UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ^ . . FOUNDED 1836 WASHINGTON, D. C. Bl9574 THE PITUITARYADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION _______ACTH, CORTISONE and Related Compounds ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY MM. (SitLiirart ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY THE PITUITARY-ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION: ACTH, CORTISONE AND RELATED COMPOUNDS A bibliography Compiled by Karl A. Baer and Marjory Spencer with the assistance of Paulyne Tureman and Stanley Jablonski Washington, D. C. December, 1950 r\ rein . ZY1K t \950 C. ? ARMLD FOH ES ME0IC4I LIBRARY WASHINGTON. D. C. ♦References marked with an asterisk were not available for exami- nation when the list was compiled. This does not necessarily mean that they are not now available at the Army Medical Library. -i INTRODUCTION This work is the first of a group of bibliographic publications on special subjects which the Army Medical Library hopes to present to the medical community. This is in keeping with the Library's tradition of making the contents of its unrivalled collec- tion available to physicians and other scholars everywhere. Since a substantial portion of the bibliography is based on the cards of the Subject File, the unpublished portion of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office, the publication of this bibliography also partially fulfills a recommendation by the Surgeon General's Committee of Consultants for the Study of the Indexes to Medical Literature to the effect that "the present backlog of cards intended for use in future volumes of the Index-Catalogue possesses values that should not be lost ... (and) methods of utilizing those cards should be developed by the Army Medical Library." Added to the references from the Subject File is a large number of references taken from many other sources. Although the bibli- ography contains many citations on this subject, it is reasonable to assume that some references have been overlooked. The Army Medical Library would be grateful if users of this work would call its attention to such omissions, for incorporation in a possible future supplement. FRANK B. ROGERS Lt. Col., M. C. 15 December 1950 Director, Army Medical Library -iii- PREFACE In the spring of 1950, the keen interest of the medical profession in the therapeutic application of adrenocortical and corticotrophic hormones prompted the Army Medical Library to undertake the compilation of a bib- liography on the topic. Dr. Evelyn Anderson of the National Institutes of Health and Dr. Erwin P. Vollmer of the Naval Medical Research Institute graciously consented to act as Consultants. They stayed with the project from its beginning to its completion, giving freely of their valuable time. On their advice, the scope of the list was extended to take in the entire field of pituitary-adrenocortical function; it was decided not to include any books or any material published before 1940. Limitations imposed by time and personnel affected the bibliography in two ways: 1) The original plan of having the bibliography fully annotated had to be abandoned when it became apparent that the number of references v to be listed far exceeded the original estimate, and 2) no special search was made for abstracts; but those found during the ordinary search for material were included. The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by subject on the basis of the literature in the field. The abbreviations used for titles of journals are those adopted by the Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office. Dr. Erich Mosettig of the National Institutes of Health answered some complicated questions on steroid chemistry. The following members of the Staff of the Army Medical Library took part in the project: Miss Marjory Spencer to whom credit should go for the sections on Addison's and Cushing's disease; Mr. Stanley Jablonski who helped in organizing the various files; Mrs. Paulyne Tureman who did some fine detective work identifying hopeless looking references, and last but not least, Mrs. Alta Jean Stewart to whom a very special acknowledgment is due for the efficient and intelligent way in which she typed an extremely difficult manuscript. Karl A. Baer Bibliographer Reference Division -v- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABORTION, see GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME ACROMEGALY, see PITUITARY GLAND - HYPOFUNCTION ADDISON'S DISEASE 1 ADDISON'S DISEASE - BLOOD 4 ADDISON'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS 6 ADDISON'S DISEASE - DIAGNOSIS 9 ADDISON'S DISEASE - ETIOLOGY 12 ADDISON'S DISEASE - EXPERIMENTAL 13 ADDISON'S DISEASE - HEART 13 ADDISON'S DISEASE - IN CHILDREN AND INFANTS 14 ADDISON'S DISEASE - IN PREGNANCY 14 ADDISON'S DISEASE - METABOLISM 15 ADDISON'S DISEASE - NERVOUS SYSTEM 19 ADDISON'S DISEASE - PATHOLOGY 19 ADDISON'S DISEASE - PIGMENTATION 21 ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT 21 ADRENAL CORTEX 32 ADRENAL CORTEX - FUNCTION TESTS 35 ADRENAL CORTEX - HORMONES, see CORTICOSTEROIDS ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERFUNCTION 38 ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERTROPHY 40 ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION 41 ADRENAL CORTEX - PATHOLOGY 45 ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY 46 ADRENAL GLAND 54 ADRENAL GLAND - HORMONES 56 ADRENAL GLAND - HYPERFUNCTION, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERFUNCTION ADRENAL GLAND - HYPERTROPHY, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERTROPHY ADRENAL GLAND - HYPOFUNCTION, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION ADRENAL GLAND - PATHOLOGY 57 ADRENAL GLAND - PHYSIOLOGY 57 ADRENAL GLAND - TRANSPLANTS 59 ADRENAL GLAND - TUMORS, see NEOPLASMS ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE 60 ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - ADMINISTRATION AND DOSAGE 62 ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - ASSAY 62 -VI- Page ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - CHEMISTRY 63 ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - EFFECTS 66 ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - THERAPY 71 ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME 73 AGE 74 AGRANULOCYTOSIS, see BLOOD - CYTOLOGY ALARM REACTION, see GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME ALCOHOLISM 76 ALLERGY 77 ALKALOSIS, see BLOOD - CHEMISTRY ALTITUDE, see STRESS ANAMNESTIC REACTION, see IMMUNITY ANAPHYLACTOID REACTION, ANAPHYLAXIS, see ALLERGY ANEMIA 80 ANESTHESIA 81 ANTIBODIES, see IMMUNITY ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RE LATED DISORDERS 81 ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - ETIOLOGY 83 ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - METABOLISM 86 ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT 87 ARTERITIS OBLITERANS, see BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES ASCORBIC ACID 108 ASTHENIA 110 ASTHMA 110 ATHEROSCLEROSIS, see BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES BLOOD 112 BLOOD - ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE, see BLOOD - HORMONES BLOOD - ASCORBIC ACID, see ASCORBIC ACID BLOOD - CHEMISTRY 113 BLOOD - CHOLESTEROL, see CHOLESTEROL BLOOD - CIRCULATION 119 BLOOD - CYTOLOGY 119 BLOOD - ELECTROLYTES, see BLOOD - CHEMISTRY BLOOD - HORMONES BLOOD - VOLUME BLOOD PRESSURE BLOOD PRESSURE, HIGH, see HYPERTENSION BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES l2g BONES 125 126 127 -vii- Page 131 132 BRAIN BRAIN - HYPOTHALAMUS 132 BROMIDE POISONING 132 BURNS CANCER, see NEOPLASMA CAPILLARIES 134 CARDITIS, RHEUMATIC, see RHEUMATIC FEVER CELIAC DISEASE, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION CEREBROSPINAL FLUID 135 CHOLERA, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES CHOLESTEROL 135 CLOSTRIDIUM WELCHH, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES COLD, see STRESS COLITIS, ULCERATIVE, see G ASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES COLLAGEN DISEASES 136 CONNECTIVE TISSUE, see TISSUE RESPONSE COOLEY'S DISEASE, see ANEMIA CORTICOSTEROIDS 136 CORTICOSTEROIDS - ASSAY 137 CORTICOSTEROIDS - CHEMISTRY 140 CORTICOSTEROIDS - EFFECTS 147 CORTICOSTEROIDS - EXCRETION, see URINE - STEROIDS CORTICOSTEROIDS - THERAPY 153 CORTISONE 155 CORTISONE - CHEMISTRY 157 CORTISONE - EFFECTS 158 CORTISONE - THERAPY 159 CURLING'S ULCER, see G ASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES CUSHING'S DISEASE 160 CUSHING'S DISEASE - BLOOD 164 CUSHING'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS 165 CUSHING'S DISEASE - DIAGNOSIS 166 CUSHING'S DISEASE - ETIOLOGY 167 CUSHING'S DISEASE - IN CHILDREN 168 CUSHING'S DISEASE - METABOLISM 169 CUSHING'S DISEASE - PATHOLOGY 170 CUSHING'S DISEASE - TREATMENT 172 DE HYDROCORTICOSTERONE 174 DE RMATOM YOSITIS 17 5 DE SOXYCORTICOSTERONE 17 5 DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - ADMINISTRATION, DOSAGE 175 -Vlll- Page DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - ASSAY 177 DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - CHEMISTRY 177 DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - EFFECTS 180 DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - THERAPY 192 DIABETES INSIPIDUS 192 DIABETES MELLITUS 192 DIABETES MELLITUS - BLOOD 193 DIABETES MELLITUS - COMPLICATIONS 193 DIABETES MELLITUS - ETIOLOGY 193 DIABETES MELLITUS - EXPERIMENTAL 194 DIABETES MELLITUS - METABOLISM 195 DIABETES MELLITUS - TREATMENT 196 DIARRHEA, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES DIET 197 DIOSCORACEAE, see CORTISONE - CHEMISTRY . DIPHTHERIA, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES DISSERTATIONS AND THESES 199 DYSENTERY, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES ECLAMPSIA, see PREGNANCY ECZEMA 200 EDEMA 200 ENZYMES 201 EOSINOPHILIS, see BLOOD - CYTOLOGY EPHEDRINE 203 EPILEPSY 204 EXOPHTHALMOS, see THYROID GLAND EYES - DISEASES 204 "FAT FACTOR," see METABOLISM FATS FRACTURES 205 GALLBLADDER 205 GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES 205 GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - PHYSIOLOGY 207 GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME 207 GINGIVITIS 210 GOUT 210 GROWTH 213 HAIR 215 HAY FEVER 216 HEART HOMEOSTASIS HYALURONIDASE, see ENZYMES HYDROXYCORTICOSTEROIDS HYPERTENSION 216 218 218 -ix- Page HYPOGLYCEMIA 224 HYPOTENSION, see BLOOD PRESSURE ICTERUS, HEMOLYTIC, see ANEMIA IMMUNITY 225 INFECTIOUS DISEASES 229 INSULIN 233 KETOSIS, see METABOLISM - KETONES 17-KETOSTEROIDS 234 17-KETOSTEROIDS - EXCRETION, see URINE - STEROIDS KIDNEYS 234 LACTATION 238 LEUKEMIA 238 LIVER 240 LIVER - GLYCOGEN, see METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES LOEFFLER'S SYNDROME 242 LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS 243 LYMPHOBLASTOMA, see NEOPLASMS Lymphoid tissue 244 mammary gland 245 MENSTRUATION, see REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM MENTAL DISORDERS 245 MESENCHYMAL TISSUE, see TISSUE RESPONSE METABOLISM 249 METABOLISM - AMINO ACIDS, see METABOLISM - PROTEINS METABOLISM - ASCORBIC ACID, see ASCORBIC ACID METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES 252 METABOLISM - CHLORIDE, see METABOLISM - ELECTRO- LYTES METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES 261 METABOLISM - ENZYMES, see ENZYMES METABOLISM - FATS 265 METABOLISM - FLUIDS, see METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES and METABOLISM - WATER METABOLISM - KETONES 268 METABOLISM - NITROGEN 269 METABOLISM - OXYGEN, see RESPIRATION METABOLISM - PHOSPHORUS 269 METABOLISM - POTASSIUM, see METABOLISM - ELECTRO- LYTES METABOLISM - PROTEINS 270 METABOLISM - RESPIRATION, see RESPIRATION METABOLISM - SODIUM, see METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES METABOLISM - STEROIDS, see URINE - STEROID -X- Page METABOLISM - URATE (URIC ACID), see DIABETES MELLITUS - EXPERIMENTAL and GOUT METABOLISM - VITAMINS, see VITAMINS METABOLISM - WATER 271 MUSCLES 274 MYASTHENIA GRAVIS, see MUSCLES " MYXEDEMA '276 NEOPLASMS 276 NEOPLASMS - EXPERIMENTAL 281 NEOPLASMS - TREATMENT 284 NEPHRITIS, NEPHROSCLEROSIS, NEPHROSIS, etc., see KID- NEYS NERVOUS SYSTEM 285 OLD AGE, see AGE OSTEOPOROSIS, see BONES, CUSHING'S DISEASE - COMPLI- CATIONS OVARY, see REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM PANTOTHENIC ACID, see VITAMINS PARAPLEGIA 286 PEMPHIGUS 286 PEPTIC ULCER, see GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES PERIARTERITIS NODOSA, see BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES PERITONEUM 287 PIGMENTATION 287 PINK DISEASE, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION 287 PITUITARY GLAND 296 PITUITARY GLAND - HYPOFUNCTION and HYPERFUNCTION 296 PITUITARY GLAND - IMPLANTATION 298 PITUITARY GLAND - PHYSIOLOGY 298 PITUITARY GLAND - TUMORS, see NEOPLASMS PITUITARY PREPARATIONS 299 PLACENTA, see PREGNANCY PNEUMOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES PNEUMONIA, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES POPULAR ARTICLES 299 PORPHYRIA 300 POST-OPERATIVE DISEASE, see SURGERY POTASSIUM - POISONING 300 PREGNANCY 300 PREGNANE DERIVATIVES 302 PSORIASIS 302 PSYCHONEUROSES AND PSYCHOSES, see MENTAL DISORDERS RADIATION AND RADIATION SICKNESS -xi- Page REFRACTORY STATE 304 REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 305 RESPIRATION 305 REVIEW ARTICLES - ENGLISH 306 REVIEW ARTICLES - GERMAN 309 REVIEW ARTICLES - ITALIAN 309 REVIEW ARTICLES - SPANISH 309 RHEUMATIC FEVER 309 SARCOIDOSIS 311 SCHIZOPHRENIA, see MENTAL DISORDERS SCLERODERMA 311 SCLEROSIS, DISSEMINATED 311 SCURVY, see VITAMINS SEX, see REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM SHOCK 312 SHWARTZMAN PHENOMENON, see IMMUNITY SIMMOND'S DISEASE, see PITUITARY GLAND - HYPOFUNC- TION AND HYPERFUNCTION SKIN 315 SKIN - DISEASES, see names of individual diseases SPLEEN 315 STARVATION 316 STEROIDS 317 STRESS 318 STROPHANTUS, see ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - CHEMISTRY and CORTISONE - CHEMISTRY SURGERY 323 SWEAT 325 TERRAMYCIN 325 TESTOSTERONE, see CORTICOSTEROIDS - EFFECTS, DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - EFFECTS, URINE - STEROIDS THERMOREGULATION 326 THORN TEST, see ADRENAL CORTEX - FUNCTION TESTS THYMUS 326 THYROID 326 TISSUE RESPONSE 327 TOXICOSIS - IN INFANTS 329 TUBERCULIN REACTION, see IMMUNITY TUBERCULOSIS, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES UREMIA 329 URINE 330 URINE - ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE 331 URINE - STEROIDS 332 -xii- Page VIRILISM, see ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME VITAMINS 344 WATERHOUSE -FRIDERICHSEN SYNDROME 345 WOUNDS - HEALING, see TISSUE RESPONSE THE PITUITARY-ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION: ACTH, CORTISONE AND RELATED COMPOUNDS ABORTION, see GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME ACROMEGALY, see PITUITARY GLAND - HYPOFUNCTION ADDISON'S DISEASE, see also ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION 1. Amado, J. H. Acquisitions sur la maladie d'Addison. Paris me'd., 1947, 37^: 441-450. 46 references. 2. Anderson, E., Kinsell, L. W.,. Daniels, T. C, and Henderson, E. Treatment of Addison's disease by intraoral administration of des- oxycorticosterone acetate tablets. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, £: 1324-1332. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 139; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 642; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 258. Report of 14 cases successfully managed over periods up to 2 years. 21 references. 3. Barnett, A. J. Addison's disease; report of a case with unusual features and review of 30 cases. Med. J. Australia, 1948, 2-. 742- 744. 4. Broch, O. J. Addison's disease; remarks regarding its clinical features, prognosis and treatment, based upon 30 recorded cases. Acta med. scand., 1946, 125: 371-385. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1948, 2: 26^27. 13 references. 5. Broster, L. R., and Elton, A. E. Addison's disease treated by adrenal grafting. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1949, 42: 260-262. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal sub- stances, 1949, p. 31. Presentation of patient. 6.*Cawadias, A. P. Adrenocortical cancer with undulating fever in Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 507-514. ♦See note on verso of title page. -2- ADDISON'S DISEASE (Continued) 7. Crampton, J. H., Scudder, S. T., and Davis, C. D. Carbohydrate metabolism in the combination of diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease, as illustrated by a case. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 245- 254. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J. Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal sub- stances, 1949, p. 29. Also in: Biol. Abstr.; Bait., 1949, 2^: 20903. Contrary to usual opinion, the author concludes that the administration of DCA causes definite changes in the carbohydrate metabolism and suggests that in the presence of a progressively diminishing insulin requirement in a diabetic, the diagnosis of Addison's disease should be considered. 46 references. 8. Gennes, L. de, and Bricaire, H. La maladie d'Addison peut-elle guerir? Presse me'd., 1949, 57: 937-938. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 258. 9. Gitman, L., Ant, M., and Jacobi, M. Combined hyperthyroidism and adrenal cortical insufficiency; effect of iodine therapy; case report. Ann. Int. M., 1943, Jjh 507-514. 10. Houston, J. C, and Price, T. M. L. Addison's disease: a clinical review of thirty-four cases, with reports- of three cases showing associated thyrotoxicosis. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond., 1948, £7: 254-267. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 181. 25 references. 11. Kepler, E. J., and Wills on, D. M. Disease of the adrenal glands. Addison's disease. Arch. Int. M., 1941, 68: 979-1009. This re- view is devoted chiefly to literature, which appears to have present or future clinical significance. 93 references. 12. Lawson, H. A., Beck, I. A., and Murphy, R. G. Addison's disease; report of a fatal case. N. England J. M., 1943, 228: 480-481. Ab- stracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3^ 618. Fatal case of Addison's disease in a soldier on active duty is reported as noteworthy because of the short duration of clinical symptoms, complete absence of pig- mentation, normal nitrogen retention and hypoglycemia. 5 refer- ences. 13. Lederer, J. La maladie d'Addison. Bruxelles med., 1948, 28: 1270-1271. 14. Loeb, R. F. Adrenal insufficiency. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1940, 16: 347-367. Review article. 31 references. -3- ADDISON'S DISEASE (Continued) 15. Matisseck, H. Die Beziehung des Ausfalls der Nebennierenrinde zur Melanodermie bei der Addisonschen Krankheit. (Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der genuinen Schrumpfnebenniere.) Virchows Arch., 1942, 308: 700-719. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12205. "In 2 cases of Addison's disease, parts of the medulla were spared but the cortex was destroyed. " (Biol. Abstr.). 16. Maynard, E. P., Jr., Wentworth, J. H., Kramer, H. F., Coleman, F. W., Anderson, G. E., Hillman, R. W., Williamson, C. G., Wiesel, L. L., Kurz, E. R. H., and De Veer, J. A. Addison's disease. Brooklyn Hosp. J., 1949, 7_: 100-112. Clinicopathologic conference. 17. Moehlig, R. C. Addison's disease followed for nine years; case report with autopsy. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7_: 134-151. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22^ 18186. "A change in pigmentation occurred within six months after therapy with adrenal cortex extract and salt. Loss of pigment was marked over the nine years. At autopsy no adrenal tissue was found. " 5 references. 18. Pedroso Rodriguez, H. Los sindromes de insuficiencia suprarrenal no Addisoniana, su importancia en clinica. Bol. Col. med. Camaguey, 1942, 4: 377-382. 19. Rist, E., Georges, G., and Mage, E. L'incompatibilite habituelle de la maladie d'Addison et de la tuberculose pulmonaire active. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1940, 56: 3. seV., 431-438. 20. Rogoff, J. M. Critique on diagnosis and treatment of cortical ad- renal disease. Am. Practitioner, 1947-1948, 2: 39-46. 18 refer- ences. 21. Ropes, M., Ellis, D., Jacobson, B., Mallory, T. B., Kranes, A., and Albright, F. Primary atrophy of adrenal cortex. Addison's disease. Chronic thyroiditis, moderate. Chronic hepatitis, non- specific. Persistent thymus. N. England J. M., 1948, 238: 302-305. Case record of the Massachusetts General Hospital. 2 references. 22. Rowntree, L. G. Report of 3 cases of "clinical" Addison's disease surviving more than 15 years. Endocrinology, 1940, 26: 793-800. "These cases are presented not to emphasize the value of any of the old forms of treatment but rather to indicate that occasionally mild cases of Addison's disease can and do survive for very long periods of time, despite the lack of efficient and modern methods of manage- ment. " 2 references. -4- ADDISON'S DISEASE (Continued) 23. Rydstrom, B. Report of a case illustrating the connection between germanin and Addison's disease. Acta derm, vener., Helsin., 1945- 46, 26: 453-460. "The author describes a case of Addison's disease in amn of 47, in which the symptoms developed acutely after the ad- ministration of abnormally large doses of germanin (16 Gm. in 5 l/2 months) for dermatitis herpetiformis. The patient's life was saved by large doses of hormonal medicine (Cortin and Doca) ... "6 references. 24.*Schermann, J. Doenca de Addison; conceitos atuais em torno de uma observacao andtomo-clinica. Arq. clin. Rio, 1947, 4: 15-38. 25. Sorkin, S. Z. Addison's disease. Medicine, Bait., 1949, 28: 371- 425. 50 cases from Mount Sinai Hospital collected over 22 years; coordination of clinical, laboratory and post-mortem findings, with recent advances. Bibliography: p. 415-425. 26. Sweeny, J. B. The physiology and treatment of Addison's disease (San Francisco County and City Hospital). 211. San Francisco, 1942. Thesis (typewritten). 41 references. 27. Thorn, G. W. Desoxycorticosterone. J. Mount Sinai Hosp., N. York, 1942, 8: 1177-1199. A review. 64 references. 28. Thorn, G. W., Forsham, W. P., Prunty, F. T. G., Bergner, G. E., and Hills, A. G. Clinical studies in Addison's disease. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1949, 50: 646-656. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28842. 31 references. 29. Thorn, G. W., Robbins, L. L., Cope, O., Lerman, J., and Castle- man, B. Addison's disease. Tuberculosis of adrenals, bilateral. Tuberculosis of mesenteric lymph nodes. Pericarditis, acute fibrin- ous, with effusion. Pulmonary edema. Hydrothorax, bilateral. Ascites. N. England J. M., 1944, 230: 708-712. Case record of the Massachusetts General Hospital. 2 references. 30. Villafane Bombal, E. A. Nuevos conceptos sobre la enfermedad de Addison y su tratamiento. Rev. med. quir. pat. fern., B. Air., 1943, 22: 397-429. 60 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - BLOOD 31. B^ez-Villasenor, J., Rath, C. E., and Finch, C. A. The blood picture in Addison's disease. Blood, Bait., 1948, 3: 769-773. "The present study reviews the blood picture in 100 cases of Addison's dis- ease to determine the effect of deficiency of adrenal cortical hormone upon the blood picture. " 7 references. -5- ADDISON'S DISEASE - BLOOD (Continued) 32. Binet, L., and Poutonnet, M. Maladie d'Addison et glutathionemie. Ann. endocr., Par., 1943, 4: 111-113. Effect of desoxycorticoste- rone implantation and cortin injections on blood glutathione in patients with Addison's disease. 10 references. 33. Blagovestova, N. P. Solevoi sostav krovi u bol'nykh s narusheniem funktsi nadpochechnikov. Probl. endokr., Moskva, 1941, 6: 123- 126.. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16_: 12081; Also in: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35_: 75155. "The salt composition of blood in 23 cases of Addison's disease deviated greatly from normal. " (Biol. Abstr. ). 34.*De La Baize, F. A., Reifenstein, E. C. , Jr., and Albright, F. Differential blood counts in certain adrenal cortical disorders (Cush- ing's syndrome, Addison's disease and panhypopituitarism). J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 312-319. 35. Duvoir, M. , Poumeau-Delille, G. , and Lindeux. Accidents hypo- glyce'miques au cours de la maladie d'Addison. Bull. Soc. med. h6p. Paris, 1942-43, 58: 365-367. 36. Helve, O. On the adrenaline content of the blood in Addison's dis- ease. Acta Soc. med. Duodecim, Ser. A, 1947, 24: No. 3, 96-99. Laboratory investigation of 6 Addison patients and 11 healthy subjects. 37. Larizza, P. Contributo alio studio della composizione chimica degli eritrociti; le alterazioni chimiche dei globuli rossi e del siero di sangue nel morbo di Addison. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 19^0, 70: 160-182. 73 references. 38. Llobregat, N., and Juanes, A. Hiperpotasemia excepcional en un caso de enfermedad de Addison. Medicina, Madr., 1945, 13: 59-66. 16 references. 39. McCullagh, E. P., and Lewis, L. A. Plasma protein studies in Addison's disease; Tiselius electrophoresis method. J. Am. M. Ass., 1944, 124: 801. 40.*McCullagh, E. P., and Lewis, L. A. Plasma protein studies in Addison's disease; Tiselius electrophoresis method. Proc. Centr. Soc. Clin. Res., 1943, 16: 26. 41. McCullagh, E. P., and Lewis, L. A. Tiselius electrophoresis studies of plasma proteins in Addison's disease. Am. J. M. Sc., 19*5, 210: 81-86. 6 references. -6- ADDISON'S DISEASE - BLOOD (Continued) 42. McQuarrie, I., Johnson, R. M. , and Ziegler, M. R. Plasma electrolyte disturbance in patient with hypercorticoadrenal syndrome contrasted with that found in Addison's disease. Endocrinology, 1937, 21_: 762-772. 43.*Magrini, A., and Doneddu, C. Rapposti cloro-glicemici nel morbo di Addison. (Studio ed osservazioni con prove da carico di cloruro di Na e di glucosio). Tuberculosi, 1940, 32: 213-241. 44. Martensson, J. Hypercitricemia in Addison's disease. Acta med. scand., 1949, 134:61-71. Abstracted in: Excerpta med. , Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 141. 45. Van Cauwenberghe, R. G. Maladie d'Addison et glutathionemie. 52 p. Paris, 1943. (These-Paris). 68 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS 46. Armstrong, C. D. Effect of testosterone propionate in a patient with diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr. , 1944, 4: 23-29. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 1^: 13109. A 5 1/2 year follow-up of a patient. 29 references. 47. Ask-Upmark, E. On the presence of a deficiency factor in the path- ogenesis of peptic ulcer. Acta chir. scand., 1941, 84: 55-78. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait. , 1946, 20: 19685. "Peptic ulcer was present in 2 of 17 cases of Addison's disease. Abdominal pains resembling ulcer pains were often noted in the histories in 10 cases. " (Biol. Abstr. ). 48. Bickel, G. Diabete pancre'atique severe, devenu aglycosurique a 1'occasion du developpement d'une maladie d'Addison. Helvet. med. acta., 1945, \2r. 281-283. 49. Bricaire, H., and Mathieu de Fossey, B. L'hypertension arterielle dans la maladie d'Addison. Gaz. me'd. France, 1948, 55: 445-448. 13 references. 50. Cohen, M. Addison's disease complicated by toxemia of pregnancy; review of literature. Arch. Int. M., 1948, 8^:879-887. 7 references. 51. Curti, O. P., and Giordano, D. G. Sindrome de Addison; csfncer primitivo de caps■'.Uas suprarrenales y tuberculosis pulmonar. Jornada med., B. Air., 1948, 2: 577-583. Case report. -7- ADDISON'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS (Continued) 52. Diabetes and Addison's disease. Brit. M. J., 1950, 1:829-830. Editorial. 3 references. 53. Gabrilove, J. L. , Volterra, M., Jacobs, M. D. , and Soffer, L. J. The effect of the parenteral injection of epinephrin on leukocyte counts in normal subjects and in patients with Addison's disease. Blood, Bait., 1949, 4: 646-652. Abstracted in: Excerpta med. , Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 53. 54. Gennes, L. de, Bricaire, H., Gerbaux, J., and Fossey, M. de. L'hypertension seche au cours de la maladie d'Addison. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1947, ^3: 526-531. Observations in four cases. 18 references. 55. Gennes, L. de, Bricaire, H., Gerbaux, G., and Fossey, M. de. L'hypertension seche au cours de maladie d'Addison traitee par l'acetate de deoxycorticosterone. Presse med., 1947, 55: 541. 33 references. 56. Grosgurin, J., and Dubois-Ferriere, H. Hypertension dans un cas de maladie d'Addison. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1942, 62: 136-141. 10 references. 57. Jonas, V. Uber die Beteiligung der Nebennieren im Kohlehydrat- stoffwechsel; Besserung der Zuckerkrankheit einer Addisonkranken durch Desoxycorticosteronacetat. Schweiz. med. Wschr. , 1946, 76: 686-690. 58 references. 58. Kaiser, K. Ueber die Kombination von Morbus Addison mit Diabetes mellitus. Aerztl. Wschr., 1950, 5: 372-375. Case report. 9 refer- ences. 59. Kristan, J. J. Addisonian crisis precipitated by nephrectomy. J. Urol., Bait., 1949, 6j.: 178-183. 26 references. 60• Laipply, T. C. Addison's disease due to cytotoxic contraction of adrenal cortex with sudden death 4 days after appendectomy. Ohio M. J. . 1943, 39: 652-653. "The exact cause of death could not be established, but was thought to be acute cardiac failure. " 5 references. 61. Laroche, G. Sur 2 cas de rhumatisme subaigu des genoux chez des addisoniens traites par l'ace'tate de deoxycorticosterone. Bull. Soc. m^d. h8p. Paris, 1947, 63: 616-617. Abstracted in: Presse med., 1947, 55: 481. -8- ADDISON'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS (Continued) 62. Leavitt, P. Crisis in Addison's disease precipitated by acute ap- pendicitis. N. York State J. M., 19^5, 45: 1987-1989. A case re- port. 10 references. 63. Leonard, M. F. Chronic idiopathic hypoparathyroidism with super- imposed Addison's disease in a child. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 493-506. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: 638. 64. Lowrie, W. L. , Redfern, W. E., and Foster, D. P. Use of globin insulin in Addison's disease associated with insulin-sensitive dia- betes. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 325-331. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 3498. Treated with globin insulin, the » patient maintained weight and strength with few hypoglycemic reac- tions. 65. McCullagh, E. P. Two cases of diabetes mellitus, one with myxe- dema and one with Addison's disease. Cleveland Clin. J. , 1942, 9: 123-134. 66. Millot, J. , and Magne, J. Inte*ret pathogenique de l'hypertension spontane*e de la maladie d'Addison. Arch. mal. coeur, 1950, 43: 129-132. 67. Murphy, A. P. Pregnancy in a patient with Addison's disease, treated for four years by implantation of desoxycorticosterone acetate. Proc. R. Australas. Coll. Physicians, 1946, _1: 69-71. 68. Ravreby, L., and Sawyer, W. H. Addison's disease complicated by chronic glomerulonephritis. N. England J. M., 1948, 239: 110-113. Renal disease made diagnosis uncertain until crisis. There was pig- mentation with dermatitis but no loss of weight nor hypoglycemia. Blood chloride was normal and blood pressure high. Autopsy find- ings confirmed the diagnosis of nephritis and Addison's disease. 2 0 references. 69. Rhind, E. G. G. , and Wilson, A. Diabetes mellitus in Addison's disease. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 37-39. Case report with autopsy. 70. Simpson, S. L. Addison's disease and diabetes mellitus in three patients. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 403-425. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 76. "The author describes the clinical and necropsy findings in 2 patients in whom diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease coexisted. A further 16 similar cases had been described previously. Of those patients who came to necropsy 10 had atrophy of the adrenal glands, 3 had tuberculosis, and 2 had haemo- chromatosis. The islet was atrophied. " (Abstr. ). -9- ADDISON'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS (Continued) 71.*Sprague, R. G. , Kepler, E. J., Keating, F. R. , Jr., and Power, M. H. Coexisting Addison's disease and diabetes mellitus: com- parative effects of Compound E (17-hydroxy-l 1-dehydrocorticoste- rone) and allied substances in three cases. J. Clin. Invest., 1947, 26: 1198. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Anno- tated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 24. 72. Thorn, G. W. , and Clinton, M. , Jr. Metabolic changes in a patient with Addison's disease following the onset of diabetes mellitus. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 335-344. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, .17: 23539. A review of the literature and report of a case. 33 references. 73. Ward, E., Parkin, T. W. , and Howell, L. P. Diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease: report of case with normal urinary cortico- steroids and high insulin requirements. Proc. Mayo Clin. , 1950, 25: 145-149. 10 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - DIAGNOSIS, see also ADRENAL CORTEX - FUNCTION TESTS 74. Afonsky, D. Oral aspect of Addison's disease. Ann. Dent., 1948, 7: 47-51. 3 references. 75. Crampton, J. H. , Scudder, S. T. , and Davis, C. D. Carbohydrate metabolism in the combination of diabetes mellitus and Addison's disease, as illustrated by a case. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 245- 254. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal sub- stances, 1949, p. 29. Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 20903. Contrary to usual opinion, the author concludes that the administration of DCA causes definite changes in the carbohydrate.metabolism and suggests that in the presence of a progressively diminishing insulin requirement in a diabetic, the diagnosis of Addison's disease should be considered. 76. Erdei, A. , and MacFarlane, L. R. S. Hypoglycaemic response to glucose stimulation in a case of Addison's disease. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1947, 88: 120-123. "A case of Addison's disease is described which mainly pFesents the clinical features of vasovagal syncope. During the glucose tolerance test the patient's blood sugar fell from 180 mg. /100 c. c. to 50 mg. /100 c. c. within 30 minutes and a marked hypoglycaemic attack was observed. The low blood sodium chloride level together with the abnormal high urinary sodium chloride ex- cretion on low salt diet established the diagnosis. " -10- ADDISON'S DISEASE - DIAGNOSIS (Continued) 77. Garvin, C. F. , and Reichle, H. S. Death presumably due to the use of the salt restriction test in the diagnosis of Addison's disease. Ann. Int. M. , 1940-41, 14: 323. Report of a case. This death increases the evidence that the test is not without danger. 2 references. 78. Greene, J. A., David, A., and Johnston, G. W. Effect of adrenal cortical extract, desoxycorticosterone, and added potassium upon electrolyte balance in normals and in Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2: 49-52. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: 12086. The author suggests that the difference in response of normal subjects to the administration of adrenal cortical extract from that of patients with Addison's disease may be the basis of a safe and specific test. 5 references. 79. Hardwig, R. P., and Wright, C. H. Addison's disease; report of a case and an analysis of autopsied cases of tuberculosis of the adrenal glands. Ohio M. J., 1946, 42: 45-48. "The infrequency of Addison's disease in clinical practice is such that the Addisonian crisis may be overlooked. The following case is reported because it illustrates that source of error. The discussion covers an analysis of 78 cases of tuberculosis of the adrenals disclosed by autopsy. " 2 references. 80. Kepler, E. J., Peters, G. A., and Mason, H. L. Addison's disease associated with pubic and axillary alopecia and normal menses. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 497-499. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, JJ3: 6273. "Sparsity or failure of growth of 'sexually condi- tioned' hair is presented as one of the clinical signs of Addison's disease. " (Biol. Abstr. ). 81. Kepler, E. J., Robinson, F. J., and Power, M. H. Diagnostic value of certain studies of renal function in cases of Addison's disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, H_8: 1404. Abstracted in: Proc. Centr. Soc. Clin. Res., 1941, 1A: 24. Two simple tests eliminating the necessity of salt deprivation in patients suspected of having Addison's disease. 82. Kristan, J. J., see No. 59. 83. Levy, M. S., Power, M. H., and Kepler, E. J. The supecificity of the "water test" as a diagnostic procedure in Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 607-632. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: 16964. "It is the purpose of this review to consider the rationale of the test and to evaluate it specificity in the diagnosis of chronic adrenal cortical insifficiency. Data obtained at the Mayo Clinic during the period from Jan. 1941, to May 1945, inclusive, have been utilized. The two procedures which comprise the 'water test' were considered separately and in combination. " 44 references. -11- ADDISON'S DISEASE - DIAGNOSIS (Continued) 84.*Luft, R., and Sjogren, B. Diagnostik och terapi vid morbus Addi- son (binjurebarkinsufficiens). Nord. med., 1949, 42: 1321-1326. 85. Ravreby, L., and Sawyer, W. H., see No. 68. 86. Robinson, F. J., Power, M. H., and Kepler, E. J. Two new pro- cedures to assist in the recognition and exclusion of Addison's dis- ease; a preliminary report. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1941, U5: 577-583. One procedure is based on the volume of urine, the other on the chemistry of the blood and urine. 7 references. 87. Rogoff, J. M. Diagnosis of Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2: 36-42. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: 12094. "Clinical observations are correlated with experimental studies on adrenal insufficiency in animals." (Biol. Abstr.). 10 references. 88. Sagardia, J. A. El balance hidrosalino y la prueba de Robinson- Power-Kepler en la enfermedad de Addison. Prensa me'd. argent., 1949, 36: 2465-2476. 28 references. 89. Siglin, I. S. Addison's disease, a diagnostic problem; report of a case/ Proc. Mayo Clin. , 1947, 22: 17-24. 90. Thorn, G. W., Koepf, G. F. , and Clinton, M. , Jr. Renal failure simulating adreno-cortical insifficiency. N. England J. M. , 1944, 231: 76-85. "... report of two patients, who on admission to the hospital, were considered to be suffering from acute adrenal in- sufficiency . . . studies over a period of two to four years, including post-mortem examinations, proved that the metabolic changes in the body followed renal rather than adrenal disease. " 8 references. 91 Willson, D. M., Robinson, F. J., Power, M. H., and Wilder, R. M. Diagnosis of Addison's disease; further experience with the Cutler- Power-Wilder sodium chloride restriction test. Arch. Int. M., 1942 69- 460-469. "The results of the examination of 63 additional patientTby means of a fifty-two hour salt restriction procedure are reported." 14 references. 92 Wunderman, D. C., and Levy, M. D. The application of the Robinson- Power-Kepler tests for diagnosis in two cases of Addison's disease. Med. Rec, Houston, 1948, 42_: 575-578. "The diagnosis in both instances was substantiated by a satisfactory response to clinically accepted therapeutic trials. " 4 references. -12- ADDISON'S DISEASE - ETIOLOGY 93. Demirag, B. Addison-Syndrom bei chronischer Malaria. Acta med. turc. , 1948, 1: 7-16. Report of a case of Addison's disease in a boy of 13. The~author assumed "the cause was chronic malaria, especially as the function of other endocrine glands was also dis- turbed (hypogenitalism, degeneration of testicles) and the connection of such*disturbances with chronic malaria had been established by Eckstein." 8 references. 94. Fontaine, R., and Fruhling, L. Syndrome addisonien survenu chez un tuberculeux trois ans apres l'extirpation accidentelle, au cours d'une nephrectomie d'une des deux surrenales par atrophie simple de la glande restante. Ann. endocr., Par., 1942, 3: 152-156. 95. Hartroft, W. S. Addison's disease caused by adrenal cortical in- volvement in generalized amyloidosis. Ontario M. Rev., 1944, 11: 101-107. 17 references. 96.*Huebschmann, P. Nebennierentuberkulose und Addison. Zbl. inn. Med., 1942, 63: 334-345. 97. Jungmann, H. Beitrag zur Genese des Morbus Addison. Med. Klin. Berl., 1947, 42: 237-238. 7 references. 98.*Kibedi-Varga, L. Morbus Addison infolge Hypophysentumor. Schweiz med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 905. Abstract. 99. Lang, W. R. A case of Addison's suprarenal syndrome of primary pituitary origin. Med. J. Australia, 1946, l.: 335-336. "A case of Addison's suprarenal syndrome with pluriglandular atrophy and al- most complete absence of the basophile cells of the pituitary is described. Evidence is presented that the atrophy of the adrenals was secondary to deficiency of secretion of corticotrophic hormone of the pituitary. " 3 references. 100.*Sikl, H. Addison's disease due to congenital hypoplasia of the ad- renals in an infant aged 33 days. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1948, 60: 323-324. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 6703. "A~ male infant born at term appearing normal at birth,' faTer developed bronzing of the skin and died at the age of 33 days with signs of en- teritis. At the post-mortem a sever hypoplasia of the adrenals was found, concerning both cortex and medulla. Microscopically there were no signs of hemorrhage or inflammation in the adrenals. " (Biol. Abstr. ). -13- ADDISON'S DISEASE - ETIOLOGY (Continued) 101. Silberman, D. E., Rowntree, L. G., and Orenstein, H. B. Re- covery from Addison's disease due to diffuse vascular disease with subsequent development of hypertension and glomerulonephritis. Ann. Int. M., 1950, 32: 760-777. 3 references. 102. Strang, C. Addison's disease due to metastases from bronchogenic carcinoma. Newcastle M. J., 1941-42, 21: 126. "The interest in this case lies in the almost complete latency of the pulmonary lesion with such obvious symptoms resulting from the secondary deposits. " ADDISON'S DISEASE - EXPERIMENTAL 103. Rogoff, J. M. Experimental pathology and physiology of the adrenal cortex; production of Addison's disease in laboratory animals. Arch. Path., Chic, 1944, 38: 392-409. 14 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - HEART 104. Brun, B., and Cuppini, R. Rilievi elettrocardiografici nel morbo di Addison. Fol. cardiol. , Milano, 1948, 7: 576-577. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 21. Report on 22 cases (12 male, 10 female). 105. Goodof, I. I., and MacBryde, C. M. Heart failure in Addison's disease with myocardial changes of potassium deficiency. J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 30-34. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: 13095. 17 references. 106. Lian, C, Facquet, J., and Alhomme, P. Les variations de volume du coeur dans le traitement hormonal de la maladie d'Addison et sous l'influence du regime dans les nephrites aigues. Bull. Soc. me'd. hop. Paris, 1942-43, 58: 290-295. 11 references. 107. McGavack, T. H. Changes in heart volume in Addison's disease and their significance. Am. Heart J., 1941, 2J.::1-16. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, lj>: 10533. "The reduction in cardiac volume observed in Addison's disease is a direct effect of the inade- quate supply of adrenocortical hormone. When crisis supervenes, the diminished blood volume plays a striking accessory role in still further decreasing the size of the heart. " 23 references. 108. McGavack, T. H. Critical evaluation of cardiac mensuration in the treatment of Addison's disease with desoxycorticosterone acetate. Am. Heart J. , 1944, 27: 331-337. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: 13100. -14- ADDISON'S DISEASE - HEART (Continued) 109.*Poppi, A. Osservazioni cardiobiometriche nel morbo di Addison. Fol. card., Milano, 1947, 6: 308-315. 110. Spuhler, O. Addisonsche Krankheit und Kreislaufstorungen. Helvet. med. acta., 1941, 8: 308-326. Abstracted in: Biol. Abst., Bait., 1942, 16: 4247. Observations on the electrocardiographic changes in 9 paTTents with Addison's disease. 28 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - IN CHILDREN AND INFANTS 111. Jaudon, J. C. Addison's disease in an infant. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 558-564. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: 587. 112. Leonard, M. F. Chronic idiopathic hypoparathyroidism with super- imposed Addison's disease in a child. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 493-506. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: 638. 113. Rosin, S., and Friedman, S. Addison's disease in a seven-year- old boy. J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 3: 137-140. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: 18297. "An attempt to perform the Cutler- Power-Wilder excretion test resulted in severe crisis before the test could be completed. Clinical response to adrenocortical hormone and salt was prompt and adequate. " Etiology is discussed. 9 refer- ences. 114. Thelander, H. E., and Cholffin, M. Neonatal cortical insufficiency, Addison's disease, associated with the adrenogenital syndrome. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1941, 18: 779-792. "The simultaneous appearance in an infant of symptoms indicating deficiency of one and hypersecretion of another hormone of the adrenal cortex is of interest as a clinical syndrome and also of significance in the light it sheds on the physi- ology and possibly on the anatomy of the adrenal cortex. Three cases in the literature are reviewed. 11 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - IN PREGNANCY 115. Brent, F. Addison's disease and pregnancy. Am. J. Surg., 1950, 79: 645-652. "... a review of thirty-nine cases ... of Addison's disease and pregnancy reported in the literature from 1859 to 1946 together with a case report ..." 54 references. -15- ADDISON'S DISEASE - IN PREGNANCY (Continued) 116. Knowlton, A. I., Mudge, G. H., and Jailer, J. W. Pregnancy in Addison's disease. Report of four patients. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 514-528. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 183-184; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26199. "Five pregnancies were observed in 4 patients with Addison's disease. All patients survived. One pregnancy ended in a spontaneous abor- tion, 2 were terminated operatively early in pregnancy and 2 went to term. " "The clinical management of pregnancy complicated by Addison's disease is briefly discussed. " 47 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - METABOLISM 117. Annoni, G., and Sforzini, P. Sul metabolismo dei corpi creatinici negli addisoniani. Atti Accad. med. lombarda, 1941, 30: 256-260. In 3 cases, creatinuria was found; its presence is attributed to dis- turbance of the carbohydrate metabolism. 10 references. 118. Bell, G. O., and MacMillan, R. J. Electrolyte and fluid balance; recent advances. Lahey Clin. Bull., 1948, 6:45-51. 18 refer- ences. 119. Broch, O. J. Addison's disease; biochemical investigations. Acta med. scand., 1946, 125: 395-408. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1948, 2: 26-27. "The material here investigated consisted of 30 hospital-treated patients suffering from Addison's disease, in some of whom more or less complete electrolytic determinations and other biochemical examination were carried out ..." 9 refer- ences. 120. Cachera, R., and Barbier, P. Les mouvements de l'eau dans la maladie d'Addison et au cours de son traitement hormonal. Bull. Soc. me*d. h6*p. Paris, 1941, 57: 499-504. Abstracted in: Praxis, Bern, 1942, 31: 681. 2 references. 121. Chabrol, E., Labbe*, R., Ferrand, G., and Berton. Le coma hypoglycemique des addisoniens: Bull. Soc. me*d. hSp. Paris, 1941, 57: 570-574. Report of a case. 122.*Dale, T. Litt om kullhydratomsetningen ved Addisons sykdom. Nord. med., 1942, 13: 429-436. 123. Delachaux, A., and Antognini, R. Des relations entre vitamines et hormones chez un addisonien. Rev. me*d. Suisse rom., 1940, 60: 271-292. 84 references. -16- ADDISON'S DISEASE - METABOLISM (Continued) 124. Ferrebee, J. W. , Ragan, C., Atchley, D. W. , and Loeb, R. F. A comparison of certain effects of desoxycorticosterone acetate, corticosterone and cortical extract on a patient with Addison's dis- ease. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 360-366. "... all three prepara- tions had some effect upon the excretion of sodium and potassium salts, most marked in the case of desoxycorticosterone acetate. None of the preparations had demonstrable effects upon protein metabolism as measured by nitrogen excretion. " 3 references. 125. Gennes, L. de, and Laroche, G. Les mouvements de l'eau dans la maladie d'Addison; leur rapport avec les variations de tension arteVielle. Sem. hop. Paris, 1945, 2V. 688-694. 126. Greene, J. A., David, A., and Johnston, G. W. , see No. 78. 127. Greene, J. A., and Johnston, G. W. Electrolyte balance during treatment, crises and severe infection in cases of Addison's disease; action of adrenal cortical extracts. Arch. Int. M., 1940, ^6: 1052- 1059. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: l48137~Report of 2 cases. 11 references. 128.*Helve, O. A study of the metabolism in Addison's disease; on car- bohydrate and phosphorus metabolism. Acta. med. scand., 1947, ^27:543-56". In English. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1947, 2: 657; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1947, 1: 187-188. 73 references. 129. Helve, O. A study of the metabolism in Addison's disease; on the metabolism of lipids, nitrogen, and minerals, and on the vitamin C household. Acta med. scand., 1947, 128: 1-24. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: 16153; Also in: Abstr. World M. , Lond., 1948, 3: 68; Also in: Excerpta med. , Sect. 3, 1947, 1: 187- 188. Study of 32 Addisonians and 40 normal subjects. 74 reFerences. 130.*Jimenez Dfaz, C., Marina, C., and Romeo, J. M. La ab sore ion intestinal de las grasas en las diarreas de la enfermedad de Addison. Rev. clfn. espan., 1948, 31: 90-92. 131. Kohler, V. Beitrag zum Kohlehydratstoffwechsel des Morbus Addi- son. Klin. Wschr., 1947, 24-25: 524-528. 35 references. 132.*Luft, R., and Sjo'gren, B. The significance of renal function for the effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) in Addison's disease. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 2: 365-378. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 56-57, Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7- 119-120. 29 references. -17- ADDISON'S DISEASE - METABOLISM (Continued) 133. MacBryde, C. M., and De la Baize, F. A. Pork adrenal-cortex extract; effect upon carbohydrate metabolism and work capacity in Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4:287-296. Pork ad- renal-cortex has a direct action upon carbohydrate metabolism sur- passing that of beef adrenal-cortex extract. 11 references. 134. McGavack, T. H. Desoxycorticosterone and glucose tolerance in Addison's disease. Bull. N. York M. Coll., 1940, 3: 56-58. 12 references. 135. Mathers, G. The biochemistry of Addison's disease. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1944, 82: 138-140. 136. Osterberg, A. E., Drips, D. G., Kepler, E. J., and Robinson, F. J. Excretion of androgens by patients with Addison's disease. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, U 128-129. Abstract of a paper read at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biological Chem- ists (April, 1942). 137. Parra Lazaro, J., Jimenez Diaz, C, Lopez Ruiz, F., and Cantera, M. T. Exploracion de la insuficiencia renal funcional en la enferme- dad de Addison. An. Inst, invest, med., Madr., (1943) 1945, 3: 183- 191. 16 references. 138. Pick, E. P. Topics in the study of water metabolism. J. Mount Sinai Hosp., N. York, 1946, ^13: 167-176. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21:21779. A review of recent experiments concerning the diuretics and antidiuretics produced by the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal cortex and liver. 64 references. 139. Potor, A., Young, N. F., Homburger, F., and Reifenstein, E. C, Jr. Effect of adrenal cortical compounds on electrolyte metabolism of a patient with Addison's disease during high sodium chloride in- take. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 608. 140. Power, M. H., Robinson, F. J., and Kepler, E. J. Renal excretion of electrolytes by subjects with Addison's disease. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1942, 1: 130. Abstract of a paper read at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biological Chemists (April, 1942). 141. Reforzo Membrives, J., Power, M. H., and Kepler, E. J. Studies on the renal excretion of water and electrolytes in cases of Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1945, 5: 76-85. Addisonians lose the capacity of quick excretory adjustments ("concentrating" and "diluting" urine) to changes in sodium and water intake. 18 references. -18- ADDISON'S DISEASE - METABOLISM (Continued) 142. Sanderson, P. H. Renal function in Addison's disease. Clin. Sc., Lond., 1946-48, 6: 197-206. Investigation of 4 patients by means of the insulin and diodone clearance technique. 20 references. 143. Schmidt, P. L. J. B. Le de'sequilibre hydro-mineral dans la maladie d'Addison; ses corollaires au point de vue du diagnostic et du traite- ment. 138 p. Bordeaux, 1940. These-Bordeaux. 153 references. 144. Talbot, N. B., Butler, A. M., and MacLachlan, E. A. Effect of testosterone and allied compounds on mineral, nitrogen and carbo- hydrate metabolism of a girl with Addison's disease. J. Clin. Invest. 1943, 22: 583-593. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 618; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, JJ3: 4412. 44, references. 145. Talbot, N. B., and Reifenstein, E. C, Jr. Effect of changes in the protein intake on the 11-oxysteroid excretion of a normal subject, of a patient with Addison's disease, and of a patient with Cushing's syndrome. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1946, 13. meet., 85-88. "The patient with Addison's disease failed to show any sig- nificant alteration in corticosteroid values when the nitrogen intake was changed for a low to a high value. The patient with Cushing's syndrome had abnormally high corticosteroid values throughout the 70-day period of observation/' 146. Thaddea, S. Klinische Untersuchungen liber selektive Aufnahme verschiedener Zucker in die Gewebe. Klin. Wschr., 1943, 22: 722-724. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: 19406". "The selective tissue resorption of sugars (glucose, levulose, xylose, galactose, mannose and sorbose) disappears in Addison's disease, appears and reappears after administration of adrenal cortical extract (role of Verzar's phosphorylation). " (Biol. Abstr.). 12 references. 147. Thorn, G. W., and Clinton, M., Jr., see No. 72. 148; Waterhouse, C, and Keutmann, E. H. Kidney function in adrenal insufficiency. J. Clin. Invest., 1948, 21: 372-379. Glomerular filtration rate, renal plasma flow and maximum excretory capacity were studied in 13 patients. Nine of these had Addison's disease and 4 pituitary insufficiency. 31 references. 149. Wilkins, L., and Lewis, R. A. The renal excretion of steroid hor- mones in pseudohermaphroditism and male sexual precocity associ- ated with symptoms of Addison's disease. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1948, 17. meet., 168-174. 14 references. -19- ADDISON'S DISEASE - METABOLISM (Continued) 150. Willson, D. M. Electrolyte balance studies in Addison's disease. The renal excretion of electrolytes. The therapeutic efficacy of an extract of the adrenal cortex. 69 1. Rochester, Minn., 1940. Thesis- Univ. Minn, (typewritten). 96 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - NERVOUS SYSTEM 151. Engel, G. L., and Margolin, S. G. Neuropsychiatric disturbances in Addison's disease and the role of impaired carbohydrate metabo- lism in the production of abnormal cerebral function. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1941, 93^: 756-759. "A case is described ... of a 26 year old man with proven Addison's disease for 6 years who, during a 6 months period in which he took no replacement therapy developed marked per- sonality changes, deterioration of habits, periods of amnesia and un- reality, a dyskinetic syndrome including choreathetosis and hemi- ballismus, trismic speech and finally convulsions. " 152. Gorman, W. F., and Wortis, S. B. Psychosis in Addison's disease. Dis. Nerv. Syst., 1947, 8: 267-271. "Two new cases of psychosis in Addison's disease are reported along with three cases reported previously in French literature. A characteristic delirium is de- scribed and the pathophysiology and some of the related psychopa- thology are considered." 17 references. 153. Gosset, A. E. M. L'encephalopathie addisonienne. 86 p. Bordeaux, 1941. Th^se-Bordeaux. 45 references. 154. Perera, G. A. Acetyl-beta-methylcholine in Addison's disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1945, .128: 1018-1019. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, Hh 18399. "The increased sensitivity of patients with treated Addison's disease to acetyl-beta-methylcholine suggests that in adrenal cortical insufficiency, there is a defect in the response of the autonomic nervous system. The abnormal responses in these patients occurred even when they were maintained in electrolyte and fluid balance and while receiving adequate salt or desoxycorticosterone therapy." (Biol. Abstr.). 9 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - PATHOLOGY 155.*Albeaux-Fernet, M., and Chabot, J. Applications de la physiopa- thologie moderne de la corticosurre'nale a l'etude d'un cas de maladie d'Addison. Sem. hop. Paris, 1949, 25: 2160-2164. 156. Duffin, J. D. Cortical necrosis of the adrenal glands associated with Addison's disease; report of 8 cases. Arch. Path. Chic, 1943, 35: 649-666. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, _17: 23530. 6~ references. -20- ADDISON'S DISEASE - PATHOLOGY (Continued) 157. Fernandez Perez, A. Fisopatologia de la enfermedad de Addison: su estado actual. Medicina, Madr., 1941,9:361-376. 59 references. 158. Ferrari, A. Alcune considerazioni sopra due casi di morbo di Addison associato a localizzazioni tubercolari multiple nei visceri toracici e addominali. Lotta tuberc , 1942, 13: 367-378. 35 refer- ences. 159. Friedman, N. B. The pathology of Addison's disease; adrenocortical contraction. Am. J. Path., 1947, 23: 877-879. 160. Friedman, N. B. The pathology of the adrenal gland in Addison's disease with special reference to adrenocortical contraction. Endo- crinology, 1948, 42: 181-200. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: 20641. ~A study made at the Army Institute of Pathology. 30 references. 161. Kepler, E. J., Peters, G. A., and Mason, H. L. Addison's disease associated with pubic and axillary alopecia and normal menses. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3:497-499. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: 6273. "Sparsity or failure of growth of "sexually condi- tioned,T"nair is presented as one of the clinical signs of Addison's disease." (Biol. Abstr.). 162. McCullagh, E. P., Schneider, R. W., Bowman, W., and Smith, M. B. Adrenal and testicular deficiency; comparison based on simi- larities in androgen deficiency, androgen and 17-ketosteroid excretion, and on differences in their effects upon pituitary activity. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 275-296. 30 references. 163. Mussio Fournier, J. C, Perez, D., and Porta, I. Maladie d'Addi- son s'e*tant exclusivement manifestee pendant huit ans par une pigmen- tation localisee dans la muqueuse buccale. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1947, 63: 268-270. 164. Pontoni, L. Orientamenti attuali nella fisiopatologia del morbo di Addison; le correlazioni endocrine e vegetative. Rass. fisiopat., 1942, L4: 193-204. 165. Samuels, L. T., Evans, G. T., and McKelvey, J. L. Ovarian and placental function in Addison's disease. Endocrinology, 1943, 32; 422-428. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, .17: 21518;Xlso in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 466. "It is concluded from these studies that the ovary and placenta undergo their normal rhythm and can pro- duce their normal secretory products in severe Addison's disease as long as the individual is maintained in good general metabolic con- dition by appropriate therapy. " 21 references. -21- ADDISON'S DISEASE - PATHOLOGY (Continued) 166. Schachter, M. Les caracteristiques de la tension arterielle dans les maladies d'Addison et de Simmonds; quelques d/ductions utiles. J. med. chir., Par., 1948, 119: 174-176. 3 references. 167. Swank, R. L., and Bergner, G. E. Study of human myogram; study of normals and of patients with Addison's disease thyrotoxicosis and progressive muscular atrophy. J. Clin. Invest., 1948, 21: 24-33. Slight changes in the myogram, which correlated with fatigue, were detected in normal subjects, while exaggerated changes were observed in patients with severe Addison's disease and in those with thyrotoxic myopathy. Adequate treatment restored the alterations to normal in patients with Addison's disease. 168. Trgo, A. Suvremeni pogledi na Addison-ovu bolst. Lijec\ vjes., 1949, 7^1: 303-306. 25 references. ADDISON'S DISEASE - PIGMENTATION 169. Evans, H. Addison's disease showing unusual pigmentation. Tr. M. Soc London, 1943-46, 64: 309-310. In this case "the peculiar feature was the long history of pigmentation and the short history of symptoms. " 170. Gennes, L. de, Bricaire, H., and Simon, G. Maladie d'Addison sans pigmentation. Bull. Soc me*d. h6p. Paris, 1946, 62: 519-521. Report of a case. 171. Hedinger, C. Zur Frage des Morbus Addison ohne Pigmentver- mehrung (sog. weisser Morbus Addison). Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, £0: 489-491. 21 references. 172.*Laplane, R., and Fritel, D. Pigmentation cutane'o-muqueuse, seule manifestation d'une maladie d'Addison jusqu'a sa periode ultime; dosage de 1'hormone melanotrope. Arch. fr. pediat., 1948, 5: 282- 285. ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT 173. Alphonse, P., and Wacker, T. Le traitement de la maladie d'Addi- son par implantation d'ace*tate de de'soxycorticosterone. Rev. me'd. Suisse rom., 1945, 6J3: 19-45. Case report and review of literature. 84 references. 174. Anderson, E., Haymaker, W., and Henderson, E. Successful sub- lingual therapy in Addison's disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 2167-2168. 6 cases. -22- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 175. Anderson, E., Kinsell, L. W., Daniels, T. C., and Henderson, E. The intraoral administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate tablets in the treatment of Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 884-886. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 23504. DCA, dissolved in polyethelene glycol wax, was administered orally to 14 patients with Addison's disease. The average daily dose was 4. 5 mg. and the periods of treatment varied from 6 months to 2 years. 3 refer- ences. 176. Anderson, E., Kinsell, L. W., Daniels, T. C, and Henderson, E. Sublingual administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate in the treat- ment of Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 605. A method is described of administering DCA by the use of tablets of polyethylene glycol wax, in which the DCA is dissolved . "The range of dosage has been from 2 to 8 mg. of DCA per day. " 177. Anderson, E., Kinsell, L. W., Daniels, T. C, and Henderson, E. Treatment of Addison's disease by intraoral administration of des- oxycorticosterone acetate tablets. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, j): 1324- 1332. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 139; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 1_: 642; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 258. Report of 14 cases successfully managed over periods up to 2 years. 21 references. 178. Armstrong, C. D., see No. 46. 179.*Babcock, L. H., and McGavack, T. H. Diets useful in controlling sodium intake in Addison's disease. Bull. N. York M. Coll., 1941, 4: 142-152. 180. Bartels, E. C. Treatment of Addison's disease, desoxycorticosterone pellets. Lahey Clin. Bull., 1942-43, 3: 173-181. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 659. Report of 8 cases. 181. Books, T. B., Power, M. H., and Kepler, E. J. The tolerance of patients suffering from Addison's disease to potassium while such patients are being treated with desoxycorticosterone acetate. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1940, 15: 365-368. 182. Bricaire, H., and Mathieu de Fossey, B. Les accidents de l'im- plantation sous-cutanee de deoxycorticosterone au cours de la maladie d'Addison. Syn. Se'me'iol. et the'rap., 1948, 2:381-384. Incidents during implantation; accidents caused by hypercortinemia and hypQ- cortinemia. 10 references. -23- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 183. Broster, L. R., and Gardiner-Hill, H. A case of Addison's disease successfully treated by a graft. Brit. M. J., 1946, 2: 570-572. Ab- stracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1947, 1_: 415.' Sodium chloride treatment was omitted thirteen months after operation without ill ef- fects. At fourteen months the patient was still well. 184. Chatagonon, P., Chatagonon, C, and Raimbourg, R. Psychose d'e*puisement avec maladie d'Addison traitee par l'acetate de de- oxycorticosterone. Apercu de quelques indications de l'hormone corticale synthetique. Ann. med. psychol., Par., 1942, 100: 90- 94. 185. Currens, J. H., and White, P. D. Congestive heart failure and electrocardiographic abnormalities resulting from excessive des- oxycorticosterone acetate therapy in the treatment of Addison's dis- ease. Am. Heart J., 1944,-28:611-620. Report of 2 cases. 18 references. 186. Decourt, J., Sibertin-Blanc, and Canivet, J. Dissociation entre revolution de la pression arterielle et celle de lfe*quilibre hydro- chlorure au cours d'une pousse*e grave d'insuffisance surrenale chez un addisonien traite par la desoxycorticosterone. Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1947, 6>3: 755-758. 3 references. 187. Engel, F. L., Cohn, C, and Soffer, L. J. A further report on the treatment of Addison's disease with desoxycorticosterone acetate by intramuscular injections, subcutaneous implantation of pellets, and sublingual administration. Ann. Int. M., 1942, 11_: 585-603. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: 18291. The advantages and limitations of these methods are discussed. 24 references. 188.*Ernould, H. J. Traitement d'un cas de maladie d'Addison par la testosterone en implantation associe*e a la desoxycorticosterone. Influence sur le metabolisme des hydrates de carbone. Ann. endocr., Par., 1948, 9^ 410-416. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1949, 6: 210." 189. Ferrebee, J. W. The treatment of Addison's disease with desoxy- corticosterone acetate. Med. Clin. N. America, 1941, 25: 797-802. 190. Ferrebee, J. W., Ragan, C, Atchley, D. W., and Loeb, R. F., see No.. 124. -24- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT-(Continued) 191. Forsham, P. H. , Bennett, L. L., Roche, M., Reiss, R. S. , Slessor, A., Flink, E. B., and Thorn, G. W. Clinical and meta- bolic changes in Addison's disease following the administration of compound E acetate (11-dehydro, 17-hydroxy-corticosterone ace- tate). J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 660. Abstract of a paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Internal Secretions, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 1949. Striking clinical improvement and metabolic changes were noted. 192. Forsham, P. H., Thorn, G., Bergner, G. E., and Emerson, K., Jr. Metabolic changes induced by synthetic 11-dehydrocorticosterone acetate; including comparative studies with synthetic desoxycortico- sterone acetate, natural 17-hydroxycorticosterone and lipo-adrenal cortex. Am. J. Med., 1946, 1: 105-134. Metabolic studies on 14 patients with Addison's disease. 52 references. 193. Forster, F. M., Cantarow, A., Herbut, P. A., Paschkis, K. E., and Rakoff, A. E. Degenerative changes in cerebral arteries fol- lowing administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 77-87. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1947, 1: 197. 13 year old boy with Addison's disease developed degenerative changes in cerebral arteries following administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate. Animals, which were administered desoxycorticosterone acetate developed similar lesions. 194. Gennes, L. de. Le traitement de la maladie d'Addison. Vie med., Par. , 1950, _31: 55-63. 195. Gilbert-Dreyfus, Albeaux-Fernet, Gelinet, M., Gadrat, Wahl, M., and Zara, M. Traitement de l'insuffisance surrenalienne et de la maladie d'Addison. Vie med., Par., 1950, 3^: 27-44. A symposium. 196. Giraud, G., Latour, H., and Levy, A. Conduite du traitement hormonal de la maladie d'Addison; controle du metabolisme hydrique. Progr. med., Par., 1950, 78: 307-308. 197. Giraud, G., Mas, P., Boyer, F., Latour, H., and Labauge, R. Variations conjointes du volume cardiaque et de la retention de l'eau et du sel, chez une addisonienne traitee par l'ace'tate de deoxycor- ticosterone; action favorable de l'extrait thyroidien contre la retention proteique d'eau. Montpellier med., 1948, 33-34: 382. Abstract. 198. Grivaux, M. La traitement de la maladie d'Addison par voie perlinguale Sem. hop. Paris, 1950, 26: 1510-1511. 2 references. -25- ADDISON'S, DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 199. Grossman, C. M., and Saward, E. W. Intermittent injections of desoxycorticosterone in Addison's disease. Permanente Found M. Bull., Oakland, 1948, 6: 200-203. 200. Hampton, H. P. Effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate and 17-hy- droxy-11-dehydrocorticosterone on the insulin sensitivity of patients with Addison's disease. 40 1. Rochester, Minn., 1941. Thesis- Univ. Minn, (typewritten). 47 references. 201.*Heni, F. Erfolge und Durchfiihrung der Behandlung des Morbus Addi- son mit Desoxycorticosteronazetat. Deut. med. Wschr., 1948, 73: 282-287. 202. Hoffman, W. C, Lewis, R. A., and Thorn, G. W. The electro- encephalogram in Addison's disease. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1942, 70: 335-361. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 3: 335; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, n>: 20255. Treatment with des- oxycorticosterone acetate did not correct the abnormality in the rest- ing pattern of patients with Addison's disease. Adrenal cortical ex- tract therapy, and intravenous infusion of glucose affected in some patients a marked reduction in sensitivity to hyperventilation. 17 references. 203. Jonas', V., and Jelfnek, M. Erfahrungen mit der Verabreichung des neuen synthetischen wirksamen Stoffes der Nebennierenrinde (Cortiron) bei Morbus Addison unter besonderer Berucksichtigung der Depotbehandlung. Acta med. scand., 1941-42, 109: 134-154. 33 references. 204. Jonas', V., and Jelinek, M. Ueber die Erfolge der Substitutions - behandlung beim Morbus Addison mit besonder Rucksicht auf die Ausfallerscheinungen der Keimdrusentatigkeit. Zschr. Geburtsh., 1942, 124: 125-141. 42 references. 205. Jucker, S., and Virano, M. L'innesto sottocutaneo di acetato di desossicorticosterone nella terapia del morbo di Addison. Endocr. scienza cost., Bologna, 1946, JJJ: 309-335. 28 references. 206.*Kemper, C. F. The treatment of Addison's disease by the implan- tation method. Ann. Int. M., 1945, 22^ 161-169. 207. Kenyon, A. T., Knowlton, K., Sandiford, I., and Fricker, L. Meta- bolic effects of testosterone propionate in Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 131-136. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: 18296." Report of 2 cases. 16 references. -26- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 208. Kepler, E. J., and Willson, D. M. Diseases of the adrenal glands; Addison's disease. Arch. Int. M., 1941, 68:979-1009. Literature of "present and future clinical significance"-is reviewed. 93 refer- ences. 209. Lambert, P. P. Le traitement de la maladie d'Addison par l'im- plantation sous-cutane'e de comprimes d'hormone synthe'tique. Bull. Acad. meM. Belgique, 1940, 6. ser., 5: 136-164, pi. Report of two cases and review of literature. 41 references. 210. Levrat, M., Garde, A., and Favre-Cilly, J. Resultats e'loigne's du traitement de la maladie d'Addison par les implantations sous- cutanees d'acetate de deoxycorticosterone. Lyon med., 1947, 177: 94-100. Case report. 211. Lian, C, Facquet, J., and Alhomme, P. Les variations de volume du coeur dans le traitement hormonal de la maladie d'Addison et sous 1'influence du regime dans les nephrites aigues. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1942-43, 58: 290-295. 11 references. 212. Loeb, R. F., Archley, D. W., Ferrebee, J. W., and Ragan, C. Observations on effects of desoxycorticosterone esters and progester- one in patients with Addison's disease. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1939, 54: 285-296. 6 references. 213. Lucherini, T. Tentativo di cura del morbo di Addison con l'ormo- transfusione del sangue di soggetto affetto da ipertensione arteriosa essenziale. Minerva med. Tor., 1940, 1: 490-494. 214. MacBryde, C. M., and De la Baize, F. A. Pork adrenal-cortex extract; effect upon carbohydrate metabolism and work capacity in Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4:287-296. Pork ad- renal-cortex has a direct action upon carbohydrate metabolism sur- passing that of beef adrenal-cortex extract. 11 references. 215. McCullagh, E. P. Management of Addison's disease. Proc. Interst. Postgrad. M. Ass. N. America (1943) 1944, 30-35. 216. McCullagh, E. P., Lewis, L. A., and Shively, F. L., Jr. On the absorption rate of desoxycorticosterone acetate pellets. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 493-496. 217. McCullagh, E. P., and Ryan, E. J. Use of desoxycorticosterone acetate in Addison's disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 1L4: 687-688. Abstract. -27- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 218. McGavack, T. H. Adrenal insufficiency, some pitfalls in the treat- ment of Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1941, U 68-75. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, .16: 9379. 49 references. 219. McGavack, T. H., see No. 108. 220. McGavack, T. H. Optimal dosage and the reciprocal relation of desoxycorticosterone acetate and sodium in Addison's disease. N. England J. M., 1942, 22J3: 547-552. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, JJB: 19853. 15 references. 221. McGavack, T. H. Regulation of the reciprocal activity of desoxy- corticosterone acetate and sodium in Addison's disease. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1942, 27: 1117-1118. 2 references. 222. McGavack, T. H. The size of the heart as a guide to the treatment of Addison's disease with desoxycorticosterone acetate. Am. Heart J., 1942, 24: 99-112. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, r7; 13488. 35 references. 223. McGavack, T. H., Charlton, G. P., and Klotz, S. Effect of des- oxycorticosterone acetate on glucose tolerance in normal individuals and in patients with Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1941, U 824-830. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, lji: 6650. The authors conclude that desoxycorticosterone acetate is safe and im- portant in the treatment of Addison's disease, provided that recipro- cally proportionate amounts of sodium are administered and that potassium intake is not lowered. 224. Mach, R. S. Les hormones cortico-surrenales et leurs applications en clinique. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1948, 68:856. Abstract of a paper read before the Societe Medical Neucha*teloise, 27 May 1948. 225. Mamou, H., and Grimberg, J. Gynecomastie par le traitement k la desoxycorticoste'rone chez un addisonien. Paris med., 1950, 40: No. 22, Suppl., p. 7-8. 226. Marsh, J. D. Rationale for use of ascorbic acid in Addison's disease. S. Thomas Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1948, 46: 154-155. 11 references. 227. Norpoth, L., and Vagedes, M. Storungen der Reizentstehung und Reizleitung bei Addisonscher Krankheit. Zschr. Kreislaufforsch., 1943, 35: 673-681. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 2^: 5693. ""All of these abnormalities disappeared following the adminis- tration of cortical hormone. " (Biol. Abstr.). 27 references. -28- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 228. Paliard, F., Plauchu, M., and Creyssel. Trois cas de maladie d'Addison traites par des injections intramusculaires de suspension huileuse de cristaux de cortine de synthese. Lyon med., 1948, 179: 277-282. 229. Paliard, F., Plauchu, M., and Danjou. Trois cas de maladie d'Addi- son traites par l'acetate de desoxycorticosterone, l'un par injections, les deux autres par implantation sous-cutanee de comprimes. Lyon med., 1942, 168: 3-10. 230. Perera, G. A., Pines, K. L., Hamilton, H. B., and Vislocky, K. Clinical study of ll-dehydro-17-hydroxy-corticosterone in hyper- tension, Addison's disease and diabetes. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 803-804. 231.*Perez Vitoria, C. Los efectos del acetato de desoxicorticosterone empleado como unica terapeutica en la enfermedad de Addison. Med. elm., Barcelona, 1944, 2: 30-40. 232. Potor, A., Young, N. F., Homburger, F., and Reifenstein, E. C, Jr. Effect of adrenal cortical compounds on electrolyte metabolism of a patient with Addison's disease during high sodium chloride in- take. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 608. 233. Ravault, P., Pont, M., and Fraisse, H. L'administration intra- veineuse d'un nouveau derive de la desoxycorticosterone (glucoside hydrosoluble). Lyon me'd., 1949, 181: 211-213. 234. Ravault, P., Pont, M., and Pothier, A. Les suspensions cristal- lines de desoxycorticosterone dans le traitement des syndromes addisoniens. J. med. Lyon, 1948, 29: 291-296. 2 references. 235.*Reinstein, H. A comparative study of desoxycorticosterone and adrenal cortical extract in the treatment of Addison's disease. Bull. N. YorkM. Coll., 1940, 3: No. 2, 1-6. 236. Retailleau, G. Essai sur le traitement actuel de la maladie d'Addi- son. 49 p. Paris, 1943. These-Paris. 68 references. 237. Rogoff, J. M. Treatment of Addison's disease with interrenalin; (adrenal cortex extract). J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2:43-48. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: 12095. ""Definite prolon- gation of life and amelioration of symptoms are demonstrated, in- cluding a case report. " (Biol. Abstr.). 13 references. -29- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 238. Rospide, P. C. Artritis por desoxicorticosterona, en el curso del tratamiento de un caso de enfermedad de Addison. Prensa med. argent., 1950, 37: 934-939. 13 references. 239. Roth, G. M., Robinson, F. J., and Wilder, R. M. Changes of the systolic and diastolic blood pressure and the response of the blood pressure to the cold pressor test among patients suffering from Addi- son's disease, during treatment with desoxycorticosterone acetate. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1943, UJ: 450-456. 7 references. 240. Roth, G. M., Robinson, F. J., and Wilder, R. M. Response of the blood pressure to the cold pressor test in Addison's disease during treatment with desoxycorticosterone acetate. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 2429-2430. Abstract. 241. Rowntree, L. G. An average survival of ten years in eight consecu- tive cases of Addison's disease. Results with a noncommercial product of the adrenal cortex (Swingle's preparation) and a high salt intake. Acta med. scand., 1947, 196: Suppl., 92-104. 242. Rowntree, L. G. Increasing survival time in Addison's disease; results in six cases in which a noncommercial product of the ad- renal cortex and a high salt intake were administered. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114:2526-2530. 243. Salcedo, I. de. O tratamento das crises agudas da doenca de Addi- son. J. med., Porto, 1950, JU3: 599-600. 7 references. 244. Sarradon, P. Incidents et accidents possibles au cours des implants de desoxycorticosterone dans la maladie d'Addison. Sem. h6*p. Paris, 1947, £3: Suppl., 1849-1853. 245. Sauer, H. Zur Implantations behandlung der Addisonschen Krankheit unter Berucksichtigung der Grundkrankheit. Med. Mschr., 1949, 3: 426-428. Report of 6 cases. 246. Segall, G. Treatment of Addison's disease with pellets of synthetic desoxycorticosterone acetate implanted subcutaneously. Am. J. M. Sc, 1941, 201: 202-208. Presentation of 3 cases. 18 references. 247. Shipley, R. A. Treatment of Addison's disease with pellets of des- oxycorticosterone acetate. Am. J. M. Sc., 1944, 207: 19-29. Ab- stracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 143, 467; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: 15896. 31 references. -30- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 248. Siguier, F., Jayle, M. F., and Berthaux. Interet du dosage des 17 ce'tosteroi'des dans certaines asthenics d'allure cryptogene'tique; premiers essais therapeutiques par l'absorption percutanee d'hor- mones androgeno-corticales. Bull. Soc med. hSp. Paris, 1950, 66: 514-521. 249. Soffer, L. J., and Engel, F. L. Treatment of Addison's disease with desoxycorticosterone acetate. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 1860-1866. Report of 5 cases. 22 references. 250. Sprague, R. G., Gastineau, C. F., Mason, H. L., and Power, M. H. Effects of synthetic 11-dehydrocorticosterone (Compound A) in a subject with Addison's disease. Am. J. Med., 1948, 4: 175- 185. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal sub- stances, 1949, p. 25-26. 20 references. 251. Sprague, R. G., Kepler, E. J., Keating, F. R., Jr., and Power, M. H. Coexisting Addison's disease and diabetes mellitus: com- parative effects of Compound E (17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocorticoster- one) and allied substances in three cases. J. Clin. Invest., 1947, 26: 1198. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Anno- tated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 24. 252. Sprague, R. G., Power, M. H., Mason, H. L., and Cluxtdn, H. E. Metabolic effects of synthetic compound E (17-hydroxy- 11-dehydro- corticosterone) in 2 patients with Addison's disease and in 1 with coexisting Addison's disease and diabetes mellitus. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 812. Abstracted in: Collect. Papers Mayo Clin., 1949, 61_: 236-237. "The results demonstrate the predominant carbohy- drate activity of compound E. The hormone was excreted in part as a 17-ketosteroid. " (Collect. Papers). 2 53. Stephan, Y. C. M. L'implantation sous-cutanee de la cortine de synthese dans le traitement de la maladie d'Addison. 75 p. Paris 1942. These-Paris. 63 references. 254. Talbot, N. B., Butler, A. M., and MacLachlan, E. A., see No. 144. 255. Tattini, P. La terapia del morbo di Addison. Metodo di scelta per la terapia delle "crisi" e per quella del "periodo di stato. " Poli- clinico (sez. prat) 1942, 49: 210-216. 9 references. -31- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 256. Thompson, W. O., Thompson, P. K., Taylor, S. G., III, and Hoffman, W. S. Treatment of Addison's disease with desoxycorti- costerone acetate. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 688. 257. Thorn, G. W., Dorrance, S. S., and Day, E. Addison's disease; evaluation of synthetic desoxycorticosterone acetate therapy in 158 patients. Ann. Int. M., 1942, 16>: 1053-1096. Abstracted in: Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1942, _57: 199-202; Also in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 248; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: 15818. 42 refer- ences. 258. Thorn, G. W., and Fibor, W. M. Desoxycorticosterone acetate therapy in Addison's disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 114: 2517- 2525. 9 references. 259. Thorn, G. W., Greif, R. L., Coutinho, S. O., and Eisenberg, H. Relative effectiveness of several methods of administering desoxy- corticosterone acetate. J. Clin. Endocr., 1941, 1: 967-976. Im- plantation of pellets, intramuscular injection of hormone in oil and sublingual administration of a propylene, glycol solution of hormone, appear to be the feasible methods. 12 references. 260. Troudet, J. La mort subite chez les addisoniens traites par la desoxycorticosterone. 44 p. Paris, 1946. Thdse-Paris. 18 refer- ences. 261. Tschilow, K. Dauerhyperglykamie und verstarkte Pigmentation nach Desoxycorticosteronbehandlung. Med. Klin., Berl., 1944, _40: 19- 21. Side effects of doca in treatment of Addison's disease; case re- port. 262. Vaccaro, J. E. Cortin and the treatment of Addison's disease. 12 p. 1940. Thesis-Milwaukee Co. Gen. Hosp., Wauwatosa (typewritten). 15 references. 263. Williams, R. H., Whittenberger, J. L., Bissell, G. W., and Weinglass, A. R. Treatment of adrenal insufficiency. J. Clin. Endocr., 1945, 5: 163-180. The effects of hormones and allied sub- stances were studied in six patients with Simmond's disease and five with Addison's disease. The object was to produce an improvement superior to that with desoxycorticosterone acetate alone. "Testo- sterone propionate, testosterone pellets, methyl testosterone, andro- stanediol and methyl androstanediol improved the strength, their effectiveness decreasing in the order named. " 70 references. -32- ADDISON'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 264. Wilson, A. Sublingual therapy in Addison's disease. Lancet, Lond., 1942, _1: 762-763. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 248. Sublingual daily administration of 10 mg. of desoxycorticosterone acetate dissolved in propylene glycol failed to maintain 4 patients with Addison's disease. 4 references. 265. Wood, D. E. The present-day concept of adrenal cortical physiology with reference to the treatment of Addison's disease by glandular transplant. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1949, 42: 1064-1068. A review of the literature. 38 references. 266.*Yener, M. S. Prolonged desoxycorticosterone administration in therapy of Addison's disease; case observed for 5 years. Turk tip. cem. mec, 1946, ^2: 113-116. ADRENAL CORTEX (including anatomy, chemistry and histology) 267. Bacchus, H. Ketosteroid and ascorbic acid cytochemistry observed in the adrenal cortices of rats flooded with either sodium of potassi- um chloride, or given prolonged injection of DCA. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, ^: 7. The purpose of the experiment was "to elucidate the re- lationship of ascorbic acid to secretory activity in the adrenal cor- tex .. . " 268. Baxter, J. S., and Yoffey, J. M. Histochemistry of the suprarenal cortex in man and the chimpanzee. J. Anat., Lond., 1947, 81:402. Abstract. 269. Cain, A. J., and Harrison, R. G. Cytological and histochemical variations in the adrenal cortex of the albino rat. J. Anat., Lond., 1950, 84: 196-226. 64 references. 270. Deane, H. W., and Greep, R. O. A cytochemical study of the adrenal cortex in hypo- and hyperthyroidism. Endocrinology, 1947, 41:243- 257. Results of the changes in the 2 secreting zones of the adrenal cortex in hypo- and hyperthyroidism. 19 references. 271. Deane, H. W., and Greep, R. O. A morphological and histochemical study of the rat's adrenal cortex after hypophysectomy, with comments on the liver. Am. J. Anat., 1946, 79: 117-145. 36 references. 272. Deane, H. W., and McKibbin, J. M. The chemical cytology of the rat's adrenal cortex in pantothenic acid deficiency. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 385-400. Detailed study to determine whether the cortex is involved early in the deficiency or only secondarily. 32 references. -33- ADRENAL CORTEX (Continued) 273. Deane, H. W., and Morse, A. The cytological distribution of ascorbic acid in the adrenal cortex of the rat under normal and ex- perimental conditions. Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 127-141, incl. 2 pi. 23 references. 274. Ducommun, P., and Mach, R. S. Effet de l'hormone adrenocor- ticotrope sur la morphologie du cortex surrenalien, son contenu en acide ascorbique et en esters de cholesterol chez le rat normal. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 3: 17-26. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3598; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 163. 24 refer- ences. 275. Gaunt, R., and Eversole, W. J. Notes on the history of the adrenal cortical problem. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1949, 50: 511-521. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 251. A review and discussion. 276.*Gordon, A. S., and Katsh, G. F. The relation of the adrenal cortex to the structure and phagocytic activity of the macrophagic system. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1949, 52: 1-30. Abstracted in: Tr. N. York Acad. Sc , 1949, 2: 96. 41 references. 277. Greep, R. O., and Deane, H. W. The cytology and cytochemistry of the adrenal cortex. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1949, 50: 596-615. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4:217-218. Contents; Histology-Cytology: Mitochondria-Golgi apparatus-Lipid droplets- Cytochemistry: Reactions for ketosteroids-Experimental modification of the ketosteroid content of the adrenal cortex-Ascorbic acid-History of cells in the adrenal cortex-Summary. 71 references. 278. Greep, R. O., and Deane, H. W. Histological cytochemical and physiological observations on the regeneration of the rat's adrenal gland following enucleation. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 42-56. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 6135; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 53. "Daily administration of DOCA over a month's period caused suppression of secretory activity in the zona glomerulosa of the regenerated gland. " (Excerpta med.). 34 refer- ences. 279. Harrison, R. G., and Cain, A. J. Variations in the distribution of lipoids of the adrenal cortex. J. Anat., Lond., 1947, 81: 385. Ab- stract. 280. Howard, E. Regarding the effects of desoxycorticosterone and of testosterone on the adrenal x-zone. Anat. Rec, 1940, 11_: 181-191. 21 references. -34- ADRENAL CORTEX (Continued) 281. Jones, I. C. The action of testosterone on the adrenal cortex of the hypophysectomized, prepuberally castrated male mouse. Endocri- nology, 1949, 44: 427-438. 31 references. 282. Kendall, E. C. The adrenal cortex. Arch. Path., Chic, 1941, 32: 474-501. (In General Reviews). Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 13-14. 141 references. 283. Kendall, E. C. Chemistry of the adrenal cortex. Science, 1950, 111: 457. Abstract of a paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, 24 April 1950. 284. Long, M. E., and Schweizer, M. Demonstration of sudanophilic lipid cholesterol and plasmalogen in the adrenal cortex of normal and hypophysectomized guinea pigs. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 577-578. Abstract of a demonstration given before the 62nd Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists. 285.*Reichstein, T., and Euw, J. On the constituents of the adrenal cor- tex and related substances. Partial synthesis of substance S. Helvet. chim. acta, 1940, 2J3: 1258-1260. 286. Rogers, W. F., Jr., and Williams, R. H. Correlations of bio- chemical and histologic changes in the adrenal cortex. Arch. Path., Chic, 1947, 44: 126-137. 30 references. 287.*Rotter, W. Die Entwicklung der fetalen und kindlichen Nebennieren- rinde. Virchows Arch., 1949, 316:590-618. 288. Rotter, W. Das Wachstum der fotalen und kindlichen Nebennieren- rinde. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1949, 34: 547-561. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: 247. 9 references. 289. Sarason, E. L. Morphologic changes in the rat's adrenal cortex under various experimental conditions. Arch. Path., Chic, 1943, 35: 373-390. 290. Shoppee, C. W. Recent advances in the chemistry of the adrenal cor- tex. J Endocr., Cambr., 1947, 5: Suppl., 37-41. 12 references. 291. Skelton, F. R., Fortier, C, and Selye, H. Some chemical and mor- phological changes elicited in the adrenal by stilbestrol and lyophilized anterior pituitary preparation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 74: 120-122. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28840. Observations made "show that the corticotrophic effect of folliculoids cannot be solely ascribed to the liberation of anterior pituitary cor- ticotrophin such as is present in LAP. " 17 references. -35- ADRENAL CORTEX (Continued) 292. Stieve, H. Uber physiologische und pathologische Veranderungen der Nebennierenrinde des Menschen und ihre Abhangigkeit von Tatigkeit der Keimdrusen. 29 p. Stockh., 1946. Forms No. 6, Handl. Svenska vet. akad., 1946, 23: 3 ser. 15 references. 293. Vaccarezza, A. J. Histofisiologia de la corticosuprarrenal. Medicina, B. Aires, 1945, 5: 425-445; 6: 46-73. 270 references. 294. Wotton, R. M., and Zwemer, R. L. A study of the cytogenesis of cortico-adrenal cells in the cat. Anat. Rec, 1943, 86: 409-416. 15 references. 295. Zamcheck, N. The normal human adrenal cortex and its response to acute disease. Am. J. Path., 1947, 23^ 877. ADRENAL CORTEX - FUNCTION TESTS 296. Bonner, C. D., Fishman, W. H., and Homburger, F. Adrenal cortical responsiveness in patients with cancer and patients with chronic non-neoplastic disease. Application of the eosinophile uric acid-creatinine response test (ACTH) to geriatric patients with chronic diseases. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 52-54. 297. Bonner, C. D., Fishman, W. H., and Homburger, F. Response of circulating eosinophiles and uric acid excretion to ACTH in geriatric patients. Geriatrics, 1950, 5: 203-207. 7 references. 298. Bricaire, H. Un nouveau test d'insuffisance surrenale: I'epreuve a l'hormone adreno-corticotrope. Presse med., 1949, 57: 200. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 982. "A description of the method of clinical determination of adreno-cortical function ..." 299. Ferrero, C. Reaction de Millon positive dans l'insuffisance sur- renale. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80: 179. 8 references. 300.- Ferrero, C. Reaction de Millon positive dans l'insuffisance sur- renale. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80:492-498. Influence of DOC A ACTH and adrenal hormone extract on the positive reaction of Addisonians. The reaction was also found to be positive in con- genital hypothyroidism and chronic polyarthritis. 51 references. -36- ADRENAL CORTEX - FUNCTION TESTS (Continued) 301. Forsham, P. H , Prunty, F. T. G., and Thorn, G. W. Urinary uric acid-creatinine ratio following administration of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) as a simple test for adrenal cortical function. Endocrinology, 1947, 40: 448-449. 302. Forsham, P. H., Thorn, G. W., Recant, L., and Hills, A. G. Clinical experience with the use of the ACTH test for adrenal cortical function. J. Clin. Invest., 1948, 27: 534. Abstract. 303. Galli Mainini, C, Del Castillo, E. B., Reforzo Membrives, J., and Gambin, M. A. Pruebas funcionales de la corteza suprarrenal. Medicina, B. Air., 1944, 4: 391-411. 70 references. 304. Gennes, L. de, Bricaire, H., Mathieu de Fossey, B., and Deltour, G. Comparaison entre les tests d'A.C. T.H. et ceux de l'adrenaline dans 1'exploration de la fonction surrenale. Bull. Soc med. hSp. Paris, 1950, 66: 887-892. 7 references. 305. Gilbert-Dreyfus, Schiller, J., and Percheron. Test de Thorn modifie (injection intraveineuse de desoxycorticosterone associee a l'acide ascorbique). Bull. Soc med. hop. Paris, 1950, £6: 885- 886. Results in 15 normal subjects. 306. Greene, J. A., Levine, H., and Johnston, G. W. Is the potassium- tolerance curve of value in the diagnosis of adrenal cortical insuf- ficiency in man? Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 375-377. 4 references. 307. Heard, R. D. H., Sobel, H., and Venning, E. H. The neutral lipid- soluble reducing substances of urine as an index of adrenal cortical function. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 165: 699-710. 11 references. 308. Hernandez Morales, F., Casas, C. B., and Garcia Sanz, M. Thorn test in patients with eosinophilia related to parasitic infection; pre- liminary report. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 144; 379-380. "Use of the Thorn test for adrenal insufficiency, using epinephrine to detect the changes in circulating eosinophils in human patients with filariasis and bilharziasis, has been reported. " 6 references. 309. Jaffe, I., and Byron, C. Potassium tolerance test as an aid in diagnosis of adrenal insufficiency. J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2: 339- 342. The authors conclude that this test is not specific. 9 references. 310. Loeb, R. F. The adrenal cortex and electrolyte behavior. Harvey Lect., 1941-42, 37:100-128. 72 references. -37- ADRENAL CORTEX - FUNCTION TESTS (Continued) 311. Mcintosh, H. W., McAlpine, H. T., Singer, B., and Hoffman, M. M. Administration of ACTH to normal individuals and patients with intra or extra sellar pituitary tumours. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 14-24. 17-ketosteroid and neutral reducing lipid responses serve as a more sensitive index of diminution in ad- renal cortical function than eosinophil, uric acid and potassium re- sponses. 312. Mcintosh, H. W., Singer, B., and Hoffman, M. M. The evaluation of adrenocortical function by ascertaining the response to a single injection of adrenocorticotropin. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 661- 662. Abstract. 313. McQuarrie, I., Johnson, R. M., and Ziegler, M. R. Plasma electrolyte disturbance in patient with hypercorticoadrenal syndrome contrasted with that found in Addison's disease. Endocrinology, 1937, 2J.: 762-772. 314. Malmejac, J., and Gross, A. Etude sur la lymphopenie consecutive a une injection intraveineuse d'adrehaline; son application a. l'ex- ploration des fonctions corticosurrenales et hypophysaires. Algerie med., 1950, 54: 145-147. 8 references. 315. Matuba, M. Hukuzin hisitu kino no zikken-teki kenkyu; Everse de Fremery no heno-ho. (Experimental research on the function of the suprarenal cortex; an improved Everse de Fremery method for the determination of the cortex hormone). Fol. pharm. Jap., 1948-49, 44: 49-50. 316. Prunty, F. T. G. Techniques for the evaluation of adrenal cortical function by the use of adrenocorticotrophin; a review. J. Clin. Path., 1950, 3: 87-104. 76 references. 317. Robertson, T. Multiple injections of potassium as a test for ad- renocortical function, with modifications induced by desoxycortico- sterone. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 366. 318. Roche, M., Hills, A G., and Thorn, G. W. The levej of circulating eosinophils as an indicator of adrenal cortical adequacy following major surgery. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 7:662. Abstract. 319. Roche, M., Thorn, G. W., and Hills, A. G. The levels of circu- lating eosinophils and their response to ACTH in surgery. Their use as an index of adrenocortical function. N. England J. M., 1950, 242: 307-314. Abstracted in: Sem. med., B. Air., 1950, 51_: 903. 4 cases. 23 references. -38- ADRENAL CORTEX - FUNCTION TESTS (Continued) 320. Roubik, K. Vys'etrovan'poruch funkce kury nadledvinkove podle vylucovani neutralnich 17-ketosteroidu v moCi. Cas. iek. £esk., 1950, £9: 382-385. 33 references. 321. Thorn, G. W., Forsham, P. H., Prunty, F. T. G., and Hills, A. G. A test for adrenal cortical insufficiency; the response to pitui- tary adrenocorticotropic hormone. J. Am. M. Ass., 1948, 137; 1005-1009. Correction: 1544. "Two ... changes (a decrease in circulating eosinophils and a rise in excretion of uric acid) consist- ently follow the administration of a single dose of 25 mg. of normal subjects ..." 10 references. 322. Thorn, G. W., Forsham, P. H., Recant, L., and Hills, A. G. The use of adrenocorticotropin as a test of adrenal cortical reserve. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 589. 323. Thorn, G. W., Prunty, F. T. G., and Forsham, P. H. Clinical studies on the effects of pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1947, 6£: 143-150. 12 references. 324. Vitale, A. II tasso degli eosinofili circolanti e la risposta all'hor- mone adrenocorticotropo. Loro uso come indice della funzione adrenocorticale. Riforma med., 1950, 64:420-421. ADRENAL CORTEX - HORMONES, see CORTICOSTEROIDS ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERFUNCTION, see also CUSHING'S DISEASE 325. Fanconi, G., and Landolt, R. F. Die Erscheinungsformen des "Dyscorticismus" beim jungen Saugling. Helvet. paediat. acta, 1949, 4:22-42. Abstracted in: Sem. med., B. Air., 1950, 57^ 811. 24 references. 326. Howard, J. E. Physiology of adrenals as related to Addison's dis- ease, virilism and Cushing's syndrome. Am. Practitioner, 1948 2: 674-682. 42 references. 327. ingle, D. J. Experimental hyperadrenocortinism and its possible relationship to some of the metabolic changes caused by stress in the rat. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1946, 13. meet., p. 117- 142. 8 references. 328. Jarpa, S., and Croxatto, H. Excrecion de corticoides por la orina en ratas tratadas con cloruro de potasio. Bol. Soc. biol., Santiago 1948, 6: 28-29. 10 references. -39- ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERFUNCTION (Continued) 329. Kenyon, A. T. Adrenal cortical tumors-physiologic considerations. Surgery, 1944, 16: 194-232. 141 references. 330. Laroche, G., and Hochfeld, M. Un nouveau cas d'acro-osteolyse avec un syndrome endocrinien complexe. Sem. h6*p. Paris, 1950, 26: 1500-1502. Case of "a syndrome of adrenal-cortical hyperfunc- tion of the 'pregnancy' type, clearly at variance with the well-known syndromes of Cushing and Apert. " 7 references. 331. Luft, R. A study on hirsutism, Cushing's syndrome and precocious puberty. Acta med. scand., 1944, Suppl. No. 149. "The author reviews the literature and reports 14 cases of hirsutism, 11 cases of Cushing's syndrome and 2 cases of precocious puberty. 228 references. 332.*McGavack, T. H. Diagnostic procedures in cases of adrenal cortical hyperfunction. N. York Med., 1950, 6: No. 2, 16-18. 333. McQuarrie, I., Johnson, R. M., and Ziegler, M. R. Plasma elec- trolyte disturbance in patient with hypercorticoadrenal syndrome con- trasted with that found in Addison's disease. Endocrinology, 1937, 21: 762-772. 16 references. 334. Ploye, M. (Engraissement par l'hyperfonction provoquee du cortex surrenal.) Rev. palud., Par., 1950, 8: 73-76. Critical abstract of a paper "Mastung durck Steigerung der Nebennierenrindenfunktion" by I. G. Fazekas, Acta med. Szeged, 1949, 12: fasc. 2. English summary. 335. Rambert, P. Les syndromes d'hyperfonctionnement corticosurrenal. Sem. hop. Paris, 1950, 26: 1592-1598. Lecture given at the Medical Clinic of the Hotel-Dieu at Paris, 9 February 1949. 336. Schroeder, H. A., Davies, D. F., and Clark, H. E. A syndrome of hypertension, obesity, menstrual irregularities, and evidence of adrenal cortical hyperfunction. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1949, 34: 1746. Abstract. 337. Soffer, L. J. Clinical and experimental studies on adrenal cortical hyperfunction. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1948, 24: 32-50. 338. Soffer, L. J. Clinical manifestations of adrenal cortical hyperfunc- tion. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1947, 23: 479-493. 14 references. 339. Wilhelm, S. F. Adrenal cortical hyperfunction; recent advances in diagnosis and treatment. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1950, 54: 34-39. 38 ref- erences. -40- ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERFUNCTION (Continued) 340 Wilkins L. Hyperadrenocorticism, classification of type. Pedi- ' atrics, Springf., 1949, 3: 533-548. Classification-Adrenogenital syndrome-Cushing's syndrome in children-Incidence of various types of hyperadrenocorticism in childhood. ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERTROPHY 341. Blackman, S. S., Jr. Concerning the function and origin of the re- ticular zone of the adrenal cortex; hyperplasia in the adrenogenital syndrome. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1946, 78: 180-218. Review of literature; 9 autopsied cases indicate "that the adrenal hyperplasia associated with the adrenogenital syndrome is hyperplasia of cells of the reticular zone of the cortex. " 59 references. 342. Eranko, O. Effect of alloxan diabetes on'the adrenal glands of adult male and female rats. Acta anat., Basel, 1950, 9:251-257. "Three weeks after inducement of alloxan diabetes, male rats showed ad- renal enlargement due to cortical hypertrophy. Similar reaction was lacking in females. The possible role of Selye's general-adap- tation-syndrome in the alloxan diabetes was discussed. " 13 refer- ences. 343. Gardner, L. I., Sniffen, R. C, Zygmuntowicz, A. S., and Talbot, N. B. Biopsy and steroid-excretion studies in congenital adrenal cortical hyperplasia. Cancer Res., 1950, H): 218-219. 344. Paris, R., and Laff argue, P. Les syndromes d'hyper surrenalisme cortical; pseudohermaphrodisme, puberte precoce, hirsutisme, virilisation, gynecosmatie. Alg/rie n^d., 1946, 99-121. Review article. Some 120 references. 345. Tepperman, J., Engel, F. L., and Long, C. N. H. A review of adrenal cortical hypertrophy. Endocrinology, 1943, 32: 373-402. 250 references. 346. Wilkins, L., Klein, R., and Lewis, R. A. The response to ACTH in various types of adrenal hyperplasia. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 184-192. "ACTH in Cushing's syndro- me produces the same effects as in normals with increased steroid excretion and sodium retention .. . ACTH in . . . adrenal hyperplasia with virilism or precocity causes no increase in sodium retention and may cause a .. . increase in sodium excretion despite the (usual) increase in steroid excretion . .. Addisonian symptoms ... in . . . adrenogenital syndrome may be due in part to the increased production of adrenal hormones which produce salt loss (such as Compound E) as well as decreased production of salt-retaining hormones (such as des- oxycorticosterone). -41- ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPERTROPHY (Continued) 347. Wilkins, L., Lewis, R. A., Klein, R., and Rosemberg, E. Sup- pression of androgen secretion by cortisone in case of congenital adrenal hyperplasia; preliminary report. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1950, J56: 249-252. 3 references. ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION, see also ADDISON'S DISEASE 348. Abignoli, E. Traitement actuel de l'insuffisance surrenale. Mar- seille med., 1949, 86: 74-92. 349. Barnett, H. L., and McNamara, H. Electrolyte balances in a male infant with adrenocortical insufficiency and virilism. The effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate and salt therapy with special reference to potassium. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 1498-1506. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12176. 39 references. 350. Barta, L., and Vince, I. Der Einfluss der Nebenniernrinde auf den Zuckerstoffwechsel bei Zoliakie. Ann. paediat., Basel, 1949, 173: 17-22. 351. Callow, N. H., Callow, R. K., and Emmers, C. W. 17-ketosteroid, androgen and oestrogen excretion in the urine of cases of gonadal or adrenal cortical deficiency. J. Endocr., 1940, 2^'88-98. 39 refer- ences. 352. Carlgren, L. E. Congenital hyperplasia of the adrenals with adrenal cortical insufficiency. Acta paediat., Stockh., 1949, 38: 71-81. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8^ 79. 12 references. A short survey is given of a syndrome, described previously but still little known, consisting of congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal glands with adrenal cortical insufficiency with respect to water and electrolyte hormone and increased production of androgenic hormone. Three new cases are presented, two of which were diagnosed post-mortem. The third case was treated with DCA and salt and recovered. 12 references. 353. Cheek, D. B. Pink disease; an investigation of its cause and treat- ment. (Preliminary report). Med. J. Australia, 1950, U 101-107. 354. Cheek, D. B., and Hicks, C. S. Pink disease or infantile acrodynia; its nature, prevention and cure. Med. J. Australia, 1950, U 107- 120. Report of 37 cases. 25 references. 355. Elrick, H. Acute adrenal insufficiency; its treatment and prevention. N. England J. M., 1950, 242: 855-858. On the basis of the literature and of 22 cases, detailed rules for management and prevention are presented. 15 references. -42- ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION (Continued) 356. Los eosinofilos en el diagnostico de la insuficiencia suprarrenal. Medicina, B. Air., 1950, 10: 71-72. Editorial. 357. Gilbert-Dreyfus, G., Albeaux-Fernet, Gelinet, M., Gadrat, Wahl, M., and Zara, M. Traitement de l'insuffisance surrenalienne et de la maladie d'Addison. Vie med., Par., 1950, 31: No. 5, 27-44. A symposium. 358. Gorrell, R. L. Adrenal cortex by mouth for the tired patient. Clin. Med., 1940, 47: 415-418. 19 references. 359. Helve, O. Clinical findings in Addison's disease. Acta med. scand., 1947, 128: 289-312. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12189. 38 cases from the clinics at Helsinki, 1921-1945. 360. Helve, O. Electrocardiographic studies in Addison's disease. Ann. med. int. fenn., 1947, 36: 36-52. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1948, 3: 68- No abnormalities were observed in 10 out of 13 patients. 26 references. 361. Howard, J. E. Physiology of adrenals as related to Addison's dis- ease, virilism and Cushing's syndrome. Am. Practitioner, 1948, 2: 674-682. 42 references. 362. Jaudon, J. C. Further observations concerning hypofunction of the adrenals during early life; "salt and water" hormone deficiency. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1948, 32: 641-669. "A syndrome is presented in young infants . . . characterized by nausea, regurgitation, vom- iting, eventual dehydration, and collapse" and considered to be caused by temporary deficiency of the desoxycorticosterone factor. DCA and salt were used successfully. 24 references. 363. Jaudon, J. C. Hypofunction of the adrenals in early life. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1946, 29:698-710. "A theory of physiologic hypofunction of the adrenal glands during . . . early . .. life" is presented. An- orexia, failure to gain weight, tendency to dehydration, hypogly- cemia and diarrhea may be symptoms. These patients may be bene- fited by DCA therapy. 34 references. 364. Jones, B. V. Acute adrenal insufficiency after adrenalectomy for prepubertal virilism. Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 1023-1024. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12196. ""After surgical removal of about half of the 2d of 2 hypertrophied adrenals, a girl developed acute adrenal insufficiency, with deep cutaneous pigmentation. Symp- toms and pigmentation rapidly disappeared after treatment for 4 days with adrenal cortical extracts. " (Biol. Abstr. ). 2 references. -43- ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION (Continued) 365. Kowalewski, K., Rutman, S., and Cebula, W. Essai d'exploration fonctionnelle de la corticosurrenale de sujets age's, par le test de Robinson et le dosage de 17-cetosteroides urinaires. Acta clin. belg., 1949, 4: 532-546. 135 old patients (age 60-83) presented a positive Robinson-Kepler-Power test and decreased 17-ketosteroid excretion. Desoxycorticosterone acetate improved results of the RKP test wfthout making it negative. "It seems possible that aging is characterized by a decrease of adrenal cortical function. " 366. Kraft, M. Die klinische Anwedung von Percorten bei der Coeliakie. Ann. paediat., Basel, 1942, 158: 1-33. English and French sum- maries. 34 references. 367. Lafontaine, A. Essais des sels de la desoxycorticosterone dans la tuberculose pulmonaire accompagneede symptc^mes reels ou apparents d'insuffisance surrenale. Ann. endocr., Par., 1946, 7^ 124-127. 368. Larguia, A. E. Insuficiencia corticosuprarrenal aguda y shock. Arch, argent, pediat., 1946, 25: 182-194. 27 references. 369. Lehotzky, P. v. Uber das Altern. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1942, 24: 263-272. According to the author, ageing is due to atrophy of the adrenal cortex. 370. MacBryde, C. M., and De la Baize, F. A. Work capacity and blood sugar in adrenocortical deficiency; effect of pork adrenal cortex extract. J. Clin. Invest., 1944, 2^: 938. 371. Martin, C. R., and Collings, W. D. Some liver function tests on dogs in adrenal cortical insufficiency. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 86. Abstract. 372. Meier, R. Akute Wirkung des wasserloslichen Percortens auf die Nebenniereninsuffizienz. Helvet. physiol. pharm. acta, 1943, 1_: 63-64. 373. Morgan, A. F., and Simms, H. D. Adrenal atrophy and senescence due to a vitamin deficiency. Proc. Pacific Sc Congr. (1939) 1943, 6. Congr., 6: 499-510. 374. Perera, G. A. The relationship of the adrenal cortex to hyperten- sion; observations on the effect of hypoadrenalism on a patient with hypertensive vascular disease. J. Am. M. Ass., 1945, 129: 537- 538. "A patient with documented hypertension who subsequently developed hypoadrenalism, showed a persistent elevation of blood pressure under treatment with desoxycorticosterone. " "Replace- ment therapy with salt alone, even though the patient was maintained in water and electrolyte balance, resulted in a drop in blood pressure to normal limits. " 9 references. -44- ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION (Continued) 375. Perera, G. A., Blood, D. W., and Reinhold, K. H. 11-Dehy- drocorticosterone; its effects on hypoadrenalism in man. Am. J. Med., 1946, .1: 135-143. "Metabolic studies made in 2 cases of Addison's disease and one of hypoadrenalism. " 5 references. 376. Raleigh, G. W., and Philipsborn, H. F., Jr. Addison's disease with partial absence of adrenal cortex and gynecomastia. Arch. Path., Chic, 1944, 37:213-215. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 218-219. Case of a 36 year old male with Addison's disease, who developed gynecomastia after 2 years treatment with salt and desoxycorticosterone. 3 references. 377.*Ratsimamanga, A. R. Comparative action of adrenal cortical ex- tracts and of desoxycorticosterone on adrenal insufficiency during scurvy. C. rend. Soc biol., 1944, 138: 19-20. 378. Rice, E. C, Judge, D. J., and Vaden, E. Adrenal cortical in- sufficiency. Clin. Proc. Child. Hosp., Wash., 1949, 5: 173-178. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 141. "Chronic adrenal cortical insufficiency due to idiopathic degeneration of the adrenal glands is reported in a five-year-old boy. The case report includes autopsy findings and a discussion of the case." (Excerpta med.). 379. Schwarz-Thiene, E. L'insufficienza cortico-surrenale nella malattia celiaca. Minerva pediat., 1950, 2: 149-155. 11 references. 380. Tepper, W., Levine, S. Z., and Barnett, H. L. Congenital ad- renocortical insufficiency with virilism. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1949, 34: 768-777. 11 references. 381. Thorn, G. W. Clinical use of extracts from adrenal cortex, and of synthetic products having similar actions. J. Am. M. Ass., 1944, 125: 10-15. 24 references. 382. Thorn, G. W., Koepf, G. F., Lewis, R. A., and Olsen, E. F. Carbohydrate metabolism in Addison's disease. J. Clin. Invest., 1940, .19: 813-832. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 11; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: 7845. "Metabolic studies on a limited number of untreated patients and on a larger number of patients maintained by synthetic desoxycorticosterone acetate therapy. " -45- ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION (Continued) 383. Uribe, R. C, Zygmuntowicz, A. S., Wood, M., Christo, E., and Talbot, N. B. Adrenocortical "sugar-fat-nitrogen" hormone as measured by urinary 11-17-oxysteroid-like substances and by counts of circulating eosinophils. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1950, 79: 385-386. Abstract of paper; discussion. 384. Walters, W., and Sprague, R. G. Hyperfunctioning tumors of the adrenal cortex with report of 8 cases. Ann. Surg., 1949, 129: 677- 701. Abstracted in: Collect. Papers Mayo Clin., 1949, 61T230-235. 16 references. 385. Zuelzer, W. W., and Blum, A., Jr. Adrenocortical insufficiency in infants with the adrenogenital syndrome. A clinical and patho- logic study of four cases. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1949, 3ji: 344-361. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Urol., 1950, 5: 185-186; Also in: Sem. med., B. Air., 1950, 57: 256. 26 references. ADRENAL CORTEX - PATHOLOGY 386. Applegarth, A. Histochemical changes in the adrenal cortex of the rat in alloxan diabetes. Endocrinology, 1949, 44: 197-199. Studies indicate presence of stress with increased demand for the carbo- hydrate-regulating hormone of the adrenal cortex. 7 references. 387. Fisher, J. A., and Hewer, T. F. The adrenal cortex in essential and renal hypertension. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1947, 59: 605-613. A study of 55 cases of essential hypertension, 15 cases of renal hypertension and 57 non-hypertensive controls coming to autopsy. 388. Guichard, A., and Boulliat, A. Les lesions histologiques des cap- sules surrenales dans 32 cas d'hypertension arterielle permanente traitee par surrenalectomie. J. med. Lyon, 1948, 29: 203-212. 389. Herrick, E. H., and Finerty, J. C. The effect of adrenalectomy on the anterior pituitaries of fowls. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 279- 282. 16 references. 390. Klinge, F. Die Nebennierenrinde im Hungerzustand bei Vitamin-B^ Mangel. Zbl. allg. Path., 1949, 85: 325-339. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44:5448a. 20 references. 391. LeCompte, P. M. Width of adrenal cortex in lymphatic leukemia, lymphosarcoma and hyperthyroidism. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 158-162. 23 references. -46- ADRENAL CORTEX - PATHOLOGY (Continued) 392. O'Donnell, W. M., and Fajans, S. S. The adrenal cortex following ACTH: A preliminary report. Med. Bull. Univ. Michigan, 1950, 16: 169-172.. "A patient who had both subchronic myeloid leukemia and juvenile diabetes mellitus received 2, 825 mg. of ACTH over a period of 22 days. Histopathologic studies of the adrenals 5 days after cessation of ACTH showed hypertrophy and hyperplasia of cortical cells with a loss of lipidic material in the zona fasciculata but with an increase of these substances in the zona glomerulosa. The adrenal structural changes are believed to represent the mor- phologic expression of previous functional stimulation by ACTH. " 8 references. 393. Pinchot, G. B., Close, V. P., and Long, C. N. H. Adrenal changes produced in rats by infection with B. tularense and B. coli. Endo- crinology, 1949, 45: 135-142. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 54. lT~references. 394. Sarason, E. L. Adrenal cortex in systemic disease. A morpho- logic study. Arch. Int. M., 1943, 71: 702-712. 62 references. 395. Stieve, H., see No. 292. 396. Tudbury, P. B. The adrenal cortex; clinical pathology. J. Am. M. Women Ass., 1950, 5: 61-65. 25 references. ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY 397. Allen, B. M., and Bern, H. Influence of diethylstilbestrol upon the adrenal cortex of the guinea pig. Endocrinology, 1942, 31: 586-591. Diethylstilbestrol caused enlargement of the adrenal cortex and in- creased vacuolation. 31 references. 398. Arnett, V., and Gellhorn, E. Further investigations on the insulin sensitivity of the hypophysectomized-adrenodemedullated rat and on the role of the adrenal cortex. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1943, 2: 1. These investigations "confirm the work of Gellhorn, Fedman and^Allen and present evidence for the functioning of the adrenal cortex in spite of progressive atrophy. " 399. Baumann, E. J., and Marine, D. Involution of the adrenal cortex in rats fed with thiouracil. Endocrinology, 1945, 36: 400-405. 12 references. 400. Blackman, S. S., Jr., see No. 341. -47- ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 401. Boda, D. Ketonkorperverbrauch der Nebenniere. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1943, 247: 63-69. 16 references. 402. Bolinger, R. E. A clinical evaluation of adrenal cortical function. J. Kansas M. Soc, 1950, 5U 273-278. 38 references. 403. Bricaire, H. Un nouveau test d'insuffisance surrenale: I'epreuve a l'hormone adreno-corticotrope. Presse m/d., 1949, 57: 200. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 982. A method of clinical determination of adreno-cortical function. 6 references. 404. Broster, L. R. The surgery of the adrenal glands. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1950, 26>: 425-435. Endocrine effects of the adrenal glands. - Recent advances in the physiology of the adrenal cortex. - Surgical indications, etc. 19 references. 405. Browne, J. S. L., and Venning, E. H. The response of the adrenal cortex to disease and trauma. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1947, 60: 16-17. Abstract. 406. Carpenter, R. K., MacLeod, L. D., and Reiss, M. The effect of adreno-corticotropic hormone on the respiratory metabolism of the adrenal cortex of the rat. J. Physiol., Lond., 1946, 105: 231-235. 9 references. 407. Carreyett, R. A., Golla, Y. M. L., and Reiss, M. Action of gonadotrophic hormone and of pituitary corticotrophic hormone on cholesterol content of adrenals. J. Physiol., Lorfd., 1945, 104; 210-214. The gonadotrophic and corticotrophic hormone have an antagonistic influence* on the cholesterol metabolism of the adrenal cortex. "Gonadotrophic hormone decreases the cholesterol content after a preliminary increase, corticotrophic hormone increases the cholesterol content after preliminary decrease." 12 references. 408. Cavalli, F., and Occhialini, E. Equilibro tra cationi monovalenti e funzione corticosurrenale: Imbibizione muscolare. - L'ormone corticale nelle rane surrenectomizzate. Biochim. ter. sper., 1940, 27: 82-85; 262-265. French, German and English summaries. 18 references. 409 Costa, A. C. da. Funcao sexual do cortex supra-renal. Cadern. ' cient.', Lisb., 1948-49, 2: 151-177. -48- ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 410. Deane, H. W., and Shaw, J. H. Changes in the adrenal cortex and thymus induced by different B-vitamin deficiencies. Anat. Rec., 1947, 97: 329. Abstract of a paper presented at the 60th Annual Session-of the American Association of Anatomists. 411. Deane, H. W., and Shaw, J. H. A cytochemical study of the re- sponses of the adrenal cortex of the rat to thiamine, riboflavin, and pyridoxine deficiencies. J. Nutrit., 1947, 34: 1-19. 21 references. 412. Delaunay, A., and Lebrun, J. Sur Paction d'une hormone cortico- surrenale prepare par voie de synthese (acetate de 11-dehydro- corticosterone) chez des animaux traites par une endotoxine bac- te'rienne. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1947, 224: 1669-1670. Animal ex- periments confirm the physiologic activity of 11-dehydroxycortico- sterone and the importance of the suprarenal cortex in the defense of the organism against endotoxins. 413. Fortier, C, Skelton, F. R., Constantinides, P., Timiras, P. S. , Herlant, M., and Selye, H. A comparative study of some of the chemical and morphological changes elicited in the adrenals by stress and purified ACTH. Endocrinology, 1950, 46: 21-29. A rapid but transient fall of adrenal stainable lipids was produced by a single injection of ACTH but repeated injections produced no such decrease. In contrast to effect of multiple dosls of ACTH, "exposure to systemic stress . .. for the same period, produced an intense discharge of adrenal lipids. " 24 references. 414. Friedman, S. M., Friedman, C. L., and Campbell, C. G. Effects of adrenalectomy and of adrenal cortical extract on DCA-hyperten- sion in the rat. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 157: 241-247. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 19-20; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28824. "Results do not support the concept of a specific antipressor activity in the normal adrenal gland, but rather reflect the precarious water balance of the adrenalectomized animal. " "The administration of adrenal cortical extract to DCA-treated ani- mals did not modify the effects of this latter substance, indicating the absence of any grossly detectable depressor substance in the extract used. " 10 references. 415. Gersh, I., and Grollman, A. The relation of the adrenal cortex to the male reproductive system. Am. J. Physiol., 1939, 126:368- 374. "Results indicate that the adrenal gland does not exerFan androgenic function in the normal animal. " 22 references. -49- ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 416. Hartman, F. A. Functions of the adrenal cortex. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 861-869. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 16-17. 108 references. 417. Hartman, F. A. Hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex. Biol. Bull., 1946, jU: 215. Animal experiments. Abstract of a paper presented at the Marine Biological Laboratory, 13 August 1946. 418.*Hoagland, H. The human adrenal cortex in relation to stressful activities. J. Aviat. M., 1947, ^8:450-464. 419. Hoagland, H., Pincus, G., and Elmadjian, F. Stressful psycho- motor performance and adrenal cortical function in man. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1946, 5: 48. 420. Ingle, D. J. The physiological action of the adrenal hormones. In: American Association for the Advancement of Science. The Chemis- try and physiology of hormones. Washington, 1944. p. 83-103. 421. Jones, I. C. The adrenal cortex of the spayed, hypophysectomized mouse, after injections of adrenocorticotrophin and of gonadotrophins. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103:473-474. Abstract. 422. Kendall, E. C. The function of the adrenal cortex. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1940, JJJ: .297-304. Abstracted in: Merck & Co. , Inc. , Rahway, N. J77 Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 8. 423.*Lambret, O. , Driessens, J., and Cornillot, M. Diminution con- siderable du taux de l'hormone du cortex surrenalien au cours du choc traumatique experimental chez le chien. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1941, 135: 972-973. 424. Leroy, P. Permanence des canaux de Muller dans l'embryon de poulet et action possible du cortex surrehalien. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1949, 143: 1350-1353. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950 4: 279. 20 references. 425 Levin L. On the possible relationship between adrenocortical func- tion and the leukemic state. Cancer, N. Y., 1948, 1_: 413-418. 24 references. 426 Long, C. N. H. Biochemical changes associated with the activity of the adrenal cortex. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1946, 78: 317-321. ■V IV f ORCLS wr'•■ ■■„■". -50- ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 427. Long, C. N. H. The conditions associated with the secretion of the adrenal cortex. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1947, 6:461-471. 24 ref- erences. 428. Long, C. N. H. The mechanism of secretion of the adrenal cortical hormones. Science, 1950, _U1: 458-459. Abstract of paper pre- sented at the 1950 Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Sci- ences, 24-26 April 1950. 429. Long, C. N. H. The relation of cholesterol and ascorbic acid to the secretion of the adrenal cortex. Recent progress in hormone re- search, (New York) 1947, 1: 99-122. 22 references. 430. MacFarland, W. E. Adrenal cortical function independent of direct nervous action; a neurological study of normal, denervated, and transplanted adrenal glands of albino rats. J. Exp. Zool., 1944, 95: 345-359. 431. Matuba, M., and Koizumi, H. Hukuzin hisitu kind no zikken-teki kenkyu; hukuzin hisitu tyusyutu-butu no seilbutugaku-teki kentei-ho no ni-san ni tuite. (Experimental studies on the function of the ad- renal cortex; on several bio-assay methods of adrenal cortex ex- tract). Fol. pharm. jap., 1948-49, 44: No. 3, 73-75. 432. Miller, R. A. Cytological phenomena associated with experimental alterations of secretory activity in the adrenal cortex of mice. Am. J. Anat., 1950, 86: 405-437. 33 references. 433. (Morros Sarda, J.) Cortical secretion and the defense of the organism. J. Am. M. Ass., 1949, 139: 173-174. "Letter from Madrid" re- porting on the work done by Morros Sarda. 434. Nizet, E., Heusghem, C, and Herve, A. Reactions cortico-sur- renaliennes a la suite d'applications de rayons X a distance chez le lapin. C. rend. Soc biol., 1949, 143: 876-877. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 97. 7 references. 435. Olson, R. E., and Deane, H. W. A physiological and cytochemical study of the kidney and the adrenal cortex during acute choline de- ficiency in weanling rats. J. Nutrit., 1949, 39:31-55. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50, 19: 95T. 45 references. 436. Peczenik, O. Action of sex hormones on the adrenal cortex of the golden hamster. Proc R. Soc Edinburgh, 1944, 62: 59-65. 25 references. — -51- ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 437. Perry, W. F., and Gemmell, J. P. Effect of surgical operations on excretion of iodine, corticosteroids, and uric acid. Canad. J. Res., Sect. E., 1949, 27: 320-326. 438. Pincus, G. Studies of the role of the adrenal cortex in the stress of human subjects. Recent progress in hormone research, (New York) 1947, _1: 123-145. 20 references. 439. Pinto, R. M. Accidn directa e indirecta de los estregenos sobre las giehdulas suprarrenales. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1945, 21: 136- 143. ~ 440. Polonsky, R. Some aspects of normal and abnormal hormone se- cretion. Tufts M. J., 1950, _17: 76-84; 110-118. 59 references. 441.*Ponse, K. Fonction sexuelle de la cortico-surrenale. Praxis, Bern, 1949, 38: 1059. 442. Reade, B., and Morgan, A. F. Relationship of riboflavin deficiency to adrenocortical function as shown by carbohydrate metabolism in anoxia. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 392. 443. Rogoff, J. M. Experimental pathology and physiology of the adrenal cortex; production of Addison's disease in laboratory animals. Arch. Path., Chic, 1944, 3jJ: 392-409. 14 references. 444. Sacks, M. S. Some aspects of adrenal cortical function and pitui- tary-adrenal relationships. Ann. Int. Med., 1949, 31:925-931. 21 references. 445. Salmon, T. N., and Zwemer, R. L. A study of the life-history of cortico-adrenal gland cells of the rat by means of trypan blue in- jection. Anat. Rec, 1941, 80:421-430. 12 references. 446. Selye, H., and Stone, H. Histo-physiology of the adrenal cortex. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 143-144. 447. Soszka, S. Badania nad gruczoyami dokrewnymi (jajnik, nadnercze i tarczyca) sVinki morskiej i szczura po usuni^ciu macicy. Gin. polska, 1949, 20:364-365. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 194. 1 reference. English abstract. 448.*Soulairac, A., Desclaux, P., and Teysseyre, J. Variations de l'activite phosphatisique de la corticosurrenale en fonction de modifi- cations endocrines. Ann. endocr., Par., 1949, 1£: 285-287. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 99. -52- ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 449. Steeples, C. L., and Jensen, H. Effect of the blood glucose level on the secretion of the adrenal cortex. Am. J. Physiol. ,1949 157: 418-421. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 8. 10 references. 450. Summers, V. K. The role of the adrenal cortex and gonads in the control of sexual hair distribution. Acta med. scand., 1949, .136: 105-111. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 225-226; Also in: Union med. Canada, 1950, 79: 572-573. The adrenal cortex plays an important part in sexual hair distribution. In case of lesion of the adrenal cortex, the extent of the injury rather than its pathol- ogy is important. 451. Sundstroem, E. S., and Michaels, G. The adrenal cortex in adap- tion to altitude, climate and cancer. Mem. Univ. California, 1942, J_2; 8; 1-410. 452. Swingle, W. W., and Remington, J. W. The role of the adrenal cortex in physiological processes. Physiol. Rev., 1944, 24: 89- 127. Review article. 531 references. 453. Talbot, N. B. Physiology of adrenal cortex. Pediatrics, Springf., 1949, 3: 519-533. 454. Talbot, N. B., Zygmuntowicz, A. N., Wood, M., and Christo, E. Observations on adrenal cortical "sugar-fat-nitrogen" hormone ("11- 17-OCS") and "17-ketosteroid precursor" production by normal and abnormal individuals of various ages with comments on the fact that (a) there may be two ACTH's and (b) the normal adrenal cortex may not produce true androgens. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 32-43. A presentation of "comparative observations . on the adrenal cortical status of infants, children and older persons. " The "evidence suggests strongly that there are qualitative differences between the adrenal cortical urinary 17-KS precursors" of normal subjects and of patients with adrenal cortical virilism. 455. Tepperman, J., Engel, F. L., and Long, C. N. H. Effect of high protein diets on size and activity of the adrenal cortex in the albino rat. Endocrinology, 1943, 32: 403-409. 16 references. 456. Thibault, O. Les facteurs hormonaux de la regulation chimique de la temperature des homeothermes. Rev. canad. biol., 1949, 8:3-131. This exhaustive study includes a discussion of the part played by hy- pophyseal and cortical hormones in thermoregulation. Ill refer- ences -53- ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 457.*Thorn, G. W., Jones, B. F., Lewis, R. A., Mitchell, E. R., and Koepf, G. F. The role of the adrenal cortex in anoxia; the effect of repeated daily exposures to reduced oxygen pressure. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137: 606-619. 458. Tobian, L., Jr., and Edwards, J. Effect of the adrenal cortex on diabetes during infections. Am. J. Med., 1948, 4: 466. 459. Tobian, L., Jr., and Joseph, H. Adrenal cortex activity in essen- tial hypertension. J. Clin. Endocr. , 1949, 9: 677-678. 460. Toby, C. G., and Noble, R. L. The role of the adrenal cortex in protein catabolism following trauma. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 1_: 461. 461. Tudbury, P. B. The adrenal cortex. Physiology. J. Am. M. Women Ass., 1950, 5: 1-7. Review article. 45 references. 462.*Veiican, C. Observations morpho-fonctionnelles sur la cortico- surrenale humaine. Folia endocr., Pisa, 1949, 2^99-118. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 18-19. 463. Venning, E. H. Evaluation of adrenal cortical function in man. Med. Clin. N. America, 1948, 89-96. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 24-25. 10 references. 464. Venning, E. H., and Browne, J. S. L. Adrenal cortical function in various endocrine disorders. J. Clin. Invest., 1946, 25: 935- 936. Abstract. 465. Vogt, M. Biological assays of cortical hormones and estimation of the rate of secretion of the mammalian suprarenal cortex. J. Endocr., Cambr., 1947, 5: Suppl., 57-61. 26 references. 466. Vogt, M. Observations on some conditions affecting the rate of hormone output by the suprarenal cortex. J. Physiol., Lond., 1944- 45, 103: 317-332. 18 references. 467 Vogt, M. The output of cortical hormone by the mammalian supra- renal. J. Physiol., Lond., 1943-44, H>2: 341-356. 468 Vogt, M. Secretion of cortical hormone by the isolated adrenal. Fed/ Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 341. Abstract. -54- ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 469.*Vogt, M. Some aspects of the physiology of the secretion of the ad- renal cortex with a bearing on clinical medicine. Exp. M. & S., 1947, 5: 279-284. 470. Williams, R. G. The characteristics and behavior of living cells in autogenous grafts of adrenal cortex in rabbits. Am. J. Anat., 1945, 77: 53-77. 21 references. 471.*Wolfson, W. Q., Levine, R., Cohn, C, Rosenberg, E. F., Hunt, H. D., and Guterman, H. S. Adrenocortical dysfunction in gout. Seventh Internat. Congr. on Rheumat. Dis., May 30-June 5, 1949, New York (Advance Abstr.), p. 112. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc. , Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 37. 472. Wood, D. E. The present-day concept of adrenal cortical physi- ology with reference to the treatment of Addison's disease by glan- dular transplant. J. Indiana M. Ass., 1949, 42: 1064-1068. Are- view of the literature. 38 references. ADRENAL GLAND (including anatomy, chemistry and histology) 473. The adrenal gland in human disease. Med. Illust., 1950, 4:403. 474. Albeaux-Fernet, M., Bellot, L., Danel, J., Deribreux, J., and Ge*linet, M. Surrenales. Annee endocr., 1950, 2: 1-24. Contents: Conception physio-pathologique et therapeutique actuelle de la maladie d'Addison. - Le test de Thorn. - Syndrome de Cushing. - Cortisone et corticotrophine. Includes short bibliographies. 475. Albeaux-Fernet, M., Bellot, L., Deribreux, J., and Geiinet, M. Surrenales. Annee endocr., 1949, 1: 1-25. Contents: Diagnostic de la maladie d'Addison. - L'hypertension slche d'origine surrenale et le syndrome d'adaptation de Selye. - Traitements actuels de la maladie d'Addison. - Arthrites au cours de traitement par le des- oxycorticosterone. Includes short bibliographies. 476. Antopol, W., and Glick, D. Studies in histochemistry; the histo- logical distribution of cholinesterase in the adrenal gland. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 132: 669-673. Experiments on beef, pig and rabbit adrenals. 14 references. 477. Gross, A. Les glandes cortico-surre'nales. Alge'rie med., 1950, 54: 125-137. -55- ADRENAL GLAND (Continued) 478. Hinman, F., Jr. References to literature; adrenal gland. Q. Rev. Urol., 1950; 5: 189-191. 479. Jacobsen, A. W., Koepf, G. F., Talbot, N. B., and Wilkins, L. The adrenal gland in health and disease. Pediatrics, Springf., 1949, 3: 5.15-548. A panel discussion. 480. Leathern, J. H. The response of the mouse adrenal gland to steroid hormones; report on recent investigation. Tr. N. York Acad. Sc, 1949, LI: 239-242. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 219. 481. Lucadou, W. von. Bau und Funktion der Nebenniere in neuerer Betrachtungsweise. Zschr. klin. Med., 1943-44, 143: 444-462. 86 references. 482.*Mignani, E., and Marconi, G.* L'ipertrofia vicariante della inter- renale non avviene dopo distruzione della midollare. Arch. anat. path., Firenze, 1949,^12:967-984. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 252. 483. Mote, J. R. La hormona adenocorticotrofica (ACTH) y las glan- dulas suprarrenales en estado normal y patologico. Sem. med., B. Air., 1950, 57: 67-73. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4997f. ~ 484. Rogers, W. F., Jr., and Williams, R. H. Cholesterol of the hu- man adrenal gland; its significance in relation to adrenal function and structure. Arch. Path., Chic, 1948, 46: 451-466. 40 refer- ences. 485. Sayers, G., Sayers, M. A., Lewis, H. L., and Long, C. N. H. Effect of adrenotrophic hormone on ascorbic acid and cholesterol content of the adrenal. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1944, 55: 238-239. 5 references: 486. Schaposnik, F. Progresos terapeuticos en medicina interna durante el affo 1949; endocrinologia. Prensa med. argent., 1950, 37:721- 735. Hipb*fisis and Adrenales: p. 726-727. 11 references. 487. Swinyard, C. A. Growth of the human suprarenal glands. Anat. Rec, 1943, 87: 141-150. 14 references. 488.*Velican, C. La neurocrinie surrenale; observations sur la penetra- tion cortico-medullaire dans la surrenale de l'homme. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1949, 26: 89-92. -56- ADRENAL GLAND (Continued) 489.*Wallraff, J. Histochemische Untersuchungen an den Nebennieren des erwachsenen Menschen; eine histobiologische Studie. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1948-49, 34: 362-427. 490.*Yoffey, J. M., and Baxter, J. S. Histochemical changes in the suprarenal gland of the adult male rat. J, Anat., Lond., 1949, 83: 89-98. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 23513; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: 193. ADRENAL GLAND - HORMONES, see also CORTICOSTEROIDS, DESOXY- CORTICOSTERONE, etc. 491. Cole, L. Adrenal hormones in general practice. Practitioner, Lond., 1942, 148:204-209. Medulla and cortex are considered separately in this short review article. 25 references. 492. Gonalons, G. P., and Zanalda, ,D. M. Efectos biologicos de los extractos suprarrenales sobre el Cavia porcellus bajo tratamiento continuado en generaciones sucesivas. Prensa med. argent., 1941, 28: pt. 1, 857-868. 38 references. 493. Haines, W. J., Johnson, R. H., Brunner, M. P., Pabst, M. L., and Kuizenga, M. H. Study of carbohydrate-regulating hormone of hog adrenal extract. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: pt. 1, 203. 494. Lewis, L. A., and Page, I. H. Studies on the protective power of adrenal extract and steroids against bacterial toxins in adrenalecto- mized rats. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc , 1949, 50: 547-551. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 2^3: 28831; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 255. 3 references. 495.*Mello, M. I. Estudos sobre a atividade dos extratos da suprarenal. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1947, 45: 69-80. 496. Schumann. Blutdruck und Blutzuckerwirkung von Nebennierenex- trakten. Zschr. Kreislaufforsch., 1949, 38: 117. Abstract. 497. Suda, I. Ueber das Vitamosazon und das biologische Verhalten des Nebennierenextraktes. Mitt. Med. Ges. Osaka, 1941, 40: 541-544. Text in Japanese. 11 references. ADRENAL GLAND - HYPERFUNCTION, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPER- FUNCTION ADRENAL GLAND - HYPERTROPHY, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPER- TROPHY -57- ADRENAL GLAND - HYPOFUNCTION, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPO- FUNCTION ADRENAL GLAND - PATHOLOGY 498. Fanconi, G., and Landolt, R. F. Allgemeines zur Physiopathologie der Nebennieren. Helvet. paediat. acta, 1949, 4: 15-22. French, Italian and English summaries. 499. Fanconi, G., and Landolt, R. F. Die Erscheinungsformen des "Dyscorticismus" beim jungen Saugling. Helvet. paediat. acta, 1949, 4: 22-42. English, French and Italian summaries. '26 refer- ences. 500. Sacenti, M. Sulla patogenesi delle alterazioni degenerative ed emorragiche nelle capsule surrenali in corso di malattie da infezione (con particolare riguardo alia sindrome di Waterhouse-Friederichsen). Riv. Anat. pat., 1948, 1_: 487-499. ADRENAL GLAND - PHYSIOLOGY 501. Alpert, M. Observations on the histophysiology of the adrenal gland of the golden hamster. Endocrinology, 1950, 46: 166-176. Study in comparative physiology. 42 references. 502. Awapara, J., Marvin, H. N., and Wells, B. B. The quantitative relation between certain amino acids and glycogenesis as influenced by adrenalectomy and adrenal replacement. Endocrinology, 1949, 44: 378-383. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hor- monal substances, 1949, p. 32-33; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 2j3: 23505. 11 references. 503. Bernier, J. J. Physiologie des surrenales. Sem. hop. Paris, 1949, 2J5: 3142-3149. 504. Brownell, K. A. Secretion of the gluconeogenic factor by the ad- renal. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 19. Abstract of paper read at the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Physiological Society held at Atlantic City, N. J., April 1950. "Injection of ACTH increased the amount (of gluconeogenic hormone) secreted per unit of time. " 505. Castillo, E. B. del, and Rapela, C. E. Accitfn del acetato de des- oxicorticosterona sobre las glandulas suprarrenales. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1945, 21:338-359. English summary. 25 references. -58- ADRENAL GLAND - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 506. Dosne, C., and Selye, H. The physiological significance of com- pensatory adrenal atrophy. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, U 21. Ab- stract of a paper read at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Physiological Society, April 1942. 507.*Frada, G. Glande cortico-surrenale et lymphopathies. Presse med., 1950, 58: 78. 508. Godon, C. Syndrome de Cushing. Scalpel, Brux., 1950, 103: 237- 245. "This article reviews the recent concepts of Albright and the endocrinological school of Boston concerning Cushing's syndrome and the physiology of the adrenals. " 31 references. 509. Goldzieher, M. A. As suprarrenais e a resist£ncia orgainica. Arq. clin., Rio, 1948, 7: 113-121. 38 references. 510. Gyory, G. v., and Pali, K. Ein Versuch, epinephrektomierte Tiere am Leben zu erhalten. Zschr. Geburtsh., 1943, 125: 400-409. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4993c 28 references. 511. Hechter, O. Corticosteroid release from the isolated adrenal gland. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 70-71. Abstract. 512. Howard, J. E. Physiology of adrenals as related to Addison's dis- ease, virilism and Cushing's syndrome. Am. Practitioner, 1948, 2: 674-682. 42 references. 513. Mignani, E., and Marconi, G. L 'ipertr of ia vicariante della inter - renale non avviene dopo distruzione della midollare. Arch. De Vecchi, Firenze, 1949, _^2_: 967-984. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950,, 4: 252. 514. Parkes, A. S. The adrenal-gonad relationship. Physiol. Rev., 1945, 2J5: 203-254. 412 references. 515. Rogoff, J. M. A critique on the theory of emergency function of the adrenal glands; implications for psychology. J. Gen. Psychol., 1945, 32: 249-268. 42 references. 516. Selye, H., and Dosne, C. Physiological significance of compensa- tory adrenal atrophy. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 581-584. 13 refer- ences. 517. Soffer, L. J. The physiology of the adrenals. J. Mount Sinai Hosp N. York, 1944-45, 11: 253-277. 101 references. -59- ADRENAL GLAND - PHYSIOLOGY (Continued) 518.*Straub, M. Reacties van de bijnieren bij verschillende ziektetoe- standen. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1949, 3: 3122-3124. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 181. 519. Tyslowitz, R., and Astwood, E. B. The influence of hypophysectomy on the size, function, and ascorbic acid content of the adrenal gland of the rat. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: 86. Abstract. 520.*veiican, C. La region colloidogene de la surrenale de l'homme. Ann. endocr., Par., 1948, 9: 1-11. 521. veiican, C. Le barrage vasculaire cortico-medullaire de la sur- renale de l'homme. Ann. endocr., Par., 1947, 8:495-502. 522. Venning, E. H., Reed, C. H., and Ripstein, M. P. Adrenal func- tion in the newborn. Rev. canad. biol., 1950, 9:97. Abstract of a paper read at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physiological Society, October 14, 1949. 523. Yoffey, J. M., and Baxter, J. S. Changes in the suprarenal gland of the rat following the administration of pituitary adrenotropic hor- mone and extract of suprarenal cortex. J. Anat., Lond., 1947, 81: 401. ADRENAL GLAND - TRANSPLANTS 524. Bernstein, D. E. Autotransplantation of adrenal gland in the spleen and mesentery of rats. Proc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 7^3: 175- 176. "1. Autotransplantation of the adrenal gland in the spleen and mesentery of the rat was successful. 2. A technic is described which may aid in the elucidation of the role of liver in adrenal cortical me- tabolism. " 4 references. 525. Bomze, E. J., and Friedman, N. B. Interrelations between adrenal cortex lymphoid tissues; growth of adrenal transplants in spleen and thymus with local thymic atrophy. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 328. Transplants grew well ... "The agent produced by adrenocortical tissue which affects the thymus is probably bound or converted in some way during the course of its activity. " 526. Butcher, E. O. Adrenal autotransplants with hepatic portal drainage in the rat. Endocrinology, 1948, 43: 30-35. Abstracted in:. Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 231: 3505. "Following bilateral adrenalectomy, adrenal autotransplants in the liver and spleen .. . have maintained the lives of hooded and white rats equally as well as autotransplants in the kidney. " 9 references. -60- ADRENAL GLAND - TRANSPLANTS (Continued) 527. Vaal, O. M. de. Transplantation of adrenal glands into the ear of rats. Acta brevia neerl., 1947-1948, 15: 53-56. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 2^: 3515. 528. WiUiams, R. G., see No. 470. 529. Wyman, L. C, and Suden, C. T. Incidence of homoplastic ad- renocortical transplants in gonadectomized rats. Endocrinology, 1941, 2j): 240-242. 23 references. 530. Wyman, L. C, and Suden, C. T. Redistribution of body fluids after glucose injections in rats with adrenocortical transplants. Endocrinology, 1942, ^U: 295-299. 12 references. ADRENAL GLAND - TUMORS, see NEOPLASMS ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE (for ACTH in body fluids, see under the name of the fluid, e.g. URINE - ACTH) 531. A.C.T.H. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 124. 532. Astwood, E. B., Raben, M. S., Payne, R. W., and Cleroux, A. P. Clinical evaluation of crude and highly purified preparations of cor- ticotrophin (ACTH) obtained in good yield by simple laboratory pro- cedures. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 797. Abstract of a paper read at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical In- vestigation. 533. Berti, G., and Coluccini, B. Cortisone e ACTH. Boll. chim. farm., 1950, 89: 145-148. 12 references. 534. CaUis, H. A. Cortisone and ACTH. J. Nat. M. Ass., 1950, 42: 180-181. Editorial. 535. CanbSck, T. ACTH och cortison. Farm, rev., Stockholm, 1949, 48: 533-537. 536. CoUip, J. B. Corticotropic, adrenotropic, thyrotropic and para- thyrotropic factors. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 2073-2079. 8 references relate to the "corticotropic factor.Tr_ 537. Cortison, ACTH og deoksycorton. Tskr. norske laeg., 1950, 70: 355. 8 references. -61- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE (Continued) 538. Cortisone, ACTH and deoxycortone. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 169. Brief review of research and chemical progress. 10 references. 539. Cortisone and ACTH. Manufact. Chem., Lond., 1950, 2U 187. 540. Cortisone og ACTH. Tskr. Norske laegeforen., 1949, 69: 514-515. Editorial. 541. Encouragement aux recherches sur I'ACTH et la cortisone en Grande- Bretagne. Med. & hyg., Geneve, 1950, 8: 197. 542. Fearnley, G. R. Compound E. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1949, 25: 236-238. Selye's adaptation syndrome and collagen disease. - Com- pound E. - ACTH and other hormones. 4 references. 543. Forsham, P. H., Thorn, G. W., Prunty, F. T., and Hills, A. G. Clinical studies with pituitary adrenocorticotrophin. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 15-66. Contents: Introduction (historical) - Materials- Methods-Observations (General effects-Hematologic changes-Meta- bolic changes-Procedure-Interpretation)-Summary-Clinical ab- stracts. 78 references. 544. Ghosh, B. N., Richards, J. H., Merkin, M., Burns, T. W., Brown, D. M., Sayers, G., and Smith, E. L. Effect of pH and ionic strength on biological activity of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 176-177. Abstract. 545. Graham, W. Cortisone and adrenocorticotropic hormone. Ontario M. Rev., 1949, _16: 106-107. Short survey. 546. Gray, G. W. Cortisone and ACTH. Sc Am., N. Y., 1950, 182: 30-36. 547. Li, C. H. ACTH. Lancet, Lond., 1950, .h 213. Abstract of a lecture given on 26 January 1950 before the Society of Endocrinology. 548. McNee, J. W. Cortisone and ACTH; the present position in America. Brit. M. J., 1950, U 113-115. 549. McNee, J. W. The story of cortisone and ACTH. Surgo, Glasg., 1950, 16: 123-126. 14 references. 550. Mote, J. R., see No. 483. -62- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE (Continued) 551. Present status of cortisone and ACTH; a symposium. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 205-260. Papers by R. H. Freyberg, C. McEwenetal., G. Baehr and L. J. Soffer, O. H. Pearson et al., J. A. Russell, C. Ragan et al., E. E. Fischel. These papers are listed individually; see author index. 552. Proger, S. ACTH. Bull. N. England M. Center, 1950, ^_2: 1. Edi- torial. 553. Rentchnick, P. La Confe'rence de Chicago sur I'ACTH. Me'd. & hyg., Geneve, 1950, 8: 210-211. 2 references. 554. Sayers, G., Kerkin, M., and Tortoreto, J. N. Content of adreno- corticotropic hormone in the rat pituitary under optimal and stress- ful environmental conditions. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 587. 555. Scheele, L. A. A new era in medical research and practice. Am. J. Med., 1950, 9: 1-2. Editorial. 556. Sisto, P. II composto E (compound E o cortisone) e l'A.C. T.H, (adreno-corticotropo-ormone). Minerva med., Tor., 1950, 1_: 674. Critical abstract of M. F. Franpon's paper, J. med. Lyon, 1949, 30: 941. ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - ADMINISTRATION AND DOSAGE 557. Burns, T. W., Sayers, G., Tyler, F. H., Jager, H. V., Schwartz, T. B., Smith, E. L., and Samuels, L. T. Fate and metabolic action of intravenously administered adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 590. Abstract of a paper read at the 30th Meeting of the Association for the Study of Internal Se- cretions. 558. Ingle, D. J. Optimal requirements for adrenal cortical hormones as observed in adrenalectomized animals. J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 208-210. 22 references. ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - ASSAY 559. Astwood, E. B., and Tyslowitz, R. An assay method for cortico- trophin. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: 4. Abstract of a paper read at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Physiological Society, April 1942. 560. Cooke, D. S., Graetzer, E., and Reiss, M. Assay of corticotrophic hormone in body fluids. J. Endocr., Cambr., 1947-48, 5: Suppl., 89. -63- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - ASSAY (Continued) 561. Li, C. H., Evans, H. M., and Simpson, M. E. Adrenocorticotropic hormone. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 149: 413-424. 17 references. 562. Munson, P. L., Barry, A. C., Jr., and Koch, F. C. A simplified hypophysectomized rat adrenal ascorbic acid bioassay method for adrenocorticotropin (ACTH): specificity and application to prepara- tive problems. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 586. 563. Sayers, M. A., and Sayers, G. Method for the assay of adrenocor- ticotropic hormone. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1946, 5:200. Abstract. 564. Sayers, M. A., Sayers, G., and Woodbury, L. A. The assay of adrenocorticotrophic hormone by the adrenal ascorbic acid-depletion method. Endocrinology, 1948, 42: 379-393. 19 references. 565. Simpson, M. E., Evans, H. M., and Li, C. H. Bioassay of ad- renocorticotropic hormone. Endocrinology, 1943, 33: 261-268. Two methods are proposed for standardizing the adrenocorticotropic potency of pituitary extracts. 11 references. ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - CHEMISTRY 566. Albright, F., Forbes, A. P., and Bartter, F. C. How many ad- renocorticotropic hormones are there in man? Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1948, 17. meet., 139-148. 4 references. 567. Bates, R. W., Riddle, O., and Miller, R. A. Preparation of ad- renotropic extracts and their assay on two-day chicks. Endocri- nology, 1940, 21: 781-792. 35 references. 568. Becks, H., Simpson, M. E., Marx, W., Li, C. H., and Evans, M. Antagonism of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone to the action of growth hormone on the osseous system of hypophysectomized rats. Endocrinology, 1944, 34: 311-316. 4 references. 569. Brink, N. G., Meisinger, M. A. P., and Folkers, K. Activity of hydrolysate of adrenocorticotropic hormone in rheumatoid arthritis. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1950, 72: 1040-1041. 14 references. 570. Burtner, E. Molecular weight of the adrenocorticotrophic hormone. J. Am. Chem, Soc, 1943, 65: 1238. 2 references. 571. Chase, J. H. Serological studies on crystalline adrenocorticotrophic hormone; the production of antiadrenocorticotrophin. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 96-107. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 9191; aTso in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 77. 27 references. -64- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 572. Franpon, F. Vers la preparation industrielle de la cortisone (ex- compose E) et del'A.C.T.H. (Hormone hypophysaire adrenocortico- tropique). Rhumatologie, 1949, 193-194. Discussion includes the possibilities of Strophantus. 573. Hase, H., and Schindel, L. Antagonism between the adrenotrophic hormone of the hypophysis and the sex hormones. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 3: 27-38. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3598; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 199. In rat experi- ments, antagonism was found between ACTH and testerone, but not between ACTH and oestrogen. The mechanism of this reaction is discussed and the literature is reviewed. The difference in hy- pophyseal reaction is regarded as a basis for the explanation of the higher morbidity of vascular diseases found in men. 16 references. 574. Infra-red freeze-drying yields more ACTH. Science News Lett., 1950, 57: 297. Triple the present amount of ACTH for arthritis and other patients will soon be produced, F. W. Specht, president of Armour and Company, predicted in Chicago. 575.*Junkmann, K. Process for the manufacture of the corticotropic hor- mone. U. S. Patent Off., 1943, No. 2,337,823. 576. Lesh, J. B., Fisher, J. D., Bunding, I. M., Koosis, J. J., Walaszek, L. J., White, W. F., and Hays, E. E. Studies on pitui- tary adrenocorticotropin. Science, 1950, 112: 43-46. 9 references. 577.*Li, C. H. Activation of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) with acid-heat treatment. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1950, 72: 2815-2816. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 10003g. 578. Li, C. H. Adrenocorticotropin (adrenocorticotropt hormon, ACTH). Nord. med., 1950, 43: 363-366. The preparation of ACTH peptide and its effectiveness in stimulating adrenal cortical activity are discussed. 11 references. 579. Li, C. H. Biochemistry of adrenocorticotropic hormone; a review. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1948, 17. mee*., 114-138. 35 references. 580. Li, C. H. Relative size of adrenocorticotropically active peptide fragments. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 219-220. Abstract. 581.*Li, C. H., and Pedersen, K. O. Preparation and properties of adrenocorticotropically active peptides (ACTH peptides). Arkiv Kemi, 1950, 1: 533-539. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5452h. -65- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 582. Li, C. H. , Simpson, M. E., and Evans, H. M. The effect of various reagents on adrenocorticotropic hormone. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1946, 9: 259-264. 9 references. 583. Luft, R., Sjogren, B. , and Li, C. H. Results of administration of adrenocorticotrophically active peptides (ACTH peptides) to a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 3: 299-309. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 90-91. ACTH peptides and ACTH protein are equally effective in stimulating the adrenal cortex. 8 references. 584. Mendive, J. R. Estudio sobre la preparacidn y propiedades de la hormona corticotropa del lobulo anterior de hipofisis. Rev. Inst. bact. Malbran, B. Air., 1943-44, _L2_: 265-275. 18 references. 585.*Mendive, J. R., and Salum, Y. Adrenocorticotrofina. Contenido de cistina y tirosina. An. Asoc qufm. argent., 1947, 35: 189-195; Also in: Rev. Inst. bact. Malbran, B. Air., 1949, 14: 7~4^78. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 1022. "--A protein with corticotrophic activity was prepared from bovine anterior pituitary. The activity was equal to the pure substances obtained by other workers from hog and sheep glands. The yield was lower than with hog glands but greater than with sheep glands. The cystine content was 6.43% and the tyrosine 1. 45%. " (Biol. Abstr.). 586. Morris, P., and Morris, C. J. O. R. Isolation of a polypeptide with high adrenocorticotrophic activity. Lancet, Lond., 1950, _1: 117-118. 3 references. 587. Neufeld, A. H. Preparation of the pituitary corticotrophic hormone. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 54: 90-92. 4 references. 588.*Reiss, M., and Halkerston, I. D. K. Some studies of the chemistry and pharmacology of adrenocorticotrophic hormone. J. Pharm., Lond., 1950, 2: 236-242. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5450g. 589. Sayers, G., White, A., and Long, C. N. H. Preparation and prop- erties of pituitary adrenotropic hormone. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 149: 425-436. 19 references. 590. Sayers, G., White, A., and Long, C. N. H. Preparation of pitui- tary adrenotropic hormone. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 52: 199-200. 4 references. 591. Tyslowitz, R. Corticotropin obtained by ultrafiltration of pituitary extracts. Science, 1943, 98: 225-226. -66- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 592. Woodbury, D. M., Cheng, C. P., Sayers, G., and Goodman, L. S. Antagonism of adrenocorticotrophic hormone and adrenal cortical extract to desoxycorticosterone; electrolytes and electroshock thres- hold. Am. J. Physiol., 1950, 160: 217-227. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4988i. 19 references. 593. Woodbury, D. M., Rosenberg, C. A., and Sayers, G. Antagonism of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and adrenal cortical extract (ACE) to desoxycorticosterone (DCA): pathological changes. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 139. Abstract. ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - EFFECTS (including side effects. See also under the names of specific body fluids, organs, physiological processes, etc.) 594. Behrman, H. T., and Goodman, J. J. Skin complications of cor- tisone and ACTH therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 144: 218-220. "Four cases, illustrative of the skin complications of hyperadreno- corticism produced through the administration of cortisone and pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) are reported. " 8 references. 595. Bergner, G. E., and Deane, H. W. Effects of pituitary adreno- corticotropic hormone on the intact rat, with special reference to cytochemical changes in the adrenal cortex. Endocrinology, 1948, 43: 240-260. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 6689. 40 references. 596. Burns, T. W., Sayers, G., Tyler, F. H., Jager, H. V., Schwartz, T. B., Smith, E. L., and Samuels, L. T., see No. 557. 597. Ciaramelli, L. C. Study of the effect of pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone on a normal human adult female. 75 1. Rochester, Minn., 1947. Thesis-Univ. Minn, (typewritten). Metabolic and physiologic effects of adrenocorticotrophin and a review of the literature. 189 references. 598. Cloaking of signs and symptoms by cortisone and ACTH administra- tion. South. M. & S., 1950, U2: 268. Editorial. 1 reference. 599. Conn, J. W., Louis, L. H., and Johnston, M. W. Metabolism of uric acid, glutathione and'nitrogen, and excretion of "11-oxysteroids" and 17-ketosteroids during induction of diabetes in man with pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1949, 34: 255- 269. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 2^: 18373. lTrefer- ences. -67- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - EFFECTS (Continued) 600. Constantinides, F., Fortier, C, and Skelton, F. Influence of orally administered glucose on the response of the adrenal cho- lesterol and ascorbic acid to purified adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) in fasted hypophysectomized rats. Rev. canad. biol., 1950, 9: 67-68. Abstract of a paper read at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physiological Society, October 14, 1949. 601. Deane, H. W., and Berger, G. E. Chemical and cytochemical studies of the rat's adrenal cortex following the administration of pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Endocrinology, 1947, 40: 446-447. Abstracted in: Merk & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 23. 602. Efectos fisiologicos de la cortisone y la ACTH. Rev. clin. espan*., 1950, 37.: 58-59. 4 references. 603. Effects of cortisone and pituitary adrenal corticotropic hormone. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 142:730-731. Editorial. 6 references. 604. Fortier, C, Skelton, F. H., Constantinides, P., Timiras, P. S., Herlant, M., and Selye, H., see No. 413. 605. Gemzell, C. A. The effect of corticotrophic hormone and oestrogen on liver glycogen content and phosphate metabolism in the adrenal cortex. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1948, 1_: Suppl. 1, 75. "The object of this investigation has been to find a biochemical method of study- ing the effect of corticotrophic hormone and oestrogen on the adrenal cortex. " Some 300 references. 606. Grivaux, M. L'action physiologique de la cortisone et de l'A.C. T.H. Sem. hop. Paris, 1950, 26: 1980-1982. 1 reference. 607. Helper, H N., Lubschez, R., Hain, K., and Wilson, M. G. The effect of ACTH on children. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic., 1949 (1950), p. 419-422. Hematologic and metabolic changes in one healthy boy, a rheumatic patient who had had no activity for 2 years, and a patient with acute severe rheumatic carditis (remission ob- tained). 608. Hoefer, P. F. A., and Glaser, G. H. Electroencephalographic and neuropsychiatric changes in patients treated with adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 536-543. -68- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - EFFECTS (Continued) 609. Ingle, D. J., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. The effect of adreno- corticotrophic hormone on the urinary excretion of sodium, chloride, potassium, nitrogen and glucose in normal rats. Endocrinology, 1946, 39: 32-42. 12 references. 610. Ingle, D. J., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. The effect of pure ad- renocorticotropic hormone on the work performance of hypophysecto- mized rats. Endocrinology, 1944, 35:'91-95. 8 references. 611. Ingle, D. J., Prestrud, M. C, Li, C. H. , and Evans, H. M. The relationship of diet to the effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone upon urinary nitrogen, glucose and electrolytes. Endocrinology, 1947, 4U 170-176. 9 references. 612. Ja\iregui, G. R. Corticotrofina; acciones de la corticotrofina en el organismo. Sem. med., B. Air., 1948, 55: 874-880. Review arti- cle. 35 references. 613. Kass, E. H., Ingbar, S. H., and Finland, M. Renal glycosuria induced by adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Proc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 7^3: 669-672. "Glycosuria in the presence of normal blood sugar levels and normal glucose tolerance was demonstrated in a patient recovering from pneumococcal pneumonia during treatment with ACTH. The reducing substance in the urine was shown to be glucose and the glycosuria was accompanied by lowered blood glu- tathione levels. These observations indicate that renal tubular func- tion may be affected by ACTH and that sulfhydryl activity may be of importance in tubular function. " 16 references. 614. Kinsell, L. W., Li, C. H., Margen^ S., Michaels, G. D., Krupp, M. A., Engleman, E. P., and Frantz, R. H. Evaluation of the metabolic and clinical effects of adrenocorticotrophic hormone and of a peptide mixture derived from pure adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Am. J. Med., 1950, 8: 533. Abstract. "Prompt and impressive improvement in the clinical manifestations of the arthritis occurred in response to the peptide mixture as well as the whole ACTH. " 615. Kinsell, L. W., Li, C. H., Margen, S., Michaels, G. D., and Hedges, R. N. Metabolic effects of a paptide mixture derived from ACTH (Li) in comparison with those resulting from whole ACTH ad- ministration in a human subject. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic , 1949 (1950), p. 70-85. "A protein-free peptide mixture prepared from whole adrenocorticotrophin by Dr. Li has been found to have a high degree of adrenocorticotrophic activity when administered to a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. The metabolic changes were comparable with those resulting from the administration of whole ACTH to the same individuals. " 3 references. -69- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - EFFECTS (Continued) 616. Koneff, A. A. Effect of adrenocortical hormone on the anterior pituitary of the normal young male rat. Endocrinology, 1944, 34: 77-82. 14 references. 617. Koneff, A. A. Effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on the anterior pituitary of the adrenalectomized young male rat. Anat. Rec, 1944, 89; 163-173. 7 references. 618. Laqueur, G. L. Cytological changes in human hypophyses after cor- tisone and ACTH treatment. Science, 1950, 112: 429-430. 2 refer- ences. 619. Li, C. H. The effects of adrenocorticotrophic hormone on a normal human subject. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc , 1948, 17. meet., 165-168. 620. Li, C. H. , and Herring, V. V. Effect of adrenocorticotropic hor- mone on survival of normal rats during anoxia. Am. J. Physiol., 1945, 143: 548-551. 4 references. 621. Li, C. H. , Ingle, D. J., Evans, H. M., Prestrud, M. C, and Nezamis, J. E. Effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone upon liver fat and urinary phosphorus in the normal force-fed rat. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 70^: 753-756. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 6. '"Normal male rats were force-fed a medium carbohydrate diet. The administration of adrenocortico- trophic hormone in amounts of 3 mg. per rat per day for 10 days caused an increase in liver fat, glycosuria, a rise in urinary nitro- gen and inorganic phosphorus, suppression of weight gains and some changes in organ weights. " 11 references. 622. Li, C. H., Simpson, M. E., and Evans, H. M. Influence of growth and adrenocorticotropic hormones on the body composition of hy- pophysectomized rats. Endocrinology, 1949, 44: 71-75. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait,, 1949, 23: 14819. 15 references. 623. Mason, H. L., Power, M. H., Rynearson, E. H., Ciaramelli, L. C Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Results of administration of anterior pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone to a human subject. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7: 458-459. Abstract. 624 Moon, H. D. Effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone in 4-day-old rats.' Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y. , 1940, 43: 42-44. 1 refer- ence. -70- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - EFFECTS (Continued) 625. O'Donnell, W. M., and Fajans, S. S., see No. 392. 626. Reiss, M. An effect of overdosage with cortico-trophic pituitary extract on the rat kidney. Nature, Lond., 1944, 154:737. 10 ref- erences. 627. Roche, M., Forsham, P. H., Forsham, C. C, and Thorn, G. W. Study of adrenal cortical response in health and disease; 48-hour ACTH test. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, H): 834. 628. Sayers, G., Burns, T. W., Tyler, F. H., Jager, H. V., Schwartz, T. B., Smith, E. L., Samuels, L. T., and Davenport, H. W. Meta- bolic actions and fate of intravenously administered adrenocortico- tropic hormone in man. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 593-614. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 3803. 35 references. 629. Sayers, G., Sayers, M. A., Liang, T. Y., and Long, C. N. H. The effect of pituitary adrenotrophic hormone on the cholesterol and ascorbic acid content of the adrenal of the rat and the guinea pig. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 1-9. 12 references. 630. Sayers, G., Sayers, M. A., White, A., and Long, C. N. H. Effect of pituitary adrenotropic hormone on cholesterol content of rat ad- renal glands. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 52: 200-202. 7 references. 631. Solomon, D. H., and Shock, N. W. The physiologic responses of elderly males to the administration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone. J. Geront., 1949, 4: 328. 632. Spies, T. D., and Stone, R. E. Pituitary adrenocorticotropic hor- mone (ACTH) as tool of clinical and laboratory research. Lancet, Lond., 1950, U 11. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 321; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 642; Also in:~Ther. Gegenwart, 1950, No. 3, 94. The effects of intramuscular injections of ACTH in 4 patients (rheumatoid arthritis, gout, psoriasis, asthma) are described. 7 references. 633. Sprague, R. G., Power, M. H., Mason, H. L., Albert, A., Mathieson, D. R., Hench, P. S., Kendall, E. C, Slocumb, C. H., and Polley, H. F. Observations on the physiologic effects of cortisone and ACTH in man. Arch. Int. M., 1950, 85: 199-258. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4137; Also in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 594. Some 46 references. 634.*Tarantino, C, and Montanari, L. Effetti del trattamento prolungato con ormone corticotropo sulla cavia non ipofisectomizzata. Folia endocr., Pisa, 1949, 2: 216-221. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 6-7. -71- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - EFFECTS (Continued) 635. Thorn, G. W., Prunty, F. T. G., and Forsham, P. H. Metabolic changes following the administration of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in man. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 1_: 459. 636. Torda, C, and Wolff, H. G. Effect on neuromuscular function of hypophysectomy, of decrease of thymus and lymphoid tissue, and of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 489-490. Abstract of a paper. 637. Tuohy, E. L. Cloaking of signs and symptoms by cortisone and ACTH administration. Minnesota M., 1950, 33:714. 638. Ucko, H. Screening test for cortisone substitutes. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 236. "Letter to the editor, " suggesting that Noradrenaline may be capable of producing an ACTH like action. 639. Venning, E. The effect of ACTH during the neonatal period. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 25-31. Results in measuring uric acid-creatinine ratios were too variable to be sig- nificant. ACTH will cause increased excretion of corticoids and 17- ketosteroids and a fall in eosinophils in infants. 640. Wolfson, W. Q., Cohn, C, and Levine, R. Rapid treatment of acute gouty arthritis by concurrent administration of pituitary ad- renocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and colchicine. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1949, 34: 1766. Abstract. ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - THERAPY (for treatment of indi- vidual diseases, see under the name of the disease) 641. American Medical Association, Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry. Status of cortisone and ACTH; a report. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., 1950, 11: 173; 192. 5 references. 642. Armour Laboratories. General principles to be considered and di- rections for using ACTH. 61 p. Armour & Co., 1950. 56 references. 643. Astwood, E. B., Cleroux, A. P., Payne, R. W., and Raben, M. S. Therapeutic study on some newer corticotrophic (ACTH) preparations. Bull. N. England M. Center, 1950, JJ2: 2-10. "Preliminary obser- vations on 42 patients treated with 3 different preparations of cortico- trophin (ACTH) showed that material prepared by simple laboratory procedures was well tolerated and was therapeutically effective. " 22 references. 644. Bishop, P. M. F. Further observations on A. C. T. H. and cortisone. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond., 1950, 64: 111-118. Review of the first year's clinical experiences. -72- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - THERAPY (Continued) 645. Cortisone and A. C.T.H. Lancet, Lond., 1950, _1: 503. Editorial. Caution is advised. 5 references. 646. Effetti della terapia con ACTH. Gazz. med. ital., 1950, 109: 30. Abstract and discussion of the paper by Elkinton et al., J. Am. M. Ass., 1949, 141:1273-1279. (See next entry) 647. Elkinton, J. R., Hunt, A. D., Godfrey, L. , McCrory, W. W., Rogerson, A. G., and Stokes, J. Effects of pituitary adrenocor- ticotropic hormone (ACTH) therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1949, 141: 1273-1279. Abstracted in: J. Am. Osteopath. Ass., 1950, 49: 405; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 641-642; Also in: Union med., Canada, 1950, 79: 580-581. Report on 8 patients, with acute rheumatoid arthritis, disseminated lupus erythematosus, dermato- myositis, status asthmaticus and rheumatic fever; metabolic studies, complications, refractoriness. 22 references. 648. Hurtado, F. La nueva terapeutica hormonal por el ACTH y el cortisone. Rev. cubana pedia*t., 1950, 22: 349-365. 649. Kinsell, L. W. ACTH and cortisone; clinical use of ACTH (adreno- corticotropic hormone) and cortisone (compound E; cortone). Bull. Alameda Co. M. Ass., 1950, 6: 11-12. 650. Loeb, R. F. Clinical studies with cortisone and ACTH. Tr. Conf. Adrenal Cortex, 1. Conf., 1949, 89-122. 651. Miller de Paiva, L. Hormonio cortico-trcfpico. Experimentacao e clinica. Med. cir. pharm., Rio, 1947, No. 135, 390-396. 31 ref- erences. 652. Pelner, L., and Waldman, S. Action of ACTH. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 144: 412-413. Letter to the editor advancing the concept that "ACTH and cortisone act by 'occupying' or 'engaging' one or more of the liver functions. " 653. Randolph, T. G., Markson, D. E., and Rollins, J. P. The eosin- ophil response in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) therapy. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1949, 34: 1740-1741. Abstract. 654. Rindi, G. Azione dell'A. C. T. H. sull'uomo ed applicazioni tera- peutiche. Farmaco, Pavia, 1950, 5: 215-219. 23 references. 655. Spies, T. D., and Stone, R. E., see No. 632. -73- ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - THERAPY (Continued) 656. Spies, T. D., Stone, R. E., Dreizen, S., and Morton, B. F. Fur- ther studies with pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). South. M. J., 1949, 42: 991-995. Report on 2 cases of rheumatoid arthritis and 1 case each of "endocrine disorder, " squamous cell carcinoma of the lip, and involutional melancholia. 5 references. 657. Thorn, G. W., Forsham, P. Hk, Frawley, T. F., Hill, S. R., Jr., Roche, M., Stachelin, D., and Wilson, D. L. The-clinical useful- ness of ACTH and cortisone. N. England J. M., 1950, 242: 783- 793; 824-834; 865-872. Review article. 175 references' 658. Thorn, G. W., Prunty, F. T. G., and Forsham, P. H. Clinical studies on the effects of pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1947, 60: 143-150. 12 references. ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME 659. Barnett, H. L., and McNamara, H. Electrolyte balance in a male infant with adrenocortical insufficiency and virilism. The effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate and salt therapy with special reference to potassium. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 1498-1506. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12176. 39 references. 660. Bertrand-Fontaine, F., and Blondin, S. Le diagnostic et le traite- ment des etats masculinisants chez la femme; a propos de trois cas de chirurgie surrenalienne. Mem. Acad. chir., Par., 1949, 75: 453-460. 661. Fowler, R., Ellery, R. S., Johnstone, J. W., Mclntyre, W. K., Bornstein, J., and Ellis, G. Bearded women. Med. J. Australia, 1950, 2: 97-99. 662. Heilmann, P. Beitrag zur Frage des Cushing- und adrenogenitalen Syndroms. Zbl. allg. Path., 1948, 84: 5. 663. Ja\iregui, G. R. Sindrome adrenogenital. Sem. med., B. Air., 1946, 53: pt. 1, 459-462. 7 references. 664. Jones, B. V. Acute adrenal insufficiency after adrenalectomy for prepubertal virilism. Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 1023-1024. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12196. ^After surgical removal of about half of the 2d of 2 h^pertrophied adrenals, a girl developed acute adrenal insufficiency, with deep cutaneous pigmentation. Symp- toms and pigmentation rapidly disappeared after treatment for 4 days with adrenal cortical extracts. " (Biol. Abstr.). 2 references. -74- ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME (Continued) 665.*Krediet, G. Vermannelijkende tumoren. Belg. tschr. geneesk., 1949, 5: 403-413. 666. Soffer, L. J., Gabrilove, J. L., Jailer, J. W., and Jacobs, M. D. The virilizing syndrome in man. Recent progress in hormone re- search, (New York) 1950, 5: 407-438. Pathological studies. - Clin- ical aspects of adrenocortical hyperfunction. - Electrolyte and me- tabolism studies, - Effect of ACTH on patients. 88 references. 667. Tepper, W., Levine, S. Z., and Barnett, H. L. Congenital ad- renocortical insufficiency with virilism. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1949, 34: 768-777. 11 references. 668. Wilkins, L., Klein, R., and Lewis, R. A. The response to ACTH in various types of adrenal hyperplasia. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 184-192. "ACTH in Cushing's syndro- me produces the same effects as in normals with increased steroid excretion and sodium retention ... ACTH in . .. adrenal hyperplasia with virilism or precocity causes no increase in sodium retention and may cause a .. . increase in sodium excretion despite the (usual) increase in steroid excretion ... Addisonian symptoms ... in . . . adrenogenital syndrome may be due in part to the increased produc- tion of adrenal hormones which produce salt loss (such as Compound E) as well as decreased production of salt-retaining hormones (such as desoxycorticosterone). 669. Zuelzer, W. W., and Blum, A., Jr. Adrenocortical insufficiency in infants with the adrenogenital syndrome. A clinical and patho- logic study of four cases. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1949, 35: 344-361. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Urol., 1950, 5: 185-186; Also inTSem. med., B. Air., 1950, 57: 256. 26 references. AGE 670. Bonner, C. D., Fishman, W. H., and Homburger, F. Adrenal cortical responsiveness in patients with cancer and patients with chronic non-neoplastic disease. Application of the eosinophile uric acid-creatinine response test (ACTH) to geriatric patients with chronic diseases. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), , C. D., Fishman, W. H., and Homburger, F., see No. 297. -75- AGE (Continued) 672. Findley, T. Cushing's syndrome; a possible clue to certain dis- eases associated with aging. Nebraska M. J., 1949, 34: 344-345. "The evidence at hand suggests, therefore, that hypertension and other abnormalities associated with aging may be due to failure of the brain to elaborate hormones which have the ability to protect the organism against other hormones emanating from the adrenal cortex, the kidney and possibly the placenta. " 4 references. 673. Findley, T. Role of the neurohypophysis in the pathogenesis of hypertension and some allied disorders associated with aging. Am. J. Med., 1949, 7: 70-84. Cushing's syndrome. - Effects of hypo- thalamic lesions. - Pituitrin antagonists. "Evidence, derived largely from Heinbecker's experimental investigations, is assembled to sup- port the view that hypertension and many allied disorders of ageing are due to hypofunction of the neur op hypophysis. " 674. Korenchevsky, V. Natural relative hypoplasia of organs and the proc- * ess of ageing. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1942, 54: 13-24. 20 references. 675. Kowalewski, K. Urinary neutral 17-ketosteroids in the aged. J. Geront., 1950, 5: 222-226. "The diminution of the 17-ketosteroids in the urine progressing with age has been demonstrated. " 8 refer- ences. 676. Kowalewski, K., Rutman, S., and Cebula, W. Essai d'exploration fonctionnelle de la corticosurrenale de sujets ages, par le test de Robinson et le dosage de 17-cetosteroides urinaires. Acta clin. belg., 1949, 4: 532-546. 135 old patients (age 60-83) presented a positive Robinson-Kepler-Power test and decreased 17-ketosteroid excretion. Desoxycorticosterone acetate improved results of the RKP test with- out making it negative. "It seems possible that aging is characterized by a decrease of adrenal cortical function. " 677. McGavack, T. H. Hormonal therapy in the aging. Geriatrics, 1950, 5: 151-158. Maladjustment of the adrenal gland to the added burdens of old age may result in syndromes amenable to hormone therapy. 14 references. 678. Payne, F. Pituitary changes in aging capons. Anat. Rec, 1944, 89: 563. 679. Payne, F. The pituitary in old fowls. Anat. Rec, 1941, 81: Suppl., 58. Abstract. 680. Roquette-Pinto, E. Into-cortican; fadiga e velhice. Res. med., Rio, 1942, 9: 262-263. 681. Solomon, D. H., and Shock, N. W., see No. 631. -76- AGE (Continued) 682. Solomon, D. H., and Shock, N. W. Studies of adrenal cortical and anterior pituitary function in elderly men. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 44-51. "The results suggest a de- creased ACTH output by the aging anterior pituitary in response to epinephrine stimulation . . . The finding of equal responses to exoge- nous ACTH by old and young implies that the long-term output of ACTH by the anterior pituitary is unimpaired with age. " 3 refer- ences. 683.*Stein, F. K., Caldwell, E., and Peters, J. Age changes in the anterior pituitary gland of the mouse. Anat. Rec, 1942, 84: 523. Abstract. 684. Timiras, P. S., Faribault, C., and Selye, H. The age-factor in the brain lesions produced by desoxycorticosterone overdosage. Geriatrics, 1949, 4: 225-235. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 56. 80~references. AGRANULOCYTOSIS, see BLOOD - CYTOLOGY ALARM REACTION, see GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME ALCOHOLISM 685. Gross, M. The relation of the pituitary gland to some symptoms of alcoholic intoxication and chronic alcoholism. Q. J. Alcohol, 1945-46, 6: 25-35. A controversial paper mentioning the possible influence on adrenal function, "through the adrenotropic hormone. " 52 references, 686. Smith, J. J. The endocrine basis and hormonal therapy of alco- holism. N. York State J. M., 1950, 50: 1704-1706. 687. Smith, J. J. The treatment of acute alcoholic states with ACTH and adrenocortical hormones. Q. J. Alcohol, 1950, _U: 190-198. Report on therapy applied in Korsakov's psychosis, acute alcoholic intoxication and delirium tremens. 1 reference. 688. Smith, J. J. The role of the adrenal gland in alcoholism. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 566-574. "Whereas ACE is effective in Korsakoff psychosis, ACTH is not; both ACE and ACTH are effective in the treatment of acute alcohol intoxication. In this condition ACE is probably preferable because of its greater sedative action. In delirium tremens ACTH is easily the most ef- fective treatment we have used, 'and is superior to conventional treatment and the use of ACE. " -77- ALCOHOLISM (Continued) 689. Tintera, J. W., and Lovell, H. W. Endocrine treatment of alco- holism. Geriatrics, 1949, 4: 274-280. 13 references. ALLERGY (see also under the names of specific diseases, e.g. ASTHMA, HAY FEVER) 690. Het ACTH en de allergische ziekten. Belg. tschr. geneesk., 1950, 6: 601. 691. Bergstrand, H. Morphological equivalents in polyarthritis rheu- matica, periarteritis nodosa, transient eosinophilic infiltration of lung and other allergic syndromes. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1946, 58: 399-409. 71 references. 692. Berthrong, M., Rich, A. R., and Griffith, P. C. A study of the effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) upon the experimental cardiovascular lesions produced by anaphylactic hypersensitivity. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1950, 86: 131-140. "Well-marked vascular or cardiac lesions or both were found in 18 of the 20 un- treated controls, whereas such lesions were found in only 5 of the 20 animals treated with ACTH. " 8 references. 693. Bordley, J. E., Carey, R. A., Harvey, A. M., Howard, J. E., Kattus, A A., Newman, E. V., and Windenwerder, W. L. Pre- liminary observations on the effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in allergic diseases. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1949, 85: 396-398. "ACTH may have an important action in blocking various hypersensitivity reactions. Further observations are nees- sary to establish its efficacy in allergic states ..." 4 references. 694. Bordley, J. E., Harvey, A. M., Howard, J. E., and Newman, E. V. Preliminary report on the use of ACTH in the hypersensitive state. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 469- 478. Results of therapy with ACTH (Armour) in patients with lupus erythematosus disseminatus, asthma and drug hypersensitivity re- actions have been encouraging. Certain striking tissue alterations in the nose and nasopharynx have been noted. 3 references. 695. Burrage, W. S. Allergy. N. England J. M., 1950, 243: 50-53. Includes summary and discussion of "Early preliminary reports on ACTH therapy in allergic disease. " 42 references. 696. Cournot, L. A.C.T.H. et affections allergiques. Sem. h3p. Paris, 1950, 26: 1167. -78- ALLERGY (Continued) 697. Friedlaender, S., and Friedlaender, A. S. Effect of adrenocorti- cotropic hormone (ACTH) on bronchospasm in guinea pigs and on whealing reactions in human skin. J. Allergy, 1950, 2_1: 259. Ab- stract of a paper read at the 6th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, March 1950. 698. Green, H. N. Suggested mode of action of corticotrophin in rheu- matoid arthritis and the allergic state. Brit. M. J., 1950, _1: 1165- 1166. 14 references. 699. Gros, G., and Benoit, J. Essai de protection du cobaye contre le choc anaphylactique serique par l'huile d1 olive et par 1'acetate de desoxycorticosterone en solution huileuse. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1941, 204: 1480. 700. Gross, F. Die Beeinflussung des Histaminschockes durch Desoxy- corticosteron und Antihistaminica am nebennierenlosen Meerschwein- chen. Helvet. physiol. pharm. acta, 1948, 6: 114-121. 19 references. 701. Hajos, M. K. Skin tests with steroid hormones in allergic diseases. Ann. Allergy, 1950, 8: 66-67. 8 references. 702. Harris, S., and Harris, T. N. Effect of cortisone on some reac- tions of hypersensitivity in laboratory animals. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 186-189. "Cortisone did not prevent ana- phylactic shock in guinea pigs sensitized with normal horse serum nor did it exert any influence on either the appearance of the Arthus reaction in rabbits injected with normal horse serum or on the skin test reaction to an intradermal injection of normal horse serum in these rabbits. " 7 references. 703. Hofmann, H. Ueber die Beeinflussung des anaphylaktischen Schocks durch Vitamin C und Nebennierenrindenhormon. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1942, 199: 631-636. 31 references. 704. Jamar, J. Nieuwe inzichten in de behandeling der allergische ziekten. Belg. tschr. geneesk., 1950, 6: 351-356. ACTH and Cortisone are discussed on p. 356. 705. Leger, J., Leith, W., and Rose, B. Effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone on anaphylaxis in the guinea-pig. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 69:465-467. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 23519. "The course of anaphylactic shock in guinea pigs, sensi- tized by an intraperit. injn. of horse serum, and subsequently shocked by an intraven. injn. of the same serum, could not be modified by the subcut. injn. of 3.5-4 mg of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (Armour) given 6-8 hrs. prior to the shock dose. " (Biol Abstr ) -79- ALLERGY (Continued) 706. Long, D. A., and Miles, A. A. Opposite actions of thyroid and adrenal hormones in allergic hypersensitivity. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 492-495. 27 references. 707. Randolph, T. G., Markson, D. E., and Rollins, J. P., see No. 653. 708. Randolph, T. G., and Rollins, J. P. Concentrated adrenal cortex extract; its effect in bronchial asthma and gastrointestinal allergy. Ann. Allergy, 1950, 8: 169-174; 187. ACE was found to be "far less effective" than ACTH or Cortisone. Report of 4 cases. 709. Randolph, T. G., and Rollins, J. P. Relief of allergic diseases by ACTH therapy. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 479-490. Report on 4 cases of asthma, 4 cases of hay-fever and. 1 case of gastro-intestinal allergy. It is suggested on the basis of the clinical improvement obtained that "the basic mechanism of allergic disease is closely related to the function of the pituitary- adrenal system. " 9 references. 710. Relaciones entre la endocrinologia y la alergia. Sem. med., B. Air., 1950, !57: 901. Editorial. 711, Romero Velasco, E. La cortico-surrenale dans les phenomenes de nature allergique. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1949, 79:295-298. 12 cases of allergic diseases (mostly urticaria) have been treated suc- cessfully with DOCA. The prophylactic action of DOC A in anaphy- lactic and histamine shock in the guinea pig has been investigated. 1-2 references. 712. Rose, B., Pare, J. A. P., Pump, K., and Stanford, R. L. The effect of administration of ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone) on patients with asthma and other forms of hypersensitivity. J. Allergy, 1950, 21: 259. Abstract of a paper read at the 6th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, March, 1950. 713. Rose, B., Pare, J. A. P., Pump, K., Stanford, R., and Johnson, L. G. Influence of ACTH on the excretion of histamine and histidine in patients with allergic states or rheumatoid arthritis. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 2£: 841. Abstract. 714 Ruskin, S. L. Sodium ascorbate in the treatment of allergic disturb- ances; the role of the adrenal cortical hormone - sodium - vitamin C. Am. J. Digest. Dis., 1947, 14: 302-306. 24 references. -80- ALLERGY (Continued) 715. Samter, M. The effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) on patients with allergic diseases; facts and speculations. J. Aller- gy, 1950, 21: 260. Abstract of a paper read at the 6th Annual Meet- ing of the American Academy of Allergy, March, 1950. 716. Selye, H. Effect of ACTH and cortisone upon an "anaphylactoid re- action. " Canad. M. Ass. J., 1949, 61: 553-556. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 318; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3., 1950, 4: 280. "Cortisone and purified ACTH inhibit the anaphylac- toid reliction of the rat to the parenteral administration of egg-white. Desoxycorticosterone acetate and a highly corticotrophic impure anterior pituitary preparation failed to inhibit, but tended to aggra- vate this reaction. " (Excerpta med.). 717. Sheldon, J. M., Lovell, R. G., and Mathews, K. P. Immunologic aspects of allergy. Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. Otolar., 1950, Mar.- Apr., 277-282. "The newer concepts of immunology may well place considerable emphasis on the pituitary-adrenal axis. " 15 references. 718. Winkenwerder, W. L., Bordley, J. E., Carey, R. A., Harvey, A. M., Howard, J. E., Kattus, A. A., and Newman, E. V. Obser-r vations on the effect of ACTH and cortisone in asthma and other al- lergic states. J. Allergy, 1950, 21: 260. Abstract of a paper read at the 6th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, March, 1950. 719. Zeller, M., Randolph, T. G., and Rollins, J. P. Adrenocortico- tropic hormone (ACTH); gross and histologic effects on skin tests and passive transfer. Ann. Allergy, 1950, 8: 163-168. 9 refer- ences. ALKALOSIS, see BLOOD - CHEMISTRY ALTITUDE, see STRESS ANAMNESTIC REACTION, see IMMUNITY ANAPHYLACTOID REACTION, ANAPHYLAXIS, see ALLERGY ANEMIA 720. Iannaccone, A. La funzionalita della corteccia surrenale nell'anemia mediterranea. Riforma med., 1950, 64:12-14. 23 references. -81- ANEMIA (Continued) 721. Luft, R., and Sjogren, B. The effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) and sodium chloride on blood pressure in postural hypotension and arterial orthostatic anemia. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 2:287-305. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 76; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28832; Also in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 22. 29 references. 722. Majumder, D. N., and Wintrobe, M. M. Anemia of infection; in- fluence of adrenalectomy and of adrenal cortical hormone on hypo- ferremia and other blood changes associated with injection of tur- pentine. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1948, 3^3: 532-541. 13 references. ANESTHESIA 723. Ragan, C, Ferrebee, J. W., and Fish, G. W. Effect of desoxy- corticosterone acetate upon plasma volume in patients during ether anesthesia and surgical operation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 42: 712-716. 13 references. 724. Selye, H. Anesthetic effect of steroid hormones. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46: 116-121. 1 reference. ANTIBODIES, see IMMUNITY ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS 725. Briquemont, M. Rhumatisme et maladie d'Addison. Scalpel, Brux., 1950, 103: 494-496. Case of a 61-year old woman suffering from osteoarthritis; after 3 years, Addison's disease supervened. 726.*Forestier, J. Une revolution dans la pathogenie et la thlrapeutique de la polyarthrite chronique evolutive; le complexe adreho-cortical E. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1949, 16: 418. 727. Heilmeyer, L. Die Beeinflussung der Entzundungsbereitschaft und der Plasmakolloide durch das Thiosemicarbazonderivat TB I im Vergleich zu den Wirkungen der Hormone der Nebennierenrinde und der Hypophyse und ihre Bedeutung fur das Rheumaproblem. Klin. Wschr., 1950, 28: 254-263. 26 references. 728.*Justin-Besancon, L., Rubens-Duval, A., Barbier, P., and Vuillaumey. Premiers resultats des explorations endocriniennes dans la maladie des arthroses. Rev. rheumat., Par., 1949, 16: 351. -82- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS (Continued) 729. Layani, F., and Durupt, L. Les rhumatismes endocriniens. Medecinfr., 1950, H): 137-140. 730. Lievre, J. A. Les problemes actuels de la rhumatologie. Sem. h3p. Pa«is, 1950, 2!6: 1017-1023. 731. Louyot, P., Verain, and Vidal. L'etude de la chloremie dans les affections rhumatismales. Rev. med. Nancy, 1950, 15: 126-129. 732. Lowry, C. F. Rheumatism; comments on the observations of ap- proximately 500 cases of rheumatic disease in a private practice. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1950, 40: 214-220. 733. Nelson, S. G. , Young, J. H., Strang, R. F. A., and Smith, S. A. What light has the recent work on the adrenal steroids thrown on the nature of rheumatoid arthritis ? In view of this work is it not proper to condemn that form of assault called "removal of septic foci" in this disease? Med. J. Australia, 1950, 2: 81-82. 734. Ordonneau, P., Jurmand, S. H., and Durieu, J. Les rhumatismes vertebraux. Medecinfr., 1950, 10: 129-131. 735. Pirozynski, W., and Akert, K. Polyarthritis und Nebennieren- rindenhormone. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1949, 79: 745-749. DCA plus sodium chloride produced polyarthritis in 15~out of 17 rats. 10 references. 736. Pferovsky, K. Ota*zka pathogenesy a therapie chronickych arthritid ve svgtle novych objevu. Cas. lek. c*esk., 1950, 89:443-447. Eti- ology and therapy of chronic arthritis with discussion on Hench- Kendall phenomenon. 18 references. 737.*Ravault, P., Vignon, G., and Berthier, L. Aux confins de la mala- die de Bouillaud. Le rhumatisme articulaire subaigu de l'adulte J. med. Lyon, 1950, 31.: 321-327. 738. Rheumatoid arthritis. R. N., Rutherford, 1950, 39-41: 60-62. 739. Sylvest, O. Rheumatologi-1949. Ugeskr. laeger, 1950 112- 643- 646. Review article. ' ---' 740. Thiers. H. Etudes statistics de le'sions endocriniennes (en dehors de 1'apparei g: 466-472. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 293-294. 755. Harrison, R. G. Relation of the adrenal cortex to arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1946, U 815-818. 16 references. 756. Hughes, W. Hormones and rheumatism. Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 1527-1528. 2 references. 757. Mahoudeau, D., Hinaut, G., and Betourne, C. Le terrain endo- crinien dans les rhumatismes chroniques degeneratif s. In: 2nd. Conf. Sc. internat. d'Aix-les-Bains, June 1948. Le rhumatisme degeneratif p. 63-97. 186 references. 758. Pearse, A. G. E. The hypophysis in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1_: 954-955. "... rheumatoid arthritis has some af- finity to conditions of suprarenal underaction but none to those of suprarenal overaction. " 7 references. -85- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - ETIOLOGY (Con- tinued) 759. Pemberton, R., and Scull, C. W. The role of central factors in the pathogenesis of rheumatic disorders. Ann. Int. M., 1943, ^9: 482-495. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., A*nno- tated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 18. 42 references. 760.*Perrault, M., Vignalou, J., and Baillet, J. Un nouveau cas d'ar- throses declenchees a volonte par l'administration de propionate de testosterone. Ann. endocr., Par., 1948, 9:258. 761. Selye, H. Further studies concerning the participation of the ad- renal cortex in the pathogenesis of arthritis. Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 1129-1135. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 223-224; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12214. Experi- ments with "formalin-arthritis"; discussion of the antagonism be- tween Doca and cortisone or ACTH. 29 references. 762. Selye, H. Relation of the adrenal cortex to arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1946, 1: 942. 763. Selye, H., and Pentz, E. I. Pathogenetical correlations between periarteritis nodosa, renal hypertension and rheumatic lesions. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1943, 49: 264-272. 764. Selye, H., Sylvester, O., Hall, C. E., and Leblond, C. P. Hor- monal production of arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1944, 124: 201- 207. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal sub- stances, 1949, p. 18. DCA may produce joint lesions (polyarthritis) histologically resembling those in acute rheumatic fever, particu- larly after adrenalectomy or thyroidectomy. This indicates an im- portant role of the adrenal cortex in the pathogenesis of rheumatic and rheumatoid conditions. Over 100 references. 765.*Silberberg, M., and Silberberg, R. Die Rolle der Hormone im Wachstum und Altern des Skeletts und ihre Bedeutung fur die Patho- genese der Arthritis deformans. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1949, 79: 127-132. 766.*Tarantino, C. Considerazioni etio-pathogenetiche sulla artrite reumatoide suggerite dai recenti resultati ottenuti con la terapie ormonica. Folia endocr. Pisa, 1949, 2: 614. -86- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - METABOLISM 767. Coste, F., Delbarre, F., Bourel, M., and Basset, G. Tests fonctionnels surrenaux dans les polyarthriteschroniques evolutives. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1950, 11_: 201-210. "In search of an explana- tion for cortisone's suspensive effect in R. A. the authors have tested adrenal-cortical function in R. A. (glucose tolerance, Cutler test, Robinson-Kepler test, Thorn test). They have found no significant changes except for the Robinson-Kepler test, which in some cases of R. A.shows hypo-corticoidism-like results. " 768. Davidson, R. A., Koets, P., and Kuzell, W. C. Effect of roentgeno- therapy on urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion in ankylosing spondyl- arthritis. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 79-88. "Urinary 17-keto- steroid excretion was found to be increased in spondylarthritis . . . Roentgenotherapy seemed to provide a stimulus for increased ex- cretion followed by a relative decrease. " 14 references. 769. Desmarais, M. H. L. The neutral 17-ketosteroids in rheumatoid arthritis and spondylitis. Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1949, 8: 296-298. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 927 770. Liefmann, R. Endocrine imbalance in rheumatoid arthritis and rheumatoid spondylitis: hyperglycemia unresponsiveness, insulin resistance, increased gluconeogenesis and mesenchymal tissue de- generation; preliminary report. Acta med. scand., 1950, 136:226- 232. Endocrine imbalance with a hypersecretion of adrenal sugar regulating hormones (11-OCS), resulting from a pathologic defense mechanism, explains "the dual phenomenon of both the precipitation of rheumatoid arthritis as well as the cure ("remission") by a large variety of injurious agents. " Sustained testosterone administration normalized the "diabetic" glucose tolerance curves and eliminated insulin resistance in rheumatoid arthritis; it reduced the elevated 17-ketosteroid elimination in rheumatoid spondylitis. 20 references. 771. Serre, H., and Mirouze, J. L'elimination urinaire des 17 ceto- steroides dans la spondylarthrite ankyTosante. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1950, 11_: 95-98. Decreased excretion of 17-ketosteroids was found in 3 patients. 6 references. 772. Serre, H., and Mirouze, J. L'excretion urinaire des 17 ceto-steroides dans la polyarthrite deformante progressive de l'homme. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1950, IV. 93-95. 2 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis associated with hyperparathyroidism presented a decrease in excre- tion of 17-ketosteroids; one patient, in whom the disease was asso- ciated with hypoparathyroidism, presented an increase. 5 references. -87- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - METABOLISM (Continued) 773. Sommerville, I. F., Marrian, G. F., Duthie, J. J. R., and Sin- clair, R. J. G. Abnormality in steroid metabolism associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 116-117. 8 refer- ences. 774. Sprague, R. G., and Power, M. H. Metabolic effects of cortisone and ACTH in cases of rheumatoid arthritis. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949^1950), p. 363-385. 5 cases; this study also in- cludes one case of administration of compound F. 2 references. 775. Staub, P. L., Menthe, J. W., Nelson, S. S., and Cohn, H. Ex- cretion of 11-oxycorticosteroids in paraplegic and rheumatic ar- thritic patients. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 349-350. 6 references. ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT 776. Adelantos en el tratamiento de la artritis reumatoidea. Dfa med., B. Air., 1950, 22: 491-492. 8 references. 777. Adrenal cortical hormone for rheumatoid arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1949, 139: 1274. Abstracted in: Antiseptic, Madras, 1950, 47: 205; Also in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 34. Editorial. 778. The adrenal gland and the rheumatic state. N. England J. M., 1949, 241: 545-546. Editorial. 3 references. 779. Albeaux-Fernet, M. Le traitement des polyarthrites par l'emploi d'une hormone surrenale: la cortisone et d'une hormone hypophysaire: la corticotrophine. Gaz. med. France, 1950, 57: 377-378. 14 ref- erences. 780. Albeaux-Fernet, D., and Deribreux. Premiers resultats du traite- ment du rhumatisme chronique par l'association vitamine C-des- oxycorticosterone en injections intraveineuses. Bull. Soc. med. h6p. Paris, 1950, 66: 497-501. Report of 5 cases. 8 references. 781. Alexander, W. R. M., and Duthie, J. J. R. Progesterone in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 297- 298. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 648. 12 ref- erences. -88- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 782. Alvarez Coca, M. Nuevo tratamiento hormonal de los reumatismos. Clin, laborat., Zaragoza, 1949, _48: 408-416. Report on the work of Kendall, Hench, Thorn, Reiclistein and others. 783. Amati, G. L'ormone corticotropo dell'ipofisi (ACTH) nel reumatismo e nella gotta. Riforma med., 1950, 64: 84-85. 784. Ammon, R. Die Therapie des chronischen Rheumatismus mit Cor- tison und dem corticotropen Hormon. Xrztl. Forschg., 1950, 4: 173-175. 15 references. 785. Another dragon dying? Med. Illust., 1950, 4: No. 4, Suppl., 10-12. Report on a film showing the effect of deoxycortone and ascorbic acid on rheumatoid arthritis. 786. Baschieri, L., and Rossi, A. Fondamenti fisiopatogenetici della terapia corticotropinica nelle artropatie; azione dell'ormone cor- ticotropo su i fattori di diffusione. Fol. endocr., Pisa, 1950, 3: 57-66. 21 references. 787. Blanchard, K. C, Harvey, A. M., Howard, J. E., Kattus, A., Marshall, E. K., Jr., Newman, E. V., and Zubrod, C. G. The effect of 3-hydroxy-2-phenylcinchoninic acid upon rheumatic fever. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1950, 87: 50-60. The general effects of HPCH suggested that it might be helpful in diseases controlled by ACTH. It controlled the fever, malaise and arthritis of 10 pa- tients with acute rheumatic fever, it was useful in chronic rheuma- toid arthritis in 10 patients, and it is possibly active in lupus ery- thematosus disseminatus. No improvement was obtained in bronchial asthma. 8 references. 788. Boland, E. W., and Headley, N. E. Effects of cortisone acetate on-rheumatoid arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1949, 141: 301-308. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 4~077* Clinical notes of 8 cases. 16 references. ~~ 789. Boland, E. W., and Headley, N. E. Management of rheumatoid arthritis with smaller (maintenance) doses of cortisone acetate J Am. M. Ass., 1950, 144: 365-372. 7 references. 790. Boni, P. La cura di alcune affezioni reumatiche con acetato di cortisone e con ACTH. Riforma med., 1950, 64: 53-55. -89- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 791. Brink, N. G., Meisinger, M. A. P., and Folkers, K. The activity of a hydrolysate of adrenocorticotropic hormone in rheumatoid ar- thritis. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1950, 72: 1040-1041. 792. Br^chner-Mortensen, K., Georg, J., Hamburger, C, Snorrason, E., Sprechler, M., Videbaek, A., and With, T. K. The effects of adrenocorticotrophic hormone in a case of chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Acta, endocr., Kbh., 1949, 3_: 39-55. Report of one case; metabolism study. 26 references. 793. Brownlee, G. Effect of deoxycortone and ascorbic acid on formal- dehyde-induced arthritis in normal and adrenalectomised rats. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 157-159. Deoxycortone with ascorbic acid protected normal and adrenalectomized rats against formaldehyde- induced arthritis; ascorbic acid gave slight protection to normal but not adrenalectomized rats; "deoxycortone . .. exacerbates the formaldehyde-induced arthritis in normal rats, but only to a very slight extent ... in adrenalectomized rats. " 11 references. 794. Brusselmans, P. Cortisone en ACTH bij ontstekingachtige poly- arthritis. Belg. tschr. geneesk., 1950, 6: 459-462. Based on a lecture by J. A. Lievre. 795. Brusselmans, P. De sinus caroticus enervatie en de polyarthritis. Belg. tschr. geneesk., 1950, 6^: 462. Based on a lecture by J. A. Lievre. 796. Buttaro, C. A., and Mezzetti-Panozzi, E. II trattamento delle artropatie con iniezioni combinate di desossicorticosterone ed acido ascorbico (metodo di Lewin e Wassen): personale esperienza. Policlinico, 1950, 57: sez prat., 653-657. Report of 24 cases. 24 references. 797. Bywaters, E. G. L., Dixon, A. S. J., and Wild, J. B. Deoxy- cortone and ascorbic acid in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1:951-953. Experiments on 10 patients leading to the conclusion that "the treatment has no measurable or appreciable effect. " 18 references. 798. Cambruzzi, S. "Cortisone" e poliartriti reumatiche. Ann. med. nav., Roma, 1950, 55:64-68. Reprinted from Mese sanitario, 1950. -90- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 799. Camus, J. L., and Godlewski, S. L'action de certaines hormones surrenale (cortisone) et hypophysaire (cortico-stimuline) sur les polyarthrites aigues et chroniques et. sur la goutte; etude clinique et essai d'interpretation physiologique. Paris med., 1949, 2: Suppl., 85-94. 25 references. 800.*Catoggio, P. M. Compuesto "E" de Kendall y la hormona hipofisaria adrenocorticotropa en la artritis reumatoidea. Difa med., B. Air., 1949, No. 32. 801. Catoggio, P. M. Novedades en reumatismo. Dia med., B. Air., 1949, 21: 1264-1265. Report on the work of Hench and associates with compound E. 802. Catoggio, P. M. Reumatismo y compuesto "E". Dia med., B. Air., 1949, 21: 1199-1201. Discussion of the work of Hench et al as pre- sented before the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Medical As- sociation, 3 May 1949. 803. Cheng, C. P., Sayers, G., Goodman, L. S., and Swinyard, C. A. Discharge of adrenocorticotrophic hormone from transplanted pitui- tary tissue. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 159: 426-432. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 6. Adenophypophyseal grafts in hypophysectomized rats discharge ACTH in response to histamine stress, leading to the conclusion that neural or vascular connections between hypothalamus and anterior pituitary are not essential for such discharge. 11 references. 804. Clark, W. S. The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Clin. N. America, 1949, 33: 1375-1384. 4 references. 805. Clark, W. S., Ropes, M. W., and Bauer, W. Changes produced by the administration of ACTH and cortisone in rheumatoid arthritis Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 337-362. Re- port on 4 cases; lengthy discussion (345-362) includes allusions to febrile, anaphylactoid and allergic reactions. 806. Cohen, A., and McBride, T. J. Modern treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Pennsylvania M. J., 1950, 53:256. 807. Coke, H. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J. 1949 1: 1050-1051. ' ' 808. Compound E in arthritis and related conditions. Am. Profes. Phar- macist, 1949, 15: 621-624; 654. -91- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 809. Copeman, W. S. C, Duthie, J. J. R., Fletcher, E., Myers, G. N., Savage, O., Hart, F. D., Kellgren, J. H., Ellma'n, P., Kersley, G. D., Burt, H. A., Bywaters, E. G. L., and Hartfall, S. J. De- oxycortone with ascorbic acid in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 830-831. 20 references. 810.*Cortical hormones in rheumatoid arthritis. Scope, Kalamazoo. 1949, (October), 2: 13-16. 811. Cortisone, ACTH and deoxycortone. Lancet, Lond., 1950, _1: 169. Brief review of research and chemical progress. 10 references. 812. Cortisone cure lasting. Science News Lett., 1950, 57: 294. "Some stay well for* months now even after the stopping of the cortisone treatment that amazingly remedied their crippling rheumatism. " 813. Le Cortisone, fin d'un cauchemar. Votre sante, Par., 1949, No. 52: 12. Popular article. 814. Cortisone in the treatment of rheumatism. Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 24-25. Editorial. 815. Coste, F. Conceitos e factos de recente aquisicao sobre as doencas reumatismais. Portugal med., 1949, 33: 383-390. Abstracted from the author's report on the 3rd International Congress on Rheumatic Diseases, contained in Presse Medicale, 1949, No. 46. 816. Coste, F. Orientation actuelle de la therapeutique moderne. Gaz. med. France, 1950, 57: 363-367. 817. Coste, F. Problemes actuels de la rtiumatologie. Medecinfr., 1950, 10: 121-123. 818. Coste, F., Galmiche, P., Delbarre, F., Bourel, M., and Basset, G. l£tude de la dechloruration dans les polyarthrites. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1950, 17: 239-243. 819. Coste, F., Galmiche, P., Delbarre, F., Bourel, M., and Basset, G. Remarques sur divers traitements hypophysosurrenaux dans la p! C. E. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1950, 17_: 243-248. 820. Couti, L. L. Action du 21-acetoxy-pregnenolone (artisone) comparee a celle de 1'acetate de desoxycorticosterone (DCA) et du compose E de Kendall (cortisone) sur l'arthrite experimental. Presse med., 1950, 58:781-782. Cortisone inhibits, DOCA aggravates, cortisone is without any effect. 5 references. -92- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 821. Craig, J. D., and Schmidt, L. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J., 1949, 1_: 1004. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 38. Letter to the editor. 822. Cuatrecasas, J. Accion terapeutica del acido ascolrbico en las afec- ciones reumaticas. Sem.'meli., B. Air., 1950, 57:792-797. In- cludes discussion of the "functional synergism of vitamins and hor- mones. " 22 references. 823. Cuatrecasas, J. Desoxicorticosterona y afecciones reumaticas. Dia. med., B. Air., 1950, 22: 1258-1264. 27 references. 824. Current status of adrenal and pituitary hormones (cortisone and ACTH) in the treatment of arthritis and other diseases. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 142:340-341. 5 references. 825. Currie, J. P., and Will, G. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with deoxycortone and vitamin C. J^ancet, Lond., 1950, 1:708-710. In a study made of 17 patients, treatment with deoxycortone and vita- min C was not found to be of any value. 9 references. 826. Cyriax, J., Coke, H., and Good, M. G. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J., 1949, 1_: 1050-1051. Letter to the editor. 827. Davison, R. A., and Koets, P. The effect of /^-pregnenolone on urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion and symptomatology of ankylosing spondylarthritis; with a note on the results of fractionation. 7th Internat. Congr. Rheum. Dis., May 30-June 5, 1949, New York (Advance Abstr.), p. 61. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 35-36. "The excretion of 17-keto- steroids was ... reduced to normal in patients treated with preg- nenolone" and improvement was noted. 828. Deoxycortone acetate and ascorbic acid for arthritis. Manufact Chem., Lond., 1950, 2V. 31. 829. Deoxycortone and pregnenolone in rheumatism. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 1003. Only cortisone and ACTH have so far "substantiated their position in the endocrine treatment of rheumatism. " 830. Deoxycortone and rheumatoid arthritis. Med. J. Australia, 1950, _1: 126. "Current comment. " -93- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 831. Deoxycortone in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 998. Editorial. 3 references. 832. Desossicorticosterone, acido ascorbico e reumatismo. Minerva med., 1950, JL_: 947-948. Mainly a critical review of the article by E. Lewin and E. Was sen in Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 993. (See No. 903). 833. Doebeli, H. Bericht vom 7. Internationalen Rheumakongres in New York, 30 Mai-3 Juni 1949, uber die Demonstrationen der "Cortison"- Behandlungen an der Mayo-Klinik in Rochester (Minn.) und uber die Studienreise des Referenten durch die U. S. A. Zschr. Rheuma- forsch., 1950, 9: 51-62. 83.4. Donzelot, E., and Kaufmann, H. L'heparine dans le traitement de la maladie rhumatismale et de certains processus exsudatifs. Arch. mal. coeur, 1950, 43: 229-240. Includes comparison with ACTH. 10 references. 835. Douthwaite, A. H. Desoxycortone acetate and ascorbic acid in rheu- matoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 1244-1245. 836. Doyle, L. P., Andrews, F. N., and Hutchings, L. M. The use of cortisone and ACTH in rheumatoid disease in swine. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 373-374. "Diseased conditions occur in swine which bear considerable resemblance to rheumatic or rheu- matoid diseases in the human. Some naturally affected swine showed definite improvement following treatment with cortisone and also with ACTH. " 837. Dresner, E., and Pugh, L. G. C. ACTH in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 111. Letter to the editor. 838. Dresner, E., Pugh, L. G. C, and Wild, J. B. A.C.T.H. in rheu- matoid arthritis compared with intramuscular adrenaline and with deoxycortone and ascorbic acid. Lancet, Lond., 1950, _1: 1149- 1153. Observations in one patient. 19 references. 839. Edstrom, G. Hypofysinplantation vid kronisk artrit. Nord. med., 1949, 43:263-266. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 649. In 6 out of 9 patients treated by implant of calf or fetal pitui- tary complete remission was obtained. 15 references. 840. Edstrom, G. Pituitary gland implantations in rheumatoid arthritis. * Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1950, 9: 22-27. Report of 26 cases. Abstracts in French and Spanish. 16 references. -94- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 841. Effects of compound E. Nutrit. Rev., 1949, 7: 290-292. A review of the work of Hench, Kendall et al. 3 references. 842. Elkinton, J. R., Hunt, A. D., Jr., Godfrey, L., McCrory, W., Rogerson, A., and Stokes, J., Jr. Effects of ACTH in patients with collagen and allied diseases. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic., 1949 (1950), p. 429-436. 843. Enfermedades de adaptaci6*n, hormonas y reumatismo. Rev. clin. espan., 1950, 3j>: 278-279. Short review article. 21 references. 844. Everse, J. W. R. Rheumatoid arthritis as an endocrinological prob- lem. Hormones, Lond., 1950, 3: 1-19. 63 references. 845. Everse, J. W. R. Le rhumatisme articulaire en tant que probleme endocrinologique. Hormone, Oss, 1950, 12: 1-24. 63 references. 846. Fellinger, K. Hypophysen-Vorderlappciimplantation zur Erzielung einer Compound E-Wirkung bei rheumatischen Gelenkzustanden. Wien Klin. Wschr., 1950, 62: 9-11. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 1_: 523. Fresh pig pituitary tissue implanted on 62 occasions brought temporary clinical relief to 19 out of 23 patients. 10 references. 847. Film on deoxycortone. Lancet, Lond., 1950, _1: 675-676. Editorial. 848. Finn, N. Rheumatism and its treatment: Kendall's compound E. S. Afr. M. J., 1950, 24: 184. 849. Fletcher, E., Lush, B., Buchan, J. F., and Wolff, S. Deoxy- cortone acetate and ascorbic acid in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 94. "Letter to the editor"; report of 9 cases. 850.*Forestier, J. Un nouveau traitement des rhumatismes inflamma- toires, le complexe adreno-corticale E. Sem. h£p. Paris 1949 25: 2115-2117. 851. Fortier, C, and Selye, H. Adrenocorticotrophic effect of stress after severance of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal pathways. Am J Physiol., 1949, L59: 433-439. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 243; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 6*. Ex- periments with rats "regarded as evidence that the denervated pitui- tary gland functions and responds to acute stimulation in the absence of neurological connexions. " 39 references. -95- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 852. Fortunato, A. Sinergie ed antagonismi degli ormoni corticosur- renali nella poliartrite cronica primaria. Acta med. ital. mal. infett., 1950, 5: 72-75. 853. Fox, W. W. Deoxycortone acetate and ascorbic acid in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 1156. 10 cases. Letter to the editor. 854. Franpon, F. Le compose E (compound E ou cortisone) et 1'A.C. T.H. (adre'no-cortio-tropique hormone). J. Me'd. Lyon, 1949, 30: 941- 942. Also in: Rhumatologie, 1949, 1: 102; Also in: Bruxelles med., 1949, 29: 3079-3081. 5 references.- 855.*Franpon, F. Opmerkelijke aanwinst in de rheumatologie; de ver- binding E (compound E) en A.C. T.H. (adreno-cortico-tropisch hor- mon). Geneesk. gids, 1949, 27: 319. 856. Franpon, F. Le role respectif de la cortisone, de I'A.C.T.H. (hor- mone ante-hypophysaire adreno-corticotropique) et de la crenothera- pie dans le traitement des rhumatismes et de la goutte. J. med. chir., Par., 1950, 121: 17-22. 857. Freeman, H., Pincus, G., Johnson, C. W., Bachrach, S., McCabe, G. E., and MacGilpin, H. Therapeutic efficacy of A 5-pregnenolone in rheumatoid arthritis: Preliminary observations. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 142: 1124-1128. 30 patients with rheumatoid arthritis of vary- ing degrees were given pregnenolone or pregnenolone acetate orally for an average of six weeks, the dosage averaging 500 mg. daily. Fifteen patients experienced striking relief; 11 patients showed a mild degree of improvement, and 4 patients did not obtain improve- ment. Of 16 subjects in whom treatment has been discontinued, im- provement has been maintained an average of six weeks. No toxic effects were noted. 858. Freyberg, R. H. Effects of cortisone and ACTH in rheumatoid ar- thritis. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 2. ser., 206-211. General review and report on 17 patients treated with cortisone and 16 treated with ACTH; dramatic improvement without any serious complications. 6 references. 859. Furniss, A. Rheumatism in children. Med. World, Lond., 1950, 72: 455-457; 492-494; 524-527. "Cortisone; A.C.T.H.; D.O.C.A.; and ascorbic acid in rheumatoid arthritis; the present position.*' p. 526-527. -96- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 860. Further work with deoxycortone and ascorbic acid. Med. J. Aus- tralia, 1950, 1: 379. Current comment. 861. Gialdi, F. II 17-ossi-11-deidrocorticosterone, ormone surrenale attivo nella cura del reumatismo articolare. Farmaco, Pavia, 1949, 4: 438-443. 30 references. 862. Gibertini, G., and Vecchiati, P. Osservazioni sul trattamento combinato desossicoerticosterone-acido ascorbico nella cura di varie forme di sofferenze osteo-articolari. Riforma med., 1950, 64: 337. Abstract of a paper read before the Societa medico-chirurgica di Modena, 23 February 1950. 863. Girard, M., and Rozier, M. Actualites therapeutiques. Le traite- ment de la spondylarthrite ankylosante (spondylose rhizomelique de P. Marie). J. med. Lyon, 1950, _31: 305-307. 864. Gitman, L. Desoxycorticosterone acetate not a substitute for com- pound E in arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1949, 140: 909. Letter to the editor. 865. Godlowski, Z. Z. Stimulation of the suprarenal glands in the treat- ment of rheumatoid arthritis. Preliminary report. Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1949, 8: 285-289. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 92. 14 references. 866.*Good, M. G. International congress on rheumatic diseases at New York (29th May-3rd June 1949); Medical report. Acta med. orient., Jerusalem, 1949, 8: 147-154. 867. Green, H. N. Suggested mode of action of corticotrophin in rheu- matoid arthritis and the allergic state. Brit. M. J., 1950, 1: 1165- 1166. 14 references. ' ~ 868. Greene, R. Some endocrinological aspects of rheumatoid arthritis Proc. fl. Soc. M., Lond., 1950, £3: 16-20. Greene, while primarily interested in the part of the spleen in rheumatoid arthritis, also dis- cusses treatment with corticotrophin. 14 references. 869. Havermark, N. G., and Nor dens on, N. G. Hematologiska foran- dringar hos ett fall av reumatoid artrit behandlat med adrenocortico- tropt hormone (ACTH, corticotropin). Sven. lak. tidn., 1949 46- 2713-2719. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7-'6~48- Also in: Q. Rev. Int. M., 1950, 7: 185. 5 references. -97- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 870. Hallberg, L. Effects of deoxycortone and methylene-blue in rheu- matoid arthritis. An attempt to explain the action of ascorbic acid on deoxycortone. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 351-352. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4586; Also in: Clin, nuova, 1950, 10: 312- 313. Report of 3 cases. 4 references. 871. Harrison, R. G. Desoxycortone and arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1946, 2: 214-215. 872. Hartfall, S. J., Harris, R., Hart, V. L., Starer, F., Loxton, G. E., and LeVay, D. Deoxycortone acetate and ascorbic acid in rheu- matoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 1202-1204. 873. Haydu, G. G. The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in the light of new knowledge. Am. J. Occup. Ther., 1949, 3: 177-180. "Des- oxycorticosterone ... will not give the rheumatoid patient more strength ... it will make the patient worse. " 874. Hellman, L. Production of acute gouty arthritis by adrenocortico- tropin. Science, 1949, 109: 280-281. Abstracted in: Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1950, 9: 92; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26224; Also in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibli- ography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 30. ACTH "may be useful as a provacative and therapeutic agent in gout. " 7 references. 875. Hench, P. S. ACTH and cortisone. Yale J. Biol., 1950, 22:455- 456. Abstract of the Nu Sigma Nu Annual Lecture. 876. Hench, P. S. The effects of cortisone and ACTH on rheumatic dis- eases. Science, 1950, 111: 457-458. Abstract of a paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Sciences, 24-26 April 1950. 877.*Hench P. S. The potential reversibility of rheumatoid arthritis. Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1949, 8: 90-96. The Heberden oration. 878. Hench, P. S., Kendall, E. C, Polley, H. F., and Slocumb, C. H. Effects of cortisone acetate and pituitary ACTH on rheumatoid ar- thritis, rheumatic fever and certain other conditions: a study in clinical physiology. Arch. Int. M., 1950, 85: 545-666. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5472. 34 references. -98- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 879. Hench, P. S., Kendall, E. C, Slocumb, C. H., and Polley, H. F. The effect of a.hormone of the adrenal cortex (17-hydroxy-ll-de- hydrocorticosterone: Compound E) and of pituitary adrenocortico- trophic hormone on rheumatoid arthritis; preliminary report. Proc Mayo Clin., 1949, 24: 181-197. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 33; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 187; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12190. There was marked improvement when either hormone was employed, but symptoms usually returned when their use was discontinued. 14 references. 880. Hench, P. S., Kendall, E. C, Slocumb, C. H., and Polley, H. F. The effect of a hormone of the adrenal cortex (17-hydroxy-11-de- hydrocorticosterone: Compound E) and of pituitary adrenocortico- trophic hormone on rheumatoid arthritis. Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1949, 8: 97. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28827. Also in: Congress on Rheumatic Dis., May 30-June 5, 1949, New York (Advance Abstr.), p. 76-77; Also in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rah- way, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 36. 881. Hochfeld, M. Hormonotherapie sexuelle dans le rheumatisme chronique. Me'decin fr., 1950, JL0: 33-37. 36 references. 882. Hochfeld, M. Traitement des rhumatismes chroniques par les oestrogenes de synthese. Progr. med. Par., 1949, 77:219-225. Clinical lecture presented at the Hopital Bichat on 23 February 1949. 883. Holbrook, W. P., Hill, D. F., Stephens, C. A..L„ Jr., Kent, L. F., Borden, A., Kemmerer, A. R., Wallraff, E. B., and Brodie, E. The effect of ACTH on amino acid metabolism in rheumatoid ar- thritis. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 386- 392. No definite conclusions may be drawn as to the mechanism of ACTH remission from the new observations communicated here. 884. Hormone ai: 196-198. 2 cases of hydarthrosis associated with men- strual disorders improved after testosterone. 9 references. 901. LeVay, D., and Loxton, G. E. Clinical observations with deoxy- cortone and ascorbic acid. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1:209-211. Ab- stracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 602; Also~in: Ther. Gegen- wart, 1950, 89: 134; Also in: Clin, nuova, 1950, U): 200-201. 14 references. 902. LeVay, D., and Loxton, G. E. Desoxycortone acetate and ascorbic acid in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 1134-1135. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950,' 7: 522. Report of 23 cases. 2 references. ' ~ 903. Lewin, E., and Wassen, E. Effect of combined injections of des- oxycortone acetate and ascorbic acid on rheumatoid arthritis Lancet Lond., 1949, 2: 993. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond. 1950 7: 522; Also in: Bull. N. England M. Center, 1950, 12- 24- Also in- Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 224. Report of 10~ases, including one of implantation of a 100 mg. tablet of DCA. 5 references. 904.*Lichtwitz, A. Le traitement hormonal des formes inflammatoires du rhumatisme. Sem. hop. Paris, 1949, 25: 2398-2408. -101- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT {Continued) 905. Liefmann, R., and Schultz, M. P. A brief review of the use of ad- renal cortical steroids and related substances in the treatment of rheumatic fever and rheumatoid arthritis. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1949, 18:629.-632. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12202. 32 references. 906. Lievre, J. A. La cortisone dans la polyarthrite chronique inflam- matoire. Presse med., 1949, 57:603. 1 reference. 907.*Li£vre, J. A. L'hormone corticotrope de l'hypophyse (ACTH) dans le rhumatisme et dans la goutte. Presse med., 1949, 57: 1253- 1255. 908. Lopez Esnaurrizar, M. Proposicicfn para nuevo tratamiento de la artritis reumatoide. Medicina, Mex., 1950, 30: 32-36. "Visceral recuperation" (splanchnotherapy) is suggested as opposed to the Hench- Kendall treatment. 68 supposed recoveries. 21 references. 909. Loxton, G. Recent advances in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1950, 2j>: 447-451. 42 references. 910. Lucien-Levy. Traitement des arthrites rhumatismales par le com- plexe E (cortisone) et A.C.T.H. (hormone adreno-corticotropicfue). Progr. med., Par., 1949, 77: 460-461. 22 references. 911. Luft, R., Sjogren, B., and Li, C. H. Results of administration of adrenocorticotrophically active peptides (ACTH peptides) to a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 3: 299-309. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 90-917 ACTH peptides and ACTH protein are equally effective in stimulating the adrenal cortex. 8 references. 912. Mach, R. S., Brugger, Y., Della Santa, R., and Fabre, J. L'hor- mone hypophysaire corticotrope; test de Thorn et action therapeutique dans la polyarthrite inflammatoire chronique (morbus Charcot). Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80: 5-12. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 521; Also in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143:'604. Results of administration of ACTH to 7 normal subjects, 6 patients with Addison's disease, 7 patients with rheumatoid arthritis and sub- jects .with other diseases. 14 references. 913. Mach, DeUa Santa, and Fabre. Remarque sur le traitment hormonal du rhumatisme articulaire chronique. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1950, 70: 371-372. Report of 2 cases. Abstract. -102- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 914. Marche, J. Rhumatismes et vitaminothe'rapie. Gaz. med. France, 1950, 57: 395-401. Includes combined therapy with DOCA and ascorbic acid. 915. Markson, D. E. Prolonged treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone. J. Am. M. Ass., 1949, 141; 458-459. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 1_: 607. Clinical notes of 2 cases of remission. 2 references. 916. Massell, B. F., Warren, J. E., and Sturgis, G. P. Observations on effects of ACTH in patients with rheumatic fever and rheumatic carditis. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., J. R. Mote Editor, Blakiston Co., Philadelphia, 1950, p. 419-422. 917. Matta, G. O cortisone e a ACTH, duas hormonas activas no trata- mento de doenpas reumatismais. An. Azevedos, 1949, 1: 205-212. Report on Hewel, Kendall, etc. 918. Michotte, L. Les relations entre la polyarthrite chronique pro- gressive et le cortex surrenalien. Acta clin. belg., 1950, 5: 121- 133. 919. Michotte, L. Relations entre les affections rhumatismales et la secretion cortico-surrenale. Acta clin. belg. ,1950, 5: 106-107. Infiltration of the carotid body. Abstract. 920. Michotte, L., Buisseret, J., Devester, H., Doneux, G., and Horniatchevski, M. Action de Innervation sinu-carotidienne sur la polyarthrite chronique progressive. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1950, 17: 142-148. Because removal of the carotid body causes a rise in pro^ duction of adrenocortical hormones, the authors treated 7 patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis in this manner. Metabolism studies. 921. Misgeld, F. J. Die Grundlagen der Behandlung entzundlich rheu- matischer Erkrankungen mit dem Hypophysen-Nebennierenwirkstoff E (Cortison). Deut. med. Rundschau,- 1949, 45: 1275-1276. 12 ref- erences. 922. Morelli, A., and Pusateri, G. La terapia di Lewin e Was sen (acetato di desossicorticosterone-acido ascorbico) nelle affezioni reumatiche; nota preventiva. Riforma med., 1949, 63: 1233-1234. Abstracted in: Praxis, Bern, 1950, 39: 272-273. Report of 10 cases. -103- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 923. New compound to treat rheumatoid arthritis. Ind. Physician, 1950, 9: 21. 924. New remedies for rheumatoid arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 142: 1219. "Until additional convincing data are forthcoming, the medical profession must advise its patients that the remedies re- cently proposed for arthritis cannot be placed in general use. " 925. A new treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J., 1949, 1: 812- 813. 8 references. 926. Un nuovo ormone corticosurrenalico attivo nel reumatismo cronico. Minerva med., Tor., 1950, 1: 353-354. 927. O'Connell, W. J., and Burns, F. J. Cortisone therapy in rheuma- toid arthritis. Rhode Island M. J., 1950, 33: 289-291. Report of 2 cases. 4 references. 928. Pickering, G. W. Significance of the discovery of the effects of cortisone on rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 81-84. 6 references. 929. Piquet, B. Le rhumatisme psoriasique. Medecinfr., 1950, H): 131-134. 24 references. 930. Pi Sunyer, J. Efecto de una hormona adrenocortical sobre la artritis reumatoidea. Cienc. & invest., B. Air., 1949, 5: 332-333. 3 ref- erences. 931. Pituitary gland implantation for chronic arthritis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 759. Report from Sweden. 932. Porsman, V. A. Kronisk polyartritis 6*g hormoner. Aim. danske mas sageforening, 1950, 32: 69-74. 933. Progress in treatment of rheumatic disorders. International congress of rheumatology. (From a special correspondent). Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 154-158. 934. Ragan, C, Grokoest, A. W., and Boots, R. H. Effect of adreno- corticotropic hormone (ACTH) on rheumatoid arthritis. Am. J. Med., 1949, 7: 741-750. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7j 521-52"2; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 261. Report of 8 cases. Metabolism studies. Development in some cases of some of the symptoms of Cushing's disease. 16 references. -104- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 935. Ravault, P., Vignon, G., and Fraisse, H. Le traitment du rhu- matisme articulaire aigu et subaigu de l'adulte. Gaz.med. France, 1950, 57: 369-375. 936. Redmond, W. Ephedrine and rheumatic diseases. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 34. Letter to the editor. 937. Reed, C. I., Joseph, N. R., Steck, I. E., and Montgomery, M. M. Effects of ACTH on synovial membrane potentials in rheumatoid ar- thritis. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 104-105. Abstract. 938. Report ACTH produces definite improvement in rheumatic fever. Hosp. Management, 1949, 68: No. 5, 80; 82. 939. Riveire, R., and Salvadori, J. Maladie de Chauffard-Still gravis- sime. Guerison par de tr£s fortes doses de testosterone. Bull. Soc. med. h^p. Paris, 1950, 66: 971-974. Case report. Compari- son of action of ACTH, cortisone and testosterone. 940. Robles Gil, J. Accion de la hormona adrenocorticotrofica de la hipofisis en la artritis rheumatoide. Nota cl'nica sobre un caso. Rev. invest, clin., 1950, 2: 95-109. Report of one case. 10 ref- erences. 941. Robles Gil, J., and Gomez Mont, F. Accion de diversos esteroides on algunas enfermedades reumeticas. Arch. hist, cardiol. Mexico, 1949, _19: 607-611. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950,' 7: 519-520. Pregnenolone caused improvement in 23 out of 30 cases of rheumatic arthritis, while testosterone failed to improve the con- dition. 942 943, Rose, B., Pare, J. A. P., Pump, K., Stanford, R., and Johnson, L. G. Influence of ACTH on the excretion of histamine and histidine in patients with allergic states or rheumatoid arthritis. 42nd Meet Am. Soc Clin. Invest., 1950, p. 51. Savage, O. Cortisone (compound E) and adrenocorticotrophic hor- mone in rheumatoid arthritis. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1950, 43: ■I J. ~ Ci U , "™^~ 944. Savage, O., Greene, R., and Good, M. Rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 749. Meeting of the Royal Society of Medi- cine, October 12, 1949. -105- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 945. Savage, O., Greene, R., and Reiss, M. Cortisone in rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 1040-1041. 946. Schmidt, L. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit. M. J., 1949, 1: 1004-1005. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hor- monal substances, 1949, p. 38. In correspondence. 3 references. 947. Segovia de Arana, J. M. Recientes avances en la terapeutica hor- monal de la artritis reumatoide. Rev. clin. espan., 1949, J35: 409- 414. Reyiew article. 31 references. 948. Seifter, J., Warter, P. J., and Fitch, D. R. Preliminary obser- vations on the antiarthritic effect of 21-acetoxypregnenolone. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 131-134. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 649; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 14618. 7 patients receiving 21-acetoxypregnenolone intramus- cularly showed clinical improvement. 2 references. 949. Seze, S. de, Gougeon, J., and Herrault, A. A propos d'un contrSle therapeutique negatif dans la polyarthrite; contre l'abus des publi- cations therapeutiques preinaturees. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1950, 17: 237-243. On the basis of 9 cases and a review of the literature, grave doubts are put forward as to the therapeutic effectiveness of DOCA with ascorbic acid. 13 references. 950. 'Sharmone'; pregnenolone acetate; for the symtomatic (!) treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. S. Afr. M. J., 1950, 24:406-407. Com- parison with ACTH. 951. Shirlaw, J. T. Treatment of spondylitis with cortical extract. Brit. M. J., 1949, 1: 1007. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 37. Letter to the editor. 952. Slocumb, C. H., Polley, H. F., Hench, P. S., and Kendall, E. C. Effects of cortisone and ACTH on patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Proc Mayo Clin., 1950, 25:476-478. 23 cases; discussion of hyper- corticonism and sequelae of withdrawal. 953. Spies, T. D., and De Maeyer, E. Cortisone and rheumatoid arthri- tis. Gen. Pract., Kansas City, 1950, J.: 43-47. "Eight patients with rheumatoid arthritis were selected for study in such a way that an objective and comparative evaluation could be made of their response to each of eight sterols. The only substance which produced profound amelioration of symptoms was cortisone acetate ..." -106- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 954. Spies, T. D., and Stone, R. E. Relief of the symptoms of acute gout and rheumatoid arthritis by means of pituitary adrenocortico- trophic hormone (ACTH). South. M. J., 1949, 42: 720-722. Ab- stracted in: Abstr. World M., Lpnd., 1950, 7: 306. Report of 1 case of gouty arthritis and 3 cases of rheumatoid arthritis. 2 refer- ences. 955. Spies, T. D., Stone, R. E., De Maeyer, E., and Niedermeier, W. Desoxycortone with ascorbic acid versus adrenocorticotropic hor- mone in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 1219-1221. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 522; Also in: Poli- clinico, 1950, 57: 325; Also in: Praxis, Bern, 1950, 39'- 272i Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 224. Report of 6 cases. 7 references. 956. Stillman, J. S., and Bayles, T. B. The effect of ACTH on juvenile rheumatoid arthritis or Still's disease. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 393-404. In three cases, remission was ob- tained persisting in case 1 and 2 ten weeks after cessation. Case 3 developed severe relapse. 957. Stock, J. P. P., and McClure, E. C. Pregnenolone in the treat- ment of rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Londv, 1950, 2: 125-128. 8 references. 958. Suprarenal hormone in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 1: 786. Abstracted in: Ind. M. Gaz., 1949, 84: 573. 959. Suprarenal hormone in rheumatoid arthritis. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 1: 1058. Abstracted in: Antiseptic, Madras, 1950, 47: 401-402. Re- port on the International Congress on Rheumatic Diseases, New York, June 1949. 2 references. 960. Tagnon, R., Lambert, P. P., and Corvilain, J. Essai de traite- ment du rhumatisme chronique progressif par l'A. C. T.H. et l'hypo- glycemie insulinique. Acta clin. belg., 1950, 5: 107. Report of two cases improved by treatment. 961. Tagnon, R., Lambert, P. P., and Corvilain, J. Traitement du rhumatisme chronique par I'A.C.T.H. et 1'hypoglycemic insulinique. Acta clin. belg., 1950, 5: 141-156. 9 references. 962. Tarnopolsky, S. Tratamiento de la artritis reumatoidea con un ex- tracto suprarrenal total y desoxicorticosterona. Prensa med. argent., 1950, 37: 715-718. 16 references. -107- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 963. Tentativas terape'uticas en la artritis reumatoidea. Sem. med., B. Air., 1950, 57: 751. Editorial. 964. Terry, L. L., and London, F. Effects of Reichstein's compound S, pregnenetriolone acetate, and 17-alpha hydroxyprogesterone in rheumatoid arthritis. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 251-252. "In no case was objective improvement of any involved joint observed. " 3 references. 965. Thorn, G. W., and Bayles, T. B. Pituitary-adrenal function and rheumatoid disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1949, 163: 365-380. The mechanism of adrenal cortical activity. Practical considerations in adrenal hormone therapy. Pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Stimulation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal cortical system by stress. The effect of ACTH therapy on rheumatoid ar- thritis, on rheumatic fever, on lupus erythematosus disseminatus, on gouty arthritis. 24 references. •f 966.*Uber die Wirkung des Cortison-Acetates (Compound E) auf die Rheu- matoid-Arthritis. Ther. Umschau, Bern, 1949-50, 6: 109. 967.*Venzmer, G. Zur Entdeckung eines gegen Arthrosen wirksamen Hormons der Nebennierenrinde. Deut. med. Wschr., 1950, 75: 424-426. 968. Vermehren, E., and Vermehren, M. Treatment of chronic poly- arthritis with Danish ACTH preparation. Ugeskr. laeger., 1950, 112: 399-402. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, .143: 1375. " ..7*2 cases of chronic polyarthritis treated with a Danish pituitary adreno- corticotropic hormone (ACTH) preparation. Characteristic metabolic changes were observed in both of the patients. The arthritic symp- toms almost disappeared during treatment in 1 of the patients, but in the other one there was no definite clinical improvement. " (J. Am. M. Ass. ). 969.*Weil, M. P., and Sichere, R. M. De l1 implantation d'hormones genitales dans les etats rhumatismaux. Rev. beige sc. med., 1948, _19: 48. 970.*Weil, M. P., and Sichere, R. Note preiiminaire sur les implanta- tions souscutanees de comprimes d'hormones genitales dans les e'tats rhumatismaux. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1948, 15: 33. -108- ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT (Continued) 971. Weil, M. P., and Sichere, R. Sex hormone implantation in the treatment of rheumatic conditions. Rheumatism, Lond., 1948, 4: 224-228; 240. 972. Weissenbach, R. J., and Franpon, F. L'etat actuel de nos connais- sances sur la cortisone et I'A.C.T.H. dans le traitement des mala- dies rhumatismales. Bull, med., Par., 1950, 64: 171-174. 973. Wells, B. B., Lowery, R. D., and Seibert, V. E. Desoxycortico- sterone acetate and ascorbic acid in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. J. Arkansas M. Soc, 1950, 47: 3-4. Report of 8 cases with uniformly disappointing results. 8 references. 974. Witzgall, J. Die Behandlung der Gelenkerkrankungen mit NNR- Hormonen, mit einem vorlaufigen Bericht iiber die kombinierte Anwendung von Desoxycorticosteronacetat und 1-Ascorbinsaure. Ther. Gegenwart, 1950, 89: 120-128. Report of 30 cases. 975. Wolfson, W. Q., Cohn, C, and Levine, R., see No. 640. 976. Young, J. H., Strang, R. F. A., Smith, and Nelson. The panel has been asked to express its views on the therapeutic value in rheu- matoid arthritis of several forms of therapy currently practised, in- cluding rest, climate, gold, aspirin, succinate salicylate, "Per- corten, " transfusion of blood, the antibiotics, vaccines, bismuth. Med. J. Australia, 1950, 2: 82-83. 977. Zondek, H. Deoxycortone acetate and ascorbic acid in ankylosing spondylitis. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 517-518. Letter to the editor. ARTERITIS OBLITERANS, see BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES ASCORBIC ACID, see also ARTHRITIS, etc. - TREATMENT 978. Ascorbic acid and adrenal function. Nutrit. Rev., 1950, 8: 52-54. 979. Boas, N. F., and Jailer, J. W. On the inability of adrenocortico- tropic hormone or epinephrine to deplete the ascorbic acid of the chick adrenal. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 655. Abstract of a paper presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Association for the Study of Internal Secretions, Atlantic City, N. J., June 1949. 980. Booker, W. M., Hayes, R. L., and Dent, F. M. Adrenal stress and metabolism of ascorbic acid. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 14. Abstract of a paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American -' Physiological Society, April 1950. -109- ASCORBIC ACID (.Continued) 981. Booker, W. M., Hayes, R. L., and Dent, F. M. Influence of ad- renocortical hormone on the day-to-day blood levels and excretion of ascorbic acid in dogs. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 14. Abstract of a paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American Physiological Society, April, 1950. 982. Cimino, S. L'ormone cortico-surrenale quale regolatore dell'equil- ibrio vitaminico; l'azione della corteccia surrenale sui rapporti tra riboflavina e acido ascorbico. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1946, 22: 293-294. 4 references. 983. Covian, M. R. Variaciones del acido ascorbico suprarrenal en la rata blanca hipofisectomizada. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1949, 25: 26-30. English summary. Preferences. 984. Deane, H. W., and Morse, A. The cytological distribution of ascorbic acid in the adrenal cortex of the rat under normal and ex- perimental conditions. Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 127-141, incl. 2 pi. 23 references. 985. Demole, V., and Verzar, F. Wirkung der Adrenalektomie und Desoxycorticosteronbehandlung auf die Ascorbinamie und Ascorbin- urie in der Katze. Experientia, Basel, 1947, 3: 419-420. 8 refer- ences. 986. Fortier, C, and Skelton, F. R. Relationship of the pituitary to plasma ascorbic acid level. Rev. canad. biol., 1950, 9: 71. Ab- stract of a paper read at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physiological Society, October 14, 1949. 987. Giroud, A., Santa, N., Martinet, M., and Bellon, M. T. Role de l'acide ascorbique dans la secretion de l'hormone cortico-surrenale. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1941, 23: 108-112. 988. Hallberg, L. Effects of deoxycortone and methylene-blue in rheu- matoid arthritis. An attempt to explain the action of ascorbic acid on deoxycortone. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 351-352. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4586; Also in: Clin, nuova, 1950, H): 312- 313. Report of 3 cases. 4 references. 989. Long, C. N. H., see No. 429. 991. Munson, P. L., and Koch, F. C. Adrenal ascorbic acid response to adrenocorticotrophic hormone in intact and hypophysectomized rats. Endocrinology, 1946, 39: 76. Abstract. -110- ASCORBIC ACID (Continued) 992. Poumeau-Delille, G. La surrenale du rat et du cobaye apres hy- pophysectomie (variation de l'acide ascorbique). Bull. Soc med. hSp. Paris, 1944, 60: 278. 993. Salhanick, H. A., Zarrow, I. G., and Zarrow, M. X. Ascorbic acid in the pituitary of the rat. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 314-316. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 123. "The con- centration of ascorbic acid in the rat pituitary gland remains con- stant despite changes in the TSH, ACTH, gonadotropins and posterior pituitary hormones. It undergoes slight increase with age. " (Ex- cerpta med.). 7 references. 994. Sayers, G., Sayers, M. A., Liang, T. Y., and Long, C. N. H., see No. 629. 995. Tarantino, C. Sui rapporti tra ormone corticotropo ed acido ascor- bico. Fol. Endocr., Pisa, 1950, 3: 49-55. Experimental scurvy in guinea-pigs is used in the determination of the relation between ascorbic acid and corticotrophic hormones. 11 references. 996. Tarantino, C. Sui rapporti tra ormone corticotropo ed acido ascor- bico. Riforma med., 1950, 64: 284. Abstract of a paper read be- fore the Societa medico-chirurgica di Pisa. ^ 997. Wallach, D. P., and Reineke, E. P. The effect of varying levels of thyroidal stimulation on the ascorbic acid content of the adrenal cortex. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 75-81. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50, 19T~608. 17 references. ASTHENIA 998. Leven, R. Association de la cortine de synthese et du propionate de testoste'rone dans le traitement des asthenies. Therapie, Par., 1946, 1: 155-158. Report of 3 cases. 999. Siguier, F., Jayle, M. F., and Berthaux. Interet du dosage des 17-cetosteroides dans certaines asthe'nies d'allure cryptogenetique; premiers essais therapeutiques par l'absorption percutanee d'hor- mones androgeno-corticales. Bull. Soc. med. ho^. Paris 1950 66: 514-521. ASTHMA 1000. Carryer, H. M., Koelsche, G. A., Prickman, L. E., Maytum, C. K., Lake, C. F., and Williams, H. L. Effects of cortisone on bronchial asthma and hay fever occurring in subjects sensitive to ragweed pollen. J. Allergy, 1950, 21: 282-287. Abstracted in- J. Allergy, 1950, 2J.: 259-260; Also in: Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, 25: 482-486. Report of 3 cases. 24 references. -111- ASTHMA (Continued) 1001. Haervier, P., Turiaf, J., and Delbarre, F. L'adrenocortico- trophine hypophysaire (A. C. T.H. ) dans le traitement de la crise d'asthme. Parisvme'd., 1950, 40:283-285. Report of 2 cases. 6 references. 1002. Harding, F. E. Use of desoxycorticosterone in asthma. Med. Rec, N. Y., 1941, 154: 151-153. Report of 37 cases. 15 references. 1003. Moll, H. H. Synthetic desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA). Ob- servations on its effect in asthma. Med. Press & Circ., Lond., 1941, 205: 48-54. Report of 3 cases. 19 references. 1004. Randolph, T. G., and Rollins, J. P. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH); its effect in bronchial asthma and ragweed hay fever. Ann. Allergy, 1950, 8: 149-162. 10 of 11 asthmatics obtained marked re- lief after a short course of ACTH. 3 hay fever patients were com- pletely relieved and protected for the rest of the ragweed season. 19 references. 1005. Randolph, T. G. , and Rollins, J. P. Concentrated adrenal cortex extract; its effect in bronchial asthma and gastrointestinal allergy. Ann. Allergy, 1950, 8: 169-174. ACE was found to be "far less ef- fective" than ACTH or Cortisone. Report of 4 cases. 14 references. 1006. Randolph, T. G. , and Rollins, J. P. The effect of cortisone on bronchial asthma. J. Allergy, 1950, 21: 260. Abstract of a paper read at the 6th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, March, 1950. 1007. Rose, B. Studies on the effect of ACTH on eosinophilia and bron- chial asthma. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 491-504. Report of 6 cases with 4 remissions within 48 hours and clinical improvement in 2 cases. The longest remission was 1 month. Metabolism studies; all cases showed excess histamine in urine which was reduced in 5 patients. 14 references. 1008. Rose, B., Pare, J. A. P., Pump, K., and Stanford, R. L. The effect of administration of ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone) on patients with asthma and other forms of hypersensitivity. J. Allergy, 1950, 21: 2 59. Abstract of a paper read at the 6th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, March, 1950. 1009. Rose, B., Pare, J. A. P., Pump, K., and Stanford, R. L. Pitui- tary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in asthma. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 62: 6-9. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 498; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 614. Report on 6 cases of severe chronic asthma. 20 references. -112- ASTHMA (Continued) 1010 Rose, B., Pare, J. A. P., Pump, K., and Stanford, R. L. Pre- liminary report on adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) in asthma. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 62: 6-9. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 498. Report of 6 cases including 4 complete remissions; complicating rheumatoid arthritis and periarteritis nodosa were markedly improved. Metabolism studies. 25 references. 1011. Winkenwerder, W. L., Bordley, J. E., Carey, R. A., Harvey, A. M., Howard, J. E., Kattus, A. A., and Newman, E. V. Obser- vations on the effect of ACTH and cortisone in asthma and other al- lergic states. J. Allergy, 1950, 21: 260. Abstract of a paper read at the 6th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Allergy, March, 1950. ATHEROSCLEROSIS, see BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES BLOOD, see also subdivision BLOOD under various diseases, e.g. ADDI- SON'S DISEASE - BLOOD 1012. Havermark, N. G., and Nordenson, N. G., see No. 869. 1013. Nordenson, N. G. Clinical experimental observations on the influ- ence of adreno-corticotrophic hormone (corticotrophine) and des- oxycorticosterone (DOCA) on the peripheral blood and the bone mar- row. Acta med. scand., 1947, 196: Suppl., 419-431. 9 references. 1014. Ojetti, F. Ricerche sulla influenza dell'ormone cortico surrenale sulla fase ematica del ricambio idrico. Clinica, Bologna, 1945-46, 10: 29-31. 13 references. 1015. Selye, H., and Carey, N. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate in DCA and cortisone treated animals. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, 10: 824. Abstract. 1016. Shapiro, A., and Schechtman, A. M. Effect of adrenal cortical extract on the blood picture and serum proteins of fowl. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 70: 440-445. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949,23:28838. 21 references. 1017. Simonnet, H. Specificite des stimulants du cortex surrenal deter- minant des variations ponderales de certains organes et des re- actions sanguines. Bull. Acad. nat. med., 1947, 131: 245-248. 10 references. BLOOD - ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE, see BLOOD - HORMONES -113- BLOOD - ASCORBIC ACID, see ASCORBIC ACID BLOOD - CHEMISTRY, see also ASCORBIC ACID, BLOOD - HORMONES, CHOLESTEROL, HYPOGYLCEMIA, etc 1018. Alvarez, E., and Fuenzalida, F. Concentration of chloride, sodium and potassium in blood of guinea pigs treated with desoxycortico- sterone acetate. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1946, 62; 132- 134. 13 references. 1019. Ambrosio, L. Variations of lipemia in experimental pancreatic diabetes by administration of cortical hormone. Fol. med., Nap., 1943, 29: 329-332. 7 references. 1020. Bennett, L. L., Garcia, J. F., and Li, C. H. Dose level and de- gree of ketonemia produced by growth hormone and adrenocortico- tropic hormone. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 68: 349- 350. "... with both hormones there was a significant increase in ketonemia with all dose levels and there was a graded response with increasing amounts. " 5 references. 1021. Bennett, L. L., Garcia, J. F., and Li, C. H. Production of in- creased ketonemia in a normal dog by adrenocorticotropic hormone. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 6^: 52-53. 3 references. 1022. Bennett, L. L., Slessor, A., and Thorn, G. W. Effect of compound E acetate on blood ketone bodies. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 675. Abstract. 1023. Binet, L., and Poutonnet, M. Maladie d'Addison et glutathionemie. Ann. endocr., Par., 1943, 4: 111-113. Effect of desoxycortico- sterone implantation and cortin injections on blood glutathione in patients with Addison's disease. 10 references. 1024. Boda, D. Ketonkorperverbrauch der Nebenniere. Arch. ges. Physiol., 1943, 247: 63-69. 16 references. 1025. Bodansky, O., and Mclnnes, G. F. Thermal coagulation of serum proteins in cancer, in the postoperative phase of surgery, and in the administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Cancer, N. Y., 1950, 3: 1-14. A study made with 68 healthy individuals, 68 patients with noncancerous disease and 137 cancer patients. Data indicated, "the qualitative defect in serum proteins, which is revealed by the ther- mal coagulation test, is not specific for cancer ..." 29 references. 1026. Bourque, J. E., Joseph, S., Kozlow, C. P., Houston, J., and Haterius, H. O. The effect of adrenal cortical extract on blood non- protein nitrogen in shock produced by venous occlusion. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1944, 3: 5. -114- BLOOD - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1027. Cagan, R. N., Gray, J. L., and Jensen, H. The influence of cer- tain endocrine secretions on amino acid oxidase. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 183: 11-20. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5935d. "... present data on the interrelation of amino acid concentration in the blood and the secretions of the hypophysis, adrenal, and thy- roid on the rate of activity of the liver and kidney amino oxidase systems." 12 references. 1028. Chianca, L., and Cicconardi, A. Le variazioni della lipasemia nelle cavie trattate con acetato di desossicorticosterone. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1948, 24: 671-673. 4 references. 1029. Corcoran, A. C, and Page, I. H. Methods for the chemical de- termination of corticosteroids in urine and plasma. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1948, 33: 1326-1333. 1030. De Bodo, R. C, Block, H. I., and Gross, I. H. The role of the anterior pituitary in adrenaline hyperglycemia and liver glyco- genolysis. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137: 124-135. A reinvestiga- tion with experiments on 24 normal, 13 hypophysectomized, and 6 neurohypophysectomized dogs. 20 references. 1031. Eisen, H. N., Mayer, M. M., Moore, D. H., Tarr, R. R., and Stoerk, H. C. Failure of adrenal cortical activity to influence cir- culating antibodies and gamma globulin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1947, 65: 301-306. 21 references. 1032. Fazekas, I. G. A ver cukortartalmanak va'ltoza'sa hypertrophias mellekvesekereg kivonatanak hatesara. Orv. hetil., 1950, 91:361- 364. "Modifications of glycemia-(in rabbits) after administration of adrenal cortical extract from hypertrophied glands. " 23 references. 1033. Frieden, J., and White, A. Studies of electrophoretic serum pro- tein patterns in subjects treated with pituitary-adrenal cortical hor- mones, nitrogen mustard, or X-radiation. Yale J. Biol., 1950, 22; 395-406. "No significant alterations in serum protein levels were- seen in man or in dogs following a single injection of adrenotrophic hormone or adrenal cortical extract. " 52 references. 1034.*Giunti, V., and Rottini, E. Studi sul ricambio proteica; influenza degli organi endocrini sulle proteine e sull'N. I. del sangue; estratto corticale. Riv. clin. med., 1947, 47: 72-77. 1035. -}{ilzow, M., and Pickert, H. Plasmaeiweisskorperregulation; Nebennierenrindenhormon und Plasmaeiweisskorper. Klin. Wschr., 1947, No. 24-25, 205-211. 42 references. -115- BLOOD - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1036. Kohler, V., Mauer, H., and Bauer, R. Der Einfluss des Desoxy- corticosteronacetat auf die Alkalireserve. Endokrinologie, 1949, 26: 190-192. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4139. Syn- thetic DOCA increases the fasting blood alkali reserve in dogs by 3-7. 4%. This result may also be obtained by adrenal cortex extract. 31 references. 1037.*Kohler, V., and Wegener, F. Der Einfluss des Desoxycorticosteron auf die Hyperglykamie nach intravenoser Injektion von Dextrose bei leichter Alloxanvergiftung. Voriaufige Mitteilung. Klin. Wschr., 1949, 27: 99-100. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 180. "Administration of 120 mg. of desoxycorticosterone inhibited the effect of alloxan; the blood sugar level fell, but the tolerance be- came worse again after desoxycorticosterone administration was stopped. " (Excerpta med.). 1038. Kopoldova, J. Studie o adrenokortikotropnim hormonu (ACTH) vliv ACTH na hladiny jednotlivych aminokyselin v krovi a v mo£i, sledovane papirovou chromatografii. Sborn. iek., 1950, 52:90-93. Author describes the effect of ACTH administration on amino-acids in blood and urine. 9 references. 1039. Leathem, J. H. Plasma protein concentrations in adrenalectomized rats maintained on desoxycorticosterone acetate. Anat. Rec, 1946, 94: 407. 1040. Li, C. H., Geschwind, I., and Evans, H. M.- The effect of growth and adrenocorticotropic hormones on the amino acid levels in the plasma. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 177; 91-95. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26227; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3., 1950, 4: 6. "Administration of the anterior hypophyseal growth hor- mone causes a significant decrease in the blood amino acid content in normal and hypophysectomized rats, whereas the adrenocortico- tropic hormone elevates the blood amino acid level. " (Biol. Abstr.). 13 references. 1041. Li, C. H., and Reinhardt, W. O. Electrophoresis of rat plasma. The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone. J. Biol. Chem., 1947, 167: 487-493. 18 references. 1042. Louyot, P., Verain, and Vidal, see No. 731. 1043. Luetscher, J. A. Biological and medical applications of electro- phoresis. Physiol. Rev., 1947, 27: 621-642. 388 references. -116- BLOOD - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1044.*McQuarrie, I., Bauer, E. G., Ziegler, M. R., and Wright, W. S. The metabolic and clinical effects of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone in spontaneous hypoglycemosis. Bull. Univ. Minnesota Hosp., 1949-50, 2J.: 35-45. 1045. McQuarrie, I., Bauer, E. G., Ziegler, M. R., and Wright, W. S. Metabolic and clinical effects of pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hor- mone in spontaneous hypoglycemosis. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., 1950, p. 225-240. 17 references. 1046. Majumder, D. N., and Wintrobe, M. M. Anemia of infection. In- fluence of adrenalectomy and of adrenal cortical hormone on hypo- ferremia and other blood changes associated with injection of turpen- tine. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1948, 33: 532-541. 13 references. 1047.*Menzel, W., and Othlinghaus, J. Inversion des Blutzuckertages- rhythmus durch Per cort en. Deut. med. Wschr., 1948, 7^3: 326-329. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12206. 1048. Milne, J., and White, A. Effect of adrenal cortical extract and of x-radiation on serum proteins of mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72:424-428. 18 references. 1049. Mule, F., Sedati, P., and Garufi, L. Azione del desossicortico- sterone acetato sullo stato biochimico del sangue ni alcune malattie da infezione. Pediatria, Nap., 1950, 58: 153-169. 29 references. 1050.*Power, M. H., and Sprague, R. G. Alkalosis and low plasma po- tassium in patients receiving adrenocortical steroids or adrenocor- ticotrophic hormone of the anterior pituitary. Proc Am. Chem. Soc, 18-23 September 1949. 1051. Raab, W. The presence and chemical determination of adreno- cortical ("AC") compounds in the blood. Endocrinology, 1941, 28: 325-336. 32 references. 1052. Reed, F. R. Natural adrenal cortex extract and coagulation of blood. Am. J. Surg., 1941, 5j.: 330-339. 9 references. 1053. Reiner, M. Effect of cortisone and adrenocorticotropin therapy on serum proteins in disseminated lupus erythematosus. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 529-531. 5 references. -117- BLOOD - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1054. Rogoff, J. M., Quashnock, J. M., Nixon, E. N., and Rosenberg, A. W. Adrenal function and blood electrolytes. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 163-169. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4984f. 13 references. 1055. Schumann. Blutdruck und Blutzuckerwirkung von Nebennieren- extrakten. Zschr. Kreislaufforsch., 1949, 38: 117. Abstract. 1056. Schwartz, T. B., and Engel, F. L. The adrenal cortex and serum peptidase activity. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 180: 1047-1052. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 140. "Injection of adrenal cortical hormone or adrenocorticotrophin into rats had no effect on serum peptidase activity nor did injection of adrenal cortical extract into mice have any effect. " (Excerpta med. ). 9 references. 1057. Schwartz, T. B., and Engel, F. L. Effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisone therapy on human plasma aminopeptidase activity. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 82-85. 5 ref- erences. 1058. Selye, H. The beneficial action of desoxycorticosterone acetate in uraemia. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1940, 43: 333-335. "Experiments in mice and rats indicate that pre-treatment with desoxycorticoster- one acetate prolongs the survival time of animals in which acute uraemia is produced by bilateral nephrectomy. " 8 references. 1059. Selye, H., and Dosne, C. The action of desoxycorticosterone acetate and progesterone on the blood and tissue chlorides of normal and ad- renalectomized animals. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 132: 522-528. 7 references. 1060. Selye, H., and Dosne, C. Influence of traumatic shock on blood sugar of adrenalectomized rats treated with adrenal cortical extract. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 532-535. 5 references. 1061. Selye, H., and Nielsen, K. Action of desoxycorticosterone on the non-protein nitrogen content of the blood during experimental uremia. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46: 541-542. 2 references. 1062. Shapiro, A., and Schechtman, A. M., see No. 1016. 1063. Simoncini, M. Chetonuria, chetonemia e corticosterone. Arch. sc. biol., Bologna, 1941, 27: 195-203. 22 references. -118- BLOOD - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1064. Sposito, M. L'azione dell'acetato di desossicorticosterone sul quadro elettrolitico del sangue (Ca, K, CI, Na, Ph), sulla colesterina e sul ricambio idrosalino. Arch. stud, fisiopat. ricambio, 1942, 10: 137-162. 63 references. 1065. Ungar, G. The inhibition of histamine release by a pituitary-adrenal mechanism. J. Physiol., Lond., 1944, 103: 333-343. 30 references. 1066. Van Cauwenberghe, R. G. Maladie d'Addison et glutatione'mie. 52 p. Paris, 1943. These-Paris. 68 references. 1067. Venanzi, F. de. Hiperproteinemia producida por el extracto corti- cosuprarenal y sus relaciones con el tejido linfoide y las reacciones inmunitarias. America clin., 1946, 9: No. 2, 33-36. On the basis of a review of the literature, the author advises, for the time being, against use of cortical extract for the purpose of increased production of antibodies. 1068. Wang, C. C, Smith, L. C, and Wheeler, J. X. Effect of ACTH on blood and urine chemistry of patients. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 501-503. Abstract of a paper. 1069. Watson, E. M. The effect of adrenal cortical extract on the serum phosphatase in chronic arthritis. Endocrinology, 1940, 27:521-522. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., AnnoTated bibli- ography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 9. 1070. Wells, B. B., and Kendall, E. C. A qualitative difference in the effect of compounds separated from the adrenal cortex on distribution of electrolytes and on atrophy of the adrenal and thymus glands of rats. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1940, J^: 133-139. 1071. White, A., and Dougherty, T. F. Influence of pituitary adreno- trophic hormone on lymphoid tissue structure in relation to serum proteins. Proc. Soo. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1944, 56: 26-27. 9 refer- ences. — 1072 White, A., and Dougherty, T. F. The pituitary adrenotrophic hor- mone control of the rate of release of serum globulins from lymphoid tissue. Endocrinology, 1945, 36: 207-217. 32 references BLOOD - CHOLESTEROL, see CHOLESTEROL -119- BLOOD - CIRCULATION 1073. Bourque, J. E., Haterius, H. O., and Glassco, E. Treatment of circulatory collapse of experimental venous occlusion: Use of ad- renal cortical extract and saline solution. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 52: 313-314. Treatment with ACE and physiological saline significantly increased survival time in 6 out of 18 dogs. Sa- line infusion alone prolonged survival in 2 out of six. ACE alone was ineffective. 4 references. 1074.*Swingle, W. W., Hays, H. W., Remington, J. W., Collings, W. D., and Parkins, W. M. The effect of priming doses of desoxycortico- sterone acetate in preventing circulatory failure and shock in the adrenalectomized dog. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 132:249-258. BLOOD - CYTOLOGY 1075. Abelson, D., and Moyes, E. N. Ephedrine in a screening test for cortisone substitutes. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 50-52. "It is sug- gested that ephedrine could be employed as an alternative standard while ACTH remains scarce." Ephedrine produces "a significant eosinopenia. " 11 references. 1076. Blackburn, E. K., and Burke, J. B. Effect of desoxycortone acetate and ascorbic acid on circulating eosinophils and lymphocytes. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 376. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4586. Letter to the editor. 1077. Carpenter, G. T. The bone marrow and the peripheral blood leu- cocytes in Cushing's syndrome. 64 p. Rochester, Minn., 1950. Thesis-Univ. Minn, (typewritten). 71 references. 1078.*Cervino, J. M., Morato Manaro, J., Saralegui, J., and Larrainci, E. Los linfocitos en las endocrinopatias con las alteraciones de la funcion suprarrenal. Arch. urug. med., 1949, 34:432-443. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 258. 1079.*Cicconardi, A., and Lorusso, G. Influenza del corticosterone sulle modificazioni morfologiche del sangue periferico della cavie trattate con la tiroxina. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1945, 20; 63-65. 