V----b ^ 4 a — l a /^ar~ x" = — ± yf-----0a. 2 4 ALG A L G 1. Every quadratic equation will have two roots, ex- cept such of the third form whose roots become impos- sible. 2. In the two first forms, one of the roots must be pos- itive, and the other negative. a2 3. In the third form, if —, or the square of half of the 4 co-efficient of the unknown quantity, be greater than b2, a3 the known quantity, the two roots will be positive. If — a2 be equal to b2, the two roots become equal; but if — is 4 less than ft2, the quantity under the radical sign becomes negative, and the two roots are impossible. 4. If the equation express the relation of magnitudes abstractly considered, where a contrariety cannot be sup- posed to take place, the negative roots cannot be of use, or rather there are no such roots; for then a negative quantity by itself is unintelligible, and therefore the square root of a positive quantity must be positive only. SOLUTION OF QUESTIONS PRODUCING QUADRATIC EQUA- TIONS. The expression of the conditions of the question by equations, or the stating of it, and the reduction likewise of these equations, till we arrive at a quadratic equation, involving only one unknown quantity and its square, are effected by the same rules which were given for the solu- tion of simple equations. Ex. 1. One lays out a certain sum of money in goods, which he sold again for 241. and gained as much per cent. as the goods cost him: I demand what they cost him 1 If the money laid out be y The gain will be 24 — y But this gain is ) 2400 — 100^ —————per cent. (y I 24 — y : 100) Therefore by question y = y 2400 — WOy y And by mult, and tr. y2 + 100t/ = 2400 Completing the > y2 + lOOy + 56V = 2400 square $ + 25^0 = 4900 Extract the root y + 50 = _+ yMyoo = 70 Trans. - y =* j4- 70 — 50 = 20, or — 120. The answer is 20/. which succeeds. The other root, — 120, has no place in this example, a negative number being here unintelligible. To find two numbers whose sum is 100, and whose prod- uct is 2059. Ex. 2. Let the given sum 100 = a, the product 2059 = b, and let one of the numbers sought be x, the other will be a — x. Their product is ax — x2. Therefore ax — x2 = 6, or x* — ax =__6 a2 a* Compl. the sq. r* — ax H----=-----b, 4 4 Ext. V"~ Transp. And the other number By inserting numbers, x = 71 or 29, and a —x = 29 or 71, so that the two numbers sought are 71 and 29. Here it is to be observed, that b must not be greater a* than —, else the roots of the equation would be impossi- 4 ble ; that is, the given product must not be greater than the square of half the given sum of the numbers sought. This limitation can easily be shown from other principles; for the greatest possible product of two parts into which any number may be divided, is, when each of them is a a* half of if. If b be equal to —, there is only one solution, 4 a a and x = —, also a — x = —. 2 2 OF INDETERMINATE PROBLEMS. It may be observed, that if there are more unknown quantities in a question than equations, by which their re- lations are expressed, it is indetermined. In other cir- cumstances, such problems are resolved by various meth- ods, not to be comprehended in general rules. Ex. 1. To divide a given square number into two parts, each of which shall be a square number. There are two quantities sought in this question, and there is only one equation expressing their relation; but it is required also that they may be rational, which cir- cumstance cannot be expressed by an equation ; another condition therefore must be assumed, in such a manner as to obtain a solution in rational numbers. Let the given square be a2 ; let one of the sought be x», the other is a8 —x*. a side of the last square, therefore rax2 — 2rxa + a2 squares Let rx — a also be By transp. Divide by x Therefore r'x- r2x And 2r rx a = r2 + 1 2ra r2 + 1 2 Let r therefore be assumed at pleasure, and -^-j--a, which must always be rational, Mill be the sides of the two squares required. Thus, if a2 = 100 ; then, if r = 3, the sides of the two squares are 6 and 8, for 36 + 64 = 100 Also, let a2 = 64. Then, if r = 2,' fhe sides of the ALG ALG 32 24 1024 576 1600 squares are — and —; and —— + . = ——. = 64. 5 5 25 25 25 The reason of the assumption of rx — a as a side of the square a2 — x%, is, that being squared and put equal fo this last, the equation manifestly will be simple, and the root of such an equation is always rational. Ex. 2. To find two square numbers whose difference is given. Let x2 and y2 be the square numbers, and a their dif- ference. s + V S— V Put------= x, and------= y 2 2 s2 -\-2sv + v2 4 s2 — 2sv + v2 --------------= 3,* 4 zv = x% — y2 = a. If a; and y are required only to be rational, then take a v at pleasure, and x = —, whence x and y are known. v But if x and y are required to be whole numbers, take for s and v any two factors that produce a, and are both even or both odd numbers. And this is possible only where a is either an odd number greater than 1, or a num- ber divisible by 4. S + V 3-- V Then -----and------are the numbers sought. 2 2 For the product of two odd numbers is odd, and that of two even numbers is divisible by 4. Also if s and v are S + V 3 --V both odd or both even,------and------must be inte- gers. 2 2 Ex. 1. If a = 27, take v = 1, then s = 27; and the squares are 196 and 169. Or s may be 9, and v = 3, and then the squares are 36 and 9. 2. If a = 12, take v = 2, and s =' 6; and the squares are 16 and 4. OF THE ORIGIN AND COMPOSITION OF EQUATIONS ; AND OF THE SIGNS AND CO-EFFICIENTS OF THEIR TERMS. The higher orders of equations, and their general af- fections, are best investigated by considering their origin from the combination of inferior equations. In this general method, all the terms of any equation are brought to one side, and the equation is expressed by making them equal to 0. Therefore, if a root of the equa- tion be inserted instead of (x) the unknown quantity, the positive terms will be equal to the negative, and the whole must be equal to 0. Definit. When any equation is puf into this form, the term in which (ar) fhe unknown quantity is of the highest power h made fhe first, that in which fhe index of a; is less by 1 is the second, and soon, till the last info which fhe unknown quantity does not enter, and which is called the absolute term. Prop. 1. If any number of equations be multiplied to- gether, an equation will be produced of which the dimen- sion is equal to the sum of the dimensions of the t^iia tions multiplied. If any number of simple equations be multiplied togeth- er, as a? — a = 0, a? — b = 0, x — c = 0, &c. the prod- uct will be an equation of a dimension, containing as many units as there are simple equations. In like manner, if higher equations are multiplied together, as a cubic and a quadratic, one of the fifth order is produced, and so on. Conversely. An equation of any dimension is consider- ed as compounded either of simple equations, or of other such that the sum of their dimensions is equal to the di- mension of the given one. By the resolution of equations these inferior equations are discovered, and by investigat- ing the component simple equations, the roots of any high- er equation are found. Cor. 1. An equation admits of as many solutions, or has as many roots, as there are simple equations which compose it. Cor. 2. And conversely no equation can have more roots than it has dimensions. Cor. 3. Imaginary or impossible roots must enter an equation by pairs j for they arise from quadratics, in which both the roots are such. And an equation of an even di- mension may have all its roots, or any even number of them, impossible; but an equation of an odd dimension must at least have one possible root. Cor. 4. The roots are either positive or negative, ac- cording as the roots of the simple equations, from which they are produced, are positive or negative. Cor. 5. When one root of an equation is discovered, one of the simple equations is found, from which the given one is compounded. The given equation, therefore, be- ing divided by this simple equation, will give an equation of a dimension lower by 1. Prop. II. To explain the general properties of the signs and co-efficienfs of the terms of an equation. Let x — a = 0, x — & = 0, x — c = 0, x — d= 0, &c. be simple equations, of which the roots are any pos- itive quantities + a, + b, + c, + d, Sec. and let x + m = 0, x + n = 0, &c. be simple equations, of which the roots are any negative quantities — m, — n, and let any number of these equations be multiplied together, as in the following table: x — a = 0 Xx — 6 =0 -ZZ+abl^O'*^"'"- Xx — c =0 = x3 —a} + ab ) — b > x x2+ ac> xx — abc = 0, a Cubic. — c) + be 3 Xx — m = 0 ^-ar*— a"\ + aM -c rxa 4-6cl ,+flfc,„ I x'-«';?' _6m| m bcmj quadratic. — cm J ALG ALG From this table it is plain, 1. That in a complete equation the number of terms is always greater by unit than the dimension of the equation. 2. The co-efficient of the first term is 1. The co-efficient of the second term is the sum of all the roots (a, b, c, m, Sec.) with their signs changed. The co-efficient of the third term is the sum of all the products that can be made by multiplying any two of the roots together. The co-efficient of the fourth term is the sum of all the products which can be made by multiplying together any three of the roots with their signs changed; and so of others. The last term is the product of all the roots, with their signs changed. 3. From induction it appears, that in any equation, the terms being regularly arranged as in the preceding exam- ple, thereare as many positive roots as there are changes iu the signs of the terms from + to —, and from — to +; and the remaining roots are negative. The rule also may be demonstrated. Note. The impossible roots in this rule are supposed to be either positive or negative. Cor. If a term of an equation is wanting, the positive and negative parts of its co-efficient must then be equal. If there is no absolute term, some of the roots = 0, and the equation may be depressed by dividing all the terms by the lowest power of the unknown quantity in any of them. In this case also, x — 0=0, x — 0 = 0, &c. may be considered as so many of the component simple equa- tions, by which the given equation being divided, it will be depressed so many degrees. OF THE TRANSFORMATION OF EQUATIONS. Prop. I. The affirmative roots of an equation become negative, and the negative become affirmative, by chang- ing the signs of the alternate terms, beginning with the second. Thus the roofs of the equation x4 — x3 —19a?* + 49x — 30 = 0, are + 1, + 2, + 3, — 5, whereas the roots of the equation x4 + x3 — 19x2 — 49x — 30 = 0, are — 1, — 2, — 3, + 5. The reason of this is derived from the composition of the co-efficients of these terms, which consist of combi- nations of odd numbers of the roots, as explained in the preceding head. Prop. II. An equation may be transformed into anoth- er that shall have its roots greater or less than the roots of the given equation by some given difference. Let^e be the given difference ; then y = x + e, and x = V +_£_> and 'f f°r x and its powers in the given equa- tion, y + e and its powers be inserted, a new equation will arise, in which the unknown quantity is y, and its value will be a; + c. Let the equation proposed be x3 —px2 + ^x —r =0, of which the roofs must be diminished by e. By insert- ing for a- and its powers y + e and its powers, the equa- tion required is, — Tb = 0. Cor. 1. The use of this transformation is to take away the second, or any other intermediate term; tor as tHe co-efficients of all the terms of the transformed equation, except the first, Involve the powers of e, and known quan- tities only, by putting the co-efficient of any term equal to 0, and resolving that equation, a value of e may be de- termined, which being substituted, will make that term to vanish. Thus let the co-efficient 3* — p — 0, and e = \p, which being substituted for e, the new equation will want the second term. And universally the co-efficient of the first term of an equation of n dimensions being 1, the second term may be taken away, by supposing x = y ± —p. n Cor. 2. The second term may be taken away by the solution of a simple equation, the third by the solution of a quadratic, and so on. Prop. III. An equation may be transformed into anoth- er, of which the roots shall be equal to the roots of the given equation, multiplied or divided by a given quantity. x Let y = xe, or y = —. e y Then substitute for x and its powers, —• or ye and its e powers, and the new equation will have the property re- quired. Cor. 1. An equation, in which the co-efficient of fhe first term is any known quantity, as a, may thus be trans- formed into another, in which the co-efficient of the first term shall be unit. Thus, let the equation be aa?3 — px1 + qx — r = 0. y Suppose y = ax, or x = —, and for x and its powers y a if insert — and its powers, and the equation becomes ■—— a a2 py2 qy —« H----— r = 0, ory3 —py2 + qay — a2r = 0. a2 a Cor. 2. If there are fractions in an equation, they may be taken away, by multiplying the equation by the denom- inators, and by this proposition the equation may then be transformed into another, without fractions, in which the co-efficient of the first term is 1. In like manner may a surd co-efficient be taken away in certain cases. Cor. 3. Hence also, if the co-efficient of the second term of a cubic equation is not divisible by 3, the fractia«t thence arising in the transformed equation wanting the second term, may be taken away by the preceding corol- u ' uBut the second term a'30 raa7 be taken away, so that there shall be no such fractions in the transformed % + V equation, by supposing x =-------, + p being the co- 3 to efficient of the second term of the given equation. And d the equation ax3 — px2 + qX ~ r = 0, be ?iven, ia which;; is not divisible by 3, by supposing x = ~ --, the i . r 3a he transformer equation reduced isc3 — 3tt*~'. <)nn :--2^» +9W-7«*r = 0; v.--]„g the ^cond ter X I':'U< A L I A L I having 1 for the co-efficient of the first term, and the co- efficients of the other terms being all integers, the co-effi- cients of the given equation being also supposed integers. General Corollary to Prop. I, II, III. If the roots of any of these transformed equations be found by any method, the roots of the original equation, from which they were derived, will easily be found from the simple equations expressing their relation. Thus, if 8 is found to be a root of the transformed equation s+2 z* + 23* — 696 = 0. Since x =-------, the corres- 5 ponding root of the given equation 5x3 — 6xx + 7x— 30 8 + 2 [ = 0, must be ■ = 2. It is to be observed also, that 5 the reasoning in Prop. II. and III. and the Corollaries, may be extended to any order of equations, though in them 1 it is applied chiefly to cubics. 1 From the preceding principles and operations, rules may be derived for resolving equations of all orders. ALGENEB, a fixed star of the second magnitude, on the right shoulder of the constellation Perseus. ic ALGOL, the name of a fixed star of the second magni- tude in the constellation Perseus, otherwise called Medu- 'Fsa's head. This star has been subject to singular variations, ap- pearing at different times of different magnitudes, from the ^fourth to the second, which is its usual appearance. It d has bsen conjectured that the cause of this variation is & -owing either to the interposition of a Wge body revolving round Algol, or to some motion of its own, in consequence of which, part of its body, covered with spots, is periodi- itsjtalljr turned foward the earth. The period of variation is said to be 2d. 20h. 49' 2''. if ALGOMEIZA, a name given to the star Procyon. ALGOR, among medical writers, a term used to denote in unusual coldness or dullness in any part of the body. =j, ALGORAB, a fixed star of the third magnitude, in the ight wing of Corvus. lltt ALGUAZIL, in the Spanish policy, an officer whose lousiness it is to see the decrees of a judge executed. |2A ALH ABOR, among the Arabians, is the star which we if^all Sirius. .jg. ALHIRTO, a fixed star of the third magnitude, in the :onstellation Capricorn. It is sometimes called rostrum Ati,rallina'. Near this star, in the year 1600, appeared a .•riew star, which lasted 21 years, and then disappeared .., ALIAS, in law, a second or further writ issued from J .he courts of Westminster after a capias, Sec. has been '"'.;'ued out without effect. ■""" Alias Dictus, the legal description of a person known . >y two or more names. 5 ALIBI, denotes fhe absence of the accused from the dace where he is charged to have committed the crime. °!. ALIDES, among the Mahometans, a designation given : o the descendants of AH; between whom and the Om- " liades there was a warm dispute about the kaliphate. ^ ALIEN, in law, a person born in a strange country, ^ot within (he king's allegiance, in contradistinction from -1''1 denizen, or a natural subject. See Dem/.ew. ^' VOL. I. 13 An alien is incapable of inheriting lands in England, till naturalized by an act of parliament. No alien is en- titled to vote in the choice of members of parliament, nor can enjoy an office, or be returned on any jury, unless where an alien is party in a cause; and then the inquest of jurors shall be one half natives and the other aliens. The issue of an English woman, by an alien, born abroad, is an alien in law. But if an Englishman, liv- ing beyond sea, marry a wife there, and have children born abroad, they are denizens, and shall be heirs to their father. Aliens can have no heirs, strictly so called, because they have not in them any heritable blood; yet natural born subjects may inherit as heirs to their ancestors, even though their ancestors were aliens. If an alien is made a denizen by letters patent, and then purchases lands, his son before his denization shall not in- herit ; but a son born afterward may inherit, even though the elder brother be living. Blacks. Every foreign seaman serving on board an English ship two years in time of war is naturalized. Masters of ships arriving from foreign parts are to give notice at every port of the number and names of all foreign- ers on board, under a penalty of 10/. for each alien whose name is omitted ; 33 Geo. III. c. 4. And by the 42d Geo. III. c. 22, commonly called the alien bill, his majes- ty may issue a proclamation ordering aliens out of the kingdom ; and in case of disobedience, the alien for the first offence shall suffer imprisonment for one month, and for twelve months for a second offence, being liable to trans- portation for life for the third. Secretaries of state may grant warrants for conducting such aliens out of the king- dom as they apprehend will not pay due obedience to the proclamation. Alien duty, an impost laid on all goods imported by aliens, over and above the customs paid for such goods im- ported by British and on British bottoms. Alien priories, a kind of inferior monasteries, former- ly very numerous in England, and so called from their be- longing to foreign abbies. ALIENABLE, denotes something that may be alien- ated. AH estates are alienable, except those in tail and for life : a bond too, with condition not to alien, is said to be good. ALIENATION, in law, denotes the act of making over a man's property in lands, tenements, &c. to another person. To alien or alienate in fee, is to sell or convey the fee simple of lands, &c. Alienation, in mortmain, is making over lands, tene- ments, &c. to a body politic, or to a religious house, for which the king's license must first be obtained, otherwise the lands, &c. alienated will be forfeited. See Mort- main. Alienation of crown -lands is always supposed to be made under a faculty of perpetual redemption. A perpetual copy hold is also a kind of alienation. Alienation, in Roman antiquity, was used for a father's discarding a son in his own life time. Alienation office, is that to which are carried all writs of covenants and entry upon which fines are levied, in ol- der to have fines for alienation set upon them. A L I A L I ALIMENT, among physicians, denotes whatever is capable of nourishing the human body. Aliment is either animal or vegetable, of an attenuating or incrassating na- ture ; and with respect to the taste, is sweet, fat, acid, astringent, 6alsuginous, bitter, and acrid. ALIMENTARY duct, a name by which some call the intestines, on account of the food passing through them. See Anatomy. Alimentary duct is sometimes also used for the thora- cic duct. Alimentary children, in Roman antiquity, an ap- pellation given to those educated in houses not unlike our hospitals, erected for that purpose. There were likewise alimentary girls, who owed their maintenance to the boun- ty of several empresses, as the boys did theirs to that of the emperors. Alimentary law, among the same people, that where- by children were obliged to maintain their aged parents. ALIMONY, in law, denotes the maintenance sued for by a wife, in case of separation from her husband, where- in she is neither chargeable with elopement nor adultery. Anciently this was recoverable only in the spiritual courts, but at present may be obtained in chancery. ALIPILAKIUS, or Alipilus, in Roman antiquity, a servant belonging to the baths, whose business it was, by means of waxen plasters, and an instrument called volsel- la, to take off the hairs from the arm pits, and even arms, legs, &c. this being deemed a point of cleanliness. ALIQUANT parts, in arithmetic, those which will not divide or measure the whole number exactly. Thus, 7 is an aliquant part of 16, for twice 7 wants 2 of 16, and three times 7 exceeds 16 by 5. ALIQUOT part, is such part of a number as will di- vide and measure it exactly, without any remainder. For instance, 2 is an aliquot part of 4, 3 of 9, and 4 of 16. To find all the aliquot parts of a number, divide it by its least divisor, and the quotient by its least divisor, until you get a quotient not further divisible, and you will have all the prime divisors or aliquot parts of that number. Thus, 60 divided by 2, gives the quotient 30, which di- vided by 2 gives 15, and 15 divided by 3 gives the indi- visible quotient 5. Hence the prime aliquot parts are 1, 2, 3, 5; and by multiplying any two or three of these together, you will find the compound aliquot parts, vis. A, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30. Aliquot parts must not be confounded with commensu- rable ones ; for though the former are all commensurable, yet these are not always aliquot parts : thus 4 is commen- surable with 6, but is not an aliquot part of it. ALISMA, water plantain, a genus of plants of the class and order hexandria polygynia. The essential character is, calyx three leaved ; petals three; seeds several. There are nine species, most of which may be found in England. They are inhabitantsof watry places, bogs, &c. ALKAHEST, or Alcahest, among the old chymists, denotes an universal menstruum capable of resolving all bodies info their first matter, or ens primum ; and (hat without suffering any change or diminution by so doing. Van Helmont assures us in the most positive manner, that he himself was master of such a menstruum. But, in this enlightened period, when chymical research has been extended further than it ever was before, the notion i* deservedlv ridiculed. ALKALESCENT denotes a substance slightly alka- line, or in which alkali is beginning to be formed, and to predominate. See the next article. ALKALI. This word is of Arabian origin, and was introduced into chymistry after it had been applied to fhe plant which still retains the name of kali. When this plant is burnt, the ashes washed in water, and the wafer evaporated to dryness, a white substance remains, which is called alkali. This, however, may be obtained from other substances besides the kali : and the word alkali is now applied to all bodies which possess, 1, a caustic taste; 2, the properties of being volatilized by heat; 3, of being capable of combining with acids ; 4, of being soluble in water, even when combined with carbonic acid; and,5, capable of converting vegetable blues to green. The alkalies at present known are three in number: 1, Sotash ; 2, soda ; 3, ammonia. The two first are called xed alkalies ; they require a red heat to volatilize them; the last is called volatile alkali, because it readily assumes a gaseous form, and consequently is dissipated with a moderate degree of heat. Alkalies readily unite with sulphur, forming compounds which have the property of absorbing the oxygen from fhe atmosphere, and when moistened, of giving out a pecu- liar and very fetid gas. These compounds were formerly called alkaline hepars or livers; but according to the modern nomenclature, they are denominated sulphured. The alkalies have a very powerful action on almost all veg- etable and animal matters, producing speedy disorgani- zation, and reducing them to a pulp. With oils they form a compound known by the name of soap. They unite with all the acids, and produce neutral salts of various degrees of solubility ; in which, when fbe contents are mutually saturated, the distinguishing properties of both acid and alkali are neutralized, and no longer fo be per- ceived. From their affinity to acids, alkalies decompose the acid solutions of all metals and most earths. See Chymistry. Alkaline earths, are those earths which agree with alkali in rhe property of solubility in water to a certain extent; of changing blue and red vegetable colours to green; of absorbing carbonic acid ; and of possesiij those acrid qualities that distinguish the alkalies. Mag nesia, lime, barytes, and strontian, are deemed alkaline earths; but the former is very imperfectly so, beins scarcely more soluble in water than silex. Barytes and strontian approach nearer to an alkali than lime, in bein? largely soluble in water. Alkaline salts. See Materia Medica. ALKEKENGI, winter cherry. See Physaiis. ALKERMES, in pharmacy, a compound cordial cor, fection, made of various ingredients, as rose water, sugar cinnamon, aloes wood, &c. but the principal one is kermes It is now disused. ALKORAN, or Alcoran, [from the Arabic particle al, and coran, or koran, derived from the verb craoa oi karoa, to read ; signifying the readino-, or rather fM ivhich ought to be read,] the scripture or bible of ih« Mahometans ; containing the revelations and doctrineso! their pretended prophet. The alkoran is divided into 114 larger portions of ver> unequal lenglh, which we call chapters, but the Arabians sowar, in fhe singular sura; a word rarely used on an* A L K ALL other occasion, and properly signifying a row, or a regular series. These chapters are not, in the manuscript copies, distinguished by fheir numerical order, but by particular titles, which are taken sometimes from a peculiar subject treated of, or person mentioned in them, usually from the first word of note. Some chapters have two or more titles, occasioned by the difference of the copies. Some of them being pretended to have been revealed at Mecca, and others at Medina, the noting this difference makes a part of the title. Every chapter is divided into smaller portions, of very unequal length also, which we customa- rily call verses; but the Arabic word is ayal, signifying signs or wonders. Besides these unequal divisions, the Mahometans have also divided their koran into 60 equal portions, each subdivided into four equal parts. But the koran is more usually divided into 30 sections only, each of twice the length of the former, and in like manner sub- divided into four parts. These divisions are for the use of the readers of the koran in the royal temples, or in the adjoining chapels, where the emperors and great men are interred. There are 29 chapters of the koran which have thi3 pe- culiarity, that they begin with certain letters of the al- phabet, some with a single one, others with more. These letters the Mahometans believe to be the peculiar mark of the koran, and to conceal several profound mysteries ; the certain understanding of which the more intelligent confess has not been communicated to any mortal, their prophet only excepted. The koran is universally allowed to be written with the utmost elegance and purity of language, in the dialect of the tribe of Koreish, the most noble and polite of all the Arabians, but with some mixture, though very rarely, of other dialects; and it is confessedly the standard of the Arabic tongue. The great doctrine of the koran is the unity of God; to restore which, Mahomet pretended was the chief object of his mission : that there never was, nor ever can be, more than one true orthodox religion; that, though the particular laws or ceremonies are only temporary, and sub- ject to alteration, according to the divine direction, yet the substance of it being eternal truth, is not liable to change, but continues immutably the same ; and that, when- ever this religion became neglected or corrupted in essen- tials, God had the goodness to re-inform and re-admonish mankind thereof by several prophets, of whom Moses and Jesus were the most distinguished, till the appearance of Mahomet, who is their seal, and no other to be expected after him. The most excellent moral in the whole alcoran is that in the chapter al alraf, viz. " Show mercy, do good to all, and dispute not with the ignorant;" or, as Mr. Sale renders it, Use indulgence, command that which is just, and withdraw far from the ignorant. Mahomet, according to the authors of the Keschaf, having begged of the angel Gabriel a more ample explication of this passage, received if in the following terms: «' Seek him who turns thee out, i.'ive to him who takes from thee, pardon him who injures Lee ; for God will have you plant in your souls the roots uf his chief perfection." It is easy to see lhat this com iiienfary is borrowed from the Gospel. The caliph Hassan, son of Ali, being at fable, a slave let fall a dish of meat reeking hot, which scalded him se- verely. The slave fell on his knees, ichcarsin; these 13* words of the alcoran : " Paradise is for those who restrain their-anger." " I am not angry with thee," answered the caliph. " And for those who forgive offences against them," continues the slave. " I forgive thee thine," re- plies the caliph. " But above all, for those who return good for evil, adds the slave. " I set thee at liberty," rejoined the caliph ; "and I give thee ten dinars." It is the common opinion that Mahomet, assisted by one Sergius, a monk, composed this book ; but the Mus- sulmen believe it as an article of their faith, that the prophet, who they say was an illiterate man, had no con- cern in inditing it; but that it was given him by God, who, to that end, made use of the ministry of the angel Gabriel; that, however, it was communicated to him by little and little, a verse at a time, and in different places, during the course of 23 years. " And hence, say they, proceed that disorder and confusion visible in the work;" which? in truth, are so great, that all their doctors have never been able to adjust them. The alkoran, while Mahomet lived, was only kept in loose sheets: his successor, Abubeker, first collected them into a volume, and committed the keeping of it to Haphsa, the widow of Mahomet, in order to be consulted as an original; and there being much diver- sity between the several copies already dispersed through- out the provinces, Othman successor of Abubeker pro- cured a great number of copies to be taken from that of Haphsa; at the same time suppressing all the others not conformable to the original. ALKUSSA, a name given by the Swedes to a fish which they also call a lake. It is a species of the Silurus. ALL in the wind, a phrase which expresses the state of the ship's sails when they are parallel to the direction of the wind. All hands hoay! the phrase by which a ship's com- pany are summoned upon deck. ALLAMANDA, a genus of the pentandria monogynia class and order. The corolla is monopetalous and funnel shaped; and the essential character is, cor. contorted; caps, lens shaped, erect, echinate, one celled, two valved, many seeded. There is only one species, the A. cat hart ica. It grows wild in Guiana. The leaves are cathartic, whence the specific name; and are used at Surinam in the colic. ALLANTOIS, or Allantoides, in comparative an- atomy, a vesicle investing the foetus of several animals, as cows, sheep, goats, &c. and filled with an urinous liquor conveyed thither from the urachus. See Comparative Anatomy. ALLAY, the same with alloy. ALLEGATA, in Roman antiquity, a kind of subscrip- tion used by the emperors, importing the writings fo be verified. ALLEGATION, in law, signifies the producing instru- ments or deeds, to authorize or justify something. ALLEGE AS, a stuff manufactured in the East Indies. There are two sorts; one of cotton, and the other of herbs, which is spun like flax or hemp. ALLEGIANCE, in law, denotes the obedience which every subject owes to his lawful sovereign. Allegiance, oath of, in the British policy, is that taken in acknowledgment of the king, as a temporal prince; us the oath of supremacy acknowledges him for the supreme head of the church. This oath may be tendered to all persons above the acre of twelve years, whether natives, denizen?, or aliei.-, ALL either in the court leet of the manor, or in the sheriff s court. It is a necessary preliminary to the holding of any office of trust under the crown. ALLEGORY, in literature, a figure of rhetoric; also a mode of writing, wherein something else is signified, than the words in their literal meaning express. An allegory may be considered as a series or chain of metaphors, con- tinued through a great part of a discourse. For example, when the prophets represent the Hebrews under the alle- gory of a vine planted, cultivated, and watered by the hand of God, which, instead of producing good fruit, brings forth verjuice and sour grapes. Allegories have entered into most religions: the Hebrew abounds with them, and it is well known that some philos- ophers of the Gentile world, undertaking to give a rational account of the many horrid absurdities which the poets had introduced into their religion, found it necessary to maintain that these fictions contained mysteries, and sig- nified something very different from what they seemed to express. Hence came the word allegory, or a discourse that in its natural sense, otXXo otyofevei, signifies some other thing than what seems intended to be meant. See Rhet- oric ALLEGRO, in music, an Italian word denoting that the part is to be played in a sprightly, brisk} lively, and gay manner. ALLELENGYON, in antiquity, a tax paid by the rich for the poor, when absent in the army. ALLEMAND, a sort of grave solemn music, with good measure and a slow movement. It is also a kind of dance very common in Germany and Switzerland. ALLERION, or Alerion, in heraldry, a sort of eagle without beak or feet, having nothing perfect but thewings. They differ from martlets in this, that their wings are expanded, whereas those of the martlet are close ; and de- note imperialists vanquished and disarmed, for which reason they are more common in French than in German coats of arms. ALLEVEURE, the smallest copper coin that is struck in Sweden. It is about 2£d. of English money. ALLEY, in perspective, that which, in order to have a greater appearance of length, is made wider at the en- trance than at the termination. ALLIANCE, in the civil and canon law, the relation contracted between two persons or two families by marri- age. An alliance is thus contracted between the husband and his wife's relations, between the wife and her husband's relations, but not between the relations of the husband and wife. Alliance is also used for a treaty entered into by sovereign princes and states, for their mutual safety and defence. In this sense, alliances may be distinguished into such as are offensive, whereby the contracting parties oblige themselves jointly to attack some other power; and into defensive, whereby they bind themselves to support and defend each other, in case they are attacked by others. Under this head too may be ranked treaties of subsidy, which are well known to the English nation. ALLIGATI, in antiquity, the basest and worst kind of slaver. The Romans had three kinds, or orders of slaves; fhe first employed ir. the management of their estates; ALL the second in the menial or lower functions of the family; the third called alligati, these were kept in chains and dungeons. . ALLIGATION, in arithmetic, is the rule of mixture, which teaches to compound several species of ingredients or commodities together, according to any intent or design proposed, and is either medial or alternate. See Arith- metic. . ALLIGATOR, in zoology, the smaller kind of croco- diles. See Lacerta. ALLIOTH, a star in the tail of the greater bear, much employed for finding the latitude at sea. The word is also written alliot or aliot, denoting a horse. The Arabs give this name to each of the three stars in the tail of the Great Bear, on account of their ap- pearing like three horses, ranged for the drawing of the waggon, represented by four stars, called Charles's wain, ALLITERATION, a figure or decoration of language, chiefly used in poetry, and consisting in the repetition of the same letter or letters at certain intervals, whence iti name is derived; thus in Lucretius : ——— Adrerso /labra/eruntur illumine. And in Shakespeare, Z/ad my sweet /Tarry Aad but /talf their numbers, This day might I, hanging on .Hotspur's neck, Have talkfcd. ALLIONIA, a genus of plants of the class and order tetandria monogynia. The corolla is one petalled and fun- nel shaped; and the essential character is, calyx common. oblong, simple, three flowered; proper obsolete, superior: corollures irregular : recept. naked. There are two spe- cies, both natives of South America. ALLIUM, Garlic, in botany, a genus of plants, of the hexandria monogynia class and order. The corolla is six petalled, and the essential character is, corolla six part- ed, spreading: spathe many flowered: umbel heaped: capsule superior. This is a very extensive genus of plants, comprehend- ing the A. porrum or leek, the A. cepa or onion, with all their varieties, among which the A. canadense, or Canada tree onion, which bears excellent eatable onions on the top of the stalk, is most remarkable, the eschalot or shallot, the common garlic, the rocambole, which resembles fhe tree onion in bearing the garlic at the top of the stem as well as at lhe root, fhe Moly's, and a considerable tribe of flowering ornamental garlics. There are in all 45 spe- cies. The A. ursinum or ransoms, is a most disagreeable weed, on which if cows feed, their butter is not eatable. The A. descendens and triquetrum are very ornamental; the latter is treated as a green house plant. Garlic ia used in many preparations in medicine and farriery. ALLOCATIONE facienda is a writ directed to the lord treasurer, or barons of the exchequer, commanding them to allow an accountant such sums as he has lawfully expended in the execution of his office. ALLOCATO comitatu, a new writ of exigent allow- ed, before any other county court held, on a former not being complied with. ALLODIAL, an epifbet given to an inheritance held without any acknowledgment to a lord or superior in op- position to feudal. Allodial lands are free lands, for which neither fees, rents, nor services, are due. A L M A L M ALLODIUM nobilt, that which had also civil and criminal jurisdiction annexed to it; in opposition to alio- dium vUlanum, which had no such jurisdiction. ALLONGE, in fencing, denotes a thrust or pass at the adversary. ALLOPHYLUS, a genus of the octandria monogy- nia class and order, and of the natural order of guttiferse. The essential character is, calyx four leaved, leaflets or- biculate, two smaller; petal four less than the calyx; germ, twin; stigma quadrifid. There are 5 species; all trees but one, which is a shrub. They are natives of the East and West Indies. ALLOTTING, or Allotment of goods, in com- merce, is the dividing a ship's cargo into several parts, which are to be purchased by several persons, whose names being written upon as many slips of paper, are ap- plied by an indifferent person to the several lots; by which means the goods are divided without partiality, each man having the parcel upon which his name is fixed. ALLOTMENTS of land, are such portions of ground as are granted to claimants on the division and enclosure of commons and waste lands, and which are generally propor- tionate to the extent of the right which they enjoy upon them. ALLOWANCES, at the custom house, to goods rated by weight, are two, vis. draught and tare. ALLOY, or Allay, a proportion of a baser metal mixed with a finer one. Thus all gold coin has an alloy of silver and copper, as silver coin has of copper alone; the proportion in the former case, for standard gold, being two carats of alloy in a pound troy of gold ; and in the latter, eighteen pennyweights of alloy for a pound troy of silver. According as gold or silver has more or less alloy than that mentioned above, it is said to be coarser or finer than the standard. It ought, however, to be remarked, that the coin of different nations varies greatly in this re- spect ; some using a larger, and others a less proportion of alloy, the original intention of which was to give the coin a due degree of hardness. ALLUME'E, in heraldry, a term applied to the eyes of a bear, or other beast, when they are drawn sparkling and red. ALLUSION, in rhetoric, a figure by which something is applied fo, or understood of another, on account of some similitude between them. An allusion to words is trifling and low, making what we commonly call a pun. Allu- sions, however, to some apophthegm, remarkable event, or generally received custom, are not only extremely pleasing, but approved by the best writers, ancient as well as modern. ALLUVIAL Limtstont, a sort of stone found in many districts, supposed to have been formed in the earliest ages of the world by the deposition of calcareous matters held in the state of solution in water. ALLUVION, among civilians, denotes the gradual in- crease of land along the sea shore, or on the banks of riv- ers. This, when slow and imperceptible, is deemed a lawful means of acquisition ; but when a considerable por- tion of land is torn away at once, by the violence of the current, and joined to a neighbouring estate, it may be claimed by the king. 2 Black-262. ALMADIE, a kind of canoe or small vessel, about four fathoms long, usually made of bark, and used by the ne- groes of Africa. Almadie is also the name of a kind of Jo.'g boats, in ted out at Calicut, which are eighty feet in length, and six or seven in breadth. They are exceedingly swift, and are otherwise called cathuri. ALMAGRA, in natural history, the name of a fine deep red ochre, with a faint admixture of purple, used both in painting and medicine, being an excellent as- tringent. It is the same with what the ancients calledsiZ atticum. ALMANAC, a table containing the calendar of days and months, the rising and setting of the sun, the age of the moon, &c. The first thing tq. be done in the construction of alma- nacs is to compute the sun's and moon's place for each day of the year, or it may be taken from some ephemeri- des and entered in the almanac ; next find the dominical letter, and, by means thereof, distribute the calendar into weeks : then, having computed the time of Easter by if, fix the other moveable feasts; adding the immoveable ones, the rising and setting of each luminary, the length of day and night, the aspects of the planets, the phases of the moon, and the sun's entrance into the cardinal points of the ecliptic, i.e. the two equinoxes and solstices. These are the principal contents of almanacs; besides which there are others of a political nature, and conse- quently different in different countries, as the birth days and coronation of princes, tables of interest, &c. Almanac, nautical and astronomical ephemeris, is a kind of national almanac, published annually, by anticipa- tion, under the direction of the commissioners of longitude. It contains among other things, the distances of the moon from the sun and fixed stars, for every three hours of ap- parent time, adapted to the meridian of Greenwich ; by comparing which with the distances carefully observed at sea, the mariner may readily infer his longitude to a degree of exactness, that is found sufficient for most nautical pur* poses. ALMARIC heresy, one broached in France, in 1209, the distinguishing tenet of which was, that no Christian could be saved unless he believed himself to be a member of Christ. ALME, singing and dancing girls in Egypt, who can occasionally chaunt unpremeditated verse. They derive their name from having received a better education than other women, and they form a celebrated society in the country. The qualifications for admission are, a good voice, a knowledge of the language and of the rules of po- etry, and an ability to compose and sing couplets on the spot, adapted to the occasion. ALMEHRAB, in the Mahometan customs, a nich in the mosques, pointing toward the kebla, or temple of Mec- ca, to which they are obliged to bow in praying. ALMEISAR, a celebrated game among the ancient Arabs, performed by a kind of casting lots with arrows, forbidden by Mahomet, on account of the frequent quar- rels occasioned by it. ALMENE, in commerce, a weight of two pounds, used to weigh saffron in several parts of the continent of the East Indies. ALMENDINE, Almandine, or Albandine, a kind of ruby, but softer and lighter than the oriental ruby. ALMERICANS, followers of the Almaric heresy, which see. ALMOND Tree, see Amvgdalus. A L N Almond, in commerce, a measure by which the Por- tuguese sell their oil: twenty-six almonds make a pipe. Almond krxace, among refiners, that in which the =*1 i^s of litharge, left in refining silver, are reduced to lead again, by the help of charcoal. Almo.no is aho a name given to a species of rock crys- tal, which lapidaries use in adorning branch candlesticks, &c. on account of the resemblance they bear to the fruit of the same name. ALMONER, an officer appointed to distribute alms to the poor. The lord almoner, or lord high almoner of England, is an ecclesiastical officer, usually a bishop, who has the for- feiture of all deodands, and the goods of all felos-de-se, which he is to distribute among the poor. By virtue of an ancient custom, the lord almoner may give the first dish from the king's table to whatever poor person he pleases; or, in lieu of it, an alms in money. The parishioners also of the parishes adjacent to the king's place of residence, nominate twenty-four poor men, to whom the lord almoner distributes four pence a day in money, bread and small beer. Almoner is sometimes also used for a deacon of a church, a chaplain, or even a legatee. Almoner is also used for a person who left alms to the poor, by his last will. It is sometimes used for a lega- tee ; in this sense the same person cannot be both almoner and heir. ALMS, a general term for what is given out of charity to the poor. In the early ages of Christianity, the alms of the chari- table were divided into four parts, one of which was allot- ted to the bishop, another to the priests, and another to the deacons and subdeacons, which made their whole sub- sistence ; the fourth part was employed in relieving the poor, and in repairing the churches. Alms also denotes lands or other effects left to churches, or religious houses, on condition of praying for the soul of the donor. Hence, Alms free, was that which is liable to no rent or ser- vice. Alms reasonable, was a certain portion of the estates of intestate persons, allotted to the poor. ALMUCANTARS, in astronomy, are the same with respect to the azimuths and horizon, that the parallels of latitude are with regard to the meridians and equator. ALMUTAZAPHUS, a magistrate of Aragon, whose office it was to inspect measures and weights, and search houses for stolen goods. ALNAGE, or Adlnage, in the English polity, the measuring of woollen manufactures, with an aul or ell, and the other functions of the alnager. Alnage was at first intended as a proof of fhe goodness of fhe commodity, and therefore a seal was invented as a sig- nal, that the commodity was made according to the stat- ute. But now that these seals may be bought and affixed to whatever commodity the buyer pleases, our rivals have acquired an opportunity of supplanting our trade with foreign nations, to the great prejudice of our woollen man- ufactures. ALNAGER, see article above. There were three officers relating to the alnage, name- ly, a searcher, measurer, and alnager: all which were A L O aneiently comprised in the alnager; the office is now abol- ished. , . ALNUDE, a measure of liquids, the same with a inond, ALOA, in Grecian antiquity, a festival kept in honoar of Ceres by the husbandmen, and supposed to resemble our harvest home. # ALOE, in botany, a genus of plants with a liliaceous flower, consisting of only one tubular petal, divided into six deep segments at the edge : its fruit is an oblong cap- sule, divided into three cells, and containing a number of angulated seeds. It is one of the hexandria monogynia class and order of Linnaeus. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 12. Several species of this exotic plant are cultivated in the gardens of the curious, where they afford a very pleasing variety, as well by the odd shape of their leaves as by the different spots with which they are variegated. The essential character i3, corolla erect with an expanded mouth, and a nectareous base ; filaments inserted into the receptacle. Some aloes are arborescent, or divided into a number of branches, like trees; others are very small, growing clow to the ground. There are in all 14 species, with a great number of varieties. It is from two varieties of one of the tree aloes, or A. arborescens, the medicine of that name is produced. The hepatic aloe is from a va- riety called the Barbadoes aloe, though it grows in most of the West India islands ; the succotrine, from the aloe of that name, or sweet aloe. We are, however, of opinion, that an extract having the same properties might be prepared from most of the other species. The par- tridge breasted or variegata, and the mitriformis, are the most elegant in their foliage. But the humilis producei, in our opinion, the largest and handsomest flowers. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope. Most of the species are best treated as green house plants ; and like all other succulent plants, must be sparingly watered, especially in winter. Aloe or Aloes, in pharmacy, the inspissated juice of the aloe, prepared in the following manner: from the leaves fresh cut, is drained or pressed a juice, the thinner and purer part of which is poured off, and set in the sun to evaporate to a hard yellowish substance or extract. This extract is famous for its purgative virtues, being fre- quently given in the form of a tincture in wine, which is call- ed hiera picra; in a solid form called pil. de rufi, &c. and in the popular quack medicine, called Anderson's Scotch Pills. ALOE rosata, a preparation of succotrine aloes, which being dissolved in the juice of roses, or violets, and ex- posed to the sun, or put upon a slow fire, thickens to a consistency proper for making pills. Aloes is accounted an excellent purging medicine, es- pecially to cold constitutions, a good stomatic, and, appli- ed outwardly, is serviceable in cicatrizing wounds. ALOEDARY, among ancient physicians, a purging medicine, the chief ingredient of which was aloes. It is also used for a history of the class of plants, under the denomination of aloes. ALOFT, a sea term, synonymous with "up in the tops," "at the masthead," or any where about the high- er rigging. ALOGIANS, in church history, a sect of ancient her- etics, who denied that Jesus Christ was the Logos, or eter- ALP ALP nal word; and consequently rejected the Gospel of St. John, as spurious. ALOGOTROPHIA, among physicians, denotes an unequal nutrition, or growth, in some part of the body, as is the case in the rickets. ALONG side, in sea language, expresses side by side, or joined to a ship, wharf, &c. Along shore, a phrase expressing along the coast, or a course which is in sight of, and nearly parallel to the shore. Along, lying, the state of a ship that is pressed down sidewise, by the weight of the sail. ALOOF, in sea language, a word of command to the man at the helm, to keep the ship near the wind, when sailing upon a quarter wind. ALOPECIA, in medicine, denotes a falling off of the hair, occasioned either by a defect of nourishment, or by a bad state of the humours. Some make a distinction between the alopecia and deflu- vium capillorum: as in the former, certain spots are left entirely bald ; whereas, in the latter, the hair only grows excessively thin. They likewise distinguish it from the ophiasis, as the baldness in this last creeps in spiral lines about the head, like the windings of a serpent. The in- tention of cure, however, seems to be much the same in them all, vis. to supply proper nourishment, where that is wanting; and to correct the bad qualities of the humours, where these are in fault. ALOPECURUS, fox tail grass, in botany, a dis- tinct genus of plants, the flower of which consists of only one hollow valve, with a long awn or beard inserted on its back part, near the base : it is one of the triandria digynia of Linnaeus. The essential character is, calyx two valv- ed; corolla one valved. There are seven species. The A. pratensis, or mead- ow fox tail, is esteemed by some farmers, but in our opin- ion its value has been overraled. The A. arvensis, or field fox tail, is a smaller plant of the same description, and flowers early; but it is even less valuable than the preceding, and we believe is never cultivated. ALOUCHI, a sweet scented gum, which runs from the tree that produces white cinnamon. ALPHABET, in matters of literature, fhe natural or accustomed series of the several letters of a language. All the alphabets extant are charged by bishop Wilkins with great irregularities, with respect both to order, num- ber, power, figure, Sec. As to the order, it appears, says he, inartificial, preca- rious, and confused, as the vowels and consonants are not reduced into classes, with such order of precedence and subsequence as their natures will bear. Of this imperfec- tion the Greek alphabet, which is one of the least defective, is far from being free: for instance, the Greeks should have separated the consonants from the vowels; after the vowels they should have placed the diphthongs, and then the consonants; whereas, in fact, the order is so perverted that we find the o the fifteenth letter, in order of the alphabet, and the a, or long o, the twenty-fourth and last; the & the fifth, and the »j the seventh. With respect to number they are both redundant and deficient; redundant, by allotting the same sound to sev- eral letters, as in the Latin c and A;,/and ph; or by reck- oning double letters among the simple elements of speech, as in the Greek £ and \J/, the Latin q or cu, x or ex. . nd the j consonant; deficient in many respects, particularly with regard to vowels, of which seven or eight kinds are commonly used, though the Latin alphabet takes notice only of five. Add to this, that the difference among them, with regard to long and short, is not sufficiently provided against. The powers again are not more exempt from confusion ; the vowels, for instance, are generally acknowledged to have each of them several different sounds; and among the consonants we need only bring as evidence of their different pronunciation, fhe letter c in the word circa, and g in the word negligence. Hence it happens, that some words are differently written, though pronounced in the same manner, as cessio and sessio ; and others are different in pronunciation which are the same in writing, as give, dare, and give, vinculum. Finally, the figures are but ill concerted, there being nothing in the characters of the vowels answerable to the different degrees of apertion; nor in the consonants anal- ogous to their agreements or disagreements. Alphabets of different nations vary in the number of their constituent letters. The English alphabet contains twenty-four letters, to which if j and v consonants are added, the sum will be twenty-six; the French twenty- three ; the Hebrew, Chaldee, Syriac, and Samaritan twenty-two each; the Arabic twenty-eight; the Persian thirty-one; the Turkish thirty-three ; the Georgian thirty- six ; the Coptic thirty-two; the Muscovite forty-three; the Greek twenty-four; the Latin twenty-two; the Scla- vonic twenty-seven ; the Dutch twenty-six ; the Spanish twenty-seven; the Italian twenty; the Ethiopic, as well as Tartarian, two hundred and two; the Indian of Bengal twenty-one y the Baramos nineteen ; the Chinese, proper- ly speaking, have no alphabet, except we call their whole language their alphabet; their letters are words, or rather hieroglyphics, and amount to about 80,000. If alphabets had been constructed by able persons, after a full examination of the subject, they would not have been filled with such contradictions between the manner of writing and reading, as we have shown above, nor with those imperfections that evidently appear in the alphabets of every nation. Mr. Lodowic, however, and bishop Wilkins, have endeavoured to obviate all these, in their universal alphabets or characters. Dr. Franklin also spent much time in devising some mode of improving the alphabet, though his plan is, in many respects, exceptionable. But waving for a mo- ment the difficulty, not to say impossibility, of effecting any change in the established alphabet, however useful that change may be; we have seen no attempt, which combines greater advantages in its object, or deserves so much attention, as the one lately made by Thomas Em- bree ; he has given us 33 characters with the appropriate sound of each, so as to unite in every instance the orthog- raphy, with the most approved pronunciation; but our limits will preclude an explanation of his plan; we refer the curious to his treatise upon the subject, entitled " Or- thography corrected." (a) ALPHERATZ, a fixed star of the third magnitude, in Aquarius. ALPHONSIN, in surgery, an instrument for extract- ins bullets out of gunshot wounds. ALT This instrument derives its name from the inventor, Alphonsus Ferrier, a physician of Naples. £ consists of three branches, which are closed by a ring. When closed and introduced into the wound, the operator draws back the rin<* toward the handle, upon which the branches opening take hold of the ball; and then the ring is P™™* from the haft, by which means the branches grasp the ball so firmly as to extract the ball from the wound. See Sur- G E R V • ALPINIA, a genus of the monandria monogynia class and order. The corolla is monopetalous and tubulose; and the essential character is, calyx three toothed, equal, tubulose; corolla three parted, equal; nect. two lipped, the lower lip spreading. . There is but one species, called after Prosper Alpmus, a famous botanist. It is a native of the West Indies. It is with us treated as a stove aquatic. ALQUIER, a liquid measure used in Portugal to meas- ure oil, two of which make an almond. ALQUIFORE is a sort of mineral lead, very heavy, easily reduced to powder, and difficult to fuse. The pot- ters use it to give their works a green varnish. It is found in Cornwall, and called potter's ore. It contains proba- bly some mixture of cobalt. ABEAMECH, in astronomy, the name of a star of the first magnitude, otherwise called arcturus. ALSINE, chickweed, the name of a genus of plants, of the class and order of pentandria trigynia. The corolla is five equal petals, which, with the five leaved calyx and a capsule one celled, three valved, form the essential character. Happily for gardeners there are but three species of this vile weed, and but one in England. This however, though an annual, affords sufficient trouble. It appears to be of no use whatever, though it is called chick- weed, from the notion that chickens feed on it, which must be when they can get nothing else. ALSIRAT, in the Mahometan theology, denotes a bridge laid over the middle of hell, the passage or path whereof is sharper than the edge of a sword; over which, however, every soul must pass at the day of judgment, when the wicked will tumble headlong into hell, whereas, the good will fly over it. ALSTONIA, a genus of the polyandria monogynia class and order. The corolla is shorter than the calyx; aud the essential character is, corolla one petalled, eight or ten cleft; the clefts alternated. There is only one spe- cies, a shrub of South America, the leaves of which are said to have the taste of tea. ALSTROEMERIA, a genus of plants of the hexan- dria monogynia class and order, and of the natural order of lilia. The essential character is, corolla six petals, sub- bilabiate ; the two lower petals tubulose at the base ; stam- ina bending down. There are six species, all natives of South America. They are cultivated here as ornamental plants. The A. pelegrina and ligtu are the most beautiful and the most common. The former will bear to be treated as a green house plant, and some assert that it thrives best even in a garden frame. ALTAR THANE, in our old law books, an appellation given to the priest, or parsoa of a parish, to whom the al- tarage belonged, A L T ALTARAGE, among ecclesiastical writers, denotes the profits arising to a priest on account of the anar, as well as the offerings themselves made upon it. ALTERANTS, or Alternative medicines, in pliar. macy, such medicines as are supposed to correct the bad qualities of the.blood and other animal fluids, without oc- casioning any sensible evacuation. ALTERN Base, in trigonometry, a term used in con- tradistinction to the true base. Thus, in oblique trian- gles the true base is either the sum of the sides, and then the difference of the sides is called the altern base; or the true base is the difference of the sides, and then the sum of the sides is called the altern base. ALTERNATE, in heraldry, is said in respect of the situation of the quarters. Thus the first and fourth quarters, and fhe second and third, are usually of the same nature, and are called alter- nate quarters. Alternate, such a disposition of the leaves of a plant, that the first on one side of a branch stands higher than the first on the other side, the second the same, and so on to the top. Alternate allegation. See Arithmetic. Alternate angles. See Geometry. ALTHiEA, Marsh mallow, a genus of plants, with a double calyx, the exterior one being divided into nine seg- ments ; the fruit consists of numerous capsules, each con- taining a single seed. It belongs to the monadelphia poly- andria class of Linnaeus. The essential character is, ca- lyx double, outer nine cleft; arils many, one seeded. There are seven species, of which the A. officinalis, ot common marsh mallow, is well known. It was formerly supposed to possess many medical virtues, but is now scarcely used in any preparation whatever. The flowen and seed are nearly the same with those of the malva, or mallow. ALTIN, in commerce, a kind of money current in Mus- covy, worth three copies. ALTITUDE, in geometry, one of the three dimen- sions of body ; being the same with what is otherwise call- ed height. Altitude of a figure, is the nearest distance of its ver- tex from its base, or the length of a perpendicular let fall from the vertex to the base. Altitude, in optics, is the height of an object above a line, drawn parallel to the horizon from the eye of the ob- server, or the angle subtended between aline drawn through the eye parallel to the horizon, and a visual ray emitted from an object to the eye. See Optics. Altitude of the eye, in perspective, is its perpendicular height above the geometrical plane. Altitude ofastar,Sec. inastronomy, is an arch of a ver- tical circle, intercepted between the star and the horizon. This altitude is either true or apparent, according as it is reckoned from the rational or sensible horizon ; and the difference between these is what is called by astronomers the parallax of altitude. The true altitudes of the sun and fixed stars differ but little from their apparent altitudes, because of their great distance from the earth, and the smallness of the earth's semidiameter compared with it. The quantity of refrac- tion is different at different altitudes, and the parallax i* A L V ALU different, according fo the distance of celestial objects; in the fixed stars it is too small to be observed with any degree of certainty : that of the sun is about 8-| sec. and that of the moon 52 min. Sailors commonly take the altitude of stars with a quad- rant, but as this method is liable to an error of six, seven, or more minutes, from the motion of (he ship, as well as the coarseness of their instruments, Mr. Parent has given a new way of finding their altitudes, by means of a common watch. His method is this; having observed the differ- ence of time between the rising of two stars, the right as- cension and declination of which are known from astronom- ical tables, in the Nautical Almanac, it will be easy to dis- tinguish that part of the difference which arises from that different position, from that arising from the obliquity of the sphere. Now this last is precisely the altitude of fhe pole of the place of observation ; for as to the way the ship may have made between the rising of the two stars, it is so small as to be safely overlooked, or at most estimated in tbe common way of reckoning. The ship changing place between the two observations, renders this method liable to some objection ; but the small alteration either of the ship's longitude or latitude will make no sensible error, and if she happens to have run a good distance between the observations, it is easy reckon- ing how much it is, and accordingly allowing for it. See Navigation. Altitude, accessible, Sec. See Trigonometry. See also Gnomon, Pin, Quadrant, &c. Altitude, refraction of, is an arc of a vertical circle, by which the altitude of a heavenly body is increased by means of refraction. This is different at different altitudes, beipe- cific gravity is 2.711 nearly. At the tcmrtonfure M t'.n ALU A M A degrees, it is soluble in from 15 to 20 parts of water, and three fourths of its weight in boiling water. When expos- ed to the air it effloresces slightly. When exposed to a gentle heat it undergoes the watry fusion. A very strong heat causes it to swell and foam, and to lose 44 per cent. of its weight, consisting chiefly of water of crystallization ; what remains is called calcined or burnt alum, and is some- times used as a corrosive. By a still more violent heat, the greater part of the acid may be driven off. There are three varieties of alum in commerce, 1, the sm- persulphate of alumina and potash ; 2, supersidphate of al- umina and ammonia; and, 3, a mixture of these two, which contains both potash and ammonia. This is the mo3t com- mon, because the manufacturers of alum use both urine and muriate of potash to crystallize their alum. The first va- riety is composed of 49 Sulphate of alumina 7 Sulphate of potash 44 water 100. Crystallized alum contains, 17.66 acid 12.00 base 70.34 water 100. Burnt alum contains, 36.25 acid 63.75 base 100. When an unusual quantity of potash is added to alum liquor, the salt loses its usual form, and crystallizes in cubes ; this is called cubic alum, and contains an excess of alkali; and when the potash is still further increased, the salt loses the property of crystallizing, and falls down in flakes: it then consists of sulphate of potash combined with a small proportion of alumina. All the varieties of alum are capable of combining with in additional dose of alumina, and forming perfectly neu- tral compounds. Alum is of great importance as a mordant in dying; it is used also in the manufacture of leather, it is employed by calico printers, engravers, &c. and it is used in medicine, in preserving animal substances from putrefaction, and in preventing wood from taking fire. If three parts of alum, and one of flour or sugar be melt- ed together in an iron ladle, and the mixture dried till it becomes blackish and ceases to swell; if it be then pound- ed small, put into a glass phial, and placed in a sand bath till a blue flame issues from the mouth of the phial, and after burning a minute or two be allowed to cool, a sub- stance ii obtained call Homberg's phosphorus, which has the property of catching fire when exposed to the open air, especially if it be moist. See Thomson's Chymistry, vol. ii. Alum, native, or fossile Alum, that formed by nature, without the assistance of art. There are still mines of native alum in the island of Chio, consisting of a kind of vaults, or apartments crusted over with alum, which may be regarded as exfoliations from the rock«. Alum, plumose, or plume Alum, a kind of natural alum, composed of a sort of threads, or fibres, resembling leatfi- ers; whence it has its name. ,. , . Alum, prepared, or purified Alum, that which is dig- solved in hot rain water, and afterward made to crystallize, by evaporating the water. Alum, Roman,'a sort of rock alum, of a reddish colour, made in the country near Rome. Alum, saccharine, is a composition of common alum with rose water, and clarified by the whites of eggs, which being boiled to the consistence of a paste, is formed in the shape of a sugar loaf; hence it obtained its name: it ia used as a cosmetic. ALUMINA derives its name from alum, of whichitis the base. It is the argilaceous part of common clay, or, in other words, pure argil or clay, free from all impurities. It is smooth and unctuous to the touch, when pure, diffu- sible in water, and adhering to the tongue. Its specific gravity is 200. Its bulk is diminished by great heat, and its hardness may be so increased by baking as to enable it to strike fire with steel. It forms a difficult combination with the acids. With the sulphuric it makes sulphaleof alumina; but its crystallization is difficult, both with the nitre and muriatic. It has a powerful attraction for lime, The most intense heat is not able to melt it alone, but it is easily fusible when lime or an alkali is added to it, By its mixture with water and silex it acquires great so- lidity. ALUMINOUS waters, those impregnated either nat- urally or artificially, with the virtues of alum. Of fhe former kind is the spa at Scarborough represent- ed to be; and of the latter, the aqua alaminosa of the shops. ALUNGU is a name given by fhe people of Malabar to an animal resembling a large lizard, except as to head and tail, which are both pointed. It is of the species of the manis of Linnaeus, and belongs to the family of ant eaten; which have no teeth, but a round tongue, with which they catch ants. ALURNUS, a genus of insects of the order of coleop- tera, with filiform antennae, six short feelers, and a hornj arched jaw. Three species of them are found at the Cape of Good Hope, vis. A. grossus, femoratus, and dentipes. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 13. ALWAIDID, a sect of Mahometans, who believe all great crimes to be unpardonable. ALYSSUM, or Alysson, madwort, in botany! « genus of the tetradynamia siliculosa class and order, of the natural order of siliquosae and cruciferse of Jussieu. The flower is of the cruciform kind, and consists of four petals; the fruit is a small roundish capsule, divided into twocellsf in which are contained a number of small roundish seeds. The essential character is, the shorter filaments marked with a toothlet; the silicle emarginate. There are 17 species. The A. palimifolium, or sweet alyssum, is an annual plant, chiefly cultivated in gardens for its fragrance. The yellow alysson is also very orna mental, and is perennial. AMA, among ecclesiastical writers, denotes a vessel in which wine or water was kept for the service of the eu- charist. Am a is sometimes also used for a wine measure as a pipe,&c. * A M A A M A AMABYR, or Amvabyr, a barbarous custom which formerly prevailed in Wales, and some other parts of the kingdom; being a certain fine, or sum of money, paid to the lord, upon marrying a maid within his manor. AMADOW, a kind of black match, tinder, or touch- wood, which comes from Germany. It is made from spongy excrescences, which often grow on old trees, es- pecially oaks, ash, or firs. This substance being boiled in common water, and afterward dried and well beaten, is then put into a strong ley prepared with saltpetre, after which it is again put to dry in an oven, when it is fit for use. AMADOWRY, a kind of cotton, which comes from Alexandria, by way of Marseilles. AMAIN, or Amatne, in sea language, a term im- 1 porting to lower something at once. Thus, to strike amain, is to lower, or let fall the topsails. AMALGAM, a mass of mercury united and incorporate ied with some other metal. Amalgams grow soft with heat and hard with cold ; and the metals amalgamated with mercury, assume a consist- ence harder or softer, iu proportion to the quantity of mer- * cury employed in the amalgam. i Amalgams are used either to render a metal fit to be it extended on some works, as in gilding ; or else to reduce l the metal into a very subtile powder. ii Thus gilders, to lay gold on any other metal, dissolve si it in hot mercury ; which done, they apply the solution on the body to be gilt, then setting it over the coals, the mer- i!i cury evaporates, and leaves the gold adhering to the body like a crust. I The amalgams of gold, silver, tin, lead, zinc, bismuth, i and copper, are all white ; and when the proporfion of the quantity of the other metal to that of mercury is con- | siderable, they form a kind of paste. I AMALGAMATION, in chymistry, the operation of n making an amalgam, or of mixing quicksilver with some I metal, is performed by fusing, or at least igniting the metal, I and in this state adding a proportion of mercury to it; upon which they mutually attract and incorporate with each other. Of all metals, gold unites with mercury with the great- , est facility ; next to that, silver; then lead,tin, and every , metal, except iron and copper, the last of which incorpo- rates with quicksilver with great difficulty, and the former ( scarcely at all. The amalgam of gold is thus made : take a dram of gold, beat it into very thin plates, and upon these, heated in a crucible red hot, pour an ounce of quicksilver; stir the matter with an iron rod, and when it begins to fume, cast it into an earthen pan filled with water, and it will coagulate and become tractable. Gold will retain about thrice its weight of mercury. To make an amalgam of lead ; melt clean lead in an iron ladle, add (o it an equal weight of melted mercury, stir them together with an iron rod, then let them cool, and you will have an uniform mass of a silver colour, some- what hard, but growing softer and softer by trituration. Put this mass info a glass mortar, grind it, and mix with it any quantity of mercury at pleasure, and it will unite with it, as salt with water. ' The amalgam of tin is made exactly in the same man- ner, and this also may he diluted by the addition of mer- cury. To have an amalgam of copper, take a solution of pure copper, made in aquafortis, so strong that the aquafortis could dissolve no more of the metal; dilute the solution with twelve times its quantity of water; heat the liquor. and put into it polished plates of iron, and the copper will be precipitated in a powder to the bottom, while the iron will be dissolved: proceed thus till all the copper is fall- en, pour off the liquor, wash the powder with hot water, till it becomes perfectly insipid ; then dry the powder, and grind it in a glass mortar with an equal weight of hot quick- silver, and they will unite into an amalgam, which will also receive a further addition of mercury. An amalgam of copper in any other way is very difficult to make. Pure silver precipitated from aquafortis, may in the same manner be made into an amalgam. From these operations we may perceive that the mak- ing of amalgams is the foundation of the art of gilding, both in gold and silver, and that metals by that art may be mixed, confounded, and secretly concealed among one another. Amalgams are also used in electricity; the rubber be- ing always prepared by laying on it a small quantity of amalgam, which is in general made of zinc, triturated with tallow. See Electricity. An amalgam of tin and mercury is used for looking-glasses. In this case, the glass plate is laid on an even board, on which is spread very evenly some tin foil, and on the tin foil is spread quicksilver : the glass is then laid on the quicksilver, and a number of leaden weights, covered with baize or flan- nel, are laid upon the glass; in this state it remains sever- al days, till the tin and quicksilver, in the state of amal- gam, adhere firmly to the glass, by means of which it ac quires the power of reflection. AMAN, a sort of blue cotton cloth, which comes from the Levant by the way of Aleppo. AM AR ANT A, or Am ar ante, an order of knighthood, instituted in 1653, by Christina, queen of Sweden, in memory of a masquerade, in which she had assumed that name, which signifies unfading, or immortal. AMARANTHUS, in botany, the name of a genus of plants, sometimes called prince's feather, the flower of which is rosaceous, and its fruit an oval or roundish cap- sule, containing only one large seed of a roundish com- pressed shape. The characters are : the male calyx is a five or three leaved perianthium, erect, coloured, and per- sistent : there is no corolla: the stamina consist of five or three erect capillary filaments, the length of the calyx; the antherse are oblong and versatile: the female calyx the same as the male, and no corolla: the pistillum has an ovate germen; the styli are three, short and subulated; the stigmata simple and persistent: the pericarpium is an ovate capsule, three beaked, unilocular, and cut round : the seed is one, globular, compressed, and large. Of this there are 29 species; the most remarkable of which are: Amaranthus bicolor, melancholicus, or two coloured amaranthus. This greatly resembles the tricolor in its manner of growth; but the leaves have only Jwo colours, which are an obscure purple, and a bright crimson. These are so splendid, as to set off each other, and when the plants are vigorous, make a fine appearance. Amarau- thus maximus, or tree like amaranthus, grows with a strong stem to the height of seven or ei^lit feet. Amaranthus A M B oleraceus with obluse indented leaves. This has no beauty * but it is use(' DY the Indians as a substitute for cabbage. Amaranthus tricolor, or three coloured ama- ranthus. Thi3 has been long cultivated in gardens on ac- count of the beauty of its variegated leaves, which are green, yellow, and red, very elegantly mixed. The ama- ranths are all annual. AMARYLLIS, a genus of the hexandria monogynia class and order, of the natural order of lilia, which in its flower it resembles. The essential character is, corolla hexapetaloid, irregular; filaments inserted info the throat of the tube, bending down, unequal in proportion or direc- tion. There are 29 species, all of them highly ornamen- tal, but only one, the A. lutea, perfectly hardy in this country. The A. regina, the vittata, the jacobea, bella- donna, and Guernsey lily, are well known in the stoves and green houses of the curious in plants. To describe them is impossible, but no flowers are more beautiful. AMASONIA, a genus of fhe didynamia angiospermia class and order. The corolla is one petalled: and the essential character is corolla tubulous; limb small, quiu- quefid : the seed is a nut, ovate and one celled. We Know of but one species, the erecta, a native of Surinam. The stem is herbaceous, and grows to the height of three feef. AMAUROSIS, among physicians, a distemper of the eye, otherwise called gutta serena. AMAUSA, a name given by chymists to the pastes used in counterfeiting gems. AMAZONS, an ancient nation of women, inhabiting that part of Lesser Asia, now called Amasia. The Amazons are said to have killed all their male chil- dren, and to have cut off the right breasts of their females, to fit them for martial exercises. The existence, howev- er, of such a nation is controverted by the most judicious authors, particularly Mr. Bryant, and defended by others, particularly Mr. Petit, a French physician, who has pub- lished a dissertation on the subject, wherein are several curious inquiries concerning their arms, dress, &c. We also read of Scythian Amazons, of German Ama- zons, of Lybian Amazons, and Amazons of America, liv- ing on the banks of the great river which bears their name, who are represented as governed by a queen, no men be- ing permitted to live among them; only, at a certain sea- son, those of the neighbouring nations are suffered to visit them. The Amazons of Lybia are famous for their wars with another female nation, called Gorgons. The whole of these stories appear to us little better than fabulous. AMAZONE, a very fine antique statue, in Parian mar- ble, in the gallery of antiques at Paris. There is also a beautiful statue of the queen of the Amazons at Wilton, represented in a warlike attitude, which was executed by Cleomenes. AM BE, among surgeons, an instrument for reducing dislocated bones, consisting of a horizontal lever, moved by a hinge, upon a vertical standard or foot. Am he, among anatomists, a term used for the super- ficial jutting out of a bone. AMBER is a bitumiuous concrete, of a yellow or brown colour, and more or less transparent. In its colour, how- ever, there is considerable variety ; some pieces being • lear and transparent, some opaque and whitish, some dark coloured 5 the most valued specimens are of a pale A M B yellow colour. On being slightly rubbed, it acquires electric powers. Only a small portion of it is dissolved by spirit of wine. It affords the most remarkable pne. nomena when exposed to heat. Being rubbed, tJie odoor of it that exhales resembles the aromatic resinous sub- stances, and is increased. In a greater beat it acquires a brown colour, emits some steams, and undergoes a state of fusion. It then becomes quite dark and opaque, and is employed in this state in the composition of some var. nishes. In burning it emits very penetrating vapour?, burns with a grayish flame, and leaves a coaly residuum. When this substance is distilled, the empyreumatie oil Eroduced is mostly thick, and of a blackish colour, and as a heavy, penetrating odour. When it is repeated!; distilled it becomes more fluid and transparent, and can be rendered quite limpid ; in which state it is said fo re- semble the finer kinds of petrolea, particularly the naph- tha. It is then termed rectified oil of amber. The origin of amber has been much disputed, whether it is originally a fossil, or is produced from vegetable mat- ter. The only reason to imagine it is entirely a fossil body is, that it is found at some depth below the surface under certain strata. The greatest part that we have comes from the Baltic. A considerable quantity is found floating on the sea on these coasts, being washed out of the soil by the agitation of the waves, when they penetrate through different strata, first through one containing fossil wood, variously compacted together ; under this a stratum of vitriolic minerals; below this the amber is found dispers- ed in various sizes ; but when it is examined, we find mani- fest proofs of its having been produced originally at the surface of the earth ; parts of vegetables, and even insects, being occasionally found in it. Amber is used for trinkets, particularly in Turkey and the East; but the finest specimens are in the cabinet of the king of Prussia. AMBERGRIS resembles amber in several cbymical qualities. It is a light ash coloured body found on the sea shores in the East Indies. It is opaque, and of a granulated structure. It has a light agreeable odour; melts with a gentle heat, without suffering any change; and, if further heated in close vessels, it gives an oil like that of amber. It also dissolves in spirit of wine, by means of heat, and is used in composition of perfumes.- It is not affected by acids. The origin of this substance is uncertain. It appears to be somewhat similar fo that of amber. It is found in masses, from one to a hundred ounces. The greatest quanlity is found floating in the Indian ocean ; but we alio meet with it in our own and in the northern seas. It is found likewise adhering to the rocks, and in the stomachs of the most voracious fishes; these animals swallowing at particular times every thing they happen to meet with. It has been particularly found in the intestines of the es- chalot whale, and most commonly in sickly fish, whence it is supposed either the cause or effect of disease. We often find in it relics of animal and vegetable substances, the bones and beaks of birds and insects; and as it re- sembles beeswax, melting like it, it would appear that it has been originally beeswax, which having been buried under the surface of the earth, or having floated a long trme on the ocean, has undergone a considerable change; and we know the amazing quantity of beeswax and honey A M B A 31 B that is sometiays collected by bees in their wild state, as in America. In old trees quantities have been found, suf- ficient for filling several hogsheads; and in rocks and caves along the sea shore, quantities may be gathered to- gether ; and by being buried, or by floating on the water, they may undergo a change, so as to be converted info this substance. AMBIDEXTER, a person who can use both hands with the same facility, and for the same purposes, that (he generality of people do their right hands. Was it riot for education, some think that all mankind would be ambidexters; and, in fact, we frequently find nurses obliged to be at a good deal of pains before they can bring children to forego the use of their left hands. It is perhaps a pity fhat any of the'gifts of nature should be thus rendered in a great measure useless, as there are many occasions in life which require the equal use of both hands: such are the operations of bleeding in the left arm, left ancle, &c. Amhidexteb, among lawyers, a juror or embracer, who accepts money of both parties for giving his verdict ; an offence for which he is liable to be imprisoned, for ever excluded from a jury, and to pay ten times the sum he ac- cepted of. * AMBIGENAL hyperbola, a name given by sir Isaac Newton to one of the triple hyperbolas of the second or- der, having one of its infinite legs falling within an angle formed by the asymptotes, and the other falling without. See Conic Section. • AMBIGUITY, in rhetoric and grammar, a defect of language, whereby words are rendered equivocal. AMBIT, in geometry, is the same with what is other- wise called the perimeter of a figure. AMBITUS, whence our word ambition, in Roman an- tiquity, the offering for some magistracy or office, and for- mally going round the city to solicit the interest and vote of the people. On these occasions it was not only usual to solicit the interest of their friends and others, with whom they were personally acquainted; but the candidates, being attend- ed by persons of an extensive acquaintance, who suggest- ed to them the names of the citizens, and thence called nomenclalores, or interpretes, made application fo all fhey met. This method of suing for offices was deemed allow- able, and therefore never prohibited by law; but to re- strain all undue influence, whether by bribery, or by ex- hibiting-games, shows, and the like, many laws were enact- ed, and severe fines imposed. Ambitus, in music, a name sometimes appropriated fo signify the particular extent of each tone, or modification of grave and acute. AMBLE, in horsemanship, a peculiar pace by which a horse's two legs of the same side move at the same time. Many methods have been proposed lo bring a young horse to amble: some try it by new ploughed fields; some endeavour to bring him to amble from the gallop; and many use weights: some attempt to procure an am- ble in hand, ere they mount his back ; others, by the help of hind shoes, made on purpose; others, by folding fine soft lists about the gambrels of the horse; and others by the tramel. All these methods, however, are attended with great danger to thr horse; and the best way is to try with (he hand, by a gentle deliberate racking of the horse, by heir.. ing him in the weak part of the mouth with a smooth, big, and full snaffle, and correcting him first on one tide, then on the other, with fhe calves of the Tegs, and sometimes with a spur. AMBLYGON, in geometry, denotes an obtuse angled triangle, or a triangle, one of whose angles consists of more than ninety degiees. AMBO, or Ambon, in ecclesiastical antiquity, a kind of pulpit, or reading desk, where that part of (he divine service called the gradual was performed. AMBROSE, or St. Ambrose in the wood, an order of religious, who use the Ambrosian office, and wear an image of that saint engraven on a little plate : in other respects they conform to the rule of the Augustins. AMBROSIA, the name of a distinct genus of plants, with flosculous flowers, composed of several small infun- dibuliform floscules, divided into five segments ; these, however, are barren ; the fruit, which in some measure resembles a club, growing on other parts of the plant. This genus belongs to the monoecia pentandria class of Linnaeus. The characters are : the male flowers are com- pound : the common calyx is a single leaved perianthium, the length of the florets ; the compound corolla is*uniform, tubular, flat, and hemispherical: fhe proper is monopeta- lous, funnel shaped, and quinquefid : the stamina consist of five very small filaments ; the antherae are erect, par- allel, and pointed: the pistillum has a filiform stylus, the length of the stamina ; the stigma, orbicular and membra- neous : the receptaculum is naked. Female flowers below the male ones, on the same plant, doubled: the calyx is a single leaved perianthium, entire, with the belly quinque- dentated, one flowered, and persistent: there is no corolla ; the pistillum has an ovate germen in the bottom of the calyx ; a filiform stylus, fhe length of the calyx ; and tv.u long bristly stigmata : the pericarpium is an ovate uniloc- ular nut; the seed is single and roundish. Of this genus five species are enumerated; one of which is perennial, and may be propagated either by cuttings or by seed?. The plants are moderately hardy, so maybe exposed to the open air in the summer ; and in winter may be shelt.v ed in a common green house with myrtles, and other hardy exotic plants. AMBROSIAN office, in church history, a particular formula of worship in the church of Milan, which lakes its name from St. Ambrose, who instituted that office in Ihc fourth century. Each church originally had its particular office ; and when the pope in after times took upon him to impose the Roman office upon all the western churches, that of Milan sheltered itself under the name and authori- ty of St. Ambrose, from which tune the Ambrosian ritual has prevailed in contradistinction from the Roman ritual. Ambrosian chant, in ecclesiastical music, differs very little, if at all, from the Gregorian chant. AMBROSIN, a coin formerly struck by the dukes of Milan, representing St. Ambrose on horseback, with a whip in his right hand. AMBROSINIA, a genus of the class and order of don of God, the king, the court, and his country. Some- times the punishment ends here, but sometimes it is only a prelude to death, or banishment fo the gallies. AMENDMENT, in law, the correction of an error committed in a process, which may be amended after judgment, unless the error lies in giving judgment, for in that case it is not amendable, but the party must bring a writ of error. A bill may be amended on the file at any time before the plea is pleaded, but not afterward, without motion and leave of the court. Amendment of a bill, in parliament, is some altera- tion made in the first draught of it. We even read of amendments. However, it is to be observed, that ali amendments ought to be made in the house, whence the the thing to be amended originally proceeded. Amendment, in husbandry, is used for1 the enriching land by laying manure on if. AMENTACEOUS, in botany, an appellation given to such flowers as have an aggregate of summits bangisg down in form of a rope, or cat's tail, which is called M amentum or catkin. AMENTUM, in Roman antiquity, a thong tied about the middle of a javelin or dart, and fastened to the fore finger, in order to recover the weapon as soon as it was discharged. The ancients made great use of the amen- (um,*thinking it helped to enforce the blow. Amentum also denotes a latchet that bound their sandals. AMERCEMENT, or Amerciament, in law, a pecu- niary punishment imposed upon offenders at the mercy of the court. Amercements differ from fines, the latter being certain punishments growing expressly from some statute, where- as the former are imposed in proportion to the fault. Besides, fines are assessed by the court, but amercements by the country. A court of record only can fine, all others can only amerce. Sheriffs are amerciable for the faults of their officers, and clerks of the peace may be amerced in the king's bench tor gross faults m indictments removed to that court A town is subject to amercement for the escape'of a murderer in the day time; and if the town is walled it is AME A M I subject to amercement whether (he escape happens by day or night. The statute of Magna Charta ordains that a freeman is not to be amerced for a small fault, but in proportion to the offence, by his peers and equals. AMERICA, one of the four grand divisions of the earth. See Geography. AMER1MNUM, a genus of the diadelphia decandria class and order, of the natural order of the papilionacese or leguminosae. The essential character is, calyx two lipped; legume compressed, leafy, two valved, gaping; seeds few and solifary. There are two species: the one a shrub ; and the other, A. ebenus, a tree which rises to 14 feet high, with a very thick stem. It is common in the West Indies, where the wood is cut and sent to England under the name of ebony. AMETHYST, amethystus, in the history of precious stones, a gem of a purple colour, which seems compound- ed of a strong blue and a deep red; and according as ei- ther of these prevails, affording different tinges of purple, sometimes approaching to violet, and sometimes even fad- ing to a pale rose colour. The amethyst on analysis is found, according to Rose, to contain 97.50 silica 0.25 alumina 0.50 oxyde of iron and manganese 98.25 Though the amethyst is generally of a purple colour, it is nevertheless sometimes found naturally colourless, and may at any time be easily made so by putting it info the fire; in which pellucid or colourless state, it so well imi- tates the diamond, that its want of hardness seems the only way of distinguishing it. Some derive the name amethyst from its colour, which resembles wine mixed with water ; whilst others, with more probability, think it got its name from its supposed virtue of preventing drunkenness ; an opinion which, how- ever imaginary, prevailed to that degree among the an- cients, that it was usual for great drinkers to wear it about their necks. Be this as it will, the amethyst is scarcely inferior to any of the gems in the beauty of its colour; and in its purest state is of the same hardness, and at least of equal value with the ruby and sapphire. It is found of various sizes, from that of a small vetch, to an inch and a half in diame- ter, and often to much more than that in length. Its shape is extremely various, sometimes roundish, some- times oblong, and at others flatted, at least on one side; but its most common appearance is in a crystalliform fig- ure, consisting of a thick column, composed of four planes, and terminated by a flat and short pyramid, of the same number of sides ; or else, of a thinner and longer hexan- gular column, and sometimes of a long pyramid without any column. It makes the gayest figure in the last of these states, but is hardest and most valuable in the round- ish and pebble like form. The amethyst is found in the East and West Indies, and in several parts of Europe ; the oriental ones, at least some of the finer specimens, being so hard and bright as to equal any of the coloured gems in value. However, by far the greater number of amethysts fall u. finitely short of these, as all the European ones, and not a few of those brought from the East and West Indies, r.re very little harder than common crystal. Amethyst, in heraldry, a term for Ihe purple colour in the coat of a nobleman, in use with those who blazon by precious stones instead of metals and colours. This in a gentleman's escutcheon is called Purpure, and in those of sovereign princes, Mercury. AMETHYSTEA, a genus of the diandria monogynia class and order, of the natural order of verticilhtae and labiatae. The characters are : the calyx consists of a single leaved perianthium, bell shaped, angular, semiquin- quefid, and persistent: the corolla is monopetalous; the border quinquepartite, the lowest division more expand- ing: the stamina consist of two slender filaments approxi- mated : the anthera? are simple and roundish: the pistil- lum has a four cleft germen ; stylus, the size of the stami- na; stigmata two, acute : no corolla: the seeds four, gib- bous, and shorter than the calyx. There is only one known species: it is a native of Siberia. It is an annual plant, with an upright stalk, which rises about a foot high. Toward fhe top it puts forth two or three small lateral branches, garnished with small trifid leaves, sawed on their edges, of a very dark green colour. The flowers appear in June or July, and are produced in small umbels at the extremities of the branches. They are of a fine blue colour, as are also the upper part of the branches, and the leaves immediately under the umbel, so that they make a fine appearance. The seeds of the ametbystea should be sown in autumn, as they are apt to remain a whole year in the ground. AMETHYSTINE, a term applied to a kind of purple garment dyed of the hue of amethyst. This colour is a medium between the tyrian and hyacinthine. AMIABLE, or Amicable numbers, such as are mu- tually equal to the sum of one another's aliquot parts, as the numbers 284 and 220. Thus the aliquot parts of 220, are 1,2,4,5, 10,11,20,22, 44,55, 110, and these added together are equal to 284; and the aliquot parts of 284, are 1, 2, 4, 71, 142, and these added together are equal to 220. Van Schouten was the first who gave this name fo such numbers, of which it is easily apprehended, there are but very few at least to be set down and manageable by us; for 284 and 220 are the two least, and the two next great- er are 18416 and 17296; the third pair of numbers are 9363584 and 9437056. AMIANTHUS, a fibrose, flexile, and elastic mineral substance, composed of short and abrupt filamoits. There are several species of amianthi; that of a gray- ish green colour, with short, abrupt, and interwoven fila- ments, is the same wifh fhe plumose alum of the shops. The properties of the amianthtis are very wonderful. They will neither give fite with steel, nor ferment with aquafortis; and if thrown* info fhe fire, will endure (he most extreme heat without the least injury to their lex fure. Amianthus threads are sometimes used as perpet- ual wicks for lamps ; they require occasional clean'm? from the soot; and by great beat they are apt to run k, gether in a state of semifusion, so as fo prevent th? due supply of oil. The amianthus and all the varieties of as- bestos, are classed by Mr. Kjrwan among the magn*;s'a& A M M < ;«rli:s as fhcv contain abont a fifth part of that substance. See Asbestos and Mineralogy. AMICABLE benches, in Roman antiquity, were, ac- cording 'o Pitiscus, lower and less honourable seats al- lotted for the inferior judges, who, upon being admitted of the emperor's council, were dignified by him with the lifle atuiri. A31 ICTUS, among ecclesiastical writers, the upper- most garment anciently worn by the clergy; the other five being the alba, singultus, stola, manipulus, and plane- fa. The amictus was a linen garment, of a square figure, covering the head, neck, and shoulders, and buckled, or clasped, before the breast. It is still worn by the relig- ious abroad. AMICULUM, in Roman antiquity, a woman's upper garment, which differed from the palla, as we learn from Livy; but in what that difference consisted we are at a loss to know, unless that it was shorter than the palla. The amicuium was worn both by matrons and courtesans. AMICUS curiae, a law term, to denote a bystander, who informs the court of a matter in law that is doubtful or mistaken. AMIESTIES, cotton cloths, which come from the East Indies. AMIRANTE, in fhe Spanish polity, a great officer of state, answering to our lord high admiral. AMITTERE legem terr;e, among lawyers, a phrase importing the loss of the liberty of swearing in any court. The punishment of a champion overcome or yielding in battle, of jurors found guilty in a writ of attaint, and of a person outlawed. AMMAN, or Ammant, in the German and Belgic policy, a judge who has the cognisance of civil causes. Ammant is also used among the French for a public notary, or officer who draws up instruments and deeds. AMMANNIA, in botany, the name of a genus of plants, belonging to the (etrandria monogynia class and order of Linnaeus; the flower of which is composed of four oval patent petals growing within the cup; and its fruit is a roundish capsule covered by the cup, and containing four cells ; and this description forms its essential character. There are seven species, all of which seem to be annual, and being natives of hot climates most of (hem require protection in this country. AMMI, bishop's weed, in botany, a genus of umbellife- rous plants, belonging to the pentandria digynia class and order of Linnaeus; the flower of which is rosaceous and composed of heart like petals; and its fruit is a small roundish and striated capsule, containing two striated seeds, convex on one side. There are three species, all annual. AMMOCHRYSOS, in natural history, (he name of a stone common in Germany, being a species of mica, with gold coloured spangles. Reduced to powder, it is used to strew over writing. AMMODYTES, the name*of a genus of fishes, of which only a single species has hitherto been discovered. The head is compressed, narrower than the body; upper lip doubled, lower jaw narrow and pointed ; teeth sharp ; Sill membrane of seven rays; body lon^ square ; tail fin distinct. It inhabits ihe sandy shores of the northern seas, and it takes its name from its quality of diving into, or burying it: and as, in land animals, the lungs have a larger portion of the mass of blood circulating through them, which must be stopped if the air has not a free ingress and egress into and from them ; so, in fish, there is a great number of blood vessels that pass through the bronchia?, and a great portion of their blood circulates through them, which must in like manner be totally stopped, if the bronchia; are not perpetually wet with water. So that, as the ah; is to the lungs in land animals, a constant assistant to the circulation; so is the water to the bronchia; of those of the rivers and seas : for when these are out of the water, the bronchia; very soon grow crisp and dry, the blood vessels are shrunk, and the blood is obstructed in its passage; so, when the former are immersed in water, or otherwise pre- vented from having respiration, the circulation ceases, and the animal dies. Again, as land animals would be destroy- ed by too much maceration in water, so fishes would, on the other hand, be ruined by too much exsiccation ; the latter being, from their general structure and constitution, made fit to bear and live in the water ; the former, by their constitution and form, to breathe and dwell in the air. But it may be asked, why eels and water snakes are capable of living longer in the air than the other kinds of fish? This is answered, by considering the providential care of the great Creator for these and every one of his creatures; for since they were capable of locomotion by their form, which they need not be if they were never to go on shore, it seemed necessary that they should be rendered capable of living a considerable thue on shore, otherwise their lo- comotion would be in vain. How is this provided for ? Why, in a most convenient manner; for this order of fishes have their bronchia; well covered from the external drying air : they are also furnished with a slimy mucus, which hinders their becoming crisp and dry for many hours f and their very skins always emit a.mucous liquor, which keeps them supple and moist for a long time ; where as the bronchia? of other kinds of fish are much exposed to the air, and want the slimy matter to keep them moist. Now, if any of these, when brought out of the water, were N laid in a vessel without water, they might be preserved alive a considerable time, by only keeping the gills and surface of the skin constantly wet, even without any watw to swim in. Some kinds of insects, and some birds, are amphibious. The term has been applied to men who have the faculty of living long under water. The divers employed in the pearl fisheries possess this power in an eminent de- gree. AMPHIBOLOGY, in grammar and rhetoric, a term used to denote a phrase susceptible of two different in- terpretations. AMPHIBRACHYS, in ancient poetry, the name of a foot consisting of three syllables, whereof that in the mid- dle is long, and the other two short. AMPHICTYONS, in Grecian antiquity, an assembly composed of deputies from the different states of Greece, and resembling, in some measure, the diet of the German empire. The amphictyons met regularly at Delphi, twice a year, vis. in spring and autumn, and decided all differences be- tween any of the Grecian states, their determinations be- ing held sacred and inviolable. AMPHIMACER,. in ancient poetry, a foot consisting of three syllables, whereof the first and last are long, and that in the middle short. AMPHIMASCALOS, a tunic, or coat, worn by the Greeks, with two short sleeves, so as to cover part of the arm to the elbow. The coats of freemen were amphi- mascalos, those of slaves had only one. AMPHIBOLES, (he principal magistrates of Syracuse, in Sicily, called archons at Athens. AMPHIPPII, in Grecian antiquity, soldiers, who in war used two horses without saddles, and were dexterous enough to leap from one to the other. AMPHIPRORjE, in the naval affairs of the ancients, vessels with a prow at each end. They were used chief- ly in rapid rivers and narrow channels, where it was not easy to tack about. AMPHISBiENA, in zoology, a genus of serpent, so called because it moves with either end forward. The body of the amphisbaena has a number of circular annuli, surrounding it from the head to the extremity of the tail; so that it seems composed of a number of narrow and somewhat rounded rings applied close to one another, and having deep furrows between them. Only two species of this genus have hitherto been dis- covered, the white and the black. The white is from 15 to 18 inches long ; it is found preying on insects, worms, &c. It is harmless, but on handling it, the skin becomes affected with a slight itching, accompanied with small pus- tules. The other is rarely so large, and is equally harm- less. The skin of the amphisbaena is strong and tenacious, and of a smooth glossy surface ; and it is probable that they are enabled with facility lo perforate the ground in the manner of earth worms, in order to obtain occasional supplies of food. See Nat. Hist. fig. 14*. AMPH1SCII, among geographers, a name applied to the people who inhabit the torrid zone. A M P AMY Amphiscii, as the word imports, have their shadows one part of the year toward the north, and at the other tow- ard the south, according to the sun's place in the ecliptic. They are also called Ascii. AMPHITAPA, in antiquity, a garment frized or shag- ged on both sides, which was laid under persons going to sleep. AMPHITHEATRE, in antiquity, a spacious edifice built cither round or oval, with a number of rising seats, upon which the people used to sit and behold the combats of gladiators, of wild beasts, and other sports. Amphitheatres were at first only of wood, and it was not till the reign of Augustus, that Statilius Taurus built one for the first time of stone. The lowest part was of an oval figure, and called arena, because, for the conveniency of the combatants, it was usually strewed with sand ; and round the arena were vaults styled cavecz, in which were confined the wild beasts appointed for the shows. Above the caveae was erected a large circular peristyle podium, adorned with columns. This was the place of the empe- rors, senators, and other persons of distinction. The. rows of benches were above the podium. Their figure was circular, and they were entered by avenues, at the end of which were gates, called vomitoriae. The most perfect remains we now have of ancient amphitheatres are that of Vespasian, called the coliseum, that at Verona in Italy, and that al Nismes in Languedoc. AMPHORA, in antiquity, a liquid measure in use among the Greeks and Romans. The Roman amphora contained forty-eight sextaries, and was equal to about seven gallons one pint, English wine measure; and the Grecian, or attic amphora, contained one third more. Amphora, was a dry measure, likewise in use among the Romans, and contained three bushels. Amphora, among the Venetians, the largest measure used for liquids. It contains four bigorzas, the bigorza be- ing four quarts, the quart four sachies, and each sachie four leras; but by wholesale the amphora is 14 quarts, and the bigorza three quarts and a half. AMPHORARIUM vinum, wine that is drawn into pitchers, distinguished from cask wine. The Romans had a method of keeping wine in amphora; for many years to ripen, by fastening the lids down with pitch or gyp- sum, and placing them either under ground, or in the smoke. AMPHOTEROPLON, a kind of naval insurance, where insurers run the risk both in the going out, and re- turn of the vessel. AMPHOTIDES, in antiquity, a kind of armour or covering for the ears, worn by the ancient pugilists, to prevent their adversaries from laying hold of this part. AMPLIATION, in Roman antiquity, was the defer- ring to pass sentence in certain causes. This the judge did, by pronouncing the word amplius ; or by writing the letters N. L. for non liquet; thereby signifying, that as the cause was not clear, it would be necessary to bring further evidence. AMPLITUDE, an arch of (he horizon intercepted be- tween the east or west point, and the centre of the sun, or a planet at its rising and setting, and so is either north and south, orortive and occasive. The sun's amplitude, either rising or setting, is found by the globes, by bringing the sun's place fo the horizon. either on the east or west side, and the degrees from the east point, either north or south, are the amplitude re- quired. To find the amplitude trigonometrically, say, as the cosine of the latitude : radius :: sine of the present de- clination: sine of the amplitude. This problem is use- ful in navigation, to find the variation* of the compass. Amplitude Magnetical, the different rising or setting of the sun, from the east or west points of the compass. It is found by observing the sun, at his rising and setting, by an amplitude compass. Amplitude of the range of a projectile, the horizon- tal line, subtending the path in which the projectile mov- ed. AMPULLA, in antiquity, a round big bellied vessel, which the ancients used in their baths, to contain oil for anointing their bodies. Ampulla was also a cup made of glass, and sometimes of leather, for drinking out of at table. AMPUTATION, the cutting off a limb, or other part of the body. See Sdrgerv. AMPYX, among the ancients, a kind of golden chain which served to bind the hair of the horses on the fore- head. The term was afterward used to denote a fillet which formed part of their dress; this was frequently en- circled with gold and precious stones. AMSDORFIANS, a sect of protestants, in the 16th century, who took their name from Amsdorf, their leader. They maintained, that good works were not only un- profitable, but even opposite and pernicious to salvation. AMULET, a charm or preservative against mischief, witchcraft, or diseases. Amulets were made of stone, metal, simples, animals, and in a word, of every thing which fancy or caprice sug- gested ; and sometimes they consisted of words, charac- ters, and sentences, ranged in a particular order, and en- graved upon wood, &c. and worn about the neck, or some other part of the body. At other times they were neither written nor engraved, but prepared with many superstitious ceremonies, great regard being usually paid to the influence of the stars. The Arabians have given to this species of amulet the name of talisman. All nations have been fond of amulets: the Jews were extremely superstitious in the use of them to expel dis- eases : and the Misna forbids them, unless received from an approved man, who had cured at least three persona before, by the same means. Even amongst the Christians of the early times, amu- lets were made of the wood of the cross, or ribands with a text of Scripture written in them, as preservatives against diseases; and therefore the council of Laodicea forbids ecclesiastics to make such amulets, and orders all such as wore them to be cast out of the church. AMUSETTE, an instrument of war, mounted like a cannon, and fired off like a musket. AMY, in law, the next friend or relation to be intrust- ed tor an infant. AMYGLADOIDES lapis, in natural history, a fossile body, resembling the kernel of an almond in shape, being urchin5. 8P,°e SPCC,eS °f €CkinUS mar"™*>™ sea 'AMYGDALUS, the Almond and Peach: a genus of the monogynia order, belonging to the icosandria class of AMY ANA plants; and in the natural method, ranking under the or- der pomaceae. The characters are : the calyx is a single Leaved perianthium beneath, tubular, and quinquefid; the corolla consists of five oblong petals, which are inserted into (he calyx: lhe stamina of SO slender erect filaments, half the length of the corolla, and inserted into lhe calyx; the antherse are simple: the pistillum has a round villous germen above; a simple stylus, (he length of the stami- na; and (he stigma headed: the pericarpium is a large roundish villous drupa, with a longitudinal furrow : the seed is an ovate compressed not perforated in the pores. The nut of the almond is covered with a dry skin, that of the peach and nectarine with a soft pulp. The nectarine again is smooth, the peach downy. There are 7 species with innumerable varieties, the principal of which are : 1. Amygdalus communis, or common almond, a native of Africa, grows to near 20 feet high. The white flow- ering almond is a variety of this species, and is cultivated for the sake of the flowers and the fruit, though the flow- ers are inferior to the red. 2. Amygdalus nana, the dwarf almond, is a native of Asia Minor. Of this shrub (here are two varieties, the single and the double. Both grow to about four or five feet high, and are in the first esteem as flowering shrubs. 3. Amygdalus Persica, or the Peach, is said to be a na- tive of Europe; but of what place is not known. Culti- vation has produced many varieties of this fruit; of which the following are the most esteemed : 1. Admirable. 2. Beautiful Chevreu.se. 3. Bellegarde. 4. Bloody Peach. 5. Bourdine. 6. Catharine. 7. Chan- cellor. 8. Early Purple. 9. Great French Mignon. 10. La(e Admirable 11. Lale Purple. 12. Malta. 13. Monstrous Pavy. 14. Montauban. 15. Nivette. 16. Old Newington. 17.Persique. 18. Portugal. 19. Ram bouillet. 20. Red Magdalen. 21. Red Nutmeg. 22. Rossanna. 23. Royal. 24. Small Mignon. 25. Smith's Newington. 26. Venus's Nipple. 27. Vineuse. 28. White Magdalen. 29. White Nutmeg. 30. Yellow Al- berge. 31. Noblesse. 32. Double Montagne. 4. Amygdalus nuci Persica, or lhe Nectarine. Of this many varieties are now cultivated; and the following are some of the most esteemed. 1. EIruge. 2. Golden. 3. Italian. 4. Murrey. 5. Newington. 6. Roman. 7. Scarlet. 8. Temple's. 9. Clermont's. 10. Fairchild's early. The good kinds of all these species are propagated by budding or inoculation. They will thrive and bear a- gainst any wall but one with a north aspect, but the best aspect is south. In the pruning, care must be taken to leave enough of the young bearing wood, and not lay ia (he branches too close, or to cross each other. AMYRIS, a genus of (he oclandria monogynia class and order^and of the natural order of terebintacea?. The calyx is a small single leaved perianthium, four toothed and persistent: the corolla consists of four oblong petals, concave and expanding: the stamina consist of eight erect subulated filaments : the anthera? are oblong, erect, and the length of (becorolla; the pistillum has an ovate germen above; a thickis-h stylus the length of the stamina; and a four cornered stigma : the pericarpium is a round drupa- ceous berry : the seed is a globular glossy nut. There are nine species: the most remarkable are: 1. Amyris balsamifera, or rose wood, is found on grav« elly hills in Jamaica and others of the West India islands. It rises to a considerable height, and the trunks are re- markable for having large protuberances on them. The leaves are laurel shaped ; the small blue flowers are on a branched spike; and the berries are small and black. 2. Amyris elemifera, or shrub which bears the gum elemi, a native of South America. It grows to the height of about six feet. 3. Amyris Gileadensis, or opobalsamum, is an ever- green shrub, growing spontaneously in Arabia Felix, from whence the opobalsam, or balm of Gilead, is pro- cured. 4. Amyris toxifera, or poison wood, is a small free, with a smooth light coloured bark. From the trunk of this tree distills a liquid as black as ink. Birds feed on the fruit f particularly one called the purple grosbeak, on the mucilage that covers the stone. It grows usually on rocks, in Providence, Ilathera, and others of the Bahama islands. AMZEL, in ornithology, the name of a bird of the merula or blackbird kind, of which there are two species; the ring amzel or merula torquata, and the merula montana, called simply the amzel. The ring amzel is a little larger than the common blackbird. Its back is of a dusky blackish brown, and its throat and breast are beautifully variegated with spots and streaks of white; and the low- er part of the throat is adorned with a fine broad white ring,. whence the bird has its name. This ring is of a lunated shape,, the points ending at the sides of the neck. The wings and tail are blackish, but in the female variegated with white. This bird feeds on insects and berries, and is common about the peak of Derbyshire, where it is called the Rock Ouzel. AN jour and waste, in law, signifies a forfeiture of lands for a year and a day to the king, by persons com- mitting petit treason and felony, and afterward the land falls to the lord. ANA, among physicians, denotes an equal quantity of the ingredients which immediately precede it in prescrip- tions: it is written by abbreviation a or aa; thus, R. thur. myrrh, alum, aa, i B : that is, take frankincense, myrrh, and alum, each a scruple. Ana, in matters of literature, a Latin termination added to the titles of several books in other languages. They are collections of the conversation and memora- ble sayings of men of wit and learning : the Scaligeriana was the first book that appeared with a title in ana, and was afterward followed by the Perroniana, Tbuana, Nau- daeana, Menagiana, and even by Arlequiniana, in ridicule of all books in ana. ANABAPTISTS, in church history, a sect of protes- tants, which sprung up in Germany, in 1521, immediately after the rise of Lutheranism. At first, they preached up an entire freedom from all subjection to the civil as well as ecclesiastical power; but the tenet from whence fhey take their name, and which they still maintain, is their re-bapfizing all new converts to their sect, and condemn- ing infant baptism. Great troubles were occasioned in Germany by this sect; but of all places where they prevailed, none suffer- ed so much by them as the town of Munster. The ana- baptists, however, of Holland and Friesland disapproved the seditious behaviour of their brethren of Munster: and ANA ANA at present, though this sect still subsists as well in Britain as abroad, yet they no longer pretend to be divinely in- spired, they no longer oppose magistrates, nor preach up a community of goods, &c The anabaptists support their principal doctrine upon those words of our Saviour, « He that believeth, and is baptized, shall be saved." Now, as adults, or grown per- son?, are alone capable of believing, they argue, that none but adults are fit to be baptized. This doctrine is oppos- ed by alleging the contrary practice of the primitive church, as well as from Scripture, which tells us, that children are capable of the kingdom of heaven, and at the same time assures us, that "except a man be baptized, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." ANABATA, a cope or sacerdotal vest, to cover the back and shoulders of the priest. ANABATHRA, in antiquity, a kind of stones erected by the sides of highways, to assist travellers to mount their horses. ANABIBAZON, in astronomy, a name given to the northern node of the moon, or dragon's head. ANABLEPS, in ichthyology, a genus of malacoptery- gious fishes, with six bones in the branchiostege mem- brane, and only two small fins at the extremity of the back. Of this genus there is only one known species. It in- habits the sea shore of Surinam. ANABOLjEUM, or Anabole, in antiquity, a kind of great or upper coat, worn over the tunica. ANABOLEUS, in antiquity, an appellation given to grooms of the stable, or equerries, who assisted their mas- ters in mounting their horses. As the ancients had no stirrups, or instruments that are now in use for mounting a horse, fhey either jumped upon his back, or were aided in mounting by anabolei. ANACALYPTERIA, in antiquity, festivals among the Greeks on the day that the bride was permitted to lay aside her veil, and appear in public. The word is de- rived from a verb which signifies to uncover. ANACAMPTERIA, in ecclesiastical antiquity, a kind of little edifices adjacent to the churches, designed for the entertainment of strangers and poor persons. ANACARDIUM, or Cashew nut tree : a genus of the monogynia order, belonging to the decandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 12th order, holoraceae. The characters are: the calyx is di- vided into five parts, the divisions ovate and deciduous: the corolla consists of five reflected petals, twice the length of the calyx : the stamina consists of ten capillary filaments shorter than the calyx, one of them castrated; the antherae are small and roundish: the pistillum has a roundish germen; the stylus is subulated, inflected, and the length of the corolla; the stigma oblique: there is no pericarpium ; the receptaculum is very large and fleshy : the seed is a large kidney shaped nut, placed above the receptaculum. Only one species is known, vis. Anacardiuni occidentale. It grows naturally in the West Indies, and arrives at the height of 20 feet in those places of which it is a native. The fruit of this tree is as large as an orange; and is full of an acid juice, which is frequently made use of in making punch. To the apex of this fruit grows a nut, of the size and shape of a hare's kidney, but it is much larger at the end which is next to the fruit than at the other. The shell is very hard.; and the kernel, which is swtset and pleasant, is covered with i thin film. Between this and the shell is lodged a thick, blackish, inflammable liquor, of such a caustic nature m the fresh nuts, that if the lips chance to touch it, blisters will immediately follow. The kernels are eaten raw, roasted, or pickled. The caustic liquor just mentioned is esteemed an excellent cosmetic with the West India young ladies, but they must certainly suffer a great deal of pain in its application. The. milky juice of this tree will stain linen of a good black, which cannot be washed out. This plant is easily raised from the nuts, which should be planted each in a separate pot filled with light sandy earth, and plunged into a good hot bed of tanner's bark; they must also be kept from moisture till the plants come up, otherwise the nuts are apt to rot. If the nuts are fresh, the plants will come up in about a month; and in two months more they will be four or five inches high, with large leaves : from which quick progress many peo- ple have been deceived, imagining fhey would continue the like quick growth afterward ; but with all the care that can be taken, they never come to any kind of perfec- tion even in our best stoves. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 14. ANACHORET, in church history, denotes a hermit, or solitary monk, who retires from the society of mankind into some desert, with a view to avoid the temptation^ the world, and to be more at leisure for meditation Ifjd prayer. •* ANACHORITA, a name given to the cells of recluses; by lhe ancient canons, no anachorita could be erected without the consent of the bishop. ANACHRONISM, in matters of literature, an error with respect to chronology, whereby an event is placed earlier than it really happened. Such is 1 hat of Virgil, who placed Dido in Africa at the time of iEneas, though in reality she did not come here till 300 years after the taking of Troy. ANACLASTICS, anaclastica, that part of optics which considers the refraction of light. Anaclastic glasses, a low kind of phials, which haw the property of being flexible, and emitting a vehement noise, by the application of the human breath. They are made of a fine glass, with flat bellies resembling inverted funnels, with bottoms almost as thin as the skin of an onion. The bottom which is convex, by the action of inspiration will be drawn in with a prodigious crack, and from con- vex becomes concave; on the contrary, by expiring or breathing gently into them, the bottom returns to its place with the same noise. ANACLETICUM, among the ancients, a particuto blast of the trumpet, by which the fearful and flying sold- iers were rallied and recalled to the combat. ANACREONTIC verse, in ancient poetry, a kindof verse, so called from its being much used by the poei Anacreon. It consists of three feet and a half, usuallj spondees and iambuses, and sometimes anapsests ; such is that of Horace, Lydia die per omnes. ANACYCLUS, a genus of the syngenesia polygtn>i» class and order. The essential character is, recent, chaffy: down emarginate: seeds solitary with membranous wing* 1 here are 4 species, all annuals, and somewhat resemble the chrysanthemum in the flower, foliage, and habits. ANA ANA ANADEMA, in antiquity, denotes fhe fillet which lhe kings of Persia wore round their heads. Anadema de- notes also a kind of ornament which women wore on their heads like a garland. ANADIPLOSIS, in rhetoric and poetry, a repetition of the last word of a line, or clause of a sentence, in the beginning of the next: thus, Pierides, vos hsee facietis maxima Gallo : Gallo, cujus amor, &c. Et matutinis accredula vocibus instat, Vocibus instat, et assiduas jacit ore querelas. Among physicians, the renewal of a cold fit, in a semi- tertian fever, before the fit is entirely ended. ANADROMOUS, among ichthyologists, a name given to all fish which, at stated seasons, go from the fresh waters into the sea, and afterward return back again. Such are lhe salmon, and some other truttaceous fishes. ANiEDEIA, in Grecian antiquity, a stool whereon the accused person was placed to make hi3 defence. ANAGALLIS, in botany, a genus of plants belonging to the pentandria monogynia class and order. The es- sential character is, corolla rotate ; capsule opening hori- zontally. There are 7 species. The A. arvensis, or common pimpernil, is a beautiful little scarlet flower well known in our fields, and called the poor man's weather glass, from its property of opening in fair weather, and shutting up on the approach of rain. There are some foreign species with larger flowers, cultivated in our gar- dens ; particularly the A. fruticosa, a beautiful flower, figured in Curtis's Magazine, vol. 21. p. 331. ANAGLYPHICE, the art of embossing. ANAGNOSTA, or Anagnostes, in antiquity, a kind of literary servant, retained in the families of persons of distinction, whose chief business was to read to them dur- ing meals, or at any other time when they were at leisure. ANAGRAM, a transposition of the letters of some name, whereby a new word is formed, either to the advan- tage or disadvantage of the person or thing to which the name belongs: thus, from Galenus is formed Angelus ; from James, Simea; and so of others. A miserable spe- cies of false wit. AN AGROS, in commerce, a measure for grain used in some cities of Spain, particularly at Seville. Forty-six anagros make about 101- quarters of London. ANAGYRIS, Bean trefoil, in botany, a genus of plants with papilionaceous flowers, the vexillum of which is shorter than any of the other petals, and its fruit an oblong pod, containing kidney like seeds; to this is to be added, that three leaves stand on every petal. It be- longs to the decandria monogynia class and order of Lin- naeus. There are three species. ANALEMMA, in geometry, a projection of the sphere on the phine of the meridian, orthographically made by straight lines and ellipses, the eye being supposed at an infinite distance, and in (he east or west points of the ho- rizon. Analemma denotes likewise an instrument of brass or wood, upon which this kind of projection is drawn, with an horizon and cursor fitted to it, wherein the solstitial colure, and all circles parallel to it, will be concentric cir- cles ; all circles oblique to the eye, will be ellipses; and all circles whose planes pass fhrough the eye, will be right linen. vol. i. 16 The use of this instrument is to show the common as- tronomical problems, which it will do, though not very ex- actly, unless it be very large. ANALEPTICS, in pharmacy, restorative medicines. ANALGISTA, among civilians, denotes a tutor who is not obliged to give an account of his conduct. ANALOGY, in literature, a certain relation and agree- ment between two or more things, which in other respect* are entirely different: thus the foot of a mountain bears an analogy to the foot of an animal, although they are two very different things. There is likewise an analogy between beings that have some conformity or resemblance to one another: for ex- ample, between animals and plants, and between metals and vegetables; but the analogy is still stronger between two different species of certain animals. Analogy enters much into all our reasoning, and serves to explain and illustrate, but not to demonstrate. Reason- ing by analogy, however, may sometimes induce to error: thus, the analogy between the constellation called Leo, and the animal of that name, has given room to some as- trologers to imagine that children born under that constel- lation were inspired with a martial spirit. Analogy, in botany, is a term that has been used fo denote the resemblance which plants bear to each other, with regard to their medical properties and uses. Analogy, among geometricians, denotes a similitude of ratios. ANALYSIS, among logicians, is a method of tracing things backward to their source, and of resolving knowl- edge into its original principles. It is also called the method of resolution, and sfands op- posed to the synthetic method, or method of composition. The art of this method consists chiefly in combining our perceptions, and classing them together with address; and in contriving a proper expression of our thoughts, so as to represent their several divisions, classes, and rela- tions. This is clearly seen in the manner of computing by figures in arithmetic, but more particularly in the sym- bols applied in resolving algebraical problems. Analysis, among mathematicians, the art of discover- ing the truth or falsehood of a proposition, or its possibili- ty and impossibility. This is done by supposing the proposition, such as it is, true; and examining what fol- lows from thence, until we arrive at some evident truth, or some impossibility, of which the first proposition is a necessary consequence; and from thence establish the truth or impossibility of that proposition. The analysis of the ancient geometricians consisted in the application of the propositions of Euclid, ApoUonius, &c. till they arrived, proceeding step by step, at the truth required. That of fhe moderns, though not so ele- gant, must, however, be allowed more ready and general. By this last, geometrical demonstrations are wonderfully abridged, a number of truths are frequently expressed by a single line, and whole sciences may sometimes be learn- ed in a few minutes, which otherwise would be scarcely attained in many years. Analysis is divided, with regard to its object, into that of finifes and infinites. Analysis of finite quantities, is that which is called specious arithmetic. Analysis of infinites, is the same with fluxions. >L,' I. I fj A N A ANA Analysis, in chymistry, the reduction of a mixed body into its principles. This is the chief object of chymistry, and is effected by means of heat and mixture. Analysis of powers, is the operation of resolving them info their roots, olherwise called evolution. See Alge- bra. ANAMORPHOSIS, in perspective and painting, a monstrous projection, or representation of an image on a plane or curve surface, which, beheld at a proper dis- tance, shall appear regular and in proportion. See Op- tics. ANANAS, the trivial name of a species of the pine ap- ple. See Bromelia. ANANCITIS, in antiquity, a kind of figured stone, otherwise called synochitis, celebrated for its magical virtue, of raising the shadows, umbrae, of the infernal gods. ANAPAEST, anapestus, in ancient poetry, a foot con- sisting of two short syllables and one long. It is just the reverse of the dactyle. ANAPHORA, in ancient astronomy, an ascension of the twelve signs of the zodiac from the east, by fhe daily course of the heavens. Anaphora, in rhetoric, the repetition of the same word or words in the beginning of a sentence or verse : thus Virgil : Pan etiam Arcadia mecum se judice certet, Pan etiam Arcadia dicat se judice victum. Anaphora, among ancient physicians, denotes the throwing up of purulent matter by the mouth. ANAPLASIS, among ancient physicians, the replac- ing of a fractured bone in the same situation it obtained before it was broken. ANAPLEROSIS, among surgeons, expresses the re- storing deficiencies; and in this sense is the same with prosthesis. ANAPLEROTICS, in pharmacy, such medicines as promote the growth of flesh in wounds and ulcers. ANARRHICHAS, the name of a genus of malacop- lerygious fishes, called by other writers lupus marinus, the sea wolf. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 15. ANAS, in zoology, a genus of birds of the order of an- seres, according to Linnaeus, the beak of which is convex, with an obtuse point, and the whole verge furnished with transverse lamellose teeth; the tongue is obtuse and cili- ated. The nostrils are small and oval; the toes are four in number, three are placed before, one behind, and the middle one is the longest. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 16. There are a great many species of this genus, amounting to at least 98, besides many varieties. The most noted species are: 1. Anas Aborea, or black billed whistling duck of Ed- wards. It is a native of America, and makes a kind of whistling noise. 2. Anas acuta, pin tail, or sea pheasant of Ray. These birds, it is said, are found in great abundance in Connaught in Ireland, in the month of February only; and are much esteemed for their delicacy. 3. Anas Americana, American wigeon, is rather bigger than our wigeon. It inhabits North America, from Carolina to Hudson's Bay ; but is no where a common bird. 4. Anas Anser, the goose. Of this species there are several varieties, of which we shall only mention two : the anser ferus, or wild goose, and the anser mansuefus, or tame goose. . 5. Anas bernicla is of a brown colour, with the head, neck, and breast, black ; and a white collar. These birds, like lhe bernacles, frequent our coasts in winter; and are particularly plenty, at times, on those of Holland and Ireland, where they are taken in nets placed across the rivers. 6. Anas boschas, common wild duck, or mallard. They abound particularly in Lincolnshire, the great mag. azine of wild fowls in this kingdom ; where prodigious num- bers are taken annually in the decoys. 7. Anas Canadensis, is found during the summer in Hudson's Bay, and parts beyond; also in Greenland; and, in the summer months, in various parts of North America, as far as Carolina. This species is now pretty common, in a tame state, both on the continent and in England, where they are thought a great ornament to the pieces of wafer in many gentlemen's seats. 8. Anas Candida, the snow goose, the general colour of whose plumage is snow white, except the first ten quills, which are black with white shafts; they are very numer- ous at Hudson's bay ; they visit the Severn in May, and stay a fortnight; but go further north to breed. 9. Anas Casarca, or ruddy goose,, is found in all the southern parts of Russia and Siberia in plenty. In winter it migrates into India, and returns northward in spring. They have been attempted to be domesticated, by rear- ing the young under tame ducks ; but without success, as they make their escape the first opportunity. The flesh is thought very delicate. 10. Anas Clangula, or golden eye of Ray, is not unfre- quent on our sea coast in winter, and appears in small flocks ; but passes to the north in spring, in order to breed 11. Anas Clypeata, or shoveller, of Ray, is sometimes met with in England, though not very commonly. It is said they appear in France in February, and that some of them stay during summer. 12. Anas Creca, or common teal, is frequent in the Lon- don markets, along with the wild duck. It is found to the north as high as Iceland. 13. Anas cursor, the race horse or loggerhead goose, inhabits the Falkland Islands, Staaten Land, Sec. They are mostly seen in pairs, though sometimes in large flocks. From the shortness of the wings they are unable to fly; but in the water they seem to run, at least fhey swim, with the assistance of the legs used as cars, at an incredi- ble rate. 14. Anas cygnoides, is the swan goose of Ray, from Guinea, and there is likewise a variety of this species ofa less size, called the goose of Muscovy. They are suffi- ciently common in Britain, and readily mix with the com- mon goose; the breeds uniting as freely, and continuing to produce as certainly, as if no such mixture had taken place. 15. Anas cygnus, or the swan. Of this species there are several varieties, of which we shall only mention two, vis. the ferus and the mansuefus. 16. Anas Erylhropus, or laughing coose of Edwards,is a native of Europe and America. These visit the fens during winter, in small flocks, and disappear by the mid- dle of March. J ANA A N A 17. Anas fabalis, fhe bean goose, arrives in Lincoln- shire in autumn, and retreats to the north of Europe in May. It is called the bean goose, from the likeness of the nail of the bill to a horse bean. 18. Anas ferina, pochard, or red headed wigeon of Ray, frequents the fens in the winfer season, and is brought up to the London markets sometimes in considerable numbers, where they are known by the name of Dun Birds, and are esteemed excellent eating. 19. Anas filigula, or tufted duck of Ray, in the winter months is not unfrequent in England; it is common also throughout the Russian empire, going northward to breed. 20. Anas fusca, the brown, or velvet duck, frequents Hudson's "bay in summer, where it breeds. It feeds on grass, and retires south in Winter; when it is frequently seen as far south as New York. It is now and then seen on the coasts of England. 21. Anas galericulata, or Chinese teal of Edwards. This most singular and elegant species is a native of China and Japan, where it is kept by the inhabitants for the sake of its beauty. See Plate, Nat. Hist. fig. 17. 22. Anas glacialis, or long failed duck, breeds in the most northern parts of the world; and only visits our coasts in the severest winters. 23. Anas hisfrionica, or dusky spotted duck of Edwards, inhabits from Carolina to Greenland. In winter it seeks the open sea, flies high and swiftly, and is very clamorous. 24. Anas magna, the great goose, is of a very large size, weighing near 25 or 30 Russian pounds. It is found in the east of Siberia, from the Lena to Kamtschatka. 25. Anas maula, or scaup duck, is less than the com- mon duck. These birds are said to take their name from feeding on scaup, or broken shell fish. They differ infi- nitely in colours, so that in a flock of forty or fifty there are not two alike. 26. Anas mersa, or Ural duck of Pallas, is somewhat bigger than the common teal. It is not seen on the ground, as from the situation of its legs it is unable to walk ; but it swims very well and quick. 27. Anas minufa, or little white and brown duck of Ed- wards. This and the former, according to Latham, are found both on the old and new continents. 28. Anas mollissima, or eider duck, is double the size of the common duck. This species is found in the West- ern Isles of Scotland, and on the Farn Isles; but in greater numbers in Norway, Iceland, and Greenland; whence a vast quantity of the down, known by the name of eider or edder, which these birds furnish, is annually imported. Its remarkably light, elastic, and warm quali- fies, make it highly esteemed for coverlets. This down is produced from the breast of the birds in the breeding season. It lays its eggs among the stones or plants near the shore; and prepares a soft bed for them, by plucking the down from its own breast. The natives watch the op- portunity, and take away both eggs and nest : the duck lays again, and repeats the plucking of its breast: if she is robbed after that, she will still lay; but the drakes must supply the down, as her stock is now exhausted: but if her eggs are taken a third time, she wholly deserts the place. 29. Anas Moschata, or Muscovy duck of Ray, has a naked papilloiis face, and is a native of India. This spe- cies is pretty common in a domesticated slate in almost 16* every nation. The male will not unfrequently asaocutr and produce a mongrel breed with the common duck The name arises from their exhaling a musky odour. which proceeds from the gland placed on the rump in com- mon with other birds. 30. Anas nigra, the black goose, or scoter, is totally black, and has a gibbosity at the base of the bill. It is the lesser black diver of Ray, and measures in length 22 inches. These birds are found on the northern coasts of England and those of Scotland in the winter season; but no where so common as on the French coasts, where they are sometimes seen in prodigious numbers. Their chief food is a glossy bivalve shell, near an inch long, called by the French vaimeaux. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 18. 31. Anas querquedula, garganey, or first teal of Aldro- vandus. In many places it is called the summer teal. 32. Anas ruficolis, or red breasted goose. This most elegant of geese is found to breed from the mouth of the Ob, along the coasts of the Icy Sea, to that of the Lena. 33. Anas spectabilis, is common in Greenland, where the flesh is accounted excellent. It produces a down as valuable as the eider; and the skins sewed together make very warm garments. 34. Anas sponsa, or summer duck of Catesby, is a most elegant species. It inhabits Mexico, and some of the West India isles, migrating in the summer season as far north as 40 degrees, or a little beyond. 35. Anas strepera, or gad wal, has the wings variegated with black, white, and red. It inhabits England in the winter months, and is also found at the same season in va- rious parts of France and Italy. 36. Anas tadorna, or shieldrake, has a flat bill, a com- pressed forehead, a greenish black head, and the body is variegated with white. This species is found as far north as Iceland. It breeds in deserted rabbit holes, or occu- pies them in the absence of the owners, who rather than make an attempt at dislodging (he intruders, form others; though, in defect of ready made quarters, these birds will frequently dig holes for themselves. They lay 15 or 16 roundish white eggs. This species, Mr. Latham informs us, may be hatched under a tame duck, and the young readily brought up; but are apt after a few years, to at- tempt the mastery over the rest of the poultry. 37. Anas tetrax, or campestris, is of the size of a pheas- ant, and of the nature of the bustard, having no hinder toe. It runs very swiftly, and sits on the ground as the duck does in the water, whence it has its name Anas. ANASARCA, in medicine, a species of dropsy, where- in the skin appears puffed up and swelled, and yields to the impression of the fingers like dough. See Medicine. AN ASTATIC A, in botany, the name of a genns of le- tradynamious plants of the order siliculosa, called in En- glish, the rose of Jericho : its flower consists of four roundish petals, disposed in the form of a cross; and its fruit is a short biocular pod, containing in each cell a sin- gle roundish seed. Two species annual. Anastatica, a species of vorficella, in the fifth order of vermes, infusoria. It is compound, with bell shaped flowers, foot stalks scaly and rigid. This is the second species of clustering polypi described by Trembley. ANASTOMASIS, or Anastomosis, in anatomy, the opening of the mouths of vessels, in order to discharge their contained fluids. It likewise denotes the communt- ANA A M B cafion of two vessels at their extremities; for example, the inosculation of a vein with a vein, of an artery with an artery, or of an artery with a vein. ANASTOMATICS, in pharmacy, medicines suppos- ed fo have the power of opening the mouths of vessels, and promoting the circulation of the blood. ANASTROPHE, in rhetoric and grammar, denotes the inversion of the natural order of the words: such is Saxa peret scopulos, for Per saxa et scopulos. ANATHEMA, among ecclesiastical writers, imports whatever is set apart, separated, or devoted ; but is most usually meant to express the cutting off a person from the privileges of a society and communion wifh the faithful. The anathema differs from excommunication in the cir- cumstance of being attended wifh curses and execrations. Several councils have pronounced anathemas against such as they thought corrupted the purity of the faith. There are two kinds of anathemas, the one judiciary, and the other abjuratory. The former can only be de- nounced by a council, a pope, or a bishop; the latter makes a part of the ceremony of abjuration, the convert being obliged to anathematize the heresy he abjures. Anathema, in heathen antiquity, was an offering or a present made to some deity, so called from its being hung up in the temple. Whenever a person left off his employment, it was usual to dedicate the tools to the patron deity of such a trade. Persons too who had escaped some imminent dan- ger, as shipwreck and the like, or had met with any other remarkable instance of good fortune, seldom failed to tes- tify their gratitude by some present of this kind. ANATINUS, in conchology, a species of solen, found on the sandy shores of the Indian ocean. It is also a species of the mytillus common in the rivers of England, and known by the name of duck, or small horse muscle. ANATIS, a species of pediculus insect, that infests the wild duck. It is the name also of another creature that is found in the intestines of the velvet duck: and a species of arcaris, of the order intestina in the vermes class. ANATOMY is the science which teaches us the inter- nal conformation of the human body, both the solids and fluids of which are its particular objects. The solids of the human body consist of, 1. Bones, which give support to the other parts of the body. 2. Cartilages, which are much softer than the bones, and also flexible and elastic. 3. Ligaments, which are more flexible still, and connect the ends of the bones to each other. 4. Membranes, or planes of minutely interwoven fibres. 5. Cellular substance, which is formed of membranes minutely interwoven with each other. 6. Muscles, which are soft and contractile bundles of fibres. 7. Tendons, which generally form the harftand inelas- tic terminations of muscles. 8. Viscera, which are portions of the body loosely contained in great cavities. 9. Glands, which separate various fluids from the blood. 10. Vessels, which are membranous canals dividing into branches and transmitting blood and other fluids. 11. Adipose substance, an animal oil contained in the cells of the cellular membrane. .. 12. The cerebral substance, which is of a peculiar na- ture. . 13. Nerves, which are bundles of white cords con- nected by one end to the brain or spinal marrow, and thence expanded over every part of t he body in order to receive impressions from external objects, or to produce muscular motion. The fluids of the human body are, 1. Blood, which circulates through the vessels and nourishes the whole fabric. 2. Perspirable matter, excreted by the vessels of the skin. 3. Sebaceous matter, by the glands of the skin. 4. Urine, by the kidneys. 5. Ceruminous matter, secreted by the ceruminous glands of the external ear. 6. Tears, by the lachrymal glands. 7. Saliva, by the salival glands of the mouth, &c. 8. Mucus, by the mucous glands of the mouth, &c. 9. Pancreatic juice, by the pancreas. 10. Bile, by the liver. 11. Gastric juice, by the stomach. 12. Oil, by fhe vessels of the adipose membrane. 13. Synovia, by the synovial glands of the joints. 14. Seminal fluid, by the testes. 15. Milk, by fhe mammary glands. Anatomy, therefore, from the names of the parts which it considers, is divided into 1. Osteogeny, which is the doctrine of the growth of the bones. 2. Osteology, or the doctrine of adult bones. 3. Chondrology, or the doctrine of cartilages. 4. Syndesmology, or the doctrine of ligaments. '•'.*'•■ 5. Myology, or the doctrine of muscles. 6. Bursalogy, or the doctrine of the bursae mucosae, 7. Splanchnology, or the doctrine of the viscera. 8. Angiology, or the doctrine of the vessels. 9. Adenology, or the doctrine of the glands. 10. Neurology, or the doctrine of the nerves, &c. OSTEOGENY. Osteogeny treats of ossification, or the growth of bones. It takes place in the flat bones of the head in the form of radii, which diverge from a common centre. In the middle of the cylindrical bones, it takes place in the form of a flat ring, surrounding the internal, and surround- ed by the external periosteum or membranes of the bone. In irregular bones, it commences by a number of minute points. OSTEOLOGY. This division of anatomical science treats of fhe adult or full grown bones. It is at present taught in the medical schools of London, that bones consist of fibres and lamellae. The doctrine is nevertheless a false one, for the celebrated Scarpa of Pa- via has several years since demonstrated that a cellular, re- ticular, and vascular parenchyma constitutes (he basis io which are secreted the earthy matters, to which bones owe their solidify, and that consequently their intimate struc- ture is the same wifh that of the soft parts of the body AN A ANA The long cylindrical or triangular bones consist of two epiphyses, which form their termination, and are internal- ly spongy, and of a diaphysis, or middle portion, which is placed between the two epiphyses, and is externally of a compact structure, and internally reticular, where its net work supports the bags of the manow. The broad or flat bones of lhe body are extremely irregular in their form. The periosteum of bones is that membrane which covers them, gives attachment fo fheir ligaments, and muscles, and conducts to them vessels and nerves. The marrow of bones is an oleaginous fluid contained within the membranous bags, occupying their cells; but its use is totally unknown. Numerous blood vessels pass into bones by small holes on fheir surface ; and the minute manner in which these vessels are distributed is beautifully demonstrated by observing the red tinge which they assume in animals with whose food madder is mixed. In considering the individual bones of the human body, it is proper to commence with those of the head, which are generally arranged into bones of the skull, and bones of the face. The bones of lhe skull are eight in number, namely, the os front is, the two ossa parietalia, the os oc- cipitis, thejwo ossa temporum, theos sphenoides, and the os elhmoides. The two last of these are said to be com- mon to the head and face, because fhey constitute a part of both. We shall proceed to consider them in the or- der in which they are here enumerated. The os frontis is placed in the fore part of the skull, and forms fhe brow and the upper part of fhe orbits of the eyes. It is convex externally, and concave internally, and has a serrated semicircular edge, which is turned up- ward, while its lower part is extremely irregular. It bears, in form, a great likeness to the shell of fhe common cockle. In children, and sometimes in women, it is divided down the middle by a longitudinal suture, or serrated junction. The ossa parietalia form all the superior, and some of the lateral parts of fhe skull. They are convex external- ly, concave infernally, and of an irregular quadrangular form. Their sides are anterior, posterior, superior, and inferior, which last is of a semicircular form. Their angles are posterior superior, posterior inferior, anterior superi- or, and anterior inferior; which last is produced info a process. The osoccipitis is situated in (he lower and back part of the skull. It is convex externally, concave internally, and irregularly rhomboidal in its form. The ossa temporum are situated at lhe lower part of the sides and base of the cranium, and are of a very irregu- lar figure. Their upper part, named os squamosum, is externally smooth, and has a thin semicircular edge; their posterior part, called pars mammillaris, is thicker and less regular; and their inferior part becoming smaller, and ex- tending horizontally inward and forward, obtains the name of os petrosum, from its excessive hardness. The os sphenoides is situated in the middle of the base of the skull, and extends across it from one temple to fhe other. It is extremely irregular in its figure, and is di- vided info a body placed in the middle, two ala? on (he sides, and two pterygoid processes projecting downward from the junction of the body and alas. The os ethmoides is placed in the middle of the fort part of the basis of the cranium. It consists of a cribri form portion, which is placed horizontally ; a nasal por- tion, which, passing downward, contributes to separate the nares ; two ossa turbinata, which are external fo lhe lasf; the cells of lhe bone, which are placed still more exter- nally; and the ossa plana, which are most external, and assist in the formation of the inner sides of (he orbi(s. These bones of the cranium are connected by certain sutures or serrated junctions : which are, fhe coronal, as- cending over the fore part of the skull; the lambdoidal, placed at its posterior part ; the sagittal, joining these two in the middle of the upper part of the skull; fhe squamous, which are placed on each side; and the sphenoidal and ethmoidal, surrounding the bones of the same name. The bones of the face are fourteen in number; and of these The ossa nasi constitute the arch of the nose. The ossa lachrymalia are placed at the fore part of the inner edge of the orbits of the eyes. The ossa malarum, of an irregular square form, consti- tute (he prominencies of the cheeks. The ossa maxillaria superiora are of a very irregular form, constitute the upper jaw, and contain the sixteen upper teeth. The ossa palati are also very irregular, and situated at the posterior part of the palate, nares and orbit. The ossa turbinata inferiora very much resemble those of the ethmoid bone. The vomer is a thin plate of bone, which contributes to complete the septum narium, or division of the nares. The maxilla inferior is, as its name indicates, the bone of the lower jaw, and contains the inferior sixteen teeth. The teeth are thirty-two in number, internally compos- ed of a bony substance, harder in its texture than com- mon bone, and covered at their greater extremity with a tortex or enamel, which is much harder still. External- ly each tooth consists of a head, a neck, or narrow place immediately below (he head, and one or more fangs or roots, which are sunk in the jaws. They consist of three classes, vis. four incisores, fhe front teeth of each jaw ; two cuspidati, placed on each side of the former: four bi- cuspides behind the last; and six molares behind these. The last of the molares, from the lateness of the period at which it makes its appearance, is termed dens sapientia?. The os hyoides, or bone of the tongue, resembles in form the Greek v, whence its name. It consists of a body, two cornua, and two appendices. The bones of the trunk consist of those of the spine, the pelvis, and the thorax. The spine consists of twenty-four true or moveable, and five false or immoveable vertebrae, likewise denominated the os sacrum, and of one small bone named os coccygis. The true vertebrae consist of a body, a ring placed behind the body transmitting the spinal marrow, and of seven proces- ses, four of which are articular, or serve to connect the ver- tebrae with each other; and three are for lhe purposes of muscular attachment: of these two are termed transverse, from their projecting laterally; and one spinous, from its forming fhe ridge or spine of the back. The true vertebrae are also divided into classes, from their situation in the cer- A N A ANA vix or neck, in lhe dorsum, or back, and in the lumbar re- gions or loins. The first class is the cervical, including the first seven ; the first of which is termed atlas, from its sup- porting the head; and the second dentatus, from its hav- ing a tooth like process, which passes upward into the for- mer, and all of which have their transverse processes perfo- rated by a hole for transmitting the vertebral arteries to the head. The second class is the dorsal, consisting of twelve, which are larger than the cervical, and are distinguished by having their sides and transverse processes depressed for connection with the ribs. The third class is the lum- bar, consisting of five, which are larger than any of the superior ones. The os sacrum resembles a pyramid re- versed, somewhat concave internally and convex exter- nally. It constitutes the posterior part of the pelvis, and in the young animal consists of five different portions, re- sembling considerably the true vertebrae, whence its name of false vertebrae. The os coccygis, in form, very much resembles the os sacrum, of which it is merely an appendix fixed to its lower part. The pelvis, or inferior cavity of the trunk, in addition to the two bones last mentioned, consists of the two ossa innominata. These, in the young subject, are formed of three distinct bones, vis. the ossa ilium or haunch bones, which are placed at their upper part, the ossa pubis or •share bones, which compose their fore part, and the ossa ischium which constitute their inferior part. The thorax, or superior cavity of the trunk, in addition to lhe vertebrae, is formed anteriorly by a long narrow bone, named sternum, and laterally as well as in some meas- ure anteriorly and posteriorly by the twenty-four ribs, which are long, narrow, and curved bones, attached by their heads or posterior ends to the vertebrae, and by their anterior cartilages either to the sternum or each other. The upper seven, from their being attached in the for- mer way, are named true ribs; the inferior five are term- ed false. The bones of the upper extremities are generally dv vided into those of the shoulder, arm, fore arm, and hand. The shoulder consists of two bones, vis. the clavicula and the scapula. The clavicula or collar bone, is situat- ed between the top of the sternum or breastbone and the extremity of the shoulder, and sometimes resembles in form an italic/. The scapula is a triangular flat bone ■which forms the greatest part of the shoulder. It is in some measure situated behind the upper part of the thorax. Its superior and inferior sides are denominated costae ; its posterior side is called its base. The arm has only one bone, termed the os humeri, the .upper part of which forms around head, which is received by the scapula, and its lower part terminates in two con- dyles, giving attachment to muscles, and a trochlea or pulley between them, for articulation with the following bones: The fore arm consists of two bones, vis. the radius and ulna, the latter of which'is placed on the inside of the fore arm, and chiefly allows of flexion and extension, while at the same lime it serves as an axis to lhe radius, which so revolves around it as to effect that which is called the su- pination and pronation of the hand. The bones of the hand are divided into those of the car- pus, metacarpus, fingers and thumb. The carpus consists w»f eight small irregular bones, named schaphoides, lunare, cuneiforme, and piziforme, which form the first row, and trapezium, trapezoides, magnum, and unciforme, winch form the second. The metacarpus consists ot tour bones, having broad bases attached to the carpus, and round heads for articulation with the fingers. Each of the fin. gers, as well as the thumb, Consists of three bones; all of which, except the terminating ones, possess a head and base tipped with cartilage for articulation with its fellowa. The bones of the lower extremities consist of those of the thigh, leg, and foot. The thigh has only one bone, termed os femoris, the up. per part of which forms a round head, received by a cup like cavity, called acetabulum, of the os innominatum, Below this is the neck of the bone, and at if s base two protu- berances called trochanters, into which are fixed the mus- cles which rotate the thigh. The back of the bone ii marked by a rough line which divides into two at its lower part, and terminates in the condyles of the bone; which inferiorly are joined to the tibia, a bone of the leg, and lat- erally give attachment to various muscles. The bones of the leg are three in number, vis. the p». tella or knee pan, a small round bone requiring no partic- ular description; the tibia, which is superiorly large, hat a triangular body, and terminates inferiorly in the malleo- lus internus, or inner ankle; and the fibula, a long trian- gular bone, placed on the outside of the leg,"articulated above to the tibia, and below terminating in the malleolus externus, or outer ankle. The bones of the foot are divided into those of the tarsus, metatarsus, and toes. The tarsus consists of seven bone?, named astragalus, os calcis, naviculare, cuboides, cunei- forme externum, medium, and internum. The metatarsus is composed of five bones, having broad bases and round heads. The phalanges of the toes are three in number; each of their bones are shorter than those of the finger, and the great toe possesses only two. CHONDROLOGY. Under this head it is only necessary to state that, in the recent subject, all the articular surfaces of bones are covered by cartilage. Interarticular cartilages are also placed in some of them, as in the joint of the lower jaw, of the clavicle and sternum, of the knee, &c. SYNDESMOLOGY. Capsular ligaments surround all the joints, but those which possess the hinge like motion have also lateral liga- ments to render them firm, and to prevent their moving from side to side, while those possessing motion in every direction have generally ligaments internal to the capsular, &u u-6 -r°Und nSament of the hiP j°inf. the beginning of the bicipital tendon in the shoulder, the perpendicular lig- ament of the processus dentatus, &c. BURSALOGY. The mucous bags, called bursae mucosa;, are placed wherevec tendons pass over each other, or over an{' solid part, and serve the purpose of lubricating (hese tendons. MYOLOGY. Of the muscles of the teguments of the cranium. The skin that covers the cranium is moved by a single broad digastric muscle, and one small pair. = ANA A N A 1. The occipilo frontalis arises from the transverse pro- tuberant ridge of the os occipitis ; thence it comes straight forward by a broad thin tendon, which covers the upper part of the cranium at each side; when it comes as far forward as the hair of the front, it becomes fleshy, and descends fo be inserted into the orbicularis palpebrarum of each side. Its use is to pull the skin of the head back- ward. 2. The corrugator supercilii arises from the infernal an- gular process of the os frontis, and is inserted into (he inner and inferior fleshy part of the occipilo frontalis mus- cle. Its use is fo draw the eyebrow of that side toward the other. Of the muscles of the ear. The muscles of lhe ear may be divided into three clas- ses, vis. the common, proper, and internal. The common move the whole ear, the proper only affect lhe particular parts of it to which they are connected, and the internal the small bones within the tympanum. The common muscles are, 1. The atlollens aurem arises from the tendon of theoc- cipito frontalis, and is inserted into the upper part of the ear, opposite to the antihelix. Its use is to draw the ear upward. 2. The anterior auris arise near the posterior part of the zygoma, and is inserted into a small eminence on the back of the helix. Its use is to draw this eminence a little forward and upward. 3. The refrahenfes auris arise from fhe root of the mas- toid process, and are inserted into that part of the back of the ear which is opposile to the septum conchae. Their use is to draw the ear back. The proper muscles are, l.Thehelicis major arises from the acute process of the helix, and is inserted a little above. Its use is to de- press that part from which it arises. 2. The helicis minor arises from the inferior and anterior part of the helix, and is inserted into the cms of the helix near its fissure. Its use is to contract the fissure. 3. The tragicus arises from the root of lhe tragus, and is inserted into the point of the tragus. Its use is to pull the point of the tragus a little forward. 4. The antitragicus arises from the internal part of fhe antitragus, and is inserted into the tip of the antitragus.. Its use is to turn fhe tip of the antitragus outward. 5. The transversus auris arises from the prominent part of the concha on the dorsum of the ear; and is inserted opposite info the contiguous part of the antihelix. Its use ^ to draw the parts fo which it is connected toward each-' other. The muscles of fhe infernal ear are three : 1. The laxafor tympani arises from the spinous process of the sphenoid bone, and passes through the fissura glas- seri to be inserted info ihe long process of the malleus. Its use is to draw the malleus obliquely forward. 2. The tensor tympani arises from the cartilaginous ex- tremity of the eustachian tube, and spinous process of the sphenoid bone, from thence running backward through its osseous semicanal, it is inserted into the posterior part of fhe handle of the malleus. Its use is 11 pull the malleus and membrana tympani inward. 3. The stapedius arises from a little cavern in the pos- terior part of the tympanum, and is inserted into the po3- terior part of the head of the stapes. Its use is to draw the stapes obliquely upward. Of the muscles of the eye lids. The palpebrae, or eyelids, have one muscle common to both, and the upper eyelid one proper fo itself. l.The orbicularis palpebrarum arises from the outer edge of the orbitar process of the superior maxillary bone, and from a tendon near the inner angle of lhe eye; then surrounding the eye, and covering the eyelids, it is insert- ed into the nasal process of the superior maxillary bone. Its use is to shut the eye. 2. The levator palpebrae superioris arises from the upper part of the foramen opticum, and is inserted into the tar- sus of the upper eyelid. Its use is to open the eye. Muscles of the eye ball. The muscles which move the globe of the eye are six, vis. four straight and two oblique. The four straight muscles very much resemble each other, and arise from the bottom of the orbit around the foramen opticum of the sphenoid bone. They are insert- ed at the fore part of the globe of the eye into the ante- rior p?rt of the tunica sclerotica, and under the tunica ad- nata, at opposite sides, which indicates both their names and use; so that they scarcely require any further de- scription, but to name them singly. They are the le- vator oculi, depressor oculi, adductor oculi, and abducfcr oculi. The oblique muscles are two: 1. The obliquus superior, or trochlearis, arises from the edge of the foramen opticum at the bottom of the orbit, between the levator and adductor; hence it runs through a cartilaginous trochlea on the inside of the internal angular process of the os frontis, and is inserted into the tunica sclerotica,between the attollens and optic nerve. Its use is to roll the globe of the eye, and to turn lhe pupil down- ward and outward. 2. The obliquus inferior arises from the outer edge of the orbitar process of (he superior maxillary bone, and is inserted into lhe sclerotica, between the abductor and op- tic nerve. Its use is to oppose the superior. Of the muscle of the nose. There is only one muscle on each side that can be call ed proper to the nose, though it is affected by several mus- cles of the face. The compressor naris arises from the root of the ala nasi externally, and is inserted slightly into the anterior extremity of the os nasi, Its use is to compress the ala toward the septum nasi. Muscles of the mouth and lips. The moufh has nine pair of muscles, which are inserted into the lips, and a common one formed by the termination of these, vis. three above, three below, three outward, and the common muscle surrounding the mouth. The three above are, 1. The levator anguli oris arises from a hollow of the superior maxillary bone, and is inserted into the anHe of the mouth. Its use is to draw the comer of the mouth upward. 2. The levator labii superioris alacque nasi arises by two- origins ; the first from the external part of the orbitar . A N A ANA process of (he superior maxillary bone. The first and short- est portion is inserted into the upper lip and orbicularis labiorum; the second and longest into the upper lip and outer part of the ala nasi. Its use is to raise the upper lip and ala nasi toward the orbit, and a little outward. 3. The depressor labii superioris alaeque nasi arises an- teriorly from (he os maxillare superius, and is inserted in- to the upper lip and root of the ala nasi. Its use is to draw the upper lip and ala nasi downward and backward. The three below are, 1. The depressor anguli oris arises from the lower edge of the maxilla inferior, and is inserted into the angle of the mouth. Its use is to pull down the' corner of the mouth. 2. The depressor labii inferioris arises from the inferior part of the lower jaw, and is inserted into the edge of the under lip. Its use is to pull the under lip and skin of the chin downward and outward. 3. The levator labii inferioris arises anteriorly from the lower jaw, and is inserted into the under lip and skin of the chin. Its use is to pull the parts into which it is in- serted upward. The three outward are, 1. The buccinator arises from the lower jaw, as far back as the last dens molaris and root of the coronoid process ; from the upper jaw, between the last dens molaris and pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone; and is inserted into the angle of the mouth. Its use is to draw the angle of the mouth backward, and to contract its cavity. 2. The zygoraaticus major arises from the os mala?, near the zygomatic suture, and is inserted into the angle of the mouth. Its use is to draw the corner of the mouth up- ward and outward. ?. The zygomaticus minor arises above the origin of the former, and is inserted near the corner of the mouth. Its use is to draw the corner of the mouth outward and up- ward. The common muscle is, The orbicularis oris. This muscle is, in a great meas- ure, formed by the muscles that move the lips, and sur- rounds the mouth like a sphincter. Its use is to shut the mouth. Muscles of the lower jaw. The lower jaw has four pair of muscles for its elevation or lateral motions, vis. two which are seen on the side of the face, and two concealed by the angle of the jaw. 1. The temporalis arises from a semicircular ridge of the parietal bone, and from all the temporal fossa of the crani- um, and is inserted into the coronoid process of the lower jaw. Its use is to pull the lower jaw upward. I ti,0 =»<..„„ u i 2. Themasseter irises from the inferfor and interior part about the c r il^inous Z^*' t l"\ ^ &* of the zygoma, and is inserted into the outside of the an- " "^ ?-!-"- *S ' "'remit j of the first rib, and is in- gle of fhe lower jaw. Its use is to pull the lower to the upper jaw. 3. The pterygoideus internus arises from the pterygoid fossa, and is inserted into the angle of the lower jaw inter- nally. Its use is to draw the jaw upward and toward the opposite side. 4. The pterygoideus externus arises chiefly from the outer side of the external pterygoid process, and is inserted into the fore part of the condyloid process. Its use is to pull the lower jaw forward and to the opposite side. The muscles which appear about the anterior part of the neck. On the side of the neck are two muscles or layers : 1. The musculiis cutaneus vulgo platysma myoides arises from the cellular substance (ha/ covers the upper parts of the deltoid and pectoral muscles, and is inserted into the integuments covering the side of the lower jaw. Its use is to corrugate the integuments to which it is at- tached. 2. The sterno cleido mastoideus arises by two distinct origins; the anterior from the top of the sternum; (he posterior from the upper and anterior part of the clavicle; both unite to be inserted into the mastoid process. Its use is to turn the head to one side, and bend it forward. Muscles situated between the lower jaw and os hyoides, There are four layers before and two muscles at the side. The four layers are, 1. The digastricus arises from the fossa at the root of the mastoid process of the temporal bone, becomes tendi- nous, runs through the stylo hyoides, is fixed by a Iiga- ment to the os hyoides, and then runs forward and is in. serted into a roughness at the inferior edge of the chin, Its use is to open the mouth, or fo elevate the larynx, &c. 2. The mylo hyoideus arises from all the inside of the lower jaw, and is inserted into the basis of the os hyoides. Its use is to pull the os hyoides forward, upward, and lat- erally. 3. The genio hyoideus arises from the middle of the lower jaw internally, and is inserted into the basis of the os hyoides. Its use is to draw this bone forward to the chin. 4. The genio hyo glossus arises from the inside of the middle of the lower jaw, and is inserted into all the length of the tongue, and base of the os hyoides. Its use is, ac- cording to the direction of its fibres, to depress the tongue, or to draw (he os hyoides forward. The two muscles at the side are, 1. The hyo glossus arises from the base, cornu, and ap- pendix of the os hyoides, and is inserted info the side of the tongue. Its use is to pull the tongue inward and down- ward. 2. The lingualis arises from the root of the tongue lat- erally, and is inserted into the tip of the tongue. lis use is to contract the substance of the tongue. Muscles situated between the os hyoides and trunk. These may be divided into two layers. The first lay- er consists of two muscles : serted into the base of the os hyoides. Its use is to pull tne os hyoides downward. 2. The omo hyoideus arises from the superior costa of he scapula, near the semilunar notch, and is inserted into \Z« w- !, T Y° ?' ItS Use is to Pul1 ^e os hyo- ides obliquely downward. J The seeond layer consists of three muscles • 1. The sterno thyroideus arises from the inner edge of he uppermost bone of the sternum, and is inserted into the rough line at the inferior edge of the thyroid cartilage Its use is to draw the larynx downward cartilage. ANA A tt A 2. Thyreo hyoideus arises from the rough line opposite to the former, and is inserted into part of the basis, and almost ail the cornu of the os hyoides. Its use is to pull (he os hyoides downward, or ihe thyroid cartilage upward. 3. The crico thyroideus arises from the side and fore part of the cricoid cartilage, and is inserted by two por- tions; the first into the lower part of the thyroid carti- lage; the second into its inferior cornu. Its use is to pull forward and depress the thyroid, or to elevate and draw backward the cricoid cartilage. Muscles situated between the lower jaw and os hyoides laterally. They are five in number. Three proceed from the styloid process of fhe temporal bone, from which they have half of their names ; and two from the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. The three from the styloid process are, 1. The stylo glossus arises chiefly from the styloid proc- ess, and is inserted into the root, side and tip of the tongue. Its use is to draw the tongue laterally and back- ward. 2. The stylo hyoideus arises from the inferior part of the styloid process, and is inserted into the os hyoides between its base and cornu. If** use is to pull (he os hy- oides (o one side and a little upward. 3. The stylo pharyngeus arises from the root of the styloid process, and is inserted into the side of the pha- rynx and back of the thyroid cartilage. The two from (he pterygoid process are, 1. The circumflexus, or tensor palafi, arises chiefly from the spinous process of the sphenoid bone, then runs over the hook of the internal pterygoid process, and spreads into a broad membrane, which is inserted into the velum pendulum palati. Its use is to stretch the velum. 2. The levator palati arises chiefly from the extremity of the pars petrosa of the temporal bone, and is inserted into (he velum pendulum palati. Its use is to draw the velum upward and backward. 3Iuscles situated about the entry to thefauets. There are two on each side, and a single one in the middle. The two on each side are, 1. The constrictor isthmi faucium arises from the side of the tongue; thence running upward before the amygdala, it is inserted into the middle of the velum pendulum pala- ti. Its use is to draw the velum toward the root of the tongue. 2. The palato pharyngeus arises chiefly from the mid- dle of the velum pendulum palati; thence passing within the posterior arch behind the amygdala, it is inserted into the edge of the upper and back part of the thyroid carti- lage. Its use is to draw the uvula and velum downward and backward. The one in the middle is, The azygos uvulae arises from the extremity of the su- ture, which joins the palate bones, and is inserted into the lip of the uvula. Its use is to raise the uvula upward and forward. Muscles situated on the posterior part of the pharynx. Of these there are three pair. 1. The constrictor pharyngis inferior arises from the vol. i. 17 side of the thyroid, and from the cricoid cartilage, and is inserted into the white line on the middle of the pharynx. Its use is to compress that part of the pharynx which it covers. 2. The constrictor pharyngis medius'arises chiefly from the appendix and cornu of the os hyoides, and is inserted into the middle of the cuneiform process of the os occipitis, and is joined to its fellow at a white line in the middle back part of the pharynx. Its use is to compress that part of the pharynx which it covers. 3. The constrictor pharyngis superior arises above from the cuneiform process of theos occipitis lower down, from the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, and from the upper and under jaw, near the last dentes molares. It is inserted into a white line in the middle of the pharynx. Its use is to compress the upper part of the pharynx. Muscles situated about the glottis. They consist generally of four pair of small muscles, and a single one. 1. The crico arytaenoideus posticus arises in the back part of the cricoid cartilage, and is inserted into the pos- terior part of the base of the arytenoid cartilage. Its use is to open the rima glotlidis. 2. The ci ico arytaenoideus lateralis arises from the cri- coid cartilage laterally, and is inserted into the side of the base of the arytenoid cartilage. Its use is to open the ri- ma glottidis. 3. The thyreo arytaenoideus arises from the under and back part of the middle of the thyroid cartilage, and is in- serted into lhe arytenoid cartilage, higher up than the cri- co arytaenoideus lateralis. Its use is to pull the arytenoid cartilage forward. 4. The arytaenoideus obliquus arises from the base of one arytenoid cartilage, and crossing its fellow, is inserted near the tip of the other. When both act, they pull the arytenoid cartilages toward each other. The single muscle is, The arytaenoideus transversus arises* from the side of one arytenoid cartilage, and is inserted in the same man- ner into the other. Its use is to shut (he rima glotti- dis. Besides these there are a few disgregated muscular fibres on each side, which, from their general direction, are named the thyreo epiglottidei, and arytaeno epiglottidei. Muscles situated in the fore part of the abdomen. These consist of three broad layers on each side; al- ways a long one, and generally also a short one, on each side the linea alba. The three layers are, 1. The obliquus descendens externus arises by eight heads from the lower edges of an equal number of inferior ribs at a little distance from their cartilages, and is inserted into the whole length of the linea alba, and info the ante- rior extremity of the os ilium. Its use is to support and compress the abdomen, and to bend the leins. 2. The obliquus ascendens internus arises from all the spine of the ilium, from the os sacrum, the three under- most lumbar vertebra?, and from Poupart's ligament. It is inserted into the cartilago ensiformis, and into the carti- lages of the seventh and those of all the false ribs. Its use is to assist the former, but to bend the trunk in an opposite direction. ANA A N A 3. The transversalis arises from the inner part of the cartilages of fhe seven lower ribs, from the spine of the os ilium internally, and from the tendon of the external ob- lique muscle. It is inserted into the cartilago ensiformis, and into the whole length of the linea alba. Its use is to compress the abdominal viscera. The long muscle in the middle is The rectus abdominis, which arises from the symphysis pubis, and is inserted into the cartilages of the three infe- rior true ribs. Its use is to compress the fore part of the belly, and to bend the loins. The short muscle in the middle is the pyramidalis aris- ing along with the rectus, and inserted into the linea alba, halfway between the os pubis and umbilicus. Its use seems to be to assist the rectus. Muscles about the male organs of generation. Each of the testes has one muscle. The cremaster arises from the lower part of the internal oblique, and after having pierced lhe ring of the external, descends upon lhe spermatic chord, and is inserted into the tunica vaginalis of the testis. Its use is to elevate that gland. The penis has three pair of muscles. 1. The erector penis arises from the tuberosity of the ischium, and is inserted into lhe membrane covering the corpora cavernosa penis. Its use is to compress the crus penis. 2. The accelerator urinse, or ejaculator seminis, arises from the sphincter ani and membranous part of the ure- thra, and from the crus penis. It is inserted into a line in the middle of the bulb. Its use is to drive the urine or semen forward. 3. Transversus perinei arises from the tough fatty mem- brane covering the tuberosity of the ischium, and is chief- ly inserted into the accelerator urinse. Its use is to dilate the bulb. There is often a.fourth muscle named 4. Transversus perinei alter, which arises behind the former, runs more forward, and is inserted into the fore part of the accelerator urinse. Its use is to assist the former. Muscles of the anus. The anus has a single muscle, and one pair. The sin- gle muscle is The sphincter ani, which arises from the skin and fat surrounding the verge of the anus, and is inserted, before, into the perineum, acceleratores urinse, and transversi pe- rinei ; behind, into the extremity of the os coccygis. Its use is to close the anus. The levator ani arises extensively within the pelvis, and is inserted info the sphincter ani, &c. Its chief use is to draw the rectum upward. Muscles of the female organs of generation. The clitoris has one pair. The erector clitoridis arises internally from the crus of the ischium, and is inserted into the crus and body of the clitoris. Its use is to draw the clitoris downward and backward. The vagina has one pair. The sphincter raginie arises from the sphincter ani, and from the back of the vagina, and is inserted into the crus and body of the clitoris. Its use is to contract the mouth of the vagina. The transversus perinei, sphincter ani, and levator ani, in the female, almost precisely resemble the same muscles in the male. Muscles situated within the pelvis. Of these there are two pairs. 1. Obturator internus arises from the infernal circum- ference of the thyroid foramen, and is inserted into the fop of the trochanter major. Its use is to roll the os feuaoris obliquely outward. 2. The coccygeus arises from the spinous process of the os ischium, and is inserted into the end of the sacrum, and into the os coccygis. Its use is to move the os coc- cygis forward. Muscles situated within the cavity of the abdomen. , I They consist of a single muscle and four pairs. The diaphragm is a broad thin muscle forming a septum between (he thorax and abdomen, concave below and convex above. It is commonly divided into two por- tions. 1. The superior or greater muscle of the diaphragm arises from the cartilago ensiformis, from the cartilages of the seventh and all the inferior ribs, and is inserted intoaten- don situated in the middle of lhe septum. 2. The inferior or lesser muscle of the diaphragm arises from the second, third, and fourth lumbar vertebise, by eight heads ; of which two in the middle, called its crura, are the longest : and is inserted into the posterior part of the middle tendon. Its chief use is as a principal agent is respiration. The four pairs are, l.The quadratus lumborum arises from the posterior part of the spine of the ilium, and is inserted into the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebise, into-the last rib, and into fhe last dorsal vertebra. Its use is to move the loins to one side. 2. Psoas parvus arises from fhe sides of the two upper lumbar vertebrse, and is inserted into the brim of the pel- vis. Its use is to assist the psoas magnus in bending the loins. 3. Psoas magnus arises from the side of the body and transverse process of the last dorsal vertebra, and in the same manner from all the lumbar. It is inserted into the trochanter minor. Its u=e is to bend lhe thigh. 4. The iliacus internus arises from the transverse proc- ess of the last vertebra of the loins, from the crista, and from the hollow part of the ilium. It is inserted alongwith the former. Its use is to assist the psoas. Muscles on the fore part of the thorax. These consist of two layers, and the first layer of one muscle. The pectoralis major arises from the extremities of the fifth and sixth ribs, from almost all the sternum, and from half the anterior part of the clavicle. It is inserted into the outside of the groove of the biceps. Its use is to more the arm forward and upward. ANA ANA The second layer consists of three muscles. 1. The subclavius arises from the cartilage of the first rib, and is inserted into the inferior part of the clavicle. Its use is to pull the clavicle downward and forward. 2. The pectoralis minor arises from the upper edge of the third, fourth, and fifth ribs, near their cartilages, and is inserted into the coracoid process of the scapula. Its use is to bring the scapula forward and downward. 3. The serratus magnus arises from the nine superior ribs, and is inserted into the whole base of the scapula in- ternally. Its use is to move that bone forward. Muscles placed between the ribs. These are the intercostales externi et interni, which, arising in two layers from the lower edge of one rib, are inserted into the upper edge of another, and whose use is to approximate the ribs. The muscles within the thorax are one pair. The triangularis, or sterno costalis, arises from the car- (ilago ensiformis laterally, and from the inferior part of the edge of the middle bone of the sternum. It is inserted into the lower edge of fhe cartilages of the third, fourth, and fifth ribs. Its use is to depress these cartilages. Muscles on the fore part of the neck, close to the vertebral. They consist of one layer, formed by four muscles. 1. Longus colli arises from (he three superior dorsal ver- tebrae laterally, and from the transverse process of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical. It is inserted into the fore part of the verfebrse of the neck. Its use is to bend the neck. 2. The rectus capitis internus major arises from lhe transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebise, and is inserted into the cuneiform proc- ess of the os occipitis. Its use is to bend the head for- ward. 3. Rectus capitis internus major arises from the body of fhe atlas, and is inserted into the condyloid process of the os occipitis. Its use is to nod the head forward. 4. The rectus capitis lateralis arises from the tip of (he transverse process of (he atlas, and is inserted into the os occipifis external to (he foramen magnum. Its use is to bend fhe head to one side. On (he side of (he neck, 1. Scalenus anlicus arises from the fourth, fifth, and Mxlh transverse processes of the neck, and is inserted into (he upper side of the first rib. 2. Scalenus medius arises from the transverse processes of the cervical verfebrse, and is inserted into the first rib. 3. Scalenus posticus arises from (he fifth and sixth transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae, and is in- cited into the upper edge of fhe second rib. The use of the three scaleni is fo bend the neck to one side, or to el- evate the ribs and dilate the thorax. Musclts situated on the back of the trunk. The following muscles are described as they appear on dissection. 1. The trapezius, seu cucularis, arises from the protu- berance of the os occipitis, and from the rough line that extends from it toward the temporal bone, runs down along fhe nape of the neck, where it seems to arise from its fel- 17* low ; arises also from the spinous processes of the two in ferior cervical, and from those of all the dorsal vertebrae. It is inserted into the posterior half of the clavicle, into the acromion, and into almost all the spine of the scapula. Its use is to move the scapula according to the three differ- ent directions of its fibres. 2. The latissimus dorsi arises from the back of the spine of the ilium, from all the spinous processes of the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae, and from the seven inferior ones of the verfebrse of the back : also from the extremities of the three or four inferior ribs. It is inserted into the inner edge of the groove of the tendon of the biceps. Its use is to pull the arm backward and downward, and to roll the os humeri. 3. The serratus posticus inferior arises from the spinal processes of the two inferior dorsal vertebrae, and from the three superior lumbar. It is inserted into the lower edges of the four inferior ribs. Its use is to depress the ribs into which it is inserted. 4. The rhomboideus is divided into two portions. 1 - The rhomboideus major, which arises from the spinous processes of the five superior verfebrse of the back, and is inserted into all the basis of the scapula below its spine. Its use is to draw the scapula obliquely upward and di- rectly inward. 2. Rhomboideus minor, which arises from the spinous processes of (he (hree inferior vertebise of the neck, and from the ligamentum nuchse. It is inserted into the base of the scapula, opposite to its spine. Its use is to assist the former. 5. The serratus superior posticus, arises from the spi- nous processes of the three last vertebise of the neck, and the two uppermost of the back. It is inserted into the second, third, fourth, and fifth ribs. Its use is to elevate the ribs and dilate the thorax. 6. The levator scapulae arises from the transverse proc- esses of lhe five superior vertebi se of the neck. It is in- serted fleshy into the superior angle of the scapula. Its use is to pull the scapula upward and forward. On the neck, 1. The splenius arises from the four superior spinous processes of the vertebrae of the back, from the five infe- rior of the neck, and adheres to the ligamentum nuchse. It is inserted into the five superior transverse processes of the cervical verfebrse, into the back of the mastoid process, and into the os occipitis. Its use is to bring the head backward laterally. 2. The complexus arises from the transverse processes of the seven superior vertebi se of the back, and four infe- rior of the neck; it also receives a slip from the spinous process of the first vertebra of lhe back. It is inserted into the protuberance of the os occipitis, and inlo part of its transverse ridge. Its use is to draw (he head back- ward laterally. 3. The (rachelo mastoideus arises from the transverse processes of the three uppermost dorsal and five lower- most cervical vertebise. It is inserted into (he back of the mastoid process. Its use is to assist lhe complex- us. 4. The transversalis colli arises from the transverse processes of the five uppermost vertebrae of (he back. It is inserted info the transverse processes of all the cervical vertebrse, except the first and the last. Its use is to turn the neck obliquely backward and to one side. ANA ANA 5. The rectus capitis posticus major arises from the spi- nous process of the dentata. It is inserted into the os occipitis. Its use is to pull the head backward. 6. The rectus capitis posticus minor arises from the back part of the atlas. It is inserted behind the foramen mag- num. Its use is to assist the rectus major. 7. The obliquus capitis superior arises from the trans- verse process of the atlas. It is inserted into the os oc- cipitis, behind the back of the mastoid process. Its use is (o draw the head backward. 8. The obliquus capitis inferior arises from the spinous process of the denlata, and is inserted into the transverse process of the atlas. Its use is to rotate the head. On the back near to the spine : 1. The sacro lumbalis arises in common with the lon- gissimus dorsi, inserted into the curve of all the ribs. Its use is fo pull (he ribs down, and assist to erect the trunk of (he body. 2. The Iongissimus dorsi arises from the side, and all the spines of the sacrum ; from the posterior spine of the ilium, from the spines, and from the transverse processes of the lumbar verfebrse. It is inserted into the transverse processes of the dorsal vertebrae, and into the lower edge of all the ribs except fhe two inferior, near their tubercles. Its use is to extend (he (runk. 3. The spinalis dorsi arises from the spines of the two uppermost lumbar verfebrse, and the three inferior dorsal verfebrse. It is inserted into the spines of the nine upper- most dorsal vertebrae, except the first. Its use is to fix the vertebrae, and to assist in raising the spine. 4. The semispinalis dorsi arises from the transverse processes ef the seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth dorsal vertebrae, and is inserted into the spines of all the dorsal verfebrse above the eighth, and into the two lowermost cervical verfebrse. Its use is to extend the spine oblique- ly backward. On the neck: 1. The semispinalis colli arises from the transverse proc- esses of the six uppermost vertebrae of the back. It is in- serted into the spines of all the cervical vertebrae, except the first and last. Its use is to extend the neck obliquely- backward. 2. The multifidus spinse arises from the side and spine of the sacrum, and from the posterior part of the ilium; from all the oblique and transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae; from all the transverse processes of the dorsal vertebrae; and from those of lhe cer\ i< al, except the three first. It is inserted into all the spines of the lumbar, dor- sal, and cervical vertebrae, except the first. Its use is to extend the vertebise backward. l.The interspinals colli arise from the spine of the in- ferior vertebrae of the neck, and ascend to be inserted into the spine of the superior vertebise. They are five in number. Their use is to draw these processes nearer to each other. 2. The intertransversales colli arise from the inferior transverse process of each vertebra of the neck, and first of the back, and are inserted into the superior trans- verse processes. Their use is to draw these processes toward each other, and turn the neck to one side. 3, 4, and 5. The interspinales dorsi el lumborura, and the intertransversales dorsi, are rather small tendons than muscles, serving to connect the spinal and transverse proc- esses. 6. The intertransversales lumborum are four distinct small bundles which fill up the spaces between (he trans- verse processes of the lumbar vertebrae, and serve to draw them toward each other. Muscles on the shoulder. 1. Deltoides arises from the clavicle, processus aero- mion and spine of lhe scapula. It is inserted into the an- terior and middle part of the os humeri. Its use is to raise the arm. 2. Supraspinal us arises from the basis, spine, and upper costa of the scapula. It is inserted into a large tuberosi- ty at the head of the os humeri. Its use is to raise the arm. 3. Infraspinatus arises from the basis and spine of the scapula. It is inserted into the upper and middle part of the tuberosity. Its use is to roll the os humeri outward. 4. Teres minor arises from the inferior costa of (he scapula. It is inserted into the lower part of the tuberot- ity, and rolls the humerus outward. 5. Teres major arises from the inferior angle, and cos- ta of the scapula. It is inserted into the ridge at the n. ner side of the groove formed for the long head of the bi- ceps. Its use is to assist in the rotatory motion of fhe arm. 6. Subscapularis arises from the basis, superior and in- ferior costa? of the scapula. It is inserted into the upper part of a small tuberosity at the head of the os humeri. Its use is to roll the arm inward. 7. Coraco brachialis arises from the coracoid process^ the scapula. It is inserted into the inner side of the os humeri. Its use is to rake the arm forward and upward. Muscles on the arm. 1. Biceps flexor cubiti arises by two heads, one from the coracoid process, and the other, or longhead, fioinlhe upper and outer edge of the glenoid ca\ity of lhe scapu- la. It is inserted into the tuberosity at the upper end of the radius. Its use is to bend the fore arm. 2. Brachialis inlernus arifees from the os humeri, below, and at each side of the tendon of (he deltoides. It is in- serted into a small tuberosity at the fore part of the coro- noid process of the ulna, and into the upper and outer part of the olecranon. Its use is to assist in bending the fore arm. 3. Triceps extensor cubiti arises by three heads: the hist from (he inferior costa of the scapula; the second from the upper and outer part of the os humeri: andtbe third from the back part of that bone. Muscles on the fore arm. 1. Supinator longus arises from the ridge and anterior surface of the os humeri, a little above its outer condyle. It is inserted into the radius near its styloid process. Id use ,s to assist in fuming the palm of the hand upward. 2 Extensor carp, radialis longus arises immediately be ow the origin of the supinator longus. It is inserted^ he upper part of the metacarpal bone of the middle fi7ger. its use is to assist the extensor longus 3 Extensor carpi radialis brevis ar'ises from the outer andlowerpartof the outer condyle and the upper part of the radius. It is inserted into the back part of all the bones of the four fingers. Its use is to extend the fing » ANA Ai\ A 4. Extensor digitorum communis arises from the outer condyle of (he os humeri. It is inserted into the back part of all (he bones of the four fingers. 5. Ex(ensor minimi digiti arises from the outer condyle of fhe os humeri. Il is inserted into the bones of the lit- tle finger. Its use is to extend the little finger. 6. Extensor carpi ulnaris arises from the condyle of the os humeri. It is inserted into the metacarpal bone of the little finger. Its use is to assist in extending the wrist 7. Anconaeus arises from lhe outer condyle of the os humeri. It is inserted into the outer edge of the ulna. Its use is to extend the fore arm. 8. Flexor carpi ulnaris arises from the inner condyle of the os humeri, and anterior edge of the olecranon. It is inserted into the os pisiforme. Its use is to assist in bending the hand. 9. Palmaris longus arises from the inner condyle of the os humeri. It is inserted into the internal annular liga- ment. Its use is to bend the hand. 10. Flexor carpi radialis arises from the inner condyle of the os humeri. It is inserted into the metacarpal bone of the fore finger. Its use is to bend the hand. 11. Pronator radii brevis arises from the outer condyle of the os humeri, and coronoid process of the ulna. It is inserted into the anterior and convex edge of the radius, near its middle. Its use is to roll the hand inward. 12. Flexor sublimis perforatus arises from the inner condyle of the os humeri, inner edge of the coronoid proc- ess of the ulna, and upper and anterior part of the ra- dius. It is inserted into the second bone of each finger. Its use is to bend fhe second joint of the fingers. 13. Supifiator radii brevis arises from the outer condyle of the os humeri, the posterior surface and outer edge of the ulna. It is inserted into the anterior, inner, and up- per part of the radius. Its use is to roll the radius out- ward. 14. Abductor pollicis longus arises from the middle and back part of the ulna, interosseous ligament, and radius. It is inserted by two tendons into the os trapezium, and first bone of the thumb. Its use is to stretch the first bone of the thumb outward. 15. Extensor minor pollicis arises from the back part of the ulna, and interosseous ligament and radius. It is inserted into the convex part of the second bone of the thumb. Its use is to extend the second bone of the thumb obliquely outward. 16. Extensor major pollicis arises from the back part of the ulna and interosseous ligament. It is inserted into the third and last bone of the thumb. Its use is to stretch the thumb obliquely backward. 17. Indicator arises from the middle of the ulna. It is inserted into the metacarpal bone of the fore finger. Its use is to extend the fore finger. 18. Flexor profundus perforans arises from the upper and fore part of the ulna, and interosseous ligament. It is inserted into the fore part of the last bone of each of the fingers. Its use is to bend the last joint of the fingers. 19. Flexor longus pollicis arises from the upper and fore part of the radius. It is inserted into the last joint of lhe thumb. Its use is to bend the last joint of the thumb. 20. Pronator radii quadratus arises from the inner and lower part of the ulna. It is inserted into the radius, op- posite to its origin. Its use is to roll the radius inward, and, of course, to assist in the pronation of the hand. Muscles on the hand. 1. Lumbricales arise from the tendons of the perforans. They are inserted into the tendons of the extensor digito- rum communis. Their use is to bend the first, and to ex- tend the two last joints of the fingers. 2. Abductor brevis pollicis arises from the fore part of the internal annular ligament, os scaphoides, and one of the tendons ofi the abductor longus pollicis. It is insert- ed into the outer side of the second bone of the thumb, near its root. Its use is to move the thumb from the fin- gers. 3. Opponens pollicis arises from the inner and anterior part of the internal annular ligament, and from the os sca- fhoides. It is inserted into the first bone of the thumb. ts use is to move the thumb inward, and to turn it upon its axis. 4. Flexor brevis pollicis arises from the os trapezoidesr internal annular ligament, os magnum, and os unciforme. It is inserted into the ossa sesamoidea and second bone of the thumb. 5. Abductor pollicis arises from the metacarpal bone of the middle finger. It is inserted into the basis of the second bone of the thumb. Its use is to bend the second joint of the thumb. 6. Abductor indicis arises from the inner side of the first bone of the thumb, and from the os trapezium. It is inserted into the first bone of the fore finger posteriorly. Its use is to move the fore finger toward lhe thumb. 7. Palmaris brevis arises from the internal annular liga- ment, and aponeurosis palmaris. It is inserted into the os pisiforme, and the skin covering the abductor minimi di- giti. Its use is to contract the palm of the hand. 8. Abductor minimi digiti arises from the internal annu- lar ligament and os pisiforme. It is inserted into the side of the first bone of the little finger. Its use is to draw the little finger from the rest. 9. Flexor parvus minimi digiti arises from the os unci- forme, and internal annular ligament, h is inserted into the first bone of the little finger. Its use is to bend the little finger. 10. Abductor metacarpi minimi digiti arises from tbeos unciforme, and internal annular ligament. It is inserted into the metacarpal bone of the little finger. Its use is to move that bone toward the rest. 11. Interossei interni, situated between the metacarpal bones. They are inserted into the roots of the fingers. Their use is to extend the fingers and move them toward the thumb. 12. Interossei externi, situated between the metacarpal bones on the back of the hand. They are inserted into the roots of the fingers. Their use is to extend the fin- gers; but the first draws the middle finger inward, the second draws it outward, and the third draws the ring fin- ger inward. Muscles on the upper part of the thigh. 1.- Glutaeus maxiraus arises from the spine of the ilium, posterior sacro ischiatic ligaments, os sacrum, and os coc- cygis. Inserted into the upper part of the linea aspeia of the os femoris. Its use is to extend the thigh and draw it outward. ANA ANA 2. Glutaeus medius, arises from the spine and superior surface of the ilium. It is inserted into the outer and back part of the great trochanter. Its use is to draw the (high outward and a little backward, and when it-is bend- fd, to roll it. 3. Glutaeus minimus, from the outer surface of the ilium, and the border of its great niche. It is inserted into the upper and interior part of the great trochanter. Its use is (o assist the former. 4. Pyriformis arises from the anterior part of the os sa- crum. It is inserted in(o a cavity at the root of the tro- chanter major. Its use is to roll the thigh outward. 5. Gemini arises by two portions, one from the outer surface of the spine of the ischium, the other from the tu- berosity of the ischium, and posterior sacro ischiatic liga- ment. It is inserted into the same cavity as the pyrifor- mis. Its use is to roll the thigh outward, and likewise to confine (he tendon of the obturator internus, when the latter is in action. 6. Obturator internus arises from the superior half of the inner border of the foramen thyroideum. It is insert- ed into lhe same cavity with the former. Its use is to roll the thigh outward. 7. Quadra!us femoris arises from the tuberosity of the ischium. It is inserted into a ridge between the trochan- ter major and trochanter minor. Its use is to move the thigh outward. Muscles on the thigh. 1. Biceps flexor cruris arises by two heads; one from the tuberosity of the ischium, the other from the linea as- pera, near the insertion of the glutaeus maximus. It is in- serted into the upper and back part of the fibula. I(s use is to bend the leg. 2. Semitendinosus arises from the tuberosity of the is- chium. It is inserted into lhe upper and inner part of the tibia. Its use is to bend and draw the leg inward. 3. Semimembranosus arises from the tuberosity of the ischium. I( is inserted into the upper and back part of the headj>fthe tibia. Its use is to bend the leg. 4. .Tensor*vaginae femoris arises from the superior and anterior spinous process of the ilium. It is inserted into the inner side of the fascia lata, which covers the outside of the thigh. Its use is to stretch the fascia. 5. Sartozius arises from lhe superior and anterior spi- nous process of the ilium. It is inserted into the upper and inner part of the tibia. Its use is to bend the leg in- ward. 6. Rectus arises by two tendons; one from the anteri- or and inferior spinous process of the ilium, the other from the posterior edge of the cotyloid cavity. It is inserted into the upper and fore part of the rotula. Its use is to extend the leg. 7. Gracilis arises from the fore part of the ischium and pubis. It is inserted into the upper and inner part of the tibia. Its use is to bend the leg. 8. Vastus exlernus arises from the anterior and lower part of the great trochanter, and the outer edge of the li- nea aspera. It is inserted info the upper and outer part of the rotula. Its use is to extend the leg. 9. "Vastus internus arises from the inner edge of the li- nea aspera, beginning between the fore part of the os fe- moris and the root of the lesser trochanter. It is insert- ed into the outer and inner part of the rotula. Its use is to extend the leg. 10. Cruraeus arises from the outer and anterior part of the lesser trochanter. It is inserted into the upper part of the rotula. Its use is to extend the leg. 11. Pectinalis arises from the anterior edge of the os pubis. It is inserted into the upper and fore part of (he linea aspera. Its use is to draw the thigh inward, upward, and to roll it a little outward. 12. Adductor longus femoris arises from the upper and fore part of the os pubis. It is inserted near the middle and back part of the linea aspera. Its use is to draw the thigh inward, upward, and to roll it a little outward. 13. Adductor brevis femoris arises from the fore part of the ramus of the os pubis. It is inserted into the inner and upper part of the linea aspera. 14. Adductor magnus femoris arises from the lowerand fore part of the ramus of the os pubis. It is inserted into the whole length of the linea aspera. 15. Obturator externus arises from part of the obturator ligament, and the inner half of the circumference of the foramen thyroideum. It is inserted into the os femoris, near the root of the great trochanter. Its use is to move the thigh outward in an oblique direction, and likewise to bend and draw it inward. Muscles on the leg. 1. Gastrocnemius externus arises by two heads; one from the inner condyle, the other from fhe outer condyle of the os femoris. It is inserted by a great round tendon, common to this and the following muscle. Its use is to extend the foot. 2. Gastrocnemius internus arises by two heads; one from the back part of the head of the fibula, the other from the upper and back part of the tibia. It is inserted by a large tendon, (the tendo Achillis,) common to this and the former muscle, into the lower and back part of the os calcis. Its use is to extend the foot. 3. Plantaris arises from the upper and posterior part of the outer condyle of the os femoris. It is inserted into the inside of the back part of the os calcis. Its use is to assist in extending the foot. 4. Popliteus arises from the outer condyle of the thigh. It is inserted into the upper and inner part of the tibia. Its use is to assist in bending the leg and rolling it in- ward. 5. Flexor longus digitorum pedis arises from the upper and inner part of the tibia. It is inserted by four tendons, which, after passing through the perforations in those of the flexor digitorum brevis, are inserted into the last bone of all the foes, except the great toe. Its use is to bend the last joint of the toe. 6. Flexor longus pollicis pedis arises from the back part, and a little below the head of the fibula. It is inserted into the last bone of the great toe. Its use is to bend the great toe. 7. Tibialis posticus arises from the back part and out- er edge of lhe tibia, and likewise from the interosseous ligament and adjacent part of the fibula. It is inserted into the inner and upper part of the os navicular, and side of the os cune.forme medium. Its use is to move tire toot inward. ANA ANA 8. Peroneus longus arises from the outer side of the head of the tibia, and also from the upper anterior and outer part of the fibula, to which it adheres for a consid- erable way down. It is inserted into the metatarsal bone of the great toe. Its use is to extend and to move the foot outward. 9. Peroneus brevis arises from the outer and fore part of the fibula. It is inserted into the metatarsal bone of the little toe. Its use is to assist the last described muscle. 10. Extensor longus digitorum pedis arises from the up- per, outer, and fore part of the tibia, interosseous ligament, and inner edge of the fibula. It is inserted by four ten- dons into the first joint of the smaller toes. Its use is to extend the toes. 11. Peroneus tertius arises from the fore part of the low- er half of the fibula, and from the in(erosseous ligament. It is inserted into the metatarsal bone of the little toe. Its use is to bend the foot. 12. Tibialis anticus arises from the upper and fore part of the tibia. It is inserted into the os cuneiforme inter- num. Its use is to bend the foot. 13. Extensor proprius pollicis pedis arises from the up- per and fore part of the tibia. It is inserted into the con- vex surface of (he bones of the great toe. Its use is to extend the great toe. Muscles on the foot. 1. Extensor brevis digitorum pedis arises from the up- per and anterior part of the os calcis. It is inserted by four tendons; one of which joins the tendon of the exter- nus longus pollicis, and the other three (he (endons of (he extensor digitorum longus. Its use is to extend the toes. 2. Flexor brevis digitorum pedis arises from the lower part of the os calcis. It is inserted by four tendons, which, after affording a passage to those of lhe flexor lon- gus, are inserted into the second phalanx of each of the small toes. Its use is to bend the second joint of the toes. 3. Abductor pollicis pedis arises from the inner and lower part of the os calcis. It is inserted into the first joint of the great toe. Its use is to move the great toe from the other toes. 4. Abductor minimi digiti arises from the outer tuber- cle of the os calcis, the root of the metatarsal bone of the little toe, and also from the aponeurosis plantaris. It is inserted into the outer side of the first joint of the little toe. Its use is to draw the little toe outward. 5. Lumbricalis pedis arises from the tendons of the flexor longu3 digitorum pedis. It is inserted into the ten- dinous expansion, at the part of the toes. Its use is to draw the toes inward. 6. Flexor brevis pollicis pedis arises from the inferior and anterior part of the os calcis, and also from the infe- rior part of the cuneiforme externum. It is inserted by two tendons into the first joint of the great toe. Its use is to bend that joint. 7. Adductor pollicis pedis arises from near the roots of fhe metatarsal bones of the second, third, and fourth toes. It is inserted into the outer sesamoid bone, or first joint of the great toe. Its use is to draw the great toe nearer (o the rest, and also to bend it. 8. Transversales pedis arises from the outer and under part of the anterior end of the metatarsal bone of the lit- tle toe. It is inserted into the inner os sesamoideum and anterior end of the metatarsal bone of the great toe. Its use is to contract the foot. 9. Flexor brevis minimi digiti pedis arises from the ba- sis of the metatarsal bone of the little toe. It is inserted into the first joint of the little toe. Its use is to bend fhe little toe. 10. Interossei pedis interniet externi, situated between the metatarsal bones. Splanchnology explains the doctrine of the viscera. These are, according to their situation, divided into tho- racic, abdominal, and pelvic. The cavity of the thorax is divided into five lesser cavities, vis. the anterior cavity of the mediastinum, the posterior cavity of the mediasti- num, the cavity of the pericardium, and the right and left cavities of the thorax. The contents of the ihorax are the pleura, pericardium, heart, lungs and bronchiae, thy- mus gland, cesophagus, thoracic duct, arch of the aorta, descending cava, venaazygos, par vagum, and great inter- costal nerve. The pleura is, from its situation, lining the ribs, or covering the lungs, divided into pleura pulmonalis. and costalis. The pericardium, or capsule of the heart, exhales from its internal surface a vapour which in the dead subject forms the aqua pericardii. The heart con- sists of a base, sides, and an apex; its right side being also anterior, and its left posterior; the auricles are plac- ed toward its base, the ventricles extend to its apex ; the last mentioned cavities contain the columnae carniae and chordae lendineae, give exit to the great arteries, and are separated from the auricles by the tricuspid valves, while the mouths of the arteries are protracted by the semilu- nar valves; the right auricle contains the musculi pectina- ti, tuberculum Loweri, fossa ovalis, Eustachian valve, and opening of the coronary vein, as well as the terminations of the venae cava?; the left auricle contains lhe openings of the pulmonary veins : the auricles are separated by the septum auriculorum, the ventricles by the septum ventriculorum. The lungs consist of a right and left; the right having three lobes, the left only two; the bronchiae continued from the trachia, and consisting of smaller cartilaginous circles, divided into capillary tubes, which terminate in the vesiculae bronchiales; the combi- nation of these vesicles form the lobuli, which are connect- ed by the interlobular substance. The fhymus gland is peculiar to the fetus, nor has its duct been discovered. The cesophagus is a membranous and muscular canal, re- quiring no particular description; and the thoracic duct, arch of the aorta, &c. as well as the minutiae of the thora- cic viscera in general, are described elsewhere. The mammae on the external part of the thorax consist of a body containing the mammary gland and lactiferous ducts, an areola, and a papilla or nipple. Before describing the abdominal viscera, we may enu- merate the salival glands, as they also are refcrrible (o the article splanchnology. They are the parotid, maxillary, sublingual, thyroid, molar, buccal, labial, lingual, amyg- daline, palatine, uvular, arytenoid, &c. the names of most of which explain their situation. The mouth, fauces, pharynx, and oesophagus, are the continuations of one cavity. The abdomen is divided into the epigastric, hypochon- driac, umbilical, epicholic, hypogastric, and inguinal region- t ANA Its contents are the peritoneum and its produc- es (he stomach, the small and large intestines, the liver and "all bladder, the spleen and the pancreas, the kidneys, ureter*, &c. The chief productions of the peritoneum are (he'great and small omentum and the mesentery, sup- porting and conveying the vessels to the intestines. The Bio-inch consists of a great and small curvature, a great and small extremity, one orifice named cardiac, and another terned pylorus. The *;aall intestines consist of the duode- num, distinguished by its valvulae conniventes and glandulae Brumeri, the jejunum, remarkable for its ligamentary band, vnlvuhe conniventes, and plexus glandulosi Peyeri, and the ileum,distinguishedalso by its ligamentary band,but having less prominent valves and glands. The great intestines con- sist of the cajcurn, which possesses an appendix, andl has upon it the commencement of three ligamentary bands of the colon, consisting of an ascending, transverse, and de- scending portion, and having externally appendices epi- ploicse, and strong ligamentary bands, and internally val- vule conniventes forming between them the cells of the co- lon, and that valve which has been called the great valve of the colon, caecum, or ileum, and of the rectum terminating in the anus. The liver consists of two great and one small lobe, termed lobulus Spigellii; it has a middle, right, left, and a round ligament} its internal structure is composed of the penecilli, or terminations of the venae portae, the pori biliarii, in which the bile is se- creted, and the hepatic ducts, which terminate in one trunk, and convey the bile from the liver. The gall blad- der consists of a fundus, a body, and a neck, which termi- nates in lhe duct called cysticus, and this joining the he- patic, they form together the ductus communis choledochus. The spleen is not properly understood, either in its struc- ture or uses. The pancreas resembles in structure the salivary glands, and possesses a duct which terminates to- gether with the ductus communis choledochus, in the duo- denum. The kidneys are placed behind the peritoneum, and consist internally of a papillary, and externally of a cortical substance, while their middle part is striated; their internal cavity is called pelvis, and opens into the ureter. The renal capsules are placed at the upper part of lhe kidney, and their uses are unknown. The pelvic viscera consist of the urinary bladder, and the male and female organs of generation. The bladder consists of a fundus or bottom, a body, and a neck; its coats are a muscular, a cellular, and a villous. The male organs of generation consist of the testis, which has three coals, the tunica vaginalis, the cremaster, and the tunica albuginea, the internal structure of which consists of deli- cate tubes, membranous septa, cells, and semeniferous ducts, terminating in the epididymis. This convoluted vessel afterward assumes the name of vas deferens, and opens within the prostate gland along with the vesiculae seminales, which are apparently cellular, but in reality tubular bodies, placed between the rectum and inferior part of the bladder. The prostate gland is situated be- tween the neck of the bladder and the bulb of the ure- thra; the small projection on its inner surface is named caruncula, or verumontanum, and on each side of it sev- eral ducts open from the gland. The penis itself consists of fhe corpora cavernosa on each side, the urethra infe- riorly, the corpus spongiosum surrounding the former, the glaus penis terminating the corpus spongiosum, and the in- teguments and preputium, which invest the whole. The A N A female organs of generation consist of the Pu^'crura an(j Veneris, the labia, the clitoris consisting oi x llw»thi* a body, the nymph* internal to the labia..the uretfcri much shorter than that of the male, and having similar la- cunoand the vagina, which in virgins contains the ny. men or circulus membraneus, and in married women lb remains called carunculae myrtiformes. lnese are the external parts of generation in the female. The internal are the uterus and its appendages. The uterus consists of a neck, a body, and a fundus, and has a triangular cav- ity within it; its inferior aperture * called os, tme*. The liaamenta lata tie the uterus to the sides of the pel. vis. The ovaria are fixed by the round ligaments to iti corners, and the Fallopian tubes proceed from its fundus toward the sides of the pelvis, terminal ing in a fimbriate. manner, and being enveloped, as well as the ovaria, in the broad ligaments. ANGioLOGY,or the doctrine of the vessels of the body, from otyyuov, a vessel, and Koyas, a discourse, is divided in- to three parts, one which treats of the absorbents, another the arteries, and a third of the veins. Of the absorbent systtm. For the discovery of the principal parts of this system, we are chiefly indebted to Asellius, Pacquet, Rudbect> Jolyffe, and Bartholin. Some of the vessels of which it consists had indeed been seen and mentioned by their pre- decessors, but it was in too cursory a manner to give then any title to the discovery. Thus the lacleals had been seen in kids by Erasistratus, who calls them arteries, as we are informed by Galen: and the thoracic duct had been seen by Eustachius, who speak* ■ of it as a vein of a particular kind. In 1622, Asellius discovered those vessels on the mesen- tery, which, from their carrying a milk white fluid, he de- nominated lacteals. This discovery being made by open- ing a living dog, anatomists were thence encouraged to* make experiments on living animals; and Pacquet, on open- ing a dog, in the year 1651, found a white fluid mixed with the blood in the right anricleof the heart : suspecting this fluid to be chyle, he endeavoured to determine botf it ij$ot from the lacteals into the heart. This he found wasbj means of the ductus thoracicus, which he traced from lhe lacteals to the subclavian vein; and thus he clearly proved the existence of that duct which we now consider as the trunk of the system. Just before this time, the lacteal? had been supposed to terminate in the liver, conformably' to the idea which the physiologists of that period had adopted about the use of this organ, which, from the au- thority of the older anatomists, they believed was the vis- cus haematopoeticum, or received the chyle from the in- testines to convert it into blood. In the years 1651 and lft52, Rudbeck, Jolyffe, and Bartholin, discovered the other parts of this system, which, from their carrying a transparent and colourless fluid, are called the lymphatic vessels. Thus there was proved to exist in the animal body a system of small vessels, contain- ing fluids very different from the blood, and opening int» the sanguiferous vessel * at the left subclavian vein. After this period, Nuck added to our knowledge of tbi* system, by his injections of the lymphatic glands: Ruysch, by his description of the valves of the lymphalic vessefci and Dr. Meekel, by his accurate account of the whole sf* ANA ANA tern, and by tracing those vessels in many parts where they had not been before described. Besides these, doctors Hunter and Monro have called the attention of the public to this part of anatomy in their controversy concerning the discovery of the office of the lymphatics. When the lymphatic vessels were first seen and traced into the thoracic duct, it was natural for anatomists to sus- pect, that as the lacteals absorbed from the cavity of the intestines, the lymphatics, which are similar in figure and structure, might possibly do the same office with respect to the other parts of the body. And accordingly, Dr. Glisson, who wrote in 1654, supposed these vessels arose from cavities, and that their use was to absorb. And Frederick Hoffman has very explicitly laid down the doc- trine of the lymphatic vessels being a system of absorb- ■ ents. But anatomists in general have been of a contrary k opinion ; for from experiments, particularly such as were 1 made by injections, they have been persuaded that the lymphatic vessels did not arise from cavities, and did not absorb, but were merely continuations from small arteries. The doctrine therefore that the lymphatics, like the lac- teals, were absorbents, as had been suggested by Glisson " and by Hoffman, has been revived by Dr. Hunter and by Dr Monro, who have controverted the experiments of fheir '! predecessors in anatomy, and have endeavoured to prove :- that the lymphatic vessels are not continued from arteries, but are absorbents. To (his doctrine, however, several objections were start- $ ed, particularly by Hallerj and it was found, before the : doctrine of the lymphatics being a system of absorbents, could be established, it was first to be determined wheth- er this system existed in other animals besides man and ,quadrupeds. Mr. Hewson claims the merit of having I proved the affirmative of this question, by discovering the i, lymphatic system in birds, fish, and amphibious animals. jThe celebrated Soemmerring has observed, that these ^vessels are more than proportionably larger in tall men, , and more than proportionably less in men of inferior stat- jUre. "f The absorbent system consists of the lacteals, the lym- phatic vessels, their common trunk, the thoracic duct, and the glands called conglobate. The lacteals begin from the intestinal tube, and can, for the most part, be seen in a dog, or other large quad- ruped, that is killed two or three hours after eating, when they appear filled with a white chyle; but they do not al- ways convey a fluid of this colour ; for even in a dog, if opened long after a meal, they are found distended with a 'liquor that is transparent and colourless, like the lymph ; and in birds the chyle is never found white, but always 'transparent. These vessels therefore might, with as much propriety, be called the lymphatics of the intestines. The lymphatic vessels are small pellucid tubes, that liave now been discovered in most parts of the human body. The fluid they contain is generally as colourless as water; a circumstance which procured them at first the name of ductus aquosi, and afterward that of vasa lym- phatica. The course of the lymph, like that of the chyle, is from the extreme parts of the body toward the centre; and many of the lymphatic vessels lie close to the large blood vessels. If, therefore, a ligature be thrown round the large blood vessels of lhe extremities of a living animal, vol. i. in or of one just dead, that ligature, by embracing the lym phatics, will stop the course of the lymph, which, by dis- tending the vessels, will make them visible below the liga* ture. All the lacteals, and most of the lymphatic vessels, open into the thoracic duct, which lies upon the spine, and runs up toward the neck of the animal, where it com- monly opens into the angle between the internal jugular and subclavian veins of the left side: and thus both the chyle and the lymph are mixed with the blood. If there- fore a ligature be thrown round the thoracic duct imme- diately after killing an animal, not only the lacteal, but also the lymphatic vessels in the abdomen and lower ex- tremities, become distended with their natural fluids. The lacteals, the lymphatics, and the thoracic duct, all agree in having their coats thinner and more pellucid than those of the blood vessels. But although their coats are so thin, they are very strong: as we daily see on injecting them with mercury, since they resist a column of that fluid whose weight would make it burst through blood vessels, the coats of which are many times thicker than those of the lymphatic system. The thinness of the coats prevents our dividing them from one another, and thereby ascertaining their number as we do those of the blood vessels. But as the blood vessels have a dense internal coat, to prevent transudation, we have reason to believe the lymphatics have the same. And as the blood vessels have a muscular coat, which as- sists in the circulation, so may the lymphatics. This is rendered probable from what Dr. Haller says of his hav- ing found them irritable in his experiments, and also from what is observed on seeing them in living animals distend- ed with their lymph, in which case they appear of a con- siderable size; but upon emptying them of their contents, they contract so much as not to be easily distinguished. This experiment, Mr. Hewson informs us, he frequently made in the trunk of the lacteals in a goose, and on the lymphatic vessels on its neck; both of which, when dis- tended with their natural fluids, are as large as a crow quill; but upon emptying them in the living animal, he has seen them contract so much, that it was with the greatest difficulty he could distinguish them from the fibres. The coats of lymphatic vessels have, in common with all other parts of the body, arteries and veins for their nourishment. This is rendered probable by their being susceptible of inflammation; for they are frequently found in the form of a cord, painful to the touch, and extending from an ulcer to the next lymphatic gland. These pain- ful swellings of lymphatic vessels likewise show that their coats have sensibility, and therefore that they have nerves as well as arteries and veins. Besides, we can clearly trace in different parts of the body, blood vessels running along their surfaces. The lymphatic system in most animals, but particular- ly in man and quadrupeds, is full of valves. These valves have been painted by the celebrated Nuck, Ruysch, and others, and are much more frequent than in the com- mon veins; and thence these lymphatics have sometimes been distinguished by the name of valvular lymphatic vessels. ^ Those valves are generally two in number, are of a semilunar shape, and one is sometimes much larcei- than the other. In some parts of the body, the«-o wives ANA are so numerous, that there are three or four pair in an inch of space; hot sometimes there is no more than one pair, sometimes several inches of a lymphatic appear without a valve. They are less numerous in the thoracic duct than in the branches of the system. Thence it night be supposed, that in proportion as we go from the trunk to the branches, we should find them thicker set. But this is not always true; for Mr. Hewson observed them more numerous in the lymphatic vessels of the thigh than on those of the leg. When the vessels are distend- ed with lymph, they appear larger on that side of the valves next the heart, which sometimes gives a lymphat- ic vessel an appearance of being made of a chain of vesi- cles ; as such (bey are represented by some authors; but it is an appearance tha( very seldom occurs in the human body. In quadrupeds, however, this appearance is very remarkable. Wherever a lymphatic vessel enters the thoracic duct, we find»either one or two valves which pre- vent the return of the lymph. Lastly, the lymphatic system in different parts of its course has the glands, called conglobate or lymphatic. These glands are so placed, that the vessels come in on one side, and pass out on the other, in their way to the thoracic duct. They are commonly of an oval, though sometimes of a round shape, and frequently somewhat flattened, and of various sizes; some being no larger than a millet seed, while others are almost an inch in diameter. They vary in colour in different parts of the body, and at different times of life. In young people they are gen- erally of a reddish or brown colour, but become paler with age. They have a shining external surface, which is ow- ing to a smooth dense coat that covers them. Like other glands, (hey have arteries, veins, and nerves, which enter into their composition; but with respect to the rest of their structure, anatomists are much divided in opinion. Soemmerring has endeavoured to prove that they are part- ly cellular and partly vascular. That these glands are wanting in some animals is now known. The absorbent system, besides the glands, is divided into three parts, vis. the lacteal, the lymphatic vessels and the lacteal sac, and the lymphatic duct. The lacteals belong to the intestinal tube, the lymphatics to all lhe other parts of the body, and the lacteal sac and thoracic duct is the common trunk which receives both the lacteals and lymphatics. We shall give a particular description of the latter from the celebrated Monro, as being that part of the absorbent system which is most important, both to the general reader and to the medical student. " The receptaculum chyli, or saccus lacteus, is a mem- branous, somewhat pyriform bag, two thirds of an inch long, one third of an inch over in its largest part when col- lapsed ; situated on the first vertebra of the loins of the right of the aorta, a little higher than the right emulgent artery, behind the right inferior muscle of the diaphragm ; it is formed by the union of three tubes, one from under the aorta, the second from the interstice of the aorta and cava, the third from under the emulgents of the right side. "The lacteal sac becoming gradually smaller toward its upper part, is contracted into a slender membranous pipe, of about a line diameter, which is generally named the thoracic duct. This passes betwixt the muscular appen- dices, or inferior muscles of the diaphragm, on the right of ANA and somewhat behind the aorta; then being lodged in the cellular substance, behind the pleura, it n10""1* betweLe«> the aorta and the vena azygos, as far as the fifth vertebra of the thorax, where it is hid by the azygos, as this vein rises forward to join the descending or superior cava; af. ter which the duct passes obliquely over to lhe left side behind the cesophagus, aorta descendens, and the great curvature of the aorta, until it reaches the left carotid ar- tery; behind which, on the left side of the cesophagus, if runs to the interstice of the first and second vertebra of the thorax, where it begins to separate from the carotid, stretching further toward the left internal jugular vein by a circular turn, w hose t onvex part is uppermost. Af the top of this arch it splits into two for a line and a half; the superior branch receiving into it a large lymphatic vessel from the cervical glands. This lymphatic appears, bj blowing air and injecting liquors into it, to have few valves. When the two branches are again united, the duct contin- ues its course toward the internal jugular vein, behind which it descends, and immediately at the left side of the insertion of this vein, enters the superior posterior part of the left subclavian vein, whose internal membrane dupU- cated forms a semilunar valve, lhal is convex externally and covers two thirds of the orifice of the duct; imme diately below this orifice, a cervical vein from the muscn- li scaleni enters the subclavian. "The coats of the sac and duct are thin transparent membranes, from the inside of which, in the duct, small semilunar valves are produced most commonly in pairs, which are so situated, as to allow the passage of liquor up- ward, but oppose its return in an opposite course. The 4 number of these is generally ten or twelve. " This is the most simple and common course, situation, and structure, of the receptaculum chyli, and thoracic duct." Of the heart, lungs, and arterial system. " Previous to describing the^arterial system of the hu- man body, it will be necessary to give a general account of the thorax and its contents. By the thorax we commonly understand all that part of the body which answers to the extent of the sternum, ribs aud vertebrae of the back, both outwardly and inwardly. The thorax is divided into the anterior part, called commonly the breast; the posteri6r part called the baej, and the lateral parts called the right and leff sides. The internal parts of the thorax are contained in the cavity of the portion of the trunk, which is named the cavity of the breast. This cavity is lined by a membrane called pleura, which forms the mediastinum, and contahf it which go the contents of the abdomen. Cavity of the thorax. The hard parts which form the siues of this cavity, are the twelve vertebra; of the bacM all the ribs, and the sternum. The soft parts, which com- plete the sides, are, the membrane called pleura, which lines the cavity, and the rousculi intercostales, sterno costales, and diaphragma, already described. All these hard and soft pwts taken together represent,* kind of cage, in some measure of a conical figure, flatted on the fore side, depressed on the back side, and in a mm- ner divided into two nooks, by the figure of the vertebf* ANA ANA of the back, and terminated below a broad arched basis, inclined backward. The intercostal muscles fill up the intestines betwixt the ribs, and so complete the sides of the cavity. The basis is the diaphragm ; and the pleura not only covers the whole inner surface of the cavity, but by forming the mediastinum, divides it into two, one on the right, the other on the left. Pleura and mediastinum. The pleura is a membrane which adheres very closely to the inner surface of the ribs, sternum, and musculi in- tercostales, sub costales, and sterno costales, and to the convex side of the diaphragm. It is of a very firm tex- ture, and is supplied with blood vessels and nerves, in all which it resembles lhe peritonaeum ; and likewise in that it is made up of an inner true membranous lamina, and a cellular substance on the outside. Each side of the thorax has its particular pleura entire- ly distinct from the other: and making, as it were, two great bladders, situated laterally with respect to each other in the great cavity of the breast; in such a manner as to form a double septum, or partition, running between the vertebrae and the sternum, their other sides adhering to the ribs and diaphragm. This particular duplicative of the two pleurae is termed mediastinum: the two laminae of which it is made up are closely united together near the sternum and verfebrse; but in the middle, and toward the lower part of the fore side, they are separated by the pericardium and heart, as we shall see hereafter. A little more backward they are parted in a tubular form by the oesophagus, to which they serve as a covering; and in the most posterior part a tri- angular space is left between the vertebi83 and the two pleurae from above downward, which is filled chiefly by the aorta. Before the heart, from the pericardium to the sternum, the two laminae adhere very closely, and (here the me- diastinum is transparent, except for a small space near (he upper part, where the thymus gland is situated, so that in this place there is naturally no interstice, or particular cavity. The apparent separation is owing entirely to the common method of raising the sternum, as was plainly demonstrated by Bartbolinus in his treatise of the dia- phragm, published at Paris in 1676. The mediastinum does not commonly terminate along the middle of the inside of the sternum, as the common opinion has been. Muslow demonstrated, in the year 1715, to the Royal Academy of Sciences, that from above downward, it inclines toward the left side; and that if before the thorax is opened, a sharp instrument be run through the middle of the sternum, there will be almost the breadth of a finger between the instrument and the mediastinum, provided that the sternum remain in its nat- ural situation, and the cartilages of the ribs be cut at the distance of an inch from it on each side. From all this, we see not only that the thorax is divid- ed into two cavities, entirely separated from each other by a middle septum, without any communication, but also that by the obliquity of this partition, the right cavity is greater than the left; but there are exceptions to the above descriptions. Lientand says he has met with sev- eral subjects in which the mediastinum descended along the middle of (he sternum; and others, where it was in- 1U* dined to the left side. Sabatier observes this is rare; but he has likewise met with several examples, where an instrument thrust through the middle of the sternum, got into the left cavity of the thorax. And he has sometimes seen the right lamina of the mediastinum fixed to the mid- dle of the sternum, while the left one was fixed opposite to the articulation, with the cartilages of the ribs ; a space being left between the two, which was filled with cellular substance intermixed with fat. The pleura is connected to the membranous portion of the sternum, ribs, and muscles; to the diaphragm, peri- cardium, thymus gland, and vessels: and, in a word, to whatever lies near its convex side. The surface of the pleura turned to the cavity of the breast, is continually moistened by a lymphatic serosity, which transudes through the pores of the membranous portion. This fluid is said to be secreted by impercepti- ble glands ; but the existence of these glands has not been hitherto demonstrated. Ust. The pleura serves in general for an inner integu- ment to the cavity of the thorax. The mediastinum cuts off all communication between the two cavities, and hin- ders one lung from pressing on the other when we lie on one side* It likewise forms receptacles for the heart, per- icardium, oesophagus, &c. and it is continued over the lungs in the manner which shall be explained hereafter. Before we leave the pleura it must be observed, that it ^ adheres firmly to the ribs. This adhesion keeps the pleura stretched, and hinders it from slipping, or giving way. It likewise renders (his membrane extremely sen- sible of the least separation, caused by a coagulable lymph or accumulated blood; the nervous filaments being likewise in this case very much compressed in inspiration by the swelling of the intercostal muscles. Pericardium. The heart, with all the parts belonging to it, is contained in a membranous capsula, called pericardium, which is, in some measure, of a conical figure, and somewhat bigger than the heart; but the difference must be less duringlife, when the heart is full of blood. It is not fixed to the basis of the heart, but round the large veins above the auricles, before they send off fhe ramifications, and round the large arteries before their division. The pericardium is made up of three lamina; ; fhe mid- dle and chief of which is composed of very fine tendinous filaments, which are best seen in old persons; they are closely interwoven, and cross each other in different di- rections. The internal lamina seems to be a continuation of the outer coat of the heart, auricles, and great vessels. The trunks of the aorta and p'ulmonary artery have one common coat, which contains them both, as in a sheath, and is lined on the inside by a cellular substance, chiefly in that space which lies between where the trunks are turned to each other and the sides of the sheath. There is but a very small portion of the vena cava contained in the pericardium. It is the middle lamina which chiefly forms the peri- cardium ; and the figure of this bag is not simply conical, its apex or point being very round, and the basis having a particular elongation, which surrounds the great vessels, as has been already said, as amply as the other portion surrounds the heart. 'o ANA The pericardium is closely connected to the diaphragm, not at the apex, but exactly at that place which answers to the flat or lower side of the heart; and it is a very difficult matter to separate it from the diaphragm in dis- section, (he tendinous fibres of the one substance inter- mixing with those of the other. This adhering portion is in some measure of a triangular shape, answering to that of the lower side of the heart ; and the rest of the bag lies upon the diaphragm, without any adhesion. The external lamina, or common covering, as it may be called more properly, is formed by the duplicafure of the mediastinum. It adheres to the proper bag of the pericar- dium by the intervention of the cellular substance in that duplicafure, but leaves it where the pericardium adheres to the diaphragm; on the upper surface of which it is spread, as being a continuation of the pleura. The internal lamina is perforated by an infinite number of very small holes through which a serous fluid continually transudes, in the same manner as in the peritonaeum, there being no glands for this purpose, as some have supposed. This fluid being generally collected after death, makes what is called aqua pericardii, which is found in consider- able quantities in opening dead bodies while fhey remain fresh. Sometimes it is of a reddish colour, which may be owing to a transudation of blood through the fine mem- brane of the auricles. Of the Heart. Situation in general, and conformation. The heart is a muscular body situated in the cavity of the thorax on the anterior part of the diaphragm between the two laminae of (he mediastinum. It is in some measure of a conical figure flatted on the sides, round at the top, and oval at the basis. Accordingly we consider in the heart, the basis ; the apex; two edges, the one right and the other left; and two sides, one of which is generally flat and inferior, the other more convex and superior. Besides the muscular body, which forms what we chief- ly call the heart, its basis is accompanied by two appendi- ces called auriculae, and by large blood vessels; of which hereafter: and all these are included in the pericardium. The heart is hollow within, and divided by a septum which runs between the edges into two cavities called ven- tricular, one of which is thick and solid, the other thin and soft. This latter is generally termed the right ventri- cle, the other the left ventricle ; though in their natural sit- uation, the right ventricle is placed more anteriorly than the left, as we shall see hereafter. Each ventricle opens to the basis by two orifices; one of which answers to the auricles, the other to the mouth of a large artery; and accordingly, one of them may be termed the auricular orifice, the other the arterial orifice. The right ventricle opens into the right auricle, and into the trunk of the pulmonary artery; .the left into the left auricle, and into the great trunk of the aorta. At the edges of these orifices are found several moveable pellicu- la?, called valves, of which some are turned inward toward the cavity of the ventricles called the tricuspid; others are turned toward the great vessels, called semilunar, or sigmoid. The tricuspid valves of the left ventricle are likewise termed mitral. Ventricles. The inner surface of the ventricles is very uneven, many eminences and cavities being observable ANA therein. The most considerable eminences are thick fleshy productions, called column»carni»,flesny column* To the extremities of these pillars are fastened several chorda; tendiwe, tendinous cords, the other ends of which are joined to the valvulae tricuspides. There are likewise other small short tendinous ropes along both edges of the septum, between the ventricles. These small cordsJij in an obliquely transverse situation, and form a kind of net work at different distances. The cavities of the inner surface of the ventricles are small deep fossula; or lacuna; placed very near each other, with small prominent interstices between them. The great- est part of these lacunse are orifices of the vernal duct, to be described hereafter. Structure of the ventricles. The fleshy or muscular fibres of which the heart is made up, are disposed in a very singular manner, especially those of the right or^an- terior ventricle, being either bent into arches or foldedtinto angles. •<"-. The fibres which are folded into angles are longer those which are only bent into arches. The middle of these arches and the angles of the folds are turned toward the apex of the heart, and the extremities of the fibres toward the basis. These fibres differ not only in length; but in their directions, which are very oblique in all, but much more so in the long or folded fibres than in the short ones which are simply bent. It is commonly said, that this obliquity represents the figure 8; but the comparison is very false, and can only agree to some bad drawings made by persons ignorant of the laws of perspective. All these fibres, regard being had to their different ob- liquity and length, are disposed in such a manner as that the longest form partly the most external strata of the con- vex side of the heart, and partly the most internal on the concave side, the middle of the arches and the angles meet- ing obliquely and successively to form the apex. The fibres situated within these long ones, grow gradu- ally shorter and straighter all the way to the basis of the heart, where they are very short and very little incurvated. By this disposition, the sides of the ventricles are very thin near the apex of the heart, and very thick toward the ,' basis. Each ventricle is composed of its proper distinct fibres; but the left ventricle has many more than the right, -its substance being considerably thicker. Where the tm ventricles are joined, they form an impervious septum which belongs equally to both. Opposite to this septs? a groove is seen on the outside of the heart, one runninf longitudinally on the upper, the other on the under sur- face ; in these grooves the great branches of the coronal^ arteries and veins are lodged. ( *' There is this likewise peculiar to the left ventricle, that the fibres which form the innermost septum of its concave side, form the outermost stratum of the whole convex side of the heart, which consequently is common to both ventricles; so that by carefully unravelling all the fibres of the heart, wefind it to be made up of two bags contained in a third. The anterior or right ventricle is somewhat larger than a the posterior or left, as well observed by the ancients,and clearly demonstrated by M. Helvetius. The left is a little longer than the right, and in some subjects they end exteriorly in a kind of double apex. ANA ANA But it appears from experiments, that the inequality be- tween the parts of the right and those of the left side of the heart, is not so great during life as after death ; for in the hearts of animals killed by cutting across the vessels of the neck, and in those of persons who have died in battle from a wound in the vena cava, or pulmonary artery, the in- equality is less than we commonly perceive. This was first observed by M. Vieussens, professor of anatomy at Altorf. '.- Sabatier has made several experiments on animals, the result of which is nearly the same with that mentioned above. All the fibres are not directed the same way, though they are all more or less oblique: for some end toward the right hand, others toward the left, some forward, some backward, and others in the intermediate places; so that in unravelling them, we find that they cross each other gradually, sometimes according to the length of the heart, and sometimes according to its breadth. The tubes which cross each other transversely, are much more numerous than those which cross longitudinal- ly : which ought to be taken notice of, that we may recti- fy the false notions that have been entertained concerning the motion of the heart; namely, that it is performed by a contortion or twisting like that of a screw, or that the heart is shortened in the time of contraction, and lengthen- ed in dilation. The fibres which compose the inner or concave surface of the ventricles do not all reach to the basis; some of them running into the cavity and there forming the fleshy columns to which the loose floating portion of the tricus- pidal valves is fastened by tendinous cords. Besides these fleshy pillars the internal fibres form a great many eminences and depressions, which not only render the inner surface of the ventricles uneven, but give it a great extent within a small compass. Some of these depressions are the orifices of the venal ducts, found in the substance of the ventricles, which have been already men- tioned. The circumference of the great openings of the basis of the heart are tendinous, and may be looked upon as the common tendon of all the fleshy fibres, of which the ventricles are composed. Valves. The valves at the orifices of the ventricles are of two kinds ; one kind allows the blood to enter the heart, and hinders it from going out the same way; the oth- er kind allows the blood to go out of the heart, but hinders it from returning. The valves of the first kind terminate the auricles; and those of the second lie in the openings of the great arteries. The first are termed semilunar or 'sigmoid valves ; the others tricuspidal or mitral. The tricuspidal valve of the right ventricle is of a circu- lar form, and is fixed to the opening of the auricle, while the other end is attached fo the internal surface of the ven- tricle. The circular membrane of the valve soon di- vides into many parts, three of which are more considera- ble than the rest ; and these have got lhe name of tricus- pid valves, though (hey are now generally considered as forming one. That which is next the mouth of the pulmo- nary artery is (he largest, and is said by some to prevent the blood from gefling into the artery, while the ventricle is filling. It has lhree triangular productions, very smooth and polished, on that side which is turned toward the auri- cle ; and on the side next the cavity of the ventricle, they have several membranous and tendinous expansions, and their edges are notched or indented. The valve of the auricular orifice of the left ventricle is of the same shape and structure, but it is only divided into two parts; and, from some small resemblance to a mitre, has been named mitralis. That which is next the mouth of the aorta is the largest. * The semilunar valves are six in number, three belonging to each ventricle, situated at the mouths of the great arte- ries, and they may be properly enough named valvulae ar- teriales. Their concave sides are turned toward the cavity of the arteries, and their convex sides approach each other. In examining them with a microscope, we find fleshy fibres lying in the duplicafure of the membranes of which they are composed. They are truly semilunar, or in form of a crescent on that side by which they adhere; but their loose edges are of a different figure, each of them representing two small crescents; the two extremities of which meet at the mid- dle of this edge, and there form a kind of small papilla, first described by Arantius, and afterward by Morgani, and therefore named from them. The great artery that goes out from the left ventricle is termed aorta. At the beginning of the aorta, and behind the semilunar valves, three elevations are observed on the outside ; these correspond to an equal number of pits on the inside, which from the discoverer have been called si- nuses of Valsolva. Their use is not well known. The trunk of the artery which goes out from the right ventricle is called arteria pulraonaris. This trunk, as it is naturally situated in the thorax, runs first of all directly upward for a small space, then divides laterally into two principal branches, one for each lung; that which goes to the right lung being the longest, for a reason that shall be given hereafter. Auricles. The auricles are muscular bags situated at the basis of the heart, and their capacities are in proportion to those of their respective ventricles ; one toward the right ventricle, the other toward the left, and joined together by an inner septum, and external communicating fibres, much in the same manner with the ventricles ; one of fhem being named the right auricle, the other the left. They are very uneven on the inside, but smoother on the outside, and terminate in a narrow, flat, indented edge, representing a cock's comb, or in some measure the ear of a dog; this properly gets the name of auricle, the larger and smooth part of the cavity being called sinus venosus; but as the two parts make one general cavity, the name of auricle is commonly applied to the whole. They open info the or- ifices of each ventricle, which I name auricular orifices; and they are tendinous at their openings, in the same manner as the ventricles. The right auricle is larger than the left, and joins the right ventricle by a common tendinous opening, as has been already observed. It has two other openings united into one, and formed by two large veins which meet and terminate there almost in a direct line, called vena cava, superior and inferior. Highmore has described an emi- nence in form of a valve, pfaced between the mouths of the two venae cava;: this he supposed directs the blood from the veins into the auricle ; afterward Lower describ- ed and delineated it; and other anatomists have called it tuberculum Loweri, till Morgagni denied its existence iu A N A ANA the human subject. At the mouth of the inferior cava, we find a membrane in form of a crescent, described by Euitachius, and named from him. Its convex edge is fixed fo (be union of (he vein and right auricle, while its concav e edge is turned upward over the mouth of the vein. It i* most complete in the fetus; but it is found likewise in a person of advanced age, though it sometimes from use has a reticular appearance. It is said to prevent the blood in the auricle from returning into the cava; but it has a different use in the fetus, lhe notched edge of this auricle terminates obliquely in a kind of obtuse point, which is a small particular production of the great bag, and is turned toward the middle of the basis of the heart. The whole inner surface of the right auricle is uneven, by reason of a great number of prominent lines which run across the sides of it, and communicate with each other by smaller lines which lie obliquely in the intestines be- tween the former. The lines of the first kind represent trunks, and the other small branches run in an opposite direction to each other: these are called musculi pectina- ti. In the interstices between these lines the sides of the auricle are very thin and almost transparent, seeming to -be formed merely by the external and internal coats of the auricle joined together, especially near the point. The left auricle is in the human body a kind of muscu- lar bag or reservoir of a pretty considerable thickness, and unequally square, into which the four veins open call- ed venae pulmonares, and which has a distinct appendix belonging to it like a third small auricle. This bag is very even on both surfaces, and is therefore called sinus ve- nosus; but to distinguish it from the one on the right side, it is called sinus venosus sinister. However, the bag and appendix have but one common cavity, and therefore may •till be both comprehended under the common name of left auricle. In men the small portion may likewise be named the appendix of the left auricle; but in other ani- mals the case is different. This small portion or appendix of the left auricle is of a different structure from that of the bag or large portion. Exteriorly it resembles a small oblong bag bent different ways, and indented quite round the edges. Interiorly it is like the inside of the right auricle. The whole common cavity of the left auricle is smaller in an adult subject than that of lhe right; and (he fleshy fibres of the left auricle cross each other obliquely in strata differently dis- posed. Coronary arteries and veins. Besides the great com- mon vessels, the heart has vessels peculiar to itself call- ed the coronary arteries and veins, because they in some measure crown the basis of the heart. The coronary arte- ries, which are two in number, go out from the beginning of the aorta, and afterward spread themselves round the basis of the heart, to the substance of which they send nu- merous ramifications. Vieussens believed that some of the branches of the coronary artery opened into the cavities of the ventricles and auricles ; for by throwing a tine injection into these arteries, he found it run out into all sides of the right ventricle and auricle. Thebesius of Allemand being nearly of the same opinion, endeavoured to prove that there were veins which carried part of the blood from the coronary arteries immedi- ately into the cavities of the heart; and these have there- fore got the name of veins of Thebesius, though he is not the first discoverer. Winslow, Haller, and several other* describe such veins; but Duverney, after injecting (De heart of an elephant, doubts of their existence. Sens f who has paid much attention to this subject, denies it ah'J together; and Sabatier coincides with him in opinion.'*? ' There are seldom more than two arteries, of which one lies toward the right hand, the other toward the left of it anterior third part of the circumference of the aorta. The right coronary artery runs in between the basis and right] auricle, all the way to the flat side of the heart, andse1 goes half way round. The left artery has a like course between the basis and left auricle, and before it turns oa the basis, it sends off a capital branch which runs in be. tween the two ventricles. Another principal branch goes off from the union of the two arteries on the flat side of the heart, which running to the apex, there joins the other branch. The coronary veins are distributed exteriorly much a j fhe same manner. The largest opens into the posterior inferior part of the right auricle, by an orifice which is fur; nished with a valve first described by Eustachius. Besic the coronary veins, the heart has other anterior veins, r which have been called by Vieussens, venae innominata. \\ Some of them go into the right auricle, others end in the right ventricle; and there are other veins still smaller, which are found in the substance of the heart, and which, terminate in the right sinuses and auricle. Particular situation of the heart. The heart lies almost transversely on the diaphragm, the greatest part ofijL. being in the left cavity of the fhorax, and the apex beinA turned toward the bony extremity of the sixth true rib. The basis is toward %the right cavity; and both auricles, espfc'* cially the right, rest on the diaphragm; but the situation" of the heart during life changes a little, according to the state of respiration, and fo the posijion of (he body. The origin or basis of the pulmonary artery is, in this natural situation, the highest part of the heart on the fore side; and the trunk of (his ar(ery lies in a perpendicular - plane, which may be perceived to pass between the ster- num and spina dorsi. Therefore some part of the basi$of the heart is in the right cavity of (he thorax; and the rest,,. all the way to (he apex, is in the left cavi(y ; and it is for-. this reason that the mediastinum is turned toward (hat side. According to this true and natural situation of the hearty the parts are commonly said (o be on (he right side, or rather anterior, and (hose on (he lef( side posterior; and that side of the heart which is though! to be the fore side, is naturally the upper side, and the back side consequent- ly the lower side. - The lower side is very flat, lying wholly on the dia- , p&ragm; but the upper side is a Utile convex through its , whole length, m fhe direction of the septum, between the ventricles. Uses in general. The heart, and parts belonging to it, M a £unC'paI ,nstruments of (he circula(ion of the blood. The two ventricles ought to be considered as two syringes, so closely joined together as to make but one body , and furnished Wlth 8uck ,aced m,id isU H '"^ ?theV° that ^ dra™S one of them a Hmd is let in, and forced out again by the other. ANA ANA Lungs. Situation and general figure. The lungs are two large spongy bodies, of a reddish colour in children, grayish in adult subjects, and bluish in old age ; filling the whole cav- ity of the thorax, one being seated in the right side, the other in (he left, parted by the mediastinum and heart; and of a figure answering to that of the cavity which con- tains them; that is, convex next (he ribs, concave next the diaphragm, and irregularly flatted and depressed next the mediastinum and heart. Division and figure in particular. They are distin- guished into the right and left lung; and each of these into two or three portions, called lobes, of which the right lung has commonly three, or two and a half, and the left lung two. The right lung is generally larger than the left, answerably to the cavity of the breast, and to the obliqui- ty of the mediastinum. In the lower edge of the left lung there is an indented notch or sinus, opposite to the apex of the heart, which is therefore never covered by (hat lung, even in the strong- est respiration; and consequently the apex of the heart and pericardium may always strike against the ribs, the lungs not surrounding the heart in the manner commonly taught. Structure. The substance of the lungs is almost all spongy, being made of an infinite number of membranous cells, and of different sorts of vessels spread among the cells in innumerable ramifications. Coats. This whole mass is covered by a membrane continued from each pleura, which is commonly said to be double; but what is looked upon as the inner membrane, is only an expansion and continuation of a cellular sub- stance, which shall be spoken of after we have described the vessels of the viscus. JJronchia. The vessels which compose part of the sub- stance of the lungs are of three or four kinds ; the principal of these are air vessels and blood vessels. The air ves- sels make the chief part, and are termed bronchia. These bronchia are conical lubes, composed of an infi- nite number of cartilaginous fragments, like so many irreg- ular arches of circles, connected together by a ligamenta- ry elastic membrane; and disposed in such a manner, that the lower easily insinuate themselves within those above them. They are lined on the inside by a very fine membrane, which continually discharges a mucilaginous fluid; and in the substance of the membrane are a great number of small blood vessels, and on its convex side many longitudinal lines, which appear to be partly fleshy, and partly made up of an elastic substance of another kind. The bronchia are divided, in all directions, into an in- finite number of ramifications, which diminish gradually in size ; and as they become capillary, change their cartilag- inous structure into that of a membrane. Besides these very small extremities of fhis numerous series of ramifi- cations, we find that all the subordinate trunks, from the greatest to the smallest, send out from all sides a vast number of short capillary lubes of the same kind. Vesiculaebronchiales. Each of these bronchial tubes is widened at the extremity, and thereby formed into a membranous cell, commonly called a vesicle. These cells or folliculi are closely connected together in bundles; each small branch producing a bundle proportionable to its extent, and the number of its ramifications. Lobuli. These small vesicular or cellulous bundles are termed lobules ; and as the great branches are divided into small rami, so the great lobules are divided into several small ones. The cells or vesicles of each lobule have a free communication with each other, but the several lob- ules do not communicate so readily. Interlobular substance. The lobules appear to be dis- tinctly parted by another cellular substance, which sur- rounds each of them in proportion to fheir extent, and fills up the interstices between them. This substance forms likewise a kind of irregular membranous cells, which are thinner, looser, and broader, than the bronchial vesicles. This substance is dispersed through every part of the lungs, forms cellulous or spongy vaginae, which surround the ramifications of the bronchia and blood vessels, and is afterward spread over the outer surface of each lung, where it forms a kind of fine cellular coat, joined to the general covering of that viscus. When we blow into this interlobular substance, the air compresses and flattens the lobuli; and when we blow into the bronchial vesicles they presently swell; and if we con- tinue to blow with force, the air passes insensibly into the interlobular substance. We owe this observation to M Helvetius. Vascular texture. All the bronchial cells are surround- ed by a very fine reticular texture of the small extremi- ties of arteries and veins, which communicate every way with each other. The greatest part of this admirable structure is the discovery of (he illustrious Malphigi. Blood vessels. The blood vessels of the lungs are of two kinds ; one common, called the pulmonary artery and veins; the other proper, called the bronchial arteries and veins. The pulmonary artery goes out from the right ventricle of the heart; and its trunk, having run directly upward as high as the curvature of the aorta, is divided into two lat- eral branches, one going to the right hand, called the right pulmonary artery; the other to the left, termed the left pulmonary artery. The right artery passes under the curvature of the aorta, and is consequently longer than the left. They both run to the lungs, and are dispersed through their whole substance by ramifications nearly like those of the bronchia, and lying in the same direction. The pulmonary veins having been distributed through the lungs, in the same manner go out on each side by two great branches, which open laterally into the reservoir or muscular bag of the right auricle. The ramifications of these two kinds of vessels in the lungs, are surrounded every where by the cellular sub- stance already mentioned, which likewise gives them a kind of vagina; and the rete mirabile of Malphigi, de- scribed above, is formed by the capillary extremities of these vessels. It must be observed, that the ramifications of the arteries are more numerous and larger than those of the veins, which in all other parts of the body exceed the arteries both in number and size. Bronchial arteries and veins. Besides these capital blood vessels, there are others called fhe bronchial arte- ries and veins, which are very small, but they follow the bronchia through all their ramifications. They commu- ANA ANA nicale with the pulmonary arteries and veins in many places, likewise with the arteries and veins of the oesopha- gus, and with branches of the coronary artery and vein. These are nutrient vessels of the lungs. Ligaments. Under the root of each lung, that is, un- der (lint part formed by the subordinate trunk of the pul- monary artery, by the trunks of the pulmonary veins, and by the trunk of the bronchia, there is a pretty broad liga- ment, which ties the posterior edge of each lung to the lateral parts of the vertebrae of the back from the root all the way to the diaphragm. Trachea arteria. The bronchia, already described, are branches or ramifications of a large canal, partly car- tilaginous, and partly membranous, called trachea, or as- pera arteria. It is situated anteriorly in the lowerpartof the neck, whence it runs down into the thorax between the two pleurae through the upper space left between the du- plicafure of the mediastinum, behind the thymus. Having reached as low as the curvature of the aorta, it divides into lateral parts, one toward the right hand, the other toward the left, which enter the lungs, and are dis- tributed through them in the manner already said. These two branches are called bronchia; and that on the right side is shorter than that of the left, whereas the right pul- monary artery is the longest. The trachea is made up of segments of circles of carti- laginous hoops, disposed in such a manner as to form a canal, open on the back part of the cartilages, not going quite round: but this opening is filled by a soft glandular membrane, which completes the circumference of the ca- nal ; but this cannot be to give way to the cesophagus: for, instead of descending immediately upon the middle of that canal, the trachea inclines a little to the right side; and the same structure is formed in the back part of the bronchial vessels, which are at some distance from the ceso- phagus. Each circle is about the twelfth part of an inch in breadth, and about a quarter of that space in thickness. Their extremities are round; and fhey are situated hori- zontally above each other, small interstices being left be- tween them, and the lower edge of the superior segments being turned toward the upper edge of those next below them. They are all connected by a very strong elastic mem- branous ligament fixed to their edges. The trachea is covered externally with a quantity of cellular substance, which unites it to the neighbouring parts, and it is lined on the inside by a particular membrane; which appears to be partly fleshy or muscular, and partly ligamentary, perforated by an infinite number of small holes, more or less imperceptible, through which a mu- cilaginous fluid continually passes, to defend the inner sur- face of the trachea against the acrimony of the air which we breathe. This fluid comes from small glandular bodies dispersed through the substance of the membrane, but especially from glands something larger than the former, which lie on the outer or posterior surface of that strong membrane by which the circumference of the canal is completed. The same structure is observable in the ramifications of the trachea, from the greatest to the smallest. All the vessels of which the lungs are chiefly composed, that is, fhe air vessels or bronchia, and the blood vessels or the pulmonaryand bronchial arteries and veins, accom- pany each other through this viscus. They are disposed commonly in such a manner, even to the last ramifications, as that a subordinate trunk or branch of the bronchia lies between the like trunks or branches of the pulmonary artery and vein ; the bronchial V" vessels being immediately joined to the bronchia. In ' some places these three kinds of vessels touch each otheip*" in such a manner as to have a triangular space in the mid- H die. The bronchia are divided into a very great number oftT ramifications; and the last rami are the pedicles or foof.f, stalks of the small lobuli. AH the lobuli are angular, ob- long, broad, thin, &c. The footstalks send out other smaller membranous pedicles, which are very short, and ter- *i minate in the bronchial vesicles or cells, of which they are \ continuations. The subordinate trunks and rami detach a .•, great number of these pedicles from their convex surface. " "T! When we blow into the lungs, the bronchial cells near- J est their outer surface appear like small portions of round vesicles; and from this appearance all the bronchial cells have got the name of vesicles, though they are all angu- lar, except those which we have now mentioned. . When we examine a lung without blowing it up, we find that the cartilaginous segments of the bronchia lie so near as to be engaged in each other; and in drawing out any portion of the bronchia by two ends, these segments are parted, and the whole canal is increased in length; but it contracts again, by meafis of its elastic membrane, as soon as that force is taken off. When we open lengthwise any portion of the pulmona- ry artery and vein in the same lung, we meet with a great number of transverse rugae, which are destroyed when these vessels are elongated. This is an observation made by M. Helvetius. By virtue of this structure, all the ramifications, both of the bronchia and pulmonary arteries and veins, have con- stantly the same direction, whether the lung be inflated or collapsed: and they contract in length without being con- torted or folded. In expiration these vessels are elongat- ed, and shortened in inspiration. These three vessels lie in a sort of cellular vagina, which accompanies all their ramifications, and is a con- tinuation of their interlobular cells. The pellicula; which compose it are, however, there disposed in a more regular manner, and more longitudinally than in other places, and thereby appear to form a true vagina. When we blow through a pipe, introduced so far as to touch immediately a trunk of the blood vessels or bron- chia, the air runs through all the cells that lie nearest that trunk or its branches; but if we continue to blow, it insin- uates itself through the whole interlobular substance. Bronchial glands. At the angle of the first ramification of the trachea arteria, we find on both the fore and the back sides certain soft, roundish, glandular bodies, of a bluish or blackish colour, but reddish in a child ; in size they va- ry from that of a field bean to that of a millet seed. 1hrough these the lymphatic vessels of the lungs pass in their way to the thoracic duct. The trachea has several coats, as has been already ob- served. The outermost or common covering surrounds that part of the trachea which lies in the thorax; but out of the thorax this first coat is derived from the aponeurotic ANA ANA expansions of the muscles of the neck ; and it is between this and the following covering that the glands, already mentioned, are situated. The second is a proper coat, being a continuation of the cellular covering of the lungs ; the pellicula? of which, near the cartilaginous segments, serve them for an external per- icardium. The third membrane lies on the inside, ad- hering closely to the same cartilages, and supplying to these (he place of an internal pericardium. The fourth membrane is that which completes the cir- cumference of the cartilaginous circles of the trachea. It consists chiefly of two laminae or strata, partly muscular and partly tendinous: the external or posterior lamina being made up of longitudinal fibres; and the internal or anterior of transverse fibres. The membrane is perforat- ed by the small ducts of the above mentioned glands, which discharges a fluid when pressed; and being exam- ined through a microscope, they appear vascular or folli- culous, much like that of the stomach. The ligaments between the cartilaginous circles are very strong and elastic, and each of them is confined to two car- tilages, without communicating with any of the rest: being fixed to the edges of these cartilages much in the same manner as the intercostal muscles are inserted in the ribs. As the bronchia penetrate into the substance of the lungs, they gradually lose their cartilages, till at last they become purely membranous; but the muscular lines of M. Morgagni appear as much, and sometimes more than be- fore. The two planes above mentioned continue likewise to be visible; and we observe very distinctly sometimes, even without a microscope, a great many small holes in the pellicles of the lobuli, and bronchial vesicles or cells, which open from wfthin outward. Of the arteries in general. The arteries are long elastic and pulsating tubes, the diameters of which decrease according to the number of branches which they give off. The coats of the arteries are three in number: an exter- nal or cellular coat, a middle or muscular coat, and an in- ternal or smooth membranous coat. The use of the arteries is to convey blood from the heart through the lungs, throughout the system in general, or the heart itself. The origin of the two great trunks from which they all arise has already been explained, and of these two all the rest are branches. OF PARTICULAR ARTERIES. The aorta. The large arteries, termed aorta, open with a wide ori- fice from the superior and posterior side of the left ventri- cle of the heart. Its roots seem incorporated with the very substance of the heart; as it is not only intimately united with its internal surface, but some muscular striae of the ventricle are also mixed with the white" line, which is call- ed tendo arteriosus, and which indicates the commence- ment of the artery. Some transverse fibres of the heart are united to the exfernal part of the aorta, and cover it for a line and a half. Having left the heart, the aorta is immediately expanded; nor does it again recover its di- tol. i. 19 ameter till it sends off the subclavian artery of the righl side. In its ascent, it is first inflected to the right, behind and beyond fhe pulmonary artery; it gradually inclines itself to the left, till, having formed a transverse arch, it is seen projecting behind the lungs at the left side of the verfe- brse. Supported by these it descends in the same straight line with themselves: till having, at last, entered the ab- domen, it again begins to turn toward the right, and rests upon the middle of the vertebrae. By the arch of the aorta is meant its parabolic flexure, the right pillar of which first stretches to the right, and then to the left, while the left advances almost in a straight line. In considering the whole extent of the arch, we observe that it springs from the ventricle at the inferior margin of the third rib, ascends by an oblique and winding course to the lower margin of the first; its exterior and right ex- tremity corresponding to the middle of the cartilages of the ribs ; and its left extremity, being concealed by the left lobe of the lungs, proceeding onward, and in like man- ner corresponding to the vertebral extremity of the ribs. FIRST SUBDIVISION. Branches from the arch of the aorta. I. The two coronary arteries of the heart, vis. the right or inferior, and left or superior, which being sent off above the interior and posterior semilunar valves, form, in returning to the heart, an acute angle wifh the rising trunk. II. The innominata. HI. The left common caro- tid. IV. The left subclavian. The three last arise at distinct branches from the great- est convexity of the arch. The first of them passes ob- liquely upward, and to the right over the trachea; and having advanced about two inches, divides at its right ex- tremity info the right common carotid, and the right sub- clavian. The other two branch out from the aorta near the former, and are also similar to them. I. The right coronary is larger than the left. Covered with fat, it runs between the auricle and ventricle to the flat surface and apex of the heart, inosculating freely with the left coronary, both by its branches, and the extremity of its trunk. II. The left coronary, after going out between the pul- monary artery and left auricle, divides into two branches. III. The right subclavian. For the description of this and the left one, see below. IV. The common carotid has on each side a similar dis- tribution of its branches, though the right be a little larg- er than the left. It lies on the anterior surface of the vertebrae, and is united by a cellular membrane to the in- tercostal nerve, the par vagum beneath, and the internal jugular vein above. It thus ascends one continued trunk parallel to the trachea, a3 high as the superior margin of the thyroid cartilage. It there divides into branches of equal size ; the anterior of which is called the external, and the posterior the internal or cerebral. Distribution of the common carotid. I. The external or superficial carotid. This artery has scarcely arisen, when it advances forward, and di- vides into eight branches variously distributed. ANA ANA 1. The superior thyroid, issuing near the origin of the trunk, and descending windingly to the superior margin of the thyrbid gland. 2. The lingual or sublingual artery, winding above the os hyoides, forward, upward and inward, to the tongue. Al its commencement, it either passes over, or is covered by, the hyo glossus; then is concealed by the genio glos- sus. 3. The internal maxillary, labial, angular, or facial. Con- cealed at its origin by the stylo hyoideus, and the ten- don of the digastric. Ascends tortuously forward, through the depression of the sub-maxillary gland, and, winding over the maxilla, follows the anterior margin of the mas- seter; afterward branches out under the zygomatic mus- cles, in serpentine windings, upon the face and the sides of the mouth and of the nose. 4. The ascending pharyngeal of Haller arises from the back part of the trunk, near the lingual, or from the bifur- cation of the carotid. The auricular excepted, it is the smallest of the branches. It ascends upon the long ante- rior rectus muscle to lhe foramen lacerum, through which it passes, to be lost in the dura mater. 5. Occipital artery passes transversely before the jugu- lar vein, above the rectus lateralis, proceeding between the transverse process of the atlas and mastoid process to the back part of the neck, and ascends, in widely spread- ing branches, to the occiput. In its course it is covered by the digastric, the trachelo mastoid, the splenius, and the complexus; and becomes subcutaneous as it approaches the occiput. 6. The posterior auricular, or stylo mastoid, rises from the trunk in the parotid gland, above the digastric muscle, and before the styloid process, then passes transversely to the ear. As it curves behind the ear, it also inclines to the posterior part of the squamous bone, inosculating with the temporal and occipital arteries. 7. The superficial temporal. This artery, concealed at first in the parotid gland, stretches above the zygomatic arch, between the jaw and meatus auditorius,and is at last extensively ramified over the side of the head. 8. Internal maxillary. This artery, larger than the tem- poral, rises about the middle of the ramus of the inferior maxillary bone, before the external pterygoid ; and, bend- ing inward, forward, and downward, is concealed by the maxilla. It then rises obliquely upward and forward to the spheno maxillary fissure. II. The internal carotid or cerebral artery. This ar- tery, in rising to its canal, is connected before to the par vagum and intercostal nerves; and behind to the rectus anticus muscle. Sometimes it forms above the vertebise a larger or smaller projecting curvature. In this course no branches are, in general, given off. At last it enters the foramen carotideum ; and passing along this canal, under- goes many remarkable inflections. On its first entering the foramen, it proceeds upward, inward, and a little for- ward. It then rises from the canal forward and upward at a very obtuse angle. Having at last reached the poste- rior part of the sella Turcica, it bends in the cavernous si- nus, so as fo run in an horizontal direction to the anterior clinoid process. It here rises perpendicularly, perforates the internal surface of the dura mater, and proceeds near the bottom of the brain backward to the cerebrum. Its most remarkable branches are, 1. The othalmic artery, rising in the angle where the ca- rotid artery leaves the sphenoid bones near its anterior clinoid processes, and running with the nerve which ac- companies and rests upon it, through lhe optic hole, to the orbit. Lying by the external side of the optic nerve, it passes obliquely forward over it; and reaching the in. ternal angle of the eye above its adductor, divides it into two branches. 2. The communicating artery. This, along wifh (he deep branch of the vertebral artery of the cerebrum, forms the circle of Willis. It proceeds straight backward and inward, near the infundibulum, where it reaches the arte- ry already mentioned, and there seems an obtuse angled quadrangle. 3. The anterior carotid artery, or arterial callosa. The internal carotid at that place where the anterior lobe of the brain is separated from the posterior, divides into two branches of nearly equal size ; of which the anterior pro- ceeds immediately inward, and a little forward ; then bends above the corpus callosum, between the hemispheres, to the posterior lobes of the brain. 4. The posterior carotid, or the artery of the fossa syl- .viana, enters the fossa sylvii, and gives to each numerous superficial and deep seated branches to both lobes of the brain. Distribution of the subclavian artery and its branches* The division of the right and left subclavian artery dif- fers only in this respect, that the right subclavian is much larger, passes obliquely over the trachea, and sends off the common carotid. 'Having left this branch at the side of the trachea, it is now more properly lhe right sub- clavian ; and, still continuing larger than the left, proceeds nearly in a transverse direction. The left subclavian, on the other hand, while it gradually ascends from the in- clining part of the arch, passes on to its place of destina- tion with a more rapid and extensive curvature. These two arteries run in such a direction above the su- perior margin of the first rib, as fo be concealed for some time by the clavicle. They then proceed with the bra- chial plexus, across that space lying between the first and second scalene muscles; and being covered by the flat- tened extremity of the clavicle and pectoral muscle, bend to the axilla?, where they take the name of axillary arte- ries. The branches of the subclavian arteries, and their ramuli, present so many varieties, that no description, ei- ther as to their number or their direction, can in every re- spect correspond with nature. In general, however, the four first branches arise before the artery sinks under the scalenus, while the rest are sent off beyond the margin of this muscle. These are, 1. The internal mammary, going off from the lower and anterior part of the trunk at the highest part of the pleura, where ascending gradually, and again bending downward to the sternum, it reaches the margin of the first rib, un- der which it passes,* and running between the pleura and middle part of the cartilages of fhe ribs, descends be- tween the internal intercostal and their sternocostal mus- cles, as far as lhe diaphragm. It then passes between the diaphragm and the ribs, and dividing into many twigs, it is osf under lhe rectus of the abdomen, from its origin to the third rib. It bends toward the sternum, then gradually inclines outward. a ANA ANA 2. The inferior thyroid or anterior cervical artery, ris- ing from the fore part of the trunk, near the mammary and vertebral arteries; and being covered by the sterno mas- toid, and bent a little upward and outward, immediately divides into four principal branches; the transverse sca- pular, the transverse cervical, the ascending thyroid, and the thyroid branch of the thyroid. 3. The superior intercostal arlery rises more externally than the vertebral, from the upper and posterior surface of the trunk, then ascends with it to the hollow, then it is formed by the anterior scalenus, the surface of the first rib, and bodies of the vertebra?. It is there suddenly re- flected, and proceeds to the roots of the first and second ribs within the thorax. 4. The vertebral artery, larger than the former, rises from the superior side of the subclavian; and ascending a little backward, covered by the ganglions of the intercos- tal and cellular membranes, reaches the perforations of the transverse processes of fhe cervical verfebrse \ through these it penetrates, and rising perpendicularly from the sixth or sometimes from the fifth or fourth opening, reaches the aperture of the atlas, where it bends a little outward, and having passed through, undergoes another more ex- tensive flexion backward and inward, by which it is car-' ried transversely in a groove between the occipital bone and the atlas, to the foramen magnum. Through this open- ing having at last entered the cranium, it proceeds upward and forward, and at the basilar apophysis, under the me- dulla oblongata, meets at an acute angle with the vertebral artery of the opposite side, forming the basilar artery, to be distributed to the cerebrum and cerebellum. The basilar artery, being formed as above, occupies the depression in the middle of the tuber annular, and at its an- terior part divides into four parallel branches, proceeding from the trunk at right angles. Of these the posterior go to the cerebellum, and the two anterior, ramified on the cerebrum, unite with communicating arteries of the caro- tid, and form the great circle of Willis. 5. The deep or posterior cervical arlery, irregular in its origin, size, and extent, and like fhe superficial cervical or transverse scapula of the thyroid, spreads sometimes more and sometimes less extensively with its branches. We have sometimes observed it the smallest of all, and proceeding from fhe superior intercostal, it generally is- sues from fhe subclavian, beyond the margin of the scale- nus, though sometimes sooner under this muscle. It then winds upward and backward between the deep muscles of the back and the sixth vertebrie; and is at least so dis- persed among the muscles as to bestow its ultimate branches on the complexus near the occiput. 6. The superficial cervical rises about half an inch or an inch from the first scalenus at the upper and anterior side of the subclavian, where it begins to bend downward, and immediately hides itself among the brachial nerves; and spreading out afterward toward the superior costa scapula, divides into many irregular branches. Distribution of the axillary artery. The subclavian artery, as it bends from its first situa- tion between the breast and scapula, to the humerus, as- sumes the name of axillary. Passing out under the arch of (he clavicle, it is surrounded by the nerves of the bra- chial plexus, the veins, glands, and a quantity of fat; lies 19* in the hollow of the axilla, between the subscapular and serratus major; and protected externally by the pectoral muscles, it soon approaches forward to the arm and inte- rior margin of the biceps. At last, proceeding from the axilla to the inferior border of the tendon of the latissi mus dorsi, it takes the name of the humeral artery. It sends off, 1. The thoraeics. 2. The inferior scapular, or infrascapular, or subscapular, rising in the inferior margin of the subscapular muscle, divided into conspicuous branches, which run in various directions. 3. The posterior circumflex artery, issuing between the subscapular and teres major; it sinks between them, winds roimd the neck of the humerus, under the long extensor, and afterward bends transversely under the deltoid, back- ward and outward from the inner side of the arm. It some- times gives rise to the anterior circumflex, and the deep branch of the humerus or humeral profunda. 4. The anterior circumflex artery, of smaller size, sent out near the former, above the teres major, proceeds round the humerus, under the biceps and coraco brachial to the outer part of the arm, where it either disappears un- der the deltoid, or enters this muscle. Distribution of the brachial or humeral artery. The axillary artery is first known by the name of the humeral or brachial, where it proceeds from the axilla to the internal side of the arm. Having left the cavity of the axilla, and passed to the internal surface of the ten- don of the teres major, it continues its course above the internal brachial to the inner side of the biceps, and gradually runs along the middle of the arm to the an- terior surface of its extremity; where at last, concealed under the aponeurosis of the biceps, it divides near the bend of the fore arm into the ulnar and radial arteries. 1. The deep branch of the humerus, the large collateral, or large humeral profunda, sometimes double, rising from the inner side of the trunk, at the inferior margin of the teres major; but sometimes sooner, from the inferior sca- pular, or posterior circumflex. It proceeds backward with a gentle curve; and, ac- companying the extensor, runs to the cavity between the anconei muscles, where, in the passage of the spiral nerve, it divides into two branches, at the upper junction of the external anconeus and internal brachial. 2. The large anastomafic, rising sometimes double from the internal side of the trunk, a few inches above the joint; but immediately dividing, it passes in a trans- verse course upon the surface of the internal brachial to fhe flexor condyles, where, perforating the intermuscular ligament, it runs upward to the cavity, between the con- dyle and olecranon, covered by the tendon of the biceps and the ulnar flexor of the carpus. The ulnar artery. The humeral artery sometimes un- dergoes the division already mentioned at the middle of the humerus, or even higher. This, however, is the larg- est artery which arises from the trunk at the bend of the arm. Scarcely has it arisen, when it sinks deep info the cavity that is occupied by the tendon of the biceps, the nerve, blood vessels, and fat. It then bends near the in- terstice of the bones, under the pronator teres, radial flex- or, palmaris longus, and sublimis, to the lunar side of the ANA fore arm, proceeding gradually with many deflections be- tween the sublimis, the profundis, and ulnar flexor, to the wrist. Passing over the wrist, it forms the superficial arch of the hand, which gives beautiful arteries to the fi°g«^s» and finally inosculates at the palm with the radical. The chief branch is, 1. The common interosseal, rising at the higher extrem- ity of the profundus, running on the interosseous ligament, between the flexor pollicis and profundus, toward the pronator quadratus. The radial artery, the smallest of the two branches which proceed from the division of the humeral. It runs. down in a straight line upon the surface of the pronator, and gradually inclines toward the radius, between the long supinator and radial flexus, resting on the flexor of the thumb. At the lower extremity of the radius, where it is easily felt between the styliform process and the trapezi- um, on the back of the hand, it bends under the abductor and extensor of the thumb, near the first radial extensor; then penetrating the abductor, or semi-interosseus of the fore finger, between the metacarpal bone of the fore fin- ger and thumb, bends, while there concealed, to the palm between the fibres of the adductor pollicis, and forms, in the hollow of the hand, under the flexors, and above the interosseous muscles, the deep volar arch, in which.it ter- minates. SECOND SUBDIVISION. Branches from the descending aorta. It appears, from the general description of the aorta, that, after the formation of the arch, it bends gradually be- hind the lungs to the left side of the vertebral column; and lying close upon this column, penetrates, in a straight line, behind the pleura, through the cavity of the thorax, to the muscular crura of the diaphragm, directing its course in the abdomen to the inferior lumbar vertebrae. Anatomists have therefore properly divided the de- scending aorta into the thoracic and ventral, whose limits are defined by the diaphragm, which allows, by the sepa- ration of its crura, a convenient passage for the descend- ing trunk. Distribution of the thoracic aorta. Through its whole descent, the thoracic aorta inclines to the left; though near the lesser or inferior diaphragm it seems gradually to approach the middle of the verte- bra?. The numerous branches which it sends out, though not large, are yet worthy of notice. These are, the peri- cardiac, bronchia], oesophageal, and aorta, or inferior inter- costal arteries. Distribution of the ventral aorta. The ventral or abdominal aorta, is the lowest part of the common trunk. It passes from the thorax, through the inferior muscle of the diaphragm, to the right side of the cesophagus, in a straight direction, inclining rather to the left, and proceeds gradually through the abdomen upon the surface of the vertebral column to the fifth lum- bar vertebra, and to the thick ligament connecting the fourth and fifth. The inner or long crura of the diaphragm, variously interwoven behind the oesophagus, separate an- teriorly on the aorta, allowing a passage through which it descends, resting posteriorly on the vertebral column. ANA This passage is considerably larger than the trunk, loose cellular substances, connecting the pleura and penlone um, being interposed. The aorta at this place is separat- ed from the vena cava by the left lobe of the liver, a part of the diaphragm, and a large quantity of cellular sub- stance; but in the space between the kidneys and the liver, these two vessels approach so near, that the margin of the artery is partly covered by the vein that afterward sends some of its branches anteriorly across. The ventral aorta is divided at the vertebra mentioned above, into two branches of equal size, forming an acut« angle as they run forward to the brim of the pelvis, These anatomists have called ilia communes, or common iliacs. The branches of the ventral aorta are best describ- ed in the order in which they occur. 1. The phrenic artery, right and left, very irregular in origin and division. Sometimes a single trunk arising above the cceliac, divides info the right and left phrenic: sometimes, again, and indeed most frequently, the right rises from the cceliac, and the left from the aorta ; while, at other times, they have been observed rising together, both from the cceliac, or both from the aorta. Sometimes lhe single trunk or common phrenic, being larger than usual, > constitutes the fourth branch of the cceliac ;. and thei forms the superior coronary branch of the stomach, There are sometimes three or four phrenic arteries, which, as soon as they arise, tend obliquely outward before the crura of the diaphragm to the inferior margin of its tendi- nous alae; and, while they here wind tortuously under the fleshy fibres, distribute various twigs, upward, outward, in- ward, and downward. Bending at last to the external margin of the tendon, and passing between the muscular layers, they run forward, and inosculate, upon the costal muscles, with the thoracic vessels and the artery of fhe opposite side. At the bend of the artery, however, they send a large branch to the posterior and inferior portion of the dia- phragm* as it rises from the ribs. II. The cceliac artery, short, but of large diameter, rising between the aorfa of the diaphragm, above the eleventh dorsal vertebra, from the anterior part of the aorta, and at the superior margin of the pancreas, betweea the papillary lobule, or lobule of Spigelius, and the left side of the lesser arch of the stomach. It then descends in a tortuous manner forward, and to the right, and run- ning about the third of an inch, ultimately separates inta three branches in such a manner, that the two on the right seem to arise from the common base ; while the left is more distinct at its origin. These are, 1. The superior coronary, or great left gastric, or supe- rior or left gastro hepatic, smaller lhan the other branches if reflected only to the stomach ; but almost equal in size to the splenic, if, as sometimes happens,, it sends a branch also to the liver. It appears sometimes to issue from the splenic, ascends to lhe left, and forward to the cardia and lesser arch of the stomach ; then bending downward and to fhe right, reaches lhe margin of the stomach, where it distributes extensively its circuitous branches, forming a corona to both sides of the stomach. 2. The hepatic. This artery, which in adults is small- er than the splenic, but in children larger, rises from the right side of lhe cceliac, or, as sometimes happens, fron the superior mesenferic, when, turning upward near tbi outer point of the lobule of Spigelius, it is concealed bj ANA ANA the pancreas; then proceeding forward, upward, and to the right, behind the right extremity of the stomach and duodenum, it observes the same obliquity as the lesser arch; and after running an inch or an inch and a half, di- vides below the neck of the gallbladder into the right transverse and left ascending hepatics; entering at last, with the other hepatic vessels, the transverse fissure or fossa of the liver. Enclosed in the capsule of Glisson, it occupies a middle space between the biliary ducts and the vena porta. 3. The splenic. While this artery runs along the up- per surface of the pancreas, and passes transversely to the depression of the spleen, it exhibits large and repeat- ed flexions upward and downward, bending in a circular or spiral form. Approaching the substance of the spleen, it divides into many branches, which are equally tortuous; and of those that sink into the spleen, some smaller ones return through the substance of the diaphragm or stomach. III. The superior mesenteric, the largest of the abdom- inal or ventral branches, rising between the crura of the diaphragm, three or four lines below the cceliac, from the anterior part of the aorta,and under the lower edge of the pancreas, proceeds between the gland and the inferior transverse flexion of the duodenum. Passing over this' portion of the intestine, it bends to the right under the mesocolon, where, received near the vertebra into the folds of the mesentery, it first inclines to the left and then to the right, where the whole artery, advancing to the right ilium, assumes the form of the Roman S, with the concave side of its large curvature looking to the right. After giving off smaller branches, the trunk sends from its right side only two branches to the large intestines; but from the left it gives a greater number of branches to the smaller intestines. These, from twelve to twenty, rise close to one another from the left convex side of the superior mesenteric, distrib- uting ramuli to the ileum and jejunum. Of these the superior are short and slender, the middle long and thick, the inferior shortest, and the last branch of all, as observed above, inosculates with the ileo colic. Running near and parallel to each other, they first proceed transversely; then, rising between the layers of the mesentery, divide into smaller branches, which so diverge, that in whatever direc- tion they go, they are soon after divided into two. These branches, as they meet, form various arches, from whose convex margin new parallel branches arise, which again soon dividing, inosculate with the adjacent branches, form- in» smaller and more numerous arches. From the con- veVity of these arches other branches arise, forming a third series of arches, and where the branches are longest, even the fourth or fifth series, till the last branches near the intestines, dividing into anterior and posterior, encir- cle these viscera, and gradually penetrating Iheir coats, form most beautiful arborescent ramifications on the cellu- lar membrane. These arches, by means of their twigs, not only form various inosculations among themselves, but also with the arborescent ramifications of the two sur- faces. The inner intestinal coat is so covered by these branches and the veins, as to give it the appearance of be- ing wholly vascular. The trunks of these arborescents lie on the roots of the valvule?. The arches are polygons ; and the first series larger fhan the rest. The lymphatic glands and coats of the vessels are surrounded with nu- merous and various twigs as variously described. IV. The inferior mesenteric or left colic. This artery rises between the venal and common iliacs, from the ante- rior and left side of the aorta, descends behind the peri- toneum to the left side of the trunk ; and having reached that place where the aorta divides into two remarkable crura forming the iliacs, sends off a large branch ; and af- ter passing the iliac artery, sinks behind the rectum into the pelvis. As it here rises forward and to the right, if. enters the duplicature of the meso rectum, and accompa- nies the intestine as far as its internal sphincter. V. Capsular or atrabiliary, right and left. These arc distinct small arteries, which, though never wanting, as they distribute many branches to the capsular gland, yet, in almost every individual, they present irregularities in number, size, or direction. They do not, like the vein, issue from one common trunk, but from various branches, coming near together nigh the seat of the gland. VI. The renal or emulgent artery, right and left. If is unnecessary to enumerate the varieties w hich anatomists have observed as to the number, origin, and magnitude of this arlery. It generally rises single from the side of the aorta between the superior and inferior mesenteric artery, from which it descends transversely at less than a right angle. The left, which is rather shorter than the right, and more posterior in its origin, turns, near the kidney, over its concomitant vein; while the right, which is long- er, is covered by its concomitant vein. Approaching the renal depression, it divides into two or four branches, which, sinking separately before and behind the pelvis of the kidney, are again divided, and. distribute their spread- ing branches-fo the papillary ones, These, as they en- circle the convex margin of the papillae, form arches with the adjoining branches, and seem to separate the cortical from the tubular substance. From the convex and con- cave margin of each arch rise innumerable small arteries, of which the former encircle the cortex, and with some of their branches, pass through its substance, and disappear on the fat; while the rest are chiefly dispersed and ex- hausted on the tubular part. Before entering the kidney, the renals give out. VII. The spermatic artery, right and left. Thisaitery is very slender, but, considering the smallness of its di- ameter, is the longest that rises from the lateral part of the aorta. It generally has its origin between the renal and mesenteric_arteries, though the right and left do not always issue from the same place j the left often rising higher, and proceeding frequently from the renal or the inferior capsular. I have observed at times, two on each side. It descends from the aorta somewhat tortuously, at a very acute angle, behind the peritoneum, and passes be- fore the vena cava on the right side. It is more tortuous in women than in men, in whom it passes through the ab- dominal ring. It joins its concomitant \cin upon the sur- face of the psoas rau3cle. Received by the spermatic cord, it is divided, at some inches before reaching the tes- tes, into five branches : two of which go to the head and upper extremity of the epididymis; while the rest run- ning down to the testicle itself, penetrate lhe tunica albu- ginea, and send off new branches in ev904 68 19.275301 EXAMPLE. What is the present worth of an annuity of 30/. to con- tinue for 16 years, at 5 percent, compound interest? The value in the Table against 16 years is 10,83777, which mul- tiplied by 30, gives the answer 325/. 2s. 7d. Reversionary Annuities are those which do not com- mence till after a certain number of years, or till (he de- cease of a person, or some other future event, has happen- ed. The present value of an annuity which is not to com- mence till the expiration of a certain period, may be found by Table II, by deducting from the value of an annuity for the whole period, the value of an annuity to the time at which the reversionary annuity is to commence. Example. What is the present value, at 5 per cent. compound interest, of 50/. per annum for 20 years, com- mencing at the end of 7 years from the present time? The value of an annuity for 27 years is 14,643034, and the value of an annuity for 7 years is 5,786373, the latter deducted from the former leaves 8,856661, which multi- plied by 50, gives 442/. 16s. 7d. the value of the rever- sionary annuity. For the value of Annuities on Lives, and of Rever- sionary Annuities on Lives or Survivorship, see Lifb Annuities. l a wvi?lSVP"W^ SeC Nat,onal D«bt and Funds. ^ i V T^» '"J^* r°ntract ver^ disti™t from a rent charge, with which it is frequently confounded : a rent charge being a burthen imposed upon, and issuing out of A N O ANT ands, whereas an annuity is a yearly sum, chargeable only ipon the person of the granter. Therefore, if a man by ieed grant to another the sum of 20/. per annum, without jxpressing out of what lands it shall issue, no land at all shall be charged wi h it ; but it is a mere personal annuity, which is of so little account in the law, that if granted to in eleemosynary corporation, it is not within the statutes af mortmain ; and yet a man may have a real estate in it, though his security is merely personal. Blacks. Com. b. ii. chap. 3. For the provisions respecting grants of annuities for lives, see Life Annuities. ANNULAR, in anatomy, something in the form of, or resembling a ring. Hence, the annular cartilage is the sec- ond cartilage of lhe larynx ; annular ligament that which encompasses the wrist, and binds the bones of the arm to- gether ; annular process, or protuberance, a part of the medulla oblongata. The sphincter muscle of the anus is, from its figure, called the annular muscle. Annular eclipse. Sp<» 4«TRnvnMV. ANNULET, in architecture, a small square member in the Doric capital, under the quarter round. Annulet is also a narrow flat moulding, which is common to divers places of the columns, as in the bases, capitals, &c. It is the same member which Vitruvius calls a fillet ; Palladio a listel or cincture ; Scamozzi and Mr. Brown, a super- cilium, list, tinea, eyebrow, square and rabbit. Annulet, in heraldry, a mark of distinction which the fifth brother of a family ought to bear in his coat of arms. ANNULLING, a term sometimes used for cancelling or making void a deed, sentence, or the like. ANNULUS, a ring, in geometry, the area of which is equal to the difference of the areas of the outer and inner circles : or it may be found by multiplying the sum of their diameters by the difference, and the product by 7854. ANNUNCIADA, Annuntiada, or Anncntiata, an order of knighthood in Savoy, first instituted by Amadeus I. in fhe year 1409. Annunci a da, is also the title of several religious orders instituted at different times, and at different places, in honour of the Annunciation. ANNUNCIATION, the tidings brought by the angel Gabriel to fhe Virgin Mary ; a festival on the 25th of March, vulgarly called lady day. In the Romish church, on this feast, the pope performs the ceremony of marrying or cloistering a certain number of maidens, who are presented to him in the church della Minerva, clothed in white serge, and muffled up from head to foot : an officer stands by, with purses containing notes of fifty crowns for those who make choice of marriage, and notes of an hundred for those who choose the veil. ANNUNTIATOR, the name of an officer in the church of Constantinople. It was his business to inform the people of the festivals that were to be celebrated. ANODYNE, in pharmacy, a term applied to medi- cines which mitigate pain. A\OLYMPIADS,*v*Av/a*WW, in Grecian antiquity, an appellation given by the Elaeans to such Olympic games as had been celebrated under the direction of other states besides themselves. Anomalistical year, in astronomy, the fime fhat the earth takes to pass through her orbit: it is also called the peri- odical year. The space of time belonging to this year ia greater than the tropical year, on account of the preces- sion of the equinoxes. ANOMALOUS verbs, in grammar, such as are not conjugated conformably to the paradigm of their conjuga- tion. . . ANOMALY, in astronomy, an irregularity in the mo- tion of the planets, whereby they deviate from the aphe- lion or apogee; which inequality is either mean, eccentric, or coequate and true. See Astronomy. ANOMIA, in conchology, the name of an extensive genus of bivalves, defined as inequivalve, one valve gib- bous toward the beak, the other flat and perforated near the hinge. The animal, which is but imperfectly known, is described : body thin and slender, emarginafed, and fringed ; the hairs affixed to the upper valve ; and it has two arms, which are linear and longer than the body. Some conchologists separate the fossile kinds from those which are found in a recent state. There are 25 species, among which is the anomia terebratula. See Plate V II. Nat. Hist, fig. 21. ANOMOEANS, a sect of Christians, who asserted that the Son was of a nature different from, and in nothing like to that of the Father. This was the name by which the pure Arians were distinguished, in contradistinction to the semi Arians, who acknowledged a likeness of nature in the Son, at the same time that they denied, with the pure Arians, the consubstantiality of the Word. The semi Arians condemned the Anomceans in the council of Seleu- cia ; and the Anomoeans in their turn condemned the semi Arians in the council of Constantinople. ANOMORHOMBOIDIA, in natural history, a genus of crystaline spars, of no determinate form, easily fissile, but cleaving more readily in an horizontal than in a per- pendicular direction, their plates being composed of irreg- ular arrangements of short and thick rhomboidal concre- tions. See Mineralogy. ANON IS, rest harrow, in botany, a genus of plants, the flower of which is papilionaceous, and its fruit a turgid villose pod, containing a few kidney like seeds. This genus belongs to the diadelphia decandria class of Linnaeus, who calls it ononis. The essential character is, calyx quinquepartite; segments linear; vexillum striated ; legumen turgid and sessile ; filaments coatited, without a fissure. ANSiE, in astronomy, the parts of Saturn's ring, which are to be seen on each side of the planet, when viewed through a telescope, and the ring appears somewhat open. They are so called because they are like handles to the body of the planet. ANSEL weight, the same with auncel weight. ANSER, the trivial name of the common goose. See Anas. Anser, in astronomy, a *tar of the fifth or sixth magni- tude, in the milky way, between the swan and eaale. ANSPESSADES, in the French armies, a kind of in- ferior officer in the foot, below the corporals, but above the common sentinels. There are usually four or fi\e of them in a company. ANT, in entomology, a well known insect, much cele- brated for its industry and economy. See Formica and Termes. ANTA, in the ancient architecture, a square pilaster, placed at the corners of buildings. Anfa is used by M. A N T ANT Le Clrrc for a kind of shaft of a pillar, without base or capital, and even without any moulding. ANTACIDS, in pharmacy, an appellation given fo all medicines proper to correct and resist acid, or sour hu- mours. See Materia Medica. ANTAGONIST, muscles, in anatomy, those which have opposite functions, as flexors and extensors, abduc- tors and adductors, &c. See Anatomy. ANTALKAL1NES, in the materia medica, signifying medicines fitted to correct alkaline salts, or alkaline mat- ters in the whole body. ANATANACLASIS, in rhetoric, a figure which re- peats fhe same word, but in a different sense, as dum viv- imus, vivamus. And the English, Let the dead bury the dead. ANTANAGOGE, in rhetoric, a figure by which, when the accusation of the adversary is unanswerable, we load him with the same or other crimes. This is usually called recrimination. ANTANISOPHYLLUM, in botany. See Boerhaa- VIA. ANTARCTIC, in the general sense, denotes some- thing opposite to the arclic, or northern pole. Hence, Antarctic circle, in geography and astronomy, is one of the lesser circles of the sphere, and distant only 23° 30' from the south pole, which is likewise called antarctic, for the same reason. ANTARES, a star ofthe first magnitude, otherwise called the Scorpion's heart. See Scorpion. ANTE', in heraldry, denotes that lhe pieces are let into one another in such form as is there expressed ; as, for instance, by dove tails, rounds, swallows' tails, or the like. ANTEAMBULONES, in Roman antiquity, servants who went before persons of distinction to clear the way before them. They used this formula, Dale locum domi- no meo ; i. e. make way for my master. ANTECEDENT, in grammar, the word to which a relative refers : thus, God whom we adore, the word God is the antecedent. Antecedent, in logic, is the first of the two proposi- tions in an enihymema. Antecedent, in mathematics, is the first of two terms of a ratio, or that which is compared with the other, as in the ratio of 2 to 3, or a fo 5,2 and a are each antecedents. Antecedent signs, in medicine, such as are observed before a distemper is so formed as to be reducible to any particular class, as a bad disposition of the blood. Antecedent term, in mathematics, the first one of any ratio : thus, if the ratio be a : b, a is the antecedent term. ANTECEDENTIA, in astronomy, an apparent mo- tion of a planet toward the west, or contrary to fhe order ofthe sims, viz. from Taurus toward Aries, &c. ANTEDATE, among lawyers, a spurious or false date, prior fothe true date of a bond, bill, &c. ANTEDILUVIAN, whatever existed before Noah's flood : thus, the generations from Adam fo Noah are called the antediluvians. There have been great disputes among philosophers about fhe form, constitution, figure, and situ- ation of the antediluvian earth. Dr. Burnet contended that it was only a hollow crust, with an uniform equable sur- face, without mountains and without seas, and in all re- spects different from what we now find it to be. Dr, Woodward undertook to prove that its appearance was lhe same as at present; that it had the same position in re- spect of the sun, and consequently the same \ icissitudci of seasons: and Mr. Whiston imagined that the chaos of which our earth was formed, had been the atmosphere of a comet; that the annual motion of the earth began as soon as it assumed a new form ; but that the diurnal mo- tion did not take place till the fall of Adam; that before the deluge the year began at lhe autumnal equinox; that the orbit ofthe earth was a perfect circle ; and that the solar and lunar years were the same, each consisting of just three hundred and sixty days. The state of the antedi- luvian philosophy has been the subject of much debate among authors, and so also has the state of the population, ANTEJURAMENTUM, by our ancestors called juramentum calumnioz, an oath which anciently both ac- cuser and accused were to take before any trial or pur- gation. The accuser was to awpar ihat hp would prosecute the criminal ; and the accused to make oath, on lhe day he was to undergo the ordeal, that he was innocent of the crime charged against him. ANTELOPE, in zoology, a genus of quadrupeds. The generic character is, horns hollow, wilh a bony core, pointing upward, annulated or wreathed, permanent; front teeth, in the lower jaw, eight; no canine teeth.' Ante- lopes have but lately been included in a separate genusj fhey were formerly placed under that ofthe goaf. They form a link indeed between the goat and deer kind, but possess sufficiently distinctive marks to entitle them to stand apart from them both. They are in general natives ofthe hottest part ofthe globe, and peculiarly of A>ia and Afiica, Europe having but two species, and America none. Antelopes have a slender elegant make, and are singu- larly agile and swift in their motions : they are restless, timid, vigilant, and full of animation. Their chase is a favourite amusement in the east; and such is their speed, that the fleetest dogs cannot overtake them; on which account falcons are trained fo assail them, and by pecking at their eyes, to check their course, and throw ihem into confusion. A species of leopard is employed also fo steal upon them unawares, and seize them by a few bounds. Antelopes have the singular property of sometimes stop- ping short, and gazing at their pursuers. The beauty of their eyes affords a favourite object of comparison to eastern poets. They usually prefer hilly countries,and associate in numerous herds. They graze on herbage, or crop the shoots of trees, and their flesh is generally of a very delicate fla- vour. There are twenty-eight species of the antelope. 1. Oryx, or Egyptian antelope. The Egyptian ante- lope, or pasan, is more easily distinguished than many others in this extensive race ; the horns affording a char- acter perfectly clear and constant; they are almost en- tirely straight, nearly three feet in length, very slender in proportion to their length, annulated at the lower part or toward the base, the remainder smooth and gradually '»" pering fo the point. The size of the animal is somewhat superior to that of a deer. The pasan is nearly four feet high, measured from the top of the shoulders to the ground : it is found about the Cape of Good Hope, as well as in olher parts of Africa. ANT 2. Leucoryx, or white antelope. The leucoryx is en- tirely milk white, except the markings on the face and limbs: these are described as of a red colour, and not black, as in the pasan; the nose is thick and broad, like that of a cow; lhe ears somewhat slouching; the body heavy ; the limbs somewhat less so ; the horns very long, very slightly incurvated, slender, and annulated about half way upward; their colour is black, and they are sharp pointed ; the hoofs are black, and the tail somewhat flocky, or terminated by loose hairs. The size of this species is compared by Mr. Pennant to that of a Welch runt. It is an inhabitant of an island called Gow Bahrein, in the gulf of Bassora. 3. Antilope gazella, or algazel. This species is a na- tive of India and Persia, and is also found in many parts of Africa. It is about the size of a fallow deer, and is of a reddish or bright bay colour, with a white breast: the horns are very long, thin, and black, nearly upright, bend- ing inward at their extremities; they are nearly smooth ; the rings with which they are marked being very slight, except near the base, where they are somewhat more dis- tinct : they are almost three feet in length. In celerity and general manners this species agrees with many others of its tribe, and is said to be easily tamed. 4. Oreas, or Indian antelope. This is one of the larg- est of the whole genus, and is found both in India and Af- rica, living in numerous herds. It is not much inferior in size to a cow, and is of a bluish gray or slate colour, with the head of a bright boy. Along the upper part of the neck and a part ofthe back, runs a coarse black mane : on the breast is a very large pendent tuft ofhair, as in the nilghau: the tail is also tipped with long black hairs ; the horns are extremely stout, straight, sharp pointed, and marked wilh two very thick prominent wreaths or spires : they are sometimes above two feet in length, and are of a blackish colour. The oreas is said lo be an animal of great strength, and it has been thought not impracticable to train il to agricultural purposes, in lhe same manner as the horse or ox. It is said sometimes to grow extreme- ly fat, so as to be easily run down. The flesh is reckoned extremely good ; and the skin is very strong and service- able for lhe purpose of leather. The female is said to be horned like the male. 5. Antilope ourebi, or ourebi. This is described by Mr. Pennant as lhe antelope with small straight horns, small head, long neck, long pointed ears : colour above a deep fawny, brightening toward the sides, necfc, head and legs; lower part of breast, belly, buttocks, and inside of thighs, white: fail only three inches long, and black: hair on The body short, under the chest long and whitish, on each knee a (uft ofhair. The females are hornless : length three feet nine inches to the tail: inhabits the country very remote from the Cape of Good Hope. Seldom more than two are seen together. They generally haunt the neighbourhood of fountains surrounded with reeds j are excellent venison. 6. Antilope oreotragus, or klipspringer. This species is to be numbered among the late acquisitions in natural hisloi v, having been first described by Dr. Forster. 7. Scripta, or harnessed antelope. This, which is num- bered among the smaller antelopes, is of an elegant fawny chesnut colour both above and below, each side of the body being marked by two longitudinal bands of white, vol. i. 23 ANT cro3sed,at nearly equal distances, by two transverse ones : the rump is also marked on each side by two white de- scending stripes ; and the thighs are variegated with seven or eight roundish white spots: the cheeks have a while spot or patch beneath the eye, and the under part of the throat is of the same colour : lhe tail measures ten inches, and is covered with long and rough hair : the horns point backward, and are nine inches long, of a black colour, and marked by two spiral ribs or wreaths. This elegant spe- cies is a native of Senegal, living in woods in large herds. 8. Grimmia, or Guinea antelope. The Guinea antelope, or grimm, is considerably smaller than a roebuck, and is of an elegant and lively aspect. Its colour on all parts except the throat, abdomen, and insides of the thighs, w here it is pale cinereous, is a beautiful light yellowish or tawny brown. Like most other quadrupeds, however, it differs as to the intensity of its colour. The horns are very short, thick at lhe base, very slightly annulated toa small distance beyond, and are sharp pointed, smooth, and black: the limbs are slender ; the tail rather short, blackish above, white below, and is somewhat flocky or loose haired: but what principally distinguishes this species is an upright pointed tuft of strong black hairs rising from the top ot the forehead, between the horns, to the height of about two inches and a half: the sinus lachrymalis, as in many other ?ntelopes, is extremely conspicuous. The gi irrm is found in several parts of Africa, extending, according to Dr. Pallas and Mr. Pennant, from Guinea lo lhe Cape of Good Hope; residing principally in places overgrown with brushwood, into which it may retire on the appioach of danger. 9. Pygmcea,or pigmy antelope. This beautiful and di minutive species appears to have been frequently con- founded with the moschus pygmaus, or pygmy musk, which it resembles in size as well as in colour and man- ners. It is a native of the hottest parls of Africa, and is easily tamed, but is of so tender a nature as not to admit of being brought in a living slate into Europe. So re- markable are its powers of activity in its native regions, that it is said to be able to leap over a wall of twelve feet high. Its colour is a bright bay, paler beneath, and on the insides ofthe limbs ; and its height not more than nine inches. The horns are straight, short, strong, sharp pointed, smooth, and perfectly black. The legs are scarce- ly thicker than a quill, and have been used for similar pur- poses with those of the moschus pygmceus. The female is said to be hornless. 10. Antilope picta, or nilghau. The nilghau, or white footed antelope, is a large and beautiful species, known only within the space of a few years past. It has of late years been often imported into Europe, and has bred in England. In confinement it is generally pretty gentle, but is sometimes seized with fits of sudden caprice, when it will attack with great violence the objects of its dis- pleasure. When the males fight, they drop on their knees at some distance from each other, and gradually advance in that attitude, and at length make a spring at each other with their heads bent low. This action, however, is not peculiar to the nilghau, but is observed in many others of the antelope tribe. See Plate VII. Nat. Hist. fig. 2'2. 11. Tragocamelus, or Indostan antelope. The Indos- tan antelope is of a far less elegant appearance than the rest of the antelopes, and seem? to partake, in some ANT ANT degree, ofthe form ofa camel, having a strong bending neck, and a large elevation or protuberance over the shoulders. Along fhe neck runs a short mane; and the protuberance before mentioned is covered or tufted with long hair : the breast is furnished with a kind of dewlap, or loose pendent skin, resembling that ofa cow: the hind part ofthe ani- mal is small in proportion to the fore ; the limbs are slen- der, and fhe tail is nearly two feet in length, and terminat- ed by a hairy tuft. This highly singular animal is a na- tive of India, and in its habits and manner of lying down is said to resemble a camel. 12. Bubalis, or cervine antelope. This species is said to be common in Barbary, and in all the northern parts of Africa. It is also found, though less frequently, in many other parts of that continent, and even extends as far as the Cape of Good Hope. It is supposed lo have been the bubalas of the ancients, instead of the common buffalo, as sometimes erroneously imagined. In its general form it seems to partake of the stag and heifer, having a large bead, like that of an ox; and a thick broad nose. The height of the animal, when measured to the top of the shoulders, is about 4 feet; the general colour a reddish brown, white about the rump, iusides ofthe limbs, and lower part of the belly ; the upper part of the fore legs is marked in front by a dusky patch, as is also the hind part of the thighs; and on the upper part ofthe back is a stripe of (he same colour. The horns bend outward and back- ward, and are very strong and black, thickly or coarsely annulated toward (he base, and seated pretty close to each other on the head ; they are about 20 inches in length, and 11 inches round at the base ; the teeth are large, the lower lip black, wilh a sort of tuft of bristles on each side ; along the snout and forehead runs a black band, terminat- ed at the forehead by a tuft ofhair between the horns. 13. Strepsiceros, or striped antelope. The striped antelope is a native ofthe country about the Cape of Good Hope, where it is said to be called coedoes. It is one of the larger kinds of antelopes, measuring near 9 feet in length, and being 4 feet high. Its colour is a rufous gray, with the face brown, marked by two white lines, each pro- ceeding from the corner ofthe eye, and uniting in a point- ed form on the top ofthe nose, which is smooth and black ; down the forehead runs a broad dusky stripe, and a streak of the same colour is continued down the upper part ofthe neck; the lower part ofthe back is marked by a white stripe, from which proceed several others, each about an inch broad, down the sides ofthe animal, three or four of them falling over the upper part of the thighs: the female of this species is said by Mr. Pennant to be destitute of horns, but Dr. Pallas affirms that it is horned like the male. The number of white stripes in this animal seems to vary. 14. Rupcapra, or common antelope. Of this numerous tribe there is perhaps no species more truly elegant in its appearance than the present, which is a native of many parts of Africa, as well as of India. It is particularly fre- quent in Barbary. Its general size is somewhat smaller than that of a fallow deer, and its colour is a reddish tawny brown above, and white below ; the insides of the limbs are white, and on the head, back, and outsides ofthe limbs, the hair is darker than on other parts : the orbits of the eyes are white, and this colour is generally continu- ed into a white spot or patch on each side the forehead ; the muzzle is black; the horns are of a peculiarly beauti- ful form, having a double flexure, first inward and agm, outward: their colour is black, and they are very eleganj. ly and distinctly marked throughout almost their whofc length by numerous prominent rings. Their general length is about fourteen inches, and they are about sixleea inches distant from each other at the tips. See Plate VI], Nat. Hist. fig. 23. lb. Lerwia, or Gambian antelope. This seems a spe- cies not very distinctly understood. 16. Antilope saiga, or saiga. The saiga, or Scylbiu antelope, is an inhabitant of all the deserts from the Dan- ube and the Dnieper to the river Irtish, but not beyond; nor is it ever seen to the north of 54 or 55 degrees of lati- tude. It is therefore found in Poland, Moldavia, about Mount Caucasus, and the Caspian Sea, as well as io the dreary open deserts of Siberia, where salt springs abound, feeding on the salt, acrid, and aromatic plants of those countries. Tne females of this species go with young the whole winter, and bring forth in the northern deserts in Mar, producing only one young at a birth, which is covered with a soft curling fleece, like that of a new fallen lamb. It is said that a flock of saigas seldom lies down all at once, some always acting as a kind of sentinels, and being relieved in their turn by others; and thus they preserve themselves from the attacks both of wolves and hunters. They are i so extremely swift as easily to outstrip the fleetest horse, but cannot run for any great length of time in this manner without stopping, as if to lake breath. If bit by a dog, tbey instantly fall down, without attempting to rise, being entirely disabled through extreme (error. In their flight they appear to incline to one side, and their couise is so rapid, that they scarcely seem to touch the ground ffilb < their feet. When taken young they may be easily tamed; but when caught at full age, are so wild and obstinate a» to refuse all kinds of food. These animals are hunted for the sake of their flesh, horns, and skins, which latter are said to be excellent for gloves, belts, &c. The hunters are careful to approach them against the wind, lest the animals should perceive them by their smell: they also avoid putting on red or white clothes, or any coloijrs which might attract their notice. They are both shot and taken with dogs, and sometimes by a species of eagle trained to this kind of fal- conry. \7- Gutturosa, or Chinese antelope. This is a species which is said to abound in the southern parls of the des- erts between Tibet and China, and in the country of th« Mongol Tartars, frequenting principally the dry and rocky plains and hills of those regions, and feeding on the finer and more aromatic plants. It is said to be so averse to water, lhat it will not go into it even to save its life, whe» driven by dogs to the brink of a river. If taken young it may be easily tamed. Its flesh is much esteemed as a food, and the horns are in great request among the Chinese fo» various purposes. The female has no horns. 18. Subgutturosa, or Guldensted's antelope. Thtf species was first described by Mr. Guldensled, in th« Petersburg Transactions. Il is found in Persia, between the Caspian and the Black Seas ; its size and general ap- pearance is that ofa roebuck, ofa grejgariou*nature,andil reeds principally on the arfemisia pontica. 1f9. Antilope euchore, or springer. ANT ANT "This elegant species weighs about fifty pounds, and is rather less than a roebuck; inhabits the Cape of Good Hope ; called there the spring bock, from the prodigious leaps it takes on the sight of any body. When alarmed it has the power of expanding the while space about the tail into the form of acircle, which returns to its linear form when the animal is tranquil. They migrate annually from the inte- rior parts in small herds, and continue in the neighbour- hood of the Cape for two or three months, then join com- panies, and go off in troops, consisting of many thousands, covering the great plains for several hours in their passage ; are attended in their migrations by numbers of lions, hyae- nas, and other wild beasts, which make great destruction among them ; are excellent eating, and, wilh other ante- lopes, are the venison of the Cape. They make period- ical migrations in seven or eight years, in herds of many hundred thousands, from the north, from the interior parts of Terra de Natal. They are compelled to it by the ex- cessive drought which happens in that region, where some- times there does not fall a drop of rain for two or three years. These animals, in thejr course, desolate Caffraria, spreading over the whole country, and not leaving a blade of grass. Lions attend them: where one of those beasts of prey are, the place is known by the vast void visible in the midst of the timorous herd. On its approach to the Cape, it is observed that the avant guard is very fat, the centre less so, and the rear guard almost starved, being reduced to live on the roots of the plants devoured by those which went before; but on their return they become the avant guard, and thrive in their turn on the renewed vegetation; while the former, now changed into the rear guard, are famished, by being compelled to take up with the leavings of the others. These animals are quite fear- less, when assembled in such mighty armies ; nor can a man pass through, unless he compels lhem lo give way with a whip or a stick. When taken young, they are easi- ly domesticated: the males are very wanton, and are apt to butt at strangers with their horns." 20. Antilope arundinacea, or ritbock. The ritbock, or ritrebock, is so named from its chiefly frequenting reedy places. Its size is that of a roebuck, and its colour a very elegant pale gray, with the 'hroat, belly, hips, and insides ofthe limbs, white, but without,any dusky line of separa- tion along the sides of the body, as in many other ante- lopes. 21. Antilope sylvafica, or bosbock. In its general form this seems most allied to the harnessed antelope, but is said to be rather smaller. Like that species, it inhabits woods, and is found at a great distance above the Cape of Good Hope. 'Itscolour is a dark brown above, and white beneath; fhe head and neck having somewhat of a rufous cast, and (he thighs are marked with several small round tvhife spots. 22. Eleotragus, or cinereous antelope. This appears lo be an elegant species, and is supposed to be a native of Africa. The head, hind part, and sides of the neck, back, iides, shoulders, and thighs, of a most elegant grayish ash colour; front of the neck, breast, belly, and legs, pure vhite ; horns marked with spiral wreaths. Mr. Pennant places it among those whose horns incline forward. 23. Dorcas, or Barbary antelope. This species is about jalf the size ofa fallow deer ; its colour is reddish brown ibove, and white beneath; the two colours being sepa- 23* rated by a dark or blackish lateral line or stripe ; on each knee is a tuft of blackish hair; the horns are 12 inches long, of a round or cylindric form, and incline first back- ward, then bend in the middle, and lastly, revert forward at their lips; they are of a black colour, and are annu- lated with about 13 rings on the lower part. 24. Kevella, or flat horned antelope. This animal in its general appearance, so exceedingly resembles the Bar- bary antelope, that it might readily pass for a variety of lhe same species, was it not that the horns, instead of being round, are flattened on their sides, and marked by some- what more numerous rings. Its size is that of a small roe- buck, and if is chiefly found in Senegal, but is said to oc- cur also in Barbary and in Persia. It lives in large flocks, and has an odour resembling that of musk. 25. Pygarga, or white faced antelope. So great is fhe similitude between this species and the flat horned ante- lope, that the chief difference appears to consist in size; this being larger than a fallow deer. The horns resemble those of the animal before mentioned, and are 16 inches long, and about 5 between lip and tip; they are very strongly annulated in the male, but said to be nearly smooth in the female ; the face is white ; the cheeks and neck, in the living animal, ofa bright bay; the back and upper parts of ferruginous brown, with a dark stripe down the back: the belly and rump white, as is also, in the Leverian specimen, the lower half of the legs; the sides of the body are marked, as in many others of this genus, with a dark or blackish stripe; lhe fail is about seven inches long, covered with black hairs, which extend some inches beyond the end. 26. Antilope corinna, or corine. The corine is some- what smaller than a roebuck, and is a native of Senegal and other parts of Africa. 27. Sumatrensis, or Sumatran antelope. The Soma- tran antelope was first mentioned by Mr. Marsden, in his account of that island, under the name of catnbing ootan, or goat of the woods. 28. Leucopbsea, or blue antelope. This is a species of very considerable size, being larger than a fallow deer, and from the form of its horns, and the length of its hair, may be said to connect, in some degree, the antelope with the goats. ANTENNAE, in the history of insects, slender fila- ments with which nature has furnished the heads of these creatures, being the same with what in English are called horns or feelers. The structure ofthe antennae in different insects is thus characterized. Sefacese, those which resemble a bris- tle : Filiformes, uniform, like a thread : Moniliforms, like the filiform, but consisting of a series of round knots: Clavatae, club shaped, increasing from the base to the extremity : Capitals©, like the former, but lhe last artic- ulation larger than the rest, and forming a capital or head : Fissiles are capitals, but have lhe head divided horizon- tally into laminse: Perfoliate are likewise capitafie, but the head divided horizontally, and connected by a kind of thread that passes through the centre : Pectinatae, re- sembling a comb or feather, having laferal appendages on both sides : Aristatae, have a laferal hair, which is either naked or furnished wifh lesser hair. ANTEPAGMENTA, in the ancient architecture, the jambs ofa door. They are also ornaments in carved work. ANT ANT of men, animals, Sec. made either of wood or stone, and set on the architrave. ANTEPE.VULTIMA, in grammar, the last syllable but fwo from fhe end of a word. ANTEPREDICAMENTS, among logicians, certain preliminary questions, which illustrate the doctrine of predicaments and categories. They are so called be- cause A-istotle has placed them before the predicaments, in order to treaf that subject afterward without interrup- tion. ANTESIGNANI, in the Roman armies, soldiers plac- ed before the standards, in order to defend them, accord- ing to Lipsius; but Csesar and Livy mention the antesig- nani as the first line, or first body, of heavy armed troops. The velites, who used to skirmish before the army, were likewise called antesignani. ANTE3INISTRA, a name given by the augurs of Rome to thunderbolts, or birds, which proceeded from the south and passed to the east, and were supposed to af- ford unfavourable presages. ANTESTARI, denoted to bear witness against any one who refused to make his appearance in the Roman courts of judicature on the day appointed, according to the tenor of his bail. He might then be brought by force into court, some persons being called to bear witness of the fact. ANTHELION, a mock sun, or meteor, seen through the clouds, larger than the disk of the sun. In its most refulgent state it is yellow as the sun, but the lucid tract surrounding it is of a paler yellow, interspersed with red- dish spots. ANTHELIX, in anatomy, the inward protuberance of the external ear, being a semicircle within, and almost parallel to the helix. ANTHELMINTICS, medicines to destroy worms. See Materia Medica. ANTHEMIS, chamomile, a genus of the polygamia superflua order, belonging to the syngensia class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 49tb order, composite discoides. The essential characters are these ; the receptaculum is chaffy; there is no pappus; the ca- lyx is hemispheric and subequal; and the florets of the ray are more than five. Of this genus there are 19 spe- cies, of which the most remarkable are the following: 1. Anthemis Arabica has a branching empalement. It grows near two feet high, with an upright stem, having a single flower at the top, from whose empalement there are two or three footstalks, each having a single flower smaller than the first, like the childing marigold, or hen and chick- en daisy. 2. Anthemis nobilis, or common chamomile, grows in plenty upon commons, and other waste land. There is a variety with double petals. Formerly this plant was used for planting of walks,, which, when mowed and rolled, looked well for some time ; but it was subject to decay in large patches, and the walks became unsightly. 3. Anthemis pyrethrum, or pellitory of Spain, is a pe- rennial plant, which grows naturally in Spain and Portu- gal. The branches trail upon the ground. At the ex- tremity of each branch is produced one large single flow- er, like chamomile, but much larger; the rays of which are of a pure white within, but purple on the outside. The seeds will not come to perfection in this country. 4. Anthemis tinctoria is a perennial plant, which flow. ers from June to November, and makes a very pretty ap. pearance, some ofthe flowers being ofa white, others ofa sulphur, and some ofa bright yellow colour. Of these the nobilis and the pyrethrum are chiefly used in medicine, They are accounted carminative, aperient, emollient, and in some measure anodyne. These flowers are frequently also used externally in discutient and antiseptic fomenta- tions, and in emollient clysters. An essential oil was for- merly directed to be prepared from them, but it is now omitted. A simple watery infusion of them taken in a le- pid state, is at present frequently employed to promote the operation of emetics. ANTHERA, among botanists, that part of the stamen which is fixed on the lop of the filamentum, within the corolla; it contains the pollen or fine dust, which, when mature, it emits for the impregnation of the plant. ANTHERICUM, spider wort, a genus of the mono- gynia order, belonging to the hexandria class of plants; and, in the natural method, ranking under the 10th order, coronarise. Tiie essential character is, corolla of six ob- long petals, expanding. ThV pericarpium is an ovate tri- sulcated capsule, with three cells and three valves. There are 39 species. The anthericum frulescens was formerly known among the gardeners near London by the name of onion leaved aloe. It produces many ligneous branches from the root, each supporting a plant with long taper leaves, in shape like those of an onion, and full of a yellow pulp very juicy. The flowers are yellow, produced on long loose spikes. It is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and requires shelter in winter. The anthericum liliastrumis a perennial plant; it flow- ers in June and July, and is known by the name of St. Bruno's lily. ANTHESTERIA, in Grecian antiquity, festivals cel- ebrated in the spring by the ancient Athenians, in hononr of Bacchus, during which fhe masters feasted their slaves, as the Romans did in the time of the Saturnalia. It was usual,during these feasts, toride in chariots, and pass jests upon all that passed by. ANTHISTIRIA, in botany, a genus of the trigynia order, belonging to the triandria class of plants, and,in the natural method, ranking under the 4th order, gramina. The essential character is: the corolla, a two valved glume, cleft at the base into four divisions. There is on- ly one species of this grass, the ciliata or fringed antbisli- ria, a native of India. ANTHOCEROS, or horn flower, a genus of the order of algae, belonging to the cryptogamia class of plants, and, in lhe natural method, ranking under the 5f!h order, alg«- The essential characters are: the calyx ofthe male is ses- sile, cylindric, and entire ; the anthera, one, is subulated, very long, and two valved ; the calyx of the female ismo- nophyllous, divided into six parts, and expanding j ^ seeds are about three, naked and roundish. There are only three species of the anthoceros, vis. 1. Anthoceros levis* a native of Europe and America. 2. Anthoceros multifidus, a native of Germany, found in moist shady places, and on heaths. 3. Anthoceros punctatus, or spotted anthoceros, a native of Britain. ANTHOLOGION, lhe title of the service book used in the Greek church. It is divided into twelve month ANT ANT containing the offices sung throughout the year, on the festivals of our Saviour, the Virgin, and other remarkable saints. Anthology, «v6oAoyif their crowing. They must be frequently renewed by cuttings, as the old plants are very subject to decay. ANTHOXANTHUM, or vernal grass, a genus of the Jigynia order, belonging to the diandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under lhe 13th order, gramina. The essential characters are; the calyx is a bivalved gluma, with one flower; the corolla is bivalved, obtuse, and without any awn. There are three species, vis. 1. Anthoxanthum Indicum, a native of India. 2. Anthoxanthum odoratum, or spring grass, a native of Britain: it is one of the earliest spring grasses, and is ex- tremely common in our fertile pastures. The delightful* smell of new mown hay is chiefly from this plant. ANTHRAX, a Greek term, literally signifying a burn- ing coal, used by the ancients lo denote a gem, as well as a disease, more generally known by the name of carbun- cle. It is sometimes also used for lithanthrax, or pit coal. ANTHROPOGLOTTUS, among zoologists, an appel- lation given to such animals as have tongues resembling that of mankind, particularly to the parrot kind. ANTHROPOLATRiE, in church history, an appel- lation given lo the Nestorians, on account of their wor- shipping Christ, notwithstanding that they believed him to be a mere man. ANTHROPOL1TES, a term denoting the petrifac- tions ofthe human body. ANTHROPOMANCY, a species of divination, per- formed by inspecting tbe entrails of a human creature. ANTHROPOMORPH1TES, in church history, a sect of ancient heretics, who taking every thing spoken of God in tbe Scripture in a literal sense, particularly that pas- sage of Genesis in which it is said 'God made man after his own image/ maintained that God had a human shape. ANTHROPHAGY, the act of eating human flesh, The origin of this custom, barbarous as it is, some authors tra.ce as high as the deluge. In the southern part of Af- rica, and in some parts of America, this horrid practice is said sfill to prevail. Mr. Marsden, in his History of Su- matra, informs us that the battas of that island are anthro- pophagi. They do not eat human flesh to satisfy hun- ger, but as a mode of showing an abhorrence of their ene- mies. The objects of this savage repast are prisoners taken in war. When sentence is pronounced, the unhap- py victim is tied to a stake, and when mortally wounded by lances thrown at him by the assembled multitude, they rush upon him, cut pieces from his body wilh fheir knives, dip them in a dish, previously prepared, of salt and lemon juice, slightly broil them over a fire, and then devour them with savage enthusiasm. ANTHROPOSOPHIA, the science of the nature of man, his structure and composition, both internal and ex- ternal. ANTHYLLIS, kidney vetch, or lady's finger, a genus of the decandria order, belonging lo the diadelphia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 32d order, papilionaceae. The essential characters are ; the calyx is ventricose, and the legumen is roundish and covered. There are 17 species, of which the following seem to be most worthy of attention. 1. Anthyllis barba Jovis, or silver bush, has its name from the whiteness of its leaves. This is a shrub which often grows to- the height of 10 or 12 feet, dividing into many laferal branches, with winged leaves. The flowers are produced at the extremities of the branches, collect- ed into small heads, of a bright yellow colour. A N T ANT •2. Anthyllis cytisoides, or shrubby woundwort, has Jong been known in the English gardens. It is a low shrub, seldom rising above two feet high, but sends out many slender branches, with hoary' leaves, which are sometimes single, but generally have three oval lobes : the flowers are yellow. This species and the barba Jo- vis may be propagated by cuttings planted during any of the summer months; they must always be housed in winter. 3. Anthyllis montana, or herbaceous woundwort, with winged leaves, grows naturally in the mountains in the Bouth of France, and in Italy. The flowers are of a purple colour and globular form. They appear in June and July. 4. Anthyllis vulneraria, with unequal winged leaves, is a native of Spain and Portugal, as likewise of Wales. It is a biennial plant, and the flowers are of a bright scarlet colour. ANTI, a Greek preposition, which enters into the com- position of several words, both Lalin, French, and En- glish, in different senses. Sometimes it signifies before, as in anfichamber, and sometimes opposite or contrary, as in the names of these medicines, antiscorbutic, antivene- real, &c. ANTIBACCHIUS, in ancient poetry, a foot consist- ing of three syllables; the two-first long, and the last one short. ANTIBIBLOS, in the civil law, an instrument by Awhich the defendant owns he has received the libel, or a copy of it, and notes the day whereon he received it. ANTICAUSOTICS, denote medicines against burn- ing fevers. ANTICHORUS, in botany, a genus of the monogy- nia order, belonging to the octandria class; of which the essential characters are : the calyx is a four leaved peri- anthium ; the corolla consists of four expanding petals ; the pericarpium is a capsule, above, subulated, with four cells, and four valves; the seeds are very numerous. There is but one species, vis. Antichorus depressus, a native of Arabia. ANTICARDIUM, in anatomy, the hollow part under the breast, commonly called the pit of the stomach, the same with scrobiculum cordis. ANTICHRESIS, in civil law, a covenant, by which a person borrowing money of another engages to make over his property to the creditor, for the interest of money lent. ANTICK, in sculpture and painting, denotes a fantas- tical composure of figures of different natures, sexes, Sec. It amounts to the same thing as the French call grotesque. ANTICLIMAX, in rhetoric, is a figure by which the progress of a discourse descends from great to little. ANTICUM, in architecture, a porch before a door; also that part of a temple that lies between the body of the temple and the portico. ANTICUS, a term used by anatomists, importing that the part with which it is joined stands before some others; serratus anticus, peronaeus anticus, tibialis anticus, &c. See Anatomy. ANTIDACTYLUS, a name to a foot of poetry, the reverse of dactyl, consisting of three syllables, the first two short, and the last long. ANTIDESMA, in botany, a genus ofthe dioecia order, belonging to the pentandria class of plan J. The calyx ofthe male is five leaved; there is no corolla: ine antoe. rse are bifid ; the female calyx is five leaved ; the corolla is wanting; the stigmata are five; the berry is cylindric and one seeded. There are three species, natives of In. dia. . ANTIDICOMARIANTES, in church history, here- tics who maintained that the Virgin Mary did not preserve a perpetual virginity. ANTIDORON, a name given by the Greek church to the consecrated bread, part of which was given to the poor. ANTIENT, in a military sense, denotes either the en- sign who carries them, or the colours; in ships of war, the streamer or flag, borne in the stern. ANTIHECTICS, medicines good in hectical disorders. See Pharmacy. ANTILOGARITHM, the complement of a logarithm, ANTIMONY, in natural history, one of the semi- metals, separated by fusion from a very hard and heavy lead coloured substance, called ore of antimony : this ore is composed of a number of extremely small sparkling granules, which give it the appearance of a lump of the purest steel, when fresh broken. I. Antimony is of a grayish white colour, and has a good deal of brilliancy. Its texture is laminated, and ex- hibits plates crossing each other in every direction,and sometimes assuming the appearance of imperfect crystal*. Hauy has with great labour ascertained that lhe primitive form of these crystals is an octahedron, and that the inte- grant particles of antimony have the figure of tetrahe- drons. When rubbed upon the fingers, it communicates to them a peculiar taste and smell. Its specific gravity is, according to Brisson, 6.702 ; according to Bergmann, 6.86. It is very brittle, and may be easily reduced in a mortar to a iine powder. Its tenacity has not been tried. Whei heated to 809 degrees Fahrenheit, or just to redness, it melts. If after this the heat ia increased, the metal evap- orates. On cooling, it assumes fhe form of oblong crys- tals, perpendicular to the internal surface ofthe vessels is which it cools. It is to this cryslalization that the laminated structure which antimony always assumes is owing. II. When exposed to the air, it undergoes no change except the loss of its lustre. Neither is it altered by be- ing kept under water. But when steam is made lo pasi oyer red hot antimony, it is decomposed so rapidly that a violent detonation is the consequence. When heated in an open vessel, it gradually combinei with oxygen, and evaporates in a white vapour. This va- pour, when collected, constitutes a white coloured oxide, formerly called argentine flowers of antimony. When raised to a white heat, and suddenly agitated, antimony burns, and is converted into the same white coloured oxide. III. Antimony has never been combined with carbol nor hydrogen. When its oxides are heated along with charcoal or oils, they are reduced, but imperfectly, unless some body, as potash, be present to favour the fusion of the metal. The greater part remains in a state of black spongy mass, which often takes fire when exposed to tbe air. Antimony combines readily with sulphur and with phosphorus. ANT ANT Sulphuret of antimony may be formed by mixing its two component parts together* and fusing them in a cruci- ble. It has a dark bluish gray colour, with a lustre ap- proaching the metallic; it is much more fusible than anti- mony, and may be crystalized by slow cooling. It is composed, according to Bergmann,of 74 parts of antimony and 26 of sulphur. With this estimate -the late experi- ments of Proust coincide almost exactly. According to that very accurate chymist, sulphuret of antimony is composed of 75.1 antimony. 24.9 sulphur. 100.0 This substance is found native in great abundance, and indeed is almost the only ore of antimony. It was to this sulphuret that the term antimony was applied by lue earlier chymists; the pure metal was called regulus of antimony. When equal parts of antimony and phosphoric glass are mixed together with a little charcoal powder, and melted in a crucible, phosphuret of antimony is produced. It is ofa white colour, brittle, appears laminated when broken, and at the fracture a number of small cubic facettes are observable. When melted it emits a green flame, and the white oxide of antimony sublimes. Phosphuret of antimo- ny may likewise be prepared by fusing equal parts of an- timony and phosphoric glass, or by dropping phosphorus into melted antimony. IV. Antimony does not combine with azote, nor with muriatic acid. V. Antimony combines readily with most of the metals; but the greater number of its alloys have not been ap- plied fo any use. Antimony and gold may be combined by fusion, and forma brittle compound of a yellow colour. Great attention was paid to this alloy by the alchymists, who affirmed that the quantity of gold might be increas- ed by alloying it wilh antimony, and then purifying it. Platina easily combines with antimony. The alloy is brittle, and much lighter than platina. The antimony cannot afterward be completely separated by heat. Sil- ver may be alloyed with antimony by fusion. The alloy is brittle, and its specific gravity, as Gellert has observed, is greater than intermediate between the specific gravities of the two metals which enter into it. Antimony does not amalgamate with mercury while cold. When three parts of mercury are mixed with one part of melted antimony, a soft amalgam is obtained, which very soon decomposes of itself. Gellert also succeeded in forming this amal- gam. Copper combines readily with antimony by fusion. The alloy, when it consists of equal parts of the two metals, is of a beautiful violet colour, and its specific gravity is greater than intermediate. This alloy was called regulus of Venus by the alchymists. Iron combines wifh antimo- ny by fusion, and forms a brittle hard alloy, the specific gravity of which is less than intermediate. The magnetic quality of iron is much more diminished by being alloyed with antimony than with most other metals. This alloy may be obtained also by fusing in a crucible two parts of sulphuret and one of iron. It was formerly called martial regulus. The alloy of tin and'antimony is white and brit- tle ; its specific grarjfy is less than intermediafe. This alloy is employed for different purposes ; particularly for making (he plates on which music is engraved. When equal quantities of lead and antimony are fused, the alloy is porous and brittle: three parts of lead and one of an- timony form a compact alloy, malleable, and much harder than lead : twelve parts of lead and one of antimony form an alloy very malleable, and a good deal harder than lead : 16 parts of lead and one of antimony form an alloy which does not differ from lead except in hardness. This alloy forms printers' types. Its tenacity is very considerable, and its specific gravity is greater than the mean. Zinc may be readily combined with antimony by fusion. The alloy is hard and brittle, and has fhe colour of steel. Its specific gravity is less than intermediate. Antimony forms a bri'tle alloy with bismuth; to manganese it unites but imperfectly : the compounds which it forms with nick- el and cobalt have not been examined. VI. The affinities of antimony, and of its oxides, are,. according to Bergmann, as follows : Antimony. Oxide of Antimony. Iron, Muriatic, Copper, Oxalic, Tin, Sulphuric, Lead, Nitric, Nickel, Tartaric, Silver, Saclactic, Bismuth, Phosphoric, Zinc, Citric, Gold, Succinic, Platina, Fluoric, Mercury, Arsenic, Arsenic, Lactic, Cobalt, Acetic, Sulphur. Boracic,, Pruasicj Carbonic. ANTINOMIANS, in church history, certain heretics who first appeared about the year 1535 ; and so called, be- cause they rejected the law, as of no use under the Gospel dispensation. The name is now applied to a sect of high Calvinists, who sprung up in England about the time of Oliver Crom- well, and who are accused of maintaining that the elect are incapable of incurring guilt for whatever actual sins they may commit. ANTIPATHES, the name of a genus in the zoophy- ta order of vermes: the character is, animal growing in the form of a plant; stem within horny, with small spines: base expanded, the outside covered with gelatinous flesh, and numerous polypiferous warts.- There are several species, as spiralis, myriophylla, &c. See Plate, Nat. Hist. fig. 24. ANTIPHONY, in music, the name which the Greeks gave to that kind of symphony which was executed in oc- tave or double octave. It is likewise the answer made by one choir to another, when an. anthem is sung between them. ANTIPHRASIS, in rhetoric, a figure by which in say- ing one thing, we mean lhe contrary. This figure regards sentences, and not sicgle words. ANTIPODES, in geography, a name given to those inhabitants of the globe that live diametrically opposite to one another. They lie under opposite parallels, and oppo- site meridians. They have the same elevation of their ANT ANT different poles. It is midnight with one when it is noon with the other ; the longest day with the one is lhe short- est with tbe other; and the length of the day wilh lhe one is equal to that of the night ofthe other. ANT1PTOSIS, in rhetoric, which puis one case for ;i not her. ANTI&UARE, among Roman lawyers, denotes the rejecting a new law, or refusing to pass it. ANTIQUARY, a person who studies and searches af- ter monuments and remains of antiquity. The Society of Antiquaries in London was instituted in the year 1751. Every member pays five guineas as an admission fee, and two guineas a year, or an additional sum of twenty-one guineas. They have weekly meetings every Thursday evening at their rooms in Somerset house. A similar society was founded in Edinburgh in 1780. Antiquary, is also used by ancient writers for the keep- er of a cabinet of antiquities. John Leland was antiquary to Henry VIII. ANTIQUE, in a general sense, something that is an- cient ; but the term is chiefly used by sculptors, paint- ers, and architects, to denote such pieces of their different arts as were made by lhe ancient Greeks and Romans. Thus we say. an antique bust, an antique statue, &c. See Sculpture. ANTIQUITIES. There is scarcely a term, perhaps, in any language so thoroughly comprehensive as lhat now before us : since it implies all testimonies or authentic ac- counts lhat have come down to us, which illustrate either the particular or universal history of ancient nations: a science equally complicated as extensive. To enter elaborately info the subject would be to re- write a hundred treatises: we must here content our- selves with an elementary survey ; and wifhout extending our views to those who have written on more trifling ob- jects of inquiry, divide antiquities into two grand classes, political and monumental : lhe first forming a genera), the other a particular study : the first embracing all lhat can increase our knowledge of civil institutions, the lat- ter entirely confining itself to woiks of art ; and, togeth- er, affording the most effectual means of learning the genius and manners ofthe various nalions of lhe world. For the latfer of these classes we shall refer to the respective arts whose investigation is concerned. But for the illustration of the former, we shall present a general view of ancient history, confining ourselves fo ihose which may be deem- ed either leading, or the parent, countries of science, in the different periods : beginning our researches wilh the Jews, at a lime when the history of every other country is in- volved in darkness and uncertainly ; proceeding with the Egyptians and the Indians, the remnants of whose great- ness preserve the earliest relics of profane history ; follow- ing them up with the Greek and Roman antiquities; and concluding with the antiquities of Britain. On the Egyp- tian and Indian antiquities we shall be more circumstan- tial than on those of other Countries; since their history and remains present a field of inquiry still open to inves- tigation. The history of a people persecuted and scattered through the world, yet whom no change of fortune has been able to eradicate, is a subject of consideration too deep and too important to leave a slight impression on the mind. But the history of the Jews has even more to boast: in lhe records of their nation they pass the general flood, the boundary to the annals of every other people; and fairly trace their ancestry back to the common father of the human race. In the Bible we find the only authentic history of the origin, ordinances, and vicissitudes, of the nation: frora that we learn, that their religious riles were divinely com- municated. Unlike to every other people, Ihey have re. mained distinct; and are continued so for greater ends than the meanness of their present state may seem to promise. Could we ascertain the antiquities of Egypt with pre- cision, those of the Jews might be expected thence to re- ceive collateral illustration ; since Moses, Iheir great law. giver, was confessedly educated in the schools of Egyp. lian learning and legislation: and many even of the meta- phors he uses in the Pentateuch are supposed fo bear some connection with objects or symbols communicated lo him by the Egyptian priesls. To the more enlightened nalions of antiquity, however, their history and their religious customs were equally unin- telligible. The Greeks, by a fabulous tradition, deduced them from Jupiter and Saturn ; and the Romans, till Taci- tus's time, knew little of them. Tacitus indeed charges the whole nation with a sullen hatred of all mankind. In one or two cases he gives something that appears to border on the truth. But, in the general account, he relates the va- rious opinions that were floating in the world, and leaves the truth to rest on better authority : apparently thinking that with regard to such a race minute inquiry was un- necessary. Though, at this period, the page of Jewish history was fully disclosed, and accessible to the curiosi- fy of every Roman ; Josephus lived at Rome, under Ves- pasian, Titus, and Domitian; and under the last of those emperors his Jewish Antiquities were given to the world. A sufficient knowledge of ihp general antiquities of the Hebrews may be obtained from the Bible, Philo and Jo- sephus, and the Talmud ; and, among the writers of more modern date, Arias Montanus, Carpsovius, Maimonides, Buxtoif, Reland, Leusden, Calmet, Witsius,Bucher,Ben- zebus, Basnage, Hot linger, and Mithaelis, may be deemed the best. Among the English, Selden, Godwyn, and Lewis. Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible also contains many references for the curious reader; and those who would know how far their ancient and modern practices agree, may consult Levi's Jewish Ceremonies. On the civil history of the Jews, Josephus may be con- sulted : with Struckford.and Prideaux's Connections. On the life and death of Moses, however; on the Exodus of the Israelites, and their leaders; on the Jewish kings; the Babylonish captivity ; and on the history and condi- tion of the Jews in different countries subsequent to their dispersion; the writers are extremely numerous: and» complete catalogue of them may be found in MensefsBib- liotheca Hisforica. On the destruction of Jerusalem, Jo- sephus and Tacitus are the principal writers in repute. And for the history of the Jews in England, Tovey's work may be referred to. But the most copious work on Jewish antiquities« Ugolinus's Thesaurus, in thirty-four volumes, folio; the first bearing the date of 1744, the*last 1769; contain")? all the best works which, previously to that time, had ap- peared, on the manners, laws, rites, and institutions of ll"* ANT ANT Hebrews: amounting in number to no less than four hun- dred and eighty-eight distinct treatises. The most curious collection of Hebrew manuscripts in this country which illustrate *he literary antiquities of the Jews, may be found in the Bodleian Library at Ox- ford. Few of them, in point of age, run beyond eight hundred years; and the most ancient, we believe, were brought by Dr. Pococke from Constantinople. We cannot close this part of our article without rec- ommending to attentive perusal the late bishop Lowth's Lectures on the Poetry of the Hebrews, which afford a better view than any ether work of the taste and learning of (hat extraordinary people. We now come to the Antiquities of Egypt: a country once as remarkable for the scheme of its laws, and the dark oracles of its priests, as for (he commerce of its cities, the grandeur of its buildings, and the fertility of its territory. The earliest nations of the world are emphat- ically described by Dr. White to have been fed with the produce of her soil, and enriched with the Ireasures of her wisdom; and not only the more civilized countries at the present day, but the Arabs and the Indians, still view the relics of her greatness with areverential regard. In 1801, when General Baird led his army from lhe Red Sea, a party of Seapoys, who saw the hooded serpent upon one of the aucient monuments of Egypt, fell down and worshipped it. The quarries of marble and porphyry of Upper Egypt furnished the principal materials with which the first in- habitants raised their most stupendous works of art. But whence their oracular intelligence was drawn, it is impossi- ble to say. To II ermes Trismegistus, a sage as highly rev- erenced among them as Zoroaster was among the Persians, the Egyptians ascribed the inventions of chief use to hu- man life ; and like every people who are unable to settle the antiquity of their origin, Ihey represented his works to have outstood the shock even of the universal deluge. They otherwise called hiiuThoth; and their priests as constantly maintained that from the hieroglyphic charac- ters upon the pillars he erected, and the sacred books, all the philosophy and learning of the world have been de- rived. Both the earliest and the latest writing of the country, to the time of Cleopatra, appears to'have been symbolic; and fhe use of hieroglyphic characters was not only ap- plied to sacred, but to other uses; through them alone the avenues to knowledge could be opened; and their se- cret appears principally to have lain in certain analogies and correspondences between the forms, actions, and qual- ities of animals, and certain facts in nature, morals or his- tory. The animals which in lhe grosser periods of Egyp- tian history received the worship of the people, in fhe first ages it is probable were only used to express the at- tributes of lhe Egyptian gods; and their regard for them perhaps was much increased by their adherence to the doctrine of transmigration. A black ox, the symbol of the sun, Mas sacred to Osiris; and Isis typified the moon. Isis and Osiris indeed were every where adored, though differently represented; and the Mnevis, Apis, and Men- desian goaf, are looked upon by the best writers but as different symbols of the same deity, or as animals in which lhe same deity was manifest. Thebes was in early times lhe grand deposifo of Egyptian mystery : it is mentioned VOL. /. 21 by Komer; and exisfs in ruins to the present hour. Den- dera and Heliopolis present olher ruins. To enter deeply here either into the particular ceremonies, or lhe mytho- logical doctrines of Egypt, to seek for the phenomena of nature which were allegorized in the history of Isis and Orisis, or to detail the history of the priestly orders, would be impossible. Of (he latter, the first after the in- ferior degrees was the chief of the music band, who usual- ly carried some musical instrument as the ensign of his office; the next was the diviner, who in public processions bore the symbols of astrology; the third was the master of lhe sacred wardrobe; and the fourth, or chief priest, was the prophet, who inferpreted the laws of Hermes, and presided over the ceremonies of religion. To these exclusively the Hermaic doctrines were accessible : and upon them the constitution of their country seems entirely to have depended. In regard to Egyptian history, its early chronology is so perplexed, its facts and fable so heterogeneously blended, and its vanity of a remote antiquity so great, that little certain can be collected. Egypt was anciently divided into three parts. Thebais was a distinct district; the dy- nasty of Memphis was the upper Egypt; and that of He- liopolis, comprehending the rest of the Delta, the lower region. From Menes the Egyptian priests were accus- tomed to reckon no less than three hundred and thirty kings. Like other states, however, it had its revolutions; and the three districts did not in every period of its his- tory form separate states. Under the shepherd kings, fwo of them were united. At a period considerably lower, Egypt became a kingdom still more flourishing than ever; and increased gradually till Sesostris, one of the greatest of its sovereigns, erected an universal empire. At a pe- riod still more subsequent, it was subjected by Cambyses to the Persian empire; and to his ravages it appears that Egyptian grandeur was principally indebted for its fall. In the wreck of greatness which it still presents, the following are the principal remains : the colossal sphinx, and the pyramids among the level plains by Memphis; the statues which bear the name of Memnon; the cata- combs of Saccara; tbe (ernples of Thebes, Tentyris, and Apollinopolis; and the Needle of Cleopatra. Pompey's Pillar is undoubtedly a monument of subsequent erection. One or two of the ancient obelisks were transported to Italy at a very early period. But the finest remnants of Egyptian grandeur, which have been brought away of late years, are now in tbe metropolis of England. The sar- cophagus of brecciated marble, reputed to be Alexan- der's tomb ; and the triple inscription from Rosetfa, in the hieroglyphic, lhe vernacular Egyptian, and the Greek characters; are undoubtedly the most curious. The lat- ter, when in possession of the French, was termed the gem of antiquity. To recite even the titles of the different works in which the antiquities of Egypt have been treated, would be end- less. Among the ancient writers, Herodotus, Pausanias, Strabo, Diodorus Siculus, and Plutarch, are the principal. Herodotus, Thales, and Pythagoras, it will be remember- ed, were initialed among the Egyptian priests. The best work on the mythology of Egypt is Jablonski's Pantheon Egyptiacum. On its present remains, Pococke, Norden. Niebuhr, Sonnini, and Denon, may be consulted : Greaves and Norden have expressly written on the pyramids ANT ANT Kircher on the mummies : and all that is material on the subject ofthe obelisks, may be found in Zoega De Obe- Mscorum Usu. In the simple and authentic narrative of Dr. Whitman, modern readers will find some facts worthy of their attention, relative to the monumental remains still existing in Egypt. For the illustration of the Antiquities of India our accessible materials are less numerous and less distinct. The light which so strongly radiates from the page of classical antiquity upon most other abstruse points of literary research, casts but a glimmering ray on this sub- ject. Wbalever genuine information may be obtained on other points, its early history and literature can only be acquired by the generality of readers through the medium of faithful versions from the Sanscreet, the ancient origi- nal language of the country, and the grand repository of all its history and sciences. So long ago as 1776, Mr. Halhed, in the Code of Gen- too Laws, compiled under the direction of Mr. Hastings, gave the first specimen which appeared of the early wis- dom of the Indians, and their extensive skill in jurispru- dence. But the attention of the world was principally roused by the publication of the Bhagvat Geeta, edited in 1785 by Mr. Wilkins. It was the episode only of a larger poem; but its theological, and metaphysical doc- trines were of the profoundest kind : it was represented to contain all the grand mysteries of the Hindoo religion ; and laid claim to the venerable antiquity of four thousand years. The Heetopades, the Sacontala, and Ayeen Ak- bery, were the principal succeeding publications; the lights from which, added to those of the Asiatic Researches, occasioned Mr. Maurice to give the antiquities of India a more deep and elaborate investigation than they ever had received before. Till this book appeared, the antiquities of the Hindoos were considered by the generality of readers as unfathomable; and by the skeptical philoso- pher as affording arguments in respect to the age of the world, which struck at once at the root of the Mosaic system. With these authorities in hand, Mr. Maurice proceeded to elucidate the obscure history of the Avatars, or the ten descents of Veeshnu. The persons who are stated by the Indian writers to have flourished so many thousand years in the earliest ages, he supposes to have been not of terrestrial but celestial origin; and that their empire was rather the empire of imagination in the skies than that of real power on the earth. He considers that the year of ordinary reckoning, and the year of Brahma, are ofa nature very widely different; and that the whole jargon of yugs, or grand periods, ha3 no foundation but in the great solar and lunar cycles, or planetary revolutions. In the Indian Antiquities the greater part of the prelimi- nary ground, which the student must of. necessity go over, is cleared- The ancient geographical divisions of India, according to the classical writers of Greece and Rome, and of Hindostan, according to the Hindoos themselves, are reconciled : the analogies of the Brahmanic with other systems of theology considered; and the grand code of civil laws, the original form of government, and the vari- ous and profound literature of Hindostan, are compared throughout with the laws, government, and literature, of Persia, Egypt, and Greece. But after all, perhaps, the clearest notions of what the student may expecr to discover in his Indian inquiries, may be gathered from the few papers published in the Asiatic Researches, by sir William Jones ; written in consequence of the institution of a society for inquiring into the history, civil and natural, the antiquities, arts, sciences, and literature, of Asia. His first dissertation was on the orthography of Asiatic words in Roman letters, a want of attention to which had occasioned great confusion in history and geography ; and he proposed a system, which was not only at once useful to the learned, and essential to the student, but the con- venience of which had been proved by careful observation and long experience. The gods of Greece, Italy, and India, were the next objects of attention; and in this dis- sertation the general union or affinity between the most distinguished inhabitants of the primitive world in regard to theological concerns, at the time when they first deviated from the rational adoration ofthe true God, is inferred. The general character and affinities ofthe ancient pantheon of India ate considered with the best attention. Gaue->a, the Hindoo divinity of Wisdom, is compared with the Janus of the Romans ; Menu, or Sat;- vrata, whose general history bears a strong resemblance to Noah's, with Saturn ; the Lachsmi of the Hindoos, or goddess of Abundance, with Ceres ; and Zeus, or Jupiter, in his various capacities, compared wilh the triple divinity Veeshnu, Siva, Brahma. Others of minor consideration are also fully noticed, the explanation of whose various attributes must be sought for in the dissertation itself: io which it seems to be fairly proved, that a connection sub- i sisled between the old idolatrous nations of Egypt, India, Greece, and Italy, long before fhey migrated to their several settlements, and consequently before the birth of Moses : a proposition, says sir William Jones, which will , in no degree affect the truth and sanctity of the Mosaic history. From Goverdhan Caul, the society already mentioned received a valuable communication on the littraturtct the Hindoos, from a work in the Sanscrit. It was trans- lated, and a commentary added. In the text, the Vedas are considered by the Hindoos as the fountain of ill knowledge human and divine ; and the commentary con- cludes with this remarkable expression, lhat if Europeans wish to form a correct idea of Indian religion and litera- ture, let them begin with forgetting all lhat has been written on the subject by ancients or moderns, before the publication ofthe Gila. From sir William Jones's fourth anniversary Discourse, delivered to the Asiatic Society in 1786, we may form Borne notion of the various discoveries to which future exertions may give rise, not only in the literature, but the history, sciences, and arts of Asia. India on its most enlarged scale, in which the ancient! appear to have understood it, comprises an area of oe»f forty-degrees on each side ; it is divided on the west from Persia by the Arachosian mountains; limited on the east by the Chinese part of the further peninsula; confi^ on the north by the wilds of Tartary; and extending to the south as far as the isles of Java. By India, in short, is meant that whole extent of country in which the primi- tive religion and language of the Hindoos prevail at this day with more or less of their ancient purity; and in which the Nagari letters are still used with more or less deviation from their original form. Its inhabitants ba*« ANT ANT no resemblance either in their figure or manners to any ofthe nations contiguous to them ; their sources of wealth are still abundant: in their manufactures of cotton they surpass all the world ; and though now degenerate and abased, there remains enough to show that in some early age they were splendid in arts and arms, happy in government, wise in legislation, and eminent in various knowledge. The San- scrit language, whatever may be its antiquity, is of a won- derful structure ; more perfect than the Greek, more copi- ous than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity, both in the roots of verbs and in the forms of grammar, than could possibly have been produced by accident. The charac- ters, as we have already mentioned, are Nagari. Of the Indian religion enough has been already said. Of their philosophy, sir William Jones observes, that in the more retired scenes, in groves and in seminaries of learning, we may perceive the Brahmans and the Sarmanas of Clemens disputing in the forms of logic, or discoursing on the van- ity of human enjoyments, on the immortality of the soul, her emanation from the eternal Mind, her debasement, wanderings, and final union with her source. The six philosophical schools, whose principles are explained in the Dersana Sastra, comprise all the metaphysics of the old Academy, the Stoa, the Lyceum : nor is it possible to read the Vedanta, or the many fine compositions in the illustration of it, without believing that Pythagoras and Plato derived their sublime theories from the same foun- tain with the sages of India. The remains of architecture and sculpture seem to prove an early connection between India and Africa. Of their ancient arts and manufactures, little but the labours ofthe Indian loom and needle are at this day known ; but from a curious passage in one of their sacred law tracts relating to the extraordinary interest of money, in regard to maritime concerns, it should seem that they were in the early ages a commercial people. The Hindoos are said to have boasted of three inventions, all of which are indeed admirable ; the method of instruct- ing by apologues, the decimal scale, and the game of chess: and could their numerous works on grammar, rhetoric, and music, which are now extant, be explained in some language generally known, it would be found that they had still higher pretensions to the praise of a fertile and inventive genius. Their lighter poems are lively and elegant; their epic magnificent and sublime. Their most ancient medical book, entitled Chereca, is believed to be the work of Siva: for each of the divinities in their triad has at least one sacred composition ascribed lo him. On history and geography their works are few; and thmbs and bees are fastened, from one another, with a knife ; so, taking out the first comb and bees together on each side, (hey put them into another basket, in the same order as ihey were taken out, until they have equally di- vided Ihem. Aflcr this, when ihey are both again ac- ••oruiijodated wifh sticks and plaster, they set the new basket in the place of the old one, and (he old one in some new place. All (his (hey do in (he middle of (he day, at Miicfai (ime as lhe greatest part of the bees are abroad-; who, at their coming home, without much difficulty, by 'his means divide themselves equally. This device hin- ders them from swarming and flying away. In August, they take out their honey ; which ihey do in the day time also, while they are abroad; the bees being thereby, say they, disturbed least: at which time they take out the combs laden with honey, as before; that is, beginning at each outside, and so taking away, until they have left only such a quantity of combs, in the middle, as they judge will be sufficient to maintain the bees in winter; sweeping those bees that are on the combs into the basket again, and (hen covering it with new sticks and plaster. Va- rious methods have also been adopted in England, to at- tain the desirable end of getting the honey and wax with- out destroying the bees; fhe most approved of which is Mr. Thorley's, who in his Inquiry into the Nature, Or- der and Government of Bees, thinks colonies preferable to hives. He tells us, that he has in some summers taken two boxes filled wilh honey from one colony ; and yet suf- ficient store has been left for their maintenance during the winter, each box weighing forty pounds. His boxes are made of deal, and an octagon, being nearer to a sphere, is better than a square form ; for as the bees, in winter, lie in a round body near the centre of the hive, a due heal is then conveyed lo all the out parts. The dimensions which Mr. Thorley, after many years experience, recom- mends for the boxes, are (en inches in depth, and twelve or fourteen inches in breadth in the inside. The best and purest honey is that which is gathered in the first five or six weeks; and in boxes of less dimensions we may take within a month, provided the season be favourable, a box full of the finest honey. The top of the box should be made of an entire board, a full inch thick after it has been planed; and it should project on all sides, at least an inch beyond the dimensions of the box. In the middle of Ibis lop there must be a hole five inches square, for a commu- nication between the boxes; this hole should be covered with a sliding shutter* of deal or elm, running easily in a groove over the back window. Tbe eight pannels, nine iuches deep, and three quarters of an inch thick when planed, are to be let into the top «o far as (o keep them in their proper places ; lo be secured at the corners with plates of brass, and lo be cramped wilh wires at the bot- tom to keep Ihem firm ; for the heat in summer will try their strength. There should be a glass window behind fixed in a frame, with a fhin deal cover, two small brass hinges, and a button to fasten it. This window will be sufficient for inspecting the progress of tbe bees. Two brass handles, one on «ach side, are necessary to lift up (he box ; Ihese should be fixed in with fwo thin plates of iron, near three inches long, so as to turn up and down, and put three inches below the top board, which is nailed close down with sprigs (o the other parts of the box. Those who choose a frame within, to which the bees may fasten their combs, need only use a couple of deal sticks of an inch square, placed across (Le box. C'ne thing more, which perfects the work, is, a passage four or five inches long, and less than half an inch deep, for the bees lo go in and out at the bottom of the box. In keeping bees in colonies, a house is necessary, or at least a shade ; without which the weather, especially the heat of lhe sun, would soon rend the boxes to pieces. The house may be made of any boards, but deal is the best; and it must be painted, to secure it from lhe weather. The length of it for six colonies, should be full twelve and a half feet, and each colony should stand a foot distant from the other. It should be three and a half feet high, to admit four boxes one upon another; but if only three boxes are employed, two feet eight inches will be sufficient. Its breadth in the inside should be two feet. The best lime to plant the colonies is, either in spring with new stocks full of bees, or in summer with swarms. If swarms are used, procure if possible two of the same day: hive them either in two boxes, or in a hive and a box : at night, place them in the bee house, oneo\erthe other; and with a knife and a little lime and hair, stop close the mouth ofthe hhe or upper box, so lhat not a bee may be able to go in and out but at the front door. With- in a week or ten days the combs will appear in the boxes; but if if be an hive, nothing can be seen till the bees have wrought down inlo the box. Never plant a colony with a single swarm. When the second box, or the box under the hive, appears full of bees and combs, it is fime to raise the colony. This should be done in the dusk of lhe evening, and in the following manner. Place the empty box, with the sliding shutter drawn back, behind the house near the colony that is to be raised, and at nearly the height of the floor: then lifting up the colony as quickly as possible, let the empty box be put in the place where it is to sluiid, and the colony upon it ; and shut up the mouth of the Ihen upper box with lime and hair, as direct- ed before. When upon looking through the windows in the back of the boxes, the middle box appears full of combs, and a quantity of honey sealed up in it, the lowest box half full of combs, and few bees in the uppermost box, proceed thus. About five o'clock P.M. drive close wilh a mallet the sliding shutter under lhe hive or box that is to be taken from the colony. If the combs are new, the shutter may be forced home without a mallet; but be sure it is close, lhat no bees may ascend into the hive or box lo be removed. After this shut close the doors of lhe house, and leave the bees thus cut off from (he rest of their companions, for half an hour or more. In this space, having lost their queen, they will fill themselves wifh hon- ey, and be impatfenl to be set at liberty. If, in this in- terval, upon examining the box or boxes beneath, all ap- pears to be quiet in them, it is a sign that lhe queen is there and in safely. Hereupon raise the back part of lhe hive or box so far, by a piece of wood slipped under it, as to give the prisoners room to come out, and they will return to their fellows : (hen lifting the box from off (be. colonv, and turning its bottom upmost, cover it with a cloth all night; and the next morning when this cloth is removed, the bees that have remained in it will return to tbe colony. Thus a box of honey is procured, and all the bees aie preserved. If the bees do not all come out in this manner, Dr. Warder's method may be followed, es- A P I A P I pecially if if be with a hive : vis. to place the hive with the small end downward in a pail, peck, or flower pof, so as to make it stand firm; then to take an empty hive, and set it upon the former, and to draw a cloth tight round the joining of the two hives, so that none of lhe bees may get out: after this, to strike the full hive so smartly as lo dis- turb the bees lhat are in it, but with such pauses between the strokes as to allow them time to ascend into lhe empty hive; which must be held fast while this is doing, lest it fall ofTby the shaking of lhe other. When by the noise ofthe bees in the upper hive, it is perceived that they are got into this last, carry it to a cloth spread for this pur- pose before lhe colony, wilh one end fastened to the land- ing place, and knock them out upon il : they will soon crawl up the clolh, and join their fellows, who will gladly receive them. Mr. Thorley's method of preserving bees in common hives, is incorporation, or uniting two stocks into one, by the help of a peculiar fume or opiate, which will put them entirely in (he bee master's power for a time to divide and dispose of at pleasure. But as that dominion over (hem will be of short duration, he must be expeditious in this business. The queen is immediately lo be searched for, and killed. Hives which have swarmed twice, and are consequently reduced in their numbers, are the fittest to be joined together, as this will greatly strengthen and im- prove them. If a hive is both rich in honey and full of bees, il is but dividing the bees into two parts, and putting them into two boxes instead of one. Examine whether the stock, to which the bees of another are to be joined, has honey enough fo maintain lhe bees of both : it should weigh full 20 pounds. The narcolic, or sfupifying fume, is made with the fungus maximus or pulverulenfus, the large mushroom, commonly known by lhe name of bunt, puck fist, or frog cheese. Il is as big as a man's head, or bigger when ripe ; it is of a brown colour, turns to powder, and is exceedingly light. Put one of these pucks into a large paper, press it to two thirds or near half the bulk of its former size, and tie it up very close; (hen put it into an oven sometime after lhe household bread has been drawn, and let it remain there all night: when it is dry enough to hold fire, il is fit for use. The manner of using it is this: cut off a piece of the puck, as large as a hen's egg, and fix it in the end ofa small stick slit for that pur- pose, and sharpened at fhe other end; which place so that the puck may stand near the middle of an empty hive. This hive must be set with the mouth upward, in a pail or bucket which should hold it steady, near the stock intended to be taken. This done, set fire to the puck, and immediately place the stock of bees over it, tying a cloth round lhe hives, that no smoke may come forlh. In a minute or little more, the bees will be heard falling like drops of hail into the empty hive. Then beat the top of the full hive gently, fo get out as many of them as possi- ble : after this, loosing the cloth, lift the hive off to a table, knock it several times against the table, several more bees will tumble out, and perhaps fhe queen among them. She often is one of the last that falls. If she is not there, search for her among the main body in the empty hive, spreading them for this purpose on a table. Proceed in the same manner with fhe other hive, with the bee* of which these are to be united. One ofthe queens being secured, put the bees of both hives together, min- ele them thoroughly, and drop them among the combs of The hive which they are intended to inhabit. Then cover it with a coarse cloth which will admit air, and let ihem remain shut up all lhat night and the next day. It will easily be known when they are awaked from this sleep. The second night after their union, in the dusk of the evening, gently remove the cloth from off the moifth ofthe hive, and the bees will immediately sally forth wilh a great noise; but being too late, they will soon return t. then inserting two pieces of tobacco pipes lo let in air, keep Ihem confined for three or four days, after which t\\r door may be left open. The best time for uniting bees i = , after their young brood are all out, and before they begin lo lodge in the empty cells. As to lhe hour ofthe day, Mr. Thorley advises young practitioners to do it early in the afternoon, in order lhat having the longer light, they may the more easily find out the queen. He never knew such combined stocks conquered by robbers. They will either swarm in the next summer, or yield an hive full of honey. Boxes placed laterally will answer every purpose of these of Mr. Thorley, and tbey may be made square and in the simplest manner. Bees have various enemies; mice should be guarded against, by diminishing the entrance info the hives when the cold comes on, and lhe bees are less able to defend themselves; and the hives may be placed in such a man- ner, that it will be impossible for the mice to reach them. Spiders and caterpillars are very destructive to bees ; a spe- cies of the latter, called (he wax worm, or wax moth, be- cause it feeds on wax, lays its eggs in the hive, which turn fo maggots that are very noisome and prejudicial. Hives of bees that have swarmed more than once, and such as contain little honey, are most exposed to these insects ; for the empty combs serve them for shelter, and the wax sup- plies them with food. These hives should be cleaned at least once a week ; and the stools on which they rest, where the moths are laid by the bees, should be cleaned every morning. But they cannot be entirely destroyed, without taking away the infected hive, removing the bees, and cleansing it of the moths, before it is restored to its former occupiers. Bees are often troubled with. lice, which may be destroyed by strewing tobacco over ihem. The depredations of birds, and particularly of the house lark and swallow, should be carefully prevented. Ants, woodlice, and earwigs, are also enumerated among the enemies of the bee3. Mr. Keys says, " the earwigs steal into the hives at night, and drag out bee after bee, suck- ing out their vitals, and leaving nothing but their skins or scalps like so many trophies of their butchery." Wasps and hornets are, however, the most formidable enemies that bees have to encounter. Wasps are very destructive to bees, on account of their superior strength and prodigious numbers, especially in a year favourable to their breeding. They are most numer- ous in July and August. Soon after that the workers die ; but the mothers survive the winter, and commence breed- ing about April. If cold and wet weather ensues, the greater part ofthe brood are starved : because the work- ers cannot fly out for forage, and wasps never lay up any store. Wet is very injurious fo their nests, and therefore, in a long season of heavy rain, few wasps will appear till September; but a mild winter, succeeded by a hot spring API A P O tvill so favour fhe increase of wasps, that without the greatest vigilance many stocks will fall victims to their power. One wasp is a match for three bees. They are very bold, and frequently encounter lhe most evident danger, undauntedly opposing a host of bees, lo obtain a belly full of honey. Therefore, when cold weather commences, knowing that the bees keep no guard then, great numbers get quietly in, and carry off abundance of honey ; and having once tasted ofthe sweets, they will not desist till fhey possess fhe whole. Perhaps the same method of destroying them, in this case, as directed for bee robbers, would prove as effectual against wasps. In lhe spring the mofher wasps may be seen about old timber, with the splints of which they compose their nests. On the blossoms of gooseberries and raspberries they will be found often, and may easily be knocked down and de- stroyed. Their death, at that time, will prevent a like number of nest3 from existing the next summer. A nest of wasps is said to consist of 30,000. Effectually to de- stroy a nest; in the evening, when the wasps have done labour, repair to the place, and stop all the holes of their egress or regress. Introduce a squib into the chief pas- sage, and instantly stopping it with a sod, &c. they will presently be suffocated. Dig the nest up, and burn it. Perhaps a wildfire of damp gunpowder placed on a piece of wood, and introduced, would answer the same purpose. Hornets, in the spring, will watch the bees as they issue from the hives. When they are seen about lhe hives, they should be knocked down and trodden upon. They may be trepanned, by placing an empty hive, wilh its in- side smeared with honey, among the stocks. Allured by this, the molher hornets will begin to build in it. In lhe evening lift up lhe hive, which may be done wilh safety, if the mother is there ; then set it down again, and in about half an hour after have a vessel with water ready ; take fhe hive and plunge it a litlle way into the water; then strike smartly on the top of lhe hive, and the hornets will fall into the wafer, and by a pair of longs may be crushed (o death. Or, the hive may be closely slopped up till morning ; and Ihen taking it into a room, raise the edge next the window ; the hornet will fly directly to it, and may readily be destroyed. Their nests are usually hung on the rafters, beams, or roofs of barns, or out houses, or fixed in hollow trees. They resemble a globe of brownish paper. The nest may be taken by preparing a large moulhed bag, with a running string to draw the mouth close. On a rainy day, or in an evening, put on tbe bee dress, and with great stillness approach the nesf, and draw the bag gently over it, instantly pulling the mouth so close that not a hornet may escape. APIS, or McscA,in astronomy, a southern constellation, containing four stars. APIUM, parsley, in botany, a genus of (he digynia order, belonging to the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 45th order, umbel- late. The fruit is of an oval shape, and streaked ; the involucrum consists of one leaf; and the petals are inflect- ed. There are only two species, the culture of which is well known, vis. 1. Apium graveolens, or smallage, or celery, a native of England; and. 2. Apium petroselinum, or common parsley, a native of Sardinia. Smallage, when improved by culture, is termed celery, and there is scarcely a more desirable root, especially as it is a winter sallad. It is aperient and tonic. With respect to the 2d sort, the roots and seeds ofthe petroselinum are used in medicine. The root of parsley ij one of the five aperient roots ; if liberally used, it is apt to occasion flatulencies ; and thus, by distending (he tjs. cera, produces a contrary effect to that intended by if; the taste of this root is somewhat sweetish, wifh a light degree of warmth and aromatic flavour. The seeds are an ingredient in the electuary of bayberries, are moder- ately aromatic, and were formerly used as carminatives, The common parsley is also reckoned an effectual cure for the rot in sheep, provided they are fed with it twicea week for two or three hours each time; but hares and rabbits are so fond of this herb, that they will come from a great distance to feed upon it; so that whoever has a mind to have plenty of hares in their fields, may draw them from all parts of the country by tbe cultivation of parsley. APLANATIC, a term applied to that kind of refrac- tion which entirely corrects the aberration of the rays of light, and the colour depending on it, in contradistinction to the word achromatic, in which there is only a partial correction of colour. APLUDA,a genus of the monoecia order, belonging fo the polygamia class of plants : and in the natural method ranking under the fourth order, gramina. The calixis a bivalved gluma: the floscules of the female are sessile, and the male floscules are furnished with pedunculi; Ibe female has no calix; (he corolla has a double valve; (here is bu( one stylus, and one covered seed. The male baa three stamina. There are 4 species. APOCYNUM, Kwo?, a dog, because the ancient* be- lieved this plant would kill dogs, Dogsbane : Agenusof the digynia order, belonging to the pentandria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 30th order conlortse. The essential characters are: fhe corol- la is bell shaped : and the filaments are five, alternate with the stamina. Of this genus botanical writers enume- rate 17 species; of which the following are the most re- markable : 1. Apocynum cordatum and villosum, natives of New Spain, and both climbers. 2. Apocynum speciosissimum, a native of Jamaica and of Savannah, whence it has the name of Savannah flower. Il tises three or four feet high : the flowers are produced from fhe sides ofthe branches, and are very large, and of a bright yellow colour. 3. Apocynum ventum ; there are two varielies of this; one with a purple, and the other with a white flower. This species is hardy enough to live in England. All the species of this plant abound with a milky juice, which flows out from any part of their stalks and leavei when they are broken; this is generally supposed lobe hurtful if taken inwardly, but does not blister the skin when applied to it as the juice of spurge and other acrid plants do. The pods of all the sorts are filled with seeds, which have each a long plume of a cottony down fastened to their crowns. This down is in great esteem in France, for stuffing of easy chairs, making quilts, Sec. for il is ex- ceedingly light and elastic A P 0 A P P APOCOPE, among grammarians, a figure which cuts off a letter or syllable from the end of a word, as ingeni for insrenii. APO( R1SIARIUS, in antiquity, an officer who de- livered the messages of lhe emperor. He became after- ward chancellor, and kept the seals. It wa3 also a title given to a bishop's resident at court, to lhe pope's deputy at Constantinople, and to (he treasurer of a monastery. APOGEE, that point of the orbit of a planet, or the sun, which is furthest from lhe earth. APOLL1NARIAN games, in Roman antiquity, an appellation given (o certain theatrical entertainments, cele- brated annually in honour of Apollo. APOLLINARIANS, or Apollinarists, in church history, a sect of heretics who maintained, lhat Jesus Christ had neither a rational human soul, nor a true body. APOLLONIA, in antiquity, an annual festival cele- brated by the iEgialians in honour of Apollo. APOLLO belvidere, a very celebrated antique statue, esteemed by artists the most excellent and sublime of all the ancient productions. It was found in the 15th century, about 12 leagues from Rome, in the ruins of ancient Antium, and purchased by pope Julius II. who removed it to the Belvidere of the "Vatican, whence it takes its name, and where it remained three hundred years, but it is now in the museum at Paris. See Sculp- ture. APOLOGUE, in matters of literature, an ingenious method of conveying instruction by means of a feigned relation, called a moral fable. The only difference between a parable and an apo- logue is, lhat lhe former being drawn from what passes among mankind, requires probability in tbe narration: whereas the apologue being taken from the supposed actions of brutes, or even of things inanimate, is not tied down lo the strict rules of probability. iEsop's fables are a model of 1 his kind of writing. APONEUROSIS, among physicians, a term some- times used (o denote the expansion of a nerve or tendon in the manner t,f a membrane ; sometimes for the cutting off a nerve ; and, finally, for lhe tendon itself. APOPHYSIS, in anatomy, an excrescence from the body ofa bone, of which it is a true continuous part, as a branch is ofa free. See Anatomy. APOPLEXY, a distemper in which the patient is sud- denly deprived of fhe exercise of all the senses, and of voluntary motion; while a strong pulse remains with a »l< ( p respiration, attended wifh a sterfor, and the appear- ance ofa profound sleep. See Medicine. APOSIOPESIS, in rhetoric, the suppressing or omit- ting to relate a part of the subject: thus the poet omits the circumstance of Dido's killing herself. Dixerat, atqiie illam media inter tallia feiro Collapsarv* adspiciunt. APOSTATE, among the Romanists, signifies a man who, without a legal dispensation, forsakes a religious order of which he had made profession. Hence, APOSTATA capiendo, in the English law, a writ which formerly lay against a person who, having entered into some order of religion, broke out again, and wandered up and down the country. vol. i. 26' APOSTILICI, an early sect of Christian?, who pre- tended to lead (heir lives in imitation of lhe apostles. 1 hey condemned marriage. APOSTROPHE, in rhetoric, a figure by which the orator addresses a person either absent or dead as if he was present; or appeals to angels and to men. to rock?, groves, &c. Thus Adam, in Milton's Paradise Lost : O woods, O fountains, hillocks, dales, and bowers, With other echo, &c. Apostrophe, in grammar, a mark placed over a letter to show that a vowel is cut off, as call'd for called, • X n or 2n4->c3 2n+4iis -------- X n for the cube root of N; or as N 4- 2n:' n 4- *».3 : 'is -f n3\'.n : the root sought nearly. Now, in thh case, N = 2, and therefore the nearest root n is 1, and its cube n3 = 1 also: hence N 4- -n3 =2 + 2=4, and 2N 4- n3 = 4 4- 1 = 5; therefore, as 4 : 5:: 1 : £ or 5 1£ = 1.25 the first approximation. Again, taking r — —, 125 250 378 4 and r3 = —; hence n -f- 2n3 = 2 -}-----=---, and 64 64 64 125 381 2n -f- n3 =4-|-----=---; therefore, as 378 : 381, or 64 64 5 635 as 126 : 127::— : ---= 1.259921, which is the cube 4 504 635 root of 2, true in all the figures. And by taking---for 504 a new value of n, and repeating the process, more figures may be found. Approximation, of the roots of equation, by. £ir Isaac Newton's method for approximating roots is this : first take a value of lhe root as near as may be, by trials, either greater or less; then assuming another letter to de- note the unknown difference between this and fhe true value, substitute info the equation lhe sum or difference of the approximate root and this assumed letter, instead ofthe unknown letter or root of the equation, which will pro- duce a new equation having only the assumed small differ- ence for its root or unknown letter; and, by any means, find, from this equation, a near value of this small assumed quantify. Assume fhen another letter for the small differ- ence between this last value and the true one, and subsli tufe the sum or difference of them into the last equation, by which will arise a third equation, involving the second assumed quantity; whose near value is found as before. Proceeding thus as far as we please,all the near values,con- nected together by their proper signs, will form a series approaching still nearer and nearer lo the true value of the root ofthe first or proposed equation. The approximate values of fhe several small assumed differences, may be found in different ways : sir I. Newton's method is this • as the quantity sought is small, its higher powers decrease more and more, and therefore neglecting fhem will not lead to any material error. He therefore neglects all the terms having in them lhe second and higher powers, leaving on- ly lhe first power and the absolute known term ; from which simple equation he always finds the value of (he as- sumed unknown lei(er nearly, in a very neat and easv manner. For example, let it be required to find lhe root of the equation x2 — 5x = 31, or .r2 — hx — 31 =0: Here (he root x, it is evident, is nearly ^ 8; for x therefore fake 8 + :, and substitute 8 4- 3 for ar in fhe -iveii e«ur. lion, and fhe terms will be thus: A P P A Q U X3 = 64 4- 16* -f- s2 — fyx = — 40 — 5s _31 = — 31 the sum is — 7 + 1 Is + s * = 0. Then, rejecting s2. it is lis — 7 =0, and s = 77T = .6363, &c. or = 0 nearly. Assume now s = .) 4- V '• then s* = .36 4- i-fy+'y" lis = 6.6 + 11# the sum— .04 + \2.2y + y2 = 0, .04 where # =---= .003278 nearly. 12 2 Assume i* v = .003278 — v : then y* '= .000010745284 — .006556v 4- v- 12.2y =.0399916 — 12.2--v — .04 = — 04 the sum .000002345284 — 12.206556i; + v2 = 0, .000002345284 where v —------------= .000000192133. 12.206556 Hence, then, collecting all the assumed differences, with their signs, it is found that i = 8-|-s-|-j/-i/=8 + .6 4- .003278 — .000000192133 = 8.6003277807867 the root of the equation required, by Newton's method. Example 2. Again, taking the cubic equation ys — 2y —. 5 = 0; Newton proceeds thus: \f is nearly = 2; take it therefoie y = 2 + p ; then 1/3=8+ 12p + 6pa + p3 — 2y = — 4 — 2p the sura —- 1 + lOp + 6p* + p3 = 0 ; hence p = T\ = .1 nearly. \ssume Up = . 1 4- q; then p3 = 0.001 -f 0.03a 4- 0.3a2 + q3 4. 6p* = 0.06 +1.2 +6 -f. I0p = 1 +10 — 1 = — 1 the sum 0.061 + 11.23a + 6.3 with ls7o thousand five hundred and sixty fathoms of A Q U A R A elevation, and contains two hundred and forty-two ar- cades. AQUARIANS, in church history, an ancient sect of Christians, who, under pretence of abstinence, made use of water inslead of wine in the euchaiisl. AQUARIUS, in astronomy, a constellation, which makes the eleventh sign in the zodiac, marked thus, m. It consists of forty-five Btars in Ptolemy's catalogue, of forty in Tycho's, and in the Britannic catalogue of 108. AQUART1A, in botany, a genus of the class and or- der, tetandria monogynia. The essential character is, ca- lyx bell shaped, corolla wheel" shaped, with linear divi- sions, berry many seeded. There is one species, a na- tive of South America. AQUAT1NTA, a method of engraving which very much resembles drawing in Indian ink. This process con- sists in corroding the copper with aquafortis, in such a manner, that an impression from it has the appearance of a lint laid on the paper. This is effected by covering the copper with a substance, which takes a granulated form, so as to prevent the aquafortis from acting where the parti- cles adhere, and by this means cause it to corrode the copper partially, and in interstices only. When these particles are extremely minute, and near to each other, the impression from the plate appears to the naked eye like a wash of Indian ink. But when ihey are larger, the granulation is more distinct; and as this may be varied at pleasure, it is capable of being adapted to a variety of purposes and subjects. The matter generally used for (his purpose, is compos- ed of equal parts of asphallum and transparent resin, re- duced to powder and sifted on the plate, which has been previously greased, through a fine sieve. The plate is .(hen heated so as (o make the powder adhere, and the ar- tist scrapes it away when a very strong shade is wanted, and covers those parts with varnish where he wishes a very strong light to appear. The aquafortis properly di- luted with water, is then put on within a fence of wax, as in common etching for engraving, and by repeated appli- cations, covering the light parls still with varnish, the ef- fect is produced. AQUEOUS humour, in anatomy, called also the albu- gineous matter, is the front of (he three humours of the eye, and fills up the space between the cornea and crys- taline. AQU1LA, in astronomy, a constellation of the north- ern hemisphere, consisting of fifteen stars in Ptolemy's catalogue, of seventeen in Tycho's, and of seventy-one in the Britannic catalogue. AQUILARIA, a genus of the class and order decan- dria monogynia. The essential character is, calyx five cleft; corolla, none ; nectarium pitcher shaped, half five cleft with bifid clefts; capsula superior, woody, two cell- ed, two valved ; seeds solitary. There is only one species* a large tree, a native of the mountains of Malacca and Cochin China. The lignum aloes, or aloes wood, is a resinous malter produced by a disease in (his tree, which finally kills it. The lignum aloes is highly esteemed in the east as a perfume, and from lhe bark of (his tree is made the common paper, which the Cochin Chinese use for writing. AQUILEGIA, Columbine, in botany, a genus of the nentaiynia order, belonging to the polyandria clas* of plants; and, in the natural method, ranking under lhe six- teenth order, multisiliqua?. It has no calyx; the petals are five, with a horn like nectarium inserted between each ; and there are five separate capsules. There are five species: 1. Aquilegia Alpina, grows naturally in Yorkshire. The flowers are much larger than those of the garden co- lumbine. 2. Aquilegia Canadensis, or Canada columbine, flowers almost a month before the other sorts. 3. Aquilegia Inversa, vor garden columbine. Of Ihis there are great varieties ; the colours are chesnut, blue, red, and white, and some are finely variegated. 4. Aquilegia Vulgaris, or wild columbine, with blue flowers, is found growing wild in some woods of England. 5. Aquilegia, viridiflora. AQUILICIUM, or Aquiliciana, in Roman antiquity, saciifices performed in times of excessije drought, to ob- tain rain of the gods. ARA, in astronomy, a southern constellation, contain- ing eight stars. » ARABESQUE, or Moresque, denotes a style of painting, or of sculpture, so called from the Arabians and Moors, who employed certain ornaments for want of hu- man and animal representations, which their religion pro- hibited them from using. ARABIC characters or figures, are the numerical characters made use of in all our arithmetical computa- tions. Arahic, gum, the name of a gum which distills from a species of mimosa. It is very common among us, but little is to be met with genuine; that is accounted the best which is in smaller pieces, and almost of a white colour. It is useful in all kinds of fluxes, particularly ca- tarrhs. ARABICI, a sect of Christians, who held that the soul both dies and rises again wilh (he body. ARABIS, bas(ard tower mustard: a genus of the sili- quose order, belonging to the tetrady namia class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 39th order, si- liquose. The generic mark consists in 4 nectiferous glands which lie on the inside of each leaf of the calyx. There are 14 species; but none of them remarkable for their beauty or their properties. Only one of these, vis. Arabis thaliana, or the mouse ear, is a native of Britain. It grows naturally on sandy ground, or old walls. ARACHIS, in botany, a genus of tbe diadelphia de* eandria class of plants, the flower of which is papiliona- ceous, and consists of three petals; and its fruit is an oblong unilocular pod, contracted in the middle. There are 2 species chiefly cultivated in Peru, Brazil, and Caro- lina, for the seed, which constitutes a considerable article of food for the negroes. This seed is a kind of nut, which is perfected in a most extraordinary manner ; for as soon as the flower falls off, the germ thrusts itself into the ground, and there the pod is formed and ripened, whence the popular name ground mils. ARACHNOIDES, in zoology, a name given to those echini marini, or sea hedgehogs, which are of a circular form, but variously indented at the edges. Arachnoides, is also a species of Madrepora, found fossile. The stars are very small, crowded, and flattened; rays undulated, short and equal. A R A A R A Arachnoides, in anatomy, an appellation given to several different membranes, in the tunic of the crystal- ine humour of the eye, the external lamina of the pia mater, and one of the coverings of the spinal marrow. ARAEOMETER, an instrument to measure the gravi- ty of liquors, which is usually made of a thin glass ball, wifh a taper neck, sealed at the fop, there being first as much mercury put into it as will keep it swimming in an erect posture. The neck is divided into parts, which are numbered, lhat so by lhe depths of its descent into any liquor, its lightness may be known by these divisions, for that fluid in which it sinks the least, must be heaviest, and that in which it sinks lowest is the lightest. See Hydrom- eter. ARiEOSTYLE, in architecture, a term used by Vi- truvius, lo signify the greatest interval which can be made between columns, which consists of eight modules or four diameters. ARAIGNEE, in fortification, signifies the branch, re- turn, or gallery ofa mine. ARAL>IA, in botany, a genus of plants with rosaceous flowers, and succulent berries, containing each a single oblong, and hard seed. It belongs to the pentandria pen- tagynia class of Linmeus. The essential character is flow- ers, in an umbellule, with an involucrum; cal. 5 toothed superior ; cor. 5 petalled ; berry 5 seeded. There are 9 species, most of them shrubs and natives of China and America; some are hardy enough to stand our climate in sheltered situations. ARAMPO, or Man eater, a name given by fhe negroes on the coast of Africa, to a long slender animal, in shape resembling a weasel, with along tail, and large brush at its extremity. It takes its name from digging up graves and devouring human flesh. ARANEA concha, the spider shell, a name given to several kinds of murex. Aranea, a genus of apterous insects, well known by fhe common name of spider. The mouth is furnished with short horny jaws ; lip rounded at the apex ; feelers two, incurved, jointed, very acute at the tip, clubbed with the genitalia in the male; no antennae; the eyes are eighf, or rarely six; feet eight, the anus furnished with papillae, or teats for spinning. They fix the ends of their threads by applying these nipples to any substance, and the thread lengthens in proportion as the animal recedes from it. They can stop the issuing of the threads by contract- ing the nipples, and reascend by means of the claws on their feet, much in the same manner as sailors warp up a rope. The darting out of long threads, which has been observ- ed by naturalists, and by means of which some species of spiders can convey themselves to great distances, deserves particular notice. Dr. Lister tells us, lhat attending close- ly to a spider weaving a net, he observed it suddenly to desist in the mid work; and turning its tail to the wind, it darted out a thread with the violence and stream we see water spout out of a jet: this thread, taken up by the wind, was immediately carried to some fathoms long ; still issuing out of fhe belly of the animal. By and by the spider leaped into the air, and the thread mounted her up swiftly. After this discovery, he made the like observa- tion on near thirty different species of spiders ; and found the air filled with young and old, sailing on their threads, and doubtless seizing gnats and other insects m their pa*. sage, there being often manifest signs of slaughter, legs, and wings of flies, &c. on these threads, as well as in their webs below. The matter of which the spider's threadg are formed, is a viscid juice, elaborated in the body of lhe animal. The young no sooner quit their egg than they begin to spin. Indeed their threads can scarcely be per- ceived, but the webs may; and no wonder, there being often 400 or 500 little spiders concurring to the same work. There are some kinds of spiders so small at their birth, that they are not visible without a microscope. There are usually found an infinity of these in a cluster, and they only appear like a number of red points: and jet there are webs found under them, fhough almost imper- ceptible. What must be the tenuity of one of these threads ? Mr. Lewenhock has computed that 100 of the single threads of a full grown spider are not equal to the diameter of the hair of his beard; and consequently, if the threads and hair are both round, ten thousand such threads are not'bigger than such a hair. •Garden spiders, Plate X. Nat. Hist. fig. 30. particular- ly the short legged species, yield silk which has been judged scarcely inferior to that of the silkworm. Mr. Bon of Languedoc, about 70 years ago, contrived fo man- ufacture from it a pair of silk stockings and mittens, ofa beautiful natural gray colour, which were almost as hand- some and strong as those made with common silk; and he published a dissertation concerning the discovery. But M. Reaumur, being appointed by the Royal Academy to make a further inquiry into this new silk work, raised sev- eral objections and difficulties against it. The sum of which amounts to this. The natural fierceness of the spi- der renders them unfit to be bred and kept together* Four or five thousand being distributed into cells, 50 in some, 100 or 200 in others, the big ones soon kill and eat the less, so that in a short time there were scarcely left one or two in each cell; and to this inclination of mutually eating one another M. Reaumur ascribes the scarcity of spiders, considering the vast numbers of eggs fhey lay. But he af- firms, that the silk of the spider is not one fifth of the strength of that ofthe silkworm. Add to this, that the spider's thread cannot be wound off as that of the silk worm may, but must of necessity be carded; by which means being torn in pieces, its evenness which contributes much to the lustre, is destroyed. Again, spiders furnish much less silk than the worms: fhe work of 12 spiders only equals that of one silkworm; and a pound of silk will require at least 27,640 spiders. The species of aranea enumerated by naturalists amount to upward of 50 ; of which it may here suffice to mention a few of the most remarkable. 1. Aranea aquatica, or fhe water spider, frequents the fresh waters of Europe. But it is in some sort amphibi- ous : for it can live on land as well as in the wafer, and comes often on shore for its food; yet it swims well io water, both on its belly and back : it is distinguishable by its brightness. In the water its belly appears covered with a silver varnish, which is only a bubble of air attach- ed to the abdomen by means of oily humours which trans- pire from its body, and prevent the immediate contact of the water. This bubble of air is made the substance of its dwelling, which it constructs under wafer : for it fives several threads of silk, or such fine matter, to the stalk* A R A A R B of plants in the water; and then ascending to the surface, thrusts the binder pari of its body above water, drawing it back again with such rapidity, that it attaches under- neath a bubble of air, which it has the art of detaining under water, by placing it underneath the threads, and which it binds like a covering almost all around (he air bubble. Then il ascends again for another air bubble ; and thus proceeds until it has constructed a large aerial apartment under water, which it enlers into or quits at pleasure. Il lodges during winter in empty shells, which it dexterously shuts up with a web. 2. Aranea Avicularia, is a native of America, and feeds upon small birds, insects, &c. The bite of this spider is accounted as venomous as that of the serpent. 3. Aranea calycina, lives in the cups of flowers, after the flower leaves have fallen off; and catches bees, and olher flies, when they are in search of honey. 4. Aranea Cucurbitina has a globular yellow belly, wilh a few black spots. It lives in the leaves of trees, and en- closes its eggs in a soft net. 5. Aranea Diadema is the largest spider which this country produces. The abdomen is of an oval form, downy, and ofa ruddy yellow colour. The upper part is beautifully adorned wilh black and white circles and dots, having a longitudinal band in the middle, composed of ob- long and oval shaped pearl coloured spots, so arranged as to resemble a fillet, similar to those worn by the eastern kings. The legs are ofa fine pale green colour ; annulated with dark purple or black. It inhabits the birch,tree. 6. Aranea Fasciata, wilh yellow bands round the belly,- and dusky rings on the legs, is a native of Barbary, and is as large as the thumb. It inhabits hedges and thickets : its webs have large meshes, and it resides in the centre. Twelve of these spiders, by way of experiment, were shut up together ; and, after a battle of eight days, the strong- est only remained alive. 7. Aranea Fimbriata, has a black oblong belly, with a white line on each side, and dusky coloured legs. It lives in water,upon the surface of which it runs with great swift- ness. 8. Aranea Holosericea, has an oval belly covered wifh a down, like velvet; at the base, or under part, it has two yellow spots. It is found in the folded leaves of plants. 9. Aranea Labyrinthica, wilh a dusky oval belly, a whitish indented line, and a forked anus. The web of this species is horizontal, with a cylindrical well or lube in the middle. 10. Aranea Ocellaf a, has three pair of eyes on its thighs. It is about the same size with the tarantula, of a pale colour, with a black ring round the belly, and two large black spots on the sides of the breast. It is a native of China. 11. Aranea Saccafa, lives in the ground, and carries a sack wilh its t^gs, wherever it goes. This sack it glues lo its belly, and will rather die than leave it behind. 12. (1) Aranea Tarantula has the breast and belly of an ash colour; fhe legs are likewise ash coloured, with blackish rings on the under pari; two of its eyes are larg- er than the other, red, and placed in the front; four olher eyes are placed in a transverse direction toward the mouth. It is a native of Italy, Cyprus, Barbary, and the East In- dies. It lives in bare fields, where the lands are fallow, Luit not very hard. Its dwelling is about four inches deep, and half an inch wide; at the bottom it is curved, and there the insect sits in wet weather, and cuts its way out if water gains upon it. It weaves a nest at the mouth ot the hole. These spiders do not live quite a year. In July they shed their skin. They by about 730 eggs, which are hatched in the spring; but the parent does not live to see her progeny, as she expires early in the winter. The ichneumon fly is Iheir greatest enemy. The bite of the tarantula is said to occasion an inflam- mation in the part, which in a few hours brings on sick- ness, difficulty of breathing, and universal fainfness ; lhe same symptoms return annually, in some cases, for several years ; and at last terminate in death. Music, it has been pretended, is the only cure. Such are the circumstances that have been generally related, and long credited, con- cerning the bite of this animal. But it is now generally agreed, that no such effects attend this bite; and lhat the exhibitions of dancing to music by persons pretending to be so affected, are only villanous deceptions to excite the compassion and extract the money of the spectators. Plate X. Nat. Hist. fig. 31. 13. Aranea Viatica, or wanderer, is generally ofa yel- low colour, more or less deep. It is found upon plants; and is a lively, active, indefatigable hunter. Without any motion of the head, which is furnished wilh immoveable eyes, it perceives all the flies that hover round about, does not scare (hem, but stretches over Ihem its arms, furnished with feathers, which prove nets in which their wings en- tangle. It is said to sit on its eggs ; which, however, it often carries about wifh it, wrapped up in a ball of white silk. Aranea, in mineralogy, a silver ore found only in the mines of Potosi. It owes its name to tbe faint resemblance it bears to a cobweb, being composed of threads of pure silver, which to the sight appear like silver lace, when burnt to separate the silk from it. ARBITER, in civil law, a judge nominated by lhe magistrate, or chosen voluntarily by two parties, in order to decide their differences according to law. The civilians make this difference between arbiter and arbitrator : though both ground their power on the com- promise of the parties, yet their liberty is different; for an arbiter is to judge according to the usages of the law, but the arbitrator is permitted to use his own discretion, and accommodate the difference in the manner that ap- pears to him most just and equitable. ARBITRATION, a power given by two or more con- tending parties, to some person or persons to determine the dispute between them. Matters relating to a freehold, debts due on bond, and criminal offences, are not (o be arbitrated. If the party injured by a criminal act, how- ever, proceeds by way of civil action, as in assault or libel, &c. the damages may be submitted to arbitration : also in case ofa breach of promise of marriage. The submission (o arbitration given by the parlies must be an agreement or bond upon a stamp, and must not be construed strictly but largely according to the intent of lhe parties submit- ted. It commonly contains a clause to protect the arbi- trators from any suit in equity that might be brought against them, in consequence of their award ; also one fo enable Ihem in case they cannot agree, to call in a third arbitrator, by mutual agreement, who is called an umpire. An action of debt may he brought for money adjudged to be paid by arbitrator. ARC ARC ARBOR, ia mechanics, the principal part ofa machine which serves to sustain fhe rest; also the axis or spindle on which a machiue turns, as the arbor of a crane, wind- mill, Sic. ARFORIBONZES, wandering priests of Japan, who subsist on alms. They dwell in caverns, and cover their heads wifh bonnets made ofthe bark of trees. ARBUTUS, the strawberry tree, in botany, a genus of plants with a one leafed bell fashioned flower, and a ber- ry or fruit resembling a large strawberry. See plate. The strawberry tree belongs to the decandria monogy- nia class of Linnaeus. The essential character is, calyx five parted ; corolla, ovate, diaphonous at the base; cap- sule five celled. There are ten species of this beautiful shrub, all of them tolerably hardy, -but they will not bear fruit, except when they are sheltered from the cold winds. The fruit is eatable. ARC, in geometry, any part of fhe circumference of a circle, or curved line, lying from one point to another, by which the quantity of the whole circle or line, or some other thing sought after, may be gathered. Arch of a Circle, the length of an arch may be found by this rule: as 180° is to the number of degrees in the arc, so is 3.1416 times the radius to the length : for when / radius is 1 half, the circumference is 3.14159, &c. there- 3.14159 fore, ■-■■-, Sec. = .01745329, &c. = the length of an 180 arch of 1 degree. Hence r X .01745, &c. = the length of 1* to tbe radius r ; and therefore r X 0.1745, &c. X the number of degrees in any arc = the length of that arch. The length of circular arches may be found in the fol- lowing manner : The radius ofa circle being 1 ; and of any arc a, if the tangent be /, the sine s, the co-sine c, and the versed sine v: then the arc a will be truly expressed by several series, as follow, viz. the arc a = t — \t3+\t*—y X\t> Sec. s s3 s5 s7 «='----^. —+-*.----}._&c. 6 cs es c? 1 1.3 1.3.5 « = s + — ss + ----s*-f ------*' &c. 2.3 2.4.5 1 v 1.3 v2 O = y/2v X (1 -f --.----f- ---- .---f- 2.3 2 2.4.5 22 1.3.5 v3 •-----. — &c. 23 3.14159, &c. a = -----------d = .01745329, &c. xd; where 180 d denotes the number of degrees in the given arc. Also, 8c-— c « =------nearly ; where c is the chord ofthe arc, and 3 c the chord of half the arc ; whatever the radius is. To investigate the length of the arc of any curve. Put x = the absciss, y = the ordinate, of the arc x, of any curve whatever. Put s — y" x2 -f. y* ; then, bv means of the equation of the curve, find tbe value of* jn terms of y, or of y in terms of x, and substitute that value instead of it in the above expression s = y/x2 +y*. hence, taking the fluents, they will give the length of (he arc s, in terms of x or y. See Fluxions. Arch of equilibration, is that which is in equilibrium in all its parts, having no tendency to break in one part more than in another, and which is therefore safer and stronger than any other figure. Every particular figure of the extrados, or upper side of the wall above an arch, requires a peculiar curve for the under side ofthe arch itself, to form an arch of equilibration, so that the incumbent pres- sure on every part may be proportional to the strength or resistance there. When the arch is equally thick through- out, a case that can hardly ever happen, then the cate- narian curve is the arch of equilibration; but in no other case ; and therefore it is a great mistake in some authors to suppose that this curve is the best figure tor arches in all cases; when in reality it is commonly the worst. This subject is fully treated in Dr. Hulton's Principlesof Bridges, prob. 5, where the proper intrados is investigated for every extrados, so as to form an arch of equilibration in all cases whatever. It there appears that when the upper side of the wall is a straight horizontal line, as in the figure, Plate XIV. fig. 3. the equation of the curve is thus expressed, a -u x -f- \/ ±ax -f- xx log. of-------------------- a y = h X-------------------------- a -f- r ■+- v1 2ar + rr log. of----------:-------- where x = DP, y = PC, r = DQ, h = AQ, and a = DK. And hence, when a, h, r, are any given numbers,a table is formed for the corresponding values of a; and y, by which the curve is constructed for any particular occasion. Thus, supposing a or DK = 6, h or AQ, = 50, and r or DQ, = 40; then the corresponding values of KI and IC, or horizontal and vertical lines, will be as in this table. Table for constructing the curve of Equilibration. Value Value Value Value Value j Value of KI oflC. of KI. oflC. ofKI. 36 oflC. 0 6.000 21 10.381 21.774 2 6.035 22 10.858 37 22.948 4 6.144 1 23 11.368 38 24.190 6 6.324 24 11.911 39 25.505 8 6.580 j 25 12.489 40 26.894 '0 6.914 ' 26 13.106 41 28.364 12 7.330 | 27 13.761 42 29.919 13 7.571 ; 28 14.457 43 31.563 14 7.834 ' 29 15.196 44 33.299 15 8120 * 30 15.980 45 35.135 16 8430 31 16.8 1 1 46 37.075 17 8.766 32 17.693 47 39.126 18 9.168 ; 33 18.627 48 41.293 19 9-517 : 34 19.617 49 43.581 20 9.934 35 20.665 50 46.000 ARC ARC Ancs, similar. If the arc of one curve contains the same number of degrees as the arc of another; or if lhe radius of one curve is to the radius of another, as lhe arc of ono curve is to its corresponding one, then these two arcs are similar. Arcs, equal, those which contain lhe same number of degrees, and whose radii are equal. Arc, diurnal, that part of a circle described by a heavenly body, between its rising and setting ; as the noc- turnal arch is that described between its setting and rising ; both these together are always equal. Arc of progression or direction, an arch of the zodiac, which a planet seems to pass over, when its motion is ac- cording to the sit^ns. Arc of retrogradalion, an arch ofthe zodiac, described by a planet, while it is retrograde, or moves contrary to the order of the signs. ARC A, in conchology, a genus of bivalves, (he animal of which i» supposed to be a telhys : the valves are equal; and the hinge beset with numerous sharp teeth, inserted between each other. The species are divided into two sections; the first has an entire margin, and in the other the margin is crenulated. ARCADE, in architecture, is used to denote any open- ing in the wall of a building forming an arch. ARCH, in architecture, a concave building, with a mould bent in form of a curve, erected to support some structure. See Architecture. ARCHBUTLER, one of the great officers of the German empire, who presents lhe cup to lhe emperor, on solemn occasions. This office belongs to the king of Bohemia. ARCHCHAMBERLAIN, an officer of lhe empire, much the same with the great chamberlain in England. The elector of Brandenburgh was appointed, by the gold- en bull, archchamberlain of the empire. ARCHCHANCELLOR, an high officer, who, in an- cient times, presided over the secretaries of the court. Under the two first races of the kings of Fiance, when their territories were divided info Germany, Italy, and Aries, there were three archchancellors ; and hence the three archchancellors still subsisting in Germany, fhe arch- bishop of 31enfz being archchancellor of Germany, fhe archbishop of Cologn of Italy, and the archbishop of Treves of Aries. ARCHDEACON, an ecclesiastical, dignitary or offi- cer, next to a bishop, whose jurisdiction extends either over (he whole diocese, or only a part of it. There are sixty archdeacons in England. ARCHDUKE, a title given fo dukes of greater author- ity and power than other dukes. ARCHED legs, a fault in a horse, when his knees are bent prchwise. ARCHER, in the ancient military art, one who fought wifh bows and arrows. The English archers were esteemed the best in Europe, to whose prowess and dexterity the many victories over the French were in a great measure owing. ARCHERY, the art of shooting with a bow and arrow. This art either as an instrument in war or an object of amusement, may be traced in the history of almost every country. Our own was in its earliest periods highly cel- ebrated for its skill in archery ; and it appears that the vol. i. 27 English monarchs took great pains to encourage the exer- cise oi fhe lonii bow. Edward III. ordered a complaint lo be lodged against tbe sheriff of London, for permitting other useless games to be pursued, when the leisure time of his people upon holidays ought to be spent in the rec- reation-! ol archery. In the reign of Ed. IV. an act was made that every Englishman should have a bow of his ow n height to be made of yew, hazel, ash, &c. and mounds of earth were ordered to be made in e\ery township, and the inhabitants to practise archery, under certain penal- lies. During the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. arche- ry was also encouraged ; in the third of Henry VIII. a statute was made commanding every father to provide a bow and two arrows for his son, when he was seven years old. By the founder of Harrow school, shooting with bow and arrow was insisted upon as a fundamental part of the regulations. ARCHES, or Court of Arches, the supreme court be- longing to (he archbishop of Canterbury, to which appeal? lie from all (he inferior courts within his province. ARCHIL, a moss of a gray colour, which grows on the rocks in many paffs of the Archipelago, and on the west- ern coast of England. It yields a purple tincture, fugi- tive indeed, but very beautiful, which is the best chymical tesf for aciJs and alkalies, and is known by the name of tincture of litmus. By the addition of tin it is rendered durable as a dye, and it then approaches lo scarlet. Ar- chil is however most commonly used to give a bloom to pinks and other colours. It readily gives out its col- ouring ma((er to water or any spirit. ARCH1LOCHIAN, a term in poetry applied to a sort of verses, of which Archilochus was the inventor, consist- ing of seven feet, the four first whereof are ordinarily dac- tyls, (hough sometimes spondees, the three last trochees: as in Horace, Solvitur acris hyems, grata vice veris et Favoni. ARCHITECT, Ap^»TgicT«w, of aCpxps chief, and tsjctwu, an artificer or builder, a professor of the art of building. The architect's business and his glory, is the designing of a work, and his genius is displayed, as well in the general symmetry, ornaments, and magnificence of his plan, as in the useful arrangement of ils internal distribution. The necessary qualifications of a great and perfect ar- chitect, are numerous and hard of attainment. He should be profoundly skilled in the knowledge of the properties of the materials he employs, the strength and durability of them, the method of connecting Ihem together in the nearest direction to that in which they can be employed wilh their full strength ; and this implies geometrical skill as well as physical knowledge. He should be skilled in perspective ; and it is necessary that he should be a quick and correct, though he may not attain to be a fine, draftsman. Some of lhe lime employ- ed by young architects in practising this art, would be much more usefully spent in acquiring a general knowledge of natural philosophy. He should have a full knowledge of tbe various prac- tised modes of combining together the materials of his building ; to guide his mathematical reasoning, on the va- riety of new combinations his own practice may acquire: he should not merely design his roof, and trust to the car- penter for the judicious execution; nor plan the figure of ARCHITECTURE. his stair, and let the mason find out the safe means of sus- taining iis weight, with regular and proportionate solidity. In our climafe, he should perfectly understand the best means of generating, distributing, and retaining warmth in his buildini, and plan his apartments with this material ob- ject in view. He should be able to> direct the unscientific mere manufacturer, of grates and contrivances to contain the necessary fuel for this purpose. He should never build an imperfect chimney to infest his house with smoke in the apartments, and counteract the tendency of the fire, fo carry it off into the atmosphere. In warmer regions his *kill must be displayed in arranging the facilities for cooling his apartments. He should have a perfect knowledge of tbe proportions of the beautiful models of antiquity, and genius to animate and direct him in fhe application of his acquirements. Vitruvius, Palladio, Vignola, Inigo Jones, de Lorme, sir Christopher Wren, fhe earl of Burlington, and sir William Chambers, were very celebrated architects. ARCHITECTURE, the art of building, or a science which teaches how lo erect buildings, either for habita- tion or defence. Tne origin of this noble science may be traced in fhe Indian's huf and the Greenlander's cave; they show the rude beginning from which if has grown to its present perfection and magnificence. It is an art of the first necessity, and almost coeval with the human species. Man, from seeking shade and shelter under the trees of the forest, soon felt (he necessity and saw the utility of bending them to more commodious forms than those in which he found (hem disposed by nature. To huts made of trees and branches leaning together at lop, and forming a conical figure plastered with mud, succeeded more con- venient, square, roofed habitations. The sides of these habitations, and the inner supports for the crossbeams of the roofs, being trunks of trees ; from them were derived those beautiful, symmetrical columns, the Orders of Archi- tecture. Though the art of building was cultivated by (he an- cien( Egyptians, Assyrians, and Persians, wi(h great suc- cess in the production of such gigantic structures as fhe pyramids of Egypt which exist lo this day, and the Laby- rinth seen by Herodotus, wilh other works of extraordi- nary and vast magnificence; yet we owe to fhe Greeks the first structures, in which elegance and symmetry were combined with comfort and convenience in the plan. The established five orders of arcbitec(ure, (he Tuscan, the Doric, (he Ionic, (he Corinthian, and the Composite, were brought to perfection under the Greeks and Romans. Modern efforts have added litde or nothing (o (be beauty and symmetry of these columns, and the parts dependent on them ; but much has been done in the internal improve- ment of mansions and bouses. Roman and Grecian architecture, which teaches the proportions and arrangement of the orders invented by them, being called ancient; modern, or practical archi- tecture, will chiefly relate to the art of distributing tbe apartments with more attention to domestic economy, con- venience, and comfort. And if we have not surpassed the taste of (he ancients, in external design and ornament, nor equalled (hem in (he durability and vast extent of their buildings, (he ruins of which astonish us at this day ; yet doubtless the natural and first purposes of the art are more completely answered, and the people in general are more comfortably lodged. A practice of raising up houses of a too expensive and heavy solidity, is unfavourable to the general improvement ofthe art in respect of domesdc economy and conveni'. ence. Accordingly the facility of procuring stone, and the want of brick earth, has produced in the capital of France, houses of enormous strength, and the buildings last too long; while the slighter ones of London are more easily susceptible of the changes necessarily introduced by improvements in the arts, and inventions for promof- ing domestic economy and comfort. The speculations of needy or avaricious builders, however, lead us into tbe op. posite extreme but too often, and buildings are erected which very soon after they are finished require essen- tial repairs to keep them up during the terms of the leases. Besides ancient and modern architecture, a third style of building may be traced from the same source with fhe former. Amongst the northern nations of Europe origi- nated the style called Gothic ; which after the destruc- tion of (he Roman empire by these people, (hey introduc- ed in Europe to the exclusion of the Greek and Roman manner of architecture. Like (he ancien( Egyptians, they sometimes seem to have been more studious to aston- ish the eye with great and vast masses of stone, than to please by symmetry of design, or beauty of ornament. But there are (wo species of Gothic; (he Saxon, heavy, plain, and robust, like the Tuscan;- the other, like Corinthian or Composite architecture,light,.airy, and orna- mental, received ils finish from the hand of lhe Normans, and was by ihem introduced info this country. A grove of tall trees, meeting at top wifh interweaved, branches, is fhe natural and beautiful model from which the aisle of (he Norman Gothic cathedral is derived. A mistaken prejudice has prevented the due study of this style of building, though the most exquisite remains of if adorn our island; in the structures of which, much mathematical and geometrical skill may be observed: and we cannot help observing with bishop Warburton, that "our Gothic ancestors had jusfer and manlier notions of magnificence on Grecian and Roman ideas, than those en- emies of laste, who profess to study only classic ele- gance." Sir William Chambers remarks, " that to those usually called Gothic architects we are indebted for the first con- siderable improvements in construction;" "that there is a lightness in their works, an art and boldness of execu- tion, to which tbe ancients never arrived, and which the moderns comprehend and imitate with difficulty." But to (his manner of building, modern improved distribution is not easily adapted; though it seems peculiarly proper for religious edifices. OF THE FIVE ORDERS. The Tuscan Order. Although there are no ancient remains of it, this order is generally placed first on account of its plainness ; and Vitruvius only mentions in an indistinct manner the gener- al proportions of it. The Trajan and Antonine columns at Rome are commonly called of the Tuscan order, though they have eight diameters for their height, and the ARCHITECTURE. torus and capitals do not exhibit Tuscan plainness. It is highly probable (he Tuscan is only a simplification of the Doric, of which there are so many very ancient remains ; but to Tuscany it evidently owes its name, from being employed there, in several large edifices. Its proportions are, fourteen modules or seven diame- ters for the height of (he column ; (hree modules and a half for (he whole entablature, which being divided info ten equal parts, three are for the height of the architrave, three for (he frize, and four for (he cornice: (he capital is in height one module. The base, including, as is pecu- liar to the measurement of this order, the lower cincture of the shaft, is one module; and the shaft with its upper cincture and astragal is twelve modules. For interior use the height of the column may be fourteen modules and a half, or fifteen modules, and the increase may be in the column only. It is customary to diminish this order one quarter, but the diminution of one eighth or sixth would better accord with its character of strength. The Doric Order. Of fhe Doric Order, the very ancient remains exhibit proportions so dissimilar to the practice of latter times, that they must have been produced before experience had matured the rules of art. In several parts of the ruins of Athens, these columns are seen of a height not exceeding four diameters, and four and a half. Strength was more regarded than elegance of design in these low proportions. Columns of near six diameters may be found in the (em- ples of Minerva and Theseus, at the same place; and the columns of (he more ancient temple of Apollo, a( Delos, have five diameters, and are fluted in (he neck, and on (he foot. There are columns of upward of six diameters in height found in other buildings at Athens; and the temple of Hercules at Cora, has columns of eighi diameters and three quarters, and they are on bases, uhich the others are not. Vilruvius, allowing if to be the most ancient order, as- cribes its origin lo Doius, who built a temple lo Juno, in the ancienl city of Argo«. But afterward, Ion, who built a temple fo Apollo in Am'*, fixed the proportions of this order; and being guided by the example of nature in the structure of man, gave six times the length of the foot, or diamelerof its base, for the behihf. The practice of lhe moderns allows eight diameters, with a base ; an addition to the ancient plan of this column, no less useful than elegant. Some of the most ancient col- umns of (his order are fluted, and some squared off, or wrought with pans instead of hollows. The cracks, or di- visions, in the bark of lhe trees originally employed for pillars, very naturally suggested fluting when any orna- ment was desired. The place and form of the triglyph, an ornament pecu- liar lo (his order, are bolh evidently derived from the ends of projecting joints, laid from fhe inner fo lhe outer walls of buildings. When as much of the limber as appeared unhandsome was cut off, tablets like fhe triglyphs now in use were fastened on the sawed ends, and produced a pleasing effect. The triglyphs, interjoists, and metope, in Doric work, had their origin from tbe disposition of the timbers in fhe roof; afterward, in other works, some made the rafters that were perpendicular over the triglyphs to project outward, and carved their projecture; hence as the triglyphs arose from the disposition of lhe joists, so the mulules under the corona were derived from the projec- tuie of the rafters ; wherefore in stone or marble struc- tures, the mutules are represented declining in imitation ofthe rafters; and also on account of (he droppings from (he eaves, it is proper ihey should have such declination. This also explains the situation and form of the gultae or drops. The ornaments on (he me(ope, or space between the trig'yphs, may have been originally trophies of the deity, or implements of sacrifice placed there : the bull's skull is peculiar to the Doric order. According to the modern proportions of this order, let tbe height of the column, including its capital and base, be sixteen modules, the height of the entablature four mod- ules, which being divided into eight parts, two are for the architrave, three for the frize, and three for the cornice : tbe base will be one module in height, the capital thirty- two minutes, or a little more. The Ionic Order. To the before mentioned Ion, is ascribed by Vitruvius, the origin of this more delicate or feminine order; of which the volutes of the capital, ornamented with festoons, are like locks of hair decorated with flowers. Succeeding architects much approving the taste and ingenuity of this design, allowed eight diameters and a half to the order. The celebrated Hermogenes, when building the temple of Baechus at Teos, rejected lhe Doric after all the marbles were cut, and adop(ed (he Ionic ins(ead. And indeed (he difficulties of adjusting the mutules, metope, and triglyphs, wifh propriety in Doric structures, and the massive ap- pearance of the order, caused a frequent preference of the Ionic. Denfeles belong to (he Ionic cornice : (hey rep- resent the assers, or smaller rafters, supporting (he tiles. On (he antique Ionics, (he volutes are generally placed parallel, and to Michael Angelo is attributed, as a new in- ven(ion, (he executing them on an angular plan, though some ancienl examples of this manner may be seen. It has been attempted fo prove, that the accidental pleasing forms of convolution in shells, gave the first idea of the Ionic volute. Eighteen modules are given, as a modern proportion for the height of (he column of (his order; and for the en- tablature, four modules, or four and a half, which is less than the antique Ionics. The capital is twenty-one min- utes, and fhe base thirty minutes in height; the shaft may be plain, or fluted with twenty or twenty-four flufings, whose plan should be a trifle more than a semicircle, and the breadth of the fillet between them should not be more than one third of (he flute. The ornaments of the capi- tal are to correspond wi(h the flufings of the shaft, and there must be an ove above the middle of each fluting. The entablature being divided into fen equal parts, three are for (he architrave, (hree for the frize, and four for lhe cornice. In interior work, where delicacy is required, (he height of the entablature may be reduced to one fifth of the height of the column. The Corinthian Order. The Corinthian order has arisen out of the two former and has nothing but the capital peculiar to itself; of which the origin, from the leaves of a root of acanthus springing round a basket, and curling in the manner of a volute ARCHITECTURE. against a tile which covered it, which answers to the aba- cus is recorded by Vitruvius. This pleasing accidental combination, was copied by Callitaachus ; who saw if, and was struck wi(h (he elegance and novelty of (he effect. The other members placed on (he Corinthian pillar, are common fo the Doric and Ionic orders. The many examples existing amongst the fragments of antiquity, evince (he great prevalence of the Corinthian order, amongst the ancients: but the Romans annihilated every vestige of it in Corinth, where it had its origin, in their barbarous destruction of that rival city. The moderns have adopted these proportions: tbe col- umns are twenty modules in height; the entablature, five modules; (he base one module, and may be either attic or Corinthian. The capital has seven(y minutes in height ; the proportion of the members in the entablature, is tbe same as in (he Tuscan and Ionic orders. If (he entabla- ture is enriched, the shaf( of (he column may be fluted, and the flufings m*y be fitted to one third part of (heir height with cabling ; and in very rich decorations, (he cabling may be composed of reeds, husks, ribands, flow- ers, &c. The capital is enriched with olive leaves, as are almost all the antiques of this order at Rome ;Tfhe acanthus be- ing seldom employed, but in the composite. The entab- lature may be reduced to two ninths or one fifth of the height of the column: in which case it is best to use the Ionic entablature, or reduce the denteles of the cornice. The Composite Order. In a successful attempt at pleasing variety and novelty, the Romans produced the composite order, by combining the proportions and enrichments of the Corinthian, with the angular volute of the Ionic. The omission of the upper row of leaves in the capital, and the addition of the Ionic volute, give it a bolder as- pect than (he Corinthian: uniting elegance and a very pleasing projection. In the triumphal arches of Rome, erected at the very height of its splendour, it was used with a happy effect, as well as in many other examples in that city. The height of the column is twenty modules, according to modern proportions; that of the entablature five mod- ules ; the capital has seventy minutes in height. The base measures fhe same as in the Doric and Ionic orders; and as the module is less all its parts will be more delicate. The shaft may be enriched with twenty or twenty-four fiutings, and (he principal members of the entablature may have the same proportions as in the two former or- ders. If we class fhe orders of architecture according to (heir destination, we shall limit (hem to three : the first class, in- cluding the Tuscan and Doric, for supporting plain and mas- sy buildings ; one for buildings of a more elegant and light form, and one between these two. The Ionic and lhe Co- rinthian, with their varieties, will compose the last classes. The cyma and cavetto are constantly used as finishings by the ancients, and never applied where strength is re- quired. The ovolo and talon are always employed as sup- porters to the essential members of (he composition, such as the modillions, denteles, and corona. The chief use of the torus and ofthe astragal, is fo strengthen the tops and bottoms of columns, and sometimes of pedestals, where they are frequently cut in the form of ropes. The scotia is employed only to separate the members of °ases- The fillet is also used for this purpose in all kinds ot protiles,ai well as in bases. An assemblage of essential parts and mouldings is call- ed a profile : the best are composed of few mouldings, v«. ried in form and size, fitly applied ; (he s(raighi and curv- ed ones placed alternately. Every profile should have a predominant member, which (he others should seem made to support, fortify, or shelter from the injuries of lhe weath- eY: as in a cornice, where the corona is principal, lhe cy. ma or cavetto cover it, and the modillions, denteles, orolo, and talon, support il. When ornaments are employed to adorn the moulding!, all of them must not be carved, that lhe eye may finda proper repose on the plain ones, or the figure of the pro. file will be lost. The square members being generally either principal in the composition, or used as boundaries to other parts, should rarely be carved. When mouldings of the same size and form occur in one profile, they should be enriched with the same kind of ornament. The addition of rusticated cinctures to col. umns, is an ungraceful modern invention ; but rustic work is introduced with great propriety and effect into gates, large entrances, grottos, baths or fountains, and for low basement stories. To each order belongs a particular base; the Tuscan has only a torus and a plinth : the Doric base has an as- tragal more than the Tuscan ; the torus is larger, on a double scotia, with two astragals between them on the Ionic base. The Corinthian base has two toruses, two scotias, and two astragals; the Composite base has one as- tragal less than the Corinthian. Columns are generally diminished one sixth part of their lower diameter, which diminution begins at one third part of their height. Some architects allow a small swell in the lower part of (he middle division of (he pillar. But in columns from fifteen Io twenty feet high, the lower diameter being divided into six parts and a half, lake five parts and a half for the diameter a( the top. Columns from twenty to thirty feet high are diminished one seventh. From thirty to forty feet, the lower diame- ter being divided into seven parts and a half, six and a half may be taken for the upper diameter: and from forty to fifty feet high, ihey may be diminished one eighth part, and so on in proportion. Pedestals consist of three principal parts, the base, the dye, and the cornice, and are used only to elevate the col- umns to a necessary height. No particular proportions can be assigned for them ; but it is common to give them from one third to one quarter of (be height of (he column and entablature, which being divided into nine parts, two are for the base, one for the cornice, and six for the dye of the pedestal, which is of equal dimensions with the plinth of the column. The enrichments are of course regulated by those of the entablature of the particular order which the pedestal may carry. One pedestal only is necessary for two columns placed together, and a continued pedes- tal with projections in the cornice, under each colamn, must be used for a colonnade or peristyle; buf if other circumstances permit, columns the whole necessary height, without pedestals, should be used, and will always have a more majestic appearance. Pilasters follow in their parfs the orders of columns, and admit of a like diminution, but are square instead of round ARCHITECTURE. in fheir plan. They are however to be seen, not diminish- ed, in ancient and modern works, and chiefly so, when tbey occur on oner corners. Pilasters are employed in internal decorations (o save room, and seldom pioject beyond the solid wall, above one quarter of (heir diameter; and sometimes they are seen on the exlernal par( of buildings, alone and wilh columns. When placeo behind, and very near columns, they need not project above one eighth part of their diam- eter. Pilasters are adorned like columns, and the profile of their capitals is nearly the same. Attics. In Athens, where it was for many agee a rule to conceal the roofs of buildings, attics had their origin. A line of low columns and pedestals, or of columns and balusters may be employed for (his purpose. They should be less in height than one third of lhe order on which Ihey are placed, but not lower than one quarter. If the attic is composed of a low order, the base and cornice may have lhe same mouldings as the pedestals of the columns, and with the dye, bear the same proportion to each other ; and when they form pilasters over the* col- umns of the building, the breadth of the bases must not exceed the upper diameter of the columns which they surmount. Caryatides. Representations of the human figure, the male called Persians, and the female Carians, or Caryatides, have been employed to support the entablatures of build- ings. These were invented and used in memory of the captivity of the Persians and Carians by the Athenians. The Persians may be of any size, wifh a Doric entablature, bearing (he same proporfion (o (he figure as to columns of the same height ; but fhe Caryafides or female figures, ought to have Ionic or Corinthian entablatures, and not lo be larger than life. Termini, figures which owe their origin to the stones used by lhe ancients to distinguish the limits of their pos- sessions, are employed (o support the entabla(ures of monuments, chimney pieces, and such small compositions, and as ornaments in gardens or fields. Ofthe temples ofthe ancients. Ofthe many remaining sacred buildings ofthe ancients* seven orders may be distinguished. Antis. The first order has antae or pilasters in front, at the corners of the walls which form the cell, or enclosed space within fhe walls, and between the pilasters in the middle, two columns which support the pediment or porch. The prostyle is the same as the antis, only columns are added opposite (he pila>ters of each corner, which support a chapiter or architrave, as in fhe anlis. The amphiprostyle has only a postern, or back front added, with columns and pediment, like the prostyle. The peripteral has in the front and hinder porch six columns, and eleven, including the corner ones on each side ; and these columns are placed with the space of an iufercolumniation between them and the wall of lhe building, leaving an ambulatory round the cell ofthe edi- fice. In the pseudo dipteral the columns are so placed, that in front and behind there are eight, and on each side fif- teen with the corner columns; and the walls of the cell must correspond with the four centre columns before and behind, leaving the space of two infercolumniafions. and the (bickness of one column between the walls and the outer column. The dipteral is octostyle, or eight columned before and behind, but it has a double row of columns round the cell. The hypelhral is decastyle, or ten columned before and behind, having the other parts the same as the dipteral; but it has a double row of columns within, all round, one above another, resembling a porch, which is called a peristyle : the middle has no roof, and it has folding doors before and behind. Of round temples. Some are monopteral, without cells, and built on columns; others are called peripteral, and have an ascent of two steps, on which lhe pedestals of the col- umns are placed. The wall of the cell is distant one fifth part of the diameter of the temple from the pedestals of the columns. The monopteral have a tribunal or throne, and are ascended by sleps; and the columns placed on pedestals are as high as the diameter of the temple, taken at the outside ofthe pedestals. On the proper disposition of columns depend (he ele- gance and grantor of a building, for which Vitruvius lays down the rulesWserved by the ancients, and admitted by the moderns. The five species of buildings, according to the disposi- tion ofthe columns, are the pycnostyle, (hick of columns; the systyle, wilh columns wider apart ; the diaslyle, still wider; the arseostyle, more distant (ban is proper; and the eustyle, wilh columns at a proper distance. In the pycnostyle, (he dis(ance of (he intercolumniation is one diameter and a half of the column. The syslyle has two diameters. The diastyle has (hree diameters of the column for the intercolumniation, but the architrave, on account of the distance, is liable to break. In lhe arseostyle fhe beams are made of durable timber. The eustyle is formed by allowing (he distance of two diame- ters and a quarter for (he inlercolumnia(ions, except the middle one which must have (hree diameters. For (he eus(yle, (be rule is, (hat (he front of a building, if it is (e(ras(yle, of four columns, is divided in(o eleven parts and a half, withou( reckoning the projection of the base of the column. If hexastyle, of six columns, into eighteen parts. If octostyle, of eight columns, into twen- ty-four parts and a half. Of these parts each shall be equal to the diameter of a column. Each intercolumnia- tion must be two and a quarter of these parts; but three must be allowed for the middle one; and for the height, eight diameters and a half. The columns to the arfeostyle should have for their thickness one eighth part of their height. For lhe diastyle, the height of the column is to be divided into eight parts and a half, and one part taken for lhe thickness ofthe column. For lhe systostyle, the height must be divided into nine parts and a half; one part being the thickness of the column. In the pycno- style, the height shall be divided into fen parts, each equal to the diameter of the column. The enstyle is also divided into eight par(s and a half, like the diastyle. As the space between the columns increases, so ought the thickness of the columns. If il is arseostyle, and they should have only a ninth or tenth part for their thickness, they will appear fall and slender, on account of the breadth of the intervals. If it is pycnostyle, and the columns ARCHITECTURE. have an eighth part for their thickness, they will, on the contrary, have a heavy and ungraceful appearance. The thickness of corner columns must be increased one fiftieth paif, for 'he great surrounding space will diminish their effect on (he eye, and make them appear smaller than they really are. It must not, however, be omitted that the ancients did not always rigidly adhere to (hese rules of Vitruvius for (he disposition of columns, which therefore should not feffer the genius, nor hinder (he researches, of moderns. Of (he private buildings of the ancients, Vitruvius says, describing the bouses of persons of distinction, fhe Greeks used no atrium or hall, but from the gate of entrance made a passage of no great breadth, on one side of which was the stable, and on the other lhe porter's rooms; and these were terminated by the inner gate. Passing on, was the peristylium, having porticos on three sides. On the south side were two antae, which support and form a pas- sage, within which, to fhe right and left, were the great ceci, in which the mistress of the family and the work women resided. To the right and left were cubiculi or chambers, of which one was called thalamus, the olher amphithalamus; and under the porticos,jtf the peristyle, were the common dining rooms, cfaamber^p family rooms. This part of the edifice was called gnyaecolritis. Through the passage, with (he antffi, was-a larger house, wilh a more spacious peristyle, in which were four porti- cos of equal height: or sometimes the one which looked toward the south bad higher columns, and this peristyle which had one portico higher than the rest was called Rhodian. These houses had elegant vestibules, magnifi- cent gates, and the porticos of the peristyle were orna- mented with stucco plaster, and lacunariae compartments. In (he portico which looks to the north, were the Cyzican triclinium, and the pinacoetheca ; to the east the libraries; to the west the exhedrse; and in those looking to (he south, were (he square ceci for dining, and a spacious place for fhe use of the games. This peristylium and part of the house were called andronitides, because here the men only were invited, without being accompanied by (he women. On the right and left small houses were erected for the reception and entertainment of strangers on their arri- val. The usual mode of distribution ofthe houses of magis- trates among the Romans was; from (he vestibulum, which we call portico, you entered fhe atrium or hall, at the extremity of which was the tablinum, or repository for books or records. From the sides of the atrium, yon passed by alae or aisles, to Ibe cavseJimn, which was an open court, surrounded by a portico or piazza, at the ex- tremity of which was the basilica or place to administer justice in. The triclinia or dining rooms, wlih their pro- cceion, ©r room for attendants, the cubicula or chambers, with the baths, were disposed on the sides of \he cavse- diurn ; also on the side of the basilica were fhe pinacse- theca, or rooms for pictures and library. Passing all these apartments, you entered the peristylium, which was as spacious as possible, surrounded with a portico or piazza ; this was always of an- oblong form. At the extremity of the peristylium were the eeci or halls, of which Vitruvius mentions the Corinthian, the tetrastyle, the Egyptian, aud the Greek or Cyzican The Corinthian ceci had columns placed either on the podium, dado, or on the floor, and above have an arch* trave and cornice ; fhe Egyptian had lhe columns detach- ed from lhe wall, in the manner ofa peristyle : (he space be(ween (he columns and the wall formed a walk round. This range of columns supported an eutablalure, on which was placed another range of columns, one fourth part smaller than the former, between which were (he win. dows. The Greek or Cyzican ceci were situated toward the north, and generally had a view of (he garden, with fold- ing doors (o the middle, and to the right and left. The te(ras(yle ceci, from (he name, appear to have had only four columns, and were consequently of a less enriched form. Roman villas consisted of three parts : urbana, where the master and his family dwelt; ruslica, for the uses of husbandry; and frucluaria, or receptacle for the fruits of the earth. Having only the lapis specuterris, a species of talc, and an expensive substitute for glass, fhe Romans wereaobliged to be very particular in tbe choice of situa- tion and aspect for their buildings, that rooms unfurnished with this kind of expensive windows might be inhabitable in bad weather. Vitruvius says the winter dining room and bath should face the winter's declining sun, that they may have the benefit of his rays in the evening ; but the bedchamber! and libraries should look to the east, for there the morning light is required, and south and west rooms are more ex- posed to damps and worms, whigh humid winds generate and nourish. The spring and autumn dining room should look to the east, for the windows being turned from lhe sun, these places will be temperate at the time they are used. The summer dining room should look to the noilh, that it may remain cool and temperate for use. To ibe same aspect, the pinacotheca, picture rooms, should be disposed, to preserve the colours from the too strong effect of the sun's light. Some adequate idea of the extent, grandeur, and ac- commodation, of the villas of fhe Romans, may be formed from Pliny's description of his at Laurentinom, which was considered as on a small scale, but would be called a man- sion in modern language. He says, "The part which first presents it-self is -the afrium, court yard, plain but not mean; then (he portico, in form of the letter 0, which surrounds a small but pleasant area : this is an excellent retreat in-bad weather, being sheKered by glazed window*, but more by the projection of (he roof. Beyond (he por- tico is a pleasant cavaedium, open court, passing which i« a handsome triclinium, which advances upon the shore, so that it is gently washed by the waves when the southwest wind blows. On every side there are folding doors, or windows as large, so that from (he sides and front you en- joy a prospect as it were of three seas, and backward are seen the cavaedium, (he portico, and (he area; again (he portico and atrium terminated by woods and distant moun- tains. On the left of the triclinium, but not so forward, ii a large cubiculum, or chamber, and then a smaller ooe, where one window admits the rising, and another the set- ting sun. From here you view the sea, more distant, but more securely. This cubiculum and triclinium, by their projecture, form an angle, which not only retains, but aug- ments, the heat of the sun^ rays. ARCHITECTURE. 14 Here is my hybernaculum, winter apartment, and lhe gymnasium, place for exercise, for my family, which is never incommoded by any winds but such as bring cloudy weather, and destroy the otherwise serene situation of Ibe place. Adjoining to (his angle is a cubiculum, of a curved or round form, the windows of which admit the sun, in consequence, during its whole course. In the walls are inserted library presses, furnished with books, more for amusement than study jclose to this is the dormifoiium, sleeping room, separatedk^^a space having a covering of wood work, which collects and distributes the vapours to the room in salubrious temperament. The remainder of this wing is^llotte,^ to servants and slaves. 44 On the right side of the4riclinium is a most^legant cubiculum, with another large cubiculum, or moderate coenatfon, common eating or supper room, which receives light both from the sun and the sea; after this is a cubicu- lum, wilh a procceton, servants' roTJm, for height a summer, but for shelter a winter apartment, being screened from all winds: a wall only separates another cubiculum, iilh a procceton ; there you enter the spacious and eiftenwive cella frigidaiia ofthe bath, against the walls of which are two projecting bapfisleria, sufficiently large to swim in ; joining this is the unctuarium, the hypocaustum,and prop- nigeon of the baths, and two other cells more elegan( than sumptuous. Skilfully contrived adjoins (he callida pisci- na, warm bath, where those who swim enjoy a view ofthe sea ; not far distant is the sphraeisteaum, tennis court, of a circular form, which enjoys the warmest rays of the de- clining sun. fjj| 44 Here rises a turris, jravilion or summer house, under which are two disetpe, suite or set of apartments, and also two above, besides a coenatio, from which is a beautiful prospect ofthe sea ; there is also another (urris, confin- ing a cubiculum, exposed to (he rising and selling sun ; behind this is an apotheca, and horreum, cabinets or store rooms, and under a triclinium, where the noise ofthe sea is only faintly heard in storms. This looks on the gesfa- tio, or place of exercise on horseback or in a carriage, and the surrounding garden. The prospect here, not less pleasant than (ha( of (he sea, is enjoyed from a coena(io, rather distant from the sea ; on the back it u encompassed with two disetae, whose windows look to lhe vestibule of the villa, and to a kitchen garden. 44 Hence a crypto porticus, a long enclosed room or portico, extends, for size comparable to a public building, with windows on both sides, those next the sea the most numerous; on the garden side they are single, with fewer in the upper row. Before the crypto porticus is a xystus, a spacious place for exercise, or a terrace. 44 At the top ofthe xystus, projecting from the crypto porticus, is the diaela of the garden. In this is an helioca- minus, an apartment made warm by the sun ; from the folding doors is seen the cubiculum, from the windows the crypto porticus ; on the side next the sea, and opposite the wall, a very elegant zolheca, closet or small room, recedes, to which a cubiculum is either added or separated, by means of glazed windows and curtains. Adjoining is a cubiculum for night and sleep, protected from noise by an andron, an open court or space, which is between the wall ofthe cubiculum, and that of fhe garden. "Close to the cubiculum is a small hypoqaustum, stove, the heat from which, by a small window, may be regulat- ed at pleasure. Thence a procceton and cubiculum ex- tend into tbe sun." These latter apartments were the retiring places of the philosophic owner of the villa, where he pursued his studies without interrupting the diversions of his servanls, or being disturbed by them. There are no remains of this villa noi of others, lhe descriptions of which have come down to us. REFERENCES TO THE PLATES. Plate I. Architecture, represents the Tuscan and Doric orders,' the latter with the triglyphs and gutfse on the frize and architrave, and an outline expressing the names ofthe parts of (he orders. PlalelL represents the ancient Ionic order> with paral- W volutes^ The disposition ofthe volutes ofthe modern IoTiic is setn in those* of the C^frosite order. The Corinthian order. * The Composite order. The proportions of these columns are treated of, under tbe proper heads in the preceding pages. Of the amhiteclure commonly called Gothic. It is not nece^^^ to seek abroad for the origin of the pointed arch, tn^Kdations of which we can distinctly trace at home in the tw^th century, that age of improvement and magnificence, and among people great in arts and arms. About that time many illustrious Norman prelates, chiefly in our own country, exhausted their talents and their wealth in carrying the magnificence of their churches, and other buildings, fo (he highest degree. But above all, our Hen- ry of Winchester probably contributed most to the im- provements which gradually changed the early Norman into the architecture commonly distinguished by the name of Gothic. The Normans admired height no less than length in the construction of their churches, and were accustomed to pile arches and pillars on each other. By way of orna- ment and variety they often imitated these arches and pil- lars on their walls, and (hey sometimes caused these plain round arches to intersect each other, as on (he upper part of the south transept of Winchester cathedral, which is probably the most ancient instance of this intersecting or- nament to be met with in this kingdom. They were prob- ably not then aware of the happy effect of this intersec tion in forming the pointed or lancet arch, until de Blois, having resolved to ornament the whole sanctuary of this cathedral with these intersecting semicircles, after ricbly embellishing them with mouldings and pellet ornaments, conceived the idea of opening them as windows, to tbe number of four above the altar, and of eight orr each side of the choir, which at once produced a series of highly pointed arches. Pleased with this first essay at the east end, we may suppose he tried the effect of that form in various other window* and arches, which we find amongst many that are circular in various parts of the church or tower. However that may be, and wherever the pointed arch was first produced, its gradual ascent naturally led to a long and narrow form of window and arch, instead of the broad circular ones which had hitherto obtained. It was necessary that tbe pillars belonging to Ihem should be pro- portionally tall and slender. Hence the adoption of Pur- beck marble for this purpose, and lhe multiplication of these slender columns, which was found necessary for sup- ARCHITECTURE. porting the incumbent weight, produced the cluster column. The windows being made very narrow al the first adoption of the pointed arch, it became necessary sometimes lo place (woof (hem close (o each olher. This disposition of fhe (wo lights occasioning a dead space be(ween (heir head-, a trefoil, or qtia(refoil, one of the simplest and most ancient kinds of ornaments, was introduced between them, as in the west door of the present church of St. Cross, near Winchester. The happy effect of Ibis simple ornament caused the upper part of it to be introduced into the heads ofthe arches themselves, so lhat there is hardly a small arch, or resemblance of an arch of any kind, from the days of Edward the Second, down to (hose of Henry (he Eigh(h, which is no( ornamented in this man- ner. The trefoil by aneasy addition becaaje-a cinqjp- foil, and being made u*8(fcn circle? add squafts, prouTlc- ed fans and Catharine wTraRs. In like manner, large east and west windows beginning to obtain, about the reign of Edward the First, it was necessary they should have numerous divisions, or mullions, which, as well as the ribs and transoms of the vaulting, began to ramify into a great variety of tracery, according to the ai^Mect's taste; all of them uniformly ornamented with tjflKefoil or cinque- foil head. That most magnificent obj^a grove of tall trees, was very naturally aud beaufikWy imitated in the aisles of (he cathedrals of this light archi(ec(ure : the ribs ofthe vaulting, springing from the tops ofthe tall pillars, and meeting in (he pointed arch in the roof, produced a happy effect; and pursuing ihis idea, the lightness of all the parts, and the rich variety of tracery, contributed (o make (he resemblance more perfect. The painted win- dows, the gloom and perspective of these edifices, concur in affecting the imagination wi(h pleasure and delight, in filling it with awe and devotion. The aspiring form of the pointed arches, the lofty pediments, and the tapering pinnacles, which adom our cathedrals, contribute lo pro- duce an effect of height beyond (heir real elevation. In like manner (he perspective of uniform columns, ribs, and arches, repeated at equal distances, as they are seen in the aisles of these fabrics, produces an artificial infinite in the mind of the spectator, when (he same extent of plain surface would perhaps hardly affecl it. For a similar reason, (he effect of ancient cathedrals is greatly helped by the variety of (heir constituent parts and ornaments, though all finished in one uniform style: for the eye is quickly satiated by any object, however great and magnificent, which it can take in at once, as (he mind is wi(h what it can completely comprehend ; but when (he former, having wandered through the intricate and interminable length of a pointed vault in an ancient cathedral, discovers two parallel lines of equal length and richness ; thence proceeding discovers the transepts, the side chapels, the choir, the sanctuary, and (he Lady chap- el, all equally interesting for their design and execution : the eye is certainly much more entertained, the mind more dilated and gratified, than it could possibly be by any single view. Durham cathedral, supported by massive columns and circular arches, is the grandest specimen of the Saxon or early Norman manner, before the invention of the pointed arch introduced that exquisite lightness to be seen in the west end ofthe cathedral church of Westminster. The sumptuous vaulting of the chapel of Henry the Seventh at fhe east end ofthe latter cathedral, enriched with cluj. (ers of penden( ornaments, like the natural roof of a beam tiful grotto, exceeds any olher specimen ofthe kind. The pointed arch, which may be described from rf0 centres, taken at two angles of an equilateral Irian- gle, was well adapted for (he raising tip of spiiestoi great height, and generally for lofty buildings, as it rejguir. ed little centering, lighter keystones, and less#>ultafaent, Indeed, in many instances, n^stones larger lhan a man could carry were used f» aj^^ie same elevation waj attained with much less labour and expense than it could have been in the Grecian amp Roman manner. * Of dontxs or cupolas. The Jowers which the early architects of Christian churches wen in the habit of raising over the intersection of lhe cross aisles of cathedrals, no doubt, suggested lot sublime idea of raising a vault or dome in the same place, on churches built afte»tbe Grecian or Roman manner, in or^rjp preserve an uniform character or style is the bffWing. This is an effort of architectural skill which we have no reason to believe the ancients ever attempted;for all the domes raised by them were directly sustainedbj numerous arches and pillars, or placed on circular wails, Of domes raised in tJui modern manner, those of St. Pe- ter's at Rome, and SrTPaul's at London, are the most cel- ebrated. * Of modern or pracM^il architecture. \ In considering architecture or building in its most prac- tical and useful point of view, the situation of fhe edifice presents itself first to our attention. A neighbourhood where cattle thrive, and where the inhabitants look ruddy and cheerful, should be chosen. For the precise spot, that which is moderately elevated, if it be contiguous to some river, will be best adapted for health, pleasure, and convenience. It is injudicious lo build a country house too near a fen or standing wafer, or close to a great stream, because unwholesome fogs and mists rise from large rivers, early in a morning, before daylight. It is most.important to choose a good air and soil; and always useful to look toward the south. The conveniences of water, fuel,and ways fo arrive af fhe mansion, of easy access, are indispen- sable. A prospect not (oo extensive, of land and water ■diversified", will most agreeably entertain the sight. A fair entrance, wifh an easy ascent, gives grace fo a building; and the hall should no! be too large, that the effect of the capacity of the principal apartments may not be injured by it. Having fixed on a situation with the assistance of some one who is acquainted wifh (he (heory and practice of building, ret a plan be made, with (he necessary eleva- tions. For small buildings this may be a sufficient guide! but it is advisable for large buildings to have a perfect model ofthe intended structure, with all its minute parts; and that this model be plain, without colours, or other beautifying, that the pleasure of the eye may not prejudice the judgment. In the choice of the materials we must employ, we are necessarily influenced by the circumstances ofthe situa- tion. Wherg.stone is plenty, it will be preferred in the construction ofa stately edifice ; for though bricks reta« ARCHITECTURE. their beauty longest, they do not easily admit of proper architectural ornaments. The circular form of building is strongest, but does not admit of a convenient distribution of light; and is besides more expensive and less commodious. Though there exists at Caparole a celebrated building by Vignola, in tbe form of a pentagon, the same objections apply to it, and the architect had great difficulties to contend with. A rectangular, but not exactly square figure, is useful in many cases : when rfltbngth does not exceed the breadth more than one third, (he proportion is good. Mixed figures, including, uniformity and variety, are most -applicjvleJfojE the plans of large edifices: a centre and principal part wilh wings, is a form J hat combira con- venience with elegance. , £:) ' *■ When houses are planned too rMrg, muchJtfongis con- sumed in passages; and it is difficult to light them. Sir William Chambers, in the plan of Somerset bouse, has succeeded very well in lighting and disposing of the pas- sages 4hat were necessary for the t?asy communication of so many offices ; but his methods will seldom be appKcaole, except to public buildings of Ihe^ame naturg. • Palladio says, the ground for the foundation should be penetrated to a sixth part of the whole height of the building, in order to ascertain its' firmness; which done, tbe first course of stone or brick ^puU4*be laid, at least twice the breadth or thickness of tne wall, a*id on a hori- zontal line and level surface. «Jf the building has internal walls, their foundations must? Be level wifh the principal wall. The nature and MJidity of the soil will be best ascertained by the use of ^vell digger's borer. If the ground is sandy, or marshy, or has been lately dug up, it will be necessary to take many precautions. The loose earth either must be dug away, till you come to sound ground ; or if that is not to be had, put pieces of good oak across the breadth of tbe trench in which the wall is to stand, at about two feet apart, which being firmly bedded and rammed down, lay long planks on them, about four inches wider than the basis or first course of the wall is to be, and spike them down to the pieces of oak. If the earth is very bad, it will be necessary to drive piles of such a length as will reach the good ground ; but if il is faulty only here and there, arches may be turned over (he loose places. Sound ground, fit to carry a building, is of divers kinds ; in some places very hard, in others very stiff: sometimes it is to be found blackish, and the whiter kinds are account- ed the weakest. Some foundations are like chalk, others sandy: but of all these, that is the best which requires most labour in cutting or digging, and which-when wet, does not quite lose all consistency. In masonry, the stones must be so cut, as to lie in the same direction as they did in the quarry, in order that their strength and solidify may be fully employed; for if their position be changed, and they are placed vertically, they are apt to split j and the smallest crevice in the foundation will produce a great cleft in the superstructure ofa building. It is very useful always fo lay a platform of good boards in the trench dug for the foundation; and quite necessary that fhe first course of stone or brick should be laid close- ly without mortar, for mortar corrodes the timber. vol. i. 28 The walls should -be of bound masonry or brick work, standing perpendicularly, wifh the heaviest materials low- est; and (hey must be judiciously diminished in thickness as they rise. Certain courses of more strength than (he rest must be laid to help to sustain the fabric, should a faulty part give way; this is done by bond timbers in brick walls. Particular attention is necessary lo make the angles firm, which is sometimes done in brick edifices with great neatness and effect, by building the corners of squared stones. Walls, if not connected with others at right angles, or nearly so,y as the partition or separating walls of a house stand in respect to the front, should have an angle set out of about two feet, at every twenty feet distance, which vflML make them stand firmer than if twice the materials haPbeen used. Jl In.building walls, the bricksfSnohM be laid, in summer as wet, in winter as dry, as possible; that in warm weather the mortar may not harden too fast, and in winter, care must be taken to protect them from rain, snow, and frost. They .should be laid point and joint in the wall, as little as may be^hat the whole may be well bonded to- gether. ' 4^ It is not advy^Bp to raise any wall above eight feet high before the o^Bjoining be wrought up to it; but the front and party walls should be carried up as nearly a* possible together. When all lhe materials are ready, a good workman with his labourer will in one day lay 1000 or 1200 bricks. Wralls are less solid when the joints of mortar are too large. Ofthe apertures in the walls, doors should be mention- ed first. External doors should be as few in number a* possible, and seldom less than four feet and a half in breadth,-in middling sized buildings, for the principal en- trance. Double doors, having a sufficient space between them to allow them to open, are essentially useful in pre- serving the temperature of a house, and preventing the admission of cold winds. The modern mode of uniting when necessary fwo or more principal rooms of a good house into one, on fhe oc- casion of entertainments, by throwing back the folding doors which separate them, is a very great improvement. For by this means a small house may have some part of the convenience and magnificence ofthe largest ones, with less expense of space and materials. The hall or entrance, the dimensions of which are de- termined by the scale of the building, should always be furnished with afireplace; and if it is connecfed with the staircase, the warmth produced there will tend very strongly and effectually to regulate the temperature of thV whole house. Of the stairs in sumptuous buildings, the steps should not be less than four, nor more than six inches high; not more than eighteen nor less than twelve inches broad; not less than six feet, nor more than fifteen feet long. In ordinary houses they may be somewhat higher and nar- rower, and they must be much shorter in general. But eight, or even seven inches, is too high for an easy ascent; and they ought never to be less than nine or ten inches broad, nor shorter than three feet. The steps should be laid somewhat sloping, or a little higher behind, which is found to diminish in some degree the apparent labour of ascending. ARCHITECTURE. The construction and placing of the stairs is one of the most difficult works in building. Sufficient ease of ascent being obtained, (he admission of an ample portion of light is a next consideration. This is obtained most advantage- ously in houses of a moderate size by windows at each turning, which give an uniform light, and a more airy and spacious appearance to the whole. Well stairs, lighted by a sky light in the roof, are only magnificent and convenient in large mansions, and for the ascent (o (he first or princi- pal floor, where the light is not broken by a repetition of the flight of steps to the next story. The small uniform modern ramp or hand rail is a very great improvement and addition to stairs, as well as the light iron work by which the rail is supported; this in many cases may be advantageously constructed of ctM iron. •^ " Ingenious architected a v% displayed their invention and their skill in the construction of stairs more curious than useful. Double and quadruple winding stairs have been buill, rising in parallel spirals ; so thai two or four persons or companies may go up and down within the same stair- case, and see one another without meetjfc. It is an old fault in the distribution^^)dging rooms, to dispose them so that, when the do^H%re all open, one may see through the whole house. ^^ modern mode of placing a bed chamber and dressing room together, with a door of communication between them, each room having besides only a door into the staircase or passage, is much more convenient and rational. The drawing rooms how- ever should be disposed so uniformly, as to be converted into one room, on the opening of folding doors between them. This contrivance, so useful in small buildings, is admissible in the largest. If two or more rooms thus laid into one, have in the middle of lhe wall al each end door cases filled with looking-glasses, placed in a true position opposite each other: lhe appearance of the apartment will be artificially multiplied, and the effect when illumi- nated very splendid. This arrangement is not necessary for the dining rooms, where we have chiefly to attend to the convenience of easy access for servants who wait at table: and the fire- place may be so disposed, as to warm the room as uni- formly as possible. In the building of chambers regard ought to be had as well (o (he place of the bed, which is generally six or seven feet square, and lhe passage, as (o the situation ofthe chimney ; which for this consideration, ought not (o be placed just in the middle^ but distant from i( about (wo feet, or (wo and a half, (o the end (ha( i( may leave room for (he bed; and the inequality is hardly discernible in buildings of four and twenty feet within fhe work ; in such houses it may be placed just in (he middle. All precautions should be taken to prevent as much as ?ossible the communication of sound (o (he bed rooms. \> (his end, (he best method is fo fill lhe space between tbe joints of (he floor above (he bed room, if (here should be any rooms there, wifh sawdust ; which must be sustain- ed by short pieces of board nailed between the joists, just above the ceiling of the lower aparfmenf. In arranging servants* rooms, we have only to consult the facilities our general plan admits of; and, if possible, to make no chambers without fireplaces. In country mansions, we are generally not confined in placing the kitchen, aud have only to contrive it as near the dining apartment as other circumstances will admit; and to arrange it so lhat the effluvia produced by the cook. ing may not be inclined (o pene(rate to (he dining room, by the covered passage, which should always form the communication between these two apartments'. But in town houses, the kitchen must always be beneath the parlour floor; and being nearer the dining1 room than we would place it in a count ryniansion, and on a lower level; the lighter, warmed ^pcharged w»tn the smell of the various operations of cookery, is more apt to annoy us. . • A separate funnel, like the kitchen Ajmney, carried up in the jpack with the rest, and next to that of the kitchen, will almost always afford an effectual remedy against (his inconvenience. This funnel, (o be used only for this pur- pose, must have its throat or opening level with the ceil- ing of the kitchen; and, of course, higher than the mantle of lhe fireplace used for fhe cooking. The lighter air charged with the vapoDrs of the cooking will then pass off into tbe atmosphere by this opening, instead of collecting under the ceiling in the kitchen, and forming a stratum of air, as low as the (op of (he kitchen door, and then passing off, and ascending through (he house by the stairs and passages. The opening of this funnel or pipe maybe closed by a hingeti dmm, when no operation is going on in the kitchen, which can create a disagreeable smell. The modern improvement of traps, made of cast iron and other materials, or pipes bent down, so as to form an elbow, which always containtfLand is filled in its whole diameter by, the last portion olfluid thrown down,,effec- tually prevents the ascent of air charged with the noisome effluvia of drains, and courses for waste water. This neater invention renders superfluous (he advice of the Italian builders, who prescribe upright vents or channel! rising through the house like chimnies for carrying off these smells. Upon this principle is the invention of water closets, which are now brought to such perfection, that they may be placed without inconvenience in any necessary part of a house, and are subject to no accidenti except the bursting of the water pipes and basin belong- ing lo them in frosty weather. But this danger maybe, in some degree, removed, provided the whole buildingi» planned wi(h due attention (o fhe economical distribution of heat, and the pipes are so disposed as to receive the benefit of the warmth ; which may easily be done. The offices connected wifh lhe kitchen should generally be placed toward the north ; in (own houses we cannot always do this, but are governed by the circumstances of the situation. The larder should however be carefully placed out- of the influence of the heat of the kitchen sloves. In the plan and construction of fireplaces, more atten- tion should be paid to (heir best form for reflecting ioto the apartments the heat generated in them, and carrying off into lhe atmosphere the smoke which arises from the combustion of tne fuel, lhan to any proportions prescribed by architects who had nothing in view but the symmetry of the apartment according to their ideas. Indeed a neater form may be obtained in following strictly tbe rules founded on the rational theory, and accurate exper- iments of lhe. count Rumford; and the invention ofa good architect will hardly stumble* at making lhat low ARCHITECTURE. compact dimension agree with the other members of the most magnificent apar(men(. The due inclination of the inner sides of the jambs of the chimney, forming a very obtuse angle with the back, is most important, as well as the colour and material of which (hose jambs are composed, for (he purpose of ob- taining aa much reflected heat as possible from the com- bustion of a certain quantity of fuel. The breadth of chimney fireplaces is not important, but (hey should not be narrow, that (he sides may stand wifh (heir greatest power of reflection toward lhe room. But the height should seldom exceed two feet six inches to lhe under part of the mantle; (he whole depth of the chimney should not be more than twelve or fourteen inches; and the throat, or opening where (he funnel begins, no( more lhan four inches wide, with a part of the back moveable to al- low of sweeping. The size of the flue or funnel should not be less than twelve inches in diameter; and circular is the best form, but most expensive in building. The flues should never contract or taper as they rise, but rather in- crease in internal capacity; and (hey should always be made wifh a view *o (he use of (he new machinery for sweeping, approved of by the Socie(y of Ar(s, and con- firmed by experience. S(one and brick are the best pos- sible materials for the sides and (he back of a chimney fireplace. Architects however do not always think it a pari of (heir business, or (heir doty, to enfer into the ar- rangement of these details, relative (o (he internal comfort of a building. If it were not so necessary to harmonize the whole together, they present field enough for a sepa- rate profession; but the possibility of comple(ing (hese es- sential, (hough minute parts, upon the principles of true philosophy and experience, wifh a view to economy and comfort, will in great measure depend on the general plan of (he building. Besides (he precaution of double external doors, to preserve the internal temperature of a house, double win- dows, with a certain space between, should be used to wintei apartments; for it is no less useful to confine tbe heat generated by (he fuel consumed in a house, (han it is to place it so that i( shall give out in (he apartments its full portion of warmth. If is hardly necessary to say fhat windows should be made perpendicularly one above another, and not too near the angles of a building. No particular proportions can be assigned for (hem; buf (heir jambs should be bevelled off on (he inside, so fhat the full benefit of the real size of the window may be received, in light spread over the apartment. A window so expanded will admit to diffuse in fhe room as much light as if its whole internal size had been equal to its increased inner breadth, gained by cut- ting off the right angular corner of fhe wall. Till lately architects have neglected (o avail themselves, by (his means, of the full benefit of the openings of (heir windows, and to admit as much light as possible, with as little diminution of strength to (he wall. The immense thickness of the walls of old Gofhic edifices generally obliged fhe ancient architects to do if; but in the more modern brick buildings, which succeeded, i( was omitted. Lofty windows, descending nearly to the floor, are most graceful, noble, and airy; and balconies, railed with cast iron for buildings not of the most superb class, are a very 28* great ornament and convenience. Balusters of sfone may agree more (han iron railings for these projections, where the ornaments of tbe front are bold and solid. Sky lights, in our climate, so subject to damps, driving rains, and to snow, are productive of many inconvenien- cies, and should never be admitted but for stairs, halls, passages, or large public rooms. Unless they are doubled by a horizontal frame of glass beneafh them, to produce a cavity of confined air, they waste the heat generated in a house very much; as without this precaution (he warm- ed air of the house escaping directly upward to the glass, easily mixes its acquired heat with th* cold external air of the atmosphere. To which operation a single pane of glass, however thick, though glass is a bad conductor of heat, affords but little retardation. When sky lights are necessary, (he apertures through the roof should spread as much as possible in descending, that (he rays of light may not be confined from spreading as they would be were (he sides vertical. For the form and proportion of rooms, we may observe that an oblong plan is most agreeable to the eye, and gen- erally more convenient than a square, or any other form. The length of a well proportioned room should be equal to the breadthrttud a half of the same, and never more; and for the heigfii, take three fourths of the breadth. An error in favour of height is preferable to making a room too low. The height of rooms on the second story may be one twelfth part less than lhat of (he chambers below ; and if there is a third story, divide the height of the second in (o twelve equal parts, of which take nine for the height of these rooms. The length of galleries may be five times their breadth; and a gallrry should rarely exceed eight times its width in length. When the walls of a building have been raised to lhe desired height, the vaults made, the joists laid, and the stairs brought up, then the roof is to be raised ; which em- bracing every part of tbe building, with its weight equally pressing upon the walls, acts as a oand to all the work. lis weight, within certain limits, is of service to the build- ing ; but too much charge will make a house top heavy. which is a great fault. The pilch of a roof is regulaled according to the climate we build in, and the materials employed to defend the tim- bers from the weather. Roofs covered with lead maybe nearly flat : but this method is not much in use, and is very expensive. For tiles a roof must be higher than the pediment pitch, which is one fourth ofthe whole building. This pitch is rarely high enough for slates. Copper cov- erings have lately come much into use in this country, and may be laid on roofs of a low pitch. Whoever plans a building to be erected within the limits of the building act, must necessarily consult it before be can arrange his design. Architecture, aquatic. See Bridge. Architecture, military. See Foktification. Architecture, naval. See Ship hoilding. Architecture, counterfeit: thai which consists of projectures, painted in black or white, or in colours, after (he manner of marble, which is also called scene work in the painting of columns, &c. for the decoration of theatre-*. ARC Architecture, in perspective,.a sort of building, the members of which are of different modules, and diminish proportionably to their distance, in order to make the work appear longer to the view than it really is. ARCHITRAVE, in architecture, that part of a col- umn, or order of columns, which lies immediately upon the capital, being the lowest member of the entablature, and so called from its representing the principal beam in tim- ber buildings. Over a chimney, this member is called the mantlepiece ; and over doors or windows, the hyperthy- ron. ARCHIVE, or archives,an apartment in which are de- posited the records, charters, and other papers, of a state or community. The archives of the court of chancery are in the rolls office. ARCHMARSHAL, the grand marshal of the empire, a dignity belonging to the elector of Saxony. ARCHON, in Grecian antiquity, the chief magistrate of Athens, after the abolishing of monarchy; and also the appellation given to several officers, both civil and relig- ious, under the Greek empire. Thus we read of the archon of the Gospel, the archon of the walls, &c. ARCHONTICI, in church history, a branch of Valen- tinians, who maintained that the world was not created by God, but by angels called archontes. <„ ARCHTREASURER, the great treasurer of the Ger- man empire, a dignity belonging to the duke of Brunswic, king of Great Britain, but also claimed by the elector pal- atine. ARCTIC, in astronomy, an epithet given tothe north pole; and likewise to a circle of the sphere, parallel to the equator, and 23 degrees 28 minutes distant- from the north pole. ARCTIUM, burdock, a genus of the polygamia order, and syngenesia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, compositae capitals: : the calyx is globular, with scales having hooks reflected at the tops. There are three species, vis. 1. Arctium lappa; 2. Arctium personata ; and, 3. Arcti- um tomentosum. They are all troublesome weeds. The ten- der stems of the lappa, or common burdock, however, depriv- ed of the bark, may be boiled, and eaten like asparagus. When raw,.they are good with oil and vinegar. Boys catch bats by throwing the prickly heads of this species into the air. The seeds, which have a bitterish subacrid taste, are recommended as very efficacious diuretics, given either in the form of emulsion, or in powder, to the quantity ofa drachm. The roots, which taste sweetish, with a slight au- sterity and bitterishness, are esteemed aperient, diuretic, and sudorific ; and said to act without irritation, so as to be safely ventured upon in acute disorders. ARCTOMYS, marmot, a genus of quadrupeds. The generic character is; front teeth two in each jaw, strong, sharp, and cuneated; grinders in the upper jaw five on each side, in the lower jaw four; clavicles, or collar bones, in the skeleton. The genus arctomys or marmot differs from that of mus in so few particulars, as to make it some- what doubtful whether it ought to be kept separate or not. These animals are of a thick form, with- large, roundish, and somewhat flattened heads, small mouths, the fis- sure having a somewhat perpendicular appearance: ears very short, and sometimes none; a short villous tail;, te- tradactyle fore feet, with a very small thumb, and penta- A R C dactyle hind feet: the skeleton is furnished with clavicles, or collar bones; andthecsecum or appendicular intestine is very large. They are diurnal animals; and teed on rools, grain, &c. which they often collect into heaps. They reside in subterraneous holes or burrows, and sleep during the winter. There are 7 species, as follows*. 1. Marmot alpine is a native of the Alps and Pyrenean mountains, and is most frequent in those of Savoy and Switzerland, inhabiting the higher regions, and feeding on various roots, plants,, insects,. &c. It climbs readily, and can ascend the rocky eminences and fissures with greaf fa. cility. Its general size is somewhat larger than that of a rabbit, measuring about 16 inches to the tail, which is about six inches long. The colour of the marmot, on the upper parts, is a brownish or rather tawny ash colour) the legs and under parts being of a bright tawny or ferrugi- nous tinge; tbe head is rather large, and flatfish ; the ean short, and hid in the fur, and the tail thick and bushy. It is an animal which delights in the regions of frost and snow, and is found only on the tops of high mountains. In such situations several individuals unite in forming a place of re- treat,, which is contrived with great ant, and consists of an oval cavity or general receptacle, large enough to contain several of the animals, and having a large canal or passage, which divaricates in such a manner as to present two oof- lets to the surface of the ground. These recesses are prepared on the declivities of elevated spots, and the cav- ern or receptacle is well lined with moss and hay, which they prepare during summer, as if conscious of the neces. sity of providing for their long hybernal sleep.. In fine weather they are seen sporting about the neighbourhood of their burrows; and delight in basking in the sunshine,fre- quently assuming an upright pasture,, sitting on their hind feet. When assembled in this manner, it is observed, that one of the exterior number seems to act as a sentinel, and on the approach of any danger, alarms the fraternity by a loud and shrill whistle, on which they instantly retire to their cavern. These animals make no provision for win- ter; but as soon as the autumnal frosts commence, they carefully stop up the entrances to their mansions, and gradually fall into a state of torpidity, in which they con- tinue till the arrival of spring, whea they again awake, and recommence their excursions. Before they retire to their winter quarters they are observed to grow excessively fat; and, on the contrary, appear greatly emaciated on first emerging from them. If carefully dug up during tbe winter, from their holes, they may be conveyed away in their sleeping state ; and when brought into a warm cham- ber, gradually awaken, nearly in the same manner as the hamster. If kept in a warm situation, they do not become torpid in winter. They breed early ia the summer^and the litter commonly consists of three or four, the growth of which is observed to be very rapid. See Plate X. Nat. Hist. fig. 33. 2. Marmot Maryland is a North American animal, and is principally found in Virginia and Pennsylvania. It also occurs in the Bahama islands; and in its way of life resem- bles the European or Alpine marmot, living on vegetable substances, retiring into hollows under the roots of trees, &c. in winter, and falling into a temporary state of torpidi- ty ; it is doubtful,Jiowevcr, whether this is the case in those which are found in the Bahama islands. The size of thii species is nearly that of the rabbit; its colour is a fer- ARC ARC ruginous brown above, and paler or inclining to whitish be- neath ; the muzzle, as far as the eyes, is of a pale bluish ash colour; the ears are short and rounded; the eyes are rather large and black, and the snout sharpish; the tail is longer than in others of this genus, being nearly half the length of the body, and covered with longish or rather bushy hair, of a deep brown or blackish colour ; the feet are blackish, and are furnished with large and sharp claws. 3. Marmot Quebec is said to be found in various parts of North America, but it appears to be most frequent in Hudson's bay and Canada. Its size is that of a rabbit, or rather larger,.and its colour is brown on the upper parts, undulated with whitish or pale gray, the tips of the hairs being of that colour;: the legs and under parts of the body are rufous or ferruginous; the face is^ dusky; the nose black and obtuse, the cheeks gray, and the tail short and dusky, especially at the tip. In its manners it is sup- posed to resemble the rest of its congeners. 4. Arctomys bobac. See Plate X. Natural History, figure 32. The bobac is of the size of the Alpine mar- mot, and is a native of the high but milder and sunny sides of mountainous countries, which abound with fissile or freestone rocks, where it is found in dry situations, and such as are full of springs, woods, or sand. It abounds in Poland and Russia, among tbe Carpathian hills. Its colour is gray above, with the throat, insides of the limbs, and under parts of (he body, fulvous or ferruginous ; the tail is short, rather slender, and full of hair.. Its manner yf life extremely resembles that of the common or Alpine marmot, with which, indeed, it appears to have been some- iimes confounded by naturalists. The holes or recepta- cles of these animals are lined with the finest hay, and it is said that the quantity found in one nest is sufficient for a night's provender for a horse. They are fond of sport- ing about in the sunshine near their holes, like the common marmot, set up a similar whistle when disturbed, and re- tire with precipitation to their receptacle. They may be easily rendered domestic, like that species, and are of a mild and gentle disposition. In winter they lie torpid, unless kept in warm rooms. They breed early in the spring, and are said to produce six or eight young. 5. Arctomys pruinosa, or hoary marmot. This species is about the size of the monax, or Maryland marmot, and i*6 of a hoary ash colour; the hair, which is long and rath- er coarse, being cinereous at the roots, black in the middle, and white at the tips; the tip of the nose, legs, and tail, are black ; the cheeks whitish, and the top of the head dusky, with a ferruginous cast. It is a native of North America. 6. Arctomys maulina, or mauline marmot. This ani. mal was discovered in the province of Maule, in Chili, where it inhabits woods. It is said to be about twice the size of the common or Alpine marmot, nearly of fhe same colour, but has pointed ears, lengthened nose, four rows of whiskers, and a longer tail than the common marmot. On each foot are also said fo be five toes. It is represent- ed as a strong animal, and not easily conquered by dogs which happen to attack it. 7. Arctomys gundi, or gundi marmot. This species is a native of Barbary, toward mount Atlas, near Masuffin. It is about the size of a small rabbit, and is entirely of a testaceous red colour; the ears are truncated, with large apertures; (he tail short, the upper teelh truncated, and lhe lower slender and pointed. It is called by the Arabs gundi. It»particular history seems as yet to be not fully understood. Arctomys citillus, or variegated marmot. Of all the marmots this is the most elegant in its appearance,'exhib- iting generally a beautiful variegation of yellowish brown and white, the former constituting the ground colour, and the latter the variegations, which are sometimes in the form of spots, and sometimes of transverse undulations ; the legs and under parts of the body are of a yellowish white; the tail is short, well covered wilh hair, and is brown above and ferruginous beneath: there is scarce any appearance of external ears, but merely an edging to the auditory canal. The length of the animal is about a foot, and of the tail four inches and a half; but this species va- ries as much in size as in colours, some of the varieties are scarce larger than a water rat, while others are nearly equal in size to the marmot. The variegated, marmot inhabits Bohemia, Austria, Hungary, and from the banks of the Volga to India and Persia, through Siberia and Great Tartary to Kamtschat- ka, some of the intervening isles, and even the continent of America. It is sometimes-found in woods, but seems principally to delight in dry hilly places, where the herb- age is of short growth. They form subterraneous bur- rows, in which they deposite heaps of grain, roots, nuts, &c. for their winter food; for it does not appear that they sleep during that period, like some others of this genus. They breed in the spring, and produce from five to eight at a time. They are extremely irascible and quarrel- some among themselves; their bite is very severe. They are extremely cleanly, and after feeding, generally wash their faces, like cats, and clean their fur with the greatest diligence. ARCTOPHYLAX, a constellation, otherwise called bootes. ARCTOPUS, in botany, a genus of the polygamia dice- cia class and order, and in the natural method ranking un- der the 45th order, umbellatse. The umbella of tbe male is compound ; the involucrum consists of five leaves ; the corolla has five petals ; the stamina are five ; and two pis- tilli; the umbella of the hermaphrodite is simple ; the in- volucrum is divided into four parts, is spinous, large, and contains many male flowers in the disk. There is but one species of arctopus, vis. Arctopus eehinatus, a native of Ethiopia. ARCTOTIS,. in botany, a genus of the polygamia necessaria order, belonging to the syngenesia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, composite discoites. The receptacle is bristly; the corona ofthe pappus is pentaphy lions; and the calyx is imbricated ARCTURl S, a fixed star of the first magnitude, in lhe skirt of bootes. A R D A R D ARCTUS, in astronomy, the Greek name for tbe ursa major and minor, whence the words arctic, arctic circle, &c. ARCTATION, in gardening, the raising of trees by layers, which is done thus : strong mother plants, or s(ools, must be planted in a clean border, and when (bey have shot fi\e or six main branches from the root, and as many col- lateral branches, these main branches must be bent to fhe ground ; for which reason, some cut them half through, and peg tbem fast down. The small branches must be covered three inches thick upon fhe joints, and have a large basin of earth made round them to hold the water. Some persons give the branches a twist, to make them root the sooner. ARCUTIO, a machine consisting of hoops used in Florence by nurses, in order to prevent the chUd from being overlaid. Every nurse is obliged to lay her child in an arcutio, under pain of excommunication. ARDASSES, the coarsest of all the silks in Persia. ARDEA, the heron, a genus of the order of grallae. The general characters of this order are; the bill is straight, sharp, long, and somewhat compressed, with a furrow fhat runs from the nostrils toward the point; the nostrils are linear, and the feet have four toes. Under this genus Linnaeus comprehends the grus or crane, the ciconia or stork, and the ardea or heron. There are 79 species, of which the following are fhe most remarkable. 1. Ardea Americana, or hooping crane of Edwards, is a native of America. The crown of the head and temples are naked and papillous; the forehead, nape of the neck, and prime wing feathers, are black, bu( (he body is white. This species is often seen at the mouths ofthe Savanna, Aratamaha, and other rivers near St. Augustin. They lay two white eggs, like those of the swan, and sit 20 days ; the young are at first yellow, changing (o white by degrees. 2. Ardea argil, or hurgil, of Ives, is a very large species ; from (ip to fip of (he wings, measuring 14 feet 10 inches, and from the tip of fhe bill to the claws 7 feet and a half; the bill is 16 inches round at the base, of different colours, and nearly of a triangular shape; the feathers of the back and wings are of an iron colour., those of the breast long; over the belly a great deal of down, ofa dijfy white; (he legs and half (he (highs are naked ; (he naked parts full three feet in lenglh. This monster inhabits Bengal. On opening one of these, a lerrapine, or land tor- toise, 1Q inches long, was found in its craw, and a large male black cat was found entire in its stomach. One of thege, a young bird, about five feet in height, was brought up tame, and presented to the chief of the Bananas, where Mr. Sineathman lived; and being accuslomed (o be fed in (be great hall, soon became familiar, duly attending that place «t dinner time, and placing itself behind its master's chair, frequently before any of the guests entered. The servants were obliged (o watch it narrowly, and defend the pro- visions with switches in their hands ; but notwithstanding this, it would frequently sna(ch off somewhat; and it once purloined a whole boiled fowl, which it swallowed in an instant. The individual above mentioned used to fly about the island, and roost very high among the silk coKon trees, whence af twe or three miles distance it could spy the dinner carrying across (he yard, when, darting from its station, it would enter promiscuously with Ibe women who carried in the dishes. It sometimes stood foraear half an hour after dinner, with the head turning alternately, as if listening to (he conversation. 3. Ardea ciconia, or white stork of Ray, has naked eyeballs, and black prime wing feathers. The skin beju» fhe feathers, as also (he beak, feet and claws, are of a blood colour. It is a native of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and feeds upon amphibious animal.-. It i8 such an enemy j0 serpent-, (hat it is reckoned almost a crime fo kill a stork, From this favourable treatment, they are seen in Holland and the Low Countries walking unconcerned in the middle of (he s(ree(s. Storks are birds of passage ; they spend the summer in Europe, go off to Egypt, Ethiopia, &c. all at once before winter, and do not return till about the mid. die of March. 4. Ardea garzetta, or egret, is crested behind ; the body is white, the beak black, and fhe feet greenish. I|j8| most elegant bird. It weighs about one pound, and the length is 24 inches, to the end of the legs 32. It is a na- tive of fhe east. But that formerly it was very frequent in Britain, appears by some ofthe old bill of fare. In tbe famous feast of archbishop Neville, we find no less than a thousand asterides, egrets or egrettes, as the word is dif- ferently spelled. 5. Ardea grus, or common crane of English authors, has a naked papillous crown; the prime feathers of the wings are black ; lhe body is ash coloured. This speciei is far spread, being met with in great flocks throughout northern Europe and Asia. It seems to have been former- ly a native of Britain. They feed on reptiles of all kinds, as well as on green corn, which last they make such hav- oc k of, as to ruin (he farmers wherever flocks of (hen alight. 6. Ardea herodias, or crisfata maxima of Catesby, i» crested behind, has a dusky coloured back, reddish thighs, and the breast speckled wilh oblong black spots. It is four feet and a half when erect. Il is a native of Virginia,and feeds upon fish, frogs, lizards, eels, &c. Ardea leucogeranos of Pallas, or the Siberian crane of Pennant, is four feet and a half when standing erect. The bill is of a red colour; the irides are white ; the plumage 4s white as snow, except tbe ten first greater quills, with the-coverts of them, which are black ; the legs are Ion? and ;red. This species inhabits the vast marshes and lakes in Siberia. It makes its nest among the reeds, sel- dom accessible by man, upon rising green grassy tufts, made up of herbs and grass heaped together; md lays two ash coloured eggs, spotted with brown. They are shy birds, and always upon (heir guard agains( an enemy; having a sentinel to warn (hem of an approach; on lhe least alarm fhey cry aloud, not unlike the swan, and fly off directly. The sportsman finds, in course, much diffi- culty in approaching (hem. Sometimes indeed he ap- proaches (hem under (he cover of a stalking horse, or other objects ; at other (imes a small dog will divert their attention, as they will without fear attack the dog, while his master gets within reach. In breeding time, however, they are more bold, as they will then defend their young even against men. 8. Ardea major, or common heron, has a black crest depending from the back part of the head, an ash coloured body, and a black line and belt on the neck and breast. It is a native of Europe. It perches and builds in trees, and sometimes in high cliffs over the sea, commonly in A R D ARE company with others, like rooks. It was formerly in this island game, heron hawking being a favourite diversion of our ancestors. Not lo know the hawk from lhe heionsbaw was an old proverb, since absurdly corrupted to ' He does not know a hawk from a handsaw,' taken originally Irom this diversion, but in course of time served to express great ignorance in any science. This bird was formerly much esteemed as food ; made a favourite dish at great tables, and was valued at lhe same rate as a pheasant. It is said to be very long lived ; by Mr. Keysler's account it may exceed CO years. 