:z:\ns 113 N53&b 362 C. H. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE CARE AND FEEDING OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN UATI3TI6IANS 1 DEPARTMENT JLUN28 1921 List of books, magazines and pamphlets for mothers, fathers, boys and girls, schools, libraries, health officers and nurses. BUREAU OF CHILD HYGIENE NEW JERSEY STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH i«m«TU •• ""■ PROPERTY OF THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE 1NI3I01W dO A«V«ail TVNOIIVN 3NIDI03W dO Aivagn TVNOIIVN 1NI3IQ3W dO A II V a a I 1 1YNOIK '. -wk X / \ 2 X >«TaP " ^^ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICII * iNisiaiw do Aavaan ivnoiivn 3nidiq3w do Aavaan ivnoiivn jnoiqbw do Aavaan ivnoux J -s v E NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICII \fk/ \ r n iNoiaiw do Aavaan ivnoiivn jNOioiw do Aavaan ivnoiivn jnisichw do Aavaan tvnoii' <&J E NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICII iNisiadw do Aavaan tvnouvn dNisiasw do Aavaan ivnoiivn jNoiaiw do Aavaan tvnoih n 3NI3IQ3W do Aavaan tvnouvn 3 Ni3ia3w do Aavaan tvnouvn jn id io sw do Aavaan tvnoii' E NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N A T I O N A L L I . R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E „ A T I 0 N A L L I B . A R Y O F M E D I C 1N^,n,« to Aavaan tvnouvn sn.d.chw do Aavaan tvnouvn in.3.q3w do Aavaan tvnoii 362 C. H. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON THE CARE AND FEEDING OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN List of books, magazines and pamphlets for mothers, fathers, boys and girls, schools, libraries, health officers and nurses. BUREAU OF CHILD HYGIENE NEW JERSEY STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 113 N53at> Hal >6.1 B I B L I O G R A P H Y CARE AND FEEDING OF INFANTS AND CHILDREN The following list of books have been carefully selected, and are espe- cially recommended to those who have charge of instructing mothers in the proper care and feeding of children, or who have personal supervision of infants and children. The books indicated with two stars are considered the best books for mothers, and those with one star are suggested for additional reading, particularly for nurses and Teachers of Child Hygiene. Author. *Abt., I. A...... Albertrv, A. M. *Clock, "R. O.... *Coolidge, E. L.. Croy, M. S..... Dennett, R. H... *Dickinson, M. B. Fischer, Louis.. **Griffith, J. P. C..... *Grulee, C. G........ *Hart, Mrs. E. V.... *Hatfield, M. P...... Hildesheim, O...... Hogan, L. E........ **Holt, L. E.......... *Hutchinson, Woods. **Kerley, C. G........ *Leo-Wolf, C. G..... *Lippert, F. E....... Lowry, E. B..... MaeCarthy, F. H. Morse, J. L...... Newton, A. B....... Noyes, Mrs. A. B-- Pritchard, G. E. C... Ramsey, W. R...... Book. *Ramsey, W. R...... *Richardson, A. S.... *Sadler, W. S........ Sill, E. M........... *Smith, R. M........ Tucker, B. R........ *Twedell, Francis--- Yale, L. M., and Pollak. G. *Young, D. H........ Baby's Food .................. Truth About the Baby.......... Our Baby ...................... Home Care of Sick Children--- 1,000 Things a Mother Should Know ........................ Healthy Baby .................. Children Well and Happy....... Health-Care of the Baby........ Food for Young Children, Supt. of Documents, Washington, D. C.......................... Care of the Child............... Infant Feeding ................ Baby's Physical Culture Guide.. Acute Con. Diseases of Childhood Health of the Child............. Diet for Children............... Care and Feeding of Children... We and Our Children........... short Talks with Young Mothers Child in Health and Illness..... When to Send for the Doctor and What To Do Before the Doctor Comes ....................... Your Baby .............™'.;;'"' Hygiene for Mother and Child... Care and Feeding of Children.. Mother and Baby............... How I Kept My Baby Well...... The Infant ...............•---• Care and Feeding of Infants and Children ..................... Infancy and Childhood.......... Better Babies and Their Care... Mother and Her Child........... The Child ...................... Babies' First Two Years........ Nervous Children .....