1080. Del Castillo, E. B., Jauregui, G. R., and Copelli, R. Las varia- ciones de los eosino'filos circulantes consecutivas a la inyeccio'n de adrenalina como metodo de exploracicoi endocrina. Sem. me'd., B. Air., 1950, 57: 475-478. Investigation of the response of the pitui- tary-adrenocortical system to adrenalin. 15 references. -120- BLOOD - CYTOLOGY (Continued) 1081. Dougherty, T. F., and White, A. An evaluation of alterations pro- duced in lymphoid tissue by pituitary-adrenal cortical secretion. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1947, 32: 584-605. 93 references. 1082. Dougherty, T. F., and White, A. Influence of hormones on lymph- oid tissue structure and function. The role of the pituitary adreno- tropic hormone in the regulation of the lymphocytes and other cel- lular elements of the blood. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 1-14. 1083. Dougherty, T. F., and White, A. Pituitary-adrenal cortical control of lymphocyte structure and function as revealed by experimental x-radiation. Endocrinology, 1946, 39: 370-385. 38 references. 1084. Elliott, J. M. Observations of the levels of circulating eosinophils in congestive heart failure; the possible role of the adrenal cortex in cardiac edema; preliminary report. Lahey Clin. Bull. , Bost., 1950, 6: 251-255. Study of 8 patients; in all, rise in circulating eosinophils occurred with improvement. "The possible relation- ship of adreno-cortical stimulation in the electrolyte and water dis- turbances in congestive failure is discussed. " 6 references. 1085. Ellis, F. Radiotherapy in the treatment of pituitary basophilism and eosinophilism. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1949, 42: 853-860. 1086. Elmadjian, F., Freeman, H., and Pincus, G. The adrenal cortex and the, lymphocytopenia due to glucose administration. Endocrinol- ogy, 1946, 39: 293-299. 13 references. 1087. Elmadjian, F., and Pincus, G. A study of the diurnal variations in circulating lymphocytes in normal and psychotic subjects. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 287. For the normal subjects there was a regular increase in the absolute number of circulating lymphocytes from waking through the rest of the day and night . . . whereas for the psychotic subjects there was "a reduced rate of count increase through the day. " 7 references. 1088. Los eosinofilos en el diagnostico . . ., see No. 356. 1089. Euler, U. S. von, and Luft, R. The effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and adrenocorticotrophically active peptides (ACTH peptides) on the circulating eosinophils and urinary excretion of ad- renaline and nor-adrenaline in a human subject. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 3: 323-330. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 91. 16 references. -121- BLOOD - CYTOLOGY (Continued) 1090. Gabrilove, J. L., Volterra, M., Jacobs, M. D., and Soffer, L. J. The effect of the parenteral injection of epinephrin on leukocyte counts in normal subjects and in patients with Addison's disease. Blood, Bait., 1949, 4: 646-652. 29 references. 1091. Gellhorn, E., and Frank, S. Sensitivity of the lymphogenic reac- tion to adrenalin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 69: 426- 429. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 235097" While intraperitoneal adrenalin causes lymphopenia in normal rats, "this effect is absent in adrenalectomized rats and in rats injected with large quantities of adrenocortical extracts. " 1092. Gordon, D. M., and McLean, J. M. Effects of pituitary adreno- corticotropic hormone (ACTH) therapy in ophthalmologic conditions. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 142: 1271-1276. ACTH was given to 6 pa- tients with "... severe corneal edema, secondary glaucoma, chronic iridocyclitis, retinitis pigmentosa and choroiditis. The response of the patients with iridocyclitis and choriditis was dramatic . . . with retinitis pigmentosa . . . temporarily beneficial. " 7 references. 1093. Greer, M. A., and Brown, B. R. Concerning the relation between pituitary adrenocorticotrophin and the circulating blood platelets. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 69: 361-362. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, :23: 14816. ""^Adrenocorticotrophin did not affect the number of the circulating blood platelets in either rats or man. Up to 66 mg. of purified ACTH was given intramusc to human subjects without any significant effect on either the blood platelets or lymphocytes, although there was a marked rise in the circulating neutrophiles. " (Biol. Abstr.). 1094. Hechter, O. Lymphocyte discharge from the isolated rabbit spleen by adrenal cortical extract. Endocrinology, 1948, 42: 285-306. 11 references. 1095. Hechter, O., and Johnson, S. In vitro effect of adrenal cortical extract upon lymphocytolysis. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 351-369. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24; 6137; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 718. 11 references. 1096. Hechter, O., and Stone, D. In vitro action of adrenal cortical ex- tract upon lymphocytes. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 7: 52. Abstract. 1097. Heilman, D. H. The effect of ll-dehydro-17-hydroxycorticosterone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone on lymphocytes in tissue culture. Proc. IT .yo Clin., 1945, 20: 310-312. 8 references. -122- BLOOD - CYTOLOGY (Continued) 1098. Herbert, P. H., and De Vries, J. A. The administration of ad- renocorticotrophic hormone to normal human subjects; the effect of the leucocytes in the blood and on circulating antibody levels. Endocrinology, 1949, 44: 259-273. See also No. 2149. 1099. Herbert, P. H., De Vries, J. A., and Rose, B. Studies on effect of administration of pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) to case of Loeffler's syndrome and case of tropical eosinophilia. J. Allergy, 1950, 2h 12-24. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 500; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12230; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 642. 14 references. 1100. Herbert, P. H., and Rose, B. Observations on the effect of adreno- corticotrophic hormone on a case of Loeffler's syndrome and a case of tropical eosinophilia. J. Allergy, 1949, !20: 79. 1101. Hernandez Morales, F., Casas, C. B., and GarcCa Sanz, M., see No. 308. 1102. Hills, A. G., Forsham, P. H., and Finch, C. A. Changes in cir- culating leucocytes induced by the administration of pituitary adreno- corticotrophic hormone (ACTH) in man. Blood, 1948, 3^ 755-768. ACTH "results in a characteristic alteration of the leukocytic pat- tern" in normal subjects. This pattern "can be induced in patients with Addison's disease by 17-hydroxycorticosterone, but not with desoxycorticosterone glucoside. " 29 references. 1103. Hoagland, H., Elmadjian, F., and Pincus, G. Stressful psycho- motor performance and adrenal cortical function as indicated by the lymphocyte response. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 301-311. 8 ref- erences. 1104. Kohler, V., Bauer, R., and Muller, H. Der Einfluss des Desoxy- corticosteron-Glucosids-Percorten wasserloslich-auf die normale und durch Stoffwechsel-bzw. Zellgifte gehemmte Farbstoffphagocy- tose in vitro. Endokrinologie, 1949, 26: 253-258. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5993f. 14 references. 1105. Laragh, J. H., and Almy, T. P. Changes in circulating eosinophils in man following epinephrine, insulin, and surgical operations. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 69: 499-501. Experiments with nor- mal subjects, subjects with adrenal and pituitary hypofunction and subjects with "diseases of adaptation. " 8 references. -123- BLOOD - CYTOLOGY (Continued) 1106. Lewis, L. A. The blood picture of adrenalectomized animals treated with different adrenal fractions. Endocrinology, 1941, 28: 821-827. When adrenalectomized rats and dogs were well maintained the blood picture was essentially normal regardless of the type of treatment. There was hemodilution in some cases treated with des- oxycorticosterone, slight hyperplasia of bone marrow and hemocon- centration in cats with mild symptoms of adrenal insufficiency and usually marked hypoplasia of bone marrow in terminal stages of ad- renal insufficiency. 10 references. 1107. Marlow, A. A., and Kallsen, R. A. Eosinophile and uric acid changes after epinephrine and adrenocorticotrophic hormone in normal patients and in adrenal cortical insufficiency. Am. J. Med., 1950, 8: 534. 1108. Randolph, T. G., Markson, D. E., and Rollins, J. P., see No. 653. 1109. Randolph, T. G., and Rollins, J. P. Eosinophil observations in ad- renocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) therapy. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 1-13. Marked lowering of the number of circulating eosinophils and transient leucopenia follow injection of ACTH into individuals with normally functioning adrenals. Vari- ous techniques for the determination of eosinophils are described. 13 references. 1110. Reinhardt, W. O., Aron, H., and Li, C. H. Effect of adrenocor- ticotrophic hormone on leucocyte picture of normal, rats and dogs. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1944, ^7_: 19-21. 8 references. 1111. Reinhardt, W. O., and Li, C. H. Depression of lymphocyte content of thoracic duct lymph with adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Science, 1945, 101: 360-361. "This is a preliminary communication. " 10 references. 1112. Robertson, J. S. Failure of adrenal cortical extracts to cause lysis of living lymphocytes in vitro. Nature, Lond., 1948, 161; 814. 1113. Roche, M., Hills, A. G., and Thorn, G. W., see No. 318. 1114. Roche, M., Hills, A. G., and Thorn, G. W. The levels of circu- lating eosinophils and their response to ACTH in surgery. Their use as an index of adrenal cortical function. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 55-69. Eosinopenia during the first 24-48 hours after a major operation is evidence of increased adrenal corti- cal activity; "third-day eosinophilia" is associated with return of nor- mal cortical reserve. The measurement of eosinophil fall after in- jection of 25 mg. of ACTH before operation is an index of the capacity of the adrenal cortex to excrete 11-oxysteroids and a good means of preoperative prognosis. "Postoperative ACTH response for assaying adrenal cortical reserve is more reliable than epinephrine response. " 6 references. -124- BLOOD - CYTOLOGY (Continued) 1115. Roche, M., Thorn, G. W., and Hills, A. G., see No. 319. 1116. Rose, B., see No. 1007. 1117. Soares de Almeida, S., Carneiro Novaes, J.. R., and Lopes Netto, J. Apao dos extratos de cortex suprarrenal sobre o quadro leucoci- tario e sobre o teor de anticorpos do sangue periferico do coelho. Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz, S. Paulo, 1948, 8: 78-86. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12216. Injection of adrenal cortical extract decreased the lymphocytes and increased the pseudoeosinophils of peripheral blood. "There was no apparent effect on the production of antibodies. " English summary. 18 references. 1118. Speirs, R. S., and Meyer, R. K. The effects of stress, adrenal and adrenocorticotrophic hormones on the circulating eosinophils of mice. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 403-429. 1119. Spies, T. D., and Stone, R. E. A screening test of chemical com- pounds for pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone activity. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 890-891. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 505. ACTH and 7 selected steroids were administered intramuscularly for study of their effect on the eosinophil count; only ACTH brought about a significant reduction. 4 references. 1120. Stein, K. F. Effect of adrenal cortical extract, urethane and other substances on the eosinophilia of trichinous mice. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 508. Abstract. 1121. Stein, K. F. Effect of cortical extract and other agents on eosino- philia of mice infected withiTrichLna spiralis. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 71: 225-226. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 20. 7 references. 1122. Stone, D., and Hechter, O. Splenic lymphocyte discharge induced by adrenal cortical hormones under in vivo conditions. Endocri- nology, 1948, 42: 307-314. 7 references. 1123. Tronchetti, F., and Rossi, A. Su la eosinofilopenia da ormone corticotropo. Folia endocr., Pisa, 1949, 2:453-463. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 203. ""Eosinopenia was observed in rats and normal human subjects following the administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone ..." (Excerpta med.). French and English summaries. 20 references. -125- BLOOD - CYTOLOGY (Continued) 1124. Valentine, W. N., Craddock, C. G., Jr., and Lawrence, J. S. Relation of adrenal cortical hormone to lymphoid tissue and lympho- cytes. Blood, Bait., 1948, 3:729-754. Report on animal experi- mentation (cats) and literature review. 75 references. 1125. Vitale, A., see No. 324. 1126. White, A. Effects of adrenal steroids on blood cells and on certain aspects of protein metabolism. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed. ), 1950, 195-211. 46 references. BLOOD - ELECTROLYTES, see BLOOD - CHEMISTRY BLOOD - HORMONES 1127. Bartelheimer, H., and Cabeza, J. F. Vermehrung corticotroper Wirkstoffe im Blut von Zuckerkranken. Klin. Wschr., 1942, 21: 322-326. 18 references. 1128. Cabeza, J. F. Ueber die Bestimmung des corticotropen Hormons im menschlichen Blut. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1942-43, 111: 261- 268. 12 references. 1129.*Caldwell, A. L., Adams, J. W., Anderson, J. F. C, and Dick, •A. A. Agranulocytosis treated with cortisone. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 62: 506-507. 1130. Golla, Y. M. L., and Reiss, M. Corticotropic activity in pregnant mare's serum. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1942, 3: 5-9. 3 references. 1131. Helve, O. Clinical findings in Addison's disease. Acta. med. scand., 1947, 128:289-312. 1132. Lund, A. Fluorimetric determination of adrenaline in blood; isolation of the fluorescent oxidation product of adrenaline. Acta pharm. tox., Kbh., 1949,. 5: 75-94. 19 references. 1133. Nelson, D. H., Reich, H., and Samuels, L. T. Isolation of a steroid hormone from the adrenal-vein blood of dogs. Science, 1950, 111: 578-579. "The compound isolated . .. appears to be 17-hydroxy- corticosterone. " 6 references. 1134. Paschkis, K. E., Cantarow, A., and Boyle, D. Adrenal cortical hormone in blood. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9:658-659. Abstract. -126- BLOOD - HORMONES (Continued) 1135. Paschkis, K. E., Cantarow, A., and Boyle, D. Adrenal cortical hormone levels in blood following "alarming stimuli. " Fed. Proc , Bait., 1949, 8: 123-124. Abstract. 1136. Raab, W. Andrenocortical compounds in the blood. Relation of their quantity to arterial hypertension, renal insufficiency and con- gestive heart failure. Arch. Int. M., 1941, 68: 713-739. 1137. Taylor, A. B., Albert, A., and Sprague, R. G. Adrenotrophic activity of human blood. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 335-343. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 6159; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 294. "Adrenotrophic activity has been demonstrated in the blood of patients with adrenal cortical insuffi- ciency. Conclusive demonstration of adrenotrophic activity in the blood of normal subjects and of subjects with adrenal cortical hyper- function was not achieved. " 14 references. BLOOD - VOLUME 1138. Booker, W. M., Hayes, R. L., and Dent, F. M. Influence of adreno-cortical hormone on the day-to-day blood levels and excre- tion of ascorbic acid in dogs. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 14. Abstract. 1139. Clinton, M., Jr., and Thorn, G. W. Effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate administration on plasma volume and electrolyte balance of normal human subjects. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1943, 72: 255- 264. 15 references. 1140. Clinton, M., Jr., Thorn, G. W., Eisenberg, H., and Stein, K. E. Effect of synthetic desoxycorticosterone acetate therapy on plasma volume and electrolyte balance in normal dogs. Endocrinology, 1942, 31: 578-581. Single daily intramuscular injections increased plasma volume. Sublingual administration three times daily was less effec- tive. Supplementary sodium chloride did not enhance the effect. 14 references. 1141. Fine, J., Fuchs, F., and Mark, J. Effect of desoxycorticosterone on plasma volume in intestinal obstruction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 514-516. Desoxycorticosterone partly prevented fall in plasma volume in dogs subjected to continuous distention of small intestine. 6 references. 1142. Ragan, C, Ferrebee, J. W., and Fish, G. W. Effect of desoxycor- ticosterone acetate upon plasma volume in patients during ether anes- thesia and surgical operation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 42: 716. 13 references. -127- BLOOD PRESSURE 1143. Barcroft, H., and Konzett, H. On the actions of noradrenaline, adrenaline and isopropyl noradrenaline on arterial blood pressure, heart rate and muscle blood flow in man. J. Physiol., Lond., 1949, 110: 194-204. 36 references. 1144. Cleghorn, R. A., Fowler, J. L. A., Greenwood, N. F., and Clarke, A. P. W. Pressor responses in healthy adrenalectomized dogs. Am. J. Physiol., 1950, 161:21-28. 23 references. 1145. Decourt, J., Dreyfus, J. C, and Michard, J. Sur l'action vascu- laire de la desoxycorticosterone. Ann. endocr., Par., 1946, 7^. 275-279. 1146. Goldman, M. L., and Schroeder, H. A. The immediate pressor effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate in hypertensive and normo- tensive subjects. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 7: 41. 1147. Gregory, R. The treatment of orthostatic hypotension with particu- lar reference to the use of desoxycorticosterone. Am. Heart J., 1945, 29: 246-252. 12 references. 1148.*Knowlton, A. I., Loeb, E. N., Seegal, B. C, and Stoerk, H. C. Desoxycorticosterone acetate; studies on the reversibility of its effect on blood pressure and renal damage in rats. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 435-445. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Urol., 1950, 5: 111; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 218-219; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12198. 18 references. 1149.*Knowlton, A. I., Stoerk, H. C, Seegal, B. C, and Loeb, E. N. Influence of adrenal cortical steroids upon the blood pressure and the rate of progression of experimental nephritis in rats. Endocri- nology, 1946, 38: 315-324. The effects of desoxycorticosterone acetate and adrenal cortical extract in normal rats and rats with experimental nephritis. 24 references. 1150.*Lambret, O., Driessens, J., and Cornillot, M. Action sur la pression arterielle du chien normal et en etat de choc traumatique prepare ou non par l'acetate de desoxycorticosterone, d'une solution hypertonique de CINa. C. rend. Soc biol., 19.41, 135: 1369-1371. Abstracted in: Chem. Zentr., 1944, 1: 229. 1151. Luft, R., Santesson, G., and Sjogren, B. Hypertension produced with desoxycorticosterone acetate and sodium chloride in a case of postural hypotension. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1948, _1: 222-229. 11 references. -128- BLOOD PRESSURE (Continued) 1152. Luft, R., and Sjogren, B. The effect of desoxycorticosterone ace- tate (DCA) and sodium chloride on blood pressure and renal function. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 3:56-70. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 182. A small increase in blood pressure was pro- duced in healthy subjects, while patients with disordered renal func- tion presented a more marked increase. 5 cases with severe renal damage did not react with an increase of blood pressure. 48 refer- ences. 1153. Luft, R., and Sjogren, B., see No. 721. 1154. Luft, R., and Sjogren, B. Verkan av desoxycorticosteronacetat ock koksalt vid ortostatisk anemi ock postural hypotension. Nord. med., 1948, 40: 1764-1767. 23 references. 1155. Perera, G. A. Modification of blood pressure by cortisone and ACTH in normotensives and hypertensives. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 284-287. In 3 out of 4 uncomplicated hypertensive subjects, adrenal cortical extract decreased blood pressure. Cortisone also caused a decline in 4 hypertensives, while it rose in one patient with Addison's disease. ACTH caused a rise in blood pressure in the majority of 13 patients, including cases of hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis and related disorders. 1 refer- ence. 1156.*Perera, G. A., and Blood, D. W. A comparison of the pressor activity of desoxycorticosterone acetate in normotensive and hyper- tensive subjects. J. Clin. Invest., 1947, 26: 1193. 1157. Perera, G. A., and Blood, D. W. Pressor activity of desoxycor- ticosterone acetate in normotensive and hypertensive subjects. Ann. Int. M., 1947, 27: 401-404. 1158. Perera, G. A., Knowlton, A. I., Lowell, A., and Loeb, R. F. Effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on blood pressure of man. J. Am. M. Ass., 1944, ^25: 1030-1034. Abstracted in: J. Clin! Invest., 1944, 23: 948. 21 references. 1159. Rodbard, S., and Freed, S. C. The effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on the blood pressure of the dog. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 365-368. 17 references. — 1160. Roth, G. M., Robinson, F. J., and Wilder, R. M. Response of the blood pressure to the cold pressor test in Addison's disease during treatment with desoxycorticosterone acetate. J. Am. M. Ass 1941 116: 2429-2430. Abstract. -129- BLOOD PRESSURE (Continued) 1161. Schumann, see No. 1055. 1162. Summers, J. E. Desoxycorticosterone acetate and blood pressure of dogs on a high sodium chloride intake. Am. J. Physiol., 1948, 154: 119-121. 14 references. 1163. Swingle, W. W., Parkins, W. M., and Remington, J. W. The ef- fect of desoxycorticosterone acetate and of blood serum transfusions upon the circulation of the adrenalectomized dog. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 134: 503-512. 15 references. 1164. Swingle, W. W., Remington, J. W., Drill, V. A., and Kleinberg, W. Differences among adrenal steroids with respect to their effi- cacy in protecting the adrenalectomized dog against circulatory failure. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 136: 567-576. 13 references. BLOOD PRESSURE, HIGH, see HYPERTENSION BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES 1165. Bruger, M., and Lowenstein, B. E. Experimental atherosclerosis; the effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on the cholesterol content of the blood; the aorta and the liver of the rabbit. Arch. Path., Chic , 1948, 46: 536-541. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 3781; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 179. "Desoxycor- ticosterone acetate (percorten) 1. 5 to 2. 5 mg. three times a week had no significant effect on the level of rabbits given 3 g. of cho- lesterol per week for 12 weeks. " (Excerpta med. ). 40 references. 1166. Cortisone and A. C. T. H. in periarteritis nodosa. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 821. Editorial. 2 references. 1167. Forster, F. M. , see No. 193. 1168. Goldman, R., Adams, W. S., Beck, W. S., Levin, M., Bassett, S. H., and White, A. The effect of ACTH on one case of periarteritis nodosa. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 437- 446. Metabolic study. - Clinical improvement was noted. 1169. Hutchison, H. E. Polyarteritis nodosa; a short review. Glasgow M. J., 1948, 29: 116-125. 20 references. 1170. Kellner, A., and Correll, J. W. Experimental cholesterol athero- sclerosis in bilaterally adrenalectomized rabbits. Fed. .Proc , Bait., 1950, 9: 335. Abstract. -130- BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES (Continued) 1171. Levin, M. H., Beck, W. S., Adams, W. S., and Goldman, R. Salutary action of ACTH in a case of periarteritis nodosa; the effec- tive dose as measured by nitrogen and electrolyte balance. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 830. Abstract. 1172. Selye, H. In vivo observations concerning the effect of desoxy- corticosterone acetate upon the contractility of vessels. Rev. canad. biol., 1950, 9: 91. Abstract of a paper read at the 13th Annual Meet- ing of the Canadian Physiological Society, October 14, 1949. 1173. Selye, H., and Pentz, E. I. Pathogenetic correlations between peri- arteritis nodosa, renal hypertension and rheumatic lesions. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1943, 49: 264-272. 1174. Ravault, P., Guinet, P., and Traeger, J. Reproduction experi- mentale as lesions vasculaires par la desoxycorticosterone. J. med. Lyon, 1950, 31: 231-235. Abstracted in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 144: 73-74. 17 references. 1175. Shick, R. M., Baggenstoss, A. H., Fuller, B. F., and Polley, H. F. Effects of cortisone and ACTH on periarteritis nodosa and cranial arteritis. Proc Mayo Clin., 1950, 25: 492-494. Report of 6 cases of periarteritis nodosa and 2 cases of cranial arteritis. 1176. Shick, R. M., Baggenstoss, A. H., and Polley, H. F. The effects of cortisone and ACTH on periarteritis nodosa and cranial arteritis: preliminary report. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, 25: 135. Abstracted in: Progr. med., Par., 1950, 78: 294. 1177. Stress, fibrinolysis and atheroma. Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 1343. Editorial. 11 references. 1178. Wertheimer, P., and Gautier, R. Indication et resultats de la sur- renalectomie dans les arterites obliterantes des membres. Lyon chir., 1947, 42: 423-429. 4 cases. 5 references. BONES, see also CUSHING'S DISEASE 1179. Becks, H., Simpson, M. E., Marx, W., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Effects of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on the osseous system in normal rats. Endocrinology, 1944, 34:305-310. 2 ref- erences. — 1180. Schnitman, S. Glandulas endocrinas y hueso. Rev. odont., B. Air., 1950, 38: 114-133. Includes: Osteogenesis y hormonas corticosuprar- renales. - Osteoporosis en el "s'ndrome de adaptacien de Selye. " 6 references. -131- BRAIN 1181. Bernheim, F., and Zander, H. L. Effect of ACTH and other sub- stances on the lipid metabolism of rat brain. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, 9: 150. 1182. Eisenberg, E., Gordan, G. S., and Elliott, H. W. Effect of vari- ous steroids on aerobic respiration of the brain of the castrate male rat. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9:269. Paper read at the annual meeting of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimen- tal Therapeutics, 1950. 1183. Grenell, R. G., and McCawley, E. L. Central nervous system re- sistance; the effect of adrenal cortical substances on the central nervous system. J. Neurosurg., 1947, 4: 508-518. 8 references. 1184. Grenell, R. G., and McCawley, E. L. The effects of adrenal cor- tical extract on the electroencephalogram. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1947, 6: 116-117. Abstract. 1185. Selye, H., Beland, E., and Sylvester, O. Brain lesions following prolonged overdosage with desoxycorticosterone acetate. Exp. M. & S., 1944, 2: 224-228. 13 references. 1186.*Selye, H., Haour, P., and Faribault, C. Further studies concern- ing brain lesions induced by desoxycorticosterone overdosage in the rat. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 7: 110-111. 1187. Timiras, P. S. Lesions cerebrales produites par I'administration prolongee d'acetate de desoxycorticosterone. Union med. Canada, 1949, 78: 85. Animal experiments. Abstract. 1188. Timiras, P. S., Faribault, C, and Selye, H. The age-factor in the brain lesions produced by desoxycorticosterone overdosage. Geriatrics, 1949, 4:225-235. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 56. 80~references. 1189. Woodbury, D. M., and Davenport, V. D. Brain and plasma cations and experimental seizures in normal and desoxycorticosterone- treated rats. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, JJ37: 234-240. 12 references. 1190. Ziegler, M., Anderson, J. A., and McQuarrie, I. Effects of des- oxycorticosterone acetate on water and electrolyte content of brain and other tissues. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1944, 56: 242- 244. 9 references. -132- BRAIN - HYPOTHALAMUS 1191. Harris, G. W., and DeGroot, J. Hypothalamic control of the secre- tion of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, £: 57. Abstract. 1192. Hume, D. M. Role of hypothalamus in pituitary adrenal cortical response to stress. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 790. Abstracted in: Bull. Am. Coll. Surgeons, 1950, £5: 73. " 1193. Hume, D. M., and Wittenstein, G. J. The relationship of the hy- pothalamus to pituitary-adrenocortical function. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 134-147. "1. An intact hypo- thalamus is necessary for the increased release of ACTH from the pituitary following stress. 2. This hypothalamic control of the pitui- tary seems to be on a hormonal basis. 3. Following operative trau- ma, the release by the pituitary of an increased amount of ACTH is dependent upon an intact nervous connection between the injured area and the brain." 6 references. 1194. Visscher-Jolles, J. M. C, and Lange, C. de. Cushing's Syndrom bei einem 3 1/2 jahrigen Knaben bei angeborener Missbildung des Hypothalamus und Fehlen eines Hypophysenadenoms. Ann. paediat., Basel, 1944, 163: 57-75. Case history of a boy who at 2 1/2 years developed Cushing's syndrome with the exception of osteoporosis. "Only a partial post mortem was permitted but the testes, brain and hypophysis could be examined. " 10 references. BROMIDE POISONING 1195. Wohl, M. G., and Robertson, H. F. Bromide intoxication; some observations on its treatment with sodium chloride and desoxycor- ticosterone. Tr. Am. Ther. Soc, 1942, 42: 50-59. 25 references. 1196. Wohl, M. G., and Robertson, H. F. Bromide intoxication; some observations on its treatment with sodium chloride and desoxycor- ticosterone. Pennsylvania M. J., 1944, 47:802-808. Recovery has been "hastened in 5 out of 6 cases . . . treated by means of intramus- cular injections of DOGA in combination with small doses of sodium chloride." 21 references. BURNS, see also SHOCK 1197. Bergman, H. C, Rosenfeld, D. D., Hechter, O., and Prinzmetal, M. Ineffectiveness of adrenocortical hormones, thiamine, ascorbic acid, nupercaine, and post-traumatic serum in shock due to scalding burns. Am. Heart J., 1945, 29: 506-512. 29 references. -133- BURNS (Continued) 1198. Cope, O., Graham, J. B., Mixter, G., Jr., and Ball, M. R. Threshold of thermal trauma and influence of adrenal cortical and posterior pituitary extracts on the capillary and chemical change.s. An experimental study. Arch. Surg., 1949, 59:1015-1030. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 37~507; Also in: Internat. Abstr. Surg., 1950, 90; 415. "The thesis on which these experi- ments were undertaken, that the extract of the adrenal cortex is beneficial in burn shock, is not substantiated. " 16 references. 1199. Houot, A. L'action de la cortine chez les bruies. Union med. Canada, 1945, 74: 289-296. 1200. Houot, A. Brulure grave chez un bebe\ Guerison par l'action de la cortine associee a la technique de Bettman. Union m.ed. Canada, 1943, 72: 169-171. 6 references. 1201. Ingle, D. J., and Kuizenga, M. H. The survival of non-adrenaecto- mized rats in burn shock with and without adrenal cortical hormone treatment. Am. J. Physiol., 1945, 145: 203-205. 5 references. 1202. Ivory, H. S. The use of cortical adrenal extract in severe burns. Mil. Surgeon, 1940, 87; 423-429. 1203. Jones, I. S., and Meyer, K. Inhibition of vascularization of the rabbit cornea by local application of cortisone. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 102-104. "The subconjunctival injection of cortisone inhibits markedly the vascularization of the cornea caused by intracorneal injection of alkali. " 8 references. 1204. Ovnbol, A. Svaere forbraendinger behandlet med blodtransfusioner, binyrebarkhormon og ascorbinsyre. Ugeskr. laeger, 1943, 105: 1331-1333. 10 references. 1205. Rhoads, J. E., Wolff, W. A., and Lee, W. E. The use of adrenal cortical extract in the treatment of traumatic shock of burns. Ann. Surg., 1941, 113: 955-968. 13 references. 1206. Rhoads, J. E., Wolff, W. A., Saltonstall, H., and Lee, W. E. Further experiences with adrenal cortical extract in the treatment of burn shock. Ann. Surg., 1943, _118: 982-987. 11 references. 1207. Sellers, E. A., and You, S. S. Endocrine factors in nitrogen loss afterburning. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 445. Abstract of a paper. -134- BURNS (Continued) 1208. Winter, H. A., Glendening, M. B., Williams, H. H., Abbott, W. E., Hirshfeld, J. W., and Heller, C. G. Cortin excretion in burned patients. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 224. Abstract. 1209. You, S. S., and Sellers, E. A. Effect of desoxycorticosterone ace- tate and adrenal cortical extracts on survival of adrenalectomized and intact rats after burning. Am. J. Physiol., 1950, 160: 83-88. 15 references. CANCER, see NEOPLASMA CAPILLARIES 1210.*Cope, O., Brenizer, A. G., Jr., and Polderman, H. Capillary permeability and the adrenal cortex; studies of cervical lymph in the adrenalectomized dog. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, L37: 69-78. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibli- ography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 17. 1211. Fine, J., and Fischmann, J. A study of the effect of desoxycorti- costerone acetate on capillary permeability. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 49: 98-102. 3 references. 1212. Jones, -I. S., and Meyer, K. Inhibition of vascularization of the rabbit cornea by local application of cortisone. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 102-104. "The subconjunctival injection of cortisone inhibits markedly the vascularization of the cornea caused by intracorneal injection of alkali. " 1213. Menkin, V. Effect of adrenal cortex extract on capillary permea- bility. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 691-697. 12 references. 1214. Menkin, V. Further studies on effect of adrenal cortex extract and of various steroids on capillary permeability. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 5_1: 39-41. 7 references. 1215. Rauchschwalbe, H. Permeabilitats-Studien mit Cortidyn. Arch. exp. Path., Berl., 1940, 195:425-438. 11 references. 1216. Shleser, I. H., and Freed, S. C. The effect of peptone on capillary permeability and its neutralization by adrenal cortical extract. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137:426-430. 12 references. -135- CAPILLARIES (Continued) 1217. Zweifach, B., and Chambers, R. Response of the capillary bed in the frog to adrenal-cortical hormones. Anat. Rec, 1942, 84:461. Abstract. CARDITIS, RHEUMATIC, see RHEUMATIC FEVER CELIAC DISEASE, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION CEREBROSPINAL FLUID 1218. Van Bogaert, A., and Van Baarle, F. Recherche des hormones surrenalotropes hypophysaires dans le liquide cephalo-rachidien au cours de l'hypertension arterielle chez l'homme et chez le chien. Acta med. scand., 1940, 104: 462-480. 36 references. CHOLERA, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES CHOLESTEROL, see also ADRENAL CORTEX - PHYSIOLOGY 1219. Conn, J. W., and Vogel, W. C. Effects of prolonged adrenal corti- cal stimulation upon free esterified serum cholesterol in normal men. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 656-657. Abstract of a paper. 1220. Levin, L. The effects of several varieties of stress on the choles- terol content of the adrenal glands and of the serum of rats. Endo- crinology, 1945, 37: 34-43. 14 references. 1221. Ludewig, S., and Chanutin, A. Cholesterol studies of adrenals and plasma in partially hepatectomized and partially nephrectomized rats after injection of HN3. Endocrinology, 1948, 42: 352-355. 10 ref- erences. 1222. Rogers, W. F., Jr., and Williams, R. H., see No. 484. 1223. Sayers, G., Sayers, M. A., Liang, T. Y., and Long, C. N. H., see No. 629. 1224. Sayers, G., Sayers, M. A., White, A., and Long, C. N. H., see No. 630. CLOSTRIDIUM WELCHII, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES COLD, see STRESS COLITIS, ULCERATIVE, see GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES -136- COLLAGEN DISEASES 1225. Elkinton, J. R., Hunt, A. D., Jr., Godfrey, L., McCrory, W., Rogerson, A., and Stokes, J., Jr. Effects of ACTH in patients with collagen and allied diseases. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 429-436. 1226. Stewart, L. L. The collagen diseases. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1949, 48: 344-346. 15 references. CONNECTIVE TISSUE, see TISSUE RESPONSE COOLEY'S DISEASE, see ANEMIA CORTICOSTEROIDS 1227. Grollman, A. Physiological and chemical studies on the adrenal cortical hormone. Cold Spring Harbor Sympos. Quant. Biol., 1937, 5: 313-322. 27 references. 1228. It5, M. Hukuzin hisitu hormone no kenkyii. (Studies on the hormones of the adrenal cortex). Nippon naibunpitu gakkai zassi, 1947-1948, 23: 59-77. 182 references. 1229. Kendall, E. C. Hormones of the adrenal cortex. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 853-860. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. Y.,~~Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 15-16. Contents: Fractionation of whole extract. - Quantitative and qualitative differences of hormones. - Comparison of potency of extracts and crystalline hormones of ad- renal cortex. - Preparation of a potent extract from the gland. - In- fluence of whole extract and Compound E on carbohydrate metabolism. 22 references. 1230. Kendall, E. C. Quantitative studies of the activity of the hormones of the adrenal cortex. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: 119-120. Ab- stract of a paper read at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biological Chemists, April, 1942. 1231. Kendall, E. C. Relation of chemical structure of adrenal cortical hormones to biological activity. Tr. Conf. Adrenal Cortex, 1st Conf., 1949, 11-46. 1232. Madden, W. A review of the early work on adrenal cortical extract. Marquette M. Rev., 1944-45, 10:224-227. 10 references. -137- CORTICOSTEROIDS (Continued) 1233. National Research Council, Division of Medical Sciences. Confer- ence on the adrenal cortical hormones in relation to medical defense, May 16-18, 1941. Minutes. 21 p. New Haven, 1941. (Mimeographed). 1234. Pfiffner, J. J. The adrenal cortical hormones. Advance. Enzymol., N. Y., 1942, 2: 325-356. 146 references. 1235. Rabbeno, A. I corticormoni. Medico condotto, 1948-49, 46: No. 6, 25-34. 1236. Reifenstein, E. C, Jr. The metabolism of convalescence. Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 374-380. 1237. Robinson, R. Hormones of the adrenal cortex. Nature, Lond., 1949, 164: 1029-1030. Short survey. 1238. Robinson, R. The significance of the sterinoids. Proc R. Soc. Lond., Ser. B: Biol. Sc., 1950, 137: 7-17. "Hormones of the ad- renal cortex": p. 14-17. 1239. Scala, E. Ormoni cortico surrenali. Diagnosi, Nap., 1947, 3: 337- 347. General article; discusses desoxycorticosterone acetate, cor- ticosterone, ll-dehydro-17-hydroxycorticosterone and 11-dehydro- corticosterone. 1240. Schwarz Tiene, E. Gli ormoni corticosurrenali e modalita della loro azione. Med. ital., 1946-1947, 26:61-63. 2 references. CORTICOSTEROIDS - ASSAY 1241. Dorfman, R. I., Potts, A. M., and Feil, M. L. Studies on the bio- assay of hormones; the use of radio-sodium for the detection of small quantities of desoxycorticosterone. Endocrinology, 1947, 41: 464- 469. 2 references. 1242. Dorfman, R. I., Ross, E., and Shipley, R. A. The assay of adrenal cortical material by means of a glycogen test in the adrenalectomized mouse. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 178-188. 10 references. 1243. Dorfman, R. I., Shipley, R. A., Ross, E., Schiller, S., and Horwitt, B. N. The relative potencies of adrenal cortical steroids as deter- mined by a cold protection test and by a glycogen deposition test. En- docrinology, 1946, 38: 189-196. Four steroids were studied. On the basis of a cold protection test, 17-hydroxy-ll-dehydrocorticosterone was the most active and 11-dehydrocorticosterone, corticosterone, and 11-desoxycorticosterone acetate were respectively 1/3, 1/12, and 1/13 as active. On the basis of a liver glycogen test, 11-dehy- drocorticosterone was 1/4 as active as 17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocor- ticosterone. 12 references. -138- CORTICOSTEROIDS - ASSAY (Continued) 1244. Dorfman, R. I., Shipley, R. A., Schiller, S., and Horwitt, B. N. Studies on the "cold test" as a method for the assay of adrenal cor- tical steroids. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 165-177. 16 references. 1245. Giroud, A., Santa, N., and Martinet, M. Microdosage biologique de 1'hormone corticosurre'nale. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1940, 134: 20-23. Abstracted in: Gaz. hcSp., 1940, 113: 467. Paper read at the meeting of the Societe' de Biologie in Paris on 4 May 1940, 1 ref- erence. 1246. Giroud, A., Santa, N., and Martinet, M. Microdosage de l'hor- mone cortico-surrenale. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1941, 23: 105-107. 3 references. 1247. Grollman, A. Biological assay of adrenal cortical activity. Endo- crinology, 1941, 29: 855-861. "The procedure is based on the fact that the logarithm dose of adrenal cortical extracts plotted against the gain in weight of immature adrenalectomized rats (or mice) is a linear function. It is thus possible to determine the activity of an unknown preparation by comparison of its effects on the growth of adrenalectomized animals with the effects induced by 2 doses of an arbitrarily adopted standard. " 14 references. 1248. Ingle, D. J. The quantitative assay of adrenal cortical hormones by the musclework test in the adrenalectomized nephrectomized rat. Endocrinology, 1944, 34: 191-202. Abstracted in: Fed. Proc, Bait., 1943, 2: 24. 16 references. 1249. Kuizenga, M. H., Nelson, J. W., and Cartland, G. F. Compara- tive parenteral and oral assays of adrenal cortical hormone sub- stances. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 130:298-303. 12 references. 1250. Kuizenga, M. H., Wick, A. N., Ingle, D. J., Nelson, J. W., and Cartland, G. F. The preparation and comparative physiologic ac- tivities of beef, hog and sheep adrenal cortex extracts. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 147: 461-565. Hog adrenal extract was considerably more active than either beef or sheep adrenal extract by both the rat survival test and the Ingle muscle contraction test. 7 references. 1251. Lewis, L. A., and Page, I. H. Method of assaying steroids and ad- renal extracts for protective action against toxic material (typhoid vaccine). J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1946, 31: 1325-1329. 3 references. 1252. Matuba, M., and Koizumi, H., see No. 431. -139- CORTICOSTEROIDS - ASSAY (Continued) 1253. Mello, M. I. Estudos sobre a atividade dos extratos da suprarenal. Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1947, 45: 69-80. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4:98. Studies on evaluation of cortico-adrenal extracts based on glycogen deposition inthe liver of adrenalectomized rats. 21 references. 1254.*Migeon, G. Contribution a petude des preparations de cortico-sur- renale et a leur titrage biologique. 92 p. Poitiers, 1942. Th&se- Paris. Bibliography: p. 74-89. 1255. Olson, R. E., Jacobs, F. A., Richert, D., Thayer, S. A., Kopp, L. J., and Wade, N. J. The comparative bioassay of several ex- tracts of the adrenal cortex in tests employing four separate physi- ological responses. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 430-455. 52 refer- ences. 1256. Pabst, M. L., Sheppard, R., and Kuizenga, M. H. Comparison of liver-glycogen deposition and work performance tests for the bio- assay of adrenal cortex hormones. Endocrinology, 1947, 41: 55-65. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibli- ography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 23-24. 24 references. 1257. Reinecke, R. M. A bioassay for the effect of the hormones of the adrenal cortex on carbohydrate metabolism. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: 131. Abstract of a paper read at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biological Chemists, April, 1942. 1258. Reinecke, R. M., and Kendall, E. C. Method for bio-assay of hor- mones of adrenal cortex which influence deposition of glycogen in the liver. Endocrinology, 1942, 31_: 573-577. Potency was deter- mined by the amount of glycogen deposited in the liver of a fasting adrenalectomized rat. 10 references. 1259. Riesser, O. Ueber die Brauchbarkeit des Fisch-Schuppentests nach Giroud zur Bestimmung von Nebennierenrindenhormon. Enzymologia, Amst., 1943-1945, U: 348-351. 9 references. 1260. Rogoff, J. M. Standardization of adrenal cortex extract. Pennsyl- vania M. J., 1942-43, 46: 346-351. "The only reliable method of assay ... is standardization based upon survival and health of bi- laterally adrenalectomized male dogs. " 27 references. 1261. Roos, A. Assay of adrenal cortical extracts in adrenalectomized rats exposed to cold: Endocrinology, 1943, £3: 276-281. Abstracted in: Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942', 1: 74. 12 references. -140- CORTICOSTEROIDS - ASSAY (Continued) 1262. Talbot, N. B., Saltzman, A. H., and Wixom, R. L. Symposium on urinary corticosteroids. Part II. Methods of chemical assay and results. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1945, 10. meet., 201-216. 3 references. 1263. Venning, E. H. Comparison of the colorimetric and the biological methods of assaying urinary corticoids. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1946, 13. meet., 20-23. 1264. Venning, E. H., Kazmin, V. E., and Bell, J. C. Biological assay of adrenal corticoids. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 79-89. Abstracted in; Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 20. "A modified Reinecke-Kendall test for the assay of small amounts of corticoids has been developed. " "By means of this meth- od it is possible to follow the daily urinary excretion of corticoids in the human being. " 11 references. 1265. Villela, G. G. Un novo test ponderal para a availapSo da hormonio cortical. Med. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1943,* 38: 173-176. "The quan- tity of the hormone which is able to maintain the weight of the gland of the adrenolectomized rat at the same level as the weight of the nonoperated rat is proposed as 1 antihypertrophic rat unit. " 6 ref- erences. 1266. Vogt, M. Biological assays of cortical hormones and estimation of the rate of secretion of the mammalian suprarenal cortex. J. Endocr., Cambr., 1947-1948, 5: Suppl., 57-61. 26 references. 1267. Vogt, M. The output of cortical hormone by the mammalian supra- renal. J. Physiol., Lond., 1943-44, 102: 341-356. 13 references. 1268. Yoffey, J. M., Reiss, M., and Baxter, J. S. Pituitary adreno- tropic hormone, extract of suprarenal cortex, lymph, and lymphoid tissue. Nature, Lond., 1946, 157: 368. 10 references. CORTICOSTEROIDS - CHEMISTRY 1269.*Adrenal cortical hormone intermediates. Brit. Pat. No. 630,430; 13 Oct. 1949. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4048. 1270. Barton, D. H. R., Holness, N. J., and Klyne, W. The application of the method of molecular-rotation differences to steroids; Wolff- Kishner reduction of the adrenocortical side chain. J. Chem. Soc, Lond., 1949, 2456-2459. -141- CORTICOSTEROIDS - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1271. Borgstrom, E., and Gallagher, T. F. Partial synthesis of com- pounds related to adrenal cortical hormones; preparation of an 11- keto bile acid. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 164:791. 4 references. 1272.*Delaville, M., and Delaville, G. Determination of 11-oxycortico- steroids. Documentation biol. prat., 1948, 2: 108-117. Abstracted in: Cheni. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3556. 1273. Dorfman, R. I. The bioassay of adrenal cortical steroids. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1949, 50: 556-574. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26191; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 256. 20 references. 1274.*Euw, J. von, Lardon, A., and Reichstein, T. Concerning the con- stituents of the adrenal cortex and related substances. Partial syn- thesis of corticosterone. Helvet. chim. acta, 1944, 27: 1287-1296. 1275. Euw, J. von, and Reichstein, T. Ueber Bestandteile der Nebennieren- rinde und verwandte Stoffe; Konfiguration der Cortico-Steroide. Helvet. chim. acta, 1947, 30: 205-217. 1276. Fuchs, H. G., and Reichstein, T. Ueber Bestandteile der Neben- nierenrinde und verwandte Stoffe; Pregnen-(4)-ol-(21)-trion-(3, 12, 20) und Pregnen-(4)-diol-(12/5,21)-dion-(3, 20). Helvet. chim. acta, 1943, 26: 511-530. 23 references. 1277. Furchgott, R. F., Rosenkrantz, H., and Shdrr, E. Infra-red ab- sorption spectra of steroids; adrenal cortical hormones and related steroids. J. Biol. Chem., 1947, 171: 523-529. 5 references. 1278. Gallagher, T. F. Partial synthesis of compounds related to adrenal cortical hormones; the structure ofZlll-lithocholenic acid. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 162: 491-493. 5 references. 1279. Gallagher/ T. F. Partial synthesis of compounds related to adrenal cortical hormones; the structure of the "3(0^, ll-dihydroxy-12-keto- cholanic acid" of Marker and Lawson and of the products obtained by "Wolff-Kishner" reduction. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 162: 539-548. 10 references. 1280. Gallagher, T. F. .gome advances in the partial synthesis of adrenal cortical steroids. Recent progress in hormone research, (New York), 1947 1: 83-98. Review of Reichstein's synthesis of dehydrocortico- sterone and corticosterone; presentation of an alternative synthesis of dehydrocorticosterone acetate and 11-iso-corticosterone di-acetate. 39 references. -142- CORTICOSTEROIDS - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1281. Gallagher, T. F. The synthesis of adrenocorticalsteroids. In: Advance, mil. med., Boston, 1948, 2: 659-663. 1282. Gallagher, T. F., and Hollander, V. P. Partial synthesis of com- pounds related to adrenal cortical hormones; preparation of 3(x), ll(«)-dihydroxy-12-ketocholanic acid and the products obtained by Wolff-Kishner reduction. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 162: 533-538. 6 references. 1283. Gallagher, T. F., and Long, W. P. Partial synthesis of compounds related to adrenal cortical hormones; an improved method for the preparation of 3(a), ll(er)-dihydroxycholanic acid. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 162: 521-532. 15 references. 1284. Gallagher, T. F., and Long, W. P. Partial synthesis of compounds related to adrenal cortical hormones; some reactions of an epoxide ofAll-lithocholenic acid. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 162:495-509. 9 references. 1285.*Hager, G. P., and Burgison, R. M. Synthetic analogs of the adrenal cortical hormones. Synthesis of 4, 4'-bis(acetoxyacetyl)-2: 15. 1458. Knowlton, A. I., Loeb, E. N., Stoerk, H. C, and Seegal, B. C. The development of hypertension and nephritis in normal and adrenal- ectomized rats, treated with cortisone. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 722-725. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3611- 3612; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 254; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12199. "Moderate hypertension developed in nephritic rats with intact adrenal glands when injected with corti- sone, whereas striking hypertension appeared in adrenalectomized rats similarly treated. " 1459. Laqueur, G. L., see No. 618. 1460. Rabbeno, A. Correlazioni fra interrenale e cromaffine; azione associata contemporanea dell'adrenalina e dell'endocorticalina sul cuore isolata di rana. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1949, 80:209-235. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44:3601. The action of 60 different combinations of adrenalin andf^endocorticalin" (cortin) on the isolated frog heart was investigated and found to be "hyperadditive. " Inactive concentrations of adrenaline became ef- ficient when associated with cortin, and vice versa. A hypothetical explanation of the mechanism of this effect is offered. 50 references. -159- CORTISONE - EFFECTS (Continued) 1461. Sprague, R. G., Power, M. H., Mason, H. L., Albert, A., Mathieson, D. R., Hench, P. S., Kendall, E. C, Slocumb, C. H., and Polley, H. F. Observations on the physiologic effects of cor- tisone and ACTH in man. Arch. Int. M., 1950, 85: 199-258. Ab- stracted in: Chem, Abstr., 1950, 44: 4137; AlsoTn: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 594. Some 45 references. 1462. Stebbins, R. B. Cytochemical changes in the adrenal cortex of the rat following the administration of cortisone. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, 9: 345. Abstract. 1463. Tuohy, E. L. Cloaking of signs and symptoms by cortisone and ACTH administration. Minnesota M., 1950, 33: 714. 1464. Ucko, H. Screening test for cortisone substitutes. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 236. Letter to the editor, suggesting that noradrenaline may be "capable of producing an ACTH like action. " 1465. Winter, C. A., and Flataker, L. Influence of cortisone and related steroids upon spreading effect of hyaluronidase. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 137-138. Abstract. 1466. Zwemer, R. L., Lowenstein, B. E., and Pines, K. L. An experi- mental study of the similarities between cortin and some cardiac glucosides. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 945-955. 25 references. CORTISONE - THERAPY 1467. American Medical Association__, see No. 641. 1468. Bishop, P. M. F., see No. 644. 1469. Bonomo, I. Cortisona e o seu emprego na clinica. Rev. brasil. med., 1950, 7: 252-255. 18 references. 1470. Carlisle, J. M. Cortisone (compound E); summary of its clinical uses. Brit. M. J., 1950, 2: 590-595. 1471. "Cortisone." Boston M. Quarterly, 1950, 1: 26-27. 1472. Cortisone acetate; cortone acetate-Merck. Med. Bull. Univ. Mich., 1950, 16: 217-221. 1473. Cortisone and A.C.T.H---, see No. 645. -160- CORTISONE - THERAPY (Continued) 1474. Hench, P. S. Cortisone and ACTH in clinical medicine. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, 25: 474-476. 1475. Hurtado, F., see No. 648. 1476. Kinsell, L. W., see No. 649. 1477. Loeb, R. F., see No. 650. 1478. Rome, H. P., and Brae eland, F. J. Use of cortisone and ACTH in certain diseases; psychiatric aspects. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, 2J>: 495-497. "... the sudden and profound variation in the milieu in- terieur .. . constitute(s) a major stress. " 6 references. 1479. Salassa, R. M. Effects of cortisone and ACTH in certain endocrine conditions. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, £5:497-498. Report of 3 cases of severe exophthalmos with Graves' disease, 11 cases of Addison's disease complicated with diabetes, 1 case of adrenal insufficiency secondary to pituitary insufficiency, 2 cases of Cushing's disease after subtotal adrenalectomy. 1480. Sprague, R. G. Summary: Cortisone and ACTH in clinical medicine. Proc Mayo Clin., 1950, 25: 500-502. 1481. Thorn, G. W., Forsham, P. A., Frawley, T. F., Hill, S. R., Jr., Roche, M., Staehelin, D., and Wilson, D. L., see No. 657. 1482. Wilkins, L., Lewis, R. A., Klein, R., and Rosenberg, E., see No. 347. CURLING'S ULCER, see GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES CUSHING'S DISEASE 1483. Albright, F. Cushing's syndrome; its pathological physiology, its relationship to the adreno-genital syndrome, and its connection with the problem of the reaction of the body to injurious agents ("alarm reactions" of Selye). Harvey Lect., Bait., 1942-43, 38: 123-186. 45 references. 1484. Albright, F., Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., and Forbes, A. P. Some aspects of Cushing's syndrome. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1946, 12. meet., 148-172. -161- CUSHING'S DISEASE (Continued) 1485. Anderson, E., and Haymaker, W. Cushing's syndrome. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1944, 99: 511-520. "Seven cases of Cushing's syndrome with autopsy reports on 4 are presented ... in support of the hypo- thesis that Cushing's syndrome is a hyperadrenocorticalism. " 27 references. 1486. Baudouin, A., Lecomte, G., and Dreulle, D. Sur un cas de syn- drome de Cushing. Interest du dosage des hormones cortico-sur- renales. Bull. Soc.me'd. hop. Paris, 1940, 56: 384-389. Paper read before the Societe medicale des hSpitaux'de Paris, 5 July 1940. 1487. Bjerkelund, C. J., and Torgersen, O. Cushing's syndrome in a 55-year-old man. Report of a case with decreased serum protein values and pathologic changes of the adrenal cortical cells. Acta. med. scand., 1948, 130; 584-594. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 817. 44 references. 1488. Buchem, F. S. P. van. Die Cushingsche Krankheit. Acta med. scand., 1941, 108: 544-560. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, H>: 14475. "A patient showing the typical picture of Cushing's disease was observed for 8 years. There was localized osteoporosis of the spine and ribs suggesting a hyperfunctioning parathyroid. At autopsy a typical basophilic cell adenoma of the hypophysis was found . . . Hyaline changes . .. were noted. " (Biol. Abstr.). 24 references, 1489. Cachera, R., Rubens-Duval, A., and Scherrer, J. Syndrome de Cushing avec basophilic hypophysaire; transformation hyaline de Crooke et hyperplasie maligne de la medullo-surre'nale. Sem. hSp. Paris, 1945, 21: 1450-1462. Report of a case. 42 references. 1490. Cerviffo, J. M., Morato Manaro, J., Pollak, E., and Proto, A. Sindrome de Cushing por tumor suprarrenal; con alta eliminacid*n de andrrfgenos y estro'genos y reaccieh positiva en el tumor con la fenilhidrazina. Medicina, B. Air., 1946-47, 7: 468-484. Report of a case. 39 references. 1491. Crooke, A. C. The endocrine disorders associated with Cushing's syndrome and virilism. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7: 787-794. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22:20651. Report of a fe- male with Cushing's syndrome, who recovered spontaneously and 2 1/2 years later died with metastasizing carcinoma of the adrenal cortex. 19 references. 1492. Dreyfus, G. Les problemes de la maladie de Cushing. Sem. hop. Paris, 1949, 25: 1647-1652. -162- CUSHING'S DISEASE (Continued) 1493. Ellis, F., see No. 1085. 1494. Findley, T., see No. 672. 1495. Friedman, A. Cushing's syndrome; a review. Bull. N. England M. Center, 1949, 11: 135-143. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 66. 36~references. 1496. Godon, C. Syndrome de Cushing. Scalpel, Brux., 1950, 103: 237- 245. "This article reviews the recent concepts of Albright and the Boston endocrinological school concerning Cushing's syndrome and the physiology of the adrenals. " 31 references. 1497. Gorsuch, M. T. Cushing's syndrome; clinical and pathologic in- vestigation of nine verified cases, and review of the literature on ninety-one additional cases. 160 1. Minneapolis, 1949. Thesis- Univ. Minn, (typewritten). 211 references. 1498. Guthert, H. Zur pathologischen Anatomie des Cushing-Syndrome. Deut. Gesundhwes., 1946, 1_: 655-660, "All findings seem to prove, that the causes of the syndroma are based not only in the incretoric system itself, but also in the disturbed correlation of this system and the diencephalon. " Russian, English and French summaries. 42 references. 1499. Heilmann, P., see No. 662. 1500. Kepler, E. J., Sprague, R. G., Clagett, O. T., Power, M. H., Mason, H. L., and Rogers, H. M. Adrenal cortical tumor associ- ated with Cushing's syndrome; report of a case with metabolic studies and remarks on the pathogenesis of Cushing's syndrome. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 499-531. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 2^: 6696. 27 references. 1501. Langeron, L., Giard, P., and Nolf, V. Maladie de Cushing (ob- servation anatomo-clinique). J. sc med. Lille, 1947, 65: 85-95. Also in: Ann. endocr., Par., 1947, 8: 1-11. 1502. Lewis, R. A., and Wilkins, L. The effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone in congenital adrenal hyperplasia with virilism and in Cush- ing's syndrome treated with methyl testosterone. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 394-400. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1949, 6: 714; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26203. "The Cushing's syndrome showed a rise in the renal excretion of 17-ketosteroids and neutral reducing lipids, a rise in the fasting blood sugar, a fall in the respiratory quotient, a polymorphonuclear leukocytosis, an increase in the excretion of potassium and a marked reduction in the excretion of sodium accompanied by a slight temporary gain in weight. " 11 ref- erences. -163- CUSHING'S DISEASE (Continued) 1503. McLetchie, N. G. B. The pituitary basophilism syndrome of Harvey Cushing. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1942-44, 3: 332-346. Presentation of a case and review of the literature. 29 references. 1504. Mauriac, B., and Leger, H. Maladie de Cushing. J. med. Bordeaux, 1947, L24: 448-458. Case report. 1505. Melicow, M. M. Hyperfunction, hyperplasia and neoplasia of ad- renal gland; clinico-pathologic analysis. Med. Ann. District of Columbia, 1948, 11_: 429-436. 9 references. 1506.*Metzger, H., Fruhling, L., and Meschenmoser, M. Maladie de Cushing avec tumeur hyperplasique a cellules basophiles de l'hy- pophyse. Ann. endocr., Par., 1948, 9: 35-47. 1507. Montmollin, B. de. L'hypophyse dans la maladie de Cushing. 43 p. Geneve, 1945. These-Geneva. 72 references. 1508. Nogales Quevedo, C. de. Hiperpituitarismos hipoestrogenicos; el smdrome de Cushing como ejemplo de los estados de desequilibrio funcional hipofisogonadal. Med. &cir., Bogota*, 1948-49, 13: 145- 174. 1509. Paillard, F. Syndrome de Cushing. Basel. 46 p. Lausanne, 1941. These-Bale. 58 references. 1510. Paschkis, K. E., Herbut, P. A., Rakoff, A. E., and Cantarow, A. A case of Cushing's syndrome with adrenal cortical hyperplasia, without pituitary basophilic adenoma or hyperplasia. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 212-217. 20 references. 1511. Pittman, H. S., Stoeckle, J. D., Albright, F., Wyman, S. M., Bartter, F. C, Cope, O., Jacobson, B. M., Fremont-Smith, Forbes, A. P., Means, H., and Wheeler, R. R. Cushing's syndro- me. Am. Practitioner, 1949, 4: 169-175. Clinical presentation. 1 reference. 1512. Preziosi, P. Nuove vedute nel morbo di Cushing. Riforma med., 1950, 64: 450-451. 1513.*Prosperi, P. La crisi basofila ipofisaria della puberta; critica alia patogenesi e aUa clinica degli ipogenitalismi. Riv. clin. pediat., 1949, 47: 348-374. -164- CUSHING'S DISEASE (Continued) 1514. Sosman, M. C. Cushing's disease; pituitary basophilism. (Cald- weU lecture, 1947). Am. J. Roentg., 1949, 62: 1-32. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 185; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 9197. Review article; report of 7 cases; plan of treatment. 72 references. 1515. Vallery-Radot, P. Deux cas de maladie de Cushing. In: Lep. clin. med. (Hdp. Bichat), Par., 1943, 26-39. 1516.*Voigt. . Morbus Cushing. Arch. Derm. Syph., Berl., 1949, 189: 465-466. CUSHING'S DISEASE - BLOOD 1517. Carpenter, G. T., see No. 1077. 1518.*De La Baize, F. A., Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., and Albright, F. Differential blood counts in certain adrenal cortical disorders (Cush- ing's syndrome, Addison's disease and panhypopituitarism). J. Clin. Endocr., 1846, 6: 312-319. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: 17120. 1519. Giannico, O., and Zilli, E. La protrombina, il fibrinogeno, la protidemia e la viscosimetria in otto casi di sindrome di Cushing. Policlinico, 1949, ^6: sez. prat., 963-965. 1520. Lewis, L. A., and McCullagh, E. P. Plasma protein pattern (tiselius electrophoretic technique) in Cushing's syndrome. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7^: 559-565. 7 references. "Electrophoretic analy- sis of the plasma proteins of eight patients with hyperadrenal cortical activity (Cushing's syndrome type) showed low plasma albumin and )£ - globulin level. In two of the four cases studied following therapy, the plasma protein pattern tended to become normal. The plasma protein pattern of four patients with acromegaly was normal. " 1521. Schachter, M. F,tude comparative sur la morphologie sanguine dans les syndromes de Cushing et de Simmonds; donnees statistiques. Praxis, Bern, 1946, 35: 508-510. 2 references. 1522.*Schmidt, E. V., and Bobrikova, A. S. (Disturbance of cerebral blood circulation in Cushing's disease). Nevropat. psikhiat., 1942, 11: No. 4, 75-82. -165- CUSHING'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS 1523. Cluxton, H. E., Jr., Bennett, W. A., Power, M. H., and Kepler, E. J. Cushing's syndrome without adenomatous or hyperplastic changes in the pituitary body or adrenal cortices and complicated by alkalosis; report of case with necropsy. J. Clin. Endocr., 1945, 5: 61-69, pi. 13 references. 1524. Mason, H. L., and Sprague, R. G. Isolation of 17-hydroxycortico- sterone from urine in a case of Cushing's syndrome associated with severe diabetes mellitus. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 175: 451-456. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 3510. ""TF-hydroxycorti- costerone has been isolated from the urine in a case of Cushing's syndrome associated with severe diabetes mellitus. From a 25-day collection of urine 191 mg. of purified hormone were obtained. " (Biol. Abstr.). 1525.*Mohnike, G. Der Diabetes vom Cushing-Typ und sein Syndromwandel. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1948, 193: 192-216. 1526. Oldenberg, F. Psychische Storungen beim Cushing-Syndrom. Schweiz. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., 1947, 59: 318-325. 19 references. 1527. Sprague, R. G., Hayles, A. B., Mason, H. L., Power, M. H., and Bennett, W. W. "Steroid diabetes" associated with Cushing's syndro- me and excretion of 17-hydroxycorticosterone (compound F) in urine; metabolic studies. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1948, 33: 1472-1473. Ab- stract of a paper read at the 21st Meeting of the Central Society for Clinical Research at Chicago, 30 Oct., 1948. Case of a 14 year old boy. 1528. Sprague, R. G., Hayles, A. B., Power, M. H., Mason, H. L., and Bennett, W. A. "Steroid diabetes" associated with Cushing's syndro- me and isolation of 17-hydroxycorticosterone (compound F) from urine; report of case with metabolic studies. Proc. Am. Diabetes Ass., 1949, 9: 137-140. 1529. Sundermann, A. Ein Beitrag zum Morbus Cushing (Cushing-Syndrom bei hypophysarem Zwergwuchs vergesellschaftet mit Clitorishyper- trophie). Endokrinologie, 1940-41, 23: 17-32. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 1^: 22012. Presentation of 2 cases. 45 ref- erences. 1530.*Sundermann, A. Cushing-Syndrom mit Klitorishypertrophie bei hypophysarem Zwergwuchs. (Ausgang in Heilung). Zbl. inn. Med., 1948, 3: 199. Abstracted in: Abl. Haut Geschikr., 1950, 74: 344-345. -166- CUSHING'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS (Continued) 1531. Sussman, M. L., and Copleman, B. The roentgenograph^ appear- ance of the bones in Cushing's syndrome. Radiology, 1942, J9: £VV- 292. A study of 7 cases of Cushing's syndrome made with particu- lar attention to the occurrence, appearance, and distribution of osteoporosis. 7 references. 1532. Teabeaut, R., Engel, F. L., and Taylor, H. Hypokaliemic hypo- chloremic alkalosis in Cushing's syndrome. Observations on the effects of treatment with potassium chloride and testosterone. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, JLO: 399-409. "The purpose of this report is to describe an additional case of Cushing's syndrome with alkalosis in which observations were made on the effects of a single massive intravenous dose of potassium chloride and of treatment with tes- tosterone propionate." 16 references. 1533. WiUson, D. M., Power, M. H., and Kepler, E. J. Alkalosis and low plasma potassium in case of Cushing's syndrome: metabolic study. J. Clin. Invest., 1940, 19: 701-707. 20 references. CUSHING'S DISEASE - DIAGNOSIS 1534. Goldberg, L., and Luft, R. The diagnostic value of oral and intra,- venous dextrose tolerance tests in endocrine disorders with decreased dextrose tolerances: diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, Cushing's syndrome and acromegaly. Acta med. scand., 1949, 135: 1-17. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, V. 74. The authors employed the following tests: "(1) oral administration of one dose of glucose, 1 g. per kg. body weight, with blood sugar estimation up to 2 hours: (2) oral administration of two doses of 50 g. glucose with a 30 minute interval, blood sugar being estimated up to one hour: (3) intravenous injection of 100 ml. of 25% solution of glucose and blood sugar estimations up to 2 hours. " "In Cushing's syndrome all cases gave abnormal results in all tests, the two-dose test being the most sensitive. " (Abstr. World M.). 1535. Soffer, L. J., Lesnick, G., Sorkin, S. Z., Sobotka, H. H., and Jacobs, M. The utilization of intravenously injected salt in normals and in patients with Cushing's syndrome bedore and after administra- tion of desoxycorticosterone acetate. J. Clin. Invest., 1944, 23: 51- 54. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 143-144. "ThisTest may be of value in the diagnosis of hyperfunction of the adrenal cor- tex. " 6 references. 1536. Urechia, C. I., Retezeanu, A., Dragomir, L., and Dragomir, T. Pseudo-syndrome de Cushing apparaissant dans le decours de la mal- adie de Friedreich et de la sclerose en plaques. Mschr. Psychiat., 1943, 108: 260-264. -167- CUSHING'S DISEASE - ETIOLOGY 1537. Benard, H., Rambert, P., Horn, A., Tissier, M., and Roisin, M. R. Tumeur maligne du cortex surre'nal et syndrome de Cushing. Bull. Soc. m^d. hSp. Paris, 1950, 66: 306-323. In a 20 year-old patient presenting Cushing's syndrome, a malignant tumor was found to be the cause of the symptoms. 11 references. 1538.*Coelho, E. La pathogenie pluriglandulaire du syndrome de Cushing mise en evidence par l'action therapeutique. Presentation de trois cas. Acta clin. belg., 1949, 4: 197-199. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 153. 1539. Dreulle, D. Contribution a l'etude de la pathogenie du syndrome de Cushing. 63 p. Paris, 1940. These-Paris. 71 references. 1540. Heinbecker, P. Cushing's syndrome. Ann. Surg., 1946, 124: 252- 261. "A concept of the pathogenesis of Cushing's syndrome is pre- sented. " 17 references. 1541. Heinbecker, P. The pathogenesis of Cushing's syndrome. Medicine, Bait., 1944, 2£: 225-247. "Clinical and experimental studies per- taining to the pathogenesis of Cushing's syndrome are reported. " 16 references. 1542. Heinbecker, P., and Pfeiffenberger, M., Jr. Further clinical and experimental studies on the pathogenesis of Cushing's syndrome. Am. J. Med., 1950, 9: 3-23. These observations are presented with spe- cial reference to hypothalamic lesions. Explanations are offered for the various pathologic states which develop in persons with Cushing's syndrome. 39 references. 1543. Hubble, D. Cushing's syndrome and thymic carcinoma. Q. J. Med., Oxf., 1949, JL8; 133-147. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1949, 6: 597. A review of the etiology of Cushing's disease together with a "case report. 31 references. 1544. Kepler, E. J. Cushing's disease; a primary disorder of the adrenal cortices? Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1949, 50: 657-678. A review and discussion. 49 references. 1545. Martelli, F., and Scolari, E. Considerazioni sulla etiopatogenesi del morbo di Cushing; contributo clinico. Minerva med., Tor., 1945, 36: pt. 1, 6-11. Report of a case. -168- CUSHING'S DISEASE - ETIOLOGY (Continued) 1546. Ragan, C, Grokoest, A. W., and Boots, R. H. Effect of adreno- corticotropic hormone (ACTH) on rheumatoid arthritis. Am. J. Med., 1949, 7: 741-750. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 521-522. Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 261. Report~of 8 cases. Metabolism studies. Development in some cases of some of the symptoms of Cushing's disease. 16 references. 1547. Stoopen, E. Consideraciones sobre la patogenia del smdrome de Cushing. Rev. me'd. Pasteur, Mex., 1948, 1: 33-42. 23 references. CUSHING'S DISEASE - IN CHILDREN 1548. Chute, A. L., Robinson, G. C, and Donohue, W. L. Cushing's syndrome in children. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1949, 34: 20-39. A review of the literature with special reference to 17 cases which have come to autopsy and the report of a case in an 8-year-old girl. 31 references. 1549. Farber, J. E., Gustina, F. J., and Postoloff, A. V. Cushing's syndrome in children; review of the literature and report of a case. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1943, 65: 593-603. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 568. 48 references. 1550. Visscher-Jolles, J. M. C, and Lange, C. de. Cushings Syndrom bei einem 3 1/2 jahrigen Knaben bei angeborener Missbildung des Hypothalamus und Fehlen eines Hypophysenadenoms. Ann. paediat., Basel, 1944, 163: 57-75. Case-history of a boy who at 2 1/2 years developed Cushing's syndrome with the exception of osteoporosis. "Only a partial post mortem was permitted but the testes, brain and hypophysis could be examined. " French and English summaries. 10 references. 1551. Weill, J.,^and Bernfeld. Les syndromes "para-Cushing" chez les enfants obeses. Bull. Soc med. h6p. Paris, 1950, 66: 219-222. 8 cases. Abstract of a paper read at the Meeting of the 8001616' medicale des Hopitaux de Paris on 3 February 1950. 1552. Wilkins, L., see No. 340. 1553. Zellweger^H., and Prader, A. Ein Fall von Morbus Cushing bei einem 12 jahrigen Madchen; Heilung durch Rontgenbestrahlung der Hypophyse. Helvet. paediat. acta, 1949, 4: 43-53. English, French and Italian summaries. 24 references. -169- CUSHING'S DISEASE - METABOLISM 1554. Burton, R. B., Zaffaroni, A., and Keutmann, E. H. Urinary corticoids in acute leukemia (receiving ACTH and compound E) and in Cushing's syndrome. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 802. Ab- stract of a paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1950. 1555. Forbes, A. P., Carroll, E. L., and Wheeler, M. L. A compari- son of the 17-ketosteroid excretion of cases of Cushing's syndrome due to adrenal tumor with those due to hyperplasia (hyperfunction). J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 680. 1556. Forsham, P. H., Flink, E., Emerson, K., Jr., and Thorn, G. W. Metabolic studies on Cushing's syndrome. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 781. 1557. Keutmann, E. H., Friedman, H. A., Bassett, S. H., Kochakian, C. D., and Russ, E. M. Metabolic studies in Cushing's syndrome; treatment with various androgens and a 6-year follow-up. Am. J. Med., 1948, 5: 518-531. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1949, 5: 731. 37 references. 1558. Kriss, J. P., and Futcher, P. H. Renal excretion and tubular reabsorption of salt in Cushing's syndrome after intravenous ad- ministration of hypertonic sodium chloride. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 13-28. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1949, 6: 459. Metabolism studies in 3 normal subjects and three patients with Cushing's disease. 23 references. 1559. Margen, S., Kinsell, L. W., Flanagan, E. K., Suiter, L. E., Rapaport, E., with the technical assistance of Thompson, V. T. Is the protein metabolic abnormality of Cushing's syndrome catabolic or antianabolic? J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 662-663. "S35-iabeled- methionine in tracer dosage was administered intravenously to a 39- year-old female with active Cushing's disease ..." Data obtained, "demonstrate that there is no primary anabolic defect in Cushing's syndrome ..." 1560. Parson, W. An abnormality in nitrogen metabolism in Cushing's syndrome altered by testosterone propionate; a study utilizing glycine tagged with isotopic nitrogen, N 15. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 802- 803. -170- CUSHING'S DISEASE - METABOLISM (Continued) 1561. Perloff, W. H., Rose, E., and Sunderman, F. W. Therapeutic observations in Cushing's syndrome; effect of various agents on calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen excretion in a patient with pitui- tary basophilism. Arch. Int. M., 1943, 72:494-505. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 227. "Subjective and objective re- sponses to treatment are described, and . . . compared with those in similar studies reported by others. " 13 references. 1562. Segaloff, A., and Parson, W. Demonstration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone in the urine of two female patients with Cushing's syndrome. Am. J. Med., 1949, 7:255. "The two patients reported here repre- sent the only instance~we have found of unequivocal evidence of uri- nary excretion of adrenocorticotrophic hormone. " 1563. Talbot, N. B., and Reifenstein, E. C, Jr. Effect of changes in the protein intake on the 11-oxysteroid excretion of a normal subject, of a patient with Addison's disease, and of a patient with Cushing's syndrome. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1946, 13. meet., 85-88. "The patient with Addison's disease failed to show any sig- nificant alteration in corticosteroid values when the nitrogen intake was changed from a low to a high value. The patient with Cushing's Syndrome had abnormally high corticosteroid values throughout the 70-day period of observation. " 1564. Venning, E. H. Urinary excretion of adrenal-cortical-like sub- stances by a case of Cushing's syndrome. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1947, 15. meet., 152-154. "__Cushing's syndrome in a man on whom no effect was produced with the administration of testosterone propionate. " 1565. Wilkins, L. The effect of changes in nitrogen intake on the nitrogen balance and 11-oxysteroid excretion of a patient with Cushing's syn- drome. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1946, 12. meet., 29-31. 1566. Wilkins, L., and Fleischmann, W. Effects of changes in the protein intake on the nitrogen balance and on the excretion of 11-oxysteroids and 17-ketosteroids in Cushing's syndrome. Tr. Conf. Metab. As- pects Convalesc., 1946, 13. meet., 78-85. 1567. WiUson, D. M., Power, M. H., and Kepler, E. J., see No. 1533. CUSHING'S DISEASE - PATHOLOGY 1568. Barretto Netto, M. Sindrome de Cushing e hialinizapao das cedillas basdfilas da hipdfise. Arch, brasil. med., 1944, 34: 169-190. 23 references. -171- CUSHING'S DISEASE - PATHOLOGY (Continued) 1569. Benard, H., Rambert, P., Blum, P., and Tissier, M. Maladie de Cushing et transformation hyaline des cellules basophiles de l'hypophyse. Bull. Soc. med* h8p. Paris, 1946, 62: 439-445. 1570. Berblinger, W. Der Morbus Cushing, eine Hyperpituitosis baso- philica. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1943, 73: 1159-1160. 12 references. 1571. Cluxton, H. E., Bennett, W. A., Power, M. H., and Kepler, E. J. Cushing's syndrome without adenomatous or hyperplastic changes in the pituitary body or adrenal cortices and complicated by alkalosis. Report of case with necropsy. J. Clin. Endocr., 1945, 5: 61-69. 1572. Decourt, J., Rubens-Duval, A., Guillemin, J., and Berthaux, P. Maladie de Cushing particulierement severe, sans tumeur hypo- physaire ni surrenale. Lesion de Crooke. Bull. Soc. med. hop. Paris, 1950, 66: 619-628. Abstracted in: Sem. hop. Paris, 1950, 26: 1663. 6 references. 1573. Gaertner, K. Pathologisch-anatomische Untersuchung eines nach Rontgenbestrahlung geheilten Falles von Morbus Cushing. Virchows Arch., 1943, 310: 388-394. 18 references. 1574. Kepler, E. J. The relationship of Crooke's changes in the basophilic cells of the anterior pituitary body to Cushing's syndrome (pituitary basophilism). J. Clin. Endocr., 1945, 5: 70-75. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, H): 21484. The author illustrates,with types of cases of Cushing's syndrome, a physiologic mechanism by which Crooke's change might occur. He concludes that adrenal cor- tical hyperfunction may occur in the absence of demonstrable his- tologic changes. 14 references. 1575. Kepler, E. J., Sprague, R. G., Mason, H. L., and Power, M. H. The pathologic physiology of adrenal cortical tumors and Cushing's syndrome. Recent progress in hormone research, (New York), 1948, 2: 345-389. Definition of terms and classification. - The adrenal steroids. - Pathologic physiology of adrenal cortical tumors. - Ob- servations on the pathologic physiology of Cushing's syndrome. 51 references. 1576. McLetchie, N. G. B. On staining the basophil cells of the human hypophysis with special reference to the abnormal basophil cells of Cushing's syndrome. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1942-44, 3:323-331. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, j^: 21448. ""Two simple staining techniques are introduced ..." 6 references. -172- CUSHING'S DISEASE - PATHOLOGY (Continued) 1577. Mathers, N. The endocrinological pathology of Cushing's syndrome with two case reports. Univ. Manitoba M. J., 1948-49, 20: 17-30. 29 references. 1578. Pedersen, A. H., and Kenyon, T. J. Cushing's syndrome associ- ated with fuchsinophilic staining reaction in the adrenal. Surgery, 1947, 22: 954-958. "A case of Cushing's syndrome is reported in which the only significant pathologic finding is a rather marked fuchs inophilic staining reaction in the adrenal. " 18 references. 1579. Radnot, M. Der Augenbefund bei Cushingscher Krankheit. Oph- thalmologica, Basel, 1942, 104; 301-307. Report of two definite cases of Cushing's disease in men of 30 years of age and a third probable case in a 24 year old girl with premenstrual pressure in- crease in the right eye. In the first case there was decided increase in tension in both eyes and in the second case, there was no change in the intra-ocular pressure but retinitis. 11 references. 1580.*Schoen, H. Zur pathologischen Anatomie der Cushingschen Krank- heit. Med. Welt, 1942, _16: 11. Abstracted in: Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 1109. 1581. Sussman, M. L., and Copleman, B. The roentgenographic appear- ance of the bones in Cushing's syndrome. Radiology, 1942, 39: 288- 292. 7 references. 1582. Thompson, K. W., and Eisenhardt, L. Further consideration of the Cushing syndrome. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3:445-452. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, HJ: 6267. ~A report on 98 autopsied cases of Cushing's disease. Pituitary glands of 63 of these were examined by the authors. 36 references. CUSHING'S DISEASE - TREATMENT 1583. Albright, F., Forbes, A. P., and Bartter, F. C. The effect of testosterone propionate on the 11-oxysteroid excretion of patients with Cushing's syndrome. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1947, 15. meet., 158-163. One of two patients responded to testo- sterone, while the other did not. 1584. Albright, F., Parson, W., and Bloomberg, E. Therapy in Cushing's syndrome; Cushing's syndrome interpreted as hyperadrenocorticism leading to hypergluconeogenesis; results of treatment with testosterone propionate. J. Clin. Endocr., 1941, 1: 375-384. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: 17837. 15 references. -173- CUSHING'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 1585. Bartter, F. C, Forbes, A. P., Jeffries, W. M., Carroll, E. L., and Albright, F. The mechanism of action of testosterone in the therapy of Cushing's syndrome. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 663. 1586. Bennhold, H. Die Therapie des Cushing-Syndroms. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1941, 35: 101-124. 43 references. 1587. Deakins, M. L., Friedgood, H. B., and Ferrebee, J. W. Some ef- fects of testosterone, testosterone propionate, methyl testosterone, stilbestrol, and x-ray therapy in a patient with Cushing's syndrome. J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 376-384. Studies made in the case of a 15-year-old female patient. 48 references. 1588. Gaertner, K., see No. 1573. 1589. Gilbert-Dreyfus, Zara, M., Salignac, H., and Alexandre, C. A propos d'un cas d'hypercorticisme epinephrectomise avec succes; methode generale d'exploration biologique et radiologique au cours des syndromes cushingiens. Bull. Soc. med. h6p. Paris, 1950, J56: 880-885. Paper read at the meeting of the Societe, 26 May 1950. 1590. Keutmann, E. H., Friedman, H. A., Bassett, S. H., Kochakian, C. D., and Russ, E. M., see No. 1557. 1591. Luft, R. Icke-kirurgisk terapi vid hypofysarahypothalamiska sjuk- domar. Nord. med., 1948, 38: 1065-1072. The author reviews the possibilities of nonsurgical treatment in some of the pituitary-hy- pothalamic disorders Eight patients with Cushing's disease were treated by irradiation of the pituitary region. 60 references. 1592. Luft, R. The treatment of Cushing's syndrome. Acta med. scand., 1946, 124: 227-251. Six women and two men were treated chiefly by irradiation of the pituitary; Five patients were completely or almost cured. 74 references. 1593. Northfield, D. W. C. Radon implantation for acromegaly and Cush- ing's syndrome. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1949, 42: 845-853. Ab- stracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 335. ''In one case of basophilism the result was dramatically successful, and in another there was some improvement; in a third there has been no significant benefit; the fourth case of basophilism and the case of acromegaly ended fatally. " 1594. Perloff, W. H., Rose, E., and Sunder man, F. W., see No. 1561. -174- CUSHING'S DISEASE - TREATMENT (Continued) 1595. Picot, C. Traitement de la maladie de Cushing; e'tude critique. 72 p. Lyon, 1944. These-Lyon. 80 references. 1596. Teabeaut, R., Engel, F. L., and Taylor, H., see No. 1532. 1597. Whitelaw, M. J. A case of Cushing's syndrome treated with tes- tosterone propionate. J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4:480-482. 17 year old boy showed marked gain in strength with increased excretion of creatine and creatinine. 2 references. 1598. Wilhelm, S. F., and Gross, S. Surgical removal of adrenal adenoma with relief of Cushing's syndrome. Am. J. M. Sc, 1944, 207: 196- 204. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 144. Presentation of a case. 17 references. DEHYDROCORTICOSTERONE ' 1599. Dorfman, R. I. The comparative activities of 11-dehydrocortico- sterone isolated from the adrenal gland and that produced syntheti- cally. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1948-49, 50: 551-553. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28821; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 255. 3 references. 1600. Euw, J. von, and Reichstein, T. Ueber Bestandteile der Neben- nierenrinde und verwandte Stoffe; Pregna-4, ll-dien-21-ol-3, 20- dion-acetat (A^1:12-Anhydro-corticosteron-acetat) und eine weitere Teilsynthese von 11-Dehydro-corticosteron. Helvet. chim. acta, 1948, 3J.: 2076-2079. 1601. Ingle, D. J. The production of glycosuria in the normal rat by means of 17-hydroxy- 11-dehydrocorticosterone. Endocrinology, 1941, 29: 649-652. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Anno- tated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 14. 9 references. 1602. Kendall, E. C. Steroids derived from the bile acids; 3, 9-epoxy- 11-cholenic acid, an intermediate in the partial synthesis of dehydro- corticosterone. Recent progress in hormone research, (New York), 1947, 1: 65-81. 22 references. 1603. Wang, F. C, and Verzar, F., see No. 1327. -175- DEHYDROCORTICOSTERONE (Continued) 1604. Woolley, G. W. 11-dehydrocorticosterone acetate (compound A) in normal and tumor bearing mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 286-289. DHCA reduces the size 1) of the adrenals, 2) of lymphoid tissues, 3) possibly of the accessory reproductive or- gans. It increases the life expectancy of mice bearing transplantable lymphatic leukemia. 6 references. DERMATOMYOSITIS 1605. Oppel, T. W., Coker, C, and Milhorat, A. T. The effect of pitui- tary adrenocorticotropin (ACTH) in dermatomyositis. Ann. Int. M., 1949, £2: 318-324. A young adult male suffering from severe acute dermatomyositis made a dramatic recovery, with only mild mani- festations of hyperadrenalism. 3 references. 1606. Ragan, C. The effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) (ARMOUR) on the clinical syndrome of dermatomyositis. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 423-428. 2 cases. In one, there was temporary control of muscle weakness, but it became intensified as treatment continued. In the other patient, symptoms of muscle weakness were temporarily benefited following withdrawal of the hormone. Metabolism studies. 1607. Woodbury, D. M., Rosenberg, C. A., and Sayers, G., see No. 593. DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE 1608. Cortison, ACTH og .. ., see No. 537. 1609. Cortisone, ACTH and ..., see No. 538. 1610. Robertson, T., see No. 317. 1611. Thorn, G. W., see No. 27. 1612. Villela, G. G. Hormonio cortical (desoxicorticosterona) e colesterol. Hospital, Rio, 1941, £9: 41-49. 9 references. DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - ADMINISTRATION, DOSAGE, etc. 1613. Anderson, E., Kinsell, L. W., Daniels, T. C, and Henderson, E. Sublingual administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate in the treat- ment of Addison's disease. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 605. A meth- od is described of administering DCA by the use of tablets of poly- ethylene glycol wax, in which the DCA is dissolved. "The range of dosage has been from 2 to 8 mg. of DCA per day. " -176- DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - ADMINISTRATION, DOSAGE, etc. (Continued) 1614 Barun, H. Ueber die.perlinguale Applikation des Nebennierenrinden- hormons. Munch, med. Wschr., 1943, 90: 297-298. 3 references. 1615. Cleghorn, R. A., Clarke, A. P. W., and Greenwood, W. F. Ac- tivity of desoxycorticosterone acetate in propylene glycol by oral and intravenous routes in adrenalectomized dogs, and its effect on the cardiac arhythmia of adrenal insufficiency. Endocrinology, 1943, 32: 170-185. Administered orally, DCA did not effectively maintain adrenalectomized dogs, intravenously it restored two out of 3 dogs to normal cardiac rythm. 7 references. 1616. Cosmos, E., Duell, H., and Gaunt, R. Some biological properties of desoxycorticosterone glucoside. Endocrinology, 1950, 4j3: 30- 38. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 254; Also in: Anat. Rec, 1948, 101:724. "... semi-quanitative studies on the activity of DCG in rats under various conditions in which DCA is known to be effective, " are reported. Different methods of adminis- tration and dosage are discussed. 19 references. 1617. Eversole, W. J., and Gaunt, R. Methods of administering desoxy- corticosterone and the problem of its inactivation by the liver. En- docrinology, 1943, 32: 51-56. 15 references. 1618. Forbes, T. R. Absorption of pellets of crystalline testosterone, testosterone propionate, methyl testosterone, progesterone, des- oxycorticosterone and stilbestrol implanted in the rat. Endocrinol- ogy, 1941, 29:70-76. "... 90% absorption of desoxycorticosterone occurred in 27 days, of testosterone, in 31 days; of methyl testoster- one, in 36 days; of stilbestrol, in 51 days; of testosterone monopro- pionate, in 61 days; of progesterone, in 88 days." 13 references. 1619. Fremery, P. de, and Spanhoff, R. W., see No. 1341. 1620. Gennes, L. de, and Roge, R. Sur l'absorption perlinguale de la des- oxycorticosterone. Bull. Soc. med. h&p. Paris, 1942-43, 58: 387- 389. ' 1621. Hays, H. W., Oppenheimer, E., Mathieson, D. R., and Lein, J. Studies on the absorption of pellets of desoxycorticosterone acetate. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1945, 4: 123. Abstract. 1622. Hohlweg, W. Ein experimenteller Nachweis der Resorption von Des- oxycorticosteron und Desoxycorticosteronacetat bei percutaner und peroraler Darreichung. Klin. Wschr., 1942, 21: 160-162. -177- DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - ADMINISTRATION, DOSAGE, etc. (Continued) 1623. McCullagh, E. P., Lewis, L. A., and Shively, F. L., Jr. On the absorption rate of desoxycorticosterone acetate pellets. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 493-496. 7 references. 1624. Meier, R., Gasche, P., and Frey, H. Wirkung des Nebennieren- rindenhormons als Kristallsuspens ion. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1946, 76: 107-113. 8 references. 1625. Segaloff, A. The relative effectiveness of desoxycorticosterone ace- tate in oil solution and in pellets diluted with cholesterol. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 6: 677. Abstract. 1626. Valette, G., Perrault, M., Vignalou, J., and Cavier, R. Penetra- tion chez l'homme de la desoxycorticosterone appliquee sur la peau en vehicule eucalyptoie. Therapie, Par., 1948, 3: 56-58. 5 refer- ences. DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - ASSAY, see also CORTICOSTEROIDS - ASSAY 1627. Cleghorn, R. A. A comparative assay of desoxycorticosterone ace- tate and acetoxypregnenolone in the adrenalectomized dog. Endo- crinology, 1943, 32: 165-169. Acetoxypregnenolone has less than one-sixth the activity of desoxycorticosterone acetate. 12 references. 1628. Deming, Q. B., and Luetscher, J. A. Bioassay of desoxycortico- sterone-like material in urine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 171-175. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 80; Also in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5417i. "An assay for desoxycor- ticosterone-like activity in biological fluids is presented. . . The crit- ical nature of solvent vehicle choice and of time-dosage of urinary extracts is discussed. Urinary extracts from some edematous pa- tients with heart failure and nephrosis show a sodium-retaining ac- tivity greater than that observed in normals and non-edematous con- trols." 7 references. 1629. Spencer, A. G. Biological assay of small quantities of desoxycor- ticosterone acetate. Nature, Lond., 1950, 166: 32.-33. 8 references. DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - CHEMISTRY 1630. Biggerstaff, W. R., and Wilds, A. L. Some stilbestrol-like analogs of desoxycorticosterone and progesterone. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1949, 71: 2132-2137. 26 references. -178- DESOXYCORTICOSTERONE - CHEMISTRY (Continued) 1631. Britton, S. W., and Corey, E. L. Antagonistic adrenal and pitui- tary effects on body salts and water. Science, 1941, 93: 405-406. 10 references. 1632. Buu-Hof. Existe-t-il une relation entre les activite's esterasique et cortinique des molecules? Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1945, 27: 393-395. No relation was found between esterase and cortical mo- lecular activity. 10 references. 1633. Djerassi, C, Scholz, C. R., and Leathem, J. H. J± 1 -Desoxycor- ticosterone acetate. Experientia, Basel, 1949, 5: 204. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 78. 1634. Dorfman, R. I. Use of radiopotassium for detection of minute a- mounts of desoxycorticosterone. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 70: 732-734. "By the use of radiopotassium in the adrenal- ectomized male rat, it is possible to detect as little as 10pg of des- oxycorticosterone. The method affords a convenient means of evalu- ating the relative activities of adrenal cortical steroids, as well as the influence of adrenotrophic hormone on potassium metabolism. " 1 reference. 1635; Ehrenstein, M. Investigations on steroids; compounds related to 6-methyl-ll-desoxycorticosterone. J. Org. Chem., 1943, 8:83- 94. 11 references. 1636.*Ehrenstein, M. 19-Nordesoxycorticosterone. U. S. Pat. No. 2,496,450. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4519. 1637. Ekwall, P., and Sjoblom, L. On the solubilization of steroid hor- mones by association colloids. Acta chem. scand., 1949, 3: 1179- 1180. Clear stable aqueous solutions of desoxycorticosterone and desoxycorticosterone acetate have been prepared by shaking them with association colloid solutions of appropriate concentration. 8 references. 1638. Fish, W. R., Horwitt, B. N., and Dorfman, R. I. The conversion of desoxycorticosterone to pregnandiol-3 («), 20 (: 486-488. Report of 4 cases. -206- GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES (Continued) 1925. DuToit, C. H. The treatment of chronic idiopathic ulcerative colitis with adrenocorticotrophic hormone. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 809. Abstract. 1926. DuToit, C. H., and Bauer, W. The effect of ACTH on ulcerative colitis. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 459- 468. Two cases; improvement, but also side effects. Metabolism studies. 1927. Glenn, W. V. Burns; a clinical pathological study. 1949. Thesis- Univ. of Minn. The gastro-intestinal tract: p. 123-141. Includes a review of the literature on Curling's ulcer with particular reference to etiology. 1928. Hartman, F. W. Curling's ulcer in experimental burns. Ann. Surg., 1945, 12ML.: 54-64. 1929. Jayesuria, L. W., and Marsden, A. T. H. A case of Curling's ulcer. Brit. M. J., 1949, 1_: 1123. "The following case is reported to show that such an ulcer does occur, and that it is a complication of burns. It may be objected that the scalds were neither very exten- sive nor very severe, but an ulcer due to any other cause at the age of 6 years and in the second part of the duodenum is more improbable. " 2 references. 1930. Koch, V. N., and Fischer, W. A. Duodenal ulcer with perforation following a cutaneous burn; report of a case. Ann. Int. M., 1945, 22: 719-727. Case report; discussion of the history, incidence, pa- thology and theories of etiology of Curling's ulcer; review of some of the recent experimental work. 14 references. 1931. Kohler, V., and Fleckenstein, A. Weitere therapeutische Erfah- rungen mit Percorten bei der Ulkuskrankheit. Wien. med. Wschr., 1944, 94: 286-288. 18 references. 1932. Laufman, H., and Freed, S. C. Observations on the transudate in intestinal strangulation. Effect of adrenal cortical extract on its tox- icity. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1943, 77: 605-609. Experiments with dogs make clinical use of A.C.E. appear worthy of trial. 13 references. 1933. Le Cluyse, R. Ulcus et therapeutique par la corticosterone. Acta gastroenter. belg., 1949,22:414-418. Case report. Reduction in size of peptic ulcer and gain of weight following intramuscular ad- ministration of desoxycorticosterone acetate. 1934. Peer, H. Perforiertes Duodenalulkus bei schwerer Verbrennung. Klin. Med., Wien, 1949, 3: 814-817. 10 references. -207- GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES (Continued) 1935. Posey, E. L., Jr., Mathieson, D. R., Mason, H. L., and Bargen, J. A. The epinephrine test for cortico-adrenal reserve function and the excretions of corticosteroids and 17-ketosteroids in chronic ulcerative colitis. Am. J. M. Sc , 1950, 219: 651-656. "As judged by the response to the epinephrine test of Laragh and Almy impair- ment of the reserve function of the adrenal cortex is not infrequently an accompaniment of chronic ulcerative colitis. " 5 references. 1936.*Sadek, M. A. Percorten in treatment of peptic ulcer and its compli- cations. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1947, 30: 451-453. 1937. Verdon, C. L'ulcere gastro-duodenal consecutif aux brulures cu- tanees est-il d'origine neuroge*ne? Praxis, Bern, 1944, 33: 133. GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - PHYSIOLOGY 1938. Davenport, H. W., and Chavre, V. J. The lack of effect of the ad- renal hormones upon gastric acid secretion. Endocrinology, 1950, 47: 193-197. 4 references. GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME, see also HOMEOSTASIS and STRESS 1939. Adaptasjons-syndromet. Tskr. Norske laegeforen., 1950, 70: 355. 9 references. 1940. The adaptation syndrome. Brit. M. J., 1950, 1: 234. Editorial. 1941. Albright, F. The relation of the adrenal gland to damage, Cushing's syndrome and the alarm reaction. Conf. Bone and Wound Heal., 3rd Meet., 1943, 12-32. 1942. Constantinides, P. C, and Carey, N. The alarm reaction. Sc. Am., N. Y., 1949, 180: No. 3, 20-23. Popular article. 1 refer- ence. 1943. Dalton, A. J. The effect of maintenance of normal body temperature during the alarm reaction. Anat. Rec, 1940-41, 78; Suppl., 110. Abstract. 1944. Dalton, A. J., Dosne, C, and Selye, H. Morphological changes during the general-adaptation-syndrome. Anat. Rec, 1940, 76: Suppl., 85. -208- GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME (Continued) 1945.*De la Baize, F. A. El sindrome de adaptacion. Dia med., B. Air., 1946, 18: 549-556. Also in: An. Inst. elm. med., B. Air., 1944- 45, 257477-499. 1946. Diseases of adaptation. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 1078. 1947. Enfermedades de adaptacien, ..., see No. 843. 1948. Fischel, E. E., LeMay, M., and Kabat, E. A. The effect of ad- renocorticotrophic hormone and X-ray on the amount of circulating antibody. J. Immun., Bait., 1949, 6J.: 89-93. "An anamnestic rise in circulating antibody following administration of adrenocorticotroph- ic hormone or of X-ray could not be demonstrated by the quantitative precipitin method in rabbits three months after cessation of immu- nization with crystalline ovalbumin despite the occurrence of a con- comitant decrease in circulating lymphocytes. " 17 references. 1949.*Flosi, A. Z. ReacSto de alarme e o smdrome geral de adaptaeffo. Conceito de doencas de adaptacao. ImportSncia clinica e cirurgica. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo, 1948, 46: 39-62. 1950. Howlett, J., and Browne, J. S. L. Studies on water balance in the alarm reaction. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 128; 225-232. 18 references. 1951.*Leduc, J., and Guillemin, R. Le syndrome general de I'adaptation. fitude comparee de 1'involution des differents organes au cours de la reaction d'alarme. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1949, 56: 207. 1952. Lydon, F. L. Psoriasis and the adaptation syndrome? Brit. M. J., 1950, 1: 668. Letter to the editor. 2 references. 1953. Meiklejohn, A. P. The "general adaptation syndrome. " Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2: 154. "Letter to the editor" pointing out "how tenu- ous the evidence is on which the whole elaborate structure of the gen- eral adaptation syndrome is founded. " 1954. Morros Sarda, J., see No. 433. 1955.*0'Connor, J. H. The general adaptation syndrome and diseases of adaptation. Tufts M. J., 1947, 14: 3. 1956. O'Donovan, D. K. The diseases of adaptation as revealed by cor- tisone and ACTH. J. M. Ass. Eire, 1950, 27: No. 157, 9-14. 1957. Paschkis, K. E., Cantarow, A., and Boyle, D., see No. 1135. -209- GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME (Continued) 1958. Paschkis, K. E., Cantarow, A., Eberhard, T., and Boyle, D. Thyroid function in the alarm reaction. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 116-118. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4583. In rats under the influence of an alarm reaction, desoxycor^ ticosterone acetate and adrenal cortex did not influence the dimin- ished uptake of 1-131. 6 references. 1959. Roberts, F. Stress and the general adaptation syndrome. Brit. M. J., 1950, 2: 104-105. Letter to the editor. 1960. Rogoff, J. M. Experimental observations on the adrenal glands and their clinical significance. Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1950, 38: 107-109. 1961.*Salvadori, B. Dosaggio degli steroidi ormonali urinari in un caso di aborto abituale. Q. clin. ostet., 1949, 4: 572-577. 1962.*Serjre, H. Adaptation syndrome. Bull. M. Soc Co. Kings, 1949, 28: 103. 1963. Selye, H. The alarm reaction and the diseases of adaptation. Ann. Int. M., 1948, 29: 403-415. 41 references. 1964. Selye, H. Flaws in Hans Selye's theory of the "diseases of adaptation. " TrvConf. Factors Regul. Blood Pressure, 1948, 2. Conf., 85-117. 19 references. 1965. Selye, H. The general adaptation syndrome and the diseases of adap- tation. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 117-230. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N» J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cor- tisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 19-20. 698 refer- ences. 1966. Selye, H. The general adaptation syndrome and the diseases of adaptation. Practitioner, Lond., 1949, 163: 393-405. 4 references. 1967. Selye, H. Det generelle Adaptations syndrom og Adaptations-sygdom - mene. Nord. med., 1948, 40: 1913-1924. 16 references. 1968. Selye, H. The role of the adrenals in the general adaptation syndro- me and the diseases of adaptation. Acta brevia neerl., 1947-1948, 15: 46-48. 1969. Selye, H. Role of the hypophysis in the pathogenesis of the diseases of adaptation. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1944, 50: 426-433. 9 references. 1970 *Selye, H. Le syndrome general d'adaptation et les maladies d'adap- tation. Ann. endocr., Par., 1946, 7: 289-401. -210- GENERAL ADAPTATION SYNDROME (Continued) 1971. Selye, H., and Constantinides, P. Das allgemeine Anpassungs- syndrom und die Anpassungskrankheiten. Deut. med. Rdsch., 1948, 2: 161-169. 1972. Selye, H., and Fortier, C. Adaptive reaction to stress. Psycho- somat. M., 1950, 12: 149-157. Pathways through which stress elic- its systemic reactions. - Effect of pituitary-adrenal activity of the nervous system. - Interactions between glucocorticoid and mineralo- corticoid hormones. 120 references. 1973. Theiler, R. M, Le professeur Selye, de Montreal a decrit deux phenomenes appeies a reviser une partie de la medicine. Santepub., Par., 1947, ^2: No. 11, 1; 3. Popular article. 1974.*Theiler, R. M., Romani, J., and Recht, P. Le syndrome general d'adaptation et les maladies de I'adaptation de Selye. Presse med., 1949, 57: 1051. Abstracted in: Laval med., 1950, 15: 420-421. 32 references. 1975.*Toupin, J. H. Le syndrome general d'adaptation et les maladies de I'adaptation d'apre's Hans Selye. Action med., Par., 1949, 25: 241. 1976. Warin, J. Mort rapide au cours de manoeuvres abortives et syn- drome d'adaptation de Selye. Rev. med. Li£ge, 1950, 5: 332-335. 22 references. GINGIVITIS 1977. Dreizen, S., Stone, R. E., and Spies,' T. D. A note on the use of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and estradiol benzo- ate (progynon B) in the treatment of gingivitis associated with endo- crine imbalance. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1950, 90: 580-582. 2 case re- ports. 6 references. GOUT, see also ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS 1978. Adlersberg, D. Newer advances in gout. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1949, 25: 651-665. 48 references. 1979. Amati, G. L'ormone corticotropo dell'ipofisi (ACTH) nel reumatismo e nella gotta. Riforma med., 1950, 64: 84-85. 1980. Benedict, J. D., Forsham, P. H., Roche, M., Soloway, S., and Stetten, DeW., Jr. The effect of salicylates and adrenocorticotropic hormone upon the miscible pool of uric acid in gout. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 1104-1111. 14 references. -211- GOUT (Continued) 1981. Benedict, J. D., Forsham, P. H., Roche, M., Soloway, S., and Stetten, DeW., Jr. Pool of miscible uric acid in the gouty human. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 149-150. A preliminary report. 1982. Bishop, C, Garner, H., and Talbott, J. H. Effect of colchicine and cortisone on uric acid metabolism in gout. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, 9: 151-152. 1983. Camus, J. L., and Godlewski, S. L'action de certaines hormones surrenale (cortisone) et hypophysaire (cortico-stimuline) sur les polyarthrites aiguSs et chroniques et sur la goutte; etude clinique et essai d'interpretation physiologique. Paris med., 1949, 2: Suppl., 85-94. 25 references. 1984. Francon, F. Le r6*le respectif de la cortisone, de I'A.C.T.H. (hor- mone ante-hypophysaire adreno-corticotropique) et de la cre'nother- apie dans le traitement des rhumatismes et de la goutte. J. med. chir., Par., 1950, 121: 17-22. 1985. Gutman, A. B., and Yii, T. F. Effects of adrenocorticotropic hor- mone (ACTH) in gout. Am. J. Med., 1950, 9:24-30. "Additional data are recorded on the effects of ACTH in acute and interval gout. ACTH is a useful though not consistently effective agent in the treat- ment of acute gouty arthritis. " 17 references. 1986. Heilman, L. Production of acute gouty arthritis by adrenocortico- tropin. Science, 1949, 109: 280. Abstracted in: Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1950, 9: 92; Also in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 30. ACTH "may be useful as. a pro- vocative and therapeutic agent in gout. " 7 references. 1987. Lievre, J. A. L'hormone corticotrope de I'hypophyse (ACTH) dans le rhumatisme et dans la goutte. Presse med., 1949, ^7: 1253-1255. 1988. Margolis, H. M., and Capian, P. S. Treatment of acute gouty ar- thritis with pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 142: 256-258. Abstracted in: Tskr. Norske laekeforen. 1950, 70: 241. 4 references. 1989. Pincher, C. ACTH and colchicum in gout. Brit. M. J., 1949, 1U 1414. Letter to the editor. 4 references. 1990. Progress in treatment of rheumatic disorders. International con- gress of rheumatology. (From a special correspondent). Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 154-158. -212- GOUT (Continued) 1991. Robinson, W. D., Conn, J. W., Block, W. D., and Louis, L. H. Role of the adrenal cortex in urate metabolism and in gout. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1948, 33: 1473-1474. Chief differences in re- sponse of the gouty patient to ACTH as contrasted to the normal subject were: 1) lacking increase in excretion of nonurate chromogen, 2) sharp decrease in blood urate to less than 1/2 of the base line lev- el, 3) absence of secondary increase in urate excretion during the postinjection period. Abstract. 1992. Robinson, W. D., Conn, J. W., Block, W. D., Louis, L. H., and Katz, J. Role of the anterior pituitary and adrenal cortex in urate metabolism and in gout. Seventh Internat. Cong. Rheumatic Dis., N. York, 1949, p. 138. 1993. Ryckewaert, A. Quelques acquisitions recentes concernant la goutte. Sem. h6p. Paris, 1950, !26: 1509-1510. 12 references. 1994. Spies, T. D., and Stone, R. E. Relief of the symptoms of acute gout and rheumatoid arthritis by means of pituitary adrenocortico- trophic hormone (ACTH). South. M. J., 1949, 42: 720-722. Ab- stracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 306. Report on 1 case of gouty arthritis and 3 cases of rheumatoid arthritis. 2 refer- ences. 1995. Wolfson, W. Q., and Cohn, C. The role of the pituitary adrenocorti- cotrophic hormone (ACTH) and of adrenal cortical steroid hormones in the pathological physiology and experimental therapeutics of clini- cal gout. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 241- 283. "Clinical trial of combined ACTH colchicine therapy in over 20 cases of acute gouty arthritis has shown this ... to be the most rapid and effective management of acute episodes now available. " 30 references. 1996. Wolfson, W. Q., Cohn, C, and Levine, R. Rapid treatment of acute gouty arthritis by concurrent administration of pituitary adrenocor- ticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cholchicine. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1949, 34: 1766. Abstract. 1997. Wolfson, W. Q., Cohn, C, Levine, R., Rosenberg, E. F., and Hunt, H. D. Liver function and serum protein structure in gout. Ann. Int. M., 1949, 30: 598-614. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 29-30. "Evidence now avail- able suggests that diffuse hepatic involvement and alterations in cir- culating protein are not fundamental to the pathogenesis of gout. " 11 references. -213- GOUT (Continued) 1998. Wolfson, W. Q., Guterman, H. S., Levine, R., Cohn, C, Hunt, H. D., and Rosenberg, E. F. An endocrine finding apparently characteristic of gout; very low urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion with clinically normal androgenic function. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 497-513. Abstracted in: Am. J. Med., 1949, 6: 669; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 52. Abstract." 51 references. 1999. Wolfson, W. Q., Krevsky, D., Levine, R., Kadota, K., and Cohn, C. Endocrine factors in gout. The significance of differences in childhood and adult urate metabolism. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 666-667. Abstract. ~' 2000. Wolfson, W. Q., Levine, R., Cohn, C, Rosenberg, E. F., Hunt, H. D., and Guterman, H. S. Adrenocortical dysfunction in gout. Seventh Internat. Congress on Rheumatic Dis., May 30-June 5, 1949, New York (Advance Abstr.), p. 112. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 37. GROWTH 2001. Baker, B. L., and Ingle, D. J. Growth inhibition in bone and bone marrow following treatment with adrenocorticotropin (ACTH). En- docrinology, 1948, 43: 422-429. Retardation of chondrogenesis and osteogenesis and atrophy of red marrow with replacement of fat was observed in tibias of adult rats treated with ACTH. 17 references. 2002. Baker, B. L., Ingle, D. J., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Growth inhibition in the skin induced by parenteral administration of adreno- corticotropin. Anat. Rec, 1948, 102: 313-331. Abstracted in; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, £3: 14812. "... there occurred thinning of the epidermis, reduced growth of hair, an inconsistent reduction in size of the sebaceous glands, increased compactness of the dermal con- nective tissue and reduction of panniculus adiposus. " 17 references. 2003. Baker, B. L., and Whitaker, W. L. Growth inhibition in the skin following direct application of adrenal cortical preparations. Anat. Rec, 1948, 102: 333-347. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 14803. A study of the microscopic picture with additional evi- dence that 11-oxysteroids are responsible for growth inhibition in- duced by adrenocorticotropin. 19 references. 2004. Bing, M. Growth-inhibiting properties of steroids. .Brit. M. J., 1950, 1: 846. Letter to the editor. -214- GROWTH (Continued) 2005. Cohen-Kranen, A. H. The influence of pituitary extracts on the growth of rats that had been deprived of their adrenals and gonads. Acta brevia neerl., 1948, _H>: 62-64. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 826. 2006. Cotes, P. M., Reid, E., and Young, F. G., see No. 1804. 2007. Evans, H. M., Simpson, M. E., and Li, C. H. Inhibiting effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone on the growth of male rats. Endocri- nology, 1943, 33: 237-238. "The body growth of normal and gonad- ectomized male~rats is inhibited by the pure sheep adrenocortico- tropic hormone. The inhibition does not occur in adrenalectomized rats." 5 references. 2008. Karnofsky, D. A., Stock, C. C, and Rhoads, C. P. The effect of adrenal steroids on growth of chick embryo. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 290. Abstract. 2009. Kochakian, C. D., and Robertson, E. Effect of growth hormone on temporal muscle of the guinea pig. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950-, 73: 388-389. "... a small increase in size of the temporal muscle of the castrated male guinea pig accompanied by a parallel increase in the accessory sex organs, " was produced. 2010. Kuizenga, M. H., Nelson, J. W., and Ingle, D. J. The effect of 17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocorticosterone on the growth of young ad- renalectomized rats. Am. J. Physiol., 1943, 139:499^503. 10 ref- erences. 2011. Landauer, W., see No. 1359. 2012. Li, C. H., Simpson, M. E., and Evans, H. M., see No. 622. 2013: Marx, W., Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Antago- nism of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone to growth hormone in hypophysectomized rats. Endocrinology, 1943, 33:102-105. The antagonism is attributed to opposing metabolic effects. 11 refer- ences. 2014. Parmer, L. G. Effect of desoxycorticosterone on the development of rats treated with thiouracil. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1947, 66; 574-575. 5 references. 2015. Segaloff, A. The effect of diet on the growth and survival of adrenal- ectomized rats treated with desoxycorticosterone acetate pellets. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1946, 31: 482-483. -215- GROWTH (Continued) 2016. Silberberg, M., and Silberberg, R., see No. 765. 2017. Simpson, M. E., Evans, H. M., and Li, C. H. The growth of hy- pophysectomized female rats following chronic treatment with pure pituitary growth hormone. General growth and organ changes. Growth, Ithaca, 1949, _13: 151-170. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 6158. 5 references. 2018. Simpson, S. L. The physiology of"growth. Postgrad. M. J., Lond., 1950, 26: 417-424; 435. Includes: "The adrenals and growth" and an "Addendum" on effects of cortisone. 38 references. 2019. Wells, B. B., and Kendall, E. C. The influence of corticosterone and Cx7-hydroxydehydrocorticosterone (Compound E) on somatic growth. Proc Mayo Clin., 1940, Jji: 324-328. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Com- pound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 8-9. Pronounced inhibition of growth was observed in male and female rats receiving Compound E. 14 references. HAIR 2020. Accicm de la suprarenal en el crecimiento del pelo. Rev. clin. espan., 1949, 32: 60. Abstracted in: Prensa med. argent., 1950, 37: 508. 5 references. 2021. Boileau, Y. Influences hormonales sur la vitalite de la pousse des cheveux. J. prat., Par., 1950, 64:277-278. Mainly a discussion of the paper by A. B. Houssay and G. M. Higgins, Proc. Mayo Clin., 1949, 24: 597-604. (No. 2024) 2022. Emmens, C. W. The endocrine system and hair growth in the rat. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1942, 3:64-78. Hair growth was not affected by progesterone, desoxycorticosterone acetate, thyroxin and various crude and refined extracts of ox, horse and pig pituitary glands. 25 references. 2023. Houssay, A. B., and Higgins, G. M. The effect of gonadectomy on the growth of hair in mice. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1949, 24: 269-275. 25 references. 2024 Houssay, A. B., and Higgins, G. M. Hormonal influences upon the rate of growth of hair in gonadectomized mice. Proc Mayo Clin., 1949 24: 597-604. Inhibitory action of DOCA, testosterone propi- onate and estradiol benzoate. 16 references. -216- HAIR (Continued) 2025. Kepler, E. J., Peters, G. A., and Mason, H. L., see No. 161. 2026. Ralli, E. P., and Graef, I. The effects of tne synthetic and natural hormone of the adrenal cortex on melanin deposition in adrenalecto- mized black rats fed diets adequate and deficient in the filtrate fac- tors of vitamin B1# Endocrinology, 1945, 37: 252-261. 7 references. 2027. Ralli, E. P., and Graef, I. Stimulating effect of adrenalectomy on hair growth and melanin deposition in black rats fed diets adequate and deficient in the filtrate factors of vitamin B].; with a note on effect of diet on post-operative survival. Endocrinology, 1943, 32: 1-12. 13 references. 2028. Whitaker, W. L. Inhibition of hair growth in the rat by the percuta- neous use of desoxycorticosterone and desoxycorticosterone acetate. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 518. Abstract. 2029. Whitaker, W. L., and Baker, B. L. Inhibition of hair growth by the percutaneous application of certain adrenal cortical preparations. Science, 1948, 108: 207-209. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rah- way, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and re- lated hormonal substances, 1949, p. 26; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 6706. 6 references. HAY FEVER 2030. Carryer, H. M., Koelsche, G. A., Prickman, L. E., Maytum, C. K., Lake, C. F., and Williams, H. L., see No. 1000. 2031. Randolph, T. G., and Rollins, J. P., see No. 1004. HEART 2032. Darrow, D. C, see No. 1669. 2033. Darrow, D. C, and Miller, H. C, see No. 1670. 2034. Elliott, J. M., see No. 1084. 2035. Gast, J. H. The effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on the heart weight of adrenalectomized rats. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1945, 4: 22-23. Abstract. ' ~" 2036. Gowdey, C. W., Loynes, J. S., and Waud, R. A. Cardiac action of certain sterols. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9:277-278. Abstract. -217- HEART (Continued) 2037. Green, D. M., Johnson, A. D., Bridges, W. C, Lehmann, J. H., and Gray, F., see No. 1695. 2038. Kupperman, H. S., Bonton, J. G., and DeGraff, A. C. The effect of adrenalectomy and desoxycorticosterone acetate administration upon the ECG response of the rat to cardiac glycosides. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 607-608. 2039. Kupperman, H. S., and DeGraff, A. C. Effect of hypoadrenalcor- ticoidism and excessive doses of desoxycorticosterone acetate and thyroid upon response of rat to cardiac glycosides. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 293. Abstract. 2040. Medwedewa, N. Hormone of rest. Acta med. scand., 1948, 130: 97-105. "Corticaline, " a substance precipitated by means of sodium stearate from an active principle extracted from a triturated adrenal cortex by use of acidulated water, is capable of accelerating the re- parative phase of carbohydrate metabolism during muscle work; it may be useful in therapy of heart muscle weakness. 2041. Parrish, A. E. The bioassay of adrenal corticoids in the urine of patients with congestive heart failure. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 45-49. A discussion of "the possible place of increased adrenal cortical activity in heart failure. " 30 references. 2042. Raab, W., see No. 1315. 2043. Rabbeno, A. Correlazioni fra interrenale e cromaffine; azione associ- ata contemporanea dell'adrenalina e dell'endocorticalina sul cuore isolato di rana. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1949, 80: 209- 235. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44:3601. The action of 60 different combinations of adrenalin and ^ndocorticalin" (cortin) on the isolated frog heart was investigated and found to be "hyper- additive. " Inactive concentrations of adrenaline became efficient when associated with cortin, and vice versa. A hypothetical expla- nation of the mechanism of this effect is offered. English summary. 50 references. 2044. Rabbeno, A. Correlazioni fra interrenale e cromaffine; azione del glucoside del desossicorticosterone (percorten idrosolubile) sul cuore isolato di rana. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1950, 81: 441- 457. -218- HEART (Continued) 2045. Rabbeno, A. Se l'adrenalina sia attivata dai corticormoni; azione del percorten idrosolubile sul cuore isolato di rana. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sperm., 1949, 25: 444-445. The action of desoxycorticosterone glucoside on the isolated frog heart is qualitatively identical with that of ACE; 0. Olg of DOCG have the same effect as 0. 33cc of endocort- icaline. 5 references. 2046. Selye, H., and Hall, C. E., see No. 1749. 2047.*Tronchetti, F., and Baschieri, L. Modificazioni elettrocardiografiche da iniezione intravenosa di desossicorticosterone. Fol. card., Mi- lano, 1947, 6: 335-338. 2048. Tronchetti, F., and Baschieri, L. Modificazioni elettrocardiografiche da iniezione intravenosa di desossicorticosterone. Gior. clin. med., 1948, 29: 183-236. 105 references. HOMEOSTASIS 2049. Baez, S., Zweifach, B. W., Mazur> A., and Shorr, E. Hepato- renal factors in circulatory homeostasis. Disappearance of hepatic vaso-depressor material following intravenous administration. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1947, 64: 154-158. 6 references. 2050. Sayers, G. The adrenal cortex and homeostasis. Physiol. Rev., 1950, 30: 241-320. Contents: Indices of rate of secretion of adreno- cortical hormone. - Estimates of rate of secretion of the adreno- cortical hormone. - Estimates of rate of utilization and degradation of the adrenocortical hormone. - Nature of secretion of the adrenal cortex. - Regulation of rate of secretion of the adrenocortical hor- mone. - Classification of responses of the adrenal cortex to stress. - Increased rate of utilization of cortical hormone during stress. - Metabolic changes in stress: Role of the adrenal cortex. - Resistance to stress. - Adaptation to stress. - Are pathological changes induced by the hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex which accompanies stress? 519 references. 2051. Talbot, N. B. Endocrine homeostasis in clinical pediatrics. Pedi- atrics, Springf., 1950, 6: 1-8. 10 references. HYALURONIDASE, see ENZYMES HYDROXYCORTICOSTEROIDS 2052. Fourman, P., Bartter, F. C, Albright, F., Dempsey, E., and Carroll, E. Some effects of 17-hydroxy-corticosterone (compound F) in man. Rev. canad.. biol., 1950, 9:72. Abstract. -219- HYDROXYCORTICOSTEROIDS (Continued) 2053. Ingle, D. J., Sheppard, R., Oberle, E. A., and Kuizenga, M. H., see No. 1356. HYPERTENSION 2054. Braun-Menendez, E., and Martinez, C. Mayor frecuencia de hi- pertensi6*n por perinefritis o desoxicorticosterona en ratas diabe'ticas. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1949, 25: 162-168. English summary. 17 references. 2055.*Corcoran, A. C. Adrenal cortical hormones in clinical and experi- mental hypertension. Symposium on the adrenal cortex. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. 6th Meet., N. York, Dec. 28-29th, 1949. 2056. Davis, W. D., Segaloff, A., and Jacobs, W. The effect of desoxy- corticosterone acetate and propylene glycol in experimental renal hypertension. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1948, 33: 1483. Abstract of a paper read at the 21st Annual Meeting of the Central Society for Clinical Research, October 1948. 2057. Delanoe, G. Hypertension arterielle permanente avec adenome de la corticosurrenale chez une tuberculeuse. Marooned., 1949, 28: 122-123. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 257. "Case report. 9 references. 2058. Dempsey, W. S. The adrenal cortex in essential hypertension. Arch. Path., Chic, 1942, 34: 1031-1034. A series of unselected routine autopsies failed to confirm the observation of Rinehart and associates that "hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex was almost regu- larly found in association with essential hypertension. " 2 references. 2059. Dontigny, P., see No. 1854. 2060. Dublin, W. B. Relation of structure of adrenal cortex to function in hypertension. Northwest M., 1943, 42:263. 4 references. 2061. FJtienne-Martin, P. Le facteur cortico-surrenalien dans l'hyper- tension arterielle permanente. Presse med., 1950, 58; 273-276. "Faits cliniques. - Analyse de la fonction cortico-surrenalienne dans l'hypertension arterielle permanente humaine. - Analyse du facteur cortico-surrenalien dans l'hypertension arterielle experimentale. " 2062. Findley, T., see No. 673. 2063. Fisher, J. A., and Hewer, T. F., see No. 387. -220- HYPERTENSION (Continued) 2064. Franco, A. Patogenia da hipertensSo. Med. contemp., Lisb., 1950, 68: 291-318. Includes discussion of endocrine glands as related to hypertension and of the effects of DOCA (p. 311-313). 2065. Friedman, S. M., and Friedman, C. L. Observations on the role of the rat kidney in hypertension caused by desoxycorticosterone ace- tate. J. Exp. M., 1949, 89: 631-641. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26193; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 20. 10 references. 2066. Friedman, S. M., and Friedman, C. L. The production of a self- sustaining hypertension in the albino rat. Rev. canad. biol., 1950, 9: 73. Abstract of a paper read at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physiological Society, October 14, 1949. 2067. Friedman, S. M., and Friedman, C. L. Relation between the blood pressure and the kidney in DCA hypertension. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103; 453. Abstract. 2068. Friedman, S. M., Friedman, C. L., and Campbell, C. G., see No. 414. 2069. Friedman, S. M., Friedman, C. L., and Polley, J. R. Poten- tiation of the hypertensive effects of desoxycorticosterone acetate by various sodium salts. Am. J. Physiol., 1948, 153; 226-234. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 2^: 3508"! 15 references. 2070. Friedman, S. M., Polley, J. R., and Friedman, C. L., see No. 1686. 2071. Froment, M., Riser, M., Jacquet, M., Milliez, J., Adam, M., and Le Goarant de Tromelin. L'hypertension arterielle; formes cliniques, traitement. Vie med., Par., 1950, 31: 17-51. A sym- posium. 2072. Gaudino, N. M. Acci6n de las glandulas suprarrenales sobre el hipertensinogeno. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1944, 20: 529-545. English summary 26 references. 2073. Gennes, L. de, Bricaire, H., Gerbaux, J., and Fossey, M. de., see No. 54. 2074. Gennes, L. de, Bricaire, H., Gerbaux, G., and Fossey, M. de., see No. 55. -221- HYPERTENSION (Continued) 2075. Goldman, M. L., and Schroeder, H. A. The immediate pressor effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate. Science, 1948, 107: 272-273. "Desoxycorticosterone acetatej where administered iritravenously, acts as a pressor substance in hypertensive individuals. " 5 refer- ences. 2076. Goldman, M. L., and Schroeder, H. A. The immediate pressor effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate in arterial hypertension. Am. J. Med., 1948, 5: 33-39. 8 references. 2077. Grandpre, R. de, Dontigny, P., and Leduc, J. Influence des hy- drolysats de proteines sur la production de nephroscierose et d'hy- pertension par des preparations de lobes anterieurs d'hypophyse. Rev. canad. biol., 1950, 9: 100-101. 2078. Grandpre, R. de, Prado, J. L., Dontigny, P., Leduc, J., and Selye, H. Influence of protein hydrolysates on the production of nephrosclerosis and hypertension by anterior-pituitary preparations. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 7: 27. 2079. Green, D. M., Coleman, D. H., and McCabe, M., see No. 1693. 2080. Green, D. M., and Glover, M., see No. 1694. 2081. Green, D. M., Nelson, J. N., Dodds, G. A., and Smalley, R. E., see No. 1826. 2082. Grosgurin, J., and Dubois-Ferriere, H., see No. 56. 2083. Gross, F. Die Wirkung von Desoxycorticosteronacetat und Kochsalz auf den experimentellen Hochdruck der Ratte. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1950, 81: 211-221. 2084. Guichard, A., and Boulliat, A., see No. 388. 2085. Hall, C*. E., and Hall, O. Persistence of desoxycorticosterone- induced hypertension in the nephrectomized rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 71.: 690-693. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 140. 27 references. 2086. Handler, P., and Bernheim, F., see No. 1838. 2087. Haynes, F. W., Forsham, P. H., Thorn, G. W., and Dexter, L. Effect of pituitary adrenocorticotropin on the plasma hypertensinogen concentration of dogs. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 70. -222- HYPERTENSION (Continued) 2088. Knowlton, A. I., Loeb, E. N., Stoerk, A. C, and Seegal, B. C, see No. 1458. 2089. Landis, E. M., and Abrams, M., see No. 1707. 2090. Luft, R., Santesson, G., and Sjogren, B., see No. 1151. 2091. Masson, G. M. C, Corcoran, A. C, and Page, I. H., see No. 1718. 2092. Masson, G. M. C, Page, I. H., and Corcoran, A. C, see No. 1719. 2093.*Matteini, M., and Rosselli del Turco/ L. §tudi sull'ipertensione arteriosa; le ghiandole endocrine nell'ipertensione da ischemia renale incompleta. Significato del basofilismo ipofisario nelle nefropatie croniche. Rass. neur. vegetat., 1947, 6: 24-92. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1948, 3: 615-616. Contains bibliography. 2094. Page, I. H., and Corcoran, A. C. The endocrine glands and arterial hypertension. Interne, N. Y., 1947, 1£: 208-210; 238. 2095. Perera, G. A. The adrenal cortex and hypertension. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 75-92. Review article. 138 references. 2096. Perera, G. A. Effect of continued desoxycorticosterone adminis- tration in hypertensive subjects. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 68: 48-50. 5 references. 2097. Perera, G. A., see No. 1155. 2098. Perera, G. A., see No. 374. 2099. Perera, G. A., and Blood, D. W., see No. 1156. 2100. Perera, G. A., and Pines, K. L. Simultaneous administration of adrenal cortical extract and desoxycorticosterone; effects on blood pressure of hypertensive patients. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 71: 443-445. "In patients with hypertensive vascular disease, the simultaneous administration of an adrenal cortical extract appears to block the pressor effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate when used alone." 4 references. 2101. Perera, G. A., Pines, K. L., Hamilton, H. B., and Vislocky, K., see No. 230. -223- HYPERTENSION (Continued) 2102. Pines, K. L., Perera, G. A., Vislocky, K., and Barrows, A. D. Effect of adrenal cortical extract in hypertensive subjects. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 68: 286-288. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 3511. "Continued admn. of an adrenal cor- tical extract for 1 month to 4 subjects with uncomplicated hypertensive vascular disease, maintained on a constant regimen, was associated with a decrease in 'resting' blood pressure in 3 instances, a small rise in arterial tension in one. Serum K levels paralleled blood pressure changes in all cases." (Biol. Abstr.). 3 references. 2103. Prado, J. L., Dontigny, P., and Selye, H. Influence of the diet upon the hypertension and nephrosclerosis produced by desoxycorticoster- one acetate overdosage. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1947, 66: 446-448. 5 references. 2104. Raab, W., see No. 1136. 2105. Raab, W., see No. 1730. 2106. Ransohoff, W., Brust, A. A., Chambers, W. N., Shapiro, A. P., Reiser, M. F., Loube, S. D., Mirsky, I. A., and Ferris, E. B., see No. 1846. 2107. Rinehart, J. F., Williams, O. O., and Cappeller, W. S. Adenom- atous hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex associated with essential hy- pertension. Arch. Path., Chic, 1941, 32: 169-177. "Nodular or adenomatous hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex is almost regularly found in association with essential hypertension. " 17 references. 2108. Sapeika, N. Adrenal cortex and arterial hypertension. Arch. Int. M., 1948, 82:263-309. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 2707 153 references. 2109. Schroeder, H. A., Davies, D. F., and Clark, H. E., see No. 336. 2110. Selye, H., see No. 1742. 2111. Selye, H., see No. 1743. 2112. Selye, H., Hall, C. E., and Rowley, E..M., see No. 1750. 2113. Selye, H., and Pentz* E. I., see No. 763. -224- HYPERTENSION (Continued) 2114. Spuhler, O. Die Differentialdiagnose der Hypertonien als patho- genetische Betrachtung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80: 538-541. Discusses the role of the adrenals and the hypophysis in pathogenesis of hypertension. 24 references. 2115. Takats, G. de. The corticoadrenal factor in hypertension. Surgery, 1949, 26: 67-81. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 270. 42 references. 2116. Tobian, L., Jr. Urine "corticosteroids, " in toxemia and hyperten- sion. J. Clin. Invest., 1948, 27: 558. 2117. Tobian, L., Jr., and Joseph, H., see No. 459. 2118. Van Bogaert, A., and Van Baarle, F., see No. 1216. 2119. Vanden-Bossche, M., see No. 1766. 2120. Wertheimer, P., and Guichard, A. Lesions histologiques de 32 capsules surrenales enlevees chirurgicalement pour hypertension ar- terielle permanente. Lyonchir., 1949, 44: 15. 2121. Zweifach, B. W., and Shorr, E., see No. 1784. 2122. Zweifach, B. W., and Shorr, E. Relation of the adrenals to altera- tions in the renal VEM mechanisms in experimental hypertension. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (i950), p. 288-296. 10 references. HYPOGLYCEMIA, see also BLOOD - CHEMISTRY and METABOLISM - CAR- BOHYDRATES 2123. Arnett, V., Kessler, M., and Gellhorn, E. The role of the adrenal cortex in preventing hypoglycemic convulsions. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137: 653-657. "Coma and convulsions occur frequently in the adrenalectomized and rarely in the adreno-demedullated group (of rats) in spite of similar degrees of hypoglycemia. " 6 references. 2124. Engel, F. L. Stimulation of nitrogen metabolism by adrenal cortical extract during insulin hypoglycemia. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 657- 658. Abstract. 2125. Grattan, J. F., and Jensen, H. The effect of the pituitary adreno- corticotropic hormone and of various adrenal cortical principles on insulin hypoglycemia and liver glycogen. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 135; 511-517. -225- HYPOGLYCEMIA (Continued) 2126. Grattan, J. F., Jensen, H., and Ingle, D. J. The effect of the pitui- tary adrenocorticotropic hormone and of corticosterone acetate on insulin hypoglycemia and liver glycogen in adrenalectomized mice. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 134; 8-11. 11 references. 2127. McQuarrie, I., Bauer, E. G., Ziegler, M. R., and Wright, W. S. Effects of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in children with non-addisonian hypoglycemia. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 71: 555-559. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 83; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 290-291; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 6155; Also in: Q. Rev. Pediat., 1950, 7: 98. 10 references. 2128. McQuarrie, I., Bauer, E. G., Ziegler, M. R., and Wright, W. S., see No. 1044. 2129. McQuarrie, I., Bauer, E. G., Ziegler, M. R., and Wright, W. S., see No. 1045. 2130. Rushton, J. G., Cragg, R. W., and Stalker, L. K. Spontaneous hypoglycemia due to atrophy of the adrenal glands; report of a case. Arch. Int. M., 1940, 66: 531-540. 25 references. 2131. Thannhauser, S. J. Hypoglycemia in the early phase of adrenocortical carcinoma. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 791. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 22. "Three cases are reported with adreno- cortical carcinoma in which there was an initial hypoglycaemia. " (Excerpta med.). HYPOTENSION, see BLOOD PRESSURE ICTERUS, HEMOLYTIC, see ANEMIA IMMUNITY 2132. Aschkenasy, A., Bussard, A., Corvazier, P., and Grabar, P. Fltude sur le role de la cortico-surrenale dans la leucopoilse et dans l'immunite; modifications cytologiques du sang, de la rate et du thy- mus, apres injection d'extrait cortico-surrenal. Rev. hemat., Par., 1950, 5: 107-129. 55 references. 2133. Bisset, K. A. The influence of adrenal cortical hormones upon im- munity in cold-blooded vertebrates. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1949, 6:99- 103. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28817. The low temperature reduction of the rate of antibody release in fish and am- phibia, is overcome by adrenal cortical hormone. Immunization is not affected by these substances. 10 references. -226- IMMUNITY (Continued) 2134. Bussard, A., Corvazier, P., Grabar, P., and Aschkenasy, A. 6tude sur le role de la cortico-surrenale dans la leucopoiese et dans l'immunite; modifications des taux de proteides et d'anticorps seriques apres injection d'extrait cortico-surrenal chez le rat. Rev. hemat., Par., 1950, 5: 130-147. 37 references. 2135. Carlinfanti, F., and Pontecorvo, M. Sull'influenza dell'ormone cortico-surrenale sintetico sul titolo ematico di anticorpi. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1948, 24: 3-5. 2 references. 2136. Chase, J. H. Effect of adrenalectomy upon maintenance of titer to sheep erythrocytes in hyper immunized mice. Bull. N. York M. Coll., 1947, 10: 13-19. "The rate of release of antibodies to sheep erythro- cytes has been dramatically decreased in hyper immunized mice which were adrenalectomized. " "The data further establish the role of pi- tuitary-adrenal cortical secretion as the controlling mechanism for the release of antibodies from lymphocytes. " 12 references. 2137. Chase, J. H., White, A., and Dougherty, T. F. The enhancement of circulating antibody concentration by adrenal cortical hormones. J. Immun., Bait., 1946, 52: 101-112. 21 references. 2138. Delaunay, A., and Lebrun, J. Sur l'action d'une hormone cortico- surrenale prepare par voie de synthase (acetate.de 11-dehydrocor- ticosterone) chez des animaux traites par une endotoxine bacterienne. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1947, 224: 1669-1670. Animal experiments confirm the physiologic activity of 11-dehydroxycorticosterone and the importance of the suprarenal cortex in the defense of the organism against endotoxins. 2139.*Dimiter, N. (The effect of the hormone of the adrenal cortex on the formation of agglutinin for Brucella abortus Bang.) Clin. vet., Mi- lano, 1942, 65: 134-140. 2140. Dougherty, T. F., Chase, J. H., and White, A. Pituitary-adrenal cortical control of antibody release from lymphocytes. An explana- tion of the anamnestic response. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1945, J38: 135-130. An anamnestic reaction followed a single injec- tion of ACE or ACTH, but failed to appear after injection of DCA in rabbits and mice. 13 references. 2141. Dougherty, T. F., White, A., and Chase, J. H. Relationship of the effects of adrenal cortical secretion on lymphoid tissue and on anti- body titer. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1944, 56: 28-29. -227- IMMUNITY (Continued) 2142. Eisen, H. N., Mayer, M. M., Moore, D. H., Tarr, R. R., and Stoerk, H. C, see No. 1031. 2143. Feinstein, F. G. The pituitary-adrenal control of antibody release. S. Afr. M. J., 1947, 21: 905-906. "A brief review is given of the data establishing the role of pituitary adrenal cortical secretion as the controlling mechanism for the release of antibodies from lym- phocytes." 12 references. 2144. Fischel, E. E. The relationship of adrenal cortical activity to im- mune responses. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 2. ser., 255- 260. Administration of ACTH does not alter anaphylaxis, Arthus re- action or other similar manifestations; it does not elicit "an anam- nestic response or non-specific increase in circulating antibody." It may produce, however, "an inhibition of antibody production. " 2145. Fischel, E. E., LeMay, M., and Kabat, E. A., see No. 1948. 2146. Fuchs, B. Observations sur l'action protectrice de l'hormone cortico-surrenale sur des cellules cultivees in vitro, en presence de toxine diptherique (Geneve). Praxis, Berne, 1944, 33: No. 47. 2147. Galli, T., and S abate Hi, F. Azione dell'acetato di desossicortico- sterone in alcune infezioni sperimentali. Pathologica, Genova, 1940, 32: 113-118. Rat experiments with various bacilli show a non-specific immunizing effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate. 27 references. 2148. Hammond, C. W., and Novak, M. Relation of adrenal cortical steroids to antibody release. Proc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 155-161. 29 references. 2149. Herbert, P. H., and De Vries, J. A. The administration of adreno- corticotrophic hormone to normal human subjects. The effect on the leucocytes in the blood and on circulating antibody levels. Endocri- nology, 1949, 44: 259-273. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26225; AlsoTn: J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 591. 18 references. 2150. Janda, G. W. The role of the adrenal cortex in immunological processes. Am. J. M. Techn., 1949, 5: 136-142. A review. 26 references. 2151. Lewis, L. A., and Page, I. H. Further studies on the protective power of adrenal extract and steroids against toxic agents. Endocri- nology, 1948, 43:415-421. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 14807. 6 references. -228- IMMUNITY (Continued) 2152. Lewis, L. A., and Page, I. H., see No. 1251. 2153. Long, J. B., and Favour, C. B. The ability of ACTH and cortisone to alter delayed type bacterial hypersensitivity. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1950, 87: 186-202. 21 references. 2154. Mirick, G. S. The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cor- tisone on antibody production in human beings. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 836. 2155.*Patrono, V., and Romeo, V. Cprticosurrene liberazione di anticorpi (ricerche nell'infezione tifoidea). Clin, nuova, Roma, 1948, 7: 1. 2156. Roberts, S., and White, A. Influence of adrenal cortex on antibody production in vitro. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9:220. Abstract. 2157. Soares de Almeida, S., Carneiro Novaes, J. R., and Lopes Netto, J., see No. 1117. 2158. Soffer, L. J., Shwartzman, G., Schneierson, S. S., and Gabrilove, J. L. Inhibition of the Shwartzman phenomenon by adrenocortico- tropic hormone (ACTH) from the adenohypophysis. Science, 1950, 111: 303-304. 3 references. 2159. Stoerk, H. C. Inhibition of the tuberculin reaction by cortisone in vaccinated guinea pigs. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 345. Abstract. 2160. Thatcher, J. S., Houghton, B. C, and Ziegler, C. H. Effect of adrenalectomy and adrenal cortical hormone upon the formation of antibodies. Endocrinology, 1948, 43: 440-447. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 14809. lTreferences. 2161. Venanzi, F. de, see No. 1067. 2162. Venning, E. H., De Vries, J. A., and Herbert, P. H. Effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone on the circulating antibody in man. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1947, 16. meet., 146-158. 6 references. 2163. Vollmer, E. P., and Samsell, J. E. Failure of adrenocortical extract to modify the immunity acquired by intact mice through the use of pneumococcal vaccine. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 204-207. 8 refer- ences. 2164. Wagner, H. N., and Mirick, G. S. Comparative immunology of wild and domesticated rats in light of hypersensitivity diseases in man. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1950, 87: 82-86. -229- IMMUNITY (Continued) 2165. White, A. Relation of the adrenals to immunity. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1948, 24: 26-31. 16 references. INFECTIOUS DISEASES, see also RHEUMATIC FEVER 2166. ACTH against TB. Science News Lett., 1950, 57: 295. Advanced TB patients show amazing response to treatment with ACTH: however, the patients relapsed when ACTH was stopped. Its use in TB treat- ment is a big question. 2167. Behr, W. Zur Therapie der malignen Diphtherie. Bluttransfusion oder Nebennierenrindenextrakt? Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1941, 187: 310-333. Treatment suggested is blood transfusions'plus adrenal cortical extract and vitamin C. Report on 5 cases. 43 references. 2168. Binet, L., Languille, M., Tantret, P., and Vermant, P. Une nouvelle tentative de traitement de la poliomyeiite: la cortine ex- tractive. Progr. med., Par., 1949, 77: 563-567. Report of 5 cases; paralysis was arrested and general improvement noted. 2169.*Ceresa, F., and Cravetto, C. II comportamento dei 17-chetosteroidi e degli steroidi ossicorticosimili dell'orina nel corso della difterite. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1949, Fasc 1, 6. 2170.*Cheymol, J., and Pfeiffer, A. Atteinte de la surrenale au cours de 1'intoxication phalloidienne. Essai de traitement par les hormones cortico-surrenales. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Far., 1949, 79: 273-281. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 23; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12180. "An adrenal impairment by A. phalloides intoxication in the rat is concluded from protection offered either by adrenal cortical extract or by hypertonic NaCl. Des- oxycorticosterone acetate, however, is ineffective. " (Biol. Abstr.). 18 references. 2171. Chiray, M., Mollard, H., and Maschas, H. Recherches sur l'action therapeutique de la cortine chez les tuberculeux pulmonaires. Presse med., 1941, 49: 1254. 2172. Coriell, L. L., Murphy, L., Siegel, A. C, Stokes, J., Jr., and Cook, C. D. The use of ACTH in poliomyelitis. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 522-528. The "alarm reaction" is mobilized in poliomyelitis patients as shown by the eosinophile response. In these patients, ACTH produced a physiological effect as evidenced by a further depression of eosinophils, and by increased excretion of 17-ketosteroids. There was no demonstrable therapeutic effect k -230- INFECTIOUS DISEASES (Continued) 2173. Coriell, L. L., Siegel, A. C, Cook, C. D., Murphy, L., and Stokes, J., Jr. Use of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in poliomyelitis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 142: 1279-1281. "Statis- tical analysis shows .. . that pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone has no ... effect on the course of poliomyelitis. " 11 references. 2174. Dieckhoff, J. Uber den Einfluss des Desoxycorticosteronacetats nPercorten" auf Kreislauf- und Gas-Diffusionsst5rungen bei experi- menteller Diphtherie- und Dysenterieintoxikation. Klin. Wschr., 1943, 22: 50-55. 14 references. 2175. Emdin, W. Infantile diarrhoeal dehydration treated with adrenal cor- tical hormone and potassium chloride. Arch. Dis. Childh., Lond., 1950, £5: 136-141. "Suprarenal cortical hormone is valuable for treating dehydration and for promoting gain in weight. Where in- testinal intoxication is present, however, parenteral fluids should be given: later, the adrenal hormone may promote fluid fixation in the body. " Review of 83 cases. 38 references. 2176. Finland, M., Kass, E. H., and Ingbar, S. H. Effects of ACTH in primary atypical (viral) pneumonia and in pneumococcal pneumonia (preliminary report). Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 529-535. 2 case reports. In the atypical pneumonia case, "ACTH did not hasten the resolution of the lesion, but brought about . .. temporary remission. " In the second case ("pneumococcal pneu- monia") prompt clinical recovery occurred, presumably due to ACTH. 2177.*Floris, M. (A study of the relation between vitamins and hormones. The effects on circulation of adrenal cortical hormone and of vitamin C in infectious states.) Ormoni, 1940, 2: 849. 2178. Freeman, S., Fershing, J., Wang, C. C., and Smith, L. C. The effects of ACTH on patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 509-521. In two cases with disseminated infiltrative lesions, diurnal fever disappeared within 24-48 hours, with increased appetite and sense of wellbeing. During the administration, the lesions spread in one patient, while in the other, the extent of the lesion was questionable. Sputum remained positive throughout. Metabolism studies. 2179.*Fuchs, B. Observations sur l'action protectrice de l'hormone cortico- surrenale sur des cellules cultivees in vitro, en presence de toxine diptherique (Geneve). Praxis, Berne, 1944, 33: No. 47. 2180. Gennes, L. de, and Mahoudeau, D. Sur l'emploi des cortines de synthase en dehors de la maladie d'Addison. Presse med., 1941, 49- 1254. ' —' -231- INFECTIOUS DISEASES (Continued) 2181. Grenet, H., Gautheron, and Depierre. Syndrome malin secondaire de la diphterie. Traitement par l'acetate de desoxycorticosterone a haute dose. Guerison. Presse med., 1942, 50: 453. Case report. 2182. Grenet, H., Gautheron, and Tiret, J. Syndromes diphteriques malins gueris par l'acetate de desoxycorticosterone. Presse med., 1943, 51: 264. Report of 2 cases. 2183. Ingle, D. J. Resistance of non-adrenalectomized rats to diphtheria toxin with and without adrenal cortical hormone treatment. Exp. M. & S., 1947, 5: 375-378. 5 references. 2184. Jacobs, L. Treatment of pertussis with vaccines and adrenal cortex extract. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1943, 60: 313-324. 12 references. 2185. Kepi, M., Caldwell, G., and Ochsner, A. Use of adrenal cortical hormone in CI. welchii infections in guinea pigs. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 52: 25-26. Adrenal cortical hormone extract has a protective value in delaying death in experimental CI. welchii infections in guinea pigs. 1 reference. 2186. Lafontaine, A., see No. 367. 2187. Lahiri, S. C. Sulphaguanidine, sulphathiazole and extract of supra- renal cortex in the treatment of cholera. J. Ind. M. Ass., 1944- 1945, _14: 113-115. 4 references. 2188. Marquezy, R. A., Labbe, and Bach, C. Acetate de desoxycortico- sterone et diphterie maligne. Presse med., 1943, 5_1: 264. Report of 13 cases. 2189. Marquezy, R. A., and Ladet, M. Diphteries malignes traitees par l'acetate de desoxycorticosterone. Presse med., 1941, 49: 1254. Report of 5 cases. 2190. Mule, F. Sulla patogenesi e sulla terapia delle sindromi dissenteriche dell'infanzia. Pediatria, Nap., 1950, 57:237-244. DOCA is sug- gested for reestablishment of proper enzymatic function and ionic equilibrium; the role of the adrenals in dysenteric syndromes in in- fants is described. 33 references. 2191. Mule, F., Sedati, P., and Garufi, L., see No. 1049. 2192. Perla, D., and Marmorston, J. Suprarenal cortical hormone and salt in the treatment of penumonia and other severe infections. Endocri- nology, 1940, 27: 367-374. Report of 7 cases. 30 references. -232- INFECTIOUS DISEASES (Continued) 2193. Pinchot, G. B., Close, V. P., and Long, C. N. H. Adrenal changes produced in rats by infection with B. tularense and B. coli. Endo- crinology, 1949, 45: 135-142. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 54. fFreferences. 2194. Romero, E. Papel de la corteza suprarrenal en la fatiga muscular del enfermo infeccioso. Rev. clin. espan., 1949, 33: 37-46. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 102."~T,Ergographic studies of muscular fatigue in 10 patients with acute infections and 17 with tuberculosis showed a beneficial effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate ..." (Excerpta med.). 51 references. 2195. Romero Velasco, E., Bachiller, F., and Barturen, P. Contribucien a la fisiopatologia de la infeccien. Estudio del ergograma (curva de fatiga) en las enfermedades infecciosas agudas, y su comportamiento por el ebido ascorbico y el acetato de desoxycorticosteron. Med. col., Madr., 1949, 13:263-280. Measurements with Mosso's ergograph were performed on 10 patients suffering from infectious diseases, a) under normal conditions, b) after administration of DOCA and ascorbic acid. 6 references. 2196.*sedallian, P., Pellerat, J., Moinecourt, J., and Maral, P. Asso- ciation de la polyvinyl-pyrrolidone et de la cortine de synthase dans le traitement des diphteries malignes. Presse med., 1947, 55: 58. 2197. Taylor, S. G., III, and Morris, R. S., Jr. The effect of ACTH in certain types of malignancy. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 331-336. ACTH was administered in 2 cases of ad- vanced carcinoma of the breast, in 1 case of mycosis fungoides, 1 carcinoma of the trachea, and 1 Ewing's tumor. Only in the patient with mycosis fungoides regression could be attributed to ACTH alone. 2198. Tobian, L., Jr., and Strauss, E. Effect of adrenal cortical extract on recovery from severe pneumococcic infection in mice. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 69: 529-531. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 23512. "No improvement was obtained in the thera- peutic results by the additional treatment with adrenal cortical extract." 1 reference. 2199. Tompsett, R., Le Maistre, C, Muschenheim, C, and McDermott, W. Effects of ACTH on tuberculosis in humans. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 849-850. Report of 4 cases. Abstract. 2200. Vollmer, E. P., Gillmore, J. D., Gravitz, L., and Samsell, J. E. The use of whole adrenal cortical extract in experimental infections. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 604. Abstract. -233- INFECTIOUS DISEASES (Continued) 2201. Wahl, M. Effets compare's de l'hormone corticale et d'un melange opotherapique sur la diazo-reaction et certains signes cliniques au cours des fievres typhoides. Presse med., 1941, 49:995. Abstract. INSULIN 2202. Arnett, V., and Gellhorn, E., see No. 398. 2203. Bartelheimer, H., and Cabeza, J. F. Auftreten corticotroper Wirkstoffe wahrend der Insulin-Hypoglykamie. Klin. Wschr., 1942, 2V. 630. 2204. Cheng, C. P., and Sayers, G. Insulin hypersensitivity following the administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate. Endocrinology, 1949, 44: 400-408. Abstracted in: Ann. endocr., Par., 1949, 10: 495; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26190. 17 references. 2205. Engel, FV L. Studies on the nature of the protein catabolic response to adrenal cortical extract. Accentuation by insulin hypoglycemia. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 170-177. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 98. ^he effects were studied of insulin and adrenal cortical extract (A. C. E.) on protein catabolism, measured as the rate of urea accumulation in nephrectomized rats. " 13 references. 2206. Fraenkel-Conrat, H., Herring, V. V., Simpson, M. E., and Evans, H. M. Effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone on the insulin content of the rat's pancreas. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1944, 55: 62- 63. 3 references. 2207. Levine, R., Simkin, B., and Cunningham, W. Insulin sensitivity of the extrahepatic tissues of the adrenalectomized rat. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 159: 111-117. "It is most probable that the anti-insulin activity of the adrenal cortex is exerted primarily through its ability to in- crease the rate of conversion of non-carbohydrate foodstuffs to glu- cose." 20 references. 2208. Romo Aldama, E., and Fernandez de la Calle, F., see No. 1737. 2209. Roma Aldama, E., and Fernandez de la Calle, F. Influencia de la insulina sobre la secrecien de la hormona certicotropa. Rev. espaff. fisiol., 1946, 2: 193-201. 12 references. 2210. Verzar, F., and Wenner, V., see No. 1773. 2211 Zimmerman, H. J., Parrish, A. E., and Albert, L. K. Effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on insulin sensitivity in diabetes mellitus. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 81-82. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 14610; Also in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4583. -234- KETOSIS, see METABOLISM - KETONES 17-KETOSTEROIDS 2212. Butt, W. R., Henly, A. A., and Morris, C. J. O. The polorographic estimation of steroid hormones; determination of 3 (*)- and 3 (/3)- hy- droxy- 17-ketosteroids. Biochem. J., Lond., 1948, 42: 447-452. 18 references. 2213. Escamilla, R. F. Diagnostic significance of urinary hormonal as- says; report of experience with measurements of 17-ketosteroids and follicle stimulating hormone in the urine. Ann. Int. M., 1949, 30: 249-290. "Tests now being used are reviewed, mostly biological assays. " 94 references. 2214. Mason, H. L., and Engstrom, W. W. The 17-ketosteroids; their origin, determination and significance. Physiol. Rev., 1950, 310: 321-374. 281 references. 17-KETOSTEROIDS - EXCRETION, see URINE - STEROIDS KIDNEYS 2215. Bechgaard, P., and Bergstrand, A., see No. 1655. 2216. Chambers, R., and Cameron, G. Adrenal cortical compounds and 1-ascorbic acid on secreting kidney tubules in tissue culture. Am. J. Physiol., 1944, 141; 138-142. Kendall's whole cortical extract and crystalline compound E stimulated secretory activity of renal proximal tubes of chick embryos in tissue culture but their crystalline compound A and amorphous fraction did not appreciably effect stimu- lation; 1-ascorbic acid was not effective. 9 references. 2217. Collings, W. D., Downing, C. F., and Hodges, R. E. Renal clear- ances in normal dogs receiving desoxycorticosterone acetate. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 27. Abstract. 2218. Decourt, T., Gorin, R., Chateau, R., and Louchard, J. Insuffisance surrenale et diur^se provoquee. Action des hormones surrenales. Ann. endocr., Par., 1945, 6: 172-178. Effects of sodium restriction, adrenaline and DCA. 2219. Deming, Q. B., and Luetscher, J. A., see No. 1878. 2220.*Dougherty, T. F. Effect of administration of adrenotrophic hormone on the cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus. Anat. Rec., 1948, 100: 105. -235- KIDNEYS (Continued) 2221. Durlacher, S. H., Darrow, D. C, and Winternitz, M. C. The ef- fect of low potassium diet and of desoxycorticosterone acetate upon renal size. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 136; 346-349. 16 references. 2222. Farnsworth, E. B. Acute and subacute glomerulonephritis modified by adrenocorticotropin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 57-59. "Hematuria, azotemia and hypertension associated with the active phases of glomerulonephritis can be favorably modified by activation of the adrenal cortex with ACTH. " 2223. Farnsworth, E. B. Metabolic changes associated with administration of adrenocorticotropin in the nephrotic syndrome. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 60-62. "An appropriate stimulus to the ad- renal cortex by the administration of adrenocorticotropin is capable of producing marked modifications" including "reduction in serum cholesterol and urine protein, increase in serum proteins and pro- found diuresis. . . Improvement in nitrogen balance and serum values continued for several weeks. " 2224. Farnsworth, E. B. Studies on the influence of adrenocorticotrophin in acute nephritis, in simple nephrosis and in nephrosis with azotemia. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 297-317. ACTH relieved the inflammatory symptoms of acute nephritis; blood pressure declined, but escaped after withdrawal. In advanced chronic nephritis, the blood pressure was consistently reduced after ACTH diuresis. In less advanced nephritis, blood pressure rose, while blood urea and blood proteins became normal. Results in uncomplicated nephrotic syndrome were variable. 3 cases. 2225. Friedman, S. M., and Friedman, C. L., see No. 2067. 2226. Gaudino, M., and Levitt, M. F. Action of DOCA and adrenal cortical extract on body water and kidney function. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1949, 8: 54. Abstract. 2227. Gaudino, M., and Levitt, M. F. Influence of the adrenal cortex on body water distribution and renal function. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 1487-1497. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Urol., 1950, 5: 187-188. 56 references. 2228. Grandpre, R. de, Dontigny, P., and Leduc, J., see No. 2077. 2229 Green, D. M., Johnson, A. D., Bridges, W. C, Lehmann, J. H., and Gray, F., see No. 1695. -236- KIDNEYS (Continued) 2230. Hackel, D. B., Portfolio, A. G., and Kinney, T. D. Experimental nephrotoxic nephritis in the rat treated with ACTH or cortisone. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 458-460. "Both ACTH and cortisone failed to inhibit the development of renal lesions in the rat produced by the injection of rabbit anti-rat kidney serum. " 4 references. 2231. Hall, C. E., Dontigny, P., Beland, E., and Selye, H. The role of the adrenals in the production of nephrosclerosis by anterior pitui- tary preparations. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 296-299. 2232.*Hall, C. E., and Selye, H. Prevention of the nephrosclerosis usu- ally induced by anterior pituitary extract. Rev. canad. biol., 1945, 4: 197-205. 2233. Heilman, L., Weston, R. E., Escher, D. J. W., and Leiter, L. The effect of adrenocorticotropin on renal hemodynamics and uric acid clearance. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 7: 52. Abstract. 2234. Huidobro, F., and Braun-Menendez, E. The secretion of renin by the intact kidney. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137: 47-55. 18 references. 2235. Keith, N. M., Power, M. H., and Daugherty, G. W. The action of cortisone in nephritis with edema. Proc Mayo Clin., 1950, 25:491- 492. Report of 5 cases of acute, subacute or chronic glomeruloneph- ritis. 2236. Knowlton, A. I., Loeb, E. N., Seegal, B. C, and Stoerk, H. C, see No. 1148. 2237. Knowlton, A. I., Loeb, E. N., Stoerk, H. C, and Seegal, B. C, see No. 1458. 2238. Knowlton, A. I., Stoerk, H. C., Seegal, B. C, and Loeb, E. N., see No. 1149. 2239. Lambert, P. P., Lebrun, J., and De Heinzelin de Braucourt, C. Influence du glucoside de desoxycorticosterone sur la resorption renale du glucose. Acta clin. belg., 1948, 3: 529-548. "According to Rusnyak,^Foldi and Szabo, the maximal capacity of renal tubules to reabsorb glucose is increased in dogs after an intravenous injection of a desoxycorticosterone glucoside (hydrosoluble Percorten Ciba). Our investigations, in man, brought about entirely different results. The desoxycorticosterone glucoside, intravenously injected into ten patients decreased the maximal resorptive capacity for glucose by about 30%. " 25 references. -237- KIDNEYS (Continued) 2240. Langeron, L., Nolf, V., and Liefooghe, J. Nephrite chronique azotemique pure ameiioree par les hormones steroides (desoxycor- ticosterone et testosterone). Fitude de la filtration-resorption rehale. Bull. Soc. med. Hop. Paris, 1950, 66: 592-595. Case report; me- tabolism study. 2241. Langeron, L., Nolf, V., and Liefooghe, J. Nephrite chronique azotemique pure ameiioree par les hormones steroides, desoxycortico- sterone et testosterone; etude de la filtration-resorption renale. J. sc. med. Lille, 1950, 68: 225-229. Case report. 2242. Ludden, J. B., Krueger, E., and Wright, I. S., see No. 1714. 2243. Luft, R., and Sjogren, B., see No. 1152. 2244. Nyien, B., see No. 1725. 2245. Olson, R. E., and Deane, H. W., see No. 435. 2246. Pende, G., see No. 1729. 2247. Piantoni, C, and Orias, O. Action of desoxycorticosterone on chlo- rine plasma clearance. Rev. Soc argent, biol., 1942, 18: 326-332. 5 references. 2248. Prado, J. L., Dontigny, P., and Selye, H., see No. 2103. 2249. Reiss, M., see No. 626. 2250. Selye, H., see No. 1741. 2251. Selye, H., Beland, E., and Stone, H. Effets des hormones hypophy- saire, thro'idienne et cortico-surrenale sur la structure renale. Rev. canad. biol., 1945, 4: 121-121. 2252. Selye, H., and Hall, C. E., see No. 1749. 2253. Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Absence of renotropic effects on the administration of pure adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Endocrinology, 1946, 39: 286-288. 7 references. 2254. Spingarn, C, Mulinos, M. G., and Maculla, E., see No. 1758. 2255. Vanden-Bossche, M., see No. 1766. 2256. Winkler, A. W., Smith, P. K., and Hoff, H. E., see No. 1412. -238- LACTATION 2257. Cowie, A. T., and Folley, S. J. Adrenalectomy and replacement therapy in lactating rats. Effects of deoxycorticosterone acetate and 11-oxygenated cortical steroids on lactation in adrenalectomized rats maintained on stock or high-protein diets. J. Endocr., Cambr., 1946-48, 5: 24-31. "Lactation response of adrenalectomized rats to deoxycorticosterone acetate was almost as great on the high-protein diet as on the stock diet, but the response to 11-oxygenated cortical steroids and adrenal cortex extract was . . . reduced by the high pro- tein diet. " 10 references. 2258. Cowie, A. T., and Folley, S. J. Adrenalectomy and replacement therapy in lactating rats. Effects of desoxycorticosterone acetate on lactation in adrenalectomized rats. J. Endocr., Cambr., 1946- 48, 5: 14-23. Inhibition of lactation produced in rats by adrenalectomy on the 4th day is generally not complete. Daily administration of deoxycorticosterone restored lactation in these rats in degrees vary- ing between 60 and 100%. 15 references. 22 59. Gaunt, R., Eversole, W. J., and Kendall, E. C. Influence of some steroid hormones on lactation in adrenalectomized rats. Endocri- nology, 1942, 3U: 84-88. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 17. Desoxycorticosterone was help- ful in some animals; compound E maintained essentially normal lac- tation; estrogen and androgen inhibited lactation; progesterone did not inhibit lactation. 13 references. * 2260. Nelson, W. O., Gaunt, R., and Schweitzer, M. Effects of adrenal cortical compounds on lactation. Endocrinology, 1943, 33: 325-332. 14 references. LEUKEMIA 2261. Burchenal, J. H., Stock, C. C, and Rhoads, C. P. The effects of cortisone and ACTH on transplanted mouse leukemia. Cancer Res., 1950, H): 209. 2262. Burton, R. B., Zaffaroni, A., and Keutmann, E. H. Urinary cor- ticoids in acute leukemia (receiving ACTH and compound E) and in Cushing's syndrome. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29:802. Abstract of a paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clini- cal Investigation, 1950. 2663.*Cameron, D. G. Acute leukemia treated with cortisone. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 62: 503-504. -239- LEUKEMIA (Continued) 2264. Dameshek, W., Saunders, R. N., and Zannos, L. The use of ACTH in the treatment of acute and subacute leukemia. Preliminary note. Bull. N. England M. Center, 1950, _12: 11-21. Report of 8 cases. 6 references. 2265. Eliel, L. P., Pearson, O. H., and White, F. C. The comparative metabolic effects of ACTH cortisone acetate, and "compound F " ace- tate in a patient with chronic leukemia. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 811. Abstract. 2266. Farber, S., Shwachman, H., Toch, R., Downing, V., Kennedy, B. H., and Hyde, J. The effect of ACTH in acute leukemia in childhood. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 328-330. The case of a boy, 5 3/4 years of age, whose remission had lasted for 2 months at the time of the report. 2267. Frank, E. A.C.T.H. and lymphosarcoma-cell leukaemia. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 1094. Comparative considerations referring to a case treated with "postuitrin, " an extract of the posterior lobe. 5 references. 2268. Kinsell, L. W., Rogers, H., Baker, C, and Jenkins, B. J. Mon- ocytic leukemia treated with pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 144: 617-618. Report of one case in which the patient's progress - after initial exacerbation of her disease - "has been completely different from that of similar patients so far reported. " 3 references. 2269. Law, L. W., and Speirs, R. Response of spontaneous lymphoid leukemias in mice to injection of adrenal cortical extracts. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1947, 66: 226-230. 8 references. 2270. Levin, L., see No. 425. 2271. Levin, L. The urinary 17-ketosteroid levels of human leukemic subjects. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8:487-490. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 6698; Also in: Arq. clin., Rio, 1949, 9: 43. 13 references. 2272. Michael, P., and Richardson, J. L. Acute lymphatic leukemia in childhood. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1949, 49: 907-913. "Adrenal cortical extract is introduced as a valuable therapeutic measure in alleviating many of the distressing hemorrhagic and ulcerative com- plications of the disease and its use is encouraged in order to obtain a proper evaluation of this form of supportive therapy. " 3 references. -240- LEUKEMIA (Continued) 2273. Murphy, J. B., and Sturm, E. The effect of adrenal cortical and pituitary adrenotropic hormones on transplanted leukemia in rats. Science, 1944, 99: 303. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., AnnotatecTbibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 18-19. 1 reference. 2274. Murphy, J. B., and Sturm, E. The effect of adrenal grafting on transplanted lymphatic leukemia in rats. Cancer Res., 1950, 10: 191-193. 8 references. 2275. Pearson, O. H., and Eliel, L. P. Metabolic effects of ACTH in acute leukemia. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 838-839. 2276. Pearson, O. H., Eliel, L. P., and Talbot, T. R., Jr. Remission in acute leukemia induced by ACTH. Cancer Res., 1950, 10: 235. ". .'. remissions can be induced in acute leukemia .. . with consider- able regularity by use of ACTH. At present state of this study ... remissions are both incomplete and temporary. " 2277. Rambert, M. P. Action d'une cortine extractive sur un cas de leucemie lympholde spienome'galique. Bull. Soc. med. h6p. Paris, 1950, 66: 302-306. 5 references. 2278. Snapper, I., and Greenspan, E. Recent advances in the treatment of malignancy. N. York State J. M., 1950, 50: 1573-1577. 36 ref- erences. 2279. Spies, T. D., Stone, R. E., Garcia Lopez, G., Milanes, F., Lopez Toca, R., and Reboredo, A. Response to adrenocorticotropic hor- mone and cortisone in persons with carcinoma, leukaemia, and lymphosarcoma. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 2:241-244. 5 references. 2280. Stickney, J. M., Heck, F. J., and Watkins, C. H. Cortisone and ACTH in the management of leukemia and lymphoblastoma. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, 25: 488-489. Report of 18 cases of acute leukemia, 3 cases of lymphocytic leukemia, 3 cases of Hodgkin's disease. 2281. Woolley, G. W. 11-dehydrocorticosterone acetate (compound A) in normal and tumor bearing mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 286-289. LIVER, see also METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES 2282. Baker, B. L., Ingle, D. J., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. The effect on liver structure of treatment with adrenocorticotropin under varied dietary conditions. Am. J. Anat., 1948, 82: 75-95. Fat accumulated in the livers of rats treated with adrenocorticotropin and fed high car- bohydrate diets. 54 references. -241- LIVER (Continued) 2283. Bluemle, L. W., Jr., Shorov, V. M., Stokes, J., Jr., Gyorgy, P., and Neefe, J. R. The use of adrenocorticotrophic hormone in chronic liver disease (three cases). Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 505-508. 2284. Bongiovanni, A. M., Blondheim, S. H., Eisenmenger, W. J., and Kunkel, H. G. Effects of ACTH in patients with liver diseases. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 2J9: 798. Abstract of a paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Investigation, 1950. 2285. Canzanelli, A., Guild, R., and Rapport, D. Pituitary and adreno- cortical relationships to liver regeneration and nucleic acids. En- docrinology, 1949, 45: 91-95. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28847; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 43. "Fol- lowing partial hepatectomy, hypophysectomy resulted in marked re- duction in liver regeneration. Neither adrenalectomy nor adrenal cortex extract injection had any effect upon the amount of liver re- generation. " (Excerpta med.). 5 references. 2286. Corey, E. L., and Britton, S. W. Effect of cortico-adrenal extract on the perfused liver. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 340-341. 2287.*Ellinger, F. Protective action of desoxycorticosterone acetate against x-ray-induced liver changes. Science, 1946, 104: 502. 2288.*Horej§i, J., and Hloucal, L. Ucinek syntheticke la*tky kury nadled- vinkove; cortironu u jaternich poruch; kriticke pozn^mky k lecbe poruch jaternich synthetickym hormonem kury nadledvinkove, Cortironem. Cas. iek. Sesk., 1943, 82: 783; 826. 2289. Kappert, A. Die Leberschutztherapie mit wasserlflslichem Percorten. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1944, 74: 569-573. 36 references. 2290. Kuchmeister, H. Versuch einer Behandlung chronischer Leber- schaden mit Nebennierenrindenhormonimplantation. Aerztl. Wschr., 1950, 5: 360-365. Report of 9 cases. 26 references. 2291. Li C. H. , Simpson, M. E., and Evans, H. M. The influence of growth and adrenocorticotropic hormones on the fat content of the liver. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1949, 2^3: 51-54. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 1017; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950 4: 124. "The composition of the liver of fasting normal or hy- pophysectomized rats acutely treated with adrenocorticotrophic hor- mone caused increase in liver fat with less significant changes in the water and protein content. " (Biol. Abstr.). 11 references. -242- LIVER (Continued) 2292. Oettel, H., and Franck, E., see No. 1727. 2293. Pelner, L., and Waldman, S., see No. 652. 2294.*Pucinelli, E., and Melosi, E. Influenza del desossicorticosterone sopra la chetogenesi nel fegato. Ormoni, 1941, 3^ 36. 2295. Reinecke, R. M., and Kendall, E. C, see No. 1367. 2296. Samuels, L. T., Sweat, M. L., Levedahl, B. H., Pottner, M. M., and Helmreich, M. L. Metabolism of testosterone by livers of dif- ferent species of animals. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 183: 231-239. 6 references. 2297. Selye, H., and Dosne, G. Effect of cortin after partial and after complete hepatectomy. Am. J. Physiol., 1939-40, 128; 729-735. 8 references. 2298. Sinaiko, E. S., and Necheles, H., see No. 1755. 2299. Trautwein. Das Nebennierenrindenhormon in der Behandlung der Leberschaden. Klin. Wschr., 1948, 26: 448. Abstract. 2300. Varga, A. Die Verhinderung des durch Phosphor and Alkohol verursachten Leberschadens mittels Nebennierenrindenhormon im Tierversuch. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1943, 113: 43-46. 7 refer- ences. 2301. Vegh, L. A desoxycorticosteron hatasa akut majmegbetegedesekben. Orv. hetil., 1949, 90: 471-473. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 22. Report of 12 cases of hepatocellular jaundice. 5 ref- erences. LIVER - GLYCOGEN, see METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES LOEFFLER'S SYNDROME 2302.*Andrell, O., BjSrkman, S., and Hedenius. Dramatisk effekt med ACTH (cortrophin) i ett fall av eosinfila lunginfiltrat (Lo'ffler's syndrom). Preliminart meddelande. Sven. lak. tidn., 1949, 46: 2303-2309. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Int. M., 1950, 1: 50-51. -243- LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS 2303. Baehr, G., and Soffer, L. J. Treatment of disseminated lupus erythematosus with cortisone and adrenocorticotropin. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 229-234. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Int. M., 1950, 7: 201-202. "Cortisone and ACTH are extremely potent reme- dies, the use of which is accompanied by serious hazards due to rapid shifts of blood electrolytes and increases in total body water suffi- cient to induce congestive heart failure and pulmonary edema. " 2304. Brunsting, L. A., Slocumb, C. H., and Didcoct, J. W. Effects of cortisone on acute disseminated lupus erythematosus. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, 25: 479-482. Report of 7 cases including 3 deaths. 2305. Elkinton, J. R., Hunt, A. D., Jr., Godfrey, L., McCrory, W., Rogerson, A., and Stokes, J., Jr. Effects of ACTH in patients with collagen and allied diseases. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 429-436. 2306. Ferriman, D. G., and Wilsdon, R. B. N. Adrenocorticotrophic hor- mone in acute disseminated lupus erythematosus. Brit. M. J., 1950, 1: 884. Case report. 2307. Grace, A. W., and Combes, F. C. Remission of disseminated lupus erythematosus induced by adrenocorticotropin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 563-565. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 263j~Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 511; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12228. Report of 2 cases. 11 references. 2308. Orr, H. Acute disseminated lupus erythematosus. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 62:432-437. Discussion includes treatment with ACTH and cortisone. 17 references. 2309. Plotz, C. M., Blunt, J. W., and Ragan, C. Effect of pituitary ad- renocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on disseminated lupus erythema- tosus. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1950, 61: 913-918. "ACTH exerted a powerful but temporary beneficial effect on the course of 3 cases of disseminated lupus erythematosus, but at the present stage of knowledge this preparation must be used with great caution. " 7 references. 2310. Reiner, M. Effect of cortisone and adrenocorticotropin therapy on serum proteins in disseminated lupus erythematosus. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 529-531. 5 references. -244- LUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS (Continued) 2311. Schwartz, M., and Sonne, L. M. ACTH-behandling af lupus ery- thematosus disseminatus. Ugeskr. laeger., 1950, 112; 402-406. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 83; Also in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 1375. Report of 3 cases. 8 references. 2312. Thorn, G. W., and Bayles, T. B. Pituitary-adrenal function and rheumatoid disease. Practitioner, Lond., 1949, 163: 365-380. The mechanism of adrenal cortical activity. Practical considerations in adrenal hormone therapy. Pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Stimulation of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal cortical system by stress. The effect of ACTH therapy on rheumatoid arthri- tis, on rheumatic fever, on lupus erythematosus disseminatus, on gouty arthritis. 24 references. 2313. Thorn, G. W., Bayles, T. B., Massell, B. F., Forsham, P. H., Hill, S. R., Smith, S., and Warren, J. E. Studies on the relation of pituitary-adrenal function to rheumatic disease. N. England J. M., 1949, 241: 529-537. Abstracted in: Sem. med., B. Air., 1950, 57: 172. Contents: Nature of adrenal cortical activity. - Practical consideration in adrenal hormone therapy. - Pituitary adrenocortico- trophic hormone (ACTH). - Epinephrine stimulation of the anterior pituitary-adrenal-cortical system. - Effect of ACTH therapy on rheumatoid arthritis, -on disseminated lupus erythematosus, -on gouty arthritis. 26 references. LYMPHOBLASTOMA, see NEOPLASMS LYMPHOID TISSUE, see also THYMUS 2314. Dougherty, T. F., and White, A. Effect of pituitary adrenotropic hormone on lymphoid tissue. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 53: 132-133. "Injection of pure pituitary adrenotropic hormone into CBA strain mice produces a decrease in weight of the inguinal, axil- lary and mesenteric nodes, and of the thymus. The spleen did not show a weight decrease. " 13 references. 2315. Dougherty, T. F., and White, A. Functional alterations in .lymphoid tissue induced by adrenal-cortical secretion. Am. J. Anat., 1945, 77: 81-116. Histological study of the lymphoid tissue of normal rabbits and of normal and adrenalectomized mice following injection of pitui- tary adrenotrophic hormone and various cortical preparations. 39 references. 2316. Dougherty, T. F., White, A., and Chase, J. H., see No. 2141. -245- LYMPHOID TISSUE (Continued) 2317. Frada, G., see No. 507. 2318. Herlant, M. Conditioning, through stress, of the action of cor- ticoids on lymphoid organs. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 399-401. "The combined action of a small dose of cortical ex- tract and non-specific stress of moderate intensity has a well marked caryoclastic effect on the lymphoid system of adrenalectomized rats, whilst the same dose of extract given to adrenalectomized, non- stressed rats, produces a negligible effect. " 9 references. 2319. Torda, C, and Wolff, H. G. Effect of lymphatic necrosis on neuro- muscular function (action potential, acetylcholine synthesis) of hypo- physectomized animals. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 127. Abstract. 2320. Valentine, W. N., Craddock, C. G., Jr., and Lawrence, J. S., see No. 1124. 2321. Yoffey, J. M., Reiss, M., and Baxter, J. S., see No. 1268. MAMMARY GLAND, see also LACTATION 2322. Cowie, A. T., and Folley, S. J. The role of the adrenal cortex in mammary development and its relation to the mammogenic action of the anterior pituitary. Endocrinology, 1947, 40: 274-285. 20 references. 2323. Jacobsohn, D. The action of corticotropic and adrenal cortex hor- mones on the mammary gland. Acta physiol. scand., 1949, r7: 423- 439. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 63. Experi- ments with parabiotic rats. 18 references. 2324. Nelson W. O. Production of sex hormones in the adrenals. Anat. Rec. 1941, 81: Suppl., 97. "It is possible in the immature rat to induce enlargement of the sex accessories, ... growth of the mam- mary glands, and atrophy of the thymus by the administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone." Abstract. MENSTRUATION, see REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM MENTAL DISORDERS 2325 L'A.C.T.H. et la cortisone en psychiatrie; la notion de "stress" en psychiatric Med. & hyg., Geneve, 1950, 8: 170. Review of recent English and American clinical experiments. 