9. Ardea pavonia, or the crowned crane, has an erect bristly crest, wi(h the temples and two waKles naked. It is a native of Africa, particularly ofthe coast of Guinea, as far as Cape Verd ; at (his last place they are said to be exceedingly (ame, and will often come info the court yards (o feed wi(h (he poul(ry. Their chief food is sup- posed to be worms, and such other insects as the heron tribe usually feed on, with vegetables of all kinds. See Pia(e X. Na(. Hist, fig. 34. 10. Ardea slellaris, or (he bittern, has a smooth head, and is variegated through the body with dark coloured spots of different figures and sizes. It is a native of Eu- rope, and inhabits the fen countries. It will suffer persons to come very near it without rising, and has been known to strike at boys and at sportsmen, when wounded and unable to make its escape. It flies principally about (he dusk of lhe evening, and then rises in a very singular manner, by a spiral ascent, (ill it is quite out of sight. It builds its nest wifh fhe leaves of water plants on some dry clump among the reeds, and lays five or six eggs of a cin- erous green co'our. This bird and the heron are very apt to strike at the fowlei's eyes when only maimed. The food of (he bi((ern is chiefly frogs; not that it rejects fish, for small trouts have been met with in (heir stomachs. In the reign of Henry VIII. it was held in much esteem at our tables, and valued at one shilling. lis flesh has (he flavour of a hare, and nothing of (he fishiness of that of the heron. 11. Ardea violacea, or crested bittern of Catesby, has a white crest; the body is variegated with black and while, and bluish below. These birds are seen in Carolina in the rainy seasons; but in (he Bahama islands they breed in bushes growing among (he rocks in prodigious numbers. They are called by the Bahamians crab catchers, crabs being what (hey mostly subsist on; yet they are well tasted, and free from any rank or fishy savour. 12. Ardea virgo, has a straight greenish bill and crim- son irides. The crown of (he head is ash coloured ; the rest of the head, the upper, and all the under parts, to the breast, black ; (be back, and all (he under part from the breast, ofa bluish ash colour; behind each eye springs a tuft of long white feathers, which decline downward. It is found in many parts of Asia and Africa. See Plate X. Nat. Hist. fig. 35. ARDENT spirits, those distilled from fermented vege- tables, so called because they will take fire aud burn, such as brandy, rum, &c. ARDISIA, a genus of the tentandria monogynia class and order. The essential character is, calyx five class, corolla one petalled, five parted, reflex, stigma simple, ber- ry round, one seeded. There are seven species, all trees or shrubs, chiefly natives ofthe West Indies. ARDUINA, a genus ofthe pentandria monogynia class and order. The essential character is ; corolla one pe- talled ; stigma bifid; berry (wo celled; seeds solitary. There is one species, a native of the Cape, which with us is treated as a green house plant. AREA, in geometry, denotes lhe superficial content of any figuie: thus, if we suppose a parallelogram six inches long, and four broad, its area will be 6 X 4 = 24 square inches. The method of finding the areas of different figures, as triangles, circles, &c. will be given hereafter. ARECA, the Fausei nut in botany, a genus of (he or- der of the palms pennatifolhe. The male has no calyx, but three petals, and nine stamina: the female has no ca- lyx ; the corolla has three petals, and the calyx is imbri- cated. There are three species, vis. 1. Areca cathecu, a native of India. It has no branches, but its leaves are very beautiful; they form a round luft at the top of the trunk, which is as straight as an arrow. It grows to (he height of 25 or 35 fee(, and is a great orna- ment in gardens. The shell which contains the fruit is smooth withou(, but rough and hairy within; in which it pretty much resembles the shell of the cocoa nut. Its size is equal to that of a pretty large walnut. Its kernel semblance without, and has also the same whitish veins within when cut in (wo. In (he centre of fhe fruit, when it is soft, is con(ained a grayish and almost liquid substance, which grows hard in proportion as it ripens. The extract of (his nut has been supposed to be tbe terra japonica of the shops: but according (o later observations, the genu- ine drug seems to be obtained from the mimosa catechu. The fruit when ripe is astringent, but not unpalatable, and (he shell is yellowish. Of (his frui( (here is a prodigious consump(ion in the East Indies. The chief use (hat is made of it is to chew it wi(h (he leaves of betel, mixing with it lime made of sea shells. 2. Areca oleracea, Plate X. Nat. Hist. fig. 36, or true cabbage palm, is the most beautiful, and perhaps the tall- est, of all trees. The trunk is perfectly straight, and marked with rings at the vestigise ofthe footstalks of the leaves. Near the ground it is about seven feel in circum- ference ; but tapers as it ascends, and attains the height of 170 or 200 feet. The bark is of an ash colour, till within 25 or 30 feet of the extremity of (he (ree; when it alters at once to a deep sea green, which continues to the top. About five feet from the beginning of the green part upward, the trunk is surrounded with its numerous branches, in a circular manner; all the lowermost spread- ing horizontally wilh great regularity ; and tbe extremes of many of (he higher branches bend wavingly downward, like so many plumes of feathers. These branches, when full grown, are 20 feet long, more or less; and are thickly set on (he trunk alternately, rising gradually superior one to another: (heir broad curved sockets so surround the trunk, (ha( the sight of it, whilst among these, is lost, which again appears among the uppermost branches, and is there enveloped in an upright green conic spire, which beau- tifully terminates its great height. As there are many thousand leaves upon one tree, every branch bearing many scores upon it, and every leaf being set at a small and equal distance from one another, the beauty of such a regular lofty group of waving foliage, susceptible of mo- tion, by the most gentle gale of wind, is not to be describ- ed. The middle rib, in each leaf, is strong and prominent, ARE A R G supporting it on (he under side, the upper appearing smooth and shining. The pithy part of the leaf being scraped off, (be inside texture appears (o be so many lon- gitudinal threadlike filaments. These, being spun in (he same manner as (hey do hemp, or flax, are used in making cordage of every kind. Upon removing the large leaves, or branches, which surround (he top of (he trunk, a little way above the beginning of the green bark, what is called the cabbage is discovered lying in many thin, snow whife, brittle flakes, in taste resembling an almond, but sweeter. This substance, which cannot be procured without de- stroying (he tree, is boiled, and eaten wilh mutton by the inhabitants of the West Indies, in the same manner as tur- nips and cabbage are with us. What is called the cabbage flower, grows from that part of the tree where the ash coloured trunk joins the green part already described. Its first appearance is a green husky spatha, growing to above 20 inches long, and about four broad. As this husky spat ha is opening while thus young, the farinaceous yellow seed in embryo, resembling fine sawdust, is very plenti- fully dispersed among stringy filaments, which answer the use of apices in other more regular flowers : these filaments being cleared of this dust, are pickled, and esteemed among the best pickles either in the West Indies or in Europe. But if this spatha is not cut down and opened whilst thus young; if it be suffered to continue on the tree, till it grows ripe and bursts; then the enclosed part, which whilst young and tender is fit for pickling, will by that time have acquired an additional hardness, become soon after ligneous, grow bushy, consisting of very small leaves, and in time produce a great number of small oval thin shelled nuts, about the size of unhusked coffee ber- ries : these, being planted, produce young cabbage trees. The sockets or grooves, formed by the broad part of the footstalks of the branches, are used by the negroes as cradles for their children. On the inner side ofthe very young footstalks are tender pellicles, which when dried, il is said, make a writing paper. The trunks serve as gutter- ings; the pith makes a sort of sago; and the nuts yield oil by decoction. In the pith also, after the trees are felled, there breeds a kind of worm or grub, which is eaten and esteemed a great delicacy by the French of Marlinico, St. Domingo, and the adjacent islands. 3. Areca oryzoeformis. This is a native of Cochin China, Amboyna, &c. It is a slender elegant palm, and the fruit-is used for chewing wilh the betel leaf as well as that of (he firs( species. ARENA, in Roman antiquity, a place where the gladi- ators fought: so called from its being always strewed with sand, to conceal from fhe view of lhe people lhe blood spilt in the combat. Arena, in architecture, the middle or body ofa tem- ple, that comprehends the whole space between the anfse, and the extreme wall of the building. ARENARIA, in ornithology, called tbe Turnstone or sea dotterel by English writers ; also a species of tringa that inhabits the sandy shores of Europe and the Caspian Sea. Arfkaria, in botany, sandwort: a genus ofthe decan- dria trigynia class; and in the natural method ranking un- der the 22d order, caryophylla. The calyx has five open leaves; the petals are five and entire ; the capsule is uni- locular, and contains many seeds. There are 20 species only seven of which are natives of Britain, vis. 1. Arenaria laricifolia, larch leaved sandwort. 2. Arenaria peploides, sea sandwort. 3. Arenaria rubra, purple flowered sandwort. 4. Arenaria saxatilis, mountain sandwort. 5. Arenaria serpylliTolia, least sandwort. 6. Arenaria tenuifolia, fine leaved sandwort. 7. Arenaria frinervis, plantain leaved sandwort. ARENARH, in antiquity, gladiators who combated with beasts in the arena or amphitheatre. They were slaves of the lowest order, and not capable of becoming Roman citizens. ARENARIUM, a cemetery or burying ground. The arenaria were a kind of pits in which the ancient Chris- tians buried their dead, and held their religious assemblies in times of persecutions. ARENARIUS, in ornithology, a species of tetrao, called also the sand grous, found only in the deserts toward the Caspian Sea. It is common about Astrachan in sum- mer, and passes tbe winter in Persia. They drink much water, and go to the pools thrice every day ; when they are so eager, that they do not mind the sportsmen, though at other times they are very shjr. ARENATION, a kind of dry bath, in which the pa- lient sits with his bare feet on hot sand. AREOPAGUS, or Arreopagus, in Grecian antiquity,a sovereign court at Athens, so famous for the justice and impartiality of its decrees, that the gods themselves are said to have submitted their quarrels to its determination. ARETHUSA, in bolany, a genus of the gynandria diandria class ; and in the natural method ranking under the seventh order, orchidese. The generic character ii taken from the nectarium, which is tubular, situated at the bottom of the corolla, and the inferior labium fixed lo the stylus. There are seven species, all natives of America. ARETIA, hi botany, a genus of the pentandria mono- gynia class ; and in the natural method ranking under the 21st order, pretiae. The corolla is divided into five parts; the tube of the corolla is ovated ; and the capsule is glob- ular, and consists but of one Cell. There are three species. ARGEA, or Argei, in Roman antiquity, thirty human figures, made-of rushes, thrown annually by the priests, or vestals, into the Tiber, on the day of lhe ides of May. ARGEMONE, prickly poppy, a genus ofthe monogy- nia order, belonging to the polyandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 27th order, rbsea- deae. The corolla consists of six petals; fhe calyx is tryphillous ; and the capsule is semivalved. Of this ge- nus there are three species, one of which is common in many parts of the West Indies, and called by f he Spaniards tbe devirVfig^ but they are of no use, and have very little beauty. ARGENT, in heraldry, the white colour in (he coals of gentlemen, knights, and baronets: the white in tbe arms of the sovereign princes is called luna, and that in the arms of the nobility, pearl : this is expressed in en- graving, by Ibe parts being left plain, without any strokes from the graver. See Heraldry. ARGENTEUS, codex, a MS. of the four Gospels, that derives its name from its silver letters, supposed to be a copy ofthe Go(hic version made by Ulphilas, (be apostle of lhe Goths, in the fourth century. It is 4to. tbe leaves violet colour parchment ; and on this ground tbe letters, which are all capitals, were painted in silver, except A R G R A I the initials, and a few passages, in gold. It is now in the university of Upsal. ARGENTINA, in ichthyology, a genus of fishes be- longing to the order of abdominales. The generic charac- ters are these: the teeth are in the tongue, as well as the jaws ; the branchiostege membrane has eight radii or rays ; lhe anus i3 near lhe tail; and the belly fins consist of many rays. There are two species of argenlina, vis. 1. Argentina Carolina has likewise 15 rays in the fin near lhe anus ; the tail is forked, and the lateral lines are straight. It inhabits the fresh waters of Carolina. See Plate X. Nat. Hist. fig. 38. 2. Argentina sphyrama has fifteen rays in the fin at the anus; the air bladder of this species is conical on both sides, and shines like silver: false pearls are sometimes made of it. ARGENTUM arborescens. Most metallic substances are capable of decomposing a nitric solution of silver. The separation of this metal by mercury, on account of the phenomena which it presents, has been called the argenrum arborescens, or more commonly the arbor Dianae. It is obtained by lhe following process: mix together six parts of a solution of silver, and four of a solution of mercury, both made with nitric acid, and completely saturated ; add to them a little distilled water, and put the mixture into a conical vessel, into which has been previously introduced Bix parts of an alloy made in the proportion of seven parts of mercury and one of silver. At the end ofa few hours therewill be formed, at fhe surface ofthe small mass of alloy, a vegetation in the form ofa bush, as in Plate X. Nat. Hist. fig. 37. To obtain a beautiful specimen, it is necessary that all the ingredients be very pure: the glass best adapted to the purpose is conical or cylindrical. ARGILLA, clay, in natural history. See Chymis- try. ARGO, in astronomy, a constellation of fixed stars in the southern hemisphere : the number of stars in Ptole- my's catalogue is 8, in Tycho's 11, and in Mr. Flam- steed's 25. Argo, the vessel in which the Argonauts, of whom Ja- son was the chief, made an expedition in quest of the golden fleece. ARGONAUTA, in conchology, the name of one of the Linnsran genera: animal a sepio or clio; shell univalve, spiral, involuted, membranaceous, and containing only one shell. There are two species, the most remarkable of which is the argonauta argo. See Plate X. Nat. Hist. fig. 30. The animal which is the inhabitant of this shell at- tracted the notice of (he earlies( writers on natural history. It is a native ofthe Mediterranean and Indian seas, and is supposed to have taught mankind tbe use of sails, and (he ar( of navigation : it is the nautilus of English collectors. When this little creature intends to sail, it discharges a quantity of water, by which operation its specific gravity is rendered less (han that of sea water; and rising to (he surface, erecis i(s arms, and expands a membrane between them, by means of which it is driven before the wind, like a vessel under sail; at the same time that two of its arms, which hang over (he side of (he shell, serve for oars and a rudder. In (his manner i( sports on the water in calm weather; but on the first indication of a storm, it lowers its sail, dra^s in its arms, fakes in wafer, and sinks. ARGOPH V LLUM, in botany, white leaf. A genus of the monogynia order, belonejjjgjfl the pentandria class of vol. i. ^— -'£9 * plants. The capsule is frilocular ; the uccfariuni is pyi > midal, penlagonous, and the length of the corolla. There is but one species, vis. Argophvllum nitidum, or fhe glossy argophyllum, a native of New Caledonia. This species has some affinity with the ivy. ARGUMENT, arguraenlum, in rhetoric and logic, an inference drawn from premises, the truth of which is in- disputable ; or at least highly probable. Argument, in astronomy, denotes a known arch, by means of which we seek another one unknown. The argument of (he moon's latitude is her distance from the node; and the argument of inclination is an arch of a planet's orbit, intercepted between the ascending node and the place of the planet from the sun, numbered ac- cording fo the succession of the signs ofthe zodiac. Argument of inclination, or argument of latitude, of any planet, is an arch ofa planet's orbit, intercepted be- tween the ascending node and the place of the planet from the sun, numbered according to the succession ofthe signs. Argument, menstrual, of latitude, is the distance of the moon's true place from the sun's true place. By this is found the quan(i(y of the real obscuration in eclipses, or how many digits are darkened in any place. Argument, annual, of the moon's apogee, or simply, annual argument, is the distance of (he sun's place from (he place of fhe moon's apogee ; tha( is, (he arc of fhe ecliptic comprised between those two places. ARGUS SHELL, a species of porcelain shell, beauti- fully variegated with spots resembling, in some measure, those in a peacock's tail. ARGYTHAMNIA, in botany, a genus of the class and order monoecia lelandria ; the essential character is, male cal. four leaved; cor. four petalled; fern. cal. five leaved, cor. none, styles dicchotomous, caps, nicoceous, solitary seeds. There is one shrubby species, a native of Jamaica. ARIADNE, a beautiful statue of Parian marble, which was for nearly 300 years one of the chief ornaments of Belvidere, where it was placed by pope Julius II. It is now in the museum of Paris. Ariadne is represented sleeping on the rocks of Naxos, where she has been un- gratefully left by Theseus. ARIANS, in church history, a sect of ancient Christians who denied (be (hree persons in (he Holy Trinity to be of fhe same essence, and affirmed Christ to be a creature ; that he was inferior to the Father as to h'i3 deity; that he was neither co-eternal, nor co-equal with him ; also, that the Holy Ghost was not God, but a creature of the Son. In (heir doxologies, Ihey ascribed glory to lhe Father in the Son, through the Holy Ghost. The term Arian, in modern times, is applied to all who believe in the pre-existence of Christ, but who consider him as inferior and subordinate lo the Father. ARIDAS, a kind of taffety, manufactured in the East Indies, from a shining thread which is got from certain herbs, whence they are styled aridas of herbs. ARIDED, a fixed star ofthe second magnitude, in the extremity of tfje swan's tail. AR I DULL AM, in natural history, a kind of zarnich found in the East Indies. ARIES, in zoology. See Ram. Arif.s, or the Ram, in astronomy, one of the constella- tions of the northern hemisphere, and the first ofthe old A R I A R I twelve signs of the zodiac, and marked T in imitation ofa ram's head. It gives name to a twelfth part ofthe ecliptic, which the sun enters commonly about the 20th of March. The stars of this constellation, in Ptolemy's catalogue, are 18; in Tycho Brahe's 21 ; in Helvetius's 27 j and in Flamsfeed's 66: but they are mostly very small, only one being of fhe 2d magnitude, two of the 3d magnitude, and all the rest smaller. ARILLUS, in botany, the proper or exterior coat or covering of the seed, which drying, falls off spontaneously. All seeds have not this appendage. ARISH, a Persian long measure, containing about 38 English inches. ARISTA, among botanists, a long needle like beard, which stands out from the husk of a grain of corn, grass, &c. ARISTEA, in botany, a genus ofthe triandria monogy- nia class and order. The essential character is, petals six, style declinate, stigma funnel shaped gaping, capsule inferior with many seeds. There is one species, a native ofthe Cape. ARISTIDA, in botany, a genus ofthe class and order triandria digynia. The essential character is, calyx two valved, corolla one valved, with three terminal awns. There are six species, all of them natives of the East and West Indies. ARISTOLOCHIA, birthwort, a genus of the hexan- dria order, belonging to the gynandria class.of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 11th order, sar- mentaceae. It has no calyx ; the corolla consists of one entire petal ; and the capsule, which is below the flower, has six cells. The species are twenty-one ; but only the following merit description. Aristolochia Indica, or contrayerva of Jamaica, is a native of lhat island, where its roots are used instead ofthe true contrayerva. It has long trailing branches, which climb upon the neighbouring plants, and sometimes rise to a con- siderable height. The flowers are produced in small clusters toward the upper part of the stalks, which are of a dark purple colour. , Aristolochia serpentaria is a native of Virginia and Carolina, whence the radix serpentaria, or snakeroot, so much used in medicine, is brought over. The leaves grow close to the ground on footstalks an inch long, of a singu- lar shape, and of a dark purple colour. A round canulated capsule succeeds the flower. It is filled with seeds, which are ripe in May. When planted in gardens, in countries where they are natives, they increase so much in two years, that one can scarce grasp the stalk ofa single one. This pedes is usually found in woods near the roots of great s tree The usual price of the root, when dried, is 6d. per lb. both in Virginia and Carolina ; and the negro slaves em- ploy a great part of the time allowed them by their masters in search after it. Another species is the clematitis, the root of which has an aromatic bitterness, which is by no means unpleasant. This root is deservedly esteemed as a remedy in the ma- lignant fever, and epidemic diseases of warm climates. It is given in substance in doses of from ten to thirty grains, and in infusions, from one to two drams. ARITHMETIC is the science of numbers, and teaches tne art of computing by (hem. At what time this science was introduced into the world cannot be easily determined. History fixes neither the author nor the time. The Greeks very early made use of the letters of the alphabet to represent their numbers. The 24 letters, taken according to their order, at first de- noted the numbers 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 20, 30, 40,50 60, 70, 80, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, and 800; f0' which they added the three following, 7, V\ to represent 6, 90, and 900. The Romans followed a like method ; and besides char- acters for each rank of classes, introduced others for fire fifty, and five hundred. Their method is still used for distinguishing the chapters of books, and some other pur- poses. Their numeral letters and values are the following I V X L C D Ar One, five, ten, fifty, one hundred, five hundred, one thousand. Any number may be represented by repeating and com- bining these according to the following rules. 1. When the same letter is repeated twice, or offener its value is represented as often. Thus II signifies tiro' XXX thirty, CC two hundred. 2. When a numeral letter is placed after one of greater value, their values are added: thus XI signifies eleven, LXV sixty-five, MDCXXVlli one thousand six hundred and twenty-eight. 3. When a numeral letter is placed before one of greater value,the value of the less is taken from that of the greater: thus IV signifies four, XL forty, XC ninety, CD four hundred. Sometimes I3 is used instead of D for 500, and the value is increased ten times by annexing 3 to the right hand. Thus, I3 signifies 500 IQ3 - 5000 lO30 " 50000 Also, C13 is used for 1000 CCjoq for 10000 CCCtq33 for 100000 Sometimes thousands are represented by drawing aline over the top of the numeral, "V being used for five thou- sand, L for fifty thousand, CC two hundred thousand. About the year of Christ 200, a new kind of arithmetic, called sexagesimal, was invented probably by Ptolemj, to remedy the difficulties of the common method, especially with regard to fractions. Every unit was supposed to be divided into 60 parts, and each of these into 60 others, and so on. Thus from one to 59 were marked in the common way : then 60 was called a sexagesima prima, or first sex- agesimal integer, and had one single dash over it; so 60 was expressed thus 1'; and so on to 59 times 60, or 3540, which was thus expressed LIX'. He now proceeded to 60 times 60, which he called a sexagesima secunda, and was thus expressed I", In like manner, twice 60 times 60, or 7200, was expressed by II"; and so on till he came to 60 times 3600, which was a third sexagesimal, and expressed thus I'". If any number less than 60 was joined with these sexagesimals, it was added in its proper characters without any dash: thus I'XV represented60 ™i5* °r 75 ; J'VXXV is four times 60 and 25, or 265; X II'XV is ten times 3000, twice 60 and 15, or 36,135) &c. Sexagesimal fractions were marked by putting the dash at the foot, or on the left hand ofthe letter: thus I, or I; denoted i ; J,„ or "I, 7^ir, Sec. So nearly did the inventor of this method approach the Arabic, or com- mon mode of notation ; instead of sexagesimal progres- sion, it was required only to substitute decimal, to make the signs of numbers from 1 to 9 simple characters, and to introduce the 0, a character which signifies noth'm* of H- ARITHMETIC. self, but which serves to fill up places. Though the sexa- gesimal whole numbers were soon laid aside after the in- troduction of the Arabic nolation, sexagesimal"-fractions continued till the invention of decimals, and are even still used in the subdivisions of circular arcs and angles. The method of notation, which we now use, came into Europe from the Arabians, by the way of Spain. The Arabs, however, do not pretend to be the inventors ofthe characters, but acknowledge that they received them from lhe Indians. Some imagine that they were found out by the Greeks, which is not probable; as Maxirnus Planudes, who lived toward the close of lhe 13th century, is the first Greek who makes use of them : and Dr. Wallis is of opinion that these characters must have been used in En- gland at least as long ago as the year 1050, if not in ordina- ry affairs, at least in mathematical ones, and in astronomi- cal tables. The oldest treatises extant upon the theory of arithme- tic, are the seventh, eighth, and ninth books of Euclid's Elements, which treat of proportion and of prime and composite numbers. Nicomachus the Pythagorean, wrote a treatise on the theory of arithmetic, consisting chiefly of the distinctions and divisions of numbers into classes, as plain, solid, triangular, quadrangular, and tbe rest of the figurate numbers as they are called, numbers odd and even, &c. with some of the more general properties of the several kinds. His arithmetic was published at.Paris in 1533. The next remarkable writer on this subject is Boe- tbius, who is supposed to have copied most of his work from Nicomachus. From this time no remarkable writer on arithmetic ap- peared till about the year 1200, when Jordanus of Namur wrote a treatise on this subject, which was published and demonstrated by Joannes Faber Stapulensis in the 15th century : and, as learning advanced in Europe, the num- ber of writers on arithmetic increased. About the year 1464, Regiomontanus, in his triangular tables, divided the radius into 10,000 parts instead of 60,000; and thus tac- itly expelled the sexagesimal arithmetic; which, how- ever, still remains in lhe division of time. Ramus, in his arithmetic, written about the year 1550, and published by Lazarus Schonerus in 1586, uses decimal periods in car- ry ing on the square and cube roots to fractions. The same had been done before by our countrymen Buckley and Record ; buf the first who published an express trea- tise on decimals was Simon Stevinius, about the year 1582. Dr. Wallis is the first who took much notice of circulating decimals, and fhe honour of inventing logarithms is un- questionably due to lord Napier, baron of Merchislon in Scotland, about the end of the 16th or beginning of the 17th century. Arithmetic has thus advanced to a degree of perfection which (he ancients could never have imagin- ed possible, much less hoped to attain ; and it may now be reckoned one of those few sciences which is in its nature capable of little further improvement. The following marks are used as abbreviations in arith- metic. = is the si gnof equality. -f signifies Addition; thus 2 -f- 3 = 5, is 2 added to 3 equal to 5. — signifies Subtraction; thus 5 — 2 = 3, is 5 less 2equal to 3. X signifies Multiplication; 9 X 5 = 45, is 9 multiplied by 5 is equaLto 45. *» :' \ ___________ -:- signifies Division; 54 -— 9 = 6, is 54 divided by 9 is equal to 6. \/ signifies the Square Roof, y~7 is the square root of 9, which is equal to 3. SOTATION AND MTMERATIOV. The first elements of arithmetic are acquired during our infancy : small numbers are most easily apprehended : a child soon understands what is meant by two, or three, or four, but has no distinct notion of twenty or thirty. Ex- perience removes this difficulty, and enables us to form many units into a class, and several of these smaller classes into one of a higher kind, and thus to advance through as many ranks of classes as occasion requires. If a boy ar- range an hundred stones in one row, he would be tired be- fore he could reckon them ; but if he place them in fen rows of ten stones each, he will reckon an hundred with ease ; and if he collect ten such parcels, he will reckon a thousand. There does not seem tobeanjr number naturally adapt- ed for constituting a class of the lowest, or any higher rank to the exclusion of others. However, as ten has been generally used for this purpose by most nations who have cultivated this science, it is probably the most con- venient for general use. Other scales may be assumed : thus, if eight were the scale, 6 times 3 would be two classes and two units, and lhe number of 18 would then be rep- resented by 22. If 12 were the scale, 5 times 9 would be fhree classes and nine units, and 45 would be represented by 39, &c. By not observing the same scale in the vari- ous kinds of monies, weights, and the like, much of (he difficulty in the practice of arithmetic arises. All numbers are represented by the ten following char- acters. 123 456T890 One, two, three, four, five, six, sevea, eight, nine, cypher. The nine first are called significant figures or digits When placed singly, they denote the simple numbers sub joined lo the characters. When several are placed to- gether, the first or right hand figure only is to be taken for its simple value: the second signifies so many tens, the third so many hundreds, and the others so many higher classes, according to the order in which they stand. And the cypher in any place denotes the wani of a number in that place: thus, 20 denotes two tens and no units or sim- ple number. The following table shows the names and divisions of the classes. 8. 4 3 7, 9 8 2. 5 6 4, 7 3 8. 9 7 2, 6 4 5 K) 03 tt) 95 en OR in tft 4 "O i> T3 3 H "2 "2 3 3 . in ARITHMETIC. 234672 142131 223164 389879 796543 The first six figures from tbe right hand are called the unit period, lhe next six the million period, after which the trillion, quadrillion, quintillion, sexfillion, septillion, octillion, and nonillion periods, follow in their order. The whole art of arithmetic is comprehended in two operations, Addition and Subtraction. But as methods have been invented for facilitating these operations, and distinguished by the names of Multiplication and Divi- sion ; these four rules are the foundation of all arithmeti- cal operations. addition. Addition is that operation by which several numbers of the same denomination are collected into one total. Example. Rule. Write the numbers distinctly, units 468632 under units, tens under tens, and so on. Then 767345 reckon the amount of the right hand column. If it be under ten, mark it down. If it exceed ten, mark the units only, and carry the tens to the next place. In like manner, carry the tens of each column lo (he next, and mark down the full sum of the left hand column. 3022366 The best method of proving the truth of sums in Addi- tion, is to add up the lines in a contrary direction : thus, if I begin at the bottom of the lines, when the sum is done, I add the figures again together, beginning each line from the top ; and if the total in both cases correspond, it may be supposed xight. COMPOUND ADDITION. Compound Addition teaches to collect several num- bers of different denominations into one total. Rule. (1) Place the numbers so that those of the same denomination may stand directly under each other, and draw a line below them. (2) Add up the figures in the lowest denomination, and find how many ones of the next higher denomination are contained in their sum. (3) Write down the remainder, and carry the ones to lhe next de- nomination ; with which proceed as before; and so on, through all the denominations to the highest, whose sum must be all written down; and this sum, together with the several remainders, is the total sum required. The method of proof is the same as in simple addition. I. s. d. I. s. d. 34 15 2i 51 18 H 27 12 »4 15 9 *H 30 9 *H 76 4 9 79 15 *\ 59 19 H 172 13 3| 203 13 I* lb. OS. dwts. gr. lb. OZ. dwts. gr. 45 11 19 22 51 9 17 15 53 9 17 15 97 8 15 7 24 10 18 23 41 3 19 23 99 9 10 8 88 11 7 16 224 6 6 20 282 10 0 13 Hence it is evident, that for a person to be expert in compound addition requires only a knowledge of the sev- eral tables of weights and measures: if, for instance, I have to pay for the carriage of four packages, marked A, B, C, and D ; A weighing 4 tons, 16cwt. 3qrs. R 1 ton, 14cwt. 2qrs. 24lb. C 12cwt. 3qrs. 25lb. and D 3 tons, 17cwt. Oqr. 261b. to be able to ascertain the weight ofthe whole, it is necessary that I should know the Avoirdupoise Table, of which a part is, that 28lb. make 1 quarter of a hundred weight, 4 quarters 1 hundred weight, and 20 hundred 1 ton ; then I proceed as follows : Tons. cwt. qr. lb. 4 16 3 0 1 14 2 24 0 12 3 25 3 17 0 26 The reason of this rule is evident: for, in addition of money, as 1 in the pence is equal to 4 in the farthings ; 1 in the shillings to 12 in the pence; and in the pounds to 20 hi the shillings; carrying as directed is nothing more than providing a method of digesting the money arising from each column properly in the scale of denominations : and, this reasoning will hold good in the addition of num- bers of any denomination whatsoever. Thus to take an example in Troy weight, where 24 grains make a penny- weight, 20 pennyweights one ounce, and 12 ounces a pound. 11 1 2 19 And I now find fhat I have to pay for 11 tons* lcwt. 2qr. 191b. SUBTRACTION. Subtraction is the operation by which we take a less number from a greater, and find their difference. The greater is called the minuend, and the less the subtra- hend. If any figure of the subtrahend be greater than the cor- responding figure of the minuend, and having found and marked the difference, we add one to the next place of the subtrahend. This is called borrowing ten, because adding one to the subtrahend produces the same effect as taking one from the minuend. Rule. Subtract units from units, tens from tens, and so on. If any figure of the subtrahend be greater than the corresponding one of the minuend, borrow ten. Example. Minuend 5173694 47386414 .Subtrahend 2421453 23792352 Remainder 2752241 23594062 To prove subtraction, add the remainder and subtra- hend together; if their sum be equal to the minuend, the sum is right. Or subtract the remainder from the minuend. If the difference be equal to the subtrahend, the sum is right. Rule for Compound Subtraction. " Place like denom« inations under like, and borrow, when necessary, accord- ing to the value of the higher place." lb-, os. dwts. gr. I. 45 8 14 15 95 29 8 17 17 59 d. s. 7 6£ 16 9| 10 8£ 15 11 16 22 35 . The reason for borrowing is the same as in simple sub- traction. Thus in subtracting pence, we add 12 pence when necessary lo lhe minuend, and at the next step, we add one shilling to the subtrahend. ARITHMETIC. The learner should acquire the habit, when two num- bers are marked down, of placing such a number under the less, lhat, when added together, the sum may be equal to the greater. The operation is the same as subtraction, though conceived in a different manner, and is useful in balancing accounts, and on other occasions in the con- cerns of life. MULTIPLICATION. Multiplication is a compendious mode of addition, and teaches to find the amount ef any given number by re- peating it any proposed number of times. Thus, 8 multi- plied by 5, or 5 times 8, i3 40. The given numbers, 8 and 5, are called factors ; the first, 8, the multiplicand, the second, 5, the multiplier; and the amount, 20, the prod- uct. Ex.] 76859 mult, by 4, or 76859 added 4 times. 4 76859 ------- 76859 307436 76859 307436 If the multiplier be 10, we annex a cypher to the multi- plicand. If the multiplier be 100, we annex two cyphers; and so on. The reason is obvious, from the use of cy- phers in notation. Rule. Place the multiplier under the multiplicand, and multiply the latter successively by the significant figures of the former ; placing the right hand figure of each product under the figure ofthe multiplier from which :t arises; then add the product. Ex.] (a) 7329 37846 93956 365 235 8704 36645 189230 375824 43974 113538 657692 21987 75692 751648 2675085 8893810 817793024 A number which cannot be produced by the multiplica- tion of two others is called a prime number; as 3, 5, 7, 11. A number which may be produced by the multiplica- tion of two or more smaller ones, is called a composite number. For example, 27, which arises from the multi- plication of 9 by 3; and these numbers, 9 and 3, are call- ed the component parts of 27. If the multiplier be a composite number, we may mul- tiply successively by the component parts. Ex.] 7638 by 45, or 5 times 9 7638 45 9 38190 68742 30552 5 343710 343710 Because the second product is equal to five times the first, and the first is equal to nine times the multiplicand, it is obvious that the second product must be five times nine, or forty-five times as great as the multiplicand. If the multiplier be 5, which is the half of 10, we may annex a cypher and divide by 2. If it be 25, which is fhe fourth part of 100, we may annex two cyphers, and divide by 4. Other contractions of the like kind will readily occur to the learner.. To multiply by 9, which is one less than 10, we may- annex a cypher; and subtract the multiplicand from the number it composes. To multiply by 99,999, or any number of 9's, annex as many cyphers, and subtract the multiplicand. The reason is obvious; and a like rule may be found, though the unit place be different from 9. Multiplication is proved by repeating the operation, using the multiplier for the multiplicand, and the multipli- cand for the multiplier. Or it may be done by casting out the nines; that is, cast out the nines of the multiplier and multiplicand, and set down the remainders. Multiply the remainders together, and if the excess of nines in their product be equal to the excess of 9's in fhe total product, the work may be deemed right : thus, in Ex. (a) above, the excess of nines in the multiplicand is 3, and in the multiplier it is 5, and 3 X 5 = 15, or six above nine, which I find is the excess of nines in the total product. The best method of proving Multiplication is by Division ; and if that be adopted, the two rules must be learned at the same time. Then the proof of each example in Mul- tiplication becomes a sum in Division, and vice versa. COMPOUND MULTIPLICATION. Compound Multiplication teaches to find the amount of any given number of different denominations, by repeating it any proposed number of times. Rule. (1) Place the multiplier under the lowest denom- ination of the multiplicand. (2) Multiply the number of the lowest denomination by the multiplier, and find how many ones of the next higher denomination are contained in the product. (3) Write down the excess, and carry the ones to the product of the next higher denomination, with which proceed as before ; and so on, through all the denominations to the highest; whose product, together with the several excesses, taken as one number, will be the. whole amount required. Examples of Money. 9lb. of tobacco, at 4s. S\d, per lb. 4 8£ 9 21. 2 4f the answer. The product of a number consisting of several parts, or denominations, by any simple number whatever, will evi- dently be expressed by taking the product of lhat simple number and each part by itself as so many distinct ques- tions; thus, 25/. 12s. 6d. multiplied by 9, will be 225/. 108s. 54d. =, by taking the shillings from the pence, and the pounds from the shillings, and placing them in the shillings and pounds respectively, 230/. 12s. 6d. which is the same as the rule; and this will be true when the multiplicand is any compound number whatever. Case I. If the multiplier exceed 12, multiply succes- sively by its component parts, instead of the whole num- ber at once, as in simple multiplication. Ex.] 16cwt. of cheese, at 1/. 18s. 8d. per cwt. 1/. 18s. 8rf. 4 7 14 8 4 30/. 18s. 8d. the answer. r ARITHMETIC. Case II. If Ihc multiplier cannot be produced by the When there are cyphers annexed to the■«*"«<», cut .nul.Hncation of small numbers, find the nearest to it, them off, and cut off an equal number of figures from the cither creater or less, which can be so produced ; then, dividend ; annex these figures to th numerator and denominator by any number which meas- ures both, and place the quotients in the form ofa frac- tion." Examples. \* *_y |™. The answers are y» 16 > |; for both the numerator and denominator of the first fraction is divisible by 3; of the second by 16 ; and of the third by 90 : but the an- swers are of precisely the same value as* the original fractions. To find the greatest common measure of two numbers : divide the greater by the less, and the divisor by the re- mainder continually, till nothing remain ; the last divisor is the greatest common measure. Ex. Required the greatest number which measures 475 and 589 ? 475)589(1 Here divide 589 by 475, and the 475 remainder is 114 ; then divide 475 by --- 114, and the remainder is 19; then 114)475(4 114 by 19, and there is no remainder: 456 ftom which we infer than 19, the last --- divisor, is the greatest common meas- 19)114(6 ure. 114 To explain the reason of this we must observ e, that any number which measures two others, will also measure their sum, and their difference, and will measure any mul- tiple of either. In the foregoing example, any number which measures 589 and 475, will measure their difference 114, and will measure 456, which is a multiple of 114; and any number which measures 475, and 456 will also measure their difference 19. Consequently, no number greater than 19 can measure 589 and 475. Again, 19 will measure them both, for it measures 114, and there- fore measures 456, which is a multiple of 114 and 475, which is just 19 more than 456 : and, because it measures 475, and 114, it will measure their sum 589. To reduce $1\ to the lowest possible terms, we divide both numbers by 19, and it comes toj-%. If there be no common measure greater than 1, thf fraction is already in the lowest terms. If the greatest common measure of 3 numbers be re- quired, we find the greatest measure of the two first, and then the greatest measure of lhal number, and the third. If (here be more numbers we proceed in (he same manner. " To reduce fractious to others of equal value lhat hav* (he same denominator : 1st, multiply the numerator of each fraction by all lhe denominators except its own. The products are numeiators to the respective fraction^ sought." 2d, "Multiply all the denominators into each olher ; the product is the common denominator." Ex. 4 and ; and | = **§ and f|° and |tf. 4 X 9 x 8 = 288 first numerator. 7 X 5 X 8 = 280 second numerator. 3 X 5 X 9 = 135 third numerator. 5X9X8 = 360 common denominator. Here we multiply 4, the numerator of the first fracliou by 9 and ii, (he denominators ofthe two others ; and lhe product 283 is the numerator of (he fraction sought eqimalenl to lhe first. The olher numerators are found in like manner, and lhe common denominafor, 360 is ob- tained by multiplying the men denominr.Vr^ r 9' y :-,•« ARITHMETIC. each other. In the course ofthe whole operation lhe nu- merators and denominators of each fraction are multiplied by the same numbers, and therefore their value is not al- tered. ADDITION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. Reduce them, if necessary, to a common denom- inator ; add the numerators, and place the sum above the denominator. Ex. 1. 8 2. The numerators of fractions that have the same denom- inator signify like parts; and the reason for adding them is equally obvious, as that for adding shillings or any other inferior denomination. SUBTRACTION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. " Reduce the fractions to a common denomina- tor ; subtract the numerator of the subtrahend from the numerator of the minuend, and place the remainder above the denominator.,, + * — »f X H = 2.Z. 5181 9 ___ 440 _J.560 1567 — 157T t ^ t ^ t^ — B"S7 ^ rrs i vts — no ' Examples. Subtract 4 from ■H 11 T2> and T*T from £. 11 X 3 X 7 = 77 12= 36 41 3 X 5 X B TT 11 = 33 4 = 20 13 rem. 12 X 7 = 84 4 X 11 = 44 The answers are %\, and ft. To subtract a fraction from an integer : Subtract the numerator from the denominator, and place the remainder above the denominator; prefix to this the integer diminish- ed by unity. Ex. Subtract 4 from 12. Remainder llf. MULTIPLICATION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. "Multiply the numerators of the factors to- gether for the numerator of the product, and the denomi- nators together for the denominator of the product.''' Ex. 1st. 4 X 4 = ft 2X5 = 10 numerator 3 X 7 = 21 denominator. £x.2.8f X 7| = »»•» = 65/7 Q2 ._ 42 °T ~ T 71 = 31 42 X 31 = 1302 5X4= 20 To multiply 4 by f- is the same as to find what two third parts of 4 comes to; if one third part only had been required, it would have been obtained by multiplying the denominator 7 by 3, because tbe value of fractions is lessened when their denominators are increased ; and this comes to ¥*T; and, because two thirds were required, we must double that fraction, which is done by multiplying the numerator by 2, and comes to ft. Hence we infer that fractions of fractions, or compound fractions, such as 4 of |, are reduced to simple ones by multiplication. The same method is followed when the compound fraction is ex- pressed in three parts or more. If a number be multiplied by any integer, its value is in- creased. If it be multiplied by 1, or taken one time, it un- dergoes no alteration. If it be multiplied by a proper fraction, or taken for one half, two thirds, or lhe like, its value is diminished, and the product is less than lhe num. ber multiplied. DIVISION OF VULGAR FRACTIONS. Rule. (1) " Multiply the numerator of the dividend by the denominator of the divisor. The product is the numerator of the quotient." (2) "Multiply the denomi- nator of the dividend by the numerator of the divisor, The product is the denominator of the quotient." Ex. Divide | by 4. Quotient ft. 2X9 = 18 5 X 7 = 35 To explain the reason of this operation; suppose it re- quired to divide 4 by 7, or to take one seventh part off This is obtained by multiplying the denominator by 1, for the value of fractions is diminished by increasing their denominators, and it comes to -£y. Again, because \ is nine times less than seven, the quotient of any number di- vided by 4 will be nine times greater than the quotient of the same number divided by 7. Therefore we multiply ■fj by 9, and obtain ft. If the divisor and dividend have the same denominator it is sufficient to divide the numerators. Ex. ft divided by T3T quotes 4. The quotient of any number divided by a proper frac- tion is greater than the dividend. It is obvious, that any integer contains more halves, more third parts, and the like, than it contains units j and, if an integer and fraction be divided alike, the quotients will have the same propor- tion to the numbers divided ; but the value of an integer is increased when the divisor is a proper fraction; there- fore the value of a fraction in the like case is increased also. The foregoing rule may be extended to every case, by reducing integers and mixed numbers to the form of im- proper fractions. DECIMAL FRACTIONS. A decimal fraction is a fraction whose denominator w ten or some power of ten: but instead of writing down the denominator, a comma is placed before the number, to mark the fraction; and whatever number of figures fol- lows the comma, the same is the index of the power of ten in the denominator, or there must be as many cyphers af- ter unit in the denominator, as figures after the comma. Thus 4}7 is 4 and T7^. .47 signifies Forty-seven hundredth parts. • 047 Forty-seven thousandth parts. .407 Four hund. and 7 thousandth parts. 4.07 Four, and seven hundredth parts. 4.007 Four, and seven thousandth parts. To reduce vulgar fractions to decimal ones : "Annex a cypher to the numerator, and divide it by the denomi- nator, annexing a cypher continually to the remainder." ARITHMETIC. EXAMPLES. rf = -16 £i = .078125 75)120(16 64)500(078125 75 443 450 450 520 512 80 64 160 128 320 320 4 = .666, &C. 3)20(666 18 20 18 20 18 20 The reason of this operation will be evident, if we con- sider that the numerator of a vulgar fraction is understood to be divided by the denominator; and this division is ac- tually performed when it is reduced to a decimal. Some vulgar fractions may be reduced to decimals, and are called finite decimals. Others cannot be exactly re- duced, because the division always leaves a remainder; but, by continuing the division, we shall perceive how the decimal may be extended to any length whatever. These are called infinite decimals. Lower denominations may be considered as fractions of higher ones, and reduced to decimals accordingly. The value of decimal places decreases like that of in- tegers, ten of the lower place in either being equal to one of the next higher; and the same holds in passing from decimals to integers. Therefore, all the operations are performed in the same way with decimals, whether placed by themselves or annexed to integers, as with pure inte- gers. The only peculiarity lies in the arrangement and pointing of the decimals. In addition and subtraction, " Arrange units under units, tenth parts under tenth parts, and proceed as in integers." Add 32.035 from 13.348 136.374 take 9.2993 160.63 _______ 12.3645 4.0487 341.4035 In multiplication, "Allow as many decimal places in the product as there are in both facfors. If the product has not so many places, supply them by prefixing cyphers on fhe left hand." /l Ex. 1st. 1.37 2d. .1572 1.8 .12 1096 137 .018864 2.466 The reason of this rule may be explained, by observing that the value of the product depends on the value ofthe factors: and since each decimal place in either factor di- minishes its value ten times, it must equally diminish the value of the product. To multiply decimals by 10, move the decimal point 30* * one place to the right; to multiply by 100, 1000, or the like, move it as many places to the right as there are cy- phers in the multiplier. In division, " Point the quotient so that there may be an equal number of decimal places in the dividend as in the divisor and quotient togetner." Ex. Divide 14 by .7854. .7854)14.000000(17.82, &c. 7854 61460 54978 64820 62832 19880 Therefore, if there be the same number of decimal places in the divisor and dividend, there will be none in the quotient. Ex. Divide .75 by .25. Answer 3, which is a whole number. If there be more in the dividend, the quotient will have as many as the dividend has more than the divisor. See above. If there be more in the divisor, we must annex, or sup- pose annexed, as many cyphers to the dividend as may complete the number of decimals in the divisor, and all the figures of the quotient are integers. Ex. Divide 8 by .125. .125)8.000(64 Answer in whole numbers, 7.50 500 500 To reduce numbers of different denominations to their equivalent decimal values: Rule. (1) Write the given numbers perpendicularly under each other, beginning at the least. (2) Opposite each dividend, on the left hand, place such a number for a divisor as will bring it to tbe next superior name, and draw a perpendicular line be- tween them. (3) Begin with the highest ; and write the quotient of each division, as decimal parts, on the right hand of the dividend next below it, and so proceed to the last; and the last quotient is the decimal sought. Ex. Reduce 15s. 9|d. to the decimal of a /. 4 12 20 3. 9.75 15.8125 .790625 the decimal required. To find the value of any given decimal in terms of the integer. Rule. Multiply the decimal by the numbei of parts ki the ne\t less denomination, and cut off as many places for a remainder, to the right hand, as there are places in the given decimal; and so proceed with the rest. ARITHMETIC. Ex. What is the value of .375 of a I. .575 20 s. 7.500 12 d. 6.000 Answer 7s. 6d. If the divisor leave a remainder, the quotient may be ex- tended to more decimal places; but those are not regard- ed in fixing the decimal point. See above. The reason for fixing the decimal point as directed, may be inferred from the rule followed in multiplication. The quotient multiplied by the divisor produces the dividend; and therefore tbe number of decimal places in the divi- dend is equal to those in the divisor and quotient together. Some decimals, though extended to any length, are never complete ; and others, which terminate at last, sometimes consist of so many places, that it would be difficult in practice to extend them fully. In these cases, we may extend the decimal to three, four, or more places, according to the nature of the articles, and the degree of accuracy required. In this manner we may perform any operation with ease by the common rales, and the answers we obtain are sufficiently exact for any purpose in busi- ness. ON THE EXTRACTING OF ROOTS. The root is a number, whose continual multiplication into itself produces the power; and is denominated the square, cube, 4th, 5th, root, &c. according as it is, when raised to the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th, &c. power, equal to that power. Thus 2 is the square root of 4, because 2X2 = 4; and 4 is the cube root of 64, because 4X4x4 — 64; and so on. Although there is no number of which we cannot find any power exactly, yet there may be many numbers of which a precise root can never be determined. But, by the help of decimals, we can approximate toward the root, to any assigned degree of exactness. The roots which approximate are called surd roots, and those which are perfectly accurate are called rational roots. Roots are sometimes denoted, as in algebra, by writing the character \/ before fhe power, with the index of the root against it: Ihus, the third root of 70 is expressed 4/70, and the second root of it is v70» tne index 2 being always omitted when the square or second root is design- ed. If the power be expressed by several numbers, with the sign -f or— between them, a line is drawn from the top ofthe sign over all the parts of it; thus, the third root of 28 — 13 is £,*»—is . -ometi'Mes roots are designed like powers, wilh frac- tional indices; thus, the square root of 5 is 5\, the third root of 19 is 194, and tne fourth root of 40 — 12 is 40 — 1-*' &c. TO EXTRACT THE SQUARE ROOT. Rule. (1) Distinguish the given number info periods o^ 1 wo fLures each, by putting a point over the place of units* anofb*-. over the place of hundreds, and so on. (2) Find a square number either equal to, or the next less than, the first period; and put the root of it to the right hand ofthe given number, after the manner of a quotient figure in di- vision, and it will be the first figure of the root required. (3) Subtract (he assumed square from the first period, and to the remainder bring down lhe next period for a div- idend. (4) Place the double of the root already found, on the left hand of the dividend, for a divisor. (5) Con- sider what figure must be annexed to the divisor, so that if the result be multiplied by it, the product may be equal to, or the next less than, the dividend, and it will be tbe 3d figure of the root. (6) Subtract the product from the dividend, and to the remainder bring down the next pe- riod, for a new dividend. (7) Find a divisor as before, bj doubling tbe figures already in the root; and from these find the next figures of the root, as in the last article; and so on through all the periods to the last. Note. If there are decimals in the given number, it must be pointed both ways from unity, and the root be made to consist of as many whole numbers and decimals as there are periods belonging to each ; and when the figures belonging to the given number are exhausted, the operation may be continued at pleasure by adding cy- phers. examples. Required the square root of 5499025. 5499025 (2345 the root. 4 43)1*9 129 464)2090 1856 4685)23425 23425 0 EXTRACTION OF THE CUBE ROOT. Rule. (1) Find by trial the nearest rational cube tothe given number, and call it the assumed cube. (2) Then, as twice the assumed cube added to the given number, is to twice the given number added to the supposed cube, so is the root ofthe supposed cube fo the root required near- ly. (3) By taking the cube of the root Ihus found for the supposed cube, and repeating the operation, the root may be had lo a still greater degree of exactness. Ex. 1. What is the cube root of 12484? By trial I find the nearer root, less than the given num- ber, is 23, the cube of which is 12167. Then 12167 X 2 + 12484 = 36818, and 12484 X 2 + 12167 = 37135. Therefore as 36818 : 37135: !23 ; 23.198, and 23.198 is the root re- quired nearly. 2. What is fhe cube root of 2? As the nearest rational root is 1, we have 1X2 + 2 = 4, and 2 X 2 + 1 = 5. Then4 : 5.:i ; * = i.25 = roof near,y# Again, the cube of * = ty, therefore »»« x 2 + 3 : 3 x 2 + jy::t or y/ : ^.., . w J*.2599)£. A R I ARM TO EXTRACT THE ROOTS OF POWERS IN GENERAL. Rule 1. Prepare the given number for extraclion, by pointing off from the units place as the root required di- rects. 2. Find the first figure ofthe root by trial, and subtract its power from the given number. 3. To the remainder bring down the first figure in the next period, and call it the dividend. 4. Involve the root to the next inferior power to that which is given, and multiply it by the number denoting the given power for a divisor. 5. Find how many times the divisor may be had in the dividend, and the quotient will be another figure of the root. 6. Involve fhe whole root to the given power, and sub- tract it from the given number as before. 7. Bring down the first figure of lhe next period to the remainder for a new dividend, to which find a new divisor, and so on till the whole is finished. Ex. What is the cube root of 53157376 53157376(376 27= 33 3» X 3 =27)261 dividend. 50653 = 373 3s X 3 = 4107)25043 second dividend. 53157376 0 The reason of the process in fhe Extraction of Roots may be seen in Algebra. Thus we have gone over all the principal rules in com- mon arithmetic, giving under each an example or exam- ples, by the assistance of which the reader may invent any number of others for his own improvement in the branch of science. We have not touched upon simple interest, discount, loss and gain, Sec. because these are but modifi- cations of the Rule of Three ; and may be done either by the rules there given, or by Practice. We doubt not that this arficle, if followed by that under the word Algebra, which though first in order in a dictionary necessarily comes last in practice, will be found sufficient for almost all purposes in common life. Arithmetic, decimal, that containing the doctrine of decimal fractions. See Arithmetic. Arithmetic of infinites, the doctrine of infinite series. See Series. Arithmetic, instrumental, that performed by means of instruments, as the abacus or counting board, Napier's bones, &.c. Arithmetic, literal, the same with specious. See Algebra. Arithmetic, logarithmetical, that performed by means of logarithms.. See Logarithm. Arithmetic, logistical, the same wifh sexagesimal. Arithmetic, sexagesimal, the doctrine of sexagesimal fractions. Arithmetic, specious, the same with algebra. See Algebra. ARITHMETICAL, complement ofa logarithm, the sum or number which a logarithm wants of 10,000000 : thus fhe arithmetical complement of the logarithm 8.154032 is 1.845968. Arithmetical progression. See Algebra. Arithmetical proportion. See Algebra. ARITHMOMANCY, a species of divination perform- ed by means of numbers. ARLEQUIN, an English trivial name applied to some birds, insects, shells, &c. remarkable for their striking colours. ARM, in respect of fhe magnet. A loadstone is said to be armed when it is enclosed, capped, or set in iron or steel, in order to increase its magnetic virtue. Arm, in sea language. A ship is said fo be armed when fitted out and provided in all respects for war. ARMADILLO. See Dysafus. ARMED, in the sea language. A cross bar shot is said to be armed when some ropeyarn or tbe like is rolled about the end of the iron bar which runs through the shot. Armed, in heraldry, is used when the horns, feet, beak, or talons, of any beast or bird of prey, are of a different colour from the rest of their body. He bears a cock or a falcon armed, &c. ARMENIANS, in church history, a sect or division amongst the eastern Christians ; thus called from Armenia, the country anciently inhabited by them. There are two kinds of Armenians; the one catholic, and subject to the pope, having a patriarch in Persia and another in Poland ; the other makes a peculiar sect, having two patriarchs in Natolia. They are generally accused of being monophy- sites, only allowing of one nature in Jesus Chrisf. As to the eucharisf, they, for the most part, agree with the Greeks; they abstain rigorously from eating of blood, and meats strangled, and are much addicted to fasting-. ARMENTA. See Bos. ARMIGER, an esquire, or armour bearer. ARMILLA membranosa, in anatomy, is that circular ligament which comprehends all the tendons belonging to the whole hand within a circle, in the region of the car- pus. ARMILLARY, Armillaris, in a general sense, some- thing consisting of rings, or circles, from armilla, a brace- let. Armillary sphere, an artificial sphere, composed of a number of circles, representing the several circles of the mundane sphere-, put together in their natural order, to ease and assist the imagination in conceiving the constitu tionof the heavens, and the motions ofthe celestial bodies. viT?enTrmilIary *Phere turns UP0« its axis P p, Plate XIV. Miscel. fig. 4. within a silvered horizon H O, which is divided into degrees, and moveable every way, upon a brass supporter. E Q represents the equinoctial, and \ B the zodiac, which is a broad cirele divided info degrees and into twelve equal parts, marked with lhe twelve signs r, 0,n,&c. PQ/> E, is the meridian, likewise divided into degrees. The other parts are the two fropics, and two polar cir- cles, both delineated in the figure. ARM1NIANS in church history, a sect of Christians, which arose in Holland, by a separation from the Calvin A R M A R R isis. Thev are great asserters of free will. They speak very ambiguously of the prescience of God. They look on the doctrine of the Trinity as a point not necessary to salvation; and many of them hold there is no precept in Scripture by which we are enjoined to adore the Holy Ghost; and that Jesus is not equal to God the Father. AR3IOISIN, a silk stuff, or kind of taffety, manufac- tured in the East Indies, at Lyons in France, and Lucca iu Italy. That of the Indies is slighter than those made in Europe. ARMONIAC. See Ammonia. ARMONICA. See Harmonica. ARMORIAL. See Heraldry. ARMOUR denotes all such habiliments as serve to de- fend the body from wounds, especially of darts, a sword, a lance, &c. A complete suit of armour formerly consist- ed ofa helmet, a shield, a cuirasse, a coat of mail, a gaunt- Jef, &c. all now laid aside. ARMS, charged, in heraldry, are such as retain their ancient integrity., with the addition of some new honourable bearing. Arms, canting or vocal, those in which there are some figures, alluding to the name of the family. ART\is,full or entire, such as retain their primitive purity, without any alterations or abatements. Arms,false, such as are not conformable to the rules of heraldry. Arms, in falconry, the legs ofa hawk from the thigh to the foot. Arms, king at, "> see Herald. Arms, herald at, J Arms, poursuivant at, see Poursuivant. Arms, college of, see College of arms. ARMY. An army is composed of squadrons and bat- talions, and is usually divided into three corps, and form- ed into three lines ; {he first line is called the van guard, the second the centre or main body, and the third the rear guard, or body of reserve. The middle of each line is possessed by the foot; the cavalry forms the right and left wing of each line; and sometimes they place squadrons of horse in the intervals between the battalions. When the army is drawn up in order of battle, the horse are placed at five feet distance from each other, and the foot at three. In each line the battalions are distant from each other 180 feet, which is nearly equal to the extent of their front; and the same holds of the squadrons, which are about 300 feet distant, lhe extent of their own front. These intervals are left for the squadrons and battalions of the second line to range themselves against the inter- vals of the first, that both may more readily march through those spaces to fhe enemy : lhe first line is usually 300 feet distant from the second, and the second from the third, that there may be sufficient room to rally, when the squad- rons and battalions are broken. An army sometimes acquires different appellations from fhe particular services in which it is employed. A covering army is that which covers a place, by lyin:;-encamped for the protection of the different passes which had to fhe principal object of defence. An army is said io blockade a place when, being well provided with heavy artillery, Sec. it is employed to invest a town for (he purpose of reducing it by assault or famine. An army of observation is so called because, by its advanced positions and desultory move- ments, it is constantly employed in watching the enemy. Such is a body of troops engaged by besiegers to prevent relief being brought into a place, or the seige being raised by the enemy. An army of reserve is a sort of general depot for effective service. In cases of emergency, the whole, or part of an army of reserve, is employed to re- cover a lost day, or to secure a victory. A flying army \$ a strong body of horse and foot, usually commanded by a lieutenant general, which is always in motion, to cover its own garrisons, or to keep the enemy in perpetual alarm. ARNICA, leopard's bane, in botany, a genus of thepo- lygamia superflua order, belonging to the syngenesia class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under fhe for- ty ninth order, compositae discoides. The receptacle is naked; the pappus is simple; and the filaments are five, without antherae. There are twelve species, five of which are European, and have been used in medicine as discu- tients in chronic rheumatism, lumbago, &c. also internally in interraittents. ARNOLDISTS, in church history, sectaries so called from their leader Arnold of Bresia, who was a great de- claimer against the wealth and vices of the clergy; and who is also charged with preaching against baptism and the eucharist. AROLEC, an American weight, equal to twenty-five of our pounds. AROMA, or the odorant principle of plants, is distinct- ly characteristic in each individual. Water impregnated with this principle, is termed the distilled water of the plant; of these a great variety is used in pharmacy. AROMATICS, in pharmacy, substances that possess a fragrant penetrating smell, a strong pungent taste, and a considerable stimulating power on the system in general. See Materia Medica. AROURA, a Grecian measure of fifty feet. It was more frequently used for a square measure of half the plethroD. The Egyptian aroura was the square of one hundred cubits. ARPENT, a term sometimes used to denote an acre. ARRACHE'E, in heraldry, a term applied to the rep- resentations of plants torn up by the roots. ARRACK, or Rack, a spirituous liquor imported from the East Indies, used by way of dram and in punch. Tbe word arrack, according to Mr. Lockyer, is an Indian name for strong waters of all kinds ; for they call our spirits and brandy English arrack. But what we understand by tbe name arrack, he affirms is properly no other than a spirit procured by distillation from a vegetable juice called toddy, which flows by incisions out of the cocoa nut tree, like the birch juice procured among us. The toddy is a pleasant drink by itself, when new, but purges those who are not used to it; when stale, it is heady, and makes good vine- gar. The English at Madias use it as leaven to raise their bread with. There are, however, several kinds of arrack, distinguish- ed by different names ; such as Batavia arrack, a vinous spirit obtained by distillation from rice and sugar ferment- ed with the juice of cocoa nuts. It is a strong spirit; but being made in copper stills, is not so agreeabfe as Goa ar- rack. Bitter, black, and Columbo arrack, are hot spirits little valued, and seldom imported by Europeans. The manner of making the Goa arrack is this : The juice ofthe trees is not procured in the way of tappimr, as *e A R R A R S do; but lhe operator provides himself wilh a parcel of earth- en pots, wilh bellies and necks like our bird bottles ; he makes fast a number of these to his girdle, and anyway else that he commodiously can about him. Thus equip- ped, he climbs up the trunk ofa cocoa tree ; and when he comes (o (he boughs, he takes out his knife, and cutting off one of (he small knots or buttons, he applies the mouth ofthe bottle to the wound, fastening it lo the bough with a bandage; in the same manner he cuts off other buttons, and fastens on bis pots, till the whole number is employed : this done in the evening, descending from the tree, he leaves them till the next morning; when he takes off the bottles, which are mostly filled, and empties the juice into lhe proper receptacle. This is repealed every night, till a suflicifMit quantity is produced ; and the whole being then put together, is left to ferment, which it soon does. When fhe fermentation is over, and the liquor or wash is become a little tart, it is put into the still, and a fire being made, the still is suffered to work as long as that which comes over has any considerable taste of spirit. The liquor thus procured i3 the low wine of arrack ; and this is so poor a liquor, that it will soon corrupt and spoil, if not distilled again, to separate some of its watery parts; they therefore immediately after pour back this low wine into the still, and rectify it to that very weak kind of proof spirit, in which state we find it. The arrack we meet with, notwithstanding its being a proof test, according to the way of judging by the crown of bubbles, holds but a sixth, and sometimes but an eighth, part of pure spirit; whereas our other spirits, when they show that proof, are generally esteemed to be one half pure spirit. There is a paper of observations on arrack, in the Melanges d'Histoire Natur. torn. v. p. 302. By fermenting, distilling, and rectifying the juice of the American maple, w hich has much the same taste as that of the cocoa, the author says he made arrack not in the least inferior to any that comes from the East Indies; and he thinks the juice of the sycamore and of the birch trees would equally answer the end. Arrack is not to be sold in Great Britain but in ware- houses entered as directed by 6th of Geo. I. cap. 21. upon forfeiture, and casks, &c. Arrack, tungusian, is a spirituous liquor made by the Tartars of Tungusia, of mare's milk, left to sour, and af- terward distilled twice or thrice belween two earthen pots closely stopped, whence the liquor runs through a small wooden pipe. It is more intoxicating than brandy. ARRAGONITE. See Mineralogy. ARRAIGNMENT, in law, the arraigning or setting a thing in order; as a person is said to arraign a writ of novel disseisin, who prepares and fits it for trial. It is most properly used to call a person to answer in form of law upon an indictment, &c. at the suit of the king. ARRAY, in law, the ranking or setting forth ofa jury or inquest of men empannelled on a cause. ARRENTATION, in the forest law, is the licensing an owner of lands in a forest, to enclose thern with a low hedge, and a small ditch, in consideration ofa yearly rent. ARREST, the apprehending and restraining a person, in order to oblige him to be obedient to the law; which in all cases, except treason, felony, or breach ofthe peace, must be done by virtue ofa precept out of some court. Outer doors may be broken open to arrest a felon ; but in civil cases it is otherwise, unless it is in pursuit of one be- fore taken. Attornies, Sec. maliciously causing any person to be ar rested, shall forfeit ten pounds and treble damages. The same penalty is incurred for arresting a person, except in criminal cases, and an escape warrant, on Sundays ; but arrests made in the night are equally lawful with those by day. Peers of the realm, and members of parliament, may not be arrested for debt; nor can any other subject be arrested for less than 10/. on a procees issued out of a supe- rior couTt, or 40s. in an inferior one. Arrest of judgment, the assigning just reasons why judgment should not pass ; as want of notice of the trial, a material defect in the pleading, when the record differs from the deed pleaded, when persons are misnamed, when more is given by the verdict than is laid in the declaration, &c. This may be done either in criminal or civil cases. ARRESTANDIS bonis, Sec. a writ that lies for one whose cattle or goods are taken by another, who is likely to carry them away before the contest is decided. ARRESTO facto super bonis, Sec. a writ brought by a denizen against the goods of aliens found within this king- dom, as a recompense for good* taken from him in a for- eign country. ARRH ABONARII, a sect of Christians who held that the eucharist is neither the real flesh nor blood of Christ, nor yet the sign of them, but only the pledge or earnest of them. ARRHEPHORIA, a feast among the Athenians, in- stituted in honour of Minerva, and Herse daughter of Ce- crops. ARROBA, a weight used in Spain, in Portugal, at Goa, and throughout all Spanish America. The arroba of Por- tugal is 32 Lisbon lbs. of Spain 25 Spanish lbs. ARRONDE'E, in heraldry, a cross, the arms of which are composed of sections ofa circle : not opposite to each other, so as to make the arms bulge out thicker in one part than another; but the sections of each arm lying the same way, so lhat the arm is every where of an equal thickness, and all of them terminating at the edge of the escutcheon like the plain cross. ARROW, in surveying, small sticks shod with iron, to stick into the ground at the end ofthe chain. Arrow, in astronomy. See Sagitta. ARSCHIN, in commerce, a long measure used in China to measure stuffs. Four arschins make three yards of London. ARSENIC, one ofthe semimetals, in a combined state, or in the state of an ore, extremely fatal as a poison, whence its name: composed of cevqt, a man, and vmxu, to kill. It is commonly seen in the state ofa calx, oxide, or ore, the natural colour of which is white. The white oxide of arsenic, or what is known in com- merce by the name of arsenic, is mentioned by Avicenna in the eleventh century; but at what period the metal called arsenic was first extracted from that oxide is un- known* It was only in the year 1733 that this metal was examined with chymical precision. This examination, which was performed by Mr. Brandt, demonstrated its pe- culiar nature; and since that time it has always been con- sidered as a distinct metal, to which the term arsenic has been appropriated. Arsenic has a bluish white colour not unlike that of steel, and a good deal of brilliancy. It has no sensible smell while cold, but when heated it emits a strong odour of gar- A R S A R S i«3 which is very characteristic. Its specific gravity is 8.31. It is perhaps the most brittle of all the metals, fall- ing to pieces under a very moderate blow of a hammer, and admitting of being easily reduced to a very fine powder in d mortar. Its fusing point is not known, because it is the most volatile ofthe metals, subliming without melting when exposed in close vessels to a heat of 540°. When sub- limed slowly, it crystalizes in tetrahedrons, which Hauy has demonstrated lo be the form of its integrant particles. It may be kept under water without alteration; but when exposed fo the open air, it soon loses its lustre, becomes black, and falls into powder. Arsenic i- capable of combining with two doses of ox- y^en, and of forming compounds. When exposed to a moderate heal, in contact with air, it sublimes in the form ofa white powder, and at the same lime emits a smell re- sembling garlic. If lhe heal is increased, it burns with an obscure bluish flame. Arsenic, indeed, is one of the most combustible of the metals. The substance which sublimes was formerly called arsenic or white arsenic, and is still known by these names in the commercial world. It is a combination of arsenic and oxygen; and is now de- nominated white oxide of arsenic, and by Fourcroy arse- nious acid, because it possesses several of the properties of an acid. It is seldom prepared by chymists, because it exists native; and is often procured abundantly during lhe extraction of the other metals from their ores. When obtained by these processes, it is a white, brittle, compact substance, of a glassy appearance. It has a sharp, acrid taste, which at last leaves an impression of sweetness, and is one of the most virulent poisons known. It has an alli- aceous smell. It is soluble in 80 parts of water at the temperature of 60 degrees, and in 15 parts of boiling water. This solution has an acrid taste, and reddens vegetable blues. When il is slowly evaporated, the oxide cryslalizos in regular 'tetrahedrons.. This oxide sublimes when heated to 283 degrees: if heat is applied in close vessels, it becomes pellucid like glass ; but when exposed to the air, it soon recovers its former appearance. The specific gravity of this glass is .5.000; thai ofthe oxide, in its usual state, 3.706. This oxide is capable of com- bining with most of the metals, and in general renders Ihem brittle. From lhe experiments of Pi oust it appears, lhat this oxide is composed of . . . 75.2 arsenic, 24.8 oxygen. 100.0 Arsenic is capable of combining with an additional dose of oxygen, and of forming another compound, first discover- ed by Scheele, known by the name of arsenic acid. The process prescribed by Scheele is, fo dissolve three parts of white oxide of arsenic in seven parts of muriatic acid, lo add five parts of nitric acid, to put the mixture into a retort, and distill lo dryness. The dry mass is to be merely brought lo a red heat, and then cooled again. It is solid arsenic acid. Arsenic does not combine with carbon nor hydrogen. This last substance, however, when in the gaseous state, dissolves it; for when muriatic acid is boiled over arsenic, that metal is gradually oxidized and dissolved, and at the same time hydrogen gas is emilted, which has the smell and the poisonous qualities of arsenic. Sulphur combines readily with arsenic If we put a mixture of these two bodies into a covered crucible and melt them, a red vitre- ous mass is obtained, which is obviously a sul,..:ire| of arsenic. It may be formed also by healing togelher the white oxide of arsenic, or arsenic acid and sulphur. But in that case a portion of the sulphur absorbs the oxygen from the arsenic, and makes its escape in the form of sul- phureous acid gas. If the while oxide of arsenic is dis- solved in muriatic acid, and a solution of sulphureled hj. drogen in water is poured into the liquid, a fine yellow coloured powder falls to the bottom. This powder it usually called orpiment. It may be formed by subliming arsenic and sulphur by a heat not sufficient to melt them. This substance is also found native. It is composed of thin plates which have a considerable degree of flexibility Its specific gravity is 5.315. Arsenic combines readily with phosphorus. Thepboi- phuret of arsenic may be formed by distilling equal pans of its ingredients over a moderate fire. It is bla:k and brilliant, and ought to be preserved in water. It may be formed likewise by putting equal parls of phosphorus and arsenic into a sufficient quantity of water, and keeping lhe mixture moderately hot for some time. Arsenic does not combine with azotic gas nor muriatic acid ; neither is it readily oxidized by the action of fhat acid ; but it unites with most metals, and in general ren- ders them more brittle and fusible. Melted gold takes up l-60th of arsenic. The alloy is brittle and pale, and much harder than gold. The alloy of platina and arsenic is brittle and very fesibie. The arsenic may be separat- ed by heat.' It is by fusing platina and the white oxide of arsenic together lhat this un tract able metal is fornied into the utensils required. Tbe mixture, after fusing, ii hammered at a fed heat into bars. The arsenic is gradu- ally driven off, and carries along with it most of lhe baser metals which happen lo be present. The platina ii then sufficiently ductile to be wrought. Melted silver takes up l-14th of arsenic. The uiioy is brittle, yellow coloured, and useless. Mercury may be amalgamated wilh arsenic by keeping them for some hours over fhe fire, constantly agitaling the mixture. The amalgam is gray coloured, and composed of five parts of mercury, andone of arsenic. Copper may be combined with arsenic by fusing them together in a close crucible ; while their sur- face is covered with common salt to prevent the action of fhe air, which would oxidize the arsenic. This alloy ia white and brittle, and is used for a variety of purposes; but it is usual to add to it a little tin or bismulh. Il " known by lhe names of white copper and while tombac When the quantity of arsenic is small, the alloy is both ductile and malleable. Iron and arsenic may be alloyed by fusion. The alloy is white and brittle, and may be crystalized. It is found native; and is known amou* mineralogists by the name of mispickel. Iron is capable of combining wilh more than its own weight of arsenic- Tin and arsenic may be alloyed by fusion. The alloy » white, harder, and more sonorous than tin; and brittle) unless the proportion of arsenic is very small. An alloy. composed of 15 parts of tin, and one of arsenic, crystal- izes in large plates like bismulh; it is more brittle thai zinc, and more infusible than tin. The arsenic may be separated by long exposure of lhe alloy to heat in hV open air. Lead and arsenic may be combined by fusion- The alloy is brittle, dark coloured, and composed d ART A R i plafe*. Lead takes up l-6th of its weight of arsenic. Nickel combines readily with arsenic, and indeed is sel- dom found without being more or less contaminated by that metal. The compound has a shade of red, con- siderable hardness, and a specific gravity considerably under the mean. It is not magnetic. Arsenic pos- sesses the curious properly of destroying the magnetic virtue of iron, and all other metals susceptible of that vir- tue. Zinc may be combined with arsenic by distilling a mixture of it and of white oxide of arsenic. This alloy, according to Bergmann, ia composed of four parts of zinc and one of arsenic. Antimony forms with arsenic an alloy which is very brittle, very hard, and very fusible ; and composed, according lo Bergmann, of seven parts of anti- mony and one part of arsenic. Bismuth may be combined with about l-15th of its weight of arsenic ; but the prop- erties of ihis alloy have not been examined. The affinities of arsenic, and of its oxides, are placed by Bergmann in the following order : Arsenic. Oxide of arseme. Nickel, Muriatic acid, Cobalt, Oxalic, Copper, Sulphuric, Iron, Nitric, Silver, Tartaric, Tin, Phosphoric, Gold, Fluoric, Platina, Saclactic, Zinc, Succinic, Antimony, Citric, Sulphur, Lactic, Phosphorus. Arsenic, Acetic, Prussic. ARSIS and Thesis, in music. A point is said to move per arsm et thesin, which rises in one part and falls in anolher, and vice versa. ARSON, in law, the same with houseburning, which is felony at common law, and likewise by statute. ART and Part, in the law of Scotland, is applied to an accomplice. ARTEDIA, a genus of the digynia order, belonging to the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the l.»th order, nmbellatje. The involucra are pinna-tifid ; the floscules of the disc are masculine ; and the fmi' is hispid with scales. There is but one species. ARTEL, a name given to a commercial association, consisting of a certain number of labourers, who voluntari- ly become responsible as a body for the honesty of each individual. The separate earnings of each man are put into a common stock ; a monthly allowance is made for his support ; and at the end of the year the surplus is equally divided. Hence arises the denomination of artel- schisks, persons employed by the Russian merchants of St. Petersburg to collect debt?, &c. These are mostly natives of Archangel of the lowest class, yet their fidelity is rarely to be complained of. ARTEMISIA, mugwort, southernwood, and worm- mood, a genus of the polygamia superfiua order, belonging lo the syngenesia chss of plants, and in the natural meth- od ranking under the 49th order, composifa? nucamenta- ceee. The receptacle is either naked or a little downy ; it has no pappus; the calyx is imbricated with roundish vol. i. 31 scales ; and the corolla has no radii. There are 44 spe- cies, of which the following are the most rtmaikable, vis. 1. Artemisia abrofanum, or southernwood, which is kept in gardens fo. fhe sake of iis agreeable scent, is a low shrub, seldom rising more than three or four feet high, sending out. lateral shrubby branches, growing erect, gar- nished with five bristly leaver, having a strong scent when bruised. 2. Artemisia absinthium, or common wormwood, grows naturally in lanes and uncultivated places, and is too well known lo require any particular description. 3. Artemisia arborescens, or tree wormwood, grow« naturally in Italy and the Levant, near the sea. It rises, with a woody stalk, six or seven feet high, sending out many Bgneous branches, with leaves somewhat like those of the common wormwood, but more finely divided, and much whiter. 4. Artemisia dracuncnhis, or tarragon, is frequently nsed in sallads, especially by the French, and is a very- hardy plant, spreading greatly by its creeping roots. 5. Artemisia maritima, or sea wormwood, grows natur- ally on ftte seacoasts- in most parts of Britain, where there art several varieties, ifnot distinct speeies to be found. 6. Artemisia Pontica, or Pontic wormwood, commonly called Roman wormwood, is a low herbaceous plant, whose stalks die in autumn, and new ones appear in the spring. They are garnished with finely divided leaves, whose un- der sides are woolly ; and fhe irpperpart ofthe stalks are furnished with globular flowers which nod on one side, having naked receptacles. 7. Artemisia santonicum produces the semen santoni- cum, which is much used for worms in children. It grows naturally in Persia, whence the seeds are brought to Eu- rope. It has the appearance of our wild mugwort. 8. Artemisia vulgaris, or common mugwort, grows nat- urally on banks and by the sides of foot paths in many parts of Britain. Most of these are easily propagated by slips or cuttings. ARTERIOSE canal, a tube in the heart of a foetus, that, wifh the foramen ovale, is of use (o preserve th^ circulation ofthe blood, &c. ARTERIOTOMY, the opening an artery with design to procure an evacuation of blood. This operation is used only in extraordinary cases, as if is very dangerous ; and must be practised in the tem- ples, the forehead, or behind the ears, where the arteries are easily closed again. ARTERY, in anatomy, a conical tube or canal which conveys the blood from the heart to all parts of the body. See Anatomy. ARTHRITIS, gout. See Medicine. ARTHRODIA, in natural history, a genus of imper feet crystals, found always in complex masses; and form- ing long single pyramids, with very short and slender col- umns. Arthbodia, a species of articulation, wherein a flat head of one bone is received into a shallow socket of an- other. ARTICIIOAK. SeeCiNARA. Artichoak, Jerusalem, a species of sunflower. See II DI.EANTHUS. ARTICLE, in grammar, a particle in most languages lhat serves to express lhe several cases and genders of ART nouns, when the languages have not different terminations to denote tbe different states and circumstances of nouns. The Latin has no article; but the Greeks have their o : the eastern languages have their he emphaticum ; and most of the modern languages have had recourse to arti- cles. The only articles made use of in the English tongue, are a and the; which, prefixed to substantives, determine their general signification to some particular thing. The use of a is in a general sense, and may be applied to any particular person or thing, and upon that account is called an indefinite article ; but the, being a determinate article, is called definite or demonstrative, as applying the word to one individual. The French have three articles, le, la, and les; the Italians have their il, lo, and la; and the Germans their der, das,and dat. Articles of war, are known regulations for the gov- ernment of the army in the united kingdom, dominions beyond the seas, and foreign parts dependent upon this country. They may be altered at the pleasure of the sovereign ; and in certain cases they extend to civilians: as when by proclamation any place shall be put under martial law, or when the people follow a camp or army for the sale of merchandize, or serve in any menial capac- ity. It is ordained that lhe articles of war shall be read in the circle of each regiment belonging to the British army every month, or oftener if thought proper. A sold- ier is not liable to be tried by a military tribunal unless the articles of war have been read to him. ARTICULATE sounds are such sounds as express the letters, syllables, or words, of any alphabet or lan- guage : such are formed by the human voice, and by some few birds, as parrots, &c. Other brutes cannot ar- ticulate the sounds of their voice. ARTICULATION, in anatomy, denotes the juncture of two bones intended for motion. Articulation is of two kinds : the first is called diarfhro- sis, being that which has a manifest motion: that which only admits of an obscure motion is called synarthrosis. The former is subdivided into enarthrosis, arthrodia, and ginglymus. The latter is subdivided into symphysis, ayntenosis, sutura, harmonia, syssarcosis, synchondrosia, and synneurosis. See Anatomy. Articulation, in botany, jointed as the culm or stalk of reeds, corn, &c. It is also said of pods, like those of the hedyrarum or French honeysuckle, which when ripe divide info so many parts or joints. ARTIFICER, a person whose employment it is to man- ufacture any kind of commodity, as in iron, brass, wool, &c. such are smiths, weavers, carpenters, &c. If any »uch conspire not to work under certain prices, they are liable to divers penalties. Persons that contract with ar- tificers in wool or metals to go out of the kingdom shall be fined in any sum not exceeding 100/. and imprisoned for three months. If artificers that are abroad do not return in six months after warning, they shall be deemed aliens, and be incapable of inheriting lands by descent. By several acts passed during the present reign, heavy penalties are inflicted on masters of ships assisting to se- duce artificers to leave these realms. Artificer, in a military sense, he who prepares bombs, grenades, &c. ARTIFICIAL lines, on a sector or other scale, are certain lines, contrived to represent the logarithmic sines ART and tangents ; which, by the help of a line of numbers, will solve questions in trigonometry, na\igation, &c. ARTILLERY signifies all sorts of great guns or can- non, mortars, howitzers^ petards, and (he like; together with all the apparatus and stores thereto belonging, which are not only taken into the field, but likewise to sieges, and made use of both to attack and defend fortified places. It signifies also the science of artillery or gunnery. Artillery, train of, consists in an unlimited number of pieces of ordnance ; such as 24 pounders, 18 pounders, 12,9,6, and 3 pounders; mortars from 13 to 8 inches i diameter; besides royals and cohorns; howitzers of eve- ry denomination, mounted on their proper carriages and beds, Sec. There is moreover attached to the train'a suffi- cient quantity of horses, spare carriages, spare mortar beds, &c. The train of artillery is, or should be, divided into brigades, to which belong not only the officers of the regi- ments of artillery, but even the civil list, such as comp- trollers, commissaries of stores, clerks of stores, &c. The increase of artillery clearly demonstrates its great utility; ] for in the year 1500, an army of 50,000 men had only 40 pieces of cannon in the field ; and in the year 1757, the same number of troops brought 200 pieces into the field, including mortars and howitzers. At the battle of Jemappe, which was fought between the French and Austrians on the 6th of November, 1792, the latter had 120 pieces of cannon disposed along the heights of Framery, whilst their effective force in men did not exceed 17,000. The French on this occasion brought nearly lhe same quantity of ordnance, some indeed of ex- traordinary calibre, but th/ir strength in men was consid- erably more formidable. Artillery, brigade of, generally consists of 8 or 10 pieces of cannon, with all the machinery and officers to conduct them, and all the necessary apparatus thereto belonging. Artillery, park of, is that place appointed by the general of an army to encamp the train of artillery, appa- ratus, ammunition, as well as the battalions of the artillery, appointed for its service and defence. The figure ofthe park of artillery is that ofa parallelogram, unless the sit- uation ofthe ground renders another necessary. The park of artillery is generally placed in the centre of the second line of encampment, and sometimes in the rear line, or corps of reserve. In both places fhe muz- zles of the guns are in a line with the fronts of the Ser- jeants' tents of the regiments of artillery and infantry. Some generals choose to place the park about 300 paces before the centre of the front line of the army. BotW the situation be where it will, the manner of forming the park is almost every where the same. The most approv- ed method is to divide the whole into brigades, placing the guns of the first to the right of the front line, and their ammunition behind them in one or more lines. The dif- ferent brigades should be all numbered, as well as every waggon belonging to them. This method will prevent confusion in the forming and breaking up of lhe park, »* also on a march : besides, according to the numbers, t»* stores therein contained are known. Artillery, field, includes every requisite to forward the operations of an army, or of any part of an army acting offensively or defensively in the field. Field artilW ART A RT may be divided into two distinct classes: field artillery properly so called, and horse artillery. Regiments of artillery are always encamped half on the right and half on the left of the park. The company of bombardiers, when they are formed into companies, always fakes the right of the whole, and the lieutenant colonel's company the left ; next to the bombardiers, the colonels, the majors, &c. so that the two youngest are next but one to the centre or park : the two persons next to the park are the miners on the right, and the artificers on the left. The colours are placed in the centre of the front line of guns, in the interval of fhe two alarm guns, in a line with the bells of arms ofthe companies. The lieutenant colonel's and major's tents front the centres of lhe second streets from the right and left of lhe regiment. Artillery, march of. The marches of lhe artillery are, of all the operations of war, the most delicate, because they must not only be directed on the object in view, but according to the movements the enemy make. Armies generally march in three columns, the centre column of which is the artillery : should the army march in more col- umns, the artillery and heavy baggage march nevertheless in one or more of the centre columns : the situation of (he enemy determines this. If they are far from the enemy, the baggage and ammunition go before or behind, or are Bent by a particular road ; an army in such a case cannot march in too many columns. But should tbe march be toward the enemy, the baggage must be all in the rear, and the whole artillery form the centre column, except some brigades, one of which marches at the head of each column, with guns loaded, and burning matches, preceded by a detachment for their safety. The French almost invariably place their baggage in the centre. A detachment of pioneers, with tools, must always march at the head ofthe artillery, and of each column of equipage or baggage. If the enemy is encamped on fhe right flanks of the march, the artillery, &c. should march to the left of the troops, and vice versa. Should the enemy appear in motion, (he troops front lhat way, by wheeling to the right or left by divisions ; and the artillery which "marches in a line with the columns, passes through their intervals, and forms at the head of the front line, which is formed of the column that flanked nearest the enemy, taking care at the same time that the baggage be well covered during the action. Artillery company, a regular battalion of infantry under the command of officers who are annually elected. It consists of gentlemen of character and property, bound by solemn declaration and obligation of attachment and fidelity to the king and constitution, and of readiness to join in supporting the civil authority, and of defending the metropolis. See the History of this Company, by A. Highmore, Esq. ARTOCARPUS, from apro?, bread, and Kocgiroe, fruit, lhe Bre vd kruit tree, a genus of the monandria order, belonging to the monoecia class of plants. It has a cylin- di ic amentum or catkin, which thickens gradually and is covered with flowers: the male and female in a different amentum. In (he male the calyx is (wo valved, and the corolla is wanting. In lhe iVmale, there is no calyx or 31* corolla: the stylus is one, and the drupa is many celled. There are two species, vis. 1. Artocarpus inci*a. Though this tree has been men- tioned by many voyagers, particularly by Dampier, by Rumphius, and by lord Anson, yet very little notice seems to have been taken of it, till the return of captain Wallis from the South Seas. Captain Cook, in his Voyage, observes, that this fruit not only serves as a substitute for bread among the inhab- itants of Otaheite, and the neighbouring islands, but also, variously dressed, composes the principal part of their food. It grows on a tree that is about the size of a mid- dling oak; its leaves are frequently a foot and a half long, of an oblong shape, deeply sinuated like those of the fig tree, which they resemble in colour and consistence, and in the exuding of a milky juice upon being broken. The fruit is about the size and shape of a new born child's head, and the surface is reticulated, not much unlike a truffle; it is covered with a thin skin, and has a core about as big as the handle of a small knife. The eatable part lies be- tween the skin and tbe core; il is as white as snow, and somewhat of the consistence of new bread : it must be roasted before it is eaten, being first divided into three or four parts; its taste is insipid, with a slight sweetness somewhat resembling that of the crumb of wheaten bread mixed with a Jerusalem artichoak. This fruit is also cooked in a kind of oven, which renders it soft, and some thing like a boiled potato; not quite so farinaceous as a good one, but more so than those ofthe middling sort. Ot the bread fruit they also make three dishes, by pulling either water or the milk of the cocoa nut to it, then beat- ing it to a paste with a stone pestle, and afterward mixing it with ripe plantains, bananas, or the sour paste which they call mahie. The unripe artocarpus mahie, is likewise made fo serve as a succedaneum for ripe bread fruit before the season is come on. The fruit of the bread tree is gathered just be- fore it is perfectly ripe ; and being laid in heaps, is close- ly covered with leaves : in this stale it undergoes a fer mentation, and becomes disagreeably sweet ; the core is then taken out entire, which is done by gently pulling out the stalk, and the rest of the fruit is thrown into a hole which is dug for lhat purpose generally in the houses, and neatly lined on the bottom and side with grass : the whole is then covered wilh leaves, and heavy stones laid upon them ; in this state if undergoes a second fermentation, and becomes sour, after which it will suffer no change for many months. It is taken out ef the hole as it is wanted for use ; and being made into balls, it is wrapped up in leaves and baked : after if is dressed, il will keep for five or six weeks. It is eaten both cold and hot; and the na- tives seldom make a meal without it, though to Europe- ans the taste h as disagreeable as that of a pickled olive generally is the first time il is eaten. To procure this principal article of their food, costs these happy people no trouble or labour, excetpt climbing up a tree : the tree which produces it does not indeed grow spontaneously; but if a man plants ten of (hem iu his life time, which he may do in an hour, he will as com- pletely fulfil his duty to his own and future generations, as the native of our less temperate climate can do, by ploughing in (he cold of winter, and reaping in the sum- mer's heat, a* often as these seasons return: . \en if after A R U he has procured bread for his present household, he should convert a surplus into money, and lay it up for his child- ren. . . 2. Artocarpus integnfolia, with entire leaves. This is called in the Bast Indies the joccahee. It bears fruit like the other, but it seems to be of an inferior kind. It is said there are above 30 varieties of this tree. ARTO TYRITES, in church history, a sect of Christ- ians who used bread and cheese in the eucharist, or bread, perhaps, baked with cheese; urging, in defence of this practice, that in the first ages of the world, men offered to God the fruits of their flocks, as well as those of the earth. ARTS are coiiraonly divided into liberal and mechani- cal : the former comprehending poetry, painting, sculp- ture, architecture, &c. and the latter, the whole body of mechanical trades, as carpentry, masonry, turnery, &c Arts, fine, a term synonymous with the French ex- pression beaux arts, and perhaps imitated from it. The fine arts are painting, sculpture, architecture, engraving, drawing, and music; formerly classed under the more gen- eral and appropriate description of the liberal arts. See Painting, Sculpture, &c. ARVALE3 fratres, in Roman antiquity, a college of twelve priests, instituted by Romulus. ARUM, wakerohin, or cuckow pint, in botany, a genus ofthe polyandria order, belonging to the gynandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 2d order, piperita?. The spatha is monophyllous, and cowl shaped: the spadix is naked above, female below, and stamineous in the middle. There are 32 species, of which the most remarkable are the following: 1. Arum arborescens, or dumb cane, is a native of the sugar islands and warm parts of America, where it grows chiefly on low grounds. All the parts of it abound with an acrid juice, so that if a leaf or part of the stalk is broken and applied to the tip of the tongue, it occasions a very painful sensation and a great defluxion of saliva. The stalks of this plant are sometimes applied to the mouths of the negroes by way of punishment. 2. Arum arisarium, as well as the arum proboscidium and arum tenuifolium, are all distinguished by the general name of friar's cowl, on account of the resemblance of their flowers to the shape of the cowls worn by friars. The flowers appear in April. 3. Arum colocasia, as well as the arum divaricarura, es- culenturn, peregrinum, and sagitf ifolium, have all mild roots, which are eaten by the inhabitants of the hot countries, where they grow naturally. Even the leaves of some of them, particularly those of fhe esculentum, which they call Indian kale, in those countries where many of the es- culent vegetables of England are with difficulty produced, prove a good succedaneum. 4. Arum divaricatuin has spear shaped leaves. 5. Arum dracunculus, or the common dragons, grows naturally in most of the southern parts of Europe. It has a straight stalk, Ihree or four feet high, which is spotted like the belly of a snake: at the top it is spread out into leaves, which are cut into several narrow segments almost to the bottom, and are spread open like a hand; at the top of the stalk the flower is produced, which is in shape like the common arum, haTing a long spathe of a dark A R U purple colour, standing erect, with a large pistil of fhe same colour. 6. Arum Italicum is a native of Italy, bpain,and Por- tueal. The leaves rise a foot and a half high, terminating in a point; they are very large, and finely veined with white, interspersed with black spots, which, together with the fine shining green, make a pretty variety. 7. Arum maculatum, or common wakerobin, grows nat- urally in woods and on shady banks in most parts of Brit- ain. The leaves are halberd shaped, very entire and spotted ; the berries numerous, growing in a naked clus- ter. The flowers appear in April; and their wonderful structure has given rise to many disputes among tbe bot- anists. The receptacle is long, in the shape of a club, with the seed buds surrounding its base. The chives are fixed to the receptacle amongst the seed buds, so that there is no occasion for the tips to be supported upon threads, and therefore they have none ; but they are 6xed to the fruit stalk, and placed between two rows of ten- drils: the point in dispute is, what is the use of those tendrils ? 8. Arum trilobatum, or arum of Ceylon, is a native of that island and some other parts of India, and cannot bear cold. It is a low plant; the flower rises immediately from the root, standing on a very short footstalk: the spatha is long, erect, and of a fine scarlet colour, as is also the pistil. The roots of the maculatum and dracunculus are used in medicine, and differ in nothing but that the latter ia somewhat stronger than the former. This root is a pow- erful stimulant and attenuant. It is reckoned a medicine of efficacy in some cachectic and chlorotic cases, and in weakne&s of the stomach. Great benefit has been obtain- ed from it in rheumatic pains, particularly those of the fixed kind, and which were sealed deep. In these cases it may be given from 10 grains to a scruple of the fresh root twice or thrice a day, made into a bolus or emulsion with unctuous and mucilaginous substances. ARUNDELIAN marbles, called also the Parian Chronicle, are ancient stones, on which is inscribed a chronicle of the city of Alliens, supposed to have been engraven in capital letters, in tbe island of Paros, 264 years before Christ. They take their name from the earl of Arundel, who procured Ihem from lhe East, or from his grandson, who presented them to tbe university of Oxford. The authenticity of these marbles has led to a controversy between Mr. Robertson, who in his 'Parian Chronicle' questioned it, and Mr. Hewlett, who defended it in <4 ' Vindication of the Authenticity of the Parian Chronicle,' which see. ARUNDO, in botany, the reed, a genus of lhe digynia order, belonging to the triandria class of plants, and in Ine natural method ranking under the fourth order, gramma. The calyx consists of two valves, and the floscules are thick and downy. There are 14 species ; lhe most re- markable are : 1. Arundo bambos, or the bamboo, a native of the East Indies and some parts of America; where it frequently attains the height of 60 feet. The main root is long? thick, jointed, spreads horizontally, and sends out many cylindrical woody fibres, of a whitish colour, and many feet long. From the joints of the main root spring several A S A S B round jointed stalks to a prodigious height, and at about 10 or 12 feet fiom the ground send out at their joints sev- eral stalks joined together at their base: these run up in the same manner as those Ihey shoot out froai. If any of these is planted with a piece of the first stalk adhering to them, they will perpetuate their species. They are arm* ed at their joints with one or two sharp rigid spines, and furnished with oblong oval leaves, eight or nine inches long, seated on short footstalks. The flowers resemble those of the common reed. The young shootb are cover- ed with a dark green bark; these when very tender are put in vinegar, salt, garlic, and the pods of capsicum, and thus afford a pickle which is esteemed a valuable condi- ment in the Indies, and is said greatly to promote the ap- petite and assist digestion. The stalks in their young state are almost solid, and contain a milky juice : this is of a sweet nature; and as the stalks advance in age they be- come hollow except at the joints, where they are stopped by a woody membrane, upon which this liquor lodges, and concretes into a substance called tabaxir, or sugar of Mombu ; which was held in such esteem by the ancients in some particular disorders, that it was equal in value to its weight in silver. The old stalks grow lo five or six inches diameter, and are then of a shining yellow colour: and are so hard and durable lhat they are used in buildings, and for making all sorts of household furniture; and when bored through the membranes at their joints, are convert- ed into water pipes. The smaller stalks are used for walk- ing sticks, and the inhabitants of Otaheite make flutes of them about a foot long, with two holes only ; which they stop with the first finger of the left hand and the middle one ofthe right, and then blow through their nostrils. 2. Arundo donax, or cultivated reed, is a native of warm countries, but will bear the cold of our moderate winters in the open air. The stalks of this are brought from Spain and Portugal, and are used by tbe weavers, as also for making fishing rods. 3. Arundo orientalis is what (he Turks use as writing pens; it grows in a valley near mount Athos, as also on the batiks of the river Jordan. 4. Arundo phragmitis, or the common marsh reed, grows by the sides of our rivers, and in standing waters. The arundo versicolor, or Indian variegated reed, is supposed to be a variety of the donax, differing from it on- ly in having variegated leaves; and the arundo picta, or striped grass, is a variety of lhe Canary grass. ARUSPICES, or Haruspices, an order of priesthood among the Romans, that pretended to foretell future events by inspecting the entrails of victims killed in sacrifice. ARYTjENOIDES, in anatomy, the name of two car- tilages, which, together with others, constitute the head of the larynx. It is also applied to some muscles of the larynx. AS, in antiquity, a particular weight, consisting of twelve ounces, being the same with libra, or the Roman pound. is was also fhe name of a Roman coin, which wan of different matter and weight, according to tbe different ages of the commonwealth. It is also used to signify an integer divisible into twelve parts, from which last acceptation it signified a whole in- heritance. The as had several divisions ; the principal of which were the uncia, or ounce, being the twelfth part of the as ', sextans, the sixth part of the as; quadrans, the fourth pari; triens, the third part $ and semis, half the as, or six ounces. Bis was two thirds of the as, or eight ounces; and dodrans, three fourths of the as. ASA, in the materia medica, a name given to two very dif- ferent vegetable productions, distinguished by epithets ex- pressive of their smell. Asafcetida is a very slinking gum, drawn, according to Kempfer, from the root of an umbelliferous plant, which grows* in the province of Chorasan in Persia. ASAPPES, or Azapes, in the Turkish armies, a name given to the auxiliary troops which they raise among the Christians under their dominion, and expose to the first shock of (he enemy. ASARUM, As arabacca, a genus of the monogynia or- der, belonging to the dodecandria class of plants. The calyx is trifid or quadrifid, and rests on the germen ; there is no corolla; the capsule is leathery and crowned. There are three species, vis. 1. Asarum Canadense, a native of Canada. 2. Asarum Europaeum, grows naturally in some parts of England. 3. Asarum Virginicum, a native of America, has no re- markable properties. The principal use of this plant among us is as a sternuta- tory. The root of asarum is perhaps the strongest of all the vegetable errhines, white hellebore itself not excepted. Snuffed up the nose, in the quantity of a grain or two, it occasions a large evacuation of mucus, and raises a plen- tiful spitting. The leaves are considerably milder, and may be used to the quantity of 3, 4, or 5 grains. Geoffe- ry relates, that after snuffing up a dose of this errbine at night, he has frequently observed the discharge from the nose to continue for 3 days together, and that he has known a paralysis of the mouth and tongue cured by one dose. ASBESTUS, in mineralogy. This mineral was well known to the ancients. They even made a kind of cloth from one of the varieties, which was famous among them for its incombustibility. It is found abundantly in most mountainous countries, and no where more abundantly than in Scotland. It is found in amorphous masses. Its texture is fibrous. Its fragments often long, splintery. Specific gravity from 2.995 to 0.6806. Absorbs water. Colour usually white or green. Fusible per se by the blowpipe. 1st. Common asbestus. Specific gravity 2.547 (o 2.995. Feels somewhat greasy. Colour leek green ; sometimes ol- ive or mountain green; sometimes greenish or yellowish gray. Streak gray. Powder gray. Flexible asbestus. Amianthus. Composed of a bun- dle of threads slightly cohering. Fibres flexible. Specif- ic gravity, before it absorbs water, from 0.9088 to 2.3134 j after absorbing water, from 1.5662 lo 2.3803. Feels greasy. Colour grayish or greenish while ; sometimes yellowish or silvery white, olive or mountain green. Elastic asbestus. Mountain cork. This variety has a strong resemblance to common cork. Its fibres are inter- woven. Specific gravity, before absorbing water, from 0.6806 to 0.9933; after absorbing water, from 1.2492 to 1.3492. Feels meagre. Yields to the fingers like cork, and is somewhat elastic. Colour white ; sometimes with a shade of red or yellow; sometimes of a yellow or brown colour A S C A S C Ligniform asbestus. Colour wood brown, which passes into yellow. Opaque. Very soft. Somewhat flexible, but not elastic. Adheres to the tongue. Feels harsh. A specimen of (he common asbestus, analyzed by Berg- mann, contained 63.9 silica 16.0 carbonat of magnesia 12.8 carbonat of lime 6.0 oxyde of iron 1.1 alumina 99.8 A specimen of the flexible asbestus yielded to the same chymist, 64.0 silica 17.2 carbonat of magnesia 13.9 carbonat of lime 2.7 alumina 2.2 oxyde of iron 100.0 A specimen of fhe elastic asbestus contained, according to the same analysis, 56.2 silica carbonat of magnesia carbonat of lime 26.1 12.7 3.0 2.0 100.0 iron alumina Twelve different specimens of asbestus, analyzed by Bergmann, yielded the same ingredients, differing a lit tie in their proportions. Sp. 2. Actinofe. Strahlstein of Werner, except the glassy; Rayonante of Saussure and Brochanfe. Acfinolite', asbestinite, as- bestoid of Kirwan. Actinole of Hauy. This mineral occurs in the primitive rocks, and is usual- ly mixed with those stones which contain a notable por- tion of magnesia. It is found both massive and crystal- ized. The primitive form of its crystals, according to Hauy, is a four sided prism whose bases are rhombs, and which he presumes to be the same with the primitive form of hornblende. It occurs in six-sided prisms, in needles, and in small plates. Colour most commonly greenish! Texture radiated, rays diverging from a centre. Frag- ments undeterminate. Transparency 1; often opaque. Difficult to break. Specific gravity 2.916 to 3.31. Fu- sible before the blowpipe. It is divided into two sub- species. ASCARINE, a genus of the dioecia monandria class and order. The essential character is, calyx ament, fili- form : corolla none: male, anther worm shaped: female, style none : stigma three lobed drupe. There is one spe- cies, a native of the Society Isles. ASCARIS, or Ascarides, a genus belonging to the class of vermes, and the order of vermes intestinal. These insects are found in the bodies of animals ; have a round and elastic body, tapering toward each extremity ; three protuberances at the head; the tail obtuse or subulate • and the intestines spiral, milky white, and pellucid : they are of the two sexes, and very prolific; but their origin is still a matter of profound obscurity. There are two species, vis. 1. Ascaris lumbricoides is about the same length with the lumbricus terrestris, or common earth worm; but it wants the protuberant ring toward the middle of the body, the only mark by which they can properly be distinguish- ed. The body of the lumbricoides is cylindrical, and subulated at each extremity; but the tail is somewhat triangular. The lumbricoides is fhe worm which is most commonly found in the human intestines. It is viviparous and produces vast numbers. 2. Ascaris vermicularis, see Plate XV. Nat. Hisf. fie, 42, 43, wifh faint annular ruga?, and the mouth transverse is about a quarter of an inch long, and thicker at one end than the other. It is found in boggy places, in fhe roots of putrid plants, and very frequently in the rectum of child- ren and horses. It emaciates children greatlv, and ia sometimes vomited up. ASCENDANT, Ascendent, or Ascending Line among lawyers, is meant of ancestors, or such relations as are nearer the root of the family. Such are the father grandfather, great uncle, &c. -Marriage is always forbid- den between the ascendants and descendants in a rHit line. ASCENDING, in astronomy, is said of such stars as are rising above the horizon, in any parallel ofthe equa- tor. Thus likewise, 1. Ascending latitude, is the latitude of a planet when going toward the north pole. 2. Ascend- ing node, is that point of a planet's orbit, wherein it passes the ecliplic, to proceed northward. This is otherwise called the northern node, and represented by this charac- ter ft. Ascending vessels, in anatomy, those which carry the blood upward^, as the aorta ascendens, and vena cava as- cendens. See Anatomy. ASCENSION, in astronomy, the rising of the sun or a star, or any part of the equinoctial with it, above the hori- zon, is either right or oblique. Right ascension is fhat degree of the equator, reckoned from the beginning of Aries, which rises with the sun or a star, in a right sphere. It is found by the following pro- portion: as the radius, to lhe cosine of the sun or star's greatest declination, so is Ibe tangent ofthe distance from Aries to Libra, to the tangent of right ascension. Oblique ascension is that degree and minute of the equinoctial, counting from the beginning of Aries, which rises with the centre of the sun or a star, or which comes to the horizon at the same time as the sun or star, in aa oblique sphere. In order to find the oblique ascension, we must find the ascensional difference. The arch of right ascension coincides wifh the right as- cension itself, and is the same in all parts of the globe. The arch of oblique ascension coincides with the oblique ascension, and changes according to the latitude of places. The sun's right ascension in time, is useful to the prac- tical astronomer in observatories, who adjusts his clock by sidereal time. It serves to convert apparent to sidereal time; as that of an eclipse of Jupiter's satellites, in order to know at what time it may be expected to happen by his clock. For (his purpose, the sun's right ascension at the preceding noon, together wifh the increase of right A S C A SL ascension from noon, must be added to the apparent time of the phenomenon set down in the ephemeris. The sun's right ascension in time serves also for computing the appa- rent time of a known star's passing the meridian : for, subtract the sun's right ascension in time at noon, from the star's rfght ascension in time, the remainder is the appa- rent time ofthe star's passing the meridian nearly ; from which the proportion at part ofthe daily increase of the gun's right ascension from this apparent time from noon, being subtracted, leaves the correct time of the star's passing the meridian. The sun's right ascension in time is also useful for computing the time of the moon and planets passing the meridian. ASCENSIONAL difference, the difference be<- tween the right and oblique ascension of any point in the heavens; or it is the space of time that the sun rises or sets before or after six o'clock. The ascensional difference may be found by this pro- portion, vis. As the radius is to the latitude of the place, so is the tangent of the sun's declination, to the sine of the ascensional difference; by subtracting of which from the right ascension, when (he sun is in the northern signs, and adding it when the sun is in the southern ones, you will find the oblique ascension. ASCENT, in logic, a kind of argumentation, in which we rise from particulars to universals. ASCETICS, in church history, such Christians in the primitive church as inured themselves to great degrees of abstinence and fasting, in order to subdue their passions. In short, every kind of uncommon piety laid claim to the name ascetic. ASCII, an appellation given to those inhabitants ofthe earth, who, at certain seasons of the year, have no shadow : such are all the inhabitants of the torrid zone, when the sun is \erlical lo them. ASCIDIA, the name of a genus of vermes, the body of which is fixed, roundish, and apparently issuing from a sheath; the apertures two, generally placed near the summit, one below the other. These creatures are more or less gelatinous, and have the power of contracting and dilating themselves at pleasure ; some of them are fur- nished with a long stem, but most of them are sessile. There are six species, as the papiliosa, &c. See Plate X. Sat. Hisf. fig. 40. ASCITjE, a sect of Christians in the second century, who introduced a kind of bacchanals into their assemblies, and danced round an inflated bag or skin, saying, " these are the new bottles, filled with new wine," as referred to by Jesus Christ. ASCITES, in medicine, the common dropsy. See Mkdicine. ASCIUM, a genus of the polyandria monogynia class and order. The essential character is, calyx five leaved, coriaceous; corolla five petalled ; berry one celled, many seeds. There is one species, a tree of Guiana. ASC'LEPIAD, in ancient poetry, a verse composed of four feet, the first of which is a spondee, the second a cho- riambus, and the two last dactyls; or of four feel and a cavsura, lhe first a spondee, fhe second a dacfyle, after which comes the caesura, then (he two dactyls, as MxcenHS atavii edite regibus. ASCLEPIAS, swallow wort: a genus of the digy- nia order, and pentandria class of plants ; and in the nat- ural method ranking under the 30th order,, contortce. The generic character is taken from five oval, concave, hornlike nectaria, which are found in the flower. There are 34 species, of which the following are the most re- markable, vis. 1. Asclepias alba, or common swallow wort, a native of the south of France, Spain, and Italy. 2. Asclepias Curassavica, or bastard ipecacuanha, is a native of the warm^parts of America. It rises to the height of five or six feet, with upright stems ; the flowers are ofa scarlet colour, and the horny nectariums in the middle are of a bright saffron, and there is a succession of flowers on the same plant from June to October. This species is tender, and must be preserved in a stove room. 3. Asclepias Syriaca, or greater Syrian dogsbane, is a perennial plant; the flowers are a bright purple colour. The root of the first species is used in medicine, and is esteemed sudorific and diuretic. Its sensible qualities resemble those of valerian, which is preferred to it. The milky juice ofthe plant is considered as poisonous. ASCODRUTiE, in church history, a sect of gnostics, who placed all religion in knowledge ; and under pretence of spiritual worship, would admit of no external or corpo- real symbols whatever. ASCOLIA, in Grecian antiquity, a festival celebrated by the Athenian husbandmen in honour of Bacchus, to whom they sacrificed a he goat, because that animal de- stroys the vines. Out of the victim's skin, it was custom- ary to make a bottle, which, being filled with oil and wine, fell as a reward to him who first fixed himself upon it with one foot. ASCRIPTITI, or adscriptitii, were a description of villains, who, coming from abroad, settled in the lands of some new lord, whose servants or subjects they became, being annexed to the lands, and like other villains trans- ferred and sold wilh him. ASCYRUM, Peter's wort, a genus of the polyandria order, and polyadelphia class of plants ; and in the natur- al method ranking under the 20th order, rotaceae. The calyx consists of four leaves ; the corolla has four petals; the filaments are numerous, and divided into four bounda- ries. There are three species, vis. 1. Ascyrum crux Andreae. 2. Ascyrum hypericoides. 3. Ascyrum villosum : all natives of the West Indies or America. ASH. SeeFRAxiNus. Ash, mountain. See Sorbus. Ash, poison. See Rhus. ASHES, the earthy part of wood and other combusti- bles, remaining after they are consumed by fire. These, if produced from a vegetable, are of a white colour, and saltish taste, a few instances excepted ; and when boiled with fair water, yield a lixivium of an acrimonious, alka- line, fiery, urinous taste. The ashes of all vegetables are verifiable, and are found to contain some iron. Ashes of all kinds contain an alkaline salt, and are an excellent manure for cold and wet ground. They are also of considerable use in making lixiviums or lyes, for the purposes of medicine, bleaching, and for sugar works : and are distinguished by various names; as pot ashes, pearl ashes, wood ashes, and weed ashes. See Potass, &c. ASLAM. in commerce, a silver coin, worth from 115' to 120 aspers. See Asi-kr. ASP ASP ASP in zoology. See Coluber. ASP A LATH US, African broom: a genus of tbe de- candria order, belonging to the diadelphia class of plants: and in the natural method ranking under (he 32d order, papilionacea?. The calyx consists of 5 divisions : the pod is oval and contains 2 seeds. Of this genus there are 37 species ; all of which are natives of warm climates, and must be preserved in stoves by those who would cultivate them here. The rose wood, whence*the oleum Rhodii is obtained, is one of the species, but of which we have yet had no particular description. This wood was anciently in much repute, as an astringent; but it is now used chiefly as a perfume. ASPARAGUS, a genus of the monogynia order and hexandria class of plants; and in the natural method, ranking under the 11th order, sarmentace«e. The calyx is quinquepartite, and erect; the three inferior petals are bent outward; the berry has three cells, and con- tains two seeds. There are 13 species; but the only one cultivated in the gardens is the common asparagus, with an upright herbaceous stalk, bristly leaves, and equal stipula. The other species are kept only for the ■ake of variety. The garden asparagus is cultivated from seed. The manner of saving it is this: mark with a stick some of the fairesibuds; and when they are run to berry, and tbe stalks begin to dry and wither, cut them up ; rub off the berries into a tub, and pouring water upon them, rub (hem about with your hands; the busks will break and let out the seed, and will swim away wilh the water, in pouring it off; so that in repeating this two or t hree limes, the seeds will be clean washed, and found at the bottom of the tub. These must be dried, and in the beginning of February sown on a bed of rich earth. They must not be sown too thick, and must be trod into the ground, and the earth raked over them smooth ; in October, when the stalks are withered and dry, a little rotten dung must be spread half an inch thick over the whole surface of the bed. Next spring, the plants will be fit to plant out; the ground must therefore be pre- pared for them by trenching it well, aud burying a large quantity of rotten dung in lhe f rem lies, so that it may lie at least 6 inches below the surface of the ground: when (his is done level the whole plot. The asparagus is to be planted out in the beginning of March, if the soil is dry, and the sea- son forward ; but in a wet soil, it is better to wait till the be- ginning of April, which is about the season that the plants are beginning to shoot. The season being now come, tbe roots may be placed two inches under the surface ofthe ground ; and between every four rows, a space of two feet and a half should be left for walking in, to cut the asparagus. The second spring after planting, some df the young as- paragus may be cut for the fable. But the larger shoots should only be taken, and these should be cut at two inches under the ground. As some people however are very fond of early asparagus, the following directions are given, by which it may be obtained any time in winter: plant some good roofs of one year old in a moist rich soil, about eight inches apart ; the second and third year after planting, they will be ready to take up for hotbeds; these should be made pretty strong, about three feet thick, with new stable dung that has fermented a week or more; the beds must be covered with earth six inches thick; (ben against a ridge made at one end, begin to lay in your plants without trimming or cutting the fibres, and between every row lay a little ridge of fine earth, and proceed thus tft the bed is planted; then cover the bed two inches thick with earth, and encompass it wilh a straw band; and in a week, or as the bed is in the temper, put on the frames and glasses, and lay on three inches thick of fresh earth over the beds, and give them air and add fresh heat to them a^ it requires. These beds may be made from November till March. ASPECT, in astronomy, denotes the situation of planers and stars, with respect to each other; whereof we find mention of five kinds: 1. Sexlile aspect is when the planets or stars are 60 degrees distant, and marked thus *. 2. The quarlile or quadrate when they are 90 degrees distant, marked n. 3. Trine when 120 degrees distant, marked A- 4. Opposition when 180 degrees distant, marked $, Aud, 5. Conjunction, when both in the same degree, mark- ed d. Kepler, who added eight new ones, defines aspect to be the angle formed by the rays of two stars meeting on the earth, whereby their good or bad influence is measured; for it ought to be observed, that these aspects being first introduced by astrologers, were distinguished into benign, malignant, and indifferent; the quarlile and opposition being accounted malign, the trine and sextile benign or friendlr, and the conjunction indifferent. Aspect, double, in painting, is used where a single fig me is so contrived, as to represent two or more different objects, either by changing (he position of the eye, or by means of angular glasses. Aspect, in a maritime sense, is the view or profile of land or coast, and contains tbe figure or representation of the borders of any particular part of the sea. These figures and representations may be found in all the ruttiers or di- rectories for the seacoast. The Italians call them demon- stratione. By means of this knowledge you may ascer- tain whether fhe land round the shore is high; if the coast itself is steep or sloping; bent in fhe form of an arc,or extended in straight lines; round at the fop, or risingtoa point. Everything, in a word, is brought in a correct state before the eye, as far as regards harbours, bogs, gulfs, adjacent churches, trees, windmills, &c. Aspect, menacing. An army is said lo hold a men- acing aspect, when by advanced movements or positions it gives the opposing enemy cause to apprehend offensive operations. Aspect, military. A country is said fo have a milita- ry aspect, when its general situation presents appropriate obstacles or facilities for an army acting on.the offensive or defensive. Aspect, imposing. An army is said to have an im- posing aspect, when it appears stronger than it really is- This appearance is often assumed for the purpose of de- ceiving an enemy, and may not improperly be considered as a principal feint in war. ASPEN tree. See Populus. ASPER, in grammar, an accent peculiar to the Greek language, marked thus Q and importing that the letters over which it is placed ought to be strongly aspirated, or pronounced as if an h was joined with them. Asper, or aspre, in commerce, a Turkish coin, tbree of which make a medine, and wort!- -ometbing more than our halfpenny. ASS ASS ASPERIFOLIATE,orasper(/b!ii/s, among botanists, such plants as are rough leaved. Of this kind are bugloss, borage, &c. ASPERUGO, small wild bugloss, a genus ofthe pen- tandria monogynia class; and in the natural method rank- ing under (he asperifolise. The calyx of (he fruit is com- pressed, with folds flatly parallel, and sinuous. There are two species, vis. 1. Asperugo JEgyptiaca, a native of Egypt. 2. Asperugo procumbens, or wild bugloss, a native of Britain; w hich is eaten by horses, goats, sheep, and swine ; but cows are not fond of it. ASPERULA, woodroof, a genus of the monogynia and hexandria class of plants, and in lhe natural method ranking under fhe 47th order, stellatae. The corolla is infundibuliform; and the capsule contains (wo globular seeds. There are eleven species, (wo of which grow wild in England, vis. 1. Asperula cynanchica, found on chalky hills. The roots are used for dyeing red in Sweden. 2. Asperula odorata, a low umbelliferous plant, growing wild in woods and copses, and flowering in May. It has an exceeding pleasant smell, which is improved by moderate exsiccation. It imparts its flavour to vinous liquors. Asperula is supposed lo attenuate viscid humours, and is recommended in obstructions in the liver and bilia- ry duels, and by some in epilepsies and palsies; modern practice has nevertheless rejected il. The smell of it is said to drive away (icks and other insects. ASPHALTUM. See Bitumen. ASPHODEL US, asphodel, or king,s spear, a genus of the monogynia order, belonging to the hexandria class of plants. The calyx is divided into six parts; and the nectarium consists of six valves covering the nectarium. There are five species, vis. 1. Asphodelus ramosus, or white asphodel. The leaves are long; lhe stalks rise to above three feet high, and divide into several spreading branches ; these are terminated by loose spikes of white flowers. 2. Asphodelus luteus, or common yellow asphodel, has strong round single stalks near (hree feet high, with yellow star shaped flowers, which appear in June. 3. Asphodelus^s/m/osms, or onion leaved asphodel, is an annual plant, (he flowers of which are white. ASPIRATE, in grammar, denotes words marked wilh the asper. ASPIRATION, among grammarians, is used to de- note (he pronouncing a syllable with some vehemence; as these words beginning with the letter H, hear, heat, which are pronounced more softly without the H, as ear, eat. ASPIS. See Coluher. ASPLENIUM, milt waste or spleen wotl, in botany, a genus of cryptogamious plants ofthe order Alices, the fructification of which is arranged in clusters, and disposed in form of straight lines, under the disk of fhe leaf. This genus comprehends 47 species, natives of different countries, some of which were formerly used in medicine, but are now rejected. ASS, feast of, a festival, celebrated during the dark ages, in commemoration of the Virgin Mary's flight. On (his occasion, a young girl, richly dressed, with a child in her arms, was set upon an ass. The beast was led to lhe vol. i. 32 altar, where mass was said with great pomp- The ass was taught to kneel, and a hymn was sung in his praise. As soon as the ceremony was ended, lhe priest and lhe people brayed in imitation of the ass. This was esteemed an act of devotion, and performed by authority of the church. Ass, asinus, in zoology. See Equui. ASSARON, or omer, a measure of capacity, in use among the Hebrews, containing five pints. It was lhe measure of manna which God appointed for every Is- raelite. ASSAULT, in law, a violent injury offered fo a man's person: it may be committed by offering a blow, or a threatening speech. In case a person threatens lo beat another, or lies in wait to do it, if the other is hindered in his business, and receives loss, it will be an assault, for which an action may be brought, and damages recovered ; or the party threatening may be bound over (o (he peace. Not only striking, but thrusting, pushing, casting stones, or throwing drink in the face of any person, are deemed assaults. In all which cases, a man may plead in his justification, the defence of his person (but not of his goods) or of his father, mother, wife, child, master, Sec. ASSAYING, is the art of-finding how much pure metal is contained in every ore, or lhe'proportion of lhe several ingredients of any mixed metal, which is done in the following manner: 1. Gold. To obtain pure gold we have only to dis- solve the gold of commerce in nitromuriatic acid, and precipitate the metal by dropping in a very diluted solu- tion of sulphat of iron; the powder which precipitates, after being well washed and dried, is pure gold. 2. Platinum. Platinum can scarcely be obtained per- fectly pure in the metallic state, at least in any consider- able quantity; because a sufficient heat for melting it can- not be obtained. But its oxide may be procured quite pure from the muriat of platinum and Ammonia, prepared by the rules to be hereafter laid down. This salt is to be decomposed by a violent heal, and the residuum, if neces- sary, may be re-dissolved in nitromuriatic acid, and pre- cipitated with soda. 3. Silver. Dissolve (he silver of commerce in ni(ric acid, and precipitate with a diluted solution of sulphat of iron. The precipitate is pure silver. Or precipilate wilh common salt ; form the precipitate into a paste with soda; put it into a crucible lined with soda, and fuse it with a brisk heat. This process gives a button of pure silver. 4. Mercury may be obtained pure by distilling a mix- ture of (wo parts cinnabar and one part of iron filings in an iron retort. The mercury comes over, and (he sul- phuret of iron remains behind; or the oxymuriat of mer- cury may be decomposed by ammonia, and the precipitate heated either by itself or mixed with oil. 5. Copper may be dissolved in muriatic acid, and the copper precipitated by a polished plate of iron ; or the black oxide of copper, obtained by decomposing cuprated ammonia, may be melted with its own weight of pounded glass and pitch. 6. Iron can scarcely be obtained perfectly free from carbon. The processes for obtaining it as pure as possi- ble will be given hereafter. ASS ASS 7. Tin may be obtained pure by solution- in s-trong. nitric acid; lhe white oxide of tin is formed, which is insoluble. Let it be digested first with muriatic acid, and afterward with aqua regia. Mix the oxide thus purified with its weight of pitch and a little borax, and melt it in a crucible. 8. Lead may be obtained pure from the carbonat by solution in diluted nitric acid and precipitation by a cylin- der of zinc; from the sulphuret by solution in nitric acid, mixing the solution with muriatic acid, and crystalizing. The crystals of muriat of lead are to be dissolved in boil- ing water, and then evaporated to dryness. The mass is to be melted in a crucible with 2\ times its weight of black flux. 9. Chymists have hitherto failed in their attempts to obtain nickel in a state of absolute purity. The great difficulty is to separate it from cobalt; upon which all re- agents have nearly the same action. The following inge- nious method has been lately proposed by Mr. Phillips : dissolve the nickel of commerce in nitric acid to saturation. Throw down the arsenic acid by nitrat of lead. Then, after filtration, add an excess of nitric acid, and introduce an iron rod into the solution to throw down the copper. After this, precipitate tbe whole by carbonat of potass, and digest the precipitate in liquid ammonia. The cobalt and nickel are taken up; the iron and lead remain. Dilute the solution with water; add an excess of ammonia; then pour potass into the solution. The cobalt remains in so- lution, but the nickel precipitates in the state of a pure oxide, and may be reduced by exposure to a strong heat with charcoal. 10. Zinc may be dissolved in sulphuric acid, and a plate of zinc allowed to remain for a considerable time in the solution. It is then to be filtered, and the zinc to be precipitated with soda. The precipitate, edulcorated and dried, is to be mixed with half its weight of pure charcoal, and distilled in an earthen ware retort. The zinc is found pure in the neck of the retort. 11. Antimony may be dissolved in nitromuriatic acid, and precipitated by the affusion of water. The precipi- tate is to be mixed with twice its weight of tartar, and fused in a crucible. A button of pure antimony is ob- tained. 12. Bismuth, if impure, may be dissolved in nitric acid, and precipitated by water. The edulcorated pre- cipitate, formed into a paste with oil, and rapidly fused wifh black flux, gives a button of pure bismuth. 13. Tellurium was obtained pure by Klaproth, by forming its oxide into a paste with oil, and heating it to redness in a retort. The metal was rapidly revived. 14. Arsenic, in the state of white oxide, may be dissolved in muriatic acid, precipitated by the affusion of water, re-dissolved, and a plate of zinc inserted into the solution, mixing with it at the same time a lit- tle alcohol. The arsenic is precipitated in the metallic state. 15. Cobalt may be obtained pure in all likelihood by following the process proposed by Mr. Phillips for the purification of nickel. The following is a much cheaper process recommended by Trommsdorf: mix a pound of the best smalt with four ounces of nitre and two ounces of charcoal powder, and throw the mixture at intervals into a red hot crucible. This process is to be repeated three times.. The nurture is then to be kept in a strong,heat for an hour, stirred well, then mixed with four ounces of black flux, and kept in the strong heat of a forge for an hour longer. The cobalt, reduced by this treatment, is still impure. It is to be mixed again with thrice its weight of nitre, and deflagrated in a red hot crucible by small por- tions at a time. By this process the iron is peroxidized, and the arsenic acidified. The mass is to be well washed, and the oxide of cobalt separated by filtration. This ox- ide is to*be dissolved in nitric acid, and evaporated to dryness. A fresh portion of acid is to be added, and the mass exposed to a moderate heat. Dilute with water, and filter to separate the remains of the iron. Precipitate br pure potass, and reduce the oxide. 16. Manganese. Digest the black oxide of manganese repeatedly in nitric acid ; then mix it with sugar, and dis- solve it in nitric acid. Filter the solution, precipitate by an alkali, form the white oxide thus obtained into a paste with oil, and put it into a crucible well lined witkcharcoal. Expose the crucible for an hour to the strongest heat of a forge. 17. Tungsten was obtained by Elhuyart by heating the yellow oxide violently in a crucible lined with char- coal : but this process has not succeeded with other chymists. IB. Molybdenum may be obtained by forming molyb- die acid into a paste with oil, and heating it violently in a crucible lined with charcoal. 19. Uranium is procured by forming the yellow oxide of that metal into a paste with oil, drying it in a moderate heat, putting it into a crucible lined with charcoal, with a little lampblack strewed over it. After luting on the cover, it is to be heated at first gently, and then violently, for three quarters of an hour. 20. Titanium^ in a very small proportion indeed, was obtained in the metallic state, by mixing together 100 parts of the red oxide of the metal, 50 parts of borax, and five parts of charcoal, and forming fhe mixture into a paste with oil. This paste was put into a crucible lined with charcoal, and exposed for an hour and a half to the violent heat of a forge. 21. Chromium was obtained by Vauquelin in the me- tallic state, by putting a portion of chromic acid into! ' charcoal crucible, enclosed in a common crucible lined with charcoal, and exposing it for an hour to the violent heat of a forge. Assayino of weights and measures, the examining the common weights and measures by the clerk of the mar- ket. ASSEMBLY, in the military art, the second beating of a drum before a march j at which fhe soldiers strike their tents, roll them up, and stand to arms.. ASSEMBLIES of the clergy are called convocations* synods, councils; lhe annual meeting of the church of Scotland is called a general assembly. ASSES, ovder of, a denomination of Mathurins, of Trinitarians ; so called because they were obliged, ■ travelling, to ride on asses, not horses. ASSESSOR, an inferior officer of justice, appointed chiefly to assist the ordinary judge with his opinion and advice. Assessor is also one who assesses or settles taxes,and other public dues. ASS ASS ASSETS, in law, goods or property in the hands of a person, with which he is enabled to discharge an obliga- tion imposed upon him as executor, &c. Assets may be real or personal. ASSIENTO, a Spanish word, signifying a farm, in commerce, is used for a bargain between the king of Spain and other powers, for importing negroes inlo the Spanish dominions in America, and particularly to Buenos Ayres. The first assiento was made by the French Guinea com- pany ; and by the treaty of Utrecht, transferred to the English, who were to furnish 4800 negroes annually. ASSIGN, in common law, a person to whom a thing is assigned or made over. ASSIGNEE, in law, a person appointed by another to do an act, transact some business, or enjoy a particular commodity. Assignees may be by deed or by law: by deed, where the lessee ofa farm assigns the same to another; by law, where the law makes an assignee, without any appoint- ment of the person entitled, as an executor is assignee in law to the testator, and an administrator to an intestate. But when there is assignee by deed, lhe assignee in law is not allowed. It is most commonly applied to those creditors of a bankrupt who are appointed by the rest to manage for them, and consequently have the bankrupt's estate as- signed over to them. ASSIGNING, in a special sense, is used to set forth and point at, as to assign an error, to assign false judgment, (o assign waste; in which cases it must be shown where- in (he error is committed, where and bow the judgment is unjust, and where the waste is committed. ASSIGNMENT, in law, differs from a lease in this, that by a lease a man grants an interest less than his own ; in assignment he grants the whole oroperty. 2 Blacks. 32G. ASSIMILATION,in physics, is that motion by which bodies convert other bodies related to them, or at least such as are prepared to be converted, into their own sub- stance aud nature. ASSISE, in old law books, is defined to bean assem- bly of knights and other substantial men, with the justice, in a certain place, and at a certain time : but the word in its present acceptation is used for the court, place, or time when and where the writs and processes, whether civil or criminal, are decided by judges and jury. In this signification, assise is eilher general, when judges make their respective circuits, with commission to take all assise; or special where a commission is granted lo particular persons for taking an assise upon one or (wo disseisins only. By .Magna Charta, justices shall be sent through every county, once a year, who, with the knights of the several shires, shall take assise of novel disseisin: and as to the general assise, all lhe counties of England are divided into six circuits, and two judges are assigned by fhe king's commission, to every circuit, who now hold the assises twice a year, in every county, except Middlesex, where the courts of record sit, and the counties palatine. These judges have five several commissions : 1. Of oyer and terminer, by which they are empowered to fry trea- sons, felonies, &c. 2. Of gaol delivery, which empowers them to fry every prisoner in gaol, for whatever offence he be committed. 3. Of assise, which gives them power 32* to do right upon writs brought by persons wrongfully thrust out of their lands and possessions. 4. Of nisi prius, by which civil causes come to issue in the courts above, are tried in lhe vacation by a jury of twelve men, in the county where the cause of action arises. 5. A commis- sion of the peace, in every county of the circuit : and all justices of .peace of the county and sheriffs are to attend upon the judges, otherwise they shall be fined. Assise is used in several olher significations ; as, 1. for a jury where assises of novel disseisin are tried, and the pannels of assise shall be arraigned. See the next article. 2. For a writ for recovery of lhe possession of things im- moveable, of which a person and his ancestors have been disseised. 3. For an ordinance or statute, as the assise of the forest, a statute concerning orders to be observed in the king's forest. 4. For a quantity of wheat, bread, &c. prescribed by a statute; as we say, when wheat is of such a price, bread shall be of such an assise. Assise of novel disseisin is a writ that lies where a tenant in fee simple, fee tail, or for term of life, is put out and disseised of his lands, tenements, rents, common of pasture, common way, &c. A writ of assise may some- times be had by a person, when he cannot have trespass vi el armis ; as where a lord enters on lands, and distrains his tenant so often, when nothing is due, lhat the tenant is disturbed in manuring his lands ; in such case he may have assise de souvent fois distress; but he cannot bring trespass against his lord. Assise of mort d'anceslor is a writ which lies where a person's father, mother, brother, &c. died seised of lands and tenements in fee, and, after either of their deaths, a stranger abafeth. Assise qfutrum lies for a parson against a layman, or a layman against a parson, for lands or tenemenls doubtful whether (hey are lay fee or free alms. ASSOCIATION of ideas is where two or more ideas constantly and immediately follow one another, so (hat the one shall almost infallibly produce the other, whether (here is any natural relation between (hem or not. Association, in law, is a writ or patent sent by the king, either of his own motion, or at the suit of tbe plain- tiff, to the judges of assise, to have others associated to them, to take the assise, &c. ASSONlA, in botany, a genus of the class and order monadelphia dodecandria. "The essentia! character is calyx double, outer one leaved or three leaved, inner one leaved ; corolla five petalled, no f ube affixed to the pitcher of stamens; filament connected in form ofa pitcher, wilh petal shaped straps between; style one or five ; capsuii five celled ; seeds not winged. There are eleven species, the most remarkable of which is the A. populnea, a middle sized tree, growing in the isle of Bourbon, and resembling the hibiscus populneus. The wood is sweet scented, and bine in the middle. ASSUMPSIT, a voluntary or verbal promise, where- by a person assumes, or takes upon him to perform or pay any thing to another. All assumpsits must be for'sonic valuable consideration; and they are either express or implied. Express is by direct agreement either by word or note without seal: implied, when any person becomes legally indebted to another for goods sold, the law implies a promise that he will pay his debt; and if he does not pay it, the writ indebitatus assumpsit lies against him: ASSURANCE. and will lie for goods sold and delivered to a stranger, or third person, at the request of the defendant : but the price agreed on must be proved, otherwise that action does not lie. ASSUMPTIVE arms, in heraldry, are such as a per- son has a right to assume, with the approbation of his sovereign, and of the heralds. ASSURANCE, a contract by which lhe assurer un- dertakes, in consideration of a premium equivalent to the hazard run, to indemnify lhe person assured against cer- tain perils or losses, or against some particular event. The practice of entering info such engagements, which origi- nated about the year 1182, and has been greatly extended as its utilfy has become more understood, gives great security to the fortunes of private people, by dividing among many that loss which would ruin an individual. The instrument by which this contract of indemnify is effected be!ween the assurer and the assured is called a policy; and is not, like most contracts, signed by both parties, but only by lhe assurer, who on that account, it is supposed, is denominated an underwriter. Assurances may be distinguished inlo marine assurances, assurances upon lives, and assurances against fire. Marine assurance is an indemnity against those perils to which ships and goods are exposed in the course of their voyage from one place to another, whether arising from the dangers ofthe seas, fire, capture by enemies or pirates, detention by the government of any country, or from any fraudulent act of the master or mariners, such as running away with the ship, carrying her a course different from their orders, sinking her, deserting her, or embez- zling tbe cargo. Assurances of this kind being of peculiar importance to the commercial interests of this country, and many frauds having been committed in this business by persons receiving premiums who were totally unable to fulfil their engagements, an act of parliament was passed in the reign of George I. establishing two corporations with adequate capitals for carrying on this business, and prohibiting any other society or partnership whatsoever from making marine assurances or lending money on bot- tomry. The two companies are, fhe Royal Exchange Assurance and the London Assurance, who both engage very extensively in this species of assurance; but as from their superior responsibility they generally require a some- what higher premium than private underwriters, many persons prefer effecting their assurances with the latter ; this business, in London, is carried on chiefly in a set of rooms called Lloyd's coffeehouse, over the Royal Ex- change, where four or five hundred underwriters assemble daily. Persons having an assurance to make, generally em- ploy a broker, who having prepared a policy, carries it to an underwriter, whom he considers a responsible person, who if he considers the risk offered an eligible one to un- dertake, signs his name at the bottom of the policy, men- tioning the sum he agrees to be answerable for ; it is then taken to another, and so on till the whole sum mentioned ,in (he policy is completed. The premium paid depends on the length of the voyage, the condition of the vessel, lhe season ofthe year, peace or war, and many other cir- cumstances ; of course it is very different at different periods. Life assurance is a contract by which the underwriter for a certain sum, proportioned to the age, profession, ancl /. s. d. 1 17 0 2 19 10 5 IB 1 I. s. d. 1 12 1 2 9 4 5 2 4 other circumstances of the person whose life is the object of assurance, engages that if such person shall die within the time limited in the policy, he will pay a sum of money to him in whose favour the policy was granted. The ad« vantages resulting from such assurances are \ery numer- ous, vis. . Persons deriving life incomes from church preferment, public offices, or any other civil or military employment, may thus, by appropriating part of their income fo pro- vide an annual payment, prevent the distress which their death would otherwise occasion to their family or depen- dents. A person whose income depends on the life of another, may, by making an annual payment, secure an adequate sum to himself or representative, at the death of another person; or he may secure such sum to be paid only In case he survives such Other person. For instance, A person aged 20 pays annually f 20 to secure 100?. to be paid him >n)J0 case he survives another person aged J fl A person aged 60 pays annually f 20 fo secure 100/. to be paid him in V. case he survives another person aged i Q In cases, also, where a debtor cannot give adequate se- curity to his creditor, an annual payment to the company will enable the creditor to receive his debt in the event of lhe death of the debtor. Tenants for life may thus obvi- ate the difficulty of raising money on securities which must become void upon their decease. Persous holding offices or employments depending on the lives of others, may in the same manner secure them- selves from loss on the event of lhe death of the per- son on whose life their office or employments may de« pend. Persons sinking a sum of money in the purchaseof an employment or office, in establishing a trade or .manufac- ture, or in carrying on agricultural improvements, may se- cure the repayment of such sura to their family or other representatives. Persons entering into marriage, who, in consideration of the fortune received, may be required to settle a sum of money to be paid at their decease, may, by making an an- nual or single payment to the company, provide a fund for a marriage settlement, and thus secure a provision for» widow or children. Persons holding leases on lives may provide the fine payable on the renewal of such leases. Persons who are entitled, by purchase or otherwise, to an annuity on their own life, or the lives of others, or lhe joint lives of themselves and others, may secure the full value of such annuity, to be received at the death of the parties on whose lives lhe annuity depends. Those who, on their surviving anolher, will become possessed of an estate, annuity, legacy, office, place, ot preferment, ecclesiastical, military, or civil, may either provide a more adequate securily than they could other- wise do for money advanced, or may secure an equivalent ASSU] •sum (o their family, or other representative, lo be paid in the event of such survivorship not taking place. The premium paid for assuring a life, is computed from lhe probability of the failure of such a life, as deduced from bills of mortality, and the rate of interest at which money can be improved during the probable continuance of the life; those who wish to investigate this subject, may consult Simpson on Annuities and Reversions, Dr. Price's Treatise on Reversionary Payments, and the Doctrine of Annuities and Assurances on Lives, Sec. by W. Morgan, actuary to lhe Society for Equitable Assur- ance on Lives and Survivorship. The premium for an assurance for a certain term of years, or for the whole continuance of life, is generally paid annually, but some- times in a gross sum. The following is a specimen of (he annual premium required for assuring 100/. by most of the societies (hat undertake this species of assurance. Age. One Year. Seven Y ears. Whole Life. 1. a. d. /. a d. /. *. d. 10 0 17 9 1 1 5 1 17 7 15 0 17 Ii 1 2 11 1 18 7 20 1 7 3 1 9 5 2 3 7 25 1 10 7 1 12 1 2 8 1 30 1 13 3 1 14 11 2 13 5 35 1 16 4 1 18 10 2 19 10 40 2 0 8 2 i 1 3 7 11 45 2 6 8 2 10 10 3 17 11 50 2 15 1 3 0 8 4 10 8 55 3 5 0 3 12 0 5 6 4 60 3 13 I 4 7 1 6 7 4 65 4 15 2 5 10 10 7 16 9 70 6 6 I 7 14 4 10 0 4 Assurances on the lives of persons subject fo any pe- culiar hazard ; such as persons in the army and navy, or going to foreign parts, are charged with an additional pre- mium proportionate to the extra risk. The foundation of the contract for a life assurance, is generally, a warrantee that the life to be assured does not exceed a given age, and is in good health at the time of ef- fecting (he assurance. There is also usually a stipulation that the assurance shall become void if lhe person whose life is assured shall depart beyond the limits of Europe, shall die upon the seas, or shall engage in any military or naval service without the consent of lhe assurers : and when it is an assurance made by a person on his own life, it becomes void if he dies by suicide, duelling, or the hands of justice. Any person making an assurance on the life of another must be interested therein, speculative assurances being prohibited by 14 George III. c. 48. Assurances against fire, are made upon houses, ware- houses, and all olher buildings, household furniture, wear- ing apparel, merchandise, utensils and stock in trade, ships in harbour, in dock, or while building, and on all olher properly liable to be consumed by fire ; except writing?, notes, bonds, money, and a few other similar articles, which lhe assurers could not undertake to be answerable for, without rendering themselves liable to be grossly de- frauded. Assurances against fire are made for a limited period, usually for one or more years, and are distinguish- ed by the usurers into three classes, vis. 1. Common assurances are assurances on all manner of ANCE. building?, having the wails of brick or moik, and covered with slate, tile, or metal, wherein no hazardous trades are carried on, nor any hazardous goods deposited, and on goods and merchandises not hazardous in such buildings. 2. Hazardous assurances are assurances on timber or plaster buildings, covered wilh slate, tile, or metal, where- in no hazardous trades are carried on, nor any hazardous goods are deposited ; and on goods or merchandises, not hazardous, in such timber or plaster buildings; and also on hazardous trades, such as cabinet and coach makers, carpenters, coopers, bread and biscuit bakers, ship and tallow chandlers, soap makers, innholders, sail makers, maltsters, and stable keepers, carried on in brick or stone buildings covered with slate, tile, or metal; and on hazard- ous goods, such as hemp, flax, resin, pilch, tar, and tur- pentine, deposited in such buildings; (he slock in (radeof apoJbecaries; also on ships, and all manner of water craft, in harbour, in dock, or while building, and on thatched buildings which have not a chimney, and do not adjoin to any building having a chimney. 3. Doubly hazardous assurances are assurances on any of the aforesaid hazardous trades carried on, or hazardous goods deposited in timber or plaster buildings, covered wilh slate, tile, or metal; on glass, china, and earthen ware; also in thatched buildings or goods therein, except as in (he preceding class ; and on saltpetre, wilh the build- ings containing the same. Assurances on buildings and goods are deemed distinct adventures, so lhat the premium on goods, so far as it is regulated by the sum assured, is not advanced by reason of any assurance on the building wherein the goods are kept, nor the premium on the building by reason of any assurance on the goods. The annual premiums usually charged for fire assur- ances are: common assurances not exceeding 30002. two shillings per cent ; hazardous assurances not exceeding 2000/. three shillings per cent; doubly hazardous assur- ances not exceeding 2000/. five shillings per cent. In addition to this charge of the assurers, government have imposed a duty of 2s. 6c/. per cent, per annum on all sums assured against fire. ASSUROR, a merchant or other person who signs a policy of assurance, and thereby insures a ship, house, or the like. The assurer is not liable for what damages may arise from the negligence or other faults of lhe masters or mari- ners, or even from any defect in the things assured. ASSURITANI, a branch of the Donalis(s, who held that the Son was inferior to the Father, and the Holy Ghost to the Son: (hey rebaptized those who embraced (heir sect; and asserted (hat good men only were within the pale of (he church. ASTATI, a sect of Cbrislians, who being (he followers of one Sergius, revived the erroneous doctrines of lhe Manichees. They were remarkable for (he inconstancy of (heir principles. ASTER, in botany, star wort, a genus ofthe polyga- mia superflua order and syngenesia class of plants, and in lhe natural melhod ranking under (be 49(h order, compo- sili radiati. Tbe receptacle is naked, the pappus is sim- ple, (be rays of the corolla are more than ten, and the ca- lyx is imbricated. There are GO species. All of them may be raised from seed ; but lhe greatest part of them A S T AST •being perennial plants, and increasing at the roots, are gen- erally propagated by parting their rools early in the spring, and they will grow in almost any soil or situation ; and (he larger sor(s increase so fast, that, if not prevented, they will in a lifde time run over a large space of ground. They grow best in the shade. The lower kinds do not run so much at (be root, but should be taken up and transplant- ed every other year, which will make them produce much fairer flowers. Some few sorts, which are natives of warm climates, will require artificial heat to raise them, if not to preserve (hem. ASTERIA, in na(ural history, a beautiful pellucid gem, of variable colours as viewed in different lights.: call- ed also oculus cati, or cat's eye. The variable colours, which are a pale brown and white, seem lobe lodged deep in (he stone, and shift about as lhat is moved. It is nearly alb'ed to the opals; from which, however, it is distinguished by its colour and su- perior hardness. Astf.rja is also the name of an extraneous fossil, called in English the star stone. ASTERIAS, starfish, or sea star, in zoology, a genus of the order of vermes mollusca. It has a depressed body, covered with a coriaceous coat; is composed of five or more segments, running out from a central part, and furnished with numerous tentacula; and has the mouth in the centre. The conformation of the mouth is this: the under part of each lobe runs toward a point with the rest at the centre of the body ; and these several productions of the rays make a sort of lips, the ends of each of which are armed with a number of sharp teeth, which serve to take and convey the food inlo the body. From this mouth there goes a separate canal to all or many of the rays, which runs through their whole length, and becomes gradually narrower as it approaches the extremity. The tentacula resemble the horns of snails, but serve the ani- mal to walk with. They are capable of being contracted or shortened ; and it is only at the creature's moving that they are seen of their full length : at other limes no part of them is seen but the extremity of each, which is form- ed like a sort of button, being somewhat larger than the rest of the horn. Aristotle and Pliny called fhis genus «S>jp, and stella marina, from their resemblance lo the pictured form of the stars of heaven ; and they asserted that they were so exceedingly hot, as instantly to consume whatsoever they touched! The fossil world has been great- ly enriched by the fragments and remains of the several pieces of star fish which have been converted inlo stones. There are many species of this genus: some of 12, 13j and even 14 rays. Most of them are found in our seas. See Plate XV. Nat. Hist. fig. 41. 1. Asteeias caput Medusm, or arborescent sea star, has five rays issuing from an angular body: the rays di- viding into innumerable branches, growing slender as Ihey recede from the base. These the animal, in swimming-, spreads like a net lo their full length : and when he per- ceives any prey within them, draws them in again, thus catching it with all lhe dexterity of a fisherman. It is an inhabitant of every sea; and is called by some the Magel- lanic star fish and basket fish. When it extends its rays fully, it form> a circle of near three feet in diameter. The fragments of these rays furnish the fossil entrochi. If we drown this animal in brandy or spirit of wine, and keep the rays flat and expanded in the execution, it is easy to extract by means ofa pair of forceps (he stomach of the animal whole and entire through the meulh. 2. Asterias clathalra, or cancellated sea star, with five short thick rays, hirsute beneath, cancellated ahoie, is found on our coasts, but is rare. 3. Asterias decacnemos has ten very slender rays, with numbers of long beards on the sides ; the body is small, and surrounded beneath with ten filiform rays. 4. Asterias glacialis, with five rays, depressed, broad at the base, yellow, and having a round striated operculum on the back, is the most common: it feeds on oysters, and is very destructive to the beds. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 42. 5. Asterias hispida, with five rays, broad, angukted at top, and rough with short bristles, is of a brown colour, and is found about Anglesea. 6. Asterias oculata, with five smooth rays, dotted or punctured, is of a fine purple colour, and is also found about Anglesea. 7. Asterias placenta, wilh five very broad and mem braneous rays, extremely thin and flat, is found about Weymouth. 8. Asterias spherulata, with a pentagonal indented body ; a small globular bead between tbe base of each ray ; the rays slender, jointed, taper, and hirsute on their sides: is found off Anglesea. ASTEROIDES, in astronomy, a name given by Dr. Herschel lo (he new planets, or three small planetary bodies, discovered by the foreign astronomers Piazzi, 01- bers, and Harding, which are defined as " celestial bodies either of little or considerable eccentricity round the sun, the plane of which may be inclined to the ecliptic in any angle whatever. The motion may be direct or retro- grade ; and they may or may not have considerable at- mospheres, very small comas, disks, or nuclei." From the observations already made on these bodies, they ap- pear to partake of the several properties by which the planets in general are known and described ; and there- fore, with justice, some astronomers have objected to thii new definition of Dr. Herschel. ASTEROPODIUM, a kind of extraneous fossil* of the same substance with the asteriae, or star stones, to' which they serve as a base. ASTHENIA, in medicine, a term employed to denote bodily debility. See Medicine. ASTHMA, in medicine, a painful, difficult, and labo- rious respiration, occasioned by intolerable straitnessof the lungs, which, as it disturbs the free circulation of the blood through the lungs, endangers a suffocation. This disorder is attended with violent motions of the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles, to the very scapula and pinnae of the nostrils. It is usually divided into pneumonic and convulsive; and is also either continu- al, or intermitting and periodical, and returns commonly when a sober regimen is not observed. This disorder proves most violent while lhe patient is in bed, and in a prone posture, as in that case the contenU ofthe lower belly bearing against the diaphragm, lessen the capacity of the breast, and leave fhe Inn's less room to plaj'. See M fiji ci x f. . AST AST ASTRAGAL, in architecture, a little round moulding, m form ofa ring, serving as an ornament at the tops and .bottoms of columns. See Architecture. Astragal, in gunnery, a round moulding encompassing a cannon, about half a foot from its mouth. ASTRAGALUS, in botany, milk vetch, or liquorice vetch, a genus of the decandria order and diadelphia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 32d order, papilionaceae; the pod is gibbous and bilocular. Of this genus there are 63 species. t Astragalus communis. The common species grows wild upon dry uncultivated places, and is recommended by Mr. Anderson to be cultivated as proper food for cat- tle. The astragalus tragacantha is a thorny bush growing in Crete, Asia, and Greece, which yields the gum traga- canth. TBis is of so strong a body, that a drachm of it will give a pint of water the consistence of a syrup, which a whole ounce of gum arabic is scarcely sufficient to do. Hence its use for forming troches, and for similar pur- poses, in preference to the other gums. Astragalus, in anatomy, called also the talus, is the superior and first bone of the foot. See Anatomt. ASTRANTIA, masterwort, a genus of the digynia or- der and pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 45th order, umbellatae. The involucrum is lanceolated, open, equal, and coloured. The species are five, but possess no remarkable prop- erties. ASTRARIUS hceres, in law, is where an ancestor, by conveyance, has settled his heir apparent and family in a house in his life time. ASTRiEA, in astronomy, the same as Virgo. ASTRINGENTS, astringentia, in pharmacy, medi- cines of the corroborative class. See Pharmacy. Astringents are thought by some to act nearly in a sim- ilar manner on the simple or dead animal fibre as on the living solid; in both cases thickening and hardening : when applied to the living solid, they produce increase of tone and strength, restrain inordinate actions, and check excessive discharges from any vessels or cavities ; and to the dead fibre occasion that density, toughness, imper- viousness to water in a greater or lesser degree, and in- susceptibility to the common causes of putrefaction, in which consists the process of tanning, or preparation of leather. See Tanning. ASTRODICTICUM, an astronomical instrument, by means of which many persons are able to view the same star at the same time. ASTROITES, or star stone, in natural history, is so called on account of its resemblance to a star. It is con- troverted among naturalists, whether they are parts of a petrified marine animal, or, as is more probable, a species of coral buried in the earth. The corals forming these stars are sometimes round, sometimes angular, and their columns are sometimes separated, and sometimes the stria; run into one another. ASTROLABE, the name for a stereographic projec- tion of the sphere, either upon the plane of the equator, the eye being supposed to be in the pole of the world ; or upon the plane of the meridian, when the eye is sup- posed in the point of intersection of the equinoctial and horizon. Astrolahe is also an instrument for taking the alti- tude of the sun or stars at sea, being a large brass ring, ACB D, Plate XIV. Miscel. tig. 5. the limb of which, or a convenient part thereof A C, is divided into degrees and minutes, with a moveable index F G, which turns upon the centre, and turns two sights; at the zenith is a ring A, to hang it by in time of observation, when you need only to turn the index to the sun, that the rays may pass freely through both sights, and the edge of the index cuts the altitude upon the divided limb. This instru- ment, though not much in use now, if well made, and of great weight that it may hang the steadier, is as good as most instruments fhat are used at sea for taking altitudes, especially between the tropics, when the sun comes near the zenith, and in calm weather. ASTROLOGY, a conjectural science, which absurdly pretended to foretell future events by the situation and dif- ferent aspects of the heavenly bodies. ASTROLUS, in natural history, a name given by au- thors to a white splendid stone, small in size, roundish, and resembling the eyes of fishes. ASTROMETEOROLOGIA, the art of foretelling the weather and its changes from the aspect of the moon and stars. This is sometimes called meteorological astrology. There is however but little reason to believe that the heavenly bodies have any great influence on our atmo- sphere. See Meteorologv. ASTRONIUM, in botany, a genus of the class and order dioecia pentandria. The essential character is, male, calyx five leaved; corolla five petalled ; female, ca- lyx five leaved; corolla five petalled; styles three ; seed one. There is but one species, a tree, a native of New Spain, abounding in a slight glutinous terebinthine juice, which has,a disagreeable smell. ASTRONOMICAL place of a star or planet, is its = longitude or place in the ecliptic, reckoned from the beginning of Aries, according to the natural order of the signs. ASTRONOMY, is a mixed mathematical science, which treats of the heavenly bodies, their motions, pe- riods, eclipses, magnitudes, &c. and of the causes on which they depend. History of Astronomy. The origin of astronomy is very obscure, and appears to be also very ancient. "There is no doubt," says Cassini, "lhat astronomy was known even from the commencement of the world. It was not only curiosity which led man to the study of astronomy, but it may be said that necessity itself obliged him to it. For if be did not observe the seasons which result from the apparent changes of the sun's place, it would be impossible to succeed in the practice of agricul- ture and other useful arts." But astronomy, even if it could be considered as useless to man, derives from its very nature a certain degree of dignity. It is, moreover, upon this that navigation, geography, and chronology, de- pend. By its aid man passes the seas, and penetrates in- to foreign climes, becomes acquainted with those which he inhabits, and regulates the dates of ages past. Hipparchus laid the principal foundation of a methodi- cal astronomy, 147 years before Christ. When an oppor- tunity was given him to observe a new fixed star, he di- rectly made a list of such stars, so that in the next age . ASTRONOMY. (hey were able to know if one had appeared more than usual. Pfolemy, about 280 years afterward, added bis ob- servations to those of Hipparchus, and by the natural ad- vantage which he possessed over his predecessor, he was enabled to rectify greatly the observations that he had made. Astronomy was very much neglected from this period till after (he middle of fhe 13th century, a( which time Alphonsus, king of Caslile, formed tables more exact than (he preceding. Indeed, a celebrated astronomer having at an early period been sufficiently attentive to observe all the planets in one night, found not one in the place of another, but all according to the tables which had been made by order of lhe king of Castile. It was not, how- ever, till the 16th century that astronomy derived fresh lustre from lhe system of Copernicus, published at Nu- remberg in 1543, and brought to perfection by Kepler and Galileo; a system so bold and daring, that it produced general astonishment, and yet its truth has been confirm- ed by the observations of every succeeding age. The surface of (he heavens seems lo us to be studded wilh stars; between the fixed stars and us there seem to be olher stars which change their situations respectively one tow- ard another, and these all astronomers have agreed in call- ing planets, or wandering stars. The ancient philoso- phers, who knew so very little even of the movements of the planets, had no evident means to know the true dispo- sition of their orbits; and this is the reason that they vary so greatly in (heir opinions. They supposed, at first, the earth to be immoveable, as the centre of the universe, and that all the celestial bodies turned about her; which, indeed, was natural for them to believe, without having discussed the proofs fo the contrary. The Babylonians, however, and afterward Pythagoras and his disciples, are said to have considered the earth as a planet, and lhe sun as immoveable, and lhe centre of our planetary system. Plato was lhe reviver of the system of the immobility of the earth, and many philosophers followed his sentiment; among others was Claudius Ptole- my, the celebrated astronomer and mathematician of Pelu- siuni in Egypt, already mentioned, who lived in fhe be- ginning of the second century of the Christian sera. It is, however, incredible that the true system of the world having been once discovered, the hypothesis by which the earth is supposed to be the centre of the celestial movements should have again prevailed; for though this hypothesis accords with appearances, and seems to a«ree at first with (he simplicity of nature, yet it is impossible on that system to account for lhe celestial movements. Ptol- emy, who has given the name to this system, endeavours to prove that the earfh is truly immoveable as the centre of the universe ; and he places the other planets round about her in the following order, beginning by those which he believes the next (o (he Earth; fhe Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jiipiler, and Saturn, till he comes at length to the fixed stars. His principal reason for placing Mercury and Venus beneath the Sun, though they are often seen further from the Earth than from the Sun, was, without doubt, because the duration of Iheir revolution was shorter than the apparent revolution of the Sun. W hen, however, astronomers had besrun to observe the planets, they remarked that Mercury a~nd Venus are sometimes nearer, and sometimes further, than we are from the Sun ; and that Venus never departs from the Sun more than about 47 degrees and a half; and Mercury about 2B degrees and a half, and sometimes much less. Butitig evident lhat if these two planets turned about the Earfh, ai (hey suppose (he Sun himself turned, they would some- times appear opposite to the Sun, or further from him than 180 degrees, which never happens. This is (he reason why (he Egyptians regarded these two planets as satellites of the Sun, and thought that they turned about him, their orbits being carried with this star in his revolu- tions about the Earlh. They therefore supposed the Earth immoveable, as fhe centre of the system ; and they supposed (he other celestial bodies to turn round her: first, the Moon ; secondly, (he Sun, about which (be? made Mercury and Venus turn, without ever touching the Earth in their revolution, till they come to Mars, Jupiter and to Saturn, the whole of their movements being deter- mined by the fixed stars. At the present day, when we know the immense distances which separate these stars, both of these systems be- come insupportable, because of the prodigious rapidity which fhey require in the movements of the celestial bod- ies : for if we lake a view of these distances, it will be found necessary for these stars to go through the whole courseof their orbits in about 24 hours, and that the Sun should run through, in a second of time, more than the space of 2500 leagues. Toward the year 1530, Copernicus, with a view of obviating the inconveniencies of the imaginary systems that preceded him, commenced at first by admitting the diurnal motion of the Earth, or her motion round her own axis; which rendered useless that prodigious celerity in the motions of lhe heavenly bodies, of which we have just spoken, and by these means simplified the system. This motion being once admitted, it was no violent step to ad- mit a second motion of the Earth in the ecliptic. These two motions explain, with ^be utmost facility, the phe- nomena ofthe stations and motion ofthe planets, Accord ing to Copernicus, then, lhe Sun is (he centre of our planetary system, and the planets turn about him in tbe or- der following; Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Jupiter, Saturn, the Herschel, at a distance from the Sun nearly as the numbers 4, 7,10,15, 28,28,32, *,52,95,191. The Moon also he supposed to he carried round (he Earth, in an orbit which goes along wilh (he Earlh in her annual motion round (he Sun. In like manner about Jupiler, Saturn, and the Herschel, are the four satellites of the first, the seven satellites of the second, and the six satellites of the third. Although the celestial phenomena explain themselves with the greatest facility according to (he system of Copernicus, and though observa(ion and reason are equallv favourable to if, yet he found in his lime an able astronomer who re- jected the evidence of his discoveries. TychoBrabe, from the experiment lhat a stone thrown from"a high low- er fell at its feet, argued that the Earth must be without motion; never reflecting lhat (he Earth, in that case,ii like a vessel in full sail; where if a stone is thrown from the mast, it will fall at (he foot of that .vast, provided the motion of (he vessel was neither accelerated nor retarded, Tycho Brahe, therefore, invented a system between that of Pfolemy and (hat of Copernicus. He supposed lbs* the Earth was at rest, and that the other planed turn round the Sun, turning also wilh him round the Earlbin ASTRONOMY. twenty-four hours. It was toward the end of the sixteenth century that he proposed his system. He placed tbe Earth immoveable as the centre, and made the Moon turn round her, the Sun also, and the fixed stars: the planets, Vis. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, turning round the Sun, in orbits which are carried with him in his revolution round the Earth. Celestial Phenomena. Upon examining the heavens, the first and most obvious phenomenon that presents it- self to observation, is the apparent diurnal motion of the sun, moon, and stars, or that by which they are seen to rise and set once in twenty-four hours. If, to consider more attentively the circumstances of this diurnal motion, we place ourselves in an elevated sit- uation, we shall perceive a circle terminating our view on all sides, by the apparent meeting of the earth and heav- ens. This circle is called the horizon: it divides the heavens into two parts; that which is above the horizon only is visible ; and this appears to us like a concave hemi- sphere, which we call the sky, in which we see the heav- enly bodies move. The sky is not a real substance; its blue colour is only owing to the refraction of the rays of light which pass through it. On considering with attention for one or more nights the motions of the stars, we find each star describing a circle in about twenty-four hours. Those stars that appear northward describe smaller circles than those that are more to the south. If we look toward the south, we ob- serve some stars just appearing above the horizon, graz- ing this circle, but not rising above it, and then vanishing; others a little further from the south, rise above the hori- zon, making a small arc, and then go down; while some again describe a larger arc, and take a longer time in set- ting. If we now turn to the north, we shall find that some just skim the horizon, mount to the top of the heavens, and then descend, and again touch the horizon, and mount without ever disappearing. Others, that are higher, de- scribe complete circles in the sky, without coming to the horizon ; and these circles diminish, till at last we arrive at a star that scarcely seems to move from the point where it is stationed, the rest wheeling round it. It may be easily conceived, that as there is a hemi- sphere above, there is also another beneath, though invisi- ble ; and that, of course, the horizon is a great circle of the sphere, dividing the concave heavens into two parts, the visible above, and the invisible below. The general appearance, therefore, of the starry heavens, is that of a vast concave sphere turning round two fixed points dia- metrical! v opposite to each other; the one in the north- ern hemisphere visible to us; and the other in the south- ern hemisphere. The fixed points round which this sphere is supposed to turn, are the poles, and a line drawn from one to the olher is called the axis of the sphere; and round this line the heavens seem to turn every day. To understand (his more clearly, we must have recourse fo a figure, or diagram. Let H O, see Astronomy, Plate XII. fi£. 1, represent fhe circle of the horizon, seen edge- wise, when it will appear as a straight line; letHPFO R Q, be the complete sphere of the heavens, of which we shall suppose H P E O to be the visible hemisphere, and H Q, R O (he invisible hemisphere: then P will be the pole, or fixed point, among the stars visible to us, round which Ihey all appear (o turn, and R will be the opposite vol. i. 33 -—• - ****^ __^AA________A.______ pole, or fixed point, in the sphere ; a line from P to R will be the axis of the sphere. If through the centre of the sphere C, there is drawn a line Q E, it will represent the edge of a great circle, at equal distances from both poles, and at right angles to the axis, called the equator, because it divides the heavens into two equal parts. If H O be the horizon, the highest point, or that imme- diately over our heads, as M, is called the zenith; and the opposite point in the sphere, or lowest point N, is called the nadir. The rising and setting of the sun are the two most re- markable circumstances- to be observed in the heavens. He rises in the east, mounts to the highest point in the arch which he describes, and descends in the west. The highest point to which he reaches, is naturally called the mid day point. If a great circle is traced through this point and the zenith, it is called the meridian of the place; and all the stars must cross this circle, or meridian, twice in the twenty-four hours ; but those that go below the ho- rizon are seen only to cross it once, because when they cross it a second time they are invisible. Three great circles are now established in the heavens; the horizon, the equator, and lhe meridian. The first de- termines the rising and setting of tbe heavenly bodies ; and also the altitude of any of them, at any time of their course. For this purpose we must suppose another great circle to pass through the star and the zenith ; it will con- sequently be perpendicular to the horizon. This is call- ed a vertical circle, and upon this circle we reckon the number of degrees which the star is distant from the hori- zon. The quadrant is an instrument for measuring the number of degrees of altitude which any body has. The three great circles already mentioned form the ba- sis of all observations upon the heavenly bodies, and t* them all their situations must be referred. It is necessa- ry, therefore, to determine the relative situations of these circles. If the polar star had been accurately at the pole ofthe heavens, nothing more would be necessary, in order to obtain the altitude of the pole, than to take the altitude of this star; but this star is situated two degrees distant from the pole; two degrees must therefore be added to this altitude, to find that of the pole. The elevation of the pole being discovered, it is easy to find that of the equator. Thus, in the diagram, fig. 1. H M O, or the visible part of the heavens, contains 180 degrees; but it is 90 degrees from the pole P, to E the equator. If we take away P E from the semicircle H M O, there remains 90 degrees for the other two arcs; or, in other words, the elevation of the pole and the equator, are together equal to 90 degrees ; so that the one being known, and subtracted from 90 degrees, it will give the other; therefore, the elevation of the pole at any place, is the complement of the elevation of the equator, or what that elevation wants of 90 degrees. Hence it fol- lows, that the elevation of the equator is equal to the dis- tance from the pole to the zenith ; for the elevation of the equator is the difference between that of the pole and 90 degrees : the same elevation subtracted from 90 decrees gives its distance from the zenith.. A little attention will soon convince us that the sun does not always rise at the same point of the heavens. Thus, if we commence our observations on the sun, for instance in the beginning of March, we shall find him appear to rise more to the north- ward every day, to continue longer above the horizon, ASTRONOMY. and lo be more vertical or higher at mid day. This con- tinues till toward (he end of June, when he moves back- ward in the same manner, and continues this retrograde motion till near the end of December, when he begins to move forward, and so on. It is from this change in the sun's place, and from his height being so much greater in summer than in winter, that the different length of the days and nights, and the vicissitudes of seasons, are ow- ing. We cannot observe the sun's motion among the fixed stars, because he darkens the heavens by his splen- dour, and effaces the feeble light of those stars that are in his neighbourhood; but we can observe the instant of his coming to (he meridian, and his meridional altitude; we can also compute what point of the starry heavens comes to the same meridian at the same time, and with the same altitude. The sun must be at that point of the starry heavens, thus discovered. Or we can observe that point in the heavens which comes to the meridian at mid- night, with a declination as far from the equator on one side as the sun's is on the other side; and it is evident the sun must be in that part of the heavens which is diametri- cally opposite to this point. By either of these methods we may obtain a series of points in the heavens, through which the sun passes, forming a circle called the ecliptic. This circle has its name from the circumstance, lhat all the eclipses of the sun and moon are performed either ac- tually in, or very near, the circumference of that circle. The ecliptic, or annual path of the sun, differs in situa- tion from the equator; for the sun rises above the equator in summer, and does not rise so high in winter.' The points of the ecliptic where the sun is situated when he is most distant from the equator, are called solstitial points ; and the distance between the equator and the ecliptic at lhe solstitial points, is called the obliquity of the ecliptic ; this is found to be about twenty-three and a half degrees. A B, fig. 1. represents the ecliptic, inclined twenty-three and a half degrees to the equator E Q. The equinoctial colure is the great circle which passes at right angles to the equator, through those two points of it that are intercepted by the ecliptic, called lhe equinoc- tial points. The solstitial colure is the other great circle at right angles to the equator, cutting it in the solstitial points. It passes through the poles of the ecliptic. If smaller circles of the sphere are described touching the solstitial points, and at right angles to the axis, as A C, B D, they are tropics ; of which that on the south side of the equator is called the tropic of Capricorn, and fhat on the north side of fhe equator tbe tropic of Cancer. The two polar circles F G, I K, are at the same distance from the two poles as the tropics are from the equator; that is, tv.entj -three and a half degrees. It is necessary here fo mention the difference between what is called the sensible and rational horizon. If we suppose that pari of the surface ofthe earth on which we stand (o be a plane, and to be extended every way till it reaches the heavens, this plane forms the sensible hori- zon. The rational horizon is a circle, the plane of which is parallel to the former, but passing through the centre of the earlh. Though the globe of the earfh appears so large to those who inhabit if, yet it is so small when com- pared with the immense sphere of the heavens, that the distance between the sensible and rational horizons is nothing in comparison with it. The zodiac is a broad portion of the heavens, which stretches about eight degrees on each side of the ecliptic • it is divided into twelve parts, called signs ; and each sign into thirty parts, called degrees. If we imagine a number of great circles ofthe sphere standing at right angles to the plane of the ecliptic, and consequently intersecting each other in its poles, these are called circles of celestial loo- gitude, and they will divide the ecliptic into equal parfg. Upon the ecliptic is reckoned the longitude of any fixed star, beginning to reckon at that point where the eclinfjc and the equator intersect each other in the vernal equinox called the first point of Aries; and the arch of any of tbe circles of celestial longitude, intercepted between a star and the ecliptic, is the latitude of that s(ar. The equator is divided into degrees, but they are called degrees of right ascension, and from it to the poles the degrees of declination are reckoned upon the meridian ofthe place, Having now described the principal lines and points on the celestial sphere, as generated by (he apparent moliooi of the heavenly bodies, in which we have supposed what appears at first sight to be the case, vis, that fhe earlh stands still while all the heavenly bodies revolve round if. This will make no difference with regard (o (hese circle! in (he heavens ; for it will be fhe same thing with respect to them, whether tbe earth is at rest, and fhe heaTenly bodies move round it, or whether the lafter remain still, and the earth, as we shall afterward see, moves round on its axis once every twenty-four hours. Ofthe Solar System. If we examine the heavensina clear night, we shall discover some sfars which have brighter and steadier light than the rest; and if we continue to observe these for several nights, we shall find that they do not appear in the same place among fhe rest of tbe stars every night, but that they have motions peculiar to themselves. All lhe rest of the stars, rising and setting always exactly in the same places, are called fixed stars. Those wandering or moving stars, are called planets. It is now fully proved, that these planets, with the earth which we inhabit, and also the moon, revolve round the sun, which is fixed in the centre of the system. There are two kinds of planets, primary and secondary. The first move round the sun, and respect him only as tbe centre of their motions. The secondary planets, called also satellites or moons, are smaller planets, revolving round fhe primary ; while they, with fhe primary planets about which they move, are carried round the sun. The planets move round the sun at various distances, some be- ing much nearer to him than our earth, and others being much further off. Of these, our earth is accompanied by one moon, Jupi- ter has four moons, Saturn has seven, and the Herschel planet has six moons. None of these moons, except oof own, can be seen without a good telescope. The other five planets do not appear to have any satellites or moons. There are eleven primary planets, which are situated with respect to their distances from the sun as follows: Mercury $, Venus ?, the Earth 0, Mars 3, Ceres, Pal- las Juno, Vesta, Jupiter %, Saturn T?, and the Herschel or Georginm Sidus #. See Plate II. Solar System. All the planets move round lhe sun from east to west, and in the same direction do the moons revolve round their primaries ; excepting those ofthe Herschel planet, which seem to move m a contrary direction. The pathi i» ASTRONOMY. which they move round the sun are called their orbits. These orbits are elliptical; but the eccentricity of the ellipses is so small, that they approach very nearly to cir- cles. They perform their revolutions also in very dif! r- ent periods of time. The time of performing their revo- lutions is called their year. TABLE OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM. ll Apparent mean diameters, as Mean di- Mean distances Inclination Inelinatioii ameters in from the Sun Diurnal rotations, or Time of revolving round of the or- oftheaxes seen from the Knglish | in round num- round their own the Sun. bits of tht to the or- Earth. miles. bers rf miles. axes. Ecliptic. bits. The Sun, Mercury, 32'.l",5 10" 813,246 3,224 25d. 14h. 8m. unknown. 82° 44 0" 37,000,000 83d. 23h. 16m. 7° 0' 0" unknown. Venus, 58" 7,867 68,000,000 Od. 23h. 21m. 224 16 49 3 23 35 unknown. The Earth, The Moon, 95,000,000 95,000,000 Id. 29d. I7h. 44m. 3s. 365 6 9 66° 32 0 31 '.8'- 2,180 5 9 3 <]B ll 0 Mars, 27" 4,189 144,000,000 0 24 39 22. 686 23 30* 1 51 0 >9 22 0 Ceres Ferdinandea, l'' 160 260,000,000 unknown. unknown. 10 37 56 unknown. Pallas, 0",5 80 266.000,000 unknown. 1703d. 16h. 48m. 34 50 40 unknown. Juno, . ,i 300,000,000 --- 2012 0 0 21 0 0 unknown. Jupiter, 39" 89,170 490,000,000 Od. 9b. 55m. 37s. 4332 14 27 1 18 56 10° 0' o" Saturn, 18" 79,042 900,000,000 0 10 16 2 10759 1 51 2 29 50 60 9 0 Herschel. 3". 54 35,112 1,800,000,000 unknown. 30737 18 0 0 46 20 unknown. The planets are evidently opaque bodies, and they shine only by reflecting the light which they receive from the sun ; for Mercury and Venus, when viewed by a tel- escope, often appear to be only partly illuminated, and have the appearance of our moon when she is horned, having the illumined part always turned toward us. From the appearance ofthe boundary of light and shadow upon their surfaces, we conclude that they are spherical; which is confirmed by most of them having been found lo turn periodically on their axes. Venus and Mercury being nearer to lhe sun than our earlh, are called inferior planets ; and all fhe rest, which are without the earth's orbit, are called superior planets. That the first go round the sun is certain, because they are seen sometimes passing between us and the sun, and sometimes they go behind it. That their orbits are within that of the Earth is evident, because they are never seen in opposition to the sun, that is, appearing to rise from lhe horizon when the sun is setting. On the contrary, the orbits of all the other planets surround that ofthe earth ; for they sometimes are seen in opposition to the sun, and they never appear fo be horned, but always nearly or quite full, though sometimes they appear a little gibbous, or somewhat deficient from full. We mentioned above, that all the planets move round the sun in elliptical orbits. The sun is situated in one of the foci of each of Ihem. That focus is called fhe lower focus. If we suppose the plane of the earth's orbit, which passes through the centre of the sun, to be extended in every direction, as far as the fixed stars, it will mark out among fhem a great circle, which is the ecliptic ; and with this the situations of the orbits of all the other planets are compared. The planes of fhe orbits of all fhe other planets must necessarily pass through the centre ofthe sun; but if ex- tended as far as the fixed stars, they form circles differ- ent from one another, as also from lhe ecliptic; one part ofcachoibit beinsr on the north, and the other on the south "3* " side of the ecliptic. The orbit therefore of each planet cuts the ecliptic in two opposite points, which are called the nodes of that particular planet, and different from the nodes of another planet. A line passing from one node of a planet to the opposite node, or the line in which the plane of the orbit cuts the ecliptic, is called the line of nodes. That node, where the planet passes from the south to the north side of lhe ecliptic, is called the as- cending node, and the olher is lhe descending node. The angle which the plane of a planet's orbit makes with the plane ofthe ecliptic, is called the inclination of that plan- et's orbit. Thus, Astronomy, Plate XII. fig. 2. where F represents the sun, the points A and B represent the nodes, and the line A B the line of nodes formed by the intersection of the planes of the orbits C and D. The angle E F G is the angle of inclination of the planes of the two orbits to each other. The distance of either fo- cus from the centre ofthe orbif, is called its eccentricity. The two points in a planet's orbit which are furthest and nearest to the body round which it moves, are called the apsides; the former of which is called fhe higher apsis, or aphelion; the latter is called the lower apsis or per- ihelion. The diameter which joins these two points, is called the line of the apsides. When the sun and moon are nearest to the earth, they are said to be in perigee. When at their greatest distance from the earth, they are said to be in apogee. When a planet is situated so as lo be between the sun and the earth, or so that the sun is between lhe earlh and the planet, then that planet is said to be in conjunction with the sun. When the earth is between the sun and any planet, then that planet is said to be in opposition. It is evident that fhe two inferior planets must have two con- junctions with the sun; and the superior planets can have only one, because they can never come between the earth and the sun. When a planet comes directly between ua and the sun, it appears to pass over the sun's disc, or sur- face, and this is called the transit of the planet. When a ASTRONOMT. p.ane, move, from west .o e«., vi, according to the or- %™$£**™ £^£>*fal£*?, L ofthe aign., it i. sa.d to have dnct ^.on, or to be .» »"™'*JjXnrlVJe force would have carried in consequentia. Its retrograde motion, or motion in an tecedentia, is when it appears to move from east to west, vis. contrary to the order of the signs. The place that any planet appears to occupy in the celestiaHbemisphere, when seen by an observer supposed to be placed in the sun, is called its heliocentric place. The place it occupies when seen from the earth, is called its geocentric place. The planets do not move with equal velocity in every part of their orbits, but they move faster when they are nearest to the sun, and slower in the remotest part of their orbits ; and they all observe this remarkable law, that if a straight line is drawn from the planet to the sun, and this line is supposed to be carried along by the periodical mo- tion of the planet, then the areas which are described by this right line and the path of the planet, are proportional to the times ofthe planet's motion. That is, the area de- scribed in two days, is double that which is described in one day, and a third part of that which is described in six days; though the arcs, or portions of the orbit described, are not in that ratio. The planets being at different distances from the sun, perform their periodical revolutions in different times ; but it has been found that the cubes of their mean distances are constantly as the squares of their periodical times, vis, of the times of their performing their periodical revolu- tions. These two last propositions were discovered by Kepler, by observations on the planets: but sir Isaac Newton demonstrated, that it must have been so on the principle of gravitation, which formed the basis of his theory. This law of universal attraction, or gravitation, discovered by Newton, completely confirms the system of Copernicus, and accounts for all the phenomena which were inexplica- ble on any other theory. The sun, as the largest body in our system, forms the centre of attraction, round which all the planets move; but it must not be considered as the only body endued with attractive power, for all the planets also have the property of attraction, and act upon each other, as well as upon the sun. The actual point, therefore, about which they move, will be the common centre of gravity of all the bodies which are included in our system; that is, the sun, with the primary and secondary planets. But because the bulk of the sun greatly exceeds that of all the planets put together, this point is in the body of the sun. The attraction of the planets on each other, also disturbs their motions, and causes some irregularities. It is this mutual attraction between them and the sun, that prevents them from flying off from their orbits by the centrifugal force which is generated by their revolving in a curve; while the centrifugal force keeps them from fall- ing info the sun by the force of gravity, as they would do if it were not for this motion impressed upon them. Thus these two powers balance each other, and preserve order and regularity in the system. It is an established maxim in philosophy, that if, when a body is projected in a straight line, it is acted upon by another force, drawing it toward a centre, it wi/1 be made to describe a curve, which will be either a circle or an ellipsis, according to the proporfion between the projectile in the time that the projectile force would have carried it from B to X, it will describe the curve B Y, by the com. bined action of these two forces, in the same time that fhe projectile force singly would have carried it from B toX, or the gravitating power singly have caused it to descend from B to y; and these two forces being duly proportion- ed, the planet, obeying them both, will move in the circle BTTV. But if, whilst the projectile force would carry the plan- et from B to b, the sun's attraction should bring it down from B to 1, the gravitating power would then be loo strong for the projectile force, and would cause the planet to de- scribe the curve B C. When the planet comes to C, tbe gravitating power, which always increases as the square of the distance from the sun S diminishes, will be yet stronger for the projectile force, and by conspiring in some degree with it, will accelerate the planet's motion all the way from C to K, causing it to describe the arcs B C,CD, D E, E F, &c. all in equal times. Having its motion thus accelerated, it thereby acquires so much centrifugal force, or tendency to fly off at K, hi the line K k, as overcomes the sun's attraction j and the centrifugal force being too great to allow the planet to be brought nearer to the sun, or even to move round him io the circle k m n, &c. it goes off, and ascends in the euro K L M N, &c. its motion decreasing as gradually from K to B, as it increased from B to K ; because the sun's at- traction now acts against the planet's projectile raotion,just as much as it acted with it before. When the planet has got round to B, its projectile force is as much diminished from its mean state aa it wa« augmented at K; and so the sun's attraction being more than sufficient to keep the planet from going off at B, it describes the same orbit over again, by virtue of the same forces or powers. A double projectile force will always balance a quadru- ple power of gravity. Let the planet at B, have twice as great an impulse thence toward X, as it had before; that is, in the same length of time that it was projected fromB to b, as in the last example, let it now be projected from B to c 5 and it will require four times as much gravity to retain it in its orbit; that is, it must fall as far from B to4, in the time that the projectile force would carry it from B to c, otherwise it would not describe the curve B D, as is evident from the figure. But in as much time as th« planet moves from B to C, in the higher part of its orbit, it moves from I to K, or from K to L, in the lower part of it; because from the joint action of these two forces,it must always describe equal areas in equal times through* out its annual course. These areas are represented by the triangles B S C, C S D, D S E, E S F, &c whos* contents are equal to one another from the properties oi the ellipsis. We have now given a general idea ofthe solar system; and shall next describe the bodies that compose it- Of the Sun. The Sun is considered, from its constat emanation of heat and light, to be an immense globe of fire- When viewed through a telescope, several dark spots are visible on its surface, which are of various sizes and dura- tion. From the motion of these spots, the Sun has been found to move round its axis in twenty-five days, which '* ASTRONOMY. two days less than its apparent revolution, in consequence of the Earth's motion in Us orbit in the same direction; and its axis is found to be inclined to the ecliptic, in an angle of about eighty-two degrees and a half. Various opinions have bee» formed respecting these Bpots; they have been considered as opaque islands in the liquid igneous matter, and by some as pits or cavities in the body of the Sun. But from whatever cause they may arise, they evidently adhere to its surface : for if one of them appears upon the eastern limb or edge of the Sun's disc, it is seen to move thence toward the western edge in about thirteen days and a half, then the spot disappears, and in about the same time it is seen again upon the east- ern edge, and so continues to go round, completing its ap- parent revolution in twenty-seven days, during one half of which time we see it on the disc of the Sun, and during the other half it disappears, which could not happen if the spots did not adhere to the Sun. The following particu- lars respecting the Sun are given by sir Isaac Newton. I. That the density of the Sun's heat, which is propor- tional to his light, is seven times as great in Mercury as with us, and that water there would be all carried off in the shape of steam; for he found, by experiments with the thermometer, that a heat seven times gi eater than that of the Sun's beams in summer will serve to make water boil. 2. That the quantity of matter in the Sun is to that in Jupiter nearly as 1100 to 1, and that the distance of that plarfet from the Sun is in the same ratio (o the Sun's semi- diamefer; consequently, that the centre of gravity of the Sun and Jupiter is nearly in the superficies of the Sun. 3. That the quantity of matter in the Sun is to that in Saturn as 2360 to 1, and that the distance of Saturn from the Sun is in a ratio but little less than that ofthe Sun's semidiameter. And hence the common centre of gravity of Saturn and the Sun is a little within the Sun. 4. By the same method of calculation it will be found, that the common centre of gravity of all the planets can- not be more than the length of the solar diameter distant from the centre of the Sun. 5. The Sun's diameter 13 equal to 100 diameters ofthe Earth, and therefore its magnitude must exceed that of the earth one million of times. 6. If 360 degrees, the whole ecliptic, is divided by the quantity of the solar year, it will give 59y 8" which there- fore is the medium quantity of the sun's apparent daily motion ; hence his horary motion is equal to 2' 27". By this method the tables of the Sun's mean motion are con- structed as found in astronomical books. Of the inferior planets. Mercury being the planet nearest to the Sun, and the least in magnitude, is very seldom visible. It never appears more than a few degrees from the Sun's disc, and is generally lost in the splendour of tbe solar beams. On this account, astronomers have had few opportunities of making accurate observations upon it; no spots have been observed upon it, conse- quently the time of its rotation on its axis is not known. Being an inferior planet it must show phases like the moon, Plate XII. fig. 7; and it never appears quite full to us. It is seen sometimes passing over the Sun's disc, which is called its transit. Venus is the brightest and largest to appearance of all the planets, and is distinguished from the rest by her superiority of lustre. It is generally called the Morning or Evening Star, according as it precedes or follows the apparent course of the Sun. Jfheve have been spots ob- served on its disc, by different astronomers, changing their position with respect to one another. The time of its di- urnal revolution about its axis is nearly 23h. 20m. Venus also appears with phases; and transits sometimes take place, which are of very great importance in astronomy. The elongation of any planet is its apparent distance from the Sun. An inferior planet is at its greatest elongation, when a line drawn from the Earth through the planet is a tangent to the orbit of the planet; when the planet is at M, Plate XII. fig. 4, being in conjunction with the Sun, it has no elongation $ as it moves from M to V, its elongation increases till at V, when E V drawn from the earth to the orbit of the -planet is a tangent to that orbit, its apparent place in the ecliptic is C, and its elonga- tion is S C, which is the greatest it can have, for in passing from V to N it decreases, and at N it is nothing. From N to U it increases, and at U the elongation is again at the greatest. This will hold equally in ellip- tical as in circular orbits. If the orbits of the planets were circular, the distance of each from the Sun would be to the Earth's distance, as the Sua at its greatest elonga- tion to the radius, that is, as V S to E S. By examining the figure it will be seen, that the inferior planets are never in opposition to the Sun, and are never in quadra- ture. For in opposition, the Earth is between the Sue and the planets, which can never happen when the orbit ofthe planet M G B is included within that ofthe Earlh. They are never in quadrature, because the greatest angle of elongation is contained by S E and E V, and if the an- gle S E V was a right angle, E V would be a tangent at E the Earth's orbit: but it is a tangent, as has been seen, to an orbit less than that ofthe Earth ; it therefore makes an angle with S E, less than a right angle. Hence the reason that the inferior planets never appear far from the Sun ; and as the orbit of Mercury is included within thr^t of Venus, the former must, when visible, always appear nearer to the Sun, than the latfer. We may also observe that the apparent velocity of Venus is greatest at the times of conjunction. Since the plane of her orbit is oblique to the Earth, those parts of it which are viewed by a spectator directly, will appear longer than other equal parts viewed obliquely. Of course,"the motions of the planet, if uniform, will appear unequal. The time when an inferior planet will come again into a given situation with respect to the Sun and the Eai\h, may be thus found. Whilst Venu^ performs one revolution, the Earth, whose periodical time is longer than that of Venus, will not have completed its revolution. Before Venus'and the Earth can be again in the inferior conjunction, Venus must, therefore, besides its entire revolution, describe an arc equal to that whi.'h the Earth has passed over: con sequently, the number of degrees passed over bv each, or their angular motions, in the same time, will* be re- ciprocally as their periodical times; that is, as the peri- odical time of the E?rth is lo the periodical time of Ve- nus, so is the angular motion of Venus, which is cpuM to four right angles added to the angular motion oMhe Earth between two inferior conjuncti-:.s, fo the an/uhr motion of fhe Earlh in the same lime; whence, Eh V. 17. as the difference between the periodical times of the Earlh and Venus, is to the periodical lime of Venus so are four right angles, or 360°, to t)ic number of degrees over which the E.u'h passes In her pi bit from one inferior- conjunction (o another. This is only true upon the sup- ASTRONOMY. position that the planet* move in circular orbits, in which case the following general rule would apply to the finding the time from conjunction to conjunction, or from opposi- tion to opposition, of any two planets. " Multiply their pei iodic times together, and divide the product by their difference, and you have the time sought." For let P — the periodic time of the earth, p = that of the planet, suppose an inferior, t = lime required : then P . 1 day'.: 360° 360°----, (he angle described by the earth in one day : P 360° for the same reason ----is fhe angle described by the P 360° 360° planet in 1 day : hence------------is the daily angular velocity of the planet from the Earth. Now if they set out from conjunction, they will return into conjunction 360° again, after the planet has gained 360°: hence------- 360 ?p P ----: 360°".: 1 day : t =----• For a superior planet P P—p p P When the inferior planets are passing from their great- est elongation V. fig. 4. through N their superior conjunc- tion, lo their greatest elongation U, they appear to a spec- tator on lhe Earth to move from west to east; for when the planet is at G it will appear to have moved from C to H, and when at A and B it will appear to have passed from II through L to a and b ; of course (he motion of the planet is direct, or from west to east; but while it moves from U to V, its motion will appear to us retrograde or from east to west; for when it has passed from U to J and K, it will appear to have moved in lhe heavens from D through d to b and «, that is, from east to west. When the inferior planets are at their greatest elongation, they appear stationary ; because when the planets are at U and V, the line drawn from E the Earth to the planet, is a tangent to the orbit, which so nearly coincides with a small arc of the curve, that a spectator at the Earth can- not distinguish the tangent from the curve, when the plan- et is at V and U, of course it will in those positions seem to be stationary. When Venus or Mercury is in its superior conjunction, or at N, the whole enlightened hemisphere is toward the Earfb, and its entire disc is visible : as it passes toward its inferior conjunction, its enlightened hemisphere turns by degrees, from the Earlh, till at the inferior conjunction M, its enlightened part is wholly turned from lhe Earfh, and the planet becomes invisible, unless it appears on the Sun's disc ; it is then called a transit. Of the Earth. The Earth which we inhabit is a glob- ular body, as may be proved from a variety of circum- stances, tbe chief of which we shall here enumerate. It is always observed by mariners, that as they sail from any high objects, such as mountains, steeples, &c. they first begin to lose vuhf of the lower part of those objects, and then gradually of the higher parts: also, persons on shore first discover the upper parts of the masts of approaching vessels. This could not be the case, if the Earth was a plane; but is very easily accounted for, on the supposilios of its being a sphere, as will be easily understood by ex- amining fig. 5. Plate XII. Various navigators have also sailed completely round the earth, by continuing io the same direction, at last coming to the same place from which fhey set out. The Earth, however, is not a perfect sphere, but a spheroid, having its equatorial diameter longer than fhe polar diameter, or axis. It is consequently flattest at (he poles, and more protuberant at the equator. The diame- ter at the equator is 7977 English miles; that at thepolei is 7940 miles. The surface of the Earth is much diver- sified with mountains and vallies, land and water. The highest mountains in it, are the Andes in South America, some of which are about four miles in perpendicular alti- tude. About two thirds of the globe are covered with water. In consequence of the Earth's being a globe, people standing upon opposite sides of it, must have their feet toward each olher. Wrhen in this situation they are call- ed antipodes to each other. Hence it appears that there is no real up or down ; for what is up to one country, ia down to another. It must seem strange to those who are ignorant of the shape of the earlh, to suppose that, if we could bore a hole downward, deep enough, we should come to lhe other side of the world, where we should find a surface and sky like our own ; yet if we reflect a mo- ment, we shall perceive that this is perfectly true. As we are preserved in our situations by the power of attrac- tion, which draws us toward the centre of the earth, we call that direction down, which tends to the centre, and the contrary. We mentioned before, that fhe Earth has two motions; the one a diurnal motion, round its own axis, in twenty- four hours; the other an annual motion, round the Sun, in 365 days, 6 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds. It is the former which causes light and darkness, day and night j for when one side of the Earth is turned toward the Sun, it receives his rays, and is illuminated, causing day: on the contrary, when one side of the Earth is turned from the Sun, we are in darkness, and then we have night. By the diurnal revolution of the Earth round its own axis from west to east, lhe heavenly bodies appear to us to re- volve in the same time from east to west. And since the Sun and fixed stars are bodies immensely larger than the Earth, and at almost inconceivably great distances from it, we see upon how much more simple principles the al- ternate succession of day and night is effected by the revolution of lhe earth about its axis, than by supposing the Earth fixed, and the Sun and stars whirled round it, with an indefinite velocity. The natural days are not equal to one another: for a natural day is the time in which fhe Earlh performs one revolution round its axis, and such a portion of the second revolution, as is equal to fhe space which fhe Sun has ap- parently travelled that day; but these spaces are unequal, therefore, the additional portion of the second revolution, will be sometimes greater and sometimes less, and conse- quently the times in which the natural days are complet- ed will be unequal. Hence arises the difference between a sundial and a well regulated clock, as measures of lime; the former measuring the length of the natural day, lhe latter dividing time into equal portions (of twelve houri ASTRONOMY. each: the clock will be before the dial, when the natural day is more than twenty-four hours: and after it, when the natural day is less than twenty-four hours ; and (hey will be together, only when the natural day is exactly twenty-four hours. The equation of time is the difference between the mean length of the natural day, or twenty-four hours, and the length of any single day measured by the sun's appar- ent motion, or between mean and apparent time. And the hour of the day by apparent time being known, in or- der fo determine what is then true time, the equation is to be added to apparent time, if the day by the clock is short- er than the day by the dial: and the equation is to be subtracted from the apparent time when the day by the clock is longer than the day by the sundial. If the natu- ral day is twenty-four hours three minutes long, the day by the clock being twenty-four hours in length, it will be 12 by a good clock 3 minutes before it is 12 by the dial; in this case mean time precedes apparent. The difference between mean and apparent time, de- pends upon two causes: 1. the obliquity of the ecliptic with respect lo lhe equator : and, 2. the unequal motion of the earth in an elliptical orbit. The obliquity of the eclip- tic to the equator would make the sun and clocks agree on four days of the year, vis. when the sun enters Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. But the other cause which arises from his unequal motion in his orbit would make the sun and clocks agree only twice a year, that is, when he is in perigee, and apogee ; consequently, when these two points fall in the beginnings of Cancer and Cap- ricorn, or of Aries and Libra, they will concur in making the sun and clocks agree in those points. But the apo- gee, at present, is in the ninth degree of Cancer, and the perigee in the ninth degree of Capricorn; and, therefore, the sun and clocks cannot be equal at the beginnings of these signs, nor, indeed, at any time of the year, except when the swiftness and slowness of the equation resulting from one of the causes, just balances lhe slowness or swiftness arising from the other ; which happens about the 15th of April, the 15th of June, the 31st of August, and the 24th of December; at all other times the sun is too fast or too slow for equal time by a certain number of min- utes and seconds, which at the greatest is 16 minutes, 14 seconds, and happens about the first of November : every other day throughout the year having a certain quantity of this difference belonging to it, which, however, is not ex- actly the same every year, but only every fourth year, for which reason, it is necessary, where great accuracy is re- quired, lo have four tables of this equation, vis. one for each of the four years in the period of leap year. The following concise table, adapted to the second year after leap year, will always be found within about a minute of the truth, and therefore sufficiently accurate for common clocks and watches. TABLE FOR THE EQUATION OF TIME. Months. 2" F.quation in vlinutes. 1 Days. Months. F.quation in Minutes. 1 Days. Months. Equation in Minutes. Jan. 1 3 4 + 5 Apr. 24 30 2— 3 Sept. 27 30 9— 10 5 7 6 7 May 13 29 4 3 Oct. 3 6 11 12 9 8 June 5 2 10 13 12 9 1 10 1 14 14 15 10 15 0 19 15 18 11 * — 27 16 21 12 20 1 + Nov. 15 15 25 13 1 25 2 20 14 31 14 j 29 3 24 13 Feb. 10 15 July 5 4 27 12 21 14 11 5 30 11 27 13 i 28 6 Dec. 2 10 Mar. 4 12 Aug. 9 5 5 9 8 11 15 4 7 8 12 10 20 3 9 7 15 9 24 2 11 6 19 8 28 1 13 5 22 7 31 0 16 4 25 6 # — 18 3 Apr. 28 1 4 5 4 3 Sept. 3 6 9 1 — o 3 20 22 24 o 1 0 7 2 12 4 # __ 11 1 15 5 26 1 + 15 0 18 6 28 2 # — 21 7 30 3 19 1 1 — 24 8 ASTRONOMY. Those columns lhat are marked -f-, show that the clock or watch is, or ought to be, before the sun ; and those marked —, that it is slower. To regulate a clock or wafch on the first of January, the moment the sundial is 12, the clock or watch must be put 4 minutes after. On the 13th of May, when the dial is 12, the clock to be right must want 4 minutes of that hour. See Ferguson's As- tronomy, ch. 13. Phil. Trans, vol. 54. * Twilight is owing lo the refraction of the rays of light by our atmosphere, through which they pass ; and which, by bending them, occasions some to arrive at apart ofthe earlh that could not receive any direct rays from the sun, or so as to bring him into sight, every clear day, before he rises in ihc horizon, and to keep him in view for some minutes after he is really Bet below it. The effect of this refraction is about six minutes every day at a mean rate. From the same cause, the heavenly bodies appear high- er than they really are, so that to bring the apparent alti- tudes to the true ones, the quantity of refraction must be subtracted. The higher they rise the less are the rays refracted, and when the heavenly bodies are in the zenith, they suffer no refraction, according to the principles of op- tics hereafter to be demonstrated. Tables of refractions have been calculated by various astronomers, as sir I. Newton, Mr. Thomas Simpson, Dr. Bradley, Mr. Mayer, &c. The following specimen is taken from Dr. Bradley's table, which is esteemed the most correct, and chiefly used by astronomers. For the method of calculating these tables, see Mr. Simpson's Dissert, p. 46, 4to. Gregory's Astron. Vol. I. Pa. 66, and Vince's Astron. Vol. 1.4to. ch. 7. MEAN ASTRONOMICAL REFRACTIONS IN ALTITUDE. App Refrac- App. Refrac- App. Refrac- Alt tion. Alt. 22° tion. 2'20" Alt. tion. 0° 33' 0" 44° 0'59'' 1 24 29 23 2 14 45 0 57 2 18 35 24 2 7 48 0 51 3 14 36 25 2 2 50 0 48 4 11 51 26 1 56 52 0 44 5 9 54 27 1 51 55 0 40 e 8 28 28 1 47 58 0 35 7 7 20 29 1 42 60 0 33 8 6 29 30 1 38 62 0 30 9 5 48 31 1 35 65 0 26 10 5 15 32 1 31 68 0 23 11 4 47 33 1 28 70 0 21 12 4 23 34 1 24 72 0 18 13 4 3 35 1 21 75 0 15 14 3 45 36 1 18 78 0 12 15 3 30 37 1 16 80 0 10 16 3 17 38 1 13 82 0 8 17 3 4 39 1 10 85 0 5 18 2 54 40 1 8 88 0 2 19 2 45 41 1 5 89 0 1 20 2 35 42 1 3 90 0 3 21 2 27 43 | 1 1 Dr. Keill, m his Lectures on Astronomy, observes, that it is entirely owing to tbe atmosphere that the heavens appear bright in the day time. For without it, only that part of the heavens would be luminous in which the sun .' placed ; and if we could live without air, and should turn our backs to the sun, the whole heavens would in. Eear as dark as in the night. In this case also we should ave no twilight, but a sudden transition from the bright- est sunshine to dark night immediately upon the settingof the sun ; which would be extremely inconvenient, if not fatal to the eyes of mortals. See Keill's Astron. Lect.xx, The twilight is longest in a parallel sphere, and shortest in a right sphere: and in an oblique sphere, the nearer the sphere approaches to parallel, the longer is the twilight. In a parallel sphere, the twilight will continue till th, sun's declination toward the depressed pole is 18° : but in this sphere his declination is never more than 23£ degrees • whence the twilight will only cease, whilst the sun's dec- lination is increasing from 18° to 23£ degrees, and de- creasing again till in its decrease it becomes 18 degrees. The twilight is here caused by the annual motion of the earth. In a right sphere, the sun appears to be carried by the daily motion of the earth, in circles perpendicular to the horizon j whence it is carried directly downward by the whole daily motion, and will arrive at 18 degrees below the horizon the soonest possible ; whereas, in an ob- lique sphere, its path is oblique to the plane of fhe hori- zon, and therefore will be longer before it has descended 18 degrees below the horizon: and the difference of the time of twilight will increase wifh the degree of obliqui- ty. As the sun sets more obliquely at some parts ef the year than others, the twilight varies in its duration. Ofthe Seasons. It is the annual motion of the earth round the sun, which occasions the diversity of seasons. To understand this, it must be remembered, that the axis of the earth is inclined to the plane of its orbit about 23J degrees, and it keeps always parallel to itself; that is, it is always directed to the same point of the heavens. The obliquity of the ecliptic is not permanent, but is perpetually diminishing, by the ecliptic approaching near- er to a parallelism wifh the equator, al the rate of about half a second in a year, or from 50 seconds to 55 seconds in a hundred years. The inclination at this time is rather less than 23 degrees, 28 minutes. The diminution ofthe obliquity of the ecliptic to the equalor is owing to the ac- tion of the planets upon the earth, especially the planeti Venus and Jupiter. The obliquity of the ecliptic is found by observing with great accuracy the meridian altitude of the sun's centre, on the days of the summer and winjer solstice : then the difference of the two, will be the dis- tance between the tropics ; the half of which is the obli- quity sought. Let Fig. 6. Plate XII. represent the earth in different parts of its elliptic orbit. In the spring, the circle which separates the light from the dark side of the globe, called the terminator, passes through the poles as appears in the position A. The earth then, in its diurnal rotation about its axis, has every part of its surface as long in light as in shade; therefore the days are equal to the nights all over the world, fhe sun being at that time vertical to the equatorial parts of the earth. * As the earfh proceeds in its orbit, and comes into the position B, the sun becomes vertical to those parts of the earth under the tropic, and the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere will enjoy summer, on account of fhe solar rays fallingimore perpendicularlv upon fh«m • they will also have their days longer than their nights, 'iu propo-- ASTRONOMY. tionas they are more distant from fhe equator; and those within the polar circle, as will be perceived by lhe figure, will have constant daylight. At the same time, the in- habitants of the southern hemisphere have winter, fheir days being shorter than their nights, in proportion as they are further from the equator; and the inhabitants of the polar regions will have constant ni2;ht. The earth then continues its course fo the position C, when the terminator again passes through the poles, and the days and nights are equal. After this, the earth advances to fhe position D, at which time the inhabitants of the northern hemisphere have winter, and their days are shorter than their nights. The positions B and D, are the solstitial points; and A and C, the equinoctial points; ihey are not equidistant from each other, because the sun is not in the centre, but in (he focus of the ellipsis. In summer, when the earfh is at B, the sun is further from it than in the winter, when fhe earfh is at D ; and in fact, the diameter of the sun ap pears longer in winter than in summer. The difference of heat is not owing to the sun's being nearer to us, or more remote, but to the degree of obliquity with which its rays strike any part of the earth. Of the Moon. The moon is, next to the sun, the most remarkable of the celestial objects. Its form is spherical like that of the earth, round which it revolves, and by which it is carried round the sun. Its orbit is also ellipti- cal, having the earth in one of tbe foci of the ellipsis. The moon always keeps the same side toward the earth, showing only at one time a little more of one side, and at another time a little more of the other. Hence as the moon revolves about its axis, its periodical time must be equal to that of its revolution in its orbit round the earth. This is found to be the case with the fifth satellite of Sat- urn as it regards its primary. And though the year is of the same absolute length, both to the earth and moon, yet the number of days in each is very different: the former having 365£ natural days in its year, but fhe latter has on- ly about 12£, every day and night in the moon being as long as 29£ on the earth. The face of fhe moon, as seen through a telescope, ap- pears diversified wilh hills and vallies. This is proved by viewing her at any other time than when she is full ; for then there is no regular line bounding light and dark- ness; but the edge or border of the moon appears jagged ; and even in the dark part near the borders of the lucid sur- face, there are seen some small spaces enlightened by the sun's beams. Besides, if is moreover evident, fhat the spots in the moon taken for mountains and vallies, are really such from Ibeir shadows. For in all situations of the moon, the el- evated parts are constantly found to cast a triangular shad- ow in a direction from the sun ; and lhe cavities are al- ways dark on the side next to the sun, and illuminated on lhe opposite side. Hence astronomers are enabled to find the height of lhe lunar mountains. Dr. Keill, in his As- tronomical Lectures, has calculated the height of St. Cath- erine's hill to be nine miles. Since, however, the loftiest mountains upon the earth are but abouf three miles in height, it has been long considered as very improbable that those of a planet so much inferior in size to the earth should ex- ceed in such vast proportion the highest of our moun- tains. By fhe observations of Dr. Herschel, made in Novem- ber, 1779, and the four following months, we learn, that the altitude of the lunar mountains has been very much exaggerated. His observations were made with great caution, by means of a Newtonian reflector, six feet eight inches long, and with a magnifying power of 222 times, de- termined by experiment; and the method which he made use of fo ascertain lhe altitude of those mountains which, during that time, he had an opportunity of examining, seems liable to no objection. The rock situated near La- cus Niger, was found fo be. about one mile in height, but none of tbe other mountains which he measured proved In be more than half that altitude; and Dr. Herschel con- cludes, that with a very few exceptions, the generality of the lunar mountains do not exceed half a mile in their per- pendicular elevation. See Keill's Astron. Leet. x. Phil. Trans. Vol. lxx. To Dr. Herschel also we are indebted for an account of several burning volcanoes, which he saw al different limes in tbe moon. In the 7Tlh vol. of the Phil. Trans. he says, " April 19, 10 hours, 36 minutes, sidereal time. I perceive three volcanoes in different places of lhe dark part of the new moon. Two of them are nearly extinct ; or, otherwise, in a state of going to break out, which per- haps may be decided next lunation. The third shows an actual eruption of fire, or luminous matter." On the next night Dr. Herschel saw the volcano burn wifh greater vio- lence (han on the preceding evening. He considered lhe eruption fo resemble a small piece of burning charcoal when it is covered by a thin coat of white ashes, which frequent- ly adhere to it, when it has been some time ignited ; and it had a degree of brightness about as strong as (hat with which such a coal would be seen to glow in faint daylight. It is generally admitted that the moon has an atmosphere. The moon is seen by means of the light which come» to it from the sun being reflected from it. Its changes or phases depend upon its situation relatively to the earth and the sun. When fhe moon is in opposition to the sun at A, fig. 7. Plate XH. the enlightened side is turned tow- ard the earth, as a, and it appears full. When the moon is in conjunction at E with the sun, its dark side is turned toward us, and it is invisible, as at e. As if proceeds in its orbit, as at F, a small part of the enlightened side is seen, and then we have what is called a new moon ; and we continue to see more and more of the enlightened side, as the moon approaches at G and H, to fhe state of op- position or full moon. The waning or decreasing of the moon takes place in the same manner, but in a contrary order. The earth must perforin fhe same office fo the moon that the moon does to us; and it will appear to fhe inhabitants of the moon, if there be any, like a very mag- nificent moon, being to them about thirteen times as large as fhe moon to us, and it will also have fhe same changes or phases. Hence it is evident, that one half of the moon is never in darkness, fhe earth constantly afford- ing it a strong light, during the absence of lhe sun ; but the other half has a fortnight's light and darkness by furna. When the moon is near the first of Aries, and movinv toward the tropic of Cancer, (he time of its rising will vary but little for several days together. If the moon were to move in the equator, its motion in its orbit, by which it describes a revolution, in respect of the sun, in 29 days, 12 hours, would carry it every day eastward from the sun about 12 degrees 11 minutes, whence its time of rising would vary daily about 50 minute*. But, because the moon's orbit is oblique to tbe equator, nearly coinciding wifh the ecliptic, different parts of it make dif ASTRONOMY. fercnf angles with the horizon, as they rise or set; those parts which rise with the smallest angles setting with lhe greatest, and the reverse. Now lhe less this angle is, the greater portion of the orbit rises in the same time. Con- sequently, when the moon is in those parts which rise or Bet wifh fhe smallest angles, it rises or sets with the least difference of lime, and the reverse. But in northern lati- tudes, the smallest angle of the ecliptic and horizon is made when Aries rises and Libra sets, and the greatest when Libra rises and Aries sets; and therefore, when the moon rises in Aries, it rises wifh the least difference of time. Now the moon is in conjunction in or near Aries, when the sun is in or near Libra, that is, in the autumnal months; when, the moon rising in Aries, whilst the sun is setting in Libra, the time of its rising is observed to vary only two hours in six days in (he latitude of London. This is called tbe harvest moon. This circumstance takes place every month; but as it does not happen at the time of full moon, there is no no- tice taken of it. When the moon's right ascension is equal to six signs, that is, when she is in or about the be- ginning of Libra, there is the greatest difference of the times of rising, vis. about an hour and 15 minufes.^ Those Bigns which rise with the least angle set with the greatest, and the contrary; therefore, when there is the least dif- ference in the times of rising, there is the greatest in set- ting, and vice versa. The following table shows the daily mean difference of the moon's rising and setting, on the parallel of London, for 28 days; in which lime lhe moon finishes her period round the ecliptic, and gets nine degrees inlo the same sign from the beginning of which she set out. c« c Rising Diff. Settin ;Diff. Days. «' o 3 1 n n H M H. M. 1 23 13 1 5 0 50 2 26 1 10 0 43 3 £ 10 1 14 0 37 4 23 1 17 0 32 5 1? 6 1 16 0 28 6 19 1 15 0 24 7 ■/**. 2 1 15 0 20 8 15 1 15 0 18 9 28 1 15 0 17 10 m 12 1 15 0 22 11 26 1 14 0 30 12 t 8 1 13 0 39 13 21 1 10 0 47 14 V? 4 1 4 0 56 15 17 0 46 5 16 zx 1 0 40 8 17 14 0 35 12 18 27 0 30 15 19 K 10 0 25 1G 20 23 0 20 17 21 T 7 0 17 16 22 8 20 0 17 15 23 3 0 20 15 24 16 0 24 15 25 29 0 30 14 26 n 13 0 40 13 27 26 0 56 7 28 s 9 1 00 58 The Moon's motion is subject to many irregularities, on account of the inclination of its orbit to the plane of the ecliptic, and the attraction of the Sun and the other plan- ets. Ofthe superior planets.. Mars is not so bright as Venus, nor even as Jupiter though nearer to the sun. Its colour is a little reddish! Some spots have been observed upon its surface, from which its rotation round its axis, and the inclination of its axis to the plane of its orbit, have been determined. The following particulars respecting Mars are given by Dr. Herschel, after long and accurate observations. The axis of Mars is inclined to the ecliptic 59° 42. The node of the axis is in 17° 47' of Pisces. The obliquity of the ecliptic on the globe of Mars in 28° 42'. The point Aries on the Martial ecliptic answers to our 19° 28'of Sagittarius. The figure of Mars is that of an oblate spheroid, whose equatorial diameter is to the polar one as 1355 to 1272, or as 16 to 15 nearly. The equatorial diameter of Mars, reduced to lhe mean distance of the earth from the Sun, is 9" 8'". And that planet has a considerable but moderate atmo- sphere j so that its inhabitants, probably, enjoy a situation, in many respects, similar to ours. Phil. Trans. Vol. Ixxiv. Part 2. Ceres Ferdinandea is a very small planet, situated next without Mars: it was discovered on the first day of the present century by Mr. Piazzi, an Italian astronomer. Pallas is another very small planet, discovered by Dr. Olbers of Bremen, on the 28lh of March, 1802. Juno is likewise a very small planet, discovered by M. Harding,as he was engaged at Lilienthal, in examining lhe catalogue of the stars published by M. Lalande. This planet and the two former ones, Dr. Herschel proposes to call aste- roides, because they are so much smaller than any of the other planets. Juno is the twelfth planet discovered within these few years. Dr. Herschel discovered the planet that goes by his own name, March 18, 1781. In January 1787 he per- ceived that this planet had two satellites, and some time after he discovered four others belonging to his planet. In the autumn of 1789 he observed two new satellites be- longing to Saturn. The Ceres was discovered in 1801J the Pallas in 1802; and the Juno in 1804. Jupiter is the brightest planet next to Venus. When viewed by a telescope, several belts are observed across its disc, parallel to its equator : these belts are variable, and have been supposed to be ranges of clouds in the at- mosphere of the planet. They are sometimes of different breadths, and sometimes nearly of the same breadth. Large spots have been seen in these belts ,• and when one of them vanishes, the contiguous spots disappear with it. Dr. Herschel has paid attention to the rotation of these spots, and has found that the rotation of the same spot di- minished; thus in February 1778 one revolved in nine hours fifty-five minutes and twenty seconds, but the sarne spot in April revolved in nine hours fifty-one minutes and thirty-five seconds. This he observes is agreeable to the theory of equinoctial winds, as it may be some time before the spot can acquire the velocity of the wind ; and if Ju- piter's spots should be observed in different'parts of its ASTRONOMY. year to be accelerated and retarded, it would almost amount to a demonstration of its monsoons, and their peri- odical changes. The ecliptic and equator of Jupiter are nearly parallel to each other, that is, the axis of the plan- et is nearly perpendicular to its orbit, and on that account its inhabitants experience no sensible change of seasons. This is a wise provision, for if the axis of Jupiter were inclined any considerable number of degrees, just so many' degrees round each pole would, by turns, tap! almost six years in darkness. Jupiter is surrounded.^ four moons of different sizes, which move about it in lEfferent times. These moons are sometimes eclipsed by nhWshadow of Jupiter falling upon them. The eclipses have been found of great use in determining the longitudes of places on the earth. Saturn can hardly be seen by the naked eye. When examined by a telescope, it exhibits a \ery remarkable appearance. It is surrounded by a thin, fiat, broad lumi- nous ring, which surrounds the body of the planet, but does not touch it. This ring casts a strong shadow upon the planet; and appears to be divided into two, by a dis- tinct line in the middle of its breadth. This ring is circu- lar, but appears elliptical from its being viewed obliquely. Besides this ring, Saturn has seven moons of different sizes; and its body is surrounded also by belts, like those of Jupiter. The Herschel, with its six satellites, have been entire- ly discovered by Dr. Herschel. It cannot be seen with- out a telescope, but it does not require a powerful one. The satellites cannot be seen without the most powerful telescopes. Having given a brief account ofthe Sun and planets, we shall show by what means we can ascertain their apparent and real diameters. On the apparent and real diameters of the Sun and Planets. It is obvious from the principles of optics, that the determination of the real diameters of the heavenly bodies will depend conjointly on a knowledge of their ap- parent diameters, and (heir real distances from the earth. For, suppose A P B, Plate XII. fig. 8. a section of such body made by a plane passing through/the place O ofthe eye, and the centre C of the body : then A O B will be the angle, which will measure the apparent diameter of the body; this being known, A O C, its half, will be known. And A O being a tangent to the surface, the angle C A O will be a right angle ; whence, cosine A O C : sine A O C I: A O : A C, the semidiameter of the body. Now A C or O C, may be found by observation; or, when the body is in opposition or conjunction with the Sun, by taking the difference or sum of its distance from the Sun, and the earlh's distance from that luminary, according to the re- spective cases ; taking care to attend to the different operations required for a superior and inferior planet. And as to the apparent diameters, it may be worth while to point out a few methods of ascertaining (hem. The Sun's vertical or perpendicular diameter may be found by two observers taking, the one tbe height of the upper edge of the disc, the other lhat of (he lower, at the same instant. This is most conveniently done when the Sun is at or near the meridian ; because there is then no sensible change in his altitude during the space of two or three minutes. The height of each edge must be correct- ed, by allowing for parallax and refraction; and the appa- 34* rent diameter will be equal to tbe difference of the cor- rected altitudes of the upper and lower edge. This method is very simple, and gives the apparent diameter with exactness proportional to (he accuracy of the instru- ments made use of. Another method of determining the Sun's apparent diameter, is to observe by a good clock the time in which the sun's disc passes over the plane of the meridian, or some other hour circle. Af, or very near, one of th« equinoxes, when the sun's apparent diurnal motion is in the equator, or a parallel very near it, say, as the lime between tbe Sun's leaving the meridian and returning to it again ; 360° '.■'. the time in which he passes over the meridian . hi3 apparent semidiameter. At any other time of the year, when (he Sun is in a parallel at some distance from the equator, his diameter measures a greater number of minutes and seconds in that parallel, than it would do in a great circle, and takes up proportionally more time in passing over the meridian ; we may then use this analogy, as radius * cosine of the Sun's declination :: the time in which the Sun passes the meridian, converted into motion, at the rate of four minutes in time fo 1 ° . the arc of the great circle which measures the Sun's apparent horizontal diameter. This method may be easily put in practice by two observers ; or indeed by one, if he have an half second pendulum placed near enough for him to hear the beats of it, whilst he observes the transit. But the diam- eters of the planets are best taken by the micrometer, an instrument so contrived that two parallel wires being placed in the focus ofa telescope, one fixed and theother moveable, or both moveable, they may be made to approach or recede one from the other till they appear to touch exactly two opposite points in lhe disc of the planet, and (hen (he index shows (he apparent diameter in minutes and second-. The apparent diameters ofthe planets when at about theii respective mean distances from the earfh, are as we have seen: Mercury, 10"; Venus, 58"; Mars,27;" Jupiter, 39"; Saturn, 18"; Georgium Sidus, 3" 54'". And from these apparent diameters, and the respective distances from the earth, the diameters ofthe Sun and planets have been determined in English miles as here slated : Mercu- ry, 3224; Venus, 7867; Mars, 4189; Jupiter, 89170; Saturn, 79012; the Herschel, 35112 ; (he Sun, 883246. Observations upon the planets Herschel, Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars, prove that there is a sensible difference b. tween their equatorial and polar diameters; and it is probable that there is a like difference between the diam- eters of the other planets, but this has not yet been de- termined by observation. Since the apparent diameters of distant bodies vary inversely as their distances, we may, having lhe distance^ from the earth at which the respective planets subtended tbe above angles, and knowing their mean distances from fhe Sun, find the mean apparent diameters of all the plan- ets, as seen from the Sun; they have been thus given : Mercury, 20"; Venus, 30"; Earlh, 17"; Mars 10'/j Jupiter, 37"; Saturn, 16"; Georgium Sidus, 4". To measure the quantity of matter in distant bodies appears a problem of insuperable difficulty: but this has been effected to a considerable degree, by the principles of the Newtonian philosophy. Since the quantify of mat- ter in a globe is proportional to the mean density multi- plied into the cube of the diameter, and the diameters of ASTRONOMY. the planets are known, the mean densities are all that are required for fhe solution of lhe problem. Now, in homo- geneous, unequal, spherical bodies, the gravities on their surfaces are as (heir diameters, when (he densities are equal; or the gravities are as (he densities, when the bulks are equal: therefore, in spheres of unequal magnitude and density, the gravity is in (he compound ratio ofthe diam- eters and densities; or the densities are as (he gravities divided by (he diameters. But the diameters are known, and the gravities at the surface are nearly found, either by means of the revolutions of the satellites, or by calcu- lations deduced from (he effects (he planets are found to produce upon each other; consequently the relation of lhe densities becomes known. The mean density of the earth was calculated by Dr. Hutton, from observations made by Dr. Maskelyue at the mountain Schehallien ; he made it fo fhat of wafer as 9 fo 2, and to common stone, as 9 fo 5, on the supposition that the hill is only of the density of common stone. He also slates the mean densities of fhe Sun and planets to that of water, ihus : Sun, 1T*V ; Mercury, 9|; Venus, 5||; Earlh, 4\ ; Mars, 3£; Jjpiter, 1,>T ; Saturn, 0|| ; ami fhe Herschel 0T%%. These densities are such as the bodies would have if they were homogeneal; and may be admitted as a fair estimate of the whole, although the density of each planet may vary considerably at different distances from the surface. From the densities, as thus estimated, and the known diameters, we may readily find the proportions of the quantities of matter; they are asunder: the Sun, 333928; Mercury, 1654 ; Venus, -8899 ; the Earth, 1 ; Mars, -0875; Jupiter, 312-1 ; Saturn, 97*76; Georgium Sidus, 16*84. Ofthe Satellites. We have observed that Jupiter, Saturn, and fhe Her- schel planet, are attended by satellites; of which Jupiter has four, Saturn seven, and the Herschel six. In order to arrive at certainty concerning the laws of these bodies, it is necessary to consider facts ; we therefore briefly de- scribe the chief phenomena. 1. These satellites are sometimes to the eastward, sometimes to the westward, of their respective planets, moving successively from one side to the other: each at its greatest excursion, as ob- served from the earfh, is nearly as far distant from the one side as it was from lhe other, and is found on the same side again in much about the same interval of time ; from which it is inferred that the orbits of fhe satellites are curves re- turning into themselves. 2. All the satellites, except those of the Herschel, in going from the western excur- hoii fo the eastern, are often hid by the planet's disc, and consequently pass behind it : sometimes one or other of them passes above or below, but never on, the planet's disc. On the contrary, in going from fhe eastern excur- sion to the western, those which passed behind, now pass over the disc ; and those which passed above, now pass below, and reciprocally ; which proves that they move with the primary as their centre. 3. The paths of the satellites being reduced to their respective planet's centre, sometimes appear in a right line passing through fhat cen- tre, and inclined in a certain direction to its orbit. Af- terward, they ohange more and more into ellipses, during one quarter ofthe planet's annual revolution ; and all fhe superior conjunctions are then made above the planet's centre, and the inferior conjunctions below it: during a second quarter of the planet's revolution, these ellipses become narrower, fhe satellites are nearer fhe centre in their conjunctions, and at the end of a second quarter of the revolution, all the ellipses are again become right lines with equal inclination, but in a contrary direction. In (he (bird quarter of the revolution, they are formed anew info ellipses, the superior conjunctions are made below the centre, and the inferior ones above; lastly, in (he fourth quarter of (he revolution, when (he planet is returning to the same point of its orbit, these ellipses again decrease in breadth, and all return to the first state. 4. The times of the superior and inferior conjunctions of the satellites be* ing compared, their intervals are nearly equal lo (heir semirevolution. Since, then, (he satellites uniformly describe orbits nearly circular or elliptical, with their respective primary at (heir centre or focus, they are probably moved by a force of the same nature with that which moves fheir planets round the Sun ; that is, they revolve about their primaries in consequence ofa central force, and ofa con- stant impulsive force: if so, which indeed observations render certain, they must follow Kepler's fwo rules, namely, 1. the satellites must describe areas of their or- bits proportional to the times ; 2. their mean distances from the centres of their respective primaries, must be as lhe cube roots ofthe squares ofthe times of their revo- lutions. The lime ofa synodic revolution of a satellite maybe found in the following manner : Observe, when tbe prima- ry planet is in opposition, the passage of a satellite over its body; and mark the time when it is half way between the two opposite edges of lhe planet's disc, for then it will be nearly in conjunction with the centre of the planet, and also in conjunction with the Sun. After a long space of time, observe again when the primary plane! is in op- position, and fhe secondary in conjunction with its centre; and divide the intervening space of time between the tiro observations, by the number of conjunctions of the Sunin that space, fhe quotient is the time of a synodic revolu- tion. Or, fhe same thing may be found by means of the eclipses of the satellite : Observe when the satellite enters the shadow of its primary, called its immersion; or when it comes out of the shadow, called its emersion; and after a very long interval of time, when an eclipse happens as nearly as possible in the same situation bolh with respect to the node and to the place of the primary planet, again mark the time of the emersion or immersion, which ever was used in the former observation ; and from the interval of these times, and the number of eclipses in lhat interval, the mean time ofa synodic revolution will be obtained by division. To determine fhe time ofa periodic revolution, it must be considered, that in (he return of a satellite to its mean conjunction, it describes a revolution in its orbi(, together with the main angle m, described by the primary planet in that time: hence this analogy, as 360° +m . 360:: lime ofa synodic revolution : the time ofa periodic revo- lufion. r The distance of a satellite from its primary may be easily fol,nd by means of its greatest elongation, as seen from the earth, in the following manner: lefS Plate XW' fig- 9, represent the Sun, E the Earlh, P any planet, one of lis satellites at A, and the angle of elongation P E A» ASTRONOMY. maximum; then the distances P E and E S are known from the theory of the planet, and the time of observation ; and since the angle P E A is known in the right angled triangle A E P, also the side P E, the side A P is readily ob- tained. After the same manner, when the earth and plan- et are in any other situations, e, p, and the satellite at a at its greatest elongation, find e p by the theory of the earth and planet, and the given time, whence from (he angle of elongation p t a, determine the distance p a. Make a series of such observations at all suitable opportunities, and calculate a p or A P from each of them; for thus we may ascertain the greatest and least distance of the satel- lite from its primary, and half the difference of these will give the eccentricity of fhe orbit. These elements, if not determined accurately, may be corrected by subsequent observations. Tbe distances of a satellite from the centre of its pri- mary may also be found, by measuring with a microm- eter, at the time of the satellite's greatest elongation, its distance from the centre of the planet, also the semidiameter of the planet: for then the distance is known in terms of that semidiameter. Or, if the planet and sat- ellite cannot at once be brought into the field of view of a telescope, which may sometimes happen, the dis- tance of the satellite may be measured, at its greatest elongation, by observing the time of the passage of the planet's disc over a wire adjusted as an hour circle in the field of a telescope ; and comparing it with the interval between the passage of the planet's centre, and (hat of the satellite. To give (his method (he greatest degree of accuracy, the observations should be repeated so long as the interval from the passages of the planet to that of (he satellite continues increasing; for when it begins to de- crease, the satellite will have passed its greatest elonga- tion. The methods given in this article may also be ap- plied to the determination of the distances when in the apsides, the eccentricity, and lhe greatest equation, by means of a long series of observations. Or, when (he periodic (imes of all (he satellites of a planet are known, and the mean distance of one of (hem ; the mean distances of the others may be found from the proportion between (he squares of the periodic times, and the cubes ofthe distances. And, on the contrary, if lhe relative distances of all fhe satellites from their primary be known, and the periodic time of one of them, the peri- odic times of the others may be found by the same pro- portion. The eclipses ofthe satellites are of considerable impor- tance to astronomy and geography ; it therefore becomes requisite to explain them. To this end, let S, fig. 10, be the Sun; E e the orbit of the Earth; P the place of tbe planet; v s o the orbit ofa satellite; then, it is evident, that whenever the satellite, in its orbit, passes through the shadow of the primary, its light is obscured, and il be- comes eclipsed. The duration ofthe eclipse will depend upon the obliquity of tbe satelli(e's orbit lo (hat of (he planet, and the distance of the satellite from the node : for, fig. 11. a less proportion mn ofthe inclined orbit will pass through (he shadow O I mn, than if the orbif coincided wilh O N ; and in tbe nodes the satellite is both in its own orbit, and that of the jdanet, and n 711 becomes equal to O I. Now,'fig. 10, when the earth is at E before the opposition ofthe planet, the spectator will see the immersion at t, and in some particular instances, the emersion at o also : when the earth is at e after opposilion, an observer will see (he emersion at o; but whether he sees lhe immersion, will depend upon the position of the earth with respect fo the plane of the planet's orbit. When lhe earth is at E, lhe conjunction of the satellite happens later at the earth than at the Sun ; but when it is at e, the conjunction oc- curs later at the Sun than at the earth. If the earth be at e, and the satellite at v, it cannot be seen by an observer at e, because the body of the planet intervenes ; this is not an eclipse but an occultation. In order to find the diameter ofthe planet's shadow at lhe distance of any of the satellites, let the time of an eclipse, that is, the time occupied from the immersion to the emersion, be observed when (he sa(elli(e is in one of its nodes ; for then the satellite passes through the centre of the shadow, and the eclipse is called central: then use this analogy. As the time ofa synodic revolution of (he satellite . the duration of (he eclipse :: 360° ; (he diameter of the shadow, in de- grees of the satellite's orbit. But should it so happen fhat both the immersion and emersion cannot be seen when the satellites are in the nodes, which is always the case with the first and second of Jupiter's satellites, then it is usual to compare the immersion some days before the op- position of the planet, with the emersions some days after ; aud hence, knowing how many synodic revolutions have been made in the intervening time, the time of the transit through (he shadow, and consequently the corresponding measure in degrees, become known. The eclipses of the satellites afford us a manifest proof of the velocity of light. For, if (he motion of light were infinite, or if it came to us from immense distances in an instant, it is evident we should see the commencement of an eclipse of a satellite, at the same moment, whatever distance we might be from it; but, on the contrary, if light move progressively, then it is equally evident, that lhe further we are from a planet, the later it will be be- fore we perceive the beginning of an eclipse of one of its satellites, because fhe light will occupy a longer time in travelling to us. M. Roemer was the first who deduced from actual observations, (he real velocity of light: he found, and it has since been confirmed by repeated ex- periments, that when the earth is exactly between Jupi- ter and lhe Sun, his satellites are seen eclipsed about 8| minutes sooner than they would be according to the tables; but that when the earth is at its greatest distance from Jupiter, these eclipses happen about 81 minutes later than the tables predict them. Hence it follows that light takes up about 16^ minutes of time in passing over the diameter ofthe earth's orbit, which is, at a mean, 190 mil- lions of miles; this is very nearly at fhe astonishing rate of 200,000 miles in a second. Dr. Bralley found very nearly the same velocity from observations on tbe fixed stars. Hence also it appears, that in determining the time of an eclipse of a satellite as seen from the earth, an allowance must be made, corresponding with tbe different distances ofthe earth and plane!; this allowance is called the equation of light. The satellites of Jupiter, Saturn, and Herschel, are subject to changes in their orbits, with respect lo the situation ofthe apsides and nodes, the inclination of their orbits, their eccentricity, &c. similar to those of the moon, and from similar causes. But in many instances they ASTRONOMY. prevail fo a greater degree, in consequence of the disturb- ing forces of the satellites upon each other; hence, there- fore, a frequent revision ofthe tables is necessary. The satellites of Jupiter, being situated nearer to the earth than those of any other planet, and being of very considerable importance in astronomy and navigation, e regularly and carefully observed than the ; in consequence of which the elements of have been more other satellites; in conseqi their orbits are determined with greater precision than those of the other satellites. Tbe chief of these elements as given by M. de Lalande, are exhibited in the following table. SATELLITES OF JUPITER. Elements. J. 11. III. IV. Periodic revolution - - - Id. 18h. 27m. 33s. 3d. 13h. 13m. 42s 7d.3h.42m. 33s. 16d. 16b. 32m. 8s. Synodic revolution - - - 1 18 28 36 3 13 17 54 7 3 59 36 16 18 5 7 Distance in semidiam. % 5.67 9.00 14.38 25.30 Mean dist. at mean dist. % - 1'51 ' 2' 57" 4' 42" ,8' 16" Semid. shad, in time - - - Ih. 7m. 55s. lh, 25m. 40s. lh. 47m. 0s. 2h. 23m. .9941 .9967 .9857 .9913 Semider. of eclipse 90° from node, when inelin. is least lh. 3m. 45s. lh. 16m. 5s. lb. 3m. 40s. Oh, 0m. 0s. rv... „:,.„,.i ( greatest inelin. *or circular l 3 . i < mean -shadow ). (least ... 3° 18' 38". 3 18 38 3° 46' 0" 3 16 0 3° 25' 57" 3 18 58 2° 36' 0" 2 36 0 3 18 38 2 46 0 3 2 0 2 36 0 For ellip. (greatest - - - 3 4 27 3 29 42 3 11 14 2 24 51 shadow I least ... 3 4 27 2 34 0 2 49 0 2 24 51 Epoch of conj. 1760, for merid. Greenwich ... Od. 10h.35m. ld.14h.49m. 36s. 2d. 5h. 32ra. 29s. Id. 7h.20m. 50s. Mean place node 1760 - - 10s. 14° 30' 10s. 13° 45' 10s. 14° 24' 10s. 16Q39' Annual motion node - - 0 0" 2 3" 0 0" 4 19" Diurnal motion satel. - - - 6 23 29 20 3 11 22 29 1 20 19 4 0 21 34 16 Secular motion - - - 7 25 31 13 3 23 10 39 j 1 22 9 19 | 6 29 50 29 Of Eclipses. The eclipses of the Sun and Moon are phenomena that command the attention even of the vulgar; who have always retained a superstitious veneration for the science of astronomy, chiefly on account of fhe means it affords of foretelling events of this nature. And though in reality the knowledge required in calculating an eclipse does not essentially differ from that employed in deter- mining the time of the rising and setting ofthe Sun or Moon, yet there is no doubt that a more particular at- tention to this subject will be acceptable to the read- er. As the shadows ofthe Moon and Earth are the causes of eclipses, it will be necessary first to determine the figure of those shadows. Because the Sun, the Earth, and the Moon are spherical bodies, if follows that fhe shadows of the iwo latter must be either conical or cylindrical; that is to say, fig. 12, Plate XIII. if the Sun I K be less than the Earth C D, the shadow of the latter will be part of a cone, whose section is terminated by the lines C E, D F, and whose base is indefinitely distant: or, if the Sun A B be equal to the Earth C D, the shadow will be a cylinder between the lines C G,D H, whose base is indefinitely distant. In either case the shadows ofthe Earth must occasionally fall upon and eclipse fhe superior planets, when in opposition to the Sun. But this never happens ; and therefore the Sun is neither less than, nor equal to, the Earth, but greater. We know moreover, from fhe Sun's parallax, that it is much greater than the Earth; be- cause the Sun's diameter seen from the Earth is about 32 minutes, whereas the Earth's diameter seen from tbe Sun is only about 17 seconds, a quantity that may be regarded as insensible or inconsiderable in many observations. Aod since the Sun exceeds the Earth in so high a proportion, it must of necessity be yet greater with regard to the Moon, because this Jtfst js |egs fnan the Earth. Let AB, fig. 13, represent the Sun greater than the Earfh C D. The rays of light A C, B D, passing from the extreme edges of the Sun, and in contact with the Earth on tbe same side, will afterward* meet or cross in the point K. No part of the Sun's light will appear within the coneC K D; which is therefore the shadow in which an observ- er, being placed, would be totally deprived of the Sun. But there will be a partial shadow or penumbra between those rays A D M, B C L, that pass from the extreme edges ofthe Sun, and touch the opposite extremes ofthe Earth; that is to say, an observer between (he lines C L and D M, but without the dark cone, C K D, will see only a part ofthe Sun, the rest being hidden by the interposi- tion ofthe Earth : the quantity ofthe Sun thus obscured will be greater, and the penumbra darker, the nearer the observer is placed to the cone C K D. Lastly, if the ob- server be situated beyond the vertex ofthe dark shadow K, between the lines K N, K O, formed by the continua- tion ofthe extreme rays, he will behold the exterior parts ofthe Sun forming a lucid ring,; environing lhe Earth ob all sides. The angle C K D, at the vertex of the Earth's shadow, is, by Euclid 1. 32, equal to the difference between the diameter of the Sun seen from the Earth, or ancrle A C B, and the diameter of the Earth seen from the Su°n, or angle C B D. Or, if the earth's apparent diatrieter from tbe ASTR0N03IY. Sun be rejected as inconsiderable, the angle of fhe shad- ow will he equal to the Sun's apparent diameter. The angle C I D, at the vertex of tbe penumbra, is equal (o the sum of the diameter of the Sun seen from the Earth, or angle A C B, and the diameter of the Earth seen from the Sun, or angle CAD: or, if tbe Earth's appa- rent diameter from the Sun be rejected as inconsiderable, the angle of the penumbra is equal to the Sun's apparent diameter. Every thing thai has been here shown respect- ing the shadows ofthe Earth, is true in like circumstances of tbe Moon. To apply these observations to the facts, let A B, fig. 14, Plate XIII. represent the Sun, C D the Earth, and I K or L the Moon in its orbit K M N; let the Moon be at I K, between the Sun and the Earth ; its total shadow may then entirely deprive a part ofthe Earth at O of the Sun's light, and its penumbra will cause a partial eclipse of the Sun to the inhabitants between G and H. Again, sup- pose the Moon to be af L, and it will itself be eclipsed by the interposition of the Earth between it and the Sun. In lunar eclipses, the Earth's penumbra is not attended to, because its effects in obscuring the Moon cannot be observed with precision by a spectator placed on the Earth. Eclipses can only happen when the Moon is near one of the nodes of its orbit. Let A B M, fig. 15, represent the Sun, viewed from the earth ; C D a portion of the eclip- tic, or Sun's apparent path ; and E F a part of the orbit of the Moon, which planet is represented at different times by the circles, G, H, I. It is evident, that the eclipse or obscuration of the Sun entirely depends on the position of the node N, and the angle of inclination F N D. If the angle of inclination remain unaltered while the node N is very remote from the centre K of the Sun, the points K and L may be further apart than to permit any occul- tation or apparent contact; and it is clear, that an enlarge- ment ofthe angle F N D may produce the same effect : on the contrary, an approach or coincidence of N with K, or a diminution ofthe angle F N K, may cause an eclipse, the quantity of obscuration in which will be so much greater, as these circcumstances are more prevalent. The Sun's place K in the ecliptic being known from fables, together with the inclination ofthe Moon's orbit, the place of the node, and of the Moon itself, and likewise the apparent diameters of the luminaries respectively, it will be easy to find the velocity of the Moon in elongation, and consequently the beginning, middle, end, quantity of obscuration, and other requisites, concerning the eclipse. If the computation be made from ^he tabular places of the heavenly bodies, fhe result w ill give the eclipse as seen from the centre of the Earth ; because, in all tables where the earlh is spoken of, that centre is meant, except otherwise mentioned. But it is required to determine the particulars ofthe eclipse for a given place on the Earth's surface, and this includes the consideration of parallax. The Sun's parallax being very minute, may in this, and most other cases, be rejected : but fhe Moon's parallax is so great, that it is at least of as much consequence as any ofher element whatever. For, on this account, fhe Moon's apparent path, as seen from the surface of the Earth, is so different from that which it would have when beheld from the centre, that the same conjunction which gives a total eclipse at one place, shall not occasion the smallest obscuration ofthe Sun when beheld at the sam- instant from another part of the Earth. We are now to consider an eclipse of the Moon. It is evi- dent, that the difference in the phenomena of a solar eclipse would not take place if the parallax of each luminary were the same; because, whatever mutation of place the paral- lax might occasion in the one, the same would be produc- ed in the other, and they would neither approach nor re- cede from each other on that account. Now the section of the Earth's shadow passed through by the Moon in a lunar eclipse, being at lhe same distance from the Earth as the Moon itself, must be subject to the same parallax at equal altitudes; and since the individual points of immersion, emersion, or other periods of the eclipse, must in the shadow have the same altitudes as fhe parts of the Moon they, as it were, lie on and obscure, the effects of parallax must be the sarne on both. Rejecting, therefore, the con- sideration of parallax, the Earth's shadow A B, fig. 16. may be taken to occupy a place in the heavens diametri- cally opposite fo the Sun, and having an equal and similar motion to the apparent motion of that luminary : its appa- rent diameter, seen from the Earth, will be equal fo the difference between lhe apparent diameters ofthe Earth and Sun, as seen from the moon ; or it will be equal to twice fhe horizontal parallax of the Moon, diminished by the subtraction of the Sun's apparent diameter. And if the inclination of the orbit of the Moon be found, there will be a certain distance of the node N from the centre of the shadow C, that will require the Moon near the opposition to pass through the Earth's shadow, and be consequently eclipsed. From the greater or less distance of the node N, or M, it will be determined whether the eclipse will be partial or total; and from the respective places, the quantity and direction of the relative velocity, together with the apparent magnitudes ofthe shadow and the Moon, all the particulars of the eclipse may be known without difficulty. It may with great reason be demanded, bow it happens that the Moon, which is affirmed to emit no light of itself, but only by reflection of the Sun, is nevertheless suffi- ciently luminous, even in the very middle ofa total eclipse, fo be distinctly seen of a dusky reddish colour. The Earth's atmosphere, or body of air that surrounds if, is the cause of this phenomenon. In fact, the shadow ofthe Earth if Antinous \ 15 i" 23) 195 71 The Dolphin 10 10 14 18 The Horse's Head - 4 4 6 10 The Flying Horse - 20 19 38 89 Andromeda 23 23 47 66 The Triangle - 4 4 12 16 The Ram .... 18 21 27 66 The Bull .... 44 43 51 141 The Twins 25 25 38 85 The Crab 23 15 29 83 The Lion ) Berenice's Hair$ 35 £30 (14 49 95 21 43 The Virgin - - 32 33 50 110 The Scales 17 10 20 51 The Scorpion - 24 10 20 44 The Archer - 31 14 22 69 The Goat - - 28 28 29 51 The Water bearer - 45 41 47 103 The Fishes - - 38 36 39 113 The Whale - - 22 21 45 97 Orion - 38 42 62 78 Eridanus, the River - 34 10 27 84 The Hare 12 13 16 19 The Great Dog 29 13 21 31 Tbe Little Dog - - 2 2 13 14 The Ship - - 45 3 4 64 The Hydra - - 27 19 31 60 The Cup - - 7 3 10 31 The Crow - - 7 4 0 9 The Centaur - - 37 0 0 35 The Wolf - - 19 0 0 24 The Altar - - - 7 0 0 9 The Southern Crown - 13 0 0 12 The Southern Fish - 18 0 0 24 ASTRONOMY. The New Columba Noachi Robur Carolinum Grus Phoenix - Indus Pavo A pus, Avis Indica - Apis, Musca - Chamseleon Triangulum Australis Piscis volans, Passer Dorado, Xiphias Toucan Ilydrus Southern Constellations. - Noah's Dove - The Royal Oak - . The Crane . The Pbenix - The Indian - The Peacock - The Bird of Paradise . The Bee or Fly - The Chameleon - The South Triangle - The Flying Fish - The Sword Fish The American Goose - The Water Snake Lynx Leo minor Asterion Se Ghara Cerberus Vulpecula & Anser Scutum Sobieski. Lacerta Camelopardalus Monoceros Sextans Hevelius's Constellations made out of the unformed Stars. Hevelius. - The Lynx - - - 19 - The Little Lion - - The Greyhound - - 23 - Cerberus ... 4 - The Fox and Goose - 27 - Sobieski's Shield - 7 - The Lizard - - 10 - The Camelopard - 32 - The Unicorn - 19 - The Sextant - - 11 10 12 13 13 12 11 11 4 10 5 8 6 9 10 Flams teed. 44 53 25 35 16 58 31 41 Stars not included in any constellation are called un- formed stars. Besides the names of the constellations, the ancient Greeks gave particular names to some single stars, or small collections of stars: thus, the cluster of small stars in the neck of the bull was called Pleiades ; five stars in the bull's face the Hyades; a bright star in the breast of Leo, the Lion's Heart; and a large star be- tween the knees of Bootes, Arcturus. The constellations may be represented on two plane spheres projected on a great circle, or on the convex sur- face of a solid sphere, as on the celestial globe, or most perfectly on the concave surface ofa hollow sphere. If the celestial globe is made use of, after rectifying it to the time of the night, the stars may be found, by conceiving a line drawn from the centre of the globe through any star in the heavens, and its representation upon the globe. Greek letters have been added by Bayer lo stars in the several constellations of his catalogue, a. being affixed to the largest star, by means of which any star may be easily found. Twelve of these constellations lie upon the ecliptic, Including a space about 151, broad, called the Zodiac, within which all the planets move. The constellation Aries, about 2000 years ago, lay in the first sign of the ecliptic ; but, on account of the precession of the equi- noxes, it now lies in the second. In the foregoing table, An- tinous was made out of the unformed stars near Aquila : and Coma Berenices, out of the unformed stars near the Lion's Tail. They are both mentioned by Ptolemy, but as unformed stars. The constellations as far as the trian- gle, with Coma Berenices, are northern ; those after Pisces are southern. The fixed star* are placed at a distance from us so great, that it cannot be ascertained by any means yet known ; hence they must shine by their own light, and not by the light which they receive from our sun, as the planets do. Though it has been said that the relative situations of the fixed stars do not vary, yet in the course of several ages, some variations have been observed among them. Some of the larger stars have not the same precise situations that ancient observations attribute to them, and new stars have appeared, while some others which have been described are now no longer to be found. Some stars are likewise found to have a periodical increase and decrease. Many of the fixed stars, upon examina- tion with the telescope, are found to consist of two. Besides the phenomena already mentioned, there are many nebulre, or parts of lhe heavens, which are brighter than lhe rest. The most remarkable of these is a broad ir- regular zone or belt, called lhe milky way. There are others much smaller; and some so small, that they can be seen only by telescopes. If the telescope is directed lo these nebula?, they are resolvable into clusters of stars, which appear as white clouds in instruments of less force. Dr. Herschel has rendered it highly probable, both from observation and well grounded conjecture, that the starry heaven is replete whh these nebulae or systems of stars, and that the milky way is that particular nebula in which our sun is placed. Reasoning analogically from the circumstances with which we are acquainted, we may de- duce, that the universe consists of nebulas or distinct sys- tems of stars ; that each nebula is composed of a prodig- ious number of suns, or bodies lhat shine by their own native splendour, and that each individual sun is destined to give light to numbers of worlds that revolve about it. See Vince's Astronomy, Gregory's Astronomy, &c. A T C A T H ASTROSCOPE, an instrument composed of two cones, havin" the constellations delineated on their surfaces, whereby the stars may be easily known. ASTRUM, a constellation or assemblage of stars. This term is often applied to tbe canis major, or rather to the bright star in his mouth. ASTYNOMI, in Grecian antiquity, magistrates in Athens, corresponding to the aediles of the Romans ; they were (en in number. ASYLUM, a sanctuary or place of refuge, where criminals sheltered themselves,from the hands of justice. It is pretended that the first asylum was built at Athens by the Heraclidse, as a refuge for those who fled from the oppression of their fathers. Romulus, when he built Rome, left a certain space as an asylum to all persons, whefher freemen or slaves. The Jews had their asyla, the most remarkable of which were the six cities of refuge, the tem- ple, and lhe altar of burnt offerings. This privilege be- gan likewise to be enjoyed by the Christian churches in the reign of Constantine, at which lime the altar only and the inward fabric ofthe church were a place of refuge ; but afterward the whole precincts, nay, even the graves of the dead, crosses, schools, &c. were comprehended in that privilege. As asyla were not intended originally to patronize wickedness, but as a refuge for the innocent, the injured, and the oppressed, several crimes were excepted by law, for which the church could grant no protection ; as, 1. Protection was denied to public debtors. 2. To Jews who pretended to turn Christians, in order lo avoid suffering legal punishment for their crimes. 3. To here- tics and apostates. 4. To slaves who fled from their roas- ters. And, 5. to robbers, murderers, conspirators, rav- ishers, &c. ASYMPTOTE, in geometry, a line which continually approaches nearer to another, but though continued infinitely will never meet with it; of these there are many kinds. In strictness, however, the terra asymptotes is appropriated to right lines, which approach nearer and nearer (o some curve, of which they are said to be lhe asymptotes; but if they and their curve are indefinitely continued, they will never meet. See Conic Sections. Concerning asymptotes and asymptotical curves, it may be remarked, 1. that although such curves as have asymp- totes are ofthe number of those which do not include a space ; yet it is not true, on the other hand, that w herever we have a curve of that nature, we have an asymptote also. 2. Of these curves that have an asymptote, some have only one, as the conchoid, cissoid, and logarithmic curve ; and others too, as the hyperbola. 3. As a right line and a curve may be asymptotical to one another, so also may curves and curves; such are two parabolas, whose axes are in the same right line. 4. No right line can ever be an asymptote to a curve that is every where concave to lhat right line. 5. But a right line may be an asymptote to a mixed curve, that is partly concave, and partly convex, toward the same line. And, 6. all curves that have one and the same common asymptote are also asymptotical to one another. ASYNDETON, in grammar, a figure which omits the conjunction in a sentence. "ATCIIE, in commerce, a small silver coin used in Turkey, and worth only one third ofthe English penny. ATC HIE YEMEN T, in heraldry, denotes the arms of a person, or family; together with all lhe exterior orna- ments ofthe shield, as helmet, mantle, crest, scrolls, and motto, together with such quarterings as may have been acquired by alliances, all marshalled in order. It is vul- garly called hatchment; and such are the arms which are commonly hung up in the fronts of houses, and in churches, on the death of persons. ATHAMADULET, the prime minister of the Per- sian empire, as the grand vizier is of the Turkish empire. ATHAMANTA, in botany, a genus of the pentandria digynia class and order, and in the natural method rank- ing under the 45th order, umbellatse. The fruit is oblong and striated, and the petals are inflected and emarginated. Of this genus there are nine species, but none of them merit particular notice, except theathamanta cretensis, or daucus creticus, which grows wild in the Levant and lhe warmer parts of Europe. The flower stalk rises about (wo feet high, sending out many branches. These have white flowers. The seeds have a warm biting taste, w ith an agreeable aromatic smell. They are said to be carmin- ative and diuretic, but are little used in practice. ATHANASIA, goldilocks, a genus of the polygamia sequalis order, and syngenesia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, composite discoides. The receptacle is chaffy ; the pappus or down chaffy, and very short; and the calyx is imbricated. There are 20 species, all tender plants except one ; and none of Ihem possessed of beauty, or any remarkable properly yet discovered. ATHANATJ, in Persian antiquity, a body of cavalry consisting of 10,000 men, always complete. They were called athanali because when one of them happened to die, another was immediately appointed to succeed him. ATHANOR. See Chvmistry. ATHELING, adeling, edling, ethling, or etheling, among our Saxon ancestors, was a title of honour properly belonging to the heir apparent, or presumptive, to lhe crown. ATHENjEA, in botany, a genus ofthe class and order octandria monogynia; the cal. is coloured, five parled; corolla none; bristles eight, feathered between the fila- ments; stigma five parled ; caps, globose, one celled, three valved; seeds three to five. There is one species, a branching shrub of Guinea ; the bark, leaves, and fruit, are sharp and aromatic, called caf- fe diable by the Creoles. ATHENAEUM, in antiquity, a public, place where tbe professors of the liberal arts held their assemblies, the rhetoricians declaimed, and the poets rehearsed their per- formances. The three most celebrated athenaea were those at Athens, at Rome, and at Lyons, the second of which was built by the emperor Adrian. ATHERINA, in ichthyology, a genus of abdominal fishes, distinguished by having the upper jaw ralher flat, six rays in the gill membrane, and a silvery stripe on each side ofthe body. There are five species of this genus: the most remarkable are ; 1. Atherina hepsetus, with about 12 rays in the fin next the anus. It is found in the Mediterranean. It is also very common in lhe sea near Southampton, where it is called a smelt. The highest season is from March to the latter end of May, or beginning of June; in which mouth it spawns. It never deserts the place ; and is con- ATM ATM stantly taken, except in hard frost. It is also found on other coasts of our island. The length is above 4\ inches, and the tail is much forked. The fish is semipellucid, covered with scales ; the colour silvery, tinged with yel- low ; beneath the side line is a row of small black spots. 2. Atherina menidea, has 24 rays in the fin next the anus. This is a very pellucid fish, with many black points interspersed ; it has many teeth in the lips, but none in the tongue or jaws. It is found in the fresh waters of Carolina, and spawns in April. ATHEROMA, in medicine, a tumour without pain or discolouring of the skin; containing, in a membranaceous bag, mat(er Hke pap, intermixed wilh hard and s(ony cor- puscles, &c. Il is cured by incision. ATHEROPOOON, in botany, a genus of the class polygamia, order monoecia ; there is but one species, the A. apludoides ; its essential character is, calyx one valve, two florets, corolla two valves, persisting; flowers in Sep- tember. It is a native of Pennsylvania, (a) ATHLET J2, in antiquity, men of remarkable strength and agility, disciplined to perform in the public games. ATLANTIDES, m astronomy, the same wilh Pleiades. They are so called as being supposed by the poets to be the daughters of Atlas, who were translated into heaven. ATLAS, in anatomy, the name by which some call the first vertebra of the neck; so called in allusion to Atlas. Atlas denotes a book of universal geography, contain- ing maps of all the known parts of lhe world. Atlas, in commerce, a sort of silk or salin manufactur- ed in tbe East Indies, in which gold and silk are so wrought together, as no workman in Europe can imitate. In China they weave long slips of gilt paper into their Bilks. The same slips of paper are twisted about silk threads so artificially, as to look finer than gold thread, though of no great value. ATMOSPHERE, a term used to signify the whole of the fluid mass, consisting of air, aqueous and olher vapours, electric fluids, &c. which surrounds the earth to a consid- erable height ; and partaking of all its motions, both annu- al and diurnal. The composition of that part of our atmosphere prop- erly called air, was till within a few years but very Jittle known. Formerly it was supposed (o be a simple, homo- geneous, and elemen(ary fluid ; but the experiments of Dr. Priestley and others have discovered, lhat the atmospheric air is in reality a compound, and may be artificially pro- duced by lhe union of two other kinds of air, viz. oxygen, or pure air, and nitrogen or azotic gas. By accurate ex- periments, the air that we usually breathe is composed of only one fourth part of oxygen air, or perhaps less ; the other three parts, or more, consisting of azotic gas or nitrogen. Atmosphere, uses of. The uses ofthe atmosphere are so many and great, that it seems indeed absolutely necessa- ry, not only to the comfort and convenience of men, but even to the existence of all animal and vegetable life, and to the very constitution of all kinds of matter whatever, and without which they would not be what they are; for by it we live, breathe, and have our being; and by insinuating itself into all the vacuities of bodies, it tecomes the great spring of most of the mutations here below ; as generation, corruption, dissolution, &c. and without which none of these operations could be carried on. By the mechanical force of tbe atmosphere too, as well as its chymical virtues, many necessary purposes are answered. We employ it as a moving power, in the mo- tion of ships, to turn mills, and for other such uses. And it is one of the great discoveries of the modern philos*. phers, that lhe several motions attributed by the ancients to a fuga vacui, are really owing to the pressure of fhe atmosphere. Galileo, having observed that there was a certain standard altitude, beyond which no water could be elevated by pumping, took an occasion then fo call in question the doctrine of the schools, which ascribed the ascent of water in pumps, to the abhorrence ofa vacoum, and instead of it he happily substituted tbe hypothesis of the weight and pressure of the air. It was with him indeed little better than an hypothesis 5 since it had not tbei those confirmations from experiment, afterward found out by his pupil Torricelli, and other succeeding philosophers, particularly Mr. Boyle. Atmosphere, salubrity of. On the tops of moire- tains, the air is generally more salubrious than in pits or very deep places. Besides the difference arising from the mere difference of altitude, the salubrity of the ata* sphere is greatly affected by many other circumstances. The air, when confined or stagnant, is commonly more impure than when agitated and shifted : thus, «l.«aavi 1 places are unhealthy ; and even the air in a bed chamber is less salubrious in a morning, after it has been slept in, than in the evening. Dr. White, in vol. 68. Philw. Trans, gives an account of experiments on this qualityvf fhe air; and remarks one instance when the air was par- ticularly impure, vis. Sept. 13, 1777; when the barome- ter stood at 30° 30', the thermometer at 69 degrees; the air being then dry and sultry, and no rain having fallen for more than two weeks. A slight shock of an earth- quake was perceived that day. In vol. TO of the same Transactions, Dr. Ingenhousz gives an account of some experiments on this head, made in various places and A« , uatioos : he finds, ««that the air at sea, and close to H,kr I in general purer, and fitter for animal life, than the aires ■ the land ;" but lhe doctor did not find much difference be- iween the air of the towns and ofthe country, nor between one town and another. The abbe Fontana made nearly the same conclusions, from accurate experiments, assert- ing, "that the difference between the air of one country and that of another, at different times, is much less than what is commonly believed; and yet that this difference in the purity of the air at different times, is much greater than the difference between the air ofthe different placei observed by him.', Finally, M. Fontana concludes, that " nature is not so partial as we commonly believe. Shehas not only given us an air almost equally good every where at every time, but bas allowed us a certain latitude, or * power of living and being in health, in qualities of &* 1 which differ lo a certain degree. By this it is not meant to deny the existence of certain kinds of noxious air in some particular places; but to own that in general the**- . is good every where, and that the small differences are not" lo be feared so much as some people would make us be- lieve. Nor is it meant to speak here of those vapoutf* and other bodies which are accidentally joined tot*f* common air in particular places, but do not change ill nature and intrinsical property. This state of tbe air cannot be known by the test of nitrous air; and those va- ATMOSPHERE. pours are to be considered in the same manner as we should consider so many particles of arsenic swimming in the atmosphere. In this case it is the arsenic, and not tbe degenerated air, lhat would kill the animals who ven- tured to breathe it." See Chymistry. Atmosphere, figure of. As the atmosphere envel- ops all parts of the surface of our globe, if they both continued at rest, and were not endowed with a diurnal motion about their common axis, then the atmosphere would be exactly globular, according to lhe laws of grav- ity ; for all the parts of the surface of a fluid in a state of rest must be equally removed from ifs centre. But as the earlh and the ambient parts of the atmosphere revolve uniformly together about (heir axis, (he different parts of both have a centrifugal force; the tendency of which is more considerable, and that of the centripetal less, as the parts are more remote from the axis; and hence the figure of the atmosphere must become an oblate spheroid, since the parts fhat correspond to the equator are further removed from the axis than the parts which correspond to the poles. Besides, (he figure of (he atmosphere must, on another account, represent a flattened spheroid ; namely, because the sun strikes more directly the air which en- compasses the equator, and is comprehended between the two tropics, than that which pertains to the polar regions ; for from this it follows, that the mass of air, or part of the atmosphere, adjoining to the poles, being less heated, can- not expand so much, nor reach so high. And yet, not- i withstanding, as the same force which contributes to ele- vate the air diminishes its gravity and pressure on the i surface ofthe earth, higher columns of it about the equato- > rial parts, all other circumstances being the same, may not be heavier than those about the poles. In the transactions of the Royal Irish Academy for ii 1788, Mr. Kirwin has an ingenious dissertation on the n figure, height, weight, &c. of the atmosphere. He ob- serves, that in the natural state ofthe atmosphere, lhat I is, when the barometer would every where, at the level ,|of the sea, stand at 30 inches, the weight of the atmo- [, sphere, at the surface of the sea, must be equal all over j,the globe; and in order to produce this equality, as the i weight proceeds from its density and height, it must be I lowest where the density is greatest, and highest where the density is least; that is, highest at the equator and 'lowest at the poles, with several intermediate gradations. l! Atmosphere, weight or pressure of. It is evident that (he mass of the atmosphere, in common with all other ' matter, must be endowed with weight and pressure; and f this principle was asserted by almost all philosophers, 'both ancient and modern. But it was only by means of 1 the experiments made with pumps and the barometrical tobe, by Galileo and Torricelli, that we came to the proof, "'not only that (he a(mosphere is endued with a pressure, 'but also what (he measure and quantily of (hat pressure *is. Thus it is found that the pressure of the atmosphere sustains a column of quicksilver in the tube ofthe barom- eter, of about 30 inches in height; it therefore follows, -that the whole pressme of the atmosphere is equal to the "weight of a column of quicksilver of an equal base, and f'30 inches height; and because a cubical inch of quick- silver is found to weigh nearly half a pound avoirdu- poise, therefore the whole 30 inches, or the weight of the atmosphere on every square inch of surface, is equal to 15 pounds. Again, it has been found that lhe pressure ofthe atmosphere balances, in the case of pumps, &c. a column of water of about 341 feet high ; and lhe cubical foot of water weighing just 1000 ounces, or 62£ pounds, 34£ times 62^, or 2158/u. will be the weight of the col- umn of water, or ofthe atmosphere, on a base of a square foot; and consequently the 144th part of this, or 15/6. is the weight of the atmosphere on a square inch, (he same as before. Hence Mr. Cotes computed, that the pressure of this ambient fluid on the whole surface of (he earth, is equivalent to that of a globe of lead of 60 miles in diam- eter. And hence also it appears, that the pressure upon the human body must be very considerable ; for as every square inch of surface sustains a pressure of 15 pounds, every square foot will sustain 144 times as much, or 2160 pounds; then if the whole surface of a man's body is sup- posed to contain 15 square feet, which is pretty near the truth, he must sustain 15 time3 2160, or 32400 pounds, that is, nearly 14| tons weight, for his ordinary load. By this enormous pressure we should undoubtedly be crush- ed in a moment, if all parts of our bodies were not filled either with air or some other elastic fluid, the spring of which is just sufficient to counterbalance the weight of the atmosphere. But whatever this fluid may be, it is certain that it is just able to counteract the weight of the atmosphere, and no more ; for if any considerable pressure is superadded to that of the air, as by going into deep wa(er, it is always severely felt, let it be ever so equable, at least when the change is made suddenly; and if, on the other hand, the pressure of the atmosphere is taken off from any part of the human body, as the hand for in- stance, when put over an open receiver, whence the air is afterward extracted, the weight ofthe external atmosphere (hen prevails, and we imagine (he hand strongly sucked down info the glass. The difference in the weight of fhe air which our bodies sustain at one (ime more (han another, is also very con- siderable, from (he natural changes in the state of the at- mosphere. This change takes place chiefly in countries at some distance from the equator; and as the barometer varies at times from 28 to 31 inches, or about one tenth of lhe whole quantity, it follows lhat this difference amounts to about a ton and a half on the whole body of a man, which he therefore sustains at one time more than at another. On the increase of this natural weight, the weather is commonly fine, and we feel ourselves what we call braced and more alert and active; but on tbe contrary, when the weight ofthe air diminishes, the weather is bad, and people feel a listiessness and inactivity about them. And hence it is no wonder that persons suffer very much in their health, from such changes in the. at mosphere, es- pecially when they take place very suddenly, for it is to this circumstance chiefly that a sensation of uneasiness and indisposition is to be attributed: thus, when the variations of the barometer and atmosphere are sudden and great, we feel the alteration and effect on our bodies and spirits very much; but when the change takes place by very slow degrees, and by a long continuance, we are scarcely sensible of it ; owing, undoubtedly, to the power with which the body is naturally endowed, of accommo- dating itself to this change in the sta(e of (he air, as well as lo the change of many olher circumstances of life; (he body requiring a certain interval of time to effect the ATMOSPHERE. alteration in its state, proper to that ofthe air, Sec. Thus, in going up lo the tops of mountains, where the pressure of the atmosphere is diminished two or three times more than on fhe plain below, little or no inconvenience is felt from the rarity of lhe air, if it is not mixed with other noxious vapours, &c. because in the ascent the body has had sufficient time lo accommodate itself gradually to tbe slow variation in the state of (he atmosphere ; but when a person ascends with a balloon very r.ipidly to a great heiiihf in the atmosphere, he feels a difficulty in breathing and an uneasiness of body ; and the same is soon felt by an animal when enclosed in a receiver, and the air sudden- ly drawn or pumped out of it. So also, on the conden- sation of the air, we feel III t Io or no alteration in ourselves, except when the change happens suddenly; as in very rapid changes in the weather, and in descending lo great depths in a diving bell. It is not easy to assign the true reason for the variations that happen in the gravity of fhe atmosphere in the same place. One cause of it, however, either immediate or otherwise, it seems, is the heat of fhe sun ; for where this is uniform, the changes are small and regular: thus be- tween the tropics it seems the change depends on the heat ofthe sun, as the barometer constantly sinks about half an inch every day, and rises again to its former sta- tion in the night time; but in the temperate zones the barometer ranges from 28 to near 31 inches, showing by its various altitudes the changes that are about to take place in the weather. If we could know, therefore, the causes by which the weather is influenced, we should also know those by which tbe gravity of the atmosphere is affected. These may perhaps be reduced to immediate ones, vis. an emission of latent heat from the vapour.contained in the atmosphere, or of electric fluid from the same, or from the earlh ; as it is observed that both produce the same effect with the solar heat in the tropical climates, vis. to rarefy the air, by mixing with it, or setting loose a lighter fluid, which did not before act in such large proportion in any particular place. Atmosphere, height and density of. Various attempts have been made to ascertain the height lo which the atmosphere is extended all round the earth. These com- menced soon after it was discovered, by means of the Torricellanian tube, that air is endued with weight and pressure. And had not the air an elastic power, but was it every where ofthe same density, from the surface of the earth to the extreme limit of the atmosphere, like water, which is equally dense af all depths, it would be a very easy matter to determine its height from its density, and the column of mercury which it would counterbalance in the barometer tube ; for it having been observed that lhe w« ij;ii[ of fhe atmosphere is equivalent to a column of 30 inches, or 2| feet of quicksilver, and the density of the former to that of the latler as 1 to 11010; therefore the height of (he uniform atmosphere would be 11040 times 2^ feet; fhat is, 2f600 feet, or little more than five miles and a quarter. But the air, by its elastic quality, expands and contracts, and it being found by repealed experiments in most countries of Europe, that the spaces it occupies, when compressed by different weights, are reciprocal^ proportional to (hose weights themselves; or that the more the air is pressed, so much the less space it occupies ; jf follows that the air in the upper regions of the atmo- sphere must grow continually more and more rare, as i| ascends higher; and indeed lhat, according to that law, it must necessarily be extended to an indefinite height. Now, if we suppose the height ofthe whole divided info n> numerable equal parts, the quantity of each part will be as its density : and the weight of the whole incumbent at- mosphere being also as its density; it follows that fhe weight of the incumbent air is every where as fhe quia. tity contained in the subjacent part; which causes a difference between f^he weights of each two contiguous parts of air. But by a theorem in arithmetic, when a magnitude is continually diminished by the like part of itself, and the remainders the same, these will be a series of continued quantifies decreasing in geometrical progression; therefore if, according to the supposition, the altitude of the air, by the addition of new parts info which it is divided, continually increases in arithmetical progression, its density will be diminished, or, which is the same thing, its gravity decreased, in continued geo- metrical proportion. And hence, again, it appears that, according to fhe hypothesis of the density being alwavs proportional to tbe compressing force, (he height of the atmosphere must necessarily be extended indefinitely. And further, as an arithmetical series adapted to a geo- metrical one, is analogous to the logarithms ofthe geomet- rical one ; it follows therefore that the altitudes are pro- portional to the logarithms ofthe densities, or weights, of air; and that any height taken from the earth's surface, which is the difference of two altitudes to the top of the atmosphere, is proportional to the difference of the loga- rithms of (he two densities (here, or to fhe logarithm ot (he ratio of those densities,'or their corresponding com- pressing forces, as measured by the two heights of tbe barometer there. This law was first observed and de- monstrated by Dr. Halley, from the nature of the hyper- bola ; and afferward by Dr. Gregory, by means of the logarithmic curve. See Philos. Trans. No. 181, or Abridg. vol. 2. p. 13, and Greg. Astron. lib. v. prop. 3. It is now easy, from the foregoing property, and two or three experiments, or barometrical observations, made at known altitudes, to deduce a general rule to determine the absolute height answering to any density, or the den- sity answering to any given altitude above the earth. And accordingly calculations were made upon this plan by many philosophers, particularly by the French; but it having been found lhat the barometrical observa- tions did not correspond with the altitudes as measur- ed in a geometrical manner, it was suspected that the upper parts of the atmospherical regions were not sub- ject to the same laws wilh the lower ones, in regard to tbe density and elasticity. It has, however, been discovered, (hat the law above given holds very well for all such alti- tudes as are within our reach, or as far as to the tops of lhe highest mountains on the earth, when a correction i« made for the difference of the heat or temperature of the air only ; as was fully evinced by M. De Luc, in a Ion? series of observations, in which he determined thealtitudes of hills both by the barometer and 'ay geometrical meas- urement, from which he deduced a practical rule to alio* for lhe difference of temperature. See his Treatise on the Modifications of the Atmosphere. Similar rules,!*** also been deduced from accurate experiment?, by sir George Shuckburgh and general Hoy, both concurring!0 ATM A T K show lhat such a rule for lhe altitudes and densities, holds true *for all heights that are accessible to us. when the elasticity of the air is corrected on account of its dcnsily : and lhe result of their experiments showed, lhat the dif- ference ofthe logarithms ofthe heights of lhe mercury in the barometer, at two stations, when multiplied by 10000, is equal to the altitude in English fathoms, of lhe one place above the olher; that is, when the temperature of the air is about 31 or 32 degrees of Fahrenheit's thermom- eter, and a certain quantity, more or less, according as lhe actual temperature is different from (hat degree. But it may here be shown, (hat the same rule may be deduced independent of such a (rain of experiment as (hose above, merely by (he density of (he air at the sur- face of the earth alone. Thus, let D denote the density ofthe air at one place, and d the density at the other; both measured by the column of mercury in the baromet' rical lube : then the difference of altitude between the two places will be proportional to the log. of D — the log. of D d, or to the log. of—. But as this formula expresses only d the relation between different altitudes, and not the abso- lute quantity of them, assume some indeterminate, but constant quantity h, which multiplying lhe expression D ' log. —, may be equal to the real difference of altitude a; d d that is, a = h X log. of—. Then, lo determine the value d ofthe general quantity h, let us lake a case in which we know the altitude a, which corresponds (o a known den- sity d ; as 'for instance, taking a = 1 foot, or 1 inch, or some such small altitude : then, because the density D may be measured by the pressure of the whole atmosphere, or the uniform column of 27600 feet, when the tempera- ture is 55° ; therefore 27600 feet will denote the density D at the lower place, and 27599 the less density d at 1 foot 27600 above it; consequently 1 = h X log. of-----, which, by 27599 .43429448 the nature of logarithms, is nearly = h X-----------, or 1 27600 nearly; and hence we find h — 63551 feet; which factor h, is 24° ; which reduces the 55° to 31 •. So (hai M a = 10000 X log. of—fathoms, is the easiest expression m 63551 gives us this formula for any altitude a in general, vis. D M a = 63551 X log. of—, or a = 63551 X log. of— feet, d m M or 10592 X log. of — fathoms ; where M denotes fhe m column of mercury in the tube at the lower place, and m lhat at the upper. This formula is adapted to the mean temperature of (he air 55°: but it has been found, by lhe experiments of sir Georjre Shuckburgh and t.rneral Roy, lhat for every degree ofthe thermometer, different from 55°, the altitude a will vary In its 435lh pari ; hence, if we would change the factor h from 10592 to 10000, be- cause the difference 592 is lhe 1 Kfh pari of the whole factor 105.IJ, and because 18 is the 2 ilh part of 435 ; therefore lhe change of leroperature, answering to lhe change of the vol. i. 36 for the altitude, and answers fo the temperature of 31 e, or very nearly the freezing point: and for every degree above that, lhe result must be increased by so many times its 435th part, and diminished when below it. From this theorem it follows, that, at the height of £-£ miles, the density of the atmosphere is nearly twice rarer than it is at the surface of the earth; at tbe height of < miles, 4 times rarer ; and so on, according to the following table : n miles. Number of times rarer 3* 2 7 4 14 16 21 64 28 256 35 1024 42 4096 49 16384 56 65536 63 2(52144 70 1048576 And, by pursuing the calculations in this fable, it might be easily shown, that a cubic inch of the air we breathe would be so much rarefied at the height of 500 miles, lhat it would fill a sphere equal in diameter to the orbit of Sat- urn. ATOM, in philosophy, a particle of matter, so minute as to admit of no division. ATONIA, or Atony, in medicine, a word lhat signifies want of firmness, or strength, in the muscular fibre. This condition lakes place in most forms of chronic diseases, and in the convalescent period of acute diseases. ATONICS, in grammar, words not accented. ATRA hilis, the black bile, one of the humours ofthe ancient physicians; which lhe moderns call melancholy. See Medicine. ATRACTYLIS, in botany, a genus of the syngenesia polygamia class of plants. The corolla is radiated ; and each of the little corollas of lhe radius has 2 leelii. There are 8 species. 1. A(ractyli3 canceilata, or small cnicus, is an annual plant, rising about eight or nine inches high, wilh a slen- der stem ; at the top of lhe branches are sent out two or Ihree slender stalks, each terminated by a head of flowers, like those ofthe thistle, and ofa purplish colour. 2. Atractylis gummifera, or prickly gum bearing cnicus, known among physicians by the name of carline thistle, is a perennial plant. It has many florets enclosed in a prickly empalement. Those on the border are white ; but such as compose the disk, are ofa yellowish colour. It flowers in July, but never perfects seeds in Britain. Its roots were formerly used as a warm diaphoretic and alex- ipharmic ; but the present practice has entirely rejected them. 3. Atractylis humilis, or purple prickly cnicus, rises about a foot high, wilh purple tlowers. All these plants are natives ofthe warm parts of Europe : as Spain. Sicily, aid the Archipelago island?. A T R A T R ATRAGENE, in botany: a genus of the polyandria •rder, and polygamia class of plants. The calyx has four leaves; the petals are twelve; and the seeds are caudated. There are five species, all natives of the East. ATRAPHAXES, in botany, a genus of the digynia order and hexandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 12th order, holoracae. The ca- lyx has two leaves; the petals are two, and sinuated; and there is but one seed. There are two species, both natives of warm countries. ATRESIA, the state of persons who want some natu- ral aperture. ATRETI, persons in whom the anus, vagina, urethra, &c. are imperforate, whether naturally or occasioned by disease. ATRIPLEX, orach, or arrach : a genus of the mon- oecia order, and polygamia class; and, in the natural method, ranking under the twelfth order, holoracse. The calyx of the hermaphrodite flower is five parted; there is no corolla; the stamina are five, and the stylus is bifid; the seed is one, and depressed. There are 14 species, of which the following are the most remarkable. 1. Atriplex halimus, the broad leaved orach, was for- merly cultivated in gardens as a shrub, by some formed into hedges, and constantly sheared to keep them thick; but this is a purpose to which it is by no means adapted, as the shoots grow so numerous, that it is impossible to keep the hedge in any tolerable order; and, what is worse, in severe winters, the plants are often destroyed. 2. Atriplex hortensis, the garden orach, was formerly cultivated in gardens, and used as a substitute for spinach ; to which it is still preferred by some, though in general it is disliked by the English. There are three or four va- rieties of this plant, whose only difference is their colour; one is a deep green, another a dark purple, and a third has green leaves and purple borders. They are all annual, and must be propagated by seeds. 3. Atriplex petulacoides, the shrubby sea orach, grows wild by the sea side, in many places of Britain. It may have a place in gardens among other low shrubs, where it will make a pretty diversity. This species requires little culture. It thrives in a poor gravelly soil, and may be propagated from cuttinga. ATROPA, deadly night shade : a genus of the monogynia order, and pentandria class of plants ; and in the natural method, ranking under the 25th order, luridae. The corolla is campanulated; the stamina are distant; the berry is globular, and consists of two cells. There are eight species; of which the following are the most re- markable. 1. Atropa belladonna, grows wild in many parts of Brit- ain. It has a perennial root, which sends out strong her- baceous stalks of a purplish colour. These rise to the height of four or five feet, garnished with entire oblong leaves, which toward autumn change to a purple. The flowers are large, and come out singly between the leaves, upon long foot stalks ; bell shaped, and of a dusky colour on the outside, but purplish within. After the flower is past, the germen turns to a round berry, a little flatted at the top, about the size of a cherry. It is first green; but when ripe, turns to a shining black, sits close upon the empalement, and contains a purple juice of a nauseous sweet taste, and full of small kidney shaped seeds. Thia species, being remarkable for its poisonous qualities, ii very seldom admitted into gardens. Mr. Ray gives an account of the symptoms that follow the taking of it in- wardly, by what happened to a mendicant friar, upon hii drinking a glass of mallow wine, in which the herb was in- fused. In a short time, he became delirious, and soon af. ter was seized with a grinning laughter ; then with several irregular motions, and at last, with a real madness, aud such a stupidity as those have who are sottishly drunk- but after all, he was cured by a draught of vinegar. Bu- chanan also gives an account of the destruction of the Danes under Sueno, when they invaded Scotland, by mixing a quantity of the belladonna berries with the drink which the Scots were, according to a treaty of truce, to supply them with. This so intoxicated the Danes, that the Scots fell upon them in their sleep, and killed the greatest part of them, so that there were scarcely men enough left to carry off their king. There have also been many instances in Britain, of children being killed by eat- ing the berries of the belladonna. When an accident of this kind is discovered in time, a glass of warm vinegar will prevent the bad effects. 2. Atropa frutescens, is a native of Spain, andrisei with a shrubby stem to the height of six or eight feet, The flowers come out between the leaves, on short foot stalks, shaped like those of the former, but much less; of a dirty yellowish colour, with a few brown stripes; but these are never succeeded by berries in Britain. 3. Atropa herbacea, is a native of Campeachy, and has an herbaceous stalk, rising about two feet. The flowers come out from between lhe leaves, on short foot stalks; they are white, and shaped like those of the common sort, but smaller. It flowers in July and August, but seldom ripens its fruit in Britain. 4. Atropa mandragora, the mandrake, has been distin- guished into the male and female. The male mandrake has a very large, long, and thick root: it is largest at the top or head, and thence gradually grows smaller. Some- times it is single and undivided to the bottom; butmore frequently, it i3 divided into two or more parts. When only parted into two, it is pretended that it resembles fhe body and thighs ofa man. From this root arise a number of very long leaves, broadest in the middle, andobtuselj pointed at the end; they are a foot or more in length, and about five inches in breadth ; ofa dusky and disagree- able green colour, and of a very fetid smell. The female mandrake perfectly resembles the other in its growth; but the leaves are longer and narrower, and of a darker colour, as are also the seeds and roots. It grows natural- ly in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the Levant. These three last species are propagated by seeds* and placed in stoves. This plant has been absurdly recommended as a cure for barrenness. Its fresh root is a violent purge, lhe dose being from ten to twenty grains in substance, and from half a dram to a dram in infusion. It is also narcot- ic. It has been found of service in hysteric complaints, but must be used with great caution. ATROPHY, in medicine, a disease, wherein the body or some of its parts do not receive the necessary nutri- ment, but waste and decay incessantly. This is a disor- der proceeding from lhe whole habit of the body, and not ATT ATT from any distemper of the intestines: it is attended with no remarkable fever, and is natural in old age, which is called atrophia senilis. See Medicine. ATTACHMENT, in law, (he taking or apprehending ofa person, by virtue ofa writ, or precept. It is distinguished from an arrest in this respect; that whereas an arrest lies only on tbe body of a man, an at- tachment is often on the goods only, and sometimes on the body and goods; there is this further difference, that an arrest proceeds out of an inferior court by precept only, and an attachment out of a higher court, either by pre- cept or writ. An attachment by writ differs from distress, insomuch that attachment does not extend to lands, as a distress does ; and a distress does not touch the body, as an at- tachment does. In fhe common accepfation, an attachment is the appre- hension of a man's body, to bring him to answer the action of the plaintiff. Attachment out of the chancery, is obtained upon an affidavit made, that the defendant was served with a subpoena, and made no appearance ; or it issues upon not performing some order or decree. Upon the return of this attachment by the sheriff, quod non est inventus in balliva sua, another attachment, with a proclamation, issues; and if he appears not thereupon, a commission of rebellion. Attachment of the forest, is one of the three courts held in the forest. The lowest court is called the court of attachment, or wood mote court; the mean, swan mote; and fhe highest, the justice in eyre's seat. This attachment is by three means; by goods and chattels, by body, pledges, and mainprize, or the body only. This court is held every forty days throughout the year, whence it is called forty days court. Attachment of privilege, is by virtue of a man's privilege to call another to that court whereto he himself belongs, and in respect whereof he is privileged to answer some action. Foreign Attachment, is an aftachment of money or goods, found within a liberty or city, to satisfy some cred- itor within such liberty or city. By the custom of London, and several other places, a man can attach money or goods in the hands of a stranger, to satisfy himself. ATTACK, in lhe military art, is an effort made to force a post, break a body of troops, &c. Attack ofa siege, is a furious assault made by the be- •iegers wilh trenches, covers, mines, &c. in order to make themselves masters of a fortress, by storming one of its ■ides. If lhere are two or three attacks made at the same time, there should be a communication betwixt them. Attacks, false, are never carried on with that vigour and briskness that the other is; the design of them being fo favour the true attack, by amusing the enemy, obliging the garrison to a greater duty in dividing their forces, that the true attack may be more successful. Attack in flank, is to attack both sides of the bas- tion. ATTAINDER, in law, is when a man has committed felony or treason, and sentence is passed upon him for the same. The children of a person attainted of treason, are, ihereby, rendered incapable of being heirs to him, or to any other ancestor; and if he was noble before, his pos- 36* ferity are degraded, and made base: nor can this cor- ruption of blood be salved, but by an act of parliament, unless the sentence is reversed by a writ of error. Attainder, bill of, a bill brought into parliament for attainting, condemning, and executing, a person for high treason. A most unconstitutional proceeding. ATTAINT, in law, atlincta, a writ which lies against a jury that have given a false verdict in any court of rec- ord, in a real or personal action, where the debt or dam- ages amount to above 40 shillings. If the verdict is found false, the judgment by commoa law was, that the jurors' meadows should be ploughed up, their houses broken down, their woods grubbed up, all their lands and tenements forfeited, &c. but by statute the severity of the common law is mitigated, where a pet- ty jury is attainted, and there is a pecuniary penally ap- pointed. But if the verdict be affirmed, such plaintiff shall be im- prisoned and fined. ATTELABUS, a genus of coleopterous insects, or beetle kind, distinguished by having the head inclined*, and pointed behind ; antennae moniliform, and thickest near the end. The larva of the attalabi attack the leaves, flower?, the fruits, and even the stalks and roots of differ- ent plants : but most of the species, of which there are 34, penetrate inlo the plant, and subsist entirely on the spongy parts within. Preparatory to the pupa state, some species spin a silky web, and others form a little ball of a very solid kind, in which they remain during a second state. The perfect insects inhabit the same plants as the larva, but are deemed less injurious to them. For lhe character, see Plate. The most remarkable species are: 1. Attelabus apiarius, is bluish, with red elytra, and three black belts. It is a native of Germany. 2. Attelabus avellana, is black; with the breast, feet, and elytra, red. 3. Attelabus betula has springy legs, and the whole body is of a dark red. It frequents the leaves of the birch. 4. Attelabus buprestoides, is of a dark colour, wifh a globular breast, and nervous elytra. It is a native of Eu- rope. 5. Attelabus ceramboides, is of a blackish red colour, and the elytra is furrowed. It frequents the spongy bo- letus, a species of mushroom. 6. Attelabus coryli, is black, with red elytra, or crus- taceous wings. 7. Attelabus curculionoides, is black, with red elytra and breast. These two last species and the Avellana fre- quent the leaves of the hazel and filbert nut trees. 8. Attelabus formicarius, is black, with a red elytra, and a double white belt toward the base. It is a native of Europe. 9. Attelabus melanurns, is black, with testaceous ely- tra, black at the apex. It is a native of Sweden. 10. Attelabus mollis, is hairy and yellowish, with pale elytra, and three belts. It is a native of Europe. 11. Attelabus Pennsylvanicus, is black, with red elytra, a black belt round the middle, and another toward the apex of the elytra. It is a native of Philadelphia. 12. Attelabus sipylus, is green, with a hairy breast, and a double yellow belt upon the elytra. \ T T ATT l.i. Attelabus .Suriuamensis, has a double indentation, or two teeth, in the top of the elytra. It is a native of Surinam. ATTENTION, in regard of hearing, is the stretching the membrana tympani, to make it more susceptible of sounds, or adjusting the tension of lhat membrane to the proper key or lone of lhe sound. According to lord Bacon, "sounds are meliorated by lhe intension of tbe sense, where the common sense is col- lected most to fhe particular sense of hearing, and the sight suspended. Therefore sounds are sweeter and more powerful in (he night than in (he day, and I suppose they are sweeter to blind men than (o others; and it is manifest, that between sleeping and waking, when all the senses are blind and suspended, music is far sweeter than when one is fully waken." ATTENUANTS, in pharmacy, medicines which re- solve the viscosity of the humours in lhe human body ; promoting their circulation, as well as the discharge of all noxious and excremenlilious matter. When these medicines act upon fluids lodged in the ca- pillary vessels, they get the appellation of aperitives, or aperients; as they do (hat of expectorants, when fhey promole a discharge ofthe viscid humours in the lungs. ATTIC, in architecture, a sort of building wherein the roof or covering is not to be seen ; thus named, because the buildings at Athens were generally of this form. Attic order, a small order raised upon a large one, by way of crowning, or to finish the building: or it is, ac- cording to some, a kind of rich pedestal, sometimes used for lhe conveniency of having a wardrobe, or the like ; and instead of columns, has only pilasters of a particular form, and sometimes no pilasters at all. The name attic is also given to a whole story into which this order enters ; this little order being always found over another greater one. Attic base, a peculiar kind of base used by the an- cient architects in the Ionic order; and by Palladio, and some others, in the Doric. This is the most beautiful of all bases. See Architecture. ATTIRE, in hunting, signifies the head and horns ofa deer. ATTITUDE, in painting, &c. the posture or dispo- sition of a figure, expressive of a designed action or end. ATTOLENS, in anatomy, an appellation given to sev- eral muscles, otherwise called levators and elevators. See Anatomy. ATTORNATO faciendo, &c. a writ commanding a sheriff or steward to admit an attorney to appear for a per- son who owes suit to the county court, court baron, &c. ATTORNEY, at law, one who is retained (o prosecu(e, or defend, a law suit. Attornies, being properly those who sue out writs or process, or commence, carry on, and defend actions, in any of the courts of common law, are distinguished from solicitors, as the latter do the same business in the courts of equity ; and none are admitted, either as an attorney or solicitor, unless they have served a clerkship of five years, been enrolled, and taken the oath in that case pro- vided ; and the judges of their respective courts are re- quired lo examine (heir several capacities. By 34 Geo. III. c. 14. a sfamp duty of 100J. is charg- ed upon all articles of clerkship to an attorney or solicitor. Also, every attorney, solicitor, notary, proctor, or agent, tvithiu the bills of mortality, shall annuaUy take out acer- tificate, charged wilh a stamp duly of 5/. and of 3/. in any part of lhe kingdom. Attornies may be punished for ill practices ; and if an attorney, or his clerks, of which he must have but Iwoat one time articled, do any thing against the express rules ofthe court, he or they may be committed. Neither a plaintiff nor defendant may change his attor- ney without rule of court, whilst the suit is depending: and attornies are not generally obliged to deliver up the writings in fheir hands, till their fees are satisfied: like- wise, an action does not lie against an attorney, for what he advises in the way of his profession : yet if an attorney plead any plea, or appear, without warrant from his client, action of the case lies against him. Attornies have the privilege to sue and be sued in the courts of Westminster, where they practise; and they shall not be chosen into offices against lheir will, except the militia. Attorney, of the duchy of Lancaster, is the second officer in that court. Attorney general, is a great officer under the king, created by letters patent, whose office it is to exhibit in- formations, and prosecute for the crown in criminal causes; and to file bills in the exchequer, for any thing concerning lhe king in inheritance or profits. To him come warrants for making of grants, pardons, Sec. his salary from Ibe crown is 1000/. per annum. ATTOURNMENT, or Attornment, in law, a tram- fer from one lord to another, of the homage and services tenant makes; or that acknowledgment of duty to a new lord. ATTRACTION, a general term fo denote the princi- ple by which all bodies mutually tend toward each other, without regarding the cause thaf produces the effect. It has been found by experience, that all matter, of whatever kind, is subject lo certain general laws, and the principal of these are attraction and repulsion. Five dif- ferent kinds of attraction have been enumerated by mod- ern philosophers. 1. The attraction of cohesion; 2. Of combination, or, as it is called by chymists, elective at- traction ; 3. Gravity; 4. The magnetic attraction; and, 5. The attraction of electricity. Whether the same principle acts in all these cases, or whether each of these effects depends upon a distinct cause, human sagacity has not been able to discover. 1. The attraction of cohesion may be observed in al- most all the common operations of nature, and is exem- plified by a variety of easy experiments. Two leaden balls, having each a smooth surface, if strongly compress- ed together, will cohere almost as strongly as if united by fusion; and even two plates of glass, if the surfaces are even and dry, will require some force to separate them. By the same law of nature the particles of even fluid bodies, in which the attraction is necessarily weaker than in solid substances, indicate a disposition to unite. The drops of dew that appear in the morning on the leaves of plants assume a globular form, from the mutual attraction between the particles of water. Small por- tions of quicksilver, when brought near to each other, will run together, and assume the same globular appear- ance. Also, by the same law, a vessel may be filled with ATT A V A water, mercury, or any other fluid, above the brim, and the fluid will be observed (o rise in a convex form. To this pi iticiple we may very properly refer what is term- ed capillary attraction. Thus, if a fluid is contained in a vessel not full to (he brim, it will always be attracted to lhe ed^es of the vessel, and will assume a concave form. Thus, also, if two plates of glass, at a small distance from each other, are immersed perpendicularly in water, the fluid will rise above its level between the two plates, and the height lo which it rises will bear a certain proportion to the distance of the plates. A capillary (ube is a tube with an exceeding small bore, and by the same law which raises the water between (he plates of glass, a fluid will rise to a considerable height in one of these tubes. Both these experiments will answer equally well in the vacuum of an air pump, which proves that the effect is not owing to the pressure of the air. In the same manner also, and by the same law, fluids will ascend in the cavify ofa sponge, in the interstices of linen cloth, or any porous body. 2. The attraction of combination, or chymical or elec- tive attraction, is in many respects analogous to the at- traction of cohesion. Like the latter, it seems to depend on the minute particles of bodies being brought nearly in- to contact with each other; and indeed so nearly alike are the effects of these two species of attraction, that if they are different in principle it is difficult to say which is the most essential to the cohesion and solidify of bodies: Chymical attraction may probably be no other than lhe attraction of cohesion acting in a free and unresisting me- dium, since its only distinguishing characteristic is (he dis- position which bodies in solution indicate to unite with certain substances in preference to others. To make this clear by an experiment: If silver is added to a quantity of aquafortis, the cohesion ofthe particles of silver will be destroyed, and they will unife forcibly with those of the aquafortis. The fluid will however remain perfectly clear ; (he particles being so extremely minute, fhat the rays of light will suffer no interruption in passing through them. If however to this solution of silver a quantity of mercury or quicksilver is added, (he aquafortis will be attracted by the mercury, and the silver will be precipi- tated, or thrown to the bottom of the vessel in which the fluid is contained ; if again copper is added, it will assume the place of the quicksilver; and if to this solution of cop- per a bright piece of iron is introduced, the acid will im- mediately quit the copper, and seize upon the iron, a quantity of which being dissolved in lhe fluid, and (he copper will be deposited in i(s place on (he surface of the bar of iron. The iron may afterward be displaced by the addition of an alkali. This species of attraction is called combination ; because the particles of two bodies by those means become so ultimately united or combined, that they cannot be separated but by the addition of a third body, which has a greater atlraction for one of the compo- nent bodies than they have for one another, and it is call- ed elective attraction and affinity, from lhe superior ten- dency in substances to unite with certain bodies in prefer- ence lo others. In all cases of elective attraction it is nec- essary, that at least one of the bodies should be in a fluid stale. 3. The attraction of gravitation materially differs from the two preceding species of attraction, since it requires neither the particles ofthe bodies, nor the bodies them- selves, to be brought into immediate contact, but acts at considerable distances, and in this respect it is analogous to the attraction of magnetism and electricity. The most obvious effect of gravitation is the general tendency of bodies to the surface, or perhaps lo (he cen- (re, of (he earlh. It appears lo be one ofthe great laws of gravitation, that the attraction of bodies is in proportion to lhe quantity of matter they contain. The earth, there- fore, being such an immense aggregate of matter, is sup- posed to destroy the effect of this attraction between smaller bodie?, by forcibly compelling them to itself. The attraction of mountains, however, upon the balls of pendulums, has been found, by repeated observations, to be very considerable. The efficient cause of this species of attraction is as much a secret as all the other great principles of nature. But first, it appears, that the gravitating force being pro- portioned always to the quantity of matter, all bodies gravitate from equal distances with equal velocity, ex- cept prevented or impeded by some resisting medium. Thus, though a guinea and a feather will not fall to lhe ground wilh equal velocity in the open air, because of lhe resistance of that fluid, yet if the air by any means is re- moved, as in the vacuum of an air pump, they appear to fall at the very same instant of time : for though the guinea contains considerably more of solid matter than the feath- er, and consequently requires a more considerable force lo put it in motion, yet it appears that the attractive power being proportioned to the quantity of matter, its velocity is equal to y?at ofa body which requires less force to put it in motion. Secondly, The attractive force of bodies is reciprocally as the square of fhe distances. Thus, if a body is of the weight of one hundred pounds at the distance often diam- eters of fhe earth, at half that distance it would have four times that weight, or the force of gravity would be exert- ed upon it in a quadruple ratio, and so in proportion as it approaches the body of the earth. 4. The attraction of magnetism only defers from lhat of gravity in its operations being limited to particular sub- stances. The magnet is an ore of iron, and its properly of attracting certain portions of fhat metal at moderate dis- tances is well known. Like the attraction of gravitation, that of magnetism bears a proportion fo the distance, and probably (o the quantify of magnetic matter in the at- tracting bodies. But the properties ofthe magnet are so curious and important in nature, that Ihey well deserve a distinct consideration. 5. The attraction of electricity is also analogous to lhat of gravity in the property of acting upon bodies at a cer- tain distance ; but it differs from it in its operation being confined to a particular state ui' those bodies, that is, when excited by friction. Attraction of mountains. See Mountains. AVADOUTAS, a sect of Indian bramins, distinguish- ed for their austerity and abstinence. AVAIL of marriage, in Sco(ch law, denotes a custom, by which the superior was entitled lo a certain sum from his vassal, upon his attaining (he age of puberty. AVALANCHES, a name given in Switzerland and Savoy, fo those prodigious masses of snow, which arc precipitated with a noise like thunder from the mountains, AUD AVE destroying every thing in their course. They have some- limes overwhelmed whole villages. The best preserva- tive against their effects being the forests with which the Alps abound, ihere is scarcely a village situated at the foot ofa mountain, thai is not sheltered by trees, which the people preserve with uncommon reverence. Thus what constitutes one ofthe principal beauties ofthe coun- try, affords security also to the inhabitants. AVANIA, in Turkish customs, a fine for crimes and on deaths, paid (o the governor of the place. In cities and towns where several nations live together under a Turkish governor, he lakes this profitable method of pun- ishing all crimes among the Christians or Jews, unless it be the murder of a Turk. AVAST, in the sea language, a term requiring to stop, to hold, or lo stay. AVANTURINE, in natural history, a yellowish stone full of sparkles, resembling gold, very common in France. An artificial imitation of it is made by mixing sparkles of copper with glass whilst it is in fusion, which is used by enamellers, and to sprinkle, as sand, upon writing. AUBANE, in the old customs of France, a right vested in the sovereign of being heir to a foreigner that died within his dominions. By this right the French sovereign claimed the inheritance of all foreigners that died within his dominions, notwithstanding any testament the deceas- ed could make. AUB1N, in horsemanship, a broken kind of gait be- tween an amble and a gallop, accounted a defect. ' AUBLETIA, in botany, a genus of the class and order polyandria monogynia. The essential character is, cal. five leaved; cor. five petalled ; caps, many Veiled, echi- nate, with many seeds in each cell. There are three species, all trees, and natives of South America* ALTCTION; sales by auction are subject to many legal regulations : the auctioneer is obliged to take out a license ; and is subject to various penalties if he is negli- gent of certain acts of parliament, made principally since the 19th ofthe present reign. AUCUBA, in botany, a genus of the monoecia tetan- dria class and order. The essential character is: male cal. 4 toothed; cor. 4 petalled; berry 1 seeded; fem. nect. none ; nut one celled. There is but one species of this beautiful tree, the spe- cific name of which is Japonica, to note its native place. Notwithstanding this, it is found to be very hardy ; and be- ing easily propagated by cuttings, it is now become very common in our gardens, though it does not seem with us as yet to attain a growth beyond that of a shrub. The leaves are beautifully spotted wifh white or yellow, and among other shrubs it makes a fine appearance. AUDIENDO et Terminando, a commission direct- ed to certain persons when any riotous assembly, insur- rection, Sec. is committed in any place, for appeasing it, and punishing the offenders. A UDIENTES, an order of catechumens in the primi- tive Christian church, consisting of such as were but new- ly instructed in the mysteries ofthe Christian religion, and not yet admitted to baptism. AUDITA QUERELA, a writ that lies where any person has any thing to plead, but has not a day in court for pleading it; or where judgment is given for debt, and the dcfrndr.ni'.-; body in execution ; then if he has a re- lease, or other sufficient cause to be discharged therefrom, bat wants a day ia ceurt to plead the same, (his writ may be granted by the lord chancellor, upon view of the ex- ception suggested to the judges of either ben«h. AUDITOR of the receipts, is an officer of the ex- chequer who files the tellers' bills, makes an entry of (hem, and gives the lord treasurer a cerlificate of the money received the week before. He also makes debentures to every teller, before they receive any money, and takei their accounts. He keeps the black book of receipts, and the treasurer's key of the treasury, and sees every teller's money locked up in the new treasury. Auditory nerves, in anatomy, a pair of nerves arising from fhe medulla oblongata, with two trunks, the one o? which is called the portio dura, hard portion, the olher portio mollis, or soft portion. See Anatomt. AVELLANE, in heraldry, a cross, the quarters of which somewhat resemble a filbert nut. A VENA, oats, a genus ofthe digynia order, belong- ing to the triandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 4th order, gramina. The calyx has a double valve, and the awn on the back is contorted. There are 25 species, of which the first six following are natives of England. 1. Avena flatior, tall oat grass. 2. Avena fatua, the bearded oat grass. 3. Avena flavescens, the yellow oat grass. 4. Avena nuda, the naked oat. 5. Avena pratensis, the meadow oat grass. . 6. Avena pubescens, the rough oat grass. 7. Avena sativa, the common oats cultivated in our fields. It is remarkable that the original native place of this plant is almost totally unknown. Anson says that he observed it growing wild or spontaneously in the island of Juan Fernandez ; but a vague observation from a single author is not to be depended on. Oats are an article of the materia medica. Gruels made from them have a kind of soft mucilaginous quality, by which they obtund acrimo- nious humours, and prove useful in inflammatory diseases, coughs, hoarseness, and exulcerafions of the fauces. AVENAGE, in law, a certain quantity of oats paid by a tenant to a landlord instead of rent, or some other duties. AVERAGE, in commerce, is divided into three kinds. 1. The simple or particular average, which consists in the extraordinary expenses incurred for the ship alone, or for the merchandises alone. Such is the loss of anchors, masts, and rigging, occasioned by the common accidenti at sea, the damages which happen to merchandise by storm, prize, shipwreck, wet, or rotting ; all which must be borne and paid by the thing which suffered the dam- age. 2. The large and common average, being those ex- penses incurred, and damages sustained, for the common good and security both of the merchandises and vessels, consequently to be borne by the ship and cargo, and to be regulated upon the whole. Of this number are the goods or money given for the ransom ofthe ship and cargo, things thrown overboard for the safety of the ship, the expenses of unlading for entering into a river or harboor, and the provisions and hire ofthe sailors when lhe ship is put under an embargo. 3. The small averages, which are the expenses for towing and piloting the ship out oi or into harbours, creeks, or rivers, one third of which must be charged to the ship, and two thirds to the carg?- Average, in agriculture, a term used by farmers, in many parts of England, for the stubble, or remainder of straw and grass left in corn fields after the harvest is car- ried ii. In some counties it is called gratten. AVE AUG AVERIA, in a general sense, signifies any cattle, but it is used injaw for oxen or horses of the plough. Averia, in commerce, a branch of Spanish revenue that denotes a tax paid on account of convoys to guard the ships sailing to and from America, which was first im- posed when sir Francis Drake made his expedition to the South Sea. AVERMENT, an offer of the defendant to make good an exemption pleaded in abatement, or bar of the plain- tiff's action. Averment, gtntral, is the conclusion of every plea to the writ, or iu bar of replications, or other pleadings, containing matter affirmative. Averment, particular, is when the life of a tenant for life, or tenant in tail, is averred. AVERRIIOA, in botany, a genus of the decandria or- der, belonging to the pentagynia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 14th order, gruinales. The calyx has five leaves; the petals are five, opening at top; and the apple or fruit is pentagonous, and divided into five cells. There are two species : The averrhoa carambola, called in Bengal the camrue or camrunga, is a tree which grows to the height of 14 feet, and is remarkable for possessing a power somewhat similar to those species of mimosa which are termed sen- sitive plants ; its leaves, on being touched, moving very perceptibly. In the mimosa the moving faculty extends to the branches ; but from the hardness of the wood this cannot be expected in the carambola. The leaves are alternately pinnated with an odd one ; and their most common position in the day lime is horizontal. On being touched, they move themselves downward, fre- quently in so great a degree that the two opposite almost touch one another by their under sides, and the young ones sometimes either come into contact, or even pass each other. The whole of the leaves of one pinna move by striking the branch with the nail of the finger or olher hard substance, or each leaf can be moved singly by making an impression that shall not extend beyond that leaf. Notwithstanding this apparent sensibility of the leaf, however, large incisions may be made in it with a pair of sharp scissars, without occasioning the smallest motion; nay, it may even be cut almost entirely off, and the remaining part still continue unmoved, when by touch- ing the wounded leaf with the finger or point of the scis- •ars, motion will lake place as if no injury had been offer- ed. Tbe reason is, that although the leaf is the ostensi- ble part which moves, the petiolus is the seat both of sense and action. After sunset the leaves go to sleep, first moving down so as to touch one another by their under sides: they therefore perform more extensive motion at night of themselves (han they can be made to do in the day time by external impressions. With a convex lens the rays of the sun may be collected on a leaf, so as to burn a hole in it, without occasioning any mofion; but upon trying the experiment on the peliolus, (he motion is as quick as if from strong percussion, although the rays be not so much concentrated as to cause pain when applied in (he same degree on (he back of (he hand. The leav es move very fast from the electrical shock, even although vci v gentle. The fruit of this tree is said to be delicious. AVERRUNCI, in lhe ancient heathen theology, an order of deities among the Romans, whose peculiar ofiice it was to avert danger and exile. AVERSIONE venire, in civil law, see^s to denote the selling or letting things in the lump, without fixing any particular prices for each piece. AUGIT, silex augiies, in mineralogy. The colour of this mineral is a deep olive or pear green : it sometimes occurs in rounded fragments, but more usually crysfal- ized. See Mineralogy. AUGMENTATION was the name of a court erected 27 Hen. VIII. so called from the augmentation ofthe rev- enues ofthe crown, by the suppression of religious houses ; and the office still remains, wherein there are many curious records, though tbe court has been dissolved long since. Augmentation, in heraldry, are additional charges to a court armour, frequently given as particular marks of honour. AUGUR, an officer among the Romans appointed to foretell future events. There was a college or community of them consisting originally of three members, wilh re- spect to the three tribes, Luceres, Rhamnenses, and Ta- tienses: afterward the number was increased fo nine, four of whom were patricians, and five plebeians, They bore an augural staff or wand, as the ensign of their authority, and their dignity was so much respected that they were never deposed, nor any substituted in their place, though they should be convicted of the most enormous crimes. AUGURY, in antiquity, the art of foretelling future events, is distinguished into five sorts. 1. Augury from the heavens. 2. From birds. 3. From chickens. 4. From quadrupeds. 5. From portentous events. When an augury was taken, the augur divided the heavens info four parts, and having sacrificed to the gods, he observed with great attention from what part lhe sign from heaven appeared. If, for instance, there happened a clap of thunder from the left, it was taken as a good omen. If a flock of birds came about a man, it was a favourable pres- age, but the flight of vultures was unlucky. If when corn was flung before the sacred chickens, they crowded about it, and ate it greedily, it was looked upon as a favourable omen; but if they refused to eat and drink, it was an unlucky sign. Augury, in its more general signification, comprises all the different kinds of divination, which Varro distinguishes into four species, according to the four elements, vis. pyromancy, or augury by fire ; aeromancy, or augury by air; hydromancy, or augury by water; and geomancy, or augury by the earth. AUGUSTALES, in Roman antiquity, an epithet giv- en to the flamens or priests appointed to sacrifice fo Au- gustus, after his deification, and also to the ludi or games celebrated in honour of the same prince on the fourth of the ides of October. AUGUSTALIA, a festival instituted by the Romans in honour of Augustus Caesar, on his return to Rome after having settled peace in Sicily, Greece, Syria, Asia, and Parfhia; on which occasion they likewise built an altar to him, inscribed Fortuna reduc'.. AUGUSTAL1S pr^fectus, a title peculiar lo a Ro- man magistrate who governed Egypt, with a power much like that of a proconsul in olher province?. AUGUSTINS, a religious order in 1 he church of Rome, who follow the rule of St. Auguslin, prescribed them by pope Alexander IV. Among other things, this rule en- joins to have all thirers in common; (o receive nothing without the leave ofthe superior ; and several e'her pi*-- A U N A U R cepts relating to charity, modesty, aijd chastity. There are likewise nuns of this order. The Augustins are clothed in black, and at Paris were known under the name of the religious of St. Genevieve, that abbey being the chief of the order. AVICIENNA, in botany, a genus of plants ofthe te- tandria monogynia class of Linnaeus; the flower of which consists of a single pe(al, divided into four ovato acumi- nated segments; the fruit is a coriaceous capsule of one cell, containing a single seed of an elliptic figure. There are three species, natives of the West Indies. The A. tomentose is a tree about 15 feet high, agreeing in many respects with the mangrove. AVIS, bird, aves, among naturalists, the second class of animals, a race of creatures sufficiently distinguished from others in having (he body covered with feathers, two feet, and fwo wings formed for flight. Birds have the mandible protracted and naked; and are destitute of ex- ternal ears, lips, teeth, scrotum, womb, urinary vessel, or bladder, epiglottis, corpus callosum, or its fornix, and diaphragm. In the Linncean system birds are divided into six orders, vis. accipitres, or falcon kind, picae, or pies, anseres, or geese and duck kind, grallae, cranes or waders, gallina?, the poultry kind, and passeres, sparrows or small birds. Avis is also the name of an order of knighthood in Por- tugal, instituted by Sancho lhe first king, in imitation of the order of Alcantara, whose great cross they wear. AVISANDUM, in Scotch law, literally signifies advis- ing, or under consideration. A process is said to be un- der avisandum, when the whole proofs, with the argu- ments On both sides, are under the consideration of the judge, before he has given an interlocutor or decision upon the cause. AVISO, adviso, Ital. a term chiefly used in matters of commerce, to denote an advertisement, an advice, or a piece of intelligence. AULIC, an epithet given to certain officers of the Germanic empire, who compose a court, which decides, without appeal, in all processes entered in if. The aulic council is composed of a president, who is a catholic ; ofa vice chancellor, presented by the archbish- op of Mentz ; and of eighteen counsellors, nine of whom are protestants, and nine catholics. They are considered as a bench of lawyers, and always follow the emperor's court; for which reason they are called jnstitium impera- toris, the emperor's justice, and aulic council. The aulic court ceases at the death of (he emperor; whereas (he imperial chamber of Spire is perpetual, representing not only (he deceased emperor, but the whole Germanic body, which is reputed never to die. Aulic, in (he Sorboune and foreign universities, is an act which a yoong divine maintains upon being admitted a doctor in divinity. It begins by an harangue of the chancellor, addressed to lhe young doctor; after which he receives the cap, and presides at the aulic, or disputation. ACME, a Dutch measure for Rhenish wine, containing forty English gallons. AUMOXE, in law, signifies a tenure where lands are given in alms to some church or religious house. AUNCEL weight, an ancient kind of balance, now out of use, being prohibited by seveial statutes, on account of the many deceits practised by it. It consisted of scales hanging on hooks, fastened at each end ofa beam, which a man lifted up on his hand. In many parts of England auncel weight signifies meat sold by the hand, without scales, AUNE, a long measure used in France to measure cloth, stuffs, ribands, &c. At Rouen it is equal lo one English ell, at Calais to 1.52, at Lyons to 1.016, and at Paris to 0.95. AVOC ATORI A, a mandate of the emperor of Germa. ny, addressed to some prince in order to stop his unlawful proceedings in any cause appealed to him. AVOIDANCE, in the canon law, is when a benefice becomes void of an incum'ent: which happens either in facf, as by the death of the parson ; or in law, as by ces- sion, deprivation, resignation, &c. In the first of these cases, the patron must take notice ofthe avoidance, at hi< peril; but in avoidance by law, the ordinary is obliged to give notice to the patron, in order to prevent a lapse. . AVOIRDUPOIS weight, a kind of weight used in England, of which fhe pound weighs 16 ounces. The proportion ofa pound avoirdupois to a pound troy, is as 17 to 14: or the avoirdupois pound contains TOOO grains, and the troy pound 5T60. All the larger and coarser commodities are weighed hj avoirdupois weight; as groceries, cheese, wool, lead, hops, &c. AVOWRY, in law, is where a person ilistrained sues out a replevin ; for then the distrainer must avow and jus- tify his plea, which is called his avowry. The avowry must contain sufficient matter for judgment to have return, but so much certainty is not required as in a declaration; and if made for rent, though it appears (hat part of that rent is not due, yet the avowry is good for the rest. AURANTIUM, the orange tree. See Citrus. AURANTII cortex. See Pharmacy. AUREA Alcxandrinu, in pharmacy, a kind of opiate, or antidote against the colic and apoplexy, composed of a great number of ingredients, which was in great fame among the ancient writers. It is called aurea from the gold, aururn, which is an ingredient in its comporifion; and Alexandria, as having been invented by a physician named Alexander. AURELIA. See Chrysalis. AUREOLA, in its original signification, signifies a jewel which is proposed as a reward of victory, in some public dispute. Hence the Roman schoolmen applied it to denote lhe reward bestowed on martyrs, virgins and doctors, on account of their works of supererogation : and painters use it lo signify the crown of glory, wifh which they adorn the heads of saints, confessors, &c. AUREUS, a Roman gold coin, equal in value to twen- ty-five denarii. According to Ainsworfh, fhe aureus of the higher em- pire weighed near five pennyweights, and in the lower empire little more than half that weight. AURICH ALCUM. See Orichalcum. AURICLE, in anatomy, that part ofthe ear which fl prominent from the head, called by many authors auris externa. See fhe article Ear. Also the appendages of the heart at its base, which are distinguished by the names of fhe right ™d left. AURICULA. See Primti a. A U R AUK AURIFLAMMA, in the French history, a standard belonging to the abbey of St. Dennis, suspended over lhe tomb of that saint, which lhe religious, on occasion of any war in defence of their lands or rights, look down with greaf ceremony, and gave it to fheir protector or advo- cate, to be borne at (he head of (heir forces. Hence lhe word is sometimes used to denote the chief flag or stand- ard of an army. AURIGA, the waggoner, in astronomy, a constella- tion of lhe northern hemisphere, consisting of twenty-sev- en stars according toTycho, forty according to Hevelius, and sixty-six in the Britannic catalogue. This is one of the forty-eight asterisms mentioned by all ancient astronomers; and represented by the figure of an old man in a kind of sitting posture, with a goat and her kids in his left hand, and a bridle in his right. Besides the hcedi, ibis constellation includes another star, called capella ; which is lhe bright one near the shoulder, and supposed to be lhe mother of lhe hcedi, and the nurse of Jupiter. The hcedi, or the two stars in the arm of Auri- ga, were regarded by the ancients as affording presages of the weather ,* and these were so much dreaded on account of the storms and tempests that succeeded their rising, (hat they are said to have shut up the navigation at this season. AURIUM abscissio, in antiquity, cutting off ears, was a punishment inflicted by the Saxon law on Ibose who robbed churches, and afterward on every thief, and at length on other criminals. AURORA BOREALIS, northern light, or stream- ers, a kind of meteor appearing in the northern part ofthe heavens, mostly in the winter season, and in frosty weather. Il is usually of a reddish colour, inclining to yellow ; and sends out frequent coruscations of pale light, which seem lo rise from the horizon in a pyramidal undu- lating form, and shooting with great velocity up to the zenith. It appears often in form of an arch, which is partly bright, and parity dark, but generally transparent: and the matter of it is not found to have anyr effect on the rays of light, which pass freely through it. Dr. Hamil- ton observes lhat he could plainly discern tbe smallest speck in lhe Pleiades through the density of those clouds which formed part ofthe aurora borealis in 1763, without the least diminution of its splendour, or increase of twink- ling. Philos. Essays, p. 106. Sometimes it produces an iris. Hence M. Godin judges that most ofthe extraordinary meteors and phenomena in the skies, related as prodigies by historians, as battles, and the like, may probably enough be reduced to lhe class of aurorte boreales. Hist. Acad. R. Scien. for 1762, p. 405. This kind of meteor never appears near the equator; but, it seems, is as frequent toward the south pole as tow- ard the north, having been observed there by voyagers. See Philos. Trans. No. 461, and vol. 54; also Forster's Account of his Voyage round the World with Capt. Cook, in which he describes iheir appearance as observed for several nights together in sharp frosty weather; which was much lhe same as those seen in the north, excepting thaf they were ofa lighter colour. It seems lhat meteors of this kind have appeared at some times more frequently than at others. They were so rare in England, or elue so little regarded, that none are recorded in our annals siuce lhat remarkable one of No- vol. i. 37 vember 14, 1574, till the surprising aurora borealis ot March 6, 1716, which appeared for three nights succes- sively, but by far more strongly on tbe first; except that five small ones were observed in the years 1707 and 1708. Hence it would seem that the air or earth, or both, are not at all times disposed to produce this phenomenon. The extent of these appearances is also amazingly great. That in March, 1716, was visible from fhe west of Ireland to the confines of Russia and the east of Poland, extending at least near 30 degrees of longitude, and from about the 50th degree in latitude over almost all the north of Europe : and in all places, at the same time, it exhib- ited the like wondrous appearances. Father Boscovich has determined the height of an au- rora borealis, which was observed by the marquis of Poli- ni (he 16th of December, 1737, and found it was 825 miles high ; and Mr. Bergmann, from a mean of 30 computations, makes tbe average height of the aurora borealis amount to 70 Swedish, or 469 English, miles. But Euler supposes (he height to be several thousands of miles; and Mairan also assigns to them a very elevated region. In Sweden and Lapland the aurora; boreales are not only singularly beautiful, but afford travellers, by their almost constant effulgence, a very fine and brilliant light during the whole night. In Hudson's bay, lhe light of (he aurora borealis is said (o be equal to that ofa full moon : and in the northeastern parts of Siberia, we are told, these northern lights are observed to begin with single bright pillars, rising in the north, and almost at the same time in the northeast, which, gradually increasing, comprehend a large space of lhe heavens, rush about from place to place with incredible velocity, and finally almost cover the whole sky up to the zenith, and produce an ap- pearance in the heavens of a vast expanded tent, glittering with gold, rubies and sapphire. A more interesting spec- tacle cannot be conceived ; but whoever sees such a northern light for the first time could not behold it with- out terror. For however fine the illumination may be, it is attended, as it is said, with a hissing noise through (he air, as if (he largest fireworks were playing off. To describe what they then hear, the natives make use ofthe expression spolochi chodjat, lhat is, lhe raging host is passing. The hunters who pursue fhe foxes are frequent- ly overtaken with these lights ; and their dogs are then so much terrified, that Ihey will not move, but lie obstinately on the ground till the noise is passed. See Philos. Trans. vol. Ixxiv. Many attempts have been made to determine fhe cause of this phenomenon. Dr. Halley imagines (hat (he wa- tery vapours or effluvia, exceedingly rarefied by subterra- neous fire, and tinged with sulphureous streams, which many naturalists have supposed to be tbe cause of earth- quakes, may also be the cause of this appearance ; or that it is produced by a kind of subtile matter freely pervad- ing the pores of the earth, and which, entering into it nearer the southern pole, passes out again with some force into tbe ether, at the same distance from (he norlhern. This subfile matter, by becoming more dense, or having its velocity increased, may perhaps be capable of pro- ducing a small degree of light, after the manner of effluvia from electric bodies, which, by a strong and quick friction, emit light in (he dark ; (o which sort of light this seems to have a great affinity. Philos. Trans. No. 347. See also Auii A U ft Mr. Cotes's description of this phenomenon, and his method of explaining it by streams emitted from the hete- rogeneous and fermenting vapours of lhe atmosphere, in Smith's Optics, p. 69; or Philos. Trans, abr. vol. 6, part 2. Ever since the identity of lightning and the electric matter has been determined, however, philosophers have been naturally led to seek for the explication of aerial meteors in the principles of electricity; and there is now no doubt that most of them, and especially the aurora borealis, are electrical phenomena. Besides the more obvious and known appearances which constitute a resem- blance between this meteor and the electric matter by which lightning is produced, it has been observed, that the aurora occasions a very sensible fluctuation in the magnetic needle ; and that when it has extended lovver than usual in the atmosphere, the flashes have been attended with various sounds of rumbling and hissing, especially in Russia and the other more northern parts of Europe, as noticed by Sig. Beccaria and M. Messier. Mr. ^Canton, soon after he had obtained electricity from the Clouds, offered a conjecture that the aurora is occasioned By the dashing of electric fire positive toward negative clouds at a great distance, through the upper part of the atmosphere, where the resistance is least: and he sup- poses that the aurora which happens at the time when the magnetic needle is disturbed by the heat of the earth, is the electricity of the heated air above it: and this appears chiefly in the northern -regions, as the alteration in the heat of the air in those parts is the greatest. Nor is this hypothesis wholly improbable, when it is considered that electricity is the cause of thunder and lightning; that it has been extracted from the air at the time of the aurora borealis ; that the inhabitants of the northern countries observe it remarkably strong when a sudden thaw succeeds very cold severe weather; and that the tourmalin is known to emit and absorb the electric fluid only by the increase or diminution of its heat. Positive and negative electricity in (he air, wi(h a proper quantity of moisture to serve as a conductor, will account for this and other me- teors sometimes seen in a serene sky. Mr. Canton after- ward contrived to exhibit this meteor by means of the Torricellian vacuum, in a glass tube about three feet long, and sealed hermetically. When one end of the tube is held in the hand, and the other applied to the conduct- or, the w hole tube will be illuminated from end to end, and will continue luminous without interruption for a con- siderable time after il has been removed frond the conduct- or. If, after this, it is drawn through fhe hand either way, the light will be remarkably intense through the whole length of the tube. And, though a great part of the electricity is discharged by this operation, it will still flash at intervals, when held only at one extremity, and kept quite still; but if, at the same tim'e, it is grasped by the other hand in a different place, strong flashes of light will dart from one end to the other; and these will'coh- tinue 24 hoirrs or more, without a fresh excitation. Sig. Beccaria conjectures fhat there is a constant and regular circulation of the electric fluid from north to south ; and he thinks that the aurora borealis may be this electric matter performing its circulation in such a state of the at- mosphere as renders it visible, or approaching nearer than usual to the earth : though probably this is not the mode of its operation, as the meteor is observed in the southern; hemisphere wilh the same appearances as in lhe northern. Dr. Franklin supposes lhat the electric fire discharged in- to the polar regions, from many leagues of vaporized air raised from lhe ocean between the tropics, accounts fo* the aurora borealis; and that it appears first where i( is first in motion, namely, in the most northern pari; and the appearance proceeds southward, though the fire really* moves northward. Franklin's Exper. and Obs. JfW p. 49; Philos. Trans, vol. Iviii. p. 358, 784; lb. tdl. |]. p. 403; Lettere dell' EllettriciSmo, p. 269; or PriesU ley's Hist, of Electricity. Mr. Dalton, who has paid considerable attention fo me- teorology, gives the followirig account of the ^appearances of the aurora borealis : They come under four different descriptions. 1. A horizontal light, like the break of day. 2. Fine slender luminous beams, well defined, and of dense light, which often continue nearly a minute at rest, 3. Flashes pointing upward, or in the direction of the beams Which they succeed. These are only momentary; and have no lateral motion. They appear broad and dip fuse, and of a weaker light than the beams ; they grow gradually fainter till they disappear, and cohtlniJe for hours) flashing at intervals. 4. Arcs nearly in the fonn ofa rainbow : these when complete go quite across tht heavens, from one point of the horizon to the opposite point. These appearances generally succeed each other in the following order : 1. the faint rainbow like arcs; 2. the beams ; and, 3. the flashes. Tbe northern horizon- tal light appears to consist of an abundance of flashe's or beams blended together by the situation of fhe observer. The beams of the aurora appear al all places lo be arcs of great.circles of the sphere, with the eye in the centre; and these arcs, if prolonged upward, would all meet in a point. The rainbow like arcs cross lhe magnetic merid- ian at right angles. When two or more appear at once, fhey are concentric, and tend fo the east and west: alsd fh'e broad arc ofthe horizontal light tends to the magnet- ic east and west, and is bisected by the magnetic merid« fan : arid when the aurora extends over any part of the hemisphere, the line separating lhe illuminated part of the hemisphere from the clear part is half the circumfer- ence of a great circle crossing the magnetic meridfeb af right angles, and terminating in the east and west. That point in the heavens to which (he beams of (he aurora ap- pear (o converge, at any place, is the same a3 that to which the south pole of the dipping needle points at that place. The beams appear to rise above each other in succession ; so that of any two beams, that which has the higher base has also the higher Summit. Every beam ap- pears broadest at or near the base, and to grow narrower, as it ascends; so that the continuation of the bounding lines would meet in the common centre to which the beam rends. The height of the rainbow like arcs of the aurora borealis is estimated by Mr. Dalton to be 150 miles above the earth's Surface. AURUM, gold. Gold seems to have be'en knows from the very beginning of the world. Its properties and its scarcity have rendered it more valuable than any othfrr metal. It is of an drange red or reddish yellow colour, and has no perceptible taste or smell. Its lustre is considerable, yielding only to that of platinum, steel, silver, and merco- A U iR AUK ry. Its specific gravity 19.3. No ojber substance is equal lo it in ductility and malleability. It may be beat- Jen out into leaves so thin that one grain of gold will cover 561 square inches. These leaves are only l-282000lh of ap inch thick, but the gold leaf with which silver wire is covered has only l-12th of that thickness. An ounce of vo\d, upon silver wire, is capable of being extended more 4han 1300 miles in length. Its tenacity is considerable, jthough in this respect it yields to iron,copper, platinum, .and silver. From the experiments of Sickingen it ap- pears that a gold wire 0.078 inch in diameter is capable pf supporting a weight of 150.071bs. avoirdupois, without ^breaking. It melts at 32° of Wedgewpod';s pyrometer. When melted, it assumes a bright bluish green colour. It expands in the act of fusion, and consequently contracts while becoming solid more than most metals; a circum- stance which renders it less proper for casting into moulds. It requires a very violent heat lo volatilize it; it is, there- fore, to use a chymical term, exceedingly fixed. Boyle and Kunkel kept it for some months in a glasshouse fur- nace, and yet it underwent no change ; nor did it lose any perceptible weight, after being exposed for seme hours;tp The utmost heat of Mr. Parker's lens. Homberg, howey- er, observed, that when a very small portion of gold is jkept in fusion, part of it is volatilized. This observatiop was confirmed by Macquer ; who observed the metal ris- ing in fumes to the height of five or six inches, and attach- ing itself to a plate of silver, which it gilded very accu- rately;,and Mr. Lavoisier observed the very same thing when a Piece of B',ver was he,d over gold raelted b^ fire .blown by oxygen gas, which produces a much greater heat tthan common air. After fusion, it is capable of assuming a crystaline form. Gold is not in the least altered by being kept exposed -to the air; it does not even lose its lustre; neither has hwater the smallest action upon it. It is capable, howev- er, of combining with oxygen, and even of undergoing tCombustion in particular circumstances. The resulting compound is an oxide of gold. There are two oxides of gold ; the,protoxide is of a purple or violet, the perox- ide of a yellow colour. Gold must be raised to a very high temperature before it is capable of abstracting oxygen from common air. It may be kept red hot almost any length of time without any such change. llomberg, however, observed, that when placed in the focus of Tschirnhausen's burning glass, its surface became covered with a purple coloured oxide ; and the truth of his observations were put be- yond doubt by the subsequent experiments of Macquer 4 with a still more powerful burning glass. It was remark- ed also in 1773 by Camus, that when (he electric explo- sion is transmitted through gold leaf placed between two plates of glass, or when a strong charge is made to fall on a gilded surface ; in both cases the metal is oxidized, and . assumes a purple colour. The reality of (he oxidizement of iiold by electricity was disputed by some philosophers, but it has been put beyond the reach of doubt by the ex- periments of Van Marum. When that celebrated philos- opher made electric sparks from the powerful Teylerian , machine pass through a gold wire suspended in the air, it took fire, burnt wilh a green coloured flame, and was completely dissipated in fume, w hich when collected 37* proved to be a purple coloured oxide of gold. This combustion, according to Van Marum, succeeded not on- ly in common air, but also when the wire was suspended in hydrogen gas and other gases which are not capable ofsupporting combustion. These singular observations would require to be verified by other experiments before any conclusion can be drawn from them. The combus- tion of gold is now easily effected by exposing gold leaf to the action of the galvanic pile. It has been made to burn with great brilliancy by exposing.a gold wire to the action ofa stream ;pf oxygen and hydrogen gas mixed together and burning. In all cases of the combustion of gold, it has been ascertained, that the protoxide or purple coloured oxide only is formed. The peroxide, or yellow coloured oxide, may be procured in the following man- ner- Equal parts of nitric and muriatic acids are mixed together, and poured upon gold ; an effervescence fakes place, the gold is gradually dissolved, and the liquid as- sumes a yellow colour. It is easy to see in wjiat manner this solution is produced. No metal is soluble in acids till it has been reduced to the state of an pxide. There is a strong affinity between the oxide of gold and muriatic Wid. The nitric acid furnishes oxygen to (he gold, and (he muriatic dissolves (he oxide as it forms. When nitric acid is deprived of the greater part of its oxygen, it as- sumes a gaseous form, and is then called nitrous gas, or more properly nitric oxide gas. It is the emission of this gas which causes fhe effervescence. The oxide of gold may be precipitated from (be nitro muriatic acid, by pour- ing jn a little pofash dissolved in water, or, which is much better* a little lime ; both of which have a stronger affini- ty for muriatic acid than the oxide has. The oxides of gold may be decomposed in close vessels by the application of heat. The gold remains fixed, and the oxygen assumes the gaseous form. They may be de- composed, too, by all the substances which have a strong- er affinity for oxygen than gold has. Hitherto gold has not been found capable of combining with sulphur, carbon, or hydrogen. M.Pelletier combin- ed it with phosphorus, by melting together in a crucible half an ounce of gold and an ounce of phosphoric glass, surrounded with charcoal. The phosphuret of gold thus produced was brittle, whiter than gold, and had a crystal- ized appearance. It was composed of 23 parts of gold and one of phosphorus. He formed tbe same compound by dropping small pieces of phosphorus into gold in fusion. Phosphorus, then, is the only one of the simple combusti- bles with which gold at present is supposed capable pf combining. . Neither does gold combine, as far as is known, wilh either of the simple incombustible bodies. But gold com- bines readily with the greater number of the metals, and forms a variety of alloys. The affinities of gold and its oxides are placed by Bergmann in (he following order: Gold. Oxide of Gold. Mercury, Muriatic acid, Copper, Nitric, i-ilver, Sulphuric, Lead, Arsenic, Bismuth, Fluoric, A U T A X 1 0oId. Oxide of Gold. Tin, Tartaric, Antimony, Phosphoric, Iron, Prussic. Platinum, Zinc, Nickel, Arsenic, Cobalt, Manganese. Aurum, fulminans. See Chfmistrt. Aurum potabile, potable gold, a liquid preparation of this metal, formerly much used in medicine. AUSCTJLTARE, in ancient customs. A person was formerly appointed lo instruct the monks to read and sing before they were allowed to perform in public. This was called auscultare, to hear or listen. AUSPICIUM. SeeAuGunv. AUSTRALIS Piscis, a constellation of the southern hemisphere, not visible in our latitude. The stars in Ptolemy's catalogue are 18, and in the Britannic 24. The star Fomahaut, of the first magnitude, is in the mouth of the fish. AUTER droit, in law, is when persons sue or are sued in another's right, as executors, guardians, &c. Auter fois acquit, in law, a plea made by a criminal that he has been already acquitted of the same crime with which he is charged. For no man shall be arraigned more than once for the same offence. AUTHENTIC, in the civil law, a name given to the novels of Justinian, in which authenticating is a term used for punishing an adulteress by public whipping and imprisonment for two years ; then, if her husband refuses to take her back, she is shaven, veiled, and shut up for life. AUTHORITY, in law, a power given by word or writ- ing to a second person to transact something, and may be by writ, warrant, commission, letter of a((orney, &c. and sometimes by law. An authority given to another to do what a person himself cannot do is void ; and it must be for doing a thing that is lawful, otherwise it will be no good authority. AUTO dafe. See Act op faith. AUTOMATON, a seemingly self moving machine ; or one so constructed, by means of weights, levers, pul- leys, springs, &c. as to move for a considerable time as if it was endued with animal life : and according to this de- scription, clocks, watches, and all machines of that kind, are automata. It is said that Archytas of Tarentum, 400 years before Christ, made a wooden pigeon that could fly; thai Archim- edes also made such automatons; that Regiomontanus made a wooden eagle that flew forth from the city, met the emperor, saluted him, and returned ; also that he made an iron fly, which flew out of his hand at a feast, and re- turned again after flying about the room ; that Dr. Hook made the model of a flying chariot, capable of supporting itself in the air. Many other surprising automatons we have been eye witnesses of in the present age: Ihus, we have seen figures that could write, and perform many other actions in imitation of animals. M.Vaucanson made a figure that played on tbe flute: the same gentle- man also made a duck which was capable of eating, drink- '-ng, and imitating exactly the voice ofa natural one j and, what is still more surprising, the food it swallowed was evacuated in a digested state, or considerably altered on the principles of solution; al»o lhe wings, viscera,and bones, were formed so as strongly to resemble ihose of a living duck ; and (he actions of eating and drinking show* ed the strongest resemblance, even to the muddling (he water with its bill. M. Le Droz, of La Chaux de Fonds in the province of Neufchatel, has also executed some very curious pieces of mechanism: one was a clock, pre- sented to the king of Spain, which had, among other cu. riosities, a sheep that imitated the bleating of a natural one, and a dog watching a basket of fruit, that barked and snarled when any one offered fo lake it away ; besides a variety of human figures, exhibiting motions truly sur- prising. Another automaton of Droz's was fhe figure of a man, about the natural size, which held in the hand a metal style, and by touching a spring that released the internal clockwork from its stop, the figure began to draw on a card; and having finished its drawings on (he first card, the fig- ure rested, and t hen proceeded lo draw different subjects on five or six other cards! The first card exhibited elegaal portraits of the king and queen facing each other; and the figure was observed to lift its pencil with the greatest pre- cision, in the transition from one point (o another, without making the least slur. AUTOUR, in natural history, a sort of bark which re- sembles cinnamon, but is paler and thicker ; it is the col- our of a broken nutmeg, and full of spangles. It comes from fhe Levant, and is an ingredient in fhe carmine dye. AUTUMNAL signs, in astronomy, are the signs Li- bra, Scorpio, and Sagit tarius, through which the Sun passei during fhe autumn. AUXILIARY verbs, In grammar, are such as help to form or conjugate others ; that is, are prefixed to them, lo form or denote the moods or tenses thereof: as to havt and to be. In the English language the auxiliary verb am supplies the want of passive verbs. AUX1L1UM adfilium militem faciendum, vel jiliam maritandam, a precept or writ directed to (he sheriff of every county where the king or other lords had any ten- ants, to levy of Ihem reasonable aid toward the knighting his eldest son, or the marriage of his eldest daughter. AWARD, in law, the judgment of an arbitrator for terminating a difference. AWK. See Alca. AXILLA, in anatomy, tbe armpit, or the cavity under the upper part of the arm. Axilla, in botany, the space comprehended betwixt the stems of plants and fheir leaves. AXIOM, in philosophy, is such a plain, self evident, and received notion, that it cannot be made more plain and evident by demonstration, because it is itself better known than any thing that can be brought to prove it: as, that nothing can act where it is not; lhat a thing cannot be and not be at lhe same time ; that the whole is greater than a part thereof; and that from nothing nothing can arise. AXIS, in geometry, fhe straight line in a plane fignre, about which it revolves, to produce or generate a solid: thus, if a semicircle be moved round its diameter at rest, it will generate a sphere, the axis of which is that diameter. A X I A Z A Axis, in astronomy. 1. Axis of the world, an imagin- ary right line conceived to pass through the centre of the earth from one pole to the other, about which the sphere ofthe world, in (he Ptolemaic system, revolves in its di- urnal rotation. 2. The axis of a planet is that line drawn through the centre about which the planet revolves. The Sun, together with all planets, except Mercury and Sat- urn, are known by observation to move about their respec- tive axes. The axis of the Earth, during its revolution round the Sun, remains always parallel to itself; and is inclined to the plane of the ecliptic, making with it an an- gle of 66^ degrees. 3." The axes ofthe equator, horizon, ecliptic, zodiac, &c. are right lines drawn through the centres of those circles perpendicular to their planes. See Astronomy. Axis, in conic sections, a right line dividing the section into two equal parts, and cutting all its ordinates at right angles. See Conic Sections. The axis ofthe parabola is of an indeterminate length. The axis of the ellipsis is determinate. In the ellipsis and hyperbola, there are two axes and no more; and in the parabola only one. Axis, in mechanics. The axis of a balance is that line about which it moves, or rather turns. Axis of oscil- lation is a right line parallel to the horizon, passing through the centre, about which a pendulum vibrates. Soe Me- chanics. Axis in peritrochio, one of lhe five mechanical powers, consisting of a perifrochium or wheel, and moveable to- gether with it about its axis. The power is applied at the circumference of the wheel, and the weight is raised by a rope that is gafhered up on the axis while the ma- chine turns round. The power may be conceived as ap- plied at the extremity of the arm of a lever, equal to the radius of the wheel; and the weight as applied at the ex- tremity of a lever, equal to the radius of the axis; only those arms do not meet at one centre of motion, as in (he lever ; but in place of this centre, we have an axis of mo- tion, vis. the axis of the whole machine. See Mechan- ics. The use of this machine is to raise weights to a greater height (han (he lever can do, because (he wheel is capable of being turned several times round, which (he lever is not; and also to communicate motion from one part of a machine to another. Accordingly, there are few com- pound machines without if. Axis, in optics, is that ray among al! others lhat are sent to the eye, which falls perpendicularly upon it, and which consequently passes through the centre ofthe eye. Common or mean axis is a right line drawn from the point of concourse of the two optic nerves through the middle of the right line, which joins (he extremity of lhe same op- tic nerves. Axis of a glass or len9, is a right line join- ing the middle points of the two opposite surfaces of the glass. Axis of incidence, in dioptrics, is a right line perpen- dicular in the point of incidence to the refracting superfi- cies, drawn in the same medium that the ray of incidence comes from. Axis of refraction, is a right line drawn through the re- fracting medium, from the point of refraction, perpendic- ular to (he refracting superficies. Axis, in architecture. Spiral axis is the axia of a twisted column drawn spirally in order to trace the cir- cumvolutions without. Axis of the Ionic capital, is a line passing perpendicularly through the middle of tbe eye of the volute. Axis of a vessel, is an imaginary right line passing through the middle of it perpendicularly to its base, and equally distant from its sides. Axis of a magnet, is a line passing through the middle of a magnet lengthwise in such a manner as that, however the magnet is divided, provided the division is made accord- ing to a plane in which such line is found, the magnet will be cut or separated into two loadstones; and the extremes of such lines are called the poles of the magnet. Axis, in anatomy, the second vertebra of the neck, so called from the bead's turning on it like an axis. Axis, in zoology, an animal of the deer kind. See Cervus. AXYRIS, in botany, a genus of the triandria order, belonging to the monoecia class of plants, and in the nat- ural method ranking under the twelfth order, holoracece. The calyx of the male is tripartite; it has no corolla. The calyx of the female consists of two leaves; it has two styli and one seed. There are three species, all an- nual, and natives of Siberia. AYE-AYE, in zoology, a singular quadruped discover- ed in Madagascar. Its name is an exclamation of the in- habitants, which M. Sonnerat applied to this animal. Both male and female are slothful and gentle animals ; and, like owls, they are scarcely able to discern objects in fhe day time. They live chiefly under ground, feed- ing on worms and insects which they find in the earth or in crevices in the trunks of trees, whence they extract them by means of their long and slender toe. Sonnini forms a new genus of this animal, the generic character of which is the long toes, the thumb of the hinder pair being turned backward. AYENIA, in botany, a genus of the pentandria order, belonging to the gynandria class of plants, and in the nat- ural method ranking under the 37th order, columniferse. The calyx has two leaves; the petals are in the form of a star, with long ungues; and the capsule has five cells. There are four species, all natives of the West Indies. AZAB, in the Turkish armies, a distinct body of sold- iery, who are great rivals ofthe Janizaries. AZALEA, an American upright honeysuckle, a genus of the monogynia order, and pentandria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 18th order, bicornes. The corolla is bell shaped ; the stamina are in- serted into the receptacle, and lhe capsule has 5 cells. There are 7 species, of which the most remarkable are the following: 1. Azalea nudiflora, or red American upright honey- suckle, grows taller than the viscosa, and in its native country will sometimes arrive at the height of 12 feet but in Britain never rises to above half that height. It has several stems with oblong smooth leaves. The flow- er stalks arise from the division of the branches, which are long and naked, supporting a cluster of red flowers: these are divided at the top into 5 equal segments, which spread open. 2. Azalea viscosa, with a white flower, is a low 6hrnb, arising with several stems to tbe height of two or Ihree feet. The leaves come out io clusters without any order A Z O A Z O at the end ofthe shoots, and fheir edges are 6et with very short teeth, which are rough. The flowers come out in clusters between the leaves, have much the appearance of honeysuckle, and are as well scented. 3. Azalea Pontica, a native -of Porrtus, has large and beautiful yellow flowers, very fragrant. Ofthe nudiflora there are also some beautiful varieties, particularly the scarlet and the orange. In short, there has not been a greater accession to our gardens than these truly elegant shrubs. They will only thrive in bog earth, and are chiefly propagated by layers, as the finer roots sel- dom ripen seeds in England. They must be removed with a clump of earth, as disturbing (he fibres des(roys (hem. AZIMUTH, in astronomy, an arch ofthe horizon, in- tercepted between (he meridian of the place and the azi- muth, or vertical circle passing through the centre of the object, which is equal to tbe angle of the zenith formed by the meridian and vertical circle ; or it is found by this proportion ; as the radius, to the tangent ofthe latitude of the place, so is the tangent ofthe sun's or star's altitude, for instance, to the cosine ofthe azimuth from the south, at the time of the equinox. To find the azimuth by the globe, see the article Globe. Azimuth, magnetic al, an arch of the horizon inter- cepted between the azimuth, or vertical circle passing through the centre of any heavenly body, and lhe mag- netical meridian. This is found by observing the object with an azimuth compass. Azimuth compass, an instrument adapted to find, in a more accurate manner than by the common sea compass, the sun's or star's magnetical amplitude, or azimuth. Azimuth, dial, one whose style or gnomon is at right angles to the plane of the horizon. Azimuth circles, called azimuths, or vertical circles, are great circles ofthe sphere, intersecting'each other in the zenith and nadir, and cutting the horizon at right an- gles in all the points thereof. The horizon being divided into 360°, they usually conceive 360 azimuths. These azimuths are represented by the rhumbs on common sea charts, and on the globe they are represented by the quadrant of altitude when screwed in the zenith. On these azimuths is reckoned the height ofthe stars, and of .the sun, when not in the meridian. AZOGA ships, Spanish ships, commonly called the •quicksilver ships, from their carrying quicksilver to the Spanish Wesf Indies, in order to extract the silver ou( of the mines of Mexico and Peru. These ships, strictly speaking, are not to carry any goods, unless for the king of Spain's account; but by procuring special licenses, they are enabled to take in a full cargo for merchants, as well as lhe sovereign. AZOLLA CAROLINIANA, in botany, a species of the cryptogamia, hepatiea?, class and order, (a) AZOOPHAGUS, a term used by authors to express such animals and insects as never eat the! flesh of any creature that has had life. AZOTE, or nitrogen, in chymistry, a substance hith- erto considered as elementary, existing abundantly in na- ture, forming full three fourths of the atmosphere. It is a peculiar and almost characteristic ingredient of animal . matter, the basis of nitric acid, and one of the constitu- ents of volatile alkali. Pure urate is known only in the form of gas ; it is then synonymous with the phlogisticat- ed air of Scheele and Priestley, (he atmospherical mepht- tis of Lavoisier, and (he nitrogen gas of Chaptal. Azote may be procured by (he following processes. If a quantity of iron filings and sulphur, mixed together, nnd moistened with water, is put into a glass vessel full ©f gj, it will absorb all the oxygen in the course of a few daja- but a considerable residuum of air will still remain »> capable of any further diminution. This residuum has ob- tained the appellation of azotic gas. There are other methods of obtaining it more speedily- If phosphsrui, for instance, is substituted for the iron filings and sulphur, the absorption is completed in less than 24 hours. Tbe following method, first pointed out by Berthollet, furnishes very pure azotic gas, if the proper precautions are attend- ed to. Very much diluted aquafortis,,or nitrous acid, as it is called in chymistry, is poured upon apiece of.muscu- lar flesh, and a heat of about 100° applied. A consider. able quantity of azolic gas is emitted, which may be re- ceived in proper vessels. The air of lhe atmosphere contains about 0.78 pari*, in bulk, of azotic gas; almost all the rest of it is oxygen gas. Mr. Lavoisier was the first philosopher who published this analysis, and who made azotic gas known as a coaipoaajt part of air. Ilis experiments were published in 177d,;pr perhaps rather 1775. Scheele undoubtedly was ac- quainted as early with the composition of air; but his Treatise on Fire, in which that analysis is contained,,was not published till 1777. Mr. Kirvvan examined the specific gravity of azotic gas obtained by Schcele's process ; it was 0.00120; it is there- fore somewhat lighter than atmospheric air; it is to .atmo- spheric air as 985 to 1000. According to the experiments of Lavoisier, its specific gravity is only 0,0011$, oritjs to common air as 942.6 to 1000. This gas is invisible and elastic, like common,airland like it too, capable of indefinite condensation anddila* tion. It is exceedingly noxious lo animals; if obliged to respire it, they drop down dead almost instantly. No combustible will burn in it. Hence the reason why,* candle is extinguished in atmospherical.air as soon**the oxygen near it is consumed. Azolic gas is capable of combining with oxygen. Tak« a glass tube, the diameter of which is about the sixfh.put of an inch; shut one of its ends with.a cork, fhreuigh the middle of which passes a small wire with a hall tf metal at each end. Fill the, tube with mercury, and then plunge its open end into a basin of that fluid. Throw up into the tube as much of a mixture, composednf 13f»rl» of azofic and 87,parts of oxygen gas,, as will fill ibre* inches. Through this gas make, by means of thewirein | (he cork, a number of electric explosions pass. The *sl» J • ume of gas gradually diminishes, and in ils place there is found a quantity of nitric acid. This acid, therefore,!* composed of azote and oxygen ; and these two subsjances are capable of combining; or, which is the same thiog. azotic gas is capable of combustion in the tempera*^ produced by electricity, which we know to be high. The combination of azotic gas with oxygen, and the nature of the product were discovered by Mr. Caveudieh,,and com- municated to the Royal Sociefy on .the 2d of,Ju»e» 17o.;. B A C BAG When sulphur is melted in azofic gas, part of it is dis- solved, and sulphureted azolic gas formed. This gas has a felid odour. Its properties are still unknown. Phosphorus phinged inlo azotic gas is dissolved in a small proporfion. Its bulk is increased about l-10tb, and phosphureled azotic gas is the result. When (his gas is mixed wilh oxygen gas, it becomes luminous, in conse- quence of the combustion of the dissolved phosphorus. The combustion is most rapid when bubbles of phosphu- reled azolic gas are let up into a jar full of oxygen gas. When phosphureted oxygen gas and phosphureted azotic gas are mixed together, no light is produced, even at the temperature of tJ_°. Azotic gas dissolves also a little carbon ; for azotic gas obtained from animal substances, by Berthollet's process, when confined long in jars, deposites on the sides of them a black matter, which has the properties of charcoal. When mixed with hydrogen gas,it undergoes no change. It may, however, be combined with hydrogen, and the Compound formed is known by the name of ammonia or Volatile alkali. The affinities of azote are still unknown. It has never Bthe second letter of the alphabet, is used as an abbre- ? viation : in music, B stands for lhe lone above A : B also stands for bass, and B.C. for basso continuo, or thor- ough bass. As a numeral, B was used by fhe Greeks and Hebrews fo denote 2: but among the Romans, for 300, and with a dash over it (thus, b) for 3000. The same peo- ple likewise used B. for Brutus, B. F. for bonum factum. B, in the old chymical alphabet, signifies Mercury; B.A. stands for bachelor of arts; B.L. for bachelor of lawsj and B.D. for bachelor of divinity. BABOON, in zoology. See Simia. BABYLONICA, texla, a rich sort of weavings, or hangings, so denominated from the city of Babylon, where the practice of interweaving divers colours in their hang- ings was first invented. BACA, in botany. See Berry. BACCH^E, in antiquity, priestesses ofthe god Bacchus. They were likewise called mtenades, on account of the frantic ceremonies used in their feasts; as also thyades, which signifies impetuous, or furious. BACCHANALIA, feasts celebrated in honour of Bac- chus by the ancienl Greeks and Romans ; of which the two most remarkable were called the greater and lesser. The latter were held in the open fields about autumn; but the greater, called dionysia, w ere celebrated in the city in spring time. BACCHARIS, in botany, ploughman*s spikenard, a genus of the polygamia superflua order, belonging to the syngenesis class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, composite discoides. The characters are; it has a naked receptacle, and hairy pap- pus ; with a cylindrical imbricated calyx, and feminine florets mixed with the hermaphrodite ones. There are 9 species, all natives of warm climates ; of which the two fol- lowing chiefly merit notice. yet been decompounded ; and must therefore, in the pres- ent state of our knowledge, be considered as a simple sub- stance. See Air. AZURE, in heraldry, the blue colour in the arms of any person below the rank ofa baron. In the escutcheon of a nobleman, it is called sapphire ; and in that of a sovereign prince, Jupiter. In engraving, this colour is expressed by lines or strokes drawn horizontally. AZYGOS, in anatomy, a vein rising within the thorax on the right side, having no fellow on the left: whence it is called azygos, or vena sine pari. AZYMITES, in church history, Christians who ad- minister the eucharist with unleavened bread. AZYMOUS, something unfermented; as bread, &c. made without leaven. This term has occasioned frequent disputes, and, at length, a rupture between the Latin and the Greek churches; the former of which maintain, that the bread in the mass ought to be azymous, unleavened, in im- itation of the paschal bread ofthe Jews, and of our Sa- viour, who instituted the sacrament on the day of the pass- over. The latter as strenuously maintain the contrary, from tradition and the common usage of the church. 1. Baccbaris halimifolia, or Virginia groundsel tree, a '< native of Virginia and other parts of North America. It grows about 7 or 8 feet high, with a crooked shrubby stem; and flowers in October. The flowers are white, and not very beautiful; but the leaves continuing green, has occa- sioned this shrub to be admitted into many curious gardens. It may be propagated by cuttings ; and will live very well in the open air, though severe frost will sometimes destroy it.# 2. Baccharis ivaefolia, or African tree groundsel, a na- tive of the Cape of Good Hope, as well as of Peru and other warm parts of America. It grows to the height Back, in the manege. To back a horse, or mount a • horse d dos in French, is to mount him bare backed, or without a saddle. B. B A C BAG Back gammon, an ingenious game played wilh dice and tables, to be learned only by observation and practice. However, lhe following rules concerning it cannot fail to be acceptable to our readers. In the first place, the men, which are thirty in number, being equally divided between the two gamesters, are placed thus, vis. two on the ace point, five on the side of your left hand table, three on the einque, and five on the ace point of your right hand table, which are answered on the like points by your adversary's men : or they may be disposed thus, vis. two on the ace point, five on the double sice or sice cinque point, three on the cinque point in your own fables, and five on the sice point at home ; which are to be answered by your adver- sary. The men being thus disposed, be sure to make good your trey and ace points; hit boldly, and come away as fast as you can. When you come to bearing, have a care of making when you need not; and doublets now will stand you most in stead. If both bear together, he that is first off, without doublets, wins one; if bofh bear, and one goes off with doublets, he wins two. If your table be clear before your adversary's men are come in, that is a back gammon, which is three ; but if you thus go off with doublets, it is four. The great dexterity of this game is to be forward, if possible, upon safe terms; and so to point the men, that it shall not be possible for the adversary to pass, though you have entered your men, till you give him liberty, af- ter having got two to one of the advantage of the game. Back staff, in the sea language, an instrument (otake the sun's altitude. It consists of two concentric arches, the greater of which is divided into 30 degrees, and every degree into 5 minutes, by means of diagonal lines; and the lesser into 60 degrees. There are likewise 3 vanes belonging to it : that upon the arch of 30 degrees be- ing called the sight vane; that upon the arch of 60 de- grees, the shade vane; and the other in the centre of the arches, the horizon vein. To find the sun's altitude by this instrument, fix the shade vane on the 60 degrees arch, at about 15 or 20 de- grees less than the complement ofthe altitude; and turn- ing your back toward the sun, move the sight vane up and down till the sun's image fall on the horizon vane, and at the same instant you see tbe horizon through the slit in the horizon vane, then will the degrees cut by the shade vane on the arch, being added to those cut by the sight vane on the other arch, be the sun's zenith distance at that time, which being subtracted from 90 degrees, will give his altitude. BACOPA, in botany, a genus of the pentandria mono- gynia class and order: the essential character is, calyx with a short tube, spreading at top; stam. inserted into the tube ofthe corolla, stigma headed, caps, one celled. There is but one species, an aquatic plant of Cayenne, celebrated by the inhabitants for its efficacy in curing burns. BACTRIS, in botany, a genus of the class and order monoecia hexandria. In fhe male flowers the calyx is 3 fiarted ; corolla 1 petalled, 3 cleft ; stam. 6; fem. cal. 1 eafed, 3 toothed ; cor. the same, stigma 3 cleft, drupe coriaceous. This genus is classed among the palms : there are two species, the majus and minus, both natives of Carthagena, where the fruit is eaten. BACULARES, a sect of anabaptists, so called as holding it unlawful to bear a sword, or any other weapon besides a staff. BACULE, in fortification, a kind of portcullis, or gale, made like a pitfall with a counterpoise, and supported by two great stakes. It is usually made before the corps de garde, not far from the gate of a place. BADGER, in zoology. See Ursus. Badger, in old law books, one that was licensed fo buy corn in one place, and carry it to another (o sell without incurring the punishment of an engrosser. They are to be annually licensed by the juslices. BADIAGA, a water plant resembling a sponge", and said to be good for removing the livid marks from blows. BADIANE, or Badi an, the seed of a tree which grows in China, and smells like annise seed. The Chinese, and the Dutch, in imitation of them, sometimes use the badiane to give their tea an aromatic taste. BAD1GEON, a mixture of plaster and freestone, used by statuaries to fill up little holes. BJECKEA, in botany, a genus of the octandria order and monogynia class of plants. The calyx is a permanent perianthium, consisting of a single funnel shaped leaf, cut into 5 segments at the brim ; the corolla consists of 5 roundish petals inserted into lhe calyx ; the pericarpium is a globose'capsule, made up of 4 valves, and containing \ 4 cells, in which are a few roundish angular seeds. There is one species, a native of China. BiEOBOTRYS, a genus of the pentandria monogynia class and order. The essential character is, cor. tubular; border 5 cleft; cal. double, outer 2 leaved, inner 1 leafed, bell shaped; berry globose, 1 celled, growing to calyx, many seeded. There is but one species, a native of Zan- na in the South Seas. BJETYLIA, anointed stones, worshipped by the Phe- nicians, and by other barbarous nations. BAFFETAS, or Bast as, a cloth made of coarse while cotlon thread, which comes from the East Indies. Those of Surat are the best. BAG, among farriers, is wheni in order fo retrieve a horse's lost appetite, they put an ounce of asafoelida, andis much powder of savin, info a bag, to be tied to tbe bit, keeping him bridled for two hours, several times a day: as soon as the bag is taken off, he will fall to eating. Tbe same bag will serve a long time. BAGNOLIANS, Bagnolenses, in church history,a sect of heretics, who in reality were manichees, though Ihey somewhat disguised their errors. They rejected the Old Testament, and part of lhe New ; held ibe world to be eternal, and affirmed fhat God did not create the soul when he infused it into the body. BAGPIPE, a musical instrument of the wind kind, chiefly used in country places, especially in the north; it consists of two principal parts; lhe first a leathern bag. which blows up like a football, by means ofa port vent, or little tube, fitted to it, and stopped by a valve; the other part consists of three pipes or flutes, lhe first called the great pipe,or drone, and the second the little one; "biand syngenesia class of planls ; (He charac- ters of whiph are : the corolla is radiated; the calyx is naked, imbricated, and pungent; the pappus of the rays feathery, of (he disk brislly and relrofracted. There is but one species, vis. Barnadesia Spinosa, a native of South America. BAROCO, in logic, a term given to the fourth mode of the Becond figure of syllogisms. A syllogism in baioco has the first proposilion universal and affirmative, but (he second and third particular and negative, and the middle term is the predicate in fhe two first propositions. For example : Every virtue is attended with discretion ; Some kinds of zeal are not attended with discretion ; Therefore some kinds of zeal are not virtues. BAROMETER, a machine for measuring the weight ofthe atmosphere. The barometer is founded on an ex- periment of Torricelli, who considering that a column of water of about thirly-three feet was equal in weight lo a column of air of the same base, concluded that a col- umn of mercury, no longer than about twenty-nine inches and a half, would be so too, such a column of mercury being as heavy as thirty-three feet of vva(er. Accordingly he (ried (he experiment, and the apparatus he made use of is now the common barometer or weatherglass. The tubes of which barometers are made ought to beat least one fourth of an inch bore ; but one third or even one half of an inch is better. The tube should be new, and perfectly clean within. In order to this, it should be hermetically sealed at both ends, at the glasshouse, when made ; one of the ends may be cut off with a file, when you use if. The mercury ought lo be perfectly pure, and should be purged from air by boiling it in a tube. To fill the tube with mercury, warm it, and pour some mercury into it by a small paper funnel, so as to reach within an inch of the (op; you will see that as the tube fills, there are bubbles of air in several parts. When the lube is full, apply your finger hard against the open end, and invert il ; by which means the air that was on the top, now rising through all the quicksilver, gathers every bubble in ils way. Turn the tube up again, and the bubble of air reascends ; and, if there are many small bubbles left, car- ries them away. If, however, any remain, the operation must be repeated. The tube is now to be filled to the top, and slopping (he open end with the finger, must be invert- ed into a basin of mercury. When the end of the tube h perfectly plunged under lhe surface of lhe mercury, the finger must be taken away, and lhe mercury in (he (ube will subside, remaining suspended at (he height of 29 or JJO inches, according to the pressure of (he atmosphere at the time. The space at (he top ofthe tube is a perfect vacuum. The following is a still better way of filling lhe tube : Pour the purest mercury into the tube, which must be very dry and well cleaned, fo within two inches ofthe top, and then hold it with the sealed end lowest, in an inclined po- sition, over a chafingdish of burning charcoal, placed near the edge of a table, in order that all parts of lhe tube may be exposed successively to the action of the fire, by mov- ing it obliquely over the chafingdish. The sealed end is to be first gradually presented to lhe fire. As soon as the mercury becomes ho(, (he internal surface of (he lube will be studded with an infinite number of air bubbles, giving the mercury a kind of gray colour: these increase in size by running info one another, and ascend toward the high- er parts of fhe lube, where, meeting with a cooler part of lhe fluid, they are condensed, and nearly disappear. In consequence, however, of successive emigrations toward the upper parts of the tube, which are successively heat- ed, they finally acquire a bulk, which enables them in their united form entirely to escape. When the first part ofthe tube is sufficiently boiled, move it onward, by little and lit- tle, through its whole length. When lhe mercury boils, ils parts strike against each other, and against the sides of the tube, with such violence, that a person unacquainted with the operation, naturally apprehends the destruction of his tube. By this process the mercury is entirely deprived of the air which adhered to it. The tube is now fixed wilh its basin to a wooden frame prepared for it, having a scale of inches at the upper end, which is accurately measured from the surface of lhe mer- cury in the cistern. Plate XIV. Miscel. fig. 6. Fig. 7 shows the scale or vernier at the top, drawn larger. This is fhe common construction of fhe barometer, and is still found to be (he best. However, as the space through which fhe upper part ofthe mercury in lhe lube has lo rise and fall does not exceed three inches, from 28 inches to 31 above the mercury in the basin, several con- trivances have been used to increase the scale, and there- by show more sensibly small changes; the chief of which are the following: The diagonal barometer. ABC, fig. 8, is a tube seal- ed at C, immersed in mercury at A; this tube is perpen- dicular from A to B, where the scale of variation begins ; thence it is bent into B C. This part B C proceeds to the highest limit in the scale of variation, vis. I C ; and consequently, while the mercury rises-from 1 to C in the common barometer, it will move in this from B to C; and so the scale will be by this means enlarged in the propor- tion of B C to I C. This form however, being subject to a great drgree of friction, on account of fhe obliquity in fhe part B C, which inclination makes the quicksilver frequently divide info several parts, it requires (he (rouble of filling tubes anew too often. The horisontal, or rectangular barometer, consists of a tube ACD F, fig. 9, sealed ou lhe upper end A, and bent (o a right angle at U. The mercury stands in both legs from E to C. Here il is evident, lhat in moving three inches from A (o C, i( will move through so many times three inches in the small leg D F, as lhe bore of 1) F is less than lhe bore of A C, whence the molion of lhe mercury at Emust be extremely sensible. This form is liable to the same ex- ceptions as remarked in (hat of fig. 8 ; and, besides a great degree of friction, and the frequent breaking off of the mercury in (he leg E, the part D F being a very small BAROMETER. bore, tbe free motion of fhe mercury mu3t be impeded by the attraction of cohesion. The wheel barometer. A, fig. 10, represents (he quick- silver in a glass lube, having a large round head or ball, and turned up at bottom B; upon the surface of the mer- cury in the recurved leg, there is then placed a short glass lube loaded wilh mercury, wilh a string going over a pul- ley, and is balanced by another weight hanging freely in lhe air. As lhe surface at A is very large, and lhat at B very small, the motion of the quicksilver and conse- quently of lhe ball, will at the bottom be very ^consider- able; but as the weight moves up and down, it turns the pulley, and that a hand or index ; and by the divisions of a large graduated circle, lhe minutest variations of the air are plainly shown, if the instrument is accurately made, and the friction of the several parts inconsiderable. There is also a barometer, contrived so as not to be af- fected by the motion of a ship, called the marine barom- eter. Also a portable barometer, for moving from place to place without i. jury ; and for measuring the heights of mountains, by observing the difference of the altitude of fhe mercury at fhe bottom and top ofthe mountain. A thermometer should always be attached fo the barom- eter, as a necessary appendage; and by the side of it a scale of correction, to show how much to add or subtract from the height of (he mercury in (he barome(er for the degree of temperature ; for ii is evident that the mercury in the tube will be affected by heat and cold in the same manner as the thermometer, and on that account it will not show the true weight of the atmosphere. This cor- rection is, therefore, very necessary. Ever since it was observed that a change of weather gen- erally accompanied or followed a variation in the height of the barometer, it has been used as a prognostic of the weather. A great variety of observations have been made by different people, relative fo the effect which cer- tain changes of weather have upon (his ins(rumenf ; and thence fhey have derived a system of rules, (o enable any one (o know what change will happen in (he weather, by knowing the alteration lhat has taken place in the height of fhe mercury. Before we proceed to mention the rules, which are the result of (he long observation and experience of philoso- phers, it is necessary to observe, that they are by no means so certain, and so much to be depended upon, as many people suppose. So numerous are fhe causes that affect lhe stale of the atmosphere, with which we are but little acquainted, that no single instrument can point out with precision fhe alterations likely to happen. Besides the barornefer, there are several other instruments used for meteorological purposes, such as the thermometer, hy- drometer, wind gage, rain gaje, electrometer, Sec. wifh which we shall become acquainted in their turn. To be best enabled to prognosticate the change of weather, ac- curate observations ought lo be made with all these in- struments, aided >,y considerable experience and the knowledge of natural philosophy and chymistry ; and even then, it requires more science" than we are possessed of, to predict wifh certainty the alterations of lhe weather. See Meteorology. As the barometer, however, is fhe most useful of these, and as it undoubtedly affords us considerable assistance, we shall lay down such directions as are most approved of for this purpose. 1. The rising of (he mercury presages, in general, fair weather ; and its falling, foul weather ; as rain, snow, high winds, and storms. 2. In very hot weather, the fallingof the mercury foretells thunder. 3. In winter, lhe rising presages frost; and in frosty weather, if the mercury falls three or four divisions, there will certainly follow a thaw. But in a continued frost, if the mercury rises, it will cer- tainly snow. 4. When foul weather happens soon after the falling of (he mercury, expect but litllojof it; and, on the contrary, expect but little fair weather, when il proves fair shortly after lhe mercury has risen. 5. In foul weath- er, when the mercury rises much and high, and continues so for two or three days before the foul weather is quite over, then expect a continuance of fair weather to follow. 6. In fair weather, when the mercury falls much and low and thus continues for two or three days before the rain comes, then expect a great deal of wet, and probably high winds. 7. The unsettled motion of the mercury denotes uncertain and changeable weather. 8. You are not so strictly to observe the words engraved on the plates, though in general it will agree with them, as the mercury's rising and falling ; for if it stands at much rain, and then rise up to changeable, it presages fair weather; though not to continue so long as if the mercury had risen higher; and, on the contrary, if the mercury stood at fair, and falls to changeable, it presages foul weather ; though not so much of it as if it had sunk lower. From these observations it appears, that it is not so much the height of the mercury in the tube that indicates the weather, as the motion of it up and down; wherefore, in order to form a right judgment of what weather is to be expected, we ought to know whether the mercury is actu- ally rising or falling ; to which end, the following rules are of use : 1. If the surface of lhe mercury is convex, standing higher in the middle of the tube than at the sides, it is generally a sign that fhe mercury is then rising. 2. If the surface is concave, it is then sinking. And, 3. if it is lev- el, the mercury is stationary, or ralher, if it is a little con- vex; for mercury, being put into a glass tube, especially a small one, will naturally have ifs surface a little convex, because lhe particles of mercury attract one another more forcibly than Ihey are attracted by glass. If tbe glass is small, shake the tube; and Ihen if air is grown heavier, the mercury will rise about half the tenth of an inch higher than it stood before; if it is grown lighter,it will sink as much. This proceeds from lhe mercury's sticking to the sides of lhe tube, which prevents fhe free motion of it until it is disengaged by the shock ; and there- fore, when an observation is lo be made by such a lube.it ought always to be shaken first; for sometimes fhemercn- ry will not vary of i(s own accord, un(il (he weather it ought to have indicated is presenl. • * Here we must observe, (hat (he above mentioned phe- nomena are peculiar (o places lying a considerable dis- tance from the equator ; for in the torrid zone, fhe mercu- ry in fhe barometer seldom either rises or falls much. 1" Jamaica, it is observed by sir William Beesfon, that the mercury in the morning constantly stood at one degree BAR B A R below changeable, and at noon sunk to one degree above rain; so that the whole scale of variation there was only three tenths of an inch. At St. Helena, too, where Dr. Haliey made his observations, he found the mercury to remain almost stationary, whatever weather happened. Of these phenomena, their causes, and why the barometer indicates an approaching change of weather, the doctor gives us the following account: 1. In calm weather, when (he air is inclined to rain, the mercury is commonly low. 2. In serene, good, and set- lied weather, the mercury is generally high. 3. Upon very violent winds, though they are not accompanied with rain, the mercury sinks lowest of all, with relation to lhe point of the compass the wind blows upon. 4. The great- est heights of the mercury are found upon easterly or northeasterly winds. 5. In calm frosty weather, the mercury generally stands high. 6. After very great storms of wind, when the mercury has been very low, it generally rises again very fast. 7. The more northerly places have greater alterations of the barometer than the more southerly. 8. Within the tropics, and near them, according to the accounts we have had from others, and the observations made at St. Helena, the changes of the weather made very little or no variation in the height of lhe mercury. Hence it is thought that the principal cause of the rise and fall ofthe mercury is from the variable winds which are found in the temperate zone, and whose great incon- stancy in England is notorious. A second cause is, the uncertain exhalation and precip- itation of fhe vapours lodging in the air, whereby if is at one time much more crowded than at another, and conse- quently heavier; but this latter depends in a great meas- ure upon (he former. Now, from (hese principles we may explain (he several phenomena of (he barometer, faking them in (he same order as (hey are laid down. Thus, 1. The mercury being low, indica(es rain; because (he air being light, (he vapours are no longer supported by it, being become specifically heavier than the medium in which (hey floated ; so that Ihey descend toward the earth, and, in Iheir fall, meeting with other aqueous particles, fhey in- corporate together, and form litlle drops of rain : bul lhe mercury's being at one time lower than another, is lhe ef- fect of Iwo contrary winds blowing from lhe place where the barometer stands; whereby (he air of (hat place is carried bo(h ways from it, and consequently the incum- bent cylinder of air is diminished, and accordingly the mercury sinks : as, for instance, if in the German Ocean it should blow a gale of westerly wind, and at the same time an easterly wind in the Irish Sea ; or if in France, it should blow a northerly wind, and in Scotland a southerly; it must be granted, (hat (hat part of the atmosphere impend- ent over England would be exhausted and a((enua(ed, aud (he mercury would subside, and the vapours which before floated in these parts ofthe air of equal gravity wifh themselves, would sink (o (he earth. 2. The greater height of the barometer is occasioned by (wo contrary winds blowing toward fhe place of observa- tion, by which lhe air of olher places is brought thither and accumulated ' so (hat the incumbent cylinder of air being increased both in height and weight, (he mercury pressed by it must needs stand high, as long as the winds continue so to blow : and then the air being specifically vol. i. 40 heavier, the vapours are kept suspended, so that they have no inclination to precipitate, and fall down in di«>pc which is the reason of the serene good weather which at- tends the greater heights of the mercury. 3. The mercury sinks the lowest of all by lhe very rapid motion of the air in storms of wind. For lhe tract or region of the earth's surface, in which the winds rage, not extending all round lhe globe, that slagnant air which is left behind, as likewise (hat on the sides, cannot come in so fast as lo supply (he vacuity made by so swift a cur- rent; so that the air must necessarily be attenuated when and where the winds continue to blow, and that more or less, according lo their violence: add lo which, lhat the horizontal motion of the air being so quick, may in all prob- ability take off some part of lhe perpendicular pressure ; and the great agitation of its particles is the reason why lhe vapours are dissipated, and do not condense inlo drops, so as to form rain, otherwise the natural consequence of the air's rarefaction. 4. The mercury stands highest upon the easterly and northeasterly wind ; because, in the great Atlantic Ocean, on this side the thirty-fifth degree of north latitude, the winds are almost always westerly or southwesterly ; so lhat, whenever here the wind comes up at east and north- east, it is sure to be checked by a contrary gale as soon as it reaches the ocean ; wherefore, according lo the sec- ond remark, lhe air must needs be heaped over this island, and consequently the mercury must stand high as often as these winds blow. This holds true in this country ; but is not a general rule for others, where the winds are under different circumstances: and we have sometimes had the mercury here so low as 29 inches, upon an easter- ly wind, but then it blew exceedingly hard; and thus is accounted for, what was observed in lhe third remark. 5. In calm frosty weather, the mercury generally stands high, because it seldom freezes but when the winds come out ofthe northern and northeastern quarters, or at least, unless those winds blow at no great distance off; for lhe northern parts of Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and all that tract whence northeastern winds come, are subject to almost continual frost through lhe winter, and thereby lhe lower air is very much condensed, and in that state is brought hitherwaid by those winds; and, be- ing accumulated by the opposition of the westerly wind blowing in the ocean, the mercury must needs be forced to a more than ordinary height; and, as a concurring cause, the shrinking of the lower parts of the air into lesser room, by cold, must cause a descent of the upper parts of the atmosphere, to reduce the cavity made by this contrac- tion to an equilibrium. 6. After great storms, when lhe mercury has been very low, it generally rises again very fast. It has been ob- served (o rise one inch and a half in less (han six hours, after a long continued storm of southwest wind. The rea- son is, that the air being very much rarefied by fhe great evacuation which such continued storms make of that fluid, the neighbouring air runs in the more swiftly to bring it into an equilibrium. Lastly. The variations are greater in lhe more norther- ly places. BARON, a degree of nobility next below a viscount, and above a baronet. It is probable that formerly all those were barons who had lordships with courts baron, and soon BAR BAR after the Conquest all such sat in the house of peers; but being very numerous, it grew an order and custom, (hat none should sit but such as the king thought fit to call up by writ, which ran pro hac vice tantum. This state of nobility being very precarious, they at length obtained of the king letters patent, and these were called barons by patent, or creation ; the only way now in use of making barons, unless when the son of a lord, in his ancestor's life time, is summoned by writ. Barons of the cinque ports are members of the house of commons, elected by the five ports, two for each port. Those who have been mayors of Corfecastle in Dor- setshire are also denominated barons; as were formerly the principal citizens of London. Baron and Feme, in our law, a term used for the hus- band and wife; and they are deemed but one person, so that a wife cannot be witness for or against her husband, nor he for or against his wife, except in cases of high treason. Baron and Feme, in heraldry, is when the coats of arms of a man and his wife are borne per pale in the same escutcheon, the man's being always on the dexter side, and the woman's on the sinister. BARONET, a modern degree of honour, which is he- reditary, and has the precedence of all knights, except those of the garter, bannerets, and privy counsellors. Baronets of Ireland, an hereditary dignity instituted in 1619. There are also baronets of Nova Scotia, an or- der instituted by Charles I. in 1625. BARONY, the honour and territory which gives title to a baron, whether he is a layman or a bishop. Baronv, in Ireland, the name of the divisions of the counties, answering to English hundreds. BARRA,in commerce, a long measure used in Portu- gal and some parts of Spain, to measure woollen cloths, linen cloths and serges. BARRATOR, in law, a common mover or maintainer of suits and quarrels, either in courts or elsewhere in the country. A man cannot be adjudged a barrator for bring- ing any number of suits in his own right, though they are vexatious. Barrators are punished by fine and imprison* ment. 4 Blacks. 134. BARRATRY, in a ship master, is his cheating the owners. If goods delivered on ship board are embezzled, all the mariners ought to contribute (o (he satisfaction of the party that lost his goods, by the maritime law; and the cause is to be tried in the admiralty. BARREL, a measure of liquids. The English barrel, wine measure, contains the eighth part of a tun, the fourth part of a pipe, and one half of an hogshead ; that is to say, it contains thirty-one gallons and a half: a barrel, beer measure, contains thirty-six gallons. The barrel of beer, vinegar, or liquor preparing for vinegar, ought to con- tain thirty-four gallons, according to the standard of the ale quart. Barrel, also denotes a certain weight of several mer- chandises, which differs according to the several commod- ities: a barrel of Essex butter weighs one hundred and six pounds, and of Suffolk butter, two hundred and fifty- six pounds. The barrel of herrings ought lo contain thirty-two gallons wine measure, which amount to about twenty-eight gallons old standard, containing about a thou- sand herrings. The barrel of salmon must contain forty- two gallons. The barrel of eels the same. The barrel of soap must weigh two hundred and fifty-six pounds. Barrel, in anatomy, a pretty large cavity behind the tympanum of the ear, about four or five lines deep, and five or six wide. Barrels, thundering, in the military art, are filled with bombs, grenades, and other fire works, to be rolled down a breach. BARRERIA, in botany, a genus of the syngenesia mo- nogamia class and order. The essential character is, ca- lyx five toothed, very small; corolla five parted j style short; stigma trifid. There is but one species, a tree of Guiana, which rises to the height of 40 or 50 feet. BARRICADE, a warlike defence, consisting of barrels and similar vessels filled with earth, stones, &c. or trees cut down, against an enemy's shot, or assault; but gener- ally pales which are crossed with battoons as long as a half pike, bound about with iron at lhe feet. Barricade, in the marine, a strong wooden rail sup. ported by pillars, and extending as a fence across the fore- most part of the quarter deck. In ships of war, lhe inter- vals between the pillars are filled with cork, old cable, &c. About a foot above the rail, there extends a double rope netting; and between the two parts of the netting are stuff- ed hammocks, seamen's bedding, &c. to intercept small shot fired by swivel guns and muskets in time of battle. BARRIER, in fortification, a kind offence made at a passage, retrenchment, &c. composed of great stakes, about four or five feet high, placed at the distance of eight or ten feet from one another, with transums,or overfhwart rafters, to stop either horse or foot that would enter or rush in with violence. BARRINGTONIA, in botany, a genus of the poly- andria order, and monadelphia class of plants, the charac- ters of which are: female, the calyx diphyllous above, with a drupa which it crowns; and the seed is a quadri- locular nut. There is but one species known, vis. Barringtonia speciosa, a native of China and Otabeite. BARRISTER, in common law, a person qualified and empowered to plead and defend the cause of clients in the courts of justice. They are of two sorts: the out- ward or outer barristers, who, by their long study in, and knowledge of, the law, which must be for a term of five years at least, are called to public practice, and always plead without the bar. The inner barristers are those who, because they are either attorney, solicitor, serjeant, or counsel fo the king, are allowed out of respect, the privilege of pleading within the bar. But at the rolls,and some other inferior courts, all barristers are admitted with- in the bar. BARROW, in the salt works, wicker cases almost in the shape ofa sugar loaf, in which the salt is put to drain. Barrows, a name usually given to those hillocks or mounds of earth which were anciently raised over the bodies of deceased heroes, and persons of distinguished character. These are considered by some antiquarians as the most ancient sepulchral monuments in the world. BARRULET, in heraldry, the fourth of the bar, or the one half of the closset: an usual bearing in coat ar- mour. BARRULY, in heraldry, is when the field is divided bar ways, that is, across from side to side, inlo several parts. BAR BAR BARRY, in heraldry, is when an escutcheon is divided "bar ways, lhat is, across from side (o side, into an even number of partitions, consisting of two or more tinctures, interchangeably disposed. Barrv bendy is when an escutcheon is divided evenly, bar and bend ways, by lines drawn transverse and diago- nal, interchangeably varying the tinctures of which it consists. Barry pily is when a coat is divided by several lines drawn obliquely from side to side, where they form acute angles. BARTERING, in commerce, the exchanging of one commodity for another, or the trucking wares for wares, among merchants. Such was the original and natural mode of commerce, fhere being no buying till money was invented, though, in exchanging, both parties are buyers and sellers. Tbe only difficulty in this way of dealing lies in the due proportioning fhe commodities to be ex- changed, so aS that neither party sustain any loss. The value of the goods bartered are always equal to the product of the quantities bartered into their respec- tive rates. Therefore multiply the given quantity and rate of one commodity, and this product divided by the rate of the other commodity, will give the quantity, or divided by the quantity will give the rate. BARTON is used in lhe west of England for the de- mesne lands of a manor: also for the manor house; and in some parts for outhouses, &c. BARTONIA, in botany, a genus ofthe class tetandria, monogynia order of plants ; (he essential charac(er is, (he calyx four parted, corolla, do. capsule one celled, two valved. There are but two species. 1. B. Verna. Corolla white, flowers about the begin- ning of January, a native of Georgia. 2. B. Paniculata, corolla white, flowers in August, a na- tive of Pennsylvania, (a) BARTRAMIA, in botany, a genus of plants of the class cryptogaraia, order musci: there are five species. 1. The B. Oederiana. 2. B. Crispa. 3. B. Longiseta. 4. B. Marchica, and 5. B. Menziesii. (a) BARTSIA, painted cup, a genus of the angiospermia order, and didynamia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 40tb order, personatse. The calyx is bilbous, emargined, and coloured; the corolla less coloured than the calyx, with its upper lip longer than lhe under one. There are five species, of which the princi- pal are, 1. Barlsia alpina, fhe mountain eye bright cow wheat. It is a native of Britain, and is found near rivulets in hilly countries. Sheep and goafs eat it. 2. Bartsia viscosa, marshy, or yellow marsh eye bright, is about 10 or 12 inches high, with an erect stalk, downy and unbranched : the leaves are sessile, spear shaped, and a little viscous; the flowers are yellow, and fhe plant dries black. It is found in marshy places in Cornwall. BARULES, in church history, certain Christians who held that the Son of God had only a phantom of a body; that souls were created before (he world, and that they lived all at one time. BARYTES, in mineralogy and chymistry, an earth that was discovered by Scheele in 1774, and the first ac- count of its properties was published by him io his Dis- sertation on Manganese. 40* The experiments of Scheele were confirmed by Berg- mann, who gave the earth the name of terra ponderosa. Morveau gave it the name of barote, and Kirwan of bary- tes ; which last was approved of by Bergmann, and is now universally adopted. Different processes for obtaining barytes were published by Scheele, Bergmann, Wiegleb, and Afswelius; but little addition was made to fhe prop- erties ascertained by the original discoverer, fill Dr. Hope published his experiments in 1793. In 1797, our knowl- edge of its nature was still further extended by the ex- periments of Pellelier, Fourcroy, and Vauquelin. 1. Barytes may be obtained from ponderous spar, or sulphat of barytes a3 it is now called, by the following proc- ess, for which we are indebted to Vauquelin. Reduce the mineral (o a fine powder; mix it with (he eighth part of its weight of charcoal powder, and keep it for some hours red bot in a crucible, and if w ill be converted into sulphuret of barytes. Dissolve the sulphuret in water, and pour nitric acid info the solution, and the sulphur will be precipitated. The solution, which consists of nitric acid combined with barytes, is to be filtered and evaporat- ed slowly f ill it crystalizes. Put the crystal into a cruci- ble, and expose it to a strong heat; the nitric acid is driven off, and the barytes remains in a state of purity. Another method attended with less expense was pointed out long ago by Dr. Hope, and has been since proposed by several foreign chymists without taking any notice of the original discoverer. The method is this : Decompose the sulphat of barytes, by healing it strongly along with charcoal powder. The product is to be treated with wafer to dissolve every thing that is soluble : and the liquid, be- 4 ing filtered, is to be mixed wilh a solution of carbonat of soda. A white powder falls. Wash this powder ; make it up into balls with charcoal, and heat it strongly in a crucible. When these balls are treated with boiling water, a portion of barytes is dissolved, which crystalizes as the water cools. Barytes obtained by fhe first method is a grayish wbife porous body, which maybe very easily reduced to powder. It has a harsh and more caustic taste than lime; and when taken into the stomach proves a most violent poison. It has no perceptible smell. It tinges vegetable blues green, and decomposes animal bodies like the fixed alkalies, though not with such energy. Its specific gravity, according to Fourcroy, is 4 ; but ac- cording to Hassenfratz, only 2.374. But there is reason to conclude, from the method employed by Ibis philoso- pher, that the specific gravities which he assigns are all too low. AVhen heated it becomes harder, and acquires internal- ly a bluish green shade. When exposed to lhe blow pipe on a piece of charcoal, it fuses, bubbles up, and runs into globules, which quickly penetrate (he charcoal. This is probably in consequence of containing water, for Lavoisier found barytes not affected by the strongest heat which he could produce. When exposed to the air, it immediately attracts mois- ture ; in consequence of which it swells, heat is evolved, and the barytes falls lo a white powder, just as happens to quicklime when water is sprinkled on it. After the ba- rytes is thus slacked, it gradually attracts carbonic acid, and loses its acrid properties, its weight being increased. It cannot therefore be kept pure except in close vessels. BAR B A S When a little wafer is poured upon barytes it is slacked like quick lime, but more rapidly, and with the evolution of more heat. The mass becomes white, and swells con- siderably. If the quantify of water is sufficient to dilute it completely, the barytes crystalizes in cooling, and as- sumes the appearance of a stone composed of needle form crystals; but when exposed to tbe air it gradually attracts carbonic acid and falls to powder. Water is capable of dissolving 0.05 parts of its weight of barytes. This solution, which is known by tbe name of barytes water, is limpid and colourless, has an acrid taste, and converts vegetable blues first to a green and then de- stroys them. When exposed to the air, its surface is soon covered with a stony crust, consisting of the barytes com- bined with carbonic acid. Boiling water dissolves more than half its weight of ba- rytes. As the solution cools, the barytes is deposited in crystals; the shape of which varies according to the ra- pidity with which they have been formed. When most regular, they are flat hexagonal prisms. These crystals are transparent and colourless, and appear to be composed of about 53 parts of water and 47 of barytes. When ex- posed to the heat of boiling water, they undergo the wa- try fusion; that is to say, the water which they contain becomes sufficient to keep the barytes in solution. A stronger heat makes the water fly off. When exposed to the air, they attract carbonic acid, and crumble inlo dust. They are soluble in 17\ parts of water at the temperature of 60°; but boiling water dissolves any quantity whatever: the reason of which is evident; at that temperature their own water of crystalization is sufficient to keep them in solution. Barytes undergoes no change from light; neither is it ca- pable, as far as is known, of combining with oxygen. None of the simple combustibles combine with it except sulphur and phosphorus. Sulphuret of barytes may be formed by mixing its two ingredients together, and heating them in a crucible. The mixture melts at a red heat, and when cold forms a mass of a reddish yellow colour, without any smell, which is sulphuret <>f barytes. This sulphuret decomposes water with great rapidity: sulphureted hydrogen is formed, which, com- bining with the sulphuret, converts it into a bydrogenated sulphuret. This change takes place whenever the sul- phuret is moistened wifh water, or even exposed to the atmosphere. When boiling water is poured upon sulphu- ret of barytes, a great quantity of sulphureted hydrogen is formed almost instantaneously, which combines with the water and occasions the solution of the sulphuret. When the solution cools, a great number of brilliant white crys- tals are deposited. Phosphuret of barytes may be formed by putting a mixture of phosphorus and barytes info a glass tube close at one end, and heating the mixture by putting the tube upon burning coals. The combination takes place very rapidly. This phosphuret is of a dark brown colour, very brilliant and very fusible. When moistened, it exhales the odour of phosphureted hydrogen gas. When thrown into water it js gradually decomposed, phosphureted hy- drogen gas is emitted, which takes fire when it comes to (he surface of the water, and the phosphorus is gradually converted info phosphoric acid. Barytes is not acted on by azote ; but it combines read- ily with muriatic acid, and forms a compound called muri- at of barytes. Barytes has no action on metals; bu( i( is capable of com. bining with several of the metallic oxides, and forming with (hem compounds which have no( hitherto been much exam- ined. For instance, if poured into a solution of silver or lead in nitric acid, it precipitates the first brown, and the sec ond white ; but if an excess of barytes water is added, the precipitates are redissolved. Barytes does not combine wifh the alkalies. Its com- ponent parts are unknown ; but it resembles (he alkalies in so many of its properties, that it is thought thecomposi. tion of both is analogous. BASALTES, in natural history, a kind of stone ofa very fine texture, ofa deep glossy black, resembling that of polished steel, and mixed with no other colour, nor any extraneous matter of any kind. The most remarkable quality of this stone is its figure, being never found in stra- ta, but standing up in the form of regular an lhe method and order of arranging Battle, line of, $ the troops in order or line of battle - the form of drawing up the army for an engagement! This method generally consists of three lines, vis. the front line, the rear line, and the reserve. The second line should be about 300 paces behind (he first, and the reserve at about 5 or 600 paces behind (he second. The artillery is likewise divided along the front of the first line. The front line should be stronger than the rear line, that its shock may be more violent; and that, by having a greater front, it may more easily close on the enemy's flanks. If the first line has the advantage, it should continue to act, and attack the enemy's second line, terrified by the defeat of their first. The artillery must always accompany the line of battle in the order it was at first distributed, if the ground permit it; and the rest ofthe army should follow the motions of the first line, when it continues to march on after its first success. Battle ax, an offensive weapon, formerly much used by the Danes, and other northern infantry. It wasakind of halbert, and did great execution when wielded by a strong arm. Battle, naval, the same with a sea fight or engage- ment between two fleets of men of war. Before a naval battle, every squadron usually subdivides itself into three equal divisions, with a reserve of certain ships out of every squadron to bring up their rear. Every one of these, ob- serving a due birth and distance, are in the battle to second one another; and lhe better to avoid confusion and fall- ing foul of each other, to charge, discharge, and fall off by threes or fives, more or less, as the fleet is greater or small- er. The ships of reserve are instructed either to succour and relieve those fhat are any way in danger, or to supply and put themselves in the place of those that shall be made unserviceable. As for a fleet consisting but of few ships, when obliged to fight in an open sea, it should be brought up to battle in only one front, with the chief admiral in tbe middle ef them, and on each side of him the strongest and best pro- vided ships of the fleet. The English mode of fighting at sea has latterly been, to bear down on the enemy in a single column or line, to break the line of the enemy ship by ship, raking them by a broad* side as they pass. By thus breaking the enemy's line at a particular part, an opportunity is afforded, wind and other circumstances favouring, of cutting off any gh7*0 number of their force, and reducing them to an equality- Such was the famous manoeuvre of sir John Jervis off cape St. Vincent, by which he gained a victory over a very superior force. In the ever memorable battle of Trafal- gar, lord Nelson bore down upon the combined fleets in two columns, which brought them to action sooner and to B A U B E A greater advantage than could otherwise have been effect- ed. The disposition of the enemy on the same occasion was most masterly ; for by ranging a pari of their fleet be- hind the others in the intervals between ship and ship, fhey rendered it so much the more difficult and hazardous to break their line. BATTLEMENTS, in architecture, are indentures or notches in the top of a wall or other building, in the form of embrasures, for the sake of looking or firing through them. BATZ, a copper coin mixed wilh some silver, and cur- rent at different rates, according to the alloy, in Nurem- berg, Basil, Fribourg, Lucerne, and olher cities of Ger- many and Switzerland. BAUHINIA, mountain ebony, a genus ofthe monogy- nia order and decandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 33d order, lomentacese. The calyx is quinquefid and deciduous; the petals are oblong, expanded, and clawed, the superior one more distant, all inserted on the calyx ; the capsule is a legumen. There are 13 species, all trees and shrubs, which are propagated by seeds; and must be sown in hotbeds, and afterward kept in a bark stove. The most remarkable are, 1. Bauhinia aculeata, with a prickly stalk, very com- mon in Jamaica and other American sugar islands, where it rises to 16 or 18 feet, with a crooked stem, and divides into many irregular branches armed with strong short spines, compound winged leaves, each having two or three pair of lobes ending with an odd one, which are oblique, blunt, and indented at the top. The stalks are terminat- ed by several long spikes of yellow flowers, succeeded by bordered pods about three inches long, containing two or three swelling seeds. It is called in America the savin tree, from its strong odour somewhat resembling the com- mon savin. 2. Bauhinia acuminata, with oval leaves, is a native of both the Indies, and rises with several pretty strong, up- right, smooth stems, sending out many slender branches. The flowers come out at the extremities ofthe branches, three or four in a loose bunch ; some of the petals are red or striped wilh while, but others are plain upon the same branch ; the stamina and style are white, and stand out beyond the petals. The wood of this free is very hard, and veined with black j whence its name of mountain eb- ony. 3. Bauhinia divaricata, with oval leaves, whose lobes spread different ways. This grows naturally in great plenty on the north side ofthe island of Jamaica. It sel- dom rises more than five or six feet, but divides into sev- eral branches. The flowers grow in loose panicles at the end of the branches have a white colour, and a very agreeable scent. They appear the greatest part of sum- mer, which makes it one of the greatest beauties of the hot- house. 4. Bauhinia tomentosa, wifh heart shaped leaves, is a native of Campeachy, and rises to 1*2 or 14 feel, with a smooth stem dividing into many branches, having two smooth pointed lobes. Every branch is terminated by a long spike of yellow flowers, so (hat when these trees are in flower (hej^make a fine appearance. 5. Bauhinia variegala, with heart shaped leaves, and lobes joining together, is a native of both the Indies. It rises with a strong stem upward of 20 feef, dividing into 41* many strong branches. The flowers are large, and^grow in loose panicles at the extremity of the branches. They are ofa purplish red colour marked wilh white, and have a yellow bottom. The flowers have a very agreeable scent. and are succeeded by compressed pods about six inches long, and three quarters of an inch broad, confaining three or four compressed seeds in each. BAWN, or Ban, to construct and secure with branches of trees an area enclosed with thick ditches of earth, square orcircular, impaled with wooden stakesorbranchesof tree?, and surrounded with a deep trench. Numerous remains of such fortresses are found in Britain, Germany, and oth er countries in the north of Europe. BAY, among farmers, a term used to signify the mag- nitude of a barn; as, if a barn consists of a floor aud (wo heads, where they lay corn, they call it a barn of two bays. These bays are from 14 to 20 feet long. BAYONET, in fhe military art, a short broad dagger, fitted for the bore of a firelock, to be fixed there after the soldier has fired. BAYS, in commerce, a sort of open woollen stuff, hav. ing a long nap, sometimes friezed, and sometimes not. This stuff is without wale, and is wrought in a loom with two treddles, like flannel. It is chiefly manufactured at Colchester, and Bocking in Essex, where Ihere is a hall called the Dutch bay hall, or raw hall. The exportation of bays was formerly much more considerable than at present. However, the English bays are s"till sent in great quantifies to Spain and Portugal, and even to Italy. BAZAR, Bazari, or Bazaard, a place designed for trade among tbe eastern nations, particularly lhe Per- sians, some of which are open at top, like the market places of Europe ; others are covered wilh high vaulted ceilings, and adorned with domes to give light. At Constantinople the old and new bazar are large square buildings, covered with domes, and sustained by arches and pilastres; the former chiefly for arms, harnesses, and the like; the latter for goldsmiths, jewellers, furriers, and all sorts of manufactures. BAZAT, or Baza, in commerce, a long, fine, spun cot- ton, which comes from Jerusalem, whence it is called Je- rusalem cotton. BAZENDGES, the name of a vegetable substance used by the Turks, and other eastern nations, in the scar- let dyeing. They mix it for this purpose with cochineal and tartar, in the proportion of two parts of bazendges to one of cochineal. BDELLIUM, a gum resin somewhat resembling myrrh in appearance, brought from the Levant. It is met with in single drops, of a very irregular size, some of which are as large as a hazle nut. Its colour is dusky, and its taste bitter. There is much uncertainly concerning both the plant from which it proceeds, and the place of its production. Tbe smell of this gum is fragrant, and its taste bitter and pungent. It readily burns, giving out smoke and a crack- ling noise. It is partly soluble in alcohol, and partly in water, or completely in diluted spirit. It was formerly used as a stimulating remedy, chiefly for external appli- cation, and is still retained in the Paris dispensatories. BEACON, a public signal, to give warning again, rocks, shelves, invasions, &c. It is made sometimes by putting pitch barrels upon a long pole, and fixing them up B E A B E A on an eminence, so that they may be seen at a distance ; for the barrels being fired, lhe flame in the night time, and Ibe smoke in the day, give notice, and in a few hours may alarm the whole kingdom, upon an approaching inva- sion, Sec. BEACONAGE, a tax or farm paid for the use and maintenance of a beacon. The Trinity house is empow- ered to levy this tax, by act of parliament. BEAD. The common black glass of which beads are made for necklaces, &c is coloured with manganese only. Bead, in architecture, a round moulding, commonly made upon the edge of a piece of stuff, in the Corinthian and Roman orders, cut or carved in short embossments, like beads in necklaces. Sometimes a plain bead is set on the edge of each fascia of an architrave, and sometimes likewise an astragal is thus cut. A bead is often placed on (he Ihiing board ofa doorcase, and on (he upper edges of skirting boards. Bead proof, among distillers and venders of liquors, a fallacious mode of determining the strength of spirits, from the continuance of the bubbles, or beads, raised by shak- ing a small quantity of them in a phial. Bead roll, among papists, a list of such persons for the rest of whose souls they are obliged to repeat a cer- tain number of prayers, which they count by means of (heir bead^. BEAGLE. See Cams. - BEAK, (he bill or nib ofa bird. See Bill. Beak, in architecture, the small fillet left on fhe bead ofa larmier, which forms a canal, and makes a kind of pen- dant. Beak, or Beak head, of a ship, (hat part without a ship, before the forecastle, which is fastened to the stern, and is supported by the main knee, BEAKED, in heraldry, a term used to express the beak or bill of a bird. When lhe beak and legs ofa fowl are ofa different tincture from (he body, we say beaked and membered of such a tincture. BEAM, in architecture, the largest piece of wood in a building, which lies across the walls, and serves to sup- port the principal rafters of the roof, and into which the feet of these rafters are framed. No building has less than (wo of these beams, vis. one at each end. Into these the girders of the garret roof are also framed; and if fhe building is of timber, tbe teazle tenons of the posts are framed into Ihem. The proportions of beamsinor near London are fix- ed, by statute, as follows; a beam 15 feet long must be seven inches on one side its square, and five on lhe other; if it is 16 feet long, one side must be eight inches, the other six ; and so proportionably lo (heir leng(bs. In the country, where wood is more plenty, they usually make their beams stronger. Beams of a ship are the great main cross timbers which hold the sides of the ship from falling together, and which also support lhe decks and orlops. The main beam is next the mainmast, and from it they are reckoned by first, second, third beam, &c. The greatest beam of all is called the midship beam. See Ship, Beam compass, an instrument consisting of a square woodea or brass beam, having sliding sockets, that carry 3leel or pencil points; they are used for describing large circles, where the common compasses are useless. Beam, in heraldry, (he term used to express the main horn ofa hart or buck. Beam filling, in building, the filling up of (he vacant space between the raison and roof, wilh slones or bricks laid be(ween the rafters on the raison, and plastered on with loam, where the garrets are not paigeted, or plaster- ed, as in country places. < Beam of an anchor, the longest part of it, called also the shank. Beam also denotes the lath, or iron, ofa pair of scales; sometimes the whole apparatus for weighiug of goods is so called: thus we say, it weighs so much at the king's beam. Beam of a plough, that in which all the parfsof the plough tail are fixed. It is commonly made of asb, and is eight feet long; but in the four conltered plough it is ten feet long. Beam, or roller, among weavers, a long and thick wooden cylinder, placed lengthwise on the back part of the loom of those who work wilh a shuttle. That cylinder on which the stuff is rolled as it is weaved, is also called the beam, or roller, and is placed on lhe fore part of the loom. BEAN. See Vicia, and Phaseoi.is. BEAR. See Ursus. Bear, in astronomy, a name given to two constellations, called the greater and lesser bear, or ursa major and minor. Bear, a species of barley cultivated in Scotland and Ireland, and the northern parts of England. It is not es- teemed so good for malting as the common barley. Bear, in heraldry. He that has a coat of arms is said fo bear in it the several charges or ordinaries that are in his escutcheon. BEAR'S breech. See Acawthus. BEARER, in architecture, a post, or brick wall, trim- med up between the two ends of a piece of timber, la shorten its bearing, or to prevent its bearing with the whole weight at the ends only. BEARING, in navigation and geography, fhe situation of one place from another, wifh regard to lhe points ofthe compass; or the angle which a line drawn through the two places makes with the meridians of each. The bearings of places on fhe ground are usually determined from the magnetic needle, in the managing of which consists tbe principal part of surveying; since the bearingor distance of a second point from a first being found, the place of that second is determined; or the bearings of a third point from two others, whose distance is known, being found, the place of the third is determined insfrumentally; but to calculate trigonomefrically, there must be more data. Bearing, in the sea language. When a ship sails tow- ard the shore, before the wind, sheis said to bear in with tbe land or harbour. To let the ship sail more before ibe wind, is to bear up. To put her right before the wind, is to bear round. A ship that keeps off from the land is said to bear off. When a ship (hat was lo windward comes under another ship's stern, and so gives her lhe wind, she is said (o bear under her lee, &c. There is anolher sense of (his word, in reference to (he burden of a ship; for (bey say a ship bears, when having loo slender or lean a quarter, she will sink loo deep inlo the wafer with an over light freight, and thereby can carry but * small quantity of goods. BED BEG Bear i vo ofa piece of timbtr, among carpenters, lhe space eit her between the two fixed extremes thereof, when it has no other support, which they call bearing at length, or between one extreme and a post, brick wall, Sec. trim- med up between the ends to shorten its bearings. BEAST, la bete, among gamesters, a game at cards, played in this manner: The best cards are the king, queen, &c. whereof they make three heaps, the king, lhe play, and triolet. Three, four, or five may play ; and to every one are dealt five cards. However, before the play begins, every one stakes to the three heaps. He that wins most 1 ricks, takes up the heap called the play ; he that has the king, takes up the heap so called; and he that has three of any sort, that is, three fours, three fives, three sixes, &c. takes up the triolet heap. BEAT of drum, in the military art, is to give notice by beat of drum, ofa sudden danger; or, that scattered sold- iers may repair to (heir arms and quarters, is to beat an alarm, or to arms; also (o signify, by different manners of sounding a drum, that the soldiers are to fall on the en- emy ; to retreat before, in, or after, an attack; to move, or march, from one place to another; to treat upon terms, or confer with the enemy ; to permit the soldiers lo come out of their quarters at break of day ; to order to repair to their colours, &c. is to beat a charge, a retreat, a march, &c. BEAVER, in zoology. See Castoh. BECA1I, or Bekah, in Hebrew antiquity, a Jewish coin, equal \o thirteen and eleven sixteenths pence of our money. BED, a place raised above the level of the floor of an apartment, on which the body is stretched out, for rest or sleep, (a) All beds that are for sale must be filled with one sort of stuffing only, on the pain of forfeiture; as the mixing of feathers, down, scalded feathers,dry pulled feathers, any ways together, is conceived to be injurious loa man's body to lie on. Also bed quilts, mattresses, and cushions, stuff- ed with horse hair, fen down, goat's hair, and neat's hair, which are dressed in lime, and in which the heat of a man's body will exhale, and cause them to yield a noxious smell, are prohibited by statute. Bed of justice, in the French customs, a throne upon which the king used to be seated when be went to the parlia- ment. The king never held a bed of justice unless for affairs (hat concerned (he state, and then all the officers of parliament were clothed in scarlet robes. Bed of the carriage ofa great gun, a thick plank that lies under lhe piece, being in fact, the body of tbe carriage. Bed, in masonry, a course or range of stones; and lhe joint of the bed is the mortar between two stones placed over each other. BEDCHAMBER, lords of, in the British customs, 14 lords who attend in their turns, each a week, during which tune they lie in tbe king's bedchamber, and wait on him when he dines in private. Their salary is 1000/. per an- num* The first of these is called groom of the stole. There ave also twelve grooms ofthe bedchamber. BEDA, a sacred book of the religion and laws of the brahmins of Hindostan, called also veda. BEDOUINS, in the Arabian customs, tribes of Arabs, who live in tents, and are dispersed all over Arabia, Egypt, and the north of Africa. BEE, in zoology. See Apis. BEECH galls, hard protuberances found on lhe leaves ofthe beech, wherein are lodged the maggots of a certain fly. These galls are of an oblong figure and somewhat flatted. They resemble (he stone of apium in »liape, and are very hard. In each gall there is a single cavity inhab- ited by a white worm, which in time passes through lhe nymph state into that of the fly, to which it owes its or- igin. Beech mast, the fruit of the beech tree, said to be good for fattening hogs, deer, &c. and to have supplied men in- stead of bread. The island of Chios sustained a siege by means of mast. Beech oil, an oil drawn by expression from the mast ofthe beech tree, after it has been shelled and pounded. This oil is very common in some parts of Fiance, and used instead of butter ; but most of those who take a great deal of it, complain of pains and a heaviness of lhe stomach. BEELE, a kind of pickax, used by the miners for sep- arating'the ores from the rocks in which they lie: this instrument is called a tubber by the miners of Cornwall. BEER, a common and well known liqnor, made with malt and hops, and used in those parts of Europe where vines will not grow, and where cider is scarce. See Bui.wing, Sec. BEET, in botany. See Beta. BEETLE, in entomology, a common English name for all insects that are furnished with shelly wing cases ; those which have them divided by a straight suture are proper- ly beetles, and belong to the coleoptera order. The scarabiei are beetles in the strictest sense ofthe word. BEFARIA PANIC UL ATA, in botany, a plant ofthe dodecandria, monogynia class and order; its characteristics are, cal. 7 cleft, corolla 7 pet. flower white, a native of Georgia, (a) BEGGAR. See Vagrant. * BEGHARDI, a certain sect of Christians which arose in Germany, and in the low countries, about the end of the thirteenth century. They made profession of a mo- nastical life, without observing celibacy ; and maintained, if they are not scandalized by the monks, lhat man could become as perfect in this life as he shall be in heaven ; that every intellectual nature is of itself happy, without lhe succour of grace; and lhat he who is in this stale of ne/ fection ought to perform no good works, nor worship the host. BEGLERBEG, a governor of one of lhe principal governments in the Turkish empire. There are two sorts of beglerbegs; lhe one have a cerlain revenue assigned upon lhe cities, boroughs, and villages of their govern- ment, which they raise by power of lhe commission grant- ed to them by the sultan; the others have a certain rent paid by the treasurer of lhe grand seignior. They are be- come almost independent, and have under (heir jurisdic- tion several sangiacs, or particular governments, and begs, agas, and other officers who obey them. BEGONIA, in bo(any, a genus of plants of the mono- ecia polyandria class and order ; the characters of which are: (he flowers are of two kinds; the one is (he male flower, wi(h no cal. but many pelals, some broader, and others narrower; (he other, which produces the embryo fruit, is of the rosaceous sort, and is composed of several BEL BEL petal*, arranged in a circular form, and placed on a foliat- ed cup, which finally becomes a trigonal alated caps, and containing small seeds. There are 13 species, chiefly stove plants. BEGUINS, congregations of devout young women, who maintain themselves by the work of their hands, lead- ing a middle kind of life between (he secular and religious. These socielies consist of several houses placed together in one enclosure, with one or more churches, according to lhe number of begnins. There is in every house a pri- oress, without whose leave they cannot stir out. Their vow is conceived in these terms : * I promise to be obedi- ent and chaste, as long as I continue in this beguinage.' They observe a three years' noviciate, before they take the habit; and the rector of the parish is their superior, but can do nothing without the advice of eight beguins. They were formerly established in several parts of Flan- ders. BEHEADING, a capital punishment among the Ro- mans : it was performed at first with an ax, but afterward wilh a sword, as was formerly the case in Holland and France. In France, however, during the last 15 years the guillotine has been used for the purpose of despatching criminals ; and in the course of that space of time a multi- tude of the most loyal, virtuous, and most honourable men in Europe, for actions the most praiseworthy, have been cruelly murdered by that instrument. BEIIEN, in the materia medica, the name of two roots, the one white the other red, both accounted cordials and restorative. BEJARIA, a genus of the dodecandria monogynia class and order : the essential character is ; calyx seven cleft; petals seven; stam. fourteen ; berry seven celled, many seeded. There are two species, one a tree and the other a shrub, of New Granada. The tree has purple flowers, and the shrub flesh coloured, something allied to the rhododen- drons. BEIZA, or Beizath, in Hebrew antiquity, a word signifying an egg, was a certain measure in use among the Jews. The beiza was likewise a gold coin, weighing forty drachms, among the Persians. BELAY, in the sea language, is to make fast the ropes in their proper places. BELEMNITES, in natural history, are fossils, com- posed of several thin coats or crusts, encircling one anoth- er, and all of a striated texture ; they have usually a hol- low in the middle, of a conical shape; sometimes empty, and sometimes filled up with spar, pyrites, or a marine shell of the straight concamerated kind. They have usu- ally a chink running down the whole length of the body, and sometimes two or three; but the additional ones usu- ally begin at lhe apex of fhe stone, and run up but a lit- tle way. Their figure is sometimes conic, sometimes cy- lindric : some are of all the intermediate figures between conic and cylindric, and some almost orbicular. They are of various sizes, from a quarter of an inch to eight inches in length, and though always of the same structure, are of various colours, and they have a peculiar smell when scraped. They are found in all sorls of strata, sometimes in clay, sometimes among gravel, often immersed in beds of stone, often in loose flinls, and are sometimes found cover- ed with a sparry crust of a different texture from the body of the mass. The finest specimens have been procured from chalk pits of Oxfordshire. BELL, a well known machine, ranked by musicians among the musical instruments of percussion. The mu. sic of bells is altogether melody ; but the pleasure arising from it consists in the variety of interchanges, and the va- rious successions and general predominance of the conso- nances in fhe sounds produced. The metal of which a bell is made, is a composition of tin and copper, or pew- ter and.copper; the proportion of one to the other is almost 20 pounds of pewter, or 23 pounds of tin, to 100 weight of copper. Bell metal is prohibited to be imported, as are hawk bells, &c. The constituent parts of a bell are the body or barrel the clapper on the inside, and the ear or cannon on which it hangs to a large beam of wood. The sound of a bell consists in a vibratory motion of its parts, much like that of a musical chord. The stroke of the clapper must nec- essarily change the figure ofthe bell, and of a round make it oval; but the metal having a great degree of elasticity, that part will return back again which the stroke drove furthest off from the centre, and that even some small mat- ter nearer the centre than before ; so that the two parts which before were extremes of the longest diameter, do then become those of the shortest; and thas the external surface of the bell undergoes alternate changes of figure, and by lhat means gives that tremulous motion to the air, in which the sound consists. To understand this more completely, let us conceive that a bell is composed of a series of circular zones, decreasing in diameter all the way to its top, each of which may be considered as a flat ring, composed of as many concentric circles as ifs thickness will admit of. If this ring is struck at the point a, Plate XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 11. the part so struck tends toward g, and at the same time the parts b and d tend toward i and m, and this action in these parts necessarily causes the point c to approach toward e; by their elastic power, however, these parts presently regain the position io which they were before the bell was struck; but as they return with an accelerated force, they generally go beyond the point where they ought to rest. The part a, there- fore, after having returned from g to a, tends toward/, the part c toward h, and the parts b and d toward k and I; whence it happens that lhe bell, at first of a circular form, really becomes alternately oval in two different directions; it follows then, that in those parts where the curvature is the greatest, their exterior points depart from each other. BELLA DONNA. See Amaryllis and Atropa. BELLES-LETTRES, a word absurdly introduced from the French, and noted here only to reprobate the contemptible practice of debasing the simple majesf^of our nat ive language, by wretched gallicisms. The French writers (hemselves have no determinate idea affixed to this phrase; some applying it to polite literature only, and some extending it to the whole scope of human learn- ing, even to mathematics. BELLIS, in botany, the daisy, a genus of the synge- nesia class, and polygamia superflua order of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, com- posifje discoida?. The receptacle is naked and conic ; there is no pappus ; the calyx is hemispherical, with equal scales ,• and lhe seeds are ovated. There are two spe- cies, and many varieties. BEL B E X 1. Bellis annua, with leaves on the lower part of the stalk, is alow annual plant growing naturally on the Alps and the hilly parts of Italy. It seldom rises more than three inches high, and has an upright stalk, with leaves on the lower part j but the upper part is naked, supporting a single flower, like that ofthe common daisy, but smaller. 2. Bellis perennis, the common daisy, with a naked stalk, and one flower, grows naturally in pasture lands in most parts of Europe. It is often a troublesome weed in lhe grass of gardens, so is never cultivated. Its leaves have a subtile subacid tas(e ; and are recommended as vulneraries, and in asthmas and hectic fevers, as well as in such disorders as are occasioned by drinking cold liquors when the body has been much heated. The Bellis hortensis, or garden daisy, is only a variety of this species. It has a large double flower. The varie- ties cultivated in gardens are; 1. (he red and white gar- den daisy: 2. the double variegated garden daisy : 3. the child ing, or hen and chicken garden daisy: and 4. the cock's comb daisy, with red and whi(e flowers. BELLIUM, a genus ofthe syngenesia, polygamia super- flua class and order. The essential character is; cal. with equal leaflets; seeds conic, with chaffy eight leaved crown, and awned down; recept. naked. There are two species, natives of Italy and the Levant, in many respects resembling the daisy in habit and appearance. BELLON, a distemper common in countries where they smelt lead ore. It is attended with languor, intoler- able pains, and sensation of gripings in the belly, and gen- erally costiveness. Beasts, poultry, &c. as well as men, are subject to Ihis disorder. Hence a certain space round the smelting houses is called bellon ground, because it is dangerous for an animal to feed upon it. BELLONIA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia or- der, and pentandria class of plants. The characters are ; the flower is wheel shaped; the germen is situated under the receptacle of the flower, which afterward becomes a turbinated seed vessel, ending in a point, having one cell filled wilh small round seeds. Of this genus there are two species known, vis. 1. Bellonia aspera, or shrubby bellonia, has a rough balm leaf. It is very common in the warm islands of America. 2. Bellonia spinosa, a native of Hispaniola. BELLOWS, a machine so contrived, as to agitate the air with great briskness, expiring and inspiring the air by turns, and fhat only from enlarging and contracting its ca- pacity. This machine is of various constructions, but in general is composed of two flat boards, sometimes of an oval, sometimes ofa triangular figure : two or more hoops, bent according to the figure of the boards, are placed be- tween them; apiece of leather, broad in the middle, and narrow at both ends, is nailed on the edges of lhe boards, which it Ihus uniles together, as also on the hoops which separate the boards, that the leather may the easier open and fold again ; a tube of iron, brass, or copper, is fasten- ed to tbe undermost board; and there is a valve within (hat covers the holes in the under board, to keep in the air. In founderies, and other s;reat works, where a con- stant and vast beat is required, lhe bellows are made double, so (hat (here is a constant blast proceeding by the upward and downward motion of (he handle. The action of bellows, however «wrotight, whether by water, steam, or men, depends on this; that the air which enters them, and which they contain when raised, is again compressed into a narrower space when fhey are closed, and it flows out of the pipe with a velocity proportional to the force by which it is compressed. The blast also will last in lhe proportion which the quantity of air drawn in through the valve bears to lhe pipe. The bellows of smiths and founders are worked by means of a rocker, with a string or chain fastened to it, and pulled by the workman. One of the boards is fixed, and by drawing down the handle of the rocker, the moveable board rises, and by means ofa weight on the top of the upper board, sinks again. The bellows of an organ are wrought by a man called the blower; but in small organs, by the foot of the player. BELLY, the abdomen. See Anatomy. BELTS, in astronomy, two zones, or girdles, surround- ing the body of the planet Jupiter, more lucid than the feet, and of unequal breadth. See Astronomy. Belts, in geography, certain straits between the Ger- man Ocean and the Baltic. The belts belong to the king of Denmark, who exacts a toll from all ships which pass through them, excepting those of Sweden, which are exempted. BENCAPED, among sailors. A ship is said to be bencaped when the water does not flow high enough to bring her off the ground, out ofthe dock, or over the bar. BENCH,/ree, signifies that estate in copyhold lands, which (he wife, being espoused a virgin, has after (he de- cease of her husband, for her dower, according to the custom of fhe manor. As to this free bench, several man- ors have their own customs; and in (he manors of East and West Enboume, in lhe county of Berks, and other parts of England, there is a custom, that when a copyhold tenant dies, the widow shall have her free bench in all the deceased husband's lands, whilst she lives single and chaste ; but if she commits incontinency, she shall forfeit her estate : nevertheless, upon her coming into the court of the manor, riding on a black ram, and having his tail in her hand, and at the same time repeating a form of words prescribed, the steward is obliged, by "the custom ofthe manor, to re-admit her to her free bench. BEND, in heraldry, one of the nine honourable ordina- ries, containing a third part of the field when charged, and a fifth when plain. It is sometimes, like other ordinaries, indented, ingrailed, &c. and is either dexter or sinister. BENDING, in the sea language, the tying two ropes or cables together: thus Ihey say, bend (he cable; that is, make it fast to (he ring of (he anchor : bend the sail, make it fast to the yard. BENDS, in a ship, lhe same with what i- called wails, or wales; the outmost timbers of a ship's side, on which men set their feet in climbing up. Tbey are reckoned from the waler, and are called the first, second, or third bend. They are the chief slrengfh of a ship's sides, and have the beams, knees, and foot hooks, bolted to them BENEDICTINES, in church history, an order of monks, who profess to follow the rules of St. Benedict. The Benedictines being those only that are properly called monks, wear a loose black gown, with large wide sleeves, and a capuche, or cowl, on Iheir heads, ending in a point behind. In the canon law they are styled black friars, from the colour of their habit. BEN B E R The rules of St. Benedict, as observed by the English monks before the dissolution of the monasteries, were as follows: tbey were obliged lo perform their devotions seven times in 24 hours, the whole circle of which devo- tions had respect to fhe passion and death of Christ: fhey were obliged always to go two and two together: every day in Lent they were obliged to fast till six in the even- ing, and abated of fheir usual fime of sleeping and eating; but they were not allowed to practise any voluntary auster- ity without leave of their superior; they never conversed in their refectory at meals, but were obliged fo attend to (he reading of (he Scriptures: (hey all slept in (he same dormitory, but not two in a bed ; Ihey lay in their clothes. For small faults they were shut out from meals; for greater, they were debarred religious commerce, and excluded from the chapel; and as to incorrigible offend- ers, they were excluded from the monasteries. Every monk had two coats, two cowls, a table book, a knife, a needle, and a handkerchief: and the furniture of their bed was a matt, a blanket, a rug, and a pillow. BENEFICE, a church endowed with a revenue, for the performance of divine service; or the revenue itself assigned to an ecclesiastical person, by way of stipend, for the service he is to do that church. All church preferments, except bishoprics, are called benefices; and all benefices are, by fhe canonists, some- times styled dignities; but we now ordinarily distinguish between benefice and dignity ; applying dignity to bish- oprics, deaneries, archdeaconries, and-prebends ; and ben- efice to parsonages, vicarages, and donatives. The canonists distinguish three manners of vacating a benefice, vis. de jure, de facto, and by the sentence ofa judge. A benefice is vacated de jure, when the person enjoying it is guilty of certain crimes expressed in those laws, as heresy, simony, &c. A benefice is vacated de facto as well as de jure, by the natural death or the resig- nation ofthe incumbent; which resignation may be either express, or tacit, as when he engages in a slate, Sec. incon- sistent wilh if, as, among the Romanists, by marrying, en- tering into a religious order, or the like. A benefice be- comes vacant by the sentence of a judge, by way of pun- ishment for certain crimes, as concubinage, perjury, &c. In the church of England there are 1071 benefices un- der 10/. per annum ; 1467 from 10 to 20 ; 1126 from 20 to 30; 1049 from 30 to 40; 884 from 40 to 50; and there are 5597 livings under 50/. per annum. It must be 500 years before every living can be raised fo 60/. a year by queen Anne's bounty, and 339 years before any of them can exceed 50/. a year. On the whole, there are above 11,000 church preferments in England, exclusive of bish- oprics, deaneries, canonries, prebends, priest vicars, lay vicars, secondaries, Sec. belonging to cathedrals, or choris- ters, or even curates fo well beneficed clergymen. Ben- efices began about a.d. 500. BEXISH days, among the Egyptians, a term of three days of the week, which are days of less ceremony in religion than the other four. BENZOIN, a dry and solid resin, brought fo us in masses of various sizes from the Eas( Indies,"particularly from (he kingdom of Sia;n, and the islands of Java and Sumatra. If is very brittle, and breaks vitreous. When rubbed, it emits a fragrant odour, and when heated suf- ficiently, lets the benzoic acid escape. It is soluble in al- cohol, but insoluble in water. It is used chiefly (o per- fume apartments, and benzoic acid is extracted from it. ft has not been examined by any modern chymist. Its 8pc. cific gravity is 1.092. If is considered as a compound of resin and benzoic acid. See Styrax, and for benzoic acid see Chymistry. BERA31S, a coarse cloth, all made with cotton thread which comes from the East Indies, and particularly from Sural. BERBERIS, the barberry, or pipperidge bush. A genus of the monogynia order, and hexandria class of plants: the characters of which are; the calyx consists of six leaves; the petals are six, with two glands at the ungues; it has no stylus; and the berry contains two seeds. The species are four : 1. Berberis cretica, with a single flower in each foot- stalk, is at present very rare in Britain ; the,plants being tender whilst young, and most of Ihem killed by severe frost. This never rises more than three or four feet high in England; but sends out many stalks from the roof, which are strongly armed with spines at every joint: the leaves are produced without order, and are shaped like those ofthe narrow leaved box tree; the flowers come out from between the leaves, each having a slender foot. stalk ; but they are not succeeded by fruit in Britain. 2. Berberis illicifolia, with leaves like the holm oak. 3. Berberis Sibirica, a very small shrub, scarcely a span in height. 4. Berberis vulgaris, the common barberry, which grows naturally in hedges in many parts of England; but is also cultivated in gardens, on account of its fruit, which is pick- led. It rises to the height of eight or ten feet, with many stalks, which have a white bark, yellow on the inside. The flowers come out from lhe wings of the leaves in small ramose bunches like those of the currant bush, and are of a yellow colour; these are succeeded by oval fruit, which are at first green, but when ripe turn fo a fine red colour. The flowers appear in May, and the fruit ripens in Sep- fember. There are two or fhree varieties of this shrub, which by some have been taken for distinct species; one is the barberry without stone ; another, lhe barberry with white fruit; and a third is called by Tournefort taller east- ern barberry, with a black sweet fruit. Of these Mr. Mil- ler observes, that the first certainly depends on the age of the plant, because the suckers taken from fhose bushes commonly produce fruit with slones. The second, he says, seldom bears any fruit; the leaves are of a lighter green colour, and tbe bark ofthe stalks is whiter, than those of the common kind. The third appears to be the same with the common sort, excepting the colour and flavour of its fruit, which can never indicate a specific difference. The berries, which are so acid that birds will not feed upon them, are moderately astringent; and have been giv- en with success in bilious fluxes, and diseases proceeding from heat, acrimony, and thinness of fhe juices. The leaves also are gratefully acid. The flowers are offensive to the smell when near, but at a distance iheir odour is ex- tremely fine. An infusion of lhe bark in while wine is purgative. The roofs boiled in lye, dye wool yellow. In Poland they dye leather of a most beautiful yellow with fhe bark of fhe roof. The inner bark of fhe stems dyes linen ofa fine yellow wifh fhe assisfance of alum. This shrub should never be permitted lo grow in corn lands; for the ears of wheat-that grow near it never fill, and its influence in this respect has been known to extend across B E R B E S afield of 300or 400 yards. Cows, sbeep, and goats, eat it: horses and swine refuse it. BERCHEROIT, or Berkcoits, a weight used at Archangel, and in all the Russian dominions: it weighs about 364 pounds English avoirdupois weight. BERDASH, a name formerly used in England for a certain kind of neck dress ; and hence a person who made or sold such neck cloths, was called berdasher, from which is derived our word haberdasher. BERENb ARIANS, a religious sect of lhe 11th cen- tury, which adhered lo (he opinion of Berengarius, who, even in those days, strenuously asserted, that fhe bread and wine in fhe Lord's supper is not really and essential- ly, but only figuratively, changed info the body and blood of Christ. BERGAMOT, lhe name ofa fragrant essence extract- ed from a species of citron. As this oil exists pure in (he peel, being simply deposited in small cells, the extraction is easy, either by expression or distillation. The former is the best, as (he oil is not liable to be altered by heat; but more is produced by distillation than by expression : by this mode two ounces of lhe oil have been obtained from two pounds of the peel. It is also the denomination of a coarse tapestry, manu- factured with flocks of silk, wool, cotton, hemp, ox, cow, or goat's hair, and supposed to be invented by the people of Bergamo. BERGESA, a genus of the class and order decandria monogynia. The essential character is, calyx five parted ; petals five; berry subglobular, one celled, with five seeds. There is one species, a leafy tree, with the bark of the alder: a native of the East Indies. BERGIA, a genus of the class and order decandria pentagynia. The essential character is, calyx five part- ed ; petals five; capsule one, globular, with swellings, five celled, five valved, valves resembling petals; seeds many. There are fwo species, the B. capensis and glomerafa, both natives of lhe Cape. BERGHMOT,an assembly, or court, held upon a hill, in Derbyshire, for deciding controversies among the mi- ners. BERJBERI, a kind of palsy, common in the East In- dies. The word, in the language of fhe country, signifies a sheep j and was given by the natives to this distemper, because the patients, on throwing out their knees, and lifting up their legs, seem to imitate sheep in their walk. BERiME, in fortification, a space of ground left at the foot ofthe rampart, on the side next the country, designed fo receive the ruins of fhe rampart, and prevent the fill- ing up of fhe fosse. It is sometimes palisadoed, for the more security; and in Holland it is generally planted wifh a quickset hedge. It is also called liziere, relais, foreland, refraife, pas de souris, Sec. BERNARDINES, an order of monks, founded by Robert abbot of Moleme, and reformed by St. Bernard. They wear a v\ bile robe with a black scapularv ; and when Ihey officiate, they are clothed wilh a large "gown, which is all white, and wifh great sleeves, and a hood of the same colour. They differ but very little from the Cis- tercians. BERNIIABDIA DICHOTOMA, in botany, a plant of cryptogamia class and order Slices. («) vol. i. 42 BERRY, a round fruit, for (he most part soft, and covered with a thin skin, containing seeds in a pulpy sub- stance; but if it is harder, or covered wilh a thicker skin. it is called pomuin, apple. BERTIESA, a genus of the pentandria monogynia class and order. The essential character is, calyx turbi- nate, five toothed; corolla, lube short, with a villose mouth.: berry globose, inferior, two celled, many seeded. There is but one species, the B. Guianensis, which the specific name announces to be a native of Guiaua. The flower is white. BERYL, in natural history, called by our lapidaries aqua marina, is a pellucid gem of a bluish green colour, found in the East Indies and about the gold mines of Pe- ru, and especially in Siberia and Tartary, where its crys- tals are sometimes a foot long. The beryl, like most other gems, is met with both in the pebble and columnar form, but in the latter most frequent- ly. In the pebble form it usually appears of a roundish but flatted figure, and commonly full of small flat faces, irregularly disposed. In tbe columnar or crystaline form it always consists of hexangular columns, terminated by hexangular pyramids. It never receives any admixture of colour into if, nor loses the blue and green, but has its genuine tinge in the degrees from a very deep and dusky to the palest imaginable ofthe hues of sea water. The beryl has many points of resemblance with lhe emerald, and in particular the crystals of both are divisi- ble parallel to the sides and extremities ofa regular hexa- hedral prism. The beryl is externally shining, with a vi- treous lustre. It is generally transparent, but sometimes only semi-transparent. The specific gravity varies from 2.65 to 2.75. A specimen, analyzed by Vauquelin, con tained 69 silica 13 alumina 16 glucina 1 oxide of iron 0.5 lime 99.5 It was by the analysis of this stone that Vauquelin dis- covered the earth which he called glucina. The beryl, when cut and polished, has a considerable lustre: it is ranked among gems; but its value is trifling, compared with the ruby, sapphire, topaz, &c. Beryl crystal, in natural history, a species of what Dr. Hill calls ellipomacrosfyla, or imperfect crystals, is of an extremely pure, clear, and equal texture, and scarce- ly ever subject to the slightest films or blemishes. It is ever constant to the peculiarity of its figure, which is that ofa long and slender column, remarkably tapering toward the top, and very irregularly hexangular. It is of a very fine transparency, and naturally of a pale brown ; and car- ries such evident marks of distinction from all other brown crystals, that our lapidaries call it, by way of eminence, the beryl crystal, or simply the beryl. BESANT, or besant, a coin of pure gold, of an uncer- tain value, struck at Byzantium, in the time of the Chris- tian emperors : hence fhe gold offered by the king at lhe altar, is called besant, or bisant. Few coins ever had a more general currency than these besants ', having been current from the beginning to the BET BET end of the eastern empire, in all ifs provinces, and also in (hose coun(ries (ha( had been provinces of the western em- pire ; and among others in Britain. With us they were received in payments. They are frequently referred to by lhe hislorians of the crusades, but are rarely mention- ed by ours; and are not to be found in Doomsday book, nor in the acts of Henry I. or Stephen, nor in the last will of king Henry II. Besants, in heraldry, round pieces of gold, without any stamp, frequently borne in coats of arms. BESISTAN, a name given to those places at Constan- tinople, &c. where the merchants have their shops, and expose their goods to sale. A particular besistan belongs to each class of merchants. BESLERIA, a genus of the angiospermia order and didynamia class of plants. Of this genus there are six species : the most remarkable are, 1. Besleria cristata, with stalks growing single, and a five leaved involucrum. The calyx is scarlet, the co- rolla yellow. 2. Besleria lutea, with simple footstalks growing in clus- ters, and spear shaped leaves ; yellow flowers. 3. Besleria melitf ifolia, with branching footstalks and oval leaves. All these species are natives of the warm parts of America, and cannot be preserved in this country without artificial heat. But as they are not remarkable for beauty, or any other property yet discovered, we for- bear any particular description. BESORCH, a coin of tin, or some alloyed metal, cur- rent at Ormus, at the rate of T-49th parts of a farthing sterling. BESTIARII, in Roman antiquity, such as fought against beasts, or who were exposed to them by sentence of the law. There were four kinds of bestiarii : the first were those who made a trade of it, and fought for money ; the second were such young men as, to show their strength and dexterity in managing their arms, fought against beasts; the third was where several bestiarii were let loose at once, well armed, against a number of beasts ; and the fourth kind were those condemned to the beasts, con- sisting either of enemies taken prisoners in war, or as being slaves, and guilty of some enormous crime: these were all exposed naked, and without defence. BETA, a genus of lhe pentandria digynia class and or- der of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 12th order, holoraceae. The calyx has five leaves; there is no corolla; the seeds are kidney shaped, and sit- uated within the base of the calyx. There are four spe- cies, vis. 1. Beta cicla, the root of scarcity, has been greatly ex- tolled in different publications of late years : but ils vir- tues have perhaps been exaggerated. The betahorfensis, or common white beet, is a variety of this; and is cultivat- ed in gardens for the sake of its leaves, which are frequent- ly used in soups. 2. Beta maritima, the sea beet, grows naturally by the sea side, in salt marshes, and in many parts of England. It has been supposed by many to be only a variety of fhe common white beet; but Mr. Miller assures us he has been unable to make any variation in them by culture. 3. B. apatula, a native of Madeira. 4. Beta vulgaris, the red beef, with a pyramidal root, has large, thick, succulent leaves, which are for the most part of a dark green or purple colour. The roots are large, and of a deep red. The larger these roots grow, the tenderer tbey are ; and the deeper their colour, the more they are esteemed. The varieties of (his species are (he common red bee(, (he turnip rooted beet, and the green leaved red beet. On many parts of the continent the beet rool has been used for the purpose of extracting sugar from it. The roots are pressed, and the saccharine liquor boiled down to the consistence of a syrup: it of course undergoes many other operations. According to the account of M. Achard, however, the cost of a quantity of beet, in Prussia, that will yield one hundred pounds of raw sugar, is not more than sixpence: twenty pounds of root will yield one of sugar ; one hundred pounds of raw sugar give fifty-five of refined, and twenty-five pounds of molasses. It is com- puted by the same gentleman, who has employed much time in the pursuit, that a German square mile of land, that is, sixteen square miles English, properly cultivated, would produce white beet sufficient to furnish the whole Prussian dominions with sugar. BETEL, or betle, in botany, a kind of long pepper, found in Malabar, and other parts of the East Indies. See Piper. BETELGEULE, a fixed star ofthe first magnitude, in Orion's hind shoulder. BETHLEHEMITES, in church history, a religious order, called also star bearers, steliifcri, because they were distinguished by a red star wilh five rays, which they wore on their breast, in memory of the star that ap- peared to the wise men, and conducted them to Bethle- hem. There is an order of Bethlehemites still subsisting in (he Spanish West Indies, who are habited like capuchins, with this difference; that they wear a leathern girdle in- stead of a cord, and on the right side of their cloak an escutcheon, representing the nativity of our Saviour. BETON1CA, betony, a genus of the gymnospermiaor- der and didynamia class of plants, and in the natural meth- od ranking under lhe 42d order, verficillalae. The calys isawned; the upper lip of the corolla is ascending and flatfish : and the tube is cylindric. There are seven spe- cies. The most remarkable are, 1. Betonicaorienlalis, the oriental betony. 2. Betonica stricta, the greater Danish betony. 3. Betonica incana, the hoary Italian betony, has a flesh coloured flower. 4. Betonica officinalis, is the species chiefly worlh no- tice. It is a low plant, growing in woods and shady places in several parts of England; the flowers come forth in June and July, of a purplish colour, and stand in spikei on the top of the stalks. The leaves and flowers havel roughish, somewhat bitterish taste, accompanied with a very weak aromatic flavour. The powder of the leaves of betony snuffed up the nose provokes sneezing; and hence it is sometimes made an ingredient in sternutatory po*' ders. This effect does not seem to be owing, as is gener- ally supposed, to any peculiar stimulating virtues in the herb, but to the rough hairs with which lhe leaves are covered. The roots of this plant differ greatly ip ^e quality from the other parts: (heir taste is very bitferand nauseous: taken in a small dose, (hey vomit and pi""?' violently, and are supposed lo have somewhat in conim°n BET B E V with the root of hellebore. According to Simon Pauli and Bartholinus, this plant affects those who gather any considerable quantity of it with a disorder resembling drunkenness. Its leaves are sometimes smoked like to- b&cco* BETROTHMENT, among civilians, the same with espousals. BETULA, (he birch or alder tree, a genus of the te- tandria order and monoecia class of plants, and in the nat- ural method ranking under the 50th order, araentaceae. The calyx of the male is monophyllous, trifid, and biflo- rous; and the corolla is parted into four segments: the female calyx is monophyllous, trifid, and biflorous: the Beeds have a membranaceous wing on both sides. There are fifteen species : (he more remarkable are, 1. Betula alba, (be common birch (ree, so well known to young students as to need no description : in a proper soil and situation it will rise high, and swell to a consider- able size. There is a spruceness in its general appear- ance in summer ; and in winter ils bark often exhibits, in its variegations of red and white, no inelegant object. Were it not so commonly seen upon poor soils, and applied to so many mean and degrading purposes, the birch might well claim a place among tbe ornamental trees. 2. Betula alnus, the alder tree, will grow to a large tim- ber tree. The alder is of straggling inelegant growth ; and hacked and disfigured in the manner in which they gen- erally are, they have but little effect in effacing lhe un- sightliness of a swamp, which is their natural soil. Wherever the soil is or can be made pasturable, lhe alder should by no means be permitted to gain a footing. I(s suckers and seedlings poison (he herbage; and it is a fact well known to the observant husbandman, that (he roofs ofthe alder have a peculiar property, of rendering the soil they grow in more moist and rotten, than it would be if not occupied by this aqueous plant. Plantations of al- ders should therefore be confined to swampy, low, unpas- turable places. In this case the native species ought to give place foils more ornamental varieties,of which Han- bury enumerates five; vis. 1. the long leaved, 2. the white, 3. (he black, 4. the hoary leaved, and 5. the dwarf alder. 3. Betula lenta, the Canada birch, grows to sixty or more feet in height. The leaves are heart shaped, oblong, smooth, of a thin consistence, pointed, and very sharply serrated. They differ in colour; and the varieties of this species are, 1. dusky Canada birch; 2. white paper birch; 3. poplar leaved Canada birch ; 4. low growing Canada birch, &c. !. Betula nana, fhe dwarf birch, with roundish leaves, grov.;. natarally in the northern parts of Europe and on the Alps. It seldom rises above two or three feet high. If has slender branches with round leaves, but seldom produces flowers here. It is preserved in some curious gardens for the sake of variety, but is a plant of no use. 5. Betula nigra, the black Virginian birch tree, will grow to upward of 60 feet in height. The branches are spotted, and more sparingly set in the trees than lhe com- mon sorts. The leaves are broader, grow on long foot- stalks, and add a dignity fo the appearance of the free. As it is naturally of an upright and swift growth, and ar- rives at so great a magnitude, Hanbury thinks it ought to have a share among our forest frees, and to be planted for 42* the standards in open places, as well as to be joined wi(h olher trees of ifs own growth, in plantations more imme- diately designed for relaxation and pleasure. There are several varieties of this species, differing in the colour, size of the leaves, and shoots ; such as, 1. the broad leaved Virginian birch, 2. the poplar leaved birch, 3. lhe paper birch, 4. the brown birch, &c. One method of propagating tbe foreign sorts of birch is from seeds: but they may also be propagated by layers ; and this is the way to continue the peculiarities in the va- rieties ofthe different sorls. In autumn the young shoots should be plashed near the stools, and they will strike root, and become good plants by the autumn following. In some of the northern parts of Europe the wood of the white birch is much used for making carriages and wheels, being hard and of long duration. In Fiance it is generally used for making wooden shoes, and in Britain for making women's shoe heels, packing boxes, brooms, hoops, &c. It also makes very good fuel, and is planted along with hazel to make charcoal for forges. The bark of the birch seems in a manner incorruptible. In Sweden the houses are covered with it, and it lasts many years. It frequently happens that the wood is entirely rotten, when the bark is perfectly sound and good. In Kamts- chatka it is used for making drinking cups, Il abounds with a resinous matter, to which its durability is certainly owing. In consequence of this, it is highly inflammable: and in the northern countries torches are made of this bark sliced and twisted together. The bark itself con- sists of two different substances ; a thick brittle brownish red one; and several very thin, smooth, while, transparent membranes ; in which the inflammable property resides. The thick part is less resinous, and has a roughish tasle. K has been thought fo possess some medical virtues, but concerning these experience has as yet determined noth- ing certain. Upon deeply wounding or boring the trunk of the tree in the beginning of spring, a sweetish juice is- sues, sometimes in so large a quantity as to equal the weight of lhe whole tree and root; one branch will bleed a gallon or more in a day. This juice is recommended in scorbutic disorders, and other foulnesses of the blood. Its most sensible effect is to promote fhe urinary discharge. By proper fermentation, wilh the addition of sugar, this juice makes a pleasant wine. The bark of fhe Canada birch is very light, tough, and durable ; and tbe inhabitants of America use it for canoes. BEVEL, among masons, carpenters, joiners, and brick- layers, a kind of square, one leg whereof is frequently crooked, according to the sweep of an arch or vault. It is moveable on a centre, and so may be set to any angle. The make and use of this instrument is pretly much lhe same as those of the common square and mitre, except that those are fixed, the first at an angle of ninety degrees and the second at forty-five ; whereas the bevel being moveable, it may in some measure supply the place of bolh, which it is chiefly intended for, serving to set off or transfer angles, either greater or less than ninety or forty- five degrees. Bevel angle, any angle except those of ninety or for- ty-five degrees. BEVELLING, in ship building, the art of hewing tim- ber with a proper and regular curve, according to a mould which is laid on one side of its surface. B I D B I G BEVILE', in heraldry, a thing broken or opening like a carpenter's rule: Ihus we say, he beareth argent, a chief bevile, verf, by the name of beverlis. BEY, among the Turks, signifies a governor of a coun- try or lown. The Turks write it begh, or bek, but pro- nounce il bey. BEZANS, cotton cloths, which come from Bengal: some are white, and others striped wilh several colours. BEZOAR, originally meant an antidote, or medicine intended to prevent the fatal effects of poison. Bezoar, oriental, a moderately hard and heavy stone, very variable and uncertain in size, shape, and colour. It is generally of a round form ; and its size is between that of a horse bean and that of a small walnut, though there are some larger, and others smaller than peas. The ordinary colour is a duskish olive, or greenish brown. It is always smooth and glossy on the surface ; and, when broken, is found to consist of a great number of coats or crusts of stony matter, laid one over another; and often formed upon a piece of stick, or seed of a fruit, or some such arti- cle, for a nucleus or basis. This is a drug of very great price, and of very great fame: but it is not of the number of those things that have been proved to deserve the re- pule they stand in. It is brought to us from Persia, and many parts of the East Indies: it is to be chosen entire, not in scraps or fragments ; of a greenish or olive colour, with some mixture of gray in it; and such as, when rub- bed on paper, before whitened withceruss, gives a yellow- ish colour. There is also an occidental bezoar, which comes from Mexico. Bezoars are generally supposed f o be concretions formed in the stomach or intestines of different graminivorous ani- mals ; but it is not completely ascertained in what animal Ihey are found, or how many species may yield them. Dr. Pearson analyzed one specimen, and found it entirely composed of vegetable nutter. Several writers attribute very great virtues to the oriental bezoar-; but it is probable (hat if it has any action at all, it is merely lhat of an ab- sorbent earth, as chalk or magnesia. BIA, in commerce, a name given by fhe Siamese to those small shells which are called cowries throughout almost all the other parts ofthe East Indies. See CowrRiE. BICE, or bise, among painters, a blue colour prepared from (he lapis armenus. Bice bears (he best body of all bright blues used in com- mon work, as house painting, &c. but it is (he palest in colour. It works indifferently well, but inclines a little to sand}', and therefore requires good grinding. Next to ul- tramarine, which is too dear to be used in common work, it lies best near the eye of all other blues. BICEPS, in anatomy, tbe name of several muscles. See Anatomy. BIDEXS, a genus of the syngenesia polygamia aequalis class and order, and in fhe natural method ranking under the 49th order, composite oppositifoliss. The receptacle is paleaceous; lhe pappus has erect scabrous awns; and lhe calyx is imbricated. Of this genus there are fourteen species; but none of Ihem appear to merit notice, except lhe Bidens tripartita, frequently found by lhe sides of riv- ulets, ditches, and lakes, in England. It grows lo the height of lwo feel; and has its leaves divided inlo three, or often five, lobes, with yellow flowers. A decoction of this plant with alum, dyes yarn of a yellow colour. The yarn must be first steeped in alum water, then dried and steeped in a decoction of lhe plant, and afterward boiled in the decoction. BIDON, a liquid measure, containing about five pints of Paris, that is, about five quarts English wine measure. It is seldom used but among ship's crews. BIENNIAL plants, are those that have two years du- ration, or that are in their prime the first and second sum- mers. Tjiey consist both of esculent and flowering plants. BIGAMY, in the canon law, is when a person either marries two women successively, or only marries one wom- an who had been married before; both which cases are accounted impediments to be a clerk, or to hold a bishop- rick. It is also bigamy when a person marries a woman who had been debauched before; or when he has known his own wife after she has been debauched by another. The Romanists make a kind of bigamy by interpreta- tion: as when a person in holy orders, or that has made profession of some monastic order, marries. This the bishop can dispense with on some occasions. Bigamy, by the law of England, is where a person mar- ries a second wife, the first being alive. By the stal. 1 Jac. I. c. 11, it is enacted, that if any person or persons within his majesty's dominions, being married, do marry any person or persons, the former husband or wife being alive, the person or persons so offending shall suffer death, as in cases of felony. But it is provided, thai nothing in (his statute shall extend to any person or persons whose husband or wife shall be continually remaining beyond seas by the space of seven years together, or whose husband or wife shall absent himself or herself from each other for seven years together, the one of them not knowing lhe olher to be living within (hat time. Nor shall the said s(alu(e extend to any person or persons divorced bv a sentence in the ecclesiastical court; nor to any person or persons, for or by reason of any former marriage had or made within age of consent. The offence is now within the benefit of clergy. BIGHT, among seamen, denotes one roll, or round, of a cable or rope, when coiled up. BIGNONIA, trumpet flower, or scarlet jasmine, a genus of fhe angiospermia order and didynarnia class of plants, and in (he natural method ranking in tbe 40th order, personates. The calyx is quinquefid and cupforrn ; the corolla is bell shaped at the throat, quinquefid, and bellied underneath; the siiiqua is bilocular ; and the seeds have membranous wings. Of this genus there are 27 species, of which the following are lhe most remarkable: 1. Bignonia calalpa, a native of Carolina, Virginia, and the Bahama islands. It has a strong woody stem and branches, rising 20 feet high, ornamented with large heart shaped leaves. This deserves a place in all curious shrub- beries, as during the summer season no tree makes a more beautiful appearance. It does not flower, however, till old. 2. Bignonia capreolata, or tendril bignonia, a native of North America, is a climber, which rises by (he assist- ance of tendrils or claspers. The flowers are producedin August from the wings of lhe leaves : Ihey are of lhe same nature, and of the shape nearly ofthe former; are large. ofa yellow colour, and succeeded by short pods. 3. Bignonia radicans, lhe climbing ash leaved bignonia, is a native of Virginia and Canada, rises 30 or 40 feet high, B I L B I L having pinnated opposite leaves of four pair of serrated lobes, aud an odd one : all the shoots and branches being Icrminaled by beautiful clusters of large trumpet shaped scarlet flowers. The humming birds delight to feed on lln-se fiowers; and by thrusting themselves too far into them are sometimes caught. Of this species (here is a variety with smaller flowers. 4. Bignonia sempervirens, or evergreen climbing Virgin- ia bignonia, is a native of Virginia, Carolina, and the Baha- ma islands. The stalks are more slender than those of the radicans, yet they rise, upon proper supports, to the height of twenty or thirty feet; the flowers are trumpet shaped, erect, and ofa yellow colour, proceeding from the sides and ends ofthe stalks and branches. 5. Bignonia unguis, the claw bignonia, a deciduous climber, is a nalive of Barbadoes and the other West In- dia islands. It rises by the help of claw like tendrils, the branches being very slender and weak; and by these it will overtop bushes, frees, &c. twenty or thirty feet high. 6, Bignonia grandiflora. This is also a shrubby climb- ing plant, a native of Japan. The flowers are purple, and as large as a rose. The cultivation of fhe bignonia is not difficult. If the shoots are laid upon the ground, and covered with a litlle mould, they will immediately strike root, and become good plants for setting out where they are wanted, or they will all grow by cullings. As to the catalpa, whoever has the conveniency of a bark bed may propagate it in plenty by cuttings: which being planted in pots, and plunged info the beds in the spring, will soon strike root; and may afterward be so hardened fo (he open air, lha( (hey may be set abroad in the shade before the end of summer: in the beginning of October they should be removed into a green house, or under some shelter, to be protected from the winter's frost. In the spring, after the bad weather is past, they may be turned out of the pots, and planted in lhe nursery way, in a well sheltered place ; and if the soil be rich, and rather moist, it will be the better. BILANCIIS deferendis, in law, a writ directed to a corporation for carrying weights to a haven, there to weigh wool, that persons were formerly licensed lo trans- port. BILANDER, a small flat bottomed vessel, wifh only one large mast and sail, and its deck raised half a foot above the platboard. BILBOWS, a punishment at sea, answering fo the slocks on land. The offender is laid in irons, or stocks, which are more or less ponderous according to the quali- ty of the offence of which he is guilty. BILGE, of a ship, the bottom of her floor, or the breadth of the place the ship rests on when 6he is aground. Therefore bilge waler is that which lies on her floor, and cannot go to the well of (he pump; and bilge pumps, or burr pumps, are Ihose lhat carry off lhe bilge water. They likewise say tbe ship is bilged, when she has some of her timber struck off on a rock or anchor, and springs a leak. BILE, a yellow, bitter juice, separated from (he blood in (he liver, collected in the porus biliarius and gall blad- der, and thence discharged by the common duct into the duodenum. See Physiology, and Chymistry. BILIOUSyVrcrs are those occasioned by fhe over co- piousness, or bad qualities, ofthe bile. See Medicine. BILL, an instrument made of iron, edged in the form of a crescent, and adapted to a handle. It is used by plumb- ers to perform several parts of their work ; by basket makers, to cut the largest pieces of chesnut trees and olher wood ; and by gardeners to prune trees. W hen short, it is called a hand bill; and when long a hedge bill. BILL, in law proceedings, is a declaration in writing, expressing either the wrong the complainant had suffered by the party complained of, or some fault commitled against some law or statute ofthe realm ; and this bill is sometimes addressed to the lord chancellor, especially for unconscionable wrongs done fo the complainant; and sometimes to others having jurisdiction, according as the law directs. It contains the fact complained of, the dam- ages thereby sustained, and petition of process against the defendant for redress; and it is made use of in criminal as well as civil matters. In criminal cases, when a grand jury upon presentment, or indictment, finds the same to be true, they indorse on it billa vera, and thereupon the offender is said (o stand indicted. Many ofthe proceedings in the king's bench are by bill, which was the ancient form of proceeding. Bill of credit, is that which a merchant or banker gives to a person whom he can trust, empowering him to receive money from his correspondents in foreign countries. Though bills of credit are different from bills of exchange, yet they enjoy the same privileges: for the money paid in consequence of them is recoverable by law. Bill in equity, is in the form of a petition, addressed to fhe lord chancellor or barons of the exchequer, wilh which a suit in chancery, or the exchequer commences, and which sets forth the circumstances of the case at length. Bills of exchange. A bill of exchange is an order or request in writing, addressed by one person to another, to pay a cerlain sura of money on demand, or at a time spec- ified, to a third person, or to his order; or it may be made payable to bearer. If a bill is made payable to bearer, it is assignable by delivery only; but if it is payable to order, it must be transferred by indorsement and delivery. The person making or drawing the bill is called the drawer; the person to whom it is addressed the drawee; who, when he has undertaken to pay the amount, is termed the acceptor. The person in whose favour the bill is drawn is called the payee ; but if he appoints some other person to receive the money, he is then termed fhe indorser, and fhe person so appointed lhe indorsee. No particular form is necessary in a bill of exchange; any order, or promise, which from the time of making it, cannot be com- plied with, or performed, without the payment of money, is a bill or note. Mod. 364. A promissory note, or note of hand, is an engagement in writing, to pay a sum specified at the time (herein lim- ited, (o a person, (herein named, or sometimes to his order, or often to the bearer at large: this is also made assigna- ble, and indorsable like a bill of exchange. Any persons capable of binding themselves by a contract may be par- ties to a bill of exchange, or other negotiable instrument, or be in any manner concerned in negoliating either of them. An infant, therefore, or a married woman, except in cer- tain cases, as where by the cuslora of London she has the privilege of trading as a feme sole, as they are incapable B I L B I L of binding themselves by contract, cannot be parties to a negotiable instrument; yet such instrument, negotiated by persons incapacitated, will nevertheless be valid as to all other competent parties. 2 Atk. 181. Bills of exchange are either/oreigT* or inland : foreign when drawn by a merchant residing abroad upon his correspondent in England, or vice versa ; and inland, when both the drawer and the drawee reside in the kingdom. By 9 and 10 W. III. c. 17. and 3 and 4 Anne, c. 9. all distinctions between foreign and inland bills, as far as re- spect the custom of merchants, are removed; and the same principles of law are generally applicable to both. See Stamps. Bills or notes must be certain, and not depend on any particular event or contingency. 3 Wils. 213. If a bill or note is made hi a foreign country, it must be conformable to the laws of that country, or it will not be valid. If a bill or note is altered while in the hands of the payee, or any other holder, in any material instance, as date, sum, &c. without consent of the drawee, he will be dis- charged from his liability, although such bill or note may afterward come into the hands of an indorsee not aware of the alteration; but in this case, if altered before accep- tance or indorsement, the acceptor can take no advantage of the alteration; and the consent of any one of the par- ties to the alteration, will in general preclude him from taking an advantage of it. 4 T. R. 320. If a bill is made with a proper stamp, and afterward al- tered by the consent of the parties, though before nego- tiation; a new stamp is necessary, as it is a different con- tract. 5 T. R. 357. If, however, there be a stamp of equal or superior value, the proper one may be affixed, on payment of 40s. before the instrument is due, and 10/. af- ter it is due. But if there is not originally a stamp amount- ing to the requisite value, the omission can never be le- gally supplied. Evans, p. 6. The acceptor of a bill is, by the custom of the mer- chants, as effectually bound by his acceptance, as if he had been the original drawer; and having once accepted it, he cannot afterward revoke it. Cro. Jac. 303. See Ac- ceptance. The indorser ofa bill is as liable as the first drawer; because the indorsement is in the nature of a new bill. 1 Salk. 125. To indorse a bill with a ficti- tious name, is forgery, though such indorsement be use- less. A presentment, either for payment or acceptance, must be made at seasonable hours. In case a bill is not regularly paid, the holder has a right to recover not only the principal, but also, in certain cases, costs and dam- ages. Notice is that information which the holder ofa nego- tiable instrument is bound to give to all the antecedent parties. If the drawee refuses to accept, or having accept- ed, if he refuses payment, or if he offers an acceptance va- rying from the bill; in either ofthe above cases, the bill is dishonoured ; and the holder, in case of neglect to com- municate notice within a reasonable time, will not be at liberty fo resort to the other parties, who by such negli- gence wjll be discharged from their respective obligations. Bur. 26T0. Notice of conditional or partial acceptance should be given to the other parties to the bill by the hold- er, in default of payment; for if under these circumstances a general notice of non-acceptance is given to any of the parties, omitting to mention in such notice the nature of the acceptance offered, the acceptor is discharged, by this act of the holder, from his acceptance. 1 T. R. 182. A protest is an act of a notary public, stating that a bill has been presented for acceptance, or for payment, and refused, and declaring that the acceptor, indorsers, Sec. shall be liable for damages, Sec. and to this instrument all foreign courts give entire credit. In the first instance the notary marks or notes fhe minute of refusal on the bid it- self, and afterward the instrument is drawn out and attest- ed under his band and seal. The want of a protest can in no case be supplied by noting, which is a mere prepara- tory minute, of which the law takes no cognisance as dis- tinguished from a protest. If there is no notary resident at or near the place, tbe bill must, when payable, be pro- tested by some substantial resident, in the presence of two or more witnesses, and should in general be made at hie' place where payment is refused ; but when a bill is drawn abroad, directed to the drawee at Southampton or London, or any other place, requesting him to pay the payee in Lon- don, the protest for non-acceptance of such bill may be made either at Southampton or London. Notice should be given on the day of refusal to accept, if any post or or- dinary conveyance set out on the day ; and if not, by (he next earliest conveyance. 4 T. R. 174. An usance is generally understood fo mean only a month. Molloy 207. 