• • • ■...... How To Take Care of Baby..... Century Book for Mothers...... First Aid to the Child........... Publisher. Saunders ............ Lowman & Hanford. Appleton ........... Appleton ............ Putnam ..... Macmillan .. Phillips-Leroy Funk ....... Price. 51.25 2.00 1.25 Saunders Saunders Rand .... Englehard Stokes ... Bobbs ___ Appleton . Doubleday Putnam .. Doran ___ Lippincott .......... Forbes .............. Harper ............. Howard University Press ............. Lothrop ............. Warwick & York--- Longmans .......... Lippincott Dutton ... Stokes ... MeClurg . Holt ..... Houghton Badger ... Bobbs --- Century .. Dutton 3 First List. [All prices subject to change, and constantly changing.] Phase of Hygiene Covered. The family ...... Prenatal hygiene. Infant care ...... Preschool child School hygiene.... Child welfare prob- lems. Community health. Sanitation ........ Public health nurs- ing. General reading... Author. Betts, G. H........ Wheeler, Marianna Smith, Dr. Richard M., and Mrs. H. C. Green. West, Mrs. Max... Hoag and Terman. Mangold .......... Porter, Charles--- Hill .............. Ritchie and Cald- well. Gardner .......... Chapin, H. D...... Wald, Lillian D.... Adams............ Devine ........... O'Shea and Kellogg Title. Fathers & Mothers Baby First Before the Comes. The Baby's Two Years. the Child Care, Part I, The Preschool Child. Health in Schools. Problems of Child Welfare. The Future Citizen and his Mother. The New Public Health. Primer of Hygiene Public Health Nursing ........ Health First....... House on Henry Street. The Health Master Misery and its Causes. Health Habits .... Publisher. Bobbs-Merrill, Indi- anapolis. Harper's, 1900...... Houghton, Mifflin... (Revised). Children's Bureau, Dept. of Labor. Washington, D. C Houghton Mifflin Macmillan, 1919 Houghton Mifflin Macmillan ..... World Book Co. Macmillan ..... Century Co. ... Holt ........... Houghton Mifflin Macmillan ... Macmillan ... Price. 12.00 1.00 Free 1.75 2.00 1.75 1.25 .52 2.00 1.50 2.50 1.35 1.25 .52 The above are fifteen books, covering a fair range, which should be in every library, and which may be considered a nucleus for books on hygiene. To these should be added the other publications of the Children's Bureau, the United States Public Health Service Bulletins, publications of the State Department of Public Health, and two or three good maga- zines dealing with current health topics, such as the "American Journal of Public Health," "Public Health Nurse," "School Life" (the official organ of the United States Bureau of Education, dealing to a considerable extent with health matters), and, if you can add another, "Journal of Industrial Hygiene." If you can make a larger investment in books on hygiene than the fifteen named in the first list; the following are suggested. This list has been arranged to meet the needs of different groups of people, and theiefore includes the books in the first list. 4 Second List. For the Mother and the Father of the Family. Title of Book. Author. Publisher. Price. Fathers and Motiiers......... Betts, G. H........... Bobbs-Merrill, 1915........ 10.75 Prospective Mother .......... Slemons, J. M...... Wheeler, M........... Smith, Richard M. and Mrs. H. C. Green. Holt, L. E............ Appleton, 1912............ 1.75 Before the Baby Comes...... Harper's, 1900............ 2.00 Baby's First Two Years...... Care and Feeding of Children Houghton Mifflin........., 1.00 .85 Ritchie, John W...... World Book Co., 1915..... .50 Rose, Mary Swartz... Macmillan ............. 1.50 .72 .72 Hygiene of the School Child.. 2.00 Nervous Children: Preven-tion and Management. Badger, 1916.............. 1.25 For the Teacher. Suggestions of Modern Science concerning Education (espe- cially the lecture by Meyer) Posture of School Children... Mental Hygiene of Childhood Healthful Living (based on the essentials of physiology for high school pupils). Jennings, Watson, Meyer and Thomas. Bancroft White, Wm. A., M.D. Williams, Jesse F___ Macmillan .... Macmillan ..... Little, Brown.. Macmillan, 191S Sl.20 1.60 1.35 1.20 For the Nurse. Outlines of Internal Medicine (for Nurses). Public Health Nursing....... Hygiene and Sanitation for Nurses. Essentials of Medicine....... Handbook for School Nurses. The School Nurse............ The Industrial Nurse........ The Tuberculosis Nurse...... Organization of Public Health Nursing. History of Nursing (4 vols.). Nursing Problems and Obliga- tions. ________ Farr ................. Gardner ............. Price ................ Emerson ............. Kelly and Bradshaw.. Struthers ............ Wright .............. La Motte ............ Brainerd ............. Nutting and Dock--- Parsons, Sara E....... Lea & Febiger....... Macmillan ........... Lea & Febiger....... Lippincott ........... Macmillan ........... Putnam's ............ Macmillan ........... Putnam's ............ Macmillan ........... Putnam's ............ Whitcomb & Barrows. $2.00 2.00 1.75 2.50 1.25 1.75 1.25 1.50 1.35 10.00 1.00 Second List—Continued. For Boys and Girls. Title of Book. Health Lessons, Books I and II. Health Habits (and others in series). Child's Book of the Teeth (first of a series of Health Readers. Cartoons). The Wonderful House that Jack Has. Milk Fairies (also dramatized version). Child Health Alphabet (ryhmes and tables of nor- mal weight). Any literature available on "Health Crusaders" (includ- ing a sheet of Health Rules"). Author. Davison, Alvin........ O'Shea and Kellogg... Ferguson, H. W..... Millard, C. N......... McCrillis ............. Peterson, Mrs. Frede- rick. Publisher. American Book Co......... Macmillan ................ World Book Co........... Macmillan ................ Mrs. J. McCrillis, 57 Heath St., Winter Hill, Mass. Child Health Organization; also Metropolitan Life Ins. Co., 1918. National Tuberculosis Asso- ciation, 381 Fourth Ave., New York. (If they have no booklets, they may have posters.) For the School Committee and Superintendent. Educational Survey of the Van Sickle, director.. School Committee, Brook- Free Public Schools of Brookline, line, Mass. Mass., (pp. 205-261, provi- sions for safeguarding health). Health and Medical Inspec- Cornell, W. B......... Davis, Philadelphia, 1912.. {3.00 tion of School Children (probably the best book on medical inspection of school children). Health FirstJ (pp. 200, 201, program for rural school Chapin, H. D......... 1.50 children). The Human Factor in Educa- 1.60 tion (especially chapter touching on "Human Wastes"). Laggards in our Schools..... 1.50 Medical Inspection of Schools Gulick and Ayres.... 1.50 Open Air Crusaders (open- Eliz. McCormick Me- Eliz. McCormick Memorial Free air schools; best equip- morial Fund. Fund, 315 Plymouth Ct, ment; this given in special Chicago, 111. pamphlet also). Comparison of Open-air and Teachers' College Record Free Indoor Classes.2 19. 352-368, September, 1918. Household Arts and School .25 Lunches. The Feeding of School Chil- Bulkley, M. E......... G. Bell & Sons, London... 1.25 dren. Euthenics: The Science of Richards, Ellen H..... Whiteomb and Barrows... 1.00 Controllable Environment. 1 This book listed also under "Books for Everybody." 1 This is not a book, but seems worth while to mention here. Secoiul List—Continued For Everybody. Title of Book. The Health Master (very good; interesting). Health First (the fine art of living). The Modern Milk Problem... The Newer Knowledge ol Nutrition. The Nursing Mother as a Factor of Safety in the Nutrition of the Young. Problems of Child Welfare... The New Public Health..... Misery and its Causes....... The House on Henry Street.. Industrial Medicine and Sur- gery (excellent; charts, medical inspection, etc.). American Public Health Pro- tection. A Layman's Handbook of Medicine. The Future Citizen and hia Mother (an English book; well written; preface espe- cially good). Principles of Sanitary Science and Public Health (sanita- tion). Psychology of Insanity (brief, concise, clear; good basis for study pf mental hygiene). Nervousness: Its causes, treatment and prevention (No. 5 in the Mind and Health Series). What is Malnutrition ?....... Poverty and Riches.......... Races and Immigrants in America. How to Live................. First Aid in the Home....... High Road to Health........ Personal Hygiene .......... Author. Adams ............... Chapin .............. MacNutt ............. McCollum, E. V...... McCollum, E. V., and Simmonds, N. Mangold ............. Hill ................. Devine .............. Wald ................ Mock ................ Hemenway ........... Cabot, Richard ...... Porter, Charles....... Sedgwick ............ Hart, Bernard........ Emerson, L. E........ Roberts .............. Nearing, 1916 ........ Commons, 1915....... Fisher and Fisk, 1917 Lynch ............... Kelly, James E....... Pyle ................. Publisher. Houghton Mifflin ......... Century Co., 1917.......... Macmillan ................ Macmillan ................ Reprinted from American Journal of Physiology, 1918, Vol. 46, pp. 275-313. Macmillan, 1919........... Macmillan ................ Macmillan ................ Henry Holt ............... W. B. Saunders Co., 1919.. Bobbs-Merrill Co........... Houghton Mifflin ........ Houghton Mifflin ......... Macmillan ................ G. P. Putnam's, 1919....... Little, Brown ............. Children's Bureau ....... Winston .................. Macmillan ............... Funk & Wagnalls........ Met. Life Ins. Co......... Dodd, Mead & Co........ W. B. Saunders .......... Price. $1.35 1.50 2.00 1.50 2.00 1.25 1.25 2.50 10.00 1.25 2.00 1.75 3.00 .75 1.35 Free 1.00 .50 1.00 Free 1.75 1.75 Second List—Concluded. Additional, for Social Workers especially. Title of Book. Author. Publisher. Price. Social Work (relationship of doctor and social worker). The Normal Family *......... Infant Mortality: Its Rela-tion to Social and Indus-trial Conditions, 1916. Cabot ................ Byington, Margaret F Henry Holt & Co., 1916... The Annals of the Ameri-can Academy of Political and Social Science, May, 1918, pp. 13-27. {1.50 3.00 .30 1 May have been reprinted. The following are Children's Bureau publications which you should have. (Children's Bureau, Department of Labor, Washington, D. C. Miss Julia Lathroy, Chief.) These pamphlets can be obtained free of charge while the available supply lasts; after that, from the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C, for a small sum. Annual Reports (fiscal year ends June 80). Care of Children Series. No. 1. Prenatal Care. Mrs. Max West. 1915. Bureau Publication No. 4. No. 2. Infant Care. Mrs. Max West. 1914. Bureau Publication No. 8. No. 3. Child Care, Part I. The Preschool Age. Mrs. Max West. 1918. Bureau Publication No. 30. No. 4. Milk. The Indispensable Food for Children. Dorothy Reed Mendenhall, M.D. 1918. Bureau Publication No. 35. Dependent, Defective and Delinquent Classes Series. No. 7. Mental Defect in a Rural County: A Medico-Psychological and Social Study of Mentally Defective Children In Sussex County, Del. Walter L. Tread- way, and Emma O. Lundberg. 1918. Bureau Publication No. 48. Infant Mortality Series. No. 1. No. No. 5. Nos. 4, Baby-Saving Campaigns: A Preliminary Report on what American Cities are doing to prevent Infant Mortality. 1914. Bureau Publication No. 3. (Supply exhausted at Children's Bureau. May be purchased from Super- intendent of Documents at 15 cents each.) New Zealand Society for the Health of Women and Children: An Example of Methods of Baby-Saving Work in Small Towns and Rural Districts. 1914. Bureau Publication No. 6. A Tabular Statement of Infant-Welfare Work by Public and Private A-encies in the United States. Etta R. Goodwin. 1916. Bureau Publication No. 16. 6, 7, 8 and 9 of this series comprise reports on field studies of infant mor- tality (based on births in one year) for cities of Montclair N J • Mm Chester, N. H.; Waterbury, Conn.; Brockton, Mass., and Saginaw" Mich respectively. Industrial Series. No. 1. Child-Labor Legislation in the United States. Helen L. Sumner and Ella A. Merritt. 1915. Bureau Publication No. 10. (Bureau supply of complete volume—1131 pages—exhausted, but reprints can be obtained of separate parts, as follows: Analytical Tables (475 pages, 2 charts), Separate No. 1; Text of Laws for Each State, Separates Nos. 2-54; Text of Federal Child-Labor Laws, Separate No. 55.) No. 2. Administration of ChildiLabor Laws. Three Parts (Employment-Certificate System in Various States): Part I, Sumner and Hanks. 1915. Bureau Publication No. 12. Part II, Sumner and Hanks. 1917. Bureau Publica- tion No. 17. Part III. Bird and Merritt. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 41. No. 3. List of References on Child Labor. 1916. Bureau Publication No. 18. Rural Child-Welfare Series. No. 1. Maternity and Infant Care in a Rural County in Kansas. Elizabeth Moore. 