4 references. -246- MENTAL DISORDERS (Continued) 2326. Altschule, M. D. Physiologic observations in mental diseases. Bull. N. England M. Center, 1949, 11: 229-234. "The hypothesis chosen for examination ... is . . . that psychosis may develop when the in- dividual has within him a factor making him susceptible to the effects of long- continued moderate oversecretion of ACTH on carbohydrate and pro- tein metabolism, (or) factors causing such .. . hypersecretion . . . such as recurrent stresses. 2327. Bissanti, A. Acetato di desossicorticosterone ed acido ascorbico nelle malattie mentali. Riforma med., 1950, 64: 394. Critical ab- stract of a paper by E. C. Cranswick and T. C. Hall, Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 540-543 (listed below as No. 2331). 2328. Bourne, H. Deoxycortone with ascorbic acid in mental disorder. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 925. 2329. Cleghorn, R. A., and Graham, B. F. Studies of adrenal cortical activity in psychoneurotic subjects. Am. J. Psychiat., 1950, 106; 668-672. "The use of a cumulative index of adrenal cortical activity has been described. " 2330. Cleghorn, R. A., Graham, B. F., Campbell, R. B., Rublee, N. K., Elliott, F. H., and Saffran, M. Anxiety states; their response to ACTH and to isotonic saline. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 561-565. There is a wide individual variation in re- sponse to small doses, but response increases with higher dosage. Control injections with saline produce similar response. 2331. Cranswick, E. H., and Hall, T. C. Deoxycortone with ascorbic acid in mental disorder; some clinical and laboratory findings. Lancet, Lond., 1950, h 540-543. 10 references. 2332. Elmadjian, F., and Pincus, G., see No. 1087. 2333. Fachini, G., Ceresa, F., Morpurgo, E., and Korenyi, Z. Deoxy- cortone with ascorbic acid in mental disorders. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1: 734-735. "Results are therapeutically favourable and interesting for the haematological and urinary findings. " Studies are being con- tinued. 3 references. 2334. Freeman, H., and Elmadjian, F. Carbohydrate and lymphoid studies in schizophrenia. Am. J. Psychiat., 1950, 106: 660-667. A series of studies have been carried out in schizophrenic patients and normal controls that indicate that (1) there is a reduction of tolerance to glu- cose in this psychosis; (2) the response of the adrenal cortex to stim- ulation by the ingestion of glucose is generally deficient as exemplified by measurements of various blood and urinary variables known to be pertinent to adreno-cortical activation. " 19 references. -247- MENTAL DISORDERS (Continued) 2335. Graham, B. F., Rublee, N. K., Campbell, R., Elliott, F. H., Saffran, M., and Cleghorn, R. A. Activation of the adrenal cortex in psychoneurotic subject. Rev. canad. biol., 1950, 9: 75. Abstract of a paper read at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physio- logical Society, October 14, 1949. 2336. Hemphill, R. E., and Reiss, M. Corticotrophic hormone in treat- ment of involutional melancholia with hypopituitarism and pituitary cachexia. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1942, 88: 559-565. 15 references. 2337. Hoagland, H. Stress and the adrenal cortex in normal persons and in schizophrenic patients, with special reference to potassium metab- olism. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 258. Abstract. 2338. Hoagland, H., Callaway, E., Elmadjian, F., and Pincus, G. Ad- renal cortical responsivity of psychotic patients in relation to electro- shock treatment. Psychosomat. M., 1950, 12^73-77. 16 references. 2339. Hoagland, H., and Pincus, G. Pituitary-adrenocortical function in patients with severe personality disorders. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 544-560. Out of 4 schizophrenic pa- tients, one had to be dropped after 1 week due to cardiac complica- tions; only one of the remaining three showed marked psychiatric improvement, but relapsed 1 week after cessation. 2340.*Hoff, H., and Shaby, J. A. Un estado confusional equado con el sfndrome de Waterhouse-Friederichsen. Rev. argent, neur. psiquiat. 1943, 8: 245-251. 2341. Hoff, H., and Shaby, J. A. Suprarenal cortical extract in acute con- fusional states. Lancet, Lond., 1940,'J.: 27-28. 5 references. 2342. Jens, R. Desoxycorticosterone in certain psychotic cases. Northwest M., 1949, 48: 609-611. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Psychiat., 1950, 5: 42.' ~~ 2343. Loehner, C. A., see No. 1402. 2344. Oldenberg, F., see No. 1526. 2345 Pincus, G., and Hoagland, H. Adrenal cortical responses to stress in normal men and in those with personality disorders; analysis of the pituitary-adrenal mechanism in man. Am. J. Psychiat., 1950, 106: 651-659. "... data indicate a highly significant failure of normal ad- renal stress responses in the schizophrenic population as compared with the control population, principally at the level of the ability of the adrenal cortex to respond to adrenocorticotrophin . . . These findings are discussed in relation to the etiology of schizophrenia. " 35 refer- ences. -248- MENTAL DISORDERS (Continued) 2346. Pincus, G., and Hoagland, H. Adrenal cortical responses to stress in normal men and in those with personality disorders; some stress responses in normal and psychotic subjects. Am. J. Psychiat., 1950, 106: 641-650. 2347. Pincus, G., Hoagland, H., Freeman, H., and Elmadjian, F. Ad- renal function in mental disease. Recent progress in hormone re- search, (New York), 1949, 4: 291-322. Studies with schizophrenic subjects and nonpsychotic controls. - Effects of ACTH administration to psychoneurotics. 20 references. 2348. Pincus, G., Hoagland, H., Freeman, H., Elmadjian, F., and Romanoff, L. P. A study of pituitary-adrenocortical function in nor- mal and psychotic men. Psychosomat. M., 1949, J_l: 74-101. Ab- stracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1949, 6: 620; Also in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cor- tisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 30-31; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12211. Experiments on 36 normal and 34 psychotic men produced evidence of "a species of hypoadrenal- ism in the psychotic subjects. " 44 references. 2349. Pincus, G., Schenker, V., Elmadjian, F., and Hoagland, H. Re- sponsivity of schizophrenic men to pituitary adrenocorticotrophin. Psychosomat. M., 1949, LL: 146-150. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12242. This experiment with 9 schizophrenic patients "suggested that the responsivity of schizophrenic men to ACTH is not a function of their nutritional status nor of their C-avitaminosis. " 7 references. 2350. Rk., P. L'A.C.T.H. et la cortisone en psychiatrie; la notion de "stress" en psychiatrie. Med. & hyg., 1950, 8: 170. 4 references. 2351. Sackler, A. M., Sackler, M. D., and Sackler, R. R. The research background of a system of neuroendocrinologic formulations; physi- odynamics and some major metabolic disorders. J. Clin. Psychopath., 1950, 2: 1-14. Includes "Studies of steroids in the psychoses," p. 11- 12. 2352. Sackler, M. D., Sackler, R. R., and Sackler, A. M. A system of physiodynamics and its application to the neuroendocrinology of psy- chiatry; physiodynamics and some major metabolic disorders. J. Clin. Psychopath., 1950, 2: 15-33. Includes "a number of hypothetical and practical considerations, raised by the advent of ACTH and cor- tisone and their beneficial as well as their psychosis-precipitating potentialities. " -249- MESENCHYMAL TISSUE, see TISSUE RESPONSE METABOLISM (For metabolism in certain diseases see under the name of the disease; see also BLOOD, URINE, etc.) 2353. The adrenal in protein and carbohydrate metabolism. Nutrit. Rev., 1950, JJ: 173-176. 2354. Albright, F., Forbes, A. P., and Bartter, F. C. Continuation of studies with adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Tr. Conf. Metab. As- pects Convalesc., 1947, 16. meet., 53-65. Metabolism studies. 2355. Bartter, F. C, Forbes, A. P., and Albright, F. A comparison of the effects of ACTH in panhypopituitarism, ovarian agenesis, and acromegaly. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 214- 224. In one patient with each of these syndromes, ACTH produced equal rises in reducing steroids, while the rise in 17-ketosteroids was abnormally low in panhypopituitarism, slightly subnormal in ovarian agenesis and greater than normal in acromegaly. The higher the ketosteroids, the greater was the nitrogen loss. 2356. Bolinger, R. E., see No. 402. 2357. Browne, J. S. L., McAlpine, H. T., and Hoffman, M. M. Metabolic effects produced by the administration of large doses of adrenocorti- cotrophic hormone to normal humans. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1948, 17. meet., 148-158. 2358. Brownell, K. A., and Hartman, F. A. Influence of adrenal prepa- rations on basal metabolism and specific dynamic action. Endocri- nology, 1941, 29:430-442. Effects of whole extract, cortin, sodium factor, desoxycorticosterone acetate and sodium salts on basal me- tabolism, S.D. A. of protein fat and carbohydrate were studied in adrenalectomized dogs. 38 references. 2359. Charva*t, J., Chytil, F., Kandrac, M., Soyka, O., and §onka, J. Studie o adrenokortikotrofnim hormonu (ACTH) prehled znalosti o ACTH. Sborn. lek., 1950, 52: 51-90. 26 references. 2360 Davidson, J. L. Influence of the adrenal cortex hormones on carbo- hydrate and protein metabolism. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., 1944, 104: 336-338. Contents: Types of adrenal cortex hormones. - Physiologic and metabolic changes in adrenal insufficiency. - Muscle activity. - Carbohydrate metabolism. - Summary. 12 references. -250- METABOLISM (Continued) 2361. Druckrey, H. Der Zusammenhang von Kohlehydrat- und Kalium- Stoffwechsel und die Wirkung der Nebennierenrinde auf denselben. ^ Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1942, 72: 597. (Erwiderung von F. Verzar). 2 references. 2362. Forsham, P. H., Thorn, G., Bergner, G. E., and Emerson, K., Jr., see No. 192. 2363. Gulzow, M. Nebennierenrindenhormonbehandluag Unterernahrter; Wirkung auf Kreislauf, hamopoetisches System, Energiehaushalt. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1948, 193; 465-480. 64 references. 2364. Hildebrand, A. G., and Rynearson, E. H. Diseases of metabolism; review of certain recent contributions. Arch. Int. M., 1942, 69: 344- 365. 112 references. 2365. Hoffman, M. M., McAlpine, H. T., and Browne, J. S. L. Metabolic effects of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) administered to man. Rev. canad. biol., 1949, 8: 323. Abstract of a paper read at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physiol. Soc, Quebec, Oct. 1948. 2366. Homburger, F., Abels, J. C, and Young, N. F. Observations on a normal young woman given synthetic 11-dehydrocorticosterone acetate. Am. J. Med., 1948, 4: 163-174. A total dose of 1, 400 mg. of syn- thetic DHCA did not change either the metabolic response to 48-hourfasts or the 17-ketosteroid excretion. Mild retention of sodium and water was observed. 2367. Ingle, D. J., see No. 1346. 2368. Ingle, D. J. Some studies on the role of the adrenal cortex in organic metabolism. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1949, 50: 576-595. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26195; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 256. "This paper is concerned with the present studies in our laboratories on, first, the metabolic effects of adrenal cortical extracts, pure steroids, and pure adrenocorticotrophic hormone, and second, the possible relationship of these effects to some of the meta- bolic changes which occur during stress. " 2369.*Kohler, V., Mauer, H., and Munich, W. Der Einfluss des Desoxy- corticosteron-Glucosids (Ciba) auf den Ruhe-Nuchternumsatz des stoff- wechselgesunden Menschen. Klin. Wschr., 1949, 27: 116-118. -251- METABOLISM (Continued) 2370. Long, C. N. H. A discussion of the mechanism of action of adrenal cortical hormones on carbohydrate and protein metabolism. Endo- crinology, 1942, 30: 870-883. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 15. 31 references. 2371. McAlpine, H. T., Venning, E. H., Johnson, L., Schenker, V., Hoffman, M. M., and Browne, J. S. L. Metabolic changes following the administration of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) to normal humans. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 591. Abstract. 2372. Osterwald, K. H. Zur Kreislaufwirkung des Nebennierenrindenhor- mons. Arch. Kreislaufforsch., 1948, _14:-205-230. 38 references. 2373. Ottaway, J. H., and Smith, R. H. The effect of anterior pituitary extract on the metabolism of isolated rat diaphragm. Biochem. J., Lond., 1948, 43: Suppl., 40. 2374.*Parviainen, S., Soiva, K., and Ehrnrooth, C. A. On the effect of desoxycorticosterone and sodium chloride treatment on the electrolyte content of the brain and muscle and on the glycogen content of the liver, muscle and uterus in pregnant rabbit. Ann. chir. gynaec. Fenniae, 1950, 39. 2375. Perera, G. A., Pines, K. L., Hamilton, H. B., and Vislocky, K. Clinical and metabolic study of 11-dehydro-17-hydroxycorticosterone acetate (Kendall Compound E) in hypertension, Addison's disease and diabetes mellitus. Am. J. Med., 1949, 7: 56-69. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 135; Also in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 34; Also in: J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 803-803. 18 references. 2376. Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., see No. 1236. 2377. Roller, D. Der Einfluss synthetischer Nebennierenrindenwirkstoffe auf die Mineralstoffausscheidung des Menschen. Wien. Arch. inn. Med., 1940-41, 34: 272. Abstract. 2378. Sprague, R. G., Power, M. H., Mason, H. L., and Cluxton, H. E., see No. 252. 2379. Thorn, G. W., and Forsham, P. H. Metabolic changes in man fol- lowing adrenal and pituitary hormone administration. Recent progress in hormone research, (New York), 1949, 4: 229-288. 62 references. -252- METABOLISM (Continued) 2380. Thorn, G. W., Prunty, F. T. G., and Forsham, P. H., see No. 635. 2381. Tronchetti, F., and Torsoli, A. Influenza dell'ormone corticotropo sui ricambio glicidicoe respiratorio nel normale e nell'ipertiroideo. Fol. endocr., Pisa, 1950, 3: 69-91. English abstract. 61 references. 2382.*Verzar, F. Les effets des hormones cortico-surrenales sur le me~ tabolisme. Praxis, Bern, 1949, 38: 1059. 2383. Verzar, F. Stoffwechselwirkungen des Nebenrindenhormons. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80: 468-476. Discussion of carbohydrate-, pro- tein- and fat metabolism. Review article. 57 references. 2384. White, A. Integration of the effects of adrenal cortical, thyroid, and growth hormones in fasting metabolism. Recent progress in hormone research, (New York), 1949, 4: 153-187. 39 references. METABOLISM - AMINO ACIDS, see METABOLISM - PROTEINS METABOLISM - ASCORBIC ACID, see ASCORBIC ACID METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES, see also DIABETES MELLITUS - ME- TABOLISM 2385. Awapara, J., Marvin, H. N., and Wells, B. B., see No. 502. 2386. Bartlett, G. R., Wick, A. N., and MacKay, E. M. The influence of insulin and adrenal cortical compounds on the metabolism of radio- active C^-glucose in the isolated rat diaphragm. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 178: 1003-1004. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 73. 3 references. 2387. Berenstein, F. Y., Shifrina, R. S., and Yadvinskaya, E. I. K voprosu o vliyanii kortina na uglevodnyi obmen. (Effect of cortine on carbo- hydrate metabolism). Farm. &toks., Moskva, 1942, 5: No. 4, 33- 40. 8 references. 2388. Bergman, H. C, and Klein, D. Relation of body weight to liver gly- cogen storage potency of adrenal cortical extracts. Endocrinology, 1943, 33: 174-176. ". .. total amount of glycogen stored by liver for a given dose of extract is independent of body weight . . . (and) of the weight of liver. " 3 references. -253- METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES (Continued) 2389.*Bozovi£, L., Leupin, E., and Verzar, F. Beeinflussung des Glykogenstoffwechsels des Muskels in vitro durch Desoxycortico- steron und Adrenalin. Helvet. physiol. pharm. acta, 1949, 7: 328- 332. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 277. ~ 2390. Britton, S. W., and Corey, E. L. Pancreatic and cortico-adrenal involvement in carbohydrate regulation. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 131: 790-798. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Anno- tated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1^49, p. 12-13. 2391. Britton, S. W., and French, C. R. Cortico-adrenal extract influ- ence on carbohydrate levels in thyroidectomized rats. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1^: 10. Abstract of a paper read at the 54th Annual Meet- ing of the American Physiological Society. 2392. Brownell, K. A., and Hartman, F. A. Increased glyconeogenetic factor production after adrenal enucleation. Endocrinology, 1948, 42: 232-235. The maximum output (three times normal) was reached after 29 days. "... the maxima for the production of fat and glyconeo- genetic factors occur at widely different times, which would indicate distinct hormones." 2 references. 2393. Chabrol, E., Labbe', R., Ferrand, G., and Berton., see No. 121. 2394. Chiu, C. Y. The effect of adrenal cortical preparations added in vitro upon the carbohydrate metabolism of liver slices. The effect of some pure steroids upon carbohydrate synthesis, oxygen uptake and non-protein nitrogen. Biochem. J., Lond., 1950, £6; 120-124. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 276. 9 references. 2395. Chiu, C. Y., and Needham, D. M. Effect of adrenal cortical steroids upon the formation of carbohydrate by rat liver slices. Nature, Lond., 1949, 164: 790-791. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 276. "Desoxycorticosterone, 11-dehydro-corticosterone and 17-hy- droxy-11-dehydro-corticosterone decreased the glycogenolysis in liver slices in the absence of substrate and increased the formation of glycogen in the presence of substrate. Total carbohydrate was in- creased both with and without substrate. " (Excerpta med.). 7 refer- ences. 2396. Cohen, J. A. The influence of various hormones on the utilization of glucose. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, N. Y., 1950, 4: 535-542. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4; 277. Discussion includes pituitary and adrenocortical hormones. -254- METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES (Continued) 2397. Conn, J. W. Effects of ACTH on carbohydrate metabolism in normal human beings. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 86-107. In a series of 10 prolonged balance studies, a relatively insulin resistant diabetes began to appear in 9 subjects after 24 hours. Fasting blood glutathione decreased as carbohydrate tolerance was lost and returned to normal after cessation of ACTH with gradual return of carbohydrate tolerance. 2398. Corey, E. L., and Britton, S. W. Glycogen levels in the isolated liver perfused with cortico-adrenal extract, insulin and other prepa- rations. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, L31: 783-789. 2399. Crampton, J. H., Scudder, S. T., and Davis, C. D., see No. 7. 2400.*Dale, T., see No. 122. 2401. De Bodo, R. C, Block, H. I., and Gross, I. H., see No. 1030. 2402.*Ernould, H. J., see No. 188. 2403. Gemzell, C. A., see No. 605. 2404. Gobell, O. Die Wirkung des wasserloslichen Desoxycorticosterons auf den Kohlehydratstoffwechsel. 1. Mitteilung. Klin. Wschr., 1941, 20: 825-827. 7 references. 2405. Gobell, O., and Benkner, H. J. Die Wirkung wasserloslichen Des- oxycorticosterons auf den Kohlehydratstoffwechsel. 2. Mitteilung. Klin. Wschr., 1942, 21: 17-18. 5 references. 2406. Gobell, O., and Holler, E. Die Wirkung des Percortens auf den Kohlehydratstoffwechsel bei Arbeitsleistung. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1942-43, m.- 370-374. 4 references. 2407. Grattan, J. F., and Jensen, H., see No. 2125. 2408. Grattan, J. F., Jensen, H., and Ingle, D. J., see No. 2126. 2409. Groot, A. P. de, and Overbeek, G. A. De invloed van desoxycortico- steronacetaat op het glycogeengehalte van de lever bij normale en bijnierlooze ratten. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1946, 90:671-673. 5 ref- erences. 2410. Gulzow, M. Wirkung des Nebennierenrindenhormons auf den Kohle- hydratstoffwechsel Unterernahrter. Zschr. ges. inn. Med., 1947, 2: 398-409. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12188. 51 ref- erences. -255- METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES (Continued) 2411. Haines, W. J., Johnson, R. H., Brunner, M. P., Pabst, M. L., and Kuizenga, M. H., see No. 493. 2412. Heni, F. Die Wirkung der synthetischen Nebennierenrindensteroide auf den Kohlenhydrathaushalt. Zschr. ges. inn. Med., 1947, 2:494- 502. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12191. 36~ref- erences. 2413. Heni, F. Die Wirkung des Desoxycorticosteronacetats auf den Kohle- hydratstoffwechsel des Rindengesunden. Zschr. ges exp. Med., 1942, 110: 23-28. Abstracted in: Klin. Wschr., 1942, 2_1: 617. 12 refer- ences. 2414. Horwitt, B. N., and Dorfman, R. I. The effect of urinary cortin- like material on carbohydrate metabolism. Science, 1943, 97: 337. 7 references. 2415. Ingle, D. J. Comparison of effects of a stress on the glycosuria of force-fed partially depancreatized and of partially depancreatized- adrenalectomized rats. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 66. Abstract. 2416. Ingle, D. J. Diabetogenic effect of some cortin-like compounds. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 44: 176-177. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cor- tisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 7. Rat experiments with 11-desoxycorticosterone acetate, 17-hydroxycorticosterone, and 17-hydroxy-11-dehydrocorticosterone acetate. 2417. Ingle, D. J. The effect of 11-desoxycorticosterone acetate upon the glycosuria of partially depancreatized rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 69:329-330. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 14805. "Ten mildly diabetic force-fed rats showed an avg. de- crease in the level of urinary glucose during the admn. of 1 and 2 mg. of 11-desoxycorticosterone acetate per day. When the dosage was in- creased to 10 mg. of the steroid per day, the glycosuria was exacer- bated in all of the animals and it decreased to the pre-injn. level when the admn. of the steroid was stopped. " 4 references. 2418. Ingle, D. J. The production of experimental glycosuria in the rat. Recent progress in hormone research, (New York), 1948, 2: 229-253. The discussion includes adrenal steroid diabetes and insulin resist- ance in normal animals, and production of diabetes in normal rats by pure ACTH. 45 references. -256- METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES (Continued) 2419. Ingle, D. J., Prestrud, M. C, Nezamis, J. E., and Kuizenga, M. H. Effect of adrenal cortex extract upon the tolerance of the evis- cerated rat for intravenously administered glucose. Am. J. Physiol., 1947, 150: 423-427. 12 references. 2420. Ingle, D. J., Winter, H. A., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Pro- duction of glycosuria in normal rats by means of adrenocorticotropic hormone. Science, 1945, 101: 671-672. 4 references. 2421. ItO, M. Hukuzin hisitu-hormone to gansui-tanso taisya. (The hor- mones of the cortex of the suprarenal capsule and the metabolism of carbohydrates). Nissin igaku, 1950, 37: 18-25. 2422. Jon£§, V., see No. 57. ,2423. Kass, E. H., Ingbar, S. H., and Finland, M., see No. 613. 2424. Kaufman, E. H., and Desproproulos, A. Effect of desoxycorticoster- one glucoside (DCG) on glucose reabsorption in the dog kidney. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 188. Abstract. 2425. Keyes, G. H., and Kelley, V. C. Glycogenic effect of adrenal cor- tical extract. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 158: 351-357. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 98. 21 references. 2426. Kohler, V., see No. 131. 2427. Kohler, V. Die Stellung des Desoxycorticosteronacetats im normalen und pathologischen Kohlehydratstoffwechsel; Desoxycorticosteronacetat und Adrenalin. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1949, 194: 268-276. 30 ref- erences. 2428. Kflhler, V. Die Stellung des Desoxycorticosteronacetats im normalen und pathologischen Kohlehydratstoffwechsel; Desoxycorticosteronacetat und Hypophysenhinterlappen. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1947-48, 193: 43-47. 12 references. 2429. Kohler, V. Die Wirkung des Desoxycorticosteronacetats (Percorten) auf die gestorte intestinale Zuckerresorption. Endokrinologie, 1950, 27: 45-50. 13 references. 2430. Kohler, V., and Fleckenstein, A. Die Stellung des Desoxycortico- steronacetats im normalen und pathologischen Kohlehydratstoffwechsel; Diabetes mellitus und Desoxycorticosteronacetat. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1943-44, .191: 578-615. 130 references. -257- METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES (Continued) 2431. Kohler, V., and Hanschke, H. Die Steigerung der physiologischen Zuckerkapazitat durch synthetisches Nebennierenrindenhormon. Klin. Wschr., 1948, 26: 300-303. 33 references. 2432. Koepf, G. F., Horn, H. W., Gemmill, C. L., and Thorn, G. W. The effect of adrenal cortical hormone on the synthesis of carbohy- drate in liver slices. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 135: 175-186. 20 ref- erences. 2433. Leupin, E., and Verzar, F. Influence of desoxycorticosterone on glycogen formation and glucose uptake of isolated muscle. Nature, Lond., 1949, 163: 836. Abstracted in: Ann. endocr., Par., 1949, H): 493; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26202. 2434. Lewis, R. A., Kuhlman, D., Delbue, C, Koepf, G. F., and Thorn, G. W. The effect of the adrenal cortex on carbohydrate metabolism. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 971-982. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 11-12. "... the ability of adrenalectomized animals (phlorrhizin of insulin treated) to form glu- cose following the administration of potentially glycogenic substances has been studied. The comparative effectiveness of treatment with several adrenal cortical hormone preparations has been observed. " 10 references. 2435. Li, C. H., Kalman, C, and Evans, H. M. The effect of adreno- corticotropic and growth hormones on the glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis by the isolated diaphragm with and without insulin. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1949, 23: 512-514. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 124. 2 references. 2436. Long, C. N. H., Katzin, B., and Fry, E. G. The adrenal cortex and carbohydrate metabolism. Endocrinology, 1940, 2j>: 309-351. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibli- ography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 6-7. Animal experiments. 30 references. 2437 MacBryde, C. M., and De LaBalze, F. A. Effect on carbohydrate metabolism of pork adrenal cortex extract. J. Am. M. Ass., 1944, 124: 801. Abstract. 2438. MacBryde, C. M., and De La Baize, F. A., see No. 133. -258- METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES (Continued) 2439. McKee, R. W., Gobbey, T. S., Jr., and Geiman, Q. M. The effect of administered adrenal cortical hormones on the liver glycogen of normal and scorbutic guinea pigs. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 21-28. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26205; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 55. 18 references. 2440. Martini, V. Sul determinismo dell'assorbimento intestinale dei glucidi. Azione locale della cortina. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1947, 23: 306. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12204. "Experiments on isolated intestinal segments of dog showed that ad- renal cortical extracts accelerated the absorption of glucose and lac- tose. " (Biol. Abstr.). 2441. Medwedewa, N., see No. 2040. 2442. Mentha, J., Vdgtli, W., and Verzar, F. Der Einfluss von Desoxy- corticosteron auf den Glykogenstoffwechsel bei Arbeit des isolierten Diaphragmas normaler und adrenalektomierter Ratten. Helvet. physiol. pharm. acta, 1948, 6: 853-862. 12 references. 2443. Milla, E., and Baldacci, G. L'azione dell'ormone cortico-surrenale sul metabolismo glucidico e lipidico dell'uomo sottoposto a lavoro muscolare. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1943, 18: 107. "No appre- ciable difference." 2444. Miller, A. M. Liver glycogen response to adrenal cortical extract of diabetic and non-diabetic rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 635-636. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12207. "The liver glycogen response to adrenal cortical extract of adrenalectomized diabetic rats is not significantly different from the response of adrenalectomized non-diabetic rats. " (Biol. Abstr.). 2445. Montigel, C. Der Einfluss der Nebennierenrinde auf die Glykogen- phosphorylierung im Muskel; liber die Kinetik der Phosphorolyse mit Muskelbrei normaler und adrenalektomierter Tiere. Helvet. chim. acta, 1943, 26: 883-905. 27 references. \ 2446. Olson, R. E., Thayer, S. A., and Kopp, L. J. The glycogenic ac- tivity of certain crystalline steroids on the adrenal cortex when ad- ministered singly and with cortical extract to fasted, normal and ad- renalectomized rats. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 464-472. 15 refer- ences. -259- METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES (Continued) 2447. Park, C. R., and Krahl, M. E. Effect of pituitary extract upon glucose uptake by diaphragms from normal, hypophysectomized, and hypophysectomized-adrenalectomized rats. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, _181: 247-254. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 162-163. 10 references. 2448.*Pellegrino, C. (Glycogen storage in the liver of adrenalectomized rats). Folia endocrin., 1949,2:207-215. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3603. 2449. Reinecke, R. M., see No. 1257. 2450. Reinecke, R. M., and Kendall, E. C, see No. 1367. 2451. Reinecke, R. M., and Kendall, E. C, see No. 1258. 2452. Remington, J. W., see No. 1368. 2453. Russell, J. A. The relationship of the anterior pituitary and the ad- renal cortex in the metabolism of carbohydrate. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 128: 552-561. 19 references. 2454. Soulairac, A. Action de la cortico-surrenale sur la consommation spontane*e des glucides. Ann. endocr., Par., 1945, 6: 51-54. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 3513. "Subcut. injns. of desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) increased the voluntary intake of glucose solns. (but not of sucrose or maltose) in autoselection expts. with adult mice. The total dose of DCA was 22 mg. in the course of 17 days. The action continued for about 1 mo. after the last injn. Adrenalectomy (rat expts.) decreased the voluntary intake of glucose solns." (Biol. Abstr.). 1 reference. 2455. Sprague, R. G. The influence of extract of the adrenal cortex on glycogenesis in fasting rats. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1940, 15: 291-294. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibli- ography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 8. 2456. Sprague, R. G., Mason, H. L., and Power, M. Studies of the effects of adrenal cortical hormones on carbohydrate metabolism in human subjects. Proc. Am. Diabetes Ass., 1949, 9: 147-169. Abstracted in: Collect. Papers Mayo Clin., 1949, 6U 236. "The virtual absence of carbohydrate activity of 11-desoxycorticosterone acetate when used in ordinary therapeutic doses was demonstrated. " (Collect. Papers). 6 references. -260- METABOLISM - CARBOHYDRATES (Continued) 2457. Steeples, G. L., and Jensen, H., see No. 449. 2458. Thaddea, S., see No. 146. 2459. Thorn, G. W., Koepf, G. F., Lewis, R. A., and Ol sen, E. F., see No. 382. 2460. Venning, E. H., Hoffman, M. M., and Browne, J. S. L., see No. 1386. 2461. Verzar, F., and Montigel, C. Decrease in glycogen phosphorylation in muscle in vitro after adrenalectomy and restoration with desoxy- corticosterone Nature, Lond., 1942, 149: 49. 2462. Verzar, F., and Wang, F. C. Reversal of glycogenetic to glyco- genolytic action of desoxycorticosterone in rats. Nature, Lond., 1950, 165: 114-115. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5453i; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 254. 9 references. 2463. Verzar, F., and Wenner, V., see No. 1773. 2464. Wang, F. C, and Verzar, F., see No. 1327. 2465. Wells, B. B. The influence of crystalline compounds separated from the adrenal cortex on gluconeogenesis. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1940, n>: 292-297. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Anno- tated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal sub- stances, 1949, p. 8. 2 references. 2466. Wick, A. N., Ackerman, N., and McKay, E. M., see No. 1831. 2467. Wiesener, H. Der Einfluss von Nebennierenrindenhormon auf den Kohlehydratstoffwechsel von Leber und Muskulatur. Zschr. ges. inn. Med., 1949, 4: 756-758. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 276. "Glycolysis and oxygen consumption of slices of liver and diaphragm from mice measured in vitro by the Warburg method in- creased with desoxycorticosterone acetate in all concentrations stud- ied. " (Excerpta med.). 18 references. 2468. Young, N. F., Abels, J. C, and Homburger, F. Studies of carbo- hydrate metabolism in patients with gastric cancer. Defective hepatic glycogenesis; effects of adreno-cortical extract. J. Clin. Invest., 1948, 27: 760-765. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 101. 14 references. -261- METABOLISM - CHLORIDE, see METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES 2469. Adrenals and sodium metabolism. Nutrit. Rev., 1950, 8:69-73. Short review article. 7 references. 2470. Barnett, H. L., and McNamara, H., see No. 349. 2471. Bartter, F. C, Fourman, P., Forbes, A. P., Jeffries, W. M., and Albright, F. An analysis of the various factors influencing potas- sium, phosphorus, and sodium excretion on administration of the ad- renocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Trans. 1st Conf. Metabol. In- terrel., 1949, 137-147, discussion 147-148. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44- 3600. "The administration of ACTH was followed by a large immediate and transient loss of K in the urine, an early and sustained loss of N without commensurate loss of P and K, and a retention of Na and Ca. " (Chem. Abstr.). 2472. Bartter, F. C, Fourman, P., Forbes, A. P., Jeffries, W. M., and Dempsey, E. A quantitative analysis of the effects of adreno- corticotropic hormone (ACTH) on potassium (K) and phosphorus (P) metabolism. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 769. Abstracted in: Merck &Cc, Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 34. 2473. Buell, M. V., and Turner, E. Catin distribution in the muscles of adrenalectomized rats. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 134: 225-239. 16 references. 2474. Cantarow, A., and Rakoff, A. E. Influence of desoxycorticosterone acetate and of progesterone on the diffusion of sodium and chloride into the peritoneal space. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 652-656. "These observations support the hypothesis that the effect of these agents is exerted upon membranes in general and that their action in producing a decreased renal elimination of Na and CI may constitute a part of this more generalized action or may perhaps be secondary to extra- renal phenomena. " 9 references. 2475. Clinton, M., Jr., and Thorn, G. W., see No. 1139. 2476. Clinton, M., Jr., and Thorn, G. W. The effect of ll-desoxy-17 hydroxy corticosterone on renal excretion of electrolytes. Science, 1942, 96: 343-344. 2477. Clinton, M., Jr., Thorn, G. W., Eisenberg, H., and Stein, K. E., see No. 1140. -262- METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES (Continued) 2478. Cole, D. F. The effects of deoxycorticosterone acetate on electro- lyte distribution in the tissues of the adrenalectomized rat. J. En- docr., Lond., 1949, 6:251-254. 16 references. 2479. Cowie, A. T., Folley, S. J., French, T. H., and Greenbaum, A. L. Effect of sodium intake on adrenalectomized rats receiving cortical steroids. J. Endocr., Cambr., 1946-48, 5: Proc., 33-34. 8 ref- erences. 2480. Desoxycorticosterone and fluid metabolism. Brit. M. J., 1943, J.: 513. 2481. Dorfman, R. L. Influence of adrenal cortical steroids and related compounds on sodium metabolism. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72; 395-398. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 179. 4 references. 2482. Dorfman, R. I., and Potts, A. M., see No. 1673. 2483. Eliel, L. P., Pearson, O. H., Katz, B., and Kraintz, F. W. Com- parison of lymphoid tumor and muscle electrolyte composition in pa- tients treated with ACTH and cortisone acetate. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, 9: 168. Abstract. 2484. Feil, M. L., and Dorfman, R. I. The influence of urinary cortin- like material on sodium and potassium metabolism. Endocrinology, 1945, 37: 437-449. 11 references. 2485. Ferrebee, J. W., Parker, D., Carnes, W. H., Gerity, M., Atchley, D. W., and Loeb, R. F., see No. 1683. 2486. Flanagan, J. B., Davis, A. K., and Overman, R. R. Mechanism of extracellular sodium and chloride depletion in the adrenalectomized dog. Am. J. Physiol., 1950, 160: 89-102. "Approximations were made of the total 'extracellular' sodium and chloride of control dogs, adrenalectomized dogs on DCA and dogs in acute adrenal insufficiency. " 33 references. 2487. Harkness, D. M., Muntwyler, E., Mellors, R. C, and Mautz, F. R. Electrolyte and water exchange between skeletal muscle, "availa- ble (thiocyanate) fluid, " and plasma in the dog following the adminis- tration of desoxycorticosterone acetate. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: 114. Abstract of a paper read at the 36th Annual Meeting of the Ameri- can Society of Biological Chemists, April, 1942. -263- METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES (Continued) 2488. Heni, F., see No. 1343. 2489.*Heni, F. Die Wirkung des Desoxycorticosterons auf den Salz- und Wasserhaushalt. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1940-41, 108:427-439. 2490. Hoagland, H., see No. 2337. 2491. Hoagland, H. Stress and the adrenal cortex with special reference to potassium metabolism. Psychosomat. M., 1950, 12; 142-148. 29 references. 2492. Hoagland, H., and Stone, D. Brain and muscle potassium in relation to stressful activities and adrenal cortex function. Am. J. Physiol., 1948, 152: 423-435. Abstracted in: Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 7: 55. 2493. Jones, I. C, and Greep, R. O. The relation of the adrenal cortex to electrolyte metabolism in the rat. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 280-281. Abstract. 2494. Kendall, E. C. Influence of adrenal cortex on metabolism of water and electrolytes. Vitamins & Hormones, N. Y., 1948, 6: 277-327. 249 references. 2495. Kriss, J. P., and Futcher, P. H., see No. 1558. 2496. Leaf, A., and Couter, W. T. Evidence that renal sodium excretion by normal human subjects is regulated by cortical activity. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 1067-1081. 42 references. 2497. Loeb, R. F., see No. 310. 2498. Mullins, L. J., Adler, T. K., and Fenn, W. O. The effect of adreno- cortical extracts on the distribution of injected potassium. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1943, 2: 36. Abstract. 2499. Muntwyler, E., Mautz, F. R., and Griffin, G. E. The distribution of water and electrolytes in muscle of dogs treated with desoxycortico- sterone acetate following injections of glucose-containing potassium chloride. J. Biol. Chem., 1944, ^5^: 469-477. 18 references. 2500. Piantoni, C, and Orias, O., see No. 2247. 2501. Potor, A., Young, N. F., Homburger, F., and Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., see No. 139. -264- METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES (Continued) 2502. Power, M. H., Robinson, F. J., and Kepler, E. J., see No. 140. 2503. Power, M. H., and Sprague, R. G. Some metabolic effects of ad- ministration of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and of 17-hy- droxy-11-dehydrocorticosterone (cortisone) in human subjects. In- ternat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 398-399. Abstract. 2504. Romero, E., and Soloaga, A. Los iones cloro y potasio en las en- fermedades infecciosas y su comportamiento por la DOCA. Medicina, Madr., 1950, 18: 153-192. Importance of C2 and K in human physi- ology and physiopathology. - CI and K ions in infectious disease. - CI and K ions in adrenal insufficiency. 228 references. 2505. Rubin, B. L., and Dorfman, R. I. Influence of adrenotropic hor- mone on sodium excretion in hypophysectomized rats. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 588. Abstract of a paper read at the 30th Meeting of the As- sociation for the Study of Internal Secretions. 1 reference. 2506. Sartorius, O. W., and Roberts, K. The effects of pitressin and des- oxycorticosterone in low dosage on the excretion of sodium, potassium and water by the normal dog. Endocrinology, 1949, 45:273-283. Ab- stracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 1: 290; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 140. 26 references. 2507. Selye, H., and Bas sett, L. Effect of desoxycorticosterone and testo- sterone on water and chloride metabolism. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 45: 272-277. 2508. Soffer, L. J., Gabrilove, J. L., and Jacobs, M. D. Further studies with the salt tolerance test in normal individuals and in patients with adrenal cortical hyperfunction. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 1091- 1093. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7:~505. In 10 of 15 patients with adrenal cortical hyperfunction, sodium and chloride loss occurred after administration of DCA. 6 references. 2509. Soffer, L. J., Lesnick, G., Sorkin, S. Z., Sobotka, H. H., and Jacobs, M. The utilization of intravenously injected salt in normals and in patients with Cushing's syndrome before and after administra- tion of desoxycorticosterone acetate. J. Clin. Invest., 1944 23- 51- 54. —' 2510. Stephens, D. J. Chloride excretion in hypopituitarism with reference to adrenocortical function. Am. J. M. Sc., 1940, 199: 67-75. 10 references. -265- METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES (Continued) 2511. Thorn, G. W., Engel, L. L., and Lewis, R. A. The effect of 17- hydroxycorticosterone and related adrenal cortical steroids on sodi- um and chloride excretion. Science, 1941, 94: 348-349. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Com- pound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 14- 15. 3 references. 2512. Woodbury, D. M., and Davenport, V. D. Brain and plasma cations and experimental seizures in normal and desoxycorticosterone-treated rats. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 157: 234-240. 12 references. METABOLISM - ENZYMES, see ENZYMES METABOLISM - FATS 2513. Adlersberg, D., Schaefer, L. E., and Dritch, R. Effect of cortisone, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), and desoxycorticosterone ace- tate (DOCA) on serum lipids. J. Clin. Invest., 1950, 29: 795. Ab- stract. 2514. Adlersberg, D., Schaefer, L. E., and Dritch, R. Endocrine regu- lation of serum lipid partition in man. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 70-71. Alterations in serum lipids were found in 15 cortisone-treated patients, and in 12 ACTH-treated patients. Abstract. 2515. Archer, B. H. Pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 570. Letter to the editor. The lack of published reports on the relationship of the pituitary adrenal axis to fat metabo- lism and fatty infiltration of the liver as an aspect of ACTH therapy is pointed out. 2516. Baker, B. L., Ingle, D. J., and Li, C. H. Increase in glyceride content of brown fat by treatment with adrenocorticotropin. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 337-339. "Treatment of intact or castrated rats with ACTH caused an increase in the glyceride content of brown adipose tissue. Treatment of hypophysectomized rats with 3 times the dose used above failed to maintain the fat con- tent of the interscapular gland at a normal level. " 11 references. 2517. Barnes, R. H., Miller, E. S., and Burr, G. O. The absorption and transport of fatty acids across the intestinal mucosa. J. Biol. Chem., 1941 140: 233-240. There was "no apparent parallelism between the rats of fatty acid incorporation into mucosa phospholipids and trans- port. " 9 references. -266- METABOLISM - FATS (Continued) 2518. Barnes, R. H., Miller, E. S., and Burr, G. O. The adrenals and fat absorption. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, L40: 241-246. "The adrenal is not specifically necessary for (1) the normal rate of fat absorption or (2) the normal rate of incorporation of absorbed fatty acids into the intestinal mucosal phospholipids and neutral fat. 10 references. 2519. Barnes, R. H., Miller, E. S., and Burr, G. O. The influence of the adrenals on the transport of fat into the liver. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 140: 247-253. An investigation of "some of the fat transport phenomena which are influenced by the adrenals. " 11 references. 2520. Barnes, R. H., Rusoff, I. I., and Burr, G. O. Adrenalectomy and the absorption of different fats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 49: 84-87. Adrenalectomy did not significantly change the rate of absorption of corn oil (Mazola), olive oil, hydrogenated vegetable oil (Crisco) and mutton tallow in rats. 7 references. 2521. Bavetta, L. A. The effect of adrenalectomy on the absorption of the short chain fatty acids and their triglycerides. Am. J. Physiol., 1943, 140: 44-46. Adrenalectomy effects absorption of the longer chain fatty acids but not the lower acids. 8 references. 2522. Bavetta, L. A., and Deuel, H. J., Jr. The effect of adrenalectomy on the absorption of hydrogenated cottonseed oil, corn oil, tributyrin and sodium butyrate. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 136; 712-715. "There was a definite inhibition in absorption of hydrogenated cottonseed and corn oils with a larger accumulation of fatty acids in the intestines, but absorption of tributyrin and sodium butyrate was unaffected by adrenalectomy." 7 references. 2523. Bavetta, L. A., Hallman, L., Deuel, H. J., Jr., and Greeley, P. O. The effect of adrenalectomy on fat absorption. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 134: 619-622. There was an inhibition of fat absorption, slightly im- proved by Rubin-Krick solution. More fatty acid accumulated in the intestine. Cortin restored both conditions to normal. 11 references. 2524. Bergner, G. E., Lewis, R. A., Stout, F. W., Thorn, G. W., and Emerson, K., Jr. The effect of 11-dehydrocorticosterone in fecal fat excretion. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 606. Abstract. 2525. Bernheim, F., and Zander, H. L. Effect of ACTH and other sub- stances on the lipid metabolism of rat brain. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, 9: 150. -267- METABOLISM - FATS (Continued) 2526. Hartman, F. A., Brownell, K. A., and Thatcher, J. S. A new hor- mone of the adrenal cortex. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7:461. Ab- stracted in: Endocrinology, 1947, 40: 450; Also in: Me"rck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 23. 2 references. 2527. Hartman, F. A., and Liu, T. Y. Secretion of fat factor of the ad- renal. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 57. Abstract. 2528. Houssay, B. A. Hormonal control of fat metabolism. Internat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 38-39. "ACTH increases liver fat." Abstract. 2529. Jeffries, W. M. Studies of the relationship of the thyrotropic, ex- ophthalmic and fat-mobilizing principles of pituitary extract. The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and desoxycortico- sterone acetate (DOCA) upon exophthalmos and fat mobilization in guinea pigs. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9:937-940. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 82; Also in: Q. Rev. Int. M., 1950, 7: 60. 12 references. 2530. L., P. Relaciones entre las hormonas corticosuprarrenales, el resto del aparato endocrino y el metabolismo de las grasas. Prensa med. argent., 1946, 33: 589-590. 2531. Lambert, P. P., Lebrun, J., and Heinzelin de Braucourt, C. de. Influence du glucoside de desoxycorticosterone sur la resorption renale du glucose. Acta clin. belg., 948, 3: 529-548. "According to Rusnyak, Fflldi and Szabo, the maximal capacity of renal tubules to reabsorb glucose is increased in dogs after an intravenous injection of a desoxycorticosterone glucoside (hydrosoluble Percorten Ciba). Our investigations, in man, brought about entirely different results. The desoxycorticosterone glucoside, intravenously injected into ten patients decreased the maximal resorptive capacity for glucose of about 30%. . . Whether the action of the desoxycorticosterone gluco- side is due to its being a cortical hormone or a glucoside is open to question. " 2532. Levin, L. The possible involvement of the adrenal cortex and thyroid in mobilization of fat to the liver. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 657. 2533. Li, C. H., Simpson, M. E., and Evans, H. M. The influence of growth and adrenocorticotrophic hormone on the fat content of the liver. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1949, 23: 51. -268- METABOLISM - FATS (Continued) 2534. Milla, E., and Baldacci, G. L'azione dell'ormone cortico-surrenale sul metabolismo glucidico e lipidico dell'uomo sottoposto a lavoro muscolare. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1943, ljii: 107. "No appre- ciable difference." 2535. Payne, R. W. Studies on the fat-mobilizing factor of the anterior pituitary gland. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 305-313. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 162. Various pituitary preparations were tested for effect on liver fat concentration. Apparently a sepa- rate substance termed the fat-mobilizing factor, which could not be identified with any of the well known anterior pituitary hormones, caused the deposition of fat. 14 references. 2536. Stamler, J., Bolene, C, Katz, L. N., Harris, R., and Pick, R. Influence of pancreatectomy on lipid metabolism and atherogenesis in the chick. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 121. "A 5-day course of ACTH had no effect on blood glucose, lipid or eosinophil levels. " Abstract. 2537. Stoerk, H. C, and Porter, C. C. Prevention of loss of body fat by cortisone. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 65-67. 10 ref- erences. 2538.*Timiras, P. S. Effet de la reaction d'alarme et de l'hormone cor- ticotrophique sur la graisse brune (glande hibernante) du rat. Amu ACFAS, 1949. 2539. Vogt, M. Cortical lipids of the normal and denervated suprarenal gland under conditions of stress. J. Physiol., Lond., 1947, 106: 394-404. 30 references. METABOLISM - FLUIDS, see METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES and ME- TABOLISM - WATER METABOLISM - KETONES 2540. Bennett, L. L., Kreiss, R. E., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Pro- duction of ketosis by the growth and adrenocorticotropic hormones. Am. J. Physiol., 1948, 152: 210-215. "Pure growth and pure ad- renocorticotropic hormone increased the ketonemia and the ketonuria of fasted normal rats. " 13 references. 2541. Shipley, R. A. The effect of adrenalectomy on the ketosis produced in rats by anterior pituitary extract. Endocrinology, 1940, 26: 900- 905. Adrenalectomy reduces the ketogenic effects of partially purified pituitary extract. 17 references. -269- METABOLISM - KETONES (Continued) 2542. Shipley, R. A., and Seymour, W. B. Ultrafiltration of anterior pituitary ketogenic and growth principles. Endocrinology, 1942, 31: 634-637. Ultrafiltration failed to separate the two principles. 9 references. METABOLISM - NITROGEN, see also METABOLISM - PROTEINS 2543. Anderson, E., and Joseph, M. Salt after adrenalectomy; urinary nitrogen and survival time of the fasted adrenalectomized salt-treated rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46- 321-325. "Fasted adrenalectomized rats treated with Na CI excrete nitrogen in amounts comparable with that of hormone-treated controls or that of normal animals, for at least 5 days of fasting. The survival time of such animals is also somewhat prolonged. " 1 reference. 2544. Gordan, G. S., Li, C. H., and Bennett, L. L. Effect of adreno- corticotropic hormone on urinary nitrogen excretion in the normal rat. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1945, 62: 103-105. "ACTH causes an increase in urinary nitrogen excretion with proportionate loss of body weight in the normal rat. " 10 references. 2545. Ingle, D. J., and Prestrud, M. C, see No. 1354. 2546. Ingle, D. J., and Prestrud, M. C. The effect of adrenal cortex ex- tract upon urinary nonprotein nitrogen and changes in weight in young adrenalectomized rats. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 143-147. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4565; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 947; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 55. 15 references. 2547. Laroche, G., and Tre'moli&res, J. Action sur le metabolisme azote de certaines hormones sterordes. Sem. hdp. Paris, 1950, 26: 1481- 1486. 33 references. 2548. Parson, W., see No. 1560. 2549. Power, M. H., and Sprague, R. G., see No. 2503. 2550. Toby, C. G., and Noble, R. L., see No. 460. 2551. Whitney, J. E., and Bennett, L. L., see No. 1851. METABOLISM - OXYGEN, see RESPIRATION METABOLISM - PHOSPHORUS 2552. Bartter, F. C, Fourman, P., Forbes, A. P., Jeffries, W. M., and Dempsey, E., see No. 2472. -270- METABOLISM - POTASSIUM, see METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES METABOLISM - PROTEINS, see also METABOLISM - NITROGEN 2553. Addis, T., Marmorston, J., Goodman, H., and Sellers, A. Ad- renalectomy and proteinuria in the rat. Fed. Proc , Bait., 1950, 9: 3. Abstract. 2554. Addis, T., Marmorston, J., Goodman, H. C, Sellers, A. L., and Smith, M. Effect of adrenalectomy on spontaneous and induced prote- inuria in the rat. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 43-46. 7 references. 2555. Benua, R. S., and Howard, E. The effect of dietary protein on ad- renal weights and on growth after unilateral adrenalectomy. Endo- crinology, 1945, 36: 170-177. 19 references. 2556. Browne, J. S. L., Johnson, L. G., Schenker, V., and Venning, E. H. Protein metabolism in acute and chronic disease and the relation of protein metabolism to the excretion of gluco-corticoids. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 108-133. 2557. Clark, I. Effect of cortisone on protein metabolism in the rat as studied with isotopic glycine. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, £: 161. Ab- stract. 2558. Engel, F. L., see No. 2124. 2559. Engel, F. L., see No. 2205. 2560. Engel, F. L., Schiller, S., and Pentz, E. I. Studies on the nature of the protein catabolic response to adrenal cortical extract. Endo- crinology, 1949, 44: 458-475. 31 references. 2561. Greenbaum, A. L., and Young, F. G. Distribution of protein in the tissues of rats treated with anterior-pituitary growth-hormone. Nature, Lond., 1950, 165: 521-522. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5979b. 4 references. 2562. Hoberman, H. D. Endocrine regulation of amino acid and protein metabolism during fasting. Yale J. Biol., 1950, 22: 341-367. In- cludes discussion of effects of ACTH and cortisone" 27 references. 2563. Holbrook, W. P., Hill, D. F., Stephens, A. L., Jr., Kent, L. F., Borden, A., Kemmerer, A. R., Wallraff, E. B., and Brodie, E., see No. 883. 2564. Leaf, A., and Couter, W. T., see No. 2496. -271- METABOLISM - PROTEINS (Continued) 2565. Margen, S., Kinsell, L. W., Flanagan, E. K., Suiter, L. E., Rapaport, E., with the technical assistance of Thompson, V. T., see No. 1559. 2566. Russell, J. A., and Cappiello, M. The effects of pituitary growth hormone on the metabolism of administered amino acids in nephrec- tomized rats. Endocrinology, 1949, 44: 333-344. 12 references. 2567. Stephens, C. A. L., Jr., Wallraff, E. B., Borden, A. L., Brodie, E. C, Holbrook, W. P., Hill, D. F., Kent, L. J., and Kemmerer, A. R. Apparent free histidine plasma and urine values in rheumatoid arthritis treated with cortisone and ACTH. Proc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 14: 275-279. "Five rheumatoid arthritics treated with cortisone and 10 treated with ACTH show a striking increase in urinary excre- tion of apparent free histidine ... in association with clinical remis- sion. " Plasma volume remained unchanged during the average treat- ment period. 10 references. 2568. Toby, C. G., and Noble, R. L. Influence of adrenal cortex on pro- tein metabolism in experimental shock. Rev. canad. biol., 1947, 6: 175. Abstract of a paper read at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physiological Society, 25-26 October 1946. 2569. Toby, C. G., and Noble, R. L. The role ofithe adrenal glands in protein catabolism following trauma in the rat. Rev. canad. biol., 1948, 7: 198. "The adrenal cortex is not essential for the protein catabolism occurring in the rat after trauma. " Paper read at the 11th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physiological Society, 24 Octo- ber 1947. 2570. White, A., see No. 1126. METABOLISM - RESPIRATION, see RESPIRATION METABOLISM - SODIUM, see METABOLISM - ELECTROLYTES METABOLISM - STEROIDS, see URINE - STEROID METABOLISM - URATE (URIC ACID), see DIABETES MELLITUS - EXPERI- MENTAL and GOUT METABOLISM - VITAMINS, see VITAMINS METABOLISM - WATER 2571. Birnie, J. H., Eversole, W. J., and Gaunt, R., see No. 1658. -272- METABOLISM - WATER (Continued) 2572. Britton, S. W., and Corey, E. L. Antagonistic adrenal and pitui- tary effects on body salts and water. Science, 1941, £3: 405-406. 10 references. 2573. Cachera, R., and Barbier, P., see No. 120. 2574. Chapman, R. A., and Kark, R. M. Water retention following cor- tisone therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 144: 65. Letter to the editor. 2575. Dow, D. J., see No. 1674. 2576. Eversole, W. J., Gaunt, R., and Kendall, E. C. The effects of adrenal steroids in water intoxication. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 135; 378-382. Abstracted in: Anat. Rec, 1941, 81: Suppl., p. 98. Com- pound E was three times as effective as desoxycorticosterone acetate in protection against excess water. 7 references. 2577. Gaudino, M., and Levitt, M. F., see No. 2226. 2578. Gaudino, M., and Levitt, M. F., see No. 2227. 2579. Gaunt, R., Birnie, J. H., and Eversole, W. J. Adrenal cortex and water metabolism. Physiol. Rev., 1949, 29: 281-309. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4987e; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12185. Adrenal cortex and electrolyte metabolism. Effect of adrenal cortical hormones on water excretion. Mechanism of action of cortical hormones on water metabolism. Relation between anti- diuretic hormone of neurohypophysis and adrenal cortical hormones. Relation of adrenal cortex, anterior pituitary and posterior pituitary in diabetes insipidus. Extrarenal aspects of adrenal cortical regula- tion of water metabolism. Comparative actions of different steroids on water metabolism; replacement therapy. Relation of adrenal cor- tex and thyroid in water metabolism. Relation of adrenal cortex to alterations in water metabolism seen in adaptational syndrome. Action of cortical hormones in epileptic and other convulsions related to tis- sue hydration. Water diuresis tests of adrenal cortical function. Conclusions. 283 references. 2580. Gaunt, R., Liling, M., and Mushett, C. W. Disturbances of water metabolism in vitamin deficiencies and effects of adrenal cortical hormones. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 127-132. "... results are consistent with but do not prove the idea that adrenal hypofunction exists in this (pantothenic acid and riboflavin) vitamin deficiency. " 18 references. -273- METABOLISM - WATER (Continued) 2581. Gaunt, R., Nelson, W. O., and Loomis, E. Cortical hormone-like action of progesterone and non-effect of sex hormones on "water in- toxication. " Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 39: 319-322. 6 references. 2582. Gulzow, M. Nebennierenrindenhormonwirkung auf den Stoffwechsel UnterernShrter; Wasser-Mineralhaushalt. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1947-48, 193: 318-332. 48 references. 2583. Heni, F., see No. 2489. 2584. Howlett, J., and Browne, J. S. L., see No. 1950. 2585. Hsieh, Kuang-Mei. Effect of desoxycorticosterone and pitressin on the water balance of amphibia. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 63-64. Abstract. 2586. Joseph, S., Schweizer, M., Ulmer, N., and Gaunt, R. The anterior pituitary and its relations to the adrenal cortex in water diuresis. En- docrinology, 1944, 35: 338-346. 19 references. 2587. Kendall, E. C, see No. 2494. 2588. Mach, R. S., and Odier, J. Les liquides extra-cellulaires chez l'homme normal et chez les sujets traites par l'acetate de desoxy- corticosterone. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1946, 76: 579-582. 9 ref- erences. 2589. Muntwyler, E., Mautz, F. R., and Griffin, G. E., see No. 2499. 2590. Ojetti, F., see No. 1014. 2591. Pick, E. P. Topics in the study of water metabolism. J. Mount Sinai Hosp., N. York, 1946, JJh 167-176. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait. 1947, 21: 21779. A review of recent experiments concerning the diuretics and anti-diuretics produced by the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal cortex and liver. 64 references. 2592. Rice K. K., and Richter, C. P. Increased sodium chloride and water intake of normal rats treated with desoxycorticosterone acetate. Endocrinology, 1943, 33: 106-115. 15 references. 2593. Schweizer, M., Ehrenberg, A., and Gaunt, R. Effect of adrenal and thyroid hormones on water exchange in hypophysectomized rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 52: 349-352. -274- METABOLISM - WATER (Continued) 2594. Selye, H., and Bassett, L., see No. 2507. 2595. Swingle, W. W., Remington, J. W., Hays, H. W., and Collings, W. D., see No. 1761. 2596. Tronchetti, F. Corteccia surrenale e ricambio idrico. Fol. endocr., Pisa, 1950, 3: 93-112. 130 references. 2597. Zuckerman, S., Palmer, A., and Hanson, D. A. The effect of steroid hormones on the water content of tissues. J. Endocr., Lond., 1950, 6: 261-276. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5986f. Changes in water-content of tissue of young female rats after a single injection of DOCA and other steroid hormones. 30 references. MUSCLES, see also DERMATOMYOSITIS 2598. Bennett, L. L., and Perkins, R. Z. The maintenance of muscle glycogen in fasted hypophysectomized-adrenalectomized rats. En- docrinology, 1945, 36: 24-26. "A crude alkaline extract of the pitui- tary . . . maintained normal muscle glycogen . . . Pure ACTH was without effect. The presence of adrenal cortical hormones was not necessary for the 'myoglycostatic' effect ..." 7 references. 2599. Buell, M. V., and Turner, E., see No. 2473. 2600. Chauchard, P. Action sur le systeme neuromusculaire de la sur- renalectomie et de l'injection d'acetate de desoxycorticosterone. Ann. endocr., Par., 1943, 4: 257-258. 10 references. 2601. Conway, E. J., and Hingerty, D. Influence of adrenalectomy on muscle constituents. Biochem. J., Lond., 1946, 40: 561-568. 36 references. 2602. Eisenberg, E., and Gordan, G. S. The levator ani muscle of the rat as an index of myotrophic activity of steroidal hormones. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1950, 99: 38-44. Includes discussion of the myotrophic effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate. 14 references. 2603. Eliel, L. P., Pearson, O. H., Katz, B., and Kraintz, F. W., see No. 2483. 2604. Hormone aids muscle ill. Science News Lett., 1949, 55: 402. Ab- stracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibli- ography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949A p. 38. Popular article, based on the work of Torda and Wolff. -275- MUSCLES (Continued) 2605. Leupin, E., and Verzar, F., see No. 2433. 2606. Macdougall, A. I. Myasthenia gravis and the pituitary-adrenal axis. Surgo, Glasg., 1950, 16: 127-128. 4 references. 2607. Milhorat, A. T. The effect of ACTH in myotonia atrophica and in progressive muscular dystrophy. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 588-594. In two cases of myotonia atrophica, sub- jective improvement was recorded, but no increase in muscular func- tion. No change of muscle function was noted in 2 cases of muscular dystrophy. 2608. Moehlig, R. C. Myasthenia gravis; treatment by implantation of desoxycorticosterone acetate pellets. J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 123-125. Case report. 9 references. 2609. Montigel, C, see No. 2445. 2610. Muntwyler, E., Mautz, F. R., and Griffin, G. E., see No. 2499. 2611. Romero, E., see No. 2194. 2612. Soffer, L. J., Gabrilove, J. L., Laqueur, H. P., Volterra, M., Jacobs, M. D., and Sussman, M. L. The effects of anterior pitui- tary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in myasthenia gravis with tumor of the thymus. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1948, Jj>: 73- 82. 6 references. 2613. Swank, R. L., and Bergner, G. E., see No. 167. 2614. Torda, C, and Wolff, H. G. Effects of adrenocorticotrophic hor- mone of the pituitary gland on neuromuscular function in patients with myasthenia gravis. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950) p. 575-587. An improvement of the clinical state and of the perform- ance with objective tests were observed in 8 patients with myasthenia gravis after administration of ACTH. This remission has been vari- able and incomplete and is of uncertain but considerable duration. 2615. Torda, C., and Wolff, H. G. Effects of adrenocorticotrophic hor- mone on neuromuscular function in patients with myasthenia gravis. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 1228-1235. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 262-263; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 412-413. Report of 5 cases. 31 references. -276- MUSCLES (Continued) 2616. Torda, C, and Wolff, H. G. Effects of adrenocorticotrophic hor- mone on neuro-muscular function in patients with myasthenia gravis. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 71: 432-435. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 1037. 5 patients receiving 400 mg. ACTH each presented "changes that may indicate the beginning of an incomplete remission. " 26 references. 2617. Torda, C, and Wolff, H. G. Effects of adrenocorticotrophic hor- mone on neuromuscular function in patients with myasthenia gravis. Tr. Am. Neur. Ass., 1949, 74: 135-138. Report of 5 cases. 2618. Torda, C., and Wolff, H. G., see No. 2319. 2619. Torda, C, and Wolff, H. G., see No. 636. 2620. Verzar, F., and Montigel, C, see No. 2461. 2621. Verzar, F., and Wang, F. C, see No. 2462. MYASTHENIA GRAVIS, see MUSCLES MYXEDEMA 2622. Knowlton, A. I., Jailer, J. W., Hamilton, H., and West, R. Effects of pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) in panhypopituita- rism of longstanding and in myxedema. Am." J. Med., 1950, 8: 269- 284. 41 references. 2623. Levine, S., Karp, H. W., and Feldman, S. Pituitary myxedema with autopsy findings. N. York State M. J., 1950, 50: 1611-1613. Report of a case of myxedema of the pituitary type; "all episodes suggesting adrenocortical insufficiency must be evaluated in terms of anterior pituitary diseases. " Details on findings regarding adrenal and pituitary glands. 5 references. NEOPLASMS, see also CUSHING'S DISEASE and subdivisions 2624. Anderson, A. F., Hain, A. M., and Patterson, J. A case of ad- renal carcinoma and its hormone diagnosis. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1943, 55: 341-349. 2625. Bachman, A. L., and Harris, W. Roentgen therapy for pituitary adenoma; correlation of tumor dose with response in 64 cases. Radi- ology, 1949, 53: 331-341. Technics and dosage used in 64 cases of pituitary adenomata are analyzed. 5 of the tumors were basophilic. 13 references. -277- NEOPLASMS (Continued) 2626. Baker, B. L., and Whitaker, W. L. The influence of 11-dehydro- 17-hydroxycorticosterone on chemically-induced carcinoma. A pre- liminary report. Univ. Hosp. Bull., AnnArb., 1949, L5: 4. Retar- dation in growth of the carcinomas was observed. 2 references. 2627. Bardram, M. T., see No. 1909. 2628. Beck, L. V., and Diller, I. C. Regression of mouse sarcoma 37 produced by adrenal cortex extracts. Am. J. M. Sc., 1946, 212- 125-126. --- 2629. Bodansky, O., and Mclnnes, G. F., see No. 1025. 2630. Bonner, CD., Fishman, W. H., and Homburger, F., see No. 296. 2631. Cahill, G. F., and Melicow, M. M. Tumors of the adrenal gland. J. Urol., Bait., 1950, 64: 1-25. Table: "Syndromes and neoplasms of the adrenal gland, " p. 6-7. 41 references. 2632. Cahill, G. F., Melicow, M. M., and Darby, H. W. Adrenal cortical tumors. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1942, 74:281-305. A review. 74 ref- erences. 2633. Cawadias, A. P., see No. 6. 2634. Commons, R. R., and Callaway, C. P. Adenomas of the adrenal cortex. Arch. Int. M., 1948, 8U 37-41. A study "to determine the incidence of adenomas of the adrenal cortex and to ascertain whether they occur more often in patients with hypertensive cardiovascular disease, cardiac enlargement, diabetes mellitus or gonadal changes." 11 references. 2635. Delanoe, G., see No. 2057. 2636. Dickie, M. M., and Woolley, G. W. Spontaneous basophilic tumors of the pituitary glands in gonadectomized mice. Cancer Res., 1949, 9: 372-384. 46 references. 2637. Dobriner, K., Lieberman, S., and Rhoads, C. P. The excretion in the urine of metabolites of adrenal cortical hormones in health and disease, including neoplastic growth. Cancer Res., 1947, 7; 711. 2 references. 2638. Dobriner, K., Lieberman, S., Wilson, H., Ekman, B., Pearson, O., and Eliel, L. Adrenal function and steroid excretion in neoplastic disease. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 158- 167. The effect of ACTH on hormone production in a group of patients with cancer and lymphatic disease is reported as evidenced by the steroid metabolites in the urine. -278- NEOPLASMS (Continued) 2639. Dobriner, K., Lieberman, S., Wilson, H., and Rhoads, C. P. Adrenal function in patients with neoplastic disease. Cancer Res., 1950, H): 213. Abstract. 2640. Dobriner, K., Rhoads, C. P., Lieberman, S., Hill, B. R., and Fieser, L. F. Abnormal alpha ketosteroid excretion in patients with neoplastic disease. Science, 1944, 99: 494-496. 4 references. 2641. Dorfman, R. I., and Gardner, W. U. Metabolism of the steroid hormones. The excretion of estrogenic material by ovariectomized mice bearing adrenal tumors. Endocrinology, 1944, 34: 421-423. "The tumor bearing ovariectomized mice excreted about 4 times as much estrogenic material as the intact normal females. " 4 references. 2642. Eliel, L. P., Pearson, O. H., Katz, B., and Kraintz, F, W., see No. 2483. 2643. Faloon, W. W., Owens, L. A., Broughton, M. C, and Gorham, L. W. The effect of testosterone on the pituitary-adrenal cortex mechanism in patients with breast cancer. Cancer Res., 1950, _10: 215-216. Abstract of a paper read at the Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, April 1950. 2644. Frantz, M. J., and Kirs chbaum, A. Sex hormone secretion by tu- mors of the adrenal cortex of mice. Cancer Res., 1949, 9: 257-266. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 19; Also in: Q. Rev. Urol., 1950, 5: 117-118. "A comparative study on the secretory activity of cortical tumors. " 16 references. 2645. Frantz, M., Kirschbaum, A., and Casas, C. Endocrine interre- lationship and spontaneous tumors of the adrenal cortex in NH mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1947, 66: 645-646. "The occurrence of spontaneous estrogen-secreting tumors of the adrenal cortex can be correlated with early cessation of ovarian activity in the NH Stock. " Gonadotrophic hormone appears to influence sex-hormone secretion of an adenoma of the adrenal cortex. 6 references. 2646. Hirschmann, H. Isolation of a new triol from the urine of a patient with an adrenocortical carcinoma. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: 115. Abstract of a paper read at the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biological Chemists, April 1942. 2647. Hirschmann, H., and Hirschmann, F. B. Steroid excretion in a case of adrenocortical carcinoma; A -pregnenetriol-3yi?, 16oc, 20<*. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 184:259-282. 82 references. -279- NEOPLASMS (Continued) 2648. Kennedy, B. J., Pare, J. A. P., Pump, K. K., and Stanford, R. L. The effect of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) on beryllium granulomatosis. A preliminary report. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 62: 426-428. Report of one case resulting in "striking improvement. " 13 references. 2649. Kenyon, A. F., see No. 329. 2650. Kepler, E. J., Dockerty, M. B., and Priestley, J. T. Adrenal-like tumor associated with Cushing's syndrome (so-called masculinovo- blastoma, lutenoma, hypernephroma, adrenal-cortical carcinoma of ovary). Am. J. Obst., 1944, 47:43-62. Abstracted in: J. Clin. Endocr., 1944, 4: 350. "Clinical and pathologic data are summarized for this patient and for the 13 additional patients previously reported in the literature. " (J. Clin. Endocr.). 28 references. 2651. Kiefer, J. H., and Bronstein, I. P. Adrenal cortical tumor; case reports. J. Urol., Bait., 1949, 62: 639-645. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Urol., 1950, 5: 115-116. 2652. Krediet, F., see No. 665. 2653. McCracken, D. An unusual case of Simmonds' disease. Brit. M. J., 1949, 2: 1207-1208. Abstracted in; Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4; 243. "... Necropsy showed a primary carcinoma of the pituitary gland of a squamous type, and atrophy of the adrenal cortex and pan- creas." (Excerpta med.). 5 references. 2654. Mcintosh, H. W., McAlpine, H. T., Singer, B., and Hoffman, M. M., see No. 311. 2655. Mason, H. L., Kepler, E. J., and Schneider, J. J. Metabolism of dehydroisoandrosterone in a woman before and after removal of an adrenocortical tumor. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 179: 615-622. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 21. 7 references. 2656. Merlo, P., and Fiaschi, E. Indagini metaboliche in tumori ipofisari. Clin. med. ital., 1940, 71: 5-33. 37 references. 2657. Phillips, J. R., and Ray, J. W. Tumors of the adrenal gland. Carci- noma of the adrenal cortex. Am. J. Surg., 1949, 78:259-265. Ab- stracted in: Q. Rev. Urol., 1950, 5: 116. 17 references. -280- NEOPLASMS (Continued) 2658. Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., Duffy, B. J., and Grossman, M. S. Studies on adrenal cortical function in cancer; acute effects of adrenocorti- cotrophic hormone in patients with gastric cancer. Gastroenterology, 1949, 13: 493-500. Discussion: p. 527. Patients with gastric cancer presenTadrenal cortical dysfunction. This includes a failure to obtain the increases in the urinary uric acid/creatinine ratio and in the uri- nary inorganic phosphorus/creatinine ratio which are shown by pa- tients with non-neoplastic, non-adrenal diseases, when the adrenal cortex is stimulated by 25 mg. of anterior pituitary adrenocortico- trophic hormone. 18 references. 2659. Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., Homburger, F., and Dobriner, K. Dys- function of the adrenal cortex in cancer patients. Am. J. Med., 1948, 4: 466. Abstract of a paper presented at the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Clinical Research, January 1948. 2660. Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., Young, N. F., Potor, A., Duffy, B., and Homburger, F. Adrenal cortical unresponsiveness in patients with gastric cancer. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 592. Abstract. 2661. Rinehart, J. F., Williams, O. O., and Cappeller, W. S., see No. 2107. 2662. Rooney, J. S., and Hertz, S. Radioactive phosphorus studies in neoplastic disease. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 341. Abstract. "p32 uptake of certain tumor types can be modified by pretreatment . . . (with) steroid hormones and . . . ACTH. " 2663. Scully, R. E., and Parham, A. R. Testicular tumours. Interstitial cell and miscellaneous neoplasms. Arch. Path., Chic, 1948, 46: 229-242. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 191.""".. .One case each of interstitial cell tumour, an adrenal cortex-like tumour, multicystic adenocarcinoma and adenocarcinoma of the rete testis are reported." (Excerpta med.). 25 references. 2664. Shelton, E. K. Adrenocortical tumors. California M., 1950, 73: 173-177. "Hormonally active tumors of the adrenal cortex are "either benign adenomas or adenocarcinomas. They may be located within the adrenal gland or as adrenal rests along the Wolffian tract. Hy- perplastic cortical tissue without actual neoplastic formation is also capable of elaborating excessive cortical secretions. " 30 references. 2665. Soffer, L. J., Gabrilove, J. L., Laqueur, H. P., Volterra, M., Jacobs, M. D., and Sussman, M. L., see No. 2612. -281- NEOPLASMS (Continued) 2666. Sprague, R. G., Priestley, J. T., and Dockerty, M. B., see No. 1798. 2667. Sundstroem, E. S., and Michaels, G., see No. 451. 2668. Thannhauser, S. J., see No. 2131. 2669. Vicari, E. M. Cortical lipids of the adrenal gland of mouse strains with different tumor incidence. Anat. Rec, 1943, 85: 342. Abstract. 2670. Walters, W., and Sprague, R. G. Hyperfunctioning tumors of the adrenal cortex. J. Am. M. Ass., 1949, H_l: 653-656. Abstracted in: Internat. Abstr. Surg., 1950, 91: 63. 5 references. 2671. Wilkins, L. A feminizing adrenal tumor causing gynecomastia in a boy of five years contrasted with a virilizing tumor in a five-year- old girl; classification of 70 cases of adrenal tumor in children ac- cording to their hormonal manifestations and a review of eleven cases of feminizing adrenal tumor in adults. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 111-132. 61 references. 2672. Wolfe, J. M., and Wright, A. W. Cytology of spontaneous adenomas in the pituitary gland of the rat. Cancer Res., 1947, 7: 759-773. 41 references. 2673. Young, N. F., Abels, J. C, and Homburger, F., see No. 2468. NEOPLASMS - EXPERIMENTAL 2674. Casas, C. B., King, J. T., and Visscher, M. B. Effect of caloric restriction on the adrenal response of ovariectomized C3H mice. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 157: 193-196. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 23507. "The ovariectomized C3H mouse develops adrenal corticaTadnomas whether full-fed or restricted. The restricted tu- mor-bearing mouse fails to show stimulation of the uterus and vagina while the full-fed animal shows constant stimulation following the de- velopment of histological changes in the adrenal cortex. Where the caloric block to estrogen production takes place and what role the pituitary plays remain unsolved problems. " 11 references. 2675. Crooke, A. C Basophilism treated unsuccessfully with massive doses of oestrogens and deep X-ray therapy, but cured by radon seeds in- serted into the sella turcica. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1946-47, 40: 153. Case report. -282- NEOPLASMS - EXPERIMENTAL (Continued) 2676. Diller, I. C. The effect of simultaneous administration of bacterial toxins and adrenal cortex extract on cells of mouse tumors and on the adrenal glands of the host. Anat. Rec, 1946, 96:533-534. Ab- stract. 2677. Diller, I. C., Beck, L. V., and Blauch, B. Effect of adrenal cor- tical extract on the growth of certain mouse tumors. Cancer Res., 1948, 8: 581-589. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 179;~Also in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibli- ography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 26-27. "Intraperitoneal injection of 0.05 ml of adrenal cortical extract markedly increased regressive changes in mouse sarcoma 37 implanted subcutaneously into females of the Garworth farm white strain of mice. " (Excerpta med.). 13 references. 2678. Diller, I. C., Blanch, B., and Beck, L. V. Histological changes in adrenal glands of tumour-bearing mice injected with Serratia •marcescens polysaccharide alone and in combination with adrenal cortical extract. Cancer Res., 1948, 8:591-605. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 179. "Intraperitoneal injections of Serratia marcescens polysaccharide and of adrenal cortical extract caused enlargement and haemorrhages in the adrenals and necrosis of tumour cells in mice bearing transplants of sarcoma 37 or methyl- cholanthrene-induced tumours. " (Excerpta med.). 2679. Emerson, G. A., Wurtz, E., and Zanetti, M. E. Regression of lymphosarcoma transplants following the administration of cortisone to riboflavin-deficient mice. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 357-358. Abstract. 2680. Frantz, M. J., and Kirschbaum, A. Development of adrenal cortical adenomas in ovariectomized mice injected with 'physiologic' doses of sex hormone. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 282-283. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 251. ". . . it appears that absence of functional gonadal tissue, rather than withdrawal of sex hormone, is the prime factor in the development of adrenal cor- tical adenomas of gonadectomized mice. " 3 references. 2681. Heilman, F. R., and Kendall, E. C The influence of 11-dehydro- 17-hydroxycorticosterone (Compound E) on the growth of a malignant tumor in the mouse. Endocrinology, 1944, 34: 416-420. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Com- pound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 19. Tumors apparently cured by Compound E, usually recur and then are completely refractory. While Compound E retards the growth of these refractory tumors, they eventually cause the death of the animal. 9 references. -283- NEOPLASMS - EXPERIMENTAL (Continued) 2682. Kirkman, H., and Bacon, R. L. Malignant renal tumors in male hamsters (cricetus auratus) treated with estrogen. Cancer Res., 1950, K>: 122-123. 2683. Lewis, M. R., Aptekman, P. M., and King, H. D. Retarding action of adrenal gland on growth of sarcoma grafts in rats. J. Immun., Bait., 1949, 61: 315-319. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rah- way, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and re- lated hormonal substances, 1949, p. 31; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 72-80. "Tumor tissue implanted in susceptible animals was destroyed within 48 hours by adrenal tissue. " 14 ref- erences. 2684. Lipschutz, A., and Vargas, L. Prevention of experimental fibroids by a cortical hormone. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 1: 568-570. 21 ref- erences. 2685. Lipschutz, A., Vargas, L., and Nunez, C, see No. 1711. 2686.*Maddaloni, F. Corticosterone e tumori sperimentali. Rass. oncol., 1940, _14: 1. 2687. Miro-Quesada C , O. Contribucidn al estudio experimental del can- cer. Alteraciones de la corteza suprarrenal en la carcinogenesis quimica. Rev. med. exp., Lima, 1948, 7: 15-25. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 54. 21 references. 2688. Sugiura, K., Stock, C. C, Dobriner, K., and Rhoads, C. P. The effect of cortisone and other steroids on experimental tumors. Can- cer Res., 1950, ^0: 244-245. 26d9. Woolley, G. W. The adrenal cortex and its tumors. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1949, 50:616-626. «Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 251-2527 Experiments with mice. 14 references. 2690. Woolley,. G. W. Experimental endocrine tumors with special refer- ence to the adrenal cortex. Recent progress in hormone research, (New York), 1950, 5: 383-405. "It is possible to obtain experimental adrenal cortical tumors consistently and of different types .. . These adrenal cortical tumors are active secreting areas for sex hormones. Secondary tumors such as of the mammary glands and of the anterior lobe of the pituitary have a definite relation to the adrenal cortical tu- mors." 34 references. -284- NEOPLASMS - TREATMENT 2691. Hamburger, C, and Kane, S. Testosterone treatment and 17- ketosteroid excretion. Investigations on the influences of the mode of administration upon the absorption and excretion of testosterone propionate. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 2:257-286. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 77. Experiments on 6 patients with mammary carcinoma, 3 with cervical carcinoma, and one healthy male subject (C H. ). 41 references. 2692. Homburger, F., Bonner, C D., and Fishman, W. H. Some ob- servations in cancer patients receiving ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone of the pituitary). Cancer Res., 1950, _H): 225. 2693. Pearson, O. H., Eliel, L. P., and Raw son, R. W. Regression of lymphoid tumors in man induced by ACTH and cortisone. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 318-327. Clinical and metabolic observations on 8 patients with neoplastic disease. In 6 patients with lymphomatous tumors, decrease of enlarged lymph nodes and spleens during administration of ACTH or cortisone was evident; in carcinoma (1 breast, 1 prostate), no clinical change occurred. In several of the other patients, regrowth of abnormal masses oc- curred shortly. Complete clinical remission was not obtained in any case; in 2 patients with lymphatic leukemia, a 2nd response was ob- tained. Detailed metabolic studies. 7 references. 2694. Pearson, O. H., Eliel, L. P., Rawson, R. W., Dobriner, K., and Rhoads, C. P. ACTH- and cortisone-induced regression of lymphoid tumors in man. A preliminary report. Cancer, N. Y., 1949, 2-. 943- 945. A complete clinical remission of the disease was not obtained in any of the patients studied. 9 references. 2695. Pearson, O. H., Eliel, L. P., and Talbot, T. R., Jr. The use of ACTH and cortisone in neoplastic disease. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 2. ser., 235-239. Incomplete remissions were obtained by use of ACTH in 5 out of 7 cases (children and adults). One out of 2 cases treated with cortisone presented a good remission. No effects could be induced in carcinoma of breast, prostate, testis, pancreas and adrenal, in Ewing's tumor, plasma cell myeloma and rhabdomyo- sarcoma. 1 reference. 2696. Segaloff, A., Schlosser, J. V., Horwitt, B. N., Gordon, D., and Murison, P. J. Further studies on the effect of testosterone pro- pionate therapy on the excretion of hormones in patients with meta- static breast carcinoma. Cancer Res., 1950, 10:240. Abstract. 2697. Snapper, I., and Greenspan, E., see No. 2278. -285- NEOPLASMS - TREATMENT (Continued) 2698. Spies, T. D., Stone, R. E., Garcia Lopez, G., Milanes, F., Lopez Toca, R., and Reboredo, A., see No. 2279. 2699. Stickney, J. M., Heck, F. J., and Watkins, C. H., see No. 2280. 2700. Taylor, S. G., III, and Morris, R. S., Jr., see No. 2197. 2701. Thewlis,.M. W. The use of ACTH and cortisone in neoplastic disease. Med. Times, N. Y., 1950, 78: 337. A critical abstract of the article by O. H. Pearson, L. P. Eliel and T. R. Talbot, Jr., Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 2. ser., 235-239. NEPHRITIS, NEPHROSCLEROSIS, NEPHROSIS, etc., see KIDNEYS NERVOUS SYSTEM, see also ADDISON'S DISEASE - NERVOUS SYSTEM, BRAIN, etc. 2702. Bardram, M. T., see No. 1909. 2703. Chauchard, P., see No. 2600. 2704. Hoefer, P. F. A., and Glaser, G. H., see No. 608. ZT05. Hoefer, P. F. A., and Glaser, G. H. Effects of pituitary adreno- corticotropic hormone (ACTH) therapy. Electroencephalographic and neuropsychiatric changes in fifteen patients. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 620-624. 16 references. 2706. Millikan, C. H., and Eaton, L. M. Cortisone in neurologic diseases. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, 25: 499-500. Report of 9 cases; 2 anterior poliomyelitis, 1 multiple sclerosis, 1 progressive amyotrophic scle- rosis, 5 myasthenia gravis. 2707. Randt, C. T., Traeger, C. H., and Merritt, H. H. A clinical study of the effect of ACTH on chronic neurologic disorders in seven patients. Proc 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 595-602. No markedly beneficial results were obtained. The alteration of the neu- rologic status concomitant* with administration of ACTH in one relatively early case of multiple sclerosis and a rapidly progressive case of amy- otrophic lateral sclerosis indicates that further investigation is desir- able. No serious untoward reactions. 2708. Roberts, J. T., Murdock, H. R., Campo, J. L., Tanner, C. J., and Paparella, J. A. Blood vessels of nerves, as seen in living animals with quartz rod illumination and their response to drugs including cor- tisone. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 106-107. Abstract. -286- NERVOUS SYSTEM (Continued) 2709.*Rupp, H., and Limmer, K. A. Untersuchungen liber den Einfluss des Nebennierenrindenhormons auf das vegetative Nervensystem. Arch. Gyn., Munch., 1948, 176: 149-155. 2710. Torda, C, and Wolff, H. G., see No. 2319. 2711. Torda, C, and Wolff, H. G., see No. 636. 2712. Volkova, I. N., and Kibiakov, A. V. O vzaimootnoshenii mezhdu nadpochechnikami i simpaticheskoi nervnoi sistemoi. J. Physiol. USSR, 1946, 32: 130-136. English summary. 7 references. OLD AGE, see AGE OSTEOPOROSIS, see BONES, CUSHING'S DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS OVARY, see REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM PANTOTHENIC ACID, see VITAMINS PARAPLEGIA 2713. Cook, A. W., and Lyons, H. A. Urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids in tetraplegic and paraplegic patients; a preliminary metabolic report. U. S. Armed Forces M. J., 1950, 1: 583-585. "The chronic para- plegic excretes a normal amount of 17-ketosteroids in his urine over a 24-hour period. The results reported here tend to exclude adrenal cortical insufficiency as the cause of the failure of some of these pa- tients to react adequately to distressing stimuli. " 9 references. 2714. Staub, P. L., Menthe, J. W., Nelson, S. S., and Cohn, H., see No. 775. PEMPHIGUS 2715. Goldman, A., Markham, M. J., and Schaffer, A. I. Clinical report of the treatment of a case of pemphigus with desoxycorticosterone acetate. J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2: 343-344. 3 references. 2716. Lever, W. F., and Talbott, J. H. Pemphigus; a further report on chemical studies of blood serum and treatment with adrenocortical extract, dihydrotachysterol or vitamin D. N. England J. M., 1944, 231: 44-51. 16 references. 2717. Talbott, J. H., Lever, W. F., and Consolazio, W. V. Metabolic studies on patients with pemphigus. J. Invest. Derm., 1940, 3: 31- 68. 26 references. -287- PEMPHIGUS (Continued) 2718 VeVtes B and Horvath, G. Adatok a pemphigus szenhydralanya- gcserejehez. Orv. hetil., 1950, 9U 364-367. "Hydrocarbon me- tabolism in pemphigus. " - Secondary cachexia in pemphigus is as- sociated with adrenocortical insufficiency; the pathological picture is suggestive of adrenocortical lesion. 12 references. PEPTIC ULCER, see GASTRO-INTESTINAL TRACT - DISEASES PERIARTERITIS NODOSA, see BLOOD VESSELS - DISEASES PERITONEUM 2719. Beck, J. C, Browne, J. S. L., Johnson, L. G., Kennedy, B. J., and MacKenzie, D. W. Occurrence of peritonitis during ACTH administration. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 62: 423-426. Report of 2 cases. 12 references. 2720. Rakoff, A. E., Paschkis, K. E., and Cantarow, A. Influence of certain steroid hormones on diffusion of chloride into peritoneal space. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 816-818. 5 references. PIGMENTATION 2721. Ralli, E. P., and Graef, I., see No. 2026. 