1 Shaw 217. Instead of an express limi- tation by months or days, we continually find tbe bills drawn or payable at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Hamburgh, Aitona, Paris, or any other place in France, Cadiz, Madrid, Bilboa, Leghorn, Genoa or Venice, limited by the usance, that is, the usage between those places and this country. An usance between this kingdom and Amsterdam, Rotter- dam, Hamburgh, Aitona, Paris, or any place in France, is one calendar month from the date of the bill; an usance between us and Cadiz, Madrid, or Bilboa, two; an usance between us and Leghorn, Genoa, or Venice, three. A double usance is double the accustomed time; a half usance, half. Upon a half usance, if it be necessary to divide a month, the division, notwithstanding the differ- ence of the length of months, shall contain fifteen dajs. Blag. 13. BILL of entry, an account of the goods entered at the custom houses both inward and outward. In this bill must be expressed the merchant exporting or importing the quantity of merchandises, and the divers species thereof, and whither or whence transported. Bill of lading, an acknowledgment signed by the master of a ship, and given to a merchant, &c. containing an account ofthe goods which the master has received on board from that merchant, &c. with a promise to deliver them at an intended place for a certain sura. Each bill of lading must be treble: one for the merchant who loads the goods, another to be sent to the person to whom (hey are consigned, and the third to remain in the hands of the master of the ship. It must be observed, however, that a bill of lading is used only when the goods sent on board a ship are but part of the cargo : for when a merchant loads a whole vessel for his own personal account, the deed pass- ed between him and the master ofthe ship is called char- ter party. B I N b i a Bill in parliament, a paper containing propositions of- fered to the houses, to be passed by them, and then to be presented to (be king (o pass into an act or law. Bill of sale, is when a person wanting a sum of money, delivers goods as a security to the lender, to whom he gives (his bill, empowering him to sell the goods in case the sum borrowed is not repaid, with interest, at fhe ap- pointed time. Bill of store, a license granted at the custom house to merchants, by which they have liberty to carry, custom free, all such stores and provisions as they may have oc- casion for during their voyage. Bill of sufferance, a license granted to a merchant, at the custom house, suffering him lo trade from one English port to another, without paying custom. Bill, or beak, the elongated horny processes or mandi- bles of birds. The form of the bill varies so greatly in different kinds of birds, that they afford the most perma- nent character by which these creatures may be arranged. In the distribution of families, Linnaeus first notices the structure of the bill, the tongue, and nostrils, and these parts constitute almost exclusively, with the legs, the dis- tinction ofthe genera likewise. The phcenicopter's bill is a true hyperbole: the upper part moves and the lower is fixed, which is the contrary to what iB found in other kinds. The woodpecker's bill will pierce the hardest timber. In the island of Ferro, a fixed reward is given for the bills of ravenous birds. All watermen are obliged to bring a certain number yearly lo the country courts, at the feast of St. Olaus, when they are thrown inlo a heap and burnt in triumph. BILLET, in heraldry, a bearing in form of a long square. They are supposed to represent pieces of cloth of gold or silver, but Guillim thinks they represent a let- ter sealed up; and other authors take (hem for bricks. Billete signifies (hat the escutcheon is all over strewed with billets, the number not ascertained. BILLIARDS, an ingenious kind of game played on an oblong table, covered with green clo(h, and placed exact- ly level, with li(fle ivory balls, which are driven by crook- ed sticks, made on purpose, into hazards or holes on the edge and corners of the table, according to certain rules of the game. BIMEDIAL, in mathematics. If two medial lines, as A B and B C, commensurable only in power, containing a rational rectangle, are compounded, the whole line A C will be irrational, and is called a first bimedial line. B A------------------------1------------------------C See Euclid, lib. X. prop. 38. BINARY arithmetic, that wherein unity or 1 and 0 are only used. This was (be invention of Mr. Leibnitz, who shows it fo be very expeditious in discovering the propertiesof numbers, and in constructing fables : ami >1. Dangecourt, in lhe His- tory of lhe Royal Academy of Sciences, gives a specimen ©f it concerning arithmetical p'ogressionals; where he shows that, because in binary aivhmelic, only (wo charac- ters arc used, therefore the laws of progression may be more easily discovered by it than by common arithmetic. All the characters use.' in binary arithmetic, are 0 and I ; and the c • pher multiplies every thing by 2, as in the common arithmetic by 10. Ths;s 1 is o»r 10, two; 11, three; 100, four; 101, five; 110, six; 111, seven ; 1000, eight; 1001, nine; 1010, ten ; which is built on the same principles with common arithmetic. The author, however,"does not recommend this method for common use, because of the great number of figures required to express a number; and adds, lhat if the com- mon progression were from 12 to 12, or from 16 to 16, it would be still more expeditious. Binary arithmetic appears to have been the same wifh that used among tbe Chinese 4000 years ago, and left in enigma by Fohi, the founder of their empire and sciences. Binarf measure, in music, is a measure which is beaten equally, or where the time of rising is equal to that of falling. This is usually called common time, be- sides which there is a binary triple. BIND of eels, a quantity consisting of two hundred and fifty; or ten strikes, each containing twenty-five eels. Bind weed. See Convolvulus. BING, in the alum works, denotes a heap of alum thrown (oge(her in order (o drain. BINOMIAL, in algebra, a root consisting of two mem- bers connected by the sign -f- or —. Thus a -f 6 and 8— 3 are binomials, consisting of the sum and difference of these quantities. The powers of any binomial are found by a continual multiplication of it by itself. For example, the cube or third power of a -f- b, will be found by multiplication to be os -f 3a*b -f 3ab* -f 63 ; and if the powers of a — b are required, they will be found the same as the preced- ing, only the terms in which the exponent of b is an odd number will be found negative. Thus, the cube of a — b will-be found to be a* — 3a2o -f- 3ab* — b3 ; where fhe second and fourth terms are negative, the exponent of b being an odd number of these terms. In general, the terms of any power of a — b are positive and negative by turns. See Algebra. BINOCULAR telescope, a kind of dioptric telescope fitted with two tubes joined in such a manner, that one may see a distant object with both eyes at the same time. BIPED, an animal furnished with only two legs. Men and birds are bipeds. Apes occasionally walk on their hind legs, and seem to be of this tribe; but their more nat- ural position is on all four. The term is used for a genus of reptiles that belong to the lizard family. These have a very long body covered with scales, and the toes of the two little feet are armed with nails. BIPENNIS, in Roman antiquity, an ax wifh a double edge, one of which was used in stabbing, and the other in cutting. BIQUADRATIC power, in algebra, the fourth pow- er, or squared square, of a number; as 16 is the biqua- dratic power of 2; for 2 X 2 is 4, and 4 X 4 is equal to 16. Biquadratic root of a number, is the square root of its square root; thus the biquadratic root of 81 is 3; for the square root of 81 is 9, and the square root of 9 is 3. See Aloebra. Biquadratic equation, an equation where the un- known quantity of one ofthe terms has four dimensions. Any biquadratic, equation may be conceived as generat- ed by the multiplication of four simple equations. Thus, if x = a, x = 6, .r = c, x — d, or x — a = 0, x__b = 0, x — c=0, x — d = 0; then will x — a x x — 6 x x B I R B I R __c xa; — (1 = 0 beget a biquadratic equation. Or it may be formed of two quadratic equations, asx3 -f- bx -f- c X x* -f- dx + e = 0; or, lastly, it may be produced from the multiplication of one cubic and one simple equa- tion, as x — a X x3 -j-ca;2 -f- d x + e = 0. BIRCH tree. See Betula. BIRD, avis, in zoology, one of the six general classes of animals, the characters of which are, that their body is covered with feathers, and that they have two wings, two legs, and a bill of a firm bony, or rather horny substance : add to this, that the females are all oviparous. The knowledge of birds, of the orders and genera into which they are subdivided, and of their nature, uses, fig- ures, &c. constitutes a particular science, under the name of ornithology; in which there are six orders, vis. accipi- tres, picse, anseres, grallae, gallinae, and passeres. Birds, in heraldry, according to their several kinds, represent either the contemplative or active life. They are the emblems of liberty, expedition, readiness, swift- ness, and fear. Birds that are either whole footed, or have their feet divided and yet have no talons, are said to be membered; but the cock, and all birds of prey with sharp and hooked beaks and talons, for encounter or de- fence, are termed armed. In the blazoning of birds, if their wings are not displayed, they are said to be borne close; as, he beareth an eagle, Sec. close. BIRD CATCHING, is the art of taking birds or wild fowl, either for food, or for the pleasure of their songs in cages, or for preventing the destruction which some spe- cies of them occasion to the husbandmen. Some recur to it as an amusing pastime, and others practise it as a profit- able employment. There are various methods of catch- ing birds: one of the most systematic and ingenious is practised in the neighbourhood of London, by persons who find a ready market for birds of any kind, which at certain seasons of the year change their situation, and hence are called birds of flight. The birds usually taken on such occasions, are woodlarks, titlarks, linnets, gold- finches, greenfinches, Sec. which are taken during what is called their flight, or while they congregate for the pur- pose of propagating their species. The nets used by bird catchers are about twelve yards long, and two and a half wide; which are spread on the ground parallel to one another, and at such a distance, that when turned over, they shall coincide. The remaining apparatus consist of lines so fastened to the nets, that the bird catcher is able by a sudden pull fo draw the net over the birds that may have alighted in the space between lhe parallel sides. These birds are enticed to alight by others usually de- nominated call birds, of which there are generally five or six linnets, two goldfinches, two greenfinches, one wood- lark, one redpoll, a yellowhammer, a titlark, an aberda- vine, and perhaps a bullfinch. Besidea these, they have others which are called flur birds: but the call birds are varticularly trained for the service ; and when the nets are aid, these are properly arranged, and they appear to pos- sess a most malicious desire of bringing the wild ones info the same state of captivity with themselves. When fhey perceive the approach ofthe wild birds, the intelligence is anounced from cage to cage with the utmost ectasy. The note by which they invite them down, has so powerful an ascendancy over the wild birds, that the moment they hear it, they alight on a spot within twenty yards of fhe bird catchers. If only half the flock is caught by the first pull of the string, the others that escape will soon return to the net, and share the fate of their companions: such is the fascinating power that the call birds possess over those that are wild. Birds are caught in traps of various kinds; and frequent- ly by nooses of hair. In this way, great numbers of wheafears are annually taken on the various downs of England. Small holes are dug by the shepherds in the ground, in each of which is placed a noose. Whenever a cloud obscures the sun, these timid birds seek for shelter under a stone, or creep into any holes that present them- selves ; and they are thus insnared by the nooses which fasten around their necks. Woodcocks and snipes are taken likewise by nooses of horse hair placed along their paths, in marshes and moist grounds. Wild ducks in all their varieties are taken in vast numbers every winter on our coasts by means of decoys. See Decov. Grouse and partridges are taken by means of nets ; either at night when resting on the ground, by observing where they alight, and when setted, drawing a net over fhat part of lhe field; or, in the day, a very steady dog is used to point at them. The attention ofthe birds being Ihus fixed, two persons, drawing the two extremities of a large net, pass it over them, and thus secure a whole pack of grouse, or covey of partridges, at once. Pheasanls are sometimes taken by night, by holding flaming sulphur under the tree3 on which (hey are observed (o perch, (he suffocating ef- fluvia of which make (hem fall senseless. In various parts of (he world, peculiar modes are adopted for insnaring and taking birds ; some of which, whilst fhey are hazardous to those who practise them, ex- cite no inconsiderable degree of surprise, and even of anxi- ety, in the spectators. Thus, in the Orkney islands, where the birds that inhabit (he rocks, and (he eggs which (hey deposite among the cliffs, supply lhe principal food of many among fhe poorer inhabitants, the intrepid and ad- venturous fowlers climb rocky precipices more (ban fifty fathoms above the sea, and pass from one shelf or ledge to another, whose breadth is barely sufficient for resting places to the birds which deposile their eggs upon them. In this hazardous employment, the adventurers are com- monly lowered from above by means of a rope, formed oft- en of brittle materials, and held by a single assistant. Fastened fo this rope, the intrepid peasant descends, and searches all the cavities for eggs; springing fromqne pro- jecting ledge to another, by the help ofa pole : whilst the assistant, upon receiving the necessary signals, shifts the rope from one part of the rocky precipice to another. If the weight of the fowler and of his booty should, in these perilous circumstances, overpower his associate above, or the craggy rock cut the rope, inevitable destruction must await tbe adventurer ; for he will either be dashed against the projecting rock, or drowned in lhe subjacent sea. But the most singular mode of bird catching is in the holm of Noss; which is a huge rock severed from the isle of Noss by some unknown convulsion, and distant from it about sixteen fathoms. The opposite cliffs are separated by the raging sea. The adventurer, having reached the rock in a boat, and ascended to the fop of it, fastens sever- al stakes in the shallow soil that is found on the surface of the rock; and similar stakes are also attached lo the edge B I R B 1 S •f the corresponding and opposite cliff. A rope is then fixed lo lhe stakes on both sides, upon which a machine, called a cradle, is contrived to slide; and by (he help of a small parallel cord fastened in like manner, the daring adveutuier wafts himself over, and returns wilh his booty. In the Feroe islands the method of bird catching is more extraordinary and hazardous than any which has al- ready been recited. The cliffs lo which the fowlers recur, are in many cases 200 fathoms high; and ihey are travers- ed bolh from above and below. In the first case, the fowl- ers provide themselves with a rope 80 or 100 fathoms long; and the adventurer fastens one end about his waist and be- tween his legs, and having recommended himself to lhe protection of lhe Almighty, he is lowered down by six as- sociates, who place a piece of wood in the margin of the rock, lhat the rope may be preserved from being fretted and broken by its sharp edge. To his body is faslened a Binall line, which serves for enabling him to give the nec- essary signals, when he wishes lo be raised or lowered,or shifted from one place to another. In changing his situa- tion he is exposed lo lhe hazard of injury from loosened and falling stones ; which falling on the head, must inevi- tably deslroy him, if he was not in some degree protected by a s(rong (hick cap. The fowlers, by (heir as(onishing dexterity, contrive to place (heir feet against the front of (he precipice, and to dart themselves some fathoms from it, lor the purpose of surveying tbe roosting places of the birds, and projecting themselves into lhe deep recesses where they lodge. There the fowler alights: and disen- gaging himself from the rope, which he fixes (o a stone, collects the booty at his leisure, attaches it to his girdle, and when this is done, resumes his suspended posture. He will also, when occasions require it, spring from lhe rock; and in Ibis atlilude, by means ofa fowling net fixed to the end of a staff, cafch lhe old birds which are flying to and from their retreats. When this hazardous opera- tion is finished, he gives a signal to his companions above ; who pull him up, and divide the booty. The feathers are preserved for exportation; the flesh is partly eaten fresh, and lhe greater part is dried for winter's provision. In fowling from below, the party have recourse to a boat; and when they have arrived at the base of the precipice, one ofthe most intrepid of them fastens a rope about his waist, and being furnished with a long pole, with an iron hook at one end, either climbs, or is lhrus( up by his com- panions, who place a pole under him, to (he nex( foo(ing spot within his reach. By means of the rope he hoisls up one of (he boa('s crew ; and the rest are drawn up in (he same manner, each of (hem being furnished wi(h his rope and fowling staff. They (hen pursue (heir journey upward, (ill (hey arrive at fhe region of (he birds; and (hey wander abou( (he cliff in search of them. They next act in pairs; one fastens himself to (he end of his associ- ate's rope, and, in places where birds have nestled be- neath his footing;, he suffers himself (o be lowered down, depending for safety on the strength of his companion, by whom he is again hauled up; but it sometimes happens lhat (he person above is overpowered by (he weight, and in this case both inevitably perish. The fowl is flung info the boat, which atlends (heir operations for (he purpose of receiving (he booty. The fowlers often pass seven or eight days in this perilous occupation, and lodge in fhe cran- nies which they fiud in various parts of the precipice. vol. i. 43 Birdlime, a viscid substance, prepared in different ways. The most common birdlime among us is made from holly bark, boiled ten or twelve hours ; when the green coat being separated from (be olher, il is covered up a fortnight in a moist place, then pounded inlo a tough paste so (hat no fibres of lhe wood are discernible, and washed in a running stream till no motes appear; put up lo ferment four or five days, skimmed as often as any thing arises, and laid up for use. To use it, a third part of nut oil, or thin grease, must be incorporated with it over the fire. It is also made from (be gluten of wheat. The Italians make birdlime ofthe berries of tbe misleto tree. That which comes from Damascus is supposed to be made of sebastens: and il is said lhat lhe bark of any of our wayfaring shrubs will make very good birdlime. BIRRUS, in Roman antiquity, a cloak made of woollen cloth, worn by fhe soldiers: also a robe worn by the priests or bishops. BIRTH. See Midwifery. Birth, or Birthing, in the sea language, a convenient place to moor a ship in; also a due distance observed by ships lying at anchor, or under sail; and a proper place aboard for a mess to put their chests, &c. is called the birth of that mess. BIRTHWORT. See Aristolochia. BISA, or Biza, a coin of Pegu, which is current there for half a ducat. It is also a weight used in that kingdom. BISCUTELLA, buckler mustard,or bastard Mith- ridate mustard; a genus of lhe tetradynamia siliculosa class and order of plants ; and in the natural method rank- ing under the 39th order, siliquoste. The silicula is flat compressed, rounded above, and below two lobed,and lhe leaves ofthe calyx are gibbous at lhe base. There are six species, all natives of France, Italy, Spain, and Ger- many ; of which the most remarkable are : 1. Bisculella apula, wilh flowers growing in spikes, and a shorter style. 2. Bisculella auriculata, with small pods joined to the style. 3. Biscutella didyma, with a double orbicular pod di- verging from the style. BISECT, to divide info fwo parts. The rational hori- zon bisects the globe into two equal parts. B1SELLIARI, or Biselliarii, in antiquity, those who enjoyed the honour or privilege of the bisellium. B1SELLIUM, in antiquity, a kind of seat or chair, larger and richer lhan ordinary, big enough to hold two persons, wherein to sil in courts, theatres, and other pub- lic assemblies. BISERRULA, a genus of the decandria order, and dia- delphia class of plants; and in (he natural me(hod ranking under the 32d order, papilionacese: (he legumen is biloc- ular and flat; and the partition contrary. Of this genus there is only one species known, vis. Biserrulapelecina, an annual plant, with purple flowers; a native of (he south of Europe. BISHOP, signifies an overseer or superintendant. An archbishop, is (he chief of (he clergy in his own province, who nex( and immediately under the king has supreme power, &c. in all causes and (hings ecclesiastical; and has the inspection of all the bishops of that province. He has also his own diocese, where be exercises episcopal juris- diction, as in his province he exercises archiepiscopal. B I S B I S As archbishop, upon receipt of the king** writ, ho calls the bishops and clergy of his province to meet in convo- cation : to him all appeals are made from inferior jurisdic- tions within his province. During the vacancy of any see in his province, he is guardian of tb,e spiritualities thereof. If (he archiepiscopal see is vacant, the dean and chapter are the spiritual guardians. The archbishop is entitled fo present by lapse, to all the ecclesiastical livings, in the disposal of the diocesan bishops, if not filled within six mouths. And be has a customary prerogative, when a bishop is consecrated by him, to have the next presenta- tion to such dignity or benefice in the bishop's disposal, as the archbishop shall choose ; which, is therefore called his option, 1 Blacks. 380. The archbishops may retain and qualify eight chaplains, whereas a bishop can only qualify six. Bishops are elected by the dean and chapter; in order whereunto, when a bishop dies or is translated, the dear* and chapter certify the king thereof in chancery j upon which, the king issues a license to. tfrena to proceed to an election, called a conge-d'elire : and wXtk it sends a letter Missive, containing the name of the person whom they shall eiect; which if they shall refuse to do, they incur, the pen- alty of a praemunire. A bishop must be foil, thirty years qf age wfeen conse- crated. A bishop has bis consistory court, to, hear ecclesiastical causes; and is fo visit the clergy, &c. H.e consecrates churches; ordains, admits, and institutes.priests ; confirms, suspends, excommunicates,, grants licenses for marriage, wakes probates of wills, 8*C Co- Lit, 96. Rol. Abr. 23ft. In England there are twenty-four bishppricks, and two archbishopricks ; in Scotland, none ; in. Iceland, eighr teen.bisbppricks, and four, archbishopricks: and in the popish countries abroad they are still more numerous. Al) bishops of England are lords of parliament, except the bishop of Man, and as such sit and vote in the bouse: of lords; they are barons.in a threefold manner, vis. feu- dal, in regard to the temporalities annexed to their bish- opricks; by writ, as being summoned by writ to parliament ; and lastly, by patent and creation: accordingly, they have the precedence of ajl, other barons, and. vote as bar- ons and bishops, and claim all tbe privileges enjoyed by the temporal lords, excepting tbat they cannot be tried by Iheir peers; because, in cases of blood, they themselves cannot pass upon tbe trial, for Ikey are prohibited by the \anons ofthe church, to be judges of life and: death. BJSKET. See Baker, BISMILLAH, a solemn form used by the Mahometans, at fhe beginning of all their books andiotfcer writings, sig- nifying "in the name of the most merciful, God." It is also used among the Arabs as a.word of invitation, to eat. An Arab prince frequently sits down to eaf in the. street before his own door, or under the shade of a wide spreading tree, and calls all that, pass, even beggars, by this word, who come and sit down to eaf with him ; " for," says Pococke, •«the Arabs are great levellers, andisetav- cry body on a footing with themselves," BISMUTH, in natural history, a. genus of lhe semi- metals, the most usual appearance of which is in form of an ore, intimately mixed with silver, a large quantity of arse- nic, and an earthy matter which yields cobalt. The ancienls were acquainted with bismuth, but they confounded it with (in,. It U mentioned occasionally by the alchymists and earlier mineralogists; and referred sometimes to tin, sometimes to lead, and sometimes loan. tiniony. The German miners gave it the name of ledum argenti; and appear to have considered it as silver begin- ning to form, and not yet completed. Bismuth is of a reddish white colour, and almost desti- tute of taste aqd smell. It is composed of broad hriljiaat plates adhering to each Qther, The figure of its particles, according to Hauy, is an octahedron, or two four sided pyramids applied base to base. Its hardness is 7. Its specific gravity is 9..8227. When hammered cautiously, its density, as Muschen- bxoek ascertained, is considerably increased, it is not therefore very brittle; it breaks, however, when struck smartly by a hammer, and consequently is not. oulWable, Neither can it be drawn out into wire. Its tenacity has not been ascertained. When healed to the temperature o£ 4600* it melts; and if (fee heat is much increased, it evaporates, and way ha distilled over io close vessels. When allowed to coolsjow, ty, and when (he liquid metal is withdrawn,, as soon, as the surface congeals it crystallizes in parallelepipeds, which cross each other at night angles. When exposed to the air, it soon. loses its lustre, but scarcely undergoes any othen changes It is. not altered when kept und«« wia-tor. Only two. oxides of bismuth, are alj present known*. Bui tbe combination o£ this metal with oxygen has been more neglected by chymists, than almost any other. When kept: melted in an open vessel, its surface is soon covered with a dark blue pellicle; when-this.is removed, another succeeds* fill (be whole me(al is oxidiaesd. When these pellicles, are kept hot and agitated in an open vessel, they aire soon converted into a brownish powder known by the name of brown oxide. This is, the protoxide oj bismuth. According to, Fourcroy, it is composed of nine- ty parts of bismuth, and ten of oxygen* When bismuth is raised to a, strong red heal, it take* fjre, and burns witji a faint bine flame, and emits a yellow smoke. When. this, is collected, it is. a yelJlow powder, not volatile, which has. been called yellow oxide of bis- muth. When bismuth is dissolved in nitric acid, if water ia pouredi into the solution, a white powder precipitates, which, was formerly called magistery of bismuth, and at present white oxide of bismuth. According fo the exper- iments of KJaprolh, it is composed of 81.3 parte bismuth and 17.7 of oxygen. Thisioxid* is used aa a.paint under the name of pearl white. The oxides of bismuth are very easily converted inf* glass-; for. that reason bismuth is-sometimes used in tkfr process of cupellalioniinstead of lead. It was first pro- posed.fqr that purpose by Oufay. in 1727, and his experi- ments were afterward confirmed by, Pott. These oxides are easily reduced when heated with' charcoal or othercombustible bodies; for the affinity be- tween bismulh and oxygen is. but weak. Bismulh has not been combined wilh carbon or hydro? gen, neither, does il seem capable, ef combining ia any no* lafhJe proportion with phosphorus. B I S B I T Sulphur combines readily with bismulh by fusion. The sulphuret of bismuth is ofa bluish gray colour, and cryitalises into beautiful telrahedral needles. It is com- posed of 85 parts of bismuth and 15 of sulphur. Bismulh combines with almost all the metals, but few of ifs alloys are much used. 1. Equal parts of bismuth and gold form a brittle alloy, nearly of the same colour with bismuth; the specific gravity of which is greater than the mean. 2. The alloy of bismuth and platinum is also very brittle. When exposed to lhe air, it assumes a purple, violet, or blue colour. The bismulh can scarcely be separated by heat. 3. Bismuth combines readily wilh silver by fusion. The alloy is brittle, lamellar, and nearly of lhe colour of bismuth. This alloy is sometimes formed, in order lo pu* rify silver by the process of cupellation. 4. Mercury combines readily wilh bismuth, either by triturating the metals together, or by pouring two parts of hot mercury into one part of melted bismulh. This amalgam is at first soft, but it becomes gradually hard. When melted and cooled slowly, it crystalizes. When lhe quanlity of mercury exceeds the bismuth considerably j the amalgam remains fluid, and has (he property of dissolving lead and rendering it also fluid. This triple compound may be fil- tered through shamoy leather without decomposition. Mercury is sometimes adulterated with these metals; but the imposition may be easily detected, not only by the specific gravity of the mercury, which is too small, but because it drags a (ail, as the workmen say; that is, when a drop of it is agitated on a plane surface, the drop does not remain spherical, but part of it adheres to (he surface, as if it was not completely fluid, or as if it was enclosed in a thin pellicle. 5. Copper forms wilh bismuth a brittle al- loy of a pale red colour, and lhe specific gravity exactly tbe mean of that of the two metals alloyed. 6. Bis- muth combines but imperfectly with iron. The alloy is brittle, and attracted by the magnet even when (he bismuth amounts lo three fourths ofthe whole. The spe- cific gravity of this alloy is less than the mean. 7. Bis- muth and fin unite readily. A small portion of bismuth increases the brightness, hardness, and sonorousness of tin : it often enters into the composition of pewter. Equal parts of tin and bismulh form an alloy that melts at 280 degrees; eight parts of tin and one of bismuth rnelt at 390 degrees; (wo parts of tirt and one of bismuth at 330 de- grees. 8. The alloy of lead and bismuth is of a dark gray colour, and close grain. It is ductile, unless the bismuth exceeds the lead considerably. Bismuth increases the tenacity of lead prodigiously. Musehenbroek found, fhat the tenacity Of an alloy composed of three parts of lead and two of bismuth was ten times greater than that of pure leadi The specific gravity of Ibis alloy is greater (han the mean, 9. When eight parts of bismuth, five of lead, and three of fin, are melted logether, a white coloured alloy is obtain- ed, which mells at lhe temperature of 212 degrees, and therefore remains fusible under boiling water. 10. The al- loy of bismulh is bridle, and formed of thin plates. 11. Bismuth does not combine wilh zinc. BISON. See Bos. BISSECTIO.N, in geometry, the division of a line, an- gle, Sec. info two equal parls. BISSEXTILE, in chronology, a year consisting of Ihrce hundred and sixty six days, being lhe same wifh our leap year. The true solar year, or (hat space Of lime which flows while (he sun is moving from any one point of the ecliptic fill he returns to the same point again, consists of 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, 57 seconds. The year made use of by lhe ancient Egyptians consisted of 365 days; which being less (han (he (rue solar year by nearly six hours, they lost a day every four years. Julius Csesar being high priest among the Romans, and considering (be inconve- niencies arising from (his method of computation, ordered that every fourth year Should have an intercalary day, and that this additional day should be added to the month of February; wherefore this method of computation is called the Julian account, or old style. Yet, as the true length of the year consists of 365 days, 5 hours, 49 minutes nearly, it follows that, according lo Ihis way of reckoning, at the end of every four years the civil year will begin 44 minutes sooner than it did before, consequently in 331 years it will anticipate by one whole day : for this reason pope Gregory XIII. set himself upon reforming tbe calendar; and finding, in the year 1582, that the equinox had anticipated ten whole days, he order- ed that (hese ten days should be taken out of the calen- dar that year, and the 11th of March should be reckoned the 21st; aud ordered that every hundredth year, Which,accord- ing to the Julian form, was to be bissextile, should be a common year, and consist of 365 days: but because that was toomuchjevery four hundredth yejtr was to remain bis- sextile. This method of computation is called lhe Gre- gorian, or new style; it was received in most foreign countries ever since the reforming of the calendar; and by act of parliament passed in lhe twenly-fifth year of his late majesty's reign, vis. 1751, it commenced in all the dominions under the crown of Greet Britain, in the year following; ordering that the natural day following the sec- ond of September, should be accounted the fourteenth, omitting the intermediate' eleven days of the common cal- endar. BISTI, in commerce, a small coin of Persia: some say that itis among the current silver coins of Persia, and worth only a little above three farthings of our money ; others speak Of it again as a money of account. BISTORT. SeePoLvoANUM. BISTOURY, in surgery, an instrument for making in- cisions, of which there are different kinds ; some being of the form of a lancet, others straight and fixed in the handle like a knife, and others crooked with the sharp edge on the inside. BISTRE, or Bister, among painters, denotes a glossy soot pulverized and made into a kind of cakes, with gum water. It is used to wash their designs. Bistre is made by putting soot of dry wood, as beech, info water, in the proportion of two pounds to a gallon, and boiling them half an hour. After the fluid has set- tled, pour off the clearer part while it remains hot. Evaporate the fluid to dryness, and what remains is good bistre. BIT, or Bitt, an essential part of a bridle. There are many kinds of bits ; the most simple is a short rod of iron, made rather wider than (he mouth of lhe horse, and pro- vided with a hook or ring at each end for fastening the reins to. The next is a rod similar to the former, broken in two pieces, and connected by a joint in the middle ; the former is intended for heavy draft horses, tbe latter for B I T B I V those of light draff. The next is fhe snaffle, which is provided wilh two cross pieces that rest against the lips or sides of the moulh ; for as the snaffle is intended for the saddle horse, and the reins go to the bands, so the cross pieces are useful in preventing the bit from being drawn through the mouth. The number of parts of which the mouthpiece of the snafflle is composed, may be increased to any extent, as it may be made with 1, 2, or several joints; and hence it acquires new properties and effects which require attention; its gentleness or rig- our will depend almost wholly on these conditions. Anoth- er is the curb bit, the mouthpiece of which is usually pro- vided with an upset or arch in tbe middle, as, if perfectly straight, it would rest upon the tongue, and occasion an unpleasant restraint. It has been sometimes called the lib- erty bit, on account of the freedom which it allows to the tongue; by others it has been called the porte mouth bif, vulgarly the Portsmouth bit; and by a supposed opposite expression we get tbe Weymouth bit. Bit also denotes the iron part ofa piercer, auger, and the like instruments. Bit ofa key, lhe part which contains the wards. Bits, or Bitts, in ship building, the name of two great timbers usually placed abaft fhe manger, in the ship's loof, through which the cross piece goes; the use of it is to be- lay the cable therelo, while the ship is at anchor. BITTACLE, on ship board, a square box standing be- fore him that steers lhe slfip, with the compass placed in it, to keep and direct the ship in her course. BITTER, a sea term, signifying any turn ofthe cable about the bits, so as that the cable may be let out by lift le and little ; and when a ship is stopped by a cable, she is said to be brought up by a bitter. Also that end of lhe cable which is wound about the bits is called the bitter end ofthe cable. BITTERN, in the salt works, lhe brine remaining after lhe salt is concreted: this they ladle off, that the salt may be taken out ofthe pan, and afterward put in again; when, being further boiled, it yields more salt. See Salt. BITUMEN, in natural history, is understood by min- eralogists in general, to be an oil which is found in differ- ent parts of the earth, in various states of consistence. These different states form distinct species; in the ar- rangement of which we shall be guided by the observa- tions which Mr. Hatchet has made in his valuable paper on bituminous substances. Sp. 1. Naphtha. This substance is found sometimes on lhe surface of the water of springs, and sometimes issu- ing from certain strata. It is found in great abundance in Persia. It is as fluid and transparent as water. Colour white, or yellowish white. Smell strong, but not disagreeable. Specific gravity when white .708 or .729 ; when yellow- ish .8475. Feels greasy. Catches fire on the approach of flame, burns with a white flame, and leaves scarcely any residuum. Sp. 2. Petroleum. This substance is also found in Persia, and likewise in many countries in Europe, par- ticularly Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, England, and Scotland. If is not so fluid or transparent as water. Colour yellow, either pale or wifh a shade of red or green; reddish brown, and reddish black. Smell that of naphlha, but less pleasant. Specific gravity .8783. When burn! ii yields a soot, and leaves a small quantity of coaly residuum. By exposure to the air it becomes like tar, and is then called mineral (ar. Sp. 3. Mineral tar. This substance is found in many parts of Asia, America, and Europe. It is viscid, and of a black, brownish black, or reddish colour. Smell some- times strong, but often fain(. Specific gravity 1.1. When burned, emits a disagreeable bituminous smell. By expo- sure (o the air it passes into mineral pitch and maltha. Sp. 4. Mineral pitch and maltha. This substance has a strong resemblance to common pitch. When the weath- er is warm it is soft, and has some tenacity ; it is (hen call- ed adhesive mineral pitch : when the weather is cold it is brittle: its hardness is 5; and its fracture has a glassy lustre. In this state it is called maltha. Colour black, dark brown, or reddish. Opaque. Specific gravity fr0m 1.45 to 2.07. Does not stain the fingers. On a white hot iron it flames with a strong smell, and leaves a quantity of gray ashes. It is to the presence of the earths which compose these ashes lhat the great specific gravity of thii bitumen is lo be ascribed. By further induration it passes into asphalt. Sp. 5. Asphalt. This substance is found abundantly in many parts of Europe, Asia, and America, especially in the island of Trinidad. Colour black, or brownish black. Lustre greasy, 2, Opaque. Fracture conchoidal, of a glassy lustre. Hard- ness from 7 fo 8. Very brittle. Specific gravity 1.0? to 1.165. Feels smooth, but not greasy. Does not stain lhe fingers. Has little or no smell unless when rubbed or heated. When healed, melts, swells, and inflames; and when pure burns without leaving any a^hes. Sp. 6. Mineral caoutchouc. This substance was found about the year 1786 in the lead mine of Odin, near Castle- town, Derbyshire. It was first mentioned by Mr. De Born. Colour yellowish or reddish brown, sometimes blackish brown. In its appearance it has a strong resemblance to caoutchouc or Indian rubber ; hence its name. Consis- tency various: sometimes so soft as to adhere to the fin- gers ; sometimes nearly as hard as asphalt. When soft it is elastic ; when hard, brittle. Specific gravity 0.9053to 1.0233. Insoluble in alcohol, ether, and oil of turpentine, but sol- uble in oil of olives. Not affected by nitric acid. When distilled it yields a bituminous oil insoluble in alcohol; the residuum is carbonaceous. There is a variely of this substance found in a rivulet near the mine of Odin, which, when fresh col, exactly, re- sembles fine cork in colour and texture ; but in a few days after being exposed to the air, becomes of a pale reddish brown. This substance contains within it a nucleus of elastic bitumen. It seems to be the elastic bitumen alter- ed in ils texture by the water. BIVALVES, one of the three general classes of sheH fish, comprehending all those, the shells of which are com- posed of two pieces, joined together by a hinge. The Linnaean genera of bivalve shells are mya solen, tellina, cardium, mactra, donax, venus, spondylus, chama, area, astrea, anomia, mytillus, and pinna. BIVENTER, in analomv, a muscle of the lower jaw, that has its origin in the incisure under the mastoid proc- ess. See Ana. B L A B L A BIXA, the roucou or anolto tree, a genus of the mono- gynia order, and polyandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 37th order, columnife- ise. The corolla is ten petalled; lhe calyx quinquedent- ed; (he capsule hispid and bivalved. Of (his genus (here is but one species known, vis. Bixa orellana, a native of the warm parts of America. It rises with an upright stem to the height of eight or ten feet, sending out many branches at the top forming a reg- ular bed, with heart shaped leaves ending in a point, and haviug long footstalks. The flowers are produced in loose panicles at the end of the branches : these are of a pale peach colour, having large petals, and a great num- ber of bristly stamina of the same colour in the centre. After the flower is past, the germen becomes a heart shap- ed, or rather a mitre shaped vessel, covered on the out- side wilh bristles opening with two valves, and filled with angular seeds. These seeds are covered wifh a red wax- en pulp or pellicle, from which the colour called anotta is prepared. These plants, in lhe countries where they grow, thrive best in a cool rich soil, and shoot most lux- uriantly near springs and rivulets. With us, they may be propagated by seeds procured from America. These are to be sown in pots in the spring, and plunged in a bed of tanners' bark: the plants must afterward be removed into separate pots, and always kept in the stove. BLACK, somelhing opaque, and occasioned by the porosity of bodies, that imbibing fhe greater part ofthe light that falls on Ihem, and reflecting little or none, ex- hibit no colour. Black bodies are more inflammable than others, because lhe rays of light falling on them are not reflected outward, but enter the bodies, and are lost in them. Being more porous, they are found ca?leris pari- bus to be specifically lighter than any other coloured bodies. The disposition of black bodies to acquire heat beyond those of olher colours, has long been known. If a black and a white glove are worn by the same person in the sun, it will be found that the hand with the black glove will acquire the greatest degree of beat. Dr. Wat- son, the present bishop of Landaff, covered the bulb of a thermometer with a black coating of Indian ink, and the mercury presently rose ten degrees. Black clothes heat more, and dry sooner in the sun, than white clothes : black is therefore a bad colour for clothes in hot climates. Count Rumford has attempted to controvert this position, but his experiments do not appear decisive. See Philosophic- al Transactions for the year 1804. Black, among dyers, one of the five simple and moth- er colours used in dying. See Dying. Black, German, called by some Frankfort black, is made with the lees of wine, burnt, washed afterward in water, Ihen ground in mills made for that purpose, with ivory, bones, or peach stones, also burnt. It comes from Frankfort, Mentz, and Strasbourg, either in lumps or pow- der; and must be chosen moist, without having been wet- ted, ofa fine black, soft, friable, light, and with as few shining grains as possible. This black is (he principal in- gredient used by copperplate printers for working their engravings Black, ivory, otherwise called velvet black, is burnt ivory or bones, which, becoming quite black, and being reduced to thin plates, are ground in water, and made into troches, to be used by painters, and by jewellers, who set precious stones, to blacken the ground of the collets, and give the diamonds a teint or foil. In order to be good, it ough( to be tender, friable, and thoroughly ground. Black, hart's, (ha( which remains in (he retort after the spirits, volatile salt, and oil, have been extracted from har(shorn. It answers the purposes of painters almost as well as ivory black. Black, Spanish, is nothing but burnt cork: it is used in several works. It should be light, and have as few grains of sand mixed with it as possible. Black, lamp, originally, perhaps, the soot collected from lamps, is generally prepared by melting and purify- ing resin or pilch in iron vessels; then setting fire to if un- der a chimney, or other place made for the purpose, lined with sheepskins, &c. to receive the vapour or smoke ; in this way vast quantities of it are prepared at Paris. In England it is prepared at the turpentine houses, from the dregs of the resinous matters which are manufactured there; but the greater part of lampblack is brought from Germany, Sweden, and Norway; where lhe process, in the preparation, is dependent on the manufacture of common resin. The goodness of lampblack depends much on its light- ness, and on the fulness of its colour. It is used on vari- ous occasions, particularly in printers' ink, for which it is mixed with oils of turpentine and linseed. A patent was taken out some years ago by Mr. Row, of Newcastle, for manufacturing lampblack from pit coal, or any kind of mineral and fossil coal, which we conceive must answer perfectly well. Black, currier's. See Currier. BLACKBIRD. See Turdus. BLACKCAP. See Motacilla. BLACKAMOOR'S head, in chymistry, consists ofa conical vessel, surrounded with another of a cylindrical form, filled with cold water, with a cock to draw it off when it becomes too warm. BLACK ACT, is so called, having been occasioned by some devastations committed near Watham in Hants, by persons in disguise, or with their faces blacked ; to pre- vent which it is enacted by 31 Geo. II. c. 42. lhat persons hunting armed and disguised, and killing; or stealing deer, or robbing warrens, or stealing fish out of any river, Sec. or any person unlawfully hunting in his majesty's forests, or breaking down the head of any fish pond, or killing, &c. of cattle, or cutting down trees, or setting fire to house, barn, or wood, or shooting at any person, or sending anony- mous letters, or signed with a fictitious name, demanding money, Sec. or rescuing such offenders; are guilty of felo- ny without benefit of clergy. BLACK LEAD. Every person who shall unlawfully break inlo any wad hole of wad, or black cawke, commonly called black lead, or shall unlawfully take and carry away from thence any wad, black cawke, or black lead, or shall aid or employ olhers so to do, shall be guilty of felony. 25 Geo. II c. 10. BLACK MAIL, signifies, in the counties of Cumber- land, Northumberland, Westmoreland, and lhe bisboprick of Durham, a certain rale of money, corn, caltle, or olh- er consideration, paid to some inhabitants near the bor- B L A B L A ders, to be protected from a band of robbers called moss troopers. Black mail, also signifies the rents formerly paid in provisions of corn and flesh. BLACKBURNI A, a genus ofthe tetrandria monogynia class and order. The essential character is, calyx four toothed; pet. 4; anther heart shaped ; germ, conic ; stig- ma simple ; berry one seeded. There is one species, a native of Norfolk island. BLADDER, a thin membranous substance, found in several parts of an animal, serving as a receptacle of some juice, or of some liquid excrement, as the urinary blad- der, gall bladder, &c. See Anatomy. BLADHI A, a genus of the class and order pentandria monogynia. The essential character is, corolla wheel shaped, deciduous, berry containing one arilled seed. There are three species, natives of Japan. BLiERIA, in botany, a genus of the tetrandria monogy- nia class and order of plants. Its characters are; that the calyx is quadripartite, the corolla quadrifid, the stamina inserted in lhe receptacle; and the fruit a Capsule, with four cells, containing many seeds. There are six species. BLAFART, in commerce, a small coin current at Co- logn, worth something more than a farthing of our money. BL AIN, among farriers, a distemper incident to beasts ; being a certain bladder growing on tbe root of the tongue, against the windpipe, which swells to such a degree as to stop the breath. It comes by great chafing and healing of the stomach ; and is perceived by the beast's gaping and holding out his tongue, and foaming at the mouth : to cure it, cast the beast, take forth his tongue, and then slitting the bladder, wash it gently with vinegar and a little salt. BLAKE A, in botany, a genus of tbe class and order do- decandria monogynia: with a calyx composed of six leaves below, and entire above ; six petals, and a six celled poly- spermous capsule. There are two species, very beautiful shrubs, natives of America and the West Indies. BLANCHING of copper is done in varices ways, so as (o make it resemble silver. If it is done for sale, it is fel- ony by 8 and 9 William III. ch. xxvi. Blanching, in coinage, the operation performed on the planchets or pieces of silver, to give them the requisite lus- tre and brightness. They also blanch pieces of plate, when they would have them continue white, or have only some parts of them burnished. Blanching, as it is now practised, is performed by heat- ing lh." pieces on a kind of peel with a wood fire, in fhe man- ner of a reverberatory; so that tbe flame passes over the peel. The pieces, being sufficiently heated and cooled again, are put successively to boil in two pans, which are of copper : in these they pat water, common salt, and far- tar of Montpelier. When they have been well drained of this water in a copper sieve, (hey throw sand and fresh wa- fer over Ihem; and when dry, they are well rubbed with towels. Blanching also denotes the operation of covering iron plates with a thin coat or crust of tin. BLANKET, a coverlet for a bed: a stuff commonly made of white wool, and wrought in a loom like cloth ; wifh this difference, that they are crossed like serges. When they come from (he loom, they are sent to the fuller; and after .* ey have been fuHed and well cleaned, they are nap- ped with a fuller's teazle. Blankets made of sheep's wool, are divided into several sorts; of the head and bay wool lhe widest are made; and narrow ones of (he middling and common sort. There are also blankets made with (he hair of several animals; as (hat of goats, dogs, and others. BLANQUILLE, in commerce, a small silver coin cur- rent in the kingdom of Morocco, and all that part of (he coast of Barbary : it is worth about three half pence of our money. BL ASIA, leather cup, a genus of tbe order of algie, and cryptogamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 57th order, algae. The male calyx is cylindric, replete with grains; the female calyx is naked; the fruit roundish, immersed in the leaves, and many seed- ed. Of this genus there is but one species known, vis. Blasia pusilla, which grows naturally on tbe banks of ditches and rivulets, in a gravelly or sandy soil, in En. gland. It grows flat upon the ground in a patch, compos- ed of numerous thin, green, pellucid leaves, marked with a few whitish veins near the base, divided and subdivided into obtuse segments obscurely crenated on the edge?, The margins of the leaves are a little elevated, but the in* terior parts adhere close to the ground by a fine down which answers the purpose of roots. The seeds are so small as to be almost imperceptible. BLASPHEMY : all blasphemies against God; all con* tumelious reproaches of Jesus Christ; all profane scoffing at the Holy Scriptures, or exposing any part of them to ridicule; are punishable by fine, imprisonment, and such corporal punishment as to the court shall seem meet, ac- cording to tbe heinousness of the crime. 1 Hew. 6. BLAST, a disease in grain, trees, &c. The sugarcane in the West Indies is subject to a disease of this kind, which is thought to be occasioned by the aphis of Linnsui, which is distinguished into the black and yellow ; of these, fhe latter is most destructive. It consists of myriads of insects, invisible to the naked eye, whose proper food il the juice of the cane, in search of which they wound fhe tender blades, and in the end destroy the vessels. It ii said (he blast never attacks those plantations where colo« nies have been introduced of tbe carnivorous ant, or fee* mica omnivora. These minute and busy creatures sool clear a sugar plantation of rats ; their natural food consists of all kinds of insects and animalcuia. Blast, a term used at iron founderies fo denote the col- nmn of air introduced into the furnace for tbe purpose of combustion. BLASTING, a terra used by miners for the tearing up rocks which lie in their way, by the force of gunpowder. In order to do this, a long hole is made in the rock, which being charged with gunpowder, tbey fill it ep; leav- ing only a touch-hole, with a train or match to fire tbe charge. BLATTA, a genus of the hymenopterons insects, call- ed in England cockroaches, or vulgarly and erroneously, black beetles. The head is inflected; antennae setaceous; feelers unequal and filiform ; wings and wing cases smooth; the latter somewhat coriaceous ; thorax flatfish, orbicular and margined; legs formed for running ; abdomen terminal* ing in two articulated appendages above the tail. In hotter crimates tbe blafta are a very troublesome race : fhey enter houses and commit various depredations on the furniture} devour provisions of every kind, destroy clothes, and tor* BLE BLE naent the inhabitants with their bite. The blafta most abundant in England was originally from tbe east, or as some imagine from America : it is now completely natural- ized to our climate ; and the best method of clearing houses of ihem, h to employ the agency ofa tame hedgehog, who very soon devours them all. All the known species of this insect, whether in the lar- va, pupa, or perfect winged state, secrete themselves in the day time, and wander about in the night in search of food ; hence they were called by the ancients lucifugaj, in- sects that shun the light. The following species are enu- merated by LinnaM*s and others, vis. gigantea, maderae, »gypfiea, occidentals, surinamensis, americana; see Plate XV. Nat. Hist. fig. 46. austrahssise, erythoeephala, capen- sis, indica, nivea, irrorata, viridis, brasihensis, peliveriana, oriental}*, cincta, picta, variegara, lapponka, germanica, roficoltis, maculata, marginata, oblongata, nitidmla, fusea, deusta, chlorofica, latissima, aterrima,perspecillaris, asiat- ica, schoeferi, sylve&tris, peransylv arnica, livida, pufa, grisea, minufissima, aplera, punctwlata, ocelhat*. BLAZONING, or Blazonrt, in heraldry, the art of deeyphering the arms of noble families. The word orig- inally signified (he blowing or winding ofa born, and was introduced into heraldry as a terra denoting the descrip- tion of things borne in arms, with their proper significa- tions and intendments, from an ancient custom the heralds, who were judges, bad of winding a horn a( juste and lour* naments, when they explained and recorded the achiev- ments of knights. In blazoning a coart of arms, you must al- ways begin with the field, and next proceed to the charge ; and if there are many things borne in lhe field, you must first name that which is immediately lying upon the field. Your expressions must be very short and expressive, with- out any expletives, needless repetitions, or particles. Such terms for (he colours must be used*, as are agreeable to the station and quality of the bearer. All persons beneath the degree of a noble, must have their colours blazoned by colours and melals; noblemen by precious stones, and kings and princes by planets. BLE A, in the anatomy ef plants* the inner rind or bark. See Physiologv of Planets. BLEACHING. The art of bleaching is ef great ar* tiquity. The ancients were acquainted with the detersive qualify of some kinds of clay, and the effect produced by the action of the atmosphere, moisture, and lightj on lhe stuffs exposed to them. Health and cleanliness render- ed it necessary to devise quicker methods than these; and the property of soaps* and lyes of ashes was therefore soon discovered. In the present age, fhe arts^ following science with close steps, have taken advantage of processes and detersive menstrua, the existence of which was before unknown; these discoveries have succeeded each olher with such rapidity, that the last -eight or ten years have effected a complete revolution in (he art of bleaching. This art is naturally divided into two distinct branches; the bleaching of vegetable, and of animal substances* These being of very different natures, require different processes for whitening them- Vegetables consist of oxy- gen, hydrogen, and carbon, of which the latter is in tbe greatest proportion; while animal substances, besides these, ■contain also a large quantity of azote, and also phospho- rus and sulphur. Bleaching of flax and hemp. If ripe flax is examined, it will be found to be composed of fibres or filaments unit- ed together by the sap, enveloping a semiligneous sub- stance, and covered with a thin bark. It is the fibrous part only that is used for making cloth, and it must there- fore be previously separated from Ibe olher matters. The sap or succulent part is composed of extractive principle and water, and the first process is to separate this substance, which holds the filaments together. As soon as the flax is pulled, it is steeped in soft water until the putrefactive fermentation takes place. This degree of fermentation begins with tbe succulent part, as being more susceptible of decomposition (han (he res(. Was (he flax to be continued long in this state, tbe whole sub- stance of it would be decomposed or destroyed, upon the same principle that malt is injured by too long steeping, or that wort loses its substance by loo long a fermentation. It must therefore be taken oat of the water while yet green, and before the whole ©fits sap is separated. Well water and brackish water must be carefully avoided, as well as that which flows over gypseous soil. Such water accelerates putrefaction, and hur(s (he quality of tbe hemp and flax. This i9 perfectly agreeable (o the principles of chymistry ; it is thus that a little salt accelerates animal putrefaction, while a great quantity tends to prevent it. The portion of saline substances laken op by the water, hastens cor- ruption, by extending the putrid fermentation even to the filaments which it blackens and spoils, while i( ought to operate only on the juices. The flax, when (aken from (he water, is spread out upon fhe grass to dry. During the fermentation and decompo- sition which thence result, there is a speedy combination of oxygen and carbon. Exposure on the grass facilitates the escape ofthe carbonic acid into the arfmosphere,. and the plants become of a whitish gray colour. If is known lhat a lye very slightly alkaline may be substituted with advantage, for this long and noxious op- eration; it is therefore certain, that a chamber from 20 to 30 feet in length, into which the steam of alkaline caustic water^ ofthe strength of one fourth of a degree only, is in- troduced, will be sufficient to produce the same effect as watering on an immense quantify of hemp and flax, sus- pended on basket work, in less time, and with less ex- pense, than are required for tbe different manipulations of watering. The losses occasioned by the negligence of workmen, who, by suffering lhe hemp and flax to macer- ate too long, give time to the decomposition to reach the filaments, which renders them brittle, and occasions a con* siderable waste, will also&e avoided- In our process, the artist can follow every moment the progress of his opera- tion, and stop it at the favourable period. Nothing now remains but lhe wood, and tbe flax or fi- brous part- The wood is a hollow tube-covered over very compactly with the flax. To separate lhe wood, it must be kiln dried, in order to render it frangible or brittle ; but care must be taken not to apply too much heat, for fear of injuring the flax. It is next to be beaten or broken, by which means the flax is not only divided into small fibres, bnt most of the wood is separated, and the part which adheres is reduced to small fragments. To separate these again, the flax is to be scutched, or threshed, in small parcels at a time, ■either by manual labour, or mills contrived for the pur- BLEACHING. pose. Hackling is the last process; which is nothing more lhan drawing or combining ibe flax in small parcels at a lime, through a pile or group of polished and sharp iron spikes, placed firmly in wood through an iron plate. The spikes are placed pretty close together: the first hackle, for different hackles must be used, is coarse, the second finer, and the third finer still. The process of hackling answers a double or triple pur- pose ; first, it divides the fibres of lhe flax, as much as this can be effected by mechanical means; secondly, it separates the minute fragments of wood which escaped the process of scutching; and lastly, it separates the short coarse flax, commonly called tow. Spinning and weaving are loo well known to need de- scription. The linen, as it comes from the loom, is charg- ed with what they call the weaver's dressing, which is a paste of flour boiled in water; and as this is brushed into the yarn of the warp before it is woven, it is somewhat difficult to separate it when dry. To discharge this paste, fhe linen must be steeped in water for about forty-eight hours; when this extraneous substance undergoes a kind of fermentation, which does not extend to the substance of the linen itself, upon the same principle that the green sap is disengaged from the flax without injury to its tex- ture. When the linen is well washed after this last process, it contains nothing that water can separate ; it is ofa grayish white colour, although the fibres of which it is composed, when divested of every adventitious substance, are nal- urally very white. The matter which thus colours the linen, is ofa resi- nous nature, insoluble in water, and from its intimate union or dissemination through the very fibres of lhe flax, is dif- ficult of separation, even by those substances which have a solvent power over it. To disengage it, however, in as cheap and expeditious a manner as possible, wi(hou( injuring (he (exture of (he fabric, is (he sole object of (he process of bleaching. Potash is the first menstruum which should be used in bleaching. It is most economical fo render it caustic, for the purpose of bleaching. This is done by adding quicklime to the mild potash, the former having a stronger affinity for the carbonic acid than the latter. But care must be taken not to use the alkali too strong, otherwise it will attack and destroy the fibrous part. The potash, from its solvent power over the colouring matter, dissolves and separates the part immediately exposed to its action; lhat is, the part of il which rests superficially upon the fibres of the flax or thread; for it requires ten or twelve repeat- ed boilings, at least, with the alternate agency ofthe at- mosphere, to separate lhe whole of (he resin. It might be asked, why such an active solvent as pot- ash should not carry away the whole of the resin at once, or at least as much as it alone could in any way separate. This requires an explanation. What appears to us to be a single ultimate fibre of flax in gray linen, is composed of a bundle of minute filaments, closely cemented or aggluti- nated together by the resinous matter; the potash first used therefore acts only upon the resin of the external coating of filaments ; by which means they are loosened or separated, and exposed to lhe further action ofthe air. The second boiling in potash opens a second layer, and thus, successively, layer after layer, until lhe whole is divided, or opened to the centre. Were the solution of potash sufficiently strong to force its way at once to the centre, it would act upon the filaments themselves, and destroy the texture of (he cloth. Each filament, after the process of potash, retains an im- pregnation of colouring matter, so intimately united, as to resist the further action of it. This can only be removed by the slow and gradual influence ofthe oxygen gas ofthe atmosphere. From the properties of oxygen gas and potash, their manner of operating is very obvious. The oxygen gas dissolves in each boiling a certain quantity of the colour- ing matter, with which it forms carbonic acid gas, and partly divides the filaments that eluded the action of pot. ash. The carbonic acid gas, from its volatility, flies off and mixes with the atmosphere. Thus, alternately, the one dissolving, and the other burning out, for bleaching is slow combustion, the linen is whitened. Mankind have at all times employed free air as the most convenient menstruum for bleaching. When tired with the slowness of its action, they assisted it by deter- sive lyes, which abridged the process a little: and this union of boiling and exposure on the grass, formed the whole of the ancient art of bleaching. Formerly, when it was necessary to bleach cloth, it was customary to immerse it in pure water, to free it from the dressing. This pre- liminary operation was sometimes hastened by a cold lye; the cloth was then rinsed in running water, and spread out on a meadow, round which ran a stream of limpid w* ter that served for watering the different pieces. After being exposed in this manner some time, the cloth was washed and boiled in a fresh lye; it was then again spread out on the grass; and this operation was several times repeated until the required whiteness was obtained. It was still necessary to wind it through soapy water, not only to give it softness and pliability, but to bleach completely the borders, which oppose the longest resistance. It was brought to ifs ultimate state of whiteness by draw- ing it through whey, or diluted sulphuric acid. By this short description it may be seen, that a considerable time was necessary before the absorption of oxygen could fake place ; to hasten this operation of nature appeared impos- sible, until modern chymistry had demonstrated (hat ox- ygen might be extracted, and combined wilh water, to be afterward applied lo substances where its influence might be necessary. To promote the speedy action of atmospheric air, or rather lhe oxygenous part of it, in its ordinary elastic state, is well known to be impossible. The oxygenated muriatic acid gas has been already de- scribed under the word Air. This gas, combined with wafer, forms the oxygenated muriatic acid, which is there- fore only a combination of muriatic acid and oxygen; but (his principle adheres but weakly to the muriatic acid. All vegetable colours are attacked by this acid, and whitened with more or less celerity, which depends on (heir greater or less facility of combining with oxygen. The colouring matter undergoes a real slow combustion, which terminates by (he formation of carbonic acid, which escaping under the form of elastic fluid, produces what we call bleaching. BLEACHING. In whatever manner the oxygenated muriatic acid is procured, it is evident that the oxygen adheres to it only weakly ;and it is on this properly that the possibility de- pends of producing speedily, in manufactories, that action which the atmosphere produces but slowly, and of bleach- ing in a space of time proportionably short. The oxygenated muriatic acid is employed in four dif- ferent ways for the purposes of bleaching; first, in the state of gas alone ; secondly, in the state of gas combined with water, or what is called the acid; thirdly, potash is mixed wilh the acid to condense the gaseous vapour and destroy its suffocating odour; fourthly, oxygenated muri- ates, dissolved in water, are employed. The first method, vis. employing the gas, was never used but for the purpose of experiment; as the vapour is of so noxious a quality, lhat lo breathe it is fatal, and several people fell a sacrifice to their attempts in employing it. When condensed in water, or in the state of oxygenated muriatic acid, it was found inconvenient in the large way, on account ofthe expense and difficulty in constructing the necessary apparatus, and the suffocating vapour which escaped. For the discovery of the oxygenated muriatic acid, its effects on colouring matter, and its inestimable advantages, the arts are indebted fo the justly celebrated Scheele. M. Berthollet lost no time in applying this curious and highly interesting substance to the most important practi- cal uses. His experiments of bleaching by oxygenated muriatic acid, proved completely successful, and he did not delay fo communicate his valuable labours (o lhe pub- lic. The new method of bleaching was quickly and suc- cessfully introduced into (he manufaclories of Manches- ter, Glasgow, Rouen, Valenciennes, and Courtray; and it has since been gradually adopted in almost all parts of Great Britain, Ireland, France, and Germany. The ad- vantages fhat result from this method, which accelerates the process of whitening cottons, linens, paper, &c. to a surprising degree, in every season of the year, can be just- ly "appreciated by commercial people only, who experi- ence its beneficial effects in many ways, but particularly in the quick circulation of their capitals. To save the expense of first preparing the muriatic acid, the usual practice is to mix with the oxyde of manganese, muriate of soda or common salt, and sulphuric acid diluted wifh water. The sulphuric acid acts upon the salt, and disengages from it the muriatic acid, which is oxygenated by tbe oxyde of manganese. The proportions observed when cotton is to be bleached, are, Manganese - 30 parts, Common salt, 80 Sulphuric acid, 60 Wafer, - 120. For linen cloth the proportions are as follow : Manganese - 00 parts, Salt, - 60 Sulphuric acid, 50 Water, - 50. The better these substances are combined together, the more easily will the acid gas be disengaged by the action of fhe sulphuric acid. To ascertain the strength of the acid for bleaching, a so- lution ofindigo in fhe sulphuric acid is employed. The col- our of this is destroyed by the oxygenated muriatic acid ; and according to fhe quantity of it that can be discolour- ed by a given quantity ofthe liquor, its strength is known. vol. i. —------41 ' - Cloth is prepared for immersion in oxygenated wafer, by soaking in a lye of weak potash, and rinsing it afterward in a large quantity of water, in order to free it completely from fhe weaver's dressing, and the saliva of the spinners. In this country, machinery is employed for rinsing and beating; the apparatus must be arranged according to the objects to be bleached; fhe skains of thread must be sus- pended in the tub destined for them, and the cloth must be rolled upon reels in the apparatus. When every thing is thus disposed, the tubs are filled with oxygenated muri- atic acid, by introducing a funnel, which descends fo fhe bottom of the tub, in order to prevent the dispersion of the gas. The cloth is wound, or the frame work on which the skains are suspended is turned several times, until it is judged, by taking out a small quantify of (he liquor from time fo time, and trying it by fhe test of fhe solution of indigo, that it is sufficiently exhausted. The weakened liquor is then drawn off, and may be again employed for a new saturation. Great difficulties for a time impeded the progress of this method of bleaching, arising chiefly from prejudice, and the ignorance of bleachers in chymical processes. These obstacles were, however, soon removed by Mr. Watt, of Glasgow, and Mr. Henry and Mr. Cooper at Manches- ter. Another difficulty presented itself, which had near- ly proved fatal to the success of the operation. This was the want of a proper apparatus, not for making the acid and combining it with water, for this had been supplied in a very ingenious manner by Mr. Watt and M. Berthollet; but for the purpose of immersing and bleaching goods in the liquor. The volatility of this acid, and its suffocating vapours, prevented its application in the way commonly used in dye houses. Large cisterns were therefore constructed, in which pieces of stuff were stratified; and the liquor being poured on them, the cisterns were closed with lids. But this method was soon found lo be defective, as the liquor could not be equally diffused ; the pieces were therefore only partially bleached, being while in some parts, and more or less coloured in others. Mr. Rupp, of Manchester, invented an apparatus for bleaching cloth, exceedingly simple in ifs construction, of small expense, and which contains the liquor in such a manner as to prevent the escape ofthe oxygenated muri- atic acid gas. A consideration of no less importance in the arrangement of this apparatus, is the impossibility of the vapour injuring the health of lhe workmen. It was found, however, that the use ofthe oxygenated muriatic acid alone weakened the cloth, and various meth- ods of preventing its noxious effects upon the health of the workmen were tried without success; till it was dis- covered that an addition of alkali to the liquor deprived it of its suffocating effects, without destroying its bleaching powers. The process began then to be carried on in open vessels, and has been continued in (his manner to (he presen( period. The bleacher is now able to work his pieces in the liquor, and to expose every part of them to its action, without inconvenience. Potash was at first used for this purpose; and although Ihis advanfage was unquestionably great, it was diminish- ed by the heavy expense of the potash, which was entirely lost. Also, the potash which was added to the liquor, though it did not destroy its power of bleach- ing, diminished it; because a solution of the oxygenated muriate of po(ash, which differs from this bleaching liquor in nothing but in the proportion of alkali, will not°bleach BLEACHING. at all. This is a well known fact, from which we might in- fer, that the oxygenated muriatic acid will lose its power of destroying lhe colouring matter of vegetable substan- ces, in proportion as it becomes neutralized by potash. It was afterward discovered that tbe oxymuriatic acid might be combined wilh the alkaline earths, as lime and barytes, and also with magnesia; by this means forming oxymuriates, which were soluble in water and had the property of bleaching. The oxymuriate of lime is at pres- ent used in almost all the bleaching grounds. For the manner of preparing it, Mr. Tennant took out a patent: but this has been lately contested, and is now prepared and used by all the bleachers through the country. If the oxygenated muriatic acid is passed through lime water, it will combine with the lime, and form oxymuriate of lime; but-as the water can only retain a small portion of lime, this was not found of much use. To cause a larger quantify of lime to combine with the oxymuriatic acid gas, the lime is mechanically suspended in the wa- ter, into which the gas is made to pass, and agitated, so as to present fresh matter to the gas. By this means, the oxymurafe of lime is formed in a very convenient man- ner ; it is dissolved in water, and used as a bleaching liquor. This liquor is found to be preferable to the oxygenated muriatic acid, and potash. At the great bleach field in Ireland, four lyes of potash are applied alternately with four weeks exposure on the grass, two immersions in the oxygenated muriate of lime, a lye of potash between the two, and (he exposure of a week on the grass between each lye and the immersions. During summer two lyes and fifteen days exposure are sufficient to prepare cloth for the action of (he oxygenaled muriate; then three al- ternate lyes, with immersions in the liquor, will be suffi- cient to complete the bleaching: nothing then will be nec- essary, but to wind the cloth through the sulphuric acid. The oxygenated muriatic acid gas may also be combin- ed with lime in a dry state, or the water may be evapo- rated, when it is employed for the formation of oxymuri- ates, which may then be very conveniently transported to any distance without injury to its detersive power; an ad- vantage not possessed by the acid alone, which cannot be transported without the loss of almost half of its strength. In all the processes for bleaching which have been hitherto described, we have seen that potash acts a dis- tinguished parf, either as an auxiliary, or as a principal agent. To find a detersive substance which might be a substitute for it, was an object of the utmost importance. Mr. Kirwan suspected that it would be found in the sul- phuret of lime, and his opinion was confirmed by Dr. Higgins. Sulphur and lime are both cheap articles; they are very easily combined, and this combination completely answers fhe purposes of potash, without any danger of injuring the linen. The sulphuret of lime is prepared in the following manner for the purpose of bleaching: Sulphur or brim- stone, in fine powder, four pounds; lime, well slacked and sifted, twenty pounds; water, sixteen gallons; these are fo be well mixed, and boiled for about half an hour in an iron vessel, stirring them briskly from time to time. Soon after the agitation of boiling is over, the solution of the sulphuret of lime clears, and may be drawn off free from fhe insoluble matter, which is considerable, and which rests upon tbe bottom of the boiler. The liquor, in this state, is pretty nearly of the colour.of small beer, but not quite so transparent. Sixteen gallons of fresh water are afterward to be pour- ed upon the ii.soluble dregs iu the boiler, in order to sep- arate the whole of the sulphuret from them. When this clears, being previously well agitated, it is also to be drawn off, and mixed with lhe first liquor ; to these again thirty-three gallons more of water may be added, which will reduce the liquor to a proper standard for sleeping the cloth. Here we have, an allowance being made for evaporation, and for the quantity retained in the dregs, sixty gallons of liquor from four pounds of brimstone. Although sulphur, by itself, is not in any sensible de- gree soluble in water, and lime but sparingly so, water dis- solving only about one seven hundredth part of its weight of lime ; yet the sulphuret of lime is highly soluble. When linen is freed from the weaver's dressing, in fhe manner already described, it is to be steeped in the solu- tion of sulphuret of lime, prepared as above, for about twelve or eighteen hours, then taken out and very well washed. When dry, it is to be steeped in the oxymuri- ate of lime for twelve or fourteen hours, and then washed and dried. This process is to be repeated six times, that is, six alternate immersions in each liquor, which has been found to whiten the linen. Steam has been lately employed wilh greal success in France. The process was brought from lhe Levant. Chaptal first made it known fo the public. We have already mentioned, that the bleaching of veg- etable substances depends on the destruction of (heir col- ouring principle by (he combined action of the air, mois- ture, and light; or rather, by the united influence of Ihesc principles to alter their natural colour. Alkalies have, on the colouring mat ter of vegetables, an action which produces the effect ofa real combustion. Were we intimately acquainted with the nature of potash and soda, we might be able fo explain the cause of this burn- ing; but it is sufficient for us af present to know the effect. The exposure of vegetable matters on lhe grass, subjects them to the action ofthe solar rays ; and moistening them during their exposure, facilitates, with the evaporation ofthe water, the emanation of the carbonic acid formed by tbe oxygen of fhe atmosphere, which combines with the carbon resulting from the alkaline combustion. It even agrees pretty well wilh theory, in terminaling the process of bleaching, to immerse lhe cloth and thread in sour milk, acidulous liquors, or, what is more convenient, very weak sulphuric acid. In proportion as the alkali, during the first immersion, destroys the colouring matter, the oxygen of the atmo- sphere, or that furnished by the oxygenated muriatic acid, joins that carbonized matter, and forms carbonic acid, which afterward resolves itself into gas. This is contain- ed the more in the principles, as (he bases of all the acids are insoluble in water; but when the combination takes place between the carbon and (he oxygen, it immediate- ly becomes soluble. Thus, on the one hand to burn tbe colouring matter, and to dissolve it on the other, form (be whole secret of the art of bleaching; and the greater or less tendency of vegetable substances to experience that combustion, constitutes the gradations of their white- ness, and the facility or difficulty of bleaching. BLEACHING. The slowness of the whole process arose, in a great measure, -from bleachers being unacquainted with these principles. A long succession of lyes, and exposure on tbe grass, was necessary to penetrate the fibres of the lin- en from stratum to stratum. The texture was sufficiently close lo resist the action of the heat of a common lye, and a considerable time was required to absorb the oxygen presented by the delicate stratum of atmospheric air. In the process of bleaching by steam, these difficulties are removed. The high temperature of the steam, in the inte- rior part of the apparatus, swells up the fibres of the. thread or cloth ; the pure alkali, which rises with the elas- tic fluid, seizes wilh avidity on the colouring matter, and burns it; seldom does (he tissue of the flax or hemp re- sist the penetrating effect of (his vapour bath. The whole matter, therefore, by which they are coloured, is attack- ed and decomposed by this single operation ; and even if we suppose that a part has been able to resist, nothing is necessary but lo repeat the operation, after a previous im- mersion and exposure on (he grass, to ensure its complete effect. The alkali even appears to have a much livelier and more caustic action when it is combined with caloric, than in ordinary lyes, where the temperature never rises above 162° of Fahrenheit. By making the cloth or thread pass through one lye of oxygenated muriatic acid, or oxy- genated muriate of lime, an union is effected between the solution and the carbon, arising from (he burning of the extraclo mucous matter of tbe flax; carbonic acid is formed; the water even in which this new compound is diluted, concurs to promote this combination : if (he clo(h is (hen exposed on the grass, the carbonic acid is dissipat- ed, and (he clo(h is bleached. It was believed that the steam of a pure alkakine lye would not be causlic, and would not produce the same ef- fects as the saline solution; and the reason assigned for this opinion was the concentration of all the salts by the evaporation of the aqueous fluid : but what takes place in the open air, where the atmosphere every moment ab- sorbs the moisture which is evaporated, cannot be applied to a close apparatus, where the temperature is elevated in an extreme degree: besides, the caloric always carries with it a little alkali, even in low temperatures, as is ob- served when water is poured over potash; the steam which issues from it changes blue vegef able colours to green. It follows from these chymical principles, that the ac- tion of steam alone does not bleach, and that the concur- rence of oxygen is necessary to aid the composition ofthe carbonic acid ; this acid requires for its formation, 28 parts of carbon, saturated with 72 of oxygen: but all the oxy- gen contained in lhe apparatus would not be sufficient to saturate (he considerable quan(i(y of colouring matter burnt by (he alkaline combustion, and converted into car- bon ; this deficit must be supplied by immersion in any ox- ygenated liquor whatever, and (he dispersion ofthe elas- tic fluid thus formed must be then facilitated by exposure on the grass. To bleach cloth in this manner, it must be immersed in a slight alkaline caustic liquor, and placed in a chamber constructed over a boiler, into which is put (he alkaline lye which is lo be raised inlo steam. After the fire has been lighted, and the cloth has remained exposed to lhe aclion of. the steam for a sufficient length of time, it is taken out, and immersed in the oxygenated muriate of lime, and afterward exposed for two or (hree days on the t;ra««s- This operation, which is very expeditious, will be suffi- cient for cotton; but if linen cloth should still retain a yellow tint, a second alkaline caustic vapour bath, and two or three days on the grass, will be sufficient to give it the necessary degree of whiteness. Bleaching of cotton. Cotton is a filamentous substance, or a kind of down which envelops the seeds of the col- ton plant. This plant or shrub comes originally from the East, and grows only in warm climates. This substance, after being separated from (he seeds, is always charged wilh a coarse colouring matter, which soils it, and renders it opaque. The presence of this unctu- ous matter is proved by the slowness with which cotton ab- sorbs water before it is scoured, and by the force with which it absorbs it after the operation; by which means, from being opaque, it is rendered clear and transparent. Cotton varies a great deal in its qualities, according io the different kinds, the climate where produced, and the culture employed. Its colour is sometimes yellow, and sometimes white; but in general it is of a dirty yellow. To bleach it does not require the same preparations as hemp and flax. The first operation consists in scouring it in a slight alkaline solution, or, what is better, by expo- sure to steam. It is afterward put into a basket, and rinsed in running water. The immersing of cotton in an alkaline lye, however il may be rinsed, always leaves with it an earthy deposite. It is well known that cotton bears the action of acids better than hemp or flax; that time is even necessary before the action of them can be prejudi- cial to it: and by taking advantage of this valuable prop- erty in regard to bleaching, means have been found to free it from the earthy deposite, by pressing down the cotton in a very weak solution of sulphuric acid, and afterward re- moving the acid by washing, lest too long remaining in it should destroy the cotton. Bleaching of wool. The substances produced by the animal kingdom, differ essentially in their constituent principles from vegetables. Vegetables serve as the nourishment to the animals and insects, the spoils of which we employ. Animalized by their organs, they acquire other properties. We shall here confine ourselves to the examination of wool and silk, as the animal substances most generally employed for clothing. Wool is a finer kind of hair with which tbe bodies of sev- eral animals are covered. It is composed of filaments or tubes, filled with an oily or medullary substance. The sides of these tubes are perforated with a multitude of small pores which communicate with a longitudinal tube. By chym- ical analysis wool gives a great deal of oil, and carbonate of ammonia; caustic alkaline lyes dissolve it entirely. It experiences no change in boiling water; it alters very lit- tie when preserved in a place well aired; acids have very little action on it; when exposed to a strong heat, it enters into fusion. An examination of these chymical facts, is necessary for understanding the principles which ought to direct the artist in the bleaching of this substance. The little action which acids have upon wool, and its unalterableness in wa- ter even when aided by heat, render it necessary to have recourse to alkaline or saponaceous lyes; but its solubili- ty in these salts shows, that great prudence and caution must be employed. In regard to acids, none have been BLEACHING. hitherto used but (he sulphureous acid, obtained in the gaseous slate by combustion. In fhe preliminary operations to which wool is subject- ed, il is customary to leave a litlle of its grease, to secure it from insects. Wool is often freed from tbe grease by Ibe farmers, when they wish to sell it at a high price; but in the subsequent manipulations, it is greased or oiled be- fore it is combed, spun, &c. and as this fat matter attracts dust, it dirties and thickens the stuffs. The first kind of bleaching to which wool is subjected, is to free it from these impurities. This operation is called scouring. In manufac- tories, it is generally performed by means of an ammoniacal lye, formed of five measures of river wafer and one of stale urine; the wool is immersed for about twenty minutes in a bath of this mixture, healed lo fifty-six degrees; it is then taken out, suffered to drain, and then rinsed in run- ning water: this manipulation softens the wool, and gives It the first degree of whiteness ; it is repeated a second, and even a third time, after which the wool is fit to be em- ployed. In some places, scouring is performed with wa- ter slightly impregnated wilh soap; and indeed, for valu- able articles, this process is preferable, but it is too ex- pensive for articles of less value. Fulling the cloth adds still to the whiteness, and if an increased degree is necessary, it may be procured by the action of the sulphureous acid ; that is to say, of the fumes of sulphur in a state of combustion, or the vappur of that acid condensed and combined with water. Sulphuring is generally performed in an arched or very close chamber, constructed in such a manner, that (he articles to be exposed to the action of lhe sulphur can be suspended on poles. The chamber being filled, a cer- tain quantity of sulphur is put in a state of combustion in flat dishes, having a large surface with very little deplh; the entrance is speedily shut, and all the interstices around the door are carefully stopped lo prevent the ac- cess of the atmospheric air. The acid generated by the combustion of the sulphur, penetrates the stuffs, attacks the colouring matter, destroys it, and effects lhe bleaching. The stuffs are left in (he stoves some time after (he defla- gration has ceased. This time varies from six to twen(y- four hours. They are then (aken out, and made to pass through a slight washing with soap, to remove the rough- ness they have acquired by the action of (he acid, and to give (hem the necessary softness. This process is imperfect. At first, (he acid of (he sul- phur acts only on lhe surfaces, and does not penetrate. This aerial immersion is not sufficient; the gas cannot in- troduce itself to a sufficient depth into the stuffs, and the superficies only are whitened. A superior method has been lately invented, which is by making use of fhe sulphureous acid. The sulphureous acid, or that acid generated by the imperfect combustion of sulphur, differs from the sulphu- ric acid, oil of vitriol, by its containing less of the acidify- ing principle, and by being (he mean lerm be(ween (he sul- phuric acid. Sulphureous acid gas unites very easily with water, and in this combination it may be employed for bleaching wool and silk. The sulphureous acid in (his stale of liquidity, may be prepared by making it traverse water in an appa- ratus nearly similar to (hat used for preparing oxygenated muriatic acid. The most economical method of obtain- ing it is to decompose sulphuric acid, oil of vitriol, by the mixture of any combustible matter capable of taking from it a part of ils oxygen. In exaci experiments of the lab- oratory, when the chymist is desirous of having great pu- rity, it is obtained by nteans of- metallic substances, and particularly by mercury; but for the purpose of which we are treating, where great economy is required, we should recommend lhe uiost common substances. We shall therefore give the following process. Take chopped straw, or sawdust, and introduce it into a mattress; pour over it sulphuric acid, applying at the same lime heat, and there will be disengaged sulphureous acid gas, vapour of sulphur, which may be combined with water in the appa- rat us. The pieces are rolled upon the reels, and are drawn through the sulphureous acid by turning (hem, until it is observed lhat the whiteness is sufficiently bright. They are then laken out, and are left to drain on a bench covered with cloth, lest they should be stained in consequence of (he de- composition of the wood by the sulphureous acid ; tbey are next washed in river water, and Spanish white is em- ployed, if it should be judged necessary. This ope- ration is performed by passing the pieces through a tub of clear water, in which about eight pounds of Spanish white have been dissolved. To obtain a fine whiteness, the stuffs, in general, are twice sulphured. According to this process, one immersion and reeling two or three hours are sufficient. Azuring or bluing is per- formed by throwing into the Spanish white liquor, a solu- tion of one part of Prussian blue to 400 parts of water; shaking the cloth in the liquid, and reeling il rapidly. Tbe operation is terminated by a slight washing with soap, to give softness and pliability lo lhe stuffs. The final opera- tions of drying, stretching, pressing, &c. are foreign to our present subject. Bleaching of silk. Silk is a semitransparent matter, spun by a caterpillar, and formed of a substance contained in its body, which becomes hard in the air. This insect inhabits warm climates, being indigenous in Asia: it was naturalized in Europe about the time of lhe downfal ofthe Roman empire. The filaments prepared by the silkworm are rolled up in a cod or ball. In this state, in which we find it, it is Cover- ed with a yellow varnish, which destroys ils brilliancy and renders it rough. Silk by chymical analysis gives carbon- ate of ammonia and oil; wafer af a boiling heat produces no effect upon it; alcohol makes it experience no change; but concentrated alkaline lyes attack and dissolve it. To give splendour to silk, it must be freed from its var- nish. This covering is soluble in alkaline lyes. Silk is generally scoured by means of soap, by which it loses one fourth of its weight. The matter disengaged from it is very fetid, and if the silk is not rinsed in plenty of water, putrid fermentation will take place. Even when the best soap is used, it is generally suspected that it injures the whiteness of the silk. The splendour ofthe Chinese silk is brighter than that ofthe European, and the Chinese employ no soap in (heir operations. A slighlly alkaline lye will dissolve lhe varnish of the silk without using soap, and this has also been effected by the action of boiling water at a very high temperature. Themethod which has been used successfully in France is as follows: Take a solution of caustic soda, so weak as to mark only a fourth ofa degree, at most, of the areometer for salts? BLE BLE and fill with it the boiler of the apparatus for bleaching with steam. Charge lhe frames with skains of raw silk, and place them in the apparatus until it is full; then close the door, and make the solution boil. Having continued the ebullition for twelve hours, slacken the fire, and open (he door of (he apparatus. The heat of (he steam, which is always above 250°, will have been sufficient to free the silk from the gum, and to scour it. Wash the skains in warm water; and, having wrung them, place them again on lhe frames in the apparatus, lo undergo a second boil- ing. Then wash Ihem several times in water, and im- merse them in water somewhat soapy, to give them a little softness. Notwithstanding the whiteness which silk acquires by these different operations, it must be carried to a higher degree of splendour by exposing it lo the action of sul- phureous acid gas, in a close chamber, or by immers- ing it in sulphureous acid, as before recommended for wool. Bleaching prints, and printed books. An application has been made of tbe new mode of bleaching, to lhe whiten- ing of books and prints that have been soiled by smoke and time. Simple immersion in oxygenated muriatic acid, letting the article remain in it a longer or shorter space of time ac- cording to the strength of the liquid, will be sufficient lo whiten an engraving: if it is required to whiten (he paper ofa bound book, as i( is necessary (hat all (he leaves should be moistened by the acid, care must be taken to open the book well, and to make (he boards rest on (he edge of (he vessel, in such a manner thai (he paper alone shall be dipped in (he liquid: the leaves must be separal- ed from each olher, in order that ihey may be equally moistened on both sides. The liquor assumes a yellow lint, and (he paper be- comes white in the same proportion; at the end of two or three hours, the book may be taken from the acid liquor, and plunged into pure water, wifh the same care and precaution as recommended in regard to (he acid liquor, that the water may exactly (ouch the two surfaces of each leaf. The water must be renewed every hour, to extract the^cid remaining in the paper, and to dissipate the disa- greeable smell. By following this process, there is some danger that the pages will not be all equally whitened ; either because the leaves have not been sufficiently separated, or because the liquid has had more action on the front margins than on those near the binding. On ihis account, lhe best way is to destroy the binding entirely, lhat each leaf may re- ceive an equal and perfect immersion ; and this is the sec- ond process recommended by M. Chapfal. "They begin," says he, " by unsewing the book, and separating it into leaves, which they place in cases form- ed in a leaden tub, with very thin slips of wood or glass, so that the leaves, when laid flat, are separated from each olher by intervals scarcely sensible. The acid is then poured in, making it fall on (he sides of (he tub, in order thai (he leaves may no( be deranged by i(s motion. When lhe workman judges, by (he whiteness of the paper, that it has been sufficiently acted upon by the acid, it is drawn off by a cock at (he bodom of the tub, and ifs place is supplied by clear fresh wafer, which weakens aud carries off the remains ofthe acid, as well as the strong smell. The leaves are then to be dried, and after being pressed, may be again bound up. "The leaves may be placed also vertically in fhe tub ; and this position seems to possess some advantage, as they will be less liable to be torn. Wilh Ihis view I construct- ed a wooden frame, which I adjusted to the proper height, according to the size of the leaves which I wished to whiten. This frame supported very thin slips of wood, leaving only the space of half a line between them. 1 placed two leaves in each of ihese intervals, and kept them fixed in their place by two small wooden wedges, which I pushed in between the clips. When the paper was whitened I lifted up the frame with leaves, and plung- ed them in cold water, to remove the remains ofthe acid, as well as lhe smell; ihis process I prefer fo the other. "By this operation books are not only cleaned, but the paper acquires a degree of whiteness superior to what it possessed when first made. The use of this acid is at- tended also with the valuable advantage of destroying ink spots. This liquor has no action upon spots of oil or an- imal grease; but it has been long known that a weak so- lution of potash will effectually remove stains of that kind. " When I had fo repair prints so torn that they exhib- ited only scraps pasted upon other paper, I was afraid of losing these fragments in the liquid, because the paste be- came dissolved. In such cases I enclosed the prints in a cylindric glass vessel, which I inverted on the water in which I had put the mixture proper for extricating fhe oxygenated muriatic acid gas. This vapour, by filling the whole inside of (he jar, acted upon the print, extract- ed the grease as well as ink spots, and the fragments re- mained pasted to the paper." Easy method of preparing the oxygenated muriatic acid. To oxygenate the muriatic acid, nothing is neces- sary but lo dilute it, and mix it in a very strong glass vessel with manganese, in such a manner lhat the mixture may not occupy the whole contents ofthe glass. Air bubbles are formed on the surface of the liquor; the empty space becomes filled with a greenish vapour; and at the end of some hours lhe acid may be further diluted with wafer, and (ben used. It has an acid taste, because the whole is not saturated with oxygen ; but it possesses all the vir- tues of the oxygenated muriatic acid. This process may be followed when there is not time to set up an apparatus for distilling, in order to procure lhe oxygenated acid. BLECHNLM, in botany, a genus of plants of fhe class ofthe crypfogarnia filices ; lhe fructifications of which are disposed in two parallel lines, approaching lo the rib of the frond. There are six species, all foreign plants. BLEEDING. See Surgery. BLENDE, or Black Jack. This ore very usually accompanies sulphuret of lead. It is common, but sel- dom in such quantities as |o make il worth working. It occurs both in amorphous masses and crystalized. The primitive form of its crystals is the i homboidal dodeca- hedron. The figure of its integrant particles is the tetra- hedron. Colour yellow, brown, or black. Streak reddish, brownish, or gray. Lustre vitreous, or that ofthe diamond. Generally somewhat transparent. Refraction single. Tex- ture foliated. Clivage six fold. Hardness 6 to 8. Scratch- es sulphat of barytes. Specific gravity 4.000 to 4.1665. Before the blow pipe decrepitates, and gives out white BLE B L I flowers of zinc, but does not melt. Borax does not affect if. When breathed upon, loses its lustre, and recovers it very slowly. It is usually divided into three subspe- cies. 1. Yellow blende. Colour commonly sulphur yellow, often passing into olive green or brownish red. Powder pale yellow. Streak yellowish or reddish gray, not me- tallic. Lustre that of the diamond. Transparency usu- ally 2, sometimes 4. Often phosphoresces when scraped or rubbed. According to Bergmann, it is composed of 64 zinc 20 sulphur 5 iron 4 fluoric acid 1 silica 6 water 100. 2. Brown blende. Colour different shades of brown. Surface often tarnished. Powder brownish gray. Streak yellowish gray. Lustre internal, vitreous. Transparen- cy 0 to 2, sometimes 4. A specimen of this variety, an- alyzed by Bergmann, contained 44 zinc 17 sulphur 24 silica 5 iron 5 alumina 5 water 100. 3. Black blende. Colour black or brownish black ', surface often tarnished blue; tips of the crystals often blood red. Powder brownish black. Streak reddish gray. Lustre internal, that of the diamond. Transpar- ency 0 to 1; the red parfs 2. Hardness 8. A specimen of this variety, analyzed by Bergmann, contained 52 zinc 26 sulphur 4 copper 8 iron 6 silica 4 water 100. BLENNILTS, the Blenny, a genus of fishes belonging to the order of jugulares; the characters of which are: the head slants or declines to one side; there are six rays in the membrane of the gills ; the body tapers toward the tail ; the belly fins have only two blunt bones; and the tail fin is distinct. The species are 13, among which are: 1. Blennius cornutus, wifh a simple ray above the eyes, and a single back fin. 2. Blennius galeria, with a trans- verse membraneous crest upon the head, is found in the European seas. 3. Blennius gattorugine, see Plate XV. Nat. Hist. fig. 47. with small palmated fins about fhe eye- brows and neck. It is about seven or eight inches long, and is found in the European seas. 4. Blennius ocula- ris, fig. 48. with a furrow betwixt the eyes, and a large spot on the back fin. It is found in the European seas. 5. Blennius raninus, with six divisions in the belly fins, is found in the lakes of Sweden. It is remarkable that when this fish appears in the lake, all the other fishes retire; and what i3 worse, it is not fit for eating. 6. Blennius vi- viparus, has two tentacula at the mouth. They bring forth 200 or 300 young at a time. Their season of partu- rition is a little after the depth of winter. Before mid- summer they quit the bays and shores, and retire into the deep, where they are commonly taken. They are a very coarse fish, and eaten only by the poor. They are com- mon in the mouth of the Esk, at Whitby, Yorkshire, where they are taken frequently from off the bridge. They sometimes grow to the length ofa foot. Their form is slender, and the back bone is as green as that ofa sea needle. See Plate, Nat. Hist. fig. 49. BLIGHT, in husbandry, a disease incident to plants, which affects them variously, the whole plant sometimes perishing by it, and sometimes only the leaves and bios. soms, which will be scorched and shrivelled up, the rest remaining green and flourishing. Various causes have been assigned for this disease, and various cures proposed. It sometimes is in the plant itself from imperfect secretion, but is more commonly the effect of cold winds in the spring. See Plants. BLINDS, or Blindes, in the art of war, a sort of defence commonly made of osiers, or branches interwoven and laid across between two rows of stakes, about (he height of a man, and four or five feet asunder, used particularly at the heads of trenches when they are extended in front toward the glacis; serving to shelter the workmen,and prevent their being overlooked by the enemy. BLINDNESS, a tofal privation of sight, arising from an obstruction of the functions of the organs of sight, or from an entire deprivation of them. The causes of blindness are various; proceeding from cataracts, gutta serena's, &c. There are also periodical blindness, as a defect of sight in some toward night, in others only in the day; the former of which is termed nyctalopia, the latter hemeralopia. It is said, that in several parts of Persia, there are found vast numbers of blind people of all ages, sexes, and con- ditions, occasioned by a species of little flies, which prick the eyes and lips, and enter the nostrils, carrying certain blindness with them when they light on the eyes. If we consider blindness in a moral or philosophical view ; as there is not any sense or faculty of fhe corporeal frame which affords so many sources of utility and enter- tainment as the power of vision ; so is there not any pri- vation which can be productive of disadvantages so va- rious and so bitter as the want of sight. By no avenue of corporeal perception is knowledge, in her full extent, so accessible to the rational soul, as by the glorious and de- lightful medium of light. To the blind, on fhe contrary, the visible universe is totally annihilated ; he has not even any distinct idea of space, except that in which he stands, or to which his extremities can reach. Sound, indeed, gives him some ideas of distant objects; but these ideas are extremely obscure and indistinct. They are obscure, because they consist alone of the objects whose oscilla- tions vibrate on his ear, and do not necessarily suppose any other bodies with which the intermediate space may be occupied; they are indistinct, because sounds them- selves are frequently ambiguous, and do not uniformly in* BLINDNESS. dicate their real causes. And though by them the idea of distance in general, or even of some particular distances, may be obtained ; yet they never fill lhe mind with those va-t and exalting ideas of extension which are inspired by ocular perception. For (hough a clap of (hunder, or an explosion of ordnance, may be distinctly heard after the sound has traversed an immense region of space, yet, when tbe distance is uncommonly great, it ceases to be in- dicated by sound; and therefore tbe ideas acquired by auricular experiments, of extension and interval, are ex- tremely confused and inadequate. The comprehensive eye darts its instantaneous glance over extensive vallies, lofty mountains, protracted rivers, illimitable oceans. It views in an instant the mighty space from earth to heaven, or from one star to another. By the assistance of telescopes, its power is almost infinitely extended, its objects mul- tiplied, and the sphere of its observation immensely en- larged. Thus the imagination, inured to vast impressions of distance, can not only recal Ihem in their greatest ex- tent, wilh as much rapidity as (bey were at first imbibed, but can multiply tbem, and add one to another, (ill all particular boundaries and distances are lost in immensity. The blind are apprehensive of danger in every motion tow- ard any place, whence their contracled powers of percep- tion can give (hem no intelligence. All (he various modes of delicate proportion, all the beautiful varieties of light and colours, exhibited in lhe works of nature and art, are to ihem irretrievably lost. Dependent for every thing, but mere existence, on lhe good offices of others; obnox- ious to injury from every point, which they are neither capacitated to perceive nor qualified to resist; they are, during the present state of being, rather prisoners at large, than citizens of nature. The sedentary life to which by privation of sight they are destined, relaxes their frame, and subjects them to all the miserable sensations which arise from dejection of spirits. Hence the most feeble exertions create lassitude and uneasiness. Hence the na- tive (one of the nervous system, compatible with health and pleasure, being destroyed by inactivity, exasperates and imbitters every disagreeable impression. Natural evils, however, are supportable, being either mild in their attacks, or short in (heir dura(ion : the miseries inflicted by conscious and reflecting agents almost alone deserve the name of evils. These excruciate the soul with ineffa- ble poignancy, as expressive of indifference or malignity in those by whom such bitter potions are cruelly adminis- tered. The negligence or wantonness, therefore, with which the blind are too frequently treated, is an enormity which God alone has justice or power to punish. Those amongst them who have had sensibility to feel, and capaci- ty to express, the effects of (heir misfortunes, have de- scribed (hem in a manner capable of penetrating (he most callous heart. Homer, in the person of Demodocus the Pha>atian bard, has pathetically described his own situa- tion; and Milton, with equal force and beauty, has de- plored the misfortune of blindness. Thus dependent on every creature, and passive to eve- ry accident, can we be surprised to observe moments when the blind are at variance with themselves and every thing else around them ? With the same instinct of self preserva- tion, the same irascible passions which are common to the species, and exasperated by a sense of debility either for rclaliafion or defence, can (he blind be really objects of re- sentment or contempt, even when fhey seem peevish or vindictive 1 This, however, is not always their character. Their behaviour is often highly expressive not only of res- ignation, but even of cheerfulness ; and though they are often coldly, and even inhumanly, treated by men, yet they are rarely, if ever, forsaken of Heaven. The com- mon Parent of nature, whose benignity is permanent as his existence, and boundless as hi3 empire, has neither left his afflicted creatures without consolation nor resource. The blind often derive advantages even from their loss, however oppressive and irretrievable: not indeed adequate to compensate, but sufficient to alleviate their misery. The attention of the soul, confined to those avenues of perception which she can command, is neither dissipated nor confounded by the immense multiplicity, nor the rapid succession, of surrounding objects. Hence her contem- plations are more uniformly fixed upon the revolutions of her own internal frume. Hence her perceptions of such external things as are contiguous and obvious to her obser- vation, become more exquisite. Hence even her instru- ments of corporeal sensation are more assiduously improv- ed : so that from them she derives such notices of ap- proaching pleasure, or impending danger, as entirely es- cape the attention of those who depend for security on the reports of their eyes. He distinguishes the approach of his friend by the sound of his steps, by his manner of breathing, and almost by every audible token which he can exhibit. Prepared for the dangers which he may en- counter from the surface of the ground upon which he walks, his step is habitually firm and cautious. Hence he not only avoids (hose falls which might be occasioned by its less formidable inequalities, but from its general bias he collects some ideas how far his safety is immediately concerned; and though these conjectures may be some- limes fallacious, yet ihey are generally so true as to pre- serve him from such accidents as are not incurred by his own temerity. The rapid torrent and the deep cascade not only warn him to keep a proper distance, but inform him in what direction he moves, and are a kind of audible cynosures to regulate his course. In places to which he has been accustomed, he in a manner recognises his lat- itude and longitude from every breath of varied fragrance that tinges the gale, from every ascent or declivity in the road, from every natural or artificial sound lhat strikes his ear; if these indications be stationary, and confined to particular places. Regulated by these signs, the blind have not only been known to perform long journies them- selves, but even, if we may credit report, to conduct others through dangerous paths at midnight, with the ut- most security and exactness. It would be endless to recapitulate the various mechan- ical operations of which (hey are capable by their nicety and accuracy of touch. In some, the tactile powers are said to have been so highly improved, as (o perceive (hat texture and disposition of coloured surfaces by which some rays of light are reflected and others absorbed, and in this manner to distinguish colours; but (he testimonies for (his fact still appear too vague and general to deserve public credit. A person who lost the use of his sight at an ear- ly period of infancy, who in the vivacity or delicacy of bis sensations was not perhaps inferior to any one, and who had often heard of others in his situation capable of distin- guishing colours by touch, stimulated, partly by curiosity BLINDNESS. to acquire a new train of ideas if possible, but still more by incredulity wilh respect to the facts related, tried re- peated experiments by touching the surfaces of different bodies and examining whether any such diversities could be found in them as might enable him to distinguish col- ours ; but no such diversity could he ever ascertain. Sometimes, indeed, he imagined that objects which had no colour, or, in other words, such as were black, were somewhat different and peculiar in their surfaces, but this experiment did not always hold. That their acoustic per- ceptions are distinct and accurate, we may fairly con- clude from the rapidity with which they ascertain the acuteness or gravity of different tones, and from their ex- act discernment of the various modifications of sound, and of sonorous objects, if the sounds themselves are in any degree significant of their causes. When we ruminate on the numberless advantages de- rived from the use of sight, and its immense importance in extending the human capacity, and improving every faculty of the mind, we might be tempted to doubt the reports concerning such persons as, without the assistance of light, have arrived at high degrees of eminence even in those sciences which appear absolutely unattainable but by the interposition of external mediums. It has, howev- er, been demonstrated by the late ingenious Dr. Reid, that blind men, by proper instruction, are susceptible of almost every idea, and every trulh which can be impressed on the mind by the mediation of light and colours, except the sensations of light and colours themselves. Yet there is one phenomenon of this kind which seems to have es- caped the attention of that philosopher, and for which no author has offered any tolerable reason, though it certain- ly merits the attention of a philosopher. For Ihough we should admit that the blind can understand wilh great perspicuity all the phenomena of light and colours; though it v as allowed that on these subjects they might extend their speculations beyond their instructions, and investigate the mechanical principles of optics by the mere force of genius and application, from the data which they have already obtained ; yet it will be difficult, if not impossible, to assign any reason why these objects should be more interesting to a blind man than any other abstract truths whatever. It is possible for the blind, by a reten- tive memory, to tell that the sky is an azure ; that the sun, .moon, and stars, are bright; that the rose is red, the lily white or yellow, and the tulip variegated. By continual- ly hearing these substantives and adjectives joined, he may be mechanically laught lojoin them in the same man- ner ; but if he has never had any sensation of colour, how- ever accurately he may speak of coloured objects, his language must be like (hat of a parrot; without meaning, and without ideas. It is scarcely possible to lay down a plan, or enter into a detail of particulars, with respect to the mode of educa- tion proper lo be pursued for lhe blind. These must be determined by the genius, the capacity, and the circum- stances, of those to whom the general rules should be ap- plied. Much therefore must depend on their fortunes, much on their temper and genius ; for unless these partic- ulars were known, every answer which could be eiven to questions of this kind must be extremely gen;ral\ and of consequence extremely superficial. Besides, the task is sa much more arduous, because whoever attempts it can expect to derive no assistance from those who have writ- ten on education before him : and though fhe blind have excelled in more than one science, yet, except in tho case of Dr. Saunderson, it does not appear that any of them have been conducted to that degiee of eminence at which they arrived upon a premeditated plan. We should rath- er imagine, that they have been led through the general course and ordinary forms of discipline ; and that, if any circumstances were favourable to their genius, they rather proceeded from accident than design. This melancholy truth reflects no honour on human nature. When con- templated by a man of benevolence, it is not easy to guess whether his mortification or astonishment will be greatest. A heart that glows with real philanthropy feels for the whole vital creation, and becomes in some measure the sensorium of every suffering insect or reptile. How must our sympathy increase then in tenderness and force, when the distressed individuals of our own species become its objects! Nor do the blind bear so small a propor- tion to the whole community as, even in a political view, to be neglected. But in this, as in every other political crime, the punishment returns upon the society in which it is committed. Those abandoned and unimproved beings, who, under proper culture and discipline, might have suc- cessfully concurred in producing and augmenting the gen- eral welfare, become the nuisances and burdens of those very societies who have neglected them. The most im- portant view which we can entertain in the education ofa person deprived of sight, is to redress, as effectually as we possibly can, the natural disadvantages with which he is encumbered; or, in other words, to enlarge as far as possi- ble the sphere of his knowledge and activity. This can only be done by the improvement of his intellectual, im- aginative, or mechanical, powers; and which of these ought lo be most assiduously cultivated, lhe genius of every individual alone can determine. Were men to judge of things by their intrinsic natures, less would be expect- ed from the blind than others. But, by some pernicious and unaccountable prejudice, people generally hope to find them either possessed of preternaf oral talents, or more attentive to those which they have than others. Hence it unluckily happens, that blind men, who in common life are too often regarded as raree shows, when they do not gratify the extravagant expectations of their spectators', frequently sink in the general opinion, and appear much less considerable and meritorious than they really are. This general diffidence of their powers deprives them both of opportunity and spirit fo exert themselves; and they descend, at last, to that degree of insignificance in which the public estimate has fixed tbem. From the orid- nal dawning, therefore, of reason and spirit, the parents and tutors of the blind ought to inculcate this maxim upon them ; that it is their indispensable duty to excel, and that it is absolutely in their power to attain a high degree of eminence. Not that improvement should be rendered quite easy to them: for all difficulties which are not in- superable heighten the charms, and enhance the value, of those acquisitions which they seem lo retard. But care should be taken lhat these difficulties be not magnified ot exaggerated: for lhe blind have a painful sense of their own incapacity, and consequently a slrong propensity to despair. For this reason, parents and relations ought nev- er to be too ready in offering their assistance to the bftnl BLINDNESS. in any office which fhey can perform, or in any acquisition which th*:y can procure for themselves, whether Ihey are prompted by amusement or necessity. Let a blind boy be permitted lo walk through tbe neighbourhood without a guide, not only though he should run some hazard, but even though he should suffer some pain. If he has a me- chanical turn, let him not be denied lhe use of edge lools : for it is better lhat he should lose a little blood, or even break a bone, than be perpetually confined to (he same place, debilitated in his frame, and depressed in his mind. Such a being can have no employment but to feel his own weakness, and become his own tormentor; or to transfer to others the peevishness arising from fhe natural, adven- titious, or imaginary, evils which he feels. Scars, frac- tures, and dislocations, in his body, are trivial misfortunes compared with imbecility, timidity, or fretfulness, of mind. Besides fhe dreadful effects which inactivity has in relaxing the nerves and depressing lhe spirits, nothing can be more productive of jealousy, envy, peevishness, and every passion lhat corrodes the soul to agony, than a painful impression of dependence on others, and of our in- sufficiency for our own happiness. The natural curiosity of children renders them extremely inquisitive. This disposition is often peculiarly prevalent in the blind. Pa- rents and tutors, therefore, should gratify it whenever their answers can be intelligible to the pupil: when i( is otherwise, let them candidly confess the impossibility or impropriety of answering his questions. Nor will lhe vio- lence of exercise, and the tumult of play, be productive of such perils as may be apprehended. For lhe encour- agement of parents, we can assure them, that (hough, till the age of (wen(y, some blind persons were, on most oc- casions, permitted (o walk, to run, to play at large, they have yet escaped without any corporeal injury from these excursions. Parents in the middle, or higher ranks, who have blind children, ought, by all means, to keep them out of vulgar company. Such persons often have a wanton malignity, which impels Ihem to impose upon the blind, and to enjoy their painful sensations. But the credulity and ignorance of the lower class are no less dan- gerous than their false wit. The illiterate have often a strong propensity lo relate whatever is marvellous and dreadful. These impressions, when early imbibed, can scarcely be eradicated by all the conspiring efforts of ma- ture reason and confirmed experience. Those philoso- phers who have affempted to break the alliance belween darkness and spectres, were certainly inspired by lauda- ble motives. Were we endued with senses to advertise us of every noxious object before ils contiguity could ren- der it formidable, our panics would probably be less fre- quent and sensible than we really feel them. Darkness and silence, therefore, have something dreadful in them, because ihey supersede the vigilance of those senses which give us the earliest notices of things. In talking, fherefore, to a blind boy of invisible beings, let him hear as seldom as possible, even in stories which he knows to be fabulous, of vindictive ghosts, vindictive fiends, or avenging furies. They seize and preoccupy every aven- ue of terror which is open in the soul; nor are they easily dispossessed. Sooner may we hope to exorcise a ghost, than lo obliterafe their images in a warm and susceptible imagination, where they have been habitually impressed, and where these feelings cannot be dissipated by external ■"Pol. r. 45 phenomena. If horrors of this kind should agitafe the heart of a blind boy, which may happen, notwithstanding the most strenuous endeavours to prevent if, the stories which he has heard will be most effectually discredited by ridicule. This, however, must be cautiously applied, by gentle gradations. If he is inspired with terror by effects upon his senses, lhe causes of which he cannot investi- gate, pains must be taken to explain these phenomena ; and to confirm that explication, whenever it can be done, by fhe testimony of his own senses and his own experi- ence. The exercise of his locomotive and mechanical powers will sensibly contribute to dispel these terrors. His inventive faculties ought likewise lo be indulged wilh lhe same freedom. The data which they explore may be presented in such a manner as (o render discoveries easy : but still let invention be allowed to co-operate. The in- ternal triumph which the mind feels from the attainment of new truths, heightens their charms, impresses them deep on lhe memory, and gives them a lasting influence in practice. Care should therefore be taken to afford the mind a theatre for its exertions, as extensive as possible, without diverting it from one great end, which, in order to excel, it ought for ever lo have in view. With respect lo employments for the blind, if lhe pupil be not in easy circumstances, music is bis readiest and most probable resource. Civil and ecclesiastical employ- ments have either something in their own nature, or in the invincible prejudices of mankind, which renders them en- tirely inaccessible to such as have not the use of sight. No liberal and cultivated mind can entertain (he least hes- itation in concluding, that there is nothing, either in the nature of things, or even in the positive institutions of gen- uine religion, repugnant to fhe idea of a blind clergyman. As fo the law, though there could be no doubt that a blind man might discharge the office of a chamber counsel with success, yet, as a barrister, his difficulties must ap- pear formidable, if not absolutely insuperable : for he must remember all lhe sources, whether in natural equity or positive institutions, whether in common or statute law, whence his arguments ought lo be drawn. He must be able to specify, and to arrange in their proper order, all the material objections of his antagonists : these he must likewise answer as they are proposed, extempore. When, therefore, it is considered how difficult it is to temper (he natural associations of memory wilh the artificial arrange- ments of judgment, the desultory flights of imagination with the calm and regular deductions of reason, the energy and perturbation of passion with (he coolness and tran- quillity of deliberation, some idea may be formed of (he arduous (ask which every blind man must achieve, who undertakes the law as a profession. As to physic, tbe ob- stacles which a blind man must encounter, both in the theory and practice of lhat art, will be easily conceived. If the blind must depend upon the exercise of fheir own powers for bread, we have already pointed out music as (heir easiest and most obvious province; but let it be re- membered, that mediocrity in this art may prove fhe bit- terest and most effectual curse which a parent can inflict upon his offspring: as it subjects Ihem to every vicious impression or habit, which may be imbibed or contracted from the lowest and roost abandoned of mankind. If your pupil, therefore, is not endowed with natural talents exquisitely proper both for lhe theory and practice of BLINDNESS. this art, suffer him by no means to be initiated in it. If his natural genius favours your attempts, the piano, harp, or organ, are the most proper instruments for him to be- gin ; because by these instruments he may be made more easily acquainted with the extent of musical scales, wilh the powers of harmony, with the relations of which it is constituted, and of course with the theory of his art. When he becomes a practical adept, tangible signs may be used, by which he may not only be enabled to read, but even to set music for himself. Such exercises will render him infinitely more accurate, both in his principles and practice, than he would otherwise be. For the present article we acknowledge ourselves chief- ly indebted to the Encyclopedia Britannica, a work of es- tablished merit; and we have even extended our limits, contrary to our professed design, beyond the practical part of science, because this article cannot fail to be inter- esting if it is known, as we are informed it is, to be the pro- duction of Dr. Blacklock. As an encouragement to the blind, or those who have blind children, we subjoin a few instances of extraordinary attainments in blind persons. The most illustrious instance is the gentleman whom we have just had occasion to name, Dr. Thomas Black- lock^ he was born in 1720, at Annan, in Dumfriesshire. His father was a bricklayer, and his mother the daughter ofa dealer in cattle ; both respectable in their characters and station. Before he was six years old he lost his sight by the smallpox, which prevented his father from execut- ing his intention of bringing him up to some trade. He therefore encouraged the inclination he had early shown for books, by reading to amuse him ; first, the small pub- lications usually put into the hands of children, and afterward the works of our best authors, such as Mil- ton, Prior, Pope, Addison, &c» His companions, attached to him by affection as well as compassion, were assiduous in reading to amuse and instruct him. By their aid he ac- t quired some knowledge of Latin. Poetry was early his delight; and at twelve years of age he began to write poems himself, of considerable merit. He had attained the age of nineteen, when his indulgent father, whose kindness made a grateful and indelible impression on his mind, was killed by the fall of a malt kiln. This loss, se- vere to any one, but doubly so to one in his circumstances, and endued with his sensibility, led the way, however, to his receiving advantages which, perhaps, had his father lived, he might never have obtained. He had lived with his mother about a year after his father's death, when he began to be spoken of as a young man of uncommon genius ; and several of his poetical productions were hand- ed about, which enlarged the circle of his friends and ac- quaintance. Some of these being shown to Dr. Steven- son, of Edinburgh, that gentleman formed the benevolent design of carrying him to the metropolis, and giving him a classical education. He accordingly came to Edinburgh in 1741, and was enrolled as a student of divinity in the university, where he continued his studies till 1745; when, on account of the national disturbances, he returned to Dumfries, and resided with Mr.M'Murdo, his sister's hus- band. In 1746 he published a volume of his poems in 8vo. Upon his return to Edinburgh he obtained, among other literary acquaintance, that of the celebrated David Hume; who warmly interested himself in his favour, and assisted him in the publication, by subscription, of the quarto edition of his poems, which in 1754 had undergone a second edition in octavo. To the quarto edition Mr. Spence, professor of poetry at Oxford, from regard to the author, prefixed an ingenious account of his life and writ- ings. About this lime, while prosecuting his studies io the languages, and every other branch of science from which his want of sight did not preclude him, he became a complete master of the French tongue, by his inter- course with the family of provost Alexander, who had married a French lady. After passing the usual trials he was licensed as a preacher by the presbytery of Dum- fries, in 1759; and obtained no small reputation by the different sermons he preached, of which he left some vol- umes in manuscript. In 1762 be married Miss S.Johns- ton, daughter of Mr. Jos. Johnston, a respectable sur- geon in Dumfries: a connection which proved tbe great blessing and comfort of his after life. A few days after, by lord Selkirk's interest, he obtained the royal presentation to the parish of Kirkcudbright: but the inhabitants, from various motives, opposing the presentation, the matter was compromised by settling a moderate annuity on Mr. Black- lock, upon his resigning his right to the living. With this slender provision be removed, in 1764, to Edinburgh; and adopted the plan of keeping young gentlemen as boarders, whose studies he could assist and superintend: which he continued until within four years of his death, when his weak state of health obliged him to give it up. In 1767 the university of Aberdeen conferred on him the degree ofD. D. In summer 1791 he was seized by a feverish disorder, which, though at first it appeared slight, and never rose to a violent degree, overpowered his weak frame, and carried him off on the 3d of July, 1791, in his seventy-sixth year. A foreign author characterizes this extraordinary man in few words. *' Blacklock," says he, " will appear to posterity a fabulous character; ev en now he is a prodigy." Another no less striking instance is Dr. Nicolas Bacon, a blind gentleman, descended from the same family wilh the celebrated lord Verulam, was, in the city of Brussels, with high approbation created LL.D. He was deprived of sight at nine years of age, by an arrow from a crossbow whilst he was attempting to shoot it. When he had re- covered his health, which had suffered by the shock, he pursued the same plan of education in which he had been engaged ; and having heard that one Nicasius de Vourde, born blind, who lived toward the end of (he 15th century, after having distinguished himself by his studies in the university of Louvain, took his degree as D. D. in that of Cologne, he resolved to make the same attempt; but the public, cursed with prejudices for which the meanest sensitive nature might blush, prejudices equally beneath the brutality and ignorance of the lowest animal instinct, treated his intention with ridicule: even the professors themselves were not far from being of the same sentiment; and they admitted him into their schools rather from an impression that il might amuse him, than become of any use to them. He had the good fortune, however, contra- ry to their expectations, to obtain the first places among his condisciples. It was (hen said, lhat such rapid ad- vances might be made in the preliminary branchesof bis education, but would soon be effectually checked by stud- ies of a more profound and abstracted nature. This, it seems, was repeated from school lo school, through the BLINDNESS. whole climax of his pursuits; and when, in the course of academical learning, it became necessary to study poetry, it was the general voice that all was over, and at length he had reached his ne plus ul(ra. But here he likewise disappointed (heir prejudices, and taught them (he im- mense difference between blindness of body and blindness of soul. After continuing his studies in learning and phi- losophy for two years more, he applied himself to law, took his degree in that science, commenced pleading coun- cilor or advocate in the council of Brabant, and had the pleasure of terminating almost every suit in which he was engaged to the satisfaction of his clients. The attain- ments of professor Saunderson are not less extraordinary, and yet as well established not only on lhe testimony of his pupils, but by his works. The following anecdotes of Dr. Moyes were not long ago presented to the Manches- ter society by Dr. G. Bew, and afterward published. " Dr. Henry Moyes, who occasionally read lectures on philosophical chymistry at Manchester, like Dr. Saunder- son, the celebrated professor of Cambridge, lost his sight by the smallpox in his early infancy. He never recol- lected to have seen: 'but the first traces of memory I have,' says he, ' are in some confused ideas of the solar sys- tem.' lie bad the good fortune to be born in a country where learning of every kind is highly cultivated, and to be brought up in a family devoted to learning. Possessed of native genius, and ardent in his application, he made rapid advances in various departments ef erudition, and not only acquired the fundamental principles of mechan- ics, music, and the languages, but likewise entered deeply into the investigation of the profounder sciences, and dis- played an acute and general knowledge of geometry, op- tics, algebra, astronomy, chymistry, and, in short, of most of the branches of the Njewtonian philosophy. Mechani- cal exercises were the favourite employments of his infant years. At a very early age he made himself acquainted with the use of edged tools so perfectly, that notwithstand- ing hisentire blindness, he was able (o make little wind- mills ; and he even constructed a loom wilh his own hands, which still show the cicatrices of wounds he received in the execution of these juvenile exploits. By a most agree- able intimacy and frequent intercourse which I enjoyed wilh this accomplished: blind gentleman, whilst he resided at Manchester, I had an opportunity of repeatedly observ- ing the peculiar manner in which he arranged his ideas and acquired his information. Whenever he was intro- duced into company, I remarked that he continued for sometime silent. The sound directed him to judge of the dimensions of the room, and the different voices of the number of persons that were present. His distinction in these respects was very accurate, and his memory so re- tentive that he seldom was mistaken. I have known him instantly recognise a person on first hearing him speak, though more than two years had elapsed since the lime of Iheir last meeting. He determined pretty nearly the stature of those he was speaking with, by the direction of their voices; and he made tolerable conjectures respect- ing Iheir tempers and dispositions, by lhe manner in which they conducted their conversation. It must be observed lhat this gentleman's eyes were not totally insensible to intense light. The rays-refracted through a prism, when sufficiently vivid, produced certain distinguishable effects on them. The red gave him a disagreeable sensation, 15* which be compared (o the touch of a saw. As the col- ours declined in violence, the harshness lessened, until the green afforded a sensation that was highly pleasing (o him, and which he described as conveying an idea similar to what he felt in running his hand over smooth polished surfaces. Polished surfaces, meandering streams, and gentle declivities, were the figures by which he expressed his ideas of beauty. Rugged rocks, irregular points, and boisferous elements, furnished him with expressions for (error and disgust. He excelled in the charms of conver- sation ; was happy in his allusions fo visual objects; and discoursed on the nature, composition, and beauty of col- ours, with pertinence and precision. Dr. Moyes was a striking instance of the power the human soul possesses of finding resources of satisfaction, even under (he most rigorous calamities. Though involved ' in ever during darkness,' and excluded from the charming views of silent or animated nature; though dependent on an undertaking for the means of his subsistence, (he success of which was very precarious; in shor(, though des(i(ule ofc o(her sup- port than his genius, and under the mercenary protection of a person whose integrity he suspected ; still Dr. Moyes was generally cheerful, and apparently happy. Indeed it must afford much pleasure to tbe feeling heart, to ob- serve this hilarity of temper prevail almost universally with the blind." There are, in short, few sciences in which the blind have not distinguished themselves : even (bosewhose acquisi(ion seemed essen(ially(o depend upon vision, have at last yielded to genius and industry, (hough deprived of (hat advantage. Sculpture is not the most practicable art for a blind man ; yet there are instances of persons who have taken (he figure ofa face by (he (ouch, and moulded i( in wax wilh the utmost exactness; as was the case of the blind sculptor mentioned by De Piles, who thus took the likeness of the duke de Bracciano in a dark cellar, and made a marble statue of king Charles I. wilh great elegance and justness. In music, there are, at pres- ent, living instances how far the blind may proceed. In former periods we shall find illustrious examples how am- ply nature has capacitated the blind to excel, both in the scientific and practical departments of that enchanting art. Dr. Bew, in the Transactions of lhe Manchester Sociefy, above quoted, mentions an instance, which would be be- yond belief if we had it not on such respectable authori- ty. *' John Melcalf, a native of the neighbourhood of Manchester, where he is well known, became blind at a very early age, so as to be entirely unconscious of light and its various effects. This man passed the younger part of his life as a waggoner, and occasionally as a guide in intricate roads during the night, or when the tracks were covered wifh snow. Strange as this may appear to these who can see, the employment he has since under- taken is still more extraordinary: it is one of the last to which we could suppose a blind man would ever turn his attention. His present occupation is lhat of a projector and surveyor of highways in difficult and mountainous parts. With the assistance only of a long staff, I have several times met this man traversing IheroadB, ascending precipices, exploring vallies, and investigating (heir sever- al exienls, forms, and situations, so as to answer his designs in the best manner. The plans which he desians, and (he estimates he makes, are done in a manner peculiar to him- self, and which he cannot well convey the meaning of to B L I B L I others. His abilities in this respect are nevertheless so great, that he finds constant employment. Most of the roads over lhe Peak in Derbyshire have been altered by his directions, particularly those in the vicinity of Buxton ; and he is at this time constructing a new one betwixt Wil- meslow and Congleton, with a view to open a communica- tion to (he great London road, without being obliged to pass over (he moun(ains." Bishop Burnett, in his Letters, mentions a blind lady, whom he saw at Geneva, who lost her sight at one year old, yet was eminently skilled in most sciences, ancient and modern. She spoke French, German, Italian, and Latin ; and played exquisitely on several musical instruments. She wrote very legibly wilh a crayon. The means by which her father taught her to write was, by having let- ters carved in wood; and by feeling them she acquired a correct idea of their form. The bishop saw her write, which she did very fast, aided only by a machine which held the paper, and kept her always in line. In the Annual Register for 1762, we have a similar ac- count. " A young gentlewoman of a good family in France, now in her 18th year, lost her sight when only two years old, her mother having been advised to lay some pigeons' blood on her eyes, to preserve them in the small- pox ; whereas, so far from answering the end, it ate into them. Nature, however, may be said to have compensat- ed for the unhappy mistake, by beauty of person, sweet- ness of temper, vivacity of genius, quickness of concep- tion, and many talents, which certainly much alleviate her misfortune. She plays at cards with the same readi- ness as others ofthe party. She first prepares the packs allotted to her, by pricking them in several parts; yet so imperceptibly, that the closest inspection can scarcely discern her indexes. She sorls lhe suits, and arranges tbe cards in their proper sequence, with the same preci- sion, and nearly the same facility, as those who have their sight. All she requires of those who play with her is to name every card as it is played ; and these she retains so exactly, that she frequently performs some notable strokes, such as show a great combination and strong memory. The most wonderful circumstance is, that she should have learned to read and write; but even this is readily believed on knowing her method. In writing to her, no ink is used, but the letters are pricked down on the paper ; and by the delicacy of her touch, feeling each letter, she follows them successively, and reads every word with her finger ends. She herself in writing makes use ofa pencil, as she could not know when her pen was dry; her guide on the paper is a small thin ruler, and of the breadth of her writing. On finishing a letter, she wets it, so as to fix the traces of her pencil, fhat they are not obscured or effaced; then proceeds to fold and seal it, and write the direction: all by her own address, and without the assist- ance of any other person. Her writing is very slraighf, well cut, and the spelling no less correct. To teach this singular mechanism, the indefatigable cares of her affec- tionate mqther were long employed: who accustomed her daughter to feel letters cut in cards or pasteboard ; brought her to distinguish an A from a B, and thus lhe whole alphabet, and afterward to spell words; then by the remembrance ofthe shape ofthe letters, to delineate them on paper; and lastly, to arrange them go as to form words and sentences. She has learned to play on the guit- ar ; and has even contrived a wry of pricking down the tunes, as an assistance to her memory. So delicate are her organs, that in singing a tune, though new to her, she is able to name the notes. In figured dances she acquits herself extremely well, and in a minuet with inimitable ease and gracefulness. As for the works of her sex, she has a masterly hand: she sews and hems perfectly well; and in all her works she threads the needles for herself, how. ever small. By lhe watch, her touch never fails telling her exactly the hour and minute." These instances afford the happiest encouragement both to those who labour under this misfortune, not to de. spair of attaining by perseverance the intellectual accom- plishments ; and a striking admonition to parents not to in- crease, by their negligence, a calamity fo which a darling child may be subjected by the dispensation of Providence. Some benevolent institutions have been lately established for the employment and instruction ofthe blind poor; and we have litlle doubt that the views of their projectors will in many cases, be fully answered. BLINK ofthe ice, in sea language, denotes that bright appearance produced by the ice near the horizon; and perceptible, in approaching the ice, long before it is itself seen. BLISTER, in medicine, a thin bladder containing a watery humour, whether occasioned by burns, and the like accidents, or by vesicatories laid on different parts of the body for that purpose. Cantharides, or Spanish flies, applied in the form of a plaster, are chiefly used with (his intention. See MiTE- ria Medica. BLITUM, the blite, or strawberry spinach, a genus of the digynia order and monandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking in the 12th order, holoracea. The calyx is trifid ; no petals; the seed is one, included in a berry shaped calyx. There are four species, vi:. 1. Blitum capitatum, with flowers in clustered heads at the joints and crown ofthe stalks, is a native of Spain and Portugal, but has been long preserved in the British gar- dens for the beauty of its fruit. It is an annual plant,with leaves somewhat like those of the spinach; the stalk rises two feet and a half high ; the upper part of the stalk has flowers coming out in small heads at every joint, and is terminated by a little cluster of the same ; after the flow- ers are past, the heads swell to the size of wood strawber- ries, and when ripe have the same appearance, but are not eatable; they are full of purple juice, which stains the hands of those who bruise them of a deep purple colour. 2. Blitum fartaricum, with triangular acutely indented leaves, is a native of Tartary. It rises to near three feet high ; the flowers come out from the sides of the stalks, but are smaller than those of the capitatum, as is also the fruit. 3. Blitum virgatum, with small heads growing from the sides of the stalks, is a native ofthe south of France and Italy. It seldom grows more than a foot high; the leaves are of the same shape with those of the capitatum, but smaller. The flowers are produced at the wings of the leaves, almost the length of the stalk; they are smaller, and not so deeply coloured as the first. 4. Blitum chenopodioides, is a low plant, a native of Tartary. B L U B L U All these species being annual, must be propagated by seeds, and are very hardy. BLOCKS, on ship board, is the usual name for what we call pulleys at land. They are thick pieces of wood, some with three, four, or five shivers in Ihem, through which all the running ropes run. Blocks, whether single or double, are distinguished and called by the names of the ropes they carry, and the uses they serve for. Double blocks are used when there is occasion for much strength, because they will purchase with more ease than single blocks, though much slower. Block and block, is a phrase signifying that two blocks meet, in haling any tackle or halliard, having such blocks belonging to them. Fish block is hung in a notch at the end of the davit. It serves to hale up the flukes ofthe anchor at the ship's prow. Snatch block is a great block with a shiver in if, and a notch cut through one of its cheeks, for the more readily receiving of any rope ; as by this nofch the middle part of a rope may be reeved into a block, without passing it endwise. It is common- ly fastened with a strap about the mainmast, close to the upper deck, and is chiefly used for the fall ofthe winding tackle, which is reeved into this block, and (hen brought to the capstan. Blocks now used in the navy are made in the Portsmouth yard, by means of machinery, which has lately been erect- ed for the purpose, and which performs the several opera- tions from the rough timber to the perfect block in the completest manner possible. But as the machinery is so complicated, as would require a dozen pages of explana- tion, to render it intelligible; whilst it could interest, per- haps, but a small portion of our readers ; we have conclud- ed to omit it, to make room for more useful informa- tion. Block engraving. See Engraving. BLOOD, sanguis, a red liquor, circulating through tbe arteries, veins, and other vessels of animal bodies; and serving for the support of life, and nourishment of all their parts. See Anatomy, and Physiology. BLOOM, a mass of iron after having undergone the first hammering, called blomary. BLOSSOM, denotes the flowers of plants, but more es- pecially of fruit trees. BLOW PIPE, or blowing pipe, a hollow tube, used by several artificers : as enamellers, glass makers, jewel- lers, &c. It is a wind instrument for the purpose of in- creasing the heat of a candle or lamp, as common bellows are employed for raising the temperature of a fire or fur- nace. The blow pipe is of great use in practical chymistry. See Chymistry. BLOWING ofglass, one ofthe methods of forming the divers kinds of works in the glass manufacture. It is performed by dipping the point of an iron blowing pipe in the melted glass, and blowing through it with (he mouth, according (o the circumstances ofthe glass to be blown. See Glass. Blowing of tin, denotes the melting its ore, after being first burnt (o destroy (he mundic. BLUBBER, denotes the fat of whales and other large sea animals, of which U made train oil. The blubber is the adeps of the animal : it lies under the skin, and over the muscular flesh : it is about six inches in thickness, but about the under lip it is two or three feet thick. The quantity yielded by a good sized whale amounts to from forly to eighty hundred weight, or even more. The use of the blubber to the fish seems to be partly to poise the body, and partly to keep off the water at some distance from the blood ; and thus it acts as cloth- ing to keep the fish warm. BLUE, painter's, is made differently, according to the different kinds of painting. In limning, fresco, and min- iature, they use indifferently ultramarine, blue ashes, and smalt: these are their natural blues, excepting the last, which is partly natural, and partly artificial. In oil and miniature they also use indigo prepared, as also a factitious ultramarine. Enamellers and painters upon glass have also blues prop- er to themselves, each preparing them after their own manner. Blue, turnsole, is used in painting on wood, and is made ofthe seed of that plant: the way of preparing it is, to boil four ounces of turnsole in a pint and a half of wa- ter, in which lime has been slacked. Blue, Flanders, is a colour bordering on green, and sel- dom used hut in landscapes. Bluing of metals is performed by heating them in the fire till they assume a blue colour; particularly practised by gilders, who blue their metals before they apply the gold and silver leaf. Blue, to-dye skins. Boil elderberries or dwarf elder, then smear and wash the skins therewith, and wring them out: then boil the berries as before, in a solution of alum water, and wet the skins in the same manner once or twice ; dry them, and they will be very blue. A Blue for painting or staining of glass. Take fine white sand twelve ounces, zaffer and minium of each three ounces ; reduce them to a fine powder in a bell met- al mortar, then putting the powder into a very strong cruci- ble, cover it and lute it well, and, being dry, calcine it over a quick fire for an hour; take out tbe matter and pound it: then to sixteen ounces of this powder add fourteen of nitre powder; mix them well together, and put them into the crucible again: cover and lute it, and calcine for two hours on a very strong fire. Blue, Prussian. This blue is next lo ultramarine for beauty, if it is used in oil: this colour does not grind well in water. Blue hice is a colour of good brightness, next to Prus- sian blue, and also a colour of a body, and will flow pretty well in the pencil.. Blue, Saunders, is also of very good use, and may serve as a shade to ultramarine, or lhe blue bice, where the shades are not required lo be very deep ; and is of itself a pleasant blue, to be laid between the light and shades of such a flower as is ofa mazarine blue. Blue, a fine one from Mr. Boyle. Take the blue leaves of rue, and beal (hem a little in a stone mortar with a wooden pestle ; then put them in water, juice and al), for fourteen days or more, washing (hem every day till they are rotten; and at last beat (hem and lhe waler to- gether till they become a pulp, and let them dry in the sun. This is a fine blue for shading. Blue, Indigo. This makes the strongest shade for blues, and is ofa soft warm colour, when it has been well ground, and washed with gum water, by means of a stone and a muller. BOA BOA Blue, Lacmus, or Litmus. This is a beautiful blue, and w ill run in a pen as free as ink. It is made of lacmus, and prepared thus; take an ounce of lacmus, and boil it in a pint of small beer wort, till the colour is as strong as you would have it; then pour off the liquor into a gallipot, and let it cool for use. This affords a beautiful colour, has extraordinary effects, and is a holding colour; if it is touched with aquafortis, it immediately changes to a fine crimson, little inferior to carmine. Blue, Japan. Take gum water, what quantity you please, and white lead a sufficient quantity, grind them well on a porphyry ; then take isinglass size, what quanti- fy you please, of the finest and best smalt a sufficient quantity, mix them well; to which add of your white lead before ground, so much as may give it a sufficient body ; mix all these together to the consistence of a paint. Blueness of the skies. Sir Isaac Newton observes, that all the vapours, when they begin to condense and co- alesce into natural particles, become first of such a bigness, as to reflect the azure rays, before they can constitute clouds, or any other colour. But Mr. Melville supposes, that the clouds only reflect and transmit the sun's light; and that, according to their different altitudes, they may assume all the variety of colours at sunrising and setting, by barely reflecting the sun's incident light, as they receive il through a shorter or longer tract of air; and the change is produced in the sun's rays by the quantity of air through which they pass, from white to yellow, from yellow to orange, and lastly to red. BLUFF HEAD, among sailors. A ship is said to be bluff headed that has an upright stern. BOA, a genus of serpents belonging to the order of am- phibia; tbe generic character is, scuta, or undivided plates, both on the abdomen and beneath the tail. This genus of serpents is remarkable for the vast and almost unlimited size of some of the principal species, which in India, Africa, and South America, are occaF;on- ally found of not less than twenty, thirty, and even thir- ty-five feet in length, and of a strength so prodigious as to be able to destroy cattle, deer, &c. by twisting round them in such a manner as to crush them to death by con- tinued pressure, after which they swallow tbcm in a very gradual manner; and when thus gorged with their prey, become almost torpid wilh repletion, and if discovered in this stale, may without much difficulty be destroyed by shooting or other methods. There is reason to suppose that these gigantic serpents are become less common now than some centuries backward. There are nineteen species, vis. 1. Boa constrictor. Of all the larger bose this is most conspicuous, and is at once pre-eminent from superiority of size and beauty of colour: in this respect indeed i( ap- pears to be subject to considerable variation from age, sex, and climate, but may be distinguished in every state from the rest of its tribe by the peculiar disposition of its variegations. The ground colour of the whole animal, in the younger specimens, is a yellowish gray, and sometimes even a bright yellow; on which is disposed along the whole length of the back a series of large, chain like, red- dish brown, and sometimes perfectly red variegations, leaving large open oval spaces of the ground colour at reg- ular intervals; between these larger marks are disposed; many smaller ones of uncertain forms, and more or less numerous in different parts. The boa constrictor is a native of Africa, India, the larger Indian islands, and South America, where it chiefly resides in the most retired sitoations in woody and marshy regions. It was, in all probability, an enormous specimen of this very serpent that once diffused so violent a terror amongst the'most valiant of mankind, and threw a whole Roman army into dismay. Historians relate this surprising event in terms of considerable luxuriance. Valerius Maximus thus mentions it from Livy, in one of the lost books of whose history it was related more at large. " And since we are on the subject of uncommon phe- nomena, we may here mention the serpent so eloquently and accurately recorded by Livy; who says, that near the river Bagrada in Africa, a snake was seen of so enor- mous a magnitude as to prevent the army of Attilius Reg- ulus from the use of the river; and after snatching up several soldiers with its enormous mouth, and devouring them, and killing several more by striking and squeezing them with the spires of its tail, was at length destroyed by assailing it with all the force of military engines and show- ers of stones, after it had withstood the attack of their spears and darts: that it was regarded by the whole ar- my as a more formidable enemy than even Carthage itself: and that the whole adjacent region being tainted with the pestilential effluvia proceeding from its remains, and (he waters wifh i(s blood, the Roman army was obliged to re- move its station : he also adds, that the skin of the monster, measuring 120 feet in length, was sent to Rome as atrophy." The flesh of this serpent is eaten by the Indians and negroes of Africa, and they make its skin into garnjflnts. See Plate XV. Nat. Hist. fig. 50. 2. Boa scytale,. or spotted. The spotted boa is some- times scarcely inferior in size to the constrictor, and is of similar manners, destroying, like that animal, goats, sheep, deer, &c. It is described as being generally of a gray or glaucous colour, marked with large orbicular black spots on the back ; and with smaller ones, of similar form, but with white centres, on the sides ; while on tbe abdomen are scattered several.oblong spots and marks, interspersed wilh smaller specks and variegalions. It is a native of several parts of South America, and, like other large snakes, is occasionally eaten by lhe Indians. 3. Boa cenchris, or ringed. This also grows to a largo size, though not equal to either of the former species, from which, as well as from most others, it may be easily dis- tinguished by the regular distribution of its colours; the general cast being ferruginous, darkest on the back, where it is marked by a continued series of very large blackish circles from head to tail; while along the sides.are inter- spersed several kidney, shaped blackish spots with, white centres: the head is a lengthened form, and is marked bjj a black longitudinal and two.lateral bands* This animal ii a native of South America. 4. Boa enydris, or water. This species, according te Linnaeus, is variegated with different shades of gray; the teeth ip the lower jaw are longer than usual in this genus J the number of abdominal scuta is 270, and of the subcau* da] ones 105. 5. Boa orphryas, or brown, mentioned by Linnaeus from a specimen jn the museum of D.egeer: has the general habit BOA. of tbe B. constrictor, but is of a dark or dusky colour, and has 281 abdominal and 84 subcaudal scuta. 6. Boa canina, a highly beautiful snake .••measuring about four feet in length, and being of moderate size or thickness in proportion : the head is large, and shaped like that ofa dog ; the colour of the whole animal on the up- per parts is a most beautiful Saxon green, with several short, undulating, transverse white bars down the back, the edges of which are ofa deeper or stronger green than the ground colour of the body: the under or abdominal part is white. This species is a native of South America. In the British Museum is an elegant specimen. 7. Boa regia is, in the form of ils head and the general shape of the body, most allied to the canina and phrygia. In its colour it appears to vary, the ground colour being white, but the variegations sometimes dusky or chesnut, and sometimes ofa most elegant orange red, accompanied by a tinge of blossom colour on the lighter parts. The head is covered in front with large scales : the tail is ex- tremely short, and tapers suddenly. 8. Boa phrygia. Among the whole serpent tribe it may be doubted whelher there exists a species more truly elegant than the present. Its general size seems to be nearly that of the boa canina, but its length is rather greater in pro- portion : the ground colour of the whole animal is white, with a very slight cast of yellowish brown on the back, while along the whole upper part is disposed a continued series of black variegations, so conducted as to bear a striking resemblance to an embroidery in needle work : the head is of the same form with that of the boa canina, and marked by three narrow black streaks, which, running along the top of the head and the cheeks, join with the embroidered pattern ofthe back. 9. Boa hortulana is of moderate size, measuring only a few feet in length, and being of a slender form ; has obtain- ed its Linnsean title from the singular variegations on the head, which are ofa blackish brown, on a pale ferruginous or yellowish ground, and in some degree represent the form of a parterre in an old fashioned garden : the varie- gations on the body are of similar colour, and are dispos- ed into large circular, and sometimes angular patches on the sides. See Plate XV. Nat. Hist. fig. 51. 10. Boa murina is a middle sized species, measuring about two feet and a half or three feet in length, and being of a moderately thick form : the colour of (he whole upper fiart is gray or bluish brown, with several moderately arge round black spots dispersed in a somewhat irregular manner along the back and sides: the head is marked on each side by two longitudinal black stripes : this species is said to feed principally on rats, and to be found in South America. 11. Boa crotaline is a native of Surinam, and is a large species, marked on the back by a chain of black rhomboid spots, and is furnished with very large and strong fangs. 12. Boa fasciata. It is to Dr. Patrick Russel that we owe the knowledge of this remarkable species, which is a na- tive of India, and is said to be most frequent in the coun- try of Bengal. It is of a yellow colour, marked with pret- ty numerous dusky blue transverse bands, continued at equal distances : the head is rather small, and covered in front with large scales : the body is of a trigonal form, the sides sloping very considerably : the whole length ofthe animal is something more than five feet; the diameter, in the thickest part, being nearly five inches : the length of the tail five inches only, and its termination rather ob- tuse. This snake is among the number of poisonous species, and its bite is considered by the Indians as inevitably fa- tal. A specimen was brought to Dr. Russel in the month of November, 1788, in an apparently weak and languid state, having been bruised in taking. Being set at liberty in a room, it crept slowly toward an obscure corner; where a chicken being presented to him he took no partic- ular notice of it, and even suffered the bird to stand on his back. As he showed no disposition to bite, his jaws were forcibly opened, and the thigh of the chicken be- ing placed between them, the mouth was so closed over it as to oblige the fangs to act. The bird, when disengaged, showed immediate symptoms of poison, and after several ineffectual efforts to rise, rested with the beak on the ground, the head being seized with trembling. In the space of twenty minutes it lay down on one side, and con- vulsions soon supervening, it expired within twenty-six minutes from the bite. 13. Boa viperina is also an Indian species, first describ- ed in tbe work of Dr. Russel. It is about a foot and a half in length and of a moderately deep brown colour; the back being marked throughout the whole length by a broad undulating black band, with a narrow yellowish white mar- gin, while along the sides runs a row of somewhat irregular ' roundish black spots : the under part of the animal is of a pearl colour. The head is hardly broader than the neck, oblong, roundish, depressed, subtruncate, and covered with small scales: (he (ee(h are small and numerous, and as (here is a marginal row in (he upper jaw, there are of course no fangs: the trunk or body is round, of nearly equal thickness, and coated with small, orbicular, close set, carinated scales. This snake, Dr. Russel informs us, is said to produce by its bite a slow wasting of the fingers and toes, similar to what happens in some leprous cases. A living speci- men, however, which he obtained in Dec. 1788, from Gan- jam, enabled him to make some experiments with it on chickens; but though it arrived in excellent order, and bit ferociously, the bite was followed by no symptoms of poison. 14. Boa lineata, geedi paragoodoo, or cobra monil, is of an extremely dark blue colour, so as to appear almost black in certain lights, and is marked throughout tbe whole length of the upper part by several transverse curved and dotted white lines at somewhat unequal distances. The natives of India, who generally exaggerate the noxious character of their serpents, assert that the bite of this an- imal'produces immediate death. The experiments of Dr. Rossel, however, prove that it is seldom fatal to chickens in less than half an hour, and to dogs in less than an hour and ten minutes- Its poison was also observed to cause less violent convulsions in the animals infected by it than that ofthe cobra de capello, and another highly poisonous Indian snake called katuka rekula poda; but produced a greater degree of stupor. 15. Boa horatta is a small species, measuring only about fifteen inches in length. Its colour is a dark brown, with a row of spots on the ridge of lhe back, from the neck to the end ofthe tail, varying a little in size and figure, but all of a dull yellowish colour edged with black. The fangs BOA BOA or poisoning organs of this snake show it to be noxious ; but in what degree could not be ascertained by Dr. Rus- sel, who could not meet with a living subject lo make the necessary experiments wilh. It is reported, however, to be one ofthe most fatal of serpents. 16. Boa Siamese, a small species, but very long in pro- portion to its breadth"; the circumference ofthe body be- ing scarcely more than an inch and a half, and the length! from two to three feet.: the head shaped like that ofthe boa canina : the colour of the whole animal pale yellow above, with pretty numerous transverse broken bars of white, with black or deep brown edges; the abdomen yel- low. This species is said to be a native of the East In- dies, and particularly ofthe kingdom of Siam. 17. Boa contorix, a small species, seldom exceeding the length of about fifteen inches: head large, with the cheeks swelling out like those of vipers; the nose turning up, like that of a bog: the body very thick toward the head : colour pale brown, with several large black spots or patches disposed along the back and sides. This species is a native of North America, and is ofa poisonous nature: it is slow in its motions, and has a malevolent aspect; the tail is nearly a third of the length of the whole animal. 18. Boa palpebrosa. Length about fifteen inches: bead rather large, and covered in front with large scales : eye- brows remarkably prominent; body thick in proportion to ils length: colour pearly gray above, with obscure trans- verse dusky or bluish undulations; beneath pale yellow brown : native country unknown. 19. Boa annulata. This is rather a small species, meas- uring about two feet in length : in its general appearance it is allied to the boa hortulana; but the back is marked with large round black spots, almost encircled by a narrow zone of the same colour. It is a native of South America. BOAR. See Sus. BOARD, among seamen. To go aboard, signifies to go into the ship. To slip by the board, is to slip down by the ship's side. Board and board, is when two ships come so near as to touch one another, or when tbey lie • side by side. To make a board, is to turn to windward ; and the longer your boards are, the more you work into the wind. To board it up, is to beat it up sometimes upon one tack, and sometimes upon another. She makes a good board, that is, the ship advances much at one tack. The weather board, is that side of the ship which is to windward. BOAT, a small open vessel, commonly wrought by rowing. The structure, and even the names of boats, are differ- ent, according to lhe different uses they are designed for, and the places where they are to be used. The several boats and their names are as follow : a long boat, a jolly boat, a skiff, a pinnace, a waler boat, a yaul; the preceding six are boats for ships. Other boats are, a gondola, a Greenland boaf, a Bermudas boat, a bal- lon of Siam, a horse boaf, a periaga, a pleasure boat, a ponton, a canoe, a crude, a curry curry, a deal hooker, a felucca, a ferry boat, a praw, a flying praw, a punt, a tilt boat, a tod boat, a well boat, a wherry, &c. The boats or wherries plying about London, are either scullers, wrought by a single person, with two oars; or oars, wrought by two persons, with each an oar. All boats rowed with more than four oars above or below London bridge, are forfeited. Boat, life, a boat invented by Mr. Hei:ry Greathcad, of South Shields, for tbe purpose of preserving lhe lives of shipwrecked persons. The following circumstance gave rise lo this invention: In September, 1789, the ship Adventure, of Newcastle, was stranded on the Herd sand, on the south side of Tyne- mouth haven, in the midst of tremendous breakers; and all the crew dropped from the rigging one by one, in the presence of thousands of spectators; not one of whom could be prevailed upon, by any reward, to venture out to her assistance, in any boat or coble ofthe common con- struction. On this occasion the gentlemen of South Shields called a meeting of the inhabitants, at which a committee was ap- pointed, and premiums were offered for plans of a boat which should be the best calculated to brave the dangers ofthe sea, particularly of broken water. Many proposals were offered; but the preference was unanimously given to that of Mr. Greathead, who was im- mediately directed to build a boat at the expense of the committee. This boat went off on the 30th of January, 1790; and so well has it answered, and indeed exceeded, every ex- pectation, in the most tremendous broken sea, that since that time, not fewer than two hundred lives have been sav- ed at the entrance of the Tyne alone, which otherwise must have been lost; and in no instance has it ever failed. The principle of this boat appears to have been suggest- ed to Mr. Greathead by the following simple fact: Take a spheroid, and divide it into quarters; each quarter is ellip- tical, and nearly resembles tbe half of a wooden bowl, having a curvature with projecting ends ; this (brown into (he sea or broken water, cannot be upset, or lie wifh (he bottom upward. The length of the boat is thirty feet; the breadth fen feet; fhe depth, from the top of the gunwale to the lower part of the keel in midships, three feet three inches ; from the gunwale to the platform, within, two feet four inches; from the top of the stems, both ends being similar, to the horizontal line of the bottom of the keel, five feet nine inches. The keel is a plank of three inches thick, ofa proportionate breadth in midships, narrowing gradually toward the ends, to the breadth ofthe stems at the bot- tom, and forming a great convexity downward. The stems are segments of a circle, with considerable rakes. The bottom section, to the floor heads, is a curve fore and aft, with the sweep ofthe keel. The floor timber has a small rise curving from the keel to the floor heads. A bilge plank is wrought in on each side, next the floor heads, wilh a double rabbit or groove, ofa similar thickness with the keel; and, on the outside of this, are fixed two bilge trees, corresponding nearly with the level of the keel. The ends of the bottom section form lhat fine kind of en- trance observable in the lower part of lhe bow ofthe fish- ing boat called a coble, much used in the north. From this part to the lop of (he stem it is more elliptical, form- ing a considerable projection. The sides, from the floor heads to the top of the gunwale, flaunch off on each side, in proportion to above half the breadth ofthe floor. The breadth is continued far forward toward the ends, leaving a sufficient length of straight side at lhe top. The sheer is regular along lhe straight side, and more elevated tow- ard the ends. The gunwale fixed to (he outside is tfiree BOA B O C mches thick. The sides, from the under part ofthe gun- wale, along the whole length of the regular sheer, extend- ing twenty-one feet six inches, are cased with layers of cork to the depfh of sixteen inches downward; and the thickness of this casing of cork being four inches, it pro- jects at the top a litlle without the gunwale. The cork, on the outside, is secured with thin plates or slips of copper, and the boat is faslened with copper nails. The thwarts, or seats,are five in number, double banked: consequently the boat may be rowed with ten oars. The thwarts are firmly stanchioned. The side oars are short, with iron tholes and rope grommets, So that the rower can pull either way. The boat is steered with an oar at each end ; and the steering oar is one third longer than the row- ing oar. The platform placed at the bottom, within the boat, is horizontal, the length ofthe midships, and elevated at the ends for the convenience ofthe steersman, to give him a greater power with the oar. The internal part of the boat next (he sides, from the under part ofthe thwarts down to (he platform, is cased with cork ; (he whole quan(i(y of which, affixed to the life boat, is nearly seven hundred weight. The cork indisputably contributes much to the buoyancy of the boat, is a good defence in going alongside a vessel, and is of principal use in keeping the boat in an erect position in the sea, or rather for giving her a very lively and quick disposition lo recover from any sudden cantor lurch which she may receive from the stroke of a heavy wave. But, exclusively of the cork, the admira- ble construction of this boat gives it a decided pre-emi- nence. The ends being similar, the boat ean be rowed ei- ther way; and this peculiarity of form assists her in rising over the waves. The curvature of the keel and bottom facilitates her movement in turning, and contributes to the ease of the steerage, as a single stroke of fhe steering oar has an immediate effect, the boat moving as upon a cen- tre. The fine entrance below is of use in dividing the waves, when rowing against them ; and, combined with the convexity of the bottom, and the elliptical form of the stem, admits her to rise with wonderful buoyancy in a high sea, and (o launch forward with rapidity, without shipping any water, when a common boat would be in dan- ger of being filled. The {launching or spreading form of the boat, from her floor heads to the gunwale, gives her a considerable bearing; and the continuation ofthe breadth, well forward, is a great support to her in the sea ; and it has been found by experience fhat boats of this construc- tion are the best sea boats for rowing against turbulent waves. The internal shallowness of the boat from the gunwale down to the platform, the convexity ff the form, and the bulk of cork within, leave a very diminished space for lhe water to occupy ; so lhat the life boat, whe> filled with water, contains a considerable less quantify than the common boat, and is in no danger either of sinking or overturning. It may be presumed by some, that in cases of high wind, agitated sea, and broken waves, a boat of such a bulk could not prevail against them by the force of oar9; but the life boat, from her peculiar form, may be rowed ahead, when the attempt in other boats would fail. Boats of the common form, adapted for speed, are of course put in motion with a small power; but for want of buoyancy and bearing, are overrun by the waves, and sunk when impelled against them; and boats constructed for vol. i. 4K burthen meet with too much resistance from fhe wind and sea when opposed to them, and cannot in such cases be rowed from the shore (o a ship in dis(ress. Mr. Greathead gives (he following instructions for the management ofthe life boat : The boats in general of this description, are painted white on the outside; this colour more immediately en- gaging the eye of the spectator when rising from the hol- low of the sea than any other. The bottom of lhe boat is at first varnished, which will take paint afterward, for the more minute inspection of purchasers. The oars she is equipped with are made of fir ofthe best quality ; hav- ing found by experience that a rove ash oar, that will dress clean and light, is too pliant among the breakers; and when made strong and heavy, from rowing double banked, the purchase being short, sooner exhausts the row- er; which renders the fir oar, when made stiff, prefera- ble. In the management of fhe boat she requires twelve men to work her: that is, five men on each side rowing double banked, with an oar slung over an iron thole, with a grom- met, as provided, so as io enable lhe rower to pull either way, and one man at each end lo steer her, and to be ready at the opposite end to take the steer oar when want- ed. As, from the construction of lhe boat, she is al- ways in a position to be rowed either way, without turn- ing the boat: when manned, the person who steers her should be well acquainted with the course of the tides, in order fo take every possible advantage: the best method, if the direction will admit of it, is fo head the sea. The steersnfen should keep his eye fixed upon the wave or breaker, and encourage the rowers to give way as lhe boat rises to it; being then aided by the force of the oars, she launches over it with vast rapidity, without shipping any wafer. It is necessary to observe, that Ihere is often a strong reflux of sea occasioned by the stranded wrecks, which requires both despatch and care in the people em- ployed that the boat be not damaged. When the wreck is reached, if the wind blows to the land, the boat will come in shore without any other effort than steering. BOATSWAIN*, a ship officer, to whom is committed the charge of all the tacklings, sails and rigging, ropes, cables, anchors, flags, pendants, &c. He is also to lake care of the long boat and its furniture, and lo steer her eilher by himself or his mate. He calls out the several gangs and companies aboard, to the due execution of their watches, works, spells, &c. He is likewise provost marshal, who sees and punishes all offenders sentenced by (he captain, or a court marshal of the fleet. BOB, or ball, is a metallic weight, attached to the low- er extremity of a pendulum rod, by means of a tapped ad- justing nut, at such a distance from the point of suspension as (he(ime ofa given vibra(ion requires. BOBBIN, a small piece of wood (urned in (he form ofa cylinder, with a little border jutting out at each end, bor- ed through to receive a small iron pivot. It serves te spin with the spinning wheel; or to wind thread, worsted, hair, cotton, *ilk, gold, and silver. BOCARDO, among logicians, the fifth mode of the third figure of syllogisms, in which the middle proposition is an universal affirmative, and the first and last particular negatives, thus: B O E B O I Bo Some sickly persons are not students; car Every sickly person is pale ; do Therefore some persons are pale that are not students. BOCCONIA, greater tree celandine: a genus of the monogynia order, and dodecandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 27th order, rhcea- defe. The calyx is dipbyllous; there is no corolla; the stylus is bifid; the berry is dry, and monospermous. Of this genus there is but one known species, vis. Bocconia frutescens, which is esteemed for the beau- ty of its large foliage. It is very common in Jamaica and the warm parts of America, where it grows lo the height of 10 or 12 feet, having a straight trunk as large as a man's arm, and covered with a white smooth bark. At the top it divides into several branches, on which the leaves are placed alternately. These leaves are 8 or 9 inches long, and 5 or 6 broad; and are of a fine glaucous colour. The whole plant abounds with a yellow juice of an acrid na- ture ; so that it is used by the inhabitants of America to take off warts and spots from the eyes. The singular beau- ty of this plant renders it worthy of a place in every curious collection : and it seems the Indians are very fond of it; for Hernandez tells us, their kings used to plant it in their gardens. It is propagated by seeds from America, and must always be kept in a stove. BOCK LAND, in ibe Saxons' time, is what we now call freehold lands, held by the better sort of persons by charter or deed in writing; by which name it was distin- guished from folkland, or copyhold land, holden by the common people without writing. BODY, in physics, an extended solid substance, of it- self utterly passive and inactive, indifferent either to mo- tion or rest; but capable of any sort of motion, and of all figures and forms. Descent of Bodies. Heavy bodies, in an unresisting me- dium, fall with an uniformly accelerated motion; whence the spaces descended are in the duplicate ratio of the times and velocity, and increase according lo the uneven numbers 1,3, 5, Sec. The times and velocities are in a subduplicate ratio of the spaces. The velocity of de- scending bodies is in proportion to the times from the be- ginning of their fail; and the spaces described by a falling body, are as the squares of lhe times from the beginning of their fall. See Mechanics. Bodv, in geometry, the regular bodies, or those which have all their angles and sides similar and equal, are five, vis. tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron, and the cube. Body, among painters, as to bear a body, a term signifying that (he colours are of such a nature as to be capable of being ground so fine, and mixing with the oil so entirely, as to seem only a very thick oil ofthe same colour. BOEBERA Chrysanthemoides, in botany, a plant ofthe syngenesia, superflua class and order of plants : the* calyx is duplex ; corolla radiated, luted, annual, a native of Missouri, (a.) BOEHMERIA,agenus ofthe monoecia tetrandria class and order. The essential character is, male, calyx four parted ; corolla none. Female, calyx none; germ obo- vate; style single; seed single, compressed. There are five species, natives of America and the West Indies. BOERHAAVIA, a genus of (he monogynia order,and monandria class of plants. There is no calyx; the cor- olla is monopetalous, campanulated, and plaited; and the seed is one, naked and below. There are seven species, all natives of the Indies. Some of these plants rise 5 or 6 feet high, but most of them only 18 inches or 2 feet. They bear flowers ofa yellow or red colour. BOG properly signifies a quagmire, covered indeed with grass, but not solid enough to support the weight of the body; in which sense it differs only from marshes or fens, as a part from the whole: some even restrain the term bog to quagmires pent up between two hills ; where- as fens lie in champaign and low countries, where the de- scent is very small. To drain boggy lands, a good meth- od is, to make trenches of a sufficient depth to carry off tbe moisture; and if these are partly filled up with rough stones and then covered with thorn bushes and straw to keep the earth from filling up their interstices, a stratum of good earth and turf may be laid over all; the cavities among the stones will give passage to the water, and the turf will grow at top as if nothing had been done. BOILING, or ebullition, in physics, the agitation of a fluid body, arising from the application of fire, &c. It has been proved that all fluidity is the effect of a certain quantity of caloric, or the matter of heat, absorbed by a body in passing from a solid to a fluid state, as is shown in the melting of ice, tallow, wax, &c. Boiling is the act of a body passing from a fluid state fo that of vapour, occa- sioned.by a further absorption of caloric. If the heat is applied to lhe bottom of lhe vessel con. taining the liquids, as is usually the case, after the whole liquid has acquired a certain temperature, those particles of it which are next the bottom, become elastic, and rise up, as they are formed, through the liquid, like air bubbles, and throw the whole into a violent agitation. The liquid is then said to boil. A pleasing experiment is related by that elegant and in- genious philosopher, the present bishop of Landaff, which is illustrative ofthe nature of boiling in general, and partic- ularly of what has been just advanced. With an intention of exhibiting a striking instance of the increase of dimensions produced by heat in fluids, he took a glass vessel not un- like the thermometer in form; the bulb contained above a gallon, the stem had a small diameter, and was about two feet in length. This vessel he filled with boiling water to the very top of the stem, and corked it close with a com- mon cork. The water and lhe cork were at first contigu- ous, but as the water cooled it contracted, and sunk visibly in the stem$ and thus the first intention of the experiment was answered. But here an unexpected phenomenon pre- sented itself. The wafer, though it was removed from lhe fire, though it was growing cold, and had for some lime entirely ceased from boiling, began to boil very violently. When a hot iron was applied to that part of the stem, through which the water in contracting itself had descend- ed, the ebullition presently ceased: it was renewed when the iron was removed; and it became more than ordinari- ly violent, when, by the application of a cloth dipped in cold water, that part was cooled. To account for these appearances, it is only necessary to recollect, that by the sinking of the water in the stem, a kind of vacuum is left between its surface and the cork; the water therefore B O I B O L necessarily boils with a lower degree of heat than it would under the pressure of the atmosphere. The space be- tween the cork and the water is not however a perfect vacuum : it is occupied either by the vapour of the water, or by a small portion of air, or by both. Ileal increases the elasticity both of air and vapour, and thus augments the pressure upon the surface of the water, hence the ebulli- tion cease3 upon the application of the hot iron. Cold, on tbe contrary, diminishes the elasticity ofthe air, and condenses vapour; and thus the pressure upon the sur- face being lessened by the application ofa cold cloth, the ebullition of the water became more violent. The heat ofthe water when it ceased boiling was 130 degrees. An experiment of another distinguished philosopher af- fords perhaps a better illustration of the whole theory which has been just advanced. This gentleman placed a quantity of vitriolic ether under the receiver of an air pump, which was so contrived that he was able to let down a thermometer at pleasure without admitingthe external air. He no sooner began to extract the air, than the ether was thrown into a violent ebullition, at tbe same time its tem- perature sunk surprisingly. When the ether was first put in, its temperature was about 58 degrees, but it became so cold when boiling, that a quantity of water in a vessel con- tiguous to it was suddenly frozen. The manner in which these phenomena may be explained is this : The weight of the atmosphere being removed, the heat which the ether contained was sufficient to make it boil. The ele- mentary fire which the ether lost in boiling was disposed of in forming a vapour more subtile than the ether itself; which could not, consistently with (he principles estab- lished, be formed without the absorption of a considerable quantity of the matter of fire. Now as it appears (ha( wa- ter and spirit of wine boil in vacuo at 122 degrees below their ordinary boiling point, it is natural that ether, which boils in the open air at about the heat of the human blood, should boil in vacuo at 24 degrees below 0, a degree of cold sufficient to freeze any water that might happen to be in contact with (he vessel which contains (he ether. Every particular liquid has a fixed point at which boiling commences, and this is called the boiling point of the liquid. Thus wafer begins to boil when heated to 212 degrees. After a liquid has begun to boil, it never be- comes hotter, however strong (he fire may be to which it is exposed. A strong heat, indeed, makes it boil more rapidly, but does not increase ifs temperature. This fact was first observed by Dr. Hooke. The following table shows the boiling point of a number of liquids : Bodits. Boiling Ether 98 Ammonia 140 Alcohol 176 Water 212 Muriat of lirne 230 Nitric acid 248 Sulphuric acid 590 Phosphorus 554 Oil of turpentine 560 Sulphur 570 Linseed oil 600 Mercury 660. 46* The boiling point however is found to depend on tbe de- gree of pressure to which the liquid is exposed. If the pressure is diminished, the liquid boils at a lower tempera- ture ; if it is increased, a higher temperature is necessary to produce ebullition. From the experiments of professor Robison, it appears that, in a vacuum, all liquids boil about 145 degrees lower than in open air, under a pressure of 30 inches of mercury : therefore water would boil in va- cuo at 67 degrees, and alcohol at 34 degrees. In Papin's digester, the temperature of water may be raised to 300 degrees, or even 400 degrees without ebullition ; but the instant that this great pressure is removed, the boiling commences with prodigious violence. BOLE, in mineralogy. This mineral occurs chiefly in the isle ofLemnos, at Sienna in Italy, and in Silesia. Its colour is generally an obscure Isabella yellow, or reddish or whitish brown: it is sometimes, though rarely, met with of a grayish yellow, or flesh red; its surface is often marked with black spots, and dendritic figures. It gen- erally occurs massive; its texture is earthy ; fracture con- choidal. Internally it exhibits a slight glimmering lustre, and acquires a polish by friction. When broken with a hammer it flies into irregular sharp edged fragments. The dark coloured varieties are opaque, the lighter coloured are more or less translucid. It has a greasy feel, ad- heres strongly to the tongue, gives a shining streak, is very soft, and is easily frangible. Specific gravity 1.4 to 2.0. When put into water it absorbs a little with great ea- gerness, and breaks down into small fragments with a crackling noise. When finely pulverized, and diffused through boiling water, it remains suspended a less time than any of the plastic clays, and is entirely separable by (he filtre. Before fhe blow pipe it turns black and melts, without any addition, into a porous, greenish, gray flag. The Lemnian bole, according to Bergmann, contains 47.0 Silica 19.0 Alumina 6.0 Carbonate of magnesia 5.4 Carbonate of lime 5.4 Oxide of iron 17.0 Water and air 99.8 The only use of the bole at present is as a coarse red ingredient; for which purpose it is calcined and levigated, and is sold in Germany under the name of Berlin or En- glish red. BOLETUS, in botany, spunk ; a genus of the order of fungi, belonging to the cryptogamia class of plants. Botan- ists enumerate 170 species, of which the following are the) most remarkable. 1. Boletus bovinus, or cow spunk, is frequent in woods and pastures. It is generally of a brown colour, though sometimes it is tawny, yellowish brown, reddish brown, deep red, purple, or greenish brown. The flesh is yellow, white, or reddish. The young plants are eaten in Italy, and esteemed a great delicacy. The Germans also ac- count them a dainty, calling them gombas, and brat buls. Cows, deer, sheep, and swine, will feed upon this and other boleti, but are sometimes greatly disordered by them. In B O L B O M cows and other cattle they have been known to create bloody urine, nauseous milk, swellings of the abdomen, inflammations of the bowels, stoppages, diarrhoeas, and death. In sheep they are said to bring on a schirrhous liver, a cough, a general wasting, and dropsy. Scarabs, dermestes, and many other insects, feed upon and breed in them abundantly. 2. Boletus igniarius, or touchwood spunk, is frequent on the trunks of old trees of all kinds, especially ash. It con- sists of a very hard woody substance, in shape like a horse's hoof; and grows of various sizes, from a man's fist to that of his head and larger. The upper side is smooth, but uneven, distinguished near the rim by elevated zones of different colours, brown, gray, tawny, &c. The flesh is of a tawny brown colour, extremely hard and tough. This fungus is made use of in Germany and some parts of England for tinder. The Germans boil it in strong lye, dry it, and boil it again in solution of saltpetre. The Laplanders burn it about their habitations, in order to keep off a species of the gadfly, which is fatal to the young reindeer. It has been used to stop the bleeding of fhe vessels after amputations. Phil. Trans, vol. xlviii. p. 2. For this purpose the hard outer part is cut off, and the soft inner substance is beaten with a hammer to make it still softer. It is best when gathered in August or Sep- tember. 3. Boletus pini Iaricis, or agaric of the shops, grows on old larch trees. This fungus is an irregular spongy sub- stance, extremely light, and of an uniform snowy white- ness ; except the cortical part, which is usually taken off before the agaric is brought into the shops. 4. Boletus suberosus, or white cork spunk, grows com- monly on the trunks of birch and willow trees. It grows sessile and horizontal; its figure is semicircular; the up- per side convex, the under nearly plain; of various sizes, from that of an ass's hoof to a peck measure. The upper surface is quite white, generally covered with a short strong down, but sometimes smooth. The internal sub- stance is thick, white, tough, light, and spongy, like cork ; and is sometimes cut and shaped by the country people in Scotland for corks. BOLLITO, a name by which the Italians call a sea ^reen colour in artificial crystal. To prepare this colour, you must have in the furnace a pot filled with forty pounds of good crystal, first carefully skimmed, boiled, and puri- fied, without any manganese; then you must have twelve ounces of the powder of small leaves of copper, thrice cal- cined, half an ounce of zaffer in powder; mix them to- gether, and put them at four times into the pot, that fhey may the better mix with the glass; stirring them well each time of putting in the powder, for fear that it should swell too much and run over. BOLLOS, in the mines of Peru, a denomination given lo the ingots or bars of silver procured there from the ore, by the operation of fire, and the use of aquafortis. BOLONI AN stone, is a kind of mineral found near Bo- logna ; which, when duly prepared by calcination, makes a species of phosphorus. The property of this stone is, that though it has no lucid appearance in the dark, until it undergoes a particular calcination, it becomes capable by previous preparation, of imbibing, when exposed for a few minutes to the light of day, or even the flame of a candle, such a quantity of light, that it afterward shines in the dark for several minutes, like a glowing coal, but without any sensible heat. BOLSTERS, in sea language, small cushions, or bags, filled with tarred canvas or rope yarn, &c. and placed un- der the shrouds and stays, to prevent their chafing against the trestletrees, by the motion of the mast, when the ship rocks at sea. BOLT, among builders, an iron fastening fixed to doors and windows. They are generally distinguished into three kinds, vis. plate, round, and spring bolts. Bolts, in gunnery, are of several sorts. See Gun- nery. Bolts, in a ship, are iron pins, of which there are sev- eral sorts, according to their different make and uses. Such are drive bolts, used to drive out others : ray bolts, with jags or barbs on each side, to keep them from flying out of their holes : clench bolts, which are clenched with riv- etting hammers: forelock bolts, which have at the end a forelock of iron driven in to keep them from starling back: set bolts, used for forcing the planks, and bringing them close together: fend, or fender bolts, made with long and thick heads, and struck into the uttermost bends of the ship, to save her sides from bruises: and ring bolts, used for brinking to the planks, and those parts whereto are fastened the breeches and tackles ofthe guns. Bolt of canvas, in commerce, the quantity of 28 ells. BOLTONIA, in botany, a genus of the class syngene- sia, order superflua. The essential characters are, cal. imbricated, cor. radiated, white. There are 3 species all persisting. 1 B. asteroides, starwort flowered Bolfonia, flourishes in July, a native of Pennsylvania. 2. B. gloslifolia, a native of Carolina and Pennsylvania. 3. B. affinis, grows in Missouri, (a.) BOMB, in military affairs, a globe or shell of cast iron, having a vent to receive the fuse, which is made of wood, The shell being filled with gunpowder, the fuse is driven into the vent or aperture, within an inch of the head, and fastened with a cement made of quicklime, ashes, brick dust, and steel filings, worked together in a glutinous water; or of four parts of pitch, two of colophony, one of turpen- tine, and one of wax. This tube is filled with a combusti- ble matter, made of two ounces of nitre, one of sulphur, and Ihree of gunpowder dust, well rammed. To preserve the fuse, they pitch it over, but uncase it when they put fhe bomb into the mortar, and cover it with gunpowder dust; which having taken fire by the flash of the powder in the chamber of tbe mortar, burns all tbe time lhe bomb is in the air; and the composition in the fuse being spent, it fires the powder in the bomb, which bursts with great force, blowing up whatever is about it. Tbe great height the bomb goes in the air, and the force with which it falls, make it go deep into the earth. Bomb chest, a kind of chest filled usually with bombs. sometimes only with gunpowder, placed under ground to tear it and blow it up into the air, with those who stand on it. It was set on fire by means of a saucisse fastened at one end, but is now much disused. BOMBARDMENT, the act of assaulting a city or fortress, by throwing shells into i(, in order (o set fire lo and ruin the houses, churches, magazines, Sec. and to do other mischief. As one of the effects ofthe shell results from its weight, it is never discharged as a ball from a can- non, lhat is, by pointing it point blank at a certain object; BOM BOM but the mortars in England are fixed at an elevation of 45 degrees; that is, inclined so many degrees from the hori- zon, that the shell describes a curve, called tbe military projectile. Hence a mortar, whose trunnions are placed at the breech, can have no point blank range. Mortars should be so contrived, that they may be elevated to any degree required, as much preferable to those fixed at an angle of 45°; because shells should never be thrown at that angle but in one single case only, which seldom hap- pens ; that is, when the battery is so far off, that tbey cannot otherwise reach the works: for when shells are thrown from the trenches into the works ofa fortification, or from (he (own into the trenches, they should have as little elevation as possible, in order to roll along, and not bury themselves; whereby the damage they do, and the error they cause to the troops, is much greater than if they sink into the ground. On the contrary, when shells are thrown upon magazines, or any other buildings, with an in- tention to destroy them, the mortar should be elevated as high as possible, that the shells may acquire a greater force in their fall. Shells should be loaded with no more powder than is requisite to burst them into the greatest number of pieces, and the length of the fuses should be exactly calculated according to the required ranges; for, should the fuse set fire to the powder in the shell before it falls on the place intended, the shell will burst in lhe air, and probably do more mischief to those who fired the mortar than to those against whom it was discharged. To prevent this, the fuses are divided into as many seconds as the greatest range requires, consequently may be cut to any distance, at an elevation of 45 degrees. Mortars are not to be fired with two fires ; for when the fuse is properly fixed, and both fuse and shell dredged wilh mealed powder, the blast of (he powder in the cham- ber ofthe mortar, when inflamed by the tube, will likewise set fire to the fuse in the shell. BOMBASINE, a name given to two sorls of stuffs, the one of silk, and the other crossed of cotton. Bombasine of silk pays duty on importation as other foreign silks. See Silk. That of cotton pays each piece, a duty according to its width. BOMBAX, in botany, the silk cotton tree : a genus of the polyandria order, and monodelphia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under lhe 37th order, columniferse. The calyx is quinquifid ; the stamina are five or more; the capsule is ligneous, quinquelocular, and quinquevalved; the seeds are woolly, and the receptacle pentagonous. The species are : 1. Bombax ceiba, with a prickly stalk. 2. Bombax heptaphyllum, with leaves cut inlo seven parts. The cotton is of a fine purple colour, but the size of the tree is not particularly mentioned by botanical writers. 3. Bombax pentandrum, with a smooth stalk. This and the ceiba grow naturally in both the Indies, where (hey arrive at a great magnitude, being some ofthe largest trees in (hese parts. Bosmau says, he has seen in Guinea trees of this kind so widely diffused, that 20,000 armed men might stand under the branches of one. They gener- ally grow with straight stems. Those of the ceiba are armed wifh short strong spines; but the pentandrum has a very smooth stem, which in the young plant is of a bright green; but after a few years is covered with a gray or ash coloured bark, which turns brown as Ihey grow older. The branches toward (he (op are furnished w ith leaves composed of five, seven, or nine, oblong smooth little leaves, spear shaped, and joined fo one common cen- tre at their base, where ihey adhere to lhe long footstalk. The flower buds appear at the end ofthe branches ; and soon after the flowers expand, which are composed of five oblong purple petals, with a great number of stamina in the centre; when these fall off, they are succeeded by oval fruit as large as a swan's egg, having a thick ligneous cover, which, when ripe, opens in five parts, and is full of a dark short cotton, enclosing many roundish seeds as large as small peas. 4. Bombax gossipinum. Besides the species above described, Mr. Miller mentions another which he saw in the gardens of the late duke of Richmond at Goodwood, and was raised from seeds which came from the East In- dies. These plants, being natives of warm climates, must al- ways be kept in a stove. They are raised from seeds procured in lhe capsules from lhe places where ihey grow naturally. They must be watered plentifully in summer, but moderately in winter. The dark short cotton of the first and third species is used by the poorer inhabitants of those places where such trees grow, to stuff pillows or chairs, but is generally deemed unwholesome to lie upon. The beautiful purple down of the heptaphyllum is spun, wrought into clothes, and worn without being dyed any other colour, by the in- habitants ofthe Spanish West Indies, where the tree nat- urally grows. Large pirogues, or canoes fit to carry a sail, are made both at Senegal and in America, of the trunk of the silk cotton tree, the wood of which is very light, and unfit for any other purpose. In Columbus's first voyage, it was reported that a canoe was seen at Cuba made of the hollowed trunk of one of these trees, capable of con- taining 150 men. BOMB KETCH. The modern bomb vessels carry two ten inch mortars, four 68 pounders, and six 18 pound- ers, carronades ; and the mortars may be fired at as low an angle as 20 degrees ; (heir principal use being (o cover the landing of troops, and to protect our coasts and harbours. A bomb ketch is from 60 to 70 feet long, and draws eight or nine feet water. BOMBIC acid. The silkworm has a small reservoir near the anus, from which, when full grown, or especially when it is in the chrysalis state, a minute quantity of acid liquor is seen to ooze out. If the entire animal is bruised, it gives a liquor containing the usual soft animal matters, with a native acid. Alcohol separates the former, and leaves the latter in solution; which, by evaporation, fur- nishes a \ery sour pungent yellow fluid, which exhibits all the marks of an acid, by reddening blue vegetables, and uniting with alkalies. BOMBYLIUS, in entomology, a genus of dipterous insects distinguished by the following character : beak or sucker very long, setaceous, straight, and consisting of (wo unequal valves, within which three setaceous bristles are contained ; feelers (wo, shor( and hairy : antennae subulate and connected at the base. The antenna? are short, and contain three articulations the first of which is long, the second short, and (he third or lust conical, and terminating in a kind of appendage, al- most forming a fourth joint, as is to be observed with'the BOM B O M assistance of glasses. Those who have carefully examined the structure of the trunk with the microscope affirm, that the number of valves or bristles concealed within the ex- ternal bivalve sheath are four, instead of three as Gmelin describes them. The antennae are inserted at the base of the trunk. Insects of this genus have the head comparatively of a small size, ofa form somewhat rotund, and almost wholly occupied by the eyes. The thorax large, the abdomen bulky and rounded at the extremity, as in the bee. Both the thorax and abdomen are hairy, or covered with down. The wings longer than the body, and extended horizontal- ly. Legs long and slender. The size and rotundity of the body afford an excellent natural character, by which this tribe of insects may be distinguished from those of the genera empis and asilus, with which some naturalists have confounded Ihem. The Fabrician species of volu- cella, cyfherea, and anthrax, have been referred to the bombylius genus with very little propriety. The true bombylius is a lively active tribe of insects, that subsist entirely on the nectareous juices they extract from flow- ers, wilh the assistance of their long proboscis or trunk. They fly with much rapidity, making all the time a soft humming noise similar to that of the bee. In England the largest species, major, has acquired the name of the hum- blebee fly. The insects of this tribe are found in the winged state in the summer, but their metamorphose is ut- terly unknown. Only a small number of species in this genus are at present known. See Plate XV. Nat. Hist. fig. 52, and 53. BOMBYX, a genus of lepidopterous insects, or rather one of the subdivisions of tbe phaleena, an extensive ge- nus, in which all the insects of the moth tribe are com- prised by Linnaeus. Fabricius, in his " Entomologia sys- tematica," admits the bombyx as a genus, applying the term phalaena, which Linnaeus gave indiscriminately to all the species of the moth tribe, as a generical name to that particular description of moths which have fhe palpi cy- lindrical, the tongue advanced and membranaceous, and the antennae filiform. In the Systema Naturae, Linnseus divides the bombyces into sections in the following order: the elingues, or those without a manifest spiral tongue; and the spirilingues, having an involuted tongue. These two principal sections are subdivided again; the elingues, into those with the back smooth or not crested, with ex- panded wings, with reversed wings, with deflected wings, with erect crests or tufts on the backs ; and the spirilin- gues, those smooth, with expanded wings, and with deflect- ed wings, and wilh the back crested. The insects of the bombyx tribe never fly except in the evening. During the day time they secrete themselves under the leaves, or beneath tbe branches, in the clefts of trees, where fhey may remain secure till about sunset, at which time they appear to be on the alert; at first crawling about the branches, then fluttering their wings, and becom- ing brisker in all their motions as the evening advances. The larger sort of moths, which we see first starting from the woods or hedges after some of the geometree, are tbe swifts, the Fabrician hepiali; which fly swiftly, as (heir trivial name implies, but low or near the surface of the ground : these at twilight are succeeded by the bombyces and noctme, whose flight is more elevated. They con- tinue fo sport about fill it becomes quite dark. The males ofthe bombyces are commonly first upon the wing in search of the females; which latter are, in some few species, en- tirely destitute of wings, or at least have only the rudi- ments of them close to the thorax; in which case the fe. male waits upon the trees or herbage for the arrival of tbe male : the female of bombyx antiqua, the vapourer moth, is a striking proof of this; for it has so little the appear- ance of a moth that any one, except an entomologist, would mistake it for an apterous or wingless insect. Those females which have wings are commonly larger even than the males. The bombyces are produced from a larva, or as it ia more usually termed by common observers, a caterpillar. This is of a long cylindrical form, having in some speciei a smooth skin, or in others more or less tuberculated; sometimes the skin is covered with a fine silky down, or with hairs; and some of the larger kinds are armed with spines and bristles. All the larva; of the bombyces sub- sist on vegetables. Their jaws are strong, and of a horny texture; and below them is a small opening, through which the creature draws the silky thread of so much util- ity in its general economy. Most of these larvae have 16 feet, some have only 14 feet, and others no more than 12 ; six of which are hooked, and situated on the three first annulations near the head, the others toward tbe lower ex- tremity of the body are short, broad, and very different in structure. The greater number of species in the bombyx tribe, when in the larva state, lead a solitary life ; in which case they separate as soon as they are hatched from the eggs, and crawl about to provide for themselves, the smallest of these even being able to obtain its own subsistence; tbey can eat as readily, and spin, or throw out the silky thread with as much facility, as when grown bigger. The latter is of considerable utility to the larva; for when it wishes to descend from one branch of the tree or bush to another, instead of being obliged to pursue a circuitous course, by crawling or walking, it need only fasten one end of the silken thread to any particular spot, and lower itself by its assistance fo the branch desired ; or when suspended midway between the branches, it can pass aside with a swing to any other point within a convenient distance. In like manner, when observed by birds or other enemies, it can drop in an instant, and elude the enemy ; waiting con- cealed below among the leaves or on the ground till the danger is over, and then remounting to the former spot by the aid of this thread. This is a provision of nature for the security of the larvae of the bombyces, in common wifh that of other lepidopterous insects. Some species of the bombyces live in societies, as may be observed, for instance, in bombyx neusfria of entomol- ogists, the lack ej'emoth of English collectors. The lar- vae of this species, by their united labours, spin a capa- cious habitation, in which the infant brood is hatched from the egg, and after undergoing their several transformations) finally become moths. Like other larvae of the moth tribe, those of the bom- byces cast their skin several times. When full grown, and approaching tbe pupa state, those of the bombyx kind spin a sort of web, in which we find the most valuable silk produced by these creatures at any time of their lives* The silk spun by the hairy larvae is observed lo be of little value, because the creature interweaves it wilh lhe hairs it plucks off its skin for this purpose. The common silkworm, bombyx mori, whose cocoon consists ofthe most BON BON valuable kind of silk, as is well known, has the skin per- fectly smooth, or free from hair. There are certain spe- cies of the larger bombyces, the larvae of which have Binooth skins, but still beset with annular series of soines or bristles, that produce very strong silk, and are reared with (he view of obtaining the cocoons for the manufacture ot silk in the East Indies. The breed of these useful in- sects has long been cultivated in India, although the silk produced from them is very little, if at all, known in Eu- rope. The bombyces remain in the pupa state for a cer- tain time, varying according to the species, some only a few days or weeks, others six or twelve months, two years, or even three. The same day that the creatures emerge from the pupa stale (hey are in a condition to perpetuate their race. Almost immediately after coupling, the males die ; the females live long enough to deposite the eggs in a proper place for their security, and where the infant brood may find subsistence, after which they perish likewise. The species ofthe bombyx tribe are numerous. Those already described by naturalists amount to a large number; and there are, in the cabinets of the curious, many more, especially of the extra European species, that have never been described ; even in the collections of this country, those of lhe latter description are numerous. BOxN'A notahilia, are such goods as a person dying has in another diocese than that wherein he dies, amount- ing to the value of 5/. at least; in which case the will of the deceased must be proved, or administration granted, in the court of the archbishop of the province, unless by com- position or custom any dioceses are authorized to do it, when rated at a greater sum. BOND. A bond, or obligation, is a deed whereby (he obligor, or person bound, binds himself, his heirs, execu- tors, and administrators, to pay a certain sum of money, or do some olher act; and there is generally a condition added, (hat if he do perform such act, the obligation shall be void, or else remain in full force; as performance of covenants, standing to an award, payment of rent, or re- payment of a principal sum of money with interest, which principal sum is usually half the sum specified in the bond. 2. Blacks. 340. All persons who are enabled to contract, and whom the law supposes lo have sufficient freedom and understand- ing for that purpose, may bind themselves in bonds and obligations. 1 Rol. Abr. 340. If the condition of a bond is impossible at (he time of making it, if it is to do a thing contrary to some rule of law, or to do a thing that is malum inse, the obligation itself is void. The bond of a feme covert is void, as is that of an infant. If a person is illegally restrained of his liberty, and during such restraint enters into a bond (o a person who causes (he res(raint, the same may be avoided for du- ress of imprisonment. 2 Inst. 482. To avoid controversies, (hree things are necessary to making a good obligation, signing, sealing, and delivery. A bond, on which neither principal nor interest has been demanded for '20 years, will be presumed in equity (o be satisfied. If several obligors are bound jointly and sever- ally, and the oblijee makes one of tbem his executor, it is a release of the debt, and the executor cannot sue the other obligor. 8 Cor. 136. If one obligor makes the executor of an obligee bis ex- ecutor, and leaves assets, lhe debt is deemed satisfied; for he has power by way of retainer to satisfy the debt. A release to one obligor is a release fo all, both in law and equity. 1 Atk. 294. Bond, post obit, one and the main condition of which is, that it only becomes payable after the dealh of some person, whose name is therein specified. The death of any person being uncertain as to time, the risk attached to such bonds frees them from the shackles of the common law of usury. It has been determined, that bonds bought for half their value did not amount to usury, on account of the risk with which they were attended. Bond, in carpentry, a term among workmen; as, to make good bond, means that they should fasten the two or more pieces together either by tenanting, mortising, or dovetailing, &c. Bond, in masonry and bricklaying, is when bricks or stones are so interwoven that the joints are not made over or upon other joints, but reach at least six inches both within the wall and on the surface, as the art of building requires. BONDAGE by firelock, was when a freeman renounc- ed his liberty, and became slave to some great man : which was done by the ceremony of cutting off a lock of hair on the forehead, and delivering if to his lord ; denot- ing that he was to be maintained for the future. Such bondman, if he reclaimed his liberty, or was fugitive from his master, might be drawn again (o his servitude by the nose: hence is said to be the origin of the popular men- ace to pull a man by the nose. BONE, in chymistry and the arts. The bones are the most solid part of animals. Their texture is some- times dense, at other times cellular and porous, according to the situation of the bone. They are white, of a lam- ellar structure, and not flexible nor softened by heat. Their specific gravity differs in different parts. That of adults' teeth is 2.2727: the specific gravity of children's teeth is 2.0833. It must have been always known that bones are combustible, and that when sufficiently burnt they leave behind them a white porous substance, which is tasteless, absorbs water, and has the form of lhe origi- nal bone. The nature of this substance embarrassed the earlier chymist. In 1771, Scheele mentioned in his dis- serlation on fluor spar, that lhe earthy part of bones is phosphatof lime. This discovery was the first and the great slep toward a chymical knowledge of the composi- tion of bones. Afterward, some new facts were made known by Berniard, Bouillon, and Rouelle; but for by far the most complete analysis that has hitherto appeared we are indebted to Mr. Hatchett. The component parts of bones are chiefly four: name- ly, the earthy salts, fat, gelatine, and cartilage. 1. The earthy salts may be obtained either by calcining the bone to whiteness, or by steeping it for a sufficient length of time in the acids. In the first case, the salts remain in the state of a brittle white substance. In the second, they are dissolved, and may be thrown down by the proper precipilants. These earthy salts are three in number: 1. Phosphat of lime, which constitutes by far the greatest part of the whole. 2. Carbonate of lime. 3. Sulphat of lime, which forms the smallest part. To estimate these substances, calcined bones, or the raspings of bones, may be dissolved in nitric or muriatic acid During the solution carbonic acid gas makes its escape Pure ammonia dropped into the solution throws down the phosphat of hme in the state of a fine powder, readilv sol- BON BON uble without effervescence by nitric, muriatic, and acetic acids. Nitrat of barytes afterward causes a small pre- cipitate insoluble in muriatic acid, and therefore consist- ing of sulphat of barytes. Its weight indicates the quan- tity of sulphuric acid in bones, from which the sulphat of lime which they contain may be estimated. Carbonate of ammonia now throws down pure carbonate of lime. These three constituents were found by Hatchett in all the bones of quadrupeds and fish which he examined. The carbonate scarcely exceeds the fifth part of the phosphat, and the proportion of sulphat is still smaller. 2. The proportion of fat contained in bones is no less various. By breaking bones in small pieces, and boiling f hem for some time in water, Mr. Proust obtained their fat swimming on the surface of the liquid. It weighed, he says, one fourth ofthe weight ofthe bones employed. This proportion appears excessive, and can scarcely be account- ed for without supposing that the fat still retained water. 3. The gelatine is separated by the same means as the fat, by breaking the bones in pieces, and boiling them long enough in water. The water dissolves the gelatine, and gelatin- izes when sufficiently concentrated. Hence the import- ance of bones in making portable soups, the basis of which is concrete gelatine, and likewise in making glue. By this process Proust obtained from powdered bones about 1 -16th of their weight in gelatine. 4. When bones are deprived of their gelatine by boil- ing them in water, and of their earthy salts by steeping them in diluted acids, there remains a soft white elastic substance, possessing the figure of the bones, and known by the name of cartilage. From the experiments of Mr. Hatchett, it appears that this substance has the proper- ties of coagulated albumen. Like that substance, it be- comes brittle and semitransparent when dried, is readily soluble in hot nitric acid, is converted kilo gelatine by the action of diluted nitric acid; for it is soluble in hot water, and gelatinizes on cooling, and ammonia dissolves it and assumes a deep orange colour. Like coagulated albumen, it forms an animal soap with fixed alkalies. This cartilaginous substance is the portion of the bone first formed. Hence the softness of these parts at first. The phosphat of lime is afterward gradually deposited, and gives the bone the requisite firmness. The gelatine and fat, especially the first, gave the bone the requisite degree of toughness and strength; for when they are re- moved, the bone becomes brittle. The relative propor- tion of phosphat of lime and cartilage differs exceedingly in different bones and in different animals. fiios. v^ur. One hundred parts con- Gela-tine 16 Of of Loss. tain lime. lime. Human bones from a-) burying groupd C 67 « 15.5 Do. dry, but not from 7 23 CS 2 2 under the earth s Bone of ox - - . 3 93 2 2 calf - . . 25 54 trace 21 horse - . 9 67.5 1.25 22 25 sheep . . 16 70 0.5 18.5 elk ... 1.5 90 1 7.5 hog - - . 17 52 1 30 hare - . 9 85 1 5 pullet - • 6 72 1.5 20.5 pike - - 12 64 1 23 carp - . 6 45 0.5 48 5 Horse teeth - - - 12 24 85 5 64 025 2.25 0.1 11.15 Hartshorn - - - 17 575 1 | H.5 Bones, diseases of, see Scrgert. Bones, fossil or petrified, are those found in the earfh, frequently at great depths in all strata, even in fhe bodies of stones and rocks. Some of these bones are of a huge size, usually supposed to be the bones of giants, butmore truly of elephants or hippopotami, others smaller, as the vertebra, teeth, and the like. It has indeed been disputed whether these are really animal substances or mineral- but a chymical investigation proves them to be animal- and they were probably deposited in those strata at a time' when all things were in a state of solution, and they incorpo. rated and petrified with the bodies where they happened to be lodged. Mr Hatchett examined some fossil bones from the rock of Gibralter. He found them to consist of phosphat of lime without any cartilage or soft animal part. Their in- terstices were filled with carbonate of lime. Hence (hey resemble exactly bones that have been burnt. They must then have been acted on by some foreign agent; for putre- faction, or lying in the earth, does not soon destroy the cartilaginous part of bones. On putting a human os hume- ri, brought from Hy the in Kent, and said to have been tak- en from a Saxon tomb, into muriatic acid, he found the car- tilaginous residuum nearly as complete as in a recent bone, BoNE-ace, properly bon, or good, ace, an easy game at cards, played thus : The dealer deals out two cards to the first hand, and turns up the third, and so on through all the players, who may be seven, eight, or as many as the cards will permit; he that has the highest card turned up to him carries the bone, that is, one half of the stake, the other remaining to be played for. Again, if there are three kings, three queens, three tens, &c. turned up, the eldest hand wins the bone ; but it is to be observed, that the ace of diamonds is bon-ace, and wins all other cards whatever. Thus much for the bone ; and as for the other half of the stake, the nearest to 31 wins it, and he that turns up or draws 31 wins it immediately. BONING, in surveying and levelling, is the placing of three or more rods or poles, all ofthe same length, in or upon the ground in such a manner that their tops may be all in one continued straight line, whether it is horizontal or inclined, so that the eye may look along the tops of them all, from one end of the line to the other. BONNET, in fortification, a small work, consisting of two faces, having only a parapet wifh two rows of palisa- does, of about ten or twelve feet distance. If is generally raised before the salient angle of the counterscarp, and has a communication wilh the covered way by a trench cut through the glacis, and palisadoes on each side. Bonnet dpretre, or priest's bonnet, in fortification, U an outwork, having at the head three salient angles, and two inward. It differs from the double tenaille only in this; that its sides, instead of being parallel, are like the queue d'aronde, or swallow's tail, that is, narrowing or drawing close at the gorge, and opening at the head. Bonnet, in the sea language, denotes an addition to a sail; thus they say, lace on the bonnet, or shake off the bonnet. BONPLANDIA gemini flora, in botany, a plant of tbe class pentandria, order monogynia, cal. liber tubulous 5 toothed, cor. 5 parted, stam. declinate, stig. trifid, cap. ovafp f rigona, 3 celled, 3 sperm, stem elliptical, (u.) BONTIA, wild olive of Barbadoes, a genus ofthe an- giospermia order and didynamia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 40th order, perso- BOO BOO natae. The calyx is quinquepartite; the corolla is bila- biated, the inferior lip tripartite and revolute; the drupe is ovate and monospermous, with the apex turned to one side. There is one species, vis. Bontia daphnoides has a woody stem and branches, ris- ing to the height of ten feet, with narrow, smooth, thick- ish leaves, and flowers from the sides of the branches, succeeded by large oval fruit that sometimes ripens in En- gland. This species is generally cultivated in the gar- dens al Barbadoes for hedges ; for which it is exceedingly proper, being an evergreen of very quick growth. It is said fhat from cuttings planted there in the rainy season, when they have immediately taken root, there has been a complete hedge four or five feet high in 18 months. BONZES, Indian priests, who, in order to distinguish themselves from the laity, wear a chaplet round their heads, consisting of an hundred beads, and carry a staff, af lhe end of which is a wooden bird. They live upon the alms of the people, and yet are very charitably dis- posed, maintaining several orphans and widows out of their own collections. BOOK binding, the art of gathering and sewing to- gether the sheets of a book, and covering it with a back, &c. It is performed ihus: the leaves are first folded with a folding stick, and laid over each olher in the order of the signatures, which are the letters with lhe numbers annexed to them at lhe bottom of the pages of the first one, two, or more leaves in each sheet. The leaves thus folded are then beaten on a stone with a hammer, fo make them smooth and open well, and afterward pressed. "While in the press they are sewed upon hands, which are pieces of cord or packthread; six bands to a folio book, five to a quarto, octavo, &c. which is done by drawing a thread through the middle of each sheet, and giving it a turn round each band, beginning with the first and pro- ceeding to the last. After ihis (he books are glued, and the bands opened and scraped, for the better fixing (he asteboards; the back is turned wifh a hammer, and the ook fixed in a press between two boards, in order to make a groove for fixing the pasteboards; these being applied, holes are made for fixing (hem to the book, which is press- ed a third (ime. Then (he book is a( las( put fo the cut- ting press, betwixt (wo boards, (he one lying even with the press for the knife to run upon, the olher above it for the knife to run against: after which the pasteboards are squared. The next operation is the sprinkling fhe leaves of (he book, which is done by dipping a brush inlo vermilion and sap green, holding (he brush in one hand, and spreading the hair with (he olher; by which molion (he edges of the leaves are sprinkled in a regular manner, without any spots being larger (han (he other. The covers, which are either of calf or of sheep skin, being moistened in water, are nex( cu( ou( (o (he size of (he book, (hen smeared over with paste made of whea( flour and i.flerward stretched over the pasteboard on the out- side, and doubled over the edjres withinside, after bavin* first taken off (he four angles, and indented and pla(ted the cover at the head band; which done, the book is covered and bound firmly between (wo bands, and (hen set to dry. Afterward it is washed over wifh a litlle paste and water,' and then sprinkled fine wifh a brush; unless it should be marbled, when the spots are to be made larger by mixing vol. i. 47 the ink with vitriol. After this fhe book is glazed twice wifh the white of an egg beaten, and at last polished with a polishing iron passed hot over (he glazed cover. The le((ers or o(her ornaments on books are made wifh gilding tools engraved in relievo, either on the points of punchers, or around little cylinders of brass. The pun- chers make their impressions by being pressed flat down, and the cylinders by being rolled along by a handle, io which they are fitted on an iron axis. To apply the gold, the binders glaze the parts of the leather with a liquor made of whites of eggs diluted wilh water, by means ofa piece of sponge; and when nearly dry, the pieces of gold leaf are laid on, and the tools being made hot in a charcoal fire, are applied. Book keeping, an art teaching how to record and dis- pose lhe accounts of business, so that (he (rue s(a(e of every part and of the whole may be easily and distinctly known. Merchants' books are kept either single, or according to the method of double entry. Those who keep them in the former method have occasion for few books, as a journal or day book, and a ledger or post book; the for- mer to write all the articles, following each other as they occur in the course of their business, and the other to draw out the accounts of all the debtors and creditors on the journal. This method is only proper for retail deal- ers, or at least for traders who have but very little busi- ness ; bul as for wholesale dealers and great merchants, who keep their books according to tbe double entry, or Italian method, as is now most commonly done, (heir busi- ness requires several olher books, lhe usefulness of which will be seen from what follows. The most considerable books, according to the melhod of double enfry, are lhe waste book, the journal, and the ledger; but besides these three, which are absolutely nec- essary, there are several others, to the number of thirteen, or even more, called subsenient or auxiliary books, which are used in proportion to the business a man hap, or to the nature of fhe business lhat he carries on. These books are the cash book, the debt book, the book of numeros, the book of invoices, lhe book of accounts current, the book of commissions, orders, or advices, &c. The waste book may be defined a register, containing an inventory ofa merchant's effects and debts, wilh a dis- tinct record of all his transactions and dealings, in a way of trade, related in a plain simple style, and in order of time as they succeed one another. The waste book opens wilh the inventory, which con- sists of Iwo parts; first, the effects, thai is, lhe money a merchant has by him, the goods he has in hand, his part of ships, houses, farms, &c. wifh the debts due to him ; the second part of the inventory is the debts due by him toothers; tbe difference between which and the effects is what the merchants call neat stock. "When a man begins fhe world, and first sets up to trade, (he imenlory is (o be galhered from a survey of (he par(iculars (ha( make up his real es(afe ; but ever after it is to be collected from the balance of his old books, and carried to lhe new. After lhe invenlory is fairly related in (he waste "book the transactions of trade come next to be entered down' which is a daily task, lo be performed as they occur' The narrative ought lo exhibit (ransacCions wi(h all the circumstances necessary to be known, and no more. It BOOK KEEPING. should contain the names of persons with whom the mer- chant deals upon trust, the conditions of bargains, the terms of payment, the quantity, quality, and prices of goods, with every thing that serves to make the record distinct, and nothing else. The waste book, if no subsid- iary books are kept, should contain a record of all the merchant's transactions and dealings in the way of trade; and that not only of such as are properly and purely mer- cantile, but of every occurrence that affects his stock, so as to impair or increase it, such as private expenses, ser- vants' fees, house rents, money gained, &c. The journal is the book in which the transactions re- corded in the waste book are prepared to be carried to the ledger, by having their proper debtors and creditors as- certained and pointed out: whence it may be observed that the great design of the journal is to prevent errors in the ledger: again, after the ledger is filled up, fhe journal fa- cilitates the work required in revising and correcting it; for first the waste book and journal are compared, and then the journal and ledger ; whereas to revise the ledger im- mediately from the waste book would be a matter of no less difficulty than to form it without the help of a journal: lastly, the journal is designed as a fair record ofa merchant's business, for neither of the other two books can serve this purpose; not the ledger, by reason ofthe order that obtains in it, and also on account of its brevity, being little more than a large index: nor can the waste book answer this design as it can neither be fair nor uniform, nor very accurate being commonly written by different hands, and in fimeof business. Hence it is that in case of differences between a merchant and his dealers, the journal is the book coin- monly called for and inspected by a civil judge. In the journal, persons and things are charged debtor! toother persons and things as creditors; and in this it agrees with the ledger, where the same style is used, but differs from it as to forms and order; so that it agrees wi(h the waste book in those very things where it differs from the ledger; and, on the other hand, it agrees with the latter, in the very point wherein it differs from the former; but in order to state tbe comparison betwixt the waste book and journal, we shall turn two or three examples of the waste book into a journal form. WASTE BOOK. July 1st. Bought of William Pope 40 yards of black cloth at 14s. per yard, pay-1 able in three months --.---. J Bought of James Sloan 100 yards of shalloon, at lOd. per yard. Whereof paid - - - - - - 02 00 00 Rest due, at two months - - - - - 02 03 04 4th. Sold William Pope four pipes of port wine, at 271. 10s. per pipe. I. s. d. Whereof received - - - - - - 55 00 00 Rest due, on demand .....55 00 00 JOURNAL. July 1st. Black Cloth Dr.fo William Pope, 28Z. For 40 yards, at 14s. per yard, payable in three months Shalloon Dr. to Sundries, 41. 3s. 4d. To cash paid in part for 100yards, at lOd. per yard To J. Sloan, for the rest, due at two months - /. s. d. 02 00 00 02 03 04 4th. Sundries Drs. to Port Wine, 110Z. /. 5. jm Cash, received in part for four pipes, at 271.10s. per pipe 55 00 00 William Pope, for the rest, on demand - - 55 00 00 /. 28 110 00 03 00 04 00 It may be here observed, that every case or example ofthe waste book, when entered into the journal, is call- ed a journal post or entrance; thus the examples above make three direct posts. Again, a post is either simple or complex: a simple post is that which has but one debtor, and one creditor, as the first of these above ; a complex post is either when one debtor is balanced by one or more creditors, asm the second post or when two or more debtors are bal- l 28 03 110 00 00 anced by one creditor, as in (he third post ; or when several debtors are balanced by several creditors, and then the post is said fo be complex in both terms. This being P|"e' mised, the following rules are to be observed for writing in tbe journal. 1. In a simple post, the debtor is to be expressly; men- tioned, (hen the creditor, and lastly tbe sum, all in one line; after which the narrative or reason of the entry,'* BOOK KEEPINGS one or more lines, as in the first of these three posts above. 2. In a complex post, the several debtors or creditors are expressed in the first line by themselves, with their respective sums subjoined to them ; which are to be added up, and their total carried to the money columns, as in the second and third posts 3. The debtors and creditors should be written in a large letter or text hand, both for ornament and distinc- tion. Before we proceed to explain the ledger, we shall pre- viously inquire into (he na(ure and use of (he (erms debt- or and creditor, as (he whole ar( of book keeping entire- ly depends on a true idea of those terms, the nature and use of which will be obvious from the following consider- ations : Accounts in the ledger consist of two parts, which in their own nature are directly opposed to and the reverse of one another, which are therefore set fronting one anoth- er, and on opposite sides of the same folio. Thus all the articles of the money received go to the left side of the cash account; and all the articles or sums laid out are carried to the right. In like manner (he purchase of goods is posted to the left side of (he accounts of the said goods, and the sale or disposal of them to the right. Transactions of trade, or cases of the waste book, are also made up of two parts, which belong to different ac- counts, and to opposite sides of the ledger, e.g. If goods are bought for ready money, the two parfs are the goods received and the money delivered ; the former of which goes to the left side of (he account of the said goods, and the latter to the right side of the cash account. The two parts in any case in the waste book, when post- ed to the journal, are denominated (he one the debtor, the other the creditor of that post; and when carried thence to (he ledger, the debtor or debtor part is entered upon the left side, hence called the debtor side, of its own ac- count, where it is charged debtor to (he creditor part. Again, the creditor or credifor part is posted to the right side or creditor side of its account, and made creditor by the debtor part. Hence Italian book keeping is said to be a method of keeping accounts by double entry, be- cause every single case ofthe waste book requires at least two entries in (he ledger, vis. one for the debtor and another for (he creditor. From what has been said it is evident that the terms debtor and creditor are nothing else but marks or charac- teristics stamped upon the different parts of transactions in the journal, expressing the relation of these parts to one another, and showing (o which side of (heir respective ac- counts in the ledger they are to be carried. Having thus far explained the meaning of the terms debtor and creditor, we shall now proceed to the ledger, or principal book of accounts. Ofthe ledger. The ledger is the principal book where- in all the several articles of each particular account that lie scattered in other books, according to Iheir dates, are collected and placed togelher in spaces allotted for them, in such a manner thai lhe opposite parfs of every account are directly set fronting one another, on opposite sides of the same folio. 47* The ledger's folios are divided into spaces for containing- the accounts, on the head of which are written the titles ofthe accounts, marked Dr.on the left hand page, and Cr. on the right; below which stand the articles, wifh fhe word To prefixed on the Dr. side, and the word By on the Cr. side; and upon the margin are recorded fhe dates of the articles, in two small columns allotted for that pur- pose. The money columns are the same as in other books ; before them stand the folio column, which con- tains figures directing to the folio where the corresponding ledger entrance of each article is made; for every thing is twice entered in the ledger, vis. on the Dr. side of one account, and again on the Cr. side of some other account; so that the figures mutually refer from the one to the other, and are of use in examining the ledger. Besides these columns, there must-be kept in all accounts, where number, measure, weight, or distinction of coins is considered, in- ner columns to insert the quantify ; and for the ready finding any account in the ledger, it has an alphabet or in- dex, wherein are written the titles of all accounts, wifh the number ofthe folio where they stand. How the ledger is filled up from the journal. 1. Turn to the index, and see whether the Dr. of the journal post, to be transported, is written there: if not, insert it under its proper letter, with the number of the folio to which it is to be carried. 2. Having distinguished the Dr. and the Cr. sides, as already directed, recording the dates, complete the entry in one line, by giving a short hint of the nature and terms of the transaction, carrying the sum to the money col- umns ; and inserting the quantity, if it is an account of goods, &c. in the inner columns, and the referring figure in the folio column. 3. Turn next to the creditor of the journal post, and proceed in the same manner with if, both in (he index and ledger; wi(h (his difference only, lhat the entry is to be made on the Cr. side, and the word By prefixed to if. 4. The post being thus entered in the ledger, return to the journal, and on lhe margin mark the folios of the ac- counts, with the folio of the Dr. above, and the folio of the Cr. below, and a small line between them thus f-. These marginal numbers of the journal, are a kind of in- dex to the ledger, and are of use in examining the books, and on other occasions. 5. In opening the accounts in the ledger, follow the order of the journal ; that is, beginning with (he first journal post, allow the first space in the ledger for (he Dr. of i(, (he next for lhe Cr. lhe Ihird for the Dr. of the following post, if it is not the same wifh some of those already opened, and so on till the whole journal be trans- ported : and supposing that, through inadvertency, some former space has been allowed too large, you are not to go back to subdivide it, in order to erect another account in its stead. Though these rules are formed for simple posts, where there is but one Dr. and one Cr. yet they may be easily applied to complex ones. As an example how arlicles are to be entered in the ledger, take fhe two accounts of Cash and Wil- liam Pope, so far as mentioned in the above waste book and journal. BOO JOURNAL. BOO 180b. Casti Dr. Fo. /. s. d. 1806. Contra Cr. Fo. I. s. d. July 4 To port wine re-ceived in part foi four pipes, at 271. 10s. per pipe. 6 55 00 00 July July 1 1 By shalloon, paid in part for 100 yards at lOd. per yard. 12 2 00 00 July 4 Wil.Pope, Dr. Contra Cr. To port wine, as per journal. 6 55 00 00 By black clofh, for 40 yards, at 14s. per yard. 3 28 00 00 Cash book. This is the most important of the auxilia- ry books. It is so called, because it contains, in debtor and creditor, all the cash that comes in, and goes out of, a merchant's stock ; the receipts on the debtor side; the persons of whom it was received, on what, and on whose account, and in what specie : and the payments on tbe creditor side; mentioning also the specie, the reasons of the payments, to whom, and for what account they are made. Book of debts or payments, is a book in which is writ- ten down the day on which all sums become due, either to be received or paid, by bills of exchange, notes of hand, merchandises bought or sold, or otherwise. By comparing receipts and payments, one may, in time, pro- vide the necessary funds for payments, by getting the bills, notes, &c. due to be paid, or by taking other pre- cautions. Book ofnumeros or wares. This book is kept in order to know easily all the merchandises that are lodged in the warehouse, those that are taken out of it, and those that remain therein. Book of Invoices. This book is kept to perserve fhe journal from erasures, which are unavoidable in drawing up the accounts of invoices of the several merchandises received, sent out, or sold; wherein one is obliged to en- ter very minute particulars. I( is also designed to ren- der those invoices easier to find than they can be in the waste book or journal. Book of accounts current. This book serves to draw up the accounts which are to be sent to correspondents, in order to settle them in concert, before they are balanc- ed in the ledger ; it is properly a duplicate of the ac- counts in the ledger which is kept to have recourse to occasionally. The other mercantile books generally in use are, the book of commissions, orders, or advices ; the book of ac- ceptances of bills of exchange ; the book of remittances ; the book of expenses; lhe copy book of letters; the book of postage ; the ship books ; and the book of work- men. To these may be added others, which depend on the greater or lesser accuracy of the merchants and bank- ers, and on the several kinds of trade carried on by par- ticular dealers. Books. By 8 Anne, c. 19. the author of any book, and his assigns, shall have the sole liberty of printing and reprinting the same for twenty-one years, to com- mence from the day of the first publication thereof, and no longer ; except that if the author be living at the ex- piration of the said term, the sole copyright shall return to him for other fourteen years; and if any other person shall print, or import, or shall sell or expose it to sale, he shall forfeit fhe same, and also one penny for every sheet thereof found in his possession. But this shall not ex- pose any person to the said forfeitures, unless the title thereof shall be entered in the register book of the com- pany of stationers. By 41 Geo. III. eleven copies of each book, on the best paper, shall, before publication, be delivered to the warehouse keeper of the company of stationers, for tbe use ofthe royal library, the libraries of the two universi- ties in England, the four universities in Scotland, tbe li- brary of Sion college, tbe library belonging to fhe college of advocates in Edinburgh, the library of Trinity college Dublin, and the king's inns Dublin, on pain of forfeiting the value thereof, and also 51. By stat. 34 Geo. III. c. 20. and 41 Geo. III. c. 107, persons importing for sale books first printed within the united kingdom, and reprinted in any other, such books shall be seized and forfeited ; and every person so expos- ing such books to sale, for every such offence shall forfeit the sum of 10/. The penalties not to extend to books not having been printed for twenty years. ^ By the act of union, 40 Geo. III. c. 67. all prohibi- tions and bounties on the export of articles, fhe produce and manufacture of either country, to the other shall cease; and a countervailing duty of two pence for every pound weight avoirdupois of books, bound or unbound, and of maps and prinls, imported into Great Britain, di- rectly from Ireland, or which shall be imported into Ire- land from Great Britain, is substituted. BOOM, in the sea language, a long piece of timber wifh which the clew of the studding sail is spread out J and somefimes the boom is used to spread or boom out tbe clew of the mainmast. The different kinds of booms have different names ac- cording to the purposes for which they are intended. B 0 R B O R Boom denotes also a cable stretched athwart the mouth of a i her or harbour; wilh yards, topmasts, battling, or spars of wood, lashed to it, to prevent an enemy's coming in. BOOMKIN, in sea -vinguage, a short bar of timber pro- jecting from each bow of a ship, to extend one edge of th« foresail to the windward ; for which purpose there is a large block fixed to its outer end, through which the rope is passed that is fastened to (he lower corner ofthe sail to windward, called (he tack ; and this being drawn tight down brings the corner of the sail close to (he block, which being performed, (he tack is said (o be aboard. The bootnkin is secured by a strong rope, which confines it downward (o (he ship's bow, to counteract the strain it bears from the foresail above, dragging it upward. BOOTES, a constellation ofthe northern hemisphere, consisting of 23 stars according to Ptolemy's catalogue, of 28 in Tycho's, of 34 in Bayer's, of 52 in Hevelius's, and of 45 in Mr. Flamsteed's catalogue. BOQUINIANS, in church history, a sect of heretics, so called from Boquinus their founder, who taught that Christ did not die for all mankind, but only for the faith- ful, and consequently was only a particular saviour. BORACIC acid. The word borax first occurs in the works of Geber, an Arabian chymist of the 10th century. It is a name given to a species of white salt much used by various artists. Its use in soldering metals appears to have been known to Agricola. Borax is found mixed with other substances in Thibet. It seems to exist in some lands adjacent to lakes, from which it is extracted by water, and deposited in those lakes; whence in summer, when the water is shallow, it is extracted and carried off in large lumps. Sometimes lhe water in these lakes is admitted into reservoirs ; at the boltom of which, when the water is exhaled by lhe sum- mer's heat, this salt is found. Hence it is carried to the East Indies, where it is in some measure purified and crys- talized ; in this state it comes to Europe, and is called tin- cal. In olher parts of Thibet, it seems, by accounts re- ceived from China, they dig it out of the ground at the depth of about two yards, where they find it in small crys- taline masses. Though borax has been in common use for nearly three centuries, it was only in 1702, that Homberg, by distilling a mixture of borax and green vitriol, discovered the boracic acid. He called it narcotic or sedative salt, from a notion of his that it possessed the properties indi- cated by these names. Lemery the younger soon after discovered, lhat it could likewise be obtained from bo- rax by means ofthe nitric and muriatic acids. Geoffroy afterward discovered, that borax contained soda; and at last Baron proved, by a number of experiments, lhat borax is composed of boracic acid and soda; and that it may be reproduced by combining these two substances. The easiest method of procuring boracic acid is the following: dissolve borax in hot water, and filtre the so- lution; then add sulphuric acid, by little and little, till the liquid has a sensibly acid tasfe. Lay it aside to cool, and a great number of small shining laminated crystals will form. These are fhe boracic acid. They are to be wash- ed with cold water, and drained upon brown paper. Boracic acid, thus procured, is in the form of thin hex- agonal scales, of a silvery whiteness, having some re- semblance to spermaceti, and the same kind of greasy feel. It has a sourish taste at first, (hen makes a bitterish cooling impression, and at last leaves an agreeable sweet- ness. It has no smell; but when sulphuric acid is poured on it, a (ransien( odour of musk is produced. It reddens vegetable blue3. Its specific gravity is 1.479, while in the form of scales; after it has been fused it is 1.803. It is not altered by lighf. It is perfectly fixed in the fire. At a red heat it melts, and is converted into a hard transparent glass ; which becomes somewhat opaque when exposed to the air, but does not attract moisture. It is much less soluble in water than any of the acids hitherto described. Boiling water scarcely dissolves 0.02 of bo- racic acid, and cold water a still smaller quantity. When this solution is distilled in close vessels, part of the acid evaporates along with the water, and crystalizes in the re- ceiver. Water, iherefore, renders it in some measure volatile, (hough it is perfectly fixed when in a state of dryness. Neither oxygen gas, the simple combustibles, the sim- ple incombustibles, nor the metals, produce any change upon boracic acid, as far as is at present known. It is sol- uble in alcohol; and alcohol containing it burns with a green flame. Paper dipped into a solution of boracic acid burns with a green flame. Though mixed with fine powder of charcoal, it is nev- ertheless capable of vitrification ; and with soot it melts into a black bitumen like mass, which is, however, soluble in water, and cannot be easily calcined to ashes, but sub- limes in part. With the assistance of a distilling heat it dissolves in oils, especially in mineral oils; and with these it yields fluid and solid products, which give a green colour lo spirit of wine. When boracic acid is rubbed with phosphorus, it does not prevent its inflammation ; but an earthy yellow matter is left behind. It is hardly capable of oxidizing or dissolving any of the metals except iron and zinc, and perhaps copper. Boracic acid combines with alkalies, alkaline earths, and alumina, and most of the metallic oxides, and forms com- pounds which are called borats. Sub-borat of soda, or common borax. See Borax. BORAGO, in botany, a genus of the pentandria mono- gynia class and order of plants, the flower of which con- sists of a single petal ofthe length ofthe cup, and divided into five segments : there is no pericarpium, but the cup grows larger and inflated ; and contains four seeds of a roundish figure, rugose, carinated outwardly from the point, globose at the base, and inserted into a hollow re- ceptacle. There are five species. The leaves of borage are accounted good in removing faintness; for which rea- son the tops are frequently put into wine and cool tankards. Boerhaave recommends the expressed juice in all inflamma- tory diseases. The flowers are one of the four cordial flowers. The only officinal preparation is lhe conserve of the flowers. BORASSUS, in botany, a genus of plants, of the dioe- cia hexandria class and order. The male and female flowers grow on separate plants, and give lhe plant such a different figure, that fhey are called by different names iu the Hortus Malabaricus ; the male being called ampana and the female carimpana. The male has for the cup of B O R B O R its flower the whole compound spatha, which is amenta- ceous and imbricated: the flower is divided into three segments, the petals being hollowed, and of an ovaffig- ure : the stamina are six thick filaments, and the antherse are thick and slriated. In the female, the cup is the same as in the male; but the petals of the flower, which is di- vided into three parfs, in the manner of the male, are very small, of a roundish figure, and remain when the pistil, &c. fall off. The germen of the pistil is roundish; the styles are three, and small, and the stigmata are small; the fruit is a roundish obtuse berry, ofa rigid structure, and containing only one cell; the seeds are (hree, and of an oval compressed figure. There is one species, a native of Ceylon. BORAX, or sub-borat of soda. This salt, according to Bergmann, is composed of 39 acid 17 soda 44 water 100. It is decomposed by the following salts, according to Fourcroy : 1 Sulphats of lime, ammonia, magnesia, gluci- na, alumina, zirconia. 2. Sulphats of ammonia, magnesia. 3. Nitrats of barytes, strontian, lime, ammonia, magnesia, glucina, alumina, zirconia. 4. Muriats of barytes, stron- tian, lime, ammonia, magnesia, glucina, alumina, zirconia. 5. Superphosphat of lime. 6. Phosphate of ammonia, mag- nesia, glucina, alumina, zirconia. 7. Filiate of barytes, strontian, magnesia, ammonia, glucina, alumina, zirconia. Borax is sometimes used in medicine as an astringent. It is used as a flux for metals, and enters into the compo- sition of some of the coloured glass pastes made in imita- tion of gems; but its great use is to facilitate the solder- ing ofthe more precious metals. It is employed also as a flux by mineralogists in essaying the properties of miner- als by the blow pipe. Borat of ammonia may be formed by saturating boracic acid with ammonia. It has scarcely been examined. Fourcroy affirms, that when its solution is evaporated, the ammonia is volatilized, and the acid crystalizes. Borat of alumina may be formed by mixing together the solutions of borat of soda and sulphat of alumina. It is said to be scarcely soluble in water, and not to crystalize. When boracic acid and silica are exposed to a strong heat, they melt together into a transparent glass. This compound has received the name of borat of silica. BORBONIA,a genus ofthe decandria order, and dia- delphia class of plants. The stigma is emarginated ; the calyx has pointed spines; and tbe legumen is pointed. There are six species, all natives of warm countries. They are a kind of broom ; and rise to the height of ten or twelve feet, but in Europe seldom above four or five. They are green house plants, and may be propagated by layers; but as these are generally two years before they put forth roots, (he best method is by seeds, which must be procured from their native places. BORBORITES, borboritoe, in church history, a sect of gnostics in the second century, who, besides embrac- ing the errors of these Christians, denied the last judg- ment. Their name comes from jBopGjw, filth, on account of a custom they had of daubing their faces and bodies with dirt and filth. BORDARII, a term mentioned'in the Doomsday in- quisition; tbey were distinct fiom the servi and villani, and were of a somewhat higher rank j having a bord, or cottage, with a small parcel of land allowed to them, on condition that they should supply the lord with poultry and eggs, and other small provisions for his board and en- tertainment. The same term is used to denote servants employed in fetching wood, drawing water, grinding corn cleaning yards, &c. by which they are distinguished from villani, employed in the tillage of lands. BORDURE, in heraldry, a cutting off from within the escutcheon all round it about one fifth of the field, serving as a difference in a coat of arms, to distinguish families of the same name, or persons bearing the same coat. If the line constituting the bordure is straight, and the bordure plain, then in blazoning you must only name the colour of the bordure. BOREAL signs, in astronomy, are the first six signs of the zodiac, or those northward of the equinoctial. BORECOLE. See Brassica. BORER, an implement invented for the purpose of searching or exploring the nature of soils. It is composed of two rods of iron, each about six feet long, and an inch in diameter, which screw into one another. By this instru- ment two men will easily sound the depth of twelve feet in less than a quarter of an hour, if they do not meet with many stones. Thus, without much charge, or any hazard, there is a certainty of discovering what earths are under the upper soil, and whether other substances lie conceal- ed there, such as marl, chalk, fullers' earlh, fossil shells, coals, quarries of slate or stone, oars, &c. BORING, in mineralogy, a method of piercing fhe earth by a set of scooping irons, made with joints so as to be lengthened at pleasure. The mineralogist can guess where a vein of oar may lie, though there are none of the common outward signs of it upon the surface of the earth, and in this case he has recourse to boring: the scooping irons are drawn back at proper times, and the samples of earth and mineral matters they bring up are examined, to know whether it will be worth while to open a mine in the place. Boring of water pipes. The method of boring water pipes is as follows. The poles of alder, which is a very useful wood in making pumps, water pipes, &c. being laid on horses or tressels of a foot in height, to rest the auger upon while they are boring, they set up a lathe to turn the least end of the poles, to fit them to the cavities of the great end of the others. They turn the small ends of the poles about five or six inches in length, to the size they intend to bore the larger ends about the same depth, vis. 5 or 6 inches. This is designed to make a joint to shut each pair of holes together; the concave part being the female part, and the other part the male, of the joint. In turning the male part they turn a channel in it, or a small groove at a certain distance from the end ; and in the female part, they bore a small hole to fit over this channel. This being done, they bore the poles through ; and fo pre- vent them from boring out at the side, they stick great nails at each end to be a guide in boring. It is usual, how- ever, to bore them at both ends ; so that if a pole is crook- ed one way, they can bore it through and not spoil it. The operation is now performed wifh a horse mill, afl at Dorset stairs, for the new river company. See Pipe boring. BOS BOS BOROUGH, Burrough, Borow, or Burgh, a cor- poration or town which is not a city. The word in its orig- inal signification meant a company consisting of ten fami- lies, which were bound together as each other's pledge. Afterward borough came to signify a town, having a wall or some kind of enclosure round it; and all places which formerly had the name of borough, it is said, were forti- fied, or fenced in some shape or other. The name is now particularly appropriated to such towns or villages as send burgesses or representatives to parliament, whether they are incorporated or not. They are distinguished into those by charter or statute, and those by prescription or custom. The number in England and Wales, including cities and cinque ports, which elect members, is 215 j some of which send one, and some two representatives. Royal Boroughs, in Scotland, are corporations made for the advantage of trade, by charters granted by several of (heir kings, having the privilege of sending commission- ers (o represen( (hem in parliament, besides other pecu- liar immunities. They form a body of themselves, and send commissioners each to an annual convention at Edinburgh, to consult the benefit of trade and their general interest. Borough English, a customary descent of lands or tenements, in certain places, by which they descend to the youngest instead of the eldest son ; or, if the owner has no issue, to the younger instead ofthe elder brother. This custom goes with the land, although (here be a devise or feoffment at the common law to the contrary. The rea- son of this custom, says Littleton, is because (he young- est is presumed, in law, to be least able to provide for himself. Borough head. See Headborough. BORRELLISTS, in church history, a Christian sect in Holland. They are a kind of anabaptists, but they have some very particular opinions. They reject the use of churches, of sacraments, public prayer, and all other external acts of worship. BORRERA, in botany, a genus of the class cryptoga- mia, order sichenes; of this there are four species, natives of America. 1. B. Ciliaris ; 2. B. Leucomela ; 3. B. Chry- sophthalma ; 4. B. Exilis. (a.) BORYA, in botany, a genus ofthe class dioecia, order diandria; the calyx four leaved, corolla none, drupa 1 sper- raa: there are three species ; vis. 1. B. Porulosa, a native of Florida. 2. B. Ligustrina, a native of Tennessee. 4. B. Accuminata, a native of Carolina and Georgia. BOS, in zoology, the ox, a genus of quadrupeds of the order of pecora. The generic character is, horns concave, turned outward, lunated, smooth; front teeth eight in the lower jaw; canine teeth none. 1st. The bison, from which (he several races of com- mon cattle have been gradually derived, is found wild in many parts both of (be old and new continents; inhabiting woody regions, and arriving at a size far larger than (hat of the domestic or cultivated animal. In this its native state of wildness, the bison is distinguished, not only by his size, but by the superior depth and shagginess of his hair; which about tbe head, neck, and shoulders, is some- times of such a length as almost to touch the ground : his horns are ra(her shor(, sharp pointed, extremely strong, and stand distant from each other at their bases, like those ofthe common bull. His colour is sometimes of a dark blackish brown, and sometimes rufous brown; his eyes large and fierce; his limbs extremely strong, and his whole aspect in degree savage and gloomy. See Plate X\ I. Nat. Hist. fig. 59. The principal European regions where this animal is at present found, are the marshy forests of Poland, lhe Car- pathian mountains, and Lithuania. Ils chief Asiatic resi- dence is the neighbourhood of mount Caucasus ; but it is also found in other parts of the Asiatic world. The American bison seems to differ in no respect from the European, except in being more shaggy, and having a more protuberant bunch or fleshy substance over the shoul- ders. It grows to a vast size, and has been found to weigh six- teen hundred, and even Iwo thousand four hundred pounds ; and the strongest man cannot lift one of the skins from (he ground. These were the only animals which bore any affinity to the European cattle, on the first discovery of the American continent; and might have been made to answer every purpose of the European cow ; but the natives, be- ing in a savage state, and living chiefly by chase, had nev- er attempted the domestication of the animal. 2d. Common ox. This is, in reality, the bison reduc- ed to a domestic state; in which, in different parts of the world, it runs into as many varieties as the sheep ; differ- ing widely in size, form, and colour, according to climate and olher circumstances. Its importance in this ils do- mestic state needs not be mentioned. Formerly the ox constituted the whole riches of mankind ; and he is still the basis of the wealth of nations, which subsist and flourish in proportion to tbe cultivation of their lands and the number of Iheir cattle. See Plate XVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 54, 55. The British breed of horned cattle has been so much improved by a foreign mixture, that it is difficult to point out the original kind of these islands. Those which may be supposed to have been purely British, are far inferior in size to those of the northern parts of the continent. The cattle of the highlands of Scotland are exceeding- ly small; and many of them, males as well as females, are hornless. The Welsh runts are much larger : (he black cattle of Cornwall are of the same size with the last. The large kind that is now cultivated throughout most parts of Great Britain, are either entirely of a for- eign extraction, or our own improved by a cross with the foreign kind. The Lincolnshire kind derive their size from the Holstein breed ; and the large hornless cat- tle that are bred in some parts of England came originally from Poland. 3d. Indian ox. This variety is found in many parts of India, also in the Indian and African islands, and particular- ly in Madagascar. It is of a reddish colour, of a very large size, and is distinguished by a very large protuberance above the shoulders. 4th. Zebu. This variety resembles the preceding, but is extremely small, being found in some parts of India of a size scarcely larger than a great dog. In colour it dif- fers like the common cattle; being either gray, brown while, &c. or variously spotted. See Plate XVI. Nat! Hist. fig. 60. 5th. Loose horned ox. This is said to be found in Abyssinia and Madagascar, and to be distinguished by BOS BOS pendulous ears, and horns attached only to the skin, so as to hang down on each side. 6. Bourj-. Of the size ofa camel, and ofa snowy white- ness, withaprofuberanceon the back. Native of Madagas- car, and some other islands, called by the name ofBoury. 7. Tinian ox. Of a white colour, with black ears. In» habits the island of Tinian. II. Bos Arnee. Ox with upright lunated horns, flat and wrinkled on their upper surface. This is an Indian species, known chiefly from its vast horns, which are sometimes seen in museums, and from In- dian paintings, in which it is occasionally represented. It is said to have been met wilh by a British officer, in the woods above Bengal, and fo have been about fourteen feet high, which is to be understood of the measure from the hoofs fo the fop of the horns. It partakes ofthe form of the horse, the bull, and the deer, and is a very bold and daring animal. III. Bos Babylus, or Buffalo, ox wilb horns lying back- ward, turning inward, and flat on the fore part. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 61. In its general appearance, the buffalo is so nearly allied to the common ox, that without an attentive examination it might pass for a variety of the same animal. It differs, however, in the form of its horns, and in some particulars relative to its internal structure. The buffalo is rather superior in size to the common ox, the head larger in pro- portion ; the forehead higher; the muzzle of a longer form, but at the same time broad and square. But it is principally the form of the horns that distinguishes the buffalo. They are large, and of a compressed or depress- ed! form, with the exterior edge sharp. The buffalo has an appearance of great strength, and a more ferocious or malignant aspect than the bull; owing to the convexity of his forehead, the smallness of his eyes, the flatness of his muzzle, and the flatter and more inclined position of his horns. The general or prevailing colour ofthe buffalo is blackish, except lhe hair on the top of lhe forehead, and that at the tip of the tail, which is of a yellowish white: the skin itself is also of a black colour; and from this general cast it is but very seldom observed to vary. As the buffalo in his domesticated state is, in general, larger and stronger than the ox, he is employed wilh ad- vantage in different kinds of labour. Buffaloes are made fo draw heavy loads, and are commonly directed and re- strained by means ofa ring passed through the nose. Two buffaloes yoked, or rather chained lo a cart, are able fo draw as much as four strong horses. As they carry their neck and head low, the whole weight of their body is em- ployed in drawing; and their mass much surpasses that of a labouring horse. In ifs babits the buffalo is much less cleanly than the ox; delighting to wallow in the mud; and, next to the hog, may be considered as the dirtiest of domesticated quadrupeds. His voice is deeper, more uncouth and hideous, than that of fhe bull. The milk of the female buffalo is said by some authors to be not so good as that of the cow; but il is more plentiful, and is used for the purposes of the dairy in the warmer regions. Italy is (he countey where buffaloes are at present most common in a domesticated state; being used, as in India, both for the dairy and for draught. The district of fhe Pontine marshes is fhe spot which may be considered as their principal station. In India (his animal is occasion- \y used for the saddle, as a substitute for the horse. The buffalo, like other animals of this* genus, admits 0f varieties as to size and figure. Of these the most ; en ark- able is the small naked Indian buffalo of Mr. Pennant, which is fhe size of a runt, with a nearly naked body,(hin- ly beset with bristly hair: the rump and thighs quite bare; the first being marked on each side with dusky stripes pointing downward, the last with two transverse stripes: the horns compressed sideways, taper, and sharp at the point. It is a native of India. Another variety, still smaller, is said to occur in (he mountains of the Celebes, which are full of caverns. This variety is of the size of a middling sheep, and is seen in small herds, very wild, and difficult to be taken; and even in confinement are so fierce, that Mr. Pennant records an instance of fourteen stags being destroyed in the space of a single night by one of these animals which was kept in the same paddock. IV. Bos Moschatus, or musk ox, having very long pendent hair, and horns (in the male approximated at the base) bending inward and downward, and outward at the tips. It is a native of North America, where it appears fobe a very local animal; being found first in the tract be- tween Churchill river and that of the Seals, on lhe west side of Hudson's bay ; and is very numerous between Ibe latitudes 66 and 73 north, which is as far as any tribes of Indians go. This animal is but of small size, being rather lower than the deer* but larger or thicker in body. The hair, in the male, is ofa dusky red colour, extremely fine, and so long as to trail on the ground, and renders the animal a seem- ingly shapeless mass, without distinction of head or fail: lhe legs are very short ; the shoulders rise into a lump, and the tail is very short, being a kind of stump of a few inches only, with very long hairs. Beneath Ike hair, on all parts of the animal, is an extremely fine cin- ereous wool, which is said to be more beaufiful than silk when manufactured into stockings and olher articles. The horns are closely united at the base, bending inward and downward ; but turning outward toward the tips, which are very sharp: near the base the horns are two feet in girth, but are only two feet long when measured along lhe cur- vature : the weight of a pair, separated from lhe head, is sometimes sixty pounds. The cow, or female, differs from lhe male in having the horns much smaller, and placed at the distance of nine inches from each other at lhe base. The general colour of the cow is black, except lhat fhe legs are whitish, and between lhe horns there is a bed of white hair intermixed with rust colour; a dusky mane, or elevated ridge of hair, runs along the back, and on the middle of the back is an oblong patch or bed of pure white. These creatures delight most in rocky and barren mountains, and seldom frequent (he wooded parte of tbe country, They run nimbly, and are very ac(ive in climb- ing (he rocks. Their flesh tastes very strongly of musk; and the heart in particular is said lo be so thoroughly im- pregnated with the flavour as to be scarcely eatable. The flesh, however, is supposed fo be very wholesome, and has been found a speedy restorative to sickly crews who have made it their food. V. Bos Grunniens, or Yak, having with cylindric horns curving outward, very long pendent hair, and ex- BOS BOT tremely villose horse like tail, is about the height of an English bull, which he resembles in the general figure of the body, head, and legs ; if is covered all over with a thick coat of long hair. The head is rather short, crown- ed with two smooth round horns, which, tapering from the roof upward, terminate in sharp points : ihey are arched inward, bending toward each olher, but near the extremi- ties are a little turned back. They are a very valuable property to the tribes of itinerant Tartars, called Duckba, who live in tents and tend them from place to place: they at the same time af- ford their herdsmen an easy mode of conveyance, a good covering, and wholesome subsistence. They are never employed in agriculture, but aie exlremely useful as beasts of burthen ; for they are strong, sure footed, and carry a great weight. Tenis and ropes are manufacJured of their hair; and amongst (he humbler ranks of herdsmen, caps *and jacke(s are made of (heir skins. Their (ails are es- teemed throughout the East, as far as luxury and parade have any influence on fhe manners of (he people. In In- dia no man of fashion ever goes ou(, or sits in form at home, without two chowrabadars, or brushers, attending him, each furnished with one of these tails mounted on silver or ivory handles, to brush away the flies. The Chinese dye them of a beautiful red, and wear them as tufts to their summer bonnets. The yak is the most fearful of animals, and very swift; but when chased by men or dogs, and finding itself nearly overtaken, it will face its pursuers, and hide its hind parts in some bush, and wait for them ; imagining that if it could conceal its tail, which was (he object they were in search of, it would escape unhurt. VI. Bos Caffer, or cape ox, having the horns very broad at the base, then spreading downward, next upward, and at the tips curving inward; inhabits the interior parts of Africa, north of lhe cape of Good Hope, and is greatly superior in size to the largest English ox. It is ofa very strong and muscular form, wit ha fierce and malevolent aspect. Its colour is a deep cinereous brown : the hair on the body is rather short, but that on the head and breast very long, coarse, and black, hanging down the dewlap, like that ofa bison : from the hind part of the head (o lhe middle of the back is also a loose black mane: the tail is nearly naked at the base ; the remainder being covered with long loose hair. These animals are found in large herds in the desert parts beyond the Cape; and if met in the narrow parts of woods, are extremely dangerous, rushing suddenly on the traveller, goring and trampling both man and horse under foot. It is also said that they will often strip off the skin of such animals as they have killed, by licking them wilh their rough tongues, as recorded by some of lhe ancient authors of the bison. The urcus is lhe same animal wifh the common bull in its natural and wild state. See Plate Nat. Hist. fig. 5ft. See also figs. 56, and 57. BOSCOI, or Bosci, a (ribe of monks in Palestine, who fed on grass like the beasfs ofthe field. They are rank- ed among lhe number of Adamites, on account of the little care fhey took about provision; when (hey were hungrv, they went info the fields, each wifh his knife in his hand, and ealhered and ate what (hey could find. BOSE.A, golden rod trkk: a genus of the digynia order, and pentandria class of plants; and in the natural vol. i. 48 method ranking under the 53d order, scabridse. The calyx is pentaphyllous ; there is no corolla, and (he berry is monospermous. Of this genus there is but one spe- cies, vis. Bosea yervamora. It is a native of the Canary and Caribbee islands, and has been long an inhabitant of the British botanic gardens. It is a pretty strong woody shrub, growing with a stem as large as a man's leg. It may be propagated by cutlings planted in spring; and the plants must be housed in winter. BOSS, among bricklayers, denotes a wooden utensil in which lhe mortar used in tiling is to be put. It has an iron hook by which it may be hung on the laths or on the ladder. BOSSAGE, in architecture, a term used for any stone that has a projecture, and is laid rough in a building to be afterward carved inlo mouldings, capitals, coafs of aims. It is also that which is otherwise called rustic work, and consists of stones which advance beyond the naked or lev- el ofthe building, by reason of indentures or channels left in the joinings. BOSSIACA heterophylla, in botany, a plant ofthe di- adelphia, decandria class and order; the calyx is two lip- ped, heart shaped; carina two petals; a shrub, native of New Holland. (6.) BOSTANGIS, in the Turkish affairs, persons employ- ed in the garden ofthe seraglio, out of whose number are collected those who are to row in the grand seignior's brig- anfines. BOSTRYCHITES lapis, a name given to a sfone supposed fo contain women's hair included in it. Soma have understood by it those pieces of crystal which have accidental foulness in them resembling hair; others call by this name those German agates which contain ei- ther the confervae or other capillary water plants. It is also a name given to a species of pyrites, the irradiations of which were supposed to imitate hair. BOTANY, from Bot«v»j, Greek, an herb or plant, former- ly implied a knowledge ofthe nature, uses, and cultiva- tion of plants. In our accounts of the different genera, we have endeavoured to combine these three objects. But as a modern science, botany chiefly applies to the classifi- cation of plants ; or that systematic arrangement by which, from general marks or characters, fhe botanist is enabled, first to trace lhe class, next the order, then the genus, and last of all lhe species, to which any plant he meets with belongs. Various systems have been invented for the classifica- tion ofthe vegetable Iribes ; but that of Linnseus, as the simplest and most decisive, has superseded them all. It is founded on fhe sexual system, or that which supposes all plants to have male and female parts of generation ; a sys- tem which Ihere is every reason lo believe physiologically true, but which in that view will be more properly treat- ed of under the article Phvsiology of Plants. Sect. I. Of the parts of plants. The principal outlines ofa plant are thus delineated by Linnaeus: A plant consists ofa root, trunk, leaves, props, fructifi- cation, and inflorescence, to which may be added the habit. I. The root consists of two parts, lis. the caudex and BOTANY. (he radicula, distinguished according to shape, direction, duration, &c. 1. Caudex, the stump, is the body or knob of tbe root, from which the trunk and branches ascend, and the fibrous roots descend, and in different plants is either solid, bul- bous, or tuberous. Solid,*as in trees, shrubs, and many of fhe herbs. Bulbous is explained under Hyrernacu- lum. Tuberous knobs are also solid and hard, containing one or more embryos or eyes. They are either only one knob, as turnip, carrot, &c. containing only one eye at the top ; or consist of many knobs connected together by slender fibres, as in potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, &c. each containing many eyes dispersed over the surface; and are either pitted, when the eyes lie inward, as in po- tatoes, &c. or tuberculated, containing the eyes outward, as in Jerusalem artichokes, &c. In tuberous knobs, tbe fibres or stringy parts issue from every part of the surface, which is an essential difference from bulbous knobs, where they are confined to the caudex of the bulb only, and are the true and genuine roots, the bulb itself being only a large bud under ground. Those tuberous knobs with only one eye, differ as to duration, but are in general biennial; those wifh many eyes are perennial; both seem to be pro- duced by the nutriment ofthe stemlike buds, and not by the fibrous roots, for the stem is first formed and becomes strong, and as it grows to maturity, tbe tuberous knobs in- crease. 2. Radicula, a little root, is the string or fibrous part of the root, descending from the caudex: it is really the prin- cipal and essential part of every root, and by which the nourishment is drawn from the earth for the support ofthe plant. II. The trunk rises immediately from the caudex ; and produces the leaves, flowers and fruit. It is either herbaceous, shrubby, or arborescent; and is distinguish- ed according to its shape, substance, surface, &c. as fol- lows : 1. Caulis, a stalk or stem, is the main trunk which ele- vates the leaves and fructification, and is applied to trees, shrubs, and herbs. It is denominated simple when it does not divide, and compound when it is divided into branches. 2. Culmus, a straw or haulm, is the proper trunk of grasses, and also elevates both the leaves and fructifica- tion. It is sometimes jointed, and sometimes not: it is also sometimes round and sometimes angular. 3. Scapus, a stalk, is an herbaceous trunk which elevates the fructification, but not the leaves; that is, it is a stalk proceeding immediately from the root, and terminated by the flowers, as in narcissus, hyacinth, &c. 4. Stipes, a trunk, used by Linnaeus for the trunk of mushrooms, as also for that slender thread or footstalk which elevates the feathery or hairy down wifh which some seeds are furnished, and connects it with the seed. III. The leaves are either simple or compound, and are distinguished by tbeir figure, situation, insertion, number, divisions, &c. 1. A simple leaf is such as adheres to fhe branch singly, or whose footstalk is terminated by a single expansion, not parted to the middle rib, and is determined by i(s shape, surface, and div isions. 2. A compound leaf is such whose footstalk is furnished wifh several separate simple expansions, or whose divi- sions extend to the middle rib, now called a common peti- ole or footstalk, supporting several lobes or little simple leaves, of which the compound leaf consists. They are distinguished by shape, &c. and the form by which (hey are attached to the common footsalk, as palmated, winged, feathered, &c. Sometimes leaves are twice or more coin- pounded, which divisions admit of many modifications, and give rise lo as great variety of terms. It may sometimes be difficult, at first sight, to know a common footstalk (oa compound leaf from a branch; but a common footstalk where it issues from the branch, is either flat or hollow on one side, and convex on the olher; whereas branches are alike on both sides, whether round, flat, or angular: again, buds are never found at the angles formed by the lobes of a compound leaf with the footstalk, but at the angles formed by the footstalk of the whole compound leaf and the stem; and it may always be certainly distinguished by its falling off wilh the little leaves which it supports. The manner or place in which leaves are attached to the plant, is called the determination of leaves, and is distinguished by several terms, according to number, disposition, inser- tion, figure, &c. For the different kinds of leaves, see Plates XVII, XVIII, XIX. Botany. IV. The props, fulcra, a term used to express those ex- ternal parts which strengthen, support, or defend, the plants on which they are found, or serve to facilitate some necessary secretion, are as follow : 1. Petiolus, the footstalk or support ofa leaf. 2. Pedunculus, the footstalk or support of a flower. 3. Stipula, haulm or husk, a sort of scale or small leaf stationed on most plants, when present, on each side the base of the footstalk of leaves and flowers, at the first ap- pearance, for the purpose of support. They are placed either single or double, and sometimes on the inside, as in the fig and mulberry; or on the outside, as in the birch, lime, and papilionaceous flowers. They are also either sitting, extended downward, or sheathing along the stem, as in the plane tree. As to duration, they sometime! fall before the leaves, and sometimes are equally persistent. They often afford a good distinction for the species. 4. Cirrhus, a clasper or tendril, is the fine spiral string or fibre by which plants fasten themselves to some other body for support. They are sometimes placed opposite fo the leaves; sometimes at the side of the footstalks of lhe leaves; sometimes they issue from the leaves themselves ; and sometimes they put out roots, as in ivy, &c. 5. Pubes, a term applied to the hair, down, wool, beard, bristles, glands, and several other appearances on different parts of plants, serving (he double purpose of defence and vessels of secretion. 6. Arma, the defensive weapons of plants, as thorns, prickles, Sec. 7. Bractea?, the floral leaves, mean not only (hose leaves situated on the stalk nearest to the lower parts of the flow- er, but those which sometimes terminate (he flower stalk, being composed of large bractese, resembling a bush ofhair. They are then called bractese comosne, as in crown imperi- al, lavender, and some species of sage. V. The fructification, or mode of fruit bearing, consists of tbe calyx, corolla, stamina, pislilium, pericarpium, sein- ina, and receptaculum, which are afterward explained. BOTANY. VI. The inflorescence, or mode by which flowers are joined (o (heir several peduncles, whether common or partial. i. A flower, in the sexual system, has a very different signification from (he same (erm of former botanists; for if the antherae and stigma are pre3en(, though the calyx, corolla, filaments of the stamina, and style of the pistillum, be wanting, it is still a flower; and if all the parts are present, H is a complete flower. The seed also constitutes the fruit, whether there is a pericarpium or not. ii. Complete flowers are either simple or aggregate ; sim- ple, when no part of the fructification is common lo many flowers or florets, but is confined to one only; aggregate, when the flower consists of many florets collected into a bead, by means of some part ofthe fructification common to them all, as by a common receptacle, or common calyx ; as in dipsacus, scabiosa, &c. From the different structure, disposition, and other circumstances of the receptacle or calyx, being (he only part common (o aggregate flowers, arise seven subdivisions. 1. Aggregate flowers, properly so called, are formed by the union of several lesser flowers, placed on partial peduncles on a common dilated receptacle, and within a common perianthium; and in Ihose flowers where each floret has its proper calyx, that is also a perianthium. A flower is said (o be radiate, when (he florets in (he radius or circumference differ from those in (he disk; in which case tbey are generally larger, and are called semiflorets, from their difference in form, and in distinction from (hose ef (he disk, which are called proper florets ; and they also differ as to sex, which gives rise to several of the orders in (he class syngenesia, which contains the com- pound flowers. 2. Compound aggregate flowers consist also of several florets, placed sitting,or withou( partial peduncles, on a common dilated receptacle, and within a common perian- thium ; and where each floret has its proper calyx, it is also a perianthium. Compound flowers also admit of a further description, vis. each floret consists of a single petal, with generally five divisions, and having five stami- na distinct at (he base, bu( united at the top by (he anthe- rae into a cylinder, through which passes the style ofthe pistillum, longer than the stamina, and crowned by a stig- ma with two divisions rolled backward, and having a sin- gle seed placed upon the receptacle under each floret. This is the general character of a compound flower, (o which (hereare a few exceptions; it also differs when the flower is radiate; but lhe essential character of a regular floret consists in theantherre being united so as to form a cylinder, and having a single seed placed upon the recep- tacle under each floret. 3. Umbellate aggregate are when (he flower consists of many florete placed on lastigiate peduncles proceeding from lhe same stem or receptacle, and which, though of different lengths, rise to such a height as to form a regular head or umbel, whether flat, convex, or concave. Both -the common and partial calyx Linnaus calls an involu- crum. It is called a simple umbel when it has no lesser divisions; a compound umbel when each peduncle is sub- divided at its extremity into many lesser peduncles for supporting (he flowers, so as to form several little umbel- las, uniting in one head : the whole together is called an 48* universal umbel, and lhe little umbellas are called partial umbels. In some genera that have radiated umbels, lhe florets ofthe centre and those of the circumference differ both as to sex and size ; but in general each have five petals, five stamina, and two styles; or one lhat is bifid, wilh a germen placed beneath, and two naked seeds, which when ripe, separate below, but remain connected at the top. 4. Cymous aggregate, from cyma, a sprout, called by Linnseus a receptacle, is when several fastigiate peduncles proceed from the same centre like the umbel, and rise to nearly an even height; but unlike tbe umbel, the seconda- ry or partial peduncles proceed without any regular order. as in sambucus, viburnum, &c. 5. Amentaceous aggregate are such flowers as have a long common receptacle, along which are disposed squama or scales, which form that sort of calyx called amentum, or catkin, as in corylus, pinus, juglans, Sec. Amentaceous flowers generally want the petals, and all of them are of the classes monoecia and dioecia. 6. Glumose aggregate are such flowers as proceed from a common husky calyx belonging to grasses, called gluma ; many of which are placed on a common receptacle called rachis, collecting the florets into tbe spike, as triticum, hor- deum, secale, lolium, &c. 7. Spadiceous aggregate are also such flowers as have a common receptacle protruded from within a common ca- lyx, called spatha, along which are disposed several flo- rets. Such a receptacle is called spadix; and is either branched, as in phoenix, or simple, as in narcissus, &c. In this last case, the florets may be disposed either all round it, as in calla, dracontium, pothos, &c. on the lower side of it, as in arum, &c. or in two sides, as in zostera, &c. These flowers have generally no partial calyx. Under the head of inflorescence might also be mentioned the sexes of plants. There are, besides fhe above, sever- al other modes of flowering, properly so called, that come under the general term inflorescence, and often afford lhe best marks to discriminate the species. They are chiefly expressed as follows: 1. Verticillus, a whorl, when (he flowers are placed in whorls at each joint round the common stalk: they have very short partial peduncles, are all ofthe Iabiated kind, and have either two or four stamina, and four naked seeds, as in salvia, marubium, mentha, &c. A verticil has several distinctions, as naked, bracted, &c. and all (hose genera with four stamina are of the class didynamia, as is seen in mini, tbyine, &c. 2. Capitulum, a little head, is when many flowers are connected into nearly a globular form or head, on (he sum- mit of the common stalk, sometimes with and sometimes without partial peduncles, as in gomphrena, &c. and is dis- tinguished by its shape and other circumstances. Under capitulum is now introduced the term fasciculus, a little bundle, which was formerly considered as di>tinc(. It means when the peduncles are erec(, parallel, approaching each other, and raised to (he same height, as in sweetwil- liam, where (hey generally proceed from different parts of the common stalk opposite (o each other. 3. Spica, a spike, is when (he flowers, having no par- tial peduncles, are arranged alternately around a common simple peduncle. It is called spica secunda, a single BOTANY. rowed spike, when the flowers are all turned one way, fol- lowing each other ; and spica distioha, a double rowed spike, when the flowers stand pointing two ways, as in Io- liura, &c. and it is distinguished by shape and other cir- cumstances. 4. Corymbus, a cluster of ivy berries, when the lesser peduncles of the flowers proceed from different parts of the common peduncle or stalk; and though of unequal lengths, and sometimes single, sometimes branched, yet form a regular surface at the top, as in the siliquose plants. The corymbus may be supposed (o be formed from a spike, by adding partial peduncles to the flowers, and seems to be the mean between the racemus and umbella, the peduncles rising gradually from different parfs of the common stalk, like those of lhe raceme, and proceeding to a proportionable height like those of the umbel. 5. Thyrsus, a young stalk, a mode of flowering resem- bling the cone of a pine. Linnseus defines it a panicle con- tracted into an ovate or egg shaped form ; the lower pedun- cles, which are longer, horizontally ; and the upper, which are shorter, mount vertically, as syringa, &c Racemus, a bunch of grapes, is when the flowers are placed on short partial peduncles, proceeding as little lat- eral branches from and along the common peduncle. It resembles a spike in having the flowers placed along a common peduncle, but differs from it in having partial pe- duncles : it also differs from a corymbus in the shortness and equal length of its peduncles, not forming a regular surface at the top, as in ribes rubrum, vitis, &c. 6. Panicula, the tuft upon reeds, is when lhe flowers are dispersed upon peduncles variously subdivided ; or it is a sort of branching spike, composed of several smaller spikes, attached along a common peduncle, as in avena, panicum, and several other grasses, and many of her plants. When the partial peduncles diverge and hang loose, it is called a diffuse, and when they converge, it is called a close, panicle. 7. Axillares, such flowers as proceed from the angle formed by the leaf and the stem, as is most common. 8. Terminates, such flowers as terminate the stalk or branch. Every other mode of flowering is called the in- florescence, whether opposite to the leaves, lateral, single, double, erect, bending, &c. Luxuriant, or double flowers, are considered only as varieties. A luxuriant fl iwer is supposed generally to be owing to superabundant nourishment; the luxuriant part i? generally the corolla, but sometimes the calyx also. There are three degrees of luxuriant flowers, vis. 1. mul- tiplicatus ; 2. plenus ; and 3. prolifer. 1. Flos multiplicatus is when the petals ofthe corolla are only so far multiplied as to exclude part of the stami- na ; and is called duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate, &c. according to the number of rows of petals. 2. Flos plenus is when the corolla is so much multiplied as to exclude all the stamina, which is occasioned by the stamina turning petals, and the flower is often so crowded as to exclude or choke the pistillum also. Therefore, as the essential parts of generation are thus wholly or in part destroyed, the plants become barren and imperfect, and no seed, or very little, can be expected from them. Flow- ers wifh one petal are not very subject lo fulness; when they are, i( generally arises from an increase of (he divi- sions of the petal. It is most usual in flowers of many pet- als, where it arises various ways ; somelimes by multipli- cation of the petals only, sometimes of lhe calyx or nec- tarium, and sometimes "of all. Compound flowers are also subject to luxuriance, arising several ways. 3. Flos prolifer is when one flower grows out of anoth- er ; this generally happens in full flowers, from their great- er luxuriancy. In simple flowers it rises from the centre and proceeds from the pistillum, shooting up into another flower, standing on a single footstalk. In aggregate flow- ers, properly so called, many footstalked flowers are pro- duced out of one common calyx. In umbellate flowers a second umbel proceeds from the centre ofthe first umbel producing Utile umbels, which by a greater exertion of luxuriancy, may produce others with little umbels, and thus may produce several heads of flowers, each growing out of that immediately below it, furnished wilh little um- bels variously compounded. A prolific flower is also call. ed leafy, frondosus, when it produces branches with flow- ers and leaves ; which, though rare, sometimes happens in rosa, anemone, monarda, and others. As in luxuriant flowers many parts ofthe natural character are deficient in the whole, or in any part, they can only be distinguish- ed by lhe general habit, and by such parts as remain in the natural stale ; as very often by the calyx, and in the polypetalous flowers, the lowest series or rows of petals remain the same, as in rosa, papaver, nigella, &c. 4. Flos mutilatus is fhe opposite imperfection, being such a flower as occasionally is deprived of all, or the greatest part of the petals, yet bears seeds, as in some species of tussilago, campanula, &c. This term is oppos- ed to luxuriance, and is supposed by Linnaeus to be caus- ed by a defect of heat, though it may also happen from other causes. VII. The habit of plants, by which ancient botanists meant the whole external appearance of every part, where- by they were arranged in their several systems, is by Lin- nreus applied to the agreement of plants of the same genus, or natural order, chiefly in the following circumstances: 1. Gemmation. The structure and disposition ofthe bulb ; as solid, coated, scaly, stem. Also of lhe bud; its origin petioled, stipuled, cortical; ifs contents leafy, floral, common. 2. Vernation. The complication of the leaves within the bud, as conduplicate or doubled together ; convolute or rolled together; involute or rolled in ; revolule or roll- ed back ; imbricated or tiled ; equitant or riding ; obvo- lute or rolled against each other; plaited or folded over; spiral or coiled like a watch spring, one end in tbe centre. 3. ^Estivation. The state of the bud in summer, as convolute, imbricated, conduplicate, valved, unequally valved. 4. Tortion. The twisting or bending of the parts, as uniform, dissimilar, from the right, from the left, recipro- cal, resupine, spiral. 5. Nuptials. Male,female, androgynous, hermaphrodite. 6. Semination. The shape and other circumstances ofthe seed, as tail, wing, luff, awn, hooks, gluten, curva- ture. Also of the pericarpium; as berrying, inflation, viscosity, elasticity, structure. 7. Placeutation. The number and disposition of the cotyledons; or if wanting. 8. Variation. Of colour, size, pubescence, age. 1« External ; plaited, bundled, broad leaved, curled, awn- BOTANY. less. 2. Internal: mutilated, great flowered, luxuriant, crested, viviparous, bulb bearing. By variation or varie- ty, are meant such differences as are only incidental to vegetables, and are not found constant and unchangeable ; that is, where plants raised from the same seed, by some accidental cause differ in their form and appearance from the true character of the species to which they belong; which cause being removed, (be plant is restored to its true specific character; and these incidental varieties chiefly arise by difference of soil or culture in some of the above circumstances. And though it is as necessary to collect varieties under (heir proper species, as (he spe- cies under their proper genera, yet it is often more diffi- cult: 1st, from the difficulty of ascertaining the genus, and, 2dly, from the danger of confounding the species; and sometimes some parts of lhe specific character itself are also subject to variety, particularly the leaves; though in general tbe true specific character is constant and unchangeable, arising only from circumstances in which plants of (he same genus are found to disagree, which dis- tinctions are commonly taken with most certainly from the parts explained in this section. VIII. The hybernaculum, winter lodgement, is that part of a plant which defends the embryo or future shoot from external injuries during the winter, and is either a bulb or a bud. i. A bulb, bulbus, is a large sort of bud produced un- der ground, placed upon the caudex of certain herbace- ous plants, hence called bulbous plants, all of which are perennial, that is, perpetuated by their bulbs or ground buds, as well as by seeds; they are therefore improperly called roots, being only the hybernacle of the future shoot. Bulbs are of the following sorts : 1. Squamous, consisting of scales laid over each other like tiles, as in the lily. 2. Solid, consisting of a close substance, as in tulips. 3. Coated, consisting of many coats infolding each other, as in onions. 4. Cauline, produced not only from the sides of lhe principal bulb, called a sucker or offset, but from other parts of the stem ; as in crow or wild garlic, and in some species of onion, hence called bulbiferous, where they are produced at the origin of the umbel of flowers. ii. A bud, gemma, is the embryo of lhe plant, seated upon (he stem of the branches, covered with scales. In general there are three sorts of buds : that containing the flower only, as in poplar, ash, &c. where the leaf buds and flower buds are distinct ; that containing the leaves only, as in birch, &c. and that containing both flower and leaves, as in (he generally of plants ; and these las( some- times contain leaves and male flowers, sometimes leaves and female flowers, sometimes leaves and hermaphrodite flowers. Annual plants are only renewed from seeds ; and several other plants, both trees aud shrubs, have no winter buds. It is also observed in bot countries, that few plants have buds ; or al least that they are without that scaly covering which seems essential to a bud, and constitutes the hybernacle; instead whereof are protruded small feath- er like branches from the wings of the leaves, defence and protection from cold not being necessary ; whereas in cold countries most plants have buds, which are wrapped up all the winter, in readiness fo greet the approaching spring. Analogous to (he protection afforded by the buds, is the sleep of plants, which, according lo Linnaeus, happens various ways; as by converging, including, surrounding, fortifying, conduplicating, involving, diverging, depending, inverting, imbricating. This disposition in plants is very remarkable in chickweed, pimpernel), dandelion, goat's beard, &c. which expand their flowers only at certain times of (he day, and shut (hem up al the approach of night or a storm; from which may be prognosticated a change of weather. In many plants, not only the flow- ers, but the young shoots, are defended from external in- juries by the nearest leaves converging and enclosing the tender rudiments. Thus we have delineated the princi- pal outlines of plants; but a more particular description of those parts which serve chiefly lo characterize the dif- ferent classes, orders, genera, and species, will be given in the following sections, particularly Sect. II. Of the classes of plants. The flowers of plants Linnseus very properly made the sole foundation of his beautiful system of botany. Being the same iu all parts of the globe capable of pro- ducing plants, the classification founded upon them af- fords a kind of universal language, so to speak, to bot- anists, whereby they can no longer mistake each other's meaning, as has unfortunately been lhe case, less or more, with almost all former botanical systems. Flowers, in respect of sex, are distinguished into male, female, hermaphrodite, and neuter. Male flowers are such as have only the stamina, as in the classes monoecia, dioe- cia, and polygamia. Female flowers are such as have on- ly the pistil la, as in the same classes. Hermaphrodite flowers are such as have bolh the stamina and pistilia in the same flower, as in almost all the other classes: her- maphrodites are also distinguished into male hermaphro- dites, when the female is ineffectual; and female hermaphro- dites, when the male is ineffectual. Neuter flowers are such as have neither stamina nor pistilla perfect. The plants themselves also take a denomination from the sex of their flowers. Male plants are such as bear male flowers only ; female plants bear female flowers only ; hermaphrodite plants bear hermaphrodite flowers only. Androgynous plants are such as bear male and female flowers, distinct upon the same root, as in the class monoe- cia. Polygamous plants are such as bear hermaphrodite flowers, and male or female flowers, or both distinct, on the same or on different roots. When on the same root, the flowers are either male her- maphrodites and female hermaphrodites ; or hermaphro- dites and male; or hermaphrodites and female, distinct : if on different roots, the flowers are either hermaphrodites and male; hermaphrodites and female; hermaphrodites and both male and female; or are androgynous and male • and sometimes androgynous and male and female on three distinct plants. TABLE OF THE CLASSES. 1. Monandria, i.e. one male or stamen in an hermaph- rodite flower. 2. Diandria, i.e. two stamina, 3. Triandria, —three dilto. 4. Tetrandria, — four ditto. 5. Pentandria,— five ditto. 6. Hexandria,-— six ditto. BOTANY. 7. Heptandria, i.e. seven ditto. 3. Octandria, —• eight ditto. 9. Enneandria, — nine ditto. 10. Decandria, — ten ditto. * 11. Dodecandria,— twelve ditto. 12. Icosandria, — twenty or more ditto, inserted into the calyx. 13. Polyandria, i.e. all above twenty stamina inserted into the receptacle. 14. Didynamia, i.e. four stamina, two long and two short. 15. Tetradynamia, i.e. six stamina, four long and two short. 16. Monadelphia, the stamina united into one body by the filaments. 17. Diadelphia, the stamina united into two bodies by the filaments. 18. Polyadelphia, the stamina united into three or more bodies by the filaments. 19. Syngenesia, the stamina united in a cylindrical form by the antherae. 20. Gynandria, the stamina inserted into the pistil- lum. 21. Monoecia, male and female flowers distinct, in the same plant. 22. Dioecia, males and females in different plants, of the same species. 23. Polygamia, male, female, and hermaphrodite flow- ers in the same or different plants. 24. Cryptogamia, the flowers invisible, so that they cannot be ranked according to the parts of fructification, or distinctly described. These 24 classes comprehend every known genus and species. It is easy to class a plant belonging to any ofthe first 11 classes, as they all depend on the number of stam- ina, without regard to any other circumstance: only it is to be observed that the 11th class, dodecandria, al- though its title is expressive of 12 stamina only, consists of such plants as are furnished with any number of stami- na from 11 to 19 inclusive. The reason of the chasm in the classes from 10 to 12 stamina, is, that no flowers have yet been found with only 11, so as to form a class. The reseda indeed has sometimes 11, but often more; and those of the brownea are united below, which brings it un- der monadelphia. The 12th class requires more attention. When fhe stamina amount to above 20, a young botanist will be apt to imagine that the plant belongs to the polyandria class. In reducing plants of this kind to their classes, particular regard must be had to the insertion of the stamina. If they are inserted into the calyx, the plant belongs to the icosandria class ; if into the receptacle, it belongs to the polyandria. This distinction it is very necessary to ob- serve, as the fruits of the latter class are frequently poi- sonous. The 14th class is likewise in danger of being confound- ed with the 4th, the number of stamina being the same ; but in the 14th, two of them are uniformly much shorter than the other two ; at the same time each particular stamen be- longing to the different pairs stands directly opposite to one another. The plants of this class are all labiate, or gaping blossoms, as in the snapdragon, foxglove, ground ivy, &c. The 15th class may be mistaken for the 6th, as they con- sist of the same number of stamina ; but in the 15th, four of them are uniformly longer than the other two, and these two are always opposite to each other. The plants of this class are all cruciform; that is, four petalled, like a cross as in the cabbage, wall flower, &c. In the 16th class, the stamina are united below, but dig. tinct above. The pistilla are also united below in one sub- stance with the receptacle, which is prominent in tbe cen« tre, but divided above into as many threads as there are germina. In the 17th class, the corolla is papilionaceous, butterfly shaped, and the petals are expressed by distinct names j vis. vexillum, the uppermost, which covers the rest; als?, the two at each side ofthe flower; and carina, the lowest, which is often bipartite, and placed between the ale, The antherse are most frequently 10, one on the upper filament, and nine on the lower. The pistillum grown out of the receptacle within the calyx. See the common pea. The 19th class consists of plants whose flowers are composed of a great number of small flowers, enclosed in one common calyx, and therefore styled compound flowers. The whole compound flower in its aggregate state is styled flosculose, because composed of these flos- culi or florets. The essence of a flosculose flower con- sists in having the antherse united in a cylinder, and a sin- gle seed below the receptacle ofthe floret. In the 20th class, the stamina grow either upon the pistillum, or upon a receptacle that stretches out in the form of a stylus, and supports both the stamina and the pistillum. The other classes are sufficiently distinguish- ed in the table. Sect. III. Of the orders of plants. The orders are inferior divisions, which lead us a step nearer the genus. In the first 13 classes they are taken from the female parts, in the same manner as the classes from the male; and named monogynia, digynia, trigynia, tetragynia, &c. t.e. one, two, three, four, &c. pistilla, or female parts. When the pistils have no stalk or filament like the stamina, they are numbered by the stigmata or topi ofthe pistils, which in that case adhere to the capsule in the form of small protuberances, as may be observed in the flowers of the poppy, &c. In the 14th class the orders are derived from a differ- ent source. The plants belonging to it have their seedi either enclosed in a capsule, or altogether uncovereo\ Hence they are divided into gymnospermia, comprehend- ing such as have naked seeds ; and angiospermia, compre- hending such as have their seeds covered, or enclosed in a capsule. The 15th class is divided info two orders, vis. fhe sili- culosa, or those which have a short pod : and the siliquo- sa, or those which have a longer one. The orders of tbe 16th, 17th, 18th, and 20th classes, are taken from the number of stamina; e.g. monadelphia pentandria, decandria, polyandria, &c. The orders of the 19th class are, 1. polygamia aequalis, those whose floscules are all furnished with stamina and pistil"?. Polygamia spuria, comprehends plants (bat have hermaphrodite floscules in the disk, and female floscules in the margin ; which is made fhe foundation ofthe three BOTANY. next orders, vis. 2. Polygamia superflua, those whose hermaphrodite flowers in the disk are furnished with stig- mata, and bear seed, and whose female flowers in tbe ra- dius likewise produce seeds. 3. Polygamia frustranea, auch as have hermaphrodite seedbearing floscules in the disk ; but whose floscules in the radius, having no stigma- ta, are barren. 4. Polygamia necessaria, is the reverse of the former: the hermaphrodite flowers in the disk want stigmata, and are barren; but the female floscules in the radius are furnished with stigmata, and produce seeds. 5. Polygamia segregafa, many floscules enclosed in one com- mon calyx, and each of the floscules likewise furnished with a perianthium proper to itself. 6. Monogamia. This order consists only of seven genera, none of which have properly compound flowers, but are ranked under this class merely from having their stamina united by the antherm. The orders of the 21st class are partly taken from the number of stamina, and partly from the names and char- acters peculiar to some of the other classes ; e.g. monoe- cia triandria, monoecia syngenesia, monoecia gynandria. The orders of the 22d class are founded upon the num- ber, uniqn, ahd situation of the stamina in the male flow- ers. The orders of the 23d are all taken from classical characters; e.g. polygamia monoecia, polygamia dioecia, and polygamia trioecia. The 24th class is divided into four orders : 1. Filices, comprehending all plants that bear their seeds in the back or edges of the leaf, and those that are called capillary plants. 2. Musci, which comprehends all the moss kind. 3. Algae, including the lichens, fuci, and many others whose parfs of fructification are either altogether invisi- ble or exceedingly obscure. 4. Fungi, comprehending all (he mushroom (ribe. For a delineation of (he classes, &c. see Plates XX. and XXI. • Classes. 1. MONANDRIA 2. DlANDRIA 3. Triandria 4. Tetrandria 5. Pentandria 6. Hexandria 7. Heptandria 8. Octandria 9. Enneandria 10. Decandria 11. Dodecandria 12. Icosandria 13. Polyandria 14. Didynamia 15. Tetradynamia 16. Monadelphia 17. Diadelphia 18. PoLVADELPHIA 19. Syngenesia 20. Gynandria 21. Monoecia 22. Dioecia 23. Polygamia 24. Cryptogamia Appendix TABLE OF THE ORDERS. Number and Names of the Orders. 2 Monogynia, Digynia, 3 Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia. 3 Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia. 3 Monogynia, Digynia, Teteagynia. 6 Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Teteagynia, Pentegynia, Polygynia. 5 Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Teteagynia, Polygynia. 4 Monogynia, Digynia, Te(ragynia, Heplagynia. 4 Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Tetragynia. 3 Monogynia, Trigynia, Hexagynia. 5 Mouogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Penfagynia, Decagynia. 5 Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Penfagynia, Dodecagynia. 5 Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Penfagynia, Polygynia. 7 Monogynia, Digynia, Trigynia, Tetragynia, Penfagynia, Hexagynia, Polygynia. 2 Gyinnospermia, Angiospermia. 2 Siliculosa, Siliquosa. 8 C Triandria, Pentendria, Octandria, Enneandria, Decandria, Eudecandria, Dodecandria, £ Polyandria. 4 Pentandria, Hexandria, Octandria, Decandria. 4 Pentandria, Dodecandria, Icosandria, Polyandria. 6 ( Polygamia sequalis, Polygamia superflua, Polygamia frustranea, Polygamia necessaria, Po- ( lygamia segregata, Monogamia. Diandria, Triandria, Tetrandria, Pentandria, Hexandria, Octandria, Decandria, Dodecan- dria, Polyandria. Monandria, Diandria, Triandria, Tetrandria, Pentandria, Hexandria, Heptandria, Polv- andna, Monadelphia, Syngenesia, Gynandria. Monandria, Diandria, Triandria, Tetrandria, Pentandria, Hexandria, Octandria, Ennean- dria, Decandria, Dodecandria, Icosandria, Polyandria, Monadelphia, Syngenesis ( Gynandria. * J & ' 3 Monoecia, Dioecia, Trioecia. 4 Filices, Musci, Algae, Fungi. 1 Palma?. 11 15 Some botanists rank these last as a 25th class; but this is improper, as tbey are all capable of being arranged in lhe preceding classes of the system, although on ac- count of their singular structure, Linnseus placed them in an appendix. They contain such genera as have a spa- dix and spatha, i.e. whose flowers and fruit are produced on lhat particular receptacle called a spadix, protruded from a common calyx in form of a sheath, called spatha. This order consists of trees aud shrubs only. These have always a simple stem, not branched, bearing leaves at the top, resembling those of fern, being a composition of a leaf and a branch, called frondes; and (he corolla has alwava 3pe(als. See Plates XX. and XXI. Botany. Sect. IV. Thegtntra of plants. In investigating (he genus of a plant, we must first con- sider its essence. The essence of every vegetable eavs Linnteus, consists in the fructification; the essence of the BOTANY. fructification in the flower and fruit; (be essence of the flower consists in the antherae and stigma, and the essence ofthe fruit in the seed. Hence he makes the flower and fruit the foundation of his generic distinctions. These are generally composed of seven parts; the ca- lyx, the corolla, the stamina, fhe pistillum, the pericarpi- um, the scmina, and tbe receptaculum ; and lhe presence or absence, the number, figure, proporfion, and situation, ofthe several parts, constitute the genus. But as there are few genera wherein all the parts of the natural char- acter are constant in every one of the species, it is nec- essary to fix upon such circumstances as are constant in both genus and species, and call those the essential or rul- ing character; both to distinguish one genus from another, and to fix the several species and their varieties to their respective genera; for which purpose, in some cases, Linnaeus was obliged to have recourse to fhe nectarium. The first four parts ofthe fructification are properly parts ofthe flower, and the last three ofthe fruit. I. The calyx, or cup, is the termination of the outer bark of a plant. Its chief use is to enclose, support, and protect, the olher parte of the fructification. When pres- ent, it is seated on the receptacle: and is distinguished by its figure; by the number, division, and shape of its leaves, or segments ; and by the following names, according to the circumstances with which it is attended. 1. Perianthium, when its station is close to, and sur- rounds, the other parts of the fructification, is called lhe perianthium of the fructification : if it includes many flos- cules, as in scabiosa, and olher aggregate and compound flowers, it is called a common perianthium: if it includes only one floscule, it is called a proper perianthium ; if it includes the stamina, and not the germen, it is the perian- thium ofthe flower, and is said fo be above, as in lonicera, ribes, campanula, &c. if it includes (he germen, but not the stamina, it is the perianthium of the fruit, and is said to be below, as in linnea and morina, each of which have two calyxes and two receptacles above each other, one of the flower and the other of the fruit. 2. Involucrum, when stationed at lhe foot of an umbel, below the common receptacle, and at a distance from the flower, is called universal, if placed under lhe universal umbel; and partial, if placed under a partial umbel. 3. Amentum, consists of a great number of chaffy scales, disposed along a slender axis or common recepta- cle, which, from its resemblance to a cat's tail, has obtain- ed the name of catkin ; and these flowers have generally no petals: sometimes the same amentum supports both male and female flowers, distinct, on the same plant, as in carpinus, &c. sometimes the male and female flowers are removed from each other on the same plant, and the amentum supports only the male flowers, and the female flowers are enclosed by a perianthium, as in corylus, fa- gus, &c. and sometimes an amentum only supports male flowers on one plant, and female flowers on another plant, as in salix, populus, &c. 4. Spatha, a sort of calyx growing from the stalk, burst- ing lengthwise, and protruding a spadix, supporting one or more flowers, which have often no perianthium. It con- sists either of one leaf, with a valve on one side only, as in the greater number of spatbaceous plants ; or of two leaves, with two valves, as in stratiotes, &c. or is imbricated, as in musa, &c. with one or two valves. 5. Gluma, a husk, chiefly belongs to corn and grasses. consisting of one, two, three, or more valves, folding over each other like scales, and frequently terminated bv a long stiff, pointed prickle, called the arista. 6. Calyptra, the proper calyx of mosses, is placed over the antherae ofthe stamina, resembling an extinguisher a hood, or monk's cowl. 7. Volva, so named from its infolding, is the proper calyx of funguses, being membranaceous, and surrounoW the stalk, before their expansion. It is often difficult to distinguish the calyx from the bractea?, which are found on many plants, situated on the flower stalks : and are often so near to the lower parts of the fructification as to be mistaken for the calyx, as in (ilia passiflora, &c. but they may be best distinguished by (his rule ; (he bracteae differ in shape and colour from (hp oth- er leaves of the plant, but are commonly of lhe same du- ration ; whereas the calyx always withers when the fruit is ripe, if not before. II. The corolla is the termination of the inner bark of the plant; which accompanies the fructification, in (he form of leaves variously coloured. It is generally seated on the receptacle, sometimes on the calyx; serving as an inner work of defence to the part it encloses; as the calyx, which is usually of stronger texture, does for an outer. The leaves ofthe corolla are called petals; by the number, division, and shape of which, it is distinguish- ed. It is said to be inferior or below, when it includes fhe germen, and is attached to the part immediately below if, as in borago, &c. and i( is said to be superior or above, when it is placed above (he germen, as in Crataegus, &c. In respect to duration, the corolla either conlinues (ill the fruit is ripe, as in nymphaea; or falls off at the first open- ing of the flower, as in actaea; or with the stamina and other parts of the flower, as in most plants; or does not fall, but withers, as in campanula, &c. The nectarium, Linnaeus says, principally belongs to tbe corolla, as an appendage to fhe petals ; and contains the honey, which is the principal food of bees and other insects. But though, in plants where it is found, it may be attached to the corolla, and be then most evident; yet it is almost as often attached lo other parts of the fructifi- cation: Linneeus therefore chiefly make3 use of if as an essential character in many of the genera, as being less variable than others; and observes, that when it is not united with the substance ofthe petals, those plants are generally poisonous ; the tube or lower part of inonopetal- ous flowers, he considers as a true nectarium, because it contains a sweet liquor. But as it affords very singular va- rieties in other instances, it has the following distinctions. 1. Calycine nectaria, such as are situated upon, and make a part of, the calyx; as in tropaeolum, monotro- pa, &c. 2. Corollaceous nectaria are attached fo the corolla, and are called calcariale when they resemble a spur. They are either on flowers of one petal, as in Valeriana, &c. or on flowers of many petals, as in viola, Sec. or within the substance ofthe petals, as in lilium, iris, &c. 3. Stamineous nectaria attend fhe lamina, and are either seated upon the antherae, as in adenanthera; or upon the filaments, as in laurus, &c. 4. Pistillaceous nectaria accompany tbe pistillum,andare placed upon the germen, as in byacinthus, butomus, &c BOTANY. 5. Receptaculaceous nectaria join the receptacle, as in polygonum, sedum, &c. 6. Nectaria that crown the corolla, are placed in a row within the petals, though entirely unconnected with their subsfance, as in silene, &c. and in this situation often re- semble a cup, as in narcissus, Sec. 7. Nectaria of singular construction, are sucb as cannot properly be placed under any of the foregoing distinctions, as in amomum, curcuva, saliva, urtica, &c. The proper use of the nectarium is not yet discovered. III. The stamina, or chives, are the males of fhe flow- er, proceeding from the wood of the plant. Each stamen consists of two parts, vis. the filament and the antherae. In most flowers they are placed upon the receptacle, with- in the corolla, and round tbe germen ; and are chiefly dis- tinguished by number. 1. The filament is the thread shaped part of the stamen, serving as a footstalk to elevate (he antherae, and some- times has jags or divisions; which are either two, as in Salvia; three, as in fumaria ; or nine, as in the class dia- delphia. They are also distinguished by their form or figure, as awl shaped, thread shaped, hair like, spiral, rev- olute, &c. by their proportion, as equal, unequal, irreg- ular, long, or short: and by their situation, being gener- ally opposite to the leaves or divisions of lhe calyx, and alternate with the petals; lhat is, when lhe divisions of the calyx are equal in number to the petals, and to the stam- ina. In monopetaloue flowers Ihey are generally inserted into the corolla ; but scarcely ever in flowers of more than one petal, but info (he receptacle; yet in (he class icosan- dria (hey are inserted into (he calyx or corolla, (hough the flowers have many petals, as also in a few o(her plants. Bu( in (he class polyandria, and most other polypetalous {ilants, they are inserted into the receptacle, like the ca- yx and corolla. The class gynandria, however, is an ex- ception to the above rules, where lhe stamina are some- times without filaments. 2. The anlhera, from ctvQos, a flower, emphatically so called from its great utility in the fructification, is lhe fop ofthe filament, containing the impregnating pollen; and is either one (o each filament, as in most plants; or one com- mon (o three filaments, as in cucurbita, &c. or one com- mon to five filaments, as in the class syngenesia: or some- limes (here are (wo anthera? to each filament, as in ranun- culus and mercurialis; three lo each filament, as in fuma- ria ; five (o (hree filaments, as in bryonia; or five to each, as in theobroma. The anfhera is also distinguished by its form or figure, as oblong, round, angular, Sec. It consists of one or more cells, which burst differently indifferent parts; either in the side, as in most plants; on tbe top; or from the top to the base. It is also fastened to the top ofthe filament; either by ils base, as in most plants; or horizontally by its middle to lhe lop of the filament, so poised as to turn like a vane: or it is fixed by its side, leaning to the top of the filament, then called incumbent. Sometimes it grows to the nectarium, as in costus; to (he receptecle, as in arum; or (o (he pistillum, in the class gynandria. IV. The pistillum, or the female of the flower, pro- ceeding from (he pith of the plant, is that erect column which is generally placed in the centre of the flower, amidst (he stamina; and consists of (hree parts, the ger- men, (he style, and the stigma. 1. The germen is the base of the pistillum, supporting vol. i. 49 the sfyle. After some time, it becomes a seed vessel, and may therefore be considered as lhe rudiment of lhe pericarpium. It is distinguished by its shape, number, and situation; and is said lo be above or below, accord- ing to its situation above or below (be attachment of (he corolla. 2. The style elevates (he stigma from the germen, (o receive the influence of the stamina, and to convey it down to the germen as through a tube. If is distinguish- ed either by its number, which, when present (or when ab- sent, the number of sligmafa) gives rise lo most of lhe orders, and are called so many females; or by its divi- sions, being double, fiebe, or quadruple, &c. though join- ed at the base ; or by its length, being longer, shorter, or equal wilh the stamina ; or by its proportion, being thick- er or thinner than lhe stamina ; or by its figure, being reg- ular, cylindric, awl shaped, bent, Sec. or by its situation, being generally on the (op of (1 e germen, (hough in some instances supposed to be both above and below, as in cap- paris and euphorbia; unless the lower part in these gene- ra are considered as tbe extension of lhe receptacle. It is often placed on the side of tbe germen, as in hirtella, suriana; also in rosa, rubus, and the rest of (he plants in the class icosandria and order polygynia. With respect to duration, it generally falls with the other parts of the flower; but in some plants it is permanent, and attends (he fruit to its malurity, as in the class tetradynamia. In flow- ers which have no style, the stigma adheres to the germen. 3. The stigma, when single, is generally placed like a head on the summit of lhe sfyle: when several, they are placed on the top, or regularly disposed along the side; and covered with moisfure, to retain the pollen of lhe an- therae. It is distinguished either by its number, being single in most plants; or by ils divisions, figure, length, thickness, or duration; as in most plants it withers when the germen is become a seed vessel; in some it is perma- nent, as in papaver. V. The pericarpium is the germen grown fo maturity, and become a matrix. All plants, however, are not fur- nished with a seed vessel, as corylus, &c. In many, il is supplied chiefly by the calyx, which converging encloses the seeds (ill (hey arrive at maturity ; as is the case with the rough leaved planls, and lhe labial and compound flow- ers of the classes pentandria, didynamia, and syngenesia. Sometimes the receptacle supplies the office of seed ves- sel, as in gundelia; and sometimes lhe nectarium, as in carex. The pericarpium is situated at fhe recep- tacle of the flower, either above or below, or bofh, as in saxifraga and lobelia: and is distinguished by lhe fol- lowing appellations, according lo ils different structure. 1. Capsula is frequently succulent whilst green; but when ripe, it is a dry husky seed vessel, that parts to dis- charge ils contents : and by some elastic motion, the seeds are often darted forth with considerable velocity, as in dictamnus, &c. Il opens either at the top, as "in most plants; at the bottom; at the side, horizontally across the middle; or longitudinally; and if it is articulated or jointed, it opens at each of lhe joints, which contains a single seed. It is distinguished externally, by its num- ber of valves; and internally, by the number of its cells, wherein the seed is enclosed ; as well as by its shape and substance. 2. Siliqua, a pod, is a pericarpium of two valves ; but as some are long, others round or broad, Lin'meus BOTANY. distinguishes them by their form into siliqua and silicula, which give name to the two orders in the class tetradyna- mia. The siliqua is a long pod, being much longer than broad, as in brassica, sinapis, &c. the silicula, a little pod, is a roundish pod, either flat or spherical, and the length and breadth nearly equal, as in lunaria, draba, &c In both, the apex, which had been the style, is often so long beyond the valves, as to be of equal length with the pod ; and the seeds in both are fastened alternately by a slen- der thread, to both the sutures or joinings of the valves. 3. Legumen, pulse, is also a pod, and is likewise a per- icarpium of two valves, wherein the seeds are fastened to short receptacles along the upper suture only, on each side, alternate: this chiefly belongs to the papilionaceous flowers, or the class diadelphia. 4. Folliculus, or conceptaculum, is a pericarpium of one valve only, opening lengthwise on one side, and the seeds not fastened to the suture, but to a receptacle with- in the fruit, as in asclepias, &c. 5. Drupa is a pericarpium lhat is pulpy, having no valve. It contains within its substance a nut, or seed en- closed with a hard ligneous crust, asolea, cornus, &c. and when the drupa is seated below the calyx, it is furnished with an umbilicus like the pomum. 6. Pomum, an apple, is also a pulpy pericarpium wilh- out a valve; but containing in the middle a membranous capsule, with several cells containing the seeds; and at the end opposite to the footstalk there is generally a small cavity, called umbilicus from its resemblance to the navel in animals; and which was formerly the calyx, seated above the fruit, and persistent, as in pyrus, cucumis, &c. 7. Bacca, a berry, is also a pulpy pericarpium without valve, enclosing one or more seeds, which have no mem- branous capsule or covering, but are disposed promiscu- ously through the pulp, as in solanum, &c. and are gen- erally placed on footstalks attached to receptacles with- in the pulp, as in ribes, &c. The berry also admits of the following distinction: it is said to be proper, when it is a true pericarpium formed of a germen ; and improper, when it is formed from other parts of the fructification, as in rosa, juniperus, &c. A large succulent calyx becomes a berry ; and in juniperus, the three petals become the umbilicus ; in poterium the berry is formed of the tube of (he corolla; in fragraria, Sec. it is formed of lhe top of (he receptecle; in rubus, &c. i( is formed from a seed, which is (he receptacle of the berry; in ruscus, &c. it is enclosed within and is a pari of (he nectary. The berry is commonly either round or oval, and is frequently fur- nished wifh an umbilicus, as in ribes, &c. it does not nat- urally open to disperse the seeds like the capsule, that office being performed by birds and other animals. 8. Strobilus is a pericarpium formed of an amentum, be- ing a seed v esse! composed of woody scales placed against each other in fhe form of a cone, opening only at fhe top of the scales, being firmly fixed below to a sort of axis or receptacle, occupying lhe middle of tbe cone ; as in pinus, Sec. For parts of flowers and fruits, see Plates III and V. Botany. VI. Semina, the seeds, are the essence of fhe fruit of every vegetable, and defined by Linnseus to be "a decid- uous part of the plant, containing the rudiments ofa new vegetable, fertilized by the sprinkling of the pollen." They are distinguished according to number, shape, tex- ture, appendage, Sec. A seed, properly so called, consists of the five following parts; to which are added the nux and propago. 1. The corculum, from cor, a heart, is the essence of the seed, and principle of the future plant; and consists of (wo parts, vis. plumula and rostellum. The plumula is the part which shoots up into the stem, and tbe rostellum is what forms the root. See Physiology of Plants. 2. The cotyledons, from cotyledon, the hollow of the buckle bone, are the thick porous side lobes of (he seed, such as the two sides inlo which a bean divides when soak* ed in water, and which afterward come up as the seed leaves ofthe plant. If a plant is cut below the cotyledons, it will scarcely ever put out fresh leaves, but withers and decays; if it is cut above the cotyledons, it generally shoots out afresh, and continues to grow: therefore, if plants whose cotyledons rise above ground, as turnips, &c. are cut or eaten into the ground by cattle, they decay; but where the cotyledons remain below ground, as in grass- es, and are cut or eaten to the ground, they will shoot out afresh. Some plants have only one, as in grasses and in cuscuta, &c. others two, as in vicia, &c. linuin has four; cupressus, five ; and pinus, ten. 3. The hilum, the black spot on a bean, called the eye, is the external mark on the seed, where it was fastened within tbe pericarpium. 4. The arillus, the proper exterior coat of the seed, that falls off spontaneously, is either cartilaginous or suc- culent: yet seeds are said to be naked, when not enclos- ed in any sort of pericarpium, as in the class and order didynamia gymnospermia. 5. Tbe coronula is either a small sort of calyx adher- ing to the top ofthe seed, like a little crown, and assist- ing to disperse it by flying, as in scabiosa, knautia, &c. where the little calyx of the floret becomes the crown of the seed: or a down, which is either feathery, as in Valeri- ana, &c. or hairy, as in tussilago, Sec. This down has generally been thought intended to disperse the seed. The coronula is either also sitting, fhat is, attached close to the seed, as in hieracium, Sec. or foots!alked by a thread ele- vating and connecting the tuft wifh the seed, as in crepis, Sec. Some seeds are furnished wifh a wing, a tail, a hook, an awn, &c. all coming under the term coronula, and tending either (o disperse or fix the seeds. Some have as elastic force, to disperse them; which is either in the calyx, as in oats and some others; in the pappus, as in centurea crupina ; or in the capsule, as in geranium, &c. Other seeds, especially those whose pericarpium is a her- ry, as also the nutmeg and other nuts, are dispersed by birds and other animals. Nux, a nut, a seed enclosed in a hard woody substance, called the shell, which is one celled, two celled, &c. and the enclosed seed is called the kernel. Propago, a slip or shoot, the seed of a moss, which ha* neither coat nor cotyledon, but consists only of a naked plumula, where the rostellum is inserted into the calyx of the plant. VII. The receptaculum is the base which receives, sup- ports, and connects, (he other parfs of (he fructification. It is only mentioned by Linnseus, when if can be introduc- ed as a character varying in shape and surface, as princi* BOTANY. pally in the class syngenesia. It is called proper when it supports tbe parts of a single fructification only ; when it is a ba*e to which only the parts of (he flower are joined, and not the germen, it is called a receptacle of lhe flower; in which case (he germen, being placed below (he recepta- cle of (he flower, has a proper base of its own, which is called the receplacle of the fruit: and i( is called a re- ceptacle of the seeds, when it is a base to which (he seeds are fastened within the pericarpium. In some simple flow- ers, where the germen is placed above the receptacle of the flower, the fruit has a separate receptacle, as in mag- nolia, uvaria, &c. in which genera fhe numerous germina are seated upon a receptacle rising like a pillar above the receplacle of (he fructification. It is styled common, when it supports and connects a head of flowers in com- mon ; as in (he amentum, and olher aggregate flowers.' The umbella and cyma are also called receptacles. Ra- cIhh, a filiform receplacle, collecting the florets longitudi- nally info a spike, in many of the glumose flowers, as wheat, barley, rye, &c. Spadix anciently only signified the receptacle of a palm issuing out of a spatha, and branched; but now every flower stalk that is protruded from a calyx called spatha, is denominated a spadix, as in narcissus, &c. Sect. V. The species of plants. The genera include a great number of species, distin- guished by the specific difference of the root, the trunk, the branches, fhe leaves, &c. yet all agreeing in fhe essen- tial generic characler. They are called by trivial names, expressive of the difference of some other circumstance, added to the generic name. To investigate the species, therefore, it is necessary to understand those differences, and to be acquainted with lhe names by which they are expressed. Several of these have been already inciden- tally explained ; but for a complete enumeration, the read- er must have recourse to tbe glossary. In general it may be observed, that specific differences take their rise from any circumstance, wherein plants of the same genus disagree; provided such circumstance is constant, and not liable lo alteration by culture or olher accidents. Hence Linnaeus asserts the species lo be as numerous as there were different forms of vegetables pro- duced at the creation ; and considers all casual differences as varieties of the same species. Hybrid, or mule plants, must be ranked among varie- ties, whether occasioned by accident, by the pollen of one plant falling upon the pistilla of another, or reared by art; of which Linnaeus gives many curious instances. Varieties may generally be reduced under their spe- cies, by comparing the variable marks of the variety with the natural plant; but there are some which are attended with difficulty, and require judgment and experience ; particularly in some species of helleborus, gentiana, fu- maria, Valeriana, scorpiurus, and medicago. In these fwo last there is a remarkable diversity in the fruit of the indi- viduals. In (he medicago, or snail trefoil, in particular, the forms of the real snails, which nature has imitated in these plants, are scarcely more diversified (han (he fruit of this mimic species : so that Ihc botanist who is studious of varieties, would find no end fo his labour, were he fo attempt fo pursue nature through (he various shapes she has wantonly adopted. The whole order of the fungi (oo, 49* as Mr. Lee observes, is still a chaos ; botanists not being yet able in these to decide what is a species, and what a variety. Sect. VI. Ofthe natural classes or orders. Notwithstanding the evident superiority of the sexual system, Linnseus and most other modern botanists are of opinion, that there is a natural method, or nature's sys- tem, which we should diligently endeavour fo find out. On these principles, Linnceus divides vegetables into 58 natural classes or orders, vis. 1. Palmse. These are perennial, and mostly trees or shrubs: such as the phoenix, or date palm, the cocos or cocoa nut tree, &c. They are astringent. 2. Piperita;, peppers, are mostly herbaceous and pe- rennial : such as the pothos, lhe stalks of which creep along rocks and trees, into which they strike root at cer- tain distances; the arums, Sec. 3. Calamariae, reeds. 4. Gramina, grasses. 5. Tripetaloideae have no very striking characters, but are nearly allied to lhe grasses. Such are the butomus, or water gladiole, &c. 6. Ensatae, swordlike plants; as the saffron, iris, &c. 7. Orchidese. The orchis kind. 8. Scitamineae are beautiful exotics, all natives of very warm countries. Some of them furnish exquisite fruils; lhe amomum or ginger, and the inusa or plantain, are in- cluded in this order. The roots are hot and resinous. 9. Spathaceae are nearly allied in habit and structure to the liliaceous plants, from which they are chiefly dis- tinguished by the spatha, out of which their flowers are protruded: such are the allium, the amaryllis, &c. 10. Coronariae are herbaceous, perennial, and from one inch to 15 feet high. The roots are eilher bulbous, fi- brous, or composed of small fleshy knots, jointed at top. The hyacinths and lilies belong to this tribe. 11. Sarmenfosse, from sarmentum, a long shoot, have climbing stems and branches, (hat, like (he vine, attach themselves to other bodies for support: such are smilax, trillium, Sec. 12. Holeracese, from holus a pot herb, contains trees, shrubs, perennial and annual herbs, chiefly for domestic use : such as (he beet, rhubarb, &c. 13. Succulents. This order consists of flat, fleshy, and juicy plants, most of them evergreens. They are as- tringent, refreshing, and very wholesome. 14. Gruinales, cranelike, consist of geranium, and a few other genera which Linrseus considers as allied to it in their habit and external structure. 15. Inundatae are aquatic plants, low, herbaceous, and mostly perennial. The elatine, hippuris, the pond weed, &c. are of this class. These plants are astringent. 16. Calyciflorae have the stamina inserted inlo the ca- lyx, and are all of the shrub or tree kind : such is the elre- agnus or wild olive, &c. 17. Calycantheuue have the corolla and stamina insert- ed into the calyx. Such are the epilobium, ly thrum, willow herbs, &c. These plants are astringent. 18. Bicornes, plants whose antheree have the appear* ance of two boms. Of these are the heaths, vacciniums, &c. These are also astringent. 19. Hesperideae are of the shrub and tree kind, and mostly evergreen. Such as the myrtle, clove tree, Sec. BOTANY. 20. Rotacese consist of planfs with one wheel shaped petal without a tube; as the phlox, the cistus, hyperi- cum, &c. 21. Preciae, from precius, early, consist of primrose, an early flowering plant, and some others which agree with it in habit and structure. 22. Caryophylleae, those which resemble the pink and carnation, including those plants, &c. 23. Trihilatee consist of plants with three seeds, which are marked with an external cicatrix, where they are fast- ened within to the fruit. The acer, aesculus, &c. belong to this class. 24. Corydales have irregular flowers, somewhat re- sembling a helmet. Such are the impatiens or balsam, fumaria, &c. 25. Putamineae, shelled, consist of a few genera of plants allied in habit, whose fruit is covered with a hard woody shell. The caper shrub and some other exotics are included in this class. 26. Multisiliquae consist of plants which have more seed vessels than one. Such are the columbines, delphi- nums, &c. They are caustic and purgative. 27. Rhaeadeae consist of poppy, and a few genera which resemble it in habit and structure. Upon being cut, they emit plentifully a juice which is white in poppy, and yellow in the others. These plants are narcotic. 28. Luridm are an order of plants whose pale appear- ance indicates their baleful and noxious qualities. The atropa, datura, &c. 29. Campanaceae have bell shaped flowers, including the convolvulus, &c. The plants are medicinal, aud abound with a white milky juice. 30. Contortae, plants which have a single petal twisted toward one side. The apocynum, asclepias, and even the periwinkle, are included in this class. The plants being cut, emit a juice, either of a milky or greenish white, which is deemed poisonous. 31. Vepreculse, from vepres, a briar, consist of plants resembling the daphne, &c. but which do not constitute a true natural class. 32. Papilionaceae, plants that have papilionaceous flow- ers, such as the common and sweet pea, &c. These plants are emollient. 33. Lomentaceae, from lomenfum, a colour used by painters, furnish beautiful tinctures, and some of them are much used in dyeing. The sophora, abrus, and supina, are found in this class. These plants are mucilaginous.. 34. Cucurbitacese, from cucurbita, a gourd, plants which resemble the gourd in external figure, habit, vir- tues, and sensible qualities. Among (hese are the cu- cumber and melon. These plants are purgative. 35. Senticosse, from sentis, a briar, consist of the rose, bramble, and other plants which resemble them in exter- nal structure. The fruits are cooling. 36. Pomacepe, consist of plants which have a pulpy es- culent fruit, of the apple, berry, or cherry kind. 37. Columniferse, from columna, a pillar, and fero, to bear, plants whose stamina and pistil have the appear- ance of a pillar in the centre of the flower. Among these are the alfhea, camellia, tea tree, &c. The plants are mucilaginous and lubricating. 38. Tricoccse, from r^ng, three, and xojococ, a grain ; plants with a single three cornered capsule, having (hree cells, each containing a single seed. Among which are box, phyllanthus, Sec. 39. Siliquosae, plants which have a pod for their seed vessel. Among these are the cabbage, mustard, Sec. The plants are diuretic and antiscorbutic. 40. Personatae, from persona, a mask, plants whose flowers are furnished with an irregular, gaping, or grinning petal, in figure somewhat resembling the snout of an ani- mal. Such are the snapdragon, justicia, &c. The inter- nal use of many of thern is extremely pernicious ; applied externally, they are anodyne, and powerful resolvents. 41. Asperifoliae, rough leafed plants ; as borage, bug- loss, &c. They are diuretic and cordial. 42. Verticillatae consist of herbaceous vegetables, hav- ing four naked seeds, and the flowers placed in whorls round the stalk ; hyssop, lavender, dead nettle, &c. The leaves are cordial and cephalic. 43. Dumosae, from dumus, a bush, are all of the shrub and tree kind, thick and bushy, rising from 6 fo 25, 30, and even 40 feet high; elder, buckthorn, &c. The ber- ries are purgative. 44. Sepiariae, from sepes, a hedge, from their size, ele- gance, and other circumstances, are very proper for hedges. Ash, privet, lilac, Sec. 45. Umbellatae, plants whose flowers grow in umbelg, with five petals that are often unequal, and two naked seeds joined at top and separated below. Parsley, aethu- sa, caraway, fennel, &c. furnish specimens of this tribe. The planfs of this order, which grow in dry places, are sudorific, stomachic, and warming. 46. Hederacese, from hedera, ivy ; consist of both herbaceous and shrubby plants, most of which, particular- ly ivy and vine, have creeping branches, which attach themselves by roots or tendrils to other bodies. 47. Stellatse, from stella, a star, consist of planfs with two naked seeds, and leaves disposed round the stem in form of a radiant star. Spigelia, dogwood, &c. belong to this order. They are opening and cordial. 48. Aggregatse, plants which have aggregate flowers, consist of a number of florets, each of which have a prop- er and common calyx : as dipsacus, scabius, Sec. 49. Compositae, plants with compound flowers. Car- duns, xeranthemum, &c. are of this tribe. 50. Amentacese, plants bearing catkins : salix, Sec. 51. Coniferse, from conns, a cone, and fero, to bear; plants whose female flowers, placed at a distance from the male, either on the same or distinct roots, are formed into a cone. The fir, pine, cypress, &c. all rank under this or- der. They are gummy and odorous. 52. Coadunatae, fromcoadunare, to join, are so termed from the general appearance of the seed vessels, which are numerous, and being slightly attached below, form all together a single fruit in the shape ofa sphere or cone; the parts of which, however, are easily separated. Such are the magnolia, tulip tree, &c. 53. Scabridae, from scaber, rough, consist of plants wilh rough leaves, which seem to be akin to the asperifoliaj; only fheir degree of roughness is much greater, lleinpi fvz, &c. They are astringent. Their taste is bitter and styptic. 54. Miscellanea?, miscellaneous plants. Thi3 order consists of such genera as are not connected together by very numerous relations. BOTANY. 55. Filices, ferns, bear their flower and fruit on the back of the leaf or stalk. They are opening and atten- uating. 56. Musci, mosses, resembling the pines, firs, and other evergreens of lhat class, in the form and disposition of their leaves, and manner of growth of the female flowers, which are generally formed into a cone. They frequent- ly creep, and extend like a carpet upon tbe ground, trees, and stones; being generally collected into bunches and tufts ; lhe smallest are only one third of an inch in height, ami the largest do not exceed five or six. 57. Algse, flags, or rather sea weeds, consist of marine plants, &c. whose roof, leaf, and stem, are all one. 58. Fungi, mushrooms, are rarely branched, sometimes creeping, but most commonly erect. These plants are very astringent. As food, they are at best suspicious ; some of them are rank poison. Plantac dubii ordinis, plants of uncertain order. Upder this name Linnaeus classes all tbe olher genera which can- not be reduced to any of the above mentioned orders, and which are near 129 in number. Though we have already explained the most es- sential botanical terms, yet the student will often find it advantageous to have recourse to the following glossary ; which we would even recommend, should he in any of our descriptions of genera find a term which he does not understand. A. Abbreviatum perianthium, a shortened cup, when the cup is shorter than the tube of the flower. Abortiens flos, a barren flower, such as produces no fruit. Abrupta folia pinnate, winged leaves, ending without ei- ther foliole or cirrhus. Acaulis, without stalk or stem. Acerosa folia, chaffy leaves, when they are linear and abiding. Acicularis, needle shaped. Acinaciform, falchion or cimeter shaped. Acini, the small berries ofa mulberry or bramble. Acotyledones, plants whose seeds have no cotyledons or seminal leaves. Aculei, prickles, fixed in the surface of the bark. Aculeatus caulis, a stalk or stem furnished with prickles. Acuminatum folium, a leaf ending in a point. Aculum folium, a leaf terminating in an acute angle. Adnatum folium, the disk of the leaf pressing close to the sfem of the plant. Adpressum folium, the disk of the leaf pressed to the stem. Adscendens caulis, or ramus, a stalk or branch inclining upward. Adversum folium, an opposite leaf. Aire, wings, the side petals of a papilionaceous blossom,or membranes added to a seed, stalk, &c. Alated, winged. Alalus petiolus, the footstalk of a leaf winged wilh mem- branes. Alburnum, the white substance that lies between the inner bark and lhe wood of trees. Alferni rami folia, leaves that come out singly, and follow alternately in gradual order. Alveolaled, deeply pitted, resembling a honeycomb. Amentum, a thong, or a catkin. Amplexicaule folium, a leaf embracing lhe stalk, when the base of the leaf embraces fhe stem sideways. Anceps caulis, a double edged stalk, i.e. compressed and forming two opposite acute angles. Ancipilous, two edged. Angulatus caulis, an angulated stalk. Angustifolious, narrow leaved. Angiospermia, plants whose seeds are covered with a cap- sule. Annua radix, an annual root; that which lives but one year. Anthera, the summit of the stamen. Apertura, an opening in some species of antherse. Apetalous, having no petals or corolla. Apex, lhe top or summit. Aphyllous, destitute of leaves. Apophysis, an excrescence from the receptacle of the musci. Appendiculatus petiolus, a little appendage hanging from the exlremity of the footstalk. Appressed, approaching to the stem. Approximata folia, leaves growing near each other. Arbor, a tree. Arboreus, arborescent; ofthe nature of a tree; producing buds. Arbustiva, a copse of shrubs or trees. Arcuatum legumen, a curved or bent pod. Arista, lhe beard of corn or grasses. Articulatus caulis, a stem with knots or joints. Arliculus culmi, the straight part of the stalk between the Iwo joints. Assurgentia folia, leaves first bent down, but rising erect toward the apex. Attenuatus pedunculus, a footstalk that grows smaller tow- ard the flower. Auctus calyx, an augmented flower cup, having a series of distinct leaves, shorter than its own, that surround its base. Avenia folia, leaves which have no visible veins. Auriculatum folium, an ear shaped leaf, when the leaf tow- ard the base has a lobe on each side. Axillaria folia, leaves growing out ofthe angles formed by the branches and lhe stem. B. Barba, a beard, a species of pubescence, sometimes on the leaves of plants. Barbate folia, leaves terminated by a bunch of strong hairs. Bicapsular, having two capsules. Biennis radix, a biennial root, which continues to vegetate two years. Bifaria folia, leaves pointing two ways. Biferae plantae, leaves that flower twice a year. Bifidum folium, a leaf divided into two parts. Biflorus pedunculus, a footstalk bearing two flowers. Bigeminura folium, a forked footstalk, wilh two little leaves on the apex of each division. Bijugum folium, a winged leaf bearing two pair of fo- liola. Bilabiata corolla, a corolla with two lips. Bilobatum folium, a leaf consisting of (wo lobes. Binadim folium, a digitate leaf, consisting of two foliola. Biparlitum folium, a leaf divided into two segments. BOTANY. Bipinnatum folium, a double winged leaf, when the folioles of a pinnate leaf are also pinnate. Biternatum folium, a leaf where there are three folioles on a petiole, and each foliole is ternate. Bivalve, consisting of two valves. Brachiatus caulis, a stem branching in pairs, each pair standing at right angles with those above and below. Brachium, the arm, the tenth degree in the Linnaean scale for measuring plants, being 24 Parisian inches. Bracteatus, having a bractea growing out of it. Bulbiferus caulis, a stalk bearing bulbs, as in lilium bulbi- ferum. Bulbosa radix, a bulbous root. Bullatum folium, a leaf whose surface rises above the veins, so as to appear like blisters. t_/. Caducus calyx, a flower cup that falls off at the first open- ing of the flower. Calcariatus, resembling a spur. Calyculatus calyx, a little calyx added to a larger one. Calypfra, a veil or covering. Campanulata corolla, a bell shaped flower. Canaliculata folia, leaves having a deep channel running from the base to the apex. Capillaceum folium, a capillary eaf. Capillaris pappus, hairy down. Capillus, hair, the first degree of the Linnaean scale for measuring plants ; the diameter ofthe hair, and the 12th part of a line. Capitati florcs, flowers collected into heads. Capitulum, a little head; a species of inflorescence, in which the flowers are connected inlo close heads on the tops of the peduncles, as in gomphrena. Capreolus, a tendril. Capsula, a little chest or capsule. Carina, a keel, the lower petal of the papilionaceous co- rolla. Carinatum folium, a leaf whose beak resembles the keel of a ship. Carnosum folium, a fleshy leaf. Cartilagineum folium, a leaf whose brim is furnished with a margin of different substance from the disk. Caryophyllaeus flos, a flower growing like a carnation. Catenulata scabrilies, a species of glandular roughness, hardly visible, resembling little chains, on the surface of some plants. Caudex, the stem of a tree. Caulescens, having a stalk or stem. Caulina folia, leaves growing immediately on the stem. Caulis, a stem, a species of trunk. Cernuus, nodding or hanging down the head. Cespitosse, plants which produce many stems from one root, and form a surface of turf or sod. Ciliatum, ciliated, with the margin guarded by parallel bristles, formed like lhe eyelash. Circinalea folia, leaves within the bud, rolled spirally down- ward. Circumscissa capsula, a capsule cut transversely. Cirrhiferus pedunculus, a peduncle bearing a tendril. Cirrhosum folium, a leaf that terminates in a tendril. Cirrhus, a clasper, or tendril. Classis, a class; defined by Linnaeus to be an agreement of several genera in the parts of fructification, according to the principles of nature distinguished by art. Clavatus petiolus, or pedunculus, a footstalk with the leaf or flower club shaped, tapering from the base toils apex. Clavicula, a little key or tendril. Clausa corolla, a corolla with its neck close shut in with valves. Coarctati rami, branches close together. Cochleatum legumen, a pod like the shell of a snail, as in medicago. Coloratum folium, a leaf of any colour different from green. Columnella, a little column, the substance that passes through the capsule, and connects the several partitions and seeds. Columniferee, pillar shaped. Coma, a bush; a species of fulcrum composed of large bracteae, which terminate the stalk. Communis gemma, the common contents of the bud, both flower and fruit. Communis calyx, a common flower cup containing both receptacle and flower. Comosa radix, a bulbous root with fibres resembling hair. Compacfum folium, a leaf of a compact and solid sub- stance. Completus flos, a complete flower, having a perianthium and corolla. Compositus caulis, a compound stem, diminishing as it as- cends. Compositum folium, a compound leaf, when the petiole bears more than one leaf. Compressum folium, a leaf resembling a cylinder com- pressed on fhe opposite sides. Concavum folium, a hollowed leaf, the margin forming an arch with the disk. Conceptaculum, a receiver. Conduplicatum folium, a leaf doubled together, when the sides are parallel and approach. Conferti rami, branches crowded together. Confertus verticillus, a species of inflorescence, wherein flowers and leaves are crowded, and formed into whorls round the stalk. Confluentia folia, leaves flowing together, as in the pinnat- ed leaf, when the pinnae run into one another. Conglobates flos, a flower collected into a globular head. Congloraerati flores, flowers irregularly crowded together. Congesta umbella, flowers collected into a spherical shape. Conica scabrities, a species of cetaceous scabrifies, formed like cones, scarce visible, on the surface of plants. Conifers, plants bearing cones. Conjugatum folium, a pinnated leaf, where the folioles come by pairs. Connata folia, two opposite leaves united at their base,so as to have the appearance of one leaf. Connivens corolla, a corolla wherein the apices ofthe pet- als converge so as to close the flower. Conniventes antherae, antherae approaching together. Continuafum folium, a continued leaf, or one which ap- pears to be a continuation of the substance of the stalk. Contrarise valvulae, contrary valves, i.e. when fhe dissepi- mentum is placed transversely between them. Convexum folium, a leaf rising from the margin to tbe cen- tre of the leaf. BOTANt. Convolutus cirrbus, a tendril twining in the same direction with the sun's moiion. Convolution folium, a leaf rolled up like a scroll. Cordatum folium, a heart shaped leaf. Cordiformis, s.haped like a heart. Corolla, a wreath or liltle crown. Corollula, a litlle corolla. -it a Corona seminis, a crown adhering (o many kinds of seeds, serv ing (hem as wings, which enables them to disperse. Cortex, (he outer rind or bark. Crenatuin folium, a notched leaf. Crispum folium, a curled leaf, when the circumference be- comes larger than the disk admits of. Crista! us flos, a flower with a tufted crest. Cruciated flowers, ) cross shaped flowers, consisting ot Cruciformes flores,} four petals disposed in the form ot a cross. . . r Cubitus, a cubit, the 9th degree of the Linnaean scale for measuring plants, from the elbow to the extremity ot the middle finger, or 17 Parisian inches. Cucullata folia, leaves rolled up lengthwise in the form ot a cone. Culmen,the top or crown of any thing. Culmus, a reed or straw, the stem ofa grass. Cuneiforme folium, a wedge shaped leaf. ^ Cuspidatum folium, a leaf whose apex resembles the point of a spear. Cyatbiformis corolla, a flower in (he form of a cup. Cylindracea spica, a spike in the form of a cylinder. Cymbiform, keel shaped. Dasdaleum folium, a leaf whose texture is remarkably beautiful. Debilis caulis, a weak feeble stalk. Decaphyllous calyx, a calyx consisting often leaves. Decidua folia, leaves that fall off in winter. Decimates caulis, a stalk bending toward the earth. Decompositum folium, when a petiole once divided con- nects many folioles. Decumbens, lying down, Decurrens folium, a leaf running down, is applied to the base of a sessile leaf extending itself downward along the stem, beyond the proper termination ofthe leaf. Decursive folium pinnatum, a pinnated leaf, wherein the bases of the foliole are continued along the sides ofthe petiolus. Decussate folia, > leaves growing in pairs, and opposite Decussated leaves, $ to each other. Deflexus ramus, a branch bent a little downward. Deflorate stamina, stamina that have shed their farina. Defoliatio, tbe falling of lhe leaves. Deltoides folium, a leaf like the Greek A. Demersa folia, leaves sunk in the water. Dentata folia, leaves having horizontal points of the same consistence with the leaf, and standing at a little distance Irom each olher. Dependens folium, a leaf pointing toward the ground. D.pressum foliim, a leaf pressed down, when the sides rise higher (han the disk. Dichotomi caulis, forked stalks, when the divisions come by two and two. Dicotyledones, plants whose seeds have two cotyledons, that are the placenta of the embryo plant, and after- ward the seed leaves. Didymae antherae, twin antherte, t.e. when they occur by two on each filament. Didynamia, the superiority of two. Difformia folia, leaves on the same plant of dificrent forms. Diffusi caules, the branches of a stalk spread ditterent ways. e Digitatum folium, a fingered leaf, i.e. when the apex ot a petiole connects many folioles. Dimidiatum, halved. Dipetalous, consisting of two petals. Diphyllous, consisting of two leaves. Discus, a disk, the middle part of a radiate compound flower* Dispermous plants, plants producing their seeds by (wo. Dissecte folia, leaves cut into divisions. Dissepimentum, a partition of the fruit, which divides the pericarpium into cells. Dissiliens siliqua, a pod that bursts wilh elasticity. Distans verticullus, a species of inflorescence, wherein the whorls of verticillate flowers stand at a great dis- tance from one another. Disticha folia, leaves in two rows, on two sides of the branches only. Divaricati rami, branches standing wide from each other in different directions. Divergentes rami, branches widening gradually. Dodrans, the 7th degree in the Linnaean scale for measur- ing the parfs of plants, or nine Parisian inches. Dodrantalis, nine inches long. Dolabriforme folium, a leaf resembling an ax. Dorsalis arista, an awn fixed to the back of the gluma. Drupa, a pulpy pericarpium. Duplica radix, a double root; a species of bulbous root, consisting of two solid bulbs. Duplicate serratum folium, a leaf sawed double, with less- er teeth within the greater. E. Ebracteatus, without a braclea. Ecaudate corolla, a corolla without a tail or spur. Echinatum pericarpium, a pod beset with prickles, like a hedgehog. Etflorescentiae tempus, the lime of efflorescence, when a plant shows its first flowers. Elliptical, resembling an oval. Emarginated, terminated by a notch. EJnervia folia, leaves having no apparent nerves. Enneapetala corolla, a flower consisting of nine petals. Enodis, having no knots or joints. Ensatae, plants having sword shaped leaves. Ensiformia folia, leaves shaped like a two edged sword, tapering toward the point. Epiphyllospermous, bearing the fruit on the back of the leaf. Equitantia folia, leaves riding, i.e. when their sides ap- proach so, that (he outer embrace (he inner. Erec(us, upright, perpendicular. Erosum folium, a gnawed leaf, i.e. when the margin ap- pears as if it were gnawed or bitten. Exserta stamina, stamina standing forth, when they appear above the corolla. Exsfipulatus, without stipula;. Exsuccum folium, a leaf whose substance is dry. BOTANY. Extrafoliaceae stipulae, stipulae growing on the outside of the leaves. F. Farctum folium, a stuffed leaf. Fasciata plants, a plant with many stalks grown together, like a bundle. Fascicular, consisting of fleshy parts connected to the base without the intervention of threads. Fascicularis radix, a bundled root, i.e. tuberous roots growing in bundles. Fasciculata folia, bundled leaves ; growing in bunches. Fastigiati pedunculi, peduncles pointed at lhe apex. Fauces,) the jaws or opening between the segments of Faux, 5 *he corolla, where the tube terminates. Fibrosa radix, a fibrous root. Filamentum, from filum, a thread, the part that supports the antherae. Filiform, thread shaped. Firabricata petala, fringed petals. Fissum folium, a leaf split half way down. Fistuiosus caulis, a hollow stem. Flabellalum folium, a fan shaped leaf. Flaccidus pedunculus, ihe footstalk ofa slender flower. Flagellum, a I wig or shoot like a whip. Fleshy, filled with a firm pulp. Flexosus caulis, a stalk having many turnings or bendings, taking a different direction al every joint. Floralia folia, floral leaves, that immediately attend the flower. Floralis gemma, a flower bud. Flos, a flower. Flosculus, a little flower. Foliaceae glandulae, glands growing on lhe leaves. Foliaris cirrhus, a tendril growing from a leaf. Foliaris gemmatio, a leaf bud. Foliatio plantae, the complication of the leaves whilst fold- ed within the bud. Foliatus caulis, a leafy stalk. Folifera gemma, a bud producing leaves. Foliolum, a litlle leaf, one ofthe single leaves, several of which united constitute a compound leaf. Foliosum capitulum, a leafy head, i.e.covered with leaves amongst the flowers or tops of (he plan!. Folium, a leaf. Folliculus, a little bag. Fornicalum peialuui, a vaulted or arched petal. Frequens planta, a common plant, growing every where. Frondescentiae tempus, the season when the leaves of plants are unfolded. Frondosus cordex, a species of trunk composed of a branch and a leaf blended together. Fructescentiae tempus, the time when a plant scatters its ripe seeds. Fructificatio, the temporary part ofa vegetable appropri- ated to generation, terminating the old plant and begin- ning the new. Frustranea, to no purpose. Frulex, a shrub. Fruticosus caulis, a shrubby slalk. Fugacissima petala, petals of short duration. Fulcratus caulis, a branch having a prop. Fulcrum, a prop or support. Furcata, forked. Fusiform, spindle shaped. G. Galea, a helmet applied to the corolla of the class gynan- dria. Galeatum labium, the lip of a flower, shaped like a helmet. Geminae stipulae, stipulae growing in pairs. Geminatus pedunculus, a double footstalk growing from one point. Gemmiparous, bearing buds. Geniculates, jointed. Geniculae, little joints. Germen, a sprout or bud. Gibbum folium, a leaf bunching out. Glaber, smooth, having an even surface. Glabrous, of a slippery nature. Gladiata siliqua, a sword shaped pod. Glandulae, glands, or secretory vessels. Glandulifera scabrities, a kind of bristly roughness on the surface of some plants, on which there are minute glands at the extremity of each bristle. Glareosi loci, gravelly places. Glaucophy llus, an azure coloured leaf. Globosa radix, a round root. Globularis scabrities, a species of glandular roughness, scarce visible to the naked eye, the small grains of which are exactly globular. Glochoides, the small points of the pubes of plants. Lin- naeus applies this term only to the hami triglochoides, with three hooked points. Glomeraffe spicae, flowers crowded together in a globular form. Gluma, a husk or chaff. Glutinocity, a slippery juice like glue or paste. Gramina, grasses. Granulatae radices, ) consisting of many little knobs, like Granulated roots, $ seeds or grain, attached to oneanoth- " er by small strings. Gymnospermous, naked seeded. Gynandria, male and female parts united. H. Hamosae setae, hooked bristles. Hamus, a hook; an accuminated crooked point. Hastata folia, leaves resembling the head ofa spear. Hemisphericus calyx, a half round flower cup. Herba, an herb; the part of the vegetable arising from the root, terminated by the fructification, and compre- hending the stem, leaf, props, and hybernacula. Herbaceaeplantse, perennial plants, which annually perish down to the root. Herbacei caules, stalks that die annually. Hexagonus caulis, a stalk with six angles. Hexapetalae corollae, flowers consisting of six petals. Hexaphyllus calyx, a flower cup consisting of six leaves. Hians corolla, a gaping flower. Hirsutus, rough, hairy. Hispidus caulis, a stalk covered with strong fragile bris- tles. Holeraceae, pot herbs. Horizontals flos, a horizontal flower, growing with ill disk parallel to the horizon. Hybridae plantae, mule plants. Hypocrateriformis corolla, a monopetalous flower, shaped like a cup or salver. BOTANY. I.J. Imberbis corolla, a flower without a beard. Imbricates, tile!, i.e. when the scales of a stalk, or flower cup, lie over one another like tiles upon a house. Immutalae, unaltered. Irnpar, odd, applied to a pinnated leaf terminating in an odd lobe. Inane, filled wilh spongy matter. Inanis caulis, a hollow or empty stalk. Incana folia, leaves covered with whitish down. Incisa folia, leaves cut into irregular segments. Incompletes flos, an imperfect flower without petals. Incrassati pedunculi, footstalks that increase in thickness as they approach the flowers. Incumbens anthera, an anthera affixed to the filament side- ways. Incurvatus caulis, a stalk bowed toward the earth. Indivisum folium, an undivided leaf. lnerme folium, a leaf unarmed, i.e. without prickles. Inferus flos, a flower whose receptacle is situated below the germen. Inflated, puffed out like a bladder. Inflexa folia, leaves bending inward to the stem. Infundibuliform, shaped like a funnel. Insertus petiolus, a footstalk inserted into the stem. Integrum folium, an undivided leaf. Integerrimum folium, an entire leaf, whose margin is des- titute of incisions. Interfoliaceus pedunculus, a flower stalk arising from be- tween opposite leaves. Interrupta spica, a spike of flowers, interrupted by small clusters of flowers between the larger ones. Interruptum folium pirmatum, the large folioles ofa wing- ed leaf, interrupted alternately by pairs of smaller ones. Intorsion, twisting to one side. Intrafoliaceae stipulae, stipulae growing on the inside ofthe leaves ofa plant. Inundate loca, is applied by Linnaeus to places that are overflowed only in winter. Involucellum, a partial involucrum. Involucrum, a cover. Involute folia, leaves rolled in, i.e. when their lateral mar- gins are rolled spirally inward on both sides. Irregularis flos, an irregular flower. Juba, a crest of feathers. lulus, a catkin. K. Kernel, a seed covered with a shell. Kidney shaped, having a notch cut out ofthe base, with- out posterior angles. L. Labiatus flos, a lipped flower. Lacera folia, leaves whose margin is cut into segments, as if rent or torn. Lacinin?, segments or divisions. Laciniatum folium, a leaf cut into irregular segments. Lactescentia, milkiness. Lacunosa folia, leaves deeply furrowed by the veins being sunk below the surface. Lacuslres plantae, plants which grow in lakes. La v is, smooth, having an even surface. Lamina, a thin plate, lhe upper expanded pait ofa poly- pefalous flower. vol. i. 50 Lana, wool, a species of pubescence which covers the sur- face of plants. Lanatum folium, a woolly or downy leaf. Lanceolatum folium, a lance shaped leaf. Lappet, the superior spreading part of a monopetalous corolla. Laterales flores, flowers coming from the sides. Laxus caulis, a loose or slender stalk. Leguminous plants, plants whose seeds are enclosed in pods. Lenticularis scabrities, a species of glandular scabrities, ia the form of lentils. Leprosus, spotted like a leopard. Liber, the inner rind of a plant. Lignosus caulis, a woody stem. Lignum, wood. Ligulated, ) a flower whose petals are tubulated at the Ligulatus flos, 5 base, plain on the outside, linear toward the middle, and widest at the extremity, in form of a bandage. Liliaceous, like a lily. Limbus, a border, the upper expanded part of a monopet- alous flower. Linea, a line, the second degree in the Linnaean scale for measuring plants; the 12th part of an inch. Lineare folium, a narrow leaf, whose opposite margins are almost parallel. Lineata folia, leaves whose superficies are marked with parallel lines, running lengthwise. Lingulatum folium, a leaf shaped like a tongue. Lobata folia, ) leaves divided to the middle into parts Lobed leaves, $ that stand wide from each other, and have their margins convex. Loculamentum, a cell, a division of a capsula. Locus foliorum, the particular part ofa plant to which the leaf is affixed. Lomentaceous, like bean meal. Longiusculus, somewhat long. Longum perianthium, a long perianthium, i.e. when the tube of the calyx is equal in length to that of the cor- olla. Lucidum folium, a clear shining leaf. Lunata folia, moon shaped leaves, round and hollowed at the base like a half moon. Lunulated, shaped like a crescent. Lnridus, pale, wan, or dismal. Lyratum folium, a leaf shaped like a lyre. M. Marcescens corolla, a flower withering on the plant. Margo folii, the margin of the leaf. Masculus flos, a male flower containing antherae, but no stigma. Masked flower, a flower gaping, but shut close between the lips. Mas planta, a male plant. Matrix, a seed vessel. Medulla, marrow, lhe pilh ofa plant. Membranacea folia, leaves which have no distinguishable pulp between their surfaces. Membranatus caulis, a stalk covered with thick mem- branes. Miliaria scabrities, a species of glandular roughness on some plants, like grains of millet. BOTANY. Milky planfs, plants whose juices are whif e, red, or yellow. Monocotylodones, plants whose seeds have a single coty- ledon. Monoecia, one house. Monopetalous, having but one petal. Monophyllous, consisting of one leaf. Monospermous, having one seed. Mucronatum folium, a leaf terminating in a sharp point. Multifidum folium, a leaf divided into many linear seg- ments. Multiflorous, bearing many flowers. Multipartitum folium, a leaf divided into many parts. Multisiliquae, plants with many pods. Muricatus caulis, a stalk whose surface is covered with sharp points, like the murex. Muticous, without a beard or prickle. N. Naked, without bristles or hairs. Natans folium, a leaf which swims on the surface of wa- ter. Navicularis valvula, the valve of a seed vessel resemr«ing a ship. Nervosum folium, a leaf whose surface is full of nerves or strings. Nervous, having unconnected small vessels, like nerves, running from the base to the top. Nidulantia semina, seeds in the pulp of a berry. Nitidum folium, a bright glossy leaf. Nucleus, a kernel. Nudus, naked. Nutans caulis, a nodding stalk. O. Obcordatum petalum, a heart shaped petal, with its apex downward. Obliquum folium, a leaf whose apex points obliquely tow- ard the horizon. Oblongum folium, an oblong leaf. Obsoleta lobata folia, leaves having lobes scarcely dis- cernible. Obtusa folia, leaves rounded at the apex. Obvoluta folia, leaves rolled against each other, when their respective margins alternately embrace the straight margin of the opposite leaf. Officinales, plants used in medicine, and kept in the apoth- ecaries' shops. Operculum, a cover. Oppositifolious, ) branches and leaves that grow by Oppositi rami folia, $ pairs opposite each other. Orbiculatum folium, a round leaf. Orgya, a fathom, or six Parisian feet. Ovale folium, an oval leaf. Ovarium, the germen. Ovatum folium, an egg shaped leaf. P. Pagina folii, the surface of a leaf. Palea, chaff, a thin membrane rising from a common re- ceptacle, which separates the flosculi. Paleaceus pappus, chaffy down. Palmata radix, a handed root. Palmatum folium, a leaf shaped like an open hand. Palustris, marshy or fenny. Panduriform, shaped like a guitar. Papilionaceous, butterfly shaped. Papillosum folium, a leaf covered with dots or points like nipples. Pappus, down. Papulosum folium, a leaf whose surface is covered with piiiiples. Parabolical, in form of a parabola. Parallelum dissepimentum, the dissepiment parallel to the sides of the pericarpium. Parasiticae plantae, plants that grow only out of other plants. Partialis umbella, a partial umbel. Partiale involucrum, a cover at the base of the partial umbel. Partitum folium, a divided leaf. Parvum perianthium, a little flower cup. Patens, spreading. Patulus calyx, a spreading cup. Pauciflorous, having few flowers. Pedalis caulis, a stalk a foot in height. Pedatum folium, a species of compound leaf, whose divi- sions resemble the toes of the foot. Pedicellus, a little footstalk. Peduncularis cirrhus, a tendril proceeding from the foot- stalk ofa flower. Pedunculati flores, flowers growing on footstalks. Pedunculus, the footstalk of a flower. Peltatum folium, a leaf in which the footstalk is inserted into its disk instead of its base. Penicilliforme stigma, a stigma in the form ofa painter's pencil. Pentagonus caulis, a five angled stalk. Pentapefalous, consisting of five petals. Pentaphyllous, consisting of five leaves. Perennial, continuing for many years. Perfecti flores, flowers having petals; the perfect flow- ers of Ray, Tournefort, and other botanists. Perfoliatum folium, a leaf whose base entirely surrounds the stem, or through whose centre lhe stalk grows. Perforati cotyledones, perforated cotyledons. Perianthium, i.e. surrounding the flower, a species of calyx. Pericarpium, i.e. round the fruit, a pod. Perichaetium, a circular tuft of fine hairlike leaves, sur- rounding the bases of the filaments in the musci and algae. Petaliforme stigma, a stigma resembling the shape ofa petal. Pelaloides flos, a flower having petals. Petiolaris cirrhus, a tendril proceeding from the footstalk ofa leaf. Petiolatum folium, a leaf growing on a footstalk. Petiolus, a little footstalk. Pileus, a hat or bonnet, the orbicular expansion ofa mush- room, which covers the fructification. Pilosum folium, a leaf whose surface is covered with long distinct hairs. Pinnatifidum folium, a winged leaf; applied to simple leaves whose laciniae are transverse to the rachiae. Pinnatum folium, a winged leaf. Pixidatum folium, a kind of foliage where one leaf islet into another by a joint. Planipetalous, with plain flat petals. Planum folium, a plain flat leaf. BOTANY. Plicatum folium, a plaited leaf. Plumata seta, a feathered bristle. Phimosus pappus, a kind of soft down. Poilex, a Ihumb, the length of the first joint of the thumb, or a Parisian inch. Polycotyledones, many cotyledons. Polygamia, many marriages. Polygynia, many females. Polypetalous, consisting of many petals. Polyphillous, consisting of many leaves. Polyspermous, containing many seeds. Polystachius culmus, a stalk of grass having many spikes. Pracmorsa radix, a bitten root, ending abruptly. Prismaticus calyx, a triangular flower cup. Procumbent, lying on the ground. Prominulous, jetting out beyond the valves. Pronum discum folii, a leaf with its face downward. Proprium involucrum, an involucrum at the base of anum- bcllated flower. Pulposum folium, a pulpy leaf. Pulveratum folium, a leaf powdered with a kind of dust like meal. Punctatum folium, a leaf sprinkled with hollow dots or points. Putamineous, like a shell. Q. Quadrangulare folium, a leaf with 4 prominent angles in the edge of its disk. Quadrifidum folium, a leaf divided into 4 parts. Quadrijugum folium, a leaf having 4 pair of folioles. Quadrilobum folium, a leaf consisting of 4 lobes. Quadriparfifum folium, a leaf consisting of 4 divisions down to the base. Quaterna folia, verticillafe leaves, having four in each whorl. Quina folia, verticillafe leaves by fives. Quinatuin folium, a digitate leaf with 5 folioles. Quinquangulare folium, a leaf with 5 prominent angles in the edge of its disk. Quinquefid urn folium, a leaf consisting of 5 divisions, with linear sinuses, and straight margins. Quinquejugum folium, a pinnated leaf with 5 pair of fo- lioles. Quinquelobum folium, a leaf wrth 5 lobes. Quinquepartitum folium, a leaf consisting of 5 divisions down to (he base. R. Rachis folii pinnati, fhe middle rib of a winged leaf, to which the folioles are affixed. Radiafus flos, a species of compound flowers, in which the florets of the disk are tubular, and those of lhe radi- us ligulate. Radicalia folia, leaves proceeding immediately from the root. Radicans caulis, a stalk bending (o the ground, and taking roof where it touches the earth. Radicate folia, leaves shooting out roots. Radius, a ray, the ligulate margin of (he disk of a com- pound flower. Ramea folia, leaves that grow only on the branches, and not on the trunk. Ramosissimi caules, stalks abounding with branches irreg- ularly disposed. 50* Ramosus caulis, a stalk having many branches. Ramus, a branch ofa tree. Reclinatum folium, a leaf bending downward. Recurvatum folium, a leaf bent backward. Reflexus ramus, a branch bent back toward the trunk. Remotus verticillus, a species of inflorescence, w herein the whorls of flowers and leaves stand at a distance from one another. Reniforme folium, a kidney shaped leaf. Repandum folium, a leaf having a bending or waved mar- gin without any angles. Repens caulis, a creeping stalk, either running along the ground, or on trees or rocks, and striking roots at certain distances. Repens radix, a creeping root extending horizontally. Reptans flagellum, a twig creeping along the ground. Restantes pedunculi, footstalks remaining after the fructi- fication has fallen off. Resupinatio florum, the upper lip of a flower facing the ground, and the lower lip turned upward. Resupinatum folium, a leaf, the lower disk of which looks upward. Retroflexus ramus, a branch bent in different directions. Retrofractus pedunculus, a footstalk bent back toward its insertion, as if it were broken. Retusum folium, a leaf with its apex blunt. Revolutum folium, a leaf rolled back. Rhombeum folium, a leaf whose shape nearly resembles a rhombus. Rhomboideum folium, a leaf ofa geometrical figure, whose sides and angles are unequal. Rigidus caulis, a stiff or rigid stem. Rimosus caulis, a stalk abounding with clefts and chinks. Ringens, grinning or gaping. Rosaceus flos, a flower whose petals are placed in a circle like those of a rose. Rostellum, a little beak. Rotaceous, like a wheel. Rotatus limbus corollae, a wheel shaped flower, expanded horizontally, having a tubular basis. Rotundatum folium, a roundish leaf. Rubra lactescentia, red milkiness. Ruderata loca, rubbishy places. Rugosum folium, a rough or wrinkled leaf. S. Sagittatum, arrow shaped. Sarmentosus caulis, the shoot of a vine, naked between each joint, and producing leaves at the joints. Scaber caulis, a scabby and rough stalk, having tubercles. Scabrities, a species of pubescence, composed of particles scarcely visible, on the surface of plants. Scandens caulis, a climbing stalk. Scariosa folia, leaves dry on the margin, that sound when touched. Scorpioides flos, a flower resembling the tail ofa scorpion. Scutellum, a species of fructification which is orbicular, concave, and elevated in the margin. Scyphifer, cup bearing. Secretoria scabrities, a species of glandular roughness on the surface of some plants. Securiformis pubescentia, a species of pubescence on some plants, fhe bristles resembling an ax. Semiualia folia, seed leaves. BOTANY. Semiteres caulis, a half round stalk, flat on one side. Senipervirens folium, an evergreen leaf. Sena folia, leaves growing in sixes. Sericeum folium, a leaf whose surface is of a soft silky texture. Serratum folium, a sawed leaf. Sessile folium, a leaf growing immediately to the stem, without any footstalk. Setae, bristles. Setacea folia, leaves shaped like bristles. Simplex caulis, a single stem. Sinuatum folium, a leaf whose sides are scalloped. Solidus caulis, a solid stalk. Solitarius pedunculus, a solitary flower stalk, i.e. when only one proceeds from the same part. Solutae stipulae, loose straw. Sparsus, scattered without order. Spathaceous, like a sheath. Spatulaf um folium, a leaf in the form of a spatula. Spica, a spike ; a species of inflorescence in grasses, re- sembling an ear of corn. Spicula, a little spike. Spinae, thorns, or rigid prickles. Spinescent, hard and prickling. Spinosus caulis, a stalk with strong prickles, whose roots proceed from the wood of the stem, and from the surface of the bark. Spirales cotyledones, seminal leaves twisted spirally. Spithama, a span, or seven Parisian inches. Splendentia folia, shining leaves. Squamosa radix, a scaly root. Squarrosum, rough, scaly, or scurfy. Stamineus flos, flowers having stamina, but no corolla. Statuminatae, an order of plants in the former Fragmenta Metbodi Naturalis of Linnaeus. Stellate folia, leaves surrounding a stem like the rays of a star. Stellatae setae, bristles arising from a centre in form ofa star. Sterilis flos, a barren flower; masculus of Linnaeus. Stigma, a mark, the apex ofthe pistillum. Stimuli, stings. Stipitatus pappus, a kind of trunk that elevates the down and connects it with the seed. Stipulares glandulae, glands produced from stipulae. Stolo, a shoot which, running on the surface of the ground, strikes root at every joint. Striati caules, culmi, &c.channelled streaks running length- wise in parallel lines. Strictus caulis, a straight stiff shoot. Sfrigae, ridges or rows. Stylus, the style, from stylus a pillar. Submersum folium, the leaf of an aquatic plant, sunk under the surface of the water. Subramosus caulis, a stalk having few branches. Subrotundum folium, a leaf almost round. Snbulatum folium, an awl shaped leaf. Suffrutex, an under shrub. Sulcatus caulis, or culmus, a stalk deeply furrowed lengthwise. Superus flos, a flower whose receptacle stands above the germen. Supra axillaris pedunculus, the footstalk of a flower whose insertion is above the angle formed by the branch. Supra decomposite folia, composite leaves which have lit- tie leaves growing on a subdivided footstalk. Supra foliaceus pedunculus, (he footetalk of a flower in- serted into (he stem immediately above the leaf. Surculus, a twig, the stalk of a moss. Swob, a legumen or pod. Syngenesia, generating together. T. Tegumentum, a cover. Teres caulis, a cylindrical stalk. Tergeminum folium, a leaf three times double, when a di- chotomus petiolus is subdivided, having two foliola on the extremity of each division. Ternata of folia, leaves in whorls by threes. Tessalatum folium, a checkered leaf, whose squares are of different colours. Tetradynamia, the superiority of four. Tetragonus caulis, a square stalk. Tefrapetalous, consisting of four petals. Tetraphyllous, consisting of four leaves. Tetraspermous, producing four seeds. T/ialamus, a bed, the receptacle. Theca, a sheath. Tomentosus, covered with a whitish down like wool. Tomentum, a species of woolly or downy pubescence, covering the surface of some plants. Torosum pericarpium, a brawny protuberance, like the swelling of the veins, when a pericarpium is bunched out by the enclosed seeds. Torla corolla, a flower with the petals twisted. Tortillis arista, a twisted awn. Transversum dissepimenfum, the dissepiment at right angles with the sides of the pericarpium. Trapeziforme folium, a leaf having four prominent angles, whose sides are neither equal nor opposite. Triangulare folium, a triangular leaf. Tricocca capsula, wifh three cells, and a single seed in each. Tricuspidated, three pointed. Trifidum folium, a leaf divided into three linear segments, having straight margins. Triflorus, bearing three flowers. Trigonus caulis, a three sided stelk. Trihilatum semen, a seed having three eyes. Trijugum folium, a winged leaf with three pairs of fo- liola. Trilobum folium, a leaf with three lobes. Trilocular folium, a leaf having the pericarpium divided into three loculaments. Trinervum folium, a leaf having three strong nerves run- ning from the base to the apex. Trioecia, three houses. Tripartifum folium, a leaf divided into three parts down to the base. Tripetalous, consisting of three petals. Tripetaloideae, three petalled. Triphyllous, consisting of three leaves. Tripinnatum folium compositum, a leaf having a triple series of pinnae, or wings. Tiiplinerve folium, a leaf having three nerves running from the base fo the apex. Triquetrum folium, or triquetra caulis, a leaf, or stalk, having three plain sides. Trispermous, three seeded. BOT BOT Triternatum folium compositum, a compound leaf when the divisions of a triple petiolus are Subdivided into threes. Trivalve pericarpium, a pod consisting of three valves. Truncatum folium, a leaf having its apex as it were cut off. Truncus, the body or stem of a tree. Tubeictilatus, having pimples or tubercles. Tuberculum, a little pimple. Tuberosa radix, a knobbed root. Tibulatura perianthium, a tubular flower. Tubulosi flosculi, tubular florets nearly equal. Tubus, a tube. Tunicatus radix, a species of bulbous root, having coats lying one over another from the centre to the surface ; as in the onion, &c. Turbinatum pericarpium, a kind of pod shaped like a top, narrow at the base, and broad at the apex. Turgiduin legumen, a swollen pod. Tuiiones, the young buds of pines. V. U. Viginalis, shea(hed. Vaginans folium, a leaf like a sheath. Valvula, a valve. Venosum folium, a leaf whose whole surface is run over by veins. Ventricosa spica, a spike narrowing at each extremity, and bellying out in the middle. Ventriculosus calyx, a flower cup bellying out in the mid- dle, but not in so great a degree as venfricosus. Verrucosa capsula, a capsule having little knobs or warts on its surface. Versafilis an(hera, an anthera fixed by the middle on the point of (he filament, and so poised as to turn like the needle ofa compass. Verticalia folia, leaves so situated that their base is per- pendicular above the apex. Verticillated branches, flowers, or leaves ; such as sur- round (he stem, like the rays ofa wheel. Vesicula, a little bladder. Vesicularis scabrities, a kind of glandular roughness, re- sembling vesicules. Vexillum, a standard, the upright petal ofa papilionace- ous flower. Villosus, covered with soft hairs. Virgatus caulis, a stalk shooting out. Viscidura folium, a clammy leaf. Viscosilus, clamminess. Ulisrinosa loca, boggy places. Umbella, an umbel or umbrella. Umbellalus flos, an umbellated flower. Umbellula, a little umbel. Umbilicatum folium, a leaf shaped like a navel. Uncinatum stigma, a hooked stigma. Undatura folium, a waved leaf, whose surface rises and falls in waves toward the margin. Undulata corolla, a flower whose petals are waved. Unguis, a nail or claw ; that part of a petal (hat is joined to (he receptacle. Unicus flos, a single flower. Unicus radix, a single root. Uniflorus pedunculus, a footstalk with one flower. Unitelateralis, growing on one side. Universalis umbella, an universal umbel. Volubilis caulis, a twining stalk. Urecolata corolla, a pitcher shaped flower. Urens caulis, or folium, a stalk or leaf burning, or stinging, as nettles. Utricula, a species of glandular secretory vessels, on lhe surface of various plants. W. Waved, having the disk alternately bending up and down in obtuse plaits. Wedge shaped, growing narrower toward the base. Whirl, or (leaves, flowers, &c. surrounding a stalk or Whorl, ( trunk at the joints in great numbers. BOTE, bota, in our old law books, signifies recom- pense or amends : thus man bote, is a compensation for a man slain. There are likewise house bote and plough bote, privileges to tenants, of cutting wood for making ploughs, repairing tenements, and likewise for fuel. BOTRYCHIUM, in botany, a genus of (he class cryp- togamia, order of filices. There are four species, natives of America. 1. B. virginicum, 2. B. fumarioides, 3. B. obliquum, 4. B. dissecfum. (a) BOTTOM, in navigation, is used to denote as well the channel of rivers and harbours, as the body or hull of a ship: thus, in the former sense, we say a gravelly bottom, clayey bottom, sandy bottom, &c. and in the latter sense, a British bottom, a Dutch bottom, &c. By statute, cer- tain commodities imported in foreign bottoms, pay a duty called petty customs, over and abov« what they are lia- ble lo if imported in British bottoms. BOTTOMRY, in commerce, a marine contract for the borrowing of money upon the keel or bottom of a ship; that is, when the master of a ship binds the ship itself, that.if the money be not paid by the time appointed, the creditor shall have the ship. Bottomry is alsowhere a person lends money to a mer- chant, who wants it in traffic, and the lender is fo be paid a greater sum at the return of the ship, standing to the hazard of the voyage; on which account, though the in- terest be greater than what the law commonly allows, yet it is not usury, because the money being furnished at the lender's hazard, if the ship perishes he shares in the loss. It is enacted by 19 Geo. II. cap. xxxvii. that after Au- gust 1, 1746, every sum of money lent on bottomry, upon the ships of any subjects lo or from the East Indies, shall be lent only on the ship, or the merchandises laden on board her, and so expressed in the condition of the bond; and the benefit of salvage shall be g^nted fo (he lender^ his agents, &c. who only shall havfa right to make as- surance on the money len( ; and no borrower of money on bottomry shall recover more on any assurance (ban the value of his interest on the ship or effects, exclusive of the money borrowed. And if the value of his interest does not amount to the money borrowed, he shall be re- sponsible to the lender for the surplus, with lawful inter- est for the same, togelher with the assurance, and all charges whatsoever, &c. notwithstanding the sbio and merchandise shall be totally lost. BOTTONY. A cross bottony, in heraldry, terminates at each end in three buds, knots, or buttons, resembline in some measure, the trefoil ; on which account Segoine in his Tresor Heraldique, terms it croix trefflee. It?s the badge of the order of St. Maurice. BOW BOW BOTTS. See Oestris. BOUGIE, in surgery, originally a wax taper, but the term is now generally applied to several instruments which are used by surgeons in diseases of the urinary passage. See Surgery. BOULTINE, a term which workmen use for a mould- in"-, the convexity of which is just one fourth ofa circle ; being the member next below the plinth in the Tuscan and Doric capitals. BOUNTY, in commerce, a premium paid by the gov- ernment to the exporters of certain British commodities, on their taking oath, or, in some cases, giving bond, not to reland the same in England. Bounties, as they respect the fisheries, are either per- petual or temporary. The former are payable on the ex- port of pilchards, cod fish, ling whether wet or dried, salmon, white herrings, red herrings, and dried red sprats, being of British fishery and curing. The latter are pay- able on the tonnage of ships carrying on (he British and Greenland fisheries, on the quantity of fish taken in the British and Newfoundland fisheries, on the quantities of oil, blubber, and whale fins, taken in the southern whale fishery. The bounty on cordage manufactured in Great Britain, is 2s. 4%d. perewt. Bounties have been granted by several statutes on the exportation of corn, when it does not exceed stipulated prices at the port of exportation. Those trades only require bounties, in which the merchant is obliged to sell his goods for less than they cost him; and the bounty is given to compensate this loss, and to encourage him to continue, or perhaps to commence, a trade that may be important to lhe interests ofthe country. Bounty, queen Anne's, for augmenting poor livings under 501. per annum, consists of tbe produce of tbe first fruits and tenths, after lhe charges and pensions payable out of the same are defrayed. To remedy the inconve- niences that result from an absurd slatute enforcing lhe res- idence of the clergy, by slat. 44 Ge«>. III. c. 2. the sum of 8000J. was granted out of the consolidated fund to the governors of queen Anne's bounty, for the relief of cu- rates deprived of their cures on account ofthe residence of incumbents. BOURIGNONISTS, the name of a sect among the Low country protestants, being sHch as follow the doctrine of Antoinette Bourignon, a native of Lisle, and apostate from tbe Roman catholic religion. The principles of this sect bear a very near resemblance to those of the qui- etists and quakers. BOUT ANT, or Arch boutant, in architecture, aflat arch or part of an ar:7i abutting against the reins ofa vault, to prevent its giving way. A pillar boutant is a large chain or pile of stone, made to support a wall, terrace, or vault. BOW, arcus, a weapon of offence made of steel, wood, horn, or other elastic matter. The use of the bow is, without all doubt, of lhe earliest antiquity. It has like- wise been the most universal of all weapons, having ob- tained amongst the most barbarous and remote people, who had lhe least communication with the rest of mankind. The figure of the bow is pretty much the same in all coun- tries where it has been used ; for it has generally two in- flections or bendings, between which, in the place where the arrow is drawn, is a right line. The Grecian bow was in the shape of an 2, of which form we meet with many, and generally adorned with gold or silver. The Scythian bow was distinguished from the bows of Greece and other nations by its incurvation, which was so great as to form a half moon or semicircle. The Persians had very great bows made of reeds, probably the bamboo; and the In- dians had also, not only arrows, but bows made of the reeds or canes of that country; the Lycian bows were made of the cornel tree; and those of the Ethiopians, which surpassed all others in magnitude, were made of the palm tree. Though it does not appear that the Romans made use of bows in the infancy of their republic, yet they after- ward admitted them as hostile weapons, and employed auxiliary archers in all their wars. In drawing the bow, the primitive Grecians did not pull back their hand toward the right ear, according to the fashion of modern ages, and of the ancient Persians, but placing their bow directly before them, returned their band upon the right breast. This was also the custom of the Amazons. The bow is a weapon of offence amongst the inhabitants of Asia, Africa, and America, at this day ; and in Europe, before the invention of fire arms, a part of the infantry were armed with bows. Lewis XI. first abolished the use of them in France, introducing in their place the halherd, pike, and broad sword. The long bow was formerly in great use in England, and many laws were made to encourage it. The parliament under Henry VII. complained ofthe disuse of long bows, heretofore the safeguard and defence of this kingdom, and the dread and terror of its enemies. Bow, among builders, a beam of wood or brass, wifh (hree long screws (hat direct a lath of wood or steel to any arch; chiefly used in drawing draughts of ships and projections of the sphere; or wherever it is requisite to draw large arches. Bow of a ship, that part which begins at the loof, and compassing the ends of the stem, finishes at the stern- most part of the forecastle. That part upon fhe right hand side of the stem, to a person on deck and looking forward, is called the star- board bow, and oti the left hand side is called the larboard bow. Bow, weather, is that part of the bow toward the wind when a ship is close hauled ; and the other part is called the lee bow. Bow, on the, an expression to denote fhe position of any object, as a ship, the land, &c. appearing in lhe di- rection of some particular part of the bow. If a ship is sailing directly toward the object, it is said to be right ahead ; if not, the object is said to be on the starboard or larboard, or on lhe weather or lee bow. BOWER, in the sea language, the name of an anchor carried at the bow of a ship. There are generally two bowers, called first and second, great and little, or best and small bower. BOWLINE, in sea language, a rope fastened near the middle ofthe leech, or perpendicular edge ofthe princi- pal square sails, by three or four subordinate parts called bridles, and leading forward toward the bow, whence it derives its name. It is always used when fhe wind is so unfavourable, that the sails must be all braced side- ways, or close hauled to the wind: in this situation, the bowlines are employed to keep the weather or windward BRA BRA edges of the principal sails right forward and steady) without which ihey would be perpetually shivering, and rendered incapable of service. The bowline is fastened by two, three, or four ropes, like a crow's foot, to as many parte of the sail; only the mizen bowline is fastened to the lower end of the yard. This rope belongs to all sails, except the spritsail and bprit-lopsail. The use of lhe bowline is to make the sails stand sharp, or close, or by a wind. Sharp tht bowline, is hale it tawt, or pull it hard. Hale up the bowline, that is, pull it harder forward on. Check or ease, or run up the bowline, that is, let it be more slack. BOWSE, in the sea language, signifies as much as to hale or pull. Thus bowsing upon a tack, is haling upon a tack. Bowse away, that is, pull away all together. BOWSPRIT, or boltsprit, a kind of mast, resting slopewise on the head of tee main stem, and having its lower end fastened to the partners of the foremost, and further supported by the fore stay. It carries the sprit- sail, sprit-topsail, and jack staff; and its length is usually the same with that of the foremast. BOWYERS, artificers whose employment or occupa- tion it is to make bows. There is a company of bowycrs in the city of London, first incorporated in 16'i3. BOX, or box tree. See Buxus. BO YAU, in fortification, aditch covered with a parapet, which serves as a communication between two trenches. It runs parallel to the works ofthe body of the place, and serves as a line of contravallation, not only to hinder the sal- lies of the besieged, but also to secure the miners. But when it is a particular cut that runs from the trenches to cover some spot of ground, it is drawn so as not to be en- filaded, or scoured by the shot from the town. BO YES, idolatrous priests among the savages of Flor- ida. BRABEJUM, the African almond, a genus ofthe mon- oecia order, and polygamia class of plants. In the male the corolla is four or five parted; there are four stamina inserted in the throat; the style is bifid and abortive; the hermaph- rodite has a four parted corolla, re volute upward, with four stamina, one pistil with two stigmas; the fruit is a roundish drupa with a globular seed. Of this genus there is but one species, vis. Brabejum stellatifolium, the star leafed African almond, a native of the Cape of Good Hope. In Europe it seldom grows above eight or nine feet high, but in its native soil is a tree of middling growth. It riscs wilh an upright stem, which is soft, and full of pitch within, and covered with brown bark. The leaves come out all round the branches at each joint: they are indented at their edges, standing on very short footstalks. The flowers are produced tow- ard the end of their shoots, of a pale colour inclining to white. They may be propagated, though with difficulty, by layers made in April. In winter they should have a good greenhouse ; but in summer they should be placed abroad in a sheltered situation. BRACE, in architecture, a piece of timber framed in with bevil joints, the use of which is to keep the build- ing from swerving either way. When the brace is fram- ed into the kinglesses, or principal rafters, it is by some called a stmt. Braces, in the sea language, are ropes belonging to all the yards of a ship, except the mizen, I wo to each yard, reeved through blocks that are fastened to penants, seized to the yard arms. Their use is either fo square or trans- verse the yards. Brace, in writing, a term used to signify a crooked line, as ( , made at the end of two or more articles in an account, the amount of which is usually placed in the ceo- tre of the brace. It is used also in printing to enclose an entire passage, as a triplet in poetry. BRACED, in heraldry, a term for the intermingling three cheoronels. BRACHLEUS. See Anatomy. BRACHIALIS. See Anatomy. BRACH1UM, arm. See Anatomy. BRACHM4NS, or bramins, a sect of Indian philos- ophers, known to the ancient Greeks by the name of gy m- nosopbists. The ancient Brachmans lived upon herbs and pulse, and abstained from every thing that had life in it. They lived in solitude, without matrimony, and with- out property. The modern Brachmans constitute one of the casts or tribes ofthe Banians. They are the priests of that people, and perform their office of praying and read- ing the law, with several mimic gestures, and a kind of quavering voice. They believe in rewards and punish- ments after this life; and have so great a veneration for cows, that they look on themselves as blessed if they can but die with the tail of one of them in their hand. They have preserved some noble fragments of the knowledge of the ancient Brachmans. They are skilful arithmeticians, and calculate, with great exactness, eclipses of (he sun and moon. They are remarkable for (heir religious au- sterities. One of them has been known to make a vow to wear about his neck a heavy collar of iron for a considera- ble time; another to chain himself by the foot to a tree, with a firm resolution to die in that place; and another to walk in wooden shoes stuck full of nails on the inside. Their divine worship consists chiefly of processions, made in honour of their deities. They have a college at Bana- ra, a city seated on the river Ganges. BRACHYGRAPHY, the art of short hand writing. See Tachygraphy. , BRACHYSTEMON, in botany, a genus ofthe class didynamia, order gymnospermia. The essential charac- ter is, cal. 5 toothed, cor. gaping, white; 4 seeded, ob- long. There are 4 species. 1. B. verticillatus, a nalive of Pennsylvania. 2, B. mulicus, a nalive of Carolina, 3. B. virginicus, a nalive of Penns. 4. B. lanceola- tus, a native of Penns. They flower in August. BRACKETS, in a ship, the small knees, serving to support the galleries, and commonly carved. Also, the timbers that support the gratings in the head are called brackets. Brackets, in gunnery, are lhe cheeks of (he carriage ofa mortar: they are made of strong planks of wood, of almost a semicircular figure, and bound round with thick iron plates; they are fixed to the beds by four bolts, which are called bed bolts; they rise upon each side of the mortar, and serve to keep her at any elevation, by means of some s(rong iron bolts, called bracket bolt?, which go through these cheeks or brackets. BRA BRACTEARIA, in natural history, a genus of tales, composed of small plates in form of spangles, each plate being either very thin, or fissile inlo very thin ones. See Mineralogy. BRADS, among artificers, a kind of nails used in build- ing, which have no spreading heads, as other nails have. They are distinguished, by ironmongers, by six names; as joiner's brads, flooring brads, batten brads, bill brads, or quarter heads, &c. Joiner's brads are for hard wain- scot ; batten brads, for soft wainscot; bill brads are used when a floor is laid in haste, or for shallow joists subject to warp. See Nail. BRADYPUS, or sloth, a genus of animals of the order ofbruta. The generic character is: 1st, Bradypus tri- dactylus, or three toed sloth. The general appearance of the sloth is extremely uncouth; tbe body is of a thick shape ; the fore legs short, the hinder ones far longer; the feet on all the legs are very small, but are armed each with three most excessively strong and large claws, of a slightly curved form, and sharp pointed. The head is small; the face short, with a rounded or blunt snout, which is naked, and of a blackish colour ; the eyes are small, black, and round; the ears rather small, flat, round- ed, lying close to the head, and not unlike those of mon- kies. The, hair on the top of the head is so disposed as fo project somewhat over the forehead and sides of the face, giving a very peculiar and grotesque physiognomy to the animal. The general colour of the hair on all parts is a grayish brown; and the hair is extremely coarse, moderately long, and very thickly covers the body, niore especially about the back and thighs. A remarkable character as to colour in this species, is a wide patch or space on the upper part of the back, of a bright ferrugi- nous or rather pale orange colour, spotted on each side with black, and marked down the middle with a very con- spicuous black stripe; wide at its origin, and gradually tapering to its extremity : it reaches more than halfway down the back, and terminates in a sort of trifid mark. The tail is nearly imperceptible, being so extremely short as to be concealed from view by lhe fur. The count de Buffon is not willing to allow this crea- ture any share in contributing lo lhe general beauty in the scale of animated nature, but considers it as an ill constructed mass of deformity, created only for misery. Notwithstanding this appearance of wretchedness and deformity, the sloth is, perhaps, as well fashioned for its proper modes and habits of life, and feels as much happi- ness in ifs solitary and obscure retreats, as the rest of lhe animal world of greater locomotive powers and superior external elegance. The sloth feeds entirely on vegetables, and particular- ly on leaves and fruit. Its voice is said to be so incon- ceivably singular, and of such a mournful melancholy, at- tended, at the same lime, with such a peculiarity of as- pect, as at once to excite a mixture of pity, and disgust: and it is added, that the animal makes use of this natural yell as its best mode of defence; since other creatures are frightened away by (he uncommon sound. This, how- ever, is far from being its only refuge ; for so great is the degree of muscular strength which it possesses, that it is capable of seizing a dog with its claws, and holding it, in spite of all ifs efforts to escape, till it perishes with hun- ger; the sloth itself being so well calculated for support- B R A ing abstinence, that the celebrated Kircher assures us of its power in this respect having been exemplified by the very singular experiment of suffering one, which had fast- ened itself to a pole, to remain in that situation, without any sustenance, upward of forty days. This extraordi- nary animal is an inhabitant of the hotter parts of South America. It is nearly as large as a middle sized doff See Plate XXXIII. Nat. Hisf. fig. 62. S' 2d. Bradypus didacfylus, or two toed sloth, is also a native of South America; and it is asserted, on good au- thority, that it is likewise found in some parts of India, as well as in the island of Ceylon. In its general appear- ance, as well as in size, it bears a considerable resemblance to the former species: it is, however, somewhat more slender \n its shape, covered with smoother or less coarse and harsh hair, and is of a more uniform or less varied tinge, and, in particular, is strikingly distinguished, as a species, by having only two claws on the forefeet; it is also a much more active animal, and, even when imported into Europe, has been known, according to the testimony ofthe count de Buffon, to ascend and descend from a tall tree several times in a day; whereas the three toed sloth with difficulty performs that operation in a whole day, and can scarcely crawl a few hundred yards in the space of many hours. 3d. Bradypus in sinus, or ursine sloth, is by far the largest species: it is a native of India, and has been but lately introduced to the knowledge of European natural- ists. It was brought from the neighbourhood of Patna in Bengal. This animal has, at first sight, so much of the general aspect of a bear, that it has actually been con- sidered as such by some observers : but it is no otherwise related to the bear than by its size and habit, or mere ex- terior outline. It is about the size of a bear, and is covered all over, except on the face, or rather (he snout, which is bare and whitish, with long, shaggy, black hair; which on (heneck and back is much longer than elsewhere. On the fore part of the body the hair points forward ; on the hinder part backward. The eyes are very small: the ears rather small, and partly*hid in the long hair of (he head. It is totally destitute of incisores or front teeth: in each jaw there are two canine teeth of a moderate size. The nose or snout is of a somewhat elongated form ; it also appears as if furnished with a sort of transverse joint, or internal cartilage, which admits of a peculiar kind of motion in this part. It is a gentle and good nalured animal; it feeds chiefly on vegetables and milk, is fond of apples, and does not wil- lingly eat animal food, except of a very tender nature, as marrow, which it readily sucked from a bone presented to it. Its motions are not, as in the two former species, slow and languid, but moderately lively; and it appears to have a habit of turning itself round and round every now and then, as if for amusement, in the manner of a dog when lying down to sleep. It is said to have a propensi- ty to burrowing under the ground. BRAG, a game al cards, wherein as many may partake as the cards will supply ; (he eldes( hand dealing three to each person at one lime, and (urning up (he last card all round. This done, each gamester puts down three stakes, one for each card. The first slake is won by (he best card turned up in the dealing round, beginning from tbe BRA BRA ace, king, queen, knave, and so downward. When cards of the same value are turned up to two or more of the gamesters, the eldest hand gains; but it is to be observ- ed that the ace of diamonds wins, to whatever hand it is turned up. The second stake is won by what is called the brag, which consists in one of the gamesters challenging fhe rest to produce cards equal to his: now it is lo be observed, that a pair of aces is the best brag, a pair of kings the next, and so on ; and a pair of any sort wins the stake from the most valuable single card. In this part consists the great diversion of the game ; for, by lhe artful manage- ment ofthe looks, gestures, and voice, it frequently hap- pens that a pair of fives, treys, or even duces, out brags or induces the holder to throw up a higher pair, and even some pairs royal, fo the no small merriment ofthe com- pany. The knave of clubs is here a principal favourite, making a pair with any other card in hand, and with any other two cards a pair royal. . The third stake is won by (he person who first makes up the cards in his hand one and thirty; each dignified card going for ten, and drawing from the pack, as usual in this game. BRAGANTIA racemosa, in botany, a plant ofthe class gynandria, order hexandria, cal. none, cor. 1 pefaled, tubo globose, furrowed lengthwise, 4 celled, 4 valved. (6) BRAIL, or Brails, in a ship, are small ropes made use of to furl the sails across : they belong only to the two courses and the mizen sail. BRAIN. See Anatomy. BRAN, the skins or husks of corn, especially wheat ground, separated from the corn by a sieve or boulter. It is of wheat bran that starch makers make their starch. The dyers reckon bran among the not colouring drugs, and use it for making what they call the sour waters, with which they prepare iheir dyes. BRANCHIAE, gills, in the anatomy of fishes, the parts corresponding to lhe lungs of land animals, by which fishes take in and throw out again a certain quantity of water impregnated with air. All fishes, except »he cetaceous ones and the lamprey, are furnished wilh ihese organs of respiration, which are always eight in number, four on each side (he throat. That next (he hear( is always (he leas(, (he res( increasing in order as (hey stand near (he head of the fish. Each of Ihese gills is composed of a bony lamina, in form of a semicircle, for (he most part; and on its convex side stand lhe leaves or lamellae, like so many sickles. The whole convex part of the lamellae is beset with hairs, which are longest near the base, and decrease gradually as they approach toward the point. There are also hairs on the concave side of the lamellae, but shorter than the others, and continued only to its middle. The convex side of one lamina is fitted into the concave side of (he ncx( superior one; and all of (hem are connected togeth- er by means of a membrane, which reaches from their base half way (heir height, where it grows (hicker, and in gome measure resembles a rope. The rest of (he lamina is free, and terminates in a very fine and flexible point. The use of Ihese gills m'm,is (o be (o receive the blood protruded from (he heart into the aorta, and convey it in- to fhe extremities of the lamellae; whence lieinir returned by veins, it is distributed over (he body of (he fish. vol.i. 51 BRANCHIARUM foramina, aperfnres of (he gills. In mos( fishes (here is only one apertere ; in fhe cartilagi- nous ones, these apertures are ten in number, five on each side; and in the lamprey there are no less than fourteen of these apertures, seven on each side. Cetaceous fishes have no aperture of this kind ; and the reason seems to be because fhey are furnished wifh lungs. BRANCIIIDiE, in Grecian antiquity, priests of the temple of Apollo, which was at Didymus in Ionia. BRANCHIOSTEGI, in ichthyology, one of the five general orders of fishes into which they were formerly di- vided : lhe rays ofthe fins are bony : they have no bones or ossiculaein the branchiae or gills. BRANDY, a spirituous and inflammable liquor, ex- tracted from wine and other liquors by distillation. Brandy is prepared in inaiiv of the wine countries of Europe, and with peculiar excellence in Languedoc, in Anjou,and other parts of the south of France, whence is lhe Coniac brandy. In distilling brandy, the strong heavy wines are preferred. It is expected that all wines used for this purpose should yield at least one sixth of their quantity of spirit. The apparatus is composed of three parts : the alembic, or boiler, the capital fitted on the top of fhe boiler to receive the spirituous vapour, and a worm immersed in cold water, in which the vapour is condensed, and flows out in fhe form of distilled spirit. In general, lhe slower the process, and the smaller the stream of spirit from lhe worm pipe, lhe finer and better is the brandy. That part of the spirit which comes over first has the slrongesf, richest, and highest flavour. See Alcohol. Brandy is naturally clear and colourless as water. The different shades of colour which it has in commerce arise partly from (he casks in which it is kept, but chiefly from the addition of burnt sugar, saunders wood, and other colouring matters that are intentionally added by the manufacturer, and which are neither of advantage nor disadvantage lo the quality of the spirit. Besides the brandy made of wine, there is some also made of beer, cider, syrups, sugar, molasses, fruit, grain, &c. however, these are not properly called brandy, but go under fhe general denomination of spirits. BRASIL wood, or Brazil wood, an American wood ofa red colour, and very heavy. It is denominated va- riously, according to the places whence it is brought: thus we have brazil from Fernambuco, Japan, Lamon, Sec. See CjEsalpina. This wood must be chosen in thick pieces, close, sound, without any bark on it, and such as, upon splitting, of pule becomes reddish, and, when chewed, has a saccharine taste. It is much used in turning work, and takes a <^ood polish ; but its chief use is in dyeing. When the sulphuric acid is added slowly to a fresh watery decoction of Brazil wood, a small quantity of red precipitate falls down, and the liquor becomes yellow. Ni- tric acid produces a similar change; but the liquor is orange. Most ofthe other acids produce red precipitates. The alkalies restore in part the colour of the liquor. The action ofthe solutions of tin and of alum is the most im- portant. Alum gives a fine red precipitate in great abund- ance ; and in this manner a fine crimson lake and carmine are sometimes prepared, which consist of alumina, united BRA BRA with lhe natural colour of the wood. Nifromuriatof tin, added to the decoction, separates the whole of the colour- ing mat ter, which falls down in great abundance, united with (he oxide of tin, and the liquor remains colourless. The solutions of iron blacken Brazil wood, manifesting the presence of gallic acid. The colour of Brazil wood, though very beautiful, is fu- gitive, and is readily darkened and rendered purple by al- kalies, or by soap that contains an alkali. When it is used by dyer3, they employ acids and tin to fix the col- our. BRASS is a factitious metal made of copper and zinc, in proper proportions. It is of a beautiful yellow colour, more fusible than copper, and not so apt to tarnish. It is malleable, and so ductile that it may be drawn out into wire. Ifs density is greater than the mean density of the two metals. By calculation it ought to be 7.63 nearly, whereas it is actually 8.39; so that its density is increas- ed by about l-10tb. The ancients do not seem to have known accurately the difference between copper, brass, and bronze. They considered brass as only a more valu- able kind of copper, and therefore used the word as to denote either. They called copper 02s cyprium, after- ward, ryprium ; and this in process of time was convert- ed into cuprum. The method of preparing brass is as follows : The zinc having been calcined and ground fine as flour, is mixed wilh fine charcoal, and incorporated, by means of water, into a mass : this being done, about seven pounds of zinc is put into a melting pot that will contain about a gallon, and over that about five pounds of copper ; this pot is let down into a wind furnace, where it remains for eleven hours, in which time it is converted info brass. The metal then is cast, either into plates or lumps; forty-five pounds of crude zinc will produce thirty pounds when calcined or burnt. Sometimes brass shruff is used instead of cop- per ; but that is not always to be procured in quantities sufficient, it being no other than a collection of old brass. Pure brass is not malleable, unless when it is hot; for when it is cold it will break ; and after it has been melted twice, it will be no longer in a condition to bear tbe ham- mer at all: but in order to render it capable of being wrought, tbey put seven pounds of lead to an hundred weight of brass, which renders it more soft and pliable. The most important properties of brass are that ils col- our is much brighter and nearer approaching to gold than copper. It is also more fusible, and less subject to rust, and fo be acted upon by a vast variety of substances which corrode copper: it is also more capable of exten- sion, and peculiarly adapted for wire. Mr. Smeaton found that 12 inches in length of cast brass at 32°, ex- panded by 180° of heat, T|^7 parts: brass wire, under the same circumstances, expanded 7|^|7« The expan- sion of hammered copper is only T^£7, but that of zinc is aVwff5 8° tna* brass holds a middle place in this re- spect between its two component metals. There is a vast variety in the proportions of the differ- ent species of brass used in commerce ; nor is it easy to determine whether the perfection of this alloy depends on any certain proportion of (he (wo metals. In general fhe extremes of the highest and lowest proportions of zinc are from 12 to 25 parts in the 100. The ductility of brass is not injured wilh the highest proportion. This metal is much used in (he escapement wheels, and other nicer parts of watch making; and bars ci brass very carefully made will fetch for this work almost any price. The use of brass is of very considerable antiquity. Most of the ancient genuine relics are composed of vari- ous mixtures of brass wilh tin and other metals, and are rather to be denominated bronzes. The best proportion for brass guns is said to be 1000 pounds of copper, 900 pounds of tin, and 600 pounds of brass, in 11 or 12 hundred weight of metal. The best brass guns are made of malleable metal, not' of pure copper and zinc alone ; but worse metals are used to make it run closer and sounder, as lead and pot metal, See Cannon. Brass, Corinthian, has been famous in antiquity, and is a mixture of gold, silver, and copper. Brass colour, one prepared by the braziers and colour- men to imitate brass. There are two sorts of it, the red brass or bronze, and the yellow or gilt brass: the latter is made only of copper filings, the smallest and brightest that can be found; with the former they mix some red ochre, finely pulverized : they are both used with varnish. BRASSICA, the cabbage, a genus of the class and or- der tetradynarnia siliquosa. The essential character is: calyx erect, converging; seeds globular ; a gland between the shorter stamens and the pistil, and between the longer and the calyx. There are sixteen species, vis. 1. B. assica orientalis ; perfoliate cabbage. 2. Brassica austriaca; Austrian cabbage. 3. Brassica eainpesJris; yellow field cabbage. 4. Brassica arvensis; purple field cabbage. 5. Brassica alpina ; Alpine cabbage. 6. Bras- sica napus; wild cabbage, rape, or navew. 7. Brassica rapa ; turnip. 8. Brassica oleracea; common cabbage. 9. Brassica cbinensis; Chinese cabbage. 10. Bratsica violacea. 11. Brassica polymorphs. 12. Brassica eru- casfrum; wild rocket. 13. Brassicaeruca; gardenrock- et. 14. Brassica vesicaria. 15. Brassica muralis; wall rocket. 16. Brassica Richerii. The first has the petals white; all the leaves smooth; stem leaves ovate, blunt at the end, heart shaped at the base, smooth, glaucous, perfectly entire; petals white with a tinge of straw colour; siliques blender, pointing up- ward, and approaching the stem; roof fusiform. Mr. Hudson affirms, that this is very nearly allied to the cam* pestris; and Dr. Stokes thinks it probable that the plant of horf. ups. supposed to be the B. orienlalis of Tourne- fort and our European species, are distinct. There is certainly great confusion in the three first species of bras- sica ; and in a genus so subject to vary, perhaps mere lo- cal differences may have been "exalted into species. It is a native of corn fields and cliffs, in lhe Levant, about Montpellier; in Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Carniola, Piedmont, &c. In England, near Harwich; Bardsey near Orford, Suffolk; Godstone and Maresfield, Sussex: annual, flowering in June. The second is a native of Austria, a biennial: root white, rather woody, sometimes branched, about half a foot long, very thin, with an acrid smell: stem in fhe wild plant commonly single, in the cultivated or garden ones generally more, about two feet high; leaves entire, round- ed at the end", (hick, glaucous, embracing fhe ^talk, very smooth. The flowers are yellow, and open in small num« BRASSICA. bers at once. The siliques are about three inches long, smooth, hbarp, and parallel, or nearly so, with the stalk, standing in an upright manner. Il is a plant which natu- rally grows in rough uncultivated places, and infields. 3. Root annual; root leaves lyrate, slightly hispid; stem leaves smooth and even ; corolla yellow, never white. It grows among summer corn, in the north of Europe; and in some parts of Sweden it is a common weed. 4. Stem a foot high, smooth and even, flexuose, branch- ed, perennial at bottom ; leaves smooth, quite blunt, rath- er fleshy; calyx closed, smooth, with a double protube- rance at the base. Native of the south of Europe, in moist fields. 5. This differs from the foregoing sort in having a nar- rower stem ; the leaves more lender and longer; those next (he ground on long petioles : bu( it differs principally in having almost upright, white petals, and the small flow- er ofa Turritis. Native of Germany and Sweden. 6. Root biennial; stem somewhat branched, cylindri- cal, smooth, from a foot to two feet in height; root leaves lyrate; stem leaves smooth, glaucous, sessile, stem clasp- ing, of an oblong heart shaped figure, very slightly tooth- ed on the edges; calyx yellowish green, spreading as in Sinapis. The silique has frequently three or four warty excrescences. The roots, when cultivated, may be eaten, but have a stronger taste than the turnip. Under the title of rape or coleseed, it is much cultivated in (he isle of Fly, and some parts of England, for its seed, from which the rape oil is drawn; and for feeding cattle. What re- mains after the oil is expressed, is called oil cake or rape cake. It is very efficacious manure, and is sold from four to six pounds a ten. It is not this but the lint cake, or resid- uum of flaxseed, used in making linseed oil, that is used in fatting beasts. Linnaeus says that the navew grows wild on the sandy shores of Gotland, Holland, and England. With us it is found among corn, and on ditch banks. 7. The turnip, now so common in cultivation, is suffi- ciently known by its round fleshy roots. These, howev- er, vary exceedingly in their form, size, and colour, in a cultivated state, in which only we are apt to view (hem. The variations of turnip are chiefly in the root, and arise from the different soils, situations, and modes of cul- tivation. The varieties enumerated by Mr. Miller are, 1. the round, red, or purple topped; 2. the green top- ped; 3. (he yellow; 4. tbe black rooted; 5. lhe early Dutch. He allows that these may be varieties acciden- tally obtained from seeds, although he has sown Ihem sev- eral years, and has always found them to retain fheir dif- ferences. Tbe yellow turnip seems most unlikely to have been an accidental variety, because tbe roots are yellow within, whereas the others have white flesh, notwithstand- ing they are of different colours on the outside. He thinks that the long rooted turnip is a distinct species; the form of lhe root, and its manner of growth, being totally differ- ent from those before enumerated. The roots are some- times as long as those of the parsnep, and nearly of the same shape. The general use of Ihis root for the table and feeding of cattle is well known: and it has been a considerable improvement of light lands, particularly in (he county of Norfolk, whence other counties have derived the culture. The red rooted turnip was formerly more cultivated in England than at present; but since the large green top- ped turnip has been introduced, all skilful farmers prefer it lo (he others, because (he roots grow to a large size, and continue much longer good. It also grows above ground more than any of the others, which renders it preferable for feeding catlle ; and being lhe softest and sweetest, even when very large, it is most esteemed for the table. In very severe winters, however, this is in greater danger of suffering by frost than those whose roots lie deeper, es- pecially if the ground is not covered wilh snow ; for when the roots are alternately frozen and thawed, Ihey rot soon- er than those which are more covered, and less lender. We have known roots of this sort which were more than a foot in diameter, boiled, and were as sweet and tender as any of the smallest roots. At Stowe, in Gloucestershire, a farmer produced four turnips weighing an hundred weight; and offered to produce, from a small given space, eighty turnips which should weigh a ton. The next in goodness to the green topped is the red or purple lopped turnip, which will also grow large, and be extremely good for some time ; but (he roots will become stringy much sooner than the others. The long rooted, lhe yellow, and the black rooted turnips are now rarely cul- tivated, except for tbe sake of variety, none of ihem be- ing so good for the table or for feed as the red and green lopped sorts. The early Dutch turnip is chiefly sown in the spring, to supply the table before the others can be procured; and when drawn off young, this sort is tolerably good ; but if lhe roots are left to grow large, they become stringy, rank, and unfit for use. Turnip roots are reputed lo relax the bowels, and lo sweeten the blood ; to be hurtful lo pregnant and hysteri- cal women, and to all who are subject to flatulencies. The juice well fermented, affords by distillation an ardent spirit. The rind is acrimonious. The tender tops boil- ed are frequently eaten in the spring as greens with meat. 8. The cabbage, as it is found in ifs wild state on the sea shores of Britain, has the stem leaves very much waved, and variously indented ; the colour sea green, fre- quently with a mixture of purple; fhe lower ones some- what ovate and sessile; the upper almost linear. The flowers are large; the leaflets ofthe calyx ovate, broad, and yellow ; the siliques short and swelling. Early in the spring the sea cabbage is preferable fo fhe cultivated sorts; but when it is gathered on the coast-, it must be boiled in two waters, to take away the sallness. When old it is said to occasion giddiness. The roots may also be eaten, but they are not so tender as those of the turnip and navew. All the different varieties of gar- den cabbage originate from this. These varieties may, it should seem, be reduced to three general divisions: the first comprehending those which grow in the natural way, without forming (he leaves or stalks info a bead. This section or division, besides the sea cabbage or wild colewort, would comprehend the green colewort, the borecoles, and turnip cabbage. Sec- ondly, those which form the leaves into a head, as the white cabbage, the red, the savoy, Sec. Thirdly, those which form their stalks into a head, as the cauliflower and the different varieties of broccoli. The first section inhrht be subdivided into the wild, with broad leaves, and an BRASSICA. even stem ; the turnip cabbage, with broad leaves and a pro- tuberant stem ; and the borecoles, with fine cut leaves, and an even stem. The second section contains the cabbages commonly so called : as the red ; the numerous varielies of the white, such as the sugar loaf, the early, the foreign musk, the small Russia, the large sided, the flat topped, the Yorkshire, Scotch, American, &c. and those with wrinkled leaves, as the common savoy, the green savoy, &c. Of the borecoles in the first, and the broccoli in the third section, there are also variations in colour, the pur- ple and the white. The common colewort, or Dorsetshire kale, is now al- most lost near London, where the markets are usually supplied with cabbage plants instead of them; these be- ing more tender and delicate. The common colewort, indeed, is belter able to resist the cold in severe winters; but it is not good till it has been pinched by frost; and our winters being generally temperate, cabbage plants are now constantly brought to market; which, if they are of the sugar loaf kind, are lhe sweetest greens from Decem- ber to April yet known, the variegated kale excepted. The curled coleworts or borecoles are more generally esteemed than the common one, being like that so hardy as never to be injured by cold, and at the same time much more tender and delicate: these, however, are al- ways sweeter in severe winters than irr»mi!d seasons. Of the heading cabbages, the red is chiefly cultivated for pickling ; the common white, flat, long sided, and sa- voy, for winter use. Tjje musk cabbage is almost lost, though for eating it is one of the best we have. The early York and sugar loaf cabbages are generally sown for summer use, and are commonly called Michael- mas cabbages. The Russian cabbage was formerly in much greater esteem than at present, it being now only to be found in particular gentlemen's gardens, and rarely brought to market. The other heading cabbages, togeth- er with many others, for it would be endless to enumerate all the varieties which are perpetually rising into fame, and falling into oblivion, are cultivated chiefly for feeding cattle ; for which they are certainly well adapted on strong lands; but they are undoubtedly a very exhausting crop. The cauliflower was first brought to England from the island of Cyprus, where it is in great perfection at pres- ent ; but it is supposed it was originally brought thither from some other country : most of the old writers mention it to have been brought from that island to the differ- ent parts of Europe. Although Ihis plant was cultivated in a few English gardens long since, yet it was not brought fo any degree of perfection till about the year 1680, at least not to be sold in the markets. Since the year 1700, the cauliflower has been so much improved in England, lhat such plants as before would have been greatly admired, are at present little regarded. It has indeed been much more improved in England than in any olher parts of Europe. In France they rarely have cauliflowers till near Michaelmas; and Holland is gener- ally supplied with them from England. In many parts of Germany they were not cultivated till within a few years past; and most parts of Europe are supplied with seeds from hence. Purple and white broccoli are only varieties of the cauliflower ;. for although with care they may be kept dis- tinct, yet if they were to stand near each other for seed, they would probably intermix. When, however, these are cultivated with care, they may be kept distinct. The variations are not occasioned by soil, but by the mixture ofthe farina ofthe anthers in the flowers; those persons therefore, who are curious to preserve them distinct, nev- er suffer the different sorts to stand near each other for seed. 9. Leaves oblong or oval, very like those of hound's tongue, blunt but smooth; stem leaves embracing,oblong quite entire; flowers, as in the common cabbage, yellow calyx longer than the claws of the petals, whence il gapes and is prominent between them; stamens longer; siliques a little compressed. Native of China. 10. This is an annual plant, which, if sown in April, will flower in July, and perfect (he seeds in October. It never closes the leaves to form a head, but grows open and loose, more like the wild navew. This sort cam" from China, where it is cultivated as an esculent plant. There are two or three varieties of it, and it is as changeable as our common cabbage. 11. This species is a native of Siberia, and is an annual plant. The root is thin and fibrose. The stems numerous, growing oblique, two feet or more in length, smooth, and branching upward ; the leaves are of dissimilar forms, but in general are linear, lanceolate, thick, and alternate; those on the stalk generally dentated ; the denticles near- ly subulate. The shoots are leafy, proceeding from the axillas ofthe branches, so as to cause a kind of cluster- ing appearance; the flowers are pale yellow. It is a plant which varies extremely in lhe appearance of its leaves. 12. Root annual, fusiform ; stems many, from a foot to • eighteen inches high and more, round, smooth, sometimes having a few hairs and small red dots, bright or glaucous green ; branches alternate; flowers in a long, loose, terminat- ing raceme ; peduncles alternate, round, smooth, one flow- ered ; corollas yellow, with dark yellow and green veins; siliques spreading, obtusely quadrangular. Native ofthe southern countries of Europe, in sandy fields, byway- sides, and on walls ; flowering from June to August. 13. Root annual: stem angular, upright, branching, two feet hi^h and more; leaves smooth, pulpy, with a leafy nerve, and three or four pair "of pinnas, larger as they approach the nerve, confluent, oblong, acute, tooth- ed ; the outer largest, ovate, or rhoinboidal, often semibi- fid and semitrifid ; calyx erect, livid, with the leaflets, especially two of them, gibbous; claw ofthe petals erect, lorn*; border broad, roundish, lemon colour, with black veins, sometimes white ; siliques on short peduncles ; seeds round on one side and flat on lhe other. Native of Swit- zerland, Austria, and Piedmont. It was formerly much cultivated in the gardens as a sallad herb, but af pres- ent is little known, having been long rejected on ac- count of its strong ungrateful smell. It also stood in the list of medicinal plants, but is now seldom used, though it is reckoned a strong diuretic. 14. Root annual, spindle shaped; leaves lanceolate, pinnatifid toothed, smooth above ; stem hairy, branching; racemes erect, terminating; corollas yellow, wifh darker veins ; calyx cylindrical; but in (he frui( i( becomes in- flated and permanent. It differs from the foregoing, in BRA B R E having a calyx under the fruit, inflated like a bladder; leaves not lyrate but lanceolate ; siliques hispid backward, not smooth; calyxes permanent (ill the fruit is ripe, not deciduous. Native of Spain and Aleppo. \;i. Root perennial, so.newhut woody, penetrating deep into walls; stem a foot and a half high, branched, round, at bottem somewhat woody and perennial; leaves pinna- tifid and jagged, smooth, spreading, having a disagreeable smell; petals rather large, twice the length ofthe calyx, yellow ; the two glands on the outside of the filaments are unusually long, externally bent in at the top; the other two shorter and roundish ; silique an inch and a half long, round, marked on each side wilh a prominent line. Il grows on old buildings aud walls in many parts of England, as Yarmouth, Chester, &c. 16. Root woody, perennial; toot leaves elliptic, obtuse, obscurely sinuate, angular; petiole channelled, the length ofthe leaves; stem round, striated, hollow, a cubit and a half high, simple or a little branched; stem leaves few, distant, like the others, but on shorter petioles, and scarce- ly angular ; flowers in umbels ; petals ovate, yellow, scarcely emarginale ; veins darker; siliques tort nose, sub- quadrangular, drawn fo a point at both ends. The whole plant is very smooth, tender, juicy, and glaucous. Na- tive of the south of France, aud the mountains of Pied- mont. BRAULS, Indian cloths with blue and white stripes : they are otherwise called turbans, because Ihey serve lo cover those ornaments of the head, particularly on the coast of Africa. BRAWN, (he flesh ofa boar soused or pickled; for which end the boar should be old; because the older he is, • the more horny will the brawn be. The method of preparing brawn is as follows : fhe boar being killed, it is the flitches only, without the legs, (hat are made brawn; the bones of which are to be taken out, and (hen (he flesh sprinkled with salt, and laid in a tray, tha( (he blood may be drawn off: (hen it is to be salted a little, and rolled up as hard as possible. The length ofthe collar of brawn, should be as much as one side of the boar will bear; so that when rolled up it may be nine or ten inches diameter. The collar being (hus rolled up, is (o be boiled in a copper, or large kettle, fill it is so tender, that you can run a straw through it: then set it by, till it is thoroughly cold, and put it into the following pickle. To every gal- lon of water, put a handful or two of salt, and as much wheal bran : boil ihem together, (hen drain the bran as clear a3 you can from (he liquor: and when the liquor is quite cold, put (he brawn into it. BRAZED, in heraldry, a term serving to describe three cheveron*, one clasping another. BRAZIER, an artificer who makes kettles, pans, can- dlesticks, and other kitchen utensils in brass. Some ofthe articles manufactured by lhe working brazier are beaten out with the hammer, and united in their several parts by solder; others are cast, but those which are cast belong more properly lo (he business of (he founder, excepting the polishing and finishing, which require the art of the brazier. BRAZING, the soldering or joining two pieces of iron together by means of thin plates of brass, melted between the pieces that are to be joined. If the work is very fine, as when two leaves of a broken saw are fo be brazed to- gether, they cover it with pulverized borax, melted wi(h water, tha( it may incorporate with the br;»-s pow- der, which is added to it: the piece is then exposed fo the fire without touching the coals, and heated till (he brass is seen (orun. BREACH, in fortification, a gap made in any part of the works of a lown by the cannon or mines of (he beseig- ers, in order (o make an attack upon the place. To make the attack more difficult, the beseiged sow the breach with crow feet, or stop if wifh chevaux-de-frize. A practicable breach is fhat where lhe men may mount and make a lodgement, and ought to be 15 or 20 fathoms wide. The besiegers make their way to it by covering themselves with gabions, earth bags, &c. Breach, in a legal sense, is where a person breaks through (he condition ofa bond or covenant, on an action upon which the breach must be assigned ; and this assign- ment must not be general but particular, as in an action of covenant for not repairing houses, it ought to be assigned particularlyjvha( is the want of reparation; and in such certain manner that the defendant may take an issue. BREAD, panis, a mass of dough, kneeded and baked in an oven. See Baking. BREAD FRUIT. See Artocarpus. Bread room, in a ship, fhat destined to hold (he bread or biscuit. Tne boards ofthe bread room should be well joined and caulked, and even lined with tin plates or matts. It is also proper to warm it well with charcoal for several days before the biscuit is put info it; since nothing is more injurious to the bread than moisture. BREAK, in the art of war, or to break ground, is to open the trenches before a place. BREAKERS, a name given to those billows that break violently o\er rocks lying under the surface ofthe sea. They are distinguished both by their appearance and sound, as they cover fhat part of the sea wifh a perpetual foam, and produce a hoarse and terrible roaring, very dif- ferent from what fhe waves usually have in a deeper bot- tom. When a ship is unhappily driven among breakers, it is hardly possible to save her; as every billow that heaves her upward serves to dash her down with addi- tional force, when it breaks over the rocks or sands be- neath it. BREECHL\GS, in fhe sea language, the ropes wifh which thegreat guns are lashed or fastened fo the ship's side. They are thus called, becuuse nuf'.e (o pass round the breech of fhe eun. BREDEMEYERA floribunda, m botany, a shrub of the class diadelphia, order octandria : the calyx 3 leaved; corolla papilionaceous, vexillo 2 leaved, drupa 2 celled : flourishes in the woods of the Caraccas. (&) BREEZE, a shifting wind, that blows from sea or land for some certain hours in the day or night. The sea breeze which takes place in tropical climates, i3 only sensible near the coasts ; it commonly rises in the morning, about nine, proceeding slowly in a fine small black curl on the water, toward the shore; it increases Gradually till twelve, and dies about five. Upon its ceasing the land breeze commence*, which increases till 12 at night, and is succeeded in lhe morning by the sea breeze again. In some countries, the sea breezes appear to be only the efforts of the trade wind, as at Barbadoes, and B R E B R E in many places between the tropics, where the general wind, if not impeded by mountains or islands, blows fresh in the day time, but after sunset, the terrestrial exhala- tions being precipitated, produce a new wind, which is not only able to make head against the trade wind, but to repel it from their coasts. The sea breezes do not all come from the same point of the compass, but from different points as the land lies. Breezes are more con- stant in summer than in winter, and more between the trop- ics than in the temperate zone. Breezes differ from the trade winds, as the former occur daily, and are perceived only near the shore, whereas the latter are periodical at certain seasons, and blow at a distance from the land. BREHONS, hereditary judges belonging to fhe infe- rior provincial kings, and also to the nobles or chieftains, among the ancient Irish, by whom justice was administer- ed, and controversies decided. BRENTA, a liquid measure used at Rome. BRENTUS, a genus of coleopterous insects, having the head protracted into a very long projecting snout, be- yond the middle of which the antennae, which are monili- form, are inserted. There are several species, as the an- chorago, Plate, Nat. Hist. fig. 63. barbicornis, &c. BREST SUMMERS, in timber buildings, are pieces in the outward, into which the girders are framed: this, in the ground floor, is called a cell; and, in the garret floor, a beam. BREST, or Breast, in architecture, a term sometimes used for the member of a column, more usually called torus. BRETHREN, and sisters of the free Spirit, an appel- lation assumed by a new sect which sprung up in the thir- teenth century, and gained many adherents in Italy, France, and Germany. They derived their name from the words of St. Paul, Rom. viii. verse 1—14. They maintained that all things flowed by emanation from God ; and that by the power of contemplation, they were united to (he Deity, and thereby acquired a glorious and sublime liberty, both from the lusts and the instincls of nature; hence they inferred that the person who was thus absorbed in the Deity, became apart ofthe Godhead, and was the son of God in the same sense that Christ was. They treat- ed with contempt all Christian ordinances, and all exter- nal acts of religion, as unsuitable to the state of perfection at which tbey had arrived. BREVE, in law, is any writ directed to the chancel- lor, judges, sheriffs, or other officers, whereby a person is summoned, or attached, to answer in the king's courts, &c. Breve perquirere, the purchasing of a writ or li- cense for trial in the king's courts: whence comes the present usage of paying 6s. 8d. fine to the king in suit, for money due on bond, where the debt is 401. and of 10s. where it is 1001. &c. Breve, in music, a note or character of time in the form of a diamond, or square, without any tail, and equiv- alent to two measures, or minims. BREVET, in the French customs, denotes the grant of some favour or donation from the king, in which sense it partly answers to our warrant, and partly to letters patent. BREVIARY, a daily office, or book of divine service, id the Romish church. It is composed of matins, lauds. first, third, sixth, and ninth vespers, and the compline, or post communio. The institution of the breviary is not very ancient j there have been inserted in it the lives of the saints, full of ridiculous and ill attested stories, which gave occasion to various reformations of it, by several councils, particu- larly those of Trent and Cologn; by several popes, par. ticularly Pius V. Clement VIII. and Urban VIII. also by several cardinals and bishops, each lopping off some ex- travagances, and bringing it nearer to the simplicity ofthe primitive offices. Originally every person was obliged to recite the brer- iary every day; but by degrees the obligation was re- duced to the clergy only, who are enjoined under penal- ty of mortal sin and ecclesiastical censures, to recite it at home, when they cannot attend in public. In the four- teenth century there was a particular reserve granted in favour of bishops, who were allowed, on extraordinary occasions, to pass three days without rehearsing the brev- iary. This office was originally called cursus, and afterward the breviarum; which latfer name imports, that the old office was abridged, or rather that this collection is a kind of abridgment of all the prayers. BREVIATOR, an officer under the eastern empire, whose business it was to write and translate briefs. At Rome those are still called breviators, or abbreviators, who dictate and draw up the pope's briefs. BREVIBUS a rotulis liberandis, a writ or com- mand to a sheriff, to deliver to his successor, the county, with the appurtenances, and the rolls, writs, and other things to his office belonging. BREVIER, among printers, a small kind of type, or letter, between nonpareil and burgeois. BREWING, the art of making beer or ale. The art of brewing is undoubtedly a part of chymistry, and de- pends on fixed and invariable principles. These princi- ples have never yet been thoroughly investigated, and on that account a just and certain theory has not been ob- tained. We shall, however, give the best rules, as far as practical observation and experience have hitherto gone, for the information of those who have not had the oppor- tunity of attending to the subject. Malt liquor is essentially composed of water, tbe solu- ble parts of malt and hops, and of yeast. There are sev- eral kinds of malt, which are distinguished by their cob our, and tbe colour depends upon the mode of malting and drying. Whether the pale or the brown malt is used, it must be coarsely ground, or bruised between rollers, which is rather to be preferred. The next consideration in brewing is the quality of the water to be employed ; and here soft water is universally allowed to be preferable to hard, both for the purposes of mashing and fermentation. Transparency is however more easily obtained by the use of hard than soft water. But it is not well adapted to the brewing of porter, or such beers as require a fulness of palate, as in the London brewery, and some country situations. Tbe purity of water is deter- mined by its lightness ; and in this respect, distilled wa- ter^ only can claim any material degree of perfection. Rain water is the purest of all naturally produced; but having once descended to the surface ofthe earth, it is li' BREWING. able to a variety of intermixtures unfavourable to the pur- posses of brewing. With regard to others, though a mat- ter of considerable importance, no precise rule can be laid down. Where there is liberty of choice, a prefer- ence should doubtless be given to that water, which from natural purity is equally free from saline substances and vegetable putrefaction, has a soft fulness upon the palate, is totally flavourless, inodorous, and colourless; whence it is the belter prepared for the reception and retention of such qualities as brewing is to communicate. The first step in the process of brewing is mashing, which is performed in a large circular wooden vessel, shallow in proportion to ils extent, and furnished with a false bottom, pierced with small holes, and moveable or fixed a few inches above the real bottom. There are two side openings in the interval between the real and false boltom ; to one is fixed a pipe for (he purpose of convey- ing water into the tun, and the other for drawing the liquor out of it. The malt is to be strewed evenly over lhe false bottom ofthe same tun, and then by means of the side pipe, a proper quantity of hot water is introduc- ed from the upper copper. The water rises up through the malt, or as it is called, the grist, and when the whole quantity is introduced, the mashing begins, the object of which is to effect a perfect mixture of the mall wilh the water, so that the soluble parts may be extracted by it: for this purpose, the grist is incorporated with the water by means of iron rakes, and then the mass is beaten and agitated by long flat wooden poles resembling oars, which are either worked by the hand or by machinery connect- ed with the steam engine or some other moving power. When the mashing is completed, (be (un is covered in (o preven( (he escape of the hea(, and (he whole is suffered to remain still, in order that the insoluble parts may Separate from tbe liquor: the side hole is (hen opened, and (he clear wort allowed to run off, slowly at first, but more rapidly as it becomes fine, into the lower or boiling copper. The chief thing in mashing is the temperature of the mash, which depends on the heat of water, and on the state ofthe malt. If the water was let in upon (he grist, boiling hot, the starch which it contains would be dis- solved and converted inlo a gelatinous substance, in which all the other parts ofthe malt, and most of the water, would be entangled, beyond (he possibility of recovery by any after process. The most eligible temperature appears to be from 185° to 190° of Fahrenheit: for the first mash- ing (he heat of the water must be somewhat below this temperature, and lower in proportion to the dark colour of the malt made use of; for pale malt, the water may be 180°, but for brown, it ought not fo be more than 170°. The wort ofthe first mashing is always by much the richest in saccharine matter; but to exhaust the malt, a second and a third mashing is required, in which the water may be safely raised to 190° or upward. The proportion of wort (o be obtained from each bushel of malt, depends entirely on (he proposed strength ofthe liquor. It is said that 25 or 30 gallons of good table beer may be taken from each bushel of mail. For ale and porter of (he su- perior kinds, only the produce of the first mashing, or six or ei^ht cr.llons is to be employed. Brewers make use of an instrument calh-d a sacchrometer, to ascertain (he strength and goodnes* ofthe wort. This instrument is a kind of hydrometer, and shows (he specific gravity ofthe wort, rather than the exact quantity of saccharine matter which it contains. We now come fo the boiling and hopping; and if only one kind of liquor is made, the produce of the three mash- ings is to be mixed together; but if both ale and table beer are required, the wort ofthe first, or ofthe first and second mashings is appropriated to the ale, and the re- mainder is set aside for the beer. All the wort destined for the same liquor, after it has run from the tun, is transfer- red to the large lower copper, and mixed with a certain proportion of bops. The better the wort, (he more hops are required. In private families, a pound of hops is gen- erally used to every bushel of malt: but in public brewer- ies, a much smaller proportion is deemed sufficient. When both ale and table beer are brewed from the same malt, the usual practice is to put the whole quantity of hops in the ale wort, which having been boiled some time, are to be transferred to the beer wort, and with it to be again boiled. When the hops are mixed with the wort in fhe copper, the liquor is made to boil, and the best practice is to keep it boiling as fast as possible, (ill upon taking a little of the liquor out, it is found (o be full of small flakes like (hose of curdled soap. The boiling copper is in common brew- eries uncovered : but in many on a very large scale, it is fitted with a steam tight cover, from the centre of which passes a pipe, that terminates by several branches in the upper or mashing copper: the steam, therefore, produced by the boiling, instead of being wasted, is let into the cold water, and thus raises it very nearly to the temperature required for mashing, besides impregnating it very sensi- bly with lhe essential oil of the hops, in which the flavour resides. When the liquor is boiled, it is discharged info a num- ber of coolers, or shallow tubs, in which it remains until if becomes sufficiently cool to be submitted to fermen(a(ion. It is necessary (ba( (he process of cooling should be car- ried on as expeditiously as possible, particularly in hot weather; and for this reason, the coolers in the great brew- houses are very shallow. Liquor made from pale malt, and which is intended for immediate drinking, need not be cooled lower than 75 or 80 degrees ; of course this kind of beer may be brewed in almost the holfest weather; but beer brewed from brown malf, and intended to be kept, must be cooled to 65 or 70 degrees, before it is put into a state of fermentation. Hence the spring and autumn have ever been deemed lhe most favourable for the manufac- ture of lhe best malt liquor. We now come to the tunning and barrelling: from the coolers the liquor is to be transferred into the working tun, and with it is fo be mixed a gallon of yeast to four barrels of beer. In four or five hours the fermentation begins, and it requires from 18 or 20 hours to 48, before the wort is fit to be put into barrels. In the barrels the fermentation again goes on, and during a few days, a copi- ous discharge of yeast takes place from the bung hole ; care must be taken that the barrels are carefully filled up every day with fresh liquor: this discharge gradually becomes less, and in about a week it ceases ; af which time fhe bung hole is closed, and the liquor is fit for use after it has stood a certain lime according to ifs strength, and (he tem- perature at which it has been fermented. B R I B R I Brewing, among dislillers, denotes the method of ex- tracting the more soluble parts of vegetables with hot wa- ter, and thus procuring a solution or decoction fitted for vinous fermenfalion. In this sense brewing is a necessary step toward distillation. A fermentable solution, fit for yielding a spirit, is obtainable from any vegetable, under proper management. Thus sugar, treacle, and olher inspis- sated vegetable juices, which totally unite with water, are better adapted to fermentation, than roots, fruits, or herbs, in substance, the grains, or even the malt itself; all which dissolve, but very imperfectly, in hot water. Malt is, however, generally used in England, and brewed for this purpose : the worst malt will serve for distillation; and the infusion or wort without the addition of hops, and the trouble of boiling, is here directly cooled and fermented. See Distilling. BREYNIA, in botany, a genus ofthe polyandria dio- ecia class and order of plants. The essential character is, male calyx one leaved, five parted; corolla none;'nect. five glands; filaments five, very short; anthers roundish. Female calyx and corolla as in the male; pist. germ globose ; style none ; stigmas five ; per. caps, five celled ; seeds solitary. There is one species, a native of New Caledonia. BRIBERY, the receiving, or offering, any undue re- ward, by or to any person whatsoever, whose ordinary profession or business relates to the administration of public justice, in order to incline him to do a thing against the known rules of honesty and integrity: it also signi- fies the taking or giving a reward for offices of a public na- ture. As to the punishment of bribery, by the common law, bribery in a judge, was looked upon as an offence of so heinous a nature, that it was sometimes punished as high treason. 3 Inst. 148. And all other kinds of bribery are punishable by fine and imprisonment; which may also be inflicted on those who offer a bribe though not taken. Blacks. 143. 2 Inst. 147. BRICIANI, a military order, instituted by St. Bridget, queen of Sweden. BRICK, a reddish earth, ofthe aluminous or argillace- ous kind, formed into long squares, by means ofa wooden mould, and then baked or burnt. In the East they baked their bricks in the sun; the Romans used them unburnf, only leaving them to dry for four or five years in the air. Bricks, among us, are various, according to their va- rious forms, dimensions, uses, method of making, &c. the principal of which are, compass bricks, of a circular form, used in steyning of walls: concave, or hollow bricks, on one side flat like a common brick, on the other hollowed, and used for conveyance of wafer; feather edged bricks, which are like common statute bricks, only thinner on one edge than the other, and used for penning up the brick pannels in timber buildings; cogging bricks are used for making the indented works under the coping of walls built with great bricks: coping bricks, formed on purpose for coping of walls : Dutch or Flemish bricks, used to pave yards, or stables, and for soap boilers' vaults, and cisterns : clinkers, such bricks as are glazed by the heat of the fire in making: sandal or samel bricks, are such as lie out- most in a kiln or clamp, and consequently are soft and useless, as not being thoroughly burnt: great bricks are those twelve inches long, six broad, and three thick, used to build fence walls: plaster or buttress bricks, have a notch at one end, half lhe breadth of lhe brick; their use is to bind the work which is built of great bricks* statute bricks, or small common bricks, ought, when burnt, to be nine inches long, four broad, and two and a half thick. The art of brickmaking is, in almost all its branches, regulated by different acts of parliament. Bricks maybe made of pure clay, or of clay mixed with sand or ashes or with both. The clay is first moistened and tempered with water, to render it fit for moulding into bricks. Then several persons are usually employed in making a single brick : these are called a gang, and they consist of one or two men, a woman, and two children, to each of which is assigned a different department in the occupation. A gang in full work will make many thousand bricks in the course of a week. When the bricks are made and sufficiently dried, they are burnt in a kiln. The great art in this part of the process, is required in piling the bricks, so that (he fire may circulate through every course, and in all direc- tions. Bricks when finished are of different colours, ac- cording to fhe clay of which they are made; the most beautiful are the white bricks manufactured at Woolpitin Suffolk. BRICKLAYER, one who lays bricks in the building of edifices of any kind. Tilers and bricklayers were in- corporated lOEIiz. under the name of master and wardens of lhe society of freemen of the mystery and art of tilers and bricklayers. BRIDE WELL, in Bridge street, Blackfriars, is a foun- dation of a singular nature, partaking partly of the hospi- tal, the prison, and the workhouse. It was founded by Edward VI. who presented the place, which had formerly been the palace of king John, to lhe cify of London, with 700 marks of land, bedding and other furniture. Several youths are sent to Ihis hospital as apprentices to manufac- turers who reside there, and when they have faithfully served their time of seven years, they are presented with Iheir freedom, and ten pounds each for carrying on their respective trades. BRIDGE, a work of masonry or timber, consisting of one or more arches, built over a river, canal, or piece of water, for the convenience of crossing the same. Bridges are a sort of edifices very difficult to execute, on account of the inconvenience of laying foundations and walling under water. The parts ofa bridge are the piers, the arches, fhe pavement, or way over for cattle and car- riages, fhe footway on each side, for foot passengers, the rail or parapet, which encloses the whole, and the hut- ments or ends ofthe bridge on the bank. The conditions required in a bridge are, that it shall be well designed, and suitably decorated. The piers of stone bridges should be equal in number, that there may be one arch in the middle, where commonly the current is strongest; their thickness is not to be less than a sixth part ofthe span of the arch, nor more than a fourth ; fhey are commonly guarded in 1he front with angular starlings, fo break the force of fhe current. As the piers of bridges always diminish the bed ofa river in case of inun- dations, the bed must be sunk or hollowed in proportion to the space taken up by the piers, (as lhe waters gain in depth what they lose in breadth,) which otherwise conduce to wash away the foundation and endanger fhe piers; to prevent this, they sometimes diminish the current, either BRIDGE. by lengthening its course, or making it more winding; or by stoppiiiL (he bottom with rows of planks, stakes, or piles, which break the current. It is also required that the foundation of bridges be iaid at that season of the year when the waters are lowest ; and if the ground is rocky, hard gravel, or stony, tbe first stones of the foundation may be laid on the surface; but if the soil is soft sand, it will be neces-ary to dig (ill a firm boltom is found. Bridges should rather be of few and large arches, than of many smaller ones, if fhe height and situation will pos- sibly allow of if; for (his will leave more free passage for the water and navigation, and be a great saving in materi- als and labour; as there will be fewer piers and centres, and the arches, &c. will require less materials; a remark- able instance of which appears in fbe difference between the bridges of Westminster and Blackfriars, fhe expense of fhe former being more than double fhe latter. For the proper execution of abridge, and making an estimate of fhe expense, &c. it is necessary (o have (hree plans, (hree sections, and an elevation. The three plans are so many horizontal sections, vis. firs( a plan of the foundation under the piers, wilh the particular circum- stances attending it, whedier of gratings, planks, piles, &c. the second is the plan of the piers and arches; and the third is (he plan of (he supersteuctere, with the paved road and banquet. The three sections are vertical ones ; the first of them a longitudinal section from end to end of the bridge, and through lhe middle of the breadth ; the second, a transverse one, or across it, and through the summit of an arch ; and (he third also across, but taken upon a pier. The elevation is an orthographic pro- jection of one side or face of (be bridge, or i(s appear- ance as viewed at a distance, showing (he exterior aspect of the materials, with the manner in which (hey are dis- posed, &c. For (he figure of (he arches, some prefer the semicircle, though perhaps without knowing any good reason why ; others the elliptical form, as having many advantages over the semicircular; and some talk of lhe catenarian arch, though its pretended advantages are only chimerical; but (he arch of equilibration is (he only perfect one, so as to be equally strong in every part. See Arch of Equi- LinRATiotf. The piers are of different thickness, accord- ing to fhe figure, span, and height ofthe arches. Wilh lhe Romans, (he repairing and building of bridges were commitfed (o (he priests, (hence named pon- tifices; next to the censors, or curators of (he roads ; but at last lhe emperors took the care of the bridges into their own hands. Thus, fhe Pons Janiculensis was built of marble by Antoninus Pius ; the Pons Cestius was restor- ed by Gordian ; and Arian built a new one which was call- ed after his own name. In the middle are, bridge build- ing was counted anions fhe arts of religion; and, toward the end ofthe 12thcentury, St. Benezet founded a regu- lar order of hospitallers, under the name of pontifices, or bridge builders, whose office was (o assist travellers, by making bridges, settling ferries, and receiving strangers into hospitals, or houses, built on (he banks of river-. Among (he bridges of antiquity, that built by Trajan over lhe Danube, il is allowed, is the most magnificent. It was demolished by his next successor Adrian, and the ruins are sfill lo be .seen in fhe middle of (he Danube, near (he city Warhel, in Hungary. Ithad20 piers, of square stone, vol. i. 52 each of which wa3 150 feet high above the fonndafion, 60 feet in breadth, and 170 feet distant from one another, which is the span or width of the arches; so that the whole length ofthe bridge was more than 1530 yards, or nearly one mile. In France, (he Pont de Garde is a very bold structure; the piers being only 13 feet thick, yet serving to support an immense weight of a triplicate arcade, and joining two mountains. It consists of three bridges, one over another; the uppermost of which is an aqueduct. The bridge of Avignon, which was finished in the year 1188, consists of 18 arches, and measures 1340 paces, or about one thousand yards in length. The famous bridge at Venice, called the Riallo, passes for a masterpiece of art, consisting of only one very flat and bold arch, near a hundred feet span, and only 23 feet high above the water : it was built in 1591. Poulet also mentions a bridge of a single arch, in the city of Munster in Bothnia, much bolder than that ofthe Rialto at Ven- ice. Yet these are nothing to a bridge in China, built from one mountain to another, consisting of a single arch, 400 cubits long and 500 cubits high, whence it is called the flying bridge; and a figure of it is given in the Philo- sophical Transactions. Kircher also speaks of a bridge in the same country three hundred and sixty perches long without any arch, but supported by three hundred pillars. There are many bridges of considerable note in our own country. The triangular bridge at Crowland in Lin- colnshire, it is said, is the most ancient Gothic structure remaining entire in the kingdom; and was erected about the year 860. London bridge is on (he old Gothic structure, with twenty small locks or arches, each of only twenty feet wide; but there are now only eighteen open, two having been thrown into one in the centre, and another next one side is concealed or covered up. It is nine hundred feet long, sixty high, and seventy-four wide; the piers are from twenty-five to thirty-four feet broad, with starlings projecting at the ends; so that the great waterway, when lhe tide is above the starlings, was 450 feet, scarcely half the breadth ofthe river; and below the starlings the water way was reduced to one hundred and ninefy-four feet, before fhe opening ofthe cenlre. London bridge was first built with limber, between the years 993 and 1016; and il was repaired or rather new built wifh timber, 1163. Tbe stone bridge was begun in 1176, and finished in 1209. It is probable there were no houses on this bridge for upward of 200 years; since we read ofa tilt and tournament held on it in 1395. Houses it seems were erected on it afterward; but being found of great inconvenience and nuisance, they were removed in 1758, and the avenues to it enlarged, and the whole made more commodious; the two middle arches were then thrown into one, by removing the pier from between them ; the whole repairs amounting to above 80,000/. The longest bridge in England is that over the Trent at Burton, built in the 12th century, of squared freestone, and is strong and lofty ; it contains thirty-four arches, and the whole length is 1545 feet. But this falls far short of fhe wooden bridge over the Drare, which according to Dr. Brown, is at least five miles long. But one ofthe most singular bridges in Europe, is that built over the Taaf in Glamorganshire, by William BRIDGE. Edward, a poor country mason, in the year 1756. This remarkable bridge consists of only one stupendous arch, which, though only eight feet broad, and thirty-five feet high, is no less than one hundred and forty feet span, be- ing part ofa circle of one hundred and seventy-five feet diameter. Of modern bridges, perhaps the two finest in Europe, are the Westminster and Blackfriars bridges over the river Thames af London. The former is 1220 feet long, and 44 feet wide, having a commodious broad footpath on each Bide for passengers. It consists of thirteen large, and two small arches, all semicircular, with fourteen intermediate piers. Tne arches all spring from about two feet above low water mark; the middle arch is seventy-six feet wide, and the others on each side decrease always by four feet at a time. The two middle piers are each seventeen feet thick at the springing of the arches; and the others de- crease equally on each side by one foot at a lime ; every pier terminating with a salient right angle against either stream. This bridge is built of the best materials, and in a neat and elegant taste, but the arches are too small for the quantity of masonry contained in it. This bridge was begun in 1738, and opened in 1750; and the whole sum of money granted and paid for the erection of this bridge, with the,purchase of houses to take down, and widening the avenues, &c. amounted to 389,500/. Blackfriars bridge, nearly opposite the centre of the city of London, was begun in 1710, and was completed in ten years and three quarters; and is an exceeding light and elegant structure ; but the materials unfortunately do not seem to be the best, as many of the arch stones are decaying. It consists of nine large, elegant, elliptical arches ; (he centre arch being one hundred feet wide, and those on each side decreasing in a regular gradation, (o the smallest, at each extremity, which is seventy feet wide. The breadth of the bridge is forty-two feet, and the length from wharf to wharf nine hundred and ninety- five. The upper surface is a portion ofa very large cir- cle, which forms an elegant figure, and is of convenient passage over it. The whole expense was 150,840/. Bridges, iron, are the exclusive invention of British artists. Tiie first that has been erected on a large scale is lhat over the river Severn, at Coalbrook Dale, in Shrop- shire. This bridge is composed of five ribs, and each rib of three concentric arcs connected together by radi- ating pieces. The interior arc forms a complete semicir- cle ; but the others extend only to the cills under the road way. These arcs pass through an upright frame of iron at each end, which serves as a guide ; and the small space in the haunches between tbe frames and lhe outer arc is fill- ed with a ring of about seven feet diameter. Upon fhe top of the ribs are laid cast iron plates, which sustain the road way. The arch of this bridge is one hundred feet six inches in span; the interior ring is cast in two pieces, each piece being about seventy feet in length. If was constructed in the year 1779, by Mr. Abraham Darby, iron master at Coalbrook Dale, and must be con- sidered as a very bold effort in the first instance of adopt- ing a new material. The total weight of the metal is 378^ tons. See Plate XXII. The second iron bridge, of which the particulars have come to our knowledge, was that designed by Mr. Thom- as Paine, author of many political works. It was con- structed by Mess'rs. Walkers at Rotherham, and was brought to London, and set up in a bowling green at Pad- dingfon, where it was exhibited for some time. After which it was intended to have been sent to America* but Mr. Paine not being able to defray the expense, the man- ufacturers took it back, and (he malleable iron was after* Ward worked up in (he construction of the bridge at Wear- mouth. The third iron bridge of importance erected in Great Britain, was that over the river Wear, at Bishop Wear- mouth, near Sunderland, (he chief projecter of which was Rowland Burdon, Esq. M. P. This bridge consists of a single arch, whose span is 236 feet; and as (he springing stones at each side project two feet, (he whole opening it 240 feet. The arch is a segment ofa circle of about 444 feet diameter; its versed sine is thirty-four feet, and the whole height from low water about one hundred feef, ad- mitting vessels of from two to three hundred tons burthen to pass under, without striking their masts. A series of one hundred and five blocks form a rib, and six of these ribs compose the breadth of die bridge. The spandrels, or the spaces between the arch and tbe road way, are filled up by cast iron circles, which touch the outer circumference of the arch, and at the same time sup- port the road way, thus gradually diminishing from the abutments toward the centre of the bridge. There are also diagonal iron bars, which are laid on the tops of the ribs, and extended (o the abutments to keep the ribs from twisting. The superstructure is a strong frame of timber planked over fo supporf the carriage road, which is cots- posed of marl, limestone, and gravel, wilh a cement of (ar and chalk immediately upon fhe planks to preserve (hern. The whole width ofthe bridge is fhir(y-(wo feet. The abutments are masses of almost solid masonry, twen- ty-four feet in thickness, forty-two in breadth at bottom, and thirty-seven at top. The south pier is founded on the solid rock, and rises from about twenty-two feef above the bed of the river. On the north side the ground was not so favourable, so lhat it was necessary (o carry lhe foundation ten feet below the bed. The weight of (he iron in this extraordinary fabric amounts to 260 tons; 46 of these are malleable, and 214 cast. The entire expense was 27,000/. The splendid example of the bridge at Wearmouthgave an impulse to public taste, and caused an emulation amona; artists, which has produced many examples and more projects of iron bridges. The Coalbrook Dale Com- pany have constructed several, among which is a very neat one over the river Parrot at Bridgewater. Mr. Wil- son, the engineer employed by Mr. Burdon, has also built several: and bas lately finished a very elegant one over the riv er Thames, al Staines, which is by far fhe most com- plete in design, as well as the best executed, of any that has hitherto been erected. This bridge consists ofa sin- gle arch, 181 feet in span, and 16 feeUsix inches in rise, being a segment of a circle of 480 feet. The blocks of which lhe ribs are composed, are similar lo those hi the Wearmoutb bridge, except that these have only two con- centric arcs instead of three, as at the latter. The arcs are cast hollow, and the blocks connected by means of dowels and keys ; thus obviating the great defect observed at Wearmouth, of having so much hammered iron expos- ed to the action of the air. Four ribs form the width ofthe B R I B R 0 arch, which are connected together by cross frames. The spandrels are filled with circles which support a covering of iron plates an inch thick: on this is laid the road way twenty-seven feet wide. Two hundred and seventy (ous are tiie weight of (he iron employed in (he bridge, and three hundred and thirty of the road way. BRIEF, any writ in writing issued out of any of lhe king's courts of record at Westminster, whereby any thing is commanded (o be done in order (o justice. Briefs for collecting charity are to be read in all churches and chapels within two mouths after receipt thereof, and (he sums (hereby collected shall be paid over to (he undertaker of briefs, within six months after lhe de- livery of lhe briefs under penally of 20/. Brief also signifies an abridgment of the client's case made out for the instruction of counsel, on a trial at law, which is to be fully but briefly stated. Briefs apostolical, letters which lhe pope despatches to princes, or other magistrates, relating to any public af- fair. These briefs are dislinguibhed from bulb, the latter being more ample and always written on parchment and sealed wilh lead or green wax, whereas briefs are very concise, written on paper, sealed with red wax, and with the Real of the fisherman, or St. Peter in a boat. BRIGADE, in tbe military ait, a party or division ofa body of soldiers, whether horse or foot, under the com- mand ofa brigadier. An army is divided into brigades of horse and brigades of foot: a brigade of horse is a body of eight or (en squadrons ; a brigade of foot consists of four, five, or six battalions. Brigade-major is an officer appointed by (he briga- dier, (o assist him in the management and ordering of his brigade. BRIADIER is the general officer who has the com- mand of a brigade. The eldest colonels are generally advanced to this post. He (ha( is upon duly is brigadier of (he day. They march al (he head of (heir own brigades, and are allowed a serjeant and (en men of (heir own brig- ade for their guard. BRIGANTINE, a coat of mail, a kind of ancient de- fensive armour, consisting of thin jointed scales of plate, plian( and easy lothe body. BRIMSTONE. See Sulphur. Brimstone medals, figures, &c. may be cast from a composilion consisting of equal weights of sulphur and vermilion melted together, and when cleared it may be cast in a mould smeared with oil. If it should change to a yellowish hue, wet it with aquafortis and it will have the appearance of fine coral. BRINE PANS, the pits in which salt water is retained, and suffered to stand, to bear the action of the sun, by which it is converted in(o salt. Brine pit, (he salt spring from which (he water to be boiled into salt is taken. There are many of ihese springs in (his countey ; (hat at Nantwich, in Cheshire, is said to be sufficient (o yield salt for (he whole kingdom- BRING to, in naval affairs, to check or retard (he ve- locity, or rale of sailing of a ship, by arranging the sails in such a manner, that they shall counterac( each o(her, and thus prevent her either from advancing ahead, or getting sternway. BRINING of grain; (he praclice of immersing it in some sort of liquor or pickle (o prevent (he smut, oro(her diseases, and also to guard it from tbe ravages of insects. 52* Mr. Arthur Young, in his Farmer's Calendar, says, fhat from various experiments it appears that steeping wheat from twelve to twenty-four hours in a lye of wood ashes, in lime water, and in a solution of arsenic, gave clean crops from extremely smutty seed. Brining of hay, the blending of salt wilh hay in lhe operation of stacking, to preserve and render il palatable. This practice is useful in rainy seasons, and it prevails chiefly in America. BRISTLE, a thick glossy kind of hair, with which the swine kind are more especially covered. They aie hard, transparent, homy substances, of a prismalical figuie, without any appearance of cavities or pores in them. Cat's bristles, or whiskers, have a solid pith in the middle. Hog's bristles constitute an important article of exporta- tion in Russia; those imported into this country pay a heavy duty. Bristle dice, a sort of false dice, furnished with a piece of hog's bristle s(uck in (he corners, (o prevent (hem from falling on certain sides, and to make them run high or low at pleasure. BRISTOL water. See Mineral Waters. BRIZA, in botany, quaking grass : a genus ofthe digy- nia order, and triandria class of plants ; and in the natural melhod ranking under tbe 4th order, gramina. The calyx is (wo valv ed, and multiflorous ; the spicula bifarious, with (he small valves hear( shaped and blunt, and the inner one small in proportion to the rest. There are six species of briza : (wo of which are natives of Britain, vis. 1. Briza media, (he middle quaking grass, and 2. Briza minor, (he small quaking grass. Both grow in pasture grounds. The briza maxima is a native of the south of Europe, and is a very ornamental plan( in gardens. BROCADE, a stuff of gold, silver, or silk, raised and enricned with flowers, foliages, and olher ornaments, ac- cording to the fancy of the merchants or manufacturers. Formerly (he word signified only a stuff, woven all of gold, both in lhe warp and in the woof, or all of silver, or of bolh mixed together: thence it passed lo those of stuffs in which there was silk mixed, to rahe ?r d terminate the gold or silver flowers: but now all stuffs, even (hose of silk alone, whether they are grograms of Tours or of Naples, satins, and even faffelies or lutestrings, if they are but adorned and worked with some flowers, or other figures, are called brocades. BROKER, a name given to persons of several and very different professions, the chief of which are exchange brokers, stock brokers, pawn brokers, and brokeis sim- ply so called, who sell household furniture, and second hand apparel. Brokers, exchange, are a kind of agents, or negotia- tors, who contrive, propose, and conclude bargains be- tween merchants,.and between merchants and tradesmen, in matters of bills of exchange, or merchandise, for which they have so much commission. These, by the statute of 8 and 9 William III. are fo be licensed in London by the lord mayor, who administers to (hem an oalh, and takes bond for the faithful execution of their offices. If any person shall act as broker, without being thus licens- ed and admitted, he shall forfeit lhe sum of 500/. and per- sons employing him 5/. and brokers are lo register con- tracts, &c. under the like penalty : also brokers shall not deal for themselves, on pain of forfeiting 200/. They B R O B R O are to carry about with them a silver medal, having the king's arras, and the arms of the cily, and pay 40s. a year to the chamber ofthe city- The exchange brokers make it their business lo know the alteration of the course of exchange, to inform mer- chants how it goes, and lo give notice to those who have money to receive, or pay, beyond sea; they are the prop- er persons for negotiating the exchange, and when the matter is accomplished, that is, when the money for the bill is paid, and the bill delivered, they have for brokerage 2*. for 100/. sterling. Brokers, stock, are those employed to buy and sell shares in the joint stock ofa company, or in the public funds. The negotiations of these brokers are regulated by certain acts of parliament,which among other things enact, that contracts in the nature of wagers, incur a pen- alty of 500/. and by the sale of stock, of which the seller is not possessed, and which he does not transfer, a forfeit of 100/. and contracts for the sale of any stock, of which the contractors are not actually possessed, or to which they are not entitled, are void, and the parties agreeing to sell, &c. incur a penalty of 500/. and that brokers keep a book in which all contracts, &c. shall be regularly en- tered. Brokers, pawn, are persons who keep shops, and let out money, to necessitous people, upon pledges, on inter- est. This trade is regulated by statutes, which prevent the demand of exorbitant interest; which prohibit pawn brokers from purchasing goods in their custody, and from lending money to any person appearing to be under twelve years of age, or intoxicated. Pawn brokers are to place in their shops, a table of rates allowed by act of parliament; they are subject also to divers other restric- tions, evidently inlrnde I as a security to the poor, whose exigencies or misfortunes oblige them to part with their property, to satisfy their most pressing wants. BROMELIA, the pine apple: See Plate XXIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 64, a genus of the monogynia order, and hexan- dria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the tenth order, coronariae. The essential charac- ter is, calyx, trifid, superior: corolla with nectareous scales at the base of each berry, three celled. There are nine species, of which the following are the most re- markable : 1. Bromelia ananas, with leaves very like some sorts of aloes, but not so thick and succulent, which are strongly armed with black spines. From the centre of the plant arises the flower stalk, which » near three feet high ; the lower part is garnished wilh entire leaves, placed alter- nately at every joint. The upper part is garnished with flowers set in a loose spike or thyrse quite round : ihese are succeeded by oval seed vessels, having a longitudinal partition, in the centre of which are fastened smooth cy- lindrical seeds. Of this there are six varieties. 2. Bromelia Ungulate, with obtuse, sawed, and prickly leaves. 3. Bromelia nudicaulis, with the lower leaves indented and prickly. The leaves of Ihis species are shorter than those of the ananas. They are sharply sawed on their edges, and of a deep green colour. The flower stem arises from the centre of the plant, which divides up- ward into several branches; (he upper part of these are garnished with spikes of flowers, which dome out alternate- ly from the sides of the branches, each having a narrow- entire leaf just below ii, which are longer than (be spike. The flowers are placed v ery close on the spikes : and when they decay, the empalement turns to an oval pointed seed vessel, enclosing seeds of (he same shape with the o(ber. The plants of (he pine apple are propagated by plant- ing the crowns which grow on the fruit, or the suckers which are produced either from the sides of lhe plants or under the fruit. The suckers and crowns must be laid to dry in a warm place for four or five days, or more; for if they are immediately planted tbey will rol. The cer- tain rule of judging when they are fit lo plant, is by ob- serving if the bottom is healed over and becone hard. In summer, they must be fiequenlly watered; but not with large quantities af a time; aud the moisture should not be detained in the pots by the holes being stopped, for that will soon destroy the plants. If the season is warm, ihey should be watered twice a week; but in a cool season, once a weejs will be sufficient; and in sum- mer they should once a week be watered gently all over the leaves; which will greatly promote their growth. During lhe winter, they will not require to be watered oft- ener than once a week, according as (he earth in the pots seems (o dry. Plants beginning to show their fruit should never be shifted ; for if they are removed after the fruit appears, if stops the growth, and thereby causes the fruit to be smaller, and retards its ripening;, so that it will be October or November before the fruil is ripe; there- fore tbe plants should be kept in a vigorous growing stale from tbe first appearance ofthe fruit, as upon this depends the goodness and the size of it. After cutting off the fruit from the plant intended to be propagated, the leaves should be trimmed, and tbe pots plunged again into a model ate hot bed, observing to refresh ihem fiequenlly with water, which will make them put out sinkers in plen- ty ; so that one may be soon supplied with plants enough of any of the kinds, who will but observe to keep the plants in health. The most dangerous thing lhat can happen to these plants is their being attacked by small white in- sects, which appear at first like a white mildew, but soon after have the appearance of lice: these attack both root and leaves at the same time; and if fhey are not soon de- stroyed, will spread over a whole slove in a short lime, and in a few weeks entirely stop lhe growth of (he plants by sucking out the nutritious juice, so that the leaves will appear yellow and sickly, and ha* e a number of yellow transparent spots all over them. These insects, after they are fully grown, appear like bugs, adhering so closely to the leaves as not fo be easily washed off, and seem to have no local motion. They were originally brought from America upon the plants imported from ihence. The only method yet discovered of destroying them, is by frequently washing the leaves, branches, and steins, of such plants as fhey attack, with water in which there has been a strong infusion of tobacco stalks. Bit this method cannot be practised on lhe ananas plante, because the in- sects fasten themselves so low between the leaves, that it is impossible to come at them wilh a sponge to wash them off; so thai although they seem to be all cleared off, they are soon succeeded by a fresh supply from below, and the roots are also equally infected at the same lime. Therefore, whenever they appear on the plants, lhe B R O B R O safest method is to fake the plants out of the pots, and clear the earth from (he roots ; then put them into a (ub, filled with water in which there has been a strong infu- sion of tobacco stalk*; and lay some sticks across to keep them immersed in (he water, wherein (hey should re- main tweiity-fonr hours; then take them out, and with a sponge wash off all the insects from the leaves and roots, and wash the plants in a tub of fresh water. This is (he most effectual way lo clear them from the insects. Af- ter this, you should put Ihem in fresh earth; and, having stirred up the bark bed, and added some new tan to give a fresh heat to the bed, the pots should be plunged again, observing to water (hem all over the leaves, and this should be repeated once a week during summer; for these insects always multiply much faster where the plants are kept dry, than when fhey are sometimes sprinkled over with water, and kep( in a growing state. Of late, some very considerable improvements have been made in this article. The leaves of the oak have been substituted for (he more expensive bark; and (he pines (reated wilh (hem are found (o (brive as well, and to produce as good fruit as (he others. But the most con- siderable improvement is that mentioned in tbe 67th vol- ume of the Philosophical Transactions, where the follow- ing method is shown by William Bastard, esq. of Devon- shire, of raining these fruils in water. " The way in which 1 treat them," says he, "is as follows: I place a shelf near (he highest part ofthe back wall, that the pine plants may stand without absolutely touching tbe glass, but as near as it can be; on this shelf I place pans full of water, about Beven or eight inches deep; and in these pans I pu( (he pine apple planfs, growing in the same pots of earlh as they are generally planted in, to be plunged into (he bark hed in (he common way; (hat is, I put (he po( of earth, with (he pine plan( in it, in the pan full of water, and as the wafer decreases I constantly fill up the pan. I place either plants in fruit, or young plants as soon as they are well rooted, in these pans of water, and find they (hrive equally well: (he fruit reared this way is always much larg- er as well as bet ter flavoured, than when ripened in (he bark bed. I have more than once pul only the plants them- selves without any earth, I mean after they had roots, in- to these pans of wafer, wifh only water sufficien( (o keep the roots always covered, and found (hem flourish be- yond expectalion. In my house, the shelf I mention is supported by irons from the top, and there is an interven- ing space of about ten inches between lhe back wall and the shelf. A neighbour of mine has placed a leaden cis- tern upon the top of the back flue, (in which, as it is in contact with the flue, the water is always warm when there is fire in fhe house,) and finds his fruit excellent and laiie. My shelf does not touch fhe back flue, but is abouf a foot above it; and consequently only warmed by the air in the bouse. Both these methods do well. The way I MCount for this success is, lhat lhe warm air al- ways ascending to lhe part where (his shelf is placed, as being (he highest part of the house, keeps i( much hotter than in any olher part. The temperature at that place is, I believe, seldom less than what is indicated bv 73* of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and when the sun shines it is often above i00°; lhe wafer (he planfs grow in, seems to enable them to bear the greatest heat, if sufficient air is allowed ; and I often see (he roots of the plants growing; out of the holes in the bottom of the pot of earth, and shooting vigorously in Ibe wafer." BROMLS, broom grass, in botany: a genus of (he digynia order, and triandria class of plants; and, in the natural method, ranking under the 4th order, gramina. The calyx is bivalved, having a partial spike, oblong and round, opposite grains, with an awn below the point of each outer valve. There are 25 species, of which seven are natives of Britain, vie. 1. Bromus arvensis, common broom grass; 2. Brornus ciliatus, wall broom grass; 3. Biomus giganteus, tall broom grass; 4. Bromus pinnalus, spiked broom grass; 5. Bromus ramosus, wood broom grass ; 6. Bromus secalinus, field broom grass; 7. B omus slerilis, barren broom grass. BRONCHIA. See Anatomy. BRONCHOCELE, in surgery, a tumour rising in the fore part of the neck. This disorder with us is frequently called a Derbyshire neck, on account of the inhabitants of that county being much subject to it; probably for the same reasons that the inhabitants about the vallies of the Alps, and other mountainous countries, are so much af- fected with if. The most common situation of this swell- ing is the sides of the thyroid gland, and in many cases it seems to consist ofa general enlargement of that organ. This disease is known to predominate most in countries affected by the humidity of the atmosphere, joined wilh excessive heal: it increases in lhe spring lime, and di- minishes in the autumn; it is less prevalent in cold and dry seasons, (han in (hose fhat are damp, and moderate- ly warm ; it has been asserted that its progress, wherever it is endemial, is in exact proportion to the degree of mois- ture indicated by the hydrometer. BRONCHOTOMY, in surgery, an incision made in the aspera arteria, or windpipe, which is necessary in many cases, and especially in a violent quinsy, to prevent suffocation from the great inflammation or tumour of the parts. It is also called laryngotomy and tracheotomy. See Surgery. BRONCHUS, in anatomy, the lower part of (he aspe- ra arteria, dividing in bronchise, or branches. In this sense it stands contradistinguished from the larynx. The name is frequently extended to the whole aspera arteria or trachea. BRONTIJE, thunder stones, a kind of hemispherical stones divided by zones. The word is Greek, signifying thunder, in reference to lhe popular tradition, (hat thia species of stones fall in (bunder showers. BRONZE, a compound metal, composed of from 6 fo 12 parts of (in combined with 100 parts of copper. This alloy is heavier than copper, and possesses more tenacity • it is more fusible, and less liable to be altered by exposure to the air. This composition is used for cannon as well as for medals. BRONZES, a name given by antiquarians to figures either of men or beasts, to urns, and, in general, to every pi^ceof sculpture which the ancients made of that metal. We likewise give the name of bronzes to stalues and busts cast of bronze, whether these pieces are copies of antiques, or original subjects. B R O B R O The me(hod of casling bronzes is as follows: The figure (o be cas(, mus( have a mould made on it wilh a mixture of one part of plaster of Faiis, and two parts of brick dust. In lhe joints litlle channels should be cut from different pails of lhe infernal hollow, lending up- ward, to give vent to the air which the metal will force out, as it runs info the mould. When lhe mould is made, a thin layer of clay should be spread over the inside, the same thickness the bronze is intended lo be: then the mould must be closed, and the hollow within the layer of clay filled with two thirds of brick dust, and one third of plaster mixed with water. This will make the core ; and if the figure to be cast should be large, strong bars of iron forming a skeleton of support for the metal figure must be laid in the mould, and round this lhe core must be cast; when this is done, the mould must be opened again, and round this the core of clay taken out; the mould and core must be thoroughly dried, to prevent any accident with the cast. The core is then lo be laid in the mould, and supported by short bars of bronze which run through lhe mould inlo the core. The mould is now to be laid in a situation for casting; a channel must be continued suffi- ciently sloping from the reservoir of metal to the mouth of the mould for (he liquid bronze lo run easily. The form ofthe furnace, and lhe manner of running the metal, are lhe same as those employed in the bellfoundery. BRONZING, the art of varnishing wood, plaster, ivo- ty, Sec. so as to give them tbe colour of bronze. There are two sorts of composition used for (his purpose, (he red and (he yellow; (he latter is made of (he finest cop- per dust, and to the former is added a small quantity of red ochre, well pulverized. Both are applied with var- nish, and the work is dried over a chafingdish as soon as bronzed. BROOM, in botany. See Spartium, and Genista. Broom flower, ordre de la geniste, an order institut- ed by St. Louis, king of France, to show lhe esteem which he had for the queen his wife; and who, the even- ing before his queen's coronation, received Ihis order himself. The collar of this order was a gold chain of broom flowers, interlaced with fleur-de-lis : the inscription, '« ex- altat humiles," the founder accounting tbe broom the symbol of humility. BROSjEA, in botany, a genus of plants, of the order monogynia, and pentandria class. The characters are these : the cup is a one leaved perianthium, five segments; the flower is monopefalous, of lhe shape of a truncated Cone. The fruit is a roundish capsule, divided into five cells, and opening at fhe sides, discharges a great number of seeds. There is one species, a native of South America. BROTHERHOOD of God, a Christian denomination associated together for restraining and abolishing the right and exercise of private war. This sect was founded in the 12th century by a carpenter at Guienne, who pre- tended to have had divine communication with Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. He was received as an in- spired messenger of God. Many prelates and barons as- sembled at Puy, and took an oath, not only to makepeace with all their own enemies, but to attack such as refused fo lay down their arms, and to be reconciled to their ene- mies. BBP WALLIA, in botany, a genus of the angiosper- mia order, in the didynamia class of plants. The essen- tial chaiaciei is, calyx five toothed : corolla five cleft equal spreading with (he navel closed: anthers, (wo larg- er : capsule one celled. There are two species, both annuals, vis. 1. Browallia demissa, with a single flower upon each footstalk. The seeds were sent to Mr. Miller, from Pa- nama. The flowers are of a light blue colour, sometimes inclining to a purple or red; and there are often three colours of flowers on the same plant. They flower in July, August, and September. 2. Browallia elata, wilh one or many flowers on each footstalk, is a native of Peru. The stalk appears some- what shrubby ; the footstalks have sometimes one flower, others wifh three, and others with five, of a deep violet colour. As both species of browallia are annual plants, tbey must be raised from seeds, which are to be sown on a hot bed; but they may be transplanted in June, into the borders of fhe flower garden; where, if the weather proves warm, they will flower and perfect seeds; but lest these should fail, (here should be a plant or two kept in (he greenhouse (o secure seeds. BROWN, among dyers, painters, &c. a dusky colour, inclining toward redness. Of (bis colour there are iari- ous shades or degrees, distinguished by different appella- tions ; for instance, Spanish brown, a sad brown, a tawny brown, the London brown, a clove brown, &c. Spanish brown is a dark dull red, of a horse flesh colour. Il is an earth, and is of great use among painters, being generally used as the first and priming colour that they lay upon any kind of timber work in house painting. That which is of (he deepest colour, and freest from sfones, is lhe best. Though this is of a dirty brown col- our, ye( i( is not much used to colour any garment, unless it be an old man's gown; but (o shadow vermilion, or lolay upon any dark ground behind a picture, or to shadotr yellow berries in the darkest places, when lake is wanted, Sec. It is best and brightest when burnt in lhe fire till it is red hot, although, to colour a.hare, horse, dog, or ibe like, it should not be burnt; but, for other uses, it is best when it is burnt, as for instance, for colouring wood, posts, bodies of trees, or any thing else of wood, or any dark ground of a picture. The method of dyeing browns is by plunging tbe cloth in a boiling bath of red wood ground and nut galls bruis* ed ; and when il has boiled for two hours and a half, and has been cooled and aired, it is plunged again in lhe same bath, to which a proportionable quantity of copperas must first be added. The more dull you would have (he brown, the more copperas must be put in. BROWN1STS, in church history, a religious sect, which sprung up in England toward (he end of the 16th century. Their leader was one Robert Brown, born at Northampton. They separated from the established church, on account of its discipline and form of govern- ment. They equally disliked episcopacy and presbyte* rianism. Tbey condemned the solemn celebration ol marriages in churches, maintaining, that matrimony being apolitical contract, lhe confirmation of it oughl to pro- ceed from tbe civil magistrate. They rejected all forms of prayer, and held that the Lord's prayer was not to b« recited as a prayer ; being given only as a model, upoi which to form our prayers. BR U BRU BRUCEA, in botany, a genus ofthe tetrandria order, and dioecia class of plants. The essential character is, Calyx four leaved : corolla, four petaled : fem. perri. four one seeded. There is one species, a shrub of Abyssinia. It is a simple bitter, leaving in the throat something of roughness resembling ipecacuanha. BRUCIIUS, a genus of coleopterous insects, wilh fili- form antenna;, equal filiform feelers, and acuminated lip. The species of this genus are in all twenty-five. BKUlSER/the name of a concave tool used for grind- ing and polishing the specula of telescopes. It is made of brass about a quarter of an inch thick, and hammered as near the giuge as possible. It is tinned on the convex side, and made equally broad at bottom and top. By this instrument the speculum is prepared for the hands ofthe polisher. BRUNS'FELIA, in botany, a genus of (he monogynia order, and pentandria clais of planfs. The corolla is funnel shaped, and very long; and (he fruit an unilocular polynpermo ; very little for chymistry or botany, as a few stimuli, with <>n emetic and cathartic or two, are sufficient to supply a Brunonian laboratory ; and not much e*en for anatomy it- self, that grand foundation of medical knowledge. But whatever deficiencies, imperfections, or inexplicable mys- teries, may sfill adhere fo this system, it is allowed, even by its opponents, to have contributed greatly to the im- provement of medical practice ; to have considerably di- minished lhe former too frequent prescriptions of copious bleeding on almost every occasion ; and to have lessened the number of evacuant doses, and increased thaf of cor- roborant medicines, in many diseases of weakness, where the opposite practice was manifestly injurious. Audit is allowed to be the duly of every medical practitioner (o examine it without prejudice or partiality. BRUNSWICK green, a colour used in paper hang- ings, and other coarse kinds of painting in wafer colours. It is prepared in any close vessel of wood or earthen ware, filled half full of copper filings or clippings, on which is poured a saturated solution of sal ammoniac, which to- gether will form the muriate of copper, the ammonia be- ing at the same time disengaged. In a few weeks almost the whole of lhe copper may be converted into ow de ; this being well washed, and slowly dried in the shade, is pure Brunswick green. Three parts of muriate of ammo- nia, or sal ammoniac, and two of copper, yield six parts of green. BRT SH, a well known domestic utensil. The wooden part of brushes is generally of oak, which is cut to its proper size by an instrument like a large knife, fastened down to the block with a staple at one end, in such a manner thai it is moveable up and down ; to lhe other end is a handle. The wood fo be cut is held in the I. ft hand, while the knife is worked with the right. The knife is B R Y BUB always kept very sharp; and, by its make and mode of using, hard wood is very readily reduced to any shape and size. This wood, when cut into the proper sizes, is drilled with as many holes as is necessary, and into these fhe hair or bristle is put. There are brushes of various sorts, shapes, and sizes ; but the structure of them all is the same, or nearly so. When tbe bristles are sorted, combed, and picked, a cer- tain portion of them is taken and tied together in the middle wilh string, or wilh fine copper or iron wire : in this double state they are fastened into the wooden stock wilh glue or with pitch. The ends of the hair are-now to be cut oP and the surface to be made even or uni- form. Common hearth brushes and hair brooms are made in a slighter way. As soon as the stock is brought to its prop- er shape it is drilled, the hairs doubled, and each bundle is put into the hole with some hot cement made with pitch and resin. In some brushes, the wires are visible on the back; in ofhers (he backs are smooth, there being thin slices of wood glued over the wires. A patent was obtained in 1804, by Mr. Thomason, for making hearth brushes, (he object of which was (o con- ceal (he hair in a nea( metal case, into which the hair«is drawn by means of rack work. BRYGMUS, among physicians, a grating noise made by the gnashing of teeth, a symptom common in epilepsy, and some convulsive disorders. See Medicine. BRYONIA, bryony, a genus of the syngenesia order, and monoecia class of plants; in the natural method rank- ing under the 34th order, cucurbitaceae. The calyx of the male is five toothed, with a quinquefid corolla, and three filaments. In the female the calyx is dentated, the corolla quadrifid, the style" trifid, wilh a roundish many seeded berry. There are 19 species, of which the most remarkable are: 1. Bryonia Africana, African tuberous rooted bryony. 2. Bryonia alba, rough or while bryony wilh red flow- ers, a native of dry banks under hedges in many parts of Britain. The roots of this plant have by impostors been wrought into a human shape, and shown for mandrakes. Their method was fo find a young thriving plant of bryo- ny ; (hen they opened the earth all round, being careful not to disturb the lower fibres; and being provided with such a mould as is used for making plaster figures, they iixed fhe mould close to (he roof, fastening it with wire to keep if in its proper situation; then they filled the earth about the roof, leaving it to grow to the shape of the mould, which in one summer it will do; so that if done in March, by September i( will have the shape. The leaves of (he planl are also imposed on people for mandrake leaves, although there is no resemblance belween (hem, nor any agreement in quality. The roots of this species are used in medicine. These are very large, sometimes as thick as a man's thigh; their smell when fresh, is strong and disagreeable"; the taste nauseously bitter, acrid, and biting; (he juice is so sharp, as in a little time to excoriate the skin ; in drying, (hey lose a great part of their acrimony, and almost their whole scent. Bryo- ny root is a strong irritating cathartic, and applied exter- nally is said to be a powerful discutient. 3. Bryonia Bonariensis, bryony with hairy palmated leaves, divided into five parts, and obtuse segments. It is a native of warm countries ; but merits cultivation on account ofthe pretty appearance it makes when full of fruit. 4. Bryonia Cretica, spotted bryony of Crete. 5. Bryonia racemosa, bryony with a red olive shaped fruit.' It is a native of warm climates, and perennial; hut the branches decay every winter. 6. Bryonia variegata, the American bryony with varie- gated fruit. BRYUM, in botany, a genus of the 56th natural order, vis. musci, belonging to the cryptogamia class of plants. The anthera is operculated or covered with a lid, theca- lypfra polished, and there is a filament arising from the terminal tubercle. There arc 41 species, most of then natives of England. BUBO, or Buboe. See Surgery. BUBON, Macedonian parsley: a genus ofthe digynia order, and pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 46th order, umbellafae. Tbe fruit is ovated, striated, and villous. There are five sp©. cies, which are propagated by seeds, and require the com- mon culture of other exotic vegetables, vis. 1. Bubon Galbanum or African ferula, rises with an up right stalk to the height of eight or ten feet, which at bot- tom is woody, having a purplish bark covered with a whitish powder that comes off when handled. The top ofthe stalk is terminated by an umbel of yellow flowers; which are succeeded by oblong channelled seeds, which have a tbin membrane or wing on fheir border. Whea any part of tbe plant is broken, there issues out a little thin milk of a cream colour, which has a strong scent of galbanum. 2. Bubon gummiferum, with a mock chervil leaf, rises with a ligneous stalk about the same height, with leavel at each joint; the small leaves or lobes narrow and hv dented like those of bastard hemlock. The stalk is termi* nated by an umbel of small yellow flowers, which are suc- ceeded by seeds like those ofthe former sort. The giK banum ofthe shops is supposed to be procured from these two species. 3. Bubon Macedonicum, sends out many leaves from the root: the lowest^row almost horizontally, spreading near the surface of the ground. In the centre of the plant arises the flower stem, which is little more than a foot high, dividing inlo many branches, each terminated bysn umbel of white flowers, which are succeeded by oblong hairy seeds. This plant, in warm countries, is biennial; but in Britain seldom flowers till tbe third or fourth year; but whenever tbe plant flowers, it always dies. 4. Bubou rigidius, hard or rigid ferula, is a native of Sicily. It is a low perennial plant, having short, stiff, and very narrow leaves: the flower stalk rises a foot high, which i3 terminated by an umbel of small white flowers. 5. B. cavigaftum. BUBONOCELE, or Hernia inguinale. See Sun- GERy. BUBROMA, a genus of fhe class and order polyadel- phia dodecandria. The essential character is, calyx three leaved: petals, five arched, semibifid: anfhers, on each filament, three: stigma, simple: capsule, muriate, ending in a five rayed star. BUG B U C There is one species, a large tree of the West Indies, resembling (he elm. BUCCINATOR. See Anatomy. BUCCINUM, (he Trumpet shell, a genus of uni- valve shells, shaped, in some degree, like a horn, or other wind instrument: the belly of (he shell is distended, (he aperture of tbe mouth is large, wide, and elongated, the tail is more or less long, and the clavicle more or less ex- erted. This is a very numerous genus, the principal species of which are the pomum, Plate XXIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 65. spindle shell, the mitre shell, (he midas ear shell, the great trifon shell, the tower of Babel shell, &c. The shells ofthe bucciitum kind are commonly furnish- ed with an operculum ; (he animal, a limax or snail, sub- ject to some slight difference in its form in various spe- cies. They are oviparous, and the males are said (o be smaller and higher in colour (han the females. BUCCO, the Barbet, in ornithology, (he name of a genus in the picae order, distinguished by having (he bill sharp edged, compressed on (he sides, notched on each side near the apex, bent inward, with a long slit beneath the eyes. Nostrils covered with incumbent feathers: feet formed for climbing. There are seventeen species, and some varieties. They occur in Africa, but chiefly inhabit Asia, and the hotter parts of America. They are in general dull and stupid birds; their bill is stout, and remarkably covered with projecting bristles. Those of the ancient hemisphere are very much distinguished by the thickness and shortness of the bill; and, far from af- fecting the stupid gravity of lhe American species, ihey attack (he smaller tribes with the boldness and intrepidity of (he hawk. The principal species are as follows, vis. 1. The tamatia, or spotted barbet, a na(ive of Brazil. I(s leng(b is six inches and a half, of which (he (ail occu- pies two inches; (he bill is hooked, and divided inlo (wo points; (he brisdes or beard which covers it extends more than half its length. They feed chiefly on insects ; and their flesh, though not good, is eaten by the natives. 2. The Cayanensis, or red headed barbet. This is about seven inches in length; the bill is strong, of a dark srsh colour, bending a little downward at the tip; at the basis ofthe upper mandible are a few black brisdes point- ing forward over the nostrils. They are inhabitants of Cayenne, and are also met wilh at Guiana and St. Domin- go; and, no dotrbt, in other hot parts of America. They feed on caterpillars, locusts, and large beetles. 3. The capensis, or collared barbet. The plumage of this bird is agreeably variegated. It is found in Guiana, but is a rare species. 4. The bucco elegans, see Plate XXIII. Nat. Hist, fig. 66. or elegant barbet, lhe most beautiful of the genus. 5. The viridis, or green barbet, is 6f- inches long; lhe back, the coverts of lhe wings, and of ibe tail, are of a very fine green ; the head is brown gray ; the neck is the same colour, but each feather "is edged with yellow. 6. The grandis, or Chinese barbet, is nearly eleven inches long. The principal colour in ifs plumage is a fine green mixed wifh blue, which changes with the light. Plate, Nat. Hist. fig. b7. BUCEROS, in ornithology, the name of a genus in the order of piece, called in English the hornbiU. Birds of 53* this kind have the bill convex, curved, sharp at lhe edge, ofa large size, and serrated outwardly; a horny pro t id e- rance on the upper mandible, near tbe fiontof the beau, nostrils behind the base of the bill, longue acute «.nd short; feet formed for walking. Of this genus there are thirteen species; the principal of which are, 1. Tbe buceros rhinoceros, distinguished above every other of (his extraordinary family by (de enormity of its bill. The upper mandible is red toward the base, aud of a whitish yellow from thence to the lip ; (be lower one en- tirely ofa whifishyellow except al the base,w here it is black, and hid in the feathers; on the top of (he upper mandible is an appendage, as large as (he bill itselt, an^ turning up- ward, contrary to the direction of the bill, t h mandibles of which bend downward; this curved horn is variegated with whitish yellow, red, and black, and is as it were di- vided longitudinally by a line of black on each side. This bird, when full grown, measures four feet from the point of the bill to the tip of the (ail. The beak, far from being in proportion to the size of the biid, or useful from its structere, seems to be a cumbious load to the an- imal destined to bear i(; nature does not furnish another example of a weapon of such magnitude attended with so little effect; the point of it, like thai of a lever (oo far removed from (he fulcrum, takes but a feeble hold; it is ofa substance so soft, that its edges are continually brok- en by the least resislance. This singular bird is found in Java, Sumatra, the Philippine islands, and othei parts of the East Indies. They are said to feed on flesh and carrion, and that they follow the hunters for the purpose of feeding on (he entrails of the beasts which they kill: (bat they chase rats and mice, and, after pressing them flat, toss them up and catch them in their descent, swal- lowing them whole. 2. The galeatus, or helmeted hornbill. The prevail- ing colour of the bird is black; and of the helmet the tops of snuffboxes are sometimes made. 3. The Malabaricus, or pied hornbill. This species is two feet ten inches from the point of the bill to (he extremi- ty of the tail. Its bill is eight inches long and two broad, and bent from the straight position; a false bill sits like a horn close on the first, and follows its curvature, and is ex- tended from the case to within two inches of the point. This bird has been called the Indian raven, the horned crow, the horned pie of Ethiopia, Sec. When at rest, its head seems to recline on its shoulders ; and when dis- turbed by surprise, it assumes an air of boldness and im- portance. This bird will eat vegetables and raw flesh; will catch rats, and devour small bird> alive. It often repeats aery like the clacking of a turkey hen when she leads her brood. 4. The bicornis, or Philippine hornbill, according to Brisson is ofthe size ofthe turkey hen ; but ils head is much larger, which indeed is requisite, to support a bill nine inches long, and two inches eight lines thick, and which carries, above tbe upper mandible, a horny excres- cence six inches long, and three inches broad. It in- habits the Philippine islands and the East Indies, and has a cry more like that of a hog or a calf than of a bird ; the Genloos rank it among their gods, and pay adoration to it; it lives chiefly in woods, feeding on wild figs, al- monds, and the pistachio nut, which it swallows whole, BUD BUi and, after lhe external parts of it have been digested, it brings up the nuts again whole, without the kernels being anywise damaged or unfit for vegetation. BUCHNERA, in botany, a genus of the angiospermia order, in (he diuynamia class of plants; ranking, in the natural method, under lhe 40th order, personatae. The characters are : lhe calyx is obscurely 5 toolhed: corol- la, border, 5 cleft, equal: lobes, cordate : capsule, 2 cell- ed. There are eleven species, natives of the Cape, South America, and the West Indies. BUCIDA, in botany, a genus of (he order monogynia, in the decandria class of plants; ranked, in the natural method, under the 12th order, holeraceae. The calyx is indented in five segments: it has no corolla; and the fruit is a single seeded berry. There is only one species. BUCKLER, a piece of defensive armour used by the ancients. It was worn on the left arm, and composed of wickers woven together, or wood of the lightest sort, but most commonly of hides, fortified with plates of brass or other metal. BUCKRAM, in commerce, a sort of coarse cloth made of hemp, gummed, calendered, and dyed several colours. It is put into those places of the lining of a garment, which are to be stiff and to keep their forms. Sometimes they use new pieces of linen cloth to make buckrams, but most commonly old sheets and pieces of old sails. BUCKWHEAT. See Polvgonum. BUCKTHORN. See Rhamnus. BUDDING, a method of propagating various sorts of trees, particularly those of the wall fruit kinds. See Gardening. BUDDLEIA, in botany, a genus ofthe monogynia or- der, in the tetrandria class of plants. The calyx and co- rolla are qnadrifid; the stamina placed at fhe incisures of the corolla. The capsule is bisulcated, bilocular, and po- lyspermous. There are eight species, of which three de- serve notice. 1. Buddleia Americana, a native of Jamaica and most of the other American islands. It rises to the height of ten or twelve feet, with a thick woody stem covered with gray bark ; and sends out many branches toward the top, which come out opposite : at the ends of the branches the flowers are produced in long close spikes branching out in clusters, which are yellow, consisting of one leaf cut into four segments : these are succeeded by oblong cap- sules filled with small seeds. 2. Buddleia occidentalis, a native of Carfhagena. It rises much higher than the other, dividing into a great number of slender branches covered with a russet hairy bark, with long spear shaped leaves ending in sharp points: at the end of the branches are produced branching spikes of white flowers growing in whorls round the stalks, with small spaces between each. All these plants grow in low sheltered spots ; their branches being too lender to resist the force of strong winds. 3. Buddleia globosa, a native of Chili, but hardy enough fo stand the winter in this climate. It is a beauti- ful shrub. The flowers are of an orange colour, in close peduncled heads, two together on opposite sides of the branches. BUDGE BARRELS, among engineers, small barrels well hooped, wifh only one head; on the other end is nailed a piece of leather, to draw together upon strings like a purse. Their use is for carrying powder along with a gun or mortar, being less dangerous, and easier carried than whole barrels. They are likewise used upon a bat- tery of mortars, for holding meal powder. BUFF, in commerce, a sort of leathtr prepared from the skin of the buffalo, dressed with oil, after lhe man- ner of shammy. This makes a very considerable article in the French, English, and Dutch commerce at Constan- tinople, Smyrna, and all along fhe coast of Africa. The skins of elks, oxen, and other like animals, when prepared after the same manner as that of the buffalo, are likewise called buffs. Of buff skin, or buff leather, are made a sort of coats for the horse or gens-d'armes of France, bandaliers, belts, pouches, and gloves. BUFFALO. See Bos. BUFONIA, toad grass: a genus of the digynia or- der, belonging to the tetrandria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 22d order, caryophyl- lea?. The calyx is 4 leaved : the corolla, 4 petaled: (he capsula is monospermous. There is but one species, a native of Britain. BUG. SeeCiMEX. BUGGASINS, in commerce, a name given to buck- rams made of calico. BUGLOSS. See Anchusa. BUILDING. See Architecture. Buildings, laws concerning. Tbe buildings of Lon- don are regulated by what is denominated the building act, which repeals and amends several former acts for the same purpose. It was passed in the year 1774, and be- gins by dividing all buildings into seven rates or classes, for the purpose of subjecting them fo various regulations respecting the thickness ofthe walls, &c. Surveyors of districts are appointed to see the rules and regulations of this act properly complied with. Before any building is begun to be erected, the master workman is bound to give twenty-four hours notice to the surveyor, who is to attend and view the building, and enforce the observance ofthe act. The fees to be paid by the builder to lhe surveyor are, for a building of the first rate, 3/. 10s. and for an alteration or addition, 1/. 15s. for a building ofthe second rate, 3/. 3s. and for an alteration 1/. 10s. for lhe third rate, 21.10s. and ll. 5s. and for the fourth rate, ll. Is. and 15s. BULBOCODIUM, mountain saffron: a genus of the monogynia order, in the hexandria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the ninth order, spa- thacese. The corolla is funnel shaped, and hexapetalous, wilh the heels narrow, supporting the stamina. There is one species, Bulbocodium vernum, which is a native of Spain, and has a bulbous root shaped like lhose of the snow drop, which sends out three or four spear shaped concave leaves, between which comes out the flower, standing on a very short footstalk. The flowers appear about the same lime wilh the last; af first they are of a pale colour, but afterward change to a whitish purple. BULIMY, a disease in which the patient is affected with an insatiable and perpetual desire of eating ; and, un- less be is indulged, he often falls into fainting fits. It is also called fames canina, canine appetite. See Medi- cine, B U L bun BULK HEADS are partitions madeafhwart the ship, wilh boards, by which one part is divided from the other; as the great cabin, gun room, bread room, and several oth- er divisions. The bulkhead before is'the partilion be- lween (he forecasde and grating in the head. BILL. See Bos. BLLL'S EYE, among seamen, a small, obscure, sub- lime cloud, ruddy in the middle, that sometimes appears to mariner-, aud is the immediate forerunner of a great storm at sea. It is aUo used for a small oval block of hard wood, without sheaves. It is turned in a lathe, has a groov e round the outside, and an oval hole gouged through lhe middle. Bull, among ecclesiastics, a written letter, despatched, by order of (he pope, from (he Roman chancery, and sealed with lead, being written on parchmenl, by which it is partly distinguished from a brief. It is a kind of apos- tolical rescript, or edict, and is chiefly in use in matters of justice or grace. If (he former is (he inten(ion of (he bull, the lead is hung by a hempen cord ; if (he latter, by a silk- en thread. It is (his pendent lead, or seal, which is, prop- erly speaking, the bull; and which is impressed, on one side, wilh lhe heads of St. Peter and St. Paul, and on the other wilh the name of the pope, and the year of his pontificate. The bull is written in an old, round, Gothic let- ter, and is divided into five parts ; the narrative of the fact, the conception, the clause, the dale, and the salutation, in which (he pope styles himself servus servorum, i.e. the servant of servants. These instruments, besides the lead hanging fo Ihem, have a cross, wifh some te\t of Scripture, or religious molto, about it. Bulls are granted for the con- secration of bishops, the promotion to benefices, and the celebration ofjubilees, &c. Bull, in cozna Domini, a particular bull read every year, on the day of the Lord's supper, or Maundy Thursday, in the pope's presence, containing excommu- nications and anathemas against heretics, and all who dis- turb or oppose the jurisdiction of (he holy see. After the reading of the bull, the pope throws a burning torch into the public place, to denote the thunder of this anath- ema. Bull, golden, an edict, or imperial constitution, made by the emperor Charles IV. reputed to be the magna char- ts, or the fundamental law, of the German empire. It is called golden, because it has a golden seal, in the form ofa pope's bull, tied with yellow and red cords of silk ; upon one side is the emperor represented silling on his throne, and on the olher the capitol of Rome. I( is also called Caroline, on Charles IV's accoun(. Till (he publication of (he golden bull, (he form and ceremony of (he elec(ion of an emperor were dubious and undetermined, and the number of the electors nof fixed. This solemn edict regulated the func- tions, rights, privileges, and pre-eminences of the elec- tors. The original, which is in Latin, on vellum, is pre- served at Frankfort: (his ordonnance, containing thirty articles, or chapters, was approved of by all the princes of the empire, and remains still in force. BULLA, in conchology, the name of a genus of shells, the character of which is thus defined: animal a limax ; shell univalve, convoluted, and unarmed ; mouth or aper- ture somewhat straightened, oblong, longitudinal, and at the base very entire; pillar lip oblique and smooth. There are many species. BTJLIjJE, in Roman antiquity, ornamenfs at first given only to the sons of noblemen; though afterward they be- came of more common use. This ornament was first giv- en by Tarqiiinus wilh lhe pnetexla lo his son, who had, with his own hand, al fourteen years of age, killed an en^ emy. BULLION, uncoined gold or silver in the mass. Those metals are called so, either when smelted from the native oar, and not perfectly refined, or when they are perfectly refined but melted down in bars or ingots, or in any unwrought body of any degree of fineness. When gold and silver are in their purify, Ihey are so soft and flexible that fhey cannot well be brought info any fashion for use, without being first reduced and hard- ened with an alloy of some other baser metal. To pre- vent abuses, according to the laws of England, all sorts of wrought plate in general ought to be made lo lhe legal slandard : and the price of our standard gold and silver, the common rule whereby to set a value on their bullion, whether lhe same is in ingots, bars, dust, or in foreign specie; whence il is easy to conceive that the value of bullion cannot be exactly known without being first assay- ed, that the exact quantity of pure metal therein contain- ed may be determined, and consequently whether it is above or below the standard. BUMALDA, in botany, a genus of the digynia order, belonging to lhe pentandria class of plants. The corolla is five pelaled, styles villose, capsule two celled, two beaked. There is one species, a native of Japan. BL'MELIA, a genus ofthe class and order pentandria monogynia. The essential character is, corolla five cleft, with five leaved nectary, drupe one seeded. There are seven species, all trees and shrubs, natives of the West Indies, called there bastard bully tree. BUMICILLI, a religious sect of Mahometans in Egypt and Barbary, who pretend (o fight with devils, and commonly appear in a fright and covered with wounds and bruises. BUNIAS, in botany, a genus of the order siliquosa, and letradynarnia class of planfs, and ranking under lhe thirty-ninth natural order, siliquosse. The siliqua is deciduous, four sided, muricated, or shagreened with unequal pointed angles. There are nine species, all annu- al plants, but none of them possessed of any remarkable property. BUNIUM, pig nut, or earth nut, in botany, a ge- nus of the digynia order and pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 45th order, um- bellate. The corolla is uniform, the umbel thick, and lhe fruit ovate. There is but one known species, vis. Bunium bulbocaslanum, with a globular root. It -■■' the camp; and their number is conformable to the number of troops. The horses of each troop are placed in a line parallel to the tents, with their heads toward them. The number of tents in each row, is regulated by the strength of the troops, and the number of troopers allotted to each tent is 5; it follows, that a troop of 30 men will require six tents, a troop of 60 men 12 tents, and a troop of 100 men 20 tents. The tents of the cavalry are ofthe same form as those of the infantry ; butmore spacious, tbe bet- ter to contain the fire arms, accoutrements, saddles, bridles, boots, &c. CAMPAIGN, in tbe art of war, denotes the space of time that an army keeps the field, or is encamped, in opposi- tion to quarters. CAMPANIFORM, or campanulated, an appellation given to flowers resembling a bell; a characteristic where- on Tournefort establishes one of his classes of plants. Sec Botany. CAMPANINI, a name given to a marble of Italy, dug out ofthe mountains of Carrara; because, when it is work- ed, it resounds like a bell. CAMPANULA, tbe bell flower, a genus of the mono- gynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 29th order, campa- naceae. The corolla is campanulated, with its fundus closed up by fhe valves thai support theslamina; lhe stigma is trifid ; the capsule inferior, or below the recepta- cle of the flower, opening and emitting the seeds by later- al pores. Of this genus there are no fewer than 78 spe- cies, but the following are the most worthy of atten- tion : 1. Campanula canariensis, with an orach leaf and tube- rous root, is a native of the Canary islands. It has a thick fleshy root of an irregular form; the leaves are of a sea green, and when they first come out are covered slightly with an ash coloured pounce; the flowers are the perfect bell shape, and hang downward ; they are of a flame col- our, marked with stripes ofa brownish red. 2. Campanula decurrens, lhe peach leaved bell flower, is a native of the northern parts of Europe : of this there are some with white, and some with blue flowers, and some with double flowers of both colours. 