1917. Bureau Publication No. 26. No. 2. Rural Children in Selected Counties of North Carolina. Frances Sage Brad- ley, M.D., and Margaretta A. Williamson. 1918. Bureau Publication No. 33. No. 3. Maternity Care and the Welfare of Young Children in a Homesteading County in Montana. Viola I. Paridise. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 34. (This pamphlet has complete list, up to that date, of publications of Chil- dren's Bureau on indices cover pages.) No. 4. Maternity and Infant Care in Two Rural Counties in Wisconsin. Sherbon and Moore. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 46. Miscellaneous Series. No. 1. The Children's Bureau. Circular containing text of law establishing Bureau and outline of plans for immediate work. 1912. Bureau Publication No. 1. (This is out of print.) No. 2. Birth Registration. An aid in protecting the lives and rights of children. 1914. Bureau Publication No. 2. No. 4. Child-Welfare Exhibits. Types and preparation. A. L. Strong. 1915. Bureau Publication No. 14. No. 5. Baby-Week Campaigns (revised edition). 1917. Bureau Publication No. 15. No. 6. Maternal Mortality from All Conditions connected with Childbirth in the United States and Certain Other Countries. Grace L. Meigs, M.D. 1917. Bureau Publication No. 19. No. 7. Summary of Child-Welfare Laws passed in 1916. 1917. Bureau Publication No. 21. No. 9. How to Conduct a Children's Health Conference. Bradley and Sherborn. 1917. Bureau Publication No. 23. No. 12. An Outline for a Birth-Registration Test. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 54. Children's Year Leaflets. Miscellaneous Series—Concluded. No. 1. Children's Year, April 6, 1918, to April 6, 1919. 1918. Bureau Publication No. 36. No. 5. Children's Health Centers. 1918. Bureau Publication No. 45. No. 6. The Public Health Nurse: How she helps to keep the Babies well. 1918. Bureau Publication No. 49. No. 7 and No. 8. Back-to-School Drive (No. 8, Suggestions to Local Com- mittee). 1918. Bureau Publications Nos. 49 and 50, respectively. No. 10. Advising Children in their Choice of Occupation, and Supervising the Work- ing Child. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 53. No. 11. The Visiting Teacher. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 66. 9 Child Labor Division Series. No. 1. August 14, 1917. Rules and Regulations for carrying out Provisions of United States Child-Labor Act (includes text of act). No. 2. June 30, 1918. Decision of the United States Supreme Court as to Constitu- tionality of the Federal Child-Labor Law of September 1, 1916. Children's Year Follow-up Series. No. 1. What is Malnutrition? Hundreds of Thousands of American Children are undernourished. Lydia Roberts. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 59. No. 2. Save the Youngest. Seven charts on Maternal and Infant Mortality, with explanatory comment. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 61. Legal Series. No. 2. Illegitimacy Laws of United States. E. Freund. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 42. No. 3. Maternity Benefit Systems in Certain Foreign Countries. Henry J. Harris. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 57. No. 4. Laws relating to Mothers' Pensions in United States, Canada, Denmark, and New Zealand. Compiled by L. A. Thompson. 1919. Bureau Publication No. 63. Conference Series. No. 1. Standards of Child Welfare. A report of the Children's Bureau Conferences, May and June, 1919. Bureau Publication No. 60. The following are pamphlet publications of the Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C, which have a bearing on health, and which should be included:— Title. Author. Bulletin No. Reference. The Teaching of Com- Barnard, Car- 1915, No. 23... Pp. 20, 21. Suggested treat- munity Civics. rier, Dunn ment of the elements of wel- and Kingsley. fare. Topic I, Health. Ryan, W. Car- 1913, No. 48... Report of the Fourth Interna- son, Jr. tional Congress on School Hygiene at Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 25-30, 1913. Cardinal Principles of Kingsley, C. D., 1918, No. 35... Report of Commission on Re- Secondary Educa- Chairman of organization of Secondary tion. Commission. Education, appointed