2722. Ralli, E. P., and Graef, I., see No. 2027. PINK DISEASE, see ADRENAL CORTEX - HYPOFUNCTION PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION 2723 Albrieux, A. S. Estudios sobre la hormona adrenotropica. Arch. Clin. Inst, endocr., Montev., 1940-42, 2: 198-201. Experiments with hypophysectomized rats. English summary. 11 references. 2724 Albrieux, A. S. Estudios sobre la hormona adrenotropica. Arch. Soc biol. Montevideo, 1941-42, 10: 285-290. Experiments with hypophysectomized rats. 11 references. 2725. Arvy, L., see No. 1654. 2726. August, S., and Gubner, R. Effect of an adrenolytic compound, dihydroergocornine on epinephrine-induced stimulation of the adrenal cortex. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1949, 25: 446-447. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 21. -288- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2727. Bartter, F. C. Does one pituitary hormone stimulate all three functions of the adrenal cortex? J. Clin. Invest., 1948, 27: 523- 524. Abstract. 2728. Bennett, L. L., and Perkins, R. Z., see No. 2598. 2729. Briseno-Castrejo'n, B. Estudio estadistico y estructural acerca de la interdependencia hipofisocorticosuprarenal en la suprarrenal- ectomia unilateral en la rata. Hipo'fisis. An. Esc. nac cienc. biol., Me'x., 1948, 5: 167-187. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 928. A study based on experiments with "75 male albino-rats of the Sprague-Dawley strain, unilaterally adrenalectomized. " (Acidophils-Basophils-Chromophobes). 29 references. 2730. Britton, S. W., and Corey, E. L., see No. 2572. 2731. Burns, T. W., Merkin, M., Sayers, M. A., and Sayers, G. Con- centration of adrenocorticotrophic hormones in rat, porcine and hu- man pituitary tissue. Endocrinology, 1949, 44: 439-444. Abstracted in: Ann. endocr., Par., 1949, H): 496; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28846; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 83. 8 references. 2732. Canzanelli, A., Guild, R., and Rapport, D., see No. 2285. 2733. Casas, C. B., King, J. T., and Visscher, M. B., see No. 2674. 2734. Cheng, C. P. Regulation of pituitary adrenocorticotropic activity by adrenal cortical hormones. J. Clin*. Endocr., 1949, 9: 656. "... DCA inhibits the release of ACTH from the pituitary and de- presses the endogenous production of-cortical hormones; a steroid hormone inbalance develops which is characterized by an excess of DCA (salt regulating) and a deficiency of the carbohydrate regulating steroid. " 2735. Cheng, C. P., Sayers, G., Goodman, L. S., and Swinyard, C. A. Discharge of adrenocorticotrophic hormone from transplanted pitui- tary tissue. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 159: 426-432. A study of "the ability of pituitary tissue, transplanted at sites removed from the hypothalamus to discharge ACTH in response to acute stress. " 11 references. 2736, Cheng, C. P., Sayers, M. A., and Sayers, G. Effect of desoxycor- ticosterone acetate (DCA) on pituitary content of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) after adrenalectomy. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 24. "... DCA prevents the marked depletion of pituitary ACTH which normally follows the complete abscence of adrenal cortical secretions. The results lend additional support to the concept that pituitary adreno- corticotrophic activity is regulated by the level of cortical steroids in the body fluids. " -289- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2737. Christian, J. J. The adreno-pituitary system and population cycles in mammals. J. Mammal., 1950, 3J^: 247-259. 50 references. 2738. Conn, J. W., and Louis, L. H. Production of endogenous 'salt- active' corticoids as reflected in the concentrations of sodium and chloride of thermal sweat. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, H): 12-23. Ab- stracted in: Abst. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 78. "The process by which normal men acclimatize to heat consists of increased adrenal cortical function mediated via increased pituitary production of ACTH. " 18 references. 2739. Constantinides, F., Fortier, C, and Skelton, F., see No. 600. 2740. Cowie, A. T., and Folley, S. J. The role of the adrenal cortex in mammary development and its relation to the mammogenic action of the anterior pituitary. Endocrinology, 1947, 40: 274-285. 20 refer- ences. 2741. D'Angelo, S. A., Gordon, A. S., and Charipper, H. A. The effect of inanition on the anterior pituitary-adrenocortical interrelationship in the guinea pig. Endocrinology, 1948, 42: 399-411. 43 references. 2742. Del Castillo, E. B., and Rapela, C. E. Accicfri del acetato de des- oxicorticosterona sobre las glandulas suprarrenales. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1945, 21: 283-259. DOCA produces adrenal atrophy directly by peripherical action on the adrenals and indirectly through the adrenocorticotrophic hormone of the pituitary. 25 references. 2743. Dontigny, P., Beland, E., Hall, E., and Selye, H. Influence de l'adrenalectomie sur l'action ne'phroscle'rotique des preparations hypophysaires. Rev. canad. biol., 1946, 5: 356-358. Anterior pitui- tary extract normally produces nephrosclerotic lesions in unilaterally nephrectomized rats receiving sodium chloride; it fails to do so after adrenalectomy. 4 references. 2744. Faloon, W. W., Owens, L. A., Broughton, M. C, and Gorham, L. W., see No. 2643. 2745. Finerty, J. C. The cellular origin of the adrenotrophic hormone. Washington Univ. M. Alumni Q., 1948-49, ^2: 46. Abstract. 2746. Gellhorn, E., and Frank, S., see No. 1091. 2747. Golden, A., Bondy, P. K., and Sheldon, W. H. Pituitary basophile hyperplasia and Crooke's hyaline changes in man after ACTH therapy. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 455-460. 8 references. -290- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2748. Golla, Y. M. L., and Reiss, M. Observations on adreno-cortico- trophic action. J. Physiol., Lond., 1941, 100: Suppl., 1-2. 3 ref- erences. 2749. Gray, W. D., and Munson, P. L. Rapidity of pituitary adrenocorti- cotropic hormone (ACTH) release in response to stress. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 278. Abstract. 2750. Greep, R. O., and Jones, I. C. Steroids and pituitary hormones. In: Symp. Steroids Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 330-360. 125 references. 2751. Hall, C. E., Dontigny, P., Beland, E., and Selye, H., see No. 2231. 2752. Hay, E. C. The adrenotrophic, renotrophic and cardiotrophic activi- ties of lyophilized anterior pituitary in thyroidectomized rats. Am. J. M. Sc, 1946, 212: 535-537. 2753. Houssay, B. A., and Pinto, R. M. Interrelacion hipofiso suprar- renal demostrada por parabiosis. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1944, 20: 38-48. 8 references. 2754. Ingle, D. J., Prestrud, M. C, and Li, C. H. A further study of the essentiality of the adrenal cortex in mediating the metabolic effects of adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Endocrinology, 1948, 43: 202-207. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 6695. 12 references. 2755. Jailer, J. W. Maturation of pituitary-adrenal axis in the newborn rat. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 66-67. Abstract. 2756. Jailer, J. W. The pituitary-adrenal relationship in the infant rat. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 12: 638-639. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 243; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12195. Administration of ACTH caused adrenal ascorbic acid depletion on the 4th-6th days of life. 2757. Jones, I. C. The effect of hypophysectomy on the adrenal cortex of the immature mouse. Am. J. Anat., 1950, 86: 371-403. 60 refer- ences. 2758. Jones, I. C. The relationship of the mouse adrenal cortex to the pitui- tary. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 514-536. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 218;~Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12197. "The zona glomerulosa of the mouse adrenal cortex is capable of existence independent of the hypophysis. . . The zona fasciculata is completely dependent upon adrenocorticotrophin. . . " (Excerpta med.). 45 references. -291- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2759. Keller, A. D., and Breckenridge, C. G. Retention of normal in- sulin tolerance and adrenal cortex following extirpation of hypophysial stalk in the dog. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1947, 6: 141. Abstract. 2760. Keller, A. D., and Bruhn, J. M. Adrenal atrophy following hypo- physectomy procedures. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 129: 396-397. 2761. Kyle, L. H., and O'Donovan, T. F. Pituitary hypogonadism with adrenal androgen deficiency; the effect of chorionic gonadotropin on 17-ketosteroid excretion. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, H): 330-338. 20 references. 2762. L., P., see No. 2530. 2763. Last, J. H., Jordan, P. H., Pitesky, I., and Siegel, B. M. Re- sistance to epinephrine stress in the dog. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74:96-102. "Demonstration of resistance to epinephrine speaks against epinephrine as the only physiological stimulus for the continuous secretion of ACTH. " Z$ references. 2764. McDermott, W. V., Fry, E. G., Brobeck, J. R., and Long, C. N. H. Release of adrenocorticotrophic hormone by direct application of epinephrine to pituitary grafts. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 609-610. "Homologous grafts of pituitary tissue to the anterior chamber of the eye of the hypophysectomized rat retain the ability to secrete ACTH.. . The effect of epinephrine in releasing ACTH may be brought about by its direct application to anterior pituitary tissue. " 6 references. 2765. Marx, W., Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Antago- nism of pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone to growth hormone in hypophysectomized rats. Endocrinology, 1943, 33: 102-105. 11 ref- erences. 2766. Mellgren, J. The anterior pituitary in hyperfunction of the adrenal cortex; an anatomical study with special reference to syndroma Morgagni and notes on prostatic hypertrophy. Acta path, microb. scand., 1945, 60: Suppl., 1-177. 272 references. 2767. Moszkowska, A. Pouvoir corticotrope et gonadotrope de I'hypophyse de l'embryon de poulet. C. rend. Soc. Biol., 1949, 143: 1332-1333. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 279. "The stimula- tion of the adrenal cortex and to a less extent of the genital ducts and ovaries of prepuberal female guinea-pigs by injections of large numbers (30-54) of foetal chick (16-18th days of incubation) hypophyses indicated the presence at this stage of corticotrophic and gonadotrophic hormones. " (Excerpta med.). 4 references. -292- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2768. Moya, F., Prado, J. L., Rodriguez, R., Savard, K., and Selye, H., see No. 1845. 2769. Moya, F., and Selye, H. Effect of desoxycorticosterone upon hypo- physeal corticotrophin production. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 68: 529-531. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 6701. "In the rat, large doses of desoxycorticosterone acetate do not prevent the decrease in the concentration of adrenal ascorbic acid which accompanies exposure to cold. It is suggested that during se- vere stress, corticotrophin discharge is conditioned by factors other than mere lack of corticoids. " 6 references. 2770. Nigeon-Dureil, M., and Rats imamanga, A. R. Action des extraits hypophysaires seuls et associes a la cortine sur les rats re'fractaires au stimulus d'alarme et a la cortine. C. rend. Soc Biol., 1949, 143: 221-224. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4:43. "... some of these animals normally failed to respond to stress with ade- quate pituitary secretion and that some failed to produce sufficient adrenocortical hormones in response to added pituitary stimulation. " (Excerpta med.). 2771. Perrault, M., Vignalou, J., and Poinsard, G. Simplification de I'epreuve de Thorn par la substitution de l'adrenochrome a l'adrenal- ine. Bun. Soc. med. hdp. Paris, 1950, 66: 405-407. 5 references. 2772. Perrault, M., Vignalou, J., and Poinsard, G. Sur 1» inter e*t ther a - peutique de I'epreuve de Thorn. Therapie, Paris, 1950, 5: 21-22. 1 reference. 2773. Pincus, G. Regulation of adrenal cortical secretion. Tr. Conf. Adrenal Cortex, 1. Conf., 1949, 47-88. 18 references. 2774. Pincus, G., Hoagland, H., Freeman, H., Elmadjian, F., and Romanoff, L. P., see No. 2348. 2775. Poumeau-Delille, G., see No. 992. 2776. Recant, L., Forsham, P. H., and Thorn, G. W. Observation on the pituitary-adrenal response following epinephrine infusion in man. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 589-590. 2777. Recant, L., Hume, D. M:, Forsham, P. H., and Thorn, G. W. Ef- fect of epinephrine on the pituitary adrenocortical system. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, 10: 187-229. 40 references. -293- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2778. Robinson, W. D., Conn, J. W., Block, W. D., Louis, L. H., and Katz, J., see No. 1992. 2779. Rogoff, J. M. Experimental observations on the adrenal glands and their clinical significance. Harefuah, Tel Aviv, 1950, 38: 107-109. Vehement attack against prevailing concepts of adrenocortical func- tion and the therapeutic use of DOCA and cortisone. Text in Hebrew; summary in English. 12 references. 2780. Romo Aldama, E., and Fernandez de la Calle, F., see No. 2209. 2781. Ronzoni, E., and Reichlin, S. Adrenergic agents and the adreno- corticotrophic activity of the anterior pituitary. Am. J. Physiol., 1950, 160: 490-498. 34 references. 2782. Russell, J. A. Physiology of the pituitary-adrenal system. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26:2. ser., 240-250. Among the conclu- sions drawn from a general discussion of the subject are: 1) "ACTH is the only agent by which the control of the adrenal cortex is effected, " and this only when functioning adrenal tissue is present, 2) "the rate of secretion of ACTH and hence of the adrenal hormones is not at all constant, " and 3) "the degree of increase in the rate of secretion after any unusual provocation . . . must be very large. " 2783. Russell, J. A., see No. 2453. 2784. Sacks, M. S., see No. 444. 2785. Sayers, G., see No. 1847. 2786. Sayers, G., and Cheng, C. P. Adrenalectomy and pituitary adreno- corticotrophic hormone content. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 70: 61-64. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 962. "24 hrs. after adrenalectomy the content of ACTH in the pituitary of the rat is reduced by 80%. Sham adrenalectomy and scalding reduce the content of ACTH by only 27% and 35%, respectively. " 4 references. 2787. Sayers, G., and Sayers, M. A. The pituitary-adrenal system. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1949, 50: 522-539. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28837. 2788. Sayers, G., and Sayers, M. A. The pituitary-adrenal system. Re- cent progress in hormone research, (New York), 1948, 2: 81-115. 124 references. -294- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2789. Sayers, G., and Sayers, M. A. Regulatory effect of adrenal cor- tical extract on elaboration of pituitary adrenotropic hormone. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., 1945, 60: 162-163. "Administration of cortical ex- tract prevents the decrease in adrenal ascorbic acid which accom- panies exposure to cold1 but does not prevent the decrease which re- sults from administration of exogenous adrenotropic hormone. " 4 references. 2790. Schweizer, M., Gaunt, R., Zinken, N., and Nelson, W. O., see No. 1791. 2791. Schweizer, M., and Long, M. E. Partial maintenance of the adrenal cortex by anterior pituitary grafts in fed and starved guinea pigs. En- docrinology, 1950, 46: 191-206. 30 references. 2792. Selye, H. Factors influencing the corticotropin production of the anterior pituitary. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 588. 2793. Selye, H. Interaction entre hormones gluco-corticoides et mineralo- corticoldes. Rev. canad. biol., 1950, 9: 210-211. 2794. Skelton, F. R., Fortier, C, and Selye, H., see No. 291. 2795. Some aspects of adrenal cortical function and pituitary adrenal re- lationships. Ann. Int. M., 1949, 31: 925-931. Editorial. 2796. Stadie, W. C, Haugaard, N., and Marsh, J. B. Hormonal control of combination of insulin with isolated muscle. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, £: 232-233. "Experiments on normal and adrenalectomized rats injected with purified growth hormone, ACTH, or adrenal cor- tical steroids, indicate that there is an interrelation between pituitary and adrenal hormonal factors in the regulation of the combination of insulin with muscle. " Abstract. 2797. Stephens, D. J., see No. 2510. 2798. Swann, H. G. The pituitary-adrenocortical relationships. Physiol. Rev., 1940, 2£: 493-521. 344 references. 2799. Tagnon, R., and Corvilain, J. Action de 1'hypoglycemic insulinique sur 1'eosinophilic sanguine. Acta clin. belg., 1950, 5: 134-140. "In- travenous injection of insulin is followed by a drop in the number of blood eosinophils, in subjects with normal adrenals.. . The failure to obtain such a drop in 3 subjects with Addison's disease and 1 with pituitary insufficiency shows that it is mediated through the pituitary and the adrenal cortex. " 7 references. -295- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2800. Tepperman, J., and Bogardus, J. S. Attempts at pharmacologic blockade of the secretion of adrenocorticotrophin. Endocrinology, 1948, 43: 448-450. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 14808. "Pretreatment of rats with the adrenergic blocking agent, Dibenemine, or with the autonomic ganglion blocking agent, tetra- ethylammonium, failed to prevent the fall in adrenal ascorbic acid which has come to be associated with a discharge of pituitary adreno- corticotrophin. The stimulus used to produce this fall in;both con- trol and drug-treated animals was the intraperit. injn. of CCI4. " (Biol. Abstr.). 6 references. 2801. Thorn, G. W., and Bayles, T. B. Pituitary-adrenal function. Mod. Med., Chic, 1950, _18: 47-49. 1 reference. 2802. Thorn, G. W., Bayles, T. B., Massell, B. F., Forsham, P. H., HiU, S. R., Smith, S., and Warren, J. E., see Nos. 741 and 2313. 2803. Thorn, G. W., Forsham, P. H., Warren, J. E., and Bayles, T. B., see No. 742. 2804. Tuchmann-Duplessis, H. Repercussions de la surrenalectomie et de l'injection d'acetate de desoxycorticosterone sur I'hypophyse du rat. C. rend. Soc. biol., Par., 1950, 144: 250-251. 6 references. 2805. Ungar, G. Endocrine function of the spleen and its participation in the pituitary-adrenal response to stress. Endocrinology, 1945, 37: 329-340. 2806. Ungar, G., see No. 1065. 2807.*Vogt, M. Effect of chronic administration of adrenaline on suprarenal cortex and comparison of this effect with that of hexoestrol. J. Physiol., 1945, 104: 60-70. 2808. Weaver, H. M., and Nelson, W. O. Changes in the birefringent material in the adrenal cortex of the rat following administration of adrenotrophic hormone. Anat. Rec, 1943, 85: 51-67. 26 references. 2809. Wells, L. J. Microscopical studies of the adrenals of fetuses de- prived of the hypophysis and given adrenocorticotrophin. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 563-564. Abstract of a paper read at the 62nd Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists, April 1949. ".. . additional evidence of the production of adrenotrophin by the fetal (rat) hypophy- -296- PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICAL FUNCTION (Continued) 2810. Windle, W. F., Wilcox, H. H., Rhines, R., and Clemente, C. Changes in endocrine organs induced by bacterial pyrogens. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 137. Abstract. PITUITARY GLAND (including anatomy, chemistry and histology) 2811. Hoser, J. Altersveranderungen der Hypophyse des Pferdes; Beitrag zur Altersanatomie des Pferdes. Zschr. Altersforsch., 1941, 3: 113-125. 2812. Laqueur, G. L., see No. 618. 2813. Luft, R. Nonsurgical therapy of pituitary-hypothalamic diseases. Nord. med., 1948, 38: 1065-1072. 60 references. 2814. Payne, F., see No. 678. 2815. Payne, F., see No. 679. 2816. Salhanick, H. A., Zarrow, I. G., and Zarrow, M. X., see No. 993. 2817. Sayers, G., Kerkin, M., and Tortoreto, J. N., see No. 554. 2818. Schaposnik, F., see No. 486. 2819. Stein, F. K., Caldwell, E., and Peters, J., see No. 683. PITUITARY GLAND - HYPOFUNCTION and HYPERFUNCTION 2820. Bartter, F. C, Forbes, A. P., and Albright, F., see No. 2355. 2821. Burks, G., and Cantor, M. M. The treatment of Simmonds' disease with male sex hormones. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1945, 52: 275-277. The concomitant use of testosterone propionate and methyl testosterone propionate in a case of "functional" Simmonds' disease produced good therapeutic effects. 9 references. 2822. De La Baize, F. A., Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., and Albright, F., see No. 34. 2823. Goldberg, L., and Luft, R., see No. 1534. 2824. Hemphill, R. E., and Reiss, M., see No. 2336. -297- PITUITARY GLAND - HYPOFUNCTION ana HYPERFUNCTION (Continued) 2824. Hemphill, R. E., and Reiss, M., see No. 2336. 2825. Hemphill, R. E., and Reiss, M. Pituitary cachexia treated with corticotropic hormone. Brit. M. J., 1944, 2:211-213. Case report. 9 references. 2826. Hurxthal, L. M., Hare, H. F., Horrax, G., and Poppen, J. L. The treatment of acromegaly. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 126-148. 16 references. 2827. Knowlton, A. I., Jailer, J. W., Hamilton, H., and West, R,, see No. 2622. 2828. McCracken, D., see No. 2653. 2829. McKay, D. G., Burnett, C. H., and Burrows, B. A. Panhypopi- tuitarism; case report correlating clinical and pathologic findings. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, H): 540-555. 21 references. 2830. Mellgren, J., see No. 2766. 2831. Nogales, C. de. Consideraciones sobre los sfndromes de hiper- f une ion hipofisaria deter minados por estados de hipofuncion gonadal. Rev. espah.obst., Valencia, 1949,8: 1-11; 104-117. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 65-66. 42 references. 2832. Northfield, D. W. C, see No. 1593. 2833. O'Donovan, D. K. Pituitary cachexia. Brit. M. J., 1944, 2: 412- 413. Letter to the editor, referring to the paper by Hemphill and Reiss, Brit. M. J., 1944, 2: 211-213 (No. 2825). 4 references. 2834. Prunty, F. T. G., Forsham, P. H., and Thorn, G. W. Desoxycor- ticosterone-like activity induced by adrenocorticotrophin in man. Clin. Sc, Lond., 1948, 7: 109-120. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12243. The administration of 40 mg. of adrenocor- ticotrophic hormone daily for 6 days to a male with hypopituitarism, under favorable circumstances stimulated desoxycorticosterone-like activity of the adrenal cortex.. 36 references. 2835. Wood, B. J. Pituitary disorders in childhood. Pennsylvania M. J., 1950, 53: 501-504. Disturbances of growth, sex, nutrition, carbo- hydrate metabolism and salt and water metabolism are discussed. -298- PITUITARY GLAND - IMPLANTATION, see also ARTHRITIS, RHEUMATISM AND RELATED DISORDERS - TREATMENT 2836. Cheng, C. P., Sayers, G., Goodman, L. S., and Swinyard, C. A. Discharge of adrenocorticotrophic hormone from transplanted pitui- tary tissue. Am. M. Physiol., 1949, .159: 426-432. 2837. Edstrom, G., see Nos. 839 and 840. 2838. Fellinger, K., see No. 846. 2839. Pituitary gland implantation ..., see No. 931. 2840. Schweizer, M., and Long, M. E., see No. 2791. PITUITARY GLAND - PHYSIOLOGY 2841. Cheng, C. P., Sayers, G., Goodman, L. S., and Swinyard, C. A. Discharge of adrenocorticotrophic hormone in the absence of neural connections between the pituitary and hypothalamus. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 158: 45-50. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 3793. 5 references. 2842. Fortier, C, and Selye, H. Adrenocorticotrophic effect of stress after severance of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal pathways. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 159: 433-439. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 243; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 6. Ex- periments with rats are "regarded as evidence that the denervated pituitary gland functions and responds to acute stimulation in the ab- sence of neurological connexions. " 39 references. 2843. Gueniot, M. Physiologie de l'ante-hypophyse. Sem. h6*p. Paris, 1950, 26: 824-835. 2844. Harris, G. W. The hypothalamus and endocrine glands. Brit. M. Bull., 1950, 6: 345-350. Includes: "Secretion of the adrenocortico- trophic hormone, " p. 349. 69 references. 2845. Harris, G. W. Neural control of the pituitary gland. Physiol. Rev., 1948, 28: 139-179. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 18374. Neurophypophysis. Adenohypophysis. 450 references!"" 2846. Sawyer, C. H., Everett, J. W., and Markee, J. E. Adrenergic control of the anterior hypophysis in the rabbit and rat. Anat. Rec., 1948, 100: 774. 2847. Selye, H., see No. 1969. 2848. Wells, L. J. Some experimental evidence of production of adreno- trophin by the fetal hypophysis. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 68: 487-488. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 6733. 2 references. PITUITARY GLAND - TUMORS, see NEOPLASMS -299- PITUITARY PREPARATIONS 2849. Houssay, B. A., and Anderson, E., see No. 1813. 2850. Houssay, B. A., and Anderson, E., see No. 1814. 2851. Landgrebe, F. W., Macaulay, M. H. I., and Waring, H. The use of rats for pressor assays of pituitary extracts, with a note on re- sponse to histamine and adrenaline. Proc R. Soc Edinburgh, 1943- 46, 62: 202-210. 10 references. 2852. Masson, G. M. C, Corcoran, A. C, and Page, I. H., see No. 1718. 2853. Munson, P. L., Naylor, F. L., and Gray, W. D. Pituitary prepa- rations more potent than electrophoretically homogenous adrenocor- ticotropic hormone (ACTH). Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9:208. Ab- stract. 2854. Noble, R. L., and Collip, J. B. Augmentation of pituitary cortico- trophic extracts and the effect on the adrenals, thymus and preputial glands of the rat. Endocrinology, 1941, 29: 934-942. 13 references. 2855. Ottaway, J. H., and Smith, R. H., see No. 2373. 2856.*Tarantino, C. L'ormone ipofisario corticotropo nella fisiopatologia e nella clinica. Folia endocr., Pisa, 1949, 2: 164. PLACENTA, see PREGNANCY PNEUMOCOCCUS PNEUMONIA, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES PNEUMONIA, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES POPULAR ARTICLES 2857.*Aaron, H. Two promises for several million sufferers. Consumer Reports, 1949, 14: 465-468. 2858. Barach, J. H. ACTH, cortisone and diabetes. A. D. A. Forecast, 1950, 3: No. 3, 7-10. 2859. Constantinides, P. C., and Carey, N., see No. 1942. 2860. Cortisone cure . .., see No. 812. 2861. Le Cortisone ..., see No. 813. -300- POPULAR ARTICLES (Continued) 2862. Gray, G. W., see No. 546. 2863. Hormone aids muscle . . ., see No. 2604. 2864. Hormone aids rheumatics ..., see No. 884. 2865. Rheumatoid arthritis . .., see No. 738. PORPHYRIA 2866. Prunty, F. T. G. Sodium and chloride depletion in acute porphyria with reference to the status of adrenal cortical function. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 690-699. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 50-51; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 182. 29 references. POST-OPERATIVE DISEASE, see SURGERY POTASSIUM - POISONING 2867. Lowenstein, B. E., and Zwemer, R. L. Resistance of rats to po- tassium poisoning after administration of thyroid or of desoxycor- ticosterone acetate. Endocrinology, 1943, 33: 361-365. 23 refer- ences. 2868. Truszkowski, R., and Duszynska, J., see No. 1383. PREGNANCY 2869. Bottiroli, E. Adrenal cortex extract in vomiting of pregnancy. Rev. As. med. argent., 1944, 58: 181-183. Also in: Dfa med., B. Aires, 1943, L5: 1330-1332. Abstracted in: Bol. Soc. obst. gin., B. Aires, 1943, 22: 654. On the basis of 14 cases, ACE is recommended for the treatment of vomiting in pregnancy. The treatment should be continued for a few days after cessation of symptoms. 2870. Devis, R., and Devis-VandenEeckhoudt, M. The urinary cortico- steroid excretion in pre-eclampsia and eclampsia. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 1436-1437. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 274. "... All the symptoms of the toxaemias of pregnancy are due to an absolute or relative excess of corticosteroid, and a decrease of androgenic steroids. " (Excerpta med.). 8 references. 2871. Greer, M. A. Trophic hormone of the placenta; failure to demon- strate thyrotrophin or adrenocorticotrophin production in the hypo- physectomized pregnant rat. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 178-187. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 1006. 1 Preferences. -301- PREGNANCY (Continued) 2872. Halmagyi, D., and Zelenka, L. A meliekvesekereghormon jelentS- $ege a terhessegi eclampsia gyegyftesaban. Magy. noorv. lap., 1949, 12: 118-119. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 141. "Percorten-hydrosolubile (Ciba) was administered intrave- nously in large doses in a number of cases of eclampsia (gravidarum), but no appreciable effect was observed. It is stated that desoxycor- ticosterone gluconate has no therapeutic action in eclampsia. " (Ex- cerpta med.). 16 references. 2873. Kotz, J., and Kaufman, M. S. Adrenal cortex in the treatment of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Am. J. Obst., 1940, 39: 449- 452. 5 references. 2874. Lange-Sundermann. Behandlung des Schwangerschaftserbrechens mit dem Nebennierenrindenhormon Cortiron. Munch, med. Wschr., 1940, No. 30, 808-810. 11 references. 2875. Laubscher, W. Ueber die Anwendung von Nebennierenrindenhormon bei Eklampsie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1946, 76: 804-805. Report of 1 successful case. 7 references. 2876. Murphy, A. P., see No. 67. 2877. Posatti, F. Einfluss und Wirkung des Nebennierenindenhormons in der Fruhgraviditat und bei Hyperemesis gravidarum. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1941, 54: 880-883; 901-905. 40 cases of hyperemesis gravidarum successfully treated with DCA. 2878.*Thaddea, S. Therapie bei Hyperemesis gravidarum. Deut. med. Wschr., 1943, 69: 547. 2879. Tobian, L., Jr., see No. 2116. 2880. Venning, E. H. Adrenal function in pregnancy. Endocrinology, 1946. 39: 203-220. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 20-21. "The urinary excretion of glycogenic corticoids, ketosteroids, pregnanediol, oestrogens and gonadotropins has been followed in nine pregnancy cases. " 25 references. 2881. Vonno, N. C. van. Herpes gestationis en D. O. C.A.-therapie. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1947, 91: 3142-3146. Favorable results in 14 out of 23 cases. French, German and English summaries. 6 references. -302- PREGNANE DERIVATIVES 2882. Cleghorn, R. A., see No. 1627. 2883. Cuyler, W. K., Ashley, C, and Hamblen, E. C. Urinary excre- tion of pregnandiol complex by males; following intramuscular ad- ministration of desoxycorticosterone acetate. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 177-178. "A healthy male excreted 29 mg. and 16 mg. of sodium pregnandiol glucuronide estimated by Venning's method after he had received intramuscularly a total of 25 mg. and 50 mg. respectively, of desoxycorticosterone acetate. " 27 references. 2884. Fish, W. R., Horwitt, B. N., and Dorfman, R. I., see No. 1638. 2885. Freeman, H., Pincus, G., Johnson, C. W., Bachrach, S., McCabe, G. E., and MacGilpin, H., see No. 857. 2886. Hoffman, M. M., Kazmin, V. E., and Browne, J. S. L. The ex- cretion of pregnanediol following the administration of desoxycortico- sterone acetate to rabbits. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 147: 259-260. 9 references. 2887. Horwitt, B. N., Dorfman, R. I., Shipley, R. A., and Fish, W. R. Metabolism of the steroid hormones. Conversion of desoxycortico- sterone to pregnanediol 3 (k), 20 («), in man and in the chimpanzee. J. Biol. Chem., 1944, 155: 213-218. 10 references. 2888. Lipschutz, A., Iglesias, R., Bruzzone, S., Humerez, J., and Penaranda, J. M., see No. 1710. 2889.*Sarett, L. H. 21-Bromopregnenes. U. S. Pat. No. 2, 492, 191; 27 Dec. 1949. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3045. 2890.*Sarett, L. H. 3, 17-Dihydroxy-ll-keto^0' 21-pregnenes. U. S. Pat. No. 2,492, 190; 27 Dec. 1949. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3045. 2891.*Sarett, L. H. 3, 17-Dihydroxy-ll-ketopregn-20-ynes. U. S. Pat. No. 2,492, 189; 27 Dec. 1949. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3045. 2892. Selye, H., and Clarke, E. Potentiation of a pituitary extract with A -pregnenolone and additional observations concerning the influence of various organs on steroid metabolism. Rev. canad. biol., 1943, 2: 319-328. 19 references. PSORIASIS 2893. Barber, H. W. Psoriasis. Brit. M. J., 1950, 1: 219-223. 28 refer- ences. 2894.*Charpy, J. Le probleme du psoriasis. Presse med., 1950, 58:283- 285. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Int. M., 1950, 7: 198-199. -303- PSORIASIS (Continued) 2895. Charpy, J. Recherches sur l'etiologie et le mecanisme du psoriasis. Bull. Soc. fr. derm. syph., 1949, 460. 2896. Lydon, F. L., see No. 1952. 2897. Piquet, B., see No. 929. 2898. Racinowski, A. W sprawie hormonalnego leczenia Jluszczycy. Prezegl. derm., Warsz., 1949, 36:81-86. "The hormonal treatment of pso- riasis with the extract of the cortex of suprarenal bodies has a great effect in all generalised and grievous cases. By adding this treat- ment to an external one better results are obtained. " 13 references. 2899. Reiss, F. Psoriasis and adrenocortical function; a preliminary report on a possible steroid hormonal etiologic relationship. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1949, 59: 78-85. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 28-29. 16 references. PSYCHONEUROSES AND PSYCHOSES, see MENTAL DISORDERS RADIATION AND RADIATION SICKNESS 2900. Craver, B. N. The effect of adrenal cortical injury on the toxicity of roentgen rays. Am. J. Roentg., 1948, 59: 404-407. "Evidence is presented suggesting that rats whose adrenals are protected from roentgen irradiation are less susceptible to its lethal effects than rats receiving equivalent doses but not so protected. The possible relation of the adrenal-lymphoid system to irradiation sickness and the lethality of roentgen radiation has been discussed. " 23 references. 2901. -Edelmann, A. Adrenal cortex and survival of rats after x-irradiation. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 36. Abstract. 2902. Ellinger, F., see No. 2287. 2903. Ellinger, F. Some effects of desoxycorticosterone acetate on mice irradiated with x-rays. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1947, 64: 31-35. 4 references. 2904. Ellinger, F. The use of adrenal cortical hormone in radiation sick- ness. Radiology, 1948, 5J.: 394-399. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 2^: 3507. "The influence of desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) admn. on the radiation effect of X-rays on spleen, bone-marrow and sudanophile substance of the adrenal cortex of mice is described." 33 references. -304- RADIATION AND RADIATION SICKNESS (Continued) 2905. Ellinger, F., Roswit, B., and Glasser, S. M. The treatment of radiation sickness with adrenal cortical hormone (desoxycortico- sterone acetate); a preliminary report of fifty cases. Am. J. Roent., 1949, 61: 387-396. Of 50 cases, only 3 failed to respond to DCA ther- apy. 5 references. 2906. Grattarola, R., and Bassi, M. II desossicorticosterone nei disturbi da radium-terapia. Minerva gin., 1950, 2: 188-193. Metabolism study. DOCA is considered useful in avoiding the asthenic, apathic and hypotonic conditions following radium therapy. 6 references. 2907. Lawrence, G. H. Effect of total body x-radiation on 17-ketosteroid excretion in dogs. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 383-388. 30 references. 2908. Raab, W., and Soule, A. B., Jr. Effect of roentgen irradiation on the hormone content and secretion of the adrenal medulla. Radiology, 1943, 41: 56-60. 54 references. 2909. Smith, W. W., Smith, F., and Thompson, E. C. Failure of cor- tisone or ACTH to reduce mortality in irradiated mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 529-531. "Intraperitoneal injections of cortisone, or subcutaneous injections of ACTH, failed to increase survival time or number of irradiated mice surviving. " 1 reference. 2910. Straube, R. L., Patt, H. M., Tyree, E. B., and Smith, D. E. In- fluence of level of adrenal cortical steroidson sensitivity of mice to x-irradiation. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 11: 539-541. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 98. "Preferences. 2911. Weichert, U. Die Behandlung des sogenannten "Strahlenkaters" mit Desoxycorticosteron. Strahlen therapie, 1942, 71: 127-138. Almost all of 25 cases of radiation sickness showed immediate clinical im- provement. The symptomatology of radiation sickness is compared with that of Addison's disease. 11 references. REFRACTORY STATE 2912. Anderson, E., Page, E. W., and Li, C. H. The development of a refractory state to the adrenocorticotrophic hormone. Endocrinology, 1947, 41: 105-107. Experiments with hypertensive hypophysectomized rats. 9 references. 2913. Gordon, G. L. The development of a refractory state to adrenocortico- trophic hormone. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 571-580. Abstracted in- Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 15623; Also in: J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 143: 769; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 8: 81. 35 references. -305- REFRACTORY STATE (Continued) 2914. Hartman, F. A., Lewis, L. A., and Gabriel, J. E. Further studies on the refractory state developed following repeated injections of ad- renal extract. Endocrinology, 1940, 2J>: 879-885. 13 references. 2915. Nigeon-Dureil, M., and Rats imamanga, A. R., see No. 2770. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM 2916. Baker, B. L., Schairer, M. A., Ingle, D. J., and Li, C. H. The induction of involution in the male reproductive system by treatment with adrenocorticotropin. Anat. Rec, 1950, 106: 345-355. 21 ref- erences. 2917. Bartter, F. C, Forbes, A. P., and Albright, F., see No. 2355. 2918. Gilbert, C., and Gillman, J. An assessment Of the effects of des- oxycorticosterone acetate on the perineal swelling and menstrual cycle of normal adult baboons. S. Afr. J. M. Sc., 1944, 9: 89-98. "With DOCA it is possible to cause 2 bleedings within the space of a single cycle." 12 references. 2919. Torstveit, O., and Mellish, C. H., see No. 1382. 2920. Vaal, O. M. de. Gonads, adrenals and intersexuality. Gynecologia, Basel, 1949, 128: 205-222. Abstracted in: Q. Rev. Obst., 1950, 8: 184-185; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: 12272; Also in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 64-65. German and French summaries. 25 references. 2921. Verzar, F., see No. 1770. RESPIRATION 2922. Eisenberg, E., Gordan, G. S., Elliott, H. W., and Talbot, J., see No. 1675. 2923. Goldzieher, M. A. The role of the adrenal glands in the utilization of oxygen. J. Aviat. M., 1950, 21: 153-159. 36 references. 2924. Hoffmann, F., Hoffmann, E. J., and Talesnik, J. The influence of thyroxine and adrenal cortical extract on the O2 consumption of ad- renalectomized rats. J. Physiol., Lond., 1948, 107; 251-264. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23:2509. 50 references. -306- RESPIRATION (Continued) 2925. Speakman, T. J., and Babkin, B. P. Effect of cortical stimulation on respiratory rate. Am. J. Physiol., 1949, 159:239-246. "The effect of different anesthetic agents and stimulus characteristics on changes of respiratory rate (in the dog and cat) by electrical stimu- lation of the cortex has been considered. " 10 references. 2926. Tipton, S. R., see No. 1381. 2927.*Thorn, G. W., Jones, B. F., Lewis, R. A., Mitchell, E. R., and Koepf, G. F. The role of the adrenal cortex in anoxia; the effect of repeated daily exposures to reduced oxygen pressure. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137: 606-619. REVIEW ARTICLES - ENGLISH 2928. Boland, E. W., see No. 749. 2929. Burrage, W. S., see No. 695. 2930. Cahill, G. F., Melicow, M. F., and Darby, H. W., see No. 2632. 2931. Chute, A. L., Robinson, G. C, and Donohue, W. L., see No. 1548. 2932. Cole, L., see No. 491. 2933. Farber, J. E., Gustina, F. J., and Postoloff, A. V., see No. 1549. 2934. Fieser, L. F., see No. 3081. 2935. Forsham, P. H., Thorn, G. W., Prunty, F. T., and Hills, A. G., see No. 543. 2936. Friedman, A., see No. 1495. 2937. Gaunt, R., Birnie, J. H., and Eversole, W. J., see No. 2579. 2938. Gaunt, R., and Eversole, W. J., see No. 275. 2939. Greep, R. 0.„ and Deane, H. W., see No. 277. 2940. Harris, G. W., see No. 2845. 2941. Hartman, F. A., see No. 416. 2942. Hildebrand, A. G., and Rynearson, E. H., see No. 2364. -307- REVIEW ARTICLES - ENGLISH (Continued) 2943. Ingle, D. J., see No. 1346. 2944. Kendall, E. C, see No. 282. 2945. Kendall, E. C, see No. 2494. 2946. Kenyon, A. F., see No. 329. 2947. Kepler, E. J., and Wills on, D. M., see No. 208. 2948. Loxton, G., see No. 909. 2949. Luft, R., see No. 331. 2950. Marrian, G. F., see No. 3086. 2951. Mason, H. L., and Engstrom, W. W., see No. 2214. 2952. Mellgren, J., see No. 2766. 2953. Parkes, A. S., see No. 514. 2954. Perera, G. A., see No. 2095. 2955. Prunty, F. T. G., see No. 316. 2956. Reichstein, T., and Shoppee, C. W., see No. 1319. 2957. Robson, J. M., and Keele, C. A., see No. 3088. 2958. Sapeika, N., see No. 2108. 2959. Sayers, G., see No. 2050. 2960. Sayers, G., and Sayers, M. A., see No. 2788. 2961. Selye, H., see No. 1965. 2962. Selye, H., see No. 3090. 2963. Soffer, L. J., see No. 517. 2964. Sosman, M. C, see No. 1514. 2965. Sprechler, M., see No. 1324. -308- REVIEW ARTICLES - ENGLISH (Continued) 2966. Swann, H. G., see No. 2798. 2967. Swingle, W. W., and Remington, J. W., see No. 452. 2968. Tepperman, J., Engel, F. L., and Long, C. N. H., see No. 345. 2969. Thorn, G. W., see No. 27. 2970. Thorn, G. W., Forsham, P. A., Frawley, T. F., Hill, S. R., Jr., Roche, M., Stachelin, D., and Wilson, D. L., see No. 657. 2971. Tudbury, P. B., see No. 396. 2972. Tudbury, P. B., see No. 461. 2973. Wilkins, L., see No. 2671. REVIEW ARTICLES - FRENCH 2974. Albeaux-Fernet, M., Bellot, L., Danel, J., Deribreux, J., and Geiinet, M., see No. 474. 2975. Albeaux-Fernet, M., Bellot, L., Deribreux, J., and Geiinet, M., see No. 475. 2976. Alphonse, P., and Wacker, T., see No. 173. 2977. Amado, J. H., see No. 1. 2978. Everse, J. W. R., see No. 845. 2879. Gross, A., see No. 477. 2980. Lambert, P. P., see No. 209. 2981. Lichtwitz, A., Lamotte-Barrillon, S., Delaville, M., Delaville, G., and Pantaieon, J., see No. 1304. 2982. Mach, R. S., and Mach, E., see No. 1405. 2983. Mahoudeau, D., Hinaut, G., and Betourne, C., see No. 757. 2984. Paris, R., and Laff argue, P., see No. 344. -309- REVIEW ARTICLES - GERMAN 2985. Schwarz, J., see No. 3441. 2986. Thaddea, S., see No. 1409. 2987. Verzar, F., see No. 2383. REVIEW ARTICLES - ITALIAN 2988. Rindi, G., see No. 654. 2989. Scala, E., see No. 1239. 2990. Tronchetti, F., see No. 2596. REVIEW ARTICLES - SPANISH 2991. Enfermedades de adaptacidn, ..., see No. 843. 2992. Jauregui, G. R., see No. 612. 2993. Mote, J. R., see No. 483. 2994. Segovia de Arana, J. M., see No. 947. 2995. Vaccarezza, A. J., see No. 293. 2996. Villafane Bombal, E. A., see No. 30. RHEUMATIC FEVER 2997. Barnes, A. R. Effects of cortisone and ACTH in 14 patients with acute rheumatic fever. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1950, 25:478-479. 2998. Barnes, A. R., and Smith, H. L. The effects of the administration of cortisone and ACTH on patients with acute rheumatic fever. Mod. Concepts Card. Dis., 1950, _19: 59-60. Abstracted in: J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1950, 43: 139. The results were encouraging but continued observation will be required to determine whether cortisone or ACTH prevents heart disease following rheumatic fever or its aggravation in hearts previously damaged by the disease. 2999. Bell, G. I., Bell, R. E., and Wilson, D. R. Rheumatic pancarditis treated with cortisone. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 63: 63-66. Case report. -310- RHEUMATIC FEVER (Continued) 3000. Binjurebarkhormon vid reumatisk feber. Nord. med., 1949, 42: 1346-1347. Editorial; discussion of the paper of Hench, Slocumb, Barnes, and Smith. 3001. Blanchard, K. C, Harvey, A. M., Howard, J. E., Kattus, A., Marshall, E. K., Jr., Newman, E. V., and Zubrod, C. G., see No. 787. 3002. Dorfman, A., and Moses, F. E., see No. 1882. 3003. Elkinton, J. R., Hunt, A. D., Jr., Godfrey, L., McCrory, W., Rogerson, A., and Stokes, J., Jr., see No. 842. 3004. Furniss, A., see No. 859. 3005.*Hain, K., and Wilson, M. G. Immunologic and biochemical studies in infants and children with special reference to rheumatic fever; re- sponse to pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Pediatrics, Springf., 1949, 4: 579-585. 3006. Hench, P. S., Slocumb, C. H., Barnes, A. R., Smith, H. L., Polley, H. F., and Kendall, E. C. The effects of the adrenal cortical hor- mone 17-hydroxy-ll-dehydrocorticosterone (Compound E) on the acute phase of rheumatic fever; preliminary report. Proc Mayo Clin., 1949, 24: 277-297. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 35; Also in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 110. Report of 3 cases with favorable results. 3007. Liefmann, R., and Schultz, M. P., see No. 905. 3008. McEwen, C, Bunim, J. J., Baldwin, J. S., Kuttner, A. G., Appel, S. B., and Kaltman, A. J. The effect of cortisone and ACTH on rheumatic fever. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 2. ser., 212- 228. In three cases, "striking benefit to fever, polyarthritis and anemia" of rheumatic fever was observed. "The effect on rheumatic carditis was less definite .. . further experience is required for final judgment. " 12 references. 3009. Massell, B. F. The effects of ACTH on rheumatic fever and rheu- matic carditis. Bull. N. England M. Center, 1950, _12: 22-24. Re- port of 15 cases. 3010. Massell, B. F., Warren, J. E., and Sturgis, G. P. Observations on the effects of ACTH in patients with rheumatic fever and rheumatic carditis. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 405-418. -311- RHEUMATIC FEVER (Continued) 3011. Massell, B. F., Warren, J. E., Sturgis, G. P., Hall, B., and Craige, E. The clinical response of rheumatic fever and acute carditis to ACTH. N. England J. M., 1950, 242: 641-647; 692-698. Report of 10 cases. 10 references. 3012. Pasqualini, R. Q. El tratamiento de la fiebre reuma'tica; una larga experiencia y una hipetesis personal. Prensa med. argent., 1950, 37: 757-769. Includes comparison of the mechanism of action of sodium salicylate and cortisone and ACTH. 38 references. 3013. Tratamiento hormonal de la fiebre reuma'tica. Sem. med., B. Air., 1950, 57: 507. Editorial. 3014. Videbaek, A., Asboe-Hansen, G., Astrup, P., Faber, V., Ham- burger, C, Schmith, K., Sprechler, M., and Bryichner-Mortens en, K. Virkningen af ACTH og cortison ved febris rheumatica. Ugeskr. laeger, 1950, 112: 919-925. Report of 3 cases. English summary. 12 references. SARCOIDOSIS 3015. Cortisone for sarcoidosis. Science News Lett., 1950, j>7: 290. The arthritis*wonder drug'may prove useful in treating a mystery disease often confused with TB, syphilis and other diseases. No treatment for it is now known. SCHIZOPHRENIA, see MENTAL DISORDERS SCLERODERMA 3016. Bayles, T. B., Stout, C. F., Stillman, J. S., and Lever, W. The treatment of scleroderma with adrenocorticotrophic hormone; pre- liminary observations. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 447-458. Clinical improvement lasting 2-3 weeks after cessation of therapy was obtained in 4 cases; 1 case presented sub- sternal oppression. Metabolism studies. 3017. Hertz, S., and Forsham, P. H. The response to adrenocorticotrophic hormone in patients with scleroderma and the therapeutic use of tes- tosterone. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 788. SCLEROSIS, DISSEMINATED 3018. Jonsson, B., Reis, G. von, and Sahlgren, E. Behandling av sclerosis disseminata med adrenocorticotr6p hormone (ACTH, cortrophin). Sven. lak. tidn., 1949, 46: 2488-2491. Report of 2 cases. -312- SCURVY, see VITAMINS SEX, see REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM SHOCK, see also BURNS, STRESS and SURGERY 3019. Adrenal-cortex extract and shock. J. Clin. Endocr., 1943, 3: 182. 3020. Ashby, W. R. The effects of convulsive therapy on the excretion of cortins and ketosteroids. J. Ment. Sc., Lond., 1949, 95: 275-324. Excretion rates of 14 patients before and during convulsive therapy. 146 references. 3021. Bergman, H. C, Rosenfeld, D. D., Hechter, O., and Prinzmetal, M., see No. 1197. 3022. Berlind, M. Fetal shock. Treatment with desoxycorticosterone acetate; a preliminary report. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1941, 45: 534-539. Treat- ment of "fetal shock" with DOCA plus saline gave good results in 12 newborns without cerebral hemorrhage. 2 newborns delivered by breach extraction and in which adrenal haemorrhage appeared to be present also responded to treatment. 23 references. 3023. Berri, N. II comportamento isto-patologica della corteccia surrenale nello shock traumatico (Richerche sperimentali). Pathologica, Genova, 1948, 40: 166-173. 26 references. 3024. Besser, E. L. Role of the adrenal glands in shock; value of desoxy- corticosterone acetate in the prevention of operative shock. Arch. Surg., 1941, 43:249-256. A review. Desoxycorticosterone given preoperatively to 72 patients was of little value in preventing shock. 26 references. 3025. Bourque, J. E., Joseph, S., Kozlow, C. P., Houston, J., and Haterius, H. O., see No. 1026. 3026. Fine, J., Fischmann, J., and Frank, H. A. The effect of adrenal cortical hormones in hemorrhage and shock. Surgery, 1942, 12: 1-13. "Desoxycorticosterone acetate is not an effective agent in the therapy of shock due to hemorrhage. Cortin given alone is not an effective agent in the therapy of shock. If it is combined with parenteral fluids it exerts some beneficial influence in certain circumstances. " 6 ref- erences. 3027. Gros, G. Choc serique et hormone cortico-surrenale. Algerie med., 1941, 45: 158-161. 21 references. -313- SHOCK (Continued) 3028. Helfrich, L. S., Cassels, W. S., and Cole, W. H. Cortical extract in the treatment of shock. Am. J. Surg., 1942, j>5: 410-426. Dis- cussion. 11 references. 3029. Hoagland, H., Callaway, E., Elmadjian, F., and Pincus, G., see No. 2338. 3030. Huizenga, K. A., Brofman, B. L., and Wiggers, C. J. The inef- fectiveness of adrenal cortex extracts in standardized hemorrhagic shock. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1943, 78: 139-153. 36 references. 3031. Huizenga, K. A., Brofman, B. L., and Wiggers, C. J. Ineffective- ness or adrenocortical preparations in standardized hemorrhagic shock. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 52: 77. 2 references. 3032. Ingle, D. J. The effect of adrenal cortical extract on the resistance of non-adrenalectomized rats to peptone shock. Am. J. Physiol., 1944, 142: 191-194. 4 references. 3033. Ingle, D. J. The survival of nonadrenalectomized rats in shock with and without adrenal cortical hormone treatment. Am. J. Physiol., 1943, 139: 460-463. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 18. 2 references. 3034. Katz, L. N., Killian, S. T., Asher, R., and Perlow, S. The pro- phylactic action of desoxycorticosterone in shock due to massive venous thrombosis. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 137: 79-86. 9 refer- ences. 3035. Katz, L. N., Killian, S., Perlow, S., and Asher, R. The effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate in shock due to massive venous throm- bosis of the leg; an experimental study. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: 44-45. Abstract of a paper read at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Physiological Society, April 1942. 3036. Lambret, O., Driessens, J., and Cornillot, M., see No. 1150. 3037. Lambret, O., Driessens, J., and Cornillot, M., see No. 423. 3038. Larguia, A. E., see No. 368. 3039. Mattar, E. Alteraco*es metabeiicas e endocrinas desencadeadas pelo trauma cirurgico; seus efeitos na cicatrizacSo e recomposicao dos tecidos. Rev. paul med., 1950,26:388-389. Abstract of a paper read at the Meeting of the Departamento de neuro-psiquiatria on 7 February 1950. -314- SHOCK (Continued) 3040. Parkins, W. M., Swingle, W. W., Remington, J. W., and Drill, V. A. Desoxycorticosterone as a prophylactic foretreatment for the prevention of circulatory failure following hemorrhage and surgical trauma in the adrenalectomized dog. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 134; 426-435. 14 references. 3041. Perla, D., Freiman, D. G., Sandberg, M., and Greenberg, S. S. Prevention of histamine and surgical shock by cortical hormone (des- oxycorticosterone acetate and cortin) and saline. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 397-404. The prophylactic effect of cortical hormone plus parenteral saline in histamine shock was proven by experiment with rats. Successful clinical application to prevention of surgical shock in humans is reported. 12 cases. 8 references. 3042. Pollack, H. Wound shock and suprarenal cortex. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 1: 574-575. Letter to the editor. 3043. Reiss, M., MacLeod, L. D., and Golla, Y. M. L. The role of the adrenal cortex and anterior pituitary gland in induced secondary shock symptoms. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1943, 3: 292-301. 14 references. 3044. Romero Velasco, E., see No. 711. 3045. Selye, H., and Dosne, C, see No. 1060. 3046. Selye, H., and Dosne, C. Treatment of wound shock with cortico- sterone. Lancet, Lond., 1940, 2: 70-71. 12 references. 3047. Selye, H., Dosne, C, Bassett, L., and Whittaker, J. On the ther- apeutic value of adrenal cortical hormones in traumatic shock and allied conditions. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1940, 43: 1-8. Administra- tion of cortin, but not of DOCA, proved to be highly effective in coun- teracting shock (imitation of physiological "countershock phenomena"). 53 references. 3048. Stevenson, J. The role of the adrenalcortex in conditions of general damage. McGill M. J., 1941-42, _U: No. 5, 24-36. Case report: adrenal cortex extract proved beneficial in pneumonia of a premature infant. 51 references. 3049. Swingle, W. W., Hays, H. W., Remington, J. W., Collings, W. D., and Parkins, W. M., see No. 1074. 3050. Swingle, W. W., Overman, R. R., Remington, J. W., Kleinberg, W., and Eversole, W. J. Ineffectiveness of adrenal cortex prepara- tions in the treatment of experimental shock in nonadrenalectomized dogs. Am. J. Physiol., 1943, 139:481-489. 35 references. -315- SHOCK (Continued) 3051. Thygesen, J. E., and M^116r-Christensen, E. Nogle Betragtninger vedr^rende Shockproblemet og Desoxycorticosteronets Virkemaade samt en kort Omtale af Natriumhypobromit-Titreringens Anvendelse ved fraktioneret Serumproteinbestemmelse. Nord. med., 1946, 31: 2195-2198. English abstract. 11 references. 3052. Toby, C. G., and Noble, R. L., see No. 2568. 3053. Ungar, G. The adrenal cortex in shock and stress. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1947, 5: Suppl., 53-57. 18 references. 3054. Varangot, J. Choc traumatique et hormone cortico-surrenale. Presse m^d., 1940, 48: 103-107. 23 references. 3055. Weil, P. G., Rose, B., and Browne, J. S. L. The reduction of mortality from experimental traumatic shock with adrenal cortical substances. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1940, 43: 8-11. 21 references. 3056. Wiggers, C. J. Recent observations on value of adrenal cortex prep- arations in hemorrhagic shock. Univ% Hosp. Bull., Ann Arb., 1943, 9: 61. 8 references. SHWARTZMAN PHENOMENON, see IMMUNITY SIMMOND'S DISEASE, see PITUITARY GLAND - HYPOFUNCTION AND HYPERFUNCTION SKIN, see also PIGMENTATION 3057. Behrman, H. T., and Goodman, J. J., see No. 594. 3058. Hajos, M. K., see No. 701. SKIN - DISEASES, see names of individual diseases, e.g., ECZEMA etc. SPLEEN 3059. Hechter, O. Lymphocyte discharge from the isolated rabbit spleen by adrenal cortical extract. Endocrinology, 1948, 42: 285-306. 11 references. 3060. Molomut, N., Spain, D. M., and Haber, A. The effect of cortisone on the spleen in mice. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 416. "Cortisone causes a significant reduction in the spleen size oflnice. " -316- SPLEEN (Continued) 3061. Stone, D., and Hechter, O., see No. 1122. 3062. Ungar, G., see No. 2805. STARVATION 3063. D'Angelo, S. A. Attempted blockade of the adrenotrophic mechanism of the pituitary in starvation. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 31. Ab- stract. 3064.*D'Angelo, S. A., Gordon, A. S., and Charipper, H. A. The effect of inanition on pituitary-adrenal function in the guinea pig. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 7: 24. 3065. D'Angelo, S. A., Gordon, A. S., and Charipper, H. A. Effects of steroids on the endocrine system of the starved guinea pig. Fed. Proc , Bait., 1949, 8: 31. 3066. Dougherty, T. F., and White, A. Role of the adrenal cortex in lymphoid tissue involution produced by inanition. Anat. Rec., 1945, 91: 269-270. Abstract. 3067. Feder, D., and Gordon, A. S. The influence of starvation and adreno- cortical hormones upon the macrophagic and lymphocytic tissues. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 536. "Starvation... increased phagocytic activity of the reticulo-endothelial elements. . . Administration of adrenocortical hormones to starved animals produced no additional striking alterations in the macrophagic and lymphocytic tissues. " Abstract. 3068. Gordon, A. S., and Katsh, G. F. Relation of the adrenal cortex to the increased macrophagic activity induced by starvation. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 58-59. 3069. Gulzow, M., see No. 2363. 3070. Gulzow, M., see No. 2582. 3071. Gulzow, M., see No. 2410. 3072. Klinge, F., see No. 390. 3073. Landau, R. L., Knowlton, K., Anderson, D., Brandt, M. B., and Kenyon, A. T. The effect of starvation on urinary 17-ketosteroid excretion. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 133-145. 24 references. -317- STEROIDS, see also CORTICOSTEROIDS and URINE - STEROIDS 3074. Acevedo, H., and Atria, A. Nomenclatura de las hormonas es- teroides. Cienc. & invest., B. Air., 1950, 6: 106-122. Useful survey containing empirical and structural formulas. 32 references. 3075. Archibald, R., and Genest, J. Chromatographic fractionation of steroids of blood and adrenal tissue. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 147. A technique, which "shows some promise of providing simple determinations of cholesterol and of its esters in blood and tissues. " 3076. Bing, M., see No. 2004. 3077. Bloch, K. Biosynthesis of steroids. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 33-45. 29 references. 3078. Courrier, R. Les correlations fonctioneUes entre substances steYoides. Exposes arm. biochim. me'd., Par., 1946, 6. ser., 7-13. 3079. Eggleston, N. N., Johnston, B. J., and Dobriner, K. Quantitative methods for the bio-as say of the glycogenic activity of steroids and urinary extracts. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 197-211. Three methods are presented, the titration, the priming and the sugar method. The first two are 25 to 60 times as sensitive as those previously available. The latter has about 10 times the precision of the primary method. 20 references. 3080. Ekwall, P., and Sjoblom, L. Aqueous solutions of steroid hormones. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1950, 4: 179-191. Fat soluble hormones-in- cluding desoxycorticosterone and desoxycorticosterone acetate-can be brought into aqueous solution by means of association colloids. 32 references. 3081. Fieser, L. F. Review of research on the chemistry of the steroids. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 14-32. 3082. Haines, W. J., and Drake, N. A. Fluorescence scanner for evalua- tion of papergrams of adrenal cortical hormones. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, 9: 180-181. Abstract. 3083. Klyne, W. Molecular rotation contribution of C(17) in the steroid skeleton. Nature, Lond., 1949, 164: 1091. 3084. Leathem, J. H., see No. 480. 3085. Lewis, L. A., and Page, I. H., see No. 494. -318- STEROIDS (Continued) 3086. Marrian, G. F. The steroids; a historical review. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 3-13. 60 references. 3087. Mason, H. L. Steroid nomenclature. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 190-205. 9 references. 3088. Robson, J. M., and Keele, C. A. The steroids of the gonads and adrenal cortex. In their: Recent advances in pharmacology, London, Churchill, 1950, 99-119. Contents: Chemistry. - Origin of steroid hormones. - Fate of steroid hormones. - Assay of steroid hormones. - Function of the adrenal cortex. - Cortisone in rheumatic diseases. - Mode of administration. - Clinical results. - Results with adrenocor- ticotrophic hormone (ACTH). - Deoxocortone and ascorbic acid. - Experimental approach. Some 100 references. 3089. Selye, H. Interactions between various steroid hormones. Canada. M. Ass. J., 1940, 42: 113-116. 8 references. 3090. Selye, H. The pharmacology of,steroid hormones and their deriva- tives. Rev. canad. biol., 1942, 1: 572-632. Review article. 227 references. 3091. Sugiura, K., Stock, C. C, Dobriner, K., and Rhoads, C. P., see No. 2688. 3092. Wilds, A. L., Solmssen, U. V., Gallagher, T. F., Fieser, L. F., and Wettstein, A. The relation of structure to function of steroids. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 212-227. 27 references. STRESS 3093. The adrenal in stress. Scope, 1948, 7: 11-14. 3094. Association for research in nervous and mental diseases. Proceed- ings 1949: Life stress and bodily disease, ed. by H. G. Wolff, S. G. Wolf, Jr., and C. C. Hare. 1135 p. Baltimore, 1950. (Research publication No. 29). 3095. Beznak, M., Hajdu, I., and Korenyi, Z. The role of the increase in the concentration of certain blood constituents in the production of suprarenal hypertrophy caused by muscular exercise. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1942, 67: 242-256. 3096. Beznak, M., and Korenyi, Z., see No. 1657. -319- STRESS (Continued) 3097. Bly, C. G., Johnson, R. E., Kark, R. M., Consolazio, C. F., Swain, H. L., Laudani, A., Maloney, M. A., Figueroa, W. G., and Imperiale, L. E. Survival in the cold. U. S. Arm. Forces M. J., 1950, U 615-628. "Frequent biochemical, physiologic and hema- tologic observations suggested that during the first 2 days of abrupt exposure to cold, unacclimatized soldiers exhibit a general adaptation syndrome, with stimulation of the pituitary adrenocortical system. " 3 references. 3098. Boas, N. F., and Jailer, J. W., see No. 979. 3099. Booker, W. M., Hayes, R. L., and Dent, F. M., see No. 980. 3100. Browne, J. S. L., Johnson, L. G., Schenker, V., and Venning, E. H., see No. 2556. 3101. Cleghorn, R. A., Goodman, A. J., Graham, B. F., Jones, M. H., and Rublee, N. K. Activation of the adrenal cortex in human subjects following electro-convulsive (E.C. T.) therapy and psychomotor stress. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 608. 3102. Cook, E. B., and Wherry, R. J. The urinary 17-ketosteroid output of .naval submarine enlisted candidates during two stressful situations. Human Biol., 1950, 2^: 104-124. "The amount of 17-ketosteroid in- creases during stress is considered a reliable measure of individual differences. " 3103. Cornil, L. Le syndrome d'adaptation (stress) de Selye et les vari- ations de la fonction du cortex surrenal dans les etats psychopathiques. Sud. med. chir., 1948, 80: 3-6. 2 references. 3104. Crowe, H. W. Hormones and rheumatism. Brit. M. J., 1950, 1: 250. Debility causing a general lowering of local tissue reaction rather than release of hormone due to stress is considered as ex- plaining certain instances of prevention and temporary suppression of arthritis. 2 references. 3105. Dumm, M. E., and Ralli, E. P. Influence of pantothenic acid on response of adrenalectomized and intact rats to stress. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 34-35. Abstract. 3106. Dureil, M., Prost, M., and Rakato Rats imamanga, A., see No. 1336. 3107. Fortier, C, and Selye, H., see No. 2842. -320- STRESS (Continued) 3108. Fortier, C, Skelton, F. R., Constantinides, P., Timiras, P. S., Herlant, M., and Selye, H., see No. 413. 3109. Freeman, W., Pincus, G., and Glover, E. D. The excretion of neutral urinary steroids in stress. Endocrinology, 1944, 315: 215. Abstract. 3110. Goldzieher, M. A., see No. 509. 3111. Gray, W. D., and Munson, P. L., see No. 2749. 3112. Hechter, O. Concerning the hypersensitivity of adrenalectomized rats to vascular stress. Endocrinology, 1945, 3^: 77-87. 11 refer- ences. 3113. Herlant, M. Conditioning, through stress, of the action of corticoids on lymphoid organs. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, T3: 399- 401. "The combined action of a small dose of cortical extract and non-specific stress of moderate intensity has a well marked caryo- clastic effect on the lymphoid system of adrenalectomized rats, whilst the same dose of extract given to adrenalectomized, non-stressed rats, produces a negligible effect. " 9 references. 3114. Hoagland, H., see No. 418. 3115. Hoagland, H., see No. 2491. 3116. Hoagland, H., Elmadjian, E., and Pincus, G., see No. 1103. 3117. Hoagland, H., Pincus, G., and Elmadjian, F., see No. 419. 3118. Hoagland, H., and Stone, D., see No. 2492. 3119. Holtkamp, D. E., Hill, R. M., Longwell, B. B., Rutledge, E. K., and Buchanan, A. R., see No. 1344. 3120. Hughes, W., see No. 756. 3121. Hume, D. M., see No. 1192. 3122. Hume, D. M., and Wittenstein, G. J., see No. 1193. 3123. Ingle, D. J., see No. 2415. 3124. Ingle, D. J., see No. 327. -321- STRESS (Continued) 3125. Ingle, D. J., see No. 2368. 3126. Ingle, D. J., see No. 1348. 3127. Ingle, D. J., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M., see No. 610. 3128. Ingle, D. J., and Nezamis, J. E., see No. 1351. 3129. Ingle, D. J., Nezamis, J. E., and Jeffries, J. W., see No. 1352. 3130. Koepf, G. F. The role of the adrenal cortex in stress and strain. Pediatrics, Springf., 1949, 3: 516-519. 3131. Kottke, F. J., Taylor, C. B., Kubicek, W. G., Erickson, D. M., and Evans, G. T. Adrenal cortex and altitude tolerance. Am. J. Physiol., 1948, _153: 16-20. 17 references. 3132. Langley, L. L. The activity of the adrenal cortex of rats exposed continuously to low atmospheric pressure. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1943, 2: 28. 3133. Langley, L. L., and Clarke, R. W. The reaction of the adrenal cortex to low atmospheric pressure. Yale J. Biol., 1941-1942, 14: 529-546. 72 references. 3134. Last, J. H. Adaptation to stress; pituitary-adrenal mechanisms. Mod. Hosp., 1949, 73: No. 3, 106-110. 3135. Laufman, H., and Freed, S. C, see No. 1932. 3136. Levin, L., see No. 1220. 3137. Li, C. H., and Herring, V. V., see No. 620. 3138. Long, C. N. H. Comments on the present status of work on the re- lation of the adrenal cortex to conditions of stress. In: Rep. Com. Aviat. M. U. S. Nat. Res. Counc, Wash., 1942, No. 44, 11-14. 3139. Opsahl, J. C, see No. 1894. 3140. Parade, G. W., see No. 1364. 3141. Pincus, G. Adrenal cortex function in stress. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc, 1949, 50: 635-645. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26207. Stress-response in animals, normal, psychotic and psychoneurotic subjects. 17 references. -322- STRESS (Continued) 3142. Pincus, G., see No. 438. 3143. Pincus, G., and Hoagland, H., see No. 2345. 3144. Pincus, G., and Hoagland, H. Adrenal cortical responses to stress in normal men and in those with personality disorders; some stress responses in normal and psychotic subjects. Am. J. Psychiat., 1949-50, 106; 641-650. "The schizophrenic is not apparently defi- cient in over-all adrenal cortical hormone output. It is the patients stress responses that are defective and these involve varying hor- mone output to meet fluctuating demands. " 3145. Reade, B., and Morgan, A. F., see No. 442. 3146. Recant, L., Hume, D. M., Forsham, P. H., and Thorn, G. W., see No. 2777. 3147. Rk., P., see No. 2350. 3148. Roberts, F., see No. 1959. 3149. Robinson, S., Kincaid, R. K., and Rhamy, R. K., see No. 1736. 3150. Rome, H. P., and Braceland, F. J., see No. 1478. 3151. Ronzoni, E., Ackerman, M., and Hadjiski, J. Sodium pentobarbital anesthesia and the response of the adrenal cortex to stress. Am. J. Physiol., 1950, 160: 499-505. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 5018c 9 references. 3152. Roos, A., see No. 1261. 3153. Sayers, G., see No. 2050. 3154. Sayers, G., Kerkin, M., and Tortoreto, J. N., see No. 554. 3155. Sayers, G., and Sayers, M. A. Regulation of anterior pituitary activity during stress. Proc. Am. Fed. Clin. Res., 1945, 2: 96. "A reciprocal relationship exists between pituitary adrenocortico- tropic activity and cortical hormone concentration in the body fluids. The stimulus to which the pituitary responds when an animalis sub- jected to stress would appear to be a sudden reduction in the concen- tration of cortical hormones in the body fluids. " -323- STRESS (Continued) 3156. Sayers, G., and Sayers, M. A. Regulation of pituitary adrenocor- ticotropic activity during the response of the rat to acute stress. Endocrinology, 1947, 40: 265-273. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 22-23. 13 references. 3157. Selye, H. Stress and the general adaptation syndrome. Brit. M. J., 1950, 1: 1383-1382. 3 references. 3158. Speirs, R. S., and Meyer, R. K., see No. 1118. 3159. Stein, H. J., Bader, R. A., Eliot, J. W., and Bass, D. E. Hor- monal alterations in men exposed to heat and cold stress. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 529-547. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7: 182; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26213; Also in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50, Jj): 907. "An attempt to evaluate the adrenal cortical reserve after periods of environmental stress. " 51 references. 3160. Sundstroem, E. S., and Michaels, G., see No. 451. 3161. Talbot, B. N., see No. 2051. 3162. Thorn, G. W., Clinton, M., Jr., Davis, B. M., and Lewis, R. A., see No. 1411. 3163. Toby, C. G., and Noble, R. L., see No. 460. 3164. Ungar, G., see No. 3053. 3165. Ungar, G., see No. 2805. 3166. Vogt, M., see No. 2539. 3167. Warin, J., see No. 1976. 3168. Zarrow, M. Protective action of desoxycorticosterone acetate and progesterone in adrenalectomized mice exposed to low temperature. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 50: 135-138. 11 references. STROPHANTUS, see ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE - CHEMISTRY and CORTISONE - CHEMISTRY SURGERY 3169. Besser, E. L. Role of the adrenal glands in shock; value of desoxycor- ticosterone acetate in the prevention of operative shock. Arch. Surg., 1941, 43: 249-256. 26 references. -324- SURGERY (Continued) 3170. Corrado, P. C. Adrenal cortical hormone in surgery. Med. Times, N. Y., 1941, j>9: 155-162. Clinical results in 33 cases as to the ef- fect of preoperative treatment upon the anesthetic, operative, and postoperative course of patients operated upon under spinal and gen- eral anesthesia. 20 references. 3171.*De Luca, G. L'acetato di desossicorticosterone nella profilasse e nella terapia della malattia operatoria. Ormoni, 1942, 4: 49. 3172. Hugin, W. Erfahrungen mit Percorten in der Chirurgie. Praxis, Bern, 1947, 36: 270. Percorten is useful in preoperative and post- operative treatment. 10 references. 3173. Keating, F. R., Jr., Power, M. H., and Rynearson, E. H. Des- oxycorticosterone acetate; an appraisal of the value of its pre-oper- ative administration to surgical patients. Proc Mayo Clin., 1942, 17: 59-64. Also in: Current Res. Anesth., 1942, 21: 207-212. 9 ref- erences. 3174. Keating, F. R., Jr., Rynearson, E. H., and Power, M. H. Pre- operative administration of desoxycorticosterone acetate in the pre- vention of surgical shock. (Prevention of surgical shock.) J. Clin. Endocr., 1942, 2: 53-58. 3 references. 3175. Koster, H., and Kasman, L. P. Effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate in postoperative shock. Arch. Surg., 1942, 45: 272-285. 24 references. 3176. Muntoni, E. Influenza dell'ormone cortico-surrenale sintetico e della vitamina C sul rapporto sodio; potassio degli operati. Speri- mentale, 1942, 96: 368-376. DCA has a normalizing effect on the Na:K ratio after surgical interventions; this effect is increased by Vitamin C. 30 references. 3177. Perry, W. F., and Gemmell, J. P. The effect of surgical operations on the excretion of iodine, corticosteroids, and uric acid. Canad. J. Res., 1949, 27: 320-326. Surgical trauma resulted in increased iodine and corticosteroid excretion. Uric acid excretion was elevated postoperatively in some but not all of the subjects. 16 references. 3178. Ragan, C, Ferrebee, J. W., and Fish, G. W., see No. 723. 3179. Roche, M., Hills, A. G., and Thorn, G. W., see No. 1114. -325- SURGERY (Continued) 3180. Stahli, W. Percorten bei postoperativen Zustanden. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1946, 76: 609-610. Report on 50 consecutive laparotomies. 3 references. 3181.*Tarantino, A. M. Effetti degli estratti di surrenali su alcuni sintomi della "malattia post-operatoria. " Ormoni, 1942, 4: 311. 3182. ToSovsky, V. Korovy hormon nadledvinkovy (HKN) v profylaxi a therapii operacniho §oku. Sborn. chir. pohyb. ustr., 1949, JJ>: 90- 98. Methods of administration and effects (including toxicity) of su- prarenal cortical hormone in surgical shock. 25 references. SWEAT 3183. Conn, J. W. Electrolyte composition of sweat; clinical implications as index of adrenal cortical function. Arch. Int. M., 1949, 8>3: 416- 428. "... observations made on patients suffering from a variety of endocrine disorders involving abnormal function of the adrenal cor- tices." 14 references. 3184. Conn, J. W., and Louis, L: H., see No. 2738. 3185. Holland, C. G., and Kline, R. F. Sweat concentration after desoxy- corticosterone injection. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1:41-42. Ab- stract of a paper read at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Physiological Society, April 1942. 3186. Ladell, W. S. S. The effect of desoxycorticosterone acetate on the chloride content of the sweat. J. Physiol., Lond., 1945-46, 104: Proc, 13-14. 3 references. 3187. Nichols, J., and Miller, A. T., Jr. Excretion of adrenal corticoids in the sweat. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 69: 448-449. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, £3: 23511. "There is a sig- nificant excretion of adrenal corticoids in sweat induced by exercise and by thermal stimulation. This is interpreted as indicative of ad- renal cortex activation in response to the stresses of heat and of strenuous exertion. Excretion of adrenal corticoids in sweat must be taken into consideration in studies on adrenal activation in stress. " (Biol. Abstr.). 5 references. TERRAMYCIN 3188. Barnard, R. D. Corticotherapeutic equivalence of terramycin. N. York State J. M., 1950, 50: 1852. "Terramycin, in my hands, has proved equally efficacious in the intrinsic allergies, the demyelating neuropathies, the malignant leukoblastoses (leukemias), and radiation myelopathy. " -326- TESTOSTERONE, see CORTICOSTEROIDS - EFFECTS, DESOXyCORTICO- STERONE - EFFECTS^ URINE - STEROIDS, and, for treatment of individual diseases, under the name of the disease. THERMOREGULATION 3189. Thibault, O. Les facteurs hormonaux de la regulation chimique de la temperature des homeothermes. Rev. canad. biol., 1949, 8: 3- 131. This exhaustive study includes a discussion of the part played by hypophyseal and cortical hormones in thermoregulation. Ill ref- erences. THORN TEST, see ADRENAL CORTEX - FUNCTION TESTS THYMUS, see also LYMPHOID TISSUE 3190. Crede, R. H., and Moon, H. D. Effect of adrenocorticotropic hor- mone on the thymus of rats. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 44-46. "ACT caused acute thymic atrophy in normal 21-23-day old rats. Castration did not prevent thymic atrophy produced with ACT. This atrophy was observed in hypophysectomized rats although to a lesser degree. ACT did not cause thymic atrophy in adrenalec- tomized rats. " 5 references. 3191. Dontigny, P., see No. 1672. 3192. Nelson, W. O., see No. 2324. 3193. Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H., Reinhardt, W. O., and Evans, H. M. Similarity of response of thymus and lymph nodes to administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the rat. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 54: 135-137. 6 references. 3194. Torda, C., and Wolff, H. G., see No. 636. THYROID 3195. Britton, S. W., and French, C. R., see No. 2391. 3196. Deane, H. W., and Greep, R. O., see No. 270. 3197. Jefferies, W. M., see No. 2529. 3198. Kinsell, L. W., Zillesson, F. O., Smith, A. M., and Palmer, J. Protective action of cardiac glycosides and adrenal cortical hormone against thyroxin. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 221-226. 24 references. -327- THYROID (Continued) 3199. Lowenstein, B. E., and Zwemer, R. L,., see No. 2867. 3200. Moseley, A. J., and Merrill, A. J. Results of ACTH in one patient with thyrotoxicosis and thyrotoxic heart disease with mild congestive heart failure. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949 (1950), p. 211- 213. "No definite change in clinical status. " 3201. Paschkis, K. E., Cantarow, A., Eberhard, T., and Boyle, D., see No. 1958. 3202. Reiss, R. S., Riggs, D. S., Thorn, G. W., and Forsham, P. H. The adrenal thyroid relationship. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic , 1949(1950), p. 193-210. "In hypothyroidism, the rate of adrenal cortical activation in response to ACTH appears impaired. In hy- perthyroidism, 3 of 4 cases showed improvement under ACTH ther- apy. Exophthalmus after thyroidectomy was improved by ACTH in 2 cases.. . The inconstancy in the response of hyperthyroidism to ad- renal cortical stimulation suggests the presence of unknown factors... The adrenal cortical effects on the thyroid function do not appear to present a reliable or practical form of therapy for hyperthyroidism. " 5 references. 3203. Reveno, W. S. The adrenals and thyroid disease. Harper Hosp. Bull., Detr., 1950, 8: 56-57. Abstracts of reports from the 1950 meeting of the American Goiter Association. 3204. Tronchetti, F., and Torsoli, A., see No. 2381. 3205. Wallach, D. P., and Reineke, E. P., see No. 997. TISSUE RESPONSE, see also BLOOD - CYTOLOGY and LYMPHOID TISSUE 3206. ACTH and wound healing. J. Am. M. Ass., 1950, 144: 47. Editorial. 3 references. 3207. Creditor, M. C, Bevans, M., Mundy, W. L., and Ragan, C. Ef- fect of ACTH on wound healing in humans. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74:245-247. "During hyperadrenalism induced by ACTH there isTnhibition of wound healing in humans. " 4 references. 3208. Crowe, H. W., see No. 3104. 3209. Dougherty, T. F. Relation of adrenal cortical stimulation to histo- logical alterations in the kidneys and cardiovascular tissues of mice. Tr. Conf. Factors Regul. Blood Pressure, 1948, 2. Conf., 17-40. 16 references. -328- TISSUE RESPONSE (Continued) 3210. Feder, D., and Gordon, A. S., see No. 3067. 3211. Gordon, A. S., and Katsh, G. F., see No. 3068. 3212. Gordon, A. S., and Katsh, G. F. The relation of the adrenal cortex to the structure and phagocytic activity of the macrophagic system. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc , 1949, 52: 3-30. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 254-255. 3213. Heilman, D. H. The effect of 11-dehydro- 17-hydroxycorticosterone and 11-dehydrocorticosterone on the migration of macrophages in tissue culture. Proc Mayo Clin., 1945, 20: 318-320. 3214. Karady, S., Rose, B., and Browne, J. S. L., see No. 1890. 3215. Plotz, C. M., Howes, E. L., Blunt, J. W., Meyer, K., and Ragan, C. Action of cortisone on mesenchymal tissue. Arch. Derm. Syph., Chic, 1950, £1:919-921. Experimental studies with rabbits. 3 references. 3216. Ragan, C, Howes, E. L., Plotz, C. M., Meyer, K., and Blunt, J. W. Effect of cortisone on production of granulation tissue in the rabbit. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 718-721. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3611; Also in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 2_4: 12212. Cortisone "caused a delay in the develop- ment of all elements of connective tissue. " This growth inhibition in the rabbit may be "of value in assay of compounds active in the treatment of mesenchymal diseases. " 7 references. 3217. Ragan, C, Howes, E. L., Plotz, C. M., Meyer, K., Blunt, J. W., and Lattes, R. The effect of ACTH and cortisone on connective tis- sue. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1950, 26: 2. ser., 251-254. The authors propound the following hypothesis: "In diseases involving mesenchymal tissue, these tissues are traumatized by some unknown agent. When hyperadrenalism is induced, the mesenchymal tissues are unable to respond to trauma, and a remission of symptoms" re- sults. This suppression or decrease in reactivity also results in "delay in healing of incised wounds and depression of growth of granu- lations in open wounds. " 4 references. 3218. Rose, R., and Browne, J. S. L. Effect of adrenalectomy on hista- mine content of tissues of rat. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 131: 589- 594. 23 references. -329- TISSUE RESPONSE (Continued) 3219. Schaffenburg, C, Masson, G. M. C, and Corcoran, A. C. In- terrelationships of desoxycorticosterone, cortisone and vitamin C in the genesis of mesenchymal lesions. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 358-362. "Cortisone inhibits many of the mani- festations of scurvy in the guinea pig while desoxycorticosterone aggravates the condition. These activities of the hormones probably depend on their action on mesenchymal tissues. The scorbutic guinea pig, untreated or treated with DCA, may be a valuable test subject for the assay of anti-arthritic compounds. " 23 references. 3220. Seiffer, J., Baeder, D. H., and Begany, J. Influence of hyaluro- nidase and steroids on permeability of synovial membrane. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 278-282. Abstracted in: Ther. Gegenwart, 1950, 89: 134. 13 references. 3221. Selye, H., and Dosne, C, see No. 1059. 3222. Spain, D. M., Molomut, N., and Haber, A. Biological studies on cortisone in mice. Science, 1950, 112: 335-337. 3 references. 3223.*Tempestini, O. Effetti sperimentali dell'ormone cortico-surrenale sui tessuti dentali della cavia. Clin, odont., Roma, 1947, 2: 53-58. 3224. White, A., and Dougherty, T. F., see No. 1071. 3225. White, A., and Dougherty, T. F., see No. 1072. TOXICOSIS - IN INFANTS 3226. Emdin, W., see No. 2175. 3227. Gambaro, C. La funzionalita della corticosurrenale nella etiopato- genesis della tossicosi del lattante. Boll. Soc. biol. sper., 1947, 23: 66-68. TUBERCULIN REACTION, see IMMUNITY TUBERCULOSIS, see INFECTIOUS DISEASES UREMIA 3228.*Nyl^n, B., see No. 1726. 3229. Rodbard, S. Retardation of uremic death by desoxycorticosterone acetate. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1:73-74. Abstract. -330- UREMIA (Continued) 3230. Selye, H., and Nielsen, K., see No. 1061. URINE, see also KIDNEYS and subdivisions, METABOLISM and subdivisions 3231. Addis, T., Marmorston, J., Goodman, H. C, Sellers, A. L., and Smith, M. Effect of adrenalectomy on spontaneous and induced pro- teinuria in the rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 43- 46. 7 references. 3232. Annoni, G., and Sforzini, P., see No. 117. 3233. Barta, L. Influence of desoxycorticosterone acetate on the clearance of creatinine. Paediat. danub., Budap., 1949, 5: 137-142. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 28815. The clearance of creatinine decreased following administration of desoxycortico- sterone acetate, due to reabsorption of creatinine in the tubules. At the same time, a decrease in the excretion of both minerals and urea, was observed. 9 references. 3234. Coover, M. O., Feinberg, L. J., and Roe, J. H. Effect of cold, adrenocorticotropic and thyroid hormones on urinary excretion of pentose in the rat. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 74: 146- 147. "Low temperatures and thyroid administration increased sig- nificantly the urinary excretion of pentose in rats. ACTH adminis- tration had a preventive effect upon the increased pentosuria due to cold. " 3235. Euler, U. S. von, and Luft, R., see No. 1089. 3236. Friedman, M., Bernstein, D., and Byers, S. O. Role of the adrenal cortex in the excretion of purines. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 52. Abstract. 3237. Gemmell, J. P., and Perry, W. F. The effect of adrenocortico- trophic hormone and surgical operations on iodine excretion. Canad. J. Res., Sect. E., 1950, 28: 147-151. 5 references. 3238. Harvey, R. B., Simmons, D. H., Hoshiko, T., and Visscher, M. B. Inability of desoxycorticosterone acetate to prevent the sodium ex- cretion produced by mannitol diuresis. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 57. Abstract. 3239. Heilman, L., Weston, R. E., Escher, D. J. W., and Leiter, L., see No. 2233. -331- URINE (Continued) 3240. Ingle, D. J., Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M., see No. 609. 3241. Ingle, D. J., Prestrud, M. C, Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M., see No. 611. 3242. Nava, G., and Duranti, M. Influenza degli ormoni steroidi sull 'elim- inazione urinaria delle fosfatasi. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1950, 89: 9118. 3243. Pincus, G., Romanoff, L. P., and Carlo, J. A diurnal rhythm in the excretion of neutral reducing lipids by man and its relation to the 17-ketosteroid rhythm. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8:221-226. 11 references. 3244. Simoncini, M., see No. 1063. 3245. Wang, C. C, Smith, L. C, and Wheeler, J. X., see No. 1068. 3246. Winter, H., and Selye, H. Factors influencing the diuretic effect of progesterone and desoxycorticosterone acetate. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, U 94. Abstract of a paper read at the 54th Annual Meeting of the American Physiological Society, April 1942. URINE - ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE 3247. Albrieux, A. S., and Gonzalez, M. Hormonas adrenotropicas en la orina durante el ciclo menstrual en la mujer. Arch. Soc. biol. Montevideo, 1948, JL4: 14-18. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 6707. 12 references. 3248. Blumenthal, H. T. An adrenal cortex stimulating substance in female human urine. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1945, 30:428-432. "It has been found that normal human female urine produces a greater increase in mitotic activity in the adrenal cortex of immature female guinea pigs than does pregnancy urine. 7 references, 3249. Corcoran, A. C, Lowenstein, B. E., and Page, I. H. Clinical application of a new method for determination of urinary adrenal cor- tical hormone. Proc. Centr. Soc Clin. Res., 1946, _19: 25. 3250. Daughaday, W. H., Jaffe, H., and Williams, R. H. Adrenal cortical hormone excretion in endocrine and nonendocrine disease as measured by chemical assay. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8:244-256. 16 references. -332- URINE - ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE (Continued) 3251. Jones, G. E. S., and Bucher, N. L. ft. Study of excretion of pitui- tary hormones in human urine. Endocrinology, 1943, 32: 46-50. No adrenotropic activity was found in any fraction of urine specimens taken from normal and menopausal women and normal men. 9 ref- erences. 3252. Locke, W., Albert, A., and Kepler, E. J. Adrenotrophic activity of human urine. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 470-474. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24; 9194. In testing fresh urine and urine concentrates of normal subjects and subjects with various diseases, no adrenotrophic activity could be consistently demonstrated. 11 references. 3253. Paschkis, K. E., Rakoff, A. E., and Cantarow, A. A method of extraction and assay of adrenocorticotropic hormone from human urine. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 523-524. 8 references. 3254. Segaloff, A., and Parson, W. Demonstration of adrenocorticotrophic hormone in the urine of two female patients with Cushing's syndrome. Am. J. Med., 1949, 1: 255. "The two patients reported here repre- sent the only instances we have found of unequivocal evidence of uri- nary excretion of adrenocorticotrophic hormone. " 3255. Williamson, M. B., Kaufman, S., and Henneberger, L. Concen- tration and properties of the adrenocorticotrophic substance in fe- male human urine. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1946, 63: 191- 194. "Normal female urine contains adrenocorticotrophic activity. .. not due to its estrogen content. The active material appears to be a protein similar to pituitary adrenocorticotrophine. " 9 references. URINE - STEROIDS 3256. Ashby, W. R., see No. 3020. 3257. Bassil, G. T., and Hain, A. M. Chemical estimation of urinary cortin. Nature, Lond., 1950, 165: 525-526. 5 references. 3258. Bekaert, J. Endocrinologie en klinische diagnose; corticosteroiden en 17-ketosteroiden. Belg. tschr. geneesk., 1950, 6:310-322. 17 references. 3259. Biskind, G. R. The clinical significance of urinary 17-ketosteroid assays. Calif. M., 1950, 72: 148-152. A review. Abnormalities of 17-ketosteroid excretion are illustrated by case reports. 8 references. -333- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3260. Bissell, G. W., Longstreth, H. P., and Gilbert, F. M. Inhibition of the urinary excretion of 17-ketosteroids by caronamide. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 584-585. 7 references. 3261. Bitman, J., and Cohen, S. L. Comparison of various techniques for hydrolysis of conjugated 17-ketosteroids in urine. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 152. Abstract of a paper read at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biological Chemists held at At- lantic City, N. J., April 1950. 3263. Bloch, K. E. Steroid metabolism in the adrenal cortex. Tr. Conf. AdrenalCortex, 1. Conf., 1949, 123-158. 17 references. 3263. Browne, J. S. L. Nature of the cortyi-like substances in the urine; the percentage recovery of cortin-like material following the injection of whole adrenal cortical extract. Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation con- ference on metabolic aspects of convalescence including bone wound healing. 4th Meet., June 1943, p. 86-88. "This work was carried out by Dr. E. H. Venning and Dr. M. M. Hoffman." 3264. Browne, J. S. L., Johnson, L. G., Schenker, V., and Venning, E., see No. 2556. 3265. Buehler, H. J., Katzman, P. A., and Doisy, E. A. Hydrolysis of 17-ketosteroid conjugates. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 157. Ab- stract of a paper read at the 41st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biological Chemists, held at Atlantic City, N. J., April 1950. 3266. Burton, R. B., Zaffaroni, A., and Keutmann, E. H., see No. 1554. 3267. Butt, W. R. Estimation of urinary neutral 17-ketosteroids; rapid polarographic method. Lancet, Lond., 1950, 1_: 208-209. A modi- fication of the polarographic method of Barnett is described, by which it is possible to make a complete estimation of urinary neutral 17- ketosteroids within 3 hours. 6 references. 3268. Callow, N. H., Callow, R. K., and Emmens, C. W., see No. 351. 3269. Camber, B. Precipitation and separation of 2-hydroxy-3-naphthoic acid hydrazones of conjugated and free ketosteroids. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 158. Abstract. 3270. Ceresa, F., and Cravetto, C, see No. 2169. -334- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3271. Collard, A., and Heusghem, C. Contribution a l^tude de l'excre- tion des 17 ceto-ste'roides pendant la grossesse. Bruxelles med., 1949, 29: 1245-1254. Abstracted in: Abstr. World Surg., Lond., 1950, 7: 99. 