3. Campanula hybrida, or Venus's looking-glass, seldom rises more than six inches; the branches are produced, which are terminated by flowers very like the speculum. This was formerly cultivated in the gardens; but since the speculum has been introduced, it has almost supplant- ed this. ' 4. Campanula latifolia, or greatest bell flower, has a perennial root, and several strong, round, single stalks. The flowers come out singly upon short footstalks ; their colours are blue, purple, and while. 5. Campanula medium, the Canterbury bell flower, is a biennial plant, which perishes soon after i( has ripened its seeds. It is well known. 6. Campanula pyramidalis, has thick tuberous roofs ; it sends out strong, smooth, upright stalks, wbich rise to (he height of 4 feet. The flowers are produced from the sides of the stalks, and are regularly set on for more than half their length, forming a sort of pyramid. The most common colour of the flowers is blue, though some are white. 7. Campanula rapuncnlus, the rampion, has roundish fleshy roots, which are eatable, and much cultivated in CAM CAN France for sallads ; some years past, it was cultivated in (he English gardens for the same purpose, but is now generally neglected. 8. Campanula speculum, with yellow eyebright leaves, is an annual plant with slender stalks rising a foot; from the wings of the leaves come out the flowers sitting close to the stalks, which are of a beautiful purple inclining to a violet colour. 9. Campanula trachelium, with nettle leaves, has a pe- rennial root, and stiff hairy stalks: the flowers are blue and white ; some have double flowers. CAMPHOR. The laurus camphoratus is a tree wbich grows in China, Japan, and several parts of India. The wood and roots being boiled with water, the cam- phor rises with the steam, and is condensed, in straw plac- ed in the capital, &c. of the still, in small glandular crystals, together with another sort, apparently scraped from the cavities of the wood, and mixed wifh sand, ashes, &c. and purified by a second sublimation by the English and Dutch chymists. This operation is performed in shallow matrasses, technically termed bumbelois, on a sand heat. The camphor melts at 360 degrees, boils and sublimes solid and transparent. Its vapour is so heavy, that very little escapes, though the mouth is open. It is volatile at all temperatures, and exhales in toto when ex- posed. It is crystalizable either by cooling when melted, by sublimation at a low heat, or from its solvents at an angle of 60 degrees : hence it forms figures like those of ice. Its solvents are alcohol, acids, especially the mineral, essential and fat oils. From all solvents but the two lat- ter it is separable, unchanged by water. Its specific gravity is 0.9887. Hence it just floats on water, but sinks readily in spirits. Small thin cuttings thrown on clean warm water are affected with a strong rotatory mo- tion till an oily film has overspread the surface, when it ceases. It is transparent as glass when pure and newly sublim- ed, and is highly refractive. It catches flame very readi- ly, and emits a great deal of flame as it burns, but it leaves no residuum. It is so inflammable that it continues to burn even on the surface of water. When camphor is set on fire in a large glass globe filled with oxygen gas, and containing a little water, it burns with a very bright flame, and produces a great deal of heat. The inner surface of the glass is soon covered with a black powder, which has all the properties of charcoal, a quantity of carbonic acid gas is evolved, the water in the globe acquires a strong smell, and is impregnated with carbonic acid and camphor- ic acid. From an useful analysis, M. Bouillon Lagrange concludes that camphor is composed of volatile oil and charcoal or carbon combined. From his experiments we learn that the ultimate ingredients of camphor are carbon and hydro- gen, and that the proportion of carbon is much greater than in oils. Camphoric acid is the result of the change produced on camphor by distilling nitric acid several times from it. It crystalizes in parallelopipeds, is efflorescent, soluble in wafer, and volatile in a steong heat. CAMPHOROSMA, in botany, stinking ground pine; 3 genus ofthe tetrandria order, in the monogynia class of plants, ranking in the natural method under the 12th or- der, holeraceae. The calyx is pitcher shaped and indent- ed; there is no corolla ; and the capsule contains a single seed. It is reputed cephalic aud nervine ; though little used in modern practice. It takes the name from if« smell, which bears some resemblance (o that of camphor. There are five species. Of these the principal is, Camphorosma monspeliensis, which grows by the road side in Languedoc, and especially about Mon(pelier. It has been produced as a specific for the dropsy, and asth- ma. CANAL, a kind of artificial river, made for (he con- venience of water carriage. The Dutch, or if we can believe the relations of travel- lers, the Chinese, who inhabit a country vastly more ex- tensive than that of the Dutch, have shown (he great ad- vantages resulting from canals to a trading people. There are several large canals in France; that of Bri- ere, begun under Henry IV. and finished under Lewis XIII. establishes a communication between the Loire and the Seine by the Loing. There are forty-two sluices upon it. But the greatest and most wonderful work of that kind, and at the same time one of the most useful, is the junction of the two seas, by the canal of Languedoc, proposed under Francis I. but not finished till (he time of Lewis XIV. The operations necessary for making artificial naviga- tions or canals, depend on the situation of tbe ground, the connection with rivers, and fhe ease with which wafer can be obtained. When the ground is naturally level, and un- connected with rivers, the execution is easy, and the navi- gation is not liable to be disturbed with floods: but when the ground rises and falls, and cannot be reduced to a level, artificial methods of raising and lowering vessels must be employed. Temporary sluices are sometimes used for raising boats over falls or shoals in rivers by a very sim- ple operation. Two pillars of masonry work with grooves, are fixed, one on each bank of the river, at some distance below the shoal. The boat having passed these posts, planks are let down across the river by pulleys into the grooves, by which the water is dammed up to a proper height for allowing the boat to pass up the river over the shoal. The Dutch frequently make use of inclined planes or rolling bridges upon dry land, along which their vessels are drawn from the river below into lhe river above; this was fhe method employed by the ancients, and is still used by the Chinese, who are said to be ignorant of the na- ture and utility of locks. These rolling bridges consist ofa number of cylindrical rollers which turn easily on pivots; and a mill is commonly built near at hand,so that the same machinery may serve a double purpose of work- ing the mill and drawing up vessels. Before a canal is undertaken, the following circum- stances require consideration. 1st. Places to be benefited in point of trade. Trade being the grand source from which adventurers in canal schemes expect lo derive their great profits, such towns, places, &c. must be included in fhe line ofa canal, to which the safe, expeditious, and easy conveyance of merchan- dise, and consequent enlargement of commerce, will be of moment. These can be fixed upon only by an accurate survey and knowledge of the country through which the canal is intended to pass. CAN . CAN 2dly. The supply of water, Sec. It is almost needless to mention the absolute necessity of a supply of water for a canal, which must be in requisite quantities in the summit, or reservoirs, which may be supplied by the neighbouring springs ; or if these fail, water must be thrown up by en- gines from a lower level. Reservoirs are large bodies of water collected together for the use of such parts of the canal as are likely to be deficient; into wbich it is let by sluices, when and where wanted. The quantity of water requisite for the use of a canal depends in a great measure upon the quantity of trade carried on. A lockful of water must be lost every time a boat passes through, which, in a lock whose length in the chamber is seventy-five feet, breadth seven feet, and lift six feet, will be 125 cubic yards of water ; which quanti- ty, multiplied by the number of boats likely to pass through the summit lock, will give an idea of the waste of water. Allowance also must be made for exhalation and accidents. The most eligible level is certainly that which has the least fall and the fewest obstructions, and is best adapted to the face of the country. The soil most favourable for a canal is clay; the most unfavourable, sand. As soils approach more or less to the quality of clay or sand, in such proportion are they to be preferred for holding water. Ofthe expense of execution little can be said, as it en- tirely depends on the extent, the several works, Sec. which can be accurately known only by an actual survey and estimate, the total of which will of course be considered previous to undertaking works of such magnitude. It may be proper to observe generally, that many locks, bridges, or aqueducts, much tunneling, unfavourable soil, &c. will of necessity incur great expenses. Lastly. The mode of execution. The foregoing par- ticulars having been attended to, it becomes necessary to enumerate the several works, useful and necessary, in the execution of a canal. For the passing and repassing of boats, there are va- rious expedients, some of which have been noticed ; but experience confirms (he use of locks, when it becomes necessary, by artificial means, to raise or let down boats from one level to another. A lock is a large basin, or, more properly, a long square cistern, placed lengthwise in a river or canal, enclosed by upper and lower gates. The lock should be lined with walls of strong masonry on each side, and at the bottom ; or if wood, stout oak piles should be used, shod with iron, and lined wilh two inch and a half or three inch oak plank, with a floor of the same materials, laid on oak sleepers, dovetailed and spiked into the upright piles. The use, or locking down, is thus managed : the lock being full to the level of the upper water, the gates are (hen hhuf, including fhe boat to be lowered. The water iu the lock is drawn off; in part first, by means of the pad- dles in the gates, and completely by the gates being open- rd ; when the boat, being upon a level with the lower uater, is able lo proceed upon its passage. For ascend- ing, or locking up, the boat being in fhe lock, the lower rales are shut: lhe lock is then filled with the upper wa- ler, fii-st by the sluices, and finally by the gates bem*1 opened : (bus the vrssel is on a level wilh (he upper wa- ter, and may immediately proceed. In the first figure; see Plate XXIV. we have a perspec- tive view of part of a canal, with a vessel within a lock, on the upper level of the water. The second figure shows a section of an open lock, with a vessel about to enter. A, B, in the former figure, are flood gates; each of which consists of two leaves resting upon one another, so as to form an obluse angle, in order to resist the pressure of the water. A, when shut, prevents the water of tbe superior canal fron falling into the lock, and B sustains the water in the lock. D, in the second figure, is the subterraneous passage by which the water passes from tbe upper level into the lock when the sluice d is opened; and C is the passage by which the water in the lock is let out when the sluice c is raised; and thus the vessel in the lock is brought on a level with the lower part of the canal. CANARINA, in botany, a genus of the order mono- gynia, belonging to the hexandria class of plants. The calyx is six leaved ; corolla six cleft, bill form. There are 2 species. C ANARIUM, in botany, a genus of the dioecia order, in the pentandria class of plants. Its characters are, that it has male and female flowers ; that, in both, the calyx has two leaves, and the corolla consists of three petals : the fruit is a drupa with a three cornered nut. There is but one species. CANCER, in astronomy, one of the 12 signs, repre- sented on the globe in the form of a crab, and thus ma'rk- ed (s) in books. It is the fourth constellation in the star- ry zodiac. The reason generally* assigned for its name as well as figure, is a supposed resemblance which the sun's motion in this sign bears lo the crab's. As the lat- ter is said to walk backward, so lhe former, in this part of his course, begins to go backward, or recede from us. By others, the disposition of stars in this sign is sup- posed to have given the first hint to the representation of a crab. It gives name to a quadrant of the ecliptic, vis. Cancer, tropic of, in astronomy, a lesser circle of lhe sphere parallel to (he equator, and passing through the beginning of the sign Cancer. Cancer, in medicine, a roundish, unequal, hard, and livid tumour, generally seated in the glandulous part of the body, supposed to be so called because it appears at length with turgid veins shooting out from it, so as fo resemble, as it is thought, the figure of a crab fish ; or, others say, because, like that fish, where it has once got, it is scarcely possible to drive it away. See Medicine. Cancer, in zoology, a genus of insects belonging lo (he order of insecta aptera. The generic chai acters are these: they have eight legs, (seldom ten or six,) besides two large claws which answer the purpose of hands. They have two eyes at a considerable distance from each other, and for the most part they are supported by pedunculi or footstalks : the eyes are elongated and moveable. They have two clawed palpi, and the tail is jointed. There are eighty-seven species of the cancer, distinguished princi- pally by tbe length of their (ails, and (he margin of (heir breasts. The following are the most remarkable : 1. Cancer astacus, or tbe craw fish, with a projecting snout slightly serrated on the sides; a smooth thorax'"; back smooth, with two small spines on each side ; claws large, beset with small tuberclrs ; (wo first pair of legs clawed, the (wo nex( subulated ; (ail consisting of fivV CAN CAN joints ; the caudal fins rounded. It inhabits many of the rivers in England, lodging in holes which they form in the clayey banks. 2. Cancer atomos, atom lobster, with a slender body; filiform antennae; three pair of legs near the head ; be- yond are three pair of legs, and a slender tail between the last pair. It is very minute, and the help of the micro- scope is often necessary for its inspection. 3. Cancer crangon, the shrimp, with long slender feel- ers, and between them two projecting laminae; claws with a single, hooked, moveable fang. It inhabits the shores of Britain in vast quantities. 4. Cancer stagnalis, is found generally in small shallow pools of rain water, and is very transparent. The head of the male is armed withiangs; the tail of the female is furnished with a bag of eggs at the base. See Plate XXV. Nat. Hist. fig. 78. 5. Cancer diogenes, soldier crab, or hermit crab, with rough claws ; tbe left claw is the longest. This species is parasitic, and inhabits the empty cavities of turbinated shells, changing its habitation according to its increase of growth from the small nerite to the large whelk. They crawl very fast with the shell on their back, and at the approach of danger draw themselves within the shell, and thrusting out the larger claw, will pinch very hard what- ever molests them. When it wants to change its shell, it travels along that line of pebbles and shells which is form- ed by the extremest wave ; still, however, dragging its old incommodious habitation at its tail, unwilling to part with one shell, even though a troublesome appendage, till it can find another more convenient. It is seen stopping at one shell, turning it, and passing it by ; going on to another, contemplating that for a while, and then slipping its tail from its old habitation to try on the new : if this also is found to be inconvenient, it quickly returns to its old shell again. It is not till after many trials, and many combats also, that the soldier is completely equipped ; for there is often a contest between two of them for some well looking favourite shell for which they are rivals. When this animal is taken, it sends forth a feeble cry, en- deavouring to seize the enemy with its nippers ; which if it fastens upon, it will sooner die than quit the grasp. See Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 110. 6. The strigosus, or plated lobster, with a pyramidal spiny snout; thorax elegantly plated, each plate marked near its junction with short striae ; only three legs spiny on their sides ; tail broad. Tbe largest of this species is about six inches long. It inhabits the coasts of Anglesea. See Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 109. 7. Cancer gammarus, the common lobster, inhabits the rocky shores of our island, but chiefly where there is a depth of water. In Llyn in Caernarvonshire a certain small lobster, nothing different except in size, burrows in the sand. Lobsters fear thunder, and are apt to cast their claws on a great clap : it is said that they will do the same on the firing of a great gun ; and that, when men of war meet a lobster boat, a jocular threat is used, that if the master does not sell them good lobsters, they will salute him. This species inhabits the clearest water, at the foot of rocks that impend over the sea ; wbich has given op- portunity of examining more closely into the natural his- tory of the animal, than of many others who live in an element, that in a great measure limits the inquiries of the most inquisitive. Some lobsters are taken by liand; but the greater quantity in pots, a sort of trap formed of twigs, and baited with garbage. They are formed like a wire mousetrap, so that when tbe lobster gets in, it cannot re- turn. Lobsters begin to breed in spring, and continue breeding most part of the summer. Dr. Baster says he counted 12,444 eggs under the tail, besides those that re- mained in the body unprotruded. They deposite those eggs in the sand, where they are soon hatched. Lobsters change their shells annually. They acquire an entire new coat in a few days; but during the time that they remain defenceless, they seek some very lonely place, foi fear of being devoured by such of their brethren as are not in the same situation. It is remarkable, that lobsters and crabs renew their claws, when accidentally torn off; and they grow again in a few weeks, though they never attain to the size of tbe first. They are very voracious animals, and feed on sea weeds, garbage, and all sorts of dead bod- ies. Though the ova are cast at all seasons, they seem only to come to life in July and August. Great numbers of them may then be found, in the form of tadpoles, swimming about the little pools left by the (ides among the rocks, and many also under (heir proper form from half an inch to four inches in length. In casting their shells, it is hard to conceive how the lobster is able to draw (he flesh of their large claws out, leaving the shells entire and attached to the shell of their body, in which state they are constantly found. The fishermen say, the lobster pines before casting, till the flesh of its large claw is no thicker than the quill of agoose, which enables it to draw its parts through (he joints and narrow passage near the trunk. The new shell is quite membranaceous at first, but hardens by degrees. Lobsters only grow in size while their shells are in their soft state. They are chosen ton the table, by their being heavy in proportion to Iheir size ; and by the hardness of their shells on their sides, which, when in perfection, will not yield to moderate pres- sure. 8. Cancer granulatus, or rough shelled crab; these crabs are pretty large, and are commonly taken from the bottom of the sea in shallow water; the legs are small in proportion to the body; the two claws are remarkably large and flat. The whole shell is covered over with in- numerable little tubercles like shagreen: the colour is brown, variously stained with purple. 9. Cancer grapsus, or the red mottled crab, has a round body, the legs longer and larger than in other kinds ; the claws are red, and the rest of the animal is mottled in a beautiful manner with red and white. These crabs inhab- it the rocks banging over the sea; they are the nimblest of all crabs, and run with surprising agility along the up- right side of a rock, and even under the rocks lhat hang horizontally below the wafer. This they are often oblig- ed to do for escaping the assaults of rapacious birds that pursue them. 10. Cancer horridus, the horrid crab, with a project- ing bifurcated snout, the end diverging; with tbe claws and legs covered with long and very sharp spines. It is a large species, and inhabits the rocks on the eastern coasts. See Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 111. 11. Cancer locusta, the locust lobster, with four anten- nae ; two pair of imperfect claws ; the first joint ovaled ; the body consists of fourteen joints. It abounds, in summer, G A N CAN en (he shores, beneath stones and algce, and leaps about wilh vast agility. 12. Cancer msenas, the common crab, with three notches on thefront; five serrated teeth on each side; claws ovat- ed; next joint toothed; bind feet subulated. It inhabits all our shores; lurks under the algce, or burrows under the sand. 13. Cancer pagurus, or the black clawed crab,'with a crenated thorax; smooth body; smooth claws and black tips ; bind feet subulated. It inhabits the rocky coasts ; is very delicious meat, and casts its shell between Christ- mas and Easter. 14. Cancer pisum, tbe pea crab, with rounded and smooth thorax, entire and blunt; with a tail of the size of the body, which commonly is the bulk of a pea. It inhabits the muscle, and on that account has been deemed poisonous; but the swelling after eating is wholly consti- tutional. 15. Cancer pulex, the flea lobster, with five pair of legs, and (wo claws, imperfect; and twelve joints in (he body. I( is very common in founteins and rivulets; swims very swiftly in an incurvated posture on its back; em- braces and protects its young between the legs; does not leap. 16. Cancer ruricola, the land crab, or violet crab, with a smooth entire thorax, and the two last joints ofthe feet armed with spines. It inhabits tbe Bahama islands, as well as most lands between the tropics. See Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 112. These animals live not only in a kind of orderly society in the retreats in tbe mountains, but regularly once a year march down to the sea side in a body of some millions at a time. As they multiply in great numbers, they choose the month of April or May to begin their expedition; and then sally out by thousands from the stumps of hollow trees, from the clefts of rocks, and from the holes which they dig for themselves under the surface ofthe earth. At that time the whole ground is covered with this band of adventur- ers ; there is no setting down one's foot without treading upon them. The sea is their place of destination, and to that they direct (heir march wifh right lined precision. No geometrician could send them to their destined sta- tion by a shorter course; Ihey neither-turn to the right nor left, whatever obstacles intervene ; and even if they meet with a house, they will attempt to scale the walls to keep the unbroken tenor of their way. But though this is the general order of their route, they, upon other oc- casions, are obliged to conform to the face of the country; and if it is intersected wifh rivers, they are then seen to wind along the course of the stream. They are often obliged to halt for want of rain, and to go into the most Convenient encampment till the weather changes. The main body of the army is composed of females, which never leave the mountains till the rain is set in for some time. The night is their chief time of proceeding; but if it rains by day, they do not fail to profit by tbe occasion; and they continue to move forward in their slow uniform manner. When the sun shines and is hot upon the sur- face of the grouud, they make an universal half, and wait till the cool of the evening. When they are terrified, they march back in a confused disorderly manner, hold- ing up their nippers, wilh which Ihey sometimes tear off a piece of (he skin, and then leave tbe weapon where they in- flicted the wound. Tbey even try to intimidate their enemies ; for they often clatter their nippers logether, as if to threaten those (bat disturb (hem. But though they thus strive to be formidable to man, they are much more so to each other; for they are possessed of one most un- social property, which is, tha( if any of them by accident is maimed in such a manner as to be incapable of proceed- ing, the rest fall upon and devour it on the spot, and then pursue their journey. When, after a fatiguing march, and escaping a thousand dangers, (for they are sometimes three months in getting to the shore,) they have arrived at their destined port, they prepare to cast their spawn, which shaking off into the water, they leave accident to bring it to maturity. At this time shoals of hungry fish are at the shore in expectation of this annual supply ; the sea at a great distance seems black with them; and about two thirds of the crabs' eggs are immediately devoured by these rapacious invaders. The eggs that escape are hatched under tbe sand; and soon after, millions at a time of these little crabs are seen quitting the shore, and slow- ly travelling up to the mountains. This animal, when possessed of its retreats in the mountains, is impregnable : for, only subsisting upon vegetables, it seldom ventures, out: and its habitation being in the most inaccessible places, it remains for a great part of the season in perfect security. It is only when impelled by the desire of bring- ing forth its young, and when compelled to descend into the flat country, that it is taken. At that time, the natives wait for its descent iii eager expectation, and destroy thousands ; but disregarding their bodies, Ihey only seek for that small spawn which lies on each side of the stom- ach within the shell, of about the thickness of a man's thumb. They are much more valuable upon their return after they have cast their shell; for, being covered with a skin resembling soff parchment, almost every part except the stomach may be eaten. They are taken in the holes by feeling for them with an instrument; (hey are sought after by night, when on their journey, by flambeaux. The instant the animal perceives itself to be attacked, it throws itself on its back, and with its claws pinches most terribly whatever it happens to fasten on. But the dexterous crab catcher takes them by the hinder legs in such a manner lhat (be nippers cannot touch him, and thus he throws them into his bag. Sometimes also they are caught when they take refuge in the bottoms of holes in rocks by the sea side, by covering the mouth of the hole to prevent (heir getting out: and (hen soon after, the tide coming, enters the bole, and the animal is found, upon its ebbing, drowned in its reteeat. These crabs are of various sizes, (he largest about six inches wide; (hey walk sideways like (he sea crab, and are shaped like them : some are black, some yel- low, some red, and others variegated with red, white, and yellow mixed. The light coloured are reckoned best; and when full in flesh, are very well tasted. 17. Cancer serratus, or the prawn, with a long serrated snout bending upward; three pair of very long filiform feelers; claws small, furnished with two fangs; five joints to the tail; middle caudal fin subulated, two outmost flat and rounded. It is frequent in several shores among loose stones; sometimes found at sea, and taken on the surface over 30 fathoms depth of water; cinereous when fresh : of a fine red when boiled. CAN CAN 18. Canr?r ^uiilp, with a snout like a pra'.vn, but deep- er and thinner; -h • feelers h.nger in proportion fo the bulk; the ' ubcaudal fins rather larger; is, af full growth, r. >r abo^e half the bulk of the former. It i.-ihabits the cor^ sis of Kent; and is sold in London under the name of (he white shrimp, as it assumes that colour when bo'ied. 19. Cancer relutinup, or velvet crab, with the thorax quinquedentated ; body covered with short, brown, vel- vet like pile ; chws covered wifh minute tubercles; small spines round the top of the second joint; hind legs broadiy ovated. It inhabits the western coast of An- glesea. 20. Cancer volans, or sand crab, is but ofa small size ; its colour light brown, or dusky white. It has eight legs, and two claws, one of which is double the size ofthe oth- er ; these claws serve both to defend and feed them. The head has two square holes, which are receptacles for its eyes; out of which it thrusts them, and draws Ihem in again at pleasure. Their abode is only on the sandy shores of Ilathera, and others of the Bahama islands. They run very fast, and retreat from danger into littte holes they make in the sand. CANCROMA, or boat bill, in ornithology, a genus of birds belonging to the order of grallae; the characters of which are: the bill is bread, with a keel along the mid- dle ;'the nostrils are small, and lodged in a furrow; the tongue is small; and the foes are divided. There are two species: 1. Cancroma cancrophaga, or the brown boat bill, re* sembles the cochlearia so much in size, head, crest, and every thing almost, except the colour, that Mr. Latham considers them both as only varieties ofthe same species. Linnseus however ranks them as distinct. In this species tbe under parts, instead of ash colour, are of a pale rufous brown; the tail rufous ash; and the upper parts wholly ofa cream colour; fhe bill and legs of a yellow brown. It inhabits Cayenne, Guiana, and Brazil, and chiefly fre- quents such parts as are near the water: in these places it perches on the trees which hang over the streams, and, like the kingfisher, drops down on the fish which swim be- neath. It has been thought to live on crabs likewise, whence the Linnaean name. 2. Cancroma cochlearia, the crested boat bill, as well as the cancrophaga, is of the size of a domestic fowl; the length 22 inches. The bill is four inches long, and of singular form, not unlike a boat wilh the keel uppermost, or, as some think, like the bowls of two spoons, placed with lhe hollow parts together ; from the hind head springs a long black crest; the feathers which compose it are narrow, and end in a point; the middle ones are six inches in length, the others lessen by degrees; the plumage on the forehead white; the rest ofthe bird ofa pale blu- ish ash colour; across the lower part ofthe neck behind is a transverse band of brownish black, which passes for- ward on each side toward the breast. Its place and man- ners are the same with those ofthe cancrophaga. CA\DIDATI Milites, an order of soldiers among fhe Romany who served as the emperor's body guards to defend him in battle. CANDLE; a teper of tallow, wax, or spermaceti, the v.;*-k of which is commonly of several threads of cotton, spun anu nrhted together. The machine for cutting the cotton is a smooth bonrd made to be fixed on the knees; on the upper surface are the blade of a razor, and a round piece of cane, placed at a certain distance from one another, according fo lhe length of the cotton wanted : (he cotton is carried round the cane, and being brought to the razor, is instantly sepa- rated from the several balls. A tallow candle, to be good, must be half sheep's and half bullock's tallow, for hog's tallow makes the candle gutter, and always gives an offensive smell, wifh a thick black smoke. The wick ought to be pure, sufficiently dry, and properly twisted, otherwise the candle will emit an unconstant vibratory flame, which is both prejudicial to the eyes and insufficient for the distinct illumination of objects. There are two sorts of tallow candles; the one dipped, the other moulded ; the former are the common candies. The tallow is prepared by chopping the fat, and then boiling it for some time in a large copper; and when lhe tallow is extracted by the process of fire, the remainder is subjected to the operation of a strong iron press, and (he cake that is left after the tallow is expressed from it is called greaves: with this dogs are fed, and (he greater part of the ducks that supply the London markets. It is also sometimes given to pigs, but certainly without benefit- ing the flavour of the meat. When the tallow is in proper order^ the workman holds three of the broaches, with the cottons properly spread, between his fingers, and immerses the cotton into the vat containing the tallow : they are then hung on a frame and suffered to cool; and when cold they are dipped again, and so the process is continued till the candles are ofthe proper size. During the operation the vat is supplied from time to time with fresh tallow, which is kept to the proper heat by means of a gentle fire under it. The mould in which the moulded candles are cast, con- sists ofa frame of wood, and several hollow metal cylin- ders, generally made of pewter, of the diameter and length of the candle wanted: at the extremity of these is the neck, which is a little cavity in form of a dome, having a moulding within side, and pierced in the middle, with a hole big enough for the cotton to pass through. Tbe cotlon is introduced into the shaft of fhe mould by a piece of wire being thrust through the aperture of the hook till it comes out of (he neck : (be other end of the cotton is so fastened as to keep it in a perpendicular situation, and in the middle of the candle ; the moulds are then filled with warm tallow, and left to be very cold before they can be drawn out of the pipes. Besides these, there are other candles made by tallow chandlers, intended to burn during lhe night without the necessity of snuffing : the wick has been usually made of split rushes; but lately very small cotton wicks have been substituted for the rush : these are lighted much easier, are less liable to go out, and, owing to the smallness of the cotton, they-do not require the aid of snuffers. To make wax candles with the ladle. The wicks being prepared, a dozen of them are tied by the neck, it equal distances, round an iron circle, suspended directly over a large basin of copper tinned, and full of melted wax : a large ladleful of this wax is poured gently on the lops of the wicks one after another, and the operation continu- ed till the candle arrives at its destined bigness, with this CAN CAN precaution, that the first three ladles be poured on at the top of the wick ; the fourth at the height of £, the fifth at |, and the sixth at \, in order to give the candle its py- ramidal form. Then the candles are taken down, kept warm, and rolled and smoothed upon a walnut tree table, with a long square instrument of box, smooth at the bottom. As to the manner of making wax candles by tbe hand, they begin to soften the wax by working it several times in hot water, contained in a narrow but deep caldron. A piece of the wax is then taken out, and disposed by little and little around the wick, which is hung on a hook in the wall, by the extremity opposite to (he neck ; so lhat they begin wilh the large end, diminishing still as they descend toward the neck. In other respects the method is nearly the same as in the former case. However, it must be ob- served, that in the former case water is always used to moisten the several instruments, to prevent the wax from slicking; and in the latter, oil of olives, or lard for the hands, &c. The cylindrical wax candles are either made as the former, with a ladle, or drawn. Wax candles, or tapers drawn, are so called because they are actually drawn in the manner of wire, by means of two large roll- ers of wood turned by a handle, which turning backward and forward several times, pass (he wick through melted wax contained in a brass basin, and at (he same (ime through (he holes of an instrument like that used for draw- ing wire, fastened on one side ofthe basin. A patent has very lately been obtained for making can- dles with hollow cylindrical wicks upon the principle of the Argand lamp. See Lamp. Tallow chandlers and wax chandlers are, by 24 Geo. III. s.2. c.4I. to take out annual licenses. They shall not use melting houses without making a true entry, on pain of 1002. and are to give notice of making candles to the excise officer for the duties, and of the number, &c. or forfeit 50/. Candle. Sale or auction by inch of candle, is when a small piece of candle being lighted, the bystanders are al- lowed to bid for the merchandise fhat is selling; but the moment the candle is out, the commodity is adjudged to the last bidder. CANELLA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia or- der, in the dodecandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 12th order, holeracese. The calyx is three lobed; the petals are five; the antherae sixteen, growing to an urceolated or bladder shaped nec- tarium ; and the fruit is a trilocular berry, wilh two seeds. There is but one species, vis. Canella alba. It grows usually about 20 feet high, and 8 or 10 inches in thickness, in most of the Bahama islands. The bark is a warm stomachic. CANDY, or Sugar Candy, a preparation of sugar, made by melting and crystalizing it six or seven times over, lo render it hard and transparent. See Sugar. CANE, canna. See Arundo. It is also lhe name of a long measure, which differs according to the several countries where it is used. At Naples, the cane is equal to 7 feet 3 inches English measure; the cane of Thoulouse, and the upper Langue- doc, is equal lo the varre of Arragon, and contains 5 feet 8| inches; at Mon(pelier, Provence, Dauphine, and (he lower Languedoc, (o 6 English feet 5~ inches. CANES venalici, in astronomy, (he greyhounds, two new constellations first established by Hevelius, between vol. i. 57 fhe tail of the Great Bear and Bootes's arms, above the Coma Berenices. The first, vis. that nearest lhe Bear'> tail, is called asterion; the other cbara. They compre- hend 23 stars, two only of which were observed by Ty- cho. In the British catalogue they are 25. CANINE teeth,in anatomy, are two sharp edged teeth in each jaw, one on each side, placed between the intiso- res and molares. CANIS, dog, in zoology, the name of a comprehensive genus of quadrupeds, of the order of the terse. The gen- eric character is, cutting teeth in the upper jaw, six ; the lateral ones longer, distant; tbe intermediate ones lobated. In the lower jaw six; the lateral ones lobated. Canine teeth solitary, incurvated. Grinders six or seven, or more than in other genera of this order. There are 24 species. 1st. Canis familiaris, or common dog. The real origin of this species is in a stale of uncertainty : wild dogs ap- pear to be found in great troops in Congo, lower Ethiopia, and toward the Cape of Good Hope. They are said to be red haired, with slender bodies and turned up tails, like greyhounds. It is also added that Ihey vary in col- our, have upright ears, and are of (he general size of a large fox hound. They destroy cattle, and hunt down antelopes and many olher animals, and commit great rav- ages among the sheep of the Hottentots. They are very seldom to be taken, being extremely svvifl as well as fierce. The young are said to be sometimes obtained, but grow so fierce as to be rendered domestic with great difficulty. It is not, however, allowed by modern naturalists that these wild dogs constitute fhe true or real species in a state of nature, but that they are rather the descendants of dogs once domesticated, and which have relapsed into a slate resembling that of primitive wildness ; and a theory has for some time prevailed, that the wolf is in reality the slock or original from which the dog has proceeded. If, however, the origin ofthe dog must be traced to some other animal, the jackal seems a more probable origin than the wolf. It is generally believed that lhe dog was unknown in America on the arrival of Europeans. That which is supposed by Buffon to approach most nearly to the original animal, is known by the name of the shepherd's dog. This is distinguished by its upright ears, and tail remarkably villose beneath. In the Alpine re- gions, as well as in some other parts of Europe, this dog is much larger and stronger than in England. Its princi- pal use is as a guard to the flock, which it prevents from straggling, and defends from all attacks. The dingo, or New Holland dog, approaches in appear- ance to the largest kind of shepherd's dog. The ears are short and erect; the tail rather bushy; the hair, which is of a reddish dun colour, is long, (hick, and straight. This dog is capable of barking, though not so readily as the European dogs : it is extremely fierce, and has the same sort of snarling and howling voice as the larger dogs in general. By some it has been erroneously said neither to bark nor growl. Those which have been brought over to Europe were of a savage and untractable disposition. The Pomeranian dog is distinguished by upright ears, long hair on the head, and an extremely curved tail, so as to form almost a circle. This dog is generally of a white colour. CANIS. The Siberian J?°? « nearly allied to the preceding, and may be subdivided into several races, differing as to strength and size. The Siberian usgs are principally used in that country and in Kamtschatka for drawing sledges over the frozen snow in winter. When yoking to the sledge, they set up a dismal yell, which ceases on begin- ning the journey, and then gives place to silent subtlety, and a perpetual endeavour to weary out the patience of the driver by wayward tricks and contrivances. The Iceland dog seems to differ but slightly from the preceding kind. It has a shortish muzzle, upright ears, wifh flaccid tips, and is covered with long roughish hair. its general colour is blackish : the breast, legs, and tip of the tail often white. The water dog is distinguished by its curly hair, like wool. It is remarkable for its great attachment to the water, swims with great ease, and is used in hunting ducks, and other aquatic birds. Its feet are commonly said to approach more to a webbed form than those of most other dogs. The great water spaniel is also distinguished in a simi- lar manner by its curled hair, and i(s propensity to the wafer. There is a smaller variety of the water dog, called lhe little barbet, which, in general appearance, extreme- ly resembles the larger. The Newfoundland dog is of a very large size, and from its strength and docility, is one of those which are best calculated for the security of a house. This animal is re- markably fond of plunging into the water. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 85. King Charles's dog is one of fhe most elegant varieties of lhe dog, and it is recorded that king Charles the Sec- ond hardly ever walked out without being attended by some of this breed. Il is in some degree allied (o the small water spaniel, and is generally black, with the roof of (he mouth of the same colour. The Maltese dog is also a very small kind of spaniel, generally of a white colour. The hound admits of some varieties. The old English hound is distinguished by ifs great size and strength. Ils power of smelling is exquisite, and it is said to be able to distinguish the scent an hour after the lighter beagles have given it up. These dogs are said to have been once very common in every part of England, and to have been much larger than at present, the breed having, as it should seem, been gradually suffered to decline. The bloodhound is a very large dog, taller and more beautifully formed than the old English hound, and supe- rior to most others in speed, strength, and sagacity. The bloodhound was in much esteem with our ancestors for the pursuit of robbers, &c. It was mostly of a reddish or brown colour. " A person of quality," says Mr. Boyle, " to make a trial whether a young bloodhound was well in- structed, caused one of his servants to walk to a town four miles off, and then fo a market town three miles from (hence. The dog, without seeing whom he was to pursue, followed him by the scent to the above mentioned places, notwithstanding the multitude of market people that went along the same way, and of travellers that had occasion to cross it; and when tbe bloodhound came to fhe chief market (own, he passed (hrough the streets without taking notice of any of the people there, nor did be stop till he had gone to the house where (he man he sought rested himself, and found him in an upper room, to the wonder of those that followed him." The pointer is employed principally in finding partridgei and other game. The large pointer, commonly termed the Spanish pointer, is supposed to distinguish itself by a greater degree of docility than the English pointer, but ii not able to undergo the fatigues of the field so well. The Dalmatian, or coach dog, is an animal of great beauty. Its native country seems uncertain. Mr. Pen- nant, however, informs us that Dalmatia is the country of this elegant dog. It is white, and beautifully marked with numerous black spots. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist fig. 88. The Irish greyhound is supposed to be the largest of all the dog kind, as well as the most beautiful and majestic in its appearance. It is only (o be found in Ireland, and even there is become extremely rare. The common greyhound is remarkable for the slender- ness of its shape, the length of its snout, and the extreme swiftness of its course. The greyhound wants the faculty of quick scent, and follows his prey merely by the eye. The Italian greyhound is a small and beautiful variety of the former. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 89. The naked dog is naturally divested of hair, and is sun- posed to have originated in some very warm climate. The mastiff is of a very strong and thick form, with a large head, a bold countenance, and large lips hanging down on each side. Dr. Caius, who lived in the reign of Elizabeth, and who described the several varieties of En- glish dogs, tells us (hat three mastiffs were reckoned a match for a bear, and four for a lion ; but from an experi- ment made in lhe Tower in the reign of James the First, a lion was found an unequal match to only three. Two of the dogs were disabled by the combat, but the third forced the lion to seek for safety by flight. See Plate XXVI. Naf. Hist. fig. 86. The bull dog is a kind of mastiffon a smaller scale, with a somewhat flatter snout, and a greater ferocity of aspect. The bull dog is remarkable for the undaunted and savage pertinacity with which it provokes and continues the fight, and when it has fixed its bite, is with extreme difficulty disengaged from its antagonist. The pug dog is a small and innocent resemblance of the former, and is in some countries considered as a kind of lap dog. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 87. The terrier is generally an attendant on every pack of hounds, and is very expert in forcing foxes or other game out of their coverts. It is the determined enemy of all tbe vermin kind ; such as weasels, fouBtoril?badgers, rats/ mice, Sec. The turnspit is a breed very much on the decline in En- gland, though still used in some other countries. It is a long bodied, short legged dog, with crooked or bowed knees, and is commonly of a dusky gray, spotted with black. To these we may add the alee, or Peruvian dog, and several mixed breeds from the above. 2d. Canis lupus, or wolf, is distinguished from the dog by his superior size, stronger limbs, more muscular body, and greater breadth of the upper part of the face, while the whole form of it is longer : the tail also, which in tbe dog is pretty uniformly turned a little toward one side, generally the left, in the wolf has an inward direction; it is rather long and bushy. The wolf is a native of almost all the temperate and cold regions of tbe globe. It is found in most countries of Europe, but has been totally extirpated from England, as well as from Ireland. CAMS. The general colour of the wolf is a pale gray, with a cast of yellowish, but it varies much as to the shades or gradations of colour in different parte of the world. The wolf is sometimes affected with madness, attended wilh similar appearances lo those exhibited in (hat state by the dog, and productive ofthe same symptoms in con- sequence of its bite : this disease is said to happen to them in the depth of winter, and therefore, as Mr. Pennant ob- serves, can never be a( (ributed to the rage of the dog days. Wolves in the northern parts of the world sometimes, during the spring, get on the ice of the sea, in order to prey on young 6eals, which they catch asleep; but this repast sometimes proves fatal to them, for the ice, detach- ed from the shore, carries them to a great distance from the land before they are sensible of it. It is said that in some years a large district is by this means delivered from these pernicious beasts, which are heard howling in a most dreadful manner far in (he sea. The (ime of ges(a(ion in the wolf is, according to Buffon, about (hree months and a half; and the young whelps are found from April (o July; and (his difference in the time of gestation, which in the wolf is 100 days, and in the dog only 60, he considers justly as a proof of lhe real differ- ence between the two species. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 84. 3d. Canis Mexicanus, or Mexican wolf, appears to have been first described by Hernandez, in his account of Mexico. In its general appearance it resembles the com- mon wolf, but has a head (wice as large, a (bicker neck, and a less bushy tail: (he colour of (he body is cinere- ous, marked with some yellow spots. Above the mouth are situated several bristles as large, but not so stiff, as those ofthe hedgehog; the ears are gray, like tbe head and body; there is a long yellow spot on the neck, another on the breast, and a third on the belly; on the flanks are transverse bands from the back to the belly; the tail is gray, with a yellow spot in the middle; the legs are barred with gray and brown. 4th. Canis lycaon, or black wolf. Like the common wolf, it is found both in Europe ajid America, as well as in tome parts of Asia. It bears a great general resemblance to the common species, but is smaller, entirely black, with a somewhat thinner or less bushy tail hanging nearly straight; the ears are larger in proportion than those ofthe com- mon wolf, and the eyes smaller, and situated at a greater distance from each other. In America tbe black wolf is chief!j' found in Canada, and in Europe occurs only in the more northern regions. 5th. Canis hya?na, is a nalive of many parts of Asia and Africa, being found in Syria, Persia, Barbary, Senegal, &c. Its general size is that of a large dog, but it is distinguished by great strength of limbs, and by a re- markable fulness or thickness of the snout. Its colour is a pale grayish brown, accompanied by a tawny cast, and the whole body is marked by several distant blackish transverse bands running from the back downward. On all the feet are four toes, Hyaenas generally inhabit caverns and rocky places : they prowl about chiefly by night, and feed on the remains of dead animals as well as on living prey. They are even said to devour the bodies which Ihey occasionally find in cemeteries. They attack cattle, and frequently commit great devastation among the flocks. 57* Though not gregarious from any social principle, fhey sometimes assemble in troops, and follow with dreadful as- siduity the movements of an army, through the hope of feasting on the slaughtered bodies. See Plate XX\ I. Nat. Hist. fig. 79. There is something in the aspect ofthe hyaena which seems to indicate a peculiar gloominess and malignity of disposition; and its manners in a state of captivity seem in general to correspond with its appearance, being savage and untractable. It has even been supposed that the hy- aena cannot be tamed; but this opinion is proved io be erroneous from two instances at least; one of which is recorded by Mr. Pennant, who declares that he saw a hy- ena which had been rendered as tame as a dog; t he other by the Count de Buffon, who assures us that in an exhibi- tion of animals at Paris, in the year 1773, there was a hy- aena which had been lamed very early, and was apparently divested of all ils natural malevolence of disposition. 6th. Canis crocuta, or spotted hyaena, resembles the former, but is superior in size, and is readily*distinguish- ed by being marked all over the body and legs with nu- merous roundish black spots. It is an African animal, and is found in Guinea, Ethiopia, and about the Cape of Good Hope. 7th. Canis aureus, or jackal, is a native of (he warmer regions of Asia and Africa, and appears to be no where more common than in Barbary. It is about the size ofa middling dog, and is of a pale or light orange yellow, with darker or blackish shades about the back and legs: the tail hangs straight, is ra(her bushy, and is commonly black at (he (ip. The jackal resides in rocky places, and in woods, and makes its principal excursions during the night, preying indiscriminately on all the weaker animals. It also occasionally devours various vegetables. The voice of the jackal is described as peculiarly hideous, con- sisting of a kind of mixture of howling and indistinct bark- ing. These animals frequently go in great troops to hunt their prey, and by their dreadful yellings alarm and put lo flight deer, antelopes, and other timid quadrupeds ; while the lion, instinctively attending to the clamour, is said to follow till the jackals have hunted down the prey, and, having satiated himself, leaves only tbe mangled remains to be devoured by the jackals. When taken young the jackal is easily tamed, attaches itself to mankind, distinguishes its master, comes on being called by its name, shows an attachment to dogs,.instead of flying from them, and has all the other particularities of character by which the dog is distinguished. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 82. 8th. Canis mesomelas, or cape jackal, is said to be not uncommon about the Cape of Good Hope, and is by some confounded with the jackal, to which, indeed, it seems to be very nearly allied. The head is yellowish brown, with a mixture of black and white hairs: the nape of the neck and the whole length of the back black, with a mixture of white. The general colour of the animal is bright foxv or ferruginous : the tail is not unlike that of a fox, but rather less bushy. The length of this animal is two feet and three quarters, exclusive ofthe tail, which measures one foot. 9th. Canis Barbarus, Barbary jackal, has a long slender nose, sharp upright ears, and a long bushy tail. Its colour CANIS. is a very pale brown : from behind each ear runs a black line, which soon divides into I wo, running downward along the neck. It is of the size of the common fox, but the limbs seemingly shorter, and the nose more slender. 10th. Canis Ceilonicus, Ceylonese dog, is a native of Ceylon, but no particulars relative to its manners or histo- ry are known. It is a little larger than a common domes- tic cat, measuring about twenty-two inches from nose to. tail; the tail itself sixteen inches, gradually tapering to the point. The claws of this animal resemble those of a cat more than of a dog, though not so long and slight in proportion. Both fore and hind feet have five toes. 11th. Canis vulpes, or fox, like the wolf, appears to be pretty generally diffused throughout all the northern and temperate parte of the globe; occurring with numerous va- rieties, as to shades of colour and gradations of size, in most parts of Europe, the north of Asia, andA merica. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 83. In the northern climates are foxes of all colours, black, blue, gray, iron colour, silver gray, white with yellow feet, white with black heads, white wilh the extremity of the tail black, reddish, with the throat and belly entirely white, and, lastly, some have a black line along the back, and crossed with another over the shoulders : the latter are larger than (he o(her kinds, and have black (hroats. The fox prepares for himself a convenient den or re- ceptacle in which he lies concealed during the greater part of the day. This den is sometimes said to be ob- tained by dispossessing the badger of its hole, and appro- priating it to his own purposes. It is so contrived as to afford the best security to the inhabitant, by being situat- ed under hard ground, (he roots of trees, &c. and is be- sides furnished with proper outlets through which he may escape in case of necessity. The fox attempts his prey by cunning rather than by force : his scent is exquisite, so that he can perceive his prey or his enemies at the distance of 2 or 300 paces: he has the habit of killing more than he eats, and hiding the remainder under grass, the roots of trees, &c. His voice is a sharp, quick yell, often ending in a higher, stronger, and screaming kind of note, not unlike that ofthe peacock. The fox produces five or six young at a time; and if ihey are discovered or disturbed, the female will carry (hem in her mou(h, one at a time, to some more secret retreat; in (his respect imitating the conduct of lhe cat and dog, which are known to do the same. 12fh. Canis alopex, bran( fox, is less than the common fox, and has a thicker and darker fur, though sometimes, on (he contrary, it is much brighter and redder than that species, as mentioned by Linnaeus in his Fauna Suecica: the tail is tipped with black. 13th. Canis corsac, or corsac fox. The colour of this species is, in summer, a clear yellow ferruginous ; in win- ter mixed or shaded with gray, deeper on the back, white on the belly, and reddish on the feet: the eyes are sur- rounded with a border of white; and a brownish stripe runs from them down the nose. The size of this animal is less than that of (he common fox. 14th. Canis Karagan, or Karagan fox. This is a small species, which, according to Dr. Pallas, is very common in almost all parts of the Kirghisian deserts and Great Tartary. Its general colour is a wolf gray ; the head yellowish, and above the eyes reddish : the throat and breast are of a deep or blackish gray, (he belly white. 15th. Canis cinereo argenleus, or fulvous necked fox inhabits North America, and the skins are often sent over to Europe. Tbe crown of (he head, neck, and back, are gray, mixed with black and while : the finer hairs being white gray, the coarser varied with black and white like a porcupine's quill. In size this species is inferior to the common fox. 16th. Canis Virginianus, or Virginian fox, resembles the common fox in shape: has a sharp nose, long, sharp upright ears, long legs, and a bushy tail : its colour is a whitish gray, with a cast of red about the ears. It in- habits the warmer parts of North America, particularly Carolina and Virginia. It is said never to burrow under ground like the common fox, but to inhabit hollow trees: it is destitute of the strong smell of tbe common fox, is ea- sily tamed, and is said to prey chiefly on poultry, birds, &c. 17th. Canis argentatus, silvery fox, resembles the com- mon fox. It is ofa deep brown colour, with the longeror exterior hairs of a silvery white, giving a highly elegant appearance 'o the animal. It is an inhabitant ofthe for- ests of Louisiana, and preys on game. 18th. Canis lagopus, arctic fox, is inferior in size to the common fox. Its colour is a bluish gray, which some- times changes to perfect white: when young it is said to be of a dusky colour. They inhabit Spitzbergen, Greenland, and Iceland; and are only migratory in Hud- son's Bay, once in four or five years. They are the hardiest of animals, and even in Spitzbergen and Nova Zembla prowl for prey during the severity of winter. They live on the young wild geese, and all kinds of water fowl, or on their eggs ; on hares or any lesser animals; and in Greenland, through necessity, on berries, shell fish, or whatsoever the sea throws up. Tbey swim well, and offen cross from island to island in search of prey. The Greenlanders take them either in pitfalls dug in the snow, and baited with the capelin fish, or in springs made with whalebone laid over a hole made in the snow, strew- ed over at bottom wifh fhe same kind of fish; or in traps made like little huts, wifh flat stones, with a broad one by way of door, which falls down, by means of a string baited on the inside with a piece of flesh, whenever lhe fox enters and pulls at if. The Greenlanders pre- serve (he skin for traffic ; and, in cases of necessity, eat the flesh. They also make buttons ofthe skins; and split the tendons, which tbey use instead of thread. The blue furs are much more esteemed than the white. See Plate XXV. Nat. Hist. fig. 80. 19th. Canis culpaeus, Chili fox, is supposed to be a variety of (be antarctic fox. Ifs length from nose (o tail is two feet and a half; its colour a deep brown. It inhabits the open countries of Chili, in which it forms its burrows. 20th. Canis thous, or Surinam dog, seems to have been unknown to other naturalists. Linnaeus slates only that the body is gray, entirely white beneath; that it is ofthe size of a large cat, and has upright ears ofthe same colour with the body ; a verruca or wart above lhe eyes, on each cheek, and beneath the throat; and that the tongue is ciliated at the edges. CAN CAN 21st. Canis Bengalensis, Bengal fox, is scarcely half the size of the European fox. The face is cinereous, the body pale brown, the legs fulvous, the tail tipped with black, and down the middle ofthe face runs a black stripe. The spaces round the eyes and the middle of the jaws are while. It is said to feed chiefly on roots and berries. 22d. Canis fuliginosus, sooty fox, in size and habit re- sembles the arctic fox, but is a distinct species. It is said to be numerous in Iceland. 23d. Canis antarcticus, antarctic fox, is about a third part superior in size to the arctic fox, and has pretty much the habit ofa wolf in its ears, tail, and strength of limbs. It is a native of the Falkland isles, and is said to be almost the only land quadruped of those distant spots. It resides near (he shores; kennels like a fox, and forms regular pa(hs from bay (o bay, probably for (he conveni- ence of surprising water fowl, on which it principally lives. Il is a (ame, fetid animal, and barks in the manner of a dog. 24th. Canis zerda, the Fennec, or zerda, is a beautiful African and Asiatic animal, and is principally found in Ara- bia. Its general length is about ten inches, and its colour yellowish white. The ears, which are uncommonly large, are internally of a bright rose colour, edged with a broad margin of white hair, and the tip of the tail is black. It inhabits the vast deserts of Zaara, which extend beyond mount Atlas; it burrows in sandy ground, which shows the use of valves to lhe ears. It is so exceedingly swift that it is very rarely taken alive ; feeds on insects, es- pecially locusts ; sits on its rump; is very vigilant, and barks like a dog, but much shriller. Canis major, in astronomy, a constellation ofthe south- ern hemisphere, consisting of 28 stars, according to Ptole- my; of 13, according to Tycho; and 32 in the Britannic catalogue. Canir minor, Caniculus, or CAtricuLA,in astronomy, a constellation ofthe northern hemisphere. In Ptolemy's catalogue, the canis minor comprehends two stars; in that of Tycho, five ; and in the Britannic catalogue, 15. CANNA, Indian flowering reed; a genus of the mono- gynia order, in the monandria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 8th order, scitaminse. The corolla is erect, and divided into six parfs, with a dis- tinct lip, bipartite, and rolled back ; tbe style lanceo- late, and growing to the corolla; the calyx is triphyllous. There are five species, vis. 1. Canna coccinea, has larger leaves than any of the other four species, and fhe stalks rise much higher. The flowers are produced in large spikes, and are of a bright crimson or rather scarlet colour. 2. Canna glauca, wifh a very large yellow flower, is a native of South America. 3. Canna Indica, or common broad leaved flowering cane. 4. Canna latifolia, with a pale red flower, is a native of Carolina, and some other northern provinces of America. 5. Canna lutea, with* obtuse oval leaves, is less common in America (han (he other sorts. All these plants must always be kept in pots of rich earth, to be moved to shel- ter in winter. CANNABIS, hemp, in botany, a genus of the dioecia pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing under the 53d order, scabridse. The calyx ofthe male is quinquepartite, wi(h no corolla. In (he female fhe calyx is monophyllous, en(ire, and gaping a( the side; there is no corolla, but two styles; tbe fruit is a nut, bi- valved, within the closed calyx. Of this there is but one species, vis. Cannabis sativa. It is propagated in the rich fenny parts of Lincolnshire in great quantities for its bark, which is useful for cordage, cloth, &c. and the seeds abound with oil. Hemp is always sown on a deep, moist, rich soil, such as is found in Holland, Lincolnshire, and the fens of the island of Ely, where it is cultivated (o great advan- tage, as it might be in many other parts of England where there is a soil of the same kind ; but it will not thrive on clayey or stiff cold land. The ground on which hemp is to be sown should be well ploughed, and made very fine by harrowing. About the middle of April (be seed may be sown; (hree bushels are (he usual allowance for an acre, but two are sufficient. In tbe choice of the seed, the heaviest and brightest coloured should be preferred; and particular care should be had to the kernel of the seed. For lhe greater certainty in this matter, some of the seeds should be cracked lo see whether they have the germ or future plant perfect; for, in some places, the male plants are drawn out loo soon from the female, i.e. before they have impregnated the female plants wilh (be farina; in which case, (hough (he seeds produced by (bese females may seem good (o (he eye, yet they will not grow. When (he plants are come up, they should be hoed ou( in (he same manner as turnips, leaving them (wo feet apart; ob- serve also to cut down all the weeds, which, if well per- formed, and in dry weather, will destroy them. This crop, however, will require a second hoeing, in about six weeks after the first; and, if Ihis is well performed, the crop will require no further care. The first season for pulling hemp is usually about the middle of August, when tbey begin lo pull what they call the simple hemp, being that which is composed ofthe male plants; but it would be much better to defer (his for a fortnight or three weeks longer, until those male plants have fully shed (heir farina or dus(, wi(hou( which (he seeds will prove only emp(y husks. These male planfs decay soon after (bey have shed (heir farina. The second pulling is a lidle after Michaelmas, when (he seeds are ripe. This is usually called karle hemp, and consists of the female planfs which were left. This karle hemp is bound in bundles ofa yard compass, according to the statute measure, which are laid in the sun for a few days to dry; and then it is stack- ed up or housed (o keep it dry till the seed can be thresh- ed out. An acre of hemp, on a rich soil, will produce nearly three quarters of seed, which, together with lhe unwrought hemp, are worth from 6/. to 8/. Hemp is es- teemed very effectual for destroying weeds; but (bis it accomplishes by impoverishing (he ground, and thus rob- bing them of their nourishment; so that a crop of it must not be repeated on tbe same spot. CANNEL COAL. See Ampf.litf.s. CANNON, in the military art, an engine or kind of fire arms for throwing iron, lead, or stone bullets, by the force of gunpowder. Cannons at first were called bombardae, from the noise they made. They had likewise the name of cnlverin, basilisk, &c. from the beasts lhat were represented upon them ; and the Spaniards, from devotion, gave them (he CAN CAN name of saints ; witness the twelve apostles which Charles V. ordered fo be cast at Malaga, for his expedition to Tunis. The most remarkable parts about a cannon are the cas- cabel, mouldings, base ring, touch-hole, vent ring, rein- forced ring, trunnions, dolphins, trunnion ring, cornish ring, neck, muzzle, face, and chase or cylinder. The metal of wbich brass cannon is made is in a man- ner kept a secret by the founders ; yet, with all their art and secrecy, fhey have not hitherto found out a composi- tion that will stand a bot engagement without melting, or being rendered useless. Those cast at Woolwich bid fairest toward this amendment. The respective quanti- ties which should enter into Ihis composition, is a point not decided; every founder has his own proportions, which are peculiar to himself. The most common propor- tions of the ingredients are the following, vis. To 2401b. of metal fit for casting, they put 68lb. of copper, 521b. of brass, and 121b. of tin. To 42001b. of metal fit for cast- ing, tbe Germans put 3687£f lb. of copper, 204||lb. of brass, and 307|4lb. of tin. Others again use 1001b. of copper, 6lb. of brass, and 9lb. of tin : and lastly, others 1001b. of copper, 101b. of brass, and 15lb. of tin. With respect to iron guns, their structure is the same as that of the others, and they generally stand the most severe en- gagements, being frequently used on ship board. Sever- al experiments have taught us that the Swedish iron guns are preferable to all others. Cannons are distinguished by the diameters of the balls they carry. The rule for their length is, that it be such as that the whole charge of powder be on fire before the ball quits the piece. If it be too long, tbe quantity of air to be driven out before the ball, will give too much resist- ance to the impulse ; and that impulse ceasing, tbe fric- tion ofthe ball against the surface of the piece will take off from the motion. In former days, cannon were made much longer than they are now; but experience has taught us, that a ball moves with a greater impetus through a less space than a greater: and accordingly it is found that an iron ball of 48 pounds weight goes further from a short cannon than another ball of 96 pounds out of a longer piece ; whereas, in olher respects, il is certain, the larger the bore and ball, the greater the range. But for the range ofa cannon, see Projectile. It is found, too, by experience, that of two cannons of equal bore, but different lengths, the long- er requires a greater charge of powder than tbe shorter. The ordinary charge of a cannon is, for the weight of its gunpowder to be half that of its ball. See Founding. CANON, in an ecclesiastical sense, a law, rule, or reg- ulation, of the policy and discipline ofa church, made by councils, either general, national, or provincial. Canons of the apostles, a collection of ecclesiastical laws, which, though very ancient, were not left us by fhe apostles. It is true, they were sometimes called apostol- ic canons; but this means no more than lhat they were made by bishops who lived soon after the apostles, and were called apostolical men. They consist of regulations, which agree with lhe discipline of (he second and (hird centuries. The Greeks generally count eighty-five, but the La(ins receive only fif(y, nor do they observe all these. Canon of mass, in the Romish church, the name ofa prayer which the priest reads low to himself, the people kneeling. Canon, in arithmetic, algebra, &c. is a rule to solve all things ofthe same nature with the present inquiry; thus, every last step of an equation in algebra, is such a canon ; and, if turned into words, is a rule to solve all questions of the same nature with that proposed. The tables of logarithms, artificial sines and tangents, are called likewise by the name of canon. Canon law, a collection of ecclesiastical laws, serving as the rule and measure of church government. The power of making laws was exercised by the church before the Roman empire became Christian. The canon law that obtained throughout the west, till the twelfth centu- ry, was the collection of canons made by Dionysius Ex- iguus in 520, the capitularies of Charlemagne, and the de- crees of the, popes, from Sircius to Anasfasius. The canon law, even when papal authority was at id height in England, was of no force when it was found to contradict the prerogative ofthe king, the laws, statutes, and customs ofthe realm, or the doctrine ofthe establish- ed church. The ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the see of Rome in England, was founded on the canon law ; and this created quarrels between kings and several archbish- ops and prelates, who adhered to the papal usurpation. Besides the foreign canons, there were several laws and constitutions made here for the government of the church ; but all these received their force from the royal assent; and if, at any time, the ecclesiastical courts did, by their sentence, endeavour to enforce obedience to such canons, the courts at common law, upon complaints made, would grant prohibitions. The authority vested in the church of England of making canons was ascertained by a statute of Henry VIII. commonly called the act of the clergy'i submission ; by which they acknowledged (hat (he ronvo. cation had been always assembled by the king's writ; so that though the power of making canons resided in the clergy met in convocation, their force was derived from fhe authority of the king's assenting to, and confirming them. The old canons continued in force till the reign of James I. when the clergy being assembled in convocation, the king gave them leave fo treat and consult upon can- ons, which they did, and presented them to the king, who gave them the royal assent. These were a collection out of lhe several preceding canons and injunctions. Some of these canons are now obsolete. In the reign of Charles I. several canons were passed by the clergy in convoca- tion. CANOPUS, in astronomy, a star of the first magni- tude in the rudder of Argo, a constellation of the south- ern hemisphere. CANTAR, or Cantaro, in commerce, a weight used in Italy, particularly at Leghorn. There are three sorts: one weighs 150 pounds, the other 151, and the third 160. The first serves to weigh alum and cheese; fhe second is for sugar ; and fhe Ihird for wool and cod fish. The word is used also as a measure of capacity used at Cochin, and containing four rubis. CANTATA, in music, a song or composition, inter- mixed with recitatives, airs, and different movements, chiefly intended for a single voice. CANTEENS, tin or wooden vessels used by soldiers on a inarch, &c. to carry water or other liquor in ; each C A O CAP holds about two quarts. Wooden canteens are in gener- al use with the British army : they are made cylindrical, like barrels, 7\ inches in diameter, and about four inches in length. They are chiefly manufactured by Mr. George Smart, of Camden Town. CANTHARIS, in zoology, a genus of coleopterous insects, with setaceous antennae, the exterior wings of which are flexile, the thorax somewhat flatted, and the sides of the abdomen plicated. Linnaeus enumerates 27 species of tbe cantharis, most of them to be found in dif- ferent parts of Europe. For the cantharis, usually called Spanish flies with us, ■ee Meloe. CANTHI. See Anatomy. CANTO, in music, the treble, or at least the higher part of a piece. CANTONED, in architecture, is when the corner of a building is adorned with a pilaster, an angular column, rustic quoins, or any thing that projects beyond the naked ofa wall. Cantoned, or Cantonized, cantonte, in heraldry, the position of such things as are borne with a cross, &c. be- tween. He bears gules, a cross argent cantoned with four scallop shells. CANTRED, or Cantref, signifies an hundred vil- lages; being a British word, compounded of the adjective cant, i.e. hundred, and tref, a town or village. In Wales, some of the counties are divided into cantreds, as in En- gland into hundreds. CANTUA, in botany, a genus of the tetrandria class, monogynia order: the essential characters are; cal. five parted, cor. five parted, colour red, capsule ovate. There are (wo species; 1. C. coronopifolia, scarlet cant ua, flowers in August, frutescent, biennial. 2. C. inconspicua, blue buck's horn leaved cantua, cor. blue, flowers in Novem- ber, both natives of Florida and Carolina. CANVAS, in commerce, a very clear unbleached cloth of hemp or flax, woven very regularly in little squares. It is used for working tapestry with the needle, by pasiing the threads of gold, silver, silk, or wool, through the intervals or squares. It is also a coarse cloth of hemp, unbleached, somewhat clear, which serves to cover women's stays, also to stiffen men's clothes, and to make some other of their wearing apparel, &c. It is also used fo make sails for shipping, &c. CANZONE, in music, signifies in general a song where some little figures are introduced ; and CANZONETTA is a diminutive ofthe same. CAOUTCHOUC. About the beginning of the 18th century, a substance called caoutchouc was brought as a curiosity from America. It was soft, very elastic, and combustible. The pieces of it that came to Europe were usually in the shape of bottles, birds, &c. This substance is very much used in rubbing out the marks made upon paper by a blacklead pencil; and therefore in this coun- try it is often called Indian rubber. Nothing was known of ils production, except that it was obtained from a tree, until the French academicians went to South America in 1735, to measure a degree of (he meridian. Mr.de la Condamine senl an account of it to the French academy, in the year 1736. He told them, that there grew in the province of Esmeraldas, in Brazil, a tree, called by the natives hhtve; that from this tree there flowed a milky juice, which, when inspissated, was caoutchouc. It is now known that there are at least Iwo trees in South America, from which caoutchouc may be obtain- ed; the haevea caoutchouc and the jatropha elastica: and it is exceedingly probable (ha( i( is extracted also from other species of hasvea and jatropha. Several trees, likewise, which grow in the East Indies, yield caoutchouc. When any of these plants is punctured, there exudes from it a milky juice, which, when exposed to the air, gradually lets fall a concrete substance, which is caout- chouc. If oxymuriatic acid is poured into the milky juice, the caoutchouc precipitates immediately^ and, at the same time, the acid loses its peculiar odour. This renders it probable that the formation of the caoutchouc is owing to its basis absorbing oxygen. If the milky juice is confined in a glass vessel containing common air, it gradually ab- sorbs oxygen, and a pellicle of caoutchouc appears on its surface. Caoutchouc, when pure, is ofa white colour, and with- out either taste or smell. The blackish colour ofthe ca- outchouc of commerce, is owing to the method employed in drying it after i( has been spread upon moulds. The usual way is (o spread a thin coat of the milky juice upon the mould, then todry it by exposing it to smoke; afterward another coat is spread on, which is dried in (he same way. Thus the caoutchouc of commerce consists of numerous layers of pure caoutchouc alternating with as many layers of soot. It is soft and pliable ; it is exceedingly elastic and adhesive; so that it may be forcibly stretched out much beyond its usual length, and instantly recover its former bulk when the force is withdrawn. It cannot be broken without very considerable force. Its specific grav- ity is 0.9335. It is not altered by exposure to the air; it is perfectly insoluble in water; but if boiled for some time, ifs edges become somewhat transparent, owing undoubt- edly lo the water carrying off lhe soot; and so soft, that when two of them are pressed and kept together for some lime, they adhere as closely as if they formed one piece. By this contrivance pieces of caoutchouc may be soldered together, and thus made to assume whatever shape we please. Caoutchouc dissolved in ether may be employed to make instruments of different kinds, just as the milky juice of the haevea; bul this method would be a great deal too expensive for common use. Caoutchouc is soluble in volatile oils; but, in general, when these oils are evaporated, it remains somewhat glu- tinous; and therefore is scarcely proper for those uses to which, before its solution, it was so admirably adapted. It is also soluble in alkalies. When exposed to heat it readily melts; but it never afterward recovers its proper- ties, but continues always of the consistence of tar. It burns very readily with a bright white flame, and diffuses a fetid odour. In the countries where it is found, it is fre- quently used by way of cvndle. When distilled it gives out ammonia: from this, and from the effect of sulphuric and nitric acid upon it, there is no doubt lhat it is Com- posed of carbon, hydrogen, azote, and oxygen; but the modes of their combination are unknown. CAP of maintenance, one of the regalia or ornaments of state belonging to the kings of England, before whom CAP CAP it was carried at the coronation, and other great solemni- ties. Caps of maintenance are also carried before the may- ors ofthe several cities in England. Cap, in a ship, a square piece of timber put over the head or upper end of any mast, having a round hole to re- ceive the mast. By means of these caps, the topmasts and top-gallantmasts are kept steady and firm in the tres- sel trees where their feet stand. Cap ofa gun, a piece of lead which is put over the touch-hole of a gun, to keep the priming from being wasted or spoiled. CAPE, in law, a judicial writ concerning plea of lands or tenements, and divided into cape magnum and cape parvum, both of which affect things immoveable; and be- sides these there is a cape ad valenciam. Cape magnum, is designed to lie where a person has brought a prozcipe quod reddat of a thing that touches a plea of land, and the tenant makes default at the day given to him in the original writ; then this writ shall go for the king, to take the land into his hands : and if he comes not at the day given him, he loses his land, &c. Cape parvum, called petit cape, is defined thus : when the tenant is summoned in plea of land, and cometh at the summons, and his appearance is recorded; and after he maketh default at the day that is given to him, then this writ shall go for the king. Cape ad valenciam, is a species of cape magnum, where one being impleaded, and on a summons to warrant lands, a vouchee does not come at the day ; whereupon if the demandant recovers of the tenant, he shall have this writ against the vouchee, and recover so much in value of his lands, in case he has so much ; and if not, there shall be an execution of such lands and tenements as shall after descend to him in fee; or if he purchases, afterward, there may be a regular summons, &c. against him. CAPELLA, in astronomy, a bright fixed star in the left shoulder of the constellation Auriga. It is, in the Britannic catalogue, the fourteenth in order of that con- stellation. Ils longitude is 17° 31' 41"; its latitude 22° 51'47". CAPER. See Capparis. C APH AR, a duty which the Turks raise on the Christ- ians who carry or send merchandises from Aleppo to Je- rusalem and other places in Syria. CAPI AGA, or Capou agassi, a Turkish officer, who is grand master of the seraglio. CAPIAS, in law, is a writ of two sorts, one whereof is called capias ad respondendum, before judgment; where an original is sued out, &c. to take the defendant and make him answer the plaintiff: and the other a writ of execution, after judgment, being of divers kinds. Capias ad respondendum, is a writ commanding the sheriff to take the body of Ibe defendant, if he may be found in his bailiwic, or county, and him safely to keep, so that he may have him in court on tbe day of the re- turn, to answer to the plaintiff of a plea of debt or tres- pass, or the like, as the case may be. And if the sheriff return that he cannot be found, then (here issues another writ, called an alias capias; and after that another, call- ed a pluries capias ; and if upon none of these he can be found, then he may be proceeded against to outlawry. But all this being only to compel an appearance, after lhe defendant has appeared the effect of the>e writs is taken off, and the defendant shall be put to answer, unless ia cases where special bail is required, and there the defend- ant is actually to be taken into custody. 3 Blacks. 212. Capias ad satisfaciendum, is a writ directed to the sheriff, commanding him to take the body of the defend- ant, and him safely to keep, so that he may have his body in court at the return of the writ, to make the plaintiff satisfaction for his demand : otherwise he is to remain in custody till he does. When a man is once taken in ex- ecution upon this writ, no other process can be sued out against his lands or goods. But if a defendant dies whilst charged in execution upon this writ, the plaintiff may, after his death, sue out new executions against his lands, goods, or chattels. 3 Blacks. 415. Capias utlegatum, is a writ that lies against a person that is outlawed in any action, whereby the sheriff is com- manded to apprehend the body ofthe party outlawed, and keep him in safe custody till the day of the return ofthe writ, and then present him to tbe court, there to be dealt with for his contempt. But this being only for want of appearance, if he shall afterward appear, the outlawry is most commonly reversed. 3 Blacks. 284. Capias in withernam, is a writ directed to the sheriff, in case where a distress is carried out of the county, or concealed by the distrainer, so that the sheriff cannot make deliverance of the goods upon a replevin ; command- ing him to lake so many of lhe distrainer's own goods, by way of reprisal, instead of lhe other that are so concealed. CAPILLARY tubes, in physics, little pipes, whose canals are extremely narrow, iheir diameter being only a half, third, or fourth of a line. See Attraction. Capillary vessels. See Anatomy. CAPISTRUM. See Surgery. CAPITAL, in architecture, the uppermost pari of a column or pilastre, serving as the head or crowning, and placed immediately over the shaft, and under the entab- lature. See Architecture. CAPITATION, a tax or imposition raised on each person in consideration of his labour, industry, office, rank, &c. commonly called a poll tax. CAPITULATION, in the German polity, a contract which the emperor makes with the electors in the name of all the princes and states of the empire, before be is de- clared emperor, and wbich he ratifies before he is raised lo lhat sovereign dignity. The principal points which the emperor undertakes to observe, are, 1. To defend the church and the empire. 2. To observe the fundamental laws of the empire. 3. To maintain and preserve the rights, privileges, and immunities, of the electors, princes, and other slates ofthe empire, specified in the capitula- tion. These articles and capitulations are presented to the emperor by the electors only, without the concurrence of the other states, who have complained from time lo time of such proceedings : and in the lime ofthe Westphalian treaty, in 1648, it was proposed lo deliberate in lhe fol- lowing diet upon a way of making a perpetual capitulation; but the electors have always found means of eluding the execution of this article. In order, however, to give some satisfaction to fheir adversaries, they have inserted in the capitulations of the emperors, and in that of Fran- cis I. in particular, a promise to use all their influence to bring the affair ofa perpetual capitulation to a conclusion. Some German authors own that this capitulation 'limits CAP CAP the emperor's power ; but maintain, fhat it does not weak- en kis sovereignty: though the most part maiutain, that he is not absolute, because he receives (tie empire under conditions, which seta bounds to an absolute author- ity. CAPOC, a sort of cotton as soft as silk, so fine and so short lha( it cannot be spun. It is used in (he East In- dies, as well as in Europe, to line palanquins, to make beds, mattresses, cushions, pillows, &c. CAPONIERE,or Caponnikre, a work sunk on (he glacis of a place, about four or five feet deep. The earlh that comes out of i( serves to form a parapet of (wo or (hree feet high, made with loopholes or small embrasures : it is covered over head with strong planks, on which are laid clays or hurdles, which support the earth that covers all. It holds 15 or 20 men, who fire through Ihese em- brasures. They are also sometimes made in lhe bottom of a dry moat. CAPPAD1NE, a sort of silk flock, taken from (he up- per pari of (he silkworm cod, after (he (rue silk has been wound off. CAPPARIS, a genua of the monogynia order, in the polyandria class of plants, and in (he natural method rank- ing under the 25(h order, putamine». The calyx is te- (raphyllousand coriaceous; (he petals are four, (hestam- ina are long; the fruit is a berry, carnous, unilocular, and pedunculated, or furnished with a footstalk. There are 25 species, of which (he principal is, Capparis spinosa, or common caper, a low shrub, gen- erally growing out of the joints of old walls or fissures of rocks in the warm parts of Europe. This plant is with great difficulty preserved in England. The pickle made from its berry is well known. CAPRA, the goat kind, in zoology, constitutes a genus of quadrupeds of the order of pecora. The gen- eric character is, horns hollow, turning upward and back- ward, compressed, rough, almost close a( (heir base. Front teeth in the lower jaw eight. Canine teeth, or tusks, none. Chin bearded in the male. There are nine species and varieties: 1. Capra Ibex. This, wbich is the common ibex or ■teinbock of authors, appears to have been sometimes con- founded wilh lhe Caucasan ibex, or next species, to which it is much allied. It is found in several parts of Europe and Asia. It inhabits the Carpathian and Pyrenean mountains, and various parts of the Alps, more particularly the Rhaetian Alps, in the midst of snow and glaciers. In Asia it occurs on the summits of tbe chain of mountains ex- tended from Taurus, and continued between eastern Tarta- ry and Siberia. If also inhabits the tract beyond the Lena, and in all probability may be a nalive of Kamtschatka. In Arabia it inhabits lhe province of Hedsjaes, and is (here known by (he name of Baeden. Lastly, it is found in the high mountains of the island of Crete, where the Caucasan ibex has also been discovered. It is an animal of great strength and agility, and is con- siderably larger than a common domestic goat. Its col- our is a deep hoary or gravish brown; much paler or whitish beneath, and on the insides of the limbs ; the body is of a thick, strong form ; the head rather small, the eyes large, and lhe horns extremely large and long, so as some- limes (o measure (hree feet in length, and to extend lhe v. hole length of the body. VOL. I. 5'J In its general habits or manners the ibex resembles (he common goat; but possesses every attribute of strength and activity in a degree proportioned to its natural state of wildness. It is even said, that, when hard pressed, this animal will fling itself down a steep precipice, and falling on its horns, escape unhurt from its pursuers ; nor will this appear in the least incredible, if we may rely ou the faith of Monardes, who assures us that he saw a Cau- casan ibex leap from the top ofa high tower, and falling on its horns, immediately spring up on its limbs, and leap about without having received the least apparent inju- ry. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 90. The flesh of the young ibex is said to be in good es- teem as an article of food. Its period of gestation is said to be the same as Tn the common goat, vis. five months. 2. Capra jEgagrus, or caucasan ibex, supposed lo be the stock or origin ofthe domestic goat, is considerably superior to that animal in size, and ifs form in some de- gree resembles lhat of a stag. Its general colour is a brown- ish or subferruginous gray above, and white beneath ; the forehead is nearly black, which colour is continued down the back in the form of a list or stripe : the chin is furnish- ed with a large brownish beard, and the horns, which are very large, and bend considerably backward, are smooth, black, and sharply ridged on their upper part. The female is destitute both of horns and beard. In point of strength and agility this species is at least equal, if not superior, to the common ibex ; it inhabits the loftiest rocky points of mount Caucasus, and particularly the parts about the rivers Kuban and Terek; almost all Asia Minor, and may probably extend even to India. It is said to abound on the hills of Laar and Chorazan, in Persia. 3. Capra Hircus, or common goat, in its domestic state, is found in almost every part of the globe, bearing the extremes of heat and cold, and differing in size and form according to various circumstances. It may be observed, that the horns have generally a curvalure outward toward the tips; and it may be added, that the animal was en- tirely unknown to the Americans on the discovery of that continent, having been introduced by the Europeans. The colour ofthe domestic goat is various, being either black, brown, white, or spotted. The flesh is of great use to the inhabitants of Wales, and affords ihem a cheap and plentiful provision in the winter months, when lhe kids are brought to market: the haunches are often dried and salted, and used as a substitute for bacon. The skin ofthe goat is peculiarly well adapted for the glove manu- factory, especially that of the kid ; and as it (akes a dye be((er (han any o(her skin, it was formerly much used for hangings in the houses of people of fortune; being suscep- tible of fhe richest colours. The goat goes with young four months and a half. The skin of the Chamois goat is also in high esteem for fine leather. See Plate XXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 91. The following are the most remarkable varieties of the domestic goat. 1. Capra mambrica, or Syrian goat, is distinguished by fhe great length of the ears, wbich are pendulous, like Ihose of a hound, and sometimes reach so low as to be troublesome to the animal while feeding. 2. Capra Ango- rensis, Angora goat, is generally of a beautiful milk white colour, short legged, with black, spreading, spirally twisted C AP CAR horns, and with the hair on the whole body disposed in long pendent spiral ringlets. It is from the hair of this animal that the finest camlets, &c. are prepared. 3. Ca- pra depressa, or African goat, is a very small or dwarf va- riety, found in some parts of Africa. 4. Capra reversa, or Whidaw goat. This is also a dwarf variety, found in Africa, where its flesh is considered as an excellent food. 5. Long horned Whidaw goat. 6. Capricorn goat. CAPRARIA, Sweet weed, a genus of the angioa- permia order, in the didynamia class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 40th order, personatse. The calyx is quinquepartitc ; the corolla is campanulated, quinquefid, with acute segments ; the capsule bivalved, bilocular, and polyspermous. There are five species. CAPRICORN, in astronomy, one of the twelve signs of the zodiac, represented in globes in tbe form ofa goat, and characterized in books by this mark v$>. It is the tenth sign in order, and contains twenty-eight stars according to Ptolemy and Tycho Brahe ; twenty- nine according to Hevelius ; and fifty-one according to Flamsteed. Tropic of Capricorn, a lesser circle of the sphere, which is parallel to the equinoctial, and at 23° 30' distance from it southward. CAPRIMULGUS, goat sucker, a genus of birds be- longing to the order of passeres. Tbe beak is incurvated, small, tapering, and depressed at the base : tbe mou'h opens wide. There are two species : 1. The Europaeus, with tbe tubes ofthe nostrils hardly visible, wbich feeds on moths, gnats, Sec. It appears in May, and leaves us in August. 2. The Americanus, a night bird, found in Ameri- ca. See Plate XXV. Nat. Hist. fig. 81. CAPSICUM, in botany, Guinea pepper, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under fhe 28th order, luridae. The corolla is verticillated, and the fruit is a sapless berry. There are five species; the principal are: 1. Capsicum annuum, the common long podded capsi- cum, commonly cultivated in fhe gardens. Of this there is one variety with red, and another with yellow fruit; and of these there are several subvarieties, differing only in the size and figure of their fruit. 2. Capsicum baccatum, bird pepper, rises with a shrub- by stalk four or five feet high; tbe leaves are ofa lucid green; the fruit grows at the division of fhe branches, standing erect : these are small, oval, and of a bright red : they are much more sharp and biting than those of the other sorts. This is the Cayenne pepper. 3. Capsicum grossum, the bell pepper. The fruit of Ibis is red, and is the only kind proper for pickling, the skin being tender, whereas those of the other sorts are thin and lough. CAP SQUARES, in gunnery, strong plates of iron which come over the trunnions of a gun, and keep it in the carriage. CAPSTAN, or Main capstan, in a ship, a large piece of timber in the nature ofa windlass, placed next behind the mainmast, its foot standing in a step on the lower deck, and its head between the upper decks, formed into several squares with holes in them. Its use is to weigh the anchors, to hoist up or slrike down topmasts, to heave any weighty matter, or fo strain any rope that requires a main force. Capstan Jear is placed between tbe mainmast and the mizen, and serves to strain any rope, heave upon the jear rope or upon the viol, or hold off by at the weighing of an anchor. CAPSULE, among botanists, a species of pericarpium or seed vessel. Capsulje atrabiliari-e:, called also glandula; renales and renes succenluriati, are two yellowish glands ofa compressed figure, lying on each side of the upper part of the kidneys. See Anatomy. CAPTION, in law, is where a commission is executed and the commissioners subscribe Iheir names to a certifi- cate, declaring when and where the commission was exe- cuted. It relates chiefly to commissions to take answers in chancery and depositions of witnesses, and take fines of lands, &c. Caption and Horning, in tbe law of Scotland. When a decrete or sentence is obtained against any person, the obtainer takes out a writ, whereby the parly decerned it charged to pay or fulfil the will ofthe decrete, under (he pain of rebellion: this writ is called letters of horning. If he refuses to comply, then the writ or letters of caption may be raised, whereby all the inferior judges and magistrates are commanded (o assist in apprehending the rebel, and putting him in prison. CAPURA, a genus of the class and order hexandria monogynia. The essential character is, cal. none ; cor. six cleft; stam. within (be tube; germ, superior; stigma globular; per. berry. There is one species, a native of the East Indies. CAPUT draconis. the Dragon's head, in astrono- my, the ascending node of fhe moon. It is also a star of the first magnitude, in the head of the constellation Draco. Caput mortuum, in chymistry, that thick dry matter, which remains after distillation of any thing, but of miner- als especially. See Chymistry. CARABINE, a fire arm, shorter than a musket, carry- ing a ball of twenty-four in the pound, borne by the light horse, hanging at a belt over the lefr shoulder. CARABUS, in zoology, a genus of insects belonging to fhe order of coleoptera, or the beetle kind. The feel- ers are bristly; the breast is shaped like a heart, and mar- ginated, and (he elytra are likewise marginated. There are 34 species of this genus, mostly distinguished by their colour. The most remarkable is tbe crepitans, or bom- bardier, with the breast, head, and legs ferruginous, or iron coloured, and (he elytra black. It keeps itself con- cealed among stones, and makes bu( litlle use of its wings; when it moves it is by a sort of jump; and whenever it is touched, it makes a noise resembling the discharge of a musket in miniature, during which a blue smoke may be perceived proceeding from it. The insect may be made to play off its artillery, by scratching its back with a nee- dle. A bladder placed near the anus, is the arsenal whence it derives ifs store, and this is its chief defence against an enemy ; but the smoke emitted seems altogether k inoffensive, except by causing a fright, though it is useful fo fhe insect by conceali g its course. Its chief enemy in another species of the same genus, but four times larger. When pursued and fatigued, the bombardier has recourse to stratagem, by lying down in the path ofthe large cam- bus, which advances wilh open mouth and claws to seize C A II CAR it; but on the discharge of the artillery, suddenly draws back, and remains awhile confused, during which the bombardier conceals himself, in some crevice if there is one ; but if not, the larger carabus renews the attack, takes his prisoner by the head and tears it off. CARACOL, in architecture, denotes a staircase in a helix or spiral form. CARACT, Carat, or Carrat, the name of that weight which expresses the degree of fineness that gold is of. The mint master, or custom, has fixed the purity of gold at 24 caracts; though it is not possible so to purify and refine that metal, but it will want still about one fourth part ofa caract in absolute purity and perfection. The caract is divided into £, |, T"j., -jJj. These degrees serve (o distinguish lhe greater or lesser quantity of alloy therein contained : for instance, gold of 22 caracts, is (hat which has two parts of silver, or of any other metal, and 22 of fine gold. It is also a certain weight which goldsmiths and jewel- lers use with which to weigh precious stones and pearls. This caract weighs four grains, but something lighter than (he grains of other weights. Each of these grains is sub- divided into |, £, T> -T\, Sec. CARAGROUTH, in commerce, a silver coin of the empire, weighing nine drachms. It goes at Constantinople for 120 aspers. CARBON, or the radical of carbonic acid, has not, un- less the diamond is admitted as such, been yet obtained in a separate state; charcoal, which was once so esteem- ed, appearing to be a compound substance. Nor is it ever found united wilh caloric, in a gaseous state, unaccompa- nied by some third principle. Its (aste, smell, and colour are unknown. I( is infusible and indissoluble by caloric, and is hence esteemed the most refractory substance in nature. It has no evident attraction for nitrogen alone, but combines with it by the intervention of other prin- ciples. With hydrogen it has a strong affinity, uniting and forming a gas termed carbonated hydrogen; hy- drogen gas having (he power of holding it in solution. The diamond, which exceeds all other gems in hardness, density and refraction of the rays of light, crystalizes in two tetrahedral and trihedral pyramids, united base to base, or in hexahedral prisms terminating in trihedral summits, or in irregular polyhedral grains. At a very high temperature it burns, becomes black and opaque, and is converted into gas. Sp. gr. about 3,5. Newton conjectured the diamond to be a combustible body. Guy ton, in 1785, inferred its similarity to charcoal, from its leaving an effervescent alkali, after combustion in fused nitre. Lavoisier found that on burning it in closed vessels, it yielded carbonic acid. This has also been proved by Mr. Tennant, who performed the combustion in a crucible of gold. Berthollet considered it as crystalized charcoal. Since this, Guyton, having burnt the diamond in oxygen gas, by the solar rays, and I hereby having obtained carbon- ic acid without residue,presumed that he had ascertained (he diamond (o be pure carbon,or the pure combustible mat- ter of (he carbonic genus, yielding the pure acidifiable basis ofthe carbonic acid. He found ifs combustion required a much higher temperature than charcoal; but this, he ob- serve*, takes place with other acidifiable bases, their first degrees of ovydalion being difficultly produced, although their subsequent acidification is easy. It also 58* required more oxygen for its complete combustion than charcoal; one part of diamond absorbing four of oxygen, and producing five of carbonic acid ; this he remarks is not to be wondered at, since, being pine carbon, it con- tains none ofthe oxygen principle, and therefore demands more. In proportion therefore as substances contain pure combustible matter, will, in fact, be (he difficulty of their combustion, their first degrees of oxygenation pro- ceeding so slowly. Thus he accounts for plumbago, or black lead, which is a carbonic combustible, richer in com- bustible matter than charcoal itself, not burning, but at a very high degree of temperature: and thus he accounts for the incombustibility of anthracolite, Kilkenny coal, tbe brilliant charcoal of certain vegetables, &c. The diamond is therefore to be considered as pure carbon ; plumbago, carbon oxygenized in tbe first degree; charcoal, an oxyd of the second, obtained from various substances in the an- imal, vegetable, and mineral kingdoms, generally by vo- latilizing their other constituent parts.* When obtained in a state of purity, it resists the strongest bea( in closed vessels. It decomposes sulphuric acid from its affin- ity with oxygen exceeding (hat of sulphur. It de- composes nitric acid with great rapidity; and if the charcoal is first powdered, and fhe acid strong, and allowed to run down the side of the vessel, to mix with the charcoal, "it burns with rapidity, with a beau- tiful flame, throwing up the powder so as to resemble a beautiful fire work. With nitrate of potash, it detonates in a hot crucible, leaving a fixed alkali behind. It is dis- solved by the alkalies, and by the sulphurets of alkali, both in the dry and moist way. It does not unite with metals, but restores their oxyds to a metallic state. Charcoal possesses the power of absorbing several gases, which thus condensed retain their properties, and even ex- ert them in some instances more powerfully. It decom- poses water at the common temperature, carbonic acid and carbonated hydrogen being separated. If burnt in contact with common air, its acidifiable base attracts oxy- gen, and this peculiar acid is formed, which, with a certain proportion of caloric, assumes a gaseous form. If burnt in oxygen gas, its peculiar acid is plentifully formed, the charcoal burning wilh considerably increased rapidity, and if (he lighter charcoal made from bark is used, a very brilliant effect is produced from the numerous vivid cor- uscating sparks. CARBONATES, are neutral salts, composed of (he carbonic acid, and certein bases: Ihus carbonate of am- monia, or mild volatile alkali, consists of carbonic acid and pure or caustic ammonia. Owing to (he weakness of (his acid, (he characters of (heir bases are generally most pre- dominant. The carbonates are not acted on by light, oxygen, or nitrogen; nor do (hey deliquesce wilh (he moisture of (he atmosphere. Although charcoal decomposes (he phos- phoric acid alone, the carbonates are decomposed by phosphorus; (his difference arises from fhe aftraction which the phosphoric acid exercises on the base of (he carbonate; from similar causes, the effects of different combustible bodies on them vary much. All (he olbej acids have a greater attraction for (he earthy and alkaline bases than (he carbonic ; (ha( acid being disengaged from (he carbonates by their addition. So feeble is this acid, (hat it is separated from most of its bases by heat only. CAR CAR CARBUNCLE, in natural history, a very elegant gem, the colour of which is deep red with an admixture of Bcarlet. See Garnet. Carbuncle, or Anthrax, in surgery, an inflammation which arises, with a vesicle or blister, almost like those produced by burning. This inflammation, for the most part, terminates in a sphacelus, and putrifies the subjacent parts down to the bone, they becoming as black as a coal. A carbuncle always breaks out very speedily, even in the space of an hour or two, attended with heat and pain : as soon as it is opened, it discharges a livid sanies, or some- times a limpid water: it is black within, which is a sign that the sphacelus has seized the subjacent parts, and is making its progress: but the putrid flesh in those who recover, suppurates, and parts from the sound. The size of these pestilential blisters is various, more or less ; as is also their number in the patient; for there is no part of the body which they do not infest, and they generally ap- pear in company with buboes. Those carbuncles which arise in the face, neck, breast, or armpits, are observed to be of the worst kind, for they generally kill the patient. In the external treatment, some of the modern physi- cians use only scarification in this case, with very good success; others open the eruptions with a pair of scissars, and having discharged the matter, frequently wash the carbuncle with sp. vin. camph. or sp. vin. in which has been digested a little Iheriaca: they afterward apply a maturating cataplasm, which is to be continued till the car- buncle separates from the sound parts ; then they cut it out all at once. Carbuncle, in heraldry, a charge or bearing consisting of eight radii, four whereof make a common cross, and the other four a saltier. CARCASS, a composition of combustibles. Car- casses are of two sorts, oblong and round : tbe uncertain weight of the first sort has almost rendered them useless. They are prepared in the following manner: Boil 12 or 151b. of pilch in a glazed earthen pot; mix wifh that 31b. of tallow, 301b. of powder, 6lb. of saltpetre, and as many stopins as can be put in. Before the composition is cold, the carcass must be filled ; to do which, smear your hands with oil or tallow, and fill the carcass one third full with fhe above composition; then put in loaded pieces of gun or pistol barrels, loaded grenades, and fill the intervals with composition ; cover the whole over with coarse cloth, well sewed together, keeping it in a round form. Then put if into the carcass, having a hollow top and bottom, with bars running between them to hold them together, and composed of four slips of iron jointed at top, and fix- ed at the bottom, at equal distances, to a piece of iron, which, together with the hoops, when filled, form a com- plete globular body. When quite finished and cold, the carcass must be steeped in melted pitch, and then instant- ly immerged in cold water. Lastly, bore three or four holes at top, and fill the same wifh fuse composition, cover- ing the holes with pitch until used. Carcasses are thrown .out of mortars, and weigh from 50 to 2301b. according to the size of the mortars they are lobe thrown out of. There are other carcasses for the sea service, which differ from a shell only in the composition, and in the four holes from which they burn when fired. Carcasses were first used by lhe bishop of Munster, at the siege of Groll in 1672, where the duke of Luxem- burg commanded. CARCERES, in the ancient circensian games, were enclosures in (be circus, in which lhe horses were restrain- ed till the signal was given for starting, when, by anadmi- rable contrivance, they all at once flew open. CARD, among, artificers, an instrument consisting of a block of wood, beset with sharp teeth, serving to arrange the hairs of wool, flax, bemp, and the like : there are dif- ferent kinds of them, as hand cards, stock cards, &c. Cards, among gamesters, little pieces of fine thin paste- board of an oblong figure, of several sizes, but most com- monly in England 3| inches long, and 2£ broad, on which are painted several points and figures. The moulds and blocks for making cards, are exactly like those that were used for the first books: they lay a sheet of wet or moist paper on the block, which is first slightly done over with a sort of ink made wilh lampblack diluted in water, and mixed with some starch to give it a body. They after- ward rub it off with a round list. The court cards are coloured by means of several patterns stiled stane files. These consist of papers cut through with a penknife, and in these apertures, they apply severally (he various col- ours, as red, black, Sec. These patterns are painted wilh oil colours, that the brushes may not wear them out; and when the pattern is laid on tbe pasteboard, they slightly pass over it a brushful of colour, which, leaving it within the openings, forms the face or figure of (he card. CARD AMINE, lady's amock; a genus of the siliquo- sa order, in the tetradynamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 39th order, siliquosa. The siliqua parts asunder with a spring, and the valves roll spirally backward ; the stigma is entire, and the calyx a little gaping. Of this there are 18 species; but the most remarkable is the Cardamine pratensis, wilh a large purplish flower. It grows naturally in many parts of Britain, and is also call- ed cuckow flower. There are four varieties, vis. the single, with purple and white flowers, which are frequent- ly intermixed in the meadows; and the double of both colours. The single sorts are not admitted into gardens; but the double deserve a place, as making a pretty ap- pearance during the time they are in flower. CARDAMOM. SeeAMOMUM andMATERiAMEDiCA. CARDIA, or Cardium, in natural history, a genus of the vermes testacese, or shell fish, lhe shell of which is formed of two ovals, and resembles lhe figure of a heart at cards: the valves are equal and gibbose. Of this genus there are 21 species, some nearly globose, others of a triangular figure, and others irregularly oblong. Under this genus are comprehended the cockles, ark shells, &c. fogether with the pectini inauriti, or scallops without ears, as they are called. CARDIAC, an appellation given to such medicines as preserve or increase the strength of (he heart, and by lhat means the vital forces, though fhey do not immediately operate upon the heart, nor are particularly appropriated to the corroboration of fhaf part. See Materia Medica. CARDIALGIA, the heartburn, in medicine, a disor- der of the stomach attended wifh anxiety, a nausea, and often a reaching or actual vomiting. See Medicine. CARDINAL, an ecclesiastical prince in the Romish church, being one who has a voice in the conclave at the CAR CAR election of a pope. The cardinals were originally noth- ing more than deacons, to whom was intrusted the care of distributing the alms to the poor of the several quar- ters of Rome ; and as they held assemblies of the poor in certain churches of their several districts, (hey (ook the title of these churches. They began to be called cardi- nals in the year 300, during the pontificate of St. Sylves- ter, by which appellation were meant the chief priests of a parish, and next in dignity to a bishop. This office grew more considerable afterward, and by small degrees arriv- ed at its present state. The cardinals compose the pope's council, and till the lime of Urban VIII. were styled most illustrious; but by a decree of that pope in 1630, they had the title of eminence conferred upon them. At the creation of a new cardinal, (he pope performs (he ceremony of shutting and opening his mouth, which is done in a private consistory. The shutting his mouth, implies the depriving him of the liberty of giving his opinion in congregations; and the opening his mouth, which is performed fifteen days after, signifies the taking off this restraint. However, if the pope happens to die during the time a cardinal's mouth is shut, he can neither give hhtyroice in the election of a new pope, nor be himself advanced to that dignity. The cardinals are divided into six classes or orders, consisting of six bishops, fifty priests, and fourteen dea- cons, making in all seventy ; which constitute the sacred college. The number of cardinal bishops has very sel- dom been changed, but that of priests and deacons has varied at different times. The privileges of the cardi- nals are very great; they have aft absolute power in (he church during (he vacancy of (he holy see : (hey have a right fo elect the new pope, and are the only persons on whom the choice can fall: most of the grand offices in the court of Rome, are filled by cardinals. The dress of a cardinal is a red soutanne, a rochet, a short purple man- tle, and the red hat. When fhey are sent to the courts of princes, it is in quality of legates a latere; and when they are appointed governors of towns, their government is called by the name of legation. CARDIOID, in the higher geometry, an algebraical curve, so called from its resemblance to a heart. The Cardioid is thus generated. APB, Plate XIV. Miscell. fig. 11. is a circle and A B its diameter. Through one extremity A of the diameter draw a number of lines A P Q,, cutting the circle in P; upon these set off always P Q, equal to the diameter AB; so shall the points Q, be always in the curve of lhe cardioid. From this generation of the curve, its chief properties are evident, vis, that, everv where PQ, = AB, CQ, or QQ, is = Aa or 2 AB, AQ= AB=L AP. P always bisects QQ,. The cardioid is an algebraical curve, and the equation expressing its nature is thus : Put a = AI5 lhe diameter, Z — al) perp. AH, y = DQperp. AD ; then is J + V2„\.;' _ Brtjy" +^8.3 J = 0, Which IS lhe equation of (he curve. Many properties of the cardioid may be seen in the Philosophical Transactions, 1741. CARDIOSPERMUM, heart pea, a genus of the tri- gynia order, in the octandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 39th order, trihilatse. The calyx is tetraphyllous ; the petals four ; the nectari- um tetraphyllous and unequal; the capsules three, grown together, and inflated. There are three species, natives of the East and West Indies. CARDUUS, the thistle, a genus of the polygamia sequalis order, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, composite. The calyx is ovate, imbricated with prickly scales, and the receptacle hairy. Of this genus there are 51 species, ten of which are natives of Britain ; and being trouble- some weeds, they require no description. Some of the exotics are propagated in gardens for the sake of variety. Carduus benedictus. See Centauria and Materia Medica. CAREENING, in the sea language, the bringing a ship to lie down on one side, in order to trim and caulk tbe oth- er side. A ship is said to be brought to the careen when the most of her lading being taken out, she is hauled down on one side by a smafl vessel as low as necessary ; and there kept by the weight of the ballast, ordnance, &c. as well as by ropes, lest her masts should be strained too much; in order lhat her sides and bottom may be trim- med, seams caulked, or any thing lhat is faully underwa- ter mended. Hence when a ship lies on one side when she sails, she is said to sail on (he careen. CAREX, the sedge, a genus of (he monoecia triandria class and order of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing under the 3d order, calamariae. The characters are : the male flowers are digested into a long spike ; the calyx is an oblong and imbricated amentum, consisting of acute, hollow, and lanceolaf ed scales, each containing one flower : (here is no corolla ; (he stamina are three erect setaceous filaments of the length of the calyx; the antherae are ob- long and erect. In the female flowers the calyx is lhe same as in the male; there are no petals, but there is an inflated oblong nectarium ; the germen is triangular, and is placed within the nectarium ; the style is very short; the stigmata are two or three ; long, crooked, pointed, and hoary. The nectarium grows larger w hen lhe flower is fallen, and contains the seed ; which is single, of an acute ovated form, triangular, and has one of ifs angles usually much smaller than the others. There are 97 species. The common sedge may serve as an example for all. CARICA, the papaw, a genus of the decandria order, belonging to the dioecia class of planfs, and in the natural method ranking under the 38th order, tricocca?. The calyx of the male, almost none ;' the corolla is quinquefid and funnel shaped ; the filaments in the tube of (he corolla a longer and a shorter one alternately. The calyx of (he fe- male qninquedenteted ; (he corolla is pentapetalous, with five stigmata; fhe fruit an unilocular and polyspermous berry. 1. Carica papaya rises with a thick, soff, herbaceous stem, (o (he height of 18 or 20 feet, naked (ill within two or (hree feet of (he top. The leaves come ou( on every side, upon very long footstalks; in full grown plants they are very large, and divided into many lobes Jeeply sinu- CAR CAR ated. The flowers of the male plant are of a pure white, and ha*e an agreeable odour. The flowers ofthe female papaya are large, bell shaped, composed of six petals, and cofijinonly yellow ; when (hesc fall away, (he germen b wells (o a fleshy fruit, ofthe size of a small melon. These fruits are of different forirs : some angular, and compressed at both ends; o(hers oval or globular, and some pyrami- dal. The fruit, and all the other parts of the tree, abound with a milky acrid juice, which is applied for killing of ringworms. When the roundish fruit are nearly ripe, the inhabitants of India boil and eat them with their meat as we do turnips. They have somewhat the flavour of a pompion. But they mostly pickle tbe long fruit, and thus they make no bad succedaneum for mango. The buds of the female flowers are gathered, and made into a sweet- meat ; and the inhabitants are such good managers of the produce of the tree, that they boil the shells of the ripe fruit into a repast, and the insides are eaten with sugar and pepper, like melons. The stem being hollow, has given birth to a proverb in the West India islands, where, in speaking ofa dissembling person, they say he is as hollow as a papaw. 2. Carica prosoposa, differs from the other in having a branching stalk, the lobes of the leaves entire, the flower of a rose colour, and the fruit shaped like a pear, and of a sweeter flavour than the papaya. Both species being na- tives of bot countries, they cannot be preserved in Britain unless constantly kept in a warm stove. They are easily propagated by seeds, which are annually brought in plenty from the West Indies, though the seeds of the European plants ripen well. CARINA, in architecture, a name given by the Ro- mans to all buildings in the form of a ship, from carina, the keel of a ship : as we still apply the word nave from navis, a ship, to the middle or principal vault of our churches, because it has that figure. Carina, in anatomy, a term used for the fibrous rudi- ments, or embryo of a chick, appearing in an incubated egg. The carina consists of the entire vertebrae, as they ap- pear after ten or twelve days incubation. C ARISSA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants ; and in the natural meth- od ranking under the 30th order, contortas. It has two berries, many seeded. There are two species, trees of Africa. CARLINA, the carline thistle, a genus of the polyga- mia tequalis order, in the syngenesia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, com- posite. The calyx is radiated with long coloured marginal scales. There are nine species ; but the carlina vulgaris is the only one that is a native of Britain. All fhe others are natives of lhe south of France or Italy, and are very easily propagated in this country by seeds. The roots are used in medicine, and for that purpose are imported. As we receive them they are about an inch thick, ex- ternally of a rusty brown colour, corroded as it were on (he surface, and perforated wi(h numerous small holes, appearing as if worm eaten. They have a strong smell, and a subacrid, biUerish, weakly aromatic taste. They are reckoned warm alexipharmics and diaphoretics. CARLINE, or Caroline, a silver coin current in (he Neapolitan dominions, and worth about fourpence of our money. CARLINGS, or Carlines, in a ship, two pieces of timber lying fore and aft, alon^ from beam io beam, where- on the ledges rest on wnich the planks of the ship are fastened. CARLOCK, in commerce, a sort of isinglass made with the sturgeon's bladder, imported from Archangel. The chief use of it is for clarifying wine; but it is also used by dyers. CARMELITES, or White friars, are an order of Our Lady of mount Carmel, making one ofthe four or- ders of mendicants. They pretend to derive their origin from the prophets Elijah and Elisha. Their original rules contained sixteen articles, one of which confined them to their cells, and enjoined them to employ them* selves day and night in prayer; another prohibited the brethren having any property ; another enjoined fasting, from the feast of the exaltation of the holy cross till Easter, excepting on Sundays ; abstinence at all times from flesh was enjoined by another article: one obliged them to manual labour; another imposed a strict silence on them from vespers till the tierce the next day. However, these constitutions have been in some respects altered. CARMINATIVES, in pfiarmacy, medicines used in colics, or other flatulent disorders, to dispel the wind. See Materia Medica. CARMINE, a powder of a very beautiful red colour, bordering upon purple, and used by painters in miniature, though but rarely because of its great price. The mode of preparing this colour is kept from the public. The receipts which have been from time to time published concerning the preparation of Ihis and other colours, have been rarely found to succeed in practice. It is said to be extracted from cochineal by means of water, wherein chouan and antour have been infused ; some add rocou, but this gives it too much of fhe opal cast. Others make carmine with Brazil wood, fernambouc, and leaf gold, beat- en in a mortar, and steeped in white wine vinegar; the scum arising from this mixture, upon boiling, when dried, makes carmine ; but this kind is vastly inferior to the former. There is another carmine, made of Brazil wood and fernambouc, by a different preparation. CARNEDDE, in British antiquity, denotes heaps of stones supposed to be druidical remains, and thrown to- gether on some important occasions. They are very common in the isle of Anglesey, and were also used aa sepulchral monuments, in the manner of tumuli. Hence it is inferred, lhat the ancient Britons bad the custom of throwing stones on the deceased. From this custom is derived the Welsh proverb, karn ardyben ; '* 111 betide thee." CARNEL, among ship carpenters. The building of ships, first with their timbers and beams, and after bring- ing on their planks, is called carnel work, to distinguish it from clinch work. CARNELIAN, sarda, in natural history, a precious stone, of wbich there are three kinds, distinguished by (hree colours, a red, a yellow, and a white. Authors have attributed medicinal virtues to this stone, meaning the red carnelian; this, therefore, is to be understood as the sarda, or carnelian of the shops. It is very well known among us ; and is found in roundish or oval masses, much like our common pebbles; and is generally met with between an inch and two or three inches in diameter. CAR CAR It is of a fine, compact, and close texture, of a glossy sur- face ; and in the several specimens is of all the degrees of red, from lhe palest flesh colour to the deepest blood red. It is generally free from spots, clouds, or variegations : but sometimes it is veined very beautifully with an extreme- ly pale red, or with white ; the veins forming concentric circles, or other less regular figures, about a nucleus, in the manner of those of agates. The pieces of carnelian which are all of one colour, and perfectly free from veins, are (hose which our jewelters generally make use of for seals, though the variegated ones are much more beautiful. The carnelian is tolerably hard, and capable of a very good polish: it is not at all affected by acid menstruums ; the fire divests it of a part of its colour, and leaves it ofa pale red; and a strong and long continued heat will re- duce it to a pale dirty gray. The finest carnelians are those of the East Indies; but there are very beautiful ones found in the rivers of Silesia and Bohemia; and we have some not despicable in England. Though the ancients have recommended the carnelian as an astringent, and attributed a number of fanciful vir- tues to it, we know no other use of the stone than the cut- ting seals on it, to wbich purpose it is excellently adapt- ed, as being not too hard for cutting, and yet hard enough not to be liable to accidents, to take a good polish, and to separate easily from the wax. According to the new arrangement in natural history, the carnelian is a variety ofthe chalcedony of fsero, and is composed of 84 parts of silica, and 16 of alumine, mixed with iron. The name has been given (o different hard stones, capable ofa fine polish, but chalcedony forms the basis of the greater number. The varieties in their col- ours, transparency, &c. have given occasion to their being known under a great variety of names. CARNIVAL, or Carnaval, a time of rejoicing, a season of mirth, observed with great solemnity by the Italians, particularly at Venice, lasting from Twelfth day till Lent. Feasts, balls, operas, concerts of music, in- trigues, marriages, &c. are chiefly held in carnival time. The carnival begins at Venice the second holiday in Christmas; then it is they begin to wear masks, and open their playhouses and gaming houses ; fhe Place of St. Mark is filled with mountebanks, pedlars, and such like mob, who flock thither from all parts. There have been no less than seven sovereign princes, and thirty thou- sand foreigners here, to partake of these diversions. CARNIVOROUS, an appellation given to animals which naturally feed on flesh, and thence called beasts or birds of prey. Some will have if, that no quadrupeds are naturally carnivorous but those furnished with canine or dog teeth : on which principle mankind are excluded out ofthe number of naturally carnivorous animals; and, in fact, animal food must undergo various preparations be- fore it is fit for the use of man. CAROLINE BOOKS, the name of four books, com- posed by order of Charlemagne, to refute the second coun- • il of Nice. These books are couched in very harsh and severe terms, containing one hundred and twenty heads of accusation against the council of Nice, and condemning (he worship of images. CAROLINE A, a genus of (he monadelphia polyandria !•]■{** and order. The essential character is; monogy- niNUM. calyx ■-■imple, tubular, truncate; petal ensiform; pome five grooved, two celled. There are two specie-); natives of Guiana and Tobago. CAROLOSTADIANS, in church history, an ancient branch of Lutherans, who denied the real presence in the eucharist. CAROLUS, an ancient English broad piece of gold, struck under Charles I. Its value has of late been at twenty-three shillings sterling, though at the time it was coined, it is said to have been rated at twenty shil- lings. Carolus, a small copper coin, with a little silver mix- ed with it, struck under Charles VIII. of France. The carolus was worth twelve deniers when it ceased to be current. CAROTEEL, in commerce, an uncertain weight or quantity of goods. Thus a caroteel of cloves is from four to five hundred weight, of currants from five to nine, of mace about three hundred, of nutmegs from six to seven hundred and a half. CAROTIDS, in anatomy, two arteries of the neck, which convey the blood from the aorta to the brain. See Anatomy. CAROXYLON, a genus of the pentandria monogynia class and order: the essentia! character is; corolla five petaled; nect. five leaved, converging, inserted into the corolla; seed clothed. There is one species. CARPESIUM, a genus of the syngenesia polygamia superflua class and order: the essential character is; calyx imbricate; down none; recept. naked. There are two species. CARP. See Cvprinus. CARPiEA, a kind of dance anciently practised in Athens and other Grecian states, by two persons, the one acting as a labourer, the other as a robber. The labour- er, laying by his arms, goes to ploughing and sowing: the robber appears, and the other betakes himself lo his arms, and fights in defence of his oxen. The whole was per- formed to the sound of flutes. Sometimes the one was victor and sometimes the other, and the reward was the oxen and plough. Tbe great object of ihis nalional ex- ercise was to teach and accustom lhe peasants to defend themselves against the attacks of ruffians. CARPET, a sort of stuff wrought with the needle or on a loom, which is part of the furniture ofa house, and commonly spread over fables, or laid upon the floor. Per- sian and Turkey carpets are most esteemed; though at Paris there is a manufactory after the manner of Persia, where they make them little inferior, not lo say finer, than (he (rue Persian carpets. They are velvety, and per- fectly imitate lhe carpets which come from (he Levant. There are also carpets of Germany, some of which are made of woollen stuffs, as serges, &c. and called square carpets ; others are made of wool also, but wrought wilh (he needle, and pretty often embellished wifh silk; and lastly (here are carpels made of dog's hair. We have likewise carpets made in England, which are used either as floor carpets, or lo make chairs and other household furniture. In weaving carpets the design or pattern is traced in its proper colours on cartons, tied before the workman, who looks at Ihem every moment, because every stitch is marked upon them, *s if is to be in his work. By thU means he always knows what colours and slides )-e ;» f© CAR CAR use, and how many stitches of tbe same colour. In this he is assisted by squares, into which the whole design is divided; each square is subdivided into ten vertical lines, corresponding with the parcels often threads of tbe warp; and besides, each square is ruled with ten horizontal lines, crossing the vertical lines at right angles. The workman, having placed his spindles of thread near him, begins to work on the first horizontal line of one ofthe squares. The lines marked on the carton are not traced on the warp, because an iron wire, which is longer than the width of a parcel of ten threads, supplies the place of a cross line. This wire is managed by a crook at one end, at the workman's right hand ; toward the other end it is flatted into a sort of knife, with a back and edge, and grows wider to the point. The weaver fixes his iron wire horizontally on the warp, by twisting some turns of a suitable thread of the woof round it, which he passes forward and back- ward, behind a fore thread ofthe warp, and then behind the opposite thread, drawing them in their turn by their leishes. Afterward he brings the woof thread round the wire, in order to begin again to thrust it into the warp. He continues in this manner to cover the iron rod or wire, and to fill up a line to the tenth thread ofthe warp. He is at liberty either to stop here or to go on with the same cross line in the next division, according as he passes the thread of the woof round the iron wire, and into the warp, the threads of which he causes to cross one another at every instant: when he comes to the end of the line, he takes care to strike in or close again all the stitches with an iron reed, the teeth of which freely enter between the empty threads of the warp, and which is heavy enough to strike in the woof he has used. This row of stitches is again closed and levelled, and in the same manner the weaver proceeds ; then with his left band he lays a strong pair of sheers along the finished line, culs off the loose hairs, and thus forms a row of tufts perfectly even, which, together with those before and after it, form the shag. Thus the workman follows stitch for stitch, and colour for colour, the plan of his pattern, which he is attempting to imitate ; and he paints magnificently, without having the least notion of painting or drawing. CARPINUS, the hornbeam, a genus of the polyandria order, in the monoecia class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 50th order, amentaceae. The calyx of the male is monophyllous and ciliated ; there is no corolla, but 20 stamina. The calyx of the female is monophyllous and ciliated ; no corolla; two germens, with two styles on each. The fruit is an egg shaped nut. There are four species, vis. 1. Carpinus betulus, or common hornbeam ; a decidu- ous tree, native of Europe and America. Its leaves are ofa darkish green, and about the size of those of (he beech, but more pointed and deeply serrated. Itc branch- es are long, flexible, and crooked ; yet in (heir general appearance resemble (hose of (he beech. Indeed (here is so great a likeness between these I wo trees, especially in (heir shrubby and underwood stete, (bat it would be diffi- cult fo distinguish them, were it not for the glossy varnish with which (he leaves of (he beech are strongly marked. As an underwood, it affords stakes and edders, fuel and charcoal. Ifs limber ranks wilh lha( of (he beech and (he sycamore; and (he inner bark is said (o be much used in Scandinavia (o dye yellow. 2. Carpinus ostrya, the hop hornbeam, a native of I(aly and Virginia. 3. Carpinus Virginiana, or flowering hornbeam. 4. Carpinus duinensis. CARPOCRAT1ANS, heretics, who sprung up tow- ard (he middle of (he second centery, being a branch of the ancient Gnostics. They are said to have held a com- munity of wives, and maintained lhat a man cannot arrive at perfection without having passed through all criminal actions; laying down as a maxim, that there is no action bad in itself, but only from the opinion of men. CARPODETUS, a genus of the pentandria monogy- nia class and order: the essential character is, calyx five notched, corolla five petaled; stigma flat headed; berry globular, five celled. There is one species, a native of New Zealand. CARPUS, the wrist. See Anatomy. CARRARA marble, among artificers, the name of a species of white marble, distinguished from the Parian call- ed the statuary marble, by being harder and less bright. CARRIER. Every person carrying goods for hire ia deemed a carrier, and as such is liable in law for any loss or damage that may happen to them whilst in his custody. Waggoners, captains of ships, lightermen, &c. are there- fore carriers; but a stage coachman is not within (he cus- tom as a carrier: neither are hackney coachmen carrier! within the custom of the realm, so as to be chargeable for the loss of goods, unless they are expressly paid for that purpose, for their undertaking is only f o carry the person. If a person takes hire for carrying goods, although he be not a common carrier, he may nevertheless be charg- ed upon a special assumpsit; for where hire is taken a promise is implied ; and where goods are delivered to a carrier, and he is robbed of them, he shall be charged and answer for them on account of the hire, and tbe car- rier can be no loser, as he may recover against the hun- dred. Goods sent by a carrier cannot be distrained for rent; and any person carrying goods for all persons in- differently, is lo be deemed a common carrier as far as re- lates to this privilege. A delivery to a servant is a de- livery to the master; and if goods are delivered to a carrier's porler and lost, an action will lie against the carrier. 1 Salk. 282. Where a carrier gives notice by printed proposals that he will not be responsible for certain valuable goods if lost, if more (han (he value of a sum specified, unless entered and paid for as such ; and valuable goods of that descrip- tion are delivered to him, by a person who knows lhe con- ditions, but concealing the value, pays no more lhan the ordinary price of carriage and booking; the carrier is, under such circumstances, neither responsible lo the sum specified, nor liable to repay the sum paid for carriage and booking. M. 30. Geo. III. 1. II. B. 298. A carrier who undertakes for hire to carry goods, i« bound to deliver them at all events, unless damaged and destroyed by the act of God, or the king's enemies; and if any accident, however inevitable, happen through lhe intervention of human means, a carrier becomes respon- sible. 1 T. R. 27. CARRON ADE, a short kind of ordnance, capable of carrying a large ball, and useful in close engagements at sea. It has its name from Carron, fhe place where this kind of ordnance was first made. CAR CAR CARROT, daucus, in botany. See Daucus. CARRUCA, in antiquity, a splendid kind of car, or chariot, highly decorated with gold, silver, ivory, &c. in which tbe emperors, senators, and people of high rank, were carried. The word was used also in the middle ages to signify a plough. Hence CARRUCAGE denoted the ploughing of ground: either ordinary, as for grain, hemp, flax ; or extraordi- nary, as for wood, dyers' weed, rape, and the like: and CARRUCATE, in our ancient history, denotes as much arable land as can be tilled in one year with one plough. In the Doomsday inquisition, the arable land is estimated in carrucates, the pasture in hides, and the meadow land in acres. In (he reign of Richard I. (he carrucate was estimated at 60 acres; in the time of Ed- ward I. at 180, and in tbe 23d of Edward III. it contained 112 acres. CARTHAMUS, a genus of the order of polygamia sequalis, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, composif x. The ca- lyx is ovate, imbricated with scales, close below, and augmented with subovate foliaceous appendices at top. Of this genus there are 10 species; but the only remarkable one is Carthamus tinctorius, with a saffron coloured flower, a native of Egypt and some of the warm parts of Asia. It is cultivated in many parts of Europe, and in the Levant, whence great quantities of it are annually imported into Britain for dyeing and painting. It is an annual plant, and rises with a stiff ligneous stalk, about 2£ or 3 feet in height, dividing upward inlo many branches, with oval pointed leaves silting close to the branches. The flowers grow single at the extremity of each branch ; the heads of the flowers are large, of a fine saffron colour, and are the part used for the purposes above mentioned. CARTHUSIANS, a religious order, founded in the year 1080, by one Bruno. Their rules are very severe. They are not to go out of their cells, except to church, without leave of their superior, nor speak to any person without leave. They must not keep any portion of their meat or drink till next day; their beds are of straw, covered wifh a felt; their clothing two hair cloths, two cowls, two pair of hose, and a cloak, all coarse. In the refectory they are to keep their eyes on the dish, their hands on the (able, their attention on the reader, and their hearts fixed on God. Women are not allowed to come into their churches. CARTILAGE, in anatomy, a body approaching much to the nature of bones, but lubricous, flexible, and elastic. See Anatomv. CARTIL AQINOUSfishes, or those with cartilaginous fin9, constitute a class or order of fishes, called by Lin- naeus amphibia nantes. The term is applied to all those fish, fhe muscles of which are supported by cartilages, or gristles, instead of bones. They unite in their forma- tion several leading proper(ies of (he o(her tribes. Like the cetaceous, they have lungs ; and, like the spinous, they have gills, and a heart without a partition. Thus they fiossess a twofold manner of breathing; sometimes by their ungs, and sometimes by (heir gills. This double capacity of breathing in cartilaginous fish is one ofthe most remark- able features in the history of nature, as they are thus enabled lo unite all the advantages of which their situation vol. i. 59 is capable, and draw from both elements every aid to their necessities or their enjoyment. The apertures by which they breathe are variously placed. The gills are affixed to these apertures, but without any bone to open and 3hut them. From the gills are cylindrical ducts running (o (he lungs, and which are supposed to convey the air that gives play to the organs. This tribe can live longer out of the water than those whose gills are more simple; tbey can venture their heads above the deep, and continue for hours out of their native element. This order includes the shark, lamprey, sturgeon, ray, &c. CARTON, or Cartoon, in painting, a design drawn on strong paper to be afterward calked through, and trans- ferred on the fresh plaster of a wall to be painted in fresco. Carton is also used for a design coloured for working in mosaic, tapestry, &c. The cartons at Hampton courl are designs of Raphael Urbino. They are seven in num- ber, and form only a small part of tbe sacred historical designs executed by this artist, while engaged in the chambers of the Vatican, under the auspices of popes Julius II. and Leo X. When finished they were sent to Flanders fo be copied in tapestry, for adorning the pontifi- cal apartments ; the work was not, however, sent to Rome till after the death of Raphael. The cartons themselves lay long neglected after the sacking of Rome in the time of Clement VII. they were at length discovered and pur- chased by Rubens for Charles I. of England. They are held in lhe highest estimation by all those who have any pretensions to true taste, for their various and matchless merit, particularly wilh regard to the invention, and to the great and noble expression of such a variety of char- acters, countenances, and attitudes, as Ihey are different- ly affected and properly engaged. CARTOUCHE, in architecture and sculpture, an or- nament representing a scroll of paper. It is usually aflat member, with wavings, to represent some inscription, de- vice, cypher, or ornament of armoury. They are in ar- chitecture much the same as modillions; only these are set under the cornice in wainscoting, and those under the cornice at the eaves of a house. Cartouche, in the military art, a case of wood, about three inches thick at the bottom, girt with marlin, holding about 400 musket balls, besides six or eight balls of iron, of a pound weight, to be fired out of a hobit, for the de- fence of a pass, &c. A cartouche is sometimes made of a globular form, and filled with a ball of a pound weight; and sometimes it is made for the guns, being of ball of half or quarter pound weight, according to the nature of the gun, tied in form of a bunch of grapes, on a tompion of wood, and coated over. These were made in the room of partridge shot. CARTRIDGE, in the military art, a case of paste- board or parchment, holding the exact charge of a fire arm. Those for muskets, carabines, and pistols, hold both the powder and ball for the charge; and those of cannon and mortars are usually in cases of pasteboard or tin, sometimes of wood, half a foot long, adapted to the caliber of the piece. CARTS. Every cart, &c. for the carriage of any thin* to and from any place where the streets are paved, within the bills of mortality, shall contain six inches in the felly • and no person shall drive any cart, &c. within the limits' aforesaid, unless the name of the owner and number of OAR CAR such cart be placed in some conspicuous part thereof, and his name entered with the commissioners of the hackney coaches, under the penalty of 40s. and any person may seize and detain such cart till (he penalty be paid. 18. Geo. II. c. 33. And if the driver shall ride upon such cart without having a person on foot to guide it, he shall forfeit 10s. and the owner so guilty forfeits 20s. On changing property fhe name of the new owners shall be affixed, and entry shall be made with the commissioners of the hackney coaches. The entry of all carts driven within five miles of Temple bar, is strictly enjoined by the 24 Geo. III. s. 2. c. 27. CARUM, a genus of fhe digynia order, in the pentan- dria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 45th order, umbellatse. The fruit is ovate, oblong, and striated ; the involucrum monophyllous ; the petals are carinated or keel shaped below, and emargi- nated by their inflection. There is one species, Carumcarui, the caraway of the shops, grows naturally in many places of Britain. It is a biennial plant, which rises from seeds one year, flowers the next, and perishes soon after the seeds are ripe. It has a strong aromatic taste, and a taper root like a parsnep, but much smaller, which runs deep into the ground, sending out many small fibres. From the root arises one or two smooth, solid, channelled stalks, about two feet high, with winged leaves, having long naked footstalks. The seed of this plant is one of the greater hot seeds, stomachic, carminative, and good in the colic. The officinal preparations of it are the seeds candied with sugar, and an oil distilled from the seed. CARUNCULA. See Anatomy. CARUNCLES in the urethra. See Surgery. CARUS, in medicine, a sudden deprivation of sense and motion, affecting the whole body. See Medicine. CARYATIDES, or Cariates, in architecture, a kind or order of columns or pilasters under the figure of women dressed in long robes, after the manner of the Carian peo- le, and serving instead of. columns to support the enta- lemeiit. CARYOCAR, in botany, a genus of the tetragynia or- der, in the polyandria class of plants. The calyx is quin- quepartite, the petals five, the styles most frequently four. The fruit is a drupe, with nucleuses, and four furrows net- ted. There is one species. CARYOPHYLLUS, tbe clove tree, a genus of the monogynia order, in the polyandria class of plants ; and in the natural method ranking under the 19th order, hespe- ridese. The corolla is tetrapetalous; the calyx tetraphy 1 - lous ; the berry monospermous, below the receptacle of fhe flower. Of this there is but one species, vis. Caryophyllus aromaticus, which is a native of the Mo- lucca islands, particularly of Amboyna, where it is prin- cipally cultivated. The clove tree resembles in its bark the olive; and is about tbe height of the laurel. No verdure is ever seen under it. It has a great number of branches, at the extremities of which are produced vast quantities of flowers, lhat are first white, then green, and at last pretty red and hard. When they arrive at this degree of matu- rity, (hey are, properly speaking, cloves. As they dry, tbey assume a dark yellowish cast, and when gathered become of a deep brown. The season for gathering the clovea is from October to February. The boughs of the frees are then strongly shaken, or "the cloves beaten down with long reeds. Large cloths are spread to receive them and (hey are afterward either dried in (he sun or in the smoke of the bamboo cane. The cloves which escape the notice of those who gather them, or are purposely left upon the free, continue to grow till they are about as inch in thickness; aud these falling off, produce new plants, which do not bear in less than eighl or nine vears. Those which are called mother cloves are inferior to the common sort, but are preserved in sugar by the Dutch, and in lonr voyages eaten after their meals, to promote digestion. The clove,' to be in perfection, must be full sized, heavy] oily, and easily broken, of a fine smell, and of a bot aro- matic taste, so as almost lo burn the throat. It should make tbe fingers smart when handled, and leave an oily moisture upon them when pressed. In lhe East Indies and in some parte of Europe, it is so much admired as to be thought an indispensable ingredient in almost every dish. Cloves are very hot, stimulating, aromatics; and possess in an eminent degree the general virtues of sub- stances of this class. Their pungency resides in their resin, or rather in a combination of resin with essential oil; for the spirituous extract is very pungent: but if the oil and the resin contained in this extract are separated from each olher by distillation, (he oil will be very mild; and any pungency which it does retain, proceeds from some small portion of adhering resin, and the remaining oil will be insipid. No plant, or part of any plant, con- tains such a quantity of oil as cloves do. From 16 ounces Newman obtained by distillation two ounces and two drams, and Hoffman obtained an ounce and a half of oil from two ounces of the spice. The oil is specifically heavier than water. Cloves acquire weight by imbibing water; and this they will do at some considerable distance. The Dutch, who trade in cloves, make a considerable ad- vantage by knowing this secret. They sell them alwavs by weight; and when a bag of cloves is ordered, (hey hang i( for several hours before i,( is sen( in, over a vessel of water, at about two feet distance from the surface. This will add many pounds to the weight, which the un- wary purchaser pays for on the spot. This is sometime! practised in Europe, as well as in the spice islands: but the degree of moisture must be more carefully watched in the latter ; for there a bag of cloves will, in one night's time, attract so much water, that it may be pressed out by squeezing them wifh the hand. At Amboyna the com- pany have allotted the inhabitants 4000 parcels of land, on each of which they were at first allowed, and about the year 1720 compelled, to plant about 125 trees, amount- ing in all to 500,000. Each of these trees produces annu- ally on an average more than two pounds of cloves, and consequently the collective produce must weigh more than a million. See Plate XXVII. Nat. Hist. fig. 92. CARYOTA, in botany, a genus of the monoecia po- lyandria plants, classed by Linnaeus under palmae: the male and female flowers of which are produced in sep- arate parts of the same spadix ; (he corolla is divided into three hollow, lanceolated segments; (he stemina are nu- merous filaments, longer than the corolla; fhe anthers are linear ; the corolla in (he female flower is divided into two very small acuminated segments ; the fruit is a round berry, containing a single cell; the seeds are two, large, oblong, rounded on one side, and flatted on the other. There are two species. CAS CAS CASE, among grammarians, implies the different in- flexions or terminations of nouns, serving to express the different relations they bear to each other, and to the things they represent. Case, among printers, denotes a sloping frame, divid- ed into several compartments, each containing a number of types or letters of the same kind. From these com- partments the compositor takes out each letter as he wants it, to compose a page or form. Case of crown glass contains 12, 15, or 18 fables, ac- cording to the quality of the glass : in cases of the best glass there are the smallest number of tables, as the price is (he same for each case. Cask of Newcastle green glass contains 35 tables. Case hard en mo, a method of preparing iron, so as to render its outer surface hard, and capable of resisting any edged tool. Case shot, in the military art, musket ball, stones, old iron, &c. put into cases, and shot out of great guns. CASEMENT, or Casemate, in architecture, a hol- low moulding, which some architects make one sixth ofa circle, and others one fourth. CASERN, in fortification, lodgings built in garrison towns, generally near the rampart, or in the waste places of the town, for lodging the soldiers of the garrison. There are usually two beds in each casern for six soldiers to lie, who mount the guard alternately, the third part being always on duty. CASES, reserved, in the polity of the Romish church, atrocious crimes, the absolution of which is reserved by the superiors to themselves or their vicars. There are cases reserved by the pope, who formerly gave (he ab- solution in person, but now delegates that power (o cer- tain bishops and priests : cases reserved by (he bishops in convents, some by (he chapters; but at tbe point of death all reserved cases are absolvable by the ordinary. The cases reserved by the pope, according to (he ritual of Paris, are: 1. The wilful burning of churches, and also of other places, if (he incendiary is publickly pro- claimed. 2. Actual simony. 3. The murder or mutila- tion of a person in holy orders. 4. The striking a bishop or other prelate. 5. Furnishing arms to the infidels. 6. Falsifying the bulls or letters of the pope. 7. Invading or pillaging the lands of the church. 8. Violating an in- terdiction of (he pope. CASHEW NUT. See Anacardium. CASING of timber work, among builders, is (he plas- tering a house all over on the outside with morfar, and then striking it while wet by a ruler wifh the corner ofa trowel, to make it resemble the joints of freestone. Some direct it to be done upon heart laths, because the mortar would in a little time decay the sap laths, and to lay on fhe mortar in (wo thicknesses, vis. a second before the first is dry. CASKETS, on board a ship, small ropes made of sin- net, and fastened (o grommets or lit tie rings upon (he yards. Their use is (o make fast (he sail to the yard when it is to be furled. CASSATION, among civilians, the act of annulling any act or procedure. The reasons of cassation are; 1. AY hen a decree is directly contrary to another decree, and both airainsl (be snc e party. 2. AY hen the decrees •re contrary to the express decision of statutes and cus- 59* tomi. 3. When the formalities prescribed by the laws have not been observed. Cassation is properly a term in the courts of France, the laws of which country require the party that sues for a cassation, to deposite 450 livres, which sum is forfeited if he fails in his suit. CASSIA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the de- candria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 33d order, lomentaceae. The calyx is penfa- phyllous ; petals five; antherae, upper, (hree barren; lower, three beaked : a leguminous plant. There are 51 species, all natives of warm climates. The most remark- able are: 1. Cassia fistula, the purging cassia of Alexandria, is a native of Egypt and both Indies: it rises to the height of 40 or 50 feet, with a large trunk, dividing into many branches with winged leaves. The flowers are produced in long spikes at the end of the branches, each standing upon a long footstalk : these are .composed of fine yellow concave petals, which are succeeded by cylindrical pods from one fo two feet long, with a dark brown woody shell, having a longitudinal seam on one side, divided into many cells by transverse partitions, each containing one or two oval, smooth, compressed seeds, lodged* in a blackish pulp, which is tbe cassia used in medicine. There are two sorts of this drug in the shops, one brought from the East Indies, the other from the West. The canes or pods of the latter are generally large, rough, Ibick rinded, and the pulp nauseous ; (hose of the former are less, smoother, the pulp blacker, and of a sweeter taste ; this sort is pre- ferred (o the other. The pods should be chosen weighty, new, and not rattling, from the seeds being loose within them, when shaken. The pulp should be of a bright shining black colour, and a sweet teste ; not harsh, which happens from the fruit being gathered before it has grown fully ripe, or sourish, wbich it is apt to turn upon keep- ing : it should neither be very dry nor very moist, nor at all mouldy ; which, from its being kept in damp cellars or moistened, in order to increase its weight, it is very sub- ject to be. The greatest part of the pulp dissolves both in water and rectified spirit; and may be extracted from the pod by either. This pulp is a gentle laxative medicine ; and frequently given, in a dose of some drams, in costive habits. See Plate XXVII. Nat. Hist. fig. 93. 2. Cassia senna, is a shrubby plant cultivated in Persia, Syria, and Arabia, for the leaves, which form a considera- ble article of commerce. They are of an oblong figure, sharp pointed at the ends, about a quarter of an inch broad, and not a full inch in length ; ofa lively yellowish green colour, a faint, not very agreeable smell, and a subacrid, bitterish, nauseous taste. They are brought from the above places, dried and picked fjom tbe stalks, to Alexandria in Egypt, and thence imported info Eu- rope. Some inferior sorte are brought from Tripoli and other places: (hese may easily be distinguished by their being either narrower, longer, and sharper pointed; or larger, broader, and round pointed, wiJh small prominent veins ; or large and obdise, ofa fresh green colour, with- out any yellow cast. Senna is a very useful cathartic, operating mildly, and yet effectually ; and if judiciously dosed and managed, rarely occasioning (he ill conse- quences which loo fiequenlly follow the exhibition of (he stronger purges. CAS CAS CASSID A, in zoology, a genus of insects, ofthe order of the coleoptera, with filiform or threadlike antenna; thick- est toward the extremities. Add to this, that the thorax is plain and marginated. Of this genus there are many spe- cies, some green, as the viridis, some gray, but most black; but all have been confounded by authors with the beetles, and called in English tortoise beetles. Foreign countries afford many beautiful species. Even in this climate there is something singular in them. Their larva, by the help of two prongs which are found at its hinder extremity, makes itself, with its own excrements, a kind of umbrella, that shelters it from the sun and rain. When this um- brella becomes too dry, it parts with it for a new one. This larva casts its slough several times. Thistles and verticillated plants are inhabited by these insects. There is one species, of which the chrysalis resembles an armori- al escutcheon. It is this which produces our variegated cassida. Numbers are found on the sides of ponds, upon the wild elecampane. See Plate XXVII. Nat. Hist. fig. 94. CASSINE; a genus of the trigynia order, in the pen- tandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 23d order, dumosae. The calyx is quinque- partite; the petals are five ; and the fruit is a trispermous berry. There are four species, all of them natives of warm climates. CASSIOPEIA, in astronomy, a constellation in fhe northern hemisphere, situated opposite to the Great Bear, on the other side ofthe pole. The stars of this constella- tion in Ptolemy's catalogue, are thirteen; in Tycho's twenty-eight; and in Mr. Flamsteed's fifty-six. In the year 1572 a remarkable new star appeared in this con- stellation, surpassing Sirius or Lyra in brightness and magnitude. It appeared even bigger than Jupifer, which, at that time, was near his perigee, and by some was thought equal to Venus when she is in her greatest lus- tre ; but in a month it began to diminish in lustre, and in about eighteen months entirely disappeared. CASSITERIA, in the history of fossils, a genus of crystals, the figures of which are influenced by an admix- ture of some particles of tin. The cassiteria are of two kinds; the whitish pellucid cassiterion, and the brown cassiterion: the first is a tolerably bright and pellucid crystal, and seldom subject to the common blemishes of crystal: it is ofa perfect and regular form, in the figure of a quadrilateral pyramid, and is found in Devonshire and Cornwall principally. The brown cassiterion is like the former in figure: it is of a very smooth and glossy sur- face, and is also found in great plenty in Devonshire and Cornwall. CASSOWARY. See Struthio. CAST, or caste, in the East, denotes a tribe or num- ber of families of the same rank and profession. The di- vision of a nation into casts obtains in the dominions of fhe great mogul, kingdom of Bengal, and the island of Ceylon. There are four principal casts, vis. that of the bramins, which is tbe most noble; that of tbe rajahs, or princes, who claim to be descended from the royal fami- lies ; that of the choutres, which includes artificers ; and that of the parias, the lowest of all. Every art and trade is confined to ifs proper cast, nor can it be exercised by any but those whose fathers have professed the same. The cast of parias ia held infamous ; and (here are trades in (he cast of choutres which debase the professors of them al. most to the same rank; some of which are fishermen shoemakers, and even shepherds. CASTANIA, chesnut, in botany, a genus of the class monoecia, order pentandria. The es sential characters are • cal. five and six leaved ; cor. five petaled ; seed two and' three, enclosed in a convex hull or bur; flowers in June. There are three species. 1. C. vesca americana, com- mon chesnut, native of Pennsylvania and Carolina. 2. C. nana, dwarf chesnut, native of Georgia, and 3. C. pumila chinquapin, native of Pennsylvania and Georgia. (6) CASSYTA, a genus of the monogynia order, in lhe enneandria class of plants. The corolla is in the form of a calyx, divided into six segments ; the nectarium is com- posed of three truncated glands encompassing the ger- men ; the interior filaments are glandular ; and the drupe contains a single seed. There are two species. CASTILLAN, or Castillane, a gold coin, current in Spain, and worth fourteen rials and sixteen deniers. Cas- tillan is also a weight used in Spain for weighing gold. It is the hundredth part of a pound Spanish weight. AA*hat they commonly call a weight of gold in Spain, is alwavi understood of the castillan. CASTILLEIA, a genus ofthe didynamia angiosper- mia class and order. The essential character is, calyx tubular, compressed; upper lip bifid, lower none; corolla, lower lip trifid ; capsule two celled. There are two spe- cies, natives of South America. CASTING, among sculptors, implies the taking of casts and impressions of figures, busts, medals, Sec. The art of taking casts or impressions from pieces of sculpture, medals, &c. is of very great importance in tbe fine arts. In order to procure a copy or cast from any figure, bust, medal, &c. it is necessary to obtain a mould, by pressing upon the thing to be moulded or copied some sub- stance which, when soft, is capable of being forced into all the cavities or hollows of the sculpture. When this mould is dry and hard, some substance is poured into it, which will fill all the cavities of the mould, and represent the form of the original from which the mould was taken. The particular manner of moulding depends upon the form of the subject to be worked upon. When there are no projecting parts, but such as form a right or a greater angle with the principal surface ofthe body, nothing more is required than to cover it over with the substance of which the mould is to be formed, taking care to press it well into all the cavities of the original, and to take it off clean, and without bending. The substances used for moulding are various, according to tbe nature and situa- tion of the sculpture. If it may be laid horizontally, and will bear to be oiled without injury, plaster of Paris may be advantageously employed, wbich may be poured over it to a convenient thickness, after oiling it to prevent the plaster from sticking. A composition of beeswax, resin, and pitch, may also be used, which will be a very desira- ble mould, if many casts are to be taken from. •'• But if the situation of the sculpture is perpendicular, so that nothing can be poured upon it, then clay, or some similar substance, must be used. The best kind of clay for this purpose is that used by the sculptors for making their models ; it must be worked (o a due consistence, and hav- ing spread it out fo a size sufficient (o cover all the sur- face, it must be sprinkled over with whiting, (o prevent U CASTING. from adhering to the original. Beeswax and dough, or the crumb of new bread, may also be used for moulding some small subjects. When (here are undercuttings in the bas relief, they must be first filled up before it can be moulded, otherwise the mould could not be got off. When the casts are taken afterward, these places must be work- ed out with a proper tool. AVThen the model, or original subject, is ofa round form, or projects so much that it cannot be moulded in this man- ner, (he mould must be divided into several parts; and it is frequently necessary to cast several parts separately, and afterward (o join (hem together. In this case, the plaster must be tempered with water to such a con- sistence, (ha( it may be worked like soft paste, and must be laid on with some convenient instrument, compressing it so as to make it adapt itself to all parts of the surface. When tbe model is covered to a convenient thickness, the whole must be left at rest till the plaster is set and firm, so as to bear dividing without falling to pieces, or being liable to be put out of its form by any slight violence; and il must (hen be divided into pieces, in order to its being taken off from the model, by cutting it with a knife with a very thin blade; and being divided, must be cau- tiously taken off, and kept till dry: but it must be ob- served, before tbe separation of the parts is made, to notch them across the joints, or lines of division, at prop- er distances, that they may with ease and certainty be properly put together again. The art of properly divid- ing the moulds, in order to make them separate from the model, requires more dexterity and skill than any other thing in the art of casting, and does not admit of rules for the most advantageous conduct of it in every case. AVhere (he subject is ofa round or spheroidal form, it is best to divide the mould into three parts, which will then easily come off from the model; and the same will hold good of a cylinder, or any regular curve figure. The mould being thus formed, and dry, and the parts put to- gether, it must be first oiled, and placed in such a position that the hollow may lie upward, and then filled with plas- ter mixed with water ; and when the cast is perfectly set and dry, it must be taken out of the mould and repaired when necessary, which finishes the operation. In larger masses, where there would otherwise be a great thickness of tbe plaster, a core may be put within the mould, in order to produce a hollow in the cast, which both saves the expense of the plaster, and renders the cast lighter. In the same manner, figures, busts, Sec. may be cast of lead, or any other metal in the moulds of plaster or clay ; taking care, however, that the moulds be perfectly dry; for should there be the least moisture in them, the sudden heat of the metal would convert it into vapour, which would pro- duce an explosion, and blow the melted metal about. To lake a cast in metal from any small animal, insect, or vegetable. Prepare a box, sufficiently large to hold (he animal, which must be dead, in which it must be sus- pended by a string, and the legs, wings, &c. ofthe ani- mal, or (he tendrils, leaves, Sec. ofthe vegetable, must be separated, and adjusted in their right position by a pair of sunll pincers. A due quantity of plaster of Paris mixed with t.dc, must be tempered (o (he proper consistence wifh water, ai.I the sides of the box oiled. Also a straight piece of stick must be put to (he principal part of the body, and pjeces of wire to the extremities of the other parts, in order that they may form, when drawn out after the matter of the mould is set and firm, proper channels for pouring in the metal, and vents for the air, which oth- erwise, by the rarefaction it would undergo from (he heat of the metals, would blow it out, or burst the mould. In a short time the plaster will set, and become hard ; when the stick and wires may be drawn out, and the frame or coffin in which the mould was cast taken away ; and the mould must then be put, first, into a moderate heat, and afterward when it is as dry as it can be rendered by that degree, removed into a greater, which may be gradually increased till the whole is red hot. The animal or vegeta- ble enclosed in the mould, will then be burnt to a coal: and may be totally calcined to ashes, by blowing for some time into the charcoal and passages made for pouring in the metal, and giving vent to the air; which will, at the same time that it destroys the remainder of the animal or vegetable matter, blow out the ashes. The mould must then be suffered to cool gently, and will be perfect; the de- struction of the substance included in it, having produced a corresponding hollow; but it may nevertheless be prop- er to shake the mould, and turn it upside down, as also to blow with the bellows into each of the air vents, in order to free it wholly from any remainder of the ashes; or where there may be an opportunity of filling the hollow with quicksilver, it will be found a very effectual method of clearing the cavity; as all dust, ashes, or small detached bodies, will necessarily rise to the surface of the quick- silver, and be poured out with it. The mould being thus prepared, it must be heated very hot, when used, if the cast is to be made with copper or brass, but a less degree will serve for lecd or tin. The metal being poured into the mould, must be gently struck, and then suffered to rest till it is cold; at which time it must be carefully taken from the cast, but without force ; for such parts of the matter as appear to adhere more strongly, must be softened, by soaking in water till they are entirely loosen- ed, that none ofthe more delicate parts ofthe cast may be broken off or bent. When talc cannot be obtained, plaster alone may be used; but it is apt to be calcined, by the heat used in burning the animal or vegetable whence the cast is taken, and to become of too incoherent and friable a texture. Stourbridge, or any other good clay, washed perfectly tine, and mixed with an equal part of fine sand, may be employed. Pounded pumice stone, and plaster of Paris, in equal quantities, mixed with washed clay in the same pro- portion, is said to make excellent moulds. Method of taking a cast in plaster from a person's face. The person whose likeness is required in plaster, must lie on his back, and the hair must be lied back, so that none of it covers the face. Info each nostril convey a conical piece of stiff paper, open at both ends to allow of breath- ing. The face is then lightly oiled over in every part with salad oil, to prevent the plaster from sticking to fhe skin. Procure some fresh burnt plaster, and mix it with water to a proper consistence for pouring. Then pour it by spoonfuls quickly all over the face, taking care the eyes are shut, till it is entirely covered to the thickness of a quarter of an inch. This substance will grow sensibly hot, and in a few minutes it will be hard, and form a mould, in which a head of clay may be moulded; and therein the CAS C A S eyes may be opened, and such other additions and correc- tions may be made as are necessary. Then, this second face being anointed with oil, another mould of plaster must be made upon it, consisting of two parts joined lengthwise along the ridge of the nose ; and in this a cast in plaster may be taken, which will be exactly like the original. To take casts from medals. In order to take copies of medals, a mould must first be made; this is generally ei- ther of plaster of Paris, or of melted sulphur. After having oiled the surface of the medal with a little cotton, or a camel's hair pencil dipped in oil of olives, put a hoop of paper round it, standing up above the surface of the thickness you wish the mould to be. Then take some plaster of Paris, mix it with water to the consist- ence of cream, and with a brush rub it over the surface of the medal, to prevent air holes from appearing: then immediately afterward make it to a sufficient thickness, by pouring on more plaster. Let it stand about half an hour, and it will in that time grow so hard, that you may safely take it off; then pare it smooth on the back and round the edges neatly. It should be dried, if in cold or damp weather, before a brisk fire. If you cover the face of the mould with fine plaster, a coarser sort will do for the back : but no more plaster should be mixed up at one time than can be used, as it will soon get hard, and cannot be soften- ed without burning over again. Sulphur must not be poured upon silver medals, as this will tarnish them. To prepare this mould for casting sulphur or plaster of Paris in, take half a pint of boiled linseed oil, and oil of turpentine one ounce, and mix them together in a bottle ; when wanted, pour the mixture into a plate or saucer, and dip the surface ofthe mould into it; take tbe mould out again; and when it has sucked in the oil, dip it again. Re- peat this, till the oil begins to stagnate upon it ; then take a little cotton wool, hard rolled up, to prevent the oil from sticking to it, and wipe it carefully off. Lay it in a dry place for a day or two, if longer the better, and the mould will acquire a very hard surface from the effect ofthe oil. To cast plaster of Paris in this mould proceed with it in the same manner as above directed for obtaining the mould itself, first oiling the mould with olive oil. If sul- phur casts are required, it must be melted in an iron ladle. Another method with isinglass. Dissolve isinglass in water over the fire ; then, with a hair pencil, lay the melt- ed isinglass over the medal; and when you have covered it properly, let it dry. AVhen it is hard, raise the isinglass up with the point, of a penknife, and it will fly off like horn, having a sharp impression of the medal. The isinglass may be made of any colour, by mixing the colour with it; or you may breathe on the concave side, and lay gold leaf on it, which, by shining through, will make it appear like a gold medal. But if you wish to imitate a copper medal, mix a little carmine with the isinglass, and lay gold leaf on as before. CASTLE, in the sea language, is a part ofthe ship, of which there are two; the forecastle, being the elevation at the prow, or the uppermost deck, toward the mizen, the place where the kitchens are; and the hindcastle, where the officers' cabins are. CASTOR, the beaver, in zoology, a genus of lhe order of glires. The generic character is, front teeth in the up- per jaw truncated and excavated with a transverse angle; in the lower jaw transverse at the tips; grinders on each Bide four; tail long, depressed and scaly ; collar bones ia the skeleton. 1. Castor fiber, or common beaver, is a native of the most northern parts of Europe and Asia, but is found most plentifully in North America. It is readily distin- guished from every other quadruped; see Plate XXATII. Nat. Hist. fig. 95; by the remarkable structure of its tail which is of an oval form, nearly flat, but rising into a slight convexity on its upper surface, perfectly void of hair, except at the base, and marked out into scaly divi- sions like the skin of a fish. The general length ofthe beaver is about three feet, and of the tail nearly one foot. The colour of the animal is a deep chesnut, and the hair is very fine, smooth, and glossy. The beaver, like other quadrupeds, sometimes varies in colour, and is occasional. ly found perfectly black. Of all quadrupeds tbe beaver is considered as possess- ing the greatest degree of natural or instinctive sagacity in constructing ils habitation ; preparing, in concert with others of its own species, a kind of arched caverns or domes, supported by a foundation of sliong pillars, and lined or plastered internally with a degree of neatnej-saud accuracy unequalled by the art of any olher quadruped. The favourite resorts of the beaver are retired watery, and woody, situations. In such places the animals as- semble, to the number of some hundreds; living in a kind of families, and building their arched mansions or recep- tacles. They begin to assemble in the month of June or July, for the purpose of uniting into society. They arrive in numbers from all parts, and soon form a troop of two or three hundred. The place of rendezvous is generally the situation fixed for their establishment, and always on the banks of some water. If the waters are flat, and never rise above their ordinary level, as in lakes, the beavers make no bank or dam ; but in rivers or brooks, where the waters are subject to risings and fallings, they construct a bank, and by this artifice form a pond or piece of water, which remains always at the same height. The bank traverses the river, from one side to tbe other, like a sluice, and is often from eighty to a hundred feet long, by ten or twelve broad at the base. This pile, for animals of so small a size, appears to be enormous, and supposes an incredible labour ; but the solidity with which the work il constructed is still more astonishing than its magnitude, The part of the river where they erect this bank is gen- erally shallow. If they find on the margin a large tree, which can be made to fall into the water, they begin with cutting it down, to form lhe principal part of their work. This tree is often thicker than the body of a man. By gnawing the foot of a tree with their four cut (ing teeth they accomplish their purpose in a very short lime, and always make the tree fall across the river. Tbey next cut the branches from the trunk, to make it lie level. These operations are performed by the whole community. Several beavers are employed in gnawing the foot of tbe tree, and others in lopping off the branches after it has fall- en. Others, at the same time, traverse the banks of the river, and cut down smaller trees from the size ofa man's leg to that of hi* thigh. These (hey dress and cut to a certain length, to make stakes of them, and first drag CAS CAT them by land to the margin of the river, and then by wa- ter to (be place where (he building is carrying on. These Eiles (hey sink down, and interweave the branches with (he rger stakes. Whilst some are labouring in (his manner, others bring earth, which they plash with their fore feet, and transport in such quantities, that fhey fill wilh it all the intervals between fhe piles. These piles consist of several rows of stakes, of equal height, all placed opposite to each other, and extend from one bank of the river to the other. The stakes facing the under part of the river are placed perpendicularly,;-but the rest of the work slopes upward to sustain the pressure of the fluid, so that the bank, which is ten or twelve feet wide at the base, is reduced to two or three at the top. The first great structure is made with a view to render their smaller habitations more commodious. These cabins or houses are built upon piles near the margin ofthe pond, and ha.e two openings, the one for going on the land, and the other for throwing themselves info the water. The form of the edifices is either oval or round, some of them larger, and some less, varying from four to five, to eight or ten feet diameter. Some of them consist of three or four stories, and their walls are about two feet thick, raised perpendicularly upon planks, or plain stakes, which serve both for foundations and floors to their houses. They are built with amazing solidity, and neatly plaster- ed bo(h without and within. They are impenetrable (o rain, and resis( the most impetuous winds. The partitions are covered with a kind of stucco, as nicely plastered as if it had been executed by the hand of man. In (he ap- plication of this morfar (heir tails sf rve for (rowels, and their fee( for plastering. They employ differen( materials, as wood, sfone, and a kind of sandy earth, which is not subject fo dissolution in water. They labour in a sitting posture ; and besides (he convenience of this situation, they enjoy (he pleasure of gnawing perpetually (he bark and wood, which are most agreeable to their taste; for they prefer fresh bark and tender wood to most of their ordinary aliment. Of these provisions (hey lay up ample stores (o support them during the winter; but fhey are nol fond of dry wood, and make occasional excursions du- ring the winter season for fresh provisions in the forests. If is in the water, or near their habitations, that they es- tablish (heir magazines. Each cabin has i(s own maga- zine. propor(ioned (o (he number of i(s inhabitants, who have all a common right to the store, and never pillage their neighbours. Some villages are composed of twenty or twenty-five cabins, but such establishments are rare ; and the common republic seldom exceeds ten or twelve fami- lies, each of which has its own quarter ofthe village, its own magazine, and its separate habitation. The smallest cabins contain two, four, or six ; and the largest eighteen, twenty, and, it is alleged, sometimes thirty, beavers. They are almost always equally paired, there being the same num- ber of females as of males. When danger aproaches, they warn one another by striking their fail on the surface of the water, the noise of which is heard at a great distance, and resounds through all the vaults of their habitations. E.ich takes his part ; some plunge into the lake; others conceal themselves within fheir walls, which can only be penetrated by the fire of heaven or the steel of man, and which no animal will attempt either (o open or overturn. They often swim a long way under the ice ; and it is then that they are most easily taken, by attacking the cabin on one hand, and at the same time watching at a hole made at some distance, whilher they are obliged to repair for the purpose of respiration. The continual habit of keep- ing their tail and posterior part in the water, appears to have changed the nature of their flesh. That of their an- terior parts, as far as the reins, has the taste and consist- ence of tbe flesh of land animals ; but that of (he (ail and hinder parts has the odour and all other qualities of fish. Besides the associated beavers there are others that live solifary, and instead of constructing caverns, or vault- ed and plastered receptacles, content themselves with forming holes in the banks of rivers. The fur of these, which are commonly termed terrier beavers, is consider- ed as far less valuable than that of the associated animals. The beaver when taken young may readily be tamed ; and in that state appears to be an animal ofa gentle dis- position, but does not exhibit any symptoms of superior sagacity. 2. Castor huidobrius, or Chili beaver. This is a species peculiar to South America, and is found in the very deep lakes and rivers of that country, and feeds principally on fish and crabs. Its length from nose to tail is about three feet: the head is ofa squarish form, the eyes small, the ears rounded and short, and (he snout obtuse; in each jaw are two sharp and strong cutting teeth, and the grind- ers are like those of the common beaver. The body is very broad, and covered, like the common beaver, with two sorts of bair; the shortest or softest of which is supe- rior to thaf of most other quadrupeds, and is in high esteem with manufacturers, being wrought into a kind of cloth which has the softness of velvet, and is also used in the manufacture of hats. It is a bold and even fierce animal, and has the power of continuing'a great while under water. It does not construct any regular habitation like the com- mon beaver, nor does it afford any castor. The female is said to produce from two to three young at a birth. Il is called in Chili by the name of guillino. Castor, in astronomy. See Gemini. CASTOREUM, castor, in the materia medica, is by many mistaken for the spermatic matter of the animal, though, in fact, it is a peculiar secreted matter, con- tained in bags destined to receive if, in the manner of the musk and civet, yet situated differently in the ani- mal. CASUARINA, a genus of monandria order, in fhe monoecia class of plants. The male has the calyx of the amenfum ; the corolla a bipartite small scale. The female has a calyx of lhe amentum, no corolla; (he style is bi- partite. There are five species, natives of New South Wales. CAT. See Felis. Cat hahpings, in a ship, small ropes running in lit- tle blocks from one side of the shrouds to the other near the deck. Their use is to force the shrouds, and make them lawt, for lhe more security and safety of the masts. t Cat, or cat head, on shipboard, a short piece of (imber in a ship, lying aloft right over (he hawse, having at one end two shivers, wherein is reeved a rope, with"a great iron hook fastened to if, called Cat hook. Its use is to trice up the anchor,from the hawse to the top ofthe forecastle. 'CAT CAT Cat holes, in a ship, are over the parts as right with the capstan as they can be: their use is to heave the ship astern, upon occasion, by a cable, or a hawse, called stern fast. Catgut, a small string for fiddles and other musical instruments, made from the intestines of sheep and lambs, dried and twisted either singly or several together. They are sometimes coloured, and are used by watchmakers, cutlers, turners, and other artificers. Great quantities are imported into England and other northern countries, from France and Italy. Cat salt, a name given by our salt workers to a very beautifully granulated kind of common salt. It is formed out of the bittern, or leach brine, which runs from the salt when taken out ofthe pans. AVhen the common salt is taken from the boiling pans, it is put into long wooden troughs, with holes bored at the bottom for the brine to drain out: under these troughs vessels are placed to re- ceive this brine, and across them small sticks, to which the cat salt fixes itself in large and beautiful crystals. It contains some portion of the bitter purging salt, is sharp and pungent, and is white when powdered, though pellucid in the mass. Large quantities of this salt are used in the manufacture of hard soap. CATACAUSTIC curves, in the higher geometry, that species of caustic curves which are formed by reflection. These curves are generated after the following manner. If there be an infinite number of rays, as AB, AC, AD, &c. see Plate XIV. Miscel. fig. 12. proceeding from the radiating point A, and reflected at any given curve BDH, so that the angles of incidence be still equal to (hose of reflection; then the curve BEG, to which the reflected rays BI, CE, DF, &c. are tangents continually, as in the points I, E, F, is the catacaustic curve. If the reflected IB be produced to K, so that AB = BK, and the curve KL be the evolute of the catacaustic BEG, beginning at the point K ; then the portion ofthe catacaustic BE = AC — AB -f- CE—Bl continually. Or if any two incident rays, as AB, AC be taken, that portion of the caustic that is evolved while the ray AB approaches to a coincidence with AC, is equal to the dif- ference of those incident rays -J- the difference of the re- flected rays. When the given curve is a geometrical one, the catacaustic will be so too, and always rectifiable. The catacaustic ofa circle is a cycloid formed by the revolution ofa circle along a circle. The caustic of the vulgar semi-cycloid, when the rays are parellel to fhe axis, is also a vulgar cycloid, described by the revolution of a circle upon the same base. The caustic of the loga- rithmic spiral is the same curve, only set in a different po- sition. CATACHRESISJ, in rhetoric, a trope which borrows the name of one thing to express another. CATACOMB, a grotto or subterraneous place for the burial of the dead. The term is particularly used in Italy for a vast assemblage of subterraneous sepulchres, three leagues from Rome, in the via Appia, supposed to be the sepulchres of the ancients. Others imagine these cata- combs to be the cells wherein the primitive Christians hid themselves. Each catacomb is three feet broad, and eight or ten high, running in form of an alley or gallery, and communicating with one another. Some authors- sup- pose them to have been the puticuli mentioned by Festus Pompeius, into which the Romans threw the bodies of their slaves, to whom they denied the honours of burying* and Mr. Monro, in the Philosophical Transactions, gives it as his opinion, that lhe catacombs were the burial places of the first Romans, before the practice of burning the dead was introduced ; and that they were dug in con- sequence of these opinions, that Shades hate the light and love to hover about the places where their bodies were laid. The catacombs of Egypt seem to be of a different na- ture, though called by the sa/ne name. The bodies found in these catacombs are mummies. In searching for these, labourers are frequently obliged to clear away the sand for weeks together, before they find the precious deposite. Upon coming to a square opening of about eighteen feet in depth, they descend into it by holes made for the feef, placed at proper distances, and there they are sure of finding a mummy. These caves, or wells, as fhey are usually called, are hollowed out of freestone, which is found in Egypt a few feet below the covering of sand. At the bottom of these, which are about forty feet below the surface, there are several square openings on each side of the passages, often or fifteen feet wide, and these lead to chambers of fifteen or twenty feet square, hewn out of the rock ; and in each of tbe catacombs are to be found several apartments communicating with one another. They are said to extend so far as to undermine the city of Memphis and its environs. In some of these chambers the walls are adorned with figures and hieroglyphics; in others the mummies are found in tombs, round the apart- ment, hollowed out in the rock. CATALEPSY, in medicine, a kind of apoplexy, or drowsy disease, in which the patient is taken speechless, senseless, and fixed in the same posture in which the dis- ease first seized him. See Medicine. CATALOGUE ofthe stars. See Astronomy. CATANANCHE, Candia lion's foot, a genus ofthe polygamia icqualis order, in tbe syngenesia class of plants, and in tbe natural method ranking under the 49th order, composite. The receptacle is paleaceous; the calyx is imbricated ; the pappus furnished with awns by a caliculas of five stiff hairs. There are three species, of which the most remarkable is the Catananche cerulea, which is a hardy, herbaceous, and very ornamental plant for tbe flower garden. There is a variety with double flowers. CATAPHONIC&, the science which considers the properties of reflected sounds. See Pneumatics. CATAPHRACTA, in antiquity, a kind of coat of mail, which covered the soldier from head to foot. Hence cataphractati were horsemen armed with the cataphracfa, whose horses, as Sallust says, were covered with linen full of iron plates disposed like feathers. C ATAPHRYGIANS, ancient heretics, who took their name from the country of Phrygia. They supposed the Holy Spirit had abandoned lhe church, and therefore that Montanus, as a prophet, and Priscilla and Maximilla, as true prophetesses, were to be consulted in every thing relating to religion. CATAPLASM, an external topical medicine, of a soft consistence, known by the common name of poultice, and prepared of ingredients of different virtues, according to the intention of the physician. See Pharmacf. CAT CAT* CATAPULTA, in antiquity, a military engine con- trived for the throwing of arrows, darts, and stones, upon the enemy. Some of these engines were of such force, that they would (brow stones of an hundred weight. Jo- septula takes notice of the surprising effects of these en- gines, and says, that the stones thrown out of them beat down the battlements, knocked off the angles of the tow- ers, and would level a whole file of men, from one end to the other, were the phalanx ever bo deep. CATARACT, in hydrography, a precipice in the channel of a river, caused by rocks, or other obstacles, slopping (he course of the stream, whence the water falls wilh a greater noise and impetuosity: such are the cata- racts of (he Nile, (he Danube, (he Rhine, and the famous one of Niagara in America. Cataract. See Surgery. CATARRH, in medicine, a defluxion from the head upon the mouth and aspera arteria, and through them upon the lungs. See Medicine. CATECHU, in the materia medica, improperly called terra japonica in the shops, is a concreted vegetable juice, partly of (he gummy, partly of the resinous kind. See Areca, and Materia Medica. CATEGORY, in logic, a series or opder of all the predicates or attributes contained under any genus. The school philosophers distribute all the objects of our thoughts and ideas into certain genera or classes ; and these classes the Greeks call categories, and the Latins predicaments. Aristotle made ten categories, vis. quanti- ty, qualify, relation, action, passion, time, place, situation, and habit, which are usually expressed by the following technical distich. Arbor, sex, tervoi, ardore, refrigerat, ustos, Ruri crasatabo, nee tunicatus ero. CATENARIA, in the higher geometry, the name ofa curve line formed by a rope hanging freely from two points of suspension, whether the points be horizontal or not. The nature of this curve was sought after in Gali- leo's time, but not discovered till the year 1690, when James Bernouilli published it as a problem. Dr. Grego- ry, in 1697", published a method of investigation of the properties formerly discovered by John Bernouilli and Mr. Leibnitz, (oge(her with some new properties of this curve. From him we take the following method of find- ing the general property of the catenaria. 1. Suppose a line heavy and flexible, the two extremes of which F and D, Plate XIV. Miscel. fig. 13. are firmly fixed in these points ; by ite weight it is bent into a certain curve FAD, which is called the catenaria. 2. Let B D and 6 c be par- allel (o (he horizon, A B perpendicular (o B D, and D c parallel to A B, and (be points B b infinitely near to each other. From the laws of mechanics, any three powers in equilibi io, are to one another as the lines parallel to the lines of their direction, or inclined in any given an- gle, and terminated by (heir mutual concourses: hence if D d express the absolute gravity of the particle D d, as it will if we allow (be chain lo be every way uniform, then D c will express (hat pari of (he gravity (ha( ac(s per- pendicularly upon D d; and by the means of which this particle endeavours (o reduce itself to a vertical position; so that if (his litlle line d c be constant, the perpendicu- lar action of gravity upon (he parts ofthe chain, will be vol. i. 60 constant too, and may therefore be expressed by any given right line. Further, tbe lineola D c will express the force which acts against that conatus ofthe particle D d, by which it endeavours to restore itself into a position perpendicular to the horizon, and hinders it from doing so. This force proceeds from the ponderous line D A drawing according to the direction D d ; and is, cseteris paribus, proportion- al to the line D A which is the cause of it. Supposing the curve FAD, therefore, as before, whose vertex is A, axis A B, ordinate B D, fluxion of the axis D c = B b, fluxion ofthe ordinate d c, the relation of these two flux- ions is thus, vis. dc. D d '.: a : DA curve, which is the fundamental property ofthe curve, and may be thus ex- pressed (putting A B = x and BD=y and A D = c) ax y—- c CATERGI, the name of the public carriers in the grand seignior's dominions. In Europe, the merchant or traveller gives earnest to lhe carrier, but the catergi in Turkey give earnest to the merchant and others, as a se- curity that they will certainly carry their goods, or not set out with them. CATERPILLAR, in zoology, the name of (he butter- fly class of insects, in their reptile or worm state. See Papilio, &c. CATESBJ2A, the lily thorn, a genus of the mono- gynia order, in (he tetrandria class of plants ; and in (he natural method ranking under the 28th order, Iuridae. The corolla is monopetalous, funnel shaped, very long above (he receptacle of the fruit; the stamina are within its throat; the fruit a polyspennous berry. There are two species, vis. the 1. Catesbaea spinosa, a native of the island of Provi- dence, discovered by Mr. Catesby, who gathered the seeds, and brought them to England. It rises to the height of ten or twelve feet, and is covered wilh a pale russet bark, with small leaves resembling those of the box tree; the flowers hang downward, are tubulous, and of a dull yellow colour. This plant is propagated by seeds, which must be procured from the country where it grows. 2. The catesbaea parviflora. CATHARINE, or knights of St. Catharine, a military order, instituted for the securify of (ravellers who came to visit the tomb of this saint on mount Sinai. CATH ARISTAE, in church history, a branch of Man- ichecs, so called from certain purifications which they were obliged to practise; they are also said to have held it unlawful to eat flesh. CATHARTICS. See Materia Medica. CATHETER. See Surgert. CATHETUS, in geometry, a line or radius falling perpendicularly on another line or surface: thus the ca- theti ofa right angled triangle are the two sides that in- clude the right angle. Cathetus, in architecture, a perpendicular line, sup- posed to pass through the middle of a cylindrical body, as a baluster, column, &c. CATOPTRICS. See Optics. CATTLE. By the 3 and 4 Edward VI. c 19. no person shall buy any ox, steer, runl, or cow, &c. and sell C A V C A V the same again alive in the same market, or fair, on pain of forfeiting double the value thereof, half to the king, and half to him that shall sue. This is the only act in force against forestalling, engrossing, and regrating. If any person shall feloniously drive away, or steal, or shall wilfully kill any ox, bull, cow, calf, steer, bullock, heifer, sheep or lamb, with a felonious intent, to steal the whole carcass, or any part thereof, or shall assist in committing any such offence, he shall be guilty of felony without benefit of clergy. 14 and 15 George II. c. 6. and 34. Any person, who shall unlawfully and maliciously kill, maim, or wound any cattle, shall be guilty of felony with- out benefit of clergy ; and the hundred shall be answera- ble for the damages, not exceeding 200/. 9 George, c. 22. And horses, mares, and colts, are included in the word cattle. Every person who shall apprehend and prose- cute to conviction any offender, shall have ten pounds re- ward; to be paid by the sheriff within a month, on his producing a certificate from the judge. The 26 George III. c. 71. to prevent the stealing of horses, &c. for their skin, provides that all persons keeping a slaughter house for cattle not killed for butcher's meat, shall take out li- censes, be subject to an inspector, and only slaughter at certain times. CATURUS, a genus ofthe dioecia triandria class and •rder. There are two species, natives ofthe East Indies. CAVA, or vena cava. See Anatomy. CAVALIER, in fortification, an elevation of earth, of different shapes, situated ordinarily in the gorge of a bas- tion, bordered with a parapet, and cut into more or less embrasures, according to the capacity of the cavalier. Cavaliers are a double defence for the faces of the op* posite bastion : they defend the ditch, break the besieg- ers' galleries, command the traverses in dry moats, scour the salient angle of the counterscarp where the besiegers have their counter batteries, and enfilade the enemies' trenches, or oblige them to multiply their parallels ; they are likewise very serviceable in defending the breach, and the retrenchments ofthe besieged, and can very much incommode the entrenchments which the enemy make by their being lodged in the bastion. CAVAZION, orcavasion, in architecture, denotes the hollow trench made for laying the foundation of a build- ing, which, according to Palladio, ought to be one sixth part of the height ofthe whole building. CAUCALIS, in botany, a genus ofthe pentandria di- gynia class of plants, the universal flower of which is dif- form and radiated ; the proper flower of the disk is male, small, composed of five inflexo cordated equal petals ; the fruit is of an oblato oblong figure, striated longitudi- nally, with rigid scabrous bristles: the seeds are two, ob- long, convex on one side and armed wilh prickles in or- der of (he striae, and plane on the other side. There are nine species. CAUDA draconis, the dragon's tail, in astronomy, the name of the moon's descending node. Cauda leonis, in astronomy, a star of the first magni- tude in the tail of (he constellation Leo. See Leo. CAVEAR, caveer, or caviar, the spawn or hard roes ef sturgeon, made into small cakes, an inch thick, and of a hand's breadth, salted and dried in the sun. This sort of food is in great repute throughout Muscovy, because of their three Lents, which they keep with a superstitious exactness. CAVEAT, is a caution, entered in the spiritual conrt, to stop probates, administrations, licenses, dispensations, faculties, institutions, and such like, from being granted without the knowledge of (he party that enters it. A ca- veat stands in force for (hree months. 2 Rol. Rep. 6. The entering a caveat being at (he instance of (he party, is only for the benefit of the ordinary, that he may do no wrong; it is a eautionary act for his better informa- tion, to which the temporal courts have no manner of re- gard ; therefore if after a caveat entered, the ordinary should grant administration, or probate ofa will, if is not void by our law; it is true it is void by (he canon law, but our law takes no notice of a caveat. Rol. Rep. 191. CAVEDO, in commerce, a Portuguese long measure, equal to 27T3/irV English inches. CAVETTO, in architecture, a hollow member, or round concave moulding, containing a quadrant ofa cir- cle, and having a quite contrary effect to that ofa quar- ter round; it is used as an ornament in cornices. CAVIA, a genus of the order of glires. The generic character is, front teelh two, wedge shaped; grinders eight ; toes on the fore feet from four to five, on the hind feet from three to five ; tail very short, or none ; clavicles, or collar bones, none. The animals of the gen\is cavia have generally a slow, and sometimes a leaping pacet they live like the rest of the glires, on vegetable substan- ces, and in their natural state inhabit excavations under ground, or beneath the roots of trees ; or other recesses which tbey either find ready prepared, or form for them- selves. The most familiar example of this genus is the well known little animal, called the guinea pig, or 1. Cavia cobaya, or variegated cavy. This little ani- mal is very easily rendered tame, but is seldom observed to show any very lively attachment to its benefactors; and is not distinguished by any remarkable degree of do- cility: it is, however, cleanly, harmless, and of a timid disposition. In a state of confinement it breeds almost every two months; and often produces a very numerous offspring at a birth. The young very soon acquire the necessary degree of strength and perfection of their spe- cies, though they continue to grow till seven or eight months. In their habits they are extremely neat, and may be frequently observed in the act of smoothing and dressing their fur, somewhat in the manner of a cat. In their quarrels they not only bite but kick each other, like horses, with their hind feet. It is observed that the male and female seldom sleep at the same time; but seem alternately to watch each other; the one sleeping while the other is feeding, &c. Their general voice is a sort of grunting squeak, and sometimes a shriller or sharper cry. 2. Cavia paca, or spotted cavy. This is a large spe« cies, Plate XXVII. Nat. Hist. fig. 98. measuring near two feet in length. It is found in Guiana, Brazil, and oth- er parts of South America; inhabiting holes, formed under ground, and principally near the banks of rivers. It is ofa thick, clumsy form, somewhat resembling that ofa pig ; for which reason it has been sometimes called the hog rabbit. The spotted cavy is a nocturnal animal, residing in a sol- itary manner in his hole during almost the whole day. In a domestic state it readily feeds on almost any kind of vegetable diet, and is particularly fond of sugar and fruits. CAU * C E A It is much esteemed as an article of food by the South Americans. It is subject to some variety in point of colour, and* has been sometimes seen quite white. Its general length, when full grown, is about two feet. The female is said to produce but one young at a birth. 3. Cavia capybara. Tbe characters of this animal, Plate XXVII. Nat. Hist. fig. 97. are somewhat ambigu- ous, and it was formerly considered by Linnseus as a spe- cies of hog, and was accordingly placed in that genus in the 12th edition ofthe Syslema Naturse, under the name of bus bydrochceris. It grows to the size of a hog of two years old, and is said to have been sometimes found ofthe weight of 100 pounds. It inhabits various parts of South America, though said to be more common in Brazil than in other regions. It feeds not only on various vegetables, and particularly on sugar caues, but also, contrary to the nature of most ofthe glires, on fish ; for which purpose, it frequents rivers, swimming with lhe same facility as the otter, and, like that animal, dragging its prey out ofthe water, and eating i( on the bank. 4. Cavia caudate aguti. This species is peculiar to the warmer parts of South America, and is extremely common in Guiana. Its general size is that ofa rabbit: the body is plump, and thicker behind than before: (he head is rather small, and somewhat compressed laterally. This animal's manner of moving resembles that of a hare, and its voice is like lhe grunting of a young pig. It feeds on various roots, nuts, fruit, &c. and resides in woods, where it forms subterraneous burrows, and sometimes lodges in the hollows of trees. They are taken in traps, or hunted with dogs. The Indians and negroes, who know how fo allure (hem by whistling, or imitating (heir cries, kill as many as (hey please. When pursued, they con- ceal themselves, like rabbits, in the holes of old trees. They hold their food in their paws like squirrels. 5. C. Aguti Leporine; Leporine cavy, is probably a variety of (he aguti, from which it differs in being of a reddish colour above, with the breast and belly white. It is of the size of a hare, and is a native of Surinam, and other parts of South America. It is altogether an Ameri- can animal, and, notwithstanding ifs common title of the Java hare, is not found either in that island or Sumatra, as erroneously supposed by some. 6. Cavia acuschy, Plate XXVII. Nat. Hist. fig. 96. is by some regarded as a variety of the aguti, but differs in being somewhat smaller, rather thinner, and entirely of an olive colour, paler or more inclining to whitish beneath : the tail is also longer than in tbe aguti. Il is a native of the same parts of South America with the aguti, is of sim- ilar manners, and is also tamed with equal readiness. 7. Cavia aperea, or rock cavy. This animal, which is a native of Brazil, is neither a rabbit nor a rat, but seems to partake of both. Its general colour is the same with lhat of our hares, and its belly is white: its upper lip is divided in the same manner, and it has (he same large cu(ting teeth, and whiskers round the mouth and on the sides of the eyes, but its ears are rounded like those of a rat, and so short that they exceed not a Gnger's breadth in height. CAUKING, or caulking of a ship, is driving oak- um, or the lik*\ into all tbe seams of the planks of a ship, to prevent leaking, and keep oul the water. After the scams are stepped with oakum, it is done over with a 60* mixture of fa!!. *, pitch, and tar, as low as the ship draws water. CAULICOLES, or caulicoli, are eight lesser branches or stalks, in the Corinthian capital, springing out from four greater or principal cauls, or stalks. The eight vo- lutes of this order are sustained by four cauls, or primary branches, of leaves, and from which these caulicoles or lesser foliages arise. CAULIFEROUS, an appellation given to such planfs as have a perfect caulis or stem. See Botany. CAULIFLOWERS. See Brassica. CAULINIA, in botany, a genus of the monoecia class, monandria order; cal. none; cor. none; capsule ovate, one celled. There are 2 species, 1. C. flexilis, bending cau- linia. 2. C. fragilis, brittle caulinia; both natives of Penn- sylvania ; flowers in September. (6) CAULOPHYLLUM thalictroides, in botany, a plant ofthe class hexandria, order monogynia; the cal. is 5 leaved, cor.6petaled,drupa globose, 1 celled, persisting; grows in Pennsylvania and Ohio. (6) CAUSALTY. among the miners, denotes the lighter, sulphureous, earlhy parts of ores, carried off in the ope- ration of washing. This, in the mines, Ihey throw in heaps upon banks, wbich, in six or seven years, they find it worth their while to work over again. CAUSTICS. See Surgery. Caustic curve, in the higher geometry, a curve form- ed by the concourse or coincidence of the rays of light, reflected from some other curve. CAUTERY, a medicine for burning, eating, or corrod- ing, any solid part ofthe body.' See Surgery. CAUTION, in the civil and Scotch law, denotes much the same with what, in the law of England, is called bail. CAXA, a little coin made of lead, mixed with some scoria of copper, struck in China, but current chiefly at Bantam in the island of Java, and some ofthe neighbour- ing islands. The caxas are of two kinds, great and small. Of the small 300,000 are equal to fifty-six livres five sols French money; and of the great 6,000 are equal to four shillings and sixpence sterling. CAZEMATE, or casemate, in fortification, a certain retired platform in the flank of a bastion, for the defence of the moat and face of the opposite bastion. Sometimes there are three such platforms, one behind another, fhe uppermost of which is on the terre plein of (he bastion, which makes fhe other two to be called places basses, or low places. They are covered from the enemies' batte- ries by a work of earth added to the angle of the shoulder, of a circular and sometimes of a square form, called shoul- der, orillon, or epaulement. Cazemate, is also used for a well with several subter- raneous branches dug in the passage of the bastion, till the miner is heard at work, and air given to the mine. CEANOTHUS, New Jersey tea, a genus of the mon- ogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 43d order, dumosK. There are five petals, pouched and arched. The fruit is a dry, trilocular, and (rispermous berry. There are six species, of which (he mos( remarkable is the Ceanolhus Americanus, a nalive of most parts of North America, whence (he seeds have been imported into Eu- rope. In England this plant seldom rises more than three C E L C E M feet high. The stem, which is of a pale brown colour, sends out branches from the botlom. The flowers grow at the ends of the twigs in clusters : they are of a white colour, and when in flower give the shrub a most beauti- ful appearance. CECROPIA, a genus ofthe diandria order in the dio- ecia class of plants; aqd in the natural method ranking under the 53d order, scabridse. There is one species, a tree of South America. CEDAR. See Juniperus, Pinus, Cedrela, &c. Cedar, bastard. See Theobroma. Cedar, white. See Cupressus. CEDRELA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and ranking, according to the natural method, under the 54th order, miscellaneae. There is only one species, called Barbadoes bastard cedar. CEL ARENT, in logic, a mode of syllogism, wherein the major and conclusion are universal negative proposi- tions, and the minor an universal affirmative. As cb No man that is a hypocrite can be saved : la. Every man who with his lips only cries Lord, Lord, is a hypocrite : rekt Therefore, no man, who with his lips only cries Lord, Lord, can be saved. CELASTRUS, the staff tree, a genus of the monogy- nia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 43d order, dumosae. The corolla is pentapetalous and patent; the capsule quinquangular and trilocular; the seeds veiled. There are 22 species, two of which are inured to our climate, vis. 1. Celastrus bullatus, an uncertain deciduous shrub, a native of Virginia. It is about four feet high. The flow- ers are produced in July, at the ends of the branches, in loose spikes. They are of a white colour, and in their native countries are succeeded by beautiful scarlet fruit; but with us this seldom happens. 2. Celastrus scandens, the flowers of which are green, and appear in June. The berries are red, and make a fine appearance in autumn. CELESTINS, in church history, a religious order of Christians, reformed from the Bernardins by pope Ce- lestin V. The celestins rise two hours after midnight to say mat- ins : they eat no flesh any time, except when they are sick ; they fast every Wednesday and Friday to the feast of the exaltation ofthe holy cross; and from that feast to Eas- ter, every day. CELIAC, or cceliac passion. See Medicine. CELLEPOR^E, a genus of marine plants, or rather animals; a class of worms in the Linnaean system. They are of the order of the lythophyta. CELOSIA, cock's comb, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under fhe 54ih order, miscellaneae. The calyx is triphyllous ; the corolla is five petaled in appear- ance ; the stamina are conjoined at the base to the plated nectarium; the capsule gaping horizontally. There are 14 species, of which the most worthy of notice is the Celosia cristata, or common cock's comb. The princi- pal colours ofits flowers are red, purple, yellow, and white ; but there are some whose heads are variegated with two or three colours. They are very tender exotics, and re- quire a great deal of care to cultivate them in this coun- try. CELSIA, a genus of the angiospermia order, in the didynamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 28th order, luridse. The calyx is quin- quepartite ; the corolla wheel sdiaped ; the filaments beard- ed or woolly ; (he capsule bilocular. There are four spe- cies, na(ives of Armenia. CELTIS, lhe lote, or nettle tree, a genus of the mon- oecia order, in the polygamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 53d order, scabri- dae. It is an hermaphrodite plant: the female calvx is quinquepartite; there is no corolla; there are five stam- ina, and two styles. The fruit is a monospermous plum. In the male, there is no calyx : the corolla is hexapetalous; there are six stamina, and an embryo ofa pistillum. There are seven species, all of them deciduous. The most re- markable are 1. Celtis australis, the southern celtis, a deciduous tree, a native of Africa and the south of Europe. 2. Celtis occidentalis, the western cel(is, a native of Virginia. These two species grow with large, fair, straight stems. The leaves are late in the spring before tbey show themselves; but they make amends for this, by retaining fheir verdure till near the close of autumn: and then do not resemble most deciduous trees, whose leaves show their approaching fall by the change of their colour; but continue to exhibit themselves of a pleasant green to the last. Hanbury speaks highly of (he celtis as a timber tree : he says, " the wood of (he lote (ree is ex- tremely durable. In Italy (hey make their flutes, pipes, and other wind instruments of it. With us lhe coach makers use it for the frames of their vehicles." 3. Celtis orientalis, the eastern celtis, a native of Ar- menia: it grows to about 12 feet, and its branches are numerous, smooth, and of a greenish colour. The leaves are smaller than those of the others, though fhey are of a thicker texture, and a lighter green. The flowers come out from the wings of the leaves, on slender footstalks: they are yellowish, appear early in spring, and are suc- ceeded by large yellow fruit. CEMENT, any glutinous substance capable of uniting and keeping things logether by cohesion. We shall give an account of some of the best compositions used for the purpose of cementing together various articles. Jeweller's cement; for setting precious stones when pieces are broken off by accident. In such cases fhe ar- tist can frequently join the pieces so correctly than an in- experienced eye cannot discover the stone to have been broken; for this purpose a small piece of gum mastich is applied between the fragments, which are previously heat- ed sufficiently to melt the interposed gum. They are then pressed together, to force out the redundant quanti* ty of gum. Turkey cement, for joining metals, glass, Sec. Dis- solve five or six bits of mastich, as large as peas, in as much spirit of wine as will suffice to render it liquid; in another vessel dissolve as much isinglass, which has been previously soaked in water till it is swollen and soft, in brandy or rum, as will make two ounces by measure of strong glue, and add two small bits of gum galbanum, or ammoniacum, wbich must be rubbed or ground till they are dissolved ; then mix the whole with a sufficient heat; CEMENT. keep it in a phial stopped, and when it is to be used set it in hot water. A cement for broktn china, glass, Sec. Take quick- lime and white of eggs, or old thick varnish; grind and temper them well together, and it is ready for use. Dry- ing oil and white lead are also frequently used for cement- ing china and earthen ware; but this cement requires a long time to dry. Where it is not necessary the ves- sel should endure heat or moisture, isinglass glue, with a little tripoli, or chalk, is better. A ctment useful for turntrs. Take resin one pound, pitch four ounces; melt these together,and,while boiling hot, add brickdust, until by dropping a little upon a stone, you perceive it hard enough; then pour it into water, and immediately make it up in rolls, and it is fit for use. Or take resin one ounce, pitch two ounces; add red ochre, finely powdered, until you perceive it strong enough. Sometimes a small quantity of tallow is used, according to the heat of (he weather, more being necessary in win- ter than in summer. Either of these cements is of excel- lent use for (urners. By applying it (o the side of a chuck, and making it warm before the fire, you may fas- ten any thin piece of wood, which will hold while you turn it; when you want it off again, strike it on the top with your tool, and it will drop off immediately. A strong cement for electrical purposes. Melt one pound of resin in a pot or pan, over a slow Are; add thereto as much plaster of Paris, in fine powder, as will make it hard enough, which you may soon know by trial; then add a spoonful of linseed oil, stirring it all the while, and try if it be hard and tough enough for your purpose; if it is not sufficiently hard, add more plaster of Paris; and if not tough enough, a little more linseed oil. This is as good a cement as possible for fixing the^necks of globes or cylinders, or any thing else that requires to be strongly fixed; for it is not easily melted again when cold. Or take resin one pound, beeswax one ounce ; add thereto as much red ochre as will make it of sufficient stiffness; pour it into water, and make it into rolls, and it is fit for use. This cement is useful for cementing hoops on glasses, or any other mounting of electrical apparatus. A cement for glass grinders. Take pitch and boil it; add thereto, and keep stirring it all (he while, fine sifted wood ashes, until you have it ofa proper temper: a little tallow rnayiie added, as you find necessary. For small work : to four ounces of resin add one fourth of an ounbe of beeswax melted together; and four ounces of whiten- ing, made previously red ho(. The whitening should be put in while hot, (hat it may not have time to imbibe moisture from (he a(mosphere. Shell lac is a very steong cement for holding metals, glass, or precious stones, while cutting, turning, or grind- ing them. The metal, Sec. should be warmed, to melt it. For fastening ruby cylinders in watches, and similar deli- cafe purposes, shell lac is excellent. T> solder or cement broken glass. Broken glass may be soldered or cemented in such a manner as to be as strong as ever, by interposing between tbe parts, glass ground up like a pigment, but of easier fusion than the pieces o be joined, and then exposing them to such a heat as will tese the cementii,^ ingredient, and make the pieces agglutinate without being themselves fused. A glass for the purpose of cementing broken pieces of flint glass, may be made by fusing some of the same kind of glass previously reduced to powder, along with a little red lead and borax, or with the borax only. Cement for Derbyshire spar and other stones. A cem- ent for this purpose may be made with about seven or eight parts of resin and one of beeswax, melted together wilh a small quantity of plaster of Paris. If it is wished tcTmake the cement fill up the place of any small chips that may have been lost, the quantity of plaster must be increased a little. When the ingredients are well mixed, and the whole is nearly cold, the mass should be well kneaded together. The pieces of spar that are to be join- ed, must be heated until they will melt tbe cement, and then pressed together, some of the cement being previous- ly interposed. Melted sulphur applied to fragments of stones previously heated, by placing (hem before a fire, to at least (he melting point of sulphur, and then joined with (he sulphur between, makes a pretty firm and durable joining. Little deficiencies in tbe stone, as chips out of corners, &c. may also be filled up with melted sulphur, in which some of (he powder of (he stone has been melted. A cement that will stand against boiling water, and the pressure of steam. In joining the flanches of iron cylinders, and other parts of hydraulic and steam engines, great inconvenience is often experienced from the want of a durable cement. Boiled linseed oil, litharge, and red and white lead, mixed together to a proper consistence, and applied on each side of a piece of flannel previously shap- ed to fit the joint, and then interposed between the pieces before Ihey are brought home, as the workmen term it, to their place by the screws or other fastenings employed, make a close and durable joint. The quantities of the ingredients may be varied with- out inconvenience, only taking care not to make the mass too thin with oil. It is difficult in many cases instantly to make a good fitting of large pieces of iron work, which renders it necessary sometimes to join and separate the pieces re- peatedly, before a proper adjustment is obtained. When this is expected, the white lead ought to predominate in the mixture, as it dries much slower than the red. A workman, knowing this fact, can be at little loss in exer- cising his own discretion in regulating the quantities. It is safest to err on the side of the white lead, as the dura- bility of the cement is no way injured by it, only a longer time is required for it to dry and harden. When lhe fit- tings will not admit easily of so thick a substance as flan- nel being interposed, linen may be substituted, or even paper or thin pasteboard. * This cement answers well also for joining broken stones, however large. Cisterns built of square stones put togeth- er with (his cement, will never leak, or want any repairs. In this case (he stones need not be entirely bedded in it: an inch, or even less, of the edges tbat are to lie next the water, need only be so treated; the rest of the joint may be filled with good lime. Another cement that will stand the action of boiling water and steam. Thi3 cement, which is preferable ev en to the former for steam engines, is prepared as follows: Take two ounces of sal ammoniac, one ounce of flowers of C E N CEN sulphur, and 16 ounces of cast iron filings or borings. Mix all well together by robbing them in a mortar, and keep the powder dry. When the cementris wanted for use, take one part of the above powder, and twenty parts of clean iron borings or filings, and blend them intimately by grinding them in a mor- tar. Wet the compound with water, and when brought to a convenient consistence, apply it to the joints with a wood- en or blunt spatula. By a play of affinities, which those who are at all acquainted with chymistry will be at no loss to comprehend, a degree of action and re-action takes place among the ingredients, and between them and the iron surfaces, which at last causes the whole to unite as one mass. In fact, after a time, the mixture and the sur- faces of the flanches become a species of pyrites, hold- ing a very large proportion of iron, all the parts of which cohere strongly together. Blood cement. A cement often used by coppersmiths to lay over the rivets and edges ofthe sheets of copper in large boilers, to serve as an additional security to the join- ings, and to secure cocks, Sec. from leaking, is made by mixing pounded quicklime with ox's blood. It must be applied fresh made, as it soon gets hard. If the proper- ties of this cement were duly investigated, it would proba- bly be found useful for many purposes to which it has nev- er yet been applied. It is extremely cheap, and very durable. Flour paste. Flour paste for cementing, is formed principally of wheaten flour, boiled in water till it is of a glutinous or viscid consistence. It may be prepared of these ingredients, simply for common purposes ; but when it is used by bookbinders, or for paper hangings, it is usual to mix with the flour a fifth or sixth of its weight of pow- dered resin or alum; and where it is wanted still more tenacious, gum arabic, or any kind of size, may be added. Japanese cement, or rice glue. This elegant cement is made by mixing rice flour intimately with cold water, and then gently boiling it. It is beautifully white, and dries almost transparent. Papers pasted together by means of this cement will sooner separate in their own substance than at the joining, which makes it useful in the prepara- tion of curious paper articles, as tea trays, ladies' dress- ing boxes, and other articles that require layers of paper to be cemented together. CENCHRUS, in botany, a genus of lhe polygamia monoecia class of plants. There are two flowers, the one male, the other hermaphrodite; the proper flower is single with two Ianceolated, acuminated, concave valves : there is no pericarpium, and but one roundish seed. There are eleven species. CENSOR, in Roman antiquity, a magistrate whose business it was to reform the manners and to value the estates of the people. CENSUS, in Roman antiquity, an authentic declara- tion made before the censors, by the several subjects of the empire, of their respective names and places of abode. This declaration was registered by the censors, and con- tained an enumeration in writing of all the estates, lands, and inheritances, they possessed ; their quantity, quality, place, wives, children, domestics, tenants, slaves. CENT, in commerce, an abridgment of centum, is used to express the profit or loss arising from the sale of any commodity : thus we say, there is 10 per cent, profit, or It per cent. loss; which is ^ profit, or T*T loss, upon the sale ofthe whole. In the trade of money, it signifies the benefit or .interest of any sum of money. Thus money is worth 4 or 5 per cent, upon exchange. But in broker- age, it must be observed, that cent, is applied in a differ- ent manner. For example, if a broker or exchange agent takes ■§• per cent, for the contracts made by his interposi- tion, it is to be understood that there is paid to him | of a pound, vis. 2s. Gd. for every 100/. he negotiated. CENTAUR, ceniaurus, in astronomy, a constellation of the southern hemisphere commonly joined with the wolf, and called centaurus cum lupo. In Ptolemy's cata- logue, it consists of 37 stars; in Tycho's of 4; and of 35 in the Britannic catalogue, with Sharp's appendix. CENTAUREA, a genus of the polygamia frustranea order, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, compositae. The receptacle is bristly, the pappus simple, the corollulre of the radius funnel shaped, longer than (hose of the disk, and irregular. There are 77 species, of which we shall only mention f wo, vis. 1. Centaurea cyanus, the bluebottle, grows commonly among corn. The expressed juice of this flower stains linen ofa beautiful blue colour, but is not permanent. Mr. Boyle says, that the juice of the inner petals, wifh a little alum, makes a beautiful permanent colour, equal to ultra- marine. 2. Centaurea glastifolia. The root of this species is an article in tbe materia medica. It has a rough, somewhat acrid taste, and abounds with a red viscid juice. Its rough taste had gained it some esteem as an astringent; ifs acri- mony as an aperient; and its glutinous quality as a vulner- ary : but the present practice takes very little notice of it. CENTIPES, in zoology. See Scolopendra. CENTNER, among metallurgists and assayers, denotes a weight divisible first into a hundred, and afterward into other lesser parfs. It is, however, to be observed, that the centner of metallurgists is the same with the common hun- dred weight; whereas that of assayers is no more than one dram, to which the other parts are proportional, and never- theless pass by the names 1001b. 64lb. 321b. &c. CENTRAL forces, the powers which cause a moving body to tend toward, or recede from, the centre of motion. See Mechanics. CENTRE of a bastion, a point in the middle of the gorge of a bastion, whence the capital line commences, and is generally at the angle of the inner polygon. Centre of a conic section, a point in which the di- ameters intersect each other. In the ellipsis, this point is within the figure, and in the hyperbola, without. Centre ofa curve ofthe higher kind, the point where two diameters concur. When all (he diameters concur in the same point, sir Isaac Newton calls it the general centre. Centre of a dial, that point where the axis ofthe world intersects the plane of the dial; and therefore in dials that have centres, it is that point wherein all the hour lines meet. All dials have centres, except such as have their planes parallel to the axis of tbe world. Centre of gravity, in mechanics, lhat point about which all the parts of a body, in any situation, balance CEN . C K R each olher. Hence, 1. If a body is suspended by this point as (he centre of motion, it will remain at rest in any position indifferently. 2. If a body is suspended in any other point, it can rest only in two positions, vis. when the centre of gravity is exactly above or below lhe point of suspension. 3. When the centre of gravity is supported, the whole body is kept from falling. 4. Because this point has a constant endeavour to descend to the centre of the earth, therefore, 5. When the point is at liberty to descend, the whole body must also descend, either by sliding, rolling, or tumbling down. 6. The centre of gravity in regular uniform and homogeneal bodies, as squares, circles, &c. is Ibe middle point in a line connecting any two opposite points or angles. Wherefore, if such a line is bisected, lhe point of section will be the centre of grav- ity. See Mechanics. Centre of oscillation, that point in a pendulum in which, if the weight of the several parts was collected, each vibration would be performed in the same (ime as when (hose weighte are separate. This is the point whence the length of a pendulum is measured, which, in our lati- tude, in a pendulum that swings seconds, is 39 inches and 2-10ths. The centre of suspension is the point on which the pendulum hangs. Centre of percussion, in a moving body, that point wherein the percutient force is greatest, or that point with which if the body strikes against any obstacle, no shock shall be felt in the point of suspension. See Mechanics. CENTRIFUGAL force, that force by which all bod- ies that move round any other body, in a curve, endeav- our to fly off from the axis of their motion in a tangent to the periphery ofthe curve, and (hat in every point of it. See Mechanics. CENTRIPETAL force, (hat force by which a body is every where impelled, or any way (end?, (oward some point as a centre ; such are gravity, or that force whereby bodies tend toward the centre ofthe earth; see Mechan- ics; magnetical attraction, whereby the loadstone draws iron ; and that force, whatever it be, whereby the planets are continually drawn back from right lined motions, and made lo move in curves. CENTRISCUS, in ichthyology, a genus of fishes be- longing to the order of amphibia nantes. The head grad- ually ends in a narrow snout, the aperture broad and flat: the belly is carinated, and the belly fins united. There are two species, vis. 1. The sculatus, which has its back covered with a ■mooth bony shell, which ends in a sharp spine, under which is the tail, but the back fins are between the tail and (he spine. It is a native of (he East Indies. 2. The scolopax, see Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 105. has a ronzh scabrous body, and a s(raigh( extended tail. It has two belly fins, with four rays each, and has no teeth. It is found in the Mediterranean. CENTRUM tendinosum, in anatomy, a point where- in the tendons of the muscles of the diaphragm meet. See Anatomy. CENTUMVIRI, in Roman antiquity, judges appoint- ed to decide common causes among the people. They were chosen (hree out of each tribe; and though five more than a hundred, were nevertheless called centum- viri, from the round number centum, a hundred. CliNTt/'NCULUS, in botany, a genus of plants call- ed by some anagallidiastrum, and by others a species of anagallis, the characters of which are these : it belongs to the tetrandria monogynia class of plants; the flower is monopetalous, the tube being globose, and the limb divid- ed into four oval segments : the fruit is an unilocular cap- sule, containing a great number of roundish seeds. There is one species, annual. CENTURION, among the Romans, an officer in the infantry, who commanded a century or a hundred men. The centurions held the first rank in the first cohort ofa legion, and two of (hem (he place of (he two first hastati, or pikemen : the first among the principes was also a cen- turion. CENTUSSIS, in Roman antiquity, a coin containing a hundred asses. CEPHALANTHUS, a genus of the tetrandria mono- gynia class of plants; the corolla consists of a single petal; the tube is slender; the limb is divided into four parts, acute, reflex, and of the length of the tube ; the frtiit is an oblong capsule, containing only one cell; several of these grow together, and form a roundish, head: the seeds are numerous and oblong. There are five species, trees and shrubs of China. CEPHALIC medicines, are remedies for disorders of the head. See Medicine. Cephalic vein. See Anatomy. CEPHEUS, in astronomy, a constellation of the north- ern hemisphere, the stars of which, in Ptolemy's catalogue, are 13; in Tycho's, 11; in Hevelius's, 40; and in Mr. Flamsleed's, 35. CEPI corpus, in law, a return made by the sheriff, that, upon a capias, or other like process, he has taken the de- fendant's body. CERAMBYX, in zoology, a genus of beetles, of the coleopfera order, the characters of which are these : the antennae are long and setaceous, and the thorax is oblong, rounded, and mucronated or pointed at each extremity. Under this genus is comprehended the Capricorn beetle. There are 83 species of this genus enumerated by Lin- naeus, principally distinguished by the figure of the breast. See Plate XXVII. Nat. Hist. figs. 99 and 100. CERASTIUM, mouse ear, a genus of the decandria penfagynia class of plants, the flower of which consists of five bifid petals ; and its fruit is a very long unilocular pod, * containing numerous roundish seeds. There are 18 spe- cies of this weed. CERATE, in pharmacy, a medicine used externally in several diseases, especially those of the skin. It is gener- ally of four sorts, the white cerate, 1 he yellow cerate, the cic- atrizing cerate, and the mercurial cerate. See Pharmacy. CERATIOLA ericoides, heath hornbush, in botany, a plant of (he class dioecia, order diandria, cal. none, cor. none, drupa 2 sperm. frutescent, a native of Georgia and Carolina, (b) CERATOCARPUS, a genus ofthe monoecia monan- dria class of plants, distinguished by having no petals, and a small, compressed, and bicornate seed, not unlike that of bidens. CERATONIA, the carobtree, or St. John's bread a genus of tbe trioecia order, in the polygamia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 33d order C E R C E R lomentaceae. The calyx is hermaphrodite and quinque- partite; there is no corolla; the stamina are five; the sfyle is filiform ; the legumen coriaceous and polysper- mous. It is also dioecious, or male and female distinct on different plants. There is but one species, vis. Ceratonia siliqua, a native of Spain, of some parts of Italy, and the Levant. It is an evergreen; and, in the countries where it is native, grows in the hedges. It pro- duces a quantity of long, flat, brown coloured pods, which are thick, mealy, and of a sweetish taste. These pods are eaten by the poorer sort of inhabitants when there is a scarcity of other food; but they are apt to loosen the belly, and cause gripings of the bowels. CERATOPHYLLUM, a genus of the polyandria order, in the monoecia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 15th order, inundatae. The male calyx is multipartite ; no corolla ; stamina from 16 to 20; the female calyx is multipartite ; no corolla; one pistil ; no style ; one naked seed. There are two species, of no note. CERBERA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing under the 30th order, contortae. The fruit is a mono- spermous plum. Of 5, the most remarkable species is, Cerbera atrouai, a native of the warm parts of America. It rises with an irregular stem to eight or ten feet, sending out many crooked diffused branches, with thick succulent leaves of a lucid green, smooth, and very full ofa milky juice. The flowers come out in loose bunches at the end of the branches ; they are of a cream colour, having long narrow tubes, and at the top are cut into five obtuse seg- ments, which seem twisted. The wood of this tree smells most abominably, and the kernels of the nuts are a deadly poison, to which there is no antidote ; so that the Indians will not even use the wood for fuel. CERCELE, in heraldry. A cross cercele is a cross which, opening at the ends, turns round both ways like a ram's horn. CERCIS, the Judas tree, a genu3 of the monogynia order, in the decandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 33d order, lomentaceae. The calyx is quinquedentated, and gibbous below; the corolla papilionaceous, wilh a short vexillum or flag petal under the wings or side petals ; a leguminous plant. There are only two species, both deciduous. The most remarkable is, Cercis Canadensis, or Canadian cercis; it will grow to the size of twenty feet in some places. The branches are also irregular : the flowers are usually of a palish red, and show themselves in spring, before the leaves are grown to their size. The flowers are often eaten in sallads, and afford an excellent pickle. CERDONIANS, in church history, persons who main- tained most of the errors of Simon Magus, Saturnel, and other Gnostics. They asserted two principles, the one good, and the other evil: this last, according to them, was creator of the world, and the God that appeared under the old law; the first, whom they called unknown, was (he father of Jesus Christ; who, they taught, was only incar- nate in appearance, and was not born ofa virgin, nor suffer- ed death, but in appearance. CEREALI A, in antiquity, feasts of Ceres, instituted by Triptoiemus of Eleusis, in Attica. CEREBELLUM, in anatomy, the hinder part of the brain. See Anatomy. CEREBRUM. See Anatomt. CERINTHE, honey wort, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 41st order, asperifolise. The limb of the corolla is a ventricose tube, with the throat pervious ; and there are two bilocular seeds. There are two species, natives of Germany, Italy, and the Alps. They are low annual plants, with purple, yellow, and red flowers, which may be propagated by seed sown in autumn in a warm situation. CERINTHIANS, in church history, a Christian sect, followers of Cerinthus, who lived and published his here- sy in the time of tbe apostles themselves. They did not allow that God was the author of the creatures, but said that the world was created by an inferior power: they attributed to this creator an only son, but born in time and different from the world: they admitted several angels and inferior powers; they maintained that the law and the prophets came not from God, but from the angels; and that (he God ofthe Jews was only an angel. They distin- guished between Jesus and Christ: and said, (hat Jesus was a mere man, born, like olher men, of Joseph and Mary; but that he excelled all other men in prudence and wisdom; that Jesus being baptized, the Christ of (he su- preme God, (hat is, the Holy Ghost, descended upon him; and fhat by the assistance of this Christ, Jesus perform- ed his miracles. It was partly to refute this sect that St. John wrote his Gospel. CEROPEGIA, in botany, a genus of the penfandria monogynia class. The flower consists of a single petal; the tube is cylindraceous, oblong, and terminating with a long globose base; the limb is small, and divided into five segments: the fruit is two cylindraceous acuminated floscules, containing one cell, and divided by two valves; the seeds are numerous, imbricated, and oblong. There are six species. CERTHIA, in ornithology, the creeper or ox eye, a genus belonging to the order of picae. The beak is arch- ed, slender, sharp, and triangular; the tongue is sharp at the point; and the feet are of the walking kind, or having the toes open and unconnected. Of (his genus near 50 species have been enumerated. The following are a few of the most remarkable : 1. The familiaris, or common ox eye, is gray above and white underneath, with brown wings, and ten while spo(a on the ten prime feathers. This bird is found in most parts of Europe, though if is believed no where so common as in Britain. It may be thought more scarce than it really is by (he less attentive observer; for, supposing it on the body or branch of any tree, the moment it observes any one, it gets to (he opposite side, and so on, let a person walk round (he tree ever so often. The facility of its running on (be bark ofa tree, in all directions, is wonder- ful ; this it does wi(h as much ease as a fly on a glass win- dow. Ite food is principally, if not wholly, insects, which it finds in the chinks and among the moss of trees. It builds ifs nest in some hole of a tree, and lays generally five eggf», very rarely more (han seven: (hese are ash coloured, marked at the end with spots and streaks of a deeper colour. C E R C E R 2. The hook billed green creeper inhabits the Sand- wich islands in general, and is one of the birds whose plumage the natives make use of in constructing their feathered garments; which having these olive green feathers, intermixed with the beauliful scarlet and yellow ones belonging lo the next species, and yellow tufted bee eater, make some of the most beautiful coverings of these islanders. 3. The pusila, or brown and white creeper, is not above half the size of our European creeper. The upper part of the body is brown, with a changeable gloss of copper: lhe under parte are while. It is a native ofthe Cape, and is fond of honey. * . 4. The Loteni, or Lotens creeper, has the head, neck, back, rump, scapulars, and upper tail coverts, of green gold; beneath, from lhe breast to the vent, of velvet black, which is separated from the green on the neck by a transverse bright violet band. It inhabits Ceylon and Madagascar. 5. The cerulea, or blue creeper, has the head of a most elegant blue; but on each side (here is a stripe of black like velvet, in which lhe eye is placed: the chin and throat are marked wilh black in the same manner; the rest of the body violet blue. It inhabits Cayenne. It makes its nest with great art. The outside is composed of dry stalks of grass, or such like; but within of very downy soft materials, in the shape of a retort, which it suspends from some weak (wis;, a( (he end ofa branch of a tree, the opening or mouth downward, facing the ground: (he neck is a foot in length, but the real nest is quite at the top, so that the bird has to climb up this fun- nel like opening to get at the nesf. Thus it is secure from every harm ; neither monkey, snake, nor lizard, daring to venture al the end ofthe branch, as it would not stead- ily support them. 6. The sannio, or mocking creeper, is ofthe size of fhe lesser thrush. On the cheeks is a narrow white spot: the head, especially on tbe crown, is inclined (o violet; the plumage in general is olive green. It inhabits both the islands of New Zealand. It has an agreeable note in gen- eral ; but at times so varies and modulates the voice, that it seems to imitate the notes of all olher birds; hence it was called by the English the mocking bird. See Plate XXVII. Nat. Hist. fig. 101. CERTIFICATE, inlaw, a writing made in any court, to give notice to another court of any thing done therein. The clerks of the crown, assize, and the peace, are to make certificates into the king's bench of the tenor of all indictments, convictions, outlawries, &c. CERTIFICATION of assise of novel disseisin, a writ granted for the re-examination or review of a matter passed by assize before any justices ; as where a man ap- pearing by his bailiff to an assize brought by another, has lost the day, and having something more to plead for him- self, a* a deed of release, &c. which lhe bailiff did not or might not plead for him, desires a further examination of the cause, either before the same justices or others, and obtains letters patent to lhat effect. CERTIOR \RI. The wri( of cer(iorari is an original wri(, issuing out ofthe court of chancery or lhe king's bench, directed in the king's name lo the judges or offi- cers of inferior courts, commanding ihem to certify or fo return lhe records ofa cause depending before them, to jtol. i. Gl fhe end the party may have the more sure and speedy justice before the king or such justices as he shall assign to determine tbe cause. 1 Bac. Abr. A certiorari lies in all judicial proceedings in which a writ of error does not lie ; aud it is a consequence of all inferior jurisdictions erected by act of parliament, to have their proceedings returnable in the king's bench. Ld. Raym. 469. In particular cases the court will use their discretion fo grant a certiorari, as if (he defendant is of good char- acter, or if (he prosecution is malicious, or attended with oppressive circumstances. Leach's Ham. 2. c. 27. s. 28. n. The courts of chancery and king's bench may award a certiorari ; to remove (he proceeding from any inferior courts, whether (hey are of ancient or newly created jurisdiction, unless the statute or charter wbich Creates them exempts them from such jurisdiction. 1 Salk. 144. pi. 3. CERT MONEY, a fine paid yearly by lhe residents of several manors lo the lord thereof, and sometimes to lhe hundred, pro certo lete, lhat is, for the certain keep- ing of (he leet. CERVICAL nerves. See Anatomy. CERVIX, in anatomy, denotes properly lhe hinder part ofthe neck. See Anatomy. CERUSE, or Ceruss, white lead, a sort of calx of lead. made by exposing plates of that metal to the vapour of vinegar. See Chymistry. CERVUS, (he ?lag or deer kind, in zoology, a genus, of quadrupeds of (he order of (he pecora. The generic character is : horns solid, covered while young with a hairy skin, growing from the (op, naked, annual, branched. Fron( teelh in (he lower jaw, eigh(. Canine tee(h, none; some(imes single in (he upper jaw. 1. Cervus alces, or elk. The elk, by far (he largest animal of (his genus, is, when full grown, scarcely inferior to a horse in size. It is common to both continents, in- habiting only the coldest regions, and is observed to arrive at a greater magnitude in Asia and America than in Eu- rope. In its shape it is much less elegant than the rest of tbe deer tribe ; having a very short and thick neck, a large head, horns dilating almost immediately from the base into a broad palmated form, a thick, broad, heavy upper lip, hanging very much over the lower; very high shoul- ders, and long legs. Notwithslanding ils awkward pro- portions, it is, however, of a noble and majestic appear- ance. It is also a mild and harmless animal, and princi- pally supports itself by browsing the boughs of trees in the vast and dreary forests of the frozen zone. The greatest height of the elk is about seventeen hands, and its greatest weight about 1229 pounds. The horns have been known to measure each 32 inches in length. The female is rather smaller (han (he male, and has no horns. See Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hisl. fig. 103. In Europe (he elk i» found chiefly in Sweden, Norway, and some parts of Russia. In Asia it occurs in the woody tracts of the Russian dominions; and in Siberia in par- ticular is found of gigantic magnitude. In America it seems to be most common in Canada, and the country round the great lakes, and is called by the name of moose deer. The e.lk, though naturally of an inoffensive and peace- able disposition, displays a high degree of courage, and CERVUS. even ferocity, when suddenly attacked ; defending himself wifh great vigour, not only with bis boms, but also by striking violently with his fore feet, in the use of which he is so dexterous as easily to kill a dog, or even a wolf, at a single blow. 2. Cervus tarandus, or reindeer, see Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 104. like tbe elk, is an inhabitant of the northern region?. In Europe its chief residence is in Norway and Lapland. In Asia it frequents the north coast as far as Kamtschatka, and the inland parts as far as Siberia. In America it occurs in Greenland, and does not extend further south than Canada. The height of a full grown reindeer is four feet six inches : the body is of a somewhat thick and square form, and the legs short- er in proportion than those of the stag. Its general col- our is brown above and white beneath; but as itvadvances in age, it often becomes of a grayish white. No animal of this tribe appears to vary so much in the form and length of its horns as the reindeer. In general the horns are remarkable for their great length and proportional slenderness, and are furnished with a pair of brow antlers, wifh widely expanded and palmated tips directed for- ward. In the young and middle aged reindeer the horns are remarkable for their slender form ; but as the animal advances in age, they are ofa stronger appearance. With the Laplanders, indeed, this animal is at once the substi- tute ofthe horse, the cow, the sheep, and goat. 3. Cervus elaphus, or stag, is one of (hose innocent and peaceable animals that seem destined to embellish (he forest, and animate the solitudes of nature. The elegance of his form, the lightness of his motions, the strength of his limbs, and the branching horns with which his head is decorated, conspire to give him a high rank among quad- rupeds, and to render him worthy the admiration of man- kind. It varies both in size and colour in different coun- tries, but is generally about three feet and a half high, and ofa reddish brown colour, whitish beneath. The horns vary as to size, &c. The general number of branches in a well grown stag seems to be six or seven, but they are sometimes far more numerous. The stag is a native of almost all the temperate parts of Europe, as well as of Asia. It also occurs in North America, where it occasionally arrives at a larger size than in the old continent, except in Siberia, where it is found of gigantic magnitude. Stags in general cast or shed their horns sooner or later in the month of March, in proportion to their ages. At (he end of June (hey are full grown, and (he animal rubs them strongly against the boughs of trees, or any convenient object, in order to free them from the skin, which is now become useless, and by the beginning of Au- gust (hey assume (he full strength and consistence, which they retein (hroughout the remainder of the year. 4. Cervus dama, or fallow deer, is considerably smaller than the stag, and is of a brownish bay colour, more or less deep in different individuals ; whitish beneath, on the insides ofthe limbs, and beneath fhe tail, wbich is some- what longer in proportion than that of the stag. In ifs general form, the animal greatly resembles the stag, hav- ing the same elegance of aspect, with a more gentle dis- position. It is not so common as the stag, and is even a rare animal in some parts of Europe, as in France and Germany, but in Spain is said to be found nearly equal to the stag in size. The manners of the fallow deer resem- ble those of lhe slag, bul it is observed fo be less delicate in (he choice of ite food; eating a variety of vegetables which are refused by the former. It arrives at full growth and perfection in about three years, and is said to live about twenty. The horns are annually shed, as in lhe stag, but at a somewhat later period. 5. Cervus Virginianus, Virginian deer, is a native ofthe northern parte of America, where if is found in vast herds and is an animal of great importance to the Indian natives who dry its flesh for their winter provision. The size of the^nimal is that ofthe fallow deer: its colour a light cinereous brown ; the horns slender, bending very much forward, with numerous branches on the interior sides, and no brow antlers. This species appears to occur in almost all parts of North America, and they abound in the greatest abun- dance in the vast savannas contiguous to the IMissisippi and the great rivers which flow into i(; grazing in innu- merable herds, along with stags and buffaloes. 6. Cervus axis, or spotted axis, see Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 102. is a most beautiful animal. Its size is nearly that ofthe fallow deer, and ite colour an elegant light ru- fous brown, distinctly and beautifully marked with very numerous white spots. If is described by Pliny among the animals of India, and is said to have been sacred to Bacchus. It has been introduced into Europe, and is occasionally seen in parks and menageries. It is readi- ly tamed, and seems lo suffer but little from a change of climate. 7. C. Axis, middle. Whether Ibis is a variety of (he former, or specifically distinct, does no( appear perfectly clear. If is of a middle size, between the spotted axis and the great axis. In the colour of its hair, it resembles the first sort, but is never spotted. It inhabits dry hilly forests in Ceylon, Borneo, Celebes, and Java, where it is found in very numerous herds. Its flesh is much esteemed by the natives, and is dried and salted for use. 8. C. Axis, great. The existence of this species or variety is ascertained from a pair of horns in the British museum, resembling the former kinds in shape, but ef larger size: they measure two feet nine inches in length, are of a whitish colour, and are very strong, thick, and rugged. Mr. Pennant conjectures that they were brought from Ceylon or Borneo, having been informed by Mr. Loten, who had long resided in the former of these islands, that a very large kind of stag, as tall as a horse, ofa red- dish colour, and wifh trifurcafed horns, existed there as well as in Borneo. 9. Cervus pygargus, or tailless roe. This species is described in the first volume of Dr. Pallas's Travels, and is a native oflhe mountainous parts of Hircania, Russia, and Siberia; inhabiting the loftiest parfs of those regions, but in* winter descending into the plains, the hair at that season assuming a hoary appearance. In its form it re- sembles the roebuck, but is larger. Its colour is brown, with the outsides of the limbs and under parfs of fhe body yellowish. It has no tail, but a mere broadish cutaneous excrescence. 10. Cervus Mexicanus, or Mexican roe, is about the size of the common or European roebuck, and of a red- CES dish colour, but when young is often spotted with white. The horns are thick, strong, and rugged: ihey bend forward, and are about ten inches long. The flesh is said to be far inferior to the venison of Europe. 11. Cervus porcinus, porcine deer, has slender trifur- cated horns, thirteen inches long and six inches at the base: the height from the shoulders to the hoof is two feet two inches, and about two inches higher behind ; the body is thick and clumsy, the legs fine and slender; lhe colour on (he upper part of lhe neck, body, and sides, is brown; the beliy and rump lighter. 12. The cervus capreolus, or common roe, is ofa red- dish brown colour, and is the smallest of the European animals of this genus. 1 be common or general measure of lhe roe is three feet nine inches from nose to tail; the height before, Iwo feet three inches; but behind, (wo feet seven inches; the horns are about si* or eight inches long, and are strong, upright, rugged, and trifurcaled : the general colour of the animal is reddish brown, more or lesa deep in differ- ent individuals, and the rump is white. It is an inhabi- tant of most parfs of Europe, as far as Norway ; il also oc- curs in some parts of Asia, but is not lo be found in Africa. Whether it is a native of America seems somewhat doubt- ful, though some species nearly allied to it are found in that continent. 13. Cervus muntjac, or ribbed faced deer, is a native of Java and Ceylon, and is somewhat smaller than lhe com- mon roebuck, and ofa thick form, like the porcine deer. The horns are trifurcaled ; but what seems principally to distinguish (his animal, is the appearance of (hree longitu- dinal subcutaneous ribs, extending from (be horns (o (he eyes. From each side of (he upper jaw hangs a disk ; so that ihis species differs in that respect from most of tbe genus. 14. C m-vus guineensis, or gray deer, is the size ofa cat; the colour gray, with a line of black between the ears, a large spot of black above tbe eyes, and on each side of the throat a line of black, pointing downward : the middle of the breast black ; the fore legs and sides of the belly, as far as the hams, marked with black; the ears rather long; the under side of the tail black. It is said to be a native of Guinea. CES A RE, among logicians, one of the modes of lhe second figure of syllogisms; the minor proposition of which is an universal affirmative, and lhe other two uni- versal negatives : thus, ce No immoral books ought to be read : sa. But every obscene book is immoral; re Therefore no obscene book ought to be read. CESSATION, cessalio a divinis, in lhe Romish church, is when, for any notorious injury to the church, a stop is put to all divine offices and the administration of the sacraments, and Christians are deprived ofphurch burial. A cessation differ* from an interdict in this, that, during lhe latter, divine service may be performed in such churches of any place interdicted, a* are not ex- pressly under the interdict, and even celebrated solemnly on certain high festivals, the church doors being shut: but in a cessation, no religious service can be performed solemnl} J the only liberty allowed is, in order (o icnew the consecrated hosts, (0 repeat every week a private cl# C E T mass in the parish churches, (he doors being shut, observ- ing also not to ring the bell. Moreover it is lawful, during the cessation, to administer baptism, confirmation, and penance, to such persons as desire it, provided they are not excommunicated, or under an interdict. CESSAVIT, in law, a writ that lies, in many cases, upon this general ground; (hat he against whom it is brought has for two years ceased or neglected to perforin such service, or lo pay such renf, as he is bound to by his tenure, and has not upon his lands and tenements suffi- cient goods or caff le to be distrained. CESSION, is where an ecclesiastical person is created a bishop, or where a parson ofa parsonage lakes another benefice, without dispensation, or otherwise not qualified, &c. in both cases, fheir firs( benefices are said to be void by cession: and (o those benefices which the person who was created a bishop enjoyed, lhe king shall present for that lime, whosoever is patron of them ; and in the other cases tie patron may present. CESTRUM, bastard jasmine, a genus ofthe monogynia .order, in lhe pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 28th order, luruiffi. The co- rolla is funnel shaped ; the stamina each sending out a lit- tle toolh about (he middle of (he inside. There are six species, all natives of the warmest parts of America; so cannot be preserved in this country without artificial heat. They are flowering shrubs, rising in height from five lo twelve feet, with flowers of a white, or pale yellow colour. The flowers of one species, called Badmington jasmine, emit a strong scent after sunset. They may be propagated either by seed or cuttings. CESTUI, a French word, signifying he or him, fre- quently used in our law writings. Thus, cestui qui trust, a person who has lands, &c. committed to him for lhe benefit of another: and if such person does not perform his trust, he is compellable to it in chancery. Cestui qui vit, one for whose life any lands, Sec. are granted. Ces- tui qui use, a person fo whose use any one is infeoffed of lands or tenements. Formerly the feoffees lo uses were deemed owners of lhe land, but now (he possession is ad- judged in cestui qui use. CETUS, in astronomy, a constellation of the southern hemisphere, comprehending twenty-two stars in Ptole- my's catalogue, twenty-one in Tycho's, and in the Britan- nic catalogue ninety-seven. In this constellation is a variable star wbich appears and disappears periodically, passing through fhe several degrees of magnitude both increasing and diminishing in about 333 days. CETE, the sevenlh order in the mammalia class of an- imals ; (he characters of which are, breathing apertures on (he head, (ail horizontal, no claws. The animals of this order are all ofthe whale kind. Nature has bestowed on this tribe an infernal structure in all respecta agreeing wilh that of quadrupeds; and in a few others (he external parts are both similar. Cetaceous fish, like land animals, breathe by means of lungs, being destitute of gills. This obliges them to rise fiequenlly on (he surface of (he water lo respire, (o sleep on the sur- face, as well as fo perform several other functions. They have the power of uttering sounds, such as bellowing and. making other noises denied to genuine fish. Like land animals Ihey have warm blood, bring forth, and suckle CHjE C H A their young, showing a strong attachment to them. Their bodies beneath the skin are entirely surrounded wilh a thick layer of fat, blubber, analogous to (he lard on hogs. The number of^lheir fins never excee.is (hree, vis. (wo pecteral fins, and one back fin; but in some species the last is wanting. Their (ails are placed horizontally, or flat, in respect to their bodies; contrary to the direction of those of all other fish, which have them in a perpendic- ular site. This situation of the tail enables them to force themselves suddenly lo the surface of the wafer to breathe, which they are so frequently constrained to do. Not- withstanding the many parts and properties which cetace- ous fish have in common with land animals, yet there still remain others which render it more natural to place them in the rank of fish : the form of their bodies agrees with that of fish; they are entirely naked, or covered only with a smooth skin ; they live constantly in the water, and have all the actions offish. This order comprehends the monodon, or narwhale, or sea unicorn; balsena, or common whale; the physeter, cachalot, or spermaceti whale; and delphinus, dolphin, grampus, porpus, &c. CHA, in commerce, a thin light silk stuff made in China, and worn by the inhabitants for a summer dress. CHiEROPHYLLUM, chervil: a genus of the digynia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natu- ral method ranking under the 45th order, umbellatse. The involucrum is reflexed concave, lhe petals inflexed cordate; the fruit oblong and smooth. There are ten species, two of which, called cow weed and wild chervil, are weeds common in many places in Britain. The roots of the first have been found poisonous when used as par- sneps ; the flowers afford an indifferent yellow dye ; the leaves and stalks a beautiful green. Its presence indi- cates a fertile soil, but it ought to be rooted out from all pastures early in the spring, as no animal but the ass will eat it. The leaves are recommended by Geoffroy as aperient and diuretic, and at the same time grateful to the palate and stomach. He even asserts that dropsies which do not yield to this medicine can scarcely be cured by any other. He directs the juice to be given in the dose of three or four ounces every fourth hour, and con- tinued for some lime, either alone or in conjunction wifh nitre and syrup of the five opening roots. The other species of chserophyllum are not possessed of any remark- able property. CHiETODON, in ichthyology, a genus of fishes be- longing to tbe order of thoracici. The teeth are very numerous, thick, setaceous, and flexile ; the rays of the gills are six. The back fin and the fin at the anus are fleshy and squamous. There are 23 species, distinguish- ed from each other principally by the figure ofthe tail, and the number of spines in the back fin. The most remark- able is the acuminatus, or shooting fish, having a hollow cylindrical beak. It is a native ofthe East Indies, where it frequents the sides of fhe sea and rivers in search of food ; from its singular manner of obtaining which it receives its name. When it spies a fly sitting on the planfs that grow in shallow water, it swims to the distance of four, five, or rix feet; and then, wilh a surprising dexterity, it ejects out of its tubular mouth a single drop of water, which nev- er fails striking the fly into the wafer, where it soon be- comes its prey. See Plates XXVIII. and XXXIII. Nat. Hist. figs. 113,114, 115, 116. CHAFFERS, in our old records, signify wares or merchandise ; and hence the word chaffering is used for buying and selling. CHAIN, a kind of measure in France, in the trade of wood for fuel: there are chains for wood by tale, for wood by the rope, for faggots, for cleft wood, and for round sticks : (here are also chains measuring the sheaves of all sorte of corn, &c. Chains in a ship, those irons (o which (he shrouds by the masts are made fast to the chain walls, which are (he broad timbers made jetting out of (he sides, to which the shrouds are fastened and spread out, the better to secure the masts. Chain shot, two bullets wilh a chain between (hem. They are used a( sea to shoot down yards or masts, and to cut the shrouds or rigging ofa ship. Chain pump. See Pump. Chain, in surveying, a measure of length, made of a certain number of links of iron wire, serving to take the distance between two or more places. Gunter's chain contains 100 such links, each measuring 7^v inches and consequently equal to 66 feet, or four poles. See Surveying. CHALCEDONY, in natural history, a genus of semi- pellucid gems* of an even and regular not tabulated tex- ture, of a semi-opaque crystaline basis, and variegated with different colours, dispersed in form of mists and clouds, and, if nicely examined, found to be owing to an admixture of various kinds of earths or metals, but imper- fectly blended in the mass, and often visible in distinct molecular. Of this genus Ihere are a great many species, as the bluish white chalcedony ; fhe brownish black chal- cedony, or smoky jasper or capnitis of the ancients; and the yellow and red chalcedony. This stone is found abundantly in many countries, par- ticularly in Iceland and the Ferro islands. It is most commonly amorphous, or in rounded masses. Ifs specif- ic gravity is from 2.615 to 2.T03; and it is composed of 84 parts of silica, and 16 of alumina, mixed with iron. When striped while and black, or brown alternately, it is called onyx; when striped white and gray, it is denomi- nated chalcedonix. Black or brown chalcedony, when between the eye and a strong light, appears of a dark red. CHALDRON, a dry English measure, consisting of thirty-six bushels, heaped up according to the sealed bushel kept at Guildhall, London; but on ship board, twenty-one chaldron of coals are allowed to the score. The chaldron should weigh Iwo thousand pounds. CHALIZA, ih Hebrew antiquity, the ceremony where- by a woman, left a widow, pulled off her brother in law's shoes, who should have espoused her; after which she was at liberty to marry whom she pleased. CHALK, in natural history, fhe English name of the while, dry, calcareous earth, with a dusty surface, found in hard masses, and called by authors creta, and terra creta. See Chymistry. CHALLENGE, taken either against persons or things: persons, as in av-ize the jurors, or any one or moie of them; or in a case of felony, by a prisoner at the bar. Challenge of jurors is of two kinds ; either fo the array, by which is meant the whole jury as it stands arrayed in the pannel or little square pane of parchment on which C H A C H A the jurors' names are written; or to the polls, by which are meant the several particular persons or heads in (he array. 1 Inst. 156. Challenge to the array is in respect of the partiality or default of the sheriff, coroner, or other officer that made the return ; and it is then twofold : 1st. Principal chal- lenge to lhe array, which if it is made good, is a sufficient cause of exception, without leaving any thing to the judg- ment of the triers ; as if the sheriff is of kindred to either party; or if any of the jurors are returned at lhe denomina- tion of either of (he parties. 2d. Challenge to (he array for favour, which being no principal challenge must be left to the discretion and conscience ofthe triers; as where either of the parties suspects that the juror is inclined to favour the opposite party. 1 Inst. 158. Principal challenge to the polls, is where cause is shown, which if found true, stands sufficient of itself, without leaving any thing to the triers; as if the juror is under the age of twenty-one, it is a good cause of challenge. Challenge to the polls for favour, is when neither party can take any principal challenge ; but shows causes of fa- vour, as that lhe juror is a fellow servant with either party. In cases of high treason, and misprision of high treason, the prisoner shall have his peremptory challenge (o lhe number of thirty-five. 1 Inst. 156. But with regard to petit treason, murder, and other felonies, the 22 Hen. VIII. c 14. continues in force, which takes away the per- emptory challenge of more than twenty. CHAMA, in zoology, a genus of shell fish belonging fo tbe order of (estecea. The shell is (hick and has (wo valves: (here are 14 species, principally dis(inguished by (he figure ofthe shells. See Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. figs. ior, 108. There is a great variety among the several species of chama; some being perfectly smooth, some striated, and some rugose, or even spinose ; whilst others are oblong, others roundish; and some are equilateral. Among the species of this genus, we may reckon the concha Veneris, or Venus's shell, with a spinose edge ; the agate chama; md the chama gryphoides and cordata. CHAM^ROPS, the dwarf palm, or little palmetto, a genus ofthe natural order of palmae. The hermaphrodite calyx is tripartite; the corolla tripetalous; there are six stamina, three pistils, and three monospermous plums. The male is a distinct plant, the same as the hermaphrodite. There are three species, the most remarkable of which is the Chamaerops glabra, a native of the West Indies, and warm parts of America, also of the corresponding latitudes of Asia and Africa. It never rises wilh a tall stem ; but when the plants are old, iheir leaves are five or six feet long, and upward of two broad ; tbese spread open like a fan, having many foldings, and at the top are deeply di- vided like lhe fingers of a hand. This plant lhe Ameri- cans call lhatch, from fhe use lo which lhe leaves are ap- plied. It may be easily raised in this country from seeds lirought from America ; but as the plants are tender, ihey must he constantly kept in a bark stove. CHAMBER, in policy, the place where certain assem- blies are held, also the assemblies themselves. Of these some are established for the administration of justice, others for commercial affairs. Ofthe first kind are, 1. star chamber, so called, because (he roof was painted with stars ; the authority, power, and jurisdiction of which, are absolutely abolished by fhe stat- ute 17 Car. 1. 2. Imperial chamber of Spire, fhe supreme court of judicatory in the empire, erected by Maximilian I. This chamber has a right of judging by appeal, and is the last resort of all civil affairs of the states and subjects of the empire, in the same manner as (he aulic council of A i- enna. Neverlheless it is restrained in several cases; it takes no notice of matrimonial causes, these being left to the pope ; nor of criminal causes, which either belong to particular princes or towns in their respective territories, or are cognisable by all the states of lhe empire in a diet. By the treaty of Osnaburgh in 1648, fifty assessors were ap- pointed for (his chamber, whereof twenty-four were to be protestants, and twenty-six catholics, besides five presi- dents, two of them protestants, and the rest catholics. 3. Apostolical chamber of Rome, that wherein affairs relat- ing to lhe revenues of the church and the pope are trans- acted. This council consists of the cardinal camerlingo, the governor of the rota, a treasurer, an auditor, a presi- dent, one advocate general, a solicitor general, a commis- sary, and twelve clerks. 4. Chamber of London, an apart- ment in Guildhall, where the city money is deposited. Of the last sort are, 1. The chambers of commerce. 2. The chambers of assurance. The chamber of commerce is an assembly of merchants and traders, where the affairs relating to trade are treated of. There are several established in most of lhe chief cities of France ; and in our own country, we have lately seen chambers of this kind erected for various purposes. Chamber of assurance in France, denotes a society oi mer- chants and others for carrying on the business of insuring; but in Holland, it signifies a court of justice, where causes relating to insurances are tried. CHAMBERLAIN, an officer charged with the manage- ment and direction ofa chamber. Chamberlain. The office of lord great chamberlain of England is hereditary ; and where a person dies seized in fee of this office, leaving two sisters, the office belongs fo both, and Ihey may execute it by deputy, but such deputy must be approved of by the king, and must not be of a degree inferior to a knight. To the lord chamber- Iain the keys of Westminster hall, and lhe court of re- quests, are delivered upon all solemn occasions. He dis- poses of the sword of state lo be carried before the king, when he comes to the parliament, and goes on (he right hand of (he sword next (he king's person. He has (he care of providing all (hings in (he house of lords in (he lime of parliament. To him belong livery aud lodgings in the king's court, Sec. and (he gentleman usher ofthe black rod, yeoman usher, &c. are under bis authority. The lord chamberlain of tbe household has also super- intendence of artificers retained in the king's service, mes- sengers, comedians, revels, music, Sec. Chamberlain of London is commonly (he receiver of all rente and revenues belonging (o lhat city, and has great authority in making and determining the rights of free- men, and regulating matters concerning apprentices, or- phans, &c. Chamberlain of Chester, when there is no prince of Wales and earl of Chester, receives and returns all writs coming thither out of any of the king's courts. CH AMBRA.NLE, among builders, an ornament of stone or wood bordering the three Bides of doors, windows, and chimnies. C H A C H A CHAMFER, or Chamfret, in architecture, an orna- ment consisting of half a scotia, being a kind ofa small furrow or gutter on a column, called also scapus, stria, &c. CH AMPAIX, or point CHAMPAiN,in heraldry,a mark of dishonour in fhe coat of arms of him who kills a prisoner of war after he has cried quarter. CHAMPARTY, or Champerty, is the unlawful main- tenance of a suit, in consideration of some bargain to have part of the lands or thing in dispute, or part of tbe gain. By stat. 33 Ed. I. st. 3. both the champartor, and he who consents thereunto, shall be imprisoned three years, and make fine at the king's pleasure. CHAMPION, a person who undertook a combat in fhe place or quarrel of another; and sometimes the word is used for him who fought in his own cause. It appears that champions, in the just sense of (he word, were persons who fought instead of those that, by custom, were obliged lo accept the duel, but had a just excuse for dispensing with it, as being too old, infirm, or being ecclesiastics, and the like. Such causes as could not be decided by the course of common law were often tried by single combat; and he who bad the good fortune to conquer, was always reputed to have justice on his side. Champions who fought for interest only where held infamous ; these hired themselves to the nobility, to fight for them in case of need, and did homage for their pension. When (wo champions were chosen to maintain a cause, it was always required that there should be a decree of the judge to authorize the »combat: when the judge had pronounced sentence, the ac- cused threw a gage or pledge, originally a glove or gaunt- let, which being taken up by the accuser, they were both taken into safe custody till the day of bailie appointed by the judge. Before the champions took the field, their heads were shaven to a kind of crown or round, which was left at the top; ihen they made an oath that they believ- ed the person who retained them, to be in the right, &c. They always engaged on foot, and with no other weapon than a club and a shield, which weapons were blessed in the field by the priest, with great ceremony ; and they always made an offering to the church, that God might assist them in the battle. The action began with railing, and giving each other ill language; and at the sound ofa trumpet, they went to blows. After the number of blows or encounters expressed in the cartel, the judges of lhe combat Ihrew a rod into the air, to advertise the champions that tbe combat was ended. If it lasted till night, or ended with equal advantage on both sides, the accused was re- puted the victor. If the conquered champion fought in the cause of a woman, and it was a capital offence, the woman was burnt, and the champion hanged. If it was the champion ofa man, and the crime capital, the vanquished was immediately disarmed, led out of the field, and hanged, together with the party whose'cause he maintained. If the crime was not capital, he not only made satisfaction, but had his right hand cutoff: the accused was to be close confined in prison, till the bailie was over. Champion of the king, a person whose office it is, at the coronation of our kings, to ride armed info Westminster hall, while the king is at dinner there, and, by fhe procla- mation of a herald, make challenge to this effect, t>i\r. " that if any man shall deny the king's Title 1 o the crown, he is there ready to defend it in single combat," Sec. which being done, the king drinks to him ; and sends him a gilt cup, with a cover, full of wine, which the champion drinks and has the cup for his fee. ' CHANCE, is more particularly used for the probability of an event; and is greater or less, according to the num. ber of chances by which it may happen, compared with the number of chances by wbich it may either happen or fail. Thus, if an event has three chances to happen, and two lo fail, lhe probability of ifs happening may be estimated A and the probability ofits failing |. Therefore, if the proba- bilities of happening and failing are added together, (be sum will always be equal (o uni(y. If (he probabilities of happening and failing are unequal there is what is commonly called odds for, or against, the happening or failing, which odds are proportional to (he number of chances for happening or failing. The expectation of obtaining any thing, is estimated by (he value of (ha( thing, multiplied by the probability of obtaining it. The risk of losing any thing, is estimated by the value of that thing, multiplied by the probability of losing it. If, from the expectations which the game- sters have upon the whole sum deposited, the particular sums they deposite, that is, Iheir own stakes, are subtract- ed, there will remain the gain, if the differenre is positive; or the loss, if the difference is negative. Again, if from (he respective expectafions which either gamester has upon (he sum deposited by his adversary, (he risk of los- ing wha( he himself deposites is subtracted, there will like- wise remain his gain or loss. If there is a certain number of chances by which the possession of a sum can be secured, and also a certain number of chances by which it may be lost, that sum may be ensured for that part of if, which shall be fo the whole, as the number of chances there are to lose it, is to lhe num- ber of all the chances. If two events have no dependence on each other, so that p be the number of chances by which the first may happen, and q the number of chances by which it may fail; and likewise, that r be the number of chances by which the second may happen, and s lhe number of chances by which it may fail: multiply p + q by r + s, and the prod- uct pr -f- qr -f ps -f qs will contain all the chances by which the happening or failing ofthe events may be varied amongst one another. From what has been said, it follows, that if a fraction expresses the probability of an event, and another frac- tion the probability of another event, and these two events are independent, fhe probability that these two events will happen, will be fhe product ofthe two fractions. Ex. 1. Suppose a person playing with a single die offers to wager, that he will throw an ace each time for two suc- cessive throws; what probability has he of succeeding? Solution. Suppose the wager 36/. and lhat, on throw- ing tbe first lime, an ace did come up ; then, because (here are six faces on the die, only one of which is right, his expectation on the second throw will be £th of 301. or 36 — =6/. But the probability of this event being also £tb, 6 the expectation, before lhe first throw must necessarily be £th of 6/. or 1/. Therefore the probability of his losing 1 f 1 35 fhe wager will be 1-----X— = 1-----= —, from 6 6 36 36 CHANCE. which it appears that no person ought to hazard such a wager, unless the value of 35 to 1 shall be laid against him. Ex. 2. A person offers to lay a wager of ll. that out of a purse containing m + n counters, of which wi are black, and n white, he will, blindfolded, at the first trial, draw a white counter; and also that, out of another purse con- taining m and n counters, of which m are black, and it white, he will also, blindfolded, at the first trial, draw a white counter; and that, if he fail in either trial, his wa- ger shall be lost. What probability is there that he shall succeed ? Solution. If, as ih the last example, he had already succeeded in the first trial, it would follow that his expec- N tationon the second will be------: but if the success of M -f- N the first trial be a condition of obtaining this expectation, n then the probability of so doing will be------; which wi + n n n multiplied info that expectation, will give-------X » nh m + n m + n or ., for the probability required. m + n X m X n Hence the probability ofthe happening of two indepen- dent events, will be equal to the product of (he probabili- ties of (heir happening separately. Of course, if the two events are ofthe same kind, then (he probability will be n* n* ______=-------------. More generally: m~+^* wa-f2mn + n» I. Let the number of chances for fhe happening of an event be a, and the number of chances for its failing be b; then the probability ofits happening once in any nura- a ab ber of trials will be expressed by the series —— -f- a+b tl|e tmn _^py y^y^^ is marked with an asterism, as y**—\p2+q. See Alge- bra. Characters used in Astronomy. See Astronomy. Characters used in the arithmetic of infinities. • the character of an infinitesimal or fluxion; thus, x, y, &c. express the fluxions or differentials of the varia- ble x and y, and two, three, or more dots, denote second, third, or higher Auctions. Mr. Leibnitz, instead of a dot, prefixes the letter d to the variable quantity, in order to avoid confusion of dots in the difficrencing of differen- tials. Sec Calcului differevtialis. Characters in Medicine and Pharmacy. R recipe M. manipulus, a handful a, aa, or ana, of each alike Jfe a pound or a pint P. a pugil P. vE. equal quantities S. A. according to art q. s. a sufficient quantity q. pi. as much as you please P. P. pulvis patrum, the Jesuits' bark. 3 an ounce 5 a drachm 3 a scruple gr. grains f$ or ss, half of any thing rong. congius, a gall h h t?' cnaractcrs of simple triple time, the meas- ure or which is equal to three semibreves, or to three minims. |, or«, or T6j, characters of mixed triple time, where the measure is eq'ial to six crotchets, or six quavers. |, or •, or -f6, |, ro|, characters of compound triple time. *p2» V» nr|»,or *^, or y, characters of that species of triple time called the measure of twelve times. See Tri- ple. Characters ofthe rests or pauses of time. :S: 3i^?-™IS=Kfe Numeral Characters used to express numbers, are ether letters or figures. The Arabic character, called al- so tbe common one, because it is used almost throughout Europe in all sorts of calculations, consists of these ten digits, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,0. See Arithmetic. The Greeks had three ways of expressing numbers: first, every letter, according to its place in the alphabet, denoted a number, from «, one, to et, twenty-four. 2. The alphabet was divided into eight units, * one, p two, y three, &c. into eight tens, t ten, * twenty, a thirty, &c. and cigli-. hundreds, % one hundred, ^ (&**) ten, H (T?iOthree thousand, &c. CHARADKIUS, in ornithology, a genus belonging to the order of grallse. The beak is cylindrical and blunt; the nostrials are linear; and the feet have each three toes. Among the species, of which their are 27 or 28, are, 1. The Alexandrinus, or Alexandrian dottrel, is of a brownish colour, with the forehead, collar, and belly, white; the prime tail-feathers on both sides are white; and the legs are black. It is about the size of a lark, and lives upon insects. 2. The JEgyptius has a black streak on the breast, white eye-brows, the prime tail-feathers streaked with black at tbe points, and bluish legs. It is found in the plains of Egypt, and feeds on insects___3. The morinellus has an iron-coloured breast, a small white streak on the breast and eye-brows, and black legs. It is found in Cambridgeshire, Lincolnshire, and Derbyshire. On Lincoln-heath, and on the moors of Derbyshire, they arc migratory; appearing there in small flocks of eight or ten only in the latter end of April, and staying there all May and part of June, during which time thev are very fat, and much esteemed for their delicate flavour. In the months of April and September they are taken on the Wiltshire and Berkshire downs. 4. The pluvialis (see Plate XXVIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 106) is black above, with green spots, white underneath, and the feet arc ash-coloured. It is tbe green plover of Ray, and is a native of Europe. They lay four eggs, sharply pointed at the lesser end. ofa dirty white colour' and irregularly marked, especially at the thicker end, with blotches and spots. They make a shrill whistling noise; and may be enticed within shot by a skilful imita- tor of their note. 5. The cedicnemus.or sf me curlew of R.rcator's Chakt, is that wherein the meridians are straight lines parallel to each other, and equidistant; the parallels a re also straight lines, and parallel to each other: btit the distance between them increases from the equinoc- tial towards either pole, in the ratio of the secant ofthe latitude to the radius. If the superficies of the terrestrial globe is supposed to be taken off, and extended on a plane, so as to make the meridians parallel to each other, and the degrees of longi- tude every where equal, it is easy to conceive that it must he productive ofthe most notorious errors; for an island in latitude 60°, where tbe radius of the parallel is only equal to one-half of the radius of tbe equator, will have its length from east to west distorted in a double ratio to what it was on the globe; that is, its length from east to west, in comparison of its breadth from north to south, will be represented in a double proportion to what it real- ly is: when: e it follows, that in whatever proportion the degrees of any parallel are increased or diminished by a projection in piano, the degrees of longitude ought to be increased or diminished in the same ratio; for otherwise the true bearings and distances of places will be lost, as in the case of the plane-chart where the degrees of lati- tude and longitude are all equal. Though this projection is generally called Mercator's projection, yet our countryman, Mr. Wright, had long before invented it, demonstrated its use, and shown a ready way of constructing it, by enlarging the meridian line, by a cou'mued addition of secants: but neither of these gentlemen is then;:lit the original author of it, having been hinted by Ptolemy about two thousand years ngo. See Navigation. (r'ohalar Chart, a meridional projection, wherein the distance ofthe eye from the plane ofthe meridian, upon wbich the projection is made, is supposed to be equal to the sine of the angle of 45°. This projection comes the nearest of all f o the nature of the globe, because the me- ridians therein are placed at equal distances, the paral- lels also are nearly equidistant, and consequently the se- veral parts of the earth have their proper proportion of magnitude, distance, and situation, nearly the same as on the globe itself. ( HARTA, MAGNA, the great charter of liberties granted lirsf by king John, and afterwards, with some alterations, confirmed in parliament by king Henry the Third. It is so called, either for the excellence of the laws therein contained, or because there was another charter, called the charter ofthe forests, which was the h ss of the two; or in regard of the great wars and trou- ble in obtaining it. King Henry the Third, after it had been several times confirmed by him, and as often brok- en, at last, in the 3rth year of his reign, confirmed it in the mjst solemn manner in v\ estminsterhall. After- wards king iOd. I. confirming this charter, in the 35th year of his reign, made an explanation of the liberties therein granted to the people, adding some; and in the confirmation, he directed that this charter should be read twice a year to the people, and sentence of excom- munication to be constantly denounced against all that by word, or deed, or counsel, shall act contrary thereto, or in any degree infringe it. CHARTER, is a deed whereby the king passes any grant to any one person or more, or to any bod} politic. Charter-party, is a contract under hand and seal, executed hy the freighter and the master and oilier of the ship, containing the terms upon which the ship is hired to freight: the masters and owners usually bind themselves, the ship, tackle, and furniture, that the goods freighted shall be delivered (dangers ofthe sea except- ed) well conditioned at the place of discharge; and they also covenant to provide mariners, tackle, occ. and to equip th» ship complete and adequate to the voyage. The freighter stipulates to pay thecviisideration-moiiey for the freight, and penalties are annexed to enforce the reciprocal covenants. A charter-party is the same in the civil law, as an indenture at common law; and is distinguished from a bill of lading, inasmuch as the for- mer adjusts the terms of the freight, and the latter as- certains the contents of the cargo. CHARTREUSE, or grande chartreuse, a celebrated monastery, the capital of all the convents of the Car- thusian monks, situated on a steep rock in the middle of a large forest oi" fir-trees, about seven miles north-east of Grenoble, in the province of Dauphiny, in France. From this mother-convent all the others of the same order take their name; among which was the chartreuse of London, corruptly called the Charter-house, now converted into an hospital, endowed with a revenue of GOO', per annum. Here are maintained eighty decayed gentlemen, not under fifty years of age; also forty'boys are educated and fitted either icr the university or* trades. Those sent to the university, have an exhibition of 20/. a year for eight years: and have an immediate title to nine church-livings in the gift ofthe governors of the hospital who are sixteen in number, all persons ofthe first dis- tinction, and take their turns in the nomination of pen- sioners and scholars. CHACE, a great quantity of ground lying open and privileged for wild beasts and wild fowl.* Such is En- field-chace. A chace differs from a forest, inasmuch as it may be in the hands of a subject, which a forest in its proper nature cannot; and from a park, in that it is not enclosed, and has more officers. A chace is not en- dowed like a forest with so many liberties, as the courts of attachment, swainmote, and justice-seat; and cannot lawfully be made, without license from the king under the broad seal. CHATTELS or catals, all sorts of goods and pro- CHE CHE perty moveable or immoveable, except freehold pro- perty. CHAZINZARIANS, in church history, a sect of heretics who adored the cross. CHECK, or check roll, a roll or book, wherein are contained the names of such persons as are attendants and in pay to the king, or other great personages. Clerk of the Check, in the king's household, has the check and control of the yeomen of the guard, and all the ushers belonging to the royal family; allowing their absence or defects in attendance, or diminishing their wages for the same, Sec. He also, by himself or deputy, takes the view of those that are to watch in the court, and has the setting of the watch, &c. Clerk ofthe check in the king's navy at Plymouth, is also the name of an »flicer invested with the like power. Checks, or drafts, on bankers, are instruments by means of which a creditor may assign to a third person, not originally party to the contract, the legal as well as equitable interest in a debt raised by it, so as to vest in such an assignee a right of action against the original debtor. 1 H. B. 602. These instruments are uniformly made payable to bearer, which constitutes a character- istic difference between them and bills of exchange; and the legislature has considered them in a more favourable point of view by exempting them from the stamp-duties. They are equally negotiable with bills, although, strict- ly speaking, not due before payment is demanded. AVhen given in payment they are considered as cash; and it is said, may be declared upon as a bill of exchange: and the moment this resemblance begins, they are governed by the same principles of law as hills of exchange. Checks payable on demand, or where no time of pay- ment is expressed, are payable on presentment without any indulgence or days of grace; but the presentment should be made within a reasonable time after the receipt, otherwise the party upon whom the check is drawn, w ill not be responsible, and the person from whom the holder received it will be discharged. Therefore, where circum- stances will allow of it, it is advisable for the holder of the check to present it on the same day it is received. CHECKY, in heraldry, is when the shield, or a part thereof, as a bordure, Sec. is chequered, or divided into chequers or squares, in the manner of a chess-board. This is one of the most noble and most ancient figures used in armoury. CHEEKS, among mechanics, are almost all those pie- ces of their machines and instruments, that are double, and perfectly alike; as the cheeks of a mortar, which are made of strong wooden planks, of a semicircular form, bound with thick plates of iron, and fixed to the bed with four bolts: these cheeks rise on each side of the mortar, and serve to keep it at what elevation is given it: the cheeks of a printing-press are its two principal pieces, placed perpendicular and parallel to each other, and serving to sustain the three sommers, &c. Cheeks, in ship-building, two pieces of timber, fitted on each side of the mast, at the top, serving to strength- en the mast there, and having holes in them, called hounds, through which the ties run to hoist the yards. Also the uppermost rail, or piece of timber in the beak of a ship, and these on each side of the trail-board, are 'called the upper and lower cheek. The knees also which fasten the beak-head to the bows of the ship, are called cheeks. CHEIRANTHUS, stock gilliflower, and wall-flower: a genius of the 39th natural order, siliquosoe, and be- longing to the tetradynamia class of plants. The gei> men is marked with a glandulous denticle on each side* the calyx is close, with two of its leaves gibbous at the base; the seeds plane. There are 22 species, of which the following are most worthy of notice. 1. Cheiranthus animus, or ten weeks stock, with an upright, woody, smooth stalk, divided into a branchy head, twelve or fifteen inches high, with spear-shaped, blunt, hoary leaves, and all the branches terminated hy long erect spikes of numerous flowers, of different co- lours in different varieties. 2. Cheiranthus cheiri, or the common wall-flower, the branches terminating in long erect spikes or nume- rous flowers, which in different varieties are yellow, bloody, white, &c. 3. Cheiranthus incanus, the hoary cheiranthus, the top of the stalk and all the branches terminated hy erect spikes or flowers from one to two or three feet long, of different colours in different varieties. The two last sorts are very hardy evergeen biennials or perennials; but the first, being an annual plant, must be continued by seed sown every year; and even the two last, not- withstanding their being perennial, degenerate so much in their flowers after the first year, that it will be pro- per also to raise an annual supply of them. The seeds are to be chosen from such flowers as have five, six, or more petals, or from such as grow near to the double ones. When fine doubles of the two last kinds are ob- tained, they may be multiplied by slips from the old plants. CHEKAO, a kind of paste, prepared hy calcination and trituration from a hard stony substance, and after- terwards washing the powder in large quantities of fair water. The Chinese use the chekao in drawing the elegant figures we see in the wholly white china-ware, which they afterwards varnish" in the common way. Sec the article Porcelain. CHELIDONIUM, celandine,horned or prickly pop- py: a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants: and in the natural method ranking un- der the 27th order, rhseadese. The carolla is tctrape- talous, the calyx diphyllous, the siliqua unilocular and linear. There are five species. One of them, viz. cheli- donium majus, is an article in the materia medica. It grows on old walls, among rubbish, and in waste shady places. The herb is of a blewish green colour; the root ofa deep red; and both contain a gold-coloured juice; the smell is disagreeable, the taste somewhat bitterish, very acrid, burning and biting the mouth; the root i.s the most acrid. The juice takes off warts; cures tetters, ring-worms, and the itch; and, diluted with milk, it consumes opaque white spots on the eye. Horses, cows, goats, and swine, refuse to eat the herb. CIIELONE, in botany, a genus of the angiosper- mia order, in the didynamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 40th order, personate. The calyx is quinquepartite; the rudiment of a 5th filament among the highest stamina; the capsule bilocu- lar. There are five species, viz. CHE CHE l. Chelone glabra, 2. chelone hirsuta, 3. chelone pen- stcinnn, 4. chelone obli([ua, and 5. C. campanulata. They are all natives of North America; and are herba- ceous flowery perennials, with upright stalks two feet high, decorated with spear-shaped leaves, and beautiful spikes of monopetalous, ringent flowers, red, rose-co- loured, blue, and purple. They flower from Sept. to Nov. and are sometimes succeeded by ripe seeds in this country. They are hardy, and may be propagated by seeds in any soil; but the two first multiply so fast hy their creeping roots that the seeds are seldom regarded. The last species is the most beautiful. CHEMISE, in fortification, the wall with which a bastion, or any other bulwark of earth, is lined for its greater support and strength: or it is the solidity ofthe wall from the talus to the stone-row. Fire-Chemise, a piece of linen-cloth, steeped in a composition of oil or petrol, camphor, and other com- bustible matters, used at sea, to set fire to an enemy's vessel. CHEMISTRY-is that branch of science, the object of which is to ascertain the simple substances or ele- ments of bodies, the properties of these, and their ac- tion on each other. The methods made use of to obtain this knowledge are analysis and synthesis. Chemistry comprehends almost all the changes in natural objects, with which we are more immediately connected, and in which we have the greatest interest: it is subservient to the various arts of life, and the several branches of manufacture which are carried on in every civilized state. Dyeing, bleaching, tanning, glass-making, the working and composition of metals, &c. are all processes in chemistry. In agriculture chemistry in- vestigates the nature of soils; it explains the phenome- na of the growth and nourishment of vegetables, and the nature and action of manures. As a science it is con- nected with all the phenomena of nature, the causes of rain, snow, hail, dew, wind, and earthquakes: it has been called in to the aid of the culinary arts; and its high importance in medicine has been long and univer- sally acknowledged. Chemistry therefore is highly wor- thy of our attention, because beyond every other branch of study it increases our knowledge, extends the num- ber of our resources, and is thus calculated to promote our enjoyments, and augment our power over the ma- terial world. Besides, no study can give us more exalt- ed ideas of the wisdom and goodness of the great First Cause than this, which exhibits the most astonishing effects fiequenlly produced by the most simple means; and displays to our view the great care which has eve- ry where been taken to secure the comfort and happi- ness of every living creature. The history of Chemistry.—The word chemistry is said to be of Egyptian origin, and equivalent to our phrase natural philosophy, comprehending all the knowledge of natural objects which the ancients possessed. It afterwards acquired a more limited signi- fication, and was confined to the art of working metals, which was in the highest estimation among the ancients. In the third centurv it was used in a still more Iiiiiit«*«l sense, signifying the art of making gold and silver. In this sens the science was eagerly culti- vated by the Creeks; from the in it passed to the Arabi- ans, and by these it was introduced into Europe. Those who professed it assumed the form of a sect, under the name of alchymists, who laid it down as a first princi- ple, that all metals are composed of the same ingredi- ents, or that the substances which compose gold exist in all metals, and are capable of being brought into the pure state; hence the great object of their researches was to discover the means of producing this change, and of converting the baser metals into gold. The sub- stance which possessed this wonderful property was called " the philosopher's stone," the touch of which was to change every thing into gold. From the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries alchymy was in its most flourishing state. The writers who ap- peared during that period were numerous; among the most celebrated were Albertus Magnus, Roger Bacon, Arnoldus de Villa Nova, Raymond Lully, and the two Isaacs of Holland. Some of their hooks are altogether unintelligible; others display great acuteness, and an extensive acquaintance with natural objects. They often reason with great accuracy, though generally from mistaken principles. They all boast that they are in possession of the philosopher's stone, and profess to communicate the method of making it; but their lan- guage is enigmatical, and evedently intended not to be understood by any but the adepts in their own myste- ries. Their writings and vaunted professions gained im- plicit credit; and the covetous were filled with the de- sire of enriching themselves by means of discoveries which they pretended to communicate. This laid the un- wary open to the tricks ofa set of impostors, who offer- ed to communicate their secret for a suitable but large reward. Thus they contrived to get possession of a sum of money with which they absconded or tired out the patience of their pupils by intolerably tedious, expen- sive, and ruinous processes. Chemists had for many ages hinted at the importance of discovering a universal remedy, which should he ca- pable of curing, and even of preventing all deseases; and several of them had asserted, that this remedy was to be found in the philosopher's stone, which not only converted baser metals to gold, but possessed also the most sovereign virtue, was capable of curing all disea- ses in an instant, and even of prolonging life to an in- definite length, and of conferring on the adepts the gift of immortality on earth. This notion gradually gained ground; and the word chemistry, in consequence, at length acquired a more extensive signification, and im- plied not only the art of making gold, but the arf also of preparing the universal medicine. About the time that the first of these branches was sinking into discredit, the second, and with it the study of chemistry, acquired an unparalleled degree of cele- brity, and attracted the attention of all Europe. This was owing to the appearance of Theophrastus Paracel- sus, who was born in 1493, near Zurich in Switzerland; and was, in the 34th year of his age, after a number of whimsical adventures, which had raised his reputation to a great height, appointed by the magistrates of Basil to deliver lectures in their city; he was the first public professor of chemistry in Europe. The character of this extraordinary man is univer- sally known. That he was an impostor, and boasted of CHEMISTRY. secrets which he did not po-so:-3, cannot be denied; but it must be acknowledged that his talents were great, and that his labours were not entirely useless. He con- tributed not a little to dethrone Galen and Avicenna, who at that time ruled over medicine with absolute power; and to restore Hippocrates and the patient ob- servers of nature to that chair, from which they ought never to have been expelled, lie certainly gave che- mistry an eclat which it did not before possess; and this must have induced many of those laborious men who succeeded him to turn their attention to the science. Nor ought we to forget that by carrying his speculations concerning the philosopher's stone, and the universal medicine, to the greatest height of absurdity, and by exemplifying their emptiness and inutility in his own person, he undoubtedly contributed more than any man to their digrace and subsequent banishment from the science. Van Helmont, who was born in 1577, may be con- sidered as the last of the alchymists. His death com- pleted the disgrace of the universal medicine. His con- temporaries, and those who immediately succeeded him, attended solely to the improvement of chemistry. The chief of them were Agricola, Bcguin, Glaser, Erkern, Glauber, Kunekcl, Boyle, Sec. The foundation ofthe alchymistical system being thus shaken, the facts which had been collected soon became a heap of rubbish, and chemistry was left without any fixed principles, and destititucof an object. It w;is then that a man arose, thoroughly acquainted with the whole of these facts, capable of arranging them, and of per- ceiving the important purpose to which they might be applied, and able to point out the proper objects to which the researches of chemists ought to be directed. This name was Backer. He accomplished the arduous task in his work entitled Physica Subterrnnea, published at Francfort 1669. The publication of this book forms a very important sera in the history r of chemistry in Paris about the year 1745, contrived to infuse his own enthusiasm into the whole body of the French literary men; and from that moment chemistry became the fashionable studv. Men of emi- nence appeared every where, discoveries multiplied, the spirit pervaded the whole nation, extended itself over Italy, and appeared even in Spain. After the death of Boyle, and of some other of the earliest members of the Royal Society, little attention was paid to chemistry in Britain, except by a few indi- viduals. The spirit which Newton had infused for the mathematical sciences was so great, that for many years they drew within their votex almost every man of emi- nence in Britain. But when Dr. Calien became profes- sor of chemistry in Edinburgh in 1756, he kindled a flame of enthusiasm among the students, which was soon spread far and wide by tbe subsequent discoveries of Black, Cavendish, and Priestley; and meeting with the kindred fires which were already burning in France, Germany, Sweden, and Italy, the science of che- mistry burst forth at once with unexampled lustre. (See the article Air.) Hence the rapid progress which it has made during the last forty years, the univer- sal attention which it has excited, and the unexpect- ed light which it has thrown on the arts and manufac- tures. As the theory now universally received derived, in a great degree, its origin and support from the discovery of the composition of water (Sec Air as above), we shall proceed to state this important point of doctrine. Water was long considered as an elementary princi- ple; no one had been able to decompose it: hut since the experiments of Cavendish, Lavoisier, and others, its true nature has been accurately ascertained; and water may now he decomposed with as much facility as al- most any other substance with which we are acquaint- ed. Water is composed of oxygen and hydrogen: it may, by undeniable experiments, be converted info these gases, and by the combustion of them in proper pro- portions, a quantity of water will be produced equal to the weight ofthe gases emplovcd; of this we shall pro- ceed to give the requisite proofs by experiments. Experiment 1. A tube of common glass E F (fig. 18), well annealed, and difficult to be fused, about an inch in diameter, is placed across a furnace CFED, i;> a po- sition somewhat inclined, and to its upper extremity is adapted a glass retort A, containing a known quantity of distilled water, and resting on a furnace V X. To the lower extremity of the glass tube F, is applied to a worm SS, connected with the doable tubulated flask H; and to the other tubulurc is adapted a bent glass tube IvK, destined to convey the gas to an apparatus proper for determining the quality and quantity of it. When the whole is thus arranged, a fire is to be kindled in the furnace CE, and maintained in such a maimer as to bring the glass tube EF to a red-head, but without fus- ing it: at the same time so much fire is to be maintain- ed in the furnace YX, as to keep the water in the re- tort A in a continual state of ebullition. In proportion as the water in the retort A assumes the state of vapour by ebullition, it fills the interior part of the tube EF, and expels the atmospheric air, whir-h is evacuated by the worm SS, and the tube KK. The steam ofthe wa- ter is afterwards condensed by cooling in the worm SS, and falls drop by drop, in the state of water, into the tubulated flask II. When the whole of the water in the the retort A is evaperaled, and the liquor in the vessels suffered to drain off completely, there is found in the CHEMISTRY. flask H a quantity of water exactly equal to that which was in the retort A: of course there has been no disen- gagement of any gas: so that this operation was merely a common distillation, which gave absolutely the same result as if the water had never been brought to a state of incandescence in passing through the glass tube EF. Exp. 2. Every thing being arranged as in the pre- ceding experiment, 28 grains of charcoal reduced to fragments, and which had been previously exposed for a long time to a white heat in close vessels, were next introduced into the glass tube EF. The operation was then conducted as before, and the water in the retort A kept in a continual state of ebullition till it was totally evaporated. The water in the retort A was distilled, as in the preceding experiment; and being condensed in the worm SS, had fallen, drop by itrop, into the flask 11; but at the same time there had been disengaged a considerable quantity of gas which escaped through ♦ lie tube KK, and was collected in a proper apparatus. When the operation was finished, there was found no- thing in the tube EF but a few ashes; and the 28 grains of charcoal had totally disappeared. The gases disengaged were found to weigh altogeth- er 113.7 grains: and there were found two different kinds of gas, viz. 144 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas (211), weighing 100 grains; and 380 cubic inches ofa very light gas, weighing 13.7 grains. This last gas took fire on being applied to a lighted body in contact with the air. In examining afterwards the weight of the wa- ter which had passed into the flask, it was found less than that in the retort A by 85.7 grains. In this experiment, therefore, 85.7 grains of water, and 28 grains of charcoal, formed carbonic acid gas equal to 100 grains; and a peculiar gas susceptible of inflammation, equal to 13.7 grains. Exp. 3. The apparatus being arranged as above, in- stead of the 28 grains of charcoal, 274 grains of thin shav- ings of iron, rolled up in a spiral form, were introduced into the tube E F: the tube was then brought to a red heat as before; and in the same manner the whole ofthe wa- ter in the retort A was made to evaporate. In this ex- periment there was disengaged only one kind of gas which was inflammable: there was obtained of it about 406 cubic inches, weighing 15 grains; and the 2T4 grains of iron, put into the tube EF, were found to weigh 85 grains above what they did when introduced; and the water first employed was diminished 100. The volume of these iron shavings was found to be greatly enlarged. The iron was scarcely any longer susceptible of attraction by the magnet; it dissolved without effervescence in acids: in a word, it was in the state of a black oxide, like that which has been burnt in oxygen gas. In this experiment there was a real oxi- dation ofthe iron by the water, entirely similar to that effected in the air by the aid of heat: loo groins of wa- ter were decomposed; and of these 100 grains 85 united to the iron, to reduce it to the state of black oxide: these 85 grains, therefore, wore oxygen; the remaining 15 grains, combined with caloric, formed an inflamma- ble gus. It iheiu e follows that wat v is composed of oxygen and the base of inflainmai.-l > gas, in the propor- tion of 85 to 15, or of 17 to \ V. ater therefore, besides oxygen, which is one of its p'-nupies, and which VOL I. 63 IS common to it with a great many other substances, con- tains another peculiar to itself, and which is its consti- tuent radical. This radical, has been called hydrogen, that is to say, the generator of water; and the combina- tion of this radical with coloric, is distinguished hy th« name of hydrogen gas. Sec Ai:!. This radical then is a new combustible body; that is, a body which has so much affinity for oxygen as to be able to take it from caloric, and to decompose oxygen gas. This combustible body itself has so great an affini- ty for caloric, that unless engaged in some combination, it is always in the aeriform or gaseous state, at the de- gree of pressure and temperature in which Ave live. If it is true, as has been shown, that water is com- posed of hydrogen, combined with oxygen, it thence re- sults, that by re-uniting these principles, water ought to he re-formed. This indeed is what takes place, as will he seen by the following experiment: Exp. 4. Take a wide-mouthed glass balloon, A (fig. 19), capable of containing about four gallons, and ce- ment to its mouth a small plate of copper BC, having above it a cylinder of the same metal, g D, pierced with three holes to receive three tubes. The first of these, h II, is destined to be connected at its extremity h, with an air-pump, in order that tbe balloon A may be ex- hausted of air. The second tube, gg, communicates by its extremity MM, with a reservoir of oxygen gas, and is destined to convey it into the balloon A. The third tube, D d, communicates by the extremity NN, with a reservoir of hydrogen gas: the extremity of this tube terminates in an aperture so small as scarcely to admit a very delicate needle. It is through this aperture that the hydrogen gas contained in the reservoir is to pass into the balloon A. In the next place, the small plate BC is pierced with a fourth hole, into which is inserted with cement a glass tube, through which passes a wire FL, having at its extremity L, a small ball destined to make an electric spark pass between the ball and the cztrcmity y, of the tube that conveys the hydrogen gas into the balloon A. The wire FL is moveable'in the glass tube, in order that the metallic ball L may be brought nearer to, or removed from, the point y: the three other tubes gg, H/i, Dd, are each furnished with a cock. That the gases may be conveyed in a verv dry state through the tubes which conduct them into the balloon A, and that they may be deprived of water as much as possible, you must put into the swelled parts MM and NN of the tubes, some salts capable of attracting the moisture with great activity, such as acetite of potash, muriate of lime, or nitrate of lime. These salts should be only coarsely pounded, in order that they may not form a mass, and that the gasses may pass freely into the interstices left between the fragments. You mast be provided with a sufficient quantity of very pure oxyeen gas, and nearly a triple volume of hydrogen gas, equal. ly pare. To obtain it in this state, and free from all mixture, you must extract it from water, decomposed by means of every pure and ductile iron. When every thing has been thus prepared, adapt to the air-pump ibe tobe //Ii, and exhaust the air in the Itrge balloon A; then fill it with oxygen gas, by means oi the tube gg; and by a certain degree of pj.^ CHEMISTRY. force the hydrogen gas to pass into the balloon A, through the extremity y of the tube dDy; then kindle this gas by means of an electric spark, and if you re- new the quantity of each of these two gases, the com- bustion may be continued for a long time. In proportion as the combustion proceeds, water is deposited on the internal surface of the balloon A: the quantity of this water gradually increases, and it unites itself into large drops, which run down the sides of the vessel, and are collected in the bottom of it. It w as by an experiment of this kind that Lavoisier ascertained that 85 parts, by weight, of oxygen, and 15 parts, also by weight, of hydrogen, are required to com- pose an hundred parts of water. Hence it is evident that water is not a simple sub- stance; that it is composed of two principles, oxygen and hydrogen; and that its two principles separated from each other, have so great an affinity for caloric, that at the common degree of temperature and pres- sure they cannot exist but under the gaseous form. Chemical operations and instruments.—The reduction of solids into powders of different degrees of fineness, by means of pulverization, Sec. is a necessary preliminary operation previously to their being chemically acted up- on. But these processes can never reduce substances in- to their primary or elementary particles; they do not even destroy the aggregation of bodies; for every par- ticle, after the most accurate trituration, forms a small whole, resembling the original mass from which it was divided. The real chemical operations, on the contrary, such as solution, destroy the aggregation of bodies, and separate their constituent and integrant particles from each other. Brittle substances are reduced to powder by means of hammers, pestles and mortars, stones, and mullers. Pestles and mortars are made either of metal, glass, porcelain, marble, agate, Sec. according to the hardness and properties of the bodies to be pounded. Wedgewood's ware affords a most excellent kind of mortar for most purposes, as it is very strong, and not liable to be acted upon by acids. Many bodies cannot be reduced to powder by the foregoing methods: such are fibrous substances, as wood, horns of animals, elastic gum, and metals which flatten under the hammer; for these, files, rasps, knives, and graters, are necessary. The separation of the finer parts of bodies from the coarser, which may want further pulverization, is per- formed by means of sifting or washing. A sieve for sifting, generally consists of a cylindrical band of thin wood, or metal, having silk, leather, hair, wire, &c. stretched across it. Sieves are of different de- grees of fineness, Washing is used for procuring powders of an uniform fineness much more accurately than by means of the sieve; but it can only be used for such substances as are not acted upon by the fluid which is used. The pow- dered substance is mixed with water, or some other con- venient fluid: the liquor is allowed to settle for a few mo- ments, and is then decanted off: the coarsest powder re- mains at the bottom of the vessel, and the finer passes over with the liquor. By repeated decantations in this manner, various sediments are obtained, of different de- grees of fineness: the last, or that which remains lon- gest suspended in the liquor, being the finest. Filtration is a finer species of sifting. It is siftin<* through the pores of paper, or flannel, or tmv linnen or sand, or pounded glass, or porous stones, and the like- but is used only for separating fluids from solids, or gross particles that may happen to be suspended in them, and not chemically combined with the fluids. Thus salt-water cannot be deprived of its salt by filtra- tion; but muddy water will deposit its mud. No solid, even in the form of powder, will pass through the above mentioned filtring substances: hence if water or other fluid, containing sand, insects, mud, 6cc. is placed in a bag or hollow vessel, made of any of those substances, the sand, See. will remain on the filtre, and the liquor will pass through, and may be received clear in a ves- sel under it. Unsized paper is a very convenient sub- stance for making filtres for chemical purposes. It is wrapped up in a conical form, and put into a glass fun- nel, which serves to strengthen the paper and support the weight of the fluid when poured into it. Decaiitation is often substituted instead of filtration, for separating solid particles which are diffused through liquors. These are allowed to settle to the bottom, and the clear fluid is gently poured off. If the sediment is extremely light, and apt to mix again with the fluid, by the slightest motion, a syphon is used for drawing off the clear fluid. Lixiviation is the separation by means of water, or other fluid, of such substances as are soluble in it, from other substances that are not soluble in it. Thus, if a cer- tain mineral consists of salt and sand, or salt and clay, &c. the given body being broken to powder, is placed in water, which will dissolve the salt, and keep it suspended, whilst the earthy matter falls to the bottom of the vessel, and, by means of filtration, may be separated from the fluid. Evaporation separates a fluid from a solid, or a more volatile fluid from another which is less volatile. Simple evaporation is used when the more volatile or fluid substance is not to be preserved. Various degrees of heat are employed for this purpose, according to the nature of the substances. It is performed in vessels of wood, glass, metal, porcelain, &c. Basons made of Wedgewood's ware are very convenient, as they are not apt to break by sudden changes of heat. Small flasks of thin glass also: these are placed either over the na- ked fire, or in a vessel filled with sand, which is then called a sand-bath. This affords a more regular degree of heat, and renders the vessels less liable to be broken. When the fluid which is evaporated must be preserv- ed, then the operation is called distillation. Distillation is evaporating in close vessels, when we wish to separate two fluids of different degrees of vola- tility, and to preserve the most volatile, or both of them. The substance to be subjected to distillation, is put into some vessel that will resist the action of heat, called a retort, an alembic j or a still; having a beak or neck projecting from it, to which is attached another vessel, to receive the fluid that rises first, which is called the receiver. The vessel that contains the liquor to be dis- tilled is placed upon the fire, or in a sand-bath, or over a lamp; the heat causes the most volatile fluid to raise in the form of vapour, and to pass into the receiv- er, where it is again condensed by cold. This conden- sation is sometimes assisted by making the vapour pass CHEMISTRY. through a tube which is immersed in a vessel contain- ing cold water. A (fig. 1, Plate XXIX) represents a retort used for distillation. It is a vessel, either of glass or baked earth, for containing the liquid to be distilled. When it has a " small neck, a, with a stopper fitted to it, for introducing the materials through, it is called a tubulated retort. B is the receiver for condensing the vapour which is raised, and into which the neck ofthe retort is inserted. The joining, b, is made air-tight by means of some sub- stance applied to it, called a lute. Various methods are used for supporting both the retort and receiver, accord- ing to the degree of heat employed in the process, and several other circumstances. See Lute. When great heat is employed, earthen retorts are us- ed, which are placed on or in the fire. When a less heat is wanted, glass retorts are generally employed; which must not be placed immediately on the fire, unless they are coated over with a composition of clay and sand, which is sometimes done. Glass retorts are generally placed in a sandbath, or suspended over a lamp, for which Argand's lamp is the best. The receiver is placed upon some stand convenient for the purpose, with a ring made of hay under it, or some such contrivance, to keep it steady. A (fig. 2) is a vessel called a mattrass, for the same purpose, having a vessel, B, called an alembic, fitted to the head. The liquid raised by heat into the state of va- pour, is condensed in the alembic, and falls into a groove all round its inside, whence it runs out dy the spout C, into the receiver D. Fig. 3, are conical tubes that fit into one another, for lengthening the necks of retorts, &c. to connect them with the receivers at any distance: they are called adop- ters. Fig. 4, are phials with bent glass tubes fitted in them, for disengaging gases, and similar experiments. Fig. 5, represents an improved chemical apparatus, such as is used by Mr. Davy in his experiments at the Royal institution. A is a japanned tin vessel, filled with- in two or three inches ofthe top with water. Just be- low the surface ofthe water is fixed a shelf having seve- ral holes bored through it, to which small funnels are attached underneath. The glass receiver B, intended to receive the gas, is filled with water; and being inverted with its mouth under water, it is raised up gently, and placed upon the shelf over one ofthe holes, where it will remain full of water, which is kept up by the pressure of the atmosphere in the same way as the mercury is retained in the tube of the barometer. The material from which the gas is to be disengaged is put into the retort G, which is put through, and suspended in one of the rings of the lamp furnace D. E is an improved Ar- gand's lamp, ha vine: two concentric wicks, placed on the shelf F. The shelf is moveable up and down to bring the lamp to a convenient distance from the retort. The lamp is to be lighted, and as s^'»n as the substances in the re- tort act upon < ach other s ifficientlv, *he gas will begin to be disengaged, and w ;ll -iscetv' through the hole in the shelf into the vess I !', and displi e the water with wli'h it bad h^en {'M ''. When the water is displaced, the receiver is f 11 f eras wbich was dis naraered from the retort, and may he preserved in it by keeping its mouth always underwater in the cistern. This gas may be transferred from the vessel B to any other, in the following manner: Fill the vessel into which the gas is to be transferred with the fluid in the trough, and place it on the shelf over one ofthe holes. Then take the vessel B, and keeping its mouth still under the fluid, bring it under the hole on which the veseel is placed; then depressing its bottom, and elevating its mouth, so as to bring it more to a horizontal position, the gas in it will escape and rise up through the hole on which the other vessel has been placed, and will fill it by displacing the fluid. If the oxyd of manganese is put into the retort G, and the lamp applied to it, great plenty of oxygen gas will escape from the retort, and will fill the receiver B. When the gas to be procured is absorbable by water, quicksilver is used instead of water, and a much smaller vessel than A is made use of, which is generally made of wood or stone. A small glass vessel, capable of con- taining an ounce measure, is used for measuring gases: for if this phial is successively filled and inverted under a large jar, wre may thereby throw into that jar any re- quired quantity of an elastic fluid, and as much of anoth- er as we please. G (fig. *5) is a strong glass graduated tube, for re- ceiving a mixture of gases that are to be exploded by the electric spark. Near the closed end two wires pass through the glass, and almost touch each other: they are cemented in, so as to make the holes air-tight. Ga- ses may be introduced into this tube; and if the interval between the two w ires is made a part of the electric cir- cuit, by putting chains connected with a Leyden phial to the rings of the wires, the spark will pass through the interrupted space between the two wires, and ex- plode the gases. A (fig. 6) is a glass retort, the beak of which is ad- justed to a double tubulated balloon B. To the upper opening of the balloon is fitted a glass tube C, the oth- er extremity of w hich is conveyed into the liquor con- tained in the glass vessel D: with this are connected two or three, or more similar vessels, by means of glass tubes, and to the last tubulurc ofthe range of vessels is adapted a glass tube which is conveyed under a receiv- er placed upon the shelf of the pneumatic cistern. A (fig. 5.) Water is poured into the first of these vessels; caustic potash into the next, or such other substances as are necessary for absorbing the gase«; and the joinings are well fluted. By this method the purest and most con- centrated products are obtained; because the water, which is always the receiver, becomes saturated with them. In this way the common muriatic acid, the oxy- genated muriatic acid, volatile alkali, Kc. Sec. may be made in the best manner. Large vessels for containing air, and expelling any given quantity, are called gazometers. They are of va- rious constructions; one of the be>-t is the following: A B (fig. T) is a cylindrical vessel of tin, japanned, near- ly filled with water; and having a tube C in the mid- dle, open .at top, and branching, to communu ate with the cock D. Within this vessel there is another cylin- drical vesse'. generally <' glass, of smaller size, F, open at bottom; which is inverted and a- spendedhy the lines ee, w hich go over the pulleys f, f, f, f, and have CHEMISTRY. weights g£, attached to them, to balance the vessel F. While the cock D remains shut, if the vessel F is pres- sed downwards, the air included within it will remain in the same situation, on the principle of the diving-bell; but if the cock is opened, and the vessel F is pressed down, the air included within it will escape through the cock; and if a blow-pipe is attached to this cock, a stream of the gas may he thrown upon lighted charcoal, or any other body. By means of the graduated rod h, also, the quantity thrown out is exactly ascertained: this rod is so divided as to express the contents of the inner vessel in cubic feet, Sec. This instrument also an- swers for breathing any of the gases, by applying a mouth piece to the cock. To render it more portable, the weights gg are sometimes included in the uprights ii, which are hollow and wide enough to receive them. Sometimes also there is another branch from the bot- tom of the pipe, in the middle, directed to the side of the other cylinder, and coming upwards by the side to the top, where there is another cock attached. Crystallization.*—When a salt is dissolved in water, or other fluid, and by evaporation the fluid is driven off, the salt gradually acquires the solid form, and in doing this, it arranges its particles in a particular man- ner; some salts arrange themselves in the form of pyra- mids, some of prisms of different kinds, &c. Vessels of earthenware, or glass, are employed for such crystalli- zations. They must be placed where they are perfectly still, and well defended from dust or accidents. Solution.—When a salt is mixed writh water, it loses its state of solidity; the particles of salt are divided and unite themselves to those of the water, forming a liquid, of which all the parts are homogeneous, or of the same kind. The same takes place when resin is mix- ed with spirits of wine. In this process neither the salt nor the water is decomposed; and the salt may be re- covered again in its original state and quantity, by driving off the water by evaporation. The dissolution of metals by acids, however, is of a different nature: here, either the metal, the acid, or the water, is altered, and different products are obtained. Vessels of glass are generally used for solutions and dissolutions. The liquid used for dissolving a metal, or other solid substance, is usually called a solvent, or menstruum. Precipitation.—The recovery or separation of a b"ody from its solvent, by the addition of a third substance, so that the former may re-appear in a solid state, how- ever divided, is called precipitation. The substance thus recovered, is called a precipitate, and the superadded body that occasions this precipitation is called a pre- cipitant. Fusion.—The melting, or causing any body to pass from the solid to the liquid state, by the action of fire, is called fusion. The fusion of metallic substances re- quires vessels sufficiently strong to resist the fire. These vessels are mostly, if not always, made of earthenware. or porcelain, or a mixture of clay and powder of black- lead. They arc called crucibles, and are .s^gierally of the forms represented fig. 8; sometimes these vessels have covers made of earthenware; but sometimes the fused metal must be exposed to a current of air. In that case the crucibles are broad and shallow, as at fig. 9. These are called cupels; and they are formed of cakin> ed bones, mixed with a small quantity of clay, or of a mixture of clay and black-lead powder. But the cupels must not be placed in a closed furnace, or be surround- ed by coals; for, in that case, the required current of air could not have access to the fused metal. They are therefore placed under a sort of oven of earthenware, which is called a muffle, as represented fig. 10; which, with the included cupel, is exposed to the heat of a fur- nace. Furnaces.—In the application of the action of heat to bodies, furnaces of different forms are employed, accor- ding to the operations for which they are destined. A furnace is a kind of hollow cylindric tower, ABCD (fig. 11); sometimes a little wider at the top, with nott lies m, m, m, to give a passage to the air. This furnace ought to have at least two lateral apertures; an upper one F, which is the door of the fire-hole H I; and a lower one G, which is the door ofthe ash-hole C D. In the interval between these two doors the furnace is di- vided into two parts by a horizontal grate, destined to support the charcoal. The place occupied by this grate is indicated by the line H I; above the grate is the firc- hole where the fire is maintained; and below it is the ash- hole, where the ashes are collected as they are formed. Another kind of furnace often necessary, is that call- ed the. reverberating furnace (fig. 12); it consists of an ash-hole H I R L, a fire-hole K L M N, a laboratory M N R R, and a dome R R S S; above the dome is a tube TTVV, to which several more can be added if requir- ed. In the laboratory is placed a retort, which is sup- ported by two iron bars that run across the furnace; the neck of it passes the lateral aperture O, and has adapt- ed to it a receiver. As a strong heat is sometimes requir- ed for the furnace, a large volume of air must be made to pass through it; and in that case a great deal of heat is disengaged. For this reason, instead of one aperture to the ash-hole, there must be two: when only a mode- rate heat is required, one of them may be shut; if a strong heat is necessary, they may be both opened. It will be of advantage also to make the upper aperture T T of the dome pretty large. The use of the dome ii to reverberate the heat and flame on the retort, in or- der that it may every where be exposed to nearly an equal heat; by which means the vopours can be condens- ed only in the beak of the retort and in the receiver, and are also forced to proceed thither. When matters which do not require a strong degree of heat are to be fused, the reverberating furnace may be employed as a fusing furnace. The laboratory MNRR in that case is removed; and the dome R R S S is placed on the fire- hole M N, as represented. One of the best fusing furnaces ever made, is that construced by Lavoisier, and which is represented fig. 13. The following is the description which he gives of it in bis Elements of Chemistry. This furnace is in the form of an elliptical spheroid ABCD, cut off at the two ends by two planes which pass perpendicular to the axis through the foci of the ellipse. From this shape it is capable of containing a considerable qunntitv of char- coal, while it leaves sufficient space in the intervals for the passage ofthe air. That no obstacle may opyr>sPthe free access of external air, it is perfectly open below, CHEMISTRY. and stands upon an iron tripod. The grate is made of flat bars, set on edge, with considerable interstices be- tween them. To the upper part A B is added a chimney, or tube of baked earth, eighteen feet long, and equal in width to nearly half the diameter of the furnace. Lavoi- sier recommends, as a thing of importance, to make the tube F G A B as bad a conductor of heat as possible; it must therefore be constructed neither of iron-plate, nor of copper, as is commonly the case. Another kind of furnace is that necessary for assay- ing. In this furnace the metal must, at the same time, be exposed to the most violent heat; and, secured from the contact of the air, become incombustible by its pas- sage through the coals: on this account it his been call- ed the assaying or cupelling furnace. It is generally of a square form (fig. 14); and, like the other furnaces, has an ash-hole A A B B, a fire-hole B B C C, a labora- tory C C D D, and a dome D D E E. The laboratory is destined for receiving the muffle, which is a kind of small oven (fig. 10) made of baked earth, and close at the bottom. It rests on bars which traverse the furnace; and being adjusted to the door of the laboratory, is luted in with clay. It is in this small oven the cuples are placed, and the muffle is surrounded with charcoal: that above it being conveyed through the door I of the dome; and that below it, through the door K of the fire-hole. The air which enters through the apertures of the ash- hole, after having served for the purpose of combustion, escapes through the upper aperture E E of the dome. In regard to the muffle, the air penetrates to it through the door G, and promotes the oxidation of the metal. This furnace, however, is attended with the following inconvenience: if the door G of the laboratory is shut, the oxidation, for want of air, takes place slowly; while, on the other hand, if it is open, the current of cool air causes the metal to become fixed, and retards the ope- ration. To obviate this inconvenience, hot air should be conveyed to the muffle from without, by causing it to pass through an earthen tube, kept in a state of ignition by the furnace itself; and thus the interior part of the muffle would never become cold. A very useful kind of furnace is that invented by Dr. Black. It consists (fig. 15) of a cylindrical or ellip- tical body of sheet iron, coated within with a mix- ture of loam and clay. The aperture X at top is clos- ed occasisnally with an iron saucer full of sand, which forms a sand-bath: B is the door of the fire-place, and C is the ash-pit register, which slides so as to admit more or less air. D is an iron tube which goes into the chimney ofthe room, to carry off the smoke. Blow-pipes are used for directing the flame of a can- dle or lamp against any bit of ore or other substance re- quired to be examined. They ought to have a bulb upon the middle of their stem, to contain the moisture that is formed from the breath, as fig. 16. The blow-pipe contrived bv Dr. Black, of a conical form, represented in fig. 17, is the most convenient: a is the nozzle. Of simple snbstmires.—The object of chemistry, in subjecting to experiment th-- dif< rent bodies in nature, is tb if we may therebv be enabled to examine separate- ly 'be subslmces whi h i nt."p into *heir romncsiti >n. This science has, during the last thirty years, made a very rapid progress. Formerly oil and salt, a* well as water, were considered as elementary bodies: now it is ascertained that they are compound substances. Salts, as we shall hereafter see, are composed of an acid with some base, and their neutral state is the result of this union. Acids again are formed by the combination of an acidifying principle (oxygen) which is common to aM, and a radical peculiar to each particular acid. See Acid. The radicals of the acids are not always simple sub- stances: they are often compounded of hydrogen and carbon. The bases of the alkaline salts are often not more simple than those ofthe acids; as has been proved with respect to ammonia, which is composed of hydro- gen and azote. See Ammonia. It results from our knowledge of the gases (see Air,) that there are a certain number of substances which we may consider as simple bodies, whether they are so or not, because no means have yet been discovered by which they may be decomposed. The substances of this kind are, (/Light Simple substances, which J Caloric may be considered asthe-^ Oxygen elements of bodies. j Azote or nitrogen LHydrogen Simple non-metallic sub stances, oxidable and< acidifiable. Simple, earthy, substances. salifiable Simple metallic substances oxidable, Simple metallic substances oxidable, and some ofis in the air, and in oxygen gas. That of sulphur is :<'ch less rapid. S'bh also is the combustion of iron ii. pore oxygen gas. Example: If a piece of iron wire bent in a CHEMISTRY. spiral shape, as A (fig. 20.) is hung in a receiver B fill- ed with oxygen gas, and by means of a small piece of phosphorus, it is inflamed, the metal will burn with the greatest brilliancy. Tin, lead, and the greater part of the metals, oxidate slowly, and without the disengage- ment of the caloric being sensible. There is still another method of oxygenating simple substances. Instead of exposing them to oxygen united with caloric, the oxygen may be presented to them in union with some metal for which it has little affinity. The red oxide of mercury is one of those best fitted for ac- complishing this object, because the oxygen in that state adheres very little to the metal: it is disengaged from it at that degree of heat at which glass begins to become red. The black oxide of manganese, the red oxide of lead, the oxide of silver, and almost all the metallic ox- ides, can in a certain degree, produce the same effect. Every metallic reduction or revivification, is an oxy- genation of charcoal or some other combustible matter by a metallic oxide. The charcoal, by combining with the oxygen and caloric, escapes under the form of car- bonic acid gas, and the metal remains pure and re- vived. All combustible substances may be oxygenated also by combining them either with the nitrate of potash, or that of soda, or with the oxygenated muriate of potash. At a certain degree of heat the oxygen abandons the ni- trate or muriate, and combines with the combustible bo- dy, but with great violence. The reason is as follows. The oxygen, in combining with the nitrates, and par- ticularly with the oxygenated muriates, enters along with a quantity of caloric almost equal to that necessa- ry for constituting it oxygen gas. At the moment of its combination with the combustible body, all this caloric becomes suddenly free, and produces terrible detona- tions. This method of oxygentions, therefore, must not be attempted but with the utmost caution, and when ve- ry small quantities of matter are employed. There are different degrees of oxygenation: the first degree forms oxides, the second forms weak acids, the third strong acids, and the fourth hyperoxygenated acids. The combination of oxygen with 'Caloric forms oxygen gas Hydrogen —- water Degrees <\i oxy- genation "I, —base of atmospheric air 2, — nitrous oxide 3, — nitrous gas 4, —nitric acid {1, — oxide of carbon 2,— carbonic acid r 1, — oxide of sulphur, soft sulphur } 2, — sulphurous acid |^3, — sulphuric acid 1, — oxide of phosphorus 2, — phosphorus acid 3, — phosphoric acid _,, r 1, — muriatic acid The mum- S 8,_oxvmuriatic acid tic radical l3,__hv pcrovVinuriatic acid i 1 -! o a Azote Carbon y Sulphur Phosphorus } 1, — fluoric acid The fluoric radical Theboracic| boradcadd l_ radical J The combination of oxygen with. Degrees of oxy- genation r s Gold Platina Silver Copper Iron Tin Lead Mercury { 1, forms yellow oxide of gold 2, — red oxide of gold, precipitate of Casius 1, — yellow oxide of platina 1, — oxide of silver {l, — reddish -brown oxide of copper 2, — green and blue oxide of copper f 1, — black oxide of iron "^ 2, — yellow and red oxide of iron f 1, — grey oxide of tin \ 2, — white oxide of tin r l, —grey oxide of lead \ 2, — yellow and red oxide of lead J 1, —black oxide of mercury ^2, — yellow and red oxide of mercury Bismuth £ <» Cobalt Nickel Zinc en {1, — grey oxide of bismuth 2, — white oxide of bismuth 1, — grey oxide of cobalt 1, — oxide of nickel f 1, — grey oxide of zinc \z, — white oxide of zinc f l, — grey oxide of antimony \ 2, — white oxide of antimony r l, — grey oxide of arsenic < 2, — white oxide of arsenic ^3, — arsenic acid Manganese { l> ~ bl^k ox^e of manganese ° I 9.. — white, oxide, ot manganese Antimony Arsenic 12, white oxide of manganese oxide of tungsten tungstic acid Molybdena il'~oxi^. m^Mena J 12, — molybdic acid Tungsten Titanium Chrome 1, — oxide of titanium oxide of chrome chromic acid In the mineral kingdom almost all the oxidable and acidifiable radicals seem to be simple substances; but in the vegetable kingdom there are scarcely any which are not composed of two substances, hydrogen and carbon. Azote and phosphorus are often joined with them, and the result is radicals with four bases. From these observations, it appeai-s that the oxides and the animal and vegetable acids may differ from each other three ways. 1st. By the number of acidifiable principles which constitute their base; 2d, By the dif- ference in the proportions of these principles; 3d, By the different degrees of oxygenation. This is more than sufficient to account for the great number of varieties which nature exhibits to us. It thence appears, there- fore, thatfome of the vegetable adds can be converted into each other. Nothing is necessary for this purpose but to change the proportion of carbon and hydrogen, and to oxygenate them more or less. Carbon and'hv- drngen, by the first degree of owarenation, .< ive tar- CHEMISTRY. tareous acid; by a second degree oxalic acid; and by a third the acetous, or acetic acid. Of azote or nitrogen. Azote is a principle diffused in great abundance throughout nature: when combined with caloric, it forms azotic or mephitic gas, which in volume is throe fourths of the atmosphere, and in weight, somewhat less than atmospheric air. It always remains in the state of gas at the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere which we experince; and we are unac- quainted with any degree of compression or cold capa- ble of reducing it to the solid, or even to the liquid state. Azote is one ofthe essential constituent parts of animal matter; it is combined in them with carbon and hydro- gen, and sometimes with phosphorus; the whole being connected by a certain portion of oxygen, which reduces them to the state of oxide, or to the acid state, accord- ing to the degree of oxygenation. The nature of animal matters, therefore, may vary, like that of vegetable matters, three ways: 1st, By the number ofthe substances which enter into the combina- tion of their radicals; 2d, By the difference in the pro- portion of these substances; 3d, By the different de- grees of oxygenation. The combination of azote with fCaloric —■i S "A CC Oxygen forms azotic gas Degrees of oxy- genation f~l, the base of atmospheric air J 2, nitrous oxide | 3, nitrous gas \jt, nitric acid ammonia ] Hydrogen Carbon Hydrogen and sometimes ^.animal matters. Phosphorus ^Oxygen J Of hydrogen. Hydrogen is one of the constiuent prin- ciples of water, and thence it has received its name. It forms in the composition of water fifteen hundredth parts of its weight, while oxygen forms the other eighty- five parts. The affirm ity of hydrogen for caloric is so great, that it constantly remains in the state of gas at the degree of heat and pressure in which we live; it is im- possible, therefore, to procure it free from all combina- tion, and consequently we are unacquainted with the nature of this principle. It it one of the most abundant principles in nature; for besides entering into the com- position of water, which is itself so abundant on the earth, it is one of those principles which act the most •onspicuous part in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, hy combination with different substances. Having already referred to the production of hydro- gen gas, (see Air, p. 31) we shall now show the means of obtaining it by experiment. Exp. Let the gun-barrel oc b (fig. 21, Plate XXX) pass through a furnace F, and adjust to one extremity of it the bent tube A, and let the other extremity terminate in the tube B, carried under the receiver Cf When the apparatus is thus disposed, and the several parts luted together, the gun-barrel must be brought to a red heat, and the water poured in drop by drop through Aj and when it comes in contact with the gun-barrel, it is de- composed; the iron seizes on the oxygen of the wa- ter, and the hydrogen escapes through B in a state of gas. This gas may also be obtained by pouring a solution of sulphuric acid over filings of iron or zinc. Exp. Put iron filings into the jar A with two tubu- lures a and b, adjust to 6 the smali glass tube ending in a capillary bore, and through a pour the diluted sulphuric acid: the gas will speedily be disengaged; and if a taper is applied to x, it will continue to burn with a fine blue flame as long as the decomposition goes on. This is call- ed the philosophical candle. The combination of hydrogen with 'Caloric forms hydrogen gas Oxygen — water Azote —-ammonia, or volatile alkali Sulphur —the base of sulphurated hydrogen gas Phosphorus —the base of phosphorized hydrogen gas the base of carbonated hydrogen gas fixed and volatile oils s zn ft s en Carbon -^ -_ > — I the radicals ofthe vegetable acids and when azote and phosphorus are joined with it — the radicals of the animal kingdom. Of carbon. Carbon appears to be a simple substance, for hitherto it has not been possible to decompose it. Modern experiments seem to prove that it exists com- pletely formed in vegetables, in which it is combined in hydrogen, and sometimes with azote and with phosphor- us; and that it assists to form in them compound radicals, which are afterwards carried to the state of oxides or of acids, according to the proportion of qxygen united with them. To obtain the carbon contained in animal or vegetable matters, nothing is necessary but to expose them, first to a moderate and then to a very strong de- gree of heat, in order to decompose the last portions of water, which the charcoal strongly retains. In these operations chemists employ retorts of earthenware or porcelain, into which the combustible matters are intro- duced; and they are exposed to a strong heat in a rever- berating furnace. The heat converts those substances which arc susceptible of it into gas; and the carbon, which is more fixed, remains combined with a little earth and some fixed salts. In the arts, the carbonization of wood is effected by a simpler and cheaper process. The wood is cut into pieces nearly ofthe same size and length; these pieces are dis- posed in heaps, and are covered with earth, in such a manner as to prevent all commuidcation with the air, ex- cept what is necessary to make the wood burn, and to drive off the oil and water formed during the combustion; they are then kindled, and when they have burnt a suffi- cient time, the fire is extinguished by stopping the holes which served to introduce the air. There are two methods of analysing charcoal, viz. 1st, By its combustion in oxygen gas: 2d, Its oxygenation by the nitric acid. In both cases it is converted into car- bonic acid, and it leaves a residuum of lime, potash, and some neutral salts. It is n\t yet fully ascertained whether the potash exists in charcoal before its combustion. CHEMISTRY. Exp. Under a b 11 £«a-■■■* A, (fig. 23.) filled with oxy- gen gas, e.n-i in verted over mercury in the trough B C, introduce sjiiip. charcoal in the saucer D. The charcoal must be wrapped in cotton; having also a small particle of phoKidiouis in ii, in order that the whole may take fire upe.ii tin. introduction of the heated wire H I through the mercury. The charcoal will then bum with great. brilliancy. It will be found that to saturate 28 parts of carbon with oxygen, 72 parts ofthe latter are required, and the aeriform acid produced is equal in weight to the sum ofdfhe weight of the carbon and of the oxygen. Exp. Very pure carbon may be thus procured: Put into a glass tube » (fig. 24.), closed at one of its extremi- ties, and reduced to a capillary bore at the other, one part of phosphorus; and above it, at the distance of seve- ral inches, five parts of carbonate of lime, reduced to powder. Place the tube in the middle ofthe furnace F, so that the coals can heat the carbonate of lime only, the part ofthe tube containing the phosphorus being in tbe ash-hole. When the lime is brought to a red heat, the tube is to he raised, that the phosphorus may burn; the phos- phorus lays bold of theox.vg a of the carbonic arid, and becomes phosphoric acid; which unites to the lime, and forms phosphate of lime, while the ari» on remains by itself. The combination of carbon not oxygenated with Oxygen forms carbonic oxide and carbonic acid Hydrogen —the carbono-hydi >us ra ii J, fixed and vo- latile oils Iron — carburet of iron, or plumbago Zinc — carburet of zinc. Of sulphur.—Sulphur is one of those cuubustilde sub- stances which have the greatest fewfcii' y to combination. At the common temperature ofthe atni sphere it is con- crete; and it does not liquefy but at:-a beat several de- grees higher than that of boiling water. Jt is found com- pletely formed, and almost in its utmost d< grec of put ity, in volcanic productions. It is (' -in :' :.!;;. am inu« h :'<- cner, in the state ef sulphuric acid, in argil, gypsum, ecc. To extract (lie sulphur of the sulphuric arid united to these snbstanecs, it must be deprived of its oxygen. This may be effected by combining it at a red heat wisu car- bon: the carbon takes from it its oxygen, and thence is formed ciirhoniC acid, which combining wilh caloric, dis- engages itself in the state of gas: tbe result then is a suipliuret, which maybe deu ; !,?oscd by an acid: the acid uni»;es to the base of the sulphuret,. and the sulphur is precipitated. I\\. >Ve may here show the nature of sublimation: Put some lumps of sulphur into the vessel A (fig. 25.), to which the receiver B is adapted and luted round. A is put on a sand-bath, io.de hoi by the furnace C: the sul- phur me.it.--, a :-mokc rises wlshh is deposited in B in the fo in (.',' vegetation, em iiencc it has been called flowers of sulphur. In this way Mdeitur may be combined with ale hoi. IM ', 'unded sulphur into a glass ret 11 A (fig. 26.). suspi od wiii.in il the bottle B containing alcohol, th n nut > n the . ..er C, end adjust the beak x to the hi ait ;u-s x: b.te ;!«.«■ joining.-, and heat the retort hy the funuo. I'. Tin selpfmr will be sublimed, and the al- col, I m ill ne \< L.tilized. I nth is slate the bodies meet, flic | , | i-s- h s tilt i.ljdiur,; nd :• :.Otoi- will beob- t; in-d in x :dig;.tiv • ' I- •>"', which is ml Ii -sated alco- hol, 'i rove that sulphur i- held io combination by VOL. I. I ^ Oxygen Hydrogen Copper Iron Lead r 1. forms oxi < 2, sulphurou (_3, sulphuric 1 { the alcnljol, add to it some distilled water, and the sul- phur wili he precipitate'. The combination of sulphur not oxygenated with Degrees of oxygena- tion. 1. forms oxide of sulphur, or soft sulphur us a id acid the base of sulphurated hydrogen gas sulphuret of copper, or pyrites of cop- per sulphuret of iron, or pyrites of iron sulphuret of lead, or galena f sulphuret of mercury, or ethiops nunc- io ral; cinnabar — sulphuret of zinc, or blende f suipliuret of antimony, or crude anti- \ mony f sulphuret of arsenic, or orpiment; \ realgar r sulphuret of potash, or liver of sul- Potash — -j phur with a base of fixed vegetable I rdkdi f sulphuret of soda, or liver of sulphur \ with a base of fixed mineral alkali f sulphuret of lime, or liver of sulphur \ with a caleareous base f sulphuret of magnesia, or liver of sul- l phur with a base of magnesia f sulphuret of barytes, or liver of sul- \ pluir with a base of pondrous earth r sulphur-1 of ammonia, or volatile liv- — \ er of sulphur; finning liquor of I Be•;. le. Of phosphorus.—Phosphcrus is a simple combustible sn:.stan(e, for no experiment gives us reason to think that it ran be decomposed. It was not known to the old chemists; aud it was discovered in 1667 by a German, named Brandt, who made a mystery of his process. A short time after Brandt's secret was discovered by Kunc- kel, who published the process, and on that account it was called Ivun' kcl's phosphorus. It was fiom urine alone tbat this phosphorus was first extract;'; and though the method was described, parti- cularly i y lionderg, in lite Memoirs cd the Academy of Sciences i'vx 17&*~, the English, for a I >ngtinv\ supplied this article to all Europe. It was not made in France till 1737, when it was prepared for the first time in tho Botanical Garden, in the presence of commissioners ap- pointed by the Academy of Sciences. At present it is extracted by a more convenient and economical process fom the bones of animals, which are real phosphate of ii<:ie. The simplest method, according to Gahn, Scheele, Roucl'e. &c. is lo c; 1 ine the bones of full grown animals until tiny are almost entirely white; to pound aii't sift th 'in. and then t » pour over them snl- phurie acid liiuted with wetei: but less than is u cossary for dissolving:the whole ma'tuv. The sulnhoii' a< id unites it- If to the eanli ofthe bones, anc forms sulpha re of liii ; by these nrans the phovphorie acid is disengaged, and rem; ins in a free staff in the liquor. The liqun is then to be dera.i1'-', and Mercury Zinc Antimony Arsenic Soda Lime Magnesia Barytes Ammonia CHEMISTRY. the residuum being washed, the water employed for this purpose insist be addeci lo the dreamed liquor. The wi: J; m ist turn be evaporat' v.. in order to separate the s il] !>at? of lime which crystallizes in silky filaments, and you v ill thus obtain]/! ••sphoricacid, under the form of white transparent glass; which, when reduced to pow- der, and mixed with a t'-drd of its weight of charcoal, and (lis'ilied, will yield good pliosidorus. Phosphorus >h fv)imd In almost every animal substance, and in some plants, whicn, according to chemical analy- sis, have an animal character. In tbis state it is gene- rally combined \rith carben, hydaagen. and azote, from wMeli there rcs.ilt radicals with four bases. Phosphorus iniinnu'.; at the temperature of 401 degrees. it has so great an affinity for oxygen, as to decompose oxygen gi s. Example. A receiver containing three or four quarts of oxygen gas (fig. 23) was placed over the mercurial trough B C, and about 611 grains of phosphorus distributed in me saucer D, and introduced under the re- ceiver A, and kindled by means of a red-hot wire. The combustion took place with great rapidity, produc- ing a brilliant flame, and the disengagement of a great degree cd' light and heat; the inside of the receiver be- came coveted with white flakes, which were found to he concrete phosphoric acid. The quantity of oxygen gas employed was 16.2 cubic inches; after the absorption there remained 23 cubic inches, of course 139 inches of gas was absorbed. About 45 grains of phosphorus were burnt, and these combined with the oxygen formed the phosphoric acid. This experiment proves that, at a cer- tain temperature oxygen has more affinity for phospho- rus than it has for caloric; that the phosphorus decom- poses the oxygen gas by seizing on its base: and that the caloric passes into the surrounding bodies, and produces in them heat. The following experiment, made on a larger scale, proves the justness of the preceding results in a manner more rigorous and exact. Take a large glass balloon, A (fig. 27), the aperture of which, E F, is about three inches in diameter, and cover the aperture with a plate of ground glass, pierced with two holes to receive the two tubes, y y y,x x x, furnished with cocks. Before ^ ou cover it with the plate, introduce into it a supporter, C B, with a porcelain cup, D, containing 150* grains of phosphorus; and after you have closely shut the balloon, hy luting on the glass plate, exhaust the balloon of air hy connecting the tube x x x with an air-pump. Then wei.e-h the whole apparatus by a nice balance, and fill the balloon with oxygen gas by means of the tube y y y, con- nected with a hydro-pneumatic machine. By the help of this machine you may ascertain in a very accurate man- ner, the quantity of oxygen gas introduced into the bal- loon, and that consumed during the course of the opera- tion. When every tiling is thus arranged, kindle the phos- phorus by means of a burning glass; the combustion will be exceedingly rapid, and accompanied with a lage flame and a strong heat. In proportion as it is effected, there is form -d such a quantity of white flakes^vhich attach themselves to the. inside of the vessel, that it is soon ren- dered entirely opake. When the whole apparatus has cooled, and you have ascertained the quantity of oxygen gas employed, weigh CI, form ?n -J 2, — U, — Hydrogen the ball'ion again before you open it. Then wash, drv, and weigh, the small quantity of phosphorus remaining in the cup, in order that it may be deducted from the whole quantity of phosphorus employe i in the experi- ment. By observing these precepts, it will be easy to determine, 1st, the weight of the phosphorus burnt: 2d, the weight of the oxygen gas which iias combined with the phosphorus; 3d, the weight of the flakes obtained hy the combustion. This experiment will give nearly the same results as the preceding. It thence appears that the phosphorus, in burniug, com- bines itself with oxygen equal to one and a half ofits own weight; and that the weight of the white flakes, or con- crete phosphoric acid, produced, is equal to the sum of the weight of the phosphorus burnt, and that of the oxy- gen combined with it. The combination of phosphorus not oxygenated with Degrees of oxygenation. 1, forms oxide of phosphorous Oxygen -^ 2, — phosphorous acid phosphoric acid f phosphuret of hydrogen, or the base \ of phosphorized hydrogen gas Azote — phosphuret of azote Carbon — phosphuret of carbon Sulphur — phosphuret of sulphur ¥ f phosphuret of iron, called formerly lron \ siderit Of Earths.—By analysing earths, and freeing them from substances with which they are mixed, chemists have obtained nine simple or primitive earths, viz. lime, magnesia, barytes, alumina, silex, strontian, zirconia, yttria, and glucina. Lime is rarely found in a pure state; it is contained in chalk, which may be deemed a neutral salt, being form- ed by the combination of lime with carbonic acid. The best process for abtaining lime in a state of purity is this: wash chalk in distilled water, brought to a state of ebul- lition, and then dissolve it in distilled acetous acid: this acid, by combining with the lime, expels the carbonic acid, which escapes under the gaseous form; then preci- pitate the lime by carbonate of ammonia, for the acetous acid abandons the lime, in order to combine with the am- monia, and the lime is precipitated: wash and calcine this precipitate, and the residuum will be pure lime. Lime is solubie in water, but in very small quantities; more than 600 parts of water are necessary to dissolve one of it. It has a pungent, hot, and acrid taste; it turns blue vegetable colours green. It takes up water with avidity. When thrown into this liquid it splits, swells up, acquires a larger volume, and a great heat. It dis- solves in acids without effervescence. The borate of so- da and the phosphates of urine dissolve it also. Lime, when alone, is infusible, even though the fire may be urged by oxygen gas, as has been proved by Lavoisier; but if combined .with acids, it forms a fusible body, for lime is a salifiable base. Of all these base it is that most abundantly diffused throughout nature. See Lime. Magnesia has never yet been found free from every kind of foreign matter. To procure it in the utmost de- gree of purity, crystals of the sulphate of magnesia (Ep- CHEMISTRY. som salt), of which it forms the base, must be dissolved in distilled water, and decomposed by alkaline carbonates: the sulphuric acid combines with the alkalies; the magne- sia with the carbonic acid, and is precipitated. This pre- cipitate must then be calcined, in order to disengage the carbonic acid; and what remains will be pure magnesia. Pure magnesia is exceedingly white, tender, and in ap- pearance spongy. When perfectly pure, it is not sensi- bly soluble in water. It excites no sensible savour on the tongue; and in this respect it is greatly different from lime. It gives a light green colour to the tincture of turnsole. La' oi'dcr has proved by experiment that magnesia is as iidusibie as lime. See Magnesia. Barytes, or ponderous earth, has never yet been found pure and free from all combination. It is found under the pulverulent form, and exceedingly white. It gives a ve- ry slight int of green to blue vegetable colours. Its spe- cific gravity is from4.2 to 4.3000. Analysis has proved that 100 parts of carbonate of barytes contain 62 of bary- tes, 22 parts of carbonic acid, and 16 parts of water. See Barytks. Alumina or pure argil is found chiefly in the different kinds ot el ay, of which it forms the base, and where it is often mixed with silex. To obtain it very pure, sulphate of alumina (alum) must be dissolved in water, and after- wards decomposed by alkaline carbonates. The alkali combines with the sulphuric acid, which then abandons the alumina; and the latter combines with the carbonic acid abandoned by the alkali. The alumina must then be freed from this acid hy calcination; and after this pro- cess it will remain pure. It absorbs water with avidity, and becomes diluted in that liquid. It adheres strongly to the tongue. The borate of* soda and the phosphates of* urine dissolve it. When exposed to heat, it becomes dry, shrinks, and cracks. By the action ofthe fire it acquires so great hardness as to strike fire with steal: it is then no longer susceptible of being diluted in water. Alumina, even when perfectly pure, is completely fusible in the fire, if urged by a current of oxygen gas. The result of its fusion is a vitreous, opakc, and very hard substance, which scratches glass in the same manner as precious stones do. See Alum and Alumina. Silex, or verifiable earth, is almost in its state of puri- ty in rock-crystal: but to have it perfectly pure, one part of beautiful rock-crystal must be fused with four parts of pure alkali; the mixture must then be dissolved in water, and precipitated by an excess of acid; the precipitate will he pure silex, which is rough and harsh to the touch; its particles, when diluted in water, are easily precipitated. The fluoric acid dissolves silex exceedingly well: it is also the solvent of glass. Alkalies dissolve silex in the dry way, and with it form glass. Silex cannot be fused by a burning lens; but by exposing it to a fire, urged by oxygen gas, Lavoisier produced a commencement of fusion on its lurface. See Silex. Strontian was discovered by Dr. Hope, professor of chemistry at Clasgow. It is found in the state of a car- bonate, that is, combined with carbonic acid, in a vein of lead ore at Strontian in Argvle. hire, in the western part of Scotland. It has been found also combined with car- bonic acid at Lead-hills, in t'm same country. Some of it has since been discovered at Moalimirtre in France, com- bined with sulphuric acid; and it is found in quantities in the neighbourhood of Bristol. Strontian was at first confounded with barytes: which indeed it resembles in several respects, though it differs from it in others. Carbonate of strontian is decomposed bv the sulphuric acid, and carbonic acid is disengaged: the sulphate of strontian, tlius obtained, is very little soluble in water. It dissclves with effervescence mi the nitric and muriatic acids, and carbonic acid is disengaged. These nitrates and muriates of strontian are not deliquescent, and are de- composed by the sulphates of lime, potash, and others. It may be deprived of its acid by calcinatioji; its eanh is then soluble in, water, but in greater quantity in boiling than in cold water, for a part of it is precipitated by cool- ing. The carbonate of slrcnthin is lighter than carbonate of barytes: the specific gravity of the latter is frem 42. to 43.000, that ofthe carbonate of strontian is only from 36. to 37.000. Analysis has proved, that 100 parts of the carbonate of strontian contain 62 parts of strontian, 30 parts of carbonic acid, and 8 parts of water. See Strox- TIAN. Zirconia is a simple earth, lately discovered by Klap- roth, in the jargon of Ceylon, of which it is a constituent part, and even the most abundant; for it has been found by analysis, that 100 parts of the jargon of Ceylon con- tain 64 parts and a half of zirconia, 32 parts of silex, and two parts and a half of the oxide of iron. To obtain zirconia pure, it must be united to the muriatic acid, with which it forms a muriate of zirconia; this muriate must be dissolved in a large quantity of water, and the zirconia must be precipitated by potash: if it is carefully washed, and then brought to a red heat in a crucible, it will be perfectly pure. Calcined zirconia has a white colour. It is rough to the touch like silex; it has no taste, and is not soluble in water. Its specific gravity is at least 43. 000; that of distilled water being 10.000. * When separated from its solutions by caustic alkalies. this earth retains a pretty large quantity of wat^r. which gives it tbe semi-transparency of horn; it has then t!>r« ap- pearance of gum-arabic, both by its slightly yellow colour and its fracture and transparency. It is suse< ptible of uniting with carbonic acid. It unites also with tl^ sul- phuric and nitrous acids: alkalies, and the first „jx ^v;_ initive earths, separate it from the latter iie:d. It wd! not alone fuse by the blowpipe; but it fuses with the Innate of soda, and gives a transparent colourless glass. Yttria is also a newly discovered earth, and will br described under the article Yttria. Glucina is a simple earth, lately discovered by Vau- quelin, in the aigue-marine, called the occidental. It i> a white granulated earth, which effervesces with acids. In 100 parts of this aigue-marine there ore 14 ofglurhi-i. It is soluble in the carbonate of ammonia, as well as in tbe sulphuric acid. In the latter case, tbe s. lutlon has at first a saccharine, and afterwards an astringent taste. Its crystals are sweet, like the. solution. It las some resemblance to alumina: as it is soft to the touch, ad- heres to the tongue, is light, dissolves io potash, end is precipitated from i.s solution hy ammonia, 'iut it differs from alumina hy its combination', with acids beimj ex- cn^M£::-L*iiY. recding'.y sweet, by giring no dura wkm mived with sulphate of potash, by be,me entirely soluble in carbonate of amm.Miia, and by nut being precipitated f'ooi its solu- tions by oxalate of potash and tar!rite of pole::>, as alu- mina i^. It hies been found by ana! vis, that 100 pacs of earth r -ontain 68 of silex, 15 of alumina, 14 of glucina, : oi" lime, and one ofthe oxide of iron. Of Adds.—According to the theory of Lavoisier, all acids consist of a certain base, united to oxygen, which is considered as the cause of acidity. See Acid. We are already acquainted with the bases of the sulphuric, nitric, phosphoric, and arsenic acids; we know that hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, form the bases ofthe vegetable arid-; and that the same substances, in combination with nitro- gen, constitute the animal acids, such as prussic, Sec. But we are totally unacquainted with the bases ofthe muri- atic, boracic, and fluoric ac ids. Acids are either solid, liquid, or gaseous. They excite a peculiar sensation on the palate, called sour. They change most of the. blue vegetable colours red. Most of them unite to w;dcr in all proportions; and some have so strong an attraction for it, as to be incapable of appearing in tbe solid form. All the acids combine with the alkalies. These com- binations have been termed neutral salts. See Acid and Alkali. These salts are easily formed by art; and na- ture exhibits a great number, especially of those which are formed by acids of simple radicals. Neutral salts are distinguished by two names; one expressing the ac id, and the other the alkaline base. The first of these names may have two variations of termination, corresponding to two different states of the acid in the salt. The ter- mination ate, is employed when the acid is one of those which are completely saturated with oxygen, and whose names end in ic; thus the salts compounded with tbe ni- tric acid, arc called nitrates. Words terminating in ite, serve to distinguish the presence of those weak acids which are not fully saturated with oxygen, and which, when alone, have names ending in cms; thus, nitrites are salts compounded with nitrous acid. For the crystallization of salts, see Crystallization. All metallic substances combine with at least some of the acids. But the alkalies and earths enter into the composition of neutral salts without any uniting medium; whereas the metals do not combine with acids, unless they have been first more or less oxygenated: we may there- fore say, that the metals themselves are not soluble in acids, but only the metallic oxyds. When a metallic sub- stance is put into an acid, the first requisite, in order that it may dissolve, is, that it become oxydated in it. For this purpose, it must take up oxygen, either from the acid, or from the water with which the acid is diluted; the oxygen then must have more affinity for the metal than it has either for the hydrogen or for the base of the acid; and consequently a decomposition, either of the water or ofthe acids, must take place. On these observations the explanation of the principal phenomena of metallic solutions depend. In metallic so- lutions, an effervescence, or disengagement of gas, often takes place. The gas disengaged by nitric acid, is nitrous gas; that disengaged by sulphuric acid, is sulphurous a-id gas, if it be this acid that has furnished the oxygen; but it is hydrogen gas, if the oxygen has been furnished by the water. Nitric acid and water being composed ol sid.slances which, taken separately, cxiet only in the state of gases, as soon as they arc deprived of I heir oxygen, i.!ie oilier principle assumes the gaseous form. It is this rapid passage i'iom the liquid to the gaseous state, that constitutes clfVrvescenre. The case is the same vvitli the sulphuric acid. In general, the metals do ir>t take from these acids all their oxygen; tl;vy do not reduce the one to azote, and the other to sulphur, but to nitrous gas and sulphurous arid. Metallic substances dissolve without effervescence, when they have been previously oxidated; for in that case, the metal no longer has a tendency to decompose either the acid or the water. There is therefore no dis- engagement of gas, and consequently no effervescence. No metal dissolves with effervescence in oxygenated muriatic acid. In this case, the metal takes from the acid its excess of oxygen; and the result is a metallic oxyd, and simple muriatic arid. There is no efferves- cence, because there is no disengagement of gas. Metals which have very little affinity for oxygen, and which have not the power to decompose either the aeid or the water, are insoluble in acids, unless tiiey have been first oxydated. For this reason, silver, mercury, and lead, are not soluble in muriatic acid, when exposed to it in their metallic state; but if previously oxydated, !hev arc exceedingly soluble, and the solution takes place with- out effervescence. The following is a table of the acids hitherto known: Mineral acids. Oxygenated muriatic, Hyper-oxygenated muriatic. Carbonic, Fluoric, Boracic, Mellitic. .Metallic, acids. Molybdic, Chromic, Columbic. Vegetable acids. Gallic, Citric, Tartaric, Succinic, Suberic. Animal acids. Lactic, Saccho-lactic, Prussic. Sulphurous, Sulphuric, Nitrous, Nitric, Muriatic, Arsenious, Arsenic, Tungstic, Acetic, Malic, Oxalic, Benzoic, Camphoric, Phosphorous, Phosphoric, Sebacic, Laccic. Of sulphurous acid.—This is sulphur combined with oxygen, but not to saturation. It is the sulphurous acid gas when absorbed by water. The salts formed by the combination of this acid with different bases, are called sulphites; they are not employed for any useful purpose; they are converted into sulphates by heat. Of sulphuric acid.—Sulphuric acid, formerly called spirit or oil of vitriol, is formed by the c ombi nation of sul- phur, which is its base, and oxygen. It is obtained when the combustion of sulphur is carried on very slowly with access of atmospheric air; b::t it is produced with more facility by the addition of saltpetre, now called nitrate of CHEMISTRY. potash, v.hu-ii r'i,misiie3 oxvg- n abundantly, and enables the combustion to go on more rapidly. In epcrati'uis of tins kind, on a large scale, the mix- t'n e oisulphur and saltpetre is burnt in large chambers, the sides of which are cased with plates of lead, and water is placed on the boor, to collect the sulphuric va- pours. The. water is afterwards put into large retorts, and distilled by a moderate heat; water slightly acid passes over, and concentrated sulphuric acid remains in the retort. This acid suffers congelation by intense cold; it is unctuous to the touch, attracts moisture from the atmosphere wilh great avidity, and, when mixed with wa- ter, produces a heat above that of boiling water. It acts rapidly on all inflammable susbtances, rendering them black, the acid itself becoming brown, or even blackish. It combines with nitrous acid, and forms a compound which dissolves silver, but scarcely any other metal. Sulphates are neutral salts, formed"hy the sulphuric acid with certain bases. Thus, sulphate of potash, for- merly called vitriolated tartar, is produced by the com- bination of the sulphuric acid and potash. Sulphate of soda, formerly called Glauber's salt, is formed by the combination of soda with the sulphuric acid. It is found frequently in mineral waters. See SULI'HV!!. Nitrous acid.—Nitrous acid exists in the state of gas, in the form of a red vapour; it is nitrous gas combined with a limited quantity of oxygen: it is rapidly absorbed by water, and, when combined with it, is of a yellow or orange colour. It emits copious orange-coloured or red fumes. Different quantities of water convert its colour to a deep blue, green, yellow, kc. while the vapours still continue of their original yellowish-red colour. Liquid nitrous acid, generally called spirit of nitre in the shops, is only nitric acid (to be afterwards described), holding in solution a quantity of nitrous gas. If this nitrous acid is heated, the nitrous gas is disengaged, which coining into the air, attracts oxygen, and becomes nitrous acid gas, appearing in the form of red fumes, and the liquid is converted into colourless nitric acid. The following is the process made use of for procuring nitrous acid: Take a quantity of sulphate of iron (martial vitriol), deprived of its water of crystallization by heat, and mix with it an equal weight of dry nitrate of potash; put the mixture into a glass retort, to which a very spa- cious receiver has been luted, containing a little water, and begin to distil with a very slow fire. As soon as the red vapours cease to come over, let the fire be slackened;. and when the vessels are cooled, the receiver must he cautiously withdrawn, and its contents quickly transfer- red through a glass funnel into a bottle furnished with a ground stopper. It may also be obtained by decompos- ing nitrate of potash, by means of sulphuric acid, with the assistance of heat. The nitrites are v cry little known. Of nitric acid.—The constituent principles of this acid are oxygen and nitrogen (or azote). It differs from the last-mentioned acid, only in not having any nitrous gas in a loosely combined state. Oxygen and nitrogen with caloric, form nitrous gas, which, with a greater quantity of oxygen, forms nitric acid. Nitric acid is transparent, liquid, and colourless; when diluted with water, it is sold in the shops by the name of aqua-fortis. It possesses in an eminent degree ail the properties of acids. If is capable of ox) dating a'f the metals, except gold and plantina. It thickens and black- ens oils, converting them to aco;,!. or inflaming them, ai - cording to the nature of the oil and the degree of concen- tration ofthe acid. It is prerured by redistilling nitrous acid, or at least heating it till it is deprived of i's fume-. Tbe combinations < i nitric acid v. ith different bases, are called nitre';e^. These salts have tbe property of de- tonating with, or inflaming charcoal, and other easily in- flammable bodies, at a red heat. It is upon Ibis property that the composition of gunpowder is founded, which con- sists of five parts of nitrate of potash, one of charcoal. and one of sulphur. Nitrate of potadi, nitre, or saltpetre, is formed by the combination of the nitr'c acid with potash. It is pro- duced spontaneously in various situations, sometimes efflorescing on the surface of the earth, and on the walls of old buildings. It may be artificially produced by the putrefaction of animal and vegetable substances; light earths, such as lime and marl, ashes, the refuse of soap- manulactures, Sec. being stratified for this purpose with straw, dung, and putrifying animal and vegetable sub- stances, and wetted with urine, blood, dunghill-water, and the mother-waters of saltpetre, turned, and exposed to a current of air. It is formed in these processes by the extrication of nitrogen, by the decomposition ofthe animal and vegetable substances, which combines with the oxygen ofthe atmosphere, forming nitric acid; and this, uniting with the alkali, wbich is separated at the same time from these substances, forms the nitrate of potasb. See X11 re. Nitrate of lime, formerly termed nitrous selenite, is found adhering to, and embodied in, calcareous stone, and dissolved in various mineral springs. It is formed near inhabited places, and is yielded by the lixiviation of old plaister, and by the mother-waters of saltpetre, as they are termed by the manufacturers. It may be fre- quently observed as an efflorescence upon old damp walls. Of muriatic acid.—Muriatic acid, formerly termed ma-" rine ac id, or acid of sea-salt, is supposed to consist of oxygen, in combination with a peculiar but hitherto un- known basis; for it has never yet been decomposed. It ex- ists in the gaseous state, and forms muriatic acid gas, which has been considered already. This, absorbed hy water, constitutes liquid muriatic acid. The muriatic acid is diffused in great abundance throughout tlie mineral kingdom, and is united chiefly with soda, lime, and mag- nesia;*itj£ found with these three bases in sea-water, and in that of several lakes. In mines of rock-salt it is for the most part united with soda. Tbe muriatic acid does not adhere very strongly to the earths and alkalies. The sulphuric acid is capable of separating it from them; and it is by means of this acid that chemists obtain the muriatic. Experiment. Put eight parts of purified muriate of so- da, reduced to fine powder, into the retort A (ii ;r. 28), and five parts of sulphuric acid diluted with a small quantity of water. Adapt to the retort tbe matrass C, to receive the portion of impure sulphuric and muriatic acid which passes over towards the end of the operation. 1), E, and F, are a series of bottles in which water is put, the quan- tity of which is equal to the weight ofthe salt employed. These bottles arc fumished with safety-tubes, G G. The CHEMISTRY. joinings must be well luted, and the heat gradually in- creased till nothing more can be disengaged. The mu- riatic acid will pass over in the state of gas, and unite it- self in a large proportion with the water in the receiver. The water thus saturated is muriatic acid. It is a co- lourless fluid. It emits copious white fumes in contact with moist atmospheric air, which is muriatic acid gas, that escapes from it, and condenses again, by combining with the humidity of the air. Its combinations with earths, alkalies, and metals, form muriates. Muriate of potash, the febrifuge salt of Sylvius, is formed by the combination of muriatic acid with potash. It is found in sea-water and old plaister. It has a strong bitter disagreeable taste. Muriate of soda, marine salt, common salt, is formed by the combination of muriatic acid with soda. It is found native in mines, in many places, but particularly in Poland and Hungary. It is also obtained by extract- ing it from sea-water by evaporation, Sec. It is always contaminated by a quantity of muriate of magnesia, mu- riate of lime, and sometimes by the sulphate of lime. It occasions clay to fuse readily, and is employed in glaz- ing earthenware. It assists the fusion of glass also. It has a penetrating pleasant taste, decrepitates on hot coals, and by great heat is volatillized. Muriate of ammonia, or sal ammoniac, is formed by the combination of the muriatic acid with ammonia, and is found native in many parts, particularly in the neigh- bourhood of volcanoes. It is obtained artificially by sub- limation, from the soot formed by the combustion of the excrements of animals which feed on saline plants. Muriate of lime is found in mineral waters, but par- ticularly in the waters of the sea, to which it contributes to give their bitter taste. It speedily deliquesces. It fuses with a moderate heat, and by calcination becomes the phosphorus of Homberg. Muriate of barytes is not known to exist native. The sulphuric and fluoric acid decompose it very readily; hence this salt is highly useful to detect the presence of these acids in any mixture. Of oxygenated muriatic acid.—-Oxygenated muriatic acid is muriatic acid with an excess of oxygen. By this, however, the acid properties of the muriatic acid are not increased, as is the case with other acids, but, on the con- trary, diminished. In the state of gas, when absorbed by water, it forms liquid oxygenated muriatic acid, which, in a liquid form, is of a greenish-yellow colour. It has a bitter taste, and a very suffocating odour. Instead of reddening blue vegetable colours, it has the remarkable property of destroying them entirely. It thickens oils and animal fats, and renders them less disposed to com- bine with alkalies. It is readily obtained by the distilla- tion of muriatic acid with substances containing much oxygen, such as the oxyds of metals, particularly the native oxyd of manganese. When it is exposed to the light, oxygen gas is separat- ed, and the acid is reduced to the state of ordinary mu- riatic acid. It remov es the stain of common ink, though it does not affect printers' ink. It is therefore used for cleaning old books and prints. Half an ounce of minium being added to three ounces of muriatic acid, will ren- der it fit for this purpose. The muriatic acid, taking oxygen from the minium, or red oxyd of lead, is convert- ed into oxygenated muriatic acid. Nitro-muriatic acid, called formerly aqua regia, is an acid analogous to oxygenated muriatic acid. !i is pro- duced by adding muriatic acid to nitric acid, in the pro- portion of one part of the fo ,nee to two of the latter. During this combination an effen esceii'e takes place, hc«t is set free, and oxygenated muriatic acid gas is evolved; the action may be assisted by the application of heat. The mixture becomes yellow. This acid has the property of dissolving gold and plantina, which cannot be acted upon by any other acid; for the muriatic acid attracts part of the oxygen of the nitric acid, being thus converted partly into nitrous acid and partly into nitrous gas, whilst the muriatic acid becomes ion verted by this addition of oxy^n into oxygenated muriatic acid, or ni- tro-muriatic acid. Tne same combination may be iro- duced by mixing together oxygenated muriatic acid uud nitrous gis. Oxygenated muriatic acid may be com- bined with a great number of the salifiable bases; the salts which it forms detonate with carbon and with seve- ral metallic substances. These detonations are exceed- ingly dangerous, because the oxygen entering into the muriatic acid, with a large quantity of caloric, its ex- pansion gives rise to violent explosions. Oxygenated muriate of potash is made by introducing the oxygenated muriatic gas into a solution of potash; its crystals, as well as those of the common muriate, being formed on evaporation in the dark. It gives a faint taste, with a sensation of coldness in the mouth; the crystals have somewhat of a silvery appearance, and emit light by attrition. It is decomposed by the action of light, parting w ith its oxygen, and becoming simple muriate of potash. Heat also separates its oxygen from it, in the form of oxygen gas, 100 grains yielding 75 cubic inches of oxygen gas. When three parts of oxygenated muri- ate of potash, and one of sulphur, are triturated in a mortar, the mixture detonates violently. The same ef- fect is produced when the mixture is struck with a ham- mer on an anvil. Phosphorus detonates with oxygenated muriate of pot- ash with a prodigious force. Similar effects are produc- ed with other inflammable substances, or with metallic bodies. The oxygenated muriate of potash increases the blackness of ink; and the colours of log-wood, weld, co- chineal, and archil, are improved by it, if no heat is em- ployed. When employed in the composition of gunpow- .der, instead of nitre, the effects produced by its ignition are augmented in a very great degree, and the mixture will explode by mere trituration. In this and other salts formed in the same way, the acid gets a still greater dose of oxygen, and is denomi- nated hyper-oxymuriatic acid; but it cannot be separately exhibited. Of carbonic acid.—This acid, already noticed under car- bonic acid gas, exists in the gaseous state; and in com- bination with different bases it constitutes carbonates. Carbonate of potash, formerly called mild vegetable alkali, is made by exposing a solution of alkali to the carbonic acid gas until saturated. It has now less of the urinous taste, but still changes the blue colour of v iolets to a green. It does not attract moisture from the air, CHEMISTRY. butrather parts with its water of crystallization. By ex- posure to heat it loses its acid, is rendered pure alkali, and is capable of uniting with silex, and forming glass. It is decomposed by quick-lime, and by all the acids. Carbonate of soda was formerly termed mild mineral alkali. It is decomposed by quick-lime, by the acids, and by fire, in the same manner as the former carbonate. Carbonate of ammonia, or concrete volatile alkali, may be obtained from many animal substances, but it is not found naturally. It is formed by the combination of car- bonic acid with ammonia. When the muriate of ammo- nia is heated with carbonate of lime, the products are mu- riate of lime and carbonate of ammonia, which latter sub- limes in a solid form. Carbonate of lime, called also mild calcareous earth, chalk, Ace. is formed hy the combination of carbonic acid and lime. It has not been crystallized by art, although found variously crystallized in its native state. By in- tense beat the acid is disengaged, and pure lime remains. It is decomposed by almost all the acids, their superior degree of attraction for lime forming other calcareous salts, the carbonic acid escaping in a gaseous form, and occasioning effervescence. Carbonate of barytes has no taste, is not altered in the air, is almost insoluble in water, but is decomposed by heat and by all the acids. It is poisonous. Carbonate of magnesia, or the common magnesia of the shops, is obtained by precipitation from the sul- phate of magnesia. It is soluble in water in the propor- tion of several grains to an ounce. It loses its water and acid by calcination, the residue being pure magnesia, sometimes called calcined magnesia. See Carbojv. Of fluoric acid.—The composition of this acid is un- known. In a gaseous state it forms fluoric acid gas; united to water, it constitutes liquid fluoric acid. It ex- ists completely formed in fluate of lime, known under the name of fluor, or Derbyshire spar. It is combined in it with calcareous earth, forming an insoluble salt. To ob- tain this acid alone, and separated from its base, put fluor spar into a leaden retort, and pour over it sulphuric acid; adapt a leaden receiver to the retort, half-filled with wa- ter, and expose the retort to a gentle heat. The sul- phuric acid seizes on the basis of the spar, and forms with it sulphate of lime; and the fluoric acid passes over in the state of gas, and is absorbed hy the water in the receiver. If it is received in a mercurial apparatus, it will pass over in the state of gas. The distinguishing property of the fluoric acid is its power of dissolving silex. Its odour resembles muriatic acid. When exposed to moist atmospheric air, it emits white fumes. Its action upon all inflammable substances is very feeble; it does not afford oxygen to them. It has no a» tion upon most ofthe metals, but it dissolves many of their oxyds. It must be kept in well-closed leaden or tin bottles, or glass phials, coated within w ith wax or varnish. It is employed for etching on glass. See Fluor. Of boracic acid.—The boracic acid, before known un- der the name of Romberg's sedative salt, is a concrete acid extracted from borax, a salt brought from India. Its base is unknown. It exists in brilliant, glittering, white scabs, so", and unctuous to the touch. Its taste is bit- terish, with a slight acidity. When mixed with burning spirit of wi»ie, it causes a green, surrounded with a white flame. To extrac t boracic acid from borax, tin1 latter mest b" dissolved in boiling water: the liquor is then to befiltred while very warm, and sulphuric acid poured in- to it: this acid seizes on the soda of tiie borax; and the boracic aci<:, being separated, becomes tree. By cooling it my be obtained under a crystallized form. Borate of soda, or borax, is formed by the combination of the boracic acid w ith soda. It is found in a crv styliz- ed state at the bottom of certain salt-lakes, i.i a barren volcanic district 01 the kingdom of Thibet, A stili purer kind comes from China. It is obtained in a pure state by a second crystallization, being previously calcined to de- stroy tbe greasy matter. When purified, it is white and transparent. It has a cooling taste, and renders the blue vegetable infusions green. Exposed to a moderate heat, it melts with its water of crystallization; and is reduced into a white opaque light mass, when it is commonly call- ed calcined borax. It serves as a flux to verifiable earths; it also vitrifies clay, but less completely. It is employed in forming reducing fluxes; and it may also be used in producing the fusion of glass. In soldering metals, it is highly useful, cleansing the surface of the metal, and as- sisting the fusion of the solder. See Boiiax. Of mellitic acid.—A yellowr mineral somewhat resem- bling amber, found at Arten in Thuriiigen, has been found by Klaproth and Vauquelin to consist of alumina com- bined with a peculiar arid, which (from mellite the name of the mineral) is called the mellitic acid. It is crystal- lizable, soluble in water, decomposable by heat, and forms with the salifiable bases peculiar salts called niellats. Of arsenious acid.—Formerly chemists were embar- rassed with the nature of the poisonous substance known in commerce by the name of white arsenic. Experiments have shown that this substance is the metal arsenic, oxy- genated in the first degree. It is therefore called ar- senious acid. It possesses a weak acid taste; it sensibly reddens the tincture of litmus. If placed on burning coals, or on a red-hot iron, it is volatilized in the form of a white vapour, which has a strong smell resembling garlic. It is in a small degree soluble in water. The white ar- senic of the shops is chiefly obtained from arsenical ores of cobalt. These are thrown into a furnace resembling a baker's o\en, with a long flue, or chimney, into which the fumes pass, and are condensed into a greyish powder. This is refined by a second sublimation in close vessels, with a little alkali. As the heat is considerable, it melts the sublimed arsenic into opaque crystalline masses, which are known in commerce by the name of white arsenic. Of arsenic acid.—Arsenic ac id is produced only by art. It appears in the form of a white pulverulent matter. All the preparations of arsenic are deadly poison; the hydro- sulphurets are the best antidotes. A weak solution of hydro-sulphuret of potash, soda, or lime, is therefore often administered with success, if given in time, to per- sons who have been poisoned by arsenic. Sulphureous mineral waters may also be given. In such cases oil, milk, butter, Sec. which are too often resorted to, should never be employed, if a sulphuret, or hydro-sulphuret, can possibly be procured. Oftungstic acid.—This acid does not exist in an un- combined state in nature. It is procured from a mineral called tungsten, which is a combination of this acid with CHEMISTRY. lime (tungsi ate of lime), or from wolfram, v. hkh is this acid united to iron and manganese. It appears in a pul- verulent form, harsh to the touch. It is tasteless, and in- soluble in water. It is not capable of turning blue vege- table colours red, until it has been first rendered soluble by ammonia. It is of a yellow colour, w bich becomes blue on being exposed to the light.. Ofmohjbdic acid.—Wc are indebted to Mr. Ilatchett for a thorough knowledge of the properties of this acid, and of all its combinations. It is molybdena oxygenated; for this metal is susceptible of oxygenation to such a de- gree as to become a cone rete a' id. It is soluble in about 570 parts of water. The solution reddens tincture of lit- mus. It is not applied to any use. Of chromic acid.—This acid is very little known. In nature it is found combined with oxyd of lead, in the mineral called chromatc of lead, or the red-lead in gallic acid, dissolve two ounces of common alum in v iter, ami precipitate the solution by letting fall into it a solu- tion of potash; wash the precipitate well, and trans- r it into a decoction of gallnuts (obtained hy ini'asing one ounce of gall-nuts in sixteen of water, and evaporating the liquor to one-half), agitate the mixture frequently during the course of 24 hours, and then filtre it The fluid which passes through the filtre is gallic acid; which may be obtained in the form of needle-shaped crystals. by evaporating it slowly till a pellicle appears, and then letting it stand undisturbed. Of succinic acid—This acid is obtained by distillation from amber, and is therefore called also acid of amber. It is very soluble in hot water, and crystallizes hy cool- ing. See Amber. Suberic acid.—This acid is obtained by the ac tion of nitric acid on cork. It reddens vegetable blues, and has the peculiar property of turning the blue solution of in- digo in sulphuric acid to green. Fhdsphorous acid.—When phosphorus is burnt slowly. and does n »t become completely saturated with oxygen, it forms an acid, called phosphorous acid. It is liquid, transparent, and of considerable density. It has an un- pleasent taste, and emits a disagreeable odour when rub- bed, and especially when warmed, it is more volatile than phosphoric acid. CHEMISTRY. OfpJutsplwric acid.—Phosphorus saturated with oxy- gen, forms phosphoric acid, which is capable of existing in a dry state. It dissolves in water, and affords astrans- parent fluid void of odour. When exposed to heat, it is renderetl viscous, and by degrees becomes consistent, and loses its transparency. When urged by a violent heat, it melts into a transparent glass, which again at- tracts moisture when exposed to the air, and becomes converted into liquid phosphoric acid. When melted in an earthen crucible, it acts upon the crucible, and fuses into a glass, which is not soluble in water, and exhibits no signs of acidity. It has a strong attraction for all the alkalis and earths. This acid is obtained from bones, wnich are chiefly phosphate of lime. It may also be ob- tained by the rapid combustion of phosphorus in oxygen. See Phosphorus. Sebacic acid, called the acid of fat, is obtained from the fat of animals. It is concrete, and soluble in water. It is sour, and without odour. Laccic acid has been discovered by Dr. Pearson, in a substance called white- lac, formed by certain insects of the coccus tribe. By exposing this substance to such a de- gree of heat as was just sufficient to liquefy it, a fluid was obtained, to which the doctor has given the name of laccic acid. Lactic acid is found in the whey of milk. It is con- crete, and liquefies in the air. It is sour, and oxydates the metals. Saccho-lactic acid, was discovered hy Scheele, who ob- tained it by treating sugar of milk with nitric acid. It is also obtained by treating gum-arabic with nitric acid. Of prussic acid.—The prussic acid, is formed by ex- posing the horns, hoofs, or dried blood of animals, with an equal quantity of fixed alkali, to a red heat. The al- kali is found to be neutralised by the acid thus formed, and, on evaporation, will yield a salt in crystals, which is then called prussiatc of potash or of soda, according to the alkali which has been employed. The prussiates of alkali precipitate all metals from their solutions; the alkali unit- ing with the acid which holds the metal in solution, whilst the prussic acid unites with the metallic oxyd, and com- municates to it a peculiar colour. Tims gold is precipita- ted of a yellow colour, lead of a white, copper of a brownish-red, and iron of a dark blue, forming a prusi- ate of iron, or the substance called Prussian blue. From this substance the prussic acid may be again separated, hy digestion with pure alkali, the prussiatc of alkali be- ing again formed, and the iron left in the state of a brown oxyd. This acid has a sour taste and suffocating smell, but, except its capacity of combining with alkalis and metals, it manifests no conspicuous acid properties. It does not rrddcii lhe most delicate vegetable blues. For the remainder of the compounds formed by the acids with the salifiable bases, see the Tables. Of weiitls.—Among the most.useful substances in na- ture, are the metals. Many of (he mechanic arts depend upon them; and w it bout a knowledge cd' them, perhaps mankind would never have attained 11.eirpresent degree of c ivili/a-i"ii. Their use is still unknown to many na- tions inhabiting ibe numerous islands of the South Sea. They are seldom met with in the earth in n native or pure state, but generally in combination with oxygen, sulphur, arseuic, and the ac ids. lo their different states vol. i. 65 VOL. j. OD • VOL. J. 03 wr»T_r___________ on_____________ ___________ of combination, they are said to he mineralized, and they are then called ores. The ores of metals are generally found in mountainous countries, chiefly in crevices of rocks, forming veins of ore; which are distiiiguislicd into level, inclined, direct, or oblique, according to the angle they make with the ho- rizon. The part of the rock resting on the vein, is called the roof, and that on which the vein rests, the bed of the vein. The cavities made in the earth, in order to extract these ores, are called mines. The metallic matter of ores is generally incrusted, and intermingled with some ear- thy substance, different from <'" rock in which the vein is situated, which is termed its matrix. This, however, ought not to be confounded with the mineralizing sub- stance with which the metal is combined, such as sul- phur, Sec. The art of distinguishing ores from eacjh other, and the method of describing them with accuracy and preci- sion, are called Mineralogy. The art of assaying or analysing them, in order to as- certain the component parts, forms a branch of chemistry, called the Docimastic art. Sec Assaying. To procure the pure metal from the ore, it is first cleared as much as possible from the foreign or stony substances with which it is blended, and which are called the gangue, by first reducing the ore to powder, in which state it is called slich, and then by washing. It is the^ torrificd, or roasted, to dissipate the sulphur and arse- nic; and lastly fused by the addition of some flux contain- ing the coaly principle, to disengage the oxygen with w hich the metal has been impregnated during the pre- vious calcination or torrefaction. Metals are distinguished from all other bodies by a peculiar brilliancy, which is termed metallic lustre, and by their weight, or specific gravity; the heaviest fossil, not metallic, being lighter than the lightest metal. They are also distinguished by their malleability, or their pro- perty of being extended under tbe hammer, and their ductility, or the property of being drawn into wire: though these two qualities are not possessed by all the metals. They are fusible by a sufficient degree of heat, and when suffered to cool gradually, they crystallize into regular figures. (See Crystailizatiojv.) If continued in fusion, they lose their brilliancy, and become an opaque powder, or metallic oxyd, acquiring weight, and absorbing a certain portion of oxygen during the transi- tion. This process was formerly called calcination; it is now called oxydation. The pure metal itself was former- ly known by the name of regulus; as the regulus of tin, of gold, Sec. That metals are calcined or oxydated in consequence of their absorbing oxygen, is proved by this process tak- ing place only when oxygen is present, and by their giving it out in exactly the same quantity and propor- tion on their reduction to their metallic state. They un- dergo this process also from the action of humidity, 'flic water is decompose'!, its hydrogen being dissipated, whilst its oxygen unites with the metal. They are solu- ble in a-ids, and are. precipitated from them'by alkalis. Some ofthe ac ids are decomposed duritg their combina- tion with metals; their oxygen combining with the metal, fcrnrng a metallic oxyd, which is then dissolved by the remainder ofthe acid, and forms a metallic salt. CHEMISTRY. V> hen perfectly fused, they are for lhe most part mis- cible. or comhinable with each other, or with uumetallic substances, as sulphur, phosphorus, and charcoal. If urged by a stronger heat, they are converted into a vi- triform substance, or metallic glass. These metallic glas- ses, as well as the oxyds, possess other properties than their rcguli. They are of different colours: and the me- tallic- oxyds tinge the earthy and saline glasses with whr it they vitrify, with various colours conformably to the difference of their own nature. They do this fre- quently, even when added in but small quantity. Such metallic oxyds as do not themselves yield a transparent glass, may deprive another of its transparency if fused with it. On the combination of other glasses with the me- tallic ones, and on the colouring of the first by means of the latter, depends the preparation of artificial gems and glass pastes, the pigments for enamel and porcelain- painting, the-enamel itself, and the glazings for earth- enware1. The operation by which metallic glasses and oxyds are restored to the reguline form, is c ailed the reduction or reviving of metals. In their reduction from the oxyds and glasses, the ad- dition of a combustible substance is always necessary; charcoal, for instance, or such matters as contain carbon; as s-iap. pitch, resin, fat, and oil. In the smelting-works, the fuel itself is employed as a means of reduction, by fusing the metal interspersed among the coals. Some me- tals, as iron and platinum, grow soft before they fuse, and on this depends their very useful property of being welded. Metals are the best conductors of electricity and gal- vanism. Of platinum.—Platinum is found only in a metallic form in small grains. It w as unknown in Europe before the year 1748. It is brought from South America. It is the heaviest, hardest, and most infusible, of all the metals. Itis ductile, and may be hammered into plates, or drawn into wire. It may be welded together in a white heat, is unalterable in the air, and is on this account found a very valuable material for making specula, or reflecting mirrors for telescopes. No acid acts upon it, except the nitro-niuriatic. It is of a white colour, between that of silver and tin. The process which is generally used for obtaining malleable platinum, is as follows: Triturate common pla- tium (which is generally in grains) with water, to wash off every contaminating matter that water can carry away. Mix the platinum with about one-fifth part white arsenic, and one fifteenth part potash, putting the whole into a proper crucible in the following manner: having well heated the crucible, put in one-third of the mixture; apply to this a strong heat, and add one-third more; after a renewed application of heat, throw in the last portion. After a thorough fusion ofthe whole, cool and break the mass. Fuse it a second time, and if necessary, even a third time, till it comes to be magnetic. Break it into small pieces, and melt those pieces in separate crucibles; and in portions of a pound and a half of the platinum to each crucible, with an equal quantity of arsenious acid, and half a pound of potash. After cooling the contents of the different crucibles in an horizontal position, in order to have them throughout of equal thickness, heat them under a mufti1, to volatilize the arseni ins acid; and keep them in this state without increase of heat, fin- the space of six hours. Heat them next in common oil, till the oil shall have evaporated to drv ness. Then immerse them in nitric acid, boil them in water, heat them to red- ness in a crucible, and hammer them into a dense mass. They are now fit to be heate ; in a naked lire, and ham- mered into bars for use. Platinum is generally mixed with iron, and therefore it is magnetic. It forms allovs with most of the metals. That with copper is the most useful; it takes a fine polish, and does not tarnish. Sc« Plvtincm. Of gold.—Gold is always found in nature in a metal- lic- state. Itis generally met with in gr.ins, call d gold- dust, mixed with the sand of rivers; being carried awav by them, from the rocks and mountains, where it is found in leaves or ramifications, adhering to quartz, and other stones. It is found shiefly in Africa and Hungary: and some has been discovered lately in the county of Wick- low, in Ireland, where the largest piece of native gold hitherto seen was found. Its weight was 22 ounces, and it was almost pure. Small quantities of gold have been found in avast variety of substances. Indeed, in vry mi- nute quantities it is frequently met with: and from this circumstance, and from its being found after chemical processes where none was ever expected, many of the supposed formations of gold by the alchymists have ta- ken their origin. It has been obtained from rotten ma- nure, garden-mould, uncultivated earth, and from vege- tables. It is of a rich yellow colour; and is the heaviest of the metals, except platinum. It is not very hard when pure. It is the most ductile of all the metals. Gold-leaf trans- mits light of a lively green colour; but silver, copper, and all the rest ofthe metals which can be formed into leaves, are perfectly opaque, being much thicker. Gold melts at 32 degrees of Wedgewood's pyrometer, and is volatilized by an intense heat, such as that of a mirror or lens. It cannot be oxydated by any heat of a furnace, but may by electricity and galvanism. Gold is not acted upon by any acid, except the oxy- genated muriatic, or nitro-muriatic acids, which latter was called from this aqua regia, because gold was named by the alchymists the king of the metals. This solution of gold, called nitro-muriate of gold, yields by evapora- tion crystals of a beautiful yellow colour, which, when dissolved in water, tinge the skin indelibly of a deep pur- ple. When precipitated from this solution by tin, it forms the purple precipitate of Cassus, so much used in ena- melling. This consists of on oxyd of gold, mixed with an oxyd of tin. If, into a solution of gold, a piece of charcoal is put, and exposed to the sun's rays, the gold will be re- vived, and appear in a metallic state on the charcoal, forming a kind of gilding. Gold may be taken from its solution hy sether, which then retains it in solution, forming an sethercal solution of gold. If any substance is dipped in the nitro-muriate of gold, and then exposed to a stream of hy drogen gas, the gold will be reduced, and the substance covered with it. When ammonia is added to a solution of gold, a yellow precipitate is formed, called fulminating gold, because it has the property of exploding when exposed to heat. Gold is precipitated from its solution in a metallic state by green sulphate of iron. Gold easily alloys with mercury, which is therefore employed for the purpose of extracting it rom the substances with which it is mixed. The mcrcurv, being more volatile, is driven off by heat, and the gold remains free. With silver it forms an alloy of considerable ductility. Copper heightens its colour, and renders it harder without much impairing its ductili- ty. Tin and lead considerably impair its tenacity. With platinum it forms an alloy which is very ductile. With zinc it affords a brittle and hard mixture, susceptible of polish. It unites well with iron, and hardens it re- markably. On account of its peculiar property of not tarnishing in the air, it is much used for defending other metals; and on account of its beautiful lustre, it is much employ- ed in ornaments. See Gold. Of silver.—Silver is often found native, and also com- bined with lead, copper, mercury, cobalt, sulphur, arse- nic, &c. Wiien found in the metallic state, it appears in grains or leaves, adhering to various substances. It is found in the greatest quantities in Peru and Mexico; but there are silver-mines in many other countries. When pure it is ofa very brilliant white. It is malleable, ductile, and laminable, in a great degree, though inferior to gold in these qualities. It may he beaten out into leaves, which arc only ttyVvh part of an inch in thickness. It melts at 28 degrees of Wedgewood's pyrometer, and is volatilized in very high temperatures. It does not tar- nish in the air, except when sulphureous vapours are present. It forms alloys with most of the metals. With gold it forms a metal of a greenish colour, called green gold. Copper makes it much harder, without lessening its ductility. It forms an amalgam with mercury. The alloy of British coinage is fifteen parts of fine silver and one of copper. It unites to phosphorus and sulphur, form- ing phosphuret and sulphuret of silver. Silver is acted upon by the sulphuric and nitric, but not by the muriatic acid. With the nitric acid it forms a colourless solution, which stains animal and vegetable subsiances with an indelible black colour: hence it is used as a permanent ink, and is employed for dying hu- man hair black; though, for this purpose, it should be used with great caution, and much diluted, as it is ex- tremely caustic or corrosive. It is also employed for mark- ing linen. Nitric acid dissolves more than half its weight of silver, the solution depositing crystals. When these are fused by a gentle heat, they lose some of the acid, and being poured into moulds, form the substance called lu- nar caustic (nitrate of silver), used in surgery. Nitrate of silver, prepared with common silver, is greenish, but this is on account of the copper usually mixed with the silver. Silver is precipitated from its so- lution in nitric acid, by muriatic acid, in the form of a white curd; which, when fused, forms a semi-transpa- rent mass of the consistence of horn, called horn silver, hut more properly muriate of silver. It soon blackens in the air. and is very little soluble in water. Since the mu- riat ic acid has a strong affinity for the oxyd of silver, and since the muriate of silver is not very soluble in water, the nitrate of silver is employed as a re-agent, to discover the presence of muriatic acid in am liquid: for if it coniains that acid, muriate of silver will fall down in a white, cloud, on dropping nitrate of silver into it, The nitric acid sold in the shops is usually adulterated with muriatic or sulphuric acid, or with both: hence the nitrite of silver is used to free the nitric from the two latter acids. For this purpose nitrate of silver is poured into it by degrees, until no more precipitate is produced: after which it is rendered clear by filtring. Nitric acid thus purified is called hy artists precipitated aquafortis; but it still contains some silver, from which it cannot be freed, except by distillation. When precipitated from nitrate of silver by ammonia, it forms fulminating silver; a very dangerous preparation, for it explodes by the mere contact of any body. More than a grain cannot be exploded at a time with any safe- ty. When mercury is added to the nitric solid ion of sil- ver, a precipitation of the silver is formed, resembling vegetation in appearance, called arbor Dianse. or 'he. tree of Diana. See Argentum Arborescens. If a few drops of the nitrate of silver are put upon a pi ce of glass, and a copper wire placed in it, a beautiful precipi- tation ofthe silver will take place, in the form of a plant. The affinity of silver for other metals, and its solution in acids, are the properties on which Plating, Silvering depend. See Silver. Of mercury.—Mercury, called also quicksilver, always appears in a liquid state, in the common temperature of the atmosphere; but in intense cold, as at 40 below zero, it becomes solid, and is then malleable, resembling silver. It is found in nature, sometimes in a pure state, but chief- ly united to sulphur, when it forms cinnabar; and some- times to silver. It is also united to the acids, and to oxy- gen. It is mostly found in Spain and South America. Like other fluids, it boils, and is converted into vapour. This process is employed to separate it from other sub- stances. It is acted upon by most of the acids. It com- bines with sulphur and phosphorus; and firms alloys with most ofthe metals, which are then called amalgams. On this property depend some ofthe methods of gilding and of silvering mirrors. When acted upon by heat and air for a long time, it absorbs oxygen, and is converted into a real oxyde, called precipitate per se, or red oxyd of mercury. When the heat is increased, this oxyd gives out Its oxygen, the mercury reassuining its metallic appear- ance. When agitated long in air, mercury is converted into a black oxyd. The sulphuric acid acts on mercury, if assisted by heat; sulphureous acid gas is then disengaged, and a white oxyd is formed. Hot water being poured on this, ii be- comes a yellow oxyd, called turbith mineral, the water holding in solution sulphate of mercury. The uitric ;cij dissolves mercury, even without heat, nitrous gas being disengaged; one part of the acid oxydates the metal, whilst the other dissolves the oxyd. The nitrate of mercury is corrosive. When dry, it de- tonates upon coals. By a moderate heat it vie Ids oxygen, or nitrogen gas; the remaining oxyd becoming yellow, and at length a lively red, being the red precipitate of mercury: and if fresh nitric acid is distilled from it three or four times, it appears in small crystals, of a vi r> su- perb red colour. Tbe muriatic acid does not scusiblv act on mercury, except by long digestion; when it oxvdates a part, which oxyd it dissolves. It completelv dissolves the mercurial oxvds; and when these have a small quan- tity of o\\gen, and are nearly in a metallic <\u.u\} t!re CHEMISTRY. muriate of mercury is formed. When, on the contrary, it is .r.isnv.ted ith oxve;cn,the oxy-muriate of mercury, or corrosive sublimate oi* mercury, is formed. To obtain the mil! m ;riate of mercury, mercurius dul- cis, or calomel, equal p:ir*is of quicksilver and of oxyge- nated imriate arc completely blended by trituration, and exposed to sublimation. A beautiful artificial cinnabar m;-i/ he prepared, by triturating mercury and flowers of snlphiir with a solution of caustic vegetable alkali, keep- ing it at a propr-r temperature, and afterwards washing it re^eaiecily with boiling water. See Mvrcury. Of copper.—Copper is found native, but in very small quant: fr-s. It is generally met with in the state of an oxyd, or united to acids and sulphur. There are many copper-mines in Britain, German;*, Sec. The largest cop- per-.- ine perhaps known, is that at the Pr.ris mountain, in the isle of Anglesea. Pure copper is ofa red colour, very tenacious, ductile, and malleable. It melts at 27 degrees of Wedgewood's pyrometer, and burns with a green flame. When heated in con!act with air, it is changed into a blackish red oxyo, woich by a more violent heat is converted into a brown glass. The nitric acid dissolves copper with effer- ves ence, and the solution has a blu« colour. The acid first oxydates the metal; a large quantity of nitrous gas is then disengaged, and the copper afterwards dissolves. This is nitrate of copper. The sulphuric acid does not dis- solve copper, unless when concentrated; and very fine biie crystals, known under the name of sulphate of cop- per, are the result. This is what is commonly called blue vitriol. The muriatic acid does not dissolve copper, hut when concentrated, and in a state of ebullition; the solu- tion is green, the taste of which is caustic, and exceed- ingly astringent. The acetous acid, in a sufficient degree of concentration, dissolves copper; hut when not suffi- ciently concentrated, it only imperfectly oxydates it, forming verdigris; which, being dissolved in vinegar, forms crystallised acetite of copper, known under the name of distilled verdigris. Iron precipitates copper from Us solution. For this purpose nothing is necessary but to immerse the iron in the solution; the acid seizes on the iron, and abandons the copper. The copper thus precipi- tated is called copper of cementation. This process is employed for obtaining the copper found in water near mines of copper. Copper may be alloyed with most ofthe metals. As an alloy of silver it renders it more fusible: this mixture is employed as a solder for silver plate. Copper, when alloy- ed wish tin, forms bronze, a metal used for making bells, cannon, statues, Sec. When alloyed by cementation with the oxyd of zinc, called calamine, it forms brass. With arsenic it forms white tombac. The salts formed with copper have a poisonous quality. It is employed for making kitchen-utensils, but very improperly, for as these vessels are liable to he corroded by the salts and acids used in culinary preparations, they often become dangerous, and may thus make us swallow slow poison. Kitchen- utensils of tinned iron are far preferable, because iron possesses no quality injurious to health. See Copper. Of iron—No metal is so universally diffused through- out nature as iron. It is found in animals, in vegetables, and in almost all bodies. It is the most useful of all me- tals, as well as the most plentiful, otherwise it probably would be also the dearest. It is seldom found native, but combined with a great variety of substances, and it is particularly distinguished by its inagnrucal properties, [t is the hardest and most elastic of the metals. It is very ductile, and possesses the property of being welded. It is very difficult to fuse. Exposed to the action of water, iron soon rusts or oxy- dates. It attracts the oxygen and carbonic acid, and is changed into a brown substance, whic h is a mixture of oxyd of iron and carbonate of iron. Iron-filings agitated in water become oxydated, and assume the form of a black powder called martial ethiops. When iron ore is fused in large fi rnaces, it is made to flow into a kind of mould formed in sand. This first product, which is exceedingly brittle, and not at all malleable, is called cast iron. In this state, by pouring it into different kinds of moulds, it is formed into stoves, pipes, cannon, and other articles. Castor critic iron contains carbon and, oxygen. The presence of the former appears from its coating the utensils employed in its fusion with plumbago or black- lead, which contains nine-tenths of carinn, and one of iron. Crude iron is in three states, white, grey, or black, according as it contains a larger proportion of carbon, an exact proportion of carbon and oxygen, or a larger proportion of oxygen. To render the iron malleable, it must he freed from the carbon and oxygen which it con- tains. For this purpose it is fused; and kept in that state for some time, stirring and kneading it all the while; by this the carbon and oxygen unite, and are expelled in the form of carbonic acid gas. It is then sub- jected to the action of large hammers, or to the pres- sure of rollers, by which the remaining oxyd of iron and other impurities are forced out. The iron is now no longer crystallized or granular in its texture; it is fibrous, and ductile, and is in a purer state, though far from being absolutely pure. It is capable of being weld- ed and worked hy hammers into any form. It is now called forged or wrought iron. There are several varieties of iron in this state, aris- ing from the intermixture of other substances. There is one kind of forged iron, which when cold is ductile, but when heated is extremely brittle. It is also fu- sible. This is termed hot-short-iron. Cold short-iron possesses precisely the opposite properties, being highly ductile while hot, but when cold extremely brittle. The causes of these peculiarities have not been perfectly explained. Iron is capable of being re- duced to a third state, which is that of steel. It is con- verted into steel by exposing it to heat in contact w ith carbonaceous substances, which unite themselves with it. Thus we have three states in which iron may exist, viz. cast iron, forged iron, and steel. Cast iron contains too great a quantity of carbonaceous substance: it may be called steel too much steelified; itis therefore exceedingly brittle, and not at all malleable. Forged iron is "iron purified from all foreign sub- stances. Steel is formed by bedding in charcoal, in a close fur- nace, alternate layers of malleable iron and charcoal, and exposing them to a strong fire for six or eight days. This process is called cementation. During this opera- tion, the iron combines with a quantity of carbon, and is conrerted into blistered steel. This is either rendered CHEMISTRY. more perfect and melleahle by subjecting it to the ope- ivlion of tbe hammer; or is fused, and cast into small bars, forming cast steel. Those iunds of cast iron which cont tin but little oxygen, may be converted into a sort of sU\i by a similar process. In this process, the iron gains an increase of weight by tne carbon it has ac- quired. Steel holds a middle rank between cast and forged, Or malleable iron. It is composed of very small grains, and when hot, possesses a considerable degree of mal- leability. It is speciin ally heavier than forged iron. It is denser than forged iron, but itis not harder. To com- municate to it the necessary hardness, it must be tem- per 'ii; that is, after being exposed to a greater or less degree of heat, according to the required degree of hardness, it must be suddenly cooled by immersion in cold water. Tempering renders it harder, more elastic, and more brittle, it may be made so hard as to scratch glass. Steel, thus hardened, may have its softness and ducliiUy restored by again heating, and suffering it to eool -I ,\\1,. \ polished bit of steel, when heated with access of air, acquires xe-vy beautiful colours. It first becomes a pale yellow, then of a deeper yellow, next reddish, then deep blue, and at last bright blue. At this period it becomes red-hot, and the colours disappear; at the same time that the metallic- scales, or the black im- perfect oxyd of iron which is formed, incrust its surface. All these different shades of colour indicate the differ- ent tempers the steel has acquired by the increase of heat. Artists have availed themselves of this property, to give to surgical and other sharp instruments those degrees of temper, which their various uses require. Tempered steel is more clastic, and harder, than iron. Wootz, a metal brought from the East Indies, was examined by Dr. Pearson, who discovered that it was iron united to carbon, and also to oxygen. Iron com- bines with sulphur and phosphorus, forming sulphuret and phosphuret of iron. It combines .also with most of the metels: but it was supposed till lately, that it could not he amalgamated with mercury. Mr. Arthur Aikin has, however, contrived a method of effecting this. Where iron is united to oxygen in the proportion of T3 parts of iron to 27 of oxygen, it forms the black or green oxvd of iron, which may he obtained by bringing a bar of iron to a red heat, and subjecting it to the ham- mer; the scales which fly off, are the black oxyd of iron. This oxyd is attracted by the me.gnet, and if exposed to a white heat in a crucible, will absorb 21 parts more of oxvgcn; and is then converted into the red or brown ©xydc of iron, and will not he affected hy the magnet. Iron does not combine with oxygen, in more than thee two proportions. Iron is acted upon hy all the acids. The nitric acid is rapidly decomposed by iron. A portion of the oxygen of the acid oxydates the iron, which then dissolves, and the remainder of the acid piu-ses oft' in nitro.s gas. Sulphuric acid diluted with wafer being poured on iron, a considerable efferves- cence takes place, in consequence of the disengagement of tbe hydrogen gas of the water; its oxygen effecting the oxydatinn ofthe metal, while the acid dissolves the metal without being decomposed. This solution yields by cvaporati in the sulphite of iron. Common copperas is this salt in an impure state. See Iron. Of lead.— This metal is scarcely ever found in the na- tive ste.ie. il is c hieily mineralized by sidpmir, and is then caliecl gaiena. Tnc pure metal is ofa greenish co- lour. When cut a is brt;!;t, b;i- soon tarnishes in fhe air. It may be easily cut with a Unite, and it sods the fingers wh'-u rubbed. It he.s Ii :ie or no ela.Viu ity. It fuses at 540 degrees t-'aiirenneii. When exposed to heat with access of ;ir ii fuses, and is oxydated at the sur- face. Ii this oxyd is removed, more is formed, and thus the whole may be converted into grey oxyd of lead, which when exposed to a S!;vmg hca>, is concerted into a yellow oxyd, called massicot. If this yellow oxyd is exposed to a still more violent beat, it assumes a beau- tiful red colour, and becomes red lead, or minium. Lith- arge is a semi-vitrified oxyd of lead, obtained by keep- ing a stream of air upon fused lead: it is generally pro- cured in the process of separating silver from lead. If litharge is exposed to a strong heat, it becom s con- verted into glass of lead, which forms the basis of the common glazing for earthenware. Lead combines with sulphur and phosphorus. Ixitric acid converts lead into a white oxyd. Sulphuric acid in a state of ebullition oxydates. by means of a portion of its oxygen, a con- siderable part of the lead exposed to its action; another part ofthe lead is dissolved and forms sulphate of lead. Muriatic acid poured over lead, and assisted by heat, oxydates one part of it, and dissolves another. The affi- nity of muriatic acid for the oxyds of lead is so great, that the latter decompose all the combinations of this acid. They decompose the muriate of soda, tbe muriate of ammonia, t changed by expesur to the air. It appears to consist of oxygen, hy- drogen, nitrogen, carbon and lime. S. Oils. Oil was formerly supposed to be a simple substance; hut Lavoisier proved that it is composed of carbon and hydrogen: it also contains a small portion of oxygen. Oils ur • divided into fat or fixed oils, and vola- tile and essential oils. Fixed oil is usually obtained by expression, chiefly from the seeds and kernals of plants. It is generally mixed with mucilage. It does not combine with water or alcohol. It has a great affinity for oxygen, which thickens it, and makes it pass into the concrete state. Some fixed oils, as linseed and walnut oil. dry of themselves, or become solid, in the air; but this property is niurh increased by boiling, and adding oxyd of lead, wdiich constitutes drying oil. Fixed oils are volatilized by a strong heat, and when volatilized, take fire hy the contact of an ignited body. When added to acids, tbey attract oxygen from the acids, and form a kind of resin- ous substance. With alkalis, they form soap; and dissolve sulphur and phosphorus. Volatile oils are generally procured by distilling aro- matic plants with water. The water rises, accompanied by the oil, part of which is dissolved in the water; but the greatest quantity separates to the surface, or the bottom. They are soluble in alcohol, dissolve resin, sulphur, and phosphorus, and are very inflammable. They attract ox- ygen; and by long keeping are converted into resin, char- coal, and water. See Oil. 3. Resins exist in the vessels of certain trees, and fre- quently exude from them spontaneously. Sometimes they are procured by making incisions in the trees, and some- times by distilling tbe wood. They are considered as vol- atile oils combined with oxygen. They are soluble in al- cohol and oils, but not in water. It is this property that renders them so valuable as varnishes. They are inflam- mable, and melt w ith a slight heat. The principal resins are the turpentines, mastic, copal, sandarac, Sec. See Resins, -:;iry con- ditions of fermentation, alcohol is productd. When mucilage is most abundant, vinegar or acetous acid is the CHEMISTRY product; and when gluten is most predominant, ammonia will he discovered, and putrefaction or the putrid fer- mentation will take place. The process of the acetous fermentation is still more simph" than that of the vinous, and consists merely in the fluid imbibing the oxygen from the atmosphere, for which it has a strong attraction; and by the access of which to the point of saturation, it is converted into an acid. Putrid fermentation.—This is the last change, or final decomposition, of vegetables. Without moisture, heat, and a due access of air, this does not take place. In this state of fermentations ammonia is formed, accompanied by a very olfensive smell. Vegetables which curtain albu- minous matter and gluten, are most liable to putrefaction. Animal .substances.—The constituent principles of ani- mal substances are nearly the same with those of vege- tables; but the former contain much more nitrogen and phosphorus, and the latter more carbon and hydrogen. The proximate constituent parts of animal substances, or simple combinations ofthe above-mentioned radicals, are the following: 1. Gelatine, or animal jelly, is very generally dispers- ed through all the parts of animals, even in bones, but exists in the greatest quantity in the tendons, membran s, and the skin. It is a mucous substance, very soluble in warm water, but not in alcohol; insipid, and without smell; when cold, it congeals to a cohesive, tremulous substance. It forms the basis of soups, broths, Sec. and imparts to them their nutritious qualities. When eva- porated to dryness, it forms portable soup, glue, isin- glass, Sec. The union of this substance in the skin with tannin constitutes leather. 2. Fibrin, or animal fibre, forms the basis ofthe muscu- lar, or fleshy parts of animals. It is fibrous in its structure, transparent, insoluble in water and alcohol except hy a long-continued heat in a digester. It coagulates by the mere contact of air, and in a temperature of 120°, in which it dif- fers from albumen, and also by its insolubility in cold liquid ammonia. Itis soluble in acids and alkalis;by its union with the latter soap is formed. C haptal employed this pro- perty to make soap from wool. With nitric acid it affords more nitrogen gas than any other s: bstence. Pure fibrin may be obtained by washing away all the other parts from muscular fibre. It is very analogous to vegetable gluten. 3. Albumen is the principal constituent part of the serum of blood, and is also called coagulable lymph. The white of eggs consists almost entirely of albumen. It is insoluble in bot or cold water, oils, or alcohol; and coag- ulates by a heat of 160° Fahrenheit, into a white solid mass, also by a ids, oxyds, and alcohol. The coagulum is only soluble in alkalis. See Albumen. 4. Animal oil differs from the vegetable oils, in heir.." generally solid at the temperature ofthe atmosphere, but is veiysim'n.r to them in its other properties. It contains more oxygeji. and also sebacic acid. Among animal oils may be ranked fat. Udlovv. lard, suet, butter, prepared by agitating the cream alone, which separates the butter from the rest ofthe milk winch remains, called butter-milk. &. Nails, horns, hoots, and quills, resemble coagulat- ed albumen. The animal acids and phosphorus have been already described. Many other animal substances, such as bile. urine, saliva, Sec. are very complicated, and but imper- fectly known. Of putrefaction—Every animal body, when deprived of life, and exposed to the air, undergoes a decomposi- tion, or resolution ofits parts. Its colour become s pale, then changes to blue and green; the parts become soft, and send out a fetid smell, arising from the disengage- ment of a very noxious gas. The organization is de- stroyed, and the constituent parts ofthe animal substance form new arrangements, and are chiefly resolved into the gaseous state. What remains is a dry powder, con- sisting of a mixture of earths and charcoal. Table I. Of compound oxydable and acidifiable bases.' Names of the radicals. fTartaric Malic Citric Oxalic Acetic Succinic Benzoic Camphoric Gallic _S liberie Oxydable or acidifiable flJiXci\v , x. radicals from the ani-J kaccholactie mal kingdom, whirli^ p.;'iir.,c mostly cl niain azote. ! ! l'!,s?,c Carb no-hydrous radical"") from the mineral king- s>MeIlitic dom. ' j Oxydable or acidifiable hydro-carbonous or carbono-hydrous radi- cals from the vegetable kingdom. 1 >>? CHEMISTRY. Table II. Ofthe binary combinations of oxygen with simple substances. N« mes ofthe sim-ple substances. First degree of oxygenation. Second degree of oxygen-.-J Third degree of tion. | oxygenation. J Caloric - Oxygen gas Hydrogen Water* Azote Nitrous oxyd Nitric oxyd, or base of ni- Combinations trous gas Nitrous acid - of oxygen wiih Carbon Charcoal or carbonous simple non-«^ oxyd - Carbonic oxyd Carbonic acid metallic sub- Sulphur Oxyd of sulphur Sulphurous acid Sulphuric acid stances. Phosphorus - Oxyd of phosphorus - Phosphorous acid Phosphoric acid Muriatic radical . Muriatic acid Muriatic acid Fluoric radical ... Fluoric acid Boracic radical Boracic oxyd Boracic acid 'Antimony Grey oxyd of antimony White oxyd of antimony Silver Oxyd of silver Arsenic Grey oxyd of arsenic - White oxyd of arsenic Arsenic acid Bismuth Grey oxyd of bismuth - White oxyd of bismuth Cobalt - - Grey oxyd of cob dt Copper Brown oxyd of copper - Blue and green oxyds of copper Tin - Grey oxyd of tin White oxyd of tin Combinations Iron Black oxyd of iron Yellow and red oxyds of of oxygen with iron the simple mo* Manganese « Black oxyd of manganese White oxyd of manganese taliic substan- Mercury Black oxyd of mercury Yellow and red oxyds of ces. mercury Molybdena - Oxyd of molybdena - Molybdic acid Nickel Oxyd of nickel Gold - - Yellow oxyd of gold Red oxyd of gold Platina - - Yellow oxyd of platina Lead Grey oxyd of lead Yellow and red oxyds of lead • Tungstein Oxyd of tungstein . Tungstic acid I _Zinc Grey oxyd ot zinc White oxyd of zinc tion. Nitric acid Hyperoxymuriatic acid Table III. Of the combinations of oxygen with the compound radicals. Names of the radicals. Tartaric Malic Citric Oxalic Acetic Succinic Benzoic Camphoric Gallic Suberic Lactic Saccholactic Sebacic Prussic Laccic Mellitic Names of the resulting acids. Tartaric acid Malic acid Citric acid Oxalic acid Acetic acid Succinic acid Benzoic acid Camphoric acid Gallic acid Suberic acid Lactic acid Saccholactic acid Sebacic acid Prussic acid Laccic acid Melitic acid. Table IV. Of the binary combinations of azote with the simple substances. Simple substances. Results of the combinations. Caloric Azotic gas Hydrogen Ammoniac Simple substances. Results of the combinations. ["Nitrous oxyd J Nitric oxyd j Nitrous acid t.Nitric acid "This combination is hitherto unknown; should it ever be discovered, it will be called, according to the principles of our nomenclature, azuret of charcoal. Charcoal dissolves in azotic gas, and forms carbonated azotic gas Phosphorus Azuret of phosphorus. Still unknown TAzuret of sulphur. Still unknown. We •^ know that sulphur dissolves in azotic l_ gas, forming sulphurated azotic gas "Azote combines with charcoal and hydro- gen, in the compound oxydable and acidifiable bases, and is generally con- tained in the radicals of the animal acids rSuch combinations are hitherto unknown; Metallic J if ever discovered, they will form me- substances ] taliic azurets, as azuret of gold, of sil- L. ver, Sec. Oxygen Charcoal Sulphur Compound radicals * Only one degree of oxygenation of hydrogen is hitherto known. CHEMISTRY. Lime Magnesia Barytes Arci-ill PoiUsh Soda 1. : Entirely unknown. If ever discovered, they will form azuret of lime, azuret of j magnesia, Sec. Table \ II. Of the binary combinations of phosphorus with the simple substances. Table V. Ofthe binary combinations of hydrogen with simple substances. TO: jl'l (.Pi Simple sub- stances. Caloric Azote Oxygen Sulphur Resulting compounds. Hydrogen gas Ammoniac Water f Hydruret of sulphur, or sulphuret of hy- t drogen Phosphorus J HyirIuret of Phosphorus, or phosphuret I of hydrogen Charcoal / Hvuro-car°onous, or carbono-hydrous ra- I dicals Metallic ") „ , ... . . substances, I M^ta,hc hydrurets, as hydruret of iron, as iron, Sec. J Those combinations take place in the state of gas, and form respectively, sulphurated and phosphorated oxygen gas. Resulting compounds. Phosphor;< gas Oxyd of phosphorus "Miosphorons acid Miosnhoi ic acid Phosphuret of hydrogen Phosphuret of azote Phosphuret of sulphur Phosphuret of charcoal I Phosphurets of metals Table VI. Of Simple substances. Caloric Oxygen Hydrogen Azote Phosphorus Charroal Antim.my Silver Arsenic Bismuth Cobalt Copper Tin Iron Manganese Mi'rci.ry Mol bdena Nickel Gold Platina Lead Tungstein Zinc Potash Soila Ammoniac Lime Magnesia Bar* tos Argill {: the binary combinations of sulphur with simple substances. Hesulting compounds. Sulphuric gas Oxyd of sulphur Sulphurous acid Sulphuric aid Sulphuret of hydrogen azote phosphorus charcoal antimony silver arsenic bismuth cobalt copper tin iron manganese mere f.ry molybdena nickel gold pl.ttina lead tungstein zinc potash soda ammoniac lime magnesia barytes argill. Simple substances. Caloric Oxygen Hydrogen Azote Sulphur Charcoal Metallic sub- stances. Potash Soda Ammoniac Lime Barytes Magnesia Argill j Table VIII. Of the binary combinations of carbon. Simple substances. Resulting compounds. f Oxyd of charcoal or carbonous oxyd Oxygen J Carbonic oxyd (.Carbonic acid Sulphur Carburet of sulphur Phosphorus Carburet of phosphorus Azote Carburet of azote Hydrogen Metallic sub- stances. Alkalies and earths !> Phosphuret of potash, soda, &c. f Carbono-hydrous radicals I Fixed and volatile oils J- Carburets of metals I Carburet of potash, &c. Table IX. Ofthe combinations of azote or nitrogen in the state of nitrous ac id with the salifiable bases, ar- ranged according to the affinities of these bases with the acid. Names of the bases. Names of tlie neutral salts. Barytes Potash Soda Lime Magnesia Ammoniac Argill Notes. Nitrate of barytes potash soda lime magnesia ammoniac argill Oxyd of zinc zinc iron iron manganese cobalt manganese cobalt nickel lead tin nickel lead tin copper copper " These salts are only known of late, and have ^ received no par- Iticular name in the old nomen- clature. As metals dis- solve both in nitrous and ni- tric aci Is. metal- lic salt* must of consequence be formed hnving different degrees of oxygenation. Those vvheiviu the metal is least •i oxygenated must he called nil,-ites, whin more so. CHEMISTRY. Oxyd of bismuth antimony arsenic mcrcurv Nitrate of bismuth antimony arsenic mercury nil rats; but the limits of this di- stinction are dif- ficultly ascertain- able. The older chemists were not acquainted with any of these jsalts. silver r It is extremely probable that gold, gold 4 silver, and platina, form only nitrats, platina (.and cannot subsist in the state of nitrites. Table X. Of the comb sat\rated with oxygen, the salifiable bases, in the acid. liases. Barytes Potash Soda Lime Magnesia Ammoniac Argill Oxyd of zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold platina inations of azote, completely in the state of nitric acid, with the order of the affinity with Names of the resulting neutral salts. Nitrate of barytes potash soda lime magnesia ammoniac argill zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold platina. Table XI. Ofthe combinations of sulphuric acid with the salifiable bases, in th order of affinity. Names ofthe bases. Barytes Potash Soda Lime Magnesia Ammoniac Argill Oxyd of zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony Resulting compounds. Sulphat of barytes potash soda lime magnesia ammoniac argill zinc iro n manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony Oxyd of arsenic mercury silver gold platina Sulphat of arsenic mercury silver gold platina. Table XII. Of the combinations of the sulphurous acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinilv. Names ofthe bases. Barytes Potash Soda Lime Magnesia Ammoniac Argill Oxyd of zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold platina Names of lhe neutral salts. Sulphite of barytes potash soda lime magnesia ammoniac argill zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver . gold platina. Table XIII. Of the combinations of phosphorous and phosphoric acids, with the salifiable bases, in the or- der of affinity. Names of the bases. Names of the neutral salts formed by Lime Barytes Magnesia Potash Soda Ammoniac Argill Oxyd of zinc iron Phosphorous acid, Phosphites of lime barytes magnesia potash soda ammoniac argill zinc iron manganese manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold Phosphoric acid, Phosphats of lime barytes magnesia potash soda ammoniac argill zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold. CHEMISTRY. Table XIV. Of the combinations of carbonic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Names of the bases. Resulting neutral salts. Barytes Carbonate of barytes Lime lime Potash potash Soda soda Magnesia magnesia Ammoniac ammoniac A i gill argill Oxyd of zinc zinc iron iron manganese manganese cobalt cobalt nickel nickel lead lead tin tin copper bism.ith antimony copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold platina. arsenic mercury silver gold platina. tin Table XV. Of the combinations of muriatic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Names of the bases. Resulting neutral salts. Barytes Muriat of barytes Potash potash Soda soda Lime lime Magnesia magnesia Ammoniac ammoniac Argill argill Oxyd of zinc zinc iron iron manganese manganese cobalt cobalt nickel nickel lead lead f smoking of tin \ solid of tin copper copper bismuth bismuth antimony antimony arsenic arsenic {sweet of mercury corrosive of mer- cury silver silver gold gold platina platina. Table XVI. Of the combinations of oxygenated mu- riat ic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Names of the hases- Names ofthe neutral salts. Barytes Oxygenated muriate of barytes Potash potash Soda soda Lime Oxygenated muriate of limr Magnesia magnesia Argill argill Oxyd of zinc zinc iron iron manganese inanganesr cobalt cobalt nickel nickel lead lead tin tin copper bismuth antimony antimony arsenic arsenic mercury silver copper bismuth mercury silver gold platina gold platina. Table XVII. Of the combinations of fluoric acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Names ofthe bases. Names of the neutral salts. Lime Flu at of lime Barytes barytes Magnesia magnesia Potash potash Soda soda Ammoniac ammoniac Oxyd of zinc zinc manganese manganese icon iron lead lead *i» tin cobalt cobalt copper copper nickel nickel arsenic arsenic bismuth bismuth mercury mercury silver 8iiver g°W gold Patina platina. And by the dry way, Argill Fluatof argill. Table XVIII. Of the combinations of boracic acid with the salifiable hases, in the order of affinity. Bases. Xcuiral salts. Lime Borat of lime Barytes barytes Magnesia lm. ,t.8ia Potash potash Soda soua Ammoniac ammoniac Oxyd of zinc zinc iron iron lead lead *in tin cobalt cobalt copper copper nickel nickel mercury mercury AfSM ai-gilL CHEMISTRY. Table XIX. Ofthe combinations of arscniac acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of alu.iity. Bases: Lime Barytes Magnesia Potash Soda Ammoniac Oxyd of zinc manganese iron lead tin cobalt copper nickel bismuth meivciry antimony sbver gold platina Argill Table XX. Neutral salts. Arseniat of lime barytes magnesia potash soda ammoniac zinc manganese iron lead tin cobalt copper nickel bismuth mercury antimony silver gold platina argill. Of the combinations of tungstic acid with the salifiable bases. Bases. Lime Barytes Magnesia Potash Soda Ammoniac Argill Oxyd of antimony, &c. Neutral salts. Tungstatof lime barytes magnesia potash soda ammoniac argill antimony, &c. Table XXI. Of the combinations of tartaric acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Bases. Lime Barytes Magnesia Potash Soda Ammoniac Argill Oxyd of zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bis math antimony arsenic silver m~i ;ury gold platina Ventral salts. Tartrite of lime barytes magnesia potash soda ammoniac argill zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic silver mercury gold platina. Table XXII. The malic acid combines with the sali- fiable bases, forming with Potass Malat of potass Soda soda Ammonia ammonia Barytes barytes Strontian strontian Lime lime Magnesia magnesia Alumina alumina. The -rder of affinity is unknown. Table XXIII. Of the combinations of citric acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Neutral salts. Citrat of barytes lime magnesia p-tash Soda Bases. Barytes Lime Magnesia Potash Soda Ammoniac Oxyd of zinc manganese iron lead cobalt copper arsenic mercury antimony silver gold platina Argill Table XXIV. ammoniac zinc manganese iron lead cobalt copper arsenic mercury antimony siher gold platina argill. Of the combinations of the suberic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Names of the bases. Names of the neutral salts. Barytes Suberat of barytes potass Potass Soda Lime Ammonia Magnesia Alumina soda lime ammonia magnesia alumina. Table XXV. Ofthe combinations of the oxalic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Bases. Ntuiral salts. Lime Barytes Magnesia Potash Soda Ammoniac Argill Oxyd of zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead copper Oxalatof lime barytes magnesia potash soda ammoniac argill zinc iron manganese cobalt ni' kel had copper CHEMISTRY. Oxalat of bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold platina. Table XXVI. Of the combinations of acetic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Wxyd of bismuth aioimony arsenic mi rrury silver go!;i platina Lime Benzoat of lime Potass potass Soda soda Ammonia ammonia Magnesia magnesia [ Alumina alumina. Order of affi nity unknown. Btses. Barytes Potash Soda Lime Magnesia Ammoniac Oxyd of zinc manganese iron lead tin cobalt copper nickel arsenic bismuth mercury antimony silver gold platina Neutral salts. Acetat of barytes potash soda lime magnesia ammoniac zinc manganese iron lead tin cobalt copper nickel arsenic bismuth mercury antimony silver gold platina argill. Table XXIX. Camphoric acid combines with forming Lime C amphorat of 1 i me Pol ass potass Soda soda Barytes barvtes Ammonia ammonia Magnesia magnesia Alumina alumina. Table XXX. Lactic acid combines with forming Potass Lactat of potass Soda soda Ammonia ammonia Barytes barytes Lime lime Alumina alumina Magnesia ' magnesia. Table XXXI. Of the combinations of saccholactic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Argill Table XXVII. Ofthe combinations of succinic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Neutral salts. Succinat of barytes lime Bases. Barytes Lime Potash Soda Ammoniac Magnesia Argill Oxyd of zinc iron manganese cob dt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony ars "nic me 1 cury sil \ er gold platina potash soda ammoniac magnesia argill zinc iron manganese cobalt nickel lead tin copper bismuth antimony arsenic mercury silver gold platina. Bases. Lime Neutral salts. Saccholat of lime Barytes barytes Magnesia Potash Soda magnesia potash soda Ammoniac ammoniac Argill Oxyd of zinc argill zinc manganese manganese iron iron lead lead tin tin cobalt cobalt copper nickel copper nickel arsenic arsenic bismuth bismuth mercury antimony silver mercury antimony silver. Tabic XXVIII. Benzoic acid combines with forming Barytes Benzoat of barytes Table XXXII. Of the combinations of the prussic acid with the salifiable bases, in the order of affinity. Bases. Potash Soda Ammoniac Lime Barytes Magnesia Oxyd of zinc iron Neutral salts. Prussiat of potash soda amnion lime barytes magnesia zinc from CHEMISTRY. Oxvd of manganese Prussiat of manganese cobalt cobalt nickel nickel lead lead tin tin - copper copper bismuth bismuth ant.mony antimony arsenic arsenic silver silver mercury mercury gold gold platina platina. Table XXXIII. Mellitic acid combines with forming Potass Mcilat of potass Soda soda Ammonia ammonia Lime lime Barytes barytes Alumina alumina. The combinations of tbe remaining acids with the salifiable bases arc for the most part unknown; when ascertained they will he denominated from their constitu- ent acids as follows: From the Sebacic acid Laccic acid Gallic acid Sebats Laccats Gallats. Glossary of Chemical Terms. Affinity, the same with elective attraction (see the ar- ticle Attraction), means that attraction which ex- ists belween the very minute particles of bodies. It is essentially different from the attraction of gravita- tion, since it is not governed by the masses or specific gravity of the particles. It has been termed elective attraction, because something analogous to preference or choice may be observed in this kind of action of bodies on each other. Thus, spirit of wine will dis- solve resin, but water will not; on the contrary gum will dissolve in water, while it is insoluble in spirit. Nay, some fluids will let fall the particles of certain bodies, in order to take up and combine with those of others. Thus, if a quantity of silver is added to aqua- fortis (nitric acid), the cohesion of the particles of silver will be destroyed, and they will unite forcibly with those of the aqua-fortis. The fluid will remain perfectly clear, because the particles even in this state of combination, are so extremely minute that the rays of light will suffer no interruption in pass- ing through them. If iiowev-r, to this solution of sil- ver, a quantity of mercury is added, the acqua-fortis will be attracted by the mercury, and the silver will be thrown down or precipitated to the bottom of the vessel in which the fluid is contained. (Hence the chemical term precipitation.) If again copper is ad- ded, it will assume the place of the mercury, which of course in its turn will be precipitated. If to this solution of copper, a piece of bright iron (for rust would prevent the action of the acid) is introduced, the surface of the iron will be dissolved, and the cop- per precipitated, and will be deposited on the bar of iron. The iron may afterwards he precipitated by the introduction of an alkali. On this principle are founded the tables of affinity or elective attraction, which state the substances in order as they have an attraction for each other. It is a general maxim in chemistry, that for bodies to act in this manner on each other, one of them must be in a fluid stuie. \ double elective attraction or intimity is, when two bodies, each compounded of two principles, mutually change a principle* of each. Thus, when the salt which is compounded of mercury with nitric acid is presented to a solution < -f vitriolated tartar, the vitri- olic acid will quit the alkali, and unite with the mer- cury, and the nitric acid will combine with the alka- li. This is also sometimes called the attraction of combination. Calcination, applied to the metals, is their oxygenation by means of heat. Concentration, the separation and evaporation by means of heat of the watery particles from any fluid; by which the fluid is said in common language to become stronger, or less diluted. Crucible, a vessel usually made of clay, employed as a melting-pot for metals or other substances. Crystallization, is when a body passing from a fluid to a solid state, assumes a regular form. See the article Crystallization. Decantation, the separation of a fluid from the solid con- crete particles which it contains. This is done by leaving the fluid at rest in a conical vessel, when the foreign matter will deposit itself at the bottom, and if tbe fluid is very gently poured off it will be obtained tolerably dear. A syphon is sometimes employed with advantage when the matter deposited is light, and there is danger of shaking the vessel. A thick wollen thread steeped in the liquor, and inclining over the edge of the vessel into another, makes a very good syphon for tills purpose. Decoction is the extracting, by the application of heat and moisture, of some portion of matter from certain substances, as the gums and essential oils from vegeta- bles. When the extract is made in cold water itis call- ed infusion. Decrepitation, the small and successive explosions which take place when salts are exposed to heat to expel their water of crystallization. Dcsi cation (drying), the expelling or evaporating humid matter from any substance by means of heat. Detonation, an explosion caused by the sadden expan- sion of certain substances, when either a very rapid combination or decomposition takes place. Digestion, the slow action of a solvent upon any sub- stance, often assisted by the heat of a sanci-hath. Distillation, the operation which by means of heat and moisture separates volatile matters fiom those which are fixed, or matters more or less volatile from one another. Effervescence, the escape of volatile matters from the mass of a fluid, which in their passage through cause a kind of ebullition. Efflorescence. When solid or consistent bodies spontane- ously become converted into powder, the surface ap- CHE CHE prars covered with a white dust. This effect is occa- sioned by the loss of the water of crystallization. Extract, the solid matter left behind when the wate- ry parts arc evaporated from a decoction or infusion. Fixed, an epithet descriptive of such bodies as resist the action of heat, so as not to rise in vapour. It is opposed to volatile. Fulmination, a still more violent and sudden explosion than detonation. Fusion, the passing of a solid body to a fluid state by means of heat. Infusion, the extraction of resinous, gummy, or other matters, by the action of water in the common tem- perature of the atmosphere. Lixiviation, the process of separating by solution in water those matters which arc soluble in any body from those whic b are insoluble; generally applied to the fixed residues of bodies for the purpose of extract- ing the saline parts, which dissolve in the water, and afterwards crystallize on evaporation. Mixture, the aggregation or mechanical union of bodies which have no affinity or chemical combination. It is opposed to solution, where the particles of tbe fluid and solid body are permanently combined. In mere mixtures, when set at rest, one part will commonly subside and form a sediment. Oxidation, the combination of any other body with oxy- gen. Precipitation, the effect which takes place in solution, in consequence of elective, attraction, when one matter is let fall to the bottom in consequence, ofthe fluid parti- cles combining with another. (See Affinity, above.) The product is also called a precipitation. Reagent, a body which is brought in contact with anoth- er to promote the separation of its principles or con- stituent parts. The reagents arc the immediate means of precipitation. Rectification, the further purification of matters by a second or third distillation or sublimation. Reduction, the bringing back the oxyds or calces of me- tals to the pure metallic state, by expelling the oxy- gen, which is generally done by exposing the oxyd to the action of heat along with some matter containing carb oi; when the oxygen and carbon go off in the form of carbonic acid gas. leaving the metal pure. Residuum (formerly called caput-mortuum), that part of a body which remains after a part has been separated by an operation, such as distillation or sublimation. Saturation. Most bodies that have a chemical affinity for each otljer will only unite in certain proportions. Yv ben, therefore, a fluid has dissolved as much of any substance as it will dissolve, it is said to have reach- ed the point of saturation. Thus, water will dissolve one quarter of its weight of common salt; and if more is added, it will sink to the bottom in a solid state. Some fluids will dissolve more of certain substances when hot than when cold. Thus water when hot will di solve a much larger quantify of nitre than when cold. Solution, the dispersion ofthe particles of a solid body in any fluid hi so equal a maimer, that the compound liquor shall be perfectly and permanently clear and transparent. This happens when the particles of the yoi.. x. 67 fluid hare an affinity or elective attraction for the particles of the solid. When solid particles arc only dispersed in a fluid by mechanical means, it is mix- ture, and the compound is commonly opaque and muddy. Sublimation is to dry matters what distillation is to humid ones. It is the process by which the volatile are separated from the fixed parts of bodies by the application of heat alone without moisture. Vitrification, the convcrtion into glass of such substan- ces as are capable of assuming that form. Volatilization, the reducing int.) vapour such substan- ces as are capable of assuming that state. CHENOLEA, a genus of the order monogynia. in the pentandria class of plants. The calyx is gi m.i! \v, one-leafed, five-parted; caps, one-celled, with one smooth seed. There is one species, a native of the Cape. CHENOPODICAI, goose-foot, or ivild orach, a genus ofthe digynia order, in the pentandria l.ss of pi ; s, and in the natural method ranking under the li2th o;.ier, holoraeese. The calyx is pent aphyllous and pen igon 1; no corolla: one seed, lenticnlar, superior. There aiv 23 species, 13 of which are natives of Britain. Most of thein have an aromatic smell. A species wi'irii g.*"->\vs near the Mediterranean is used by the Egyptians in sallads, on account of its saltish aromatic taste. From this plant kelp is made in other countries. The most re markahle are: 1. Ohenopodium ambrosoides, or the oak of Cappa docia. These are easily propagated from seeds, and thrive best in a rich soil. 2. Chenopodium bonus Henricus, or common Knglish mercury, found grow ing naturally in shady lanes in ma- ny places in Britain. It was formerly used as spinach, but is now disused, being greatly inferior. As an article ofthe materia medica, it is ranked among the emollient herbs, but rarely used in practice. The leaves are appli- ed by the country-people for healing slight wounds, cleansing old ulcers, and the like purposes. The roots are given to sheep that have a cough. Goats and sheep are not fond of the herb; cows, horses, and swine, re- fuse it. 3. Chenopodium botrys, or the oak of Jerusalem, like that of Cappadocia, thrives best in a rich light earth, and may be easily propagated from seeds, as indeed all the other species may. 4. Chenopodium scoparia, the belvidere, or annual mock cypress, is an ornamental plant. It is eaten in China. CHERLERIA, a genus of the decandria trigynia class of plants. The flower has properly no petals; the nectaria are five in number, roundish and eniarginated, very small, and placed in a circular direction. The fruit is a capsule, formed of three valves, and containing three seeds. There is one species. CHERMES, in zoology, a genus of insects belong- ing to the order hemiptora. The re-strum is situated on the breast: the feelers are longer than the thorax; the four wings are deflected: the thorax is gibboes; and the feet are of the jumping kind. There are 17 species. It is an insect to be met with in great numbers upon the fig. tree. The larva has six feet. It is like the insect, when provided with wings. Its form is oblong, and its motion C H K CHI Ls slow. The chrysalis differs from it by two flat buds that spring from the thorax, and inclose the wings, af- terwards seen in the perfect insect. These chrysali-.ls arc frequently met with on plants; and the two plates of their thorax give them a broad uncouth appearance, and a heavy look. When the little chrvsalicls are going to be metamorphosed, they remain motionless miller sonic leaves upon which they fix themselves. Their skin th/n divides ;ip.»n the head and thor.ix, and tiie perfect insect comes forth with his wings. The perfect insect is f rnisiied with tour wings, large in prop »rtion to its bo e/. Several species are provided at the extremity of their body with a small sharp p inted implement, but which lies concealed, and wh.< b they draw out in order to deposit their eggs, uy making a puncture in the plant that s.:i:S them. I?y tins method the fir-tree chermes produces that enormous scaly protuberance whh b is to be (ound at tie summit of the branches of lhat tree, and which is formed by the extravasation of the juices oc- casiMied by the p-metiires. The young larva; shelter themselves in cells contained in the tumour. The white down, under which the larva of the pine-chermes is found, seems to be produced much in the same man- ner. That of tbe box-tree chermes produces no timber? ciih like those; but its punctures make the leaves of that tree bend and grow hollow in the shape of a cap, which, by the union of those inflected leaves, produces at the extremity ofthe branches a kind of knobs, in which the larvae of that insect find shelter. The box chermes, as well as some others, has yet another peculiarity, which is, that the larva and its chrysalis eject at the anus a white sweet-tasted matter, that softens under the touch, and is not unlike manna. This substance is found in small white grains within the balls formed by the box- leaves, and a string of the same matter is often seen depending from the anus ofthe insect. CHERT, among miners, denotes a kind of flinty stone, found in thin strata in quarries of lime-stone. Thi' stone is usually amorphous, occurring sometimes in mass, sometimes in round balls. Its specific gravity is from 2.699 to 2.708; colour usually greyish blue, but it sometimes is found grey, blue, green, and brown of different shades. Different colours frequently appear in the same specimen. It is called by Kirwan, hornstone, and by him it is said to consist of 72 parts of silica 22------alumine 6------carbonate of lime. 100. CHESS, an ingenious game, performed with different pieces of wood, on a board divided into 64 squares or houses, in which chance has so small a share, that it may be doubted whether a person ever lost but by his own fault. Each gamester has eight dignified pieces, viz. a king, a queen, two bishops, two knights, and two rooks, also eight pawns; all which, for distinction sake, are painted of two different colours, as white and black. As to their disposition on the board, the white king is to be placed on the fourth black house from the cor- ner of the board, in the first and lower rank; and the black king is to be placed on tbe fourth white house on the opposite or adversary's end of the board. Tbe queens are to be placed next to the kings, on houses of their own colour. Next to the king and queen, on each hand, place the two bishops; next t» them the two knights; and last of all, on the corners of the board, the two rooks. As to the pawns, tbey are placed without dis- tinction on the second rank of the house, one before each of the dignified pieces. Having thus disposed the men, the onset is common- ly begun hy the pawns, which march straight forward in their own file, one house at a time, except the first move, when it can advance two houses, hut never moves backwards. The manner of their taking the adver- sary's men is sideways, in the next house forwards* where having captivated the enemy, they ni:;ve forward as before. The rook goes forward orcrossways thr >ngh the whole file and back again. The knight skips back- ward and forward to the next house, save one, ofa dif- ferent colour, with a sidling march, or a slope, and thus kills his enemies that fall in his way, or guards his friends that may be exposed on that side. The bishop walks always in the same colour ofthe field that he is placed in at first, forward and backward, aslope, or diagonally, as far as he lists. The queen's walk is more universal, as she takes all the steps of the before-mentioned pieces, excepting that of the knight: and as to the king's motion, it is one house at a time, and that either forward, back- ward, sloping, or sideways. As to the value of the different pieces, next to the king is the queen, after her the rooks, then the bishops, and last of all the dignified pieces comes the knight. The difference of the worth of pawns is not so great as that of noblemen; only, it must he observed, that the king's bishop's pawn is the best in the field, and therefore the skilful gamester will be careful of him. It ought also to be observed, that whereas any man may he taken, when he falls within the reach of any ofthe adversary's pieces, it is otherwise with the king, who, in such a case, is only to be saluted with the word check, warning him of his danger, out of which it is absolutely necessary that he move; and if it so happens that he cannot move without exposing himself to the like inconveniency, itis check- mate and, the game is lost. CHIAROSCURO, effect produced in painting or draw ing, by an artful conduct and union of colours and light and shade. See Paixtixo. Chiaroscuro is also used, improperly, to express the general effect of light and shade produced in painting or drawing hy the use of one tint only, as in designs execut- ed in while and black, or white and brown, Ace. CHIEF, in heraldry, is that which takes up all the upper part of the escutcheon, from side to side, and re- presents a man's head. CHILDREN, are in law a man's issue begotten on his wile. In case land is given by will to a man and his children, who has such alive, the devisee takes only an estate for life; but if there is no child living, it is held to be an estate tail. 1 Vent. 214. CHILIAD, denotes a thousand of any things, ranged in several divisions, each whereof contains that number. CHILI AG ON, in geometry, a regular plain figure of 1000 sides and angles. It is easily demonstrable that the sum of all the angles of such a figure is equal to 196 right ones. For tiie internal angles of every plane figure are CH I QUI equal to twice as many right angles as -the figure hath sides cxecpt those four which are about tiie centre of the figure. Hence it may be resolved into as many triangles as the figure has sides. CtllLTURN HUNDREDS, stewards ofthe. Ofthe hundreds into which many ofthe English counties were divided hy king Alfred for their better government, the jurisdi t on was originally vested jn peculiar courts; but came afterwards to be devolved to the county courts, and so remains at present; except with regard to some, as the Chiitcms in Buckinghamshire, wbich have been by priv- ilege annexed to the crown. These having still their own courts, a steward of those courts is appointed hy the chancellor of the exchequer, with a salary of 20.s. and all fees, &c. belonging to the office. This is made a matter of convenience to the members of parliament. When any of them wishes to resign, he accepts the stewardship of the Ciiiltcrn hundreds, which vacates his seat. CIJIMARRH1S, a genus of tbe class and order pen- tandria monogynia. The essential character is; cor. funnel-form; caps, inferior, obtuse; two-celled; two-val- ved;seeds one in each cell. There is one species, a lofty tree, a native of Martinicn. CHIMES of a ctoek, a kind of periodical music, pro- duced at equal intervals of time, by means of a particu- lar apparatus added to a clock. In order to calculate numbers for the chimes, and adapt tbe chime-barrel, it must lie observed that the bar- rel must turn round in tbe same time that tbe tune it is to play requires in singing. As for the chime-barrel, it may be made of certain bars that run athwart it, with a con- venient number of holes punched in them, to put in the pins that are to draw each hammer; and these pins, in order to play the time of the tunc rightly, must stand upright, or hang down from the bar, some more some less. To place the pins rightly, you may proceed hy the way of changes on bells, viz. 1, 2, 3, 4; or rather make use of tbe musical notes. Observe what is tbe compass of your tune, and divide the barrel accordingly from end to end. Thus in the following example the tune is eight notes in compass, and therefore the barrel is divided into eight parts: these divisions are struck round the barrel, opposite to which are the hammer-tails; but when two notes of the same sound come together in a tune, there must be two hammers to that bell to strike it. Then you are to divide it round about, into as many divisions as there are musical bars, scmibriefs, minims, Slc. in your tune. Thus the hundreth Psalm tune has twenty semi- briefs, the first note of it is also a semibrief, and there- fore on the chime-barrel must be a whole div ision from 5 to 5; as may be understood by conceiving the surface of a chime-barrel to be represented by the following tables, as if the cylindrical superficies ofthe barrel was stretch- ed out at length, or extended on a plane; and then such a table so dolled or divided, if it was to he wrapped round the barrel, would show the places where all tbe pins are to stand in the barrel: for the dots running about the ta- fclc, are the places of the pins that play the tunes. The notes ofthe hundreth Psalm. A table for dividing the clime-barrel ofthe hundreth Psalm. : -m ll . >-44- " """'1 UI ' I- M ii, ' * V f" ■ r~W-- ::_:£ iT 11*[ i£ .-la H^X "• ih.i ^-J-t t j -i 1 ' ' _ !ji j j it . ^r • I,_. ± If you would have your chimes compete, you ought t« have a set of bells to the gamut notes; so as that cae.h. bell having the true sound of* sol, la, mi, fa, you may play any tuncwiili its flats and sharps, nay even tiie bass and treble, with one barrel. And by setting the names of your bells at tbe head of any tune, you may transfer that tune to your chime-barrel, without any skill in mu- sic; hut observe, that each line in tiie music is three notes distant; that is, there is a note between each line, as well as upon it. CHIMNEY. Tbe rules for building chimneys, in Eng- land, are, 1. That no timber be laid within twelve inches of the fore side of the chimney-jambs. 2. That al! the joists on the back of any chimney be laid with a trimmer. 3. That no timber be laid within the funnel of any chimney. CHIMNEY-SWEEPERS. The overseers, fcc. of any parish, may bind any boy ofthe age of eight years or upwards, who is chargeable to the parish, to any per- son using the trade of a chimney-sweeper, till he shall at- tain the age of 16 years, provided that it be done with the consent of the parent of such boy. And no master shall have more than six apprentices at one time. Eve- ry master shall cause his name and place of abode to he put upon a brass plate, and to he fixed upon the front ofa leathern cap, which he shall provide for each ap- prentice, who shall wear the same when out upon Lis duty; on pain of forfeiting for every such apprentice, above such number, or without having such cap, not ex- ceeding 10/. nor less than 51. For an apparatus for sweeping chimneys, see Ma- chines. CH LOCO CCA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 48th order, aggregatse. The corolla is funnel-shaped and equal; the berry unilocular, dis- permous, inferior. There are two species. CH10NANTHLS, the snow-dr«>p, or fringe-tree, a genus ofthe monogynia order, belonging to the diandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 44th order, sepiariae. Tiie corolla is quadriiid, with the segments very long; the fruit is a plumb. There are 4 species described by botanists. The most remarkable is the Chionantbus Virginica, common in \ iginia and South Carolina, where it grows by the side of rivulets. It rises to ten leet. CHIRON I A, a genus of the monegynia order, in the pentandria class of pi.mts, and in the natural method ranking under tbe 20th order, rotac e.*e. Tim corolla is wheel-shaped; the pistil declining dowiiwaid; the stami- na placed in the tube ofthe corolla; the anther* in their last stage spiial; the seed-case bilocular. There are 10 speeies, of which the most remarkable is the CHO CH 0 Choronia fruitescens, a native of the Cape of Good Hope. The flowers are tubulousj and spread open at the top. They are of a bright red colour, and when a large number of them open on the same plant, they make a fine appearance. They are produced from June to au- tumn, and the seeds ripen in October. CH1ROGRAPHER OF FINES. The officer in the common pleas, who engrosses fines in that court, ac- knowledged into a perpetual record, after they are ac- knowledged and fully passed by those officers by whom they were examined, and that write or deliver the inden- tures of them to the party. This officer also makes two indentures, one for the buyer and another for the seller; and makes one other indented piece, containing also the effect of the fine, which he delivers over to the custos brevium. CIIIRURGERT. See Surgery. CHITON, a genus of the order of vermes testaceae. The shell is plated, and consists of many parts lying up- on each other transversely. The inhabitant is a species of doris. There are nine species. See Plate XXXIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 117. CHIVALRY, a tenure of land by knight's service, whereby the tenant is bound to perform some noble or military office to his lord. CHLORA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the oc- tandria class of plants. The calyx is octophyllous, the co- rolla monopctalous and octofid; the capsule unilocular, bivalved. and polyspermous. There are four species. CHLORANTHUS, a genus of the class and order te- trandria monogynia. The essential character is, calyx none; corolla three-lobed, petal by the side of the germ; anthers grow ing to the petal; drupe seeded. There is one species, a native of China. CHLOR1TES, in natural history, a kind of green jas- per, but almost as pellucid as the coarser emeralds. This mineral enters as an ingredient into different mountains. It is sometimes amorphous, and sometimes crystallized in oblong, four-sided, acuminated crystals. Its texture is fo- liated; it is opaque and green. There are four species. 1. The earthy chlorite is composed of scales scarcely cohering, either heaped together, or investing other stones. It feels greasy, gives an earthy smell when breath- ed on; and is difficult to pulverize. The colour is grass- green, sometimes greenish brown, or a very dark green . inclining to black. When the powder ofthe chlorite is ex- posed to the blow-pipe, it becomes brown: it froths and melts into a dark-brown glass; with borax it forms a greenish-brown glass. 2. Common chlorite, textuse earthy; colour dark green; streak mountain-green. .■";. Foliated clilorite, colour dark green, sometimes crystallized in six-sided tubes; greasy or pearly, texture foliated. 4. Shistose chlorite, structure slaty; fragments flatted; colour giv nish-grey, or dark green inclining to black; streak mountain green. Supposing that these analyses are accurate, the dif- ference between them shows'that the chlorite is not a chemical combination, but a mechanical mixture. CHOCOLATE, in commerce, a kind of paste, or cake, prepared chiefly from tbe cacao-nut. When the cacao is properly roasted, and well cleaned, itis pounded in a mortar, to reduce it into a coarse mass, which is afterwards ground on a stone till it is of the necessary fineness: the paste being sufficiently ground, it is put hot into tin moulds, in which it congeals in a very little time. The form of these moulds is arbitrary; the cylindrical ones, holding two or three pounds, are the most proper; because the larger the cakes are, the longer they will keep. These cakes are very liable to take any good or bad scent, and therefore they must be carefully wrapt up in paper, and kept in a dry place. Complaints are made, that the Spaniards mix with the cacao-nuts too great a quantity of cloves and cinnamon, besides other drugs, as musk, ambergris, cxc. Tbe gro- cers of Paris use few or none of these ingredients; they only choose the best nuts, which are called caracca, from the place whence they are brought; and with these tbey mix a very small quantity of cinnamon, the freshest va- nilla, and the finest sugar, but very seldom any cloves. In England, the chocolate is made of the simple cacao, excepting that sometimes sugar, and sometimes vanilla, is added. Chocolate, fresh from the mill, as it cools in the tin pans into which it is received, becomes strongly electri- cal, and it retains this property some time after it has been turned out ofthe pans. Chocolate ready made, and cacao-paste, are prohibit- ed to be imported from any part beyond the seas. If made and sold in great Britain, it pays inland-duty Is. 6d. per pound avoirdupois: in must he inclosed in paper* containing one pound each, and produced at the excise- office, to be stamped. Upon three days notice given to the officer of excise, private families may make choco- late for their own use, provided no less than half a hun- dred weight of nuts are made at one time. CHOENIX, a dry measure, containing the forty- eighth part of a medimnus, or six bushels. Hence the celebrated proverb of Pythagoras, Super clioenice ne sedeas. CHOLERA morbus. See Medicine. CHONDR1LLA, a genus of the polygamia aequalis order, in tbe syngenesia class of plants: and in the nat'iral method ranking under the 49th order, composite. The receptacle is naked; the calyx calyculated; the pappus simple and stalked; the florets in a manifold series. There are three species. CHORD, in geometry, a right line drawn from on« extremity of an arch of a circle to the other. See Geo- metrv. Chords, Line of, one ofthe lines of the sector and plane scale. See Mathematical Insthumexts. Chords, or Cords, in music, are strings, by the vi- bration of which the sensation of sound is excited, and by the divisions of which the several degrees of tune are determined. To find the number of vibrations made by a musical chord, or string, in a given time, having its weight, length, and tension, given. Let I be the length of the chord in feet; 1 its weight, or rather a small weight fixed to the middle, and equal to that ofthe whole chord; and w the tension, or a weight by which the chord is stretched. Then the time of one ribration will be ex- CHRONOLOGY. pressed by — Va&w? consequently the number of vi- 7 7 /"32*?c hrations per second is equal to—V / • Thus, if 11 •w = 28800, or the tension equal to 28800 times the weight of the chord, and tbe length of it tlnee feet, then the last theorem gives 354 nearly for the number of vi- brations made in each second of time. But if w = 14400, there would be only 250 vibrations per second; and if w = 288, there would be 35^| vibrations per second. CHORIAMBUS, in ancient poetry, a foot consisting of four syllables, the first and last arc long, and the two middle ones are short; or, which is the same thing, it is made up of a troclneus and iambus: such is the word nobililas. CHOROGRAPIIY, the art of making a map of some eouiifr;, or province. Chorograph; differs from geography, as the description ofa p.iiiic ular country does from that ofthe whole earth; and from topography, as the description of a country differs from that of a town or district. CIlUoE, in action, is an incorporeal thing, and only a right, as an annuity, bond, covenant, Sec. and generally all causes of suit, for any duty or wrong, are accounted choses in action. Choscs in action may be also called choses in suspense, as having no real existence, and not being properly in our possession. CHRIST, order of, a military order, founded by Dionysius I. king of Portugid, to animate his nobles against the Moors. The arms of tins order are gules, a patriarchal cross, charged with another cross argent: they had their re- sidence at first at Castromarin, afterwards tbey re mov- ed to the city of Thomar, as being nearer to the Moors of Andalusia and Estremadura. CHROMATIC, inthe ancient music, the second ofthe three kinds into which the consonant inters als were sub- divided into their coiicinnoiis parts. The other kinds are enharmonic and diatonic. CHROMATICS, that part of optics which explains the seieral properties of colours. See Optics. CHRONIC, or I'hro.mcai,, among physicians, an appellation given to diseases that continue a long time, in contradistinction to those that soon terminate and arc called acute. See Medicine. CHRONICLE, in matters of literature, a species or kind of history, disposed according to the order of time, and agreeing in most respects with annals. The word chronicle is now become obsolete, being seldom used ex- cep in speaking of the old English histories, as Stowe's tbronicle, Holingshed\s chronicle, K.c. CHHONOLOGY. the art of measuring and distin- guishing time; with the doctrines of dates, epochs, ajras, Sa. is a science ofthe utmost importance for the right unclersiaiiding of hist ry. It depends and is founded on 1st. astronomical observations, especially ofthe eclipses ofthe sun and moon, combined with calculations of the v ear, ;ind aTas of differ, nt nations. 2dlv, On the Testi- iucm.es of credible authors. Sdly, Such epochs in histo- ry as have ncv; r been controverted. 4thly, Ancient me- dals, coins, monuments, and inscriptions. Sir Isaac Newton has shows that the chronology of ancient kingdoms is involved in the greatest uncertain- ty; and that the Europeans had no chronology before the existence of the Persian empire, or 536 years before Christ, when Cyrus conquered Darius: that the anti- quities of the Greeks are full of fables, till this period, and that after this time several Greek historians intro- duced the computation by generations. The chronology of the Latins was still more uncer- tain: their old records having been burnt by the Gauls 120 yeais after the expulsion of their kings, and 388 be- fore the birth of C hrist. The chronologers of Gaul, Spain, Germanv. Scvthia, Sweden, Britain, and Ireland, are of a still later date; for Scythia beyond the Danube had no letters till Ulphilas, their bishop, formed them, about the year 270. Germany had none tiil it received them from the western empire of the Latins about the year 400. The Huns had none in the days of Proeopius, about the year 526; and Sweden and Norway received them still later. Sir Isaac Newton, after a general account of the ob- scurity and defects of the ancient chronology, observes, that though many of the ancients computed by succes- sions and generations, yet the Egyptians, Greeks, and Latins, reckoned the reigns of kings equal to gen ra- tions of men, and three of them to a hundred, and some- times to 120 years, and this was the foundation of their technical chronology. He then proceeds, from tbe or- dinary course of nature, and a detail of historical facts, to show the difference between reigns and generations; and that, though a generation from father to son may at an average be reckoned about 33 years, or three of them equal to 100 years, yet, when they are taken by the eldest sons, three of them cannot be estimated at more than about 75 or 80 years; and the reigns of kings are still shorter; so that 18 or 20 years may be allowed as a just medium. Sir Isaac then fixes on four remark- able periods, viz. the return of the Heraclidse into the t'eloponnesus, the taking of Troy, the Argonautie ex- pedition, and the return of Scsostris into Egypt after his wars in Thrace: and he settles the epoch of each by the true value ofa generation. To instance only his es- timate of that of the Argonautie expedition: Having fix- ed the return ofthe Heraclidaj to about the 159th year after the death of Solomon, and the destruction of Troy to about the 76 year after that period, he observes, that Hercules the Argonaut was the father of Hyllus. the father of Clerdius, the father of Aristoinachus, the fa- ther of Aristodemus, who conducted the Heraclidse into Peloponnesus: so that, reckoning by the chiefs of the family, their return was four generations later than the Argonautie expedition, which therefore happen- ed about 43 years after the death of Solomon. This is farther confirmed by another argument: JEscula- pius and Hercules were Argonauts: Hippocrates was the 18th inclusively from the former by the father's side, and the 19th from the latter by the mother's side: now, allowing 28 or SO years to each of them, the 17 intervals by the father, and the 18 intervals by the mother, will on a medium give 507 years; and these, reckoning back from the commencement of the Peloponnesian war, or the 431st year before Christ, when Hippocrates began to flourish, w ill place the Argonautie expedition in the 43d year after the death of Solomon, or 937 before Christ. CHRONOLOGY. The other kind of reasoningby which sir Isaac New- ton endeavours to establish this epoch, is purely astro- nomic al. The sphere was formed by Chiron and Mu- s*us for the use of the Argonautie expedition, as is plain- ly shown by several of the asterismsreferring to that event: and at the time of the expedition the cardinal points of the equinoxes and solstices were placed in the middle of the constellations Aries, Cancer, Chelse, and Capricorn. This point is established from the considera- tion ofthe ancient Greek calendar, which consisted of 12 lunar months, and each month of 30 days, which required an intercalary month. Of course this lunisolar year, with the intercalary month, began sometimes a week or two before or after the equinox or solstices: and hence the first astronomers were led to the before-mentioned dis- position of the equinoxes and solstices: and that this was really the case, is confirmed by the testimonies of Eu- doxus, Aratus, and Hipparchus. Upon these principles sir Isaac proceeds to argue in the following manner. The equinoctial colure in the end ofthe year 1689 cut the ecliptic in 8 6° 44'; and by this reckoning the equinox bad then gone back 36° 44'since the time of the Argonau- tie expedition. But it recedes 50" in a year, or 1° in 72 years, and consequently 36° 44'in 2645 years; and this, counted backwards from the beginningof 1690, will place this expedition about 25 years after the death of Solo- mon. But as there is no necessity for allowing that the middle ofthe constellations, according to the general ac- count of the ancients, should be precisely the middle be- tween the prima Arietis and ultima Cauda, our author proceeds to " examine what were those stars through which Eudoxus made the coluresto pass in the primitive sphere, and in this way to fix the position ofthe cardinal poinf V Now from the mean of five places he finds, that the great circle, whicji in the primitive sphere, described b> Eudoxus, or which at the time of the Argonautie ex- pedition, was the equinoctial colure, did in the end of 1989 cut the ecliptic in « 6° 29' 15". In the same man- ner our author determines that the mean place ofthe solstitial colure is SI 6° 28' 46", and as it is at right an- gles with the other, he concludes that it is rightly drawn. And hence he infers that the cardinal points, in the inter- val between that expedition and the year 1689, have re- ceded from those colures Is. 6° 29'; which, allow ing 72 years to a degree, amounts to 2627 years; and these count- ed backwards, as above, will place the Argonautie expedi- tion 43 years after the death of Solomon. Our author lias, by other methods also of a similar nature, established this epoch, and reduced the age ofthe world 500 years. The use of chronology.—The divisions of time which are considered in chronology, relate either to the different methods of computing days, months, and years, or to the remarkable seras or epocbas from wbich any year re- ceives its name, and by means of which the date of any event is fixed. Days have been very differently terminated and divid- ed by different people in different ages, which it is of some importance to a reader of history to be acquainted with. The ancient Babylonians, Persians, Syrians, and most other eastei n nations with the present inhabitants of the Balearic islands, Greeks, began their day with the sun's rising. The anient Athenians and Jews, with the Aus- trians, Bohemians, Marcomanni, Silesians, modern Ita- lians, and Chinese, reckon from the sun's setting; the an- cient Umbri and Arabians, with the modern astronomers, from noon; and the Egyptians and Romans, with the modern English, French, Dutch, Germans, Spaniards, and Portuguese, from midnight. The Jews, Romans, and most other ancient nations divided the day into twelve hours, and the night into four watches. But the custom which prevails in this western part ofthe world at present is, to divide the day into 24 equal portions: only with some the 24 are divided into twice 12 hours; whereas others, particularly the Italians, Bohemians, and Poles, count 24 hours without interrup- tion. Different people have made their years to begin at dif- ferent times, and have used a variety of methods to give names to them, and distinguish them from one another. The Jews began the year for civil purposes in t lie month of Tixri, which answers to our September; but for eccle- siastit al purposes with JVisan, which answers to our April, at which time they kept the pass >ver. The Athenians began the year with the month Hecatouibeton, which be- gan with the first new moon after the summer solstice. The Romans had at first only ten months in their year, whi'di ended with December; but Numa added January and February. At present there are in Rome two ways of reckoning the year. One begins at Christmas, on ac- count of the nativity of our Saviour; and the notaries of Rome use this date, prefixing to their deeds, anativitate: and the other at March, on account of the incarnation of Christ, and therefore the pope's bulls are dated annoin- carnationis. The ancient French historians began the year at tbe death of St. Martin, who died in the year 401 or 402; and they did not begin in France to reckon the year from January till 1564, by virtue of an ordinance of Charles IX. Before that time they began the day next after Easter, about the 25th of March. In England, al- so, till of kit?, we had two beginnings of the year, one in January, and the other on March 25; hut by act of par- liament in 1752, the first day in January was appointed to be the beginning of the year for all purposes. Most ofthe eastern nations distinguish the year by the reigns of their princes. The Greeks also had no better method, giving names to them from the magistrates who presided in them, as in Athens from the Archons. The Romans also named the year by the consuls; and it was a long time before any people thought of gh ing names to the years from any particular ajra or remarkable event. But at length the Greeks reckoned from the institution ofthe Olympic games, and the Romans from the building of Rome. They did not, however, begin to make these computations till a number of years had elapsed since those events could not be computed with exactness, and therefore they have greatly antedated them. About A. D. 360, the Christians began to reckon tlit years from the birth of Christ, but not time enough to en- able the chronologers of that age to fix the true time of that event. The Greeks distributed their years into systems of four, calling thein Olympiads, from the return of the Olympic games every four years. And the Romans sometimes reckoned by lustra, or periods of five years. The greatest difficulty in chronology has been, to ac- commodate the two methods of computing time by tbe CHRONOLOGY. course ofthe moon and that of the sun, to each other; the ii'viest division of the year by months being twelve, and yet twelve lunar months falling eleven days short of a complete year. This gave birth to many cycles in use i-inoKg the ancients, the principal of which arc asfollows: It appears from the relation which Herodotus has giv- en of* tiie inte;"\ iew between Solon and Crcesus, that, in the time of Soion, and probably that of Llerodotus also, it was the custom with tiie Greeks to add, or, as it is term- ed, to intercalate, a month cxccx other year; but as this was evidently too much, tbey probably rectified it, by omitting tbe intercalation whenever they observed, by comparing the seasons of the year with their annual fes- tivals, that they ought to do it. If, for instance, the first trie's of any kind were to be carried in procession on any particular day of a month, they would see the necessi- ty of intercalating a month, if, according to their usual reckoning, those fruits were not then ripe, or they would omit the intercalation if they were ready. And had no other view interposed, their reckoning could never have erred far from the truth. But it being sometimes the interest ofthe chief magistrates to lengthen or shorten a year, for the purpose of ambition, every other considera- tion was often sacrificed to it, and the greatest confusion was introduced into their computations. Finding them- selves, therefore, under a necessity of having some cer- tain rule of computation, they first adopted four years, in which they intercalated only one month. But this producing an error of fourteen days in the whole cycle, they invented tbe period of eight years, in which they int* iraiatcd three months; in which was an excess of on- ly one day and fourteen hours, and therefore this eye le continued in use much longer than either of the preced- ing. But the most perfect of these cycles was that which was called the Metonic, from Meton, an Athenian as- tronomer, who invented it. It consisted of nineteen years, in which seven months were intercalated. This brought the two methods to so near an agreement, that after the expiration of the period, not only do the new and full moons return on the same day of the year, but xevy near- ly on the same hour of the day. This cycle was adopt- ed by the Christians at the council of Nice, for the pur- pose of settling the time for keeping Easter, and other moveable feasts. This period, however, falling short of nineteen years almost an hour and a half, it has come to pass that the new and full moons in the heavens have an- ticipated the new and full moons in the calendar of the book of Common Prayer four days and a half. These last are called calendar new moons, to distinguish them from the true new moons in the heavens. It has not been without difficulty and variety that the computation by years has been accommodated to that by days: since a year does not consist of any even number of days, but of 365 days. 5 hours, and 49 minutes near- ly. It will appear from what has been observed, that so long as mankind computed chiefly hy monlbs. it was not of much consequence to determine with exactness the number of days in the year; and this method sufficiently answered every civil and religious purpose. But the Egyptians, and either nations addicted to astronomy, wei c not satisfied with the method of computing by lunar months, the days of which v aricd so very much from one another in different \ ears. Tbey therefore made the v ear the standard; and v «jing that ?nto days, made use of months only as a commodious intermediate division; and, without regard to the course ofthe moon, distributed the days ofthe year into twelve parts, as nearly equal as they conveniently could. By this means the same day of the month would fall on the same part of the sun's annual re- volution, and therefore would more exactly correspond to the seasons of the year. The Mexicans divided iheir year into eighteen parts. ,The Egyptians, as also the Chaldeans and Assyrians, reckoned at first 360 days to the year, but afterwaeds o65. The consequence of this was, that the beginning of their year would go back through all the season, though slowly; namely, at the rate of about six hours every year. Of this form too were the years which took their -.late from the reign of Xabonassar of Babylon, Yesdiger/1 of Persia, and the Selcucidse of Syria. It must be observed, however, that the people who reckoned their year from these epochas, namely, the Egyptians, Persians, and Jews, as also the Arabiims, had a different and more fixed form of the year for astrono- mical purposes; but as no use was made of it in-civil his- tory, the account of it is omitted in this place. The inconvenience attending the form of the year above-mentioned, was in a great measure' remedied by the Romans in the time of Julius Cajsar, who added one day every fourth year, which (from the place of its inser- tion, viz. after the sixth of the calends of March) was called bissextile, or leap-year. This form of the year is still called the Julian year. But the true length of the year being not quite six hours more than the 365 days, this allowan-c wras too much; and pope Gregory XIII. introduced another amendment, in the year 1582, by or- dering that once in 133 years a day should betaken out of the calender, in the follow ing manner, viz. from the year 1600 every hundreth year (which, according to the Julian form, is always bissextile or leap-year) was to be common; but c\ery four-hundredth year was to continue bissextile, as in the Julian account. The Mahometans make their year to consist of lunar months only, without endeavouring to adapt it to the course of the sun; so that with them the beginning of the year goes through all the seasons at the rate of about eleven days every year. But since the exact time of twelve moons, besides the 354 whole days, is about 8 hours and 48', which make 11 days in 36 years, they are forced to add 11 days in 30 years, which they do by means of a cycle, invented by the Arabians, in which there are 19 years with 3.5 1 days only, and 11 intercal- ary of 355 days, and they are those in which the num- of hours and minutes more than the whole days in the year is found to he more than half a day, such as 2, 5,' 7, 10, 13, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26, and 29, by which means they fill up all the inequalities that can happen. It has been of some consequence to Christians to ad- just the days ofthe week to the days of tbe month, and of the year, in order to get a rule for finding Sundav. Had there been no bissextile, itis evident that, since the year consists of 52 weeks and 1 day, all the varieties would have been comprised in seven years. But the bis- sextile returning every fourth year, the series of domin- ical letters succeeding each other is interrupted, and CHRONOLOGY. does not return in order; but after four times 7 years, or 28 years, which is therefore commonly called the so- lar cycle, serve as a rule to find Sunday, and consequent- ly all the days of the week of every month and year. Besides the above-mentioned periods of years, called cycles, there are some other combinations or systems of years that are of use in chronology; as that called the imliction, which is a period of 15 years, at the end of which a certain tribute was paid by the provinces of the Roman empire, and by which the emperors ordered pub- lic acts to be dated. But the most remarkable of all the periods in chrono- logy, is that called the Julian period, invented by Joseph Scaliger; and called Julian, from the years of which it consists being Julian years. His object was to reduce to a certainty the different methods of computing time, and# fixing the dates of events by different chronologers. For this purpose nothing was necessary but a series of years, some term of which was fixed (that, for instance, by which the present year should he denominated), com- prehending the whole extent of time; since, if each chr mologer would apply that common measure to his particular scheme, they would all perfectly understand one another. To accomplish this, he combined the three periods of the sun, the moon, and the indiction, toge- ther; that is, multiplying the numbers 28, 19, and 15, into one another, which produces 7980; after which pe- riod, and not before, all the three cycles will return in the same order every year, being distinguished by the same number of each. In order to fix the beginning of this period, he took the cycles as he then found them settled in the Latin church; and tracing them backwards through their several combinations, lie found that the year in which they would all begin together was the year before the creation 714, according to Usher; and that the first year of the Christian sera would he 4714 of this period. There is a farther convenience in this period, viz. that if any.year is divided by the number compo- sing the cycles, viz. 28, 19, or 15, the quotient will show the number ofthe eye'es that have elapsed since the commencement of it, and the remainder will give the yrear of the cycle, corresponding to the year given. We cannot help observing that this boasted period seems to have been unnecessary for the chief purpose for which it was invented, viz. to serve as a common language for chronologers; and that now little use is made of it, notwithstanding all writers still speak of it in the same magnificent terms. The vulgar Christian asra answers the same purpose as effectually. All that can be necessary for chronologers to speak the same language, and be perfectly understood by one another, and by all mankind, is to give every year the same name or designation; which is most conveniently done by expressing them in a series of numbers in arith- metical progression, any one term of wThich they shall agree to affix to the same year, a year in which any well known event happened. Let it, for example, be that in which the peace of Amiens was made, and let it be called 1801. If, besides this, it is only agreed in what part of the revolution <■!' the sun, or in wmat month and day, the year begins, there can be no difficulty in giving a name to every other year preceding or following it, and thereby ascertaining the interval between all trans- actions. For all the events that took place the year be- fore that peace, will he referred to the year 1800, and all in the year after it to 1802. This period having haj a commencement since the date of history, is no incon- venience; for whenever we have gone back to number 1 of this period, the year preceding it may he called one before its commetwement, the year preceding that tw$ before it, kv. and thus proceeding ad infinitum both ways. That Christ might not have been born in the first of that system of years to which it serves to give a name is no inconvenience whatever; since, whatever differences of opinion there may he among chronologers about the time when Christ was born, they all agree in calling the present year, and consequently every either year, bv the same name; and therefore they have the same idea of the interval between the present year and any other year in the si stem. The real time e>f Christ's birth can no more afreet the proper use of this system than that of any other incSiiierent event; since, using the same system of dates, they may say Christ was born in the third, fourth, fifth, or sixth year before the Christian sera. Whenever, therefore, chronologers ceased to datr events from the Creation, which was very absurb (since they did not agree in fixing the intervals between the present year and the date of that event, and therefore gave all the years different names), they had no occa- sion to have recourse to any such period as the Julian; since another, capable of answering the same purposes, was already in common use, supplying them with a lan- guage which they all equally understood. JKras or epoch as are memorable events from which time is reckoned, and from which any subsequent year receives its denomination. The Greeks for a long time hau no fixed sera; afterwards they reckoned by Olym- piads, which were games celebrated in honour of Jupiter ©nee in four years, and began in midsummer, 776 years before Christ. The Athenians gave names to their years from their archons. The Romans called their years from the names of the consuls who presided in them; and afterwards they dated events from the building of their city, supposing it to have been built 755 years be- fore Christ. Some histories are regulated by the sera of Nahonas- sar, who began his reign in the year 747 before Christ, ofthe Julian period 3867. It is supposed to have com- menced on the 26th of February, in the aftenmon. The Jews before Christ reckoned by the year of the Seleucidse, sometimes called the year of the Contracts; which began in the year 312 before Christ, of the Julias period 4402, some time in the spring. The Christians, about 360 years after the birth of Christ, began to make use of that sera, which is now used in all Christian countries. The Mahometans reckon their veal's from the flight of Mahommcd from Mecca. This sera is called the He- gyra. It began in the year 622 after Christ, of the Julias period 5335, on the 16th of July. The old Spanish sera is dated from the year 38 before Christ, about the time whenthev were subdued by the Romans. It was used till the year 1333, under John I. of Castile. The Egyptians long reckoned from the battle of Ac- CHRONOLOGY. tium, which happened in the year 31 before Christ, of the Julian period 4681, on the 3d of September. Before the Christian a?ra was used, tbe Christians for some time made use of the Dioclesian sera, which took its rise from the persecution by Dioclesian, in the year 284 after Christ. The sera of Yerdigerd is dated from the last king of Persia; who was conquered by the Saracens under Abu- becher, in the battle of Merga, in the year 632 after Christ, ofthe Julian period 5 345, on the 16th of June. With regard to all these methods of denominating time, care must betaken that the ear be reckoned according to the method of computation followed by the people who use it. Thus, in reckoning from the Hegyra, a person would be led into a mistake who should make those years correspond to Julian years. He must deduct eleven days from every year which has elapsed since the commence- ment of it. Thus, though the first year of this sera cor- responded to the year 622 after Christ, and began on the 16th of July, the year 326 ofthe Hegyra corresponded to the year 937 of Christ, and began November 8: and the year of the Hegyra 655 commenced on the 19th of Janua- ry, 1257. This compendium of chronology is sufficient for the purpose of reading history, but is by no means a complete account ofthe methods of computing time in every parti- cular country which has been mentioned. To have done this, would have carried us beyond our present purpose, and too far into tbe customs of particular countries. For a fuller account, the reader may he referred to Dr. Blair, and other chronologers. PROBLEMS IPf CHRONOLOGY. 1. To find whether any given year be leap-year. Rule.—Div ide the given year by 4: if 0 remains, it is leap-year; hut if 1,2, 3, remains, it is so many years af- ter. Every fourth year is leap-year, so called from leaping or advancing a day more that year than any other; that year has then 366 days in it, and February 29. 2. To find the, dominical letter before the year 1800. Rule.—To the given year add its fourth part, omitting fractions; divide that sum by 7; the remainder taken from 7 leaves the index of the letter in the common year's reck- oning. 12 3 4 5 6 7 A B C D E F G But in leap-years this letter and its preceding one (in the retrograde order which these letters take) are the domin- ical letters. The dominical letter i-; that letter of the alphabet which points out in the calendar the Sundays throughout the year; thence also called I be Sunday letter. Of these let- ters there arc consequently seven before nient' >ned, be- ginning with the first letter of the alphabet; and as in leap-year there is an intercalary da;., there are then two; one' serving January and February, and its following let- ter tbe remaining part of the year. 3. To know on what day in the week any proposed day ofthe month will fill. Rule. Kirst find the dominical letter, then the day of the- week the lirsi ofthe proposed month falls on, which is known by the two following lines: VOL. I. 68 At Dover Dwell George Brown, Esquire, Good Christopher Finch, and David 1'rier: where the first letter of eac b word answers to the letter belonging to the first day of the months in order, from January to December. If I would know on what (\t\x of tbe week the 24th of June will be this year (1806,) I find the dominical letter is E, and by the lines just read, E is the first of June, which is, of course, Sunday; the 22d also is Sunday, therefore the 24th will be a Tuesday. 4. To find*the year ofthe solar, lunar or golden num- ber, and indiction cycles. Rule. To the given year add 9 for the solar, 1 for flip lunar, 3 for the indiction: divide the sums in order by 28, 19, and 1j. the remainder in each shows the years of its respective cycle. The solar cycle, or the cycle ofthe sun, is a period of 28 years; in which time all the varieties of the dominical letters will have happened, and the 29th year the cycle begins again, when the same order of the letters will re* turn as were 28 years before. At the birth of Christ, nine years had passed in this cycle. The lunar cycle, or cycle of the moon, or golden num- ber, is a period of 19 yeai-sj containing all the variations of the days on which the new and full moons happen, after whi b time they fall on the same days they did 19 years before, and she begins again with the sun. But when a centesimal or hundredth year falls in the cycle, the new and full moon, according to the new style, will fall a day later than otherwise. The birth of Christ happened in the second year of this cycle. The Roman indictionis a cycle of 15 years, which first began the third year before Christ. 5. To find the epact till the year 1900. Rule. Multiply the golden number for the given year by 11$ divide that product by 30, and from the remainder take 11, leaves the epact. If the remainder is less than 11, add 19 to it, and the sum will be the epact. 6. To find the moon's age. Rule. To the epact add the number and day of the month; their sum, if under 30, is the moon's age. But if that sum is above 30, the excess in month of ."51 (ivy a, or the excess above 29 in a month of 30 die >, sh >vvs the age or days since the last conjunction. The moon's age taken from 30, leaves the day of the next new moon. When the solar and lunar cycles begin together, tbe moon's age on the first of each month, >r ti.. m .nt ily epacts, are called the numbers of the month, and are as follows, viz. For Jan. Feb. March. April. May. June. These 0. 2. 1. 2. 3.* 4. For July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. These 5. 6. 7. S. P. 10. 7. To find when Eastcr-day will happen. Rule. Find on what day of March the new moon f lh nearest to the 21st in common years, or nearest the 2wth in leap-years; then the Sunday next after the full, or 15th day of that new moon, will be Easter day. If the 15th day falls on a Sunday, the next Sunday is Easter-day. Among the earliest writers on chron logv, after the discovery of printing, wasPaulus OonstantiVusPhrvgi >, CHRONOLOGY. whose " Chronicon Regum Rcgnorumque omnium" was pri.Me 1 at Basil in 1534. A second was Bibliandcr's work, in 1558; andathird,Eggard's"Tabulae Chronologicse," printed at Rostock, 1577. Among the most valliable which are now in use upon the continent, are the tables of Du Frcsnoy and Berger, both originally published in 1719. The title only of the latter, we believe, (*• Syn- ch vonistische Universal Historie,") is known in England; bul those ofthe former have been long received in credit; although they are now superseded not only by Dr. Blair's Tables, but by professor Playfair's System of Chronolo- gy, 1784. The following, as the greater epochs in the chronolo- gy of history, have been selected from Dr. Blair. Tbe history of the intervals may be easily supplied by the memory of a retentive reader. [In order to render the work more interesting to his patrons, the American editor lias introduced the most re- markable events contained in the history of America, and continued the table from 1805, to the present peri- od, (a) Before Christ. 4004 Creation ofthe world 3875 The murder of Abel 3874 The birth of Seth 3017 Enoch translated 2348 The deluge 2247 The tower of Babel built 2000 The birth of Abraham 1921 The covenant made with Abraham 1728 Joseph sold into Egypt 1689 The death of Jacob 1635 The death of Joseph, which concludes the book of Genesis 1574 The birth of Aaron 1571 The birth of Moses 1491 God's appearance to Moses in the burning bush 1451 The Israelites under Joshua pass the river Jordan 1285 Deborah defeats the Canaanites 1263 The Argonautie expedition undertaken 1236 The death of Gideon 1188 Jephthah's vow 1184 Troy taken 1117 Sampson betrayed to the Philistines 1104 The return ofthe Heraclidse to Peloponnesus 1095 The Israelites ask for a king—Saul anointed 1070 Athens governed by archons 1048 Jerusalem taken by David 1044 The migration of the Ionic colonies from Greece 1023 'Absalom's rebellion 1004 Solomon's dedication of the temple 926 The birth of Lycurgus 907 Homer supposed to have flourished 897 The death of Ahab 896 Elijah's translation 814 The kingdom of Macedon begins 800 Jonah prophesies 790 Amos 785 Hosea 758 Nahum 757 Isaiah, who prophesied above sixty years 754 Micah prophesies 753 The sera of the building of Rome Before Christ. 750 The rape ofthe Sabines 731 Habakkuk prophesies 721 Samaria taken—The first eclipse of the moon upon record 710 Senacherib's army destroyed 696 Isaiah the prophet put to death 686 Archilochus the poet flourishes 677 The combat of the Horatii and Curiatii 658 Byzantium built 627 Jeremiah prophesies 628 Zephaniah 623 Draco establishes his laws at Athens 605 The beginning of the captivity 600 Sappho flourishes 593 Ezekiel prophesies 591 Institution of the Pythian games 587 Jerusalem taken by Nebuchadnezzar 560 Pisistratus usurped the tyranny of Athens 558 Daniel prophesies 539 Pythagoras flourishes 536 Cyrus gives an edict for the return ofthe Jews 528 Haggai prophesies 527 Zechariah 525 Cambyscs conquers Egypt 520 Confucius flourishes 515 The temple of Jerusalem finished 509 The consular government begins at Rome 490 The battle of Marathon 480 The defeat of Salamis 458 Ezra flourishes 456 Nehemiah the prophet 451 Laws of the twelve tables compiled 445 Herodotus reads his history at Athens 431 Beginning ofthe Peloponnesian war 430 About this time the history ofthe Old Testament finishes 401 The retreat of the 10,000 Greeks under Xenophon. 5"he thirty tyrants expelled from Athens by Thrasybulus. 398 The military catapultse invented 390 Plato made his first voyage into Sicily 357 Dionysius the tyrant expelled Syracuse 343 The war between the Romans and Samnites 340 The Carthaginians defeated by Timoleon 336 Philip of Macedon killed by Pausanias 327 Alexander's expedition into India 323 The death of Alexander 322 Demosthenes put to death by Antipatcr 296 Athens taken by Demetrius Poliorcetes 286 Lysimachus takes possession of Macedon 284 The septuagint translation of the Old Testament thought to have been made 278 The Gauls under Brennus cut to pieces 264 The beginning of the first Punic war 260 The Carthaginians defeated at sea by the Romans 256 Regulus defeated by the Carthaginians 241 Agis, king of Sparta, put to death 235 The temple of Janus shut the first time after Numa 224 The colossus of Rhodes thrown down by an earth- quake 218 The second Punic war begins—Annibal passes the Alps CHRONOLOGY. Before Christ. 216 The battle of C amirs 212 Syracuse, taken by Marcellus 202 Annibal defeated at Zama 200 The first Mae ed inian war begins 190 Tbe first Roman army enters Asia 187 Antiochus the Great defeated and killed 167 The first library erected at Rome 149 The third Punic war begins 146 Carthage destroyed by I'ublius Scipio 137 Ptolemy Pbryocon began a new restoration of learning at Alexandria 116 Cleopatra assumes the government of Egypt 107 Cicero born 101 Marius and Catullus defeat the Cimbri 100 The birth of Julius Csesar 99 Lusitania conquered by the Romans 89 The Mithridatic war begins 81 Cicero made bis first oraliem 66 Mithridates defeated by Poinpey 65 The reign of the Seleuciche ends in Syria 63 Cataline's conspiracy detected 55 Cassar's first expedition ag.iinst Britain 50 Cesar besieges Pompey in Brundusiuiu 48 The battle of Pbarsalia 44 Ciesar killed in the senate-bouse 40 Jerusalem occupied by Antigonus 31 The battle, of Actium: Marc Antony and Cleopa- tra defeated 25 Tbe Egyptians adopt the Julian year 8 Augustus corrects the calendar 4 Our Saviour's birth: four years before the common sera. CHRISTIAN -ERA. After Christ. 8 Our Saviour disputes with the Jewish doctors 14 Augustus dies at Nola 17 Twelve cities in Asia destroyed by an earthquake 26 St. John tbe Baptist enters on his ministry 27 John baptizes our Saviour 33 Our Saviour's crucifixion 36 St. Paul converted 57 Tib"rius dies at Misenum 39 S'. Matthew writes his gospel 43 Claudius's expedition into Britain 44 St. Mark wrote his gospel 51 C.iraetacus carried in chains to Rome 52 The « mn il ofthe Apostles at Jerusalem 54 The death of Claudius 59 N'ero puts his mother Agrippinato death 61 Boa.'licea, the British queen, defeats the Romans 62 St. Paul s nt in bonds te) Rime 64 The first persecution against the christians 66 The Jewish war begins 67 St. Peter and St. Paul put to death 70 Titus destroys Jerusalem 9."i The second persecution against the christians 102 PI ny the Younger sends Trajan his celebrated account ofthe christians 107 The third pcrsivution against the christians 118 The fourth persecution against the christians 130 Adrian rebuilds Jerusalem 135 Conlisi mi of t'i e Jewish war, when the Jews were all banished Judea After Christ. 146 The worship of Serapis introduced at Rome 202 The fifth persecution against the christians 235 The sixth persecution against the christians 250 The seventh persecution 252 A great pestilence in the Roman empire 257 The eighth persecution of the christians 269 Zenobia takes possession of Egypt 272 The ninth persecution against the christians 293 Carausius killed by Alectus 286 The Roman empire attacked by the northern na- tions. Carausius reigns in Britain. 303 The tenth persecution against the christians 312 Maxentius defeated by Constantine 319 Constantine begins to favour the christians 525 The first general council of Nice 340 The death of Constantine the Great 343 Persecution of the christians in Persia 364 The Roman empire divided into the eastern and western 388 The tv rant Maximus defeated 406 The Vandals, Alans, and Suevi, spread into France and Spain 410 Rome taken and plundered by Alaric 4 20 The kingdom ofthe French begins upon the lower Rhine 426 The Romans leave Britain 435 The Theodosian codex published 449 The Saxons arrive in Britain 452 The city of Venice takes its rise 455 Rome taken by Genseric 475 lleiigist's massacre ofthe British ni.bles 476 The western empire finishes 493 The kingdom of Italy passes from the Heruli to the Ostro-Goths 496 Clovis baptized, and Christianity embraced in France 510 Paris made the capital ofthe French dominions 511 Arthur defeatsthc Saxons in the battle of Badon-hill 516 The computing of time hy the christian sera in- troduced by Diouysius 529 The code of Justinian published 533 Tbe digest of Justinian published 536 Rome taken by Belisari.is 551 The manufacture of silk introduced into Europe from India hy some monks 558 A terrible plague all over Europe, Asia, and Af- rica, which continues near fifty years 580 Cosroes the Great defeated, and dies of grief 597 Augustin the monk arrives in England 606 The power of the popes begins 622 The Hegira of Mahomet begins 637 Jerusalem taken by the Saracens 640 Alexandria taken hy the Saracens, and the great library there burnt 653 Tbe Saracens take Rhodes, and cut to pieces the famous colossus 709 Ina, king of Wcssex, publishes his laws 748 The computing of years from the birth of Christ began to be used in liistories about this time 750 The Merovingian race ends in France 751 The second race of the French kings begins with Pepin, suriiamed the little 762 Bagdad built hy Ahnansor CHRONOLOGY. After Christ. 774 Pavia taken by Charlemagne 778 The battle of Roncevaux - 800 The emperors ofthe West, or of Germany, begin 822 The Saracens besiege Constantinople 810 A civil war among the Saracens 828 The heptarchy of England united under Egbert 838 The Picts defeated by the Scots 840 The death of Lewis the Debonnaire 843 The French peers make a new division of the French dominions 853 The Normans get possession of some cities in > ranee 867 The Danes conquer Northumberland 872 Alfred defeated by the Danes 878 Alfred conceals himself in Arthelney 879 The kingdom of Aries begins 886 The university of Oxford said to have been founded 888 The dominions of Charles le Gros divided into five kingdoms 904 The Hungarians ravage Italy 912 The Normans establish themselves in France un- der Rollo 936 The Saracen empire divided by usurpation into seven kingdoms 964 The kingdom of Italy conquered by Otho 987 The third race of the French kings begins under Hugh Capet 996 Otho III. makes the empire of Germany elective 1013 The Danes, under Sueno, get possession of Eng- land 1035 The kingdoms of Castile and Arragon begin 1043 The Turks take possession of Persia 1065 Jerusalem taken by the Turks from the Saracens 1066 The conquest of England under William duke of Normandy 1080 The Domesday survey compiled 1096 The first crusade to the Holy Land 1110 Learning revived at the university of Cambridge 1118 The order of the knights templars instituted 1140 King Stephen defeated and taken prisoner in the battle of Lincoln 1146 The empress Matilda retires out of England 1147 The second crusade 1151 The canon law composed by Gratian 1154 The party names of Guelfs and Gibhelines begin 1162 The emperor Frederick destroys Milan 1172 Henry II. takes possession of Ireland 1177 Saladin repulsed before Jerusalem 1189 The kings of England and France go to the Holy Land 1192 Richard Coeur de Lion defeats Saladin at Ascalon 1204 Normandy conquered, and re-united to France 1215 Magna Charta signed by king John 1227 The Tartars under Gingis-kan over-run the Sara- cen empire 1233 The inquisition trusted to the Dominicans 1253 The famous astronomical tables are composed by Alfonso XL king of Castile 1273 The empire of the present Austrian family begins 1279 The mortmain-act passed in England V2S3 WTales conquered by Edward the First After Christ. 1293 The regular succession of the English parliaments begins 1307 The beginning ofthe Swiss cantons 1310 The knights of St. John take Rhodes 1312 The knights templars condemned 1346 The battle of Cressy 1349 The order of the garter instituted 1352 The Turks enter Europe 1356 The battle of Poietiers 1381 Wat Tyler's insurrection 1388 The battle of Otterburn 1414 The council of Constance 1440 The art of printing discovered 1455 The battle of St. Albans 1471 The battle of Tewksbury 1478 Lorenzo de Medici expelled Florence 1485 The battle of Bosworth 1492 Columbus discovers America 1497 The Portuguese first sail to the East Indies 1498 North America discovered by Cabot 1508 The league of Cambray formed 1517 The Reformation begun by Luther 1522 Rhodes taken by the Turks 1527 Rome taken by Charles V. 1534 The Reformation takes place in England 1545 The council of Trent begins 1571 The victory of Lc-panto obtained 1572 The massacre of Paris 1582 Pope Gregory introduces the new style 1587 Mary queen of Scots beheaded 1588 The destruction ofthe Spanish armada 1596 Cadiz taken by the English 1604 Ostend taken by the Spaniards 1608 The invention ofthe telescope 1609 New York discovered by Henry Hudson 1614 Napier invents the logarithms 1616 Tobacco first cultivated in Virginia 1618 The synod of Dort begins 1619 Harvey discovers the circulation of the blood 1621 The civil wrar with the Huguenots in France 1623 The first literary production, by an English colon- ist, in America, being a translation of Ovid's Metamorphoies, by George Sandays, treasurer of the Virginia company 1628 Salem, Massachusetts, founded 1629 Nine members imprisoned for their speeches in the house of commons 1634 Maryland settled by Lord Baltimore 1635 Providence Plantation begun by Roger Williams 1639 First Printing Press in North America establish- ed at Cambridge 1640 The Scots army enters England 1642 King Charles demands the five members 1645 The baffle of Naseby 1649 King Charles beheaded 1652 The first war between the English and Dutch be- gins 1660 The restoration of Charles II. 1661 The Testament translated into the Indian language and printed—The Bible was completed about eight years afterwards 1662 The Royal Society established CHRONOLOGY. After Christ. 1680 The great comet observed 1681 Grant of Pennsylvania to Wm. Penn 1682 Wm. Penn arrives in America, and lands at New Castle—City of Philadelphia laid out 1683 Loid Russel beheaded 1687 The first Printing Press established in Philadel- phia 1688 The Revolution in England 1692 The sea-fight of La Hogue 1693 The government of Pennsylvania assumed by the king and queen of England 1694 The government of Pennsylvania restored to Win. Penn 1704 The first news-paper published in America, called the Boston News Letter—Gibraltar taken by admiral Rook 1706 The battle of Ramillies 1709 The battle of Pultowa 1718 William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania, dieiL aged 74 years 1719 The first news-paper printed in Philadelphia, cal- led the American Weekly Mercury 1720 The South Sea scheme begins 1727 The siege of Gibraltar by the Spaniards 1750 The interest on the public funds reduced to three per cent. 1752 The new style introduced into Great Britain— Franklin's electrical discovery 1753 The University of Pennsylvania founded 1766 The American stamp-act repealed 1768 Circular letters against the duties lately imposed, sent by Massachusetts to the other colonies—The circular letter of Massachusetts gives great of- fence to the English ministers. The house of representatives of that colony arc required to rescind the resolution which authorised it—She refuses to rescind her resolutions—August 4, the governor of Massachusetts dissolves the general assembly—Sept. 22, convention meet at Bos- ton—28, two British regiments arrive at Bos- ton from Halifax—Great offence is given to the inhabitants of the town, by their being quartered in the state house, and in other public buildings. The council also re (uses to provide barracks for them 1769 The Massachusetts legislature refuses to make pro- vision lor quartering the troops. On this the go- vernor prorogues it to the 10th of January—The American Philosophical Society instituted—its meetings to he held in Philadelphia—August 15, Bonaparte born at Ajaccio in Corsica 1770 March 5, massacre' at Boston—April 22, the duties repealed, with fhe exception of three pence per pound on tea. This occasions an agreement not to make use of tea until the duty thereon should be repealed 1772 The Gasper armed schooner burnt hy the inhabi- tants of Provide nee, Rhode Island—The revolu- tion in Denmark 1773 The order ofthe Jesuits suppressed 1774 September 5, the first continental congress meet at Philadelphia Af .er Christ. 