by Na-tional Educational Associa-tion. Page 11 gives Health as the first objective. Organized Health Hoag, E. B., 1913, No. 44... Bibliography, charts, school Work in Schools. M.D. nurse, etc.; and account of school hygiene in Minneapo-lis. Organized health work in List of Publications of _ _ _ Inside cover Bureau of Educa- page of 1913, schools. tion, 1912 and 1913. No. 44. Bibliography of Medi- — — — 1913, No. 16... _ _ cal Inspection and Health Supervision. Sanitary Schoolhouses. _ _ _ 1913, No. 52.. Legal requirements in Indiana and Ohio. The Health of School Compiled by W. 1915, No. 4___ Contributions from American Children. H. Heck. Medical Journals, July, 1913, to July, 1914. Page 47 treats of Squint. 10 The Framingham (Mass.) Community Health and Tuberculosis Demonstration of the National Tuberculosis Association, Donald B. Arm- strong, M.D., executive officer, has issued a series of monographs and other literature which it would be well to have on file. Monograph: No. 1, The Program, April, 1918.......1 „ . , vr„ o ti,„ c-„i /- t , «,„ Framingham, Mass., Com- No. 2, The Sickness Census, June, 1918,..... '' „., ' ,. x- » ir-t i C4. 4.- i- a i. ,„ „ munity Health Station, No. 3, Vital Statistics, August, 1918......I „ . , „ ,i, ^ .,.,,,.,„ .». ,-, . ,, , , .„ 1 Framingham Health Dem- No. 4, Medical Examination Campaigns, November, 1918, No. 5, Tuberculosis Findings, March, 1919, ... I Diagnostic Standards: Pulmonary Tuberculosis; Tuberculous Cervical Adenitis. Third edition, September, 1918. Framingham Health Demonstration. What has the Demonstration done? Shall it be continued? October, 1919. Report of the committee on appraisal. Health Administration in cities of Less than Twenty Thousand Population. D. B. Arm- strong, M.D. Reprint from Journal of American Medical Association, November 2, 1918, Vol. 71, pp. 1458-1462.1 Civilian Tuberculosis Control following War Conditions. D. B. Armstrong, M.D. Reprint from American Journal of Public Health, Vol. VIII, No. 12, Dec, 1918, pp. 897-903.1 Memoranda for Reference of Names and Addresses of Book Companies and Other Organizations getting out Books on Health Topics, and the General Line of Books issued on Health Matters. Macmillan Co., 64 Fifth Ave- nue, New York. Houghton Mifflin & Co., 4 Park Street, Boston, Mass. American Book Co., . World Book Co., National Conference of Social Work, 315 Plymouth Ct., Chicago, 111. Good Health Series of School Readers by O'Shea and Kellogg (4 vols, issued). Rural Science Series: Rural Hygiene, by Ogden. Posture of the School Child, by Bancroft. Series of Public Health Nursing Handbooks, Mary S. Gardner, General Editor. Other books on health subjects generally (Hill: The New Public Health, etc. See their catalogue under "Hygiene.") In Riverside Textbooks in Education Series, some books on Hygiene and Health Education in Schools (mainly by Terman, Hoag and Terman, and Andress, J. M.). A number of medical books, books on hygiene of body and of mind, medical research and human welfare. (See under "Hygiene" and "Medical Books" in classified in- dex of their 1919 catalogue.) A series of Health Lessons, by Alvin Davison. A series of primers on Care of Teeth, Sanitation, etc., by various authors. Write for their check list. There are a considerable num- ber of pamphlets on health topics. Write for Health reports, addresses, discussions of Forty- fourth Annual Meeting of National Conference of Social Work, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 6-13, 1917. Contains dis- cussion of public health, public health nurse, infant mortality, economy in diet, etc. 1 May be obtained from Framingham Health Station. 11 Whitcomb & Barrows, Hunt- ington Chambers, Boston, Mass. Russell Sage Foundation, 130 East 22d St., New York. Survey Associates, 105 East 22d St., New York. Health Education Committee, 553 Little Bldg., Boston, Mass. National Organization for Public Health Nursing Pub- lications, 156 Fifth Ave., New York. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., New York. National Industrial Confer- ence Board, 15 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Massachusetts Department of Public Health. United States Public Health Service. Specialize in books on nursing and home economics. They have a combination for §5 (at present, February, 1920): Wright's Industrial Nursing, net, $1.25; Hill's Cook Book for Nurses, 75 cents; Havves' Observation of Symptoms, $1; Mackenzie, Standard Surgical Dress- ings, 30 cents; Stern & Spitz, Food for the Worker, {l; and Talbot, House Sanitation, 80 cents, which they recommend to any industry, and it seems a very good selection. They publish books on nursing and diet for invalids, oc- cupation for invalids, books on cost of food, shelter, cleanness, food, etc. Catalogue of Publications, 1919. Monographs; surveys; investigations on Child Labor, Child-placing, Health in the Schools, Trades and Workers, Community Centers, Cost of Living, School Buildings and Equipment, etc. Catalogue also has list of lantern slides available for lectures (some on health topics). Bibliographies (as No. 30, August, 1918, books on Child Welfare in War Time). Write for Catalogue. Publishes books for Russeil Sage Foundation. Write to them concerning health legislation. Various pamphlets on health problems.—public health, health of mothers and children, diet lists, etc. Issue numerous health pamphlets.—All About Milk, First Aid in the Home, Food Facts, Teeth, Tonsils and Adenoids, etc. Circulars on contagious diseases,—measles, scarlet fever, etc. Mortality Statistics (including Mortality Statistics of Insured Wage Earners and Their Families, by Louis I. Dublin, 1911-16. Published, 1919, by M. L. I. Co.). Publish reports and statistical data relative to loss of time in industry due to sickness and other causes. (When investigation is finished.) Write to the State Department for its published literature (The Baby and You, diet lists and pamphlets, etc.); for bulletin of publications; for information concern- ing health legislation and proposed legislation; for available lectures, slides and moving-picture films; for its regular bulletin "The Commonhealth"; for informa- tion concerning contagious or in any way communicable diseases; for advice on any problem of health or sanitation. Write for their Keep Well Series of pamphlets; for their Lectures on Social Hygiene for Nurses, 1919; for their regular bulletins on various phases of public health. Lea & Febiger, 706 Sansom St., Philadelphia, Pa. D. C. Heath & Co., Beacon St., Boston, Mass. Little, Brown & Co., 34 Bea- con St., Boston, Mass. D. Appleton & Co., 29 West 32d St., New York. J. B. Lippincott Co., 227 So. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. C. V. Mosby Co., Metropolitan Building, St. Louis, Mo. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2 West 45th St., New York. W. B. Saunders Co., Philadel- phia, Pa. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. They publish a Nurses' Text-Book Series, including Parker's Materia Medica, Farr's Outlines of Internal Medicine, Bacon's Obstetrical Nursing, Fox's Bacteriol- ogy, Price's Hygiene and Sanitation, Amoss's Chem- istry and Chemical Urinalysis, etc., and they have new books in preparation (including Eckman's Dietetics for Nurses and Foley's Public Health Nursing. Joslin's Diabetic Manual is also in preparation). They publish also Mouth Hygiene, a course of instruction for dental hygienists, a textbook compiled by Alfred C. Fones, D.D.S., of Bridgeport, Conn., where he has done special work in the public schools in mouth hygiene. They publish also a Manual of Practical Hygiene for students, physicians and health officers, by Harrington, revised by Mark Wyman Richardson, M.D., and other books on sanitation, communicable diseases, etc. Their textbooks include texts on civics, economics, so- ciology and on physical training; also school texts on physiology and hygiene, and one on home and com- munity hygiene (Brown). They publish many books on cookery, on home economics in general, and domestic science for schools. They publish a Mind and Health series, which is very good. Teachers and nurses should be familiar with this series. They publish books on nursing, health, hygiene, first aid and household affairs. They publish Florence Nightin- gale's Notes on Nursing; Rosenau's Preventive Medi- cine and Hygiene; Doty's Good Health—How to Get It—How to Keep It; Holt's Care and Feeding of Chil- dren; Coolidge's Home Care of Sick Children; Burks and Burks' Health and the School; etc. This company publishes nursing textbooks and books of interest to nurses. Publishers of nursing books. Publishers of Cambridge (Eng.) Public Health Series (Cambridge University Press); medical books; and books on nursing (including Nutting and Dock's His- tory of Nursing in 4 volumes, LaMotte's Tuberculosis Nurse, Pope's Medical Dictionary for Nurses, Struther's School Nurse, etc.). Pyle's Personal Hygiene and books on nursing. Kelly's High Road to Health. 13 The town library should subscribe to at least one magazine on public health matters, and it should have several to which the public health nurse, the doctor and everybody else can refer. We suggest the following: Magazines and Current Publications. The Public Health Nurse (monthly). National Organization for Public Health Nursing, 2157 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. {2 per year. The American Journal of Nursing (monthly). American Journal of Nursing Company, 19 West Main St., Rochester, N. Y. {2 per year. The Journal of Industrial Hygiene (and abstract of the literature) (monthly). Journal of Industrial Hygiene, The Macmillan Company, 64-66 Fifth Ave., New York. {5 per year. School Life. This magazine is most valuable. It is a teacher of health. You should not fail to subscribe for it. United States Bureau of Education. 50 cents per year. American Journal of Public Health. This is the journal of the American Public Health Association. Most valuable. 169 Massachusetts Ave., Boston, Mass. $4 per year. Mental Hygiene. This magazine as well as the bulletins of the National Committee for Mental Hygiene (same address), contains many articles which should be of interest to teachers especially, and also to nurses. 50 Union Sq., New York. ?2 per year. Journal of Outdoor Life. Not specially a health magazine, or to take the place of any of the above, but tends to make outdoor life and healthy activity attractive. 289 Fourth Ave., New York. [Reprinted from Bibliography in The Commonwealth, Massachusetts Department of Public Health Monthly Bulletin.] 14 No. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1 A Nutrition Clinic in a Public School, by William R. P. Emerson, M.D. 2 Nutrition Clinics and Classes, Their Organization and Conduct, by William R. P. Emerson, M.D. 3 Record Book for Measured Feeding, by William R. P. Emerson, M.D. Price 25 cents, $16.00 a hundred. 4 Weight Chart for Children in the Home. 5 Weight Chart for Use in Nutrition Classes. 6 Standardized Physical Examinations, by William R. P. Emer- son, M.D 7 Defective Nutrition and Growth; A Selected Bibliography by Frank A. Manny. 8 The Physical and Mental Defects of So-Called Well Children, by William R. P. Emerson, M.D. 9 Food and Malnutrition. 10 General Hygiene and Malnutrition. 11 Fatigue and Malnutrition. 12 Practical Psychology and Malnutrition. *13 Obesity in Children. *14 Practical Mental Examinations for Growing Children. *15 The Nutrition Worker. *16 Economic Aspects of Malnutrition. 17 Malnutrition in Children; Report of a Clinic by William R. P. Emerson, M.D. * In preparation. With the exception of Number 3, the publications are furnished at the price of ten cents for a single copy, postage not included. Special rates will be made for quantities of one hundred or more. OrdB* Above Publications I'rom NOTWHON CUNICS FO» DKLICATK^ILDr^ 44 DWIGHT ST., BOSTON, Mas) 15 UOtlVlllllVNOIlVN 3NI3.Q3W JO AaVaaiT TVNOUVN 3 N I 3 1 0 3 W J O A a V a a IT T V N O I 1 * N 3N.3la L LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N A T I 01 w jo Aavaan tvnouvn jnidiojw jo Aavaan tvnouvn inoiqjw jo Aavaan tvnouvn snoiq a LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIOI Ik I . w jo Aavaan tvnouvn indiqiw jo Aavaan tvnouvn jnoiojw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3Ni3ia %J • K L LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATION w jo Aavaan tvnouvn jndioiw jo Aavaan tvnouvn inidiojw jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3 n i :> i a l LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIOI h jo Aavaan tvnouvn 3Ni3i03w jo Aavaan tvnouvn ! SPEEDY BINDER ^^ZZl Syracuse, N. Y. . Stockton, Calif. national library of medicine NLH 0r2m?0Z 3 \ NLM029167023