1775 The American war commences with Great Britain—- Aprill9, battle e»f Lexington, between a detach- ment of B ritlsh and Americans. The ob ject of the British was to destroy the military stores collected at Concord, in which they succeeded. On their return to Boston, they were very much harrassed by the Americans. The loss ofthe Bri- tish was 65 killed, 180 wounded, and 28 prisoners. The loss ofthe Provincials, or Americans was 50 killed, 34 wounded, and 4 missing—An army of upwards of 20,000 Americans assembled near Boston—May 15. congress establishes a paper currency—June 14, general Washington appoint- ed commander in chief of the forces ofthe confe- derated colonies by the general congress—17. Battle of Breeds, or Bunker's Hill, in which the Americans, after having twice repulsed the at- tacks of the British, are forced to retreat over the Charlestow n neck, for want of powder. The loss ofthe British was 226 killed and 828 wounded. The Americans had 139 killed, and 314 wounded and missing 1776 May 15, congress abolishes the authority of Great Britain over the colonies—July 4, the Indepen- dence ofthe colonies is declared hy congress, and first styled the United States by a resolution of congress—December 28, congress resolves to send commissioners to the courts of Vienna, Mad- rid, Prussia and Tuscany 1777 September 11, the battle of Brandywine—27, the British general Howe takes possession of Phila- delphia—October 17, British general Burgoyne surrenders his army, upwards of 5000 men, pri- soners to general Gates 1778 February 6, treaty of commerce and alliance con- cluded between France and the United States- June 18, Philadelphia evacuated by the British 1779 The siege of Gibraltar begun 1780 The riots in London 1781 October 19. Lord Cornwallis surrenders bis army to the Americans and French—the prisoners amounted to 7073 men 1782 March 4, Resolution of the House of Commons against carrying on the war in America—No- vember 30, provisional articles of peace agreed on—The Bank of North America established— The sea-fight under Rodney 1783 The preliminaries of a general peace signed. Ame- rica declared Independent—The Independence of the United States acknowledged by tbe powers of Europe, and treaties concluded with tbein in the months of February, March. April and July— September 23. the definitive treaty of peace signed between Great Britain and the United States 1786 September 14, the first meeting of the commission- ers in convention, at Annapolis, for the purpose of forming a federal constitution 1787 September 17, the federal constitution formed 'by the convention assembled at Philadelphia 1789 The revolution in France begins 1791 March 3, congress establishes a mint at Philadel- phia—Washington City founded C H R CUR After Christ. 1793 Above 4000 people die this year ofthe yello.v fever in Philadelphia—Louis XVI. beheaded 1794 An insurrection takes place in the western part of Pennsylvania on account of duties being laid on spirituous liquors distilled in the country—No- vember 19, Treaty of commerce between the United States and Great Britain signed at Lon- don 1796 Bonaparte appointed to the command of the army of Italy 1797 May 16, the French take possession of Verona 1798 May 20, Bonaparte sails for Egypt—About 3000 people in Philadelphia and 1000 in New York die of the Yellow Fever this year—The battle of the Nile 1799 Bonaparte made first consul of France—February 10, the American commodore Truxton, command- ing the Constellation, takes the French frigate Insurgent—March 26, a treaty of peace conclud- ed between the United States and Tunis—Au- gust 23, Bonaparte sails from Egypt for France —November 9, Bonaparte dissolves the conven- tional government 1800 Seat of government of the United States removed to Washington 1802 Definitive treaty between England and France— August 20, Swiss form of government changed by the interference of the French 1803 May 18, England declares war against France— April 30, Louisiana purchased of France by the United States for 15,000,000 dollars 1804 The attack on Tripoli by the Americans under the command of commodore Preble—May 18, Bona- parte made emperor—November 19, Bonaparte crowned by the Pope 1805 The victory off Trafalgar—April 11, treaty of Pe- tersburg, between England, Russia, Austria and Sweden—May 26, Bonaparte declared king of Italy—December 9, Battle of Austerlitz 1806 September 24, Bonaparte marches against Prussia —May, a great part of the French coast dec far- ed to be in a state of blockade by the English government—November, the Berlin decree of the emperor of France, declaring the British islands in a state of blockade 1807 December 17, the Milan decrees ofthe emperor of France—22, a general embargo law passed by congress 1808 July 7, Bonaparte declared king of Spain 1809 April 6, war declared by Austria—Embargo law repealed 1810 By the census taken this year the inhabitants of the United States amounted to 7,239,903 1812 June 18, war declared against Great Britain by the United States—23, British orders in council revoked—August 13, the British sloop of war Alert of 20 guns taken by the U. S. frigate Essex —September 7, battle of Moskwa, or Borodina ■—14, French enter Moscow—October 22, evacu- ate it again 1813 May 16, Messrs. Gallatin and Bayard, commis- sioners to negociate with Great Britain, under the mediation of the emperor of Russia, sailed After Christ. from New Castle, Delaware—June 4, armistice agreed on—September28, Bonaparte evacuated Dresden—October 18, battle cd' Lcipsie— De- cember 1, declaration of the allies at Frankfort 1814 February 26, the Hon. Messrs. Clay and Russel, commissioners to treat with Great Britain, take their departure at New York in the corvette John Adams, to join the American commissioners pre- viously sent to Gottenburgh—March 31, Allies enter Paris—April 11, Bonaparte abdicates the throne—May 8, arrives at Elba—December 24, treaty of peace between the United States and Great Britain signed at Ghent, and ratified at Washington February 17, 1815 1815 February 26, Bonaparte left Elba—March 20, en- ters Paris without bloodshed, and re-assends the French throne—June 18, battle of Waterloo, in which the French army was completely de- feated—July 4, Bonaparte abdicates uncondition- ally the throne of France, and surrenders him- self to the British government—Aug. 5th, sailed from Plymouth, England, for St. Helena, to which he was condemned by the British Board of Admiralty CHRONOMETER, in general, denotes any instru- ment, or machine, used in measuring time. See Clock- work. Several machines have been invented for measuring time, under the name of chronometers, upon principle's very different from those on which clocks and watches are constructed. The lamp chronometer consists of a chamber-lamp, which is a cylindrical vessel about three inches high, and one inch diameter, placed in a stand. The inside of this vessel must be every where exactly of the same diameter. To the stand is fixed a handle which supports a frame, about twelve inches high, anil four wide. This frame is to be covered with oiled paper, and divided into twelve equal parts by horizontal lines; at the end of which are written the numbers fertile hours, from 1 to 12, and between the horizontal lines are diagonals that are divided into halves, quarters, cScc. On the handle, and close to the glass, is fixed a style or gnomon. Now as the distance of the style from filename ofthe lamp is only half an inch, if the distance of the frame from the style is only six inches, then, while the float that contains the light descends by the decrease of the oil one inch, the shadow of the style on the frame will ascend twelve inches, that is, its whole length, and show by its progression the regular increase ofthe hours with their several divisions. It is absolutely necessary, however, that the oil used in this lamp should be always of the same sort, and quite pure, and that the wick al- so be constantly of the same size and substance; as it is on these circumstances, and the uniform figure of the vessel, that the regidar progress ofthe shadow depends. CHROSTASIMA, in natural history, a genus of pel- lucid gems, comprehending all those which appear of one simple and pennen nt colour in all lights: such are the diamond, carbuncle, ruby, garnet, amethyst, sapphire, beryl, emerald, and the topaz. CHRYSALIS, or Aurelia, in natural history, a state of rest and seeming insensibility, which butterflies, C H R C II R moths, and several other kinds of insects, must pass through before they arrive at their winged or most per- fect state. In this state, no creatures afford so beautiful a variety as the butterfly kinds, and they all pass through this middle state without one exception. The figure ofthe aurelia or chrysalis generally approaches to that ofa cone; or at least the hinder part of it is in this shape; and the creature, while in this state, seems to have neither legs nor wings, nor to have any power of walking. It seems indeed to have hardly so much as life. It takes no nourishment in this state, nor has it any organs for tak- ing any; and indeed its posterior part is all that seems animated, this having a power of giving itself some mo- tions. The external covering of the chrysalis is membra- naceous, and considerably large, and is usually smooth and glossy: but some of them have a few hairs: some are also as hairy as the cattcrpiliars from which they arc pro- duced; and others arc rough or shagreened all over. In all of these there may be distinguished two sides; the one of which is the back, the other the belly of the animal. On the anterior part of the latter, there may always be distinguished certain little elevations running in ridges, and resembling the fillets wound about mummies: the part whence these have their origin is esteemed the head ofthe animal. The other side, or back, is smooth, and of a rounded figure in most of the chrysalises; but some have ridges on the anterior part, and sides of this part: and these usually terminate in a point, and make an an- gular appearance on the chrysalis. From this difference is drawn the first general distinc- tion of ihese bodies. Tiny are by this divided into two classes; the round and the angular kinds. There are also several subordinate distinctions of these kinds; but, in general, they are less different from one another than the cattcrpillars whence they are produced. The head of those ofthe first class usually terminates itself by two angular parts, which stand separate one from another, and resemble a pair of horns. On the back, eminences and marks are discovered, which imagination may form into eyes, nose, chin, and other parts ofthe human face. There are a great variety and a great deal of .beauty in the figures and arrangement ol the eminences and spots on the other parts of the body ofthe chrysalises of differ- ent kinds. It is a general observation, that those chrysa- lises which are terminated by a single horn, afford day- butterflies ofthe kind of those which have buttoned anten- nae, and the wings of which, in a state of rest, cover the under part of their body, and which use all their six legs in walking, those of many other kinds using only four of them. Those chrysalises which are terminated by two angular bodies, and which are covered with a great number of spines, and have the figure of a human face on their back in the greatest perfection, afford butterflies of the day-kind; and of that class the characters of which are. their walking on four legs, and using the other two, that is. the anterior part, in the manner of arms or hands. The chrysalises which have two angular bodies on their heads, but shorter than those ofthe preceding, and whose hack shows but a faint sketch of the human face, and which have fewer spines, and those less sharp, always turn to that sort of butterfly the upper wings of which are divided into segments, one of which is so long as to represent a tail, and whose under wings are folded over the upper part of the back. A careful observation will establish many more rules of this kind, which are not so perfect as to be free from all exceptions; yet are of great use, as they teach us in general what sort of fly vvc are to expect from the chrysalis, of which we know not the catterpillar, and therefore can only judge from appearances. These are the principal differences of the angular chrysalises; the round ones also have their dif- ferent marks not less regular than those. The greater number of the round chrysalises have the hinder part of their body of the figure of a cone; hut the upper end, which ought to be its circular plane base, is usually bent and rounded into a sort of knee; tins is usually called the head of the chrysalis; but there are also some of this knid, the head of which is termina- ted by a nearly plane surface: some ofthe creeping ten- legged caterpillars give chrysalises of this kind, which have each of them two eminences that seem to bring them towards the angular kind. Among the angular chrysalises there are some whose colours seem as worthy our observation as the shapes of the others. Many of them appear superbly clothed in gold. These elegant species have obtained the name of chrysalis and aurelia, which are derived from Greek and Latin words, signifying gold; and from these all other bodies of the same kind have been called by the same names, though less, or not at all, entitled to them. Some are all over of an elegant green, as is the chrysalis of the fennel caterpillar; others of an elegant yellow; and some of a bright greenish tinge, variegated with spots of a shining black; we have a very beautiful instance of this kind in the chrysalis of the cabbage-caterpillar. The general colour of the chrysalis of the common butterflies, however, is brown. The several species of insects, as a fly, spider, and an ant, do not differ more evidently from one another in re- gard to appearance, than do a caterpillar, its chrysalis, and a butterfly produced from it; yet it is certain, that these are all the product of the same individual egg; and nothing is more certain, than that the creature which was for a while a caterpillar, is, after a certain time, a chrysalis, and then a butterfly. These great changes produced in so sudden a manner, seem like the meta- morphoses recorded in the fables of the ancients; and in- deed it is not improbable' that those fables first took their origin from such changes. The parts being distinguishable in the chrysalis, we easily find the difference of the species ofthe fly that is to proceed from it. The naked eye shows whether it is one of those that have, or those that have not, a trunk; and the assistance of a microscope shows the antennae so distinctly, that we are able to discern whether it belongs to tbe day or light class; and often to what genus, if not the very species: nay, in the plumose horned kinds, we may see, by the antennae, whether a male- or 1'cmJe phalaena is to be produced from the chrv salis; the horns ofthe female being in this si He evidently narrower, and appearing less elevated above the common surface ofthe body, than those ofthe male. All these parts of tbe chry- salis, how ever, though seen very distinc tlv, are laid close In one another, and seem to form only .me mass; each of them is covered with its own peculiar membrane in this state, and all arc surrounded together by a common one; C H R C H R and it is only through these that we see them; or rather we sec on these the figures of all the parts moulded with- in, and therefore it requires attention to distinguish them. The chrysalis is soft when first produced, and is wetted on the front with a viscous liquor; its skin, though very tender at first, dries and hardens by degrees: but this vicious liquor, which surrounds the wings, legs, Sec. hardens almost immediately; and in consequence fastens all those limbs, &c. into a mass, which were before loose from one another: this liquor, as it hardens, loses its transparency, and becomes brown; so that it is only while it is yet moist that these parts arc to be seen dis- tinct. It is evident from the whole, that the chrysalis is no other than a butterfly, the parts of wdiich are hidden un- der certain membranes which fasten them together; and, when the limbs are arrived at their due strength, they become able to break through these membranes, and ex- pand and arrange themselves in their proper order. The first metamorphosis, therefore, differs in nothing from the second, except that the butterfly comes from the bo- dy of the caterpillar in a weak state, with limbs unable to perform their offices, whereas it comes from the chrysalis perfect. Mr. Reaumur, in his History of Insects, vol. 1. has given many curious particulars on the structure and use ofthe several coverings that attend the varieties of the caterpillar kind in this state. These creatures in general remain wholly immoveable, and seem to have no business in it but a patient attendance on the time when they are to become butterflies; and this is a change that can hap- pen to them, only as their parts, before extremely soft and weak, are capable of hardening and becoming firm by degrees, by the transpiration of that abundant humidity which before kept them soft; and this is proved by an ex- periment of Mr. Reaumur, who, inclosing some chrysa- lises in a glass tube, found, after some time, a small quantity of water at the bottom of it; which could have come there no other way, but from the body of the inclos- ed animal. This transpiration depends greatly on the temperature ofthe air; it is increased by heat, and dimin- ished by cold; but it has also its peculiarities in regard to the several species of butterfly to which the chrysalis be- longs. According to these observations, the time of the duration of the animal in the chrysalis state must be, in different species, very different; and there is indeed this wide difference in the extremes, that some species remain only eight days in this state, and others eight months. CHRYSIS, or gold-fly, a genus of insects belonging to the hymenoptera order. The mouth is armed with jaws, but has no proboscis; the antennae are filiform, bent, aud consists of 12 articulations. The abdomen is arched, with a scale on each side; the anus is dentated, and armed with a sting; the wings lie plain, and the bo- dy appears as if gilt. There are seven species, of which the lucidulais one: it is beautified with the most splendid colours. The fore part of the head is geen and gold, and the hinder of a bright azure. The thorax is azure and green: the abdomen is green and gold before, and ofa coppery red behind. This species lives in holes of walls. The larva?, which resemble those of the wasp, likewise inhabit the holes of decayed walls. Sec Plate XXXIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 120. CHRYSITRIX, in botany: a genus of the ditecia or- der, in the polygamia class of plants. In the hermaphro- dite, the glume is two-valved, the corolla? from chuff numerous and bristly; many stamina, one within each chaff; one pistillum. The male is the hermaphrodite: it has no pistillum. There is one species, a native of the Cape. CHRYSOBALANUS, cocoa tlum: a genus of the monogynia order, in the icosandria class of plants; ;md in the natural method ranking under the 36th order, pomacese. The calyx is quinquefid, the petals live; plum kernel five-furrowed and five-valved. Ihere is only one species, the chrysobalanus icaco, a native of the Baliama islands and many other parts of America, but common- ly grows near the sea. It rises with a shrubby stalk eight or nine feet high. The flowers are white, and arc succeeded by plums like damsons; some blue, some reel, and others yellow. The stone is shaped like a pear, and has five longitudinal furrows. The plums have a sweet luscious taste; and are brought to the tables of the in- habitants by whom they are much esteemed. CHRYSOCOMA, goldy-locks: a genus of the po- lygamia sequalis order, in the syngenesia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, compositae. The receptacle is naked; the pappus simple; the calyx hemispherical and imbricated; the style hard- ly longer than the florets. There are thirteen species, the most remarkable of which are the linosyris and the cernua. These are herbaceous flowering perennials, growing from one to two feet high, ornamented with nar- row leaves, and compound floscular flowers of a yellow colour. CHRYSOGONUM, a genus of the polygamia neces- saria order, in the syngenesia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, composi- tae. The receptacle is paleaceous; the pappus monophyl- lous, and tridented: the calyx pentaphyllous; the seeds wrapped up each in a tetraphyllous calyculus, or little cup. There is one species, a native of Virginia. CHllYSOLITE, in natural history, a gem which the ancients knew under the name of the topaz; and the true chrysolite of the ancients, which had its name from ita fine gold-yellow colour, is now universally called topaz by modern jewellers. The chrysolite is found in angular fragments, ia grains, and crystallized. The primitive form of its crys- tals is a right angled parallelopid, whose length, breadth, and thickness, are as 5, ^/8, i/5. The edges of theprisin are usually truncated. The texture is foliated. Its frac- ture is conclioidal: it causes double refractions, audits specific gravity is from 3.265 to 3.45. Colour green. It is infusible at 150 degrees, hut loses its transparency! and becomes a blackish grey. With borax it melts with- out effervescence into a transparent glass of a green co- lour. There are two varieties. 1. Common chrysolite, found in Ceylon, South Ame- rica, and in Bohemia, amidst sandy gravel. Colour yel- lowish green, sometimes verging to olive-green, some- times to yellow. 2. Olive chrysolite, found commonly in basalt; some- times in small grains, sometimes in pretty large pieces. C H R C I C It hasnot been observed in crystals: colour olive-green. The first variety is, according to the analysis of Klap- roth, composed of 41.5 magnesia 38.5 silica 19.0 oxyde of iron. 99.0 The second is composed of 37.58 magnesia 50.00 silica 11.75 oxyde of iron .21 lime 99.54 CIIRYSOMELA, in zoology, a genus of insects with Lracelet-like antennae, thickest towards the extremities; the body of an oval form, and the thorax rounded. Of this genus, which belongs to the order of_ coleoptera, there are 122 different species, denominated from the trees on which they feed, as the chrysomela of tansy, beech, alder, willow, &c. some being of one colour, some of another, with a tinge of gold-colour diffused through it. CHRYSOPHYLLUM, the bully tree: a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 43d order, viz. dumosae. The corolla is campanulated, decemfid, with the segments alternately a little patent. The fruit is a ten-seeded berry. There are six species, natives of the West Indies. The most remarkable are: 1. The ChrysophyUum cainito, rises thirty or forty feet high. The flowers come out at the extremities of the branches, disposed in oblong bunches, which arc succeed- ed by fruit of the size of a golden pippin, very rough to the palate, and astringent; but when kept some time'mel- low, as is practised here with medlars, they have an agreeable flavour. 2. ChrysophyUum glabrum, never rises to the height of the cainito, nor do tbe trunks grow to half the size. The flowers come out, clusters from the side of the branches, and are succeeded by oval smooth fruit, about the size of a bergamot pear. It contains a white clammy juice when fresh; but after being kept a few days, it becomes sweet, soft, and delicious. Inclosed are four or five black seeds, of the size of those of a pomkin. Both species are often preserved in bir^e stoves. CIIRYSOPRASE. This mineral, which is found in several parts of Germany, is always amorphous. Its fracture is eit'-er even or inclined te» the splintery, with very little lustre; its colour green; specific gravity 2.479. In a heat of ISO degrees Wedgewood, it whitens and be- comes opacpie. It is found by Klaproth to be composed of 96.16 silica 1.00 oxide of nickel 0.83 lime 0.08 alumine 0.08 oxide of iron. 98.15 GlIRYSOSPLEMUM. a genus of the digynia order, in the d«kca: Iria class of planfs; and in the natural meth- od ranking under the 12th order, succulentae. Tie calvx is quadrilid or quinquefid, and coloured; no corolla; the VOL.1. 69 capsule birostrated, unilocular, and polyspermous. Its English name i> golden saxifrage. There are two spe- cies, common in all the northern parts of Europe. CHUPMESS VHiTES, a sect of Mahometans, who believed that Jesus Christ was God, and the redeemer of the world. CHURCH, the place which christians consecrate te the worship of God. By the common law and general custom of lhe realm, it was lawf'; 1 for earls, barons, and others ofthe laity, to build churches; but they could not erect a spiritual body-politic to continue in succession, and capable of endowment, without the king's licence; and before die law shall take knowledge of them as such, they must also have the bishop's leave and consent to he con- secrated or dedicated by him. 3 Inst. 203. CHURCHWARDENS, the guardians or keepers of the church, are persons annually chosen in Easter week, by the joint consent of the minister and parishioners, or according to the custom of the respective places; to look after the church and church-yard, and things thereunto belonging. They are entrusted with the care and man- agement of the goods and personal property ofthe church, which they are to order for the best advantage ofthe pa- rishioners; but they have no interest in, or power over, the freehold of the church itself, or of any land or other real property belonging to it: these are the property of the parson or vicar, who alone is interested in their loss or preservation. The churchwardens therefore may pur- chase goods and other articles for the' use of the parish; they may likewise, with the assent of the parishioners, sell, or otherwise dispose of, tbe goods of the church, but without such consent tbey are not authorized to alienate any ofthe property under their care. 4 Viner Abr. 526. All peers of the realm, clergymen, counsellors, attor- neys, clerks in court, physicians, surgeons, and apothe- caries, arc exempt from serving the office of churchwar- dens; as is every dissenting teacher or preacher, in holy orders, or pretended holy orders. By 2 Geo. III. c. 20. no Serjeant, corporal, drummer, or private man, personally serving in the militia, during the time of such service, shall be liable to serve as church- warden. By the 10 and 11 Wm. c. 23. s. 2. persons who have prosecuted a felon to conviction, and the first assignee of the certificate thereof, are exempted. No person living out of the parish may be chosen churchwarden. Gibs. 215. CHYLE, in the animal economy, a milky fluid, secret- ed from the aliments by means of digestion. See Physi- ology. CICATRIX, in surgery, a little seam or elevation of callous flesh rising on the skin, and rcmaininu; there after the healing of a wound or ulcer. It is commonly called a scar. See Surgery. CICADA, the Frog-hopper, or flea-locust, a genus of insects belonging to the order of hemiptcra. See Plate XXXIII. Nat. Hist. figs. 121,122.12. . The beak *,s inflect- ed; the antennae aresectaceous: the four wings are membra- naceous and deflected: and the feet in most" of the spici s, are of the jumping kind. The species are fifty-one. Thu larvae of several of this genus evacuate great quantities of a frothy matter upon the branches and leaves of plants, in the midst of which they constantly reside, probably C I c for shebcr against the search of other animals, to which thev woiJd become a prev. Nature has afforded this kind of defence to insects whose naked and soft bodies might otherwise very easily he injured; perhaps also the mois- ture of this f.-ain may serve to screen it from the sultry beams of the sen. On removing the foam, you discover fhe larva concealed underneath: but it does not long re- main uncovered. It soon emits fresh foam, that hides it from the eye of observation. It is in the midst of this foamy substance that the larva goes through its metamor- phosis into a chrysalis and perfect insect. Other larvae, whose bodies arc not so soft, run over plants without any manner of defence; and escape from insects that might hurt them, by thenimhlencss of their running, but espe- cially of their leaping. The cbrysalids, and all the larvae that produce them, differ little from each other, only that the former have the .rudiments of wings, a kind of knob at the place where the wings will afterwards he in the perfect insect. In other respects, the cbrysalids walk, leap, and run, over plants and trees; as do the larva and the frog-hopper, which ihey are to produce. At length they throw off their tegu- ments of clny salids, slip their last slough, and then the insect appears in its utmost state of perfection. The male alone is then endowed with the faculty of singing, which it exercises not with its throat, hut with an organ situa- ted under the abdomen. Behind the legs of the male are observed two valvulae, which, raised up, discover several cavities separated by various membranes. The middle contains a scaly triangle. Two vigorous muscles give motion to another membrane, which alternately becomes concave and convex. The air, agitated by this membrane, is modified within the other cavities; and by tbe help of this sonorous instrument, he amorously solicits his fe- male. By pulling the muscles ofa frog-hopper lately dead, it may be made.to sing. This insect begins its song ear- ly in the morning, and continues it during the heat of the noontide sun. Its lively and animated music is, to the country people, a presage of a fine summer, a plentiful harvest, and the sure return of spring. The cicadae have a head almost triangular, an oblong body, their wings fastigiated or in form of a roof, and six legs with which they w ell: and leap pretty briskly. In the females, at the extremity of the abdomen, are seen two large lamina, between which is enclosed, as in a sheath, a spine, or la- mina, somewhat serrated, which serves them for the pur- pose of depositing their eggs, and probably to sink them into the substance of those plants which the young larvae are to feed upon. CICC A, a genus of the tetrandria order, in the mo- noecia class of plants. The male calyx is tetraphyllous; there is no corolla: the female calyx triphyllous; no co- rolla; four styles; the capsule quadricoccous, or four- berried. There is one species, a shrub ofthe East In- dies. CICER, the chick-pea, a genus of the decandria or- der, in the diadelphia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 32d order, papilionaceae. The calyx is ouinquepartite, as long as the corolla, with its four uppermost segments incumbent on the vexillum; the Ieg*:men is rhomboidal. turgid, and dispermous. There is but one species, which produces peas shaped like the common ones, but much smaller. They are cultivated C I C in Spain, where they are natives, being one of the in- gredients in their olios, as also in France; but are rarely known in Britain. CICHORIUM, succory, a genus of the polygamia asqualis order, in the syngenesia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, com- positse. The receptacle is a little paleaceous; the ca- lyx calyculated; the pappus almost quinqurdrntatcd; and indistinctly hairy. There are three species, viz. 1. Cichorium endivia, or common endive, with broad crenated leaves, differs from the wild sort (No. 2.) in its duration, being only annual, whereas the wild sort is perennial. This species may be considered both as an annual and biennial plant. If sown early in the spring, or even any time before the beginning of June, the plants very commonly fly up to seed the same sum- mer, and perish in autumn. If sown in June and July they acquire perfection in autumn, continue till the next spring, then shoot up stalks for flower and seed, and soon after perish. The inner leaves are the useful parts. These when blanched white to render them crisp and tender, and reduce them from their natural strong taste to an agreeable bitter one, are then fit for use. They are valued chiefly as ingredients in autumn and winter salads, and for some culinary uses. 2. Cichorium intybus, wild succory, grows naturally by the sides of roads, and in shady lanes. It sends out long leaves from the roots, from between which the stalks arise, growing to the height of three or four feet, .and branching out into smaller ones. The flowers come out from the sides of the stalks, and are of a fine blue colour. They are succeeded by oblong seeds covered, inclosed in a down. The roots and leaves are articles of the materia medica. The former have a moderately bitter taste, with some degree of roughness; the leaves are somewhat less bitter; and the darker-coloured and more deeply jagged they are, the bitterer is their taste. Wild succory is an useful detergent, aperient, and at- tenuating medicine, acting without much irritation, tending rather to cool than to heat the body; and, at the same time, corroborating the tone of the intestines. All the parts of the plant, when wounded, yield a milky sap- onaceous juice. This, when taken in large quantities, so as to keep up a gentle diarrhoea, and continued for some weeks, has been found to produce excellent effects in scorbutic and other chronical disorders. 3. Cichorium spinosum, with a prickly forked stalk, grows naturally on the sea-coast in Sicily, and tbe islands of the Archipelago. The flowers are of a pale blue co- lour, and are succeeded by seeds shaped like those ofthe common sorts. C1CINDELA, the sparkler, in zoology, a genus of insects belonging to the order of coleoptera. The anten- nae are setaceous; the jaws are prominent, and furnished with teeth; the eyes area little prominent; and the breast is roundish and marginated. There are 14 species. The campestris, (See Plate XXXIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 124), or field sparkler, is one of the most beautiful of the genus. The upper part of its body is of afine green colour, rough, and rather bluish. The under side, as also the legs and antennae, are of a shot colour,gold and red, of a copper- ish cast. The eyes are very prominent, and give the head a broad appearance. The thorax is angular, and C I M C I M narrower than the head, which constitutes the character ofthe cicindela. It is rough, and of a green colour ting- ed with gold, as well as the bead. The elytra are deli- cately and irregularly dott.'d. Each of them has six white spots, viz. one on the top of the elytrum, at its outward angle; three more along the outward edge, of which the middlemost forms a kind of lunula; a fifth on tin' middle of the elytra, opposite the luirda; and that one is broader, and tolerably round; lastly, a sixth at tbe extremity of the elytra. There is also sometimes seen a black spot on the middle of each elytrum, oppo- site to the second white spot. The upper lip is also white, as is the upper side of the jaws, which are very prominent and sharp. This insect runs with great swiftness, and flies easily. It is found in dry sandy places, especially in the beginning of spring. In tbe same places its larva is met with, which resembles a long, soft, whitish worm, furnished with six legs, and a brown scaly head. It makes a perpendicular round hole in the ground, and keeps its head at the entrance ofthe hole to catch the insects that fall into it; a spot of ground is sometimes entirely perforated in this manner. The insects belonging to this genus arc in general xevy beautiful, and merit the attention of the curious in their microscopic observations; some are minute, though not inferior in splendour, therefore best suited for the experi- ment. Liv ing subjects are ever preferable to dead ones. The larvae of all this genus live underground; and are, as well as the perfect insects, tigers in their nature, at- tacking and destroying all they can overcome. CICUTA, water hemlock, a genus ofthe order digy- nia, in the pentandria class of plants, and ranking in tbe natural method under the 45th order, umhellatae. There arc three species, viz. 1. Cicuta bulbifcra; 2. Cicuta maculata; and 3. Cicuta virosa. Phis species is the only one re- markable, and that from the poisonous qualities of its roots, which have been open known to destroy children who eat them for parsnips. CIDARIS, in anthiuity, the mitre used by the Jewish high-priests. The rabbis say, the bonnet used by the priests in general, was ma le of apiece of linen cloth six- teen yards loii£, which covered their heads like a helmet or a turban; and tbey allow n:> other difference between the higli-prie'sl's bonnet, and that of other priests, than this: tbatone is flatter, and more in the form of a turban; whereas that worn by ordinary priests rose something more in a point. A plate of gold was an ornament pe- culiar fo the high-priest's mitre. CIL1ARE. or ligamentum ciliare.ov ciliaris processus, in anatomy, a range of black fibres disposed circularly, having tbMr rise in the inner part ofthe uvea, and trr- niinatinginlbepromi'ientpartof iltPi-'lny stall ine humour ofthe eye. which they surround. See A v atom v. CIMr.X. ovbng, in zoology, a g-musof inserts belong- ing 1*) the order of be nipi mm. (See Plate XX \III. Nat. Hist. figs. 125. 1-V). 12*.) The rostrum is intlcctcd. The antenna' are longer than the thorax. The winrs are folded together cross.vise: the upoer ones are coriaceous from their base fownrds Ib-ir mid Me. '»'!»,> back is 11^; the thorax margined. Tbe feet are formed for riming. This genus is divided into didVrent sections, viz. 1, Those without wings. 2. Those in which the escutcheon is extended so far as to cover the aodouien a.id ilio wings. 3. The coleoptrati. whose elytra are wholly coriaceo.is. 4. Those whose elytra are membranaceous: these arc very much depressed like a leaf. 5. In wbich the tho- rax is armed on each side with a spine, ti. Tuose which are of an oval form, without spines on the thorax. 7. In which tiie antennae become setaceous towards their point. 8. Those of an oblong !• rm. 9. Those whose antennae are setaceous, and as long as the body. 10, Those that have their thighs armed with spines. 11. Those whose bodies are long and narrow. Liiinae is enu- merates no fewer than 121 species, to which several have been added by other naturalists. A very peculiar spe- cies was discovered by Dr. Sparman at the Cape, which he has named ci.nex paradoxus. He observed it as at noontide he sought for shelter among the branches of a shrub from the intolerable heat of the sun. "Though the air (says he) was extremely still and calm, so as hardly to have shaken an aspen leaf, yet Ith night I saw a little withered, pale, crumpled leaf, eaten as it were by caterpillars, flittering from the tree. This appeared to ine so very extraordinary, that I thought it worth my while suddenly to quit ny verdant bovver in order to con- template it: and I could scarcely believe my own eyes, when I saw a live insect, in shape and colour resembling the fragment of a withered leaf, with the edges turned up, and eaten away as it were hy caterpillars, and at the same time all over beset with prickles. Nature, hy this pe- culiar form, has certainly extremely well defended and concealed, as in a mask, this insect from birds an i its other diminutive foes; in all probability with a view to preserve it, and employ it for some important office in the system of her economy; a system with which we are too little acquainted, in general too little investigated; and which, in every part of it, can never s.iiie ie i.iy admire with that respect and veneration which we > vo to the great Author of Nature and ruler of the -.miveiw-." The larvae of hugs only differ from the perfect insect by the want of wings: they run over plants; and gv ,\v and change to cbrysalids, without appearing to uml rgc» any material difference. They have only rudiments of wings, which the last transformation unfolds, and Lie insect is then perfect. In the first two stages they are unable to propagate their species. In their perfect ste.'.e, the female, fecundated, lays a great number of ey,";s, which are often found upon plants, placed one by lie side of another; manv of which, viewed through agla -, present singular varieties of coufiguration. Some are crowned with a row of small hail's, others have a eir i- lar fillet; and most have a piece which for.as a cap; \-.\* piece the larva pushes off when it forces open the e-^. Released by nature from their prison, thev overspread tbe plant on which they feed, extracting, by the help of the rostrum, the juices Appropriated i >r their no irisb- ment: even in this state, the larva1 are not all pe.;c'»a')lv inclined: some are voracious in an eminent degree. r their preservation against invasion. Hence they have a particular policy; and are governed hy a keeper, with the title of lord warden of the cinque ports. The five ports are, Hastings, Romncy, Hythe, Dover, and Sandwich. Thorn tells us, that Hastings provided 21 vessels, and in each vessel 21 men. To this port belong Scaford, Pevensey, Hedney, W'inchclsca, Rye, Hamine, Wakesbourne, Creneth, and Forthclipe. Romnev pro- vided five ships, and in each 24 men. To this belong Bromhal,Lydc, Oswarstone, Dangemares, and Rnmcnhal. Hythe furnished five ships, and in each 21 seamen. To this belongs Westmeath. Dover the same number as Hast- ings. To this belong Folkstone, Feversham, and Marge. Sandwich furnished the same number with Hythe. To this belong Fordivvie, Reculver, Serre, and Deal. The privileges granted to them in consequence of these ser- vices were very great. Amongst others, they were each of thein to send two barons to represent them in parlia- ment; their deputies were to bear the canopy over the king's head at the time of his coronation, and to dine at the uppermost table in the great hall on his right hand; to be exempted from subsidies and other aids; their heirs to he free from personal wardship, notwithstanding any tenure; to be impleaded in their own towns only, and not to be liable to tolls, Sec. Certioraris, to remove indictments taken in the cinque- ports, must be directed to the mayor and jurats before whom they were taken, and not to the lord warden; be- cause they hold plea of it as justices of the peace, by vir- tue of their commission, and not hy their ancient cha- racter. CIPHER, denotes certain secret characters disguised and varied, used in writing letters that contain some se- cret, not to be understood but by those between whom the cipher is agreed on. There are several kinds of ciphers, according to lord Bacon; as the simple, those mixed with non-significants, those consisting of two kinds of charac- ters, wheel-ciphers, key-ciphers, word-ciphers, &c. They ought all to have these three properties, 1. They should be easv to write and read. 2. Tbey should be trusty and undecipherable. S. Clear of suspicion. There is a new way of eluding the examination of a cipher, viz. to have two alphabets, the one of significant, and the other of non-significant letters; and folding up two writings together, the one containing the secret, w bile the other is such as the writer might probably send without danger: in case of a strict examination, the hearer is te> produce the non-significant alphabet for the true, and tbe true for the non-signific aut; by which nrans the examiner would fall upon the outward writing, and find- ing it probable, suspect nothing 'if the inner. No doubt the art of ciphering is capable of great improvement. It is said that king Charles I. had a cipher consi^ing only of a straight line differently inclined: and there are ways of ciphering hy the mere punctuation ofa letter, whilst the words of a letter shall lie ncm-significants, or sense that leaves no room for suspicion. Those who desire a fuller explanation of ciphering may consult Bacon, where they will find a cipher of his invention; bishop Wilkin's Secret and Swift Messenger; and Mr. Falconer's Cryptomenysis Patefacta. CIPPUS, in antiquity, a low column, with an inscrip- tion, erected in the high roads, or other places, to show the way to travellers, to serve as a boundary, to mark the grave of a deceased person, Sec. Those erected in the highways to mark the miles were called miliar} co- lumns. CIRCJEA, enchanter's nightshade, a genus of the mon- ogynia order, in the diandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 48th order, aggregatae. The corolla is dipetalous; the calyx diphvllous, superior. with one bilocular seed. There are two species, one of which is a native of Britain, and the other of Germany. They are low herbaceous plants with white flowers, and possessed of no remarkable property. [CIRCLE, in geometry, is a plane figure bounded by a curve line, called the circumference, or periphery; any point in which is equidistant from a point within the fi- gure, called the centre. The quadrature and rectification of the circle are pro- blems which have exercised the abilities of some of the most eminent mathematicians in former times, and has been a cause of dispute among some ofthe less profound, down to the present day. But though neither of these have been effected precisely, they have been approxima- ted to, and series have been given by which we may ap- proxiininate to them to any assigned degree of accuracy; and if the true value was not desirable we need not wish for a greater degree of accuracy. If the ratio of the di- ameter to the circumference were known, these problems, hy the known properties of the circ le, become very sim- ple: this ratio was given hy Archimedes to be 2T2 nearly, which he effected in the following manner: he found the perimeter of a circumscribed regular polygon of 192 sides is to the diameter in a less ratio than 5 j£ to 1, and that the perimeter of an inscribed regular polygon of 96 sides is to the diameter in a greater ratio than 344 to 1, there- fore, he inferred the above ratio to ho v ery near the truth; but this method, as we increase the number of sides of the polygon, evidently approaches to the area and circumference of the circle; yet it becomes tedious in proportion to the number of sides and the degree of accuracy required in the decimals. Since the invention of fluxions, there have been a va- riety of series found, by which we approximate with ease to any assigned degree of accuracy—the follow ing is a specimen of this method: Let r= radius, y = sine, and x = the versed sine of an arc a of a circle; then, 2r—xxx—xj^, by the nature of the circle, and .»-=r-f (r*—if) 1, 'hence dx=—ydyx (r*—y2) — \. But dx— (dx2+dy*) \. tbe general expression for the differential, or fluxion, of the length ofthe curve x. Bv substitution, dx-rdyx (»•-'—y2) —•§, which put into aa*infinite-series CIR C I R 1 y2 5y* 5y* 35i/8 gives dx—rdyx (—* 4----1-----1------1-------f- &c0» r Qr3 Srs I6r7 128r9 the integral, or fluent, of which is y2 3'/4 5 if 35y3 »=yx(l-f---+ ^— +----+---~ + &c.) Put 6r2 40r4 112/* 1152r8 *r £ = the tangent ofthe arc x, then y =------. And the (r2+t*)\ preceding equation by substitution becomes t3 ts P P %—t-------1___________|-------Sec. — the length of Sr2 5r4 7r6 9rs the arc in terms of the tangent. Suppose r=l and the arc = 45°, whose tangent = radius = 1; then the series 11 11 11 1 is a = 1-----1---------1---------1---------f-, &c. 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 = the length of an arch of 45°; therefore, 11 11 11 1 §X (1----4--------f--------1-------.4-&C.) equal 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 the whole circumference to a diameter 2, therefore, 11 11 11 1 4* (1----+------4-----— +------4- &c.) = 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 3.141592 &c. the circumference to a diameter unity; con- sequently by the known property ofthe circle 3.141592 -r-4=.785398 &c. equals the area of a circle to diameter unity, (r) Circle of the higher kind, an expression used by Wolfius, and some others, to denote, for the most part, m m—i m a curve expressed by the equation y = ax —x ; which indeed will be an oval when m is an even number; but whem m is an odd number, the curve will have two infinite legs. Circles, druidical, in British topography, a name given to certain ancient inclosures, formed by rude stones, circularly arranged. These, it is now generally agreed, were temples, and many writers think also places of solemn assemblies for councils or elections, and seals of judgment. These tem- ples, though generally circular, occasionally differ as well in figure as magnitude: with relation to the first, the most simple were composed of one circle. Stone- heiige consisted of two circles and two ovals, respective- y concentric; whilst that at Bottalch near St. Just in Cornwall is formed by four intersecting circles. The great temple at Abury in Wiltshire, it is said, described the figure of a seraph or fiery flying serpent, represented by circles and right lines. Some, besides circles, have avenues of stone pillars. Most, if not all of them, have pillars or altars within their penetralia or centre. In the article of magnitude and number of stones, there is the greatest variety; some circles being only 12 feet diame- ter, and formed only of 12 stones; whilst others, such as St mchenge and Abury, contained, the first 140, and the second 652, and occupied many acres of ground. All these different numbers, measures, and arrangements, had ih^ir pretended reference, either to the astronomical divisions ofthe year, or some mysteries of the druidical religion. CIRCONCELLIONES, a race of fanaties. so called because they were continually rambling round the houses in the country. They took their rise among the donatists in the reign of the emperor Constantine. It is incredible what ravages and cruelties these vagabonds connnilted in Africa through a long series of years. They were il- literate, savage peasants, who understood only the Punic language. Intoxicated with a barbarous zeal, they re- nounced agriculture, professed continence, and assicned the title of "vindicators of justice, and protectors ofthe oppressed." To accomplish their mission, they enfran- chised slaves, scoured the roads; forced masters to alight from their chariots, and run before their slaves, whom they obliged to mount in their place; and discharged debtors, killing the creditors if they refused to cancel Tbe bonds. The counts Ursacius and Tacirinus were employ. ed to quell them: they destroyed a great number of them, of whom the donatists made as many martyrs. Ursacius, who was a good catholic, and a religious man, having lost his life in an engagement with the barbarians, the donatists did not fail to triumph in his death, as an effect ofthe vengeance of heaven. Africa was the theatre of these bloody scenes during a great part of Constantine's life. CIRCUIT, or circuity, in lawr, signifies a longer course of proceedings than is needful to recover the thing sued for: in case a person grants a rent-charge of 10/. a year of his manor, and afterwards the grantee disseises the grantor, who thereupon brings an assise, and recovers the land, and 20/. damages; which being paid, the grantee brings his action for 10/. of the rent, due during the time of his disseisin. This is termed circuity of action, because as the grantor was to receive 201. damages, and pay 10/. rent, he might only have received 10/. for the damages, and the grantee might have retained the other 10/. for his rent, and by that means saved his action. Circuit also signifies the journey or progress which the judges take twice every year through the several counties of England and Wales, to hold courts and ad- minister justice, where recourse cannot be had to the king's court at Westminster. Hence England is divided into six circuits, viz. the home circuit, Norfolk circuit, midland circuit, Oxford circuit, western circuit, and northern circuit. In Wales there are but two circuits, north and south Wales: two judges are assigned by the king's commission to every circuit. In Scotland there are three circuits, viz. the southern, western and northern, which are likewise made twice every year, viz. in spring and autumn. CIRCULAR sailing, is the method ef sailing by the arch of a great circle. See Navigation. Circular re/or?/*/, in astronomy, signifies the vel"rity of any planet or revolving body, which is measured by the arch of a circle. CIRCUL \TIOM of the blood. See Physioloot. CTRCILviFERFX'CE, the- curve line which bounds a circle; and otherwise called a periphery, the boundary of a right-lined figure being ex pressed hythe term peri- meter. Any part ofthe ci re u inference is called an arch> and a right line drawn from one extreme ofthe arch to the otber is called a chord. Tbe circumference of every circle is supposed to be divined into 360 dcgiees. The L l It I I s angle at the circumference of a circle is double that at the centre. ( IRCUMI ERENTOR, an instrument used by sur- veyors for taking angles. Ski. Surveying. CIK C U > ISC RI HED, in geometry, is said of a figure which is drawn round another figure, so that all its sides or planes touch the inscribed figure. Cinei mscribed hyperbola, one of sir Isaac Newton's hyperbolas cd'lhe second order, that cuts its asymptotes, and contains the parts cut off within its own space. CIRCUMSCRIBING, in geometry, denotes the de- scribing a polygonous figure about a circle, in such a manner that all ils sides shell be tangents to the circum- fe i < nee. Sometimes the term is used for the describing a circle about a polygon, so that each side is a chord; but in this case it is more usual to say the polygon is inscribed, than the circle is circumscribed. CIRCUMSTANTIBUS, in law, a term used for sup- plying and making up the number of jurors (in case any impanncllcd appear not; or appearing, are challenged by either party), by adding to them so many of the persons present as will make up the number, in case they are pro- perl v qualified. c'lRCLMVALLATION, or line of circumvallation, in military affairs, implies a fortification of earth, con- sisting of a parapet ami trench, made round the town in- tended to he besieged, when any molestation is apprehend- ed from parties of tbe enemy, which may march to relieve the place. Care is to be taken to have the most exact plan of it possible; and upon this the line of circumvalla- tion and the attack are projected. This line, being a for- tification opposed to an enemy that may come from the open country to relieve the besieged, ought to have its defences directed against them; that is, so as to fire from ibe town; and the bescigers arc to be encamped behind this line, and between it and the place. The camp should be as much as possible out ofthe reach ofthe shot ofthe place; and the line of circumvallation, wdiich is to be far- ther distant than the camp, ought still more to he out of the reach ofits artillery. As cannon are never to he fired from the rear of the camp, this line should be upwards of 1200 fathoms from the place; we will suppose its distance fixed at 1400 fathoms from the covert-way. The depth of the camp may he computed at about 30 fathoms; and from the head ofthe camp to the line of circumvallation 120 fathoms, thai the army may have room to draw up in order of batile at the head of the camp, behind tbe line. This dis- tance added to the SOfathc.ms makes 150 fathoms, which being added to the 1400, makes 1550 fathoms to consti- tute the distance ofthe line of circumvallation from the coveit-way. The top of this line is generally 12 feet broad, and seven feet deep. The parapet runs quite round the top ed it, and at certain distances is frequently strengthened with redoubts and small forts: the base 18 feel wide, the height within six, and on the outside five feet, with a banquette of three feet wide and one and a half high. ( ib'CUS. in antiquity, a great building of a round or oval figure, erected by the- ancients, to exhibit shows to the people. The Koman circus was a large oblong edi- fice, arched at one end, encompassed with porticoes, and furnished with two rows of seats placed ascending over each other. Tn the middle was a kind of foot-hank, or eminence, with ohcliks, statues, and posts, at eac b end. This s'-rved them for the courses of their bigai and quad- riga?. Those that have measured the circus say that it was 2187 feet long, and 960 broad; so that it was the greatest building in Rome. Some say it would contain 150,000 people! others 200,000 or 300,000. The cim.s was dedicated to tbe sun. as a little temple ofthe sun in the middle denoted. Some say that there were eight cir- cuses in Rome, of which several were, either through vanity or devotion, built for the ornament of the city. CIRRI, among botanists, fine strings or thread-like filaments, hy which some plants fasten themselves to walls, trees, &c. Such arc those of ivy. Cirri in ichthyology, certain oblong and soft appen- dages, not unlikeTittie* worms, hanging from the under- jaws or mouths of some fishes. These cirri, commonly translated beards, afford marks to distinguish the dif- ferent species ofthe fish on which they are found. Their use may he to give notice of approaching danger or prey; since by their hanging position, as well as by their soft texture, they must be more sensible of any motion in the water than any other part. C1RSOCELE, or Hernia varicosa. See Surgery. CISSAMPELOS, a genus of the monadelphia or- der, in the dioecia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 11th order, sarmentaccse. The male calyx is tetraphyllous; no corolla; the necta- rium wheel-shaped; four stamina with their filaments grown together. The female calyx is monophyllous and ligulated, roundish, or like a piece of garter a little remiidish. There is no corolla; three styles, and a mo- nospermous berry. There are five species: the Cissamplos caapeba is a native of the warmest parts of America. The root applied externally is said to be an antidote against the bites of venomous serpents. The plant being infused in water, quickly fills the liquor with a mucilaginous substance, which is as thick as jel- ly; whence the name of freezing wyth, by which this genus of plants has been distinguished by the Brazili- ans. CISSOID, in geometry, a curve ofthe second order, first invented hy Diodes, whence it is called the cissoid of Dioclcs. Sir Isaac Newton, in his appendix de aequationuni constructione lineari, gives the following elegant des- cription of this curve; and at the same time sliows how, hy means of it, to find two mean proportionals, and the roots of a cubic equation, without any previous reduction. Let AG (Plate XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 14) bethe diameter, and F the centre of the cu*cle belonging to the cissoid; and from F draw FD, FP, at right angles to each other, and IetFP be=AG; then if the spuarcPED be so mov- ed that one side EP always passes through the point P, and the end D of the other side ED siides along the right line FD, the middle point C of the side ED will describe one leg GC of the cissoid; and by continuing' out ED on the other side F, and turning the square about by a like operation, the other leg'may be des- cribed. This curve may likewise be generated bv points in the following manner. Draw the indefinite' rmdit line BC (fig- 15) at right angles to AB the diameter of the CIS C IT semicircle AOB, and draw the right lines All, AF, AC, Ac. then if you take AM=LH, AO=OF, ZC=AN, Sec. the points MOZ, Sec. will form the curve AMOZ ofthe cissoid. Properties of the Cissoid.—It follows from the genesis, that drawing the right lines PM, KL. perpendicular to AB, the lines AK,PN, AP, PM, as also AP. PN, AK, KL, are continual proportionals, and therefore that AK= PB, and PN=LK. If the diameter AB=a, the absciss AP=x, and the ordinate PM=y, then is x: a—x :: y2: x2 or x*=a—xxy2, which is the equation of the curve. After the same manner it appears that the cissoid AMO, bisects the semicircle AOB. Sir Isaac Newton, in his last letter to Mr. Leibnitz, has shown how to find a right line equal to one of the legs of this curve, by means of the hyperbola, but suppressed the investigation, wbich however may be seen in his Fluxions. The cissoidal space contained under the diameter AB, the asymptote BC, and the curve AOZ of tbe cissoid, is triple that ofthe generating circle AOB. See Dr. Wallis's mathematical works, Vol. I. p. 545, et seq. CISSUS, the wild grape, a genus of the monogynia order, in the tetrandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 46th order, hederacese. The berry is monospermous, surrounded by the calyx, and a quadripartite corolla. There are 15 species, natives of Jamaica, and some of the other islands in the warmest parts of America and the East Indies. They send out slender branches, having tendrils at their joints; by which they fasten to the neighbouring trees, bushes, and any other support, mounting to a considerable height. The fruit of some of the species is eaten by the negroes. CISTERCIANS, in church-history, a religious order founded in the eleventh century by St. Robert, a benedic- tinc. They became so powerful, that they governed al- most all Europe, both in spirituals and temporals. Car- dinal de Vitri describing their observances says, they neither wore skins nor shirts, nor ever eat flesh except in sickness; and abstained from fish, eggs, milk, and cheese. They lay upon straw beds, in their tunics and cowls: they rose at midnight to prayers; they spent tbe day in labour, reading, and prayer; and in all their exer- cises observed a continual silence. The habit ofthe Cis- tercian monks is a white robe, in the nature of a cassock, with a black scapulary and hood, and is girt with a wollen girdle. The nuns wear a white tunic, and a black scapu- lary and girdle. CIST US, rockrose, a genus of the monogynia order, in the polyandria class of plants, and in the natural meth- od ranking under the 20th order, rotacese. The corolla is pcntapetalous; the calyx pentaphyllous, with two of its leaves smaller than the rest. The seeds are contained in a capsule. There are 66 species, most of them natives of the southern parts of Europe, hut many of them hardy enough to bear the open air in this country. They are beautiful evergreen shrubs,generally very branchy quite from the bottom, and forming diffused heads. They are very ornamental in gardens: not only as evergreens, making a fine variety at all seasons with the leaves of different figures, sizes, and shades of green and white; but also as first-rate flowering shrubs, being very profane in most elegant flowers of white, purple, and yellow co- lours. These flowers last only for one day; but there is a continual succession of new ones for a month or six weeks on the same plant; and when there are different species, they exhibit a constant bloom for near tbreg months. They are propagated either hy seeds or cuttings and thrive best in a dry soil. Their proper situation in shrubbery works should he towards the front of the clumps and other compartments, in assemblage with the choicest shrubs of similar growth, disposing them so as to make a variety, and to have shelter from the other plants, but they ought by no means to be crowded. Gum labdanum is found upon a species of cistus which'grows naturally in the Levant, and is therefore called labdanife- rus. CITADEL, a place fortified with four, five, or six bastions, built on a convenient ground near a city, that it may command it in case of a rebellion. The city therefore is not fortified on tiie part opposite to the cita- del; though the citadel is against the city. The best form for a citadel is a pentagon, a square being too weak, and a hexagon too large. CITATION, in ecclesiastical courts, is the same with summons in civil courts. A person is not to be cited out of the diocese where he lives, unless it be by the arch- bishop in default of the ordinary, or where the ordinary is party to th • suit, and in case of appeal. CI1HAREXYLUM, fiddle-wood, a genus of the an- giospermia order, in the didynamia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 40th order, per- sonatse. The calyx is quinquedentated, campanulated, wheel-shaped, with its segments villous, on the upper side equal. The fruit is a dispermous berry; the seeds bilo- cular. There are five species, natives of the warmer parts of America, where they grow to be large trees, and are adorned with white flowers growing in spikes. In Britain they appear only as shrubs, and must be constantly re- tained in the stove, where they make a fine appearance, being beautiful evergreens. They may be propagated either by seeds or cuttings. CITRINUS, in natural history, a peculiar species of sprig crystal, which is of a beautiful yellow. Many of the common crystals, when in the neighbourhood of lead mines, are liable to be accidentally tinged yellow, by an admixture of the particles of that metal; and all tliesc, whether finer or coarser, have been too frequently con- founded together under the name citrine; hut Dr. Hill has ascertained this to be a peculiar species of crystals different from all the others in form as well as in colour; and distinguished by the name of ellipoinacrostylum luci- dum fiavesrens, pyramido brevi. It is never found colour- less like the other crystals, but has great variety of tinges, frni that of the deeper ochres to a pale leinon- colour. It is sometimes found in Bohemia. The pyramid of this crystal is always finer than the column. CITRUS, the citron, orange, and lemon tree, a genus of the polyadelphia class and the icosandria order of plants. The calyx is quinquefid; the petals oblong, and five in number; the anthers are 20. filaments united into various bodies; fruit nine-celled. There are five species, with many varieties, viz. 1. Citrus aurantium, tbe orange: of which the varietiei are, 1. Seville orange. This is a very handsome tree, and the hardiest of any; as in this country it shoots fr < ly, produces large aud beautiful leaves, flowers stronger, C IT Sec. The fruit is large, rougli-rindcd, and sour, of excel- lent quality for economical uses. 2. The China orange. This tree* has moderately-sized leaves, and a smooth, thin-rinded, sweet fruit, of which there are several varie- ties in warm countries, where tbey grow in the open ground. 3. The forbidden-fruit tree, in trunk, leaves, and flowers, very moe b resembles the common orange-tree; but the fruit when ripe is larger and longer than the biggest orange. (See I'latc.) It has somewhat tbe taste of shaddock, but far exceeds that, as well as the best orange, in its delicious taste and flavour. 4. The horned orange is a tree of moderate size, producing fruit wdiich divide, and the rind runs out into divisions like horns. 5. The hermaphrodite orange is a common sized tree, producing fruit shaped partly like an orange and partly like a cit- ron. 6. The dwarf orange tree, or nutmeg orange, has a long stem and small bushy head, growing two or three feet high; small oval leaves in clusters; and numerous flowers in clusters, covering the branches, succeeded by- very small fruit. 2. Citrus medica, the citron tree. Tbe varieties are, 1. citron-tree with sour fruit; 2. with sweetish fruit; 3. with long fruit; 4. with warted fruit; 5. with, recurved fruit; and 6. with blotched leaves. The lemon-tree is accounted a variety of the citron. The varieties of lemon are, l. the lemon-tree with sun* fruit; 2. with sweetish fruit; 3. with very large fruit, called imperial leaion; 4. with pear-shaped fruit; 5. with furrowed fruit; 6. with clustered fruit; 7. with childiug fruit; 8. with whitish fruit; 9. with tricolar striped fruit; 10. with silver-striped leaves; and 11. with double flowers. These are the most remarkable varieties ofthe species of citrus; but besides these there are a great nunber of others; and indeed in those countries where tbey grow na- turally , the varieties may be multiplied without end, like those of our apples and pears. The flowers of all the spe- cies and varieties are formed each of five spreading pe- tals, appearing here principally in May and June, and the fruit continues setting in June and July, and ripens the year following. 3. Citrus trifoliata, is a thorny shrub growing natu- rally in Japan, where it is likewise known by the names of gees, and karatals banna. The trunk acquires hy age and culture the thickness of a tree. The flowers, which resemble those of the medlar, proceed singly from the arm-pits of the lcav es, are white, possessed of no great degree of fragrance, and consist of five petals. The fruit is equally beautiful with a middle-sized orange; their internal structure is also pretty much the same; only the pulp is glutinous, of an unpleasant smell, and a harsh disagreeable taste. The seed-; have tbe same taste with the pulp, and are shaped exactly like those of the orange1. A. Citrus decumana. or shaddock, which derives its name from captain Shaddock, who brought it from the East to the AVest Indies. 5. Citrus japonic a, the fruit of which is no larger than a cherry, lint very sweet and pleasant. CITIES, imperial, an appellation given to those ci- ties of Germany immediately subject to the emperor: tbey make a part of the (icrmauie body, are governed by their own magistrates, have ibe privilege of coining money, and assist at the diet of the empire. They *ae vol. i. 70 CIV 48 in all, and are distinguished in general hy their pros- perity and opulen e. CIVET. See ViVERR.l. CIVIL LAW, is properly the peculiar law of each stat", country, or city: but what is usually meant by the civil law, is a body of laws composed out of the best Roman and Grecian laws, compiled from the laws ot nature and nations, and for tbe most part received and observed throughout all the Roman dominions for above 1200 years. The Romans took the first grounds of this law from the twelve tables; wbich were abridgments of the laws of Solon, at Athens, and of other celebrated cities of Greece; to which tbey added their own ancient customs ofthe city of Rome. These written laws were subject to various interpretations, whence conic >vcisles arising, tbey were determined by the judgment of the learned; and these determin itions were what tbey first called jus civile, after their several cas \s were composed, which, lest the people should make them at pleasure, were fixed, certain, and solemn; rnd this part of their law they called actions juris, cases at law. Tbe Romans had also their plebicita, wbich were laws made by the commons, without the authority of tbesenvte. The jus honorarium was an edict of some particular magistrate, the sen it.is consultuni an ordinance made by the sole authority of the s mate, and the principalis constitutio was enacted by the prince or emperor. These laws grew by degrees to a vast number of volumes, and there- fore the emperor Justinian c-.inmandcd his chancellor Trehonianus, with the assist.in e of some other eminent lawyers, to reduce liiem to a perfect body. The body of tbe cieil law is divided into three vo- lumes, which are still remaining, viz. the pandects or digests, the code, and the institutes: to these were after- wards added he authentic or constitutions of Justinian, called also no veil re, or novels. See Code, Sec. The civil law is not received at this day in any one nation, without some addition or alteration. For sometimes th? feudal law is mixed with it, or general or particular customs: and often ordinances and statutes cut off a great part of it. In Turkey the Justinian Greek code is only used. In Italy, the canon law and customs have excluded a good part of it. In Venice, custom has almost an rbsilute government. In the Milanese, the feu- dal law and particular customs bear swav. In Naples and Sicily, the constitutions and laws of the Lombards are said to prevail. In Germany and Holland, the civil law is esteemed to be the municipal law; but vet many parts of it are there grown obsolete, and others are altered, either hy the canon law, or a different usage. In r'rirzland it is observed with more strictness; huAn the northern parts of Germany, the jus Saxonicum, Lu- becensc, or Ciilmcn.se. is preferred to it. In Denmark and Sweden it has scarcely any authority at all. In France only apart of it is received, and that part is in some places as a customary law; and in those provinces nearest to Italy, m micipal written hew. In criminal ca- ses the civil law is more regarded in France: bit the manner of trial is regulated by ordinances and edicts The civil law in Spain and Portugal is corre. ted bv the jus regium, and custom. In Scotland the statat- s of the sederunt, part of the regia; majestatis, and their customs, CL A C L A controul the civil law. In England it is used in the ec- clesiastical courts, in the courts of the admiralty, and in the two universities: yet in all these it is restrained and directed by the common law. Civil year is the legal year, or annual account of time, which every government appoints to he used with- in its own dominions; and is so called in contradistinction to the natural year, which is measured by the revolution of the heavenly bodies. CIVILIAN, in general, denotes something belonging to the civil law, but more especially the doctors and professors of it are called civilians. Of these there are a college or society in London, known hy the name of doctors'-commons. CLAIM, in law, a challenge of interest in any thing that is in the possession of another, or at least out of a man's own; as claim by charter, by descent, Sec. By stat. 4 Anne c. 16. sect. 16. no claim or entry shall be of force to avoid any fine levied with proclamation in the common-pleas, or in the court of session in the counties palatine, or of grand session in Wales, or shall be a suf- ficient entry to claim within the statute of limitation, 21 Jac. 1. c. 16. unless upon such entry or claim, an action be commenced within one year after making such entry or claim, and prosecuted with effect. Plowd. 359. CLAMP, in a ship, denotes a piece of timber applied to a mast or yard, to prevent tbe wood from bursting; and also a thick plank lying fore and aft under the beams of the first orlop, or second deck, and is the same that the rising timbers are to the deck. Clamp is likewise the term for a pile of unburnt bricks built up for burning. CLAMPING, in joinery, is the fitting a piece of board with the grain, to another piece of board cross the grain. Thus the ends of tables are commonly clamp- ed; to prevent their warping. CLANS, in history, and particularly in that of Scot- land. The nations which overran Europe were origin-.1- ly divided into many small tribes; and when they came to parcel out the lands which they had conquered, it was natural for every chieftain to bestow a portion, in the first place, upon those of his own tribe or family. These all held their lands of him; and as the safety of each in- dividual depended on the general union, these snail socie- ties clung together, and were distinguished by common appellation, either patronymical or local, long before the introduction of surnames or ensigns armorial. But when these became common, the descendants and relations of every chieftain assumed the same name and arms with him. Other vassals were proud to imitate their example; and by degrees they were communicated to all those who held of the same superior. Thus clanships were formed; and in a generation or two that consanguinity which was at first in a great measure imaginary, was believed to be real. An artificial union was converted in- to a natural one. Men willingly followed a leader, whom they regarded both as the superior of their lands and the chief of their blood, and served him not only with the fidelity of vassals, but tbe affection of friends. Against such men a king contended with great disadvantage; and that cold service wiiich m mey*pur- chases, or authority extorts, was not an equal match for their ardour and zeal. Some imagine the word clan to be only a corruption of the Roman colonia; but Mr. Whitakcr asserts it to he purely British, and to signify a family. CLARENCIEUX, the second king at arms, so call- ed from the duke of Clarence, to whom he first belong- ed; for Lionel III. son to Edward III. having by his vvife the honour of Clare, in the county of Thoinonil, was af- terwards declared duke of Clarence; which dukedom af- terwards escheating to Edward IV. he made this earl a king at arms. His office is to marshal and dispose of the funerals of all the lower nobility, as baronets, knights, esquires, on the south side of the Trent; whence be is sometimes called Surroy, or South-roy, in contradis- tinction to Norrov. CLARENDON. The constitutions of Clarendon are certain ecclesiastical laws drawn up at Clarendon, near Salisbury. They were sixteen in number, all tending to restrain the power of the clergy; and readily assented to by all the bishops and barons, the archbishop Be ket ex- cepted, who opposed them at first, but was afterwards prev ailed upon to sign them. The pope Alexander III. declared against and annulled most of them. CLARIFICATION, in chemistry, the act of clear- ing and fining any fluid from all heterogeneous matter or feculancies. See Chemistry. CLARION, a kind of trumpet, the tube of which h narrower, and its tc.ne acuter and shriller, than that of the common trumpet. It is said that the clarion, now used among the Moors, and Portuguese who borrowed it from the Moors, served anciently for a treble to seve- ral trumpets, wdiich sounded tenor and bass. Claiiiox, in heraldry, a hearing as represented: he bears ruby, three clarions topaz, being the arms ofthe earl of Batlr, by the name of Granville. Guillim is of opinion, that these three clarions are a kind of old fash- ioned trumpets; but others say that they rather resemble the rudder of a ship, others a rest for a lance. CLARO-OBSCCRO, or Clair-ousccre, in paint- ing, the art of distributing to advantage the, liglus and shadows of a piece, both with regard to the easing ofthe eye, and the effect ofthe who1 piece. See Painti.yg. CLASS, an appellation given to the most general sub- divisions of any thing: thus, in the Linn&an system, animals are divided into six classes, viz. mammalia, aves, amphibia, pisces, insccta, and vermes; these are again subdivided in orders, and these last into genera. Sec Natcral History. CLATHRUS, in botany, a genus of roundish fungi; the substance of which is reticulated, or full of boles, somewhat like the meshes of a net, with continuous ra- mification. There are seven species. CLAVA, a genus of vermes mollusca, having one common aperture, dilatable, vertical, surrounded by club- shaped tentacula. There is only one species. CLAVARIA, club-top, a genus of the cryptogamia class of plants, and ofthe. order of fungi; tiie 58th in the natural methsd. The fungus is smooth and oblong. Mr. Miller asserts, that the vvhde genus of clavaria belongs to the tribe of zoophytes, that is, to the animal, and not to the vegetable kingdom. According to this method, he ranks them among the vermes, under a subdivision which he terms femgosa o.sculis atomiferis: supposing them to be compound animals with many orifices on their sur- C L A CLE fa e, from v/uich arc protruded atnms or ani.w\lcu{e<:, whicn have a visible spontaneous motion, S/Uirth.ng si- milar to what is n >w acknowledged to be a fact, with re- gard to a numerous class of m;w\iie bodies, termed coral- lines. This motion, however, ha- n it been observed by other naturalists. Seineffer has figured the seeds of seve- ral clavaria: as they appeared t >hi;u through the vactos- cope; and none of these fungi, when burnt, ennt die strong disagreeable smell peculiar to animal substances. 1. Clavana hemotad-. s, or the oak leather dub-top, ex- actly resembles tanned leather, except that it is thinner and softer. It is of no determinate form. It grows in the clefts and hollows of old oaks, and sometimes on ash in Ireland and in some places of England, &c. In Ireland it is used to dress ulcers, and in Virginia to spread plas- ters upon, instead of leather. 2. Clavaria militaris, and one or two other species, arc remarkable fior growing only on the head of a dead insect in the nympha state. CLAVARIUM, in antiquity, an allowance the Ro- man siddicrs had for furnishing nails to secure their shoes witi). They frequently raised mutinies, and de- manded largesses of the emperors, under this pretence. CLAVES INSULtE, a term used in tbe Isle of Man, where all weighty and ambiguous causes are referred to a jury of twelve, who are called claves insula?, the keys of the island. CLAVICLES. See Anatomy. CLAUSE-ROLLS, in the Tower, contain all such matters as were committed to close writ. CLAVUS, in antiquity, an ornament upon the robes of the Roman senators and knights, which was mere or less broad, according to tbe dignity of the person. Hence the distinction of tunica angusticlavia and laticlavia. CLAW, among zoologists, denotes the sharp-pointed nails with wdiich the feet of certain quadrupeds and birds are furnished. CL \Y, is a mixture of alumina and silica in various proportions. The alumina is in the state of an impalpa- ble powder; but the silica is almost always in small grains, laige enough to he distinguished by the eye. Clay therefore exhibits tbe character of alumina, and not e>i' silica, even when this last ingredient predominates. The particles of silica are already combined with each other; and they have so strong an affinity for each other, that few bodies can separate them; whereas the alumina, not being combined, readily displays the characters wdiich distinguish it from other bodies. Besides alumina and si- te a, ( by often contains carbonat of lime, of magnesia, barytes, oxyd of iron, begin; or it is a letter marked on any line, which explains the rest. CLEMATIS, virgin's bower, in botany, a genus of the polyandria polygynia class of plants, the flower of which consists of four oblong lax petals. There is no pericarpiiiui, but a small receptacle contains several roundish compressed seeds, crowned with a slender fila- ment, somewhat like a feather. There are 21 species, chiefly climbing shrubs. Sec Plate XXXUI. Nat. Hist. fig. 123. CLEOME, a genus ofthe siliquosa order, in the te- tvadynamia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 2eth order, putamime. There are three nectariferous glandules, one at each sinus of the calyx, except the lowest; the petals all rising upwards; the siliqua unilocular and bivalved. There arc 15 spe- cies; ad natives of warm climates, except two. They are herbaceous plants, rising from one to two feet high; and are adorned with flivvers of various colours, as red, yel- low, flcsh-cedour, Sec. They are propagated by seeds, and require no other care than what is common to other exotics which are natives of warm countries. CLEPSYDRA, a water-clock, or instrument to mea- sure time by the fall of a certain quantity of water. The construction of a Clefs vim a. To div ide any cylindrical vessel into parts, to be emptied in each di- vision of time; the lime wherein the whole, and that whei du any part is to he evaluated, being given:__ Suppose a cylindrical vessel, whose charge of water flows eut in twelve hours, was required to be divided in- to parts, to be evacuated each hour. 1. As the part of time l is to the whole time 12, so is the same time 12 CLE CLE to a fourth proportional 144. 2. Divide the altitude of the vessel into 144 equal parts: here the last will fall to the last hour; the three next above to the last part but one; the five next to the tenth hour; and so the twenty- three last will fall to the first hour. For since the times increase in the series ofthe natural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sec. and the altitudes, if the numeration be in a retro- grade order from the twelfth hour, increase in the series of the unequal numbers 1, S, 5, 7, 9, Sec. the altitudes computed from the twelfth hour will be as the squares of the times 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, &r. Therefore the square ofthe whole time, 144, comprehends all the parts of the altitude of the vessel to be evacuated. But a third proportional to 1 and 12 is the square of 12, and consequently itis the number of equal parts in which the altitude is to be di- vided, to be distributed according to the scries of the un- equal numbers, through the equal intervals of hours. There were many kinds of clepsydrae among the an- cients; hut they all had this in cowmen, that the water ran generally through a narrow passage, from one ves- sel to another; and in the lower was a piece of cork or ligle wood, which, as the vessel filled, rose up by de- grees, and showed the hour. The reader may see a de- scription of a very curious clepsydra given by Mr. Ha- milton, in No. 479 ofthe Philosophical Transactions. CLERGY. The privileges of the English clergy, by the ancient statutes, are very considerable: their goods are to pay no toll in fairs or markets; they arc exempt from all offices but their own; from the king's carriages, posts, Sec. from appearing at sheriff's tourns, or frank- pledges; and arc not to be fined or amerced according to their spiritual, but their temporal means. A clergyman acknowledging a statute, his body is not to be imprisoned. ii he is convicted of a crime for which the benefit of cler- gy is allowed, he shall not be burnt in the hand; and he shall have the benefit of clergy in infinitum, which no layman can have more than one e. The cleigy, by com- mon law, are not to he burdened in the general charges of the laity; nor to be troubled nor encumbered, unless expressly named and charged hy the statute; for general words do not affect them. Thus if a bundled is sued for a robbery, the minister .shall not contribute, neither shall they be assessed to the highway, to the watrh, require to be kept in a greenhouse when cul- tivated in this country. Their flowers make no great appearance; hut the plants themselves are very orna- mental ever-greens. 'fhey grow to the height of four or five feet; and are propagated by cuttings, which must be young shoots of five or six inches long. If planted in pots in spring or summer, and plunged in a hotbed, they will readily take root. They must be watered plentiful- ly in summer, but very sparingly in winter. CLIMACTERIC, among physicians and natural his- torians, a critical year in a person's life, in which he is supposed to stund in great danger of death. According to some, every seventh year is a climacteric; but others allow7 only those years produced by multiplying seven by the odd numbers, 3,5, 7, and 9, to be climacterical. These years, tbey say, bring with them some remarkable change with respect to health, life, or fortune: tie grand climacteric is the sixty-third year; but some, making two, add to this the eighty-first: the other remarkable climacterics are the seventh, twenty-first, thirty-fifth, forty-ninth, and fifty-sixth. The credit of climacteric years can only be supported by the doctrine of numbers introduced by Pythagoras, and is probably nothing but superstitious nonsense. CLIMATES, in geography, spaces upon the surface ofthe terrestial globe, contained between two parallels, so far distant from each other, that the longest day on one parallel differs half an hour from the longest day on the other. See Geography. CLINCH, in the sea-language, that part of a cable which is bent about the ring of the anchor, and then seized, or made fast. CLINCHING, in the sea-language, a kind of slight caulking used at sea, in a prospect of foul weather, about the ports: it consists in driving a little oakum into their seams, to prevent the water's coming in at them. CLINIC medicine, particularly used for the method of visiting and treating sick persons in bed, and the more exact discovery of all the symptoms of their dis- ease. CLINOPODIX M, field-basil, a genus of the gym- nospennia order, in the didynamift class of plants; and the natural method ranking under the 41st order, as- perifolise. The involucrum consists of many small bris- tles under the verticillus or whorl of flowers. There are five species, all herbaceous plants growing from one to two feet high. They are remarkable oidy for their strong odour, being somewhat between marjoram and basil. CLIO, in zoology, a genus of insects belonging to the vermes mollusca. The body is oblong and fitted for swimming: it has two membranaceous wings placed op- posite to each other. There are three species, princi- C L 0 C L O pally distinguished hy the shape of the vagiifa, and all na- tives of the ocean. See PlateXXXIII.Nat.ilist. fig. 118. CLITORIA, a genus of the decandria order in the diadc Iphia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 3 2d order, papilionacese. The corol- la is supine, or turned down-side up; with the vexil- lum or flag-petal very large, patenr., and almost cover- ing the alse or wing-petals. There arc five species, all herbaceous perennials; or annual s of the kidney-bean kind, growing naturally in both the Indies. The stalk is climbing, slender, and of the height of a man. The leaves are-winged. The flowers, which are elegant, stand singly, each on its proper footstalk. They are very large, and generally of a deep blue, hut sometimes of a white co- lour. From the fruit of this plant is distilled an eye-water. CLOACA, in Roman antiquity, the common sewer, by which the filth of the city of Rome was carried away. It was built with great stones, in the form of an arch, so well fastened and cemented together, that the contin- ual running of water and filth had not damaged it in the space of 700 years. There were many sinks in the city, which all fell into this common sewer; and the officers ap- pointed to take care of this work, and to see it repaired, were called euratores cloacarum urhis. CLOATHED. in the sea-language. A mast is said to be cloathed, when the sail is so long as to reach down to the gratings of the hatches, so that no wind can blow below the sail. CLOCK, a kind of movement or machine, serving to measure and strike time. The usual chronometers are watches and clocks: the former arc such as show the parts of time; the latter, such as publish it by striking: though the name watch is commonly appropriated to pocket-clocks; and that of clock to larger machines, whether they strike or no. Clocks, invention of. The invention of clocks with wheels is ascribed to Pacificus, archdeacon of Verona, who lived in the time of Loth air sun of Lewis the Dc- bonnair, on the credit of an epitaph quoted by Ughilli, and borrowed by him from Panvinius. They were at first called nocturnal dials, to distinguish them from sun- dials, which showed the hour by the sun's shadow. Others ascribe the invention to Boethius, about A. D. 510. Mr. Derham makes clock-work of a much older standing; and ranks Arc bimedes's sphere mentioned by Claudiau, and that of Posidonius mentioned by Cicero, among the machines of this kind: not that either their form or use was the same with those of ours, but that they bad their motion from some hidden weights or springs, with wheels,orpullies, or some such clock-work princi- ple. But be this as it may, it is certain the art of mak- ing clocks, such as are now used, was either first invent- ed, or at least revived, not more than 200 years ago. The < b psydne, or water-clocks, and sun-dials, have a much beti.'i- claim to antiquity. The French annals mention one of the former kind sent by Aaron, kalif of Persia, to Charlemagne, about A. I). 807, which seem- ed to bear some resemblunee to the modern clocks. It was of brass, and showed the hours by 12 little halls of the same metal which fell at the end of each hour, and in falling struck a bell unci made' it sound. There were also figures of 12 cavaliers which at the end of each hour came forth at certain apertures or windows in the side ofthe clock, and shut them again, &c. The invention of pendulum clocks is owing to ihe happy industry of the century before last: the honour of it is disputed by Huygens and Galileo. The former, who has written a volume on the subject, declares it was first put in prac- tice in 1657, and the description thereof printed in 1658. Becher, c7e? Nova Temporis dimetien.li Tiieoria, A. D. 1680, contends for Galileo: and relates, though at se'- cond-hand, the whole history of the invention; adding that one Tresler, clock-maker to the then father ofthe grand duke of Tuscany, made the first pendulum clock at Florence, by direction of Galileo Galilei; a pattern oi which was brought into Holland. The Academy del Ciinento says expressly , that the application ofthe pen- dulum to the movement of a clock was first proposed hy Galileo, and first put in practice by his son Vincenzo Galilei, in 1649. Be the inventor who may, it is cer- tain tbe invention never fl mrished till it came into Huy- gens's hands, wdio insists, that if ever Galileo thought of such a thing, he never brought it to any degree of per- fection. The first pendulum clock made in England was in 1662, by Mr. Fromantil, a Dutchman. Before the invention ofthe pendulum a balance was used resembling the fly of a jack. In Plate XXXII. fig. 1 is the profile of a clock: P is a weight that is suspended by a rope that winds about the cy- linder or barrel C, which is fixed upon the axis art; tbe pi- vots bb go into holes made in plates TS, TS, in which they turn freely. These plates are made of brass or iron, and are connected by 4 pillars ZZ; and the whole together is called theframe. The weight P, if not restrained, would necessarily turn the barrel C with an uniform accelerat- ed motion, in the same' manner as if the weight was fall- ing freely from a height. But the barrel is furnished with a ratchet wheel Ivlv, fig. the right side of whose teeth strikes against the click, which is fixed with aserew to the wheel I), so that the action ofthe weight is com- municated to the wheel D, the teeth of which act upon the teeth of the small wheel d which turns upon the pivots cc. The communication or action of one wheel with another is called the pitching; a small wheel liked is call- ed a pinion, and its teeth arc leaves ofthe pinion. Several things are requisite to form a good pitching, the ad- vantages of which are obvious in all machinery where teeth and pinions are employed. The teeth andpiniou leaves should be of a proper shape, and perfectly equal among themselves; the size also of the pinion should be of a just proportion to the wheel acting into it; and its place must be at a certain distance from the wheel, be- yond or within which it will make a bad pitching. The wheel EE is fixed upon the axis ofthe pinion d; and the motion communicated to the wheel l)D by the weight is transmitted to the pinion d. consequently to the wheel EE, as likewise to the pinion e and wheel FF, wbich moves the pinion upon the axis ed' which the crown or balance wheel G H is fixed. The pivots ofthe pinion/ play in holes of the plates L, M, which are fixed hori- zontally to the plates TS. The motion begun by the weight is transported from the wheel G il to the plates I K, and by means of the fork X U ri vetted on the pa- lettes, communicates motion to the pendulum V H. which is suspended upon the hook A. The pendulum V II des- cribes, on the point A, an arc of a circle alternately go- CLOCKS. ing and returning. If then the pendulum is once put in motion by a push of the hand, the weight of the pendulum at B will make it return upon itself, and it will continue to go alternately backward and forward till the resis- tance of the air upon the pendulum, and the friction at the point of suspension at A, destroys the original im- pressed force. But at every vibration ofthe pendulum, the teeth ofthe balance wheel, GH, act so upon the pa- lettes I K (the pivots upon the axis of these palettes play in two holes of the potence s t), that after one tooth H has communicated motion to the palette K, that tooth escapes; then the opposite tooth G acts upon the palette I, and escapes in the same manner; and thus each tooth of the wheel escapes the palettes I K, after having com- municated their motion to the palettes in such a manner that the pendulum, instead of being stopped, continues to move. The wheel EE revolves in an hour; the pivot c of this wheel passes through the plate, and is continued to r; upon the pivot is a wheel N N with a long socket fastened in the centre: upon the extremity of this socket r, the minute-hand is fixed. The wheel N N acts upon the wheel O; the pinion of which p acts upon the wheel q q, fixed upon a socket, which turns along with the wheel N. This wheel q q makes its revolution in 12 hours, upon the socket of which the hour hand is fixed. Thus it is plain, 1. That the weight P turns all the wheels, and at the same time continues the motion of the pendulum. 2. That the quickness of the motion of the wheels is determined by that of the pendulum. 3. That the wheels point out the parts of time divided by the uniform motion of the pendulum. When the cord upon which the weight is suspended is entirely run down from off the barrel, itis wound up again by a key, which goes on the square end ofthe arbor at Q, by turning it in a contrary direction to that in which the weight descends. For this purpose, the inclined side of the teeth ofthe wheel R, fig. 2, removes the click C, so that the ratchet-wheel R turns while the wheel D is at rest; but as soon as the cord is wound up, the click falls in between the teeth jof the wheelD, and the right side fo the teeth again acts upon the end of the click, which obliges the wheel D to turn along with the barrel; and the spring A keeps the click between the teeth of the ratchet-wheel R. To explain how time is measured by the motion ofthe pendulum; and how the wheel E, upon the axis of which the minute-hand is fixed, makes but one precise revolu- tion in an hour; we must observe, that the vibrations of a pendulum are performed in a shorter or longer time in proportion to the length ofthe pendulum itself. A pendulum of 3 feet 8| French lines in length, makes 3600 vibrations in an hour: i. e. each vibration is performed in a second of time, and for that reason it is called a second pendulum. But a pendulum of 9 inches 2| French lines makes 7200 vibrations in an hour, ortwo vibrations in a second of time, and is called a half-second pendulum. Hence, in constructing a wheel whose revolution must be performed in a given time, the time of the vibrations of the pendulum which regulates its motion, must be con- sidered. Supposing, then, that the pendulum A B makes 7200 vibrations in an hour, let us consider how the wheel E shall take up an hour in making one revolution. This entirely depends on the number of teeth in the wheels and pinions.* If tho balance wheel consists of 30 teeth, it will turn once in the time that the pendulum makes 60 vibrations: fir at every turn ofthe wheel, the same tooth acts once on the palette I, and once on the palette K, which occasions two separate vibrations in the pen. duliiin; and the wheel having 30 teeth, it occasions twice 30, or 60 vibrations. Consequently, this wheel must perform 120 revolutions in an hour; because 60 vibra- tions, which it occasions at cxevy revolution, are con- tained 120 times in 7200, the number of vibrations per- formed hythe pendulum in an hour. To determine the number of teeth for the wheels EE, and their pinions e, f, it must be remarked, that one revolution of the wheel E must turn the pinion e as many times, as the number of teeth in the pinion is contained in the number of teeth in the wheel. Thus, if the wheel E contains 72 teeth, and the pinion e, 6, the pinion will make 12 revolutions in the time that the wheel makes 1; for each tooth ofthe wheel drives forward the tooth of tbe pinion; and when the six teeth ofthe pinion are moved, a complete revolution is performed; but the wheel E lias by that time only ad- vanced 6 teeth, and has still 66 to advance before its re- volution is completed, which will occasion 11 more re- volutions of the pinion. For the same reason, the wheel F having 60 teeth, and the pinion / 6, the pinion will make 10 revolutions while the wheel performs one. Now, the wheel F, being turned by the pinion e, male s 12re- volutions for one of the wheel E: and the pinion /makes 10 revolutions for one of the wheel F; consequently the pinion/perforins 10 times 12 or 120 revolutions in the time the wheel E perf'irms one. But the wheel G, which is turned by tbe pinion /, occasions 60 vibrations in the pendulum each time it turns round; consequent!', the wheel G occasions 60 times 120 or 7200 vibrations of the pendulum while the wheel E perforins one revolution; but 7200 is the number of vibrations made by the pen- dulum in an hour; and consequently the wheel E per- forms but one revolution in an hour, and so of the rest. From this reasoning, it is easy to discover how a clock may be made to go for any length of time without being wound up: 1. By increasing the number of teeth in the wheels; 2. By diminishing the number of teeth in the pinions; 3. By increasing the length of the cord that suspends the weight; 4. By increasing the length of the pendulum; and, 5. By adding to the number of wheels and pinions. But, in proportion as the time is augmented, if the weight continues the same, the force which it com- municates to the last wheel, G H, will he diminished. It only remains to take notice of the number of teeth in the wheels which turn the hour and minute hands. The wheel E perforins ons revolution in an hour; the wheel N N, which is turned by the axis of the wheel E, must likewise make one revolution in the same time; and the minute-hand is fixed to the socket of this wheel. The wheel Nhas 30 teeth, and acts upon the wheel O, which has likewise 30 teeth, and the same diameter; conse- quently the wheel O takes one hour to a revolution: now the wheel O carries the pinionp, which has six teeth, and w hich acts upon the wheel qq of 72 teeth; consequently the pinion p makes 12 revolutions, while the wheel qq makes one; and of course the wheel qq takes 12 hours to one revolution, and upon the socket of this wheel the hour-hand is fixed. All that has been said here con- CLOCKS. ceming the revolutions of the wheels, &c. of clocks, is equally applicable to the general movements of watches. Dr. Franklin contrived a clock to show the hours, minutes, and seconds with only three wheels and two pinions in the whole movement. The dial-plate, fig. 3. has the hours engraved upon it in spiral spaces along two diameters of a circle containing four times 60 min- utes. The index A goes round in four hours, and counts the minutes from any hour which it has passed to the next following hour. The time, therefore, in the posi- tion of the index shown in the figure, is either 30 min- utes past XII, IV, or VIII; anil so in every other quar- ter of the circle it points to the number of minutes after the hours which the index last left in its motion. The small hand B, in the arch at top, goes round once in a minute, and shows the seconds. The wheel-work of this clock may be seen in fig. 4. A is the first or great wheel containing 160 teeth, and going round in four hours with the index A in fig. 3 let down by a hole on its axis. The wheel turns a pinion of 10 leaves, which therefore goes round in a quarter of an hour. On the axis of this pinion is the wheel C of 120 teeth; which goes round in the same time, and turns a pinion D of 8 leaves round in a minute, with the second-hand B of fig. 3 fixed on its axis, and also the common wheel E of 30 teeth for moving a pendulum (by palettes) that vibrates seconds, as in a common clock. This clock is wound up by a cord going over a pulley on the axis of the great wheel, like a common thirty-hours clock. Many of these admirably simple machines have been constructed, which measure time exceedingly well. It is subject, however, to the inconvenience of requiring frequent winding by drawing up the wreight, and likewise to some uncertainty as to the particular hour shown by the in- dex A. Mr. Ferguson has proposed to remedy these in- conveniences by the following construction: In the dial- plate of his clock, fig. 5, there is an opening, abed, he- low the centre; through which appears part of a flat plate: on this the 12 hours, with their divisions into quarters, are engraved. This plate turns round in 12 hours: and the index A points out the true hour, e\.c. B is the minute-hand, which goes round the large circle of 60 minutes whilst the plate abed shifts its place one hour under the fixed index A. There is another open- ing, efg h, through which the seconds are seen on aflat moveable ring at the extremity of a fleur-de-lis engraved on the dial-plate. A in fig. 6 is the great wheel of this clock, containing 120 teeth, and turning round in 12 hours. The- axis of this wheel bears the plate of hours, which may he moved by a pin passing through small holes drilled in the plate, without affecting the wheel- work. The great wheel A turns a pinion B of 10 leaves round in an hour, and carries the minute-hand B on its axis round the dial-plate in the same time. On this axis is a wheel C of 120 teeth, turning round a pinion D of 6 leaves in three minutes: on the axis of which there is a wheel E of 90 teeth, that keeps a pendulum in motion, vibrating seconds by palettes, as in a common clock, when the pendulum-wheel has only 30 teeth, and goes round in a minute. In order to show the seconds by this clock, a thin plate must be divided into 3 times 60, or 180 equal parts, and numbered 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, three \OL. i. 71 times successively; and fixed on the same axis with the whet! of 90 teeth, so as to turn round near the back of dial-plate: and these divisions will show the seconds through the opening efg h, fig. 5. This clock will g« a week without winding, and always show the precise hour; but this clock, as Mr. Ferguson candidly acknow- ledges, has two disadvantages of which Dr. Franklin's clock is free. When the minute-hand B is adjusted, the hour-plate must also be set right by means of a pin; and the smallness of the teeth in the pendulum wheel will cause the pendulum ball to discribe but small arcs in its vibrations: and therefore the momentum of the ball will be less, and the times of the vibrations will be more af- fected by any unequal impulse of the pendulum wheel om the palettes. Besides, the weight of the flat ring on which the seconds are engraved will load the pivots of the axis of the pendulum wheel with a great deal of fric- tion, which ought by all possible means to be avoided. To remedy this inconvenience, the second-plate might be omitted. A clock similar to Dr. Franklin's was made in Lincolnshire many years ago. Thus far refers to what is usually called clock-work; but watches are so far on a different construction that they are set in motion by a spring. The manner that a weight acts upon the cylinder, about which the line or cord to which it hangs is wound, is easy to be understood by all; but the action ofthe spring coiled up within the cylindric barrel, or box of a clock or watch, is some- what more nice and mysterious; and the manner how it acts upon the fusee always with an equal force, by means of the chain and the proper figure of the fusee for that purpose is next to he explained. The chain being fixed at one end of the fusee, and at the other to the barrel; when the machine is winding up, the fusee is turned round, and of course the barrel; on the inside of which is fixed one end of the spring, the other end being fixed to an immoveable axis in the centre. As the barrel moves round, it coils the spring several times about the axis, thereby increasing its clastic force to a proper degree: all this while the chain is drawn off the barrel upon the fusee; and then, when the instrument is wound up, the spring, by its elastic force endeavour- ing constantly to unbend itself, acts upon the barrel, by carrying it round, by which the chain is drawn off from the fusee, and thus turns the fusee, and consequently the whole machinery. Now as the spring unbends it- self by degrees, its elastic force, by which it affects the fusee, will gradually decrease; and therefore, unless there was some mechanical contrivance in the figure of the superficies ofthe fusee, to cause, that, as the" spring grows weak, the chain shall he removed farther from the centre ofthe fusee, so that what is lost in the spring's elasticity is gained in the length of the lever: wash: not for this contrivance, the spring's force would always he unequal upon the fusee, and thus would turn the fusee and consequently the whole machinery, unequally. All this is remedied by the conical figure Of the fusee. The fusee being acted upon, or put in motion, by an uniform force, the great wheel, which is fixed to it, is put into motion, and that drives the pinion of the centre-wheel, which centre-wheel drives the pinion of the third wheel. and this drives the pinion ofthe contrate wheel, and this the pinion ot the balance-wheel, which plies tbe iwo pa- CLOCK-WORK. lettes on the axis of the balance, and keeps the balance in motion. The balance in a watch is instead of the pendulum in a clock, both serving to govern tbe motion of the whole machinery. To this balance is fixed a small steel spiral spring, which regulates its motions, and makes it equa- ble: whence it has its name of regulator. When the watch is wound up, the chain from the spring exerts a force upon the fusee, which gives motion to all the parts of the machine, in the following manner; as will be easy to understand, when the number of teeth in each wheel, and leaves in the pinions which they drive, are specified, and these in modern thirty-hour watches ire as follows: Teeth. Leaves. Great wheel * 48 12 Centre-wheel 54 6 Third wheel 48 6 Contrate-wheel 48 6 Balance-wheel 15 2 palettes Hence it is easy to conceive how often any one wheel moves round in the time of one revolution of that which drives it. Thus the great wheel on the fusee, having 48 teeth, and driving the centre-wheel by a pinion of 12, must cause the centre-wheel to move round four times in one turn ofthe fusee, and so for all the rest, as follows: 12) 48 (4 = turns ofthe centre ^ ^ wheel. 6) 54 (9 = turns of the third 6) 48 (8 = turns of the contrate 6) 48 (8 = turns of the balance j Whence it follows, that the turns of each of these wheels respectively, in one turn of the fusee, will he had by mul- tiplying those several quotients together successively, as follows: 4X H _~ ffusee-wheel. 1 = 4 j £ j centre-wheel. 9X4x1= 36 ^ x <; third-wheel. 8x9x4x1= 288 | S j contrate-wheel. 8x8x9x4x1= 2304J £ (J>alance-wheel. But all that has been hitherto said shows only the min- utes of an hour, and seconds or quarter-seconds of a minute; for nothing has been yet mentioned relating to the mechanism for showing the hour of the day. This part of the work lies concealed from sight, between the upper plate of the watch-frame and the dial-plate. In this work, ABC (Plate XXXII. fig. 7.) is the uppermost side of the frame-plate, as it appears when detached from the dial-plate: the middle of this plate is perforated with a hole, receiving that end ofthe arbor of the centre-wheel which carries the minute-hand; near the plate is fixed a pinion a & of ten teeth: this is called the pinion of report; it drives a wheel c d of forty teeth; this wheel c d car- ries a pinion ef of twelve teeth; and this drives a wheel g h with thirty-six teeth. As in the body of the watch the wheels every where divide the pinions, here, on the contrary, the pinions di- vide the wheels, and by that means decrease the motion, which is here necessary; for the hour hand, which is car- ried on a socket fixed on the wheel g A, is required to move hut once round, while the pinion ab moves twelve times round. To this end the motion of the wheel cd is I of the pinion ab: again, while the wheel cd, or the pi. nion ef, goes once round, it turns the wheel g h but ' part round; consequently the motion of gh is but i of » ofthe motion of ab; but ■} of | = ,*,, that is, the hour! wheel gh moves once round in the time that the pinion of report, on the arbor of the centre or minute-wheel, makes twelve motions, as required. Cxock-woek, properly so called, is that part of the movement which strikes the hours, &c.on a bell; in con- tradistinction to that part of the movement of a clock or watch which is designed to measure and exhibit the time on a dial-plate, and which is termed watch-work. The wheels composing the clock part are: the great or first wheel E (see Plate XXXII. fig. 8), which is mo- ved by the weight or spring at the barrel D: in sixteen or thirty-hour clocks, this has usually pins, and is called the pin-wheel; in eight-day pieces the second wheel L is commonly the pin-wheel, or striking wheel, which is moved by the former. Next the striking wheel is the de- tent wheel, or hoop wheel m, having a hoop almost round it, wherein is a vacancy at which the clock locks. The next is the third or fourth wheel, according to its distance from the first, called the warning wheel, n. To these must be added the pinion of report,», which drives round the locking wheel, called also the count wheel; ordinarily with eleven notches in it, unequally distant, to make the clock strike the hours. Besides the wheels, to the clock part belong the rash or ratch; a kind of wheel with twelve large fangs, running concentrical to the dial wheel, and serving to lift up the detents every hour, and make the clock strike: the detents or stops, which being lifted up and let fall, lock and unlock the clock in striking; the hammer, as S, which strikes the bell R; the hammer- tails, as T, by which the striking pins draw back the hammers; latches, whereby the work is lifted up and un- locked; and lifting pieces, as P, which lift up and unlock the detent O. The method of calculating the numbers of a piece of clock-work has something in it very entertain- ing, and at the same time easy and useful. We therefore shall here give the rules: l. Regard here needs only be had to the count wheel, striking wheel, and detent wheel, which move round in this proportion: the count wheel commonly goes round once in twelve or twenty- four hours; the detents wheel moves round every stroke the clock strikes, or sometimes hut once in two strokes: wherefore it follows, that, 2. As many pins as are in the pin wheel, so many turns has the detent wheel in one turn of the pin wheel; or, which is the same, the pins of the pm wheel are the quotients of that wheel divided by the pinion of the detent wheel. But if the detent wheel move but once round in two strokes of the clock, then the said quotient is but half the number of pins. 3. As many turns of the pin wheel as are required to perform the strokes of 12 hours (which are 78), so many turns must the pinion of report have to turn round the count wheel once: or thus, the quotient of 78, divided by the number of striking pins, shall be the quotient for the pinion of report and the count wheel; and this is in case the pinion of report be fixed to the arbor of the pin wheel, which is commonly done. An example will make all plain: the CLOCK-WORK. locking wheel being 48, the pinion of re- 8) 48 ( 6. port 8, the pin wheel 78, the striking pins ---------are 13, and so ofthe rest. Note also, that 78 6) 78 (13. divided by 13 gives 6, the quotient of the 6) 60 (10. pinion of report. As for the warning wheel 6) 48 ( 8. and fly wheel, it mallei's little what num- bers they have; their use being only to bridle the rapidity of the motion of the other wheels. The watch part of a clock or watch is that part ofthe movement which is designed to measure and exhibit the time on a dial-plate; in contradistinction to that part which contributes to the striking of the hour, &c. The several members ofthe watch parts are, 1. The balance, consisting of the rim, which is its circular part; and the verge, which is its spindle; to which belong two palettes, or leaves, that play in the teeth of the crown wheel. 2. The potence, or pottance, which is the strong stud in pocket-watches, whereon the lower pivot of the verge plays, and in the middle of which one pivot of the ba- lance wheel plays; the bottom of the pottance is called the foot, the middle part the nose, and the upper part the shoulder. 3. The cock, which is the piece covering the balance. 4. The regulator, or pendulum spring, which is the small spring, in watches, underneath the balance. 5. The pendulum (see Plate XXXII. fig. 8), whose parts are, the verge, palettes 5,5, cocks, the rod, the fork, the flat, the bob or great ball, and the corrector or regulator, being a contrivance for bringing the pendu- lum to its nice vibrations. 6. The wheels, which are the crown wheel F, in pocket pieces, and swing wheel in pen- dulums; serving to drive the balance or pendulum. 7. The contratc wheel E, which is that next the crown wheel, &c. and whose teeth and hoop lie contrary to those of other wheels; whence the name. 3. The great, or first wheel C; wrhich is that which the fusee immedi- ately drives, by means ofthe chain or string of the spring box or barrel D; after which are the second wheel, third wheel, Sec. Lastly, between the frame and dial-plate is the pinion of report, wiiich is that fixed on the arbor of the great wheel; and serves to drive the dial wheel, as that serves to carry the hand. The method of calculation is easily understood: for suppose the great wheel Egoes round once in 12 hours; then if it is a royal pendulum clock, swinging seconds, we have 60 x 60 x 12 = 43200 seconds or beats in one turn of the great wheel: but be- cause there are sixty beats or seconds in one minute, and the seconds are shown by an index on the end of the ar- bor of the swing wheel, which in those clocks is an hori- zontal position; therefore it is necessary that the swing wheel should have 60 teeth; whence t?™L = 720, the number to be broken into quotients for finding the num- ber of teeth for the other wheels and pinions. In the year 1803 the Society for the Encouragement of Arts, &c. presented to Mr. John Prior, of Ncssfield, Yorkshire, a reward of thirty guineas, on account of his contrivance for the striking part of an eight-day clock. It consists of a wheel and fly, with six turns of a spiral line, cut upon tbe wheel for the purpose of counting the hours. The pins below this spiral elevate the hammer, and those above are for the use of the detent. This single wheel serves the purpose of iount-whcel, pin-wheel, de- tent-wheel, and the fly-wheel, and has six revolutions in striking the twelve hours. If we suppose a train of wheels and pinions used in other striking parts to be made with- out error, and that the wheels and pinions would turn each other without shake or play; then allowing the above supposition to be true (though every mechanic knows it is not), Mr. Prior's striking part would be found six times superior to others, in striking the hours 1, 2, 5, 7, 10, 11; twelve times superior in striking 4, 6, 8; and 18 times, in striking 3, 9, and 12. In striking 2, the inventor purposely made an imperfection equal to the space of three teeth of the wheel; and in striking 3, an imperfection of nine or ten teeth; and yet both these hours are struck perfectly correct. Clocks, table and rales for regulating. Hy the follow- ing table, clocks and watches may be so regulated as to measure true equal time. D. H. M. s. 1 0 3 56 2 0 •7 52 3 0 11 48 4 0 15 44 5 0 19 39 6 0 23 35 7 0 27 31 8 0 31 27 9 0 35 23 10 0 39 19 11 0 43 15 12 0 47 11 13 0 51 7 14 0 55 3 15 0 58 58 D. H. M. s. 16 1 2 54 17 1 6 50 18 1 10 46 19 1 14 42 20 1 18 38 21 1 22 34 22 1 26 30 23 1 30 26 24 1 34 22 25 1 38 17 26 1 43 13 27 1 46 9 28 1 50 5 29 1 54 1 30 1 57 57 The stars make 366 revolutions from any point of the compass to the same point again in 365 days and one minute; and therefore they gain a 365th of a revolution every 24 hours of mean solar time, near enough for regu- lating any clock or watch. This acceleration is at the rate of 3 min. 55 sec. 53 thirds, 59 fourths, in 24 hours; or, in the nearest round numbers, 3 min. 56 sec. by which quantity of time every star comes round sooner than it did on the day before. Therefore if you mark the precise moment shown hy a clock or watch when any star van- ishes behind a chimney, or any other object, as seen through a small hole in a thin plate of metal, fixed in a window-shutter; and do this for several nights succes- sively (as suppose twenty); if at the end of that time the star vanishes as much sooner than it did the first night, by the clock, as answers to the time denoted in the tabic for so many days, the clock goes true, otherwise not. If the difference between the clock and the star be less than the table shows, the clock goes too fast; if greater, it goes too slow, and must be regulated accordingly, by letting down or raising the ball of the pendulum, by little and little, by turning the screw-nut under the ball, till you find it keeps true equal time. Thus, supposing the star should disappear behind a chimney any night when it is 12 by the clock, and that on the 20th night afterward the same star should disappear when the time is 41 min. 22 sec. past 10 by the clock, which being subtracted from I* hours, 0 min. 0 sec. leaves remaining 1 hour 18 min. 38 C L 0 sec. for the time the star is then faster than the clock; look in the table, and against 30, in tbe left hand column, you will find the acceleration ofthe star to be 1 hour, 18 min. 38 sec. agreeing exactly with what the difference ought to be between the clock and star: which shows that the clock measures true equal time, and agrees with the mean solar time, as it ought to do. Clock-work, extraordinary pieces of. Amongst the modern clocks, those at Strasburg and Lyons are very eminent for the richness of their furniture, and the vari- ety of their motions and figures. In the former, a cock claps his wings, and proclaims the hour; and the angel opens a door, and salutes the Virgin, and the Holy Spirit descends on her, Sec. In the latter, two horsemen encoun- ter, and beat the hour on each other; a door opens, and there appear on the theatre the Virgin, with Jesus Christ in her arms; the magi, with their retinue, marching in order, and presenting their gifts, two trumpeters sound- ing all the while to proclaim the procession. These, how- ever, are excelled by two which were lately made by English artists, and sent as a present from the East In- dia company to the emperor of China. These clocks are in the form of chariots, in which are placed, in a fine at- titude, a lady, leaning her right hand upon apart ofthe chariot; under which is a clock of curious workmanship, little larger than a shilling, that strikes and repeats, and goes eight days. Upon her finger sits a bird finely model- led, and set with diamonds and rubies, with its wings ex- panded in a flying posture, and actually flutters for a considerable time on touching a diamond button below it; the body of the bird (wbich contains part of the wheels lhat in a manner give life to it) is not the bigness ofthe 16th part of an inch. The lady holds in her left hand a gold tube, not much thicker than a large pin, on the top of which is a small round box, to which a circular orna- ment set with diamonds not larger than a sixpence is fix- ed, which goes round near three hours in a constant regu- lar motion. Over the lady's head, supported by a small fluted pillar no bigger than a quill, are two umbrellas: under the largest of which a bell is fixed, at a consider- able distance from the clock, and seeming to have no connection with it; but from which a communication is secretly conveyed to a hammer, that regularly strikes fhe hour, and repeats the same at pleasure by touching a diamond button fixed to the clock below. At the feet of the lady is a gold dog, before which, from the point of i he chariot, are two birds, fixed on spiral springs; the wings and feathers of which arc set with stones of various colours, and appear as if flying away with the chariot, which, from another secret motion, is contrived to run in a straight, circular, or any other direction. A boy that lays hold of the chariot behind seems also to push it for- ward. Above the umbrella are flowers and ornaments of precious stones, and it terminates with a flying dragon set in the same manner. The whole is of gold, most curi- ously executed, and embellished with rubies and pearls. Clocks, statutes respecting. By stat. 9 and 10 W. III. cap. 28. § 2. no person shall export, or endeavour to export, out of this kingdom, any outward or inward box, case, or dial-plate, of gold, silver, brass, or other metal, forelock or watch, without the movement in or with every such box, Sec. made up fit for use, with the maker's name en- graved thereon; nor shall any person make up any clock C L 0 or watch without putting his name and place of abode *r freedom, and no other name or place, on every rlock or watch, on penalty of forfeiting every such box, case, and dial-plate, dock and watch, not made up and engraved as aforesaid: and 20/.; one moiety to the king, the other t« those that shall sue for the same. By stat. 17 Geo. III. cap. 108. an annual duty must be paid of 5s. for every clock or time-keeper, of 10s. for every gold watch, and 2*. 6rf. for every silver or metal watch, by the respective proprietors; under the penalty of \0l. for neglecting to deliver lists of these articles, or double duty for omissions in such lists, and of 10/. more for not giving in a declar- ation respecting them within 14 days after receiving no- tice from the assessors. Duties on clocks let with houses are to be paid by the occupiers, but when these are empty, by the landlords. These duties do not extend to such householders as are not liable to the house and window tax, for one clock, or one silver or metal watch. Clocks not worth more than 20s. are also exempted, to occupiers of houses not exceeding ten windows. The royal family, foreign ambassadors, hospitals, churches, servants ia husbandry, soldiers, marines, sailors, and licensed watch- makers, pawn-brokers, and dealers in clocks and watches, are also exempted. These last must pay 2s. 6d. annually for their licenses within London and Westminsteiyaml Is. elsewhere, under a penalty of 51. This act has been since repealed. CLOFF, that in which any goods are put for the con- venience of carriage; as the bags of pepper or hops, the barrels of butter, soap, Sec. CLOSE, in heraldry. When any bird is drawm in a coat of arms with its wings close down about it, and in a standing posture, they blazon it by this word close; but if it is flying they call it volant. Close-fights, in the sea-language, such bulk-heads as are in a close fight put up fore and aft in ship, for the men to stand behind them secure, and fire upon the enemy; and if the ship is boarded, to secure and clear the decks. CLOTH, in commerce, a manufacture made of wool wrove on the loom. The term is applicable also to other manufactures made of hemp, flax, Sec. but in a more particular sense it implies the web or tissue of woollen threads interwo- ven; some whereof, called the warp, are extended in length from one end ofthe piece to the other: the rest, called the woof, disposed across the first, or breadthwise of the piece. The best wool for the manufacturing of cloths are those of England and Spain, especially those of Lincoln- shire and Segovia. To use those wools to the best ad- vantage, they must be scoured, by putting them into a liquor somewhat more than lukewarm, composed of three parts fair water, and one of urine. After the wool has continued long enough in the liquor to soak, and dis- solve the grease, it is drained and well washed in run- ning water. When it feels dry, and has no smell but that ofthe sheep, is said to be duly scoured. After this it is hung to dry in the shade, the heat of the sun mak- ing it harsh and inflexible; when dry, it is beaten with rods upon hurdles of wood, or on cords, to cleanse it from dust and the grosser filth; the more it is thus beaten and cleansed, the softer it becomes, and the better for spinning. After beating, it must be well picked, to free CLO C L U it from the rest of the filth that had escaped the rods. It is now iii a p'opcr condition to be oiled, and carded on larg.' iron cards, placed slopewise. Olive-oil is esteem- the b ready with his crew to man the boat on all occasions: he sits at the stern of the boat, and steers. CocK-wrATi:n, among miners, a stream of water, brought into a trough, to wash away the sand from tin ore, while stamping in the middle. COCKETT, cockettum, cocketum. The custom-house seal, or the office where goods to be wooden shivers, to ke.-p them from splitting and galling by the pin of the block. COCKETT, cockettum, cocketum. The custom-house or the office where goods to be transported arc first en- tered, and pay their custom; and are to have a cockett, signifingthat their merchandises are customed, and may be discharged, See Custom-house. COCOS, in botany, a genus belonging to the natural order of palnise. It is of the monoecia hexandria. The calyx of the male is tripartite; the corolla tripetalous, with six stamina. The calyx of the female quinquepar- tite; the corolla tripetalous; the stigmata three; and the plum coriaceous. There are five species. The princi- pal is, Coccs nucifera, the cocoa-nut tree. It is supposed to be a native of the Maldivc, and some desert islands in the East Indies, and thence to have been trans- ported to all the warm parts of America: for it is not found in any of the inland parts, nor any where far dis- tant from settlements. It frequently rises 60 feet high. The body of the trunk, which generally leans to one side, occasioned by the great weight of nuts it sustains when young, is the exact shape of an apothecary's large iron pes- tle, being of an equal thickness at top and at bottom, but some what smaller in the middle; its colour is of a pale brown throughout, and the bark smooth. The leaves or branches are often 14 or 15 feet long, about 28 in number, winged of a yellow colour, straight and tapering. The pin- nae are green,often three feet long next the trunk,but di- ininshing in length towards the extremity of the branches, which are fastened at top by brown stringy threads that grow out of them, of the size of ordinary packthread, and are interwoven like a web. The nuts hang at the top ofthe trunk, in clusters of a dozen each. Each nut, next the stem, has three holes closely stopped; one being wider and more easily penetrated than the rest. When the kernel begins to grow it incrusts the inside of the nut in a hlueish, jelly-like substance: as this grows har- der the inclosed liquid, distilled into the nut from the roots, becomes somewhat acid; and the kernel, as the nut ripens, becomes still more solid, and at length lines the whole inside of the nut for above a quarter of an inch thick, being as white as snow, and of the flavour of a filherd. The quantity of liquor in a full grown nut is frequently a pint and upwards. The husky tegument of the nut consists of strong, tough, stringy filaments, which, when removed from the fruit, resemble coarse oakum. Tbe leaves are wrought into brooms, ham- mocks in form of nets, mats, sacks, and other useful uten- sils. The tree is propagated by planting the nuts, which in six or eight weeks will come up, provided they are. C 0 F t 0 F fresh and thoroughly ripe: but this is what few of them are when brought into this country: for they are always gathered before they arc ripe, that they may keep dur- ing the passage. The best way, therefore, would be to gather such nuts as arc thorougly ripe in their native country, and plant them in a tub of dry sand, to keep them from the vermin during the passage. Here they will frequently sprout, wbic h will be an advantage, as tbey may then be immediately planted in pots of earth, ami plunged in the bark-stove. COl'TION, a general term for all alterations made in bodies by the application of fire or beat: of this there are various species, as maturation, friction, assation, elixation, usti.m, &.c. Sec Friction, Sec. and also the ar- ticles Phahmvc v and Decoction. COD. See Uidus. CODE, a collection ofthe laws and constitutions of the Roman emperors, made by order of Justinian. The code is accounted the second volume of tbe civil law, and contains 12 books, the matter of which is nearly the same with that of the digests, especially the first eight books; but the style is neither so pure, nor the method so accu- rate, as that of the digests: and it determines matters *of daily use, whereas the digests discuss the more abstruse and subtile questions ofthe law, giving the various opi- nions ofthe ancient lawyers. CODICIL. Sec Will. COECUM. See Anatomy. COEFFICIENTS, in algebra, such numbers, or gi- ven quantities, as arc put before letters, or unknown quantities, into which letters they are supposed to be mul- tiplied: thus, in 3 a, of bx.ovcxx; 3 is the coefficient or 3 a, b of bx, and c of cxx. When no number is prefixed, uni- ty is supposed to be the coefficient; thus 1 is the coefficient ofa or of b. See Aluehra. Coefficient of any generating term in fluxions, is the quantity arising from the division of that term by the generated quantity. COELIAC artery. Sec Anatomy. Coeliac pvision. Sec Medicine. Coeliac ykin, ill anatomy, that running through the intcstiiiuni rectum, along with the coeliac artery. See Anatomy. COENOBITE, in church history, an order of monks in the primitive christian church. They were so called etirorov koiibv /3i©i/, from living in common, in which they differed from the anachorites, who retired from society. COEI R. in heraldry, a short line of partition in pale, in the centre of the escutcheon, which extends but a little way. much short of the top and bottom, being met by other lines, which form an irregular partition of Tbe es- cutcheon. COFr'EA. the coffee-tree: a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants: and in the na- tural method rauiviug under the -trth order, strtlatse. The corolla is funnel shaped; the stamina above the tube; the berry inferior, dispermous; the seeds arillaled, or having a proper exterior covering dropping off of its own accord. There are 10 species, but that which is most worthv of attention is supposed to be a nalive of Arabia Felix. (See Plate WW 1. Nat. Hist. fig. 133.) The ro flea \rahira seldom rises more than 1G or 18 feet in height; the main stem grows upright, and is covered with a light-brown bark: the branches arc produced horizontally and opposite, crossing each other at every joint. The leaves also stand opposite; and when fully grown are about four or five inches long, and two broad in the middle, decreasing toward each end; the borders are waved, and the surface is of a lucid green. The flowers are produced in clusters at the root of the leaves, sitting close to the branches; they are tubulous, and spread open at the top, where they are divided into five parts: they are of a pure white, and have a grateful odour, but arc of short duration. The fruit, which is the useful part, resembles a cherry. It grows in clus- ters, and is ranged along the brane lies under the axillae of the leaves, of the same green as the laurel, but some- thing longer. When it comes to be of a deep red, it is gathered for exportation. Tbe coffee-tree is cultivated in Arabia, Persia, the East and West Indies, the isle of Bourbon, and several parts of America. It is also raised in botanic gardens in several parts of Europe. It delights particularly in hills and mountains, where its root is almost always dry, and its head frequently watered with gentle showers. It pre- fers a western aspect* and ploughed ground without any appearance of grass. The plants should be placed at eight feet distance from each other, and in holes twelve or fifteen ine lies deep. If left to themselves, they would rise to the height of 16 or 18 feet; but they are generally stinted to five for the convenience of gathering their fruit with the greater ease. Thus dwarfed, they extend their branches so, that they cover the whole spot round about them. They begin to yield fruit the third year, but are not in full bearing till the fifth. With the same infirmities that most other trees are subject to, these are likewise in danger of being destroyed by a worm or by the scorching rays ofthe sun. The hills where the coffee- trees are found have generally a gravelly or chalk bot- tom. In the last, it languishes for some time and then dies, in the former its roots, which seldom fail of strik- ing between stones, obtain nourishment, and keep the tree alive and fruitful for 30 years. This is nearly the period for plants of the coffee-tree. The proprietor, at the end of that time, not only finds himself without trees, but has his land so reduced, that it is not fit for any kind of culture; and unless he is so situated that he can take a spot of virgin land, to make himself amends foi that which is totally exhausted by the coffee-trees, his loss is irreparable. The cofifee-tree is sometimes cultivated in European gardens: but it requires a stove. It makes a fine ap- pearance at all sens.ms of the year, but especially when in flower, and when the berries are red, which is general- ly in the winter, so that they continue a long time iu that state. It is propagated from the berries; but they must be planted immediately when gathered from the tree, for they loose their vegetative quality in a very short time. COFFER, in fortification, a hollow lodgment across a dry moat, IV >m six to seven feet deep, and from 16 to 18 broad, the upper pure being made of pieces of timber, raised two feet above the level of that moat: which little elevation has hurdles, laden with earth, for its covering, and serves as a parapet with embrasure's. The he sieg- ed generally make use of these coffers to repulse the C 0 II besiegers, when they attempt to pass the ditch: they are distinguished only by their length from the caponiers, which are likewise somewhat lrss in breadth; and differ from the traverse and gallery, in that these are made by the besiegers, and the coife.p by the besieged. To save themselves from the fire of these coffers the besiegers enaule, or throw up the earth, on that side towards the coffer. COFFERER of tiie king's household, next under the comptroller, who superintends and pays the other officers ofthe household their wages. COGGSHALL'S sliding-ruJc. See Sltding-rule. COGNATION, in the civil law, a term fir that line of consanguinity which is between males and females, both descended from the same father; as agnation is for the line of parentage between males only descended from the same stock. In France, for the succession to the crown, they follow agnation; in England, Spain, &c. cognation: women coming to the succession according to the degree of proximity, in default of males, or their descendants, from branch to branch. COGNISOR, or connusor, he that passeth or acknow- ledged a fine of lands or teiumienis to another. Cog- niscc, or conusee, is he to whom the fine is acknow- ledged. COGNISANCE, sometimes signifies an acknowledg- ment of fine, and sometimes a power or jurisdiction; as cognisance of pleas is an ability to call a cause or plea out of another court, which no 0113 can do but the king, except he can show charters fir it. COGNITION IB LS mittendis, a writ to one ofthe king's justices of the common pleas, or other that has power to take a fine, and who having taken it, delays to certify the same, commanding him to certify it. COGNOVIT actionem, is an acknowledgment by a defendant, or confession that the plaintiff's cause of ac- tion is just; and who, to save law expenses, suffers judgment to be entered against him; in this case the con- fession generally extends to no more than is contained in the declaration, with costs. COHABITATION, in the civil law, denotes the state ef a man and a woman who live together like husband and wife, without being legally married. By the com- mon law of Scotland, cohabitation for a year and day, or a complete twelvemonth, is deemed equivalent to ma- trimony. COHESION. The force called cohesion is inherent in the particles of all bodies, except caloric and light: for all bodies except these constantly exist in masses compo- sed of an indefinite number of particles united together. This force possesses all the characters of affinity. 1. It acts only at insensible distances; for whenever wre re- move the particles of a body to a perceptible distance from each other, they cease to cohere altogether. 2. Co- hesion is exceedingly various in different bodies: though in the same body, if other things be equal, it is always the same. Thus an iron rod is composed of particles of iron cohering so strongly, that it requires an enormous force to separate them. A smaller force is necessary to overcome the cohesion of lead, and a still smaller to se- parate the particles of chalk from each other. In short, there arc scare ly two bodies whose particles cohere with the same force. The force of cohesion in solid bqdies is C 0 H measured by the weight necessary to break them, or ra- ther to pull them asunder. Thus if a rod of glass is sus- pended in a perpendicular direction, and weights attach- ed to its lower extremity till the rod is broken by them the weight attached to the rod just before it broke is tho measure of the cohesive force of the rod. We are indebt- ed to Muschenbrocck for the most complete set of expe- riments hitherto made upon the cohesive force of solid bodies. Sickengen also has examined the cohesion of se- veral ofthe metals with much accuracy. The results of the labours of the first of these philosophers, with regard to metals and wood, may be seen in the following table in wiiich the numbers denote the pounds avoirdupois which are just sufficient to tear asunder a rod of each of the bodies, whose base is an inch square. I. Metals. Steel, bar 135,000 Iron, bar . 74,500 Iron, cast 50,100 Copper, cast 28,600 Silver, cast 41,500 Gold, cast 22,000 Tin, cast 4,440 Bismuth . 2,900 Zinc . 2,600 Antimony 1,000 Lead, cast 860 II. Woods. Locust-tree 20,100 Jujcb . : 18,500 Beech, oak 17,300 Orange 15,500 Alder 13,900 Elm 13,200 Mulberry 12,500 Willow 12,500 Ash . 12,000 Plum 11,800 Elder 10,000 Pomegranate 9,750 Lemon 9,250 Tamarind 8,750 Fir . 8,330 Walnut 8,130 Pitch-pine 7,656 Quince 6,750 Cypress 6,000 Poplar 5,500 Cedar » 4,880 3. The nature of cohesion has been more happily ex- plained by Boscovich than hy any other philosopher. In- deed it forms the most beautiful and satisfactory part of his theory. According to him, the particles of bodies co- here together when they are placed in the limit of repul- sion and attraction. Two particles, when situated at a certain distance from each other, repel each other mutu- ally; this repulsion gradually diminishes as the distance between the particles increases, till at last when the dis- tance reaches a certain magnitude, the repulsion ceases altogether. If the distance is increased ever so little, the particles now, instead of repelling, attract each other; and this attraction increases with the distance till at last COHESION. it reaches its maximum. From this point it gradually diminishes, till at last, when the particles have acquired a certain distance, it vanishes altogether. If the distance is increased ever so little beyond that distance, the par- licies now again repel each other. He supposes that the insensible distance, between two particles is divided into an indefinite number of portions of alternate repulsions and attractions. Boscovich supposes, that in all cases'of cohesion the particles of the cohering body are so situated as to be in these limits of cohesion with respect to each other. Ac- cording to this very ingenious theory, cohesion is not, properly speaking, a force, but an interval between two forces. And even if we were to modify the theory a lit- tle, still we must consider cohesion as the balancing of two opposite forces, either of which becomes prevalent according as the cohering particles are urged nearer each other or forced to a greater distance. Consequently if we were to speak with precision, cohesion is not itself a force, hut the absence of a force. What has been hith- erto called the force of cohesion, is the attraction which prevents the cohering particles from separating from each other, and which begins to act, or more precisely. which becomes prevalent, when the particles are urged to a greater distance from each other. 4. Boscovich has shown, in a very satisfactory man- ner, bow all the varieties of cohesion may be produced by the differences in tbe size, figure, and density, of the Cohering particles. It deserves attention, that in most cases the cohesive force of simple bodies is greater than that of compound bodies. To this indeed there are a great number of exceptions, but the observation holds in a va- riety of instances. All the metals cohere very strongly; the diamond probably coheres with no less force, if we can judge from its hardness; and the cohesion of sulphur is also very considerable. Thus if we except phosphorus, all the simple substances arc remarkable for cohesion. Those of them which are in the state of elastic fluids must be excluded altogether; because in that particular state the particles, instead of being in the limit of cohesion, are actually repelled. In the earths, too, such of them at least as arc found chrystalli/.ed in a state of purity, the cohesion is very strong. Thus the sapphire or chrystalli- zed alumina, and rock crystal or crystallized silica, are always verv hard, and exhibit a much stronger cohesion than lime-stone, or magnesian stones, which arc compos- ed of heterogeneous bodies. This remark, however, by no means applies to the metals; for in them the cohesion is very often encrcased considerably by alloying them to- gelher. Thus the cohesoin of copper is doubled by alloy- ing with one-sixth ofits weight of tin, though the cohe- sion ofthe tin is scarcely one-sixth of that of the copper. The cohesion of metals is greatly increased by forg- ing them, and by drawing them out into wire. By this last operation gold, silver, and brass, have their cohe- sion nearly tripled; copper and iron more than doubled. 5. There are three states in which bodies exist ex- ceedingly distinct from each other: the state of solids, ofli((iiids, and of elastic fluids. In the first two states the particles cohere with more or less force; but the cohesion produces in them wrv different effects. In the first it pre- vents all relative motion among the particles themselves; in the second, this relative motion is left at full liberty. Hence in solid bodies the motion of one particle is follow- ed by the motion ofthe whole mass; or if that is impos- sible, the cohesion is destroyed altogether. In liquids, on the contrary, the motion of one particle is not necessari- ly followed by that ofthe rest, neither does that motion destroy the cohesion. Boscovich has shown, that solidity and fluidity are the consequence of the figure of the co- hering particles. If that figure is such that the panicles may change their position without altering their rela- tive distances, the consequence must be fluidity; because in that case there is nothing to oppose the motion of any indiv idual particle. This happens when the particles are spherical: but if the figure is such that the particles can- not change their position without altering their relative distances, the bodies which they compose must he solids, because all relative motion of an individual particle is opposed by the attractions and repulsions of all the sur- rounding particles; for every motion must bring the par- ticle out ofthe former limit of cohesion. This happens when the particles have the figure of parallelopipeds, or any other figure except that of spheres. This explanation is exceedingly ingenious; but it would not be an easy task to explain by means of it all the phenomena of solidity and fluidity. How comes it, for instance, that the addition of a certain dose of caloric renders a body fluid which was before solid? If it be an- swered, that it acts by combining with the particles of the solid in such a manner as to render them spherical: how comes it, in that case, that gold and platina, metals which are ductile and malleable* properties which indi- cate a kind of approach to fluidity, and of course sphe- ricity, in the particles of these metals,—how comes it that they require so much more caloric to render them fluid than bismuth or sulphur, which are altogether brit- tle? We must rather consider fluidity as a kind of solu- tion in caloric, analogous to the solution of salts in wa- ter. But this explanation, though it would "do very well in many instances, would lead us in others to difficulties as great as those which we are endeavouring to avoid. The cohesion of liquids is often very considerable. According to sir Isaac Newton, it is nearly proportion- al to the density of the liquid. This holds pretty accu- rately in several instances: but it is not easy to ascertain the cohesion of a liquid with precision, because the par- ticles slide upon each other; and the column ofthe liquid, whose cohesion we are measuring, always becomes smaller; till at last it consists only of a xery small num- ber of particles. Viscid bodies have particles approaching to a spherical form; but deviating from it so far as to occasion a cer- tain resistance to the relative motion of the particles. Solid bodies are of two kinds: tbey may either resist all change of distance in their particles so strongly as not to be capable of comprehension or dilatation without a breach of cohosion; or tbey may admit of both to a cer- tain degree with facility. The first of these constitutes hardness; the second constitutes softness if lhe* practicles retain their new situation, or elasticity if they return again to their old position when the external force is re- moved. Ductility and malleability depend upon the same state as softness, only the partic h s require a greater force to make them change their situation, and assume a new one. COII C O I 6. When a solid body is plunged into a liquid, if the particles of the liquid attract those of the solid with a greater force than these last particles attract each other, they are gradually carried off by the fluid, and combine with its particles, that is to say, the solid is gradually dissolved. Thus sugar is dissolved by water, and sul- phur by oil. The particles ofthe solid thus dissolved are each of them surrounded and combined with a certain number ofthe particles of the liquid. Hence they must be arranged in the liquid in regular order, and at regu- lar distances from each other. The greater the number of particles thus dissolved by the liquid, the smaller is the affinity by which each of them is retained, because it is surrounded by a smaller number of particles of the li- quid. But the greater must be the force with which these particles are attracted towards each other, and of course tend to form the solid again by cohesion; because the greater the number of the particles of the solid dis- solved in the fluid, the nearer they are to each other. Thus it appears that the affinity between the fluid and solid diminishes with the quantity dissolved; but that the tendency to cohesion increases with that quantity. Con- sequently if the solution is supposed to go on, these two opposite forces must at last balance one another; and whenever that happens, the liquid can dissolve no more of the solid. If it did, the particles of the solid would in part cohere, and form a new portion of the solid again. Whenever this happens, the fluid is said to be saturated. The saturation of a fluid then does not mean that its affi- nity for the solid is satisfied, but that it is not greater than the tendency of the combined particles to cohere. Now when a liquid is saturated with a solid, if by any means we can abstract part of that liquid, the cohesive force of the particles of the solid must gain the superi- ority; and the consequence will be, that they will unite and form solid bodies anew, till their number is so much diminished, that their mutual attraction is again coun- terbalanced by the affinity of the liquid. Hence the rea- son that evaporation occasions the crystallization of those bodies which are held in solution by these liquids. 7. These different solid bodies differ excessively from each other in their tendency to cohesion; and this difference can only be ascertained by experiment. Thus the tendency to cohesion, and the force of cohesion, in silica, is so strong, that when it has been precipitated from a solution by eva- poration, it cr.nnot be dissolved again in the same liquid. • This tendency to cohesion, and the consequent inso- lubility ofthe compound, produce many ofthe most im- portant phenomena of chemistry, as they occasion the various precipitations and decompositions which so of- ten take place when different substances are mixed to- gether. See Attraction, and Mechanics. COHORT, colwrs, in Roman antiquity, the name of part ofthe Roman legion, comprehending about six hun- dred men. There were ten cohorts in a legion, the first of which exceeded all the rest, both in dignity and num- ber of men. When the army wras ranged in order of bat- tle, the first cohort took the right of the first line, and the rest followed in their natural order; so that the third w as in the centre of the first line of the legion, and the fifth on the left, the second between the first and third, and the fourth between the third and fifth: the five remaining cohorts formed a second line, in their natural order. COIF. The Serjeants at law are otherwise called Ser- jeants ofthe coif, from the lawn coif tbey wear on their heads, under their caps, when they are created, and al- ways after. COIN denotes all the several stamps and species of money in any nation. In earlier times, when the neces- sity of traffic put men upon the expedient of having money; and metals, on account of their firmness, clean- liness, and durableness, were chosen for timt end; each person cut his metal into pieces of different sizes and forms, according to the quantity to be given for any merchandize, or according to the demand of the seller or the quantity stipulated between them. It was usual then to go to market laden with metal, in proportion to the purchase to be made; and furnished with instruments for proportioning it, and with scale s for dealing it out, according as occasion required. By degrees it was found more convenient to have pieces ready.weighed: and as there were different weights required, all those of the same weight were distinguished with the same mark or figure. At length the growing commerce of money be- ginning to be disturbed with frauds, both in the weights and the matter, and the public authority interposed; and hence arose the first stamps, or impressions of money, to which succeeded the names of the moneyers, and at length the effigies of the prince, the date, legend, and other precautions to prevent the alteration of the specie: thus were coins completed, pnd gradually brought to their present perfection. See Coinage. The following are Tables of the most remarkable Coins, both ancient and modern. >• w n Ofi S P a o Ml —5 "D 55 c- Sj 3 O o 03 = CC 3 c Pi e — y- iii — cr. 71 c t—1 -5 c c -t o o IO —L & 3 c 3 O " od cr. CD H- 7T o c-. = I o c IO U^"1 en co c o o Ol 77 I 1 '** 1—^ 1 ■ V "6 3 m 2* p P 1 1 I I I I — 1 I 1 CD 57 a • i s i ■ i i *>. CO Ui h o tomoooj— © O IO O ** tO h-i O «« OOlO to (C M- X. 00 *» -» c> Iw 1—L Oi r. i—' 3 o 4- CO c +- (O a. QC i- -< S g 2 o " ' • • i i i « i i h^ o 00000030303^" § totO>— OOOOOOOO? to*^oa-scntoi-iooooa« W0l0too?oi-'toi_1o3^- mjn w|— o>(m ni— mm 4*1 m w|w *? *|*. *-| oo|m w|- "I Of these the drachma, didrachma, &c. were of silver; the rest, for the most part, of brass. The Grecian gold coins were the stater aureus, worth 25 Attic drachms of silver; the stater Cyzicenus, stater Philippicus, and sta- ter Alexandrinus, worth 28 drachms; the stater Daricus, according to Joscphus, worth 50 Attic drachms, and the Btater Crusius, ofthe same value. The value of the Roman coins. Teruncius - 2 Semilibella 1 o Libella, or As 1C 5 2| Sestertius 20 JO 5 o Quinarius ") Vicloriatus J 40 20 10 4 il Denarius s. d. <7- 0 0 0 n 7 75 0 0 0 15 5 105 0 0 0 3tV 0 0 1 H 0 0 3 si 0 0 7 3 Of these the denarius, victoriatus, sestertius, and some- times the as, were of silver, the rest of brass. The Ro- man g Id coin was the aureus, which weighed generally dou le the denarius, tbe value of which, ac- cording to the first proportion of coinage I. mentioned bv Pliny, was worth According to the proportion that obtains among us, worth - - - - - According to the decuple proportion.'men- tioned by Livy and Julius Pollux, worth - vol. i. 73 d. >l 1 0 9 0 12 11 According to the proportion mentioned by- Tacitus, and which afterwards obtained, wiierehy the aureus exchanged for 25 dena- rii, its value is.....0 16 1; It must be observed, that in all these tables of ancient coins, silver is reckoned at five shillings, and gold at four pounds, the ounce. Modern coins, current in the four quarters of the earth at this day, are either made of metals, or they are shells and fruits. The metals are geild, silver, copper, tin, and lead; to which may be added billon, a mixture of silver and copper in a certain proportion. In Europe none are used besides gold, silver, copper, and billon: in some parts of the East Indies they like- wise use tin and lead: as to shells and fruits, they are the small money of several nations in Asia, Africa, and America. Coins, British. In England, the current species of gold were formerly the guinea, half-guinea, jacobus, iaureat, angel, and rose-noble; the four last of which are now seldom met with, having been mostly converted into guineas, chiefly during the reigns of Charles II. and James II. The silver coins are, the crown, half-crown, shilling, and sixpence: there are likewise penny, two-p uny, three-penny, and grot pieces in silver, but these are on- ly for curiosity. The copper coins are the penny, half-penny, and farth- ing. Value and proportion of the English coins, ancient and modern. Farthing 2 Halfpenny 4 o Peni y 4':! '24 I;": Sb 240 60 30 2' H.i fif 960 4K'j 24«' --'.■ 1008 504 252 21 25 23 Half-crown Crown 34 Pound, accompt Guinea Jacobus Carolus, or laureate. In Scotland, by the articles of the union, it is appoint- ed that all the coins shall be reduced to the. English, and the same accompts he observed throughout the whole island. Till then, the Scotch had their pounds, shillings, and pence, as in England; but their pound was but twen- ty pence English, and the others were in proportion; ac- cordingly their mark was 13s. 4 The crown piece — The six livre piece. The half-crown — The three livre piece. The shilling — The 24 sols piece. The sixpence — The 12 sols piece. The penny — The double sol. The halfpenny — The sol. The farthing — The deux liards. Existing French Coins. French Value. The louis containing") ^ A , ,. * . ,. f ° J-One pound sterling. 24 livres or francs S The six livre piece — Five shillings. The five franc piece — Four shillings and two pence. The livre piece — Half-crown. The 30 sol piece — Fifteen pence. The 24 sol piece — One shilling. The 15 sol piece — Seven pence half-penny. The 12 sol piece —- Six pence. The 6 sol piece — Threepence. The double sol — A penny. The 6 Hard piece — Three farthings. The sol — One halfpenny. The two Hard piece — One farthing. The liard — Half a farthing. The livre or franc is a nominal value, equal to ten- pence English. The tenth part of a franc is called a de- cime, and the hundredth part of a franc is called a cen- time. Coins, Spanish. In Spain, and the states depending upon it, the gold coin is the pistole; above which arc the double pistole and piece of four pistoles, and under it the half pistole; to which must be added the castillansof gold. The silver money is the piastre, or piece of eight rials and its diminutions; as also the simple rial, with its di- minutions. The copper coins are the ochavos, or octavos which are of two kinds: the one equal to only four mara- vedis, and ordinarily called quarta; the other double this, and called double quarta: and lastly the maravedis. It must be observed, that in Spain they have new mo- ney and old; the old current in Sevil, Cadiz, Andalusia, &c. is worth 25 per cent, more than the new current at Madrid, Bilboa, St. Sebastian, &c. This difference is owing to their king Charles II. who, to prevent the ex- portation of money, raised it 25 per cent, which howev- ever he was able to effect only in part, several provinces still retaining the ancient rate. Value and proportion of the Spanish coin. Quarta, 4 maravedis Octavo, or double quarta, 8 maravedis Rial, old piata, equal to 0 0 6| Piece of eight, or piastre 0 4 6 Pistole 0 16 9.3 Coins, Portuguese. Those of gold are the mocda d'oro, or as we call it, moidore, which is properly their pistole; above this are doppio moedas or double pistoles, and quadruple species equal to five pistoles. The silver coins are the crusada, pataca, or piece of eight, and vin- teni, of which they have two sorts, the one silver and the other billon. The ree is of copper, which serves them in accompts as the maravedis do the Spaniards. Res, ree, or rez, equal to three-fifths of a farthing sterling Vi ntem. 20 res Cruzada, 26 vintems. I. s. d. Mi-moeda, or half-pistole 0 13 6 Moeda d'oro, or pistole 17 0 Doppio mocda, or double pistole 2 14 0 Ducat of fine gold 6 15 0 Besides the above, they have also pieces of gold ofthe value of 51. 12s., ll. 16s., and other subdivisions. Coins, Dutch. Those of silver are crowns or dollars, ducatoons, florins, and schellings, each of which has its diminution. The stiver is of billon: the duyt and penny, of copper. I. s. d. Ducat of Holland o 9 3.2 Ducatoon o 5 5.59 Patagon, or rix dollar o 4 4.28 The three-guilder piece, or sixty stivers 0 5 2.46 The guider-florin, or twenty stivers 0 1 8.08 The lion dollar o 3 7.07 The schelling goes for six stivers, and the ortkeis the fourth part of a stiver. Coins, Flemish. Those of gold are imperials, rides or philips, alberts, and crowns; those ofthe silver are philips, rix dollars, patagons, schellings, and guldens; and those of copper, patards. I. s. d. Groat, 8 patards Single stiver 0 0 l£ Schelling q n Gulden 0 2 0 n COINS. /. s. d. Rix dollar, dollar, patagon 0 4 6 Imperial 0 11 9 Coins, German. Those of gold are ducats, which are of various kinds, oboli of the Rhine, and florins: of this last kind there are some likewise of silver, besides rix dollars and izelottes, which are all of that metal. 5. d. Ducat ofthe bishop of Bamberg 9 3.2 Ducat of Hanover 9 2.7 Ducat of Brandenburg 9 3.2 Ducatoon of Cologn 5 5.02 Rix dollar or patagon of Cologn 4 4.53 Rix dollar or patagon of Leige 4 7.48 Rix dollar of Mentz 4 7.27 Rix dollar of Frankfort 4 6.53 Rix dollar of the Palatinate of Nuremberg 4 7.55 Rix dollar of Lunenburg 4 6.65 Old rix dollar of Hanover 3 6.03 Old bank dollar of Hamburgh 4 6.92 Rix dollar of Luhec 4 7.54 Gulden of Hanover 2 4.14 Gulden of Zell 2 3.07 Gulden of Brandenburg 2 3.81 Gulden of Saxony 2 4.12 Coins, Italian. The several states of Italy have seve- ral current moneys, though there are some common to all, such as the pistole of gold, and the ducatoon and florin of silver, which arc of various weights, fineness, Sec. The coins peculiar to Rome are the julios of silver, the pig- natelle of billon, and the bayoco, demi-bayoco, and quadrine, of copper. Venice has its sequins of gold; its justins, or ducatoons, and dcrlingues, of silver: Naples, its carlins: Genoa its croisats; Savoy and Piedmont, lys, all silver: the last state has its papiroles and cavales of billon. Gold coins of Italy. s. d. The sequin of Venice 9 5.7 The old Italian pistole 16 7.6 Pistole of Rome, Milan, Venice, Florence, Savoy, Genoa 16 6.7 Double ducat of Genoa, Venice, and Florence 18 7.7 Single ducate of the same places 9 3.8 Silver coins. The old ducat of Venice 3 4.50 The ducat of Naples 3 4.43 The ducat of Florence or Leghorn 5 4.62 Thetarin, or fifth part of the ducat, of Naples 0 8.09 The carlin,'or tenth part 0 4.04 The escudi, or crown, of Rome, or piece of ten julios, or one hundred hayocos 5 1 The teston of Rome, or piece of three julios 1 6.32 The julio of Rome 0 6.10 The croisat of Genoa 6 6.74 Justine of Venice 4 9 Derelingue, one -fourth of the Justine 1 2| Coins, Swiss, are ratzes and blazes of billon; the ratzc equal to ^ of a penny sterling: and the blaze of Berne, nearly equal to the ratzc. The German, French, and Italian coins, are current liere. Coins, Polish. s. d. The golden ducat 9 2.1 The old silver dollar of Dantzic 4 6.27 The old rix dollar of Thorn 4 5.85 The rix dollar of Sigismund III. and Ula- dislaus IV. kings of Poland 4 6.4 Abra 1 0* Roup 0 4| Groch Coins, Danish, are, 0 o* s. d. 9 3.2 1 11 2 8.2. 1 6 3 0 0 11 0 9 From 50 to 4 Sulphat of soda 8 f Water 16 J Nitrat of ammonia 11 From 5Q to 4 Water 1J Nitrat of ammonia 1") Carbonat of soda 1 \ From 50 to 7 Water *J Sulphat of soda 3 j FrQm 5Q tQ 3 Diluted nitric acid J Sulphat of soda 6"| Muriat of ammonia 4 ^From 50 to 10 Nitre 2 i Diluted nitric acid 4J Sulphat of Soda 6 Nitrate of ammonia 5 y From 50 to 14 Diluted nitric acid 4. Phosphat of soda 9 Diluted nitric acid 4 Phosphat of soda 9 Nitrat of ammonia 6 y From 50 to 21 Diluted nitric acid 4. Sulphat of soda 8 Muriatic acid 5 Sulphat of soda 5 Diluted sulphuric acid Snow J 1 From 32 to 0 Common salt * J Muriat of lime 5 1 Snow 2 J Potash 4 j Fr()m 32 t0__51 Snow J J Snow J | From 20 to—60 Diluted sulphuric acid 1 J Snow or pounded ice 2 j From Q to_g Common salt 1 J Snow and diluted nitric acid | From 0 to—46 Muriat of lime 2 j Fpom Q tQ__66 Snow J J Snow or pounded ice 1"^| Common salt 5 I From_5 to__18 Muriat of ammonia and ni- f tre 5J Snow 2 "l Diluted sulphuric acid 1 I From—10 to—56 Diluted nitric acid 1J Snow or pounded ice 12 -\ Common salt 5 (. From—18 to—25 Nitrate of ammonia 5J Muriat of lime 3 ") ,_ , . Snow iJFrom^Oto—S Diluted sulphuric acid 10 -» Snow 8JFl* | From 50 to 12 | From 50 to 0 | From 50 to 3 ► From 32 to 0 • From 32 to—50 rom—68 to—91 In order to produce these effects, the salts employed must be fresh chrystallized, and newly reduced to a ve- ry fine powder. The vessels in which the freezing mix- ture is made should be very thin, and just large enough to hold it, and the materials should be mixed together as quickly as possible. Cold, in medicine, is found to be productive of in- flammatory disorders, as coughs, pleuresies, pcripneu- monies, rhumatic pains, consumptions, &c. See MEni- C1NE. COLDENIA, a genus ofthe tetragynia order, in the tetrandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking among those of the dubious order. The calyx is tetraphyllous; the corolla funnel-shaped; the styles four; the nuts four with a fungous rind. There is but one species, a native of India. It is an annual plant, whose brane lies trail on the ground, extending about six inches from the root. They are adorned with small blue flow- ers growing in clusters, which come out from the wings of the leaves. COLEOPTE11A, among zoologists, the first order of insects, comprehending all those with four wings, the external pair of which are hard, rigid, and opake, and form a kind of case for the interior pair: add to this, that the mouth consists of two transverse jaws. According to the Linna?an system, there are about 56 genera in this order, and in forming them special care is had to the antenna?. They are thus arranged, in Lin- na?us's general system. 1. A. a Club lamellate; scaraba?us, lucanus, syno- dendron. 2. b. Club perfoliate; dermestes, melyris, byrrhus, sil- pha, tritoma, hydropliilus, tetraloma. 3. Club solid or inflated. Hister, bostrichus, anthre- nus, nitidula, coccinella, curculio, pausus. 4. B. Antenna? moniliform; brentus, attelabus, erodius, staphylinus, zygia, meloe, tencbrio, cassida, opatrum, mordella, chrysomella, horia. 5. C. Antenna? filiform; apalus, mantecora, pimclea, gyrinus, cucujus, cryptocephalus, bruchus, ptinus, hispa, buprestas, necydales, lampyris, cantharis, noloxus elater, calopus, alurnus, carabus lytta. ' 6. D. Antenna? setaceous; serropalpus, cerambyx, septura, rhenomacer, zoniles, cucindela, dytiscus, forfi- cula. These animals are known, in English, by the general name of beetles: whereof authors have established (as above) 56 genera, from the different figures of their an- tenna?, or horns, and other general distinctions; such are the scaraba?us, or beetle, properly so called, the dermes- tes, and the several other genera as above noted. COLIC, a severe pain in the lower venter, so called because the disorder was formerly supposed to he seated in the colon. See Medicine. COLISEUM, or Colisjeum, in ancient architecture, an oval amphitheatre at Rome, built by Vespasian, where- in were statues representing all the provinces ofthe em- pire; in the middle of which stood that of Rome, holding a golden apple in her hand. This structure was so large, that it would bold near 100,000 spectators. When Titus dedi- cated it, he sacrificed above 4000 beasts of different kinds. COLLAR, in Roman antiquity, a sort of chain put generally round the neck 0f slaves that had run away, t U L COL after they were taken, with an inscription round it, inti- mating their being deserters, and requiring their being restored to their proper owners, Slc. Collar, in a modern sense, an ornament consisting of a chain of gold, enamelled, frequently set w ith cyphers and other devices, with the badge of the order hanging at the bottom; worn by the knights of several military orders over their shoulders, on the mantle, and its figure drawn round their armories. Thus, the collar of the order ofthe garter consists of SS, with roses enamelled red, within a garter enamelled blue, and the George at the bottom. Collar of a ship, a rope fastened about her beak- head, into which thedead-man's-eye is seized, that holds her main-stay. Also the rope which is wound about the main-mast head, to save the shrouds from galling, is also called a collar. See Dead-man's-eye. CoLLAR-fteam, in architecture, a beam framed cross betwixt two principal rafters. Collar of a plough, an iron ring fixed on the middle of the beam, wherein are inserted the tow and bridle chains. See Plough. COLLATERAL point, in cosmography, the interme- diate points of those between the cardinal points. Collateral, those relations which proceed from the same stock, but not in the same ascendants or descen- dants. Thus uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and cou- sins, are collaterals, or in the same collateral line: those in a higher degree, and nearer the common root, re- present a kind of paternity with regard to those more re- mote. Collateral, in a legal sense, is taken for any thing that hangs by the side of another, to which it relates; as a collateral assurance is that instrument which is made over and above the deed itself, for the performance of covenants between man and man; thus called as being external, and without the nature and essence of the co- venant. COLLATION, in the canon law, the giving or be- stowing of a benefice on a clergyman by a bishop, who has it in bis own gift or patronage. This differs from presentation; the latter being properly the act of a patron, offering the clerk to the bishop, to be instituted into a benefice, whereas the former is the act of the bishop himself. The collator e an never confer a benefice on himself. I'ollvtiun, in common law, flic com pii'.\-.ion or pre- sentation of a copy with its original, to see whether m not itis conformable; or the report or at of the offi- cer who made the comparison. A collated art is equiva- lent to its original, provided all the parties concerned were present at the collation. COLLATIONE/nrtrt itni post mortem alterius, a writ to the justices ofthe common pleas, cominanclingtbem to issue their writ to the- bishop, for the admitting ot a e lerk in the place of another presented by the king; such other clerk, during the suit between the king and the bishop's clerk, being dead. COLLEUATORY, in the civil law, a person who has a lei^i-'y left him ill common with one or more other persons. If the thing is bequeathed in solido, the portion ofthe deceased colh-gatory accrues to the re^t. vol. i. 74 COLLEGE, an assemblage of several bodies or so- cieties, or of several persons into one society. College, among the Romans, served indifferently for those employed in the offices of religion, of government, the liberal and even mechanical arts, and trades; so that, with them, the word signified what we call a corporation or company. Each of these colleges had distinct meet- ing-places or halls; and likewise, in imitation of the state, a treasury and common chest, a register, and one to represent them upon public occasions, and acts of government. These colleges had the privilege of manu- mitting slaves, of being legates, and making by-laws for their own body, provided they did not clash with those of the government. There are various colleges on foot among the modems, founded on the model of those of the ancients. Such are the three colleges ofthe empire, viz. College of electors, or their deputies, assembled in the diet of Ratisbon. College of princes, the body of princes, or their depu- ties, at the diet of Ratisbon. College of cities is, in like manner, the body of de- puties which the imperial cities send to the diet. See Elector, and Diet. College of cardinals, or the sacred college, a body composed ofthe three orders of cardinals. College is also used for a public place endowed with certain revenues, where the several branches of learn- ing are taught. An assemblage of several of these col- leges constitutes an university. In England the erec- tion of colleges is part of the royal prerogative, and not to be done without the king's licence. The universityof Oxford consists of nineteen colleges and six halls; that of Cambridge, of twelve colleges and four halls; and that of Paris, of fifty-four colleges, though, in reality, tliere are but ten where there is any teaching. Colleges in the univei-sities are generally lay corpora- tions, although the members of the college may be all ecclesiastical. 2 Salk. 672. And in the government thereof, the king's courts cannot interfere, where a visi- tor is specially appointed. 1 Blacks. 483. The two universities, in exclusion of the king's courts, enjoy the sole jurisdiction over all civil actions find suits, except where the right of freehold is concerned; and also in criminal offences or misdemeanors under the degree of treason, felony, or maim. 3 Black. 83. Their proceed- ings are in a summary way, according to the practice of civil law. Wood,b.4.c.2. But they have n > jurisdiction, unless the plaintiff or defendant be a scholar or servant ofthe university, and resident in it at the time. An ap- peal lies from the chancellor's court to the congregation, thence to the convocation, and thence to the delegates. College of civilians, commonly called doctors'-com- mons, founded by Dr. Harvey, dean of the arches, for the professors ofthe civil law residing in tie city of London. The judges of the arches, admiralty, and pre- rogative court, with several other eminent civilians, commonly reside here. To this college belong 34 proc- tors, who make themselves parties for their clients, man- age their causes, give licences for marriages, Kc. in the common hall of doctors-commons arc held'se- veral courts, under the jurisdiction of the civil luw: par- COL COL tieularly the high court of admiralty, the court of dele- gates, the arches court of Canterbury, and the preroga- tive court of Canterbury: whose terms for sitting are much like those at Westminster, every one of them hold- ing several court-days; most of them fixed and known by preceding holidays, and the rest appointed at the judge's pleasure. College of physicians, a corporation of physicians in London, whose number, by charter, is not to exceed 80. The chief of them are called fellows; and the next can- didates, who fill up the places of fellows as they become vacant by death or otherwise. Next to these are the honorary fellows; and lastly the licentiates, that is, such a* being found capable, upon examination, are allowed io practise physic. This college has several great privileges granted by charter and acts of parliament. No man can practise physic in or within seven miles of London, without li- cence of the college, under the penalty of 5l. Also per- sons practising physic in other parts of England, are to have letters testimonial from the president and three elects, unless they are graduate physicians of Oxford or Cambridge. Every member ofthe college is authoriz- ed to practise surgery in London or elsewhere; and that they may be able at all times to attend their patients, they are freed from all parish offices. The college is governed by a president, four censors, and twelve elec- tors. The censors have, by charter, power to survey, govern, and arrest, all unlicensed physicians or others practising physic in or within seven miles of London; to fine, amerce, and imprison them at discretion; to search apothecaries' shops, Sec. in and about London; to see if their drugs, Sec. be wholesome, and the compositions ac- cording to the form prescribed by the college in their dis- pensaries: and to burn or otherwise destroy those that are defective or decayed, and not fit for use. They are judges of records, and not liable to action for what they do in their practise hut by judicial process; subject, ne- vertheless, to appeal to the college of physicians. How- ever, the college is not very rigorous in asserting its privileges, there being some of very good abilities who practise in London, &e. without their licence: yet by law, if any person, not expressly allowed to practise, take upon him the cure of any disease, and the patient die un- der his hand, it is deemed felony in the practiser. [A College of physicians w-as formed in Philadelphia in the year 1787, and incorporated in the year 1789 by the legislature of Pennsylvania. The objects of the college, as stated hy their constitution, are, » to advance the science of medicine, and thereby to lessen human mise- ry, by investigating the diseases and remedies which are peculiar to this country; by observing the effects of different seasons, climates and situations upon the hu- man body; by recording the changes which arc produc- ed in diseases, hy the progress of agriculture, arts, po- pulation and manners; by searching for medicines in the American woods, waters, and in the bowels of the earth; by enlarging tbe avenues of knowledge from the discove- ries and public ations of foreign countries; and by cultivat- ing order and uniformity in the practice of physic, (a) Siou-College, or the college of the London clergy, was formerly a religious house, next a spital or hospital, and now it is a composition of both, viz. a coUege for the clergy of London, who were incorporated in 1631, at the request of Dr. White, under the name ofthe pre- sident and fellows of Sion-college; and an hospital for ten poor men: the first within the gates ofthe house, and the latter without. This college consists of a president, two deans, and four assistants, who arc annually chosen from amougthe rectors and vicars in London, subject to the visitation of the bishop. They have one of the finest libraries in England, built and stocked by Mr. Simpson, chiefly for the clergy ofthe city, without excluding other students on certain terms: they have also a hall with chambers for the students, generally filled with the ministers of the neighbouring parishes. Gresham College, or College of philosophy, a col- lege founded by sir Thomas Gresham, who built the Royal-exchange; a moiety of the revenue whereof he gave in trust to the mayor and commonalty of London and their successors for ever, and the other moiety to the company of mercers; the first to find four able per- sons to read in the college divinity, astronomy, music, and geometry; and the last three or more able men to read rhetoric, civil law, and physic; a lecture upon each subject is to be read in term-time, every day except Sun- days, in Latin in the forenoon, and the same in English in the afternoon; the lecture on music is to be read alone in English. The lecturers have each 50/. per annum, and a lodging in the college. College oflieralds, commonly called the heralds' office, a corporation founded by charter of king Richard the Third, who granted them several privileges; as to be free from subsidies, tolls, offices, Sec. They had a second charter from king Edward the Sixth; and a house built near doctors'-commons by the earl of Derby, in the reign of king Henry the Seventh, was given them by the duke of Norfolk in the reign of queen Mary, which house is now rebuilt. This college is subordinate to the carl marshal of England. They arc assistants to him in his oouvt of chivalry, usually held in the common-hall of the college, where they sit in their rich coats of his majesty's arms. COLLEGIATE church, a church built and endowed for a society, or a body corporate of a dean or other pre- sident, and secular priests, as canons or prebendaries in the same church. [COLLEMA, in botany, a genus of lichenes order in the cryptogamia class of plants, (a) COLLET, in glass-making, is that part of glass ves- sels which sticks to the iron instrument wherewith the metal was taken out of the melting-pot: this is afterwards used for making green glass. COLL1NSONIA, in botany, a genus ofthe monogynia order, in the decandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 40th order, personata?. The corolla is unequal, with its under-lip multifid, and the segments capillary. There are two species, natives of North America, but possessed of no remarkable proper- ties. COLLUTHIANS, in church history, a religious sect which arose in the sixth century, on occasion of the in- dulgence shown to Arius by Alexander, patriarch of Alexandria; they held that God was not the author of the evils and afflictions of this life, &c. COL COL COLLYRIDIANS, in church history, a sect of ancient heretics, who paid divine honours to the Virgin Mary, offering her little cakes called collyrida. COLLYRIUM. See Pharmacy. COLON, in anatomy, the second of the three large intestines.* See Anatomy. Colon, in grammar, a point or character marked thus (:), showing the preceding sentence to be perfect or entire; only that some remark, farther illustration, or other matter connected therewith, is subjoined. COLONEL, in military matters, the commander in chief of a regiment, whether horse, foot, or dragoons. A colonel may lay any officer of his regiment in arrest, but must acquaint the general with it; he is not allowed a guard, only a sentry from the quarter guard. COLONNADE, in architecture, a peristyle of a cir- cular figure, or a series of columns disposed in a circle, and insulated withinsidc. Such is that of the little park at Versailles, consisting of 32 Ionic columns, all of solid marble, and without incrustation. A polystile colonnade is that whose number of columns is too great to be taken in by the eye at a single view. Such is the colonnade of the palace of St. Peter's at Rome, consisting of 284 co- lumns of the Doric order, each above four feet and a half diameter, all in Tiburtine marble. COLOPHONY. See Pharmacy. COLOSSUS, a statue of a gigantic or enormous size. The most famous of this kind was the colossus of Rhodes, made in honour of Apollo, by Chares the disciple of Ly- sippus. It was 86 feet high, and its thumb so large that few people could embrace it. This statue was placed across the mouth ofthe harbor at Rhodes, and the ships in full sail passed betwixt its legs. COLOUR. See Optics. Colock, in painting, is applied both to the drugs, and lo the tints produced by those drugs variously mixed and applied. We shall in this article give a brief account of the dif- ferent pigments or colours which are used either in wa- ter or oil for the purposes of drawing or painting. Red. Lakes. This term is used to denote a species of colours formed by the combination of alumina, or the oxyd of tin, with the colouring matters of vegetables. The lakes chiefly used are red colours; and these are of different qualities, according to the basis and colouring matter emploved; such as carmine, Florence-lake, and madder-lake. Carmine- is a very rich bright crimson colour, and s1 amis well in water. For the preparation of carmine, four ounevs of finely pulverized cochineal arc to be pour- ed inlo four or six quarts of rain or distilled water, that has been previously boiled in a pewter kettle, and boiled with it for the space of six minutes longer. Eight scru- ples of Roman alum, in powder, arc to be then added, and the whole kept upon tbe fire one minute longer. As soon as the gross powder has subsided, and the decoction has become clear, itis to be carefully decanted into large eyiindrical glasses covered over, and kept undisturbed till a fine powder is observed to have settled at the bot- tom. The liquor is then to be poured off from this pow- der, which is to be gradually dried. From the liquor, which is still much coloured, the rest of the colouring matter may be separated by means of the solution of tin, when it yields a carmine little inferior to the for- mer. Florentine lake is the kind in general use, known hy the name of lake. It is used in water, and also in oil, but does not stand; which is much to be lamented, as it is a very beautiful colour, and there is no substitute that will completely answer all the purposes of lake. The best sort maybe prepared from the sediment of cochineal that remains in the kettle after making carmine, adding to it a small quantity of cochineal or Brazil-wood, and precipitating the colouring matter with a solution of tin. Madder lake is very little known as a colour. It is not so bright and rich as the last-mentioned lakes, but has this valuable advantage; that it stands much better, and may answer many of the purposes of Florence lake. It is prepared nearly in the same manner as the forego- ing. Rose-lake. This is generally called rose-pink. It is a lake made by a basis of chalk, coloured by Brazil or Campeachy wood. It does not stand, and is only used for house-painting and paper-hanging. Vermilion, a bright scarlet pigment, formed from sul- phur and quicksilver; when of a coarse kind, it is call- ed cinnabar. Its goodness is known by its brightness, and inclining to a crimson hue. It is a very useful colour in oil, where it stands very well; but in water it is apt to turn black. Red-lead, or minium, is lead calcined till it acquires a red colour, hy exposing i* with a large surface to the fire. It is also ma le from litharge, which is a calx or oxyd of lead; but is not so good as when made directly from metallic lead. This colour is very apt to turn black, both in water and oil, and is therefore seldom used but for very coarse purposes. Indian-red is a very useful colour, answering some of the purposes of lake: it stands well both in water and oil. It is difficult to procure the genuine kind, which comes from the East Indies. What is sold for Indian-red is said to be chiefly made in England. Venetian-red, is a native red-ochre, rather inclining to the scarlet than the crimson hue; it is not far different from the common Indian red, but fouler, and is chiefly used by house-painters. Spanish-brown is also an earthy substance, found in the same state in which it is used; it is nearly of the same colour as Venetian-red, hut coarser. It is used only for the commonest purposes. It does not change. Light-red, or burnt ochre. This is common yellow- ochre, heated red-hot in the fire, till the colour changes from yellow to a red. It is a very excellent colour, both in water and oil; having the quality in common with all the ochres, of standing perfectly well. Red-chalk. This is the same substance as is^uscd for drawing on paper, in the manner ofa crayon. It is very much like light-red, and is used instead of it for some purposes. It stands perfectly w ell, and may he used both in water and oil. Burnt terra di Sienna. This colour is made by calcin- ing raw terra di Sienna till it acquires a red colour. It is of a very rich tint, and is much used both in water and oil. It stands well in both. Blue. Ultramarine is preivn-cd from lapis lazuli, by COLOURS. calcining and washing it very clean. When genuine, it is an extremely bright blue colour, somewhat transparent both in oil and water, and stands perfectly well. On these accounts it is ofthe utmost value, being excellent in eve- ry kind of painting, even in enamel; but its great price prevents the general use of it. Ultramarine ashes. This is the residuum, after wash- ing the lapis lazuli, in which a portion of the ultramarine still remains. It is very subject to be adulterated. It is not so bright as ultramarine; being like that colour, with a tint of red and white in it. When genuine it stands well. Prussian-blue. This colour is iron combined with a pe- uliar acid, called the prussic acid. It is made in the fol- lowing manner: Two parts of purified potass are most intimately blend- ed with three parts of dried and finely pulverized bul- lock's blood. The mass is first calcined in a covered cru- cible, and on a moderate fire, until no more smoke or flame appears; and it is after this brought to a complete yet moderate ignition: or equal parts of potass and fine- ly-powdered coals, prepared from bones, horns, claws, &c. are mingled, and heated in a covered crucible to a moderate redness. This done, either of those two calcin- ed masses is, after cooling, lixiviated w ith boiling water, and the lixivium filtred. Nothing remains now but to make a solution of one part of green vitriol and two parts of alum; and to add to it while yet hot the above lixivium, little by little however; and to separate the greenish-blue precipitate which then forms, by means of a filtre. If afterwards a slight quantity of diluted muri- atic acid is affused upon this precipitate, it assumes a beautiful dark-blue colour. The operation is terminated by edulcorating and drying the pigment thus prepared. Prussian-blue is an extremely beautiful colour when pro- perly prepared, and stands well. Common Prussian-blue is apt to contain some iron, which causes it to turn greenish or olive. Verditer is a blue pigment, obtained by adding chalk or whitening to the solution of copper in aqua-fortis. The best sort is prepared by the refiners; who employ for this purpose the solution of copper which they obtain in the process of parting, by precipitating, silver from aqua-fortis by plates of copper. Common verditer is made from the sulphate of copper or blue, by the manu- facturers in Sheffield and Birmingham. Verditer is only used for very coarse purposes, chiefly by the paper-stain- ers. It has been sometimes called sanders-hlue, from ig- norance of the meaning of the term cendres blues, or blue ashes, which the French call it. Indigo. This colour is extracted from a plant that grows in the East and West Indies. It is not so bright as Prussian-blue, but it is cooler, and has the advantage of being very durable. It cannot be dissolved by water, but may by the sulphuric acid; and it then forms Scott's liquid blue, so much used for colouring silk stockings, &c. Smalt. This is glass coloured with cobalt, and ground to a fine powder. Its coarseness prevents its being used much for painting in oil or water. It is employed some- times by strewing it upon a ground of oil-paint. It is also used in enamel-painting. It stands well. Bice is only smalt more finely levigated. Fellow. Indian-yellow. This is tbe brightest of all vel- lows for water-colours, and is perfectly durable. It is said to he procured from the urine of the buffalo. In the East Indies it is a very common and cheap colour; the natives there use it commonly for colouring their calicoes, which they do without any mordant; so that the colour is wash- ed out again when the cloth is dirty. King's-yellow. This colour is orpiment refined; which is a substance dug out of the earth, and consists of sul- phur joined to arsenic; or it may be prepared by sublim- ing sulphur with arsenic. It is of a very bright yellow but does not stand well; and great caution should be used in emyloying it, as it is a strong poison. Naples-yellow. This is a very durable and bright v el- low; it comes from Naples, and is supposed to he prepar- ed from lead and antimony. Yellow-ochre. This is an earth coloured by oxyd of iron. It is a cheap colour, and not very bright, but is valuable on account of its standing well. Roman-ochrc is a superior kind of yellow-ochre. Dutch-pink. This pigment is formed of chalk, colour- ed with the juice of French berries, or other vegetables affording a yellow colour. It does not stand, and is chiefly used for common purposes. Gamboge is a gum brought from the East Indies. It readily dissolves in water, and is a fine bright yellow. It is used only in water, and is very serviceable. Massicot is an oxyd of lead, prepared by calcining white-lead. It is very little used, the colour net being very bright. Gall-stones. This is a concretion or hard substance, formed in the gall-bladders of beasts; or it may be ob- tained from the gall of animals. It is a very rich colour, but does not stand. Raw terra di Sienna, is a native ocherous earth brought from Italy. It is a fine warm colour, and stands well. Orange-lake is the tinging part of annotto precipitated together with the earth of alum. It does not stand. Brown-pink is the tinging part of some vegetable sub- stance precipitated upon the earth of alum. It is of a fine rich greenish yellow, but docs not stand. Green. There are few colours that are useful as greens; accordingly, it is the practice with artists to form their greens by the mixture of blue and yellow colours. By va- rying these, a vast variety of green tints may he obtain- ed. Sap-green is the concreted juice of the buckthorn ber- ries. It is never used in oil. It is employed chiefly in flower-painting and colouring prints, &c. Verdigris. If plates of copper, moistened from time to time with vinegar, are left exposed to the air, they will be converted into a green oxyd, called verdigris: this is an imperfect oxyd of copper, combined with a small por- tion of acetic acid, carbonic acid, and water. It is pre- pared in large quantities, chiefly in France near Mont- pellier, by stratifying copper-plates with the husks of grapes yet under vinous fermentation, which soon grow acid, and corrode the copper. After the plates have stood in this situation for a sufficient time, they are mois- tened with water, and exposed in heaps to the air. The verdigris is scraped off from their surface as it forms. COL COL Verdigris is of a blueish-green colour, but has no body, and does not stand. It is only used for xvry coarse pur- poses. It answers best when used in varnishes. Distilled verdigris, sometimes called crystals of ver- digris, is prepared from common verdigris, by dissolving it in vinegar. It is ofa very bright green; and is used chiefly for varnishes, and in colouring maps, &c. Brown colours. Bistre is the finer part extracted from the soot of burnt wood. It is much used alone for sketches in wafer colours, being a transparent warm colour. There is an excellent sort prepared in Ireland. Cologne-earth is a mineral substance of a blackish brown colour. It is a very useful colour; though what is generally sold in the shops for Cologne-earth, is an arti- ficial mixl ore of several colours. Raw -umbre is a native ochreous earth, of a light brown. It stands well. Burnt-umbre is only the last-mentioned colour calcin- ed in the fire. It then acquires a rich deep brown, and is of greal use, being a fine colour, and standing perfectly well. Asphaltum is used in oil, and is a very rich deep brown. It is a transparent or glazing colour. It will not work in water; but when dissolved in turpentine, it becomes a useful substance for giving deep and spirited touches to drawings. H hite. Flake-white is an oxyd of lead, formed by cor- roding lead with vegetable acids or vinegar. White-lead is the same colour as flake-white, only of an inferior quality. It is the only white used«n oil paint- ing, and is a very useful colour; hut in water it always turns black, and should never he used. Pure carbonate of lime is very useful as a white in water-colours, as it stands perfectly well. Egg-shell white, and oyster-shell white, arc only egg- shells or oyster-shells calcined, by which the animal gluten is destroyed, leaving the lime behind, which soon attracts the carbonic acid again from the atmosphere. Well-washed Spanish-white, or common whitening, an- swers the same purpose. Black. Lamp-black is the soot of oil, collected after it is formed by burning. It is very generally used, both in oil and water, ami stands perfectly well. Ivory-black is the coal of ivory or bone, formed by gi- ving them a great heat, while they are deprived of all access of air. It is of a more intense black than lamp- black. Blue-black is the coal from burning vine-stalks in a close vessel. It is like ivorv-black, with a tint of blue. Colour, in dyeing. See Dyking. Colour, in heraldry. The colours generally used in heraldry are red, blue, black, green, and purple; which the heralds call gules, azure, sable, vert or sinople, and purpure; teune or taw in. and sanguine, are not so com- mon: as to \ el low and white, called or and argent, they are metals, not colours. Colocr, in law, some probable plea, though really false in itself, and onlv calculated to draw the trial of the cause from the jury to the judge; for which reason it ought to he' matter in law or doubtful to the jurors. Colour of o^rcr. signifies some unjust action done un- der countenance of an office, and is opposed to virtute officii, which implies a man's doing a right and just thing in the execution of his office. CoLorr.s. in the Latin and Greek churches, are used to distinguish several mysteries and feasts. To Colour strangers' goods, in commerce, is when a freeman allows a foreigner to enter goods at tbe custom- house in his name. COLOURING, in painting, is the art of applying and disposing various colours in such a manner as to he pro- ductive either of an imitation ofthe natural hues of the objects represented, of harmonious arrangement of tints, or of force and brightness of effect. See Painting. COLUBER, a genus of_serpents. Tbe generic cha- racter is, scuta or undivided lamellae under the abdomen, broad alternate scales under the tail. This is by far the most numerous of all the Linnsean genera of serpents: and the species differ greatly in size and habit, according to their respective tribes; some, as the vipers, having large, flatfish, and subcordate heads, with rather short than long bodies and tails; while others, as the major part of the harmless serpents, have, in general, small heads, with longer bodies and tails in proportion. In sonic few species, exclusive of the usual subcaudal scales, are a few scuta or undivided lamella, either at the beginning or towards the tip of the tail. It is to he observed, that in the investigation of this genus the subcaudal scales, though alternate, are reckoned by pairs, so that the num- ber marked under the respective species is always to be understood to mean so many pairs. There are ninrty- seven species: the following are the most remarkable. 1. Coluber Berus, or common viper, (See Plate XXXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 136), which appears to be pret- ty generally diffused over the whole ancient continent, and which is by no means uncommon in England, has been known from times of remote antiquity, though all the particulars relative to its nature and manners are even yet not fully understood. The general length of the viper is about a foot and half, or two feet, though some have been seen of much greater length, measuring near three feet: the fangs are situated, as in other poisonous serpents, on each side the fore part ofthe upper jaw; and are generally two in num- ber, with a few smaller ones lying near the principal or large fangs, as if intended by nature to supply the place of the former, when lost either by age or accident. The viper has always been considered as the most poisonous of the European serpents, and innumerable are the cases recorded by medical and other writers of the fatality of its bite; yet the instances seem to he far less frequent than generally supposed; and though the bite of this animal produces a painful and troublesome swelling, yet it is rarely of any other bad consequence. No doubt the cases must differ, as in the bite of ev cry other poisonous serpent, according to the nature of the part bitten, the constitution of the person, the strength and vigour of the animal, the season of the year, <\e. and if the bite happens directly on a vein, it may per- haps be productive of the most alarming symptoms, and even sometimes prove fatal: yet Fontana, even in the warm climate of Italy, seems to doubt whether any well-attested instance could he adduced in which the vi- per had killed any person by its bite. The poison of the COLUBER. viper was in ancient times collected by barbarian nations as a poison for their arrows; the Scythians, according to Pliny, using it for that purpose mixed with human blood: the poison of other serpents is used in a similar manner by savage nations at the present day. The most established application for the bite of a vi- per is the common olive-oil, thoroughly rubbed on the wounded part, and about a wine-glassful taken internal- ly: this the viper-catchers use, as is pretended, with per- fect success; and all other applications, as volatile alkali, &c. seem of far less certain efficacy. The viper, though so much dreaded on account of its bite, has been very highly esteemed, both by the ancients and moderns, in a medical view, and used as a restora- tive and strengthening diet. This idea seems to have originated from the animal's casting its skin, like other snakes, and thus appearing, as it were, in a state of re- novated youth; and the snakes being made the emblem of health, and consecrated to iEsculapius, must have de- pended on the same idea. "We are indeed of opinion, that it is possible (could we overcome our reluctance to it,) that viper's flesh might prove nutritious food, but that to ascribe any medical virtues to itis a vulgar error. The viper is viviparous, producing its young towrards the close of the summer. " On the 4th of August, 1755," says Mr. White, « we surprised a large female viper, which seemed very heavy and bloated, as it lay on the grass, basking in the sun. When we came to cut it up, we found that the abdomen was crowded with young, fifteen in number; the shortest of which measured full seven inches, and were about the size of full grown earthworms. This little fry issued into the world with the true viper-spirit about them, showing great alertness as soon as disengaged from the belly of the dam: they twisted and wriggled about, and set themselves up, and gaped very wide when touched \vi'!i a stick, showing manifest tokens of menace and defiance; though as jet they had no manner of fangs that we could find, even with the help of our glasses." Mr. White, in another part of his work, informs us, that in the month of May a female viper was opened, which had in it a chain of eleven eggs, about the size of those ofa blackbird; but not so far advanced as to show the rudiments of the young. " Several intelligent persons," adds Mr. White, " as- sure me that they have seen the viper open her mouth, and admit her helpless young down her throat on sudden surprises,-just as the opossum does her brood into the pouch under her belly upon the like emergencies; and yet the London viper-chatchers insist on it to Mr. Bar- rington that no such thing ever happens. Sir Thomas Brown, however, seems inclined to be- lieve this circumstance. The young, says he, supposed to break through the belly of the dam, will upon any fright, for protection, run into it; for then the old one receives them in at her mouth: the fright being past, they will return again, which is a peculiar way of re- fuge, and although it seem strange, it is avowed by fre- quent experience and undeniable testimony. Tliere is a variety of this specis entirely black. 2. The cerastes or horned viper, which commonly grows to the length of about a foot or fifteen inches, and sometimes to a larger size, is distinguished bv a pair of horns or curved processes, situated above the eyes, and pointing forwards: these horns have nothing analo- gous in their structure to the horns of quadrupeds, and arc by no means to be considered in the light of cither offensive or defensive weapons: they increase, however, the natural antipathy so generally felt againt the serpent tribe, and give the animal a more than ordinary appear- ance of malignity. The cerastes is a native of many parts of Africa, and is principally found in sandy deserts and dry places. Its usual colour is a pale yellowish or reddish brown, with a few rather large, distant, round, or transversely oblong spots ofa deeper colour, dispers- ed along the upper parts of the body, the belly or under part being of a pale lead-colour. In Syria and Arabia the cerastes is particularly frequent, and is also found in many parts of Egypt, Sec. It bears a very great affinity to the common viper, and its bite is perhaps still more to he dreaded; since, exclusive of the general danger of treading accidentally on this reptile, and thus irritating it unawares, it is said to possess a propensity of spring ing with great suddenness to a considerable distance, and assailing without provocation those who happen hi approach it. The celebrated Abyssinian traveller, Mr. Bruce, is of opinion that this was the aspic employed by Cleopatra to procure her death. He adds some incredible stoiirs respecting the power of certain persons in Africa to charm these and other serpents so as to prevent their biting them. If these narratives have any foundation, the animals must in some way have been previous disarmed of their fangs, as the cobra de capellois by the Indian jugglers. « * 3. Coluber nasicornis, or horn-nose snake, adds to the number of those malignant reptiles whose bite, in the hotter regions of the globe, proves the dreadful forerun- ner of a speedy and painful death. If at the first glance of most ofthe serpent tribe an involuntary sort of hor- ror and alarm is so often felt hy those who are unaccus- tomed to the examination of these animals, how much greater dread must the unexpected view of the spec ics here exhibited be supposed to inflict! when to th" general form ofthe creature are superadded the pecu'^.' fierce- ness and forbidding torvity with which nature has marked its countenance; distinguished hy the very un- common appearance of two large and sharp-pointed horns, situated, not as in the cerastes, above the eyes, hut on the top of the nose or anterior part ofthe upper jaw. These horns stand nearly upright, hut incline slightly backwards and a little outwards on each side, and are ofa substance not absolutely horny, but in some degree flexible: their shape is somewhat triangular or three-sided; they are about half an inch in length, and at the fore-part ofthe base of each stands an upright strong scale, of nearly the same shape with the horn itself, and thus giving the appearance of a much smaller pair of horns. The mouth is furnished with extremely large and long fangs or tubular teeth, situated as in other poison- ous serpents, and capable of inflicting the most severe wounds: two of these fangs appear on each side of the mouth, the hinder pair being smaller than the others. The length of this animal is about thirty-five inches. Its colour is a yellowish olive-brow n, very thickly sprink- led all over with minute blaekish specks: along the whole length of the back is placed a scries of yellowish- COLUBER. brown oblong spots or marks, each of which is imVdded in a patch of black; and on each side ofthe body, from head to tail, runs an ac utely-flexuous or zigzag line or narrow band of an oc hre-co! mr: the horn-nose snake is supposed to be a native of the interior parts of Africa. 4. The coluber naja, or ce>bra de cape!!••■■, (See Plate XXXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 158.) is a native of India, where it appeals to be one of the nnst common, as well as most noxious, of the serpent tribe; very frequently prov- ing fatal, in the space of a few minutes, to those who un- fortunately experience its bite. Its remarkable form and colours arc such as to distinguish it with great case from almost every other snake. lis general length seems to be three or four feet, and the diameter of the body about an inch and a quart'1!-. It has obtained its Portuguese title of cobra de capello, or hooded snake, from the ap- pearance which it presents when viewed in front in an irritated state, or when preparing to bite; at which time it bends the head rather downwards, and seems hooded in some degree by the expanded skin of the neck. In India it is every where exhibited publicly as a show, and is, of course, more universally known in that coun- try than almost any other of the race of reptiles. It is carried about in a covered basket, and so managed by its proprietors as to assume, when exhibited, a kind of dancing motion; raising itself up cm its lower part, and alternately moving its head and body from side to side for some minutes, to the sound of some musical instru- ment which is played during the time. The Indian jug- glers, who thus exhibit the animal, first deprive it ofits fangs, by which means they are secured from the danger of its bite. Dr. Russel, in his account of experiments made in In- dia with this serpent, observes, that, as a general standard for a comparison of the effect of its bite with that of other poisonous serpents, he never knew it prove mortal to a dog in less than twenty-seven minutes, and to a chicken in less than half a minute. Thus, fatal as it is, its poison secerns not so speedy in operation as that of tbe rattle-snake, which has been known to kill a dog in the space of two minutes. 5. The coluber aquaticus, or water viper, is called in Carolina the water rattle-snake; not that it has a rattle; but is a large snake, and coloured not much unlike the rattle-snake, and the bite is said to be as mortal. This snake frequents the water, and is never seen at any gre;»1 distance from it: the back an! lead are brown; the belly transversely marked with black and yellow alter- nately, as are the sides of the ne k: the neck is sni.Jl, the head large, and armed with the like destructive wea- pons as the rattle-snake: it is very nimble, and particu- larly dextrous in catching fish. In summer great num- bers are seen lying on the branches of trees banging over rivers, from which at the approach of a boat they drop down into the water, and often into the boat on the men's heads: they lie in this manner to surprise either birds or fish, after which last they plunge, and pursue Ihem with great swiftness, and cat h some of a large.size, which they carry on shore and swallow whole. The tail is small towards the end, and terminates in a blunt hor- ny point about half an inch in length, and which, though harmless, is considered as of dreadful elficacy by the cre- dulous vulgar, who briiere that the animal is able, with this weapon, not r.nly to kill men and other animals, but even to destroy a tree hy wounding it with it; the tree withering, turning black, and dying. 6. Coluber argus, or argus snake. (See Plate XXXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 135.) is a large and elegant species, mea- surii.g, according to Seba, above five feet in length, and being of a moderate thickness in proportion: the head is large, flatfish, covered in front with small scales, and so vei'v protuberant on each side at the hind part as to ap- pear heart-shaped, or rather bilobate: the teeth large and strong: the whole upper surface of the animal is of a dusky chesnut colour, the scales being small, ovate, and each marked by a white speck; while the body is beauti- fully marked from head to tail by numerous transverse rows of round read spots; the tail is moderately slender, tapering to a point, and seemingly measuring about a fifth ofthe whole length. This snake is, according to Se- ba, a native of Arabia. The appearance of the head seems strongly to indicate a poisonous species. 7. The coluber natrix, or ringed snake (See Plate XXXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 137.) appears to be pretty gene- rally diffused throughout all parts of Europe, frequent- ing woods, moist hedges, and shady places; in colour it occasionally varies, but is generally either ofa blueish grey or pale olive on the upper parts, marked along the sides by a row of small'transv erse black streaks, alter- nating with some smaller spots of the same colour; and on each side the .neck is a black and somewhat semilunar patch, the horns or tips pointing forward: this is bound- ed in front by a second patch of a pale yellow or whitish colour, thus forming a kind of collar on each side the ne; k. This animal is of an innoxious nature, and may be tamed to a considerable degree. Mr. White, in his History of Selborne, has the following remark on this subject: " I knew a gentleman who kept a tame snake, which was in its person as sweet as any animal; but as soon as a stranger, or a dog or cat, came in, it fell to hissing, and filled the room with such nauseous effluvia as rendered it hardly supportable." The snake chiefly lives by preying on frogs, mice, small birds, insects, worms, Sec. It is known to frequent the water occasional- ly, for the sake of frogs, Sec. and is capable of swim- ming, though not with any great degree of celerity. It deposits its eggs in any warm and moist situation, as under hedges, in dunghills, Sic. in the form of a continu- ed chain or necklace of ov a, to the number of twelve, four- teen, sixteen, or even twenty, of the size of those of a blackbird, and of a whitish colour: these, according to the observations of Mr. White, do not hatch till'the spring fed low ing. During the winter the snake conceals itself in any convenient retreat, and becomes nearly torpid, re-ap- pearing in the spring, when it casts its skin, which cracking or opening on the edges of the lips, is, bv tiie efforts of the animal, gradually thrown off, in an invert- ed direction, throughout its whole length, to the very terminal scale of the tail; and so complete is the spoil or exuvium, as to exhibit the very coat or membrane of the eyes themselves: the whole skin is entirely transparent. 8. The coluber atrovirens, or French snake, is an ani- mal of a perfectly harmless nature, and, liketh<> former, is capable of being tamed to a considerable degree. The count jle Cepede relates, from Mr.Bomare, an anecdote COL COL relative t» a snake which he supposes to have been of this species, which had been so completely tamed by a lady, as to come to her whenever she called it. follow her in her walks, wreathe itself round her arms, and sleep in her bosom. One day, when this lady went in a boat, to some distance up a large river, she' threw the snake into the water, imagining that it would readily recover the boat hy swimming; but the current proving unusually strong, at that juncture, owing to the advance ofthe tide, the poor animal, in spite of all its efforts to reach the ves- sel, was unfortunately drowned. 9. The coluber constrictor, or black snake, is a large and very long snake: some being six feet hi length: they are all over of a shining black, never changing their co- lour; and are very nimble and beneficial in killing rats, which they pursue with wonderful agility to the roofs and all parts of houses and barns, where rats are able to run, for which service they are preserved by most of the inhabitants: they are bold and furious, leaping at and biting those that attack them, though no harm ensues; their bite not being venomous: it is commonly said in Carolina that they will attack and swallow rattle-snakes: it is certain that most or all snakes will devour one another, not only of their own but of other kinds. They are the most numerous of all snakes in North America. " Many ridiculous frights," says Mr. Pennant, " have happened from this innocent reptile. As every one in America is full of the dread of the rattle-snake, they are apt to fly at the sight of any of the serpent kind. This pussues, soon overtakes, and twisting round the legs of the fugitive, soon brings him to the ground; but he hap- pily receives no hurt, but what may result from the fright; all the mischief this species docs is to the housewives, for it will skim their milk-pans of the cream, and rob their hen-roosts of all the eggs." 10. The coluber austriacus, or smooth snake, is found in France and several other parts of Europe, It inhabits moist meadows, hedges, watery places, Sec. It is of a fierce disposition in its wild state, biting with much eagerness such animals as happen to attack it; but is incapable of producing any injury, being unprovided with poisonous fangs, and is easily tamed, in which state it shows a con- siderable degree of attachment. It occasionally varies somewhat in colour, the upper parts having a strong tinge of rufous, and the abdomen of dusky brown or even blackish, while the sides have a cast of yellow or green. 11. The coluber gemmatus, or bugle snake, is a beau- tiful species: length about fifteen or sixteen inches, colour of the upper parts blue, with three narrow equidistant stripes from head to tail; the two lateral stripes being white, the middle one black, marked by a row of small white specks alternately oblong and round, representing a small string of beads and bugles: head large-scaled, and marked on each side hy three or four spots forming a band across the eves, the top spotted with pale blue marks bordered with black: the abdomen is white, each scutum being marked at its edge, near the body, with a small black speck, forming two rows down the abdomen: native country unknown: described by Cepede from a specimen in the royal cabinet. 12. The coluber myeterizans, or longsnouted snake, is in colour grass-green, with a yellow line on each side the abdomen: habit remarkably slender, measuring about three feet and a half in length, and about half an inch in diameter: head moderately large, long, and very sharp. snouted, the upper jaw running far beyond the lower- sometimes this species varies in having an additional pair of yellow abdominal lines, running down the middle of that part: it is an innoxious snake, though erroneously marked as poisonous in the Systema Nature, owm1* to the fanglike appearance of its large and long teeth iiAhe upper jaw. It is a native of many parts of North America where it is principally seen on trees, moving with great' velocity in pursuit of insects, on which it is said princi- pally to feed. 13. The coluber ah abulia, or iridescent snake, is one of the most beautiful ofthe whole serpent tribe (See Plate XXXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 134;) and in general, easily dis- tinguished by its blue-green gilded tinge, accompanied by iridescent hues: its habit is long and slender, measuring about three feet and a half, or four feet, in length, and about half or three quarters of an inch in diameter: the skin, between the scales, is blackish, and in some parts gives an additional beauty to the general colour: across the cheeks, passing through the eyes, is a jet-black streak: the head is covered above with large scales, and the snout is slightly elongated, but by no means pointed: the abdomen is pale and flatfish, as in the myeterizans and some others of this tribe, and the tail is angular, thin, and of very considerable length. This species is entirely innocent, and is a native of several parts of India. COLUBRINUM lignum, snake-wood. See Mate- ria Medica. COLUMBA, in ornithology, the pigeon, a genus be- longing to the order of passeres. The characters of this genus are as follow: the hill is straight towards the point; the nostrils are oblong, and half-covered over with a soft tumid membrane; and the tongue is entire, that is, not clo- ven. There are about 70 species, natives of different countries. The following are the most remarkable: 1. Columbia coronata, or great crowned pigeon, a ve- ry large species, about the size of a turkey. The bill is black, and two inches long; the irides are red; the head, neck, breast, belly, sides, thighs, and under tail-coverts, cinereous blue; the head is crested; the sex of a deep ash-colour. This species inhabits the Molucca isles and New Guinea, and has been brought to England alive. In size it far exceeds any of the pigeon tribe; hut its form and mannersteJl us it can belong to no other. Its note is cooing and plaintive, like that of other pigeons, only louder in proportion. The mournful notes of these birds alarmed the crew of Bougainville much, when in the neighbourhood of them, thinking they were the cries of the human species. In France they were never observed to lay eggs, nor in Holland, though they were kept for some time. 2. Columba malaccensis, the Malacca pigeon described by Sonnerat, is little larger than the house-sparrow. It in a most beautiful species, and the flesh is said to be ex- tremely delicate. It has been transported into the Isle of France, where it has multiplied exceedingly. 3. Columba migratorie, or pigeon of passage, is about the size of an English wood-pigeon; the bill black: itis red; the head of a dusky blue; the breast and bellv of a COL COL faint red; above the shoulder of the wing there is a patch of feathers shining like gold; the wing is coloured like the head, having some few spots of black; the tail is very long, and covered with a black feather, under which the rest are white; the legs and feet are red. They come in prodigious numbers from the north, to winter in Virginia and Carolina. In these countries they roost upon one another's backs in such numbers that they often break down the limbs of oaks which support them, and leave their dung some inches thick below the trees. In Virginia Mr. Catesby has seen them fly in such continu- ed trains for three days successively, that they were not lost sight of for the least interval of time, but somewhere in the air they were seen continuing their flight south- ward. They breed in rocks by the sides of rivers and lakes far north of St. Laurence. They fly to the south only in hard winters, and are never known to return. 4. Columba oenas, or the domestic pigeon, and all its beautiful varieties, derive their origin from one species, the stock dove; the English name implying its being the stock or stem, whence the other domestic birds have sprung. These birds, as Varro observes, take their Latin name, columba, from their voice or cooing: and, had he known it, he might have added the British also; for k'lommen, kylabmano, kulm, and kolm, sig- nify the same bird. They were, and still are, to be found in most parts of England in a state of nature; but probably the Romans first taught the Britons how to construct pigeon-houses, and make birds domestic. The characters of the domestic pigeon are these. It is of a deep blueish ash-colour; the breast dashed with a fine changeable green and purple; it weighs fourteen ounces. In the wild state it breeds in holds of rocks and hollows of trees; for which reason some style it columba cavernalis, in opposition to the ring dove, which makes its nest on the houghs of trees. Nature always preserves some agreement in the manners, characters, and colours, of birds reclaimed from the wild state. This species of pigeon soon takes to build in artificial cavities, and from the temptation of a ready provision becomes easily do- mesticated. Multitudes of these wild birds migrate in- to the south of England; and, while the beech-woods were suffered to cover large tracts of ground, they used to haunt them in myriads, reaching a mile in length, as they went out in the morning to feed. They visit Bri- tain the latest of any bird of passage, not appearing till November, and retiring in the spring. Mr. Pennant imagines, that their summer haunts are in Sweden, as Mr. Eckmark makes their retreat thence coincide with their arrival in Britain. Numbers of them, however, breed in cliffs on the coast of Wales, and of the Hebrides. The varieties produced from the domestic breed are nu- merous, and extremely elegant; they are distinguished by names expressive of their several properties, as tumb- lers, carrici-s. jacobines, croppers, pouters, runts, tur- bites, owls, nuns, &c. The most celebrated of these is the carrier. They are gregarious; lay only two eggs, and breed many times in the year. So quick is their increase, thai the author of the Economy of Nature ob- serves, that in the space of four years 14760 pigeons may come from a single pair. The male and female sit, and also feed their young, by turns: they cast provision out vox. i. 75 of their craw into the young one's mouth; they drink, not by sipping, but by continued draughts like qua- drupeds. 5. Columba palumbus, the ring-dove or wood-pigeon, is a native of Europe and Asia. It is the largest pigeon we have, and might be distinguished from all othei-s by its size alone. Its weight is about twenty ounces; its length 18, the breadth 30, inches. The head, back, and covers of the wings, are of a blueish ash-colour: the low- er side ofthe neck and breast are of a purplish red, dash- ed with ash-colour; on the hind part of the neck is a semicircular line of white; above and beneath that, the feathers are glossy, and of changeable colours. This species forms its nest of a few dry sticks in the boughs of trees. Attempts have been made to domesticate them by hatching their eggs under the common pigeon in dove- houses; hut as soon as they could fly, they always took to their proper haunts. In the beginning of winter .they assemble in greatiflocks, and leave off cooing, which they begin in March, when they pair. 6. Columba passerina, or the ground-dove of Caroli- na, is about the size of a lark. The hill is yellow, and black at the end; the iris red; the breast and whole front of a changeable purple, with dark purple spots; the legs and feet of a dirty yellow; but the whole bird has such a composition of colours in it, that a very particular de- scription is impossible. They fly in great numbers together, and make short flights from place to place, generally lighting on the ground. 7. Columba tutur, or turtle-dove, is a native of India. The length is twelve inches and a half: its breadth twenty- one; the weight four ounces. The irides are of a fine yellow, and the eye-lids encompassed with a beautiful crimson circle. The chin and forehead are whitish; the top ofthe head ash-coloured, mixed with olive. On each side of the neck is a spot of black feathers prettily tipt with white: the hack ash-coloured, bordered with olive- brown: the scapulars and coverts of a reddish brown spotted with black: the breast of a light purplish red, having the verge of each feather yellow; the belly white. In the breeding season these birds are found in Bucking- hamshire, and in several parts of the west of England. They are very shy, and breed in thick woods, generally of oak; in autumn they migrate into other countries. See PI. N. H. fig. 139. COLUMN, in the military art, a long deep file of troops or baggage. The first and second lines of the army as t-;ey are encamped, make generally two columns on a march, filing off cither from the right or left: some- times the army marches in four, six, or eight columns, according as the ground will allow: and each column is led by a general officer. Colum.v. See Architecture. COLUMNA. See Anatomy. COLUMNEA, a genus ofthe angiospermia order, in the didynamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 40th order, personatae. The calvx is quinquepartite; the upper lip of the corolla arched and entire; gibbous above the base; the anthera conver- ted; the-capsule bilocular. There are six species, natives of the East and AV est Indies. COLUItES, in astronomy and geography, two ereat circles supposed to intersect each other at right angles COL COL in the poles of the world, and to pass through the solsti- lial and equinoctial points of the ecliptic. See Geo- graphy. COLUTEA, bastard-sena: a genus of the decandria order, in the diadelphia class of plants; and in the natu- ral method ranking under the 32d order, papilionaceae. The calyx is quinquefid; the legumen inflated, opening at the upper part of the base. There are nine species, deciduous flowering shrubs, adorned with many-lobed leaves, and butterfly-shaped flowers, of a deep yellow or red colour. They are propagated both by seeds and layers, and are hardy enough, though they sometimes require a little shelter when the weather is very cold. COLYMBUS, diver, in ornithology, a genus of anseres. The bill has no teeth, is subulated, straight, and sharp-pointed; the teeth are in the throat; the nos- trils are linear, and at the base of the bill; and the legs are unfit for walking. This genus includes several species, viz. the divers, guillemots, and grebes; of which the following are the most remarkable. 1. Thegrylle, or black guillemot, is in length fourteen inches, in breadth twenty-two; the bill is an inch and an half long, straight, slender, and black; the inside of the mouth red; on each wing is a large bed of white, which in young birds is spotted; except those in which the whole plumage is black, the legs are red. These birds are found on the Bass isle in Scotland; in the island of St. Kilda; and, as Mr. Ray imagines, in the Farn islands off the coast of Northumberland. They have also been seen on the rocks of Llandidno, in Caernarvonshire, in Wales. Except in breeding-time, the grylle keeps al- ways at sea; and is very difficult to be shot, diving at the flash ofthe pan. The Welsh call this bird cascanlongur, or " the sailor's hatred," from a notion that its appear- ance forebodes a storm. 2. The troile, or foolish guillemont, weighs 24 ounces; its length is 17 inches, the breadth 27|; the bill is three inches long, black, straight, and sharp-pointed; the inside of the mouth yellow; the feathers on the upper part of the bill arc short and soft like velvet; from the eye to the hind part of the head is a small division of the feathers: the rest is of a deep mouse colour. The chief places they are known to breed in are the uninhabited isle of Priestholm, near the isle of Anglesey; on a rock called Godreve, not far from St. Ives in Cornwall; the Farn isles, near the coast of Northumberland; and the cliffs about Scarborough in Yorkshire. They are also found in most ofthe northern parts of Europe. 3. The septentrionalis, or red-throated diver, is more elegantly shaped than the others. It weighs three pounds. The length to the end of the tail is two feet; to the toes two feet four inches, the breadth three feet five inches. This species breeds in the northern parts of Scotland, on the borders of the lakes. It is found also in Russia, Siberia, and Kamtschatka; but does not haunt the inland lakes. * 4. The glacialis, or northern diver, is three feet five inches in length; the breadth four feet eight; the bill to the corners of the mouth four inches long, black, and strongly made. This species inhabits several parts of the north of Europe, but is not very frequent on our shores, nor ever seen southward except in very severe winters. It is seldom met with on land, being for the most part on the open sea, where it is continually diving for fish, which it does with great agility, and flies high and well. It is common in Iceland and Greenland, where it breeds, and at that time frequents the fresh waters. It is sufficiently plentiful in Norway, and all along the arctic coasts, as far as the River Ob, in the Russian domin- ions. The natives of Greenland use the skinsfor clothing* and the Indians about Hudson's-bay adorn their heads with circlets of their feathers. At the last place it is known by the name of athinue-moqua. As they are sel- dom seen on the sea-coasts, but chiefly among the lakes they are called by the Indians inland loons. 5. The immer, or ember-goose, is superior in size to a common goose. The head is dusky; the back, coverts of the wings, and tail, clouded with lighter and darker shades of the same. The under side ofthe neck spotted with dusky; the breast and belly silvery; the legs black. They inhabit the seas about the Orkney islands; hut in severe winters visit the southern parts of Great Britain. They are found also in Iceland, and most parts of nor- thern Europe; likewise in Kamtschatka; but not in any part of Siberia or Russia. It likewise inhabits Switzer- land, particularly on the lake of Constance, where it is known by the name of fluder. It is said to dive won- derfully well, and to rise to an amazing distance from the place where it plunged. The female makes its nest among the reeds and flags, and places it in the water; so that it is continually wet, as in some ofthe grebe genus. It is difficult to be taken, either on land or swimming on the water; but is not unfrequently caught under the wa- ter by a hook baited with a small fish, its usual food. 6. The Chinese diver, supposed to inhabit China. From the various and uncertain accounts of authors, we are not clear what birds the Chinese use for catching fish: the custom, however, of doing it, is manifest, from the relations of many travellers. The bird used for this purpose has a ring fastened round the middle ofthe neck, in order to prevent its swallowing: besides this it has a slender long string fastened to it; and, thus accoutred, is taken by its master into his fishing-boat, from the edge of which it is taught to plunge after the fish as they pass by. 7. The cristatus, crested diver, or cargoose, weighs two pounds and a half. Its length is 21 inches, the breadth 30; the bill is two inches and a quarter long, red at the base, and black at the point. The cheeks and throat are surrounded with a long pendant ruff, ofa bright tawny colour, edged with black; the chin is white; the breast and belly are of a most beautiful silvery- white, glossy as satin; the outside of the legs and the bottom of the feet are dusky; the inside of the legs and the toes of a pale green. These birds frequent the meres of Shropshire and Cheshire, where they breed; and the great fen of Linconshire, where they are called gaunts. 8. The urinator, or tippet-grebe, is thought by Mr. Latham not to be a different species from the former, being only somewhat less, and wanting the crest and ruff. The sides of the neck are striped downwards from the head with narrow lines of black and white; in other respects the colours and marks agree with that bird. This species has been shot on Bostern-mere in Cheshire. It is rather scarce in England, but is common in the winter time on the lake of Geneva. They appear there COM COM in flocks of ten or twelve; and are killed for the sake of their beautiful skins. The under side of them, being dressed with the feathers on, is made into muffs and tip- pets; each bird sells for about fourteen shillings. 9. The horned grebe is about the size of a teal; weight, one pound; length, one foot; brcadlh, sixteen inches. It inhabits Hudson's-hay; and first appears in May, about the fresh waters. It lays from two to four white eggs in June, among the aquatic plants; and it is said to cover them when abroad. It retires south in autumn; and ap- pears then at New York, staying till spring, when it re- turns to the north. For its vast quickness in diving it is called the water-witch. At Hudson's bay, this bird is mostly known by the name of seekeep. COMA. See MEniciNE. Coma Berenices, Berenice's hair, in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, composed of stars near the lion's tail. Sec Astronomy. COMARUM, marsh-cinquefoil; a genus of the poly- gynia order, in the icosandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 35th order, senticosae. The calyx is dccemfid; the petals five, less than the calyx; the receptacle of the seeds ovate, spongy, and persisting. There is but one species, a native of Britain. It rises about two feet high, and bears fruit somewhat like that of the strawberry. COMB, an instrument to dean, untangle, and dress, flax, wool, hair, Sec. Combs for wool are prohibited to be imported into Britain. Comb, in a ship, a little piece of timber set under the lower part of the beakhead, near the middle. It has two holes in it, and supplies to the fore-tacks what the chest- trees do to the maintacks; that is, to bring the foretacks abroad. COMB-MAKING. Combs are generally made of the horns of bullocks, or of elephant's and sea-horse's teeth; some are made of tortoise-shell, and others of box or holly-woods. Bullock's horns are thus prepared in order to manufacture combs. The tips are first sawn off; they are then held in the flame of a wood fire: this is called roasting, by wdiich they become nearly as soft as leather. While in that state they are slit open on one side, and pressed in a machine between two iron plates; they are then plunged into a trough of water, from which they come out hard and flat. The comb-maker next saws them into lengths according to the sized combs he wants. To cut the teeth, each piece is fixed in a tool called a clam. The teeth are cut with a fine saw, or rather a pair of saws, and they are finished with a file. The process used for making ivory combs is nearly the same as that already described, except that the ivory is first sawed into thin slices. About eight years ago Mr. Bundy, of Camdcn-town, obtained a patent for cut- ting combs by means of machinery. It will be thought a very singular c ire uinstance, that before this period no method was practised in this country for cutting the teelh of combs, but that in which a pair of saws, rudely faslened in a wooden back, were directed by the human hand. With these implements, however, itis, that the very delicate superfine ivory combs, containing from 50 to 60 teeth in an inch, were manufactured. By Mr. Bunch's machine the business of comb-mak- ing is greatly expedited; the teeth of two combs may be cut in about three minutes. The combs are afterwards pointed by applying them to an arbor or axis clothed with cutters having chamfered edges and teeth. Tortoise-shell combs are very much used, and there are methods of staining horn so as to imitate tortoise- shell; of which the following is one: The horn to be dyed must be first pressed into a flat form, and then spread over with a paste made of two parts of quick-lime and one of litherage, brought into a proper consistence with soap-ley. This paste must be put over all the parts of the horn, except such as are proper to be left transpa- rent, to give it a nearer resemblance to tortoise-shell. The horn must remain in this state till the paste is quite dry, when it is to be brushed off. It requires taste and judgment to dispose the paste in such a manner as to form a variety of transparent parts, of different magni- tudes and figures, to look like nature. Some parts should also be semi-transparent; which may be effected by mixing whiting with a part of the paste, to weaken its operation in particular places: by this means spots of a reddish brown will be produced so as greatly to in- crease the beauty of the work. Horn thus dyed is ma- nufactured into combs, and these are frequently sold for real tortoise-shell. COMBATANT, in heraldry, a term for two beasts, as lions, &c. borne in a coat of arms in a fighting posture, with their faces to each other. COMBINATION, in chemistry, the union of bodies of different natures from which a new compound body results. Thus an acid unites with an alkali, and it is said there is a combination betwixt these two salts, be- cause from the union a neutral salt results. Again, metals unite with oxygen, and form a combination ofthe metallic oxides. Whether there exists a reciprocal affi- nity between every species of the particles of bodies, is a point which cannot easily be determined, though it is certainly very probable that there does. But as the particles of bodies are usually found cohering together in masses, it is evident that no heterogeneous bodies can combine unless their affinity for each other be stronger than the cohesive force which unites the re- spective particles of each. Now whenever two bodies constantly refuse to combine, in whatever situation we place them, we say that they have no affinity for each other; meaning merely that their affinity is not so great as to produce combination. Thus we say that there is no affinity between oil and water, because these two liquids refuse to combine together; yet when oil is united with alkali, and in the state of soap, it dissolves in water; a proof that tliere does exist an affinity between water and oil, though not strong enough to produce combination. We say also, that tliere is no affinity be- tween azote and lime, because azotic gas cannot be combined with that earth; yet nitric acid dissolves lime readily, which shows us that the refusal of lfonc and azotic gas to combine is not the consequence of the; want of an affinity between these two bodies, but of some other cause. We may present a body to another with which it is capable of combining in two different states, either in- sulated or already combined with some other body. Thus we may present lime to nitric acid, cither in the COMBINATIONS. state of pure lime, or Combined with carbonic acid, and consequently in the state of a carbonat. In the first case the affinity is opposed by the cohesion, and combination does not take place unless that force can be overcome. Hence the reason that combination seldom succeeds well, unless some one of the bodies to be com- bined is fluid, or is assisted by heat, which has the pro- perty of diminishing the force of cohesion. Indeed there are not wanting numerous instances of solid bodies com- bining together without the assistance of heat; but they are always bodies which have the property of becoming liquid in the act of combination. Thus common salt and snow, muriat of lime and snow, Sec. combine rapidly when mixed, and are converted into liquids. It is to the force of cohesion that the difficulty of dis- solving the diamond, the sapphire, and many other natu- ral bodies, is to be ascribed, though composed of ingre- dients very readily acted on by solvents when their co- hesive force is sufficiently diminished. If pure alumina is formed into a paste, and heated sufficiently, it becomes so hard that no acid can act upon it; yet its nature is not in the least changed. By proper trituration it may be again rendered soluble; and when precipitated from this new solution, it has recovered all its original properties. The effect of the fire then was merely to increase the co- hesion, by separating all the water, and allowing the par- ticles to approach nearer each other. Even when the cohesive force of the particles to be combined is not very great, it may be still sufficient to prevent combination from taking place, provided the other body can only approach in a very small mass. Hence the reason that carbonic acid gas, and other elas- tic fluids, have scarcely any action on the greater num- ber of bodies, though they combine with them readily when the force of cohesion presents no opposition. Thus the oxygen of the atmosphere does not combine with sulphur in its natural state, though it unites with it readi- ly when the sulphur is combined with hydrogen and pot- ash, bodies which diminish its cohesion very considerably, or when it is converted into its integrant particles by the action of heat. In the second case, or when the body presented to be combined with another is already in combination with some other body, it does not altogether leave the old bo- dy and combine with the new, but it is divided between them in proportion to the mass and the affinity of these bodies. Thus, when lime, already in combination with phosphoric acid, is presented to sulphuric acid, it does not altogether leave the phosphoric to combine with the sulphuric acid; but it divides itself between these two acids, part combining with the one and part with the other, according to the respective quantities of each of these acids, and the strength of their affinity for the lime. Chemists had formerly, in a great measure overlooked the modification produced on the action of heterogeneous bodies on each other by the different proportions of each; supposing that in all cases a substance A, which has a stronger affinity for C than B has, is capable of taking C altogether from B, provided it be added in sufficient quantity, how great soever the proportion of B exceeds that of A. Several exceptions, indeed, have been pointed out to this general law. Thus Cavendish ascertained, that lime-water is incapable of depriving air completely of carbonic acid. But Berthollet has demonstrated, that this pretended law never holds; that no substance what- ever is capable of depriving another of the whole of a third, with which it is combined, except in particular circumstances, however strong its affinity for that third may be, and in how great a proportion soever it he added. Thus no portion of lime whatever is capable of depri- ving the carbonat of potash of the whole of its arid. Neither does sulphuric acid decompose phosphat of lime completely, nor ammonia sulphat of alumina, nor potash sulphat of magnesia. In short, it may be considered as a general law in chemistry, that the smaller the proportion of a body in combination with a given quantity of another body is with the greater energy is it retained; so that at last the force of its affinity becomes stronger than any direct force that can be applied to separate it. Hence the im- possibility of depriving sulphuric acid and several other bodies completely of water. Berthollet has shown also, that every body, how weak soever its affinity for another may be, is capable of ab- stracting part of that other from a third, how strong so- ever the affinity of that third is, provided it be applied in sufficient quantity. Thus potash is capable of abstract- ing part of the acid from sulphat of barytes, from oxat of lime, phosphat of lime, and carbonat of lime. Soda and lime abstract part ofthe acid from sulphat of potash, and nitric acid abstracts part of the base from oxalat of lime. Hence it follows that substances are capable of de- composing each other reciprocally, provided they be ad- ded respectively in the proper quantity. Indeed this was known formerly to be the case, though it had not been considered as a general law till Berthollet drew the at- tention of chemists to it. Sulphuric acid decomposes ni- trat of potash altogether by the assistance of heat. The nitric acid is driven off, and tliere remains behind sul- phat of potash with an excess of acid. On the other hand, if nitric acid is poured into sulphat of potash in sufficient quantity, it takes a part of the base from the sulphuric acid. In the same manner phosphoric acid decomposes muriat of lead, and muriatic acid on the other hand de- composes phosphat of lead. COMBINATIONS, in law are persons assembled to- gether unlawfully, with an intent to do unlawful acts; and these offences are punishable before such acts are carried into effect, in order to prevent the consequence of combinations and conspiracies. 9 Rep. 57. Combinations denote the alterations or variations of any number of quantities, letters, sounds, or the like, in all possible ways. Father Mersenne gives the combinations of all the notes and sounds in music, as far as 64; the sum of wbich amounts to a number expressed by 90 places of figures. And the number of possible combinations of the 24 letters of the alphabet, taken first two by two, then three by three, and so on, according to Prestef s calculation amounts to 1391724288887252999425128493402200. Father Trutcbet, in Mem. de l'Acad. shows that two square pieces, each divided diagonally into two colours, may be arranged and combined 64 different ways, so as to form so many different kinds of chequer-work: a thing that may be of use to masons, paviours, &c. COM COM Doctrine of Combinations. I. Having given any number of things, with thenumber in each combination; to find the number of combinations. 1. When only two are combined together. One thing admits of no combination. Two, a tind b, admit of one only, viz. ab. Three, a, b, c, admit of three, viz. ab, ac, be. Four admit of six, viz. aft, ac, ad, be, bd, cd. Five admit of ten, viz. ab, ac, ad, ae, be, bd, be, cd, ce, de. Whence it appears that the number of combinations of two-and-two only, proceed according to the triangular numbers 1, 3, 6,10,15,21, &c. which are produced by the continual addition of ordinal series 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. And if n be the number of things, then the general formula for expressing the sum of all their combinations by twos, n.n— 1 will be-------. 1.2 2.1 Thus, if n= 2; this becomes ---- = 1. 2 3.2 If n = 3; it is---- - - = 3. 2 4.3 If n = 4; it is---- - - = 6, &c. 2 2. When three are combined together; then Three things admit of one order, abc. Four admit of four; viz. abc, abd, acd, bed. Five admit often; viz. abc, abd, abe, acd, ace, ade, bed, bee, bde, cde. And so on according to the first pyramidal num- bers 1,4,10, 20, &c. which are formed by the continual ad- dition ofthe former, or triangular numbers 1,3,6, 10, &c. And the general formula for any numbern of combinations, n.n— 1 n—2 taken by threes, is------------. 1 .2.3 3.2.1 So, if n = 3; itis------= 1. 1.2.3 4. 3.2 If n = 4; it is —i----= 4. 6 5.4.3 If n = 5; it is------= 10, &c. 6 Proceeding thus, it is found that a general formula for any number n of things, combined by m at each time, is n.n—1 .n—2 .« — 3 &c. s =------------------------continued to m factors, 1. 2. 3. 4. Sec. or terms, or till the last factor in the denominator be m. So, in six things, combined by fours, the number of combinations is--------=15. 3. By adding aO these series together, their sum will be the whole number of possible combinations of n things combined by twos, by threes, by fours, &c. And as the said series are evidently the co-efficients of the power n of a binomial, wanting only the first two, 1 and n; there- fore the said sum, or whole number of all such combina- tions, will be 1 + 1 1—to—l,or22— nl. Thus if the number of things be 5; then 22 — 5 —1=32—6 = 26. II. To find the number of changes and alterations which any number of quantities can undergo, when combined in all possible varieties of ways, with themselves and each other, both as the things themselves, and the order or posi- tion of them. One thing admits but of one order or position. Two things may be varied four ways; thus, aa, ab, ba, bb. Three quantities taken by twos, may be varied nine wrays; thus aa, ab, ac, ba, ca, bb, be, cb, cc. In like manner four things, taken by twos, may be va- ried 42 or 16 ways; and five things, by twos, 52 or 25 ways; and, in general, n things, taken by twos, may be changed or varied to2 different ways. For the same reason, when taken by threes, the changes will be to3; and when taken by fours, they will he n4; and so generally, when taken by tos, the changes will be to". Hence then, adding all these together, the whole num- ber of changes or combinations in to things, taken both by twos, hy threes, by fours, Sec. to tos, will be the sum ofthe geometrical series n-f-n2 -f n3+n* - - - -. nn, which to"— 1 sum is =-----x to. to —1 For example, if the number of things n be 4; this gives 4< —1 255 ------X 4 =---x 4 = 340. 4—1 3 And if to be 24, the number of letters in the alphabet, 2424 — 1 ________ 24 the theorem gives--------x 24 = 2424 — l x — = 24 — 1 23 1391724288887252999425128493402200. In so many different ways, therefore, may the 24v letters ofthe al- phabet be varied or combined among themselves, or so many different words may be made out of them. COMBRETUM, a genus ofthe class and order oc- tandria monogynia. The calyx is five-toothed, bell-sha- ped, superior corolla four-petalled,stam. very long, seed one, four or five angled, angles membranaceous. There are four species, natives of South America and the West Indies. COMBUSTION. There is perhaps no phenomenon more wonderful in itself, more interesting on account of its utility, or which has more closely occupied the at- tention of chemists than combustion. When a stone or a brick is heated, it undergoes no change except an aug- mentation of temperature; and when left to itself, it soon cools again, and becomes as at first. But with com- bustible bodies the case is very different. When heated to a certain degree in the open air, they suddenly be- come much hotter of themselves; continue for a consider- able time intensely hot, sending out a copious stream of caloric and light to the surrounding bodies. This emis- sion, after a certain period, begins to diminish, and at COMBUSTION. last ceases altogether. The combustible has now under- gone a most complete change; it is converted into a sub- stance possessing very different properties, and no lon- ger capable of combustion. Thus when charcoal is kept for some time at the temperature of about 800°, it kin- dles, becomes intensely hot, and continues to emit light and caloric for a long time. When the emission ceases, the charcoal has all disappeared, except an inconsidera- ble residuum of ashes; being almost entirely converted into carbonic acid gas, which makes its escape, unless the experiment is conducted in proper vessels. If it is collected, it is found to exceed greatly in weight the whole of the charcoal consumed. The first attempt to explain combustion was crude and unsatisfactory. A certain elementary body, called fire, was supposed to exist, possessed of the property of de- vouring certain other bodies, and converting them into it- self. When we set fire to a grate full of charcoal, we bring, according to this hypothesis, a small portion of the element of fire, which immediately begins to W.our the charcoal, and to convert it into fire. Whatever part of the charcoal is not fit for being the food of fire is left behind in the form of ashes. A much more ingenious and satisfactory hypothesis was proposed in 1665 by Dr. Hooke. According to this extraordinary man, tliere exists in common air a certain substance, which is like, if not the very same with, that which is fixed in saltpetre. This substance has the pro- perty of dissolving all combustibles; but only when their temperature is considerably raised. The solution takes place with such rapidity, that it occasions both heat and light, which in his opinion are mere motions. About ten years after the publication of Hooke's Mi- crographia, his theory was adopted by Mayow, without acknowledgment, in a tract which he published at Oxford on saltpetre. We are indebted to him for a number of ve- ry ingenious and important experiments, in which he an- ticipated several modern chemical philosophers; but his reasoning is for the most part absurd, and the additions which he made to the theory of Hooke are exceedingly extravagant. To the solvent of Hooke he gives the'name of spiritus nitro-aereus. It consists, he supposes, of very minute particles, which are constantly at variance with the particles of combustibles, and from their quarrels all the changes of things proceed. Fire consists in the ra- pid motion of these particles, heat in their less rapid mo- tion. The sun is merely nitro-aerial particles moving with great rapidity. They fill space. Their motion be- comes more languid according to their distance from the sun; and when they approach near the earth, they become pointed, and constitute cold. The attention of chemical philosophers was soon drawn away from the theory of Hooke and Mayow to one of a very different kind, first proposed by Beccher, but new- modelled by his disciple Stahl with so much skill, arran- ged in such an elegant sytematic form, and furnished with such numerous appropriate and convincing illustrations, that it almost instantly caught the fancy, raised Stahl to the highest rank among philosophers, and constituted him the founder of the Stahlian theory of combustion. According to Stahl, all combustible substances contain m them a certain body, known by the name of phlogiston, to which they owe their combustibility. This substance is precisely the same in all combustibles. These bodies of course owe their diversity to other ingredients which they contain, and with which the flogiston is combined. Com- bustion, and all its attendant phenomena, depend upon the separation and dissipation of this principle; and when it is once separated, the remainder of the body is incom- bustible. Phlogiston, according to Stahl, is peculiarly disposed to be affected by a violent whirling motion. The heat and the light, which make their appearance during combustion, arc merely two properties of phlogiston when in this state of violent agitation. Ingenious as this theory was, it wanted the support of demonstration. The exis- tence of phlogiston was gratuitously admitted, and every one was at liberty to attach his own idea to the term. The theory accordingly underwent many changes in the hands of Macquer, Priestley, Crawford, and Kir van, but difficulties multiplied in proportion to the progress of dis- covery in other departments of the science. The last of these philosophers took much pains to prove that hydro- gen performed the office which the Stahlian theory assign- ed to phlogiston. This he attempted in a treatise publish- ed on purpose, entitled, 'An Essay on Phlogiston, and the Constitution of Acids.' In 1777 the celebrated Swedish chemist, Scheele, pub- lished a treatise, entitled, < Chemical Experiments on Air and Fire,' which perhaps exhibits a more striking display ofthe extent of his genius than all his other publications. After a vast number of experiments, conducted with as- tonishing ingenuity, he concluded, that caloric is compo- sed of a certain quantity of oxygen combined with phlo- giston; that radiant heat, a substance which he supposed capable of being propagated in straight lines like light, and not capable of combining with air, is composed of ox- ygen united with a greater quantity of phlogiston, and light of oxygen united with a still greater quantity. He supposes too, that the difference between the rays depends upon the quantity of phlogiston. The red, according to him, contains the least; the violet, the most phlogiston. By phlogiston Mr. Scheele seems to have meant hydro- gen. Itis needless therefore to examine his theory, as it is now known that the combination of hydrogen and oxygen forms not caloric but water. The whole fabric, therefore, has fallen to the ground; but the importance of the mate- rials will always be admired, and the ruins of the struc- ture must remain eternal monuments of the genius ofthe builder. During these different modifications of the Stahlian theory, the illustrious Lavoisier "was assiduously occu- pied in studying the phenomena of combustion. He seems to have attached himself to this subject, and to have seen the defects of the prevailing theory, as early as 1770. The first precise notions, however, of whatever might be the real nature of combustion, were suggested to him by Raven's paper on the oxydes of mercury, which he heard read before the Academy of Sciences in 1774. These first notions, or rather conjectures, he pursued with unwearied industry, assisted by the numerous dis- coveries which were pouring in from all quarters; and by a long series of the most laborious and accurate ex- periments and disquisitions ever exhibited in chemistry, he fully established the existence of this general law: «In every case of combustion, oxygen combines with the burning body." This noble discovery, the fruit of genius, COMBUSTION. industry, and penetration, has reflected new light on every branch of chemistry, has connected and explained a \ast number of facts formerly insulated and inexplica- ble, and has new-modelled the whole, and moulded it into the form of a science. Mr. Lavoisier's explanation of combustion depends up- on the two laws discovered hy himself and Dr. Black. When a combustible body is raised to a certain tempera- ture, it begins to combine with the oxygen of the atmos- phere, and this oxygen during its combination lets go the caloric and light with which it was combined while in the gaseous state. Hence their appearance during every combustion. Hence also the change which the combusti- ble undergoes in consequence of combustion." Thus Lavoisier explained combustion without having recourse to phlogiston; a principle merely supposed to exist, because combustion could not be explained without it. No chemist had been able to exhibit phlogiston in a separate state, or to give any proof of its existence, ex- cepting only its convenience in explaining combustion. The proof of its existence consisted entirely in the im- possibility of explaining combustion without it. Mr. La- voisier therefore, by giving a satisfactory explanation of combustion without having recourse to phlogiston, prov- ed that there was no reason for supposing any such prin- ciple at all to exist. But the hypothesis of Mr. Kirwan, who made phlogis- ton the same with hydrogen, was not overturned by thi« explanation, because there could he no doubt that such a substance as hydrogen actually exists. But hydrogen, if it is phlogiston, must constitute a component part of every combustible, and it must separate from the combustible in every case of combustion. These were points accordingly, which Mr. Kirwan undertook to prove. If he failed, or if the very contrary of his supposition holds in fact, his hypothesis of course falls to the ground. Lavoisier and his associates saw at once the important uses which might be made of Mr. Kirwan's essay. By refuting an hypothesis which had been embraced by the most respectable chemists in Europe, their cause would receive an eclat which would make it irresistible. Accor- dingly, the essay was translated into French, and each ofthe sections into which it was divided was accompani- ed by a refutation. Four of the sections were refuted hy Lavoisier, three by Berthollet, three by Fourcroy, two by Morveau, and one by Mongc; and, to do the French chemists justice, there never was a refutation more coin- jdetc. Mr. Kirwan himself, with that candour which dis- tinguishes superior minds, gave up his opinion as unte- nable, and declared himself a convert to the opinion of Lavoisier. Thus Mr. Lavoisier, destroyed the existence of phlo- giston altogether; and established a theory of combustion almost prerist the commercial trau-ac ions between the two countries is certainly considerably in In 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 s. d. 7 8 5 9 6 2 15 5 5 0 5 6 COMMERCE. favour of the former, owing principally to the increased importations by Great Britain of Irish linens, which has amounted of late to upwards of 36,600,000 yards an- nually. But this unfavourable balance of trade with re- spect to Great Britain is probably counteracted by other circumstances. The total value ofthe imports of Ireland from all parts was, in the year ending 5th January 1805, 5,718,945/. and the total value of exports, 5,063,073; the latter consisted of Irish produce and manufactures 4,902,915/., and of British and foreign articles 160,158. The total number of vessels which entered inwards was 8019, of which number 7055 were from Great Britain; the total number that cleared outwards was 6624, of which number 5808 were to Great Britain. The trade with Russia is carried on chiefly from the ports of London, Hull, Liverpool, Newcastle, Bristol, Leith, Dundee, and Grangemouth. The principal arti- cles of import are iron, hemp, flax, tallow, pot-ashes, coarse linens, deals and lath-wood, hog's bristles, Sec. The exports consist of broad-cloth and woollen stuffs, refined sugar, cotton, lead, tin, iron and steel ware, earthenware and glass, alum, salt, coals, horses, Lon- don porter, and various articles of less importance. Total amount of imports from Russia. England. Scotland. Total. 1800 L. 1,990,295 L. 391,803 £.2,382,098 1801 2,001,663 245,214 2,246,877 1802 1,834,265 347,864 2,182,430 Exports from Great Britain to Russia. British Foreign Manufactures. Merchandize. Total. In 1800 £ 557,374 £ 467,961 1,1,025,335 1801 594,617 325,126 919,843 1802 834,412 541,987 1,376,399 The trade with this country is highly beneficial to Russia, as it is from Great Britain only that it receives a large balance in cash, which enables it to import the wines of France, Spain, and Portugal, brandy, oil, indi- go, and many other articles of foreign produce. The to- tal number of vessels that entered inwards from Russia in the year 1804 was 859, of which 830 were British ships: the total number that cleared out for Russia was 661, of which 558 were British. The exports to Denmark and Norway consist chiefly of West India produce, and other foreign merchandize: of the imports, timber and corn are the most considera- ble. Years. Imports. Exports. 1800 £ 241,563 £ 540,698 1801 208,794 416,475 1802 155,672 537,517 The total number of vessels that entered inwards from Denmark and Norway, in the year 1804, was 1418, of which 460 were British, ships: the total number that cleared outwards was 1684, of which 713 were British. The trade between Great Britain and Sweden has re- mained of nearly the same extent for the last 20 years. Itis carried on chiefly in ships of that country; the total number of vessels that entered inwards in 1804 being 252, of which only 106 were British; and the total num- ber that cleared outwards 229, of which only 96 were British. Years. Imports. Exports. 1801 £ 295,645 L 111,254 1802 327.350 108,296 1803 288,651 98,045 The imports consist principally of iron of a superior quality to that of any other country, pitch, tar, deal boards, and sail-cloth. The exports are chiefly colonial produce. The trade with Prussia is likewise carried on princi- pally in foreign vessels; the total number of vessels from that country which entered inwards in the ports of Great Britain in the year 1804, being 1911, of which only 720 were British, and the total number that cleared outwards 1622, of which only 390 were British vessels. Years. Imports. Exports. 1801 £1,387,149 £ 660,739 1802 1,057,602 1,071,896 1803 831,225 1,916,502 The export to Prussia is chiefly colonial produce, as the manufactured goods of other countries have of late years been much discouraged by the government, with the view of promoting its own manufactures. The trade with Germany had not been subject to any great fluctuation with respect to its extent, from the commencement of the last century till the year 1794, when it suddenly became the channel through which the principal part of the continent has since procured the goods which before they had received direct from Eng- land. The following account of exports to Germany shows the rapid increase of trade with that country in the course of a few years. British Foreign Years. Manufactures. Merchandize. 1791 £778,213 £1,111,532 1792 811,140 1,327,970 1793 718,474" 1,764,221 1794 1,634,530 4,308,695 1795 1,760,133 6,311,876 1796 1,591,810 6,582,179 The produce and manufactures of Great Britain ex- ported to Germany, with the exception of consignments to particular mercantile houses, are sold at the great fairs of Frankfort, Leipzig, Brunswick, and Nuremberg. The Easter fair at Leipzig is greatly celebrated for the immense quantities of British manufactures sold there. Towards the end of March, numberless bales of muslins, calicoes, printed cottons, and other goods, are sent from Glasgow, Paisley, Manchester, &c. to Hamburgh, be- sides vast quantities of English hardware from Birming- ham, as buttons, buckles, saddlery, and a thousand various articles, useful or ornamental: for though the Germans possess many of the materials of at least equal quality, and the wages of workmen are much lower, it will be long before they can rival England in such articles, from the superiority it derives from the use of powerful ma- chinery, and a great division of labour. Total amount of imports from Germany. England. Scotland. Great Britain. In 1800 £ 2,182,927 £ 169,270 £ 2,352,197 1801 1,900,936 143,238 2,044,175 1802 1,070,941 121,089 1,192,030 COMMERCE. Total exports to Germany. British Manufactures. For. Merchandize. Total. In 1800 £4,364,120 £8,300,471 £12,664,591 1801 4,928,617 6,186,687 11,115,304 1802 3,992,601 6,322,765 10,315,366 The total number of vessels that entered inwards from Germany, in the year 1804, was 189, and the number that cleared outwards 500. The trade with Holland was formerly the principal branch of our European commerce. It was at its height about the year 1745. On the French taking possession of Holland during the late war, the trade with this coun- try was of course in a great measure suspended, parti- cularly during the years 1795 and 1796. Some little re- laxation of the restrictions which had been imposed was afterwards found necessary; and on the peace, its com- mercial connexion with this country immediately revived, till it was checked again by war. Years. Imports. Exports. 1800 £.972,600 £.3,208,613 1801 1,025,958 3,496,744 1802 974,537 4,957,997 1803 630,403 1,565,355 The total number of vessels which entered inwards from Holland, in the year 1804, was 790, and the num- ber which cleared outwards 521. The export to Flanders was formerly considerable; but of late years the trade with that part of the continent has been carried on through other ports. The value of goods exported to Flanders in 1792 was 1,031,093/., of which 381,287/. was British manufactures, and 649,800/. foreign merchandize. Commercial intercourse with France has been so much deranged for some years past, that it would be useless to give any account of the little that remains, which, during the time of war, must be entirely carried on by the vessels of neutral powers. In the year 1792, the exports to France amounted to 1,228,165/., of which 743.280/. was British manufactures, and484,885/. foreign merchandize. The trade with Portugal was formerly a very benefi- cial branch of our commerce, but has decayed much of late. The balance, which some years ago was greatly in favour of this country, being estimated on an average of thirty years previous to the peace in 1753 at 800,000/. per annum, declined to nothing, and has been latterly against this country. The export of grain from Great Britain to Portugal was very much reduced previous to the scarcity in 1800, and the consequent prohibition. The exports consisted almost wholly of British produce and manufactures, the total value of the exports in 1792 being 760,655/., of which 720,984/. was British manufactures The imports from Portugal have increased in cotton- wool, wines, and indigo; but the merchants frequently remit cash and bullion to this country in payment of their debts in trade with other countries, though this has not been the case so much lately as formerly. In 1785, the quantity of gold and silver imported intothis country from Portugal was 1,101,700/.; but in the year 1795 it was reduced to about 186,000/. The following account of the number of ships which entered inwards from Portugal and cleared out for that country, during twelve years, will give some idea of the present extent of this trade, and ofthe effect of war with respect to the employment of neutral vessels. Inwards, Outwards. Years. British. | Foreign. British. | Foreign 1789 495 7 215 9 1790 505 6 225 11 1791 555 8 267 17 1792 561 9 285 17 1793 300 29 162 26 1794 345 23 224 28 1795 344 35 211 90 1793 254 26 216 106 1797 294 63 185 73 1798 265 61 229 69 1799 374 57 180 75 1800 270 70 203 126 The totol number of vessels which entered inwards in the year 1804 was 372; the number that cleared out- wards 31.4. The Mediterranean trade has suffered much interrup- tion since the year 1793: Great Britain, however, still retains a considerable share of it, though certainly less than at former periods. In the year 1792, the exports to Italy .and Venice amounted to 963,232/,; but they have since fallen much below that amount. The goods usually imported from Venice are currants loaded at Zante or Cephalonia, or some port in the Morea, silks, cream of tartar, glass beads for the East and West Indian and African trades, whisks of rice-weeds, sponge, and some Levant drugs, cotton, oil, and vallonea. The exports to Italy and Venice are pilchards and red-herrings, of wbich the consumption is considerable, a small quantity of salmon, salted ox-guts, of which about 100 or 150 casks are yearly consumed for making salt puddings, tin, lead and litharge, alum, woollens, and hardware; be- sides sugars, cocoa, pepper, and other foreign articles. The number of vessels which entered inwards from Ve- nice in the year 1800, was only 4, the number that clear- ed out 12. The trade with Turkey has been less disturbed than that of any other part ofthe Mediterranean, particular- ly since Malta has been in the bands of the English: this branch of trade is by no means equal in importance to what it has formerly been. Tbe exports consist chiefly of lead in pigs, lead-shot, tin, wrought and cast iron, hardware, cloths and stuffs, glass and earthenware, clocks and watches, West India coffee, sugar, pepper, bee. The imports are cotton-wool, cotton-yarn, silk, mo- hair, madder, galls, figs, raisins, and a few other ar- ticles. Years. Imports. Exports. 1801 141,137/. 172,198/. 1802 182,424/. 180,000/. 1803 175,427/. 155,369/. The number of vessels that entered inwards from Turkey, in the year 1803, was 27; in 1804, 16. The West India trade is in some respects the most important branch of our commerce. The capital en- gaged in it has been stated at no less than 70,000,000/. The value ofthe goods exported from Great Britain on an average of four years, ending 5th January 1796, was estimated, according to their real value, at 3,900,000/.; but besides the goods sent directly hence to the West In COM COM dies, merchandize to a considerable amount is exported to the coast of Africa, for the purchase of slaves. Adding, therefore, the value ofthe slaves annually imported and retained in the islands, the whole export to the West In- dies may he estimated at least at 4,672,000/. The value of the imports is considerably greater; and the annual balance is to be considered in part as a remittance of the income or property of persons who possess estates in the West Inches, and who are wholly or occasionally resi- dent here; and of persons who have lent money on mort- gage or otherwise in the West Indies, and receive the in- terest through the medium of these remittances: a further part defrays the freight and other charges in this coun- try of West India produce. Total imports from the West Indies. British West Indies. Conquered Islands. Total. 1801 6,759,617/. 4,105,839/. 10,865,456/. 1802 7,293,316 2,699,504 9,992,820 1803 5,786,432 362,014 6,148,436 The number of British vessels that entered inwards, in the year 1804, was 714, containing 202,974 tons, and navigated by 11,819 seamen. The number of vessels that cleared outwards was 785. The trade with the United States of America has ra- pidly advanced to considerable importance; and we now supply them with commodities to a far greater amount than in the most favourable years previous to their sepa- ration from this country. The imports consist chiefly of unmanufactured American produce, such as corn, tobac- co, rice, &c. of which about four-fifths of the tobacco is re-exported. In the year ending 5th January 1793, the number of British ships in the trade between this coun- try and the Anglo-American ports was only 193, while tbe American vessels in the same trade were no less than 313. In the year ending 5 th January 1805, the number of British vessels which entered inwards was only 72, while the American vessels were 363; and unless the British ship- masters can advantageously maintain a competition with those of America, we shall soon lose this important branch of our carrying navigation. The exports of Bri- tain to America consist of British manufactures only; for which America will in all probability long continue an improving market. The export to Canada, and the remaining possessions of Britain in North America, amounted, in the year 1792, to 1,120,091/., of which 908,105/. was in British manu- factures, and 211,886/. in foreign merchandize: it has since been rather under this amount. The imports consist of skins and furs of all kinds. The total number of ves- sels which entered inwards, in the year 1804, was 270, the number which cleared outwards 384. The East India trade is a concern of vast magnitude, if considered merely in a commercial point of view. The annual sales ofthe imports ofthe company for 16 years preceding 1757, amounted to about 2,055,000/. on the average; during the succeeding 10 years, their sales of imports increased to 2,150,000/. per annum; in the fol- lowing 10 years tbey rose to 3,330,000/. per annum. During the American war, the sales of imports fell off about 200,000/. per annum;but from that period to 1792, they increased again, and amounted on an average to 4,761,242/. The accounts of the following years show a still greater increase. Amount of the East India company's sales in the years ending 1st March, 1801,1802, 1803, and 1804. India. China. Total. 1801 £.3,978,800 £.3,616,381 £.7,595,181 1802 3,086,943 3,539,404 6,626,347 1803 2,289,274 3,753,252 6,042,526 1804 2,236,396 3,629,677 * 5,866,07S The exports to India are chiefly woollens, metals, and naval and military stores; for the purchase of teas in China a considerable amount of bullion is annually ex- ported. The investments in India are formed from the proceeds of the exports of the company, from the pro- ceeds of part of the territorial revenues invested in mer- chandize, and fiom the fortunes of private individuals and the profits of their trade remitted to this country, which are paid into the company's exchequer, and re- mitted by the company in merchandize from India. The trade to Africa is cluefly for the purchase of slaves to supply the West India islands.! The total num- ber of vessels which entered inwards from Africa in the year 1804 was 38, the number which cleared outwards was 176. The vast extent of the foreign commerce of Great Britain has been shown from the custom-house accounts of the imports and exports: it will be further illustrated by the following statement of the whole number of mer- chant-vessels, the amount of their tonnage, and the number of men and boys usually employed in navigating them, which belonged to the several ports of the British empire on the 30th September, 1804. Great Britain. Ships. Tons. Men. 17,794 2,017,240 134,032 Ireland. Ships. Tons. Men. 1,061 58,060 5,176 The Colonies. Ships. Tons. Men. 2,870 196,6*28 15,091 Total. Ships. Tons. Men. 21,725 2,271,928 154,299 This numler of vessels, great as it appears, is still in- creasing; the number of new vessels each year considera- bly exceeding the losses to which such an extensive navi- gation must unavoidably be subject. The number of vessels built and registered in the different ports of the British empire, in the year ending the 5th January, 1804, was 1402; and the amount of their tonnage 135,349 tons. CGMMERSONIA, a genus ofthe penfagynia e.rder, in the pentandria class of plants. The calyx is a mono- phyllous, five-parted, coroliiferous perianthium, with sharp ovated segments; the carolla has five linear petals; the stamina are five very short filaments at the bases of the petals; pericarpium a globular, hard,quinquclocu!ar nut, with two ovated seeds in each division. There is one species, a tree of Otaheite. COMMISSARY, a title of ecclesiastical jurisdiction, appertaining to one who exercises spiritual jurisdiction in places so remote from the chief city, that the chancel- lor cannot call the subjects to the bishop's principal consistory, without exposing them to great inconvenience. Commissary general of (lie musters,an officer appoint- COM COM ed to muster the army, as often as the general thinks proper, in order ti know the strength of each regiment and company, to receive an 1 inspect the muster-r ills, and to keep an exact state of tbe strength of the army. Commissary general of stores, an officer in the artil- lery, who has the charge of all the stores, for which he is accountable to the office of ordnaiu e. Commissary general of provisions, an officer who has the inspection of the bread and provisions of the army. COMMISSION, is taken for the warrant or letters patent, that all men exercising jurisdiction, either ordi- nary or extraordinary, have for their power to hear or determine any cause or action; thus the judges and most of the great officersjudical and ministerial of this realm, are made by commission. Commission of bankruptcy. See Bankrupt. Commission of delegates, a commission under the great seal, directed to certain persons usually two or three temporal lords, as many bishops, and two judges of the law, authorising them to sit upon an appeal to the king, in the court of chancery, from a sentence given by the archbishop in any ecclesiastical cause. Commission of lunacy issues out of the court of chan- cery, to inquire whether a person represented to be a lunatic is so or not. Commission of peace. See Justice of tiie peace. Commission of rebellion, generally termed a writ of rebellion, issues where a person, after proclamation made by the sheriff, on a process out of the chancery or ex- chequer, required, upon pain of his allegiance, to pre- sent himself to the court by a day assigned, neglects to appear. Commission of sewers is a commission directed to certain persons, to inspect and see drains and ditches well kept in the marshy and fenny parts of England, for the better conveying of water into the sea, and preserv- ing the grass on the land. Commission, in commerce. See Factorage. COMMISSIONER, a person authorised hy commis- sion, letters-patent, or other lawful warrant, to examine any matters, or execute any public office, Sec. See Cus- toms, Excise, Navy, Treasury, Sec. COMMITMENT, is the sending a person to prison by warrant or order, either for a crime or for contuma- cy. If for a crime the warrant must be until discharged according to law; but for contumacy, until he comply, and perforin the thing required. Carth. 153. The com- mitment should be in writing; otherwise, by the habeas- corpus act, the prisoner may be admitted i> bail whatev- er his offence may have been. 1 Burn. 379. Who may commit.—Wherever a constable or person may justify the arresting another for a felony, or trea- son, he may justify the sending him or bringing him to the common gaol. 2 Haw. 116. But it is most advisable, for any private person who arrests another for felony, to cause him to be brought as soon as possible before some justice of the peace, that he may be committed or bailed by him. Dall. c. 118. The privy-council, or anyone or two of them, or a se- cretary of state, may lawfully commit persons for trea- son, and for other offences against the state. 2 Haw. 117. To what place.—All felons shall he committed to the common goal and not elsewhere. 5 Hen. IV. c. 10. But vagrants and otVr criminals, offenders and persons charged with small ofiVives, may, for such offend s, or fir vwn! of sureties, be committed either to die common gaol or house of correction, as the justices in their judg- ment shall think proper. 6 G. c. 19. Who may be committed.—All persons who are appre- hended for offences not bailable, and those who negiert to offer hail for offences which are bailable, must be com- mitted; and wlierever a justice of peace is empowered to bind aperson over, or to cause him to do a certain thing, he may commit him, if in his presence he shall refuse to he so bound or do such a thing. 2 Haw. 116. A commitment must be in writing, either in the name of the king, and only tested by the person, who makes it; or it may be made by such person in his own name, ex- pressing his office or authority, and must be directed to the gaoler or keeper of the prison. 2 Haw. 119. The com- mitment should contain the name and surname ofthe par- ty committed, if known; if not known, it may be suffi- cient to describe the person by his age, &e. and to add, that he refuses to tell his name. 1 H. H. 557. It ought to contain the causes, as for treason or felony; and also the special nature of the felony, briefly, as for felony for the death of such a one, or for burglary, in breaking the house of such a one. 2 H. H. 122. A commitment must also have an apt conclusion; as if for felony, till he be thence delivered by due course of law. 2 II. If. 123. All commitments grounded on acts of parliament ought to be conformable to the method prescribed by them. 2 Haw. Not. 33. and where a statute appoints imprison- ment, but does not limit tbe time, in such cases the pri- soner must remain at the discretion of the court. Dalt. c. 170. The duty of a gaoler respecting commitments.—If the gaoler shall refuse to receive a felon, or take any thing for receiving him, he shall he punished for the same by thejustices of gaol-delivery. 4 Ed. III. c. 9. But noper- on can justify the detaining a prisoner in custody, out of the common gaol, unless there be some particular reason for so doing; as if the party should be so dangerously ill, that it would apparently hazard his life to send him to gaol, or that there is evident danger of a rescue from rebels or the like. 1 Haw. 118. By the 3 Hen. VIL c. 3. the sheriff or gaoler shall certify the commitment to the next gaol-delivery. By the habe'as-corpus act, the charge of conveying an offender is limited not to exceed 12d. a mile. Commitment discharged.—A person legally committed for a crime, certainly appearing to have been done by some person or other, cannot be lawfully discharged but by the king, till he is acquitted upon his trial, or has an ignoramus found by the grand jury, or none shall prose- cute him, on a proclamation for that purpose by the jus- tices of gaol-delivery. 2 Haw. 121. COMMITTEE of parliament, a certain number of members appointed by the house, for the examination of a bill, making report of an inquiry, process of the house, Sec. When a parliament is called, and the speaker and members have taken the oaths, there are committees ap- pointed to sit on certain days, viz. the committee of pri- vileges and elections, of religion, of trade, &c. which are standing committees. COM COM Sometimes the whole house resolves itself into a com- down of bushes, ferns, &c. A commoner may abate mittee, on which occasion each person has a right to speak hedges made on his common; and may drive the beasts and reply as often as he pleases, which is not the case of a commoner mixed with the beasts of a stranger to a when the house is not in a committee. convenient place to sever them, and may drive the beasts COMMODORE, in maritime affairs, an officer of the of a stranger out ofthe common without any custom. British navy, commissioned by the lords of the admirality, Godb. 123. 2 Mod. 65. 3 Lev. 40. It is a general or by an Admiral, to command a squadron of men-of- rule, that a commoner cannot distrain or chase out the war in chief. cattle of the lord, or terre-tenant, damage-feasant: and COMMON, is a right or privilege which one or if the lord surcharge the common, his proper remedy is more persons claim to take or use, in some part or por- an action on the case. Godb. 182. tion of that, which another man's lands, waters, woods, Common intendment, is common meaning or un- &c. naturally produce; without having an absolute derstanding according to the subject matter, and not property in such lands, woods, waters, &c. 2 Inst. 65. strained to an extraordinary or foreign sense. The general divisions of common are, into common Common Law. The common law of England, is the of pasture, which is a right of liberty that one or more common rule for administering justice within the king- have to feed or fodder their beasts or cattle in another dom, and asserts the king's royal prerogatives and like- man's land. Common of turbary, or a liberty of cutting wise the rights and liberties of the subject. It is gener- turves in another man's land or soil. Common of piscary, ally that law by which the determination in the king's or a right and liberty of taking fish in another's fish- ordinary courts are guided. It is distinguished from pond, pool, or river. Common of estovers, which is a the statute laws or acts of parliament, as having been right of taking trees or loppings, shrubs and underwood, the law of the land before any acts of parliament which in another's woods, coppices, &c. and lastly, a liberty are now extant were made. Hale's Hist. 24.44. 45. which the tenants have in some manors, of digging and COMMON-PLACE BOOK is a sort of register, or taking sand, gravel, stone, &c. in the lord's soil. 1 Bac. orderly collection of things worthy to be noted, and re- Abr. 385. tained in the course of a person's reading; and so But the word common is usually understood of com- disposed, as that among a multiplicity of subjects, any mon of pasture, of which there are four kinds; common one may be easily found. appendant, common appurtenant, common in gross, and In Mr. Locke's method, the first page, or first two common by reason of vicinage. pages that front each other of the book, serve as a kind Common appendant, is a right belonging to the ow- 0f index to the whole. This part is to he divided by acrs or occupiers of arable land, to put commonable parallcd lines into twenty-five equal parts; of which beasts upon the lord's waste, and upon the lands of other every fifth line is to be distinguished by its colour. These persons within the same manor. Commonable beasts lines* are to be cut perpendicularly by others drawn from are either beasts of the plough, or such as manure the top to bottom, and in the several spaces of which, the land. 1 Inst. 122. several letters, both small and large, of the alphabet, Common appurtenant, can only be claimed by pre- are to be written. The form of the lines and divisions, scription, and is a right of commonage for beasts, not both horizontal and perpendicular, with the manner of only commonable, as horses, oxen, cows, and sheep, but writing the letters, will be readily understood from the likewise for beasts not commonable, as swine, goats, following specimen; in which what is to be done in the and geese. Co. Lit. 122. book for all the letters of the alphabet, is here shown in Common in gross, is a right of commonage which the first four, A, B, C, and D. must be claimed by deed or prescription, and has no relation to any land belonging to the commoner; it may be for a certain number of cattle, or without number. He that has common in gross for a certain number of cattle, may put in the cattle of a stranger, and use the common with them. 2 Inst. 427. 2 Rol. Abr. 402. Common by reason of vicinage, is a liberty that the tenants of one lord, in one town, have to common with the tenants of another town. Those who challenge this kind of common (which is usually called intercommon- ing) may not put their cattle in the common ofthe other town, for then they are distrainable; but turning them into their own fields,, if they stray into the neighbour common, they must be suffered. Cowcl. A commoner has only a special and limited interest in the soil, but yet he shall have such remedies as are com- mensurate to his right, and therefore may distrain beasts damage-feasant, bring an action on the case, Sec. but not being absolute owner of the soil, he cannot bring a general action of trespass, for a trespass done upon the common. Nor can he do any thing to the soil wiiich tends to the melioration or improvement of it, as cutting ~ > rA © ^i. ct S> S o . C5 Oi 3 COM COM The index thus formed, and the pages of the book numbered, every thing is ready for taking down any passage that is worthy of being registered. We will, for example, suppose the reader desirous of inserting in his common-place hook, a passage of poetry. He miist con- sider to what particular head it may most naturally be referred, and under which a person would he led to look for such a thing. The prominent idea, in this instance, is death. D then is the initial letter, and e the first vowel: looking into the index for the partition D, and the line e (which is the place for all words whose first letter is D, and first vowel e, as Death, Deity, Dress, Sec.) and finding no numbers already down, which direct to any page ofthe book where words of this character- istic have been entered, he must turn forward to the first blank page, suppose number 4: here the passage must be written, placing the characteristic word in the margin, thus: Death. 11hou must expire, my soul, ordained to range Through unexperienced scenes, and mysteries strange, Dark the event, and dismal the exchange &c &c This being done, the page in which it stands must be, entered m the space De of the index, from which time tbe 4th and 5th pages are to he devoted to subjects the characteristic letters of which are De. Again if the reader wishes to insert an argument against anger, revenge, &c. he must determine for him- self what is the characteristic of the passage, say ancer- he looks for the next vacant page, suppose 6: there he inserts the argument, and in the space Ae he writes 6 the number of the page in which the passage stands, and then the 6th and seventh pages are devoted to subjects the characteristic words of which begin with A and the first vowel is r, as anger, angel. Sec. When these pages are full, and another passage of the same class is to' be entered, look for the next vacant leaf of the common- place book, suppose it to be number 12; at the bottom of p. 7 write t. p. 12, which signifies to turn to p. 12, then at the top of p. 12, write 7; enter the passage which is to be registered, and write 12 in the index, which shows that pages 12 and 13 are devoted to subjects whose cha- racteristic words begin with A and the first vowel is e. COMMON PLEAS, pleas or suits regularly divided into two sorts; pleas of the crown, which comprehend all crimes and misdemeanours wherein the king (on he- half of the public) is plaintiff; and common-pleas, which include all civ il actions depending between subject and subject. The former of these were the proper object of the court of king's-bench, the latter ofthe court of com- mon-pleas; and in this court only can real actions, that is, actions which concern the right of freehold or the reality, he originally brought; and in this court also, all other or personal pleas between man and man are deter- mined, but in some of these the court of king's bench has a concurrent authority. But a writ of error, in the na- ture of an appeal, lies from the court of common-pleas to the court of king's-bench. 3 Black. 37. This court can hear and determine causes removed out of inferior courts hy pone, recordare, or other like writs. They can also grant prohibitions, to keep other courts, as well ecclesiastical as temporal, within due bounds. In this court are four judges, created hy letters patent; vol,. I, ■j j the seal of the court is committed to the custody of tin- chief justice. COMMON PRAYER. It is tbe partic ular duty of a clergyman every Sunday, Sec. to use the public form ot prayer, prescribed by the book of common prayer. And the 13 and 14 Ch. II. enacts that every incumbent resi- ding upon a living and keeping a curate, shall at least once a month, public ly read the common prayer, and if there be occasion, administer the sacraments, and iiber rites ofthe church, on pain of 51. to the poor, on confes- sion or conviction thereof before two justices. COMMUNICATION of motion, the act whereby n body at rest is put into motion by a moving boclv; or h is the acceleration of motion in a body already movisi■-" See Mechanics. Communication, lines of,in military matters, trenches made to continue and preserve a safe correspondence between two forts or posts; or at a siege, between two approaches, that they may relieve one another. COMOCLADA, a genus of the class and order tri- andria monogynia. The calyx is three-parted: the corolla the same; drupe oblong with a two-Iohed nucleus. Ihere are three species, trees ofthe West Indies. COMPANY, in a commercial sense, is a society of merchants, mechanics, or other traders, joined together in one common interest. When there are only two or three joined in this mau- ner, it is called a partnership; the term company bein- restrauied to societies consisting of a considerable mini"! ber of members, associated together by a charter ob- tained from the sovereign. The mechanics of all corpo- rations, or towns incorporated, are thus erected info companies, which have charters or privileges and laree immunities. Those of London are very numerous The mercers were incorporated in the 17th of king Richard II. in the year 1393;the grocers, in the 20th Edward III ann.1345; the drapers, in the 17th Henry VIL , n1430* the fishmongers, in the 28th of Henry VIII. ann 1536* the goldsmiths, in the 16th of Richard II. a„n "392 the skinners m the 1st of Edward III. ann. 1327; the met! chant-taylors, in the 17th Henry VII. ann 1501 • th^ n 1 ^.f He8' °r vn™8' iB 26tU He^ ^ anm V4 7 and 17th Henry MI. ann. 1501; the salters, i„ 20th V 7n,i ueo^tt1530/ ^ h'or°nSer8> i« 3d Edward a IV I?62' the vintnei's» m the reign of Edward III and 15th Henry VI.; and the clothiers, or clothZ,kcis in 22d Henry VIII. vvoikcis, nie^eofdTeS tUr9 +7Mch "* the twelve mncApal compa- ?J?h?H nd°,' th6re are °ther ve^ Answerable ones; as the dyers, brewers, leather-sellers, pewterc,s hai - hers, surgeons, armourers, white-bakers, wax chandler cutlers, girdlers, butchers, saddlers, cal-penters cord-' feumSS Paint.erS- iCUITierS' mas0M' P,umb^> inholders, founders, embroiderer*, poulterers, cooks, coopers bricklayers, and tylers; also bowers, Hoteliers, black- smiths, joiners, plaisterers, weavers, fruiterers, scrive- ners.bottle-makers, and homers; likewise stationers marblers, wool packers, farrier, pavfours, lorimeis ov onnei*, tallow-chadlers, brown-bakers, wood-7nonger7 Set^^ The word seems now more particularly annronri-itej to those grand associations se{aa foot forVeToZerce I I I I I 4 I I COMPANY. ofthe remote parts ofthe world, and vested by charter with peculiar privileges. When companies do not trade upon a joint stock, hut are obliged to admit any person properly qualified, upon paying a certain fine and agree- ing to submit to the regulations of the company, each member trading upon his own stock, and at his own risk, they are called regulated companies. When they trade npon a joint stock, each member sharing in the common profit or loss in proportion to his share in this stock, i hey are called joint stock companies. Such companies, whether regulated or joint-stock, sometimes have, and sometimes have not, exclusive privileges. However injurious companies with joint stock, and incorporated with exclusive privileges, may at this time be reckoned to the nation in general, it is yet certain that they were the general parents of all our foreign ommerce, private traders being discouraged from haz- arding their fortunes in foreign countries, until the method of traffic had been first settled by joint-stock companies. But since the trade of this kingdom and the number of traders have increased; and the methods of assurance of shipping and merchandize, and the naviga- tion to all parts ofthe known world, have become fami- liar to us; experience has shown, that the trade of the nation has advanced in proportion as these monopolies have been discouraged; all restrictions of trade whatever having been found manifestly prejudicial. 1. Regulated companies resemble, in every respect, the corporations of trades, so common in the cities and towns of all the different countries of Europe; and are a sort of enlarged monopolies of the same kind. As no inhabitant of a town can exercise an incorporated trade, without first obtaining his freedom in the corpora- tion; so in most cases no subject of the state can lawfully carry on any branch of foreign trade, for which a regu- lated company is established, without first becoming a member of that company. The monopoly is more or less strict according as the terms of admission arc more or less difficult; and according as the directors of the company have more or less authority, or have it more or less in their power to confine it to themselves and their particular friends. The regulated companies for foreign commerce, which at present subsist in Great Britain, are, the Hamburgh company, the Russia com- pany, the Eastland company, the Turkey company, and the African company. 1. The Hamburgh company is the oldest trading es- tablishment in the kingdom; though not always known by that name, nor restrained to those narrow bounds under which it is now confined. It was first called the company of merchants trading to Calais, Holland, Zea- land, Brabant, and Flanders: then it acquired the general title of merchant-adventurers of England; as being eomposed of all the English merchants who traded to the Low-countries, the Baltic, and the German ocean. Lastly, it was called the company of merchant-adven- turers of England trading to Hamburgh. This company was first incorporated by Edward I. in 1296; and their privileges have been confirmed by many of his successors. The revolutions which happened in the Low-countries towards the end ofthe sixteenth century, and which laid the foundation of the republic of Holland, having hinder- ed the company from continuing their commerce with their ancient freedom, they were obliged to turn it almost wholly to the side of Hamburgh, and the cities on the German ocean; from which the name was changed to that of the Hamburgh, company, though the ancient title of merchant-adventurers is still retained in all their writings. 2. The Russia company was first projected towards the end of the reign of king Edward VI. and executed in the first and second years of Philip and Marv; but had not its perfection till its charter was confirmed by act of parliament, under queen Elizabeth, in 1566. It had its rise from certain adventurers, who were sent in three vessels on the discovery of new countries, and to find out a northeast passage to China: these, falling into the White Sea, and making up to the port Archangel, were exceedingly well received by the Muscovites; and at their return, solicited letters patent to secure them- selves the commerce of Russia, for which they had formed an association. This company subsisted with reputation almost a whole century, till the time of the civil wars. It is said, the czar then reigning, hearing ofthe death of king Charles I., ordered all the English in his states to be expelled; of which the Dutch taking advantage, settled in their room. After the Restoration the remains of the company re-established part of their commerce at Archangel, but never with the same success as before, the Russians being now well accustomed to the Dutch merchants and merchandize. This company subsists still, under the direction of a governor, four consuls, and assistants; and by the 10th and 11th of Wil- liam III. c. 6. the fine for admission was reduced to 51. 5. The Eastland company was incorporated by cpiecn Elizabeth. Its charter is dated in the year 1579. By the first article the company is erected into a body po- litic, under the title of the company of merchants of the East; to consist of Englishmen, all real merchants, who have exercised the business thereof, and trafficked through the Sound, before the year 1568, into Norway, Sweden, Poland, Livonia, Prussia, Pomerania, &c. ex- cepting Narva, Muscovy, and its dependencies. Most of the remaining articles grant them the usual prerogatives of such companies; as a seal, governor, courts, laws, cxc. 4. The Turkey or Levant company had its rise un- der queen Elizabeth, in 1581. James I. confirmed its charter in 1605, adding new privileges. During the civil wars, there happened some innovations in the gov- ernment of the company; many having been admitted members, not qnalified by the charters of queen Eliza- beth and king James, or that did not conform to the regulations prescribed. Charles II. on his restoration endeavoured to set it upon its ancient basis; to which end, he gave them a charter containing not only a con- firmation of their old one, but also several new articles of reformation. By this the company is erected into a body-politic, capable, of making laws, Sec. under the title of the company of merchants of England trading to the seas of the Levant. The number of members is not lim- ited, but is ordinarily about three hundred. The prin- cipal qualification required is, that the candidate be a freeman of London, and a wholesale merchant either by family or serving an apprenticeship of seven years. 5. The company of merchants trading to Africa, es- tablished in 1750. Contrary to the former practice with COMPANY. regard to regulated companies, who were reckoned un- fit for such sort of service, this company was subjected to the obligation of maintaining forts and garrisons. It was expressly charged at first with the maintenance of all the British forts and garrisons that lie between Cape Blanc and the Cape of Good Hope; and afterwards that of those only which lie between Cape Rouge and the Cape of Good Hope. The act which establishes this company (the 23d of Geo. II. c. 31) seems to have had two distinct objects in view; first, to restrain effectually the oppressive and monopolizing spirit which is natural to the directors of a regulated company; and, secondly, to force them as much as possible to give an attention, which is not natural to them, towards the maintenance of forts and garrisons. For the first of these purposes, the fine for admission is limited to forty shillings. The company is prohibited from trading in their corporate capacity, or upon a joint stock; from borrowing money upon a common seal; or from laying any restraints upon the trade, which may be carried on freely from all places, and by all persons, be- ing British subjects, and paying the fine. The govern- ment is in a committee of nine persons, who meet in Lon- don, but who arc chosen annually by the freemen of the company at London, Bristol, ami Liverpool; three from each place. No committee-man can be continued in of- fice for more than three years together. Any committee- man might formerly be removed by the board of trade and plantations; now by a committee of council, after be- ing heard in his defence. The committee are forbidden to export negroes from Africa, or to import any Afri- can goods into Great Britain. But as they arc charged with the maintenance of forts and garrisons, they may for that purpose export from Great Britain to Africa goods and stores of different kinds. Out of the money which they shall receive from the company, they are al- lowed a sum not exceeding eight hundred pounds for the salaries of their clerks and agents at London, Bristol, and Liverpool; the house-rent of their office in London; and all other expenses of management, commission, and agency, in England. What remains of this sum, after defraying those different expenses, they may divide among themselves, as a compensation for their trouble, in what manner they think proper. For the second purpose mentioned, the maintenance of the forts and garrisons, an annual sum has been allotted to them by parliament, generally about 13,000f. For the proper application of this sum, the committee is obliged to account annually to the cursitor baron of the exche- quer; which account is afterwards to be laid before par- liament. But it is said great abuses have, notwithstand- ing, subsisted with regard to this part of the company's engagements. II.' Joint-stock companies, established either by roy- al charter, or hy act of parliament, differ in several res- peels, not only from regulated companies, but from pri- vate copartneries. 1. In a private copartnery nopatner, vv ithout the consent of the company, can transfer his share to another person, or introduce a new member into the company; each member liowever may, upon proper warning, withdraw from the copartnery, and demand payment from them of his share of the common stock. In a joint-stock company, on the contrary, no member o------------ i * ' --- -- •--------- » m , -- - -- can demand payment of his share from the company; hut each member can, without their consent, transfer his share to another person, and thereby introduce a new member. The value ofa share in a joint stock is always the price which it will bring in the market; and this may be either greater or less, in any proportion, than tbe sum which its owner stands credited for in the stock of the company. 2. In a private copartnery each partner is hound for the debts contracted by the company to the whole extent of his fortune. In a joint-stock company, on the contrary, each partner is bound only to the ex- tent of his share. The trade of a joint-stock company is always managed by a court of directors. This court indeed is frequently subject, in many respects, to the controul of a general court of proprietors. But the greater part of the proprietors seldom pretend to understand any thing of the business of the company, and give themselves no trouble about it, but receive contentedly such half-yearly or yearly dividend as the directors think proper to make to them. Tins total exemption from trouble and risk, beyond a limited sum, encourages ma- ny people to become adventurers in joint-stock compa- nies, who would upon no account hazard their fortunes in any private copartnery. Such companies, therefore, commonly draw to themselves much greater stocks than any private copartnery can boast of. The principal joint- stock companies at present subsisting in Great Britain are, the South Sea and the East India companies; to which may be added, though of very inferior magnitude, the HudsonVs-bay company. 1. The South Sea company. During the long war with France in the reign of queen Anne, the payment of the sailors of the royal navy being neglected, they re- ceived tickets instead of money, and were frequently ob- liged by their necessities to sell these tickets to avari- cious men at a discount of 40 and sometimes 50 per cent. By this and other means the debts of the nation unprovided for by parliament, and which amounted to 9,471,321^. fell into the hands of these usurers: on which Mr. Harley, at that time chancellor of the exchequer, and afterwards earl of Oxford, proposed a scheme to allow the proprietors of these debts and deficiencies 6 p«r cent, per annum, and to incorporate them for the purpose of carrying on a trade to the South Sea; and they were accordingly incorporated under the title of « the governor and company of merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas, and other parts of America, and for encouraging the fishery," &c. Some other sums were lent to the government in the reign of queen Anne at 6 percent. In the third of George I. the interest of the whole was reduced to 5 per cent. and the company advanced two millions more to the gov- ernment at the same interest. By the statute of the 6th of George I. it was declared, that they might redeem all or any of the redeemable national debts; in consideration of which the company were empowered to augment their capital according to the sums they should discharge; and for enabling them to raise such sums for purchasing an- nuities, exchanging for ready money new exchequer bills, carrying on their trade, Sec. they might, by such means as they should think proper, raise such sums of money as in a general court of the company should be COMPANY. judged necessary. The company wrcre also empowered to raise money on.contracts, bonds, or obligations, un- der their common seal, on the credit of tiieir capital stock. But if the sub-governor, deputy-governor, or other members of the company, should purchase lands cr revenues of the crown upon account of the corporation, or lend money hy loan or anticipation on any branch of the revenue, other than such part only on which a cred- it of loan was granted by parliament, such sub-governor, or other member of the company, should forfeit treble the value of the money so lent. The fatal South Sea scheme, transacted in the year 1720, and the particulars of which are very generally known, was executed upon the last-mentioned statute. The South Sea company never had any forts or gar- risons to maintain, and therefore were entirely exempted from one great expense, to which other joint-stock com- panies for foreign trade are subject. But they bad an immense capital divided among an immense number of proprietors. It wras naturally to be expected, therefore, that folly, negligence, and profusion, should prevail in the whole management of their affairs. Their stock-job- bing speculations were succeeded by mercantile projects which, Dr. Smith observes, were not much better con- ducted. At length, in the year 1722, this company peti- tioned parliament to be allowed to divide their immense capital of more than 33,800,000/. the whole of which had been lent to government, into two equal parts: the one half, or upwards of 16,900,000/. to be pnt upon the same footing with other government annuities, and not to be subject to the debts contracted, or losses incurred, by the directors of the company, in the prosecution of their mer- cantile projects; the other half to remain as before, a trad- ing stock, and to be subject to those debts and losses. The petition was too reasonable not to be granted. In 1733 they again petitioned the parliament, that three- fourths of their trading stock might he turned into annu- ity-stock; and only one-fourth remain as trading stock, or exposed to the hazards arising from the bad man- agement of their directors. Both their annuity and trad- ing stocks had, by this time, been reduced more than 2,000,000/. each, by several different payments from government; so that this fourth amounted only to 3,662,784/. 8s. 6d. In 1784 all the demands ofthe com- pany upon the king of Spain, in consequence of the As- siento contract, were, by the treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle, given up for what was supposed an equivalent; an end .was put to thciw trade in the Spanish West Indies, the remainder of their trading stock was turned into annuity stock, and the company ceased in every respect to be a trading company. This company is under the direction of a governor, sub-governor, deputy-governor, and 21 directors; but no person is qualified to be a governor, his majesty except- ed, unless such governor has, in his own name and right, 5000/. in the trading stock; the sub-governor is to have 4000/. the deputy governor 3000/. and a director 2000/, in the same stock. In every general court every mem- ber having, in his own name and right, 500/. in trading- stock, has one vote; if 2000/. two votes; if 3000/. three votes; and if 5000/. four votes. 2. The East India company. The first, or, as it is called; the old East India company, was established by a charter from queen Elizabeth in 1600; but for some time tbe partners seem to have traded with separate stocks, though only in the ships belonging to the whole company. In 1612 they joined their stocks into one com- mon capital; and though their charter was not as yet confirmed by act of parliament, it was looked upon in that early period to be sufficiently valid, and nobody ventured to interfere with their trade. At this time their capital amounted to about 740,000/. and the shares were as low as 50/. Their trade was in general successful, not- withstanding some heavy losses, chiefly sustained through the malice of the Dutch East India company. In process of time, however, it came to be understood that a royal charter could not by itself convey an exclusive privilege to traders; and the company was reduced to distress by the multitude of interlopers, who carried off most of their trade. This confined during the latter part of the reign of Charles II. the whole of that of James II. and part of William III. when, in 1698, a proposal was made to parliament for advancing the sum of 2,000,000/. to government, on condition of erecting the subscribers into a new company with exclusive privile- ges. The old company endeavoured to prevent| the ap- pearance of such a formidable rival, by offering govern- ment 700,000/. nearly the amount of their capital at that time; but such were the exigencies of the state at that time, that the larger sum, though at eight per cent, in- terest, was preferred to the smaller at one-half the ex- pense. Thus were two East India companies erected in the same kingdom, which could not but he very prejudicial to each other. Through the negligence of those who pre- pared the act of parliament also, the new company were not obliged to unite in a joint stock. The consequence of this was, that a few private traders, whose subscrip- tions scarcely exceeded 7200/. insisted on a right of trading separately at their own risk. Thus a kind of third company was established: and by their mutual con- tentions with one another, all the three were brought to the brink of ruin. Upon a subsequent occasion, in 1700, a proposal was made to parliament for putting the trade under the managementof a regulated company, and thus laying it in some measure open. This, however, was opposed by the company; who represented in strong terms the mischiefs likely to arise from such a proceed- ing. In 1702 the companies were in some measure unit- ed by an indenture tripartite, to which the queen was the third party; and in 1708, they were, by act of parlia- ment, perfectly consolidated into one company by their present name of « the united company of merchants trading to the East Indies." Into this act it was thought worthy to insert a clause, allowing the separate traders to continue their traffic till Michaelmas 1711; but at the same time empowering the directors, upon three years notice, to redeem their capital of 7200/. and thereby con- vert tbe whole capital of the company into a joint stock. By the same act the capital of the company, in c°ns*: quence of a new loan to government, was augmented from 2,000,000/. to 3,200,000/. In 1743 another million was advanced to government; but this being raised, not by a call upon the proprietors, but by selling annuities and contracting bond-debts, it did not augment the stock upon which the proprietors could claim a dividend. Thusj COMPANY. however, their trading stock was augmented; it being equally liable with the other 3,200,000/. to the losses sus- tained and debts contracted by the company, in the pro- secution of their mercantile projects. From 1708, or at least from 1711, this company, being freed from all com- petitors, and fully established in the monopoly of the English commerc e to the East Indies, carried on a suc- cessful trade; and from their profits made annually a moderate dividend to their proprietors. Unhappily, how- ever, in a short time, an inclination for war and con- quest began to take place among its servants; which, though it put them in possession of extensive territories and vast nominal revenues, yet embarrassed their affairs in such a manner, that they have not to this day been able to recover themselves. During the war of 1755, in- deed, they acquired the revenues of a rich and extensive territory, amounting as was then said, to near 3,000,000/. per annum. For several years they remained in quiet possession of the revenue arising from this territory, though it cer- tainly never answered the expectations that had been formed concerning it. But in 1767 the British ministry laid claim to the territorial possessions of the company, and the revenue arising from them, as of right belong- ing to the crown; and the company, rather than yield up their territories in this manner, agreed to pay govern- ment a yearly sum of 400,000/. They had before this gradually augmented their dividend from about six to ten per cent, that is, on their capital of 3,200,000/. they bad raised it from 192,000/. to 320,000/. a year. About this time also they were attempting to raise it still fur- ther, viz. from ten to twelve and a half percent, but from this they were prevented by two successive acts of par- liament, the design of which was to enable them to make a more speedy payment of their debts, at this time esti- mated at more than six or seven millions sterling. In 1769 they renewed their agreement with government for five years more, stipulating, that during the course of that period they should be allowed gradually to augment their dividend to twelve and a half per cent, never in- creasing it, however, more than one per cent, annually. Thus their annual payments could only he augmented by 608,000/. beyond what they had been before their late territorial acquisitions. By accounts from India in the year 1768, this revenue, clear of all deductions and military charges, was stated at 2,048,747/. At the same time they w ere said to possess another revenue, arising partly from lands, but chiefly from the customs establish- ed at their different settlements, amounting to about 439,000/. The profits of their trade, too, according to the evidence of their chairman before the house of com- mons, amounted to at least 400,000/. per annum; their accountant made it 500,000/. and the lowest accountant stated it at least equal to the highest dividend paid to their proprietors. Notwithstanding this apparent wealth, however, the affairs of the company from this time fell into disorder; insomuch that, in 1773, their debts were augmented by an arrear to the treasury in the payment of the 4(i(i.<)00/. stipulated; by another to the custom- house for duties unpaid; hy a large sum borrowed iVmn the Bank: and by bills drawn upon them from Indh to the amount of more than 1,200,000/. Thus they were not only obliged w reduce their dividend all at once to six percent, but to apply to government for assistance. Here it may be mentioned in general, that the event proved very unfavourable to the company, as they were now subjected to an interference of government altogether unknown before. Several important alterations were made in their constitution both at home and abroad. The settlements of Madras, Bombay, and Calcutta, which had hitherto been entirely independent of one another, were subjected to a governor-general, assisted by a coun- cil of four assessors. The nomination ofthe fir>,t gover- nor and council, who were to reside at Calcutta, was as- sumed by parliament; the power ofthe court of Calcut- ta, which had gradually extended its jurisdiction over the rest, was now reduced and confined to the trial of mercantile causes, the purpose for which it was original- ly instituted. Instead of it, a new supreme court of judi- cature was established; consisting of a chief justice and three judges, to be appointed by the crown. Besides these alterations, the stock necessary to entitle any proprietor to vote at the general courts was raised from 500/. to 1000/. To vote on this qualification, too, it was necessa- ry that he should have possessed it, if acquired by his own purchase and not by inheritance, for at least one year, instead of six months, the term requisite formerly. The court of 24 directors had before been chosen annual- ly; but it was now enacted that each director should for the future be chosen for four years; six of them, how- ever, to go out of office by rotation every year, and not to be capable of being rechosen at the election of the six new directors for the ensuing year. It was expected that in consequence of these alterations the courts, both of the proprietors and directors, would be likely to act with more dignity and steadiness than formerly. But this was far from being the case. The company and its servants showed the utmost indifference about the hap- piness or misery of the people who had the misfortune to be subjected to their jurisdiction. This indifference, too, was more likely to be increased than diminished by some of the new regulations. The house of commons, for instance, had resolved, that when the 1,600,000/. lent to the company by government should be paid, and their bond-debts reduced to 1,500,000/. they might then, and not till then, divide eight per cent, upon their capi- tal; and that whatever remained of their revenues and nctt profits at home should he divided into four parts* three of them to be paid into the exchequer for the use of tbe public-, and the fourth to be reserved as a fund, either for the further reduction of their bond-debts, or for the discharge of other contingent exigencies which the com- pany might labour under. But it could scarcely be ex- pected that if the company were bad stewards and bad sovereigns when the whole of their nett revenue and pro- fits belonged to themselves, they would be better when three -fourths of these belonged to other people. The regulations of 1773, therefore, did not put an end to the troubles of the company. Among other institutions it had been at this time enacted, that the presidency of Bengal should have a superiority over the other pre- sidencies in the country; the salary of the chief justice was fixed at 8000/. per annum, and those of the other judges at 6000/. each. In consequence of this act sir Eli- jah Impey, who w as created a baronet on the occasion, set sail, with three other judges, for India in the year COMPANY. 1774. The powers with which fhey were invested were very extraordinary. They had the title of his ma- jesty's supreme court of judicature in India. Civil law, common law, ecclesiastical, criminal, and admiralty jurisdiction, belonged of right to them. They were empowered to try Europeans on personal actions, and to assess damages, without a jury. Every native, either directly or indirectly in the service of the company, or in their territories, was made subject to their jurisdiction, with a view to prevent the Europeans from eluding justice under the pretence of employing natives in the commission of their crimes: so that in fact they were absolute lords and sovereigns ofthe whole country. Such excessive and unlimited powers conferred on any small number of men, could not but be extremely disa- greeable to the Europeans, who had been accustomed to enjoy a liberty almost equally unbounded before; nor was it to he supposed that the judges, then suddenly raised from the rank of subjects to the height of despotism, wrould always nsc their power in an unexceptionable manner. The design of the establishment was to preserve the commerce and revenues of the company from depre- dation, by subjecting its servants to the controul of the court; to relieve the subject from oppression by facilita- ting the means of redress; and to fix a regular course of justice for the security of liberty and property. Instead of considering the circumstances of the country, however, or the manners and customs of the natives, the judges now precipitately introduced the British laws in their full extent, without the least modification to render them agreeable to the Asiatics, who had been accustomed to others of a quite different nature; nor did they even pay the least regard to the religious institutions or habits to which the Indians are so obstinately attached, that they would sooner part with life itself than break through an article of them. To remedy these and other abuses, in the year 1783, Mr. Fox, then secretary of state, brought in a bill « for vesting the affairs of the East India company in the hands of certain commissioners, and also for the better government of the territorial possessions and dependen- cies in India." The bill vested the principal power for four years in seven directors, with nine assistant direc- tors, being proprietors, to be nominated in the first in- stance by parliament; and all future vacancies among the directors to be filled up by his majesty; and all va- cancies among the assistant directors to be filled up hy the proprietors of India stock, by open poll. The bill passed the commons; but a clamor being raised against it, was rejected by the lords; and the ministry was dis- missed. In the following year Mr. Pitt, who succeeded to the administration, brought in a bill, which was after- wards passed into a law, authorising his majesty to ap- point certain commissioners from the members of the privy council, to check, superintend, and controul, all concerns, civil and military, of the India company; and in this, which is now called the board of controul, rests the principal direction of the company's affairs; though the court of directors still conduct the commercial busi- ness of the company. In conclusion of this detail we shall only mention the petition last presented to the house of commons by the company. This stated certain pecuniary embarrassments which they apprehended to take place on the 1st of March, 1790, owing to the arrears of the war, to the go- vernment claim of 500,000/., to the debt incurred in China, and to the advances necessary to be made for the purposes of the China trade. In compliance with their petition, the chancellor of the exchequer moved, on the following day, that they should be empowered to borrow a sum not exceeding 1,200,000/. He at the same time observed, that in all probability the company in ir9l would have upwards of 3,000,000/. sterling more than sufficient to discharge their debts. We are sorry to add this prediction has not been verified. 3. Hudson's-bay company. The vast countries which surround Hudson's-bay abound with animals whose furs and skins are excellent, being far superior in quality to those found in less northerly regions. In 1670 a charter was granted to a company, which does not consist of above nine or ten persons, for the exclusive trade to thin bay; and they have acted under it ever since with great benefit to themselves. The company employ four shins, and 130 seamen. They have several forts, viz. Prince of Wales's fort, Churchill river, Nelson, New Severn, and Albany, which stand on the west side of the hay, and are garrisoned by 186 men. The French, in May 1782, took and destroyed these forts, and the settlements, &c. valued at 500,000/. They export commodities to the value of 16,000/. and bring home returns to the value of 29,340/. which yield to the revenue 3734/. This includes the fish- cry in Hudson's-bay. This commerce, small as it is, af- fords immense profits to the company, and even some advantages to Great Britain in general: for the commo- dities we exchange with the Indians for their skins and furs, are all manufactured in Britain; and as the Indians are not very nice in their choice, such things are sent of which we have the greatest plenty; and which, in the mer- cantile phrase, are drugs with us: and although the work- manship happens to be in many respects so deficient, that no civilized people would take it off our hands, it may be admired among the Indians. On the other hand, the skins and furs we bring from Hudson's-bay, enter largely into our manufactures, and afford us materials for trading with many nations of Europe to great ad- vantage. These circumstances tend to prove incontesta- ble the immense benefit that would result to Great Bri- tain, by throwing open the trade to Hudson's-bay, since even in its present restrained state it is so advan- tageous. This company, it is probable, do not find their trade so advantageous now as it was before we gof possession of Canada. The only attempt made to trade with Labrador has been directed towards the fishery, the annual produce of which exceeds 49,000/. Company, in military affairs, a small body of foot, commanded by a captain, who has under him a lieute- nant and ensign. The number of sentinels, or private soldiers, in a com- pany, may be from 50 to 80; and a battalion consists of 13 such companies, one of which is always grenadiers, and posted on the right; next them stand the eldest company, and on the left the second company; the youngest one being always posted in the centre. Companies not incor- porated into regiments are called irregulars, or indepen- dent companies. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. COMPARITIVE ANATOMY has been defined ««that branch of anatomy wbich considers the secondary objects, or the bodies of other animals; serving for tbe more accurate distinctions of several parts, and supply- ing the defects of human subjects." From the general view, however, which we are about to present of this science, it will appear that the above is by no means a correct definition. Comparative does not, in strict propriety, stand in contradistinction to hu- man anatomy; but, on the contrary, while it embraces the whole circle of animated existence, considers man as the standard of its comparisons, and the primary ob- ject of its inquiries. To ascertain the differences among animals in their several organs, is the proper object of comparative ana- tomy. In treating of this subject, therefore, it is our in- tention to describe, in the first place, the most important of those varieties; which will lead to a classification or division of animals, founded on the whole of their organ- ization, those being connected in one class which have the nearest resemblance to each other in anatomical cha- racters; we shall then select two individuals of the first classes for the more particular description of tbe inter- nal organs, especially of the thoracic and abdominal vis- cera; and conclude by taking a general survey; first of the structure of animal bodies, as it relates to their loco- motive powers; and secondly, in reference to the external form and relative quantity of brain or encephalon, as connected with a gradation of the sentient principle and intellectual fac ulties. General differences which animals exhibit in their organs of sense and motion. As the principal characteristics of animal life are sen- sation and loco-motion, we are naturally led to inquire into the differences of those organs in which the former faculty is found to reside, and likewise into those by which the latter is exerted, for the purpose of es- tablishing a general and obvious classification of the objects of comparative anatomy: accordingly we find the variations ofthe internal part of the nervous system to present three well-marked divisions; the first of which commencing with the lowest order of animals, compre- hends those in which neither vessels nor nerves have hi- therto been discovered; such are the zoophytes, or poly- pi, which perhaps may be regarded as preferring but an equivocal claim to the denomination of animals. The second division consists of those in which there is only the brain above the alimentary canal, while the remaining portion of the common bundle of nerves is situated beneath it, and is contained in the same cavity with the other visce- ra: these form the class of mollusca, Crustacea, insects, and some of the articulated worms. The third division romprchends animals in which the common fasciculus of nerves is placed entirely in the back, and above the ali- mentary tube, being inclosed within a canal which pas- ses through the vertical column: these are the vertebral animals, in which man is included. With respect to the external sens"s. we shall find the difference to consist in the number, and degree of energy, which appertain to each. All vertebral animals possess the same senses as man. Sight appears to be wanting in the zoophytes, in seve- ral kinds of articulated worms, in many of the insects, and in the acephalous mollusca. The organ of hearing has not been discovered in some of the mollusca and in- sects. The remaining three senses, but particularly those of taste and touch, appear in no instance to be wanting. The organs of motion present likewise the three fol- lowing important and primary distinctions. 1st. The bones either form an internal skeleton, articulated, and covered by muscles; or, 2dly, these last are placed ex- ternally, and enveloped by scales or shells: in the last division there is not any hard part that can serve as a lever or fulcrum for motion. Animals of the first kind have the whole body sup- ported hy a bony column formed of distinct pieces, which is called the spine, vertebral column, or back-bone: these, therefore, are the vertebral animals. The animals destitute of vertebra, according as they are entirely soft, have their bodies covered with scales, or are enclosed in shells, belong to the classes of soft worms, insects, or Crustacea. Besides, however, the leading distinctions above point- ed out from varieties in animal organization and func- tions, we shall find important differences likewise in those that arc called vital and natural functions, and in the organs appropriated to each. Varieties in t/ie organs of digestion and assimilation. The organs of digestion afford two leading differences in their general dispositions. In the major part of the zoophytes the intestines from a sac, which has but a single aperture, serving at once for the entrance of the aliment and discharge of the excrement: all other ani- mals have two distinct openings for these purposes (mouth and anus), placed at the two extremities of what is called the alimentary canal. The chyle, formed by the action of the digestive or- gans, is transmitted to the several parts of the body in two different ways. It either simply transudes through the sides ofthe alimentary canal, thus in a manner bath- ing all the interior ofthe body, as in the zoophytes, and perhaps in insects; or it is received by a distinct sys- tem of vessels, through the medium of which it is con- veyed into the mass of blood. Some of those animals that have absorbent vessels, as man, and other of the vertebral class, have the contents of these vessels white, while the blood is red; in others the chyle, lymph, and blood, are of tiie same colour. Differences in the organs of circulation, respiration, and voice. The circulation ofthe blood itself is accompanied with very considerable differences. In the first place, there are animals, viz. the insects and zoophytes, which have no circulation; others have a single, and others a duhlc circulation. The reptiles afford an example ofa single circulation; while in man, indeed in all the mammalia, as likewise in birds, fishes, and many of the mollusca, it is double. Where the circulation is single, a great part of the venous blood re-enters the arteries without passing through the lungs: in this manner the blood is distribut- ed in the amphibia. Here there is only one heart; when the circulation is double, there are sometimes one heart at the base of the pulmonary artery, and another at the base ofthe aorta, or principal artery of the body; and these two hearts are either united/ us in man, some COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. other ofthe mammalia, andliirds; or they are separate, and placed at a distance, as in the genus sepia, or cuttle- fish. Where there is only one ventricle, it is sometimes placed at the base of the aorta, as in snails and other molluscula, or at the root of the pulmonary artery, as in fishes. Great varieties are also observable in the organs sub- servient to respiration. When the element that acts on the blood is atmospheric air, it penetrates the interior of the respiratory organ; while it simply glides over a multiplied surface, when that element is water: in this latter case the lamellae of which the organ is composed are called gills, or branchiae: these are common to fishes, and many ofthe mollusca; in some instances, in place of branchiae, we meet with fringes, or tufts. The air penetrates into the interior ofthe body, either by a single aperture, or by several: the former is observ- ed in all animals which have lungs, properly so called. When there are several apertures, which is the case only in insects, the vessels that receive the air are ramified ad infinitum, and convey it to every part of the body. This last is called respiration by tracheae. Lastly, scarcely any of the zoophytes have percepti- ble organs of respiration. The organs of voice present but two general differen- ces. In birds the glottis is situated at the interior, in quadrupeds and reptiles it is placed at the superior, ex- tremity of the trachea, and at the root ofthe tongue. It is only the above three classes of animals that are fur- nished with a glottis. Sounds are produced in other animals by different means. Sometimes the friction of certain elastic parts is employed for this purpose; some- times the animal beats the air with other parts, or oc- casions a rapid motion in certain portions of that air which is retained in its body. Varieties in the generative organs. Generation essentially differs both in its mechanism and produce. This function is performed in some of the zoophytes without copulation; and the young animal grows on the body of the parent like the shoots of vege- tation. In other animals the sexual organs are either found united in the same individual, as in the mollusca, and some of the zoophytes, or are placed in two sepa- rate individuals, as in insects, and all the vertebral class of animals. Some hermaphrodites, as the bivate shell fish, gene- rate singly; in others of this class a conjunction of two individuals is absolutely necessary for the production of offspring; each individual performing, at the same time, the function of both male and female: this is the case with snails, and other species of mollusca that crawl up- on the belly. The product of generation is either a bud projecting from the parent like the branch of a tree, till completely developed; or a foetus, which arrives at maturity in the womb ofits mother, and from which it issues a living animal; or, finally, it is an embryo, inclosed in a shell, with a substance adhering to, and connected with, it hy vessels; which substance it absorbs and converts into nutriment before it is completely hatched. The above varieties form the three modes of generation denominat- ed gemmiparous, viviparous, and oviparous. The first is confined to a few zoophytes and articulated worms; the second takes place in man and other mammalia only; the third is common to all other animals, with the partial exception of those which, although in reality oviparous, are actually generated living animals, on account of the eggs being hatched in the oviduct of the mother. This is the case for instance, with the viper. Some animals have at birth the same form which they afterwards retain' Others vary considerably in their perfect state from tin* form which they received at birth, and are said therefore to undergo a metamorphosis. Hitherto this change has only been observed in insects, and in reptiles without scales, that is, in frogs and lizards. Organs of secretion. The organs of secretion likewise vary materially in dif- ferent animals: in the zoophytes secretory vessels have not been detected; in insects secretion is effected by tubes of different length; and in the vertebral animals, as like- wise in some of the mollusca, this function is performed by glands, or at least vascular expansions. Classification of Animals, FouirnEn on the WHOLE OF THEIR ORGANIZATION. The comparative anatomist divides the whole animal kingdom into two great families: the first comprehends those animals which have vertebrae and red blood: the se- cond is composed of those which are destitute of vertebne, and which, for the most part, have white blood. The general anatomy of the first class is the following. Anatomy of vertebral animals with red blood. The skeleton is invariably covered hy fleshy substance. and is articulated. Its principal support is the vertebral column, which always joins the head at its anterior ex- tremity, and is frequently prolonged at its posterior ex- tremity to form the tail. The ribs, which arc constantly met with in animals of this class, are attached to both sides of the spine. There are never more than four limbs; two, or all of which, are sometimes wanting. The brain is always contained in the cranium; the senses are inva- riably five in number; the eyes are two; the ear has at least three semicircular canals; the sense of smell lias always its seat in the cavities at the anterior part of the head. The circulation is maintained by a heart consisting of at least one ventricle: if there are two, these are never separate. The absorbent is distinct from the venous system. The two jaws are situated horizontally: the mouth al- ways opens by their separation from above downwards. The intestinal canal is continued from the mouth to the anus, which is uniformly found at the posterior part ot the pelvis. The intestines are surrounded hy a perito- neum. A liver, pancreas, and spleen, are always met with. The kidneys are placed on each side the spine and without the peritoneum. The testicles are two in number. Above the kidneys two bodies are found, the use of which has not hitherto been discovered. This first class is again subdivided into two branches, consisting 1st of animals with warm blood, and 2dly of animals with cold blood. Vertebral animals with warm blood. The first of these have invariably two ventricles and a double circulation. Animals of this class cannot exist COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. without respiration. Their brain occupies the whole ca- vity of the cranium. Their eyes close by palpebra'. The tympanum of the ear is sunk in the scull. The la- byrinth of this organ is enveloped by the bone; and (here is always observed in it, besides the semicircular canal, an organ resembling the shell of a snail (cochlea). Their nostrils have a communication with the back of the i.toutb. Their trunk is invariably surrounded with ribs; the greater number of this class of animals have four limbs. With cold blood. The second subdivision of this first class, the vertebral animals with cold blood, are frequently without ribs; some have no articulated limbs. Their brain never fills up the whole cavity of the cranium. The eyes are sel- dom furnished with moveable palpebrae. When there is a tympanum to the organ of hearing, it is always level with the head. The cochlea is wanting. The various parts of the car are not attached closely to tbe cranium; sometimes they are at liberty in the same cavity with the brain. Each of these two branches of vertebral animals, is again subdivided into two classes; the two divisions ofthe first branch are the mammalia and birds. first class of vertebral animals with warm blood—The Mammalia. The mammalia are viviparous: they nourish their young with milk which is furnished by their mammae; they have always an uterus with two cornua; the males have a pe- nis, wbich in copulation is introduced into the genital or- gan of the female. The head ofthe mammalia is jointed to the first verte- bra hy two eminences: the cervical vertebrae are never less than six, nor more than nine; the brain is extremely complicated: it has parts which are not met with in other classes of animals, such as the corpus callosum, fornix, pons Varolii, &c. Sec Anatomy. The eyes of the mammalia have only two palpebrae; their ears have four articulated bones, and a spiral coch- lea; their tongue is soft and fleshy, the skin is in a great number of instances covered with hair, and there is some hair on all of them. The lungs are enclosed within the thorax: there is al- ways a diaphragm: there is only one larynx, which is situated at the base of the tongue, and covered by the gl-jftis during deglutition. The inferior maxilla only is moveable; both jaws arc furnished with lips. Tbe biliary and pancreatic ducts are inserted at the same point: the lacteal vessels contain a milky chyle, and pass through the mesenteric glands. The epiploon covers the anterior portion of the intestines. The spleen is invariably situated on the left side; be- tween the stomach, ribs, and diaphragm. Second class—Aves. Birds arc oviparous; they have but one ovarium and one oviduct, a structure peculiar to this class. The head is connected with the vertebrae hy one eminence only: the vertebrae ofthe neck arc very numerous. The sternum is much expanded: the anterior members are only used in flying, the posterior in walking. The eyes of birds have three palpebrae; they have no external ear: the tympanum has only one bone: the coch- vol. i. 78 lea is in the four: of a cone slightly twisted; the inngne has a bone internally; the body is covered with fe.ttliers the lungs are attached to the ribs; in the acr of inspiration air is communicated to all tbe body, as birJs have no di- aphragm. The windpipe has a larnyx at each extremi- ty; the upper extremity is without an epiglottis. Their mouth is formed hy a bill or beak of a horny consistence, the two mandibks of which arc moveable. Several ducts pass out from the pancreas and livrv, and penetrate the intestinal canal at different parts. Tbe chyle is transparent, and there are neither mescnteri: glands nor omentum. The spleen is in the centre of the mesentery. The urinary ducts (ureters) terminate in a cavity cal- led the cloaca, which is the receptacle both of the excre- ments and eggs. Birds have no urinary bladder. Gt iwral anatomy of animals with cold blood belonging t« the vertebral class; these are reptiles and fishes: third class of animals—Reptiles. There is less uniformity in the organization of reptiles than in that of any other class; some walk, some fly, others sw im, and many can merely crawl. Their organs of sensation, particularly the car, exhibit nearly as many varieties as those of motion. Reptiles are howrever univer- sally without cochlea; their skin is either naked, or enve- loped with a scaly covering: their brain is invariably small; the lungs are contained in the same cavity with the other viscera, but they do not admit the air to pass be- yond them. The pulmonary cells are very capacious; tliere is only one larynx which has an epiglottis: both the jaws are moveable; they arc without omentum or mesen- teric glands; the spleen, as in birds, is in the centre of the mesentery. The female has two ovaries and two oviducts; reptiles have an urinary bladder. Fourth class-—Pisces. Fishes respire hy organs in the shape of gills situated on either side of the neck, between which they transmit the water; they have therefore no trachea, larynx, nor voice; their bodies are formed for swimming, but they have sometimes no fins. Besides the four which represent the extremities, they have vertical fins on the back, un- der the tail, and at its extremity. Their nostrils do not assist them in respiration: their car is concealed within the cranium: their skin is either without any covering, or is scaly; their tongue is bony; each jaw is moveable; the intestinula caeca often occupy the place of the pancreas; they have an urinary bladder: their ovaries are double. General anatomy of animals without vertebra;. The organization of the second family of animals, the invertebral, presents a less regular series to assist the comparative anatomist in his classification. If animals of this class have an articulated and hard skeleton, it is for the most part external. Their nervous system, in- stead of being enclosed in a bony case, floats in the same cavity with the other viscera. The brain furnishes two branches which envelope the oesophagus; the continuation of these branches forms the remainder of the common mass of nerves. Animals without vertebrae never respire by cellular lungs; and in no instance have they voice: their jaws have various directions, and often their mouths are merely suckers; they have neither kidneys nor urine; if they COMPARATIVE AXATOMY. have articulated members they are always at least six in number. The invertebral animals may be divided into five classes; the jnollusca, Crustacea, insects, worms, and polypi or zoophytes. First order of invertebral animals, forming the fifth gene- ra! class—Mollusca. The body of the mollusca is soft, fleshy, and destitute of articulated members: sometimes tbey have hard parts situated internally. They respire by branchiae. Their brain is a distinct mass, from which proceed the nerves and a medulia oblongata. They have ganglions. Their external senses vary with respect to number. In some the eyes and ears are perceptible, while in others we are not capable of detecting any other senses than those of taste and touch. Many of the mollusca can masticate, while others can merely swallow'. This class of animals has a voluminous liver, which secretes a large quantity of bile. Their generative organs are exceedingly various. Sixth class—Crustacea. In the Crustacea the body is covered with scales: these animals have often a considerable number of articulated members; their nervous system is composed of a long knotted cord, from the ganglions of which all the nerves are distributed. The Crustacea have hard moveable eyes; their ears are very imperfect in their organization: the sense of touch is furnished by antenae and feelers, as in insects: they have a heart with arterial and venous ves- sels, and they respire by branchiae: their jaws are trans- verse, strong, and numerous; teeth are found in the sto- mach; a number of intcstinula cceca afford a brown fluid, which appears to supply the office of bile. The male of the Crustacea has two penes, the female two ovaria. Seventh class—Insecta. Insects have antennae and articulated members, like the Crustacea. Some of these animals have wings, in which case they have existed in different forms, and in certain stages of their existence have been entirely mo- tionless. Insects have a nervous system, like that of the Crustacea; they have, however, neither heart nor vessels, and respire only by tracheae. Not only the liver, but all the secretory glands, arc in insects replaced by long vessels, which float in the abdomen. As the animal passes through its different states of existence, the form ofthe intestinal canal varies considerably in the same individual. Eighth class—Vermes. These animals, which greatly resemble the insect tribe, might be joined with insects, but they do not un- dergo a metamorphosis. Some of them have a distinct vascularity, and they may be regarded as forming an intermediate class between the mollusca, Crustacea, and insects; such are the terrestrial worms, and leeches. Ninth class—Zoophyta. The parts ofthe body in this class of equivocal animals are formed like the radii of a circle, in the centre of which the mouth is placed. The anatomist has not hi- therto been able to trace in the zoophytes, heart, blood- vessels, brain, or nerves. The following table will present at one view, without the necessity of detail, the various subdivisions ofthe classes of animals above described. To render this description more intelligible, the Linnsean classification and generic names of animals have been connected with the anatomical divisions and nomenclature. Mammalia. A. With nails. «. Having each kind of teeth. I. Thumbs only separate on the superior extremities.__ Genus homo; ofthe primates of Linnaeus.— Bimanu. II. Thumbs separate on all four feet.—Genera simia lemur; primates Linnaei.—({uudrnmana. III. On the fore feet, no thumbs separate. 1. Hands elongated; membranes from the neck to the anus.—Gen. vespertilio, galeopithecus; primates Lin.—Chi roplcra. 2. The whole of the soles of the feet resting on the ground.—G. crinaceus, sorex, talpa, ursus; fer» Lin.—Plantigrada. 3. Feet resting only on the toes—G. mustela, viverr.i, felis, canis; ferae Lin.—Carnivora. 4. Thumbs separate on the hind feet.—Genus didel- phis; ferae Lin.—Pedimana. b. Without some kinds of teeth. IV. Without canine teeth.—G. kangarus, hystrix, lepus, cavia, castor, sciurus, cheioromys, mus; glires Lin.— Bodentia. V. With no incisive or canine teeth.—Gen. myrmecop- haga, orycteropus, dasypus; bruta Lin.—Edentula. VI. SVithout incisive teeth.—G. bradypus; bruta Lin.— Tardigrada. B. With hoofs. VII. More than two toes and two hoofs.—G. elephas; bruta Lin. Sus, hippopotamus, hyrax, and rhinoceros; belluae \An.—Pachodermia. VIII. With two toes and hoofs.—Pecora Lin.—Rumi- nantia. IX. One toe and one hoof.—G. equus; belluae Lin.— Solipeda. C. With finny feet. X. Four feet.—G. phoca; ferae Linnaei: and trichecus, bruta Lin.—Amphibia. Aves. I. Feet short, toes with long claws, beak hooked.— Accipitres Lin. except lanius.—Accipitres. II. Four toes, tjiree anterior and one behind; external toes entirely or partially joined.—G. laneus; passeres Lin. except columba, and some ofthe picse.—Passeres. III. Two anterior toes and two behind.—Part of the G. picas Lin.—Scansores. IV. Anterior toes united at their base by a short mem- brane.—Gallinae, and some of the grallse, Lin.— Gallincc. V. Legs long and naked.—Most of the grallae Lin.— Gratia;. VI. Toe united by extensive membranes.—-Anseres Lin. —Anseres. Reptiles. A. Heart with two anricles. I. Upper part ofthe body enveloped by shell, jaws cov- ered with horn.—G. testudo; reptiles pedati Lin.— Chelonii. II. Body covered with scales, teeth.—Reptiles pedati Lin.—Saurii. B. Heart with only one ventricle. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. III. Body covered with scales, no feet, no branchiae at any period.—Serpentes apodes Lin.—Ophidii. IV. Skin naked, feet, branchiae in the first period.- Reptiles pedati Lin.—Batrachii. Pisces. A. Skeleton cartilaginous. I. Branchiae fixed. Part of the amphibia nantia Lin.— Chondropterygii. II. Branchiae loose. Part of the amph. nan. Lin.— Branchiostegi. B. Skeleton bony. HI. No ventral fins.—Apodes Lin.—Apodes. IV. With ventral fins anterior to the pectoral.—Jugu- lares Lin.—Jugulares. V. Ventral fins below the pectoral.—Thoracici.—Tho- racici. VI. Ventral fins behind the pectoral.—Abdominales Lin. —Abdominales. Mollusca. I. Head with tentacula supplying the place of feet.— Saepia belonging to the mollusca, and argonauta and nautilus to the cochleae, Lin.—Cephalopoda. II. Head free, and which crawl on the belly.—Cochleae Lin—Gasteropoda. III. Without a distinct head.—Principally conchae Lin.— Acephala. Crustacea. I. Monuculus. II. Cancer. Insecta. A. With jaws. I. No wings.—Gnathaptera. II. Four reticulated wings.—Neuroptera. III. Four veined wings.—Hymenoptera. IV. Four wings, superior hard, inferior folded trans- versely.—Coleoptera. V. Four wings, superior hard, inferior folded longitudi- nally.—Orthoptera. B. Without jaws. VI. Four wings much crossed, rostrum articulated.— HemipteYa. VII. Four wings covered with scales, trunk spirally con vol uteil.—Lepidoptera. VIII. Two wings only.—Diptera. IX. No wings.—Aptera. Vermes. 1. With external organs of respiration, and hairs on the sides of their bodies.—Some of the mollusca, and some of the testacea, Lin. II. Without external organs of respiration. 1. Hairs on the sides of the body.—Xais, lumhricus, thallaserna. 2. No hairs on the side of the body—Hirudo, fasciola, planaria, gordius. Animals hearing a resemblance to the vermes, the organization of wiiich is not sufficiently known to deter- mine whethrr they belong to that order, or ought to form one contiguous to the zoophyta. 1st family.—Tenia, hvdatigenia, ligula, lingnatiula. 2d fainih—Ascaris, and some other intestinal worms. Zoophv ta. A, .Not attached. I. With a calcareous or coriaceous envelope, and intt -. tines floating in the interior cavity.—Echinodermia. II. With a fleshy or gelatinous envelope, intestines hollow, and adhering in the mass ofthe body.—Urticaria. HI. Very small, swimming in fluids.—Infusoria. IV. Gelatinous bodies, increasing by bud's.—Polypi. B. Attached to a solid trunk. V. In which the medullary substance crosses a corneous axis, and terminates in polypi on its branches.—- Zoophyta. VI. In which each polypus is inclosed in a horny or cal- careous shell, and is not connected by a medullary axis.—Esdiara. VII. In which a solid axis is covered with a sentient flesh, from cavities in which the polypi issue.—Ce- ratophyta. VUL In which a stony axis or base serves for the re- ceptacle of the polypi.—Lithophyta. IX. In which the base is spongy, friable, or composed of fibres.—Spongia. ANATOMY OF A COW. Class 1st, order 2d, genus 8th, species ruminantia. Fcetal state. For the production of the fcetus in this animal, as well as in the human species, something is necessarily derived from the ovaria. The uterus of the cow has large cornua, in wiiich a portion of the secundines is contained: consisting principally of the allantois, with the contained liquor. The muscular fibres of the uterus are plainly marked. Upon its internal surface are found a number of glandular bodies, which are formed by the termination of the uterine vessels. When the womb is in an impregnated state, a kind of mucilaginous liquor may be pressed out of these glandular bodies. These are called the papillae of the uterus. The mouth ofthe womb (os uteri) is entirely closed by a muci- laginous substance, that is common to the females of all animals when in a state of pregnancy. The first of tbe proper membranes of the foetus is the chorion; on the ex- ternal surface of which are spread a number of fleshy bodies; called cotyiedones, or placentitis, which answer the same purpose with the placenta in the human sub- ject. These, though indented among the papillae, have no vascular connection with the.n. The allantois, or allantoides. is the second membrane of the uterus. This is extremely fine and transparent; it is not an entire involucrum of the foetus, hut is chiefly lodged in the cornua uteri. In mares, bitches, and rab- bits, it envelopes the amnios. In sheep and goats, the form and comparative extent of this membrane, arc near- ly the same as in the animal we arc now describing, while in swine and in rabbits it covers still less of the amnios. A quantity of urine is commonly found in the sac. which this membrane forms, probably by the dilata- tion ofthe urachus, which is connected at its other ex- tremity to the fundus of the bladder. This membrane is exceedingly vascular; its existence in the human female has been a subject of much dispute. See Midwiferv. The third proper involucrum of the foetus is the am- nios. This membrane is thinner aud firmer than the chorion. Rainilieau- ns of the umbilical arteries and veins are spread out upon it, by the terminations of which, COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. at its lateral parts, a liquor is secreted into the cavity of the membrane. This liquor is, in the first instance, in a small quantity; it afterwards increases; and again, towards the end of pregnancy, decreases. The amnios does not enter the cornua uteri. We find in the foetus of this animal two venae urnbili- cales, the circulation of which is performed in the follow- ing manner. The blood from the placenta of the mother is conveyed into the capsula glissoniana, where it be- comes blended with the blood of the vena portarum. Part of this blood proceeds immediately to the cava by the ductus venosus; the rest circulates through the liver. The whole is transmitted from the cava into the right auricle, whence part is sent by the foramen ovale into the left auricle: the rest passes directly into the pulmo- nary artery, through the right ventricle. A small por- tion of this last circulates through the lungs, while the greater part is conveyed immediately from the pulmona- ry artery through the medium of the canalis arteriosus into the descending aorta. Adult state. There are no dentes incisores in the upper jaw of this animal; but the gums are hard, and the tongue remarkably rough; its substance being covered by long sharp-point- ed papillae, which are turned towards the throat, for the purpose of retaining the received aliment. The ceso- phagus of this animal is composed of a double row of spiral fibres, which decussate each other. In common with all the ruminating animals, the cow has more than one stomach. Some of the ruminantia have two, some three; while the subject under examination has four stomachs, or rather ventricles; the first of these is the largest; it. is vulgarly called the paunch; this lies upon the left side, and immediately receives the aliment. Up- on the internal surface of this ventricle, there are a great number of small blunted processes, which give the whole a general roughness and considerable extent. By the force ofthe muscular coat ofthe paunch, aided by the gas- tric: liquors, the food is in this cavity sufficiently macerated; after which it is returned through the oesophagus into the mouth, where it is now masticated. This process is what is called chewing the cud, or rumination. After rumination tbe food is sent down into the second sto- mach, into which the oesophagus opens directly, as well as into the first. This second stomach is smaller than the first; it is situated anteriorly: the cells on its internal surface cause, it to assume the appearance of a honey- comb. Here the food is further macerated, and i hence protruded into the third; the interior surface of which forms a number of plicae or folds; from this stomach it passes into the fourth, the structure and function of which greatly resemble the human stomach. This perhaps ought, in strict propriety, to he alone denominated the stomach. It is worthy of remark, that in consequence of the elaboration of the aliment in ruminating animals, much less food is required by them than by othci-s, who have only one stomach. In the horse there is but one ventricle for the maceration of the ingesta, from which a liquor for nourishment is extracted, and the remainder discharged, by the anus, very little altered. The intestinal canal of the cow is of considerable length; there is scarcely any difference in the diameters of the large and small guts. The ccecum is capacious and long; the spleen is attached to the diaphragm; the liver is not divided into so many lobes as in man; the vesica urinaria is of a pyramidal shape; it is exceedingly ca- pacious; the cornua of the uterus are contorted in the form of a snail; the heart differs in form from that of man principally in having a more acute point, which point is composed only of the left ventricle; the aorta is properly, in this animal, divided into ascending and descending. ANATOMY OF A DOMESTIC FOWL. Class 2d, genus 4th, species galling. This animal, like all others of the same class, is ovi- parous. The cesophagus of this creature passes down its neck, inclining somewhat to the right side: it termi- nates in a large membranous sac, which is the ingluvies or crop, where the aliment is macerated and dissolved; then passing out, it proceeds down the remaining portion of the oesophagus into what has been called the ventricuhis succentarius, formed by a continuation of the gullet, with more numerous glands. These glands separate a liquor, by which the food is still more diluted, before it enters the true stomach, gizzard, or ventriculus callosus. The duodenum begins nearly at the same place where the oesophagus enters; the two orifices are however di- vided by means of a protuberance, called septum medium. The duodenum is chiefly situated in the right side; its two extremities are attached to the liver; the ductus cho- ledochus enters near its termination, and discharges its contents into the gut, contrary to the course of the food. The small intestines are of considerable length. At the termination ofthe ilia, there arc two large cceca,one on each side proceeding in an ascending direction from the side of the rectum. The excretories of the urine have already been described, as discharging their con- tents into the cloaca. See general anatomy of the class aves. The pancreas lies between the two folds of the duo- denum; the spleen sends its blood into the vena porta- rum; the liver is divided into two equal lobes hy a pel- lucid membrane. The principal peculiarity to be obser- ved in the heart, is the want ofthe valvule tricuspides, and their place being supplied by one fleshy substance: the form and mechanism of the lungs are the .same as in the other genera of the class. Cells arc found in every part of the body, wiiich communicate with those of the lungs; and, as before remarked, are filled with air, wiiich even penetrates into the cavities of the bones. The trachea at its division is very much contracted. Hence, in part, the shrillness of voice peculiar to this class of animals. That birds are without diaphragm has alrea- dy been remarked. In the animal we are now describ- ing, the whole thorax and abdomen are divided by a longitudinal membrane, or mediastinum, attached to the lungs, pericardium, liver, stomach, and likewise cover- ing the stomach and intestines; this is analogous to tbe omentum in the human species. The lacteals pass from the intestines upon the mesen- teric vessels; those of the duodenum run along the side of the pancreas; afterwards they arrive upon the caeliac artery: here they receive the lymphatics from the liver and gizzard, and shortly after another from the inferior part of the oesophagus. At the root of the coeliac artery they are joined by the lymphatics of the glands; and COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. near the same part by the lacteals of the small intestines. A particular branch passes from the rectum* which re- ceives some small vessels from the kidneys at the root of the c celiac artery. The lymphatics of the inferior ex- tremities appear to unite with those from the intestines. At the root of the cceliac artery the junction of the lym- phatics forms a kind of net-work, from which arise two thoracic ducts, one lying on each side of the spine, which terminate near the angle formed by the jugular and sub- clavian veins. The ducts are joined by the lymphatics ofthe neck, and probably by those of the superior mem- bers or wings, at the place of their entrance into the jugulars. The chyle, it has already been observed, in all birds is like the lymph, transparent and colourless. The kidneys lie in the hollow of the back-bone, from which the ureters pass into the cloaca. The testicles are placed on each side of jthe spine, and arc remarkably large in this animal: the seminal vessels pass from these at first in a straight direction, but afterwards are con- voluted, like the epididymis of the human subject. These convolutions partly supply the want of vesiculae semi- nales; the coition however of these animals is very short; the vasa seminifera terminate in the penes, of which, in the cock, there are two. Birds in general are without prostrate gland. From the large size of the testes this animal is remarkably salacious, and is capable of impreg- nating many females. Impregnation is effected in the following manner: The racemus vitellorum ofthe female being analogous to the human ovaria, is attached by a membrane to the spine, which membrane is continued down to the uterus. The orifice of the womb is averse in respect to the ovaria; notwithstanding, by the force of the venereal orgasm, it turns round and grasps the v i- tellus: the substance from the racemus, in its passage through the duct, receives a gelatinous liquor, by which, with what it afterwards receives in the uterus itself, the white of the egg is formed. The shell is lined with a membrane, and in the larger end there is a bag filled with air, for which there is no outlet. When the egg is completed, it is pushed out from the uterus, through an aperture at the side ofthe common cloaca. When the hen lays eggs that are not impregna- ted, tbe semen ofthe male has not been applied to the vitelli. These eggs appear to be complete, with the ex- ception of a small black spot, which is that from which the rudiments of the chick are formed. General view of the organs subservient to animal motions. FIRST, OF TIIE SKELETON. The bones of which the skeleton is composed are for the mo.vt part articulated, so as to form a whole. To this rule, however, there arc exceptions. In birds and in quadrupeds, the bones which support the tongue are only connected hy soft parts with the general skeleton. In those quadrupeds which have no clavicles, all the os- seous parts ofthe anterior extremities are only attached hy muscles; in other quadrupeds they are merely joined to the sternum by single clavicles, and hy double ones in the class aves. In fishes they are connected with the vertebral column by a bony girdle. In this class of animals the posterior extremities are generally free, and simply fixed in the muscular substance, while in other animals they have a firm connection with the rest of the skeleton through the medium ofthe pel vis. There are three primary divisions ofthe skeleton;the head, the trunk, and the extremities. The first is in no instance wanting. In serpents, and in some fishes, the extremities are totally wanting. In those fishes that are without ventral fins (apodes Lin- naei), and in the cctacea among the mammalia (cete Lin.), the posterior extremities are wanting. The anterior ex- tremities only are wanting in one species of lizard. No vertebral animal has more than four extremities, unless we include the kind of wing which belongs to the flying-dragon, a small animal nearly similar to our li- zard. The trunk is formed by the vertebrae, ribs, and ster- num; the number of the vertebrae is variable. The ster- num is absent in serpents and fishes. The ribs are want- ing in frogs, rays, sharks, and anumber of cartilaginous fishes. It is but a small number of the vertebral animals that are without coccyx: these are the ternate bats, and the frog kind. Several fishes have no neck. The false ribs arc always posterior in quadrupeds. In birds they are both before and behind. In the crocodile, and some other animals, there are ribs which proceed from the sternum, hut wiiich do not join the vertebrae: others come from the vertebrae, and unite anteriorly with the correspond- ing ribs, without any intermediate sternum, as in the cameleon. The head is invariably placed at the anterior extremity of the vertebral column. It is divided into three parts, which, although they differ in relative pro- portions, are never wanting. These parts are, 1st, The cranium, in which the brain is contained, and in the par- titions of which the cavities ofthe internal ear, and fre- quently those of the nose, are situated. 2. The face, wiiich contains the orbits of the eyes, and the nasal ca- vities, and which terminates inferiorly by the upper jaw. 3. The lower jaw, which in all animals is moveable, even in the crocodile. The upper jaw is immoveable in man, in quadrupeds, and in some reptiles, as the tortoise, the crocodile, and others; it is more or less moveable in birds, serpents, and fishes. The extremities when per- fect, are divided into four parts: those wiiich belong to the anterior members are the shoulder, the arm, the fore- arm, and the hand; those of the posterior are the hip, the thigh, the leg, and the foot. These distinctions do not obtain among fish, whose extremities are merely form- ed of osseous rays, or bones, constituted like a fan, and articulated to parts corresponding with the shoulder or hip. The shoulder is formed of the scapula placed against the back, and the clavicle attached to the ster- num. The last is wanting in some quadrupeds and the cetacea; it is double in birds, tortoises, frogs, and many lizards. Where extremities exist, the scapula is always found. The arm is constituted by one bone; the fore-arm has almost always two; even when this last part consists of noly one bone, tliere generally appears a kind of separating furrow. The hand, as it respects the number of its bones, considerably varies, but the osseous portions of which it consists always form a carpus, metacarpus, and fingers. This is the case even in birds, the fingers of which arc enveloped in a skin covered by feathers. This COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. organization likewise obtains in the cetacea, in which the whole anterior member is reduced to the figure of an oar or fin. The various parts ofthe skeleton are usually disposed with a strict attention to symmetry; so that when divided by a longitudinal section, the tw7o halves are counter- proofs of each other. In one kind of fish, however, call- ed pleuronectes, which comprehends soles, plaice, turbots, &c. the head is so constituted, that the two eyes and the two nostrils are on the same side. It may be proper to remark, before we conclude this general account of the skeleton, that although an animal of one class may appear similar to that of another, the resemblance is merely outward; and affects the skeleton, not in the number or arrangement of its bones, but mere- ly in its total proportions. Bats, for instance, appear to have wings; but an anotomical examination demonstrates these to be in reality hands, the fingers of wiiich are merely somewhat lengthened. In like manner, although dolphins appear to have fins, composed of an entire piece, we find under the external covering all the bones that compose the anterior extremities of the other mammalia, short, and nearly immoveable. Of the forms and actions of muscles. While the form and number of bones, and the mode in which they are articulated, determine the number, kind, and direction, of motions they are capable of, the number and situation of the muscles determine the num- ber, kind, and direction, of the motions that are actually performed. Muscles are attached to the bones by tendons. The tendons, like the muscles, are composed of fibres, but they are more close and firm, and haxe a silver white- ness. The form ofthe tendon varies as much as that of the muscle. Heavy birds, that walk much, have the tendons of their limbs ossified at a very early period. The same thing takes place in the jerboa, and other animals, that always leap with their posterior extremi- ties. The tendons of the Crustacea and insects are frequent- ly articulated with the scaly case they have to move, in the same manner as one bone is articulated with another; with this case they are connected by a membranous li- gament. This structure is particularly observable in the great claws of cray-fish. The tendons of the mollusca are not perceptible; but this is in consequence of the tendinous and fleshy parts, , both having the same colour. The muscles are divided into simple and compound: the first comprehend those in which the fibres have one direction only; the most common are the ventriform, the fibres of which are near- ly parallel, and compose a long bundle of a round shape; their fleshy portions swell in the centre, which is called the belly of the muscle. The second kind of simple mus- cle is flat, and has parallel fibres. These form a sort of fleshy membrane, which, instead of terminating in small tendons, ends by aponeurosis, or a kind of tendinous membrane. In the action of muscles it appers that the elementary fibres, all individually, exercise the same power at the moment of contraction; but the sum total of force is di- rected hy the manner in which these fibres are disposed, or the situation ofthe whole muscle. It is obvious then; that in either kind of these simple muscles above describ- ed, the total action is equal to the sum of all the particu- lar actions, wiiich however is not the case with the two other* kinds of simple muscles, the radiated and pemii- form. Muscles are said to be radiated, when the fibres of which they are composed are disposed like the radii of a circle, which, proceeding from a base of a greater or less magnitude, incline towards each other, and are in- serted :n a small tendon. Penniform mus'ies have their fibres arranged in two rows, which unite in a middle line, and form with each other angles more or less obtuse, assuming the appear- ance of the feathers of a quill. Their tendon is a pro- longation of this central line. In these two last kinds of muscles the resulting force must necessrily be less than the collective sum of the component forces: it is only equal to the sum of the dia- gonals of the parallelograms, which are formed from eve- ry two fibres that unite in the production of one angle. Compound muscles are produced by the union of seve- ral in one common tendon. Sometimes these uniting muscles are of a similar nature: at others the compound muscle is formed by an assemblage of various kinds, as the radiated, the ventriform, and others. There are some muscles with only one belly with di- vided tendons; others have several fleshy parts and ten- dons interlaced in various ways. These last may be de- nominated complicated muscles. Muscular origin and insertion may he considered as of eight distinct kinds. A muscle, or muscles, may be destined to compress the soft parts contained in a cavity, which is then enveloped by the muscular fibres in differ- ent directions, in the form of membranes or bands. Such is the arrangement in the abdominal muscles and dia- phragm of the human species; such is the disposition of the muscles of slugs, other mollusca, and naked worms, which can contract themselves in every direction. When a number of such muscles act in conjunction, it is for the purpose of expelling some matter from the body, as ex- cremement, or ova; their more usual action however is alternate, and then their effect is to increase one of the diameters of the cavity they surround, and diminish the other. Thus, for example, during every inspiration the abdomen becomes wider and shorter, while exactly the contrary takes place on each expiration. In like manner slugs and leeches lengthen and shorten themselves, by first moving their annular, and then their longitudinal muscles. Upon this principle likewise, those muscles act which are destined to lengthen or shorten, and to relax or com- press, any soft part J sueh as the tongue of man, or the horns of snails. The heart, the arteries, the intestines and other organs, are furnished with muscles of this kind. Some muscles are calculated to enlarge or diminish a soft aperture; of these some surround the orifice as the sphincters; others are inserted more or less directly m the margins of the apertures. When they are uniformly extended round the orifice, such orifice preserves its figure, and is always dilated or contracted in the same manner. The eyelid of the moon-fish, and the anus ofthe snail, present examples of this species of muscular mo- tion. When these muscles are inserted in different direc- tions, the form of the aperture is very variable; as for COMPARATIVE ANATOMY.. Instance, in the lips of man. The expressive variety of the human physiognomy arises in a great measure from the great mobility of this part. Another employment of tiie muscles is to extend and fold back in the manner of curtains, membranes that furnish coverings to certain parts; such as the eyelids of man, quadrupeds, and birds. When s'uii muscles are m the bodies of these membranes, their descriptions are the same as above desc ribed; but when their situation is ex- ternal, they form complicated pulleys. Again, muscles arc employed in the act of turning or rolling a globular mass, which, although free, is support- ed on every side, as the human eye in the orbit, or the mouth of a snail in its head. The muscles surround such parts in the form of a hoop, and the body which they move is turned to that part in which the muscle contracts with most vigour. These four modes of action may all be referred to that of the sphincters or circular muscles. The following mode in which the muscles perform their action may he compared to the action of ropes, drawing a resisting object; the muscular fibres pulling in the direction in which the motion of the part operated upon is to be performed; or if the muscles diverge, an equal quantity of action is produced on either side, and the resulting force is employed to still more advantage. Of the first kind of action, the sterno-hyoideus and genio-hyoidcus form examples, and the motions of the mylo-hyoideus and scapulo-hyoideus are instances ofthe second. When the bone on which the muscular agency is dis- played, cannot be elevated or depressed all at once, it must then be regarded as a lever, the articulation afford- ing the fulcrum. When the articulation is between the two extremities, and the muscles are situated at one of them, the bone forms a lever of the first rank; such is the case in the mandible of the cray-fish; an example of a similar kind is likewise furnished by the olecranon and os calcis, with their respective muscles; but the most remarkable is, the tibia of those birds called grebes and divers; the long apophysis of which, raised above the knee, serves as a substitute for the patella. But the most common case of muscular attachment is, that in which the articulation is at one extremity ofthe bone; then the most favourable position ofthe muscle is, when it originates from another bone parallel to that which it has to move, or when it forms with the latter only a very small angle; such is the case with the inter- costales, interspinales, and intcrtransversi; and the muse les which draw together hones of a fan-like shape, as the wings of the flying dragon. The muscles which close the mouth of man and the bill of birds may be also compared to the preceding; these however are inserted nearer to the point of support, and by consequence their force is dimbiished. The last and most usual mode of insertion is, when a muscle united w ith one bone is inserted into another which last is articulated with the first, and may be extended so as to form together a right line, or bent into a very small angle; this mode is the most disadvan- tageous, on account of the extreme obliquity ofthe inser- tion when the moveable hone is extended, and because of its proximity to the fulcrum; this inconvenience, how- ever, is in some measure obviated by the heads of bones, or enlargements of their articular extremities; so that the tendons turning round a convexity in order to be inserted below it, form more obtuse angles. It was necessary that the fulcrum of motion should he near, to prevent the members from being inordinately large, and likewise for the production of a ready and complete flexion, as the muscular fibre loses only a de- terminate fraction of its length in contraction. Examples are afforded of muscles inserted at a great distance from the fulcrum: birds have one which extends from the top of the shoulder near to the carpus; this however happens because all the angle formed by the radius and ulna is, in these animals, occupied by a membrane intended to aug- ment the surface of the wing. It is in consequence of the small contraction of the muscular fibre, that the short bones in which complete inflexion is required, are moved by muscles attached to bones at a distance: the vertebrae and phalanges of the fingers are in this situation. Muscles extended from one to the other of these small bones could not have pro- duced a sufficient flection: besides, in the phalanges they would have made the fingers disproportionately thick: it is also necessary that the tendons of these nnis- eles be fixed down to the bones over wbich they pass; otherwise whenever the phalanges were bent, the mus- cles and tendons would remain in a straight line like the string of a bow; hence the utility of the carpal ligaments, the sheaths, and perforations. In animals that have but three phalanges, as in man, tliere is but one perforation; but birds, wiiich have one toe with four and another with five phalanges, have two perforations and conse- quently three muscles,—one perforated, one perforating and perforated, and one perforating. Those vertebrae which have much motion, for exam- ple, those of the neek in birds, and of the tail in quad- rupeds, have likewise very distant muscles; but their long tendons are enclosed in sheaths, which continue to bind them, until they arrive opposite the place of termi- nation. External form as an indication of the nature of the sentient organization. In the general description which we have already given of the skeleton, the head of vertebral animals was said to be capable of division into three parts, viz. Uie cra- nium, face, and inferior maxilla; as it relates however to the sentient organization, the head will only admit of two primary divisions: the cranium, containing the brain; and the face, in the cavities of wiiich are lodged the or- gans of sight, smell and taste. The organs of hearing are situated on the sides of the cranium. A capac ious cranium and a small face are- the indices of a large brain and less developed senses of smell and taste. The relative proportion of the cra.iuiii and the face, also indicates a greater or less degree of perfection in those faculties wiiich are general'.;, denotii ,.atcd intel- lectual or reflective, compared with the external or sen- sitive. In man the cranium is relatively the hirgi^i, ami the face the smallest; and animals, as they depart from these proportions, become in the sam« ratio more stupid and ferocious. To this general rule, however, there are some exceptions. See the article Physiognomy. COM dne of the most simple means of ascertaining these proportions is by means of the facial line of Camper, and the angle which it forms with the basis of the cranium. The facial line is supposed to pass in contact with the upper incisores teeth, and the most prominent part ofthe forehead; and the basilar line of the cranium is that which bisects longitudinally a plane passing through the external openings of the car, and along the lower edge of the anterior aperture of the nostrils. In proportion as the forehead projects or the cranium is enlarged, the angle made by these lines must necessarily increase; on the contrary, as the cranium diminishes in size, or the forehead recedes, the facial line will incline further back and diminish the angle. In man the facial angle is w ider than in any other animal, and it becomes always more acute in the different animals as they are removed from man. In the European, it is 85°; negro, 70°; orang-outang, 67°; pug-dog, 35°; polecat, 31°, Sec. Still more important relations, how ever, arc discovered by means of a vertical and longitudinal section of the head. In the European the area of the section of the cranium is nearly four times as large as that of the face, exclusive ofthe inferior maxilla. In the negro the face is increased about one-fifth. The proportion of the cra- nium is still less in the orang-outang; in the sapajous the face is nearly one-half of the cranium; in most of the carnivora it is nearly equal. In the rodentia, pachy- dermata, ruminantia, and solipedia, the area of the sec- tion of the face is larger than that of the cranium. Of the rodentia, the hare and marmot have it one-third larger. In the porcupine it is more than double, a little more than double in hogs, nearly triple in the hippopo- tamus, and almost quadruple in the horse. (N. B. The above proportions are given on the authority of M. Cu- vier.) These remarks are particularly interesting in relation to the mammalia order of animals, as in these the cavity of the cranium is occupied entirely hy brain; so that the description ofthe osseous part, indicates pretty accurate- ly the external form of the whole encephalon. The proportion wiiich the cranium bears to the face in birds, does not authorise the same inductions as in the mammalia; and with respect to reptiles and fishes (the re- maining class of vertebral animals) no important infer- ences oan be made from the magnitude and form of the cranium, as the brain only occupies a small part of its cavity. In the nervous system of the mollusca, Crusta- cea, and insects, the utmost irregularity obtains; and it has already been stated that in the zoophytes, which oc- cupy the lowest rank in the scale of animal life, a dis- tinct sentient organization has not hitherto been detect- ed. For the internal organization and functions of the nervous system, consult the article Physiology. COMPARISON, in rhetoric, a figure that illustrates and sets off one thing, by resembling and comparing it with another, to which it bears a manifest relation and resemblance, as in the following figure in Shakspearc: She never told her love, But let concealment, like a worm, Feed on her damask cheek: she pined in thought, And sat like Patience on a monument, Smiling at Grief. COM COMPASS, or mariner's compass, an instrument by wiiich the ship's course is determined. See Magnetism and Navio vtio.y. Compasses, or pair of compasses, a mathematical in- strument for describing circles, or measuring figures. See Instruments Mathematical. COMPENSATION, in the civil law, a sort of rieht whereby a debtor, sued by his creditor for the payment of a debt, demands that the debt may be compensate! with what is owing him by the creditor, which, in that case, is equivalent to payment. COMPERTORIUM, in the civil law, signifies a ju- dicial inquest made hy delegates to search out and relate the truth of a case. COMPITALIA, or Compitalitia, in Roman anti- quity, feasts iustitutcd by Servius Tullius in honour of the Lares. These feasts were observed on the l2tli of January and 6th of March. Tarquinius Superbus con- sulting the oracle upon the subject of the sacrifices to be offered on that occasion, was answered that he should offer heads to Lares: for wiiich reason, the Romans pre- sented the heads of young children in sacrifice to those deities. But Junius Brutus ordered poppy-heads to be offered in their stead. Macrebius relates, that they satis- fied the Lares, by offering the images of men anil wo- men made in straw; and that for each slave in their family, they threw in so many bales of wool. COMPLEMENT, in astronomy,the distance of a star from the zenith: or the arch comprehended between the place of the star above the horizon and the zenith. Complemknt, in geometry, is what remains of a quadrant of a circle, or of 90°, after any certain arch has been taken away from it. Thus, if the arch taken away be 40°, its complement is 50: because 50+40=90. The sine of the complement of an arch is called the co- sine, and that of the tangent the co-tangent, &c. Complements in a parallelogram, are the two smaller parallelograms made by drawing two right lines through the diagonal, and parallel to the sides of the parallelogram. In every parallelogram, these complements are equal. See Mechanics. COMPLEX terms, or ideas, in logic, arc such as arc compounded of several simple ones. Complex ideas arc often considered as single and distinct beings, though they may be made up of several simple ideas, as a body, a spirit, a horse, a flower; but when several of these ideas of a different kind are joined together, which are usually considered as distinct single beings, they are called a compound idea, whether these united ideas be simple or complex. Complex ideas, however compound- ed and recompounded, though their number is infinite, and their variety endless, may be all reduced under these three heads, modes, substances, and relations. Complex proposition, is either that which hu> at least one ofits terms complex; or such as contains several members, as casual propositions; or it i« several ideas offering themselves to our thoughts at once, by w'> !:h we are led to affirm the same thing of different objects, or different things of the same object. Thus, God is in- finitely wise, and infinitely powerful. In like manner, in the proposition, Neither kings nor people are exempt from death. C 0 M C 0 M COMPLEXIS, in anatomy, a broad and pretty long muscle, lying along the back part and side of the neck. See Anatomy. COMPOSITE ni'Mbehs, are such as can he mea- sured exactly by a number exceeding unity: as 6 by 2 or .;, or 10 by 5, <\c so that 4 is the lowest composite num- ber. Composite numbers between themselves, arc those which have some common measure besides unity; as 12 and 15, as being both measured by 3. Composite oudeh. See Architecture. COMPOSITION, in grammar, the joining of two words together; or prefixing a particle to another word, to augment, diminish, or change its signification. Composition, in lo^ic, a method of reasoning, by which we proceed from some general self-evident truth, to other particular and singular ones. Composition, in music, the art of disposing musical sounds into airs, songs, Sec. either in one or more parts, to be sung by a voice, or played on instruments. Under composition are comprehended the rules, 1. Of melody, or the art of making a single part; that is, con- triving and disposing the simple sounds, so as that their succession and progression may he agreeable to the ear. 2. Of harmony, or the art of disposing and concerting several single parts together, so as that they make one agreeable whole. It may be proper to observe here, that melody being chiefly the business of the imagination, the rules of its composition serve only to prescribe certain limits to it, beyond wiiich the imagination, in searching out the variety and beauty of airs, ought not to go; but harmony being the work of the judgment, its rules are more certain and extensive, and more difficult in practice. Composition', in painting, consists of two parts, in- vention and disposition; the first of wbich is the choice of th" objects which are to enter into the composition of tbe subject the painter intends to execute, and is either simply historical or allegorical. Sec Painting. Composition, in commerce, a contract between an insolvent debtor and his creditors, by which the latter accept of a part of the debt in compensation for the whole, and give a general acquittance accordingly. Composition, in printing, commonly termed com- posing, the arranging of several types, or letters, in the composing-stick, in order to form a line; and of several lines ranged in order in the galley, to make a page; and of several pages to make a form. Generally the compos- ing-stick is made of iron, sometimes of wood; more or less in length or depth, according to the page to be com- posed, or tbe fancy of the compositor. It has two sliding- pieces, fastened by means of a nut and screw, which arc slipped forwards or backwards, according to the space wbich tbe lines, notes. Sec. are m take up, or the com- positor thinks proper. The composing stick ordinarily contains seven or eight lines of a middle-sized letter: these lines, when set, are taken out by means of a thin slip of brass called a rule, and disposed in the galley: then ethers are composed, until a page is formed, which being done, it is tied up and set by; the rest ofthe pages that make up a sheet, being prepared in the same man- ner, are carried to flic imposing or correcting-stone, and being there ranged in order, they are disposed in an iron frame, fitted with wooden furniture: then the quoins being stuck in, the chace, or frame, is put in the press, in order to their being printed. See Printing. vox. i. ' 79 Composition of motion, is an assemblage of several directions of motion, resulting from several powers act- ing in different, though not opposite, directions. Sec Mei ii v.mcs. Composition of proportion, is the comparing the sum of the antecedent and consequent, with the consequent in two equal ratios; as suppose, 4 : 8 : : 5 : 6, they say. by composition of proportion, 12 : 8 : : 9 : 6. The samehokls of the sum of tbe antecedent and consequent, compared with the antecedent: thus we likewise s.iy 12 : 8 :: 9 : 6. Tliere is a great difference between composition of pro- portion by addition and by multiplication. See Propor- tion. COMPOST, in husbandry and gardening, several sorts of soils, or earthy matters, mixed together, in or- der to make a manure, for assisting the natural earth in the work of vegetation, hy way t>f amendment or im- provement. COMPOSTO, in music, means compounded or dou- bled, as a fifteenth is an octave doubled, or an octave is compounded ofa fifth and a fourth. COMPOUND flower; one consisting of several dis- tinct lesser flowers, or corollulee, each furnished with a style, stamina, Sec. The corollulse are of two kinds, viz. tubulated andligulatcd: the tubulated are always fur- nished with a campanulated limb, divided into four or five segments; whereas the ligulatcd corollulaj have only a fiat, linear limb, terminated by a singh point, or by a broader extremity, divided into three or live segments. Tbe plants with compound flowers are extremely nurae- roiis. forming a class by themselves, called hy Linnseus, syn.i,- t'ticsia. Compounds, primary, in chemistry. If the science of chemistry had made sufficient progress, the division would comprehend all the primary compounds which the simple combinable substances arc capable of forming. These might all be classed under six heads. Three of these would consist of compounds which oxygen forms with t!ie other simple substances; for all these compounds are cither combustible oxyds, products, or supporters. The fourth class would consist of the compounds which the simple combustibles form with one another and with the metals; the fifth class, of the combinations of the me- tals with one another; and the sixth would consist of the combinations of the simple incombustiblcs with the com- bustibles and the metals. But in the present imperfect state of the science, the advantages attending this ar- rangement would not compensate for the violence of the changes which it would introduce. It would oblige us to classify substances together wiiich have alvvav sheen con- sidered as distinct, and to separate many bodies wiiich have hitherto been always grouped together. Hcsidcs, we should he forced to omit a number of substances which are still undecompouncled, and which are not the less important because they cannot with propriety he introduced among the simple substances. For these rea- sons the primary compounds may he arranged under the five following heads: 1. Alkalies. 2. Earths. 3. Oxyds. 4. Acids. 5, Com- pound combustibles. Compounds, secondary. Many of the primary com- pounds are susceptible of forming combinations with each other. Thus acids combine with alkalies, with earths, CON CON and with metallic oxyds, and form compounds called salts; the earths combine with the fixed alkalies, and form glass; oils combine with alkalies, and form soaps. To these is given the name of secondary compounds, which, as far as we are at present acquainted with them, may be arranged under the five following classes. 1. Combinations of earths with each other, and with metal- lic oxyds. 2. Combinations of earths with alkalies. 3. Combinations of acids with alkalies, earths, and metal- lic oxyds. 4. Combinations of sulphureted hydrogen with alkalies, earths, and metallic oxyds. 5. Combina- tions of oils with alkalies, earths, and metallic oxyds. COMPREHENSION, or Synecdoche, a trope or figure in rhetoric, which puts the name of the whole for a part, or of a part for the whole; a general for a parti- cular of the same kind, or a particular for a general. By this trope a round and.certain number is often set down for an uncertain one. COMPRESS, in surgery, a bolster of soft linen cloth, folded in several doubles, frequently applied to cover a plaster, in order not only to preserve the part from the external air, but also the better to retain the dressings, or medicines. See Surgery. COMPTONIA, a genus of the monoecia ^triandria class and order. The male cal. is an anient two-leaved; cor. none; anthers two-parted. The female is also an ament, cal. six-leaved; cor. none; styles two; nect. ovate. There is one species, a shrub of North America, named after bishop Compton, eminent for his taste in botany. COMPLLSOR, an officer under the Roman empe- rors, despatched from court into the provinces, to com- pel the payment of taxes, Sec. not paid within the time prescribed. These were charged with so many exactions, that Honorius cashiered them. COMPUTATION, inlaw, is used with respect to the true account or construction of time: so understood, as that neither party to an agreement, Sec. may do wrong to the other; and that the determination of time he not left at large, or taken otherwise than according to the judgment and intention of law. If a lease is engrossed, bearing date January 1, 1806, to have and to hold for three year from henceforth, and the lease is not executed till the 2d of January; in this case the words < from henceforth' shall he accounted from the delivery of the deed, and not by any computation from the date. And if the lease be delivered at four o'clock in the afternoon on the said second day, it shall end the first day of January, in the third year; the law in such computations, rejecting all fractions or divisions of the day. COMPITO, in law, a writ to compel a bailiff, re- ceiver, or accountant, Sec. to deliver up his accounts. The same lies for executors of executors, ani against the guardian in socage for waste made in the minority of the heir. CONCENTRATION, in general, signifies the bring- ing things nearer a centre. Hence the particles of salt in sea-water are said to be concentrated, that is, brought nearer each other, by evaporating the watery part: thus, also, wine is said to be concentrated, when its watery parts are separated in the form of ice by frost. CONCENTRIC, in mathematics, something that bas the same centre with another: it stands in opposition to excentric. The method of Nonius for graduating instruments consists in describing with the same quadrant 45 con- centric arches, dividing the outermost into 90 equal parts the next into 80, &c. CONCERT, a musical performance in which any number of practical musicians, either vocal or instru- mental, or both, unite in the exercise of then? respective talents. The concerts of the ancient Greeks were exe- cuted only in the unison or octave. CONCERTO, (Ital.) a composition expressly writ- ten for the display of some particular instrument, with accompaniments for the band. CON CERT ANTE, (Ital.) a concerto for two or more instruments, with accompaniments for a band. CONCERTINO, (Ital.) the principal instrument in a concerto or concertante; as oboe concertino, the prin- cipal hautboy. CONCERTATO intimates the piece of music is com- posed in such a manner, as that all the parts may have their recitativos, be it for two, three, four, or more voices or instruments. CONCESSION, in rhetoric, a figure, whereby some- thing is freely allowed, that yet might bear dispute, to obtain something that one would have granted to them, and which he thinks cannot fairly be denied; as in the following concession of Dido, in Virgil: The nuptials he disclaims, I urge no more? Let him pursue the promis'd Latin shore. A short delay is all I ask him now; A pause of grief, an interval from woe. CONCHA, in anatomy, the larger cavity of the exter- nal ear, situated before the meatus auditorius, or passage into the internal ear. See Anatomy. CONCHOID, in geometry, the name of a curve, giv- en it bv its inventor, Nicomedes, and thus generated. Draw the right line QQ (Plate XXX. Miscel. fig. 16.), and AC perpendicular to it in the point E; and from the point C draw right lines CM, cutting the right line QQin Q; and make QM = QN, AE =EF, viz, equal to an in- variable line: then the curve in which are the points M, is called the first conchoid; and the other,in which are the points N, the second; the right line QQ being the directrix, and the point C the pole: and from hence it will be very easy to make an instrument to describe the conchoid. The line QQ is an asymptote to both the curves, which have points of contrary flexion. If QM = AE = a, EC = b, MR = EP = x, ER = PM = y; them will a?b2 — 2a* b x -f a2 x2 = b2 x2 — 2 b x3 4- x* 4- x2 y2, and express the nature of the second conchoid; and x4 -f- 2 b oc3 4- J/2 x2 -f bl x2 — a2 b2 -f 2 a2 b a -f- a2 x2, the nature of the first; and so both these curves are of tbe third kind. This curve was used by Archimedes and other an- cients, in the construction of solid problems; and sir Isaac Newton says that he himself prefers it before other curves, or even the conic sections, in the construc- tion of cubic and biquadratic equations, on account of its simplicity and easy description. See sir Isaac New- ton's Universal Arithmetic. CONCLAMATION, in Roman antiquity, a custom of calling the dead party by his name for eight days CON CON successively; on the ninth, concluding him past all hopes of recovery, they carried him forth and buried him. CONCLAVE, the place in which the cardinals of the Romish church meet, and are shut up, in order to the election of a pope. The conclave is a range of small cells, ten feet square, made of wainscot: these are numbered, and drawn for by lot. They stand in a line alorg the galleries and hall of the Vatican, with a small space between each. Every cell has the arms of the cardinal over it. The conclave is not fixed to any one determi- nate place, for the constitutions of the church allow the cardinals to make choice of such a place for the con- clave as they think most convenient; yet it is generally held in the Vatican. The conclave is very strictly guard- ed by troops: neither the cardinals, nor any person shut up in the conclave, are spoken to, but at the hours al- lowed of, and then in Italian or Latin; even the provi- sions for the conclave are examined, that no letters he conveyed by that means from the ministers of foreign powers, or other persons who may have an interest in the election of the pontiff. After this assembly has continued three days, they are only allowed one dish for one meal; and after five days, only bread and water: but this rule is not very re- ligiously observed. CONCOCTION. See Physiology. CONCORD, in grammer, that part of construction called syntax, in which the words of a sentence agree; that is, in which nouns are put in the same gender, number, and case; and verbs in the same number and person with nouns and pronouns. Concord, in common law, the agreement between parties, who intend to levy a fine of lands to one another, how and in what manner they shall pass. Coxcord, in music, an union of two or more sounds, which by their harmony produce an agreeable effect up- on the ear. Unisonance being the relation of equality between the pitch of two or more sounds, all unisons are considered by most theorists as concords in the first de- gree. But an interval being a difference of pitch, or a relation of inequality between two sounds, will form a concord or discoid, according to the circumstances of that particular relation. Of concords there are two kinds, the one called perfect, the other imperfect; perfect concords consist ofthe fifth and eighth, imperfect concords of the third and sixth. The imperfect concords have also another distinction; that of the greater and lesser third and sixth. The concords are again divided into conso- nant and dissonant. The consonant concords are the perfect concord and its derivatives; every other is a dis- sonant concord. We apply the word concord also to the state aSlat. CONCORDAT, in the canon law, a covenant or agreement in soni- beneficiary matter, as relating to a resignation, permutation, or other ecclesiastical cause. This word is used absolutely among the French for an agreement between pope Leo I. Francis I. of France, for regulating the manner of nominating to benefices. CONCRETE, in logic, is used in contradistinction to abstract; for example, when we consider any quality, aa whiteness, inhering in any suhject, as suppose in snow; if we say the snow is white, then we speak only of whiteness in the concrete: but if we consider whiteness by its if, as a quality that may be in paper, in ivory, and in other things, as well as in snow, we are then said to consider, or to take, it in the abstract. CONCRETIONS, morbid. Hard substances occa- sionally make their sppearance in different parts of the animal body, both in the solids and in the cavities des- tined to contain the fluids. In the first case, they are usu- ally denominated concretions or ossifications; in the se- cond, calculi. The knowledge of these bodies is of im- portance both to the physiologist and physician. Their formation is an irregularity in the animal economy, and is likely therefore to throw light upon its functions; for we succeed best in detecting the sec rets of nature when she deviates from that regularity which she usually fol- lows. They often produce the most excruciating diseases; and the sufferings of the patient can only he effectually relieved hy removing their cause. The different animal concretions at present known may he divided into five classes: 1. Ossifications, 2. Intestinal concretions, 3. Biliary calculi, ") c,, r» .,-„.„, . TT • J ii- J- See Calculi. 4. L rinary calculi, J 5. Gouty concretions. I. Ossifications. All the concretions which make their appearance in the solids of the animal body may be comprehended under this title with propriety; because they have all a close resemblance to bone, being com- posed of similar constituents. The following are the most remarkable of these concretions. 1. Pineal concretions. It is well known to anatomists that small concretions like sand are often lodged in that part of the brain called the pineal gland. It was suspect- ed from analogy that they consisted chiefly of phosphat of lime; but Dr. Wollaston was the first who examined them chemically, and proved the truth of this opinion. He dissolved some of the sand in nitric acid, and evapo* rated the solution; small crystalline needles made their appearance, indicating the presence of phosphat of lime. 2. Salivary concretions. Small concretions occasion- ally make their appearance in the salivary glands, espe- cially the parotid and sublingual. From the experiments of Wollaston and Fourcroy, we learn that the basis of these concretions is phosphatof lime united to a membra- neous substance, which retains the shape of the concre- tion after the solution ofthe phosphat. Tlrs at least was the case in a small salivary calculus whlh we examin- ed. The same chemists ascertained that the tartar of th<5 teeth is phosphat of lime. 3. P. ncreatic concretions. The hard substances some- times found in the pancreas are said to be ofthe same na* CON CON ture with those of the salivary gland:. The assertion, we presume, is merely from analogy. 4. Pulmonary concretions. Many people subject to cough, or threatened with consumption, occasionally i-oiigh up small rounded white concretions. It is very common to find the lungs of such persons filled with similar bodies. We examined some of these bodies cough- ed up by a consumptive patient, and found them com- posed of phosphat of lime united to a thick membraneous substance, which retained the form of the concretion. The same result had been obtained long before by Four- croy. 5. Hepatic concretions. The liver also is sometimes full of similar bodies. The shape of the hepatic concre- tions, as far as our observations go, is more irregular, and we have seen them of greater size, than the pulmo- nary concretions. By analysis, their composition is the same as that of the last species. 6. Concretions in the prostate. From the experi- ments of Dr. Wollaston, we learn that the concretions which sometimes form in the prostate gland have like- wise phosphat of lime for their basis. 7. The extremities of the muscles and the larger blood- vessels sometimes harden, and assume the appearance of bone. Itis believed that this change is a real ossifica- tion, or that these bodies are converted into real bone. We do not know whether any such ossifications' have been analysed. II. Concuetions, intestinal. Concretions of very considerable size are sometimes found lodged in the stomach and intestines; seldom indeed in the human bo- dy, but more frequently in some ofthe interior animals. Some of these bodies have acquired great celebrity under the name of bezoars; but their medical virtue, at least in this country, has long ago sunk to its just level. We are in possession of a chemical analysis of only a very small number of such concretions; even their figure and external characters have been but imperfectly described. 1. Of toe horse. Two concretions, taken from the in- testines of the horse, have been analysed; the first by Fourcroy, the second hy Bertholdi; and both of them were composed of the same constituents. The first was of a gwy colour, round, and weighed five pounds. It was radi- ated or crystallized in its structure. In the centre were several cavities filled with vegetable matter. It was inso- luble in cold, but slightly soluble in boiling water. It was composed almost entirely of phosphat of magnesia and ammonia. The second was brownish-grey, round, and above four inches in diameter. Its specific gravity was 1,670. It was composed of eight concentric strata, all crystallized. In the centre there was found a small plate of iron. Its constituents were 18.0 magnesia 26.0 phosphoric acid 3.2 ammonia 46.0 water 4.0 animal matter 97.2 2. Bezoars. The substances called bezoars, are sup- posed to be concretions formed in the stomach or intes- tines of different graminivorous animals. They are brought to Europe from India and America, and vary c xcccdingly both in their appearance and properties. To attempt a description would be useless, till we know more precisely the animals in which they arc formed and how many different animals yield them. Dr. Pear- son analysed one specimen, and found it entirely coin- posed of vegetable matter. See Calculi, and Bezoar. III. Concretions, gouty. It is well known that con- cretions occasionally make their appearance in joints long subject to gout. These concretions, from their co- lour and softness, have received the name of chalkstones. They are usually small, though they have been observed of the size of an egg. It had long been the opinion of physicians that these concretions were similar to the urinary calculi. Of course, after the discovery of uric acid by Scheele, it was usual to consider the gouty chalkstones as collections of that acid. They were sub- jected to a chemical analysis by Dr. Wollaston, in 1797, who found them composed of uric acid and soda. Gouty concretions are soft and friable. Cold water has little effect upon them; but boiling water dissolves a small portion. If an acid is added to this solution, small crystals of uric acid are deposited on the sides of the vessel. These concretions are completely soluble in potash, when the action of the alkaline solution is assisted by heat. AVhen treated with diluted sulphuric or with muriatic acid, the soda is separated; but the uric acid remains, and may be separated by filtration. The liquid, when evaporated, yields crystals of sulphat or muriat of soda, according to the acid employed. The residuum possesses all the characters of uric acid. When distilled it yields ammonia, prussic acid, and the acid sublimate of Scheele. When dissolved in a little nitric acid, it tinges the skin of a rose colour, and when evaporated, leaves a rose- coloured deliquescent residuum. It is soluble in potash, and may he precipitated by any acid and by ammonia; first in the state of a jelly, and then breaking down into a white powder. When uric acid, soda, and a little warm water, are triturated together, a mass is formed, which, after the surplus of soda is washed off, possesses the chemical pro- perties of gouty concretions. COND, Cox, or Coxn, in the sea-language, to guide or direct the ship to her right course, by giving direc- tions to the man at the helm how to steer. CONDENSER, a pneumatic engine or syringe, whereby an uncommon quantity of air may be crowded into a given space; so that sometimes ten atmospheres, or ten times as much air as there is at the same time' in the same space without the engine, may be thrown in by means of it, and its egress prevented by valves pro- perly disposed. It consists of a brass cylinder, wherein is a moveable piston; which being drawn out, the air rushes into the cj Under, through a hole prov ided on purpose; and when the piston is again forced into the cylinder, the air is driven into the receiver through an orifice, furnished with a valve to hinder its getting out. See Pxeumvtics. CONDERS, a term used in the herring fishery, for people who stand on cliffs or eminen es near the sea- coast, to direct the fishermen which way the slioal of herrings passes; their course being more conspicuous to CON CON those who stand on high cliffs ashore, than to those on board the vessels. CONDITION, in the civil law, a clause of obligation stipulated as an article of a treaty or contract; or in a donation of testament, legacy, Sec: in which last case a donee does not lose his donative, if itis charged with any dishonest or impossible conditions. The conditions under which a donation can be made, arc distinguished into three kinds: 1. The casual, which depends merely on chance; 2. The potestative, which is ohsolutely in our power; and, 3. The mixed condition, which is compound- ed of the other two. Condition, in common lawr, a restraint annexed to a thing, so that by the non-performance the party to it shall sustain loss, and by the performance receive ad- vantage; or it is a restriction of men's acts, qualifying or suspending the same, and making them uncertain whether they shall take effect or not. Also it is defined to be, what is referred to a contingency, which may or may not take place. CONDITIONAL syllogism, in logic, a syllogism where the major is a conditional proposition. Thus, If there is a God, he ought to be worshipped: But there is a God; Therefore he ought to be worshipped. The Arminian divines maintain, that all the decrees of God relating to the salvation and damnation of man, are truly conditional; and the calvinists that they are absolute. The science of conditionals, that is, of condi- tional truths, is the knowledge which God has of things, considered not according to their essence, their nature, or their real existence, but under a certain supposition which imports a condition never to he accomplished. CONDORMIENTES, in church-history, religious sectaries, who hold their name from sleeping all togeth- er, men and women, young and old. They arose in the thirteenth century near Cologne, where they are said to have worshipped an image of Lucifer, and to have re- ceived answers and oracles from him. CONDUCTOR, in surgery, an instrument which serves to conduct the knife in the operation of cutting for the stone, and in laying up sinuses and fistulas. See Surgery. Conductor, in electricity. All bodies are divided in- to conductors and non-conductors. The latter are called electrics. See Electricity. Commctors, in military affairs, are assistants given to the commissary ofthe stores to receive or deliver out stores to the army, to attend at the magazines by turns when in garrison, and to look after the ammunition-wag- gons in the field. Tbey bring their accounts every night to the iciminissary, and are immediately under his com- mand. CONDYLOMA, in medicine, a tubercle or callous eminence which arises in the folds ofthe anus, or rather a swelling or hardening of the wrinkles of that part. See Sum; rev. CONE, in geometry, a solid figure, having a circle for its base, and its top terminated in a point or vertex. See Conic Sections. CON E ami K.I.Y, accounts and key. A woman at the age of 14 or \5, might take the charge of her house and receive cone and key; so that a woman was held to be of competent years, when she was able to keep the accounts ani key of her house. CONFECTION signifies a liquid or soft electuary, of which there are various sorts directed in dispensato- ries. See Pharmacy. COXFECTOR, in Roman antiquity, a sort of gladia- tor hired to fight in the amphitheatre against beasts. thence also denominated bestiarius. CONFEDERACY, in lavv1, is when two or more con- federate, to do any damage or injury to another, or to commit any unlawful act. And though a. writ of confe- deracy do not lie if the party he not indicted and in a lawful manner acquitted, yet false confederacy between divers persons shall he punished, though nothing be put in execution. CONFERVA, a genus belonging to the cryptogamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 57th order, alga?. The tubercles are of different sizes, on capillary, very long fibres. There are21 species, most of which grow on stoics in slow streams, on the sides of cisterns, or in ponds. CONCESSION of offence, in law, is when a prisoner is appealed or indicted of treason or felony, and brought to the bar to be arraigned, and his indictment being read to him, the court demands what he can say thereto: then cither he confesses the offence, and the indictment to be true, or pleads Not Guilty. Confession is two-foli, either express or implied. An express confession is, when a person directly confesses the crime with which he is ci»-.ir^-ed, wiiich is the highest conviction that can be. 2 Haw. 333. But it is usual for the couit, especially if it be out of clergy, to advise the party to plead, and put himself upon his trial, and not immediately to record his confession, but to admit him to plead. 2 II. H. 225. An implied confession is, where a defendant in a case not capital, does not directly own himself guilty, but in a manner admits it, hy yielding to the king's mercy, and desiring to submit to a small fine; which submission the conn mav accept if they think fit, without putting him to a direct confession. 2 Haw. 233. Confession in a civil action. Sometimes there is a con- fession in a civil action, but not usually of the whole complaint; for then the defendant would probably end the matter sooner, or not plead at all, but suflerjudg- ment to go by default; but sometimes, after t-iider aid refusal of debt, if the creditor harass his debtor with an action, it then becomes necessary for the defendant to confess the debt and plead the tender; for a tender it v the debtor and refusal by the creditor, will in all cases discharge the costs. 4 Black. 303. So in order to strength- en the creditor's security, it is usual for the debtor to execute a warrant of attorney to confess judgment in an action to be brought by sue ii creditor: which judgment when confessed, is complete and bin ling. 3 Mark.'397. Confession, among divines, the verbal acknowledg- ment wbich a Christian makes of bis sins. The Romish church requires confess! u. not onlv as a duty, but has advance.! it to the dignitv ofa sacrament: this confession is made to the priest, and is pri.ate and auricular; and the priest is not in reveal it under pain ofthe highest punishment. Confession of faith, a list of the several articles of CON CON belief in any church, as the Augsburg confession is that of the Lutheran church. CONFESSIONAL, or Concessionary, a place in churches, under the great altar, where the bodies of de- ceased saints, martyrs, and confessors, were deposited. This word is also used by the Romanists for a desk in the church where the confessor takes the confessions of the penitents. CONFIRMATION, in" law, is a conveyance of an estate or right in esse, whereby avoidable estate is made sure and unavoidable, or whereby a particular estate is increased. Thus a bishop grants his chancellorship hy patent, for the term of the patentee's life; this is no void grant, but voidable by the bishop's death, except it be Strengthened by the confirmation of the dean and chap- ter. 2 Black. 325. CONFISCATE, in law: if a man be indicted that he feloniously stole the goods of another man, when in truth they are the proper goods of him indicted, and which being brought into court against him he disdains them, by this disclaimer he shall lose the goods, although af- terwards he be acquitted of the felony, and the king shall have them as confiscated. Staundf. pi. cor. 1. c. 24. CONFORMATION, in medicine, that make and con- struction ofthe human body, which is peculiar to every individual. Hence those diseases called morbimalse con- formations, or organical diseases, are those which de- pend upon the bad conformation of the parts. Those, if external, may admit of chimrgical cure; and proper ex- ercise, regimen, and medicine, may sometimes contribute much to the relief even of those which are internal, or at least may render them supportable. CONGE' d'elirc, in ecclesiastical polity, the king's permission royal to a dean and chapter in the time of a vacancy, to choose a bishop; or to an abbey, or priory, of his own foundation, to choose their abbot or prior. The king of England, as sovereign patron of all arch- bishoprics, bishoprics, and other ecclesiastical benefices, had of ancient time free appointment to all ecclesiastical dignities, whenever they chanced to be void; investing them first per baculum and anuulum, and afterwards by his letters patent; and in course of time he made the elec- tion over to others, under certain forms and limitations; as that they should, at every vacation, before they choose, demand the king's conge d'elirc, and after the election, crave his royal assent, &c. Conge', in architecture, a mould in form of a quarter- round, or a cavetto, which serves to separate two mem- bers from one another; such as that which joins the shaft of the column to the cincture, called also apophyge. Coxges are also rings or ferrels formerly used in the extremities of wooden pillars, to keep them from split- ting, afterwards imitated in stone-work. CONGELATION, freezing, or such a change pro- duced by cold in a fluid body, tiiat it quits its former state smu becomes congealed. See Com, and Freezing. CONGIARY, Congiarium, in Roman antiquity, a kind of donative of wine or oil, bestowed on that people by their emperors, and so called from the congius, wherewith it was measured out to them. Sometimes, in- deed, the congiary was made in money or corn; and the medals struck on such occasions, are known by the same name. CONGIUS, a liquid measure of the ancient Romans containing the eighth part of the amphora, or the fourth of tho urna, or six sextarii. The congius in English mea- sure contains 207,0676 solid inches; that is, seven pints 4,942 solid inches. CONGLOBATE gland, in anatomy, a little smooth body, wrapt up in fine skin, by whi' h it is separated from all other parts, only admitting an artery and a nerve to pass in, and giving way to a vein and excretory canal to come out, of which sort are the glands of the brain. CONGLOMERATE gland, that which is composed of several little conglobate glands, all tied up together in one common tunitie or membrane. Sometimes all their excretory ducts unite, and make one common pipe, through which the liquor of them all runs, as the pancreas and parotides do. Sometimes the ducts uniting, form se- veral pipes, which only communicate with one another by cross canals; and such are the mammre: others again have several pipes without any communication with one another, of wiiich sort are the glandula; lachrymah \s and prostata}: and a fourth sort, is when each little gland lias its own excretory duct, through which it transmits its liquor to a common bason; as the kidneys. CONGLUTINATION, the gluing or fastening any two bodies together by the intromission of a third, whose parts are unctuous and tenacious in the nature of glue. CONGREGATION, an assembly of several ecclesias- tics united, so as to constitute one body; as an assembly of cardinals, in the constitution ofthe pope's court, met for the despatch of some particular business. These as- semblies, being sixteen in number, are distributed into several chambers, after the manner of our offices and courts: the first whereof is the pope's congregation, whose business it is to prepare the most difficult benefi- ciary matters to he afterwards debated in the consistory: the second is the congregation of the holy office, or the inquisition: the third is the congregation de propaganda fide: the fourth is the congregation for explaining the council of Trent: the fifth is the congregation of the in- dex, deputed to examine into pernicious and heretical books: the sixth is the congregation of immunities, esta- blished to obviate the difficulties that arise in the judg- ments of such suits as are carried on against churchm n: the seventh is the congregation of bishops and regulars: the eighth is the congregation for the examination of bishops. Sec. CONGREGATIONALlSTS,inchurch history, asect of protestants who reject all church government, except that of a single congregation. In other matters, they agree with the presbyterians. CONGRESS, in political affairs, an assembly of com- missioners, envoys, deputies, Ace. from several courts, meeting to concert matters for their common good. CONIC SECTIONS are curve lines formed by the intersections of a cone and a plane. Before we speak of these sections, we shall briefly describe the cone itself and some of its properties. A cone may be conceived to be generated in the follow- ing manner: Take an immoveable point A (Plate XXXIV. Conic Sections, fig. 1.) elevated above the plane of a cir- cle BCDE; and suppose a straight line XZ dra*n through the point and extended both ways from it to an CONIC SE indefinite length, to be earned quite round the circle, all the while touching its circumference, and continuing still fixed to the immoveable point; the line by this motion will describe two conic surfaces, which are vertical or op- posite, having their common vert x at the immoveable point. The solid contained within this conic surface, between the immoveable point A ani the circumference of the cir- cle BCDE, is a cone: the immoveable point A is the ver- tex; the circle BCDE is the base; and a straight line AF drawn from the vertex to the centre of the base, is the axis of the cone: all straight lines drawn from the vertex to the circumference of the base, as AB, AC, AD, AE, &c. are sides of the cone. If the axis of a cone be perpen- dicular to its base, it is called a right cone, as in fig. 2.; if the axis be inclined to the base, it is called a scalene or oblique cone, such as that in fig. 3.; and aright cone is al- wavs understood, when the contrary is not expressed. if this leg or axis he greater than half the base, the solid produced is an acute-angled cone; if less, it is an obtuse -angled cone; and if equal, a right-angled cone. Thus the cone BAC (fig. 4.) is less acute than the cone BDC, because the angle BDF is less than the angle Bx\F. Properties of the cone. 1. Cone and pyramids having the suae bases and altitudes, are equal to each other. It is shown that every triangular prism may be divided into three equal pyramids; and therefore that a triangular pyramid is one-third of a prism standing on the same base, and having the same altitude. Hence, since every multangular body may be resolved into triangular ones, every pyramid is the third part of a prism, standing upon the same base, and having the same altitude; and as a cone may be esteemed an infinite-angular pyramid, and a cylinder an infinite-angular prism, a cone is a third part of a cylinder which has the same base and altitude. Hence we have a method of measuring the solidity and surface of a cone and pyramid. Thus, find the solidity of a prism or c v lindcr, having the same base with the cone or pyramid: wiiich found, divide by 3, the quotient will be the solidity ofthe cone or pyramid: or the solidity of any cone is equal to the area of the base multiplied into one third part of its altitude. As for the surface, tliat ofa right cone, not taking in the base, is equal to a triangle whose base is the periphery, and altitude the side of the cone; therefore the surface of a right cone is had by multiplving the periphery of the base into half of the side, and adding tbe product to that of the base. 2. The altitudes of similar cones are as the radii of the hases; and the axes likewise are as the radii of the hases, and form the same angle with them. 3. Cones are to one another in a ratio compounded of the ir bases and altitudes. 4. Similar cones are in a triplicate ratio of their ho- mologous sides, and likewise of their altitudes. 5. Of all cones standing upon the same base, and hav- ing the same altitude, tbe s.iperficies of that which is most oblique is the greatest, and s »the superficies of the ri-bt cone is the least; but the proportion of the superfi- cies of an oblique cone to Coat of a right one, or which is the same thing, the comparison there \f to a circle, or the conic sections, has not \et been determined. If a cone he cut by a plane through the vertex, the jection will be a triangle ABC, Plate fig. 6. If a cone be cut by a plane parallel to its base, the section will be a circie. If it be cut by a plane DEF, fig. 6. in such a direction that the side AC of a triangle passing through the vertex, and having its base BC per- pendicular to EF, may be parallel to DP, the section is a parabola; if it be cut by a plane DK, fig. 7, meeting AC, the section is an ellipse; and if it be cut hy a plane DMO, fig. 8, which would meet AC extended beyond A, it is an hyperbola. If any line HG, fig. 6, be drawn in a parabola perpen- dicularto Dil, the square of HG will be to the sepiare of EP as DG to DP; for let LHK be a section parallel to the base, and therefore a circle, the rectangle LGK will be equal to the square of HG, and the rectangle BPC equal to the square of EP; therefore these squares will be to each other as their rectangles, that is, as BP to LG, that is, DP to DG. There are three modes of investigating the properties of these curves. 1. By taking the demonstrations from the sections of a cone, which, from the many intersections of planes with planes, and planes with solids, is apt to perplex the learner, and is now seldom adopted. 2. By taking some general property of the figures on a plane, from which all the rest may be determined geometrically; or by taking the general property of each curve singly, and from thence deducing geometrically all the other properties of that curve. 3. By taking the equation to all the curves, from whence their respective properties may be discovered algebraically; or by taking the equa- tion to each single curve, from whence its properties may be discovered algebraically. By whichever of these three methods the properties of conic sections are investigated, the general property is discovered, which makes the bases ofthe other methods. If they are considered as curves on a plane surface, they are shown to have the same properties with those formed by the intersections of a plane w ith a cone; and again, the equation is produced, which makes the basis of the algebraical process. For a beginner, the geometrical method seems clearly to have the preference; and that which deduces from a common property the relations of each curve to the other, as well as the respective proper- ties of each curve, seems to be better than that wiiich considers each curve separately, and, after an examina- tion of its properties, enters into a comparison of each curve with the others. Boscovich in a very elegant manner has deduced the properties ot the three curves, from a property common to all; and his method has been made still easier for beginners lately by Mr. Newton, of Jesus-ceil ge, Cambridge; who, laying aside the music al proportion on wiiich Boscovich founds his demonstrations, has, within a short compass, introduced even thing requisite for the study of the Principia and the higher mathematics. The basis of this method is the relation of two lines to each other, drawn the one from a given point, the other perpendicular to a line given in position. (1) If any point S be assumed without the line DX (fig. 9,10.), and, whilst the line SP revolves about S as a cen- tre, a point P moves in it in such a manner that its dis- tance from the point S shall always he to PE (its distance from the line DX) in a given ratio, the curve ch s- ribed by the point P is called a conic section, a narabola, an ellipse, or an hv perbola, according as SP is equal to, les?, CONIC SECTIONS. or greater than, TE. (2) The indefinite right line DX is called the directrix. (3) The point S is called the focus. (4) The ratio of SP to PE is called the deter- mining ratio. (5) If a line SD be drawn through the focus perpendicular to the directrix, which is produced indefinitely, it is called the axis of the conic section. (6) The point A, where the curve meets the axis, is called the vertex. (7) A right line LST, drawn through the focus parallel to the directrix, and terminated by the curve in the points L, T, is called the principal parame- ter^ or the latus rectum. Cor. 1. SP being greater than PE in the hyperbola, two curves will be described, one on each side of the directrix; which are called opposite hyperbolas. Cor. 2. When the revolving line SP comes into the position SAD; SP, PE, will be equal to SA, AD; there- fore, SA is to AD in the determining ratio. Cor. 3. When the line SP comes into the position SL or ST, the distance of P from the directrix will be equal to SD, and SL or ST will be to SD in the determining ratio; and therefore the latus rectum LT is bisected in S. Cor. 4. The latus rectum in the parabola is equal to twice the distance of the focus from the directrix, or to four times its distance from the vertex: for SL is equ; 1 to SD, and SA is equal to AD; therefore LT is equal to twice SD, or to four times SA. (8) The tangents DLQ, DT17 (figs. 11, 12.), which are drawn through the extremities of the latus rectum, are called focal tangents. (9) The right line AM, in the ellipse and hyperbola, is called the transverse axis, or the axis major. (10) If the transverse axis be bisected in C, the point C is called the centre of the ellipse or hyperbola. (11) If a line BCb, which is bisected in C, be drawn perpendicular to the transverse axis, and CB, Cb, be each of them a mean proportional between SA, SM, the segments of the axis intercepted between the focus and the vertices BC6, is called the conjugate axis, or the axis minor. (12) A right line PNp, drawn through any point N in the axis parallel to the tangent KAG, or per- pendicular to the axis, and terminated by the curve in the points P and p, is called an ordinate to the axis. (13) And the segment of this axis AN, intercepted between the ordinate and the vertex, in all the sections, as also the other segment NM in the ellipse and hyperbola, is called an abscissa. (14) Any line passing through the centre of an ellipse or hyperbola, which is terminated both ways by the curve in the former, and hy the oppo- site curves in the latter, is called a diameter. (15) A line drawn through any point in the parabola parallel to the axis, is called a diameter to the parabola. (16) Any point where a diameter meets the curve is called a vertex to that diameter. (17) If from the centre C, at the distance CA (fig. 13.) half the transverse axis, a circle be described, cutting the directrix of the hyperbola in the points, H, h, and lines be drawn from the centre through the points of intersection, these lines are called the asymptotes. (18) If AM be the transverse axis, and Bhthe conjugate axis, of any two opposite hyperbolas; and two other hyperbolas be described, of wiiich the transverse axis is B6, and the conjugate axis AM; these hyperbolas are said to be conjugate to the former. (19) When the two axes are equal, the hyperbolas are said to be equilateral. (20) If a right line be drawn through any point in the diameter of a conic section parallel to the tangent at its vertex, which is terminated both ways by the curve, it is called an ordinate to that diameter/ (21) The segments of any diameter of a conic section, which is intercepted between an ordinate and tiie vertex, is called an abscissa. (22) A diameter which is parallel to the tangent at the vertex of any diameter of the ellipse or hyperbola, is called a conjugate diameter. (23) A line which is a third proportional to any diameter of the ellipse or hyperbola and its conjugates, is called a para- meter to that diameter. (24) If a line be drawn through the focus ofa parabola, parallel to the ordinates of any diameter, which is terminated both ways by the curve, it is called a parameter to that diameter. From these fundamental properties all the others are derived, and the curves may be described iiKvhanicallv. This description depends for the parabola, on the pro- perty that a line from any point in the curve to the focus is equal to the line drawn from the same point perpen- dicularly on the directrix; for the ellipse, on the property that the sum of the lines drawn from the foci, to any point is equal to the major axis; for the hyperbola, that the difference ofthe lines drawn from the foci to any point in the curve is equal to the major axis. Hence te draw the parabola. Description of conic sections on a plane. 1. Parabola. Let AB (fig. 14.) be any right line, and C any point without it, and DKF a ruler, wbich let he placed in the same plane in which the right line and point are, in such a manner that one side of it, as DK, be applied to the right line AB, and the other side KF coincide with the point C; and at F, the extremity of the side KF, let be fixed one end ofthe thread FNC, whose length is equal to KF, and the other extremity of it at the point C; and let part ofthe thread, as FN, be brouglit close to the side KF by a small pin N; then let the square DKP' be removed from B towards A, so that all the while its side DK be applied close to the line BA; and in the mean time the thread being extend- ed, will always be applied to the side KF, being stopt from going from it by means of the small pin; and by the motion of the small pin N there will be described a certain curve, which is called a semi-parabola. And if the square be brought to its first given position, and 111 the same manner be moved along the line AB, from B towards H, the other semi-parabola will be described. 2. Ellipse. If any two points, as A and B (fig. 15.), be taken in any plane, and in them are fixed the ex- tremities of a thread, whose length is greater than the distance between the points, and the thread extended by means of a small pin C; and if the pin be moved round from any point until it return to the place from whence it began to move, the thread being extended during the whole time ofthe revolution, the figure wiiich the small pin hy this revolution describes is called an ellipse. 3. Hyperbola. If to the point A (fig. 16.) in any plane, o'ne end of the ruler AB be placed in such a man- ner, that about that point, as a centre, it may freely move; and if to the other end B of the ruler AB be fixed the extremity of the thread BDC, whose length is less than the ruler AB, and the other end of the thread being fixed in the point C, coinciding with the side of the ruler AB which is in the same plane with the given point A; let part of the thread, as BD, be brought close to the CONIC SECTIONS. side of the ruler AB, by means of a small pin D; then let the ruhr be moved about the point A, from C towards T, Ibe thread all the while being extended, and the re- maining part coinciding with the side ofthe ruler being stopt from going from it by means ofthe small pin; and by the motion of the small pin D, a certain figure is de- scribed, which is called the semi-hyperbola. The ellipse returns into itself. rl be parabola and hy- perbola may be ex! ended without limit. Every line perpendicular to the directrix ofa parabo- la meets it in one point, and i ills afterwards within it; and every line drawn from the focus meets it in one point, und fails afterwards without it. And every line that passes through a parabola, not perpendicular to the directrix, will meet it again, but only once. Every line passing through the centre of an ellipse is bisected by it;thc transverse, axis is the greatest of all these lines, the lesser axis the least, and those nearer tbe transverse axis greater than those more remote. In the hyperbola, every line passing through the cen- tre is bisected by the opposite hyperbola, ami the trans- verse axis is the least of* all these lines; also the second axis is the least of all the second diameters. Every line drawn from the centre within the angle contained by the asymptotes, meets at once, and falls afterwards within it; and every line drawn through the centre" without the angle, never meets it; and a line wbich cuts one of the asymptotes, and cuts the other extended beyond the cen- tre, will meet both the opposite hyperbolas in one point. If a line GM (fig. 14.) be drawn from a point in a parabola perpendicular to the axis, it will be an ordi- nate to the axis, and its square will be equal to the rectan- gle under the abscissa MI and latus rectum; for because GMC is a right angle, GM2 is equal to the difference of GC2 and CM2; but GC is equal to GE, which is equal to MB; therefore GM2 is equal to BM2—CM2; which, because CI and IB are equal, is (8 Euc. 2.) equal to four times the rectangle MI and IB, or equal to the rec- tangle under MI and the latus rectum. Hence it follows, that if different ordinates be drawn to the axis, their squares, being each equal to the rectan- gle under the abscissa and latus rectum, will be to each other in the proportion of the abscissas; which is the same property as takes place in the parabola cut from ibe cone, and proves those curves to be the same. This property is extended al o to the ordinates of other diameters, whose squares are equal to the rectan- gle under the abscissas and parameters of their respec- tive diameters. In the ellipse, the square ofthe ordinate is to the rec- tangle under the segments of the diameter, as the square ofthe diameter parallel to the ordinate is to the square ofthe diameter to which it is drawn, or as the first dia- meter to its latus rectum; that is, LK2 (fig. 15.) is to EK xKFasEFUo Gil2. In the hyperbola, (fig. 16.) the square of the ordinate is to the rectangle contained under the segments of the diameters betwixt its vertices, as the square ofthe dia- meter parallel to the ordinate, to the square of the diame- ter to which it is drawn, or as the first diameter to its l.itus rectum; that is. SX- istoEXxXK asMN'to KE2. Or if an ordinate1! be drawn to a second diameter, its square will be to the sum of the squares of the second VOL. I. 80 diameter, and of the line intercepted betwixt the ordinate and centre, in tiie same proporti n: that is, RS* (fig. 16.) is to Z G2 added to GM2 as KE2 to MN-'. These are the most important properties of the conic section-; and by means of these, it is demonstrated, thai" the figures are the same des, ribed on a plane as cut wif:: a cone; which we have demonstrated in the case of to parabola. From the genesis of the sections it may be observed how one section clc generates into another. For an ellip- sis being that plane of any section of the ie v.e which is between the circle and parabola, it will be easy to con- ceive that there may be a great variety of ellipses pro- duced from the same cone; and when the section comes to be exactly parallel to one side of the cone, then the ellipsis degenerates into a parabola. Now a parabo- la being that section whose plane is always parallel to the side of the cone, cannot vary as the ellipsis may; for as soon as it begins to move out of that position of being parallel to the side of the cone, it degenerates either into an ellipsis or hyperbola: that is, if the section inclines towards the plane of the cone's base, it becomes an ellipsis; hot if it incline towards the cone's vertex, it then becomes an hyperbola, which *is the plane of any section that falls between tbe parabola and the triangle; and therefore tliere may be as many varieties of hyperbo- la produced from one and the same cone as tliere may be ellipses. In short, a circle may change into an ellipsis, the ellipsis into a parabola, the parabola into an hyperbola, and the hyperbola into a plain isosceles triangle. And the centre of the circle, which is its focus, divides itself into two focuses, as soon as the circle begins to degenerate into an ellip- sis; but when the ellipsis changes into a parabola, one endof its foci vanishes, and the remaining focus goes along with the parabola when it degenerates into an hyperbola, And when the hyperbola degenerates into a plain isosceles triangle, this focus becomes the vertical point of the tri- angle, namely, the vertex of the cone. So that the cen- tre of the cone's base may be truly said to pass gradually through all the sections until it arrives at the vertex of the cone, still carrying its latus rectum along with it. For the diameter of a circle being that right line which passes through its centre or focus, and by which all other right lines drawn within the circle are regulated and val- ued, may be called the circle's latus rectum; and though it lose the name of diameter when the circle degenerates into an ellipsis, yet it retains the name of latus rectum with its first properties in all the sections,,gradually shortening as the focus carries it along from one section to another, until at last both it and the focus become co- incident, and terminate in the vertex ofthe cone. Equations of the conic sections are derived from the above properties. The equation of any curve is an algebra- ic expression, which denotes the relation betwixt the ordi- nate and abscissa; the abscissa being equal to x, and the ordinate equal to y. If p be the parameter of a parabola, then y*=px; which is an equation for all parabolas. If a be the transverse diameter of any ellipses, p its pa- V rameter; then y2 = — (ax — x2), an equation for an el- lipses. CONIC SECTIONS. If a be a transverse diameter of a hyperbola, p its pa- p---------- ramcter; then y2 =•— x ax+x2. j J a If a be a second diameter of a hyperbola, then y2 p__________ =.— x a2 + .x-*; which are equations for all hyperbolas. As all these equations are expressed by the second powers ofa: and y, all conic sectiems are curves of the second order; and conversely, the locus of every quad- ratic equation is a conic section, and is a parabola, ellipse, or hyperbola, according as the form ofthe equation cor- responds with the above ones, or with some other deduc- ed from lines drawn in a different manner with respect to the section. General jjroperties of conic sections.—A tangent to a parabola bisects the angle contained by the lines drawn to the focus and directrix; in an ellipse and hyperbola, it bisects the angle contained by the lines drawn to the foci. In all the sections, lines parallel to the tangent are or- dinates to the diameter passing through the point of con- tact; and in the ellipse and hyperbola, the diameters pa- rallel to the tangent, and those passing through the points of contact, are mutually conjugate to each other. If an ordinate be drawn from a point to a diameter, and a tangent from the seme point which meets the diameter produced; in the parabola, the part of the diameter be- twixt the ordinate and tangent will be bisected in the vertex; and in the ellipse and hyperbola, the semidiame- ter will be a mean proportional between the segments of the diameter, betwixt the centre and ordinate, and be- twixt the centre and tangent. The parallelograms formed by tangents drawn through the vertices of any conjugate diameters, in the same ellipse or hyperbola, will he equal to each other. Properties peciiliar to the hyperbola.—As the hyperbo- la has some curious properties arising from its asymp- totes which appear at first view almost incredible, we shall briefly demonstrate them. (1) The hyperbola and its asymptotes never meet: if not, let them meet in S (fig. 16.); then by the property of the curve KX x XE is to SX2 as GE2 to GM2 or EP2; that is, as GX2 to SX2; wherefore KX x XE will be equal to the square of GX; but KX x XE, together with the square of GE, is also equal to the square of GX; which is absurd. (2) If a line be drawn through an hyperbola parallel to its second axis, the rectangle contained hythe segments of that line, betwixt the point in the hyperbola and the asymptotes, will be equal to the square of the second axis. For if SZ (fig. 16.) be drawn perpendicular to the second axis, by the property ofthe curve MG2, that is, PE2, is to GE2, as the squares ZG and the square of MG together, to SZ2 or GX2; but RX2 and GX2 are in the same proportion, because the triangles RXG, PEG, are equiangular; therefore the square ZG and MG are equal to RX2, from wiiich, taking the equal squares of SX and ZG, there remains the rectangle RSV, equal MG2. (3) Hence, if right lines be drawn parallel to the se- cond axis, cutting an hyperbola and its asymptotes, the rectangles contained betwixt the hyperbola and points ■where the lines cut the asymptotes will be equal to each other; for they are severally equal to the square of the second axis. (4) If from any points, d and S, in an hyperbola. there be drawn lines parallel to the asymptotes d a SQ and S b d c, the rectangle under d a and d c w ill be equal to the rectangle under QS and S b; also the parallelograms d a G c, and SQG b, which are equian- gular, and consequently proportional to the rectangles, are equal. For draw YW RV parallel to the second axis, the rec- tangle Y d x d W is equal to the rectangle RS x S\V; wherefore WD is to SV as RS is to d Y. But because the triangles RQS,a YD, and GSV, c d W, are equian- gular, \V d is to SV as c d to S b, and RS is to DY as SQ to d a; wherefore, d c is to S b as SQ to d a; and the rectangle d c, d a, is equal to the rectangle QS, S b. (5) The asymptotes always approach nearer the hv- perbola. For, because the rectangle under SQ and S b or QG. is equal to the rectangle under d a and d c, or AC and QG is greater than a G; therefore, d a is greater than QS. (6) The asymptotes come nearer the hyperbola than any assignable distance. Let X be any small line. Take any point, as d in the hyperbola, and draw d a, d c, parallel to the asymp- totes: and as X is to d a, so let a G be to GQ. Draw QS parallel to a d, meeting the hyperbola in S; then QS will be equal to X. For the rectangle SQ x QG will be equal to the rectangle d a x a G; and consequently SQ is tod a as AG to GQ. If any point be taken in the asymptote below Q, it can easily be shown that its distance is less than the line X. Uses of conic sections.—Any body, projected from the surface ofthe earth, describes a parabola, to which the direction wherein it is projected is a tangent: and the dis- tance of the directrix is equal to the height from which a body must fall to acquire the velocity with which it is projected: hence the properties of the parabola are the foundation of gunnery. All bodies acted on hy a central force which decreases as the square of the distances increases, and impressed with any projectile motion making any angle with the direction of the central force, must describe parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas, according to the proportion be- tween the centi*al and projectile force. This is proved by direct demonstration. The great principle of gravitation acts in this manner: and all the heavenly bodies describe conic sections, hav- ing the sun in one of the foci; the orbits of the planets are ellipses, whose transverse and lesser diameters are nearly equal. Itis uncertain whether some of the comets describe ellipses with very unequal axes, and so return after a great number of years; or whether they describe parabolas and hyperbolas, in which case they will ne- ver return. They are of great use also in many other parts ofthe mathematics; in dialing, for delineating the signs in the projection ofthe sphere, many of whose circles are pro- jected into the curves; in optics, to reflect or refract rays accurately to a focus; in logarithms, and in the higher parts of algebra, one or other of them is continually ap- C 0 N C 0 N plied; and no one can make any great progress in the' mathematie s, without understanding thoroughly the chief properties of conic seel ions. The principal writers on conic sections in modern days are, Hamilton, Robertson, Vincc, Newton, Sim- son and Mutton. CONJUGATE diameter, or axis of an ellipsis, the shortest ofthe two diameters, or that bisecting the trans- verse axis. L'oxji.'kvtk hyperbolas. See Conic Sections. CONJ I GAT10N. in grammar, a regular distribu- tion of ihe several inflections of verbs in their different voices, moods, lenses, numbers, and persons, so as to dis- tinguish them from <;iie' another. The Latins have four conjugations, distinguished by thet erminations of the infinitive are ere, ere, and ?re; the vowels be lore re of the infinitive in the first, second, and fourth conjugations, being long vowels, and that be- fore re in the infinitive of the third being a short one. See Vowel. The English have scarcely any natural inflexions, de- riving all their variations from additional particles, pro- nouns, Sec. whence there is scarcely any such thing as strict conjugation in that language. CONIUM, hemlock, a genus ofthe digynia order, in tbe pentandria class of plants, and in the natural meth- od ranking under the 45th order, umbellatse. The par- tial invc.lucra arc halved, and most triphyllous: the fruit subglobose and quinquc-striated, the striae c renated on each side. There are five species; the most remarkable are: 1. Conium Africanum, with prickly seeds, a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and rarely growing above nine inches high: the lower leaves are divided like those of the small wild rue, and are ofa greyish colour; those up- on the stalk are narrow, hut of the same colour: these are terminated by umbels of white flowers, each of the larger umbels being composed of three small ones; the involucrum has three narrow leaves situated under the umbel. 2. Conium maculatum, or the greater hemlock, grows naturally on lhe sides of banks and roads in many parts of America. It is a biennial plant, which perishes after it has ripened its seeds. It has a long taper root like a pars- nip, but smaller. The stalk is smooth, spotted with pur- ple; and rises from four to upwards of six feet high, branching out towards" the top, with decompounded Icav es. The stalks are terminated by umbels of white flowers. This species is sometimes applied externally in the- form of decoction, infusion, or poultice, as a discu- tient. These are apt to excoriate, and their vapour is to some particularly disagreeable and hurtful. Tbe stalks arc insignificant, and the roots very virulent. "With re- gard to its virtue, when taken internally, it has been generally accounted poisonous; which it doubtless is, in a high decree, when used in any considerable quantity. Rut Dr. .Ste>erk has lately found, that in certain small doses it may be taken with great safety; and that, with- out disordering the constitution, it sometimes proves a powerful resolvent in obstinate disorders. In scirrhus, fhe internal and external use of hemlock has been found useful, hut mercurv has been generally used at the same time. In open cancer, it often abates the pains, and is fire from the constipating effects of opium. It is like- wise used in srrophulous tumoir- and ul« rs in general. It is also recommended by some in chiin ough and other diseases, fs common and perhaps best form ',••> that of the powdered leaves, in thedo.se at first of two or three groins a (\ the phar- macopoeia ofthe latter an extractum seminum cicuta; is also introduced. 3. Conium tcnuifolium, with striated seeds, differs from the last in having taller stalks, which are not so much spotted. The leaves are much narrower, and ofa paler green; and this difference is constant. It is a bien- nial plant, and grows naturally in Germany. CONJUNCTION, in astronomy, the meeting of two stars or planets in the same degree ofthe zodiac. Conjunction, in grammar, an indeclinable word or particle, which serves to join words and sentences togeth- er, and thereby shows their relation or dependence one upon another. CONJURATION. To use conjuration, witchcraft, «Scc. was made felony by the 1st Jac. I. c. 12.; but that superstitious statute having produced many pernicious effects, it was wisely repeal' el by the 9th Geo. II. c. 5., wherein it is enacted, that no proscc otion, suit, or pro- ceeding, shall be commenced or carried on against any person for witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment, or conjura- tion, or for charging another with any such offence, in any court whatsoever. But, by the same statute, if any person shall pretend to exercise or use any kind of witchcraft, sorcery, enchantment, or conjuration, or un- dertake to tell fortunes, or pretend from his skill or knowledge in any occult or crafty science to discover where or in what manner any goods or chattels suppos- ed to have been stolen or lost may be found; every per- son so offending, being convicted on indictment or infor- mation, shall suffer imprisonment for a year without bail or mainprize; and once in each quarter of the year, in some market-town of the proper county upon the mar- ket-day there, stand openly on the pillory for one hour; and shall also (if the court by which such judgment shall be given shall think fit) be obliged to give sureties for his good behaviour, in such sum and for such time as tho court shall judge proper, according to the circumstances of the offence; and in such case shall be further impri- soned till such sureties shall be given. 4 Black. 60. CONNARUS, Ceylon sumach, a genus of the decan- dria order in the monadelphia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking with those of which the order is doubtful. The stigma is simple-; the capsule bivalved, unilocular, and monospermous. There arc four species; the most remarkable is: Connarus monocarpus, a native of India. It rises with a ligneous stalk eight or ten feet high, which is hard, rigid, and covered with a black bark; and divides up- wards into two or three branches with trifoliate leaves, having 1 ing footstalks placed alternate. It is propagated by cuttings, and is treated like other tender exotic s] CO.NMYENT valves, in anatomy, those wrinkles, CON CON eUulcs, and vascules, which arc found In the inside of the two great intestines, the ileum and jejunum. CONOID, in geometry, a solid body, generated by the revolution of a conic section about its axis. See Co- nic Sections. Conoid, elliptical, is a solid formed by the revolution of an ellipsis about one of its diameters, and more gene- rally called a spheroid. Conoid, parabolical, is generated by the revolution of a parabola about its axis. CONOID, hyperbolical, is generated by the revolution of an hyperbola about its axis. CONOIDES, in anatomy, a gland found in the third ventricleof the brain, called pinealis from its resemblance to a pine-apple. Descartes fixed the seat ofthe rational soul in this gland. CONOPS, in zoology, a genus of insects belonging to the order diptera; the characters of which are: the ros- trum is porrected and joined like a knee; the antennas terminate by a flat and solid articulation, resembling the bowl of a spoon, with a lateral bristle, which, when closely examined, appears to be veryjiairy. Of this ge- nus there are thirteen species. 1. The calcitrans is to be found every where, especi- ally in autumn, when it harrasses the horses, and draws blood from them with its sting. 2. The macrocephala might at first sight he mistaken for a species of wasp. It is smooth: the forepart of the head is lemon-colour, as are the poisers; the feet arc dun-coloured; the thorax is variegated with black and reddish dun: the same takes place with respect to the segments of the abdomen, some of wiiich arc edged with lemon-colour, chiefly the second and part of the third to- wards the sides: the wings are brown, watered, and clouded. This beautiful conops is found in medows. The eleven other species are not deserving particular notice. CONOPLEA, in botany, a genus ofthe cryptogamia class, order fungi; there are but one species known. CONSANGUINITY, or kindred, is the connection or relation of persons descended from the same stock or common ancestor; and is either lineal or collateral. Li- neal consanguinity is that which subsists between per- sons, of whom one is descended in a direct line from the other; as grandfather, father, and son. Collateral con- sanguinity is that which subsists between persons de- scended from the same common ancestor, but not from one another; as brothers, uncles, and nephews. 2 Black. 204. Consanguinity terminates in the sixth and seventh de- gree, except in the succession of the crown, in which rase itis continued to infinity. Marriage is prohibited by the church to the fonrth degree of consanguinity inclu- sive; but by the law of nature, consanguinity is no ob- stacle to marriage, except in the direct line. The civilians call fraires consanguine, those born of the same father, in opposition to fratres uterini, who are only born ofthe same mother. It is the common opinion that the former was not allowed to complain of an inoffi- cious testament, that is, of being disinherited without cause, except from the turpitude of the person appointed heir in their place. CONSCRIPT, conscriptus, in Roman antiquity, an appellation given to the senators of Rome, who were call- ed conscript fathers on account of their names being en- tered all in one register. CONSECRATION, among medalists, is the ccremo- ny of the apotheosis of an emperor. The consecration on medals is represented thus: on one side is the emperor's head, crowned with laurel, and sometimes veiled, and the inscription gives him the title divvs; on the revei'se is a temple or altar, or an eagle taking flight toward heaven; and sometimes the emperor is seen in the air borne up by the eagle; the inscription always co>- SECRATIO. CONSEQUENT of a ratio, in mathematics, the lat- ter of the two terms of a ratio, or that to which the antece- dent is compared; thus in m : n, or m to n, n is the con- sequent, and m the antecedent. See Ratio, and Pro- portion. CONSEQUENTIAL losses or damages, inlaw. It is a fundamental principal of law and reason, that he who does the first wrong, shall answer for all the consequen- tial damages. 12 Mod. 639. But this admits of limita- tion. Though a man do a lawful thing, yet, if any dam- age thereby befal another, he shall answer if he could have avoided it. CONSERVATOR, an officer ordained for the securi- ty and preservation of the privileges of some cities and communities, having a commission to judge of and de- termine the differences among them. In most catholic universities there are two conserva- tors; one of wiiom decides the differences between the regents, students, Sec. and the other takes cognizance of spiritual matters between ecclesiastics: the former is call- ed conservator of royal privileges, or those granted by kings; the latter is called the conservator of apostolical privileges, or those granted by the pope. Conservator of the peace, in our ancient customs, a person who had a special charge to keep the king's peace. The chamberlain of Chester is still a conservator in that county; and petty constables are, by the com- mon law, conservators, &c. of the king's peace. Conservator of the truce and safe-conducts, an officer formerly appointed by the king's letters patent, whose business it was to make inquiry of all offences commit- ted against the king's truce and safe-conducts upon the main seas out of the liberties of the cinque-ports. CONSERVATORY are musical schools establish- ed for the instruction of children in music. There are four of these at Venice, designed for the education of girls, and three at Naples for the instruction of boys. CONSIDERATION, is the material cause of aeon- tract, without which it would not be etfectual or binding. Consideration in contracts, is something given in ex- change, something that is mutual and reciprocal: as mo- ney given for goods sold, or w7ork performed for wages: and a consideration of some sort or other is so absolute- ly necessary to the forming of a contract, that a nudum pactum', or agreement to do or pay any thing on one side without any compensation on the other, is totally void in law; and a man cannot be compelled to perform it. 2 Black. 445. A consideration is necessary to create a debt, otherwise it is a nudum pactum-. Jenk. 290. in PI. 27. CONSIGNMENT, the sending, or delivering over, goods, money, or other property, to another person. It CON CON may be either consigned unconditionally, or for some particular purpose. Consigned goods are supposed in general to be the property of him by whom they are con- signed, but to be at the disposal of him to whom they are consigned. CONS1LUM, in law, is used to signify a speedy day appointed to argue a demurrer; which the court grants after the demurrer joined, on reading the records ofthe cause. CONSISTENTES, in church history, an appellation given to such penitents as were permitted to assist at prayers, but not to partake of the sacrament. CONSISTORY, at itome, is an ecclesiastical assem- bly held in the presence ofthe pope, for the reception of princes or their ambassadors, for the canonization of saints, for the promotion of cardinals, and other impor- tant affairs. When a public consistory is to be held, the pope's throne is erected in the great ball ofthe apostolic palace: the pope is seated on cloth of gold, under a canopy of the same, and the foot of the throne is covered with red cloth. The cardinal bishops and priests sit on the right, below the throne, and the deacons on the left, but so as to have their faces towards the pope. The archbishops, bishops, prothonotaries, and other prelates, sit on the steps of the throne: on the lowest step the subdeacons, auditors, clerks of the chamber, and acolyths with wool- len cowls; and the ecclesiastical officers of the pope's court on the ground. The nephews of the reigning pope, and other Roman princes, are ranged on each side ofthe throne; and the entrance of the passage leading to the throne is occupied by the pope's guard. Besides the public consistory, there is also a private one, held in a retired chamber, called the chamber of papegay, into which none are admitted but cardinals: here the pope ap- pears in a white sdk cassock, and a red vellet cap laced with silver; and here are first proposed and passed all bulls for bishoprics, abbeys, &c. which are thence calkd consistorial benefices. In England, the archishopand bishop of every diocese has a consistory court, held before his chancellor or com- missary in his cathedral church, or other convenient place in his diocese, for ecclesiastical causes. From the bishop's court the appeal is to the archbishop; from the archbishop's court to the delegates. CONSOLE, in architecture, an ornament cut upon the key of an arch, which has a projecture, and, on oc- casion, serves to support little cornices, figures, busts, and vases. CONSOLIDATION, in the civil law, signifies the uniting the possession or profit of land with the proper- ty, and vise versa. Thus, if* a man has by legacy usu- fructuin fundi, and afterwards buys the property or fee simple of tiie heir, this is called a consolidation. Coxgi.i.in vtion. in our law, is the uniting two bene- fices into one by assent of the ordinary, patron, and in- cumbent. CONSONANCE, in music, if we are to deduce the definition of the word from its etymology, is the cflert of two or more sounds h ard at the same time; but its general signification is confined to concluding intervals. \S ben the interv ul of a consonance is invariable, it is railed perfect; and when it may be either major or minor, it iu t.'i'inpfl iniiwrfWit. CON SONANT, a letter that cannot be sounded with- out some single or double vowel before or after it. Con- sonants are first divided into single and double; the dou- ble are x and z, tbe rest are all single: and these are again divided into mutes and liquids; eleven mutes, b. c, d.f, v, g,j, k, p, q, t: and four liquids, /, m, n, r. But the most natural division of consonants is that of the Hebrew grammarians, who have been imitated by the grammarians of other oriental languages. These divide the consonants into five classes, with regard to the five principal organs of the voice; which all contribute, it is true, but one more notably than the rest, to certain mo- difications, which make five general kinds of consonants. Each class comprehends several consonants, which result from the different degrees of the same modification, or from the different motions of the same organs: these or- gans arc the throat, palate, tongue, teeth, lips; whence the five classes of consonants are denominated guttural, palatal, lingual, dental, and labial. CONSPIRACY, in law, tbe unlawful confederation of any persons by oath or other covenant, that each of them shall aid and bear the other falsely and malicious- ly to indict or cause to be indicted, or falsely to me>ve or maintain pleas. From which it seems clearly to follow, that not only those who actually cause an innocent man to be indicted, and also to be tried upon the indictment (whereupon he is lawfully acquitted), are properly con- spirators: but that those also are guilty of this offence who basely conspire to indict a man falsely and mali- ciously, whether they do any act in prosecution of such con fee! .racy or not. 1 Haw. 189. For this offence the conspirators (for there must be at least two to form a conspiracy) may be indicted at the suit of the king, and may be sentenced to fine, imprisonment, and pillory. 4 Block. 136. CONSTABLE. Lord high constable, an ancient offi- cer ofthe crown both of England and France, whose au- thority was so very extensive, that the office has been laid aside in both kingdoms, except upon particular oc- casions, such as the king's coronation. The constabl" of France had his person privileged, and during the king's minority was named next to the princes of the blood. The army obeyed him next the king. He managed all that belonged to war, either for punishment of delin- quents, distribution of booty, surrender of places, k.c. The jurisdiction and functions of this office were after- wards in the mareschals of France. The function of the constable of England consisted in the care of the com- mon peace of the land, in deeds of arms, and matter of war. By a law of Ri-'iiard II. the constable of England had the determination of things ceiue rning wars and blazonry of arms, which could not be discussed by the common law. The first constable was ' routed by the Conqueror: the office continued hereditary till the l.nh of Hinry VIII.; when it was laid aside, as being so pow- erful as to become troublesome to the king. Covstable: by the laws of Alfred, tbe freemen were to distribute tliem-elves into decennaries him! hundreds; and every ten freeholders chose an annual officer, whom they called constable, borslnddei, tithingman, or head. borough, as the bead ofthe decennnry or ten. These in every hundred where there was a feudal lord, were sworn in and admitted by the lord of his steward, in his leet; but where there was no feudal lord, the sheriff, in his CON CON turn, had the swearing of them in. So i f there was no feu- dal 1 rd of the hundred, an annual officer was chosen, who was to preside over the whole hundred, and was cal- led the high constable. CONSTAT, in law, a certificate that the clerk ofthe pipe and auditors of the exchequer grant at the request of any person who intends to plead or move in that court, for tiie discharge of any thing. A constat is superior to an ordinary certificate, because it contains nothing but what is evident on record. CONSTELLATION, in astronomy, a system of se- veral stars that are seen in the heavens near to one ano- ther. Astronomers not only mark out the stars, but, that they may better bring them into order, they distinguish them by their situation and position in respect to each other; and therefore they distribute them into asterisnis, or constellations, allowing several stars to make up'one constellation; and for the better distinguishing and ob- serving thein, they reduce the constellations to the forms of animals, as men, bulls, bears, &e. or to the images of some things known, as of a crown, a harp, a balance, Sec. or give them the names of those whose memories, in consideration of some notable exploit, they had a mind to stransmit to future ages. The division ofthe stars by images and figures is of great antiquity, and seems to be as old as astronomy itself; for in the ancient book of Job, Orion, Arcturus, and the Pleiades, are men- tioned: and we meet with the names of many ofclhe con- stellations in the writings of the first poets, Homer and Hesiod. Sec Astronomy. The ancients, in their division of the firmament, took in only so much as came under their notice, distributing it into forty-eight. Modern astronomers divide the whole starry firmament into three regions: 1. The zodiac, or that portion of the heavens in which the planets would appear to move, to an eye placed in the sun. The breadth of this space depends on the inclination of the orbits in which the planets move, to one another; and includes twelve constellations, commonly called the signs of the zodiac, viz. aries, taurius, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, Sagittarius, capricomus, aquarius, and pisces. 2. All that region of the heavens that lies on the north side of the zodiac, which contains 21 constellations, viz. the ursa minor and major, draco, cepheus, bootes, corona septentrionalis, hercules, lyra, cygnus, Cassiopeia, perseus, andromeda, triangulum, auriga, pegasus, equu- leus, dclphinus, sagitta, aquila, serpentarius, and ser- pens; to which were added afterwards two others, viz. that of antinous, which was made of the stars not includ- ed in any image, near the eagle; and Berenice's hair, consisting of stars which are near the lion's tail. 3. That region on the southern side of the zodiac, which con- tains 15 constellations, known to the ancients, viz. cetus, the eridanus, lepus, orion, canis major, canis minor, argo, hydra, crater, corvus, centaurus, lupus, ara, corona meridionalis, and piscis australis: to these are lately added twelve more constellations, which are not to be seen by those who inhabit the northern regions, because of the convexity of the earth, but in the southern parts they are very conspicuous; these are the phoenix, grus, pavo, indus, avis paradisi, triangulum australe, musca, cha- meleon, piscis volans, toucan, hydrus, xiphias. The galaxy, or milky-way, is also to be reckoned among the constellations. Sec each constellation, and the number of stars it contains, under its proper head; and also the article Astronomy. CONSTITUTION, an ordinance, decision, regula- tion, or law, made bv authority of any superior, eccle- siastical or civii. The constitutions of the Roman em- perors make a part of the civil law, and the constitu- tions cd' the church make a part ofthe canon law. Constitution, by way of eminence, is an appella- tion given to that bull of pope Clement XI. which be- gins with the word unigenitus. Constitution, apostolical, a collection of regulations attributed to the apostles, and •supposed te> have been collected by St. Clement, whose name likewise thev bear. It is the general opinion, however, that they are spuri- ous, and that St. Clement had no concern in them. They appeared first in the 4th age. but have been much changed ami corrupted since that time. They are divid- ed into eight books, consisting of a great number of rules and precepts, relating to the duties of Christians, and particularly the ceremonies and discipline ofthe church. Mr. Whiston, in opposition to the general opinion, as- serts them to be a part of the sacred writings dictated by the apostles in their meetings, and written down from their own mouths by St. Clement; and intended as a supplement to the New Testament, or rather as a sys- tem of christian faith and polity. The reason why the constitutions are suspected by the orthodox, and perhaps the reason also why their genuineness is defended by Mr. Whiston, is, that they seem to favour Ariauisni. Constitution, in a physical sense, is that particu- lar disposition of the human body, which results from the properties and mutual actions of tbe solids and fluids, and which renders them capable of exercising tbe func- tions proper and conformable to nature. CONSTRUCTION, in geometry, is the drawing such lines, such a figure, Sec. as are previously necessa- ry for the making any demonstration appear more plain and undeniable. Constkuction of equations, in algebra, is the finding the roots or unknown quantities of an equation, by geometrical construction of right lines or curves; or the reducing given equations into geometrical figures. And this is effected by lines or curves, according to the order or rank ofthe equation. The roots of any equation may be determined, that is, the equation may he constructed, by the intersections of a straight line with another line or curve of the same dimensions as the equation to be constructed; for the roots of the equation are the ordinates of the curve at the points of intersection with the right line, and it is well known that a curve may be cut by a right line in as many points as its dimensions amount to. Thus, then, a simple equation will be constructed by the intersection of one right line with another; a quadratic equation, or an effectei equation of the 2d rank, by the intersection of a right line with a circle, or any of the conic sections; which arc ail lines of the 2d order, and which may be cut by the right line in two points, thereby giving the two roots of the quadratic equation. A cubic equation may be constructed by the intersection of the right line with a line of the 3d order, and so on. But if, instead of the right line, some other line of a CON C 0 N higher order be used, then the second line, whose inter- scctions with the former are to determine the roots of fhe equation, may be taken as many dimensions lower as the former is taken higher. And in general an equation of any height will be constructed by the intersections of two lines whose dimensions, multiplied together, pro- duce the dimension ofthe given equation. Thus, tbe in- tersections of a circle with the conic sections, or of these with each other, will construct the biquadratic equations, or those of tire- fourth power; and the intersections ofthe circle or conic sections with a line of the third order, will construct the equations of the fifth and sixth powers, and so on. For example: To construct a simple equation. This is done by re- solving the given simple equation into a proportion, or finding a third or fourth proportional, Sec. Thus 1. If be the equation be axz=bc; then a : b :: c : x=— the fourth a ' proportional to a, b, c. b2 2. If ax = b2; then a : b:: b : x = —, a third propor- tional to a and b. 5. lfax = b2—c2; then, since b2 — c* = b -f c x b — c, it •„ , , , b+cx b — c will be a: b +c :: 6— c: x =------------, a fourth pro- portional to a, 6-f-c, and b—c. 4. If «x=62xc2; then construct tbe right-angled trina- glc ABC, (See Plate XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 17.) whose base is b, and perpendicular is c, so shall the square of the bypothenuse be b2 + c2, which call h2; then the equation h2 isax = h2, and#=—-, a third proportional to a and h. a3 To construct a quadratic equation. 1. If it he a simple quadratic, it may he reduced to this form x2 = ab', and hence a : x .: x : b, or « = \/ab a mean proportional between a and b. Therefore upon a straight line (fig. 18) take AB = a;and BC=6; then upon tbe diameter A C describe a semicircle, and raise the perpendicular BO to meet it in U; so shall BD he = x the mean proportional sought between AB and BC, or between a and b. 2. If the quadratic be affected, let it first be x'~ + 2ax = ft-'; then form the right-angled triangle whose base AB (fig. 19) is a, and perpendicular BC is b; and with the centre A and iv.dius AC, describe the semicircle DCE; so shall DB and BE be the two roots ofthe given qua- dratic equation x- -f 2 a x = b2. 5. If the quadratic he x2—2 a x = 62, then the construc- tion will he the same as of the preceding one x2+ 2 a a: = 62. 4. Hut if the form he 2 civ—x2 = b2; form a right- angled triangle whose bypothenuse FG is a, (fig. 20.) ami perpendicular OH is b; then with the radius FG and centre F describe a semicircle IGK; so shall IH and HK be the two roots ofthe equation 2a x—x2 = b2 or .r2—2 a x =—b2. Se e- Maciaurin's Algebra, part iii, ca]). ?. and Simpson's Algebra, p. 2(\T. To construct cubic and biquadratic equations.—These are construe ted by the intersections of two conic sections; for the equation will rise to four dimensions, by which are determined the ordinates from the four points in which these conic see ti y the treaty of L'trecht between Great Britain and Spain, the consul residing in tbe king of Spain's dominions shall take inventories of the estates of the English dying intestate in Spain; and these es- tates shall be intrusted to two or three merchants, for the security and benefit of the heirs and creditors. CONSULTATION, in law, a writ by which a cause being removed from the spiritual court to the king's court, is returned thither again; and the ivas m is, that if the judges ofthe king's court, by comparing the libel with the suggestion of the party, find the suggestion false or not proved, and on that account the cause, to be wrongfully called from the ecclesiastical court, then upon this consultation or deliberation they decree it to be re- turned. This writ is in the nature of a procedendo; yet properly a consultation ought not to be granted, only in cases where a person cannot recover at the common law. In causes of wbich the ecclesiastical and spiritual courts have jurisdiction, and they are not mixed with any t ,n- poral thing; if suggestion is made for a prohibition, a consultation shall be awarded. See Prohibition. ' CONSUMPTION, in medicine, a word of very ex- tensive signification, implies all disorders that bring any decay or waste upon the constitution. See Mkui- CINE. CONTACT, is when one line, plane, or body, is made to touch another, and the parts that do thus touch are called the points or places of contact. The contact of two spherical bodies, and of a tangent with the cir- cumference of a circle, is only in one point. CONTAGION. See Medicine. CON «: o n CONTENT, in geometry, the area or quantity of matter or space included in certain bounds. CONTIGUOUS angles, in geometry, are such as have one leg common to each angle; and are sometimes called adjoining angles, in contradistinction to those pro- duced by continuing their legs through the point of con- tact, which are called opposite or vertical angles. CONTINGENT, something ca-ual or uncertain. Hence future contingent, in logic, denotes a conditional event which may or may not happen, according as cir- cumstances fall out. The ancient Socmians maintained that God cannot forsee future contingents, because de- pending on the free motions of the will of man. Contingent is also a term of relation for the quota that falls to any person upon a division. Thus each prince in Germany, in time of war, is to furnish so ma- ny men, so much money and munition, for his contingent. Contingent use, in law, is an use limited in a con- veyance of lands which may or may not happen to vest, according to the contingency mentioned in tbe limitation of the use. And a contingent remainder is where no pre- sent interest passes; but the estate is limited to take ef- fect, either to a dubious and uncertain person, or upon a dubious and uncertain event; so that tbe particular estate may chance to be determined, and the remainder never take effect. CONTINUANCE, in law, is the continuing of a cause in court by an entry made for that purpose upon the re- cords there. Continuance of a writ or action, is its continuing in force from one term to another, where the sheriff has not returned a former writ issued out in the same action. With respect to continuances, the court of king's bench is not to enter them on the roll till after issue or demurrer, and then they enter the continuance of ail on the back before judgment. CONTINUANDO, a term used in a special decla- ration of trespass, where the plaintiff would recover damages for several trespasses in one and the same action. To avoid multiplicity of suits, a person may in one ac- tion of trespass recover damages for many trespasses committed, by laying the same to be done with a con- tinuando. CONTINUED proportion, in arithmetic, is that where the consequent of the first ratio is the same with the antecedent of the second; as 4 : 8 :: 8 : 16, in contra- distinction to the discrete proportion. See Discrete. CONTINUO, in music, signifies the thorough bass, as basso continuo is the continual or thorough bass; which is sometimes marked in music books by the letters B. C. CONTOBARDITES, in church history, a sect of heretics in the sixth century, who allowed of no bishops. CONTOUR, the outline of a figure. It is sometimes used with great latitude, to express the general cast or lineaments ofthe visage. See Painting. CONTOURNE', in heraldry, is used when a beast is represented standing or running with its face to the sinister side of the escutcheon; they being always sup- posed to look to the right, if not otherwise expressed. C ONTO URN I ATE D, a term among antiquaries ap- plied to medals, the edges of which appear as if turned m a lathe. This sort of works seems to have had its ori- gin in Greece, and to have been designed to perpetuate the memories of great men, particularly those who had borne away the prize at, the solemn games. Such arc those remaining of Homer, Solon, Euclid, Pythagoras. Socrates, and several athleta*. CONTRA form am coi.lattonis, a writ that lies where a man had given lands lo the warden and master of an hospital, to support certain poor men: if they alie- nated the land, then the donor or his heirs should brine this writ to recover them. CONTRV FORM AM STATCTI, the USlial Conclusion of every indictment oir an offence created by statute. CONTRA formam tEOFFVMENTi, is a writ which lies for t'i• ' heir of a person enleolfed of lands or tene- ments, who is distrained by the lord for more service's than are contained in the charter of feoffment. CONTRABAND, in commerce, a prohibited commo- dity or merchandise bought or sold, imported or exported, in prejudice to tlu' laws and,ordinances of a state, or tbe public prohibitions of the sovereign. Contraband goods are not only liable to confiscation themselves, but also subject all other merchandise found with them in the same box, bale, or parcel, together with the horses, waggons, Sec. which conduct them. There are contra- bands likewise, which, besides the forfeitures of the goods, arc attended with several penalties and disabili- ties. The principal goods prohibited to be imported into Great Britain, are *alamodes and lustrings, except in the port of London, and by licence; *ammunition, with- out licence from the king; *arms, without licence from the king; *bits for bridles; ^popish books; brandy or rum, in casks less than 60 gallons, or in ships less than 15 tons burden; ^buttons of all sorts; printed, painted, stained, or dyed callicoes; cards for wool, and playing cards; chocolate ready made, or cocoa paste; cinnamon without licence, except from India; *waollen cloths; *diccj leather gloves; East India, Persia, and China wrought silks, Bengals, .stuffs mixed with silk, orberba, except into the port of London, and under special regu- lations; -^fringes of silk or thread; gold or silver thread, lace, fringe, or other works made thereof; *malt from beyond se,o; *salt in ships under twenty tons, or not in bulk; *silk embroidered, twined silk"; * wrought silk mixed with gold, silver, or other materials; *tea, except by the India company; tobacco manufactured; * utensils of war, without licence from the king; *cut whale-bone. Goods prohibited to be exported, arc boxes, cases, or dial-plates, for clocks and watches, without tbe move- ment and makers' names; bullion, without proper certi- ficates, Sec; frames for stockings; metal not of British ore, except copper-bars; wool; scouring and fuller's clay; sheep and sheep-skins with the wool; tallow; uten- sils used in the silk and woollen manufactory; whita, ashes, Sec. N.B. Such goods in the preceding list as have an asterisk perfixed before them, besides the forfeiture in common with the rest, are attended with several penalties. CONTRAMANDATIO pxaciti, countermanding what was formerly ordered, and giving the defendant further time to answer CONTRACT, a covenant or agreement between two or more persons, with a lawful consideration or cause. C 0 IN CON Contracts are two-fold, either express or implied. Ex- press cemtracts are, wliere the terms of the agreement arc openly uttered, as to pay a stated price for certain goods. Implied, are such as reason and justice dictate, and which therefore the law presumes that every man undertakes to perform: thus if a man takes up wares from a tradesmen, without any agreement of price, the law concludes that he contracted to pay their real value. 2 Black. 443. These are good contracts in law, because there is one thing in consideration for an another; but if a person promises to give or pay 20s, wiiich afterwards, on being demanded, he refuses to pay, no action lies to recover it; because such a promise will not amount to a contract, it being no more than a bare promise, termed in law n«dum pactum. Yet if any thing was given in consid- eration of such a promise, was it but to the value of a penny, it is deemed a good contract; and consequently will be binding. In contracts the time is to be regarded, in and from which they are made; and there is a differ- ence where a day of payment is limited thereon, and where not: for when it is limited, the contract is good immediately, and an action lies on it without payment; but in the other case it is otherwise. Contract, usurious, is an agreement to pay more interest for money than the laws allow. See Usury. It is a devastavit in executors, to pay a debt upon an usurious contract. CONTRA-HARMONIC AL proportion, in arithmetic, is that relation of three terms, wherein the difference of the first and second is to the difference of the second and third as the third is to the first: thus, 3, 5, and 6, are numbers contra-harmonically proportional, for 2 : 1 ::6:3. CONTRAST, the artificial opposition in works of painting and sculpture, of groups, attitudes, or colours; so as by their variety and striking difference, to en- hance the value of each other. See Painting. CONTRATE-WHEEL, in watch-work, that next to the crown, the teeth and hoop of which lie contrary to those of the other wheels, whence it takes its name. See ClOCK-WORK. CONTRA VALLATION, in the military art, implies a line formed in the same manner as the line of circumval- lation, to defend besiegers against the enterprises of the garrison; so that the army forming a siege lies between the lines of circumvallation and contravallation. The trench of this line is towards the town, at the foot of the parapet, and is never made but when the garrison is numerous enough to harass and interrupt the besiegers by sallies. This line is constructed in the rear of the camp, and by the same rule as the line of circumvallation, with this differ- ence; that as it is only intended to resist a body of troops much inferior to a force which might attack the circumval- lation, so its parapet is not made so thick, nor the ditch so wide and deep; six feet is sufficient for the first, with the ditch eight leet broad and five feet deep. CONTRAYERVA. in the materia medica, the name by which the root of the dorstenia plant is known in the shops. See Matkuia Mi.oica. CONTRE, in heraldrv, an appellation given to several bearings, on account of their cutting the shield contrary and opposite ways. Thus we meet with contre-bend, vol. i. 81 contre-chevron, contre-pale, Sec. when there arc two or- dinaries ofthe same nature opposite to each other, so a-> colour may be opposed to metal, and metal to colour. CONTRIBUTIONS/aciewta, in law, a writ that lies where the tenants in common are bound to do the same thing, and one or more of them refuse to contribute their part; as where they jointly hold a mill pro indiviso, and equally share the profits of it, if the mill fall to decay, and one or more of the persons refuse to contribute to it-: reparation, the rest shall have this writ to compel them. CONTROL, Comptrol, or Controle, is properly a double register kept of acts, issues, &c. of the officers or commissioners in the revenue, army, &c. in order to per- ceive the true state thereof, and to certify the truth, and the due keeping of the acts subject to the enregisterment. CONTROLLER, an officer appointed to control or oversee the accounts of other officers, and, on occasion, to certify whether or not things have been controlled or exa- mined. In England there are several officers of this name; controller of the king's house, controller of the navy, con- troller of the customs, controller of the mint, &c. Controller of the hanaper, an officer that attends the lord chancellor daily, in term and in seal-time, to take all things sealed in leather bags, from the clerks of the hana- per; and to mark the number and effect thereof, and enter them in a book, with all the duties belonging to the king and other officers for the same, and so charge the clerk of the hanaper with them. Controller of the pipe, an officer of the exchequer, that makes out a summons trice every year, to levy the farms and debts of tbe pipe. Controllers ofthe pells, two officers ofthe exchequer, who are the chainbeiiain's elerks, and keep a control of the pell of receipt, and goings out. CONTUMACY, in law, a refusal to appear in court when legally summoned, or the disobedience to the rules and orders of a court having power to punish such offence. In a criminal sense, the contumacious is condemned, not because the crime, is proved on him, but because he is ab- sent. In England contumacy is to be prosecuted to out- lawry. CONTLSION, in medicine and surgery, any hurt of the body that is inflicted by a blunt instrument; and since, in this case, an indefinite number of small vessels ami fibres are injured and broken, a contusion may properly be said to be a congeries of an indefinite number of small wounds. See Suygkry. CONVALLARIA, or lily ofthe valley, a genus ofthe monogynia order, in the hexandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under sarmentacese, or I Ith order. The corolla is sexfid; the berry spotted and tri- locular. The species are 11, two of wiiich are natives of Britain, viz. the maialis, or May lily; and the multiflora, or Solomon's seal. Tbey are plants of considerable beau- ty, and may he easily propagated by tiieir creeping roots. CONVENTICLE, a diminutive of convent; denoting properly a cabal, or secret assembly, of a part of the monks of a convent, to make a brigueor partv in the elec tion of an abbot. From the ill use of these assemblies the word is come into disrepute; and now stands for any mis- chievous, seditious, or irregular assembly. The t rm con- venticle is said, by some, to have been first appli-d in In gland to the schools of Wickliffe; and has been since used CON CON to signify the religious assemblies of all in England who do not conform to the established doctrines and wor- ship ofthe church. By 22 Car. II. cap. 1, itis enacted, that if any persons ofthe age of 16 years, subjects of the kingdom, shall be present at any conventicle, where there are five or more assembled, they shall be fined five shillings for the first of- fence, and ten shillings for the second; and persons preach- ing incur a penalty of twenty pounds. Also suffering a meeting to be held in a house, &c. is liable to twenty pounds penalty. Justices of the peace have power to en- ter such houses, and seize persons assembled, &c. and if they neglect their duty they shall forfeit one hundred pounds. And if any constable, &c. know of such meetings, and do not inform a justice of peace, or chief magistrate, &c. he shall forfeit five pounds. But the 1st W. and M. cap. 18, ordains, that protestant dissenters shall he exempt from penalties: though if they meet in a house with the doors locked, barred, or bolted, such dissenters shall have no benefit from the act. Officers of the government, &c present at any conventicle, at which there shall be ten per- sons, if the royal family be not prayed for in express words, shall forfeit forty pounds, and be disabled. Stat. 10 Anne, cap. 2. CONVENTUAL, in general, denotes something be- longing to a convent or monastery: thus monks who actu- ally reside in a convent are called conventuals, in contra- distinction to those who are only guests, or in possession of benefices depending on the house. CONVERGING or convergent lines, in geometry, are such as continually approach nearer one another, or whose distance becomes still less and less. These are opposed to divergent lines, the distance of which becomes continually greater: those lines which converge one way diverge the other. Converging hyperhola, is one whose concave legs bend in towards one another, and run both the same way. Converging rays, in optics, those rays that, issuing from divers points of an object, incline towards another, till at last they meet and cross, and then become diverg- ing rays. See Optics. CONVERSE, in mathematics. One proposition is called the converse of another, when, after a conclusion is drawn from something supposed in the converse pro- position, that conclusion is supposed; and then, that which in the other was supposed, is now drawn as a con- clusion from it: thus, when two sides of a triangle are equal, the angles under these sides are equal; and, on the converse, if these angles are equal, the two sides are equal. CONVERSION, in war, a military motion whereby the front of a battalion is turned where the flank was, in case the battalion is attacked in the flank. Conversion of equations, in algebra, is when the quantity sought, or any part or degree of it, being in fractions, the whole is reduced to one common denomina- tion, and then omitting the denominators, the equation is continued in the numerators only. Thus suppose a — b —----11 +b + b-, multiply all hy d, and it will stand thus, da — db = aa -f cc -f dh + db. Conversion of propositions, in logic, the changing of the subject into the place of the predicate, and the pre- dicate into the place of the subject; and yet always re- taining the same quality of both propositions: as, Every right lined triangle has the sum of its angles equal to two right ones: Every right-lined figure that has the sum of its angles equal two right ones, is a triangle. CONVEX, an appellation given to the exterior sur- face of gibbous or globular bodies; in opposition to the hollow inner surface of such bodies, which is called con- cave: thus we say, a cenvex lens, mirror, superficies, &c. See Optics. CONVEYANCE, in law, a deed which passes land from one to another. The most common conveyances now in use are, deeds of gift, bargain and sale, lease and release, fines and recoveries, settlements to uses, 6cc. A conveyance cannot be fraudulent in part, and good as to the rest; for if it is fraudulent and void in part, it is void in all, and it cannot be divided. Fraudulent con- veyances to deceive creditors, defraud purchasers, Sec. are void, by stat. 50 Ed. III. c. 6. 13 Eliz. c. 5__27. Eliz. c. 4. CONVICTION is either where a man is outlawed, or appears and confesses, or else is found guilty by the inquest. Cromp. Inst. 9. Summary proceedings are directed by several acts of parliament for the conviction of offenders, and the in- flicting certain penalties imposed by those acts. In those there is no intervention of a jury, but the party accused is acquitted or condemned by the suffrage of such person only as the statute has appointed for his judge. The law implies that there must be a conviction before judgment, though not so mentioned in a statute; and where any statute makes a second offence felony, or sub- ject to a heavier penalty than the first, it is alwajs im- plied that such second offence ought to be committed af- ter a conviction of the first. 1 How. 13—107. Judgment amounts to a conviction, though it does not follow that every one who is convict is adjudged. 1 Horn. 14. A conviction ought to be in the present tense, and not in the time past. Ld. Raym. 1376. Str. 608. A conviction ought to be on an information or claim precedent. Ld. Raym. 510. \Vhen an act of parliament orders the conviction of offenders before justices of the peace, &c. it must be in- tended after summons to bring them in, that they may have an opportunity of making their defence; and if it be otherwise the conviction shall be quashed. CONVICT-RECUSANT, one who has been legally presented, indicted, and convict, for refusing to come to church to hear the common prayer, according to the se- veral statutes of 1 Eliz. 2. 23 Eliz. 1. and 3 Jac. 1. CONVIVIUM, banquet, in our old customs, a kind of tenure whereby the tenant was obliged to provide an entertainment for his lord once, or oftener, every year. It corresponded with the procuration of the clergy. CONVOCATION, is the assembly of all the clergy to consult of ecclesiastical matters in time of parliament There are two houses of convocation: the one called the higher convocation-house, where all the archbishops and bishops sit severally by themselves; the other the lower convocation-house, where all the rest of the clergy sit; that is, all the deans and archdeacons, one proctor for every chapter, and two proctors for all the clergy of each diocese: in all 166 persons. CONVOLVULUS. The archbishop of Canterbury is the president of the convocation, and prorogues and dissolves it by mandate from the king. The convocation is not only to be assem- bled by the king's writ, but the canons made by them are to have the royal assent. They are to have the examin- ing and censuring of heretical and scbismatical books and persons. &c. but appeal lies to the king in chancery, or to his delegates. 4 Inst. 322. 2 Rol. Abr. 225. The clergy called to the convocation, and their servants, Sec. have the same privileges as members of parliament. Stat. 8 H. VI. c 1. CONVOLVULUS, bind-weed, a genus of the pentan- dria class, and monogynia order, and in the natural me- thod ranking under the 29th orde.ir, campanacese. The corolla is campanulated and plaited; there are two stig- mata, the capsule is bilocular, and the cells are disper- m ous. Of this genus there are 110 species, the most remarka- ble of which are the following: 1. The sepium,.or large white bind-weed, is often a troublesome weed in gardens, when its roots are inter- woven with those of trees and shrubs, or under hedges, as every small piece of root is apt to grow. It flourishes under moist hedges, and has white or purplish blossoms. 2. The scammonia, or Syrian bind-weed, grows na- turally in Syria. The roots are thick, run deep into the ground, and arc covered with a dark bark. The branches extend on every side to the distance of 10 or 12 feet: they are slender, and trail on the ground; and are fur- nished with narrow, arrow-pointed leaves. The flowers arc of a pale yellow; and come out from the side of the branches, two sitting upon each long foot-stalk: these are succeeded by roundish seed-vessels, having three cells filled with seeds. From this species the scammony of the shops is produced. 3. The purpureus, or convolvulus major, an annual plant growing naturally in Asia and America, has been long cultivated in the British gardens. If these plants are properly supported, they will rise 10 or 12 feet high in warm summers. There are three or four lasting v a- rietics: the most common has a purple flower; the others have a white, a red, or a whitish-blue flower, which last has white seeds. They flower in June, July, and August, and their seeds ripen in autumn. 4. The nil, or blue bind-weed, rises with a twining stalk 8 or 10 feet high; with heart-shaped leaves, divid- ed into three lobes, which end in sharp points. These are woolly, and stand upon long footstalks. The flowers also come out on long footstalks, each sustaining two flowers of a very deep blue colour, whence their name of nil or indigo. This is one of the most beautiful plants of the genus: it flowers all the latter part of the summer, and in good seasons the seeds ripen very well in the open air. 5. The batatas, or Spanish potatoe, has esculent roots, which are annually imported from Spain and Portugal, where they are greatly cultivated for the table; but they are too tender to thrive in the open air in Britain. Their roots are like the common potatoe, but require much more room: for they send out many trailing stalks, which extend six or eight feet ever} way, and at their joints send out roots which in warm countries grow to be vcrv large bulbs; so that from a single root planted 40 or 50 large potatoes arc produced* 6. The canariensis, with soft woolly leaves, fs a na- tive ofthe Canaries, but has long been preserved in the British gardens. It has strong fibrous roots, whence arise several twining woody stalks, which, where th y have support, will grow more than 20 feet high;garnish- ed with oblong heart-shaped leaves, wiiich are soft and hairy. The flowers arc produced from the wings of the leaves, several standing upon one footstalk. They are for the most part of a pale blue; but there is a variety vviiii white flowers. They appear in June, July, and Aug.ist. 7. The tricolor, or convolvulus minor, is a nalive of Portugal, but has long been cultivated in the gardens of this country. It is an annual plant, which has several thick herbaceous stalks growing about two feet long; which do not twine like the other sorts, but decline to- wards the ground, upon which many of the lower branches lie prostrate: they have spear-shaped leaves, which sit close to the branches; the footstalks of the flowers conic out just above the leaves of the same joint, and at tiie same side of the stalks. They are about two inches long, each sustaining one large open bell-shaped flower, which in some is of a fine blue colour with a white bottom; in others it is pure white, and some are beautifully varie- gated with both colours. The white flowers are succeed- ed by light seeds, and tbe blue by dark-coloured seeds: which difference is pretty constant. 8. Thesoldanella, or sea bind-weed, styled also brassi- ca marina, grows naturally on the sea-beach in many parts of England, but cannot be long preserved in gar- dens. It has many small white stringy roots, which spread wide, and send out several weak trailing branches. These twine about the neighbouring plants like those of the common bind-weed, with kidney-shaped leaves like those of the lesser celandine. The flowers are pro- duced on the side of the branches at each joint. They arc of a redish-purple colour, and appear in July. They are succeeded by round capsules, having three cells, each containing one black seed. 9. The turpethum is a native of the island of Ceylon. litis has fleshy thick roots which spread far in the ground; and abound with a milky juice that flows out when the roots are broken or wounded, and soon hardens into a resinous substance when exposed to the sun and air. From the root shoot forth many twining branches, which twist about each other, orthe neighbouring plants, like the common bind-weed. They have heart-shaped leaves that are soft to the touch, like those of the marsh- mallow. The flowers are produced at the joints on the side of the stalks, several standing together on the same footstalk: they are white, and shaped like those of the common great bind-weed; and are succeeded by round capsules, having three cells containing two seeds each. 10. The jalappa, or jalap, used in medicine, is a na- tive of Aleppo in Spanish America, situated between La Vera Cruz and Mexico. It has a large root of an oval form, full of milky juice; from which come out ma- ny herbaceous twining stalks, rising eight or ten feet high, with valuable leaves; some of them being heart- shaped, others angular, and some oblong and pointed. They are smooth, and stand upon long footstalks: the flowers are shaped like those of the common greater bind-weed, each footstalk supporting only one flower See PI. XXXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 142. CON COP The !>econd.sort is propagated by seeds, which must be sown cm a bordr-r of light earth. The plants must have some tall stakes pko. ed near them for their brenHics to twine about, otherwise they will spread on the ground, and t.ake a bad appearance. The third sort is annual, and must be propagated by seeds sown on a hotbed in spring; and towards the end of May they should be planted out in warm borders, and treated in the same manner with the former. The fourth species is sometimes propagated in this country. The roots must be placed on a hotbed in the spring: and if the plants are covered in the bad weather with glasses, they will produce flow- ers, and some small bulbs from the joints of the stalks; but if they are exposed to the open air they seldom grow to any size. The fifth is propagated by laying down the young shoots in the spring, which generally put out roots in three or four months: they may then be taken from the old plants, and each placed in a separate pot, which is to be set in the shade till they have taken new root; after which they may be placed with other hardy greenhouse plants till autumn, when they should be removed into the greenhouse, and afterwards treated in the same manner as myrtles and other green- house plants. The turbith and jalap are too tender to live in this country, unless they are constantly kept in a stove. The other species require no particular directions for Iheir cultivation. The root of the first sort proves a very acrid purgative to the human race, but is eaten by hogs in large quanti- ties without any detriment. The inspissated juice of the second species is used in medicine as a strong pur- gative; as are also the roots of thejalappa and turpethum. The soldanella has likewise been used with the same in- tention. Half an ounce of the juice, or a drachm of the powder, is an acrid purge. The leaves applied externally are said to diminish dropsical swellings of the feet. See Materia Medica. CONVOY, in marine affairs, one or more ships of war, employed to accompany and protect merchant ships, and prevent their being insulted by pirates, or the ene- mies ofthe state in time of war. Convoy, in military affairs, a detachment of troops employed to guard any supply of men, money, ammuni- tion, provisions, stores, &c. conveyed in time of war, by land or sea, to a town or army. A body of men that marches to secure any thing from falling into the ene- my's hand, is also called a convoy. An officer having the command of a convoy must take all possible precau- tions for its security; and endeavour, before its inarch, to procure some good intelligence concerning the enemy's out-parties. And as the commanding officer of the place from which the convoy is to march, and those of such other places as he is to pass by, are the most proper persons to a^ply to for assistance; he must therefore take such measures as will enable him to keep up a con- stant intercourse with them. The conducting a convoy is one of the most important and most difficult of all mili- tary operations. CONVULSION, spasmus. See Medicine. CO^SYZA, fieaban-e, a genus ofthe polygamia super- flua order, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natu- ral method ranking und-r the 49thorder, composite. The pappus is simple, the calyx imbricated and roundish, the coroll iilac ofthe radius trifid. There arc 41 species, none of which merit any particular description. COOMB or comb of com, a dry measure containing four bushels, or half a quarter. COOPER, one who manufactures casks, tubs of all sizes, pails, and some other similar articles used in do- mestic concerns. COPAIBA, or balsam of copaiba, a liquid resinous juice, flowing from incisions made in the trunk ofthe co- paifera balsamum. Pure balsam of copaiba dissolves en- tirely in rectified spirit, especially if the menstruum is previously alkalized. Distilled with water it yields a large quantity of a limpid essential oil; and in a strong heat, without addition, a blue oil. See next article. COPAIFERA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the decandria class of plants, and in the natural meth- od ranking under those of wiiich the order is doubtful. There is no calyx; there are four petals; the legumen ovate; one seed within an arillus, or coat, resembling a berry. We know of but one species, the officinalis, which yields the copaiba balsam mentioned in the pre- ceeding article. This tree grows near a village called Ayapcl, in the province of Antiochi, in the Spanish West Indies, about ten days journey from Carthagenia. There are great numbers of these trees in the woods about this village, wiiich grow to the height of SO or 60 feet. Some of these trees do not yield any of the balsam; those which do are distinguished by a ridge which runs along their trunks. These trees are wounded in the centre; and cala- bash shells, or some other vessels, are applied to the wounded part to receive the balsam, which will all flow out in a short time. One of these trees will yield five or six gallons of balsam: but though they will thrive well after being tapped, yet they never afford any more. COPAL, a substance of great importance as a varnish, obtained from the rhus copalinum, a tree in North Ame- rica. Itis a beautiful transparent resinous-like substance. When heated it melts like other resins; hut it differs from them in not being soluble in alcohol, nor in oil of turpentine without peculiar management. Neither does it dissolve in the fixed oils like other resins. The specific gravity of copal varies from 1.045 to 1.139. Mr. Hatchet found it soluble in alkalies and nitric acid with the usual phenomena; so that in this respect it agrees with the other resins. The solution of copal in alkalies he found indeed opalescent, but it is nevertheless permanent. It deserves attention, that he found resin when dissolved in nitric acid, and then thrown down hy an alkali, to acquire a smell resembling that of copal. When copal is dissolved in any volatile liquid, and spread thin upon wood, metal, paper, &c. so that the vo- latile menstruum may evaporate, the copal remains per- fectly transparent, and forms one of the most beautiful and perfect varnishes that can well be conceived. The varnish thus formed is (ailed copal varnish, from the chief ingredient in it. This varnish was first discovered in France, and was long known by the name of vernis martin. The method of preparing it is concealed; but different modes of dissolving copal in volatile menstrua have been from time to time made public. The following are the most remarkable of these: When copal is kept melted till a sour-smciling aroma- COP COP lie odour has ceased to proceed from it, and then mixed with an equal quantity of linseed oil which has been de- prived of all colour by exposure to the sun, it unites with the oil, and forms a varnish, which must he dried in the sun. When copal is treated with oil of turpentine in close vessels, the vapour, being prevented from escaping, ex- erts a greater pressure, and the heat rises above the boil- ing point. This additional heat is said to enable the oil to dissolve' the copal. The solution, mixed with a little pop- py oil, forms a varnish which is distinguished from the vernis martin merely in having a very slight tinge of brown. The method of dissolving copal in oil of turpentine, published by Mr. Sheldrake, seems to depend upon the same princ iple with the last solution. On two ounces of copal, broken into small pieces, is poured a mixture of four ounces of ammonia, with a pint of oil of turpentine. The whole is kept boiling very gently, so that the bubbles may be counted as thcyx rise, if the beat is allowed to diminish, or if it is raised too high, the process stops, and cannot be again resumed. The matrass in which the mixture is boiled, is stopped with a cork, secured in its place by a brass wire, and perforated by a pin. When the copal is nearly dissolved, the process is stopped, and the whole allowed to cool before uncorking the matrass. This varnish has a deep colour; but when spread thin and allowed to dry, it becomes colourless. Its defect is the difficulty with which it dries. This defect Mr. Shel- drake remedies by throwing the solution into its own weight of nut oil, rendered drying by white-lead, and agitating till the turpentine is separated. To dissolve copal in alcohol Mr. Sheldrake dissolves half an ounce of camphor in a pint of that liquid, and pours the solution on four ounces of copal. The matrass is placed in a sand-hath, and the process is conducted exactly as that last described. The solution thus formed contains a great deal of copal, and forms a varnish which is perfectly colourless; but considerable heat is ne- cessary to drive off the camphor. See Varnish. COPARCENARY. An estate held in coparcenary, is where lands of inheritance descend from the ancestor to two or more persons. It arises either by common law, or particular custom. By common law, as where a per- son seised in fee-simple, or fectail, dies, and his noxt heirs are two or more females, his daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins, or their representatives; in this case they shall all inherit: and these coheirs are then called copar- ceners; or, for brevity sake, parceuers. Parceners by particular custom are, where lands descend, as in gavel- kind, to all tbe males in equal degree, as sons, brothers, unc les, or other kindred; and in either of these cases, all Ibe parceners put together make but one heir, and have hut om'estate among them. 2 Black. Mr. COl'E, among ecclesiastical writers, an ornament usually worn by ehantors and subchantors, when they officiated in the church solemnity. It is also worn by Ro- mish bishops, and other ordinaries; ami reaches from the shoulders to lhe feet. Coce, among miners, a duty of 6d. for every load of ore. COPERMCAN SYSTEM, that system of the world in w hirh the sun is supposed at rest in the centre, and the planets, with the earth, to move in ellipses round him. See Astronomy. COPIITIC, or Coptic language, is that spoken bv the Cophts; being the ancient language ofthe Egyptians, intermixed with the Greek, and the characters of it being those of the Greek. The ancient Coptic is now a dead language, to be met with no where but in hooks; and those only translations of the scriptures, and of ecclesi- astical offices, or others that have a relation thereto: the language now used over all the country being the Arabic. Coptic monks, religious, among the Christians of Egypt, who have the highest veneration for a monastic life, considering it as the philosophy ofthe law of Jesus Christ, and the monks as terrestrial angels or celestial men. Tbey are obliged to part with their possessions, to renounce marriage for ever, to live in deserts, to be cloth- ed in wool, and to eat no meat. COPIA libeilideliherasda,a writ that lies where a person cannot get the copy of a libel from a judge of the spiritual court. COPING or copping of a wall, in architecture, the top or covert of a wall, made sloping to carry off the wet. COPPER, a metal next to iron in specific gravity, but lighter than gold, silver, or lead. If we except gold and silver, copper seems to have been more early known than any other metal. In the first ages of the world, before tbe method of working iron was discovered, copper was the principal ingredient in all domestic utensils and instruments of war. Even during the Trojan war, as we learn from Homer, the combatants had no other armour but what was made of bronze, which is a mixture of copper and tin. Tbe word cuprum, or copper, is derived from the island of Cy- prus; where it was first discovered, or at least wrought to any extent, by the Greeks. This metal is ofa fine read colour, and has a great deal of brilliancy. Its taste is styptic and nauseous; and the hands, when rubbed for some time on it, acquire a peculiar and disagreeable odour. Its specific gravity, when incited, is 8,667; but after being hammered it is 8.9. Its malleability is great: it may he hammered out into leaves so thin as to be blown about by the slightest breeze. Its ductility is also considerable. Its tenacity is such, that a copper wire 0.078 inch in diameter is capa- ble of supporting 302.26 pounds avoirdupois without breaking. When heated to the temperature of 27° Wedge- wood, or, according to the calculation of Mortimer, to 1450 decrees Fahrenheit, it melts, and if the beat is in- creased it evaporates in visible fumes. When allowed to coed slowly it assumes a crystalline form. Tbe abbe Mongez, to whom we owe many valuable experiments on the crystallization of metals, obtained it in quadrangu- lar pyramids, often inserted into one another. Copper is not altered by water: it is incapable of de composing it even at a red heat, unless air has free ac- cess to it at the same time; in that ca.se the surface ofthe metal becomes oxydated. Every one must have remark- ed, that when water is kept in a copper vessel, a green crust of ven-de^ris, as it is called, is formed on that part of the vessel which is in contact with tbe surface of the water. When copper is exposed to the air its surface is gradually tarnished; it becomes brown, and is at Jasi covered with a dark-grccn cri^t. This crust consists c£ COPPER. oxyd of copper com'ined with carbonic acid gas. At the common temperature of the air, tins oxy elation of copper goes on hut slowly; but when a plate of metal is heated red-hot, it is covered in a few minutes with a crust of oxyd, which separates spontaneously in small scales when the plate is allowed to cool. The copper plate con- tracts considerably in cooling, but the crust of oxyd con- tracts but very little; it is therefore broken to piece-, and thrown off, when the plate contracts under it. Any quantity of this oxyd may he obtained by heating a plate of copper, and plunging it alternately into cool water. The scaleslall down to the bottom of the water. In a violent heat, or when copper is exposed to a stream of oxygen and hydrogen gas, the metal takes fire and burns with great brilliancy, emitting a lively green light of such intensity, that the eye can scarcely bear the glare. The product is an oxyd of copper. There are two oxyds of copper at present known; and it does not appear that the metal is capable of being exhibited in combination with more than two doses of oxygen. The protoxide is of a fine orange-colour; but the peroxide is black, though in combination it assumes various shades of blue, green, and brown. 1. The protoxide of copper was first observed by Proust; but we are indebted to M. Chcnevix, who found it native in Cornwall, for the investigation ofits proper- ties. It may he prepared by mixing together 57.5 parts of black oxyd of copper, and 50 parts of copper reduced to a fine powder by precipitating it from muriatic acid by an iron plate. This mixture is to he triturated in a mortar, and put with muriatic acid into a well-stopped phial. Heat is disengaged, and almost all the copper is dissolved. When potash is dropt into this solution, the orange oxyd of copper is precipitated. But the easiest process is to dissolve any quantity of copper in muria- tic acid by means of heat. The green liquid thus obtain- ed is to be put into a phial, together with some pieces of rolled copper, and the whole is to be corked up closely. The green colour gradually disappears; the liquid be- comes dark brown and opaque; and a number of dirty- white crystals, like grains of sand, are gradually de- posited. When this liquid, or the crystals, are thrown into a solution of potash, the orange-coloured oxyd pre- cipitates in abundance. This oxyd is composed of 88.5 parts of copper and 11.5 oxygen. It attracts oxygen with such avidity, that it can scarcely be dried without becoming bluish-green, at least on the surface: but when once dry it retains its colour pretty well. 2. The peroxide of copper is easily procured pure from the scales which are formed upon the surface of red-hot copper. These scales have a violet-red colour, owing to the presence of a little metallic copper upon their un- der surface; but when kept for some time red-hot in an open vessel, they become black, and are then pure pe- roxide of copper. The same oxyd may be obtained by dissolving copper in sulphuric or nitric acid, precipitat- ing by means of potash, and then heating the precipitate sufficiently to drive off any water which it may retain. The peroxide of copper is composed of 80 parts of copper and 20 of oxygen. When mixed with somewhat less than its own weight of copper in powder, and heated to red- ness, the whole is converted into protoxide. The oxides of copper are easily reduced to the metallic state when heated with charcoal, oils, or other fatty bodies; and even with some of the metals, especially zinc. 3. When copper is dissolved in nitric acid, and a sufficient quantity of potash is added to the solution a blue powder falls to the bottom, which was formerly considered as a peculiar oxyd of copper, and accordingly called blue oxyd of copper. But Mr. Proust has shown that it is nothing else than the black oxyd combined with water; and has therefore called it by drat of copper. When distilled, 100 parts cd'it yield 25 parts of water* and there remain behind 75 parts of black oxyd. M he n this blue powder is exposed moist to the atmosphere, it gradually becomes green. This was formerly supposed to be owing to the absorption of oxygen; accordingly the green powder was called green oxyd of copper. But Mr. Proust has shown that this change is not owing to the absorption of oxygen, but to the combination of the black oxyd of copper with carbonic acid. Copper has never been combined with carbon nor hydrogen; but it combines readily with sulphur and phosphorus, and f rms with them compounds called sul- phuret and phosphuret of copper. When equal parts of sulphur and copper are stratified alternately in a crucible, they melt, and combine at a red heat. Sulphuret of copper thus obtained is a brittle mass, of a black or very deep blue grey colour much more fusible than copper; and composed, according to the experiments of Mr. Proust, of 78 parts of copper, and 22 of sulphur. The same compound may be formed by mixing copper flings and sulphur together, and ma- king them into a paste with water, or even by merely mixing them together without any water, and allowing them to remain a sufficient time exposed to the air. Eight parts hy weight of copper fillings, mixed with three parts of flowers of sulphur, are put into a glass receiver, and placed upon burning coals: the mixture first melts, then a kind of explosion takes place; it be- comes red-hot, and, wiien taken from the fire, continues to glow for some time like a live coal. If we now exam- ine it, wc find it converted into sulphuret of copper. This experiment has excited great attention, and has been very often repeated; because it is the only instance known of apparent combustion without the presence of oxygen. Mr. Proust has shown that the sulphuret of copper is capable of combining with an additional dose of sulphur, and of forming a new compound which may be called supersulphuret of copper. It is brittle, lias a yellow colour, and a metallic lustre; and is found native abundantly, being well known to mineralogists by the name of copper pyrites. M. Pelletier formed phosphuret of copper hy melting together 16 parts of copper, 16 parts of phosphoric glass, and one part of charcoal. Margraf was the first person who formed this phosphuret. His method was to distil phosphorus and oxyd of copper together. It is formed most easily by projecting phosphorus into red-hot cop- per. It is of a white colour; and, according to Pelletier, is composed of 20 parts of phosphorus and 80 of copper. This phosphuret is harder than iron: it is not ductile, and yet cannot easily he pulverized. Its specific gravity is 7.1220. It crystallizes in four-sided prisms. It is much more fusible than copper. When exposed to tbe air it loses its lustre, becomes black, falls to pieces, the COP COR copper is oxydated, and the phosphorus converted into phosphoric acid. When heated sufficiently the phospho- rus burns, and leaves the copper under the form of black scorise. Copper is not capable of combining with azote. Mu- riatic acid gas readily converts it into oxyd, with which it enters into combination. Copper is capable of combining with most of the metals; and some ofits alloys are of very great utility. The alloy of gold and copper is easily formed by melting the two metals together. This alloy is much used, because copper has the property of increasing the hardness of gold without injuring its colour. Muschcn- broeck has as'•ertained that the hardness of this alloy is a maximum when it is composed of seven parts of gold and one of copper. The gold coin both in Britain and France is an alloy, containing eleven parts of gold and one of copper. Its specific gravity is considerably above the mean; consequently the density of the metals is in- creased by alloying them together. It ought to be 17. 153, but it actually is 17.48C; so that the density is increased one-forty-eigbtb part. This alloy being more fusible than gold, is employed as a solder to join pieces of that metal together. Platinum may be alloyed with copper by fusion, but a strong heat is necessary. The alloy is ductile, hard, takes a fine polish, and is not liable to tarnish. This alloy has been employed with advantage for composing the mirrors of reflecting telescopes. Silver is easily alloyed with copper by fusion. This alloy is harder and more sonorous than silver, ami yet the density ofthe metals is diminished. Thus when 137 parts of silver and 7 of copper are alloyed together, (he specific gravity ought to be 10.3016, but it actually is 10.1752; consequently the bulk ofthe two metals is in- creased by alloying them together about -g\ part. When the proportion of copper is small the colour of the silver is not altered. The silver coin of this country is compo- sed of 1 part of copper and 11 of silver; that of France of 7 parts of copper and 137 of silver, or 1 part copper and 12.57 silver. The French silver coin therefore is purer than the American. The amalgam of copper cannot be formed by simply mixing that metal with mercury, nor even by the appli- cation of heat; because the beat necessary to melt copper sublimes mercury. It may be obtained by tri- turating mercury with common salt and verdigris, or by keeping plates of copper in a solution of mercury and nitric; acid. The amalgam is at first soft, and will take any impression; but it soon becoms hard when exposed to the air. The affinities of copper and its oxyds are exhibited by Bergman iu the following order: Copper. Oxyd of Copper. Gold, Silver, Arsenic, Iron, Manganese, Zinc', Antimony, Platinum, Oxalic acid, Tartaric, Muriatic, Sulphurir, Saciactic, Nitric, Arsenic, Phosphoric, Copper. Tin. Lead, Nickel, Bismuth, Cobalt, Mercury, Sulphur, Phosphorus. Oxyd of Copper. Succinic acid, Fluoric, Citric, Lactic, Acetic, Boracic, Prussic, Carbonic. Copper is not unfrequently found native and malleable, sometimes in small and slender fibres, and sometimes in little globular and irregular masses. However, it is most frequently found in the state of ore, sometimes blended with the strata of stones, where it discovers itself in blue or green efflorescences. The green and blue ochres also are a sort of ores of copper, and the pyritse and marcas- itcs frequently contain large quantities of this metal. There is also a rich kind of copper ore of a reddish-grey colour; and another of a dusky-purple or blackish colour. But besides all these there are two other appearances of copper ore, known by the names of lapis lazuli, and the turcols or turquoise. In Germany and Sweden there are very good mines of copper ore; and some in England, particularly in Corn- wall, not inferior to the finest Swedish. In order to discover whether the pyrites contains any copper, let it be r.lasted in an open fire, and a solution made by pouring upon it a quantity of warm water: into this solution let iron plates, perfectly clean and free from grease, be immersed; and if tbe pyrites contains any cop- per it will stick to these iron plates, in form of a fine yel- low powder. As to the method of obtaining copper from the ore, this last being previously washed and powdered, is smelted by means of a black flux; and the metal is found at the bot- tom ofthe vessel when cold, in the form of a solid and malleable mass; wiiich may be farther refined by repeat- ing the operation. See Mineralogy. COPERAS, a name given to the martial or sulphate of green vitriol. See Iron. COPULA, in logic, the verb that connects any two terms in an affirmative or negalive: as, " Riches make a man happy;" where make is the copula: « No weakness is any virtue;" where is is the copula. COPULATIVE propositions,in logic, those where the subject and predicate are so linked together by copu- lative conjunctions, that they may be all severally affirm- ed or denied one of another. Example, " Riches and ho- nours are apt to elate the mind, and increase the number of our desires." COPY, in a legal sense, is the transcript of an original writing; as the copy of a patent, of a charter, deed, Sec. but a clause out of either cannot be given in evidence to prove the original, as it must be absolutely a true office- copy ofthe whole. COPY-RIGHT. Sec Literary Property. COR, the heart. See Anatomy. Cor Caroli, in astronomy, an extra-constellated star in the northern hemisphere, .situated between the coma Beren.. es and ursa major; so called by Dr. Halley in ho- nor of king C harles. C 0 R COR Con hydrt:, a fixed sear of the first magnitude, in the consicilation of hydra. Cor i/eoms. or regulus, in astronomy, a fixed star of ihc lir.rt magnitude, in the constellation leo. COR A CIAS, the roller, in ornithology; a genus of birds of the order of pica, the characters of which are: the bill is straight, bending towards the tip, with the edges cultrated: tiie nostrils are narrow and naked; the legs for the most part short: the toes placed three before and on1 behind, and divided to their origin. Sixteen spe- cies have been enumerated, though some of them arc sus- pected to be only varieties. This genus is notconlined to one spot ofthe globe, as one or other of the different spe- cks may be met with in all the four quarters of it. The following are the most remarkable: 1. The garrula, or garrulous roller, is about the size of a jay; the bill black, and at the base beset with bristles, which do not cover the nostrils: the head, neck, breast, and belly, are ofa light-bluish green; back and scapulars, reddish brown; coverts on the ridge of the wing, riii blue, beneath them pale green; upper part and tips of the quills dusky; the lower parts of a fine deep blue; tail fork- ed of a light blue; the legs are short and of a dirty yel- low. Mr. Pennant observes that these birds arc frequent in several parts of Europe, in most parts of which it is a bird of passage. Mention is made of them in Sweden and Denmark, on the one hand, and as far as Africa on the other: not that they are found in all the parts between, nor in the same plenty. Willughby tells us, that in Ger- many, Sicily, and Malta, they are so common as to be sold in the markets, and in poulterers' shops. Adanson says, " it comes to reside for some months ofthe summer in some parts of Europe, and goes back to spend the re- mainder of the year in Senegal," having shot one on board the ship, on its passage, in April. Frisch observes, that it makes its nests in woods, where tliere is birch; that it does not come to its colour till the second year; flies in troops in autumn; often seen in tilled grounds, with rooks and other birds, searching for worms, small seeds, and roots. Its flesh tastes like that of a turtle. It is said also sometimes to make its nest in holes in the ground, in one of which nests two eggs were found. 2. The cyanea, or blue-striped roller is in length eight inches; the bill three quarters of an inch long, bent at the tip, and of a black colour: the irides are red; the ge- neral colour ofthe plumage deep blue-black, dashed with streaks of greenish blue; the tail and legs arc black; it inhabits New Caledonia. 3. The Sinensis, or Chinese roller, is of the size of a jay: the bill and irides are red; the head, hind part of the neck, back, rump, and upper tail-coverts, are green; the under parts of the body, from the chin to the vent, are yellowish white, tinged with green; but the thighs are grey; the wing-coverts are olive brown; quills the same, with a mixture of chesnut in some; the legs and claws are of a pale red, and longer than in other rollers. It in- habits China, and is called at Canton Santa-hoang. Itis not very common. CORAL fishery. Red coral is found in the Mediter- ranean, on the shores of Provence, from Cape de la Couronneto that of St. Tropez; about the isles of Ma- jorca and Minorca; on the south of Sicily; on the coasts of Africa; and, lastly, in the Ethiopic ocean, about cape Negro. The divers say, that the little branches are found only in the caverns whose situation is parallel to the earth's surface and open to the south. The manner of fishing being nearly the same wherever coral is found it will suffice to instance the method used at the bastion of France, under the direction of the company established at Marseilles for that fishery. Seven or eight men go in a boat commanded by the patron or proprietor, and when the net is thrown by the caster, the rest work the vessel and help to draw the net in. The net is composed of two rafters of wood tied cross-wise, with leads fixed to them: to tlr\se they fa-ten a quantity of hemp twisted loosely- round, and intermingled with some large netting. This instrument is let down where they think there is coral, and pulled up again when the coral is strongly entangled in the hemp and netting. For this purpose six boats are sometimes required; and if in hauling in, the rope hap- pens to break, the fishermen run the hazard of being lost. Before the fishers go to sea, they agree for the price of tbe coral; which is sometimes more, sometimes less, a pound; and they engage, on pain of corporal punishment, that neither they nor their crew shall embezzle any, but deliv- er the whole to the proprietors. When the fishery is ended; which amounts one year with another to twenty-five quin- tals for each hoat.it is divided into thirteen parts, of which the proprietor has four, the caster two, and the other six men one each: the thirteenth belongs to the company for payment of the boat furnished them. Red or white coral in fragments, for physic, pays on importation 7|dL the pound, and draws back on exportation 6$i. Whole coral unpolished, the pound, pays 3s. 10|d. and draws back Is. 4|ti. Whole coral polished, the pound, pays 5s. l|ci. and draws back 4s. 7ji. CORALLINA, or coral, in zoology, a genus belonging to the order of vermes zoophyta. The trunk is radicated, jointed, and calcareous. The species arc distinguished by the form of their branches, and are found in the ocean ad- hering to stones, bones, shells, &c. The corals were for- merly believed to be vegetable substances hardened by the air; but are now known to be composed ofa congeries of animals, which are even endued with the faculty of mov- ing spontaneously. The islands in the South-sea are mostly coral rocks covered over with earth. The little creatures, which have scarcely sensation enough to distin- guish them from plants, build up a rocky structure from the bottom of that sea, too deep to be measured by human art, till it reaches the surface. Some of the coralline isl- ands appear to be of a much older date than others; parti- cularly the Friendly Islands: and it is probable that, as these submarine works arc continually going on, new isl- ands may by that means frequently be produced. M. de Peyssonel of Marseilles, in consequence ofa series of ex- periments and observations from about the year 1720 to 1750, seems to have been the first who threw a proper light upon the nature and productions of coral and similar marine substances. Those bodies wiiich the count de Mar- sigli imagined to be flowers, this ingenious naturalist dis- covered to be insects inhabiting the coral; for upon taking branches of it out of tbe water, the flowers, which proceed- ed from a number of white points answering to the holes that pierced the bark, and the radiaton of which resem- bled the flower of the olive-tree, entered into the bark, and disappeai'ed: but upon being again restored to the COR COR water, they were some hours after perceptible. These flowers spread on white paper lost their transparency, aud became red as they dried. The holes in tbe bark corres- pond to small cavities upon the substance of the coral; and when the bark is removed tliere may be seen an infi- nite quantity of little tubes connecting the bark with tbe inner substance, besides a great number of sm;il glands adhering to them; and from these tubes and glands the milky juice of coral issues forth: tbe holes in tbe bark are the openings through which the insects that form these substances for their habitation com" forth: and those cavities which are partly in the bark, and partly in the substance, are the cells which tbey inhabit. Tbe organs of the animal are contained in tbe tubes, and the glan- dules arc tbe extremities ofits feet; and the milky liquor is the blood and juice of tbe animal, which are more or less abundant in proportion to its health and vigour. When lhe insects are dead, they corrupt, and communi- cate to the water the smell of putrid fish. TbejuiCe or liquor runs along the furrows perceived upon the proper substance or body of coral, and stopping by little and lit- tle becomes fixed, and hard, and is changed into stone; and being stopped in the bark, causes the coral to increase proportionably and in every direction. In forming coral, and other marine productions of this class, the animal labours li'.e those ofthe testaceous kind, each according to his species; and their productions vary according to their several forms, magnitudes, and colours. The coral insect, or polype, expands itself in water, and contracts itself in air, or when it is touched with the hand in water, or acid liquors are poured upon it: and he actually saw these insects move their daws or legs, and expand themselves, when tbe sea-water containing coral was placed near the fire, and keep them in their expand- ed state when separated from the coral in boiling water. Broken branches of coral have been observed to fasten themselves to other branches, and have continued to grow; and this is the case when they are connected with detach- ed pieces of rock and other substances, from which no nourishment could be derived. The coral insects in their cells, not having been injured, continue their operations; and as they draw no nourishment from the stone of the coral, they are able to increase in a detached and separ- ate state. Coral was found to be equally red in the sea as out of it; and it was more shining w hen just taken out of tbe water than even when it is polished; and the bark by being dried becomes somewhat pale. It grows in differ- ent dircctb us. sometimes perpendicularly downwards, sometimes horizontally, and sometimes upwards; and in the caverns of tbe sea, open to every exposure. M. Donati of Turin has also adopted the same hypo- thesis, viz. that coral is a mass of animis of the polype kiue!; and instead of representing the coral beds and cells which contain them as the work of polypes, he thinks it more just to sa\, that coral and other coralline bodies have the same relation to the polypus united to them, that there is between tbe shell of a snail and the snail itself, e,r the bones of an animal and the animal itself. There are projierly butthree kinds of coral; red, white, and black: the black is the rarest and most esteemed; but the red was formerly in great repute as a medicine. When coral is newly taken up out ofthe sea, the small protuberances on its surfae e are soft, and yield, on being pressed, a milky juice which effervesces with acids. The voi,. 1. 82 cortical part with which the coral is all over covered is not near so compact as the internal, and may be easily taken off whilst fresh; and from this part it is usually freed before it comes to the market, lhe greatest coral trade is in Genoa and Leghorn. See Plate XXXVI. Xat. Hist. fig. 143. CORALLINES, in natural history, were formerly reckoned a genus of plants, and Mr. Tournefort enume- rates 3G species of them; but in the Linnaean system they belong to the class zoophytes, and are defined by modern naturalists to be submarine plant-like bodies, that consist of many slender finely divided and jointed branches, resembling some species of moss; or animals growing in the form of plants, having their stems fixed to other bodies; these stems are composed of capillary tubes, whose extremities pass through a calcareous crust, and open into pores on the surface. The branches are often jointed, and always subdivided into smaller branches which arc either loose and unconnected, or joined as if they were glued together. They are distinguished from plants by their texture and hardness: they also yield in distillation a considerable quantity of volatile salt; and their smell, in burning, resembles that of burnt horns and other animal substances. Many of the corallines seem to consist of a single tube, containing a single pa- rent animal. Every branch emitted contains an offspring of this parent dependant upon it, and yet capable of pro- ducing its like in the emission of a new branch. Others consist.of many such tubes united, rising together, and encircling the deserted tubes of their progenitors, whose exuviae become the substratum of a rising generation. Mr. Ellis distributes corallines into the vcsiculated, tu- bular, celliferous, and articulated kinds. Vcsiculated corallines are distinguished by their horny hollow ramifications: most of them are furnished with little denticles on their branches, like leaves on mosses; and at certain seasons of tbe year tbey are furnished with small bodies like bladders, proceeding from their steins and branches, and differing in form' according to the different species. Their colour, when dry. is of a yellow- ish or pale brown, and their nature is elastic. They are found adhering to rocks, shells, and fucuses, by smalf root- like tubes: they recover their form in water, after having been dried; and when put into vinegar, thev cause no effervescence. See Plate XXXV. fig! l, where a repre- sents the sea-tamarisk in its natural size, and A the den- ticles considerably magnified. Fig. 2. b, B, are the sea- cypress: fig. 3. cd, CD, the small climbing coralline- with well-shaped cups. "Tubular corallines are composed of a number of sim- ple tubes, growing up nearly together; or of s u h branch- ed ones as have .neither denticles nor vesielcs. These are horny and clastic like the former, and recover their original form in water. Some of them appear wrinkled like the windpipe, and others like the intestines of small animals. See E, fig. 4. Celliferous corallines are those which appear, when magnified, to he fine thin cells, the habitations of sm il animals connected together, and disposed in a variety of elegant forms like brane lies. These efferv s; e with acids See fig. 5. F,/, with a part (Gil) magnified. Articulated corallines consist of short pieces ofa stonv or creta, eons brittle matter, whose surface is covered With pores or cells which are joined by a tough, me* con COR branous, flexible substance, composed of many small tubes of the like nature compacted together. The stony part is soluble in vinegar, and the other part remains entire. Fig. 6 is the coralline of the shops. It is fixed to rocks and shells by stony joints, which, as they rise, arc united to others by extremely fine and slender tubes: these may be discovered by a good eye, or a common magnifier. As the stems extend themselves, they become penetrated by side-branches which come out opposite to each other, and are joined in the same manner; the joints of this species are like the upper part of an inverted cone, but a little compressed: the whole surface is covered over with very minute circular-shaped cells like pores. If a branch of this coralline is put into vinegar, these cells are dissolv- ed with the whole cretaceous substance; instead of which there appear rows of minute ramifications, which seem to have communicated with each of these cells. Upon some specimens of this coralline, we may observe small figures like seed-vessels, with wiiich the branches fre- quently terminate: they are also found on the sides, as may be seen at A, where they are magnified. When a branch is rendered soft by being steeped in vinegar, there may be squeezed out from the little knobs at the ends and sides, small twisted figures. We frequently find this coralline of different colours, as red, green, ash, and white; but all of it, being exposed to the sun and air on the shore, becomes white. Besides the above, Mr. Ellis enumerates other genera of marine productions; as the keratophyta eschara fig. 7, sponges, and alycon:-.m; all which are the nests or matrices of sea-animals. This class of marine bodies is formed like fungi of various figures, and with different sorts of covering; some having a gritty, and some a callous skin, with spongy substance in the inside: other species are of a fleshy substance. C and C 1 are views of one of the warts magnified: C 2 is the appearance of the polype, when the cretaceous matter was dissolved: C 3 represents the particles that compose the incrustation, magnified; D fig. 8, is a sea-willow, or keratophyton dichotomum. CORAN1CII, among the Scotch and Irish, the cus- tom of singing at funerals, anciently prevalent in those Countries, and still practised in several parts. Of this custom Mr. Pennant gives an account, having assisted at one in the south of Ireland, where it was performed in the fullness of horror. « The cries (says he) are called by the Irish ugohene and hullulu; two words very ex- pressive of the sound uttered on these occasions; and be- ing the Celtic stock, etymologists would swear to be the origin of the eXtXnya* of the Greeks, and ululatusof tie Latins. Virgil is very fond of using the last whenever any of his females are distressed; as are others of the Roman poets, and generally on occasions similar to this. It was my fortune to arrive at a certain town in Kerry at the time that a person of some distinction departed this life; my curiosity led me to the house, where the funeral seemed conducted in the purest classical form. The con- clamatio was set up by the friends in the same manner as Virgil describes that consequential of Dido's death. Immediately after this followed another ceremony, fully described by Camden in his account of the manners of the ancient Irish; the earnest expostulations and re- proaches given to the deceased for quitting this world, where she enjoyed so many blessings, so good a husband, and such fine children. But when the time approached for carrying out the corpse, the cry was redoubled. * Tre- mulis ulutatibus anthera complent' a numerous band of females waiting in the outer conrt to attend the hearse and to pay in chorus the last tribute of their voices. The habits of this sorrowing train, and the neglect of their persons, were admirably suited to the occasion; their robes were black and flowing, resembling the ancient pillia; their feet naked, and their hair long and dishevel- led. The corpse was carried slowly along the verve of a most beautiful lake, the ululatus was continued, and the whole procession ended among the venerable ruins of an old abbey." The same custom prevailed among the Hebrews, and is beautifully described in bishop Lowth's justly celebrated Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews. COR13AN, in Jewish antiquity, where those offerings which had life, in opposition to the minchab, or those which had not. It is derived from the word karab, which signifies " to approach;" because the victims were brought to the door of the tabernacle. Thecorbnns were always looked upon as the most sacred offerings. The Jew s are reproched with defeating, by means oi' the cor- ban, the precept of the fifth commandment, which enjoins the respect due to parents: for when a child bad no mind to relieve* tiie wants of his father or mother, he would say to tin m, « It is a gift (corban) by whatsoever thou migbtest be profited by me;" i. e. « 1 have devoted that to God wiiich you ask of ine, and it is no longer mine to give." Coruan is also a ceremony which the Mahomctana perform at the foot of mount Ararat in Arabia, near Mecca. It consists in killing a great number of sheep, and distributing them among the poor. CORBEILS, in fortification, little baskets about a foot and a ;.alf high, eight inches wide at the bottom, and twelve at fhe top; wiiich being filled with earth, arc fre- quently set one against another upon the parapet or else- where, leaving certain port-holes, whence to fire upon the enemy under covert, without being seen by them. CORBEL, in architecture, the representation of a basket, sometimes seen on the heads of caryatides. The word is also used, in building, for a short piece of timber placed in a wall, with its end sticking out six or eight inches, as occasion serves, in manner of a shouldcring- piece. CORCELET, in natural history, that part of the fly- class which is analogous in its situation to the breast in other animals. Many have called it the breast in these also, hut improperly; because the breast of other animals is the seat of the lungs and trachea, but these organs are in the fly-class distributed through the whole body. Tho wings are affixed to this part in the fly-class; and there are some distinctions of great consequence in regard to the arrangement and distribution of these animals into genera. Some flies have a double corcelet, or one divid- ed into two parts; and this is the case of the fly produced from the formica, leo, which therefore does not carry its only distinction in the figure ofits antennae. One pairof the legs of this fly are attached to the first or anterior corcelet, which is also capable of moving on the other. The corcelcts of some flies are also much more eleva- ted than those of others; and in some this elevation i» COR COR carried so far, that the head is forced by it to be bent downward, and the creature is nearly made hump-back- ed by it. The gnat kind, and the tipulae, furnish in- stances of this elevated and hump-backed form. A series of flies of two wings are known by a very particular armament which they carry on the corcelet, usually call- ed their breast. This consists of two long slender sharp- pointed prickles, which are immoveable in their inser- tions, and seem meant as offensive or defensive weapons; but in what manner they are used is not easily to be de- termined. All these flies are produced from long water- worms with open and funnel-fashioned tails, or furnished with their aperture for respiration at the hinder extre- mity. CORCHORUS, a genus of the monogynia order, in the polyandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 37th order, columneae. The corolla is pentapetalous, the calyx pcntaphyllous and deciduous, and the capsule many-valved and many-celled. There are 16 species; of which the most remarkable is the oli- torius, an annual, and a native of Asia, Africa, and America. It rises with a round, striated, upright, branch- ed stalk, to near two feet, with leaves differing in shape; some being oval, some cut off straight at their base, and others almost heart-shaped. The flowers come out at the sides ofthe branches opposite to the leaves. They stand singly on very short peduncles; are composed of five small yellow petals, and a great number of stamina sur- rounding an oblong germen, which becomes a long, rough, sharp-pointed capsule, opening in four parts, each filled with greenish angular seeds. This plant is sold by the Jews about Aleppo, and is therefore called Jew's mallow. The leaves are a favourite salad among that peo- ple; and they boil and cat them with their meat. CORCULUM. See Botany, and Plants. CORD of wood, a certain quantity of wood for burn- ing, so called because formerly measured with a cord. The dimensions of a statute cord of wood are eight feet lone:, four feet high, and four feet broad. CORDAGE, a term used, in general, for all sorts of cord, whether small, middling, or great, made use of in the rigging of ships. Cordage cable-laid, as the seamen term it, is made with nine strands, i. e. the first three strands are laid slack, and then three of them being dosed together, make a cable. See Cable. The same for tacks, but they are laid tapering. Cordage hawser-laid, is made only with three strands. Cordage-stays are cable-laid, but made with four strands, as cables are with three; with the addition of a heart, wiiich goes through the centre of them. M'hite cordage is that which has not yet been tarred. Cordage tarred in spinning is that which is made of rope-yarn ready tarred. Cordage tarred in the stove is that which has passed through hot tar, in coming out of the stove. Every quin- tal of cordage* may take about twenty pounds of tar. Cordage remade is that wiiich is made of ropes used be- fore. Cordage, when very old, is used for oakum to caulk the seams of ships. When a rope is said to be six inches it is understood of its circumfereii' e. A rope of sixty threads is one composed of so many r pe-yarns. CORDED, in heraldry. A cross-corded some au- thors take for a cross-wound or wrenched about with cords. CORDELIER, in church history, a Franciscan, or religious of the order of St. Francis. The cordeliers are enjoined to live in common: those who are admitted into the order, arc first to sell all they have and give it to the poor. The priests are to fast from the feast of All Saints till the Nativity. CORDIA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 41st order, asperifolise. The corolla is funnel-shaped; the style dichotomous or divided into two tlireads, and each of these divided into other two. There are five species, of which the principal are the myxa and sebestcna. 1. The myxa, or Assyrian plum, grows wild in Assyria or Egypt, and also on the coast of Malabar. It rises to the height of a middling plum-tree; and its branches are furnished with oval woolly leaves, standing without order. The flowers are produced in bunches; are white, and consist of one tubular petal, and a like calyx, nearly of an equal length, and both are cut into five parts to their brims. In their centre are five very small stamina, and one slender style crowned with an obtuse stigma. The germen is roundish, and swells to a plum of the same form, and about the size of a dam- son, of a dark brown colour, a sweet taste, and very glutinous. In some parts of Turkey they cultivate this tree in great abundance, not only for the sake of the fruit to eat, but to make birdlime of, which is a great artic .e of trade in a town called Seid. 2. The sebestcna, or rough-leaved cordia, grows naturally in both the Indies, and sends forth several shrubby stalks eight or ten feet high. The young leaves are serrated, but the full-grown ones arc not." They are of an oblong oval form, rough, of a deep green, and stand alternately on footstalks. The flowers terminate the branches in large clusters ofthe shape and colour of the marvel of Peru, and wear a most beautiful appear- ance. Each has five stamina and one bifid style. The plums are much of the shape of those of the myxa, and are eaten in the same manner. The fruit of this tree is less valuable than the wood, a small piece of which thrown upon a clear fire will perfume a room with a most agreeable odour. CORDIAL, in medicine, whatever raises the spirits, and gives them a sudden strength and cheerfulness. See Meoicine. CORDON, in fortification, a row of stones, made round on the outside, and set between tbe wall cd" the fortress which lies aslope, and lhe parapet which stands perpendicular, after such a manner, that this difference may not be offensive to the eye; whence the cordons serve only as an ornament, ranging round about the place, being only used in fortifications of stone-work: for in those made with earth the void spaces is filled up with pointed stakes. CORDWAIXKRS, the term whereby the statutes denominate shoemakers. The word is formed from the French cordonnier, which Menage derives from cor- douan, a kind of leather brought from Cordova, of which they formerly made the upper leathers of their shoes. Others derive it from cords, because anciently shoes COR COR were made of cords; as they still are in some parts of Spain, under the name of alpargate«. But the former etymology is better warranted: for, in effect, the French workmen who prepare the cordovas are still called cor- douanniers. In Paris, before the revolution, they had two pious societies under the title of freres cordonniers. The produce of their shoes went into a common stock, to furnish necessaries for their support; and the rest was distributed among the poor. COREOPSIS, tickseeded sunflower: a genus of the p iygamia frustranea order, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, composite. The receptacle is paleaceous; the pappus two-horned; the calyx erect and polyphyllous, surrounded with-patent radiated leaflets at the base. There are 20 species, most of them herbaceous peren- nials. They rise from 3 to 8 feet; terminated by clusters of compound radiated flowers of a yellow colour. They have all perennial fibrous roots, and annual stalks, which rise in the spring, flower from July to October, and decay to the root in November. The flowers are all shaped like sun-flowers, but smaller, and are very- ornamental. They are easily propagated by slipping or dividing the roots in autumn. CORIANDRUM, coriander, a genus of the digynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natu- ral method ranking under the 45th order, umbcllatae. The corolla is radiated; the petals inflcxed-emarginated; the involucrum universal and monophyllous; the partial involucra halved; the fruit spherical. There are only twro species, both of them herbaceous annuals, the leaves of which are useful for the kitchen, and the seeds for medicine. Both species have divided small leaves, somewhat resembling parsley: but there is only one spe- cies generally cultivated, namely, the sativum. This has a small fibrous white root, crowned by many- parted leaves, having broadish segments; and in the centre an upright, round, branchy stalk, two feet high, having all the branches terminated by umbels of flowers, which are succeeded by globular fruit. It is propagated by seed, wiiich, when a good crop is wanted, ought to be sown in March, either in drills a foot asunder, or by broadcast, and then raked in. When the plants are an inch or two high, they should be hoed to six or eight inches distance. The seeds, when fresh, have a .strong disagreeable smell, wiiich improves by drying, and be- comes sufficiently grateful: they are recommended as carminative and stomachic. CORIARA, the tanner's or myrtle-leaved sumach, a genus of the decandria order; in the dieecia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 54th order, miscellanea. The male calyx is penfaphyl- lous; the corolla pentapetalous, very like the calyx, and united with it; the antherae bipartite. The female calyx is pentaphyllous; the corolla like that of the male; the styles five, seeds five, covered with a like number of suc- culent petals, forming altogether the resemblance of a berry. There are three species, the myrtifolia, rusufolia, and the sarmentosa. The first two are natives of the south of France, but the last is most commonly cultiva- ted in this country. It is a pretty ornamental plant, with a shrubby pithy brown stem, closely branching from the bottom; and forms a bushy head three or four feet over, with oblong, pointed, bright-green leaves having small spikes of whitish flowers at the ends of the branches. It is easily propagated by suckers from the root, in which it abounds plentifully, and may be taken off with fibres every autumn or winter. It is much used in France for tanning leather, whence its name tanner's sumach. CORINTHIAN ORDER. See Architecture. CORIS, a genus ofthe monogynia order, in the pen- tandria class of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing with those of which the order is doubtful. The corolla is monopetalous and irregular; the calyx prickly the capsule quinquevalved, superior. There is only one species, viz. the monspeliensis, or blue maritime coris. There are two varieties of this plant, one with a red, and the other with a white flower; but tbese are onlv accidental, and arise from the same seeds. Tbey grow wild about Montpelier, and in most places in tbe south of France: they seldom grow above six inches high, and spread near the surface of the ground like heath; and in June, when they arc full of flowers, make a very pretty appearance. They may be propagated by sowing their seeds in a bed of fresh earth, and afterwards re- moving the young plants, some in pots, and others into a warm border. They generally bear out winter colds well enough, but severe frosts will sometimes destroy them; for which reason it is proper to keep some of them in pots, which should be put under a hotbed frame ia winter. CORISPERMUM, lickseed, a genus of tbe digynia order, in the monandria class of plants, and in tbe natural method ranking under the 12th order, holoracese. There is no calyx; two petals, and one oval naked seed. There are two species; but neither of them are remark- able for their beauty, or any other quality. CORK. See Quercus. Cork-fossil, a name given to a kind of stone. It is a species of amianthus, consisting of flexible fibres loosely interwoven, and somewhat resembling vegetable cork. It is the lightest of all stones; by fire it is fusible, and forms a black glass. Cork-jacket, a kind of waistcoat, composed of four pieces of cork, two for the breasts, and two for the back: each pretty near, in length and breadth, to the quarters of a waistcoat without flaps; the whole is cov- ered with coarse canvas, with two holes to put the arms through. Tliere is a space left between the two back- pieces, and the same betwixt each back and breast-piece, that they may set the easier to the body. Thus the w aistcoat is only open before, and may he fastened oa the wearer with strings; or, if it should be thought more secure, with buckles and leather straps. This waistcoat is the invention of Mr. Duhourg: but it has been im- proved by Dr. Wilkinson, of Woodford, who rendered it much more accommodating to the motions of the body in swimming, by cutting the cork into small pieces and quilting them between two waistcoats of canvas. Even the most timorous, with one of these jackets may safely venture into a rough sea. A cork spencer has lately been invented to save from drowning, in cases of shipwreck; which consists of a belt, containing refuse pieces of cork, or old bottle-corks, enclosed in any kind of covering, and fastened round the COR C 0 It body with tapes. The excellence of this consists in its cheapness, the whole being made for five shillings. See Drowning. ( OR-MASS, the name of a grand procession, said to have been established at Dunkirk during the dominion of Charles V. and renewed on St. John's day, the 24th of June. After the celebration of high mass, the procession, consisting of the several tradesmen of the town, began. Each person had a burning taper of wax in his hand; and alter each company came a pageant, followed by the patron saint, usually of solid silver, richly wrought and adorned. The companies were followed by music; and after the musicians, the friars in the habits of their order, tbe secular priests, and then the abbot magnifi- cently adorned, and preceded by the host. Machines likewise of various fantastical forms and devices, and as Variously accoutred, formed a part of the show on this occasion; which has been described as one of the most superb and magnificent in the world. CORN, in country affairs, the grain or seeds of plants separated from the spica or ear, and used for making bread. See Husbandry. Corn-laws. It is against the common law of Eng- land to buy or sell corn in the sheaf, before it is thrashed and measured: the reason whereof seems to be, because by such sale, the market is in effect forestalled. 3 Inst. 197. Every person who shall sell or buy corn without mea- suring, or otherwise than by the Winchester measure, sealed and stricken by the brim, shall on conviction before one justice on the oath of one witness forfeit 40s. besides the whole of the corn so sold or bought, or tbe value thereof, half to the poor, and half to the informer. On complaint to a justice, that corn has been bought, sulci, or delivered, contrary to the act, the proof shall lie upon the defendant, to make it appear by oath of one witness, that he sold or bought the same lawfully: and if he shall fail therein, he shall forfeit as before men- tioned, to be levied by distress and sale. 22 and 23 C. II. c. 8 and 12; and K. v. Arnold, T. 33 G. III. And if any mayor, or other head officer, shall know- ingly permit the same, he shall on conviction at the minify sessions, forfeit 50/. half to the prosecutor and half to the poor, by distress and sale. For want of distress, to be imprisoned by warrant of the justices, till pav ment be made. 22 C. III. c. 8. s. 3. The last acts now in force to regulate the returns of the prices of grain, are statutes 31 G. III. c. 30. 33. G. III. c. 65. Bv the fui-merthe statutes I Jac. 11. c. 19:1 >V. and M. C. 12:" 1 G. II. c. 12: 10 G. III. c. 39: 13 G. III. c. 43: 21 G. III. c. 50: and 29 G. III. c. 58, are all repealed; as also every provision in any other act regulating the im- portation of wheat, Sec. except such as relate to the mak- ing of malt for exportation, and the exportation thereof. So much of the 15 Car. II. as prohibits the buying of corn to se 11 again, and the laying it up in granaries, is also repealed. By the statutes of 31 G. III. r. 30, and 33 G. III. c. 65, bounties are granted on exportation at certain prices, and the exportation prohibited when at higher prices; the quantity of corn to be exported to foreign countries is set- tled: and the maritime counties of England are divided into districts. The exportation of corn is to be regulated in London, Kent, Essex, and Sussex, by the prices at the corn-exchange; the proprietors of which are to appoint n inspector of corn-returns, to whom weekly returns are to be made by the factors; and he is to make weekly ac- counts, and transmit the average price to the receiver of the returns, to be transmitted to the officers ofthe customs, and inserted in the London Gazette. The exportation in other districts and in Scotland, to be regulated by the prices at different appointed places, for which mavors, justices, &c. arc to elect inspectors. Declarations are to be truly made by factors, of corn sold by them. Orders of council may regulate importation, Sec. such orders to be laid before parliament. 32 Geo. III. c. 50. and 35 Geo. III. c. 3. Corn, in medicine and surgery, a hard tumour like a flat wart, growing in several parts of the feet, especially upon the joints ofthe toes. This disorder is not unjustly attributed to the wearing of too strait or narrow-toed shoes, which never fail to produce these tubercles, espe- cially if the person is obliged to stand or walk much, and in the summer time. CORNEA TUNICA, in anatomy, the second coat of the eye; so called from its substance, which resembles the horn of a lanthorn. See Anatomy. CORNER-STONES, among builders, the two stones which stand one in each jaumb of a chimney. The breadth of each stone ought to be equal to that of the jaumb, and its face to be hollowed in the^sweep of a cir- cle; their height ought to reach from the hearth to the mantle-tree: they are commonly made of Ryegate or fire- stone. CORNET, in the military art of the ancients, an in- stilment much in the nature of a trumpet: when only it sounded, the ensigns were to march alone without the soldiers: whereas when the trumpet only sounded, the soldiers were to move without the ensigns. The cornets and buccinae sounded the charge and retreat, and the cornets and trumpets sounded during the course of the battle. Cornet is also a commissioned officer in a troop of horse or dragoons. CORNICLLARIUS, in Roman antiquity, an officer of tbe army, appointed to assist the military tribune in quality of lieutenant. CORNUCOPIJE, a genus of the digynia order, in the triandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 4th order, gramina. The involucrum is monophyllous, funnel-shaped, crenated, and multiflorous; the calyx bivalved; the corolla onevalved. There are two species. CORNUS, cornel tree, cornelian cherry, or dogwood, a genus of the monogynia order, in the tetrandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 47th order, stellatae. The involucrum is most frequently mo- nophvllous; the petals above the receptacle of the fruit, four; the fruit itself a bilocular kernel. Of this genus there are 12 species; the most remarkable are the follow ing: l. The mas or cornelian cherry-tree, has an upright tree-stem, rising 20 feet high, branching and forming a large head, with oblong leaves, and small umbels of vel- lowish-grecn flowers, at the sides and ends of the branch COR COR es; appearing early in the spring, and succeeded by small, red, cherry-like, eatable, acid fruit. 2. The sanguinea, bloody-twig, or common dogwood, has an upright tree- stem, branching 10 or 12 feet high, having blood-red shoots, with oblong pointed nervous leaves two inches long; and all the branches terminated by umbellate white flowers, succeeded by blackberries: of this there is a kind with variegated leaves. 3. The Florida or Virginian dog-wood, has a tree-stem branching 12 or 15 feet high, and fine red shoots, with large heart-shaped leaves; and the branches terminated by umbellate white flowers, hav- ing a large involucrum succeeded by dark-red berries. Of this species there are several varieties, chiefly distin- guished by the colour of their berries, which are red, white, or blue. All the species may be propagated by seeds, which ought to be sown in autumn, otherwise they will lie a year in the ground. They may also be propa- gated by suckers, of which they produce great plenty, or by laying down the young branches. CORNUTIA, a genus of the angiospermia order, in the didynamia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 40th order, personate. The calyx is quinquedentated; the stamina longer than the corolla; the style very long; the berry monospermous. There are two species: the pyramidata has blue pyramidal flowers and hoary leaves. It grows plentifully in several of the islands of the West Indies, also at Campeachy, and at La Vera Cruz. It rises to the height of 10 or 12 feet, with rude branches, the leaves being placed opposite. The flowers are produced in spikes at the end of the branches, and are of a fine blue. They usually appear in autumn, and will sometimes remain in beauty for two months or more. It is propagated either by seeds or cuttings, and makes a fine appearance in the stove, but is too tender to bear the open air in this country. COROLLA, among botanists, the most conspicuous part of a flower, surrounding the organs of generation. See Botany. COROLLARY, is a consequence drawn from some- thing already advanced or demonstrated: thus, it being demonstrated that a triangle which has two equal sides, has also two angles equal, this corollary will follow; that a triangle which has three sides equal, has also its three angles equal. CORONA, among botanists, expresses any thing grow- ing on the head of a seed. See Botany. Corona borealis, the northern crown or garland, in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, whose stars in Ptolemy's cataloge are 8, in Tycho's as many, and in Mr. Flamsteed's 31. CORONAL, coronalis, in anatomy, the first suture of the scull. See Anatomy. CORONARY vessels, vasa coronaria, in anatomy, certain vessels which furnish the substance of the heart with blood. CORONATORE eligendo, in law, a writ that lies di- rected to the sheriff, out of the court of chancery, on tiie death or discharge of any coroner, commanding him to call the freeholders of the county for the election of a new coroner, and to certify to the said court both the election and the name of the party chosen, and to ad- minister Ms oath to him, Sec. CORONErR, a very ancient officer at the common law: he is called coroner, because he acts principally in the pleas of the crown; and coroners were of old time the conservators of the peace. This officer ought to be a sufficient person, that is, the most wise and discreet knight that best would and might attend upon such an office. St. Westm. c. 10. By the 14 Ed. III. st. 1, c 8 no coroner shall be chosen unless he shall have land in fee sufficient in the same county wherein he may an swer to all manner of people. The lord chief justice of the king's-bench is the sovereign coroner of the whole realm. How elected. In ancient times, none under the deerc* of knight were chosen. 2 Inst. 32.176. But as the chief intent was to prevent the choosing of persons of mean ability, it seems the design of it is sufficiently answered by choosing men of substance and credit; and as the constant usage for several ages past has been accoid- ingly, it seems to be no objection at this day that the person chosen is not a knight. 2 Haw. 42, 43. By the 28 Ed. III. c. 6. it is enacted, that all coroners of the counties shall he chosen in full county-courts, by the commoners of the said counties, of the most meet and lawful people that shall be found in the same, to exe- cute the said office. But though they are chosen by the county, it must be pursuant to the king's writ, issuing out of and returnable into chancery; and none but free- holders have a voice at such election, for they only are suitors to the county-court. 2 Inst. 99. 2 Haw. 43, 44. When chosen they shall be sworn by the sheriff for the due execution of their office. 2 Hale. H. 55. His duty in taking inquisitions. When any person comes to an untimely death, the township shall give no- tice thereof to the coroner; etherwi.se if the body be in- terred before he come, the township shall be amerced. Hale's PI. 170. And if the township shall suffer the body to lie till putrefaction without sending for him, they shall be amerced. 2 Haw. 48. When the coroner has received notice, he shall issue a precept to the constables of the four, five, or six next townships, to return a competent number of good and lawful men of their townships, to appear before him in such a place, to make an inquisition touching that mat- ter. 4 Ed. I. st. 2. Or he may send a precept to the con- stable of the hundred. Wood, b. 4. c. 1. And there must be twelve jurors at the least. 2 Inst. 148. If tbe consta- ble make no return, or if the jurors returned shall not ap- pear, their defaults are to be returned to the coroner, and they shall be amerced before the judses of the assize. 2 II. H. 55. J 5 The jury, after being sworn, is to be charged by the coroner to inquire, upon the view of the body, bow the party came hy his death. 2 H. H. 60. Every coroner upon an inquisition before him found, whereby any person shall he indicted for murder or manslaughter, or as an accessary before the offence com- mitted, shall put in writing the effect of the evidence giv- en to the jury before him being material; and shall bind over the witnesses to the next general gaol-delivery to give evidence; and shall certify the evidence, the recog- nizance, and the inquisition or indictment before him ta- ken and found, at or before the trial, on pain of being fined hythe court. 1 &2 P. Se M. c. 13. s. 5. \ But the coroner cannot inquire of accessaries afterSfe6 COR COR fact. He ought to inquire into the death of all persons dyiiur in prison, that it may be known whether they died by violem e or any unreasonable hardships. His general power and duty. Besides his judicial place, the coroner has an authority ministerial, as a sheriff; namely, when there is a just exception taken to the she- riff, judicial process shall be awarded to the coroner for the execution ofthe king's writ. And in some special ca- ses the king's original writ shall be immediately direct- ed to him. 4 Inst. 271. He is bound to be present in the county-court to pronounce judgment of outlawry upon the exigent, after quinto exact us, at the fifth court, if the defendant do not appear. Wood, b. 4. c. 1. It is his duty to inquire of treasure that is found, who were the finders, and likewise who is suspected thereof. He may also receive the appeal of an approver for an of- fence in the same, or in a different county; and if the appellee be in the same county, he may award process against him to the sheriff till it come to the exigent; hut if the appellee be in a foreign county, the coroner can- not award process against him, but must leave it to the justices of a gaol-delivery, before whom the appeal is af- terwards recorded. 2 Haw. 52. Punishment for misdemeanour. Justices of aSsize and peace have power to inquire of and punish the defaults and extortions of coroners. 1 Hen. \ ill. c. 7. and 25 Geo. II. c. 29. s. 6. His fees. The coroner shall have for his fee, upon every inquisition taken upon the view ofthe body slain, 13s. 4d. of the goods and chatties of him that is the slayer and murderer, if he have any goods; and if he have no goods, of such amerciament, as any township should hap- pen to be amerced for the escape ofthe murderer. 3 Hen. VII. But as the said fee of 13s. 4 rare in Sweden, that Linnwus speaks of it only as a bird that he once knew killed there. It lays the same number of eggs as the raven, and of the same colour. Imme- diately after deserting their young they go in pairs.—. Both these birds are often found white or pied, an acci- dent that befals black birds more frequent than any others. Mr. Pennant says, he has observed one entire- ly of a pule brown colour, not only in its plumage, but even in its bill and feet. The crow weighs about 20 CORVUS. ounces. Its length is 18 inches; its breath two feet two inches. 3. The frugilegus, or rook, is the corvus of Virgil; no other species of this kind being gregarious. It differs not greatly in its form from the carrion-crow; the most re- markable difference is in the nostrils and root of the bill; which parts in the crow are well clothed with fea- thers, but in the rook are bare, or coveicd only with some bristly hairs. This arises from its thrusting the Mil into the earth continually, after the various worms and crucae of insects, on which it feeds; for it does not live on carrion, like the last species or the raven. Besides insects, it also feeds on all sorts of grain, to some incon- venience perhaps to the husbandman, but no doubt he is doubly repaid by the good done to him in extirpating the maggot of the chafer-beetle, which in some seasons des- troys whole crops of corn by feeding on the roots. The rook is a gregarious bird, sometimes being seen in im- mense flocks, so as almost to darken the air. These flights they regularly perform morning and evening, ex- cept in breeding-time, when the daily attendance of both male and female is required for the use of incubation, or feeding the young; for it is observed that they do both by turns. As these birds are apt to form themselves in- to societies, such places as they frequent during the breeding-time are called rookeries; and they generally choose a large clump of tbe tallest trees, for this pur- pose, but make so great a litter, and such a perpetual chatter, that nothing but habit and a length of time can reconcile one to the noise. The eggs are like those of crows, but less, and the spots larger. They begin to build in March, and after the breeding season forsake their nest-trees, going to roost elsewhere, but have been observed to return to them in August. In October they repair their nests. In Britain they remain the whole year; yet we are told that both in France and Silesia they are birds of passage. 4. The cornix, or Royston crow, in its habits resem- bles the rook, feeding on insects, and flying together in great flocks; but is easily distinguished by its plumage; its back, breast, and belly, being ash-colour, inclining to light blue, and consequently much handsomer; it is also rather larger than the rook, weighing 22 ounces. In England it is a bird of passage, visiting that kingdom in the beginning of winter, and leaving it with the wood- cocks. In the maritime parts they feed on crabs and shell-fish. They are very common in Scotland; in many parts ofthe Highlands, and in all the Hebrides, Orkneys, and Shetlands, it is the only species of genuine crow, the carrion and rook being unknown there. It breeds and continues in those parts the tvhole year round. In the Highlands they breed indifferently in all kinds of trees; lay six eggs; have a shriller note than the common crows; are much more mischievous; pick out the eyes of lambs, and even of horses when entangled in bogs. They are, therefore, in many places proscribed, and rewards given for killing them. For want of other food these birds will eat cranberries or other mountain berries. 5. The daurlcus, or white-breasted crow, is in length about 12 inches; the bill is black; the head and throat are black, glossed with blue; the neck and breast white; the rest of the body, wings, and tail, blue-black; the legs of a lead-colour; the claws black. Pallas describes the same species, which he says cam** early in the spring in great flights from China, and the southern Monguls country, into the parts about the lake Baikal, but most frequent about the towns and villages on the river Lena, in which part the jackdaws and Royston crows are very seldom seen. They live chiefly on insects. 6. The monedula, or jackdaw, weighs nine ounces; the length 13 inches, the breadth 28. The head is large in proportion to its body; wiiich Mr. Willughby says, argues him to be ingenious and crafty. It is a docile and loquacious bird. Jackdaws breed in steeples, old castles. and in high rocks, laying five or six eggs. Sometimes they have been known to breed in hol'ow trees near a rookery, and join those birds in their foraging parties. In some parts of Hampshire, they make their nests in rabbit-holes. They also build in the interstices between the upright and transum stones of Stonehenge; a proof of the prodigious height of that stupendous antiquity, for their nests are placed beyond the reach of the shep- herd-boys, who are always idling about this spot. Thev are gregarious birds, and feed on insects, grain, and seeds. These birds are frequently brought up tame; tbey have a practice of hiding that part of their food which they cannot eat; and often, along with it, they secrete small valuables, sometimes occasioning injurious suspi- cions of theft in servants or others not guilty. 7. The glandarius, or jay, is one of the most beauti- ful of British birds. The weight is between six and se- ven ounces; the length 13 inches. The forehead is white streaked with black; the head is covered with very long feathers, which it can erect at pleasure into the form of a crest; the whole neck, back, breast, and belly, are ofa faint purple dashed with grey;the covert-feathers ofthe; wings are of the same colour. The first quill-feather is black; the exterior webs of the nine next areash-rolour- ed; the interior webs dusky; the six next are black, but the lower sides of their exterior webs are white tinged with blue; the two next wholly black; the last of a fins bay-colour, tipt with black. Jays build chiefly in woods, making their nests of sticks, fibres of roots, and tender twigs; and lay five or six eggs, of the size of a pigeon's, cinereous olive marked with pale brown. The young keep with the old ones till the next pairing-time in spring, when they choose each his mate to produce their future progeny. In general they feed on acorns, nuts, seeds, and fruits of all kinds, but will sometimes destroy young chickens and eggs, and will also take away birds that have been caught in a trap, or entangled with bird- lime. They arc often kept in cages, and will talk pretty well. 8. The caryocatactes, or nutcracker, is somewhatless than the jackdaw-, the bill is strong, straight, and black; the colour of the whole head and neck, breast and body, of a rusty brown; the crown of the head and rump are plain; the other parts marked with triangular white spots; the wings are black; the coverts spotted in the same manner as the body; the tail is rounded at the end, black tipt with white; the vent-feathers are wliite; the legs dusky. We find these birds scattered in many parts of Europe, but no where so plenty as in Germany. Tbey visit England very seldom; and are also found in North America, but not near the sea-coasts. 9. The pica, or magpie, is in length above 18 inches* COR COR and weighs eight or nine ounces. In manners it ap- proaches the crow, feeding almost on every thing in turn, both animal and vegetable; and like that will kill young ducks and chickens, and suck the eggs. It builds its nest with art, making a thorny cover at top, leaving a hole in the side feir admittance; lays six or seven pale-greenish eggs, thickly spotted with black. It is a crafty bird in every state, and, if brought up young, becomes exceed- ingly familiar; and will talk a great many sentences, as well as imitate every noise within hearing, like a parrot, but not so plain. 10. The graculus, or red-legged crow, is but thinly scattered over the northern world: no mention is made of it by any of the Faunists; nor do we find it in other parts of Europe, except Britain and the Alps. It is pro- duced in the island of Candia in Asia; and it visits Egypt towards the end of the inundation of the Nile. Except in Egypt, it affects mountainous and rocky places; builds its nest in high cliffs or ruined towers; and lays four or five eggs, white- spotted with a dirty yellow. It feeds on insects, and also on new-sown corn. They commonly fly high, make a shriller noise than the jackdaw, and may be taught to speak. It is a very tender bird, ani unable to bear very severe weather; is of an elegant, slender make; active, restless, and thieving; much taken wi!h flitter, and so meddling as not to be trusted where things of consequence lie. It is \ ery apt to catch up bits of light- ed sticks, s> that there are instances of houses being set on fire by its means; on wlich account Camden calls it incendiaria avis. It is found in Cornwall, Flinsbirc, Caernarvonshire, and Anglesea, in the rocky cliffs along the shores. It is also found in Scotland as far as Strath- navern, and in some of the Hebrides. Its colour is whol- ly black, beautifully glossed over with blue and purple: the legs and bill are of a bright orange-colour inclining to red; the tongue is almost as long as the bill, and a little cloven; the claws are1 large, hooked, and black. 11. The cristatus, or blue jay, is much smaller than the common jay. The bill is black, and above an inch long: the head is crested and blue: a streak on each side of the head and throat are of a bluish white, and there is a spot of the same over the eye: the hind part ofthe neck and bafk i■; blue: the wings and tail the same; all the feathers of the last, except tbe two middle ones, tip- ped with white; the feathers of both it and the wings ele- gantly barred with black, and the greater coverts and second quills Hpped with white: the breast is of a blossom- colour: the bcilv and under tail-coverts white: the legs are dusky brown: the tail is nearly as long as the rest of the bird. The colours of the female are less bright than those of th' male. The species is said to be peculiar to North America, but not seen farther north than the town of Albany. 12. The canadensis is in length nine inches, and weighs two ounces. The bill is blackish, and not quite an inch long: the irides are black: the forehead and throat are of a dirty yellow-white; the hind-head and sides of a black- ish brown: the upper parts of the body are brown: be- neath, pale ash. These birds inhabit Canada; and are frequent near Hudson's bay, where they are called whiskijohn and whiskijaek. They breed early in the spring; build in pine-trees: and hav e two, rarely three, young at a time. The eggs are blue. They arc not gre- garious. Their food is black moss, worms, and flesh* They are very bold pilfering birds, stealing from the tra- veller even salt meat; and devouring often the bait from the traps set for the martins, as soon as the persons who set them turn their backs. They lay up stores for win- ter; at which time they are seldom seen unless near ha- bitations. Corvus, the raven, in astronomy, a constellation of the southern hemisphere, wherein, according to Ptolemy and Tycho's catalogue, are seven stars; whereas the Britannic catalogue reckons no less than ten. Corvus, in Roman antiquity, a military engine, or rather gallery, moveable at pleasure by means of pul- leys, chiefly used in boarding the enemy's ships, to cover the men. CORYB ANTES, in antiquity, priests ofthe goddess Cybele, who, inspired with a sacred fury, danced up and down, tossing their heads, and beating on cymbals or brazen drums. They inhabited mount Ida, in the island of Crete, where they nourished the infant Jupiter, keeping a continual rattling with their cymbals, that his father Saturn, who had resolved to devour all his male offspring, might not hear the child's cries. CORYBANTICA, in Grecian antiquity, a festival kept in hommr of the corybantes. CORYCOMACHIA, among the ancients, was a sort of exercise in which they pushed forwards a ball, sus- pended from the ceiling, and at its return either caught it with their hands, or suffered it to meet their body. Oribasius informs us it was recommended for extenuat- ing too (gross bodies. (CORYDALIS, in botany, a genus of the diadelphia, hexandria class and order; there are five species, na- tives of Pennsylvania aud New York. (\>) CORYLUS, tbe hazel, a genus or the polyandria order, in the monoecia class of plants; and in the na- tural method ranking under the 50th order, amenta- cese. The male calyx is monophyllous, scale-like, tri- fid, and uniflorous; there is no corolla; the stamina eight in number: the female calyx diphyllous and lacerated; no corolla; two styles; and an egg-shaped nut. There are three species: 1st. The coryius avellana (from Avel- lino, in Italy, where they were first cultivated), or haze), of which the filbert is a variety. 2d. Coryius rostrata, or American cuckoldnut. 3d. Coryius columo, Constan- tinopolitan hazel. They are all ofthe large shrub kind, hardy and deciduous; and have several varieties valuable for their nuts, as also for their variety in large wilder- nesses and shrubberry works. They will prosper in al- most any soil or situation, and turn to* good account when growing in coppices to cut as under wood, and as poles for various uses; as hoops, spars, hurdler, handles to husbandry implements, walking-sticks, fishing-rods, Sec. for which purposes they may be cut every fifth, seventh j or eighth year, according to the purposes to which they are designed. The best method of propagating them is by layers, though they may also he raised from the nuts. The kernels of the fruit have a mild, farinaceous, oily taste, agreeable to most palates. Squirrels and mice are fond of them, as well as some birds, such as jays, nut crackers, &c. A kind of chocolate has been prepared from them, and there are instances of their havinc been formed into bread. The oil expressed from them is little COR COS inferior to the oil of almonds; and is U9cd by painters, and by chemists, for receiving and retaining odours. Evelyn tells us, that no plant is more proper for thick- ening of copses than the hazel, for which he directs the following expeditious method: Take a pole of hazel (ash -or poplar may also be used) of 20 or 30 feet in length* the heads a little lopped, giving it a chop near the ground to make it succumb; this fastened to the earth with a hook or two, and covered with some fresh mould at a competent depth (as gardeners lay their carnations), will produce a great number of suckers, and thicken and furnish a copse speedily. CORYMBIUM, a genus of the monogamia order, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, composite. The calyx is diphyllous, uniflorous, and prismatical; the corolla mono- petalous and regular; there is one w oolly seed below each floret. There are four species. CORYNOCARPUS, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants. The calyx is a pen- taphyilous perianthium: the corolla consists of five round- ish, erect, and hollow petals; the stamina five subulated filaments arising from the base of the petals; the anthera? are erect and oblong; the pericarpium a monospermous, turbinated, clavated nut. There is one species, a native of New Zealand. CORYPHA, mountain palm, or umbrella-tree, a genus of the order of palmse, belonging to the monoecia class of plants. The corolla is tripetalous; the stamina six, with one pistil; the fruit a monospermous plum. There are two species. The umbracula is a native of the West Indies, where it is called codda pana. It rises to a con- siderable height, and produces at the top many large, palmated, plaited leaves, the lobes of which are very long, and are placed regularly round the end of a long spiny footstalk, in a manner representing a large um- brella. The flowers are produced on a branched spadix, from a compound spatha or sheath; they are hermaphro- dite, and each consists of one petal, divided into three oval parts, and contains six awl-shaped stamina, sur- rounding a short slender style, crowned with a simple stigma. The germen is nearly round, and becomes a large globular fruit of one cell, including a large round stone. These plums having a pleasant flavour are held in esteem by the Indians. CORYPHJENA, in ichthyology, a genus belonging to the order of thoracici. The head is declined and truncated; the branchiostege membrane has six rays; and the back-fin, runs the whole length of the back. There are twelve species, most of them natives of foreign seas. The most remarkable are the blue and parrot fishes, described by Mr. Catesby. The head ofthe first is of an odd structure, resembling that of the spermaceti whale: the mouth is small, each mandible armed with a single row of even teeth, so closely joined that they seem entire bones; the iris of the eye is red. On the back is a long pliant fin, somewhat indented on the edge; behind the gills are two fins, one under the abdo- men and another behind the anus. The tail is forked; and the whole fish entirely blue. They are taken on tiie coasts of the Bahama islands, and in most of the seas between the tropics. The parrot-fish has a large mouth, paved as it were with blunt teeth, closely con- nected after the manner of the lupus marinus. The body is covered with large green scales; the eyes are red and yellow; the upper part of the head brown, the lower part and the gills blue, bordered with a dusky red* a streak of red extends from the throat behind the gills' at the upper end of which is a bright-yellow spot. The fins are five in number: one extending almost the length of the back, of a bay or cinnamon colour; there are two behind the gills, blended with black, green, and purplish colours, with the upper edge verged with blue; under the abdomen is another red fin verged with blue; under the anus extends another long narrow green fin, with a list of red through the middle of it. At the basis of the tail on each side is a large yellow spot. The tail is large, forked, and green; with a curved red line runnin0* through the middle parallel to the curve, and ending in two points. The fish is more esteemed for beauty than the delicacy of its taste. They are taken on the coasts of Hispaniola, Cuba, and the Bahama islands. See Plate XXXVI. Nat. Hist. fig. 145. PI. XL. fig. 146. COS, the whetstone, in natural history, a genus of vitrescent stones, consisting of fragments of an indeter- minate figure, subopakc and granulated. Of this genus there are several species, some consisting of rougher and others of smoother, or even of altogether impalpable, particles; and used not only for whetstones, but also for mill-stones and other similar purposes. Cos turcica, turkey-stone, a species of stones ofthe garnet kind, belonging to the siliceous class. It is of a dull white, and often of an unequal colour; some parts appearing more compact than others. Its specific gravity is 2598: it strikes fire with steel, and effervesces with acids. Mr. Kirwan found that 100 parts of it contain 25 of mild calcareous earth (carbonate of lime), and no iron. Cronstedt is of opinion that there are probably two sorts of stones known by this name, as that described by "Wallerius neither gives fire with steel nor effervesces with acids. It is used as a whetstone; and those of the finest grain are the best hones for the most delicate cut- ting tools, and even for razors, lancets, Sec. CO-SECANT, in geometry, the secant of an arch which is the complement of another to 90°. See Tri- gonometry. COSHERING, a seignoral prerogative, whereby the lord and his followers lay and feasted themselves at his tenant's house. CO SIN AGE, a writ that lies where the tresayle or great-grandfather is seized in his demesne, as of fee at the day of his death, of certain lands or tenements, and dies, and then a stranger enters, and abates; for then shall his heir have this writ of cosinage. CO-SINE, in trigonometry, the sine of an arcb, which is the complement of another to 90°. See Trigo- nometry. COSMOGRAPHY, a description ofthe several parts ofthe visible world; or the artof delineating the several bodies according to their magnitudes, motions, relations* Sec. It consists of two parts, astronomy and geogra- phy. COSTIVENESS, obstructio alvi, in medicine, a pre- ternatural detention of the feces, with an unusual dry- COS C 0 1 ness and hardness of them, and thence a suppression Qi their evacuation. Sec Medicine. COSTS, in law. By the statute of Gloucester, 6 Ed. I. c. l. it is provided that the demandant may recover against the tenant, the costs of his writ, together with his damage; and that this act shall hold place in all cases, when the party is to recover damages. 1 New. Abr. 511. Costs of the writ extend to all legal costs of suit, but not expenses of travel, loss of time, &c. 2 Inst. 288. AVhen double damages are given by act of parliament, the costs shall be double ! also; for damages include costs. Str. 1048. Persons suing in forma pauperis, shall not pay costs. 3 Black. 400. It is an action, wherein tliere can be no such certify - in:;-, as debt, assumpsit, trover, trespass for taking goods, trespass for spoiling goods, trespass for herding a ser- vant whereby he lost his service, it is out of the statute, and the plaintiff may have full costs. Salk. 208. Where Costs are allowed, it is not necessary for the jury to give them, but they may leave it to the court to do it, who are the best able to judge of what costs are fitting to be giv- en. It is the course of the court of king's-bench, to re- fer the taxation of costs to the proper officer ofthe court, and not to make any special rules for such matters, ex- cept it he in extraordinary cases. 1 Lit. Abr. 338. The matter of costs in equity, is not held a point of right, but merely discretionary, according to the circumstances ofthe case, as they appear more or less favourable to the party vanquished. 3 Black. 451. If costs be refus- ed to be paid, an attachment lies. 1 Nils. Abr. 550. The king and any person suing to his use shall neither pay nor receive costs. Stat. 24 H. VIII. c. 8. The 18 Geo. III. c. 19. authdrizes any justice, who shall have heard and determined the matter of a coin- plaint made before him to award such costs to be paid by either party and in such manner as to lain shall seem meet, to the party injured: and if the person so ordered hv t lie justice, shall not forthwith pay, or give satisfac- tion te> the juslice, the same shall bv levied by distress: and if goods and chattels of such person cannot be found, the j ust ic e shall commit him to the house of correction for the place where such person shall reside; to be kept to hard labour for any time not exceeding one month, nor less than ten days; or till such sum, with the ex- penses attending the commitment, he first paid. Provided, that upon the conviction of any person up- on a penal statute, where the penalty shall be at or ex- ceed the sum of 5l. the said costs shall be deducted by the justice, at his discretion, out of the penalty, so that such deduction shall not exec eel one-fifth part of the pen- alty; and the remainder of the penalty shall be divided among the persons who would have been entitled to the whole thereof, if this act had not been made. Costs double or treble are allowed to defendants sued for act- ing under almost every statute relating to officers of jus- tice, customs or other duties, highways, paving, Kc. For more matter concerning costs, see Bac. Abr. K 6 Yin. Abr. tit. Costs. COSTUME, a term among painters: thus, a painter must observe the costume: that is, he must make every person and thing sustain its proper character: and not only observe the story, but the circumstances, the scene of action, the country or place, ml make tiie habit*. arms, manners, pr .portions, and the like, to correspond. COSTUS, in botany, a genus of the monandria-nio nogynia class of plant-;, the flower of which coir-lsli of three lanceolatodj concave, equal petals, placed pretty erect: the fruit is a roundish, coronated,trivalviilr.r cap- sule, with three cells, containing several triau;;! Jar seeds. There are three species. The. root of this plant, or the costus Arabicus in pharmacy, is an attcnuant, a diure- tic, and a sudorific: it is given in obstructions of the menses, and in chronic cases, in which there are infrac- tions of the viscera: its dose is from ten grains to half a dram, but we seldom hear of its being given singh. It is used in tbe Venice treacle, mithridate, and caryo- costine electuary. Costus must be chosen recent, dense. odorous, bitterish, and not carious. CO-TANGENT, the tangent of an arch, which is the complement of another. See Tkigoxometuy. COTESIAN theorem, in geometry, an appellation used for an elegant property of the circle discovered by- Mr. Cotes. The theorem is this: c c If the factors of the binomial a -f- x be required, the index c being an integer number. "With the centre O, (Plate XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 21,) and radius AO = a, describe a circle, and divide its circumference into as many equal paris as there are units in 2c, at the points A, B, C, D, Sec; then in the radius, produced if necessary, take OP = x; and from the point P, to all the points of division in the circumference, draw the lines PA, PB, PC, Sec; so shall these lines taken alternately be the factors sought: viz. c c pb x td pfx Sec = a -f x, c c c c c c and ta XPCXPE&c = flM x, viz. a —x, or x—a, ac- cording as the point P is within or without the circle. For instance, if c — 5, divide the circumference into 10 equal parts, and the point P being within the circle, then will OAs-f 0Ps=BP X DP X EPXHPX KP, and o.i5 — ops = apx cpx ep x gp x ip. In like manner, if c=6, having divided the circum- ference into twelve equal parts, then will OA6 -f OP6 = BP X DP X FP X HP X KP X MP, OA6 — OP6 = AP X CP X EP X GP X IP X IP. The demonstration of this theorem may be seen in Dr. Peinberton's Epist. de Cotcsii Inventis. See also Dr. Smith's Theoremata Logometrica et Trigonomctiica, added to Cotes's Harm. Mens. pa. 114; De Moivre Mis- cel. Analyt. pa. 17; and Waring's Letter to Dr. Powell, pa. 39. By means of this theorem, the author was enabled to make a^farther progress in the inverse method effluxions, than had been done before. But in the application of his discovery there still remained a limitation, which was removed by M. Dcmoivre. ( OTICE, or Cotise, in heraldry, is the fourth part of the bend. COTINL'S. SecRm-s. COTTAGE, in law, a little house for habitation, without lands belonging to it, stat. 4 Edw. I. But by a COTTON. later statute, 3t Eliz. c. 7, no man may build a cottage unless he lays four acres of land to it, except in cities or market-towns, or within a mile of the sea, or for the habitation of miners, sailors, foresters, shepherds, &c; excepting also cottages erected by justices of the pca^e for poor impotent persons. The above four acres of land must be freehold, and land of inheritance; copyhold, or lease for years, are not sufficient tenure by the statute. COTTON, a soft downy substance found on the gossypium, or cotton-tree. See Gossypicm. Cotton is separated from the seeds ofthe plant by a mill, and then spun and prepared for all sorts of fine work, as stockings, wraistcoats, quilts, &c. With it they likewise make calico and muslin; and sometimes it is mixed with wool, sometimes with silk, and even with gold itself. The finest sort comes from Bengal and the coast of Co- romandel. Cotton makes a very considerable article in commerce, and is distinguished into cotton-wool and cot- ton-thread. The first is brought mostly from the West India islands, and Smyrna: the most esteemed is white, long, and stf't. Those who buy it in bales should see that it has not been wet, moisture being very prejudicial to it. Of cotton-thread, that of Damas, called cotton-d'ounce, and that of Jerusalem, called bazas, have been the most esteemed; as also that of the West Indian islands. But with the help of the machines' now in general use, we are able to spin it of almost any degree of fine- ness. Cotton of Siam is a kind of silky cotton in the Antilles, so called because the grain was brought from Siam. It is of an extraordinary fineness, even surpass- ing silk in softness. They make hose of it there, pre- ferable to silk for their lustre and beauty. They sell at from 10 to 12 and 15 crowns a pair, but there are very few made unless for curiosity. The manner of packing cotton as practised in the An- tilles is thus: The bags are made of coarse cloth, of which they take three ells and a half each; the breadth is one ell and three inches. When the bag has been well soaked in water, they hang it up, extending the mouth of it to cross pieces of timber nailed to posts, fixed in the ground seven or eight feet high. He who packs it goes into the hag, which is six feet nine inches deep, er there- about, and presses down the cotton, which another throws in, with hands and feet; observing to tread it equally every where, and putting in hut little at a time. The best time of packing is in rainy moist weather, provided the cotton is under cover. The hag should contain from 300 to 320 pounds. Tiie tare abated in the Antilles is three in ihc hundred. Cottoh-spinning, the art or process of reducing cot- ton-wool into yarn or thread. The most simple method for this purpose, and the on- ly one in use for a long time in this country, was by the hand, upon the well-known domestic machine called a one-thread wheel. But as the demand for cotton good3 began to increase, other inventions were thought of for expediting this part of the manufacture. About 60 years ago, one Paul and others of London contrived an engine for a more easy and expeditious method of spinning cot- ton, and for wiiich they obtained a patent; but tiie un- dertaking did not prove successful. Some years after, various machines were constructed by different persons for facilitating the spinning of cotton, but without pro- ducingany very material or lasting advantage. At length, about the year 1767, Mr. James Hargrave, a weaver in the neighbourhood of Blackburn in Lancashire, con- structed a mac nine by wbich a great number of threads (from 20 to 80) might be spun at once, and for which be obtained his majesty's letters-patent. This machine is called a jenny, and is the best contrivance for spinnino> wroof Gr shoot that has hitherto appeared. It is now commonly constructed for 84 threads; and with it one person can spin 100 English hanks in the day, each hank containing 840 yards. Carding of Cotton, as a preparation for spinning used formerly to be performed by the hand, with a sin- gle pair of cards, upon the knee: but this being a t dious method, ill.suited to the rapid operations of the nevvspin- ning-machir.es, other methods were contrived for afford- ing a quicker and more adequate supply. The first im- provement f r this purpose was likewise made by Mr. Hargrave; and consisted in applying two or three cards to the same board, and fixing them to a stool or stork; whence they obtained the name of stock-cards. "With these one woman could perform two or three times as much work as she could do before in the common way. A still more expeditious method of carding, however, by what are ommonly called cylinder-cards, was soon afterwards invented, and is that which is now most com- monly practised: but as several persons lay claim to tins invention, it is not easy to determine to whom in par- ticular the merit of it is due. The next and most capital improvements which this branch of manufacture received were from Mr. Ark- wright, a native of Lancashire, afterwards sir Richard Arkwright of Cromford in Derbyshire. He first brought forward his new method of spinning cotton in 1768, tor which he obtained a patent in 1769: he afterwards, in 1775, obtained a patent for engines wiiich he had con- structed to prepare Jhe materials for spinning; though one of tliere patents, being challenged at law, was set aside some years before it expired. The result of Mr. Arkwright's different inventions and improvements, is a combination of machinery, by which cotton is carded, roved, and spun, with the utmost exactness and equali- ty; and sue h a degree of perfection rttained in spinning warp, as is not to be equalled in any other part of the world. To these improvements England is entirely indebted fcr the great extent of its cotton-manufactures; large buildings having been erected for that branch both in England and Scotland, many of which contain seve- ral thousands of spindles, each driven by one or more large water-wheels; and some of such extent as to spin at the rate of one thousand yards of twist or warp-yarn in a minute. Other u a bines have been invented at different timed, and a variety of improvements made by different me- chanics and manufacturers; one of which in particular we must not omit to mention. It is called a mule, being a kind of mixture of machinery between the warp-machine of Mr. Arkwright and the woof-machine or hand-jenny of Mr. Hargrave; and was also invented in Lancashire. This machine promises to be of great use in spinning COT C 0 V rotton-yarn for mucins to a degree of fineness never be- fore known in this country, being nearly equal in quali- fy to those usually brought from India. COT'l US, or Bull-head, in ichthyology, a genus be- longing to the order of thoracici. The head is broader than the body, and the gill membrane has six rays. There are six spcries, of which the most remarkable are: 1. The gobio, or river-bullhead, very common in all our clear brooks: if lies almost always at the bottom, either on the gravel or under a stone1: it deposit; its spawn in a hole which it forms among the gravel, and quits it with great reluctance. It feeds em water-insects, 'ibis fish seldom exceeds the length of three inches and a half: the head islaige, broad, bat. and thin at its circumference, being well adapted for insin lating itself under stones: on the middle part of the covers of the gills is a small crooked spine turning inwards. The eyes are very small, the irides yellow; the body grows slender towards the tail, and is very smooth. The colour of this fish is as disagreeable as its form, being dusky mixed with a dirty yellow; the belly is whitish. The taste, however, is e\c ellent. 2. The c atapbractus (See Plate XL. N. 11. fig. 1 17) is very common on most of tbe British coasts. It seldom exceeds five ine lies and a half in length, and even seldom arrives at that size. The head is large, bony, and very rugged: the end of the nose is armed with four short upright spines; on the throat are a number of sin,it white beards; the body is octagonal, and covered with a number of strong bony crusts divided into several compartments, tiie ends of whie h project into a sharp point, and torm several ecbinated lines along the back and sides from the head to the tail. 3. Tbe scorpins, or father-lasher, is iu>t uncommon on fhe rocky coasts of England; it lurks under stones, and will take a bait. It seldom exceeds 8 or 9 inches in length. The head is huge', and bus a m<»st formidable appearance, being arm- ed with vast spines, which it can oppose to any enemy that attacks it, by swelling out its checks and gill-covers to a large size. The nose and space- contiguous to the eyes are furnished with short .sharp spines; the covers of tbe gills arc terminated by exceeding long ones, wbich are both strong and very sharp-pointed. The mouth is large, the jaws covered with very small teeth; the roof of ihe mouth is furnished with a triangular spot of very minute teeth. This species is veiy frequent in the New- foundland sens, where it is called sculping: it is also as common on the coast of Orcenland, in deep water near the shore. It is a principal food of the natives, and the soup made of it is said to be agreeable as well as whole- some. COTULA, may-weed; a genus of the polygamia su- perflua order, in fhe syngenesia class of plants. Tbe re- ceptacle is almost naked; the pappus marginated; the flo- rets of the disc quadrifid, ofthe radius frequently none. There are 15 species, must of them herbaceous annu- als, rising six or eight inches high, and adorned with yelleiw flowers. None of them are natives of this country, and most of them require artificial heat. Coti la, or Cotylu, in antiquity, a liquid measure among the Greeks, equal to the hemina of the Romans, containing half a scxtary, or four acetabular hence it ap- pears that it contained ten ounces of wine, and nine of oil. L is observed that the cotula was used as a dry mea- sure as well as a liquid one, from the authority of Thucy- didis, who in one place mentions two cotulx of wine, and in Jinotbi-r two cotulse of bread. COTYLEDON, navel-wort; a genus ofthe penfagy- nia order in tbe decandria class of plants: and in the na- tural method ranking under the 13th order, succub otae. The calyx is quinquefid; the corolla monopetalous: there are five nectariferous scales at the base of the germen, p.nd five cppsules. There are nineteen species, m«st of them succulent perennials for the green-house; though some require to be kept in a stove. They rise fiom half a foot to a yard and a half high, and are adorned with yelJ'iw flowers growing in umbels. They are easily pro- pagated, either by seed or cuttings of their branches. COUCH, in painting, a term used for each lay or im- pression of colour, either in oil or water, with which the painter covers his canvas, wall, wainscot, or other matter to be painted. The weird is also used for a lay or impres- sion on any thing, to make it more firm and consistent, or to screen it from the weather. Thus, paintings are cover- ed with a couch or varnish; a canvas to be painted must have two couches of size, before the colours are laid on; two or three couches of white lead are laid on wood, be- fore the gold is applied. The leather-gilders lay a couch of water and whites of eggs on the leather, before tbey apply the gold or silver leaf. Tbe gold wire-drawers also use the word couch for the gold or silver leaf, wherewith they cover the mass to be gilded or silvered. The gilders use the term couch, for the quantity of gold and silver leaves applied on the metals in gilding and silvering. It is often vulgarly pronounced coat. COL CHANT, in heraldry, is understood of a lion, or other beast, when lying down, but vv ith his head raised; which distinguishes the posture of couchant from dor- meant, wherein he is supposed quite stretched out and asleep. Ct) UCHE', in heraldry, denotes any thing lying along: thus, chevron chouche is a chevron lying sideways, with the two ends on one side of the shield, wiiich should pro- perly rest on the base. COUCHING ofa cataract, in surgery, one of the two chief methods of curing a cataract, by couching with the needle. See Surgery. COVENANT, the agreement or consent of two or more by deed in writing, sealed and delivered; whereby either, or one of the parties, promises to the other, that something is done already, or shall be done afterwards: he that makes the covenant, is called the covenantor, and he to whom it is made the covenantee. Shep. Touch. 160. A covenant is generally either in fact, or in law. In fact, is that which is expressly agreed between the par- tics, and inserted in the deed. In law, is that covenant which the law intends and implies, though it be not ex- pressed in words; as if a lessor demise and grant to his lessee, an house or lands for a certain term, the law will intend a covenant on the lessor's part, that the lessee shall, during the term, quietly enjoy the same against all incumbrances. 1 Inst. 384. (:< vi \ ant to stand seiseu to uses, is when a man that has a wife, children, brother, sister, or kindred, by covenant in writing under hand and seal agrees, that for their, or any of their provision or preferment, he or his cou corj heirs, will stand seised of land to their use, either in fee- simple, fee-tail, or for life. CO-VERSED sine, in geometry, the remaining part of the diameter of a circle, after the versed sine is taken from it. See Trigonometry. COVERT WAY, or Corridor, in fortification, a space of ground, level with the field, on the edge of the ditch, three or four fathoms broad, ranging quite round the half-moons, and other works toward the country. It has a parapet raised on a level, together with its banquets and glacis. The greatest effort in sieges, is to make a lodgment on the covert-way, because the besieged usually palisade it along the middle, and undermine it on all sides. COVERTURE, in law, is applied to the condition of a married woman, who by the laws of England is sub potcstate viri, and therefore disabled to make bargain with any, to the.prejudice of herself or her husband, with- out his assent and privity, or at least without his allow- ance and confirmation. COUGH, tussis, in medicine, a convulsive motion of the diaphragm, muscles of the larynx, thorax, and abdo- men, violently shaking, and expelling the air that was drawn into the lungs by inspiration. See Medicine. COVIN, is a deceitful assent or agreement between two or more, to the prejudice of another. As if a tenant for term of life, or tenant in tail, will secretly c nspire with another, that the other will recover against the ten- ant for life, the lands which he holds, &c. in prejudice of him in the reversion. COULTER, is husbandry, an iron instrument, fixed in the beam of a plough, and serving to cut the edge rff each furrow. COUNCIL, Common, in the city of London, is a court wherein are made all bye-laws wbich bind the citizens. It consists, like the parliament, of two houses: an upper, composed of the lord-mayor and aldermen; and a lower, ofa number of common-councilmen chosen by the several wards, as representatives of the body of the citizens. Council, Privy, the executive part of the civil gov- ernment of Great Britain. It is composed of eminent persons, the number of whom is at the sovereign's plea- sure, who are bound by oath to advise the king to the best of their judgment, with all the fidelity and secrecy that - becomes their station. The king may declare to, or con- ceal from, his privy-council whatever he thinks fit; and has a select council out of their number commonly called the cabinet-council, (generally the principal officers of state) with whom his majesty determines such matters as are most important, and require the utmost secrecy. All proclamations from the king and the privy-council ought to be grounded on law, otherwise they are not bind- ing to the subject. Privy-counsellors, though but gentle- men, have precedence of all the knights and younger sons ot barons and viscounts, and are styled right honourable. Council of war, an assembly of the principal officers of an army or fleet, occasionally called by the general or admiral to concert measures for their conduct with re- gard to sieges, retreats, engagements, Sec. Council, in church-history, an assembly of prelates and doctors, met for the regulating matters relating to the doctrine, or discipline, ofthe church. Council, axumenical or general, is an assembly which represents the whole body of the universal church. The* Romanists reckon eighteen of them; Bullinger, in his treatise de Conciliis, six; Dr. Pridcaux, seven; and bis- hop Beveridge has increased the number to eight, which, he says, are all the general councils which have ever been held since the time of the first christian emperor. They are as follows: 1. The council of Nice, held in the reign of Constantine the great, on account of the heresy of Alius. 2. The council of Constantinople, called under the reign and by the command of Theodosius the Great, for much the same end that the former council was sum- moned. 3.The council of Ephesus, convened by Theodosius the Younger, at the suit of Nestorius. 4. The council of Chalcedon, held in the reign of Martianus, which ap- proved of the Eutychian heresy. 5. The second council of Constantinople, assembled by the emperor Justinian, condemned the three chapters taken out of the books of Theodorus of Mopsuestia, having first decided that it was lawful to anathematize the dead. Some authors tell us, that they likewise condemned the several errors ol Origcn about the Trinity, the plurality of worids, and the pre-existence of souls. 6. The third council of Con- stantinople, held by the command of Constantino i'o- gonatus the emperor, in which they received the defini- tions of the first five general councils, and particularly that against Origcn and Theodorus of Mopsuestia. 7. The second Nicene council. 8. The fourth council of Constantinople, assembled when Lewis II. was emperor of the West. The regulations wiiich they made are at- tained in twenty-seven canons. CO UNSEL^or prisoners. The judges nev; r scruple to allow a prisoner counsel, to instruct him what questions to a^k, or even to ask questions for him with respect to matters of fact; for as to matters of law, arising on the trial, they are entitled to the assistance of a counsel. 4 Black. 335. COUNSELLOR, or Counsel, one retained by a cli- ent, to plead his cause in a court of judicature. A coun- sellor in law retained, has a privilege to enforce any thing which he is informed of by his client, and to give it in evidence, it being pertinent to the matter in question, and not to examine whether it is true or false; but it is at the peril of him who informs him; for a counsellor is at his peril to give in evidence, that which his client informs him, being pertinent to the matter ia question, otherwise action upon the case lies against hi in by his client. Cro. Jac. 90. The fees to counsellors are not in the nature of wages or pay, or that which we call salary or hire; which are du- ties certain, and grow due by contract for labour or ser- vice; but what is given them, is honorium, not merccs; being a gift, which gives honour as well to the taker as the giver, nor is it certain or contracted; for n> price or rate can be set upon counsel, which is invaluable and in- estimable, so as it is more or less according to the cir- cumstances, namely, the ability of the client, the worthi- ness of the counscltor, the weightincss of the cause, and the custom of the country. It is a gift of su'ii a nature, that the able client may not neglect to give it, withont ingratitude, for it is but a gratuity or token of thankful- ness: yet the worthy counsellor may not demand it with- out doing wrong to his reputation. Prsef. to i)av. Rep- 22, 23, COUNT, comes, a nobleman who possesses a domain C 0 u C 0 u creeled into a county. The dignity is a medium between that of a duke and a baron. See Earl. Counts were originally lords of the court, or of the emperor's retinue, and had their name comites a comitando. Euschius tells us, that Constantine divided them into three classes: of the two first the senate was composed: those of the third had no place in the senate, but enjoyed several other privileges of senators. There are counts that served on land, others at sea; some in a civil, and some in a legal capacity. The quality of count is now no more than a title which a king grants upon erecting a territory into a county, with a reserve of jurisdiction and sovereignty Lo himself. A count has a right to bear on his arms a coronet adorned with three precious stones, and sur- mounted with three large pearls, whereof those in the middle aud extremities ofthe coronet advance above the rest. Count, in law, signifies the original declaration of complaint in a real action, as a declaration is in a per- sonal one. Count-wheel, in the striking part of a clock, a wheel which moves round once in twelve or twenty-four hours. COUNTER-APPROACHES, in fortification, lines and trenches made by the besieged in order to attack the works of the besiegers, or to hinder their approaches. Counter-approach, line of. a trench which the be- sieged make from their covered way to the right and left of the attacks, in order to scour the enemies' works. This line must be perfectly enfiladed from the covered way and the half-moon, that it may be of no service to the enemy, in case he gets possession of it. Cocnter-batterv, is a battery raised to play upon another to dismount the guns. Counter-bond, a bond of indemnification given to one who has given his bond as a security for another's payment of a debt, or the faithful discharge of his office or trust. Counter-charged, in heraldry, is when any field or e barge is divided or parted, by any line or lines of parti- tion, consisting all interchangeably of the same tinctures. Counter-deed, a secret writing either befoi'e a nota- ry or under a private seal, which destroys, invalidates, or alters, a public one. Counterfeits, in law, are persons that obtain any c xmey or goods by counterfeit letters or false tokens; who, being convicted before justices of assize or of the peace, Sec. are to suffer such punishment as shall be thought fit to he inflicted under death, as imprisonment, pillory, Ac. Counter-faced, or Contre-face', in heraldry, is the same that we call harry per pale coiinterchanged; but then the number of panes into which the field is divided, is always specified. Counter-foil, or Counter-stock, in the exchequer, that part of a tally which is kept hy an officii- of the court. Counter-forts, spurs or buttresses serving as props to a wall subject to bulge or to he thrown down. Ceu NTEu-Fi ci e, a fugue in which the subjects move in contrary directions. Cor-N ikr-gage, in carpentry, a method used in mea- suring the joints. For example, they transfer the breadth VOL. I. fil of a mortis to the place in the timber w )i--c^ the ten m i- to be, in order to make them fit each other. Counter-guard, in fortification, is a work raised before the point of a bastion, consisrnigof two lor;- face ^ parallel to the faces ofthe bastion, imping a saliani an gle: they are sometimes of olher shapes, ore'herwi.se situated. Countermand, in the English law, is where a thing before executed is by some act or ceremony afterwards made void by the party that did it. Countermarch, in military affair--., a change of im- face or wings of a battalion, by which means those that were in the front come to be in the rear. It also .signifies returning or marching back again. Counter-mark, a mark put upon poods that have been marked before. It is also used for the several marks put upon goods belonging to several persons, to -how that they must not be opened but in the presence of them all or their agents. In Goldsmith's work, the counter- mark is the mark punched upon the work at the hall, to show that the metal is standard. Counter-mark of a medal is a mark added to it a long time after its being struck. It is sometimes an emperor's head, sometimes a cornucopia, Sec. Counter-marks are distinguished from the monograms in this, that being struck after the medal, they are indented; whereas the monograms being struck at the same time with the me- dals, have a little relievo. Counter-mine, in war, a well and gallery driven and sunk till it meets the enemy's mine, to prevent its effect. Counter-paled, contre-palle, in heraldry, is when the escutcheon is divided into 12 pales parted per fesse, • the two colours being coiinterchanged; so that the upper are of one colour, and the lower of another. Counter-part, in music, denotes one part to be ap- plied to another. Thus the bass is said to be a counter- part to the treble. In law, it is the duplicate or copy of any indenture or deed. Counter-passant, is when two lions are in a coat of arms, and the one seems to go quite the contrary way from the other. Counter-plea, in law, a cross or contrary plea; particularly such as the demandant alleges against a tenant' in courtesy or dower, who prays the king's aid, Sec. for his defence. Counterpoint, in music, the act of combining and modulating consonant sounds. This branch of musical practice derives its name from the points formerly em- ployed in composition instead of notes, and may be un- derstood point against point, or note against note. This was the primitive state of counterpoint, which has since been called plain or simple counterpoint, in contradis- tinction to the modern figured or florid counterpoint, in which, for the purpose of beautifying the melody and en- riching the general effect, many notes in succession are frequently set in one part against a single note in another. Counter-Quartered, in heraldry, denotes the escutcheon, after being quartered, to have each quarter again divided into two. Cointer-sajlient, is when two beasts are borne in a coat leaping from each other directly the contrary way. Countebcabp, in fortification, is properly the extc- C 0 u con rior talus or slope of the ditch; but it is often taken for the covered way and the glacis. In this sense we say, the enemy have lodged themselves on the counter-scarp. Counterscarp, angle of the, is that made by two sides of the counterscarp, meeting before the middle of the curtin. Countersigning, the signing the writing of a su- perior in quality of secretary. Thus charters are signed by the king, and countersigned by a secretary of state or lord chancellor. Counter-swallowtail, in fortification, an outwork in form of a single tenaille, wider at the gorge than the head. Counter-tenor, high tenor,-a term applied to the highest natural male voice. Counter-tripping, is when two beasts are borne in a coat in a walking posture, the head of the one being next the tail of the other. Counters in a ship, are two. 1. The hollow arching from the gallery to the lower part of the straight piece of the stern, is called the upper counter. 2. The lower counter is between the transom and the lower part of the gallery, COUNTY, in geography, originally signified the ter- ritory of a count or earl, but now it is used in the same sense with shire, and contains a circuit or portion of the realm, into which the whole land is divided, for the better government of it, and the more easy administration of justice; so that there is no part of this nation which is not within some county; and every county is governed by an annual officer, whom we call a sheriff. Fortescue, c. 24. See Sheriff. Counties palatine, are those of Chester, Durham, and Lancaster. Of these three, the county of Durham is now the only one remaining in the hands of a subject; for the earldom of Chester was united to the crown by king Henry III. and has ever since given title to the king's eldest son. And the county-palatine or duchy of Lancaster, in the reign of king Henry IV., was by act of parliament vested in the king, and his heirs, kings of England, for ever. 1 Black. 118. There is a court of chancery in the counties-palatine of Lancaster and Durham, over which there are chan- cellors; that of Lancaster called the chancellor of the duchy: and there is a court of exchequer at Chester, of a mixed nature, for law and equity, of which the cham- berlain of Chester is judge. There are also a chief jus- tice of Chester, and other justices in the other counties- palatine, to determine civil actions and pleas ofthe crown. In all of these the king's ordinary writs are of no force; and the judges of assize, who sit within these franchises, sit by virtue of a special commission from the owners thereof, and under the seal thereof, and not by the usual commission under the great seal of England. 3 Black. 79. County-corporate, a title given to several cities on which the English monarchs have thought proper to bestow extraordinary privileges, annexing to them a particular territory of land or jurisdiction; as the coun- ty of Middlesex annexed to the city of London, the county of the city of York, the county of the city of Bristol, Sec. County-court. This was formerly a court of great dignity and plendour; the bishop and the earl, with the 2 principal gentlemen of the shire, sitting therein to ad- minister justice, both in lay and ecclesiastical causes. But its dignity was much impaired when the bishop was prohibited, and the earl neglected, to attend it: and in modern times, as the proceedings are immoveable hence into the king's superior courts, by writ of pone or re- cordare, this has occasioned Hie business of the county- court in a great measure to decline. By the 2d and 3d Ewd. VI. c. 25, no county-court shall be longer deferred than one month from court to court; so that the county-court shall he kept every month, and not otherwise; and only 28 days shall be reckoned to the month. 2 Inst. 74. And it may be kept at any place within the county, unless restrained by statute. Wood, c. 4. c. 1. The suitors, that is, the freeholders, are the judges of this court; except that in re-disseisin, by the statute of Merton, the sheriff is judge. The jury in this court ought to be freeholders; but the quantum of their estate is not material. This court shall hold pleas between party and party, where the debt or damage is under 40*. 4 Inst. 266. But in replevin the sum may exceed 40s. Id. It has not cognizance of trespass vi et armis, because a fine is thereby due to the king, which it cannot impose. Id. But by virtue of a writ of justices, the court may hold plea of trespass vi et armis, and of any sum, or of all actions personal above 40s. Id. Causes may be removed from this court by a writ of recordare, issuing out of the chancery, directed to the sheriff, commanding him to send the plaint that is be- fore him in his county-court (without writ of justices) into the court of king's bench of common pleas, to the end that the cause may be there determined; whereupon the sheriff is to summon the other party to be in that court (into which the plaint is to be sent) at a day cer- tain; and he is to make certificate of all this under his own seal, and the seal of the four suitors of the same court. Read, County-court. Causes may also be removed by pone, which differs in nothing from a recordare, except that it removes such suits as are before the sheriff by writ of justices, and a recordare is to remove the suit that is by plaint only, without writ. Id. And though the plea be discontinued in tbe county, yet the plaintiff or defendant may remove tbe plaintinto the common pleas or king's bench, and it shall be good, and he shall declare upon the same. Id. County-rate. By the 12th Geo. II. c. 29. the jus- tices at their general or quarter sessions, or tbe greater part of them (and by 13 Geo. II. c. 18. justices of liber- ties and franchise not subject to county-commissioners,) shall have power to make one general county-rate, to an- swer all former distinct rates, which shall be assessed on every parish, &c. and collected and paid by the hign constables of hundreds to treasurers appointed by the justices, which money shall be deemed the public stock, &c: but appeal lies by the churchwardens and overseers against the rate of any particular parish. 22 Geo. III. c. 17. This rate is,— For the repairing of bridges and highways thereto adjoining; and salaries for the surveyors of bridges; for building and repairing county-gaols; for repairing shire- halls; for the salary of the master ofthe house of correc- C 0 u C 0 u tion, and relicvingthe weak and sick in his custody; for the relief of the prisoners in the king's bench and mar- shalsea prisons, and of poor hospitals in the county, and of those who shall sustain losses by fire, water, the sea, or other c acuities, and other charitable purposes for the re- lief of tbe poor, as the justices in sessions shall think fit; fi»r the relief of the prisoners in the county-gaol; for the preserva'ion ofthe health ofthe prisoners; for the salary of the chaplain ofthe county-gaol; for setting prisoners to work: salary of persons making returns ofthe prices ofroiii; for charges attending the removal of any of the said general county-rates by certiorari; for money for purchasing lands at the ends of county-bridges; for char- ges of rebuilding or repairing houses of correction, and for fitting up and furnishing the same, and employing the persons sent thither; for charges of apprehending, con- veying, and maintaining, rogues and vagabonds; for charges of soldiers' carriages over and above the offi- cers' pay for the same, by the several yearly acts against mutiny and desertion, and by the militia act; for the coroner's fee of 9d. a mile for travelling to take an inqui- sition, and 20s. for taking it; for charges of carrying persons to the goal or house of correction; for the gaol- er's fees for persons acquitted of felony or discharged by proclamation; for charges of prosecuting and convicting l'el >iis; for charges of prosecuting and convicting persons plundering shipwrecked goods; for charges of maintain- ing Hie mililia-men's families by the several militia acts; for charges of bringing insolvent debtors to the assizes, in order to their discharge, if themselves are not able to pay; for the charges of transporting felons, or convey- ing them to the places of labour and confinement; for charges of carrying parish apprentices, bound to the sea service, to the port to wiiich the master bclongeth. By the 12th Geo. II. c. 29, the churchwardens and overseers shall, in 30 days after demand made, out of the money collected for relief of the poor, pay the sums so assessed on each parish or place: and if they shall ne- glect or refuse so to pay, the high-constable shall levy the same by distress and sale of their goods, by warrant of two or morcjustices residing in or near such parish or place. Where there is no poor-rate, the justices, in their general or quarter sessions, shall by their order direct the sum assessed on such parish, township, or place, to he rated and levied by the petty constable or other peace- officer, as money for the relief of the poor is by law to be rated or levied. The high-constables, at or before the next session respectively after they have received the money, shall pay the same to the treasury; and the mo- ney so paid shall he deemed the public stock: and the !»aid high-constables shall deliver in a true account on oath (if required) ofthe money by them received, before the said justices at their general or quarter sessions. Tbe treasurer shall pay so much of the money in his hands to such persons, as the justices in session shall from time to time appoint, for any uses and purposes to which the public stock of any county, city, division, or liberty, is or shall be applicable; and shall deliver in a true account on oath (if required) of his receipts and disbursements to the justices at every general or quarter session, and also the proper vouchers for the same, to he kept amongst the records ofthe sessions: and the discharge ofthe said justices, by their order at their general or quarter session, shall be a sufficient di >charge to the trca surer: and no new rate shall be made until it appears by the treasurer's accounts or otherwise, that three-fourth' of the money collected has been expended for the pur- pose aforesaid. If the churchwardens and overseers of any parish or place shall think such parish or place ;- overrated, they may appeal to the next general or quar- ter session. COUP-DE-MAIX, in military affairs, implies a des- perate resolution in all small expeditions of surprise, Sec The favourable side of the proposed action must ever he viewed; for if what may happen, arrive, or fall out, is chiefly thought upon, it will at the very best, not only greatly discourage, hut in general it will produce a total failure. The very name of an expedition implies risk, hazard, precarious warfare, and a critical but desperate operation or coup-de-main. Coup-d'oeif, in a military sense, signifies that fortu- nate aptitude of eye in a general or other officer, b} which he is enabled at one glance on the map to see the weak parts of an enemy's country, or to discern the strongoncs of his own. By possessing a ready coup-d'oeil, a general may surmount the greatest difficulties, parti- cularly in offensive operations. On a small scale this faculty is of the greatest utility. Actions have been re- covered by a sudden conception of different openings upon the enemy, wiiich could only be ascertained by a quick and ready eye, during the rapid movements of op- posing armies. COUPED, coupe', in heraldry, is used to express the head or any limb of an animal cut off from the trunk smooth; distinguishing it from that which is called eras- ed, that is, forcibly torn off, and therefore is ragged and uneven. Coupeo is also used to signify such crosses, bars, bends, chevrons, &c. as do not touch the sides of the escutcheon, but are, as it were, cut off from them. COUPLE-CLOSS, in heraldry, the fourth part of a chevron, never borne but in pairs, except tliere is a chev- ron between them. COUPURE, in fortification, are passages sometimes cut through the glacis, of about 12 or 15 feet broad, in the re-entering angle of the covert-way, to facilitate the sallies of the besieged. They are sometimes made through the lower curtain, to let boats into a little haven built on the rentrant angle of the counterscarp of the out works. COURAP, the modern name for a distemper very com- mon in Java and other parts ofthe East Indies. Itis a sort of herpes or itch on the arm-pits, groins, breast and face: the itching is almost perpetual; and the scratching is followed by great pain and a discharge of matter, which makes the linen stick so to the skin as not easily to be separated without tearing off the crust. Courap is a general name for any sort of itch; but this distemper is thus called by way of eminence. It is so contagious that few escape it. For the cure, gentle and repeated purging is used, and externally the ointment of nitrated quick- silver. COURSE, in navigation, the point of the compass or horizon which a ship steers on, or the angle which the rhumb-line on which it sails makes with the meridian* being sometimes reckoned in degrees, and sometimes i/i points of the compass. C 0 TJ cou When a ship sails either due north or south, she sails on a meridian, makes no departure, and her distance and difference of latitude are the same. When she sails due east or west, her course makes right-angles with the meridian, and she sails either upon the equator or a parallel to it; in which case she makes no difference of latitude, but her distance and departure are the same. But when the ship sails between the cardinal points, on a course making always the same oblique angle with the meridians, her path is then the loxodromic curve, being a spiral cutting all the meridians in the same an- gle, and terminating in the pole. Course, in architecture, a continued range of stones, level or of the same height throughout the whole length of the building. COURSES, in a ship, the mainsail and foresail: when the ship sails under them only, without lacing on any bonnets, she is then said to go under a pair of courses. To sail under a main course and bonnets, is to sail un- der a mainsail and bonnet. COURT. A court is defined to be a place appropri- ated to the judicial administration of justice. The law has appointed a considerable number of courts, some with a more limited, others with a more extensive juris- diction; some of these are appropriated to inquire only, others to hear and determine; some to determine in the first instance, others upon appeal and by way of review. The most general division of our courts is into such as are of record, or not; those of record are again di- vided into such as are supreme, superior, or inferior. A court that is not a court of record, cannot impose any fine on an offender, nor award a capias against him, nor hold plea of debt or trespass, if the debt or dama- ges amount to 40s.; nor of trespass done vi et armis, though the damages are laid to be under 40s. Court-baron, is a court which every lord of the mannor (anciently called the barons) has within his own precincts. This court is an inseparable ingredient of ev- ery manor; and if the number of the suitors should so fail as not to leave sufficient to make a jury or homage, that is, two tenants at the least, the manor itself is lost. 2 Black. The court-baron is of two natures: the one is a custo- mary court, appertaining to the copyholders or other customary tenants, and of this the lord or his steward is the judge; the other is a court of common law, and is before the freeholders who owe suit and service to the manor, the steward being rather register than judge. The copyholders, or customary court, is for grants and admittances upon surrenders and descents, on pre- sentment of the homage or jury. The homage may in- quire of the death of tenants after the last court, and who is the next heir; of fraudulent alienation of lands, to defeat the lord of his profits; of rent or service with- drawn; of escheats and forfeitures; of cutting down trees without licence or consent; of suit not performed at the lord's mill; of waste by tenant for life; of surcharge of iommon; of trespass in corn, grass, meadow, woods, hedges; of pound-breach; of removing mere-stones and land-marks; of by-laws not observed, and the like. The method of punishment is by amercement. Court of chancery. See Chanceu.gr, and Chancery. Court of chivalry, otherwise called the marshal court, the judges of which were the lord constaMe of England and the earl marshal of England; but since the extin- guishment of the hereditary office of constable in the reign of Henry VIII. this court has been holden before the earl marshal only; and if it exceed its jurisdiction, it may be prohibited by the common law courts. 2 Haw. 602. It seems at this day to have a jurisdiction as to dis- putes concerning precedency and points of honour and satisfaction therein; and may proceed against persons for falsely assuming- the name and arms of honourable persons. 2 Haw. 11. This court is to be governed bv its own usages, as far as they go, and in other cases bv the civil law; but since it is no court of common law, no condemnation in it causes any forfeiture of lands or cor- ruption of blood; neither can an error in it be remedied by a writ of error, but only by appeal to the king; yd the judges ofthe common law take notice of its jurisdic- tion, and give credit to a certificate of its judges. Court christian, so called because, as in .secular courts, the king's laws sw,ay and decide causes, so in ec- clesiastical courts, the laws of Christ should rule and direct; for which cause the judges in these courts are divines, as archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, kc. Court of common pleas. See Common Pleas. Court of delegates, is the highest court for civil affairs that concern the church. See Delegates. Courts, ecclesiastical, are those courts which are held by the king's authority, as supreme governor of the church, for matters which chiefly concern religion. As to suits in spiritual or ecclesiastical courts, they are for the reformation of manners; as for punishing of heresy. defamation, laying violent hands on a clerk, and the like; and some of their suits are to recover something demanded, as tithes, a legacy, contract of marriage, &c; and in cases of this nature, the court may give costs, but not damages. The proceedings in the eccle- siastical courts are according to the civil and canon law: they are not courts of record. Court of exchequer. See Exchequer. Court of hustings, the highest court of record holden at Guildhall, for the city of London, before the lord mayor and aldermen, the sheriffs, and recorder. 4 Inst. 247. This court determines all pleas, real and mixed; and here all lands, tenements, and hereditaments, rente, and services, within the city of London and suburbs of the same, are pleable in two hustings; one called hustings ofthe plea of lands, and the other hustings ofthe com- mon picas. In the hustings of plea of lands are Iroiight writs of right patent, directed to the sheriffs of London. In the hustings of common pleas are pleaded writs ex gravi querela, writs of gravclet, of dower, wraste, kc. iff an erroneous judgment be given in the hustings, the party grieved may sue a commission out of chancery, directed to certain persons, to examine the record, and thereupon do right. Court of king*s bench. See King's Bench. Court of the legate, was a court obtained by cardinal Wolsey of pope Leo X. 9 Hen. VIII. wherein he had power to prove wills, and dispense with offences against the spiritual laws, &c. This court was, however, of short continuance. Court of marshalsea. See Marshalsea. cou C R A Court martial, is a court for punishing the offences of officers and sddiers in time of war. See 22, 29, and 32 Geo. II. c. 3, 6, 25, and 34. Court of nisiprius. See Nisi Prius. Court of peculiars, a spiritual court, held in such parishes as are exempt from the jurisdiction of the bishops, and are peculiarly belonging to the archbishop of Canterbury, in whose province tliere are 57 such peculiars. Court of piepowder, a court held in fairs to do jus- tice to buyers and sellers, and for redress of disorders committed in them; so called because they are most usual in summer, when the suitors to the court have dusty feet; and from the expedition in hearing causes proper thereunto, before the dust goes off the feet of the plain- tiff and defendant. The court of piepowder may hold plea of a sum above 40s. The steward before whom the court is held is the judge, and the trial is by merchants and traders in tbe fair; and the judgment against the defendant shall be, quod amercietur. If the steward proceeds contrary to the statute 17 Edw. IV. he shall forfeit 51. Court of requests, was a court of equity, ofthe same nature with the court of chancery, but inferior to it. This court having assumed great power to itself, so that it became burthensome, Mich, anno 40 and 41 Eliz. in the court of common pleas, it was upon solemn argument adjudged, that the court of requests was no court of judicature, Sec; and hy the statute 16 and 17 Char. I. c. 10, it was taken away. 4 Inst. 97. By 41 Geo. III. c. 14, for extending the powers of the court of requests within the city of London, all debts amounting to less than 5l. due from any person within the jurisdiction of the city, are to be exclusively sued for and recovered. Two aldermen, and not less than twenty inhabitants, householders of the several wards and districts, are appointed commissioners and sit in ro- tation. The process is hy summons; and the commis- sioners have power to award payment by such instal- ments as are consistent with the circumstances and abili- ty of the debtor. In this court an attorney's privilege is of no avail. Court of ihc lord steward oftfie king's household. The lord steward, or, in his absence, the treasurer and comp- troller of the king's house, and steward of the marshal- sea, may inquire of, hear and determine, in this court, all treasons murders, manslaughters, bloodsheds, and other malicious strikings, whereby blood shall be shed, in any of the palaces and houses of the king, or in an\ other house wherein his royal person shall abide. Comits of universities. These courts are called the chancellor's courts, and are kept by the vice-chancellors of Oxford and Cambridge. Their jurisdiction extends to all causes ecclesiastical and civil (exceptfor maihem, felony, and relating to freehold) where a scholar, ser- vant, or mimster of the universities, is one of the parties to the suit. They proceed in a summary way, accord- ing to the practic c of the civil law; and the judges in their sentences follow the justice and equity of the civil law, or the laws, statutes* and customs of the universi- ties, or the lawsof the land, at their discretion. If any erroneous judgment he given in these courts, appeal lies to the congregation; thence to the convocation; and thence to the king in chancery by his delegates. Courts of Wales. By 34 and 35 Hen. VIII. c. 26, it is enacted, that there shall be a court of great session kept twice in every year in each of the twelve counties of Wales; and the justices of those courts may hold pleas of the crown in as large a manner as the king's bench, &c; and also pleas of assize, and all other pleas and ac- tions real and personal, in as large a manner as the com- mon pleas, &c. Writs of error shall lie from judgments in this great session, it being a court of record to the court of king's bench at Westminster. But the ordinary original writs of process from the king's courts at Westminster do not run into the principality of Wales, though process of ex- ecution does, as do also prerogative writs. COURTESY, or Courtesy of England, a certain tenure whereby a man marrying an heiress seized of lands of fee simple or fee tail general, or seized as heir of the tail special, and having a child by her that comes alive into the world, though both it and his wife die forth- with, yet if she was in possession, he shall keep the land during his life, and is called tenant per legem Anglia, or te- nant by the courtesy of England; because this privilege is not allowed in any country except Scotland, where it is called curialitas Scotia;. COUSU, in heraldry, signifies a piece of another colour or metal placed on the ordinary, as if it were sewed on, as the word imports. COVERT, in heraldry, denotes something like a piece of hanging, or a pavilion, falling over the top of a chief or other ordinary, so as not to hide but only to be a co- vering to it. COWARD, in heraldry, a term given to a lion borne in an escutcheon with his tail doubled or turned in be- tween his legs. COWL, or Coul, a habit worn by the Bernardins and Benedictines, of which there arc two kinds: one white, very large, worn in ceremonies; the other black, worn on ordinary occasions in the streets, &c. CRAB, in zoology. See Cancer. Crab's-claws. See Materia Medica. Crab's-eyes. See Materia Medica. Crab, or gin, an engine used for mounting large guns on their carriages, Sec. It is composed of three long and stout legs, meeting together at their tops; these legs are round poles of about 12 or 13 feet long, whose dia- meters at the lower end are about four inches, five just below the roller besides the cheeks that are added to them in that place, and about three inches and a half above. Two of these poles can be fixed at a certain distance from each other, by means of two iron bars placed hori- zontally, one being about four feet long, the other about seven; and a roller is made to run upon pivots turning on, or in, these two poles: this roller is commonly seven inches and three-fourths in diameter, and six feet long. A portion of twenty inches is left square at each endj and holes made in each to receive the handspikes by which the men turn the roller: but the middle part is made cylindrical, to wind the cable upon. The trans- verso iron bars are fixed with one end to one of the polci C R A C R A by means of a bolS and with the other end to the other pole with a bolt and key; so as to be readily taken out, in order that when the gin is to be removed from place to place the poles may lie close together upon the car- riage. There are two iron band and two iron bolts to fasten each cheek (for the pivots) to the poles, and iron plates round the poles where the iron bars are fixed. The poles arc hooped at each end; and the upper ends have straps through which an iron bolt passes: this bolt keeps the upper ends together, as well as serves to support the iron to which the windlass is hooked. The windlass con- tains two brass pulleys, about which the cable goes, which is fixed to the dolphins of the gun or mortar with another windlass, containing two brass pulleys likewise. When this machine is used, the whole is laid flat on the ground, the lower end of the single pole extending the contrary way, in order to fasten the upper windlass when the cable has been turned round both: after this the up- per end is raised gradually till the feet of the three poles ("each of which has an iron prong) stand nearly at equal instances; in such a manner as the legs of a theodolite, or plain table, when set up for use in the practice of sur- veying. CRADLE, in surgery, a case in which a broken leg is laid after beine: set. Cradle, among shipwrights, a timber frame made along the outside of a ship, for the convenience of launching her with ease and safety. See Plate XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 22. CRAFT, in the sea-language, signifies all manner of nets, lines, books, &c. used in fishing. Hence all such little vessels as ketches, hoys, and smacks, &c. used in the fishing trade, are called small craft. CRAMBE, Sea-cabbage, Sea-beach Kale, or Sea-colewort, a genus ofthe siliquosa order, in the tctr adynamia class of plants; and in the natural method anking under the 39th order, siliquosse. The four longer filaments are forked at top, with an anthera only on one point of each; the fruit is a dry, globose, and deciduous berry. There are six species, three of them herbaceous esculents with perennial roots, producing annually large leaves resembling those of cabbage spreading on the ground, with strong flower-stalks and yellowish flowers. Only one ofthe species is a native of Britain. It grows wild on the shores of many of the maritime counties of England, hut is cultivated in many gardens as a choice esculent; and the young robust shoots of its leaves and flower-stalks, as they issue forth from the earth after the manner of asparagus-shoots, are then in the greatest perfection for use. At this period, if covered when they rise with a garden-pot, they appear white as if blanched, and when boiled cat exceedingly sweet and tender. Its principal season for use is in April and May. This plant may also be employed in the pleasure-ground as a flow- ering perennial, for the stalks divide into fine branchy heads of flowers. It is propagated by seeds sown in any common light earth in autumn or spring, where the plants are to remain, which, when two years old, will produce shoots fit for use, will multiply exceedingly hythe roots, and continue for many years. The crainbe fruticosa is a greenhouse plant. CRAMP, in medicine, a convulsive contraction of a muscular part ofthe body. It affects all parts indiffer- ently; but the hams, calves, feet, and toes, oftener than the arms and hands. Cramp-iron, or C ramps, a piece of iron bent at cadi end, which serves to fasten together pieces of wood, stones, or other things. CRAMPONE'E^ in heraldry, an epithet given to a cross which has at each end a cramp or square piece coming from it; that from the arm in chief towards the sinister angle, that from the arm on that side downwards that from the arm in base towards the dexter side, and that from the dexter arm upwards. CRANE. See Grus. Crane, a machine used in building, on wharfs, and in warehouses, for raising and lowering huge stones, ponderous weights, packages, &c. Cranes, until of late years, were commonly construct- ed as follows: The principal member is a strong upright beam or arbor, firmly fixed in the ground, and sustain- ed by eight arms, coining from the extremities of four pieces of wood laid across, through the middle of wbich passes the foot of the beam. About the middle ofthe ar- bor the arms meet, and are mortised into it: its top ends in an iron pivot, on which is borne a transverse piece, advancing out to a good distance, something after the manner of a crane's neck, whence the machine has its name. This projecting piece is now more commonly called the jib or gibbet. The middle and extremities of this arc again sustained by arms from tbe middle of the arbor: and over it comes a rope or cable, to one end of which the weight is fixed; the other is wound about the spindle of a wheel, which when turned (commonly by means of men walking upon the inside ofthe riin ofthe wheel) draws the rope, and that heaves up the weight; which may afterwards be applied to any side or quarter by the mobility of the transverse piece on the pivot. These cranes have usually been made of two kinds: in the first, called the rat-tailed crane, the whole machine with the load turns upon a strong axis: in the second kind the gibbet alone moves on its axis. But in either kind, if the machinery is put into motion by men walk- ing within the wheel, as has been till lately the almost universal practice in this country, the labourers employ- ed are exposed to extreme danger, and have frequently met with the most shocking and fatal accidents. It is not then to be wondered at, that skilful machanists should at length have devised cranes that are not only more safe, but more powerful in their operation, than the common walking crane. The late Mr. Ferguson invented a crane which has three trundles, with different numbers of staves, that may be applied to the cogs of a horizontal wheel with an upright axle; round which is coiled the rope that draws up the weight. This wheel has 96 cogs; the largest trundle 24 staves, the next 12, and the smallest 6; so that the largest revolves four times for one revo- lution ofthe wheel, the next 8, and the smallest 16. A winch is occasionally fixed on the axis of either of these trundles for turning it; and is applied to the one or the other according as the weight to be raised is smaller or larger. While tins is drawing up, the ratch-teeth of a wheel slip round below a catch that falls into them, pre- vents the crane from turning backwards, and detains the weight in any part of its ascent, if the man who works GRANE. at the winch should accidentally quit his hold, or wish to rest • iinsclf before the weight is completely raised. Making a due allowance for friction, a man may raise by such a crane, from three times to twelve times as much in weight as would balance his effort at the winch, viz. from 90 to 360lbs. taking the average labour. But several cranes which are preferable to the com- mon walking-crane, while they are free from the dan- gers attending that machine, lose at the same time one of its advantages; that is, they do not avail themselves of that addition to the moving power wiiich the weight of the men who are employed may furnish. Yet this ad- vantage has been long since ensured by the mechanists on the continent, who cause the labourers to walk upon an inclined plane, turning upon an axis. The same principle has been lately brought into notice, probably without ever knowing it had been adopted before, by Mr. James White, of Chevening, in Kent: his crane is ex- hibited in fig. 1. as it was described in the Transactions ofthe Society for the Encouragement of the Arts. See Plate XXXVII. Cranes. A (fig. 1.) is a circular inclined plane, moving on a pivot underneath, and carrying round with it the axis E. A person walking on this plane, and pressing against the lever B, throws off the gripe D, by means of an iron rod C; and thus admits the plane and its axis to move freely, and raise the weight G by the coiling of the rope F round the axis E. To show more clearly the construction and action of the lever and gripe, a plan of the circular inclined plane, with the level and gripe, is added, (see fig. 2.) where B represents the level, D the spring or gripe. In this plan, where the level B is in the situation in which it now ap- pears, the spring or gripe D presses against the peri- phery of the plane, as shown by the double line, and the machine cannot move; but when the lever B is pressed out to the line II, the gripe is also thrown off to the line I, and the whole machine left at liberty to more. One end of a rope or cord, of a proper length, is fixed near the end of the lever B, and the other end made fast to one of the uprights, serving to prevent the lever moving too far when pressed by the man. The supposed proprietors of this crane, for which the premium of 40 guineas was adjudged by the society to the inventor, are as follows: 1. It is simple, consisting merely ofa wheel and axile. 2. It has comparatively little friction, as is obvious from the bare inspection of the figure*.3. It is durable, as is evident from the two properties above-mentioned. 4. It is safe; for it c annot move but during the pleasure of a man, and while he is actually pressing on the gripe- lever. 5. This crane admits of an almost infinite vaiiety of different powers, and this variation is obtained with- out the least alteration of any part ofthe machine. If, in unloading a vessel, there should be found goods of any weight: from a few hundreds to a ton and upwards, the man that does the work will he able so to adapt his strength to each as to raise it in a space of time propor- tionate to its weight; he walking always with the same velociiv as nature and his greatest ease may teach him. It is a great disadvantage in some cranes, that they take as long time to raise the smallest as the largest weight, unless the man who works them turns or walks with such velocity as must soon tire him. In other cranes, perhaps two or three different powers may be procured; to obtain which, some pinion must he shifted, or fresh handle applied or resorted to. In this crane, on the con- trary, if the labourer finds his load so heavy as to permit him to ascend the wheel without its turning, let him on- ly move a step or two towards the circumference, and he will be fully equal to tbe task. Again, if the load is so light as scarcely to resist the action of his feet, and thus to oblige him to run through so much space as to tire him beyond necessity, let him move laterally to- wards the centre, and he will soon feel the place where his strength will suffer the least fatigue by raising the load in question. One man's weight applied to the ex- tremity ofthe wheel would raise upwards ofa ton; and it need not be added, that a single-sheaved block would double that power. Suffice it to say, that the size may be varied in any required ratio; and that this wheel will give as great advantage at any point of its plane as a common walking-wheel of equal diameter, as the incli- nation can be varied at pleasure, as far as expediency may require. It may be necessary to observe, that what in the figure is the frame, and seems to form a part of the crane, must be considered as a part of the house in which it is placed; since it would be mostly unnecessary should such cranes be erected in houses already built. With respect to the horizontal part, by walking on which the man who attends the jib occasionally assists in rais- ing the load, it is not an essential part of this invention, where the crane is not immediately contiguous to the jib; although, where it is, it would certainly be very convenient and economical. Notwithstanding, however, the advantages which have been enumerated, Mr. White's crane is suhject to this objection, that it, derives less use than might be wished from the weight of the man or men: for a great part of that w eight (half of it, if the inclination be 30 degrees) lies directly upon the plane, and has no tendency to pro- duce motion. Besides, when this crane is of small di- mensions, the effective power of the men is very unequal, and the barrel too small for winding a thick rope: when large, the weight of the materials added to that of the men put it out of shape, and give it the appearance of a large unwieldy moving floor. Fig. 3 represents a crane in common use, in situa- tions where no building is wanted over it. A B is a strong upright shaft, working through a collar in the timber-floor of the wharf, and on a pivot in the bottom of a well, some feet below it. D E are the timbers form- ing the jib to support the pulley I over which the chain passes. G H I is a cast iron cross bolted to the framing at two of its extremities: another cross fixed in the same manner to the other side, makes a frame for the wheels K, L. M, N. K is a pinion with 15 teeth: the ends of its spindle Q pass through the cross, and are squared for winch handles by which it turned. This works into the wheel L of 22 teeth, its spindle P, and has also square ends for the winches. It has a pinion N of 7 teeth upon it, which works the wheel M of 100 teeth, fixed to the roll on which the chain winds, whose spindle is Q. This crane has the advantage of traversing a whole circle, which for many purpo.scs is very useful. It has several different powers by men working at winches put on the C R A C II A different spindles separately or combined. When the man works by the spindle P, the pinion K is thrown out of gear by slidi'ig ils spindle along, and when he works by the spindle Q, the wheels K and L are thrown out. This is prevented from happening accidentally by a col- lar on each spindle acting against a double clep R, fig. 4. moviog on a centre at S, and is made to act by the v.eight T: when thi • weight is lifted up, both spindles are at liberty t<> be slid along. In figure 5, is shown the method, in common use, of slinging a large block of stone, by which the necessity of passing the chain under it is avoided. Fig. 6 is a simple and effective crane at a wharf on the banks of the Thames, between Greenwich and Woolwich. \BC arc three upright posts connected at the top by a triangular frame, across the middle of which is a beam 1), between this and a block on the ground the jib plays: on each side of the upright shaft E, two bars FG are bolted, spreading out as they recede from it to receive the wheel Ii; I I are braces to support the bars. At that part where the braces are bolted to the upright, an hori- zontal frame K is fixed for carrying the roll and winch: die rope which winds round this goes over the pully L, and round the large wheel H. The rope which lifts the goods winds on each end of the axle of this wheel; and the middle of it passes through a pully-block 0,to which the goods are hooked. Fig. 7 is a crane used at several of the wharfs belong- ing to the Grand-junction canal company at Paddington: the frame of it is the same as fig. 6. A is the main shaft. BB are the horizontal bars of greater length than usual, bolted to the shaft A, near the middles, and having two struts (EE and FF) at each end, which makes this kind of jib very strong. The wheel G is placed at the short end of the jib; and the rope which winds round its axis, passes over pulleys H at the other end. Crane-lines, in a ship, are lines going from the up- per end of the spritsail-topmasttothe middle ofthe fore- stays. They serve to keep the spritsail-topmast upright and steady in its place, and to strengthen^it. CRANICHIS, a genus ofthe class and order gynandria decandria. The essential character is, nectary galeated. Tliere are five species. CRANIOLARIA, a genus of the angio-spermia order, in the duly namia class of plants; and in the natural me- thod ranking under the 40th order, personatse. The calyx of the flower is double, the under one tetraphyllous, the upper one a monophyllous spatha; the tube of the corolla very long; the capsule almost the same with that of the martynia. Tliere is one species, a native of New Spain, not possessed of any remarkable property. CRANK, a contrivance in machines, in manner of an elbow, only of a square form, projecting from a spindle, and serving by its rotation to raise and fall the pistons of engines. Crank likewise denotes the iron support for a lantern, and also the iron, made fast to a stock of a bell for ring- ing it. In the sea-language, a ship is said to be crank- sided when she can bear but small sail, for fear of over- setting: and when a ship cannot be brought on the ground without danger, she is said to be crank'by the ground. CRANZIA, a genus of the pentandria monogynia class and order. The calyx is five-parted, petals' fire; nee. none; berry or berried caps. There is one species. s with a small camcl's-buir pen- cil dipped in lake, ground thin with (ils, which must be done wilh great exactness. After this is accomplished, take asheet of paper ofthe same size and place it on the rclass, stroking over all the lines with the hand, by which means the colour will adhere to the paper, which must be pierced with pin-holes pretty close to each other. The paper intended to be used for the painting must next be laid upon a table, and the pierced paper placed upon it; then with some fine pounded charcoal, tied up in a piece of lawn, rub over tbe pierced lines, which will give an exact outline; but great care must be taken not to brush this off till the whole is drawn over with sketch- ing chalk; which is a composition made of whiting and tobacco-pipe clay, rolled like tbe crayons, and painted at each end. When a student paints immediately from the life, it will be most prudent to make a correct drawing of the outlines on another paper, tbe size of the picture he is going to paint, wiiich he may trace by the preceding method, because erroneous strokes ofthe sketching chalk (wbich are not to be avoided without great expertness) will prevent the crayons from adhering to the paper, ow- ing to a certain greasy quality in the composition. The student will find the sitting posture, with the box of crayons on his lap, the mo.st convenient method f«»r him to paint. The part ofthe picture he is immedi- ately painting should be rather below his face, for if it is placed too high tbe arm will be fatigued. Let the windows of the room where he paints be darkened, at least to the height of six feet from the ground; and the pubject to be painted should he situated in such a man- uer that the light may fall with every advantage on the face, avoiding too much shadow, which seldom has a good effect in portrait-painting, especially if the face he paints from has any degree of delicacy. Before he begins to paint let him be attentive to his .subject, and appropriate the action or attitude proper to the age of the subject: if a child, let it be childish; if a young lady, express more vivacity than in the majestic beauty of a middle-aged woman, who also should not he expressed with the same gravity as a person far advanc- ed in years. Let the embellishments of the picture, and introduction of birds, animals, &c. be regulated by the rules of propriety and consistency. The features of the face being correctly drawn with chalks, let the student take a crayon of pure carmine, and carefully draw the nostril and edge of the nose next the shadow; then, with the faintest carmine tint, lay in the highest light upon the nose and forehead, which must be executed broad. He is then to proceed gradual- ly with the second tint, and the succeeding ones, till he arrives at the shadows, which must be covered brilliant, enriched with much lake, carmine, and deep green. This method will at first offensively strike the ev e, from its crude appearance; but in the finishing it will be a good foundation to produce a pleasing effect, colours being much more easily sullied when too bright, than, when the first colouring is dull, to raise the picture into a brilliant state. The several pearly tints discernible in fine complexions must be imitated with blue verditer and white, which answers to the ultramarine tints used in oils. But if the parts of the face where these tints ap- pear are in shadow, the crayons composed of black and white must be substituted in their places. Though all the face when first coloured should be laid in as brilliant as possible, yet each part should be kept in its proper tone; by which means the rotundity of the face will be preserved. Let the student be careful when be begins the eyes, to draw them with a crayon inclined to the carmine tint, of whatever colour the irises are of; he must lay them in brilliant, and at first not loaded with colour, but exe- cuted lightly: no notice is to be taken ofthe pupil yet. The student must let the light of the eye incline very much to tbe blue cast, cautiously avoiding a staring white appearance (which when once introduced is sel- dom overcome), preserving a broad shadow thrown on its upper part by the eyelash. A black and very heavy tint is also to be avoided in the eyebrows; it is therefore best to execute them like a broad glowing shadow at first, on which, in the finishing, the hairs of the brow are to be painted; by which method of proceeding the former tints will show themselves through, and produce tbe most pleasing effect. The student should begin the lips with pure carmine and lake, and in the shadow ure some carmine and black; the strong vermilion tints should be laid on afterwards. He must beware of executing them with stiff harsh lines, gently intermixing each with the neighbouring colours, making the shadow beneath broad, and enriched with brilliant crayons. He must form the corner of the mouth with carmine,brown ochre, and greens, variously inter- mixed. If the hair is dark, he should preserve much of the lake and deep carmine tints therein; this may easily be overpowered by the warmer hair tints, which, as ob- served in painting the eyebrows, will produce a rich ef- fect when the pic ture is finished; on the contrary, if this method is unknown or neglected, a poverty of colouring will be discernible. When the head is brought to some degree of forward- ness, let the back-ground be laid in, Which must be treated in a different manner, covering it as thin as pos- sible, and rubbing it into the paper with a leather stump. Near the face the paper should be almost free from colour, for this will do great service to the head, and by its thinness give both a soft and solid appearance. In the back-ground also no crayon that has whiting in its composition should he used, but chiefly such as are the most brilliant and the least adulterated. The ground being painted thin next the hair, will give the student an opportunity of painting the edges of the hair over in a light and free manner when he gives the finishing touches. The student having proceeded thus far, the face, hair, and back-ground, being entirely covered, he must care- fully view the whole at some distance, remarking in what respect it is out of keeping, that is, what parts are too light and what too dark; being particularly attentive to tiie white or chalky appearances, which must be sub- dued with lake and carmine. The above method beine properly put into execution, will produce the appear- ance of a painting principally composed of three colours, CRAYON-PAINTING. viz. carmine, Liack, and white, which is the best prepa- ration a painter can make for producing a fine crayon picture. The next step is to complete the back-ground and the hair, as the dist, in painting these, will fall on the face, and would much injure* it if that was completed first. From thence proceed to the forehead, finishing downward till the whole picture is completed. In painting over the forehead the last time, begin the highest light with the most faint vermilion tint, in the same place where the faint carmine was first laid, keep- ing it broad in the same manner. In the next shade suc- ceeding the lightest, the student must work in some light-blue tints, composed of verditer and white, inter- mixing with them some of the deeper vermilion tints, sweeten ing them together with great caution, insensibly melting ihem into one another, increasing the proportion of each colour as his judgment shall direct. Some bril- liant yellows may also be used, but sparingly; and to- wards the roots of the hair strong verditer tints, inter- mixed with green, will be of singular service. Cooling crayons, composed of black and white, should succeed these, and melt into the hair. Beneath the eyes the sweet pearly tints are to be preserved, composed of verditer and white; and under the nose and on the temples the same may be used; beneath the lips tints of this kind also are proper, mixing them with die light greens and some vermilion. In finishing the cheeks let the pure lake clear them from any dust contracted from the other crayons; then with the lake may be intermixed the bright vermilion; and last of all (if the subject should require it), a few touches ofthe orange-coloured crayon, but with extreme caution; after, sweeten that part with the finger as little as possible, for fear of producing a heavy disagreeable effect on the cheeks; as the beauty of a crayon-picture consists in one colour showing itself through, or rather between, another; this the student cannot too often re- mark, it being the only method of imitating beautiful complexions. The eye is the most difficult feature to execute in crayons, as every part must be expressed with the ut- most nicety to appear finished; at the same time that the painter must preserve its breadth and solidity while he is particularizing the parts. To accomplish this, it will be a good general rule for the student to use his crayon in sweetening as much, and his finger as little, as possible. When he wants a point to touch a small part with, he may break off a little of his crayon against the box, which will produce a corner fit to work with in the minutest parts. If the eyelashes are dark, he must use pome of the carmine and brown ochre, and the crayon of carmine and black; and with these he may also touch the iris of the eye (if brown or hazel), making a broad shadow, caused by the eyelash. Red tints of vermilion, carmine, and lake, will execute the corners of the eye properly; but if the eyelids are too red, they will have a disagreeable sore appearance. The pupil of the eye must be made of pure lamp-black: between this and the lower part of the iris the light will catch very strong, but it must not be made too sudden, but be gently diffused round the pupil till it is lost in shade. When the eyeballs are sufficiently prepared, the shining spect must be made with a pure white crayon, which should be first broken to a point, and then laid on firm; but as it is possible they may be defective in neatness, thev should be cor- rected with a pin, taking off the redundant parts, by which means they may be formed as neat as can be re- quired. The difficulty with respect to the nose, is to preserve the lines properly determined; and at the same time so artfully blended into the cheek, as to express its projec- tion, and yet no real line to be preceptiblc upon a clost examination; in some circumstances it should be quite blended with the cheek, which appears behind it, and de- termined entirely with a slight touch of red chalk. The shadow caused by the nose is generally the darkest in the whole face, partaking of no reflection from its surround- ing parts. Carmine and brown ochre, carmine and black, and such brilliant crayons, will compose it best. The student having before prepared the lips with tlw strongest lake and carmine, &c. must with these colours make them completely correct; and when finishing intro- duce the strong vermilions, but with great caution, as they are extremely predominant. This, if perfectly touch- ed, will give the lips an appearance equal, if notsuperi- or, to those executed in oils, notwithstanding the seem- ing superiority the latter have by means of glazing, of which the former are entirely destitute. When the student paints the neck, he should avoid ex- pressing the muscles too strong in the stem, nor should the bones appear too evident on the chest, as both have an unpleasing effect, denoting a violent agitation of the body; a circumstance seldom necessary to express in portrait-painting. The most necessary part to be ex- pressed, and which should ever be observed (even in tin most delicate subjects,) is a strong marking just above the place where the collar-bones unite; and if the bead ia much thrown over the shoulders, some notice should be taken ofthe large muscle that rises from behind the ear, and is inserted into the pit between the collar bones. All inferior muscles should be, in general, quite avoided. The student will find this caution necessary, as most subjects, especially thin persons, have the muscles of the neck much more evident than it would be judicious to imitate. As few necks are too long, it may be necessary to give some addition to the stem, a fault on the other side being quite unpardonable, nothing being more ungraceful than a short neck. In colouring the neck, let the student pre- serve the stem ofa pearly hue, and the light not so strong as on the chest. If any part of the breast appears, its transparency must also be expressed by pearly tints; but the upper part ofthe chest should be coloured with beau- tiful vermilions delicately blended with the other. Of the drapery.—Dark blue, purple, black, pink, and all kinds of red draperies also, should be first tinged with carmine, wiiich will render the colours much more brilliant than any other method; over this should be laid on the paper the middle tint (a medium between the light and dark tints, of which the drapery is to be painted), except the dark masses of shadow, which should be laid on at first as deep as possible: these, sweetened with the finger, being destitute of the smaller folds, will exhibit a masterly breadth which the lesser folds, when added* ought by no means to destroy. With the light and dark tints the smaller parte are next to be made with freedom; C R E CRE executing as much wi*h the crayon, and as little with the finger, as possible; in each fold touching the last stroke with the crayon, which stroke the finger must ne- ver touch. In the case of reflections, the simple touch of the crayon will be too harsh, therefore fingering will be necessary afterwards, as reflected lights are always more gentle than those which are direct. With respect to reflections in general, they must always partake of the same colour as the object reflecting; hut in the case of single figures it may be useful to make some particular observations. In a blue drapery, let the reflections he of a greenish cast: in green draperies, make them of a yellow tint; in yellow, of an orange; in orange, reflect a reddish cast; in all reds, something of their own nature, but inclined to a yellow: black should have the reddish reflection; the reflection of a reddish tint will also present purples to the best advantage. Of whatever colour the drapery is, the reflection ofthe face must partake of it; otherwise the picture, like paintings on glass, will have but a gaudy effect. Linen, lace, fur, &c. should be touched spiritedly with the crayon, fingering very little, except the latter; and the last touches even of this, like all other parts, should be executed by the crayon, without sweetening by the finger. The methods above recommended have been practis- ed by the most celebrated crayon-painters, whose works have been held in public estimation: but the knowledge ot, and ability to execute, each separate part with bril- liancy and truth, will be found very insufficient to consti- tute a complete painter, without his jndgment enables him to unite them with each other, hy correctness of drawing, propriety of light and shadow, and harmony of colouring. In order to accomplish this, the student should carefully avoid finishing one part in particular, till he has properly considered the connection it is to have with the rest. The neglect of this is the principal reason why the performances of indifferent painters are so destitute of what is termed breadth; so conspicuously beautiful in the works of great masters. It must be granted that this observation relates more particularly to large compositions, where a diversity of figures re- quires such a judicious disposition, that each may assist in the combination of a kind of universal harmony; yet, even in portrait-painting, the student should be particu- larly attentive to observe this idea of breadth, if he is desirous of acquiring that importance and dignity which constitute excellence in painting. CREAM of tartar, called also chrystals of tartar. See Phaumacv. CREDITORS shall recover their debts of executors, or administrators, who in their own wrong, waste, or convert to their use, the estate of the deceased. 30 C. II. c. 7. Wills and devises of lands, Sec. as to creditors on bonds, or other specialties, arc declared void: and the creditors may have actions of debt against the heir at law and divisecs, 3 and 4 W. and M. c. 14: and in fa- vour of creditors, whenever it appears to be the testa- tor's intent, in a will, that his land should he liable for paying his debts, in such case equity will make them sabject, though there are n» express wordsj but there must be more than a bare declaration, or it shall be iu tended out of the personal estate. 2 Vcrn. Rep. 708. CREEPER. Sec Certhta. Creeper, at sea, a sort of grapnel, but without Hooks. used for recovering things fallen overboard. See PI. XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 23. CRENATED. See Botany. CRENCLES, in a ship, small ropes spliced into the bolt ropes ofthe sails at the main-mast and fore-mast. They are fastened to the bow-line bridles; and are also to hold by, when a bonnet is shaken off. CRENELLE', or embattled, in heraldry, is used when any honourable ordinary is drawn like the battlements on a wall. CRENOPHYLAX, in antiquity, a magistrate at Athens, who had the inspection of fountains. CREP1S, bastard hawk-weed, a genus ofthe poly- gamia order, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the forty-ninth order, com- positae. The receptacle is naked; the calyx calyculated, with deciduous scales; the pappus feathery and stalked. There are twenty species, most of them herbaceous an- nuals, rising to the height ofa foot or a foot and a half, and having their branches terminated by ligulatcd com- pound red and yellow flowers. These are very large, and consist of many flat flowrets spread over one another imbricatim, and when fully blown appear as if radiated. They are very conspicuous and beautiful; and appear in June, July, and August. They are succeeded by plen- ty of seed, which if permitted to scatter on the ground, will produce a number of young plants without further trouble. CREPITATION, that noise wtiich some salts make over the fire in calcination, called also detonation. Crepitation is also used in surgery, for the noise made by the ends or pieces of bones, when the surgeon moves a limb to assure himself by his ear of the exis- tence ofa fracture. CREPONDIA, in antiquity, a term used to express such things a«» were exposed along with children, as rings, jewels, &c. serving as tokens whereby they af- terwards might be known. CREPUSCULUM, in astronomy, twilight; the tim« from the first dawn or appearance of the morning to the rising of the sun; and again, between the setting of the sun and the last remains of day. The crepusculum is usually computed to begin and end when the sun is about eighteen degrees below the horizon; for then the stars of the sixth magnitude disappear in the morning, and ap- pear in the evening. It is of longer duration in the sol- stices than in the equinoxes, and longer in an oblique than in aright sphere. The crepuscula are occasioned by the sun's rays refracted in our atmosphere. CRESCENT, in heraldry, a bearing m form of a new moon* Crescent is also an order of knights, instituted by Rennatus of Anjou, king of Sicily, about the year 1448$ so called from the badge of this order, which was an en- amelled crescent of gold. * CRESCENTIA, the calabash-tree; a genus of the angiospermia order, in the didynamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 25th order, putajnincie. The calyx is bipartite and equal} the corol- cue e r i !a gibbous; the berry pedicellated or stalked, Unilocular, and polyspermous; the seeds bilocular. There are two species: 1. the cujete, with oblong nar- row leaves and a large oval fruit, is a native of Jamaica and the Leeward islands. It has a thick trunk covered with a whitish bark, and rises from twenty to thirty feet high, and at the top divides into many branches, forming a large and regular head: the flowers are pro- duced from the sides of the large branches, and some- times from the trunk; standing upon long footstalks. They have but one petal, which is irregular; and are of a greenish-yellow colour, striped and spotted with ftrown. These are succeeded by very large fruit, gene- rally spherical, sometimes oval; and at other times they have a contracted neck like a bottle; and are so large, that when the pulp and seeds are cleaned out, the shells will contain three pints or two quarts of liquid. The fruit is covered externally with a thin skin, of a greenish- yellow colour when ripe. When this is peeled off, there appears a hard ligneous shell, inclosing a pale-yellowish soft pulp ofa tart unsavoury flavour, surrounding a great number of flat heart-shaped seeds. 2. The cucurbitina, or broad-leaved calabash, seldom rises more than 15 or 20 feet high, with an upright trunk, covered pith a white smooth bark, sending out many lateral branches at the top, with leaves three inches in length, and one and a quarter broad, ranged alternately. The flowers come out as in the former species; hut are smaller, and of a deep- er yellow colour. The fruit of this sort is sometimes round, sometimes oval, but of very unequal sizes. Both these species are easily propagated by seeds; but the plants are too tender to live in tins country, unless they are constantly kept in a stove. The shells of calabashes are made use of for various purposes. At Barbadoes, besides drinking-cups and punch-bowls, there are made of them spoons, dishes, and other utensils for the slaves. Some of these shells are so large, as to be capable of holding fifteen pints of water. The pulp is seldom eaten, except by cattle in the time of drought. The wood, which is hard and smooth, is made into stools, chairs, and other furniture. CRESSA, a genus of the class and order pentandria digynia. The essential character is, calyx five-leaved: corolla, salver-form; filaments setting on the tube; cap- sules two-valved, one-seeded. There are 2 species. CREST, in armoury, the top part ofthe armour, for the head, mounting over the helmet. It was for the most part made of feathers, or the hair of horses' tails or manes. Crest, in heraldry, is the uppermost part of an ar- moury, or that part of the casque or helmet next to the mantle. It is esteemed a greater mark of nobility than the armoury, being borne at tournaments, to which none were admitted till such time as they had given proof of their nobility: sometimes it serves to distinguish the seve- ral branches of a family; and it has served, on occasion, as a distinguishing badge of factions: sometimes the crest is taken for the device; but more usually is form- ed of some piece of the arms. Families that exchange arms do not change their crest. CREUX, a French term used among artificers, and literally signifying a hollow cavity, or pit, out of which something has been scooped or dug; whence it is used to signify that kind of sculpture, where the lines and figures are cut and formed within the face or plan ofthe plate, or matter engraved; and thus it stands in opposition to relievo, where the lines and figures are embossed, and rise prominent above the face of the matter engraved on. CREW, the company of sailors belonging to a shin, boat, or other vessel. The sailors that are to work and' manage a ship, are regulated by the number of lasts it may carry, each last making two ton. The crew of a Dutch ship, from forty to fifty lasts, is seven sailors and a swabber; from fifty to sixty lasts, the crew consists of eight men and a swabber; and thus increases at the rate of one man every ten lasts. English and French crews are usually stronger than Dutch, but always in about the same proportion. There arc in a ship several parti- cular crews or gangs, as the gun-room crew, the carpen- ter's crewr, &c. CRIBBAGE, a game at cards, in which no cards are to be thrown out, and the set to make sixty-one; and as it is an advantage to deal, on account of the crib, it is pro- per to cut for it, and he that has the least card deals. There are only two players at this game, in which the cards are dealt out one hy one; the first to the dealer's antagonist, and the next to himself, and so on, till each has five; the rest being set down in view on the table. This done, the dealer lays down the two best cards he can for his crib; and bis antagonist lays down the other two, the very worst in his hand, the crib being tbe pro- perty ofthe dealer. They next turn up a card from the parcel left after dealing, and then count their game thus: Any fifteen upon the cards is two; as king and five, ten and five, nine and six, eight and seven, Sec. A pair is also two; a pair-royal, or three aces, kings, Sec. six; a double pair-royal, or four aces, &c. twelve. Sequences of three cards, as four five and six, is three; sequences of four, four; five, five, Sec. and the same holds ofa flush. Knave- noddy, or ofthe suit turned up, is one in hand, and two to the dealer. If, after the cards for the crib are laid out, you have in your hand a nine and two sixes, that makes six, because there are two fifteens and a pair; and if a six chance to be turned up, then you have twelve in your hand, viz. the pair-royal, and three fifteens. These are to be marked with pegs, counters, or otherwise. If you happen to have sequents, as of four five and six, in your hand, and six is the turned up card, they are count- ed thus: first, the sequents in your hand make three; and the sequents ofthe four and fivein your hand,added to the six turned up, make other three: there are likewise two fifteens, counting first with the six in your hand, and then with that turned up. This done, the antagonist to the dealer plays first, sup- pose a six; and if the dealer can make it fifteen, by playing nine, he gains two; otherwise they play on, and he that reaches thirty one exactly, or conies nearest under it, gains two or one. Here too, in playing tbe cards, you may make pairs, pairs-royal, flushes, &c. \yhich are all counted as above. As to the crib, it is the dealer's; who may make as ma- ny as he can out of it, together with the card turned up, counted as above; if he can make none, he is said to be bilked. Thus they play and deal by turns, till the gam? of sixty-one is up: and if either of the gamesters reach C R I C It I this before the other is forty-five, this last is said to he lure bed, and the other gains a double game. CRIME, crimen, the transgression of a law, either natural or divine, civil or ecclesiastic. Civilians distin- guish between crimen and diiictem. By the first, they mean capital offences, injurious to the whole community, as murder, perjury, kc. the prosecution of which was per- mitted to all persons, though no ways immediately in- terested. By the latter, they understand private offences committed against individuals, as theft, occ. By the laws, nobody was allowed to prosecute in these, except those interested. With us, crimes arc distinguished into capital, as treason, murder, robbery, Sec and common, as perju- ries, kc Again, some crimes are cognizable by the king's judges, as the above-mentioned; and others are only cognizable in the spiritual courts, as simple forni- cation. CRIMSON, one ofthe seven red colours of the dyers. See Dyeing. CRINGLE, a small hole made in the bolt-rope of a sail, by intertwisting one of the divisions of a rope, called a strand, alternately round itself and through the strands of the bolt-rope, till it becomes threefold, and assumes the shape of a wreath or ring. Tbe use of the cringle is generally to contain the end of some rope, which is fas- tened thereto for the purpose of drawing up the sail to its yard, or of extending the skirts by the means of bri- dles, to stand upon a side-wind. The word seems to he /derived from krinckelen (Belg.), " to run into twists." CRINODRENDRUM, a genus of tbe class and order monadelphia decandria. There is no calyx; the corolla is bell-shaped, six-petalled: capsule one-cel- led, gaping elastically at top. There is one species, a native of Chili. ¥■ CRINUM, a genus of the monogynia order, in the hexandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the ninth order, spathacca. The corolla is funnel-shaped, monopetalous, and sexpartite, with three alternate segments having hooked appendages; the germen is covered in the bottom of the corolla, the stamina standing asunder. They are very beautiful green-house plants, rising two or three feet high; each of them crowned by a large umbellate cluster of spatha- ceous, monopetalous, long, funnel-shaped flowers, blue, white, or striped, having a very fragrant smell. They are propagated by offsets. There are six species. CRITI1MUM, samphire; a genus of the digynia or- der, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natu- ral method ranking under the 45th order, umbellatse. The fruit is oval and compressed: the florets equal. There arc three species, the principal of which is the mariti- mum, or common maritime samphire. It has a fibrous penetrating root: thick, succulent, branchy stalks, ris- ing two feet high; winged fleshy leaves, consisting of many small spear-shaped lobes; with round yellow flow- ers growing in umbels. It is produced naturally on the sea-coasts, among the gravel and rocks. Its leaves arc an excellent pickle usedfor sauces, and are by many ea- ten raw in salads. It is of a saltish relish, palatable, and comfortable to the si'mi.nb. It is not veiy easily preserv- ed in gardens. It must be sown on gravelly or rocky ground, half an inch deep; in w hich situatiou the plants will come up, and last some years. The leaves of this plant are said also to be aperient and diuretic. CRISP-LEAF, among botanists, is one folded over and over at the edges, which are always serrated, dentated, or lacerated. It is otherwise called curled. CRITICISM may be regarded as embracing three separate branches: 1st. The establishing rules and prin- ciples for correct composition; such are the incompara- ble treaties of Cicero and Quinctilian upon oratory, and of Longinus on the sublime. In English we have many valuable essays and treatises of this class. The prefa- ces of Mr. Dry den are a rich mine of critical principles finely illustrated. Some of Mr. Addison's papers in the Spectator, and Mr. Pope's and Dr. Johnson's prefaces to Shakspeare, are excellent specimens of rational criticism. In more modern times we have had some excellent com- pendiums of criticism: among which lord Kaiinc's Ele- ments of Criticism, Dr. Blair's Lectures, Dr. Priestley's Lectures on Oratory and Criticism, and particularly bishop Lowth's Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, deservedly hold a very high rank. See the ar- ticles Rhetoric and Poetry. The.second branch of critical science relates to the commenting upon ancient authors, explaining difficult passages, and elucidating their beauties. Eustathiusand the scholiasts, Vida, Scaligcr, the Stephenses, and above all, the gentlemen of Port Royal, have been great bene- factors to the public in this way. The delphin and vario- rum editions ofthe classics do great credit to the learn- ed persons by whom they were edited. Many editions of Shakspeare have been published with critical notes. Mr. Theobald's was better than Mr. Pope's except for the preface. Dr. Warburton entirely failed, for the same reason as Dr. Bently in his edition of Milton, viz. indulging too freely in conjectural criticism. Dr. Johnson's explanatory notes on Shakspeare are excel- lent; and the profound reading of Malcme, Steevens, and Farmer, in British and Saxon literature, have been excellently applied to the illustration of the first of dra- matic poets. The third branch of criticism regards the forming a correct judgment ofthe merits and demerits ofcotempo- rary witers. In this every man of education ought to qualify himself to see with his own eyes, aud determine with his own understanding; and this is to be effected by the attentive study of the best works, ancient and modern, on the general principles of criticism (sec above.) For to form our judgment on that of any other men is a species of literary slavery. The various parti- alities and conflicting interests by wiiich mankind are governed, render it also very unsafe to resc our opinion upon that of others; and itis peculiarly unfortunate that this department of literature is seldom exercised by per- sons adequate, from education and experience, to the task. W here it is, there is no reason why the name of the critic should not be as public as that of the author; when that is not the case, bis motive will he suspected; nor can the reader assent to observations from an au- thority, of the competency of which he is not assured. For these reasons but little credit is attached, except in remote count ry places, to annony mous critic ism. The great v ices of modern criticism are pertness and flippancy. >N iiters of this class seem to consider the C R 0 e it o study of Joe Miller as of more importance to their craft than that of Quinctilian; and a readiness in the art of punning, as the highest praise and principal qualifica- tion of a critic. CROCODILE. See Lacerta. Crocodile, fossil, one of the greatest curiosities in the fossil world which late ages have produced. It is the skeleton of a large crocodile, almost entire, found at a great depth under ground, bedded in stone. This was in the possession of Linkius, who wrote many pieces of natural history, and particularly an accurate description of this curious fossil. It was found in the side of a large mountain in the midland part of Germany, and in a stratum of black fossile stone, somewhat like our com- mon slate, but of a coarser texture, the same with that in which the fossil fish in many parts of the world are found. The skeleton had the back and ribs very plain, and was of amuch deeper black than the rest of the stone; as is also the case in the fossil fishes which are preserv- ed in this manner. The part of the stone where the head lay was not found, this being broken off just at the shoulder, but that irregularly; so that in one place apart ofthe back of the head wras visible in its natural form. The two shoulder-bones were very fair, and three ofthe feet were well preserved; the legs were of their natural shape and size, and the feet preserved even to the ex- tremities of the five toes of each. Crocodile, crocodilus, in rhetoric, a captious and so- phistical kind of argumentation, contrived to seduce the unwary, and draw them speciously into a snare. It has its name crocodile from the following occasion, invented by the poets: A poor woman begging a crocodile, that had caught her son walking by the river-side, to spare and restore him, was answered, that he would restore him, provided that she should give a true answer to a question he should propose. The question was, Will I re- store thy son or not? To this the poor woman, suspecting a deceit, sorrowfully answered, Thou wilt not; and de- manded then to have hiin restored, because she had an- swered truly. Thou liest, says the crocodile: for if I restore him thou hast not answered truly: I cannot therefore restore him without making thy answer false. Under this head may be reduced the propositions called " mentientes," or " insolubiles," which destroy them- selves. Such is that of the Cretan poet: " Omnes ad unum Cretenses semper mentiuntiirp' "AH the Cretans, to a man, always lie." Either, then, the poet lies when he asserts that the Cretans all lie, or the Cretans do not all lie. CROCUS, saffron, a genus of the monogynia order, in the triandria class of plants, and in the natural meth- od ranking under the sixth order, insatse. The corolla is sexpartite and equal; the stigmata convoluted, or rolled spirally inwards. There are two species of this genus, which, however, comprehend many beautiful varieties. 1. The officinalis, saffron, or autumnal crocus, has a •mall, roundish, brown, bulbous root, compressed at the bottom. Directly from theroot issue many narrow leaves, ©f a deep-geen colour; and amidst them the flowers are protruded from a thin univalvular radical spatha; the tulfe of the flower is long, standing on the root, and serving as a foot-stalk to the limb or upper part, which is erect, six-parted, widens gradually upward, and grows from about three to five or six inches high. The saffron has a long-tubed blueish-purple flower, with three stig- mata of a fine golden colour, which form the saffron of the shops. The varieties are the autumnal small blue crocus; deep blue, sky blue, whitish blue, many-flower- ed \vhitish blue, purple, autumnal white crocus, and au- tumnal yellow crocus. 2. The vernalis, or vernal crocus, the varieties of which are, small and large, and golden yellow crocuses and the yellow black-striped, the yellow purple-striped! and double cloth of gold; the white, white purple-striped) white purple bottom, white black-striped, whitish cream- coloured, whitish ash-coloured, little narrow-leafed white, and white blue-striped crocuses. Besides these there are a great many others of a blue and purple co- lour finely variegated. The autumnal crocuses flower about the beginning of October, but never ripen theii- seeds in this country. CROISADE, crusade, or crusado, a name given to the expeditions ofthe christians against the infidels, for the conquest of Palestine; so called because those who engaged in the undertaking wore a cross on then* clothes, and bore one on their standard. This expedition was also called the holy war, to which people flocked in great numbers from pure devotion; the pope's bulls, and the preaching of the priests of those days, making it a point of conscience. The several nations engaged in the holy war were distinguished by the different colours of their crosses: the English wore white, the French red, the Flemish green, the Germans black, and the Italiansyel- low. From this enterprise several orders of knighthood took their rise. They reckon eight croisades for the con- quest of the holy land; the first begun in the year 1095, at the solicitation of the Greek emperor and the patri- arch of Jerusalem. CROISIERS, cross-bearers, a religious order founded in honour ofthe invention or discovery of the cross by the empress Helena. They follow the rule of St. Au- gustine. CROISSANTE, in heraldry, is said of a cross, the ends of which are fashioned like a crescent or half- moon. CROMLECHS, in British antiquities, are huge, broad, flat stones, raised upon other stones set up on end to support them. They are common on Anglesey. These monuments are spoken of largely by Mr. Row- land, by Dr. Borlase, and by Wormius, under the name of ara, or altar. Mr. Rowland, however, is undecided in his opinion; for he partly inclines to the notion of their having been altars, partly to their having been se- pulchres: he supposes them to have been originally tombs, but that in after-times sacrifices were performed upon them to the heroes deposited within. Mr. Keillcr preserves an account of king Harold having been inter- red beneath a tomb of this kind in Denmark, and Mr. Wright discovered in Ireland a skeleton deposited under one of them. The great similarity of the monuments throughout the north, Mr. Pennant observes, evinces the same religion to have been spread in every part, perhaps with some slight deviations. Many of these monuments are both British and Danish; for we find thein where the Danes never penetrated. The cromlech, or cromleh, chiefly differs Xrom the C R 0 C R O kist-vaen, in not being closed up at the ends and siih-s, that is, in not so much partaking of tiie chest-like figure; it is also generally of larger dimensions, and sometimes consists ofa greater number of stone: the terms cromleh and kist-vaen are h nvever indiscriminately used for the same monument. The term cromlech is by some derived from the Armoric word crum, "crooked or bowing," and hii, "stone," alluding to the reverence which per- sons paid to them by bowing, Rowland derives it from tbe Hebrew words car: m-luacii, signifying "a devoted or consecrated stone." They are called by the vulgar coetiie Arth-ir. or Arthur's quoits, it being a custom in Wales, as in Cornwall, to ascribe all great and wonder- ful objects to prince Arthur, the hero of those countries. See Plate XXXIX. Mis-el. fig. 24. CROSIER, or crozier, a shepherd's crook; a symbol of pastoral authority, consisting of a gold or silver staff, crooked at the top, carried occasionally before bishops and abbots, and held in the hand when they gave the solemn benedictions. Ciiosi;:k, in astronomy, four stars in the southern hemisphere, in the form of a cross, serving those who sail in southern latitudes to find the antarctic pole. CROSLET. in heraldry, is when a cross is crossed again at a small distance from each ofthe ends. CROSS, invention ofthe, a festival observed May 3, hy the Latin church, in memory ofthe empress Helena (the mother of Constantine) finding the true cross of Christ, on mount Calvary, where she caused to be erec- ted a church for the preservation of it. Cross, order of the, an order of ladies instituted in t668, by the empress Eleanora de Gonzagua, wife of the emperor Leopold, on occasion of the miraculous re- covery of a little golden cross, in which were enclosed two pieces of the true cross, out of the ashes of a part of tbe palace that had been burned down: though the fire burnt the case wherein it was enclosed, and melted the crystal, it appears that the wood had not received the least damage. Cioss, in heraldry, is defined by Guillim, an ordinary composed of fourfold lines, whereof two arc perpendicu- lar, and the other two transverse. The content of a cross is not always the same; for when it is not charged, it has only the fifth part of the field; but if it is charged, then it must contain the third part thereof. This bearing was bestowed on such as had performed, or at least un- dertaken, some service for Christ and the christian pro- fession; and is therefore held by several authors the most honourable charge in all heraldry. What brought it into such frequent use, was the ancient expeditions into the holy land, the cross being the ensign of that war. Cross, in surveying, an instrument consisting of a brass circle, divided into four equal parts, by two lines intersecting each other at the centre; at the extremity of each line there is a sight, fixed, standing perpendicularly over the line, with holes below each slit, for the better discovery of distant objects. See Surveying. Cross-rar shot, a bullet with an iron bar passing through it, ani standing six or eight inches out at both sides: it is used at seafor destroying the enemy's rigging. Cross-trees, in a ship, four pieces of timber, bolted and let into one another across, at the head of the mast. reii. i. 86 Their use is to keep and bear the top-mast up; for tine foot ofthe t-p-masi is always fastened into them. CROSSELET, a little or diminutive cross, used in heraldry, where the shield is frequently seen covered with crossclets; also fess -s and other honourable ordina- ries, charged or accompanied with crossclets. Crosse* frequently terminate in crosselets. CROS*SOTYLUS, a genus of the polyandria order, in the monadelphia class of plants. The calyx is quad rifid; the corolla consists of four petals; the stamina are 20 filiform filaments, almost the length ofthe calyx; tin anthera small and roundish: the pericarpium an hemis- pherical, unilocular berry, with many stria; on its upper part; the seeds numerous and roundish. Tliere is one species, a native of the Society Isles. CROTALARIA, rattle-wort, a genus of the decandria order, in the diadelphia class of plants, and in the nato ral method ranking under the 52d order, papilionacive. The legumen is turgid, inflated, and pedictilated; the filaments are connate, with a fissure on the back. There arc 52 species, all of them natives of warm climates. They rise from eighteen inches to five feet in height, and arc adorned with flowers ofa red, blue, or yellow colour. The most remarkable species is tV retu.sa, with simple and oblong wedged leaves. It is a native of the island of Ceylon, and some other parts of the East Indies. The flowers are v ellow; the pods smooth, cy- lindrical, inflated, and placed horizontally; they are filled with seeds, which, when dried, and shaken by the lightest wind, produce a rattling noise; and this, by the rude inhabitants of the countries where the plant is native, is attributed to the devil, who is thought to de- liver his oracles in this whimsical manner. CROTALUM (from the Greek), synonymous with cymbalum. The name of an ancient musical instrument. See Cyme alum. CROTALUS, rattle-snake, a genus belonging to the order of amphibia serpentes, the generic character of which is, scuta on the abdomen; scuta and squainse beneath the tail; rattle terminating the tail. 1. Crotalus horridus, or banded rattlesnake. The genus crotalus, or rattlesnake, affords the most signal examples of the powerfully destructive poison with which some of the serpent tribe are furnished; instances having frequently occurred in which the bite of these snakes has proved fatal to mankind, in the space even of a very few minutes. Till the discovery of the western hemisphere, the knowledge of these serpents was concealed from the rest of the world: and philosophers then first beheld with amazement a reptile ofthe most fatal nature, furnished, as if by a peculiar institution of Providence, with an in- strument capable, in general, of warning mankind of tiieir danger in too near an approach. The different species of rattlesnakes seem to have been generally confounded with each other; and even Catesby, who travelled in those parts of North America where it is found, seems to have been unacquainted with one ofthe most remarkable species; and to have parti- cularly described the banded rattlesnake only, which he has also figured with sufficient clearness to prevent its being confounded with any other kind, though not with that minute attention to all the particulars which the CttOTALJS. more improved state of natural history at present de- mands. This species is found, in general, from three to four or five feet in length; and is of a yellowish-brown colour, marked throughout its whole length with several trans- verse and somewhat irregular fascige of deep brown, and from the head to some distance down the neck run two or three longitudinal stripes of the same colour; the head is large, flat, and covered with small scales; the rest of the upper parts with moderately large oval ones, all strongly carinated or furnished with a prominent line down the middle: the under parts are of a dingy yellow- ish-brown colour, marked with numerous dusky varie- gations and freckles: at the extremity of the tail is situated the rattle, consisting of several hard, dry, horny processes, the peculiar structure of which will be more amply described hereafter; and which, on the least disturbance or irritation, is elevated and shaken in such a manner as to cause a strong or brisk rattling sound. " The largest rattlesnake," says Catesby, «• which I ever saw, was about eight feet in length, and weighing between eight and nine pounds. They are the most inactive and slow-moving snake," adds this author, "of all others, and are never the aggressors, except in what they prey upon; for unless they are disturbed they will not bite; and when provoked they give warning by sha- king their rattles." The charming, as it is commonly called, or attractive power this snake is said to have, of drawing to it small animals, and devouring them, is generally believed in America. The manner of the process is said to be, that the animals, particularly birds and squirrels (wiiich principally are their prey), no sooner spy the snake than they skip from spray to spray, hovering and ap- proaching gradually nearer to their enemy; regardless of any other danger; but with distracted gestures and outcries, descend, though from the top of the loftiest trees, to the mouth of the snake, who opens his jaws, fakes them in, and in an instant swallows them. This we believe to be merely an effect of fear in the victim, and the account is probably exaggerated. « With res- pect to the use of the rattle," says Dr. Mead, " a vulgar error has obtained, even among the learned, about it. It is commonly said that it is a kind contrivance of divine Providence, to give warning to passengers by the noise which this part makes, when the creature moves, io keep out ofthe way of its mischief. Now this is a mistake. It is beyond all dispute that wisdom and goodness shine forth in all the works of the creation; hut the contrivance here is of another kind than is imagined. All the parts of animals are made either for the preservation ofthe individual, or for the propagation of its species: this before us is for the service of the indi- vidual. This snake lives chiefly upon squirrels and birds, which a reptile can never catch without the ad- vantage of some management to bring them within its reach. The way is this. The snake creeps to the foot of a tree, and, by shaking his rattle, awakens the little creatures which are lodged in it. They are so frightened at the sight of their enemy, who fixes his lively piercing eyes upon one or other of them, that they have no power u» get away, hut lca^i about, from bough to bough, till they are quite tired, and at last, falling to the ground, they are snapped into his mouth. This is by the peo- ple of the country called charming the squirrels and birds." Dr. Barton, professor of natural history in the uni- versity of Pennsylvania, in a memoir on the supposed fascinating power of the rattlesnake, imagines the whole to be no more than the fluttering of old birds in defence of their young, and which are themselves occasionally caught by the rattlesnake in consequence of too near an approach. Rattlesnakes in general swarm in the less inhabited parts of North America; but are now almost extirpated in the more populous parts. None are found farther north than the mountains near lake Cbamplain; but they infest South America, even as far as Brasil. They love woods and lofty hills, especially where the strata are rocky or chalky: the pass near Niagara abounds with them. Being slow of motion, they frequent the sides of rills, to make prey of frogs, or such animals as resort there to quench their thirst: are generally found during summer in pairs; in winter collecting in multitudes, and retiring under ground, beyond the reach of frost: tempt- ed by the warmth of a spring day, they are often observ- ed to creep out weak and languid: a person has seen a piece of ground covered with them, and killed with a rod between sixty and seventy, till overpowered with the stench he was obliged to retire. The rattlesnake is a viviparous animal, producing its young in the month of June, generally about twelve in number; and wiiich by September acquire the length of twelve inches. It is said to practise the same extraor- dinary mode of preserving its young from danger as is attributed to the viper in Europe, viz. of receiving them into its mouth, and swallowing them. Fortius we have the attestation of M. de Beauvois, who declares hinwlf an eye-witness of the process. This gentleman saw a large rattlesnake, which he happened to disturb in his walks, and which immediately coiled itself up, opened its jaws, and instantly five small ones, which were lying by it, rushed into its mouth. He retired, and watched the snake, and in a quarter of an hour saw her again dis- charge them. He then approached it a second time, when the young retired into its mouth with greater ce- lerity than before, and the snake immediately moved off among the grass, and escaped. See P'. XI. N. II. fte.150. 2. Crotalus durissus, or striped rattlesnake. This species may, in general, be readily distinguished from the former by the different disposition of its colours; being of a deep brown above, with a very regularly con- ducted pattern of pale-yellow streaks, so disposed as to form a continued series of large rhombs or lozenges dovvu the back, the stripes growing somewhat less distant as they descend on the sides. The size and general pro- portions ofthe animal resemble those ofthe former, with which indeed it appears to have been very frequently confounded. It is also a native of the same parts of America. Its bite, so far as can be ascertained by expe- riments made with such specimens as have been trans- ported into Europe, appeal's to be equally fatal with that of the former species. 3. Crotalus dryinas, or wood rattlesnake. This is said to be of a paler or lighter tinge than the two former C R 0 C R 0 species, and to be variegated with yellowish marks on the back. 4. Crotalus miliarius, or miliary rattlesnake. Mr. Catesby, the first described of this animal, seems to en- tertain some doubts whether it really differs from the common rattlesnake in any other respect than in colour, its prevailing tinge being grey-brown, shaded on the back with red, and marked by large black spots with white indented edges. It appears, however, to be a tru- ly distinct specb s, differing not only in colour but in the smaller number of its abdominal scuta. This is the smallest species of rattlesnake yet known, rarely exceed- ing the length of two feet. In its general habits it resem- ble-i the preceding kinds. CROTAPH1TES, in anatomy, a muscle ofthe lower jaw,-serving to draw it upwards. CROTCHES, in ship-building, very crooked timbers in the hold or bread-room, from the mizen-step aft, fay- ed across the keelson, to strengthen the ship in the wake of the half-timbers. Crotches, iron, crooked pieces of iron, used onboard sloops and long-boats which go with shoulder-of-mutton sails, for the boom to lodge on. CROTCHET, in music, one of the notes or charac- ters of time, marked thus [, equal to half a minim, and double of a quaver. A dot added to the crotchet thus p., increases its time by one-half, that is, makes it equal i.o a crotchet and a half. Crotchets, marks or characters, serving to inclose a word or sentence, wiiich is distinguished from the rest, being generally in the form [ ], or this (). CROTOX, wild ricinus, a genus ofthe monadelphia order, in the monoecia class of plants, and in the natu- ral method ranking under the 38th order, tricocca. The male calyx is cylindrical and quinquedentated; i be corolla is pentapetalous ; the stamina from 10 to 15. The female calyx is polyphyllous; no carolla; three bifid styles; the capsule trilocular; one seed. There arc 53 species, of which the most remarkable are: 1. The tinctorium, or plant from which the French turnsole is made. This grows naturally in the south of France; it K an annual plant, rising about nine inches high, with an herbaceous branching stalk, with irregu- lar or rhomboidal figured leaves, which are near two inches long. The flowers are produced in short spikes from the sides of the stalks, at the end of the branches; the upper part of the spike is composed of male flowers, kaving many stamina which coalesce at the bottom; the lower part has female flowers, which have each a roundish three-cornered germen; these afterwards be- come a roundish capsule with three lobes, having three cells, each including one roundish seed. This flowers in July; but unless the plants are brought forward on a hotbed, they do not ripen seeds in this country. From this plant is made the turnsole used for colouring wines and jellies. It is made of the juice which is lodged be- tween the empalement and the seeds; which, if rubbed on cloths, al first appears of a lively green, but after- wards changes to a blueish-purple colour. If these cloths are put into water, and afterwards wrung, they will dye the water to a claret-colour. The rags thus dyed are brought to this country, and sold in the drug- gists' shops under the name of turnsole. C. The seviferum, or tallow-ircc, with liiomboida egg-shaped leaves, pointed, smooth, a-.i very entire. It is about the height of a cherry-tree: it-, leaves in form ofa heart, of a deep shining red colour, aro i'- bark xery smooth. Its fruit is enclosed in a kind of pod. or cover, like a chesnut; and consists of three round white grains, of the size and form of a small nut, each having its peculiar capsule, and within that a little stoj; •. This stone is encompassed with a white pulp, which hov ever is not the tallow, as is erroneously supposed, for that is expressed from the kernels; and the Cbiiu-v- make their candles of it; which would doubtless be as good as those in Europe, if they knew how to purif. their vegetable tallow as well as we do our animal kinc, and to make their wicks as well. 3. The aromaticum, with heart-shaped serrated leaves. and an arborescent stem. The bark of this tree i th< same as the cascrilla and eleufheria, thong's these hav been considered by sonic as distinct barks, and sold i;. the shops as different productions. It is a hot, acri . aromatic bitter, resembling in appearance tiie Peruvian bark, but is more bitter and pungent, though not so rough and astringent. It was first introduced into Enron** about the end of the last century, and -seems first to ha •-•«' been used in Germany, where it is still in very high es- teem. There it is frequently employe.' in intermittent fevers, in preference to the Peruvian hark, as being less subject to some inconveniences to which the latter is deem- ed liable. It is also said to have been employed with great success in some very dangerous epidemic fevers attended with petechia;; and it is frequently employ, i with advantage in dysenteries, diarrhoeas, &c. In Bri- tain it has also been used by some practitioners. Its virtues are partly extracted by water, and totally by rec- tified spirit, but it is most effectual when given in suD- stance. 4. The cascarilla, described hy Linnams as producing the officinal bark of that name, is, according to Dr. Wright, the wild-rosemary shrub ef Jamaica, the bark of which has none of the sensible qualities of the true cascarilla or eleutheria above described. [CROTONOPSIS, in botany, a genus of the monoecia pentandria class and order; the essential characters are, calix, five parted; corolla ofthe male, five petals; capsule ovate; there are two species, both nativ es of Carolina; the c. linearis, and c. elliptica. (6) CROTOPHAGA, in ornithology, a genus of birds belonging to the order of picse. There are two species, the characters of which are: the bill is thin, compress- ed, greatly arched, half oval, and cultrated at top; the nostrils are round; the tongue flat, and pointed at the end; the tail consists of ten feathei-s; and the toes are placed two and two. The most remarkable species is the ani, wiiich is about the size of a blackbird: the colour of the whole bird is black, in some parts glossed with purple, and about the neck faintly tinged with green on the margins: the base of the bill is furnished with black bristles, wiiich turn forwards: the eyelids have long hair-like eyelashes: the tail is six inches long, and much cuncated; and the legs are black. This species is found in Jamaica, St. Domingo, and other Islands in the West Indies; also at Cayenne, and other parts of South America. Contrary to all other biiils, they have C R 0 C R 0 the singularity of many lying in the same nest; to make which they all unite in concert, and, after laying their eggs, sit on them close to each other to hatch them, each amicably striving to do the best for the general good; and when the young are hatched, the parents, without reserve, do their best to feed the whole flock. Still a greater singularity occurs, which is, that as soon as each female lays her eggs she covers them with leaves, doing the same thing whenever she is obliged to leave the nest for food: this might be necessary in a cold climate; but why it should be wanted in a hot one seems not clear, es- pecially as it has not been observed in other birds. The famale has two broods in a year, except accidents happen; in which case she has been known to make three nests. The eggs are about the size of those of a pigeon, of a sea-green colour, spotted at the ends. Their food is various; worms, insects, fruits, and grain, according to the season. There is a variety called the greater ani, which is about the size of a jay, differing no otherwise from the former but in size. They ought, however, to be considered as two distinct species: for they never mix together, though each has the same manners, with this difference only, that the smaller frequent the savan- nas, the larger only the salt-marshes near the sea-coasts. It is said that they arc easily made tame, and will learn to talk like parrots. The male and female are both alike. Both species are easy to be shot, not being so wild as many other birds; but are known to chatter much on the sight of a man, though they do not fly to a great distance. CROUP ofa horse, in the manege, the extremity of the reins above the hips. CROW. See Corvus. Crow, in mechanics, a kind of iron lever with a claw at one end, and a sharp point at the other: used for heav- ing or purchasing great weights. Crow's biix, among surgeons, a kind of forceps, for drawing bullets and other foreign bodies out of wounds. ' Crow's feet, in the»military art, machines of iron, having four points, each about three or four inches long, so made that whatever way they fall there is still a point up: they are thrown upon breaches, or in passes where the enemy's cavalry arc to march, proving very trouble- some, by ruining into the horses' feet, and laming them. Crow's feet, in a ship, small lines or ropes, some- times eight or ten, reeved through the dead-men's-eyes; and scarcely of any other use than to make a show of small rigging. They are usually placed at the bottom of the back-stays of the fore-top-mast, mizen-top-mast, and top-gall ant-mast. See Plate XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 25. Crow-net, is an invention for catching wild-fowl in the winter season? and may be used in the day-time. This net is made of double thread, or fine pack-thread; the meshes should be two inches wide, the length about ten yards, and the depth three: it must be verged on the side with good strong cord, and stretched out very stiff on long poles prepared for that purpose. When you come to the place where you would spread your net, open it, and lay it out at its full lernrth and"breadth: then fasten the lower end of the net all along the ground, so as e?ly to move it up and down; the upper end of the net must stand extended on the long cord, the further end being staked first to the earth 'by a strong cord about five yards distant, from the net. Place this cord in an even line with the lower edge of the net. The other end must be at least 25 yards distance, to reach in- to some natural or artificial shelter, by the means of which you may lie concealed from the fowl, otherwise no good success can be expected. The net must be plac- ed in such exact order that it may give way to play on the fowl on the least pull of the cord, which must be done smartly, lest the fowl should prove too quick for you. This net may be used for pigeons, crows, or other birds on corn-fields newly sowrn; as also in stubble-fields, pro- vided the stubble conceals the net from the birds. CROWN, in heraldry, is used for the representation of that ornament, in the mantling of an armoury, to ex- press the dignity of persons. Crown, the imperial, is a bonnet or tiara, with a se- micircle of gold, supporting a globe with a cross at top. Crown, the British, is adorned with four crosses, be- tween which there are four fleurs-de-lis: it is covered with four diadems, which meet at a little globe supporting a cross. Crown, the French, wTas a circle of eight fleurs-de-lis, encompassed with six diadems, bearing at top a double fleur-de-lis, which was the crest of France. Crown, the Spanish, is adorned with large indented leaves, and covered with diadems terminating in a globe, surmounted with a cross. The crowns of almost all other kings are adorned with large leaves, bordered with four, six, or eight diadems, with a globe and cross at top. Crown, the papal, is composed of a tiara and a triple crown encompassing it, with two pendants like tiie bishops' mitres. These crowns represent the pretended triple capacity ofthe pope, as high-priest, supremejuihje, and sole legislator of Christians. * Crown, electoral, or coronet, is a scarlet cap turned up with ermine, and closed with a semicircle of gold, all covered with pearls, with a globe at top, surmounted with a golden cross. Crowns of British princes oftfie blood. 1. The prince of Wales's crown consists alternately of crosses and fluers-de-lis, with one arch, in the middle of which are a ball and cross, as in the royal diadem. 2. That of all the younger sons and brothers of the king, consist likewise of crosses and fleurs-de-lis alternately, but with- out any arch, or being surmounted w ith a globe and cross at top. 3. That of the other princes of the blood con- sists alternately of crosses and leaves like those in tbe coronet of dukes. Crowns of noblemen, area duke's, composed of leaves of smallage, or parsley: that of a marquis, of flowers and pearls placed alternately: an earPs has no flowers about the circle, like the duke's and marquis's, but only points rising, and a pearl on every one of them: avis- count has neither flowers nor points raised above the cir- cle, like the other superior degrees, but only pearls plac- ed on the circle itself without any limited number: a baron's has only six pearls on the golden border, not raised, to distinguish him from the earls; and the num- ber of them limited, to show he is inferior to the vis- count. C R 0 C R U Crown, in commerce, a general name for coins both foreign and domestic, which are of, or very near, the va- lue of five shillings sterling. See Coin. Crown, in architecture, denotes the uppermost mem- ber of the cornice, called also corona, and larmier. Crown, in astronomy, a name given to two constella- tions, the one called borealis, the other meridionalis. Crown is used also for the clerical tonsure, which is the mark and character of ecclesiastics of the Romish church. It is a little circle of hair shaved from the crown ofthe head, more or less large, according to the quality of the orders received. That of a mere clerk is the smallest, that of priests and monks the largest. [Crown, in geometry, is the space inclosed between the two peripherys of two concentric circles: the area of it may be found by multiplying its breadth by half the sum of the bounding perimeters, which may be proved thus: Put tiie circumference of the outer circle = c and a = its radius, also r = the radius of the inner circle, a c then----= the area of the greater circle, and a2: r2:: 2 ac cr2 ac cr2 ----:----= the area ofthe inner circle; then-------- 2 2a 2 2a c ____ = (the area ofthe crown) = a*—r2x----=a +i"X a—r 2a c c X----. But a—r = the breadth and a -f r x----= half 2a 2a the sum of the bounding perimeters. Because a: r :: c: re re ----=the perimeter of the lesser circle, and------f-c a a rc + ac c X i =--------=r-fax----• Therefore the rule is 2a 2a manifest, (r) Crown of colours, certain coloured lings which like halos appear about tbe body of the sun or moon, but of the colours of the rainbow, and at a less distance than the common halos. These crowns sir Isaac Newton has shown to be made by the sun's shining in a fair day, or the moon in a clear night, through a thin cloud of globules of water or hail all of the same bigness. And according as the globules are greater or less, the diame- ters of these crowns will be larger or smaller; and the more equal these globules are to one another, the more crowns of colours will appear, and the colours will be the more lively. (icowN-OFi ice. The court of king's bench is divid- ed into vhe plea side and the crown side. In the plea side it takes cognizance of civil causes; in the crown side it takes rognizance of criminal causes, and is there- fore called the crown-office. In the crown-office are exhibited informations in the name of the king, for crimes and misdemeanors at common law, as in theease of batteries, conspiracies, libelling, kc. for which the offender is liable to pay a fine to the king. Crowx-po*t, in architecture, a post which in some building stands upright in the middle between two prin- cipal rafters, and from it there go struts or braces to the middle of each rafter. It is sometimes called a king's piece, or joggle piece. Crown-wheel ofa watch, the upper wheel next the balance, which by its motion drives the balance, and in royal pendulums is called the swing-wheel. Crown-work, in fortification, an outwork having a very large gorge, generally the length of the curtin of the place, and two long sides terminating towards the field in two demibastions, each joined by a particular curtin to a whole bastion, which is the head ofthe work. The crown-work is intended to inclose a rising ground, or to cover the head of a retrenchment. CROWTH, or Cruth, a musical instrument former- ly much in use among the common people in Wales. It resembles in some respects the violin. See PI. XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 26. CRUCIANELLA, petty madder, a genus of the monogynia order, in the tetrandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 47th order, stellat?e. The corolla is monopetalous and funnel-shap- ed, with a filiform tube and a tailed border: the calyx is diphyllous, and there are two linear seeds. There are nine species, natives of the southern parts of Eu- rope; but none of them possessed of any remarkable quality. CRUCIBLE, a chemical vessel made of earth, and so tempered and baked as to endure the greatest fire. They arc used to melt metals, and to flux minerals, ores, kc. See Chemistry. CRUCITA, or cruzita, a genus ofthe digynia order, in the tetrandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking with those the order of which is doubtful. The interior calyx is tetraphyllous, the exterior calyx triphyllous; there is no corolla, and only one seed. There is one species. CRURjEUS, or crurasus musculus. Sec Anatomy. CRURAL, in anatomy, an epithet given to the artery which conveys the blood to the crura or legs, and to the vein by which this blood returns towards the heart. See Anatomy. CRUSCA, an Italian term signifying bran, is in use among us to denote the celebrated academy called Delia Crusca, established at Florence, for purifying and per- fecting the Tuscan language. CRUST. By crusts we understand those bony cover- ings of which the whole external surface of crabs, lob- sters, and other, similar sea-animals, is composed. These consists of, 1. Cartilaginous substance, possess- ing the properties of coagulated albumen. 2. Carbonate of lime. 5. Phosphat of lime. By the presence of the phosphat of lime, they are distinguished from bones. Thus the crusts lie as an intermediate substance between bones and shells, partaking of the properties and con- stitution of each. The shells of the eggs of fowls must be referred likewise to the class of crusts, since they contain both phosphat and carbonat of lime; the animal cement in them, however, is much smaller in quantity. From the experiments of Berniard and Hatchett, it is extremely probable that the shells of snails are compos- ed likewise of the same ingredients, phosphat of lime having been delected in them by these chemists. Mr. Hatchett examined the crust of crabs, lobvt n■<*, 9 CRY CRY prawns, and cray-fish. When immersed in diluted nitric acid, these crusts effervesced a little, and gradually as- sumed the form of a yellowish-white soft elastic cartilage, retaining the form of the crust. The solution yielded a precipitate to acetat of lead, and ammonia threw down phosphat of lime. Carbonat of ammonia threw down a much more copious precipitate of carbonat of lime. On examining the crust which covers different species of echini, Mr. Hatchett found it correspond with the other crusts in its composition. Some species of star-fish yielded phosphat of lime, others none: hence the covering of that genus of animals seems to be intermediate between shell and crust. With these observations of Mr. Hatchett the analysis of Merat-Guillot corresponds. From lobster-crust he obtained 60 carbonat of lime 14 phosphat of lime 26 cartilage 100. One hundred parts of c ray-fi*$h crust contain 60 carbonat of lime 12 phosphat of lime 28 cartilage 100. One hundred parts of hen's egg-shells contain 89.6 carbonat of lime 5.7 phosphat of lime 4.7 animal matter 100. 0 CRUSTACEOUS jwA, in natural history, are those covered with shells consisting of several pieces or scales; as those of crabs, lobsters, &c. These are usually soft- er than the shells of the testaceous kind, which consist of a single piece, and generally are thicker and stronger than the former; such as those of the oyster, scallop, cockle, &c. Dr. Woodward observes, in his Natural History, that of all the shells found in beds, and of all the different matters dug out of the earth, there are scarcely any of the crustaceous kind: the reason he gives for it is, that these being much lighter than the rest, must have floated on the surface at the time of the De- luge, when all the strata were formed, and there have corrupted and perished! CRYPSIS, a genus of the diandria digynia class and order. The calyx is a glume, two-valved, one-flowrered; corolla glume, two-valved, awnless. There is one species, a grass of Siberia. CRYPTO CEPHALUS, a genus of insects of the coleoptera class; antennae filiform; feelers four; thorax margined; shells immarginate; body somewhat cylindri- cal. This is a very extensive genus, and consists of 268 species. See PI. N. H. figs. 151, 152. CRYPTOGAMIA, one of Linnseus's classes of plants, the organs of fructification of which are either con- cealed within the fruit itself, or so minute as to escape observation. It embraces 4 orders; filices. mr.«*ci. aigje, and fungi, which see. CRYPTOSTOMUM, a genus ofthe pentandria class and order. The calyx is five-cleft; tube of corolla insert- ed into the throat of the calyx; borders five-cleft; nect. five- toothed; berry, seeds scarred. There is one species, a shrub of Guiana. CRYSTAL, in natural history, the name of a very large class of fossils, hard, pellucid, and naturally colour". less. CRYSTALLIZATION. The word crystal original. ly signified ice; but it was afterwards applied by the an- cients to crystallized silica, or rock crystal; because. 'ch Pliny informs us, they considered that body as notlin* else than water congealed by the action of cold. Che- mists afterwards applied the word to all transparent bo- dies of a regular shape; and at present it is employed to denote in general the regular figures which bodies assume when their particles have full liberty to combine accord- ing to the laws of cohesion. These regular bodies occur very frequently in the mineral kingdom, and have long; attracted attention on account of their great bea;;ty and regularity. By far the greater number of the salts as- sume a crystalline form; and as these substances arc mostly soluble in water, we have it in our power to give the regular shape of crystals in some degree at pleasure. All the substances with wiiich we are acquainted may be divided into solid, liquid, and gaseous. Crystals are obviously confined to the first set, the fluidity of the two last rendering them incapable of retaining a regular form; but many of them may he made to assume a solid state, and in that case they usually crystallize. Most solid bo- dies either occur in the state of crystals, or are capable of being made to assume that form. Now it has long been observed by chemists and mineralogists, that there is a particular form which every individual substance always affects when it crystallizes: this indeed is considered as one of the best marks for distinguishing one substance from another. Thus common salt is observed to assume the shape of a cube; and alum that of an octahedron, con- sisting of two four-sided pyramids, applied base to base. Saltpetre affects the form of a six-sided prism; sulphat of magnesia, that of a four-sided prism; and carbonat of lime is often found in the state of a rhomboid. Not that every individual substance always uniformly crystallizes in the same form; for this is liable to considerable varia- tions, according to the circumstances of the case; hut there are a certain number of forms peculiar to every substance; and the crystals of that substance, in every case, adopt one or other of these forms, and no other; and thus common salt, when crystallized, has always either the figure of a cube or octahedron, or some figure reducible to these. As the particles of bodies must be at liberty to move before they crystallize, it is obvious that we cannot re- duce any bodies to the state of crystals, except those which we are able to make fluid. Now there are tw» ways of rendering bodies fluid, namely, solution in liquid* and fusion by heat. These of course are the only method* of forming crystals in our power. Solution is the common method of crystallizing salts. They are dissolved in water: the water is slowly evapo- rated; the saline particles gradually approach each other, combine together, and form small crystals; which become constantly larger by the addition of other particles, till at CRYSTALLIZATION. last they fall by their gravity to the bottom ofthe vessel. Or a saturated solution being prepared in hot water, it is set hy to cool. On the escape of the caloric, by which, in fact, the solution was in great part, accomplished, ihe salt crystallizes. Such salts commonly firm in geenps, attached to tbe sides or bottom ofthe vessel, or depending From a pellicle. They usually contain more water of crys- tallization than the former class. There are many substances, however, neither soluble in water nor other liquids, which, notwithstanding, arc capable of assuming a crystalline form. This is the case with the metals, with glass, and some other bodies. The method employed to crystallize them is fusion, which is a solution by means of caloric alone. By this method par- ticles are separated from one another; and if the cooling proceeds gradually, they are at liberty to arrange them- selves in regular crystals. To obtain large artificial crystals of a regular shape requires considerable address and much patient attention. This curious branch of practical chemistry has been much improved by Mr. Leblanc; who has not only succeeded in obtaining regular crystals of almost any size at plea- sure, but lias made many interesting observations on crys- tallization ingeneral. His method is as follows: The salt to be crystallized is dissolved in water, and evaporated to such a consistency that it shall crystallize on cooling. Set it by, and when quite cold pour the liquid part from the mass of crystals at the bottom, and put it into a flat-bottom- ed vessel. Solitary crystals form at some distance from each other,and these may be observed gradually increasing. Pick out the most regular of these, and put them into a flat- bottomed vessel at some distance from each other, and pour over them a quantity of liquid obtained in the same way by evaporating a solution of the salt till it crystal- lizes on cooling. Alter the position of every crystal once at least every day with a glass rod, that all the faces may be alternately exposed to the action ofthe liquid: for the face on which the crystal rests never receives any incre- ment. By this process the crystals gradually increase in size. When tbey have acquired such a magnitude that their form can easily be distinguished, the most regular are to be chewen, or those having the exact shape which we v\ ish to obtain; and each of them is to be put seperately in a vessel filled with a portion of the same liquid, and turned in the same manner several times a day. By this treatment they may be obtained of almost any size we think proper. After the crystal has continued in the li- quid for a certain time, the quantity of salt held in solu- tion becomes so much diminished, that the liquid begins to act upon the crystal and re-dissolves it. This action is first perceptible on the angles and edges of the crystal. Thev become blunted, and gradually lose their shape alto- get her. Whenever this begins to be perceived, the liquid must be poured off, and a portion of new liquid put in its place; otherwise the crystal is infallibly destroyed. Mr. Leblanc has observed, that this singular change begins first at the surface of the liquid, ami extends gradually to the bottom: s > that a crystal, if large, may be often perceived in a state of increase at its lower end, while it is disappearing at its upper extremity. Mr. Leblanc even affirms that saline solutions almost always increase in den- sity according to their depth from the surface. It has been observed, that those salts which crystal- lize upon cooling, do not assume a crystalline form so readily if they are allowed to cool in close vessels. If a saturated solution of sulphat of soda, for instance, in hot water, is put into a phial, corked up closely, and allowed to cool without being moved, no crystals are formed at all; but the moment the glass is opened the salt crystal- lizes with such rapidity that the whole of the solution in a manner becomes solid. It seems then that the caloric, or rather the last portions of it, cannot be carried off without the air or the atmospherical pressure in the li- quid. Not only salts, but water itself, which commonly crys- tallizes at 32°, may be made to exhibit the same phe- nomenon: it may be cooled much lower than 32 degrees without freezing. This, as Dr. Black has completely pro- ved depends entirely upon the retention of caloric. The phenomena of crystallization seem to have attract- ed but little of the attention of the ancient philosophers. Their theory, indeed, that the elements of bodies possess certain regular geometrical figures, may have been sug- gested by these phenomena; but we are ignorant of their having made any attempt to explain them. The school- men ascribed the regular figure of crystals to their sub- stantial forms, without giving themselves much trouble about explaining the meaning of the term. This notion was attacked by Boyle; wiio proved that crystals are formed by the mere aggregation of particles. But it still remained to explain why that aggregation took place; and why the particles united in such a manner as to form regular figures. The aggregation is evidently the consequence of at- traction, but to explain the cause of the regular figures is a more difficult task. Newton hns remarked, that the particles of bodies, while in a state of solution, are ar- ranged in the solvent in regular order and at regular dis- tances; the consequence of which must be, that when the force of cohesion becomes sufficiently strong to separate them from the solvent, they will naturally combine in groups, composed of those particles which are nearest each other. Now all the particles of the same body must be supposed to have the same figures: and the combination of a determinate number of similar bodies must produce similar figures. Hauy has made it exceedingly probable that these integrant particles always combine in the same body in the same way; that is to say, that the same faces, or the same edges, always attach themselves together; but that these differ in different crystals. This can scarcely be accounted for, without supposing that the particles of bo- dies are endowed with a certain polarity which makes them attract one part of a different particle and repel the other parts. This polarity would explain the regularity of cry- stallization; but it is itself inexplicable. It is remarkable that crystals not only assume regular figures, but are always bounded by plane surfaces. It is very rarely indeed that curved surfaces arc observed in these bodies; and when they are, the crystals always give unequivocal proofs of imperfection. But this constant tendency towards plane surfaces is inconceivable, unless the particles of which the crystals are composed are them- selves regular figures, and bounded by plane surfaces. If the figure of crystals depends u pon the figure of their integrant particles, and Hpon the maimer in which they combine, it is reus mable to suppose that the same parte CRYSTALLIZATION. cies when at full liberty, will always combine in the same way, and consequently that the crystals of every particu- lar body will be always the same. Nothing at first sight can appear farther from the truth than this. The differ- ent forms which the crystals of the same body assume are often very numerous, and exceedingly different from each other. Carbonat of lime, for instance, has been ob- served crystallized in no fewer than forty different forms, iluat of lime in eight different forms, and sulphat of lime in nearly an equal number. But this inconsistency is not so great as might at first sight appear. Rome/ de Lisle has shown that every body susceptible of crystallization has a particular form which it most frequently assumes, or at least to wbich it does most frequently approach. Bergman has demonstrated, that this primitive form, as Hauy has called it, very often lies concealed in those very crystals wiiich appear to deviate farthest from it. And Hauy has demonstrated, that all crystals either have this primitive form, or at least contain it as a nucleus within them; for it may be extracted out of all of them by a skilful mechanical di- vision. See Plate XXXVIII. Crystallization. Happening to take up an hexangular prism of calca- reous spar, or carbonat of lime, which had been detach- ed from a group of the same kind, he observed that a ■mall portion of the crystal was wanting, and that the fracture presented a very smooth surface. Let abed efg h (fig. 1.) be the crystal: the fracture lay obliquely as the trapezium p s u t, and made an angle of 135 de- grees, both with the remainder of the base a b c s p h, and with t u ef, the remainder of the side i /: ef. Ob- serving that the segment p sutin thus cut off had for its vertex i n, one of the edges of the base ab c nih of the prism, he attempted to detach a similar segment in the part to which the next edge c n belonged; he employed for that purpose the blade of a knife, directed in the same degree of obliquity as the trapezium p s u t, and assisted by the strokes of a hammer. He could not succeed: but on making the attempt upon the next edge b c, he detach- ed another segment, precisely similar to the first, and which had for its vertex the edge b c. He could produce no effect on the next edge a b; but from the next following, a h, he cut a segment similar to the other two. The sixth edge likewise proved refractory. He then went to the other base of the prism, d efg k r, and found that the edges which admitted sections similar to the preceding ones were not the edges ef, d r, g k, corresponding with those which had been found divisible at the opposite base, but the intermediate edges de, kr, g f. The trapezium lq y v represents the section of the segment which had k r for its vertex. This section was evidently parallel to the section p s ut, and the other four sections were also parallel two and two. These sections were, without doubt, the natural joinings of the layers of the crystal; and he easily succeeded in making others parallel to them, with- out its being possible for him to divide the crystal in any other direction. In this manner he detached layer after layer, approaching always nearer and nearer the axis of the prism, till at lastj the base disappeared altogether, and the prism was converted into a solid OX (fig. 2), terminated by twelve pentagons parallel two and two; of which those at the extremities, that is to say, ASRIO, IGEDO, BAODC, at one end, and FKNPQ, MNPXU, ZQPXY, at the other, were the result of mechanical di. vision, and had their common vertices <», I', situated at the entrance of the bases of the original prism. Tbe six lateral pentagons RSLXY, ZYRIO, kc were the remains ofthe six sides ofthe original prism. By continuing sections parallel to the former ones, the lateral pentagons diminished in length; and at last the points R G coinciding with the points Y Z, the points S R with the points U Y, kc there remained nothing of the latteral pentagons but the triangles, YIZ, UXY, &c. (fig. 5.). By continuing the same sections, these trian- gles at last disappeared, and the prism was converted into the rhomboid, a e (fig. 4.). So unexpected a result induced him to make the same attempt upon more of these crystals: and he found that all of them could be reduced to similar rhomboid.;. He found also, that the crystals of other substances could be reduced in the same manner to certain primitive forms; always the same in the same substances, but every sub- stance having its own peculiar form. The primitive form of iluat of lime, for instance, was an octahedron; of sulphat of barytes, a prism with rhomboidal bases; of feltspar, an oblique-angled parallelopiped, but not rhomboidal; of adamantine spar, a rhomboig, somewhat acute; of blende, a dodecahedron, with rhomboidal sides; &c. These primitive forms must depend upon the fi;nro- of the integrant particles composing these crystals, and upon the manner in wiiich they combine with each other. Now by continuing the mechanical division of the crys- tal, by cutting off slices parallel to each of its faces, we must at last reduce it to so small a size that it shall contain only a single integrant particle; consequently this ultimate figure of the crystal must be the figure of the integrant particles of which it is composed. The mechanical division, indeed, cannot be continued so far, but it may be continued till it can be demonstrated that no subsequent division can alter its figure; consequently it can be continued till the figure which it assumes is similar to that of its integrant particles. Hauy has found that the figure of the integrant parti- cles of bodies, as far as experiment has gone, may be reduced to three; namely, 1. The parallelopiped, the simplest of the solids, whose faces are six in number, and parallel two and two. 2. The triangular prism, the simplest of prisms. 3. The tetrahedon, the simplest of pyramids. Even this small number of primitive forms, if we consider the almost endless diversity of size, proportion, and density, to which particles of different bodies, though they have the same figure, may still be liable, will he found fully sufficient to account for all the differences in cohesion, and heterogeneous affinity, without having recourse to different absolute forces. These integrant particles, when they unite to form the primitive crystals, do not always join together in the same way. Sometimes they unite by their faces, and at other times by their edges, leaving considerable vacuities between each. This explains why integrant particles, though they have the same form, may compose primitive crystals of different figures. Mr. Hauy has ascertained, that the primitive fonns of crystals are six in number; namely, CRYSTALLIZATION. I. The parallelopiped; which includes the cube, the rhomboid, and all solids terminated by six faces, parallel two and two. 2. The regular tetrahedron. 3. The octahedron with triangular faces. 4. The six-sided prism. *. The dodecahedron terminated by rhombs. G. The dodecahedron with isosceles triangular fares. Each of these may be supposed to occur as the pri- mitive form or the nucleus in a variety of bodies: but those only which are regular, as the cube of the octa- hedron, have hitherto been found in any considerable number. But bodies, when crystallized, do not always appear in the primitive form; some of them indeed very seldom affect that form, and all of them have a certain latitude and a certain number of forms which they assume occa- sionally i'.s the primitive form. Thus the primitive form of Iluat of lime is tbe octahedron; but that salt is often found crystallized in cubes, in rhomboidal dodecahedrons, and in other forms. All these different forms which a body assumes, the primitive excepted, have been deno- minated by Hauy secondary forms. Now what is the reason of this latitude in crystallizing? why do bodies assume so often these secondary forms? To this it may be answered: 1st, That these secondary forms are sometimes owing to the variations in the ingredients which compose the integrant particles of any particular body. Alum, for instance, crysti Uizes in octahedrons; but when a quan- tity of alumina is added, it crystallizes in cubes; and when there is an excess of alumina, it docs not crystal- lize at all. If the proportion of alumina vary between that which produces octahedrons and what produces cubic crystals, tbe crystals become figures with fourteen sides, six of which are parallel to those ofthe cube and eight to those of the octahedron; and according as the proportions approach nearer to those wiiich form cubes or octahedrons, the crystals assume more or less of the form of cubes or octahedrons. What is still more, if a cubic crystal of alum is put into a solution that v\ould afford octahedral crystals, it passes into an octahedron: and, on the other hand, an octahedral crystal put into a solution that would afford cubic crystals becomes itself a cube. Now, how difficult a matter it is to proportion tbe different ingredients with absolute exactness, must appear evident to all. iJd, The secondary fenns are sometimes owing to the solvent in which the crystals are formed. Thus if com- mon salt is dissolved in water, and then crystallized, it assumes the firm of cubes; but when crystallized in urine, it assumes the form not of cubes, but of regular octahedrons. On the other hand, muriat of ammonia, when crystallized in water, assumes the octahedral form, but in urine it crystallizes in cubes. 3d, But even when the solvent is the same, and the proportion of ingredients, as far as can be ascertained, exactly the same, still tliere are a variety of secondary forms which are usually found to make their appearance. These secondary forms have been happily explained by the theory of crystallization for which we are indebted to the sagacity of Mr. Hauy: a theory which, fir its in- genuity, clearness, and importance, must ever rank high, vol. I. 87 and which must be considered as,one of the greatest ac- quisitions which mineralogy and even chemistry have hitherto attained. According to this theory, the additional matter wiiich envelopes the primitive nucleus consists of thin slices or layers of particles laid one above another upon the faces of that mid us; and each layer decreasing in size, in consequence of the abstraction of one or more rows of integrant particles from its edges or angles. Let us suppose that ABFG (fig. 6.) is a cube com- posed «f 729 small cubes: each ofits sides will consist of 81 squares, being the external sides of as many cubic particles, which together constitute the cube. Upon ABCD, one of the sides of this cube, let us apply a square lamina, composed of cubes equal to those of which the primitive crystal consists. It will of course be com- posed of 49 cubes, 7 on each side; so tha,t its lower base onfz (fig. 7.) will fall exactly on the square marked with the same letters in fig. 6. Above this lamina let us apply a second, / m p u (fig. 10.) composed of 25; it will be situated exactly above the square marked with the same letters (fig. 6.) Upon this second let us apply a third lamina, v xy z (fig. 8.),con- sisting only of 9 cubes: so that its base shall rest upon the letters v xyz (fig. 6.) Lastly, on the middle square r let us place the small cube r (fig. 5.), which will re- present the last lamina. It is evident that by this process a quadrangular py- ramid has been formed upon the face ABCD (fig. 6), the base of which is this face, and the vertex the cube r fig. 5). By continuing the same operation upon the other ve sides ofthe cube, us many similar pyramids will be formed; which will envelope the cube on every side. It is evident, however, that the sides of these pyramids will not form continued planes, but that, owing to the gradual diminution ofthe lamina? of the cubes which compose them, these sides will resemble the steps of a stair-case. We can suppose however (what must certain- ly be the case), that the cubes of which the nucleus is formed are exceedingly small, almost imperceptible; that therefore a vast number of lamina? are required to form the pyramids, and consequently that the channels which they perform are imperceptible. Now DC BE (fig. 9.) being the pyramid resting upon the face ABCD (fig. 6.), and CBOG (fig. 9.) the pyramid applied to the next face BCGH (fig. 6.), if we consider that every thing is uniform from E to O (fig. 9.), in tbe manner in which the edges of the lamina? of superposition (as the abbe' Hauy calls the lamina? which compose the pyramids) project beyond each other, it will readily be conceived that the face CEB of the first pyramid ought to be ex- actly in the same plane with the face COB ofthe adja- cent pyramid, and that therefore the two faces together will form one rhomb ECOB. But all the sides ofthe six pyramids amount to 24 triangles similar to CEB; con- sequently they will form 12 rhombs, and the figures of the whole crystal will be a dodecahedron. Thus we see that a body which has the cube for the primitive form ofits crystals, may have a dodecahedron for its secondary form. The formation of secondary crys- tals, by the superposition of lamina? gradually decreasing in size, was first pointed out hy Bergman. But Hauy has carried the subject much farther: he has not only CRYSTALLIZATION. ascertained all tiie different #ays by which these decre- ments of the lamina? may take place, but pointed out the method of calculating all the possible varieties of secon- dary forms which can result from a given primitive form; and consequently of ascertaining whether or not any given crystal can be the secondary form ofa given species. The decrements of the lamina? which cover the primi- tive nucleus in secondary crystals are of four kinds: 1. Decrements on the edges, that is, on the edges of the slices which correspond with the edges of the primi- tive nucleus. 2. Decrements on the angles; that is to say, parallel to the diagonals of the faces ofthe primitive nucleus. 3. Intermediate decrements; that is to say, parallel to lines situated obliquely between the diagonals and edges ofthe primitive nucleus. 4. Mixed decrements. In these the superincumbent slices, instead of having only the thickness of one inte- grant particle, have the thickness of two or more inte- grant particles; and the decrement, whether parallel to the edges or angles, consists not of the abstraction of one row of particles, but of two or more. Hauy denotes these decrements by fractions, in which the numerator indicates the number of rows of particles which consti- tutes the decrement, and the denominator represents the thickness of the lamina?. Thus | denotes lamina? of the thickness of three integrant particles, decreasing by two rows of particles. An example of the first law of decrement, or of de- crement on the edges, has been given above in the con- version of the cubic nucleus to a rhomboidal dodecahe- dron. In that example the decrement consisted of one row of particles, and it took place on all the edges. But these decrements may be more rapid: instead of one, they may consist of two, three, four, or more rows; and in- stead of taking place on all the edges, they may be con- fined to one or two of them, while no decrement at all fakes place on the others. Each of these different modi- fications must produce a different secondary crystal. Be- sides this, the lamina? may cease to be added before they have reached their smallest possible size; the conse- quence of which must be a different secondary form. Thus, in the example given above, if the superposition of lamina? had ceased before the pyramids were complet- ed, the crystal would have consisted of 18 faces; 6 squares parallel to the faces of the primitive nucleus, and 12 hexahedrons parallel to the faces of the secondary dode- cahedron. This is the figure of the barat of lime and magnesia found at Luneburg. The second law in which the decrement is on the an- gles, or parallel to the diagonals of the faces of the pri- mitive nucleus, will be understood from the following example: Let it be proposed to construct around the cube ABGF (fig. 11.), considered as a nucleus, a secon- dary solid, in which the laminae of superposition shall de- crease on all sides by single rows of cubes, but in a di- rection parallel to the diagonals. Let ABCD (fig. 12), the superior base of the nucleus, be divided into 81 squares, representing the faces of the small cubes of which it is composed. Fig. 13 represents the superior surface ofthe first lamina of superposition; which must be placed above ABCD (fig. 12) in such a manner, that the points abed (fig. 15) answer to the points ab od (fig. 12). By this disposition the squares An, Bb, Cr, Dd (fig. 12), which compose the four outermost rows of squares parallel to the diagonals AC, BC, remain un. covered. It is evident also, that the borders QV, ON IL, GF (fig. 13), project by one range beyond the bor' ders AB, AD, CD, BC (fig. 13); which is necessary, that the nucleus may be enveloped towards these edecs: for if this were not the case, re-entering angles would be formed towards the parts AB, BC, CD, DA, of the crystal; which angles appear to be excluded by the laws which determine the formation of simple crystals, or- wiiich comes to the same thing, no such angles are ever observed in any crystal. The solid must increase, then in those parts to which the decrement does not extend. But as this decrement is alone sufficient to determine the form ofthe secondary crystal, we may set aside all the other variations which intervene only in a subsidiary manner; except when it is wished, as in the present case, to construct artificially a solid representation of a crys- tal, and to exhibit all the details which relate to its struc- ture. The superior face ofthe seeond lamina will be AGLK (fig. 14.). It must be placed so that the points a, b, c, d, correspond to the points a, b, c, d (fig. 13); which will leave uncovered a second row of cubes at each angle, parallel to the diagonals AC and BD, The solid still increases towards the sides. The large faces of the lami- na? of superposition, which in fig. 13 were octagons, in fig. 14 arrive at the form of a square; and when they pass that term they decrease on all sides; so that the next lamina has for its superior face the square RMLS (fig. 15) less by one range in every direction than the preceding lamina (fig. 14). This square must be placed so that the points e,f, g, h (fig. 15), correspond to the points e,f, g, h (fig. 14). Figures 16, 17, 18, and 19, represent the four lamina? which ought to rise successive- ly above the preceding; the manner of placing them be- ing pointed out by corresponding letters, as was done with respect to the first three lamina?. The last lamina z (fig. 20) is a single cube, which ought to be placed upon the square » (fig. 19). The lamina? of superposition, thus applied upon the side ABCD (fig. 12), evidently produce four faces, which correspond to the points A, B, C, D, and form a pyramid. These faces, having been formed hy lamina? which began by increasing, and afterwards decreased, must be quadrilaterals of the figure represented in fig. 21; in which the inferior angle C is the same point with the angle C ofthe nucleus (figs. 11 and 12,) and the dia- gonal LQ represents LQ of the lamina AGLK (fig. 13). And as the number of lamina? composing the trian- gle LQC (fig. 21), is much smaller than that of the lamina? forming the triangle ZLQ, it is evident that the latter triangle will have a much greater height than the former. The surface, then, ofthe secondary crystal thus pro- duced, must evidently consist of 24 quadrilaterals, for pyramids are raised on the other 5 sides of the prima- ry cube exactly in the same manner, disposed three and three around each solid angle of the nucleus. But in consequence of the decrement by one range, the three quadrilaterals which belong to each solid a«glc, as C CRY CUB (4rg 11.), will be in the same plane, and will form an equilateral triangle ZIN (fig. 22.). The 24 quadrilate- rals th*-n will produce 8 equilateral triangles; and conse- quently the secondary crystal will be a regular octahe- dron. This is the structure of the octahedral sulphuret of lead, and of muriat of soda. The third law is occasioned by the abstrac tion of double, triple, Sec. particles. Fig. 23 exhibits an in- stance of the subtractions in question: and the niolecu- la? which compose the range represented by that figure arc assorted in such a mariner as if of two there were formed only one; so that we need only to conceive the crystal composed of parallelopipcdons having their ba- ses equal to the small rectangles abc d,e dfgh i I, kc. to reduce this case under that ofthe common decrements on the angles. This particular decrement, as well as the fourth law, which requires no further explanation, is uncommon. Indeed Hauy has met with mixed decrements only in some metallic crystals. These different laws of decrement account for all the different forms of secondary crystals. But in order to see the vast number of secondary forms which may re- sult from them, it is necessary to attend to the different modifications which result from their acting separately or together. These modifications may be reduced to seven. 1. The decrements take plane sometimes on all the edges, or all the angels, at once. 2. Sometimes only on certain edges, or certain an- gles. 3. Sometimes they are uniform, and consist of one, two, or more rows. 4. Sometimes they vary from one edge to the other, or from one angle to another. 5. Sometimes decrements on the edges and angles take place at the same time. 6. Sometimes the same edge or angle is subjected suc- cessively to different laws of decrement. 7. Soincfimes the secondary crystal has faces parallel to those of the primitive nucleus, from the superposition of lamina? not going beyond a certain extent. Hence Mr. llatiy has divided secondary forms into two kinds, namely, simple and compound. Simple se- condary cry stals are those which result from a single law of decrement, and which entirely conceal the pri- mitive nucleus. Compound secondary crystals are those which result from several laws of decrement at once; or from a single law which has not reached its limit, and wbich of course has left in the secondary crystal faces parallel to those ofthe primitive nucleus. «• If amidst this diversity of laws (observes Mr. Hauy) sometimes united by combinations more or less com- plex, the number of ranges subtracted was itself ex- tremely variable; for example, were these decrements by 12, 2i), 30, or 40 ranges, or more, as might absolute- ly be possible; tbe multitude of the forms which might exist in each kind of mineral would be immense, and exceed vs bat could be imagined. But the power which effects the subtractions seems to have a very limited a'tion. These subtractions, for the most pint, take place by one or tuco ranges of molecules. I have found none which exceed four ranges, except in u variety oi* calcare- ous spar forming part ofthe collection of C. Gillet Lau- mont, the structure of which depends on a decrement by six ranges; so that if there exist laws which exceed the decrements by four ranges, there is reason to believe they rarely take place in nature. Yet notwithstanding these narrow limits by which the laws of crystallization are circumscribed, I have found, by confining my- self to two of the simplest laws, viz. those which produce subtractions by one or two ranges, that calcareous spar is susceptible of 2044 different forms, a number which exceeds more than 50 times that of the forms already known: and if we admit into the combination decrements by three or four ranges, calculation will give 8,388,6c4 possible forms in regard to the same suhstauce. This number may still be very much augmented in conse- quence of decrements either mixed or intermediary. In the crystallization of metals, of salts, and other substances, soluble in caloric alone, as well as those so- luble in water by the aid of caloric, the latter substance is given out in abundance (as in the freezing, or more properly, crystallization of water): hence the tempera- ture of large masses of hot saline solutions diminishes at last very slowly during the increase of the crystals which have begun to form in them. CRYSTALLINE-HUMOUR. See Optics. CUBjEA, a genus of tbe decandria monogynia class and order. The calyx is turbinate, five-parted, unequal, permanent; petals five, unequal; filaments villose, three shorter; germ pcdicellcd; legume villose, six or seven- seeded. There are two species. CUBE, a regular or solid body, consisting of six equal sides or fases, which arc squares. It is also called a hexahedron, because of its six sides, and is tbe second of the five Platonic or regular bodies. The cube is supposed to be generated by the motion of a square plane, along a line equal and perpendicular to one of its sides. To describe a rete, or net, for forming a cube, or with which it may be covered.—Describe six squares as in figure 27, upon card, paper, pasteboard, or the like, of the size of the faces ofthe proposed cube; and put it half through by the lines AB, CD, EF, AC, BD; then fold up the several squares till their edges meet, and so form the cube, or a covering over one, as in the figure an- nexed. See PI. XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 27. To determine the surface and solidity ofa cube.—Mul- tiply one side by itself, which will give one square or face: then this multiplied by 6, the number of faces, will give the whole surface. Also multiply one side by itself and that product again by the side, and that will be the solid content. Cubes, or Cubic Numbers, are formed by multiply- ing any numbers by themselves and their products by the numbers again. So the cubes of 1, 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , &c are 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, kc. The third differences ofthe cubes of the natural num- bers are all equal to each other, being the constant num- ber 6. For, let m, n, p, be any three adjacent cubes in the natural series as above, that is, whose roots m, n v have the common differences 1; then, because ' n = m -f 1, therefore n3 = ms -f 3m* -f- 3 m -f 1, p = n -f 1, therefore p* = n* + Sn* + 3n + 1 • CUBE. m + 1, \ in -f 1,J the 1st differences; so that the difference between the 1st and fid, and he- tween the 2d and 3d cubes, are m — ms = 5mt 4- 3m p3 — ns = 3n2 + and the difference of these differences, is ___ 3 ."n*^"™"2 + 3 . n. — m = 3 . n + w+ 1 =6 .m + 1, the 2d difference. _______ In like manner the next 2d difference is 6 . n + 1: Le.ice the difference of these two 2d differences is 6. n — m = 6, which is therefore the constant 3d differ- ence of all the series of cubes. And hence that series of cubes will be formed by addition only, viz. adding al- ways the 3d difference 6 "to find the column or series of 2d differences, then these added a'ways for the 1 st differ- ences, and lastly, these always added for the cubes themselves, as below: 3d Difs. 2 Difs. 1st Difs. Cubes. 6 6 1 0 G 12 7 1 6 18 19 8 6 24 37 27 6 30 61 64 6 36 91 125 6 42 127 216 6 48 169 343 Peletarius, among various speculations concerning 6quare and cubic numbers, shows that the continual sums of the cubic numbers, whose roots are 1, 2,3, kc. form the series of squares whose roots are 1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, &c. Thus, 1 = 1 = l2 1 4. 8 = 9 = 32 I + 8 + 27 = 36 = 62 1 +8 + 27 -f 64 = 100 = IO2, kc. Or, in general, l3 + 22 + 33 + 43, &c. to u^ = 1+2+3+4-- _"?i\2 —\n.n-\-l. It is also a curious property, that any number, and the cube of it, being divided by 6, leave the same re- mainder; the series of remainders being 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, continually repeated. Or that the differences between the numbers and their cubes, divided by 6, leave al- ways 0 remaining; and the quotients, with their suc- cessive differences, form the several orders of figurate numbers. Thus. Num. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cubes. 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 Difs. Quot. | 0 1 Dif. | 0 0 6 1 1 24 4 3 60 10 6 120 20 10 210 35 15 336 56 21 2 Dif. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Cube, duplication of, is the finding the side of a cube that shall double in solidity a given cube, which is a celebrated problem, much discussed by ancient geome- tricians. It was first proposed by the oracle of Apollo at Delphos, which declared that the plague, then raging at Athens, should cease when Apollo's altar, a cube, was doubled. Upon this the mathematicians applied them- selves seriously to seek the duplicafure of the cube- hence it is called the Delian problem. It cannot, how- ever, be effected geometrically, as it requires the solutb n of a cubic equation, or requires the finding of two mean proportionals, viz. between the side of the given cube and the double ofthe same, the first of which two mean proportions is the side ofthe double cube, as was first observed by Hippocrates of Chios. For, let a be tbo side of the given cube, and z the side of the double cube sought; then it is «3 = 2a3, or a2: z2:: %-. 2a; so that, if a and % be the first and 2d terms of a set of continued proportionals, then as: a2 is the ratio of the square of the first to the square ofthe 2d, which, it is known, is the same as the ratio ofthe first term to the 3d, or of the 2d to the 4th, that is, of* to 2a; therefore z being the 2d term, 2a will be the 4th. So that «, the side of the cube sought, is the 2d of four terms in continued pro- portion, the first and 4th being a and 2a, that is, the side ofthe double cube is the first of two mean propor- tionals between a and 2a. The thing has been frequent- ly done mechanically by Archimedes, Eutochius, Pap- pus, kc. Cube, or Cubic number, in arithmetic, that which ia produced by the multiplication of a square number by its root: thus, 64 is a cube number, and rises by mul- tiplying 16, the square of 4, by the root 4. Cube, or Cubic quantity, in algebra, the third power in a scries of geometrical proportionals continued; as a is the root, aa the square, and aaa the cube. All cubic numbers may he ranged into the form of cubes; as 8 or 27, whose sides are 2 and 3, and their bases 4 and 9j whence it appears, that every true cubic number, pro- duced from a binomial root, consits of these parts, viz. The cubes of the greater and lesser parts of the root, and of three times the square of the greater part mul- tiplied hythe lesser, and of three times the square ofthe lesser multiplied hythe greater, as, aa +2«6 + 66 a + b aaa + 2aa6 + abb aab-j-2abb-j-bbb aaa + Saab + 5abb + bbb From hence it is easy to understand both ^he composi- tion of any cubic number, and the reason of the method for extracting the cube root out of any number given. See the following article. Cube root of any number, or quantity, such a number, or quantity, which, if multiplied into itself, and then, again* the product thence arising, by that number or quantity, being the cube root, this last product shall be equal to the number or quantity whereof it is the cube root: as 2 is the cube root of 8, because two times 2 are 4, and two times 4 are 8; and a + 6 is the cube root of a3 +3fl*H Sab2 + b*. . Every rube number has three roots, one real root, anfl two imaginary ones; as the cube number 8 has one real root 2, and two imaginary roots, viz. ^/ — 3—1» *n& v__3 + l; and generally if a be tiie real root of any cube cue c u c number, one of the imaginary, roots of that number a + \/—3aa a—v—3tta will be------------, and the other------------Sec 2 2 Algebra. CUBEBS, cubeba of the shops, in the materia medi- ca, a small dried fruit, resembling a grain of pepper, but often somewhat longer, brought into Europe from the island of Java. See Mateuia Medica. CUBIC, or Cubical, Equation, in algebra, one whose highest power consists of three dimensions, as .rs = a3 — 63, or xz + rxx—p6, kc. CUBIT, in the mensuration of the ancients, a long measure, equal to the length of a man's arm, from tbe elbow to the tip of the fingers. Dr. Arbuthnot makes the English cubit equal to 18 inches; the Roman cubit equal to one foot, 5,406 inches; and the cubit of the scripture equal to one foot, 9,888 inches. CUBIT^US. Sec Anatomy. CUBITUS, in anatomy, a bone ofthe arm, reaching from the elbow to the wrist, otherwise called the ulna. CUCKING-stool, anciently called tumbrel, an en- gine invented for the punishment of scolds and unquiet women, by ducking them. This instrument was a sort of chair, placed at the end of a plank, in which the offend- er was placed, and so ducked: it was formerly made use of to punish bakers and brewers, upon transgressing the laws made in relation to their several trades; for upon offending in this respect, they were ducked, or plung- ed in some stinking muddy pond, by means of this chair. CUCUBALUS, berry-bearing chickweed, a genus of the trigynia order in the decandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 22d order, caryophyhi. The calyx is inflated, the petals 5, unguicu- lated without; a nectariferous corona at the throat; the capsule is trilocular. There are 17 species; the most remarkable of which are, 1. The beben, Swedish lychnis, or gumsepungar, a native of several parts of Europe. The empalement of its fiovver is curiously wro ight like a network, and is of a purplish colour. The leaves have somewhat of the flavour of p; as, and proved of great use to the inhabit- ants of Minorca in 1685, when a swarm of locusts had destroyed the harvest. The Gothlanders apply the leaves to erysipelatous eruptions. Horses, cows, sheep, and goats, eat this plant. 2. The catholic-us, or night-flowering lychnis, grows naturally in Spain and Italy. It is a perennial plant, rising with an upright branching stalk a foot and a half high, with very narrow leaves placed opposite. The flowers stand upon long naked footstalks, each support- ing three or four flowers which have long tubes with striped empalcnienls. the petals are large, deeply divid- ed at to]), and ofa pale-blueish colour. The flowers are closed all tiie dav; but when the sun leaves them, they expand, and then emit a very agreeable scent. It may be propagated by seeds sown in the spring on a bed of light earth, and will flower the following year. 3. The otites, or catch-fly, is a native of Britain and other European countries. It has a thick, fleshy, perennial root, which strikes into the ground, whence rises a jointed stalk three or four feet high. At (he joints there exudes a viscous clammy juice, that sticks to the fingers when handled: and the small insects whic ii settle upon those parts of the stalks are so fastened that they cannot get off. The flowers are small, and of a greenish colour. CUCUJUS, a genus of insects of the coleoptera or- der: antennae filiform; feelers four, equal* the last joint truncate and thicker; lip short, bifid; the divisions linear and distant; body depressed. There are 11 species be- longing to this genus. CUCULLANUS, a genus of worms of the order in- testina: body sharp, pointed behind and obtuse before; mouth orbicular, with a striated hood. They are most of them viviparous. There are eight species, which take their names from the animal in which they are found. Thus, the cucullanus talpre inhabits the common mole, is gregarious, inclosed in a membrane, spirally twisted, white, and found in the fat about the peritoneum. CUCULLARIS, see Anatomy. CUCULUS, the cuckow, in ornithology, a genus be- longing to the order of picae; the essential characters of which are: the bill is smooth, and more or less bending; the nostrils are bounded by a small rim; the tongue is short and pointed; the feet and toes formed for climbing. See PI. XXXIX. N. II. fig. 153. There are 46 species. The most remarkable are: 1. The canorns, or common cuckow, weighs about five ounces, and is in length 14 inches, in breadth 25. The bill is black, and about two-thirds of an inch in length. The head, hind part of the neck, coverts of the wings and rump, are of a dove-colour, darker on the head and paler on the rump. The legs arc short, and the toes disposed two backwards and two forwards, like those of the woodpecker, though it is never observed to run up the sides of trees. The female differs in some re- spects. This bird appears in England early in the spring, and makes the shortest stay there of any bird of* pass- age. It is directed thither by that constitution of the air which causes the fig-tree to put forth its fruit; though it has been supposed that some of these birds do not quit that island during the winter, but that they seek shelter in hollow trees, and lie torpid, unless animated by un- usually warm weather. Mr. Pennant gives two instances of their being heard in February; one in irri, in the end of that month; the other in 1769, on the fourth day; but after that they were heard no more, being probablv chilled into torpidity. There is a remarkable coincid"- ence between the song of these birds, and the mackarels continuing in full roe; that is, from about the middle of April to the latter part of June. The cuckow is silent for some time after his arrival. His note is so uniform that his name in all languages seems to have been deriv- ed from it; and in all countries it is used in the same reproachful sense. On the natural history of this singular bird, we have a very curious paper by Dr. Jenner, published in tiie 1 philosophical Transactions for 1788, part II. art. u The first appearance of cuckows in the county of Gloucester is about the middle of April. The sone of the male, which is well known, soon proclaims ite arriv- CUCULTJS. al. The song of the female (if the peculiar notes of which it is composed may be so called) is widely different, and has been so little attended to, that perhaps few are ac- quainted with it: the cry of the dabchick bears some resemblance to it. Unlike the generality of birds, cuckows do not pair. When a female appears on the wing, she is often attend- ed by two or three males. From the time of her appear- ance till after the middle of summer, the nests of the birds selected to receive her egg are to be found in great abundance; but, like the other migrating birds, she does not begin to lay till some weeks after her arrival. It is on all hands allowed that the cuckow does not hatch its own eggs; for which different reasons have been given, as will be afterwards noticed. The hedge- sparrow, the water-wagtail, the titlark, the redbreast, the yellow-hammer, the green-linnet, or the winchat, is generally the nurse of the young cuckow: but Buffon enumerates 20 sorts of nests at least in which they have deposited their eggs. It may be supposed that the fe- male cuckow lays her egg in the absence of the bird in whose nest she intends to deposit it; as it has been known that on sight of one of these, a redbreast and its mate jointly attacked her on approaching the nest, putting her to flight; and so effectually drove her away, that she did not dare to return. Among the birds above-mention- ed, it generally, according to Dr. Jenner's observ ations, selects the first three, but shows a much greater partiali- ty to the hedge-sparrow. This last commonly takes up four or five days in laying her eggs. During this time (generally after she has laid one or two) the cuckow contrives to deposit her egg among the rest, leaving the future care of it entirely to the hedge-sparrow. This intrusion often occasions some discomposure: for the old hedge-sparrow at intervals, whilst she is sitting, not un- frequently throws out some of her .own eggs, and some- times injures them in such a way that they become addle; so that it more frequently happens that only two or three hedge-sparrow's eggs are hatched with the cuckow's than otherwise. But whether this is the case or not, she sits the same length of time as if no foreign egg had been introduced, the cuckow's egg requiring no longer incuba- tion than her own. When the hedge-sparrow has sat her usual time, and disengaged the young cuckow and some of her own off- spring frem the shell, her own young ones, and any of "her eggs that remain unhatched, arc soon turned out, the young cuckow remaining possessor of the nest, and the sole object of her future care. The young birds are not previously killed, nor are the eggs demolished; but all are left to perish together, either entangled about the bush which contains the nest, or lying on the ground un- der it. "The early fate of the young hedge-sparrows (Dr. Jenner observes) is a circumstance that has been noticed by others, but attributed to wrong causes. A variety of conjectures have been formed upon it. Some have supposed the parent cuckow the author of their destruc- tion; while others, as erroneously, have pronounced them smothered hy the disproportionate size of their fellow- nestling. Now the cuckow's egg being not much larger than the hedge-sparrow■% it necessarily follows, that at first there can be no difference in the size of the birds just burst from the she'll. Of the fallacy of the former assertion also I was some years ago convinced by hav- ing found that many cuckow's eggs were hatched in the nests of other birds after the old cuckow had disappear- ed; and by seeing the same fate then attend the nestling sparrows as during the appearance of old cuckows in this country." But before he enters on the facts relating to the death of the young sparrows, our author proceeds to state various examples of the incubation of the egg, and the rearing of the young cuckow; a point wiiich had been controverted by thehon. Daines Barrington, and disbe- lieved by others. For these, however, on account of their great length, we refer the reader to the original paper. It appears a little extraordinary that two cuckows' eggs should ever be deposited in the same nest, as the young one produced from one of them must inevitably perish; yet two instances of this kind fell under our au- thor's observation, one of which he thus relates: « June 27, 1787. Two cuckows and a hedge-sparrow were hatched in the same nest this morning; one hedge-spar- row's egg remained unhatched. In a few hours after, a contest began between the cuckows for the possession of the nest, which continued undetermined till the next af- ternoon; when one of them, which was somewhat supe- rior in size, turned out the other, together with the young hedge-sparrow and the unhatched egg. This contest was very remarkable. The combatants alternately ap- peared to have the advantage, as each carried the other several times nearly to the top of the nest, and then sunk down again, oppressed by the weight of its burden; till at length, after various efforts, the strongest prevailed, and was afterw ards brought up by the hedge-sparrows." But the principal circumstance that has agitated the mind of the naturalist respecting the cuckow is, why, like other birds, it should not build a nest, incubate its eggs, and rear its own young? There is no apparent reason, Dr. Jenner thinks, why this bird, in common with others, should not perform all these several offices; for it is in every respect perfectly formed for collecting materials, and building a nest. Neither its external shape nor internal structure prevents it from incubation; nor is it by any means incapacitated from bringing food to its young. It would be needless to enumerate the vari- ous opinions of authors on this subject from Aristotle to the present time. Those of the ancients appear to be either visionary or erroneous; and the attempts of the moderns towards its investigation have been confined within very narrow limits: for they have gone but little further in their researches than to examine the constitu- tion and structure of the bird; and having found it pos- sessed of a capacious stomach, with a thin external cover- ing, concluded that the pressure upon this part, in a sit- ting posture, prevented incubation. They have not con- sidered that many of the birds which incubate have stomachs analogous to those of cuckows. The stomach of the owl, for example, is proportionably capacious, and is almost as thinly covered with external integuments. Nor have they considered that the stomachs of nestlings are always much distended with food; and that this very part, during the whole time of their confinement to the nest, supports in a great degree the weight of the whole body, whereas, in a sitting bird, it is not nearly so much CUCTJIXS. pressed upon; for the breast in that case fills up chiefly the cavity of the nest; for which purpose, from its na- tural convexity, it is admirably well fitted. These ob- servations sufficiently show tb tt the cuckow is not ren- dered incapable of sitting through any peculiarity either in the situation or formation of the stomach. In considering to what causes may be attributed the singularities of the cuckow, Dr. Jenner suggests the fol- lowing as the most probable: "The short residence this bird is allowed to make in the country where it is des- tined to propagate its species; and the call that nature has upon it, during that short residence, to produce a nu- merous progeny." The cuckow's first appearance here is about the middle of April, commonly on the 17th. Its egg is not ready for incubation till some weeks after its arrival, seldom before the middle of May. A fortnight is taken up by the sitting-bird in hatching the egg. The young bird generally continues three weeks in the nest before it flies, and the foster parents feed it more than five weeks after'this period; so that if a cuckow should be ready with an egg much sooner than the time point- ed out, not a single nestling, even one of the earliest, would be fit to provide for itself before its parent would be instinctively directed to seek a new residence, and be thus compelled to abandon its young one; for old cuckows take their final leave of this country the first week in July. There seems to be no precise time fixed for the de- parture of young cuckows. Our author believes they go off in succession, probably as soon as they are capable of taking care of themselves*; for although they stay here till they become nearly equal in size and growth of plum- age to the old cuckow, yet in this very state the foster- ing care of the hedge-sparrow is not withdrawn from them. It is supposed that there are more male cuckows than females; since two are often seen in dispute where a third has been in sight; which, no doubt, was ofthe opposite sex. Mr. Pennant observed, that five male birds were caught in a trap in one season; and Mr. Latham says, that " out of at least half a dozen that I have attended to, my chance has never directed me to a female; and it is to he wished that future observers may determine whether our observations have risen only in chance, or are founded on general circumstances." He believes that the male birds are more liable to be shot, their note directing the gunner where to take aim, while the female is secured by her silence. Cuckows may be, and often are, brought up tame, so as to become familiar. They will eat in this state bread and milk, fruit, insects, eggs, and flesh either cooked or raw; but in a state of nature chiefly live on eaterpillars ofthe smooth kind. Some have fed on vegetable matter, beetles, and small stones. When fat, they are said to be as good eating as a land-rail. The French and Italians cat them to this day. The ancient Romans admired them greatly as food; and Pliny says that there is no bird which can be compared to them for delicacy. In migrating, the major part of these birds are sup- posed to go into Africa; since they arc observed to visit the island of Malta twice in a year in their passage hack- wards and forwards, as is supposed, to that part of the world. The cuckow i i well known also at Aleppo. To the north, it is said io be common in Swede i; but not to appear so early by a month as with us. 1 i;-sia is not destitute of this bird; and Mr. Latham has seen a .•.peri- men brought from Kamtschatka, now in the possesion of sir Joseph Banks. 2. The indicator, or honey-guide, is a native of America. The following description is given of it by Dr. Sparrman, in the Philosophical Transactions for 1777. "This curious species of cuckow is found at a considerable distance from the Cape of Good Hope, in the interior parts of Africa, being entire- ly unknown at that settlement. The first place I heard of it was in a wood called the Groot-Vaader's Bosch, the Grandfather's Wood, situated in a desert near the river which the Hottentots call T'kaut'kai. The Dutch settlers thereabout have given this bird the name of honiguyzer, or honey-guide, from its quali- ty of discovering wild honey to travellers. Its colour has nothing striking or beautiful: its size is smaller than that of our cuckow in Europe; but in return, the instinct which prompts it to seek its food in a singular manner is truly admirable. Not only the Dutch and Hottentots, but likewise a species of quadruped named ratel (probably a new species of badger), are frequently conducted to wild bee-hives by this bird, which, as it were, pilots thein to the very spot. The honey being its favourite food, its own interest prompts it to be in- strumental in robbing the hive, as some scraps are commonly left for its support. The morning and even- ing are its times of feeding, and it is then heard calling in a shrill tone, cherr, cherr, which the honey-hunters carefully attend to as the summons to the chace. From time to time they answer with a soft whistle, which the bird hearing always continues its note. As soon as they are in sight of each other, the bird gradually flutters to- wards the place where the hive is situated, continually repeating its former call of cherr, cherr; nay, if it should happen to have gained a considerable way before the men (who may easily be hindered in the pursuit by bushes, rivers, or the like), it returns to them again, and redoubles its note, as if to reproach them with their inactivity. At last the bird is observed to hover for a few moments over a certain spot; and then silently re- tiring to a neighbouring bush or resting-place, the "hun- ters are sure of finding the bees' nest in that identical spot; whether it be in a tree or in the crevice of a rock, or (as is most commonly the case) in the earth. Whilst the hunters are busy in taking the honey, the bird is seen looking on attentively to *vhat is going forward, and waiting for its share of the spoil. The bee-hunters never fail to leave a small portion for their conductor; but commonly take care not to leave so much as would satis- fy his hunger. The bird's appetite being whetted by this parsimony, he is obliged to commit a second trea- son, by discovering another bees* nest, in hopes of a better salary. It is further observed, that the nearer the bird approaches the bidden hive, the more frequently it repeats its call, and seems the more impatient. 1 have bad frequent opportuiutics of seeing this bird, and have been witness to the destruction of several republics of bees by means of its treachery, I had, however, but two opportunities of shooting it, which I did to the great indignation of my Hottentots. It is about seven inches cue cue in length, and is of a rusty-brown colour on the back, with a white breast and belly." A nest which was shown to Dr. Sparrman for that of this bird, was composed of slender filaments of hark, woven together in the form of a bottle; the neck and opening hung downwards, and a string, in an arched shape, was suspended across the opening, fastened by the two ends, perhaps for the bird to perch on. 3. The capensis or Cape cuckow (Buffon) is a trifle smaller than the common. It inhabits the Cape of Good Hope; and is most likely the same bird which is called cdolio, from its pronouncing that word frequently in a low melancholy tone. Voyagers also mention another cuckow wiiich is common to Loango in Africa. It is also larger, but of the same colour, and repeats the word cuckow like that bird, but in a different inflection of voice. It is said that the male and female together go through the whole eight notes of the gamut; the male, beginning by itself, sounds the first three, after which he is accompanied by the female through the rest of the octave. 4. The honoratus, or sacred cuckow, is somewhat less than that of England. This species inhabits Malabar, where the natives hold it sacred. It feeds on reptiles, which perhaps may be such as are the most noxious: if so, this seeming superstition may have arisen from a more reasonable foundation than many others of the like sort. 5. The vetula is rather larger than a blackbird. This species inabits Jamaica, where it is frequent in the woods and hedges all the year round. It feeds on seeds, small worms, and caterpillars, and is very tame. This bird has the name tacco from its cry, which is like that word; the first syllable of this is pronounced hardly, the other following in a full octave lower than the first. It has also another cry like qua, qua, qua, but that only when alarmed by an enemy. Besides insects, it will also eat lizards, small snakes, frogs, young rats, and sometimes even small birds. The snakes they swallow head fore- most, letting the tail hang out of the mouth till the fore parts are digested. This bird, it is most likely, might be easily tamed, as it is so gentle as to suffer the negro children to catch it with their hands. Its gait is that of leaping like a magpie, being frequently seen on the ground; and its flight but short, chiefly from bush to bush. At the time when other birds breed, they likewise retire into the woods, but their nests have never yet been found; from which we should be inclined to think that tbey were indebted to other birds for the rearing of their young, in the manner of the common cuckow. It has the name of rain-bird, as it is said to make the greatest noise before rain. It is common all the year at Jamaica. In another species or variety, common in Jamaica, the feathers on the throat appear like a downy beard, whence probably the name of old-man rain-bird, given it there, and by Ray, Sloane, and others. 6. The cayanus, or Cayenne cuckow, is the size of a blackbird. This inhabits Cayenne, where it goes by the name of the piaye or devil. The natives give it that name, as a bird of ill-omen. The flesh they will not touch; and indeed not without reason, as it is very bad and lean. It is a very tame species, suffering itself to he almost touched by the hand before it offers to escape. Its flight is almost like that of a king's-fisher, and it fre,, quents the borders of rivers on the low branches, feed- ing on insects, and often wagging its tail on changin* place. CUCUMIS, the cucumber, a genus of the syngenesia order, in the monoecia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 34th order, curcubitacese. The male calyx is qiiinquedentated,the corolla quinquepartite the filaments three. The female calyx is also quinque- dentated, the corolla quinquepartite, the pistil trifid; the sides of the apple sharp-pointed. In this genus Ljnnams includes also the melon. There are 13 species, of which the following are the most remarkable. 1. The sativa, or common cucumber, has roots com- posed of long, slender, white fibres; long slender stalks, very branchy at their joints, trailing on the ground, or climbing by their claspers, adorned at every joint by large angular leaves on long erect footstalks, wilh nu- merous and monopetalous bell-shaped flowers of a yellow colour, succeeded by oblong rough fruit. The varieties of this kind are, 1. The common rough green prickly cucumber; a middle sized fruit, about six or soven inches long, having a dark-green rough rind, closely set with very small prickles: the plant is of the hardiest sort, but does not show its fruit early. 2. The short green prick* ly cucumber is about three or four inches long, the rind rather smooth, and set with small prickles. It is valua- ble chiefly for being one of the earliest and hardiest sorts. 3. The long green prickly cucumber, grows from six to nine inches in length, and is rather thinly set with prickle:: and as there are an early and a late cu umber, itis con- siderably the best vaiiety for the main crops, both in the frames and hand-glass, as well as in the open ground for picklers. Of this there is another variety with white fruit. 4. The early green cluster cucumber is ashortish fruit, remarkable for growing in clusters, and appearing early. 5. The long smooth green Turkey cucumber is a smooth green rinded-fruit, growing from 10 to 15 inches in length, without prickles. The plants arc strong grow- ers, with very large leaves. 6. The long smooth white Turkey cucumber, is a smooth-rinded fruit, irom 10 to 15 inches long without prickles. 7. The large smooth green Roman cucumber is a very large and long smooth green fruit, produced from a strong-growingplani 8. Tbe long white prickly Dutch cucumber is a white fruit, eight or ten inches long, set with small black prickles. 2. The chata, or hairy cucumber. According to Mr, Hasselquist this grows in the fertile earth near Cair.i. af- ter the inundation of the Nile, and not in any other place in Egypt, nor does it grow in any other soil. The fruit is a little watery; the flesh almost of the same sub- stance with the melons; it tastes somewhat sweet and cool, but is far from being so cool as the water-melons. This the grandees and Europeans in Egypt cat as the most pleasant fruit they find, and that from wbich they have the least to apprehend. It is the most excellent fruit of this tribe, of any yet known. 3. The inelo, or melon. The varieties of this species are almost endless. The most esteemed are, 1. Tiie canteloupc, a small melon good for early culture. 2. The Roman. 3. The galloway, or Portugal melon. Tnc cue cue grand mistake in the culture of melons is, planting? them early; for without sun to ripen them well, melons are not worth the trouble of eating. Cucumbers in this country arc raised at three different seasons of the year: 1. on hot-beds, for early fruit; 2. on the common ground, for the middle crop: 3. which is for a late < rop or to pickle. Tie cucumbers which are ripe before April are unwholsome, being raised wholly by the heat of the dung without the assistance of the Mm. Those raised in April are good. Besides the above-mentioned species, which arc proper for the table, this genus affords also two articles for the materia medic a. 1. The elaterium of the shops, is the inspissated fsecula of the juice of a kind of wild cucum- ber, called also the elatinum or ass's cucumber. It comes to this countiy from Spain and the southern parts of France, where the plant is very common. It is brought to us in small flat whitish lumps or cakes that are dry, and break easily between the fingers. It is of an acrid, bitter and nauseous taste, and has a strong offensive smell when newly made: hut these, as well as its other qualitic s, it loses after being kept some time. Elaterium is a violent purge and vomit, and is now very seldom used. The plant is commonly called spirting cucumber, from its casting out its seeds with great violence, together with the vie id juice in which they are lodged, if touched when ripe: from this circumstance it has obtained the ap- pellation of noli me tangere, or touch-me-not. 2. The colocynthis, colocynth, coloquintida, or bitter apple of the shops, is brought to us from Aleppo and the island of Crete. The leaves of the plant arc large, placed alter- nate, almost round, and stand upon footstalks four inches long. The flowers are white; and are succeeded hy a fruit resembling the gourd," of the size of a large apple, and wiiich is yellow when ripe. The shelly or husky out- side incloses a bitter pulp interspersed with flatfish seeds. If a hole is made in one of these ripe gourds, and a glass of rum poured in and suffered to remain 24 hours, it proves a powerful purgative. The pulp itself dried and powdered is commonly used as a purgative in this coun- try, but is one of the most drastic, and if taken in a large dose, somewhat hazardous. CUCl'RBIT, in chemistry, an earthen or glass ves- sel, so called from its resemblance to a gourd, arising gra- dually from a wide bottom, and terminating in a narrow neck. CUCURB1TA, the gourd and pompion, a genus o^ the sv ngenesia order, in the moncecia class of plants* and in the natural method ranking under the 34th order, cucurbitac ea-. The ca! \ x ofthe male is quinquedentat- ed. the corolla quinqiuiid, the filaments three: the calyx ofthe female is quiiiqiiedeiitated, the corolla quinquefid, the pistil quinquefid, the seeds ofthe apple with a tumid margin. There are seven species, viz. 1. The laginaria. or bottle-gourd, rises with thick trailing iv\ny stalks, branching into many spreading runner . These extend along the ground sometimes 15 or 20 fee t in length. The leaves are large; the flowers are large .•(, white, succeeded by long ine urvated whi- tish yellow ft uii, attaining from about two to five or six vol. i. 68 feet in length, and from about nine to twenty-four biches in circumference, having a ligneous aud durable shell. 2. The pepo or pompion, commonly called pumpkin. has strong trailing rough stalks, branching into nume- rous runnels. These are much larger than the former, extending from ten to forty or fifty feet cadi way. They have yellow flowers. The flowers are succeeded by- large, round, smooth fruit, of different forms and sizes; some as large as a peck, others as big as half a bushel measure; some considerably less, and others not exceed- ing the bulk of an orange, ripening to a yellow, and sometimes to a whitish colour. This species is the most hardy of any, as well as the most extensive in their growth. A single plant, if properly encouraged, will overspread 10 or 15 roods of ground, and produce a great number of fruit, which, when young, are generally a mixture between a deep blue and pale white, but change as they increase in bulk. 3. The verrucosa, or warted gourd, has trailing stalks very branchy, and running upon the ground 10 or 13 feet each way; large tobated leaves, and yellow flowers, succeeded by roundish, knobby, warted, white fruit, of a moderate size. 4. The melopepo, erect gourd, or squash, rises with an erect strong stalk several feet high, rarely sending forth side-runners, but becoming bushy upward. It is adorned with large lobated leaves; and the flowers arc succeeded by depressed knotty fruit, both white and yel- low, commonly of a moderate size. 5. The hispida. 6. The ovifcra. 7. The citrullus, or water-melon, the fruit of which is often a foot or a foot and a half in diameter. It is much admired in hot climates for its refreshing coolness; but to an English palate it is always insipid. Of all these species there are a great many varieties, and the fruit of every species is observed to be surpris- ingly apt to change its form. All the species of gourds and pompions, with their res- pective varieties, are raised from seed sown annually in April or the beginning of May, either with or without the help of artificial heat. But the plants forwarded in a hotbed till about a month old, produce fruit a month or six weeks earlier on that account, and ripen proportion- ably sooner. In England these plants are cultivated chiefly for curiosity; though, mixed with apples, their pulp makes excellent tarts. In the places where they arc natives, they answer many important purposes. In both the In- dies, bottle-gourds are very commonly cultivated and sold in the markets. They make the principal food of the common people, particularly in the warm months of J one, July, and August. The Arabians call this kind of gourd charrah. It grows commonly on the mountains in their deserts. The natives boil and season it with vinegars and sometimes, filling the shell with rice and meat, make a kind of pudding of it. The hard shell is used for hold- ing water, and some of th?m are capacious enough to contain 22 gallons; these, however, are very uncommon. The fruit of the pompion constitutes a great part of the food of the common people during the hot months, in those places where it grows. If gathered when not much big- ger than a hen or goose egg, and properly seasoned with C U L C U L butter, &c. it makes a tolerable good sauce for butcher's meat, and is also used in soups. In England it is seldom used till grown to maturity. The third species is also used in America for culinary purposes. The fruit is gathered when about half-grown, boiled, and eaten as sauce to butcher's meat. The squashes are also treated in the same manner, and esteemed delicate eating. CUDDY, in great ships, a place lying between the captain-lieutenant's cabin and the quarter-deck, under the poop. It is divided into partitions for the master and other officers. CUI ante divortium, a writ that a woman divorced from her husband has to recover her lands and tenements, which, before her coverture, she held in fee simple, in tail, or for life, from a person to whom her husband had alienated them during the marriage, when it was not in her power to gainsay it. Cui in vita, a writ of entry which a widow may have against him to whom her husband in his life-time alien- ated her lands or tenements, without her consent first had, and her lawfully joining therein. CUIRASS, a piece of defensive armour, made of iron plate, well hammered, serving to cover the body from the neck to the girdle, both before and behind: whence, CUIRASSIERS, cavalry armed with cuirasses, as most ofthe Germans formerly were. CULDEES, in the church history, a sort of monkish priests, formerly inhabiting Scotland and Ireland. Be- ing remarkable for the religious exercises of preach- ing and praying, they were called, by way of emi- nence, cultores Dei; whence is derived the word cul- dees. They made choice of one of their own fraternity to be their spiritual head, who was afterwards called the Scots bishop. CULEUS, in Roman antiquity, the largest measure of capacity for things liquid, equal to 20 amphorse, or 40 urna. It contained 143 gallons three pints, English wine measure, or 11,095 solid inches. CULEX, the gnat, a genus of insects belonging to the order of diptera. The mouth is formed by a flexible sheath, inclosing bristles pointed like stings. The antenna of the males are filiform; those of the females feathered. There are seven species. These insects, too well known by the severe punctures they inflict, and the itcbings thence arising, afford a most interesting history. Before they turn to flying insects, they have been in some measure fishes, under two different forms. "You may observe in stagnate waters," says Barbut, " from the beginning of May till winter, small grubs with their heads downwards, and their hinder parts on the surface of the water; from which part arises side- ways a kind of vent-hole, or small hollow tube like a funnel; and this is the organ of respiration. The head is armed with hooks that serve to seize on insects and bits of grass, on which it feeds. On the sides are placed four small fins, by the help of which the insect swims about, and dives to the bottom. These larva? retain their form during a fortnight or three weeks, after which period they turn to chrysalids. All the parts of the winged insect are distinguishable through the out- ward rube that shrouds them. The cbrysalids are rolled up into spirals. The situation and shape of the windpipe is then altered; it consists of two tubes near the head which occupy the place of the stigmata, through these the winged insect is one day to breathe. These chrys- alids, constantly on the surface of the water in order to draw breath, abstain now from eating; but upon the least motion are seen to unroll themselves, and plunge to the bottom, by means of little paddles situated at the hinder part. After three or four days of strict fastin* they pass to the state of a gnat. A moment before' water was its element; but now it becomes an aerial insect, he can no longer exist in it. He swells his head, and bursts his inclosure. The robe he lately wore turns to a ship, of which the insect is the mast and the sail. If at the instant when the gnat displays his wings there arises a breeze, it proves to him a dreadful hurricane' the water gets into the ship, and the insect, who is not yet loosened from it, sinks, and is lost. But in calm weather, the gnat forsakes his slough, dries himself, flies into the air, and seeks to pump the alimentary juice of leaves, or the blood of men and beasts. The sling which our naked eye discovers, is but a tube, containing five or six spiculaof exquisite minuteness; somedentated at their extremity like the head of an arrow, others sharp- edged like razors. These spicula, introduced into the veins, act as pump-suckers, into which the blood ascends by reason of the smallness of the capillary tubes. The insect injects a small quantity of liquor into tbe wound, by which the blood becomes more fluid, and is seen through the microscope passing through those spicula. The animal swells, grows red, and does not quit his hold till it has gorged itself. The liquor it has injected causes by its irritation that disagreeable itching which we ex- perience; and which may be removed by volatile alkali, or by scratching the part newly stung, and washing it with vinegar. Rubbing one's self at night with fullers' earth and water, lessens the pain and inflammation. Gnats perforin the copulation in the air. The female deposits her eggs on the water, by the help of her moveable hinder part and her legs, placing them one by the side of another in the form of a little boat. This vessel, composed of two or three hundred eggs, swims on the water for two or three days, after which they are hatched. If a storm arises, the boats are sunk. Every month there is afresh progeny of these insects. Were they not devoured by swallows, other birds, and by several carnivorous insects, the air would be darkened by them." Gnats in this country, however troublesome they may be, do not make us feel them so severely as the musketo flies (culex pipiens) do in foreign parts. Both day and night they come into the houses; and when the people are gone to bed, they begin their disagreeable humming, ap- proach always nearer to the bed, andat last suck up so much blood that they can hardly fly away. The bite causes blisters in people of a delicate constitution. When the weatlier has been cool for some days, the musketoes dis- appear; but where it changes again, and especially after rain, they gather frequently in such quantities about the houses, that their number is astonishing. In sultry even- ings they accompany the cattle in great swarms from the woods to the houses or to town; and when they are driven before the houses, the gnats fly in wherever they can. I" greatest heat of summer, they are so numerous in soni* places, that the air seems to be quite full of them, espeo C U N CUP ally near swamps and stagnate waters, such as the river Morris in New-Jersey. The inhabitants therefore make a fire to expel these disagreeable guests by the smoke. CULMINATION, in astronomy, the passage of any heavenly body over the meridian, or its greatest altitude for that day. Sec Clowes, use of. CULPRIT, is not (as is vulgarly imagined) an oppro- brious name given to the prisoncrbeforeheis found guilty, but it is the reply of the clerk of arraigns to the prisoner, after he had pleaded Not Guilty; which pica was anciently entered upon the minutes in an abbreviated form, non cul'; upon whiiii the clerk of the arraigns, on behalf of the crown, replies that the prisoner is guilty, and that he is ready to prove him so; which is done by a like kind of ab- breviation, cul'prit, signifying that the king is ready to prove him guilty (from cul. that is, culpabilis, guilty; and prit. pnesto sum, I am ready to verify it). 4 Black. 339. CLLM. or Culmus. Sec Botany. CULTURE of lands. See IIusnANnnv. CULVERIN, a long slender piece of ordnance or ar- tillery, serving to carry a ball to a great distance. Ma- nege derives the word from the Latin colubrina; others from coluber, « snake;" either on account of the length and slenderncss of the piece, or of the ravages it makes. There are three kinds of culverins, viz. the ex- traordinary, the ordinary, and the least-sized. 1. The culvcrin extraordinary has 5\ inches bore; its length 32 calibers, or 13 feet; weighs 4800 pounds; its load above 12 pounds; carries a shot 5| inches diameter, of twenty pounds weight. 2. The ordinary culvcrin is 12 feet long; carries a ball of 17 pounds 5 ounces; caliber 5| inches; its weight 4500 pounds. 3. The culverin of the least size has its diameter 5 inches; is 12 feet long; weighs about 4000 pounds; carries a shot 3| inches diameter, weighing 14 pounds 9 ounces. CULVERTAIL, among shipwrights, signifies the fas- tening or letting of one timber into another, so that they cannot slip out, as the codings into the beams ofa ship. CUMIN UM, cummin, a genius of the digynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 45th order, uinbcllatie. The fruit is ovate and striated; there are four partial umbels, and the involucre are quadrifid. There is but one species, viz. the cyiniiium. It is an annual plant, perishing soon after the seed is ripe. k It rises nine or ten inches high in the warm countries, where it is cultivated, but seldom rises above four in this country. It has sometimes flowered very well here, but never brings its seeds to perfection. The leaves are divided into long narrow segments, like those of fennel, but much smaller: they are ofa deep green, and generally turned backward at their extremity. The flowers grow in small umbels at the top of the stalks: they are composed of five unequal petals, of a pale blueish co- lour, which are succeeded by long, channeled, aromatic seeds. The plant is propagated for sale in the island of Malta. The seeds have a bitterish warm taste, accompa- nied with an aromatic flavour, not ofthe most agreeable kind. They are retained in the revised Pharmacopoeia ofthe college, particularly in the emplastrum cumini. CUN1CULUS, in mining, a term used by authors in distinction from puteus, to express the several sorts of passages and cuts in these subterranean works. The cuniculi arc those direct passages in mines where they Walk on horizontally; but the putei are the perpendicular cuts or descents. The miners in Germany call these by the name stollen and schachts; the firat word expressing the horizontal, and the second the perpendicular cuts, CUMLA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, in the monandria class of plants, and in the natural me- thod ranking under the 42d order, vcrticillat*. The corolla is ringcnt, with its upper lip erect and plain; there are two filaments, castrated, or wanting antherae; the seeds are four. Tliere are four species, none of which has any remarkable property. CLNNINGIIAM1A, a genus ofthe tetrandria mono- gynia class and order. The calyx is four-toothed; the corolla four-cleft, with a short tube; berry crowned with a two-seeded nut. There is one species. CLNONTA, a genus of the digynia order, in the de- candria class of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing with those of wiiich the order is doubtful. The co- rolla is pentapetalous; the calyx pentaphyllous; the cap- sule bilocular, acuminated, polyspermous; the styles longer than the flower. There is one species, a native of the Cape. CUOGOLO, in natural history, the name of a stone much used by the Venetians in glass-making, and found in the river Fcsino. It is a small stone of an impure white, of a shattery texture, and is of the shape of a peb ble. CXP-galls, in natural history, a name given by au- thors to a very singular kind of galls, found on the leaves of the oak and some other trees. They are of the figure ofa cup, or drinking-glass without its foot, being regular cones adhering by their point or apex to the leaf; and the top or broad part is hollowed a little way, so that it ap- pears like a drinking-glass with a cover, which was made so small as not to close it at the mouth, but fall a little way into it. This cover is flat, and has in the centre a very small protuberance, resembling the nipple of a wo- man's breast. This is of a pale green, as is also the whole ofthe gall, excepting only its rim that runs round about the top: this latter is of a scarlet colour, and that very beautiful. See Cynips. CUPANIA, a genus of the monadelphia order, in the monoecia class of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing under the 38th order, tricoccse. The calyx of the male is triphyllous; the corolla pentapetalous; the stami- na five. The calyx of the female is triphyllous; the co- rolla tripetalous; the style trifid; and a pair of seeds. There are three species, small trees of the West Indies, which possess no remarkable property. CUPEL, in metallurgy, a small vessel which absorbs metallic bodies when changed by fire into a fluid scoria; but retains them as long as they continue in their metal- lic state. One ofthe most proper materials for making a vessel of this kind is the ashes of animal bones; there is scarcely any other substance which so strongly resists ve- hement fire, and which so readily imbibes metallic scoria?. See Chemistry. CUPELLATION, the act of refining gold or silver by means of a cupel. For this purpose another vessel called a muffle is made use of, within which one or more cupels are placed. The muffle is placed upon a grate in a proper furnace, with its mouth facing the door, and as close to it as may be. The furnace being filled up with CUP CUP fuel, soine lighted charcoal is thrown on the top, and what fuel is afterwards necessary is supplied through a door above. The cupels are set in the muffle; and being gradually heated by the successive kindling of the fuel, they arc kept red-hot for some time, that the moisture which they strongly retain may be completely dissipated; for if any vapours should issue from them after the metal is put in, they would occasion it to sputter, and a part of it to be thrown off in little drops. In the sides of the muffle are some perpendicular slits, with a knob over the top of each, to prevent any small pieces of coals or ashes from falling in. The door, or some apertures in it, be- ing kept open, for the inspection of the cupels, fresh air enters into the muffle, and passes off through these slits; by laying some burning charcoal on an iron plate before the door, the air is heated before its admission; and by removing the charcoal, or supplying more, the heat in the cavity of the muffle may be somewhat diminished or increased more speedily than can be effected hy suppres- sing or exciting the fire in the furnace on the outside of the muffle. The renewal ofthe air also is necessary for promoting the scorification of the lead. Sec Chemistry. The cupel being of a full red heat, the lead, cast into a smooth bullet that it may not scratch or injure the sur- face, is laid lightly in the cavity; it immediately melts, and then the gold or silver to be cupelled is cautiously introduced, either by means of a small iron ladle, or by wrapping them in paper, and dropping them on the lead with a pair of tongs. The quantity of lead should be at least three or four times that of the fine metal; but when gold is very impure, it requires 10 or 12 times its quan- tity of lead for cupellation. It is reckoned that copper requires for its scorification about 10 times its weight of lead; that when copper and gold arc mixed in equal quan- tities, the copper is so much defended by the gold, as not to be separable with less than 20 times its weight of lead; and that when copper is in very small proportion, as a lI0th or 30th part of the gold er silver, upwards of 60 parts of lead are necessary for one of the copper. The cupel must always weigh at least half as much as the lead and copper, for otherwise it will not be sufficient for re- ceiving half the scoria; there is little danger, however, of cupels being made too small for the quantity of a gold assay. The mixture being brought into thin fusion, the heat is to be regulated according to the appearances, and in this consists the principal nicety of the operation. If a various-coloured skin rises at the top, which liquefying, runs off to the sides, and is there absorbed by the cupel, visibly staining the parts it enters; if a fresh scoria con- tinually succeeds, and is absorbed nearly as fast as it is formed, only a fine circle of it remaining round the edge of the metal; if the lead appears in gentle motion, and throws up a fume a little way from the surface; then the fire is of the proper degree, and the process goes on successfully. Such a fiery brightness of the cupel as prevents its colour from being distinguished, and the fumes of the lead rising up almost to the arch of the muille, are marks of two strong a heat: though it must be observed, that the elevation of the fumes is' not always in propor- tion to the degree of heat; for if the heat greatly exceeds the due limits, both the fumes and ebullition will entirely co se. In these circumstances the fire must necessarily be diminished; for while the lead boils and smokes ve- hemently, its fumes are apt to carry off Some part ofthe gold; the cupel is liable to crack, from the hasty absorp- tion of the scoria; and part of the gold ani silver is di- vided into globules, which lying discontinued on the cupel after the process is finished, cannot easily be col- lected; if there is no ebullition or fumes, the scorification does not appear to go on. Too weak a heat is known by the dull redness ofthe cupel, by the fume not rising from the surface of the lead, and the scoria appearini* like bright drops in languid motion, or accumulated, or growing consistent all over the metal. The form of tbe surface affords also an useful mark of tbe degree of heat; the stronger the fire the more convex is tbe surface, and the weaker the more flat; in this point, however, regard must be had to the quantity of metal; a large quantity being always flatter than a small one in an equal fire. Towards the end of the process, the fire must be in- creased; for the greatest part of the fusible metal lead being now worked off, the gold and silver v\i!I not con- tinue melted in the heat that was sufficient before. As the last remains of the lead are separating, the rainbow colours on the surface become more vivid, and variousl) intersect one another with quick motions. Soon alter, disappearing all at once, a sudden luminous brightness of the button of gold and silver shows the process to be finished. The cupel is then drawn forwards towards the mouth of the muffle; and the button, as soon as grown fully solid, taken out. CUPHEA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, in the dodecandria class of plants. The calyx is six toothed; the corolla six petalled, purple colour; annual. There is but one species known, a native of Pennsylvania; flowers in September, (c) CUPOLA, in architecture, a spherical vault; or the round top of the dome of a church, in form of a cup inverted. CUPPING, in surgery, the operation of applying cupping-glasses for the discharge of blood, and other humours, by the skin. See Suugery. CUPRESSUS, the cypress-tree, a genus of the mo- nadelphia order, in the monoecia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 51st order, conifer*. The male calyx is a scale ofthe catkin; there is no corol- la; the anthera? are four, sessile, and without filaments. The calyx of the female is a scale of the s'robihis, and uniflorous; instead of the stylus there arc hollow dots; the fruit is an angulated nut. There are seven species; tbe most remarkable are the following: 1. The sempervirens, or evergreen, with an upright straight stem, closely branching all round, almost from the bottom upwards, in- to numerous quadrangular branches, rising in the differ- rent varieties from 15 to 40 or 50 feet in height, with small, narrow, erect evergreen leaves, placed imbricating and flowers and fruit from the sides of the branches. 2. The thyoicles, or evergreen American cypress, commonly called white cedar, has an'' upright stem brauciiingout into numerous two-edged branches, rising 20 or 50 feet high, ornamented with the flat evergreen leaves, imbn- CUR CUR cated like the arbor vita, and small blue cones, the size of juniper-berries. 3. The disticha, or deciduous Ame- rican cypress, has an erect trunk, retaining a large bulk, branching wide and regular; grows 50 or CO feet high, with small spreading deciduous leaves, arranged distich- ous, or along two sides of the branches. All these spe- cies are raised from seeds, and will sometimes also grow from cuttings; but those raised from s-rds prove the hand- somest plants. The seeds are procured in their cones from the seedsmen, and by exposing them to a moderate heat, they readily open, and discharge their seeds freely. The season for sowing them is any time in March; and they grow freely on a bed of common light earth, especi- ally the first and third species. The wood of the first species is said to resist worms, moths, and putrefaction, and to last many centuries. The coffins in which the Athenians were used to bury their he- roes, were made, says Thucydides, of this wood; as were likewise the chests containing the Egyptian mummies. The doors of St. Peter's church at Rome were originally of the same materials. These, after lasting upwards of 600 years, at the end of which they did not discover the smallest tendency to decay, were removed by order of pope Eugcuius IV. and gates of brass substituted in their place. The same tree has been extolled as a remedy in pulmonic diseases, from its supposed property of melio- rating the air by ifs balsamic- exhalations; upon which ac- count many ancient physii ians of the eastern countries used to send their patients to the island of Candia, where these trees grew in great abundance. In that island, says Miller, the cypress-trees were so lucrative a commodity, that the plantations were called dos filae; the felling of one of them being reckoned a daughter's portion. Cypress, says Mr. Pococke, is the only tree that grows towards the top of mount Lebanon, and being nipped hy the cold, grows like a small oak. Noah's ark is commonly sup- posed to have been made of this kind of wood. CURATE, is he who represents the incumbent ofa church, parson, or vicar, and performs divine service in his stead; and in case of pluralities of livings, or where a clergyman is old and infirm, it is requisite there should be a curate to perform the cure of the church. He is to be licensed and admitted by the bishop of the diocese, or hy an ordinary having episcopal jurisdiction: and when a cu- rate has the approbation of the bishop, he usually ap- points the salary too; and in such case, if he is not paid, the curate has a proper remedy in the ecclesiastical court, by a sequestration of the profits of the benefice; but if he has no licence from the bishop, he is put to his remedy at common law. where he must prove the agreement. CURATELLA, a genus of the digynia order, belong- ing to the polyandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking with those of which the order is doubt- ful. The calyx is pentnphyllous; the petals four; the styles two; the capsules bipartite, with the cells dis- pennous. CURATOR, among civilians, a person regularly ap- pointed to manage the affaii-K of minors, or persons mad, deaf, dumb, &c. In countries where the civil law pre- vails, minors have tutors assigned them till they arc of the age of M, between wiiich and 25 they have curators appointed tlnni. There are also curators for the estate of debtors, and of persons dying without heirs. CURCULIO, in zoology, a genus of insects belong- ing to the order of coleoptera. The feelers are suhcla- vated, and rest upon the snout, which is prominent and horny. These insects arc divided into the following families : 1. Those which have the rostrum longer than the thorax, and whose thighs are simple. 2. Those which have the rostrum longer than the thorax, and the thighs thicker and made for leaping. 3. Those which have the rostrum longer than the thorax, and the thighs dentated. 4. Those which have dentated thighs, and a rostrum shorter than the thorax. 5. Those whose thighs are without teeth or spines, and the rostrum shorter than the thorax. There are no less than 95 species, principally distinguished by their colour. The larvre of the curculiones do not differ from those of most coleopterous insects. They bear a resemblance to oblong soft worms. They are provided anteriorly with six scaly legs, and the head likewise is scaly. But the places where those larva1 dwell, and their transfor- mations, afford some singularities. Some species of them, that are dreaded for the mischief they do in granaries, find means to introduce themselves, while yet small, into grains,of corn, and there make their abode. It is very difficult to discover them, as they lie concealed within the grain. There they grow at leisure, enlarging their dwelling-places as tbey grow, at the expense of the inte- rior meal of the grain on which they feed. Corn-lofts are often laid waste by these insects, whose numbers are sometimes so great as to devour and destroy all the grain. When the insect, after having eaten up the meal, is come to its full size, it remains within the grain, hidden under the empty husk, which subsists alone; and there trans- formed, it becomes a chrysalis, nor does it leave it till a perfect insect, making its way through the husk of the grain. It is no easy matter to discover by the eye the grains of corn thus attacked and hallowed out by those insects, as they outwardly appear large and full: but the condition the curculio has reduced them to, renders them much lighter; and if you throw corn infested by these in- sects into the water, all the spoiled grains will swim, and the rest sink to the bottom. Other larvae of curculiones are not so fond of corn, bu,t fix in the same manner on several other seeds. Bcaris, peas, and lentils, that arc preserved dry, are liable to be eaten by these little ani- mals; which prey upon the inward part of the grain, where they have taken up their habitation, and do not come forth till they have completed their transformation, by breaking through the outward husk ofthe grain: this is discoverable by casting those grains into water; those that swim are generally perforated by the curculiones. Other species are lodged in the inside of plants. The heads of artichokes and thistles are often bored through and eaten away by the larvae of large curculiones. Another species smaller, but singular, pierces and in- wardly consumes the leaves of elms. It frequently hap- pens that almosUull the leaves of an elin appear yellow, and, as it were, dead towards one of their edges, while the whole remainder of the leaf is green. Upon inspect ing these leaves, the dead part appears to form a kind of bag or small bladder. The two la mime or outward pel- licles ofthe leaf, as well above as below, are entire, but distant and separated from each other: whilst the paren- chyma that lies between them has been consumed by so CUR CUR vera! small larvae of the curculio, which have made themselves that dwelling, in which they may be met with. After their transformation they come forth, by piercing a kind of bladder, and give being to a curculio that is brown, small, and hard to catch, from the nim- blencss with wiiich it leaps. The property of leaping, allotted to this single species, depends on the shape and length of its hinder legs. CURCUMA, turmeric, a genus of the monogynia or- der, in the monandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the eighth order, scitamiiiea. It has four barren stamina, with a fifth fertile. There are three species: 1. The rotunda, with a round root, hav- ing a fleshy-jointed root like that of ginger, but round; which sends up several spear-shaped oval leaves, that rise upw ards of a foot high, and are of a sea-green colour. From between these arise the flower-stalks, supporting a loose spike of flowers of a pale yellowish colour, in- closed in several different spatha?, or sheaths, which drop off. The flowers are never succeeded by seeds in England. 2. The longa has long fleshy roots of a deep-yellow colour, which spread under the surface of tiie ground like those of ginger; they are about the thickness of a man's finger, having many round knotty circles, from which arise four or five large spear-shaped leaves, standing upon long foot-stalks. The flowers grow in loose scaly spikes on the top of the footstalks, which rise from the larger knobs ofthe roots, and grow about a foot high; they are of a yellowish-red colour, and shaped somewhat like those of the Indian reed. 3. The pallida, which differs from the others in bein.^ an annual plant. These plants grow naturally in Inciia, whence the roots arc brought to Europe for use. They are very tender, so will not live in this country unless kept con- stantly in a stove. They arc propagated by parting the roots. The root communicates a beautiful but per- ishable yellow dye, with alum, to woollen, cotton, or linen. In medicine it is esteemed an aperient and em- menagogue, and of singular efficacy in the jaundice. CURIA, in Roman antiquity, a certain division, or portion of a tribe. Romulus divided the people into 30 curiae, or wards, whereof there were 10 in every tribe, that each might keep the ceremonies of their feasts and sacrifices in the temple, or holy place, appointed for every curia. The priest of the curia was called curio. Curia, in the English law, generally signifies a court; and has been taken for the customary tenants, who do their suit and service at the court of the lord. Curia advisare vult, a deliberation which a court of justice takes upon some point of difficulty that arises in a cause, before they give judgment. Curia aqua; curms, a court held by the lord of the manor of Gravesend, for the better management of bar- ges and boats that use the passage on the Thames be- tween that place and London, &c. Curia claudenda, a writ that lies to compel a man to make a fence, or wall, between his lands and that ofthe plaintiff. w^^vm^^' an °*ncer °f t')e Roman empire, during the middle age; when one or two were despatched an- nually into each province to take care that no frauds or abuses were committed with regard to the posts and call- roads, and to bring intelligence to court of what pass in the provinces. They answer nearly to what arc ca ed comptrollers. CURRANS, or Currants. See Hires. Currants also signify a smaller kind of cranes brought principally from Zante and Cephalonia Thev are gathered off the bunches, and laid to dry in the sun and so put up in large butts. They are opening and nee' toral, but are more used in the kitchen than in medicine CURRENT, in hydrography, a stream or flux of wa- ter in any direction. In the sea currents are either nr. tural, occasioned by the diurnal motion of the earth round its axis, or accidental, caused by the waters beine driven against promontories, or into gulphs and streicht>, where wanting room to spread, they are driven hack and thus disturb the ordinary flux of the sea. Dr. Hal- ley makes it highly probable "that in the Downs there are under-currents, by which as much water is carried out as is brought in by the upper currents. Currents, in navigation, are certain settings ofthe stream, by which ships are compelled to alier their course or velocity, or both, and submit to the motion im- pressed upon them by the current. The knowledge of them being so necessary an article in navigation, we shall show a more accurate way of discovering the way they set, together with their strength, than that of guessing hy the ripplings of the water, and by the driving of the froth along shore. Take your ship's boat, with three or four men, a compass, a log-line with a large log to it, and a kettle or iron pot, with a coil or two of inch rope fastened to its bale. When at a proper distance from the ship, heave vour kettle over- board, and let it sink 80 or 100 fathoms, which will ride the boat nearly as fast as if at anchor. Heave your log, and turn your half-minute glass, observing at the same time to set the drift of the log by the compass: then will the knots run out during the half-minute, give the current's strength, and the compass its setting. Now to know how to make proper allowances for currents, it is evident, if a current sets just with the course of the ship, then the motion of the ship is increased by as much as is the drift or velocity of the current; and if a current sets directly against the ship's course, then the motion is retarded in proportion to the velocity of the current. Hence it is plain, 1. If the velocity of the current he less than that of the ship, then the ship will get so much ahead, as is the difference of these veloci- ties. 2. If the velocity of the current be greater than that of the ship, then the ship will fall so much astern as is the difference of these velocities. 3. If the veloci- ty of the current be equal to that of the ship, then the ship will stand still, the one velocity destroyingthe other. If the current thwarts the course of a ship, then it not only lessons or augments her velocity, but gives her a new direction; compounded of the course she steers, and the setting of the current. Suppose a ship sails by the compass directly south, 96 miles in 24 hours, in a current that sets cast 45 miles in the same time: re- quired the ship's true course and distance. It is evi- dent that the ship will run upon the diagonal of a pa- rallelogram, of which the sides are 96 and 45: the length of this diagonal is found to be 106 miles, equal to \/902 -f-45«. See Navigation. CUR CUR CURRIERS. In England no currier shall use the trade of a butcher, tanner, &c. or shall curry skins in- sufficiently tanned, or gash any hide of leather, on pain of forfeiting for every hide or skin, 6s. Sd. If any cur- rier do not curry leather sent to him, within 16 days between Michaelmas and Lady-day, and in eight days at other times, he shall on conviction thereof forfeit 51. 12 Geo. II. c. 25. Every currier or dresser of hides in oil, shall annually take out a licence from the commis- sioners or officers of excise. CURRYING, the method of preparing leather with oil, tallow, kc. The chief business is to soften and sup- ple cows' and calves' skins, which make the upper- leathers and quarters of shoes, coverings of saddles, coaches, and other articles which must keep out water. 1. These skins, after coming from the tanner's yard, having many fleshy fibres on them, the currier soaks them some time in common water. 2. He takes them out, and stretches them on a very even wooden horse; then with a paring knife, he scrapes off the superfluous flesh, and puts them into soak again. 3. He puts them wet on a hurdle, and tramples them with his heels, till they begin to grow soft and pliant. 4. He soaks them in train oil, which, by its unctuous quality, is the best liquor for the purpose. 5. He spreads them on large tables, and fastens them at the ends. Then, with the help of an instrument called a pummel, which is a thick piece of wood, the under side of which is full of furrows crossing each other, he folds, squeezes, and moves them forwards and backwards several times, under the teeth of this instrument, which breaks their too great stiff- ness. This is what is properly called currying. The order and number of these operations are varied by dif- ferent curriers, but the material partis always the same. 6. After the skins are curried, there may be occasion to colour them. The colours are black, white, red, yel- low, and green: the other colours are given by the skin- ners, who differ from curriers in this, that they apply their colours on the flesh side, the curriers on the hair side. In order to whiten skins, they are rubbed with lumps of chalk, or white lead, and afterwards with pu- mice-stone. 7. "When a skin is to be made black, after having oiled and dried it, he passes over it a puff dipt in water impregnated with iron; and after this first wet- ting, he gives it another in a water prepared with soot, vinegar, and gum arabic. These different dyes gradu- ally turn the skin black, and the operations are repeat- ed till it is of a shining black. The grain and wrinkles which contribute to the suppleness of calves' and cows' leather, are made by the reiterated folds given to the skin in every direction, and by the care taken to scrape off all hard parts on the coloured side. CURSING and sweating, an offence against God and religion, and a v ice of all others the most extrava- gant and unaccountable, as having no benefit or ad- vantage attending it. [By the last act against this crime, if any person of the age of sixteen years or upwards, shall curse or swear by the name of God, Christ Jrsns. or the Holy Ghost, every person so «,('- fending, being thereof convicted, shall folic ii and pay the stun of sixt.v-seven cents for every such profane curse or oath; and in case he or she shall refuse or ne- glect to pay the said forfeiture, or goods and chattels cannot be found, whereof to levy the same by distress, he or she shall be committed to the house of correction of the proper county, not exceeding twenty-four hours, for every such offence of which such person shall be convicted: and whosoever of the age of sixteen years or upwards, shall curse or swear by any other name or thing as aforesaid, and shall be convicted thereof, shall forfeit and pay the sum of forty cents for every such curse or oath; and in case such offender shall neglect or refuse to satisfy such forfeiture, or no goods or chattels can he found, whereof to levy the same by distress, he or she shall be committed to the house of correction of the proper county, not exceeding twelve hours for every such offence. (6) CURSITOR, an officer or clerk belonging to the chancery, who make out original writs; of these there are 24 in number, and to each are allotted several counties. CURSOR, in mathematical instruments, is any small piece that slides; as the piece in an equinoctial ring-dial that slides to the day of the month; the little label of brass divided like a line of sines, and sliding in a groove along the middle of another label, repre- senting the horizon in the analemma; and likewise a brass point screwed on the beam-compasses, which may be moved along the beam for the striking of greater or less circles. CURTATE distance, in astronomy, the distance of a planet from the sun to that point where a perpendi- cular let fall from the planet meets with the ecliptic. CURTEYN, cur tana, in the British customs, king Edward the Confessor's sword, borne before the prince at coronations. Its point is said to be broken off, as an emblem of mercy. CURTIN. Curtain, or Courtin, in fortification., is that part of the rampart of a place which is bctwixi the flank of two bastions bordered with a parapet five feet high, behind which the soldiers stand to fire upon the covered way into the inoat. As it is the best de- fended of any part of the rampart, besiegers never car- ry on their attacks against the curtain, but against the faces of the bastions, because of their being defended only by one flank. CURTIS A, a genus of the tetrandria monogynia class and order. The calyx is four parted; petals four; drupe superior, roundish, succulent, with a four or five celled nut. There is one species, a tree of the Cape. CURVATURE of a line, is the peculiar manner of its bending or flexure, by which it becomes a curve of such and such peculiar properties. Any two arches of curve lines touch each other when the same right line is the tangent of both at the same point; but when they are applied upon each other in this manner, they never perfectly coincide, unless they are similar arches of equal and similar figures; and the curvature of lines admits of indefinite variety. Because the curvature is uniform in a given circle, and may be varied at pleasure in them by enlarging or diminishing their diameters, the curvature of circles serves for mea- suring that of other lines. Of all the circles that touch a curve in any given point, that is said to have the same curvature with it, which touches it so closely, that no circle can be drawn * CURVE. iliroiigh the point of contact between them: and this circle is called the circle of curvature; its centre, the centre; of curvature; and its semidiameter, the ray of curvature belonging to the point of contact. As in all figures, rectilinear ones excepted, the position of the tangent is continually varying, so the curvature is con- tinually varying in all curvilinear figures, the circle on- ly excepted. As the curve is separated from its tangent by its curvature, so it is separated from the circle of curvature in consequence of the increase or decrease of its curvature; and as its curvature is greater or less, according as it is more or less inflected from the tangent, so the variation of curvature is greater or less accor- ding as it is more or less separated from the circle of curvature. When any two curve lines touch each other in such a manner that no circle can pass between them, they must have the same curvature; for the circle that touches the one so closely that no circle can pass between them, must touch the other in the same manner. And it can be made appear, that circles may touch curve lines in this manner; that there may be indefinite degrees of more or less intimate contact between the curve and the circle of curvature; and that a conic section may be described that shall have the same curvature with a given line at a given point, and the same variation of a curvature, or a contact ef the same kind with the circle of curvature. The rays of curvature of similar arcs, in similar figures, are in the same ratio as any homologous lines of these figures, and the variation of curvature is the same. CURVE, in geometry, a line wiiich, running on con- tinually in all directions, may be cut by one right line in more points than one. In a curve, the line AD (See PI. XXXIX. Miscel. fig. 28), wiiich bisects all the parallel lines MN, is called a diameter, and the point A, where the diameter meets the curve, i» called the vertex; if AD bisect all the parallels at right angles, it is called the axis. The parallel lines MN are called ordinates, or applicates, and their halves P M, or PN, semi-ordinates. The portion of the diame- ter AP, between the vertex, or any other fixed point, and an ordinate, is called the absciss; also tbe concourse of all the diameters, if they meet all in one point, is the centre. This definition ofthe diameter, as bisecting the parallel ordinates, respects only the conic sections, or such curves as are cut only in two points by the ordi- nates; but in the lines of the 3d order, which may be cut in three points hy the ordinates, then the diameter is that line which cuts the ordinates so, that the sum of the two parts that lie on the one side of it, shall be equal to the part on the other side; and so on for curves of higher orders; the sum ofthe parts of the ordinates on one side of the diameter, being always equal to the sum of the parts on the other side of it. Curve lines are distinguished into algebraical or geometrical, and transcendental or mechanical. Algebraical or geometrical curves are those in which the relation of the abscisses A P, to the ordinates PM, can be expressed by a common algebraic equation. And transcendental or mechanical curves are such as cannot be so defined or expressed by an algebraical equa- tion. Thus suppose, for instance, the curve be the circle, (PI. Mis. fig. 28) and that the radius AC = r, the ab- sciss AP = x, and the ordinatePM = y; then, because the nature ofthe circle is such, that the rectangle AP v P B is always = P M2, therefore the equation is x .2r— i = y%, or 2rx—x2 = i/2, defining this curve, which is therefore an algebraical or geometrical line. Or suppose C P = x, then is C M2—C P* = P M % that is, r"-l** ^ y2; which is another form ofthe equation ofthe curve."" The doctrine of curve lines in general, as expressed by algebrical equations, was first introduced by Des Cartes who called algebraical curves geometrical ones, as ad- mitting none else into the construction of problems, nor consequently into geometry. But Newton, and after hira Leibnitz and Wolfius, arc of another opinion; and think, that in the construction of a problem, one curve is not to be preferred to another for its being defined by a more simple equation, but for its being more easily described. Algebraical or geometrical lines are best distinguished into orders according to the number of dimensions ofthe equation expressing the relation between its ordinates and abscisses, or, which is the same thing, according to the number of points in which they may be cut by a right line. And curves of the same kind or order are those whose equations rise to the same dimension. Hence, of the first order, tliere is the right line only; of the second order of lines, or the first order of curves, are the circle and conic sections, being four species only, viz. dx—a^ c2 ________ c2 = y2 the circle — .dx — x2 = y2 the ellipse, —.dx+x* d2 d2 = 7/2 the hyperbola, and dx=y2the parabola; the lines of the third order, or curves of the second order, are ex- pressed by an equation ofthe third degree; having three roots; and so on. Of these lines of the third order, Mew- ton wrote an express treatise, under the title of Enumeratio Lincarum Tertii Ordinis, showing their distinctive cha- racters and properties, to the number of 72 different spe- cies of curves; but Mr. Stirling afterwards addeci four more to that number, and Mr. Nic Bernouilli and Mr. Stone added two more. As to the curves ofthe second order, sir Isaac Newton observes, they have parts and properties similar to those of the first: thus, as the conic sections have diameters and axes, the lines cut by these are called ordinates, and the intersection of the curve and diameter, the vertex. So in curves of the second order, any two parallel lines being drawn so as to meet the curve in three points, a right line cutting these parallels, so as that the sum ofthe two parts between the secant and the curve on one side, is equal to the third part terminated by the curve on the other side, will cut in the same manner all other right lines parallel to these, and meet the curve in three parts, so as that the sum of the two parts on one side will be still equal to the third part on the other side. These three parts, therefore, thus equal, may be cal- led ordinates or applicates; the secant may be styled the diameter; the intersection of the diameter and the curve the vertex; and the point of concourse of any two diame- ters the centre. And if the diameter be normal to the ordinates, it may be called axis; and that point where all the diameters terminate, the general centre. Again, as an hyperbola of the first order has two asymptotes, that of the second three, that of the third four, kc. and C U K C U S as the parts ol any right line lying between the conic hyperbola and its true asymptotes are every where equal, so in the liyberbola of th—^ second orcii r, if any right line be drawn cutting both the curve and its three asymptotes in three points, the sum ofthe two parts of that right line being drawn the same way from any two asymptotes to two points of the curve, will be equal to a third part drawn acontrary way from the third asymp- tote to a third point of the curve. Again, as in conic sections not parabolical, the square of the ordinate, that is, the rectangle under the ordinates drawn to contrary sides ofthe diameter, is to the rectangle ofthe parts of the diameter which are terminated at the vertices ofthe ellipsis or hyperbola, as the latus rectum is to the latus transversum; so in nonparabolic curves of the second order, a parallelopiped under the three ordinates is to a parallelopiped under the parts of the diameter, terminat- ed at the ordinates, and the three vertices ofthe figure, in a certain given ratio; in which ratio, if you take three right lines situated at the three parts of the diameter between the vertices of the figure, one answering to another, then these three right lines may be called the latera recta of the figure, and the parts of tbe diainetor between the vertices, the latera transversa. And, as in the conic parabola, having to one and the same diameter but one only vertex, the rectangle under the ordinates is equal to that under the part of the diameter cut off between the ordinates and the vertex and the latus rec- tum; so in curves of the second order, which have hut two vertices to the same diameter, the parallelopiped un- der throe ordinates. is equal to the parallelopiped under the two parts of the diameter cut off between the ordi- nates and those two vertices and a given right line, which therefore may be called the latus rectum. More- over, as in the conic sections, when two parallels termi- nated on each side ofthe curve, are cut hy two other parallels terminated on each by the curve, the first by lhe third, and the .second by the fourth; as here the rect- angle under the parts ofthe first is to the rectangle un- der the parts of the third, as the rectangle under the parts ofthe second is to that under the parts of the fourth; so when four such right lines occur in a curve of the se- cond kind, each in three points, then shall the parallelo- piped under the parts of the first right line, be to that under the parts ofthe third, us the parallelopiped under tbe parts of the second line, to that under the parts ofthe fourth. Lastly, the legs of curves, both of the first, se- cond, ant! higher kinds, are either of the parabolic or hyperbolic kind; an hyperbolic leg being that which ap- proaches infinitely tow aids some asymptote; a parabolic, that which has no asymptote. These legs are best dis- tinguished by their tangents; for if the point of contact go off to an infinite distance, the tangent of the hyper- bolic leg will coincide with the asymptote; and that ofthe parabolic leg recede infinitely and vanish. Theasvmp- lote, therefore, of any leg is found by seeking the tangent of that leg to a point infinitely distant; and the hearing of an infinite leg is found by seeking tbe position of a right line parallel to the tangent, when the point of con- fact is infinitely remote; fur this line tends the same way towards which the infinite leg is directed. For the other properties of curves of the second order, we refer the vol. l. 89 reader to Mr. Maclaunn's treatise De Linearuu. Geometricarmn Proprietatibus generalibus. Sir Isaac Newton reduces all curves of the second or- der to the four fallowing particular equations, still ex- pressing them all. In the first, the relation between the ordinate and the absciss, making the absciss x and the ordinate y, assumes this form, xy2 + eif —ax1 -f-fe.i2 -fcr -f-rf. In the second case, the equation takes this form, xy = ax3+bx2+cx-fd. In the third case, the equation is yi = ax3-r.bx2 + ci -frf. And in the fourth case, the equation is of this form, y+ix3 +bx2 +cx + d. Curves, family of, according to Wolfius, is a congeries of several curves of different kinds, all defined by the same equation of an indeterminate degree, but different- ly, according to the diversity of their kinds. For ex- ample: let the equation of an indeterminate degree be mi— 1 Ml a x—y • If m=2, ax will be equal to y2. If m~3, then will a2x=y\ If m=4, then will a3x=y4, kc all which curves are said to be of the same family. Tin- equations, however, by which the families of curves are defined, must not be confounded vv ith transcendental ones; though with regard to the whole family they he of an indeterminate dearer, yet with respect to each several curve ofthe family, tbey are determinate; whereas trans- cendental equations are of an indefinite degree with res- pect to the same curw. Tbe genesis and properties of particular curves, as the conchoid, cycloid, &.c. see un- der their proper heads Conchoid, Cycloid, iScc. CURULE chair, in Roman antiquity, a chair adorn- ed with ivory, wherein the great magistrates of Rome had a right to sit, and be carried. C US CUT A, dodder, a genus ofthe digynia order, in the tetrandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under those of which the order is doubtful. The calyx is quadrifid; the corolla monopetalous: the cap- sule bilocular. There are four species, one of which s a native of Britain, viz. theEuropsea, dodder, hell-weed, or deviPs-guts. This is a very singular plant, alums! destitute of leaves, parasitical, creeping, fixing itself to whatever is next to it. It decays at the ro;i, and after- wards is nourished by the plant which supports it. Hops. flax, and nettles, are it> common support, but principal- ly the common nettle. Its blossoms are white. As soon as the shoots have twined a'Miut an adjacent plant, tbey send out from their inner surface a number of little vesi- cles or papillae, which attach thems.lv \s to the bark or rind of the plant. By degrees the longitudinal vessels ofthe stalk, which appear u have accompanied the vesi- cles, shoot from their extremities, and make their way into the softer plant, by dividing the vessels, and insinu- ating themselves into the tenderest part of the stalk; and so intimately are they united with it, that it is easier to break than to disengage them from it. The whole plant is bitter. It affords a pale reddish colour. Cows, sheep, and swine, eat it; horses refuse it; goats eat it reluctantly. CUSSONIA, a genus ofthe pentandria digynia class and order. The petals are three-cornered; margin of the receptacle divined inn a five-toot bed calyx. There are two species, natives ol the Cape. CUSTODE admittendo, and custode amovendo, are writs for the admitting or removing of guardians. CUSTOMS. C USTOM, is a law or right, not written, which being established by long use, and the consent of our ancestors, has been and is daily practised. If it is to be proved by record, the continuance of a hundred years will serve. Custom is either general or particular. General, wiien allowed through all the country. Particular is that which belongs to this or that county, as gavelkind to Kent. See Gavelkind. General customs which are used throughout England, and are the common law, are to be determined by the judges: but particular customs, such as are used in some certain towns, boroughs, cities, kc. shall be determined by a jury. 1 Inst. 110. But the judges of the courts of king's-bench and common-pleas, can overrule a custom, though it he one of the customs of London, if against na- tural reason. 1 Mod. 212. Custom of London. The ancient city of London, be- ing the metropolis and chief town for trade and com- merce within the kingdom, it was necessary, that it should have certain customs and privileges for its better government, which though derogatory from the general law of the realm, yet, being for the benefit ofthe citizens, and for the advantage of those who trade to and from the city, have not only been allowed good by the judg- ments in the superior courts, but have also been confirm- ed by several acts of parliament. The customs of London differ from all others in point of trial, for if any of the customs are pleaded and deni- ed, and issue is taken thereupon, the existence of such customs shall be tried by a writ directed to the mayor and aldermen, to certify whether tliere is such a custom or not, and they shall make their certificate by the mouth of the recorder. These customs of London relate to divers particulars with regard to trade, apprentices, widows, orphans, and a vaiiety of other matters; the custom relative to the distribution of a freeman's estate, extends only to cases of intestacy, or express agreements made in considera- tion of marriage. It is a custom of London, that where a person is educated in one trade, he may set up another; that where a woman uses a trade, without her husband, she is chargeable alone, as a feme sole merchant, and if condemned, shall be put in prison till she pays the debt; likewise the bail for her are liable, if she absent herself, and the husband, in these cases, shall not he charged. If a debtor be a fugitive, by the custom of London, he may be arrested before the day, in order to find better secu- rity, kc These are customs of this city, different from those of other places. Custom of merchants. If a merchant gives a charac- ter of a stranger to one who sells him goods, he may be obliged to satisfy the debt of the stranger for the goods sold, by the custom of merchants. And when two per- sons are found in arrears, upon an account grounded on the custom of merchants, either of them may be charged to pay the whole sum due. See Bills of Exchange, Bankrupts, Insurance, &c. Customs, taxes levied upon goods when exported from or imported into a state. This mode of raising a public revenue is of great antiquity, as it may be traced back to the time of Solomon; but in modern times it has been extended by different states to almost every article of commerce. It is a mode of taxation generally less objected to than any other, as most persons pay their share of the duty in the price of the article from which it arise, without distinguishingrihe tax; if, however, these duties arc high, they become a great impediment to foreign trade, and give rise to smuggling; of this truth the Dutch were well convinced, and long derived grcai commercial advantages from the very low duties thev imposed on the importation and exportation of merchan. dize. Duties on goods imported into a country werr" originally laid upon the subjects of the realm under the pretence of defraying the charges of guarding the coasts from pirates; and upon foreign merchants for the liber ty given them by the sovereign of trading in his domiui ons. The custom-house duties in Great Britain ait principally levied either according to the supposed value of the different commodities conformably to particular rates, or in proportion to the weight or measurement ol the articles, making some difference according to the country whence the goods are brought, and giving ad- vantages to the ships belonging to and manned by Brit- ish subjects over those of a different description. The customs of England were formerly divided into three branches: viz. 1st, The duties upon wool and lea- ther; 2. A duty upon wine, which being imposed at so much a ton was called a tonnage; and 3. A duty upon all other goods, which being imposed at so much in the pound of their supposed value, was called a poundage. In the 47th Edward III. a duty of six-pence in the pound was imposed on all goods exported or imported, except wool, wool-fells, leather, and wine, on which particular duties had been granted before. In 14th Rich. II. it was raised to one shilling in the pound, but three years af- terwards was again reduced to six-pence. It was raised to eight-pence in 2d Hen. IV. and in the fourth year of the same prince to one shilling, from which time to the 9th of Wil. III. it continued at one shilling in the pound. The duties of tonnage and poundage were generally granted by the same act, and were called the subsidy of tonnage and poundage. The subsidy of poundage Lav- ing continued so long at Is. in the pound or at five per cent, a subsidy came in the language of finance to de- note a general duty of this kind at five per cent. These duties on the estimated value of goods imported or ex- ported being liable to great inaccuracy and irregularity, the value oi* the different articles of commerce was as- certained by a book of rates, and computed on the quan- tities: there was a mode also by which duties were im- posed on goods not rated; this was by a proportion on the real value as sworn to by the merchant. These prin- ciples once adopted, were pursued in every new subsidy; till the various additional duties imposed on articles of foreign trade in almost every year of war since the Revolution, with the occasional repeal of some ofthe old duties, and the different bounties and drawbacks allowed on exportation, caused an accumulation of perplexity» which in time had rendered the custom-duties a complete mass of confusion, attended with infinite inconvenient* and delay in business. To remedy this evil, in the be- ginning of 1787, all the old duties were abolished, anil a single duty on each article substituted in then1 steatj. This arrangement, which was at the same time extend- ed to the excise and stamp duties, may perhaps be re- corded as the most useful financial measure of Mr. Pitt8 CUSTOMS. administration; and it is much to be regretted that al- though the same principle has been since resorted to, the many new duties which the exigencies of the state have rendered necessary, have again destroyed in some degree the simplicity effected, which had been attended with great practical convenience. The progress of this branch of revenue shows the vast importance of foreign trade, if considered merely as fur- nishing a convenient mode of taxation. In the reign of king John, the whole of the duties payable by merchants in England were farmed for 1000 marks. From some acts of Henry III. it appears that considerable frauds were committed in the revenue of customs; it began however to increase, and in the reign of Edward III. the customs ofthe port of London alone amounted to 12,000 marks per annum. In 1590, the produce of the customs was considerably improved; and in 1613 it amounted to 148,075*. 7s. 8c*. of which 109,572*. I8.s. 4d. was collect- ed in the port of London, while only 38,502*. 9s. 4d. was received from all the other ports of England. Of the total, 16,794*. 16s. 2d. arose from duties outward, and 61,280*. 1 is. 6ii. from duties inward. By the act of union in 1706, the customs of Scotland are stated at 30,000*. per annum, and those of England at 1,341,559*. per annum; since which period, the great increase of foreign trade, and the many new duties which have been imposed, have swelled the revenue of the customs to a far more important magnitude. The following account shows the total gross receipt of the customs of Great Britain, for the year ending 5th January 1805, with the various payments to which it was subject, and the nett amount paid into the exche- quer. Balance in the hands ofthe collector, and of the receiver-general of Scotland, on the 5th January 1804 - - Bills arising and remitted out of the revenue of 1803, but which were not brought to account till 1804 Gross receipt within the year £65,166 8 5| Total Paid drawbacks on exportation Repayments on over-entries and damaged goods ... Bounties on exportation Bounties for promoting national ob- jects - - Money imprest in the hands of out- port collectors - Paid towards the expenses of the civil government of Scotland Advanced for the purchase of legal quays - Charges of management Payments into the exchequer Balances in the hands of the col- lectors, and the receiver-general of Scotland, on the 5th January 1805 - Bijls arising aud remitted out of 200,003 10,949,087 3 11 5| 11,214,257 3 4§ 355,768 11 n 98,513 1,132,678 0 16 5| 304,056 3 8 1,465 6 5 54,476 1 6| 76,689 566,999 8,357,871 12 6 5 6 10 H 98,059 10 6§ the revenue of 1804, but which were not brought to account till 1805 - - - 167,678 12 10£ Total 2.11,214,257 3 4§ Deducting from the gross receipt of 10,949,078*. lis. 5|d. the sum.s paid for drawbacks on exportation, and as bounties for promoting national objects, together 659,824*. 15s. 3|o*., the total nett produce of the year will be 10,289,262*. 16s. 2d. arising as follows: From duties inwards L 8,640,425 Duties outwards 658,968 Duties coastways 934,464 Quarantine tonnage duty 13,295 Remittances from the plantations 23,634 Condemned tobacco, wine, &c. 18,475 10 H 14 n 0 i 0 4 7 8 3 6 L 10,289,262 16 2 The total produce of the customs of Ireland for the year ending 5th January 1805, may be stated thus: From duties inwards Duties outwards Storage - Prizage Light-money Fines and seizures, &c. L 1,850,776 22,237 1,794 799 5,944 17,096 16 15 13 6 16 4 2| S 3 0| Deduct appropriated duties L 1,898,649 11 7$ 14,927 8 9 L 1,883,722 2 10| The total produce of the customs of the united king- dom will therefore be as follows: England - - - L 9,606,584 9 Scotland - - . 682,678 6 Ireland - - 1,883,722 2 io| L 12,172,984 19 0| The expense of collecting the customs of Great Bri- tain is at the rate 'of 5*. Is. id. percent, on the gross revenue, or 6*. 5s. 2d. per cent, on the nett produce. Custom-house, an office established by the king's au- thority in maritime cities, or port-towns, for the receipt and management of the customs and duties of importa- tion and exportation, imposed on merchandises, and regulated by books of rates. There are several custom- houses in the several parts of England, but the most considerable is that of London. It is under the direction of commissioners, appointed by patent, who have the charge and management of all the customs in all the ports of England. Other officers are a secretary, solici- tor, receiver-general, comptroller-general, surveyor- general, &c. all holding their places by patents; with other inferior officers, appointed by warrant from the board of the treasury. Custom-officers shall not have any ships of their own, nor may they use merchandise, factorage, nor keep a tavern, *tc. They are prohibited to trade in brandy, coflee, o.c. or any excisable liquor, on pain of 50*. For taking a bribe they shall forfeit 100*., and 500*. for mak- CUT CUT ing collusive seizures, Sec. Every merchant, making an entry of goods, either inwards or outwards, shall he despatched in such order as he comes in; and if any offi- ce r or his clerk shall for favour or reward, put any merchant or his servant, duly attending to make cn- tric s, by his turn, to draw any reward or gratuity from him, besides what is limited in the act of tonnage and poundage, cScc. he shall be strictly admonished to his du- ty: or, if found faulty, he shall be discharged, and not permitted to sit any more in the custom-house. The of- ficers who sit above in the custom-house of London, shall attend their several places, from nine to twelve in the f.;renoon;andoue officer, or clerk, shall attend with ihe book, in the afternoon, during such time as the offi- cers are appointed to wait at the water-side. CUSTOS brevium, the principal clerk belonging to the court of common pleas, whose business it is to re- ceive and keep all the writs made returnable in that court, filing every return by itself; and, at the end of each term, to receive of the prothonotaries all the re- cords of the nisi prius, called the posteas. The posteas are first brought in by the clerks of assize of every cir- cuit to that prothonotary who entered the issue in the causes, in order to enter judgment; and after the protho- notary has entered the verdict and judgment thereupon into the rolls of the court, he delivers them over to the custos brevium, who binds them into a bundle. The cus- tos brevium makes likewise entries of writs of covenant, and the concord upon every fine: by him also are made out exemplifications and copies of all writs and records in his office, and of all fines levied, which being engross- ed, are divided between him and the chirographer, which last keeps the writ of covenant and the note, and the former the concord and foot of the fine. The custos brevium is made by the king's letters patent. Custos rotulorum, an officer who has the custody of the rolls and records ofthe sessions of peace, and al- so of the commission of the peace itself. He usually is some person of quality, and always a justice of the peace, of the quorum, in the county where he is appointed. This officer is made by writing under the king's sign manual, being the lord chancellor's warrant to put him in commission. He may execute his office by a deputy, and is empowered to appoint the clerk of the peace, but he may not sell the place under divers penalties. CUT-vv ater, or knee ofthe head, the sharpness of the head ofthe ship, below the beak; so called because it cuts or divides the water before it comes to the bow. CUTICLE, cuticula, in anatomy, a thin membrane closely lying upon the skin, or cutis, of which it seems a part, and to which it adheres very firmly, being as- sisted by the intervention of the corpus reticulare. CUTIS, the skin, in anatomy, is that strong thick covering which envelopes the whole external surface of animals. It is composed chiefly of two parts: a thin white elastic layer on the outside, which is called the epider- mis, or cuticle; and a much thicker layer, composed of a great many fibres, closely interwoven, and disposed in different directions; this is called the cutis, or true skin. The epidermis is that part of the skin which is raised in blisters. 1. The epidermis is easily separated from the cutis by mac eration in hot water. It possesses a very great degree of elasticity. It is totally insoluble in water and in alcohol. Pure fixed alkalies dissolve it completely as does lime likewise, though slowly. Sulphuric and muriatic acids do not/lissolve it, at least tbey have no sensible action on it for a considerable time; but nitric acid soon deprives it of its elasticity, and causes it to fall to pieces. It is well known that the living epider- mis is tinged yellow almost instantaneously by nitric acid; but this effect does not take place, at least so .speedi- ly, when the dead cuticle is plunged in nitric acid alto- gether. If the cuticle is tinged with nitric acid, the ap- plication of ammonia to it is well known to give it in- stantaneously a deep orange-colour. Now as Mr. Hatch- ett has shown that this change is also produced upon coagulated albumen in the same circumstances, and as the epidermis resembles that substance in all the proper- ties above detailed, it can scarcely be doubted that it is nothing else than a peculiar modification of coagulated albumen. 2. The cutis is a thick dense membrane, composed of fibres interwoven like the texture of a hat. When it is macerated for some hours in water, and agitation and pressure are employed to accelerate the effect, the blood, and all the extraneous matter with which it was loaded, are separated from it, but its texture remains unaltered. On evaporating the water employed, a small quantity of gelatine may be obtained. No subsequent maceration io cold water has any farther effect. When distilled it yields the same products as fabrina. The concentrated alkalies dissolve it, converting it into oil and ammonia. Weak acids soften it, render it transparent, and at last dissolve it. Nitric acid converts it into oxalic and fat, while, at the same time, azotic gas and prussic acid are omitted. When heated it contracts, and then swells, ex- hales a fetid odour, and leaves a dense charcoal, difficult to incinerate. By spontaneous decomposition in water or moist earth, it is converted into a fatty matter, and into ammonia, which compose a kind of soap. When al- lowed to remain long in water, it softens and putrefies, being converted into a kind of jelly. When long boiled in water it becomes gelatinous, and dissolves completely, constituting a viscid liquor, wiiich, by proper evapora- tion is converted into glue. Hence the cutis of animals is commonly employed in the manufacture of glue. From these facts the cutis appears to be a peculiar mo- dification of gelatine enabled to resist the action of water, partly by the compactness of its texture, and partly by the viscidity of the gelatine of which it is formed; for those skins which dissolve' most readily in boiling water afford the worst glue. Mr. Hatchett has observed, that the viscidity of the gelatine obtained from skins is ncar- yin versely as their flexibility, the supplest hides always yielding the weakest glue; but this glue is very soon ob- tained from them by hot water. The skin of the eel ii very flexible, and affords very readily a great propor- tion of gelatine. The skin of the shark also readily yields abundance of gelatine; and the same remark ap- plies to the skins of the hare, rabbit, calf, and ox; the difficulty of obtaining the glue and its goodness always increasing with the toughness of the hide. The hide ot the rhinoceros, wiiich is exceedingly strong and toughi far surpasses the rest in the difficulty of solution and ii the goodmss of its glue. When skins are boiled the? CUT CUT gradually swell and-assume the appearance of horn, then tlc-y dissolve slowly. It is from the skin or cutis of animals that leather is formed; and the goodness of the leather, or at least its strength, depends in some measure on the toughness of the hides. Those easily soluble, as seal-skins, afford a weaker leather than those which are more difficultly soluble in water. The process by which the skins of animals are converted into leather is called tanning. It seems to have been known and practised in the earliest ages; but its nature was totally unknown till after the discovery of the tanning principle hy Seguin. That chemist ascertained that leather is a compound of tan and skin; that it is to the tan that leather owes its in- solubility and its power of resisting putrefaction. The subject has lately engaged the attention of Mr. Davy, who has examined it with his usual ingenuity, and added several important facts to our former knowledge. When skins are to be tanned, tbe first step of the pro- cess is to deprive them of their hair and cuticle. This is either done by steeping them in water till they begin to putrefy, or by steeping them in lime and water. The lime seeais to combine with the cuticle, and to render it brittle and easily detachable from the hide. It produces the same effect upon the hair and the matter at its root. When the hides have been steeped for a sufficient time, they are taken out, the hair, cuticle, &c. scraped off, and then they are washed in water. After this preliminary process, the skins are subject- ed to different treatment according to the kind of leather which is to be made. The large and thick hides arc introduced for a short time into a strong infusion of bark. They arc then said to be coloured. After this they are put into water slight- ly impregnated with sulphuric acid, or with the acid evolved during the fermentation of barley and rye. This renders them harder and denser than they were before, and fits them for forming sole-leather. Mr. Davy thinks, that by this process a triple compound is formed of the skin, tan, and the acid. The light skins of cows, those of calves, and all small skins, are steeped for some days in a lixivium made by the infusion of pigeon's dung in water. This lixiv iuin is called the graincr. By this pro- cess they are rendered thinner, and softer and more pro- per for making flexible leather. Mr, Davy considers the effect of this lixivium to depend upon the fermentation which it undergoes; for dung that has undergone fermen- tation docs not answer the purpose. After these preli- minary processes, the skins are exposed to the action of the infusion of bark till they are converted into leather. The infusion of oak-bark contains two ingredients, name- ly tan and an extractive. The first is more soluble than the second. Hence in saturated infusions there is a much smaller proportion of tan than of extractive; whereas in weak infusions, the extractive beai-s a greater propor- tion, to the tan. Mr. Dnvy considers it as doubtful whe- ther the infusion of oak-bark contains any gallic acid. This chemist has ascertained, that the hides extract both the tan and extractive from the infusion, and leave noth- ing behind but pure water, provided they are employed insufficient quantify. Hence it is obvious, that both the tan and extractive must enter into the composition of leather. Tho extractive gives the hide a brovv n colour, but docs not render it insoluble in boiling water; the tan renders it insoluble, hut its colour continues whitish. Hence it is likely that the lightest kinds of leather con- tain little else than tan, while the brown kinds contain both tan and extractive. While the hides are allowed to remain in the infusion of bark, they combine of course with tan and extractive, and the new compound is leather. Hence the reason of the increase of its weig!:t. Calf-skins, and those hides which are prepared hy lite graincr, are first steeped in weak iiu'u.ions of oak- bark, and gradually removed to stronger and stronger, till they are completely impregnated, which takes up from two to four months. As the weak infusions contain a greater proportion of extractive, the consequence of this process is, that the skin combines in the first place with a portion of it, and afterwards with the tan. When saturated solutions of tan are employed, the leather ia formed in a much shorter time. This was the process recommended by Seguin; but it has been observed, that leather tanned in this way is more rigid and more liable to crack than leather tanned in the usual way. Hence it is likely, as Mr. Davy has observed, that the union of tbe extractive is requisite to form pliable and tough leather. Leather rapidly tanned must he less equable in its texture than leather slowly tanned, as the surface must he saturated with tan before the liquid has time to penetrate deep. Mr. Davy has ascertained that skins, while tanning, seldom absorb more than one-third of their weight of vegetable matter. Skins intended for sole leather are generally kept from the first in an infusion preserved nearly saturated by means of the strata of bark, with which they alternate. The full impregnation requires from ten to eighteen months. It is likely from this process that sole leather contains a greater proportion of tan than soft leather. While drying, it is smoothed with a rolling-pin, and beaten with a mallet, which must add considerably to it6 density. 3. As to the rete mucosum, or the mucous substance situated between the cutis vera and epidermis, its com- position cannot be determined with precision, because its quantity is too small to admit of examination. It is known that the black colour of negroes depends upon a black pigment, situated in this substance. Oxymuriatic acid deprives it of its black colour, and renders it yel- low. A negro, by keeping his foot for some time in wa- ter impregnated with that acid, deprived it of its colour, and rendered it nearly white; hut in a few days the black colour returned again with its former intensity. This experiment was first made by Dr. Beddoes on the fin- gers of a negro. See Anatomy, Physiology, and Tan- ning. C UTTER of the tallies, an officer of the exchequer, whose business is to provide wood for the tallies, to cut or notch the sum paid upon them: and then to cast them into court to be written upon. CUTTING, in heraldry, is used for the dividing a shield into two equal parts, from right to kft, parallel to the horizon, or in the fessc-vvay. Cutting in wood, a particular kind of sculpture, or engraving, denominated from the matter on which it is employed. That sort of engraving which is called cut- ting in wood, was the first invented. It is used for initial CYC C Y C letters, head and tail pieces of books, and even for schemes and other figures, to save the expense of en- graving on copper: and for prints and stamps for paper, calicoes, linen, &c. The art of cutting in wood was cer- tainly carried to very great perfection about one hund- red and fifty years ago, and has since been revived with very great success by Mr. Bewick, whose engravings of animals, &c. on wood may vie in beauty and excellence with the choicest copper-plates. The cutter in wood needs no other instruments than little sharp knives, chisels, and gravers of different sizes. The first thing he does, is to take a plank or block of pear-tree, or box, which he prepares of the size and thickness intended, and makes it very even and smooth on the side to be cut; on this block he draws the design with a pen or pen- cil just as it ought to be printed. Those who cannot draw their own designs, make use of those done by another, which they fasten on the block with paste, the strokes or lines being turned towards the wood: when the paper is dry, they wash it gently over with a spung dipped in water; which done, they take off the paper by degrees, still rubbing it a little with the tip of the finger, till there is nothing left on the block but the strokes of ink that form the design, which mark out so much of the block as is to be spared, or left standing; the rest they cut off and take away as curiously as they can, with the point of their sharp instruments. CYANELLA, a genus ofthe hexandria monogynia class and order. The cor. is six-petalled; stamens lower, declined larger than the rest. There are three species; natives of Africa. CYANILE, a stone commonly found in granite rocks. The primitive form of its crystals is a four-sided oblique prism, the sides of which are inclined at an angle of 130°. The base forms with one side of the prism an angle of 103°, with another an angle of 77°. It is sometimes crystallized in six-sided prisms. Its texture is foliated; fracture radiated; rays curved and interlac- ed; fragments long and splintery. It causes single re- fraction, and its specific gravity is from 3.5 to 3.6: feels somewhat greasy. Its colour is white, with shades of sky or Prussian blue. CYATHUS, in Roman antiquity, a liquid measure, containing four ligulas, or half a- pint English wine- measure, being 469| solid inches. CYC AS, in botany, a genus of plants belonging to the first natural order, palmse. The fruit is a dry plum with a bivalved kernel. There are two species: 1. The circinalis, or sago-tree, grows spontaneously in fhe East Indies, and particularly on the coast of Mala- bar. It runs up with a straight trunk to 40 feet or more, having many circles the whole length, occasioned by the old leaves falling off; for, standing in a circular order round the stem* and embracing it with their base, whenever they drop, they leave the marks of their ad- hesion behind. The leaves are pinnated, and grow to the length of seven or eight feet. The pinnse or lobes are long, narrow, entire, of a shining green, all the way of a breadth, lance-shaped at the point, are closely crowded together, and stand at right angles on each side the midrib, like the teeth of a comb. The flowers are produced in Jong bunches at the foot-stalks of the leaves, and are succeeded by oval fruit, about the size of large plums, of a red colour when ripe, and a sweet flavour. Each contains a hard brown nut, inclosing a white meat, which tastes like a chesnut. This is a valuable tree to the inhabitants of India, as it not only furnishes a considerable part of their con- stant bread, but also supplies them with a great article of trade. The trunk contains a farinaceous substance, which they extract from it and make into bread in tlih manner: They saw the body into small pieces, and af- ter beating them in a mortar, pour water upon the mass* this is left for some hours to settle. When fit, it is strained through a cloth; and the finer particles of tbe mealy substance running through with the water, the gross ones are left behind and thrown away. After the farinaceous part has sufficiently subsided, the water is poured off, and the meal being properly dried, is oc- casionally made into cakes and baked. These cakes are said to eat nearly as well as wheaten bread, and are the support of the inhabitants for three or four months in the year. The same meal more finely pulverized, and reduced into granules, is what is called sago, which is sent into all parts of Europe, and sold in the shops as a great strengthener and restorative. There is a sort of sago made in the West Indies, and sent to Europe, in the same manner as that from the East; but tbe West In- dia sago is far inferior in quality to the other. It is supposed to be made from the pith of the areca olerace.u See Areca. £. The cycas revoluta, or brood boom (or bread- tree) of the Hottentots, a plant discovered by professor Thunberg. The pith, or medulla, which abounds in the trunk of this little palm, Mr. Sparman informs us is collected and tied up in dressed calf or sheep-skins, and then buried in the earth for the space of several weeks, till it becomes sufficiently mellow and tender to be kneaded up with water into a paste, of which tbey af- terwards make small loaves or cakes, and bake them under the ashes. Other Hottentots not quite so nice, nor endued with patience enough to wait this tedious method of preparing it, are said to dry and roast the pith or marrow, and afterwards make a kind of frumen- ty of it. See PI. XXXIX. N. H. fig. 154. CYCLAMEN, Sowhread, a genus of the monogy- nia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 21st order, precise. The corolla is verticillated, with the tube very short, and the throat prominent; the berry is covered with the capsule. There are five species, which produce many beautiful varieties. They are low, herbaceous, flowe- ry perennials, of the tuberous-rooted kind, with nu- merous angular, heart-shaped, spotted, marbled leaves; with many fleshy footstalks six inches high, carry- ing monopetalous, five-parted, reflexed flowers, of various colours. All the varieties arc extremely ornamented, and some of the flowers very fragrant. They may be planted in any of the common border, but require to be sheltered from hard frosts by being covered with mats. They should also have a light dry soil, otherwise their roots are apt to rot. The species are propagated by seeds, and the particular varieties CYC C Y C by dividing their roots. The root of the cyclamen has, when fresh, an extremely acrimonious taste, which it loses upon being dried. CYCLAS, a genus ofthe decandria monogynia class and order. The cal. is four-parted; cor. none; filaments inserted in the neck of the style, flexuose; legume roundish, winged, one-seeded. Tliere are two species, trees of Guiana. Cycla.s, a genus of testacea ofthe class of bivalves; shells somewhat transverse, without a fold on the ante- rior side: exterior ligament recurved; hinge of three teeth; lateral teeth elongated, lamelliform, and let into a groove in the opposite valve. This genus contains seven or eight species, mostly "inhabiting fresh water pools. Animal acephalous, with two tubes projecting on one side, and on the other, a foot lingiiiform, or tongue-shaped. According to Geof- froy, it is viviparous: the species most common in Eu- rope is the cyclas cornea, which is globous, smooth, horn-coloured, with transverse furrows, size of a large pea, inhabits pools of fresh water. See Plate Nat. Hist. tig. 155. CYCLE, in chronology, a certain period or series of years, which regularly proceed from the first to the last, and then return again to the first, and circulate perpe- tually. The most considerable cycles are those of the sun, of the moon, and of the Roman indiction. The cycle of the sun consists of twenty-eight years, which contain all the possible combinations of the do- minical letters, in respect to their successive order, as pointing out the common years and leap-years; so that, after the expiration of the cycle, the days ofthe month return in the same order to the same days of the week, throughout the next cycle; except that upon every cen- tesimal year wiiich is not a leap-year, the letters must always be removed one place forward, to make them answer to the years of the cycle. For instance, if the year 1800 was a leap-year, as every centesimal year is in the Julian account, the dominical letters would be ED, and C would be the dominical letter of the next year; but as it is a common year in the Gregorian ac- count, D is the dominical letter of 1801, which an- swers to the eighteenth of the cycle, C to the nineteenth, &c. until the next centesimal year. Sec Dominical letter.' To find the year of this cycle for any year of the christian sera, add 9 to the current year of Christ, be- cause the cycle commenced nine years before the chris- tian aera, and divide the sum by 28, the quotient will show the number of cycles which have revolved since the beginning of that in which the christian #ra com- menced; and the remainder, if any, shows the current jear of the cycle: but if there be no remainder, it shows that it is the last or twenty -eighth year of the cycle. Cycle of the moon, or lunar cycle, called also the golden number, is a period of nineteen years, after which the new and full moons return on the same days of the months, only one hour twenty -eight minutes sooner; so that, on whatever days the new and full moon fall this y ear, they v ill happen nineteen years hence on the same days of the months, except when a centesimal common year falls within the cycle, which will move the new and full moons a day later in the calender than otherwise they would have fallen; insomuch that a new moon which fell, before the centesimal year, suppose on March 10, will fall nineteen years afterwards on Mar ;* ll. The number of years elapsed in this cycle is called the prime, from its use In pointing out the day of I'iil- new moon, primum lunse; and the golden number, as desen - ing to be written in letters of gold. The golden numbers are those placed in the nrs' column ofthe calendar, betwixt March £1 and April 18. both inclusive, to denote the days upon which those full moons fall, wiiich happen upon, or next after. Marc!' 21, in those years of which they are respectively the golden numbers. See Calendar. For finding the golden number, add one to the cur rent year of our Lord, because one year of this cycle was elapsed before the christian sera began, and divide by nineteen, the remainder is the current year of tin- cycle, or the golden number; but if nothing remains, ii shows that it is the last year of the cycle, and conse quently the golden number is 19. Cycle of the Roman indiction, is a period of fifteen years, in use among the Romans, commencing from the third year before Christ. This cycle has no connection with the celestial motions; but was instituted, according to Baronius, by Constantine; who, having reduced the time which the Romans were obliged to serve to fifteen years, was consequently obliged, every fifteen years, to impose, or indicere according to the Latin expression, an extraordinary tax for the payment of those who were discharged; and hence arose this cycle. To find the cycle of indiction for any given year, add S to the given year, and divide the sum by 15, the re- mainder is the current year of the cycle of indiction; if there be no remainder, it is the fifteenth or last year of the indiction. These three cycles multiplied into one another, that is, 28 x 19 x 15, amount to 7980, which is called th© Julian period, after which the three foregoing cycles will begin again together. This period had its imagin- ary beginning 710 years before the creation, according to the common opinion among chronologers concerning the age of the world, and is not yet complete. It is much used in chronological tables. See Chronology. CYCLOID. The Cycloid is a curve of such impor- tance, that the honour of its invention has been much contested among mathematicians. The French ascribe it to their countryman Robervall; but there is sufficient evidence that he was not the original inventor of it. Torricellus informs us, in a treatise containing a de- monstration of one of the properties of this curve, viz. that its area is triple that of the generating circle, and published in 1644, that this curve was known forty-five years before this period, or in 1599, to his master Gali- leo, and distinguished by the appellation of Cycloid. Besides, Dr. Wallis has discovered among the mathe- matical works of Bovillus. published at several times between the years 1501 and 1510, that this curve had been considered in his time: and he has also found, that it was known to cardinal Cusanus, who gave an ac- count of it in a copy of his works transcribed in 1451. But its various properties have been gradually discov- ered; and the method of regulating the motion of a pen- CYC CYC dulum by this curve, which is the most useful applica- tion of it, was the invention of Huygens in the last century. The cycloid is a curve generated by the motion of any point in the periphery of a circle, whilst the peri- phery itself revolves on a right line, till that point which touched the line at the beginning of the motion be brought to touch it again. Let the rolling circle be HFI (PI. XXXIX. Mis. fig. 29); Fthc point in the periphery, which at the beginning ofthe motion touched the line BC in B; and the curve BGC described by that point, whilst it is moving from B to C, will be the cycloid, or trochoid, so called from the manner of its formation. The circle HFI, by the revolution of which the curve is formed, is called the generating circle; the right line BC is the base; the line GA bisecting the base in A is the axis; and G is the vertex: a line OF parallel to the base, and intercepted between'the curve and the axis, is an ordinate; and the space included by the curve and base, viz. BGCAB, is the cycloidal space. The curve BGC is called the primary cycloid, to dis- tinguish it from the protracted cycloid MN, and from the contracted cycloid QR, described by the contempo- rary motion ofthe corresponding points p and r, in the circles OpN less, and 0*R greater, than the circle ODG respectively. The protracted cycloid is applied by Dr. Wallis to the solution of Kepler's problem for dividing the area ef an ellipse in a giving ratio, of which an ac- count is given in Keill's Astronomy, Leet. 25 and 24. We shall now enumerate the chief properties of the common cycloid. (1) The whole base BC (fig. SO), is equal to the periphery of the generating circle; and any part of the base BH is equal to the arc FH of the same circle in the position HFI. (2) Any right line Ii3 in- tercepted between the curve and the generating circle in the position GAD, where AB is = AC, is equal to the corresponding arc DG of the generating circle. For AB = HFI, and BH = FH. ••• HA = FI = DG, and HA = FD; FD = DG. (3) The ordinate FO = FD 4- DO = DG 4- DO = to the sum ofthe arc inter- cepted between the ordinate and the vertex, and its right sine. (4) The line LI drawn parallel to the chord MG, is a tangent to the cycloid in L. [Draw the ordinate LMN parallel to AB, join MG; put r= the radius of the generating circle AMG, x = NG, y= NL, z = the arc MG, and s = its sine =NM, and by the preceding we have y = s -f z, the differential of which is dy = ds -\-dz. Draw PR indefinitely near and parallel to LN and Mm parallel to N», and suppose M» an indefinitely small right line at right angles to MO the radiusof the circle; that is, Mn = flta, nm — ds, and Mm = dx. Then, since the triangles Mnm, MNO are simi- lar, we have sir—x::dx: ds, and therefore d.s —r x expression dxy # for the subtangent we have *M X dy, also s : r :: dx : d%; therefore d% = dx x r Now by substitution we obtain dy = x x dx rdx Now since 2r — x : s V; s»bt™gent, it follows that ' 2r — x x dx and this substituted for dy in the general the tangent LI is parallel to the chord MG (r) The semicycloid GC is equal to 2G A, or double nf the diameter of the generating circle; and the whole p! cloid BGC =4GA = four times the diameter of the ^J" crating circle. ° '" (6) If GX be parallel to B AC, the base of the cvcldA and LX parallel to its axis, GA: the space GXL t«•' initiated by the cycloidal arc GL, and the riehtV1 GX and LX, will be equal to the circular area GM\8 Let Tx be parallel to LX; and by what has been shown above, Yp: Lp :: MN : NG; = NG* Pn= M\ X Lp, i. e. Xx x LX = MN x N*, or the small space LXa?P = the small space MNwi. Consequently the areas GXL and GMN increasing by equal increments, are equal. Hence, if BY be perpendicular to the base BC at B, and meet GX produced at Y, the space GYBP(J will be equal to the semicircle GMA: and the rectangle GABY under the diameter GA and BA = \ the circum- ference of the generating circle, will be four times tbe semicircle GMA; and therefore the area GLT5AG - three times the area of the generating semicircle GM \ and the whole cycloidal area BLGCAB will be equal t<> three times the areaW the generating circle GMAT. Also, if GB be drawn, the area intercepted between tbe cycloid GLB, and the right line GB, will be equal to the semicircle GMA; for the area GLBAG = 3GMA, and the triangle GBA = ±GA x AB = the rectangle of the radius and semicircumference = the area of tiie generating circle GMAT = 2GMA; and therefore CL BAG — GBA = 3GMA — 2G1MA = GMA. (7) The cycloid is the curve of swiftest descent; or a heavy body, descending by the force of its own gravity, will move from one point of this curve to any other point in less time, than it will move by any other line joining these points. (8) A body falls through any arc, FG, LG, kc. (fig. 30), of an inverted cycloid, whether it be great or smail, in the same time. Hence, if a pendulum be made to vi- brate in the arc of a cycloid, all the vibrations will be performed in the same time. CYCLOPTERUS, the sucker, in ichthyology, a se- mis belonging to the order of amphibia nantes. Tbe head is obtuse, and furnished with saw-teeth; there are four rays in the gills; and the belly-fins are connected together in an orbicular form. Tliere are three species: 1. The lumpus, or lump-fish, grows to the length of nineteen inches, and weighs seven pounds. The shaj>« of the body is like that of the bream, deep and very thick, and it swims edge-ways. The back is sharp and elevated; the belly flat, of a bright crimson colour. Along the body there run several rows of sharp and bo- ny tubercles, and the whole skin is covered with small ones. The tail and vent-fins are purple. The pectoral fins are large and broad, almost uniting at their base. Beneath these is the part by which it adheres to tiie rocks, kc It consists of an oval aperture, surrounded with a fleshy, muscular, and obtuse substance; edged with many small threaded appendages, which concur as so many claspers. By means of this part it adheres with C Y D CYD vasi force to any thing it pleases. As a proof of its tenacity, it has been known, that in flinging a fish of this species into a pail of water, it fixed itself so firmly to the bottom, that on taking the fish by the tail, the whole pail by that means was lifted, though it held some gallons, without once making the fish quit its hold. These fish re- sort in multitudes during spring to the coast of Sutherland near the Ord of Caithness. The seals wiiich smarm be- neath, prey greatly upon them, leaving the skins; numbers of which, thus emptied, float ashore at that season. Great numbers of lump-fish arc found in the Greenland seas during the months of April and May, when they resort near the shore tojspawn. See Plate XL. Nat. Hist. fig. 15rj. 2. The hparis takes the name of sea-snail from the soft and unctuous texture of its body, resembling that of the land-snail. It is almost transparent, and soon dis- solves and melts away. It is found in the sea near the mouths of great rivers, and has been seen full of spawn in January. The length is five inches: the colour a pale brown, sometimes finely streaked with a darker. Be- neath the throat is a round depression of a whitish colour like the impression ofa seal, surrounded by twelve small pale yellow tubera, by which probably it adheres to the stones like the other species. 3. C. minor, or the lesser sucking-fish, is found in different parts ofthe British seas. It is about four inches in length; the skin without scales, slippery, and elf a dusky colour. It has also an apparatus for adhering to stones and rocks, similar to the oihcrs. CYDER, or Cidkr, an excellent drink made of the juice of apples. In making this drink, it has long been thought necessary in every part v.f England, to lay tbe harder cyder fruits in heaps for some time before break- ing their pulps; but the Devonshire people have much im- proved this practice: in other countries the method is, to make these heaps of apples in a house, or under some co- vering, inclosed on every side; this method has been found defective, because, by excluding the free air, the heat soon became too violent, and a great perspiration ensued, by which, in a short time, tic b ss of juice was so great as to reduce the frit to half their former weight, attended with a general ro'feniiess, rancid smell, and disagreeable taste. In the southern parts a middle way has been pur- sued; to avoid the inconveniences attending the above, they make their heaps of apples in an open part of an or- chard; where by means ofa free air and less perspiration, the desired maturity is brought about, without any con- siderable waste of the juices, or decay of the fruit, and entirely free of rankness; and though some apples rot even in this manner, tbey are verv few, and are still fit for use, all continue plump and full of juices, and very much heighten tbe colour of tbe cyder, without ill-taste or smell. In pursuing the Devonshire method it is to be observed: first, all the promiscuous kind of apples that have dropped from the trees from time to time, are to be gathered up and laid in a heap by themselves, to be made into cyder after having so lain about ten days; secondly, such apples as are gathered from the tree, having already acquired some degree of maturity, are likewise tube laid in a heap by themselves for about a fortnight; thirdly, the later hard fruif. wiiich are to he left on tbetrecstill the a p pre■■■u U of frost is apprehended, are to be Iain in separate heaps, w here they are to remain a month or six weeks, by which, vtu#. i. 90 notwithstanding frost, rain, &c. their juices will receive such a maturation as will prepare them for a kindly fer- mentation, and which they could not have attained on the trees from the coldness ofthe season. It is observable, that the riper and mellower the fruits are at the time of collecting them into heaps, the shorter should be their continuance there; and on the contrary, the harsher, more immature, and harder they are, the longer they should rest. These heaps should be made in an even and open part of the orchard, without any regard to covering from rain, dews, or what else may happen during the apples staying there; and whether they be carried in and broken in wet or dry weather, the effect is all the same. If it should be objected, that during their having lain together in the heaps, they may have imbibed great humidity, as well from the air, as from the ground, rain, dews, &c. which are mixed with their juices; the answer is, that this will have no other effect, than a kindly diluting natural to the fruits, by which means a speedier fermentation ensues, and all heterogeneous humid parti- cles are thrown oi'. The apples are then ground, and the pumices received in a large open-mouthed vessel, capable of containing as much thereof as is sufficient for one mak- ing or one cheese, though it has been a custom to let the pumice remain some hours in the vessel appropriated to contain it: yet this practice is by no means commendable; for if the fruits did not come ripe from the trees, or other- wise matured, the pumice remaining in the vat too long, will acquire such harshness and coarseness from the skins as is never to be got rid of; and if the pumice is of well- ripened fruit, the continuing too long there will occasion it to contract a sharpness that very often is followed with want of spirit and pricking; nay, sometimes it even be- comes vinegar, or always continues of a wheyish colour, all which proceeds from the heat of fermentation, that it almost instantly falls into on lying together; the pumice, therefore, should remain not longer in the vat than until there may be enough broken for one pressing, or that all be made into a cheese and pressed the day it is broken. The stooming or stumming of cyder, is done by burn- ing a match or scent in a clean hogshead, moist from re- cent rinsing, and racking the cyder on the fret into it. If much on the fret, when the cyder is half-racked into the matched or scented cask, burn another match i;; each cask, roll and tumble theni well about (if there are no lees) for a couple of hours, and then finish the racking. Stum is the rich must of good cycler, blended with the va- pour ofthe burning match or scent, stoomed as above. which prevents its fermenting; and when disposed to fret, must be racked into another cask well matched: if this is neglected, and it once ferments, itis no longer stum, but becomes good cyder. Stum is used to merid declining cyder, make it ferment afresh, and give life and sweet- ness to it, a kind of reaniination. Boiled cyder makes the best keeping stum. It would doubtless be a great improvement to many estates to cultivate the land not fit for corn, by planting the proper sorts of apples and pears, for the production of so wholes ine and pleasant a beverage as cyder or perry. In the preparation of this very estimable'liquor; there is no expense of fuel to brew it; and the labour is v but once a year, and when sold it yields a very encour- aging profit. The larger quantity there is made together, CYDER. ihc better it succeeds; in large vessels it will keep sound and good for many years. Besides, it is a pursuit in which any gentleman can engage, without being consi- dered as a trader. A man may exercise or amuse him- self in any manufacture from the produce of his own land, as a necessary or usual mode of reaping or enjoying that produce, and bringing it advantageously to market; and he shall not be considered as a trader, though he buy necessary ingredients or materials to fit it for the mar- ket; for this is the way of enjoying the land in cyder countries: but where the produce of the land is merely the raw materials of a manufacture, and used as such, and not according to the usual mode of enjoying the land; in short, where the produce ofthe land is an insignificant article, in comparison with the whole expense of the ma- nufacture; there he ought to be considered as a trader, and so the law decides. The manufacturing of cyder and perry forms a capital branch in fruit countries, and of which the improve- ment nidst be considered as of great importance to the public, but - particularly so to the inhabitants of those districts were these liquors constitute the common beve- rage. Cyder and perry, when genuine, and in high perfec- tion, are excellent vinous liquors, and are certainly far more wholesome than many others which are at present in higher estimation. When the must is prepared from the choicest fruit, and undergoes the exact degree of vi- nous fermentation requisite to its perfection, the acid and the sweet are so admirably blended with the aqueous, oily, and spirituous principles, and the whole so imbued with the grateful flavour of the rinds and the agreeable aromatic bitter of the kernels, that it assumes a new character; grows lively, sparkling, and exhilarating: and when completely mellowed by time, the liquor becomes at once highly delicious to the palate, and friendly to the constitution; superior, in every respect, to most other English wines; for such (says Dr. Fothergill) would it be pronounced by all competent judges, was it not for the popular prejudice annexed to it, as a cheap home-brewed liquor, and consequently within the reach of the vulgar. To compare such a liquor with some of the foreign, fiery, sophisticated mixtures, sometimes imported, would be no credit to it; for it certainly surpasses them in flavour and pleasantness, as much as it excels them in cheapness: but rarely do we meet with perry or cyder of this supe- rior quality; for what is generally sold by dealers and inn-keepers, is a poor, meagre, vapid liquor, disposed to the acetous fermentation, and, of course, very injurious to the constitution. It is very mortify ing, after the ex- perience of so many centuries, that the art of preparing those liquors should still be so imperfectly understood as to seem to be' in their very infancy; that, throughout the principal cyder districts, the practice should still rest on the most vague undeterminate principles; and that the excellence of the liquor should depend rather on a lucky accident than on good management: yet such appears to be really the case, even amongst the most experienced cyder-makers. Mr. Marshall, that nice observer of rural affairs, in his late tour through Herefordshire and Gloucestershire, (ex- pressly undertaken for the purpose of inquiry on this sub- ject), informs us, that scarcely two of the professional makers are agreed as to the management of some ofthe most essential parts ofthe process; that palpable errors are committed, as to the time and manner of gathering the fruit, in laying it up, in neglecting to separate the unsound and to grind properly the rinds, kernels, kc. that the method of conducting the vinous fermentation, the most critical part ofthe operation, and which stamps the future value of the liquor, is by no means ascertained; for while some pro- mote the fermentation in a spacious open vat, others re- press it, by inclosing the liquor in a hogshead, or strive fo prevent it altogether; that no determinate point of tem- perature is regarded, and that the use ofthe thermometer is unknown or neglected; that they are as little consistent as to the time of racking off, and whether this ought to be done only once, or five or six times repeated; that for fining down the liquor many have recourse to that odious article bullock's blood, when the intention might be much better answered by whites of eggs or isinglass; and final- ly, that the capricious taste of particular customers ia generally consulted, rather than the real excellence of the liquor; and consequently that a very imperfect liquor is often vended, which tends to reduce the price, to dis- grace the vender, and to bring the use of cyder and perry into disrepute. The art of making vinous liquors is a curious chemical process: and its success chiefly depends on a dextrous management of the vinous fermentation, besides a close attention to several minute circumstances, the theory of which is not, perhaps, yet fully understood by the ablest chemists. The general method of preparing cyder and perry is very much the same. The mill is not essentially different from that of a common tanner's mill for grinding bark; it consists of a mill-stone from two feet and a half to four and a half in diameter, running on its edge on a circular stone- trough, from nine to twelve inches in thickness, mid from one to two tons in weight: the bottom of the trough in which this stone runs is somewhat, wider than the thick- ness of the stone itself; the inner side of the groove rises perpendicularly, but the outer is bevelled in such a man- ner as to make the top of the trough six or eight inches wider than the bottom, by which means there is room for the stone to run freely, and likewise for putting in the fruit, and stirring it up while grinding. The bed of a middle-sized mill is about nine feet, some ten, and some twelve; the whole being composed of two, three, or four stones, cramped together, and finished after being cramped in this manner: the best stones are found in the forest of Dean, generally a dark-reddish gritstone, not calcareous; for if it was of a calcareous quality the acid juice ofthe fruits would act upon it and spoil the liquor; a clean-grained grindstone grit is the fittest for the pur- pose. The runner is moved hy means of an axle passing through the centre, with a long arm reaching without the bed ofthe mill, for a horse to draw by; on the other side is a shorter arm, passing through the centre ofthe stone, as represented in the figure. An iron bolt, with a large head,passes through an eye in the lower part"! the swivel, on which the stone turns into the end of the inner arm of the axis; and thus the double motion of it is obtained, and the stone kept perfectly upright. There ought also to be fixed on the inner aim of the axis, about CYDER. a foot from the runner, a cogged wheel, working in a circle of cogs fixed upon the bed of the mill; the use of these is to prevent the runner from sliding, which it is apt to do when the mill is full; it likewise makes the work more easy for the horse: these wheels ought to be made with great exactness. Mr. Marshall observes, that it is an error to make the horse draw by traces. " That acting point of draught (says he), the horse's shoulders, ought, for various reasons, to be applied immediately at the end of the arm ofthe axis; not two or three yards before it, perhaps in a small mill near one-fourth of its circumference." Thebuilding in which the mill is inclos- ed ought to be of such a size that the horse may have a path of three feet wide betwixt the mill and the wall, so that a middling-sized mill, with its horse-path, takes up a space of fourteen or fifteen feet every way. The whole dimensions of the mill-house, according to our author, to render it any way convenient, are twenty- four feet by twenty; it ought to have a floor thrown over it at the height of seven feet, with a door in the middle of the front, and a window opposite, with the mill on one side and the press on tbe other side of the window: the latter must be as near the mill as conveni- ence will allow, for the more easy conveying the ground fruit from the one to the other. The press, of which the principle will be understood from the figure, has its bed or bottom about five feet square: this ought to be made entirely either of wood or of stone, the practice of cov- ering it with lead being now universally known to be pernicious. It has a channel cut a few inches within its outer edges, to catch the liquor as it is expressed, and convey it to a lip formed by a projection on that side of the bed opposite the mill; having under it a stone trough or wooden vessel, sunk within the ground, when the bed is fixed low, to receive it. The press is worked with levers of different lengths, first a short, and then a moderately long one, both worked hy hand; and lastly, a bar, eight or nine feet long, worked by a capstan or windlass. The expense of fitting up a mill-house is not very great. Mr. Marshall computes it from twenty to twenty-five pounds, and on a small scale from 10 to 15 pounds, though much depends on the distance and car- riage of the stone: when once fitted up it will last ma- ny years. The making of the fruit-liquors under consideration requires an attention to the following particulars: 1. The fruit. II. The grinding. III. Pressing. IV. Fermenting. V. Correcting. VI. Laying up. VII. Bot- tling. Each of these heads is subdivided into several others. I. In the management of the fruit, the following par- ticulars are to be considered: 1. Tbe time of gathering;—which varies according to the nature of the fruit. The early pears are fit for the mill in September; but few apples are ready f>r gathering before Michaelmas; though, from accidental circumstances, they are frequently manufactured before that time; for sale cyder and keeping drink, they are suffered to hang upon the trees till fully ripe; and the middle of October is generally looked upon to be a pro- pel time forgathering the stire apples. The criterion of a degree of ripeness is, the fruit falling from the tree; and to force it away before that time, in Mr. Marshall's opinion, is robbing it of some of its most valuable pro- perties; " the harvesting of fruit (says he) is widely dif- ferent in this respect from the harvesting of grain, which has the entire plant to feed it after the separation from the soil; while fruit, after it is severed from the tree, is cut off from all possibility of a further supply of nour- ishment; and although it may have reached its wonted size, some of its more essential particles are undoubtedly left behind in the tree." Sometimes, however, the fruits which are late in ripening are apt to hang on the tree un- til spoiled by frosts, though weak watery fruits seem to be most injured in this manner; and Mr. Marshall re- lates an instance of very fine liquor being made from golden pippins, after the fruit had been frozen as hard as ice. 2. The method of gathering. This, as generally prac- tised, is directly contrary to the principles laid down by Mr. Marshall, viz. heating them down with long slen- der poles. An evident disadvantage of this method is, that the fruit is of unequal ripeness: for the apples on the same tree will differ many days, perhaps even weeks in their time of coming to perfection, whence some part of the richness and flavour of the fruit will be effectual- ly and irremediably cut off. Nor is this the only evil to be dreaded; for as every thing depends on the fermenta- tion it has to undergo, if this is interrupted, or rendered complex by a mixture of ripe and unripe fruits, and the liquor is not, in the first instance, sufficiently purged from its feculencies, it is difficult to clear it afterwards. The former defect the cyder-makers attempt to remedy, by a mixture of brown sugar and brandy, and the latter by bullock's blood and brimstone; but neither of these can be expected to answer the purpose very effectually. The best method of avoiding the inconveniences arising from an unequal ripening of the fruit is, to go over the trees twice, once with a hook when the fruit begins to fall spontaneously; tbe second time when the latter are sufficiently ripened, or when the winter is likely to set in, when the trees are to be cleared with the poles as above-mentioned. 3. Maturing the gathered fruit. This is usually done by making it into heaps, as has been already mentioned: but Mr. Marshall entirely disapproves of the practice; because, when the whole are laid in a heap together, the ripe fruit will begin to rot before the other has arrived at that degree of artificial ripeness which it is capable of acquiring. « The due degree of maturation of fruit for liquor," he observes, <» is a subject about which men, even in this district, differ much in their ideas. The pre- vailing practice of gathering into heaps until the ripest begin to rot, is wasting the best of the fruit, and is by no means an accurate criterion. Some shake the fruit, and judge by the rattling of the kernels; others cut through the middle, and judge by their blackness: but none of these appear to be a proper test. It is not the state of the kernels, but of the flesh; not of a few individuals, but of the greater part ofthe prime fruit; which renders the col- lcc five body fit or unfit to be sent to the mill; the most rational test of the ripeness of the fruit is, that of the flesh having acquired such a degree of mellowness, and its texture such a degree of tenderness, as to yield to moderate pressure; thus, when the knuckle or the end of the thumb can with moderate exertion be forced into CYDER. 4ie*pulp of the. fruit, is deemed in a fit state for grind- ing. 4. Preparation for the mill. The proper manage- ment of the fruit is to keep the ripe and unripe fruit separate from each other; but this cannot be done with- out a considerable degree of labour; for as, by number- less accidents, the ripe and unripe fruit are frequently confounded together, there cannot be any effectual me- thod of separating them except by hand; and Mr. Mar- shall is of opinion, that this is one ofthe grand secrets of cyder-making, peculiar to those who excel in the bu- siness; and he is surprised that it should not before this time have come into common practice. 5. Mixing fruit for liqour. Our author seems to doubt the propriety of this practice; and informs us, that the finer liquors are made from select fruits; and he hints, that it might be more proper to mix liquors after they arc made, than to put together the crude fruits. II. Grinding, and management of the fruit when ground.—For the greater convenience of putting fruit into the mill, every mill should have a fruit-chamber over it, with a trap-door to lower the fruit down into the mill. The best manner in which this can be accom- plished is to have the valve over the bed of the mill, and furnished with a hose or tunnel reaching down to the trough in which the stone moves; no straw is used in the lofts, but sometimes the fruit is turned. In Here- fordshire it is generally believed, that grinding the rinds and seeds of the fruit as well as the fleshy part to a pulp, is necessary towards the perfection of the cyder, whence it is proper that every kind of pains should be taken to perform the grinding in the most perfect man- ner. Mr. Marshall complains, that the mills are so im- perfectly finished by the workmen, that for the first years they cannot perform their work in a proper man- ner. Instead of being nicely fitted to one another with the square and chisel, they are hewn over with a rough tool, in such a careless manner that horse-beans might lie in safety in their cavities. Some even imagine that to be an advantage, as if the fruit was more effectually and completely broken by rough than smooth stones. Some use fluted rollers of iron, but these will be cor- roded by the juice, and thus the liquor might be tinged. Smooth rollers will not lay hold of the fruit sufficiently to force it through. Another improvement requisite in the cyder mills, is to prevent the matter in the trough from rising before the stone in the last stage of grinding, and a method of stirring it up in the trough more effectually than can be done at present. To remedy the former of these defects, it might perhaps be proper to grind the fruit first in the mill to a certain degree; and then put it between two smooth rollers to finish the operation in the most perfect manner. It is an error to grind too much at once, as this clogs up the mill, and prevents it from going easily. The usual quantity for a middle-sized mill is a bag, containing four corn-bushels; but our author bad an op- portunity of seeing a mill in which only half a bag was put, and thus the work seemed to go on more easily and more quickly than when more was put in at once. The quantity put in at one time is to be taken out when ground. The usual quantity of fruit ground in a day is as much as will make three hogsheads of perry « two of cyder. Management of the ground fruit. Mr. Marshall con- demns in very strong terms the practice of pressing the pulp of the fruit as soon as the grinding is finished, be- cause thus neither the rind nor seeds have time to com- municate their virtues to the liqour, or to extract these virtues in the most proper manner; some allow the ground fruit to lie twenty-four hours or more after grinding, and even regrind it, in order to have, in the most perfect manner, the flavour and virtues of the seeds and rind. III. Pressing the fruit, and management of the resi- duum. This is done by folding up the ground fruit in pieces of hair-cloth, and piling them up above one another, in a square frame or mould, and then pulling down the press upon them, wiiich squeezes out tbe juice, and forms the matter into thin and almost dry cakes. The first runnings come off foul and muddy, but the last, especially in perry, will be as clear and fine as if filtred through paper. It is common to throw away the residuum as useless; sometimes it is made use of, when dry, as fuel; sometimes the pigs will eat it, especially when not thoroughly squeezed; and sometimes it is ground a second time with water, and pressed for an inferior kind of liquor used for the family. Mr. Mar- shall advises to continue the pressure as long as a drop can be drawn. «« It is found (says he) that even by breaking the cakes of the refuse with the hands only, gives the press fresh power over it: for, though it has been pressed to the last drop, a gallon or more of addi- tional liquor may be got by this means: regrinding them has a still greater effect; in this state of the materials, the mill gains a degree of power over the more rigid parts of the fruits^ which in the first grinding it could not reach. If the face of the runner, and the bottom of the trough, were dressed with a broad chisel, and made true to each other, and a moderate quantity of residuum ground at once, scarcely a kernel would escape unbro- ken, or a drop of liquor remain undrawn." But though the whole virtue of the fruit cannot be extracted without grinding it very fine, some inconve- niences attend this practice, as a part of the pulp thus gets through the hair-cloth, and may perhaps be inju- rious to the subsequent fermentation. This, however, may be in a great measure remedied by straining the first runnings through a sieve: the whole should also be allowed to settle in a cask, and drawn off into a fresh vessel previous to the commencement of the fermenta- tion. The reduced fruit ought to remain some time be- tween the grinding and pressing, that the liquor may have an opportunity of forming an extract with the rind and kernels; hut this must not be pushed too far, as in that case the colour of the cyder would be hurt; and the most judicious managers object to the pulp re- maining longer than twelve hours without pressure; « thence (says our author) upon the whole, the most eligible management in this stage of the process ap- peal's to be this: grind one press-full a day; press, ana regrind the residuum in the evening; infuse the reduced matter all night among part of the first runnings, and in the morning repress while the next press-fun ts grinding." OYDEIv. IV. Fermentation. The common practice is, to Lave the liquor tunned, that is, put into casks or hogsheads. immediately from the press, and to fill them quite full; but it is undiubtedly m ire proper to leave some space empty to be filled up afterwards. No accurate experi- ment has been made with regard to the temperature of t!ie air proper to be kept up in flu place where the fer- mentation goes on. Frost is prejudicial; but when tbe process usually commences, that is, about the middle of October, tbe liquor is put into airy sheds, where the warmth is scarcely greater than in the open atmosphere; nay, it is frequently exposed to the open air without any cov- ering farther than a piece of tile or flat stone over the bung-hole, propped up by a wooden pin on one side to rau«e the. rain-water to run off. In a complete manu- factory of fruit liquor, the fermenting room should be under the same roof with the mill-bouse, a continuation of the press-room, or at least opening into it with win- dows or doors on every side, to give a free admission of air into it, with sufficient defence against frost; fruit- lofts over it, and vaults underneath, for laying up the li- quors after fermentation, with small holes in the crown of the arch to admit a hose or pipe for the purpose of conveying the liqours occasionally from the one to the other. In making of fruit-liquors no ferment is used, as in making of beer; though, from Mr. Marshall's account of the matter, it seems far from being unnecessary. Owing to this omission, the time of the commencement of the fermentation is entirely uncertain; it takes place sometimes in one, two, or three days, sometimes not in a week or a month, after tunning; but it has been ob- -•erved. that liquor which has been agitated in a car- riage, though just taken from the press, will sometimes pass almost immediately into a state of fermentation. The continuance of the fermentation is no less uncer- tain than the commencement of it. Liquors, when much agitated, will go through it perhaps in one day; but when allowed to remain at rest, tbe fermentation com- monly goes on two or three days, and sometimes five or six. The fermenting liquor, however, puts on a differ- ent appearance according to circumstances; when pro- duced from fruits properly matured, it generally throws up a thick scum, resembling that of malt liquor, and of a thickness proportioned to the species and ripeness of the fruit; the riper the fruit, the more scum is thrown up. Perry gives but little scum, and cyder will also sometimes do the same: sometimes it is intentionally prevented from doing it. After having remained some time in the fermenting- vessel, the liquor is racked or drawn off from the lees, and put into fresh casks. In this part of the operation also Mr. Marshall complains greatly of the. little atten- tion that is paid to the liquor. The ordinary time for racking perry is before it has done hissing, or some- times when it begins to emit fixed air in plenty. The only intention of the operation is, to free the liquor from its l.eculencies, by a cork placed at a little distance from the bottom, alter which the remainder is to be filtred through a canvass or flannel bag; this filtred liquor di tiers from the rest in having a higher colour, having no longer any tendency to ferment, but, on the con- trary, checking the firinciUauon oi vhaf. which is raokec off; and if it loses its brightness, it i- no longer easily recovered. Afresh fermentation usually c^iimcnci s af- ter racking, and if it becomes violent, a fresh rar-kh;£ is iv.vessary in order to check it, in consequence <.•;' wbich the same liquor will be racked off five or six times: but if only a small degree of fermentation takes place, wiiich is called fretting, it is allowed to remain in the same cask, though even here the degree of fer mentation which requires racking is by no means de termineil. Mr. Marshall informs us, that the best manu- facturers, however, repeat the rackings until the liquor will lie quiet, or nearly so; or if it be found impractica- ble to accomplish this by the ordinary method of fer- mentation, recourse must be had to fumigation with sul- phur, which is called stumming the casks. For this fu- migation, it is necessary to have matches made of thick linen-cloth, about ten ine lies long, and an inch broad, thickly coated with brimstone for about eight inches of their length. The cask is then properly seasoned, and every vent, except the bung-hole, tightly stopped; a match kindled is lowered down into the cask, and held by the undipped end until it is well lighted, and the bung driven in; thus suspending the lighted match within the cask. Having burnt as long as the contained air will supply the fire, the match dies, the bung is raised, the remnant of the match drawn out, and the cask suffered to remain before the liquor is put into it for two or three hours, more or less, according to the degree of power the sulphur ought to have. The liquor retains a smell of the sulphureous acid; but this goes off in a short time, and no had effect is ever observed to follow. In some places the liquor is left to ferment in open casks, in which it stands till th» first fermentation is pretty well over; after which the froth or yeast collected upon the surface is taken off, it being supposed that it is this yeast mixing with the clear liquor which causes it to fret after racking. The fermentation having totally ceased, and the lees subsided, the liquor is racked off into a fresh cask, and the lees filtred, as above directed. Our author mentions a way of fermenting fruit-liquors in broad shallow vats, not less than five feet in diame- ter, and little more than two feet deep, each vat con- taining about two hogsheads. In these the liquor re- mains until it has done rising, or till the fermentation has nearly ceased; when it is racked off without skim- ming, the critical juncture being caught before the yeast falls, the whole sinking gradually together as the liquor is drawn off. In this practice also the liquor is seldom drawn off a second time. Cyder is made of three different kinds, viz. rough, sweet, and ofa middle richness. The first kind, being usually destined for common use, is made with very little ceremony; if it is but cyder (says Mr. Marshall), and has body enough to keep, no matter for the richness and fla- vour. The rougher itis the further it will go; and the moro acceptable custom has rendered it, not only to the workmen but to their masters. A palate accustomed to sweet cyder, would judge the rough cyder of the farm-house to be a mix - ture of vinegar and water, with a little dissolved alum to give it roughness. The method of producing this aus tere liquor is, to grind the fruit in a crude under-ripe CYDER. state, and subject the liquor to a full fermentation; for the sweet liquor, make choice of the sweeter fruits, ma- ture them fully, and check the fermentation of the li- quor. To produce liquors of a middle richness, the na- ture of the fruit, as well as the season in which it is ma- tured, must be considered. The fruits to be made choice of are such as yield juices capable of affording a suffi- ciency both of richness and strength; though much de- pends on a proper management. Open vats, in our au- thor's opinion, are preferable to close vessels; but if casks are used at all, they ought to be very large, and not filled; nor ought they to lie upon their sides, but to be set on their ends, with their heads out, and to be filled only to such a height as will produce the requisite degree of fermen- tation; hut in whatever way the liquor he put to ferment, Mr. Marshall is of opinion that the operation ought to be allowed to go on freely for the first time, though after being racked off any second fermentation ought to be prevented as much as possible. V. Correcting, provincially called doctoring. The im- perfections which art attempts to supply in these liquors are, 1. Want of strength. 2. Want of richness. S. Want of flavour. 4. Want of colour and brightness. The want of strength is supplied by brandy, or any other spirit, in sufficient quantity to prevent the acetous fermentation. The want of richness is supplied by what are generally termed sweets, but prepared in a manner which our author says has never fallen within his notice. To supply the want of flavour, an infusion of hops is sometimes added, wiiich is said to communicate an agreeable bitter, and at the same time a fragrance; whence it becomes a substitute for the juices ofthe rinds and kernels thrown away to the pigs and poultry, or otherwise wasted. The want of colour is sometimes sup- plied by elder-berries, but more generally by burnt su- gar, which gives the desired colour, and a degree of bit- ter wiiich is very much liked; the sugar is prepared either by burning it on a salamander, and suffering it to drop as it melts, or by boiling it over the fire (in wiiich case brown sugar is to be used) until it acquires an agreeable bitter, then pouring in boiling water in the proportion of a gallon to two pounds of sugar, and stir- ring it until the liquor becomes uniform: a pint of this preparation will colour a hogshead of cyder. Brightness is obtained by a mixture of the blood of bullocks or sheep, that of swine being rejected, though it does not appear to be more unfit for the purpose than either of the other two; the only thing necessary to be done here is, to stir the blood well as itis drawn from the animal, to prevent the parts from separating, and it ought to be stirred both ways for a quarter of an hour: the liquor, however, is not always in a proper condition for being refined with this ingredient, on which account a little of it ought frequently to be tried in a phial: a quart, or less, will be sufficient for a hogshead. After the blood is pour- ed in, theliquor should ne violently agitated^ to mix the whole intimately together: this is done by a stick slit into four, and inserted into the bung-hole, working it briskly about in the liquor until the whole be thoroughly mixed; in about 24 hours the blood will have subsided, and the liquor ought instantly to be racked off, as bv re- maining upon the blood even for two or three day's, it will receive a taint not easily to be got rid of. It is re- markable that this refinement with the blood carries down not only the fasculencies, but the colour also, ren- deringthe liquor, though ever so highly coloured before, almost as limpid as water. Isinglass and eggs are some times made use of in refining cyder as weil as wine. VI. Laying up, or shutting up the cyder in close casks according to Mr. Marshall, is as little understood as any ofthe rest of the parts; the bungs being commonly put in at some certain time, or in some particular month, without any regard to the state the liquor itself is in " The only criterion (says he) I have met with foi judging the critical time for laying up, is when a fine white cream-like matter first begins to form upon the surface. But this may be too late; it is probably a si nm. torn at least of the acetous fermentation, which, if it tak« place in any degree, must be injurious: yet if the casks be bunged tight some criterion is necessary; otherwise if the vinous fermentation have not yet finally ceased, or should recommence, the casks would be endangered, and the liquor injured. Hence, in the practice of the most cautious manager, whose practice I have had an oppor- tunity of observing, the bungs arc first driven in lightly, when the liquor is fine, and the vinous fermentation is judged to be over; and some time afterwards, when all danger is past, the casks are filled up, and the bung driven securely with a rag, and both rosined over at top. Most farmers are of opinion, that after the liquor has done fermenting, it ought to have something to feed upon; that is, to prevent it from running into the acetous fermentation. For this purpose some put in parched beans, others egg-shells, some mutton-suet," kc. Mr. Marshall does not doubt that something may be useful, and thinks that isinglass may he as proper as any thing fiat can be got. VII. Bottling. This depends greatly on the quality of the liquors themselves: good cyder can seldom be bottled with propriety until a year old; sometimes not till two. The proper time is, when it has acquired the utmost de- gree of richness and flavourin the casks; and this it will preserve for many years in bottles. It ought to be quite fine at the time of bottling, or if not so naturally, ought to be fined artificially with isinglass and eggs. The liquor called cyderkin, purre, or perkin, is made of the mark, or gross matter remaining after the cyder is pressed out. To make this liquor, the mark is put into a large vat, with a proper quantity of boiled water, which has stood till it is cold again; if half the quantity of wa- ter is used that there was of cyder, it will be good; if more, the cyderkin will be small. The whole is left to infuse 48 hours, and then well pressed: what is squeezed out by the press is immediately tunned up and stopped; it is fit to drink in a few days. It clarifies of Hself, and serves in families instead of small beer. It will keep, if boiled after pressing with a convenient quantity of hops. We must not conclude this subject without particular notice of the liquor called cyder-wine, wiiich is made from the juice of the apples taken from the press and boiled; and which, being kept three or four years, is said to resemble rhenish. The method of preparing this wine, as communicated by Dr. Rush, consists in evaporating in* brewing-copper the fresh apple-juice, till half of it is wast- ed; the remainder is then immediately conveyed into * wooden cooler, and afterwards put into a proper cask, w»» C Y D C Y D an addition of yeast: and is fermented in the ordinary way. Tbe process has been evidently borrowed from what has long been practised on the recent juice of the grape, un- der the term of vina cotta, or boiled wine, not only in Italy, but also in the islands of the Archipelago from time immemorial. This process has lately become an object of imitation in the cyder countries, and particularly in the west of England, where it is asserted, that many hundred hogs- heads of this wine have been already made; and it is said to betray no sign of an impregnation of copper by the usual chemical tests; it is considered as perfectly whol< - some, aud is accordingly drunk without apprehension by the common people. Others, however, suspect its inno- cence; whence it appeared an object of no small moment to determine, in so doubtful a matter, whether or not the liquor acquires any noxious quality from the copper iu which it is boiled. With this view Dr. Fothergill made a variety of experiments, and the result seemed to afford a strong presumption that the cyder-wine does con- tain a minute impregnation of copper, not very conside- rable indeed, but yet sufficient, in the doctor's opinion, to put the public on their guard concerning a liquor that conies in so very questionable a shape. In the present process the liquor is properly directed to be passed into a wooden cooler as soon as the boiling is completed. But as all acids, and even common water, acquire an unpleasant taste from standing in copper ves- sels in the cold, why may not the acid juice of apples act in some degree on the copper before the boiling com- mences? Add to this, that brewing coppers, without far more care and attention than is generally bestowed on them in keeping them clean, are extremely apt to contract verdigris (a real poison), as appears from the blue or green streaks very visible when these vessels are minute- ly examined; should the unferinented juice be thought incapable of acting on the copper cither in a cold or boil- ing state, yet no one will venture to deny its power of washing off, or dissolving, verdigris already formed on the internal surface of. the vessel. Suppose only one- tighth part of a grain of verdigris to be contained in a little of this wine,* a quantity that may elude the ordi nary tests, and that a bottle should be drunk daily by a person without producing any violent symptom of inter- nal uneasiness; yet what person in his senses would knowingly choose to hazard the experiment of determin- ing how long he could continue even this quantity of slow poison, in his daily beverage, with impunity? And yet, it is to be feared, that the experiment is but too of- ten unthinkingly made, not only with cyder-wines, but also with many ofthe foreign wines prepared by a simi- lar process; for the grape-juice, when evaporated in a copper vessel, under the denomination of vina cotta, or boiled wine, cannot but acquire an equal, if not yet stronger, impregnation of the metal, than the juice of apples; since verdigris itself is manufactured merely hythe application ofthe acid husks of grapes to plates of copper. Perry is a most wholesome pleasant liquor of the cy- cler kind, s jine of which is so excellent as to pass for • The one-hundredth part of a grain may be discovered in a quart, by adding a f« drops of volatile alkali to a glass-full, which will im. med-ati-Iy strike a blue, darker or lighter, in proportion to the im- pregnation, a quantity too minute to do any injury. champaign in i'averr.s and other places of public resort - indeed more wines than this have been imitated with cy- der and perry, particular by the Hollanders, and some- times by the Flemings. Dr. Haliey observes, that the London market alone took off upwards of 20,000 hogs- heads of Devonshire cyder annually. It was in *he year 1721 he made this remark, and then sugp'.sted a was not all sold as cyder. Whether tbe demand has increas- ed we cannot say. We have drunk in Flanders some per- ry that might pass on ordinary judges for mantling champaign. Perry is prepared from pears in the same manner cyder is from apples. The harsher sorts of pears make the best perry. They are infinitely too harsh ic.nl acerb, or tart, for eating, so much so that even hungry- swine reject them. The most esteemed for the purpose are the Bosburv pear, the Bauland and the horse pear in Worcestershire, and the squash pear, as it is called, in Gloucestershire; in both which counties, as well as in some of the adjacent parts, tbey are planted in the hedge- rows, and most common fields. There is this advantage attending pear-trees, that they will thrive on land where apples will not so much as live; and that some jf them grow to such a size, that a single pear-tree, particular- ly of the Bosbury and the squash kinds, has been fre- quently known to yield in one .-.eason from one to four hogsheads of perry. The Bosbury pear is thought to yield the most lasting and most vinous liquor. The John- pear, the Harpary-pear, the drake-pear, Mary-pear, the Lullum-pear, and several others of the harshest kind, are esteemed the best for perry; and the redder or more tawny they are, the more they are preferred. Pears as well as apples should be fully ripe before they are ground. Crab-apples are frequently mixed with the pears, and are said to improve the }>«-rry. CYGNUS, in astronomy, a constellation of the nor- thern hemisphere, consisting of 17 stars according to Ptolemy's catalogue, of 19 in Tycho's, and in the Britan- nic catalague of 107. CYLINDER, in geometry, a solid body, supposed to be generated by the rotation of a parallelogram. See Ge- ometry. Cylinder, properties of the. 1. The section of every cylinder by a plane oblique to its base is an ellipsis. 2. The superficies of a right cylinder is equal to the peri- phery ofthe base multiplied into the length ofits side. 3. The solidity ofa cylinder is equal to the area of its base multiplied into its altitude. 4. Cylinders of the same base, and standing between the same parallels, are equal. 5. Every cylinder is to a spheroid inscribed in it as 3 to 2. 6. If the altitudes of two right cylinders be equal to the diameters of their bases, those cylinders are to one another as the cubes of the diameters of their bases. To find a circle equal to the surface of a cylinder we have this theorem: the surface of a cylinier is equal to a circle whose radius is a mean proportional between the diameter and heightof the cylinder. The diameter of a sphere, and altitude of a cylinder equal thereto, being given, to find the diameter of the cylinder, the theprem is: the square of the diameter of the sphere is to the square ofthe diameter ofthe cylinder equal to it, near- ly as triple the altitude of the cylinder to double the dia- meter of the sphere. CYN C Y N Cylinder, resistance of. See the article Resistance. Cylinder, rolling, or loaded, in philosophy, a cylin- der which rolls up an inclined plane. See Mechanics. CYLISTA, a genus of the class and order diadelphia decandria. The calyx is large, four-parted, upper divi- sion cleft at the end; corolla permanent. There is one species. CYMATITJM, in architecture, a member or mould- ing of the cornice, the profile of which is waved, that is, concave at the top, and convex at bottom. CYMBACHNE, a genus of the class and order poly- gamia monoecia. The inflorescence is half-spiked. There is one species, a grass of Bengal. CYMBAL, or cymbalum, a musical instrument of an- tiquity, similar to the tympanum or drum. The cym- bal was round, and made of brass, like our kettle-drums; but is generally thought to have been smaller. The Jews had their cymbals, or instruments wiiich translators ren- der by that name. Ovid gives cymbals the epithet ge- nialia, because they were used at weddings. CYMBARIA, a genus of the class and order didyna- mia angiospermia. The calyx is ten-toothed; capsule cordate, two-celled. There is one species, an herbaceous plant ofthe mountains of Dauria. [CYMBIDUM, in botany, a genus of the ordcrmonan- dria, in the gynandria class of plants. The corolla is five petalled, erect; the capsule one celled, oblong. There are four species, all natives of Pennsylvania: 1. the C. pul- chellum, or tuberous cymbidium, flowers in July; 2. the C. hyemale, or winter green, flowers in May; 3. the C. odontorhizon, or large tooth-rooted, flowers in Septem- ber; 4. the corallorhizon small coral-rooted, flowers in August, (b) CYMOPHANE, the oriental chrysolite of jewellers. This stone has been found only in Brazil, the island of Ceylon, and at North-schink in Siberia. It is usually met with in round masses about the size of a pea, but it is sometimes crystallized. The primitive form of its crystals is a four-sided rectangular prism, the height of which is to the breadth as ^/5 to 1, and to its thickness as y/2 to 1. The most common variety is an eight-sided prism, terminated by six summits. Two of the faces of the prism are hexagons, two are rectangles, and four trapezia: two faces of the summits are rectangles, and the other four trapezia. Sometimes two of the edges of the prism are wanting, and small faces in their place. Its texture is foliated: it causes double refraction. Its specific gravity from 3.7 to 3.8. The colour ycllovvish- green, surface sparkling. It is infusible by the blow-pipe per se, and also with soda. By analysis it is found by Klaproth to contain, 71.5 alumina, 18.0 silica, 6.0 lime, 1.5 oxide of iron. 97.0 CYNANGHE, among physicians, denotes an inflam- mation of the larynx. See Medicine. CYNA1N CHUM, bastarddogsbane, a genus of the digy- nia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 30th order, contort^. The nectarium is cylindrical and quinquedentated. There are 27 species, of which the following arc the most re- markable: 1. The acutum, commonly called Montpellier scam- mony; and, 2. The monspeliacum, or round-leaved Montpellier scammony. They abound with a milky juice like the spurge, which issues out wherever they are broken; and this milkyjuice when concreted has frequently been'sold for scammony. These plants propagate so fast by tiieir creeping roots, that few people care to admit them into their gardens. CYNARA, the artichoke, a genus of the polygamia a?qualis order, in the syngenesia class of plants. The ca- lyx is dilated, imbricated with carnous scpianne and eiuarginated with a sharp point. Of this genus there arc six species, but only two are cultivated for use. 1. The scolynius, or garden antichoke, has kiree, thick, perennial roots, crowned by a considerable clus- ter of large, pinnatifid, erect leaves. In the middle arc upright stalks rising a yard high, on the top of vvliicb is a large round scaly head, composed of numerous, oval, calycinal scales, inclosing the florets, sitting on a broad fleshy receptacle, wiiich, with the fleshy base of the scales, is the only eatable part of the plant.' Tbe va- rieties of this species are, 1. The conical green-headed French artichoke, having the small leaves terminated by spines, the head of a light-green colour, with the scales pointed at top, opening, and turning outward. 2. The globular-headed Dutch artichoke, having leaves without spines, a strong stalk, the head large, globular, a little compressed at top, and of a brown colour; broad obtuse scales emarginated at top, growing close, and turning inward. Of these varieties the last is deserved- ly the most esteemed, both on account of its superiority in size and the agreeahlencss of its flavour. Both varie- ties are perennial in their root: but the leaves and fruit- stem die to the ground in winter; and their roots remain- ing, send up fresh leaves and stems every summer, pro- ducing a Supply of artichokes for 20 years if required. The flowers and seeds of all the plants of this genus arc produced in the centre of the head; the scales of which are the proper calyx ofthe flower, which consists of nu- merous small blueish florets, succeeded by downy seeds sitting naked on the receptacle. 2. The cardunciilus, or cardoon, greatly resembles the artichoke, but is of large and more regular growth; the leaves being more upright, taller, broader, and more regularly divided; and the stalks of the leaves blanched are the only eatable parts of the plant. Both the above varieties of the artichoke are propa- gated by slips or. suckers, arising annually from the stool or root of the old plants in spring, which are to be taken from good plants of any present plantation in March, or the beginning of April, and planted in the open quarters of the kitchen-garden, in rows five feet asunder; and they will produce artichokes the same year in autumn. It should, however, be remarked, that though artichokes are of many years duration, the an- nual produce of their fruit will gradually lessen in *uC size of the eatable parts after the third or fourth year, so that afresh plantation should be made every tlirceor four years. The cardoon is a very hardy plant, and pros- C Y N C Y P pers in the open quarters of the kitchc n-garden. It is propagated by seed sown annually in the full ground in March: cither in a bed for transplantation, oi in the place where they are designed to remain. The plants are very large, so must stand at considerable distance from one another. By this means you may have some small temporary crops between the rows, as of lettuce, spinach, endive, cabbage, savoy, or brocoli plants. In the latter pail of September, or in October, the cardoons will be grown very large, and their footstalks have ar - quired a thick substance; you must then tie up the leaves of each plant, to admit of earthing them closely all round for blanching, which will take up six or eight weeks; and thus the plants will come in for use in November and December, and continue all winter. CYNIPS, in zoology, a genus of insects belonging to the hymenoptcra order. The mouth is armed with jaws, but has no proboscis: the sting is spiral, and mostly con- cealed within the body. The quercus folii, or oak-leaf cynips, is of a burnished shining brown colour. It is in the little, smooth, round, hard galls, found under the oak-leaves, generally fastened to the fibres, that this in- sect is produced, a single one in each gall. These latter arc ligneous, of a hard compac t substance, formed like the rest by the extravasation ofthe sap of the leaf, occa- sioned by the puncture of the gall-fly when it deposits its eggs. Sometimes, instead of the cynips, there is seen to proceed from the gall a large insect of a brown colour, which is an ichneumon. This ichneumon is not the real inmate of the gall, or he that formed it. He is a parasite, whose mother deposited her eggs in the yet tender gall; which, when hatched, brings forth a larva that destroys the larva ofthe cynips, and then comes out when it has undergone its metamorphosis and acquired its wings. The quercus gemma?, or oak-bud cynips, is ofa very dark green, slightly gilded. It deposits its eggs in oak- buds, and produces one ofthe finest galls, leafed like a rose-bud beginning to blow. When the gall is small, a great quaniity of the leaves is compressed, and they are set upon one another like the tiles of a roof. In the centre of the gall there is a kind of ligneous kernel, in the middle of wiiich is a cavity; and in that is found the little larva, who feeds there, takes its growth, undergoes its meta- morphosis, and breaks through the inclosure of that kind of cod in order to get out. The whole gall is often near an inch in diameter, sometimes more when dried; and it holds to a branch by a pedicle. There are 19 species of this insect. CVNOISLOSSUM, hound's-tongue; a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 41st order, asperifolia*.. The corolla is funnel-shaped, with its throat closed up by little arches formed in it; the seeds depress- ed, and fixed to the style of the receplacle only on their inner side. There are 12 species, none of them remark- able for iheir beauty. The root of one of them, the offi- cinale, or common greater hound's-h nguc, was former- ly used in medicine, and supposed to possess narcotic virtues; but il is now discarded from practice. The smell of the whole plant is very disagreeable. Goats eat it: sheep, horses, and swine, refuse it. CYNOMETRA, a genusof the monogynia order, in the decandria class of plants; and in the natural method vol. i. Q« ranking with those of which the order is doubtful. The calyx is tetraphyllous; the anthera bifid at top: the le- gumen carnous, crescent-shaped, and monospermous. There are two species. CVNOMOR1UM, a genus of the monandria order, in the monoecia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 50th order, amentaceae. The male calix is an imbricated catkin; there is no corolla; the calix of the female is in the same catkin; no corolla; one style; and one roundish seed. There are three spe- cies, of no note. CYNOSORLS, a genus of the digynia order, be- longing to the triandria class of plants; and in the natu- ral method ranking under the 4th order, gramina. The calix is bivalved and multiflorous; the receptacle pro- per, unilateral, and foliaceous. There are 20 species, four of which are natives of Britain, viz. the cristatus, or crested dog-tail grass; the echinatus, or rough dog- tail grass: the cserulcus, or blue dog-tail grass; and the paniceus, or bearded dog-tail grass. CYPERUS, a genus of the monogynia order, in the triandria clase of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 3d order, calamaria;. The glumes are paleaceous, and imbricated towards each side; the corolla is wanting, and there is one naked seed. There are 53 species; the Only remarkable are the round, the long sweet cyperus, and the papyrus. The former is a native of the East Indies, and grows by the sides of ri- vulets, ditches, &c. The root is knotty, wrapped round with fibrous strings not easy to break, of a brown co- lour without, and grey within: of a pleasant scent, es- pecially when well dried; the leaves are green, and re- semble those ofthe reed and leek. 2. The long-leaved, commonly called English or Biemish cyperus, grows in the water, and along the banks and river sides. Its root is as thick as an olive, full of little knots or specks, of an oblong figure, grey colour, sweet and somewhat sharp tasted, and almost without smell when it is newly taken out of the ground. The roots of both plants are esteemed cordial and diuretic, and the long cyperus is much used by perfumers and glovers. 3. The papyrus is famous both in ancient and modern history, and a very minute description of it is given by Pliny. It grows in the lakes of Ethiopia and Egypt. It was very early in use as paper, Numa having left a number of books written on papyrus. The paper was made from the pellicle between the pith and the bark. Boats were also made of the whole plant together, a piece of acacia wood being used as a keel. It was also used for cordage. Cups, moulds, kc. were made of the lower part. CYPRvEA, or gowrie, in zoology, a genus of insects belonging to the order of vermes testacea. It is an ani- mal of the limax or snail kind; the shell is one involut- ed, subovated, obtuse, smooth valve. The aperture on each side is linear, longitudinal, and toothed. There are 44 species, distinguished by the form of their shells. This genus is called rypraa, and venerea, from its be- ing peculiarly dedicated to Venus; who is said to have endowed a shell of this genus with thepowcrs of a remora, so as to impede the course of the ship which was sent by Pcriander, tyrant of Corinth, with orders to destroy C \ P C Y P *:he young nobility of Corcyra. See PI. XL. Nat. Hist. fig. 157. CYPRESS. See Clpressus. CYPRIN US. in ichtyology, a genus of fishes belong- ing to the order of abdominales. The mouth is tooth- less; there are three rays in the gills; the body is smooth and white, and the belly-fins have frequently nine rays. There arc 31 species, principally distinguished hythe number of rays in the vent-fin. The most remarkable arc: L. The carpio, or carp. This was introduced into England about the year 1514, by Leonard Maschal, to whom they are also indebted for that excellent apple the pepin. Russia wants these fish at this day. Sweden has them only in the ponds of people of fashion. They chiefly abound in the rivers and lakes of Polish Prussia, where they are sometimes taken of a vast size. They are there a great article of commerce, and sent in well- boats lo Sweden and Russia. The merchants purchase them out of the waters, of the noblesse of the country, who draw a good revenue from this article. Carp are very long lived. Gesner brings an instance of one that was near 100 years old. They grow also to a very great size. Some authors speak of carp weighing 200 pounds, and five feet in length. The carp is a pro- digious breeder; its quantity of roe has been sometimes found so great, that when taken out and weighed against thefish itself, the former has been found to preponderate. From the spawn of this fish, caviare is made for the Jews, who hold the sturgeon in abhorrence. The carp is extremely cunning, and on that account is sometimes styled the river fox. They will sometimes leap over the nets, and escape that way; at other times they will im- merse themselves so deep in the mud as to let the net pass over them. They are also very shy in taking a bait; yet at the spawning-time they are so simple, as to suffer themselves to be tickled, handled, and caught, by any body that will attempt it. This fish is apt to mix its milt with the; roe of other fish, from which is produced a spurious breed, as has been observed in the offspring of the carp and tench, which bore the greatest resemb- lance to the first. The same has also been observed of the carp and bream. In Polish Prussia, and many other parts of Germany, the sale of carp constitutes a part of the revenue of the nobility and gentry, so that the proper management of that fish is reduced to a kind of system, founded on the experience of several generations. Of the methods there practised, we have an account in the Philosophical Trans- actions for 1771, communicated by Mr. J. Reinhold Forster; who says he has seen carp treated and main- tained according to those methods, " above a yard long, and of 25 pounds weight;" but had no opportunity of as- certaining their age. «• In the pond, however, at Char- lottenburg, (he adds,) a palace belonging to the king of Prussia, I saw more than two or three hundred carp, between two and three feet long; and I was told hy the keeper they were between 50 and 60 years standing. They were tame, and came to the shore in order to he fed." Mr. Forster, in this paper, also vouches for a most extraordinary circumstance, namely, the possibili- ty of the carp's not only living for a considerable time out of water, but of its growing fat in its new element. The author has seen the experiment successfully tried, and attended to the whole process, in a nobleman's house, where he then resided, in the principality of An- holt-Dissau. The fish being taken out of the water, is wrapped up in a large quantity of wet moss, spread on a piece of net, which is then gathered into a purse, in such a manner however as to allow him room to breathe. The net is then plunged into water, and bung up to the ceiling of a cellar. At first the dipping must be repeat- ed every three or four hours, but afterwards the carp need only be plunged into the water once in about six or seven hours. Bread soaked in milk is first given him in small quantities. In a short time, the fish will bear more, and grow fat under this seemingly unnatural treat- ment. Mr. Daines Barrington, in a note, confirms a part of the preceding account, by mentioning the prac- tice ofa certain fishmonger near Clare-market, who, in the winter, frequently exposed a bushel, at least, of carp and tench for sale, in the same dry vessel, for six or seven hours, many of which were not sold, and yet con- tinued in health, though breathing nothing but air dur- ing the time above-mentioned, for several days succes- sively. 2. The barbus, or barbel, is so extremely coarse, as to be overlooked by the ancients till the time of tbe poet Ausonius, who gives it no great character. They fre- quent the still and deep parts of rivers, and live in socie- ty, rooting like swine with their noses in the soft banks. It is so tame as to suffer itself to be taken hy the hand; and people have been known to take numbers by diving for them. In summer, they move about during night in search of food; but towards autumn, and during winter, confine themselves to the deepest holes. The barbel is about the length of three feet, and will weigh 18 pounds; the belly white; the dorsal fin is armed with a remarka- bly strong spine, sharply serrated, with which it can inflict a very severe and dangerous wound on the in- cautious handler, and even do much damage to nets. They are the worst and coarsest fresh-water fish, and seldom eaten hut by the poorer sort of people, who some- times boil them with a bit of bacon, to give them a rel- ish. Their roe is very noxious, affecting those who un- warily eat of it, with a nausea, vomiting, purging, and a slight swelling. 3. The tinea, or tench, was treated with the same dis- respect by the ancients as the barbel; but is now in much more repute. It has by some been called the physician of the fish; and its slime has been said to be of so heal- ing a nature, that the wounded fishes apply it as a styp- tic. In England it is reckoned a wholesome and deli- cious food; but the Germans are of a different opinion. By way of contempt, they call it the shoemaker. Ges- ner even says, that it is insipid and unwholesome. It does not commonly exceed four or five pounds in weight* though some have been known to weigh 10 or 20. They love still waters, and are rarely found in rivers. They are very foolish, and easily caught. The tench is tliick, and short in proportion to its length. The colour ofthe back is dusky; the dorsal and ventral fins of the same colour; the head, sides, and belly, of a greenish catf, most beautifully mixed with gold, which is in its great- est splendour when the fish is in the highest season. 4. The gobio, or gudgeon, is generally found in g thither to purchase the spawn ofthe fish. Towards the month of May, the neighbouring inhabitants shut up the river in several places with mats and hurdles, which occupy an exlent of almost 0 or 10 leagues; and they leave only a space in the middle sufficient for the passage of barks. The spawn of the fish, which the Chinese can distinguish at first sight, although a stranger could per- ceive no traces of it in the water, is stopped by these hurdles. The water mixed with spawn is then drawn up, and after it has been put into large vessels, it is sold to merchants, vv ho transport it afterwards to everv part of the empire. This water is sold by measure, and pur- CYT C Y T >J.«ised by those who are desirous of stocking their ponds and reservoirs with fish. CYTISUS, tree trefoil, a genus of the decandria or- der, in the diadelphia class of planls, and in the natural method ranking under the S2d order, papilionaceje. The calix is bilabiated, with the upper lip bifid; inferior tridentate; the legumen attenuated at the base. There are eight species, of which the most remarkable are: 1 The laburnum, or large deciduous cytisus; has a laree upright tree-stem, branching into a full-spreading head, 20 or 30 feet high, having smooth greenish branches! from the sides of which numerous yellow flowers col- lected into long spikes hang loosely downward, and ap- pear in May. 2. The scssilifolius, often called cytisus secundus clusii, has a slow shrubby stem dividing into numerous erect brownish branches, forming a bushy head five or six feet high, with small oval leaves grow- ing by threes; and bright yellow flowers in short erect spikes at the end ofthe branches, in June. 3, The ni- gricans grows with a short shrubby stem, dividing low into many erect slender branches, forming a bushy head four or five feet high, with oblong, oval, trifoliate leaves, and yellow flowers terminating all the branches in up- right spikes, appearing in July. 4. The hirsutus, or hairy evergreen Neapolitan cytisus, rises with an up- right shrubby grey stem, sending out many erect green- ish hairy branches, forming a fine head six or eight feet high, with small hairy trifoliated leaves, and yel- low flowers from the sides of the branches in short pen- dulous spikes, appearing in June. 5. The austriacus, Austrian, or Tartarean evergreen cytisus, has a shrub- by stem, dividing low into many greenish branches, forming a bushy head three or four feet high, having smooth whitish-green leaves, and bright yellow flowers in close umbeliatc heads at the ends of the branches, having a cluster of leaves under each head. These flow- ers appear in May. All the sorts are hardy, and will prosper in any common soil and exposure: though, as the hirsutus is sometimes affected by severe frost, it should have a dry soil, and a somewhat sheltered situa- tion. They may all be propagated by seeds or cuttings, and all the culture they require in the nursery is to have the ground kept clear from weeds, and dug annu- ally between the rows. Though they are generally con- sidered only as ornamental shrubs, yet the first species, if originally trained to a stem, and suffered to stand, will grow to a size of pretty large timber-trees. They grow naturally on the Alps, the mountains of Dauphiny, and in the Highlands of Scotland; and the timber being very hard, and taking a fine polish, is frequently used for making household furniture, and is said to equal the finest mahogany in beauty. A species of cytisus, called by Linnseus cytisus cajan, is known in the West Indies, where it is a native, by the name of the pigeon-pea, from the seeds being the common food of these birds in that part of the world. These seeds are also some- times used as food for the human species; and as they are of a very binding quality, afford a wholesome nour- ishment during the wet season, when dysenteries are so frequent. Notwithstanding the tenderness of these fish even in their native climates, they are now naturalized in Bri- tain, where they even breed. They were first introdu- ced into England about the year 1691; but were not generally known till 1728, when a great number were brought over, and presented first to Sir Matthew Dek- ker, and by him circulated round the neighbourhood of London, whence they have been distributed to most parts of the country. Nothing can be more amusing than a glass bowl, con- taining such fishes: the double refractions of the glass and water represent them, when moving, in a shifting and changeable variety of dimensions, shades, and co- lours; while the two mediums, assisted by the convex shape of the vessel, magnify and distort them vastly; not to mention that the introduction of another element and its inhabitants into our parlours, engages the fan- cy in a very agreeable manner. See Plate XL. Nat. Hist. fig. 158. CYPRIPEDIUM, lady's slipper, a genus of tbe di- andria erder, in the gynandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 7th order, orchi- dese. The nectarium is ventricose, inflated, and hol- low. There are five species; of which only one, viz. the calceolous, is a native of Britain. It grows in rough ground in different parts of the island. The other species are natives of America. None of them are easily propagated in gardens, and therefore must be transplanted from those places where they are natives. They are curious and beautiful flowers. The English species is yellow. CYPRUS, knights of, an order instituted by Guy de Lusignan, titular king of Jerusalem, to whom Richard I. of England, after conquering this island, made over his right. CYRILLA, a genus of the class and order didyna- mia angiospermia. The calyx is five-leaved; the cor. funnel-form; filaments inserted in the margin of the co- rolla; anth. cohering; germ inferior; style bent down; stigma two-lobed; caps, half two-celled; seeds nume- rous. There is one species, a handsome plant of the West-Indies. CYRTANTHUS, a genus of the class and order hexandria monogynia. The corolla is tubular, inser- ted in the tube. There are two species, bulbs of the Cape. CYST, the bag or tunic including all • incysted tu- mors, as the scirrhus, atheroma, steatoma, meliceris. See Surgery. CYTINUS, a genus of the dodecandria order, in the gynandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 11th order, sarmentacege. The calix quadrifid, superior; there is no corolla; the anthera? are 16, and sessile; the fruit an octolocular polysper- mous berry. There is one species. D M M D A L D. f\ the fourth letter of the alphabet, as a numeral de- 1 notes 500; and with a dash over it, thus D, 5000. Used in abbreviation, it has various significations: thus, D. stands for doctor, as M. D. doctor of medicine; D. T. doctor of theology; D. D. signifies doctor of divinity; D. D. D. is used for dat, dicat, dedicat; and four D.D. D. D. for dignum deo donum dedit. In music D marks in tho- rough basses what the Italians call descanto, and intimates, that the treble ought to play alone, as T does the tenor, and B the bass. D C, in the Italian music, an abbrevia- tion of da capo, that is, from the head, or beginning. Among Roman writers D stands for divus, decimus, de- votus, diebus, and diutius. DAB. See Plecronectes. DACTYL, Jw*Tt»A«t, dactylus, in ancient poetry, a metrical foot, consisting of one long and two short syl- lables, as ct\x.i/*et, and candidils. The dactyle and spon- dee are the only feet or measure used in hexameter ver- ses, the former being esteemed more sprightly, and the latter more solemn and grave. Accordingly, where great activity is signified, we find the dactyls used with much propriety, as in the following verses of Virgil. Quadrupedante putrem sonitu quatit ungula camputn; and, Ferte cito ferrura, date tela, scandite muros. DACTYLIS, cock's-foot grass, a genus ofthe digynia •rder, in the triandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 4th order, gramina. The ca- lix is bivalved and compressed, with one valve longer than the other, carinated, or having the rachis promi- nent and sharp. There are seven species. The cynosu- roides, or smooth cock's-foot grass, and the glomeratus, or rough cock's-foot grass, are natives of Britain; the first grows on marshy places, and the latter is com- mon in meadows and pasture grounds. This last is ea- ten by horses, sheep, goats, and cows, and all herbiverous animals eat it greedily. Horses prefer it to that of any other grass. DACTYLONOMY, the art of counting by the fin- gers. The rule is this; the left thumb is 1, the forefinger fi, and so on to the right thumb, which is the tenth, or last, and is denoted by the cypher. DACZAJ1E, a silver money current in Persia, and worth five mamoudis. See Mamocoi. [DjEDALEA, in botany, a plant ofthe class crypto- gamia, order fungi, (a) DAEMON, a name given by the ancients to certain spirits, or genii, which appeared to men, either to do them service, or to hurt them. The Platonists distin- guish between gods, daemons, and heroes. The gods are those whom Cicero calls dii majorum gentium. The dae- mons ace those whom we call angels. Christians, hy the word daemon, understand only evil spirits, or devils. Justin Mi.rtyr speaks ofthe nature of daemons as if he thought Ihem not absolutely spiritual and incorporeal, for which reason he attributes such actions to them as cannot he performed witheut the intervention ofa body. The Mahometans allow severe! sorts of daemons: ami the miners of Hungary pretend that while they are i0 work in the mines, they often see daemons in the shape of little negro-boys, doingth em no other harm than of- ten extinguish ing their lights. DJEMONIACS, in church-history, a branch of the anabaptists, whose distinguishing tenet is, that the de- vils shall be saved at the end of this wprld. DAGGY9A, a genus of the vermes class, and mollus- ca order, of which there is only a single species. The body is loose, noyant, angular, tubular, and open at each extremity: it is marked at one end with a brown spot. The dagysa inhabits the Spanish sea, is about three inches long, and one inch thick. They adhere to each other by the sides, and so nearly resemble the genus sal pa, that it is thought they might, with propriety, be incorporated into one. DAIS, a genus of the monogynia order, in the de- candria class of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing under the 31st order, vepreculae. The involucrum is tetraphyllous; the corolla quadrifid or quinquefid; the fruit a monospermous berry. There are three species, natives of India and the Cape. DARIR, in our statutes, is useed for the twentieth part of a last of bides. According to the statute of 51 Hen. III. de compositione ponderum and mensurarum, a last of hides consists of 20 dak i is, and every dakir of 10 hides. But by 1 Jac. cap. 33. one last of hides or skins is 12 dozen. DALBERGIA, a genus of the decandria order, in the diadelphia class of plants. There are two filaments or stamina quadrifid at top. The fruit is pedicellated, not gaping, leguminous, membrano-compressed, and bearing seeds. There are two species, trees of Malabar and Surinam. [DALE A, in botany, a genus ofthe diadelphia, decan- dria class and order. The calix is quinquefid, the pod one seeded; there are six species, mostly annual; the co- lour of the flowers varied. They are natives of Tennes- see, Illinois, and Georgia, (b.) DALIBARDA, in botany, a genus of the class icosan- dria, order polygynia. The calix is quinquefid, the co- rolla quinquepetalous; there are two species, persisting, natives of Pennsylvania. Flowers in May and June, (c.) DALECHAMPIA, a genus of the monadelphia or- der, in the monoecia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 38th order, tricoccae. The in- volucrum of the male is common and quadripartite; the calyces hexaphyllous; corolla none; the nectarium lami- nated or scaly; the stamina monadclphous or coalited at the base; and polyandrous or numerous. The female involucrum is common and triphyllous; corolla none; style one; the capsule tricoccus. There are two species, of which the scandens is a native of Jamaica. It is a climbing plant, which rises to a considerable height, and is remarkable for nothing but having its leaves armed DAM DAM with bristly hairs, which sting the hands of those who touch them. DALLE, a nominal money, used in keeping books of account in many cities of Germany. It is worth 32 sols Subs, which make 40 French sols. DAMAGE, generally signifies any hurt or hindrance that a man receives in his estate; but in the plural in common law, are the recompence that is given to a man by a jury as a satisfaction for some injury sustained; as for battery, imprisonment, slander, or trespass. 2 Black. 438. In actions upon the case, the jury may find less dama- ges than the plaintiff lays in his declaration, though they cannot find more; hut costs may be increased beyond the sum mentioned in the declaration for damages; for costs are given in respect of the plaintiff's suit to recover his damages, which may be sometimes greater than the damage. 10 Co. 115. A jury may, and now frequently do, give interest on book-debts, in name of damages. For a more general account of damages, see 7 Vin. Abr. and 2 Bac. Abr. title Damage. Dam\GY.-feasant or faisant, is where the beasts of another come upon a man's land, and there feed, tread, or spoil his corn or grass there growing; in which case the owner of the ground may distrain and impound them, till satisfaction be made. Wood, b. 4. c. 4. Damage deer, was formerly a fee or gratuity (gene- rally a tenth part of the damages recovered) paid to the prothonotaries or clerks of the king's-bench, common- pleas and exchequer. But this is abolished by 17 C. II. c. 6. s. 2. and if any officer shall take any money in the name of damage cleer, or in lieu thereof, or shall delay to sign any judgment until damage cleer is paid, he shall forfeit treble the sum so taken or demanded to the party grieved. DAMASK, a silk stuff, with a raised pattern, so that the right side of the damask is that which has the flow- ers raised or saturated. Damasks should he of dressed silk, both in warp and woof; and in France, half an ell in breadth: they are made.at Chalons in Champagne, and in some places in Flanders, as at Tournay, kc. entirely of wool, 3-8ths of an ell wide, and 20 ells longJ Damask is also a kind of wTought linen made in Flanders and in this country. It takes its name on ac- count of its resemblance to damasks. It is chiefly used for tablo linen. Damask is also applied to a very fine steel, in some parts of the Levant, chiefly at Damascus in Syria; whence its name. It is used for sword and cutlass- blades, and is finely tempered. See Steel. DAMASKEENING, ur Damasking, the art or ope- ration of beautifying iron, steel, kc. by making incisions m them, and filling them up with gold and silver wire; chiefly used for adorning sword-blades, guards, and geipes, locks of pistols, kc Damaskeening partakes of the mosaic, of engraving, and of carving: like the mosa- ic, it has inlaid works; like engraving, it cuts the metal representing different figures; and as in chasing, gold and silvr are wrought in relievo. There are two ways of damasking: the one, which is the finest, is wiien the me- tal is cut deep with proper instruments, and inlaid with gold and silver wire; the other is superficial only. \ DAMASONIUM, a genus of the hexandiia class and order. The spathe is one-leafed; perianthium one-leafed three-parted; berry ten-celled, inferior. There is one species, a native of India. DAMELOPRE, a kind of bilander, used in Holland for conveying merchandize from one canal to another. being very commodious for passing under the bridges. DAMIANISTS, in church history, a branch of "the ancient acephali severitae. They agreed with the catho- lics in admitting the fourth council, but disowned any distinctions of persons in the Godhead; and professed one single nature, incapable of any difference; and yet they call God the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. DAMPS, in natural history, arc certain noxious ex- halations issuing from some parts of the earth, and wbich prove almost instantly fatal to those who breathe them. These damps are chiefly observed in mines and coal- pits; though vapours of the same kind often issue from old lavas of burning mountains; and in those countries where volcanoes are common, will frequently enter bou- ses, and kill people suddenly without the least warning of their approach. In mines and coal-pits they arc chief- ly of two kinds, called by the miners and colliers the choke and fire damps (see air); and both go under one general name of foul air. The choke-damp is carbonic acid gas; and usually infests those places which have been formerly worked, but long neglected, and arc known to the miners by the name of wastes. No place, however, can be reckoned safe from this kind of damp, except where tliere is a due circulation of air; and the procuring of this is the only proper means of preventing accidents from damps of all kinds. The choke-damp suf- focates the miners suddenly. Being heavy, it descends towards the lowest parts of the workings, and thus is dangerous to the miners, who can scarcely avoid breath- ing it. The fire-damp, which seems chiefly to be com- posed of hydrogen gas, rises to the roof of the workings, as being specificially lighter than the common atmos- phere; and hence, though it will suffocate as well as the other, it seldom proves so dangerous in this way as by its inflammable property, by which it often takes fire from the candles, and explodes with great violence. In the Philosophical Transactions, No. 119, there-is an account of some explosions by damps of this kind, on which we have the following observations: 1. Those who are in the place where the vapour is lirod, suddenly find themselves surrounded with flames, hut hear little or no noise; though those who are in places adjacent, or above-ground, hear a very great one. 2. Th ise who are surrounded by the inflamed vapour feel themselves scorched or burnt, but are not moved out of their places, though such as unhappily stand in the way of it are com- monly killed by the violence of the shock, and often thrown with great force out at the mouth of the pit; nor are the heaviest machines found able to resist the impet- uosity of the blast. 3. No smell is perceived before the fire, but a very strong one of brimstone is afterwards felt. 4. The vapour lies towards the roof, and is not perceiv- ed if the candles are held low; but when these are held higher, the damp descends like a black mist, ani catches hold of the flame, lengthening it to two or three handfuls; and this appearance ceases when the candles are held nearer the ground. 5. The flame continues in the vault for several minutes after the explosion. 6. Its colour is DAP DAP blue, something inclining to green, and very bright, r. On the explosion of the vapour, a dark smoke like that proceeding from fired gun-powder is perceived. 8. Damps are generally observed to come about the end of May, and to continue during the heat of summer. They returti several times during the summer season, but ob- serve no certain rule. Among the other uses to which oxygen might be ap- plied, Mr. Cavallo reckons that of securing people from the dangerous effects of damps in mines, and other sub- terraneous places. " Ifalarge bladder," says he, "into which a solution of lime in water is introduced, is filled with dephlogisticated air, (oxygen-gas), and a small wooden or glass pipe is adapted to its nee k, a man may hold that pipe in his mouth, and may breathe the dephlo- gisticated air; and thus equipped, lie may venture into these subterranean places, amidst the various elastic fluids contained in them. A large bladder of dephlogisti- cated air will serve for above a quarter of an hour, which is a length of time sufficient for various purposes; be- sides, if longer time is required to be spent in these pla- ces, a person may have two or more bladders of dephlo- gisticated air along with him, and may shift as soon as the air of one is contaminated. >\ ithout the necessity of any more complicated apparatus, the bladders full of dcphlngisiicatcd air may be kept stopped by putting corks into the glass or wooden pipes that are tied to their necks. This air might also be used for diving-bells." DANAE, in antiquity, a coin somewhat more than an obolus, used to be put into the mouths of the dead, to pay their passage over the river Acheron. DANCE, a silly amusement ofthe idle and thought- less. D ANCETTE, in heraldry, is when the outline of any bordure or ordinary is indented very largely, the large- ness ofthe indentures being the only thing that distin- guishes it from indented. DANK, a piece of silver current in Persia, and some parts of Arabia, weighing the 16th part of a drachm. It is also a weight used hy the Arabians to weigh jewels and drugs. DAPHNE, spurge-laurel, a genus of the monogynia order, in the octandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 31st order, vepreculae. There is no calix; the corolla is quadrifid and withering, in- closing the stamina. The fruit is a monospermous berry. There are 28 species, of which the following are the most remarkable: 1. Mczereum, the mezercon or spurge-olive, is a low deciduous shrub. It is a native of Germany, and has been discovered in this country in some woods near An- dover in Hampshire. Of this elegan; plant there are four varieties: 1. the white; 2. the pale red; 3. the crimson; and 4. the purple-flowering. Hanbury is very lavish in praise of these shrubs. He says, " they have each every perfection to recommend them as flowering shrubs. In the first place, they are of low growth, seldom rising to more than three or four feet in height, and therefore are proper even for the smallest gardens. In the next place ihey will be in bloom when few trees, especially of the shrubby tribe, present their honours. It •• ill be* in Feb- ruary , nay sometimes in January; then will the twigs he adorned with flowers all around from one end to the other. Each tvv ig has the appearance of a spike of flowers of the most consummate lustre; and as the leaves are not yet out, whether you behold this tree near or at a distance, it has a most enchanting appearance. But this is not all the sense of smelling is peculiarly regaled by the flowers; their spicy sweetness is diffused around, and the air is perfumed with their odours to a considerable distance. Many flowers deemed sweet, are not liked by all; but the agreeable inoffensive sweetness of the mezereon has ever delighted the sense of smelling, whilst the lustre of its blow lias feasted the eye. Neither is this the only pleasure, the tree bestows; for besides the beauty of the leaves which come out after the flowers arc fallen, and which are of a pleasant green colour and an oblong figure, it will be full of red berries in June, which will continue growing till the autumn. Of these berries the birds are very fond; so that whoever is delighted with those song- sters, should have a quantity of them planted all over the outsides of his wilderness quarters." 2. Cnidium, the flax-leaved daphne, is a low deciduous shrub; a native of Italy, Spain, and about Montpellier. This species seldom grows higher than three feet. The branches are very slender, and ornamented with narrow, spear-shaped, pointed leaves, much like those ofthe com- mon flax. The flowers are produced in panicles at the ends of the branches; they are small, come out in June, but are rarely succeeded by seeds in England. 3. Cneorum, the spear-leaved daphne, is a very low deciduous shrub; a native of Switzerland, Hungary, the Alps, and the Pyrenean mountains. This rises with a shrubby branching stalk, to about a foot or a foot and a half high. The leaves are narrow, spear-shaped, and grow irregularly on the branches. The flowers are pro- duced in clusters at the ends of the little twigs: they make their appearance in March, are of a purple colour, and possessed of a fragrance superior even to that of the me- zereon; but they are seldom succeeded by seeds in Eng- land. 4. Tartonraira, the oval-leaved daphne or tartonraire, a very long deciduous shrub, is a native of France and Italy. This rises with a woody stalk to the height of about two feet. The branches are numerous, irregular, tough, and covered with a light-brown-coloured hark. The leaves are oval, very small, soft to the touch, and shining. The flowers are produced in clusters from the sides of the stalks: they are white, come out in June, and are succeeded hy roundish berries, which seldom ripen in England. 5. Alpina, the alpine daphne or chamclaea, is a low deciduous shrub; native of the Alps, Geneva, Italy, and Austria. This will grow to the height of about a*yard. The leaves are spear-shaped, obtuse, and hoary under- neath. The flowers come out in clustei-s from the sides of the branches, and are very fragrant: they appear in March, and are succeeded by red berries, that ripen in September. 6. Thymelaea, the milkwort-lcaved daphne, or the thymelaea, a low deciduous shrub, native of Spain and the south of France. The thymelaea will grow to the height of a yard. The stalks of this species are upright, branched, and covered with a light-brown bark. The leaves are spear-shaped, smooth, and in some respect resemble those of milkwort. The flowers are produced D A R D A R in clusters from the sides of the stalks; they are of a greenish colour, have no footstalks, appear in March, and are succeeded by small yellowish berries, which will be ripe in August. This and the two forme** sorts re- quire a dry soil, and a warm situation. 7. Villosa, the hairy-leaved daphne, a very low de- ciduous shrub, native of Spain and Portugal. The stalks are ligneous, about two feet high. The flowers have ve- ry narrow tubes, are small, and make no great show: they come out in June, and are not succeeded by ripe seeds in England. This shrub, in some situations, re- tains its leaves all winter in such beauty, as to cause it to be ranked among the low-growing evergreens; but as in others it is sometimes shattered with the first bleak winds, it is left to the gardener whether to place this shrub among the deciduous trees or evergreens. 8. Laureola, the spurge-laurel or evergreen daphne, a low evergreen shrub, common in some parts of Britain, also in Switzerland and France. This shrub seldom grows more than a yard or four feet high; and is also valuable on occount of its flowers; not because they make any great show, but from their fragrance, and the time they appear; for it will be in flower tbe be- ginning of January, and will continue so until the mid- dle or end of April before the flowers fall off. 9. The odora is a charming shrub, which has its spe- cific name from the delightful fragance of its flowers. In appearance it much resembles the common spurge-laurel, but must be treated as a greenhouse plant. The root of the mezereon was long used in the Lis- bon diet-drink, a remedy said to be good for several Domplaints, particularly nodes and other symptoms re- sisting the use of mercury. The composition of this diet- drink is described in the Edinburgh Physical Essays, by Dr. Donald Monro of London. On chewing the root of the mezereon, it proves very pungent, and its acrimo- ny is accumulated about the fauces, and is very dura- ble. It is employed chiefly under the form of decoction, and it enters the decoctum sarsaparillae compositum of the London college; but it has also been used in powder combined with some inactive one, as that of liquorice- root. It is apt to occasion vomiting and purging; so must be begun in grain-doses, and gradually increased. It is often usefully combined with mercury. The bark of the root, which is the most acrimonious part, is re- commended in the Pharmacopoeia Chirurgica, to be steeped in vinegar, and applied to promote the discharge of issues. Mezereon has also been of use in tumours and cutaneous eruptions not venereal. The whole plant is very corrosive; and six ofthe berries, it is said, will kill a wolf. A woman gave 12 grains of the berries to her daughter, who had a quartan ague; she vomited blood, and died immediately. DARAPTI, among logicians, one of the modes of syl- logisms ofthe third figure, whose premises arc universal affirmatives, and the conclusion is a particular affirma- tive: thus, Dar- Every body is divisible: Ar- Every body is a substance; ti. Therefore some substance is divisible. DARIC, in antiquity, a famous piece of gold, first coined by Daiius the Mede about 538 years before Christ; probably during his stay at Babylon, out of the vast quantity of gold which had been accumulated in the tr* sury. It was dispersed over the East, and also into Greece; so that the Persian daric, which was also cal- led stater, was the gold coin best known in Athens in ancient times. According to Dr. Bernard, it weighed two grains more than one of our guineas; but as it Was very fine, and contained little alloy, it may be reckoned worth about 25s. of our money. DARII, in logic, one of the modes of syllogisms of the first figure, in which the major proposition is an universal affirmative, and the minor and conclusion par- ticular affirmatives: thus, v Da- Every thing that is moved, is moved by another- ri- Some body is moved; I. Therefore, some body is moved by another. DARRIEN, in law, a corruption ofthe French word dernier, last, is used in this sense in our law, as darrien continuance, &c. Darrien presentment, the last presentation to a church on which an assize lies. DASYPUS, armadillo, a genus of quadrupeds of the bruta order. The generic character is: grinders seve- ral, without either cutting or canine teeth; body coated with a shelly armour, divided into zones. The armadillos are natives of South America, and are readily distinguished from all other quadrupeds by the singular covering with which nature has ornamented them; and which forms a complete suit of armour, divid- ed into bands or shelly zones, in such a manner as to accommodate itself to the various postures of the body; and exhibiting a most beautiful example of deviation from the general structure and appearance in quadru- peds. The armadillos arc innoxious animals, and inha- bit subterraneous retreats or burrows, which they rea- dily excavate by means of their large and strong claws. They wander about chiefly by night, and devour various roots and grain; and therefore considered as injurious to plantations. They also occasionally prey on the smaller animals of different kinds; as worms, insects, &c. In a state of captivity, they readily eat animal food, and that in considerable quantity. They are themselves considered as excellent food, and are therefore dug out of their subterraneous cavities, and sold for the table. When old, however, their flesh acquires a strong musky scent, and becomes unfit for use. When attac ked, the armadillos roll themselves up into the form of a ball, and thus become, in a great de- gree, invulnerable. Nothing can exceed the curious mechanism by wiiich this is performed; nor is it possi- ble to view without admiration the appearance of the animal thus coiled up, and secured from common con- tingencies. Armadillos are said to drink frequently, and they oft- en grow extremely fat. They are very prolific animals; and are said to breed three or four times a year, and to bring several young at a birth. The species are deter- mined by the number of shelly zones on the body. In enumerating these, however, it is remarkable that most authors vary; and the exact discrimination of all the species seems yet a desideratum in natural history. This, perhaps, arises partly from the inattention of draughts- men and engravers, when representing the animals, and partly from different authors counting differently the DAS DAT bands on wmc of the species; which are so placed as to make it difficult in some instance* to distinguish the ul- timate or bounding zones of the body, from the scaly di- visions on the fore and hind parts of the animal; and which, like the bands, are disposed into a kind of zones, though less strongly marked. Some species, however, are so clearly defined by this mode of distinction, as to be at all times readily ascertained. 1. Dasypus tricinetus, or threc-banded armadillo, may be considered, perhaps, as the most elegant of the whole species; the pattern of the armour being peculiar- ly neat and well defined, and the colour of the animal more pleasing than in most other species, viz. a clear yellowish-white. The head, shoulders, and hind part of the body, arc coated with regular hexagonal divisions, curiously studded or tuberculated on the surface; and the zones of the body arc extremely distinct, and only three in number. The ears are rather large, and the claws smaller than in most other species. It is a native of Brazil. 2. Dasypus sexcinctus, or six-banded armadillo, is also a species of great elegance; and much resembles the former, but is furnished with six bands instead of three. The tail is very thick at the base, and is short in pro- portion to the animal; the claws are very large and strong. The bands arc marked into oblong squares, as in the former. 3. Dasypus septemcinctus, or seven-banded armadillo. It is impossible to consider this in any other light than as a mere variety of the nine-banded armadillo, in which the pattern of the armour, and the relative proportions of the parts, arc sufficient to ascertain the species, what- ever may happen to be the number of the zones. 4. Dasypus novemcinctus, or nine-banded armadillo. The number of bands or zones in this species is general- ly nine: they are extremely distinct or well defined, and are transversely marked by very numerous wedge-shap- ed or acutely-triangular figures alternating with smaller opposite ones: and the head is smaller, longer in pro- portion, and sharper-snouted, than in any other species; the fore and hind parts of the shield or covering are marked by very numerous flat rounded scales, or tuber- cles, with smaller ones interposed; the ears are mode- rately large, and upright; the tail is longer than in any other species, and tapers gradually to the tip. It is marked by transverse rows of, longish hexagonal divi- sions on each joint; on the fore feet are four toes, and five on the hind; the claws moderately large and strong. 5. Dasypus cingulis duodecim. This, according to the character generally given in authors, should have twelve zones or hands; but it is certain that this number is not very accurately observed by nature, and perhaps 13 or 14 is the more general number. The individuals al»o appear to vary in some other particulars. That described by Buffon and Mr. Pennant, under the title of the twelve-banded armadillo, has broad upright ears; the head is thick and broad, and is marked above into large angular divisions; the crust on the shoulders into oblong pieces inclining to a squarish form: that on the rump into hexagonal ones. The length of this animal, from the nose to the tail, is about a foot; the tail about seven inches or less. 6. Dasypus cinguiu octodecim, or eightccn-banded vji.. #. 98 armadillo, was first described by Grew, in the la.-J cen- tury, under the name of the wcezlc-hcaded armadillo. This species seems most allied to the twelve-handed ar- madillo. DATA, among mathematicians, a term for such things or quantities as are given or known, in order to find other things that arc unknown. Euclid uses tbe word data for such spaces, lines, and angles, as are given in magnitude, or to which we can assign others equal. In algebra the given quantities or data are expressed by the first letters of the alphabet, and the unknown quantities by the last letters; thus, if the problem be from the sum and product of two quantities given, to find the quantities themselves, the quantities are represented by y and «; and y-f *=« the sum given, and y % — b th* product given. See Axgebra. DATE, in law, is the description ofthe day, month. year of our Lord, and year ofthe reign ofthe king, in which a deed or other writing was made. Anciently deeds had no dates but only of the month and year, anil now, if in the date of any deed, the year of our Lord is right, though the year of the king's reign is wrong, it shall not hurt the same. A deed is good, though it lias no date of the day, or if that be mistaken, or though it contains an impossible date; but then he that pleads such a deed must set forth the time when it was delivered: for every deed or writing has a date in law, and that is the day of the delivery, and where there is none, a plaintiff, it is said, may count it of any date. In writings of importance, the date should be written in words at length. An antedate is a date prior to the real time when the instrument was signed. A post-date is that posterior to the real time when the instrument was passed. Date. See Phcenix. DATISCA, .a genus of the dodecandria order, in the dioecia class of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing under the 54th order, miscellaneae. The male calyx is pentaphyilous; there is no corolla; the antherae are sessile, long, and 15 in number. The female calyx is bidented; no corolla; the styles three; the capsule trian- gular, three-horned, unilocular, previous, polyspermous, inferior. There arc two species. DATISI, in logic, a mode of syllogism in the third figure, in which the major is an universal affirmative, and the minor and conclusion particular affirmative pro- positions. For example, Da- All who serve God are kings: ti- Some who serve God are poor; si. Therefore some who are poor are kings. DATIVE, among grammarians, the third case in the declension of nouns, expressing the relation of a thing to whose profit or loss some other thing is referred. It is called dative, because usually governed by a verb, im- plying something to be given to some person. In Eng- lish the dative is expressed by the signs to or for. DATURA, the thorn-apple, a genus ofthe monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the na- tural method ranking under the 28th order, luridae. The corolla is funnel-shaped and plaited; the calyx tubular, angulated, and deriduoi:-; the capsule quadrixafved. There are eight species: the most remarkable arei 1. The stramonium, or common thorn-apple, rises D A U DAY about a yard high, with an erect, strong, round, hollow, green stalk, branching luxuriantly, having the branches widely extended on every side; large, oval, irregularly angulated, smooth, dark-green leaves; and from the di- visions of the branches, large white flowers singly, suc- ceeded by large, oval, prickly capsules, growing erect, commonly called thorn-apples. At night the upper leaves rise up and inclose the flowrers. The blossoms have sometimes a tinge of purple or violet. The flowers con- sist of one large funnel-shaped petal, having a long tube, and spreading pentagonal limb, succeeded by large roundish capsules of the size of middling apples, closely beset with sharp spines. An ointment prepared from the leaves gives case in external inflammations and in the haemorrhoids. The seeds were recommended by Dr. Storck to be taken internally in cases of madness; but they seem to be a very unsafe remedy. Taken even in a small dose, they bring on a delirium, and in a large one would certainly prove fatal. Cows, horses, sheep, and goats, refuse this plant. 2. Datura arborea, is a stove-plant, much esteemed for the beauty and fragrance of its large white flowers. DAUCUS, the carrot, a genus of the digynia order in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural me- thod ranking under the 45th order, umbellatae. The co- rolla is a little radiated, all hermaphrodite; the fruit brist- ly with short hairs. There are seven species, but the only one which merits attention is the carota or common carrot. This is so well known as to need no description. There are several varieties, as the white, the orange, and the purple carrot; but of these the orange carrot is the most esteemed. It grows longer, larger, and is commonly more handsome, than the others, being often 15 or 18 inches long in the eatable part, and from two to four in diameter at top. Carrots are propagated by seeds; wiiich are sown at different seasons of the year, in order to pro- cure a supply of young roots for the table at all times. The season for sowing for the earliest crop is soon after Christmas; the manner of cultivating them is too well known to need any particular description. Carrots have been greatly recommended as proper for fattening hogs; but from some experiments mentioned in the Georgical Essays it appears, that though the bacon thus fed is of excellent quality, the feeding is considera- bly dearer than when fed with peas, pollard, &c. In the same essays, an experiment is mentioned by Dr. Hun- ter, concerning the propriety of raising carrots for the use of the distiller. From a gross calculation he is in- duced to think that a good acre of carrots so manufac- tured will leave a profit of 40l. after deducting the land- lord's rent, cultivation, distillation, and other incidental expenses. In this calculation he presumes that the spirit is worth fj.s. per gallon, and not excised. An acre of barley will by no means produce so much spirit. A rich iar.iy loam is the best land for carrots; which, after the crop is removed, will he in high cultivation tor corn. At- tempts have also been made to prepare sugar from car- rots. A poultice of carrots mitigates the pain ani abates the stencii of foul and cancerous ulcers. Crickets are very fond of carrots; and are easily destroyed by making a paste of powdered arsenic, wheat-flower, and scraped carrots, which must be placed near their habitations. The seeds have been reckoned diuretic; and were for- merly much used as a remedy for the stone, but are at present little regarded. Carrots were first introduced into England by the Flemings in the reign of queen Elizabeth. DAVIDISTS, in church history, a sect of Christian heretics in the 16th century; so called from David George, their leader, who began by giving out that he was the Messiah, and was sent into the world in order to people the kingdom of heaven, which was quite empty of inha- bitants for want of virtudhs and good men: he rejected marriage and denied the resurrection. DAVIT, in a ship, a long beam of timber, represent- ed by a, a, Plate XLIII. Miscel. fig. 31, and used as a crane to hoist the flukes of the anchor to the top of the bow, without injuring the sides of the ship as it ascends- an operation which by mariners is called fishing the anchor. The anchors being situated on both tbe bows, the davit may be occasionally shifted, so as to project over either side of the ship, according to the position of that anchor on wiiich it is employed. The inner end of the davit is secured by being thrust into a square ring of iron b, which is bolted to the deck, and forelocked un- der the beams. This ring, which is called the span- shackle, exhibited by the figure, is fixed exactly in the middle of the deck, and close behind the foremast. Up- on the outer end of the davit is hung a large block c, through which a strong rope traverses, called the fish-pen- dant, d; to whose foremost end is fitted a large iron hook e, and to its after-end a tackle or complicatiorfnf pulleys/; the former of which is called the fish-hook, and the lat- ter the fish-tackle. TJbe davit, therefore, according to the sea-phrase, is employed to fish the anchor; which be- ing previously catted, the fish-hook is fastened upon its flukes; and the efforts of the tackle being transmitted to the hook by means of the fish-pendant, it draws up that part ofthe anchor sufficiently high upon the bow to fas- ten it, which is done by the shank-painter. There is also a davit of a smaller kind occasionally fixed in the long-boat, and employed to weigh the anchor. DAY, according to the most natural and obvious sense of the word, signifies that space of time during which it continues to he light; in contradistinction to night, being that partition of time wherein it is dark; but the space of time in which it is light, being some- what vague and indeterminate, the time between tbe rising and setting ofthe sun is usually looked on as the day, and the time which lapses from its setting to its rising again the night. The word day is often taken in a larger sense, so as to include the night also; or to denote tbe time of a whole apparent revolution of the sun round the eart»» in wiiich sense it is called by sonic a natural day, an(> by others an artificial one: but to avoid ccuifisb.n it is usual to call it in the former sense simply the day, and in the latter a nyrhthemcron, by which term that ac- ceptation of it is aptly denoted, as it implies both day and night. , The nychthemcron is divided into 24 parts, called hours: which are of two sorts; equal, and uncqal or temporary. Different nations begin their day at a different h«ur; thus the Egyptians began their day at miclnight, from whom Hipparchus introduced that way of reckoning illt0 D A V D E A astronomy: and Copernicus and others have followed him: but* the. greater part of astronomers reckon the day begun at noon, and so count 24 hours, till the noon of the next day; and not twice twelve, according to the vulgar computation. The method of beginning the day at midnight prevails also in America, Great Britain, France, Spain, and most parts of Europe. The Babylonians began their day at sun-rising; reckoning the hour imme- diately before its rising again the 24th hour ofthe day, whence the hours ree koncd this way are called the Baby Ionic. In several parts of Germany, they begin their day at sun-setting, and reckon on till it sets next day, calling that the 24th hour: these are generally termed Italian hours. The Jews also began their nych- themeron at sun-setting; but then tbey divided it into twice twelve hours, as we do; reckoning twelve for the day, be it long or short, and twelve for tbe night; so that their hours continually varying with the day and night, the hours of the day were longer than that ofthe night for one half-year, and the contrary the other; whence their hours are called temporary: those at the time of the equinoxes became equal, because then those of the day and night are so. The Romans also reckoned their hours after this manner, as do the Turks at this day. This kind of hours are called planetary, because the seven planets were anciently looked upon as presiding over tbe affairs of the world, and taking it by turns each of these hours, according to the following order: Saturn fir>t, then Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and last of all the Moon; hence they denominated each day of the week from that planet whose turn it was to preside the first hour of the nychthemeron. Thus as- signing the first hour of Saturday to Saturn, the se- cond will fall to Jupiter, the third to Mars, and so the 22d of the same nychthemeron will fall to Saturn again; and therefore the 23d to Jupiter, and the last to Mars: sn that on the first hour of the next day it will fall to the Sun to preside; and by the like manner of reckon- ing, tbe first hour of the next will fall to the Moon; of the next, to M ars; of the next, to Mercury; of the next, to Ju- piter; ofthe next, to Venus: hence the days ofthe week came to be distinguished by the Latin names of dies Satur- 7ii, Solis, Luna, Marlis, Mercurii, Jovis, and Veneris; and among us, by the names of Saturday, Sunday, Monday, kc Dav, in a leg.d sense, relates to the day of appear- ance of parties, or the continuance of suits, where a day ih given. In real actions there are common days, and special days given by the judges in an assize, kc Dav s in bank, are days set down hy statute or order of the court, when writs shall be returned, or when the party shall appear on the writ served. They say also, if a person is dismissed without day, he is finally dis- charged. I).v\ s of grace, arc those granted by the court at the prayer of the defendant or plaintiff, in whose delay it is. Days of grace, in commerce, are a customary num- ber of davs allowed for the payment of a bill of ex- chunge, \c. after the same becomes due. Three days of grace are allowed in the United States and in England; ten in France and Dantzic; eight at Naples; six at Ve- nice, Amsterdam. Rotterdam, and Antwerp; four at I'Yaiikh.rt; five at Lcipsir; twelve at Hamburgh; six in Portugal; fourteen in Spain; thirty in Genoa, kc. Day-light, in our law. the time after sun-ri-m;. and before sun-setting, being accounted part ofthe d:r ■ when the hundred is liable for any robberies commit'ei within that time. DEACON, hcexons, one of the three sacred orders n; the christian churib. In its restrained sense, it is ii!; : for the third order of the clergy. In the Romish church it is the deacon's office to in cense the officiating priest or prelate; to layr the corpo- ral on the altar; to receive tbe patern or cup from tbe sub-deacon, and present them to the person officiating: to incense the choir; to receive the pax from the oflicia ting prelate, and carry it to the sub-deacon; and at the pontifical mass, when the bishop gives the blessing, t put the mitre on his head, and to take off the archbish- op's pall, and lay it on the altar. In Englfind, the form of ordaining deacons declares that it is their office to assist the priest in the distribution of the boh com munion; in which, agreeably to the practice of the an cient church, they are confined to the administering ol the wine to the communicants. A deacon with us is not capable of any ecclesiastical promotion; vet he may b" a chaplain to a family, curate to a beneficed clergy man, or lecturer to a parish-church. lie may be or- dained at 23 years of age, anno currentc; but it is ex- pressly provided, that the bishop shall not ordain the same person a priest and deacon in the same day. DEACONESS, a female deacon, an order of women who had their distinct offices and services in the primi- tive church. DEACONRY, diaconia, is also the name of the cha- pels and oratories in Rome, under the direction of the several cardinal deacons in their respective quarters. Anciently they were seven in number; as the deaconry of St. Maria in the broad-way, the deaconry of St. Eus- tachio near the Pantheon, &c. answering to the seven regions of the city. They had hospitals annexed to them for the distribution of alms, and an administrator for temporal concerns, called the father of the deaconry, who was sometimes a priest and sometimes a layman. At present, there are 14 of these deaconries, or hospitals, under the direction of as many cardinals. DEAD-mex's-eyes, in the sea-language, a kind of blocks with many holes in them, but no sheevers, by which the shrowds are fastened to the chains: the crow- feet reeve also through these holes; and, in some ships, the main-stays are set tavvt in them; but then they have only one hole, through which the lanyards arc passed several times. See Plate XLIII. Miscel. fig. 32. Dead-reckoning, in navigation, the calculation made of a ship's place by means of the compass and log; the first serving to point out the course she sails on, and the other the distance run. From these two things given, the skilful mariner, making proper allowances for the variation of the compass, lee-way, currents, kc. is ena- bled, without any observations of the sun or stars, to ascertain the ship's place tolerably well. Dead-rising, among sailors, that part of a ship which lies aft, between the keel and the floor-timbers, next adjoining to the .stern-post, under the bread-room, in a ship of war. Dead-ropes, on bard a ship, such ropes as do n>l run in any block. D E A D E A Dead-water, at sea, the eddy-water just astern of a ship, so called because it does not pass away so swift as the water running by her sides does. They say that a ship makes much dead water when she has a great eddy following her stern. DEADLY feud, in law> a profession of an irrecon- cilfeble hatred, till a person is revenged even by the death of bis adversary. This enmity was allowed in the old Saxon laws; for where any person was killed, if a pecuniary satisfaction was not made to the kindred of the slain, it was lawful for them to revenge themselves by arms on the murderer. DEADS, among miners, denotes the earth or other fossil substances which inclose the ore on every side. Hence, breaking up the deads is the removing these substances for the conveniency of carrying on their work. DEAF, dumb, and blind: a man born deaf, dumb, and blind, is considered by the law as an idiot; he being supposed incapable of understanding, as not having those senses which furnish the mind with ideas. Black. 308. DEAFFORESTED, a term found in law-books, signifying that a place is discharged from being a forest, or freed from the forest-laws. DEAFNESS, the state of a person who either wants the sense of hearing or has it greatly impaired. The causes of deafness are a cutting off the external ear, or an obstruction of the auditory passage, from wax or other things; a rupture of the membrane of the tympanum; or when it is corroded, or ulcerated, or the auditory nerve is obstructed or compressed. External causes are, great falls; excessive noise, such as the ex- plosion of cannon; likewise acute diseases or inflamma- tions, which are likely to terminate by a critical haemor- rhage. Those born deaf are also dumb, as not being able to learn any language, at least in the common way. As the eyes, however, in some measure serve them for ears, they may understand what is said by the motion of the lips, tongue, kc. of the speaker; and even accustom themselves to move their own as they see other people do, and by this means learn to speak. This fact was observed by bishop Burnet with respect to a young lady, the daughter of a Mr. Goddy, minister of St. Gervais' church in Geneva. At two years of age it was ob- served that she had lost her hearing; and was ever af- terwards, though she had some perception of great noises, incapable of healing an articulate sound. Be- yig, however, of quick parts, she carefully observed %m motions of "^he lips of those who spoke to her; and by an imitation of these she enabled herself to ai-ticu- late a number of words so as to hold a conversation with those who were in habits of familiarity with her. She however was incapable of this in the dark, as she could not distinguish the motions of their lips. But the most extraordinary of all is, that she had a sister with whom she was accustomed to sleep; and by laying her hand on her sister's mouth, she was able to perceive what was spoken even in the dark. Like the blind, this unfortunate class of persons were ykmg neglected; they were considered as idiots, and con- ymed as such by this cruel inattention. The author of this article, however, knew a most beautiful and accom- plished young lady in the north of England, who, by the force of an extraordinary genius, though labouring under this misfortune, taught herself to read and write and various other branches of science, with no regular instruction. She wrote a fine hand, and her composition in her letters was easy and rather elegant though not perfect or quite free from errors. She was an excellent arithmetician, and at the age of twenty actually kept her father's books, who was a man in a considerable line of business. Dr. Wallis is said to have taught two young gentlemen who were deaf and dumb to under- stand what was said to them, and to return pertinent an- swers. A Swiss physician, at Amsterdam, of the name of Ammen, was equally successful with several children; and reduced the art to a system, which was published at Amsterdam in 1692, under the title of Sur- dus Loquens. It was probably upon these hints that the celebrated Abbe' de I'Epe'c instituted his school for the deaf and dumb. The plan has also been most suc- cessfully pursued in England by the late Mr. Braid- wood, Mr. Telfair, and others; and a public charity has even been established in Southwark, for the bene- volent purpose of instructing such of the children of the poor, as through this misfortune would otherwise have been lost to society. It is observed, that deaf persons, or rather those who are hard of hearing, hear better and more easily if a loud noise be raised at the time when we speak to them: which is owing, no doubt, to the greater tension of the ear-drum on that occasion. Dr. Wallis men- tions a deaf woman, who if a drum was beaten in the room could hear any thing very clearly; so that hei husband hired a dummer for a servant, that by this means he might hold conversation with his wife. Bat with regard to this opinion there may be much decep- tion; the sense of feeling being so nearly allied to that of hearing as to convey certain vibrations which afford information to the mind, although the party be com- pletely deaf. See Medicine, and Dumbness. DEAL, a thin kind of fir-planks, of great use in carpentry: they are formed by sawing the trunk of a tree into a great many longitudinal divisions, of more or less thickness, according to the purposes tbey are in- tended to serve. Deals are rendered much harder, by throwing them into salt-water as soon as tbey are saw- ed, keeping them there three or four days, and after- wards drying them in the air or sun; hut neither this nor any other method yet known will preserve them from shrinking. DEAN, an"ecclesiastical officer, or dignitary: heis next under the bishop, and chief of the chapter, ordi- narily in a cathedral chruch. There 'are four sorts of deans and deanries. The first is a dean who has a chapter consisting of prebendaries or canons, subordi- nate to the bishop, as a council assistant to him in mat- ters spiritual, relating to religion, and in matters tem- poral, relating to the temporalities of his bishopric^ The second is a dean who has no chapter, and yet is presentative and has cure of souls: he has a peculiar, and a court wherein he holds ecclesiastical jurisdiction, but is not subject to the visitation of the bishop or ordi- nary; such is the dean of Battle in Sussex. The thud D £ A DEB dean is also ecclesiastical, but the deanry is not pres:n- tativc, but donative; nor has he any cure of souls, Uut 16 only by covenant or condition; and he has also a court and peculiar, in which he holds plea and jurisdiction, of all such matters and things as are ecclesiastical, and which arise within his peculiar, which often extends over many parishes; such deans constituted by commis- sion from the metropolitan of the province, are the dean of the Arches, and the dean of Bocking in Essex. The fourth sort of dean, is he who is usually called the ru- ral dean; having no absolute judicial power in himself, but being to order the ecclesiastical affairs within his deanry and precinct, by the direction of the bishop or of the archdeacon; he is a substitute of the bishop in many cases. DEATH of persons. There are a natural death of a man, and a civil death; natural where nature itself ex- pires and extinguishes, and civil where a man is not ac- tually dead but is adjudged so by law. If any person, for whose life any estate has been granted, remain be- yond sea, or is otherwise absent, seven years, and no proof is made of his being alive, such person shall be accounted naturally dead; though if the party be after- wards proved living at the time of eviction of any per- son, then the tenant, 6cc. may reenter; and recover the profits. Stat. 19 C. II. c. 6. And persons in rever- sion or remainder after the death of another, upon affi- davit that they have cause to believe such other dead, may move the lord chancellor to order the person to be produced; and if he be not produced, he shall be taken as dead, and those claiming may enter, &c. 6 Anne, C. 18. Death's Part, or dead-man's part, is that portion of his personal estate, which remained after his wife and children had received thereout their respective rea- sonable parts; which was, if he had both a wife and a child or children, one-third part; if a wife and no child, or a child or children and no wife, one-half; if neither wife nor child, he had the whole to dispose of by his last will and testament: and if he made no will, the same was to go to his administrators. And within the city of London, and throughout the province of York, at this day, in case of intestacy, the wife and children are entitled to their said reasonable part, and the residue only is disputable, by the statute of distribution. Deatu-watch, in natural history, a little insect fa- mous for a ticking noise, like the beat of a watch, which superstitious people take for a presage of death in the family where it is heard: whence it is also called pedi- culus fatidicus, mortisaga, pulsitorius, kc There are tw o kinds of death-watches. Of the first we have a good account in the Phil. Trans, by Mr. Allen. It is a small beetle, 5-l6ths of an inch long, ofa darkbrown colour, spotted; having pellucid wings under the vagina, a large cap or helmet on the head, and two antennae proceeding from beneath the eyes, and doing the officeof proboscides. The part it beats with, he observed, was the extreme edge of the face, which he chooses to call the upper-lip; the ijouth being protracted by this bony part, and lying underneath out of view. This account is confirmed by Dr. Derham; with this difference, that instead of tick- ing with tbe upper lip, he observed the insect to draw bm k its mouth, and beat with its forehead. That author had two death-watches, a male and a [female, which he kept alive in a box several months; and could bring one of them to beat whenever he pleased, by imitating its beating. By this ticking noise, he could frequently in- vite the male to coition with the other. When the male found he got up in vain, he would get off again, beat ve- ry eagerly, and then up again; whence the ingenious author concludes those pulsations to be the way whereby these insects woo one another, and find out and invite each other to copulation. The second kind of death-watch is an insect in ap- pearance quite different from the first. The former only beats seven or eight strokes at a time, and quicker: th* latter will beat some hours together without intermis- sion; and his strokes are more leisurely, and like the beat of a watch. This latter is a small greyish insect, much like a louse when viewed with the naked eye. It is very common in all parts of the house in the summer months. It is very nimble in running to shel- ter, and shy of beating when disturbed; but will beat very freely before you, and also answer the beating, if you can view it without giving it disturbance, or sha- king the place where it lies, &c. The author cannot say whether they beat in any other thing, but he'never heard their noise except in or near paper. As to their noise, the same person is in doubt whether it is made with their heads, or rather snouts, against the paper; or whether it is not made after some such manner as grasshoppers and crickets make their noise. He in- clines to the former opinion. The reason of his doubt is, that he observed the animal's body to shake and give a jerk at every beat, but he could scarcely perceive any part of its body to touch the paper. But its body is so small and near the paper, and its motion in ticking so quick, that he thinks it might be, yet he did not per- ceive it. The ticking, as in the other, he judges to be a wooing act; as having observed another, after much heating, come and make offers to the beating insect; who, after some offers, left off beating, and got upon the hack of the other. When they were joined he left off again; and they continued some hours joined tail to tail, like dog and bitch in coition. Whether or not this insect changes its shape, and becomes another animal, he cannot Bay; though he has some cause to suspect that it becomes a sort of fly. It is at first a minute white egg, much smaller than the nits of lice; though the in- sect is nearly as big as a louse. In March it is hatched, and creeps about with its shell on. When it first leaves its shell, it is even smaller than its egg; though that is scarce discernible without a microscope. In this state it is perfectly like the mites in cheese. From the mite- state they grow gradually to their mature perfect state. When they become like the old ones, they are at first very small, but run about much more swiftly than before. DE BENE ESSE, in law signification is to accept or allow a thing as well done for the present: thus judges frequently take bail, and declarations are frequently de- livered, de bene esse, or conditionally, until special or common bail be filed. DEBENTURE, is a certificate delivered at thecus torn-house, when the exporter of any goorjs or merchant dize has complied with the regulations prescribed by cer- DEC D. E C tain acts of parliament, in consequence of which he is en- titled to a bounty or drawback on the exportation. Steal- ing debentui'es was made felony by 2 Geo. II. chap. 25. s. 3. DEBET DE DETINET, are Latin words used in the bringing of writs and actions. And an action shall always be in the debet et detinct, when he who makes a bargain or contract, or lends money to another, or he to whom a bond is made, brings the action against him who is the bounden party to the contract or bargain. DEBET ET SOLET. If a man sues to recover any right by writ, whereof his ancestor was disseised by the tenant of his ancestor, then he uses only the word debt in his writ; because solct is improper, as his ancestor was disseised, and the custom discontinued: but if he sues for any thing that is now first of all denied, then he uses both these words debet et solet; because his ancestor before him, and he himself usually, enjoyed the thing sued for. DEBT, a sum due from one person to another, in con- sequence of work done, goods delivered, or money or other value, for which reimbursement has not been made. The non-payment in these cases is an injury, for which the proper remedy is by action of debt, to compel the per- formance of the contract, and recover the special sum due. 4 Co. 90. Actions of debt are now seldom brought but upon spe- cial contracts under seal, wherein the sum due is clearly and precisely expressed: for in case of such an action upon simple contract, the plaintiff labours under two dif- ficulties: first, the defendant has here the same advantage as in an action of detinue, that of waging his law, namely, purging himself of the debt by oath, if he thinks proper; secondly, in an action of debt, the plaintiff must recover the whole debt he claims, or nothing at all. For the debt is one single cause of action, fixed and determined! but in an action upon the case, or what is called an indebitatus assumpsit, which is not brought to compel a specific performance of the contract, but to recover damages for its non-performance, these damages are in their nature indeterminate, and will therefore adapt and proportion themselves to the truth of the case which shall be proved, without being confined to the precise demand stated in the declaration. 3 Black. 154. Debt, national. See National Debt. DEBTOR. The gaoler shall not put, keep, or lodge, prisoners for debt, and felons, together in one room or chamber, on pain of forfeiting his office, and treble da- mages to the party grieved. 22 and 23 C. II. c. 20. But every gaoler ought to keep such prisoner in safe and close custody; safe, that he cannot esc ape; and close, without conference with others, or intelligence of things abroad. Dalt. c. 170. DECACHORDON, in antiquity, a musical instru- ment with ten strings, called by the Hebrews liasur; be- ing almost the same as our harp, of a triangular figure, with a hollow belly, and sounding from the lower part. DECAGON, in geometry, a plane figure with ten sides and ten angles: it is called a regular decagon, when all the sides and angles are equal. If we suppose the radius of a circle to be r, then will ___ \/5 — 1 P\{r2—• \r, or--------x r, be the side of a decagon inscribed in that circle. Again, supposing the side of a decagon to be 1, the area will be 8.G9; whence as l to 8.69, so is the square of a side of any given decagon to the area of that decagon. DECALITRON, in antiquity, a coin equivalent to 10\ Attic oboli. DECANDRIA, in the Linnaan system of botany, R class of plants, the great characteristic of which is, that they have hermaphrodite flowers, with ten stamina in each. DECAPROTI, decemprimi, in Roman antiquity, offi- cers for gathering the tributes and taxes. The decaproti were also obliged to pay for the dead; or to answer to the.emperor for the quota parts of such as died, out of their own estates. DECEIT is an offence both by common law and by statute. All practices of defrauding, or endeavouring to defraud, another of his right, arc punishable by fine and imprisonment, and sometimes pillory, &c. and there is a writ called deceptione, that lies for one who receives in- jury or damage, kc. A writ of deceit lies against attor- neys for losses sustained by their default; also against bakers, brewrers, and artificers, for not selling good com- modities, or refusing to perform a bargain: in all wbich cases, they are, hy statute, liable to penalties in propor- tion to their offence. DECEMPEDA, in antiquity, a rule or rod divided into ten feet, each of which was subdivided into inches, and those into digits; used in measuring of land, and by architects in giving the proper dimensions and propor- tions to the parts of their buildings. DCEMVIRI, in Roman antiquity, ten magistrates chosen annually at Rome, to govern the commonwealth instead of consuls, with an absolute power to draw up and make laws for the people. One of the decemviri had all the ensigns and honours ofthe function, and the rest had the like in their turn, during the year of their decemvirate. In them was vested all the legislative au- thority ever enjoyed by the kings, or after them by tbe consuls. The decemviri drew up the laws of the twelve tables, thence called leges decemvirales, which were the whole of the Roman law for a considerable time. DECENNARY, was originally a district of ten men with their families, the inhabitants whereof living to- gether, were sureties or pledges for each others' good behaviour. See Constarle. DECEPTIONE, a writ that lies properly against him who deceitfully does any thing in the name of another, for one that receives damage or hurt thereby. DECIDUOUS, an appellation chiefly used in respect to plants: thus, the calyx or cup of a flower is said to be deciduous, when it falls along with the flower-petals; and, on the contrary, it is called permanent, when it re- mains after they are fallen. Again, deciduous leaves are those which fall in autumn; in contradistinction to those of the evergreens, which remain all the winter. DECIES TANTUM, a writ which lies against a juror who has taken money for giving his verdict; cal- led so of the effect, because it is to recover ten times aa much as he took. Stat. 98 Edw. III. c. 12 and 13. Dc- cies taut urn lies against sheriffs taking a reward for arraying a punnel. 11 H. VI. c. 14. See Vin. Abr. 378 and 382. DEC DEC DECIMAL Arithmetic, the art of computing by decimal fractions. See Arithmetic. DECK of a ship, is a planked floor from stem to stern, upon which the guns lie, and where the men walk to and fro. Great ships have three decks, first, second, and third, beginning to count from the lowermost. Half- deck reaches from the main-mast to the stem ofthe ship. Quarter-deck is that aloft the steerage, reaching to the round house. Flush-deck is that which lies even in a right line fore and aft, from stem to stern. A rope-deck is made of cordages, interwoven and stretched over a vessel, through which it is easy to annoy an enemy who comes to board her. They are little used but by small vessels, to defend them from privateers. See SHirnuiLn- INO. DECLARATION, an exposure in writing, of the grief and complaint of the demandant, or plaintiff, against the defendant or tenant, wherein he is supposed to have done some wring. Aid this ought to be plain and certain, because it both impeaches the defendant, and also compels him to answer to it. Such a declara- tion in an action real, is termed a count; and it is essen- tial that the count or declaration ought to contain de- monstration, declaration, and conclusion; and in the con- clusion the plaintiff ought to aver, and offer to prove, his suit, and show the damages he has sustained by the wrong done hiin. Declaration must be certain, contain- ing: 1. Such sufficient certainty whereby the court may give a peremptory and final judgment upon the matter in controversy. 2. That the defendant may make a di- rect answer to the matter contained therein. 3. That the jury, after issue joined, may give a complete verdict thereupon. 4. No blank or space to be left therein. Brown's Annal. 3. By the general rules of law, a plain- tiff must declare against a defendant within twelve months after the return of the writ; but by the rules of court, if he does not deliver his declaration within two terms, the defendant may sign judgment of non pros.; though un- less he takes such advantage of the plaintiff's neglect, the plaintiff may still deliver a declaration within a year. Declaration is also used in Great Britain for a con- fession which the quakers are obliged to make and sub- scribe, instead of the oaths of supremacy. Dkci.a ration of war. a public proclamation made by the herald at arms to the members or subjects of a state, declaring them to beat war with any foreign power, ami forbidding all and every one to aid or assist the common enemy at their peril. DECLENSION, in grammar, an inflection of nouns aecording to their cas-s, as nominative, genitive, dative, &c. It is a different thing in the modern languages, which have not properly any cases, from what it is in the ancient Greek and Latin. With respect to languages where the nouns admit of changes either in the beginning, t'ue middle, or ending, declension is properly theexpre*- sroi of all those changes in a certain order, and by cer- tain decrees called casts. With regard to languages where the nouns do not admit of changes in the same number, d- tension is the expression of the different states a noun is in, and the different relations it has; which iiffemue of relations is marked by particles, as of. to. from, by. kc DECLINATION, in astronomy, the distance of any celestial object from the equinoctial, either northward or southward. It is either true or apparent, according as the real or apparent place of the object is considered. See Globes, use of. Declination of the sea-compass, or needle, is its va- riation from the true meridian. DECLINATOR, or Declinatory, an instrument contrived for taking the declinations, inclinations, and reclinations, of planes. It is constructed in the follow- ing manner: On a square wooden board, ABCD (Plate XLIII. Mis. fig. 33) describe a semicircle AED; and di- vide the two quadrants AE and ED into 90° each, begin- ning from E, as in the figure: then having fixed a pin in the centre F, fit a ruler HI upon the same, moveable thereon, with a box and needle K (fig. 34). In order to take the declination of a plane, apply the side AD to the plane proposed, as MN (fig. 35.); and move the ruler FG, with the compass G, about the centre F, till the needle rest upon the line of the magnetical meridian of the place: if the ruler cut the quadrant in E, the plane is either directly northern or southern: but if it cut be- tween D and E. the plane declines to the west, and if between A and E, to the east, by the quantity of the angle GFE. Would you take the inclinations and reclinations of planes with this instrument, instead of the ruler and needle, a thread with a plummet is fitted on a pin in the centre F; then the side B C ofthe declinator ABCD (fig. 36.) being applied to the proposed plane, as I L, if the plum lineFG cut the semicircle AE I) in the point E, the plane is horizontal; or if it cut the quadrant E D, in any point at G, then will E F G be the angle of incii- nation: lastly, if applying the side A B to the plane, the plummet cut 111, the plane is vertical. Hence if the quan- tity of the angle of inclination be compared with the elevation of the pole and equator, it is easily known whether the plane be inclined or reclined. See Incli- nation and Rinclination. DECOCTION, in pharmacy, the boiling simples op other drugs, in order to extract their virtues for some medicinal purpose. See Pharmacy. DECOMPOSITION, in chemistry. Caloric not on- ly increases the bulk of bodies, and changes their state from solids to liquids, and from liquids to elastic fluids, but its action decomposes a number of bodies. Tiius when ammonia is heated to redness, it is resolved into azotic and hydrogen gases. Alcohol, by the same heat, is converted into carbureted hydrogen and water. 1. This decomposition is in many cases owing to the difference between the volatility of the ingredients of a compound. Thus when weak spirits, or a combination of alcohol and water, are heated, the alcohol separates, because it is more volatile than the water. 2. In general, the compounds which are hut little or not at all affected by heat, are those bodies which have been formed by combustion. Thus water is not decom- posed by any heat which can be applied to it; neither are sulphuric, phosphoric, or carbonic acids. 3. Almost all the combinations into which oxygen en- ters without having occasioned combustion, are' decom- posable by heat. This is the case with nitric acid, hy- pe roxy muriatic acid, and many ofthe metallic oxides.* i. All bodies that contain combustibles as cmupauen DEC DEC parts are decomposed hy heat. Perhaps the metallic al- loys are exceptions to this rule; at least it is not in our power to apply a temperature high enough to produce •Jieir decomposition, except in a few cases. 5. When two combustible ingredients and likewise oxygen occur together in bodies, they are always very easily decomposed by heat. This is the case with the greater number of animal and vegetable substances. But it is unnecessary to enjarge any farther on this subject, as no satisfactory theory can be given. DECOUPLE', in heraldry, the same as uncoupled: thus a chevron decouple, is a chevron wanting so much of it towards the point, that the two ends stand at a dis- tance from one another, being parted and uncoupled. DECREE, in civil law, is a determination that the emperor pronounces upon hearing a particular cause be- tween plaintiff and defendant. Decrees of councils, are the laws made by them, to regulate the doctrine and policy of the church. Decree is a sentence pronounced by the lord chan- cellor in the court of chancery, and it is equally binding upon the parties as a judgment in a court of law. By the laws of England, a decree (notwithstanding any contempts thereof) shall not bind the goods or move- ables, but only charge the persons. Chan. Rep. 193. If a decree is obtained and inrolled, so that the cause cannot be reheard, then there is no remedy but by bill of review; which must he on error appearing on the face of the decree, or on matters subsequent thereto, as a re- lease or a receipt discovered since. 3 M'm's. Rep. 371. DECOY, in naval affairs, a stratagem employed hy a ship of war to betray a vessel of inferior force into an in- cautious pursuit, till she has drawn her within the range of her cannon, or what is called within gunshot. It is usually performed by painting the stern and sides in such a manner as to disguise the ship, and represent her either much smaller and of inferior force, or as a friend to the hostile vessel, which she endeavours to ensnare, by as- suming the emblems and ornaments of the nation to which the stranger is supposed to belong. When she has pro- voked the adversary to chase, in hopes of acquiring a prize, she continues the decoy, by spreading a great sail, as endeavouring to escape; at the same time that her course is considerably retarded by an artful alteration of her trim till the enemy approaches. Decoying is also per- formed to elude the chase of a ship of a superior force in a dark night, by throwing out a lighted cask of pitch into the sea, which will burn for a considerable time and mis- guide the enemy. Immediately after the cask is thrown out, the ship changes her course, and may easily escape, if at any tolerable distance from the foe. Decoy, in military affairs, a stratagem to carry off the enemy's horses in a foraging party, or from the pas- ture; to execute which, you must be disguised, and mix on horseback in the pasture, or amongst the foragers on that side on wiiich you propose to fly: you must then be- gin by firing a few shots, which are to he answered by such of your party as are appointed to drive up the rear, and are posted at the opposite extremity of the pasture or foraging-ground; after which th y arc to gallop from . their different stations towards the side fixed for the flight, ^shouting and firing all the way: the horses, being thus ^alarmed and provoked by the example oA1 others, will break loose from their pickets, tlirow down their riders and the trusses, and setting up a gallop, will naturally direct their course to the same side; insomuch, that if the number of them was ever so great, you might lead them in that manner for several leagues together; when you are got into some road, bordered by a hedge or ditch you must stop as gently as possible, and without makin» any noise; the horses will then suffer themselves to be taken without any opposition. It is called in French haraux, and count Saxe is the only author that men- tions it. Decoy, among fowlers, a place made for catching wild-fowl. A decoy is generally made where there is a large pond surrounded with wood, and beyond that a marshy and uncultivated country: if the piece of water is not thus surrounded, it will be attended with noise and other accidents which may be expected to frighten the wild-fowl from a quiet haunt, where they mean to sleep, in the day-time, in security. If these noises or dis- turbances are wilful, it has been held that an action will lie against the disturber. As soon as the evening sets in, the decoy rises, and the wild-fowl feed during the night. If the evening is still, the noise of their wings during their flight is heard at a very great distance; and is a pleasing, though rather melancholy, sound. This rising of the decoy in the evening is, in Somersetshire, called radding. The decoy-ducks are fed with hempseed, which is thrown over the screens in smalL quantities, to bring them forwards into the pipes or canals, and to allure the wild-fowl to follow, as this seed is so light as to float There are several pipes, as they are called, which lead up a narrow ditch that closes at last with a funnel-net. Over these pipes (which grow narrow from their first entrance) is a continued arch of netting suspended on hoops. It is necessary to have a pipe or ditch for al- most every wind that can blow, as upon this circum- stance it depends which pipe the fowl will take to; and the decoy-man always keeps on the leeward side of the ducks, to prevent his scent reaching their sagacious nos- trils. All along each pipe, at intervals, are placed screens made of reeds, which are so situated that it is impossible the wild-fowl should see the decoy-man be- fore they have passed on towards the end of the pipe, where the purse-net is placed. The inducement to the wild-fowl to go up one of these pipes is, because the de- coy-ducks trained to this lead the way, either after hearing the whistle of the decoy-man, or enticed by the hemp-seed; the latter will dive under water, whilst the wild-fowl fly on and are taken in the purse. It often happens, however, that the wild-fowl are in such a state of sleepiness and dozing, that they will not follow the decoy-ducks. Use is then generally made of a dog that is taught his lesson: he passes backwards and forwards between the red-screens (in which are h.» tie holes, both for the decoy-man to see, and the little dog to pass through); this attracts the eye of the wild- fowl, who, not choosing to be interrupted, advance to- wards the small and contemptible animal, that they may drive him away. The dog all the time, by the direction of the decoy-man, plays among the screens of reeds, nearer and nearer the purse-net; till at last perhaps the decoy-man appears behind a screen, and the wild-fowl DEC D E F. not daring to pass hy him in return, nor being able co escape upwards on account of the net-covering, rush on into the purse-net. Sometimes the dog will 1. >t attract their attention if a red handkerchief, or something very singular, is not put about him. The general season for catching fowl in decoys is from the end of October till February; the taking of them earlier is prohibited by an act 10 Geo. II. c. 32, which forbids it from June 1st to October 1st, under the penal- ty of five shilling-, for each bird destroyed within that space. The Lincolnshire decoys are commonly let at a cer- tain annual rent, from five to, twenty pounds a year; and there is one in Somersetshire that pays thirty pounds. Tbe former contribute principally to supply the markets in London. Amazing numbers of ducks, wi- gcons, and teal, are taken: by an account of the num- ber caught a few winters past, in one season, and in on- ly ten decoys, in the neighbourhood of Wainfleet, it ap- peared to amount to 31,200, in which are included seve- ral other species of ducks. Itis also to be observed, that in the above particular a couple of wigeon or teal are reckoned but as one, and consequently sell but at half- price of the ducks. It was customary formerly to have in the fens an an- nual driving ofthe young ducks before they took wing. Numbers of people assembled, who beat a vast tract, and forced the birds into a net placed at the spot where the aport was to terminate. Thus a hundred and fifty do- zens have been taken at once; but this practice, being supposed detrimental, has been abolished hy act of par- liament. DECRETE, in the law of Scotland, a final decree or judgment of the lords of session, from which an appeal lies only to parliament, where we find them but two of- ten reversed, a circumstance surely not much to the hon- our of the august bench whence the appeal lies. DECREMENT, in heraldry, signifies the wane of the moon from the full to the new. DECREPITATION. See Chemistry. DECRETAL, in the canon-law, a letter of a pope determining some point or question in the ecclesiastical law. The decretals composed the second part of the ca- non-law. The first genuine one acknowledged by all the learned as such, is a letter of pope Siricius, written in the year 385, to Himerus bishop of Tarragona in Spain, concerning some disorders which had crept into the churches of Spain. Gratian published a collection of decretals, containing all the ordinances made by the popes till the year 1150. Gregory IX. in 1227, following the example of Theodosius and Justinian, formed a con- stitution of his own; collecting into one body all the de- cisions, and all the causes, which served to advance the papal power: which collection of decretals was called the Pentateuch, because it contained five books. [DECU MARIA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, in the dodecandria class of plants. The caiyx is from eight to ten phyllous; the corolla eight or ten pe- talled, frutescent; capsule seven celled, polyspermous. There are two species, natives of Carolina and Pennsyl- vania: 1. the D. barbarn, of- climbing; 2. D. sannentosa, or running decumaria. (a) vol. i. 93 DECURIO,in Roman antiquity, a commander of tcf: men in the army, or the chief of a decury. DECUSSORIlTiI, a surgeon's instrument, wine';, bj pressing gently on the dura mater, causes an evacua- tion of the pus collected between the cranium and the before-mentioned membrane, through the perforation made by the trepan. DEDIMUS, potestatem, in law, a commission granted to one or more persons, for the forwarding and despatching some act appertaining to a judge, or some court; as to take answers in chancery, depositions of witnesses in a cause depending in that court, and levy a fine in the common pleas, &c. where persons live in the country, or cannot travel. DEED, is a written contract sealed and delivered. It must be written before the scaling and delivery, otherwise it is no deed; and after it is once formally executed by the parties, nothing can be added or inter- lined; and therefore, if a deed is sealed and delivered with a blank left for the sum, which the obligee fills up after seal ing and delivery, this will make the deed void. A deed must be made by parties capable of contract- ing, and upon a good consideration; and the subject must be legally and formally set out. The formal parts of a deed are: The premises, containing the number, names, addi- tions, and titles, of the parties. The habendum, which determines the estate and in- terest intended to be granted by the deed. The reddendum, or reservation, whereby the grantor reserves to himself something out of the thing granted. A condition, which is a clause of contingency, on the happening of which the estate granted may be defeated. The warranty, whereby the grantor, for himself and heirs, warrants or secures to the grantee the estate so granted. The covenants, which are clauses of agreement con- tained in the deed, whereby the contracting parties stip- ulate for the truth of certain facts, or bind themselves to the performance of some specific acts. The conclusion, which mentions the execution and date of the deed, or the time of its being given or exe- cuted, either expressly, or with reference to some day and year before mentioned. A deed may be either an indenture or a deed-poll. The former derives its name from being indented or cut'in an uneven manner, so as to tally with the counterparts, of which there ought to be as many as tliere are parties- the latter, or deed-poll, of which there is one part only' is so called from its being polled or shaved quite even. A deed is the most solemn act of law which a man can perform with respect to the disposition of his pro- perty, and therefore no person shall be permitted to aver or prove any thing against his own deed. All the parts of a deed indented, constitute in law but one entire deed; hut every part has the same operativfe force as all the parts taken together; and they arVdeeui cd the mutual or reciprocal acts of either of the partite- who may be bound by either part of the same, and the words of the indenture may be considered as the words of either party. wu«^ If the name of baptism or surname of a party to a ,W.i be mistaken, as John for Thomas, kc thkhii held to be dangerous. 2 Bulst 70 has b°En DEE DEE But any mistake as spelling, &c. not deviating from the substance of the deed, will not render it void. If a man gets another name in common esteem than his right name, any deed made to him under such name will he vallid. Every deed must be founded upon good and sufficient consideration; not upon an usurious contract, nor upon fraud or collusion, either to deceive bona fide purcha- sers, or just and lawful creditors; any of which conside- rations will vacate the deed, and subject the parties to forfeiture, and in some cases to imprisonment. A deed also without any consideration is void, and is construed to enure only to the benefit of the party mak- ing it. Considerations may be express or implied. An express consideration, is where a man contracts to do a certain act for a certain sum of money, or other equivalent act; and an implied consideration is, when it may be enforced by law; thus if a person does any work, or receives any goods from another, the law implies a consideration, which it will enforce although there was no specific agreement for remuneration. The written matter of a deed must be set forth in a le- gal and orderly manner, so that there are words sufficient to explain the meaning of the parties, and at the same time to bind them to the execution of their contract; and of this sufficiency the courts of lawr are to determine. Although it is not indeed absolutely necessary in law, to. have all the formal wTords which are usually drawn out in deeds, provided there arc sufficient words legally and clearly to explain the meaning of the parties; yet as these formal or orderly parts are calculated to convey the meaning of the parties in the most clear, distinct, and ef- fectual manner, and have been well considered and sanc- tioned by the wisdom of successive ages, itis prudent not to depart frpm them without good reason, and the most urgent necessity. The force and effect which the law gives to a deed under seal, cannot exist, unless such deed is exe- cuted by the party himself, or by another for him, in his presence, or with his direction; or in his absence by an agent authorised so to do, by another deed also under seal, and in every such case the deed must be made and executed in the name ofthe principal. A deed takes effect only from the day of delivery: and therefore if it has no date, or a date impossible, the de- livery will in all cases ascertain the date of it; and if another party seals the deed', yet if the party delivers it himself he adopts thesealingand signing, and by such de- livery makes them both his own. The delivery of a deed may be alleged at any time after the date; but unless it is sealed, and regularly de- livered, it is no deed. Another requisite of a deed is, that it be properly witnessed or attested; the attestation is, however, neces- *ary rather for preserving the evidence, than as intrinsi- cally essential to the validity ofthe instrument. There are four principles adopted by the courts of law fir the exposition of deeds, viz. That they be beneficial to the grantee, or person in wh >se favour they are intended to operate. That where the words may be employed to some in- terest, they shall not be void. That the words be construed according to the mean- ing of the parties, and not otherwise; and the intent of the parties shall be carried into effect, provided such in- tent can possibly stand at law. That they are to be consonant to the rules of law and deeds shall be expounded reasonably without injury to the grantor, and to the greatest advantage of the grantee. Deeds are further expounded upon the whole- and if the second part contradicts the first, such second part shall be void; but if the .latter expounds or explains the former, which it may, both parts may stand. In construction of law the first deed and the last will stand in force; and where a deed is by indenture be- tween parties, none can have an action upon such deed but the person who is a party to it. In a deed-poll bow! ever, one person may covenant with another who is not a party, to do certain acts, for the non-performance of which he may bring his action. Where a man justifies title under any deed, he ought to produce that deed; if it bealledged in pleading, it must be produced to the court, that it may determine whether the deed contains sufficient words to make a valid con- tract. Deed-poli, is a deed polled, or shaved, quite even; in contradistinction from an indenture, which is cut une- venly, and answerable to another writing that compre- hends the same words. A deed-poll is properly single, or of one part, and is intended for the Use of feoffee, gran- tee, or lessee; an indenture always consists of two or more parts and parties. Every deed that is pleaded, shall be intended to he a deed-poll, unless it is alleged to be indented. DEEMSTERS, or demsters. All controversies in the Isle of Man are decided without process, writings, or any charges, by certain judges chosen yearly from among themselves, called deemsters; there being two of them for each division of the Island: they sit as judges in all cnurts, either for life or property; and with the ad- vice of the twenty-four keys, declare what is law in un- common emergencies. DEEP SEA-LINE, or dip sea-line, in the sea-lan- guage, a small line to sound with: some a hundred and fifty fathoms long, with a hollow plummet at the head, and tallow put into it, to bring up stones, gravel, sand, shells, and the like, from the bottom, in order to know the differences of the ground; which being entered from time to time in their books, hy comparing of observa- tions, th«y guess by their soundings, &c. what coasts they arc on, though they cannot see land. DEER. See Cervus. Deer-stealebs, in England, are punishable by va- rious laws and statutes, made from time to time. Any offender convicted of deer-stealing, before a judge of gaol-delivery, may be transported, by 5 Geo. I. c. 28. And it is felony for persons to appear armed and dis- guised in a forest or park, and hunt or kill the deer, by 6 <5eo. I. c. 22. DE ESSENDO qtjietem de tolonio, inlaw, awrit which lies for those who, by privilege, are free from the payment of toll. DE EXPENSIS militum, in law, an ancient writ, commanding the sheriff to levy the expenses of a knight ofthe shire, for his attendance in parliament, being foul D E F DEI shillings a day. There is also another writ of the like nature, de expensis civium et bnrgenisum, for levying two shillings a day for the expenses of every citizen and burgess of parliament. DE FACTO, something actually in fact, or existing; in contradistinction to de jure, where a thing is only so in justice, but not in fact: as a king de facto is a person thatis in actual possession of a crown, but has no legal light to the same; and a king de jure is the person who has just right to the crown, though he is out of possession of it. DEFAMATION, the offence of speaking slanderous words of another; and where any person circulates any report injurious to the credit or character of another, the party injured may bring an action to recover dama- ges proportioned to the injury he has sustained; but it is incumbent upon the party to prove he sustained an inju- ry, to entitle him to damages. In some cases however, as for words spoken which hy law are in themselves ac- tionable, as calling a tradesman a bankrupt, cheat, or swindler. &c. there is no occasion to prove any particu- lar damage; but the plaintiff must be particularly atten- tive to state words precisely as they were spoken, other- wise he will be nonsuited. DEFAULT, is commonly taken for non-appearance in court at a day assigned. If a plaintiff make default in appearance in a trial at law, he will be nonsuited; and where defendant makes a default, judgment shall be had against him by default. Default in criminal cases. If an offender, being indicted, appears at the capias, and pleads to issue, and is let to bail to attend his trial, and then make default; here the inquest, in case of felony, shall never be taken by default; buta capias ad audiendum juratum shall issue, and if the party is not taken, an exigent; and if he appear on that writ, and then makes default, an exigi facias de novo may be granted: but where, upon the capias on ex- igent, the sheriff returns cepi corpus, and at the day has not his body, the sheriff shall be punished; but no new exigent awarded, because in custody of record. 2 H. H. 202. Default of jurors. If jurors make default in their appearance for trying of causes, they shall forfeit their issues, unless they have any reasonable excuse proved by witness, in which case the justices may discharge the issues for default. Stat. 35 H. VIII. c. 6. DEFEASANCE, a condition relating to a deed; as to a recognizance or statute, which being performed by the recognizor, the deed is defeated, and made void, as if it had never been done. The difference between a pro- viso or a condition in a deed, and a defeasance, is, that the condition is annexed to, or inserted in, the deed or grant; and a defeasance is a deed by itself concluded and agreed on between the parties, and having relation to another deed. DEFENCE, in fortification, all sorts of works that cover and defend the opposite posts; as flanks, case- mates, parapets, and fausscbrays. It is almost impossi- ble to fix the miner to the face of a bastion, till the de- fences of the opposite one are ruined, that is, till the parapet of its flank is beaten down, and the cannon, in all parts that can fire upon that face which is attacked, are dismounted. Defence, line of, a supposed line drawy. irom the angle of the curtin, or from any other part in the cur- tin, to the flanked angle of the opposite bastion. A Iin*1 of defence represents the flight of a musqnet-ball from the place where the musqueteers stand, to sc our the face of the bastion, and ought never to exceed the reach ofa musquet. It is cither fichant or rasant; fhe first i> when it is drawn from the angle of the curtin to the flanked angle; the last when it is drawn from a point ir the curtin, raising the face of the bastion. Defence, in law, signifies a plea, or what the de- fendant ought to make after the plaintiff's count, or c!e claration, viz. that he defends all the wrong, force, and damages, where and when he ought, kc. If the de- fendant would plead to the jurisdiction, he must omi: the words «« where and when he ought;" and if he woulo" show any disability in the plaintiff, and demand judgment if the plaintiff shall be answered, then he ought to omit the defence ofthe damage. There is a full defence usually in personal actions. DEFERENTIA VASA. See Anatomy. DEFICIENT NUMBERS, those whose parts or multiples added together fall short of the integer, of which they are tbe parts: such is 8, its parts, 1, 2, 4, making only 7. See the article Number. DEFILE, in fortification, a straight narrow passage, through which a company of horse or foot can pass only in file, by making a small front; so that the enemy may take an opportunity to stop their march, and to charge them with so much the more advantage, as those in the front and rear cannot reciprocally come to the relief of one another. To Defile, is to reduce an army to a small front, in order to march through a defile. DEFINITION, in rhetoric, is described by Cicero, a short comprehensive explanation. The special rules for a good definition are these: 1. A definition must be universal, or adequate, that is, it must agree to all the particular species or individuals that are included under the same idea. 2* It must be proper, and peculiar to the thing defined, and agree to that alone. These two rules being observed will always render a definition reciprocal with the thing defined, that is, the definition may be used in the place of the thing defined: or they may be mutually affirmed con- cerning each other. 3. A definition should he clear and plain; and indeed it is a general rule concerning the definition both of names and things, that no word should be used in either of them which has any difficulty in it, unless it has been before defined. 4. A definition should be short, so that it must have no tautology in it, nor.. any words superfluous. 5. Neither the thing defined, nor a mere synonymous name should make any part of the definition. DEFLAGRATION. See Chemistry. DEFOLIATION (from de, and folium a leaf), the fall ofthe leaves; a term opposed to frondescentia, the an- nual renovation of the leaves, produced by the unfold- ing of the buds in spring. Most plants in cold and temperate climates shed their leaves every year- this happens in autumn, and is generally announced by the aowenng-of the common meadow-saffron. The term is D E F D E G only applied to trees and shrnbs; for herbs perish down to the root every year, losing stem, leaves, and all. All plants do not drop their leaves at the same time. Among large trees, the ash and the walnut, although latest in unfolding are soonest divested of them: the latter seldom carries its leaves above five months. On the oak and hornbeam the leaves die and wither as soon as the cold commences; but remain attached to the branches till they are pushed off by the new ones, which unfold themselves in the following spring. These trees are doubtless a kind of half evergreens: the leaves are probably destroyed only by cold; and perhaps would continue longer on the plant but for the force of the spring-sap, joined to the moisture. In mild and dry seasons the lilac, privet, yellow jes- samine of the woods, and maple of Crete, preserve their leaves green until spring, and do not drop them till the new leaves are beginning to appear. The fig- tree, and many other trees that grow between the tro- pics, are of this particular class of ever-greeifs. The trees in Egypt, says doctor Ilassclquist, cast their leaves in the end of December and the beginning of January, having young leaves ready before all the old ones arc fallen off; and to forward this operation of nature few of the trees have buds: the scycamore and willow, in- deed, have some, but with few and quite loose stipula or scales. Nature did not imagine buds so necessary in the southern as in the northern countries: this occa- sions a great difference between them. Lastly, some trees and shrubs preserve their leaves constantly through the whole year, and are not in the least influenced by clemency or inclemency of seasons. Such are the firs, juniper, yew, cedar, cypress, and ma- ny other tress, bonce denominated evergreens. These preserve their old leaves a long time after the formation of the new, and do not drop them at any determinate time. In general, the leaves of evergreens are harder, and less succulent, than those which are renewed annu- ally. These trees are generally natives of warm cli- mates; as the alaternuses of France and Italy, the ever- green oak of Portugal and Suabia. The following' table, respecting the mean times in which different trees shed their leaves, is founded upon observation: Gooseberry-tree and blad-der-sena, "*j 3 fOct. Walnut and ash, - Almond-tree, horse-chesnut, and lime-tree, - Maple, hazel-nut, black poplar, and aspen-tree, - Birch, plane-tree, mountain osier, false acacia, pear, and apple-tree, « Nov. 1. Vine, mulberry, fig, sumac, and an- M gelica-trce, =£ ----10. Elm-tree and willow, - - « ----15. Apricot and elder-trees, - - J « L----20. It deserves to be remarked, that an evergreen tree grafted upon a deciduous, determines the latter to re- tain its leaves. This observation is confirmed by re- peated experiments, particularly hy grafting the laurel, or cherry-bay, an evergreen, on the common cherry; and the ilex, or evergreen oak, on the oak. DEFORCEMENT, in law, the casting any one out W 1. 15. 20. 25. of his land, or a withholding of lands and tenements by force from the right owner. J Deforcement, in the law of Scotland, is used for resisting, or offering violence to the officers of the law while they are actually employed in the exercise of their functions, by putting its orders and sentences in execu- tion. The punishment of this crime is confiscation of moveables, joined with some arbitrary punishment, as fine, imprisonment, banishment, or corporal pains/ ac- cording to the degree of violence, and other circum- stances which aggravate the crime. DEFORCEOR, in law, is a person that overcomes and casts forth another from his lands and tenements by force, and differs from a disseisor on this account: 1. That a man may be disseised without force. 2. A man may deforce another that never was in possession* as where many have a right to lands, as common heirs and one of them enters and keeps out the rest. A de- forceor likewise differs from an intruder, who is made by a wrongful entry only into land, kc. void of a pos- sessor, whilst a deforceor is he that holds out against the right heir. DEFTERDAR, or deftardar, in the Turkish and Persian polity, an officer of state, answering to our lord treasurer, who appoints deputies in every pro- vince. DEGLUTITION, in medicine, the act of swallow- ing the food: performed by means of the tongue driv- ing the aliment into the cesophagus, which, by the con- traction of the sphincter, protrudes the contents down- wards. DEGRADATION, a punishment of delinquent ec- clesiastics. The canon-law distinguishes it into two sorts: the one summary, by word only; the other so- lemn, by stripping the person degraded of those orna- ments and lights which are the ensigns of his order or degree. The canonists likewise distinguish degrada- tion from deposition; understanding by the latter the depriving a man of his clerical orders, but by the for- mer only the removing him from his rank or degree. In the ancient primitive church, degrading a clergy- man was reducing him to the state and communion of laymen. The full import of the phrase, however, is the depriving him of his orders, and reducing him to the simple condition of a layman; a punishment inflicted for several offences, as adultery, theft, or fraud: and clergymen thus reduced were seldom allowed to recover their ancient station, except upon some great necessity, or very pressing reason. Degradation in the Romish church is attended with a great deal of ceremony. The offender is stripped of his pontifical vestments, and at the same time the person who degrades him scrapes his fingers with a knifc, or a little piece of glass, de- claring to him that the power of consecrating, blessing, and sanctifying, is taken from him: he erases the marks of the tonsure in the same manner, which a barber com- pletes by shaving his head all over. Degradation, in painting, expresses the lessening the appearance of distant objects in a landscape, in the same manner as they would appear to an eye placed at that distance from them. See the articles Peusfec- tive and Painting. DEGRADED CROSS, in heraldry, a cross divided DEGREE into steps at each end, diminishing as they ascend to- wards the centre, called by the French peronne'e. DEGREE, in geometry, a division of a circle, in- cluding a three hundred and sixtieth part of its circum- ference. Every circle is supposed to be divided into three hun- dred and sixty parts, called degrees, and each degree divided into sixty other parts, called minutes; each of these minutes being again divided into sixty seconds, each second into thirds, and each third into fourths, and so on. See the articles Minuti;, Secoxd, kc. By this means no more degrees or parts are reckoned in the greatest circle than in the least that is; and there- fore if the same angle at the centre be subtended by two concentrical arches, as many degrees are counted in the one as in the other; for these two arches have the same proportion to their whole peripheries. A degree of the meridian on the surface of the globe is variously determined by various observers. Pluh-my fixes the degree at 68| Arabic miles, coun- ting 7 £ stadia to a mile. The Arabs themselves, who made a computation of the dianvtcr of the earth, by measuring the distance of two places under the same meridian, in the plains of Sennar, by order of Alma- mon, make it only 56 miles. Kepler, determining the diameter of the earth by the distance of two mountains, makes a degree 13 German miles; but his method is far from being accurate. Snell, seeking the diameter of the earth irom the distance between two parallels ofthe equator, finds the quantity of a degree by one method 57,064 Paris toises, or 342,384 feet; by another me- thod 57,057 Paris toises, or 342,342 feet. The mean between which two numbers M. Picard found by men- suration, in 1669, from Amiens to Malvoisin, the most « ertain; and he makes the quantity of a degree 57,060 toises, or 342..?60 feet. However, M. Cassini, at the king's command, in the year 1700, repeated the same labour; and measuring the space of 6° 18', from the observatory at Paris, along the meridian, to the city of Coliiouiv m Roussillon, that the greatness of the in- terval might diminish tbe error, found the length of the degree equal to 57,-292 toises, or 343,742 Paris feet, amounting to 365,184 English feet. And with this account nearly agrees that of Nor- wood, of England, who, about the year 1635, mea- sured the distance between London and York, and found that distance 905,761 English feet; the difference of latitude being 2° 28', hence lie determined the quan- tity of one degree at 367,196 English feet, or 57,300 Paris toises, or 69 miles, 288 yards. M. Cassini, the son, completed the work of measur- ing the whole arc of the meridian through France, in 1718. For This purpose be divided the meridian of frame into hvo arcs, which be measured separately. Tbe one from Paris to Colihune gave him 57,097 toises; lite other, from Paris to Dunkirk, 5G,%0; and the wh.ie arc from Dunkirk to Collioure 57,060; the saino as M. Picard's. M. Muschcnbroek, in 1700, resolving to correct the eri-ois of Smil, found by particular observations, that the degree between Alcmaer and Brrgen-op-^oou con- tained 57,033 toisrv. Messieurs Mauprrtui^, Clairaut, Camus, Monnier, and Outheir, of France, were sent on a northern ex- pedition; and began their operations, assisted by M. Celus, an eminent astronomer of Sweden, in Swedish Lapland, in July 1736, aiid finished them by tbe end of May following. They obtained the measure of that de- gree, whose middle point was in lat. 66° 20' north, and found it 57,439 toises, when reduced to the level of the sea. About the same time another company of philoso- phers was sent to South America, viz. messieurs Godin, Bouguer, and Condamine, of France, to whom were joined don Jorge Juan, and don Antonio de Ulloa, of Spain. They left Europe in 1735, and began their ope- rations in the province of Quito, in Peru, about Octo- ber 1736, and finished them, after many interruptions, about eight years after. The Spanish gentlemen pub- lished a separate account, and assigned for the measure of a degree of the meridian at the equator 56,768 toises. M. Bouguer makes it 56,753 toises, when reduced to the level of the sea; and M. Condamine states it at 56,749 toises. M. La CaiHe, being at the Cape of Good Hope irt 1752, found the length of a degree of the meridian in lat. 33° 18' 30" south, to he 57*,037 toises. In 1755 fa- ther Boscovich found the length of a degree in lat. 43° north to be about 56,972 toises, as measured between Rome and Rimini, in Italy. In the year 1740 messrs. Cassini and La Caille again examined the former mea- sures in France; and after making all the necessary corrections, found the measure of a"degree, whose mid- dle point is in lat. of 49° 22' north, to be 57,074 toi- ses; and in the lat. of 45° it was 57,050 toises. In 1764 F. Beccaria completed the measurement ofa portion of the meridian near Turin; from which itis deduced that the length of a degree, whose middle lat. is 44° 44' north, is 57,024 Paris toises. At Vienna three degrees of the meridian were mea- sured; and the medium for the latitude of 47° 40' north may be taken at 57,091 Paris toises. Se» an account of this measurement in the Phil. Trans. 1768. Finally, in the same volume is an account of the measurement of a part of the meridian in Maryland aud Pennsylvania, 1766, by messieurs Mason and Dixon; from which it follows that the length of a degree whose middle point is 39° 12' north, was 363,763 Enaiish feet, or 56.904 {.Paris toises. Hence from the whole we may collect the following table ot the principal measures of a deeree in different parts ot the earth, as measured hy different persons, viz. r ' Mean Latitude Length ofa] Degree in J Paris toises' Names of the Mea- surers. 66° 20' N 49 2S N 47 45 44 43 S9 0 S3 40 N 0 N 44 N 0 N 12 N 0 N 18 S 57422 57074 57091 57028 57069 56979 56888 56750 57037 jars of Measure- ment. Maupertuis, ovc. J"Maupertuis. kc \ and Cassini Liesganig Cassini Beccaria f Boscovich and 1 Le Maire Mason k Dixon {Bouguer and Condamine LaCaille 1736 and 1737 1739 and 1740 1766 1739 and 1740 1760 to 1764 1752 1764 to 1768' 1736 to 1744 1752 DEGREE, The. method of obtaining the length of a degree ofthe terrestrial meridian, is to measure a certain distance upon it by a series of triangles, whose angles may be found by actual observation, connected with a base whose, length may be taken by an actual survey or otherwise; and then to observe the different altitudes of some star at the two extremities of that distance, which gives the difference of latitude between them: then, by proportion, as this difference of latitude is to one de- gree, so is the measured length to the length of one degree of the meridian sought. This method was first practised by Erastothenes, in Egypt. Degree of longitude, is the space between two meri- dians that make an angle of 1° with each other at the poles; the quantity or length of which is variable, accor- ding to the latitude, being every where as the cosine of the latitude; viz. as the cosine of one lat. is to the cosine of another, so is the length of a degree in the former lat. to that in the latter; and from this theorem is computed the following table of the length of a degree of long, in different latitudes, supposing the earth to be a globe. Note. This table is computed on the supposition, that the degrees of the equator are equal to those of the me- ridian at the medium latitude of 45°, which length is 69TY English miles. The expressions latitude and longitude are borrowed from the ancients, who happened to be acquainted with a much larger extent of earth in the direction east and west.than in that of north and south; the former of which therefore passed, with them, for the length of the earth, or longitude; and the latter for the breadth, or shorter dimension, viz. the lititude. JJeir. int. Kng. miles. Heir, lat Eng. miles. Deir. lat. Kng. miles. 0 69.07 31 59.13 61 33.45 1 69.06 32 58.51 62 32.40 2 69.03 33 57.37 63 31.33 3 68.97 34 57.20 64 30.24 4 68.90 35 56.51 65 29.15 5 68.81 36 . 55.81 66 28.06 6 68.62 37 ' 55.10 67 26.96 7 68.43 38 54.37 " 68 25.85 8 68.31 39 53.62 69 24.73 9 68.15 40 52.85 70 23.60 10 67.95 41 52.07 71 22.47 n 67.73 42 51.27 72 21.32 15 67.48 43 50.46 73 20.17 13 67.21 44 49.63 74 19.02 14 . 66.95 45 48.78 75 17.86 15 66.65 46 47.93 76 "*. 16.70 16 66.31 47 47.06 77 15.52 17 65.98 48 46.16 78 14.35 18 65.62 49 45.26 79 13.17 19 65.24 50 44.35 80 11.98 20 64.84 51 43.42 81 10.79 21 64.42 52 42.48 82 9.59 22 63.97 53 41.53 83 8.41 23 63.51 54 40.56 84 7.21 24 63.03 55 39.58 ' 85 6.00 25 62.53 56 38.58 86 4.81 26 62.02 57 37.58 87 ■ 3.61 27 61.48 58 36.57 88 2.41 28 60.93 59 35.54 89 1.21 29 60.35 60 34.50 90 j 0.00 30 59.75 Our theory of navigation being founded- upop an by,. pothcsis ofthe degrees of latitude being all equal, musto^ consequence be very erroneous, wherefore wc here insert a table of the degrees in the quadrantal arch of the me- ridian, both in the sphere and spheriod, with their differ- ences, as calculated by the Rev. Mr. Murdoch. A TABLE of Arches of the Meridian to the Spheriod and Sphere, in minutes ofthe Equator. Degr. Spheroid. ; Sphere. | DifF. 1 2 3 4 5 58,7 117.3 176.0 234.7 293.4 60.0 120.0 180.0 240.0 300.0 1.3 2.7 4.f| 5.3 6.6 6 7 8 9 10 352.1 410.8 469.6 528.3 587.0 360.0 420.0 480.0 540.0 600.0 7.9 9.2 10.4 11.7 13.0 11 12 13 14 15 645.8 704.5 763.3 822.1 880.9 660.0 720.0 780.0 840.0 900.0 14.2 15.5 16.7 17.9 19.1 16 17 18 19 20 939.7 998.5 1057.4 1116.3 1175.2 960.0 1020.0 1080.0 1140.0 1200.0 20.3 21.5 22.6 23-7 24.8 21 22 23 24 25 1234.1 1293.0 1352.0 1411.0 1470.0 1260.0 1320.0 1380.0 1440.0 1500.0 25.9 27.0 28.0 29.0 30.0 26 27 28 29 30 1529.0 1588.1 1647.2 1706.3 1765.5 1560.0 1620.0 1680.0 1740.0 1800.0 31.0 31.9 32.8 33.7 34.5 31 32 33 34 35 1824.7 1883.9 1943.1 2002.4 2061.7 1860.0 1920.0 1980.0 2040.0 2100.0 35.3 36.1 36.9 37.6 38.3 36 37 38 39 40 2121.0 2180.4 2239.8 2299.2 2358.7 2160.0 2220.0 2280.0 2340.0 2400.9 39.0 39.6 40.2 40.8 41.3 41 42 43 44 45 2418.2 2477.7 2537.3 2596.8 2656.6 2460.0 2520.0 2580.0 2640.0 2700.0 41.8 42.3 42.7 43.6 43.4 D E G <><-gr. Spheroid. Sphere. riifr. 46 2716.4 2760\0 43.6 47 2776.2 2820.0 43.8 48 2835.9 2880.0 44.1 49 2895.5 2940.0 44.5 50 . 2955.3 3000.0 44.7 51 3015.2 3060.0 44.8 52 3075.0 3120.0 44.9 53 3135.0 3180.0 45.0 54 3194.9 3240.0 45.1 55 3254.9 3300.0 45.1 56 3314.9 8360.0 43.1 57 3370.0 3420.0 45.0 58 3435.1 3480.0 44.9 59 3495.2 3540.0 44.8 60 5555.5 3600.0 44.7 61 5615.5 S6Ji).u 44.5 62 3675.7 3720.0 44.3 63 3736.0 3730.0 44.0 64 3790.2 3340.0 43.8 65 3856.5 3900.0 43.5 '.;<; 3916.8 3960.0 43.2 67 3977.2 4020.0 42.8 68 4037.5 4080.0 42.5 69 4097.9 4140.0 42.1 70 4158.4 4200.0 41.6 71 4218.8 42C0.0 41.2 —.■> 4279.3 4320.0 40.7 75 4339.8 4380.0 40.2 74 4400.3 4440.0 39.7 75 4460.8 4500.0 39.2 76 4521.3 4560.0 38.7 77 « 4581.9 4620.0 38.1 78 4642.5 4680.0 37.5 79 4703*1 4740.0 36.9 80 4763.7 4800.0 36.3 81 ■4824.3 4860.0 35.7 R2 4884.9 4920.0 35.1 83 4945.5 4980.0 34.3 84 5006.2 5040.0 33.8 85 5066.8 5100.0 33.2 86 5127.5 5160.0 3.2.5 87 5188.2 5220.0 31.8 88 5248.8 5280.0 31.2 89 5309.5 5340.0 30.5 90 , 5370.2 5400.0 29.8 Degree, in the civil and canon law. denotes an in- terval in kinship by which proximity and remoteness < f blood are computed. In computing degrees of consan- guinity, the rule ofthe civil law is urmcroal, either in the direct or collateral, otherwise called the oblique line; lor as many generations as there are, so many de- grees there are likewise. But in the canon law, the rule D E L is different for the oblique line. And here a distinction is made between the equal and the unequal oblique line. In the first case the rule is, as many degrees as rhe per- sons alliejl are distant from the common stock, so many they are distant from one another. In the other case the rule is, as many degrees as the most remote is distant from the common stock, so many the persons are dis- tant from one another. Hence the sister of a person's grand-father by the civil law is distant from that person in the fourth degree; whereas, by the canon law, she is only in the third degree. Degree, theoretical, in music, the difference of posi- tion or elevation between any two notes. There are con- junct and disjunct degrees. When two notes are situated so as to form the interval of a second, the degree is said to be conjunct; and when they form a third, or any greater interval, the degree is called disjunct. Degree, in universities, denotes a kind of rank or dis- tinction conferred on the students or members as a tes- timony of their proficiency in the arts or si iences, and entitling them to certain privileges. The degrees are much the same in all universities, but the laws and the previous discipline or exercise differ. The degrees are batcleior, master, and doctor; instead of which last, in some foreign universities, tbey have licentiate. M ith regard to obtaining degrees at Oxford and Cam- bridge, mailers are nearly on the same footing. To pass bachelor of divinity, the candidate must have been seven years master of arts: he must have opposed a bachelor of divinity act, and preached before the uni- versity once in Latin and once in English. DELEGATES, court of, is so called, because by stat. 26 H. VIII. c. 19, the judges are delegated hy the king's commission under the great seal, to hear and de- termine appeals in the three following cases: 1. Where a sentence is given in any ecclesiastical cause by the archbishop or his official. 2. When a sentence is given in any ecclesiastical cause in the places exempt. 3. When a sentence is given in the admiral's court, in suits civil and maiine, by order of the civil law. This commission is usually filled with lords spiritual and temporal, judges of the courts at Westminster, and doctors of the civil law. 4 Inst. 339. DELEGATION, in the civil law, is a kind of nomi- nation, by which a debtor appoints one that is debtor to him, to answer a creditor in his place. This delegation differs from transferring, or translation, in this; that three persons intervene in a delegation, viz. the creditor, the debtor, and a third indebted to the debtor; whereas in a transfer, it is enough that the transferer and the transferee be present. DELF, from to delve, or dig, denotes a quarry or mine, v.iiere either stone or coal is dug; but is more par- ticularly used for the veins of coal lving under ground before it is dugup. A delf, or delve of coals, also denotes a certain quantity when dug. Dfiii, in heraldry, is hy some supposed to represent a square rod or turf, and to he so called from dtlvine. or Egging. s' ot DELFT ware, a kind of pottery of baked earth, co- >cred with an enamel or white glazing, which rives it the appearance an(l ncat|less of polrc,ai Som* J™ of this enamelled pottery differ much from others ei her DEL DEL in their susta:oiiig sudden heat without breaking, or in the beauty and regularity of their forms, of their enamel, and of the pain 'ing with which they are ornamented. In general, lhe fine L-aid beautiful enamelled ware, which approaches the nearest to porcelain in external appear- ance, is at the same time that which least resists a brisk fire. Again, those which sustain a sudden heat are coarse, and resemble common pottery. The basis of this pottery is clay, which is mixed, when too fat, with such a quantity of sand, that the earth shall preserve enough of its ductility to be worked, moulded, and turned easily; and yet that its fatness shall be suffi- ciently taken from it, that it may not crack or shrink too much in drying or in baking. Vessels formed of this earth must be dried very gently, to avoid cracking. They are then to be placed in a furnace, to receive a slight baking, which is only meant to give them a certain consistence or hardness. And lastly, they are to he co- vered with an enamel or glazing, which is defrie by put- ting upon the vessel thus prepared the enamel, which has been ground very fine, and diluted with water. As vessels on which the enamel is applied, are but slightly baked, they readily imbibe the water in which the enamel is suspended, and a layer of this enamel ad- heres to their surface. These vessels may then be paint- ed with colours composed of metallic calces, mixed and ground with fusible glass. When they are become per- fectly dry, they are to be placed in the furnace, included in cases of baked earth called seggars, and exposed to a heat capable of fusing uniformly the enamel which covers them. The heat given to fuse the enamel being much stronger than that which was applied at first to give some consistence to the ware, is also the heat ne- cessary to complete the baking of it. The furnace and colours used for painting this ware, are the same as those employed for porcelain. Delft-ware is not so much used in England as formerly. DELI AC, or Delian problem, a problem much celebrated in the writings of the ancients, concerning the duplication of the cube. See Cube. DELIMA, in botany, a genus of plants belonging to the polyandria monogynia class, with an elongated style: it has no flower-petals; the cup consists of five leaves; the fruit is a bivalve capsule, and contains two seeds. There is one species. DELIRIUM. See Medicine. DELIVERY. See Midwifery. DELPHINIUM, dolphin-flower, or larkspur, a genus of the trigynia order, in the polyandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 26th order, multisiliquae. Tliere is no calyx; the petals are five; the nectarium bifid, and horned, behind; the siliquse three or one. There are 11 species; four are cultivated in gardens. Two of these are annual, and two perennial: they are herbaceous plants of upright growth, .rising from 18 inches to 4 feet in height, garnished with finely divided leaves, and terminated by long spikes of penta- petalous flowers, of blue, red, white, or violet colours. One annual species, the consolida, is found wild in seve- ral parts of Britain, and grows in corn-fields. According to Dr. Withering, the expressed juice of the petals, with a little alum, makes a good blue ink. The seeds are acrid and poisonous. When cultivated, the blossoms of- ten become double. Sheep and goats cat this plant- horses arc not fond of it; cows and swine refuse it. ' DELPH1NUS, or dolphin, a genus of fishes be- longing to the order of cete. There are three species: 1. The delphinus, delphis. or dolphin. Historians and philosophers seem to have contended who should invent most fables concerning this fidi. It was consecrated to the gods, was celebrated in the earliest time for its fond- ness ofthe human race, was honoured with the title of the sacred fish, and distinguished by that of philanthro- pist. At present the appearance of this fish, and the por- posse, arc far from being esteemed favourable omens In the seamen; for their bounding-;, springs, anil frolics, in the water, are held to be certain signs of an approaching gale. It is from their leaps out of that element that tbey assume a temporary form that is not natural to them; but which the old painters and sculptors have almost al- ways given them. A dolphin is scarcely ever exhibited by the ancients in a straight shape, but almost always incurvated: such are those on the coin of Alexander the Great, which is preserved by Belon, as well as on seve- ral other pieces of antiquity; and the poets describe them much in the same manner. The natural shape of the dol- phin, however, is almost straight, the back being very slightly incurvated, and the body slender; the nose is long, narrow, and pointed, not much unlike the beak of some birds, for which reason the French call it l'oie-de-mer. It has in all 40 teeth, 21 in the upper jaw and 19 in the lower; a little above an inch long, conic at their upper end, sharp-pointed, bending a little in. They are placed at small distances from each other; so that when the mouth is shut, the teeth of both jaws lock into one ano- ther; the spout-hole is placed in the middle of the head; the tail is semilunar; the skin is smooth, the colour of the back and sides dusky, the belly whitish; it swims with great swiftness, and its prey is fish. It was former- ly reckoned a great delicacy. This species of dolphin, however, must not be confounded with that to which seamen give the name; the latter being quite another kind of fish, the coryphsena hippuris of Linnseus, and the dorado ofthe Portuguese. 2. The phocsena, or porpesse. This species is found in vast multitudes in all parts ofthe British seas; but in greatest numbers at the time when fish of passage ap- pear, such as mackarel, herrings, and salmon, which they pursue upthe hays with the same eagerness as adog does a hare. In some places they almost darken the sea, as they rise above water to take breath: but porpesses not only seek for prey near the surface, but often de- scend to the bottom in search of sand-ells and sea-worms, which they root out of the sand with their nosos. Their bodies are very thick towards the head, but grow slen- der towards the tail. The nose projects a little, is much shorter than that of the dolphin, and is furnished with very strong muscles,"which enable it the readier to turn up the sand. The colour of the porpesse is generally black, and the belly whitish; but they sometimes vary. In the river St. Lawrence there is a white kind; and Dr. Borlase, in his voyage to the Scilly isles, observed a small species of cetaceous fish, which he calls thornbacks, from their broad and sharp fin on the back. Some of these were brown, some quite white, others spotted: but whether they were only a variety of this fish, or whether DEL DEM they were small grampuses, which are aiso spotted, we cannot determine. The porpesse is remarkable for the vast quantity of fat that surrounds the body, which yields a great quantity of excellent oil. From this, or from their roothig like swine, they arc called in many places sea-hogs. This was once a royal dish, even so late as the reign ol* Henry VI11. and from its magnitude must have held a very respectable station, at the table; for in a household-book of that prince, extracts of which are published in the third volume of the Archseologia, it is ordered, that if a porpesse should be too big for a horse-load, allowance should be made to the purveyor. This fish continued in vogue even in the reign of Eliza- beth. 3. The orca, or grampus, is found from the length of 15 feet to that of 25. It is remarkably thick in propor- tion to its length; one of 18 feet being in the thickest place 10 feet diameter. With reason then did Pliny call this " an immense heap of flesh armed with dreadful teeth." It is extremely voracious; and will not even spare the porjics.se, a congenerous fish. It is said to be a great enemy to the whale, and that it will fasten on it like a dog on a bull, till the animal roars with pain. The nose is flat, and turns up at the end. There are 30 teeth in each jaw; those before are blunt, round, and slender; the farthest sharp and thick: between each is a space adapted to receive the teeth of the opposite jaw when the mouth is closed. The spout-hole is in the top of the neck. The colour of the back is black, but on each shoulder is a large white spot; the sides marbled with black and white; the belly of a snowy whiteness. These fishes sometimes appear on our coasts, but are found in much greater numbers off the North Cape in Norway, whence they arc called the north-capers. These and all other whales are observed to swim against the wind; and to be much disturbed, and tumble about with unusual violence, at the approach of a storm. 4. The leucas, a species called by the Germans and Russians »• white fish." The body is oblong, and rather slender, tapering from the back (which is a little elevat- ed) to the tail. It is quite destitute of the dorsal fin. Its length is from 12 to 18 feet. It makes great use of its tail in swimming; for it bends that part under it, as a lobster does its tail, and works it with such force as to dart along with the rapidity of an arrow. It is common in all the Arctic seas, and forms an article of commerce, being taken on account of its blubber. They are nume- rous in the Gulph of St. Lawrence, and go with the tide as high as Quebec. Tliere are fisheries for them and the common porpesse in that river. A considerable quantity of oil is extracted, and of their skin is made a sort of morocco leather, thin, yet strong enough to resist a mus- ket-Vill. They are frequent in the Dwina and the Oby, go in small families from five to ten, and advance pretty far up the rivers in pursuit of fish. They are usually caught in nets, hut arc sometimes harpooned. They bring only one young at a time, which is dusky; but they grow white as they advance in age, the change first commencing on the belly. Thev are apt to follow boats, as if they were tamed, and appear extremely beautiful b> their resplendent whiteness. Dkli'hims, in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, whose stars in Ptolemy's and v OL. l. 94 Tyclu/s catalogues are ten, and in Mr. Flamstecd's eighteen. DEM A1N, or demesne, inEugland signifies tbe king's lands appertaining to him in property. No common person has any demains simply understood, for the;, have no land (that of the crown only excepted) which is not holden of a superior, as all depends cither mediately, or imme- diately, on the crown: thus, when a man in pleadi:ig would signify his land to be his own, he says that he i^ or was seized thereof in his domain as of fee; whereby he means, that although his land is to hi in and his heirs for ever; yet it is not true demain, but depending upon a superior lord, and holden by service, or rent in lieu of service, or by both service and rent. DEMAND, calling upon a man for any sum or sums of money, or any other thing due. By the several sta- tutes of limitation, debts, claims, kc. are to be demand- ed and made in time, or they will be lost in law. There are two manners of demands, the one in deed, the other in law: in deed, as in every precipe there is an express demand; in law, as in every entry in land, distress for rent, taking or seizing of goods, and such like acts, which may be done without any words, are demands in law. Where there is a duty which the law makes payable on demand, no demand need be made; but if there is no du- ty till demand, in such case there must he a demand to make the duty. 1 Lit. 432. Upon a penalty the party need not make a demand; as if a man he bound to pay 20/. on such a day, and in default thereof to pay 40/. the 40/. must be paid without demand. If a person release to another all demands, this is the best release the re- leasee can have, as he is thereby excluded from all ac- tions, duties, and seizures. [DEM ATIUM, in botany, a genus of the class cryp- togamia, order fungi; there are three species, (b) DEMI-cadence, in music, a term used in church- music. When the last or final sound of a verse in a chant is on the key-note, it is called a full or complete cadence; but if it fall on any other than the key-note, as the fifth or third, it takes the name of an imperfect or demi- cadence. Demi-culverin, apiece of ordnance usually4| inches bore, 2700 pound weight, 10 feet long, and carrying point-blank 175 paces. Demi-culverin of the least size, is 4 J inches bore, 10 feet long, and 2000 pounds weight. It carries a ball of four inches diameter, and of nine pounds weight, and its level range is 174 paces. Demi-culverin ofthe largest sort, is4| inches bore, lOf feet long, and weighs 3000 pounds. It carries a ball 4\ inches diameter, weighing 12 ponnds 11 ounces, point-blank 178 paces. Demi-ditone, a minor third. Demi-gorge, in fortification, is that part of the poly- gon which remains after the flank is raised, and goes from the curtin to the angle of the polygon. It is half of the vacant space or entrance into a bastion. Demi-luxe, half-moon, in fortification, an outwork consisting of two faces and two little flanks, frequently [milt before the angle of a bastion, and sometimes also before the curtin, though now much disused. Demi-tone, an interval of half a tone. See Slmi tone. DEM DEN DEMISEMIQUAVER, a note of the ninth degree of length, reckoning from the large, or of the sixth de- gree of length, reckoning from the scmibreve, or longest note nowr in common use, of which it is a thirty-second part. DEMISE, is applied to an estate in fee simple, fee tail, or for term of life, and so it is commonly taken in many writs, 2 Inst. 483. The king's death is in law termed the demise of the king to his successor. DEMONSTRATION, in logic, a series of syllogisms, all the premises of which are either definitions, self-evi- dent truths, or propositions already established. DEMURRAGE, is an allowance made to the master of a ship by the merchants, for being detained in port longer than the time appointed and agreed for his de- parture. The rate of this allowance is generally settled in the charterparty. It is now firmly established, that the claim of demurrage ceases as soon as tbe ship is cleared out, and ready for sailing. Jameson v. Lawrie, house of lprds, Nov. 10, 1796. DEMUHRER, is a kind of pause or stop, put to the proceedings of an action upon a point of difficulty, which must be determined by the court before any farther pro- ceedings can be had therein. He that demurs in law confesses the facts to be true, as stated by the opposite party; but denies that by the law arising upon those facts, any injury is done to the plaintiff, or that the defendant has made out a lawful excuse. As if the matter of the plaintiff's declaration be insufficient in law, then the de- fendant demurs to the declaration: if, on the other hand, the defendant's excuse or plea be invalid, the plaintiff demurs in law to the plea; and so on in every other part of the proceedings, where either side perceives any ma- terial objection in point of law, upon which he may rest his case. 3 Black. 314. General demurrer being enter- ed, it cannot be afterwards waved, without leave of the court; but a special demurrer generally may, unless the plaintiff has lost a term, or the assizes, by the defend- ant's demurring. Impey, i. K. B. And upon either a general or special demurrer, the opposite party avers it to be sufficient, which is called a rejoinder in demurrer, and then the parties are at issue in point of law; which issue in law, or demurrer, is argued by counsel on both sides: and if the points are difficult, then it is argued openly by the judges of the court, and if they, or the ma- jority of them, concur in opinion, accordingly judgment is given; but in case of great difficulty, they may adjourn into the exchequer-chamber, where it shall be argued by a)i the judges. J Inst. 71. Demurrer to evidence, is where a question of law arises thereon; and because juries, hy direction of the court, usually find a doubtful matter specially, de- murrers upon evidence are now seldom used. 5 Rep. 104. Demurrer to indictments. If a criminal joins issue upon a point oflaw in an indictment or appeal, allowing the fact to be true as laid therein, this is a demurrer in taw, by which he insists that the fact as stated is no felo- ny or treason, or whatever the crime is alleged to be. But demurrer to indictments are seldom used, since the same advantages may betaken upon a plea of not guilty; or afterwards in arrest of judgment, where the verdict has established the fact. 4 Black. 333. DEN, a syllable which added to the names of places shows them to be situated in valleys, or near woods; as Tenterden, in Kent. DENARIUS, in Roman antiquity, the chief silver- coin among the Romans, worth in our money about seven- pence three farthings. As a weight, it was the seventh part of a Roman ounce. Denarius tertius comitatus, a third part of the pro- fits of county-courts. When these courts had superior jurisdictions, before others were erected, two parts of the profits went to the king, and a third part to the earl of the county. DENDRITES, or Arborizations. This appella- tion is given to figures of vegetables which are frequent- ly observed in fossil substances. They are of two kinds* the one superficial, the other internal. The first are chiefly found on the surface of stones, and between the strata and in the fissures of those of a cal- careous nature. Stones of a similar kind, when very compact, sometimes also exhibit internal arborizations; such are the marbles of Hesse, of Angersburg in Prus- sia, and of Baden-Dourlach on the left bank ofthe Rhine. Several of these dendrites bear a striking resemblance to the poplar; while others exhibit the straight stem, pyramidal form, and pendant branches, ofthe fir. Some specimens of dendrites found in Switzerland, represent, in a very surprising manner, plantations of willows; and many of them are so beautiful, as really to appear the work of art. The superficial dendrites are mostly ofa brown, chang- ing gradually to a reddish yellow. The internal den- drites are of a deep black. The most esteemed dendrites are those found in agates; and more particularly in the sardonyx, cornelian, and other precious stones, brought from the East, and which are commonly denominated Moka stones. The Oriental agates display the most varied and beautiful forms. Sometimes they exhibit the appearance of terraces covered with different species of moss, interspersed with plants of the fern-tribe, having large leaves, and the outlines exquisitely finished: the colours are likewise extremely brilliant. These colours are supposed to he owing to metallic oxides; others are of a different, and perhaps of a bitu- minous nature. The first are dissolved, and wholly dis- appear, on immersing the stone in any of the mineral acids; while the others resist their action in a greater or less degree. Some naturalists suppose that dendrites are owing to metallic solutions, or other colouring mat- ters, finding their way through the pores of the stone, and being afterwards forced into the smallest fissures by a mechanism similar to that by which fluids ascend in capillary tubes. But a careful examination of the struc- ture and disposition of dendrites, must evince this opi- nion to be merely hypothetical; as the principal branches, in diverging from the common stem, observe a great re- gularity; they are nearly parallel to one another on each side, and always proceed in one direction, like the stems and branches of a real tree; a circumstance inconsistent with the supposition of capillary attraction, which ex- tends equally in all directions. The same observation is equally applicable to mica- ceous dendrites, which are frequently found in the gra- nite of the Pyrenees. These dendrites, which greatly DEN D E N resemble bunches of ostrieh feathers, arc certainly neither the effect of chance, nor of capillary attraction, but of a principle much more active than that by which simple crystallization is produced. A species of metallic dendrites is sometimes formed by means of tire. For example, some kinds of copper ore, on being subjected to the action of heat, and after- wards withdrawn from the furnace, appear covered with brilliant yellow spots, some inches in diameter, exactly resembling in form lichens growing on rocks. These arborizations, which are of pure copper, are very sin- gular: being composed of vertical threads, of about a line in height, united in fasciculi, like so many small sheaves standing upright by the side of each other. The finest specimens of this kind of metallic dendrites are produced at a foundry on the Oural mountains. The ore with which this foundry is supplied, is brought from the nines of Touria, where the most beautiful native cop- per in a state of vegetation yet known, is to be found. In whatever manner we may be inclined to account for this wonderful phenomenon, it should seem, from the above fact, that the same cause which produces these arborizations in the mine, must likewise produce the same effect after tbe ore has been subjected to the action of fire. See Plate XL1L Nat. Hist. figs. 160 and 161. DENEB, an Arabic term, signifying tail, used by astronomers to denote several fixed stars. Thus dencb elecet, signifies tiie bright star in the lion's tail; deneb adigege, that in the swan's tail; &c. DENDROMETER, from sect unbecoming the Me- houmiedau rel^ion, ordered it to be s : pn"^'!; but, af- ter his death, it retired, and is at present more nume- rous than ever, especially at Constantinople The seyah D E S are wanderers, and though they have monasrerics, yet they often spend their whole life in travelling; when they are sent out, their superiors impose upon them such a quantity of money or provisions, forbidding them to come back till they have procured it, and sent it to the monastery; wherefore when a seyah comes into a town, he cries aloud in the market-place, « Ya allah senden," kc. " 0 God! give me, I pray, five thousand crowns, or a thousand measures of rice." Many of these dervises travel over the whole Mahommedan world, entertaining the people wherever they come with agreeable relations of all the curiosities they have met with. There are der- vises in Egypt, who lives with their families, and exer- cise their trades, of which kind are the dancing dervises at Damascus. They are all distinguished among them- selves by the different forms and colours of their habits; those of Persia wear blue; the solitaries and wanderers wear only rags of different colours; others curry on their heads a plume made ofthe feathers ofa cock; and those of Egypt wear an octagonal badge of a greenish-white alabaster at their girdles, and a high stiff cap, without any thing round it. DESCANT, in the old music, the art of composing in several parts. Descant is threefold, viz. plain, figu- rative, and double. DESCENSION, in astronomy, is either right or ob- lique. Right descension is an arch of the equinoctial, intercepted between the next equinoctial point and the intersection ofthe meridian, passing through the centre ofthe object, at its setting, in a right sphere. Oblique descension is an arch of the equinoctial intercepted be- tween the next equinoctial point and the horizon, pass- ing through the centre of the object, at its setting, in an oblique sphere. DESCENT, in general, is the tendency of a body from a higher to a lower place. Heavy hodies, meeting with no resistance, descend with an uniformly accele- rated motion, for the laws of which see Mechanics. Laws of descent of hodies. 1st. Heavy bodies, in an unresisting medium, fall with an uniformly accelerated motion. For it is the nature of all constant and uniform forces, such as that of gravity, at the same distance from the centre of the earth, to generate or produce equal additions of velocity in equal times. So that if in one se- cond of time there is produced one degree of velocity, in two seconds there will be two degrees of velocity, in three seconds three degrees, and so on; the degree or'quantity of velocity being always proportional to the length ofthe time. 2d. The space descended by an uniform gravity, in any time, is just the half of the space that might he uni- formly described in the same time by the last velocity ac- quired at the end of that time, if uniformly continued. For as the velocity increases uniformly in an arithmeti- cal progression, tbe whole space descended bv the varia- ble velocity will be equal to the space that would be described with the middle velocity uniformly continued or the same time; and this again will he only the space that would be with the half of the last velocity, also uni- ormly continued for the same time, because the last \o a doubhdtTnuIe °f t5'C ,nidtHC VCl°dt-V' bein« Poured in 3d. The spaces descended by an uniform grauty, in DESCENT. different times, are proportional to the squares of the times, or to the squares of the velocities. For the whole space descended in any number of particles of time, con- sists ofthe sums of all the particular spaces or velocities, which arc in arithmetical progression; but the sum of such an arithmetical progression, beginning at 0, and having the last term and the number of terms the same in quantity, is equal to half the square of the last term, or ofthe number of terms; therefore the whole sums are as the squares ofthe times, or of the velocities. This theory of the descents by gravity was first discov- ered and taught by Galileo, who afterwards confirmed the same by experiments; which have often been re- peated in various ways by many other persons since his time, as Grimaldi, Riccioli, Huygens, Newton, and others, all confirming the same laws. The experiments of Grimaldi and Riccioli were made by dropping a number of balls, of half a pound weight, from the top of several towers, and measuring the times of falling by a pendulum. An abstract of their experi- ments is exhibited here below: Vibrations Space Space of the The time. at the end of descended pendulum. the time. each time. n m Roman feet. Roman feet. 5 0 50 10 10 10 1 40 40 30 15 2 30 90 50 20 3 20 160 70 25 4 10 250 90 6 1 0 15 15 12 2 0 60 45 18 3 0 135 75 24 4 0 240 105 The space descended by a heavy body in any given time, being determined by experiment, is sufficient, in connection with the preceding theorems, for determin- ing every inquiry concerning the times, velocities, and spaces descended, depending on an uniform force of gravity. From many accurate experiments made in Eng- land, it has been found that a heavy body descends freely through 16 feet 1 inch, or 16T*T feet; in the first second of time; and consequently, by theorem 2, the velocity gained at the end of 1 second, is 32|- feet per second. Hence, by the same, and theorem 3, the velocity gained in any other time t is 52£t, and the space descended is 16-j-1^2. So that, if v denotes the velocity, and s the space due to the time t, and there be put g = 16-^; then is 2S V ~ 2gt = 2 ^/gS = —. ■v s 2s ~ 2g~ ^"g ~~ v' The experiments with pendulums give also the same space for the descent of a heavy body in a second of time. Thus, in the latitude of London, it is found by experi- ment, that the length of a pendulum vibrating seconds, is just 39} inches; and it being known that the circum- ference of a circle is to its diameter, as the time of one vibration of any pendulum is to the time in which a hea- vy body will fall through half the length of the pendulum- therefore, as 3.1416: 1 : : 1 : —L_> which is the time 3.1416 of descending through 19-^ inches, or half the length of the pendulum; then, spaces being as the squares of the times, as ------ : I2 : : 197V : 193 inches, or 16 font i 3.141b2 u l inch, which therefore is the space a heavy body will des- cend through in one second; the very same as before 4th, For any other constant force, instead of the per- pendicular free descent by gravity, find by experiment or otherwise, the space descended in one second by that force, and substitute that instead of 16T^ for the value of g in these formulae: or, if the proportion of the force to the force of gravity be known, let the value of » be ah tered in the same proportion, and the same lormulje will still hold good. So, if the descent he on an in- clined plane, making, for instance, an angle of 30° with the horizon; then, the force of descent upon the plane being always as the sine of the angle it makes with the horizon, in the present case it will be as tbe sine of 30°, that is, as \ the radius; therefore, in this case, the value of £ will be but half the former, 8^-, in all the foregoing formula?. Or, if one body descending perpendicularly draw another after it, by means of a cord sliding over a pulley; then it will be, as the sum of the two bodies is to the de- scending body, so is 16T^ to the value of g in this case; which value of it being used in the said formula;, they will still hold good. And in like manner for any other constant forces whatever. 5th, The time of the oblique descent dowTi any chord of a circle, drawn either from the uppermost or lower- most point of the circle, is equal to the perpendicular de- scent through the diameter ofthe circle. 6th, The descent, or vibration, through all arcs of the same cycloid, are equal, whether great or small. rth, But the descent, or vibration, through unequal arcs of a circle, are unequal; the times being greater in the greater arcs, and less in the less. Descent, line of swiftest, is that which a body, falling by the action of gravity, describes in the shortest time possible, from one given point to another. Aud this line, it is proved by philosophers, is the arc of a cycloid, when the one point is not perpendicularly over the other. See Cycloid. Descent, inlaw, or hereditary succession,is the title by which a man on the death of his ancestor acquires his estate by right of representation as his heir at law; and an estate so descending to the heir is in law called inheri- tance. 2 Black. 201. Descent is of three kinds; by common law, by custom, or by statute. By common law, as where one has land of inheritance in fee-simple, and dies without disposing of it in his life-time, and the land goes to the eldest son and heir of course, being cast upon him by the law. Descent of fee-simple hy custom, is sometimes to all the sons or to all the brothers (where one brother dies without issue), as in gavelkind; sometimes to the youngest son, as borough-English; and sometimes to the eldest daugbter, or the youngest, according to the customs of particular places. Descent by statute is of fee-tail, as directed by the statut#of Westminster 2, de donis. D E S D E S Descent at common law is either lineal or collateral. Lineal consanguinity is that which subsists between per- sons, of whom one is descended in a direct line from the other, as between a man and his father, grandfather, and great-grandfather, and so upwards in a direct as- cending line; or between a man and his son, grandson, great-grandson, and so downwards in the direct descend- ing line. Every generation, in this lineal direct consan- guinity, constitutes a different degree, reckoned either upwards or downwards; the father is related in the first degree, and so likewise are the son, grandsire, and grandson, in the second; great-grand si re, and great- grandson, in the third. This is the only natural way of reckoning the degrees in the direct line, and therefore universally obtains, as well in the civil and canon as in common law. Collateral kindred answers to the same description: collateral relations agreeing with the lineal in this, that they descend from the same stock or an- cestor; but differing in this, that tbey do not descend one from the other. Collateral kinsmen are therefore such as lineally sprung from one and the same ancestor, who is the stirps orroot, stipes, trunk or common stock, whence these relations are branched out. As if a man has two sons, who have each a different issue, both these issues are lineally descended from him as their common ancestor; and they are collateral kinsmen to each other, because they are all descended from this common ances- tor; and ail have a portion of his blood in their veins, which denominates them consanguineors. Inheritances shall lineally descend to the issue of the person last ac- tually seized, in infinitum, hut shall never lineally as- cend. 3 Black. 208. The male issue shall he admitted before the female; and where there are two or more males in equal degree, the eldest only shall inherit (except where there are par- ticular local customs to the contrary); but tiie females shall inherit all together, except in case of succession to tbe crown, which is indivisible; and of succession to dig- nities and titles of honour: yet where a man holds an earldom to him and the heirs of his body, and dies, his eldest daughter shall not succeed of course to the title of countess, but the dignity is in suspense or abeyance till the king shall declare which ofthe daughters shall have that title. 2 Black. 21G. Df.sci.nt or crown lands. All the lands whereof the king is seized in jure corona?, shall attend upon and fol- low the crown; so that to whomsoever the crown des- cends, those lands and possessions descend also. Plowd. 247. Descent of dignities. The dignity of peerage is personal, annexed to the blood, and so inseparable, that it cannot be transferred to any person, or surrendered iweii to the crown: it can move neither backward nor forward, but only downward to posierity; and nothing but corruption of blood, as if the ancestor be attainted of treason or felony, can hinder the descent to the right heir. Lex Const.' 85. Descent, in heraldry, is used to express the coming down of any thing from above; as, a lion en descent, is a lion with his head towards the base point and his heels towards one of tbe corners of the chief, as if he w ere leap- ing down from same high place. Descents, in fortification, arc the holes, vaults, and vol. i. 95 hollow places, made by undermining the ground. The descent into the moat or ditch is a deep passage made through the esplanade and covert-way, in form of a trench, whereof the upper part is covered with madriers and clays, to sec ure the besiegers from the enemy's fire. In wet ditches this trench is on a level with the surface of the water, but in dry ones it is sunk as deep as the bottom of the ditch. DESCRIPTION, in law. In deeds and grants there must be a certain description of the lands granted, the places where they lie, and the person to whom granted, kc. to make them good. But wills are more favoured than grants as to those descriptions; and a wrong des- cription of the person will not make a devise void, if there be otherwise a sufficient certainty what person was intended hy the testator. 1 Nels. Abr. 467. Where a first description of land, kc. is false, though the second be true, a deed will be void: contra, if the first be true, and the second false. 3 Rep. 2, 5, 8, and 10. DESERTER, in a military sense, a soldier who, by running away from his regiment or company, abandons the service. A deserter is, by the articles of war, punishable by death, and, after conviction, is hanged at the head of the regiment he formerly belonged to, with his crime written on his breast, and suffered to hang till the army leave that camp, for a terror to others. DESACHE', in heraldry, iswhere a beast has its limbs separated from its body, so that they still remain on the escutcheon, with only a small separation from their na- tnral places. DESIGN, in a general sense, the plan, order, repre- sentation or construction ofa building, book, painting, &c. In building the term ichnography may be used, when by design is only meant the plan of a building, or a flat figure drawn on paper: when some side or face of the building is raised from the ground, we may use the term orthography; and when both front and sides are seen, in perspective, we may call it scenography. Design, in manufactories, expresses the figures with which the workman enriches his stuff, or silk, and which he copies after some painter, or eminent draughtsman, as in diaper, damask, flowered silk, tapestry, and the like. In undertaking of such kinds of figured stuffs, it is ne- cessary, says M. Savary, that before the first stroke of the shuttle, the whole design be represented on the threads of the warp; we do not mean in colours, but with an infi- nite number of little packthreads, which, being disposed so as to raise the threads of the warp, let the workmen see, from time to time, what kind of silk is to be put in the eye of the shuttle, for woof. This method of preparing the work is called reading the design and reading the figure, which is performed in the following manner: A paper is provided, considerably broader than tbe stuff, and ofa length proportionate to what is intended to he repre- sented on it. This they divide lengthwise by as many black lines as there are intended threads in the warp; and cross these lines, by others drawn breadthwise, which, with the former, make little equal squares; on the paper thus squared, the draughtsman designs his figures, and heightens them with colours as he sees fit. When the de- sign is finished, a workman reads it, while another lays it on the simblot. DES D E T To read the design, is to tell the person who manages the loom, the number of squares, orthreacs,.comprised in any space, intimating at the same time whether it is ground or figure. To put what is read on the simolot, is to fasten little strings to the several packthreads, which are to raise the threads, named; and thus they continue to do till the whole design is read. Every piece being composed of several repetitions of the same design, when the whole design is drawn, the drawer, to begin the design afresh, has nothing to do but raise the little strings, with slip-knots, to the top of the simblot, which he had let down to the hot torn: this he is to repeat as often as is necessary till the whole is manufactured. The ribbon-weavers have likewise a design, but far more simple than that now de- scribed. It is drawn on paper, with lines and squares representing the threads of the warp and woof. But in- stead of lines of which the figures ofthe former consist, these are constituted of points only, or dots, placed in cer- tain ofthe little squares, formed by the intersection of the lines. These points mark the threads of the warp that arc to be raised and the spaces left blank denote the threads that are to keep their situation: the rest is managed as in the former. Design is also used, in painting, for the first idea of a large work, drawn roughly, and in little, with an in- tention to be executed and finished in large. The art of painting has been by some of the greatest masters divid- ed into the design or draught, the proportion, the ex- pression, the claro-obscuro, the ordonnance, the colour- ing, and the perspective. Design, in painting, is the simple contour or outlines of the figures intended to be represented, or the lines that terminate and circumscribe them: such design is sometimes drawn in crayons, or ink without any shadows at all. Sometimes it is etched; that is, the shadows are expressed by sensible outlines, usually drawn across each other with the pen, crayon, or graver. Sometimes, again, the shadows are done with the crayon rubbed so as that there do not appear any lines: at other times, the grains or strokes of the crayon appear, as not being rubbed: sometimes the design is washed, that is, the sha- dows are done with a pencil in Indian ink, or some other liquor; and sometimes the design is coloured, that is, colours arc laid on much like those intended for the grand work. The essential requisites of a design are correctness, good taste, elegance, character, diversity, expression, and perspective. Correctness depends on the justness of the proportions, and knowledge of anatomy. Taste is a certain manner of correctness peculiar to the artist, derived either from nature, masters, or studies, or all of them united. Elegance gives a delicacy that not only strikes persons of judgment, but communicates an agree- ableness that pleases universally. The character is what is peculiar to each thing, in which there must be diver- sity, insomuch that every thing has its peculiar charac- ter to distinguish it. The expression is the representa- tion of an object, according to the circumstances it is supposed to be in. Perspective is the representation of the parts of a painting, or a figure, according to the si- tuation tbey are in with regard to the point of sight. The design or draught, 'is a part of the greatest im- port and extent in painting. It is acquired chieiiv by genius ani application, rules being of le-;- avail here than in any other branches ofthe art, as colouring, kc. The. principal rules that regard design arc, that novices accustom themselves to copy good originals atfirst sight* not to .use squares in drawing, lest they stint and con- fine their judgment; to design well from life, before they practise perspective; to lcain to adjust the size of their figures to the visual angle, and the distance of the eye from the model or object; to mark out all the parts of their design before they begin to shade; to make their contours in great pieces, without taking notice of the lit- tle muscles, and other breaks; to make themselves mas ters of the rules of perspective; to observe the perpen- dicular, parallel, and distance, of every stroke; to com- pare and oppose the parts that meet and traverse the perpendicular, so as to form a kind of square in the mind, which is the great and almost the only rule of de- signing justly; to have regard not only to the model, but to the parrs already designee!, there being no such thing as designing with strict justness, but by comparing and proportioning every part to the first. All the other rules relate to perspective. See Painting, and PERsrEc- TIVE. DESON tort demesn, in law, a formula used in action of trespass, by way of reply to the defendant':; plea; signifying that the trespass was his own voluntary and free act. DETACHED PIECES, in fortification, are such outworks as are detached or at a distance from the bo- dy of the place; as demilunes, ravelins, bastions, &c. In painting the figures are said to be well detached, when they stand free and disengaged from each other. DETACHMENT, in military affairs, a certain num- ber of soldiers drawn out from several regiments or com- panies equally, to be employed as the general thinks pro- per; whether on an attack, at a siege, or in parties to scour the country. A detachment of two or three thou- sand men, is a command for a brigadier; eight hundred, for a colonel; four or five hundred, for a lieutenant- colonel. A captain never marches on a detachment with less than fifty men, a lieutenant, an ensign, and two Serjeants. A lieutenant is allowed thirty, and a serjeant; ami a serjeant ten or twelve men. Detachments are sometimes made of entire squadrons and battalions. DETENTS, in clock-work, are those stops, wbich by being lifted up or let down, lock or unlock the clock in striking. See Clock-work. Detent-wheel, or hoop-wheel, in a clock, that wheel which has a hoop almost round it, in which there is a vacancy at which the clock locks. DETERGENTS, in pharmacy, such medicines as are not only softening and adhesive, but also, by apecuhar activity, conjoined wto a suitable configuration of parts, are apt to abrade, urn; carry along with them, such par- ticles as they lay hold on in their passage. See Phar- macy. DETERMINATE problem, in geometry, that which has but one, or at least, a limited number of an- swers. D ETINUE is a writ which lies where any man comes to goods or chattels either by delivery or by finding, and refuses to re-deliver them; and it lies for the detaining; when the detaining was unlawful. 1 Inst. 28G. D E V DItE In this writ the plaintiff shall recover the thing detain- ed; and therefore it must be so certain, as that it may he specifically known. Therefore it. cannot be brought for money, corn, or the like, for that cannot be known from othc r money or corn, unless it is in a bag or sack, for then it may be distinguishably marked. Ibid. But detinue may be brought for a piece of gold of the price of 21s. though notfor21.s. in money; for there is a demand ofa particular piece. Buller, N. P. 50. In order therefore to ground an action of detinue, which is only for the detaining, these points are neces- sary: 1. That the defendant came lawfully by the goods, as either by delivery to him, or finding them. 2. That the plaintiff has a property. 3. That the goods them- selves are of value. And 4. that they be ascertained in point of identity. Upon this, the jury, if tbey find for the plaintiff, assess the respective values of the several parcels detained, and also damages for the. detention; and the judgment is conditional, that the plaintiff recov- er the said goods1, or (if they cannot be had) their re- spective values, and also the damages for detaining them. lb. Detince of charters. An action of detinue lies for charters which make the title of lands; and the heir may have detinue of charters, although he have not the land. But if they concern the freehold, the action must be in the common-pleas, and no other court. DETONATION, in chemistry, the noise and explo- sion which any substance makes upon the application of fire to it. It is also called fulmination; such are the ex- plosions of gunpowder, of fulminating silver, gold, kc DETRAN CHE', in heraldry, a line bendwise, pro- ceeding always from the dexter side but not from the ve- ry angle, diagonally athwart the shield. DEVASTAVIT, or devastaruntbonatcstatoris, inlaw, is a writ which lies against executors, for paying debts for simple contract, before debts or bonds, and speciali- ties, or the like; for in this place the executors are as li- able to action, as if they had wasted the goods of the tes- tator riotously, or converted them to their own use; and are compellable to pay such debts by speciality out of their own goods, to the value of what they so paid ille- gally. Cowcl. By the 30 C. II. c. 7. if an excecutor de son tort waste the goods and die, his executors shall be liable in the same manner as their testator would have been, if he had been living. And it has since been adjudged, that a rightful executor, who wastes the goods of the tes- tator, is in effect an executor de son tort, for abusing his trust. 5 Mod. 113. And his executor or adminis- trator is made liable to a devastavit by 4 and 5 W. and M. c. 24. DEVENERUNT, in law, a writ directed to the es- rheator, when any tenant of the king holding in capite, died: and when his s n and heir, within age, and in the king's custody, died; then this writ issued, commanding the esc heator, that he, by the oath of good and lawful men, inquire what lands and tenements, by the death of the tenant, came to the. king. Dyer, 360. pi. 4. DEVESTING, in old law-books, the reverse of in- vesting or in>c.->titurc. See the article Investiture. DEVISE, ov device, in heraldry, painting, and sculp- ture, any emblem usod to represent a certain family, per- son, action, or quality; with a suitable motto, applied in a figurative sense. Devise, in law, the act whereby a person bequeaths his lands or tenements to another, by his last will and testament. The person who makes this act, is called the devisor, and he in whose favour the act is made, is termed in law the devisee. DEVOTION, devotio, a sincere and ardent worship of the deity. DEVOURING, in heraldry, is when fishes are borne in an escutcheon in a feeding posture, for tbey swallow all the meat whole. DEW, a dense moist vapour, falling on the earth in form of a misling rain. See Meteorology. DEXTANS, in Roman antiquity, ten ounces, ori° of their libra. DEXTER, in heraldry, an appellation given to what- ever belongs to the right side of the shield, or coat of arms: thus we say, bend-dexter, dexter point, &c. DIABETES, in physic, an excesssive discharge of urine, whi h comes away crude, and exceeds the quan- tity of liquids drunk. See Medicine. DI ACAUSTIC curve, a species of the caustic curves formed bv refraction. Thus if you imagine an infinite number of rays BA, BM, BD, See. (PI. XLIII. Miscel. fig. 40) issuing from the same luminous point B to be refracted to or from the perpendicular MC by the given curve AMD, and so that CE, the sines ofthe angles of incidence CME, be always to CG, the sii;;s ofthe re- fracted angles CMG, in a given ratio; then the curve HFN, which touches all the refracted rays, is called the diacaustic, or caustic refraction. See Caustic curve. DIACHYLON, in pharmacy, an emollient digestive plaster. Sec Pharmacy. DIADELPHIA, in the Linnaean system of botany, a class of plants, the seventeenth in order; comprehending all those with papilionaceous and hermaphrodite flowers, and leguminous seed-vessels. See Botany. DIADEM, in antiquity, a head-hand, or allet, worn by kings, as a badge of their royalty. It was made of silk, thread, or wool, and tied round the temples and forehead, the ends being tied behind, and let fall on the neck. It was usually white, and quite plain, though some- times embroidered with gold, and set with pearls and precious stones. In latter times, it came to be twisted round crowns, laurels, &c. and even appears to have been worn on divers parts of the body. Diadem, in heraldry, is applied to certain circles or rims, serving to inclose the crowns of sovereigns and to bear the globe and cross, or the flower-de-iuccs for their crest. DIAERESIS, in surgery, an operation serving to di- vide and separate the part when the continuity is a hindrance to cure. See Surgery. Debresis, in medicine, is the consuming ofthe vessels of an animal body. Sec Medicine. Dijsresis, in grammar, the division of one syllable into two. which is usually noted by two points over a letter, as aulai instead of aulae, dissolucnda for dis- solvenda. DLETETjE, in Grecian antiquity, a kind of judges, of which there were two sorts, the eleroti and dialluc- D I A D I A corii. The former were public arbitrators, chosen by lot to determine all causes exceeding ten drachms, within their own tribe, and from their sentence an appeal lay to the superior courts. DIAGNOSTIC, in medicine, a term given to those signs which indicate the present state of a disease, its nature and cause. See Medicine. DIAGONAL, in geometry, a right line drawn across a quadrilateral figure, from one angle to another, hy some called the diameter. Thus ab in plate Miscel. fig. 41. is called a diagonal. It is demonstrable, 1. That every diagonal divides a parallelogram into two equal pails. 2. That two diagonals drawn in any parallelo- gram bisect each other. 3. A line/£, passing through the middle point of the diagonal of a parallelogram, di- vides the figure into two equal parts. 4. That the dia- gonal of a square is incommensurable with one of its sides. 5. That the sum of the squares ofthe diagonals of every parallelogram is equal to the sum of the squares of the four sides. DIAGRAM, in geometry, a scheme for explaining and demonstrating the properties of any figure, whether triangle, square, circle, &c. Diagram, among musicians (from the Greek), the name given by the ancients to the table, or model, re- presenting all the sounds of their system. DIAL, or sun-dial, is a plane, upon which lines are described in such a manner, that the shadow of a wire, or of the upper edge of a plate stile, erected perpendi- cularly on the plane of the dial, may show the true time of the day. The edge of the plate by which the time of the day is found, is called the stile of the dial, which must be parallel to the earth's axis; and the line on which the said plate is erected, is called the substile. The an- gle included between the substile and stile, is called the elevation, or height of the stile. Those dials whose planes are parallel to the plane of the horizon, are called horizontal dials; and those dials whose planes are perpendicular to the plane of the hori- zon, are called vertical or erect dials. Those erect dials, whose planes directly front the north or south, are called direct north or south dials; and all other erect dials are called decliners, because their planes are turned away from the north or south. Those dials, whose planes are neither parallel nor perpendicular to the plane of their horizon, are called inclining or reclining dials, according as their planes make acute or obtuse angles with the horizon; and if their planes arc also turned aside from facing the south or north, they are called declining-inclining or declin- ing-reclining dials. The intersection of the plane of the dial, with that of the meridian, passing through the stile, is called the me- ridian of the dial, or the hour-line of XII. Those meridians, whose planes pass through the stile, and make angles of 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 degrees with the meridian of the place (which marks the hour- line of 12), are called hour-circles; and their intersec- tions with the plane ofthe dial, are called hour-lines. In all declining dials, the substile makes an angle with the hour-line of XII; and this angle is called the distance of the substile from the meridian. The declining plane's difference of longitude, is the angle formed at the intersection of the stile and plane of the dial, by two meridians; one of which passes through the hour-line of XII, and the other through the substile. AVe shall now proceed to explain the different princi- ples of their construction. The universal principle on which dialing depends.— If the whole earth a P cp (Plate XLl. fig. l.) were transparent and hollow, like a sphere of glass, and had its equator divided into twenty-four equal parts by so many meridian semicircles, a, b, c, d, e,f, g, &(v one of which is the geographical meridian of any given place as London (which is supposed to be at the point aV and' if the hours of XII were marked at the equator, both up- on that meridian and the opposite one, and all the rest of the hours in order on the rest of the meridians; those meridians would be the hour-circles of London: tben, if the sphere had an opake axis, as PE/>, tcrminatm" in the poles P and p, the shadow of the axis would fall up- on every particular meridian aud hour, when the sun came to the plane of the opposite meridian, and would consequently show the time at Londou, and at all other places on the meridian of London. Horizontal dial.—If this sphere was cut through the middle hy a solid plane AB CD, in the rational horizon of London, one half of the axis EP would be above tbe plane, and the other half below it; and if straight lines were drawn from the centre of the plane, to those points where its circumference is cut by the hour-circles of the sphere, those lines would be the hour-lines of a horizon- tal dial for London: for the shadow of the axis would fall upon each particular hour-line of the dial, when it fell upon the like hour-circle of the sphere. Vertical dials.—If the plane which cuts the sphere be upright, as AF C G (fig. 2), touching the given place (London) at F, and directly facing the meridian of Lon- don, it will then become the plane of an erect direct south dial; and if right lines he drawn from its centre E, to those points of its circumference where the hour-circles of the sphere cut it, these will be the hour-lines of a ver- tical or direct south dial for London, to which the hours arc to be set as in the figure (contrary to those on a ho- rizontal dial); and the lower half Ep of the axis will cast a shadow on the hour of the day in this dial, at the same time that it would fall upon the like hour-circle of the sphere, if the dial-plane was not in the way. Inclining and reclining dials.—If the plane (still fac- ing the meridian) be made to incline, or recline, by any given number of degrees, the hour-circles ofthe sphere will still cut the edge of the plane in those points to which the hour-lines must be drawn straight from the centre; and the axis of the sphere will cast a shadow oi these lines at the respective hours. The liko will still hold, if the plane be made to decline by any given num- ber of degrees from the meridian, towards the east or west: provided the declination be less than ninety de- grees, or the reclination be less than the co-latitude ot the place; and the axis of the sphere will be a gnomon, or stile, for the dial. But it cannot be a gnomon, when the declination is quite 90 degrees, nor when the recli- nation is equal to the co-latitude; because, in these tw» cases, the axis has no elevation above the plane of the di.*!. And thus it appears, that the plane of every dial re- DIAL. presents the plane of some great circle upon the earth; and the gnomon the earth's axis; whether it be a small wire, as in the above figures, or the edge of a thin plate, as in the common horizontal dials. The whole earth, as to its bulk, is but a point, if com- pared to its distance from the sun: and therefore, if a small sphere of glass be placed upon any part of the earth's surface, so that its axis be parallel to the axis of the tHitb; and the sphere have such lines upon it, ami such planes within it, as above described; it will show the hours#of the day as truly as if it were placed at the earth's centre, and the shell of the earth were as trans- parent as glass. See figs. 1 and 2. But because it is impossible to have a hollow sphere of glass perfectly true, blown round a solid plane; or if it was, we could not get at the plane within the glass to set it in any given position; we make use of a wire sphere to explain the principles of dialing, by joining twenty-four semicirc les together at the poles, aud put- ting a tlnn flat plate of brass w ithin it. * Dialing by the common terrestrial globe.—A common globe, of twelve inches diameter, has generally twenty- lour meridian semicircles drawn upon it. If such a globe be elevated to the latitude of a given place, and turned about until any of these meridians cuts the horizon in the north point, where the hour of XII is supposed to be marked; the rest of the meridians will cut the horizon at the respective distances of all the other hours from XII. Then, if these points of distance be marked on the horizon; and the globe be taken out of the horizon, and a fiat board or plate be put into its place, even with the surface of the horizon; and if straight lines be drawn from the centre of the hoard, to those points of distance on the horizon which were cut by the twenty-four meri- dian semicircles; these lines will be the hour-lines of a horizontal dial for that latitude, the edge of whose gno- mon must be in the very same situation that the axis of tb'' globo was, before it was taken out of the horizon: that is, the gnomon must make an angle with the plane of the dial, equal to the latitude of the place for which flic dial is made. If the pole of the globe be elevated to the co-latitude* of the given place, and any meridian be brought to the north point of the horizon, the rest of the meridians will cut the horizon in the respective distances of all the hours from XII, for a direct south dial, whose gnomon must make an angle with the plane ofthe dial, equal to the co-latitude of the place; and the hours must be set the contrary way on this dial, to what they are on the horizontal. But if jour globe have more than twenty-four meri- dian semicirc les upon it, you must take the following method for making horizontal and south dials by it. 7.) construct a horizontal dial.—Elevate the pole to the latitude of your place, and turn the globe until any particular meridian (suppose the first) comes to the north point of the horizon, and the opposite meridian will cut the horizon in the south. Then, set the hour-index to the uppermost Ml on its circle; which done, turn the globe westward until fifteen degrees of the equator pass under * T ihe latitude be subtracted from 90 degrees, the remainder is called Ujc colaUude, or complement of the latitude. See Geo&ha. PHY the hrason meridian, and then Ihc hour-index will be at I (for the sun moves fifteen degrees every hour); and the first meridian will cut the horizon in the number oi' degrees from the north point, that I is distant from XII. Turn on, untilfifteen more degrees of the equator pas- under the brazen meridian, and the hour-index will be- then at II, and the first meridian will cut the horizon in the number of degrees that II is distant from XII: and so, by making fifteen degrees of the equator pass under the brazen meridian for every hour, the first meridian oi the globe will cut the horizon in the distances of all the hours from XII to VI, which is just ninety degrees; and then you need go no farther; for the distances of XL X, IX, VIII, VII, and VI, in the forenoon, are the same from XII, as the distances of I, II, III, IV, V, and VI, intue afternoon: and these hour-lines continued through the centre, will give the opposite hour-lines on the other half of the dial: but no more of these lines need be drawn, than what answer to the sun's continuance above the ho rizon of your place on the longest day, which may be ea- sily found. Thus, to make an horizontal dial for the latitude of London, which is about 51 \ degrees north, elevate the north pole of the globe 51 \ degrees above the north point of the horizon, and then turn the globe, until the first meridian (which is that of London on the English ter- restrial globe) cuts the north point of the horizon, and set the hour-index to XII at noon. Then, turning the globe westward until the index points successively to I, II, III, IV, V, and VI, in the afternoon; or until 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90 degrees of the equator pass under the brazen meridian, you will find that the first meridian of the globe cuts the horizon in the following numbers of degrees from the north towards the east, viz. 11|, 24|, 38T^, 53§, 71TlT, and 90; which are the respective distances of the above hours from XII upon the plane of the horizon. To transfer these, and the rest of the hours to a hori- zontal plane, draw the parallel right lines a c and b d (fig. 3) upon that plane, as far from each other as is equal to the intended thickness of the gnomon or stile of the dial, and the space included between them will be the meridian or twelve-o'clock line on the dial. Cross this meridian at right angles with the six-o'clock line g h, and setting one foot of your compasses in the in- tersection «, as a centre, describe the quadrant £ e with any convenient radiup or opening of the compasses; then setting one foot in the intersection b as a centre, with the same radius describe the quadrant/ h, and di- vide each quadrant into ninety equal parts or degrees, as in the figure. Because the hour-lines are less distant from each other about noon, than in any other part of the dial, it is best to have the centres of these quadrants at a little distance from the centre of the dial-plane, on the side opposite to XII, in order to enlarge the hour-distances thereabout under the same angles on the plane. Tliu.i, the centre of the plane is at C, but the centres of the quadrants at a and 6. Lay a ruler over the point b; and keeping it there for the centre of all the afternoon hours in the quadrant Th; draw the hour-line of I, through l if degrees in the qua- drant; the hour-line of II, through 241 degrees; of III, DIAL. through 38T\ degrees; IV through 53|, and V through 71-^: and because the sun rises about four in the morn- ing on the longest days at London, continue the hour- lines of IV and V, in the afternoon, through the centre b to the opposite side of the dial. This done, lay the ru- ler to the centre a of the quadrant e g, and through the like divisions or degrees of that quadrant, viz. llf, 24£, 38T^, 53|, and 71TXT, draw the forenoon hour-lines of XI, X, IX, VIII, and VII; and because the sun sets not before eight in the evening on the longest days, con- tinue the hour-lines of VII and VIII in the forenoon, through the centre a, to VII and VIII in the afternoon; and all the hour-lines will be finished on this dial; to which the hours may be set, as in the figure. Lastly, through 51 § degsees of either quadrant, and from its centre, draw thej$ght line a g for the hypothe- nuse or axis of the gnoh^fca g i; and from g, let fall the perpendicular g i, upon the meridian line a i, and there will be a triangle made, whose sides are a g, g i, and i a. If a plate similaj0o this triangle be made as thick as the distance betWegftrthe lines a c and b d, and set upright between them, touching at a and b; its hypo- thenuse a g will be parallel to the axis of the world, when the dial is truly set, and will cast a shadow on the hour of the day. The trouble of dividing the two quadrants may be saved, by means of a scale with a line of chords upon it: for if we extend the compasses from 0 to 60 degrees of the line of chords; and with that extent, as a radius, de- scribe the two quadrants upon their respective centres, the above distances may be taken with the compasses upon the line, and set off upon the quadrants. See In- struments MATHEMATICAL. To make an erect direct south dial.—Elevate the pole to the co-latitude of your place, and proceed in all res- pects as above taught for the horizontal dial, from VI in the morning to VI in the afternoon; only the hours must be reversed as in figure 4, and the bypothenuse a g, of the gnomon a g f, must make an angle with the dial- plane equal to the co-latitude of the place. As the sun can shine no longer on this dial, than from six in the morning until six in the exening, tliere is no occasion for having any more than twelve hours upon it. To make an erect dial, declining from the south towards the east or west.—Elevate the pole to the latitude of your place, and screw the quadrant of altitude to the zenith. Then if the dial declines towards the east (which we will suppose it to do at present), count in the horizon the degrees of declination, from the east point towards the north, and bring the lower end of the quadrant to that degree of declination at which the reckoning ends. This done, bring any particular meridian of your globe (as suppose the first meridian) directly under the gra- duated edge of the upper part of- the brazen meridian, and set the hour-index to XII at noon. Then, keeping the quadrant of altitude at the degree of declination in the horizon, turn the globe eastward on its axis, and ob- serve the degrees cut by the first meridian in the qua- drant of altitude (counted from the zenith) as the hour- index comes to XI, X, IX, *cc. in the forenoon, or as 15, 30, 45, &c. degrees of the equator pass under the brazen meridian at these hours respectively; and the degrees 'then cut in the quadrant by the first meridian, are the respective distances of the forenoon hours from XII on the plane of the dial. For the afternoon hours, turn the quadrant of altitude round the zenith until it comes-to the degree in the horizon opposite to that where it was placed before; namely, as far from flic west point of the horizon towards the south, as it was set at first from the east point towards the north; and turn the globe west- ward on its axis, until the first meridian comes to the brazen meridian again, and the hour-index to XII: then continue to turn the globe westward, and as the index points to the afternoon hours I, II, III, kc. or as 15 30 45, kc. degrees ofthe equator pass under tiie brazen meridian, the first meridian will cut the quadrant of al- titude in the respective number of degrees from the ze- nith, that each of these hours is from XII on the dial. And note, that when the first meridian goes off the qua- drant at the horizon, in the forenoon, the hour-index shows the time when the sun will come upon this dial- and when it goes off the quadrant in the afternoon, the index will point to the time when the sun goes off the dial. Having thus found all the hour-distances from XII, lay them down upon your dial-plate, either by dividing a semicircle into two quadrants of ninety degrees each beginning at the hour-line of XII, or by the line of chords. In all declining dials, the line on which the stile or gnomon stands, commonly called the substile-line, makes an angle with the twelve-o'clock line, and falls among the forenoon hour-lines, if the dial declines toward the east; and among the afternoon hour-lines, when the dial declines towards the west; that is, to the left hand from the twelve-o'clock line in the former case, and to the right hand from it in the latter. To find the distance of the substile from the twelve- o'clock line.—If your dial declines from the south to- wards the east, count the degrees of that declination in the horizon from the east point towards the north, and bring the lower end of the quadrant of altitude to that degree of declination where the reckoning ends: then, turn the globe until the first meridian cuts the horizon in the like number of degrees, counted from the south point toward the east; and the quadrant and first, meri- dian will then cross one another at right angles; and the number of degrees ofthe quadrant wbich are inter- cepted between the first meridian and the zenith, is equal to the distance of the substile line from the twelve-o'clock line; and the number of degrees of the-first meridian, which are intercepted between the quadrant and the north pole, is equal to the elevation of the stile above the plane of the dial. If the dial declines westward from the south, count that declination from the east point of the horizon to- wards the south, and bring the quadrant of altitude to the degree in the horizon at which the reckoning ends; both for finding the forenoon hours, and the distance of the substile from the meridian; and for the afternoon hours, bring the quadrant to the opposite degree in the horizon, namely, as far from the west towards the north, and then proceed in all respects as above. Thus we have finished our declining dial: and in so doing, we made four dials, viz. 1. A north dial, declining eastward by the same num- DIAL. ber of degrees; 2. a north «H;0, declining the same num- ber west; .3. a south dial, declining east: and, 4. a south dial, declining west: only, placing the proper number of hours, and the stile or gnomon respectively, upon each plane. For. in the south-west plane, the substilar line falls amoticr the afternoon horns, and in the south-east of the same declination, among the forenoon hours, at equal distances from XII. And so all the morning hours on the west dccliner will be like the afternoon hours on the cast decliner: the south-east dccliner will produce tbe north- west decliner; and the south-west decliner, the north-east dccliner; by only extending the hour-lines, stile, and sub- stile, quite through the centre: the axis of the stile, or edge that casts the shadow on the hour of the day, being in all dials whatever parallel to tbe axis of the world, and consequently pointing towards tiie north pole of the heavens in north latitudes, and towards the south pole iu south latitudes. An easy method for construct! :>g of dials.—But because every one win; would like to make a dial, may perhaps not be provided with a globe to assist him, and may pro- bably not understand the method of doing it by logarith- mic calculation; we shall show how to perform it by the plain dialing-lines, or scale of latitudes and hours (see fig. 5). Scales of this kind are sold by all mathematical instrument-makers. This is the easiest of all mechanical methods, and hy much the be st. when the lines are truly divided: not only the half hours and quarters may be laid down by all of them, by every fifth minute by most, and every single minute by those where the line of hours is a foot in length. Having drawn a double meridian line a b,c d (fig. 6), on the plane intended for an horizontal dial, and crossed it at right angles by the six-o'clock line/e (as in fig. 3), take the latitude of your place with the compasses, in the scale of latitudt s, and set that extent from c to e, and from a to/, on tbe six-o'clock line; then, taking the whole six hours between the points of the compasses in the scale of hours, with that extent set one foot in the point e, and let the other toot fall where it will upon the meridian line c d, as at d. Do the same from/to 6, and draw the right lines e d and fb, each of which will be equal in length to the whole scale of hours. This done, setting one foot of the compasses in the beginning of the scale at XII, and extending the other to each hour on the scale, lay off these extents from d to e for the afternoon hours, and from b to/ for those of the forenoon; this will divide the lines de and bf in the same manner as the hour-scale is divided, at 1, C, 3, 4, 5, and 6; on which the quarters may also be laid down, if required. Then laying a ruler on the point c, draw the first five hours in the afternoon, from that point, through the dots at the numeral figures 1, 2, 5, 4, 5, on the line d e; and continue the lines of IV and V through the centre c to the other side ofthe dial, fur the like hours of tlie morning; which done, lay the ruler on the point a, and draw the last five hours in the forenoon through the dots 5, 4, ;", 2. 1, on lhe lin/6: continuing the hour-lines of VII and VIII through the centre a to the other side of the dial, for the like houi> of the evening; and set the hours to their respective lines as in the figure. Lastly, make the gnomon the same way as taught above for the horizontal dial, uud the whole will be finished. To viake cr. erect south dial.—Take the co-latitude of the place from this scale of latitudes, and then proceed in all respects for the hour-lines as in the horizontal dial; only reversing the hours, as in fig. 0; and making the an- gle ofthe stile's height equal to the co-latitude. The dialing-lines (fig. 5) arc large enough for makin.? a dial of nine inches or more in diameter, and tbey are drawn sufficiently exact for common practice, to every quarter of an hour. This scale may be cut off from the plate and pasted upon the wood or p.isreboard, which wii! render it somewhat more exact than it is on the plate: for being rightly divided upon the copper-plate, and printer' off on wet paper, it s'iriiiks as the paper dries; but when it is wetted again, it stretches to the same size as when newly printed; and if pasted on while wet, it will remai:. of that size afterwards. We shall now show how to make a dial without these helps. Divide a quadrant into 90 equal parts or degrees for taking the pr >per angle of the stile's elevation, which is easily done. To describe an horizontal dial.—With any opening of the compasses, as Z L (fig. 7), describe tbe two semicir- cles L F k and L Q/c, upon the centres Z and z, v. !;ere the six-o'clock line crosses the double meridian line, and divide each semicircle into twelve equal parts, beginning at L; then connect tbe divisions which are equidistant from L, by the parallel lines K M, J N, II 0, G P, ami F Q. Draw V Z for the hypothenuse ofthe stile, ma- king the angle V Z E equal to the latitude of your place; and continue the line V Z to R. Draw the line R r pa- rallel to the six-o'clock line, and set off the distance a K from Z to Y, the distance 6 I from Z to X, c II from Z to W, -f d g from Z to T, and e F from Z to S. Then draw the lines S s, Tt, Ww, Xx, and Y y, each parallel to R r. Set off the distance Y y from a to 11, and from /to 1; the distance x X from 6 to 10, and fromgto 2; w W from c to 9, and from h to 3; t T from d to 8, and from i to 4; s S from e to 7, and from n to 5. Then laying a ruler to the centre Z, draw the forenoon hour-lines through the points 11, 10, 9, 8, 7; and laying it to the centre %, draw the afternoon lines through the points 1, 2, 3, 4, 5: continuing the fore-noon lines of VII and VIII through the centre Z, to the opposite side of the dial, for the like afternoon hours; and the afternoon lines IV and V through the centre «. to the opposite side, for the like morning hours. Set the hours to these lines as in the figure, and then erect the stile or gnomon; and the hori- zontal dial will be finished. To construct a south dial, draw the line V Z, making an angle with the meridian Z L equal to the co-latitude of your place; and proceed in all respects as in the above horizontal dial for the same latitude, reversing the hours, and making the elevation of the gnomon equal to the co-latitude. We shall now, to render this article complete, ex- plain tbe method of constructing the dialing-lines, and some others. With any opening of the compasses, as E A (fig 8) according to the intended length ,,f the scale, describe the circle ADCB, and cross it at right angles by the diameters C E A and DEB. Divide the quadrant \ B first into nine equal parts, and then each part into ten- so shall the quadrant be divid-,1 into ninety equal parti or degrees. Draw the right line AFB for the chord DIAL. of this quadrant, and setting one foot of the compasses in the point A, extend the other to the several div isions of the quadrant, and transfer these divisions to the line AFB by the arcs 10 10, 20 20, &c. and this will be a line of chords, divided into 90 uneqal parts; which, if transferred from the line back again to the quadrant, will divide it equally. It is plain by the figure, that the distance from A to 60 in the line of chords, is just equal to AE, the radius of the circle from which that line is made. • And therefore, in laying down any number of de- grees on a circle by the line of chords, you must first open the compasses, so as to take in just 60 degrees upon that line, as from A to 60: and then, with that extent as a radius, describe a circle which will be of the same size with that from which the line was divided: which done, set one foot of the compasses in the beginning of the chord line, as at A, and extend the other to the number of degrees you want upon the line, which ex- tent, applied to the circle, will include the like number of degrees upon it. Divide the quadrant CD into 90 equal parts, and from each point of division draw right lines as i, k, I, &c. perpendicular to the line E C, which will divide it into a line of sines; and although these arc seldom put among the dialing-lines on a scale, yet they assist in drawing the line of latitudes. For, if a ruler be laid upon the point D, and over each division in the line of sines, it will divide the quadrant C B into 90 unequal parts, as B a, ab, kc. shown by the right lines 10 a, 20, b, 50 c, Sec. drawn along the ei\ge ofthe ruler. If the right line B C be drawn, subtending this quadrant, .and the nearest distances B a, B b, B c, kc. be taken in the compasses from B, and set upon this line in the same manner as directed for the line of chords, it will make a line of latitudes B C, equal in length to the line of chords A B, and of an equal number of divisions, but unequal as to their lengths. Draw the right line D GA, subtending the quadrant ~B A; and parallel to it, draw the right line r s, touch- ing the quadrant D A at the numeral figure 3. Divide this quadrant into six equal parts, as 1, 2, 3, &c. and through these points of division draw right lines from the centre E to the line r s, which will divide it at the points where the six hours are to be placed, as in the figure. If every sixth part of the quadrant be sub- divided into four equal parts; right lines drawn from the centre though these points of division, and contin- ued to the line r s, will divide each hour upon it into quarters. A dial on a Card.—In fig. 9, we have the representa- tion of a portable dial, which may be easily drawn on a card, and carried in a pocket-book. The lines a d, *l b, and b c, of the gnomon, must be cut quite through the card; and as the end a b of the gnomon is raised occasionally above the plane of the dial, it turns upon the uncut line c d as on a hinge. The dotted line A B must be slit quite through the card; and the thread must he nut through the slit, and have a knot tied be- hind, to keep it from being easily drawn out. On the other end of this thread is a small plummet D, and on the middle of it a small bead for showing the time of the day. To rectify this dial, set the thread in the slit right against the day of the month, and stretch the thread from the day of the month over the angular point where the curve-lines meet at XII; then shift the bead to that point on the thread, and the dial will be rer tified. To find the hour of the day, raise the gnomon (no matter how much or how little), and hold the edge of the dial next the gnomon towards the sun, so that the uppermost edge of the shadow of the gnomon may just cover the shadow-line; and the bead then playing freely on the face of the dial, by the weight of the plummet will show the time of the day among the hour-lines as it is forenoon or afternoon. To find the time of sun-rising and setting, move the thread among the hour-lines, until it either covers sonic one of them, or lies parallel betwixt any two; and then it will cut the time of sun-rising among the forenoon hours, and of sun-setting among the afternoon hours, on that day of the year for which the thrtad is set in the scale of months. To find the sun's declination, stretch the thread from the day ofthe month over the angular point at XII, and it will cut the sun's declination, as it is north or south, for that day, in the arched scale of north and south declination. To find on what days the sun enters the signs; when the bead, as above rectified, moves along any of the curve lines which have the signs of the zodiac marked upon them, the sun enters those signs on the da)*; pointed out hy the thread i» the scale of months. The construction of this dial is very easy, especially if the reader compares it all along with fig. 10, as he reads the following explanation of that figure. Draw the occult line A B (fig. 10), parallel to th« top of the card, and cross it at right angles with the six-o'clock line E C D; then upon (J, as a centre, with the radius C A, describe the semicircle A E L, and di- vide it into twelve equal parts (beginning at A), as A r, A s, kc. and from these points of division, draw the hour-lines r, s, t, u, v, E, w, and x, all parallel to the six-o'clock line E C. If each part of the semicircle he subdivided into four equal parts, they will give the half- hour lines and quarters, as in fig. 9. Draw the right line A S D o, making the angle S A B equal to the lati- tude of your place. Lpon the centre A describe the arch R S T, and set off upon it the arcs S R and S T, each equal to 25£ degrees, for 1ho sun's greatest decli- nation; and divide them into 23\ equal parts, as in fig. 9. Through the intersection D of the lines E C D and A D o, draw the right line F D G at right angles to A D o. Lay a ruler to the points A and R, and draw the lineARF through 23| degrees of south declination in the arc S R; and then laying the ruler to the points A and T, draw the line ATG through 23 J degrees of north declination in the arc ST: so shall the lines ARF and ATG cut the line FDG in the proper length for the scale of months. Upon the centre D, with the radius DF, describe the semicircle F o G; and divide it into six equal parts, F m, m n, n o, kc. and from these points of division draw the right lines mh, n i, p k, and q I, each parallel to o D. Then .setting one foot of tbe compasses in the point F, extend the DIAL. r.iher to A, and describe the aiv A Z II for Ihc tropic of vj; with the same extent, setting one foot in G. describe the arc A E O for the tropic of s. >'ext setting one foot in the point /», and extending the other to A, de- scribe the arc A C I for the beginnings of the signs «* and i; and with the same extent, setting one foot in the point /, describe the arc AN for the beginnings ofthe signs n and SI. Set one foot in the point ?, and having extended the other to A, describe the arc A K for the beginnings of the sl^-iis x and ni,: and with the same ex- tent, sci one foot in k, and describe the arc A M for the beginnings of the signs « and tijj. Then, setting one foot in the point D, ard extending the other to A, de- scribe the curve A L for the beginnings of T and =£=; and the signs will he finished. This done, lay a ruler from tt:< point A over the sun's declination in the arch R ST (found by the following table) for every fifth day ofthe year; and where the ruler cuts the line F D G, make marks; and place the days of the months rig;.: against these marks, in the manner shown by fig. 9. Lastly, draw the shadow-line P Q, parallel to the occult line A B; make the gnomon, and set the hours to their re spective lines, as in fig. 9, and the dial will be finished. The following table shows the sun's place and de- clination, in degrees and minutes, at the noon of every day of the second year after leap-year; which is a mean between those of leap-year itself, and the first and third years after. It is useful for inscribing the months and their days on sun-dials, and also for finding the lati- tudes of places. C3 4j 9 F- = uati afte ^r* , tf &5 5 ^ -5 ^ «5 ~ S E^ --$ S *i ■*■- ^ o 3 "a «5 £ a una Icul •3 CO FEBRUARY. n w is n v >o (OS90OIO H Ol CO Tf Vi tO K00QO — Ol CO r)> io Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol to l^ 00 Ol Ol Ol o ii zr' u %n Vi Oi Oi rf « ~ ~ Ol CO rf rj" ^ rf CO O? Tf C^ 00 01 CO CO CO CO Tf -r t rf rf Oi 00 b, VJ CO CO co CO co co ^* Tf Tj- Tf ~"f om o moo Ol Ol Ol —> ^* ^J- ^f Tt* *f W Tf to SCO «o ^< CO Ol rr co co co co CO 00 K i— V) '^ CO Ol c "u 4) Q Oi 'c 3 VI XI >.0 'OOOOW t- IO CO Gl o t» to o io Tt* ^r Oi Oi Oi Oi Oi Tf Ol T}> -r co co co oi 00 K. to VJ CO ©J Tt Ol Ol Ol — — — woeotot Tf Ol Vi CO i-( O O Oi Oi Oi «o 01 00 00 00 o a E M e s en o t-i oi co *r 0 oi co ^r >o to r-1 ri ri i-c r-t 1! KCOOOh hhhMO) oo Oi a © o ol co rf io to Ol Ol Ol Ol (» —' -h Ol Ol Ol KOOOOh Ol Ol Ol CO co CO Tf rf Ol CO tJ< io to ^ ^t Vi S CO O) W -^ Ol CO Tf m O KOO 010 r- (H O Tf m -1 !-* T—1 !-H I—1 (O N CO O) O H Ft H H Ol —> oi co ■<* m Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol 'O K 00 oi oi oi *-i Ol CO Tf IO to b- 00 Oi © r_ Ol CO Tf Vi to s. 00 Oi © ^ Ol CO t >o to l^ 00 Oi o T-H a 1-1 Ol Ol Ol Gl Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol CO « (+- + 00 «5 Tf Ol Oi to CO Oi •<* en w? K © Ol tf ^r IO ■^ CO T-* CO IO »H to © CO to 00 Oi Oi o> •M TT rt ■Tf ^ co CO «o Ol ^" '"■' CO Ol ■^ Ol rr Ol CO IO *H Ol Tf V5 1-1 Ol CO Tf 3 r-i w "co -f Tf m Vi to to to l^ K 00 00 C3 Oi Oi © © © rH rH - -H Ol Ol Ol Gl CO CO CO CO CO rt 03 -- ~ "^ 5£ CO K o •<* to Oi o Ol CO CO CO CO Ol T—1 © 00 IO CO o to OJ 00 Tf Oi f 00 GJ tn § •< 01 ^r Tf CO Ol 1—1 rH >o ^r CO Ol T— IO CO c» 00 on no on K K. 1-1 IN w Ol Ol ©I Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol 6 ^_ u N. CO « Ol Oi Ol — Ol CO f Vi b- 00 Oi o r- Ol CO Tt to K 00 Oi © rH Ol CO T V5 to K. on o «o IO IO »o «o Vi IO Vi »o « n O -H Ol CO TJ< >o to K 00 o © _ Ol CO 1" Vi to K X Oi o rH Gl CO ^* Vi to K. on m O. 3 £ Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Gl Ol Ol n m *h ol CO ^" >o to K 00 Oi © rH Ol CO -o to l^ 00 Oi © r, Ol CO ■^ m to 1^ m rn n a 11 1—1 1-1 ri r-i w* Ol Ol Gl Ol Ol 01 Gl Gl Ol 01 CO CO In these tables, N .signifies North, and S. South, Declination. The signs + and -, denotes that the equation of time must be added to, or substracted from, the time shewn by a sun dial, or apparent time, in order to obtain the mean tune, or the time shewn by a well-regulated clock or watch. vojl. I. 96 DIAL. C3 s .3 MS MAY. 1 th oi co Tf io to S 00 O) o TH TH Ol CO Tf »o to b. CO Oi © th Ol CO Tf IO Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol tO K X O) O i Ol Ol Ol 01 CO co O . c u • s e CP" W J Gl © K CO Oi 1 ri p| pi CO CO *0 CO CO «o CO CO © Tf CO ri Tf Tf tt io CO CO CO CO ttO K f> If) if! CO CO CO 00 Oi >o >o CO CO Oi co »o IO CO CO K Vi co io m io CO CO CO o to 01 00 CO »0 Tf Tf CO CO CO co CO co co oi ci th io m CO CO CO CO pi pi "3 a SO "e 3 oo ^ IO co p CO J> t-( co »o o Tf IO Vi Vi to »o PI to o © oo to rf ri tO 1- 00 OS 22 2 20 59 21 57 Vi CO io io PI co Gl PI rH © IO Tf Tf »0 Gl Gl 26 46 27 44 28 41 Oi k-. Tf p| Oi CO CO CO CO p| Oi © tH PI CO PI H K Tf p| C U rr. Gl PI P< PI ri r, tj> io to k oo a ca ST TH Gl GO Tf Vi to K* OiO TH TH PI CO TH rH TH Tf >0 TH TH to k-TH TH 00 Oi © TH TH PI n Ol CO Tf lO CI CI PI PI PI tO K 00 Ci C -(N pi pi pi co ej a *) .<» *5>*t ■•s ^ S3 o i2 Q rH Gl GO Tf lO to t>. oo Oi © rH n Ol CO Tf Vi to l^ 00 OJ © rH pi PI Gl CO Tf IO CN PI PI tO K X Oi © CI PI PI PI CO "fa =) Ui IO «o Vi (O tO SNK 00 00 X Oi Oi Oi © © rH ri TH PI 01 PI CO CO CO Tf TP Tf 6 o % CO Gl O H Gl §- rH O Oi «o CO K tO If) Tf IO IO Vi Vi IO CO n Vi V) OOlK IO Tf Tf to Tf Tf Tf CO Tf n © Tf Tf 00 K CO CO uo co oi CO CO CO COOKifiO CO Ol CM PI 01 B 3 CO CO Tf Tf ■f) tO K CO OJ © ^ Gl Gl Gl CO Tf CN CI PI IO CI to PI CN 00 Oi CI CI © n 30 PI CO Tf into Koooi Vi a n Ol CO Tf IO to K 00 OS O rH TH Ol CO Tf IO to ^ 00 Oi © rH Ol Ol Ol CO Tf >0 Ol Ol Ol © U 00 CJi o Ol 0? Ol 01 '-"• 32 ■5 33 •SI ct:" 3 P- cr 5? Q TH N CO Tf io IO GO rH 00 Tf Tf CO Ol lO Ol Gl 01 Ol n tO tN. CO Oi © © tO Tf tO n Tf Ol TH >0 Tf rH rH y^ O © TH Gl CO Tf IO O I - 00 Ci C -H PI CO Tf O Mg £ °R S £ £ CI ClPlPlPlPllClClClPl"^ IO Oi oi >o oo Ol IO CO n © © Oi Oi Oi H *3 W KO) Tf Ol Tf C) 00 CO 00 K CO Oi n CN -f "t IO CO CI TT rJ IO Vi Vi T. Tf Tf co ^« th CO Vi Gl ?, K <0 (O to Oi to CI OS to Tf Gl CO n lO io >0 Tf Tf if) if) if) if) if) © th Gl GO Tf 3th tH CI CO Tf lO If) If) If) If) If) lO to k^ CO OS tO K. 00 Oi O dOSIOriCO TfOk>.C0Oi lOOl Tfrl|lOC0 TfrH pi to o « to a oi «n th co m co co co CI CI IO IO Tf Tf Tf O rH CI CO Tf ci ci ci ci ci ri rH t- O © CO CO Gl Ol if) to S CO Oi PI PI CI CN Gl TH Gl CO Tf >0 (D KCO a c n n -h n PI (O f. CO C> - 1. PI PI Gl CI r- ' DIAL. 3 "& •3 =5 <^~ O*!^ § h i ■ — Gl -r © 1, on Oi PI r" _,, IO © k- CO Ci © _ d CO -r IO ~, oc Ci c ri 1 —> —« — "~ d d d d d d "N !/l d d •_ + r- . n ro o CO ri Tf Ol lO CO TH •O CO rH IO CO n IO CO TH IO CO n IO CO TH C\ ID a (J oo ►. f. 1. k. to © © © IO IO IO Tf Tf Tf CO CO CO 01 Ol CM — f* — © © © Oi Oi Oi 00 " T. u Ci © Tf Oi © Tf d Oi k^ Tf CM © K IO CO w^ Oi © Tf Gl © CC © Tf Gl c X CM d PI n n IO IO IO «o IO Tf Tf Tf Tf co CO CO CO CO Ol CM d Ol PI 1-1 o 00 Ci r> ri 01 CO IO © K. 00 on Oi o _, d CO Tf IO © K 00 Ci o rH d CO Tf IO © k^ 01 Ol Gl Gl Gl Ol Ol Gl Ol d C/2 o? W- ui TH d CO Tf IO © r- 00 Oi o n ci co Tf IO © K 00 Oi © — Ol co Tf IO © K cr Oi o ri l TH d Ol Ol d Ol Ol d PI CI d CO c*. r. n CM CO Tf IO © ». X Oi c _ 01 co Tf IO © K X Oi © ri Ol CO Tf IO © K X cs _ rH f-\ *™ Ol Ol Ol Gl o? Ol Ol Ol CM o1 to CO + 0 ^ CO IO © X X Oi Oi Oi X k-~ © Tf ri X io TH K d K TH Tf k'H c 01 CO Tf IO Tf CO PI © th CN CO Tf IO ri d CO Tf IO n ~ d CO CO Tf Tf IO IO IO cr' ul CO CO CO CO CO Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf Tf IO IO IO IO IO «o IO IO IO •o IO © © © © © © © to © ~ fc 1 1 — ©<° CM (- Ol © o Tf k. © Ol Tf © K X Oi Oi Oi X k^ © Tf CO © X IO Gl X Tf n in > " IO IO Tf Tf CO Ol Ol n IO Tf CO Ol ri IO Tf CO Gl r-4 Tf CO d IO Tf d J a o CO CO © 01 CO Ol Ol o? Ol CM Ol Ol Ol CM r-l ri ri y-* w-l ri © © © © © © OS Oi Oi Oi X m & Ol 01 Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol Ol d CM Ol Ol Gl Ol Gl Ol Gl Gl 1—1 ri rH vi 6 o tH X IO Ol © K Tf ri X © CO © K Tf Gl Oi © CO rH X IO Ol o k-. Tf Gl m K s IO Tf Tf Tf Tf CO co CO Ol Ol Ol d ri n """ IO lO IO IO Tf Tf Tf CO CO CO CO CM CD o x oi © ri Ol CO Tf IO © h. X Oi 3 ri d CO Tf IO © © k^ X OS © T-* rs CO Tf IO ffi K 3 Gl Ol d d Gl d d CM CM fM CO IS1 o? rH d CO Tf IO © u X Oi © - Ol CO Tf IO © K X Oi o _, Ol CO Tf IO © K X Oi n 3 Ol Ol Ol d Ol Gl d Ol 01 Gl co CO OQ rf 5 ii e» ■.- cr Ed >, n 01 CO Tf VS rasoooo ~> Tf -f Tf Tf Tf CO Ol n PI CI d d d Tf CO d TH O "5 Tf CO Ol -H X tO Tf n n Ol CO PI Ol Gl Ol PI d oi d d d t-lffiif) o CO Tf Tf IO CI d Ol PI CO d d d d d d © K Tf d n n 0 © — 01 CO f rH r- rH rH r- M Oi L Tf n Oi •n io io io Tf Tf IO © K X © 1 - CO Oi © — Ol CO Tf IO X © Tf p| to IO Tf CO CM © © © © © (O S00O1O n — r- th Ol TH PI CO Tf IO d CN PI d d CO © X rH Tf rH d Tf IO © © © © © Tf Oi Gl © Oi CO CO CO CO CO d d d d d © CO C X IO Tf Tf Tf CO CO Oi © r- Ol CO <-« O! Ol Gl Ol n CO IO © k^ d d d d d CO CO CO CO CO d d d d d d Oi k-, Tf rH CO CM Ol Ol d t ifltOKM 1! CI d Gl Gl — 01 © K X OS © HHHH(J) K © CO © Oi d CO Tf IO X X X k^ to d d C* d Ol © k- X OS © 01 Gl Ol Ol CO n Tf K. CS TH rH d CO Tf d PI d d CO Tf Gl © fr^ Tf d d d rn rH cococoeoco I co co co co ca oidddd 1 ddddd X © co © K OS © rH Ol CO 01 ~* d « Tf IO d d d x d d >C5 d OS © CO Vi «5 Vf Tf If) If) t© K © K CO OS O Gl CM Ol Ol CO DIAL. 41 ^ Ch w m S a > o Days. tH d CO Tf IO (0k.00O)O TH th Ol X Tf io © K X Oi © TH CM CO Tf US 01 Gl d d CM Gl Gl d d CO ««H o ■ U cr W 1 t Tf Tf Tf CO CO TH tH tH TH tH © © © © © TH X Tf © Tf .H IO CO © © © VS x th x io io Tf Tf X d TH IO IO IO IO IO «0 X tH X Tf VS Tf d TH >C5 Tf Tf Tf Tf OS Tf h, © Ol VS Tf Ol TH IO X X X CO d [2 35 2 14 1 54 1 33 1 12 . V n in "fa 3 X CO Oi OOKtOI1 ^ © IO TH CO o Tf T? Tf VS IO CO rH X © X IO TH d Tf io © © © K. © © x os Tf N«n« d KKKO0 0O OS Tf OS X k^ X "O d X X X O) OS OS TH Tf k^ © d >C Tl CO Tf OS © o © © TH d d d d X V) to © to V) IH p| CO £ r? *■* *■* « CI d PI d d 0) u E en "fa 3 X "d d co co co d d d d d o X Ol © TH PI X Tf Tf Tf Tf d CI d d d X Tf IO © b. IO IO © © K. CI d d CI d X Oi O th d k^ X X OS o d d d d X CO Tf IO © K. d d d d d 28 30 29 31 / 0 32 1 33 2 33 Tf in to k oo x co «e co tn x Tf vj to t. 10 Q TH d X Tf IO © k-~ X os © THdcOTfio © k-^ X OS © rH CM X Tf IO d d d d d © K 00 Oi o d d CM PI co "H. ?3 SS i-H © h"S |^ Pi W CO o pi o o en G TH d X Tf VS (OSOOOO TH ri Gl X Tf IO (O KaOQO TH pi X Tf IO d d d d d © K X OS O th W CI W Pi co co C«H O ii 3 Pf cr a 1 i OS k^. © Tf © d Tf d TH O © © TH TH PI OS © d X Tf IO TH X Tf TH TH d d d Tf Oi Tf X d TH X Tf X X X X Tf 1 io k os © th 1 TH d CO IO Tf Tf Tf Tf IO \ TH O X © CO TH d d X Tf If) If) If) If) If) O if) O « » H IO If) r, f) v> © to to to a "o CD c en "fa 3 Ui CO* O Tf k^ © Tf d Tf n CO o X X X Tf Tf k^ © X © OS io d Tf d Tf IO VS © © h rf NO) (M IO t-1 X IO d © kv K k-H X Tf © X © TH Tf Pi If) H x cs os os o TH X Tf to K X X IO tH CO IO © © th ri n X Os OS Tf Oi G TH X tf) TH 00 f) d d PI co co to 6 u CS s "fa 3 X "rf X CO d th CO X X X X O t^ X OS O TH «!l O Oi OS CO K x d d d d 01 X Tf lO © K tO tO «i if) d d d d CI KODCDOh Tf Tf X CO X d d d d d d X Tf IO © d d d d d 27 23 28 22 29 22 «l0 22 1 22 - N. tO Tf Ol tO Vi o o Tf 1 tO 30 31 ^ o T? ' *- "■ 1 ^. CO CO Vi Vi o to to VO I b- 00 00 * 1 *•* 7-5 CO CO Tf Vi 'O o t- tO CN 1 °* Tf Tf m Vi tO tO 1 * t" IS CO 1 Ol b- ^ «o c 1 — 1 CO — CN CN b- Oi o b- Tf CO to _ Ol 1 ° CN Tf co tO o CO to Ol ^ - 1 ^ Tf Tf Vrt >n to tO tO tO 1 CO 1 Ol 1 o 1 o 1 Vi 1 CO 1 rt and covered with hair: in the upper jaw are eight cutting teeth, and two in the lower. 5. Dideiphis philander. The philander is about the size of a large rat; the head is large, the snout thick, and the ears rounded and upright; the tail is longer than the body, and is hairy for some little distance from the base, the remainder being naked, and towards the end prehensile. The length of the body is nine inches. and of the tail thirteen. The philander is of a reddish brown above, and whitish beneath; the eyes are sur- rounded with a brownish border; the mouth on each side is beset with very long vibrissa? or whiskers; down the forehead runs a brownish stripe; the thumbs on the hind feet are rounded, as in most others of this genus. It has ten upper fore teeth, of which the mid- dle ones are rather longer than the rest; and eight lower fore teeth, the middle ones rather longest, and standing distant. It is a native of Surinam, and, in all proba- bility, of several other parts of South America. 6. Dideiphis dorsigera, or Merian opossum. This species is so named from the celebrated madame Merian, who has introduced a figure of it into her splendid work on the insects of Surinam. Madame Mcrian's own ac- count of the animal as follows; « By way of filling up a plate, I have represented a kind of wood-rat, which al- ways carries her young ones (of which there are com- monly five or six) upon her back: she is of a yellowish brown colour, and white beneath. When these rats come out of their hole, either to play or to seek their food, they run about with their mother; but when they are satisfied with food, or are apprehensive of danger, they climb up again on the back of their mother, and twist their tails round that of the parent, who runs with them into her hole again." 7. Dideiphis lemurina, or lemurine opossum. This is a large species, being equal in size to a cat, but longer- bodied in proportion. Its colour is a fine brownish or iron-grey above, and pale yellowish-brown beneath, in some specimens nearly white: the sides of the neck and the feet have also a tinge of this colour; the fur on the whole animal is extremely thick, rich, and soft, scarcely yielding in elegance to that of the petaurius or great fly- ing opossum: the muzzle is short and roundish; tire whiskers large and black; the ears upright, large, and a little inclining to apointed form at the tips; the eyes bright and reddish; the hind feet furnished with a rounded inte- rior toe; the tail, which is thick, long, and very furry, is prehensile, and is of the same colour with the body for about a fourth of its length, the remainder being black- it is naked beneath to a great distance from the tip. The general length of the body is about 18 inches, of the tail about 12. 8. Murina. In this species the tail is hairy at the base and a fold includes the teats. It inhabits South Ameiir/ and eats fruit, grain, fish, &c. It is slow and stunid S«J Plate LH. Nat. Hist. fig. 164. * ' w 9. Dideiphis viverrina. or viverrine opossum. This animal is remarkable for its slender form; and this, foirc- ther with its sharpened visage and long brush} tail,'gives it, at first view, the appearance of one of the vveose'l tribe rather than that of an opossum. Its general size s«>etns to be that of a stoat, measuring about ten inches from nose to tail, and the tail itself about eight inches. It is impos- sible to say critically what the various forms ofthe teetli are adapted for from the general principles of teeth. ln the front we have what may divide and tear off; behind those there are holders and destroyers; behind the hitter such as will assist in mashing, as the grinders of the lion and other carnivorous animals; and, last of all, grinders to divide parts into smaller portions, as in the gramini- vorous tribe: the articulation of the jaw in some degree admits of all those motions. 10. Dideiphis petaurus, or petaurinc opossum. The size, colour, and form, of the petaurine or great flying opossum of New Holland, conspire to render it one of the most beautiful of quadrupeds. It measures about 22 in- ches from the tip of the nose to the beginning ofthe tail, which is 20 inches in length. The body is about thesize of a half-grown cat or a small rabbit, and the general ap- pearance of the animal is similar to that of a flying sq.iir- rel; an expansile membrane, covered with fur, stretching from the fore legs to the hind on each side ofthe body, and thus enabling the animal to spring to a considerable distance at pleasure. The general colour of this species is a very fine, sable, or deep grey-brown above, varied with a cast of ferrugc- nous: beneath it is nearly white; a stripe, of darker or blacker brown than the rest runs along the back from head to tail; the fur near the edge of the flying mem- brane on its upper part has also a darker tinge than on the other parts, while the edge itself is white, thus form- ing a beautiful contrast of colour round the whole bor- der of the membrane; a darker or blacker shade than on the rest of the fur prevails on the upper parts of the shoulders, extending over each side of the nek. The tail is at least equal to the whole length of the head and body, and is extremely full of long, soft fur, of a black- er cast than the rest, particularly towards the end, where it is longer or more floccy than towards the base: the whole is of a roundish or subcvlindric f< rm, but from the disposition of the long fur, has a slightly flat- tened appearance towa.'ds the extremity. 11. Dideiphis sciurea, or squirrel opossum. This is perhaps the most beautiful quadruped, if we except the petaurus or great flying opossum, of all the Australa- sian species yet discovered. In its general asp'-ct is has so much the appearance of a squirrel, that, on a cursory view, it might readily pass for such. A more exact in- spection into its characters will, however, evince it to be a genuine opossum. Its size is nearly that of a common squirrel^ but from the fulness and particular growth of D I D D I D the fur, which, like that ofthe lemur, grows in a sube- rec t manner, it appears somewhat larger. Its general colour is exactly like that of the sciurus cinereus, or American grey squirrel. A black stripe passes over each eye along the top ofthe head: under each ear is a black patch surrounded with white, the hair on the wliite part having a more soft or ilocculcnt appearance than the black. The tail, which is prehensile, is of the s.une colour with tiie body for about half its length, the re- mainder being black. It is very full of hair, and tapers a little towards the extremity, but without any acute termination. The eyes are black, rounded, and full: the cars round, shortish, and very thin; the whole under side of the animal is milk-white; the upper parts ofthe feet arc also white, and the edge of the lateral or flying membrane, which extends from the fore feet to the hind, is edged with a blackish border, as in the flying squir- rels. The abdominal pouch is of considerable size, and is situated, as in other opossums, on the lower part of the abdomen: the hind feet arc furnished with a rounded, unarmed, or mutic thumb. Nothing can exceed the soft- ness and delicacy of this animal's fur, which is, if possi- ble, still finer than that of the petaurus, to which indeed, though very greatly inferior in size, as well as widely different in colour, it yet bears a striking affinity. It is a nocturnal animal, and continues torpid the greatest part of the day, but during the night is full of activity. In this, as well as in other Australian opossums, the two toes on the hind feet nearest tbe thumb or rounded one, arc connate, or both conjoined under one common skin. 12. Dideiphis pygmsea, or pygmy opossum. This is by far the most minute of all the opossums, and, from its diminutive size, not exceeding that of a common mouse, has been named the pygmy opossum. It is fur- nished on each side the body with an expansile mem- brane, exactly in the manner of the flying squirrel, by the. assistance of which it is enabled to spring to a con- siderable distance. The fur on the whole animal is ex- tremely fine; the colour is a soft or palish brown above, and almost white beneath; the edges of the flying mem- brane are also white; the nose, feet, and cars, internal- ly arc of a light pink or flesh-colour; the tail is of a flat- tened form, and is beautifully edged on each side with soft silky hail's. The opening of the abdominal pouch in this species is of a semilunar form: on opening this receptacle, in the specimen described in the New Hol- land Zoology, was discovered on each side a young one, large in proportion to the parent animal, and totally chstitutc ofhair: they had. therefore, not approached to thw period of their second birth. In such specimens as were not in a pregnant state, the mammas or teats were extremely sni ill, and only four in number. The tongue in this animal is remarkably large an ' long, and of a fl-ttened firm; the hind feet have rounded and unarmed thumbs, and the two interior toes are united under a common skin. l.l. Mai rotarstis: tail slender, miked, hairy at the tip. heels ofthe hind-feet long, naked, thumb-nail flat See Plat- XL1I. Nat. Hist. fig. 163, and also the article KANCiAHO). DIDELT \, a genus ofthe (lass and order syngenesia polyga'nia friiKtruiiea. The ly x is expanding; recepta- cle hone} -combed into parts, which retain the seeds; down chaffy, many-leaved. There arc twv> species, an- nuel s ofthe Cape. DIDUS, or Dodo, in ornithology, a genus belonging to the order of gallinse. The bill is contracted in the middle by two transverse rugaj; each mandible is inflect- ed at the point; and the face is bare behind the eyes. Only one species, the ineptus, is mentioned by Linnaeus. Other naturalists have added two more. 1. The dronte, or hooded dodo (ineptus, Lin.), is somewhat larger than a swan, and near three feet in length. The bill is strong, large, and hooked at the end; the gape stretches beyond the eyes: the colour is a very pale blue, except the end of the upper mandible, wdiich is yellowish, and has a red spot on the bend of it; the end of the lower is blackish; the irides are while. The general colour of the plumage is cinereous: it is soft to the touch; the belly and thighs are whitish. The head is large, and seems covcied with a black hood or cowl. The wings are very short, and of a yellowish ash-co- lour; the tail feathers ai-e curled, stand up on the rump, and in line to yellow. The legs have four toes, three be- fore and one beyind; are very stout, short, and yellow- ish; the claws are black. It inhabits the islands of Mau- ritius and Bourbon in the Indian Ocean. See Plate L. Nat. Hist. fig. 169. 2. The solitaire, or solitary dodo, is a large bird, and the male is said to weigh sometimes 45 pounds. The neck is of a proportionable length, and the eye black and lively; the head is not crested, and the general co- lour of the plumage is grey and brown mixed: it has scarcely any tail, and the bastard wing swells out into a round knob; the wings are too short for flight; and the hind parts arc rounded like a horse's rump, being clothed with feathers, which may be termed coverts. The females are covered with sometimes brown and sometimes light-yellow feathers, and appear very beau- tiful. The feathers on each side of the breast enlarge into two wliite tufts, somewhat resembling the bosom of a woman. Those of the thighs are rounded at the end like shells; and, according to Lcguat, the bird has al- together a noble and elegant gait. This is an inhabi- tant of the isle of Rodrigue, where it is not uncommon; but not met with in flocks, scarcely more than two be- ing found together. It makes its nest in by-places, of leaves ofthe palm, a foot and a half in thickness, and lays one egg, bigger than that of a goose. The male sits in his turn, and does not suff m- any bird to approach within 200 yards of the spot while the i.en is'sitting, which is seven weeks. The young is so in.*, months be- fore it can shift for its -If; the old ones, in the mean U ue, are affectionate to it, and faithful to each other after- wards, though they occasionally may mix with others of their kind. The young birds, though timid, are stu- pid enough to suffer the approach of uuv one: but when grown up. are more shy, and will not be t ion ■!. They are chased in the winter season, viz. from March to September, being th n fat, and the young birds are much esteemed for the table. 3. The Nazarene, dodo is larger than a swan. Tic bill Is a lit'Ie bent downwards, and large; ins;'ad of feathers, the whole is covered over with a black down- but the wings are feathered, and it lias some fr". -■■{ d ones upon the rump, which serve instead, of a tail; the D I B DIF legs are long and scaly, and there are three toes on each foot. This was met with, in the Isle of France, and described as above by Fr. Cauche; who adds, that the female lays only one egg, which is white, and as big as a penny-loaf, and that there is always found with it a white stone of the size of a hen's egg; that it makes a nest of leaves and dry herbs in the forests on the ground; and that there is likewise found a grey stone in the giz- zard of the young bird. [DID YMODON, in botany, a genus of the class cryp- togamia, order musci. (c) DIDYNAMIA, the name of the 14th class in Lin- nous's sexual method, consisting of plants with herma- phrodite flowers, which have four stamina or male or- gans, two of which are long and two short. See Bo- tany. [DIERVILLA, in botany, a genus of the class pentan- dria, order monogynia. The calyx is five-leaved; the co- rolla is five-leaved, luted, frutescent; the capsule inferi- or, four-celled, many seeded. There is but one species known, the D. canadensis, or yellow-flowered diervil- la.(c) DIES, in common law, are of two kinds, dies juri- dici, and non juridici. Dies juridici, or fasti, are all clays wherein justice is administered in court. Dies non ju- ridici, or nefasti, are all Sundays in the year: and, in Easter term, the feast of ascension of our Lord; in Tri- nity term, the nativity of St. John the Baptist; in Mi- chaelmas term, the feasts of all saints and all souls, and in Hilary term, the purification ofthe Blessed Virgin. Dies datus, is a day, or time of respite, given by the court to the defendant in a cause. DIESIS, (from the Greek,) the name given to the smallest interval used in the music of the ancient Greeks. In harmonic calculations, those are called diesis which are greater than a comma, and less than a semi-tone. Diesis, in modern music, is the name given to the elevation of a note above its natural pitch. This raising of the sound is, however, only a kind of insensi- ble gliding through the interval of a semi-tone, and does not produce any change in the denomination of the note upon which it operates. With some authors, diesis is only another name for the quarter of a tone. DIET. See Materia Medica. Diet or Dvet, in matters of policy, is used for the general assembly of the states or circles ofthe empire of Germany, and formerly of Poland, to deliberate and concert measures proper to be taken for the good ofthe public. The general diet of the empire is usually held at Ratisbon: it consists of the emperor, the ten electors, and the ecclesiastical princes; viz. the archbishops, bishops, abbots, and abbesses; the secular princes, who are dukes, marquises, counts, viscounts, or barons; and the representatives of the imperial cities. It meets on the emperor's summons, and any of the princes may Send their deputies thither in their stead. The diet makes laws, raises taxes, determines differences between the several princes and states, and can relieve the sub- jects from the oppressions of their sovereigns. DIEU et mon droit, God and my right, the motto of the royal arms of England, first assumed by king Bichard I. to intimate that he did not hold his empire in vassalage of any mortal authority. It was afterwards taken by Edward the Third, and was continued without interruption to the time of king William III. who used the motto je maintiendray, though the former was still retained upon the great seal. After him, queen Anne used the motto semper eadem, which had been before used by queen Elizabeth; but ever since queen Anue dieu et mon droit continues to be the royal motto. Dieu son act, words anciently often used in our law and to this day, it is a maxim in law, that the act of God shall prejudice no man: therefore, if a house is blown or beaten down by a tempest, thunder, or lightnin^. the lessee, or tenant for life or years, shall be quit of an ac- tion of waste; and, by the law, he has likewise a special interest or liberty allowed to take timber, to rebuild the house for his habitation. DIFFERENCES, in heraldry, certain addttamenti to coat armour, whereby something is added or altered to distinguish younger families from the elder. DIFFERENTIAL calculus. See Calculus niF ferentialis. DIFFERENTIO, differentials calculus, is a method of differencing differential quantities. We have observed, under the wrord Calculus, that the differential of a quantity is expressed by the letter d prefixed to it, as the differential of x is called dx; vvc are to remark, therefore, in this place, that the differen- tial of dx, is ddx; and the differential of ddx, is dddx; or, as sir Isaac Newton would express it, x, &c. These differentials may be expressed more compendiously thus, d2x, d3x, kc. whence we have powers or degrees of dif- ferentials. The differential of an ordinary quantity, is called a differential of the first degree, as dx. The dif- ferential of the second degree, is an infinitesimal of a differential quantity of the first degree, as ddx, dxdx, or dx2, dxdy,.kc The differential of the third degree, is an infinitesimal of a differential quantity of the second degree, as dddx, dx3, dxdydz, and so on. The powers of differentials are differenced after thr same manner as the powers of ordinary quantities: and as compound differentials either multiply or divide each other, or are perfect or imperfect powers of differen- tials of the first degree, the differentio-differcntialis cal- culus is in effect the same with the differential calculus. See Calculus differentialis. DIGASTRICUS, in anatomy, a muscle of the lower jaw, called also biventer. DIGESTION, in medicine, is the dissolution of the aliments into such minute parts as are fit to enter the lacteal vessels, and circulate with the mass of blood. There is a very great difference in the quantity oi aliment which animals require, and in the time which , they can pass without it. In general, those animal'! which are most active require most, and those which are most indolent'.require least food. The cause of this is obvious: the bodies of animals do not remain stationa- ry, they are constantly wasting; and the waste is pro- portional to the activity of the animal. Hence the body must receive, from time to time, new supplies, in place of what has been carried off. The use of food answers this puimpose. We are much better acquainted with the food of ani- mals than of vegetables. It consists of an infinite va» DIGESTION. riety of animal and vegetable substances: for there are but very few of cither which som%animal or other does not use'as food. Man uses as food chiefly the musdes of animals, the seed of certain grasses, and a variety of vegetable fruits. Almost all the inferior animals have particular substances on which they feed exclusive!}. Some of them feed on animals, others on vegetables. Man has a greater range; he can feed on a very great number of substances. To enumerate these substances would be useless, as we are not able to point out with accuracy what it is which renders one substance more nourishing than another. Many substances do not serve as nourishment at all; and some, instead of nourishing, destroy life. These last arc called poisons. Some poisons act chemically, by de- composing the animal body. The action of others is not so well understood. The food is introduced into the body by the mouth, and almost all animals reduce it to a kind of pulpy con- sistence. In man and many other animals this is done in the mouth by means of teeth, and the saliva with which it is there mixed; but many other animals grind their food in a different manner. After the food has been thus ground, it is introduced into the stomach, where it is subjected to new changes. The stomach is a strong soft bag, of different forms in different animals: in man it has some resemblance to the bag of a bagpipe. In this organ the food is converted into a soft pap, which has no resemblance to the food when first intro- duced. This pap has been called chyme. Since chyme possesses new properties, it is evident that the food has undergone some changes in the stomach, and that the ingredients of which it was composed have entered into new combinations. The formation of chyme, in fact, is owing to the stomach; and it has been concluded, from the experi- ments of Stevens, Reaumur, Spallanzani, Scopoli, Brug- natelli, Carimini, eve. that its formation is brought about by the action of a particular liquid secreted by the sto- mach, and for that reason called gastric juice. That it is owing to the action of a liquid is evident; because, if pieces of food are inclosed in close tubes, they pass through the stomach without any farther alteration than would have taken place at the same temperature eut ofthe body; but if the tubes are perforated with small holes, the food is converted into chyme. This liquid does not act indiscriminately upon all sub- stances: for if grains of corn are put into a perforated tube, and a granivorous bird is made to swallow it, the corn will remain the usual time in the stomach without alteration; whereas, if the husk of the grain is previous- ly taken off, the whole of it will be converted into chyme. It is well known, too, that many substances pass unalter- ed through the intestines of animals, and consequently are not acted upon by the gastric juice. This is the case frequently w ith grains of oats when they have been swal- lowed by horses entire with their husks on. This is the case also with the seeds of apples, kc when swallowed entire by man; yet these very substances, if tbey have been previously ground sufficient!} by the teeth, are di- gested. It appears, therefore, that it is chiefly the husk or outside of these substances which resists the action of vol.I. 9i the gastric juice. We see also, th.it trituration greatly l'.i cilitates the conversion of food into chyme. The gastric juice is not 'he s-.imc in all animals; for many animals cannot digest the food on which others live. Toe conium maculatum (hemlock), lor iintarr'e, is a poison to man instead of food, yet the goat often feeds upon it. Many animals, as sheep, live wholly up- on vegetables; and if they are made to feed upon animals, their stomachs will not digest thorn: others again, as the eagle, feed wholly on animal substance., and cannot digest vegetables. The gastric juice does not continue always of the same nature, even in the same animal: it changes gradually according to circumstances. Graminivorous animals may be brought to live on animal food; and after they have been accustomed to this for some time, their sto- machs become incapable of digesting vegetables. On the other hand, those animals which naturally digest nothing but animal food may be brought to digest vegetables. What is the nature of the gastric juice, which posses- ses these singular properties? It is evidently different in different animals; but it is a very difficult task, if not an impossible one, to obtain it in a state of purity. Va- rious attempts have indeed been made by very ingenious philosophers to procure it; but their analysis of it is suf- ficient to show us, that they have never obtained it in a state of purity. The methods which have been used to procure gastric juice are, first, to kill the animal whose gastric juice is to be examined, after it has fasted for some time. By this method Spallanzani collected 37 spoonfuls from the two first stomachs ofa sheep. It was of a green colour, undoubtedly owing to the grass which the animal had eaten. He found also half a spoonful in the stomach of some young crows which he killed before they had left their nest. Small tubes of metal pierced with holes, and contain- ing a dry sponge, have been swallowed by animals; and when vomited up, the liquid imbibed by the sponge is squeezed out. By this method, Spallanzani collected 481 grains of gastric juice from the stomachs of five crows. A third method consists in exciting vomiting in the morning, when the stomach is without food. Spallanzani tried this method twice upon himself, and collected one of the times, 1 oz. 32gr. of liquid; but the pain was so great, that he did not think proper to try the experiment a third time. Mr. Gosse, however, who could excite vomiting whenever he thought proper, by swallowing air, has employed that method to collect gastric juice. Spallanzani has observed that eagles tlirow up every morning a quantity of liquor, which he considers as gastric juice; and he has availed himself of this to collect it in considerable quantities. It is almost unnecessary to remark how imperfect these different methods are, and how far every conclu- sion drawn from the examination of suh juices must de- viate from the trifth. It is impossible that the gastric juice, obtained by any one of these p. cess s, can be pure; because in the stoinachit must be constantly ui.xed with large quantities ofsalhu, mucus, bile, food*, k . It may be questioned, indeed, whether any gastvi i ti< c at all can be obtained by these methods; tor as the Uu union DIGESTION. ofthe gastric juice is to convert the food into chyme, in all probability it is only secreted, or at least thrown into the stomach, when food is present. We need not be surprised, then, at the contradictory accounts concerning its nature, given us by those philo- sophers who have attempted to examine it; as these re- late not so much to the gastric juice, as to the different substanees found in the stomach. The idea that the gastric juice can be obtained by vomiting, or that it is thrown up spontaneously by some animals, is, to say the least of it, very far from being probable. According to Brugnatelli, the gastrie juice of carni- vorous animals, as hawks, kites, &c. has an acid and resinous odour, is very bitter, and not at all watery; and is composed of an uncombined acid, a resin, an animal substance, and a small quantity of muriat of soda. The gastric juice of herbivorous animals, on the contrary, as goats, sheep, kc. is very watery, a little muddy, has a bitter saltish taste, and contains amonia, an animal ex- tract, and a pretty large quantity of muriat of soda. Mr. Carminati found the same ingredients: but he supposes that the ammonia had been formed by the putrefaction of a part of their food, and that in reality the gastric juice of these animals, is of an acid nature. The accounts which have been given of the gastric juice of man are so various, that it is not worth while to transcribe them. Sometimes it has been found of an acid nature, at other times not. The experiments of Spal- lanzani are sufficient to show, that this acidity is not owing to the gastric juice, but to the food. He never found any acidity in the gastric juice of birds of prey, nor of serpents, frogs, and fishes. Crows gave an acidu- lous gastric juice only when fed on grain; and he found that the same observation holds with respect to dogs, herbivorous animals, and domestic fowls. Carnivorous birds threw up pieces of shells and coral without altera- tion; but these substances were sensibly diminished in the stomachs of hens, even when inclosed in perforated tubes. Spallanzani himself swallowed calcareous sub- stances inclosed in tubes; and when he fed on vegetables and fruits, they were sometimes altered and a little di- minished in weight, just as if they had been put into weak vinegar; but wdien he used only animal food, they came out untouched. According to this philosopher, whose experiments have been by far the most numerous, the gastric juice is naturally neither acid nor alkaline. When poured on the carbonat of potass, it causes no ef- fervescence. Such are the, result ofthe experiments on the juices taken from the stomach of animals. No conclusion can be drawn from them respecting the nature of the gastric juice. But from the experiments which have been made on the digestion of the stomach, especially by Spallanza- ni, the following facts are established. The gastric juice attacks the surface of bodies, unites to the particles of them, which it carries off, and cannot be separated from them by filtration. It operates with more energy and rapidity the more tlae food is divided, and its action is increased by a warm temperature. The food is not merely reduced to very minute parts; its taste and smell are quite changed; its sensible properties are destroyed, and it acquires new and very different ones. This juice does not act as a ferment; so far from it that it is a powerful antiseptic; and even restores flesb already putrefied. Tbjjjre is not the smallest appearance of such a process; indeed, when the juice is renewed fre- quently, as in the stomach, substances dissolve in it with a rapidity which excludes all idea cd'fermentation. Only a few air-bubbles make their escape, which adhere to the alimentary matter, and buoy it up to the top, and which are probably extricated by the beat ofthe solution. With respect to the substances contained in the sto' mach, only to facts have been perfectly ascertained. The first is, that the juice contained in the stomachs of oxen, calves and sheep, invariably contains uncombined phosphoric acid, as Macquartand Vauquelin have demon- strated: the second, that the juice contained in the stomach, and even the inner coat of the stomach itself, has the pro- perty of coagulating milk and the serum of blood. Dr. Young found, that seven grains of the inner coat ofa calf's stomach, infused in water, gave a liquid which coagulated more than 100 ounces of milk; that is, more than 6857 times its own weight; and yet, in all probabili- ty, its weight was not much diminished. What the substance is which possesses this coagulat- ing property, has not yet been ascertained; but it is evi- dently not very soluble, in water: for the inside of a calf's stomach, after being steeped in water for six hours, arid then well washed with water, still furnishes a liquor on infusion which coagulates milk: and Dr. Young found that a piece of the inner coat of the stomach, after be- ing previously washed with water, and then with a dilut- ed solution of carbonat of potass, still afforded a liquid wdiich coagulated milk and serum. It is evident, from these facts, that this coagulating substance, whatever itis, acts very powerfully; and that it is scarcely possible to separate it completely from the stomach. But we know at present too little of the na- ture of coagulation to be able to draw any inference from these facts. An almost imperceptible quantity of some substances seems to be sufficient to coagulate milk: for Mr. Vaillant mentions in his Travels in Africa, that a porcelain dish which he procured, and which had lain for some years at the bottom of the sea, possessed, in consequence, the property of coagulating milk when put into it; yet it communicated no taste to the milk, and did not differ in appearance from other cups. It is probable that the saliva is of service in the conver- sion of food into chyme as well as the gastric juice. It evidently serves to dilute the food; and probably it may be serviceable also by communicating oxygen. The chyme, thus formed, passes from the stomach into the intestines, where it is subjected to new changes, and at last converted into two very different substances, chyle and excrementitious matter. The chyle is a white-coloured liquid, very much re- sembling milk. It is exceedingly difficult to collect it in any considerable quantity, and for that reason it has ne- ver been accurately analysed. We know only in general that it resembles milk; containing, like it, an albuminous part capable of being coagulated, a serum, and globules which have a resemblance to cream. It contains also dif- ferent salts; and, according to some, a substance scarce- ly differing from the sugar of milk. Concerning the process by which chyle is formed from chyme, scarcely any thing is known. It does not appeav DIGESTION. that the, chvle is precisely the same in all animals; for those which arc herbivorous have a greater length of in- testine than those which are carnivorous. It is certain that tbe formation of the chyle is effected by a chemical change, although we cannot say precisely what that change is, or what the agents are by which it is produc- ed. But that the change is chemical, is evident, because the chyle is entirely different, both in its properties and appearance, from the chyme. The chyme, by the action of the intestines, is separated into two parts, chyle and excrement: the first of which is absorbed by a number of small vessels called lacteals; the second is pushed along the intestinal canal and at last thrown out of the body altogether. After the chyme has been converted into chyle and ex- crement, although these two substances remain mixed together, it does not appear that they arc able to decom- pose each other; for persons have been known seldom or never to emit any excreincntitious matter per anum for years. In these, not only the chyle, but the excremen- titious matter also, was absorbed by the lacteals; and the excrement was afterwards thrown out of the body by other outlets, particularly by the skin: inconsequence of which, those persons have constantly that particular odour about them which distinguishes excrement. Now in these persons it is evident that the chyle and excre- ment, though mixed together, and even absorbed togeth- er, did not act on each other; because these persons have been known to enjoy good health for years, which could not have been the case had the chyle been destroyed. It has been supposed by some that the decomposition of the chyme, and the formation of chyle, are prduced by the agency of the bile, which is poured out abundant- ly, and mixed with the chyme, soon after its entrance in- to the intestines. If this theory was true, no chyle could be formed whenever any accident prevented the bile from passing into the intestinal canal: but this is obviously not the case; for frequent instances have occurred of persons labouring under jaundice from the bile-ducts be- ing stopped, cither by gall-stones or some other cause, so completely, that no bile could pass into the intestines; yet these persons have lived for a considerable time in that state. Consequently digestion, and therefore the formation of the chyle, must be possible, independant of bile. The principal use of the bile seems to be to separate the excrement from the chyle, after both have been form- ed, and to produce the evacuation of the excrement out ofthe body. It is probable that these substances would remain mixed together, and that they would perhaps even be partly absorbed together, was it not for the bile, which seems to combine with the excrement, and by this combination to facilitate its separation from the chyle, and thus to prevent its absorption. Fourcroy supposes that the bile, as soon as it is mixed with the contents of the intestinal canal, suffers a decomposition; that its al- kali and saline ingredients combine with the chyle, and render it more liquid, while its albumen and resin combine with the excrementitious matter, and gradually render them less and less fluid; and this then is certainly ve- rv probable.The bileals<; stimulates the intestinal canal, and causes it to evacuate its contents sooner than it other- wise would do; for when there is a deficiency of bile, I: \c bodv is constantly costive. The excrementitious matter, then, which is evacuate*' per anum, consists of all that part of the food and chyme which was not converted into chyle; entirely al- tered, however, from its original state, partly by the. decomposition which it underwent in the stomach a;vJ intestines, and partly by its combination with tiie resm and albumen of the bile. Accordingly, we find in it ma- ny substances which did not exist at all in the food. Thus in the dung of cows and horses there is found a very considerable quantity of benzoic acid. The excre- ments of animals have not yet been subjected to an ac- curate analysis, though such an analysis would throw much light upon the nature of digestion: for if we knew accurately the substances which were taken into the body as food, and all the new substances which were formed by digestion; that is to say, the component parts of chyle and of excrement, and the variation which different kinds of food produce in the excrement; it would be a ve- ry considerable step towards ascertaining precisely the changes produced on food by digestion. Vauquelin has ascertained that the faeces are constant- ly acid, always reddening vegetable blues. They run very quckly into fermentation, becoming at first more acid, but very soon begin to exhale ammonia. Pigeon- dung contains an acid of a peculiar nature, which in- creases when the matter is diluted with water; but grad- ually gives place to ammonia, which is at last exhaled in abundance. To the same excellent chemist we arc indebted for an analysis of the fixed parts of the excrements of fowls, and a comparison of them with the fixed parts of the food; from which some very curious consequences may be deduced. He found that a hen devoured in ten days 11111.843 grains troy of oats. These contained 136.509 gr. of phosphat of lime 219.548 silica. 356.057 During these ten days she laid four eggs; the shells of which contained 98.776 gr. phosphat of lime, and 453.417 gr. carbonat of lime. The excrements emitted during these ten days contained 175.529 gr. phosphat of lime, 58.494 gr. of carbonat of lime, and 185.266 gr. of silica. Consequently the fixed parts thrown out of the system during these ten days amounted to 274.305 gr. phosphat of lime 511.911 carbonat of lime 185.266 silica. Given out 971.482 Taken in 356.057 Surplus 615.425 Consequently the quantity of fixed matter given oufc of the system in ten days exceeded the quantity taken in by 615.425 grains. The silica taken in amounted to 219.548 gr. That given out was only 185.266 gr. Remains 34.282 DIG DIG Consequently there disappeared 34.282 grains of silica. The phosphat of lime taken in was 136.509 gr. That given out was . 274.305 gr. 137.796 Consequently there must have been formed, by diges- tion in this fowl, no less than 137.796 grains of phosphat of lime, besides 511.911 grains of carbonat. Consequent- ly lime (and perhaps also phosphorus) is not a simple substance, but a compound, and formed of ingredients which exist in oat-seed, water, or air, the only sub- stances to which the fowl had access. Silica may enter into its composition, as a part of the silica had disap- peared; but if so, it must be combined with a great quan- tity of some other substance. These consequences are too important to be admitted without a very rigorous examination. The experiment must be repeated frequently, and we must be absolutely certain that the hen has no access to any calcareous earth, and that she hasnot diminished in weight; because in that case some of the calcareous earth, of which part of her body is composed, may have been employed. This rigour is the more necessary, as it seems pretty evident, from experiments made long ago, that some birds at least cannot produce eggs, unless they have access to calcareous earth. Dr. Fordyce found, that if the cana- ry-bird was not supplied with lime at the time of her lay- ing, she frequently died, from her eggs not coming for- ward properly. He divided a number of these birds at the time of their laying eggs into two parties: to the one he gave a piece of old mortar, which the little animals swallowed greedily; they laid their eggs as usual, and all of them lived; whereas many of the other party, which wrere supplied with no lime, died. The chyle, after it has been absorbed by the lacteals, is carried by them into a pretty large vessel, known by the name of thoracic duct. Into the same vessel likewise is discharged a transparent fluid, conveyed by a set of vessels which arise from all the cavities of the body. These vessels are called lymphatics, and the fluid which they convey is called lymph. In the thoracic duct, then, the chyle and the lymph are mixed together. Very little is known concerning the nature of the lymph, as it is scarcely possible to collect it in any quantity. It is colourless, has some viscidity, and is said to be specifically heavier than water. It is said to be coagulable by heat; if so, it contains albumen; and from its appearance it probably contains gelatine. Its quantity is certainly considerable, for the lymphatics are very numerous. The chyle and lymph being thus mixed together, are conveyed directly into the blood-vessels. The effect pro- duced hy their union in the thoracic u\uct is not known, but neither the colour nor external properties ofthe chyle are altered. In man, and many other animals, the tho- racic duct enters at the junction of the left subclavian and carotid veins, and the chyle is conveyed directly to the heart, mixed with the blood, which already exists in the blood-vessels. From the heart, the blood and chyle thus mixed together are propelled into the lungs, where in their united state they undergo farther changes. Such arc the phenomena of digestion, as far as they have been traced. The food is first conveyed to the stomach, where by means ofthe gastric juice it is con- verted into chyme. The chyme passes into the intesti- nal canal, where it is subjected to a new process, being gradually decomposed and converted into chyle and ex crementitious matter, which by means of the bile are se- parated from each other. The excrementitious matter is evacuated, but the chyle is absorbed by the lacteals, and conveyed to the blood-vessels hy the lungs. DIGESTOR, in chemistry, a strong vessel, made of copper or iron, and fitted with a close cover and screws- so as to remain perfectly tight in a considerable degree of heat, whilst water, common air, and the subject of the operation, are contained in it. The cover of the dicestor should always be provided with a valve to let out a part of the steam, otherwise the vessel will certainly burst, by which it may prove fatal to the by-standers. Of all chemical vessels hitherto invented, the digestor seems best calculated for increasing the action ofthe menstru- ums. Water, confined in a digestor, is susceptible of so much heat as to melt lead; and it is frequently found to melt the solder of lead and tin, with which the copper vessel was held together: hence appears the necessity of using hard solder, made of spelter, or silver and brass, for this purpose; otherwise, the digestor cannot contain the water, when much heated, without melting in the joints. In this vessel, fresh ox-bone will be so digested in the space of a quarter of an hour, as to become soft and tender, and capable of being cut with a knife; and the water, in which it was boiled, turned into a hard jel- ly, and a large cake of fat on its surface, when all is pro- perly cooled. DIGGING, among miners, is appropriated to the ope- ration of freeing any kind of ore from the bed or stratum in which it lies, where every stroke of their tools turns to account: in contradistinction to the openings made in search of such ore, which are called hatches or essay- hatches, and the operation itself, tracing of mines, or hatching. When a bed of ore is discovered, the beelc- men, so called from the instrument they use, which is a kind of pick-ax, free the ore from the fossils around it, and the shovel-men throw it up from one shamble to another, till it reaches the mouth of the hatch. In some mines, to save the expense as well as fatigue of the shovel-men, they raise the ore by means of a winder, and two buckets, one of which goes up as the other comes down. DIGIT, digitus, in astronomy, the 12th part of the diameter of the sun or moon, is used to express the quantity of an eclipse. Thus an eclipse is said to be of six digits, when six of these parts are bidden. Digits, or Monades, in arithmetic, signify any in- teger under 10, as 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Digit is also a measure taken from the breadth of the finger. It is properly 3-4ths of an inch, and contains the measure of four barley-corns laid breadthwise. DIGATALIS, fox-glove, a genus of the angiospcr- mia order, in the didynamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 28th order, lurid*. The calyx is quinquepartite; the corolla campanulated, quinquefid, and ventricose; the capsule ovate and bilo- cular. There are 12 species; 5 of which are hardy, 'ier* baceous, biennial) and perennial plants. The herbaceous D* I L D I M apeciesrisetwo or three feet high, crowned with spikes of yellow iron-coloured or purple flowers. The ' anarien- sis or shrubby sort rises five or six feet high, having spear-shaped rough leaves, four or five inches long, and half as broad; the branches being ail terminated with flowers growing in loose spikes. All the species are easily raised by seeds. An ointment made ofthe flowers of pur- ple fox-glove and fresh butter, is much commended by some surgeons for scrophulous ulcers which run much and are ill-conditioned. Taken internally, this plant is a violent purgative and emetic; and is therefore only to be administered to robust constitutions. An infusion of two drams ofthe leaf in a point of water, given in half-ounce doses every two hours, till it begins to vomit or purge, is recommended in dropsy, particularly thatof the breast. It issaid to have produced an evacuation of water so co- pious and sudden, in ascites, by stool and urine, that the compression of bandages was found necessary. The use of this remedy, however, is thought dangerous by many physicians, yet the Edinburgh pharmacopoeia has re- tained it. DIGITATED, among botanists, an appellation given to compound leaves, each of which is composed of a num- ber of simple foliola, placed regularly on a common pe- tiole; though strickly speaking, there must be more than 4 foliola to make a digitated leaf. DIGNITY ecclesiastical: ecclesiastical dignities are those of archbishop, bishop, dean, archdeacon, and prebendary, and the possessors of these dignities are called dignitaries. Of dignities and prebends, Camden reckons 544 in England. DIGYNIA,from ><$ twice, and yvn a woman,the name of an order or secondary division, in each of the first 13 classes except the 9th, in Linnaus's sexual method; con- sisting of plants, which to the classic character, whatev- er it is, add the circumstance of having two styles or fe- male organs. DlLAPlDATION,is where an incumbent of a church- living sufferers the parsonage house or out-houses to fall down, or be in decay, for want of necessary reparations; or it is the {Hilling down or destroying any of the houses or buildings belonging to a spiritual living, or destroying ofthe woods, trees, kc. appertaining to the same; for it is said to extend to committing or suffering any wilt ii waste, in or upon the inheritance of the church. Deg. Pars. Conns. 89. By 13 Eliz. c. 10, if any ecclesiastical persons, who are bound to repair tbe buildings whereof they are seised in right of their place or function, suffer the m to fall into decay for want of repair, and make fraudulent gifts of their personal estate, with intent to hinder their successors from recovering dilapidations against their executors or administrators, in such case the successor shall have like remedy in the ecclesiastical court, against the graijtee of such personal estate, as he might have against the executor or administrator of the predecessor. By 14 Eliz. c. 11. all monies recovered by dilapidations, shall within two years be employed upon the buildings for which they were paid, on pain of forfeit- ing 3 it is of three dimensions; and so on. DIMUs UT1UN, in architecture, a contraction of the upper partof acolumn, by which its diameter is made less than that ofthe lower part. Diminution, in law, is where the plaintiff or defen- dant in a writ of error, alleges on an appeal to a superior court, that part of the record is omitted, and remains in the inferior court not certified; whereon he :prays that it may be certified by certiorari. Co. Ent. 222. 242. Diminution, in music, is when there are several words which are to make tones, and several quick mo- tions in a cadence, several quavers, seniiquavcrs, kc. corresponding to a crochet or minim, as when a semi- breve is divided into two minims, four crotchets. rVc. Diminution, in rhetoric, the exaggerating what you have to say b\ an expression thst seems to diminish it. DIMINL'T1VE, in grammar, a word firmed iVoni some other, to soften or diminish the force of ir, or to signify a thing is little in its kind. Thus cellule is a di- minutive of cell, globule of gioln , hill .ek of hill. DIMISSORY lktikks, are sm h •■•$ are nsvii where a candidate for holy orders has a title in one diocese, and is D I 0 D 1 0 to be ordained in another; the proper diocesan sends his letters dimissory, directed to some other ordaining bish- op, giving leave that the bearer may be ordained, and have such a cure within his diocese. DIOCESE, the circuit of every bishop's jurisdiction: for England has two sorts of divisions; one into shires or counties, in respect of the temporal state; and anoth- er into provinces, in regard to the ecclesiastical state; which provinces are divided into dioceses. The provin- ces are two, Canterbury and York; whereof Canterbury includes twenty-one dioceses, or sees of suffragan bishops; and York three, besides the bishopric of the Isle of Man, which was annexed to the province of York by king Hen- ry the VIII. DIODIA, in botany, a genus ofthe monogynia order, in the tetrandria class of plants; and in the natural meth- od ranking under the 47th order, stellatse. The corolla is monopetalous and funnel-shaped; the capsule bilocular and dispermous. There are six species. DIODON, or sun-fish, a genus of fishes belonging to the order of amphibia nantes. There are three species. 1. The atinga, grows to a great bulk; one examined by Sylvianus was above 100 pounds in weight; and Dr. Borlase mentions another ta- ken at Plymouth, in 1734, that weighed 500 pounds. In form it resembles a bream or some deep fish cut off in the middle. The mouth is very small, and contains in each jaw two broad teeth with sharp edges. The eyes are little; before each is a small semilunar aperture; the pectoral fins are very small, and placed behind them. The colour of the back is duskv and dappled; the belly silvery: be- tween the eyes and*he pectoral fins are certain streaks pointing downwards. The skin is free from scales. When boiled, it has been observed to turn into a glutinous jelly, resembling boiled starch when cold, and serving the pur- poses of glue on being tried on paper and leather. The meat of this fish is uncommonly rank: it feeds on shell- fish. Care must be taken not to confound it with the sun- fish of the Irish, which differs in all respects from this. 2. The mola, or short sun-fish, differs from the former, in being much shorter and deeper. The back and the anal fins are higher, and the aperture to the gills not semilu- nar, but oval. The situation of the fins is the same in both; and both are taken on the western coasts of Britain, but in much greater numbers in the warmer parts of Europe. 3. The hystrix, or globe, is common to Eu- rope and South Carolina. As yet only a single specimen has been discovered^ our seas, taken at Penzance in Cornwall. The length was one foot seven; the length of the belly, when distended, one foot; the whole circumfer- ence in that situation two feet six. The form of the body is usually oblong; but when alarmed, it has the power of inflating its belly to a globular shape of great size. This seems designed as a means of defence against fish of prey; as they have less means of laying hold of it; and are besides terrified by the number of spines with which that part is armed, and which are capable of being erect- ed on every part. The mouth is small: the irides white, tinged with red: the back from head to tail almost straight, or at least very slightly elevated; of a rich deep-blue colour. It has the pectoral, but wants the ven- tral fins: the tail is almost even, divided by an angular projection in the middle; tail and fins brown. The belly and sides are white, shagreened or wrinkled: and beset with innumerable sharp spines, adhering to the skin 1>\ four processes. See Plate XLII. IN at. Hist. figs, iqj and 168. DIffiCIA, from tit twice, and atx<« a house or habi- tation, two houses. The name of the 22d class in Liniife- us's sexual method; consisting of plants which, liavin» no hermaphrodite flowers produce male and fenude flowers on separate roots. These latter only ripen seeds- but require for that purpose, according to the sexualists, the vicinity of a male plant; or the aspersion, that is, sprinkling ofthe male dust. From the seeds ofthe female flowers are raised both male and female plants. The plants then in the class dioecia arc all male and female* not hermaphrodite, as in the greater number of classes; nor with male and female flowers upon one root, as iu the class monoecia of the same author. See Botaxy, DIOMEDIA, in ornithology, the albatross, a genus belonging to the order of anseres. The bill is straight; the superior mandible is crooked at the point, and the lower one is truncated; the nostrils are oval, open, a lit- tle prominent, and placed on the sides. There are two species, viz. 1. Tbe exulans, has pinnated wings, and three toes on each foot. It is the albatross of Edwards; and is about the size of a pelican. These birds are found in the ocean betwixt the tropics and at the Cape of Good Hope. They are also often seen in vast flocks in Kamt- schatka, and the adjacent islands, about the end of June, where they are called geat gulls; but it is chiefly in the bay of Penschinensi, the whole inner sea of Kamtschatka, the Kurile isles, and that of Bering; for on the eastern coasts of the first, they are scarce, a single straggler on- ly appearing now and then. Their chief motive for fre- quenting these places seems to be plenty of food; and their arrival is a sure presage of shoals of fish following. At their first coming they are very lean, but soon grow immensely fat. They are voracious birds, and will often swallow a salmon of four or five pounds weight; but as they cannot take the whole of it into the stomach at once, part of the tail-end will often remain out of the mouth; and the natives, finding the bird in this situation, make no difficult matter of knocking it on the head on the spot. Before the middle of August they migrate elsewhere. They are often taken by means of a hook baited with a fish; but it is not for the sake of their flesh that they are valued, it being hard and unsavoury; but on account of their intestines, a particular part of which they blow up as a bladder, to serve as floats to buoy up their nets in fishing. Of the bones they make tobacco-pipes, needle- cases, and other useful things. When caught, they de- fend themselves stoutly with their bills. Their cry is harsh and disagreeable, not unlike the braying of an ass. The breeding-places of the albatross, if at all in the northern hemisphere, have not yet been pointed out; but we are certain of their multiplying in the southern, viz. at Patagonia and Falkland-islands; to this last place they come about the end of September or beginning of Octo- ber, among other birds, in great abundance. Their nests are made on the ground with earth, are round in sliapef a foot in height, and indented at top. The es;^ is larger than that of a goose, four inches and a half long, white, marked with dull spots at the large end; and is thought to be good food, the white never growing hard with boil- D I 0 D I 0 ing. While the female is sitting, the male is constantly on the wing and supplies her with food: duringthis time they are so tame as to suffer themselves to be pushed off the nest while their eggs are taken from thein; but their chief destruction arises from the hawk, which, the mo- ment the female gets off the nest, darts on it, and flics away with the egg. The albatross itself likewise has its enemy, being greatly persecuted, while on the wing, by the dark grey gull called skua. 2. The demersa, has no quill-feathers on the wings; and the feet have four toes, connected together by a membrane. It is the black penguin of Edwards, about the size of a goose, and is found at the Cape of Good Hope. It is an excel- lent swimmer and diver; but hops and flutters in a strange awkward manner on the land, and, if hurried, stumbles perpetually, and frequently runs for some dis- tance like a quadruped, making use ofthe wings instead of legs, till it recovers its upright posture; crying out at the same time like a goose, but in a much hoarser voice. It is said to climb some way up the rocks in or- der to make its nest; in doing which, it has been ob- served to assist with its bill. The eggs are two in num- ber, white, as large as those of a duck, and reckoned de- licious eating; at least they are thought so at the Cape, where they are brought in great numbers for that pur- pose. At this place the birds arc often kept tame; but in general they do not survive the confinement many months. DIONvEA muscipula, or Venus's flytrap, in botany, a newly discovered sensitive plant, in the construction of which nature seems to have had some view towards its nourishment, in forming the upper joint of its leaf like a machine to catch food; and placing upon the mid- dle of it the bait for the unhappy insect that becomes its prey. Many minute red glands that cover its inner sur- face, and which perhaps discharge some sweet liquor, tempt the poor insect to taste them; and the instant these tender parts are irritated by its feet, the two lobes rise up, grasp it fast, lock the two rows of spines to- gether, and squeeze it to death. And further, lest the strong efforts for life, in the creature thus taken, should serve to disengage it, three small erect spines are fixed near the middle of each lobe among the glands, that effectually put an end to all its struggles. Nor do the lobes ever open again, while the dead animal con- tinues tliere. But it is nevertheless certain, that the plant cannot distinguish an animal from any other sub- stance; for if we put a straw or pin between the lobes, it will grasp it full as fast as if it was an insect. The plant is one of the monogynia order, in the decandria class. It grows in America, about 35 deg. N. lat. in wet shady places, and flowers in July and August. The largest leaves are about three inches long, and an inch and a half across the lobes: the glands of those exposed to the sun arc of a beauiiful red colour; but those in the shade are pale and inclining to green. The roots are squamous, sending forth but few fibres, and are peren- nial. The leaves are numerous, ine lining to bend down- wards, and are placed in a circular order; they are jointed and succulent; the lower joint, which is a kind of stalk, is flat, longish, two-edged, and inclining to heart-shaped. In some varieties tbey are serrated on the edges near the top. The upper joint consists of two lobes; each lobe is of a semi-oval form, with the margins furnished with stiff hairs like eyebrows, which embrace or lock in each other when they close: this they do when they are inwardly irritated. The upper surfaces of these lobes are covered with small red glands; each of which appears, when highly magnified, like a compressed arbutusberry. Among the glands, about the middle of cadi lobe, are three very small erect spines. When the lobes inclose any substance, they never open again while it continues there. If it can he pushed out so as not to strain the lobes, they expand again; but if force is used to open them, so strong has nature formed the spring of their fibres that one of the lobes will generally snap off rather than yield. The stalk is about six inches high, round, smooth, and with- out leaves; ending in a spike of flowers. The flowers are milk-white, and stand on footstalks, at the bottom of which is a little painted bractea or flower-leaf. The soil in which it grows, as appears from what comes about the roots of the plants whenthev are brought over, is a black light mould, intermixed with white sand, such as is usually found in our moorish heaths. Being a swamp plant, a north-east aspect will be properest for it at first, to keep it from the direct rays of the sun; and in winter, till we are acquainted with what cold weather it can endure, it will be necessary to shelter it with a bell-glass, such as is used for melons. This should be covered with straw or a mat in hard frosts. By this means several of these plants have been preserved through the winter in a very vigorous state. Its sensitive qual- ity will be found in proportion to the heat of the wea- ther, as well as the vigour of the plant. Our summers are not warm enough to ripen the seed; or possibly we are not sefficiently acquainted with the culture of it. See Plate L. Nat. Hist. fig. 170. D10PHANTINE problems, in mathematics, cer- tain questions relating to square and cube numbers, and right-angled triangles, &c. the nature of which was de- termined by Diophantus, a mathematician of Alexan- dria, who is believed to have lived about tbe third cen- tury. In these questions it is endeavoured to find com- mensurable numbers to answer indeterminate problems; which bring out an infinite number of incommensurable quantities. For example, it is proposed to find a right- angled triangle, whose sides %, y, x, are expressed by commensurable numbers; it is known that x2+y2 a2 being the supposed hypothenuse. But it is possible to assume x and y so, that * will be incommensurable; for if x — 1, and y =2, %, =v/5. The art of resolving such problems consists in managing the unknown quan- tity or quantities in such a manner, that the square or higher power may vanish out of the equation, and then by means of the unknown quantity in its first dimen- sion, the equation may be resolved without having re- course to incommensurables. For example, in the equation above, x2 4- y2 = z2, sup- pose x = x -f u, then is x2 + y% = x2 -f-^.**i* -f u3, out of wbich equation x2 vanishes, and then it is ya = 2xu -f V2 -— u2 w8, which gives x = ~----Hence, assuming y and u equal to any numbers at pleasure, the three sides of the triangle will be y, • ~ ■-, and ~^-, which are all ra- D I 0 D I O ticnal whenever y and u are rational. For example, if V2 — U2 V24-U2 y = 3, and u = 1, then ~-— = 4, and x + u, or —-— = 5. It is evident that this problem admits of infinite numbers of solutions (see Sanderson's Algebra), as y or u may be assumed infinitely various. DIOPSIS, a genus ofthe vermes class and ofthe dip- tera order. Head with two inarticulate filiform horns much longer than the bead, at the tip of which are pla- ced the eyes. It inhabits South America and Guinea, and resembles the ichneumon. There is but a single species. DIOPTRICS, the science of refractive vision; or that part of optics which considers the different refrac- tions of light in its passing through different medi- ums, as air, water, glass, kc. and especially lenses. See Optics. DIOSCOREA, in botany, a genus of the hexandria order, in the dioecia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the lltli order, sarmentaceae. The male calyx is sexpartite, there is no corolla: the female calyx is sexpartite; no corolla; three styles; the capsule trilocular and compressed; and there are two membranaceous seeds. There are 15 species, of which the only remarkable one is the sativa or yam. This has slender stalks, which trail upon the ground and extend a great way: these frequently put out roots from their joints as they lie upon the ground, by which ti;c plants are multiplied. The roots are eaten by the inhabitants of both the Indies; and are particularly serviceable in the West India islands, where they make the greatest part ofthe negroes' food. The plant is supposed to have been brought from the East to the West Indies; for it has never been observed to grow wild in any part of America; but in the island of Ceylon, and on the coast wf Malabar, it grows in the woods, and there are in those places a great variety of sorts. It is propagated by cutting the root in pieces, observing to preserve an eye in each, as is practised in planting potatoes. One plant will produce three or four large roots. The skin of these roots is pretty thick, rough, unequal, covered with many stringy fibres or filaments, and of a violet colour approaching to black. The inside is white, and of the consistence of red beet. It resembles the pota- toe in its mealiness, but is of closer texture. When raw, the yams are vicous and clammy: when roasted or boiled, they afford very nourishing food; and are often preferred to bread by the inhabitants of the West In- dies, on account of their lightness and facility of diges- tion. When first dug out of the ground, the roots are placed in the sun to dry: after which, they are either put into sand, dry garrets, or casks; where if kept from moisture, they may be preserved for years, with- out being spoiled or diminished in their goodness. The root commonly weighs two or three pounds, though some yams have weighed upwards of twenty pounds. With us it must be kept in the stove. DIOSCUR1A, in Grecian antiquity, a festival kept in honour of the Dioscuri, or Castor and Pollux, wherein the assistants shared plentifully of the gifts of Bacchus. DIOSMA* Afeicaw svirma, a genus of the mono- gynia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking with those id which the or- der is doubtful. The corolla is pentapetalous, the no(* tarium crown-shaped above the. germen: there are five capsules coalited; the seeds hooded. There are 19 spe- cies; of which the most remarkable are the hirsute with narrow hairy leaves; and the oppositifolia, with leaves placed in the form of across. The first is a very handsome shrub, growing to the height of five or six feet: the stalks are of a fine coral colour: the leaves come out alternately on every side of the branches, and are narrow-pointed and hairy: the flowers are produced in small clusters at the end of the shoots, and are ofa white colour. They arc succeeded by starry seed-ves- sels having five corners; in each of which corners is a cell, containing one smooth, shining, oblong, black seed: these seed-vessels abound with a resin which emits a grateful scent, as does also the whole plant. The se- cond species rises to the height of (hree or four feet: the branches are slender, and produced from the stem very irregularly; the leaves arc placed crosswise; the flowers are produced at the ends of the branches, be- tween the leaves: the plants continue a long time in flower, and make a fine appearance when tbey arc inter- mixed with other exotics in the open air. Both species are propagated by cuttings; which may be planted dur- ing any of the summer months in pots, and plunged inU a moderate hotbed, where they should be shaded from the sun, and frequently watered. In about two months they wiil have taken root; when each should be trans- planted into a small pot where they are to remain; but during winter, like most other exotic plants, they must be preserved in a greenhouse. DIOSPYROS, the Indian date-plum; a genus of the dioecia order, in the polygamia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 18th order, bicornes. The calyx is hermaphrodite and quadrifid; the corolla urceolated and quadrifid; there are eight stamia; the style quadrifid; the berry octospermous; the male calyx, corolla, and stamina, as in the former. There are 9 species; the most remarkable are: 1. The lotus, which is supposed to be a native of Africa, whence it was transplanted into several parts of Italy, and also into the south of France. The fruit of this tree is supposed to be the lotus with which Ulysses and his companions were enchanted, and which made those who ate of it forget their country and relations. In the warm parts of Europe, this tree grows to the height of 30 feet. In the botanic garden at Padua, there is one very old tree which has been described by some of the former botanists under the title of guaiacuin patavi- num. This tree produces plenty of fruit every year; from the seeds of which many plants have been raised. 2. The Virginiana, pinshamin, persimon, or pitchu- mon plum, is a native of America, but particularly of Virginia and Carolina. The seeds of this sort have been frequently imported into Britain, and the trees are com- mon in many nurseries about London. It rises to the height of 12 or 14 feet; but generally divides into ma- nv irregular trjnks near the ground, so that it is very l are to see a handsome tree of this sort. Though pi--ntf of fruit is produced on these trees, it never comes to per- D I P D I P feetion in England. In America the inhabitants pre- serve the fruit till it is rotten, as is practised with med- lars in England; when it is esteemed very pleasant. Both species are propagated by seeds: and the plants require to be treated tenderly while young; but when they are grown up, they resist a great degree of cold. See Plate L. IS at. Hist. fig. 171. DIPHTHONG, in grammar, a double vowel, or the mixture of two vowels pronounced togetber,so as to make one syllable. DIPHYSA, a genus of the class and order diadel- phia decandria. The cal. is half fiveclcft; legume with a bladder on each side; seeds hooked. Tliere is one species, a small tree of New Spain. DiPSACUS, teazel, a genus ofthe monogynia or- der, in the tetrandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 48th order, aggregate. The common calyx is polyphyllous, proper above; the re- ceptacle paleaceous. There are four species; the most remarkable of which is the dipsacus fullonum, which grows wild in many parts of England. It is of singular use in raising the nap upon wollen cloth. For this pur- pose, the heads arc fixed round the circumference of a large broad wheel, which is made to turn round and the cloth is held against them. In the west of England, great quantities of this plant are cultivated for the use just-mentioned. It is propagated by sowing the seeds in March, upon a soil that is well prepared. About one peck of seed is sufficient for an acre, as the plants must have room to grow; otherwise the heads will not be large enough, nor in great quantity. When the plants come up, they must be hoed in the same manner as is practised for turnips, cutting down all the weeds, and thinning the plants to about eight inches distance: and as the plants advance, and the weeds begin to grow again, they must be hoed a second time, cutting out the plants to a wider distance, so that they may finally stand a foot distant from each other. The second year thev will shoot up heads, which may be cut about the beginning of August. They are then to be tied up in bunches, and set in the sun if the, weather is fair; if ji.it, in rooms to dry them. The common produce is about 1G0 bundles or sheaves upon an acre, which are sold for one shilling each. DIPTERYX, a genus of the diadelphia decandria class and order. The cal. has the two upper segments winged; legume ovate, compressed, one-seeded. There arc two species, tall trees of Guiana. DIPLOMA, an instrument of licence given by col- leges, societies, &c. to a clergyman to exercise the ministerial function, or to a physician to practice the profession, kc after passing examination or admitting him to a degree. DIPPING, among miners, signifies the interruption, or breaking off. of the veins of ore; an accident that gives them a great deal of trouble before they can dis- cover the ^*e again. DIPPING needle. See Magnetism, and Navi- gation. P'iPTERE. or Diptekon. in the ancient architcc- tuie, signified a temple surrounded with two rows of Columns, which formed a sort cd* porticoes, called wings or isles. Pseudodiptere is the same, except that instead Vol. I. 9fl - of the double row of column-, this was only encompas- sed with a row of single ones. DIPTYCHS, in antiquity, a public register, in which were written the names of the consuls and other ma- gistrates among the heathens: and among the Chris tians, they were a sort of tablets, on one of which were written the names of the deceased, and on the other those of the living patriarchs, bishops, kc. or those who had done any service to the church, for whom pray- ers were offered, the deacon reading the names a' mass. DIPUS, Jerboa, a genus of quadrupeds of the glires order. The generic character is, front-teeth two above and below: forelegs very short; hind-legs very long; clavicles in the skeleton. l.Dipus sagitta, or common jerboa. This is the spe- cies which seems to have been known to the ancients un- der the name of (*,\>&*is%, or two-footed mouse, and which is represented, though with no great degree of exact- ness, on some coins of Cyrene, where it was anciently found in great abundance, and where it still continues. It is supposed to be the saphau of the scriptures. It is about the size of a rat, and is of a very pale tawny- brown above, and white beneath; and across the upper part of the rump runs an obscure dusky band, which is probably not a permanent character, since it appears to be more or less distinct in different indiv iduals. The head is short; the ears thin, broad, upright, and round- ed: the eyes large, round, and dark-coloured: the fore legs about an inch long, with five toes to each foot: the hind legs are extremely long, thin, sparingly covered with short hair, and very much resemble those of a bird: the hind feet have three toes each, the middle of which is somewhat longer than the rest, and all are fur- nished with sharp and strong claws: there is also a very small spur or back toe, with its corresponding claw. The usual length ofthe common jerboa, from nose to tail, is about seven inches and a quarter: the tail is about ten inches long, of a form rather inclining to square than cylindric, and of the same colour with the body, but terminated hy an elegant, flatfish, oval tuft of black hair, with a white tip. On each side the nose are situated several very long hairs or whiskers, as is usual in most animals of this tribe: the cutting-teeth are sharp and strong, and resemble those of a rat. In its attitudes and manner of progressing this animal resem- bles a bird; generally standing, like the kangaroo, on its hind feet, and leaping with much celerity, and to «i great distance: but sometimes it sets its fore feet to the ground for a moment or two, and then recovers its for- mer attitude. It principally uses the fore legs in feed- ing; pulling to its mouth the ears of corn, and various other vegetable substances on which it feeds, it inhabits subterraneous holes, which it either prepares itself, or finds ready excavated, in the dry, stony, and sandv de- serts in which it resides. Dining the day it commonly remains in its hole; coining out al night for food and ex- ercise. On the approach of cold it is said to grow tor- pid for some time, reviving on the change of weather. This animal has frequently been brought into Europe, and in a state of confinement has beeu known to burrow almost through a brick wall. Sonnini, in his Egyptian Travels, assures us that he DIPUS. never was able to find any difference either in the form or colour of the Egyptian jerboa. Sonnini considers the jerboa as constituting a link between quadrupeds and birds. In this idea he is by no means singular; the same sentiment naturally suggesting itself to the mind of every philosophical observer. Mons. Sonnini adds, that though the transition from quadrupeds to birds has not yet been investigated, we have nevertheless reason to consider the connection as existing. We have the beginning of it in the jerboa, and the last link of it in the bat. We have every reason to believe, that the se- ries of gradations will develope itself in proportion as good observers shall carry their researches into coun- tries the natural history of which is still unexplored. " The jerboa appears, says Sonnini, to be a prolific animal; for it is exceedingly numerous in Arabia, Nubia, Egypt, and Barbary. During my stay or rather during my excursions in Egypt, I opened several jerboas. My principal aim was to ascertain that they had only one stomach, and consequently could not possess the power of ruminating. This was in answer to one of the ques- tions that Michaelis, professor at Gottingen, had ad- dressed to the travellers sent to the East by the king of Denmark, viz. Whether the jerboa was a ruminating animal; a question arising from the same mistake which had occasioned the confounding the jerboa with the da- man Israel, or saphan of the Hebrews. '«The sand and ruins that surround modern Alexan- dria are much frequented by the jerboas. They live in society, and in burrows, which they dig with their teeth and nails. I have even been told, that they sometimes make their way through the soft stone which is under the stratum of sand. Though not absolutely wild, they are very shy, and upon the least noise, or the sight of any object, retire precipitately to their holes. They can only be killed by surprise. The Arabs contrive to take them alive, by stopping up all the avenues to their bur- rows except one, by which they force them to come out. I never ate any: their flesh indeed is said to be not very palatable, though it is not despised by the Egyptians. Their skin, covered with soft and shining hair, is used as a common fur. ««' In Egypt, I kept six of these animals for some time in a large cage: the very first night they entirely gnawed through the upright and cross pieces of wood, and I was obliged to have the inside of the cage lined with tin. They ate rice, walnuts, and all kind of fruit. They de- lighted in being in the sun; and when taken into the shade, huddled together, and seemed to suffer from the privation of heat. It has been said that the jerboas sleep by day, and never in the night, but, for my part, I ob- served quite the contrary. In a state of liberty they are found round their subterraneous habitations in open day, and those which I kept were never more lhcly nor awake than in the heat ofthe sun. Although they have a great deal of agility in their motions, they seem to be of a mild and tranquil disposition. Mine suffered them- selves to be touched without difficulty; and there was neither noise nor quarrel among them, even when tak- ing their food. At the same time they testified neither joy, fear, nor gratitude: their gentleness was neither amiable nor interesting: it appeared to be the effect of cold and complete indifference, bordering on stupidity. Three of these animals died successively, before my de- parture from Alexandria. I lost two others during a somewhat stormy passage to the isle of Rhodes, when the last, owing to the negligence ofthe person to whose care it was committed, got out of its cage and disappear- ed. I had a strict search made for it, when the vessel was unloaded, but without effect: it had no doubt been killed by the cats." 2. Dipus jaculus, or alagtaga, in its general appear- ance perfectly resembles the common or Egyptian jer- boa, but is considerably larger, though there appear to be permanent varieties or races which are, on the con- trary, much smaller than the common species. It is principally distinguished by the remarkable character of the hind feet, each of which has a pair of very con- spicuous spurs, or additional toes, situated at some dis- tance above the front toes, and furnished with sharp claws. Of this species there are two supposed varieties, agreeing in form with the above-mentioned, but differ- ing in size, and in some degree in colour; but the differ- ences are not such as to justify our considering them as specifically distinct. The first of these varieties is the Middle Siberian jerboa, which is ofthe size of a rat, and has the thighs crossed by a white line; and a whitish zone or circle surrounds the nose. It is found in the eastern deserts of Siberia and Tartary, beyond the lake Baikal. It also occurs in Barbary and Syria, and ex- tends, according to Dr. Pallas, even as far as India. The other variety is called by Mr. Pennant, the pygmy Siberian jerboa. It agrees in form with the other, but has no white circle round the nose, and has a smaller tuft to the tail, the end of which is just tipped with white. In size it is far inferior to the middle variety. It is said to inhabit the same places with the large or first-described kind. All these agree in their manners, burrowing in hard clayey ground, not only in high and dry spots, but even in low and salt places; digging their holes with great celerity with their fore feet and teeth; thus forming oblique and winding burrows, of some yards in length, and ending in a large hole or recepta- cle by way of nest, in which are deposited the herbs, kc. on which they feed. They are said to wander about chiefly by night. They sleep rolled up, with the head between the thighs: they are extremely nimble, and on the approach of danger spring forward so swiftly* that a man well mounted can scarcely overtake them, luey are said to be particularly fond of the roots of tulips, and some other bulbous-rooted plants. They are sup- posed to sleep during the winter in the manner of dor- mice. Mr. Bruce tells us, that there is little variety in the animal, either in size or colour; but that towards Alep- po they have broader noses than the African; that their bodies are thicker, and their colour lighter. "The Arabs of the kingdom of Tripoli (says Mr. Bruce), make very good diversion with the^Jerboa, m training their grey-hounds, which they employ to hunt the gazel or antelope, after instructing him to turn him- self by hunting this animal. The prince of Tunis, son of Sidi Younis, and grandson of Ali Bey, who had been strangled by the Algerines when that capital w as taken, being then an exile at Algiers, made me a present of a D I P D I R small greyhound, which often gave us excellent sport. It may perhaps he imagined that a chace between these two creatures could not be long: yet I have often seen, in a large inclosure, or court-yard, the greyhound em- ploy a quarter" o* an hour before he could master his nimble adversary: the small size ofthe creature assisted him much; and had not the greyhound been a practised one, and made use of his feet as well as his teeth, he mHit have killed two antelopes in the time he could have killed one jerboa." 3. Dipus cafer, or cape jerboa, is by far the largest of all the jerboas, and is a native of the mountainous coun- try to the north of the Cape of Good-Hope. Its length from nose to tail is one foot two inches: of the tail near 15 inches. It is an animal of great strength and activi- ty, and will spring to the distance of 20 or 30 feet at once. When eating, it sits upright in the manner of a squirrel. It burrows in the ground, like the smaller kind of jerboas, with great ease and expedition, having very strong and long claws, five in number, on the fore feet: those on the hind feet arc rather short, and are four in number. 4. Dipus meridianus, or torrid jerboa, according to Dr. Pallas, was first figured by Seba, whose specimen appears to have been not fully grown. Specimens were brought to Dr. Pallas in the year 1770, which were tak- en on the borders of the sandy desert of Naryn, in 46\ north latitude. The burrows or passages which they had formed in the dry soil, had a triple entrance, and were about an ell deep in the ground. The size of this species is between that of a rat and a field-mouse; and notwithstanding the great length of the hind legs, it does not leap, like the rest of the jerboas, but runs in the manner ofthe rat tribe; and it seems to be on this ac- count that Mr. Pennant has ranked it under his divi- sion of jerboid rats, rather than among the true jerboas. 5. Dipus canadensis, or Canadian jerboa. This mi- nute species is thus described by general Davies, who had an opportunity of examining it during his residence at Quebec. " As I conceive there are very few persons, however conversant with natural history, who may have seen or known that there was an animal existing in the coldest parts of Canada, of the same genus with the jerboa, hitherto confined to the wanner climates of Africa, I take the liberty of stating the following particulars. With respect to the*food, or mode of feeding, of this animal, I have it not in my power to speak with any de- gree of certainty, a#I could by no means procure any kind of sustenance, that could induce it to eat; therefore, when caught, it lived only a day and a half. The first 1 was so fortunate as to catch, was taken in a large field near the falls of Montmorenci, and by its having stray- ed too far from the skirts of the wood, allowed myself, assisted by three other gentlemen, to surround it, and after an hour's hard chase, to get it unhurt, though not before it was thoroughly fatigued, which might in a great measure accelerate its death. During the time the ani- mal remained in its usual vigour, its agility was incre- dible fur so small a creature. It always took progres- sive leaps of from three to four, and sometimes of five yards although seldom above 12 or 14 inches from the surface of the grass: but I have frequently observed others in shrubby places, and in the woods, among plants, where they chiefly reside, leap considerably high- er. When found in such places, it is impossible to take them, from their wonderful agility, and their evading all pursuit, by bounding into the thickest part of the covert they can find. With respect to the figure given of it in its dormant state, I have to observe, that the specimen was found by some workmen, in digg'iig the foundation for a summer-house in a gentleman's garden, about two miles from Quebec, in the latter end of Ma), 1787. It was discovered enclosed in a hall of clay, about the size of a cricket-ball, nearly an inch in thickness.* perfectly smooth within, and about 20 inches under ground. The man who first discovered it, not knowing what it was, struck the ball with his spade, by which means it was broken to pieces, or the ball would have been presented to me. How long it had been under ground it is impossible to say; but as I could never ob- serve these animals in any parts of the country after the beginning of September, I conceive they lay themselves up some time in that month, or beginning of October, when the frost becomes sharp. Nor did I ever see them again before the last week in May or beginning of June. From their being enveloped in balls of clay, without any appearance of food, I conceive they sleep during the winter, and remain for that term without sustenance. As soon as I conveyed this specimen to my house, I de- posited it, as it was, in a small chip box. in some cotton, waiting with great anxiety for its waking, but that not taking place at the season they generally appear, I kept it until I found it begin to smell; I then stuffed it, and preserved it in its torpid position. I am led to believe its not recovering from that state arose from the heat of my room during the time it was in the box, a fire hav- ing been constantly burning in the stove, and which in all probability was too great for its respiration." DIRCA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the oc- tandria class of plants, and in the natural method rank- ing under the 1st order, vepreculae. There is no calyx; the corolla is tubular, with the limb indistinct; the sta- mina are longer than the tube; the berry is monosper- mous. There is one species, a small shrub of North America. DIRECT, in astronomy. A planet is said to be di- rect when it appears to an observer on the earth to go forward in the zodiac, or according to the succession of the signs. See Astronomy. Direct, in matters of genealogy, is understood ofthe principal line, or the line of ascendants and descendants, in contradistinction to the collateral line. The heirs in the direct lines always precede those in the collateral lines. Direct ray, in optics, is a ray flowing from a point of visible object directly to the eye, through one and the same medium. Direct east and west dials, dials drawn upon planes that directly face the east and west points of the horizon, or parallel to the meridian. See Dial. Direct south and north dials, are those which face di- rectly the north and south points ofthe horizon, or pa- rallel to the prime vertical circle. See Dial. DIRECTION, in mechanics, signifies the line or path of a body's motion, along which it endeavours to pro D I A D I A ceed, according to the force impressed upon it. See Mechanics. DIRECTOR, in surgery, a grooved probe to direct the edge of the knife or scissars, in opening sinuses, or fistulse, that by this means the subadjacent vessels, nerves, and tendons, may remain unhurt. See Sur- gery. DIRIGENT, or Directrix, a term in geometry, signifying the line of motion along which the described line or surface is carried in the genesis of any plane or solid figure: thus, if the line AB (plate XLIII. Miscel. fig. 43) move along the line AC, so that the point A al- ways keeps in the line AC, a parallelogram, as A B C D, will be formed, of which the side A B is the describent, and the line A C the dirigent; so also, if the surface A B C D be supposed to be carried along CE, in a posi- tion always parallel to itself in its first situation, the so- lid AD FIT will be formed, where the surface AD is the describent, and the line CE the dirigent. D1SA, a genus of the gynandria diandria class and order. The spathe is one-valved; petals three, the third less, two-parted, gibbous at the base. There are four species, herbaceous plants of the Cape, with beautiful blue flowers. DISABILITY, in law7, an incapacity in a man to in- herit or take a benefit which otherwise he might have done, which may happen four ways; by the act of the ancestor, by the act of the party, by the act of law, and by the act of God. 1. Disability by the act of the an- cestor; as if a man be attainted of treason or felony; by this attainder his blood is corrupt, and himself and his children disabled to inherit. 2. Disability by the act of the party himself; as if one make a feoffment to another who then is sole, upon condition, that he shall enfeoff a third before marriage, and before the feoffment made, the feoffee takes a wife; he has by that disabled himself from performing the condition according to the trust re- posed in him, and therefore the feoffer may enter, and oust him. Lit. 357. 3. Disability by act of law, is when a man by the sole act ofthe law is disabled, as an alien- born, kc. 4. Disability by the act of God, is where a person is of non-sane memory, and in cases of idiocy, kc. But it is a maxim in our law, that a man of full age shall never be received to disable his own person. Co. lib. 4. 123, 124. See also Aliens, Dissenters, Idiocy, and Infamy. DISAGREEMENT, will make a nullity of a thing that had effect before: and disagreement may be to cer- tain acts to make them void, &c. Co. Lit. 380. DISANDRA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the heptandria class of plants. The calyx has seven leaves; the corolla is parted into seven, and flat; the capsule two-celled. There are two species, pretty trailing plants, natives of Madeira. DISARMING, in law, the prohibiting people to wear arms. It is an offence hy the common law of England for persons to go or ride armed with dangerous and un- common weapons: though gentlemen may wear common armour according to their quality. It is also ordained by statute, that no persons shall come before the king's justices with force of arms, on pain of imprisonment, kc. DISC, discus, in antiquity, a quoit made of stone, iron, or copper, five or six fingers broad, and more, than a foot long, inclining to an oval figure, which was hurl- ed in the manner of a howl, to a vast distance, by the help of a leathern thong tied round the ^person's hand who threw it, and put through a hole in the middle. Disc, in astronomy, the body and face of the sun and moon, such as it appears to us on the earth; or the body or face ofthe earth, such as it appears to a spectator hi the moon. The disc in eclipses is supposed to be divid- ed into 12 equal parts, called digits; in a total eclipse of the luminaries, the whole disc is obscured; in a partial eclipse, only a part of it. See Astronomy. ' Disc, in botany, is an aggregate of florets forming, as it were, a plane surface. Disc, in optics, is the w idth of the aperture of telesco- pic glasses, whatever their form be, whether plane, con- vex, concave, &c. DISCHARGE, is where a man confined hy some lc- gal process, performs that which the law requires, and is released from the matter for which he is confined. If an obligee discharge one obligor where several are joint- ly bound, it discharges the others. See Arrest, Bono, Payment. DISCLAIMER, is a plea containing an express de- nial, renouncing or disclaiming; as if the teuant sues a replevin upon a distress taken by the lord, and the lord avows, saying that he holds of him as his lord, and that he distrained for rent not paid, or service not perform- ed; then the tenant denying to hold of such lord, is said to disclaim: and the lord proving the tenant to hold of him, the tenant loses his land. Co. on Lit. 102. DISCONTINUANCE or possession. A man may not enter upon his own lands or tenements alienated (such alienation being a discontinuance of possession), whatsoever his right be to them, of his own self or by his own authority, but must bring his writ, and seek to recover possession by law. Co. Rep. lib. 3. 85. Discontinuance of process, is where the plaintiff leaves a chasm in the proceedings of his cause, whereby the opportunity of prosecution is lost for that time, in which case he must begin again, and usually pays costs to the defendant, or the plaintiff is dismissed the court, &c. Every suit, whether civil or criminal, and every process therein, ought to be properly continued from day to day, &c. from its commencement to its conclusion; and the suffering any default or gapjherein, is called a discontinuance. 2 Haw. 298. Discontinuance of plea: ifjpdicre divers things should be pleaded to, then some are omitted, this is a discontinuance, l Nels. Abr. 660, 661. DISCORD, in music, is a dissonant or inharmonious combination of sounds, so called in opposition to the con- cord, the effects of which the discord is calculated to re- lieve and sweeten. Among various other discords are those formed by the union of the fifth with the sixth, the fourth with the fifth, the seventh with the eighth, and the third with the ninth and seventh, all which require to be introduced by certain preparatives, and to be suc- ceeded by concords to which they have some relation. DISCORDANT, an epithet applied to all dissonant and inharmonious sounds, whether successive or simul- taneous. DISCOVERY, the act of revealing or disclosing any DISCOUNT. matter by a defendant, in his answer to a bill filed against him in a court of equity. A bill for a discovery must show an interest in the plaintiff in the subject, to which the required discovery relates; and such an inte- rest as entitles him to call on the defendant for the dis- covery. Finch, Rep. 36, 44. 1 Vern. 399. It is a ge- neral rule, that no one is bound to answer so as to sub- ject himself to punishment, in whatever manner that pun- ishment may arise. 2 Vcz. 245, 451. I Atk. 450. 2 Atk. 39 3. DISCOUNT, in commerce, a term among traders, merchants, and bankers. It is used by tbe two former on occasion of their buying commodities on the usual time of credit, with a condition that tbe seller shall allow the buyer a certain discount at the rate of so much per cent. per annum, for the time for which the credit is general- ly given, upon condition that the buyer pays ready mo- ney for such commodities, instead of taking the time of credit. Traders and merchants also frequently taking promissory notes for money due, payable to them or or- der at a certain time, and sometimes having occasion for money before the time is elapsed, they procure these notes to be discounted by bankers or others before tbe time of payment; which discount is more or less, accord- ing to the credit and reputation of the person who drew the note, and the indorser or indorsers. Bills of ex- change are also discounted by bankers, and in this con- sists one article of the profits of banking. See Bank. The best tables of discount are those of Mr. Smart, founded upon the true principles of decimal arithmetic. By these it appears, that he who allows 5l. for the dis- count of 100J. for one year at 5 per cent, wrongs himself, for he ought to receive so much money as at 5 per cent. interest will amount to 1001. in one year, and the sum is 95l. 4s. 9^1. The rule for finding the true discount is this: As the amount of 100L for the given rate and time: Is to the given sum : : So is the interest of 100/. for the given rate and time: To the discount of the debt Thus, if p be the principal, r the rate of interest, and t the time, then say, as 100 + rt : p : . rt: -rJ--—:> 100 4-rt which is the true discount. Hence p — ,„/r ■ = r 100 -f rt 100p T 100 + rt *s tne Pre8ent worth, or sum to be received. Ex' Suppose it be required to find the Z50f. f()r five mont|1Sj at the rate of g^ per n urn interest. Here p = 250, r = 5, and t = -2rt __ 250 x 5 \ ^ 250 x 25 100 + rt = -12. _ **.,v*. 100 + 5 x7'¥ - 1200+25 discount of cent, per an- -i^; therefore 250 IF = bv'w0 f(J!owin5table is an enlargement of one invented hmJT* • Ba,rd and wU1 be fou,ltl "s^"1 for practical Purposes m trade and commerce. TABLE FOR CALCULATION OF DISCOUNT From \d. to 1000/. s. d. s. d. | s. a. 0 0| 15 4 5 1612 9 9 3556 0 I 30 4 6 1642 9 10 3589 o i| 45 4 7 1673 9 11 3610 0 2 60 4 8 1703 10 0 3650 0 21 76 4 9 1734 ' 10 3 3741 0 3 91 4 10 1764 10 6 3832 0 3| 106 4 11 1794 10 9 3923 0 4 122 5 0 1825 tl 0 4015 0 4| 137 5 1 1855 11 3 4106, 0 5 152 5 2 1885 11 6 4197 0 5§ 167 5 3 1916 11 9 4286 0 6 182 5 4 1946 12 0 4380 0 6| 197 " 5 5 1977 12 3 4471 0 7 213 5 6 2007 12 6 4562 0 7| 228 5 7 2037 12 9 4653 O 8 243 5 8 2068 13 0 4745 0 8± 258 5 9 2098 13 3 4836 O 9 274 5 10 2129 13 6 4927 0 9| 289 5 11 2159 13 9 5018 0 10 304 6 0 2190 14 0 5110 o io| 319 6 1 2220 14 3 5201 0 11 334 6 2 2250 14 6 5292 0 ll£ 350 6 3 2281 14 9 5383 1 0 365 6 4 2311 15 0 5475 1 1 395 6 5 2342 15 3 5566 1 2 426 6 6 2372 15 6 5657 I 3 456 6 7 2402 15 9 5748 1 4 487 6 8 2433 16 0 5840 1 5 517 6 9 2463 16 3 5931 1 6 547 6 10 2494 16 6 6022 1 7 578 6 11 2524 16 9 6113 1 8 608 7 0 2555 17 0 6205 1 9 638 7 1 2585 17 3 6296 1 10 669 7 2 2615 17 6 6387 1 11 699 7 3 2646 17 9 6478 2 0 730 7 4 2676 18 0 6570 2 1 760 7 5 2707 18 3 6661 2 2 791 7 6 2737 18 6 6752 2 3 821 7 7 2767 18 9 6843 2 4 852 7 8 2798 19 0 6935 2 5 882 7 9 2828 19 3 7026 2 6 912 7 10 2859 19 6 7117 2 7 943 7 11 2889 !9 9 7208 2 8 973 8 0 2920 20 0 7300 2 9 1004 8 1 2950 20 3 7391 2 10 1034 8 2 2980 20 6 7482 2 11 1064 8 3 3011 20 9 7573 3 0 1095 8 4 3041 21 0 7665 3 1 1125 8 5 3072 21 3 7756 3 2 1156 8 6 3102 21 6 7847 3 3 1186 8 7 3132 21 9 7938 3 4 1217 8 8 3163 22 0 8030 3 5 1247 8 9 3)93 22 3 8121 3 6 1277 8 10 3224 22 6 8212 3 7 1308 8 11 3254 22 9 8303 3 8 1338 9 0 3285 23 0 8395 3 9 1369 9 1 3315 2.3 3 8486 3 10 1399 9 2 3345 23 6 8677 3 11 1429 9 3 33^6 23 9 8668 4 0 1460 9 4 3406 24 0 8768 4 I 1490 9 5 3437 24 3 8851 4 2 1521 9 6 3467 24 6 8942 4 3 1551 9 7 3497 24 9 9033 4 4 1582 9 a 3528 25 0 9125 DISCOUNT. TABLE OF DISCOlJfllTS (Continued.) TABLE OF DISCOUNTS (Continued.) s. 2. S. d. . /. 5. 25 j 9216 46 0 16.790 7 10 54,750 25 6 9307 47 0 17.155 7 15 56.575 25 9- 9398 48 0 17,520 8 0 58,400 26 0 9490 49 0 17,885 6 5 60,225 26 3 9581 50 0 18,250 8 10 62 050 26 6 9672 51 0 18615 8 15 63,875 26 9 9763 52 0 18,980 9 0 65.700 27 0 9855 53 0 19.345 9 5 67.525 27 3 9946 54 0 19.710 9 10 69,350 27 6 10,037 55 0 20,075 9 15 71,175 27 9 10,123 56 0 20.440 10 0 73,000 28 0 10,220 57 0 20 805 10 5 74,825 28 3 10,311 58 0 21,170 10 10 76,650 28 6 10,402 59 0 21,535 10 15 78,475 28 9 . 10 493 60 0 21,900 11 0 80,300 29 0 10,585 61 0 22;265 11 5 82,125 29 3 10,676 62 0 22.630 11 10 83,950 29 6 10 767 63 0 22.995 11 15 85,775 29 9 10 858 64 0 23 360 12 0 87,600 30 0 10.950 65 0 23725 12 5 89.425 30 rt O 1 1 041 66 0 24 090 12 10 91,250 30 6 11,132 67 0 24,445 12 15 93,075 30 9 11,223 68 0 24.820 13 0 94,900 31 0 11,315 69 0 25,185 13 5 96,725 31 3 11,406 70 0 25,550 13 10 98.550 31 6 11,497 71 0 25,915 13 IS 100 375 31 9 11,588 72 0 26,280 14 0 102,200 32 0 11,680 /. 8. 14 5 104,025 82 3 11 771 3 13 26.645 14 10 105.850 32 6 11,862 3 14 27,010 14 15 107,675 32 9 • 11,953 3 15 27,375 15 0 109,500 33 0 12,045 3 16 27,740 15 5 111,325 33 o 12,136 3 17 28,105 15 10 113,150 33 6 12 227 3 18 28,470 15 15 114,975 33 9 12,318 3 19 28.835 16 0 116,800 34 0 12,410 4 0 29200 16 5 118.625 34 3 12 501 4 1 29,565 16 10 120,450 34 6 12592 4 2 29,930 16 15 122,275 34 9 12 683 4 3 30,295 17 0 124,100 35 0 12,775 4 4 30,660 17 5 125,925 35 3 12 866 4 5 31,025 17 10 127,750 35 6 12,957 4 6 31,390 17 15 129,575 35 9 13,048 4 7 31,755 18 0 131,400 36 0 13,140 4 8 32,120 18 5 133,225 36 3 [3,231 4 9 32,485 18 10 135,050 36 6 13,322 4 10 32 850 18 15 136,875 36 9 13413 4 11 33 215 19 0 138,700 37 0 13,505 4 12 33.580 19 5 140,525 37 3 13,596 4 13 33,945 19 10 142,350 37 6 13,687 4 14 34310 19 15 144,175 37 9 13,778 4 15 34,675 20 0 1 46 000 38 0 13870 4 16 35040 20 5 147,825 38 3 13 961 4 17 35,405 20 10 149,650 38 6 14,052 4 18 35 770 20 15 151,475 38 9 14,143 4 19 36.135 21 0 153,300 39 0 14,235 5 0 36 500 21 5 155.125 39 3 14,326 5 5 38,325 21 10 156,950 39 6 14,417 5 10 40,150 21 IS 158,775 39 9 14,508 5 15 41,975 2J 0 160,600 40 0 14 600 6 0 43,800 22 5 162,425 41 0 14,965 6 5 45,625 22 10 164,250 42 0 15,330 6 10 47,450 22 15 166,075 43 0 15,695 6 15 49,275 23 0 167,900 44 0 16,060 7 0 51,100 23 i 169,725 43 0 16,425- 7 5 52,925 23 IS 171,550 23 15 24 0 24 10 25 0 25 10 26 0 26 10 27 0 27 10 28 0 28 10 29 0 29 10 30 0 30 10 SI 31 32 0 10 0 32 10 33 0 33 10 34 0 34 10 35 0 35 10 36 0 36 10 37 0 37 10 38 0 38 10 39 0 39 10 40 0 40 10 41 0 41 10 173,375 175,200 178850 182500 136,150 189,800 193,450 197,100 200.7 50 204,400 208,050 211 700 215,350 219,000 222,650 226.300 229.950 233.600 237,250 240,900 244.550 248,200 251,850 255,500 259,150 262,800 266,450 270,100 273,750 277,400 281,050 284,700 288.350 292,000 295,650 299,300 302,950 I. S. 42 0 42 10 43 0 43 10 44 0 44 10 45 0 43 10 46 0 46 10 47 0 47 10 48 0 48 10 49 0 49 10 50 0 51 0 52 0 53 0 54 55 56 Q 57 0 58 0 59 0 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 0 69 0 70 0 306 600 jIO.250 313 900 317^550 321,200 324 850 328,500 332,150 335,800 339,450 343,100 346,750 350.400 354.050 357,700 361,350 365,000 372J300 379,600 386,900 394,200 401,500 408,800 416.000 423,400 430,700 438,000 445,300 452,600 459,900 467,200 474,500 481,800 489,100 496,400 503.700 511,000 I. S. 71 0 11 0 73 0 74 0 75 0 76 0 77 0 78 0 79 0 80 0 81 0 82 0 83 0 84 0 85 0 86 0 87 0 88 0 89 0 90 0 91 0 92 0 93 0 94 0 95 0 96 0 97 0 96 0 99 0 100 0 150 0 200 0 300 0 400 0 500 0 1000 e 518 300 525,600 532,900 540 200 547,500 554800 562,100 56J.400 576.700 584.000 591.300 598,600 605900 613.200 620.500 627,800 635,100 642,400 649,700 657,000 664 300 671,600 678,900 686,200 693,500 700,800 708,100 715,400 722,700 730,000 1,095,000 1,460,000 2,190,000 2,920,000 3,650.000 7,300,000 Method of Calculation by the above Table.—To find the interest of any sum of money for any given number of days, multiply the sum by the number of days, and the table will show the product. If the interest on any number of sums be required, multiply the number of pounds by the days, as abovej on each sum, and add the product into one sum; the value of wbich, (if less than 1000/.) will be immedi- ately shown by tbe table: and thus by the*union of the respective sums, the loss or gain of fractions falls only on the gross sum, instead of each component part. Example. On the 1st of May I want to discount a bill for 1001., due the 25th of June following: lOOf. x 40 days =4000; by referring to the table, I find the nearest number less than 4000 is 3923 =: 105. 9d.J which, being deducted, leaves 77 76 = 2|o\ 105. ll!e compound, or double octave; for the disdiapason is a«i octave doubled. The voice sometimes rises several ^g»*ce.s above the disdiapason, but the effort or strug- gle disfigures it, and makes it false. In reality, the an- ni?i?A6c°i diaSl'am extended only to a disdiapason. "iftbASE, in medicine, that state of a living bodf, wherein it is deprived ofthe exercise of anv of iis func- tions, whether vital, natural, or animal. " See Medi- cine. DISEMBOGLE, in the sea-language, is said of a ship that passes out of a gulph or bay into the open sea. A river is also said to disembogue or discharge itself in- to the sea. DISFRANCHISING, among civilians, signifies the depriving a person of the rights and privileges of a free citizen or subject. DISFRANCHISEMENT, is the taking away a man's freedom or privilege. Corporations generallv have power by their charter or prescription, to disfran- chise a member for doing any thing against the duty of his office as citizen or burgess, and to the prejudice of tbe public weal of the city or borough, and against his oath, which he took when he was sworn a freeman. But the matter which shall be the cause of his disfranchise- ment, ought to be an act or deed, and not an endeavour or enterprize whereof he may repent before the execu- tion thereof, and of which no prejudice ensues. 11 Co. 98. DISH, among miners, denotes a wooden measure, wherein they are obliged to measure their ore; it is kept by the bar-master, and contains about 672 solid inches. DISJUNCTIVE proposition, in logic, is that where of several predicates we affirm one necessarily to belong to the subject to the exclusion of all the rest, but leave that particular one undetermined. Such is the major of the following disjunctive syllogism. The world is either self.cxistent, or the work of some finite, or of some infinite being: But it is not self-existent, nor'the work of a finite- being; Therefore it is the work of an infinite being. DISLOCATION, the putting a bone out of joint hy violence. See Surgery. DISMEMBERED, in heraldrv, is applied to birds that have neither feet nor legs, and also to lions and other animals whose members are separated. DISPARAGEMENT, in the law of England, is properly used for the matching an heir in marriage un- der his degree, or against decency. DISPART, in gunnery, is the setting a mark upon the muzzle-ring, or thereabouts, of a piece of ordnance, so that a sight-line taken upon the top of the base- ring against the touch-hole, by the mark set on or near the muzzle, may be parallel to tbe axis of the concave cylinder. The common way of doing this, is to take the two diameters of the base-ring, and ofthe place where the dispart is to stand, and divide the difference be- tween them into two equal parts, one of which will be the length of the dispart; which is set on the gun with wax or pitch, or fastened tliere with a piece of twine or marlin. By means of an instrument it may be done with all possible nicety. DISPAUPER: when any person, on aceom.t of pov- erty, attested by his own oath of not being worth 5i\ his debto being paid, is admitted to sue in forma pau- peris, if afterwards, before the suit is ended, he has any D I S D I S lands, or personal estate fallen to him; or that the court where the suit depends, thinks fit for that or any other reason, to take away that privilege from him; then he is said to be dispaupered, and can no longer sue in forma pauperis. DISPEXSARA. or Dispensatory, denotes a book containing the method of preparing the various kinds of medicines used in pharmacy. The apothecaries- in and about London are obliged to make up their compound medicines according to the formulas prescribed in the college dispensary, and are enjoined to keep always ready in their shops all the medicines there enumerated. It is also a kind of charitable institution supported by voluntary subscriptions; have each one or more physi- cians and surgeons, whose business itis to attend at sta- ted times, in order to prescribe for the poor; and, if ne- cessary, to visit them at their own habitations. It is in this latter respect, that the patients of a dispensary differ from those called out-patients at an hospital. The poor are supplied gratis with their medicines; and many of these institutions also afford gratuitous assistance to lying-in women. DISPENSATION, in law, the granting a licence of doing some certain action that otherwise is not permit- ted. The greatest dealer in dispensations is the pope, who claims the office jure divino, and extends it to every thing. The more moderate of the Romanists themselves deny that he can give a dispensation for any thing con- trary to the divine law, or the law of nature; and con- fine him to what is contrary to positive laws, or to things relating to fasts, marriages, holding several benefices, &c. and they limit him even in these things. The Archbishop of Canterbury has a power, by stat- ute, of dispensing in any cause wherein dispensations were formerly granted by the see of Rome, and as well to the king as his subjects; and during the vacancy of the archbishop's see, the guardian of the spiritualities may grant dispensations. Every bishop of common right has the power of instituting to benefices, and of dispen- sing in common cases, &c. A dispensation of the king makes a thing prohibited lawful to be done by the per- son that has it, though a thing evil in itself will not ad- mit of a dispensation. And where the subject has an immediate interest in an act of parliament, the king cannot dispense with it; but may, if the suit be the king's own, only for the breach of a penal law that is not to the damage ofa third person. There is a dispensation by non obstante, which is where a statute tends to restrain some prerogative inci- dent to the person of the king, as the right of pardon- ing, or commanding the service of the subjects for the benefit of the public, kc. each of which prerogatives is inseparable from the king, and therefore, by a clause non obstante, such a statute may be dispensed with. DISPERSION. See Surgery. DISPLAYED, in heraldry, is understood of the po- sition of an eagle, or any other bird, when it is erect, with its wings expanded or spread forth. DISPONDEE, in the Greek and Latin poetry, a double spondee or foot, consisting of four long syl- lables. DISPOSITION, in rhetoric, the placing of words in such an order as contributes most to the beauty, and sometimes even to the strength of a discourse. DISSECTION. See Anatomy. Le Gendre ob- serves, that the dissection of a human body, even dead was held a sacrilege till the time of Francis I. and the same author assures us he has seen a consultation held by the divines of Salamanca, at the request of Charles V. to settle the question whether or not it was lawful in point of conscience to dissect a human body, in order to learn the structure thereof. It is easily perceived that surgery and physic must im- prove in a country, according to the opportunities of inquiring into the structure of the animal economy; for which reason we could wish that students in anatomy were furnished with subjects for dissection in this coun- try, in as great abundance, and with as little inconve- nience, as in France. DISSEISIN, in law, is a wrongful putting out of him that is seized of the freehold, which may be effected either in corporeal inheritances, or incorporeal. Disse- isin of things corporeal, as of houses and lands, must be by entry and actual dispossession of the freehold. Disseisin of incorporeal hereditaments, cannot be an ac- tual dispossession, for the subject itself is neither capa- ble of actual bodily possession nor dispossession, but is only at the election and choice of the party injured, if, for the sake of more easily trying the right, he is pleas- ed to suppose himself disseised. And so also even in corporeal hereditaments, a man may frequently suppose himself to be disseised, when he is not so in fact, for the sake of entitling himself to the more easy and com- modious remedy of an assise of novel disseisin, instead of being driven to the more tedious process of a writ of entry. 3 Black. 169. DISSENTERS. Before the revolution many sta- tutes were in force against dissenters, but by 1 W. &1nt 1. c. 18. commonly called the toleration act, it is enacted, that none of the acts made against persons dissenting from the church of England, (except the test acts 25 C. II. c. 2. and 30 C. II. st. 2. c. 1.) shall extend to any teacher or preacher dissenting from the church of England, who shall at the general sessions of the peace, to be held for the county or place where such person shall live, take the oaths of allegiance and supremacy, and subscribe the declaration against popery, of which the court shall keep a register; and no officer shall take more than 6d. for registering the same, and 6d. for a certificate thereof signed by such officer. Provided that the place of meeting be certified to the bishop of the di- ocese, or to the archdeacon of the archdeaconry, or to the justices ofthe peace at the general or quarter ses- sions; and the register or clerk of the peace shall regis- ter on record the same, and give certificate thereof to any one who shall demand the same, for which no grea- ter fee than 6d. shall be taken; and provided that dur- ing the time of meeting, the doors shall not be locked, barred, or bolted. See Conventicle. Dissenters cho- sen to any parochial or ward offices, and scrupling to take the oaths, may execute the office by deputy, who shall comply with the law in this behalf. 1 W. c. 18. But it seems tbey are not subject to fine, on refusing to serve corporation offices; for they may object to the va- D I S D I S lidity of their election, on the ground of their own non- conformity. 3 Bro. P. C 463. DISSIDENTS, a denomination applied in Poland to persons of the Lutheran, Calvinistic, and Greek pro- fession. DISSIPATION, circle of, in optics, is used for that riri'ular space upon the retina, which is taken up by one of the extreme pencils or rays issuing from an ob- ject. To understand this, it is to he observed, that when the distance of an object from the eye is too small or too great for perfect or distinct vision, the rays of each pencil, issuing from the object, cannot be united at a point on the retina, but beyond it, or before they arrive at the retina; consequently, the rays of each pencil will occupy a circular space upon the retina, and this circle is called the circle of dissipation, because the rays of a pencil, instead of being collected into a central point, are dissipated all over this circle. See Optics. DISSOLVENT, in general, whatever dissolves or reduces a solid body into such minute parts as to be sus- tained in a fluid. DISSOLUTION, in music, is when a sound in the enharmonic genus is lowered three dieses; for thereby that genus is dissolved, and the music, or that interval at least, is chromatic. DISTAFF, an instrument about which flax is tied in order to be spun. DISTANCE, in general, an interval between two things, either with regard to time or place. See Geo- metry and Mensuration. Distance, in navigation, the number of minutes or leagues a ship has sailed from any given place or point. Sec Navigation. Distance, in astronomy. The distance of the sun, I.lanets, and comets, is found from their parallax, as it cannot be found either by eclipses or their different pha- s- tin* from the theory of the motions of the earth and planets vvc know, at any time, the proportion of the dis- tances of the sun and planets from us; and the horizon- tal parallaxes arc in a reciprocal proportion to these dis- tances. Sec Astronomy. Distance, curtate, the distance of the planet's place, reduced to the ecliptic, from the sun. Distance ofthe eye, in perspective, is a line drawn from the eye to the principal point. See Perspec- tive. Dist vnce of the bastions,'in fortification, is the side of flu exterior polygon. DISTEMPER, in painting, a term used for the work- ing up of colours with something besides water or oil. If the ndours are prepared with water, that kind of painting is called limning; and if with oil, it is called painting iu oil, and simply painting. If the colours are mixed with size, white of eggs, or any such proper glu- tinous or unctuous matter, and not with oil, then they say it is done in distemper. In this manner the admi- rable cartoons at Hampton-court are painted. The great- est disadvantage of distemper is, that it has no glitter- ing, and all its colours look dead, by which means they appear alike in all sorts of lights, which oil colours, or c^en colours in distemper when varnished, do not. DISTICH, a couplet of verses making a complete voi« I. 100 sense. Thus hexameter and pentameter verses arc dis- posed in distichs. DISTICHIASIS, in surgery, a disease of the eye-lids, when under the ordinary eyelashes there grows another extraordinary row of hair, which frequently eradicates the former, and pricking the membrane ofthe eye, ex- cites pain, and brings on a defluxion. DISTILLATION. The objects of distillation, con- sidered as a trade distinct from the oilier branches of chemistry, are chiefly spirituous liquors, and those wa- ters impregnated with the essential oils of plants, com- monly called simple distilled waters. The distilling of compound spirits and waters is reckoned a different branch of business, and those «vho deal in that way are commonly called rectifiers. This difference, however, though it exists among commercial people, is not at all founded in the nature of the thing; compound spirits be- ing made, and simple spirits being rectified, by the very same operations by which they are first distilled, or at least with very trifling alterations. See Chemistry. The great object with every distiller ought to be, to procure a spirit perfectly flavourless, or at least as well freed from any particular flavour as may be; and in thin country the procuring of such a spirit is no easy mat- ter. The only materials for distillation that have been used in large quantity, are malt, and molasses or trea- cle. Both of these, especially the first, abound with an oily matter, which, rising along with the spirit, com- municates a disagreeable flavour to it, and from which it can scarcely be freed afterwards by any means what- ever. Previous to the operation of distilling, those of brew- ing and fermentation are necessary. See Brewing. The fermentation ought always to he carried on as slow- ly as possible, and performed in vessels closely stopped, only having at the bung a valve pressed down by a spring, which will yield with less force than is sufficient to burst the vessel. It should even be suffered to remain till it has become perfectly fine and transparent; as by this means the spirit will not only be superior in quan- tity, but also in fragrance, pungency, and vinosity, to that otherwise produced. "With regard to performing the operation of distilling, there is only one general rule that can he given, name- ly, to let the heat in all cases be as gentle as possible. A watcrbath, if sufficiently large, is preferable to any other mode, and will perform the operation with all the dispatch requisite for the most extensive business. As the end of rectification is to make the spirit clean as well as strong, or to deprive it of the essential oil as well as the aqueous part, it will be proper to have re- gard to this even in the first distillation. For this pur- pose, the spirit, as it first comes over, should be re- ceived into a quantity of cold water; as by this means the connection between it and the oily matter will be considerably lessened. For the same reason, after it has been once rectified in the water-bath, it should be again mixed with an equal quantity of water, and dis- tilled a second time. Thus the spirit will be freed from most of the oily matter, even though it has been very much impregnated with it at first. After the spirit has been distilled once or twice in this manner from water, DISTILLATION. it may be distilled in a water-bath without any addition; and this last rectification w ill free it from most of the water it contains. For the distillation of compound spirits, the follow ing practical rules will amply suffice, and will at the same time afford a competent view of the general process. In rectifying and distilling compound goods, a smal- ler still is known to make a cleaner and better commo- dity than one that is larger: and one that is half a hogs- head gage, over and above your hand breadth depth from the edge or top of your still, is accounted the fit- test size for a moderate trade; both as it may be man- aged without fatigue, and as it produces encouraging profit much superior to the fund it requires. When you erect and place your still, and other utensils, let it be if possible in a building, outhouse, or shed, separate from, but nearly adjoining to, your dwelling-house or shop, to prevent any hazard which may arise by fire, to which all spiritous goods are liable; and no otherwise to be ex- tinguished but with a woollen blanket or rug, drenched in water, and cast upon the flame, which extinguishes it by excluding the air. Let the work-house be large enough, not only in regard to your still, worm-tub, and pump, which must be all placed in a row, or ranged together, to contribute to your working with ease and pleasure, but because your spirits which, are for distil- ling must lie in some proper place or part of your work- house, to he near at hand to charge your still with, and at some reasonable distance from the fire: and also that you may have room enough for placing all your empty vessels, tubs, cans, and other utensils properly belong- ing to the distilling-trade, to have them near at hand on all occasions; and let your still-house floor be paved with broad stones or flags, having a descent to carry off all the wash from your still, your hot liqour from the worm- tub, and other occasional slops, which will be made by washing your casks, &c. by which your still-house floor will always be kept clean. They are usually kept in a cistern underneath, and pumped up as wanted. It is absolutely necessary, that there be sufficiency of water where your pump is to be sunk, both to keep your worm- tub continually cool, to make up all your goods to their proper strength, and to serve all other occasions what- soever; it matters not whether your water be soft or hard, if you have plenty of it. Your still must be placed upon brick-work, having an ash-hole of 24 inches long, nine inches broad; and to the iron bars, where your fire is to be under your still, 21 or 22 inches high; made somewhat sloping, the bet- ter to command the ashes. "When the brick-work is made about the height last-mentioned, you must place your grate-door (both of strong iron) before, or in the front of the stove, or place, where your fire is to be made under your still. The iron door and frame must be about ten inches long, and eight ine lies broad; close behind the door and frame must be placed two cross iron bars, about two inches and a half broad, half an inch thick, and 15 or 16 inches long; both ends of which bars must be laid about three inches into the brick- work, for fixing them the better; and the upper part of it must he about half an inch lower than the upper edge of the door-frames. Just behind the said two iron bars roust be placed another flat iron bar, about an inch and a half broad, half an inch thick, and sixteen inches long, fastened in the brick-work as the former, and near an inch lower: upon which last-mentioned flat iron bar your iron grate must rest at the higher end; and tbe other end of your iron grate must rest upon another flat iron bar of the same dimension, fastened at the furthest end or most distant part of your still-bottom. The iron "rate must consist of about eight bars of inch-square iron, but exactly of one length, made broad, or flatted diagonally at each end, to rest on the two cross iron bars, so that the upper part ofthe square bars must be even with tbe higher part of the flat iron bars on which they rest, that the lire-shovel, or coaLrake, may run smoothly aloii"- them. The square iron bars must be about eighteen inches long, and laid loose within an inch breadth o' each other upon the two broad iron bars, as firm as vou can, yet so that they may be put in, or taken out, as oc- casion requires; then raise your brick-work, so thai your still-bottom, when fixed or rested upon it, may be about 10 or 12 inches above the iron grate, that the fire may have room to play; and the part of the brick- work under the still, where the fire is placed, and a- far as it extends within the stove, must be inlaid with hearth inch-tiles, or fire-brick, well fastened with such mortar as will abide the fire much longer than common bricks. Let not the fireplace be too broad, wherein your workman's judgment will have regard to the sides not being of the same thickness with the bottom of your still. There must be left a sloping place, or hole, pro- per for conveying the smoke into the flue and round the still into the chimney; which flue must be carried up a convenient height, to draw the smoke, and carry it oil". Let your still-cock come so far through the brick-work, that your wash may run out either into cans, or other- wise, as you have conveniency for conveying it away. The brick-work about your still must be exactly round, as high as the upper nails of your still, sloping from the flame lest any liquor boil over, and very w ell mortared, and covered all round with coarse canvas or hop-sack, to keep the fire closer in, the wall from cracking, and your clothes from being injured, and the flue must be plastered well within. Your worm-tub must be placed very near your still, upon a strong wooden frame according to the size of the tub, which must be six or eight times the capacity of your still, so that every stave of the tab may rest firmly upon the frame, the better to support the great weight of such a quantity of water as is necessary to keep the worm constantly cold, or cool enough. Your worm,tub frame must be so high, that when the tub is placed upon it, the low end of your worm which comes through the worm- tub, will admit of your cans being readily placed under, and taken away when they are full. The upper end of your worm must be placed so, that the arm of your still- head may go into it without any difficulty, and shut in so close as to be easily luted; and your worm-tub must stand so upright, that no liquor may hang in the worm, which you may know, by putting a pint or quart of water into the worm; which will run out at the lower end of it. In the middle of your worm-tub you may place a wooden gutter three or four inches square within, to reach from the top of the worm-tub to the bottom of the same, having about three or four inches on the opposite DISTILLATION. sides at the bottom end of it left open, that the fluid that is pumped into the gutter, which descends, may flow out at the two breaches to the lower part of the worm-tub; which 1 trees all the hot water to ascend upwards, and runs cither over the worm-tub, or rather through a lead- en pipe ofa moderate size, which is called a waste pipe, being put through and soldered in your worm tub, and extended down your tub-sides to what furthor length you please, to convey the warm water from your tub, till the liquor in your worm-tub is perfectly cold; which by the continuance of your still working will grow hot aeain and again, and must he still cooled after the same manner. The water conveyed in by a lead pipe at the bottom is still better. Your pump must be placed next your worm-tub, and of such a height that you may have a spout or cock put into that part of your pump which is next your worm-tub, under which you may fix a good gutter, to reach to, and be led into, the gutter that is fixed in tbe middle of your worm-tub, that the liquor may be more easily, anil with less waste, conveyed into your worm-tub, in order to cool it. You must have also anoth- er spout or cock in the fore-part of your pump, much lower than the other, for draw ing water for all common uses; the higher spout being closed, and only appropriat- ed for cooling the liquor when hot in the worm-tub. For the still, worm, &c. see Plate XLIII. It will be necessary also to have a large back, set up- on a strong frame, to command the worm-tub, and to contain a large quantity of water, having a large brass cock communicating with the still, &c. to draw off what water you may stand in need of suddenly; which may be of very great service to you upon any emergency; and may be drawn off in much less time, and with less trou- ble, than by pumping; for the still may accidentally be sometimes dry, and prove of dangerous consequences, if you had not a quantity of water ready on all occasions in your back to repair to. Your water-tub must be open at the upper end, that you may dip or drench your cans into it, or lay any small rundlcts in it to steep and be- come tight; and that your tub may be more easily filled with water. You will find your interest in keeping a good middle- sized press, placed in a corner of your still-house, and fixed so steadily as not to be moved when you use it; having a very strong bed or place, in which the goods to be pressed are put, and five or six hair-cloths, some- what broader than your press, to be put betwixt every layer of elder-berries, cherries, raspberries, or any oth- er things which are to be pressed; all which are to be laid as thin as possible, and your press-screw to be drawn pretty much, till the liquor run by a spout made of sheet-load, nailed to the fore-part of the bottom of your press, into one of your cans, which must he placed under it, to receive the juice from the press, and draw out your iron-pin, to give time to the press to empty itself of what juice lies in the bed; then draw the screw a little doser, and allow time for the juice to run out, and so more and more, till all the juice is wdiolly drawn or pressed out ofthe goods. See Plate. You must have also, at least, three or four iron-bound open-headed tubs, wide at the top, and narrower taper- wise down to the bottom, (one of these tubs is to con- tain two puncheons or pipes of goods, another to contain one pipe, and another a hogshead) which must be placed orderly in your still-house, and now and then filled wi?h hot liquor out of your still: and the iron hoops driver, or fastened, to keep them firm, and in fit condition to hold the goods that are to he put or made up in them. Likewise three or four iron-bound cans, either with ion round hands or bales; one to hold five, another to contain four, another three, and if you please, another two gal- lons; not by bare measure to the top, but let your goods reach no higher than a brass mark placed therein, de- termining the measure to which the liquor must rise. Another necessary utensil is an iron-hound wood funnel, which by computation would hold three or four gall ins, with a strong iron nosel or pipe to put into the bungs of the casks which the goods are to be put in, which must be ranged or placed upon a shelf along with the iron- bound cans pretty near your still. In some convenient part of your still-house, where room maybe most spared, must be placed a pretty large vessel, either covered or open, with acock in it, in which you must put all your feints or after-runnings, until you have a quantity worth your distilling over; into which vessel or cask you may put the washings out of your casks, the drippings of your cocks, any goods accident- ly spoiled, either by wrong mixture, spilling on th** ground, or otherwise, or any thing else that has a spiri- tuous matter or substance in it. Another piece of neces- sary furniture for your still-house, and wiiich cannot be dispensed with, is a good strong copper or tin pump, of about five feet long, and six inches in circumference, its nosel about six inches from the top of the pump, and the nosel about fourteen inches long from the body of the pump; besides a little angular nosel about four inches, to be put on upon the other, or taken off as your occasions require. The use of this pump, with its appurtenances, is to draw off your spirits out of the pieces into your cans to charge your still with; and for many other similar purposes in which it will be serviceable. A pewter-crane or siphon is also absolutely necessary, made somewhat semilunar, or like a half-moon or angle, about six feet and a half from one end to the other, and four inches round about on the outside, to draw goods out of any vessel where the pump cannot play. A pewter Valencia is likewrise useful, being about two feet long, ta- pering at the end, which you put into the piece, or any other vessel, to draw out any small quantity, by putting or moving your finger on the upper side of the Valencia, whereby the liquor enters, for your tasting or trying its proof; which, with the crane, may be hung against the wall. Hipocrate's bag, or flannel-sleeve, is another thing very necessary for the distiller, whereby all bottoms of casks, though ever so thick and feculent, by putting into this hag or sleeve to filtre, become presently clear, the porous parts ofthe bag being soon filled with tbe grosser matter; and the thin or liquid element running clear from the bag, and as good as any of the rest: also any foul goods or liquor may presently be made clear an*d fine, by putting some powdered alabaster into the goods or liquor, or sprinkling the same on the bag to stop up its pores, by which they presently become or run clear, DISTILLATION. leaving nothing but the sediment or gross matter in the bag; nor do the goods or liquor contract the least ill fla- vour from the alabaster powder. This bag or sleeve is made of a yard or ell of flannel, not over-fine or close- wrought, laid sloping, so as to have the bottom of it very narrow, and the top as broad as the cloth will allow, well sewed up the side, and the upper part ofthe bag fold- ed about a broad wooden hoop, and well fastened to it, then boring the hoop in three or four places, it may be suspended by a cord. You must have for your still-fire a large poker, fire- shovel, and coal-rake, with other necessary utensils for your still-house; a cooper's hand-saw, adze, gimlet, a striking gimlet, a hammer, a pair of scratching-irons, a pair of tamers, a bung-borer, a box-foreset, and a box of bungs. When you are to distil, you are to make ready, against your still is charged, a paste of the size of a turkey- egg, made half of Spanish wheat, and the other half of rye-meal, bean-meal, or wheat-flour, well mixed together, and made into a paste with water, of the consistence of an ordinary paste for baking; and having put on your still-head, with its nose in the upper end ofthe worm, then take your paste, working and making it pliable with the heat and operation of your hands, and spread it upon the junctures ofthe body and head of your still, and that part of the arm of your still-head which goes into the end of the worm, to keep in the goods from boiling over: make the paste very smooth, by wetting your hand (with which you lay on the paste) in water, to cause it to lie the closer, and secure the goods from all mischances; and re- serve a piece of paste, about the size of a small apple, lest the luting should crack or break out. which is very dangerous, and must therefore be carefully attended to and examined, and in case of any defect, mended with the paste reserved for that purpose. When you set up a new still, which has not been used, let it be filled, within your hand-breadth of the brim, with water, and put to it a peck of wheat-bran; and put the head upon the still, and fix it firmly on with a wooden bar, about the thickness of your wrist, upon the loop, a little below the neck of your still, and the upper end of the wooden bar must be fastened under some beam or lentel perpendicularly, to prevent the still-head from moving by the force of distillation; then lute your still as directed in the foregoing para- graph; and having made a fire under it proper for that purpose, draw off two, three, or four gallon-cans by dis- tillation, by which all the joints and nails of your still will be cemented, and made fit for distilling your strong- est-proof goods; then damp or extinguish your fire with some wet ashes; wash your still-head and worm; after- wards you may charge and work your still with what goods you please. All your spirits to be distilled should be proof goods, which you may try by having a small quantity put into a glass phial, and shaking it with your hand; if the blebs or proof of it continues a pretty while upon the top or sur- face of the goods, it is then what is called proof goods; and when it is distilled, it will yield about, or v.ry near, two-third parts, or every thirty gallons will distil to near- ly, and sometimes full, twenty gallons, according as the spirits are higher or lower proof; which you may make proof, or to what strength and weakness you please, by adding what proportion or quantity either of sprin- or river water is necessary; as for example, take and ob- serve this general rule in distilling, that all double goods coming from the still, clear proof and without feints, must be made up with liquor, to that quantity you charg- ed your still with at first; as if with thirty gallons o proof spirits, it will yield about twenty gallons of hHi- proof goods, the deficiency of ten gallons must be made up with water, till the whole amounts to thirty gallons, your first charge; and in single goods you add one and a half part more of water (viz. fifteen gallons) to what is ordered in double goods, whereby you will have in all forty-five gallons of single goods; but if your spirits are below proof, upon shaking the phial, or glass, the goods will fall fiat, or the blebs or -proof will not continue on the surface of it; and according to the degree ofits bein" reduced more or less below proof, the goods will flatten accordingly; and when such good are distilled, they will fall short in quantity; and upon making them proof, and no otherwise, will you know what body they were of, and how far they were reduced, except by the hydrometer. When your still is charged with goods for distilling, and luted, then make your fire under the still, which/if possible, must be of coals, because their heat is most con- stant and durable, and wood fires are very suhject to both extremes, of too much or too little heat, which are preju- dicial, and sometimes hazardous. Let the fire at first be moderate, and then by degrees increased, and now and then stirred up with your poker, as is usual in common fires; and hy laying your hand upon the body of your still, as the fire gains strength in the stove or furnace under the still, you will by moderate degrees ascend up your still-head, occasioned by the goods in the still boil- ing higher and higher. When your still head becomes warm or hot, then prepare a damp (which is to check or lessen the violence ofthe fire); which damp Is made ofa about half a bushel of ashes, taken from under the stove or furnace, and two or three gallons of water cast upon and well mixed with them, upon the ground or hearth, before or under your kiln-door, to be ready to castup'jn the fire when there is occasion; and move yoi.r hand up- on the still, higher and higher, as you find tbe heat grow hotter, and ascend to the neck of your still-head, which, when it comes with any vehemence more than a common warmth, to turn downwards towards the worm-end, in which the arm ofthe still is luted, cast three cr fair fire- shovels of wet ashes upon the hottest part of the fire, which must be done xevy smartly and critically, at the ve- ry turning of the highest part of the swan-like neck of your still towards the still, by which the violence of the fire is abated, which would otherwise bring down tbe goods through the worm very foul in a rushing stream, which is dangerous, and by all means to be prevented; whereas your damping the fire seasonably,, brings down the liquid like a small twine thread. You must take especial c are not to touch or meddle with vour fire while your still is near coming to work, because of increasing or heightening the heat, which would unavoidably make your still run foil; hut when your fire is damped and come to work, you may let your kiln-door be shut close, and continue so, as long as the worm runs as small as a moderate-large turkey quill. DISTILLATION, But as the kiln-door being long shut will overcome the damp, and bring the fire to its former violence, so when you arc apprehensive of it. you may throw open the kiln- door, which abates the heat immediately, and lessens the stream flowing from your worm; and you must cautiously meddle with your still-fire until more than one or two cans be come off from your still, which is about double the strength ofthe first goods, and then there is less danger, and you may more safely stir up or mend your fire, or shut your kiln-door, to make your goods conic down with a little larger stream, until the goods be wholly conic off from the still. When you perceive near two-third parts of the first quantity which you put into your still to be run from thence, then be often tasting the goods, which must run as long as any strength remains; when all the goods are come off, the former clear colour ol them will turn to a blue, and sometimes, according to the nature of the goods, a whitish colour, which are phlegmatic and foul, and if they were suffered to run amongst the spirit, would make it taste disagreeably, but by being kept by them- selves, the goods are clean and well tasted; and the Hints, or after runnings, being put and kept in a vessel until you have a quantity together, you may then distil them. When the strength of the spirit is gone, or run off, take away your can of goods, and let the feints run into another cau, as long as the feints will burn on the still-head, being cast thereon, and a candle or lighted paper put to it to try the experiment. When your feints are drawn into spirits, which must be made proof, that you may make a better judgment how to convert them to other goods, you must always make them into such goods as carry a very predominant or prevailing gust or taste, above other ingredients; and therefore the com mm and usual method taken with them is, to convert them into aniseed or wormwood cordials, putting a little more than the receipt of ingredients, which is made use of, the same goods being drawn from clean malt spirits,anil also dulcifying a little higher than otherwise, purposely to cleanse or carry off any ill relish contracted from the multiplicity of mixtures in the feints. You must always keep the water in the worm-tub, ve- ry cool, xhat the goods coming off the still may be per- fectly so, which will contribute to bettering the spirits, and making them settle sooner; whereas the goods com- ing off warm or hot from the still, they loose considera- ble of their strength, which is extracted by the hot liquor, become more palatable, and not without much time and difficulty are ma le fine. \\ ben you distil any goods which are not above one-third ore mrumbent water in a deep immersion. This piece of ^wd was also a seat fbr the operator. &**9 opening was vmli secured. The pumps had two sets of valves. The aperture at the bottom, for admit- ting water, was covered with a plate, perforated full of holes to receive the water, and pi-vent any thing from choking the passage, or stopping the valve from shutting. The brass valve might likewise be forced into its place with a screw, if necessary. The air-pipes had a kind of hollow sphere, fixed round the top of each, to secure the air-pipe valves from injury: these hollow spheres were perforated full of holes, for the passage ofthe air through the pipes: within the air-pipes were shutters to secure them, should any accident happen to the pipes or the valves on their tops. Wherever the external apparatus passed through the body of the vessel, the joints were round, and formed by brass pipes, which were driven into the wood of the ves- sel; the holes through the pipes were exactly made, and the iron rods, which passed through them, were turned in a lathe to fit them; the joints were also kept full of oil, to prevent rust and leaking. Particular attention was given to bring every part, necessary for performing the operations, both within and without the vessel, be- fore the operator, and as conveniently as could be devis- ed; so that every thing might be found in the dark, ex- cept the water-gauge and the compass, which were visi- ble by the light of the phosphorus; and nothing requir- ed the operator to turn to the right hand, or to tbe left, to perform any thing necessary. The inventor next pursues the subject under the fol- lowing heads: 1. Description of a magazine, and its appendages, designed to he conveyed by the submarine vessel to the bottom of a ship. In the fore part of the brim of the crown of the submarine vessel were a socket, and an iron tube passing through the socket: the iron tube stood upright, and could slide up and down in the socket six inches: at the top of the tube was a wood screw, fixed by means of a rod, which passed through tbe tube, and screwed the wood screw fast upon the top of the tube: by pushing the wood screw up against the bottom of a ship, and turning it at tbe same time, it would enter the planks; driving would also answer the same purpose- when the wood screw was firmly fixed it could be cast off by unscrewing the rod, which fastened it upon the top of the tube. l Behind the submarine vessel was a place, above the rudder, for carrying a large powder-magazine; this was made of two pieces of oak timber, large enough, when hollowed out, to contain 150 pounds of powder, with the apparatus used in firing it, and was secured in its place by a screw, turned by tbe operator. A strong piece of rope extended from the magazine to the wood s. rew above-mentioned, and was fastened to both. When the wood screw was fixed, and to be cast off from its tube, the magazine was to be cast off likewise by unscrew ine it, leaving it hanging to tbe wood screw; it was lighter than the water, that it might rise up against the cfbiect to which the wood screw and itself were fastened. Within the magazine was an apparatus, constructed to run any proposed length of time: it unpinioned a strone lock resembling a gun-lock, wbich gave fire v, the povv! der. Ihis apparatus was so pinioned that it could not possibly move till, by casting off the magazine from the vessel, it was set in motion. DIVING. The skilful operator could swim so low on the surface of the water as to approach very near a ship in the night, without fear of being discovered; and might, if he chose, approach the stem or stern above water with very little danger. He could sink very quickly, and keep at any deptii he pleased, and row a great distance in any direc- tion he desired, without coming to the surface; and when he rose to the surface, he could soon obtain a fresh sup- ply of air, when, if necessary, he might descend again, and pursue his course. 2. Experiments made to prove the nature and use ofa submarine vessel. The first experiment made was with about two ounces of gunpowder, which were exploded four feet under water, to prove to some of the first per- sonages in Connecticut, that powder would take fire un- der water. The second experiment was made with two pounds of powder, inclosed in a wooden bottle, and fixed under a hogshead, with a two-inch oak plank between the hogshead and the powder; the hogshead was loaded with stones as deep as it could swim; a wooden pipe descend- ing through the lower head of the hogshead, and through the plank, into the powder contained in the bottle, was primed with powder. A match put to the priming, ex- ploded the powder; which produced a very great effect, rending the plank into pieces, demolishing the hogshead, and casting the stones and the ruins of the hogshead, with a body of water, many feet into the air, to the astonishment of the spectators. This experiment was likewise made for the satisfaction of the gentlemen above- mentioned. There were afterwards made many experiments of a similar nature, some of them with large quantities of powder; they all produced very violent explosions, much more than sufficient for any purpose had in view. In the first essays with the submarine vessel, the in- ventor took c are to prove its strength to sustain the great pressure of the incumbent water, when sunk deep, be- fore be trusted any person to descend below the surface- and he never suffered any person to go under water with; out having a strong piece of rigging made fast to it, un- til he found him well acquainted with the operations ne- cessary for his safety. After this he made him descend, and continue at particular depths without rising or sink- ing, row by the compass, approach a vessel, go under her, and fix the wood screw into her bottom, kc until he thought him sufficiently expert to put any design in- to execution. It required many trials to make a person of common ingenuity a skilful operator: the first employed was ve- ry ingenious, and made himself master of the business, but was taken sick in the campaign of 1776, at New- York, before he had an opportunity to make use of his skill, and never recovered his health sufficiently after- wards. 3. Experiments made with a submarine vessel. After various attempts to find an operator to his wish, Mr. Bushnell sent one, wdio appeared more expert than the rest, from New York to a fifty-gun ship, lying not far from Governor's-island. He went under the ship, and attempted to fix the wood screw into her bottom; but struck, as he supposes, a bar of iron, which passes from the rudderhinge, and is spiked under the ship's quarter. Had he moved a few inches, which he might have done without rowing, he would probably have found wood where he might have fixed the screw; or, if the ship were sheathed with copper, he might easily have pierced it: but not being well skilled in the management of the ves- sel, in attempting to move to another place, he lost the ship; after seeking her in vain, for some time, he rowed some distance, and rose to the surface of the water, but found day-light had advanced so far, that he durst not renew the attempt. The adventurer said that be could easily have fastened the magazine under the stem of the ship, above water, as he rowed up to the stern, and touch- ed it before he descended. Had he fastened it tliere, the explosion of 150 pounds of powder (the quantity con- tained in the magazine), must have been fatal to the ship. In his return from the ship to New York he pas- sed near Governor's-island, and thought he was discov- ered by the enemy on the Island; being in haste to avoid the danger he feared, he cast off the magazine, as he imagined it retarded him in the swell, which was very considerable. After the magazine had been cast off one hour, the time the internal apparatus was set to run, it blew up with great violence. Afterwards there were two attempts made in Hudson's river, above the city, but they effected nothing. One of them was by the afore-mentioned person. In going to- wards the ship, he lost sight of her, and went a great distance beyond her: when he at length found her, the tide ran so strong, that as he descended under water for the ship's bottom, it swept him away. Soon after this the enemy went up the river, and pursued the boat which had the submarine vessel on board, and sunk it with their shot. "Though," says Mr. Bushnell, "I after- wards recovered the vessel, I found it impossible, at that time, to prosecute the design any further. I had been in a bad state of health from the beginning of my under- taking, and was now very unwell; the situation of pub- lic affairs was such that I despaired of obtaining the public attention, and the assistance necessary. I was unable to support myself, and tbe persons I must have f employed, had I proceeded. Besides, I found it abso- lutely necessary that the operators should acquire more skill in the management of the vessel before I could ex- pect success, which wrould have taken up some time, and made no small additional expense. I therefore gave over the ptirsuit for that time, and waited for a more favour- able opportunity, which never arrived." 4. Other experiments made with a design to fire ship- ping. In the year 1777 Mr. Bushnell made an attempt from a whale-boat against the Cerberus frigate, then ly- ing at anchor between Connecticut river and New Lon- don, by drawing a machine against her side, by mean9 of a line. The machine was loaded with powder, to be exploded by a gun-lock, which was to be unpinioned by an apparatus, to be turned by being brought alongside of the frigate* This machine fell in with a schooner at anchor, astern of the frigate, and concealed from his sight. By some means or other it was fired, and demo- lished the schooner and three men; and blew the only one left alive overboard, who was taken up very much hurt. After this he fixed several kegs under water, charged with powder, to explode, upon touching any thing, ae DIVISIBILITY. they floated along with the tide; he set them afloat in the Delaware, above the English shipping at Philadelphia, in December 1777. "I was unacquainted," says he, « with the river, and obliged to depend upon a gentle- man very imperfectly acquainted with that part of it, as I afterwards found. We went as near the shipping as we durst venture; I believe the darkness of the night de- ceived him, as it did me. We set them adrift to fall with the ebb upon the shipping. Had we hern within 60 rods, 1 believe they must have fallen in with them immediate- ly as I designed; but as I afterwards found, they were set adrift'much too far distant, and did not arrive until after being detained some time by frost: they advanced in the day-time in a dispersed situation, and under great disadvantages. One of them blew up a boat with several persons in it, who imprudently handled it too freely, and thus gave the British that alarm which brought on the battle of the Kegs. DIVISIBILITY, that property by which the par- ticles of matter in all bodies are capable of a separation, or disunion from each other. Some philosophical writers have considered this as a distinct property of matter itself, but it may with more propriety be considered as a property of extension; for we can easily conceive that a given extension may be di- vided into any number of parts, let it be ever so great; but it is by no means known whether matter is or is not capable of being divided ad infinitum, that is, without any limit. That a certain extension, as an inch, or any other length, be it ever so small, is capable of infinite division, may be rendered evident by means of arithmetic or of geometry. We may take, for instance, the halves ofthe proposed extension, then the halves of those parts, and so on without end; for if you proceed in this manner ever s'> far, there will after all still remain the halves ofthe last parts, which may be also divided into other halves, Ace Again, suppose the line A B, Plate XLIV. Miscel. fig. 55, to be tbe proposed extension. Through the ex- treme points of this lin - draw two indefinite, lines EF and CO, parallel to each other. In one of those lines, as EF, take a point L, and from this point draw straight lines to any parts of the line DC, every one of which lines will evidently cut the proposed extension AH in a different point. Now as the line BD may he produced towards D without limitation, and straight lines may be drawn from L to an infinite number of points in the ex- tended line BO; therefore the extension AB may be di- vided without end, or beyond any assignable number of parts. Or thus: suppose a lin-. A D, Plate XLIV. Miscel. fig. 56, perpendicular to BF; with the centres C, C, C, kc. and distances CA, CA, kc describe circles cutting tbe line Gil in the points e, e, kc. Now the greater the radius AC is, the less is the part e G; but the radius may be augmented in infinitum, and therefore the part e G may be diminished in the same manner; and yet it can never be reduced to nothing, because the cir- cles can never coincide with the right line B F. Con- *M'q.ientIy, the parts of any magnitude may be dimin- Mied in infinitum. Thus far we have shown that extension may be divi- ded into an unlimitted number of parts; but with rc- Voju I. 102 spect to the limits of the divisibility of matter itself we are perfectly in tbe dark. We can indeed divide cer- tain bodies into surprisingly fine aud numerous parti- cles, and the works of nature offer many fluids and so- lids of wonderful tenuity; but both our-efforts, and those naturally small objects, advance a very short way towards infinity. Ignorant of the intimate nature of matter, we cannot assert whether it may be capable of infinite division, or whether it ultimately consists of particles of a certain size, and of perfect hardness. We shall now add some instances of the wonderful tenuity of certain bodies, which have been produced either by art, or discovered by means of microscopical observa- tions amongst the stupendous works of nature. The spinning of wool, silk, cotton, and such-like substances, affords no bad specimens of this sort; since the thread which has been produced by this means has often been so very fine as almost to exceed the bounds of credibility, had it not been sufficiently well authenti- cated. Mr. Boyle mentions that two grains and a half of silk was spun into a thread 300 yards long. A fSv years ago a lady of Lincolnshire spun a single pound of woollen yarn into a thread of 168,000 yards long, wiiich is equal to 95 English miles. Also a single pound- weight of fine cotton-yarn was lately spun, in the neigh- bourhood of Mancaster, into a thread 134,400 yards long. The ductility of gold likewise furnishes a striking ex- ample of the great tenuity of matter amongst the pro- ductions of human ingenuity. A single grain-weight of gold has been often extended into a surface equal to 50 square inches. If every square inch of it is divided into square particles of the hundredth part of an inch, which will be plainly visible to the naked eye, the number of those particles in one inch square will be 10,000; and multiplying this number by the 50 inches, the product is 500,000; that is, the grain of gold may be actually divided into at least half a million of particles, each of which is perfectly apparent to the naked eye. Yet if those particles arc viewed in a good microscope, they will appear like a large surface, the ten-thousandth part of which might by this means be easily discerned. An ingenious artist in London has been able to draw parallel lines upon a glass plate, as also up- n siher, so near one another, that 10,000 of them occupy the space of one inch. Those lines can be seen only by the as- sistance of a very good microscope. Another workman has drawn a silver wire, the diameter of wiiich does not exceed the 750th part of an inch. But those prodi- gies of human ingenuity will appear extremely gr ss and rude, if they are compared with the immense sub- tility of matter which may every where be observed amongst the works of nature. The aniin.d, the vegeta- ble, and even the mineral kingdom, furnish numerous examples of this sort. What must be the tenui'y of the odoriferous parts of musk, when we find that a piece of it will s ent awh.de room in a short time, and yet it will bardlv lose any sensible part ofits weight! But supposing it to have 1 ».st one-hundredth part of a grain weight, when this small quantity is divided and dispersed throigh the whole room, it must so expand itsWf as n:>t to haw an inch square of space where the sense of smell may not be af- D I N D I V fected by some of its particles. How small must then be the weight and size of one of those particles! The human eye,unassisted by glasses, can frequently perceive insects so small as to be barely discernible. The least reflection must show that the limbs, the vessels, and other parts of such animals, must infinitely exceed in fineness every endeavour of human art. But the mi- croscope has discovered wonders that arc vastly superi- rior, and such indeed as were utterly unknown to our forefathers, before tbe invention of that noble instru- ment. Insects have been discovered so small as not to exceed the 10,000th part of an inch: so that 1,000,000,000,000 of them might be contained within the space of one cu- bic inch; yet each animalcule must consist of parts con- nected with each other; with vessels, with fluids, and with organs necessary for its motions, for its increase, for its propagation, &c. How inconceivably small must those organs be! and yet they are unquestionably com- posed of other parts still smaller, and still farther re- n|pvcd from the perception of our senses. Several writers, when treating of the divisibility of matter, have mentioned two curious theorems, which are established on the supposition that matter is divisi- ble without end. Theorem 1. A quantity of matter, however small, and any finite space, however large, being given, it is possible that matter may be diffused through all that space, and so fill it, as not to leave in it a pore, whose diameter will exceed a given right line. Let the given space be a cube, whose side is A B, so that the cube be equal to ABA3 and let the quantity of matter be represented by 63; also let a line D be the limit of the diameter of the pores. The side A B being a finite quantity, may be conceiv- ed to be divisible into parts equal to the line D. Let the number of those parts be, represented by n, so that n D = A B, and n3 D3 = A r>V. Conceive the given space to be divided into cubes, each of whose sides be equal to the right line D, and the number of those cubes will be n3, which cubes may be represented by E, F, G, H. Again, let the particle b3 be supppsed to be divided into parts whose number is n3; and in each cubic space let there be placed one of those particles, by which means the matter 6s will be diffused through all the given space. Besides, each particle being placed in its cell, may be formed into a concave sphere, whose diameter may be equal to the given line D; whence it will follow, that each sphere will touch that which is next to it; and thus the quantity of matter ft3, be it ever so small, will fill the given finite space, however large, in such a manner as not to leave in it a pore larger in diameter than the given line D. Corollary. There may be a given body, whose mat- ter if it be reduced into a space absolutely full, that space may be any given part of the former magnitude. Theorem II. There may be two bodies equal in bulk, whose quantities of matter may be very unequal, and though they have any given ratio to each other, yet the sums of the pores or empty spaces in those bodies may almost approach the ratio of equality. The demonstration of this theorem is easily derived from the foregoing: for since the matter of a body may- be conceived to be condensable into any part of the ori- gnalbilk; therefore supposing two bodies, A and B, of equal bulk, to be such that the matter of A be 100 times the matter of B; the matter of B may be conceived to be condensed into 1,000,000th part of its original bulk and of course the matter of A will be condensed into one hundred 1,000,000th parts of the same bulk; in which case the spaces left in the original bulk of B will be to the spaces left in the original bulk of A, as 999,999 to 999,900, which numbers are nearly equal to each other. Instead of the above mentioned numbers, the propor- tions of the quantities of matter may be increased at pleasure, and so may the proportion of the or.ginal bulks of the bodies to the spaces into which tbey may be conceived to be condensable. DIVISION, in arithmetic, one of the four funda- mental rules, by which we find how often a less number, called the divisor, is contained in a greater, called the dividend; the number of times which the divisor is con- tained in the dividend being termed the quotient. See Arithmetic, and Algebra. Division, in natural philosophy, is the taking a thing to pieces, in order to have a more complete conception of the whole: this is frequently necessary in examining very complex beings, the several parts of which cannot be surveyed at one view. Thus to learn the nature of a watch the workman takes it to pieces, and shows us the spring, wheels, axles, pinions, balances, dial-plate, pointer, case, &c. and after describing the uses and figures of each of them apart, explains how they con- tribute to form the whole machine. See Clockwork, Division, in music. This word bears two construc- tions. With theoretical musicians it implies the divi- sion of the intervals of the octave; but taken in a prac- tical sense signifies a long scries of notes so running into each other as to form one connected chain of sounds; and which, in vocal music, is always applied to a single syllable. The singing or playing a passage of this kind is called running a division. Division, in the sea language, the third part of a fleet of men of war, and sometimes the ninth part; which last happens when the fleet is divided into three squad- rons: for then each squadron is distributed into three divisions. DIVORCE, a separation of two de facto married together, of which there are two kinds; one a vinculo matrimonii, from the very bond of marriage; the other a mensa et thora, from bed and board. Causes for separation a vinculo are consanguinity or affinity within the degrees prohibited, also impuberty or frigidity; where the marriage was actually void ab ini- tio, and the sentence of divorce only declaratory of its being so. This divorce enables the parties to marry again; but in the other case a power for so doing must be obtained by act of parliament. The woman divorced a vinculo matrimonii receives all again she brought with her. Divorce a mensa et thora is where the use of matri- mony, as the use of cohabitation of the married per- sons, or their mutual conversation, is prohibited for a time, or without limitation of time. And this is in cases of adultery, cruelty, or the like; in which case the mar- riage having been originally good is not dissolved or af- DOC DOC fected as to the vinculum or bond. The woman under ieparation by this divorce may sue by her next friend; and she may sue her husband in her own name for ali- mony. Wood's Inst. 62. But the children which she has after her divorce shall be deemed bastards; for a due obedience to the sentences will be intended, unless the contrary be shown. Walk. 123. DIURETICS, in pharmacy, such medicines as in- crease the discharge of urine; or which are supposed to have a power of removing obstructions in the urinafy passages. See Materia Medica. DIURNAL, in astronomy, something relating to the day, in opposition to nocturnal, wdiich regards the night. Dicrnal arch, the arch or number of degrees that the sun, moon, or stars, describe between their rising and setting. Diurnal motion of a planet, is so many degrees and minutes as any planet moves in 24 hours. Hence the motion of the earth about its axis is called its diurnal motion. See Astronomy. DIURNARY, diurnarius, an officer in the Greek empire, who wrote down in a book, kept for that pur- pose, whatever the prince did, or ordered, kc. every day. DIVOTO, in music, a term signifying that the piece before which it is written is to be performed in a grave, solemn style, proper to inspire devotion. D1VUS and DIVA, in antiquity, appellations given to men and women as had been deified. We find this title on medals struck for the consecration of an emperor or empress: thus, nivvs ivlivs, diva favstina avg. &c. BO, in music, a monosyllable long since substituted hy the Italians for that of ut, whi? h Guido applied to the first note of the natural major, diatonic scale. Gui- do's monosyllable was rejected as too hard and rough. DOC1MASIA, in Greek antiquity, a probation of the magistrates and persons employd in public business at Athens. It was performed publicly in the forum, where they were obliged to give account of themselves and their past life before certain judges. Among several questions proposed to them we find the following: Whe- ther they had been dutiful to their parents; had served in the wars, and had a competent estate. DOCIMAST1C ART, a name given to the art of assaying by operations on a small scale, the nature and quantity of metallic or other matters which are obtained from minerals, kc. DOCK, or Docking, in law, an expedient for cutting off an estate-tail in lands or tenements, that the owner may be enabled to sell, give, or bequeath the same. DOCK, in maritime affairs, is an artificial bason, by the side of an harbour, made convenient either for the building or repairing of ships. It is of two sorts, 1. Dry-dock, where the water is kept out by great flood- gHh-K, till the ship is built or repaired, when the gates are opened, and the water let in to float and launch her. 2. Wet-dock, a place where the ship may be hauled into, out of the tide's way, and so dock herself, or sink her- self a place to lie in. The West-India docks, in the isle of Dogs. These immense works are upended to receive the whole ofthe •hips in the W est India trade; and may be accounted among the prominent curiosities of British commerce. They were undertaken according to an act of parlia- ment, passed in 1799, entitled "the West India Dick Act." The entrances into them are at Blackwall and Limehouse-hole; their site is wholly on the isle of Dogs; and upon the wharfs and quays adjoining them, all West India ships are to unload and load their cargoes. The northern dock for unloading inwards covers a space of thirty acres, and is capable of containing from two to three hundred sail of ships. The smaller dock, situated to the south of the other, covers an area of 24 acres, and is devoted solely to the business of loading outwards. Both docks are surrounded by a series of immense warehouses. The proprietors of this capital improvement are styl- ed " the West India Dock company:" they commenced their undertaking with a subscription of 500,000/. and are empowered to increase it to 600,000/. if needful. They are reimbursed by a tonnage of 6s. upon the bur- then of every ship which enters the docks; for wharfage, landing, housing, weighing, cooperage, and warehouse- room, they are entitled to certain rates upon all goods that are discharged, such as Sd per cwt. upon sugar; ld per gallon upon rum; Is. 6d. per cwt. upon coffee; 2s, 6d. per cwt. upon cotton-wool, &c. &c. Notwithstanding these docks occasion a very impor- tant trade to be removed to a considerable and even in- convenient distance from the metropolis, yet the advan- tages to the port of London will, upon the whole, be considerable. The West India trade generally arrives in fleets, and occasions so much crowding, confusion, and damage, in the river, that the ships being disposed of in these docks, the overgrown trade of the port may be carried on with pleasure and convenience. Canal at the isle of Dogs. To enable shipping in their passages up and down the Thames to avoid the circuitous and inconvenient course round the isle of Dogs, a canal is now cut across this peninsula, through which, upon paying certain moderate rates, all ships, vessels, and craft, will be permitted to pass in their pas- sage up and down the Thames. For three years after its completion ships above two hundred tons will be requir- ed to pay ld. per ton;drom two hundred to one hundred tons l^d. per ton; from one hundred to 50tons 10s. per vessel; from fifty to twenty tons 5s. per vessel; and for boats and craft Is. each. The docks at Wapping. This important improve- ment is made in the angle formed by the Thames, be- tween Hermitage dock and Shadwell dock. One im- mense dock, called St. George's dock, covers the space extending from Virginia-street, almost to Old Gravel- lane, in one direction, and in the other from Artichoke- lane to the south side of Pcnnington-street. This dock alone is capable of holding two hundred ships, with room for shifting. Another dock, called Shadwell dock, ad- joining to 'the■other, will hold about fifty ships. The en- trance to tbe docks is from the Thames by three basons, capable of containing an immense quantity of small craft; and the inlets from the Thames ;nto the basons are at the Old Hermitage dock, at Old Wapping dock, and Old Shadwell dock. The capital of the company is 1,200,000/. The shares bear a premium. The ultimate profits upon the scheme 2 DOC D 0 D are limited to 10 per cent.; an interest which it is sure to realize. On the 26th of June, 1302. the foundation ofthe en- trance bason was laid by the then chancellor of the ex- chequer, the right honourable Henry Addington; and the first stone of a tobacco warehouse, which is flie largest in the world, the roof of which covered six acres of ground; and also the * rst stone of a range of ware- houses for general merchandise, were laid at the same time. The warehouses for the reception of tobacco are sit- uated at the eastern extremity; they are two in number. The largest is 762 feet long, and 160 feet wi 1 >, equally divided by a strong partition-wall, with double iron doors; the smallestis 250 feet by 200. Both of them consist of a ground-floor and vaults; the first is to be wholly applied to the reception of tobacco; the cellars in the s in after warehouses are appropriated to the hoe-s- ing of wine. They are s delv under the care and con- troul of the officers of the customs: the proprietors of the docks having riothing more to do with them than to receive the rent. Docic-yrads, in ship-building, are magazines of all sorts cf naval stores. The principal in England are those of Chatham, Portsmouth, Plymouth, Woolwich, Deptford, and Shreeness. In time of peace ships of war are laid up in these docks; those of the first rate mostly at Chatham, where, and at other yards, they receive from time to time such repairs as are necessary. These ya> us are generally supplied from the northern powers with hemp, pitch, tar, rosin, kc. but as for masts, particularly those of the larger size, they are brought from America. DOCKET, or Dogget, a brief in writing, on a small piece of paper or parchment, containing the effect of a larger writing, and annexed to other papers for particu- lar purposes. In law a docket is necessary in all judg- ments; and no debts will be entitled to a preference, in debts due from a party deceased, as judgment debts, unless such judgments be regularly docketed. DOCTOR, a teacher, or person who has passed all the degrees of a faculty, and is impowered to teach or practise the same: thus we say, doctor in divinity, doc- tor in physic, doctor of laws. The title of doctor seems to have been created in the twelfth century, instead of master, and established with the other scholastic degrees of bachelors and licentiates, by Peter Lombard and Gilbert Porreiis, then the chief divines of the university of Paris. Gratian did the same thing, at the same time, in the university of Bologna. Though the two names of doctor and master were used a long time together, yet many think that their functions were different, the masters teaching the human sciences, and the doctors those sciences depending on revelation and faith. Spelman takes the title of doctor not to have commenced till after the publication of Lombard's Sen- tences, about the year 1140, and affirms that such as ex- plained that work to their scholars were the first that had the appellation of doctors. To pass doctor in divinity at Oxford, it is necessary that the candidate have been four years bachelor of di- vinity. For doctor of laws he must have been seven years in the university to commence bachelor of law, five years after which he may be admitted doctor of laws. Otherwise, in three years after taking the degree of master of arts, he may take the degree of bachelor iu laws, and in four yeai-s more that of doctor: which same method and time are likewise required to pass thedcree of doctor in physic. At Cambridge, to take the degree of doctor in divinity, it is required the candidate, have been seven years bachelor of divinity: though in several colleges the bachelor's degree in dispensed with, and they may go out per saltum. To commence doctor in laws tbe candidate must have been five years bachelor of laws or seven years master of arts. To pas doctor in physic, he must have been bachelor in physic five years, or se- ven years master of arts. Doctors, and bachelors of divinity and law, may have a dispensation for nonrcsidence. 21 Hen. VIII. cup. 13. Doctors of civil law may exercise ecclesiastical juris- diction, although laymen. 37 II. VIII. c. 17. Doctor is also an appellation adjoined to several spe. cific epithets, expressing the merit of some ofthe school- men: thus Alexander Hales is called the irrefragable doctor: Thomas Aquinas the angelic doctor; St. Bona- venturethe seraphic doctor; John Duns Scotus tbe sub- tile doctor; Raimond Lully the illuminated doctor; Ro- ger Baco/n the admirable doctor, kc. Doctors'-commons. See College of Civilians. DODARTIA, a genus of the didynamia angiospermia class and order of plants, tbe flower of which consists of one ringcnt petal, with the upper lip erect and semibitid; and the lower lip patent, twice broader than long, and trifid; the fruit is a globose bilocular capsule, containing a great number of very small seeds. There are two spe- cies, herbaceous plants of tbe East. DODECAGON, in geometry, a regular polygon, consisting ol twelve equal sides and angles. DODECAHEDRON, in geometry, one of Phitoiic bodies, or regular solids, contained under twelve equal and regular pentagons. Its solidity is found by multiplying the area of one of the pentagons by 12, and then this product by one-third ofthe distance ofthe face from the centre ofthe dodeca- hedron, which is the same with the centre ofthe circum- scribing sphere. The side of a dodecahedron, inscribed in a sphere, is the greater part of the side, of a cube, inscribed in the same sphere, cut into extreme and mean proportion. If the diameter of the sphere be 1.0000, the side of the dodecahedron,inscribed in it, will be .35682 marly. All dodecahedrons are similar, and are to one onother as the cubes of their sides; their surfaces are also similar, and therefore thoy are as the squares of their sides; whence as .509282 is to 10.51462,jso is the square of the side of any dodecahedron to the superficies thereof; and as .3637 is to 2.78516, so is the cube ofthe side of any dodecahedron to the solidity of it. DODECANDRIA, the name of the 11th class in Lin- nseus's sexual system, consisting of plants with herma- phrodite flowers, that, according totbe title,have twelve stamina. This class, however, is not limited with respect to the number of stamina. Many genera have sixteen, eighteen, and even nintcen.stamina: the essential charac- ter seems to be, Hat, in the class in question, the stami- na, however numerous, are inserted into the receptacles DOG D O L whereas in the next class, icosandria, which is as little determined in point of number as the present, the} are attached to the inside of the calyx, or flower-cup. DODECAS, a genus ofthe trigynia order, in the do- decandria class of plants. The calyx is half-quadrifid, having the corolla above; the corolla quinquefid; the capsule unilocular, conjoined with the calyx. There is but one species, a shrub of Surinam. DODECATHEON, a genus ofthe monogynia order, in the petandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 21st order, precis. The co- rolla is verticillatcd and reflexed; the stamina placed in the tube; the capsule unilocular and oblong. There is one species, the 1). media, a beautiful perennial plant, a native of Virginia, but sufficiently hardy to bear our climate. DODO. See Didus. DODONiEA, a genus of plants ofthe octandria mono- gynia class: it has no corolla; the fruit is a roundish trilocular capsule, with prominent inflated angles, con- taining solitary seeds. There are two species. DODRANS, in antiquity, three-fourths ofthe as. See As. and Coins. DOG, in zoology. See Cams. DOGS. The owner of a dog is bound to muzzle him if mischievous, but not otherwise; and if a man keep a dog that is known to bite cattle, &c. if after notice given to him of it, his dog shall do any hurt, the master shall answer for it. The duty on dogs. The act 36 G. III. contains the following provisions: 1. That the duty shall not extend to dogs not six months old, the proof of which is to be on the owner, on an appeal to the commissioners. 2. If any person shall be desirous of compounding for the number of hounds by him kept, and shall give notice thereof totbe collector, and shall pay within thirty days after April 5, yearly the sum of 30/., such person shall not be liable to be assessed in respect of any hounds by him kept in the preceding year: and if they are kept in two or more parishes, he shall give notice in which pa- rish such composition is intended to be made. By 42 Geo. III. cap. 17, any person keeping two or more dogs shall pay annually for every greyhound, poin- ter, setting dogs of whatsoever description or denomina- tion, spaniel, lurcher, and terrier, and for every dog above one. whatever the same be, the sum of 10s. And for any dog (not being a greyhound, hound, set- ting-dog, spaniel, lurchers, &c.) kept by or for use of any person inhabiting a dwelling-house assessed to any of the duties on houses, windows, or lights, where one such dog and no more shall be kept by or for the use of such person, the annual sum of 6s. Dog's-bane. Sec Apocynum. DOGE, formerly the chief magistrate in the repub- lics of Venire and Genoa; but now, like many other venerable relics of ancient grandeur, absorbed in the modern Gotbicism and tyranny of the abominable French revolution. DOGMATISTS, a sect of ancient physicians, of which Hippocrates was the first author. They arc also called logicians, from their using the riles' of I- gic in subjects of their profession. They laid down definitions and divisions, reducing diseases fo certain genera, and those genera to spicics, and furnishing remedies for them all; supposing principles, drawing ronclusic ns, and applying those principles and conclusions to particular diseases under consideration: in which sense the dogma- tisms stand contradistinguished from empires and metbo- dists. They reject all medicinal virtues that they think not reducible to manifest qualities: but Galen has I >ng ago observed of such men, that they must either deny plain matter of fact, or assign but very poor reasons and causes of many effects they pretend to explain. DOLE, in our ancient customs, signified a part or portion, most commonly, of a meadow, where several persons have shares. It slso still signifies a distribution or dealing of alms, or a liberal gift made by a great man to the people. Dole, in the law of Scotland, is used for malevolent intention. This, which implies deceit, as well as dolum, in the civil law, whence it is taken, is an essential ingre- dient to constitute an action criminal. In crimes w herein the will, not the event, must be regarded, no negligence can equal dole, unless tbe negligence be so extreme ly supine as not to be conceivable without implying dole. Under this term arc^comprchcndcd the vices and errors ofthe will, which are immediately productive of the criminal fact, though not premeditated, but the effect of sudden passion. In this respect dole differs from what the English law calls malice prepense. DOLICHOS, a genus of the decandria order, in the diadelphia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 32d order, papilionaceae. The basis of the vexillum has two callous knobs, oblong, parallel, and compressing the al?e below..There are 38 species, tbe most remarkable of which are: 1. The lablah, with a winding stalk, is a native of warm climates, where it is frequently cultivated for the table. Mr. Hasselquist in- forms us, that it is cultivated in the Egyptian gardens, but is not a native of that country. The Egyptians make pleasant arbours with it in their houses and gar- dens, by supporting the stem and leading it where they think proper. Tbey not only supported it with sticks and wood, but tie it with cords, by which means the leaves form an excellent covering, and afford an agree- able shade in sultry weather. 2. The soja, a native of Japan, where it is termed daidsu; and, from its excel- lence, maine; that is, " the legumen or pod," hy way of eminence. It grows with an erect, slender, and hairy stalk, to the height of about four feet. The leaves are like thoseof the garden kidney-bean. The flowers are of a blueish white, and produced from the bosom of the leaves, and succeeded by bristly hanging pods resemb- ling those of the yellow lupin, which commonly contain two, sometimes three, large white seeds. There is a va- riety of this kind, with a small black fruit, which was once employed in medicine. Kempfer affirms, that the seeds of this give relief in the asthma. This legumen is doubly useful in the Japanese kitchens. It serves for the preparation of a .s'lb-tanre named miso, that is used as butter; and likewise a pickle celebrated among them, and frequent also at our own tables, under the name of soojuor soy. To make the first, tbey take a measure of the beans produced by the plant: after boiling them to a proper degree of softness, they beat them into a paste; DOM DOM incorporating with it a large quantity of common salt. They then add a certain preparation of rice named koos; and having formed the whole into a mass, remove it into a wooden vessel, and, in about two months, it is fit for use. The koos gives it a grateful taste; and the preparing of it, like the polenta ofthe Germans, requires some experience. To make sooju or soy, they take equal quantities of the same beans boiled, and of muggi, that is, barley or wheat roughly ground, and of common salt. Having properly mixed the beans with the pounded corn, they keep it covered in a warm place, in order to ferment; then putting the mass into a pot, they cover it with the salt, pouring over the whole two measures and a half of water. This they frequently stir for two or three months, at the end of which time, they filtrate and express the mass, and preserve the liquor in wooden ves- sels. The older it is, the better and the clearer; and if made of wheat, it is the blacker. 3. The pruriens, or cow-itch, is also a native of warm climates. It has a fibrous root, and an herbaceous climbing stalk, which is naked, dividing into a great number of branches; and rises to a great height when properly supported. The leaves are alternate and trilobate, rising from the stem and branches about 12 inches distant from each other. The foot-stalk is cylindrical, from 6 to 14 inches long. From the axilla of the leaf descends a pendulous solitary spike, from 6 to 14 inches long, covered with long blood- coloured papilionaceous flowers, rising by threes in a double alternate manner from small fleshy protuberances, each of which is a short pedunculus of three flowers. These are succeeded by leguminous, coriaceous pods, four or five inches long, crooked like an italic/; densely covered with sharp hairs, which penetrate the skin, and cause great itching. This will grow in any soil in those countries where it is a native: but it is generally eradi- cated from all cultivated grounds; because the hairs from the pods fly with the winds, and torment every animal they happen to touch. If it was not for this mis- chievous quality, the beauty of its flowers would entitle it to a place in the best gardens. It flowers in the [cool months, from September to March, according to the situation. The spicula?, or sharp hairs, of this plant, have been long used in South America in case of worms; and have of late been frequently, and, as some writers have said, succesfully employed in Britain for the like purpose. The spicule of one pod mixed with syrup or molasses, and taken in the morning fasting, is a dose for an adult. 4. The dolichos lignosusis a handsome flower- ing shrub, introduced into our greenhouses, and easily propagated from seed, which it perfects in this country. DOLIOCARPUS, a genus ofthe polyandria monogy- nia class and order. The calyx is five-leaved; corolla thrce-petailed, plaited; stigma subtrifid; berry globular, crowned with the style, one-celled, two-seeded. There are three species, shrubs of Guiana. DOLPHIN. See Delphinfs. DOM BEY A, a genus of the class and order dioecia monadelphia. The male, calyx of the anient, scales; co- roilanone; anthers 10 and 12, without filaments. Female, calyx anient, with many germs; corolla none; stigma bi- valve, unequal; seeds many, in a rouudish strobile. There is one species, a tree of Chili. DOME. See Abchitecture. DOMESDAY, is a very ancient record, made inWil- Ham the Conqueror's time, and now remaining in the exchequer, fair and legible, consisting of two volumes, containing a survey of all the lands in England. It was begun by five justices, assigned for that purpose in each county, in the year 1081, and finished in 1086. It is generally known, that the question whether lands are ancient demense or not, is to be decided by the Domesday-book of William the Conqueror; whence there is no appeal. And it is a book of that authority that even the Conqueror himself submitted in sonic ca- ses, wherein he was concerned, to be determined by it. DOMESTIC, in antiquity, was a particular officer in the court of Constantinople. According to some this office was one entrusted to manage affairs of importance: others say the Greek do- mestici were the same with the Roman comitcs; and that they began first to be used when count became a dignity: domestics therefore were such as served the prince in tbe administration of affairs, as well those of the family as the affairs of justice and the church. DOMINANT of a mode, in music, is that sound which makes a fifth to the final, or tonic. DOMINICAL letter, in chronology, is that letter of the alphabet which points out in the calendar the Sundays throughout the year, thence also called Sunday-letter. The distribution of days into weeks is made by the seven first letters of the alphabet A, B, C, D, E, F, (i, begin- ning, at the first of January, to place the letter A; to the second of January B is joined; to the third C; and so on to the seventh, where G is figured: and then again begin- ning with A, which is placed at the eighth day, B will be at the ninth, C at the tenth, and so continually re- peating the series of these seven letters, each day ofthe year has one of them in the calendar. By this means the last of December has the letter A joined to it, for if the 365 days, which are in the year, are divided by seven, we shall have 52 weeks, and one day over. If there had been no day over, all the years would constantly begin on the same day of the week, and each day of a month would constantly have fallen on the same day of ihe week; but now, since, besides the 52 weeks in the year, there is one day more, it happens, that on whatever day of the week the year begins, it ends upon the same day, and the next year begins with the following day. The letters being ranked in this order, that letter which answers to the first Sunday of January, in a com- mon year, will show all the Sundays throughout the year, and to whatever days in the rest of the montbs, that letter is put, these days are all Sundays. If the first day of January be on Sunday, the next year will begin on Monday, and the Sunday will fall on the se- venth day, to which is annexed the letter G, which there- fore will be the Sunday letter for that year: the nextycar beginning on Tuesday, the first Sunday will fall on the sixth of January, to which is adjoined the letter F, which is the Sunday letter for that year; and in the same man- ner, for the next following, the dominical letter will be E; and so on. By this means the Sunday letters will go on in a retrograde order, viz. G, F, E, D, C, B, A. But because every fourth year consists of 3G6 days, the series of letters will be interrupted, and the order will not DOM DON eturn till twenty-eight years, or four times seven; and bence arises the cycle of 28 years. Thus, if in a leap year the first of January is Sun- dav, and consequently the dominical letter A, the twen- ty-fourth day of February will fall on a Friday, and the twenty-fifth on a Saturday; and since both these days are marked in the calendar with the letter F, the follow- ing day, which is Sunday, will be marked with G, which letter will mark out all the Sundays, and consequently be the dominical letter, the remaining part of the year; and hence it is that every leap year has two dominical letters, the first of which serves from the beginning of the year to the twenty-fourth or twenty-fifth day of Fe- bruary, and then the other takes place and serves for the rest of the year. The intercalary day is placed between the twenty- third and twenty-fourth days of February, and so makes two twenty-fourths of February, which in the calendar are esteemed one and the same day, and have tbe same letter affixed to them; but by our way of reckoning they are called the twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth days of February. For finding the dominical letters, reject the figures or cyphers to the place of hundreds in the given year; di- vide the remaining figures or cyphers by 4; from this quotient subtract I, and this number subtract from the hundred years; and then this last remainder taken from the least number of sevens possible, leaves a number which must be added to the year and its fourth, in or- der to find the dominical letter. Example: what will be the dominical letter for the year 1842? This question, by the above rule, will be solved in the following manner: 18-4-4=4; from which subtracting 1, and the remainder 3 taken from 18, gives 15, which being subtracted from &K the nearest sevens, gives 6, the number to be added. Then to the given year 1842, add its fourth part 460, and the number found 6, the sum is 2308; which being divided by 7, gives 329 for the quotient, and the re- mainder is 5; which taken from 7, leaves 2, tbe index of the letter B, the dominical letter required. By the same mode we find that F is tbe dominical letter for the present year, 1816. DOMINICANS, an order of religious, called, in l'rance, jacobins, and, in England, black friars, or preaching friars. This order, founded by St. Dominic, a native of Spain, was approved by Innocent III. in 1215, and confirmed by a bull of Honorius III. in 1216. The design of their institution was, to preach the gospel, convert heretics, defend the faith, and propagate Chris- tianity. They embraced the rule of St. Augustine, to which they added statutes and constitutions, which bad formerly been observed by the Carthusians. The princi- pal articles enjoined perpetual silence, abstinence from flesh at all times, wearing of woollen, rigorous poverty, and several other austerities. This order has spread in- to all the parts of the world. It has produced a great number of martyrs, confessors, bishops; and they reckon three popes, sixty cardinals, one hundred and fifty arch- bishops, and eight hundred bishops of their order, be- sides tbe masters of the sacred palace, who have always been doniinicans. The nuns, or sisters of this order, owe their foundation to St. Dominic himself, who built * monastery at Frouilles, where poor maids might be brought up and supplied wifh all necessaries for t?>eir subsistence. The habit of these religious was a white robe, a tawny mantle, and a bhu-k veil. Their !'•>..suler obliged tiiem to work at certain hours of the day, and particularly to spin yarn and flax to make their own linen. DONATIA, v. genus ofthe trigynia order, in ihe tri- andria class of plants. The calyx is a triphyllous peri- anihium, with short subulated leaves standing at a dis- tance from one another. The corolla has from eight to ten petals of an oblong linear shape, twice as long as the calyx. Tlie stamina are three subulated filaments the length of the calyx; the antherae roundish, didymous, ana two-lobed at the base. There is one species." DONATION, an act whereby a person transfers to another either the property or the use of something, as a free gift. In order to be valid, it supposes a capacity both in the donor and donee, and requires consent, ac- ceptance, and delivery; and, by the French law, also re- giscry. Civilians distinguish donation into pure and conditional. Donatio pura is when one gives a thing with an intention that it become immediately the p»-o- perty of the donee, never to revert to the donor; and this from no other motive than his generosity. Donatio con- ditionals is when one gives a thing with an intention that it become the property of the donee, upon perform- ing some condition stipulated. DONATISTS, christians in Africa, who took their name from their leader Donatus. A secret hatred against Csecilian, elected bishop of Carthage about the year 311, excited Donatus to form this sect. He accus- ed Crccilian of haviug delivered up the sacred books to the pagans, and pretended that his flection was void, and all his adherents heretics. He taught that baptism administered by heretics was null, that every church but the African was become prostituted, and that he was to be the restorer of religion. Some accuse the Donatists of Arianism. Constantius and Honorius made laws for their banishment, and Theodosius and Honorius con- demned them to griev ous mulcts. DONATIVE, a gratuity or present made to any per- son. Donative, among the Romans, was proper) v a gift made to the soldiers, as congiarium was that made to the people. Salmasius says, the common and legitimate rate of a donative was three pieces of gold per head; and Casaubon observes, that the legal donative was 20,000 denarii; and that it was not customary to give less, es- pecially to the praetorian soldiers; that the centurions had double, and the tribunes, kc. more in proportion. Donative, in the canon law, is a benefice given by the patron to a priest, without presentation to the or- dinary, and without institution or induction. The king may found a church or chapel, and exempt it from the jurisdiction of the ordinary. He may also, by his let- ters patent, grant licence to a common person to found such a church, and ordain it to be made donative. The resignation of a donative must be to the donor or pa- tron, nor may the ordinary visit the same, but the pa- tron by commissioners appointed by him. Tliere can be no lapse of this benefice, though the bishop may com- pel such patron to nominate a clerk by ecclesiastical censures; and the clerk must be qualified as other clerks of churches are. DOR DOS DONAX, a genus of insects belonging to the :,rdcr of vermes testacea. it is an animal of the oyster kind; and the shell has two valves, with a very obtuse margin in the forepart. There are 10 species, principally dis- tinguished by the figure of their shells. See Plate Nat.^ Hist. fig. 172. DONJON, in fortification, signifies a strong tower, or redoubt of a fortress, whither the garrison may re- treat, in case of necessity, and capitulate with greater advantage. DONOR, in law, the person who gives lands or te- nements to another in tail, kc. as he to whom such lands, kc. arc given is the donee. DORJENA, a genus of the pentandria monogynia class and order. The cor. is five-cleft; stigma emargi- nate; caps, one-celled. There is one species, a dwarf tree about six feet high, a native of Japan. DORIC order, in architecture, the second of the five orders, being that between the Tuscan and Ionic. See Architecture. Doric dialect, in grammar, one of the five dia- lects, or manners of speaking, which were principally in use among the Greeks. It was first used by the La- cedemonians, particularly those of Argos; afterwards it passed into Epirus, Lybia, Sicily, and the islands of Rhodes, Crete, &c. According to the Doric dialect, the vowels », i, «, a, are changed into «; the dipthong « into a or «<; and the consonants /3 into >; £ into vt; » and t into t; t and f into *; x with a * or •&• following it, into v. Thus for a> **u P**»«*, Tp«£«, xAct/oc, yx«p«p«, kc They likewise change * into a, as xoy» for *oy«; also «©- for ««/s, as Pecnxtvs for &*tx»c for f>tx««, and •ytxtt for ytAauc; with other transmutations of tiie like nature. Doric mode, in music, the first of the authentic modes of the. ancients; its character is to be severe, tem- pered with gravity and joy; and is proper upon religious occasions, as also to be used in war. DORIS, a genus of insects, belonging to the order of vermes testacea. The body is oblong, flat beneath, creeping: mouth placed below: vent behind surrounded with a fringe: two feelers, retractile. There are seve- ral species. The argo, or lemon doris, has an oval body, convex, marked with numerous punctures, of a lemon-colour, the vent beset with elegant ramifications. It inhabits different parts of our seas, and is properly called the sea-lemon. There are four species. DORMANT, in heraldry, is used for the posture of a lion, or any other beast, lying along in a sleeping at- titude, with the head on the fore pawb; by which it is distinguished from the coiichant, where though the beast is lying, yet he holds up his head. DORMOUSE, in zoology. See Mus, and Sciirars. DORccNICUM, leopard's bane; a genus of poly- gamia superflua order, in the syngenesia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 49th or- der, composite. The receptacle is naked, the pappus simple; the scales of the calyx in a double row, longer than the disc. The seeds of the radius naked without any pappus. Tliere are three species; of which the only one worthy of notice is the pardalianches, with obtuse heart-shaped loaves. It grows naturally in Hun- gary, and on the Helvetian mountains; but is frequently preserved in the English gardens. It has thick fleshy roots, which divide into many knobs or knees, sending out strong fleshy fibres which penetrate deep into the ground; from these arise in the spring a cluster of heart- shaped leaves, which are hairy, and stand upon foot. stalks: between these arise tbe flowerstalks, which are channelled and hairy, near three feet high, putting out one or two smaller stalks from the side. Each stalk is terminated by one large yellow flower. The plant multi- plies very fast by its spreading roots; and the seeds, if per- mitted to scatter, will produce plants wherever tbey happen to fall; so that it very soon becomes a weed in the places where it is once established. It loves a moist soil and shady situation. The roots were formerly used in medicine, but their operation was found so violent that they are now entirely laid aside. DORSAL muscles are the muscles of the. back and loins, which are for the most part common. DORSIFEROUS plants, among botanists, such as arc of the capillary kind, without stalks, and wiiich bear their seeds on the back side of their leaves. DORSTENIA, contrayerva; a genus ofthe mo- nogynia order, in the tetrandia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 53d order, scabri- da. Th e receptacle is common, monophyllous, and carnous; the seeds lying singly in the carnous substance. There are eight species, all of them low herbaceous plants, growing in the warm countries of America and China. The root is used in medicine, under the name of contrayerva. It is full of knots; an inch or two in length; about half an inch thick; externally of a red- dish-brown colour, and pale within; long, tough, slender fibres shoot out from all sides of it, which are generally loaded w ith small round knots. The root has a peculiar kind of aromatic smell, and a somewhat astringent, warm, bitterish taste, with a light and sweetish kind of acrimony when chewed. The fibres have little taste or smell; the tuberous part, therefore, should only be clio- sm. Contrayerva is indisputably a good and uscfcl di- aphoretic. Its virtues are extracted both by water and rectified spirit, and do not arise by evaporation with either. The plants cannot be propagated in this coun- try without the greatest difficulty. See Plate L. Nat. Hist. fig. 173. DORSUM, back. Sec Anatomy. DORYPHOllI. in antiquity, an appellation given to the life-guard men of the Roman emperors. DOSiTHEANS, in church-history, a sett among the Hebrews, being one of the brane lies ofthe Samaritans. They abstained from eating any creature that had life, and were so superstitious in keeping the sabbath, that they remained in the same place and posture wherein that day surprised them, without stirring till tbe next day. They married but once, and a great number never married. Dositheus, their founder, being dissatisfied among the Jews, retired to the Samaritans, who were reputed heretics, and invented another sect; and, to make it more authentic, he went into a cave, where, by too long abstinence, he killed himself. The name of Oosithe- ans was also given to some of the disciples of Simon Ma- gus. DOSSER, in military matters, a sort of basket, car- D 0 U DOW ried on the shoulders of men, used in carrying the over- plus earth from one part of a fortification to another, where it is wanted. DOSSIL, in surgery, lint made into a cylindric form, used in dressing a disordered part. DOTE assionanda, in law, a writ that formerly lay for a widow, on its being found by office, that the king's tenant was seized with lands in fee or tail at the time of his death, and that he held of the king in chief, kc. in which case the widow was to come into the court of chan- cery, and there make oath that she would not marry without the king's leave; upon which she had this writ to the escheator, to assign her dower. Dote unde nihil habet, a writ of dower which the widow may have against a person that bought land of her husband in his life-time, whereof he was seized in fee simple or fee tail, and of which she is endowable. DOLT5LE-cast, in husbandry, a term used by the farmers for that method of sowing that does not dis- pense the necessary quantity of seed for a piece of land at one sowing, but requires going over every place twice. Sec Husbandry. Double horizontal dial, one with a double gnomon, one of which points out the hour on the outward circle, and the other shows the hour upon the sterographic pro- jection drawn upon it. This dial not only finds the me- ridian hour, &c. hut shows the sun's place, rising and setting, declination, amplitude, altitude, and azimuth, with many other useful propositions. Double letter, in grammar, a letter which has the force and effect of two. The Greeks have three of these, viz. z e, ¥; the Latins have two X and Z; and most of the modern languages have the same. Double plea, in law, is where the defendant in a suit alleges two several matters in bar of the plaintiff's action, when one of them is sufficient. This is not ad- mitted in common law. Thus, when a person pleads several things, the one having no dependance upon the other, such plea is accounted double, and will not be ad- mitted; but where the things pleaded, mutually depend on each other, and the party cannot have the last plea without the first, there the whole shall be received. Double ojtarrel, is a complaint made by any clerk, or other, to the archbishop of the province against an ordinary, for delaying justice in any cause ecclesiasti- cal: as to give sentence, to institute a clerk presented, or the like: the effect whereof is, that the archbishop taking notice of such delay, directs his letters under his authentic seal, to all and singular clerks of his province, thereby commanding and authorising them, and every of them, to admonish the said ordinary, within a cer- tain time, nine days, to do the justice required, or other- wise to cite them to appear before him the said arch- bishop, or his official, at a day in the said letters pre- fixed, and there to allege the cause of his delay. And lastly, to intimate to the said ordinary, that if he nei- ther perform the thing enjoined, nor appear at the day assigned, he himself will, without delay, proceed to per- form the justice required; and this seems to be termed a double quarrel, because it is most commonly made both against the judge and hiin at whose petition jus- tice is delayed. Clark's Prax. Tit. 84, 5, Vol. I. 103 Doubles, nearly the same as letters patent. Stat. 14 H. VI. DOUBLETS, a game on dice within tables: the men, which are only fifteen, being placed thus; upon the sice, cinque, and quarter points, there stand three men a- piece; and upon the trey, duce, and ace, only two. He that throws highest has the benefit of throwing first, and what he throws he lays down, and so does the other: what the one throws, and has not, the other lays down for him, but to his own account; and thus they do till all the men are down, and then they bear. He that is down first bears first, and will doubtless win the game, if the other throws not doublets to overtake him; which he is sure to do, since he advances or bears as many as the doublets make, viz. eight for two fours. DOUBLING, in the military art, is the putting two ranks or files of soldiers into one. Thus, when the word of command is, double your ranks, the second, fourth, and sixth ranks march into the first, third, and fifth, so that the six ranks are reduced to three, and the intervals between the ranks become double wdiat they were before. To double by half-files, is when the fourth, fifth, and sixth ranks march up to double the first, se- cond, and third, or the contrary. To double the files to the right, is when every other file faces to the right, and marches into the next file to it, so that the six ranks are turned into twelve, and every file is twelve deep. To double the files to the left, is when every other file faces to the left, and inarches into the next. In dou- bling the files, the distance between the files becomes double. DOVE-tailing, in carpentry, is the manner of fas- tening boards together by letting one piece into another, in the form of the tail of a dove. The dovetail is the strongest of the assemblages or jointings, because the tenon, or piece of wood which is put into the other, goes widening to the extreme, so that it cannot be drawn out again, because the extreme or tip is larger than the hole. DOUGLASSIA, a genus ofthe class and order poly- adelphia polyandria. The cal. is half six-cleft; cor. none; nect. six; filam. none; germ, superior; stigma six- cleft; berry ovate, one-celled, seed one. There is one species, a shrub of Guiana. DOULEIA, in Grecian antiquity, a kind of punish- ment among the Athenians, by which the criminal was reduced to the condition of a slave. It never was in- flicted but upon the mnpoi, sojourners, and freed servants. DOWER, the portion which a widow has of the lands of her husband, after his decease, for the sustenance of herself, and the education of her children. To the consummation of dower, three things are ne- cessary, viz. marriage, seisin, and the husband's death. There were formerly five kinds of dower in Eng- land, viz. 1. Dawer by the common law. 2. Dower by custom. 3. Dower ad ostium ecclesia?. 4. Dower ex as- sensu patris, and 5. Dower de la plus belle. But of all these kinds of dower, only the first two are now in use. N Dower by the common law, is a third part of such lands or tenements whereof the husband was sole seized in fee-simple, or fee-tail, during the marriage, which the wife is to enjoy during her life; for which there lies DOW D R A a writ of dower. See Distribution of Intestate's Effects. Dower by custom varies according to the custom and usage of the place, and is to be governed accordingly; and where such custom prevails, the wife cannot wave the provision thereby made for her, and claim her thirds at common law, because all customs are equally ancient with the common law itself. Co. Lit. 39 b. Dower ad ostium ccclesise, is where anum of full age, seized of lands in fee, after marriage, endows his wife at the church-door ofa moiety, a third, or other part of his lands, declaring them in certainty; in which case, af- ter her husband's death, she may enter into such lands without any other assignment, because the solemn as- signment at the Church-door is equivalent to the assign- ment in pais by metes and bounds; but this assignment cannot he made before marriage, because before, she is not entitled to dower. Lit. sect. 39. Dower ex essensu patris, is where the father is seized of land in fee; and his son and heir apparent after mar- riage endows his wife by his father's assent, ad ostium ecc lesise, of a certain quantity of them; in which case, after the death ofthe son, his wife may enter into such parcel without any other assignment, though the father be living; but this assent of the father's must be by <]ccd,becausc his estate is to be charged in futuro, and this may likewise be of more than a third part. Co. Lit. 55, 36.' The dowers ad ostium ecclesise, or ex assensu patris, if the wife enter and assent to them, are a good bar of her in common law; but she may, if she will, wave them, and claim her dower at common law, because being made after marriage, she is not bound by them. Br. 97. Dower de la plus belle, is where there is a guardian in chivalry, and the wife occupies lands of the heir as guardian in soccage: if the wife bring a wTrit of dower against such guardian in chivalry, he may show this matter, and pray that the wife may be endowed de la plus belle ofthe tenements in soccage, and it will be ad- judged accordingly; and the reason of this endowment was to prevent the dismembering of the lands holden in chivalry, which are pro bono publico, and for the de- fence of the realm. Lit. sect. 48. After judgment given, the wife may take her neigh- bours, and in their presence endow herself of the plus belle, or fairest part, of the tenements which she has in soccage, for her life. Lit. sect. 48. DOWN, the fine feathers from the breasts of several birds, particularly of the duck kind. That of the ei- der duck (see Anas) is the most valuable. These birds pluck it from their breasts, and line their nests with it. We are told that the quantity of down found in one nest more than filled the crown of a hat, yet weighed no more than three quarters of an ounce. Three pounds of this down may be compressed into a space scarcely larger than one's fist; yet is afterwards so dilatable as to fill a quilt five feet square. That found in the nests is most valued, and termed live down; itis infinitely more elas- tic than that plucked from the dead bird, wbich is little esteemed in Iceland. The best sort is sold at 45 fish per pound when cleansed, and at 16 when not cleansed. Thfcre are generally exported every year, on the company's ac- count, 1500 or 2000 lb. of both sorts, exclusive of what is privately exported by foreigners. In 1750, the Ice- land company s Id as much in quantity of this article as amounted to 3745 banco dollars, besides what was sent directly to Gluckstadt. DOWNS, a bank or elevation of sand, which the sea gathers and forms along its shores, and which serves it as a barrier. DOWRY, in ancient time, applied to that which the wife brings her husband in marriage, otherwise called maritagium, or marriage-goods; but these are termed more properly goods given in marriage, and the mar- riage-portion. 1 Inst. 31. Dowry, is used in a mmastic sense for a sum of mo- ney given along with a maid, upon entering her in some religious order. In France, the dowry of persons en- tcring a monastery, to make profession of a religious life, was limited by law. That given upon entering a monastery of Carmelites, Ursulines, and others not re- gularly founded, but established since the year 1600, by letters patent, did not exceed the sum of 8000 livres io towns where parliaments were held, nor 6000 in other places. DRABA, a genus of the siliculosa order, in the te- tradynamia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 39th order, siliquosa. The silicula is entire, and oval-oblong; with the valves a little plane, parallel to the partition; there is no style. There are nine species; of which the only one worthy of notice is the verna, or early whitlow-grass. It has naked stalks, with leaves a little serrated. The blossoms are white, and at night the flowers hang down. It grows on old walls and dry banks. It is one of the earliest-flower- ing plants we have, and is good to eat as asalad. Goats, sheep, and horses eat it; cows are not fond of it; swine refuse it. DRABLER, in the sea language, a small sail in a ship, which is the same to a bonnet that a bonnet is to a course, and is only used when the course and bonnet are too shoal to clothe the mast. DRABLING, in angling, is a method of catching barbels. Take a strong line of six yards, which, be- fore you fasten to your rod, must be put through a piece of lead, that if the fish bite it may slip to and fro, and that tbe water may something move it on the ground. Bait with a lob-worm well secured, that by its motion the barbel may be enticed into the danger without sus- picion. The best places are in running water near piles, or under wooden bridges, supported with oaks floated and slimy. DRABS, in the salt-works, a kind of wooden boxes for holding the salt when taken out of the boiling-pan. The bottoms of them are made shelving or inclining for- wards, that tu~ u -iny moisture of the salt may drain off* DRACJENA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the hexandria class of plants. The corolla is sexpartite and erect; the filaments a little thicker about the middle; the berry trilocular and monospermous. There are 14 spe- cies, most of them having the habit of the palms, and one of them at least (the D. draco, which is a magnifi- cent plant, or rather tree) affording a red powder, like the eastern dragon's-blood. See that article. DRACHM, a Grecian coin, of (he value of 14 <& D R A D R A Drachm is also a weight used by our physicians; con- taining just sixty grains, three scruples, or the eighth part of an ounce. DRACO, the dragon, in zoology, a genus belonging to the order of amphibia reptilia; the characters of which are these: it has four legs, a cylindrical tail, and two membranaceous wings, radiated like the fins of a fish, by which he is enabled to fly, but not to any great dis- tance at a time. There are two species. 1. The volans, or flying-dragon, with the wings en- tirely distinct from the fore-legs. It is found in Africa and the East Indies. 2. The prapos, with the wings fixed to the fore-legs. It is a native of America. They are both harmless little creatures, and feed upon flics, ants, and small insects. See Plate L. Nat. Hist. fig. 174. Draco volans, in meteorology, a fiery exhalation, frequent in marshy and cold countries. It is most com- mon in summer; and though principally seen playing near the banks of rivers, or in boggy places, yet sometimes mounts up to a considerable height in the air, to the no small terror of the amazed beholders; its appearance be- ing that of an oblong, sometimes roundish, fiery body, with a long tail. It is entirely harmless, frequently stick- ing to the hands and clothes of people without injuring them in the least. Draco, in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere, whose stars, according to Ptolemy, are 81; according to Tycho, 32; according to Hevelius, 40; ac- cording to Bayer, 33; and acoording to Mr. Flamsteed, 80. See Astronomy. DRACOCEPOALUM, dragon's-head, a genus of thegymnospermia order, in tbe didynamia class of plants. The throat of the corolla is inflated, the upper lip con- cave. There arc 15 species, most of them herbaceous, annual, or perennial plants, from 18 inches to three feet high, mostly with entire leaves and whorled spikes of small monopetalous and ringcnt flowers, of a blue, white, or purple colour. They are all easily propagated by seeds, which may be sown cither in the spring or au- tumn; and after the plants are come up, they will re- quire no other culture but to be. kept clear from weeds. The D. canariense is well known by the name of balm of Gilcad. DRACONARIUS. in antiquity, dragon-bearer. Seve- ral nations, as the Persians, Parthians, Scythians, &c. bnrc dragons on their standards; whence the standards themselves were called dracones, dragons. The Romans borrowed the same custom from the Parthians; or, as Casaubon has it, from the Dac\r; or, as Codin, from the Assyrians. The Roman dracones were figures of dragons painted in red on their flags, as appears from Aiiimianus Marcellinus: but among the Persians and Parthians they were like the Roman eagles, figures in full relievo; so that the Romans were frequently deceiv- ed, and took them for real dragons. The soldier who bore the dragon or standard, was called by the Romans draconanus; and by the Greeks \\, inclining to white. This plant is easily propagated hy cuttings, which if planted in pots filled witty poor sandy earth, and plunged into a hot-bed, will s'oon put out roots; but the plants are so tender, that they must be preserved in a stove. DRACUNCULI, in medicine, small long worms, which breed in the muscular parts of the arms and legs, called Guinea-worms. This distemper is very common in Guinea, and prin- cipally among the natives: Kempfer found it also at Ormuz, upon the Persian Gulph, and likewise in Tar- tary. Dr. Tawne, in his Treatise on the Diseases of the West Indies, informs us, that this distemper is not so frequent any where as on the gold-coast, at Anama- boe, and Cormantyn. The worm is white, round, and uniform, very much resembling white round tape, or bobbin. It is lodged between the interstices and mem- branes of the muscles, where it insinuates itself, some- times exceeding five ells in length. It occasions no great pain at the beginning; but at such times as it is ready to make its exit, the part adjoining to the extremity of the worm, where it attempts its exclusion, begins to swell, throb, and be inflamed: this generally happens about the ancle, leg, or thigh, and rarely higher. The countries where this distemper is observed, are very hot and sultry, liable to great droughts, and the in- habitants make use of stagnating and corrupted water, in which it is very probable that the ova of these ani- mate ula may be contained; for the white people who drink this water arc obnoxious to the disease as well as the negroes. The surgeons seldom attempt to extract this worm by making an incision; but as soon as they perceive the tu- mour rise to a competent bulk, they endeavour to bring it to a suppuration, with all convenient expedition; and then the head of the worm discovers itself, which they secure, by tying it to a bit of stick or cotton, that it may not draw itself up again: thus they continue to rool it round the stick, sometimes one inch, sometimes two or more, each day, taking great care not to break the worm, else it will be very difficult to recover the end of it again; and an abc ess will be formed, not only at the suppurated part, but likewise through the whole wind- DRA 0 R A ing of the muscles, where the dead putrifying worm re- mains, wdiich generally occasions very obstinate ulcers. During the extraction of the worm, the patient should be plied with bitter aloetic and other anthelmintic medi- cines, in order to dislodge the worm the sooner from his tenement. When the worm is totally extracted, the re- maining ulcer may be treated in the same manner as other common ulcers; nor does^any farther inconveni- ence remain in the parts of which it bad possession. This disease, simply considered, very rarely, if ever, proves mortal. DRAG, in sea language, is a machine consisting of a sharp, square, iron ring, encircled with a net, and com- monly used to take the wheel off from the platform or bottom of the decks. DRAGOMAN, or Drogman, a term of general use through the East, for an interpreter whose office is to fa- cili'jtte commerce between the orientals and occidentals. These are kept by the ambassadors of Christian nations residing at the Porte for this purpose. The word is formed from the Arabic targeman or targiman, of the verb taragem, he has interpreted. From dragoman the Italians formed dragomano, and, with a nearer relation to its Arabic etymology, turcimanno; whence the French and our trucheman, as well as dragoman and drogman. DRAGON'shead and tail, are the nodes of the planets, or the two points wherein the ecliptic is intersected by the orbits of the planets, and particularly that of the moon; making with it angles of five degrees and eigh- teen minutes. One of these points looks northward, tbe moon beginning then to have northward latitude; and the other southward, where she commences south. Thus her deviation from the ecliptic seems (according to the fancy of some) to make a figure like that of a dragon, whose belly is where she has the greatest latitude; the intersection representing the head and tail, from which resemblance the denomination arises. But it must be observed that these points abide not always in one place, but have a motion of their own in the zodiac and retro- gradewise, three minutes eleven seconds per day, com- pleting their circle in 18 years 225 days: so that the moon can be but twice in the ecliptic during her month- ly period, but at all other times she will have a latitude or declination from the ecliptic. It is about these points of intersection that all eclipses happen. They are usu- ally denoted hy these characters, Q dragon's head, and 25 dragon's tail. Dragon, in zoology. See Draco. Dragon's blood, a gummy resinous substance so cal- led, which is brought from the East Indies, either in oval drops wrapped up in flag leaves, or in large masses com- posed of smaller tears. It is said to be obtained from the palmijuneus draco, the calamus rotang, the dracena draco, the pterocarpus draco, and several other vege- tables. In the present practice of medic ine, it is very little if at all used, either externally or internally. A solution of dragon's-blood in spirit of wine is used for staining marble, to which it gives a red tinge, which penetrates more or less deeply'according to the heat of the marble during the time of application. But as it spreads at the same time that it sinks deep, for fine de- signs the marble &heuld be cold. M. du Fay says, that by adding pitch to this solution the colour may be ren- dried deeper. Dragon-fly. See Libellula. Dragon-shell, in natural history, a name given by people curious in shells to a species of concamerated pa- tella or limpet. This has a top very much bent, and is of an ash-colour on the outside, but of an elegant and bright flesh-colour within. It has been found sticking on the back of a tortoise, as the common limpets do on the sides of rocks, and some have been found affixed to large shells of the pinna marina. DRAGONNE'E, in heraldry: a lion dragonne'e is where the upper half resembles a lion, the other half going off like the hinder part of a dragon. The same may be said of any other beast as well as a lion. DRAGOON, in military affairs, a musquetcer mount- ed on horseback, who sometimes fights or marches on foot, as occasion requires. Menage derives the word dragoon from tlie latin draconarius, which in Vegctius is used to signify soldier. But it is more probably de- rived from the German targen or dragen, which signifies to carry, as being infantry carried on horseback. Dra- goons are divided into brigades as the cavalry, and each regiment into troops, each troop having a captain, lieu- tenant, cornet, quarter-master, two Serjeants, three cor- porals, and two drummers: some regiments have haut- boys. They are very useful on any expedition that re-. quires despatch; for they can keep pace with the caval- ry, and do the duty of infantry. They encamp gener- ally on the wings of the army, or at the passes leading to the camp; and sometimes they are brought to cover the general's quarters: they march in the front and rear of the army. The first regiment of dragoons raised in England was in 1681, and called the regiment of dra- goons of North Britain. In battle or attacks they gen- erally fight sword in band after the first fire. DRAGOONING, one of the methods used by papists for converting refractory heritics, and bringing them within the pale of the Romish church. The following method of dragooning the French protestants after the revocation of the edict of Nantes, underLouis-XIV. is taken from a French work, translated in 1686. The troopers, soldiers, and dragoons, went into the protes- tants' houses, where they marred and defaced their household-stuff, broke their looking-glasses and other utensils and ornaments, let their wine run about their cellars, and threw about their corn and spoiled it. And as to those things which they could not destroy in this manner, such as furniture of beds, linen, wearing-ap- parel, plate, kc. they carried them to the market-place, and sold them to the Jesuits and other Roman-catholics. By these means the protestants in Montaubon alone were stripped of above a million of money. But this was not the worst. They turned the dmning-rooms of gentlemen into stables for their horses; and treated the owners of the houses where they quartered with the high- est indignity and cruelty, lashing them about from one to another, day and night, without intermission, net suffering them to eat or drink; and when they began to sink under the fatigue and pains they had undergone, they laid them on a bed; and when they thought them somewhat recovered, made them rise, and repeated the D R A D R A game tortures. When they saw the blood and sweat run down their faces and other parts of their bodies, they sluiced them with water; and putting over their heads kettle-drums turned upside down, they made a continual din upon them, till these unhappy creatures lost their sen- ses. To recount all the ingenious cruelties exercised in the practice of dragooning by these religious savages, would curdle the blood of even the most insensible. DRAGS, in the sea language, are whatever hangs over the ship in the sea, as shirts, coats, or the like; and boats when towed, or whatever el.-e after this manner may hinder the ship's way when she sails, are called drags. DRAINING, the art of clearing wet and boggy lands of tiieir superfluous moisture, an art of the highest im- portance not only to the agriculture, but to the health of a country. Itis only in modern times that the principles of this art have been well understood, and it seems yet susceptible of great improvement. Land becomes charged with moisture from two causes: 1. From water collected in thejhigher grounds, and filtrat- ing among the different beds of gravel and other porous materials, forming springs below, and flowing over the surface, or stagnating underneath it. 2. From rain or water lodging and becoming stagnant on the surface, from the clayey or impervious nature ofthe soil or su- perior statum. The first of their causes bogs, swamps, and morasses, and is the most difficult to be remedied. It may be laid down as a maxim, that springs are formed in the bowels of tbe earth, by water percolating through the strata where they are of a porous texture, and it continues to descend till it meets with a stratum of clay that intercepts it in its course; where, being collect- ed in large quantities, it is forced to seek a passage through the porous strata of sand, gravel, or rock, that may be above the clay, following the course of these stra- ta till they approach the surface of the earth, or are in- terrupted by any obstacle which occasions the water to rise, thus forming springs, bogs, and the other phenome- na of this nature; which being variously diversified in dif- ferent circumstances, produce that variety of appearan- ces in this respect that we often meet with. This being the case, we may naturally conclude, that an abundant spring need never be expected in any coun- try that is covered to a great depth with sand without any stratum of clay to force it upwards, as is the case in the sandy deserts of Arabia, and the immeasurable plains of L\ bia: neither are we to expect abundant springs in any soil that consists of an uniform bed of clay from the sur- face to a great depth; for it must always be in some porous stratum that the water flows in abundance; and it can he made to flow horizontally in that, only when it is sup- ported by a stratum of clay, or other substance that is equally impermeable by water. Hence the rationale of that rule so universally established in digging for wells, that if you begin with sand or gravel, &c. you need sel- dom hope to find water till you come to clay; and if you begin with c lay, you can hope for none in abundance till )on reach to sand, gravel, or rock. It is necessary that the farmer should attend to this pro- cess of nature with care, as his success in draining bogs and every species of damp and spouting ground, will in a great measure depend upon his thorough knowledge of this, hid acuteness in perceiving in every case the valua- tions that may be occasioned by particular circumstances, and his skill in varying the plan of his operations accor- ding to these. As the variety of cases that may occur in this respect is very great, it would be a tedious task t« enumerate the whole, and describe the particular method of treating each; we shall therefore content ourselves with enumerating a few particular cases to show in what manner the principles above-established may be applied ta practice. Let fig. 57, Plate XLIV. Miscel. represent a perpen- dicular section ofa part of the earth, in which AB is the surface of the ground, beneath which are several strata of porous substances that allow the water to sink through them till it reaches the line CD, that is supposed to repre- sent the upper surface of a solid bed of clay; above which lies a stratum of rock, sand, or gravel. In this case it is plain that when the water reaches the bed of clay, and can sink no farther, it must be there accumulated into a body; and seeking for itself a passage, it flows along the sur- face of the clay, among the sand or gravel, from D to- wards C; till at last it issues forth, at the opening A, a spring of pure water. If the quantity of water that is accumulated between D and C is not very considerable, and the stratum of clay approaches near the surface; in that case the whole of it will issue by the opening at A, and the ground will remain dry both above and below it. But if the quantity of water is so great as to raise it to a considerable height in the bed of sand or gravel, and if that stratum of sand is not discontinued before it reaches the surface of the ground, the water, in this case, would not only issue at A, but would likewise ooze out in small streams through every part of the ground between A and a, forming a barren patch of wet sandy or gravelly ground upon the side of a declivity, which every attentive observer must have fre- quently met with. To drain a piece of ground in this situation is perhaps the most unprofitable task that a farmer can engage in, not only because it is difficult to execute, but also because the soil that is gained is but of very little value. It is lucky, however, that patches of this kind are seldom of great breadth, although they sometimes run along the side of a declivity in a horizontal direction for a great length. The only effectual method of draining this kind of ground, is to open a disch as high up as the highest of the springs at a, which should be of such a depth as not only to penetrate through the whole bed of sand or grav- el, but also to sink so far into the bed of clay below, as to make a canal in it sufficiently large to contain and carry off the water. Such a ditch is represented by the dotted lines aex>: but as the expense of making a ditch of such a depth as this would suppose, and of keeping it after- wards in repair, is very great, it is but in very few cases that this mode of draining would be advisable; and never, unless where the declivity happens to be so small as that a great surface is lost for little depth, as would have been the case here if the surface had extended in the direction of the dotted line ad. But supposing that the stratum of clay, after approach- ing towards the surface at A. continued to keep at a lit- tle depth below ground; and that the soil which lay above it was of a sandy or spongy nature, so as to allow the DRAINING. water to penetrate it easily; even supposing the quantity of water that flowed from D to C was but very inconside- rable, instead of rising out at the spring A, it would flow forward along the surface of the clay among the porous earth that forms the soil, so as to keep it constantly drenched with water, and of consequence render it of ve- ry little value. Wetness arising from this cause is usually of much greater extent than the former; and as it admits of an easy cure, it ought not to be delayed; as a ditch of a ve- ry moderate depth opened at A, and carried through a part of the stratum of clay (as represented by the dotted lines A kf), would intercept and carry off the whole of the water, and render the field as dry as could be desir- ed. It is, therefore, of very great consequence to the far- mer accurately to distinguish between these two cases, so nearly allied to each other in appearance; and as this can be easiest done by boring, every one who has much ground of this kind ought to provide himself with a set of boring-irons, which he will likewise find use for on other occasions. We might here enumerate a great variety of cases ■which might be reduced to the same head w ith the forego- ing; but as any attentive reader may, after what has been said, be able easily to distingush these, we shall on- ly in general observe, that every soil of a soft and porous texture that lies upon a bed of hard clay, whatever its situation in other respects may be, will in some measure be subjected to this disease. And if it is upon a declivity of any considerable length, the undermost parts of the field will be much damaged by it, unless ditches are thrown up across the declivity at proper distances from one another, to intercept the water in its descent. It may likewise be not improper here to observe, that in cases of this nature, unless where the soil is of a very great depth, the malady w ill always be increased by rais- ing the ridges to a considerable height; as will appear evident by examining fig. 58. in which the line AB re- presents the surface of a field of this nature, and CD the surface of the bed of clay. Now if this field was raised into high ridges, as at FFF, so that the furrows EEE descended below the surface of the clay, it is plain that all the wrater that should sink through the middle of the ridge, would run along the surface of the clay till it came totbe sides ofthe ridge LLLLLL, which would thus be kept continually soaked with water. Whereas, if the ground had been kept level, as in the part of the field from G to H, with open furrows H, at moderate distan- ces from each other, the water would immediately sink to the clay, and be carried off by the furrows, so as to damage the soil far less than when the ridges are high. If the soil is so thin as that the plough can always touch the clay, the ridges ought to be made narrow and quite flat, as from G to H: but if there is a little greater depth of soil, then it ought to be raised into ridges of a mode- rate height, as from H to B, so as to allow the bottom of the furrow to reach the clay: but neither is this ne- cessary where the soil is of any considerable depth. Some industrious farmers having ground in this situa- tion, have been at the very great expense of making a covered drain,in each furrow. But, had they rightlv un- derstood the nature of the disease, they never would have thought of applying such a remedy, as must appear evident at first sight to those who examine the figure. Tbe success was what might be expected from such a foolish undertaking. These observations, it is hoped, will be sufficient as to the manner of treating w et, sandy, or porous soils. We now proceed to take notice of such as are ofa stiff clayey nature, which are often very different in appearance, and require a different treatment, from these. Suppose that the stratum of sand or gravel DC, fj<». 59. should be discontinued, as at E, and that the stratum above it should be of a coherent clayey nature: in this case, the water that flowed towards E, being there pent in on every side, and being accumulated tliere in great quantities, it must at length force a passage for itself hi some way; and pressing strongly upon the upper surface, if any one part is weaker than the rest, it there would burst forth and form a spring (as suppose at A). But if the texture of every part of this stratum was equally strong, the water would squeeze through many small crannies, and would ooze out in numberless places, as be- tween A and F, so as to occasion that kind of wetness that is known by the name of a spouting clayey soil. The cure, in this case, is much more easily effected than in any of tbe former; for if a ditch of a considera- ble size is opened, as at A, towards the lowermost side ofthe spouting ground, so deep as to penetrate through the upper stratum of clay, and reach to the gravel, the water will rise up through it at first with very great vio- lence, but will gradually decrease as the pressure from the water behind is diminished; and when the whole of the water accumulated in this subterraneous reservoir is.? run off, there being no longer any pressure upon the clay above it, the whole soon becomes as dry as could be At- sired, and continues so ever afterwards, if the ditch is always kept open. It will hardly be necessary in this place to put the far- mer upon his guard to be particularly careful in his ob- servations, that he may distinguish between the wetness which is produced from this cause, and that which pro- ceeds from the cause before-mentioned: because the treat- ment that would cure the one would be of no use at all to the other. The attentive observer likewise will readily perceive, that if any field that is wet from this cause ad- mits of being ploughed, it will be in equal danger of be- ing hurt by being raised into high ridges with the other kind of damp ground before-mentione^. For as the depth of earth above the reservoir would be smaller in the deep furrows than any where else, there would be less resistance to the water in that place, so that it would rise there in greater abundance. And if, in this case, a farmer should dig a drain in each furrow, as a conside- rable quantity of water would rise into them, in some cases, the ground might be improved or even quite drained by it, especially if they should have accidental- ly reached the gravel in any one place, although at aa expense much greater than was necessary. We take no- tice of this circumstance, in some measure to prevent the prejudice that some inattentive observers might enter- tain against what was said before of this method of draining, from their having accidentally seen some fields that may have been bettered by it. B land, must not he delivered up, nor drawback allowed for any goods, till a certificate under the hands and seals of thecollector or comptroller, kc. ofthe customs is pro- duced, testifying the landing. l Drawbridge, a bridge made after the manner of a floor, to draw up, or let down, as occasion serves, before the gate oi a town or castle. See Bridge A drawbridge maybe nade after seviral different DRAWING. modes, but the most common are made with plyers, twice the length of the gate, and a foot in diameter. The in- ner square is traversed with a cross, which serves for a counterpoise; and the chains which hang from tbe ex- tremities of the plyers, to lift up or let down the bridge, are of iron or brass. In navigable rivers it is sometimes necessary to make the middle arch of bridges with two moveable platforms, to be raised occasionally, in order to let the masts and rigging of vessels pass through. DRAWING, in painting, is the accurate representa- tion and just symmetry of forms and proportions; whence a painter or sculptor is said to know much or little of drawing, according to his skill in these respects; and in like manner a figure of a man or other animal, a build- ing, or any other object represented, is said to be in drawing or out of drawing. Drawing may justly be considered as the basis of painting; for it is but labour lost, when the painter endeavours to disguise by ingeni- ous artifices of colour, the defects of forms which are fundamentally incorrect and incoherent. Amongst the artists of antiquity, Apelles is recorded as the most eminent for the beauty of his drawing. Since the revival ofthe arts in Italy, Michael Angelo appears the most learned draughtsman, Raffaelle the most cor- rect and graceful. The Roman and Florentine schools have excelled all others in this fundamental part of paint- ing. Of the former, Raffaelle, Giulio Romano, Poly- dore, and their scholars; of the latter, M. Angelo, Leo- nardo da Vinci, and Andrea del Sarto, have been the most excellent. In the Bolognese school Annibal Car- acci is particularly distinguished. In the French school Poussin, Le Sueur, and Le Brun; in our own, Mortimer and Barry have been the most celebrated. Drawing, a representation of objerts on paper, by means of chalk, lead, charcoal, crayon, or common ink, or of Indian ink, or water-colours. When the latter method is used, it is called a washed or coloured draw- ing. This mode has of late years been improved in a singular degree, and it is at present practised with un- precedented excellence in England and other countries. The drawing of great masters are frequently nothing more than such studies as they have made of various parts of their works, diligently designed after nature; as, in an historical subject, heads, hands, feet, or entire figures, draperies, animals, trees, and, in short, every object that can enter into the composition ofthe work. Drawing, art of. The art of delineating objects on the1 surface of any substance whatever. The fundamen- tal part of this art is a knowledge of geometry and per- spective: the study of both is therefore the first step to- wards the attainment of the art of drawing. See Geo- metry and Perspective. The study of this art has at all times been held in high estimation by all polished nations, not only on account of the delightful amusement it is capable of affording, but from tlie superior consideration of its influence on the intellect and judgment, by forming the eye, and with it the mind, to habitual discriminations of dimension, regularity, proportion, and order. There is on record, a saying of Thomas earl of Arundel, lordmarshal of England, "that one who could not draw a little would never make an honest man." The organ of sight is one of the quickest we possess, and takes in at a single glance m infinite variety of forms, but it cannot p rfectly comprehend more than one object at a time, nor even that one accurately, with- out study and repeated observation. In order, there« fore, to acquire a true notion cd' forms, the student in, st begin by studying successively each component part, and not pass to a second till he has well stored his me- mory by a sufficient practic e of the first, otherwise he will lose bis time, and infallibly protract his studies. Let him be careful also to acquire accuracy before he attempts quickness. The surest mode therefore for the attainment of ex- cellence in drawing, is to begin with such plain geome- trical figures, as squares, arches, circles, ovals, cones and cylinders, which will be useful in numerous forms of similar proportions, and having acquired sufficient facility and readiness in these figures, then to give to every object its due light and shade, according to its concavity or convexity, so as to convey the perfect idea of the elevation or depression, nearness or distance, of every part. From this, the next step is the imitation of the forma of fruits, with their leaves; of flowers, herbs, trees of various kinds, &c. giving also to each its proper light and shade. The third step is the representation, in the same manner, of beasts, birds, fishes, kc. kc. From this the student may safely proceed to the imi- tation of the human figure, beginning, as before re- marked, with its various parts, as theeye, mouth, hand, foot, kc. kc; and thence the head, arm, leg, trunkj and lastly, the whole figure, carefully observing all its due proportions. When he is sufficiently master ofthe naked form, let him proceed to the study ot drapery, learning how to clothe a figure, so as to give it every advantage of ornament, without interruption of its air and motion, gra e or symmetry. To these ac quisitions are to be added a study of ar- chitecture, landscape, and all inanimate objects, or still life. See Architecture, Landscape, and Stili Life. The implements and materials most requisite for the young draughtsman are: Drawing-boards for fixing the paper uj>on, so that it may not shift, and also for straining it, to prevent the colours, when laid wet upon the paper, from causing it to swell up, so as to be uneven. The simplest sort ia made of a deal-board, framed square, with a strong piece across each end, to prevent warping. Upon this the paper may be fixed down with pins, wafers, or seal- ing-w*ax, or it may he strained with paste or glue as follows: having wetted the paper well with a vponge, lay it upon the board, and turning up the edges about half an inch, run a little good paste or glue all round under the under side, and press the paper down upon the beard with a cloth, then set it by to dry; the paper, which Had expanded and blistered up much when wet, will contract in drying, while the edges, being fixed inimoveably, will strain quite flat and tight, and will be much better for drawing upon than when loose. The best kind of drawing-boards, however, are made with a frame and a moveable panne!, upon which the paper is simply put wet, and then forced into the frame, DRAWING. where it is confined hy wedges atthehack. This strains equally well, without the trouble, of pasting, so that yon may dry it at the fire; and it also lo >ks much neater. These drawing-boards may be bought at most colour- Hhops. It is necessary to menti e.i, that all the angles of drawing-boards should be exactly square. Parallel r ders are for drawing parallel lines very rea- dily; tiiey are made of two pieces of ebony fastened to- gether by brass bars, so as always to move parallel to each other. They may be bought of different kinds and prices, at the mathematical instrument makers'. See Instrument, mathematical T-squares are rulers made in the form of the letter T, which arc used avith the drawing-boards; the short end, called the stock, being applied to the edge of the board, so as to slide forwards and backwards, while the long part, called the blade, is used for drawing lines by. These are more convenient than parallel rulers, when a drawing board is used, as by them you draw lines at right angles to each other at once, without using the compasses. Dividing-compasses are instruments of brass and steel, for dividing lines, and laying down measures from scales, &c. They are generally sold in cases, contain- ing also a steel pen, for drawing lines cleaner than can be done by a common pen, which is very useful where neatness is required; and points with a black-lead pen- cil, tor putting into the compasses, when circles are to be described. These cases also contain scales of equal parts, such as are described under Geometry, and pro- tractors for laying down angles. All these may be had at the instrument-makers'. Black-lead pencils are made of a mineral substance Called plumbago, or black-lead, which is a carburet of iron, sawed into slips, and fitted into sticks of cedar. They are of various qualities: the best are fine without any grit, not too soft, and that cut easily without break- ing. An inferior kind is made, by mixing up the, dust of black-lead with gum or glue, and forming a compo- sition, which is fitted into sticks in the same manner as the best: these arc always gritty, and do not answer so well for most drawings, yet, being cheaper, they may be used upon many occasions. It is necessary to exa- mine pencils before any quantity is bought, by cutting one of them, because the composition-pencils, having the same outward appearance, are often sold for the best. Indian rubber, or elastic gum, as it is also called, is a substance very much like leather, which has the curious and useful property of erasing or defacing lines drawn with black-lead; it is therefore much used for this purpose. It is brought chiefly from South America, in the form of small bottles, which are cut up into slips. It is ori- ginally the juice of a tree that grows very abundantly in Surinam, and is like milk when exuded from the tree, but sioii becomes solid when exposed to the air. The natives form balls of clay, which they smear over with this milk; when this coating is almost dry, they apply another, and so on, till it is of the required thickness; they then moisten the clay with water, which does not dissolve the Indian rubber, and wash it out. These bot- tles are used by the natives for containing water, or other liquors. It is a production common to the East Indies also, whence ii is imported in various forms, more convenient for use than the bottles above-menti »ned. See Caoutchouc. Indian ink. This very useful sil stance comes from China, where it is used for ronim n writing, wdiich is there performed with a brush instead of a pen. It is a soli i Siihstance, of a brownish-black colour; an;! (he competition is not known, but is conjectured to be the gall of 9 species of cuttle-fish. When ground up with water up n a clean tile or earthenware plate, it may be either lighter or darker, as required, by adding to it more or 1 ss water. The best Indian ink is always stamped with Chinese cbara ters, breaks with a gl»ssy fracture, and feels smooth, and not gritty, whin rub- bed against the teeth. An inferior kind is made in England, but it may be easily known by its gritti- ness. This is made of lamp-black or ivory-black, ground up with gum. Hair-pencils are made of camel's hair, put into a goose or swan's quill. To choose these, m listvn th"m a little, and if they come to a point without splitting, they are good; if they do not, tbey are not fit for draw- ing with. The brushes used by the Chinese, made of a white hair fitted up in reeds, arc very excellent for draw- ing, being much superior for landscapes, and many other purposes, to ours made of camel's hair, as they are more elastic. They are not sold here in common, but they may sometimes be met writb. Charcoal is used for slightly sketching the outlines of figures, in order to get the proportions, previous to mak- ing a drawing in chalk. The best charcoal for this pur- pose is that of the willow; it is cut into slips, and the strokes made with it may easily be rubbed out with a, feather of goose's or duck's wing. Black-chalk is a fossil substance, resembling slaty- coal, which is cut into slips for drawing. It is generally used in an instrument called a port-crayon, which is made cither of steel or brass. It is much employed for drawing figures, and is the best substance for this pur- pose, in making drawings from plaister, or after the life. It is more gritty than black lead, but is of a deeper black, and has not the glossiness of the former. It is of two kinds, French and Italian: the former is soft, the latter hard. For mellowing and softening the shadows into each other, when black chalk is used, stumps are necessary. They are pieces of soft shamony leather, or blue paper, rolled up quite tight, and cut to a point. White chalk is used, together with black, for laying on the lights. This is different from common chalk, being much harder. Tobacco-pipe clay will do very well instead of it. Red chalk is a fossil substance of a red ochrey co- lour, which is sometimes used for drawing, but not so much now as it formerly was, the black being preferred^ however, the red being cheaper, will do very well for some purposes. Drawing paper. Any paper that will do for writing will do for drawing; but as the wire-marks in common writing paper are injurious, paper made without any wire-marks, called wove-paper, is generally used for this purpose. It is made of various sizes and thick- ness. DRAWING. Middle-tint paper, is paper of a brownish or of a grey colour, which is used for drawing upou with black and white chalk. Being of a dark colour, the strokes of the white chalk are distinctly seen; and it saves a great deal of time in making drawings, as the tint of the pa- per answers for the half-shadow, so that all that is ne- cessary to be done is to lay in the dark shadows and the light. To proceed to directions for the practice of these rules, and the use of the materials which have been mentioned. Mechanical Drawing.—In giving instructions for the study of drawing, attention must be paid to the parti- cular branch of this art, to which the student wishes most to apply himself. If circumstances lead him to the study of architecture, machinery, or the delineation of objects perfectly regular; and if he wishes to draw plans, elevations, sections, &c. then geometry will form the entire foundation of all his future acquirements. The study of perspective necessarily follows, and with these two sciences he must be intimately acquainted. To these he must add a knowledge of the doctrines of the reflec- tion of rays of light; since not only the outlines of regu- lar objects may be drawn correctly and truly, by the rules of geometry and perspective, but even the forms and intensity of the various parts of the shadows of such objects may be found by certain and invariable rules, founded upon the principles of the reflection-of the rays of light; and geometrical drawings should al- ways be shadowed according to these rules. The ma- terials and instruments necessary; in this sort of draw- ing have been already described. Pencils of black-lead arc used for drawing the out- lines, previous to their being drawn with ink, as it has the advantage of being easily rubbed out by the Indian rubber, when false lines are made. The Indian ink is rubbed down upon a plate or tile, and may be put into the drawing-pen belonging to the case of instruments, with a pen or hair-pencil. This ink is better to draw the lines with than common ink, the latter being liable to run, or spread, when the drawing is shadowed. Having completed the outlines, Indian-ink is used for shadowing, as it may be diluted with water, so as to be of any required darkness, and may be softened off, where the objects require it, with water only an 1 a hair- pencil. This branch of drawing we consider as a use- ful rather than as an ornamental art. It should be learned by every person, as answering the same pur- poses with writing, but in a much more perfect manner, in those cases to which it is applicable. This is parti- cularly striking in descriptions of apparatus, and ma- chinery of every kind. Every one must be sensible how imperfect are all written descriptions of those ob- jects; whereas a drawing conveys, at a single glance, more satisfactory information than it is possible to con- vey by words. In the first rudiments oi' drawing, that is, in drawing geometrical figures and others of similar forms, genius and taste have therefore nothing to do: this degree of art is merely of a mechanical nature, which, like writing, may be acquired by every person possessed of moderate talents. Drawing of flowers, fruits, herbs, trees, &c—This first advance in art is so easy as to require little else than strict attention to imitate the objects placed before the eye, observing well those particulars which give the peculiar character of each, and mark the distinct- ness of the several species. In trees especially, care is to be taken that the oak, ash, elm, &c. kc. may each have its proper and distinct trunk, boughs, and foliaec in such a manner, that it shall be no more possible to' mistake one kind of tree for another in the drawing than it is in nature. Nothing is more prejudicial to the stu- dent's progress than a habit of indiscriminate forms which, though they denote a tree in general, do not de- cide its species. In all these the process is the same as in the first ru- diments, making first a correct outWne, and afterwards giving the lights and shades, agreeably to the rules al- ready learned. Drawing of beasts, birds, fishes, kc.—Tn this step the student must not only study the forms of each class of the several animals, in the same manner as, in the pre- ceding stage, be studied those of trees, but he must be- gin to observe the varieties of form, induced by the mo- tions ofthe muscles, in all the actions of the head, body, or limbs, as well as the expression of face, characteris- tic action, and every other circumstance which distin- guishes these from inanimate objects. In drawing beasts, he. will begin to find a necessity of acquiring a general knowledge of anatomy. The student who is unacquainted with the form and construction of the several bones which support and go. vern the animal frame, or does not know in what mode the muscles, moving those hones, are fixed to them, can make nothing of what appears of them through the in- teguments with which they are covered, which appear- ance, however, is the object of his pencil. It is impos- sible even for an artist to copy faithfully what he sees, unless he thoroughly understands it; let him employ ever so much time and study in the attempt, it cannot but be attended with many and great mistakes; just as it must happen to a man who undertakes to copy some- thing in a language which he does not understand, or to translate into his own what has been written in another on a subject with which he is not acquainted. This sub- ject will be more fully treated under the ensuing head, where, as well as in the subsequent articles, will also be found more particular instructions for the use of tlie proper materials for drawing. Drawing the human figure.—The study of the human figure has always been considered by artists as the most important part of the art. It is the most difficult, and is by many considered as contributing the most of any to general improvement; though there are some who carry this idea to too great an extent, saying, that a person who can draw the human figure wrell, can draw every thing besides. But this, it is well known, is not the case, there being many artists who can draw tho figure very well, who cannot draw landscape nor archi- tecture. To draw any thing well, requires a particular study. The study of the figure, however, includes all the finest principles of the art; and when the eye ofthe student has been accustomed to copy faithfully all tbe minute circumstances which constitute the character of a figure, and to attend to the innumerable beauties and graceful forms which it presents, he will be better qua* DRAWING. lified to pursue with advantage every other branch of the fine arts. In learning to draw the human figure, it is necessary to begin with each of the parts separately, and after suf- ficient practice in that way, to proceed to put them to- gether in the complete figure. For instance, the head being the most important part of the human body, it should be studied first. For this purpose, the student should copy the best drawings he can procure of the eye, mouth, nose, and car, separately, and on a large scale; and of these a front view, profile or side view, oblique view, kc. The readiest materials for drawing these, as well as all other parts of the figure, are black chalk, or black lead; the former may be used either upon wliite paper, or upon middle-tint paper; and in that case, white chalk may be used for laying on the lights. Black lead is only used upon white paper, A piece of soft charcoal may be made use of, for first slightly sketching in the general form, which must afterwards be gone over and corrected with the black chalk. The false lines of the black lead may be removed by the Indian rubber; but the student must remember to be as sparing as possible of this, as it is more improving to endeavour to draw every thing correct and decided at once, and not to trust to the being able to erase the lines which are wrong. The shadows may be laid on by drawing parallel rurvc-lines, according to the situation of the part, cross- ing them occasionally, and softening them in with more delicate lines, where necessary. AH the parts of a human figure are composed of curved surfaces; no straight lines are ever admissible, hut every line should have a graceful turn; and it is Ihis circumstance particularly, that occasions the study of the figure to give so much freedom in drawing. Care should be taken that no lines ever cross each other at right angles, which gives a disagreeable net-like ap- pearance; neither should the crossings be too oblique, as then they are confused; a proper medium will be ac- quired by the study of good drawings or prints; in ge- neral, however, crossing should be avoided as much as possible. Sometimes the shadows are rubbed in, or their edges are softened, with a stump, which is a very expeditious way, and produces a fine effect; but it should be used with discretion, as it is better to execute the shadows in a clear and regular manner by soft lines. Care should he taken not to make the lines harsh and hard, like those of an engraving; they should be softer and more mellow. On this account, drawings are much bettee to learn from than prints, as, by copying the lat- ter, the student is very apt to acquire a dry and hard manner. But wTe particularly caution him to avoid co- pying with a pen all the lines in engravings used for tbe shadows, wdiich some, who have not been accustom- ed to see good drawings, are apt to do. Many productions of this kind have been executed with an immensity of labour, and have been thought very fine by those who had but little knowledge of the art; yet artists, and those who are good judges, always consider them as very disgusting, and lament to sec so much patience and labour misapplied. In copper-plate engravings, there arc no other means of producing shadows than by lines, at least with an equal effect; but this arises from the nature of the process; and in drawing, which is of a very different nature, there is not the same necessity for them. In general it should be observed, that the less labour there appeal's in any drawing, the better it is; and that though every possible pains should be taken to make drawings or paintings excellent, yet this labour should be always disguised as much as possible, and the whole should ap- pear as if executed with the greatest ease. In learning to draw, it is of more importance than is generally supposed, to copy from the finest works only. The most prejudicial quality of a model is mediocrity. The bad strike and disgust, but those that arc not good, nor absolutely bad, deceive us by offering a dangerous facility. It is for this reason that engraving contributes to the progress of the arts, when it is employed on sub- jects that are judiciously chosen; but is too often pre- judicial by the indifferent works it multiplies without number. But let Raffaelle be copied by skilful engra- vers, let a young artist profit hy his labours, and works without dignity and expression will soon become into- lerable to him; be Will perceive to what an elevation the excellence of the art can raise him. The way to avoid mediocrity is by the study and imi- tation of beautiful productions, or, in want of them, of the most finished translations that have been made from them: for so we may call beautiful prints. Let a young draftsman study the heads of Raffaelle, and he will not see without disgust the sordid figures of indifferent painters. But if you feed him with insipid substances, he will soon lose the taste necessary to relish great ex«- cellcnces. In the one case he will advance firmly in his career; in the other he will continually totter, and even not be sensible of his own weakness. Having copied frequently the parts of a face, he is next to proceed to the entire head, drawing first a front view, then a profile, a three-quarter, and so on, vary- ing it in every possible direction, till he is thoroughly acquainted with the appearance of all the principal lines in every situation. The student should now accompany his lessons by making observations on good casts and living models; but more particularly the former, as individual nature is seldom fine, and there is danger of copying what is bad, and acquiring false ideas of beauty. By these ex- ercises he will have acquired some facility in handling his pencil, and he will be thus prepared for the study of the whole figure. But before he can proceed to this with advantage, we would recommend to him the study of anatomy, for the same reasons which have been given under the preceding head. But it is to he remarked, that it is not necessary for the designer to study ana- tomy as a surgeon, nor to make himself acquainted with all the nerves, veins, &c. It is sufficient to study the skeleton, and the muscles which cover them, and of these he should most particularly make himself familiar with those muscles which most frequently appear and come into action. For this purpose he should procure plais- ter casts of the anatomy of the human body, and con- sult treatises written upon the subject: and if he has opportunity, it will be proper afterwards to attend dis- cussions and lectures on anatomy. He should also use every possible opportunity of making observations on DRAWING. ti.-e a-tioi.c of the muscles in nature. Being thus tho- r Highly pr-'p:ircd, he will be cnabied to thaw the human figure with great advantage, and he will make a more rapid progress than he could have done without these pit vious studies. Until the student, however, has im- bibed a proper relish for beautiful proportion*, and been weil-grounded in their principles, he should not proceed to draw fivm living models. In drawing from plaister casts, a good deal depends up< n choosing a proper view, and placing the model properly with regard to the light, which should always come in obliquely from above, as it generally does in the day-time. If a candle is used, it should be s > high as to cast the light downwards up<>n the model. The light should only come from one part, as cross-lights wili distract and spoil the shadows. Attitude and action of tlie Muscles.—The general know- ledge of the bones and muse les having been acquired by the study of anatomy, it remains that the draughtsman he can-fiil not to represent any appearance of them con- tradictory to the attitude of the figure, and the exertion required by it. This demands, in fact, nothing more than a strict attention to nature, who never directs a muscle to act, unless it is necessary to the purpose de- signed. In this attention the Greek statuaries have, particularly excelled. Regard is also to be had to the difference of character in the person represented, as whe- ther a man be strong or weak, and likewise to sex, age, kc. The muscles in general do not appear in the female so strongly as in the male. No action of a woman al- though she exert her utmost strength, will occasion Such swellings ofthe muscles as appear in men; the grea- ter quantity of fat, which lies under the skin of women, clothing the muscles so generally, as to prevent every such appearance. In order to represent properly and consistently the attitude or action of the figure, it is of the highest im- portance to attend totbe parts or limbs employed in per- forming the action and producing the attitude. For in- stance, if the figure is standing, the foot must be placed in a right line, or perpendicular to the trunk or bulk of tie body, where the centre of gravity may be supposed to fall. This centre is determined by the heel: or, if tbe figure is upon tiptoe, then the ball of the great toe is in the centre. The muscles of the leg which supports the ! ody ought to be swelled, and their tendons drawn mor ■ to an extension than those of the other leg, wiiich is only placed so as to receive the weight of the body towards that way to which the action inclines it. For example, suppose a man striking with a club at any thing before him towards the leftside; then let his right leg he placed so as to receive the whole weight of the body, and the left loosely touching the ground with its toes. Here the external muscles of tbe right leg ought to be expressed very strongly, but those of the left scarcely more than if it was in some sedentary posture, except that, in the present case, the foot being extend- ed, the muscles which compose the calf of the leg are in action, and appear very strong. It is not meant that all the muscles of the right leg, which supports the weight of the body, ought to be expressed very strong or equal- ly swelled, but those principally which are most con- cerned in the action or posture that the leg is then irr For example, if the leg or tibia is extended, then the extending muscles placed on tbe thigh are most swelled* if it is bent, then the bending muscles and their tendons appear most. The ukc may he observed of the whok* body in general when it is put imo vigorous action. Tlie Greek statue of Laocoon furnishes an example of tin's muscular appearance through the whole; but in the An- tinous Allelic), and other figures disposed in postures where no considerable actions are designed, the muscles are expressed more faintly. It is of great importance to an artist to be acquainted with the most obvious effects ofthe action of those mus- cles which are placed externally on the human body, for these vary with every alteration of posture, and are va- riously enlarged and changed in their appearance bv every effort that is dictated by the will. Tlie following are frequently given as a few instances of the natural actions of the musci s, and will serve to direct the student to a fuller investigation of the sub- ject. Effects of the exertions of the mucks.—If either of tho mastoid muscles act, the head is turned to the contrary side, and the muscle which performs that action appears very plain under the skin. If the arms are lifted up, the deltoid muscles placed on the shoulders, which per- form that action, swell, and make the extremities of the spines of the shoulder-blades, called the tops of the shoulders, appear indented or hollow. The shoulder- blades following the elevation of the arms, their bases incline at that time obliquely downward. If the arms are drawn down, put forwards, or pulled backwards, the shoulder-blades necessarily vary their positions ac- cordingly. All these particulars are to be learned by consulting the life only: when being well acquainted with wiiat then appears in every action, the student will he able to form an adequate idea how it ought to be ex- pressed. When the cubit or fore-arm is bent, the biceps has its belly very much raised. The same happens in the tri- ceps, when the arm is extended. The straight muscles of the abdomen appear very strong when rising from a decumbent posture. Those parts of the great serra- tus muscle which are received into the teeth or beginnings of the obliques descendens muscle immediately below, are very much swelled when the shoulder on the same side is brought forwards; that serratus muscle then be- ing employed in drawing the scapula forwards. The long extending muscles of the trunk act alter- nately in walking, after this manner: if the right leg bears the weightof the body, and the left is in transla- tion as on tiptoe, the last-mentioned muscles ofthe back on the left side may be observed to be tumefied on the other side about the region of the Wins, and so on the other side. The trochanters, or outward and.upper- most heads of the thigh-bones, vary so greatly in their positions, that no precise observations can explain their several appearances; but the study after the life ought to be chiefly relied on. If the thigh is extended, aswh<* the whole weight of the body rests on that side, the glu- teus or buttock-muscle alters its appearance; and if tbs thigh be drawn backwards, that muscle appears still more and more tumefied. When the whole leg is drawn DRAWING. upwards and forwards, and at the game time the foot is inclined inwards, the upper part of the sartorius mus- cle appears to rise very strongly; in other positions of the thigh, that muscle makes a furrowing appearenre in its whole progress. If a m:m is upon tiptoe, the extend- ing muscles of the leg placed on the fore-part of the thigh, and those ofthe foot that compose the calf of the leg- appear very strong, and the long perona?us makes a considerable indentation or furrowing at that time, in its progress on the outside of the leg. See Muscles. Symmetry, or proportion, will behest learned by co- pying after the antique statues, of which plaister casts may be easily procured. Nature, which in the forma- tion of every species, seems to have aimed at the last degree of perfection, docs not appear to have been equal- ly solicitous in the production of individuals. Parts of individuals arc frequently as beautiful as possible, but a complete whole is never to be met with. The practice of the ancient Greek statuaries was, to select from various individuals the most beautiful parts, and by combining them, to produce figures more per- fectly beautiful than nature ever presented. See Pro- portion, Statues Antiojjk. Measures of the several parts of the human figure.— The moderns ordinarily divide the human figure into ten faces; that is, from the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, in the manner following. From the crown of the head to the forehead, is the third part of tlie face. The face begins at the lowest hairs which are upon the forehead, and ends at the bottom of the chin. The face is divided into three proportional parts: the first contains the forehead, the second the nose, and the third the mouth and chin. From the chin to the pit be- tween the collar-bones are two lengths of a nose. From the pit betwixt the collar-bones to the bottom of the breast one face. From the bottom of the breast to the naval one face. From the naval to the genitals one face. From the genitals to the upper part of the knee two faces. The knee contains half a face. From the lower part of the knee to the ancle two faces. From the ancle to the sole of the foot half a face. A man, when his arms are stretched out, is from the longest finger of his right hand to lhe longest of his left, as broad as he is long. From one side of his breast to the other, t>>o faces. The hone of the arm, called hu- merus, is the length of two faces, from the shoulder to the elbow. From the end of the elbow to the root of the little finger, the bone called cubitus, with part of the hand, contain two faces. From the box of the shoul- der-blade to the pit betwixt the collar-bones, one face. If you will be satisfied in the measures of breadth, from the extremity of one finger to the other, so that this breadth should be equal to the length of the body, you must observe that the boxes of the elbows with the hu- merus, and of the humerus with the sh mlder-blade, hear the proportions of half a face, when the arms are stretched out. The side of the foot is the sixth part of the figure. Tbe thumb contains a nose. The inside of the arm, from the place where the muscle disappears, which makes the breast, called the pectoral. muscle, to the middle of the arm, four noses. From the middle of fie arm to the beginning of tbe hand, five noses. The longest toe is a nose long. The two utmost parts of the teats, and the pit betwixt the collar-bones of a woman' make an equilateral triangle. For the breadth of the limbs in precise measures can be given; because the m. a tires themselves are change- able, according to the quality of tlie persons, and accor- ding to the movement f the mus i. s. In general, howr- evcr, the hands are twice as long as tbey are broad, and each of their parts has its length, breadth, and thick- ness. The nail upon the finger is about half the joint it is upon. The length of the foot is a sixth part of the height of a person; and the length is five-eighths more than the breadth. The length ofthe face and hands ought to be exactly equal, and makes but just the tenth pait of a person's height. The rules in drawing children are as follow: Some make a child to contain five measures of the bead, viz. from the top ofthe head to the privities three, and in the thighs and legs two more; the breadth between the two shoulders the length of a head and a half; the breadth of the body above the naval the length of one bead; and the breadth of the upper part of the thigh is the third part of two lengths ofthe head; the breadth ofthe knee is just the measure there is betwixt the eyes and the chin; the small of the leg, and the brawn of the arm, are of the thickness of the neck. As to the order and manner of proceeding in drawing the human figure, it is first requisite to mark the exact extent which you propose to give to the whole figure, both in height and breadth; next divide, agreeably to the most general proportions; and having thus ascertained the place where each part is to be drawn, sketch the head, then the shoulders, in their exact breadth; then draw the trunk ofthe body, beginning with the arm-pits (leaving the arms till afterwards) and so down to the hips on both sides, being sure to observe the exact breadth of the waist. When you have done this, then draw that leg which the body stands upon, and after- wards the other, which stands loose, then draw the arms, and last of all the hands. Endeavour to form all the parts of your figure with truth, and in just proportion, not one arm or one leg bigger or less than the other; not broad shoulders with a thin slender waist, not raw and bony arms with thick and gouty legs; hut let tliere be a kind of harmony and agreement amongst the members, and an agreeable sym- metry throughout the whole figure. But as the essence of drawing consists in making at first a good sketch, you must in this particular be very careful and accurate; draw no part perfect or exact, till you see whether the whole draught be good; and when you have altered that to your mind, you may then fin- ish one part after another as curiously as you can. In drawing the eyes, ears, legs, arms, hands, feet, kc. great care, study, and practice arc requisite; th s must be learned, as before remarked, hy caret illy imitating the best drawings you can get of eyes, ears, k<. for as to the mechanical rules of drawing them hy lin. s and measures, they are not only perplexed and difficult, but also contrary to the practice of the best masters. The actions and postures of the hand are so many an'"- vari- ous, that no certain rules < an he given for drawing th m that will universally hold good; and as the ban s ani feet are difficult members to draw, it is necessary, and DRAWING. well worth while, io bestow due rime- and pains about them, carefully imitating their various pastures and ac- tions, so as not only to avoid fill lamenes- and imper- fection, but also to give them life ami spirit. In drawing a labouring man, you must represent him with strong limbs and raised muscles, swelling and standing out, especially in bearing burdens, drawing weights, leaping, walking, combating, or such-like vio- lent exercises. In representing persons asleep, you must carefully avoid giving any such postures or actions in their lying as would not in all probability afford rest; for a great want of judgment would appear in repre- senting their limbs or bodies supported by their own force, and not by the help of something else. Let it be remembered, as a general observation, al- way s to begin with the right side of the draught you are mailing, that is, nnyourown left side, as is customa- ry in writing, for by so doing, you will always have the part that is done before your eyes, and the rest will follow with ease; whereas, if you begin with the left side, your hand and arm will cover what you do first, and deprive you of the sight of it. Exvression of the passions.—With regard to the re- presentations of the passions, Mr. de Piles observes, that it is absurd, as well as impossible, to pretend giv- ing such particular demonstration of them as to fix their expression to certain strokes which the painter should ho obliged to make use of, as essential and invariable rules. See Expression. Drawing of drapery.—In the art of clothing the fig- ures, or casting the drapery properly and elegantly upon them, many things are to be observed. 1. The eye must never be in doubt of its object; but the shape and pro- portion of the part or limb, which the drapery is sup- posed to cover, must appear, at least so far as art and probability will permit. 2. The drapery must not sit too close to the parts of the body, but let it seem to flow round, as it were to embrace them, yet so as that the figure may be easy, and have a free motion. 3. The drapciles which cover those parts that are exposed to great light, must not be so deeply shaded as to seem to pic ree them; nor should those members be crossed by folds that are too strong, lest by the too great darkness of their shades the limbs look as if they were broken. 4. The great folds must be drawn first, and then strok- ed into lesser ones; and great care must be taken that fhey do not cross one another improperly. 5. Folds in general should be large, and as few as possible: how- ever, they must be greater or less according to thequan- tity and quality of the stuffs of which the drapery is sup- posed to be made. The quality of the persons is also to be considered in the drapery. If they are magis- trates, their draperies ought to be large and ample; if country clowns or slaves, they ought to be coarse and short; if ladies or nymphs, light and soft. 6. Suit the garments to the body, and make them bend with it, ac- cording as it stands in or out, straight or crooked, or as it bends one way or another; and the closer the gar- ments fit to the body, the narrower and smaller must be the folds. 7. Folds well imagined give much spirit to any kind of action; because their motion implies a motion in the acting member, which seems to draw them forcibly, and makes them more or less stirring «s the action is more or less violent. 8. An artful compile*. tion of folds in a circular manner greatly helps the fore- shortenings. 9. All folds consist'of two shades and no more; which you may turn with ihe garment at plea- sure, shadowing the inner side deeper, and the outer more faintly. 10. The shades in silk and fine linen are very thick and small, requiring little folds, and a light shadow. 11. Observe the motion of the air or wind in order to draw the loose apparel all flying ono wav' and draw that part of the garment that adheres closets to the body before you draw the looser part that flies oil from it, lest, by drawing the loose part of the garment first, you should mistake the position of the figure, and place it improperly. 12. Rich ornaments, when judi- ciously and sparingly used, many sometimes contribute to the beauty of draperies; but such ornaments are far below the dignity of angels or heavenly figures; the grandeur of whose draperies ought rather to consist in the boldness and nobleness ofthe folds, than in the qua- lity of the stuff, or the glitter of ornaments. 13. LHit and flying draperies are proper only to figures in straw* motion, or in the wind: but when in a calm place, and free from violent action, their draperies should be large and flowing; that, by their contrast and the fall of the folds, they may appear with grace and dignity. Drawing of landscapes.—Every one who wishes to learn to draw landscapes will particularly find the ad- vantages arising from the previous study of perspective, This will enable him not only to understand and draw all the parts of buildings which so frequently form a principal feature in views of places, but will also give him true ideas of the method of expressing distances, the winding of roads, and a variety of particulars that are continually occurring. Having made himself master of the principal difficul- ties in perspective, he should next copy some good draw- ings; and here it is of great importance that what he copies first should he very excellent; for it is an absurd notion, though entertained by many, that indifferent drawings will do to begin with, or to bring the hand in, as it is termed; but, as a great master justly observes, the most likely effect these can produce, will be to put the hand out. In choosing drawings to copy for beginners, particu- lar attention should be paid to select those where the out- lines or forms of the objects are distinctly and correctly drawn, and not those in which a good effect only has been principally aimed at. The first thing to be studied is, to be able to express with the black-lead pencil, de- cidedly and truly, the forms of all sorts of objects; and till this is attained, no attempt should be made at finish- ed drawings or pictures. By neglecting this important circumstance, many who would have excelled, if they had been put into the right way, have completely lost themselves, and run quite-wild, by aiming at producing merely dashing ef- fects, which, though very captivating at first, do not continue to maintain that power over the mind, as when they are accompanied by true drawing, and beautiful and correct forms. Black lead is tlie most useful material for drawing the outlines of landscapes, which are best executed with this alone, and should not be gone over afterwards by -tlie DRAWING. pen, which, except it be very judiciously managed, generally gives an appearance of hardness. Indian ink alone should be used for the shadows till the student has advanced very considerably; nor till then should colours of any kind be used. Beginners are al- ways desirous of producing pictures and making colour- ed drawings; but nothing is more hurtful than the prac- tising this too early. The first thing io be learned is, to draw forms correctly; next, the mode of shadowing ob- jects truly; then the general light and shadow of a draw- ing, and, with this, good composition. All this is best learned by using black lead, black chalk, wliite chalk, Indian ink, and these separately or combined, according to the taste ofthe student; but he should never think of colours till he has made very considerable progress. When colours are employed, they should be used with great caution and judgment. Nothing is so disgusting as to see coloured drawings where the reds, greens, and blues, are laid on in tbe most violent manner, without any regard to harmony. Those who execute such vile daub- ings, will say intheir defence, that nothing can be green- er than grass, nor bluer than the sky; but they should consider, that nature employs such a multitude of little shadows, and such a variety of different tints intermix- ed with her colours, that the harshness of the original colour is corrected, and the effect of the whole is very different from a raw and distinct ccdour laid upon white paper. A single distinct colour is always bad in a land- scape; and the tints should always be varied and broken in every part. Though we should have recourse to the study of nature, in preference to any master, for the stu- dy of colouring, yet it requires some judgment to know what part of nature is to be studied, and what is to be avoided; for in nature herself, there are many parts which are bad, and to copy them would do more harm than good. The student in colouring must examine, with every possible attention, the colouring of old walls, bro- ken and stained by time an ! the weather, old thatch, old tiles, rotten wood; in short, all objects which are covered with moss, stains, and tints of various kinds; there he will find all that is most perfect an 1 harmonious in colouring. Let him copy these with every possible care, and avoid as bad all objects which are of a uni- form decided colour. This has been th.'. practice of all the great masters who have excelled in this captivating part of the art. In short, after learning the first princi- ples of drawing, he cannot too soon have recourse to na- ture; he will obtain from her the materials for acquir- ingevery species of excellence, in a greater degree than from the works ofthe first masters. The study of these, however, will greatly abridge his labour, and it should go hand in band with draw ing from nature. In landscapes, the scenes most generally to be met with, and which are most generally interesting, are of the picturesque kind, such as cottages and rustic scene- ry. In these, straight lines should be avoided, and every thiugthatisold and broken is preferable to what is new, as affording more variety. Old thatch, old tiles, oldplais- «'r, old fencing, are more picturesque, and fitter for the pencil, than the same species of objects when new and entire. An old house almost tumbling down, whose parts are broken and ruinous, some bulging out, and the whole stained and tinted with a variety of chaste and harmoni- vol. i. i05 ous colours by the pencil of nature, is infinitely prefera- ble, as a subject for a picture, to any new house or gen- tleman's seat, though the latter maybe a more comforta- ble habitation to live in. In the same way, an old worn-out carthorse is a much fitter animal to draw from, and a finer subject for the pencil, than a sleek and clean poney; and an ass with a rough coat is more picturesque than the same animal kept in nice order. In subjects of the grand kind on the contrary, such as magnificent buildings, cities, streets, &c. straight lines are often necessary and proper, as these objects are ra- ther of the sublime than the picturesque kind; and straight lines, and a degree of regularity, form part of the sublime. The employment of straight lines, however, requires great skill and knowledge ofthe art, to prevent them from appearing bad, and they can only be employ- ed with success by those who have attained to considera- ble eminence. The fewer colours that are used in a drawing the bet- ter, as harmony is most easily preserved, and by the mixture of a few, every possible tint may be obtained. The sun's rays were considered by sir Isaac Newton to be composed of seven primitive colours; but later ob- servations have made them to consist only of three; red, blue, and yellow; so that all the vast variety of tints which we see in nature, is formed by the mixture of these in various proportion. If we had pigments of these colours perfectly pure, we should have no occasion for more than these three; but this is not the case, and there- fore we are obliged to have recourse to materials of oth- er broken tints. The colours that are found to be the most useful in drawing landscapes in water-colours are, lake, indigo, Prussian blue, gamboge, light red, yellow- ochre, burnt terra Sienna, burnt umber, and Cnlognc earth. Some of the other colours may be occasionally useful, but these are all that are necessary for general use. The best sort of water-colours are those mixed with gum and made up into cakes, as these may be used by rubbing upon a tile, in the same manner as Indian ink. For a more particular account of the colours used in washing of drawings, and best methods of preparing them, see Washing, and Water-colours. GENERAL RULES. Correctness of outline.—This is the first point to be at- tained, and can only be the result of patient diligence and long practice. To gain the free use of the pencil or port-crayon, let the student accustom himself to hold it farther from the point than a pen is held in writing, by which means he will have the full command and direc- tion of it. In drawing of figures in Indian ink, the use of the pencil is to draw the first sketches or outlines; as any stroke or line that is amiss, may in this be more easily rubbed out than in any other thing; and when you have made your sketch as correct as you can with the pencil, you may then draw carefully tbe best outline you have got, with your crow-quill pen and ink. The ink made use of for this purpose, must not be the common, but Indian mk; being much softer than the other, and not running; and by mixing it with water, it may be made to any degree of strength, and may be used in a pen like DRAWING. common ink. After using the ink, you may wipe out the pencil-lines by rubbing the piece gently with the crumb of stale bread. Having thus got your outline discharged, your next work is to shade the figures, as directed; eith- er by drawing fine strokes with your pen, where it re- quires to be shaded, or by washing it with the hair-pen- cil and the Indian ink. As to the rule and compasses, they are never or rarely to be used, except in measuring the proportion of your figures, after you have drawn them, to prove whether they are right or not; or in hou- ses, fortifications, and other pieces of architecture. Red lead and red or black chalk are used in the same manner as black lead. Wliite chalk and tobacco-pipe clay arc used in heightening or giving strong lights, and in drawing on coloured paper. Pastils or crayons are any colours, mixed with -tobacco-pipe clay, which, while soft and in the consistency of a paste, is rolled up in pie- ces, about the thickness of a quill, and two or three inches in length, and then dried: they are generally used on co- loured paper: and the colours are rubbed and wrought one into another in such a manner that no strokes ap- pear, but the whole looks as if it was done with a brush. Of the general distribution of lights and shades.—As soon as the learner has made himself acquainted with the drawing of forms, his next endeavour must be to learn the art of disposing the light and shade of every object properly. The best rule for doing this is, to consi- der from what point, and in what direction, the light falls upon the objects which he is delineating, and to let all his lights and shades be placed according to that di- rection throughout the whole work. It is the artful man- agement of light and shade that gives the appearance of substance, roundness, and distance, to whatever bodies are represented by drawing. Draw a circle on a piece of paper; fill it up with any even colour, and it will appear to be a body with a round circumference and flat sides: but by colouring it stronger in the middle, and causing it gradually to weaken towards the circumference, it will receive a convex appearance like that of a ball or globe: wherever the vivacity of colour is strongest, that part of the object catches the sight first, and appears nearest to it: whereas its weakness and goings off are more and more broken and faint, and seem to fly farther off from the sight. In rounding the parts of any object, the ex- tremities in turning must lose themselves insensibly and confusedly, without precipitating the I ight all of a sudden into the shadows, or shadows into the light, but the passage ofthe one into the other must be common and imperceptible; that is, by degrees of light into shadow, and shadow into light. Objects that are painted light, must have a sufficient breadth of shadow to sustain them; and dark bodies must have a sudden light behind, to detach them from the ground, or from those objects that are placed behind them; otherwise they will appear con- fusedly as sticking upon each other; whereas the oppo- sition of shade to a light object, and of light to a dark one, gives a projection, and separates them from other bodies. There should be a balance preserved between the lights and shadows: a broad light ought not to be intro- duced into a draught without a large shadow. The nearer any object is to the eye, it is seen so much the stronger and plainer; the sight is weakened hy distan- , 2 ces, and the more remote any object is, it is seen in a more imperfect manner. Therefore, those objects which are placed foremost to the view, ought to be more fin- isbed than those that are cast behind; and thev should have such a relative dominion over each other," that as one object by its heightenings causes others to retire more backwards, so the same object must be chased, and made to appear farther from the sight than others which arc more strongly illuminated. It is not sufficient that remote objects be only coloured in a more faint and languid manner; but, according to their distance, the parts must appear more or less con- fused: the eye not being able to discover minutely what is far separated from it. Pure and unmixed wliite either draws an object nearer, or carries it off to a greater dis- tance. If it be accompanied with black, the opposition of light and dark renders the object more sensible, and brings it nearer to the advanced part, but pure white, being the lightest of colours, unless it he forced for- wards, and supported by black, will fly off to the re- motest view. As for pure black, it is the heaviest, most earthy, and most sensible of all colours, and brings the objects nearer to the sight; it must be placed in masses, be insensibly confused, and have its proper reposes. In the representation of bodies give them always such lights as are most proper and convenient to their sup- posed situations. If the objects are in the fields or open air, and the sun not visible, or obscured by clouds, you must then introduce almost an universal light, though not warm and strong, and your shades must be faint; but when the sun is conspicuous, and shines in its full lustre, then the light must be very strong and bold, and the shadows very dark. If the objects you repre- sent be supposed in a room, a little, but not very much illuminated, and you survey it from without, and stand on a level with the light that strikes upon it, the shadows of that figure must be very soft, whereby the figure it- self will appear beauteous to the eye; and will, notwith- standing the softness of the shadow, seem as embossed, and come boldly out. A small light illuminating the bo- dy occasions the shadows on the dark side to be large, and their extremities to be very bold. On the other hand, a broad light makes the shadows on the darker side to be more distinct and more soft in their limitations. Reflection is to be used in delineating glittering or shining bodies, as glass, pearls, silver, &c. Let the cause of the reflection, be it more or less, be seen in the thing itself. Place all your lights one way through the whole work; and if the lightfalls sideways on the picture, the other side, which is the farthest from the light, must be made the darkest. That part of the body must be made lightest which has the light most opposite to it; if the light be placed above the head, then the top of the head must be made lightest; the shoulder must receive the next greater degree of light; and thus must you con- tinue'to shade," losing the light by degrees. By how much one part of the body projects more than another, it may by so much be made the lighter: and, on the con- trary, those parts that bend inward must be made se much the darker. Two equal lights must never be made in one aud the same picture; the greater is to strike for- cibly into the middle, and with greatest lustre on those DRAWING. parts of the design where the "principal figures and strength ofthe action seem to lie, diminishing it gradu- ally as it approaches nearest the extremities of the piece. In copying, before you begin your work, view the ori- ginal with close attention; divide it in your mind into several parts; observe the length, the breadth, and the similitude of each part; consider their proportion to each other and the wiiole, the distances from one part to the other, and what parts lie opposite to each other. After you have done your copy, view it afresh, by comparing it with the original, for the discovering and amending of faults, as it will not only serve to perfect you in that particular draught, but will improve your knowledge of lines and proportions in general, and in time enable you for the nearest imitations. Draw the outlines in a gliding manner, large and smooth, which will give them the resemblance of life and motion. Pre- serve in your draught a strong resemblance between the parts and the whole; every member ought to be made to agree, and the eyes, legs, hands, and feet, should be ex- actly paired. Having good copies to draw after, learn to reduce them to other proportions, either larger or smaller, and this by frequent practice. PARTICULAR DIRECTION'S. In drawing after a picture or print, take care to place it in such a light that the gloss of the colours may not interrupt your view, but so that the light and your eye may fall equally and obliquely upon the piece. Let tlie piece be placed at such a distance, that upon opening your eyes, you may view it all at once: and the larger the picture is, it should be so much placed off at the greater distance; but right before you, and a little re- • dined. Draw all your outlines at first very faint with a coal, which may easily he rubbed out again with the feather ofa duck's wing, or the crumb of bread; and these out- lines should be true, and agreeable to the pattern. The outlines next the light, should be drawn more faint; and when you have drawn one feature it should he a direc- tion for you, in some measure, to draw another, by ob- serving with your eye the distance from that to the next feature, making a full mark at the plate with your coal, then draw it, and so on t;> the next, till you have drawn the whole. Then observe the middle of the picture you would copy, and touch upon the paper with the point of your coal; afterwards observe the more conspicuous and up- permost figures, if there are more than one, which you are to touch lightly in their proper places. Thus run- ning over the whole draught, you will see, as it were, the skeleton ofthe piece you are to draw. Having made out these sketches, view them diligently, to sec if they answer your pattern or not; for the ges- tures of the life ought to show themselves eminently in the first and rudest draught of the piece; correct and amend whatever you perceive amiss; adding and dimin- ishing as it varies from the pattern, by which means it will be brought nearer and nearer to the life. Observe the distantc of one limb, joint, or muscle, from another, and the same in all other accidents of the figure; their length, breadth, turnings, kc. Shadow next to the light very faintly: and where you see bold and free touches, be not timorous in expressing the same. In drawing a head after the life, or otherwise, take care to place the features exactly right upon the cross-lines, whether it be a full face or three-quarter face. In fore-shortening, you must make the cross-lines to fly upwards, but where the aspect is downwards, they must be made downwards in a circular manner. In copying the exact appearance of prints, having drawn the outlines true with a coal, you are to proceed to trace the same lines again with a pen, Indian ink, kc. drawing them with more exactness; and by imitating all the hatches, With their exact distances one from another, their crossings, turnings, and windings, with more bold- ness and freedom, perfect your design. In drawing after a naked body, bear constantly in mind what has been remarked above, that all the mus- cles are not to be so plainly expressed as in anatomical figures; but that side whose parts are most apparent, and of signification in the performance of any action, must be made to appear more or less, according to the force of that action. In drawing young persons, the muscles must not ap- pear manifestly so hard as in elder and full-grown per- sons; the same thing is to be observed as to fat and fleshy persons, and such as arc very delicate and beautiful; and in women scarce any muscles at all are to be expressed, or but very little, unless it be in some very forcible ac- tion, and then too they are to be represented very faint- ly: the like is also to be observed as to children. The motion of the whole body must be considered in draw- ing of the muscles; as in the rising and falling of the arms, the muscles ofthe breast appear either more or less, and it is the same chiefly in the shoulders, sides, and neck, according to the several actions of the body. The proportion of the figure ought to be multiplied by degrees, in proportion of one to two, three, four, kc. for herein the chief skill consists; and the diameter of the biggest place between the knee and the foot is double the least, and the largest part of the thigh triple. Of drawing faces.—In drawing a head, it is usually divided into four equal parts: 1. From the crown of the head to the top of the forehead. 2. From the top of the forehead to the eyebrows. 3. From the eyebrows to the bottom of the nose. 4. From hence to the bottom of the chin. But this proportion is not constant; these features, in different men, being very often different as to length and shape. In a well-proportioned face, however, they are nearly right. To direct you, therefore, in forming a perfect face, your first business is to draw a complete oval, see the Plate XLV. fig. 1. in the middle of which from the top to the bottom, draw a perpendicular line; and through the centre, or middle of this line, draw another, directly across from one side to the other of your oval. On these two lines all the features of the face are to be drawn, as follows. Divide your perpendicular line into four equal parts: the first must be allotted to the hair of the head; the second is from the top of the forehead to the top of the nose, between the eyebrows; the third is from thence to the bottom of the nose; and the fourth includes the lips and chin. The line across the perpendicular one, or DRAWING. the breadth of the face, is always supposed to be the length of five eyes; you must therefore divide it into five equal parts, and place the eyes upon it so as to leave exactly the length of one eye betwixt them. This is to be understood only of a full front face; for if it turns to either side, then the distances are to be lessened on that side which turns from you, less or more, in proportion to its turning. The top of the ear is to rise parallel to the eyebrows, at the end of the diameter or cross line, and the bottom of it must be equal to the bottom of the nose; tlie nostrils ought not to come out fartherthan the corner of the eye in any face; and the middle of the mouth must always be piaced upon the perpendicular line* The mouth, when shut, is as large as an eye. The following is an ingenious device, which perhaps may somewhat assist the young practitioner, in forming the face according to its different turnings, and in pla- cing the features properly thereon. Procure a piece of smooth wood, turned for the purpose, in the shape of an egg, wiiich is nearly the shape of the human head; draw a line lengthways quite round it, as in the last fig. and divide this line into two equal parts by another line drawn directly across it at right angles. The features being drawn on these two lines, according to the rules delivered above, will produce a fore-right face. Turn the oval a small matter from the left hand to the light, and the perpendicular will appear bent like a bow, as you see in fig. 2; upon which the particular features are to be drawn, as in fig. 3. always observing in what man- ner the nose projects beyond the round of the oval. The same must be observed, if you turn tbe oval from the light hand to the left, as in fig. 4. and if you incline the oval downwards and to the right, the lines of the cross will appear as in fig. 5. and the features drawn on them as in fig. 6. If you turn it upwards, reclining to the left, the lines of the cross will appear as in fig. 7. and a face drawn on them as in fig. 8. A great vaiiety of fa es may be shown by this oval, according as you in- cline, recline, or turn it, more or less. But those figures which come sideways are to be drawn by means of a perpendicular, as in fig. 9. upon which the forehead, nose, mouth, and chin, are to be drawn as you see in fig. 10. It is to be observed, that if the face be fat, the cheeks will seem to swell; if lean, the jaw-bones will stick out, and the cheeks fall in; but if it be neither too fat nor too lean,, it will be nearly round. Touch the features lightly, where the eyes, nose, mouth, and chin, should stand: then begin to draw them more exactly, and so proceed till you have finished the facej after which draw the hair, beard, and shadows about it. You are to consider all those chief touches wiiich give life to a face, and that discover the disposi- tion of the mind: thus the mouth extended, and the corners turning a little up, shows a smiling countenance, &c. You must take care that the shadows are not made too dark where they should be light, because afterwards they cannot be rendered more light: and remember, that they are to be more faint and light in a fair, than in a swarthy complexion. Of drawing mixed figures.—■An order to draw the form of any beast, or bird, you must be weR acquainted, as., has been remarked, with its shape and actions, without which you will never perform any thing excellent in this way; and whatever beast you draw, you must be sure to give a sketch of the landscape of the country natural to that beast. In drawing birds, the feathers, beginning at the head very small, must fall backwards one way in five ranks, still increasing till finished. Insects, as flies, bees, wasps, grasshoppers, worms, and such-like, are drawn with great ease, provided you, for the first time, have the original before your eyes. In drawing a flower, begin from the rosetuft, or wart in the middle, as in a rose or marigold with the yellow tuft; which being made, draw lines equally divided from thence to the greatest compass or extent of the flower. They may be drawn either fully open, or in the bud; the leaves may be first drawn rudely, afterwards giving them their veins, or jaggedncss. Of drawing landscapes, buildings, $r.—All true draw- ing consists in nicely measuring the distances of each part of your piece by the eye. In order to facilitate this, you are to imagine in your mind that the peice you co- py is divided into squares: as for example; suppose or imagine a perpendicular and an horizontal line crossing each other in the centre of the picture you are to copy: then suppose also two such lines crossing your own co- py. Observe in the original what parts of the design those lines intersect, and let them fall on the same parts of the supposed lines in your copy. If you are to draw a landscape from nature, take your station on a rising ground, where you may have a large horizon, and mark your tablet into three divisions downwards, from the top to the bottom; and divide in your own mind the land- scape you are to take into three divisions also. Then turn your face directly opposite to the middle ofthe hor- izontal line, keeping your body fixed, and draw what is directly before your eyes upon the middle division or your tablet: then turn your head, but not your body, to the left hand, and delineate what you view there, join- ing it properly to what you had done before. Lastly, do the same by what is to be seen on your right hand, lay- ing down every thing exactly, both with respect to dis- tance and proportion. Make the nearest objects in your piece the highest, and those that are further off to shoot away lower and lower, till they come almost level with the line of the horizon; lessening every thing propor- tionably to its distance, and observing also, to make your objects fainter and less distinct the farther they are removed from your eye. Make all your lights and shades fall one way; and let every thing have its proper mo- tion, as trees shaken by the wind, the small boughs bending more, and the large ones less; water agitated by the wind, and dashing against ships or boats, or falling from a precipice upon rocks and stones, and spirting up again into the air, and sprinkling all about: clouds also in the air, now gathered with the winds, now vio- lently condensed into bail, rain, and the like; always remembering that whatever motions are caused by the wind must all be made the same way. Let the work imitate the season it is intended to repre- sent: as, if you intend it for a winter-piece, represent the felling ofwoods, sliding upon the ice, fowling, hunt- ing, &c. making the trees every where naked, or laden with snow or hoar-frost; the earth bare; the air thick DRAWING. cr heavy; the water frozen, with carts passing over it, &c. Let every site have its proper adjuncts, or additional graces, as the farm-house, wind-mill, water-mill, woods, flocks of sheep, herds of cattle, pilgrims, ruins of tem- ples, castles and monuments, with a thousand such other things proper to particular subjects. Of mechan'cid means for copying drawings.—There arc various methods by which those who are ignorant of the art of drawing may copy very accurately the out- lines of pictures, prints, and drawings; and these me- thods are often useful to those who can draw, and to en- gravers, when either great expedition, or great accu- racy, is required; though none of them should ever be used by one who is learning to draw. ^Tracing against tlie light.—Hold the drawing you wish to copy against one of the panes of the window; or have a pane of glass put in a frame, and fitted up like a mu- sic-stand, with a candle behind it. Lay your paper over the drawing, and you will see all the lines of the original distinctly through it, by which means you can easily trace them with a pen, or black-lead pencil. To make tracing-paper.—Mix together equal parts of oil of turpentine and drying oil, and with a rag rub it evenly over some fan or tissue-paper, or any other very thin paper. Hang it by to dry for a day or two, and it will be fit for use. Lay this over the print or drawing you want to copy, and you will see every line distinctly through, so that you can go over it with the black-lead pencil. If you wish to do it in ink, you must mix a little ox's gall with the ink, to make the paper take it, which k would not otherwise do on account of the oil. To make camp-paper.—Take some hard soap, mix it with lamp-black; make it into the consistence of a jelly with water; with this, brush over one side of your paper, and let it dry. When you use it, put it between two sheets of clean paper, with its black side downwards; and with a pin, or stick with a sharp point, draw or write what you please upon the clean paper; and where the tracer was touched, there will be an impression upon the lowermost sheet of paper as if it had been written or drawn with a pen. It may be made of any colour, by mixing with the soap black-lead, vermillion, &c. Stenciling.—Lay the print or drawing you wish to have copied' over a sheet of paper, and with a pin or needle prick all the outline over with holes, through both the papers. Then take the clean paper with the holes made in it, and lay it upon the paper you wish to have the design transferred to, and dust it over with the powder of charcoal in a small muslin bag; the dust will penetrate through tbe holes, and leave a correct co- py of tbe original upon the paper. This pricked paper will do again for any number of copies. This is very useful for ladies who work flowers upon muslin. Tlie method of enlarging and contracting by squares.— Divide the sides of your original with a pair of compas- ses into any number of equal parts, and rule lines across with a black-lead pencil from side to side, and from top to bottom. Then having your paper of the size you in- tend, divide it into the same number of squares, either larger or less, as you would enlarge or contract it. flan placing ytur original before you, draw, square by square, the several parts, observing to make the part of the figure you arc drawing fall into the same part of the squares in the copy as it does in your original. To pre- vent mistakes, number the squares both of the original and copy. This method is much used by engrave re. To prevent the necessity of ruling across the original, which in some cases may injure it, take a square pane of crown glass, and divide its sides, and also its top and bottom, into equal parts: then from each division draw lines across the glass with lamp-black ground with gum- water, and you will divide the glass into squares. Then lay the glass upon the original which you wish to copy, and having drawn the same number of squares upon your paper, proceed to copy into each square on your paper what appears behind each corresponding square of the glass. Instead of a glass, an open frame with threads stretched across will answer the same purpose. Tlie pentagraph.—Tbe pentagraph is an instrument, by means of which one may copy, enlarge, or reduce, the outlines of any picture, print, or drawing. It may be had at most mathematical instrument-makers', and is extremely useful for copying plans, maps, and other complicated figures. Transparencies.—The effect of this kind of daawing, which has lately become very fashionable, though by no means a modern invention, is very pleasing, if managed with judgment, particularly in fire and moonlights, where brilliancy of light and strength of shade are so very desirable. The very great expense attending the purchase of stained-glass, and the risk of keeping it secure from ac- cident, almost precludes the use of it in ornamenting rooms; but transparencies form a substitute nearly equaL and at a very small expense. The paper upon which you intend to draw must be fix- ed in a straining-frame, in order that you may be able to place it between you and the light, when you see oc- casion in the progress of your work. After tracing in your design, the colours must be laid on in tbe usual me- thod of stained drawings. When the tints are got in, you must place your picture against the window, on a pane of glass framed for the purpose, and begin to strengthen the shadows with the Indian ink, or with co- lours, according as tbe effect requires, laying the colours sometimes on both sides of the paper, to give greater force and depth of colour. The last touches for giving final strength to shadows and forms, are to be done with ivory-black, or lamp-black, prepared with gum-water, as there is no pigment so opaque and capable of giving strength and decision. When the draw ing is finishing, and every part has got its depth of colour and brilliancy, being perfectly dry, you touch very carefully with spirits of turpentine on both sides those parts wbich are to be the brightest, such as the moon and fire; and those parts requiring less bright- ness, only on one side. Then lay on immediately with a pencil a varnish, made by dissolving one ounce of Canada balsam in an equal quantity of spirit of turpen- tine. You must be cautious w ith the varnish, as it is apt to spread. When the varnish is dry you tint the flame with red lead and gamboge, slightly tinging the smoke jiext the flame: the moon must not be tinted with colour. Much depends upon the choice oi the subjectj and none DRAWING. is so admirably adapted to this species of effect as the gloomy Gothic ruin, whose antique towers and pointed turrets finely contrast their dark battlements with the pale yet brilliant moon. The effect of rays passing through the ruined windows, half-choaked with ivy; or of a fire among the clustering pillars and broken monuments ofthe choir, round which are figures of ban- ditti, or others whose haggard faces catch the reflecting light: these afford a peculiarity of effect not to be equal- led in any other species of painting. Internal views of cathedrals also, where windows of stained glass are in- troduced, have a beautiful effect. The great point to be attained is, a happy coincidence between the subject and the effect produced. The fine light should not be too near tbe moon, as its glare would tend to injure her pale silver light; those parts which are not interesting should be kept in an undistinguishahle gloom, and where the principal light is, they should be marked with precision. Groups of figures should be well contrasted; those in shadow crossing those that are in light, by which means the opposition of light against shade is effected. Having thus laid down such complete rules of instruc- tion as may enable a young person of genius, in a re- mote part of the country, to teach himself drawing, we shall subjoin, for his amusement, some curious devices for drawing any object, in its outlines, as exact as na- ture; with instructions for shadowing, kc. without any regard to the fore-mentioned rules, or any knowledge in the art of drawing. Take a sheet of the thinnest, or white-brown paper, and brush it over with the oil of turpentine, which will immediately render it transparent: then, after drying the paper in the air, strain it upon a frame, and fix it against the object you design to draw: this done, place right before it a piece of wood with a hole in it, fit for one's eye to look through, and as you meet any outlines of the object on the transparent paper, trace them over with a pencil; by which means you will ob- tain the just proportion, and true representation of any object in its outlines. To render this still more pleasing, observe the tra- cings of your draught, wherever the shades are, and mark them with your pencil; for all the art in the world can never dispose the shades so regularly, as one may touch by this method; but the shades must be drawn quickly after the outlines are drawn, not at different times, because the sun instantly changes them. Here observe, as in certain objects you will have fain- ter, stronger, and darker shades, in your remarks of them, to take such memorandums as may direct you how to finish them with Indian ink, or other colour, when you sit down to complete your work. To this end the best way, before you trace out your object, is to prepare three shells or gallipots of Indian ink, mixed with common water, viz. one of a very faint black, one of a middling black, and one of an intense black, num- bering them l, 2, 3; and as you make your observation on the shades of your object, mark upon your draught the same numbers as they happen to appear, so that af- terwards you may finish with certainty. In this regard tlie transparent paper is of great use; for, being laid upon any paper or print in a loose sheet, all the lines will be seen so perfectly through it, that you may copy them with the greatest ease; and if the print or picture be done by a good master, you can see whieh lines are strong, wiiich soft, and how to imitate them. There is yet another way to take views and landscapes which some prefer to the transparent paper; and that is either with white or black tiffany or lawn strained upon a frame, and used in the same manner as tiie paper, ex- cepting that, as the black-lead pencil is used to the pa- per, on the white tiffany and on the lawn you must use charcoal very soft and finely powdered; but on the black tiffany very tender white chalk is to be used. Other curious and easy methods of taking views, copy- ing draughts, prints, $r. to the greatest degree of ac- curacy. 1. A draught may be taken regularly, from a draw- ing, on transparent paper, as follows: Take a piece of paper of the same size with that of the draught: rub one side of it with some powder of black lead, till it he well and equally blacked, so that a finger, touching it, will hardly be tinged with the blacking; then take the print, and laying the paper underneath it with the black side downwards, upon another piece of white pa- per of the same size, pin the three together in two or three places: afterwards, take a pin or needle, somewhat blunted at the point, and trace it over the outlines of your picture, wiiich, with a little pressing, will direct the black paper to impress the white, so as to recrive every stroke you draw: this done, you may carefully correct what errors you see with your black-lead pen- cil, cleaning the new-made draught slightly with the crumb of stale bread. 2. As for the draughts taken on tiffany or lawn, they are only to be laid on paper; that is, such as is drawn with charcoal upon white, and that drawn with chalk upon black or blue paper; and then, giving each of them a knock or two with the hammer, the charcoal or the chalk will fall through them upon the papers directly in the lines they were drawrn, and give you the true re- presentation of the object drawn from the life, in white lines upon the black paper, and in black lines upon the white. Then strengthen these shadows of drawings with your black-lead pencil, chalk, or red okcr, upon the pieces of paper where they made the marks; for otherwise the lines will easily be rubbed out. But it must be observ- ed, that this amendment is to be made soon after the lines; because those tender draughts will quickly va- nish, if care is not taken to strengthen them immedi- ately. You are to begin this operation at the bottom of the drawing. 3. Another way is, by taking a thin piece of paper, and holding it against a glass-window; particularly a sashed one, because the interruption of the lead in the smaller glazed windows will hinder part of the pros- pect; then draw what you see from the glass, and after- wards the4)lack-lead paper is to be used as directed before. 4. There is another way still, which may he more easy to the hand or arm of a person not accustomed to drawing upon a paper or lawn placed upright, whichjs by the use of a camera obscura; though to help tlie DRAWING. and one may hold a baguette, or such a stick in the eft hand as the oil-painters use to rest the right hand ipon; or have some other rest made for the right hand, is may be easily screwed up and down at pleasure. But here is this difference still between drawing a piece of perspective, or view, on a transparent paper or lawn placed upright against any object, and drawing by the camera obscura; that such a piece will take in more of the view or object, and from a greater distance; than the camera obscura will: however, the portable camera obscura will, at first, be very easy to the arm of a be- ginner, by reason the objects appear on an horizontal plane, such as a table; and the hand, having a proper rest, will more easily follow the line represented on the plane with great exactness. The camera obscura is a machine or apparatus where- in the images of external objects are represented dis- tinctly, and in their genuine colours, either in an inverted or erect situation. This machine may be made as fol- lows: Darken a chamber, one of whose windows looks into a place set with a variety of objects, leaving only one little aperture open in the window. In this aper- ture fit a lens, either a plane convex one, or one convex on both sides, so as to be the portion of a large sphere. At a due distance, to be determined by experience, spread a paper or white cloth on the wall, unless the wall itself be whitened so as to serve the purpose: and on this the image of the desired objects will be deline- ated invertedly. In this case it is not more difficult to draw, or rather copy the objects, though they are reversed, than to draw or copy several things which we see upright on the frames of transparent paper, lawn, or tiffany; for to trace lines will be as easy done one way as the other; and though the objects falling on the paper or cloth will, while you are drawing them, be reversed, it is but turning the paper or cloth upside down, when they are done, and the drawing will he right to the eye. But to obviate this difficulty, let the paper, or what is to receive the objects, be placed against the back of a chair, and lei a person look on the several objects represented thereon over the back of the chair, and this will set them right to the eye. Or, if you would rather have the images appear erect, it may be done either by means of a concave lens, or by receiving tbe image on a plain speculum inclined to the horizon under an angle of 45 degrees, or by means of two lenses included in a draw- tube instead of one. It is to be observed, that if the aperture does not ex- ceed the bigness of a pea, the objects will be represented thereon, even though there be no lense at all. To ren- der the images clear and distinct, it is necessary that the objects be illuminated by the sun; and they will be still brighter if the spectator first stay a quarter of an hour in the dark. Care must be likewise taken that no light escape through any chinks, and that the wall be not too much Uhiminated. Farther, the greater distance there is be- tween the aperture and the wall, the larger and more distinct will the images be; but the rays becoming thus too much dilated, the brightness of the image is weak- ened, till at length it becomes insensible. But the port- able camera obstura is more proper for beginners, as being more easy for their arm; besides, the objects ap- pearing on an horizontal plane, may, of course, be drawn with greater exactness. The construction of a portable camera obscura may be as follows: Provide a wooden chest, in the middle of which raise a little turret either round or square, open toward the object, iiehind this aperture incline a little plain mirror to an angle of 45 degrees, which will re- flect the rays upon a lens convex on both sides, included in a tube. At the end of the focus of the lens, place a : , table covered with a white paper to receive the image; and, lastly, make an oblong aperture to look through. By means of this machine the images will be exhibited perfectly like their objects, each clothed in their differ- ent colours; whereby any person, unacquainted with designing or drawing, will be able to delineate any thing to the greatest degree of accuracy and justness; and those even well versed in painting will find many hints by it to perfect them in this art. 5. Two other methods, both easy and entertaining, not hitherto mentioned, for taking of draughts or draw- ings, are as follow: 1st. Prick with a pin the outlines of the print or drawing you design to copy, and then laying the same on a sheet of paper, take a powder- puff or tuft of cotton, dipping it now and then in char- coal-dust, and beat it over tlie pricked lines through the picture, by which means you will have full directions marked on your cloth or paper sufficient to finish a just drawing. 2d. The other way is by making such an impression from the print as shall give a just copy of it; and it is of great use when we want to carry every stroke of the graver along with us; which method, if you are very careful, will indeed but very little sully the print. For this end, take some white or green soap, which mix with such a quantity of water as will bring it to the consistence of a jelly; with this mixture rub the print, and with a wet sponge gently wet the paper de- signed for receiving the impression; then laying it on the print, cover all with two or three other pieces of dry paper, and rub it very hard all over with any thing that is smooth and polished; and thus the wetted paper will have upon it the reverse of the print you rubbed it upon, with every distinct line in the original, if you have been careful to rub it equally. Secrets of copying drawings, r retards the various modes of recovery already recommended; but, on the other hand, will most probably tend to ren- der the other means employed more certainly and more expeditiously efficacious. This stimulus promises to prove an important auxiliary in case of apparent death, and therefore deserves the serious regard and attention of the faculty. The methods which have been described, are to be em- ployed with vigour for three hours or upwards, although no favourable circumstances should arise; for it is a vul- gar and dangerous error to suppose that persons are ir- recoverable because life does not soon make its appear- ance; an opinion that has consigned to the grave an im- mense number of the seemingly dead, who might have been restored to life by resolution and perseverance. Bleeding is never to be employed in such cases, unless by direction of one of the medical assistants, or some other gentleman of the faculty who has paid attention to the resuscitating art. We shall now describe the apparatus made use of in recovering bodies from the water, and in restoring sus- pended animation. PI. LUI. Mis. fig. 44, is a forked instrument with blunt points for making superficial search after the drowned body, sounding the particular situation in which it sunk. Fig. 45, a ladder with a long jointed handle. Fig. 46, an extractor, or a linked pair of tongs, which in the plate appears closed; but on immersing it into water, opens by its own weight, as well as by the sliding down of the iron ring o from the part marked x to that of u. It may again be closed by pulling the double rope fastened to the lingo, which is thus shifted upward from u to x: by means of expanding the iron arms n n, which are likewise connected with this ring, the mouth or flaps of the instrument rr may he shut; and to prevent their opening till required, the two ropes are firmly tied round the iron bolt ss, in which situation they remain till the body is extracted. Great attention is required in pre- serving them from the effects of rust; and, independant- ly ofthe weight of iron work, it is perhaps the most com- plete piece of machinery that can be contrived for this purpose. Fig. 47, a pair of bellows with two separate bags, sft contrived that by opening them when applied to the nos- trils or mouth of a patient, one bag will be filled with common air, and the other with the air extracted from the lungs; and by shutting them again, pure atmospheric air will he introduced into these organs, and that drawn out consequently discharged into the room. Thus the ar- tificial breathing may be continued, while the other ope- rations on the surface ofthe body are carried on: which could not be conveniently d ur' if the muzzle of a com- uion pair of bellows were introduced into the nostril. DRAWING. a, Is an intermediate board, but which admits of no •ommunication between the two bags. In the external board of each side, there is the usual hole, marked 6, pro- vided with a valve; and the cylindrical part through which the air is expelled in common bellows, is here sol- dered ton copper box, within which two other valves are applied to the tubes conducting the air. The cover d of this box, may be unscrewed by means of an interposed leather ring, almost of the shape of a funnel, to the neck of which is fastened a flexible tube, e, made of varnish- ed silk cloth, and a spiral wire that forms the cavity. To the extremity of this tube is attached a small ivory pipe /, the front of which may either be tubular and round, for introducing it into the nostril, or flat, like the top- piece of a clarionet, if it is intended for the mouth. The valves (which cannot be represented in a plate) consist of stiffened taffety, and are so arranged, that the cor- responding ones stand in an inverted order. If therefore both bags of the bellows are expanded, two of the valves open themselves towards the internal part of the machine: one of these is fixed to one of the side boards, but the other is within the box, on the mouth ofthe conducting tube belonging to the opposite bag of the bellows. By this contrivance, the air enters both bags of the bellows at the same time, and is, on compression, again expelled by means of two other valves, which open from within towards the external parts. Both hags ofthe bellows terminate below the valve in one principal tube of com- munication; because, though the action of both bellows is simultaneous, the stream of air conformably to the ar- rangement before pointed out, can only enter and escape alternately. In using this machine, the small ivory pipe is applied either to one of the nostrils, or put into the mouth: in the former case, the other nostril and the mouth must be closed; in the latter, both nostrils. When the bellows are set in action, one of the bags receives a column of atmospheric air through its valve, while the other, by means of its flexible tube and its valve, ex- tracts a portion of air from the lungs. But if the bellows are again shut, one of the bags parts with the impure gas drawn out of the pulmonary vessels, and the second conveys pure atmospheric air to the organs of respira- tion. By properly repeating this alternate process, the patient may again be enabled to exercise the important function of breathing. As, however, a precipitate and irregular method of proceeding might be productive of injury, this delicate operation ought to be performed by persons who are acquainted with the mechanism of res- piration. In some cases, where the patient has, for a considerable time, lain under water, or was afterwards neglected for want of due assistance, it would be desira- ble to introduce into his lungs oxygen, or pure vital dephlogisticated air, instead of that of the common at- mosphere; as the latter is generally more or less cor- rupted on such occasions by the breath of many persona in the same room. For this purpose may be used a blad- der, marked g, which is provided with a cock and pipe fitted or screwed to the board of the inspiring valve and bag ofthe bellows. If, therefore, after opening the cock, the machine is set in motion, it will extract the pure air con- tained in the bladder, and, on the subsequent compres- sion of the bellows, force it into the lungs of the patient. Fig. 48, is a macliine for injecting the smoke of tobacco by way of clyster, in those desperate cases which require the application of this remedy. It consists of a pair of bellows, to the muzzle of which is fitted a metal box a, provided with a ring, in the middle of which it may be unscrewed, and again closed, after being filled with to- bacco, and set on fire; the pipe c of the flexible tube b, is introduced into the fundament, and thus by means of the bellows d, the smoke is forced into the rectum. To these may be added, A bier of wicker-work, in the form of a slanting oblong basket, for conveying the body of the drowned, in a pos- ture somewhat raised. This simple contrivance has the advantage, that the wrater may easily run off, while the patient is carried: and as many unfortunate persons are materially injured by rough treatment, before they ar- rive at a house of reception, so that their recovery is thus often frustrated, we recommend the universal adop- tion of this useful implement. The Royal Humane Society of London have, for a series of years, offered premiums for machines and other inventions to save mariners and other persons from drowning in case of shipwreck, ot other accidents at sea. The life-boat of Mr. Greathead has been already des- cribed under the article Boat; but at the last anniversary (April 15th, 1806), a model of a life-boat was exhibited which may be put together in the space of half an hour, in any case of shipwreck, and which cannot sink or overset, let the sea run ever so high. All that is necessa- ry to be provided with is, a keel or plank of any con- venient length, and a few pigs of iron (such as vessels commonly carry out for ballast). The officers ofthe ship are to take care to keep two or three empty water-ca$k», perfectly tight, the bungholes corked up, and a piece of tin or leather nailed over them. These casks are to be lashed with ropes to the keel, along with the pigs of iron for ballast; and any spare poles or spars may be also lashed to the sides, so as to give the raft the form of a vessel, and at each end to make a lodgment for the men. Any of the square sails of the ship will form a lug-sail, and may speedily be adapted to the new life- boat; and a strong and broad spar may be lashed on as a rudder. Several inventions have also been recommended by the committee of the society to enable persons to swim from a wreck to the shore; particularly the cork or marine spencer, already noticed under the article Cork, and "the life-preserver" invented by Mr. Daniel, of Wapping. This last is a machine of water-proof lea- ther, which wraps round the body just under the arm- pits, and is inflated like a bladder in the space of half a minute, by blowing with the breath through a silver tube, furnished with a stop-cock, which is to be turned when the machine is full of air. The immediate views of this committee of the Royal Humane Society for affording assistance and preventing shipwreck, are clearly developed in their resolutions of the 19th March 1798, which in the hope of exciting the attention of scientific men to so interesting a subject we insert. " Resolved, That it is the opinion of this committee, " I. That means may be contrived for preventing ves- sels which are light and of particular importance, such as packets, from foundering at sea, by means of a thick lin- ing of cork or very light timber, which may prevent the D R U D E T vessel from sinking in case of any of her planksstarting, or other accidents happening to the hull. " II. That, in case of shipwreck, the grand object is to form a communication with the sliore: and it appears to this committer, that the most probable means of effect- ing this object is, to convey a rope or line by some pro- jectile force to the nearest land; and that, the more sim- ple the machine for this purpose (having ample power), the more likely it is to have a proper practical effect. HI. " That the construction of life-boats to go from the shore to a vessel wrecked or in distress (which life- boats ought to be lined with cork or light timber, so as to keep buoyant in almost all cases), is a most laudable and excellent invention; and this committee cannot but hope, that, if this plan was universally adopted on all our sea-coasts, at least w herever it is practicable, it would save the lives of numbers of mariners, and other persons valuable to society. "IV. That the institution ofa body of watermen rea- dy to venture, on all occasions of shipwreck, in life-boats, or other vessels, to assist persons in distress, would be extremely useful. That such persons should have parti- cular privileges, as protections from being impressed, and perhaps badges such as the firemen in London, and should be encouraged by the prospect of rewards to ad- venture on all such occasions. DRUG, among fan-makers, is a composition of gum arabic, and some other ingredients, used in laying gold or silver leaf upon fans, or in covering them with either of these metals in powder. They use it also to paste to- gether the papers, gauzes, taffetas, and other matters, used by them in their fans. Drug signifies also a salt, or cinder of glass, used by some in bleaching cloth. The use of this drug is prohi- bited in France, as being found corrosive, destructive of the linen, and likely to injure the health of those wiio use it. DRUGGET, in commerce, a stuff sometimes all wool, and sometimes half wool half thread, sometimes corded, but usually plain. DRUIDS, the priests or ministers of religion of the ancient Briton9 and Gauls. The Druids were chosen out of the best families; and were held, both by the ho- nours of their birth, and their office, in the greatest ve- neration. They are said to have understood astrology, geometry, natural history, politics, and geography: they had tlie administration of all sacred things, were the in- terpreters of religion, and the judges of all affairs in- differently. DRUM, is a martial musical instrument in form of a cylinder, hollow within, and covered at the two ends with velhim, which is stretched or slackened at pleasure by the means of small cords and sliding knots. Some drums are made of brass, but they are commonly of wood. There are several beats ofthe drum, as assembly, chamade, reveille, retreat, kc. Drums, kettle, are large basons of copper or brass, rounded in the bottom, and covered with vellum or goat- akin, which is kept f.st by a circle of iron, and several "oles fastened to the body of the drum, and a like num- ber of screws to screw up and down. They are much uvd among the horse, as also in operas, oratorios, con- certs, kc. DRUNGUS, a name given in the latter times of the Roman empire to a body of troops, amounting to from one thousand to four thousand men. At first it was used to denote the troops of strangers and enemies, but in the eastern empire to signify the troops of the empire it- self. DRUNKENNESS, excuses no crime; but he who ie guilty of any crime whatever, through his voluntary drunkenness, shall he punished for it as much as if he had been sober; for the law, seeing how easy it is to counterfeit this excuse, and how weak an excuse it is (though real,) will not suffer anv man thus to privilege one crime by another. 4 Black. 26. By several statutes temp. Jac. every person convicted of drunkenness shall forfeit 5s. or be committed to the stocks for six hours, and offending a second time, shall be bound in a recognizance of 10/. for future good beha- viour. And an alehouse-keeper convicted of drunken- ness, shall besides the other penalties, be disabled to keep any such alehouse for three years. DRUPA, or druppa, in botany, a species of pericar- pium, or seed-vessel, which is succulent or pulpy, has no valve or external opening like the capsule and pod, and contains within its substance a stone or nut. The cherry, plum, peach, apricot, and all other stone-fruit, are of this kind. The term, which is of great antiquity, is synonimous to Tournefort's fructus mollis ossicufo, "soft fruit with a stone;" and to the primus of other bo- tanists. The stone or nut, which in this species of fruit is surrounded by the soft pulpy flesh, is a kind of lig- neous or woody cup, which contains a single kernel or seed. This definition, however, will not apply to every seed-vessel denominated drupa in the Genera Plantarum. The almond is a drupa, so is the seed-vessel of the elm- tree and tbe genus rumphia, though far from being pulpy or succulent; the first and third are of a substance like leather, the second like parchment. The same may be said of the walnut, pistachio-nut, guettarda, quisqualis, jack-in-a-box, and some others. Again, the seeds of the elm, schrebera, flagellaria, and the mango-tree, are not contained in a stone. The seed-vessel of burr-reed is dry, shaped like a top, and contains two angular stones. DRYADS, in the heathen theology, deities, or nymphs, winch the ancients thought inhabited groves and woods. They differed from the hainadryades, these latter being attached to some particular tree, with which they were born, and with which they died; whereas the dryades were goddesses of trees and woods in general. We likewise find mention made of a kind of prophet- esses, or witches, among the Gauls, called the dryades ordruides. DRYANDRIA, a genus of the class and order dioe- cia monadelphia. The calyx is two-leaved; corolla five- petalled; stamina nine; fruit three or four grained. There is one species, a dwarf tree ofthe Mauritius. DRYAS. a genus of the icosandria-pentagynia class of plants, the flower of which consists of eight oblong, einarginated, patent petals, inserted into the cup. There is no pericarpium, but the seeds are numerous, of a roundish compressed figure, and furnished with very long hairy sty les. There are two species. DRYPIS, a genus of the class and order pentandria trigynia. The calyx is five-toothed} petals five; capsule DUfr D U C clipped round, one-seeded. There is one species, a shrubby plant of Barbary. DUCAT, a coin current in Germany, and other coun- tries abroad, for the different values of which see Coin. DUCATOON, a silver coin, likewise frequent in se- vcual parts of Europe. DUCENAR1US, in Roman antiquity, a military offi- cer who had the command of two hundred men. The title, ducenarii is also given to certain procurators ofthe emperors, so called either from their having a salary of 200 sesterces, or from their being appointed to raise tbe tax of the two-hundredth penny. DUCES tecum, in law, a writ that commands a person to appear in the court of chancery, and bring with them certain writings, evidence., or other things, which the court is inclined to view. Duces tecum licet lan^uidus, in law, is a wTrit directed to the sheriff, on a return that he is not able to bring his prisoner without danger of deaii, he brings adeo langui- dus; upon which the court grants a habeas corpus, in nature of a duces tecum licet languidus. DUCK. See Anas. DUCKING, plunging in water, a diversion anciently practised among the Goths, by way of exercise; but among the Celtae, Franks, and ancient Germans, it was a sort of punishment for persons of scandalous lives. They were shut up, naked to the s; ift, fastened to the yard of a shallop, and ducked several times. Ducking at the main yard, among seamen, is a way of punishing offenders on board a ship; and is perform- ed by binding the malefactor, by a rope, to the end of the yard, whence he is violently let down into the sea, once, twice, or three times, according to his offence: and if the offVnce is very great, he is drawn unci rneath the keel ofthe ship, which they call keel-haleing. DUCK-UP, at sea, is a term used hy the steersman, when the mainsail, foresail, or spritsail, hinders his seeing to steer by a land-mark: upon which he calls out, " Duck up the clew-lines of these sails," that is, hale the sails out of the way. Also, when a shot is made by a chace-piece, if the clew of the spritsail hinders the sight, they call out, "Duck-up," &c. DUCT, ductus, in general, denotes any tube or canal. See Anatomy. DUCTILITY, in physics, a property of certain bo- dies, whereby they are capable of being expanded, or stretched forth, by means of a hammer, press, kc. See Mechanics. The great ductility of some bodies, especially gold, is very surprising: the gold-beaters and wiredrawers fur- nish us with abundant proofs of this property; they every day reduce gold into lamellse inconceivably thin, yet without the least aperture or pore discoverable, even by the microscope: a single grain of gold may be stretched under the hammer, into a leaf that will cover a house, and yet the leaf remain so compact as not to transmit the rays of light, nor even admit spirit of wine to trans- ude. Dr. Halley took the following method to compute the ductility of gold: he learned from the wiredrawers, that an ounce of gold is sufficient to gild, that is. to co- ver or coat, a silver cylinder of forty-eight ounces weight, which cylinder may be drawn out into a wire so very fine, that two yards shall weigh only one grain; and consequently ninety-eight yards of the same wire, only forty-nine grains: so that a single grain of gold here gilds ninety-eight yards; and, of course, the''ten-thou- sandth part of a grain is here above one-third of an inch long. And since the third part of an inch is yet capa- ble of being divided into ten lesser parts visible to the naked eye, it is evident that the hundred-thousandth part of a grain of gold may be seen without the assist- ance of a microscope. Proceeding in his calculation he found, at length, that a cube of gold, whose side is the hundredth part of an inch, contains 2,435,000 visi- ble parts; and yet, though the gold with which such wire is coated, is stretched to such a degree, so intimately do its parts cohere, that there is not any appearance of the colour of the silver underneath. Mr. Boyle, examining some leaf-gold, found that a grain and a quarter in weight took up an area of fifty square inches; supposing therefore the leaf divided by parallel lines 100th part of an inch apart, a grain of gold will be divided into five hundred thousand minute squares, all discernible by a good eye; for the same author shows, that an ounce of gold drawn out in wire would reach 155 miles and a half. But Mr. Reaumur has carried the ductility of gold to a still greater extent. What is called gold-wire, every body knows, is only a silver one gilt. The cylinder of silver, covered with leaf-gold, they draw through the hole of an iron, and the gilding still keeps pace with the wire, stretch it to what length they can. Now Mr. Reaumur shows, that in tbe common way of drawing gold-wire, a cylinder of silver twenty-two inches long, and fifteen lines in diameter, is stretched to 1,163,520 feet, or is 634,692 lines longer than before, which amounts to about ninety-seven leagues. To wind this thread on silk for use, they first flatten it, in doing which it stretches at least one-seventh farther, so that the twenty-two inches, are now 111 leagues; but in the flattening, instead of one-seventh, they could stretch it one-fourth, which would bring it to 120 leagues. This appears a prodigious extension, and yet it is nothing to what this gentleman has proved gold to be capable of. Ductility of glass. We all know that, when weH penetrated v\ith the heat of the fire, the workmen can figure and manage glass like soft wax; but what is most remarkable, it may be drawn, or spun out, into threads exceedingly long and fine. Our ordinary spinners do not form their threads of silk, flax, or the like, with half the ease and expedition as the glass-spinners do threads of this brittle matter. We have some of them used in plumes for children's heads, and divers other works, much finer than any hair, and which bend and wave like hair with every wind. Nothing is more simple and easy than the method of making them. There arc two workmen employed; the first holds one end of a piece of glass over the flame of a lamp; and, when the heat has softened it, a second ope- rator applies a glass hook to the metal thus in fusion; and, withdrawing the hook again, it brings with it a thread of glass, which still adheres to the mass: then, fitting his hook on the circumference of a wheel about two feet and a half in diameter, he turns the wheel as fast as he pleases: which* drawing out the thread, winds V DUE J v—■ -*• —--■___,—*y it on its rim; till, after a certain number of revolutions, it is covered with a skein of glass tlu-cnd. The mass in fusion over the lamp diminishes insensi- bly: being wound out like a clue of silk upon the wheel; and the parts, as they recede fr>un the flame, cooling, become more coherent to those next to them, and this by degrees: the parts nearest the. fire are always the least coherent, and, of consequence, must give way to the effort the rest make to draw them towards the wheel. The circumference of these threads is usually a flat oval, being three or four times as broad as thick: some of them seem scarcely bigger than the tjiread of a silk- worm, and are surprisingly flexible. If the two ends of such threads are knotted together, they may be drawn and bent, till the aperture, or space in the middle of the knot, does not exceed one-fourth of aline, or one- forty-eighth of an^hch, in diameter. Hence M. Reaumur advances, that the flexibility of glass increases in proportion to the fineness of the threads; *nd that, probably, had we but the art of draw- ing threads as fine as a spider's web, we might weave stuffs and cloths of them for wear. Accordingly, he made some experiments this way; and found that he could make threads fine enough, viz. as fine, in his judg- ment, as spider's thread, but he could never make them long enough to do any thing with them. DUEL, a single combat, at a time and place appoint- ed, in consequence of a challenge. This custom came originally from the northern nations, among whom it was usual to decide all their controversies by arms. Both the accuser and accused gave pledges to the judges on their respective behalf; and the custom prevailed so far amongst the Germans, Danes, and Franks, that none were excused from it but women, sick people, cripples, and such as were under twenty-one years of age, or above sixty. Even ecclesiastics, priests, and monks, were obliged to find champions to fight in their stead. The punishment of the vanquished was either death by hanging or beheading, or mutilation of members, ac- cording to the circumstances of the case. Duels were at first admitted not only on criminal occasions, but on some civil ones for the maintenance of rights to estates: in latter times, however, before they were entirely abol- ished, they were restrained to these four cases: 1. That the crime should be capital. 2. That it should be cer- tain the crime was perpetrated. 3. The accused must, by common fame, be supposed guilty. And, 4. The mat- ter not capable of proof by witnesses. In England, though the trial by duel is disused, the law on which it is founded is still in force. DUELLING, or single combat, between any individu- als of then* own beads, and for private malice or displea- sure, is now prohibited by law; for in a settled state gov- erned bylaw, no man, for any injury whatever, ought to use private revenge. 3 Inst. 157. And where one party kills the other, it comes within the notion of murder, as being committed by malice aforethought; where the parties meet with an intent to murder, thinking it their duty as gentlemen, and claim- ing it as their right to wanton with their own lives, and the lives of others, without any warrant for it either human or divine; and therefore the law has justly fixed on them the crime and punishment of murder. 4 Black. 199. DLL And the law so far abhors all duelling in cold blood, that not onlyilie principal, who actually kills the wther, but also his seconds are guilty of murder, whether they fought or not; and it is holden that the seconds of the party slain are likewise guilty as accessaries. 12 Haw. s. DUETT, a composition expressly written for two voices or instruments, with or without a bass and ac- companiments. In good duetts, the execution is pi-* tty equally distributed between the two parts; and the me- lodies so connected, intermingled, an-1 so dependant on each other, as to lose every effect when separated, but to be perfectly related and continuous when hca;-d to- gether. Yet, however combined by the disposition of the harmony, the parts are not necessarily to be similar in their motion; indeed it is when the composer is suffi- ciently master of ids art to he able to vary them by con- trary directions, that the happiest effects of which this species of composition is capable are most frequently produced. DUKE, is either the title of a sovereign prince, as the duke of Savoy, Parma, kc the grand-duke of Tus- cany, kc. or it is the title of honour and nobility next below princes. The commanders of armies in time of war, the governors of provinces, and wardens of inarches, in time of peace, were called duces, under the latter em- perors. The Goths and Vandals divided all Gaul into duchies and counties, the governors of which they some- times called duces, and sometimes comites. In France, under the second race of kings, though they retained the name and form of ducal government, there were scarce- ly any dukes except those of Burgundy, Aquitaiue, and France. In England, among the Saxons, the commanders of armies, <*m•. were called dukes, duces, without any addi- tion, till Edward III. made his son, the Black Prince, duke of Cornwall; after whom tliere were more made in the same manner, the title descending to their posterity. Duke, at present in England, is a mere title of dignity, without giving any domain, territory, or jurisdiction over the place whence the title is taken. A duke is created by patent, cincture of sword, mantle of state, imposition of a cap and coronet of gold on his head, and a verge of gold put into his hand. His title is Grace; and in the style of the heralds, Most high, potent, high-born, and noble prince. DULCIMER, a triangular instrument, strung with about fifty wires cast over i bridge at each end; the shortest, or most acute of which, is eighteen inches lung, and the longest, or most grave, thirty-six. It is per- formed upon by striking the wires with little inn rods. This name is also given by the translators of holy writ to an instrument used by tbe Hebr-vvs, concerning the form, size, and tone of which, tliere have been various conjectures, but of which nothing certain is known. DULCINO, the name formerly given to a certain small bassoon, which was used as a tenor to the haut- boy. DULEDGE, in gunnery, a peg of wood which joins the ends ofthe six felloes that form the round of a wheel of a gun-carriag". The plate of iron on the outside of the wheel, wiiich strengthens the joint, is called the du- Vedge-plate. DUMBNE9S. DUMBNESS, the privation of the faculty of speech. The most general, and frequently the sole cause of dumb- ness, is the want of the sense of hearing (sec Deaf- ress); language being originally acquired by imitating articulate sounds. From this source of intelligence deaf people are entirely excluded: they cannot acquire ar- ticulate suunds by the ear: unless, therefore, articula- tion can be communicated to them by some other me- dium, these unhappy people must for ever be deprived of the use of language; and as language is the principal s- ice of knowledge, whoever has the misfortune to want the sense of hearing, must remain in a state little si'i-erior to that of the brute creation. Of late years, however, it has been shown, that although deaf people cannot learn to speak or read by the direction ofthe. car, there arc other sources of imitation, by which the same effect may be produced. The organs of hea«.ng and speech have little or no connection. Persons deprived of the former generally possess the latter in such per- fection, that nothing further is necessary, in order to make them articulate, than to teach tie. in how to use these organs. This indeed is no easy task; but the re- gular seminaries kept near the metr- polls, by the late Mr. Braidwood and Mr. Telfair, in which the instruc- tion of deaf f.nd dumb persons has been successfully con- ducted, show that it 's certainly practicable. The for- mer began with a single pupil in 1764: and since that period has taught great numbers to speak so as to be un- derstood, to read, to write, to understand figures, the principles of religion and morality, &c. The first thing attempted in the practice of his method is, to teach the pupil to pronounce the simple sounds of the vowels and consonants. The teacher pronounces the sound of the letter a very slowly, pointing out the figure of it upon paper at the same time; and makes the pupil observe the motion of his mouth and throat. He then puts his finger into his pupil's mouth, depresses or ele- vates the tongue, and makes him keep the parts in that positi-;n; then he lays hold ofthe outside ofthe throat, and applies such a kind of pressure as shall indicate to the pupil a certain necessary action to be performed by tlie muscles. All the while he is pronouncing a, the pu- pil is anxiously imitating him, but at first seems not to understand what he would have him to do. In this man- ner he proceeds, till the pupil has learned to pronounce the sounds of the letters. He goes on in the same man- ner to join a vowel and a consonant, till at length the pupil is enabled both to utter distinct words, and to read. The pupils instructed in these academies are not only taught the mere pronunciation, but also to understand the meaning of what they read. Of this Mr. Pennant gives a remarkable instance in a young lady of about 13, who had been some time under the care of Mr. Braidwood. " She readily apprehended (says he) all I said, and returned me answers with the utmost facility. She read; she wrote well. Her reading was not by rote. She could clothe the same thoughts in a new set of words, and never vary from the original sense. I have forgotten the book she took up, or the sentences she made a new version of, but the effect was as follows: »* Original passage. Lord Bacon has divided the whole of human knowledge junU history* poetry* and philosophy; which are referred to the three powers of the mind, memory, imagination, and reason. " Version. A nobleman has parted the total, or all of man's study or understanding, into—An account of the life, manners, religion, or customs of any people or country; verse or metre; moral or natural knowledge: which are pointed to the three faculties of the soul or spirit; the faculty of remembering what is past, thought or conception, and right judgment." A new and different method, equally laborious and successful, has been practised by the abbe' de J'Epe'e, of Berlin, who, it is said, begins his instructions not bv en- deavouring to form the organs of speech to articulate sounds, but by communicating ideas to tlie mind by means of signs and characters: to effect this, he writes the names of things; and, by a regular system of signs, establishes a connection between these words and the ideas to be excited by them. After he has thus furnish- ed his pupils with ideas, and a medium of communica- tion, he teaches them to articulate and pronounce, and renders them not only grammarians but logicians. In this manner he has enabled one of his pupils to deliver a Latin oration in public, and another to defend a thesis against the objections of one of his fellow-pupils in a scholastic disputation, in which the arguments of each were communicated to the other, but whether by signs or in writing is not said; for it does not appear that the abbe' teaches his pupils to discern what is spoken, by ob- serving the motion ofthe organs of speech, which those instructed by other teachers do very readily. There is perhaps no word, says the abbe', more diffi- cult to explain by signs than the word croire, "to be- lieve." To do this, he writes the verb with its signifi- cations in the following manner: Je croi», Je dis oui par l'esprit, Je pense que oui. Je dis om par le cceur, J'aime a peu»er qne oui. Je di> oui par la bouche. Je ne vois paa des yeux. After teaching these four significations, which he doc9 by as many signs, he connects them with the verb, and adds other signs to express the number, person, tense, and mood, in which it is used. If to the four signs cor- responding with the lines abovementioned, be added that of a substantive, the pupil will write the word foi, "faith;" but if a sign, indicating a participle used substantively, be adjoined, he will express la croyance, "belief;" to make hiin write croyable, « credible," the four signs of the verb must be accompanied with one that indicates an adjective terminating in able; all these signs are ra- pidly made, and may be immediately comprehended. M. Linguet, a member of the Royal Academy, hav- ing asserted that persons thus instructed could be con- sidered as little more than automata, the abbe* invited him to be present at his lessons, and expressed his astonishment that M. Linguet should be so prejudi- ced in favour of the medium by which he had" received the first rudiments of knowledge, as to conclude that they could not be imparted by any other: desiring him, at the same time, to reflect, that the connection between ideas and the articulate sounds, by which they are ex- cited in the mind, is not less arbitrary than that between these ideas and tlie written characters which are made to represent them to the eye. M. Linguet complied with DUN B U R the invitation; and the abbe' having desired hint to fix on some abstract term which he would by signs commu- nicate to his pupils, he chose the word " unintelligibil- itv;" which, to his astonishment, was almost instantly written by one of them. The abbe' informed him, that to communici\ie this word he had used five signs, which, though scarcely perceivable to him, were immediately and distinctly apprehended by his scholars: the first of these signs indicated an internal action; the second re- presented the act of a mind that reads internally, or, in other words, comprehends what is proposed to it; a third signified that such a disposition is possible; these, ta- ken together, form the word "intelligible:" a fourth sign transforms the adjective into the substantive; and a fifth, expressing negation, completes the word required. M. Linguet afterwards proposed this question, " What do you understand by metaphysical ideas?" which being committed to writing, a young lady immediately an- swered on paper in the following terms: «• I understand the ideas of things which are independent of our sen- ses, which are beyond the reach of our senses, which make no impression on our senses, which cannot be perceived by our senses." Dumbness, periodical. In the German Ephemerides is an account of an innkeeper's son affected with a pe- riodical dumbness, which had continued for fifteen years. The loss cd' speech was at first instantaneous, and con- tinued only a few minutes; but the duration of it began to lengthen every day: so that it soon amounted to half an hour, two hours, three hours, and at last to 23 hours, yet without any order. At last the return of speech kept so constant and regular an order, that, for 14 years to- gether, he could not speak except from noon, during the space of one entire hour, to the precise moment of one o'clock. Every time he lost his speech, he felt a sense of something rising from his stomach to his throat, but in other respects was in good health. Both his internal and external senses also continued sound: he heard al- ways perfectly well, and answered the questions propos- ed to him by gestures or in writing. The account states, that all suspicion of imposture was removed by his keep- ing exactly the same hour, though he had no access to any instruments by which time can be measured. DUM fuit infra jetatem, a writ that lies for him, who, before he came to his full age, made a feoff- ment of his land in fee, or for a term of life, or in tail, to recover them again from him to whom he conveyed them. Bum non fuit compus mentis, a writ that lies against the alienee, or lessee, for him that not being of sound memory, aliened any lands or tenements in fee- simple, fee-tail, or for term of life, or for years. DUNG-MEERS, in husbandry, places where soils and dungs are mixed and digested together. For this purpose it is usual to dig a pit sufficient to hold the stock of soil the husbandman is capable of making; and to pre- pare it at the bottom with stone and clay, that it may hold water, or the moisture of the dung; and besides, U should be so situated that the sinks and drips of the houses and barns may run into it. Into this pit they cast rcf s -fodder-, litter, dung, weeds, &c. where they he and rot together, till the farmer has occasion for it. Where such a pit is wanting, it is proper to cover the VOL. I. 107 dung with turf, or other stuff*, to prevent the su.; and wind from drawing off its virtues. See Husuaxdry. DUODENUM, in anatomy, the first of the small guts, intestina tenuia, so called from its length, which is about twelve fingers breadth. DUPLE, among mathematicians, denotes the ratio of 2 to 1. Thus the ratio of 8 to 4 is duple, or as «' to 1. £u&-Duple ratio is just the reverse of the former, or as 1 to 2. Such is 4 to 8, or 6 to 12. DUPLICATE, among lawyers, denotes a copy of any deed, writing, or account. It is also used for the second letters patent, granted by the lord chancellor in a case wherein he had before done the same. Also, a second letter written and sent to the same party and purpose as a former, for fear ofthe first's miscarrying, is called a duplicate. Duplicate proportion or ratio, is a ratio com- pounded of two ratios: thus, the duplicate ratio of a to b, is the ratio of a a to b b, or of the square of a to the square of b. Hence the duplicate ratio ought to be well distinguished from double. In a series of geometrical proportionals, the first term to the third is said to be in a duplicate ratio of the first to the second: thus in 2, 4. 8, 16, kc. the ratio of 2 tu 8 is duplicate of that of 2 to 4, or as the square of 2 to the square of 4. Duplicate ratio is therefore the pro- portion of squares, as triplicate is of cubes, kc and the ratio of 2 to 8 is said to be compounded of that of 2 to 4, and of 4 to 8. DUPLICATION, in general, signifies the doubling of any thing, or multiplying of it by 2: also the fold- ing of any thing back again on itself. The duplication of a cube is a problem famous in an- tiquity: it was proposed by the oracle at Delphos, as a means to stop the plague, to double Apollo's altar, which was cubical. See Cube. DUPLICATURE, among anatomists, a term used to denote the folds of any membrane, or vessel: thus we say, the duplicatures of the intestines, peritonajuin, &c. See Anatumy. DUl'ONDIUS,in antiquity, the weight of two pounds; also a piece of money equal to two ases in value. DURA MATER, in anatomy, one of the membranes, as they arc called, which surround the brane. DURATE', in music, a term properly applicable to whatever offends the ear by its effect. The B natural, on account of its hardness, was formerly called B du- rate'. There are rough or hard intervals in melody; su h are those produced by the regular series of three whole tones, whether ascending or descending, and such are all false relations. DURANTA, a genus of the angiospermia order, in the didynamia class of plants, and in the natural me- thod ranking under the 40th order, personatse. The calyx is quinquefid, superior; the berry tctraspermous; the seeds bilocular. There are three species, shrubs of South America. DURESS, in law, is where a man is kept in prison, or restrained of his liberty, contrary to the order of law; or threatened to be killed, maimed, or beaten; and if such person so in prison, or in fear of such threats, make any specialty or obligation by reason thereof, 1VI D U T D W A euch deed is void in law; and in any action brought upon such specialty, the party may plead that it was made by duress, and so he may avoid the action. Covvel. Every act of contract must be altogether the act of the understanding, which those are incapable of using, who are under restraint and terrors; and therefore the law requires the free assent of the the parties as essen- tial to every contract, and that they be not under any free or violence. 2 Bac. Abr. 155. DURIO, a genus ofthe class ;;nd order polyadelphia polyandria. The calyx is five-cle t; corol a five-petalled; style one; stamina in five bodies; pome five-celled. There is one species, a tree of the East Indies. DUROIA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia or- der, belonging to the hexandria cUss of plants. The calyx above is cylindrical and lobed; the border six- parted; there are no filaments; the fruit a hispid a-.pie. There is one species, a tree of Surinam. DUTCH-COURT. See Chancellor. DUTY, in policy and commerce, signifies the impost laid en merchandises, at importation or exportation, ccminonly called the duties of customs; also the tax s of • xcise, stamp-duties, kc. See Customs, Excise, &.. There is no task more delicate or difficult to a states- man than the laying on of duties or imposts. Experi- ence teaches cs that a very small duty laid on commo- dities raises the price of them considerably to the con- sumer, beyond the gross duty. By the fees given to officers; by tradesmen's loss of time in attending upon excisemen, or at custom-houses; by taking away a quar- ter of our traders' stock for duties; and forcing them to take as great pains on one quarter of their stock laid out in goods, in order to live, as they would on the whole, if duty-free; by tradesmen's profits on the duty, and advances in all the hands that all taxed goods come tlirough to the consumer: as for example, suppose there should be no other tax but that on leather, let us see how many advances that would make on the price of shoes. The grazier lays (l) on the beast he fats, his advan- ced price of shoes: he sells to the butcher, who takes (2) his profit on the grazier's advanced price of the beast; and raises (3) on the hide his advanced price of shoes: he sells to the tanner, whose journeymen raise (4) their wages, on account of the advanced price of shoes; the tanner pays (5) the tax of two-pence per pound on the leather; takes (6) his profit on the before-mentioned five advances, and raises (7) his advanced price of shoes on the tanned hide: he sells to the leather-cutter, who takes (8) his profit on the before-mentioned seven advances, and raises (9) on the hide he cuts, his advanced price of shoes: he sells to the shoemaker, whese journeymen raise (10) their wages, on account of their advanced price of shoes; the shoemaker takes (11) his profit on the before-mentioned ten advances, and raises (12) on the shoes he makes the advanced price of the shoes he wears: he sells to the consuinnicr with all these twelve advances, highly magnified beyond the bare duty. So much for the tax on leather only; but the grazier, butcher, tanner, leather-cutter, and shoemaker, use soap: that soap, like leather, is taxed, and, like that leather-tax, must be raised: but that caused twelve ad- vances on our shoes; place therefore twelve advances more on shoes for the soap-tax. These tradesmen tine candles; twelve advances more for the tax on them: and the same for every other tax on necessaries. All which, duly considered, might be computed at above cent, per cent, on the gross produce of the duties; but though the large duties cause some farther advance on all the goods they are laid on, charged with profit upon profit through every hand they pass, yet as they keep not pace with the small duties, and as all calculations appear fair when moderate, let us abate in the advances and set them down only at 50 per cent. Duty, in the military art, is the exercise of those functions that belong to a soldier; with this distinction that mounting guards and the like, where there is no enemy directly to be engaged, is called duty; but their marching to meet and fight an enemy is called going on service. DUUMVIRI, in Roman antiquity, a general appel- lation given to magistrates, commissioners, and offi- cers, where two were joined together in the same func- tions. Duumviri capitales were the judges in criminal causes: from their sentence it was lawful to appeal to the people, who only had the power of condemning a citizen to death. The judges were taken from the body of the decuriones; they had great power and authority, were members of the public council, and had two lictors to walk before them. Duumviri municipales, were two magistrates in some cities of the empire, answering to what the con- suls were at Rome: they were chosen out of the body of the decuriones; their office lasted commonly five years, upon which account they were frequently termed quin- quinales magistratus. Their jurisdiction was of great extent: they had officers walking before them, carrying a small switch in their hands, and some of them assum- ed the privilege of having lictors, carrying axes and the faces, or bundles of rods, before them. Duumviri navales, were the commissaries of the fleet, first created at the request of M. Decitis, tribune of the people, in the time of the war with the Samnites. The duty of their office consisted in giving orders for the fitting of ships, and giving their commissions to the marine officers, kc. Duumviri sacrorum were magistrates created by Tarquinius Suptrbus, for the performance of tbe sacri- fice, and keeping of the sybil's books. They were cho- sen from am, ng the patricians, and held their office for life: they were exempted from serving in the wars, and from the offices imposed on the other citizens, and without them the oracles of the sybil could not be con- sulted. DWARF, in general, an appellation given to things greatly inferior in size to that which is usual in their several kinds; thus there are dwarfs of the human spe- cies, dwarf dogs, dwarf trees, &c. Dwarf fruit-trees may be propagated by grafting them on a quinc e-stock, about six inches above the ground; and when the hud is shot so far as to have four eyes, it must be stopped, to give rise to lateral branches; for which purpc se the uppermost eye should always be left outwards. Apple, pear, plumb, aud cherry-trees are % DYE DYE thus formed into dwarfs; but the summer and autumn pears are found to succeed best. As to the planting of dwarf trees, they should be set at 25 feet square distance, and the ground between sown or planted for kite hen use while the trees are young, on- ly keeping at some distance from their roots: stakes also should he fixed all round them, to which the branches maybe nailed with list, and trimmed in an horizontal di- rection, and prevented from crossing one another. DYE, in architecture, any square body, as the trunk, or notched part, of a pedestal. See Architecture. Die is also used for a cube of stone placed under the feet of a statue, and over its pedestal, to raise it, and show it the more. DYEING. Principles of dyeing.—The substances com- monly employed for clothing may be reduced to four; namely wool, silk, cotton, and linen. Permanent alterations in the colour of cloth can only be induced two ways; either hy producing a chemical change in the cloth, or by covering its fibres with some sub- stances which possesses the wished-for colour. Recourse can seldom or never be had to the first method, because it is hardly possible to produce a chemical change in the fibres of cloth, without spoiling its texture, and render- ing it useless. The dyer, therefore, when he wishes to give a new colour to cloth, has always recourse to the second method. The substances employed for this purpose are called colouring matters, or dye-stuffs. They are for the most part extracted from animal and vegetable substances, and have usually the colour which they are to give to the cloth. Since the particles of colouring matter with which cloth, when dyed, is covered, are transparent, it follows, that all the light reflected from dyed cloth must be re- flected, not by the dye-stuff itself, but by the fibres ofthe cloth below the dye stuff. The colour therefore does not depend upon the dye alone, but also upon the previous colour uf the cloth.* If the cloth is black, it is clear that we cannot dye it any other colour whatever; because as mi light in that case is reflected, none can be transmit- ted, whatever dye-stuff we employ. If the cloth was red, or blue, or yellow, we could not i\} e it any colour except black; because, as only red, or blue, or yellow rays were reflected, no other could be transmitted. Hence the importance of a fine white colour, when cloth is to re- ceive bright dyes. It then reflects all the rays in abun- dance, and therefore any colour may be given, by cov- ering it with a dye-stuff which transmits only some par- ticular rays. If the colouring matters were merely spread over the surface of the fibres of cloth by the dyer, the colours produced might be very bright, but they could not be permanent; because the colouring matter would be very- won rubbed off; and would totally disappear whenever the cloth was washed, or even barely exposed to the weather. The colouring matter then, however perfect a colf>ui« it possesses, is of no value, unless it also adheres so firmly to the cloth that none ofthe substances usually Applied to cloth, in order to clean it, kc. can displace '« ^'°W ^''S rIUI on'-v naPren' ^l,cn there is a strong affinity between the colouring matter and the cloth, and when they arc actually combined together in consequence of that affinity. Dyeing then is merely a chemical process, and con- sists in combining a certain colouring matter with fibres of cloth. This process can in no instance be performed, unless the dye-stuff is first reduced to its integrant par- ticles; for the attraction of aggregation between the par- ticles of dye-stuffs, is too great to be overcome by the affinity between them and the cloth, unless they could he brought within much smaller distances than is possible while they both remain in a solid form. It is necessary, therefore, previously to dissolve the colouring matter in some liquid or other, wiiich has a weaker affinity for it than the c loth has. When the cloth is dipped into this solution, the colouring matter, reduced by this contri- vance to a liquid state, is brought within the attracting distance; tl^e cloth therefore acts upon it, and from its stronger affinity, takes it from the solvent, and fixes upon itself. By this contrivance too, the equality ofthe colour is in some measure secured, as every part of the cloth has an opportunity of attracting to itself the proper proportion of colouring particles. The facility with which cloth imbibes a dye, depends upon two circumstances; namely, the affinity between the cloth and the dye-stuff, and the affinity between the dye-stuff and its solvent. It is directly as the former, and inversely as the latter. It is of importance to pre- serve a due proportion between these two affinities, as upon that proportion much of the accuracy of dyeing depends. If the affinity between the colouring matter and the doth is too great, compared with the affinity be- tween the colouring matter and the solvent, the cloth will take the dye too rapidly, and it will be scarcely pos- sible to prevent its colour from being unequal. On the other hand, if the. affinity between the colouring matter and the solvent is too great, compared with that between the colouring matter and the cloth, the cloth will cither not take the colour at all, or it will take it very slowly and very faintly. Wool has the strongest affinity for almost all colouring matters, silk the next strongest, cotton a considerably weaker affinity, and linen the weakest affinity of all. In order therefore, to dye cotton or linen, the dye stuff should in many cases be dissolved in a substance for which it has a weaker affinity than for the solvent employed in the dyeing of wool or silk. Thus we may use oxide of iron dissolved in sulphuric acid, in order to dye wool; but for cotton and linen, it is better to dissolve it in ace- tous acid. Was it possible to procure a sufficient number of co- louring matters, having a strong affinity for cloth, to an- swer all the purposes of dyeing, that art would be ex- ceedingly simple and easy. But this is by no means the case; if we except indigo, the dyer is scarcely possessed of a dye-stuff which yields of itself a good colour, suffi- ciently permanent to deserve the name of a dye. This difficulty, which at first sight appears insur- mountable, has been obviated by a very ingenious con- trivance. Some substance is employed, which has a strong affinity, both for the cloth and the colouring matter. This substance is previously combined with the cl- th, which is then dipped into the solution containing the dye-stuff. The dye-stuff combines with the intermediate AYEUTO. MtiWuu. ,\ v.v.|. b. Vir.fv fivv.dv famhinrd with the ; loth, •ccuici tlie j.'C-rmancncc of the dye, brbstiuices employed lor this purpose ar. denominated more..uits, j he most important part of dyeing, is undoubtedly the proper choice, and the proper application, of mor- dants; a.i upon them, the permanency of almost every dye depends. Everything which has been said respecting the application of colouring matters, applies equally to the application cf mordants. They must he previously dissolv- ed in some liquid, which has a weaker affinity for them than the cloth has, to which they are to be applied; and the cloth must he dipped, or even steeped in this solution, in order to saturate itself with the mordant. Almost tho only substances used as mordants, are earths, metallic oxides, tan, and oil. Of earthy mordants the mostimp; rtsr.t, and most gene- rally us d, is alumina. It is used cither in the state of com- mon alum, in wiiich it is combined with sulphuric acid, or in that of acetite of alumina. Alum, when used as a mordant, is dissolved in water, and very frequently a quantity of tartar is dissolved along with it. Into this solution the doth is put, and kept in it till it has absorbed as much alumina as is necessary. It is then taken out, and for the most part washed and dried. It is now a good deal heavier than it was before, owing to the alumina which has combined with it. The tartar ^serves two purposes; the potass which it contains, com- bines with the sulphuric acid of the alum, and thus pre- vents that very corrosive substance from injuring the texture of the cloth, which otherwise might happen: the tartareous acid, on the other hand, combines with part ofthe alumina, and forms a tartrite of alumina, which is more easily decomposed by the c loth than alum, Acetite of alumina has been but lately introduced into dyeing. This mordant is now prepared by pouring ace- tite of lead into a solution of alum; a double decomposi- tion takes place, the sulphureous acid combines with the lead, and the compound precipitates, in the form of an in- soluble powder, while the alumina combines with the ace- tous acid, and remains dissolved in the liquid. This mordant is employed for cotton and linen, which have a weaker affinity than wool for alumina. It answers much better than alum; the cloth is much easier saturated with alumina, and takes in consequence, both a richer and more permanent colour. Besides alumina, lime is sometimes used as a mordant. Cloth has a strung affinity enough for it; but, in gene- ral, it docs riot answer so well, as it does not give so good a colour. When used, it is either in the state of lime-water, or of sulphate of lime dissolved in water. Almost all the metallic oxides have an affinity for cloth, but only two of them are extensively used as mordants, namely, the oxides of tin, and of iron. The oxide of tin was first introduced into dyeing by Kuster, a German chemist, who brought the secret to London in 1543. This period forms an sera in the histo- ry of.dyeing, lie oxide of tin has enabled the moderns greatly to surpass the ancients in the fineness of their colours; by means of it alone, scarlet, the brightest of all colours, is produced. Tin. as Proust has proved, is capable of two degrees af oxydation. The first oxide is composed of 0.70 parts of tin, and 0.30 of oxygen; the second, or white oxide, of e.(5Q parts of Tin, and 0.40 of oxygen. The first ox- ide absorbs oxygen with very great facility, even from the air, and is rapidly converted into white oxide. This fact makes it certain, that it is the white oxide of tie. alone, which is the real mordant; even if the other ox- ide was applied to cloth, as it probably often is, it must soon be converted into white oxide, by absorbing ox v. gen from the atmosphere. Tin is used as a mordant in three states: dissolved io nitro-muriatic acid, in acetous acid, and in a mixture of sulphuric and muriatic acids, Mitro-muriate of tin is the common mordant employed by dyers. They prepare it by dissolving tin and diluted nitric acid, to which a cer- tain proportion of muriate of soda (common salt), or of ammonia (sal ammoniac), is added. Part of the nitric acid decomposes these salts, combines with their base and sets the muriatic acid at liberty. It was prepared at first with nitric acid alone, but that mode was very de- fective, because the nitric acid very readily converts tin to white oxide, and then is incapable of dissolving it; the consequence of which was, the precipitation of tlie whole, of the tin. To remedy this defect, common salt, or sal ammoniac, was very soon added; muriatic acid having the property of dissolving wiiite oxide of tin very rcadilv. A considerable saving of nitric acid might be obtained, by employing as much sulphuric acid as is just sufficient to saturate the base of the common salt, or sal ammoni* ac, employed. W hen the nitro-muriate of tin is to be used as a mor- dant, it is dissolved in a large quantity of water, and the cloth is dipped in the solution, and allowed to remain till sufficiently saturated. Itis then taken out, and wash- ed and dried. 1 artar is usually dissolved in the water along with the nitro-muriate. The consequence of fhisi is a double decomposition: the nitro-muriatic acid com- bines with the potass of the tartar, while the tartareous acid dissolves the oxide of tin. When tartar is used* therefore, in any considerable quantity, the mordant is not a nitro-muriate, but a tartrite of tin. *■ Iron, like tin, is capable of two degrees of oxydation; but the green oxide absorbs oxygen so readily from tho atmosphere, that it is very soon converted into the red oxide. It is only this last oxide which is really used as a mordant in dyeing. The green oxide is, indeed,sometimes applied to ' lo!h; but it very soon absorbs oxygen, and is converted into the red oxide. This oxide has a very strong affinity for all kinds of cloth. The permanency of the iron-spots on linen and cotton is a sufficient proof of this. As a mordant, it is used in two states; in that of sulphate of iron (copperas), and acetite of iron. The first is commonly used for wool. The salt is dissolved in water, and the cloth dipped in it. It may be used also for cotton, but in most cases acetite of iron is preferred, It is prepared by dissolving iron, or its oxicle, in vinegar, sour beer, &c. and the longer it is kept, the more it is preferred. The reason is, that this mordant succeeds best when the iron is in the state of red oxide. It would be better then to oxidate the iron, or convert it into rust, before using it; which might be easily done, by keeping it for some time in a moist place, and sprinkling it occa- sionally with water. Tin has a very strong affinity for cloth, and for seve- ral colouring matters] it is therefore very frequently DYEING. employed m a mordant. An Infasion of nut-galls, or of sumach, or any other substance containing tan, is made in water, and the clotli is dipped in this infu.sion, and allowed to remain till it has absorbed a sufficient quan- tity of tan. Silk is capable of absorbing a very great proportion of tan, and by that means acquires a great increase of weight. Manufactures sometimes employ this method of increasing the weight of silk. Tan is often employed also, along with other mor- dants, in order to produce a compound mordant. Oil is also used for the same purpose, in the dyeing of cot- ton and linen. The mordants with which tan most fre- quently is combined, are alumina, and oxide of iron. Besides these mordants, there are several other sub- stances frequently used as auxiliaries, either to facilitate the combination ofthe mordant with the cloth, or to al- ter the shade of colour; the chief of these are, tartar, acetite of lead, common salt, sal ammoniac, sulphate or acetite of copper, &c. Mordants not only render the dye permanent, but have also considerable influence on the colour produced. The same colouring matter produces very different dyes, according as the mordant is changed. Suppose, for instance, that the colouring matter is cochineal; if we use the aluminous mordant, the cloth will acquire a crimson colour; but the oxide of iron produces with it a black. In dyeing then, it is not only necessary to procure a mordant which has a sufficiently strong affinity for the. colouring matter and the cloth, and a colouring matter which possesses the wished-for colour in perfection, hut we must procure a mordant and a colouring matter of such a nature, that when combined together, they shall pos- bcss the wished-for colour in perfection. It is evident too, that a great variety' of colours may be produced with a single dye-stuff, provided we can change the mor- dant sufficiently. The colouring matter with which the cloth is dyed, does not cover every portion of its surface; its particles attach themselves to the cloth at certain distances from each other; for cloth may he died different shades ofthe same colour, lighter or darker, merely by varying the quantity of colouring matter. With a small quantity, the shade is light: and it becomes deeper as the quantity in- crease. Now this would be impossible, if the dye-stuff covered the whole of the cloth. That the particles of colouring matter, even when the shade isd.-cp, are at some distance, is evident from this well-known fact, that cloth may be dyed two colours at the same time. All thos^ colours to which the dyers give the name of compound, arc in fact two different colours applied to the clotli at once. Thus cloth gets a green colour, by being first dyod blue and then yellow. The colours denominated by dyers simple, because they arc the foundation of all their other processes, are four; namely, first, blue: second, yellow; third, red; fourth, black. To these they usually add a fifth, under the name of root or brown colour. Of dying blue.—The only colouring matters employed in dyeing blue, are woad and indigo. >V i id is a plant cultivated in England, and even grow- ing w.ld in s cue parts of it. Indigo is a blue powder, extracted from a species of plant which i's cultivated for that purpdsa in the East and West Indies. These plants contain a peculiar green pollen, which in that state is soluble in water. This pollen has a strong affinity for oxygen, which it attracts greedily from the atmosphere; inconsequence of which it assumes a blue colour, and becomes insoluble in wa- ter. Indigo has a very strong affinity for wool, silk, cot- ton, and linen. Every kind of doth, therefore, may be dyed with it, without the assistance of any mordant whatever. The colour thus induced is very permanent; because the indigo is already saturated with oxygen, and because it is not liable to be decomposed by those sub- stances, to the action of wdiich the cloth is exposed. But it can only be applied to cloth in a state of solution; and the only solvent known being sulphuric acid, it would seem at first sight, that the sulphuric acid solution is the only state in which indigo can be employed as a dye. The sulphate of indigo is indeed often used to dye wool and silk blue; but it can scarcely bo applied to cotton and linen, because the affinity of these substances for in- digo is not great enough to enable them readily to de- compose the sulphate. The colour given by sulphate of indigo is exceedingly beautiful; itis known by the name of Saxon blue. ' One part of indigo is to be dissolved in four parts of concentrated sulphuric acid; to the solution one part of dry carbonate of potass is to be added, and then it is to be diluted with eight times its weight of water. The cloth must be boiled for an hour in a solution, containing five parts of alum, and three of tartar, for every 32 parts of cloth. It is then to be thrown into a water-hath, containing a greater or smaller proportion ofthe diluted sulphate of indigo, according to the shade which the cloth is intended to receive. In this bath it must be boil- ed till it has acquired the wished-for colour. The alum and tartar are not intended to act as mor- dants, but to facilitate the decomposition! of the sulphate of indigo. The alkali added to the sulphate, answers the same purpose. These substances also, by saturating part of the sulphuric acid, serve in some measure to pre- vent tlie texture of the cloth from being injured hyr the action of the acid, which is very apt to happen in this process. But sulphate of indigo is by no means the only solu- tion of that pigment employed in dyeing. By far the most common method is, to deprive indigo of the oxygen* to which it owes its blue colour, and thus to reduce it to the state of green pollen; and then to dissolve it in wa- ter hy means of alkalis, or alkaline earths, which in that state act upon it very readily. Two different methods are employed for this purpose. The first of these methods is, to mix with indigo a solu- tion of some substance which has a stronger affinity for oxygen than the green basis of indigo; green oxide, for instance, and different metallic sulphurets. If therefore indigo, lime, aud green sulphate of iron, are mixed to- gether in water, the indigo gradually loses its blue col- our, becomes green, and is dissolved; while the grceu oxide of iron is converted into the red oxide. The man- ner in which these changes take place is obvious; part of the lime decomposes -the sulphate of iron; the green DYEING. oxide, the instant that itis set at liberty, attracts oxygen from the indigo, decomposes it, and reduces it to the state of green pollen. This green pollen is immediately dissolved by the action of the rest ofthe lime. The second method is, to mix the indigo in water with certain vegetable substances, which readily under- go fermentation. During this fermentation, the indigo is deprived of its oxygen, and dissolved by means of quick-lime or alkali, wiiich is added to the solution. The first of these methods is usually followed in dyeing cotton and linen; the second, in dyeing wool and silk. In the dyeing of wool, woad and bran arc commonly employed as vegetable ferments, and lime as the solvent of the green base of the indigo. Woad itself contains a colouring matter precisely similar to indigo; and by fol- lowing the common process, indigo may be extracted from it. In the usual state of woad, when purchased by the dyer, the indigo which it contains is probably not far from the state of the green pollen. Its quantity in woad is but small, and it is mixed with a great proportion of other'vegetable matter. When the cloth is first taken out of the vat, it is of a green colour; but it soon becomes blue, by attracting oxygen from the air. It ought to be carefully washed, to carry off the uncombined particles. This solution of indigo is liable to two inconveniences: first, it is apt sometimes to run too fast into the putrid fermentation; this may be known by the putrid vapours which it ex- hales, and by the disappearing of the green colour. In this state it would soon destroy the indigo altogether. The inconvenience is remedied by adding more lime, which has the property of moderating the putrescent ten- dency. Secondly, sometimes the fermentation goes on too languidly. This defect is remedied by adding more bran or woad, in order to diminish the proportion of quick-lime. Silk is dyed light-blue by a ferment of six parts of bran, six of indigo, six of potass, and one of madder. To dye it of a dark blue, it must previously receive what is called a ground-colour; a red dye-stuff, called archil, is used for this purpose. Cotton and linen are dyed blue by a solution of one part of indigo, one part of green sulphate of iron, and two parts of quick-lime. Of dyeing yellow.—The principal colouring matters for dyeing yellow are weld, fustic, and quercitron bark. Weld is a plant which grows commonly in England, reseda luteola. Fustic is the wood of a large tree which grows in the West Indies, morus tinctoria. Quercitron is a tree growing in North America, the bark of which contains colouring matter. Yellow colouring matters have too weak an affinity for cloth, to produce permanent colours without the use of mordants. Cloth, therefore, before it is dyed yellow, is always prepared by combining some mordant or other with it. The mordant most commonly employed for this purpose, is alumina. Oxide of tin is sometimes used when very fine yellows are wanting. Tan is often em- ployed as a subsidiary to alumina, and in order to fix it more copiously on cotton and linen. Tartar is also used as an auxiliary, to brighten the colour; and muri- ate of soda, sulphate of lime, and even sulphate of iron in order to render the shade deeper. The yellow dyed by means of fustic is more perma- nent, but not so beautiful as that given by weld, en-quer- citron. As it is permanent, and not much injured by acids, it is often used in dyeing compound colours, where a yellow is required. The mordant is alumina. When the mordant is oxide of iron, fustic dyes a good perma- nent drab colour. Weld and quercitron hark yield nearly the same kind of colour; but as the bark y ields colouring matter in much greater abundance, it is much more convenient, and upon the whole, cheaper than weld. It is probable therefore, that it will gradually supersede the use of that plant. The method of using each of these dye-stuffs is nearly the same. Wool may be dyed yellow by the following process: Let it be boiled for an hour or more with about-J-th ofits weight of alum, dissolved in a sufficient quantity of wa- ter. It is then to be plunged, without being rinsed, into a bath of warm water, containing in it as much querci- tron bark, as equals the weight of the alum employed as a mordant. The cloth is to be turned through the boil- ing liquid, till it has acquired the intended colour. Then a quantity of clean powdered chalk, equal to the hun- dredth part of the weight of the cloth, is to be stirred in, and the operation of dyeing continued for eight or ten minutes longer. By this method a pretty deep and lively yellow may be given, fully as permanent as weld yellow. For very bright orange or golden yellow7, it is neces- sary to have recourse to the oxide of tin as a mordant. For producing bright golden yellows, some alum must be added along with the tin. In order to give the yellow that delicate green shade so much admired for certain purposes, tartar must be added in different proportions, according to the shade. By adding a small proportion of cochineal, the colour may be raised to a fine orange, or even an aurora. Silk may be dyed different shades of yellow, either by weld or quercitron bark, but the last is the cheapest of the two. The proportion should be from one to two parts of bark to twelve parts of silk, according to the shade. The hark, tied up in a bag, should be put into the dyeing vessel, while the water which it contains is cold; and when it has acquired the heat of about 100°, the silk, having been previously alumed, should be dipped in, and continued till it assumes the wished-for colour. When the shade is required to be deep, a little chalk or pearl- ash should be added towards the end ofthe operation. The best method of dyeing cotton and linen y ellow, is as follows: The mordant should be acetite of alumina, prepared by dissolving one part of acetite of lead, and three parts of alum, in a sufficient quantity of water. This solution should be heated to the temperature of 100°: the cloth should be soaked in it for two hours, then wrung out and dried. The soaking may be repeated, and the cloth again dried as before. It is then to be barely wetted with lime-water, and afterwards dried. The soaking in the acetite of alumina may be again repeated; and if the shade of yellow is required to be very bright and dura- ble, the alteinate wetting with lime-water and soaking DYEING, in the mordant may be repeated three or four times. By this contrivance, a sufficient quantity of alumina is com- bined with the cloth, and the combination is rendered more permanent by the addition of some lime. The dye- ing-bath is prepared by putting 12 or 18 parts of quer- citron bark (according to the depth of the shade requir- ed), tied up in a bag, into a sufficient quantity of cold water. Into this bath the cloth is to be put, and turned round in it for an hour, while its temperature is gradu- ally raised to about 120°. It is then to be brought to a boiling heat, and the clotli allowed to remain in it after that only a few minutes. If it is kept long at a boiling heat, the yellow acquires a shade of brown. Of dyeing red.—The colouring matters employed for dyeing red, arc kermes, cochineal, archil, madder, carth- amus, and Brazil-wood. Kermes is a species of insect, affording a red colour by solution in water; but it is not so beautiful as cochi- neal, which is likewise an insect common in America (see both under Coccus). The decoction of cochineal is a very beautiful crimson-colour. Alum brightens the colour of the decoction, and occasions a crimson pre- cipitate. Muriate of tin gives a copious fine red pre- cipitate. Archil is a paste formed of a species of lichen pound- ed, and kept moist for some time with stale urine. Madder is the root of a well-known plant, rubia tinc- torum. Carthamus is the flower ofa plant (carthamus tincto- rius), cultivated in Spain and the Levant. It contains two colouring matters: a yellow, which is soluble in wa- ter; and a red, insoluble in water, but soluble in alka- line carbonates. The red colouring matter of carthamus, extracted hy carbonate of soda, and precipitated by lem- on-juice, constitutes the rouge employed by ladies as a paint. It is afterwards ground with a certain quantity of talc. The fineness of the talc, and the proportion of it mixed with the carthamus, occasion the difference be- tween the cheaper and dearer kinds of rouge. Brazil-wood is the wood of a tree growing in Ameri- ca and the West Indies (See CiESALnxiA). Its decoc- tion is a fine red colour. None of the red colouring matters has so strong an affinity for cloth as to produce a permanent red, without the assistance of mordants. The mordants employed are alumina and oxide of tin; oil, and tan, in certain pro- cesses, art1 also used; and tartar, and muriate of soda, are frequently called in as auxiliaries. Coarse woollen stuffs are dyed red with madder or archil; but fine cloth is almost exclusively dyed with cochineal, though the colour which it receives from kermes is much more durable. Brazil-wood is scarcely used, except as an auxiliary, because the colour which it imparts to wool is not p< rmanent. Wool is dyed crimson, by first impregnating it with alumina, by means of an alum bath, and then boilingit in a decoction of cochineal, till it has acquired the wished- for colour. The crimson will be finer if the tin mordant is subsiituted for alum; indeed, it is usual with dyers to add a little nitro-muriate of tin, when they want fine crimsons. The addition of archil and potass to the co- chineal, both renders the crimson darker, and gives it roore bloom; but the bloom very soon vanishes. For paler crimsons, one-half of the cochineal is withdrawn, and madder substituted in its place. Wool may be dyed scarlet, the most splendid of all colours, by first boiling it in a solution of murio-sulphatc of tin, then dyeing it pale yellow with quercitron bark. and afterwards crimson with cochineal; for scarlet is a compound colour consisting of crimson mixed with a lit- tle yellow. Silk is usually dyed red with cochineal or carthamus, and sometimes with Brazil-wood. Kermes does not an- swer for silk; madder is scarcely ever used for that pur- pose, because it does not yield a colour bright enough, Archil is employed to give silk a bloom; but it is scarce- ly used by itself, unless when the colour wanted is lilac. Silk may be dyed crimson by steeping it in a solution of alum, and then dyeing it in the usual way in a co- chineal hath. The colours known by the names of poppy, cherry, rose, and flesh-colour, are given to silk by means of carthamus. The process consists merely in keeping the silk as long as it extracts any colour, in an alkaline so- lution of carthamus, into which as much lemon-juice as gives it a fine cherry colour has been poured. Silk cannot be dyed a full scarlet; but a colour ap proaehing to scarlet may be given it, by first impreg- nating the stuff with murio-sulphate of tin, and after- wards dyeing it in a bath, composed of four parts of cochineal, and four parts of quercitron bark. To give tbe colour more body, both the mordant and the dye may be repeated. A colour approaching scarlet may be also given to silk, by first dyeing it in crimson, then dyeing it with carthamus, and lastly, yellow without heat. Cotton and linen are dyed red with madder. The process was borrowed from the East; hence the colour is often called Adrianople or Turkey red. The cloth is first impregnated with oil, then with galls, and lastly with alum. It is then boiled for an hour in a decoction of madder, which is commonly mixed with a quantity of blood. After the cloth is dyed, it is plunged into a soda ley, in order to brighten the colour. The red given by this process, is very permanent, and when properly con- ducted, it is exceedingly beautiful. The whole difficulty consists in the application of the mordant, which is by far the most complicated employed in the whole art of dyeing. Cotton may be dyed scarlet, by means of murio-sul- phate of tin, cochineal, and quercitron bark, used as for silk, but the colour is too fading to be of any value. Of dyeing black.—The substances employed to give a black colour to cloth are, red oxide of iron, and tan. These two substances have a strong affinity for each other; and when combined, assume a deep black colour, not liable to be destroyed by the action of air or light. Logwood is usually employed as an auxiliary, because it communicates lustre, and adds considerably to the fullness ofthe black. It is the wood of a tree (Sec Hae- matoxvlon) which is a native of several of the West India islands, and of that port of Mexico which sur- rounds the Bay of Honduras. It yields its colouring matter to water. The decoction is at first a fine red, bordering on violet; but if left to itself, it gradually as- sumes a black colour. Acids give it a deep red colour; DYEING. alkalis a deep violet, inclining to brown; sulphate of iron renders it as black as ink, and occasions a preci- pitate of the same colour. Cloth, before it receives a black colour, is usually dyed blue: this renders the colour much fuller and finer than it would otherwise be. If the cloth is coarse, the blue dye may be too expensive; in that case, a brown colour is given, by means of walnut-peels. Wool is dyed black hy the following process. It is boiled for two hours in a decoction of nut-galls, and af- terwards kept for two hours more in a bath composed of logwood and sulphate of iron, kept during the whole time at a scalding heat, but not boiled. During the ope- ration, it must be frequently exposed to the air; be- cause the green oxide of iron, of which the sulphate is composed, must be converted into red oxide by absorb- ing oxygen, before the clotli can acquire a proper co- lour. The common proportions are five parts of galls, five of sulphate of iron, and thirty of logwood, for every hundred of cloth. A little acetite of copper is com- monly added to the sulphate of iron, because it is thought io improve the colour. Silk is dyed nearly in the same manner. It is capa- ble of combining with a great deal of tan; the quantity given is varied at the pleasure of the artist, by allow- ing the silk to remain a longer or shorter time in the decoction. It is by no means so easy to give a full black to linen and cotton. The cloth, previously dyed blue, is steeped for 24 hours in a decoction of nut-galls. A bath is pre- pared, containing an acetite of iron, formed by saturat- ing acetous acid with brown oxyd of iron: into this bath the cloth is put in small quantities at a time, wrought with the hand for a quarter of an hour, then WTimg out, and aired again; wrought in a fresh quantity of the bath, and afterwards aired. These alternate processes are repeated, till the colour wanted is given: a decoction of alder bark is usually mixed with the liquor contain- ing the nut-galls. Of dyeing brown.—Brown, or fawn colour, though in fact a compound, is usually ranked among the simple colours, because it is applied to cloth by a simple pro- cess. Various substances are used for brown dyes. Walnut-peels, or the green covering of the walnut, when first separated are white internally, but soon as- sume a brown, or even a black colour, on exposure to the air. They readily yield their colouring matter to wa- ter. They are usually kept in large casks, covered with water, for above a year before they are used. To dye wool brown with them, nothing more is necessary, than to steep the cloth in a decoction of them till it has ac- quired the wished-for colour. The depth of tho shade is proportional to the strength of the decoction. The root of the walnut-tree containsthe same colouring mat- ter, but in smaller quantity. The bark of the birch also, and many other trees, may be used for the same purpose. It is very probable that the brown colouring matter is in these vegetable substances combined with tan. This is certainly the case in sumach, which is of- ten employed to produce a brown. This combination explains the reason why no mordant is necessary; the very true, that if the meridians be ellipses, or// the figure of the earth he tiiat of a spheroid generated by tue revolution of an ellij>sis, turning on its shorter axis, the particular figure, 0I'the ellipticity of tiie generating cil'pMS, which your observations give, is nearer to what sir Isaac Newton saith it should be, if the globe were homogeneous, than any that can be derived from former observations. But yet it is not what you imagine. Taking the gain of the pendulum in latitude 79° 50', exactly as you state it, the difference between the equatorial and the polar diameter, is about as much less than the Newtonian computation makes it, and the hypothesis of homogeneity would . require, as you reckon it to be greater. The pro- portion of 212 to 211 should, indeed, according to your observations, be the proportion of the force that acts upon the pendulum at the poles, to the force acting upon it at the equator. But this is by no means the same with the proportion of the equatorial diameter to the polar. If the globe were homogeneous, the equatorial diameter would exceed the polar by ^^ of the length of the latter: and the polar force would also exceed tho equatorial by the like part. But if the difference be- tween the polar and equatorial force be greater than 5|7 (which may be the case in an heterogeneous globe, and seems to be the case in ours), than the difference of the diameters should, according to theory, be less than ^-y7, and vice versa. •• I confess this is by no means obvious at first sight; so far otherwise, that the mistake, which you have fallen into, was once very general. Many of tiie best mathe- maticians were misled by too implicit a reliance upon the authority of Newton, who had certainly confined his investigations to the homogeneous spheroid, and had thought about the heterogeneous only in a loose and ge- neral way. The late Mr. Clairault was the first who set the matter right, in his elegant and subtle treatise on the figure of tlie earth. That Work hath now been many years in the hands of mathematicians, among whom I imagine there are none, who have considered the subject attentively, that do not acquiesce in the au- thor's conclusions. " In the second part of that treatise, it is proved, that putting p for the polar force, n for the equatorial, J for the true ellipticity of the earth's figure, and * for the ellipticity of the homogeneous spheroid. r—n p—n ----= 2« — }•. therefore $=2,------and, there- n n fore, according to your observation, ^=2^t This is the just conclusion from your observations on the pen- dulum, taking it for granted, that the meridians are ellipses: which is an hypothesis, upon which all the reasonings of theory have hitherto proceeded. But, plausible as it may seem, 1 must say, that there is much reason, from experiment, to call it in question. If it were true, the increment of the force which actuates the pendulum, as we approach the poles, should be as the square of the sine of the latitude: or, which is the same thing, the decrement, as we approach the equator, should be as the square of the co-sine of the latitude. Biit whoever takes the pains to compare together such of the observations of the pendulum in different lati- tudes, as seem to have been made with the greatest care, will find that the increments aud decrements do by no means follow these proportions; and in these which I have examined, I find a regularity in the deviation which little resembles the mere error of observation. The unavoidable conclusion is, that the true figure of EARTR. ih-3 meridians is not elliptical. If the meridians arc not ellipses, the difference of the diameters may, in- deed, or it may not, be proportional to the difference be- tween the polar and the equatorial force; but it is quite an uncertainty, what relation subsists between the one quantity and the other; our whole theory, except so far as it relates to the homogeneous spheroid, is built upon false assumptions, and there is no saying what figure of the earth any observations of the pendulum give." He then lays down the following table, which shows the, different results of observations made in different latitudes; in this the first three columns contain the nam's of the several observers, the places of obser- vation, and the latitude of each; the fourth column shows the quantify of p—n in such parts as n is 100000, as deduced from comparing the length of thr pendulum at each place of observation, with the length of the equatorial pendulum, as determined by M. Bouguer, upon the supposition that the increments and decrements of force, as the latitude is increased or lowered, observe the proportion which theory assigns; only the second and the last value of p — n are con- cluded from comparisons with the pendulum at Green- wich and at Louden, not at the equator. The fifth co- lumn shows r- e value of £ corresponding to every value of p — n. according to Clairault's theorem: Observers. Bouguer Bouguer Green Bouguer Abbe' de la Caille } The AcadeO micians J Capt. Phipps " By this table it appears, Places. Equator Porto Bello OUheitee San Domingo Cape of Good 1 Hope aris P Pello J Lati-tudes. 0° 0' 9 34 17 29 18 27 p— n 741.8 563.2 591.0 33 55 731.5 48 50 585.1 66 48 565.9 79 50 471.2 78-1 1 _i 3 i¥ 1 "5 5 1 1 Til l 7£ 5 1 that the observations in the middle parts of the globe, setting aside the single one at the Cape, are as consistent as could reasonably be expected; and they represent the ellipticity of the earth as about z*v. But wiien we come within 10 de- grees of the equator, it should seem that the force of gravity suddenly becomes much less, and within the like distance of the poles much greater, than it could be in such a spheroid." The following problem communicated by Dr. Lca- therland to Dr. Pcmberton, and published by Mr. Ro- bertson, serves for finding the proportion between the axis and the equatorial diameter, from measures taken of a degree of the meridian in two different latitudes, supposing the earth an oblate spheroid. Let APap (Plate LIV. Miscel. fig. 83.) be an ellipse representing a section of the earth through the axis P;;; the equatorial diameter, or the great axis of the ellipse, being Aa; let E and F be two places where the measure of a degree has been taken: these measures are propor- tional to the radii of curvature in the ellipse at those places; and if CQ, CR, be conjugates to the diameters whose vertices are E and F, CQ will be to CR in the subtriplicate ratio of the radius of curvature at E to that at F, by cor. 1, prep. 4, part 6, of Milncs's Conic Sections, an 1 therefore in a given ratio to one another also, the angles QCP, RCP, arc the latitudes of E and F; so that, drawing QV parallel to Pp, and QXYW to as well as QXYW to the ratio of Aa, these angles being given CQ to CR, the rectilinear figure CVQXRY is given in species; and the ratio of VC2—ZC2 (=QX x XW) to RZ2—QV* (=RX x XS) is given, wiiich is the ratio of CA2 to CP2; therefore the ratio of CA to CP is given. Hence, ifthe sine and cosine of the greater latitude be each augmented in the subtriplicate ratio of the mea- sure of the degree in the greater latitude to that in the" lesser, then the difference of the squares of the augment- ed sine, and the sine of the lesser latitude, will be to the difference of the squares of the cosine of the lesser lati- tude and the augmented cosine, in the duplicate ratio of the equatorial to the polar diameter. For, Cq be in* ta- ken in CQ equal to CR, and qv drawn parallel to aQV Cr, and vq, CZ and ZR will be the signs and cosines of the respective latitudes to the same radius: and CV, Vh will be the augmentations of Cv and Cc/ in the ratio named. Hence, to find the ratio between the two axes of the earth, let E denote the greater, and F the lesser of tlie two latitudes, M and N the respective measures taken in each, and letP denote . /__: then Vcos.2 F — P2 x cos.2 E . lesser axis 1>2X sin.2 E —sin.2"F,S ""greater axis ' It also appears by the above problem thatwhen one of the degrees measured is at the equator, the cosine of the latituie of the other being augmented in the subtri- plicate ratio of the degrees, the tangent of tlie latitude will be to the tangent answering to the augmented co- s ne, in the ratio ofthe greater axis to the less. For sup posing IS. ihe place out of the equator; then if the semi- cir le rimnp be described, and le joined, and nto drawn pat-.llel to uC: Co is tie cosine ofthe latitude to the radius CP, andCY thatconsine augmented in the ratio before- named; YQ being to Y/, that is Ca to Cn or CP, as the tangent ofthe angle YCQ, the latitude ofthe pointE,to thetang ut ofthe angle YCl, belonging to the augmented cosine. Ihus, if M represent the measure in a latitude denoted by E. and N the measure at the equator, let A denote an angle whose measure is cos. Ex^ Then tan A is = lesser axis t n E greater axis But M, or the length of a degree, obtained by actual mensuration in different latitudes, is known from the following table: Names. Maupertuis, kc. Cassini and 1 La Caille J Boscovich De a Caille Juan and Ulloa Bouguer Condamine Latit. o i 66 20 49 22 45 00 43 00 33 18 00 00 00 00 00 00, Value of M. toises. M=57-;38 M=57074 M=57050 M=56972 M=57037 M=56768" M=56753> ^. M.=56749 I e*US^ ,je« the EARTH. Now, by comparing tho first with each of the following ones; the second with each ofthe following; and, in like manner,the third, fourth, and fifth, with each of the fol- lowing; there will be obtained 25 results, each showing the relation of the axes or diameters; the arithmetical means of all of which will give that ratio as 1 to 0.9951989. If the measures of the latitudes of 49° 22', and of 45°, which fall within the meridian line drawn through France, and which have been re-examined and corrected since the northern and southern expedition, be compared with those of Maupertuis and his associates in the north, and that of Bouguer at the equator, there will re- sult six different values ofthe ratio of the two axes; the arithmetical mean of all which is that of 1 to 0.9953467, which may be considered as the ratio of the greater ax- is to the less; which is as 230 to 228.92974, or 215 to 214, or very near the ratio assigned by Newton. Now, the magnitude as well as the figure ofthe earth, that is, the polar and equatorial diameters, may be de- duced from the foregoing problem. For, as half the latus rectum of the greater axis Aa is the radius of curvature at A, it is given in magnitude from the degree measured there, and thence the axes themselves are given. Thus, the circular arc whose length is equal to the radius be- ing 57.29^78 degrees, if this number be multiplied by 56750 toises, the measure of a degree at the equator, as Bouguer has stated it, the product will be the radius of curvature there, or half the latus rectum of the greater axis; and this is to half the lesser axis in the ratio of the less axis to the greater, that is, as 0.9953467 to 1: whence the two axes are 6533820 and 6564366 toises, or 7913 and 7950 English miles; and the difference be- tween the two axis about 37 miles. And very nearly the same ratio is deduced from the lengths of pendulums vibrating in the same time, in dif- ferent latitudes; provided it be again allowed that the meridians are real ellipses, or the earth a true spheriod, which, however, can only take place in the case of an uniform gravity in all parts ofthe earth. Thus, in the new Petersburgh acts, for the years 1788 and 1789, are accounts and calculations of experiments relative to this subject, by M. Krafft. These experiments were made at different times, and in various parts ofthe Russian empire. This gentleman has collected and com- pared them, and drawn the proper conclusions from them: thus he infers that the length ;rof a pendulum that swings seconds in any given latitude ,\, and in a tempera- ture of 10 degrees of Reaumur's thermometer, may be determined by this equation: x = 439.178 -f-2.321 sine 2a, lines of a French foot,. era: =39.0045-f 0.206 sine 2a, in English inches, in the temperature of 53 of Fahrenheit's thermometer. This expression nearly agrees, not only with all the experiments made on the pendulum in Russia, but also with those of Mr. Graham in England, and those of Mr. Lyons in 79° 50' north latitude, w here he found its length to be 431.38 lines. It also shows the augmentation of gravity from the equator to the parallel of a given lati- tude a: for, putting g for the gravity under the equator, G for that under the p de, and y for that under the lati- tude x, M. Krafft finds If =s (l+ 0.0052848sine *k) g; and theref. G= 1.0052848^. From this proportion of gravity under, different lati- tudes, the same author infers that, in case the earth is a homogeneous ellipsoid, its oblateness must be TvT; in- stead of t,±^, which ought to be the result of this hypo- thesis: bul ui the supposit'on that the earth is a hetero- genious ellipsoid* he finds its oblateness, as deduced from these experiments, to be -^ir; which agrees with that resulting from the measurement of some of tlie de- grees of the meridian. This confirms an observation of M. De la Place, that if the hypothesis of the earth's homogeneity is given up, then theory, the measurement of degrees of latitude, and experiments with the pendu- lum, all agree in their result with respect to the oblate- ness of the earth. In the Philos. Trans, for 1791, Mr. Dalby has given some calculations on measured degrees of the meridian, whence he infers, that those degrees measured in middle latitudes, will answer nearly to an ellipsoid whose axes are in the ratio assigned by Newton, viz. that of 230 in 229. And as the deviations of some of the others, viz. towards the poles and equator, he thinks they are caus- ed by tbe errors in the observed celestial arcs. Earth, Magnetism of. The notion of the magne- tism of the earth was started by Gilbert; and Boyle supposes magnetic effluvia moving from one pole to the other. See Magnetism. Earth, Magnituhejof. This has been variously de- termined by different authors, both ancient and modern. The usual way has been, to measure the length of one degree ofthe meridian, and multiply it by 360, for the whole circumference. Diogenes Laertius informs us, that Anaximandcr, a scholar of Thales, who lived about 550 years before the birth of Christ, was the first who gave an account of the circumference of the sea and land; and it seems his measure was used by the succeed- ing mathematicians, till the time of Eratosthenes. Aris- totle, at the end of lib. 2 De Ccelo, says, the mathemati- cians who have attempted to measure the circuit of the earth, make it 40000 stadia: which, it is thought, is the number determined by Anaximander. Snellius relates, from the Arabian geographer Abul- fedca, who lived about the 1300th year of Christ, that about the 800th year of Christ, Almaimon, an Arabian king, having collected together some skilful mathemati- cians, commanded them to find out the circumference of the earth. Accordingly these made choice of the fields of Mesopotamia, where they measured under the same meridian from north to south, till the pole was depressed one degree lower: which measure they found equal to 56 miles, or 56|: so that, according to them, the circuit ofthe earth is 20160 or20340 miles. It was a long time after this before any more attempts were made in this business. At length, however. Mr. Snell, professor of mathematics at Leyden, about the year 1620, with great skill and labour, by measuring large distances between two parallels, found one degree equal to 28500 perches, each of which is 12 Rhinland feet, amounting to 19 Dutch miles, and so the whole periphery 6840 miles; a mile being, according to him, 1500 perches, or 18000 Rhinland feet. The next that undertook this measurement, was Rich- ard Norwood, who, in the year 16.15, by measuring the distance from London to York with a chain, and taking EARTH. the sun's meridian altitude, June 11th, old style, with a sextant of about 5 feet radius, found a degree contained 367200 feet, or 69 miles and a half and 14 poles; and thence the circumference ofa great circle of the earth is a little more than 25036 miles, and the diameter a little more than 7966 miles. See the particulars of this mea- surement in his Seaman's Practice. The measurement of the earth by Snell, though very ingenious and troublesome, and much more accurate than any of the ancients', being still thought, by some French mathematicians, liable to certain small errors, the in- quiry was renewed, after Snell's manner, by Picard and other mathematicians, by the king's command, using a quadrant of 3| French feet radius; hy which they found a degree contained 542360 French feet. M. Cassini the younger, in the year 1700, by the king's command also, renewed the experiment with a quadrant of 10 feet radius, for taking the latitude, and another of 3£ feet for taking the angle of the triangles; and found a degree, from his calculation, contained 27292 toises, or almost 69^ English miles. From the mean of a great many measurements, the fol- lowing dimensions may be taken as near the truth: the circumference 25000 miles, the diameter 7957| miles, the superficies 198944206 square miles the solidity 263930000000 cubic miles. Also, the seas and unknown parts of the earth, by a measurement ofthe best maps, contain 160522026 square miles: the inhabited parts 38922180; of which Europe contains 4456065; Asia, 10768823; Africa, 9654807; and America, 14110874. Earth, Structure of. After the preceding survey of the form and magnitude of this globe of earth, the next object of attention is the general arrangement of those substances of which it is composed. These are neither disposed in a regular series, according to their specific gravities, nor yet thrown together in total disor- der, as if by accident or chance. Human industry has hitherto been able to penetrate but a very little way into the bowels of the earth, and we can but know little ofits interior parts. The depth of the earth, from the surface to tbe centre, is nearly four thousand miles; and yet the deepest mine in Europe, that at Cottenberg, in Hungary, is not more than one thousand yards deep; « the greatest depth, therefore," says an excellent writer, " to which avarice has ever yet penetrated, may be compared to the piinsture made in the body of an elephant by the proboscis of a gnat." From what has been discovered, however, of those parts which lie most contiguous to our observation, na- turalists have compared the structure of the earth to the leaves of a book, or the coats of an onion. Except, in- deed, in some of those immense mountains, wiiich have ex- isted from the creation, or at least from the deluge, where the matter, from whatever cause, is more homogeneous, the earth is found to consist of various strata, or layers, which differ according to the circumstances of climate and situation. The surface, in general, evidently con- sists ofa confused mixture of decayed animal and vege- table substances and earths rudely united together; but when we have penetrated below the surface, we find the materials of the globe arranged in a more regular man- ner. Sometimes, indeed, we find heaps of stone, which do not consist of layers, but are confused masses of un- equal thickness, and are called rocks. The strata are in general, extended through a whole country, and per- haps, with some interruptions and varieties, through the globe itself. These extensive bodies arc found most regu- lar when the country is fiat, being, in that case, nearly parallel to the horizon, though frequently dipping down- wards in a certain angh ; in many places the beds have a wave, as where the country consists of gently wavinc Rills and vales; here, too, they generally dip. In travel- ling a mile we, perhaps, pass through ground composed mostly of sand; in another mile we find it, perhaps, composed of clay; and this is occasioned by the edges of the different strata lying with an obliquity to the hori- zon. By the same kind of projection, mountains, or ridges of mountains, are produced, which, in general have what is called a back and a face, the former smoother, and the latter more rugged. We generally find, too, on one side of a mountain, a more gradual as- cent than on the other; which is occasioned by the strata, which have risen above the general level of the country, being abruptly broken off. Dr. Woodward has considered the circumstances of these strata with great attention, viz. their order, num- ber, situation with respect to the horizon, depth, inter- sections, fissures, colour, consistence, &c. He ascribes the origin and formation of them all, to the great flood or cataclysmus. At that terrible revolution he supposes that all sorts of terrestrial bodies had been dissolved and mixed with the waters, forming altogether a chaos or confused mass. This mass of terrestrial particles, in- termixed with water, he supposes, was at length precipi- tated to the bottom; and that generally according to the order of gravity, the heaviest sinking first, and the lightest afterwards. By such means were the strata formed of which the earth consists; which, attaining their solidity and hardness by degrees, have continued distinct ever since. These sediments, he farther con- cludes, were at first all parallel and concentrical; and the surface of the earth formed of them, perfectly smooth and regular; but that, in course of time, divers changes happening, from earthquakes, volcanos, kc. the order and regularity of the strata were disturbed and broken, and the surface of the earth, by such means, brought to the irregular form in which it now appears. M. De Buffon surmises that the earth, and the other planets, are also parts struck off from the body of the sun by the collision of comets; and that, when the earth assumed its form, it was in a state of liquefaction by fire. But that could not be the method of preducingthc planets; for if they were struck off from the body of the sun, they would move in orbits that would pass through the sun, instead of having the sun for their focus, or cen- tre, as they are now found; so that having been struck off, they would fail down into the sun again, terminat- ing their career, as it were, after one revolution only* See Geology. Earth, its quantity of matter, density, and attractive power. Although the relative densities of the earth and most of the other planets have been known a considera- ble time, it is but very lately that we have come to the knowledge of the absolute gravity or density of t&e EAR EAR whole mass ofthe earth. This has been calculated and deduced from the observations made by Dr. Maskelyne, at the mountain Schehallien, in the years 1774, 5, and 6. The attraction of that mountain on a plummet, was observed on both sides of it, and its mass computed from a number of sections in all directions, and consisting of stone; these data being then compared with the known attraction and magnitude of the earth, gave, by pro- portion, its mean density, which is to that of water as 9 to 2, and to common stone as 9 to 5: from which very considerable mean density, it may be presumed that the internal parts contain some great quantities of metals. From the density now found, its quantity of matter becomes known, being equal to the product of its density by its magnitude. From various experiments, too, we know that its attractive force, at the surface, is such, that bodies fall tliere through a space of about 16-^ feet in the first second of time: whence the force at any other place, either within or without it, becomes known; for the force at any part within it, is directly as its distance from the centre; but the force of any part without it, reciprocally as the square of its distance from the cen- tre. Earth, Motion of the. It is now generally grant- rid that, besides the small motion of the earth which causes the precession of the equinoxes, the earth has two great and independant motions; viz. the one by which it turns round its own axis, in the space of 24 hours nearly, and causing the continual succession of day and night; and the other, an absolute motion of its whole mass in a large orbit about the sun, having that kiminary for its centre, in such manner that its axis keeps always parallel to itself, inclined in the same an- gle to its path, and, by that means, causing the vicissi- tudes of seasons; spring, summer, autumn, winter. It is, indeed, true, that, as to sense, the earth appears to be fixed in the centre, with the sun and stars moving round it every day; and such, doubtless, would be con- sidered as the true nature of the motions in the rude ages of mankind, as they are still by the rude and un- learned. But, to a thinking and learned mind, the con- trary will soon appear. By the diurnal rotation of the earth on its axis, the same phenomena will take place as if it had no such motion, and as .f the sun and stars moved round it. For, turning round from west to east, causes the sun and all the visible heavens to seem to move the contrary way, er from east to west, as we daily see them do. So, wiien in its rotat: i it has brought the sun or a star to appear just in the horizon in the east, they are then said to be rising; and as the earth continues to remove more and more towards the east, other stars seem to rise and ad- vance westwards, passing the meridian ofthe observer, when they are due south from him, and at their great- est altitude above his horizon; after which, by a con- tinuance of the same motions, viz. of the earth's rota- tion eastwards, and the luminaries' apparent counter- motion westwards, these decline from the meridian, or south point, towards the west, where being arrived, they are said to set and descend below it; and so on con- tinually from day to day; thus making it day while the sun is above the horizon, and night while he is be- low it. While the earth is thus turning on its axis, it is, at the same time, carried by its proper motion in its orbit round the sun, as one of the planets; namely, between the orbits of Venus and Mars: having the orbits of Ve- nus and Mercury within its own, or between it and the sun, in the, centre, and those of Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, ccc. without or above it; which are, therefore, called su- perior planets, and the others, inferior ones. This is called the annual motion of the earth, because it is per formed in a year, or 365 days 6 hours nearly; or rather 365 days, 5 hours, and 49 minutes, from any equinox or solstice to the same again, making the tropical year; but from any fixed star to the same again, as seen from the sun, in 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, which is cal- led the sidereal year. The figure of this orbit is ellip- tical, having tlie sun in one focus, the mean distance be- ing about 95 millions of miles; which is upon the sup- position that the sun's parallax is about 8"-| or the an- gle under which the earth's semidiameter would appear to an observer placed in the sun; and the eccentricity of the orbit, or distance of the sun, in the focus, from the centre of this elliptic orbit, is about ^th of the mean distance. EARTHS. The word earth in common language, has two meanings: it sometimes signifies, as we have seen, the globe which we inhabit, aud sometimes the mould on which vegetables grow. Chemists have ex- amined this mould, and have found that it consists of a variety of substances mixed together, without order or regularity. The greatest part of it, however, as well as of the stones which form apparently so large a propor- tion of the globe, consist of a small number of bodies, which have a variety of common properties. These bo- dies chemists have agreed to class together, and to deno- minate earths. Every body which possesses the following properties is an earth. 1. Insoluble in water, or nearly so; or at least becom- ing insoluble when combined with carbonic acid. 2. Lit- tle or no taste or smell; at least when combined with carbonic acid. 3. Fixed, incombustible, and incapable while pure of being altered by the fire. 4. A specific gravity not exceeding 4.9. 5. When pure, capable of as- suming the form of a white powder. 6. Not altered when heated with combustibles. The earths at present known, are nine in number, namely, 1. Barytes. 6. Yttria. 2. Strontian. 7. Glucina. 3. Lime. 8. Zirconia. 4. Magnesia. 9. Silica. 5. Alumina. Which see under their respective names. Every one ofthe above characteristics is not, perhaps, rigorously applicable to each of these bodies; but all of them possess a sufficient number of common properties to render it useful to arrange them under one class. Earth Nuts, or Ground .Vuts. See Arachis. EARTHQUAKES. When we consider the very for- midable nature of these phenomena, we cannot wonder that human ingenuity has been often exercised in ac- counting for their causes. To explain the theory of earthquakes, it will be necessary to recal to the reader's EARTHQUAKES. attention what was said in the preceding article on the structure of the earth, which, being formed of different strata, we compared to the leaves of a book or the coats of an onion; and if with this consideration we combine the operation of subterraneous fires, we shall have at least a probable explanation of the cause of earthquakes. The sudden explosions which take place from volca- noes, probably depend on the access ofa quantity of wa- ter, which enters through some fissure communicating with the sea, or which is derived from other sources in the earth. If this mass of water is sufficiently great, it will extinguish the volcano; if not, it will be converted into steam, the expansive force of which far exceeds that of gunpowder. The elastic fluid thus formed either finds vent at the mouth of the volcano, or, if the superincum- bent weight should be too great, it will force a passage between the strata of the earth, and occasion that un- dulatory, but sometimes violent, motion, which is called an earthquake. From various facts demonstrative ofthe cohesion and elasticity of bodies, we are warranted in concluding, that the different strata of which the earth is composed will adhere together, and that a freer pas- sage will be afforded to any intervening body between the strata than directly through them. If the confined fire or steam acts directly under a province or town, it will heave tho earth perpendicularly upwards, and the shocks will be more sudden and violent. If it acts at a distance, it will raise that tract obliquely; and the motion will be more oblique, undulatory, and tremu- lous: The great earthquake at Lisbon, in 1755, was felt as far as Scotland; and from the phenomena which attend- ed it, it was evident, that the ground had a waving mo- tion from south to north. All the oblong lakes that lay from north to south were much agitated, the wave com- mencing at the south end; whilst all other lakes which lay across, from east to west, were much less affected. The great distance to which earthquakes extend, de- pends on the compressibility and elasticity of the earth; which may be understood from the vibration ofthe walls of houses, occasioned by the passing of carriages in the adjacent streets. Another instance is the vibration of steeples by the ringing of bells or gusts of wind. The Eddistone lighthouse often vibrates from the force of the waves which beat against its foundation. Previous to an eruption of Vesuvius, the earth always trembles, and subterraneous explosions are heard. On the 1st of November 1755, the era so fatal to Lisbon, the island of Madeira was v iolently shaken by an earth- quake, accompanied with subterraneous explosions. So thoroughly convinced, indeed, arc the inhabitants of volcanic countries, of the connection between earth- quakes and voleanoes, that when a great eruption takes place from a volcano, they congratulate themselves on having escaped an earthquake. Earthquakes, as well as volcanic eruptions, arc al- ways preceded by a violent agitation of the sea. Previ- ous to the breaking out of Vesuvius, the sea retires from the adjacent shores till the mountain i3 hurst open, and then it returns with such impetuosity as to overflow its usual boundary. About an hour after the first shocks, which alarmed the city of Lisbon in 1755, the sea was * observed to come rushing towards the city like a torrent, though against both wind and tide: it rose forty feet higher than was ever known, and as suddenly subsided. A ship, fifty leagues off at sea, received so violent a shock as greatly to injure the deck, etc. The same ef- fect was observed at Cadiz, and at a number of ports throughout the Mediterranean; and, indeed, more or less all over Europe. That earthquakes are the effect of steam generated within the bowels of the earth, and that they are pro- duced in the manner which has been described, appears highly probable from the quantities of hoilin."- water which have occasionally been thrown up by volcanoes in different parts of the world. In 1631 and 1698, vast torrents of boiling water flowed from the crater of Ve- suvius, previous to the eruption of fire; and what was perhaps, still more remarkable, many species of sea- shells, in a calcined state, were found on the brink of tin* crater, and also in the channel formed by the flood. The same thing happened at iEtna, in 1755, when a dread- ful torrent of boiling water flowed from the crater at the time of an eruption of fire. Sir William Hamilton ob- serves, that the sea-shells emitted along with the water clearly indicate a communication with the sea. All warm springs probably receive their heat from the action of pyrites, near which the water passes. Authors of very high repute have, however, attribut- ed earthquakes entirely to the agency of the electric fluid, and regarded them chiefly as violent shocks of electricity. We must confess there is indeed an inti- mate, though hitherto inexplicable, connection between earthquakes and even volcanoes, and the electric fluid; and the state of the atmosphere previous either to an earthquake or a volcanic eruption is always highly elec- trical. Though tliere is hardly any country known in which shocks ol an earthquake have not at some time or other been felt, yet there are some much more subject to them than others. It has been observed, that northern coun- tries in general are less subject t > earthquakes than those situated near the equator, or in th" southern latitudes; but this does not hold universally. I lands are also more subject to earthquakes than continents; but neither docs this hold without exceptions. Some particular parts of continents, and some particular islands, are more sub- ject to them than others lying in the neigh1! lUiluod, and differing very little from them in external appearance. Thus, Portugal is more subject to earthquakes than Spain, and the latter much more than France; Mexico and Peru more than the other countries of America; aud Jamaica more than the other Caribbee islands. Earth- quakes are frequent, though not often violent, in Italy; but in Sicily they are often terribly destructive. Asia Minor has been remarkably suhject to them from the re- motest antiquity; and the city of Antioch in particular has suffered more from earthquakes than any other in that country. The same phenomena are said also to oc- cur very frequently in the north-eastern extremities of Asia, even in very high latitudes. From the observations that have been made, the fol- lowing'pheimmenon respecting earthquakes may be de- duced, and reckoned pretty certain: I. Where there are any volcanoes or burning moun- tains* earthquakes may reasonably be expected more EARTHQUAKES. frequently than in other countries. 2. If tlie volcano has been for a long time quiet, a violent earthquake is to be feared, and vice versa: but to this tliere are many exceptions. 3. Earthquakes are generally preceded by long droughts; but they do not always come on as soon as the drought ceases. 4. They are also preceded by elec- trical appearances in the air; such as the aurora* bore- alis, falling stars, kc but this does not hold universal- ly. 5. A short time before the shock, the sea swells up and makes a great noise; fountains are troubled, and send forth muddy water; and the beasts seem frighten- ed, as if sensible of an approaching calamity. 6. The air at the time of the shock is generally calm and se- rene, but afterwards commonly becomes obscure and cloudy. 7. The shock comes on with a rumbling noise, sometimes like that of carriages; sometimes a rushing noise like wind, and sometimes explosions like the fir- ing of cannon, are heard: sometimes the ground heaves perpendicularly upwards, and sometimes rolls from side to side; sometimes the shock begins with a perpendicu- lar heave, after which the other kind of motion com- mences. A single shock is but of very short duration, the longest scarcely lasting a minute; but they frequent- ly succeed each other at short intervals for a consider- able length of time. 8. During the shock, chasms are made in the earth, from which sometimes flames, but oftener great quantities of water, are discharged. Flame and smoke are also emitted from parts of the earth where no chasms can be perceived. Sometimes these chasms are but small; but in violent earthquakes they arc fre- quently so large, that whole cities sink down into them at once. 9. The water of the ocean is affected even more than the dry land. The sea swells to a prodigious height, much more than we could suppose it raised by the mere elevation of its bottom by the shock. Some- times it is divided to a considerable depth; and quanti- ties of air, flames, and smoke, are discharged from it. The like irregular agitations happen to the watei*s of ponds, lakes, and even rivers. 10. The shock is felt at sea as well as on land. Ships are affected by a sud- den stroke, as if they had run aground, or struck upon a rock. 11. The effects of earthquakes are not confined to one particular district or country* but often extend, as was already intimated, to very distant regions; though no earthquakes has yet been known extensive enough to affect the whole globe at one time. In those places also where the shock is not felt on dry land, the irregular agitation of the waters is perceived very re- markably. All these positions are verified by the accounts of those earthquakes which have been particularly de- scribed by witnesses of the best character. But above all, the great earthquake which happened on the 1st of November 1755, affords the clearest example of all the phenomena we have mentioned; having been felt vio- lently in many places both on land and at sea, and ex- tended its effects to the waters in many other places where the shocks were not perceived. At Lisbon in Portugal its effects were most severe. The following account of that terrible pltenomenon, by an eye-witness, is extracted from a volume of let- ters, published a few years ago by the Rev. Mr. Davy: "There never was a finer morning seen than the 1st voi. i. 109 of November 1755: the sun shone out in his full lustre; the whole face of the sky was perfectly serene and clear; and n.it the least signal or warning of that approach- ing event, which has made this once flourishing, opu- lent, and populous city, (Lisbon) a scene of the utmost horror and desolation, except only such as served t" alarm, but scarcely left a moment's time to fly from the general destruction. «It was on the morning of this fatal day, between the hours of nine and ten, that I was sat down in my ap'-irtincnt, just finishing a letter, when the papers and table I was writing on began to tremble with a gentle motion, wiiich rather surprised me, as I could not per- ceive a breath of wind stirring: whilst I was reflecting with myself what this could be owing to, but without having the least apprehension of the real cause, the whole house began to shake from the very foundation, which at first 1 imputed to the rattling of several coaches in the main street, which usually passed that way at this time from Belem to the palace; but on hearkening more attentively, I was soon undeceived, as I found it was owing to a strange frightful kind of noise under ground, resembling the hollow distant rumbling of thunder. All this passed in less than a minute; and I must confess I now began to be alarmed, as it naturally occurred to me, that this noise might possibly be the forerunner of an earthquake, as one I remembered, which had happened about six or seven years ago, in the island of Madeira, commenced in the same manner, though it did little or no damage. " Upon this I threw down my pen, and started upon my feet, remaining for a moment in suspense, whether I should stay in the apartment, or run into the street, as the danger in both places seemed equal; and still flat- tering myself that this tremor might produce no other effects than such inconsiderable ones as had been felt at Madeira; but in a moment I was roused from my dream, being instantly stunned with a most horrid crash, as if every edifice in the city had tumbled down at once. Tlie house I was in shook with such violence, that the upper stories immediately fell; and though my apartment (which was the first floor) did not then share the same fate, yet every thing was thrown out of its place in such a manner, that it was with no small difficulty I kept my feet, and ex- pected nothing less than to be soon crushed to death, as the walls continued rocking to and fro in the most fright- ful manner, opening in several places, large stones fall- ing down on every side from the cracks, and the ends of most of the rafters starting out from the roof. To add to this terrifying scene, the sky in a moment became so gloomy, that I could now distinguish no particular ob- ject; it was an Egyptian darkness indeed, such as might be felt; owing, no doubt, to the prodigious clouds of dust and lime, raised from so violent a concussion, and as some reported, to sulphureous exhalations; but this I cannot affirm: however, it is certain 1 found myself al- most choaked for near ten minutes. " As soon as the gloom began to disperse, and the violence of the shock seemed pretty much abated, the first object I perceived in the room was a woman sitting on the floor, with an infant in her arms, all covered with dust, pale, and trembling; I asked her how she got hi- ther; but her consternation was so great, that she could. EARTHQUAKES. give me no account of her escape. I supposed that when the tremor first'began, she ran out of her own house, and finding herself in such imminent danger from the falling of stones, retired into the door of mine, which was almost contiguous to hers, for shelter; and when the shock increased, which filled the door with dust and rubbish, ran into my apartment, which was then open: be it as it might, this was no time for curi- osity. I remember the poor creature asked me, in the utmost agony, if I did not think the world was at an end; at the same time she complained of being choaked, and begged for God's sake I would procure her a little drink; upon which I went to a closet where I kept a large jar with water (which you know is sometimes a pretty scarce commodity in Lisbon), and finding it bro- ken to pieces, I told her she must not now think of quenching her thirst, but saving her life, as the house was just falling on our heads, and if a second shock came, would certainly bury us both. I bade her take hold of my arm, and that I would endeavour to bring her into some place of security. " I shall always look upon it as a particular provi- dence that I happened on this occasion to he undressed; for had I dressed myself, as I proposed, when I got out of bed, in order to breakfast with a friend, I should, in all probability, have run into the street at the beginning of the shock, as the rest of the people in the house did, and consequently have had my brains dashed out, as every one of them had. However, the imminent danger I was in did not hinder me from considering that my present dress, only a gown and slippers, would render my getting over the ruins almost impracticable: I had, therefore, still presence of mind enough left to put on a pair of shoes and a coat, the first that came in my way, which was every thing I saved; and in this dress I hur- ried out, the woman with me, holding by my arm, and made directly to that end of the street which opens to the Tagus; but finding the passage this way entirely blocked up with the fallen houses to the height of their second stories, I turned back to the other end which led into the main street (the common thorough- fare to the palace); and having helped the woman over a vast heap of ruins, with no small hazard to my own life, just as we were going into the street, as there was one part I could not well climb over without the assist- ance of my hands as well as feet, I desired her to let go her hold, which she did, remaining two or three feet be- hind me, at which time there fell a vast stone from a tottering wall, and crushed both her and the child in pieces. So dismal a spectacle at any other time would nave affected me in the highest degree; but the dread I was in of sharing the same fate myself, and the many instances of the same kind which presented themselves all around, were too shocking to make me dwell a mo- ment on this single object. " I had now a long narrow street to pass, with the houses on each side four or five stories high, all very old, the greater part already thrown down, or continu- ally falling, and threatening the passengers with inevi- table death at every step, numbers of whom lay killed before me, or, what I thought far more deplorable, so bruised and wounded, that they could not stir to help themselves. For my own part, as destruction appeared to me unavoidable, I only wished I might be made an end of at once, and not have my limbs broken; in which case I could expect nothing else but to be left upon the spot, lingering in misery, like these poor unhappy wretches, without receiving the least succour from any person. " As self-preservation, however, is the first law of nature, these sad thoughts did not so far prevail as to make me totally despair. I proceeded on as fast as I conveniently could, though with the utmost caution; and having at length got clear of this horrid passage, I found myself safe and unhurt in the large open space before St. Paul's church, wbich had been thrown down a few minutes before, and buried a great part of the congre- gation, which was generally pretty numerous, this be- ing reckoned one of most populous parishes in Lisbon. Here I stood some time, considering what I should do; and not thinking myself safe in this situation, I came to the resolution of climbing over the ruins of the west end of the church, in order to get to the river-side, that I might be removed as far as possible from the totter- ing houses, in case of a second shock. *< This with some difficulty I accomplished; and here I found a prodigious concourse of people, of both sexes, and of all ranks and conditions, among whom 1 observed some of the principal canons of the patriarchal church, in their purple robes and rochets, as these all go in the habit of bishops; several priests, who had run from the altars in their sacerdotal vestments, in the midst «f their celebrating mass; ladies half-dressed, and some without shoes; all these, whom their mutual dangers had here assembled as to a place of safety, were on their knees at prayers, with the terrors of death in their countenances, every one striking his breast, and crying out incessantly, Miserecordia men Dios. " In the midst of our devotions, the second great shoe k came on, little less violent than the first, and completed the ruin of those buildings which had been already much shattered. The consternation now became so universal, that the shrieks and cries of Miserecordia could be dis- tinctly heard from the top of St. Catherine's hill, at a considerable distance off, whither a vast number of peo- ple had likewise retreated: at the same time we could hear the fall of the parish-church there, whereby many persons were killed on the spot, and others mortally wounded. You may judge of the force of this shock, when I inform you it was so violent that I could scarce- ly keep on my knees; but it was attended with some circumstances still more dreadful than the former. On a sudden I heard a general outcry, «The sea is coming in; we shall he all lost.' Upon this, turning my eyes towards the river, which in that place is near four miles broad, I could perceive it heaving and swelling in a most unaccountable manner, as no wind was stirring: in an instant there appeared, at some small distance, a large body of water, rising like a mountain; it came on foaming and roaring, and rushed towards the shore with such impetuosity, that we all immediately ran fur our lives as fast as possible: many were actually swept away, and the rest above their waist in waterat a good distance from the banks. For my own part, I had the: narrowest escape, and should certainly have been lost, had I not grasped a large beam that lay on the ground, EARTHQUAKES till the water returned to its channel, which it did al- most at the same instant with equal rapidity. As there now appeared at least as much danger from the sea as the land, and I scarcely knew whither to retire for shelter, I took a sudden resolution of returning back, with my clothes all dropping, to the area of St. Paul's: here I stood sometime, and observed the ships tumbling and tossing about, as in a violent storm: some had bro- ken their cables, and were carried to the other side of the Tagus; others were whirled round with incredible swiftness; several large boats were turned keel upwards; and all this without any wind, which seemed the more astonishing. It was at the time of which I am now speak- ing, that the fine new quay, built of rough marble, at an immense expense, was entirely swallowed up, with all the people on it, who had fled thither for safety, and had reason to think themselves out of danger in such a place: at the same time a great number of boats and small vessels, anchored near it (all likewise full of peo- ple, who had retired thither for the same purpose), were all swallowed up, as in a whirlpool, and never more appeared. « This last dreadful incident I did not see with my own eyes, as it passed three or four stonc's-throws from the spot where I then was; but I had the account as here given from several masters of ships, who were an- chored within two or three hundred yards of the quay, and saw the whole catastrophe. One of them informed mc, that when the second shock came on, he could per- ceive the whole city waving backwards and forwards, like the sea when the wind first begins to rise; that the agitation of the earth was so great, even under the ri- ver, that it threw up his large anchor from the mooring, which swam, as he termed it, on the surface of the wa- ter; that immediately upon this extraordinary concus- sion, the river rose at once near 20 feet, and in a mo- ment subsided; at which instant he saw the quay, with the whole concourse of people upon it, sink down, and at the same time every one of the boats and vessels that were near it were drawn into the cavity, which he sup- poses instantly closed upon them, inasmuch as not the least sign of a wreck was ever seen afterwards. This account you may give full credit to; for as to the loss of the vessels, it is confirmed by every body; and with regard to the quay, I went myself a few days after to convince myself of the truth, and could not find even the ruins of a place, where I had taken so many agreeable walks, as this was the common rendezvous of the fac- tory in the cool of the evening. I found it all deep wa- ter, and in some parts scarcely to be fathomed. " This is the only place which I could learn was swal- lowed up in or about Lisbon, though I saw many large cracks and fissures in different parts; and one odd phe- nomenon I must not omit, which was communicated to •ne by a friend, who had a house and wine-cellers on the other side of the river, viz. that the dwelling-house bc- >ng first terribly shaken, which made all the family run out, there presently fell down a vast high rock near it; that upon this the river rose and subsided in the man- net' already mentioned, and immediately a great num- ber of small fissures appeared in several contiguous pieces of ground, whence there spouted out like a jct- d'eau a large quantity of fine whit j sand, to a prodi- gious height. a I had not been long in the area of St. Paul's, when I felt the third shock; which though somewhat less vio- lent than the two former, the sea rushed in again, and retired with the same rapidity, and I remained up to my knees in water, though I had gotten upon a small emi- nence at some di'-'.uiice from the river, with the ruins of several intervening houses to break its force. Ai this time I took notice the waters retired so impetuously, thrJ some vessels were left quite dry, wiiich rode in seven- fathom water. The river thus continued alternately rushing on and retiring several times together, in such sort, that it was justly dreaded Lisbon would now meet the same fate which, in 1746, had befallen the city of Lima. *t Perhaps you may think the present doleful subject here concluded: but, alas! the horrors of the first of November are sufficient to fill a volume. As soon as it grew dark, another scene presented itself little less shocking than those already described. The whole city appeared in a blaze, which was so bright that I could easily see to read by it. It may be said, without exag- geration, it was on fire at least in a hundred different places at once, and thus continued burning for six days together, without intermission, or tlie least attempt be- ing made to stop its progress. " I could never learn that this terrible fire was ow- ing to any subterraneous eruption, as some have report- ed, but to three causes, which all concuring at the same time, will naturally account for the prodigious havoc it made. The first of November being All Saints day, a high festival among the Portuguese, every altar in every church and chapel (some of which have more than twenty) was illuminated with anumber of wax tapers and lamps, as customary: these setting fire to the curtains and timber-work that fell with the shock, the conflagra- tion soon spread to the neighbouring houses; and being there joined with the fires in the kitchen chimneys, in- creased to such a degree, that it might easily have de- stroyed the whole city, though no other cause had con- curred, especially as it met with no interruption. " But wiiat would appear incredible to you, were the fact less public and notorious, is, that a gang of hardened villains, who had been confined, and got out of prison when the wall fell, at the first shock, were bu- sily employed in setting fire to those buildings which stood some chance of escaping the general destruction! «« The fire, by some means or other, may be said to have destroyed the whole city, at least every thing that was grand or valuable in it; and the damage on tins oc- casion is not to be estimated. tt The whole number of persons that perished, includ- ing those who were burnt, or afterwards crushed to death whilst digging in the ruins, is supposed, on the lowest calculation, to amount to more than sixty thousand; and though the damage in other respects cannot be comput- ed, yet you may form some idea of it, when I assure you, that this extensive and opulent city is now nothing but a vast heap of ruins; that the rich and poor are at present upon a level; some thousands of families which but the day before had been easy in their circumstances, being EAR E A S now scattered about in the fields, wanting every conve- nience of life, and finding none able to relieve them. " A few days after the first consternation was over, I ventured down into the city, by the safest ways I could pick out, to see if there was a pos.sihility of getting any thing out of my lodgings; but the ruins were now so aug- mented by the late fire, that I was so far from being able to distingnish the individual spot where the house stood, that I could not even distinguish the street, amidst the mountains of stone and rubbish which rose on every side. Some days after, 1 ventured down again with several porters, who, having long plied in these parts of the town, were well acquainted with the situation of particu- lar houses: hy their assistance, I at last discovered the spot; but was soon convinced, that to dig for any thing tliere, besides the danger of such an attempt, would ne- ver answer the expense. a On both the times when I attempted to make this fruitless search, especially the first, there came such an intolerable stench from the dead bodies, that I was ready to faint away; and though it did not seem so great this last time, yet it had nearly been more fatal to me, as I contracted a fever by it, but of which, God he praised, I soon got the better. However, this made me so cautious torthe future, that I avoided passing near certain places, where the stench was so excessive that people began to dread an infection. A gentleman told me, that going in- to the town a few days after the earthquake, he saw seve- ral bodies lying in the streets, some horribly mangled, as he supposed, by the dogs, others half-burnt, some quite roasted; and that in certain places, particularly near the doors of churches, they lay in vast heaps, piled one upon another." The year 1783 was fatally marked by tbe desolation of some of the most fertile, most beautiful, and most celebrated provinces of Europe. The two Calabrias, with a part of Sicily, were doomed to be a scene of the most tremendous and the most fatal earthquakes that ever were known, even in those volcanic regions. The first shock happened about noon, on the 5th of February, and was so violent as to involve almost the whole of Calabria in ruin. This was but the com- mencement of a succession of earthquakes, which, be- ginning from the city of Atnantea, on the coast of the Tyrrhene sea, proceeded along the western coast to Cape Spartivento, and up the eastern as far as Cape d'Alice; during the whole of which space not a town was left undistroyed. During two years repeated shocks continued to agi- tate the affrighted minds of the inhabitants of Calabria and Sicily: but the principal mischief arose in the months of February and March in the first year. For several months the earth continued in an unceasing tremor, which at certain intervals increased to violent shocks, some of which were beyond description dreadful. These shocks were sometimes horizontal, whirling like a vor- tex; and sometimes hy pulsations or beating from the bottom upwards: and were at times so violent, that the heads of the largest trees almo.st touched the ground on either side. The rains during a great part of the time were continual and violent, often accompanied with light- ning and furious gusts of wind. All that part of Calabria, which lay between the S8th and 39th degrees, assumed a new appearance. Houses, churches, towns, cities, and villages, were buried in one promiscuous ruin. Mom,. tains were detached from their foundations, and carried to a considerable distance. Rivers disappeared from their beds, and again returned and overflowed the adjacent country. Streams of water suddenly gushed out of the ground, and sprang to a considerable height. Laigc pieces ofthe surface of the plain, several acres in extent, were carried five hundred feet from their former situa- tion down into the bed ofthe river, and left standing at nearly the distance of a mile, surrounded by large plan- tations of olives and mulberry-trees, and corn gr.iwjnc as well upon them as upon the ground from which the! were separated. Amidst these scenes of devastation, the escape of some of the unhappy sufferers is extrcmcly wonderful. Some of the inhabitants of houses which were thrown to a considerable distance, were dug out from their ruins unhurt. But these instances were few; and those who were so fortunate as to preserve their lives in such situations, were content to purchase exis- tence at the expense of broken limbs and the most dread- ful contusions. During this calamitous scene, it is impossible to con- ceive the horrors and wretchedness of the unhappy in- habitants. The jaws of death were opened to swallow them up; ruin had seized all their possessions; and those dear connections to which they might have locked for consolation in their sorrows, were for ever buried in the merciless abyss. All was ruin and desolation. Lviry countenance indicated the extremity of affliction and despair; and the whole country formed a wide scene of undescribable horror. One of the most remarkable towns which was destroy- ed was Casal Nuova, where the princess Gerace Gri- maldi, with more than 4000 of her subjects, perished in the same instant. An inhabitant happening to be on the summit ofa neighbouring hill, at the moment ofthe shock, and looking earnestly back to the residence of his family, could see no other remains of it than a white cloud which proceeded from the ruins of the houses. At Bagnara, about 3000 persons were killed; and not fewer at Radici- na and Pahna. At Terra Nuova 4400 perished; and ra- ther more at Semniari. The inhabitants of Scilla escaped from their houses on the celebrated rock of that name, and, with their prince, descended to a little harbour at the foot of the hill; but, in the course ofthe night, a stu- pendous wave, which is said to have been driven three miles over land, on its return swept away tiie unfortu- nate prince, with 2473 of his subjects. It is computed that not less than 40,000 persons perished by this earth- quake. EASEL-riECEs, a denomination given by painters to such pieces as are contained in frames, in contradistinc- tion from those painted on ceilings, &c. EASEMENT, in law, a privilege or convenience which one neighbour has of another, whether by charter or prescription, without profit: such are a way through his lands, a sink, or the like. These, in many cases, may be claimed. EASING, in the sea language, signifies the slacken- ing of a rope, or the like: thus, to ease the bow-line or sheet, is to let them go slacker; to ease the helm, is to E A S E A S Jet the ship go more large, more before the wind, or more arboard. EAST INDIA COMPANY, a corporation or « unit- ed company of merchants of England trading to the East Indies;" which name is given them in stat. 6 Anne, c. 17, s. 13. more explicitly, according to their charter and adjustment of their rights, by stat. 9 and 10 W. III. c.44^s. 6f. " trading into and from the East Indies, in the countries and ports of Asia and Africa, and into and from the islands, ports, havens, cities, creeks, towns, and places of Asia, Africa, and America, or any of them, bevond the Cape of Good Hope, to the straights of Ma- gellan; where any trade or traffic of merchandize is or may be used and had, to and from every of them." The temporary rights of the company consist of, 1st, the sole and exclusive trade with India, and other parts within the limits already described; so that no other of the king's subjects can go thither or trade there, but by permission of the company, or pursuant to the direc- tions of stat. S3 Geo. 111. c. 52. 2i\\y, They have the ad- ministration of the government and revenues of the ter- ritories in India, acquired hy their conquests during their term in the exclusive trade, subject nevertheless to the various checks and restrictions contained in the sevc- ralstatutes, which vest that administration in them. The rights in perpetuity are, to be a body corporate and politic, with peiqietual succession; to purchase, ac- quire, and dispose at will of lands and tenements in Great Britain, so that the value therein do not exceed IQ,()0()1. per annum; to make settlements to any extent within the limits of their exclusive trade; build forts and fortifications; appoint governors; erect courts of judica- ture; coin money; raise, train, and muster, forces at sea and land: repel wrongs and injuries; make reprisals on the invaders or disturbers of their peace; anil continue to trade within the said limits, with a joint stock, for ever, although their exclusive right of trading shall be determined by parliament. The only privileges they can be constitutionally de- prived ul', are those of trading to the exclusion of others, and of governing the countries, and of collecting and ap- propriating the revenues of India. For furl her particu- lars concerning the East India company: see stat. 9 and 10 YV.c. 44'. s. 69.; 6 Anne, c. 3.; 7 Geo. I. c. 5.; 25 (ho. II. c. 26.; 7 Geo. III. c. 47.; 12 Geo. HI. c. 54.; 13 Geo. III. c. 63.; 17 Geo. III. c. 8.; 21 Geo. III! c. 70.;24 Geo. III. c. 25.; and 33 Geo. 111. c. 52. For the history and commercial concerns of this es- tablishment, see Compavy. EASTER, a festival ofthe Christian church, observ- ed in memory of our Saviour's resurrection. The Asiatic churches kept their Easter upon the same day the Jews observed their passover; and others on the first Sunday after the first full moon in the new year. This controversy was determined in the council of Nice, vvht-n it was ordained that Easter should he kept upon one and the same day, which should always be a Sunday iu all Christian chure lies throughout the world. But though the Christian churches differed as to the time of celebrating Easter, yet thev all agreed in showing par- ticular respect and honour to this festival. On this day, prisoners and slaves were se t free, and the poor liberal- ly provided for. The eve or vigil of this festival was celebrated with more than ordinary pomp, which con- tin uedtill midnight, it being a tradition of the church that our Saviour rose a little after midnight; but in the East, the vigil lasted till cock-crowing. It was in conformity to the custom of the Jews, in celebrating their passover on the 14th day of the first month, that the primitive fathers ordered that the 14th day ofthe moon, from the calender new moon which im- mediately follows the 21st of March, at which time t!io vernal equinox happened upon that day, should be deemed the paschal full moon, and that the Sunday after should be Easter-day; and it is upon this account that our ru- bric has appointed it upon the first Sunday after the first full moon immediately following the 21st day of March. Whence it appears, that the true time for celebrating Easter, according to the intention of the council of Nice, was to be the first Sunday after the first full moon fol- low ing the vernal equinox, or when the sun entered into the first point of Aries; and this was pope Gregory's principal view in reforming the calendar, to have Eas- ter celebrated according to the intent of the council of Nice. Having first found the epact and dominical letter, ac- cording to the method delivered under these articles, Easter-day may be found by the two following rules; 1. To find Easter-limit, or the day ofthe paschal full moon, counting from March 1 inclusive, the rule is this: add 6 to the epact, and if this sum exceeds 30, take 30 from it; then from 50 subtract this remainder, and what is left will be the limit; if the sum of the epact, added to 6, does not amount to 30, it must be subtracted from 50, and the remainder is the limit required; which is never to exceed 49, nor fall short of 21. 2. From the limit and dominical letter, to find Easter- day: add 4 to the dominical letter; subtract this sum from the limit, and the remainder from the next higher number which contains 7 without any remainder; lastly, add this remainder to the limit, and their sum will give the number of days from the first of March to Easter- day, both inclusive. Thus, to find Easter-day for the year 1806, for in- stance. First find the epact 11, wiiich added to 6 gives 17; and as this sum does not amount to 30, it must be subtracted from 50, and the remainder 33 is the limit. Then adding 4 t> 5, the number of the dominical h.-tter E, subtract this sum, viz. 9, from the limit 33, and the re- mainder 24 from 28, the next superior number that con- tains 7 a certain number of times without any remain- der, and there remains 4; which being added to the limit 33, gives 37 for the number of days from the 1st of March to Easter-day, both inclusive: hence, allowing 31 for March, there remains the 6th April for Easteiv day. Here follows the operation at length. 114-6= 17 50 — 17 = 33 paschal limit - Dominical tetter E = 5 4 + 5=9, and 33 — 9 = 24; and 28 — 24 = 4. Again, 33 -f. 4 =. 37: from this subtract 31 for the number of days in March, and it is evident that Easter-day must fall on the 6th of April. However, to save the trouble of calculation, we shall here give a table, by which Easter-day may be found by E D E E B 0 inspection (ill the year 1900, according to the Gregori- an or new style. *-—<■*, ^ p*i m i—iriu •■■* *■" ^ ^j t-« •"■* IO i—IO h-to I-* to t—10 m- to o ci to o> Ci io o Oi co o> io **• 03 o --i g> -< ^e o -^ w o 4». ca -~e *-* w ^ 3 *■» tO e* t-1 to f* to ^ M 00 ifc 00 2 £. cr a. i 3 ^qH-H- h- to t-«tO i-«K)»-'*-' t—to i-1 o a p> io « - to H-ca io 03 *-' to •-» *o io ooaoocowoiwooioooaoooaoaCiO Ca rf f0 « m jo t-»05 IO CD *-> K> 03 i— tO »- > > ►1 H3 w to H-tO ■-* to IO tO H-tO 1- H»00tOl-*CJiiin0OOiCJ»00l0 — 00 tO M Oi Ol CO 00 I 111 this table Easter-day will be found in the commo n angle of meeting of the given dominical letter and the golden number; the name of the month lying in a direct line with it, towards the left hand. Thus for the year 1806, the golden number is II, and the dominical letter is E, and in the line opposite to II and E will be found April 6th for Easter-day. EDOMARIUS, in ecclesiastical writers, an officer formerly appointed weekly to superintend the perform- ance of divine service in cathedrals, and prescribe the duties of each person attending in the choir, as to read- ing, singing, praying, &c. EBENUS, the ebony-tree, a genus of the decandria order, in the diadelphia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 32d order, papilionacea?. The segments of the calyx are the length of the corolla, and ihe latter has scarcely any ala. Tliere is one rough seed. There are two species. The cretica is a native of the island of Crete, and some others in the Archipelago. It rises with a shrub- by stalk, three or four feet high, which puts out several side-branches with hoary leaves at each joint, composed of five narrow spear-shaped lobes, which join at their tails to the footstalk, and spread out like the fingers of a hand. The branches are terminated by thick spikes pf large purple flowers. The plants may be propagated from seeds sown in the autumn. In this country the plants must be protected during the winter, as they are unable to bear the cold. The pinnata is a biennial, a native of the Levant. These plants constitute the genus ebenus of botanists* but tliere is reason to think that the wood of this name is produced from several different trees. Sec the next article. EBONY-WOOD is brought from the Indies, exceed- ingly hard and heavy, susceptible of a very fine polish, and on that account used in mosaic and inlaid works toys, &c. There are many kinds of Ebony: the most usual among us are black, red, and green, and all of them the product of the island of Madagascar, where the natives call them indifferently liaxon mainlhi, black wood. The island of St. Maurice, belonging to tho Dutch, likewise furnishes part of the ebonies used in Europe. Authors and travellers give very different accounts of the tree that yields the black ebony. By some of their descriptions, it shoukd be a sort of palm-tree; by others, a cytisus, &el. See Alhumen. The yolk contains a lymphatic substance, mixed with a certain quantity of mild oil. There is a considerable analogy between the eggs of animals and the seeds of vegetables. The yolk of eggs renders oils and resins soluble. EGYPTIANS, gipsies, are a kind of commonwealth among themselves of wandering impostors and jugglers, who made their first appearance in Germany, about the beginning of the sixteenth century, and have since spread themselves over all Europe and Asia. By the laws of England, gipsies were formerly subject to imprisonment and forfeiture of goods, but they are now considered chiefly as rogues and vagabonds, and are described as such in the vagrant act. 4 Blac. 166. EHRETIA, in botany, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the na- tural method ranking under the 41st order, asperifo- lise. The fruit is a bilocular berry; the seeds solitary and bilocular; the stigma emarginated. There are five species, trees and shrubs of the West Indies. EHRHARTA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the hexandria class of plants. The calyx is a two-valv- ed, ohe-fiowered glume; the corola is a double glume, each two-valved; the exterior one compressed, and scy- mitar-shaped, transversely wrinkled, and gashed at the base. There are six stamina, three on each side the pis- til, in a parallel line. The stigma is simple, compres- sed, fqur-tufted, and torn at the top. There are five species j grasses of tlie Cape. EJECTIONE CrSTODIJE, a writ which lies against him who casts out the guardian from any land during the minority of the heir. EJECTMENT. Any ejectment is a mixed action by which a lessee for years, when ousted, may recover his term and damages; it is real in respect ofthe lands but personal in respect of the damages. Sinre the dis- use of real action, this mixed proceeding is become the common method of trying the title to lands or tenements Runn. on Ejectments. The modern method of proceeding in ejectment, en- tirely depends on a string of legal'fictions; no actual lease is made; no actual entry by the plaintiff; no actual ouster by the defendant; but all are merely ideal for tlie sole purpose of trying the title. To this" end, a lcaso for a term of years is stated in the proceedings to have been made by him who claims title to the plaintiff, wj,0 is generally an ideal fictitious person, who has no ex- istence, though it ought to be a real person to answer for the defendant's costs. In this proceeding, which is the declaration, (for there is no other process in this ac- tion) it is also stated, that the lessee, in consequence of the demise to him made, entered into the premises* and that the defendant, who is also now another ideal fictitious person, and who is called the casual ejector, afterwards entered thereon, and ousted the plaintiff; for which ous- ter the plaintiff brings this action. Under this declara- tion is written a notice, supposed to be written by this casual ejector, directed to the tenant in possession ofthe premises; in which notice the casual ejector informs the tenant of the action brought by the lessee, and assures him, that as he, the casual ejector, has no title at all to the premises, he shall make no defence, and therefore he advises the tenant to appear in court, at a certain time, and defend his own title, otherwise he, the casual ejector, will suffer judgment to be had against him, by which the actual tenant will inevitably be turned out of possession. 2 Cromp. Prac. 152. The ancient way of proceeding was by actual sealing a lease on the premises, by the party in interest who was to try the titles; and this method is still in use in the following cases: First, Where the house or thing for which ejectment is brought is empty. Secondly, When a corporation is lessor of the plaintiff, they must give a letter of attorney to some person to enter and seal a lease on the land; for a corporation cannot make an attorney or a bailiff ex- cept by deed, nor can tbey appear but by making a pro- per person their attorney by deed, therefore they can- not enter and demise upon the land as natural persons can. L. Raym. 135. Thirdly, When the several in- terests ofthe lessor ofthe plaintiff arc not known, for in that case it is proper to seal a lease on the premises, lest they should fail in setting out in their declaration the several interests wiiich each man possesses. Fourth- ly, Where the proceedings are in an inferior court, they must proceed by actually sealing a lease, because they cannot make rules confess lease, entry, and ouster, in- asmuch as inferior courts have not authority to impri- son for disobedience to their rules. It is a general r 'le, that no person can in any case bring an ejectment, unless he has in himself at the time a right of entry; for although by the modern practice E h M E L A the ehiendant is obliged by rule of court, to confers lease, entry, and ouster, yet that rule was only design- ed to expedite the trial ofthe plaintiff's right, and not t<> give him a right whieh he had not before; and there- fore, when it happens that the person claiming title to tlij lands has no right of entry, he cannot maintain his action. 3 Black. 206. The damages recovered in these actions, though for- merly their only intent, are now usually (since the title has been considered as the principal question) very small and inadequate, amounting commonly to one shilling, or some other trivial sum. In order therefore to complete the remedy, when the possession has been long detained from him that has right, an action of trespass also lies, after a recover in ejectment, to recover the mesneipro- fits which the tenant in possession had wrongfully re- ceived; which action may be brought in the name of ei- ther the nominal plaintiff in the ejectment, or his lessor, against the tenant in possession, whether he is made party to the ejectment, or suffers judgment to go by de- fault. FK.EBERGIA, a genus of the class and order de- candria monogynia. The calyx is four-parted; petals four; berry contains five oblong seeds. There is one 6pecies, a tree of the Cape. ELyEAGNUS, oleaster, or wild olive, a genus of the monogynia order, in the tetrandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 16th order, calyciflora. There is no corola; the calyx is campanu- lated, quadrifid, superior; the fruit is a plum below the campanulated calyx. There are nine species. The most remarkable are, 1. orientalis, or eastern broad-leaved olive, with a large fruit, is a native of the Levant and some parts of Germany. The leaves are about two inches long, and one and a half broad in the middle. They are placed alternate, and of a silver colour; at the foot-stalk of every leaf there comes out a pretty long sharp thorn, which are alternately longer; the flowers are small, the inside of the empalement is yellow, and they have a strong scent when fully open. 2. The an- gustifolia, without thorns, is that kind commonly pre- served in the gardens of this country. The leaves are more than three inches long, and half an inch broad, and have a shining appearance like satin. The flowers come out at the footstalks of the leaves, sometimes sing- ly» at other times two, and sometimes three, at the same place. The outside of the empalement is silvery and studded; the inside of a pale yellow, and having a very strong scent. The flowers appear in July, and are some- times succeeded by fruit. 3. The latifolia, with oval leaves, is ajfljtivc of Ceylon, and some other parts of India. Tbe two first may be propagated by laying down the young shoots in autumn. They will take root in one year; when they may be cut off from the old trees, and either transplanted into a nursery for two or three years to be trained up, or into places where they are to re- main. The proper time for this is in the beginning of March, or early in the autumn. They should be placed where they may be screened from high winds, for they grow very freely, and arc apt to be split by the wind if they are too much exposed. The third sort is too ten- der to endure the open air of this country; and there- fore must be kept in a warm stove, except during a short time in the warmest part of the summer. Fr >m the flowers of these plants an aromatic and cordial water has been drawn, which is said to have been successfully used in putrid and pestilential fevers. The genus ela?ag- nus is not to be confounded with the oleaster, or wild olive of Gerard, Parkinson and Ray. The last is only a particular species of olive, called by Tournefort and Caspar Bauhine olea sylvestris. ELjEIS, a genus belonging to the natural order of palmae. The male calyx is hcxaphyllous; the corola sexfid; the stamina six: the female calyx is hcxaphyl- lous; the corola hexapetalous; the stigma three: the fruit is a fibrous plum, with a three-valved nut or ker- nel. There is one species, from tbe fruit of which, resembling an olive in shape, the negroes extract the famous palm oil. EL^EOCARPUS, a genus of the monogynia order, in the polyandria class of plants, and in the natural me- thod ranking with those of which the order is doubtful. The corola is pentapetalous and lacerated; the calyx is penfaphyllous; and the fruit is a plum, with a wrinkled shell. There are six species, trees of the East Indies. One of them, the copalliferus, yields the resin so useful as a varnish, called gum copal. ELj-EODENDRUM, olive wood, agenus of the pen- tandria monogynia class .and order. The corola is livc- petalled; drupe ovate, with a two-celled nut. There are two species, trees of Africa. ELAPHEBOLIUM, in Grecian antiquity, the ninth- month of the Athenian year, answering to the latter part of February and beginning of March. It consisted of 30 days, and its name from the festival elaphebolia, kept in this month, in honour of Diana the huntress, on wiiich occasion, a cake made in the form of a deer was offered to her. FLASMIS, in natural history, a genus of talcs, com- posed of small plates in form of spangles, and either sin- gle, and not farther fissile, or if complex, only fissile to a certain degree, and that in somewhat thick laminae. Of these talcs there are several varieties, some with large and others with small spangles, wiiich differ also in colour, and other peculiarities. See Talc ELASTICITY, or elastic force, that property of bo- dies with which they restore themselves to their former figure, after any external pressure; being the same with what is otherwise called springiness, very observable in a bent bow, steel springs, anil the like. There are in nature a variety of activities; in some of which the causes are rendered manifest by experi- mental inquiries; in others, and among thes*e we may reckon elasticity, where no cause at all is discoverable by the senses. A variety of experiments prove the existence of an elastic force. The separation of two bodies after im- pact, is a proof of elasticity. Metals, semi-metals, stones, gems, fossils, cartilages, most fluids, as air, and even water, exert an influence opposite to the direction of the force compressing them, and discover a ten ency to return to their natural state: which tendency is in all of them imperfect, and less than the force impressed; but most perfect in glass, ivory, hardened 6tecl, and cur- tilages. ELASTICITY. "Elasticity is increased by augmenting the density of a body: thus metals are rendered more elastic by being beaten by a hammer: and their elasticty, which was scarcely sensible before, by this process becomes very sensible. Steel is more elastic when tempered, and its density is increased in the ratio of 7809 to 7738. Elasticity is sometimes increased by cold; thus the range of a cannon-ball is said to be greater when the cannon is cold, than when heated; and the string of a vio- lin, or a steel lamina, is inflected, and also recovers its situation, with less force in hot than in cold weather. Metal fibres, and thin steel laminae, exhibit no elas- ticity, unless stretched to a certain degree, and inflected by a certain force; as appears from lax cords, which, if a little stretched and removed from their natural state, discover no tendency to return to it; and when the in- flection of a fibre is very great, the influence of elas- ticity seems to.be in some cases annihilated; as appears by the fibres of wood, which, inflected to a certain de- gree, remain quiescent, and have no tendency to recov- er their former situation. The limits where the elastic power begins, or where it terminates, are unknown. Motion is supposed to be communicated or diffused, in elastic bodies, from the point of impact to the remote parts; and this supposition is grounded on the follow- ing experiments. If two ivory balls are suspended, so that their centres are in one line. The surface of one of them, B, is fresh painted. By letting them touch each other gently, A receives a small point of paint upon its surface. Now by raising the ball A, so that it may impinge with some violence on B, it will be evident that the surface of each ball has been flattened by the blowr; for there is on each a circular mark, shown by the paint struck off, and the other by the paint received; and, as the balls retain their spherical figure after the impact, itis clear that the parts of the surface not only lost, but recovered their figure. Two glass balls may, with a proper degree of velo- city, so impinge on each other, that the interior parts of the ball will be broken, though the exterior contiguous fr) the point of impact, be unbroken. Suspend two ivory balls from the same point, by strings of the same length, and let the smaller ball A, impinge upon B, at rest, with a given velocity. A will be reflected always to the same height, and B will be impelled to the same height. But if either A or B is hollowed, and lead inserted in the centre or near to the posterior surface, neither ball, though the weight be the same, will ascend as high as before the insertion of the read. The progressive motion of the parts from the point of impact is stopped by the insertion of the lead; and consequently, the force of restitution and the change ef figure, is less than before it was inserted. The motion diffused from the point of impact to the remote parts of an elastic body, is continued for some time, and diminishes gradually till it vanishes: and there seem to be two kinds of vibrations in the parts of an clastic body; one of which is quick, and called a tre- mor of its minute parts; and the other slower and longer, by which its figure is changed, and an impinging body repelled. A stroke or friction upon the edge of a glass, commu- nicates a tremulous motion to the parts of the .glass, which is visibly communicated to the water it may coir- tain. A reed or stick placed across the bottom of a large glass bell, will fall when the glass is struck, the stroke producing a change of figure. If you hoij a piece of metal near the brim or lip of a bell, without touching it, and the bell is stricken by a hard body, you will see it touch the piece of metal, and will hear a sue- cession of sounds gradually decaying. If the edge ofthe bell is pinched, and the fingers suddenly withdrawn, the same sound is heard, without producing any sensible mo- tion towards the piece of metal, or displacing the reed across it. Those laws according to wiiich alterations arc produ- ced in the rest and motion of bodies upon their collision are called the laws of communication of motion. When one body strikes against another, if tlie line of direction of the impulse passes through the centre of gravity of both the bodies, the impulse is called full or direct, otherwise it is called an oblique impulse. The relative velocity of two bodies, is that velocity with which they approach to, or recede from, each other; and is equal either to the difference of tbe velocities of bodies moving the same way, or to the sum of the ve- locities of bodies moving contrary ways; for, if one of the bodies was at rest, and the other moved towards it or from it, with the fore-mentioned difference or sum of velocities, the body in motion would approach to, or re- cede from, the body at rest, just as fast as the two mov- ing bodies approached to, or receded from, each other. If two bodies move in the same direction with equal velocities, they are relatively at rest. When the impulse is direct, and the bodies arc-void of elasticity, the laws of the communication of motion are as follow: (1.) In all cases, the velocities after the stroke are equal; for the impulse ceases when the impinging bo- dies are relatively at rest, and not before. (2.) If two bod ies move the same way, and in the same right line, that wiiich moves fastest will overtake the other,, and the sum of their motions will be the same after the stroke as before: for, by the third law of motion, so much mo- tion as the slowest body gains, the swiftest body lose •;. (3.) If two bodies move contrary ways, the sum of their motions after the stroke will be equal to the difference of their motions before the stroke; for, whilst the strongest motion destroys the weakest, it also loses an equal part of itself, the third law of motion. (4.) If the sum of two conspiring motions, or the difference of two contrary motions, be divided by the sum of the quantities of mat- ter in both the moving bodies, the quoyfcnt will give their common velocity after the stroke. (yT) If the ve- locity after the stroke be multiplied into the quantity of matter in each body, the product will express the quan- tities of motion in each body, after the stroke. (6.) The difference between the quantities of motion in either of the moving bodies before and after the stroke, is equal to the quantity of the stroke. Example 1. Let a ball of three ounces, moving with nine degrees of velocity, overtake another hall, of two ounces, moving with four degrees of velocity: then will the quantities of motion before the stroke be 27 and 8, the common velocity after the stroke will be 7, tlie quan- ELASTICITY* titles of motion after the stroke wftl be 21 and 14, and the quantity of the stroke will be 6. Example 2. Let the same balls move with the same velocities contrary ways; then with the quantities of motion before the stroke be as before: the common velo- city after the stroke will be 34, the quantities of mo- tion after the stroke will be 114, and 7|, and the quan- tity of the stroke 153. Wherefore, if two equal bodies move in contrary di- rections, with equal velocities, as soon as they strike, both motiono will be elestroyed. And if a body in mo- tion strikes an equal body at. rest, it will communicate half its velocity or half its motion. And if one moving body overtakes another moving body equal to the first, the common velocity after the stroke will be equal to half the difference of their velocities before the stroke. But if they move in contrary directions, the velocity after the stroke will be equal to half the sum of the ve- locities before tbe stroke. (7.) If a moving body strikes against an immoveable obstacle, after the stroke the whole will be destroyed, and the quantity of the stroke will be equal to the whole quantity of the motion. (8.) If the moving body gravitates towards tbe immoveable ob- stacle, as when a stone falls upon the earth, the quantity of the stroke is equal to the sum of the quantity of mo- tion added to the weight of the moving body; for the weight remains upon the obstacle when the impulse is destroyed. The sum of the motions of two bodies void of elasti- city, may be less after the stroke than it was before, but it cannot be more. (9.) If a body moves after the stroke, the same way that it moved before, the differ- ence of the velocities before and after the stroke will be equal to the velocity lost or gained. Thus, in the first example, the velocity lost is 2, and the velocity gained 3. (10.) If the direction of the motion after the stroke is contrary to the direction of the motion before the stroke, the sum of the velocities before and after the stroke will express the quantity of the velocitv gained. Thus, in the second example, the velocity is 5|, the ve- locity gained :£. When the impulse is direct, and the bodies perfectly elastic, the laws of the communication of motion are dif- ferent from the foregoing. For, (1.) Upon the collision of two elastic bodies, the force of elasticity is equal to the force of compression; and the force of compression in each body is equal to the quan- tity of the stroke. (2.) The whole force of elasticity exerted at the restitution of both the springs, is double the quantity ofthe stroke; for it is the result of two forces in contrary directions, each of which is equal to the quantity of the stroke. Or if it may be conceived thus: the sum ofthe elasticities is equal to the sum of tbe quan- tities of the stroke in both bodies together; that is, to double the quantity of the stroke in each single body. (3.) The effect of the elasticity in each body, will be equal to the effect ofthe stroke, and in the same direc- tion; for the two equal and contrary elasticities in tbe former case, are equivalent to action and reaction in the latter. (4.) Wherefore, to find the velocity of either body after the collision, first find the common velocity with which the bodies would move after the stroke, if they had been void of elasticity, and find also the velo- city lost or gained; then subtract the velocity lost from the common velocity, or to the common velocity add the velocity gained; so shall the difference or sum be the ve- locity sought. But if the velocity lost be greater thaw the common velocity, then subtract the common velocity from tbe velocity lost, and the remainder will give tlie velocity sought in a contrary direction. Thus, in the first example before stated, if we .suppose the bodies to be elastic, the velocities after collision will be 5 and 10, and, consequently the quantities of motion will be 15 and 2. In the second example, the velocities after collision will be If and 11|, and the quantities of motion 4^ and 23$. For a third example, let us suppose two bodies in pro- portion as three to two; the first at rest, and the second moving towards the first with 40 degrees of velocity: then will the quanties of motion before the stroke be fc) and 80, the common velocity after the stroke 16, tlie quantities of motion after the stroke 48 and 32, the the quantity of the stroke 48, the velocity gained 16, the velocity lost 24, the velocities after the restitution erf the springs 32, and 8 in a contrary direction; the quan- tities of motion after collision 96 and 16. In the first example, the sum of the motion before col- lision is equal to the sum of the motion after collision^ in the second, it is greater; in the third, less. Two elastic bodies always recede from each other af- ter collision, and that with the same relative velocity with which they tended towards each other before collision. Thus the relative velocity before and after collision, is 5 in the first example, 13 in the second, and 40 in the third. And in all cases, whether the impinging bodies are elastic or not, the sum of the motions in the same direc- tion, and the difference of the motions in a contrary di- rection, are the same both before and after collision. If two equal elastic bodies move towards each other with equal velocities, they will recede from each other after collision each with the saire velocity. If one of them in motion strikes against the other at rest, it will communicate the whole velocity, and remain at rest itself. If one overtakes the other, they will interchange veloci- ties, and continue to go on the same way as before. If they meet each other with different velocities, they will interchange velocities, and fly off from each other in contrary directions. If an elastic body strikes upon an immoveable clastic- obstacle, it will rebound with the same velocity that it came. If one of lhe impinging bodies is hard, and the other elastic, the laws ofthe communication of motion are the same as if both the bodies were elastic; for the spring will give way, till the force of elasticity becomes equal to tbe force of compression, that is, double to the quan- tity of the stroke in each body; and the re-action of a hard body against double the quantity of ela.stic ity, will produce the same effect as a single quantity of elasticity in each body, acting in contrary directions. If the impulse be oblique, it must be resolved into two impulses, one direct, and the other parallel to the tan- gent at the point of collision. The effect ofthe direct im- pulse must be computed according to the laws before- E L A E L E mentioned: the parallel impulse will continue after the collision the same in all respects that it was before; nor will it produce any other effect, except by means of the friction to make the bodies revolve each about its own centre of gravity. It often happens that the communication of motion is the indispensable means of obtaining some other effect; thus it is used to nail and flatten bodies; in these cases it is not sufficient, that the striking body has a certain quan- tity of motion, the mass or quantity of matter must be so proportioned with the velocity, as to produce the requir- ed effect, without splitting or destroying the body struck. In architecture there are many occasions, where it is necessary to drive piles; if the mass which strikes the pile is small, it will not have force sufficient to drive it, and if it is moved with considerable velocity, it will split the head of the pile; a large mass must therefore be used, moving with less velocity. If small hammers and a great velocity are used to drive pivots of iron into large pieces of wood, the head of the pivot will yield, and yet not be driven into the wood; whereas the effect will be answer- ed by using hammers of considerable weight, moving with less velocity. • Qold-beaters and other workmen who flatten metals, make use of heavy hammers, and move them slowly; if they used small hammers, and moved them swiftly, the parts of the metal would be broken and divided by the strokes. To prevent the 'propagation of motion, and to deaden the blow, those that work in their chambers, and are ob- liged to use anvils, place the blocks that hold the anvil upon a roll of ma ting, or upon springs; without this pre- caution, great part of the force impressed by the ham- mer would be transmitted to the floor, and would create a shaking to the prejudice ofthe building. The principles above laid down will assist in explain- ing the recoil of cannon, fusees, and other arms; for you may consider the gunpowder as a spring which unbends or expands itself in every direction, but which can only act efficaciously against tlie breech of the cannon and the ball. The action of the powder is that of two equal forces against two unequal powers of resistance, the ball and the cannon; it may therefore be supposed, cseteris pari- bus, to impress them both with an equal quantity of mo- tion, but with different degrees of velocity; that of the ball being as much greater as its mass is less than that of the cannon, kc. The cannon, the musket, kc. especially if you take into the account the obstacles which retain them, are much more difficult to move than the ball with which they are charged; which, of course, receives from the inflamed powder a much greater degree of velocity. There are other circumstances which contribute to augment the velocity of the ball, as the length of the piece, kc. which do not come probably before us. As to the recoil in general, supposing the quantity and quali- ty of the powder the same, a gun recoils so much the more as the bullet makes more resistance either by its weight or tbe wadding. A rocket flies upwards, because its lower part, which is fired, performs she office of a spring, wiiich acts one way against the body of the rocket; and the other way against a volume of air; and as-this spring is continual ly renewed by the successive inflammation of all the parts of the rocket, its motion is accelerated, first, because it is contained in the body itself, and is therefore contin- "ally adding to its velocity; and secondly, because the* weight or resistance ofthe rocket is diminishing even instant by the dissipation of the parts as they burn away. ELATE, a genus belonging to the natural order of palma;. There is no male calyx; the corolla is tiipeta- lous, with three stamina. There is no female < ;dyX-. t|ir" corolla is tripetalous, with one pistil; the fruit is an oval acuminated plum. There is one species, a native of the East Indies, which grows to the height of 14 feet. The natives chew the nut in the same manner as the areca or the leaf ofthe betel. ELATER, in zoology, a genus of insects, belonging to the order of coleoptera. The antenna? are setaceous; and an elastic spring or spine projects from the hinder ex- tremity of the breast or under side of tho thorax. By means of this kind of spring, the animal, when turned upon its back, contrives to leap up into the air, and so turn itself. It varies in size; and when the insect is youii"* and ncwiy metamorphosed, its elytra are of a beautiful deep red; but in a few days they change to a much dark- er hue, and arc nearly ofa chesnut colour. In the state of larvae it inhabits the trunks of decayed trees, and is there transformed. With the help of its wings it issues from its prison, flutters upon flowers, wanders over the fields, and conceals itself in thickets or under the bark of trees. Tliere are 38 species. ELATERIUM, a genus ofthe monandria order, in the monoecia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 34th order, cucurbitacca}. There is no calyx; the corolla is salver-shaped; the capsule in- ferior, unilocular, and bivalved. There are two species, natives of America. ELATINE, a genus of the tetragynia order, in the octandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 15th order, inundate. The calyx is tetraphyllous; tbe petals four; the capsule quadrilocular, quadrivalved, and depressed. There are two species, annual aquatics of Europe. ELCESAITES, in church-history, a sect who made their appearance in the reign of the emperor Trajan, and took their name from their leader Elccsai. 'fhe Elcesaites kept a mean between the Jews, Christians, and Pagans; they worshipped but one God, observed the Jewish sabbath, circumcision, and the other cere- monies ofthe law. They rejected the Pentateuch and the Prophets; nor had they more respect for the writings of the apostles, particularly those of St. Pawl. .ELECTION, is where a person has by iaw two reme- dies, and is compelled to declare which he will abide by: thus a creditor, in case of bankruptcy, may cither prove his debt under the commission, or proceed at law; butm this case he is compelled to make his election. Where also a person having obtained a judgment, and is enti- tled to execution, he may either take his remedy against the goods or the person, and he may choose either; but if he proceed against the person in the first instance, he cannot afterwards have recourse to the ELECTION. goods; but if he takes the goods, and'these should be found inadequate to his demand, he may afterwards take the body. Election of bishops. See Bishops. Election of a clerk of statutes-merchant, a writ that lies for tbe choice of a clerk assigned to take and make bonds, called statutes-merchant, and is grant- ed out of the chancery upon suggestion made, that the clerk formerly assigned is gone to dwell in another place, or is hindered from following that business, or has not land sufficient to ans .er his transgression if he should deal amiss. F. N. B. 164. Election of ecclesiastical persons. If any person that has a voice in elections, takes any reward for an election in any church, college, school, kc. such election shall be void; and if any such societies resign their places to others for reward, they incur a forfeiture of double the sum; and the party giving, and the party taking it, are thereby rendered incapable of such place. 13 Eliz. c. 6. See Bishops. Election of members of parliament. Qualifica- tion ofthe candidates. No member shall sit or vote in either house of parliament unless he be 21 years of age. 4 Inst. 47. They must not be aliens-born; they must not be any ofthe twelve judges, because they sit in the lord's house. But persons who have judicial places in the other courts, ecclesiastical or civil, are eligible. 4 Inst. 47. Nor ofthe clergy; the reason assigned for which is, that they might sit in the convocation. Nor persons attainted of treason or felony, for they are unfit to sit any where. Id. By the 30 C. II. st. 2. c. 1. and 1* Geo. 1. c. 13. in order to prevent papists from sitting in either house of parliament, no person shall sit or vote in either till he has, in the presence of the house, taken the oaths of al- legiance, supremacy, and abjuration, kc. Sheriffs of counties, and mayors and bailiffs of bo- roughs, are not eligible in their respective jurisdictions, as being returning officers; but a sheriff of one county may be chosen knight of another. 1 Black. 175. i By several statutes, no persons concerned in the ma- nagement of any duties or taxes created since 1692, except the commissioners of the treasury; nor any of the officers following, viz. commissioners of prizes, transports, sick and wounded, wine licences, navy and victualling; secretaries or receivers of prizes; comptrol- lers of the army accounts; agents for regiments; gover- nors of plantations; officers of Minorca or Gibraltar; offi ers of the excise and customs; clerks or deputies in the several offices ofthe treasury, exchequer,'navy, vic- tualling, admiralty, pay of the army or navy, secreta- ries of state, salt, stamps, appeals, wine licences, hack- ney-coaches, hawkers, and pedlars; nor any persons that hold any new office under tbe crown, created since 1705, are capable of being elected. 1 Black. 175. But this shall not extend to, or exclude the treasurer or comptroller of the navy, secretary of the treasury, secretary to the chancellor of the exchequer, secretaries of tlk* admiralty, under secretary of state, deputy pay- master of the army, or any person holding any office for life, or so 1 mg as he shall behave himself well in his Office. 15 Geo. II. c. 22. By the 6 Anne, c. 7. s. 26. if any member shall ac- Y01, I. Ill cept an office of profit under the crown, except an offi- cer of the army or navy accepting a new commission, his election shall be void, but he shall be capable of be- ing re-elected. No person having a pension from the crown during pleasure, shall be capable of being elected. 6 Anne, c. 7. s. 25. By the 22 Geo. III. c. 45. no contractor with the offi- cers of government, or with any other persons for the service of the public, shall be capable of being elected, or of sitting in the house, as long as he holds any such contract, or derives any benefit from it. But this docs not extend to contracts with corporations, or with com- panies, which then consisted of ten partners; or to any person to whom the interest of such a contract shall ac- crue by marriage or operation of law, for the first twelve months. And if any person disqualified by such a con- tract shall sit in the house, he shall forfeit 500/. for every day; and if any person who engages in a contract with government admits any member of parliament to a share of it, he shall forfeit 500/. to the prosecutor. No person shall be capable to sit or vote in the house of commons for a county, unless he has an estate, free- hold or copyhold, for his life, or some greater estate, of the clear yearly value of 600/. nor for a city or borough, unless he has a like estate of 300/. and any other candidate, or two electors, may require him to make oath thereof at the time of election, or before the day of the meet- ing of parliament; and before he shall vote in the house of commons, he shall deliver in an account of his qua- lification, and the value thereof under his hand, and make oath of the truth of the same. But this shall not extend to the eldest son or heir apparent of a peer, or of any person qualified to serve as knight of a shire, nor to the members ofthe two universities. 9 Anne, c. 5* 33 Geo. II. c. 20. Qualification of electors. No person shall be admitted to vote under the age of twenty-one years. This ex- tends to all sorts of members, as well for boroughs as counties. 7 & 8 W. c. 25. P^very elector of a knight of a shire, shall have free- hold to the value of 40s. a year within the county, which is to be clear of all charges and deductions, except par- liamentary and parochial taxes. 1 Black. 172. No person shall vote in right of any freehold, granted to him fraudulently, to qualify him to vote, and every person who shall prepare or execute such conveyance, or give his vote under it, shall forfeit 40/. 10 Anne, c. 23. No person shall vote for a knight of the shire without having been in the actual possession of the estate for which he votes, or in the receipt of the rents or profits thereof to his own use, above twelve calendar months, unless it come to him by descent, marriage, marriage- settlement, devise, or promotion to a benefice or office. 18 Geo. II. c. 1. No person convicted of perjury shall be capable of voting at an election. No person shall vote in respect of an annuity or rent- charge, unless registered with the clerk of the peace twelve calendar months before. Such annuity or rent- charge issuing out of a freeIrid estate. No person shall vote for a knight of a shire, in re- spect of messuages, lands, or tenements, which have not E L E E L E been charged to the land-tax six calendar months be- fore. 20 Geo. III. c. 17. No person shall vote for any estate holden by copy of court-roll. 31 Geo. II. c. 14. In mortgaged, or trust-estates, the mortgager, cestuy que trust, shall vote, and not the trustee or mortgagee, unless they be in actual possession. AH conveyances to multiply voices, or to sport votes, shall be void; and no more than one voice shall be ad- mitted for one and the same house or tenement. The right of elections in boroughs is various, depend- ing entirely on the several charters, customs, and con- stitutions of the respective places: but by 2 Geo. II. c. 24, this right of voting for the future shall be allowed according to the last determination of the house of com- mons concerning it. And no person, claiming to vote in right of his being a freeman of a corporation (other than such as claim by birth, marriage, or servitude), shall be allowed, unless he has been admitted to his freedom twelve calendar months before. 3 Geo. III. c. 15. Of election. As it is essential to the very being of parliaments that election should be absolutely free, all undue influence whatever upon the electors, is illegal, and strongly prohibited. As soon, therefore, as the time and place of election within counties or boroughs are fixed, all soldiers quartered in the place are to re* move, at least one day before the election, to the dis- tance of two miles or more, and not to return till one day after the poll be ended, except in the liberty of Westminster, or other residence of the royal family, in respect to his majesty's guards, and in fortified places. 8 Geo. II. c. 30. By the 7 and 8 W. c. 4. to prevent bribery and corrup- tion, no candidate, after teste of the writ of summons, or after a place becomes vacant in parliament time, 6hall, by himself, or by any other ways or means on his behalf, or at bis charge, before his election, direct- ly, or indirectly, give, or promise to give, to any elec- tor any money, meat, drink, provision, present, reward, or entertainment, to, or for, any such elector in parti- cular; or to any county, city, town, borough, port, or place in general, in order to his being elected, on pain of being incapacitated. To guard still more against gross and flagrant acts of bribery, it is enacted by 2 Geo,. II. c. 24, explained and enlarged by 9 Geo. II. c. 38. and 16 Geo. III. c. 11. that if any money, gift, office, employment, or re- ward, be given, or promised to be given, to any voter, at any time, in order to influence him to give or with- hold his vote, as well he that takes, as he that offers such a bribe, forfeits 500/. and is for ever disabled from voting and holding any office in any corporation, unless before conviction he will discover some other offender of the same kind, and then he is indemnified for his own offence. If the election shall not be determined upon view with the consent of the freeholders there present, but a poll shall be demanded, the same shall commence on the day on which such demand is made, or on the next day at farthest, (if it be not Sunday, and then on the day after) and shall be proceeded in from day to day (Sundays excepted) untU it be finished, and shall not continue more than fifteen days (Sundays excepted) and the poll shall be kept open seven hours at least each day be tween eight in the morning and eight in the evenin-" 25 Geo. III. c. 84. The sheriff shall allow a chcqUf book for every poll-book for each candidate, to be Ikent by their inspectors at the place of taking the noil ii Geo. II. c. 28. * * * By the 34 Geo. III. c. 73. in order to expedite the business at elections, the returning officers are enabled on request of the candidates, to appoint persons to ad' minister to voters the oaths of allegiance, supremacy the declaration of fidelity, the oath of abjuration, arid the declaration or affirmation of the effect thereof] pre viously to their coming to vote; and to grant the voters certificates of their having taken the said oath, without which certificate they shall not be permitted to vote if they are required to take the oaths. And every freeholder, before he shall be admitted to poll for a knight of the shire, shall, if required bv a candidate, or any elector, make oath of his qualification to vote, in which case the sheriff and clerks shall enter the place of his freehold, and the place of bis abode, as he shall disclose the same at the time of giving his vote and shall enter jurat against the name of every such voter who shall have taken the oath. 10 Anne, c 23 s. 5. Of the return. After the election, the names of the persons chosen shall be written in an indenture, under the seals of the electors, and tacked to the writ. The election being closed, the returning officer in bo- roughs returns his precept to the sheriff, with the per- sons elected by the majority. And the sheriff returns the whole, together with the writ for the county, and the names of the knights elected thereupon, to the clerk of the crown in chancery, before the day of meeting, if it is a new parliament; or within fourteen days after the election, if it is an occasional vacancy; and this un- der the penalty of 500/. If the sheriff does not return such knights only as are duly elected, he forfeits by stat. H. VI. 100/. and the returning officer of a borough, for a like false return 40/. and by the late statutes they are liable to an action at the suit of the party duly elect- ed, and to pay double damages, and the like remedy shall be against an officer making a double return. 1 Black. 180. If twro or more sets of electors make each a return of a different Member (which is called a double election), that return only which the returning officer to whom the sheriff's precept was directed, has signed and sealed, is good; and the members by him returned shall sit untd displaced on petition. Sim. 184. On petition to the house of commons, complaining of an undue election, forty-nine members shall be chosen by ballot, out of whom each party shall alternately strike out one, till they are reduced to thirteen, who, together with two more, of whom each party shall nomi- nate one, shall be a select committee for determining such controverted election. 10 and 11 Geo. III. c. 16. Election, in numbers, is with regard to combina- tions, the different ways of taking any number of quan- tities given: thus, the quantities abc may be taken dif- ferent ways, as a b c, or a b, a c, and a, b, c. ELECTIVE attraction, in chemistry. The union of heterogeneous substances is effected in many instances E L E ty elective attraction, i. e. a substance quits another with which it was before combined, to unite with a third, to which it is then said to have a superior affinity. Thus, when potass is added to sulphat of magnesia, in water, the sulphuric acid seizes the potass by its supe- rior affinity, and the magnesia is precipitated. This is simple affinity: but if the potass is added in union with carbonic acid, the latter will seize the magnesia at the moment of its disengagement, forming carbonat of mag- nesia; and the sulphuric acid having combined with the potass, forming sulphate of potass, we have a case of double affinity. When several bodies are mixed, decom- positions and new combinations often take place, which would not have been produced had the bodies been pre- sented in a separate state. If for instance, into a solu- tion of sulphat of ammonia there is poured nitric acid, no decomposition is produced, because the sulph :ric acid has a stronger affinity for ammonia than nitric acid has. But if nitrat of potass is poured in, we obtain by evaporation two new bodies, sulphat of potass and nitrat of ammonia. Such cases of decomposition were called by Bergman cases of double elective attraction; a name which is exceedingly proper when there are only- four bodies concerned. But as there are often more than four, it is necessary, as Mr. Morveau observed, to em- ploy some more comprehensive term. The phrase compound affinity may be employed with propriety, comprehending under the term all cases where more than three bodies are present, and produce combinations which would not have been formed without their united action. In these cases the affinity of all the various bo- dies for each other acts; and the resulting combination has been supposed to be produced by the action of those affinities which are strongest. The manner in which these combinations and decom- Eisitions take place, was thus explained by Dr. Black. et the affinity between potass and sulphuric acid be = 62; that between nitric acid and amonia = 38; that be- tween the same acid and potass = 50; and that between thc8ulphuric acid and ammonia = 46. Now, let us sup- pose that all these forces are placed so as to draw the ends of two cylinders crossing one another, and fixed in the middle in this manner: Potass. Nitric acid. 50 46 Sulph. acid. — Ammonia. 96 U is evident that as 62 and 38 = 100 are greater than 50 + 46 = 96, they would overcome the other forces and shut the cylinders. Just so the affinity between ara- m mia and nitric acid, together with that between sul- phuric acid and' potass, overcomes the affinity between ammonia and sulphuric acid, and that between nitric acid and potass, anel produces new combinations. It has been supposed that in all cases of compound E L E i affinity, there are two kinds of affinities to be consider- ed: 1st. Those affinities which tend to preserve tie- old compound, these Mr. Kirwan has called quiescent affi- nities; and those which tend to destroy them, which he has called dtvellent affinities. Thus, in the instance above given, the affinity be- tween ammonia and sulphuric acid, and that between nitric acid and potass, are quiescent affinities, which endeavour to preserve the old compound; and if they are strongest, it is evident that no new compound can take place. On the contrary, the affinity between potass and sulphuric acid, and that between nitric acid and ammonia, are divellent affinities; and as they are in this case strongest, they actually destroy the former combi- nations and form new ones. It has been supposed that when two of those salts which mutually decompose each other are mixed togeth- er, the decomposition instantly takes place in conse- quence of the force of affinities alone, independant of the proportions of the ingredients. Thus when sulphat of potass and nitrat of lime are mixed together, it was supposed that the sulphuric acid, if present in sufficient quantity, combines with the whole of the lime, and disengages the nitric acid and the po- tass, which also combine till the least abundant of the two is saturated. But if this was the case, some of the four ingredients must be left disengaged, as the propor- tions of the ingredients of the salts formed by the four ingredients are not such as to saturate each other. Ac- cording to Mr. Kirwan's experiments, the proportions of acid and alkali in the four following salts are as under: Sulphat of potass Sulphat of lime Nitrat of potass Nitrat of lime fAcid 100 (Potass 121.48 fAcid 100 \ Lime 70 fAcid 100 \ Potass 117.7 fAcid 100 1 Lime 55.7 Now let sulphat of potass and nitrat of lime be mixed together; let the quantity of sulphat of potass be such, that the acid contained in it amounts to 100; and let a more than sufficient quantity of nitrat of lime be added, to saturate the sulphuric acid with lime. It is evident that for that purpose 70 of lime must be present; and the quantity of nitric acid combined with these 70 must be 123.8. This quantity would require for saturation 145.7 of potass, but there are only 121.48 in the mix- ture; consequently there ought to exist in the mixture, af- ter the mutual decomposition of the salts, a quantity of ni- tric acid in a state of liberty. But the fact is, that no such excess of acid exists in the mixture. This is a suf- ficient proof that the decomposition does not take place in the manner that has been supposed. It may be said, indeed, that the composition of these salts may not be sufficiently known to warrant reasoning from it. But be the proportion of the ingredients what it may, still if the decomposition was absolute, as has been supposed, when mixed in any proportion whatever, except in one, some of the ingredients ought to remain disengaged: but as this does not happen either in this case or in any E L E ELE other, we have a right to conclude that the decomposi- tion is not what it has been considered. 2. When twro saline solutions are mixed together, cither no apparent change takes place, or a precipitate is formed. Let us consider each of these cases. When no precipitation takes place, the two salts no doubt combine together, and form a compound con- sisting of the two acids and their bases; and the degree of saturation must be tlie same as before mixture, be- cause the proportions and the affinities must continue the same. Hence the reason that in these cases tliere are never any indications of any of the ingredients being disengaged from the others. Hence also the reason tint when two salts are dissolved in water, they increase the solubility of each other, their mutual affinity serving as an additional counterbalance to the cohesion of each. Thus Vauquelin has shown that saturated solutions of sulphat of lime, alum, and sulphat of potass, are capa- ble, of dissolving a greater proportion of common salt than pure water is. 3. When two salts may be mixed together without any precipitation taking place, it is a proof that all the salts Capable of being formed by the component parts of each arc soluble. Hence the alkaline salts very rarely occa- sion a precipitate when mixed together, nor tbe earthy salts when the acid combined in each is such as to form soluble salts with all the earthy bases, as nitric acid, muriatic acid. On the other band, when a precipitation takes place, some two of the ingredients form an insolu- ble compound; consequently we can easily determine be- forehand whether or not a precipitate w ill take place. It is from this precipitation chiefly that double decompo- sitions have been determined. It is obvious that they are occasioned not by the superiority of the affinity of the in- gredients which precipitate, but by the strong tendency which these ingredients have to cohere together; the con- sequence of which tendency is, the exclusion of the other component parts, and the precipitation of the masses as they form. It may be considered, then, as a general law, that a whenever a salt is insoluble, the two ingredients which compose it, whenever they meet in a solution, pre- cipitate in combination." For this general law we are indebted to Mr. Berthollet. Thus barytes forms an insoluble compound with sul- phuric acid, phosphoric acid, oxalic acid, tartarous acid, kc. Consequently when a salt, whose base is that earth, is mixed with a salt containing any cf these acids, a pre- cipitation takes place consisting of the barytes combined with the acid. Salts of lime form a precipitate with ox- alats, tartrites, citrats, phosphats, fluats, and sometimes with sulphats. The alkaline carbonats occasion a pre- cipitate in all the earthy salts, because all the earth? carbonats are insoluble. Asetite of lead occasions a pre- cipitate in sulphats, muriats, phosphats, mucitates, kc. Nitrat of silver in the muriats. But it would be endless to run over all the precipitates occasioned by the mix- ture of salts; every person may ascertain them merely by observing what salts arc insoluble. It ought to be observed, however, that the precipita- tion takes place, not because the salts are insoluble in water, but because they are insoluble in the particular solution in which the precipitate appears. Now if this solution happens to be capable of dissolving any particu- lar salt, that salt will not precipitate, even though it is insoluble in water. Hence the reason why precipitates so often disappear when there is present in the solution an excess of acid, of alkali, &c. This law has been still further generalized by Berthol- let. When different salts are mixed together, they sepa- rate either spontaneously, or on evaporation, according to the order of their solubility. Those which are inso- luble precipitate immediately on the mixture, and those wiiich are least soluble crystallize first when the solution is evaporated. Potass forms with sulphuric acid a salt much less soluble than sulphat of soda. Hence the rea- son why it has been supposed to have a stronger affinity for sulphuric acid, and by analogy for acids in general, than soda: for if sulphat of soda is mixed with the great- er number of the salts of potass, sulphat of potass is ob- tained by evaporation. But in case where two salts are mixed together, the resulting salts are much influenced by the proportions of the ingredients. The same salts are not obtained if the ingredients are mixed in one proportion, that would be obtained if they were mixed in another proportion. This will appear evidently from the following experiments of Berthollet. Salts Mixed. 'ropor. •ions. Precipitate. First Evaporation. Second Evaporation. Mother Watef. Nitrat of lime Sulpl at of potass 1 1 Sulphat of lime Nitrat of potass Sulphat of lime A little sulphat of potass Little r Ditto 1 2 Ditto Sulphat of potass Sulphat of lime Nitrat of potass Sulphat of potass Sulphat of lime Very little Ditto 2 1 Ditto Sulphat of lime Nitrat of potass Nitrat of potass A very little sulphat of lime Abundant Sulphat of soda Nitrat of lime 1 1 Sulphat of lime Nitrat of soda Nitrat of soda Abundant Ditto • 2 1 1 Ditto Ditto 1 Ditto Abundant ELE E L E Salts Mixed. Propor-tions. Fiibt Evaporation. ! Second Evaporation. • „ 1 Third Evaporation. Mother Water. Sulphat of soda Nitrat of potass 1 1 Sulphat of potass A little nitrate of potass Nitrat of potass Some sulphat of potass Nitrat of soda Some nitrat of pot-ass Considerable Ditto 2 1 Sulphat of potass Sulphat of potass Some nitrat of pot-ass Sulphat of potass Nitrat e»f potass Nitrat of soda Considerable Nitrat of potass Muriat of lime 1 1 Nitrat of potass Muriat of potass Some nitrat of do. Abundant Ditto 1 2 Muriat of potass Abundant Muriat of potass Nitrat of lime 1 1 Nitrat of potass Some muriat of do. Muriat of potass Some nitrat of do. Abundant Sulphat of potass Muriat of magnes 1 1 Sulphat of potass Sulphat of potass Muriat of do. Sulph. ol pot. k mag. Muriat of potass Sulph. of magnesia Considerable Ditto 1 2 Ditto Muriat ot potass Sulphat of potass k magnesia Ditto Ditto The mother-water, or the liquid which remains when mixtures of salts are separated by crystallization, al- alvvays contains several salts, or rather their component parts, which are prevented from crystallization by their mutual action on each other. Hence the quantity of this mother-water is always the greater, the more soluble the salts are, that is to say, the less disposition they have to crystallize. ELECTOR, a person who has a right to elect or Choose another to an office, honour, &c. Elector is par- ticularly, and by way of eminence, applied to those prin- ces of Germany in whom lies the right of electing the emperor; being all sovereign princes, and the principal members of the empire. The electoral college, consist- ing of all the electors of the empire, is the most illus- trious and august body in Europe. Bell arm ine and Ba- ronius attribute the institution of it to pope Gregory V. and the emperor Otho III. in the tenth century; of which opinion are the generality of historians, and particular- ly the canonists: however, the number of electors was unsettled, at least till the thirteenth century. In 1356 Charles IV. by the golden bull, fixed the number of electors at seven: three ecclesiastics, viz. the archbishops of Mentz, Treves, and Cologne; and four seculars, viz. the king of Bohemia, count palatine of the Rhine, duke of Saxony, and marquis of Brandenburg. In 1648, this order was changed, the duke of Bavaria being put in the place of the count palatine, who, having accepted the crown of Bohemia, was out-lawed by the emperor; hut being at length restored, an eighth electorate was erected for the duke of Bavaria. In 1692, a ninth electo- rate was created by the emperor Leopold, in favour of the duke of Hanover, of the house of Brunswic Lunen- burg. There are now, or at least were a short time since, ten electors, viz. tbe king or elector of Bohemia; the elector of Bavaria, now a king also: the elector of Sax- ony: the elector of Brandenburg (king of Prussia); the elector of Hanover, at this moment, by an usurped authority, king of Prussia also; the elector arch-chan- cellor of the empire, whose residence is at Ratisbon^ the elector of Saltsburgh; the elector of Baden; the elec- tor of Wurtemburgh, and the elector of Hesse. ELECTRICITY, is a term used to denote the ope* rations of a very subtile fluid, in most cases invisible, but which sometimes becomes the object of our senses, proving itself to be one of the principal agents employ- ed in producing the phenomena of nature. History of discoveries relative to electricity. The attractive power which amber and other electric bodies acquire by friction, was long known to philoso- phers; and it is almost unnecessary to remark, that this branch of science derives its name from txntr^t (elec- tron), the Greek word for amber. The other electric properties were slowly discovered. Mr. Boyle was the first who had a glimpse of the electric light; as he re- marked, after rubbing some diamonds in order to give them the power of attraction, that they afforded light in the dark. Otto Cucricke, burgomaster of Magdeburg, made an electric globe of sulphur; and by whirling it about in a wooden frame, and rubbing it at the same time with his hand, he performed various electrical experiments. He addeci to the stock of knowledge the discovery that a body once attracted by an excited electric was repelled by it, and not attracted again till it had touched some other body. Thus he was able to keep a feather sus- pended in the air over his globe of sulphur; but he ob- served, that if he drove it near a linen thread, or the flame of a candle, it instantly recovered its propensity for approaching the globe again. The hissing noise, and the gleaming light, which his globe afforded, both attracted his neitice. These circumstances were, however, afterwards accu- rately remarked by D:. Wall: who, by rubbing amber upon a woollen substance in tlie dark, found also that light was produced in considerable quantities, accompa- nied with a crackling noise; and what is still more extra* ELECTRICITY. ordinary, he adds, "this light and crackling seems in some degree to represent thunder and lightning." Mr. Hawksbee first observed the great electric power of glass. He constructed a wooden machine, which ena- bled him conveniently to put a glass globe in motion. He confirmed all the experiments of Dr. Wall. He ob- served, that the light emitted by the friction of electric bodies, besides the crackling noise, was accompanied by an acute sense of feeling when applied to his hand. He says that all the powers of electricity were improved by warmth, and diminished by moisture. Hitherto the distinction between those bodies wiiich are capable of being excited to electricity and those which are only capable of receiving it from the others, appears scarcely to have been suspected. About the year 1729, this great discovery was made by Mr. Grey, a pensioner of the Charter-house. After some fruitless attempts to make metals attractive by beating, rubbing, and hammering, he conceived a suspicion, that as a glass tube, when rubbed in the dark, communicates its light to various bodies, it might possibly at the same time communicate its power of attraction to them. In order to put this to the trial, he provided himself with a tube three feet five inches long, and near an inch and one- fifth in diameter: the ends of the tube were stopped by cork; and he found that when the tube was excited, a down feather was attracted as powerfully by the cork as by the tube itself. To convince himself more com- pletely, he procured a small ivory ball, which he fixed at first to a stick of fir four inches long, which was thrust into the cork, and found that it attracted and re- pelled the feather even with more vigour than the cork itself. He afterwards fixed the ball upon long sticks, and upon pieces of brass and iron wire, with the same success: and lastly, attached it to a piece of long pack- thread, and bung it from a high balcony, in which state he found that by rubbing the tube the ball was constantly enabled to attract light bodies in the court below. His next attempt was to ascertain whether this power could be conveyed horizontally as well as perpendicu- larly, with this view he fixed a cord to a nail which was in one of the beams of the ceiling, and making a loop at that end which hung down, he inserted his packthread, with the ball which was at the end of it, through the loop of the cord, and retired with the tube to the other end of the room; bid in this state he found that his ball had totally lost the power of attraction, Upon mention- ing his experiments to a friend, it w7as suggesteif, that the cord wbich he had used to support his packthread might be so coarse as to intercept the electric power, and they accordingly attempted to remedy this evil by employing a silk string, which was much stronger in proportion to its size than a hempen cord. With this apparatus the experiment succeeded far beyond their expectations. Encouraged by this success, and attri- buting it wholly to the fineness of the silk, they pro- ceeded to support the packthread to which the ball wras attached by very fine brass and iron wire; but, to their ntter astonishment, found the effect exactly the same as when they used the hempen cord; the electrical virtue utterly passed away; while, on the other hand, when the fackthread was supported by a silken cord, they were able to convey the electric virtue 765 feet. It was evident, therefore, that these effects depended upon some peculiar quality in the silk, which prevented it from conducting away the electrical power, as the hempen cord and the wire bad done. This, probably, immediately led to the discovery of other non-conduct- ing bodies; and hair, rosin, glass, kc. were presently made use of to insulate the bodies which were electri- fied. The next obvious improvement was to electrify separate bodies, by placing them upon non-conductors- and in this manner Mr. Grey and his friend Mr. Whee- ler electrified a large map, a table-cloth, &c. kc. In the latter part of the same summer, Mr. Grey found that he could electrify a rod as well as a packthread, with- out inserting any part into his excited tube, and that it only required to be placed nearly in contact with the apparatus. Mr. Grey proceeded to try the effects of electricity upon animal bodies. He suspended a boy on hair lines in a horizontal position; and bringing the excited tube near his feet, he found that leaf-brass was attracted very vigorously by the head of the boy. He found also, that he could communicate electricity"to fluid bodies, by in- sulating them upon a cake of rosin; and observed, that when an excited tube was held over a cup of water, the Water was presently attracted, in a conical form, towards the tube; that the electric matter passed from the tube to the w7ater with a slight flash and a crackling noise; and that the fluid subsided with a tremulous and waving mo- tion. After this period the spirit of philosophy in this branch was no longer confined to England. M. Du Fay, in- tendant of the French king's gardens, added to the stock of discoveries. He found that all bodies, except metal- lic, soft, and fluid ones, might be made electric by first heating them, and then rubbing them on any sort of cloth. He also excepts those substances which grow soft by heat, as gums, or wiiich dissolve in water, as glue. In pursuing Mr. Grey's experiments with a pack- thread, &c. he perceived that they succeeded better by wetting the line. To prove the effect of this wonderful agent on the animal body, he suspended himself by silk cords, as Mr. Grey had suspended the boy, and in this situation he observed, that as soon as he was electrified, if another person approached him, and brought his hand cr a metal rod within an inch of his body, there imme- diately issued from it one or more prickling shoots, at- tended with a snapping noise; and he adds, that this ex- periment occasioned a similar sensation in the person - who placed his hand near him. In the dark he observed that these snappings were occasioned by so many sparks of fire. Mr. Grey, on resuming his experiments, immediately concluded from that of M. Du Fay, in which a piece of metal drew sparks from the person electrified, and sus- pended on silk lines, that if the person and the metal changed places, the effect would be the same. He ac- cordingly suspended a piece of metal by silk threads near his excited tube, and found that he drew sparks from it at pleasure. This was the origin of metallic conductors. Mr. Grey suspected that the electric fire might he of the same nature with thunder and light- ning. To the philosophers of Germany we are indebted for ELECTRICITY. most of the improvements in the electrical apparatus. They revived the use of the globe, which had been in- vented by Mr. Hawksbee, which w as afterwards super- seded, by a cylinder, and to which they imparted a cir- cular motion by means of wheels, and used a woollen rubber instead of the hand. By the great force also of their machines they were able to set on fire some of the most inflammable substances, such as highly rectified spirits, by the electric spark. But the most surprising discovery was that which im- mediately followed these attempts, in the years 1745-6, viz. the method of accumulating the electric power by the Leyden phial. M. Von Klcist, dean of the cathe- dral of Camnin, was the first who found that a nail or brass wire, confined in an apothecary's phial, and ex- posed to the electrifying glass, or to the prime conduc- tor, had a power of collecting the electric virtue so as to produce the most remarkable effects. He soon found that a small quantity of fluid addeci to it increased the power; and successive electricians found that fluid mat- ter, or any conducting body confined in a glass vessel, had this power of accumulating and condensing the elec- tric virtue. The shock which an electrician is enabled to give by means of the Leyden phial is well known; and this was soon followed by another improvement, that of forming what is called the electric battery, by increasing the number of phials, or jars, by which means the force is proportionably increased. By these means the electric shock was tried upon the brute crea- tion, and proved fatal to many of the smaller animals, which appeared as if killed by lightning. By these means also the electric matter was conveyed to great distances: by the French philosophers, for near three miles; and hy Dr. Watson, and some other members of tlie Royal Society, it was conveyed by a wire over the river Thames, and back again through the river, and spirits were kindled by the electric fire which had pas- sed through the river. In another experiment by the same gentleman, it was found that tbe electric matter made a circuit of about four miles instantaneously. The next discovery respects the nature, or rather the origin, of the electric matter. Dr. Watson was first induced to suspect that the glass tubes and globes did not contain the electric power in themselves, by observ- ing, that upon rubbing the glass tube while he was stand- ing on cakes of wax, in order to prevent, as he expected, any of the electric matter from discharging itself through his body on the floor, the power was so much lessened, that no snapping could he observed upon another per- son's touching any part of his body; but that if a per- son not electrified held his hand near the tube while it was rubbed, the snapping was very sensible. The event was the same when the globe was whirled in similar circumstances; for if the man who turned the wheel, and who, together with the machine, was suspended upon silk, touched the floor with one foot, the fire appeared upon the conductor; but if he kept himself free from Nany communication with the floor, no fire was produced. From these and other decisive experiments, Dr. Watson com hides, that these globes and tubes are no more than the first movers or determiners of the electric power. M. Du Fay had made a distinction of two different spe- cies of electricity, one of which he called the vitreous, and the other the resinous electricity; and soon after the discovery of the Leyden phial, it was found, that by coating the outside of the phial with a couducting sub- stance, which communicated by a wire with the person who discharged the phial, the shock was immensely in- creased; and indeed it appeared that the phial could not be charged unless some conductingsubstance was in con- tact with the outside. Dr. Franklin, however, was the first who explained these phenomena. He showed that the surplus of electricity, which was received by one of the coated surfaces of the phial, was actually taken from the other; and that one was possessed of less than its natural share of the electric matter, while the other bad a superabundance. These two different states of bodies, with respect to their portion of electricity, he distin- guished by the terms plus or positive, and minus or ne- gative; and it was inferred from the appearances that bodies which exhibited what M. Du Fay called the re- sinous electricty, were in the state of minus, that is, in the state of attracting the electric matter from other bo- dies, while those which were possessed of the vitreous electricity were bodies electrified plus, or in a state ca- pable of imparting electricity to other bodies. By this discovery Dr. Franklin was enabled to increase the elec- tic power almost at pleasure, namely, by connecting the inside of one phial with the inside of another, in such a manner that tlie fluid which was driven out of the first would be received by the second, and what was driven out of the second would be received by the third, kc. and this constitutes what we now call an electrical bat- tery. But the most astonishing discovery which Franklin, or perhaps any other person, ever made in this branch of science, was the demonstration of what had been slightly suspected by others, the perfect similarity, or rather indentity, of lightning and electricity. The doc- tor was led to this discovery by comparing the effects of lightning with those of electricity, and by reflecting that if two gun-barrels electrified will strike at two indies, and make a loud report, what must be the effect of ten thousand acres of eletrified cloud. Not satisfied, how- ever, with speculation, he constructed a kite with a pointed wire fixed upon it, which, during a thunder- storm, he contrived to send up into an electrical cloud. The wire in the kite attracted the lightning from the cloud, and descended along the hempen string, and was received by a key tied to the extremity of it, that part of the string which he held in his hand being of silk, that the electric virtue might stop when it came to the key. At this key he charged phials, and from the fire thus obtained he kindled spirits, and performed all the common electrical experiments. Dr. Franklin, after this discovery, constructed an in- sulated rod to draw the lightning from the atmosphere into his house, in order to enable him to make experi- ments upon it: he also connected with it two bells, wiiich gave him notice by their ringing when his rod was elec- trified. This was the origin of the metallic conductors now in general use. It was afterwards discovered by Mr. Canton, that the positive' and negative dec tr'r ity. which were sup- posed to depend upon the nature of the excited body, and therefore had obtained the named of resinous and ELECTRICITY vitreous, depended chiefly upon the nature of the surface; for that a glass tube, when the polished surface wras de- stroyed, exhibited proofs of negative electricity as much as sulphur or sealing wax, and drew sparks from the knuckle when applied to it, instead of giving fire from its own body; when the tube was greased, and a rubber with a rough surface was applied to it, its positive pow- er was restored, and the contrary when the rubber be- came smooth by friction. General principles of electricity.—From the brief ac- count wiiich has been given of discoveries relative to this branch of science, the reader will be prepared to admit that electricity is the action of a body put in a state to attract or repel light bodies placed at a certain distance; to give a slight sensation to the skin, resembling in some measure that which we experience in meeting with a cobweb in the rall at a given distance to a conductor in the act of being charg- ed, when it will be found that a metal point presented at a much greater distance will draw off the whole of the electrical matter from the conductor. In the one case also (the point) the electricity goes off invisibly, and without noise; in the other case there are both a flash and a report. Of the theory of electricity.—In a very early stage of the science we have seen, that a distinction was observed with respect to the attractive and repulsive powers of cer- tain electric bodies. Thus, if w#e electrify with the same substance, for instance either with excited glass or with sealing-wax, two cork balls in an insulated state, that is, suspended by silk lines about six inches long, the balls will separate and repel each esther; but if we electrify one of the balls with glass, and the other with sealing- wax, they will be mutually attracted. This circum- stance gave rise to the opinion, that two different spe- cies of electricity existed; and the one was termed the vitreous electricity., or that produced from glass; and the other, wiiich was produced from sealing-wax, resin- ous substances, and sulphur, was termed the resinous electricity. Subsequent experiments served to show, that in the common electrical machine, the rubber exhibited the a] - pcarance of the resinous electricity, and the cylinder that of the vitreous, while the fcrmer was connected with the earth. A divergent cone or brush of electri- cal light was observed to be the obvious mark of the vitreous electricity; and a single globular mass of light distinguished the resinous kind. The band or body also which approached the vitreous or glassy substance, when excited, appeared to receive the matter from the elec- tric; but when one ofthe resinous kind was excited, the electrical matter appeared to proceed from the hand or other approaching body. Notwithstanding, however, the names by which these different forms of electricty were distinguished, as the vitreous and resinous, it was at length discovered, that the different phenomena depended rather upon the sur- face, than upon the nature and composition of the elec- tric; for a glass tube, when the polished surface was de- stroyed, by being ground with emery, and being rubbed with a smooth body, exhibited all the proofs of the re- s'nous electricity, as much as sulphur or sealing-wax; yet afterwards, when it was greased and rubbed with a rough surface, it resumed its former property. It seems, therefore, to be a rule, that the smoothest of two bodies, upon friction, exhibits the phenomena of the vitreous electricity; for baked wooden cylinders with a smooth rubber are resinously electrified, but with a rubber of coarse flannel they exhibit the appearances of the vitreous kind; and even polished glass will produce the phenomena ofthe resinous electricity, if rubbed with the smooth hair of a cat's skin. Amidst this embarrassing variety of experiments, th pears that in this case the two stockings will adhere to- gether in such a manner as to require a considerable force to separate them. M. Brisson, who repeated the experiment, observes, that after he had separated the white from the black stocking another phenomenon oc- curred; for while he held them one in each hand, sus- pended in the air, they swelled and puffed up as wide as if the leg had remained in them! When they were brought within ten or twelve inches of each other, they rushed upon one another, and adhered forcibly together,' but this adhesion was not so great as that which took place while the stockings were one within the other. Mr. Symner supposed, that the success of this experiment depended upon the contrast between the black and white colour; but M. Brisson proves this hypothesis to be without foundation, having made the experiment by substituting for the black stocking another of a different colour, and even a wliite one; but he confesses, that when the expe- riment was made with two white silk stockings the effects ELKCTRIC1TT. were weak irt comparison. The same effects have been produced, when the stockings were one of black silk, and tbe other of light-coloured Angola wool. Electrical attraction appears, however, not to be so strong in vacuo as in the open air. From several ex- periments of Beccaria's we learn, that if the air is tho- roughly exhausted out of a glass receiver, the attraction and repulsion of electrified light bodies within the re- ceiver become languid, and soon cease altogether. 2. That the stream of electricity is capable of produ- cing motion in almost a similar manner to a stream of common air, will be manifest from several pleasing expe- riments. If a brass cross or fly, such as that in fig. 14. is placed on the conductor, when the machine is turned it will go rapidly round. If itis taken off, and held under the conductor, it will move in the same manner. If the cross, or fly, as it is called, is insulated, it will not move, be- cause no electricity can be drawn through it either way. If a pin or any other conductor approaches it, it will however move as usual. By means of the stream of electricity issuing from a point, many other amusing experiments have been con- trived; such is the electrical orrery, showing the motion of the sun, earth, and moon. The sun and earth go round the common centre of gravity between them in a solar year? and the earth and moon go round the common centre of gravity between them in a lunar month. These motions are represented by an electrical experiment as follows: The ball S (fig. 23.) represents the sun, E the eart!, and M the moon, connected by wires a c and b d: b is the centre of gravity between the earth and moon. These three balls and their connecting wires are hung and sup- ported on the sharp point of a wire A, which is stuck upright in the prime conductor B of the electrical ma- chine; the earth'and moon hanging upon the sharp point of the wire c ae, in which wire is a pointed short pin, sticking out horizontally at c; and there is just such another pin atd, sticking out in the same manner, in the Wire that connects the earth and the moon. When the cylinder of the electrical machine is turned, these balls and wires are electrified; and the electrical fire, flying off horizontally from the points c and d, causes S and E to move round their common centre of gravity a, and E and M to move round their common centre of gravity b. And as E and M are light when compared with S and E, there is much less friction on the point b, than S and E make about tbe point a. The weights of the balls may be adjusted so, that E and M may go twelve times round b, in the time that S and E go once round a. This affords an amusing experiment in electricity; but it is so far from proving that the motions of the planets in the heavens are owing to a like cause, that it plainly proves they are not; for the real sun and planets are not connected by wires or bars of metal, and consequently tliere can be no such metallic points as c and d between them. And without such points, the electric fluid would never cause them to move; for, take away these points in the above-mentioned experiment, and the balls will Continue at rest, let them be ever so strongly electri- fied. Fig. 24 represents a water-mill for grinding corn, tirtned by a stream of electricity. A is the water-wheel, B the cog-wheel on its axis, C the trnudle turned by that wheel, and D the running mill-stone on the top of the axis of the trundle. It may easily he contrived and turned also by electricity, if instead of the round plate D for the mill-stone, there is a horizontal wheel on fie trundle C, with spur-cogs, which will turn two trundles placed on its opposite sides, and on the top of each of these trundles' axis, may be a round plate representing a mill-stone; so that this model has all the working parts of a double water-mill, timing two mill-stont s. Set the mill near the prime conductor, and place the crooked wire so that its point may be directed towards the uppermost side of the great wheel A. Then t.irn tiie glass globe by the winch, and the stream of fire that is■• * . sues from the point of the wire will turn the wheel, and ' * consequently all the other working parts of the mill. Small boats or swans are sometimes made of light wood or cork, and they may be attracted and made to swim in any direction, by applying a finger towards them; or they may have the addition of sails, and will then be made to sail briskly before an electrical gale from a wire hekl in the hand of the operator. 3. Every person knows that with his knuckle or fin- ger, he can draw sparks from a conductor; the further he removes his knuckle from the conductor, the longer will be.the spark, and it will even resemble lightning in the curves it forms, and its zig-zag appearance. There is even a mode of imitating the course of light- ning by some conducting substance, such as pieces of tin-foil stuck at different distances on a plate of glass, and sending a strong spark through them from a pow* erful conductor. In fig. 25 is a glass tube with pieces of tin-foil pasted on at different distances in a spiral di- rection, and hence called the spiral tube. It is inclosed in a larger tube, fitted with brass caps at each ,'cnd, wiiich connect with the tin-foil. When the electric spark is made to pass through this tube, a beautifully illumi- nated spot will be seen at each separation of the tin-foil; and from the course in which the electric light is attract- ed, will serve to give some idea, on a very diminutive scale, of the manner in which the lightning is attracted from one cloud to another. A similar effect will be pro- duced by the jar, fig. 26. A very pleasing effect is also produced from the elec- trical light, which has been called the diadem of beati- fication. The person who wishes to exhibit this experi- ment, binds his head with a band of silvered leather; and while he stands upon an insulated stool is connected with the conductorby a metal chain. If then, while the machine is turned, another person passes his knuckle or finger near the hand of leather, it will appear beautifully illuminated, and vivid flashes of light will play about the person's head who wears the magic diadem. It has been mentioned before that spirit of wine may be set on fire by the electric spark. The experiment is ea- sily made either by placing the ladle or spoon which contains the fluid upon the conductor, and taking the spark through the spirit; or by a person holding tlie spoon or ladle in one band, while he stands on the in- sulated sto 1. having the either hand on the conductor. If then another person approaches the spoon, cither with his finger or an iron poker, or other metal in- strument, the spark will pass through the spirit of wwe,~ ELECTRICITY. and set it immediately in a flame. Tlie experiment will succeed better if the spirit is a little warm, or even if the spoon in which it is contained has been previously a little heated. 4. Whatever may be the effects, however, of a spark drawn from the conductor, they are greatly augmented by what, may be termed concentrated electricity, when the fluid is accumulated by means of a Leyden phial, or a glass plate properly prepared. If a card is held close to the coating of a charged jar near the bottom, and one knob ofthe discharging rod is applied to the card, and the other to the ball of the jar, the electric fluid in pas- sing through the card, will perforate it. The edges of the hole on each side will be a little raised, and the discharge will be attended with a sulphureous smell. With a moderate battery a quire of the thickest paper may be perforated in .the same manner. If a small chain is laid upon a piece of white paper, and a shock from a Leyden phial is made to pass through it, the paper will be stained with a blackish tinge at every joint of the chain; and if the experiment is made in the dark, the chain will appear illuminated, with a kind of radiation at every juncture. By a strong shock of electricity, metals are melted, and gold itself may be incorporated with glass, so as to give the latter the colour and appearance of that me- tal. The experiment is not difficult. All that is required is, to take two narrow slips of common window-glass, each about an inch broad, and three or four inches long. Let a narrow slip of gold leaf then be placed between the glasses, with about an inch at each end hanging be- yond the glasses, which by some means should be pres- sed closely together. One end of the slip of gold leaf should communicate with the outer coating of the phial; and when it is charged, one knob of the discharging rod must be applied to the other end of the leaf, so as to send the charge through it. When the glasses are ta- ken asunder, it will be found that the gold has been melted, and the substance of it actually incorporated with the glass, Which consequently must have undergone a partial fusion itself. By a smart shock of electricity from a charged phial, or a battery, a plant may be killed, and the experiment will best succeed with the common balsam or impatiens. The smaller animals may also be deprived of life; but human art has not yet been able to construct a battery large enough to kill an animal above the size of a sheep or a dog. The immediate or proximate cause ofthe death of animals by electricity, or by lightning, which is natural electricity, has not yet been ascertained. It was once supposed that the living principle was extin- guished by the bursting of some blood vessel, from the violence of the shock; but a dog which was killed by lightning, wras carefully dissected, and none of the ves- sels found in the least injured. Beccaria recovered some persons apparently struck dead by lightning; and when questioned with respect to the pain or suffering which they endured, they only complained of an unusual numb- ness or weariness in their limbs. The flesh of animals killed by electricity is rendered extremely tender, and is recommended by Dr. Franklin as an article of luxury. It will also putrify in a much shorter time than the flesh ■»f those which are killed in any ordinary way. Electricity augments the natural evaporation oMhi- ids, and especially of those fluids which are most sub- ject to evaporation of themselves; and it has a greater effect on fluids, when the vessels containing them are non-electrics. If a humid body, a sponge for instance is placed upon a conductor positively electrified, the eva- poration will proceed much more rapidly, and it will be much sooner dry, than a similar body differently circum- stanced. Dr. Priestley also supposes that plants, when electri- fied, vegetate earlier and more vigorously, than those which have not been subjected to this influence. That electricity increases the insensible perspiration of animals, may be inferred from the circumstance that electrified animals are always lighter than those which are not. The stream of electrical fluid has no sensible heat, but even appears cold to the touch; yet we have seen that the more inflammable bodies, and particularly spirit of wine, may be ignited by it; in this respect it remarkably differs from fire or caloric. The luminous effects of electricity are not the same in vacuo as in the air, and the reason of this is, that dry air is a non-conductor. Thus if a wire with a round end is included in an exhausted receiver, and presented to a conductor of an electrical machine, every spark will pass through the vacuum in a broad stream of light, visible the whole length of the receiver, moving with regularity (unless it is turned back by some non-elec- tric); and then dividing itself into a number of beauti- ful rivulets, which are continually separating and unit- ing in a pleasing manner. When the vessel is grasped by the hand, a pulsation is perceived like that of an ar- tery, and the fire inclines towards the hand. A small quantity of air is, however, necessary to occasion the most brilliant luminous effect. Of thunder and lightning, meteors, water-spouts, kc.— It no longer remains a doubt among philosophers, that the cause of thunder is the same with that which pro- duces the ordinary phenomena of electricity; the resem- blance between them is indeed so great, that we cannot believe thunder itself to be any other than a grander species of electricity, naturally excited without the fee- ble efforts of human art. This fluid, probably, is dif- fused through the whole atmosphere at all times, either in a smaller or greater degree; and is occasionally per- ceptible to our senses, according to the concurrence of natural circumstances. The cloud which produces the thunder and lightning may be considered as a great electrified body; but how has the cloud acquired its electric virtue? is the rea- sonable demand of an inquisitive mind: and to satisfy this inquiry it will be necessary to refer to what has been before observed, that this power is produced in two modes, by friction, and by communication. Bodies elec- trified by friction communicate their virtue to other bo- dies which are susceptible of it, provided they are insu- lated, and at a convenient distance. As air, therefore, is an idio-electric body, it is not unphilosophical to sup- pose, that in stormy weather, especially when it is com- mon to observe the '***' Place a metallic cup, or a pewter plate, upon an in- sulating stand, and connect a sensible electrometer (fig. 18) with it. Also place one or two lighted coals in the cup or plate; then pour a little water at once upon the coal or coals, which will produce a quick evaporation accompanied with a great hissing noise, and at the same time the electrometer will diverge with negative elec- tricity. If the steam which issues copiously from water quick- ly boiling, is received under a pretty large and insulat- ed metallic plate, that plate, hy the condensation of the steam upon it, will be electrified positively, as may be ascertained merely by connecting a sensible electrometer with it. On throwing a variety of other substances upon actu- ally burning, or only hot and insulated coals, the coals, kc. either showed negative electricity, or no electricity at all. Either spirit of wine, or ether, when thus treat ed, left the coals negative; but if (the coals being sufti-- ciently hot) the spirit of wine or the ether took fire, and burned in their usual way, then no electricity was pro duced. Of animal electricity.—Under this title we shall take notice of that electricity only wiiich is produced from the animal itself, in conseepiencc of its pi.i-ticuhtr organization, and not that which is nrodue ed by the ap- plication of metallic substances to animals. Three fishes have hitherto bceimliscovcrcd to have, whilst living, the singular property of giving shock.:' analogous to those of artificial electricity; namely, t'e torpedo, the gymnotus electricus, and the silurus clec- tricus. Those animals belonging to three different or- ELECTRICITY. ders of fish; and the few particulars which they seem to have in common arc the power of giving the shock; an organ in their hodies, called the electric organ, which is in all probability employed by those animals for the exertion of that power; a smooth skin without scales; and some spots here and there on the surface of their bodies. . The torpedo, which belongs to the genus of rays (raja electrica), is a flat fish, very seldom 20 inches long; weighing not above a few pounds when full-grown, and is pretty common in various parts of the sea-coast of Europe. The electric organs of this animal are two in number, and are placed on each side of the cranium and gills, reaching from that place as far as the semicircular cartilages of each great fin, and extending longitudinal- ly from the anterior extremity of the animal to the trans- verse cartilage which divides the thorax from the abdo- men. In those places they fill up the whole thickness of the animal from the lower to the upper surface, and are covered by the common skin of the body, under which, however, are two thin membranes or fascise. The length of each organ is less than one-third part of tbe whole length ofthe animal. Each organ consists of perpendicu- lar columns, reaching from the under to the upper sur- face ofthe body, and varying in length according to the various thickness ofthe fish in various parts. The num- ber of these columns is not constant, differing in differ- ent torpedos, and likewise in different ages of the ani- mal. In a very large torpedo, one electric organ was found to consist of 1182 columns. The greatest number of those columns are either irregular hexagons, or irre- gular pentagons, but their figure is by no means constant. The diameters are generally equal to one-fifth part of an inch. The above-mentioned electric organs seem to be the only parts employed to produce the shock; the rest of the animal appearing to be merely the conductor of that shock, as parts adjacent to the electric organs; and, in fact, the animal has been found to be a conductor of ar- tificial electricity. The two great lateral fins, which bound the electric organs laterally, are the best con- ductors. If the torpedo, while standing in water, or out of the Water, but not insulated, is touched with one hand, it generally communicates a trembling motion, or slight shock, to the hand; but this sensation is felt in the fin- gers of that hand only. If the torpedo is touched with both hands at tlie same time, one hand being applied to its under, and the other to its upper surface, a shock in that case will be received, which is exactly like that which is occasioned by the Leyden phial. When the hand touches the fish on its opposite surfaces, and just over the electric organs, then the shock is the strongest; but if the hands are placed upon other parts of the op- posite surface, the shocks are somewhat weaker; and no shock at all is felt when the hands arc both placed upon tlie electric organs of the same surface; which shows that the upper and lower surface of the electric organs are in opposite states of electricity, answering to the plus and minus sides of a Leyden phial. When the fish \s touched by both hands on the same surface, and the hands are not placed exactly on. the electric organs, a Shock, timugh weak, is still received; but in this case the opposite power of the other surface of the animal seems to be conducted over the skin. The shock which is given by the torpedo, when stand- ing in air, is about four times as strong as when stand- ing in water; and when tbe animal is touched on both surfaces by the same hand, the thumb being applied to one surface, and the middle finger to the opposite sur- face, the shock is felt much stronger than when the cir- cuit is formed by the application of both hands. Some- times the torpedo gives the shocks so quickly one after the other, that scarcely two seconds elapse between them* and when, instead of a strong determinate shock, it com- municates only a torpor, that sensation is naturally at- tributed to the successive and quick discharge of a great many consecutive shocks. This power of the torpedo is conducted by the sama substances which conduct artificial electricity, and is intercepted by the same substances which are" non-con- ductors of electricity; hence, if the animal, instead of be- ing touched immediately by the hands, is touched by non-electrics, as wires, wet cords, &c. held in the hands ofthe experimenter, the shock will be communicated through them. The circuit may also he formed by seve- ral persons joining hands, and the shock will bc'fclt by them all at the same time. If, when the animal is in water, the hands are put in the same water, a shock will also be felt, which will be stronger if one of the hands touches the fish, whilst the other is* kept in the water at a distance from it. In short, the shock of this animal is conducted by the same conduc- tors as that of the Leyden phial; thus it may pass through more than one circuit at the same time, or the circuit may be much extended, &c. but in those cases the shock is much weakened. The shock of the torpedo cannot pass through the least interruption of continuity; thus it will not be con- ducted by a chain, nor will it pass through the air from one conductor to the other, when the distance is even less than the 200th part of an inch; consequently no spark was ever observed to accompany it. No electric attraction or repulsion was ever observed to be produced by the torpedo, nor indeed by airy of the electric fishes, though several experiments have been in- stituted expressly for that purpose. These shocks of the torpedo seem to depend on the will ofthe animal; for each effort is accompanied with a depression ofits eyes, by which even his attempts to give it to non-conductors may be observed. It is not known whether both dec trie organs must always act together, or one of them only may be occasionally put in action by the will of the animal. Almost all these effects of the torpedo may be imitat- ed by means of a large electrical battery weakly charged. The gymnotus electricus has been frequently called electrical-eel, on account of its bearing some resem- blance to the common eel. The gymnotus electricus is found pretty frequently in the great rivers of South America. Its usual length is about three feet, but some of them have been said to be so large as to be able to strike a man dead with their electric shock. A few <» tliese animals, about three feet long, were brought „----.-. r,rrTirr*jrrfrr- alive to England thirty or &>vty years ago, and a great many experiments were made with them. A gymnotus of three feet in length generally is be- tween 10 and 14 inches in circumference at the thickest part of its body. The electric power of this animal be- ing much greater than that of the torpedo, its electric organs are accordingly a great deal larger; and indeed that part of its body which contains most of the animal parts that are common to the same order of fishes, is con- siderably smaller than that which is subservient to the electric power, though tbe latter must naturally derive nourishment and action from the former. The head of the animal is large, broad, flat, smooth, and impressed with various small holes. The.mouth is rather large, ., !-ws have no teeth, so that the animal lives by ^llt . * J"„ i,v swallowing the food entire. The eyes are tuition, m - j a bluejgh COIOUJC. nlarpd o ISHIa ----- small- flattisiuan ^ .......... ^ behind the nostrils. The body is large,' thick, and round- ish, for a considerable distance from the head, and then diminishes gradually. The whole body, from a few inches below the head, is distinguished into four longitudinal parts, dearly divided from each other by lines. The ca- rina tagins a few inches below the head, and widening V., it proceeds, reaches as far as the tail, where it is thinnest. It has two pectoral fins; and the anus is situ- ated on the under part, more forward than those fins, and of course not far distant from the rostrum. This animal has two pairs of electric organs, one pair being larger than the other, and occupying most of the longitudinal parts of the body. They are divided from each other by peculiar membranes. The nerves which go to the electric organs of the gym- notus, as well as of the torpedo, are much larger than those which supply any other part of the body. The electric organs of the gymnotus are supplied with nerves from the spinal marrow, and they come out in pairs be- tween the vertebrae of the spine. The gymnotus possesses all thc'clectric properties ofthe torpedo, but in a superior degree. His shock is conducted by conductors of electricity; it is communicated through water, kc. The strongest shock is received when, the animal standing out of the water, you apply one hand 'owards tlie tail, and the other towards the bead of the animal. In this manner shocks may be received from one of those animals, which are felt not only in the arms, but very forcibly even in the chest. If the animal is touched with one hand only, then a kind of tremor is felt in that single hand; which, though stronger, is however perfectly analogous to that which is given by the torpe- do when touched in the like manner. This power of the gymnotus is likewise depending on tbe will ofthe animal, so that sometimes he gives strong shocks, and at other times very weak ones. He gives the strongest shocks when provoked by being frequently and roughly touched. When small fishes are put into the water where the Rymnotus is,they arc commonly stunned, and are either effectually or apparently killed. The strongest shocks of the gymnoti which were ex- hibited in London, would pass through a very short inter- ruption of continuity in the circuit. They could be con- ned by a short chain when stretched, so as to bring toe links into a more perfect contact. When the interrup- f ion was formed by an uidsioi* made wirh a pen-sniit on a slip of tin-foil that was pasted upon glass, the s'iock in passingthrough that interruption, showed asinc'.l bm vivid spark, plainly visible in a dark room. This animal showed a peculiar property, namely, that of knowing when he could, and when be could Hot, give the sliock; for if non-condtrctors or interrupted circuit*; were placed in the water; he would not approach them; but as soon as i}*» circuit «■■»-•, completed, he would ap- proach the extremities of that circuit, and immediately give the shock. The third fish which is known to have the power of giving the shock, is found in the rivers of Africa; but wo have a very imperfect account of its properties. This animal belongs to the genus which the natural- ists call siluris; hence its name is siluris electricus. The ^v\ of aonr;of these fishes lias been found to exceed 20 leng.. inches. The body of the siluris eiecvricus is oolong, smooth. and without scales; being rather large, and flattened towards its anterior part. The eyes are of a middle size, and are covered by the skin, which envelopes the whole head. Each jaw is armed with a great number of small t: eth. About the mouth it has six filamentous ap-^ pendices, viz. four from the under lip, and two from the upper; the two external ones, or farthermost from the mouth on the upper lip, are the longest. The colour of the body is grcyis?!- and towards the tail it has some blackish spots. ^ • The electric organ seems to be towardtuc ™"* Y„j the skin is thicker than on the rest of the bouy; aHw * whitish fibroussubstvnee, which is probably tllS electric organ, has been distinguished under it. It is said that the siluris electricus has the property of giving a shock or benumbing sensation, like the torpedo, and that this shock is communicated through substances that are conductors of electricity. No other particular seems to be known concerning it. Nature seems to have given tliese fishes the singular power of giving the shock for the purpose of securing their prey, by which they must subsist; and perhaps likewise for the purpose of repelling larger animals, which might otherwise annoy them. The power with which they are endued seems more to correspond with Galvanism (which is doubtless a species of electricity) than with common electricity. See Galvanism. The ancients considered the shocks of the torpedo as capable of curing various disorders; and a modern philo- sopher will hardly hesitate to credit their assertions, since electricity has been found to be.an useful remedy in several cases. A fourth fish, said to give shock* like the above-men- tioned, was found on the coast of Johanna, one of the Comoro islands, in lat. 12° 13' south, by lieutenant now col. William Paterson, and an imperfect account of it is given in the 76th volume of the Philosophical Trans- actions. a The fish is described to be seven inches long, two and a half broad; has a long projecting mouth, and seems of the genus tetrodon. Tho back of the fish is a dark- brown colour, the belly part of a sea-green, the sides yellow, and the fins and tail ofa sandy-green. The bo- dy is interspersed with red, green, and wliite spots, the £ L E £ L E white ones particularly bright; the eyes large, the iris rem, ite outer edges tinged with yellow." Whilst this fish is living, strong shocks, like electri- cal shocks, are felt by a person who attempts to hold it between his hands. Three persons only are mentioned •in the account as having experienced this property of oneof those fishes; but the want of opportunity prevent- ed the trial of farther experiments. ELECTUARY, in pharmacy, a form in which both officinal and extemporaneous medicines are frequently made. See Pharmacy. ELEGIAC, in ancient poetry, any thing belonging to elegy. Elegiac verses are alternately hexameter and penta- meter, as in the following verses of Ovid: Flebilis indignos, elegeia, solve oapillos: Ah! nimis ex vero nunc tibi nomen erit. Sometimes, though very rarely, the pentameter pre- ceded the hexameter, as in the following verse of Atffc- nanis: t.ui'atfjLUH Kafitui xtti, MV> must observe, however, that this 'pinion is mere hypothesis, wholly unsu-.p >rted by fact and experiment; and indeed all experime-nt m;.y <»«• said hitherto to be directly against it. In the present state of science, the following may be regarded as simple or elementary substances, and we have little doubt that many of them will ultimately prove such. Dr. Thomson makes out the number of simple sub- stances at present known to be about 33, and these he divides into two classes. The bodies belonging to the first class can be confined in proper vessels, anil exhib- ited in a separate state; these he calls confutable bodies. Those which belong to tbe second class are of too sub- tile a nature to be confined by any vessels that we pos- sess: they cannot therefore be exhibited in a separate state, and their existence is inferred merely from certain phenomena, which the first class of bodies and their compounds exhibit in particular circumstances; these he denominates unconfinable bodies. It is evident that a person must be acquainted with the properties of the first set of bodies before he can investigate the se- cond. . Table of simple substances. I. Confutable bodies. 1. 2. Simple combustibles 3. Simple incombustibles 4. Metals Alkalies Earths The vegetable and min- eral alkalies, and some of the earths, are supposed to be compounds, though . they have not yet been an-"^ alyzed: these of course, belong to the first class, viz. confinable bodies. Oxygen Sulphur Phosphorus Carbon or Diamond Hydrogen Azote or Nitrogen Muriatic acid G;>id Platinum Silver Mercury Copper Iron Tin Lead Nickel Zinc Bismuth Antimony Tellurium Arsenic Cobalt Manganese Tungsten Molybdenum Uranium Tilanium Chromium Columhium Tantalium Potas f or vegetable and Soda \ mineral alkalies-. "Barytes Strontian Lime Magnesia Alumina Yttria Glucina Zirconia w Silica. E L E - __ If. JJnconfinable bodies. Light Caloric Electricity Magnetism. ELENCIIUS, in logic, a sophism, or fallacious ar- gument, which deceives the bearer under the appear- ances of truth. ELEPIIAS, the elephant, a genus of the mammalia class, of the order bruta. The generic character is, cutting-teeth none in either jaw; tusks in the upper jaw; proboscis very long, prehensile; body nearly naked. 1. The elephas maximus, the great elephant. The stupendous size- strength, and segacity of the elephant, have, in all ages, rendered it the admiration of man- kind. Though possessed of power superior to every other quadruped, it is guiltle.?* of unprovoked violence, and wanders about the woods 01' Asia and Africa in a state of majestic mildness. Elephants are naturally gregarious. Large troops assemble together, Zul\ live in a kind of society. They feed only on vegetables. The elephant is generally of a deep ash-coloured brown, or ^e.aiiy blackish; but in some parts of India it is said to be found, though very rarely, of a white colour. In the young animals the tusks are not visible: in the more ad- vanced state of growth they are extremely conspicuous: and in the full-grown animal they advance several feet from the mouths of their sockets: it is but rarely that the tusks are seen in the females; and when they appear, they are but small, and their direction is rather down- wards than upwards: this is also the case in some spe- cimens of the male elephant, so that there appears to be some variation in this respect in different individuals. Tusks have sometimes been seen upwards of ten feet long; particularly from tlie Mosambique and Cochin- china. The teeth which are imported into Europe are gener- ally from Africa, where they are frequently found in the Woods.^ Instances have sometimes occurred, in which, on sawing 2, tooth, a hrass bullet has been found com- pletely imbedded in the central, part of ihe tooth; the ivory having gradually grown over it, and inclosed it. The elephant is undoubtedly the largest of all terres- trial animals, arriving at the height of twelve feet, though the more general height seems to be from nine to ten feet. Elephants are commonly found in the midst of shady woods, being equally averse to extreme heat as to cold: they delight in cool spots, near rivers, and frequently bathe themselves in the water, and even roll in the mud. They are also capable of swimming with great ease. Their general food consists of the tender branches of various trees, as well as of grains and fruits. It is for this reason that their incursions are so much dreaded in plantations of various kinds, where they are said occasionally to commit the most violent depreda- tions; at the same time, injuring the crops by trampling the ground with their vast feet. The trunk of the ele- phant may justly be considered as one of themirades of nature; being at once the organ of respiration, and the instrument by which the animal supplies itself with food; conveying whatever it eats into the mouth by its . ---- ELE assistance. By this instrument also it drinks; first suck- ing up the water by the trunk, and then pouring it into the mouth. This wonderful organ is composed of a vast number of flexible rings; and consists of a double tube, with a somewhat flattened circular tip, fumished with a projecting point, or fleshy moveable hook, of extreme sensibility, and with which it can pick up the smallest object at pleasure. The trunk, being flexible in all di- rections, perforins the office of a hand and arm. On its umber surface itis somewhat flattened, and is circularly formed on the upper. At the end of the trunk are situ- ated the nostrils. The teats of the female elephant are two in number, and are situated at a small distance be- hind the fore-legs. The eyes are extremely siiw'1, *|-- ears very large- somewhat irregularly waved on tile edges, and pendulous. In each jaw are f<*»» '--- 1 flat grinding teeth, with the upper surfaces "fU&, and scored or striated with numerous transverse fjvrows# In the upper jaw are the two tusks before de- scribed. The form of the whole animal is extremely awkward; the head very large, the body very thick, the back greatly arched;.the legs extremely thick, very short; and the feet slightly divided into, or rather edged with' five rounded hoofs; the tail is of a moderate length, aud is terminated by a few scattered hairs, of great thick- ness, and of a black colour: the skin has a fcw thinly scattered hairs or bristles dispersed over it, and which are somewhat more numerous about the head. The tales related of the sagacity of the elephant are, m all probability, somewhat exaggerated, and must con- sequently be received with a degree of limitation: but there is no reason to doubt that they are possessed of a greater degree of intelligence than most other quadru- peds (the dog excepted); and that, when in a state of do- jyestication, they may be taught to perform many opera- tions, inquiring not only strength, but skill in their exe- cution. It appear*, from the most authentic information, that they are highly atiarhed to those who have them un- der their care: that they are grateful for attentions shown them, and mindful of any injury received; which they generally find some means of retaliating. Some elegant anecdotes of this kind are related by Plfny; and the la- borious Aldrovandus has collected many others. The celebrated story of the taylor of Delhi is a remarkable example of the elephant's sagacity. In that city an ele- phant, passing along the streets, put his trunk into a taylor*s shop, where several people were at work: one of them pricked the end of the trunk with his needle: the elephant passed on; but in the first dirty puddle, filled his trunk with the water, and returning, squirted every drop among the people who had offended him, and spoiled the rich garments they were at work upon. It is said that elephants have been taught to lade vessels with goods, which they have stowed in proper order, and with much address. The Indian elephants, but more especially those of the island of Ceylon, excel the African elephants in size and strength. Those of India are said to carry with ease three* or four thousand weight. In a state of nature they use the tusks for tearing up trees, and the trunk for breaking the brandies. It has been af- firmed that they run as swift as a horse can gallop; but Mr. Pennant assures us, that what has been said ELEPHANT. on this subject is a mistake; and that a nimble Indian can easily outstrip them. The contrivances for taking elephants are various. The Ceylonese sometimes surround the woods in bands, and drive with lighted torches, and all manner of noises, the elephants which inhabit them, till they are at length entrapped into a particular spot surrounded with pali- sades, so as to prevent all escapes. At other times a kind of decoy, or female elephant, is sent out in order to induce some of the males to pursue her, who are by this means secured. When a wild elephant is taken, it still remains to reduce it to a quiet state; and to tame it, in order to be made useful: this is effected by throwing ropes round the legs and body, which arc well secured; and two tame elephants, properly instructed, are placed on each side. The captive animal finds himself gradually so fatigued by bis ineffectual struggles, and so much soothed by the caresses occasionally given by the trunks of the tame elephants, by the food from time to time pre- sented to him, and the water with which he is refreshed by pouring it over him, that in the space of some days he becomes completely tame, and is placed with the rest of the domesticated troop. Sometimes, in order to sub- due them the more effectually, they are deprived of sleep for a considerable time. Great care is taken by the grandees of India in the management and decoration of their elephants; which, after their daily feeding, bathing, oiling, and rubbing, are often painted about the head and ears with various colours, and their tusks are surrounded with rings of gold or silver: and when employed in processions, &e. tbey are clothed in the most sumptuous trappings. By the ancient Indians they were much used in war; and we are told that Poms, the Indian monarch, opposed the passage of Alexander over the Ilydaspes with eigh- ty-five elephants. Buffon also imagines that some of the elephants which were taken by Alexander, and sent into Greece, were employed by Pyrrhus against the Ro- mans. The Romans received their elephants from Afri- ca, and that in great numbers; since it appears that P.nnpcy entertained the people with a show of eighteen in the'space of five days, which were all destroyed in conflicts with armed men. Fifty lions were also exhibited in the same space. The crying and distress of the wound- ed elephants are said to have excited much coinmissera- tion among the Roman people. It is highly remarkable, if true, that the young elephants do not attach tliem- selves to their dams in particular, but suck indiscrimi- nately the females of the whole herd. Mr. Bruce, bow- ever, in his Travels, gives a particular description of the more than common attachment of a young elephant to its dam, which it endeavoured to defend, when wound- ed, and with much fierceness assaulted the invaders. The young elephants do not suck by the trunk, but by the mouth. The elephant brings only one young at a time; very rarely two: the young are about three feet high when they are first born, and continue growing till they are sixteen or twenty years old; they are said to live a hun- dred, or a hundred and twenty years. In the Philosophical Transactions for the year 1799, we find some curious particulars relative to the natural history of the elephant, by Mr. Corse, whose residence in India afforded him opportunities of investigating the subject with exactness. From these observations it appears that something must be subtracted from that elevated character with which this animal has been so frequently honoured; and that neither its docility nor its memory can he allowed a very high rank, when compared with those of some other animals: and that the scrupulous delicacy, which, as it was pretended, forbade all public demonstrations of its passions, is a mere fable. A female elephant has also been known to forget her young one, after having been separated from it for the short space of only two days, and to repel its advances. An elephant, also, which had escaped from its confinement, has again suffered itself to be trepanned, and reconducted to its state of captivity. Both male and female elephants, Mr. Corse informs us, are divided by the natives of Bengal into two casts, viz. the koomareab, and the mergbee. The first con- sists of the large or full-bodied kind; the second of the more slender, with longer legs and thinner trunk in pro- portion; it is also a taller animal, but not so strong as the former. A large trunk is always considered as a great beauty in an elephant, so that the koomareah is preferred not only on this account, but for his superior strength in carrying burthens, &c. Many indistinct va- rieties are again produced from the intermixture of these two breeds. The torrid zone seems to be the natural clime of the elephant, and the most favourable for the production of the largest and hardiest race; and when this animal migrates beyond the tropics, the species de- generates. On the coast of Malabar elephants are taken as far north as the territories of Coorgah Rajah; but these, according to Mr. Corse, are much inferior to the Ceylonese elephant. The tusks in some female elephants are so small as not to appear beyond the lip; whilst in others they are large and long, as in one variety ofthe male, called mook- nah. The grinders are so much alike in both sexes, that one description may serve for both. The largest tusks, and from which the best ivory is supplied, are taken from that kind of male elephant, called dauntelah, from this circumstance, in opposition to the mooknah, whose tusks are not larger than those of some females. An elephant is said to be perfect when his ears are large and rounded, not ragged or indented at the margin: his eyes of a dark hazel-colour, free from specks: the roof of his mouth and his tongue without dark or blackish spots of any considerable size: his truuk large: his tail long, with a tuft of hair reaching nearly te*the ground. There must be five nails in each of his fore-feet, and four on each of the hind ones: his head well set on, and carried rather high: the arch or curve of his back rising gra- dually from the shoulder to the middle, and thence de- scending to the insertion of the tail; .md all his joints firm and strong. In one vaiiety of the elephant the tusks point downwards, projecting only a little way beyond the trunk. The tusks in elephants are fixed very deep in the upper jaw; and the root, or upper part, which is hollow, and filled with a core, goes as high as the inser- tion of the trunk, round the margin of the nasal open- ing of the throat; which opening is just below the pro- tuberance of the forehead. Through tlie opening the elephant breathes, and by its means he sucks up water E L E ELI into his trunk; between it and the roofs of the tusks there is only a thin bony plate. The first or milk-tusks of an elephant never grow to any considerable size, but are shed between the first and second year, when not two inches in length. The time at which the tusks cut the gum varies considerably; sometimes a young ele- plmur has his tusks at five months old, and sometimes not till seven. Even in a foetus which has arrived at its full time, these deciduous tusks are formed. A young elephant shed one of his milk-tusks the 6th of Novem- ber, 1790; when about thirteen weeks old; and the other on the 7th of December, when above four months old. Two months afterwards the permanent ones cut the gums, and on the 19th of April, 1791, they were an inch lorg. Another young elephant did not shed his milk- tusks till he was sixteen months old, which proves that the time of this process varies considerably'. The perma- nent tusks of the female are very small, compared with those of the male: and do not take their rise so deep in the jaw. The largest elephant-tusks Mr. Corse ever saw in Bengal, did not exceed the weight of seventy-two pounds avoirdupois: at Tiperah they seldom exceed fifty-two pounds each. Both these weights are very infe- rior to that of the tusks brought from other parts to the India-house, where some have weighed 150 pounds each. These, Mr. Corse suspects, were from Pegu. The Afri- can elephant is said to be smaller than the Asiatic: yet the ivory-dealers in London affirm that the largest tusks come from Africa, and are of a better texture, and less liable to turn yellow, than the Indian ones. The in- crease of the tusks arise from circular layers of ivoryr, applied internally, from the core on which they are formed; similar to what happens in the horns of some animals. See plate L. Nat. Hist. fig. 17G. 2. The sukotyro. That we may not seem to neglect so remarkable an animal, though hitherto so very im- perfectly known, we shall here introduce the sukotyro. This, according to Niewhoff, its only describer, and who has figured it in his travels to the East Indies, is a quad- ruped ofa very singular shape. Its size is that of a large ox; the snout like that of a bog; the ears round and rough; and the tail thick and bushy. The eyes are plac- ed upright in the head, quite differently from those of other quadrupeds. On each side the head, next to the eyes, stand the horns, or rather teeth, not quite so thick as those of an elephant. This animal feeds upon herbage, and is but seldom taken. It is a native of Java, and is called by the Chinese sukotyro. This is all the descrip- tion given by Niewhoff. The figure is repeated in Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Travels, vol. ii. p. 360. Niewhoff was a Dutch traveller, who visited the East indies about the middle of the 16th century, viz. about the year 1563, and continued his peregrinations for several years. It must be confessed, that some of the figures introduced into his works are not remarkable for their accuracy. Elephant, knights of the, an order of knighthood in Denmark, conferred upon none but persons of the first quality and merit. It is also called the order of St. Ma- ry. Its institution is said to have been owing to a gentle- man among the Danish croisees having killed an ele- phant, in an expedition against the Saracens, in 1184; in memory of which king Cauutus instituted this order, the badge of which i.3 a towered elephant, with an imaai ofthe Holy Virgin incircled with rays, and hung on a watered ^ky-coloured ribbon, like the George in En*. land. s" ELEPHANTIASIS, called also the lepra of the Ara- bians, in medicine, a chronical disease, owe of the two species of leprosy, which affects the whole body, where even the bones as well as the skin are covered with spots and tumours, which being red, at last turn black See Medicine. ELEPHANTINE, in Roman antiquity, an appclla- tion given to the books in which were registered the transactions of the senate and magistrates of Rome of the emperors or generals of armies, and even of the pro- vincial magistrates; the births and classes of the people and other things relating to the census. They are sup' posed to have been so called as being made of ivory though some will have them to have been written on the' intestines of the elephants. ELEPHANTOPUS, hastard-scabius, in botany, a genus of the syngenesia polygamia segregata class of plants, the compound flower of which is tubulose, con- sisting of four or five hermaphrodite and ligulated corol- lulse, with a narrow limb, divided into five nearly equal segments: the stamina are five very short filaments: the seeds are solitary, and contained in the cup, being ofa compressed figure, and crowned with bristly hairs. There are four species, herbaceous plants ofthe East and West Indies. ELEVATION, angle of, in gunnery, that compre- hended between the horizon and the line of direction of a cannon or mortar; or it is that wbich the chase of a piece, or the axis of its hollow cylinder, makes with the plane ofthe horizon. Elevation, in architecture, the same with an ortho- graphic or upright draught ofa building. Elevation of the host, in the'church of Rome, that part of the mass where the priest raises the host above his head for the people to adore. ELEVATOR, the name of several muscles. See Ana- tomy. ELEVATORY, elcvatorium, in surgery, an instru- ment for raising depressed or fractured p:>rts of the scull, to be applied after the integuments and perioste- um are removed. See Surgery. ELEUSIMA, in Grecian antiquity, a festival kept in honour of Ceres, every fourth by some states, but by others every fifth year. The Athenians celebrated it at Eleusis, a town of Attica, whence the naiae. It was ce- lebrated with much ceremony, and persons of both sexes were initiated in it: it being deemed impious to neglect doing so. The mysteries were of two sorts, the lesser and the greater; of which the former were sacred to Proserpine, Cercs's daughter, and the latter to Ceres herself. ELEUTHERIA, another festival celebrated at Pla- tsea, by delegates from almost all the cities of Greece, in honour of Jupiter Eleutherius, or the assertor of liber- ty. It was instituted in memory of tbe victory obtained by the Grecians, in the territories of Plat«a, over Mar- donius, the Persian general left by Xerxes with a migh- ty army to subdue Greece. ELIGIBILITY, in the Romish canon law, a bull ; ELL E L 0 granted by the pope to certain persons, to qualify them to be chosen to an office, or dignity, whereof they were before incapable by want of age, birth, or the like. ELISION, in grammar, the cutting off or suppressing a vowel at the end of a word for the sake of sound or measure, the next word beginning with a vowel. Elisions are pretty frequently met with in English poetry, but more frequently in Latin, French, te, banker's draft, or other valuable secu- rity or effects, for, or in the name, or on the account of, Iheir master or employer^ and who shali fraudulently; embezzle, secrete, or make away with the same, or any part thereof; every such offender shall be deemed to have feloniously stolen the same from his master or employer, for whose use, or on whose account, the same was de- livered to, or taken into the possession of such servant clerk, or other person so employed, although such mo- ney, goods, bond, bill, note, banker's draft, or other valuable security, was or were no otherwise received into the possession of his or their servant, clerk, or other person so employed; and every such offender, hia adviser, procurer, aider, or abettor, being thereof law- fully convicted or attainted, shall be liable to be trans- ported to such part beyond the seas as his majesty, by and with the advice of his privy council, shall appoint, for any term not exceeding fourteen years, in the dis- cretion of the court before whom such offender shall be convicted or adjudged. EMBLEM, a kind of painted enigma, or certain figures painted or cut metaphorically, expressing some action with reflections underneath, wiiich in a measure explain the sense of the device, and at the same time in- struct us in some moral truth, or other matter of know- ledge. The emblem is somewhat plainer than the enig- ma, and the invention is more modern, it being entirely unknown to the ancients. EMBLEMENTS, signify the profits of land sown; but the word is sometimes used more largely, for any profits that arise and grow naturally from the ground, as grass, fruit, hemp, flax, kc Cowel. EMBRACERY, is an attempt to corrupt or influ- ence a jury, or any way incline them to be more favour- able to the one side than the other, by money, promises, letters, threats, or persuasions; whether the juror on whom such attempt is made, gives verdict or not, or whether the verdict given he true or false. 1 Haw. 259. The punishment of an embracer, or embraccor, is by fine and imprisonment; and for the juror so embraced, if it is by taking money, the punishment is (by divers statutes) perpetual infamy, imprisonment for a year, and forfeiture of tenfold the value. 4 Black. 140. EMBOLISM1C, or Intercalary, a termed us- ed by chronologistsin speaking of tbe additional months and years, which they insert to bring the lunar to the solar year. Since the common lunar year consists of 12 synodic months, or 354 days nearly, and the solar consists of 365 days (omitting* the odd hours and min- utes), it is plain that the solar year will exceed the lunar by about 11 days; and consequently in the space of about 33 years the beginning of the lunar year will be carried through all the seasons, and hence it is called the movea- ble lunar year. This form of the year is used at this time by the Turks and Arabians; and because in three yeais time, the solar year exceeds the lunar by 33 days, there- fore, to keep the lunar months in the same seasons and times of the solar year, or near it, chronologists added a whole month to the lunar year every third year, and so made it consist of 13 months; this year they called the embolismic year, and the additional month the em- bolismic, or embolimean, or intercalary month. This form of the year is called the fixed lunar year, and it was used by tiie Greeks and Romans till the time of Ju- lius Caesar. EMBOSSING, or Imjbossing, in architecture and E M E E M E trulptufe, the forming or fashioning works in relievo, whether cut with a chissel or otherwise. Embossing is a kind of sculpture, in which the figures stick out from the plane; and according as the figures are more or less prominent, they arc said to be in alto, mezzo, or basso relievo; or high, mean, or low relief. EMBOTHRUM, a genus of the class and order te- trandria monogynia. The corolla is four-petalled; an- thers sessile, sitting on the tips of the petals; follicle round. There are four species, handsome shrubs of New Holland and South America. EMBRASURE. See Architecture. Embrasure, in fortification, a hole or aperture in a parapet, through which the cannon are pointed to fire in- to the moat or field. Sec Fortification. EMBROCATION, in surgery and pharmacy, an ex- ternal kind of remedy, which consists in an irrigation of the part affected, with some proper liquor, as oils, spirits, kc by means of a woollen or linen cloth, or a spunge, dipped in the same. See Surgery. EMBROIDERY, a work in gold or silver, or silk thread, wrought by the needle upon cloth, stuffs, or muslin, into various figures. In embroidering stuffs, the work is performed in a kind of loom, because the more the piece is stretched, the easier it is worked. As to mus- lin, tht>y spread it upon a pattern ready designed; and sometimes, before it is stretched upon the pattern, it is starched, to make it more easy to handle. Embroi- dery on the loom is less tedious than the other, in which, while they work flowers, all the threads of the muslin, both lengthwise and breadthwise, must be. continually counted; but on the other hand this last is much richer in points, and susceptible of greater variety. Cloths too much milled are scarcely susceptible of this orna- ment, and in effect we seldom see them embroidered. The thinnest muslins are the best for this purpose, and they arc embroidered to the greatest perfection in Sax- ony. In other parts of Europe, however, they embroi- der very prettily, and especially in France. There are several kinds of embroidery, as, 1. Em- broidery on the stamp, where the figures are raised and rounded, having cotton or parchment put under them to support them. 2. Low embroidery, where the gold and silver lie low upon the sketch, and are stitched with silk of the same colour. 3. Guiniped embroidery: this is per- formed either in gold or silver; they first make a sketch upon the cloth, then put on cut vellum, and afterwards sow on the gold and silver with silk-thread. In this kind of embroidery they often put gold and silver cord, tinsel, and spangles. 4. Embroidery on both sides; that which appears on both sides, of the stuff. 5. Plain embroidery; where the figures are flat and even, without cords, span- gles, or other ornaments. No foreign embroidery, or gold or silver brocade, is permitted to be imported into England on pain of be- ing seized and burned, and a penalty of 100/. for each piece. No person is allowed to sell any foreign embroi- dery, gold or silver thread, lace, fringe, or brocade, or make up the same into any garment, upon pain of hav- ing it burned, and penalty of 100/. EMBRYLLCUS. See Midwifery. EMERALD, in natural history, a precious stone, •f a green colour, and next in hardness to the ruby. This stone has hitherto been found almost always crystallized. The primitive form of the crystals is a re- gular six-sided prism; and the form of its particles is a triangular prism, whose sides are square, and bases equilateral triangles. The most common variety of its crystals is the regular six-sided prism, sometimes with the edges ofthe prism, or ofthe bases, or the solid an- gles, or both wanting, and small faces in their place. The sides of the prism are generally channelled. Its texture is foliated. Its fracture concboidal. Causes a double refraction. Hardness 12. Specific gravity 2.65 to 2.775. Colour green. Becomes electric by fric- tion, but not by heat. Its powder does not phosphoresce when thrown on a hot iron. At 150° Wedge wood it melts into an opaque coloured mass. According to Dolomieu, it is fusible per se by the blowpipe. This mineral was formerly subdivided into two dis- tinct species; the emerald, and beryl or aqua marina. Hauy demonstrated, that the emerald and beryl corre- spond exactly in their structure, and properties; and Vauquelin found that they were composed of the same ingredients; henceforth, therefore, they must be consi- dered as varieties ofthe same species. The variety called emerald varies in colour from the pale to the perfect green. It comes chiefly from Peru; some specimens have been brought from Egypt. Dolo- mieu found it in the granite of Elba. When heated to 120° Wedgewood, it becomes blue, but recover* its co- lour when cold. A specimen, analysed by Vauquelin, was composed of 64.60 silica 14.00 alumina 13.00 glucina 3.50 oxide of chromium 2.56 lime 2.00 moisture, or other volatile ingredient 99.66 # See Beryl. The beryl is of *a mountain-green colour, and some* times blue, yellow, and even white; sometimes different colours appear in the same stone. It is found in Cey- lon, different parts of India, Brazil, and especially in Siberia and Tartary, where its crystals are sometimes a foot long. A specimen of beryl, analysed by Vauquelin, contained 69 silica 13 alumina 1 oxide of iron 0.5 lime 83.5 It was by analysing this stone that Vauquelin disco- vered the earth which he called glucina. Our jewellers distinguish emeralds into two kinds, the oriental and occidental: the emeralds of the East Indies are evidently finer than those of any other part of the world; but our jewellers, seldom meeting with these, call the American emeralds the oriental, and usu- ally sell crystals accidentally tinged with green, under the name of occidental emeralds: these being also the most common, there has grown an opinion among the lapidaries, that the emerald is no harder than the crys- tal; because what they take to be the emeralds, are in general only crystals, Tho genuine emerald, in its most E M 0 E M P perfect state, is perhaps the most beautiful of all the gems; it is found of various sizes, but usually small; a great number of them are met with of about the six- teenth part of an inch in diameter, and they are found from this size to that of a walnut. EMERSION, in astronomy, is when any planet that is eclipsed begins to emerge or get out of the shadow of the eclipsing body. It is also used when a star, before hidden by the sun as being too near him, begins to re- appear or emerge out of his rays. See Astronomy. EMERY, in natural history, a rich iron-ore found in large masses, of no determinate shape or size, extremely hard and very heavy. It is usually of a dusky brownish- red on the surface, but when broken, is of a fine, bright, iron-grey, but not without some tinge of redness, and is spangled all over with shining specks, which are small flakes of a foliaceous talc, highly impregnated with iron. It is also sometimes very red, and then usually contains veins of gold. It is imported from the island of Naxos, where it exists in great abundance. It is opaque and brittle; its specific gravity is about four. From the ana- lysis of Mr. Tennant, it appears that emery, when freed as much as possible from iron, is composed of 80 alumina 3 silica 4 iron 87. This analysis corresponds very nearly with that of the imperfect corundum. Emery is prepared for the manufacturers by grinding in mills, and the powder is separated into parcels of dif- ferent degrees of fineness by washing; these are called the first, second, and third sort; the first being that which remains longest suspended in water, the others, such as sink sooner from the same liquor, and from which it is poured, while yet turbid, to settle for the finer kind. These several sorts are of g^at use to va- rious artificers in polishing and burnishing iron and steel works, marble, cutting and scalloping glass, &c. The lapidaries cut the ordinary gems on tiieir wheels, by sprinkling the wetted pow7der over them, the wheels they use being usually of lead, with a small admixture •f pewter, that their softness may admit the emery the better. It will not cut diamonds. EMETIC, a medicine wiiich induces vomiting. See Pharmacy. EMINENCE, in the military art, a high or rising ground, which overlooks and commands the low places about it; such places within cannon-shot of a fort are a great disadvantage; for if the besiegers become mas- ters of them, they can thence fire into the fort. EMIR, a title of dignity among the Turks, signify- ing a prince, which was first given to the caliphs, but wiien they assumed the title of sultans, that of emir re- mained to their children, as that of Caesar among the Romans. At length the title became attributed to all who were judged to descend from Mahomet by bis daugh- ter Fatimah, and who wear the green turban instead of the white. The Turks also call the viziers, bashaws, •r governors of provinces, by this name. EMOLIENTS, in medicine and pharmacy, are such remedies as sheath and soften the asperity of the hu- mours, and relax and supple the solids at the same time*- See Materia medica. EMPEROR, imperator, a title of honour among the ancient Romans, conferred on a general who had been victorious, and now used to signify a sovereign prince or supreme ruler of an empire. The title of emperor adds nothing to the rights of so- vereignty; it only gives preeminence above other sove- reigns. The emperors, therefore, pretend, that the im- perial dignity is more eminent than the regal. It is disputed whether emperors have the power of disposing of the regal title; however this may be, they have some- times taken upon them to erect kingdoms: thus it is that Bohemia, Prussia, and Poland, are said to have been raised to that dignity. In the East the title of emperor is more frequent than with us; thus the sovereign princes of China, the Mogul empire, kc are called emperors. In the West, the title has been for a long time restrain- ed to the emperors of Germany. The first who bore it was Charlemagne, who was crowned by pope Leo III. in 800; and itis to be observed, that tliere was not afoot of land or territory annexed to the emperor's title. In the year 1723, the czar of Muscovy assumed the title of emperor of all the Russias. The kings of France were also called emperors when they reigned with their sons, whom they associated in the crown: thus Hugh Capet was called emperor, and his son Robert, king. The kings of England were anciently stiled emperors, as appears from a charter of king Edgar. The emperor of Ger- many is a limited monarch in regard to the empire, though he is an absolute sovereign in most of his here- ditary dominions. EMPETRUM, berry-baring heath, a genus of the triandria order, in the monoecia class of plants. In the natural method this genus is ranked by Linnaeus under the 54th order, miscellaneae; and likewise among those of wiiich the order is doubtful. The male calyx is tri- partite; the corolla tripetalous; the stamina long: the fe- male calyx is tripartite; the corolla tripetalous; the styles nine; the berry nine-seeded. There are two species; one of which, viz. the nigrum, bears the crow-crake berries, and is a native of Britain. It grows wild on boggy heaths and mountains. Children sometimes eat the berries; but when taken in too great a quantity, they are apt to occasion a head-ache. Grouse feed upon • them. When boiled with alum, they afford a dark pur- ple dye. Goats are not fond of the plant; cows, sheep, and horses, refuse it. The album is a native of Portu- gal, and bears white berries. EMPHYSEMA, in surgery, a windy tumour, gene- rally occasioned in a fracture of the ribs, and formed by the air insinuating itself, by a small wound, between the skin and muscles, into the substance of the cellular or adipose membrane, spreading itself afterwards up to the neck, head, belly, and other parts, much after the manner in which butchers blow up their veal. See Sur- gery. EMPHYTEUSIS, in the civil and canon law, the letting out of poor barren lands for ever, or at least for a long term of years, on condition ofthe tenant's culti- vating, ameliorating, or mending them, and paying a certain yearly consideration. Emphy teuses are a kind of alienation, differing from sale, in that they only trans-' £ K A ftr the dominion utile, the benefits of the ground, not the properly . or simple fee. Among the Romans they were at first temporary, afterwards perpetual. EMPIHE, in political geography, a large extent of land, under the jurisdiction or government of an empe- ror. See Emperor. The most ancient empire we read of is that of the Assyrian, which was subverted through the effeminacy of Sardanapalus; the Persian empire was destroyed through the bad conduct of Darius Codomaniuis; the Grecian empire, by its being dismembered among the captains of Alexander the Great; and the Roman em- pire, through the ill management of the last emperors of Rome. Empire, or the empire, used absolutely, and without any addition, signifies the empire of Germany, called also in juridical acts and laws, the holy Roman empire. Authors are at a loss under what ferin of go- vernment to range this empire. Some consider it as a monarchical state, as all the members are f.»rccd to ask the investitute of their states of the emperor, and to take an oath of fidelity to him. Others will have it an aris- tocratic state, because the emperor cannot determine any thing without the concurrence of the princes: and, last- ly, others regard the empire as a monarcho-aristocra- tic state. EMITS, in zoology, a genus of insects belonging to the order diptera, of which the characters are tliese: the proboscis is of an horny substance, bivalve, reflected under the head and breast, and longer than the thorax. There are five species. These minute insects live by sucking out the blood and fluids of other animals. EMPLEURUM, a genus of the montecia tetrandria class and order. The male calyx is four-cleft; corolla none; fem. calyx, four-deft inferior; corolla none; stigma cylindric; caps, opening at the side; seed one, arilled. There is one species, a shrub of the Cape. EMPYEMA, in medicine, a disorder in which puru- lent matter is contained in the thorax or breast, after an inflammation and suppuration of the lungs and pleura, which, if it is not timely disc barged, not only obstructs respiration, but also returning into the blood occasions a continual hectic, with a consumption of the whole body, and other bad symptoms. See Medicine. EMPYREUMA, among chemists and physicians, the fiery taste or offensive smdl which brandies, and some ether bodies prepared by fire, are Impregnated with. EMULGENT, or Renal Arteries, those which supply tlie kidneys with blood; being sometimes single, sometimes double on each side. EM L LSION, in pharmacy, a soft liquid substance, of a colour and consistence resembling milk. See Phar- macy. EMUNCTORY, in anatomy, a general term for all those parts which serve to carry off the excrementi- tious parts of the blood and other humours of the body. Such more especially are the kidneys, bladder, &c. EN ALL AGE, in grammar, is when one word is sub- stituted for another of the same part of speech; a sub- stantive for an adjective, as exercitus victor for victori- osus, scelus for scelcstus; a primitive for a derivative, as Dardana anna for Dardania, laticein lyamm for ly- aeiuiu; an active for a passive, as nox humida ccelo praecipitat, for prsecipitatur, &s. E N A Enauaob, In rhetor,':, 11 fi5ure b-v w^h the fc course is changed and reversed contrary to an «,«,C i u e. of the language; but this is not done altogether at plea- sure, or without reason. ENALLRON, according to Guillim, is a bordure charged with birds; though others will have it to signify, in orle, or form of a bordure. ENAMEL, a kind of coloured glass, used in enamel- ling and painting in enamel. Enamels have for their basis a pure crystal-glass or frit, ground up with a fine calx of lead and tin prepared for the purpose, with the addition usually of white salt of tartar. These ingredi- ents baked together are the matter of all enamels, which are made by adding colours of different kinds in powder to this matter, and melting or incorporating them toge- ther in a furnace. For white enamel, Neri De Arte Vitriar. directs only manganese to be added to the matter which constitutes the basis; for azure, zaffer mixed with calx of brass; for green, calx of brass with scales of iron, or with crocus inartis; for black, zaffer with manganese, or with cro- cus martis; or manganese with tartar; for red, manga- nese or calx of copper and red tartar; for purple, man- ganese with calx of brass; for yellow, tartar and manga- nese; and for violet-coloured enamel, manganese with thrice-calcined brass. In making these enamels, the folbwing general cau- tions are necessary to be observed. 1. That the pots must be glazed with white glass, and must be such as will bear the fire. 2. That the matter of enamels must be very nicely mixed with the colours. 3. When the enamel is good, and the colour well incorporated, it must be taken from the fire with a pair of tongs. 4. The general way of making the coloured enamels is this; powder, sift, and grind all the colours very nicely, and first mix them with one another, and then with the common matter of enamels; then set them in pots in a furnace, and when they are well mixed and incorporated, cast them into water, and when dry, set them in a furnace again to melt, and when melted take a proof of it. If too deep- coloured, add more of the common matter of enamels, and if too pale, add more of the colours. Enamels are used either in counterfeiting or imitating precious stones, in painting in enamel, or by enamellers, jewellers, and goldsmiths, in gold, silver, and other me- tals. The first two kinds are usually prepared by the workmen themselves, who are employed in these arts. That used by jewellers, kc. is brought to us chiefly from Venice or Holland, in little cakes of different sizes, com- monly about four inches diameter, having the mark of the maker struck upon them with a puncheon. ENAMELLING, the art of laying enamel upon me- tals, as gold, silver, copper, kc. and of melting it at the fire, or of making divers curious works in it at a lamp. It signifies also to paint in enamel. The method of painting in enamel.—-This is performed on plates of gold or silver, or most commonly of copper, enamelled with the white enamel, which they paint with colours melted in the fire, where they take a brightness and lustre like that of glass. This painting is the most prized of all for its peculiar brightness and vivacity, which is very permanent, the force ofits colours not be- ing effaced ©r sullied with time, as in other painting, an* ENAMELLING. continuing always as fresh as when it came out of the workman's hands. It is usual in miniature, it being the more difficult the larger it is, by reason of certain acci- dents it is liable to in the operation. Fine enamelling should only be practised on plates of gold, the other me- tals being less pure: copper, for instance, scales with the application, and yields fumes; and silver turns the yel- lows white. Nor must the plate be made flat; for in such case, the enamel cracks; to avoid which, they usually forge them a little round or oval, and not too thick. The plate being well and evenly forged, they usually begin the operation by laying on a couch of white enamel, on both sides; which prevents the metal from swelling and blister- ing; and this first lay serves for the ground of all the other colours. The plate being thus prepared, they he- gin at first by drawing out exactly the subject to he paint- ed with red vitriol, mixed with oil of spike, marking all parts of the design very lightly with a small pencil. After this, the colours (which are to he previously ground with water in a mortar of agate extremely fine and mixed with oil of spike somewhat thick) arc to belaid on. observing the mixtures and colours that agree to the different parts of the subject; for which it is necessary to understand painting in miniature. But here the workman must be very cautious of the good or bad qualities of the oil he employs to mix his colours with, for it is very subject to adulterations. Great e are must likewise be taken that the least dust imaginable come not to your colours while you are either painting or grinding them; for the least speck, when it is worked up with it, and when the work comes to be put into the reverberatory to be red-hot, will leave a hole, and so deface the work. When the colours are all laid, the painting must be gently dried over a slow fire to evaporate the oil, and the colours afterwards melt- ed to incorporate them with the enamel, making the plate red-hot in afire such as the enamellers use. Afterwards that part of the painting must be passed over again which the fire has any way effaced, strengthening the shades and colours, and committing it again to the fire, observ- ing the same method as before, wiiich is to be repeated till the work is finished. The white enamel of which the glazing of fine ear- thenware vessels consists, is made of 100 parts of lead melted with from 15 to 40 parts of tin, and the mixture is oxydized completely, by exposing it to heat in an open vessel. One hundred parts of this oxide are mixed with an equal quantity of white sand, three parts of silica, one of talc, and 25 of common salt. This mixture is melted, then reduced to powder, and formed into a kind of paste, which is spread over the porcelain vessel before it is baked. The excellence of good enamel is, that it ea- sily fuses into a kind of paste at the heat which is neces- sary for baking porcelain, and spreads equally on the vessel, forming a smooth glassy surface, without losing its opacity, or flowing completely into a glass. Its whiteness depends on the proportion of tin, and its fu- sibility on the lead. Mr. Anness has just obtained a patent for enamels, of which the following are among his principal direc- tions. To prepare the flux or principal matter for enamelling on glass vessels—Take one pound of saturnus glorifica- tus (to prepare glorificatus thus: take litharge of white lead, put it in a pan, pour on distilled vinegar, stirring it well over a gentle fire till the vinegar becomes im- pregnated with the salt of the lead; evaporate half the vinegar, put it in a cool place to crystallize, and keep the crystals dry for use); half a pound of natural crys- tal calcined to a whiteness; one pound ofsaltofpolverine, or other fit alkali; mix them together, and bake in a slow heat for about 12 hours, then malt the mass, and pulverize the same in an agate mortar, or any other pro- per vessel which is not capable of communicating any metallic or other impurity. To make green.—Take one ounce of copper-dust, two ounces of sand, one ounce of litharge, half an ounce of nitre; or two of copper, one of sand, two of litharge, one and a half of nitre, mix them with equal parts of flux, or vary the proportions of them, as may be found necessary, according to the tint of colour required. To make black.—Take calcined iron one ounce, co- balt, crude or prepared, one ounce, or zaflVr two ounces, and manganese one ounce; mixed with equal parts of flux, by melting or grinding together. To make yellow.—Take of lead and tin ashes one ounce, litharge one ounce, antimony one ounce, sand one ounce, nitre four ounces; calcine or melt them together; pulverize and mix them with a due proportion of flux, as the nature of the glass may require; or take more or less of any or all the above, according to the depth of colour desired. To make blue.—Take prepared cobalt one ounce, sand one ounce, red lead one ounce, nitre one ounce, Hint- glass two ounces: melted together by fire, pulverized and fluxed according to the degree of softness or strength of colour required. To make olive.—Take one ounce of the blue as pre- pared above, half an ounce of black, half an ounce of yellow; grind them for use; if necessary, add flux to make it softer, To make white.—Take tin prepared by aqua-fortis one ounce, red lead one ounce, of white pebble-stone or natural crystal two ounces, nitre one ounce, arsenic one drachm, with equal parts of flux, or more or less, as the softness or opacity may require; melted, calcined, or useel raw. To make purple.—Take the finest gold; dissolve it in aqua-regia, regulated with sal ammoniac; put it in a sand-heat for about 48 hours to digest the gold, collect the powder, grind it with six-times its weight of sulphur, put it into a crucible on the fire, till the sulphur is eva- porated, then amalgamate the powder with twice its weight, of mercury, put it into a mortar or other vessel, and rub it together for about six hours, with a small quantity of water in the mortar, which change frequently; evaporate the remaining mercury in a crucible, and add to the powder ten times its weight of flux, or more or less, as the hardness or softness of the colour may re- quire. To make rose-colour.—Take purple as prepared above, mix it with thirty times its weight of flux, and one hun- dredth part of its weight of silver leaf, or any prepara- tion of silver, or vary the proportion of the flux and silver as the quality of tbe colour may require; or any of the other preparations for purple will do, varying the proportion of the flux and silver as above; or any mete- E C A E N A rials, from which purple can be produced, will, with the addition of silver and flux, answer. To make brown.—Take red lead one ounce, calcined iron one ounce, antimony two ounces, litharge two ounces, zaffer one ounce, sand two ounces, calcined, or melted together, or used raw, as may be most expedient; vary the proportions of any or all the above, as tint or quality may require. Method of application.—The aforesaid colours may be applied to vessels of glass in the following manner, viz. by painting, printing, or transfering, dipping, floating, and grounding. To paint.—Mix the colours (wiien reduced by grind- ing to a fine powder) with spirits of turpentine, temper them with thick oil of turpentine, and apply them with camel-hair pencils, or any other proper instrument, or mix them with nut or spike oil, or any other essential or volatile oil, or with water, in which case use gum arabic, or any other gum that will dissolve in water, or with spirits, varnishes, gums of any kind, waxes, or resins; but the first is conceived to he the best. To print.—Take a glue bat, full size, for the subject, charge the cupper-plate with the oil or colour, and take the impression with the bat from the plate, which impres- sion transfer on the glass: if the impression is not strong enough, shake some dry colour on it, which will adhere to the moist colour; or take any engraving or etching, or stamp, or cast, and having charged it with the oil or colour, transfer it on the glass by means of prepared paper, vellum, leather, or any other substance that will answer; but the first is the best. Any of the aforesaid engravings, etchings, stamps, casts, or devices, may be charged with waters, oils, varnishes, or glutin- ous matters of any kind, reduced to a proper state, as is necessary in printing in general; any or all of tliese may be used alone, or mixed with the colours. When used alone, the colour is to be applied in powder as be- fore mentioned. To dip.—Mix the colour to about the consistency of a cream with any of the ingredients used for printing, in which dip the glass vessel, and keep it in motion till smooth. To ground.—First charge the glass vessel with oil of turpentine, with a camel-hair pencil, and witile moist apply the colour in a dry powder, which will adhere to the oil, or, instead of oil of turnpentine, use any of the materials used for printing: but the first is the best. To float.—Mix the colour with any ofthe ingredients used for printing, to a consistency according to the strength of ground required, float it through a tube, or any other vessel, moving or shaking the piece of glass till the colour is spread over the part required. ENARGEA, a genus of the hexandria monogynia class and order. There is no calyx: the petals are six; berry three-celled; four or five globular seeds. There is one species, a native of Terra del Fucgo. ENCvEMA, the name of three several feasts cele- brated by the Jews in memory of the dedication, or ra- ther purification, of the temple, by Judas Maccabeus, Solomon, and Zorabahci. This term is likewise used in church-history for the dedication of christian churches. ENCAMPMENT, the pitching of a camp. In the vol. i. 116 regulations published by authority, are particularly en- joined the following. Attentions relative to encamjrments.—On the arrival of a brigade, or a battalion, on tho ground destined for its camp, the quarter and rear guards of the respec- tive regiments will immediately mount; and when cir- cumstances require them, the advanced picquets will be posted. The grand guards of cavalry will be formed, ar. lower end of which is immersed in the well from which the water is to be raised. Imme- diately below the place where the pipe s enters the ris- ing-pipe, there is a valve, n, opening upwards. A simi- lar valve is also placed at i, above the pipe S. Lastly, there is a pipe e, which branching off from the rising- pipe, enters the top of the receiver. This pipe has also a cock, d, called the injection-cock. The mouth of the„ pipe e, has on the end f a nozzle, pierced full of holes, pointing from a centre in every direction. The keys of the two cocks c and d, are united by the handle h, called the regulator. The mode of operation is as follows: Let the regulator be so placed, that the steam-cock c be open, and the in- jection-cock d shut: put water into the boiler a, and make it boil. The steam from it will enter the pipe b, a*id fill the receiver, first driving out the air which it hefore contained; a considerable quantity of steam will be at first condensed by the cold sides of the receiver; but it being at length warmed, the steam will proceed into the rising-pipe, lifting up the valve i. When this is perceived to be the case, by the rMng-pipc feeling warm, and hearing the valve i rattle, the communication is now to he cut from the boiler, by shutting the steam-cm k c the injection cock d being also shut. The receiver now gradually cools, and the steam included in it condenses into water. When this is the case, as the air was tit jirst driven out by the steam, and cannot return again, all the cocks being shut, a vacuum is formed in the receiver consequently, there is nothing to counterbalance the pres- sure ofthe atmosphere, which acting upon the water in the well, forces it up the rising-pipe, and fills the receiv- er. The steam-cock is now opened; and the steam from the boiler rushing in with great violence, presM-s upon the surface of the water in the receiver, and forcing if through the pipe s, into the rising-pipe, causes itto shut the valve n, and open the other valve i; and, provided the steam be sufficiently strong, will force it up the rising- pipe to the top k, where it is delivered. The cock c is kept open until all the water be driven out of the receiv- er, and it is again filled with steam. The regulator is now applied, which shuts the steam-cock, whilst at the same time it opens the injection-cock. The rising-pipe being still full of water, a stream of cold water proceeds through the pipe e, and enters the receiver in a shower. This instantly condenses the steam in the receiver, and produces a vacuum as before; in consequence of which, the water from the Well is again forced up by the external pressure of the atmosphere, and the receiver is again filled with water. The regulator is then turned, which shuts the injection-cock and opens the steam-cock, which permits the steam from the boiler to press upon the wa- ter, and again force it up the rising-pipe. This opera- tion filling the receiver with water by means of a vacuum produced in it, and forcing it up the rising-pipe by the pressure of the steam from the boiler, is constantly re- peated, by merely turning the regulator, which shuts and opens the steam-cocks and injection-cocks alter- nately. This construction of the steam-engme is extremely simple, and might perhaps be successfully applied for some purposes. But it has several considerable defects. It may readily be apprehended, that the action of the direct steam on any definite surface (such, for example, as a square inch) will be exactly equal to the re-ac- tion of the water which is forced up; and consequently, that Savary's engine will require steam more elastic than the air of the atmosphere, in every case except where the water is raised no higher than it can be by the vacuum that is produced, and the pressure ofthe at- mosphere. When the water is forced up through the rising-pipe, every square inch of the boiler must sustain a pressure equal to a column of water an inch square, and of the height of the pipe above the boiler. This, therefore, requires very strong vessels, and several ac- cidents happen by their bursting when the safety valve is loaded too much. But the greatest defect of this machine is the great wTaste of steam, and consequently of fuel. For when the steam is admitted to the top ofthe cold water in the re- ceiver, it is condensed with great rapidity; and the wa- ter does not begin to yield to its pressure, until its sw- ENGINES. face is so hot, as not to condense any more steam: it now descends; but as by that, a new part of the side of the receiver is exposed to the steam, more is condensed, so that a consideration of the steam is going on all the while the water is descending. * This too must necessarily be repeated every stroke, as the receiver is cooled every time it is filled with water. Mr. Savary succeeded in raising water to small heights, and erected several engines in different parts of Eng- land; but he could make nothing of deep mines. Many attempts have been made to correct these defects, but hitherto without much success. In the beginning ofthe eighteenth century, Newcomen, an ironmonger or smith, and Crauly, a glazier at Dart- mouth, in Devonshire, first conceived the project of ap- plying a piston with a lever, and other machinery. They were contented to share the profits of the invention with Savary, who procured a patent for it in 1705, in which they were all three joined. Fig. 2, exhibits a section of Newcomen's engine: a is the boiler, built in brick-work. In the top ofthe boil- er is a steam-pipe, c, communicating with the cylinder, b, wbich is of metal, and is bored very truly. The lower aperture of this pipe is shut by the plate n, which is ground very flat, so as to apply very accurately to the whole circumference of the orifice. This plate is cal- led the regulator, or steam-cock, and it turns horizon- tally round an axis o, which passes through the top of the boiler, and is fitted by grinding to the socket, so as to be steam-tight. It is opened and shut by a handle fix- ed to its axis. In the cylinder 6 is a solid piston, p, well fitted into it, and made air-tight by a packing of leather or soft rope, well filled with tallow; and for greater security, a small quantity of water is kept above the piston. The piston-rod d is suspended by a chain, wiiich is fixed to the upper extremity of the arched head e of the great lever, or working-beam, efg, which turns on the gudgeon/. There is a similar arched head g, at the other end of the beam; to the upper extremity of which is fixed a chain, carrying the pump-rod h, which raises the water from the mine. The load on this end of the beam is made to exceed considerably the weight of the piston at the other ex- tremity. At a small height above the top of the cylinder, is a cistern called the injection-cistern, i. From this descends the injection-pipe, k, which enters the bottom ofthe cy- linder, and terminates in a nozzle pierced with holes. This pipe has a cock, I, called the injection-cock. At the opposite side of the cylinder, a little above its bottom, there is a lateral pipe m, turning upwards at the extremity; and there covered by a clack-valve, called the snifting-valve, which has a little dish round it, to hold water for keeping it air-tight. There proceeds also from the bottom of the cylinder, a pipe g, of which the lower end is turned upwards, and i8 covered with a valve r. This part is immersed in a cistern of water, called the hot-well, and the pipe itself is called the eduction-pipe. Lastly, the boiler I, furnished with a safety valve, cal- led the puppet-clack, in the same manner as in Savary's engine. This valve is generally loaded with one or two vol. i. 117 pounds in the square inch, so that it allows the steam t« escape when its elasticity is one-tenth greater than that ofthe atmosphere. Thus all risk of bursting the boiler is avoided, the pressure outwards being very moderate. When the cistern for the injection-water i, cannot bo supplied by pipes from some more elevated source, water is raised by the machine itself. A small lifting-pump, s, is worked by a rod v, suspended from a small arch up- on the great beam; this forces water tlirough the pipe t into the injection-cistern. The parts of the engine being now described, the ope- ration is as follows: Suppose the piston and lever in the position repre- sented in the plate, and the water in the boiler in a state of ebullition, the steam and injection-cocks being shut. Having opened the steam-cock, n, the steam from the boiler will immediately rush in, and flying all over the cylinder, will mix with the air. Much of it will be condensed by the cold surface of the cylinder and piston, and the wrater produced from it will trickle down the sides, and run off by the eductjon-pipe. This condensation and waste of steam will go on until the whole cylinder and piston be made as hot as boiling- water. When this happens, the steam will begin to issue tlirough the snifting-valve, slowly at first, and cloudy, being mixed with much air; but, by degrees, it will be- come more transparent, hav ing carried off the greatest part ofthe air wiiich filled the cylinder. When the attendant perceives that the blast at then snifting-valve is strong and steady, and the boiler is sup- plied with a steam of proper strength, appearing by the renewal of its discharge at the safety-valve, which had stopped while the cylinder was filling, he shuts the steam- cock, n, and opens the injection-cock, I. The pressure of water in the injection-pipe forces some out into the cylin- der, which condenses the steam and forms a partial va- cuum, as explained above. The upper side of the piston is now exposed to the whole pressure of the atmosphere, which, not being coun- terbalanced on the under side, will act with its whole force on the piston, and, provided there be not too much weight on the other end, will raise it, the piston going to the bottom of the cylinder. t When the piston has gone down as low as necessary, the injection-cock is shut, and the steam-cock opened. The steam, which has been accumulating above the water in the boiler, during the time ofthe descent of the piston, and is now issuing through the puppet-clack, as soon as the steam-cock is opened, rushes violently into the cy- linder, having a greater elasticity than that of tbe air. It therefore immediately blows open the snifting-valve, through which it drives out the air that had been disen- gaged from the injection-water. At the same time, the water which had been injected before, and the condensed steam, run out through the eduction-pipe,g-, and lifting up the valve, r, flow into the hot-well. By the admission of the steam under the piston, the pressure of the atmosphere on the top is counterbalanced, and the piston is free to move upwards or downwards. But the other end of the beam being broader, so as to be heavier than the piston, now raises it to the top of the ENGINES. at first a little confused, by there seeming to be only one steam-pipe for communicating between the cylinder and the condenser; but the difficulty is cleared up, by representing both the pipes, as in fig. 4. Fig. 5, is a longitudinal section of the boiler, repre- senting the mode of supplying it with water, and the safety-valve and cocks, f is a small cistern, which is supplied with water from the hot-well, as represented in fig. 3; from the bottom of this cistern, a pipe goes down almost to the bottom of the boiler, where it turns up a little, to prevent the entrance of the steam which rises from the bottom. From the side of this cistern, is sup- ported a small lever, to one end of which is fastened a wire, that carries a stone which bangs in the water of the boiler; the other end of the lever supporting also by a wire, a valve that shuts the top of the pipe that goes down from the cistern. Now, supposing the stone just at the surface of the water, and balanced by a weight at the opposite end of the lever; it is evident, that by the laws of hydrostatics, already explained, a certain part of the weight of the stone will be supported hythe water, so long as it continues immersed in it; but if a part of the water evaporate by boiling, a proportional part of the stone will be above the water, consequently the stone will bear more upon the lever, and raise the weight at the other end; but in raising that weight, it also opens the valve in the small cistern, and admits w ater until it stand at the same height in the boiler as before, and then the valve and the stone being again in cquilibrio, the valve remains shut until a new quantity is evaporated. By this means the supply of water is very gradual, how- ever, and not by fits and starts, as here described for the sake of illustration. It is found by experience, to be a much better method than a ball-cock, and the regular supplying of the boil- er with water is of the first importance. As a check up- on this, and to know perfectly the height ofthe water in the boiler, tliere are two cocks, g and h, one of which reaches nearly to the surface of the water when at its proper height, and the other enters a little below the surface. It is evident, that if the water be at the just height, and you open g, steam will issue; and if h be opened, water will be driven out by the pressure ef the steam. But if Water come out from g, then the water must be too high in the boiler; and if steam issue from h,then the water is too low. By this means, it is easy to know at all times the exact height ofthe water in the boiler. i is a safety-valve, to prevent the bursting of the boiler by the steam growing too strong; k is the pipe which con- veys the steam to the engine. Fig. 6 is Mr. Cartwright's steam-engine, the construc- tion of which evinces much ingenuity, a is the cylinder, which is supplied with steam from the boiler through the pipe 6; c is the piston in the act of going up; d is the pipe that conducts the steam into the condenser e, which consists of two cylinders, one within the other, leaving a small space between them, into which the steam is admit- ted; while the inner cylinder is filled with cold water, and also the external cylinder surrounded by the same; so that, by this means, a very large surface of steam is exposed, though no water is suffered to come into actual contact with it. To the bottom of the piston, c, is attached a rod, with another piston, c, working in the pipe d. When the piston e arrives at the bottom of the cylinder, a valve which is in the piston, is opened by its pressing against the bottom, and opens a communication with the conden- ser, whilst the spring k, fixed to the rod ofthe piston, shuts the valve, whic h admits the steam from the boiler. The steam, therefore, being thus condensed, runs into the lower pipe/. The piston e, arriving at the bottom of the pipe in which it works at the same time with c, presses open the condensed water, shuts the valve/, and forces the water up the pipe g, into the b. x h. The air which is disengaged from the water, • ises to the top of the box, and, by its elasticity, forces the water through the pipe i, which carries it back again into the boiler. When the air accumulates in the box to such a degree as to depress the water, the ball-cock falls with it, and opens a valve in the top of the box, which suffers some of the air to escape. When all the steam is condensed, the motion of the fly attached to the machine brings the piston up again, its valve now remaining shut by its weight. On arriving at the top, it presses up the steam-valve, which admits the steam from tbe boiler to force it down as before. I and m are two cranks, upon whose axis are two equal wheels working in each other, for the purpose of conver- ting the perpendicular motion of the piston-rod into a rotatory motion, for working the machinery attached to it. But the most valuable part of this engine is in the construction of the piston, which Mr. Cartwright made wholly of metal, and so as, by means of springs, to fit the cy Under very exactly. This not only saves the ex- pense and trouble of packing, which they are obliged frequently to renew in all other engines, but also saves a great deal of steam, on account of the more accurate fitting of the piston. As it is evident, from its construction, that the whole of the steam is brought back again into the boiler, it af- fords the means of employing ardent spirit instead of water, and thus saving a great deal of fuel. This machine seems to be peculiarly applicable to purposes requiring only a small power, as it is not expen- sive, and occupies little room. It would far exceed the limits of this work, to enter into an examination of all the steam-engines invented by different persons. It is sufficient to mention, that no engine of this kind has been found,"upon careful trial, to be superior to those of Mr. Watt. From this brief description of the steam-engine, the reader will be enabled to perceive the nature, and appre- ciate the value, of Mr. Watt's improvements. It had hitherto been the practice to condense the steam in the cylinder itself, by the injection of cold water; hut the water which is injected acquires a considerable degree of heat from the cylinder, and being placed in nir highly rarefied, part of it is converted into steam, which resists the piston, and diminishes the power of the engine. When the steam is next admitted, part of it is converted into water by coming in contact with the cylinder, whic h is of a lower temperature than the steam, in consequence of the de- struction of its heat by the injection-water. By conden- sing the steam, therefore, in the cylinder itself, ths ENGINES. resistance to the piston is increased by a partial repro- duction of this elastic vapour, and the impelling power is diminished by a partial destruction of the steam which is next admitted. Both thes.e inconveniences Mr. Watt has in a great measure avoided, by using a con- denser separate from the cylinder, and encircled with cold water; and by surrounding the cylinder with a wooden case, and interposing light wood-ashes, in order to prevent its heat from being abstracted by the ambient air. The greatest of Mr. Watt's improvements consists in his employing the steam both to elevate and depress the piston. In the engines of Newcomcn and Brighton, the steam was not the impelling power: it was used merely for producing a vacuum below the piston, which was forced down by the pressure of the atmosphere, and ele- vated by the counterweight at the farther extremity of the great beam. The cylinder, therefore, was exposed to the external air at every descent of the piston, and a considerable portion of its heat being thus abstracted, a corresponding quantity of steam was of consequence destroyed. In Mr. Watt's engines, however, the exter- nal air is excluded by a metal plate at the top of the cylinder, which has a hole in it for admitting the piston- rod; and the piston itself is raised and depressed merely by tbe force of steam. When these improvements are adopted, and the engine is constructed in the most perfect manner, there is not above | part of the steam consumed in heating the appa- ratus; and, therefore, it is impossible that the engine can be rendered | more powerful than it is at present. It would be very desirable, however, that the force of the piston could be properly communicated to the ma- chinery without the intervention of the great beam. This, indeed, has been attempted by Mr. Watt, who has employed the piston-rod itself to drive the machinery; and Mr. Cartwright has, in his engine, converted the perpendicular motion of the piston into a rotatory mo- tion, by means of two cranks fixed to the axis of two equal wheels which work in each other. Notwithstanding the simplicity of these methods, none of them have come into general use; and Mr. Watt still prefers the interven- tion ofthe great beam, which is generally made of hard oak, with its heart taken out, in order to prevent it from warping. A considerable quantity of power, however, is wasted by dragging, at every stroke of the piston, such a mass of matter from a state of rest to a state of motion, and then from a state of motion to a state of rest. To prevent this loss of power, a light frame of carpentry has been employed by several engineers, instead of the solid beam; but after being used for some time, the wood was generally cut by the iron bolts, and the frame itself was often instantaneously destroyed. In some of the engines lately constructed" by Mr. Watt, he has formed the great beam of cast iron, and while he has thus added to its durability, he has at the same time diminished its weight and increased the power of bis engine. Encouraged by Mr. Watt's success, several improve- ments upon the steam-engine have been attempted by Hornblower, Trevethick, and many other engineers »" England. But it does not appear that they have either increased tbe power of the engine, or diminished ^ expense. It appears, on the contrary, that many of these pretended improvements, excepting those of Horn- blower, consist merely in having adopted Mr. Watt's discoveries, in such a manner as not to infringe upon his patent. Some time since, Mr. Arthur Woolf announced to the public a dis overy respecting the expansibility of steam, which promises to be of very essential utility. Mr. >Yatt bad formerly ascertained, that steam which acts with the expansive force of four pounds per square inch, against a safety valve exposed to the weight of the atmosphere, after expanding itself to four times the volume it thus oc- cupies, is still equal to tbe pressure of the atmosphere. But Mr. Woolf has gone much farther, and has proved, that quantities of steam, having the force of 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, &c. pounds on every square inch, may be allowed to expand 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, kc. times its volume, and will still be equal to the atmosphere's weight, provided that the cylinder in which the expansion take s place, has the same temperature as the steam before it began to expand. It is evident, however, that an increase of temperature is necessary both to produce and to maintain this aug- mentation ofthe steam's expansive force above the pres- sure of the atmosphere. At the temperature of 212° of Fahrenheit, the force of steam is equal only to the pres- sure of the atmosphere: and in order to give it an addi- tional elastic force of five pounds per square inch, the temperature must be increased to about 227|°; when it will have acquired a power to expand itseif to five times its volume, and still be equal in pressure to the atmosphere, and capable of being applied as such in the working of steam-engines, according to his invention. The ratio of other pressures, temperatures, and expansive forces of steam, is shown in the following table; which gives the relative pressure per square inch, temperatures, and ex- pansibility of steam, at degrees of heat above the boiling point of water; beginning with a temperature of steam of an elastic force equal to five pounds per square inch, and extending to steam able to sustain forty pounds on the square inch. Table of the pressures, temperatures, and expansibility of steam, equal to the force of the atmosphere. Elastic force of steam predominating over the pressure of ihe atmosphere, and act-ing1 upon a safety valve. Degrees of tempera-ture requisite for bringing the steam to the different ex-pansive forces in th--preceding column No. of times its volume that steam ofthe pre-cedingforceand tem-perature will expand, and still continue e-qual to the pressure ofthe atmosphere. Pounds per square inch Degrees of lu-at. Expansi ility. 5 6 7 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 227± 230| 232| 2551 237| 239£ 250{ 259£ 267 273 278 282 5 6 < 8 9 10 15 20 25 30 55 40 ENGINES. In this manner, by small additions of temperature, an expansive pow er may be given to steam, which will enable it to expand 50, 100, 200, 300, kc. times its volume, and still have the same force as the atmosphere. Upon this principle Mr. Woolf has taken out a patent for various improvements on the steam-engine, a short account of wh.ch we shall subjoin in the words of the spe- cification. a If the engine be constructed originally with the inten- tion of adopting the preceding improvement, it ought to have two steam-vessels of different dimensions, according to the expansive force to be communicated to the beam, for the smaller steam-cylinder must be a measure for the lar- ger. For example, if steam of 40 pounds the square inch is fixed on, then the smaller steam-vessel should be at least one-fortieth part the contents of the larger one. Each steam-vessel should he furnished with a piston, and the smaller cylinder should have a communication both at its top and bottom, with the boiler which supplies the steam, ■which communications, by means of cocks or valves, are to be alternately opened and shut during the working ofthe engine. The top of the small cylinder should have a communication with the bottom of the larger cylinder, -and the bottom ofthe smaller one with the top ofthe larger, with proper means to open and shut these alternately by cocks, valves, or any other contrivance. And both the top and bottom of the larger cylinder should, while tlie engine is at work, communicate alternately with a con- densing vessel, into which a jet of water is admitted to hasten the condensation. Things being thus arranged, when the engine is at work, steam of a high temperature is admitted from the boiler to act by its clastic force on one side of the smaller piston, while the steam which had last moved it has a communication with the larger cylin- der, where it follows the larger piston now moving to- wards that end of its cylinder which is open to the con- densing vessel. JLet both pistons end their stroke at one time, and let us now suppose them both at the top of their respective cylinders ready to descend; then the steam of 40 pounds the square inch, entering above the smaller piston, will carry it downwards, while the steam below it, instead of being allowed to escape into the atmosphere, or applied to any other purpose, will pass into the larger cylinder above its piston, which will take its downward stroke at the same time that the piston of the smaller cy- linder is doing the same thing; and, while this goes on, the steam wiiich last filled the larger cylinder, in the up- ward stroke of the engine, will be passing into the con- denser, to be condensed in the downward stroke. When the pistons in the smaller and larger cylinder have thus been made to descend to the bottom of their cylinders, -then the steam from the boiler is to be shut off from the top, and admitted to the bottom of the smaller cylinder, and the communication between the bottom ofthe smaller, and the top of the larger cylinder, is also to be cut off, and the communication to be opened between the top of the smaller and the bottom of the larger cylinder; the steam which, in the downward stroke of the engine, filled The larger cylinder, being now opened to the condenser, and the communication between the bottom of the larger cylinder and the condenser cut off; an 1 so on alternately, admitting the steam to the different sides of the smaller piston, while the steam last admitted into the smaller cy- linder passes alternately to the different sides of the larger piston in the larger cylinder, the top and bottom of which are made to communicate alternately with the condenser. " In an engine where these improvements are adopted, that waste of steam which arises in other engines from steam passing the piston, is totally prevented, for the steam which passes the piston in the smaller cylinder is received into the larger." Mr. Woolf has also shown how the preceding ar- rangement may be altered, aud has pointed out various other modifications of his invention, and the method of applying his improvements to steam-engines which arc already constructed. On the power of steam-engines, and the method of com- puting it.—From the account which has been given of the steam-engine, and the mode of its operation, it must be evident that its power depends upon the breadth and height of the cylinder, or, in other words, on the area of the piston and the length of its stroke. If we suppose that no force is lost in overcoming the inertia of the great beam, and that the lever by which the power acts is equal to the lever of resistance; then, if steam of a certain elastic force is admitted above the piston, so as to press it downwards with a force of a little more than 100 pounds, it will be able to raise a weight of 100 pounds hanging at the end of the great beam. When the piston has descended to the bottom ofthe cylinder, through the space of four feet, the weight will have risen through the same space; and 100 pounds raised through the height of four feet, during one descent of the piston, will express the mechanical power of the engine. But if the area of the piston, and the length of the cylinder, are doubled, while the expansive force of the steam, and the time of the piston's descent, remain the same, the mechan- ical energy of the engine will be quadruple, and will be represented by 200 pounds raised through the space of eight feet during the time of the piston's descent. The power of steam-engines therefore is, csetcris paribus, in the compound ratio of the area of the piston, and tlie length of the stroke. These observations being premis- ed, it will be easy to compute the power of steam-engines of any size. Thus, let it be required to determine the power of steam-engines, whose cylinder is twenty -four inches di- ameter, and which make twenty-two double strokes in a minute, each stroke being five feet long, and the force of the steam being equal to a pressure of twelve pounds avoirdupois upon every square inch. The diameter of the piston being multiplied by its circumference, and divided by four, will give its area in square inches; thug 24 x 3.1416 x 24 _ 4Sg, 4 the numucr 0f square 4 inches exposed to the pressure of the steam. Now if we multiply this area by twelve pounds, the pressure upon every square inch, we shall have 452.4 x 12=5428.8 pounds, the whole pressure upon the piston, or the weight which the engine is capable of raising. But since the engine performs 22 double strokes, five feet long, in a minute, the piston must move tlirough 22x5x2=220 feet in the same time; and therefore the power of the en- gine will be represented by 5428.8 pounds avoirdupois, raised through 220 feet in a minute^ orby 10.4 hogsheads E N G E N G of water, ale measure, raised through the same height in the same time. Now this is equivalent to 5428.8x220 =1194336 pounds, or 10.4x220=2288 hogsheads raised through the height of one foot in a minute. This is the most unequivocal expression of the mechanical power of any machine whatever, that can p >ssibly be obtained. But as steam-engines were substituted in the room of horses, it flas been customary to calculate their mechani- cal energy in borse-p owers, or to find the number of horses which could per orm the same work. This indeed is a very vague expression of power, on account of the different degrees of strength which different horses pos- sess. But still, when we are told that a steam-engine is equal to 16 horses, we have a more distinct conception of its p iwer, than wiien we are informed that it is capable of raising a number of pounds through a certain space in a certain time. Messrs. Watt and Boulton suppose a horse capable of raising 32,000 pounds avoirdupois, one foot high in a minute, while Dr. Desaguliers makes it 27,500 pounds, and Mr. Smeaton onlyr 22,916. If we divide, therefore, the number ot pounds which any steam-engine can raise one foot high in a minute, by these three numbers, each quotient will represent the number of horses to which tlie engine is equivalent. Thus in the present example, 119483 — 374 horses according to Watt and Boulton; 32000 — 431 horses, according to Desaguliers; and 27500 —:—,__= 524 horses, according to Smeaton. In this 22916 7 ° calculation it is supposed that the engine works only eight hours a day: so that if it wrought during the whole 24 hours, it would he equivalent to thrice the num- ber of horses found by the preceding rule. We cannot help observing, and it is with sincere pleasure that we pay that tribute of respect to tbe honour and integrity of Messrs. Watt and Boulton which has every where been paid to their talents and genius,—that in estimating the power of a horse, they have assigned a value the most un- favourable to their own interests. While Mr. Smeaton and Dr. Desaguliers would have made the engine in the preceding example equivalent to 52 or 43 horses, the pa- tentees themselves state that it will perform the work only of 37. How unlike is this conduct to some of our modern inventors, who ascribe powers to their machines which cannot possibly belong to them, and employ the meanest arts for ensnaring the public! Before we conclude this article, we shall state the per- formance of some of these engines, as determined hy experiment. An engine whose cylinder is 31 inches in diameter, and which makes 17 double strokes per mi- nute, is equivalent to 40 horses, working day and night, and burns 11,000 pounds of Staffordshire coal per day. When the cylinder is nineteen inches, and the engine makes 25 strokes of 4 feet each per minute, its power is- equal to that of 12 horses working constantly, and it burns 3,700 pounds of coals per day. And a ey linder of 24 inches which makes 22 strokes of 5 feet each, per- forms the work of 20 horses, working constantly, and "wus 5,500 pounds of coals. Me. * Boulton has esti- mated their performance in a different manner. He states, that one bushel of Newcastle coals, containing 84 pounds, will raise 30 million pounds one foot high; that it will grind and dress eleven bushels of wheat; that ii will slit and draw into nails 5 cwt. of iron; that it will drive 1000 cotton spindles, with all the preparation ma- chinery, with the proper velocity; and that these effects are equivalent to the work of 10 horses. Engine to lower heavy weights. This method was described nearly a century ago, and is as follows: Sup- pose it was required to lower large stones from a build- ing; erect a frame A, set up a gin close by the side of the wall, and let the pulley (Plate LI. Engines, fig. 9.) be firmly attached to this frame. Over this pulley must pass a cord, one end of which C has a hook to which the stone or other weight can be fastened: tlie other end D carries a vessel, which may be filled with water from the reservoir M on the ground at the bottom of the wall. Then, while one man is fixing the stone to the hook at the top of the wall, let another put water into the ves- sel D at the bottom till it nearly equals the weight of the stone; after which the stone will gradually descend to the ground, while the vessel D will be carried up to the funnel S, into wiiich the water may be pitired, and thence conveyed by a wooden or leathern pipe to M. Then the vessel D may he suffered to descend, and the hook C will be raised to be fixed to another stone, and thus the operation may be repeated. The same method may be adopted in lowering sacks from a granary, &c. The velocity of the descending weight may be so regulated as to have any proportion to that which gravity imparts to bodies falling freely: thus if W = weight to be lowered, V that of the vessel W—V of water, then tt——expresses the ratio of the velocity, "T' to that freely imparted by gravity when denoted by unity: W thus if V = ~T, the weight will fall through -I of 16^, 2W or about 54- feet in the first second: if V =——' the weight will fall tlirough A of 16^ or 3| feet, the friction not being taken into consideration. Engines, in military mechanics, are compound ma- chines, made of one or more mechanical powers, as levers, pulleys, screws, kc. in order to raise, project, or sustain, any weight, or produce any effect which could not he ea- sily effected otherwise. Engine to drive fuses, consists of a wheel with a han- dle to it, to raise acertain weight, and to let it fall uhon the driver, by which the strokes become more equal. Engine to draw fuses, has a screw fixed upon a three- legged stand, the bottom of wiiich has a ring to place it upon f e shell; and at the end of the screw is fixed a hand-screw by means of a collar, which being screwed on the fuse, by turning the upper screw. fTraws out or raises the fuse. ENGINEER, is commonly applied to an oflirerwho is appointed to inspect and contrive any attacks, de- fences, &c. of a fortified place, or to build or repair them, kc. The art of fortification is an art which stands in need of so many others, and whoe object is so cxU-u.-ive, and its operations accem.iv.uirj with so y.x y varie.is E N G E N G circumstances, that it is almost impossible for a man to make biuise If master of it by experience alone, even supposing him born with all the advantages of genius and disposition possible for the knowledge and practice of that important art. We do not pretend to deny that experience is of greater efficacy than all the precepts in the world; but it has likewise its inconveniences as well as its advantages: its fruits are of slow growth; and whoever is content with pursuing only that method of instruction, seldom knows how to act upon emergencies of all kinds, before old age incapacitates him from ex- ercising his employment. Experience teaches us through the means of tlie errors we commit ourselves, what the- ory teaches us at the expense of others. The life of man being short, and opportunities of practice seldom happening, it is certain nothing less than a happy ge- nius, a great share of theory, and intense application joined to experience, can make an engineer expect to shine in his profession. Whence it fallows, that less than the three first of those four qualities should not be a recommendation for the rcceptie n of a young gentle- man into the corps of engineers. The fundamental sciences, or those absolutely neces- sary, are arithmetic, geometry, mechanics, hydraulics, and drawing. Without arithmetic, it is impossible to make a calculation ofthe extent, and to keep an account of the disbursements made or to be made; nor without it can an exact computation be made upon any occasion whatsoever. Without geometry, it is impossible to lay down a plan or map with truth and exactness, or settle a draught of a fortification, or calculate the lines and angles, so as to make a just estimation, in order to trace them on the ground, and to measure the surface and so- lidity of their parts. Mechanics teach us ihe propor- tions of the machines in use, and how to increase or di- minish their powers as occasion may require; and like- wise to judge whether those which our own imagination Suggests to us will answer in practice. Hydraulics teaches us how to conduct waters from one place to another, to keep them at a certain height, or to raise them higher. How fluently soever we may express ourselves in speak- ing or writing, we can never give so perfect an idea as by an exact drawing; and often in fortification both are wanted, for which reason the art of drawing is indispen- sably necessary for engineers. To the qualities above mentioned must be added acti- vity and vigilance; both which are absolutely necessary in all operations of war, but especially in the attack of s*uch places as are in expectation of succours. The be- sieged must have no time allowed them for considera- tion; one hour lost at such a juncture often proves irre- parable. It is by their activity and vigilance, that en- gineers often bring the besieged to capitulate much sooner than they would have done if those engineers had not pushed on the attack with firmness and resolution. W ant of vigilance and activity often proceed from irre- solution, and that from weakness of capacity. As the office of an engineer requires great natural qualifications, much knowledge, study, and application, it is but reasonable that the pay should be proportioned to that merit which is to be the qualification of the per- son employed: he must be at an extraordinary expense in his education, and afterwards for books aud instruments for his instruction and improvement, as well as for many other tilings; and that he may be at liberty to pursue his studies with application, he must not be put to shifts for necessaries. It should likewise be considered, that if an engineer does his duty, be his station what it will, his fatigue must be very great; and to dedicate himself wholly to that duty, he should be divested of all other cares. The word engineer is of modern date, and was first used about the year 1650, when captain Thomas Rudd had the title of chief engineer to the king. In 1600, the title given to engineers was trench-mastei; and in 162:, sir William Pelham, and after him sir Francis Vere, acted as trench-masters in Flanders. In the year 1634, an engineer was called camp-master general, and some- times engine-master; being always subordinate to the master of the ordnance. At present the corps of royal engineers in England consists of one colonel in chief, one colonel en second, one chief engineer, five colonels, six lieutenant-colonels, 18 captains, 15 captain-lieutenants and captains, 31 lieutenants, and 16 second lieutenants. The establish- ment of the corps of invalid engineers, comprises a co- lonel, lieutenant-colonel, captain, captain-lieutenant and captain, first lieutenant, and second lieutenant. The corps of royal engineers in Ireland consits of a director, colonel, lieutenant-colonel, major, captain, cap- tain-lieutenant and captain, and two first lieutenants. ENGRAILED, or Ingrailed, in heraldry, a term derived from the French grele, hail; and signifying a thing the hail has fallen upon and broke off the edges, leaving them ragged, or with half-rounds or semicircles struck out of their edges. ENGRAVING, the art of cutting wood, metals, and precious stones, and representing thereon figures, letters, or whatever device or design the artist fancies. Engraving, properly a branch of sculpture, is divid- ed into several other branches, according to the matter whereon it is employed, and the manner of perform- ing it. Engraving, or graving as it is generally called, is the cutting lines upon a copper-plate, by means of a steel instrument, called a graver, without the use of aqua fortis. This was the first mode of producing copper-plate prints that was practised; and is still much used in his- torical subjects, portraits, and in finishing landscapes. The tools necessary for this art are, gravers, a scra- per, a burnisher, an oil-stone, a sand-bag or cushion, an oil-rubber, and some good charcoal. The gravers are instruments of tempered steel, fitted into a short wooden handle. They are of tvyo sorts, square and lozenge: the first is used in cutting very broad strokes, the other for fainter and more delicate lines. m The scraper is a three-edged tool, for scraping off the burr raised by the graver. Burnishers are for rubbing down any lines that are too deep, or burnishing out any scratches or holes in the copper: they are of very hard steel, well rounded and polished. The oil-stone is for whetting the gravers, etching- points, kc. The sand-bag, or cushion, is for laying the plate upon, ENGRAVING. for the convenience of turning it round in any direc- tion. The oil-rubber and charcoal, are for polishing the plate when necessary. As great care is required to whet the graver nicely, particularly the belly of it, care must be taken to lay the two angles of the graver, which are to be held next the plate, flat upon the stone, and rub them steadily, till the belly rises gradually above the plate; so that, when you lay the graver flat upon it, you may just perceive the light under the point; otherwise it will dig into the cop- per, and then it will be impossible to keep a point, or execute the work with freedom. In order to this, keep your right arm close to your side, and place the fore- finger of your left hand upon that part of the graver which lies uppermost on; the stone. When this is done, in order to whet the face, place the flat part of the han- dle in the hollow of your hand, with the belly of the graver upwards, upon a moderate slope; and rub the ex- tremity, or face, upon the stone, till it has an exceed- ingly sharp point, which you may try upon your thumb- nail. When the graver is too hard, as is usually the case when first bought, and may be known by the frequent breaking of the point, the method of tempering it is as follows: Heat a poker red-hot, and hold the graver upon it, within half an inch of the point, till the steel changes to a light straw-colour; then put the point into oil, to cool: or, hold the graver close to the flame of a candle, till it be of the same colour, and cool it in the tallow; but be careful either way, not to hold it too long, for then it will be to soft; and in this case the point, which will then turn blue, must be tempered again. Be not too hasty in tempering; for sometimes a little whetting will bring it to a good condition, when it is but a little too hard. To hold the graver, cut off that part of the handle which is upon the same line with the belly, or sharp edge of the graver; making that side flat, that it may be no obstruction. Hold the handle in the hollow of your hand; and, ex- tending your fore-finger towards the point, let it rest on the back of the graver, that you may guide it flat and parallel with the plate. Take care that your fingers do not interpose between the plate and the graver, for they will hinder you from carrying the graver level with the plate, and from cutting your strokes so clean as they ought to be. To lay the design upon the plate, after you have pol- ished it fine and smooth, heat it so that it will melt vir- gin-wax, with which rub it thinly and equally over, and let it cool. Then the design which you lay on, must be drawn on paper, with a black-lead pencil, and laid upon the plate, with its pencilled side upon the wax: then press it to, and with a burnisher go over every part of the design; and when you take off the paper, you will find every line which you drew with the black-lead pen- cil upon the waxed plate, as if it had been drawn: then, with a sharp-pointed tool, trace all your design through the wax upon the plate, and you may then take off the wax, and proceed to work. Let the table, or board you work at, be firm and stea- dy; upon wiiich place your sand-bag with the plate upon vwl. i. 118 it; and, holding the graver as above directed, proceed in the following manner. For straight strokes, hold your plate firm upon the sand-bag with your left band, moving your right hand forwards; leaning lighter where the stroke should be fine, and harder where you would have it broader. For circular or crooked strokes, hold the graver stcd- fast; moving your hand, or the plate, as you see con- venient. Learn to carry your hand with such dexterity, that you may end your stroke as finely as you began it; and if you have occasion to make one part deeper or blacker than another, do it by degrees; and that you may do it with greater exactness, take care that your strokes be not too close, nor too wide. In the course of your work, scrape off the roughness which arises, with your scraper; but be careful, in do- ing this, not to scratch tbe plate; and that you may see your work properly as you go on, rub it with the oil-rub- ber, and wipe the plates clean; which will take off the glare of the copper, and show what you have done to the best advantage. Any mistakes or scratches in the plate may be rubbed out with the burnisher, and the part levelled with the scraper, polishing it again afterwards lightly with the burnisher, or charcoal. Having thus attained the use of the graver, according to tbe foregoing rules, you will be able to finish any piece previously etched, by graving up the several parts totbe colour required: beginning, as in the etching, with the fainter parts, and advancing gradually with the stron- ger, till the whole is completed. See Etching. The dry point, or needle, (so called because not used till the ground is taken off the plate) is principally em- ployed in the extremely light parts of water, sky, dra- pery, architecture, kc. To prevent any obstruction from too great a degree of light, the use of a sash, made of transparent or fan pa- per, pasted on a frame, and placed sloping at a conve- nient distance between your work and the light, will pre- serve the sight; and when the sun shines, it cannot pos- sibly be dispensed with. Of mezzotinto engraving or scraping.—This art, which is of late date, is recommended hythe amazing ease with which it is executed, especially by those who understand drawing. Mezzotinto prints arc those which have no patching, or strokes of the graver, but whose lights and shades are blended together, and appear like a drawing in In- dian ink. They are different from aqua tinta: but as both resemble Indian ink, the difference is not easily de- scribed. Mezzotinto is applied to portraits and histori- cal subjects, and aqua tinta is used only for landscape and architecture. The tools necessary for mezzotinto scraping are the grounding-tool, burnishers, and scrapers. To lay the mezzotinto ground, lay your plate, with a piece of flannel under it. upon your table; hold the grounding-tool in your hand perpendicularly; lean upon it moderately bard, continually rocking your hand in a right line from end to end, till you have wholly covered the plate in one direction: next cross the strokes from side to side, afterwards from corner to corner, working ENGRAVING. the tool each time all over the plate, ih every direction, almost like the points of a compass; taking all possible care not to let the tool cut (in one direction) twice in a place. This done, the plate will be full, or, in other words, all over rough alike; and would, if it was printed, appear completely black. Having laid the ground, take the scrapings of black chalk, and with a piece of rag rub it over the plate; or you may smoke it with candles, as before directed for etching. Now take your drawing, and having rubbed the back with red-chalk dust, mixed with flake-white, proceed to trace it on the plate. To form the lights and shadows, take a blunt needle, and mark out the outlines only, then with a scraper scrape off the lights in every part of the plate, as clean and smooth as possible, in proportion to the strength of the lights in your drawing, taking care not to hurt your outlines. The use of the burnisher is to soften or rub down the extreme light parts, after the scraper is done with; such as the tip ofthe nose, forehead, linen, &c. which might otherwise, when proved, appear rather misty than clear. Another method used by mezzotinto-scrapers is, to etch the outlines ofthe original, as also the folds in dra- pery, making the breadth of the shadows by dots; which having bit to a proper depth with aqua fortis, they take off the ground used in etching, and having laid the mez- zotinto-ground, proceed to scrape as above. When your plate is ready for taking a proof, or im- pression, send it to the copper-plate printer, and get it proved. When the proof is dry, touch it with white chalk where it should be lighter, and with black chalk where it should be darker: and when the print is retouched, proceed as before for the lights; and for the shades use a small grounding-tool, as much as yrou judge necessary, to bring it to a proper colour; and when you have done as much as you think expedient, prove it again; and so proceed to prove and touch till it is entirely to your mind. Engraving in aqua tinta.—Aqua tinta is a method of producing prints very much resembling drawings in In- dian ink. The principle of the process consists in corroding the copper with aqua fortis, in such a manner, that an im- pression from it has the appearance of a tint laid on the paper. This is effected by covering the copper with a powder, or some substance which takes a granulated orm, so as to prevent the squa fortis from acting where the particles adhere; and by this means cause it to corrode the copper partially, and in the interstices only. When these particles are extremely minute and near to each other, the impession from the plate appears to the nak- ed eye exactly like a wash of Indian Ink; but when they arc larger, the granulation is more distinct: and as this may be varied at pleasure, it is capable of being adapt- ed with great success, to a variety of purposes and sub- jects. This powder, or granulation, is called the aqua-tinta grain, and there are two general modes of produc- ing it We shall first describe what is called the powder-grain because it was the first that was used. Having etched the outline on a copper-plate, prepared in the usual way by the coppersmith, (for which see the article Etching) some substance must be finely pow- dered and sifted, which will melt with heat, and when cold will adhere to the plate, and resist the action of aqua-fortis. The substances which have been used for this purpose, either separately or mixed, arc asphaltum Burgundy pitch, rosin, gum-copal, gum-mastich; and, in a greater or less degree, all the resins and gum-resins will answer the purpose. Common rosin has been most gene- rally used, and answers tolerably well; though gum-copal makes a grain that resists the aqua fortis better. The substance intended to be used for the grain, must now be distributed over the plate as equally as possible* and different methods of performing this essential part of the operation have been used by different engravers, and at different times. The most usual way is, to tie up some of the powder in a piece of muslin, and strike it against a piece of stick, held at a considerable height above the plate; by this, the powder that issues falls gently, and settles equally over the plate. Every one must have observed how uniformly hair-powder settles upon the furniture after the operations of the hair-dresser. This may afford a hint towards the best mode of performing this part of the process. The powder must fall upon it from a con- siderable height, and there must be a sufficiently large cloud of the dust formed. The plate being covered equal- ly over with the dust, or powder, the operator is next to proceed to fix it upon the plate, by heating it gently, so as to melt the particles. This may be effected by hold- ing under the plate lighted pieces of brown paper rolled up, and moving them about till every part of the powder is melted; this will be known by its change of colour, which will turn brownish. It must now be suffered to cool, when it may be examined with a magnifier, and if the grains or particles appear to be uniformly distribut- ed, it is ready for the next part of the process. The design or drawing to be engraved must now be examined, and such parts of it as are perfectly white are to be remarked. Those corresponding parts of the plates must be covered, or stopped out as it is called, with tur- pentine-varnish, diluted with turpentine to a proper con- sistence to work freely with the pencil, and mixed with lamp-black to give it colour; for if transparent, the touches of the pencil would not he so distinctly seen. The margin of the plate must also be covered with varn- ish. When the stopping out is sufficiently dry, a border of wTax must be raised round the plate, in the same man- ner as in etching, and the aqua fortis properly diluted with water poured on. This is called biting in, and is the part of the process whieh is most uncertain, and which requires the greatest degree of experience. When the aqua fortis has lain on so long that the plate, when printed, would produce the lightest tint in tlie drawing, it is poured off, and the plate washed with water and dried. When it is quite dry, the lightest tints in lhe drawing are stopped out, and the aqua fortis poured on as before, and the same process is repeated as often aa there are tints to be produced in the plate. Although many plates are etched entirely by this meth- ENGRAVING. od of stopping out and biting in alternately, yet it may easily be conceived, that in general, it would be very difficult to stop round, and leave out all the finishing touches; as also the leaves of trees, and many other ob- jects, which it would he impossible, to execute with the necessary degree of freedom in this manner. To overcome this difficulty, another very ingenious process has been invented, by which these "touches are laid on the plate with the same ease and expedition as they are in a drawing in Indian ink. Fine washed whit- ing is mixed with a little treacle or sugar, and diluted with water in the pencil, so as to work freely; and this is laid on the plate covered with the aquatint ground, in the same manner and on the same parts as ink on the drawing. When this is dry, the whole plate is varnished over with a weak and thin varnish of turpentine, asphal- tum, or mastich, and then suffered to dry, when the aqua fortis is poured on. The varnish will immediately break up in the parts where the treacle mixture was laid, and expose all those places to the action of the acid, while the rest of the plate remains secure. The effect of Ihis will be, that all the touches or places where the treacle was used, will be bit in deeper than the rest, and will have all the precision and firmness of touches in Indian ink. After the plate is completely bit in, the bordering-wax is taken off, by heating the plate a little with a lighted piece of paper; and it is then cleared from the ground and varnish by oil of turpentine, and wiped clean with a rag and a little fine whiting, when it is ready for tbe printer. The principal disadvantages of this method of aqua- tinting are, that it is extremely difficult to produce the required degree of coarseness or fineness in the grain, and that plates so engraved do not print many impres- sions before they are worn out. It is therefore now ve- ry seldom used, though it is occasionally of service. We next proceed to describe the second method of pro- ducing the aquatint ground, which is generally practis- ed. Some resinous substance is dissolved in spirit of wine, as common resin, Burgundy pitch, or mastich, and this solution is poured all over the plate, which is then held in a slanting direction till the superfluous fluid drains off; and it is laid down to dry, which it does in a few minutes. If the plate is then examined with the magnifier, it will be found that the spirit, in evaporat- ing, has left the resin in a granulated state; or rather, that the latter has cracked in every direction, still ad- hering firmly to the copper. A grain is thus produced with the greatest ease, which is extremely regular and beautiful, and much superior for most purposes to that produced by tbe former meth- od. After the grain is formed, every part of the process is conducted in the same manner as above described. Having thus given a general idea of the art, we shaH mention some particulars necessary to be attended to, in order to ensure success in the operation. The spirit of wine used for the solution, must be highly rectified, and ofthe best quality. What is sold in the shops, generally contains camphor, which would entirely spoil the grain. Resin, Burgundy pitch, and gum mastich, when dissolv- ed in spirit of wine, produce grains of a different appear- ance and figure; and arc sometimes usod separately, and sometimes mixed in different proportions, according to the taste of the artist, some using one substance and some another. In order to produce a coarser or finer grain, it is necessary to use a greater or smaller quantity of resin; and to ascertain the proper proportions, several spare pieces of copper must be provided, on which the liquid may be pour- ed, and the grain examined, before it is applied to the plate. to be engraved. After the solution is made, it must stand still and undisturbed for a day or two, till all the impu- rities ofthe resin have settled to the bottom, and the fluid is quite pellucid. No other method of freeing it from those impurities has been found to answer; straining it through linen or muslin, only fills it with hairs, which are ruinous to the grain. The room in which the liquid is poured on the plate, must be perfectly still and free from dust; which, whenever it falls on the plate while wet, causes a white spot, wiiich it is impossible to re- move without laying the grain afresh. The plate must also be previously cleaned, with the greatest possible care, with a rag and whiting, as the smallest stain or particle of grease produces a streak or blemish in the grain. All these attentions are absolutely necessary to produce a tolerably regular grain; and, after every tiling that can be done by the most experienced artists, still there is much uncertainty in the process. They are sometimes obliged to lay on the grains several times, be- fore they procure one sufficiently regular. The same proportions of materials do not always produce the same effect, as it depends in some degree on their qualities; and it is even materially altered by the weather. These difficulties are not to be surmounted but by a great deal of experience; and those who are daily in the habit of practising the art, are frequently liable to the most un- accountable accidents. Indeed it is much to be lament- ed, that so elegant and useful a process should be so ex- tremely delicate and uncertain. It being necessary to hold the plate in a slanting di- rection, in order to drain off the superfluous fluid, there will naturally be a greater body of the liquid at the bot- tom than at the top of the plate. On this account, a grain laid in this way is always coarser at the side of the plate that was held lowermost. The most usual way is, to keep the coarsest side for the fore-ground, that being generally the part which has the deepest shadows. In large landscapes, sometimes various parts are laid with different grains, according to the nature of the sub- ject. The finer the grain is, the more nearly does the im- pression resemble Indian ink, and the fitter it is for imi- tating drawings: but very fine grains have several dis- advantages; for they are apt to come off before the aqua fortis has lain on long enough to produce the desired depth; and as the plate is not corroded so deep, it soon- er wears out in printing; whereas coarser grains are firmer, the acid goes deeper, and the plate will throw off a great many more impressions. The reason of all this is evident, when it is considered, that in the fine grains the particles are small and near each other, and consequently the aqua fortis. which acts laterally as well as downwards, soon undermines the particles, and causes them to come off. If left too long on the plate, the acid would eat away the grain entirely. On these accounts, therefore, the moderately coarse ENGRAVING. grains are more sought after, and answer better the pur- pose of the publisher, than the fine grains which were for- merly in use. Although there are considerable difficulties in laying properly the aquatint grain, yet the corroding of the copper, or bitting in, so as to produce exactly the tint required, is still more precarious and uncertain. All engravers allow that no positive rules can be laid down, by wiiich the success of this process can be secured; no- thing but a great deal of experience and attentive ob- servation can enable the artist to do it with any degree of certainty. Tliere are some hints, however, which may be of con- siderable importance to the person who wishes to attain the practice of this art. It is evident, that the longer the acid remains on the copper, the deeper it bites, and con- sequently the darker will be the shade in the impression. It may be of some use, therefore, to have several bits of copper laid with aquatint grounds, of the same kind to be used in the plate, and to let the aqua fortis remain for different lengths of time on each; and then to examine the tints produced in one, two, three, four minutes, or longer. Observations of this kind, frequently repeated, and with different degrees of strength of the acid, will at length assist the judgment, in guessing at the tint which is produced in the plate. A magnifier is also useful to examine the grain, and to observe the depth to which it is bitten. It must be observed, that no proof of tbe plate can be obtained till the whole process is finished. If any part appears to have been bitten too dark, it must be burnished down with a steel burnisher; but this requires great delicacy and good management not to make the shade streaky; and as the beauty and durability of tbe grain are always somewhat injured by it, it should be avoided as much as possible. Those parts which are not dark enough, must have a fresh grain laid over them, and be stopped round with varnish, and subjected again to the aqua fortis. This is called rebiting, and requires peculiar care and atten- tion. The plate must be very well cleaned out with turpentine before the grain is laid on, wbich should be pretty coarse, otherwise it will not lie upon the heights only, as is necessary in order to produce the same grain. If the new grain is different from the former, it will not he sio clear nor so firm, but rotten. We have now given a general account of the process of engraving in aqua tinta, and we believe that no ma- terial circumstance has been omitted that can be commu- nicated without seeing the operation: but after all it must be confessed, that no printed directions whatever can enable a person to practise it perfectly. Its success depends upon so many niceties, and attention to circum- stances apparently trifling, that the person who attempts it must not he surprised if he does not succeed at first. It is a species of engraving simple and expeditious, if every thing goes on well; but it is very precarious, and the errors wiiich are made are rectified with great diffi- culty. It seems to be adapted chiefly for imitation of sketches, washed drawings, and slight subjects; but does not ap- pear to be at all calculated to produce prints from fin-. ished pictures, as it is not susceptible of that accuracy in the balance of tints necessary for this purpose. Nor does it appear to be suitable for book-plates, as it does not print a sufficient number of impressions. It is there- fore not to be put in competition with the other modes of engraving. If confined to those subjects for which it is calculated, it must be allowed to be extremely useful, as it is expeditious, and may be attained with much less trouble than any other mode of engraving. But even this circumstance is a source of mischief, as it occasions the production of a multitude of prints, that have ho other effect than that of vitiating the public taste. See Etch- ing. Engraving on wood.—Engraving on wood is a pro- cess exactly the reverse to engraving on copper. In the latter, the strokes to be printed are sunk, or cut into the copper, and a rolling-press is used for printing it; but in engraving on wood, all the wood is cut away, ex- cept the lines to be printed, which are left standing up like types, and the mode of printing is the same as that used in letter-press. The wood used for this purpose is box-wood, which is planed quite smooth. The design is then drawn upon the wood itself with black lead; and all the wood is cut away with gravers and other proper tools, except the lines that are drawn. Or sometimes the design is drawn up- on paper, and pasted upon the wood, which is cut as be- fore. The art is of considerable difficulty, and tliere are very few who practise it. It is, however, useful for books, as the printing of it is cheaper than that of cop- per-plates. It cannot be applied equally well to all the purposes to which copper-plate engraving is applica- ble. In engraving on precious stones, they use either the diamond, or ernery. The diamond, which is the hardest of all stones, is only cut by itself, or with its own mat- ter. The first thing to be clone in this branch of engrav- ing, is to cement two rough diamonds to the ends of two sticks large enough to hold them steady in the hand, and to rub or grind them against each other till they are brought to the desired form. The dust, or powder, that is rubbed off, serves afterwards to polish them, which is performed with a kind of mill that turns a wheel of soft iron. The diamond is fixed in a brass dish, and thus ap- plied to the wheel, is covered with diamond-dust, mixed up with oil of olives; and when the diamond is to be cut facet-wise, they apply first one face, then another, te the wheel. Rubies, sapphires, and topazes, are cut and formed the same way on a copper wheel, and polished with tripoli diluted in water. As to agates, amethysts, emeralds, hyacinths, granites, rubies, and others of the softer stones, they are cut on a leaden wheel, moistened with emery and water, and polished with tripoli, on a pewter wheel. Lapis-lazuli, opal, kc are polished on a wooden wheel. To fashion and engrave vases of agate, crystal, lapis-lazuli, or the like, they make use of a kind of lathe, like that used by pewterers to hold the vessels, which are to be wrought with proper tools: that of the engraver generally holds the tools, wiiich are turned by a wheel; and the vessel is held to Hiem to be cut and en- graved, either in relievo or otherwise; the tools being moistened, from time to time, with diamond-dust and oil, or at least emery and water. To engrave figures or de- vices on any of these stones, when polished, such as me- dals, seals, &c. they use a little iron wheel, the ends of ENS E N T whose axis are received within two pieces of iron, plac- ed upright, as in the turner's lathe; and to be brought closer, or set further apart, at pleasure: at one end of the axis are fitted the proper tools, being kept tight by a Bcrew. Lastly, the wheel is turned by the foot, and the stone applied by the hand to the tool, and is shifted and conducted as occasion requires. Tbe tools are generally of iron, and sometimes of brass: their form is various; but it generally bears some resemblance to chisels, gouges, eke. Some have small round heads, like buttons; others like ferules, to take the pieces out; and others flat, &c. When the stone has been engraved, it is polished on wheels of hair-brushes and tripoli. Engraving on steel is chiefly employed in cutting seals, punches, matrices, and dyes proper for striking coins, medals, and counters. The method of engraving with the instruments, &c. is the same for coins as for medals and counters. All the difference consists in their greater or less relievo, the relievo of coins being much less con- siderable than that of medals, and that of counters still less than that of coins. Engravers in steel commonly begin with punches, which are in relievo, and serve for making the crcux, or cavities, of the, matrices and dyes; though sometimes they begin with the creux, or hollowness, but then it is only when the intended work is to be cut very shallow. The first thing done, is that of designing the figures; the next is the moulding them in wax, of the size and depth they are to lie, and from this wax the punch is engraved. When the punch is finished, they give it a very high temper, that it may the better bear the blows of the hammer with which it is struck, to give the im- pression to the matrix. The steel is made hot to soften it, that it may the more readily take the impression of the punch; and after strik- ing the punch on it, in this state, they proceed to touch up or finish the strokes and lines, where, by reason of their fineness, or the too great relievo, they are any thing defective, with steel gravers of different kinds, chisels, flatters, &c. being the principal instruments used in graving on steel. The figure being thus finished, they proceed to en- grave the rest of the medal, as the mouldings of the border, the engrailed ring, letters, &c. with little steel punches, well tempered, and very sharp. EN MAN CHE', in heraldry, is when lines are drawn from the contre of the upper edge of the chief to the sides, to about half the breadth ed' the chief; signifying sleeved, or resembling a sleeve, from the French manche. ENNEANDRIA, in botany, the ninth class of plants with hermaphrodite flowers, and nine stamina or male parts in each. See Botany. To this class belong the laurus, rheum, spondias, bntomus, &c. ENSIFORM, in general, something resembling a sword, ensis: thus we find mention of ensiform leaves, ensiform cartilage, kc. ENSIGN, in the military art, a banner under which the soldiers are ranged according to the different compa- nies or parties they belong to. Ensic;n is also ihe officer that carries the colours, be- ing the lowest commissioned officer in a company of foot, subordinate to the captain and lieutenant. ENTABLATURE, or entablement, in architecture, is that part of an order of a column which is over the capital, and comprehends the architrave, frieze, and cor- niche. Entablature, in masonry, is used sometimes to de- note the last row of stones on the top of the wall of a building, on which the timber and covering rest. This is often made to project beyond the naked part of the wall, to carry off the rain. ENTAIL, in law, is a fee-estate entailed; that is, abridged and limited to certain conditions prescribed hy the donor or grantor. See Estate. ENTE', in heraldry, a method of marshalling, more frequent abroad than with us, and signifying grafted or engrafted. ENTEROCELE. See Surgery. ENTERPLEADER, in law, signifies the discussing or trial of a point, incidentally falling out, before the principal cause can be determined. ENTHYMENE, among logicians, denotes a syio- gism, perfect in the mind, but imperfect in the expres- sion, because one of the propositions is suppressed, aa being easily supplied by tbe understanding of those with whom we discourse: e.g. " In every right-lined triangle the three angles are just equal to two right ones; there- fore, those of an isosceles are so:" where the proposi- tion, "every isosceles is aright-lined triangle," is omit- ted, as being sufficiently known. ENTOMOLOGY, that part of the science of zoology which treats exclusively of insects. Some natural historians consider this class of animals the most imperfect of any, while others prefer them to the larger animals. One mark of their imperfections is said to be, that many of them can live a long time, though deprived of those organs which are necessary to life in the higher ranks of nature. Many of them are furnished with lungs and a heart, like the nobler animals; yet the caterpillar continues to live, though its heart and lungs, which is often tbe case, are entirely eaten away. It is not however from their conformation alone that insects are inferior to other animals, but from instincts also. It is true, that the ant and bee present us with striking in- stances of assiduity; yet even these are inferior in the marks of sagacity displayed by the larger animals. A bee taken from the swarm is totally helpless aud inactive, incapable of giving the smallest variations to its instincts. It has but one single method of operating: and if put from that, it can turn to no other. In the pursuits of tho hound, there is something like choice; but in the labours of the bee, the »• hole appears like necessity and compul- sion. All other animals are capable of some degree of education; their instincts may be suppressed or altered; the dog may be taught to fetch and carry, the bird to whistle a tune, and the serpent to dance: but the insect has only one invariable method of operating; no arts can turn it from its instincts: and indeed its life is too short for instruction, as a single season often terminates its ex- istence. Their amazing number is also an imperfection. Itis a rule that obtains through all nature, that the no- bler animals are slowly produced, and that nature acts with a kind of dignified economy; but the meaner births are lavished in profusion, and th e ands are- brought forth merely to supply the necessities of the more fa>- ENTOMOLOGY. rourite part of the creation. Of all productions in na- ture, insects are by far the most numerous. The vegeta- bles which cover the surface of the earth hear no propor- tion to the multitudes of insects; and though, at first sight, herbs of the field seem to be the parts of orga- nized nature produced in the greatest abundance, yet, upon more minute inspection, we find every plant sup- porting a mixture of scarcely perceptible creatures, that fill up the onipass of youth, vigour, and age, in the space of a few days existence. In Lapland and some parts of America, the insects are so numerous, that if a candle is lighted they swarm about it in such multitudes, that it is instantly extinguished by them; and in those parts of the world, the miserable inhabitants are forced to smear their bodies and faces with tar, or some other unctuous composition, to protect them from the stings of their minute opponents. Swammerdam however argues for the perfection of insects in the following manner. " After an attentive examination (says lie) of the nature and anatomy of the smallest as wrell as the largest animals, I cannot help al- lowing the least an equal, or perhaps a superior, degree of dignity. If, while we dissect with care the larger animals, we are filled with wonder at the elegant dispo- sition of their parts, to what a height is our astonish- ment raised, when we discover all these parts arranged, in the least, in the same regular manner! Notwithstand- ing the smallness of ants, nothing hinders our pre- ferring them to the largest animals, if wre consider cither their unwearied diligence, their wonderful powers, or their inimitable propensity to labour. Their amazing love to their young is still more unparalleled among the larger classes. They not only daily carry them to such places as may afford them food, but if by accident they are killed, and even cut into pieces, they will with the utmost tenderness carry them away piece-meal in their arms. Who can show such an example among the larger ani- mals which are dignified with the title of pcrfee:t? Who can find an instance in any other creature that can come in competition with this?" On this dispute it is only necessary to observe, that the wisdom of the Creator is so conspicuous in all his works, and such surprising art is discovered in the mechanism of the body of every creature, that it is very difficult, if not impossible, to say where it is most, and where it is least, to be perceived. Those who are desirous of attaining a systematic knowledge of insects, ought primarily to be solicitous about acquiring the terms made use of in the science, that so they may be able rightly to denominate every part of an insect. The student is first to know what an insect is, lest he mistake the hippocampi, and other am- phibious animals, for them, as was formerly done: or confound them with the vermes, which Linnseus first distinguished from insects, and which differ as essen- tially from them as the class mammalia do from birds. Every insect is furnished with a head, antennse, and feet, of all which the vermes are destitute. All insects have six or more feet; they respire through pores plac ed on the sides of their bodies, and which are termed spi- racula: their skin is extremely hard, and serves them instead of bones, of which they have internally none. From this definition, the acus marina is evidently no insect. But the antennse placed on the fore-part of the bead constitute the principal distinction. Ihese are jointed and moveable in every part, in which they differ from the horns of other animals: they are organs con- veying some kind of sense; but we have no more idea of what this kind of sense is, than a man has, who, without eyes, attempts to determine the particular action of the rays of light on the retina of the eye, or to explain the changes which thence take place in the human mind. That they are the organs of some kind of sense, is ap- parent from their perpetually moving them forward; vet the hard crust with which they are invested, and their shortness in flies and other insects, would induce one to believe them not to be the organs of touch: Mr. Barbut supposes them to constitute or to contain the organs of hearing, because they are tubular, and filled with air and some kind of humour, as appears from the antenna; of butterflies immersed in water. To come now to the terms of the art. A knowledge of the external parts of the body is first to be established; which, after the method of anatomists, we may divide into head, trunk, abdo- men, and extremities. Of the external parts of the body. I. Caput, the head. It is asserted in the Fundamen- tal Entomologise, that this part in insects is without brain. The difference between the brain and the spinal marrow consists in the former being a medullary part organized. We do not deny the existence of a medullary thread in the heads of insects, but we never could discov- er it to be organized; hence the hippobosca equina, or horsefly, will live, run, nay even copulate, after beiiijg deprived ofits head: to say nothing of many others which are capable of living a long while under the same cir- cumstances. Insects not being apparently furnished with ears, they have been apprehended incapable of hearing; as we can no more conceive that sense to exist without ears, than vision without eyes. That they are nevertheless susceptible of any shrill or loud noise, as well as fishes, is indisputable; but it has been supposed to be in a man- ner different from that of bearing. Mr. Barbut, howev- er, supposes them to possess this sense in a very distinct manner. Many insects, he observes, are well known to be endowed with the power of uttering sounds, such as large beetles, the bee, wasp, common fly, gnat, kc. The sphinx atropos squeaks, when hurt, nearly as loud as a mouse. Now, if insects are endowed with the power of uttering sounds, it certainly must be for some purpose. As they vary their cry occasionally, it must be certainly designed either to give notice of pleasure or pain, or some affection in the creature who possesses it. " The knowledge of heir sounds (says our author) is undoubt- edly confined to their tribe, and is a language intelligi- ble to them only; saving when violence obliges the animal to exert the voice of nature in distress craving compas- sion; then all the an;mals understand the doleful cry. For instance: attack a bee or wasp near the hive or a few of them: the consequence of that assault will be, the animal or animals, by a different tone of voice, will ex- press his or their disapprobation or pain; that sound is known to the hive to be plaintive, and that their brother or brethren require their assistance; and the offending ENTOMOLOGY. party seldom escapes with impunity. Now, if they had not the sense of hearing, they could not have known the danger their brother or brethren wrere in by the altera- tion of their tone." A still more decisive proof occurred to his observa- tion in a large spider in St. James's park. This creature had made a very large web on a wooden railing; and was at the time of observation, on one of the rails at a con- siderable distance from the place where a large fly had entangled itself. Nevertheless, the moment the fly was entangled, the spider became sensible of it; though from the situation of the rail, he could not possibly have seen it. In this, however, Mr. Barbut might possibly be deceived; because the spider was perhaps alarmed by the tremulous motion ofthe threads, occasioned by the flut- tering ofthe fly; which he might well know how to dis- tinguish from their vibration by the wind. The organ of hearing, in our author's opinion, is situated in the anten- na; both from their situation in the part of the head most favourable to such organs, and their inward struc- ture being moveable; the ears of the most inferior ani- mals being so. He has never considered the antennse as either offensive or defensive, but has observed them to have been endowed with an exquisite sense of feeling; that the animal appeared to be in agony when its an- tennse were pinched; and that it takes care to avoid the touching any hard substance with them roughly. « This tenderness in the organ of hearing (says he) is common to all animals; and insects seem to be particular- ly tender in these parts, by quickly withdrawing them from the touch." This writer further observes, that the antennae of all insects are composed of joints varying in size, form, and number. Those who are chiefly confined to live under water, have their antennse in general shorter than those who live on land. Some who roam at large in the air, have them long and slender. They are all hollow, and are rendered flexible by the joints, which are very visi- ble in the horns of the crab and lobster. This hollow - ness, in our author's opinion, is to receive the sound communicated to the extremities of the antennse by the repercussion of the air affected hy any noise; and con- veys it, hy means of the joints, from one to another, till it arrives in that lessened degree of tone best suited to the timid nature of the animal. In this circumstance there may be many variations in point of perfection in those organs; the strength, utility, and degree of power in receiving sound, being proportioned to the necessities of the animals, different in their nature and requisites. In most animals, the entrance to the auricular organ is patulous: but in this case the animal would suffer great inconvenience from such an organization, as the orifice would be subject to impediments frem dirt, &c. Most naturalists are in doubt whether insects have the sense of smell, no organs being found in them adapt- ed to that purpose: and although it was evident they had a perception of agreeable and fetid effluvia, it was thought to be in a manner altogether unknown to us. Mr. Barbut is of opinion that the organs of smell reside in the pdpi or feelers. Many insects have four, and some six, two of which are in general ehiliform, in order to assist the insect in convey ing its food to its mouth. It may be likewise observed, that the palpi are in a continu- al motion: the animal thrusting them into every kind oi* putrid or other matter, as a hog would his nose, smell- ing and searching after food. Insects which apparently do not possess palpi or spiral tongues, have undoubtedly some organs concealed within the mouth, analogous to them in function and utility ; the fleshy proboscis of the fly is thurst into every substance in which the animal ex- pects to find food; and when it is extended, nearly in the middle are situated, in our author's opinion, two upright palpi, which, no doubt, perform in their turn some office, and perhaps that of smell. Many insects are without the tongue, nor do they make any sound with their mouth; but for this purpose some use their feet, others their wings, and others some elastic instrument with which they are naturally fur- nished. Eyes. Most insects have two eyes; but the gyrinius has four, the scorpion six, the spider eight, and the sco- lopendra three. They have no eyebrows, but the exter- nal tunic of the eye is hard and transparent like a watch- glass; their eyes have no external motion, unless it be in the crab. Tbey consist for the most part of one lens on- ly; but in those of the butterfly, diptera, and many ofthe beetles, they are more numerous. Pugett discovered 17,325 lenses in the cornea of a butterfly, andLieuwen- hoek 800 in that of a fly. Antennae. The number of these is generally two (un- less four are allowed to some crabs), and are placed on the fore part of head: they are peculiar to insects; and are plainly distinguishable from the tentacula of the vermes, in being crustaceous: and from the palpi of in- sects, which are more numerous, placed near the mouth, and are sometimes wanting. As the antennse are of great moment in distinguishing the various kinds of insects, we shall enumerate and explain the several different forms of them. Setacese, are those which grow gradually tapering to- wards the extremity. Filiformes, such as are of the same thickness through- out. Moniliformcs, are filiformes, like the preceding, but consist of a series of round knobs, like a necklace of beads. Clavatse, such as gradually increase in size toward the extremity. Capitatse are clavatse, but have the extremity some- what round. Fissiles are capitatse; but have the capitulum, or knob, divided longitudinally into three or four parts, or lamina?, as in sc arabsei. Pertbliatse are also capitatse; but have the capitulum horizontally divided, as in the dermestes. Pectinatse, so called from their similitude to a comb, though they more properly resemble a feather, as in the moths and elateres: this is most obvious in the male. Alistataj, such as have a lateral hair, which is either naked, or furnished with lesser hairs, as in the fly. Bre viores, those which are shorter than the body. Lemgiores, those wbich are longer than tbe body". Mcdiocres, those which are of the same length with the body; all three of which varieties are distinguisha- ble in the cerambyces. Palpi, or feelers, resemble filiform, articulated, movea- ENTOMOLOGY. ble antennae. They are most commonly four in number, sometimes six; they are sufficiently distinguished from antennse, in being naked, short, and always placed at the mouth. Os, the mouth, is generally placed in the anterior part of the head, extending somewhat downwards. In some insects, it is placed under the breast; as in the chermes, coccus, cancer (crab), and circulio. Rostrum or proboscis, is a mouth drawn out to a rigid point: in many of the hemiptera class it is bent down- ward towards the breast and belly, as in the cicada, ncpa, notonecta, cimex (bug), aphis, and remarkably so in some curculiones. Maxillse, the jaws, are two in number, sometimes four, and at other times more; they are placed horizontally; the inner edge of some insects is serrated, or furnished with little teeth. Lingua, the tongue, in some insects is taper and spi- ral, as in the butterfly; in others it is fleshy, resembling a proboscis, and tubular, as in the fly. Labium superius, the upper lip, is situated above the jaws; as in the scarabseus and gryllus. Stemmata, or crown, are three smooth hemispheric dots, placed generally on the top of the head; as in most of the hemenoptera, and others. II. Truncus, the trunk, is that part which compre- hends the breast or thorax: it is situated between the head and abdomen; and has the legs inserted into it, that its parts may be distinctly determined. It is divided into thorax, scutellum, and sternum. Thorax, the chest, is the back part of the breast; and is very various in its shape. It is called dentatus, when its sides are armed with points. Spinosus, when its back is furnished with them, as in the gcrambyx; and marginatus, when its margin is late- rally dilated, as in the silpha and cassida. Scutellum, or escutcheon, is the posterior part of the thorax; it is frequently triangular, and appears to be di- vided from the thorax hy an intervening suture, as in most of the coleoptera. The sternum, or breast-bone, is situated on the infe- rior part of the thorax; it is pointed behind in the elate- res. and bifid in some of the dytisci. III. The abdomen is in most insects distinct from the thorax; it is the posterior part of the body of the insect; and is composed ofa number of annular segments which serve occasionally to lengthen or shorten it, and to contain the organs of chyiification, &c. Spiracula, are little holes or pores, placed singly on each side of every segment of the abdomen: through these the insect breathes; and if oil is applied so as to stop them up, it proves fatal to most of them. Tergum, the back, is the superior part of the abdo- men. Venter, the belly, is the inferior part. Anus, is the posterior part of the abdomen, perforated for the evacuation of the excrement. This part also fre- quently contains the organs of generation. IV. Artus, the limbs, or extremities, are the various instruments of motion. Pedes, the legs, are generally six. There is an excep- tion to this, however, in the class apiera, many of which have eight; as acari (mites), phalangii, most of the ara- nei (spiders), scorpiones (scorpions), and cancri (crabs') The oniscus has 14, and the iuli and scolopendri stUl more. The first joint of the leg, which is generally thickest, is called femur: the second, which is generally of the same size throughout, tibia: the third, which is jointed is distinguished by the name of tarsius; and the last! which in most insects is double, by that of unguis. The legs of insects, in general, are named from the various motions they produce: as Cursorii, from that of running, which are most nu- merous. Saltaorii, from that of leaping. Natatorii, from that of swimming, &c. In the saltato- rii, the thighs are remarkably large, by which means they are able to leap to a considerable distance, as in the gryllus, grass-hopper, kc. In those of the natatorii, the feet are flat, and edged with hairs, which answer the same purpose as oars in assisting them to swim, as in the dytiscus. Mutici, are such feet as have no claws. Chelse, or claws, are the fore-feet enlarged towards their extremities, each of which is furnished with two lesser claws, which act like a thumb and finger; as in the crab. Alse, wings, tbe instruments which enable the insect to fly. These are membranous and undivided, except in the instance of the phalsense alucitse, in which they arc in part divided. Most insects have four; the diptera class, and the coccus, however, have only two. The wing is divided into its superior and inferior surfaces: its anterior part in a butterfly, is that towards the anterior margin, or next to the head; its posterior part, that towards the anus; its exterior part, that to- wards the outer edge; and the interior, that next the ab- domen. They are called plicatiles, when they are folded at the time the insect is at rest, as in the wasp: opposite to these are the plana?,, wiiich arc incapable of being folded. Erectse, such as have their superior surfaces brought in contact when the insect is at rest; as in the ephemera, puclla and virgo, and papiliones (butterflies). Patentes, which remain horizontally extended when the insect is at rest; as in the phalsense gcomctrse, and most of the libellulse. Incuinbentes, such as cover horizontally the superior part of the abdomen when the insect is at rest. Deflexse, are incumbents, hut not horizontally, the outer edges declining towards the sides. Reverse, are deflexse, with this addition, that the edge of the inferior wings projects from under the anterior part of the superior ones. Dentate, in which the edge is serrated, or scalloped. Caudatse, in which one or more projections in the hind- er wings are extended into processes. Reticulata?, when the vessel of the wings put on the appearance of net-work, as in the hemcrobius perla; the two anterior wings generally become superior, and the posterior ones inferior, in moths, when their wings are closed; but the anterior wings are called primary, and the inferior ones secondary, in butterflies, as they can- ENTOMOLOGY not with propriety be called inferior when the wings are ©red. Colores, the colours; these are various''and apparent; but according to their several shapes, they take the dif- ferent names of puncta?, dots: and macula?, spots. Fascia?, bands, which frequently run across and some- times surround the edge of the wings. Stria?, streaks, whieh are very slender fascia?, and li- ■ea?, lines, which are longitudinally extended. Ocellus, is a round spot containing a lesser spot of a different colour in its centre. Stigma, another term lately introduced by Linnseus, signifies the spot, or anastomis, in the middle of the wing near the anterior margin; it is conspicuous in most of the hyincnoptera and neuroptera, and even in the coleoptera. The single or double kidney-shaped spot, situated in the same part of the anterior wings, and frequently occurring in the phala?nsc pagans, is distinguished likewise by the tame of stigma. Elytra (in the singular number elytron). The upper wings, or case, which are of a hard substance, in some degree resembling leather, and which in most insects are ef a very hard texture, but in others flexible, are called elytra: their superior surface is generally convex, their inferior concave. When the insect flies, they are extend- ed; and shut when it rests, closing together, and forming a longitudinal suture down the middle ofthe back, as in ■the coleoptera. They are of various shapes: Abbreviata, when shorter than the abdomen. Truncate, when shorter than the abdomen, and termi- nating in a transverse line. Fastigata, when of equal or greater length than the abdomen, and terminating in a transverse line. Serrata, when the exterior margin towards the apex is notched or serrated, as in some of the buprestes. Spinosa, when the surface is covered with sharp points tr prickles. Scabra, when their surface is so uneven as to grate against the fingers. Striata, when marked with slender longitudinal fur- rows. Porcata, when with elevated longitudinal sulci or ridges. Sulcata, when the ridges are concave. Hemelytra, when the superior wings are of a middle substance between leather and membrane; either totally >o> as in the grylli; or partially so, as in the cimiees, nepa?, and nofrmrc ta?: these are commonly distinguished ty the name lieiniptera. Hal teres, poiseis (a term also introduced by Linnseus), are little heads placed on a stalk or peduncle, most fre- quently under alitle arched scale. They ere found only in the class diptcra, and appear to be nothing more than ttie rudiments ofthe hinder wings. Cauda, the tail, in most insects is, Siioph-x, simple, capable of being extended, and again drawn back at pleasure. In the crab and scorpion, how- ever, it is Elongata, elongated or lengthened. Seiueea, brittle shaped, or taper; as in the raphidea. Triseta, consisting of three bristles; as in the ephemera. Furcata, being forked, as in the podura. Forcipata, resembling a pair of forceps; as in the for- mula. Foliosa, resembling a leaf; as in the blatta, grylli, and some species of cancri. Tclifera, such as are armed with a dart or sting; as in the scorpion or panorpa. Aculeus, the sting, an instrument with which they wound, and at the same time instil a poison: with s\lcM the bee, wasp, scorpion, kc. are furnished. Explanation of the figures that accompan y this article. Plate L1V. Fig. 62. Antennse pectinata?, or feathered; as in the pha- lsena?, moths. 63.--------perfoliatse, or perfoliated; as in the dermestes and dytiscus. 64.--------fissiles, orfissile, divided into lamina? at the extremity; as in the scarabsei, beetles. 65.--------clavatse, or club-shaped; as in the pa- pilio, butterfly. 66. Moniliformes, like a necklace of beads; as ia the chrysomela. 67.-------------setacese, setaceous, or bristle- shaped; as in many of the pbalselia?. 68.-------------aristata?, furnished with a lateral hair; as in the fly. 69 and 70. a, caput, the head, b, palpi, or feelers. c, antenna?, or horns, d, oculi, the eyes, c, thorax. /, scutellum, or escutcheon, g, pec- tus, or breast, h, sternum, or breast-bone. t, abdomen, and its segments, k, anus. I, ely- tra, or shells, m, membranous wings, n, pe- des, or feet, which are natatorii. M. o, femur, or thigh, p, tibia, or leg. q, tarsus, or foot, r, unguis, or claw. 72. a, the anterior part of the wing, b, the poste- rior part, c, the exterior part, ci, the interior part, e, the margin. /, the disk, or middle. g, oculus, or eye. 75, 74, 75, and 76. represent the insect in its egg, caterpillar, pupa, and perfect state. Of the sexes of insects. In insects the same difference exists as in other animals, and they even appear more disposed to increase their species than other animals; many of them, when become perfect, seeming to be created for no other purpose but to propagate their species. Thus the silkworm, when it arrives at its perfect or moth state, is incapable of eat- ing, and can hardly fly: it endeavours only to propagate its species; after which the male immediately dies, and, as soon as she deposits her eggs, the female also expires. Tbe males and females of many insects are with dif- ficulty distinguished; whilst in some they differ so widely, that an unskilful person might easily take the male and female of the same insect for different species: as for in- stance, in the phalsena huniuli, piniari, russula: each sex of which differs in colour. This dissimilarity is still more apparent in some insects, in which the male has wings and the female none; as in the coccus, lampvris, phala?na antiqua, brumata, lichenella. And as most in- sects remain a long while in copulation, as we mav see in the tipula and silkworm, the winged males fly With the wingless females, and carry them about from one place to another; as in the phalsena antiqua. It is, how- ever, na cortaim rule, that when ©ne insect of the same ENTOMOLOGY, species is Sound to have wings, and the other to be with- out, the former must necessarily be the male and the lat- ter the female. The aphides, for instance, are an excep- tion; and besides these, individuals of both sexes, and of the same species, are found without wings, as the carabi majores, tenebriones, meloes, cimices. The gryllus pe- destris is likewise destitute of wings; and might have passed for a gryllus in its pupa state, had it not been seen in copulation; for it is well known that no insect can propagate its species till it arrives at its last or perfect state. «« Plcraque insectorum genitalia sua intra anum ha- bent abscondita, et penes solitarios, sed nonnulla penem habent bifidum: cancri autcm et aranei geniinos, que- madmodum nonnulla amphibia, et quod mi rand um in loco alieno, ut cancer, sub basi cauda?. Jlraneus^mas palpos habet clavatos, qui penes sunt, juxta os utrinque-unirura, qua? clava? sexum ncc speciem distinguunt; et fo&mina vulvas suas habet in abdomine juxta pectus. Huic vero si unquam vere dixeris, Res plena timoris amor: si eniin procus in auspicato accesserit, foemina ipsum devorat; quod etiam sit, si non statim se retraxerit. Libellula foe- mina genitale suum sub apice geret caudse, et mas sub pectore; adeo ut cum mas collum foeminse forcipe caudse arripit, ilia candam sub pectore ejus adplicet; sicque pe- culiari ratione connexse volitent." Besides those of male and female, a third sex exists in some insects which we call neuter: as these have not the distinguishing parts of either sex, they may be con- sidered as eunuchs, or infertile. We know of no instance of this kind in any other class of animals, nor in vegeta- bles, except in the class syngenesia, and in the opulus. This kind of sex is only found among those insects which form themselves into societies, as bees, wasps, and ants: and here these kind of eunuchs are real slaves, as on them lies the whole business of the economy; while those of the other sex are idle, only employing themselves in the increase of the family. See Apis. Among ants, the neuters form a hill in the shape of a cone, that the water may run off it, and place those which are in the pupa state on that side of it which is least exposed to the heat of the sun. At a considerable distance from these are found the habitations of the males and females, to whom the most ready obedience is yielded by the neuters, till a new offspring succeeds, and then they oblige them to quit their habitations. But those ants which live entirely un- der ground provide better for themselves in this respect; for a little before their nuptials they quit their habitation of their own accord, and, after swarming in the manner •f bees, copulate in the air; and each retiring to some new habitation founds a new race. No hermaphrodites have as yet been discovered among insects. There is something very singular, however,* in the propagation of the aphides. A female aphis once im- pregnated can produce young, which will continue to produce others without any fresh impregnation, even to the tenth progeny; afterwards a new impregnation must take place. The male insects, like male hawks, are always smaller than the females. In the propagation of their species they are remark- ably careful; so that it is with the greatest difficulty the flies are kept from depositing their egss on fresh meat, fhe cabbage-butterfly from laying them on cabbage, and other insects from depositing them on the several places peculiar to each. The scarabseus pilularis and carnifex are deserving of our attention, as they afford a mutual assistance to each other: for when the female has laid her eggs in a little ball of dung, the males with their feet, which are axiform, assist the female to roll it to some suitable place; as Aristotle and Piiny formerly, and Loe- fling lias since remarked. A fact not a little wonderful is, that in the coccus and oniscus the female has no sooner brought forth her young than she is devoured by it; and that the sphex should be able so readily to kill the caterpillar of a moth, then bury it in the earth, and there deposit her eggs in it. Nor cau we without admiration behold the same species of aphis, which was viviparous in the summer, become oviparous in the autumn. Almost innumerable examples might be brought of the singularities in the eggs of insects: we shall, however, only mention those of the hemerobius, which arc deposited on a footstalk; those of the phalsena neustria, which are placed regularly in a ring round the branch of some tree; and the compound eggs of the blatta, or cockroach. Of the metamorphoses of insects. Except those of the aptera class, there arc no insects but what are continually undergoing some transforma- tion. They change first from the (ovum) egg, into the (larva) caterpillar, or maggot; then into the (pupa) chry- salis; and, lastly, into the (imago) fly, or perfect state. During each of those changes their appearance differs most essentially. The insect, as soon as it came out of the egg, was by former entomologists called eruca; b u as this is synonymous with the botanic name sisymbrium, it was changed by Linnseus for the term Larva; a name expressive of the insect's being, in this state, as it were masked, having its true appearance con- cealed. Under this mask or skin the entire insect, such as it afterwards appears when perfect, lies concealed, en- veloped only in its tender wings, and putting on a soft and pulpy appearance; insomuch that Swaminerdam was able to demonstrate the butterfly with its wings to exist in a catterpillar, though it bore but a faint resemblance to its future perfection. The insect, therefore, in this state, undergoes no other alteration but the change ofits skin. The larva? are, for the most part, larger than the insect when perfect, and are very voracious. The ca- terpillar of the cabbage-butterfly eats double what it would seem to require from its size; its growth, however, is not adequate to its voracity. Pupa. The insect in this state was formerly called chrysalis, or aurelia; but as the appearance of gilding is confined to a few butterflies only, the term of pupa has been adopted in its stead; because the lepidoptcra, espe- cially, resemble an infant in swaddling-cloths; and in this state none, except those of the hemiptera class, take any nourishment. Imago is the third state. This name is given by Lin- nseus to the third change, in which the insect appears in its proper shape and colours; and as it undergoes no more transformations, it is called perfect In this state it flies, is capable of propagating its species, and receives its true antenna?; which before, in most insects, were scarce- ly apparent. As the shape of the pupa is different in different cla?« ENTOMOLOGY. ses of insects, it assumes different names; thus it is cal- led Coarctata, when it is round, and as it were turned, without the least resemblance to the structure of the in- sect; as in the diptera. Obtecta, when it consists as it were of two parts, one of which surrounds the head and thorax, and the other the abdomen. Incompleta, when they have wings and feet, but are not capable of moving them: as in most of the hymenop- tera. Scmi-completa, in which they walk or run, but have only the rudiments of wings. Cemplcta, in which they immediately obtain the per- fect form of the insect, without undergoing any more change: as in those of the aptera class, except only the flea. The bed-bug also belongs to this class. The spider undergoes frequent transformations, though only in the colour of its skin. The crustaceous insects, as crabs, lobsters, &c. yearly cast their shells, or their growth would otherwise be impeded. The scolopendri, when young, have fewer feet than when they are full- grown. All insects, as soon as they undergo the third change, are arrived at their full growth; nor do we find any difference in the size of the same species of insect in the same countries, unless, during its caterpillar state, it has not had a sufficiency of proper food. Of the classification of insects. The insect tribe being endowed with the various pow- ers of creeping, flying, and swimming, there is scarce- ly any place, however remote and obscure, in which they arc not to be found. The great confusion which appeared to the ancients to arise from their number, made them n«*ver dream of reducing them to any system. Swam- merdain, that indefatigable inquirer into nature, ob- served, that their metamorphoses were divided by na- ture into several states or orders. Their external ap- pearance also carried with it some mark of distinction: so that entomologists called all those of the coleoptera class scarabsei (beetles); those of the lepidoptera papi- liones: and those of the gymnoptera class that had two Wings only, muscse (flics); those of the same class that had four wings, were called apes (bees). No farther progress was made in the systematic part of this science till the time of Linnseus. He was the first that under- took to determine the genera, and assign them their pro- per characters, in the Systema Natura?; and thus redu- ced this science to a systematic form. This system, in subsequent editions, was considerably enriched and amended by him, insomuch that the science of insects now shines forth in its full lustre. He it was who first instituted natural orders, and reduced them into genera by expressive names; determined an infinite number of spec ies in the Funa Suecica and Museum Reginse; col- lected with incredible pains the synonymous names of the various authors who had written on them; and, last- ly, added their descriptions, and the places in which they were to be found: so that the system of this illlus- trious author will lead any person, without the assis- tance of a master, for the most part, easily to ascertain tlie name of any insect he may meet with. Before bis time scarcely any more than 200 insects were known; whereas, in the last edition of his system, he has deter- mined the names of nearly 3000 distinct species; though this is not the sixth part of the number that is now known. Orders.—The class of insects is divided hy Linnseus into seven orders. 1. The coleoptera (from kuxkh a sheath, and esrTtfc, a wing), are such insects as have crustaceous ely- tra or shells, which shut together, and form a longitu- dinal suture down the back of the insect; as the beetle (buprestisignita), fig. 77. 2. Hemiptera (from h/x/s-w half, and -o-Tipor a wing), have their upper wings usually half crustaceous and half membranaceous, not divided by a longitudinal suture, but incumbent on each other; as the cimex, fig. 78. 3. Lepidoptera (from m.tjc a scale, and tr-ripo, a wing), are insects having four wings, covered with fine scales in the form of powder or meal; as in the butterfly (papilio antiopa), fig. 79. 4. Neuroptera (from nvpon a nerve, and o-npo, a wing), have four membranous transparent naked wings, generally like network; as in the panorpa coa, fig. 80. 5. Hymenoptera (from v/w a membrane, and «Tif« a wing), arc insects with four membranous wings; tail furnished with a sting, as in the tcnthredo, fig. 81. 6. Diptera (from re by way of simile, has taken the names of the equities from the Trojan history. Tie se consist of two tmepg or bodies; of whic h one contains the sable, and is it were mourning nobles, having red or bloody spats at the basis of their wings. These receive names from the Tro- jan nobles; and as Priam was king of Troy, the most splendid among these bear his name. The other body, ornamented with a variety of gay colours, are distin- guished by the names of the Grecian heroes; and as in both armies there were kings as well as officers of an in- ferior rank, those elegant butterflies, whose hinder wings resembled tails, were distinguished by some royal name. Thus when Paris is mentioned (knowing from history that he was a Trojan, and of royal I lood), we find him among those of the first sec tion; that is, those of a sable colour, spotted in the breast with red, and having their hinder wings resembling tails. When Agamemnon is named, we remember him to be a noble Greek, and find him among those nobles which have variegated and swal- low-tailed wings. But when Nereus is spoken of, we readily know him to belong to the last section, having wings but no tails. The second class, which contains the heliconii, de- rive their names from the muses, as Urania. The names ofthe sons and daughters of Danaus are bestowed on the third section. And as these species are subdivided into two other sections, viz. the white and parti-coloured, the metaphor is so conducted, that the white ones preserve the names of the daughters of Danaus, and the parti-co- loured ones those of the sons of Egyptus: so that it is evident from the name itself to what section the butterfly is to be referred. The names of the fourth section, nyniphales, are ta- ken from various nymphs of antiquity; and those of the fifth section, plebeii, are selected from different men among the ancients whose names are worthy of remem- brance: so that by this means a knowledge of the an- cients may be interspersed, and this agreeable science be made doubly pleasing. Those, therefore, who may find new lepidoptera, and give them new names, will do well to follow this method, unless it should be apparent what food the insect chiefly prefers for its subsis- tence. ENTOYER, in heraldry, denotes a bordure charged wholly with things without life: it seems to be a corrup- tion of the French entour round about. ENTR1NG-LADDERS, in a ship, are of two sorts; one used by the vessel's sides, in a harbour, or in fair weather, for persons to go in and out of the ship: the ether is made, of ropes, with small staves for steps) E N T EPA and is hung out of the gallery to enter into the boat, or to come aboard the ship, when the sea runs so high that they dare not bring the boat to the ship's side for fear $f staving it. ENTRY, writ of, is a writ directed to the sheriff, re- quiring him to command the tenant of the land, that he render to the demandinent the premises in question, or appear in court on such a day, and show why he has not done it. Of this writ there are four kinds. 1. A writ of entry sur disseisin, that lies for the disseisee against the disseisor, upon a disseisin done by himself; ami tiiis is called a writ of entry in the nature of an assise. 2. A writ of entry sur disseisin in the per, for the heir by descent, who is said to be in the per, as he comes in by his ancestor. 3. 4 writ of entry sur disseisin in the per and cui, where the feoffee of a disseisor makes a feoffment over to another; and then the form of a writ is, that the tenant had no title to enter but by a prior ali- enee, to whom the intruder demised it. A writ of en- try sur disseisin in the post, which lies after a disseisin: the land is removed from hand to hand, in case of a more remote seisin, whereunto the other three degrees do not extend. 1 Inst. 238. But all these writs are now disused, as the title of lauds is now usually tried upon actions of ejectment or trespass. Entry ad communem legem. The writ of entry ad communem legem lies where tenant in dower, or ten- ant by the courtesy, or for life, aliens in fee, or f.r the life of another, or in tail, the lands which they hold, &c. after their death, he in the reversion who has it in fee, orf r life, shall have this writ against whomsoever is in possession oi* the land. Entry ad terminum qui pr^teriit: a writ of entry ad teriuinum qui prseteriit, lies where a man leases lands or tenements for term of life, or years, and after- wards the term expires, and he to whom the lease was rnatle, or a stranger, enters upon the land, and occupies the same, and deforces the lessor; the lessor or his heirs shall have the writ. And this writ lies in the per, cui, and post; for if the lessee holds over his term, and after- Wards makes a feoffment, the lessor or heirs may have this writ against the feoffee in the per; and if the feoffee makes a feoffment over, he may have it against the se- cond feoffee in the per nud-cui, and against the third feof- fee in the post. Extjv in casu consimili. A writ of entry in casu consimili lies wiere tenant by the courtesy, or for life, or for another's life, aliens in fee, or in tail, or for life; now he in the reversion, who has an estate there for life, or in fee simple, or in tail, shall have that writ during the In ofthe tenant for life who aliened. Entuv in casu proviso. The writ of entry in casu proviso Iks where tenant in dower aliens in fee, for life, or in tail, the land which he holds in dower; he who has the reversion in fee, or in tail, or for life, shall maintain that writ against the alienee, and against him who is the tenant of the freehold of land during the life of the ten- ant in dower, Ace. and the writ may be made in the per, cui, and post. Entry caisa matrimonii prjslocuti, lies where lands or tenements are given to a man, em condition that ne shall take the donor to his w ite within a certain time: and if he does not espouse her within the limited time, or espons s anotuer, or otherwise .is.mles himself, that he cannot take h, r according to the sail condition, then the donor and her heirs slut.l have tiie said writ against him, or against whoever else is in the said land. Bill o/Entry, in coinmeree. See Bill. In England, in making entries inwards, it is usual for merchants to in- clude all theg.ious they have on board the same sii.p in one bill, thougu s nnetimts they may tiapjK-u to be upwards of twenty several kin.is; and in case the goods are siiort- ente red, additional or post-entries are now allowed, l hough formerly the goods so entered were forfeited. As to bills of entry outwards, or in. fueling goods to be ex- poried, upon delivering them, and paying the customs, you shall receive a small piece of parchment called a cocket, which testifies your payment thereof, and ail du- ties for such goods. If several sorts of goods are exported at once, of which some are free, and others pay customs, the exporter must have two cockets, and therefore must make two entries; one for the goods that pay, and the other for the goods tnat do not pay custom. Entries of goods on which a drawback is allowed, must likewise contain the name of the ship in which the goods were imported, the importer's name, and time of entry inwards. The entry being thus made, and an oath taken Lhat the customs for those goods were paid as the law directs, you must carry it to the collector and comp- troller, or their deputies; who, after examining their books, will grant a warrant, which must be given to the surveyor, searcher, or land-waiter, for them to certify the quantity of goods; after which the certificate must be brought back to the collector and comptroller, or their deputies, and oath made that the said goods are really shipped, and not landed again in any part of Great Britain. ENVELOPE, in fortification, a work of earth, some- times in form of a simple parapet, and at others, like a small rampart with a parapet: it is raised sometimes on the ditch, and sometimes beyond it. See Fortifica- tion. ENVIRONNE', in heraldry, signifies surrounded with other things: thus, they say, a lion environne' with so many bezants. See Bezant. ENUMERATION, in rhetoric, a part of the perora- tion, in which the orator, collecting the scattered heads of what has been delivered throughout the whole, makes a brief and artful relation, or recapitulation thereof. ENVOY, a person deputed to negotiate some affair with any foreign prince or state. Those sent from the courts of France, Britain, Spain, kc. to any petty prince or state, such as the princes of Germany, the republics of Venice, Genoa, kc. go in quality of envoys, not am- bassadors; and such a character only do those persons bear who go from any ofthe principal efforts of Em-ope to another, when the affair they go upon is not very solemn or important. There are envoys ordinary and extraordinary, as well as ambassadors; they are equally under the protection of the law of nations, and enjov all the privileges of ambassadors, only differing from them in this, that the same ceremonies are not performed to them. r EPACRIS, in botany, a genus ofthe monogynia «r. EPA EPA der, in the pentandria class of plants. The calyx Is a five-parted perianthium; the corolla monopetalous and tubular; the stamina five very short filaments; tlie peri- cardium a roundish, depressed, quinquelocular, quin- quevalvular, gaping capsule; the seeds are numerous and very small. There are four species, natives of New Holland. EPACT, in chronology, a number a rising from the ex- cess of the common solar year above the lunar, by which the age of the moon may be found every year. The excess of the solar year above the lunar is 11 days; or the. epact of any year expresses the number of days from the last new moon of the old year, which was the beginning of the present lunar year, to the 1st of January. On the first year ofthe cycle ofthe moon, the epact is 0, because the lunar year begins with the solar. On the second, the lunar year has begun 11 days be- fore the solar year, therefore the epact is 11. On the third, it has begun twice 11 before the solar year, therefore the epact is 22. On the fourth, it begins three times 11 days sooner than the solar year, the epact would there- fore be 33: but 30 days being a synodical month, that year must be intercalated; or that year must be reck- oned to consist of 13 synodical months, and there re- mains three, which is the true epact of the year; and so on to the end of the cycle, adding 11 to the epact of the last year, and always rejecting 30, gives the epact ofthe present year. Thus to adjust the lunar year to the solar, through the whole of 19 years, 12 of them must consist of 12 synodical months each, and 7 of 13, by adding a month of 30 days to every year when tlie epact would exceed 30, and a month of 29 days to the last year of the cycle, which makes in all 209 days, i. e. 19 X 11; so that the intercalary or emboliinsean years in this cycle are 4, 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19. If the new moons returned exactly at the same time af- ter the expiration of 19 years, as the council of Nice sup- posed they would do (when they fixed the rule for the ob- servation of Easter, and marked the new moons in the calendar for each year of the lunar cycle), then the gol- den number multiplied by 11 would always give the epact. But in a Julian century, the new moons anticipate, or happen earlier than that council imagined they would, by ^8T 0f a day. In a Gregorian common century, which is one day shorter than a Julian century, they hap- pen £* of a day later (1 day — ¥87 = \\). Now \?g x 3 = |i for the three common centuries but ¥'T being sub- tracted, on account of the Gregorian bissextile centu- ry, there will remain ||. Therefore in four Gregorian centuries, the new moons will happen later by || of a day, and the epacts must be decreased accordingly. At present the Gregorian epact is 11 days short of the Julian epact; but the quotient of the number ofthe centuries divided by 4, which at this time is 4, multiplied by ||, with the addition ofthe remainder 1 multiplied by \\, makes in all but yT9, or 7 days -f \*, therefore •«, i. e. 5 days -f £A must be added to complete the 11 days. "Whence we have the following: General rules for finding the Gregorian epact for ever. —Divide the centuries of any year of the Christian Era by 4 (rejecting the subsequent numbers); multiply the remainder by 17, and to this product add the quo- tient multiplied by 43; divide the product -|- 86 by 25; multiplying the golden number by 11, from which sub. tract the last quotient; and rejecting the thirties, the re- mainder will be the epact. Example for 1816. 18 -*- 4 =4 remains 2 2 x 17 = 34 43 x 4 + 86 -f 34 = 292 292 -r- 25 =11 11 X 12 = 132 132 — 11 = 121 -f- 30 remains 1 = epact. A shorter rule for finding the epact until the year 1900. Subtract 1 from the golden number; and nmlti- plying the remainder by 11, reject the thirties, and you have the epact. A tabk of golden numbers, and their corresponding epacts, till the year 1900. 6 *3 6 ^ 6 ^ d +j fc t> S5 fc u fe I c. D. Q. 0 tf 6 u d K C w 1 0 6 25 ll 20 16 15 2 11 7 6 12 1 17 26 3 22 8 17 13 12 18 7 4 3 9 28 14 23 19 18 5 14 10 9 15 4 EPANORTIIOSUS, in rhetoric, a figure by which a person corrects, or ingeniously revokes, what he just before alleged, as being too weakly expressed, in order to add something stronger, and more conformable to th« passion with which he is agitated. EPAULE, in fortification, denotes the shoulder of a bastion, or the place where its face and flank meet, and form the angle called the angle of the shoulder, EPAULEMEjST, in fortification, a work raised t* cover sidewise, is either of earth, gabions, or facines, loaded with earth. The epaulement of the places of arms for the cavalry, at the entrance of the trenches, are generally of facines mixed with earth. Epaulement also denotes a mass of earth, called likewise a square orillon from its figure, raised to cover the cannon of a casement, and faced with a wall. It is likewise used for any work, thrown up to defend the flank of a post, or other place. EPAULETTES, shoulder-knots. Among the French, all the degrees of rank, from a cadet to a general officer, were so minutely marked out by the epaulette, that a common centinel might instantly know what officer ap- proached his station, and could pay the prescribed honours without hesitation or mistake. This is not the case among the English, Some altera- tions have lately been made in those ornaments; but they are so partial, and confined to the upper ranks only, that it is impossible to distinguish the youngest ensign from the oldest captain by his epaulette, or by any other part of his uniform. When Highland or fusileer regiments are mixed with the line, very sentinel is still more perplex- ed, as all the officers belonging to those corps indiscrimi- nately wear two epaulettes made of fringe and bullion of the same quality. . Epaulettes have lately been introduced into the Bri- tish navy. The following are the gradations of rank EPH E P H as distinguished by epaulettes. Masters and comman- ders have one epaulette on tbe left shoulder. Post- captains under three years, one epaulette on the right shoulder. And after having been post three years, two epaulettes. Rear-admirals have one star on the strap of the epaulette, vice-admirals two stars, and admirals three stars. EPH A, or Ephah, in Jewish antiquity, a measure for things dry, containing 1.0961 ofa bushel. EPHEDRA, in botany, a genus ofthe monodelphia trder, in the dioecia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 51st order, conifcra?. The male calyx is bifid; there is no corolla, but seven stamina; four anthera? inferior, three superior. The female calyx is bipartite, and five-fold, upon one another; tliere is no corolla; there are two pistils, and two seeds covered by the calyx, resembling a berry. There are two species, ihrubs of Siberia. EPHEMERA, the day-fly, or May-fly, in zoology, a genus belonging to the order of ncuroptera. It has no teeth or palpa?; there are two large protuberances above the eyes; the wings are erect, the two hind ones being largest; and the tail is bristly. There are 11 species. These flies take their name of May-fly from the short- ness of their life, and are distinguished into several spe- cies. Some live several days; others do not take flight till the setting of the sun, and live not to see the rising of that luminary. Some exist but one hour, others but half that time; in which short period they comply with the call of nature. With respect to those that live several days, Mr. Barbut observes, there is a peculiarity inci- dent to themselves alone. They have to cast off one slough more, an operation which sometimes takes 24 hours to complete. To bring this about they cling fast to a tree. The ephemera?, before they flutter in air, have in some manner been fishes. They remain in the states of larva and chrysalis for one, two, or three years. The chrysalis only differs from the larva by there being ob- servable on its back cases for wings. Both have on their sides small fringes ofhair, which, when put into motion, serve them as fins. Nothing can be more curious than the plying of those little oars in the water. Their ab- domen is terminated, as well as in their state of flies, by three threads. These larva? scoop themselves out dwel- lings in the banks of rivers; and they are sin all tubes made like siphons, the one serving for an entrance, the other affording them an outlet. The hanks of some rivers are often perforated with them. When the waters de- crease, they dig fresh holes lower down, in order to en- joy their element the water. The season and hour when the chrysalids of the different species of the ephemerae turn into flics, maintain a kind of regularity. The heat, the rise or fall of the waters, accelerate, however, or postpone their final display. The ephemera of the Rhine appear in the air two hours before sunset. These fir s are hatched almost all at the same instant in such numbers as to darken the air. The most early of those on tbe Marne and Seine in France do not begin to fly till two hours after the setting of the sun, towards the middle of Au- gust. They are seen fluttering and sporting on the brink of their tomb. The glare of light attracts them, round which they perform a thousand circles with amazing ttgularity. Their coming together lor the purpose of generation can only be surmised, the shortness of their life requiring that all its functions should be proportiona- ble to their duration. Some naturalists have been of opinion, that the males impregnate the eggs after the manner of fishes. The females, by the help of the threads of their tail and the flapping of their wings, support themselves on the surface of the water, and in that al- most upright situation drop their eggs in clusters. One single female will lay 700 or 800 eggs, which sink to the bottom. The larva that escape from the voracious- ness of the fishes, set about the construction of habita- tions to shelter them from every kind of danger. When the flies have propagated, they are seen to die, and fall by heaps. The land and water are strewed with them to a considerable thickness. The fishermen consider these multitudes of destroyed insects as manna for the fishes. See Plate LIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 180. Ephemera, in medicine, the name of a species of fever continuing the space of one day, or sometimes more; for medical writers express themselves by ephe- mera simplex, vci plurium dierum. See Medicine. Ephemera maligra, is also a term by which some authors have called the sudor Anglicanus, or malignant diary fever, which generally destroyed the patient in 24 hours. EPHEMERIDES, in astronomy, tables calculated by astronomers, showing the present state of the heavens for every day at noon; that is, the places wherein all the planets are found at that time. It is from these tables that the eclipses, conjunctions, and aspects ofthe plan- ets, are determined; and horoscopes or celestial schemes constructed. In England, the Nautical Almanac, or Astronomical Ephemeris, published annually by anticipation, under the direction of the commissioners of longitude, is the most considerable. In France, celestial ephemerides were published by M. Desplaces every ten years, from 1715 to 1745: they were afterwards continued by the abbe' Caille, with many additions; of which an account may be seen in the History of the Academy of Sciences for 1748. The Academy of Sciences have likewise pub- lished annually, from the beginning ofthe last century, a kind of ephemeris, under the title of Connoissance des Terns. •»' EPHIELIS, a genus of the class and order octandria monogynia. The calyx is five-parted; petals five-daw- ed; nect. ten-scales; capsule oblong. Tbew is one species, a tree of Guiana. EPIIOD, in Jewish antiquity, one part ofthe prietly habit; being a kind of girdle, whieh, brought from be- hind the neck over the two shoulders, and hanging down before, was put across the stomach, then carried round the waist, and made use of as a girdle to the tunic. There were two sorts of ephods, oneof plain linen for the priests, and the other embroidered for the high-priest. Of this last Moses gives an ample description. It was composed of gold, blue, purple, crimson, md twisted cot* ton. Upon part of it, which passed over the shoulders, were two large precious stones, one on each shoulder: up- on these were engraved the name of the twelve tribes six upon each stone. The ephod was peculiar to the priesthood, and thought essential to their character; it being the opinion of tli« E P I E P I Jews, that no worship, true or false, could subsist with- out a priesthood and ephod. EPHORI, in Grecian antiquity, magistrates estab- lished in ancient Sparta to balance the regal power. The authority ofthe ephori wr preserve them (lie better, and to prevent them from becoming too dry or brittle. The use of this fruit is only for perfuming chocolate. In New Spain it is reckoned unwholesome, and therefore never used; but in England, and other countries of Europe, it is a con- stant ingredient; and perhaps its noxious qualities may be corrected hy the sea air. In those countries where they grow, tlie plants are very easily propagated by cuttings. In this country they require to be kept in a stove, and also to be placed near some American tree, round which they may climb for their support, E1MDEKMIS. See Cutis. EPIDIDYMIS, in anatomy, the name hy which some call the two bodies more usually known by that of pa- ras fat re. EPIGASTRIC REGION, a part or sub-division of the abdomen. EPIGRAM, in poetry, a short poem in verse, treating only of on<' thing, and ending with some lively, ingenious, and natiral thought, or point. See Poetry. Id'IGRAPtiE, among antiquarians, denotes the in- BCiiption of a building, pointing out the time wiien, the persons by whom, the uses, kc. for which it was erected. EPILEPSY, in medicine, the same with what is otherwise called the falling-sickness, from the patient's falling suddenly to the ground. Sometimes this disease comes upon the patient unawares: but it more frequently gives notice ed' its approach by a lassitude of the whole body, a heavy pain in the head, with some disturbance of the senses, unejuict sleep, unusual dread, dimness of sight, and a noise in the ears: in some there are a vio- lent palpitation of the heart, a puffing or inflation of the breast, difficult inspiration, a murmuring noise in the belly, fetid stools, a flux ofthe urine, and a refrigeration of the joints: in others, there is a sensation as it were of cold air, ascending from the extreme parts towards the brain and heart. At length falling senseless to the ground, the thumbs arc shut up close in the palms of the hands, and are with difficulty taken out; the eyes are distorted or inverted, so that nothing but the whites ap- pears; all sensation is suspended, insomuch that no smell, no m rise, nor even pinching of the body, is able to bring thein to themselves; they froth at the mouth, with a hiss- ing kind of noise: the tongue is lacerated, or torn hy the teeth, and there is a shaking or trembling of the joints. However, in different patients, the symptoms vary; for sometimes, instead of convulsive motions, the limbs are all stiff, and the patient is as immoveable as a statue. At last there is a remission of the symptoms, and the pa- tients come to themselves after a longer or shorter inter- val: then they complain of a pain and heaviness of the head, and a lassitude of all their joints. These fits usu- ally return on certain days, or age of the moon, but es- pecially about tbe new or full moon; in women chiefly about the time of menstruation: and as to the prognos- tics, they generally leave the patient about the time of puberty. See Medicine. EIMLOBILM. the willow-herb, in botany; a genus ofthe monogy nia order, in the octandria eia^s of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 17th order, calycanthema*. The calyx is quadrifid; the petals four; thccap*de oblong, in'erior; the seeds pappo..s or downy. There are fourteen species, several of them natives of vol. i. 120 Britain. They grow in marsh;1-, or under hedges in moist and shady places; having blossoms gene: ally of a red colour, and sometimes of considerable beauty. The most remarkable is the hirsutuni, commonly called cod- lins-and-cream. The top-shoots of this plant have a very delicate fragrancy ; but so transitory, that before they have been gathered five minutes it is no longer per- ceptible. Horses, sheep, and goats, eat this plant; cows are not fond of it; swine refuse it. An infusion of the leaves of another species, the angustilolium, or rose-hay willow-herb, has an intoxicating quality, as the inhabi- tants of Kamtschatka have learned. These people also cat the white young shoots which creep under the ground, and have a sort of ale brewed from the dried pith of it. The down of the seeds has been lately manufactured by mixing it with cotton, or beaver's hair. EPILOGUE, in oratory, the end or conclusion of a discourse, ordinarily containing a recapitulation of the principal matters delivered. Epilogue, in dramatic poetry, a speech addressed to the audience after the play is over, by one of the prin- cipal actors, usually containing some reflections on cer- tain incidents in the play, especially those on the part of the person that speaks it. See Poetry. EPIMEDIL'M, barren wort, in botanyr; a genus of the monogynia order, in the tetandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 24th order, corydales. There are four nectaria, cup-shaped, and lying on the petals. The corolla is tetrapetalous, the calyx dropping off. The seed-vessel is a pod. There is only one species, viz. the alpinum. It is a low herba- ceous plant, with a creeping root, having many stalks about nine inches high, each of which has three flowers, composed of four leaves placed in the form of a cross. They are of a reddish colour, with yellow stripes on the border. EPIPHANY, a Christian festival, otherwise called the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles, observed on the sixth of January, in honour of the appearance of our Saviour to the three magi, or wise men, who came to adore him, and bring him presents. The feast of epi- phany was not originally a distinct festival, but made a part of that of the nativity of Christ, which being cele- brated twelve days, the first and last of which wcrchigjp or chief days of solemnity, either of these might pro- perly be called epiphany, as that word signifies Christ's appearance in the world. The kings of England and Spain offer gold, frankincense, and myrrh, on epiphany, or twelfth-day, in memory of the offerings of the wise men to the infant Jesus. The festival of epiphany is called by the Greeks the feast of lights, because our Sa- viour is said to have been baptised on that day, and bap- tism is by them called illumination. EPIPHONEMA, in rhetoric, a sententious exclama- tion containing a lively remark placed at the end of a discourse or narration; such is that of Virgil, Fas omne abrumpit, l\l\dorum obtmncat, et aciro Vi potitur. Quid non mortalia peclora cogis, Auri sacra tames? This figure closes a narration in a very advantageous manner, deeply impresses the thing related upon the me- mory of the reader, and leaves h'.m well pleased with the sense and sagacity of the author. E P I E P 0 EPIPHYSIS, in anatomy, a bony substance, or as it were a lesser hone, affixed to a larger or principal bone by the intervention of a cartilage. See Anatomy. EPISODE, in poetry, a separate incident, story, or action, which a poet invents, and connects with his principal action, that his work may abound with a greater diversity of events: though, in a more limited sense, all the particular incidents of wbich the action or narra- tion is compounded, are called episodes. The episode, in its original, was only something rehearsed between the parts of the chorus, or ancient tragedy, for the di- version of the audience. Episodes serve to promote the action, to illustrate, embellish, and adorn it, and carry it to its proper period. Episodes are either absolutely necessary, or very requisite. All episodes are incidents, though all incidents are not episodes; because some inci- dents are not adventitious to the action, but make up the very form and scries of it. Examples will clear up this distinction: the storm in the first ^Eneid of Virgil, driving the fleet on the coast of Carthage, is an incident, not an episode, because the hero himself, and the whole body of his forces, are concerned in it; and so it is a di- rect and not a collateral part of the main action. The adventures of Nisus and Euryalus, in the ninth yEneid, are episodes, not incidents, i. e. not direct parts of the main action. See Poetry. EPISTATES, in the Athenian government, was the president of the proedri. To the custody of this officer was committed the public seal, and the keys of the cita- del and the public exchequer; this therefore was an office of so great trust and power, that no man was permitted by the laws to continue in it above one day, nor to be elected into it a second time. The epistates were elect- ed by lot out of theprytanes. EPISTEMONARCH, in the ancient Greek church, an officer of great dignity, who had the care of every thing relating to faith, in the quality of censor. His office answered pretty nearly to that of master of the sacred palace at Rome. EPISTROPHEI, in rhetoric, a figure wherein that which is supposed of one thing, is strongly affirmed of another: thus. Are they Hebrews? So am I. Arc they Israelites? So am I. Are they of the seed of Abraham? %£>o am I, kc. EPISTYLE, in the ancient architecture, a term used by the Greeks for what wTe call architrave. See Archi- tecture. EPITHALAMIUM, in poetry, a nuptial song, or composition, in praise of the bride and bridegroom, pray- ing for their prosperity, for a happy offspring, kc. EPITHET, in poetry and rhetoric, an adjective ex- pressing some quality of a substantive to which it is joined; or such an adjective as is annexed to substantives by way of ornament and illustration, not to make up an essential part of the description. EPITOME, in literary history, an abridgement or summary of any book, particularly of a history. See Abridgment. EPITRITUS, in prosody, a foot consisting of three long syllables, and one short. Of these grammarians reckon four kinds; the first consisting of an iambus and spondee, as salutantes; the second of atrocheus and spon- dee, as conciuti: the third of a spondee and an iambus, as communTcans: and the fourth of a spondee and a tro- cheus, as Incaiitare. EPITROPUS, among the modern Greeks, a kind of arbitrator chosen by the Greek Christians under the do. minion of the Turks, to terminate their differences, and avoid carrying them before the Turkish magistrates. EPIZEUXIS, in rhetoric, a figure which repeats th,- same word, without any other intervening; such is that of Virgil, Nunc, nunc, insurgite rcmis. EPOCHA, in chronology, a term or fixed point of time, whence the succeeding years are numbered or ac- counted. The most remarkable epochas are those that follow. Epocha ofthe creation ofthe world. According to the Vulgate, archbishop Usher places this event 4004 years before the birth of Christ; Scaliger makes it 3950, Kta- vius 3984, and Ricciolus 4184 years before Christ. Ac- cording to the Septuagint, Eusebius places the creation 5200 years before the nativity of our Lord; the Alphon- sine tables, 6934; and Ricciolus 5634. The creation, therefore, as we follow the archbishop, happened in the year 710 of the Julian period. Sir Isaac Newton, again, makes tlie creation of the world later by 500 years than all other chronologists; and the proofs by which this il- lustrious philosopher supports his opinion are of two different kinds. The Egyptians counted 341 genera- tions from Menes to Setho, allowing a hundred years for three generations; and the ancient Greeks computed one generation at about forty years. Now, says sir Isaac, itis true, three ordinary generations may be com- puted at about 120 years; but generations arc longer than the reign of kings, because it is evident that man- kind in general live longer than kings reign. The du- ration of a reign, therefore, taking one with another, is according to him about twenty years: whence he con- cludes, that the ancients have erred in their calculation in allowing forty years for every generation. The se- cond kind of proof is taken from the precession of the equinoxes. According to Clemens Alexandrinus, Chi- ron, who was in the expedition of the Argonauts, fixed the vernal equinox at the fifteenth degree of Aries, and consequently the summer solstice at tlie fifteenth degree of Cancer. Meto fixed the summer solstice at the eighth degree of Cancer, a year before the Peloponnesian war. Now since one degree answers to the retrograde motion of the equinoctial points in 72 years, there are seven times 72 years from the expedition of the Argonauts to the beginning of the Peloponnesian war: that is, 504 years, and not 507 years, as the Greeks affirm. By com- bining these two different proofs, sir Isaac concludes, that the expedition of the Argonauts ought to be placed 909 years before Jesus Christ, and not 1400, as is gene- rally believed; and therefore that the creation of the world ought to be placed about 500 years later than chronologists generally place it. Epocha ofthe deluge. According to the Hebrew text, there are 1656 years from the creation to the deluge; 1307 according to the Samaritan; 2242, according to Eu- sebius and the Septuagint; 2256, according to Josephus and the Septuagint; and 2262 according to Julius Afri- canus, Petavius, and the Septuagint. In following the Hebrew text this epocha begins in the year 2366 of the Julian period. E P 0 B Q TJ Epocha of th* olympiades, used principally by |the Greeks, had its origin from the Olympic games, which were celebrated at the beginning of every fifth year. This epocha begins 776 years before the incarnation, or in the year 3938 of the Julian period. ErociiA, Varronian, ofthe building of Rome, is fixed 753 years before our Saviour's birth, and in the year 3961 of the Julian period. Epocha, ofNabonassar king of Babylon, made use of by Ptolemy, Censorinus, and several other authors, be- gan 747 years before the incarnation, and in the year 3967 of the Julian period. Epocha, Julian. The first year of Julius Cajsar's correcting the calender stands 45 years before our Sa- viour's birth, and coincides with the year 4669 of the Julian period. Epocha of Christ. The Christian world generally reckoned from the epocha of the? creation, tbe building of Rome, the consuls' register, or the emperor's reign, till about 500 years after Christ, when the epocha of the nativity of our blessed Lord was introduced by Dionysi- us Exiguus. He began his account from the conception or incarnation, properly called Lady-day. Most coun- tries in Europe, however, at present reckon from the first of January next following, except the court of Rome, where the epocha of the incarnation still obtains for the date of their bulls and briefs. But here we are to ob- serve, that there are different opinions respecting the year of our Saviour's birth. Capellus and Kepler fix it at about the 758th year from the building of Rome. Deckar and Petavius place the incarnation in the 749th of Rome. Scaliger and Vossius make it fall on the 751st of Rome. Dionysius Exiguus, Bede, kc. fix the birth of our Saviour to the year 751 of Rome; the diversity of these opinions proceeding from the difficulty of fixing Herod the Great's death, who, as is evident from the evangelists, was living at our Saviour's birth, the tax- ation of Cyrcnius, and the time of our Saviour's begin- ning his ministry. But it is generally agreed, that as to computation and use, the common epocha is to be fol- lowed which places the birth of Christ in the 4713th of the Julian period, although the true birth rather corres- ponds with the 4711th of the same period. Epocha, Dioclesian, or Epocha of Martyrs, called also the wra of the Cophti or Egyptians, because the emperor Dioclesian made a great many martyrs in Egypt, begins in the year 283 of our Lord, and the 4997 of the Julian period. Epocha ofthe hegira or flight of Mahomet, used among the Turks, is the year of the Julian period 5335, an- swering to the year of Christ 622. Epocha, Persian or Vezdejerd, is the year of the Juli- an perieid 5345, answering to the year 622. To reduce the years of one epocha to those of another, observe the following rule; add the given year of an epocha to the year of the Julian period corresponding with its rise, >>nd that will give the year of the period. For example, '•'to 1816, the present year of the Christian epocha, we a,hl 4723, the year of the Julian period corresponding w'ith its rise, the sum, 6539, will be the present year of the Julian period; now if we substract from the year thus found, the year of the Julian period corresponding with the rise of any epocha, the remainder shows the true method of making a just connection betwixt that epocha and the known year of Christ. Again, if we want to find the year of the Julian period corresponding to a given year before Christ, we subtract the given year from 4714, and the remainder is the year required. See Chronology. EPODE, in lyric poetry, the third or last part of the ode; the ancient ode being divided into strophe, anti- strophe, and epode. The epode was sung by the priests, standing still before the altar, after all tbe turns and re- turns of the strophe and antistrophe, and was not con- fined to any precise number or kind of verses. The epi- sode is now a general name for all kinds of little verses that follow one or more great ones, of what kind soever they be; and, in this sense, a pentameter is an epode af- ter an hexameter. And as every little verse, which be- ing put after another, closes the period, is called epode, hence the sixth book of Horace's odes is entitled Liber5 Epodon, Book of Epodes; because the verses are all al- ternately long and short, and the short ones generally, though not always, close the sense of the long one. EPOPffilA, in poetry, the story, fable, or suhject treated of, in an epic poem. EPULONES, in Roman antiquity, ministers who as- sisted at the sacrifice, and bad the care of the sacred banquet committed to them. At first they were only three in number, but afterwards increased to seven. Their office was, to give notice when feasts were to he held in honour of the gods, and to take care that noth- ing was wanting towards the celebration. EQUABLE, an appellation given to such motions as always continue the same in degree of velocity, with- out being either accelerated or retarded. When two or more bodies are uniformly accelerated or retarded, with the same increase or diminution of velocity in each, the y are said to be equally accelerated or retarded. EQUATION, in algebra, the mutual comparing two equal things of different denominations, or the expres- sion denoting this equality; which is done by setting the one in opposition to the other, with the sign of equality (=) between them: thus 3s. = 36u\, or 3 feet = 1 yard. Hence, if we put a for a foot, and b for a yard, we will have the equation 5a = 6, in algrebraic characters. See Algebra. Equation of a curve, an equation expressing the na- ture of a curve, the relation between an abciss and a cor- responding ordinate, or the relation of their fluxions. See Curve. Equation of time, in astronomy and chronology, the reduction of the apparent time or motion of the sun, to equable, mean, or true time. See Astronomy. EQUATOR, in geography, a great circle of the ter- restrial globe, equidistant from its poles, and dividing it into two equal hemispheres; one north, and the other south. See Globes, use of. EQUATORIAL, universal or Portable Observa- tory, is an instrument intended to answer a number of useful purposes in practical astronomy, independant of any particular observatory. It may be employed in any steady room or place, and it performs most of the useful problems in the science of astronomy. See Observatoiu . EQUERRY, in the British customs, an ollieer of stale under the master of the horse. There are five equerries E Q U E Q U who rtdc abroad with his majesty; for which purpose they give their attendance monthly, one at a time, and are allowed a table. As to the equerries of the crown-stable, they have this distinct appellation, as being employed in mounting, managing, and breaking, the saddle-horses for his majesty's use, and holding his stirrup. EQUES auihtus, is used for a knight bachelor, cal- led aurutus, q. d. gilt, because anciently none but knights were allowed to beautify their armour, or other habili- ments of war, with gold. This term is not used in law, but instead of it miles and chevalier are made use of. EQUESTRIAN statue, signifies the statue of a person mounted on horseback. Equestrian order, among the Romans, signified their knights or equiEs, as also their troopers or horse- men in the field; the first of wiiich orders stood in contra- distinction to the senators, as the last did to the foot, mi- litary, or infantry: each of these distinctions was intro- duced into the state by Romulus. EQUIANGULAR, in geometry, an epithet given to figures whose angles are all equal: such are square equi- lateral triangles, &c. EQUTDIFFERENT numbers, in arithmetic, are of two kinds. 1. Continually equidifferent is when, in a series of three numbers, there is the same difference be- tween the first and second, as there is between the second and third; as 3, 6, 9. And 2. Discretely equidifferent is when, in a scries of four numbers or quantities, there is the same difference between the first and second as there is between the third and fourth: such are 3, 6, 7, 10. EQUIDISTANT, an appellation given to things placed at an equal distance from some fixed point, or place, to which they are referred. EQUILATERAL, in general, something that has equal sides, as an equilateral triangle. Equilateral hyperbola, one whose transverse di- ameter is eq»ual to its parameter; and so all the other diameters, equal to their parameters; in such an hy- perbola, the asymptotes always cut one another at right angles in the centre. Its most simple equation, with re- gard to the transverse axis, is y2 = x2 — a2; and, with re- gard to the conjugate, y2 =x2 x a2, when a is the semi- transverse, or semiconjugate. The length of the curve cannot be found by means of the quadrature of any space, of which a conic section is in any part of the perimeter. EQUILIBRIUM, in mechanics, is when the two ends of a lever or balance hang so exactly even and le- vel, as neither to ascend or descend, but keep in a posi- tion parallel to the horison; which is occasioned by their being both charged with an equal weight. EQUIMULTIPLES, in arithmetic and geometry, are numbers or quantities multiplied by one and the same number or quantity. Hence, equimultiples are always in the same ratio to each other, as the simple quantities before multiplication: thus if 6 and 8 are multiplied by 4, tiie equimultiples 24 and 32 will be to each other as 6 to 8. EQUINOCTIAL, a great circle in the heavens under which the eqimror moves in its diurnal motion. The pole- of this circle are the poles of the world. It divides the sphere into two equal parts, the northern and south- ern. It cuts the horison of any place, in the east and west points; and at the meridian its elevation above the horizon is equal to the co-latitude of the place. Theequi. noctial has also various other properties; as, 1. Whenever the sun comes to this circle, he makes equal days and nights all round the globe; because he then rises due east, and sets due west. Hence it has the name equinoctial. All stars wiiich arc under this circle, or have no declination, also rise d.;e east, and set due west. 2. All people living under this cirri.-, or upon the equator or line, have their days and night?, at all times equal to each other. 3. From this circle, «n the globe, are counted, upon the meridian, the declination in the heavens, and the latitude on tlie earth. 4. Upon the equinoctial, or equator, is counted the lon- gitude, making in all 360° quite round, or else 180° east and 180° west. 5. And as the time of one whole revolution is divided into 24 hours, therefore one hour answers to 15°, or the 24th part of 360°. Hence, 1° of longitude answers to 4 minutes of time, 15' to 1 minute of time, 1' to 4 seconds of time, kc. 6. The shadows of those people who live under this circle are cast to the southward of them for one half of the year, and to the northward of them during the other half; and twice a year, viz. at the time of the equinoxes, the sun at noon casts no shadow, being exactly in their zenith. EQUINOX, the time when the sun enters either of the equinoctial points, where the ecliptic intersects the equinoctial. It is so called, because when the sun is in these points, the days and nights are of an equal length all the world over. As the sun is in one of them in the spring, viz, about the 20th of March, it is called the vernal equinox; and in the other in autumn, viz. about Sept. 25d, itis called the autumnal equinox. As the sun's motion is unequal, being sometimes quicker and sometimes slower, it happens that there are about 8 days more from the vernal to the autumnal equinox, or while the sun is on the northern side ofthe equator, than while he is moving through the southern signs from the autumnal to the vernal equinox. According to Cassini the sun is 186 d. 14h. 53m. in the N. signs 178 14 56 in the S. signs. So that 7 23 57 is the difference ofthem, or nearly 8 days. Equinoxes, precession of. Astronomers consider the year under two distinctions; viz. the solar and the astral. The tropical or solar year, upon which the seasons de- pend, is the exact time in which the sun moves all round from one equinox to the same again, and which period has been found to be equal to 365 days, 5 hours, 48', 49". The astral year is the time that the sun employs in go- ing from one fixed part ofthe heavens, viz. from a given fixed star, all round, and again to the same precise point ofthe heavens; ami this period, or astral year, is a little longer than that of the solar year, viz. it is equal to 365 days, 6 hours, 9', 12", which is longer than the solar year by 20', 23", of time, or to an arch of 50''. 25 E Q V (for in 20' 23'' of time, the s:;n runs through an arch of 50". 25;) so that the sun, as seen from the earth, arrives at the equinoctial point, viz. at the equator, a little be- fore it arrives at that same precise p >int of the heavens with which it coincided when it crossed the equator in the preceding year. This difference between the period ofthe sun's going from one equinox to the samf either of the poles is a circle, the poles of which coincide with the poles of the ecliptic, an si that the. ^polc will move along that circle so very slowly, as to accomplish the whole revolution in 25791 years nearly. The diameter of this circlr is equal to twice the inclination of the ecliptic to the equator, viz. to about 4 7°. Now, as the ecliptic is a fixed circle in the heavens; but the equator, which must be equidistant from the poles, moves with the poles; therefore tlie equator must be constantly ch-.oiging its intersection with the ecliptic. And from the best observations it appears that the equa- tor cuts the ecliptic- every year 50". 25 more to the west- wards, than it did the year before: hence the sun's arri- val at the equinoctial point precedes its arrival at the same fixed spot of the heavens every year by 20' 25" of time, or by an arc of 50". 25. Thus, by little and little, these equinoctial points will cut the ecliptic more and more to the westward, until, after the long period of 25791 years, they will cut it again al the same point precisely. The 12 constellations, which, as has been mentioned in the preceding pages, occupy the whole of the zodiac, have g vcn their names to 12 equal portions of the ecliptic, each portion consisting oi* 30°; and cadi portion was E Q L marked by tiie sign, mark, or character, pec; liar to tjic constellation to wiiich it belonged, or with which it' i:;- cided, when the constellations were first noticed, at which time the vernal equinox took place in the constellation of Aries, the summer solstice in that of Cancer, kc but on account ofthe preu■s.sion of the equinoxes, the e gji- strilatious no longer coincide with the.se points; for in- stance, the vernal eqninox is in the constellation of Pisces, and the constellation of Aries is now considerably remo- ved from it, and is gone nearer to the summer solstice; and so are all the other constellations removed, yet tie. ir characters have been left to denote the same parts ofthe ecliptic; thus the vernal equinox is called the first poini of Aries, and is marked T: and so ofthe res'. From what has been said above, it appears that not only the equinoctial points, but also the solstitial points, must change accorii'igly. EQUISETUM, horse-tail, a genus of the order of filices, in the cryptogamia class of plants, and in the na- tural method ranking under the 51st order. conif-.Tie. There is a spike of peltated or shielded fructifications opening at the base. There are seven species, of which the most remarkable are: 1. The sylvaticiui, or wood horse-tail. It grows in woods and moist shady places in many parts ef England aid Scotland. The stalk rises from 12 to 18 inches high, angular, and rocgli to the touch: the angles being edged with sharp spicule, scarcely visible without a mi- croscope. The leaves grow verticillate, 12 or more in a whorl, and these whorls are about an inch distant from one another. The leaves are very slender, nearly quad- rangular, about five inches long, pendent, and beset with several other secondary whorls, so that it resembles a pine-tree in miniature. Horses are very fond of this plant, and in some parts of Sweden it is collected to serve them as winter food. 2. The arvense, common or corn horse-tail, grows in wet meadows aTlel corn-fields. The most remarkable property of tins is, that its seeds, when viewed by a mi- croscope, are seen to leap about as if they were animated. It is a troublesome plant in pastures; and disagreeable to cows, being never touched by them unless they arc com- pelled by hunger, and then it brings on an incurable diarrhoea. It does not seem to effect horses or sheep. 3. The palustraj, marsh horse-tail, or paddock-pipe, is frequent in marshes unci ditches. It is not so rough as the former, but is likewise prejudicial to cattle. 4. The fluviatile, or great river horse-tail, is frequent in shady mars'ies. iind on the brinks of stagnant waters. It is the largest of all the soecics, growing sometimes to tlie height of a yard, anil near an inch in diameter. Haller tells us, that this kind of cquisctum was eeirn by the Romans; and Linnseus affirms that oxen and rein-deer are fond of it, but that horses refuse it. 5. The hoemale, rough horse-tail, shave-grass, or Dutch rushes. This is much used hy the whitesmith- and cabinet-makers, under the name of Dutch rushes, f n- po- lishing their metals and wood. The fact is, that ilieiv is a portion of fljnt, which exists in this plant mar the sur- face, in the form of very fine grains, which enables it to perform this office. All the other species will answer this purpose in some degree, but the last better than any of the rest. Tn Northumberland the dairy-maids scour and E Q U E Q tr dean their milk-pails with it. Some imagine that if cows are fed with this species their teeth will fall out. EQUITY, is a construction made by the judges, that cases out of the letter of a statute, yet being within the same mischief or cause of making the same, shall be with- in the same remedy that the statute provides. And the reason is, that the lawmakercould not possibly set down all cases in express terms: thus, though it may be un- lawful to kill a man, yet it is not unlawful for one to kill another assaulting him, in order to preserve his own life. 4 Inst. 24. Equity of redemption- on mortgages. If where money is due on a mortgage, the mortgagee is desirous to bar the equity of redemption, he may oblige the mortga- gor either to pay the money, or be foreclosed of his equity, which is done by proceedings in the court of chancery. Equity also frequently signifies the court of chancery, where controversies are determined w hich do not properly come under any express law. See Chancellor. EQUIVALENT, an appellation given to things which agree in nature, or other circumstances, as force, virtue, &c. EQUIVOCAL TERMS or word*, among logicians, are those wiiich have a doubtful or double meaning. According to Mr. Locke, the doubtfulness and uncer- , tainty of words has its cause more in the ideas themselves, than in any incapacity ofthe words to signify them; and might be avoided, would people always use the same term to denote the same idea, or collection of ideas: but, adds he, it is hard to find a discourse on any subject where this is the case; a practice which can only be imputed to folly, or great dishonesty: since a man, in making up his ac- compts, might with as much fairness use the numeral characters sometimes for one, sometimes for another col- lection of unities. Eqi:i vocal generation, the production of animals without the intercourse between the sexes, by the influ- ence of the sun or stars, kc. The equivocal generation of plants, is their production without seed, in the ordi- nary course of nature. This kind of generation is now quite exploded by the learned. Mr. Ray is clearly of opinion that there is no such thing as spontaneous or equivocal generation, but that all animals are the issue of parents of the same species with themselves; and with him agree Redi, Willughby, and Lister. This last au- thor has fully refuted the vulgar notion, that horse-hairs thrown into water will become animated bodies; by show- ing that appearances of this kind are hair-worms bred in the bodies of other insects, and particularly of the common black-beetle. EQUULEUS, or ecuukus, in antiquity, a kind of rack used for extorting a confession, at first chiefly prac- tised on slaves, but afterwards made use of against the christians. The equulcus was made of wood, having holes at certain distances, with a screw, by which the criminal was stretched to the third, sometimes to the fourth or fifth holes, his arms and legs being fastened on the equulcus with cords; and thus was hoisted aloft, and extended in such a manner that all his bones were dislo- cated. In this state red-hot plates were applied to his body, and he was goaded in the sides with an instrument called ungula. EqcriKus, in astronomy, a constellation of the north- ern hemisphere, whose stars, according to Ptolemy and Tycho's catalogues, are four, but in Mr. Flarasteed's ten. EQUUS, the horse, a genus of the mammalia class, of the order of bellua?. The generic character is, front teeth in the upper jaw six, parallel; in the lower jaw six somewhat projecting; canine teeth, one on each side, in both jaws, remote from the rest; feet with undivided hoofs. 1. Equus caballus, or the common horse, the most noble and interresting of quadrupeds, is supposed to be found in a state of nature in several parts of Asia and Africa. In this state it is smaller than the domestic or tame animal, with a larger head, a more arched fore- head, and the body thickly covered with pale-brown, or mouse-coloured hair. It has been affirmed by several authors, that wild horses were to be found in the deserts of Arabia; but we must Jagreel with Mons. Sonnini, in thinking it not very probable that this animal should be able to exist in such deserts. We must, therefore, ra- ther suppose that it is occasionally found wild in some parts of the country bordering perhaps on the confines of the desert. It is certain that in Arabia the most beauti- ful domestic horses are bred; and even those which are kept by the Arabs of the desert are allowed to excel most others in swiftness and elegance of form, and it is from their breed that the European horses have been gradually improved. See plate Nat. LIII. Hist. fig. 182. Large herds of wild horses are said to be found about the lake Aral, near Rusneck, in lat, 54°; on the river Tom, in the southern parts of Siberia; and in the great Mongalian deserts, and among the Kalkas, north-west of China; and itis affirmed that they will occasionally sur- round and trepan the horses of the Mongalians ami Kal- kas, wiiile grazing, and carry them off among their own herd. They arc extremely swift, active, and vigilant; and, like some of the antelopes and other quadrupeds, have always a sentinel, who gives notice to the herd on the approach of danger by a loud neigh; upon which they fly off with amazing rapidity. Wild horses arc found, according to Dr. Pallas, in the deserts on each side of the river Don, towards the Pains Mseotis; but these are supposed to be the offspring of the Russian horses, which were employed in the siege of Asoph, in the year 1697, when for want of forage tbey were turned loose, and their descendants have gradually relapsed into the appearance of natural wildness. Those which are found in some parts of Smth America, are well known to be the descendants of the horses introduc- ed by the Spaniards on the first discovery of America, and which have so far relapsed into a state of nature as to exhibit the general characters ofthe wilel animal. The horse, in its domestic or improved state, is found in almost every part ofthe world, except perlmps within the Arctic circle; and its reduction and conquest may well be considered, as Buffon properly observes, as tbe greatest acquisition from the animal world ever made by the art and industry of man. Of the several breeds of horses in common or general use in Europe, it is remarkable that none can come in competition with those of our own island, either for the strength required in laborious services, or for the swift- ness and elegance of such as are bred for the course. The EQUUS. annals of Newmarket record instances of horses that have literally outstripped the wind, as is proved from accurate calculations. The celebrated Chihlers is com- memorated, in particular, as the swiftest of his tribe; and the instances of his speed may be found in various publications. He was know u to have run near a mile in a minute; and to have cleared the course at Newmarket, which is only 400 yards short of four miles, in six minutes and forty seconds running at the rate of eighty- two feet and a half in the space of a second. See Plate LIU. Nat Hist. fig. 183. Of nearly equal fame is the character of Eclipse, whose strength was said to be greater, and his swiftness scarcely inferior. This latter animal forms the subject of Mons. Sainbd's calculations, who, in bis work on tbe veterinary art, has given an elaborate and curious des- cription of his several proportions. It is remarkable that this horse was never esteemed handsome, though the me hanisin of his frame, so far as regarded his powers of swiftness, was almost perfect. As it may be some satisfaction to the reader, to be made acquainted with the general proportions of this extraordinary courser, we shall here extract a part of Mons. Sainbd's observations on the subject. » The horses of different countries are, in general, distinguished from each other by a peculiar and appro- priate conformation. The Spanish horse differs materi- ally in his out.vard appearance from the English race- horse. The d'ffference, in the length and direction of the parts of which each is composed, produces in each a sys- tem from whose mechanical arrangement result motions very unequal in their extent. The Spanish horse caden- ces his steps with dignity, while the English horse drives his mass forward with strength and speed. This difference, which proceeds from the peculiar conforma- tion of each, contradicts, in some particulars, the table of geometrical proportions in the use of the pupils ofthe veterinary schools of France. It proves that no common measure can he made to apply equally to every species, since nature has even diversified the forms of the in- dividuals which compose it. If each species lias its own fctyieof beauty; if even each individual has its peculiar beauty; if it is not possible to find two horses that per- fectly resemble each other; we cannot pretend to assign any one form preferable to another as the rule of beauty for the horse. Were persons ihe best qualified to endea- vour to collect tegether the different beauties dispersed among the different individuals, they might indeed com- pose a moddof each species sufficiently perfect to direct the painter or the statuary, bat would deceive any one who would venture to choose a horse by it for his own use. The following observatiens do not take for their object those forms w hich pie ase the eye at the first glance; that appearance whidi vulgarly passes for handsome; bul that mechanical construe tion of the animal, from which result the possibility and extent of those motions hy the means of which he is enabled to transport him- self from one place to another with greater or kss speed; and consequently a horse may ; ppcar ugly to a vulgar fu-, and be still*well proportioned. Eclipse was n. ver esteemed handsome; yet he was swift, and the mechan- ism of his frame almost perfect. Whoever compares his proportions with those in the table above-mentioned, will discover the follow ing differences. « 1. In that table the horse should measure three heads in height, counting from the foretop to thegroune'. Eclipse measured upwards of three heads and a half. " 2. The neck should measure hut one head in length: that of Eclipse measured a head and a half. " 3. The height of the body should be equal to its length: the height of Eclipse exceeded his length by about one-tenth. •« 4. A perpendicular line falling from the stifle should touch the toe: this line in Eclipse touched the ground at the distance of half ahead before the toe. a 5. The distance from the elbow to the bend of the knee should be the same as from the bend of the knee to the ground: these two distances were unequal in Eclipse, the former being two parts of a head longer than the latter. a This summary comparison shows that the beauty of a horse cannot be absolutely determined by general rules, but must ever be in relation to a particular species." Mons. Sainbel farther informs us, that •< on the 25th of February, 1789, Eclipse was seized with a violent cholic. The remedies acknowledged as most proper in that case were administered, but without effect. He expir- ed on the 27th, at seven o'clock in the evening, in the 26th year of his age." In Mons. Sonnini's edition of Buffon may be found an exact enumeration of all the different colours of wiiich horses are seen, with their several shades and names. On this subject also Gesner and Aldrovandcs have given the usual enumerations; in general, however, it seems agreed, that the colour is one of the least important at- tributes; according to the well-known doctrine, now passed into a proverb, that a good horse is never of a bad colour. The ancients appear to have had a predilec- tion for white horses, which were used to draw the cars of emperors and conquerors in public processions. The poets also represent the steeds of many of their heroes as of a snow-white colour. It is remarkable, however, that A'irgii, though in the ./Eneid he represents the horses of Turnus as white, yet in his Gcorgics condemns that co- lour. In real.iv, however, as the learned Dr. Martyn has well observed, this implies no contradiction; sin e \ irgil mig.it be supposed to admire the beauty of a white steed, though he could not commend the colour in a breed or stock. But no country has produced a breed of horses equal in size and strength to the larger kind of our draught-horses. The cavalry of England is, in gene- ral, iormed of this class of h .rses. The fens of Line oln- shite generally produce a larger breed than any other part of the kingdom. See Plate L11I. Nat. Hist. fig. lt;4. in our own country tliere seem to be no breeds ' f horses naturally of a perfect white; those which are so termed having been first grey, changed through age to whueii'ss. The most beautiful general colour seems to be bright bay, which gives an air of peculiar neatness and ele- gance to the animal. Black horses are comnrinlv of large size, and in this country are chicHy used for tha cart and the plough. In some countries horses are- n t less esteemed for being variegated or piebald, as it is commonly termed. This is said to be the case in ti;.na. EQUUS. Mr. Bruce informs us, that the herscs'of Nubia are of nnp.iralid heauly: far superior, in his opinion, even to those of Arabia. lie observes, however, tiiat from the manner in which they are fed they arc apt to become too fat or corpulent. In some parts of India is found a remarkable diminu- tive ree e of horses, scarcely exceeding the size ofa large dog. Small breeos of horses also occur in some of the northern parts of the world. 2. Eeiuus hcrmioncs, or jiefa. This is a species, the knowledge of which seems to have lain dormant almost since the days of Aristotle, till it was revived hythe ob- servations of Dr. Pallas, who describes it under the title of cquus hcruiomis. supposing it to be the hemionos of Aristotle. Itis a native ofthe wild or desert regions be- twci nthe rivers Onon and Argun, in the most southern parts of Siberia; and extends over the vast plains and deserts of Tartary, as well as fhat of Gobi, which reach- es even to India. In Tartary it is said to he most frequent about the. salt lake called Tarlcnoor, which is at times dried up. It shuns wooded and mountainous regions, and is said to live in small herds of about twenty each. Its general manners are those of the common wild horse; but its swiftness is still greater, surpassing even that of the antelopes, ami is proverbial in some ofthe regions it frequents; and the Thihetians represent Chammo, their god of fire, mounted upon it. This animal has an appearance much resembling that of a common mule; having a large head, flat forehead, middle-sized eyes with ash-coloured irides: their teeth are thirty-eight in all, being two in number fewer than in the common horse: the ears are larger than in that species, erect, and lined with a thick, whitish, curling hair: the neck is slender and compressed: the mane up- right, short, soft, and of a greyish colour. In place ofthe foretop there is a short tuft of downy hair, about two inches in length. The body is rather long, and the back but little elevated, the breast sharp and protuberant; the limbs long and elegant; the thighs thin, as in a mule; within the fore legs is an oval callus, but none in the hind legs: the hoofs are oblong, smooth, and black: the 1 ail like that of a cow, being slender, and naked for half its length; the remainder covered with long ash-colour- ed hair. The winter coat of this animal is «if a brownish ash-colour, with the tips ofthe hair grey; it is about two inches long, and soft like that of a camel; slightly waved or undulated on the back. In summer it becomes much smoother, and in all parts elegantly marked by small featherings or turnings: the tip ofthe nose is white; and the remainder ofthe face of a light tawny cast, wiiich is also diffused over all the upper parts: the hind thighs, insides of the limbs and belly, arc white; and from the mane to the tail extends a chesnut or blackish-brown line, which is broadest on the lines, and gradually les- sens as it approaches the tail: there is also a very slight appearance of a transverse band or cross over the shoul- ders. The length of this species, from nose to tail, is about six feet and a half; that of the trunk of the tail sixteen inches, and of the hairs beyond the tip about four inches: the height about three feet nine inches. This species is supposed to have been found in Syria, and some other regions, in the days of Aristo'Ie; and is mentioned by Pliny, from the report of Theophrastus, as being found in Cappadocia. Its native name anion* the Mongolians is dsiiikketai, and among the Chinese yo-to-tse. 3. Equus asinus, the ass. The ass, having been Ion<- condetnncd to a state of the lowest servitude, and consi- dered as a species of less dignity than the horse, has acquired in most parts of Europe, a character of con- tempt. Yet in its natural or wild state it exhibits an appearance very far superior both in point of beauty and vivacity. It is a native of many parts of Asia, li'ving, like the rest of this genus, in a gregarious manner. It chiefly occurs in the dry and mountainous deserts of Tartary, and in the southern parts of India and Per- sia. It is also said to be found in Africa, and to occur, though but very rarely, in some parts of Syria and Ara- bia; countries where it was in ancient times extremely common. In this its natural state its colour is said to be white, or of a very pale silvery grey, with a slight tinge of straw-colour on the sides of tlie neck and body: along the back runs a deep-brown stripe of thickish wavy hair, to the beginning of the tail: this stripe is crossed over the shoulders, as in the tame animal, by another of siniilar colour; but it is said that this is peculiar to the male. The neck is furnished with a brown mane three or four indies long, consisting of soft woolly hair: tbe tail is tufted at the end hy dusky hairs of about six indies in length: the forehead is arched, and the cars erect, pointed, and lined internally with white curling hairs. It stands higher on its limbs than the domesti- cated animal, and its legs are more slender in propor- tion. The hair on the whole body is very fine, bright, soft, and silky; and on some parts marked by a few ob- scure waves or undulations of a darker shade than the rest. Those which arc found in Africa are said to be of a pale ash-colour, rather than of the cast above de- scribed. The food of the wild ass consists chiefly of saline, or bitter and lactascent plants. It is also fond of salt or brackish water. The manners of these animals very much resemble those of the wild horse. They assemble in troops, under the conduct of a leader or sentinel; and are extremely shy and vigilant, and, like the former animals, dart on with the utmost rapidity on the sight of mankind. They have been at all times celebrated for their swiftness. Their voice resembles that of the common or domesticated ass, hut is somewhat shriller. From this animal the domestic ass has been gradually derived, which admits of considerable varieties as to size, beauty, and strength, in different countries. Those of the eastern parts of the world, as well as those of Africa, still partake, in a great degree, ofthe native elegance of their original or stock; and are very different from those commonly seen in the northern parts of Europe: for this animal seems to be much injured by the influence of a comparatively cold climate. See Plate LIII. Nat. Ilist. fig. 185. The generality of European asses have large slouch- ing ears, a heavy appearance, and are of an ash-colour, more or less deep in different individuals, with a black- ish dorsal stripe, crossed by another over the shoulders, and thus exhibiting the original mark of their specie* In their manners they exhibit no superior marks of sa- gacity, but have the merit of being patient, quiet, and E Q V ERA tractable, and are chiefly employ ed in the inferior offices of servitude. The ass is observed to be very tempe- rate in his food, and by no means delicate in the choice of it; eating thistles, and a variety of coarse herbage which the horse refuses. He is said to be particularly fond of plantain, for which he will neglect every other herb of the pasture. In his choice of water he is re- markably nice, and will drink only of that which is clear. He has also an aversion to mud or water in his road, and will pass out of the way rather than wet his feet in a puddle. He is by no means void of docility, as vul- garly supposed; but may he made to practise several exercises not usual with his race. His voice, as is well known, is a most hideous bray; a discordant succession of flats and sharps. This is most strong in the male ani- mal; the voice of the female being weaker, though some- what shriller. It is singular, however, that some au- thors have denied that the female ass can properly be said to bray; and Aldrovandus censures Ovid for this line: Et rudit e scabra turpis asella mola. It may not be improper to observe, that the mule is nothing more than a hybrid animal, between this species and the horse, differing in strength, size, and beauty, according to the predominancy of its parental species. Mules are very little used in this country, but in Spain and some other parts of Europe are in much esteem, and have deservedly the reputation of being remarkably sure-footed. 4. Equus zebra, or the zebra, is a native of the hot- ter parts of Africa, being found from ./Ethiopia to the Cape of Good Hope, living in large herds, and possess- ing much of the manners both of the wild horse and the ass, being excessively swift and vigilant. It is of a still wilder or more unmanageable disposition than cither of the former animals, and even such as have been taken very young are with much difficulty brought to any de- gree of familiarity, and have very rarely been rendered so far manageable as to submit to the bridle. The size of the zebra is equal, or rather superior, to that of the ass, and its form more elegant; since, exclu- sive of its beautiful colour, the head and ears are well shaped, and of moderate size. The colour is either milk- white, or cream-colour, with a very slight cast of butt" or pale ferruginous; and the whole animal is decorated on every part with very numerous black or blackish- brown stripes, disposed with the utmost symmetry, and exhibiting an appearance not so easily described in words as by a well-conducted figure. These stripes run in a transverse direction both on the body and limbs, and in a longitudinal direction down the face; and their regu- lar and beautiful gradation, flexures, and termination mi the different parts of the animal, cannot be viewed without admiration. The tail is of a moderate length, round, rather slender, marked with small blackish bars, and terminated by a thickish tuft of brown or black hair. The z.ijra seems to have been unknown to the ancients; the onager of Pliny and other authors relating only to the wiid as-. Attempts have bcrn made to domesticate the zebra, and to r. .luce it to obedience, like the horse: but as yet the suet ess has not been wry considerable-. Experiments of this kind have been chicfh made in Holland; and wo VOL. i. 121 arc told by the count de Buffon, that zebra's have been yoked to the stadtholder's chariot: this, however, proved to be a piece of misinformation, and is accordingly con- tradicted in the sixth supplemental volume. Persevering attention may perhaps at length reduce this beautiful ani- mal to a state of domesticity. If this was practicable, anew and elegant addition would be made totbe luxu- ries of civilized life; since the zebra scarcely yields to the horse in gracefulness of figure, exclusive of its cap- tivating colours. See Plate LIII. Nat. Hist. fig. 186. 5. Equus quagga, or the quagga, which till lately had been confounded with the zebra, is now acknowledged as a distinct species, much allied to the former, but mark- ed with fewer and larger bands, which are of a browner colour than in the zebra, and are chiefly disposed on the fore parts of the animal, while the hind parts are rather spotted than striped. The ground-colour also of tha quagga is of a ferruginous tinge, especially on the thighs and back. It is of a milder or more docile nature than the zebra, and is said to have been successfully used by some of the Dutch colonists at the Cape, in the manner of a horse, for draught, &c. It inhabits the same parts of Africa as the zebra, but is found in separate herds, ne- ver associating with that species. See Plate LIU. Nat. Hist. fig. 187. G. Equus bisculus, or cloven-footed horse. The very name of this species seems to imply a kind of equivocal and anomalous being; one of the most prominent charac- ters of the present genus being a simple or undivided hoof. Indeed if only a single specimen of this animal had been described, we might have hesitated as to ad- mitting it otherwise than as an accidental vaiiety. The cloven-footed horse is a native of South x\merica, and was first described by Molina, in his Natural His- tory of Chili. In its general appearance, size, colour, and many other particulars, both external and internal, it resembles the ass; but has the voice and the ears of a horse, and has no cross or transverse band over the shoulders. It is very wild, strong, and swift, and is found in the rocky -regions of the Andes or Cordilleras of Peru and Chili. The hoofs are divided like those of ruminant animals. It is singular that this curious species, which scorns to form a kind of link between the cloven-hoofed and whole- hoofed tribes, should have so long remained unknown to the naturalists of Europe. ERANARCHA, a public officer among the anc icnt Greeks, whose business was to preside over and direct the alms and provisions made for the poor. Cornelius Nepos, in his life of Epaminondas, describes his olhVe thus: when any person was reduced lo povt My, taken captive, or had a daughter to marry, which he could not effect for want of money, «Scc. the eranarclui called an assembly of friends and neighbours, and taxed each ac- cording to his means and estate, to contribute towards his relief. EUANTHEMUM, a genus of the moncgyina order, m the diandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking with those of wiiich the order is dou!:T-,'uI. Tlie corolla is quinquefid, with the tube filiform; the anthera*. without the tube; the stigma simple. There are five species, herbs or undcrshrtus of the Cape of Good Hope. Some ei them ate \eiy orn.nuen- E R I E R I tal inhabitants of our stoves, and would probably thrive in a greenhouse. ERICA, heath, a genus of the monogynia order, in the octandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 18th order, bicornes. The calyx is tetraphyllous; the corolla quadrifid; the filaments in- serted into the receptacle; the antherae bifid; the cap- sule quadrilocular. There are upwards of 100 species, four of them natives of Britain, which are so well known, that no description need be given of them. In the High- lands of Scotland this plant is made subservient to a great variety of purposes. The poorer inhabitants make walls for their cottages with alternate layers of heath and a kind of mortar made of black earth and straw. The woody roots of the heath are placed in the centre; the tops externally and internally. They make their beds of it, by placing the roots downwards; and the tops only being uppermost, they are sufficiently soft to sleep upon. Cabins are also thatched with it. In the island of Hay, ale is frequently made by brewing one part of malt and two of the tops of young heath, sometimes ad- ding hops. Boethius relates, tliat this liquor was much used by the Picts. Woollen cloth boiled in alum-water, and afterwards in a strong decoction of heath-tops, comes out of a fine orange-colour. The stalks and tops will tan leather. Besoms, and faggots to burn in ovens, are also made of this plant. It is also used for filling up drains that are to be covered over. Sheep and goats will sometimes eat the tender shoots, but they are not fond of them. Cattle not accustomed to feed on heath, give bloody milk, but they are soon relieved by drinking plen- tifully of water. Horses will eat the tops. Bees extract a great deal of honey from the flowers; and where heath abounds, the honey has a reddish cast. There are ma- ny exotic species with which our greenhouse collections are enriched and adorned, as the triflora, tubiflora, aus- tralis, &c. ERIDANUS, in astronomy, a constellation of the southern hemisphere, containing, according to different authors, 19, 30, or even 84 stars. EKIGERON, flea-bane, a genus of the polygamia superflua order, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, com- positae. The receptacle is naked; the pappus hairy; the florets of the radius are linear, and very narrow. There are 30 species, of which the most remarkable is the vis- cosum, or male flea-bane of Theophrastus, and greater flea-bane of Dioscorides. It is a native of the south of France and Italy; and has a perennial root, whence arise many upright stalks near three feet high. The leaves in warm weather sweat out a clammy juice; the flowers are produced single upon pretty long footstalks, are ofa yellow colour, and have an agreeable odour. The plants are easily propagated by seeds, and thrive best in a dry soil and sunny aspect. ERINUS, a genus ofthe angiospermia order, in the didynamia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 40th order, personatse. The calyx is pentaphyilous; the limb of the corolla quinquefid and equal, with its lobes emarginatcd, and the upper lip ve- ry short and reflexed; the capsule bilocular. There are 15 species. They grow from two inches to four feet in height, and arc adorned with flowers of a white or pur- ple colour. They are propagated by seeds, but in this country generally require to be kept in shelter. ERIOCAULON, a genus of the trigynia order, in the triandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking with the sixth order, ensatae. The common ca- lyx is an imbricated capitulum or knob; there are three equal petals, and the stamina are on the germen. Tliere are six species, exotics of no note. ERIOCEPHALUS, a genus of the polygamia ne- cessaria order, in the syngenesia class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 49th order, com- positse. The receptacle is somewiiat villous; there is no pappus; the calyx is decaphyllous and equal; the radius has five florets. Tliere are two species, herbaceous plants of the Cape. ERIOPHORUM, a genus ofthe monogynia order, in the triandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the third order, calamaria;. The glumes are paleaceous, and imbricated all round; there is no corolla; and only one seed furnished with a very long down. There are six species, nearly allied to the gras- ses, only two natives of Britain. ERITHALIS, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking with those of which the order is doubtful. The corolla is quinquepartite; the calyx urceolatcd or blad- der-like; the berry decemlocular, inferior. Tliere are two species, trees of Jamaica and the Society Isles. ERINACEUS, hedgehog, a genus of quadrupeds of the order of ferae. The generic character is; front teeth two both above and below, those of the upper jaw dis- tant, of the lower approximated; canine teeth on each side, in the upper jaw five, in the lower three; grinders on each side, both above and below, four; body covered on the upper parts with spines. 1. Erinaceus Europaeus. Common or European hedge hog. The hedgehog is found in most of the temperate parts of Europe and Asia, and, according to Mr. Pen- nant, is also, seen in Madagascar. It commonly mea- sures about ll inches from the nose to the tip of the tail, which is about an inch long. Its colour is generally grey-brown, but it sometimes is found totally white, or of a yellowish white. It feeds principally on the roots of vegetables; but it also eats worms, as well as beetles and other insects. It wanders about chiefly by night, and during the day conceals itself in its hole, under the roots of some tree, or mossy bank. It produces four or five young at a birth, which are soon covered with prickles like those ofthe parent animal, but shorter and weaker. The nest is large, and is composed of moss. The hedgehog, when disturbed, rolls itself up into a globular form, and thus presents to its adversary an in- vulnerable hall of prickles. From this state of security, it is not easily forced; scarcely any thing but cold water obliging it to unfold itself. It swims perfectly well when thrown into water. The hedgehog is one of those animals which, during the winter, are supposed to continue in a state of torpi- dity. In that season it lies concealed in its hole, sur- rounded with a bed of moss, secure from the rigours of the most piercing frost, and at the return of spring re- commences its wanderings. E R I E R > The beigriiog may be rendered in a considerable de- give dome stic; and lias freeiuently been introduced into houses for the purpose of expelling those troublesome in- sects the biattae, or cockroaches, which it pursues with avidity, and is fond of feeding on. It is itself an occa- sional article of food in some places, and is said to be best in the month of August. The hedgehog is generally considered as a harmless inoffensive animal, but has been frequently supposed (and to this day the absorb notion prevails in many places) to suck the teats of cows by night, and thus cause by its prickles those exulcerations which arc sometimes seen on cattle. From this accusation, however, itis com- pletely absolved by Mr. Pennant, who observes, that its mouth is by far too small to admit of this practice. 2. Erinaceus iuauris. Earless hedgehog. This, on a general view, seems to be nothing more than a variety ofthe common hedgehog, differing chiefly, according to Seba, in having the spines on the upper parts of the bo- dy shorter, thicker, and stronger; the head, however, is somewhat shorter, and the snout blunter than in the com- mon hedgehog, and there is no appearance of external ears; the whole animal is also of a white or very pale colour. Its length from nose to tail is about eight inches; the tail scarcely an inch long; the claws long and crook- ed. 3. Erinaceus auritus. Long-eared hedgehog. This species resembles the common hedgehog in form, and is found about the river Volga, and in the eastern parts beyond lake Baikal. In size it is said to vary, being in some plaees smaller, and in others larger, than the, com- mon species; but may be immediately distinguished by its ears, which are large, oval, open, and naked, with soft whitish hair on the inside, and edged with brown; the legs and feet are longer and thinner than those of the common hedgehog, and the tail shorter and almost nak- ed: the upper part ofthe animal is covered with slender brown spines, with a whitish ring near the base, and another towards the tip; the legs and belly are covered with soft white fur. In its general manner of life this species is said to resemble the common hedgehog. The female produces six or seven young at a time, and is said sometimes to breed twice a year. 4. Erinaceus Md^lagascariensis. Striped hedgehog. This animal, which is a native of Madagascar, was first disc ribed by the coulht de Buffon, under the name of le tanrec; it should seem, however, that the specimen de- scribed had not attained its full growth, and consequent- ly did not exhibit with sufficient clearness all the charac- ters of the animal. It is of a black colour, with five longitudinal bands on the body; all the black parts are covered with hard hair; the white bands with small prickles, analogous to those of a porcupine. From the black bands on the back, spring long scattered hairs which reach to the ground; the head is covered with short black hairs or prickles; the snout is white; tbe eye surrounded by a white circle, and the feet are reddish. The tandreks move slowly, and grunt like pigs, for which reason they are called ground-hogs, or pig-por- cupines, by the Europeans. They burrow under ground, and remain torpid three months in the year; they hide themselves in tlie day-time, and only appear after sun- set in order to seek their food: they live chiefly on fruits and herbs; their body is a mere lump of fat: the natives of Madagascar eat them, but consider them as but an indifferent food. Madagascar is the only e ountry in which the tandreks are found. See Plate LV. Nat. Hist. fig. 188. 5. Erinaceus Malacccnsis. Malacca hedgehog. This species has so completely the appearance of a porcupine, that nothing but a severe adherence to systematic ar- rangement from the teeth could justify its being placed in the present genus; yet even this particular seems not yet distinctly known, the animal being rarely imported into Europe. Mr. Pennant supposes that Linnaeus might have been induced to consider it as belonging to the pre- sent genus, on account of the number of its toes; which are said to be five on the fore feet, instead of four, as in the porcupine. The accurate Brisson, however, con- sidered it as a species of hedgehog; and Linnaeus, in com- pliance with his opinion, transferred it from the genus hystrix to that of erinaceus. The particular size is not mentioned by Seba, but it appears to be a large species, since the length of its quills is said.to be from an inch te# a foot and a half, on different parts of the animal. It is therefore probably about the size ofthe common porcu- pine, .and they are variegated in a similar manner; the ears are large and pendulous; and there is no crest or ruff of longer bristles than the rest on the back of the head, as in the common porcupine. ERMIN. See Mi stela. Ermin, in heraldry, is always argent and sable, that is, a white field, or fur, with black spots. Tliese spots, arc not of any determinate number, but may be more or less, at the pleasure of the painter, as the skins are thought not to be naturally so spotted; but serving for liningthe garments of great persons, the furriers were wont, in order to add to their beauty, to Sow bits of the black tails of the creatures that produced them, upon the white of their skin, to render them the more conspicuous, which alteration was introduced into armory. Ermin, or ears of cor v., an order-of knights in France, instituted by Francis, the last of that name, duke of Britany. This order was so called on account that the collar of it was made up of ears of corn, lying athwart one ano- ther in saltier, bound together, both above and below, each ear being crossed twice, the whole of gold. To this collar there hung a little white beast, called an ermin, running over a bank of grass, diversified with flowers. ERMINE', or Cross Ermine', is one composed of four ermine spots. It is to be observed, that the colours in these arms are not to be expressed, because neither this cross nor these arms can be of any other colour-than white and black. Ermines are, by some English writers, held to In the reverse of ermine', that is, white spots on a black fielel; and yet the French use no such word, but call this black powdered with white contre-ermin, which is very proper, as it denotes the reverse of ermin. ERMINITES should signify little ermines, but it is otherwise, for it expresses a white field powdered with black, only that every such spot has a little red hail on it. ERNODIA, a genus of the class and order tetrandria monogynia. The calyx is four-parted; corolla one-petal- ERU E R U led, salver-shaped; berry two-celled; seeds solitary. There is one species, a creeping plant of Jamaica. ERODIUM, crane's bill, a genus ofthe class and or- der monadelphia pentandria, and in the natural method ofthe order gruinales. The calyx is five-parted; the corolla five-petalled; ncus five scales, alternate with the filaments, and glands at the base of the stamina; fruit five-grained, with a spiral beak, bearded in the inside. This genus is vulgarly confounded with the geranium: indeed there are three genera, which have the same ha- bits, but differing in the number of stamina. This plant has five, the geranium seven, and the pelasconium, or African geranium, ten. Of the erodium there are 28 species, including at least three which are natives of Britain, and several naturalized here: some are animal, and some perennial. ERODIUS, a genus of insects of the order of coleop- tera. The antennas are moniliform; feelers filiform; bo- dy roundish, gibbous, immarginate; thorax transverse; shells closely united, longer than the abdomen; jaw hor- ny, bifid; lip horny, emarginate. There are four spe- cies. P^ROTEUM, a genus of the class and order pentan- dria monogynia. The calyx is five-leaved; the corolla five-pctalled; the style trifid; berry juiceless, three-cel- led, many-seeded. There are two species, natives of Ja- maica. ERRHINES, in pharmacy, medicines which, when snuffed up the nose, promote a discharge of mucus from that part. See Materia Medica. ERROR, in law, signifies an error in pleading, or in the process; and the writ wiiich is brought for remedy thereof, is called a writ of error. A writ of error is a commission to judges of a superior court, by which they are authorized to examine the record upon which a judg- ment was given in an inferior court, and on such exami- nation, to affirm or reverse the same according to law. Jenk. Rep. 25. For particulars as to the practice of writs of error, sec Impey's K. B. lant. These usually have their first habitation in the stalk, near thr root. Nothing is more surprising in insects than their in- dustry; and in this the caterpillars yield to no kind, not to mention their silk, the spinning of which is one great proof of it. The sheaths and cases which some of these insects build for passing their transformations under, are by some made with their own hair, mixed with pieces of bark, leaves, and other parts of trees, with paper, and other materials; and the structure of these is well worthy our attention. Yet there are others whose work- manship, in this article, far exceeds these. There is one which builds in wood, and is able to give its case a hardness greater than that of the wood itself in its na- tural state. This is the strange horned caterpillar of the willow, which is one of those that eat their exuviae. This creature has extremely sharp teeth, and with these it cuts the wood into a number of small fragments; these fragments it afterwards unites together into a case, of what shape it pleases, by means of a peculiar silk, which is no other than a tough and viscous juice, wiiich har- dens as it dries, and is a strong and firm cement. The solidity of the case;bcing thusprovided for, we are to con- sider, that the caterpillar inclosed in it is to become a butterfly; and the wonder is, in what manner a creature of this helpless kind, which has neither legs to dig, nor teeth to gnaw with, is to make its way out of so firm and strong a lodgment as this in which it is hatched. The butterfly, as soon as hatched, discharges a liquor which softens the viscous matter that holds the case to- gether; and so its several fragments falling to pieces, the way out lies open. Reaumur judged, from the ef- fects, that this liquor must be of a singular nature, and very different from the generality of animal fluids; and in dissecting this creature in the caterpillar state, there will always be found near the mouth, and under the oes- ophagus, a bladder of the size of a small pea, full of a limpid liquor, of a very quick and penetrating smell, and which, upon trial, proves to be a very powerful acid; and among other properties, which it has in common with other a ids, it sensibly softens the glue ofthe case, on a common application. It is evident that this liquor, besides its use to the caterpillar, remains with it in the chrysalis state, and is what gives it a power of dissolv- ing the structure ofthe case, and making its way through in a proper manner at the necessary time. Boerhaave adopted the opinion, that there are no true acids in ani- mals, except in the stomach or intestines; bat this fa- miliar instance proves the contrary. Another very curious and mysterious artifice is that by which some species of e at rpillars, when the time of their changing into the chrysalis siate is coining on, make themselves lodgments in the leaves of th* trees, by rolling them up in such a manner as to make them- selves a sort of hollow cylindric case, proportioned to the thickness of their body, well defended against the injuries of the air. and carefully s*vured for their state of tranquility. Besi-.'.s tIo-sc caterpillars, which in this manner roll up the leaves of plants, there are either spe- cies which only bend them once, ant! e tl, -s. which by means of thin threads, connect many leaves toget'iee to inrke them a case. All this is a very surprising work hit much inferior to this method of rolling. The ('li- ferent species of caterpillars have f,ifferent'~iprim; ij-•„., not only in their spinning aud tie :i choice of food, hut even in their manners and behaviour "n- to j.netl < r. Some never part company iroiu the time of thrii Lch-r ERUCA. hatched to their last change, but live and feed together, and undergo together their change into the chrysalis slate. Others separate one from another as soon as able to crawl about, and each seeks its fortune single; and there are others which regularly live to a certain time of their lives in community, and then separate, each to shift for itself, and never to meet in that state. Caterpillars arc very destructive to gardens, particu- larly those of two species. The one, that which after- wards becomes the common white butterfly. This is of a yellowish-white colour, spotted with black, and infests the leaves of cabbages, cauliflowers, and the Indian cress, of wiiich it eats off all the tender parts, leaving only the fibres entire; so that whole plantations are of- ten seen destroyed by them in autumn, especially such as are near large buildings, or are crowded with trees. There is no remedy against this evil but the pulling the creatures off before they are spread from their nests, and watching the butterflies, which are daily, in the hot weather, depositing their eggs on these plants. These, however, feed principally on the outside of the leaves of the plants, and are therefore the easier, taken off; but the other kind lies near the centre, and therefore is with much more difficulty discovered. This is much larger; and the skin is very tough, and of a brown colour. It is called by the gardeners a grub, and is extremely perni- cious. The eggs which produce it are usually deposited in the very heart or centre of the plant, particularly in cabbages; and the creature, when formed, and grown to some size, cats its way through all the blades, and leaves its dung in great quantities behind it, which spoils the cabbage. This insect also burrows under the surface of the ground, and makes sad havoc among young plants, by eating off their tender shanks, and drawing them into its holes. This mischief is chiefly done in the night; but whatever a plant is seen thus destroyed, if the earth is stirred with a finger an inch deep, the creature will be certainly found, and this is the only way of destroy- ing them. When these animals attack fruit-trees, the best pre- servative is to boil together a quantity of rue, wormwood, and the common tobacco, of each equal parts, in com- mon water, to make the liquor very strong, and sprin- kle it on the leaves and young branches every night and morning, during the time when the fruit is ripening. Eruce acquatkee, water caterpillars. It may seem incredible, that there is any such thing as a caterpillar whose habitation is under water; but experience and.ob- servation prove, that there are such, and that they feed on the water-plants as regularly as the common kinds do on those at land. These are not named at random like many of the aquatic animals of the larger kinds, as the sea-wolf, the sea-horse, kc. which might as well be called any thing else as wolves and horses; but they are properly what they are called, and do not respire in the manner of the fish tribe, but by their stigmata as other caterpillars. M. Reaumur, in his observations, met with two species of these; the one upon the pond-weed, the other upou the lenticula or duck-meat. These are both very industrious animals; but the first being much the largest, its operations are more easily distinguished. This, though truly an aquatic animal, swims but badly, and does not at all love to wet itself. The parent but- terfly lays her egg on the leaf of a certain plant; and as soon as the young caterpillar is hatched, it gnaws out a piece of the leaf, of a roundish shape. This it carries to another part ofthe same leaf, and lays it in such a manner, that there may be a hollow between, in which it may lodge, it then fastens down this piece to the lar- ger leaf with silk ofits own spinning, only leaving cer- tain holes at which it can put out its head, and get to gnaw any of the leaves that are near. It easily gets out, though the aperture is naturally small, since a lit- tle force from its body bends up the upper leaf and down the lower, both being flexible; and when the creature ia out, it has a sort of down that defends it from beni" wetted, and the natural elasticity of the leaves and of the silk joins the aperture up again, so that no water can get in. Tbe leaves of this kind of plant are also natu- rally very slippery, and not easily wetted by water. It soon happens that this habitation becomes too small for the animal, in which case it makes just such another; and after that, at times, several others, each being onlv made fit for it at the size it is then of. The changes of this creature into the chrysalis and butterfly states are in the common method. The butterfly gets out of achrv- salis which was placed on the surface of the water; the lightness of the animal easily sustains it on the water till its wings are dried, and then it leaves that element, never to return to it again. Eruce sylvestres, wood caterpillars; the name of a sort of caterpillars which do not live, after the manner of others, on leaves of trees or plants, or open to our observation; but under the bark, in the trunk and bran- ches, and in the roots of trees, and sometimes in the body of fruits. These are easily distinguished from those worms and maggots which are found in roots and fruits, and owe their origin to flies of another kind; but arc li- able to be confounded with a sort of animals, called by M.Reaumur, false or bastard caterpillars, which bear a great resemblance in their figure to real caterpillars, but which have more legs than any of the true ones have, and are finally transformed into four-winged flies, wdiich are not true butterflies. The butterflies wiiich are the parents of those cater- pillars that lie immured in trees or fruits, lay their eggs on the surface; and the young caterpillars, when hatched, eat their way in. What appears something surprising, however, in this is, that there usually is only one cater- pillar in a fruit wiiich is large enough to afford food to a great number; and if there are sometimes found two creatures within, one is usually a caterpillar, the other a worm of some other kind. The whole occasion of this is, that the operation of penetrating into the fruit is so difficult to the young animal, that it seldom succeeds in it; and though the butterfly deposits many eggs on each fruit, and these all hatch, yet it is only here and tliere one on a fruit that can find its way into it. These creatures when once lodged in their prison, have nothing to do but to eat up the substances which inclose them, leaving the outer hard shell unhurt, which still serves as a case for them. This is a very frequent case in grains of corn, where the farinaceous substance serves as aliment, and the hard outer skin becomes a firm hollow case afterwards for the animal. The fari- naceous substance in this case usually proves enough for ERV E R Y tlie animal in its caterpillar state; but if it does not, the creature has recourse to a very singular expedient: it eats again its own excrement, and finds its now stronger stomach able to separate nourishment from that very matter which had before passed off from its weaker sto- mach undigested. Of these species of caterpillars, some go out of their prison in order to change into their chrysalis, and thence into their butterfly state; but the greater number remain there, and pass through all their changes within. These caterpillars, like all the other kinds, have certain flesh-eating worms, whose parents are of the fly-kind, for their terrible enemies and destroyers; and it is not unfrequent, on opening one of these spoiled fruits, in- stead of the expected caterpillar, to find a fly just ready to come out: this has been produced from the chrysalis of a worm, which had found its way into the fruit, and eaten up the caterpillar, which was the original possessor of the place. ERUCTATIONS, in medicine, arc the effect of fla- tulent foods, and the crudities thence arising. ERUPTION, in medicine, a sudden and copious ex- cretion of humours, as pus or blood; it signifies also the same with exanthema, any breaking out; as the pustules of the plague, small-pox, measles, &c. See Medicine. ERVUM, the lentil, a genus ofthe decandria order, in the diadelphia class of plants, and in the natural me- thod ranking under tlie 32nd order, papilionacac. The ca- lyx is quinquepartite, the length of the corolla. There are six species; of which the most remarkable is the lens, or common lentil. It is cultivated in many parts of England, either as fodder for cattle, or for the seeds, which are frequently used in meagre soups. It is an annual plant, and rises with weak stalks about 18 inches high, with winged leaves composed of several pairs of narrow lobes, terminated by a clasper or tendril, which fastens to any neighbouring plant, and is thereby sup- ported; the flowers come out three or four together, upon short footstalks from the side of the branches. They are small, of a pale purple colour, and are succeeded by short flat pods, containing two or three seeds which are flat, round, and a little convex in the middle. The seeds of this plant are most commonly sown in the month of March, where the land is dry; but in moist ground, the best time is April. The usual quantity of seed allowed for an acre of land is from one bushel and a half to two bushels. If tliese are sown in drills in the same manner as peas, they will succeed belter than when sown broad- cast: the drills should be a foot and a half asunder, to al- low room for the Dutch hoe to clean the ground between tin in; for if the weeds are permitted to grow among them, they will get above the lentils and starve them. There is another sort of lentil also cultivated in this country, under the name of French lentil. It is twice the size of the former, both in plant and seed; and is much better worth cultivation than the other. It should be sown in March, alter a single ploughing, in the ground that bore corn the year before. Manure is not absolutely necessary, though it will undoubtedly increase the crop. Its grass is said to be very copious; it may he mowed many times in the year, i.nd affords a healthy as well as an agreeable fi-od to horses, cows, and sheep; the milk of cows fed with it is said to be very topioiu and good. Long and numerous pods ripen about tie beginning of winter, which afford a new kind of legu- men, to be eaten as common lentils; when fresh, it makt s admirable peas-soup: dry, it is greedily eaten by th.* poultry. The dried herb is also a good resource for cattle in winter. It grows on any kind of ground. ERYNG1UM, sea-holly, or eryngo, a genus ofthe digynia order, in the pentandria class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 45th order, umbellatae. The flowers are collected into a round head, and the re- ceptacle is paleaceous. There are 11 species; most of which are hardy herbaceous perennials, producing erect stalks from one to two or three feet high; with simple, en- tire, or divided prickly leaves; and the stalks terminated by roundish aggregate heads ofquinquepetalous flowers, of white, blue, or purple colours. They all flower mostly in July, and the seeds ripen in September. They arc pro- pagated by seeds sown in a bed or border, either in spring or autumn. The plants are to be removed the au- tumn after they come up, into those places where they arc designed to remain. The leaves of one ofthe species (viz. the maritimum, which grows naturally on the sea-coasts of England and Scotland) are sweetish, with a light ar- omatic warmth and pungency. The young flowering shoots, eaten like asparagus, are very grateful and nourishing. ERYSIMUM, hedge-mustard; a genus ofthe siliquo- sa order, in the tetradynaniia class of plants; and in the natural method ranking under the 39th order, siliquosse. The siliqua is long, linear, and exactly tetragonal; the calyx close. There are eight species; of which the most remarkable is the officinale, hedge-mustard, or bank- cresses. It grows naturally in Britain under walls, by the sides of highways, and among rubbish. It is warm and acrid to the taste; and, when cultivated, is used as a vernal potherb. Birds are fond of the seeds; sheep and goats eat the herb; cows, horses, and swine, refuse it. The seeds are said to promote expectoration, and excite urine, but they are scarcely ever employed in medicine at present. ERYSIPELAS, in medicine, an eruption of a fiery or acrid humour, from which no part ofthe body is exempt- ed, though it chiefly attacks the face. See Medicine. ERYTHRINA, coral-tree; a genus of the decandria order, in the diadelphia class of plants; and in the natu- ral method ranking under the 32d order, papilionaceae. The calyx is bilabiate, the one lip above, the other be- low; the vexillum of the corolla is very long, and lanceo- latetl. There are seven species; all of them shrubby flowering exotics for the stove, adorned chiefly with trifloliatc or threc-lobed leaves, and scarlet spikes of pa- pilionaceous flowers. They are all natives of the warm parts of Africa and America; and most always be kept in pests, wiiich are to remain constantly in stoves in this country. They are propagated by seeds, whieh are an- nually imported hither from Africa and America. They are to be sown half an inch deep in pots of light rich earth, which are then to be plunged in a moderate hot- bed; and when the plants are two inches high, they arc to be separated into small pots, plunged in the bark-bed, giving them frequent waterings, and as they increase in growth shifting them into lerger pots. The inhabitants of Malabar make sheaths ..f the wood for swords and ESC fc S C knives. They use the same, together with the bark, in washing a sort of garments which they call sarassas; and make ofthe flowers the confection caryl. The leaves pul- verized, and boiled with the mature cocoa-nut, have been deemed useful in venereal complaints. The juice of the leaves, combined with any greasy matter, also cures the itch and some other eruptions. ERYTHRONTUM, dog's-tooth violet, a genus of the monogynia order, in the hexandria class of plants, and in the natural method ranking under the 11th order, sar- mentaceae. The corella is hexapetalous and campanulat- ed, with a nectarium of two turbercles adhering to the inner base of every other petal. There is only one spe- cies: which, however, admits of several varieties in its flowers, as white, purple, pale red, dark red, crimson, and yellow. The plants are low and herbaceous, with a purple stalk and hexapetalous flowers. All the varieties are hardy and durable; and may be planted in small patches in borders, where they will make a good appear- ance. They rarely perfect their seeds in this country, hut may be propagated by offsets. In Siberia, according to Gmelin, they dry and mix the root of this plant with their soups. It grows there in abundance, and is called by the people of the country bess. ERYTHROXYLON, a genus of the trigynia order, in the decandria class of plants; and in the natural me- thod ranking with those the order of which is doubtful. The calyx is turbinated; the petals of the corolla have each a nectariferous cmarginated scale at the base; the stamina are connected at the base; the fruit is a bilocular plum. There are five species, beautiful shrubs of the West Indies. ESCALADE, in war, a furious attack of a wall or a rampart; carried on with ladders, to pass the ditch or mount the rampart; without proceeding in form, break- ing ground, or carrying on regular works to secure the men. "When the troops arc prepared to pass the ditch, cither with the assistance of boards, hurdles, and fas- cines, when it is muddy, or with small boats of tin, or baskets covered with skins or oilcloth, when it is deep and filled with water, a party must be placed on the counterscarp, opposite to the landing-place, ready to fire on the garrison if they are alarmed, and oppose the mounting on the rampart. If the ditch is dry, the lad- ders arc fixed in some place farthest distant from the sentry; and. as soon as they get upon the rampart, they put Ihejnsdvcs in order to receive the enemy: if the sen- try is surprised and silently overcome, the detachment hastens to break open the gate, and to let in the rest of the party. If the ditch is wet, the rampart high, and pro- vided with a revetement, it will be difficult to surprise thp town in this way; but if there is no revetement, the troops may hide themselves along the outside of the ram- part till all arc over. Since the invention and use of gunpowder, and the walls of cities have been flanked, they are seldom taken by escalade. ESCALLONTA, a genus of the monogynia order, in the pentandria class of plants. The fruit is bilocular and polyspermous; the petals distant and tongue-shaped; the stigma headed. There are two species, shrubs of the West Indies and South America. ESCAPE, in law, is where one who is arrested gains his liberty before he is delivered by course of law. Escapes are either in civil or criminal cases; and in both respects, escapes maybe distinguished into volunta- ry and negligent: voluntary, where it is with the con- sent of the keeper; negligent where it is for want of duo care in him. In civil cases, after the prisoner has been suffered vol- untarily to escape, the sheriff can never after retake him but must answer for the debt; but the plaintiff may re- take him at any time. In the case of a negligent escape, the sheriff, upon fresh pursuit, may retake the prisoner and the sheriff shall he excused if he has him again before any action brought against himself for the escape. When a defendant is once in custody in execution, upon a capias ad satisfaciendum, he is to he kept in close and safe custody; and if he is afterwards seen at large, itis an escape, and the plaintiff may have an action thereupon for his whole debt: for though upon arrests, and what is called mesne process (being such as intervenes between the commencement and end of a suit), the sheriff, till the statute 8 and 9 W. c. 27, might have indulged the de- fendant as he pleased, so that he produced him in court to answer the plaintiff at the return of the writ; yet, upon a' taking in execution, he could never give any indulgence; for in that case, confinement is the whole of the debtor's punishment, and of the satisfaction made to the creditor, A rescue of a prisoner in execution, either in going to gaol, or in gaol, or a breach of prison, will not excuse the sheriff from being guilty of and answering for the es- cape; for he ought to have sufficient force to keep him, since he may command the power of the county. 3 Black. 415 and 6. In criminal cases, an escape of a person arrested, by eluding the vigilance of his keeper before he is put in hold, is an offence against public justice, and the party himself is punishable by fine and imprisonment; but the officer permitting such escape, either by negligence or connivance, is much more culpable than the prisoner, who has the natural desire of liberty to plead in his behalf. Officers therefore, who after arrest negligently permit a felon to escape, are also punishable by fine; but volunta- ry escapes amount to the same kind of offence, and are punishable in the same degree, as the offence of which the prisoner is guilty, and for which he is in custody, whether treason, felony, or trespass; and this whether he was actually committed to gaol, or only under a bare arrest. But the officer cannot be thus punished, till the original delinquent is actually found guilty or convicted by verdict, confession, or outlawry; otherwise, it might happen that the officer should be punished for treason or felony, and the party escaping turn out to be an innocent man. But before the conviction of the principal party, the officer thus neglecting his duty may be. fined and im- prisoned for a misdemeanor. 4 Black. 129. If any person shall convey or cause to be conveyed into any gaol, any disguise, instrument, or arms, proper to facilitate the escapeof prisoners, attainted or convict- ed of treason, or felony, although no escape or attempt to escape he made; such person so offending, and convicted, shall be deemed guilty of felony, and be transported for seven years. 16 Geo. 11. c. 31. Escape-warrant, a process which issues out against a person, committed in the king's bench or Fleet prisons, ESC E S O that, without being duly discharged, takes upon him to go atlarg''. Upon this warrant, which is obtained on oath, a per- son may b" apprehended on a Sundav. ESCHALOT. See Allium. ESCHAR, in surgery, the crust or scab occasioned by burns or caustic medicines. See Surgery. ESCHAROTICS, in pharmacy, medicines which pro- duce eschars. See Eschar. ESCHEAT, in our law, denotes an obstruction of the course of descent, and a consequent determination ofthe tenure by some unforeseen contingency; in which case, the land naturally results back, by a kind of reversion, to tbe original grantor, or lord ofthe fee. 2 Black. 244. Escheat happens either for want of heirs of the per- son last seized, or by his attainder for a crime hy him committed; in which latter ease, the blood is tainted, staiin'd, or corrupted, and the inheritable quality of it is thereby exiinguislnd. For want of heirs, is where the tenant dies without any relations on the part of any of his ancestors, or where he dies without any relations of those ancestors, paternal or maternal, from whom his estate descended, or where he dies without any relations of the whole blood. Bas- tards are also incapable of inheritance; and therefore if there is no other claimant than such illegitimate children, the land shall escheat to the lord; and, as bastards can- not be heirs themselves, so neither can they have any heirs but those of their own bodies: and therefore if a bastard purchases land, and dies seized thereof without issue and intestate, the land shall escheat to the lord of the fee. Aliens also, that is, persons born out of the king's allegiance, are incapable of taking by descent; and unless naturalized, are also incapable of taking hy purchase; and therefore, if there are no natural-born subjects to claim, such lands shall in liko manner csdr at. By attainder for treason or cither felony, the blood of the person attainted is corrupted and stained, and the original donation of the feud is thereby determined, it being always granted to the vassal on the implied con- dition of his well demeaning himself. In consequence of wiiich corruption and extinction of hereditary blood, the laud ■»' of this sect. KSCLATTE', in heraldry, signifies a thing forcibly broken, or rather a shield that has been broken ami shat- tered with the stroke ofa battb -ax. ESC HOW, among lawyers, a deed delivered to a TOL. *. 122 third person, to be the deed of the party making it upon a future condition; that when a certain thing is perform- ed, it shall be delivered to the party to whom it was made, to take effect as the deed of the person first de- livering it. ESCUAGE, in our old customs, a kind of knights- service, called service ofthe shield, by which the tenant was bound to follow his lord to the wars at his own charge. It is also used for a sum of money paid to the lord in lieu of such servi e; or even for a reasonable aid, levied by the lord on his tenants who held by the knighl's- service. ESCULUS, the horse-chesnut. See iEscuLUs. ESC U RIAL, a palace ofthe king of Spain, twenty- one miles north-west of Madrid; being oneof the largest and most beautiful in the world. It has eleven thouse.nd windows, fourteen thousand doors, one thousand eight hundred pillars,, seventeen cloisters or piazzas, and twenty-two courts; with every convenience and ornament that can render a place agreeable in so hot a climate, as an extensive park, groves, fountains, cascades, grottos, kc It is whimsically constructed in the form ofa grid- iron, being dedicated to St. Laurence in commemoration of a victory, gained on the anniversary of th&l laint (who is said to have been broiled to death on a griertron) in 1557. The apartment which the royal family inhabits is the handle ofthe instrument. The rest ofthe building contains offices, a church, a convent (in which are 200 monks), and a library containing 30,000 volumes. ESCUTCHEON, in heraldry, is derived from the French eseusson, and that from the Latin scutum, and signifies the shield whereon coats of arms are repre- sented, j Escutcheon of pretence, that on which a man carries his wife's coat of arms; being an heiress, and having issue by her. It is placed over the coat of the husband, who thereby shows forth his pretensions to her lands. ESNECY, in law, a private prerogative allowed to the eldest coparcener, where an estate is descended to daughters for want of an heir male, to choose first, after the estate of inheritance is divided. It has been also" extended to the eldest son and his issue, holding first, this right being jus primogeniture. ESOX, [like, a genus of fishes of the order abdomi- nales. Tbe generic character is, head somewhat flat- tened above, mouth wide: teeth sharp, in the jaws, palate, and tongue; body lengthened; dot sal and anal fin (in most species) placed near the tail, and opposite each other. There are nine species, of which the most re- markable are: 1. Esox lucius, or common pike. To the general history of this fish perhaps 1 (tic can be added to whet Mr. Pennant has already detailed in the third volume f the British Zoology. It is, says that agreeable writer, a native of most ofthe lakes and smaller rivers in Eu- rope, hut the la-gest are fio-e of Lapland, which aee sometimes eight feet in length: tsey are tat en liier in great abumh.me, dried, and exported for sale. The largest specimen of English growth is slid hv Mr. Pen- nant to have weighed thirty-five pounds. The head of tbe pike is very flat: the tipper jaw broad, and short- than the lower, which turns up a little at the end. is marked with minute punctures: the teeth a- ESOX. sharp, disposed only in front of the upper jaw, but in both sides of the lower, as well as in the roof of the mouth, and often on the tongue: the number, according to Bloch, is not less than seven hundred, without reck- oning the farthest of all, or those nearest the throat: it is also to be observed that those which are situated on the jaws are alternately fixed and moveable; the gape is very wide, and the eyes small: the dorsal fin is placed very low on the back, and consists of twenty-one rays; the pectoral of fifteen; the ventral of eleven, and the anal of eighteen; the tail is slightly forked, or rather lunated. The usual colour of this fish is a pale olive-grey, deepest on the back, and marked on the sides by several yellow- ish spots or patches: the abdomen is white, slightly spot- ted with black. When in its highest perfection however the colours arc frequently more brilliant; the sides being of a bright olive with yellow spots, the back dark green, and the belly silvery. Dr. Bloch assures us that in Holland the pike is sometimes found of an orange-colour, marked with black spots: the scales are rather small, hard, and of an oblong shape. The voracity of the pike is commemorated by all ich- thyologieal authors. Mr. Pennant observes that he himself iias known a pike that w-as choaked in attempting to swar/low one of its own species which proved too large a morsel. It will also devour water-rats, and young ducks which happen to be swimming near it. In a man- uscript note to a copy of Plott's History of Staffordshire, the following highly singular anecdote is recorded. " At lord Gower's canal at Trentham, a pike seized the head of a swan as she was feeding under water, and gorged so much of it as killed them both: the servants, perceiv- ing the swan with its head under water for a longer time than usual, took a boat and found both swan and pike dead." But there are instances, says Mr. Pennant* still more surprising, and which indeed border a little on the mar- vellous. Gesner relates that a famished pike in the Rhone, seized on the lips of a mule that was brought to water, and that the beast drew the fish out before it could disengage itself: he adds that people have been bitten by these voracious animals while they were washing their legs, and that they will even contend with the otter for its prey, and endeavour to force it out of its mouth. The smaller kind of fishes are said to show the same uneasiness and detestation at the presence of a pike as the smaller birds do at the sight of a hawTk or an owl, and when the pike, as is often the case, lies dormant near the surface of the water, are observed to swim round in vast numbers, and in the greatest anxiety. In the ditches near the Thames pike are often haltered in a noose, and taken while they lie thus asleep, as they are frequently found in the month of May. The longevity of the pike is very remarkable; if, as Mr. Pennant observes, we may credit the accounts given by authors. Rzaczynski in his Natural History of Poland tells us of one that was ninety years old; but Gesner relates that in the year 1497, a pike was taken near Haliburn, in Suabia, with a brazen rthg affixed to it, on which were these words in Greek characters "I am the fish which was first of all put into this lake by the hands of the governor of the universe Frederic the Second, the fifth of October 1230;" so that, adds Mr. Pennant, the former must have been an infant to this Methusalein of a fish. The pike spawns in March and April, according to the warmth or coldness of the season; depositing its ova among the weeds, kc. near the water's edge: tlie voung are said to be of very quick growth: indeed Bloch con- siders it as the quickest grower of all the European fishes whose progress he has had an opportunity of observing. The first year, according to this author, it arrives at the length of from six to ten inches; the second to twelve or fourteen; and the third to eighteen or twenty. The sto- mach of the pike is strong and muscular, and of very considerable length: it is also furnished with several large and red pleats: in the intestinal canal have been observed several kinds of worms and particularly taenia, of which no fewer than a hundred have been seen in a sin- gle fish. 2. Esox sphyrsena, or sea-pike. This species in its general habit or appearance is considerably allied to tbe common pike, but is of a silvery blueish colour, dusky on the back, and slightly tinged with yellow on the head and about the gills: the first dorsal fin is situated on the middle of the hack, and ia furnished with only four rays, which are all strong or spiny: the second, which is placed opposite tho anal fin, consists of about ten rays, of which the first only is spiny: both these dorsal fins, to- gether with the tail, which is deeply forked, are of a dusky tinge; the pectoral, ventral, and anal, are of a pale red: the eyes are moderately large: the lower jaw longer than the upper; the scales middle-sized, and the lateral line nearly straight. This fish is an inhabitant of the Mediterranean and Atlantic seas, growing to the length of about two feet. It is said to be in consider- able esteem for the table, the flesh resembling that of the cod-fish. 3. Esox barracuda, or barracuda pike, has the habit of the common pike, but is of a longer form, and more slender or taper in proportion towards the tail: size v ery great, some having been seen of ten feet in length; but the more common size is from six to eight feet. This is said to be an extremely strong, fierce, and dangerous fish, swimming with great rapidity, and preying on most others: it is even said sometimes to attack and destroy bathers, in the same manner as the shark. It is found in great plenty in the tropical seas, and is frequent about the AVest Indian islands. It is in no estimation as a food, the flesh being rank; and even sometimes, ac- cording to common report, highly noxious, occasioning all the symptoms of the most fatal poisons; yet, in spite of these bad qualities, we are assured that the hungry Bahamians frequently make their repast "on its un- wholosome carcase." 4. Esox vulpes, or the fox pike. Its general length is about sixteen inches: habit somewhat similar to that of a common pike, but remarkably slender or taper to- wards the tail, which is very deeply and widely forked; mouth of moderate width: jaws equal, and with a single row of sharp teeth in each: dorsal fin situated in the mid- dle of|the back: scales rather large, thin, and rounded: co- lour of the whole fish brown, paler or lighter beneath: native of Carolina and the West Indian islands. 5. Esox malabaricus or Malabar pike, is in length about twelve inches; habit distantly allied to that of the ESQ EST common pike, but with the tail rounded, and the dorsal fin placed on the middle of the back: colour yellowish; dusky on the back; lower jaw longer than the upper; eyes rather large; scales large, and very distinct; the lateral line bending a little downwards at its origin from the gill- covers, and then running straight to the tail; all the fins, together with the tail, of a very pale transparent brown, barred by several rows of deep-brown spots. Native of Malabar, inhabiting rivers and rivulets, am!- in conside- rable esteem for the table. 6. Esox bellone, gar fish, or sea-needle, is well known by its protracted snout, and the bones, which are green when boded. ESPALIERS, in gardening, are rows of trees planted about a whole garden or plantation, or in hedges, so as to inclose quarters or separate parts of a garden; and are trained up regularly to a lattice of wood-work in a close hedge, for the defence of tender plants against the injuries of wind and weather. ESPLANADE, in fortification, the sloping of the pa- rapet of the covered way towards the campaign. It is the same with glacis, and is more properly the empty space betwixt a citadel and the houses ofa town, commonly cal- led a place of arms. See Fortification. ESPLEES, in law, the general products which lands yield, or the profit or commodity that is to be taken or made of a thing; as of a common, the taking of grass by the mouths of the beasts that common tliere; of an ad- vowson, taking of tythes by the parson; of wood, the sel- ling of wood; of an orchard, selling the fruit growing there; of a mill, the taking of toll, kc. These and such-like issues are termed esplces. In a writ of right of land, advowson, kc. the demandant must allege in his count, that he or his ancestors took the es- plees of the thing demanded, otherwise the pleading is not good. ESPOUSALS, in law, signifies a contract or promise made between a man and a woman, to marry each other; and in cases where marriage may be consummated, es- pousals go bfcfore. Marriage is termed an espousal de prwsenti. • ESQUIRE, armiger, was anciently the person that attended a knight in time of war, and carried his shield. This title has not, for a long time, had any relation to the office of the person, as to carry arms, &c. In England those to whom the title of esquire is now of right due, are all noblemen's younger sons, and the eldest sons of such younger sons; the eldest sons of knights, and their eldest 8ons; the officers of the king's courts, and of his house- hold; counccllors at law, justices of the peace, kc *when in the commission; but a sheriff of a county, wiio is a superior officer, retains the title of esquire during life, in consequence of the trust once reposed in him: the heads of some ancient families are said to be esquires by prescription; and by custom, or by way of compliment, this title is given to every gentleman who lives on his private fortune, and to rich merchants: it is even as- sumed by almost every tradesman who can drive his gig, or who takes upon him to live in two houses, though he should be unable to pay the expenses of one. EsquiRi:s ofthe king, are such as have that title by creation, wherein there is some formality used, as the putting about their necks a collar of SS, and bestowing on them a pair of silver spurs, kc. Tliere are four esquires ofthe body to attend the king's person. If an esquire be arraigned for high treason, he ought to be tried by a jury each whereof have 40s. of freehold, and 1001. in goods; and a knight has no other privilege. The heir apparent of an esquire is privileged to keep greyhounds, setting-dogs, or nets to take partridges and pheasants, though he cannot dispend. 101. of estate of inheritance, or the value of 501. of estate for life. ESSENCE, in philosophy, that which constitutes the particular nature of each genus or kind, and distinguish- es it from all others; being nothing but that abstract idea to which the name is affixed, so that every thing con- tained in it is essential to that particular kind. ESSEXDO quiETUM de toloxio, in law, a writ which lies for citizens, burgesses, &c. who by charter or prescription ought to be free from toll, in case the same is exacted of them. ESSENES, or essenians, in Jewish antiquity, one of the three sects among that people, who exceeded the Pharisees in their most rigorous observances. They al- lowed a future state, but denied a resurrection from the dead. Their way of life was very singular: they did not marry, but adopted the children of others, whom they bred up in the institutions of their sect: they despised riches, and had all things in common; and never chang- ed their cloaths till they were entirely worn out. When initiated, they were strictly bound not to communicate the mysteries of their sect to others; and if any ot their members were found guilty of enormous crimes, they were expelled. ESSOIN, in law, an excuse for a person summoned to appear and answer to an action, on account of sick- ness or other just cause of bis absence. It is a kind of imparlance or craving of longer time, and obtains in real, personal, and mixed actions. There are divers essoins: as de ultra mare, when the defendant is beyond sea, whereby he is allowed forty days; in an expedition to the Holy Land, a year and a day; infirmity, called common essoin, when he is sick in bed; and lastly, in the king's service. Essoin-day, is regularly the first day in every term, though the fourth day after is also allowed by way of in- dulgence. Essoix de malo vill^e, is where the defendant ap- pears in court, but before pleading, falls sick in a certain village: this is also allowed, if found true. ESTATE, in lawT, signifies such inheritance, freehold, term for years, tenantcy by statute-merchant, staple, ele- git, or the like, as any man has in lands and tenements. Estates are real, of lands, tenements, &c. or personal, of goods or chattels; otherwise distinguished into freeholds that descend to the heir, and chattels which go to the ex- ecutors. Co. Lit. 315. Of estate in fee-simple. An estate in fee-simple, is an estate, lands, tenements, lordships, advowsons, commons, estovers, and all hereditaments, to a man and his heirs for ever: also, where a corporation sole or aggregate are capable of holding in succession, and lands are given to them and their successors, they are said to have a fee- simple. 2 Ba<:. Abr. 249. Of estate in tail. An estate is said to be intailed, when it is ascertained what issue shall inherit it. E S T ETC What things may be intailcd, by the statute of intaiK The statute makes use of the word tcneinentum, and therefore the estate to be intailcd, may be as well incor- porated as corporeal inheritances, because the word te- nementum comprehends the one as well as the other, and consequently, not only lands may be intailcd. but all rents, commons, estovers, or other profits arising from lands. Co. Lit. 19, b. 20, a. What words create an estate tail. When the notion of succession prevailed, it was necessary in feudal dona- tions to use the word heirs, to distinguish such descen- dible feud from that which was granted only for life; but as to the word body, it was necessary to make use of that in the donation, but it might be expressed by any equivalent words, and therefore a gift to a man and hseredibus de se, or de came quo sibi contigerit habere, or procreavit, is a good estate tail; for these sufficiently circumscribe the word heirs, to the descendants of tlie feudatory: and the reason of the difference is, because inheritances are only derived from the law, and the law requires the word heirs, that comprehends the whole no- tion of such legal representation; but the limiting the in- heritance ofthe de eendants of this or the other body, is only the particular intention of the person that forms the gift, and the refore the law leaves every man to express himself in such manner as may manifest that intention. 2 Bac. Abr. 259. Of tenant in tail charging his estate. The statute de donis, affecting a perpetuity, restrained the donee in tail, either from alienating or charging his estate tail; and by that act the tenant in tail was likewise to leave the land to his heirs as he received it from the donor; and upon that statute the heir in tail might have avoided any alie- nation or incumbrance of his ancestors; and as the law stood upon that act, so might be in reversion, when the heirs of the donee failed, which were inheritable to the gift. The crown long struggled to break tlirough the perpetuity which was established by this law-; and in the reign of Ed. IV. we find the pretended recompence giv- en against the vouchee in the common recovery to be al- lowed as equivalent for the' estate tail; and because the recompence was to go in succession as the land in tail should have done, therefore they allowed the recovery to bar the reversion as well as the issue in tail, because he in the reversion was to have the recompence in failure of issue of the donee, 2 Bac. Abr. 265. See Recove- ry. ESTOILEE', or cross estoilee', in heraldry, a star with only four long rays in form of a cross; and, accord- ingly, broad in the centre, and terminating in sharp points. ESTOPPEL, in law, an impediment or bar to an ac- tion, which arises from a person's own act; or rather, where he is forbidden by law to speak against his deed, which he may not do, even to plead the truth. Thus where a person is bound in a bond by such a name, and is afterwards sued by the same name on the obligation, he shall not be allowed to say he is misnamed, but shall answer according to the bond, though it be wrong. Hence the parties in all deeds are estopped from saying any thing against them. However, a plaintiff is not estopped from saying any thing against what he had said in his writ or declaration; and though parties may be estopped, yd juries are not so, who may find things out of the record. ESTOVERS, in law. is a liberty of taking necessarv wood /or the use or furniture of a house or farm. Anil this any tenant may take from off the land let or demised to him, without waiting for any leave, assignment, or appointment of the lessor, unless he is restrained by special covenant to the contrary. 2 Black. 33. ESTRAYS and waifs, in law, Estrays arc where any horses, sheep, hogs, beasts, or swans, or any beast that is not wild, come into a lordship, and are not owned by any man. Kitch. 23. The reason of estray is, be- cause when no person can make title to the thing the lavv gives it to the king, if the owner does not claim it within a year and a day. Waifs are goods which are stolen, and waved or left hy the felon, on his being pursued, for fear of being ap- prehended, and forfeited to the king or lord of the manor: and thoiign waifs are generally spoken of things stolen, yet if a man is pursued with hue and cry as a felon, and be flies and leaves his own goods, tliese will be forfeited as goods stolen; but they are properly the fugitive's goods, and not forfeited till it is found before the coroner, or otherwise of record, that he fled for the felony. 2 Haw. 450. Waifs and strays were anciently the property of the finders by the law of nature, and afterwards the property of the king by the law of nations. Dalt. Slier. 79. Waits en i streys not claimed within the year and day are the lord's. For whero the lord has a beast a year and a dayr, and it has been cried in the church and mar- kets, the property is changed. Kitch. 80. But it must be a year and a day from the time of proclamation, and not from the time of seizure; for it does not become an estray till after the first proclamation. 11 Mod. 89. ESTREAT, is a true copy or note of some original writing on record, and especially ef fines and amerce- ments imposed in the rolls of a court, and extracted or drawn out thence, and certified into the court of exche- quer: whereupon process is awarded to the sheriff to le- vy the same. ESTREPEMENT, or EsTHEPAMENT,the spoil made by a tencnt for life, upon any lands or woods, to the pre- judice ofthe reversioner. Estrepement also signifies a writ which lies in two ca- ses; the one is when the person having an action depend- 0 ing (as a fonnedon, or dum fuit infra setatem, or writ of right, or any other), wherein the demandant is not to recover damages, sues to inhibit the tenant from making waste during the suit. The other is for the demandant that is adjudged to recover seisin of the land in question, and before execution sued by the writ habere facias seis- inam, for fear of waste to be made before be can get pos- session: he then sues out of this writ. ETCHING, is a manner of engraving on copper, in wiiich the line or strokes, instead of being cutwitha tool or graver, are corroded in with aquafortis. Itis a much later invention than the art of engraving by cutting the lines on the copper, and has many advan- tages overitf »r some purposes; though it cannot super- cede the use of the graver entirely, as there are many things that cannot he etched so well as they can be graved. In almost all the engravings on copper that are execu- ETCHING. ted in the stroke manner, etching and graving are com- bined, the plate being generally begun by etching, and finished with the graver. Landscapes, architecture, and machinery, are the subjects that receive most assistance from the art of etching; for it is not so applicable to por- traits and historical designs. We shall first describe the various instruments and materials used in the art. Copper-plates may be had ready prepared at the cop- persmiths by those who reside in large towns; but when this cannot be had, procure a piece of pretty thick sheet- copper from a brazier, rather larger than your drawing, and let him planish it well; then take a piece of pumice- stone, and with water rub it all one way, till the surface is as smooth and level as it can be made by that means: a piece of charcoal is next used with w iter for polishing it still farther, and removing the deep scratches made by the pumice-stone; and it is then finished with a piece of charcoal of a finer grain, with a little oil. Etching-points or needles are pointed instruments of steel, about an inch long, fixed in handles of hard wood, about six indies in length, and of the size of a goose-quill. They should be well tempered, and very accurately fixed in the centre ofthe handle. They must be brought to an accurately conical point, by rubbing upon an oil-stone, with which it is also very necessary to be provided. Se- veral of these points will be necessary. A paralhi-ruler is necessary for drawing parallel straight lines. This is best when faced with brass, as it is not then so liable to be bruised by accident. Compasses are useful for striking circles and measur- ing distances. Aquafortis, or, what is better, spirit of nitre (nitrous acid), is used for corroding the copper, or biting in, as it is called. This must be kept in a bottle with a glass stopple, for its fumes destroy corks. A stopple made of wax will serve as a substitute, or a cork well covered with wax. Bordering-wax, for surrounding the margin of the copper-plate when the aquafortis is pouring on. This may be bought ready prepared, but it may be made as follows: Take one-third of bee's-wax to two-thirds of pitch; melt them in an iron ladle, and pour them, when melted, into water luke-warm; then mould it with your hand till it is thoroughly incorporated, and all the water squeezed out. Form it into rolls of convenient size. Turpentine-varnish is used for covering the copper- plate with, in any part where you do not wish the aqua- fortis to bite. This may be diluted to a proper consistence with turpentine, and mixed with lamp-black that it may be seen better when laid upon the plate. Etching-ground is used for covering the plate all over, previous to drawing the lines on it with the needles. It is prepared in the following manner: Take of virgin-wax and asphaltum, each twenty oun- ""S of black-pitch and Burgundy-pitch, each half an ounce; melt the wax and pitch in a new earthenware glazed pipkin, and add to tbein, by degrees, the asphal- tum, finely powdered. Let the whole boil till such time as by taking a drop upon a plate, it will break when it »s cold, on bending it double two or three times between th© fingers. The varnish being then enough boiled, must be taken off from the fire, and letting it cool a litfle, must be poured into warm water, that it may work the more easily with the hands, so as to form into balls for use. It must be observed, first, that the fire be not too violent, for fear of burning the ingredients; a slight simmering will be sufficient. Secondly, that while the asphaltum is putting in, and even after it is mixed with them, the ingredients should he stirred continually with a spatula; and, thirdly, that the water into which this composition is thrown, should be nearly of the same degree ol warmth with it, to prevent a kind of cracking, which happens when the water is too cold. The varnish ought always to be harder in summer than winter, and it will become so if it is suffered to boil lon- ger, or if a greater proportion of the asphaltum is used. The experiment above-mentioned, of the drop suffered to cool, will determine the degree of hardness or soft- ness that may be suitable to the season when it is used. To lay the ground for etching, proceed in the follow- ing manner. Having cleaned the copper-plate with some fine whiting and a linen rag, to free it from all grease, fix a hand-vice to some part of it where no work is in- tended to be, to serve as a handle for managing it by when warm. Roll up some coarse brown paper, and light one end; then hold the back of the plate over the burning paper, moving it about until every part of it is equally heated, so as to melt the etching-ground, wiiich should be wrapped up in a bit of taffety, to prevent any dirt that may happen to be among it from mixing with what is melted upon the plate. If the plate is large', it will be best to heat it over a chafing-dish with scone clear coals. It must be heated justsufficient to melt the ground, but not so much as to burn it. When a sufficient ejuan- tity of the ctching-gound has been rubbed upon the plate, it must he dabbed, or beaten gently, while the plate is hot, with a small dabber made of cotton wrapped up in a piece of taffety, by which operation the ground is distributed more equally over the plate than it could be by any other means. When the plate is thus uniformly and thinly covered with the varnish, it must be blackened hy smoking it with a wax-taper. For this purpose twist together three or four pieces of wax-taper, to make a larger flame, and while the plato is still warm, hold it with the varnished side downwards, and move the smoky part of the lighted taper over its surface, till it is made almost quite black; taking care not to let the wick touch the varnish, and that the latter get no smear or stain. In laying the etch- ing-ground, great care must be taken that no particles of dust or dirt of any kind settle upon it, as that would be found very troublesome in etching: the room there- fore in which it is laid should be as still as possible, and free from dust. The ground being now laid, and suffered to cool, the next operation is to transfer the design to the plate. For this purpose a tracing on oiled paper in us I now he made, from the design to be etched, with pen and ink, having a very small quantity of ox's gall mixed with it, to make the oiled paper take it; al-.o a piece of thin pa- per, of the same size, must be rubbed over with red chalk, powdered, by un-ans of some cotton. Then lay- ing tlie red-chalked paper, with its chalked side next ETCHING. the ground, on the plate, put the tracing over it, and fasten them both together, and to the plate, by a little bit of the bordering-wax. When all this is prepared, take a blunt etching-needle, and go gently all over the lines in the tracing; by which means the chalked paper will be pressed against the ground, and the lines of the tracing will be transferred to the ground: on taking off the papers they will be seen distinctly. The plate is now prepared for drawing through the lines which have been marked upon the ground. For this the etching-points or needles are employed, leaning hard or lightly, according to the degree of strength re- quired in the lines. Points of different sizes and forms are also used for making lines of different thickness, though commonly this is effected by the biting in with the aquafortis. A margin or border of wax must now be formed all round the plate, to hold the aquafortis when it is pour- ed on. To do this, the bordering-wax already described must be put into lukewarm water to soften it, and ren- der it easily worked by the hand. When sufficiently pliable it must be drawn out into long rolls, and put round the edges of the plate, pressing it down firm, and forming it with the fingers into a neat wall or margin. A spout must be formed in one corner, to pour off the aquafortis afterwards. The nitrous acid (spirit of nitre) is now to be diluted with four or five times as much water, or more (accor- ding as you wish the plate to be bitten quick or slow), and poured upon the plate. In a few minutes you will see minute bubbles of air filling all the lines that have been drawn on the copper, which are to be removed by a feather; and the plate must be now and then swept, as it is called, or kept free from air-bubbles. By the more or less rapid production of these bubbles, you judge of the rapidity with which the acids acts upon the copper. The biting in of the plate is the most uncertain part of the process, and nothing but very great experience can enable any one to tell wiien the plate is bitten enough, as you cannot easily see the thickness and depth of the line till the ground is taken off. When you judge from the time the acid has been on, and the rapidity of the biting, that those lines Avhich you wish to be the faintest are as deep as you wish, you pour off the acquafortis by the spout, wash the plate with water, and dry it, by blowing with bellows, or by the fire, taking care not to melt the ground. Those lines that are not intended to be bitten any deeper, must now be stopped up with turpentine-varnish mixed with a little lamp-black, and laid on with a cam- el's hair pencil; and when this is thoroughly dry the aquafortis may be poured on again, to bite the other lines that are required to be deeper. This process of stopping out and biting in is to be re- peated as often as there are to be lines of different de- grees of thickness, taking care not to make any mistake in stopping out wrong lines. It is also necessary to be particularly careful to stop out with the varnish those parts from which the ground may happen to have come off by the action of the acid, otherwise yon will have parts bitten that were not intend- ed, which is called foul-biting. When the biting in is quite finished, the next opera- tion is to remove the bordering-wax and the ground, in order that you may see what success you have had- ful- fill then this cannot be known exactly. To take off the bordering-wax the plate must be heat- ed by a piece of lighted paper, whieh softens the wax in contact with the plate, and occasions it to come off quite clean. Oil of turpentine is now poured upon the ground, and the plate is rubbed with a bit of linen rag,'" which removes all the ground. Lastly, it is cleaned' off with whiting. The success of the etching may now be known, but it is necessary to get an impression taken upon paper by a copper-plate printer. This impression is called a proof. If any parts are not bitten so deep as were intended, the process may be repeated; provided the lines are not too faintly bitten to admit of it. This second biting-in in the same lines is called re-biting, and is done as fol- lows: Melt a little of the etching-ground on a spare piece of copper, and dab it a little, to get some on the dabbcr; then having cleaned out with whiting the lines that are to be rebitten,. beat the plate gently, and dab it very lightly with.the dabber. By this the parts between the lines will be covered with the ground; but the lines them- selves will not be filled up, and consequently will be ex- posed to the action of acquafortis. This is a very deli- cate process, and must be performed with great care. The rest of the plate must now be varnished over, the bordering-wax put on again, and thd biting repeated in the same manner as at first. If any part should be bitten to deep, it is more diffi- cult to recover it, or make it fainter: this is generally done by burnishing the part down, or rubbing if with a piece of charcoal. This will make the lines shallower, and cause them not to print so black. Should any small parts of the lines have missed alto- gether in the biting, they may be cut.with the graver; which is also sometimes employed to cross the lines of the etching, and thus to work up a more finished ef- fect. Dry-pointing, as it is called, is another method em- ployed for softening the harsh effects usually apparent in an etching. This is done by cutting with the etching- point upon the copper without any ground or varnish. This does not make a very deep line, and is used un- covering the light, where very delicate tints and soft shadows are wanting. By varying these processes of etching, graving, and dry-pointing, as is thought ne- cessary, the plate is worked up to the full effect intended; and it is then sent to the writing-engraver, to grave whatever letters may be required to be put upon it. Etching on glass.—Glass resists the action of all the acids, except the fluoric acid. By this, however, it is corroded in the same manner as copper is by aquafortis; and plates of glass may be engraven in the same man- ner as copper. # There are several methods of performing this. We shall first describe the mode of etching by means of the fluoric acid in the state of gas. Having covered over the glass to be etched with a thin coat of virgin-wax (which is only common bee's-wax bleached white), draw ETHICb, thii design upon it in the same manner as in etching on copper. Then take some fluor spar, commonly called Derbyshire spar, pound it fine, and put it into a leaden vessel, pouring some sulphuric acid over if. Place the glass with the etched side lowermost over this vessel, two or three indies above it. Apply a gentle heat to the leaden vessel; this will cause the acid to act upon the fluor spar, and disengage the gas, which will corrode the glass. When it is sufficiently corroded, remove the wax by oil of turpentine. This etching may be also performed by raising a mar- gin of bordering-wax all round the glass, in the same manner as on copper, and pouring on the liquid fluoric acid, which acts upon the glass. The method of ma- king this acid is described under Fluoric acid, and in the article Chemistry. A third method of etching on glass is as follows: Hav- ing put the wax on the glass, draw your design, and raise a margin all round it. Then put pounded fluor spar, with some sulphuric acid diluted with water, upon the glass. The sulphuric acid will disengage the fluoric, which will be absorbed by the water, and corrode the glass. ETHICS, or Morality, the science of manners or duty, which it traces from man's nature and condition, and shows to terminate in his happiness; or, in other words, it is the knowledge of our duty and felicity, or the art of being virtuous and happy. Moral philosophy inquires, not how man might have been, but how he is constituted; not into what princi- ples or dispositions his actions may be artfully resolved, but from what principles and dispositions they actually rose; not what he may, by education, habit, or foreign influence, come to be or do, but what by his nature or original frame, he is framed to be and do. From a view, therefore, of man's faculties, appetites, and passions, it appears, that the health and perfection of man must be in the supremacy of conscience and reason, and in the subordination of the passions and affections to their au- thority and direction; and his virtue or goodness must consist in acting agreeably to this order and economy. It is true, some eminent philosophers have attempted to lay the foundation of morals much deeper, viz. in the nature and reason^ the truth and fitness of things. Senses and affections, tbey tell us, are vague and precarious; and though they were not, yet are irrational principles of action, and consequently very improper foundations, on which to rest the eternal and immutable obligations of morality. Hence they talk much of the abstract na- ture and reason of things, of eternal differences, unal- terable relations, fitnesses and unfitnesses resulting from those relations; and from these eternal reasons, differ- ences, relations, and their consequent fitnesses, they suppose moral obligation to arise. A conduct agreeable to them, or, in other words, to truth, they call virtue; and the reverse, vice. But the truth is, that we. might perceive all the possible relations, differences, and rea- sons of things, and yet be wholly indifferent to this or that conduct, unless we were endued with some sense or affection by which we approved and loved the one, and disapproved and disliked the other conduct. Reason may perceive a fitness to a certain end; but without some sense or affection we cannot propose or indeed have any idea of an end or nioive; and without an end, e can- not conceive any inducement to action. Therefore, be- fore we can understand the natures, reasons, and fit- nesses of tilings, which are said to be the foundation of morals, we must know what natures are meant, to what ends they are fitted, and from what principles or affec- tions they arc prompted to act; otherwise we cannot judge of the duty required, or of the conduct becoming that being whom we suppose under moral obligation. But let the natures be once given, and the relations which subsits among them be ascertained, wc can then determine what conduct will be obligatory to such na- tures, and adapted to their condition and economy. And to the same natures, placed in the same relations, the same conduct will be eternally and invariably proper and obligatory. Besides to call morality a conformity to truth, gives no idea, no characteristic of it, but what seems equally applicable to vice. For whatever propositions are pre- dicate of virtue (as, that it flows from good affections, or is agreeable to the order of our nature, tends to pro- duce happiness, is beheld with approbation, &c); the contrary propositions are equally true, 'and may be equally predicated, of vice. Another set of philosophers establish morals upon a better foundation, the will or positive' appointment of the Deity, and call virtue a conformity, to that will or appointment. All obligation, they say, supposes one who obliges, or who has a right to prescribe, and can reward the obedient, and punish the disobedient. This can be none but the Creator. His will, therefore, is our law, wiiich we are bound to obey. And this, they tell us, is alone sufficient to bind or oblige such imperfect and corrupt creatures as we are, who are hut feebly moved with a sense of the beauty and excellence of virtue, and strongly swayed by passion or views of interest. This scheme of morality entirely coincides with that deduced from our inward structure and condition, since these are the effects of the divine will. Whatever, there- fore, is agreeable or correspondent to our invyalttl struc- ture, must likewise be agreeable, or correspondent to the will of God. So that all the indications or sanc- tions of our duty, wiiich are declared or enforced by our structure are, and may be, considered as indications or sanctions of the will of our Creator. If these indica- tions, through inattention to, or abuse of, our structure, prove insufficient to declare: or if these sanctions, through the weakness or wickedness of men, prove insufficient to enforce obedience to the divine will, and the Deity is pleased to add new indications or new sanctions; these additional indications and sanctions cannot, and are not supposed by the assertors of this scheme, to add any new duty or new moral obligation; but only a new and purer promulgation of our duty, or a new and stronger sanction or motive from interest to perform that duty, and to fulfil that obligation to which we were bound be- fore. It makes no difference as to the matter of obliga- tion, after what manner the will of our Creator is en- forced or declared to us, whether by word or writ, or by certain inward notices and determinations of our own minds, arising according to a necessary law of our na- ture. Againfif the scheme of duty, as deduced from mo- ral perceptions, and the affections of our nature, is E T II E T H thought too slight a foundation on which to'rest morali- ty, because these are found insufficient to bind or rather to compel men to their duty, we fear the same objection will militate against the scheme of conformity to the di- vine will, since all the declarations and sanctions of it have not hitherto had their due effect, in producing a thorough and universal reformation. When some speak of the will of God as the rule of du- ty, they do not certainly mean a blind, arbitrary princi- ple of action, but such a principle as is directed by rea- son and governed by wisdom, or a regard to certain ends in preference to others: for unless we suppose some prin- ciple in the Deity analogous to our sense of obligation, some antecedent affection or determination of his nature to prefer some ends before others, we cannot assign any* sufficient reason why he should will one thing more than another. AVhatever, therefore, is the ground of his choice or will, must be the ground of obligation, and not the choice or will itself. That this it the case, appears far- ther from the common distinction which divines and phi- losophers make between moral and positive commands and duties. The, former they think obligatory antece- dent to will, efr at least to any declaration of it; the lat- ter, obligatory only in consequence of a positive appoint- ment of the divine will. But what foundation can tliere be for this distinction, if all duty and obligation is equal- ly the result of mere will? Whatever may have been the reasoning of heathen philosophers on this suhject (and to which, indeed, this article chiefly refers), the professors of Christianity have no difficulty in understanding what is tin? will of God; and consequently Vhat are the true principles of moral duty. That these were not understood byfc the wisest of the heathens, is evident from their practice, and still more so from even their speculative, their cool, deliberate, and well digested reasonings. (See Gregory's Essays Historical and Moral; Essay on the Pprinciples of Mo- rals.) But christians are furnished not only with the strongest motives but with the most clear and decisive precepts^r the performance of their duty. The excel- lence of the gospel in this respect supercedes the neces- sity of all human speculations; and hence nothing can be more idle or fruitless than to search for moral instruct- ions in the writings of the heathens. Nor canWiy thing be more a work of supererogation to men who have the Bible in their hands, than systems of ethics, or lectures on moral philosophy! On this account we have made this article very short, and given rather the opinions of others than our own, merely to show (as matter of in- formation) what has been said and thought upon the subject. Before we conclude this article, it will be proper to say something ofthe extraordinary hypothesis of Hob- bess, concerning the foundation of morality. This philo- sopher, who saw his country involved in all the distrac- tion and misery of a civil war, seems to have taken too narrow and partial a view of our nature, and has there- fore drawn it in a very odious and uncomfortable light. Next to the desire of sdf-preservation, he makes the love of glory and of power to be the governing passions in man; and from these, byr an arbitrary, unnatural, and unsupported hypothesis, contrary to common experience and common language, he attempts to deduce all the other passions which inflame the minds and influence the manners of men. According to him all men are equal, all desire anddiave a right to the same things, and want to excel each other in power and honour; but as it is im- possible for all to possess the same things, or to obtain a pre-eminence in power and honour, hence must arise a state of war and mutual carnage; which is what he calls a state of nature. But this shrewd philosopher subjoins, that men being aware that such a state must terminate in their own destruction, agreed to surrender their pri- vate unlimited right into the hands of the majority, or such as the majority should appoint, and to subject themselves for the future to common laws or to common judges or magistrates. In consequence of this surrender, and of this mutual compact or agreement, tbey are se- cured against mutual hostilities, and bound or obliged to a peaceable behaviour; so that it is no longer lawful or just (he certainly means safe or prudent) to invade and F incroach on one another, since this would be a violation of his promise. But one may ask him, what obligation is a man under to keep his promise or stand to his compact, if there is no obligation, no moral tie, distinct from that promise? On the wiiole, bis state of nature is a mere chi- mera, and the superstructure he has raised on it no less so. ETHER. See tEther. ETHMOIDAL, in anatomy, one of the common su- tures of the skull, which goes round the os etlinioids, from wiiich it derives its name, separating it from the bone in contact with it. ETHNOPHRONES, in church history, a sect of Christians of the seventh century, who, professing ^Christianity, joined to it all the ceremonies and follies of Paganism, such as judicial astrology, divinations of all kinds, &c. and .who observed all the feasts, times, and seasons, of the Gentiles. ETHOPOE1A, or Ethology, in rhetoric, a draught or description, expressing the manners, passions, genius, tempers,.aims, kc. of any person. Such is that noted picture of Cataline, as drawn by Salli.shjfnif magna vi et amini, kc <• He was a man of great vigour both of body and mind; but of a disposition extremely profligate and depraved. From his youth he took pleasure in civil wars, massacres, depredations, and intestine broils; and in these he employed his younger days. His body was formed for enduring cold, hungvr, and want of rest, to a degree indeed incredible: his spirit was daring, subtle, and changeable; he was expert in all the arts of simula- tion and dissimulation, covetous of what belonged to others, lavish of his own, violent in his passions: he had eloquence enough, but a small share of wisdom; his boundless soul was constantly engaged in extravagant and romantic projects, too high to be attempted/' END OF YOL. 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