21 references. 3272. Cook, A. W., and Lyons, H. A., see No. 2713. 3273. Cook, E. B., and Wherry, R. J., see No. 3102. 3274. Corcoran, A. C, and Page, I. H. Methods for the chemical deter- mination of corticosteroids in urine and plasma. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1948, 33: 1326-1333. "The underlying principles are (1) ex- traction and partial separation of neutral steroids from urine or plas- ma, (2) oxidation of the side chains of C21 steroids of adrenal cor- tical origin by means of periodic acid, and (3) colorimetric measure- ment of formaldehyde formed in oxidation. " 11 references. 3275. Daughaday, W. H., Jaffe, H., and Williams, R. H. Chemical assay for cortin; determination of formaldehyde liberated on oxidation with periodic acid. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 166-174. "A method has been described which can be used satisfactorily for the quantitative estimation of urinary corticosteroids. The procedure is sufficiently simple to be useful in clinical as well as in research studies. " 16 references. 3276. Daughaday, W. H., and MacBryde, C. M. Studies of urinary steroid excretion during salt deprivation and administration of DCA and ACTH. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 148-157. No correlation exists between sodium intake and urinary steroids of the cortin and 17-ketosteroid type. The administration of DCA in doses large enough to produce nearly maximum sodium retention does not inhibit ACTH liberation. Relatively small doses of ACTH produce changes in urinary steroids, while large doses may result in sodium retention with increased excretion of urinary cortin. 3277. Davison, R. A., and Koets, P., see No. 827. 3278. Davison, R. A., Koets, P., and Kuzell, W. C, see No. 768. 3279. Demeester, I. G. Over de totale en die gedifferentieerde bepaling van de 17-ketosteroiden in urine. Belg. tschr. geneesk., 1950, 6: 305-309. 6 references. 3280. Deming, Q. B., and Luetscher, J. A., see No. 1877. -335- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3281. Deming, Q. B., and Luetscher, J. A., see No. 1878. 3282. Desmarais, M. H. L., see No. 769. 3283. Devis, R., and Devis-Vanden Eeckhoudt, M., see No. 2870. 3284. Dingemanse, E., Huis in't Veld, L. G., and Laat, B. M. de. Clini- cal method for the chromatographic colorimetric determination of urinary 17-ketosteroids. J. Clin. Endocr., 1946, 6: 535-548. 21 references. 3285. Dobriner, K., Gordon, E., Rhoads, C. P., Lieberman, S., and Fieser, L. F. Steroid hormone excretion by normal and pathological individuals. Science, 1942, 95: 534-536. 8 references. 3286. Dobriner, K., and Lieberman, S. The metabolism of steroid hor- mones in humans. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 46-88. 74 references. 3287. Dobriner, K., Lieberman, S., and Rhoads, C. P., see No. 2637. 3288. Dobriner, K., Lieberman, S., Wilson, H., Ekman, B., Pearson, O., and Eliel, L., see No. 2638. 3289. Dobriner, K., Rhoads, C. P., Lieberman, S., Hill, B. R., and Fieser, L. F., see No. 2640. 3290. Dorfman, R. I., and Gardner, W. U., see No. 2641. 3291. Dorfman, R. I., Horwitt, B. N., and Fish, W. R. The presence of a cortin-like substance (cold protecting material) in the urine of nor- mal men. Science, 1942, 96: 496-497. 12 references. 3292. Dorfman, R. I., Horwitt, B. N., and Shipley, R. A. Metabolism of the steroid hormones; adrenal cortical-like material in human urine. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 121-125, 3293. Dorfman, R. I., Horwitt, B. N., Shipley, R. A., and Abbott, W. E. Metabolism of the steroid hormones; the adrenal gland as the source of cortin-like material in the urine of monkeys. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 15-21. 7 references. 3294. Drekter, I. J., Pearson, S., Bartczak, E., and McGavack, T. H. A rapid method for the determination of total urinary 17-ketosteroids. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7: 795-800. 12 references. -336- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3295. Fieser, L. F., Fields, M., and Lieberman, S. Concerning the characterization of possible cortical hormone metabolites in urine. J. Biol. Chem., 1944, _156: 191-201. Two methods based on the sugar-like nature of the highly oxygenated side chain are suggested for characterizing cortical hormone metabolites in urine. "One, in- volving glycol cleavage with periodic acid or lead tetraacetate, offers some promise." 18 references. 3296. Forbes, A. P. Excretion of 17-ketosteroids in normal and debilitated males and females. Josiah Macy, Jr., Foundation conference on metabolic aspects of convalescence including bone and wound healing. 4th Meet., New York, June 1943, p. 152-158. 3297. Forbes, A. P., Carroll, E. L., and Wheeler, M. L., see No. 1555. 3298. Forbes, A. P., Donaldson, E. C, Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., and Albright, F. The effect of trauma and disease on the urinary 17- ketosteroid excretion in man. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 1: 264-288. 34 references. 3299. Forbes, A. P., Griswold, G. C, and Albright, F. Clinical experi- ence with a bioassay method for the determination of urinary cortico- steroids. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, 10:230-247. "A modification of Eggleston and Dobriner's method for biologic assay of urinary cor- ticosteroid is described. " "... the biologic test cannot be completely superseded by the chemical methods. " 17 references. 3300. Freeman, W., Pincus, G., and Glover, E. D., see No. 3109. 3301. Gaebler, O. H., and Beher, W. Conditions for determination of neutral 17-ketosteroids in urine. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 174- 175. Abstract. 3302. Gardner, L. I., Sniffen, R. C, Zygmuntowicz, A. S., and Talbot, N. B., see No. 343. 3303. Giroud, A., Martinet, M., and Pacoret, J. Dosage de l'hormone cortico-surrenale dans 1'urine et considerations sur sa forme d*eiimi- nation. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1940, 134: 524-525. 1 reference. 3304. Gleizes, L. Les hormones steroides urinaires et leur interest clinique. Toulouse med., 1950, 51: 103-127. 32 references. 3305. Hamburger, C, and Kaae, S., see No. 2691. -337- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3306. Hayano, M., Dorfman, R. I., and Pr ins, D. A. Metabolism of the steroid hormones; conversion of desoxycorticosterone to glycogenic material in vitrol. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 72: 700- 701. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4:256^257. "In- cubation of desoxycorticosterone, either as the free compound or as the glucoside, with adrenal slices or homogenate resulted in the for- mation of glycogenic material. " 2 references. 3307. Hills, A. G., and Thorn, G. W. An estimation of the quantity of 11-17- oxysteroid excretion by the human adrenal stimulated by ACTH. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 606. 3308. Hirschmann, H., see No. 2646. 3309. Hirschmann, H., and Hirschmann, F. B., see No. 2647. 3310. Horwitt, B. N., Dorfman, R. I., Shipley, R. A., and Fish, W. R., see No. 2887. 3311. Jarpa, S., and Croxatto, H., see No. 328. 3312. Kenigsberg, S., Pearson, S., and McGavack, T. H. The excretion of 17-ketosteroids; normal values in relation to age and sex. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 426-429. Abstracted in: Abstr. World M., Lond., 1950, 7^: 76. 1 reference. 3313. Kepler, E. J., and Mason, H. L. Relation of urinary steroids to the diagnosis of adrenal cortical tumors and adrenal cortical hyper- plasia; quantitative and isolation studies. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7: 543-558. 50 references. 3314. King, N. B., see No. 1861. 3315. King, N. B., and Mason, H. L. Urinary corticosteroid values of children as determined chemically. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, H); 479-490. Values for 95 healthy children showed an increase of 0. 01 mg. for each additional year of age. Stress increased excretion. 12 ref- erences. 3316. Kowalewski, K., see No. 675. 3317. Kowalewski, K., Rutman, S., and Cebula, W., see No. 676. 3318. Landau, R. L., Knowlton, K., Anderson, D., Brandt, M. B., and Kenyon, A. T., see No. 3073. -338- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3319. Lawrence, G. H., see No. 2907. 3320. Levin, L., see No. 2271. 3321. Lieberman, S., Dobriner, K., and Rhoads, C. P. The isolation of metabolites of adrenal cortical hormones from human urine. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1947, 6: 270-271. 3322. Lieberman, S., Fukushima, D. K., and Dobriner, K. Adrenal cor- tical metabolites in human urine. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 1_: 168- 169. 3323. Lieberman, S., Hariton, L. B., and Dobriner, K. Alterations in steroids excretion after administration of ACTH in man. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1950, 9: 196-197. Abstract. 3324. Lloyd, C. W., and Lobotsky, J. Serum antidiuretic substances and urinary corticosteroid in the human. J. Clin. Endocr., 1950, _10: 318-329. "In normal adult males and females and in Addison's dis- ease, diabetes insipidus, Laennec's cirrhosis, and premenstrual water retention a predominance of antidiuretic activity is associated with water retention. During diuresis, a relatively higher value of corticosteroid is present. " 24 references. 3325. Lloyd, C. W., and Lobotsky, J. Studies in urinary corticosteroids by a method permitting analysis of desoxycorticosterone. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 796. 3326. McArthur, J. W., Sprague, R. G., and Mason, H. L., see No. 1823. 3327. Mason, H. L. Isolation of adrenal cortical hormones from urine; 17-hydroxy-corticosterone and 17-hydroxy-11 -dehydrocorticosterone. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 182: 131-149. 18 references. 3328. Mason, H. L. Isolation of a urinary steroid with an oxygen atom at carbon il. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 158:719-720. 3 references. 3329. Mason, H. L. Urinary excretion of steroids during administration of ACTH. Proc. 1st Clin. ACTH Conf., Chic, 1949(1950), p. 168- 176. Observations made on 5 cases of rheumatoid arthritis tend to prove that "stimulation of the adrenal cortex with ACTH promotes the secretion of 17-hydroxy-corticosterone rather than the secretion of compound E. " 3330.*Mason, H. L. Urinary steroids in adrenal disease and metabolism of adrenal hormones. Rec. Progr. Hormone Res., 1948, 3: 103-123. -339- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3331. Mason, H. L., Kepler, E. J., and Schneider, J. J., see No. 2655. 3332. Mason, H. L., Kochakian, C. D., Hirschmann, H., and Schneider, J. J. Metabolism and excretion of steroids. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 91-97. 9 references. 3333. Mason, H. L., Power, M. H., Rynearson, E. H., Ciaramelli, L. C, Li, C. H., and Evans, H. M. Results of administration of an- terior pituitary adrenocorticotropic hormone to a normal human sub- ject. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 1-14. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 25. "The primary aim of this study was to determine ... changes in the excretion of urinary steroids ... observations also were made on many other factors ..." 54 references. 3334. Mason, H. L., and Sprague, R. G., see No. 1524. 3335. Morgano, G., and Livierato, E. L'eliminazione urinaria dei 17- chetosteroidi in giovani donne sane ed eucriniche nelle varie fasi del ciclo menstruale. Arch. Maragliano pat. clin., 1950, 5: 109-116. 48 references. 3336. Osterberg, A. E., Drips, D. G., Kepler, E. J., and Robinson, F. J., see No. 136. 3337. Parrish, A. E., see No. 2041. 3338. Pincus, G., and Romanoff, L. P. Extraction and fractionation of urinary corticosteroids. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, £: 101. Abstract. 3339. Pincus, G., Romanoff, L. P., and Carlo, J., see No. 3243. 3340. Reifenstein, E. C, Jr. The metabolism of convalescence. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 374-380. 3341. Reifenstein, E. C, Jr., Forbes, A. P., Albright, F., Donaldson, E., and Carroll, E. Effect of methyltestosterone on urinary 17- ketosteroids of adrenal origin. J. Clin. Invest., 1945, 24: 416-434. 123 references. 3342.*Reiss, M., Hemphill, R. E., Gordon, J. J., and Cook, E. R. Regu- lation of urinary steroid excretion; effects of dehydroisoandrosterone and of anterior pituitary extract on the pattern of daily excretion in man. Biochem. J., Lond., 1949, 44: 632-635. Abstracted in: Ann. endocr., Par., 1949, _10: 490; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 69-70. -340- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3343. Riser, Planques, Dardenne, and Salles. Du dosage de l'hormone cortico-surrenale dans les urines (test de Giroud). C. rend. Soc. biol., 1944, 138: 363-364. 3344. Risley, E. A., Schultz, A. B., Raymond, W. B., and Barnes, R. H. Adrenal cortical activity in urine of horses. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1947, 66: 412-414. 15 references. 3345. Romanoff, L. P., Plager, J., and Pincus, G. The determination of adrenocortical steroids in human urine. Endocrinology, 1949, 45>: 10-20. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 26210; Also in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 69. 15 references. 3346. Schneider, J. J. Isolation of 17-hydroxy 11-dehydro corticosterone (Kendall's compound E) from urine of normal males. Science, 1950, 111: 61. Abstracted in: Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 224-225. "In the course of attempting to recover adrenocortical compounds from urine it has been possible to isolate 17-hydroxy 11-dehydro cortico- sterone from a chloroform extract of pooled normal male urine ob- tained prior to hydrolysis. " Preliminary communication. 4 refer- ences. 3347. Schneider, J. J. Studies on the excretion of adrenocortical com- pounds; isolation of 17-hydroxy-ll-dehydrocorticosterone and other compounds from the urine of normal males.* J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 183: 365-376. 12 references. 3348. Segaloff, A., Schlosser, J. V., Horwitt, B. N., Gordon, D., and Murison, P. J., see No. 2696. 3349. Selye, H., and Clarke, E., see No. 2892. 3350. Sendrail, M., Geraud, and Gleizes. Les applications des dosages urinaires d'hormones steroides en clinique endocrinologique. Vie me'd., Par., 1950, 31: 9-16. 3351. Serre, H., and Mirouze, J., see No. 771. 3352. Serre, H., and Mirouze, J., see No. 772. 3353. Shipley, R. A., and Dorfman, R. I. The effect of infection and trau- ma on the excretion of urinary cortin. Proc. Centr. Clin. Res., 1945, 18: 26. Also in: J. Lab. Clin. M., 1946, 31: 481-482. 3354. Sommerville, I. F., Marrian, G. F., Duthie, J. J. R., and Sinclair, R. J. G., see No. 773. -341- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3355. Sprague, R. G., Hayles, A. B., Mason, H. L., Power, M. H., and Bennett, W. A., see No. 1527. 3356. Sprague, R. G., Hayles, A. B., Power, M. H., Mason, H. L., and Bennett, W. A., see No. 1528. 3357. Sprechler, M., see No. 1324. 3358. Staub, P. L., Menthe, J. W., Nelson, S. S., and Cohn, H., see No. 775. 3359. Talbot, N. B., Albright, F., Saltzman, A. H., Zygmuntowicz, A., and Wixom, R. L. The excretion of 11-oxycorticosteroid-like sub- stances by normal and abnormal subjects. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7: 331-350. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4993f. 10 ref- erences. 3360. Talbot, N. B., Saltzman, A. H., and Wixom, R. L. Observations on the urinary excretion of corticosteroid-like substances by normal and abnormal subjects. J. Clin. Invest., 1946, 25:935. Abstract. 3361. Talbot, N. B., Saltzman, A. H., and Wixom, R. L., see No. 1262. 3362. Talbot, N. B., Saltzman, A. H., Wixom, R. L., and Wolfe, J. K. The colorimetric assay of urinary corticosteroid-like substances. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 160: 535-546. 18 references. 3363. Thorn, G. W., Prunty, F. T. G., and Forsham, P. H., see No. 1762. 3364. Tobian, L., Jr. Cortical steroid excretion in edema of pregnancy, pre-eclampsia and essential hypertension. J. Clin. Endocr., 1949, 9: 319-329. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., An- notated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 32. 30 references. 3365. Tobian, L., Jr., see No. 2116. 3366. Tompsett, S. L., and Oastler, E. G. The excretion of cortico- steroids; the determination of the total free reducing ^etosteroids in urine. Glasgow M. J., 1947, 28: 349-365. 22 references. 3367 *Tronchetti, F. 17-chetosteroidi e gli 11-ossisteroidi urinari. Folia ' endocr., Pisa, 1949, 2: 266-282. -342- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3368. Uribe, R. C., Zygmuntowicz, A. S., Wood, M., Christo, E., and Talbot, N. B., see No. 383. 3369. Venning, E. H. Comparison of methods for the evaluation of adrenal cortical activity in man. Internat. Physiol. Congr., Kopenhagen, 1950, 18. Congr., 490. Abstract of a paper. 3370. Venning, E. H., see No. 1263. 3371. Venning, E. H. Cortin excretion in damaged individuals. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1945, 11. meet., 133. 3372. Venning, E. H. The effect of large doses of adrenocorticotrophin on steroid metabolism. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1948, 17. meet., 159-165. 3373. Venning, E. H. Excretion of adrenal metabolites in man in health and disease. In: Symp. Steroid Horm. (Gordon, E. S., ed.), 1950, 98-112. 3374. Venning, E. H. Further studies on urinary corticoid excretion. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1946, 14. meet., 186-187. 3375. Venning, E. H., see No. 1564. 3376. Venning, E. H., and Browne, J. S. L. Effect of testosterone on the excretion of glycogenic corticoids. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7: 729- 740. 17 references. 3377.*Venning, E. H., and Browne, J. S. L. Excretion of glycogenic cor- ticoids and of 17-ketosteroids in various endocrine and other disor- ders. J. Clin. Endocr., 1947, 7: 79-101. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., Annotated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 22. 3378. Venning, E. H., and Browne, J. S. L. Excretion of urinary corticoid hormones. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1945, 4: 108. Abstract. 3379. Venning, E. H., and Browne, J. S. L. Urinary excretion of adrenal cortical steroids. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1949, 50: 627-634. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 273-2~74. A review of the authors' work. 5 references. 3380. Venning, E. H., Hoffman, M. M., and Browne, J. S. L. Cortin-like substances in urine. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 2201. Abstract. -343- URINE - STEROIDS (Continued) 3381. Venning, E. H., Hoffman, M. M., and Browne, J. S. L. The ex- traction of cortin-like substances from human post-operative urine. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 49-62. 45 references. 3382. Venning, E. H., and Kazmin, V. E. Excretion of urinary corticoids and 17-ketosteroids in the normal individual. Endocrinology, 1946, 39: 131-139. Abstracted in: Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N. J., An- notated bibliography, Compound E (cortisone) and related hormonal substances, 1949, p. 21. 17 references. 3383. Venning, E. H., Kazmin, V. E., Ripstein, M., McAlpine, H. T., and Hoffman, M. M. Effect of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) on the excretion of adrenal metabolites. Rev. canad. biol., 1949, 8: 337-338. Abstract of a paper read at the 12th Annual Meeting of the Canadian Physiol. Soc, Quebec, October 1948. 3384. Venning, E. H., Kazmin, V. E., Ripstein, M., McAlpine, H. T., and Hoffman, M. M. Excretion of adrenal metabolites following the administration of adrenocorticotropic hormone to normal human sub- jects. J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 605-606. 3385. Venning, E. H., Randall, J. P., and Gyorgy, P. Excretion of glu- cocorticoids in the newborn. Endocrinology, 1949, 4j>: 430-434. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med.. Sect. 3, 1950, 4: 273. 10 references. 3386. West, C. D., and Samuels, L. T. Metabolism of intravenous testo- Sterones in the human. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 245-246. Ab- stract. 3387. Wilkins, L., see No. 1565. 3388. Wilkins, L., and Fleischmann, W., see No. 1566. 3389. Wilkins, L., and Lewis, R. A., see No. 149. 3390. Winter, H: A., Glendening, M. B., Williams, H. H., Abbott, W. E., Hirshfeld, J. W., and Heller, C. G., see No. 1208. 3391. Wood, M. E., and Gray, C. H. Urinary excretion of neutral 17- ketosteroids in childhood. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1949, 6: 111-119. 14 references. 3392. Zaffaroni, A., Burton, R. B., and Keutmann, E. H., see No. 1330. VIRILISM, see ADRENOGENITAL SYNDROME -344- VITAMINS, see also ASCORBIC ACID 3393. Cimino, S. L'ormone cortico-surrenale quale regolatore dell'equi- librio vitaminico; 1'azione della corteccia surrenale sui rapporti tra riboflavina e acido ascorbico. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1946, 22: 293-294. 4 references. 3394. Compound E and vitamine E. . ., see No. 1419. 3395. Deane, H. W., and McKibbin, J. M., see No. 272. 3396. Deane, H. W., and Shaw, J. H., see No. 410. 3397. Deane, H. W., and Shaw, J. H., see No. 411. 3398. Dworacek, E. Ueber die Wechselbeziehungen zwischen dem Neben- nierenrindenhormon und den Vitaminen des B2-Komplexes. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1943, 113: 282-290. Rats maintained without vi- tamin B2 present characteristic changes and hypertrophy of the ad- renals. 28 references. 3399. Floris, M., see No. 2177. 3400. Gaunt, R., Liling, M., and Mushett, C. W., see No. 2580. 3401. Klinge, F., see No. 390. 3402. McKee, R. W., Gobbey, T. S., Jr., and Geiman, Q. M., see No. 2439. 3403*Mininni-Montesano, N. (Action of the adrenocortical hormones on the course of experimental avitaminosis Bi.) Ormoni, 1940, 2: 679-688. 3404. Morgan, A. F., and Simms, H. D., see No. 373. 3405. Ralli, E. P. The relations of vitamins to the adrenal cortex. Tr. Conf. AdrenalCortex, 1. Conf., 1949, 159-189. 29 references. 3406. Ralli, E. P., and Dumm, M. E. The influence of pantothenic acid on the response of adrenalectomized and intact rats to stress. In- ternat. Physiol. Congr., 1950, 18. Congr., 403. Abstract of a paper. 3407. Ralli, E. P., and Graef, I., see No. 1365. 3408. Ratsimamanga, A. R., see No. 377. -345- VITAMINS (Continued) 3409. Ratsimamanga, A. R. L'insuffisance surrenale du scorbut, action des extraits corticaux et de l'acetate de desoxycorticosterone. Ann. endocr., Par., 1944, 5: 100-101. WATERHOUSE-FRIDERICHSEN SYNDROME 3410. D'Agati, V. C, and Maranconi, B. A. The Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. N. England J. M., 1945, 232: 1-7. Report of 6 cases including 1 recovery after sulfadiazine therapy. 3411. Getlik, A. Fulminantna meningokokova septikemia-Waterhousov- Friderichsenov syndrom. Pediat. listy, 1950, 5: 163-165. Author describes two cases of Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome with re- covery, treated with penicillin, sulfonamides and adrenal cortex ex- tracts. 3 references. 3412. Grubschmidt, H. A., Graham, G. C, and Jessup, E. C. A case of fulminating meningococcemia exhibiting the Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome and demonstrating the value of cortical extract administra- tion. Ann. Int. Med., 1947, 2^:294-304. 8 references. 3413. Haas, R. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome in adults; a report of 2 cases. Bull. N. England M. Center, 1944, 6: 90-95. 24 references. 3414. Harris, C. M., and Leviton, L. R. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syn- drome. Report of case with recovery. South. M. J., 1945, 38: 813- 816. 12 references. 3415. Herbut, P. A., and Manges, W. E. Fulminating meningococcic in- fection (the Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome). Arch. Path., Chic., 1943, 3^>: 413-422. 18 references. 3416. Hester, J. The Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. J. Bowman Gray School M., 1944, 2: 59-63. 23 references. 3417. Hoff, H., and Shaby, J. A., see No. 2340. 3418. Hoffman, J. J., and Mamelok, A. E. Two cases of Waterhouse- Friderichsen syndrome in the same family, one with recovery under penicillin therapy. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1946, 63: 391-402. 30 references. 3419. Holley, W. J. Massive hemorrhage into adrenals. A clinical-patho- logical case report. Bull. Vancouver M. Ass., 1942, L8: 276-277. -346- WATERHOUSE-FRIDERICHSEN SYNDROME (Continued) 3420. Holmes, J. M., and Cowan, J. M. The meningococcal-adrenal syn- drome, five cases with one recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1945, 1: 13- 15. 11 references. 3421. Holmes, J. M., and Cowan, J. M. El sindrome adreno-meningo- coccico, (exposicion de cinco casos, con un restablecimiento.) Rev. med. Cordoba, 1945, _33: 737-748. 11 references. 3422. Hopper, J. J., and Schofield, N. D. The Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome in urology. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1947, 51: 509-511. 8 ref- erences. 3423. Ikeda, K., and Rosenthal, R. Malignant meningococci infection; Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome; report of 2 cases. Minnesota M., 1945, 28: 373-378. 6 references. 3424. Jacobi, M., and Harris, L. Fulminating purpuric meningococcemia (Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome) With recovery. Ann. Int. M., 1945, 22: 876-886. 29 references. 3425. Jonsson, B. Waterhouse-Friderichsen's syndrome; report of case with recovery. Ann. Pediat., N. Y., 1946, 167: 77-83. German, French and English summaries. 34 references. 3426. Kasich, M., and Disick, S. Meningococcemia with bilateral adrenal hemorrhage (Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome); report of 2 cases. J. Tennessee M. Ass., 1943, 36: 464-467. 15 references. 3427. Kaufman, J. G. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. Report of a case with recovery. J. M. Soc N. Jersey, 1944, 41: 400-401. 3428. Kinsman, J. M., D'Alonzo, C. A., and Russi, S. Fulminating meningococcis septicemia associated with adrenal lesions, analysis and discussion of 7 cases. Arch. Int. M., 1946, 78: 139-169. 5 deaths, 2 recoveries. 16 references. 3429. Kirketerp, P. Om Waterhouse-Friderichs ens syndrom. Nord. med., 1944, 24: 2064-2066. 12 references. 3430. Lindsay, J. W., Rice, E. C, Selinger, M. A., and Robins, L. The Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. Acute bilateral suprarenal hemorrhage. Am. J. M. Sc., 1941, 201: 263-270. 19 references. 3431. Martins Barbosa, J. Sindrome de Waterhouse-Friderichsen. Med. cir.farm., Rio, 1947, No. 135, 361-371. 19 references. -347- WATERHOUSE-FRIDERICHSEN SYNDROME (Continued) 3432. Meneghello, J., Steeger, A., and Banfi, R. Estudio de 100 casos de sindroma de Waterhouse-Friderichsen. Rev. chilena pediat., 1945, _16: 945-957. 17 references. 3433. Michael, P., and Jacobus, L. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. Arch. Pediat., N. Y., 1942, 59: 141-147. 10 references. 3434. Monfort, J. A., and Mehrling, J. H. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syn- drome; a review of the literature and report of a case with autopsy. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1941, 6?: 144-149. 6 references. 3435.*Mores, A. Z. Syndrom Waterhouse-Friderichsen. Pediat. listy, 1947, 2: 105. 3436. Pasqualini, R. Q., and Bonetti, R. La interpretacion endocrina del sindrome de Waterhouse-Friderichsen. Rev. san. mil., B. Air., 1946, 45: 447-454. Also in: Medicina argent., 1946, 6: 518-525. Case report; discussion of etiology reaches the conclusion that cor- tical hyperfunction causes the syndrome; in this connection, reference is made to Selye's alarm reaction. 26 references. 3437.*P£rez Soler, A. Sobre el smdrome de Waterhouse-Friderichsen. Rev. espan. pediat., 1945, 1: 232-250. 3438. Pratt-Thomas, H. R., Kelley, W. H., and Gazes, P. C. Fulmi- nating meningococcemia (Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome). South. M. J., 1945, 38: 229-235. 18 references. 3439. Sacenti, M., see No. 500. 3440. Schwarz, J. Adrenal hemorrhages in meningococcic sepsis. Arch. Path., Chic, 1946, 41: 503-509. 21 references. 3441. Schwarz, J. Ueber Meningokokkensepsis mit Nebennierenblutung. Praxis, Bern, 1946, ^5: 632. 50 references. 3442. Simmel, H. E. Meningococcic adrenal purpura in adults. Ohio M. J., 1944, 40:23-25. 15 references. 3443. Smith, M. H. D. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome; treatment with adrenal cortex extract. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1945, 69: 330-331. Report of 3 cases. Abstract of a paper read at the 15th Alinual Meet- ing of the Society for Pediatric Research, September 1944. 3444. Taylor, C. E., and Landry, V. E. Waterhouse-Friderichsen syn- drome; recovery from shock in fatal case. Ann. Int. M., 1947, 26: 599-603. 18 references. -348- WATERHOUSE-FRIDERICHSEN SYNDROME (Continued) 3445. Thomas, H. B., and Leiphart, C. D. Septicemia and purpura with adrenal hemorrhage in the adult (Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndro- me). A discussion of the role played by the adrenal gland in the pro- duction of the syndrome. J. Am. M. Ass., 1944, 125: 884-890. 37 references. 3446. Turner, P., and Dent, R. V. Fulminating meningococcal septicae- mia; an account of three cases, with one recovery. Brit. M. J., 1949, U 524-526. 8 references. 3447. Wasserman, C. F. The Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome. With a review of the literature and an addition of three new cases from the Charity Hospital of Louisiana. N. Orleans M.' & S. J., 1946, 99: 286-293. 32 references. WOUNDS - HEALING, see TISSUE RESPONSE Aaron-Be rthaux -349- ADTHOR DTOE5T Aaron, H. ...........2857 Abbott, W. E..........1208 Abbott. W. B..........3283 Abels. J. C..........2366 Abels. J. C...........2463 Abelson, D.............1075 Ablgnoli.E.............348 A Drams, M............ 1707 Acevedo, H.......... 3074 Ackerman, M.........3151 Ackerman, N.......1831 Adam, M...............2071 Adams, C. H............1455 Adams, J. W............1129 Adams, W. S............1168 Adams, W. S............1171 Addis, T............2553 Addis, T............2554 Addis, T............3231 Adler. T. K..........2498 Adlersberg, D.......1978 Adlersberg, D.........2513 Adlersberg, D.........2514 Afonsky, D..............74 Akert, K...............7S5 Albeaux-Fernet, M........155 Albeaux-Fernet, M.......195 Albeaux-Fernet, M.......357 Albeaux-Fernet, M........474 Albeaux-Fernet, M........475 Albeaux-Fernet, M........747 Albeaux-Fernet, M........779 Albeaux-Fernet, M.......780 Albert, A.............. 833 Albert, A...............Hj7 Albert, A............3252 Albrieux, A. S.........2723 Albrieux, A. S.........2724 Albrieux, A. S.........3247 Albright, F..............21 Albright, F..............34 Albright, F.............586 Albright, F............. 1340 Albright, F.............1483 Albright, F............. 1484 Albright, F.............1511 Albright, F.............1518 Albright, F.............1583 Albright, F..............1584 Albright, F.............1585 Albright, F.......1941 Albright, F.............2052 Albright, F.......... 2354 Albright, F.......... 2355 Albright, F...........2471 Albright, t...........3298 Albright. F...........3299 Albright, F.......... 3341 Albright, F...........3359 Alexandre, C............1589 Alexander, W. H. M.......781 Alhomme. P............106 Alhomme, P.............211 Allen, B. M.............397 Almy, T. P.............1105 Alpert, L. K..........2211 Alpert, M...............501 alphonse, P.............173 Altschule, M. D........2328 Alvarez, E.............1018 Alvarez, E.............1853 Alvarez Coca, M.........782 Alvarez Ude, F......1785 Amado, J. H.............. 1 Amati, G...............783 Amati, G. . . . . . . . 1979 Ambroslo, L............1019 American Med. Assn., Council on Pharmacy & Chemistry. . .641 Ammon, R..............784 Anderson, A. F........2624 Anderson, D..........3073 Anderson, E............. ? Anderson, E.............174 Anderson, E.............175 Anderson, E.............176 Anderson, E.............177 Anderson, E............148S Anderson. E.............161J Anderson, E......1913 Anderson, E......1314 Anderson, E..........2543 Anderson, E..........2912 Anderson, G. E........... ,. Anderson, J. A...........1190 Anderson, J. A......1907 Anderson, J. F. C........1129 Andrell. 0...........2302 Andrews, F. N...........836 Annoni, G.............. 117 Ant, M................. 9 Antognini, R............ 123 Antopol, W..............478 Antopol, W............. jjjd Appel, S. B...........3008 Applegarth, A............386 Applegarth, A. P.....1820 Aptekman, P. M.........2683 Archer, B. H.........2515 Archibald, R..........3075 Archley, D. W...........212 Armour Laboratories......642 Armstrong, CD.......... 46 Armstrong, CD......... 17B Arnett, V...............398 Arnett, V............2123 Arnoletti, E............ 1395 Aron, H...............1110 Arvy.L................1654 Asboe-Hansen, G.......3014 Aschkenasy, A........2132 Aschkenasy, A.........2134 Ashby, W. R.......... 3020 Asher, R............3034 Asher, R............3035 Ashley, C.........2883 Ask-Upmark, E........... 47 Ask-Upmark, E......1919 Association for Research in Nervous & Mental Diseases. .3094 Astrup, P...........3014 Astwood, E. B...........519 Astwood, E. B...........532 Astwood, E. B...........559 Astwood, E. B...........643 Atchley, D. W............124 .tchley, D. W...........1683 Atchley, D. W............1732 Atria, A............3074 Attal.................899 August, S............2726 Awapara, J............. 502 Babcock, L. H...........179 Babkin, B. P..........2925 Bacchus, H.............287 Bach, C.............2188 Bachiller, F..........2195 Bachman, A. L........2625 Bachrach, S.............857 Bacon, R. L..........2682 Bader, R. A..........3159 Baeder, D. H..........3220 Baehr,G............2303 Baez, S................2049 Biez-Vtllasenor, J......... 31 Baggenstoss, A. H........ 1175 Baggenstoss, A. H........ 1176 Baillet, J...............780 Baker, B. L.......2001 Baker, B. L...........2002 Baker, B. L..........2003 Baker, B. L.............2028 Baker, B. L...........2282 Baker. B. L..........2515 Baker, B. L..........2626 Baker, B. L..........2916 Baker, C........, , _, .2268 Baldacci, G...........2443 Baldacci, G........... 2534 Baldwin, J. S.........300a Balfour, W. M.....1801 Ball, M. R..............1198 Banfi, R............,3432 Barach, J. H..........2858 Barber, H. W.........2893 Barbler, P............. 120 Barbler, P.............728 Barcaglla, A.......1825 Barcroft, H.............1143 Bardram.M.T......1909 Bargen, J. A.......1935 Barnard, R. D.........3188 Barnes, A. R.........2997 Barnes, A. R.........2998 Barnes, A. R.........3006 Barnes, R. H........... 1333 Barnes, R. H........2517 Barnes, R. H.........2518 Barnes, R. H......., . j3lU Barnes, R. H.........2520 Barnes, R. H.........3344 Barnett, A. J............. 3 Barnett, H. L............349 Barnett, H. L.............380 Barnett, H. L............659 Barnett, H. L............667 Barretto Netto, M.........1568 Barrows, A. D...........2102 Barry, A. G. Jr...........562 Barta, L...............350 Barta, L............3233 Bartciak, E..........3294 Bartelhelmer, B..........1127 Bartelhelmer, H........2203 Bartels, E. C............180 Bartlett, G. R......... 2386 Barton, D. H. R..........1270 Bartter, F. C............566 Bartter, F. C........... 1340 Bartter, F. C.......... 1511 Bartter, F. C............1583 Bartter, F. C............1585 Bartter, F. C............2052 Bartter, F. C.........2354 Bartter, F. C.........2355 Bartter, F. C.........2471 Bartter. F. C.........2472 Bartter, F. C.........2727 Barturen, P..........2195 Baschieri, L. ,........786 Baschieri, L............2047 Baschieri, L............2043 Bass. D. E.......... 3159 Basset, G..............757 Basset, G..............818 Basset, G..............819 Bassett, L...........2507 Bassett, L...........3047 Bassett, S. H............n68 Bassett, S. H............1557 Bassi, G...............748 Bassi, M............., . 748 Bassi, M............ 2906 Bassil. G. T..........3257 Bastos, 1.......1920 Bates, R. W.............j67 Baudouln.A........... . .1486 Bauer, E. G............ 1044 Bauer, E. G............ 1045 Bauer, E.G...........2127 Bauer, R...............1036 Bauer, R...............1104 Bauer, W..............80S Bauer, W........,026 Baumann, E.J.......... . 399 Bavetta, L. A.........2521 Bavetta, L. A.........2522 Bavetta, L. A.........2523 Baxter, J. S................ Baxter, J. S.............490 Baxter,]. 3.............523 Baxter, J. S............ 1268 Bayles, T. B............741 Bayles, T. B............742 Bayles, T. B............966 Bayles, T. B............965 Bayles, T. B..........2312 Bayles, T. B..........2313 Bayles. T. B..........2801 Bayles. T. B..........3018 Beales, P. B......1921 Bechgaard, P............1655 Beck, I. A.............^12 Beck, J. C...........2719 Beck. L. V...........2628 Beck. t. V...........2677 Beck. L. V...........2678 Beck, W. S............. 1168 Beck, W. S.,............ 1171 Becks, H.............. 568 Becks, H.............. 1179 Begany, J........... 3220 Beher. W........... 3301 Behr.W.............2167 Behrman, H. T...........594 Bekaert, J...........3258 Bekdemlrian, H. K. . . . 1786 Beland, E.............. 1185 Be'land, E........... 2231 Be'land, E............2251 Be'land, E.......... . 2743 Bell, G. 1...........2999 Bell, G. 0..............118 Bell, J. C.............. 1264 Bell, R. E...........2999 Bellon, M. T............987 Bellot, L...............474 Bellot, L.............. 476 Bellot, L...............747 Benar-I, H............. 1537 Benard, H..............1539 Benedict, J. D......1980 Benedict, J. D. . . » . . 1981 Benkner, H. J......... 2405 Bennett, L. L............191 Bennett, L. L............1020 Bennett, L. L...........1021 Bennett, L. L...........1022 Bennett, L. L.......1819 Bennett, L. L.....1820 Bennett, L. L......1821 Bennett, L. L.......1822 Bennett, L. L......1851 Bennett, L. L.........2540 Bennett, L. L.........2544 Bennett, L. L..........2598 Bennett, W. A............1523 Bennett, W. A........... J528 Bennett, W. A............1571 Bennett, W. W.......... 1376 Bennett, W. W...........1527 Bennetz, H.............1666 Bennhold, H.............1586 Benoit, J...............899 Benoit, J................1656 Benoit, J...............1698 Benoit, J...............J7O6 Benoit, 1...............1728 Bemia, R. S.......... 2558 Berbllnger, W...........1570 Berenstein, F. Y.......23n7 Berger, O. E............601 Bergman, H. C.......... 1197 Bergman, H. C........2388 Bergner, O. E............28 Bergner, O. E...........167 Bergner, O. E........... 192 Bergner, G. E...........595 Bergner, O. E.........2534 Bergstrand, A........... 1665 Bergstrand, H......... 891 Beribreux, J......, . . . 747 Berlind, M...........3022 Bern, H................397 Bernleld........... , . 155] Bernnelm, F............ 1181 Bernhelm, F.......1838 Bernnelm, F..........2525 Bender, J. J............ 503 Bernstein, D..........3236 Bernstein, D. E..........524 Berri, N............3023 Berthaux . ;............248 Be rthaux-Chambers Bertnaux.............. 999 Berthaux, P............1572 Berthier, L.............7J7 Berthrong, M............692 Berti.G...............533 Bert on................121 Bertrand-Fontalne, T.......660 Besser, E. L........ . 3024 Besser. E. L.........3169 Betourne, C.............757 Bevans, M...........3207 Beznak, M. . . „.....t_____1857 Beznak, M. . , , , ^ t , . . . 3095 Bickel.G................48 Biggerstaff, W. R.........1630 Binet, L. . . . ...«._,_, ._. .....32 Binet, L...............1023 Bluet, L.............2168 Blng.M.............2004 Birnie, J. H.............1658 Birnie, J. H...........2579 Bishop, C.......1982 Bishop, P. M. F..........644 Bishop, P. M. F......... 1414 Blskind, G. R......., . 3259 Blssanti, A...........2377 BlsseU, G. W............263 Bissell. G. W.........3260 Bisset, K. A..........2133 Bitman, J. ......... . .3261 BJerkelund, C. J.....•.....1487 BJorkman, S..........2302 Blackburn, E. K..........1076 Black man, S. 3., Ji\.......341 Blackman, S. S., ]r.......'. 400 Blagovestova, N. P.........33 Blanchard, K. C. .........787 Blauch, B......... ... . 2677 Blauch, B. . . i 5. j.j. j_^ • • 2678 Bloch, K............. 3077 Bloch, K. E..........3262 Block, H. 1.............1030 Block, W. D........1991 Block, W. D....._; _. 1992 Blondheim, 3. H........ 2284 Blondln, S..............660 Blood, D. W............ 375 Blood, D. W............ 1168 Blood, D. W............ 1157 Bloomberg, EX...........1584 Bluemle, L. W.Jr.......2283 Blum,A.,Jr.............385 Blum, A. Jr.............6*9 Blum, P...............1M9 Blumenthal. H. T. . . . .... J248 Blunt, J. W...........2309 Blunt. J. W..........3215 Blunt, J. W...........3216 Blunt. J. W..........3217 Blunt, J. W.Jr.....1917 Bly. C. G........••■ 309' Boas, N. F......,^......979 Bobrikova, A. 3. . . ._._,_. . . . 1522 Boda, D............... 4°1 Boda, D. . . . . J.........1°« Bodansky, O. . ._+..-----• • ■ 1025 Bogardus. J. S. ...... - -2800 Bolleau, Y..............2021 Boland, E. W............749 Boland, E. W............788 Boland, E. W............789 Bolene. C........'.... 2536 Bolinger, R. E........... 402 Bomze, E. J.............525 Bondy. P. K.......... 2747 Bonetti, R........ . . . 3436 Bongiovanni, A. M-......2284 Bonl, P................790 Bonner, CD............296 Bonner, CD............297 Bonner, CD............670 Bonner, CD..........2692 Bonomo, 1....._........ 1455 Bonomo, I.......,,.....1469 Bonton, J. G..........2038 Booker, W. M.......... . 980 Booker, W. M........ . . . 981 Booker, W. M........... 1138 Books, T. B.............181 Boots, R. H............934 Boots, R. H.............1546 Borden, A..............883 Borden, A. L. . .......2567 Bordley, J. E............693 Bordley, J. E. . . .........694 Bordley, J. B..........718 Bordley, J. E............1011 Borel.B...............1331 Borgstrom, E........... 1271 Bornsteln, J.............661 Bottiroli, E. . . . ■ . ■ . . . 2869 BoulUat, A..............388 Bourel, M..............750 Bourel, M..............787 Bourel, M..............818 Bourel, M......... .... . . 819 Bourne, H.......1 . . . 2328 Bourque, J. E...........1026 Bourque, J. E........... 1073 Bowman W............. 162 Boyer, F...............197 Boyle, D...............1134 Boyle, D.........,_=..=._,.. 1135 Boyle, D........1958 Bozovic1, L............2389 Braceland, F. J...........1478 Braithwaite, F......1921 Brandt. M. B.........3073 Braun, H...............1614 Braun-Menendez, E........2054 Braun-Menendez, E. . .. . . .. 2234 Breckenridge, C. G......2759 Brenizer, A. G., Jr. ... : .1210 Brent, F...............115 Bricaire, H...............8 Bricaire, H..............49 Bricaire, H..............54 Bricaire, H..............55 Bricaire, H.......... 170 Bricaire, H.............182 Bricaire, H.............298 Bricaire, H.............304 Bricaire, H............. 403 Bricaire, H.............751 Bricaire, H............. 1688 Bridges, W. C. . ......... .1695 Brink, N. G.............569 Brink, N. G.............791 Brlquemont, M...........725 BriseHo-Castrejon, B.....2729 Britton, S. W............ .1631 Britton, S. W. . .,.......2286 Britton, S. W.........2390 Britton, S. W.........2391 Britton, S. W.........2398 Britton, S. W.........2572 Brobeck, J. R....., . . . 2764 Broch, O. J................4 Broch, O. J............. 119 Brodie, E.. . . ;.........883 Brodie, E. C..........2567 Bro'chner-Mortensen, K.....792 BrfSchner-Mortensen, K. . . . 3014 Brofman, B. L.........3030 Brofman, B. L.........3031 Bronstein, I. P........2651 Broster, L. R..............5 Broster, L. R........... 183 Broster, L. R............404 Broughton, M. C........2643 Brown, B. R............1093 Brown, D. M............544 Brown, P. W......1924 Browne, J. 3. L...........405 Browne, J. S. L.......... 464 Browne, J. S. L.......... 1386 Browne, J. S. L......1890 Browne, J. S. L. . . . 1950 Browne, J. S. L....... 2357 Browne. J. S. L........2365 Browne, J. S. L........2371 Browne, J. S. L........2556 Browne, J. S. L........2719 Browne, J. S. L. ...... . 2886 Browne, J. S. L........ 3055 Browne, J. S. L........3218 Browne, J. S. L........3263 Browne, J. S. L........3376 Browne, J. S. L........3377 Browne, J. S. L........3378 Browne, J. S. L. . . . . . , 3379 Browne, J. S. L........3380 Browne, J. S. L........3381 Brownell, K. A...........504 Brownell, K. A........2358 Brownell, K. A........2392 Brownell. K. A........2526 Brownlee, G............793 Bruger, M........■._.....1165 Brugger, Y............. 912 Bruhn, J. M. ...._,_. . ._. 2760 Brun, B................ 104 Brunner, M. P. ....._,..,. 493 Brunsting, L. A........2304 Brusselmans, P..........794 Brusselmans, P..........795 Brust, A. A........1846 Bruzzone, S............ 1331 Bruzzone, S......'...... 1710 Buchan, J. F............ 849 Buchanan, A. R.......... 1344 Buchem, F. S. P. van......1488 Bucher, N. L. R. . ,_, _. . .. . 3251 Buehler, H. J. ........3265 Buell. M. V....._.....2.473 Bueso Arias, E.......... 1445 Bulsseret, J. . , , _. ........... . 920 Bunding, I. M............. ^^676 Bunim, J. J..........3008 Buonocore, P......1922 Burchenal, J. H. . ,......2261 Burgison, R. M.......... 1285 Burke, J. B.........«_.... 1076 Burks, G............2821 Burnett, C. H.........2829 Burns, F. J.............927 Burns, T. W............ 544 Burns, T. W............ 557 Burns, T. W.............596 Burns, T. W....... ._ . . .. 628 Burns. T. W..........2731 Burr, G. 0.......... 2517 Burr, G. 0...........2518 Burr, G. 0.......... 2519 Burr, G. 0...........2520 Burrage, W. S...... . , . . . 695 Burrows, B. A.........2829 Burt, H. A.............809 Burtner, E............. 570 Burton, R. B.............1330 Burton, R. B. ....,,,.... 1554 Burton, R. B..........2262 Bussard, A...........2132 Bussard, A...........2134 Butcher, E. 0........... 526 Butler, A. M............144 Butler, A. M............254 Butt, W. R..........2212 Butt, W. R..........3267 Buttaro, C. A.......... 796 Buu-Hor..........s. , .1632 Byers, 'S. 0.........3236 Byrnes, W. W..........1332 Byron, C............. 309 Bywaters, E. G. L...... 797 Bywaters, E. G. L...... 809 Cabeza, J. F...........1127 Cabeza, J. F. . . , x , , . , . , J128 Cabeza, J. F........ . 2203 Cachera, R............ 120 Cachera, R............1489 Cagan, R. N...........1027 Cahill, G. F. ..,,,,. , 2631 Cahill. G. F.........2632 Cain, A. J..............269 Cain, A.J...............279 Calamandrei, G. ..... . 1910 Caldwell, A. L.........1129 Caldwell, E. . ......... jgj Caldwell, G......... . 2185 Callaway, C. P........2634 Callaway, E.........2338 Callls, H. A----..____! .534 CaUow, N. H............351 Callow, R. K............ 351 Camber, B..........3269 Cambruzzi, 3........... . 798 Cameron, D. G........2263 Cameron, G. ........ . 2216 Campbell, 0. G...........414 Campbell, J. ..... 1803 Campbell, R......... 2335 Campbell, R. B........ 2330 Campo, J. L.........2708 Camus, J. L. . . :........799 Camus, J. L.......1983 CanbSck.T.............535 Canlvet, J..............186 Cantarow, A.............193 Cantarow, A............1134 Cantarow, A.............1135 Cantarow, A.............1510 Cantarow, A.......1958 Cantarow, A..........2474 Cantarow, A..........2720 Cantarow, A..........3253 Cantera, M. T........... 137 Cantor. M. M.........2821 Canzanelli,A..........2285 Caplan, P. S.......1988 Cappeller, W. 3........2107 Cappiello, M..........2566 Carey, N...............1015 Carey, N........1942 Carey, R. A............ 693 Carey, R. A.......... 718 Carey, R. A............ 1011 Carldroit, F.............1660 Carlgren, L. E...........352 Carllnfantl, F..........2135 Carlisle, J. M.......... 1417 Carlisle, J. M............1470 Carlo, J............3243 Carneiro Novaes, J. R......1117 Carneiro Novaes, J. R..... 1375 Carnes, W. H............1681 Carnes, W. H............1683 Carpenter, G. T..........1077 Carpenter, R. K, . '........406 Carreyett, R. A!..........407 Carroll, E............. 1340 Carroll, E............. 2052 Carroll, E...........3341 Carroll, E. L............1555 Carroll, E. L............1585 Carryer, H. M. . . ........1000 Cartland, G. F...........1249 Cartland, G. F.......... 1250 Casas, C............2645 Casas, C B.............308 Casas, C. B..........2674 Cassels, W. S.........3028 Castillo, E. B. del........505 Castleman, B............29 Catoggio, P. M..........800 Catoggio, P. M..........801 Catoggio, P. M..........802 Cavalli, F..............408 Cavier, R..............1626 Cawadlas, A. P. ...........6 Cebula, W..............365 Cebula, W............676 Ceresa, F............2169 Ceresa, F............2333 Cerrfho, J. M. ..........1078 Cervlho, J. M............1490 Chabot, J...............155 Chabrol, E..............121 Chambers, R............1217 Chambers, R......1879 Chambers, R..........2216 Chambers-Dempaey Chambers, W.N ... . . 1846 Chamorro, A. . . ._L^_. ...... 1683 Chanutin, A.............1221 Chapman. R. A........ 2574 Charipper, H. A. ...... . 2741 Charipper, H. A. ...... . 3664 Charipper, H. A........3065 Charlton,G. P. . . . UJJ ... 223 Charpy. J.......^ . : . ■ 2894 Charpy. J...........2895 Charvat, .1-..........2359 Chase, J. H.............671 Chase, J. H...........2136 Chase, J. B...........2137 Chase, J. H...........2140 Chase, J. H..........2141 Chatagonon, C...........184 Chatagonon, P...........184 Chateau, R........... 2218 Chauchard, P.........2600 Cheek, D. B.............353 Cheek, D. B............. 364 Cheng, C. P.....'. .......592 Cheng, C. P............803 Cheng, C. P...........2204 Cheng, C. P..........2734 Cheng, C. P..........2735 Cheng, C. P..........2736 Cheng, C. P. . . ._......2786 Cheng. C. P..........2836 Cheng, C. P..........2841 Cheymol.J...........2170 Chlanca, L. . ...........1028 Chiray, M........1923 Chiray, M...........J171 Chiu, C. Y...........2394 Chiu. C. Y...........2395 Choh Bao LI ........... • U10 Cholffin, If.............114 Christian, J. J. ...... . .2737 Christo, E......... . . 383 Christo, E..............454 Chute, A. L.......,..... 1548 Chytll. F.........'. . - 2359 Ciaramelli, L. C. . . ..... 697 Ciaramelli, L. C..........623 Ciaramelli, L. C.......3333 Cicconardi, A...........1028 Cicconardl, A..........1079 Cimino, 3..............982 Cimino. S............3393 Clagett, O. T........... 1500 Clark, H. E.....,........336 Clark; 1............2557 Clark, W. G............ IS*3 Clark, W. 3........., ... 804 Clark, W. S. .............805 Clarke, A. P. W..........HM Clarke, A. P. W..........1616 Clarke, A. P. W..........1684 Clarke. E...........2892 Clarke, R. W.........3133 Cleghorn, R. A.......... 11<« Cleghorn, R. A.......... 13M Cleghorn, R. A._. . ..._._,-----1615 Cleghorn, R. A...........1627 Cleghorn, R. A...........ltM Cleghorn, R.A........."*9 Cleghorn, R. A.........2330 Cleghorn, R. A.........2335 Cleghorn, R. A........3101 Clemente, C.......... 2810 Cleroux, A. P............532 Cleroux, A. P........... 643 Clinton, M., Jr........... 72 Clinton, M. Jr., . ..........go Clinton, M., Jr. . . ........1139 Clinton, M..Jr...........1140 Clinton. M.,Jr........... 1411 Clinton. M., Jr........2476 Close, V. P. ............393 Close, V.P.......... 2193 Cluxton, B. E............ 262 Cluxton, H. E............1571 Cluxton, H. E., Jr.......1523 Coelho, E............ . 1538 Cohen, A.............806 Cohen. J. A. .•........2396 Cohen, H......s.........50 Cohen, S. L..........3281 Cohen-Kranen, A. B......2005 Cohn C................187 Cohn, C................471 Cohn, C............... 640 Cohn, C........1995 Cohn, C........1996 Cohn, C.............1997 Cohn, C........1998 Cohn, C.........1999 Cohn, C........2000 Cohn, H...............775 Coke, H...............807 Coke, B................826 Coker, C...............je05 Cole, D. F........... 2478 Cole, L................491 Cole, W. H......_•■..■ 3028 Coleman, D. H...........1693 Coleman, F. W............16 Collard, A......;..'.. 3271 Collings, W. D...........371 Collings, W. D...........1074 Collings, W. D......1761 Collings, W. D.........2217 Collip, J. B.............536 Collip. J. B..........2854 Colowlck, 3. P......1898 Coluccinl, B............ 533 Combes, F. C. ..,..,, . 2307 Commons, R.. R........2634 Conn, J. W..............599 Conn, J. W.............. 1219 Conn, J. W........1810 Conn, J. W........1811 Conn. J. W........«91 Conn.J.W.......«>« Conn. J. W...........2397 Conn. J. W...........»"« Conn, J. W...........3183 Consolazlo, C. F.......3097 Consolazlo. W. V.......2717 Constantinides, F........ *00 Constantinides, P.........413 Constantinides, P. . . . . 1971 Constantinides, P. C. . . . 1942 Conway. E. J.........2601 Cook, A. W..........2713 Cook, CD...........2172 Cook, CD...........2173 Cook, E. B. . . .........3102 Cook, E. R.......... 3342 Cooke, D. S.............560 Coover, M. 0.........3234 Cope, O. . ».....^.i?_._. . . .29 Cope.0............... 1198 Cope.O. .-......... ... 1210 Cope.0............... 1511 Copelll, R..............1080 Copeman, W. 3. C. ... .... 809 Copleman, B......._»... 1531 Copleman, B............1581 Corcoran, A. C.......... 1029 Corcoran, A. C...........1718 Corcoran, A. C...........i719 Corcoran, A. C.......... 2055 Corcoran, A. C...........2094 Corcoran, A. C.........3219 Corcoran. A. C........3249 Corcoran, A. C........3274 Corey, E. L................ 1335 Corey, E. L.............1631 Corey, E. L...........2286 Corey, E. L..........2390 Corey, E. L..........2398 Corey, E. L..........2572 Corl, C. F.......1898 Coriell, L. L..........2172 CorleU, L. L..........2173 Cornil, L............3103 Cornillot, M.............423 Cornillot, M............ 1150 Corrado, P. C..........3170 Correll, J. W............ 1170 Corvazier, P..........2132 Corvaxler, P..........2134 Corvilain, J.............960 Corvilain, J.............961 Corvilain, J..........2798 Cosmos, E..............1616 Costa, A. C. da...........409 Coste, F...............767 Coste, F...............815 Coste, F...............816 Coste, F............... 817 Coste, F................818 Coste, F...............819 Cotes, P. M.......1804 Coupain, J..............1689 Cournot, L..............696 Courrier, R.............1666 Courrier. R..........3078 Couter, W. T..........2496 Coutl, L. L.............820 Coutinho, 3. 0...........259 Covlan, M. R...........963 Jowan. J. M..........3420 Cowan, J. M............_M2J Cowie, A. T........ „ .2257 Cowie, A. T...........2258 Cowie, A. T..........2322 Cowie. A. T..........2479 Cowie, A. T..........2740 Cozzutl.G.......1786 Craddock, C. G., Jr.....1124 Cragg.R. W..........2130 Craig, J. D. . ...........821 Craige, E. ..<..., ^ , . 3011 Crampton, J. H.............7 Crampton, J. B...........75 Cranswick, E. H........2331 Craver, B. N.........2900 Cravetto, C...........2169 Crede. R. H...... _ .. . . 3190 Creditor, M. C........3207 Crayssel..............228 Crooke, A. C............1491 Crooke, A, C. .,,,.,, . .2875 Crowe, H. W..........3104 Croxatto, H.............328 Cuatrecasas, J...........822 Cuatrecasas, J...........823 Cunningham, W........2207 Cupplnl, R..............\04 Currens, J. H........... 185 Currie, J. P.............825 Curtl, O. P............,,51 Cuyler, W. K.........2883 Cyrlax, J...............826 D'Agati, V. C......... 3410 Dale, T................122 D'Alonzo, C. A........3428 Dalton, A. J.......1943 Dalton, A.J......1944 Dameshek, W. . .......2264 Danel.................780 Danel, J............... 474 D'Angelo, S. A.........2741 D'Angelo, S. A.........3063 D'Angelo. S. A....... . .3064 D'Angelo, S. A.........3065 Daniels, T. C.............2 Daniels, T. C............175 Daniels, T. C............176 Daniels, T*. C............177 Daniels, T. C............1613 Danjou................229 Dardenne.......- * - . .3343 Darby, B. W..........2632 Darrow, D. C........, ,_^ 1668 Darrow, D. C............1669 Darrow, D. C .........2221 Daughaday, W. H.......3250 Daughaday, W. H. . . . . . .3275 Daughaday, W.'B.......3276 Daugherty, G. W. . . . ,^_2235 Davenport, H. W........628 Davenport, V. D. ........H89 Davenport. V. D. .,,... . asij David, A...............7g David, A...............126 Davidson, I. W. F. . . . . 1803 Davidson. J. L........2360 Davies, D. F............ 336 Davis. A. K..........2486 Davis, B. M............ un Davis, CD...... Davis, C. D................75 Davis, W. D............ 2066 Davison, R. A...........768 Davison, R. A...........827 D»v,B................257 Deakins, M. L...........1587 Deane, H. W.............270 Deane, H. W............ 271 Deane, H. W. . . ;........ 273 Deane, H. W............ 273 Deane, H. W..........277 Deane, B. W.........._.._.. 278 Deane, B. W............ .410 Deane, H. W.............411 Deane, H. W.............435 Deane, H. W.............595 Deane, B. W.............601 Deane, H. W............984 Deane, H. W.. . ;.........1696 Deane, B. W.............1697 Dearing, W. B......1924 De Bodo, R. C.......... 1030 Decourt, J.............. fgg Decourt, J.............. 1146*" Decourt, J..............1573 Decourt, T...........2218 DeGraff, A. C............2038 DeGraff, A. C............ 2039 DeGroot, J. . . .......... 1U1 De Belnzelin de Braucourt C. . 2239 De La Baize, F. A...........34 De La Balie, F. A.......133 De La Baize, F. A.......214 De La Baize, F. A.......370 De La Baize, F. A. . . ._, . . . 1360 De La Baize, F. A........ I5ig De La Baize. F. A.......1943 De La Baize, F. A.......2437 Delachaux, A............. 123 Delanoe, G..............2087 Delaunay. A......„.....412 Delaunay, A...........2138 Delaville, G............ 1272 Delaville, M..... ...... 1272 Delaville, M............ 1304 Delbarre, F...........J . 797 Delbarre, F............. 818 Delbarre, F.............gig Delbarre, F............ 1001 Delbue, C...........2434 Del Castillo, E. B.........303 Dei Castillo, E. B........1080 Del Castillo, E. B.........jj7i Del Castillo, E. B.......2742 Delia Santa, R...........912 Della Santa, R......... 913 Deltour, G..............304 De Luca, G...........3171 De Maeyer, E...........953 De Maeyer, E...........955 Demeester, I. G........3279 Deming, a B............1628 Deming, Q. B......1877 Deming, Q. B......1878 Demirag, B............ on Demote, V..............965 Dempsey, E............ 1340 Dempaey-Fachinl Dempsey, E............2052 Dempsey. E..........2472 Dempsey, W. S.......... 2058 Dent, F. M.............980 Dent, F. M.............981 Dent, F. M..............1138 Dent, R. V...........3446 DePasqualini, CD.. . . 1796 Depierre............2181 Deribreux, J.............474 Deribreux, 1............ 475 Deribreux, J..........780 Derudder, A............1689 Desclaux, P.............448 Desclaux, P.............1342 Desclaux, P.............1690 Desclaux, P.............1691 Desmarais, M. B. L.......769 Desproproulos. A.......2424 Deuel, H. J.. Jr.......2522 Deuel, H. J., Jr....... 2523 DeVeer, J. A..............1* Devester, B.............920 Devis, R............2870 Devis-Vanden Eeckhoudt, M. .2870 De Vries, J. A...........1098 De Vries, J. A.........1099 De Vries, J. A..........2M9 DeVries, J. A..........2162 Dexter, L..............2087 Dick, A. A.............1129 Dickie. M. M.........2636 Dldcoct, J. W..........2304 Dleckhoff, J...........2174 Diller, I. C..........2628 Diller. I. C..........2676 Diller, I. C..........2677 Diller, I. C..........2678 Dimlter, N...........2139 Dingemanse, E........ 3284 Disick, S............3426 Dixon, A. 3. J...........797 Djerassi, C..............1633 Dobriner, K..........2637 Dobriner, K..........2638 Dobriner, K..........2639 Dobriner. K..........2640 , Dobriner, K.........2659 Dobriner, K..........2688 Dobriner. K..........2694 Dobriner. K..........3079 Dobriner, K..........3285 Dobriner, K..........3286 Dobriner, K..........3321 Dobriner, K..........3322 Dobriner, K..........3323 Dockerty, M. B......1798 Dockerty, M. B........26S0 Dodds, G. A.......1826 Doebeli, B..............MS Doisy. E. A..........3265 Donaldson, E..........3341 Donaldson. E. C........3298 Doneddu, C..............43 Doneux, G..............920 Donohue, W. L...........1549 Dontigny, p.............im2 Dontigny, P.......1854 Dontigny, P.............2077 Dontigny, P.............2078 Dontigny, P. . . . :........2103 Dontigny, P...........2231 Dontigny, P..........2743 Donzelot, E.............834 Dorfman, A..........ig82 Dorfman, R. 1........... 1241 Dorfman, R. 1........... 1242 Dorfman, R. 1........... 1243 Dorfman, R. 1.......... 1244 Dorfman, R. 1........... 1273 Dorfman, R. I........... i59g Dorfman, R. J........... 1634 Dorfman, R. 1............1638 Dorfman, R. I............1673 Dorfman, R. 1.........2414 Dorfman. R. 1..........2481 Dorfman, R. 1.........2484 Dorfman, R. 1.........2505 Dorfman, R. 1.........2641 Dorfman, R. 1.........2887 Dorfman, R. 1.........3291 Dorfman, R. 1.........3292 Dorfman, R. 1.........3293 Dorfman, R. 1.........3306 Dorfman, R. 1.........3353 Dorrance, 3. 3...........257 Dosne, C...............506 Dosne, C.............. 516 Dosne, C...............1059 Dosne, C...............1060 Dosne, C................1745 Dosne, C........1944 Dosne, C............2297 Dosne, c............3Q46 Dosne, C............3047 Dougherty, T. F........1071 Dougherty, T. F..........1072 Dougherty, T. F..........1081 Dougherty, T. F..........1082 Dougherty, T. F........i0B3 Dougherty, T. F........21S7 Dougherty, T. F........2140 Dougherty, T. F........2141 Dougherty, T. F........2220 Dougherty, T. F........2314 Dougherty, T. F........2315 Dougherty, T. F........3066 Dougherty, T. F........3209 Douthwaite, A. B.........835 Dow, D. J.............. 1674 Downing, C F.........2217 Downing, V...........2266 Doyle, L. P. . . .........836 Dragomir, L............1536 Dragomir, T............ 1536 Drake. N. A..........3082 Dreizen, 3..............656 Dreizen, 3.......1977 Drekter, I. J..........3294 Dresner, E.............837 Dresner, E.............838 Dreulle, D............. I486 Dreulle, D..............1538 Dreyfus, G. see Gilbert-Dreyfus Dreyfus, J. C. ... 1.......1145 Driessens, J.............423 Driessens, J............ 1150 Drill, V. A............. 1164 Drill, V. A..............1735 Drill. V. A...........3040 Drips, D. G.............136 Dritch. R............2513 Dritch, R............2514 Druckrey, H..........2361 Dublin, W. B............2060 Dubols-Ferriere, H........56 Ducommun, P............274 Duell, B................18K Duffin, J. D............. 156 Duffy, B............2660 """y. B. J...........2658 Dumm. M. E..........3105 Dumm, M. E..........3406 Duranti. M...........3242 Dureuil, M............. 1338 Durieu, J...............734 Durlacher, 3. B........2221 Durupt, L..............72g Duszynska, J............jjgj Duthie, J. J. R...........773 Duthie, J. J. R.......____781 Duthie, J. J. R...........809 DuToit, C B.......1925 Du Tolt, C. B......192« Duvoir, M................35 Dworacek, E..........3398 Eaton, L. M..........2706 Eberhard, T. ..... . 1958 Edelmann, A..........2901 Edstrom, G.............839 Edstrom, G.............840 Edwards, J. . ............458 Eggleston, N. N........3079 Ehrenberg, A.........2593 Ehrensteln, M...........1635 Ehrensteln, M...........jese Ehrnrooth, C. A........2374 EUllott, B. W............1675 Eisen, H. N.............1031 Eisenberg, E:.........2602 Eisenberg, E............H8J Eisenberg, E............1675 Eisenberg, H............258 Eisenberg, B........... 1140 Elsenhardt, L...........15J2 Eisenmenger, W. J.......2284 Ekman, B...........2638 Ekwall, P............ . i6J1 Ekwall, P...........3080 EUeL LP...........2265 Eliel, L. P...........2275 Eliel, L. P...........2276 Eliel, L. P......... . .2483 E»*l. L. P...........2638 Eliel, L. P............2693 Eliel, L. P...........2694 Eliel, L. P.......... .2695 Eliot, J. W...........3159 Elkinton, J. R. . ..........647 Elkinton, J. R............842 Elkinton, J. R........... 1225 Elkinton, J. R..........2305 Ellery, R. S............ 661 Ellinger, F.......... .3287 Ellinger, F.......... 2903 Ellinger, F.......... 2904 Ellinger, F.......... 2905 ElUott, F. B..........2330 Elliott, F. B..........2335 Elliott, B. W............1181 Elliott, J. M.............108< Ellis, D.................21 Ellis, F...............1085 Ellis, G............... 661 Ellman, P..............809 Elmadjian, F............419 Elmadjian, F............1086 Elmadjian, F............1087 Elmadjian, F............1103 Elmadjian, F........... 1337 Elmadjian, F..........2334 Elmadjian, F......... 2338 Elmadjian. F..........2347 Elmadjian, F......... 2348 Elmadjian, F...... 2349 Elrick, B...............355 Elton, A. E...............5 Emdin. W........... 2175 Emerson, G. A........2679 Emerson, K., Jr..........192 Emerson, K.,Jr...........i556 Emerson, K., Jr.......2524 Emery, C. W. A......... 1427 Emery, F. E............i876 Eminers, C. W...........351 Emmens, C W...........2022 Engel, F. L.............187 Engel, F. L.............249 Engel, F. L.............345 Engel, F. L.............455 Engel, F. L.............1056 Engel, F. L......... . . ..1057 Engel, F. L.............1532 Engel, F. L...........2124 Engel, F. L...........2205 Engel, F. L..........2580 Engel, G. L.............151 Engel, L. L..........2511 Englemul, E. P..........614 Engleman, E. P..........893 Engstrom, W. W........2214 Enos, H. I.,Jr............1645 Eranko. O...............342 Eranko, 0.......181! Erdei, A................76 Erickson, D. M........3131 Ernould, B. J...........188 Escamllla, R. F........2213 Eschar, D. J. W........2233 Etlenne-ltartln, P.........2061 Euler, V. S. vor.........1089 Euw, J. von...........285 Euw, J. von.............1274 Euw, J. von............ 1275 Euw, J. von.............1800 Evans, G. T.............105 Evans, G. T..........3131 Evans, H...............169 Evans, H. M............ 561 Evans, H. M.............565 Evans, H. M..........58] Evans, B. M.............609 Evans, B. M.............610 Svans, B. M.............gu Evans, B. M.............821 Evans, H. M............ 622 Evans, B. M............ 623 Evans, H. M............1040 Evans, H. M............ n7g Evans, H. M..........1303 Evans. H. M..........1884 Evans, H. M..........1885 Evans, H. M..........2002 Evans, B. M..........2007 Evans, B. M..........2013 Evans, B. M..........2017 Evans, B. M..........2206 Evans, B. M..........2253 Evans, B. M...........2282 Evans, H. M..........2291 Evans, H. M..........2420 Evans, H. M. ..........2435 Evans, H. M..........2533 Evans. H. M..........2540 Evans, H. M...........2/os Evans, H. M..........3183 Evans. H. M..........3333 Evans, J. S............ 1J55 Evans, J. S.......1815 Evans, M.............. jgg Everett. J. W.........2846 Everse, J. W. R..........844 Everse. J. W. R..........845 Eversole, W.J...........275 Eversole, W. J.......... i338 Eversole, W. J.......... 1339 Eversole, W. J...........u„ Eversole, W. J...........1658 Eversole, W. J...........16T7 Eversole, W. J...........lm Eversole, W. J...........lm9 Eversole, W. J...........lm Eversole, W. J.......... 1M, Eversole, W.J......lgJ4 Eversole, W.J......i8J5 Eversole, W.J......1837 Eversole, W. J.........2259 Eversole, w. j........2576 Eversole, W. J........2579 Eversole, W. J.......3050 Fabre................913 Fabre, J...............912 Faber.V......1900 Faber- V............3014 Fachlnl, G...........2333 Facquet-Gellhorn Facquet, J. .............108 Facquet, J..............211 Fairley, D. M...........895 Fajans, 3. 3.............S92 Fajans, S. S.............625 Falcon, W. W....... . . • 2643 Fanconi, G..............325 Fanconi, G............. 498 Fanconi, G............. 499 Farber, J. E............ 1549 Farber, S............2266 Faribault, C.............684 Faribault, C. ......... . 1186 Faribault, C............ 1188 Faribault, C.............1682 Farnsworth, E. B........2222 Farnsworth, E. B.......2223 Farnsworth, E. B.......2224 Favour, C. B..........2153 Favre-CiUy, J...........210 Fazekas, I. G...........1032 Fearnley, G. R...........542 Feder. D............3067 Fell, M. L............. 1241 Fell, M. L.......... . 2484 Felnberg, L. J.........3234 Feinstein, F. G.........2143 Feldman, S...........2623 Felllnger, K............846 Fenn, W. 0..........2498 Fernandez de la Calle, F. . . . 1737 Fernandez de la Calle, F. . . .2209 Fernandez Perez, A.......157 Ferond, M............. 1397 Ferrand, G..............121 Ferrari, A..............158 Ferrata, L.........1910 Ferrebee, J. W...........124 Ferrebee, J. W...........189 Ferrebee, J. W...........212 Ferrebee, J. W...........723 Ferrebee, J. W...........1142 Ferrebee, J. W...........1587 Ferrebee, J. W...........1661 Ferrebee, J. W...........1883 Ferrebee, J. W...........1732 Ferrero, C.............299 Ferrero, C.............300 Ferriman, D. G........2306 Ferris, E. B.......1846 Fershing, J...........2178 Feurer, M..............1314 Fiaschi, E...........2656 Fibor.W. M.............258 Fields. M............3295 Fieser, L. F......... 2640 Fieser. L. F..........3081 Fieser. L. F..........3092 Fieser. L. F..........3285 Fieser, L. F..........3295 Flgueroa, W. G........3097 Finch, C.A..............31 Finch, C.A.............H°2 Findley, T............. 672 Findley, T............. 673 Fine, J................ "« Fine, J................ «" Fine, J.............3026 Flnerty.J. C.............389 Flnerty. J. C.........2745 Flnestone, A.J......1901 Finland, M..............813 Finland, M........... 2176 Finn, N................848 Fischel, E.E......1948 Fischel, E.E...........2144 Fischer, W. A......1930 Fischmann, J............ 1211 Flschmann, J.........3026 Fish, G. W.............723 Fish, G. W............. 1142 Fish, W. R..............1638 Fish, W. R...........2887 Fish, W. R...........3291 Fisher, J. A.............387 Fisher, J. D............ 576 Fishman, W. B...........296 Fishman, W. B...........297 Fishman, W. B...........670 Fishman, W. H........2692 Fitch, D. R.............948 Flanagan, E. K...........1559 Flanagan, J. B.........2486 Flataker, L............ 1465 Fleckenstein, A.......1931 Fleckenstein. A........2430 Flelschmann, W..........1566 Fletcher, E.............809 Fletcher, E.............849 Flink.E............... 1556 Flink, E. B..............igi Florls, M............2177 Flosl, A. Z.......1949 Foglla, V. G....... I7g6 Folkers, K............. 569 Folkers, K.............791 Folley, S.J............. 1430 Folley, S. J..........1883 Folley, 3. J...........2267 FoUey, 3. J..........3K8 Folley, 3. J......> . , . .2322 Folley, S. J..........2479 Folley, S. J........^ ^ 2740 Fontaine, R........., ,..^94 Forbes, A. P............566 Forbes, A. P........... 1484 Forbes, A. P........... 1511 Forbes, A. P..............1555 Forbes, A. P............1583 Forbes, A. P............-1585 Forbes, A. P.........2354 Forbes, A. P.........2355 Forbes, A. P.........2471 Forbes. A. P.........2472 Forbes. A. P.........3296 Forbes. A. P.........3298 Forbes, A. P.........3299 Forbes, A. P.........3341 Forbes, T. R............1618 Forestler, J.............726 Forestier, J........* .... 850 Forsham, C. C...........627 Forsham, P. B...........191 Forsham, P. B...........192 Forsham, P. B...........301 Forsham, P. B...........302 Forsham, P. B...........321 Forsham, P. H...........322 Forsham, P. B...........323 Forsham, P. B...........543 Forsham, P. B...........627 Forsham, P. B...........635 Forsham, P. H.........657 Forsham, P. B...........658 Forsham, P. B...........741 Forsham, P. H..........742 Forsham, P. H..........1102 Forsham, P. B...........1558 Forsham, P. H......1762 Forsham, P. B......1980 Forsham, P. H......1931 Forsham, P. H.......... 2087 Forsham, P. B.........2313 Forsham, P. H........2379 Forsham, P. H........2776 Forsham. P. H........2777 Forsham, P. H........2834 Forsham, P. H........3017 Forsham, P. H.........3202 Forsham, W. P............28 Forster, F. M............193 Fortier, C..............291 Fortier, C..............413 Fortier, C..............600 Fortier, C..............851 Fortier, C..............986 Fortier, C.........1972 Fortier, C...........2842 Fortunato, A............852 Fossey, M. de............54 Fossey, M. de............55 Foster, D. P..............64 Fourman, P............ 1340 Fourman, P............ 2052 Fourman, P..........Z471 Fourman, P..........2472 Fowler, J. L. A.......... 1144 Fowler, J. L. A..........1664 Fowler, R..............661 Fox, W. W..............853 Fox, W. W..............897 Frada.G...............507 Fraenkel-Conrat, H......1884 Fraenkel-Conrat. H......1885 Fraenkel-Conrat, B......2206 Fralsse, B...........233 Fralsse, B.............935 Franck, E...............1727 Franco, A...............2064 Francon, F.............572 Francon, F.............854 Francon, F.............855 Francon, F.............856 Francon, F.............972 Francon, F........1984 Frank, E............2267 Frank, H. A..........3026 Frank, 3...............1091 Frantz. M. J..........2644 Frantz, M. J..........2645 Frantz, M. J..........2680 Frantz, R. B............614 Frantz, R. H............893 Frawley, T. F...........657 Freed, 3. C.............1159 Freed, 3. C............ 1216 Freed, S. C........1932 Freeman, B.............857 Freeman, B.............1086 Freeman, B...........2334 Freeman, H..........2347 Freeman, H..........2348 Freeman, 3...........2178 Freeman, W..........3109 Freiman. D. G.........3041 Fremery, P. de......... 1341 Fremont-Smith..........1511 French. C. R..........2391 French. T. H..... . . . 2479 Frey, B...............1624 Freyberg, R. B..........858 Freyberg, R. B.......... 1455 Fricker, L. .............207 Frieden, J..............1033 Friedgood, H. B......... 1587 Friedlaender, A. 3.........697 Friedlaender, S..........697 Friedman, A........... 1495 Friedman, C. L..........414 Friedman, C. L..........1686 Friedman, C. L..........2065 Friedman, C. L..........2066 Friedman, C. L..........2067 Friedman, B. A..........1557 Friedman. M......... 323a Friedman, N.B.........159 Friedman, N. B..........160 Friedman, N. B..........525 Friedman, 3.............113 Friedman, S. M............414 Friedman, 3. M..........iggs Friedman. S. M..........1686 Friedman, S. M..........2065 Friedman, 3. M...........2066 Friedman, 8. M...........2067 Friedman, S. M...........2069 Frttel, D...............„2 Froment, M.............2071 Fromer, S......1875 Fruhling, L...............94 Fruhling, L.............1506 Fry, E. G...........2436 Fry. E. G...........2764 Fuchs, B............2146 Fuchs, B............2179 Fuchs, F.............. 1141 Fuchs, B. G............ 1278 Fuenzalida, F...........1018 Fuenzalida, F............i65j Fukushima, D. K.......3322 Fuller B. F............ 1175 Furchgott, R. F........1277 Furniss, A..............g59 Futcher, P. H............1558 Gabriel, J. E.........2914 Gabrilove, J. L............53 Gabrllove, J. L...........666 Gabrilove, J. L.......... 1090 Gabrllove, J. L.........2158 Gabrilove. J. L........2506 Gabrilove, J. L........2612 Gadrat............ 195 Gadrat................S67 Gaebler, O. H.........3301 Gaertner, K.............1573 Gallagher, T. F..........1271 Gallagher, T. F..........1278 Gallagher, T. F.......... 1279 Gallagher, T. F.......... i280 Gallagher, T. F..........1281 Gallagher, T. F.......... 1282 Gallagher, T. F.......... 1283 Gallagher, T. F.......... 1284 Gallagher, T. F..........1295 Gallagher, T. F..........1296 Gallagher, T. F..........1307 Gallagher, T. F.......... 1308 Gallagher, T. F........3092 Galli. T.............2147 GaUi Mainlni, C.........303 Galmiche, P............818 Galmiche, P............819 Gambaro, C..........3227 Gambln, M. A........... 3?' Garcia, J. F. ■...........1020 Garcia, J F............1021 Garcia Lopez, 0........2279 Garcia Sanz, M...........308 Garde, A...............210 Gardiner-Bill, B......... 183 Gardner, O. M...........895 Gardner, L. 1............343 Gardner, W. U.........2641 Garmalse, D. L..........1295 Garner, B........1982 Garufl, L...............1049 Garvin, C. F............77 Gasche, P..............1824 Gasche, P..............igg, Cast, J. B..............2035 Gastlneau, C F.......... 250 Gaudino, M...........2228 Gaudino, M.......... 2227 Gaudino, N. M...........2072 Gaunt, R...............276 Gaunt, R...............jgi8 Gaunt, R...............W17 Gaunt, R...............i6M Gaunt, R............1791 Gaunt, R............2259 Gaunt, R............2260 Gaunt, R............2578 Gaunt, R............2578 Gaunt, R............2580 Gaunt, R............2581 Gaunt, R............2586 Gaunt, R............2593 Gautheron...........2181 Gautheron...........2182 Gautler, R............. H78 Gazes, P. C..........3438 Geiman. Q. M.........2439 Gelinet, M..............195 Gelinet, M............. 357 Gelinet, M............. 474 Gelinet, M............. 475 Gelinet, M..............747 Gellhorn. E.............398 Gellhorn, E............. 1091 iGeUhorn-BArrla Gellhorn, E...........2123 Gemmell, J. P. . ,......'. . .437 Gemmell. J. P.........3177 Gemmell, J. P. . . .....3237 GemmiU. C. L.........2432 Gemzell, C.A........... 605 Genest, J............3075 Gennes, L. de..............j Gennes, L. de............54 Gennes, L. de........'. . . . 55 Gennes, L. de . . . ........125 Gennes, L. de...........170 Gennes, L. de..........194 C wins, L. de . . . . ,......304 Gennes, L. de...........751 Gennes, L. de...........1620 Gennes, L. de............1688 Gennes, L. de.........2180 Georg, J...............792 Georges, G..............ig Geraud............3350 Gerbaux, G.............. 55 Gerbaux, J...............54 Gerity, M. ............. 1683 Gersh, 1............... 415 Geschwind, I........... ,1040 Getlfk, A............3411 Ghosh, B. N.............544 Glaldi, F...............861 Glannlco, 0............. 1519 Glard, P............... 1501 Glbertlnl, G.............862 Gibson, A............. 1417 Gilbert, C...........2918 Gilbert. F. M.........3260 Gilbert-Dreyfus..........195 Gilbert-Dreyfus..........305 Gilbert-Dreyfus......... 357 Gilbert-Dreyfus........1492 Gilbert-Dreyfus .........1589 Cllbert-Dreyfus........1805 Glllman, .1...........2918 Glllmore, J. D. . .__. . . , . . 2200 Gineste, P. J. . . ._._.......1689 Giordano, D. G............51 Glral, F...............1639 Girard, M..............883 Giraud, G...............196 Giraud, G.............. 197 Giroud, A.............. 987 Giroud, A.............. 1245 Giroud, A..............1246 Giroud, A......_•_•_!_• ■ ■ • I'*2 Giroud, A..............1690 Giroud, A.....^^_.......1691 Giroud, A...........3303 Git man, L................ 9 Gltman, L..............864 Giuntl, V...............1034 Glaser, G. B............608 Glaser. G. H..........2705 Glassco, E............. 1073 Glasser. S. M.........2905 Gleizes, ........... . 3350 Gleizes, L...........3304 Glendening, M. B.........1208 Glenn, W. V.......1927 Glick, D...............476 Glick, D....... .....1888 Glover. E. D..........3109 Glover, M..............1694 Gobbey. T. S., Jr.......2439 GSbell, 0........... 2404 G8bell, 0........... 2405 GSbell, 0........... 2406 Godfrey, L............. 647 Godfrey, L.............842 Godfrey, L............. 1225 Godfrey, L...........2305 GodlewsU, 3............799 GodlewsU.S. ...... 1983 Godlowskl, Z. Z..........865 Godon, C...............508 Godon, C...............i4g8 Goldberg, L............1534 Golden, A............2747 Goldman, A............ 1400 Goldman, A...........2715 Goldman, M. L.......... 1146 Goldman, M. L...........2075 Goldman, M. L...........2076 Goldman, R.............1168 Goldman, R............ 1171 Goldman, 3. F.......... 1400 Goldzieher, M. A.........509 Goldzieher. M. A.......2923 Golla, Y. M. L...........407 Golla, Y. M. L...........1130 Golla, Y. M. L........2748 Golla, Y. M. L........3043 Gomez Mont, F..........941 Gohalons, G. P...........492 Gonzalez, M. ..... 1. . . 3247 Good, M...............944 Good, M. G.............826 Good, M. G.............866 Goodman, A. J.........3101 Goodman, H. C.........2553 Goodman, H. C........2554 Goodman, H. C.........3231 Goodman, J. J............594 Goodman, L. S...........592 Goodman, L. S...........803 Goodman, L. S......1780 Goodman, L. S.........2735 Goodman, L. S.........2636 Goodman, L. S.........2841 Goodof, I. 1..............105 Gordon, A. S............276 Gordon, A. S..........2741 Gordon, A. S..........3064 Gordon, A. S..........3065 Gordon, A. S. . ........3067 Gordon, A. S..........3068 Gordon, A. S. ........3212 Gordan, G. S..........1182 Gordan, G. S............ 1675 Gordan, G. S..........2544 Gordan, G. S..........2602 Gordon, D...........2696 Gordon, D. M. . . .^._L_. . . . . 1092 Gordon, E...........3285 Gordon, G. L.........2913 Gordon, J. J. . . ._......3342 Gorham, L. W.........2643 Gorln, R............. 2218 Gorman, W. F...........152 Gorrell, R. L............358 Gorsuch, M. T...........1497 Gosset, A. E. M..........153 Gougeon, J..............949 Gowdey, C. W............2036 Grabar, P...........2132 Grabar, P............2134 Grace, A. W..........2307 Graef, 1............... 1365 Graef, 1................2026 Graef, I............... 2027 Graetzer, E.............560 Graham, B. F.......^ . 2329 Graham, B. F.........2330 Graham, B. F. . . ...... 2335 Graham, B. F. . . . . . , 3101 Graham, G. C. . . . 3412 Graham, J. B............ H98 Graham, W.............545 Grandpre, R. de......... 2077 Grandpre, R. de..........2078 Grattan, J. F..........2125 Grattan, J. F. ........ . 2126 Grattarola, R.........2906 Gravltz, L...........2200 Gray, C. H...........3391 Gray, F................1595 Gray.G. W.............546 Gray, J. L..............1027 Gray, S. F...........1887 Gray, W. D..........2749 Gray, W. D..........2853 Greco, P. A.............. .1676 Greeley, P. 0.........2523 Green, A. A.............1648 Green, D. M.............1692 Green, D. M.............1693 Green, D. M.............1694 Green, D. M.............1695 Green, D. M. ..... 1756 Green, D. M.......1826 Green, H. N............ 698 Green, B. N.............867 Greenbaum, A. L.......1883 Greenbaum. A. L.......2479 Greenbaum, A. L.......2561 Greenberg, S. S........3041 Greene, J. A.............78 Greene, J. A............ 126 Greene, J. A............ 127 Greene, J. A.............306 Greene, R.............. 752 Greene, R. ,......_j_. . . 868 Greene, R.............. 944 Greene, R........_......945 Greenspan,E. . .... ; ■ • .2278 Greenwood, N. F......... 1144 Greenwood, W. F..........1615 Greep, R. 0.............270 Greep, R. 0.............271 Greep, R. O. . ...........277 Greep, R. 0.............278 Greep, R. 0.............1696 Greep, R. 0.............1697 Greep. R. 0..........2493 Greep, R. 0..........2750 Greer. M. A..........1093 Greer, M. A.....^ , . . . 2871 Gregory, R.............1147 Greif, R. L.............259 Grelfi, C........1827 Grenell, R. G........... 1183 Grenell, R. G........... 1184 Grenet, H............2181 Grenet, B.........., ^ 2182 Griffin, G. E..........2499 Griffith, P. C............692 Grimberg, J. . .-..........225 Griswold, G. C........3299 Grivaux, M............. 198 Grivaux, M......._„. ... 606 Grokoest, A. W..........934 Grokoest, A. W.......... 1546 Grollman, A. .... ...._.. . .415 GroUman, A............ 1227 GroUman, A......._..... 1247 Groot, A. P. de........2409 Gros, G............... 699 Gros, G................1656 Gros, G................1698 Gros, G................1706 Gros, G........._...... 1728 Gros, G,............3027 Grosgurin, J............. .56 Gross, A...............314 Gross, A...............477 Gross, F...............700 Gross, F...............2083 Gross, I. B............ . 1030 Gross, M.............. 685 Gross, S................1598 Grossi, G..............1384 Grossman, CM..........199 Grossman, M. S........2658 Grubschmidt, H. A.......3412 Gubner, R...........2726 Gulzow, M..............1035 Gulzow, M...........2363 Gulzow, M...........2410 Gulzow. M.......... . 2582 Gueniot, M...........2843 Guthert, B......... . . . . 1498 Gulchard, A. ........ t.... . . 388 Gulchard, A...........2120 Guild, R.............2285 Guillemin, J.............1572 Guillemin, R......1951 Guillemin, R.............1699 Guinet, P.............. 1174 Gustina, F. J.............I54g Guterman, B. 3...........471 Guterman, B. S......1998 Guterman, B. S......2000 Gutman, A. B.......1985 Gyory, G. v.......... 510 Gyorgy, P.......... . 2283 Gyorgy, P...........3385 Haas, R.............3413 Haber, A. .... ,......Jflflo Haber, A............3222 Hackel, D. B..........2230 Hadjiski, J...........3151 Baervier, P.............1001 Bager, G. P............ 1285 Bager, G. P.............1286 Haln. A. M...........2624 Hain, A. M...........3257 Bain, K............... 807 Hain, K............ 3005 Haines, W. J............ 493 Haines, W. J........... 1297 Haines, W. J..........3082 Hajdu, 1.............3095 Hajos, M. K.............701 Hakanson, E.Y......1888 Halkerston, I. D. K........587 Halkerston, I. D. K........588 Hall, B.............3011 Hall, C. E..............764 Hall, C. E........1747 Hall, C. £........1748 Ball, C E........1749 Ball, C. E..... . 1750 Ball, C. E............. 2085 Hall, CE...........2231 Hall, CE............ 2232 Hall. C. E........... 2743 Hall, O................753 Hall, 0................2085 Hall,T\C...........2331 Hallberg, L.............870 Hallberg, L.............988 Hallman. L..........2523 Halmagyi. D..........2872 Halvorsen, K.............1700 Hamblen, E.'C.........2883 Hamburger, C...........792 Hamburger, C.........2691 Hamburger, C.........3014 Hamilton, H..........2622 Hamilton, H. B........... 230 Hamilton, H. B.......1830 Hamilton, H. B.........2375 Bammond, C. W........2148 Hampton, H. P...........200 Handler, P.......1838 Hanschke, H..........2431 Hanson, D. A.........2597 Haour, P...............754 Haour, P............... 1186 Haour, P...............1682 Harding, F. E...........1002 Hardwig, R. P.............79 Hare, H. F.......... 2826 Harlton, L. B.........3323 Harkness. D. M........2487 Harris, CM..........3414 Harris, G. W............1191 Harris, G. W.........2844 Harris, G. W. ........2845 Harris. L............3424 Harris, R........j.^.^. 872 Harris, R........«,_,_. 2536 Harris, 8...............70J Harris-Ingle Harris, T.N............702 Harris. W...........2625 Harrison, R. G...........269 Harrison, R. G...........279 Harrison, R. G..........755 Harrison, R. G...........871 Hart, F. D.............809 Hart, V. L.............872 Hartfall, S. J............809 Hartfall, S. J..........872 Hartman, F. A...........416 Hartman, F. A...........417 Hartman, F. A.........1398 Hartman, F. A........ 235B Hartman. F. A.........2392 Hartman, F. A........ 2526 Hartman, F. A.........2527 Hartman, F. A........ 2914 Hartman, F. W......1928 Hartroft, W. S.............95 Harvey, A. M............693 Harvey, A. M............694 Harvey, A. M..........718 Harvey, A. M...........787 Harvey, A. M...........1011 Harvey, R. B......' . . .3238 Hase, H................573 Haterlus, H. 0.........1026 Haterius, H. 0...........1073 Haugaard, N..........2796 Havermark, N. G.........869 Hay, E. C...........2752 Hayano, M...........330S Haydu, G. G.............873 Hayes, R. L.............980 Hayes, R. L.............981 Hayes, R. L.............1138 Hayles, A. B........... 1376 Hayles, A. B............ 1527 Hayles, A. B.............1528 Haymaker, W............174 Haymaker, W........... 1485 Haynes, F. W............2087 Hays.E.E..............576 Hays.H................1701 Hays, H. W.............1074 Hays, H. W.............1621 Hays, H. W.......1761 Headley, N. E...........788 Headley, N. E...........789 Heard, R. D. H...........307 Hechter, 0..............511 Hechter, O.............mi Hechter, 0.............1095 Hechter, 0.............1°96 Hechter, O............."22 Hechter, O............. I197 Hechter, 0............. 1281 Hechter, 0............. 1288 Hechter, 0...........305S -r;-,°........■■■'.■'£ Heck, F.J........ . . . 2302 Hedenius......... „ u ... 615 Hedges, R. N........ Hedinger, C.............171 Hegner, P..............1289 Hegner, P............. 1290 Heilman, D. H...........1097 Heilman, D. H. . .-,.....3213 Heilman, F. R.........2681 Heilmann, P.............662 Beilmeyer, L............727 Heinbecker, P...........1540 Heinbecker, P.......... 1541 Heinbecker, P........... 1542 Heinzelinde Braucourt, C.de. .2531 Helfrich, L. S........3028 Hellbaum, A.............887 Heller, C,G............ 12O8 Heilman, L.............874 Heilman, L.......1988 Heilman, L...........2233 Helmreich, M. L.....1899 Helmreich, M. L........2296 Helper, H. N............607 Helve, 0................36 Helve, O...............i2a Helve, 0...............129 Helve, 0...............359 Helve, 0...............360 Helve, 0...............1131 Hemphill, R. E.........2336 Hemphill, R. E........2825 Hemphill, R. E........3342 Hench, P. S.............633 Hench, P. S.............875 Hench, P. S.............876 Hench, P. S.............877 Hench, P. S.............878 Hench, P. S.............879 Hench, P. 3.............880 Hench, P. 3. . . .'.........952 Hench, P. S..............1474 Hench, P. S..........3006 Henderson, E...............2 Henderson, E............174 Henderson, E............175 Henderson, E............177 Henderson, E.........«j, . 176 Henderson, E............1613 Henderson, J. W......1912 Henderson, J. W......1913 Heni.F................201 Heni, F............... 1343 Heni, F.............2412 Heni, F.............2413 Heni, F............2469 Henly, A. A...........2212 Henneberger, L........3255 Henriques, O. B.....1839 Henriques, S. B.....1839 Herlant, M..............413 Herbut, P. A............193 Herbut, P. A............1510 Herbut, P. A..........3415 Herbert, P. B...........1098 Herbert, P. H.........1099 Herbert, P. H...........1100 Herbert, P. H..........2149 Herbert, P B..........2162 Herbert, S............. 1387 Herlant, M...........2318 Herlant, M...........3113 Hernandez Morales, F......308 Herrault, A.............949 Herrick, E. H............389 Herring, V. V............620 Herring, V. V.........2206 Herrold, E..............1701 Hertz, S............2662 Hertz, S............3017 Herve, A...............434 Hester, J............3416 Heusghem, C............434 Heusghem, C..........3271 Heusser, H...........1314 Hewer, T. F.............387 Hicks, C S.............354 Higgins, G. M............2023 Hildebrand, A. G.......2364 Hildebrandt, F.....1787 Hill, B. R...........2640 Hill, D. F..............883 Hill. D. F...........2567 Hill, R. M............. 1344 Hill, 3. R..............741 Hill, 3. R............2313 Hill, S. R. Jr............857 Hlllman, R. W.............16 Hills, A. G..............28 Bills, A. G..............302 Bills, A. G..............318 Bills, A. G..............319 Hills, A. G..............321 Hills, A. G..............322 Hills, A. G............. 543 HiUs, AG.............1102 Hills, A. G.............1114 Hills. A. G...........3307 Hlnaut, G............. 757 Hingerty, D..........2601 Hinman, F. Jr............478 Hirschmann, F. B.......2647 Hirschmann, H:........2646 Hirschmann, H.........2647 Hirschmann, H.........3332 Hirshfeld, J. W.......... 1208 Hloucal, L..........2288 Hoagland, H.............418 Hoagland, H.............419 Hoagland, H.............1103 Hoagland, H........2337 Hoagland, H..........2338 Hoagland, H...........2339 Hoagland, H...........2345 Hoagland, H...........2346 Hoagland, H.........2347 Hoagland, H..........2348 Hoagland, H..........2349 Hoagland, H..........2491 Hoagland, H..........2492 Hoagland, H..........3144 Hoberman, H. D........2562 Hochfeld, M.............330 Hochfeld, M............881 Hochfeld, M.............882 Hodges, R. E..........2217 Hoefer, P. F. A..........608 Hoefer, P. F. A........2705 Hoser, J............ 2811 Hoff, H.............2341 Hoff, H.............2340 Hoff, B. E............. 1412 Hoffman, J. J.........3418 Hoffman, M. M...........311 Hoffman, M. M...........312 Hoffman, M. M...........1386 Hoffman, M. M........2357 Hoffman, M. M........2365 Hoffman. M. M........2371 Hoffman, M. M........2886 Hoffman, M. M........3380 Hoffman, M. M........3381 Hoffman. M. M........3383 Hoffman, M. M........3384 Hoffman, W. C...........202 Hoffman, W. S...........256 Hoffmann, E. J........2924 Hoffmann, F.............1702 Hoffmann, F..........2924 Hofmann, H.............703 Hohlweg, W.............1622 Holbrook, W. P..........883 Holbrook, W. P........2567 Holland, C. G.........3185 Hollander, V. P..........1282 Hollenhorst, R. W.....1912 Hollenhorst, R. W. ... 1913 Holler, E........... 2406 Holley. W. J..........3419 Holmes. J. M........3420 Holmes, J. M....... 3421 Holmquist, G............1701 Holness, N. J........... 1270 Holtkamp, D. E.......... 1344 Homburger, F...........139 Homburger, F...........232 Homburger, F............296 Homburger, F...........297 Homburger, F...........870 Homburger, F.........2366 Homburger, F.........2468 Homburger, F.........2659 Homburger, F.........2660 Homburger, F.........2692 Hopper, J. J..........3422 Horejsi, J........2288 Horn, A............... 1537 Hor». H. W..........243i Hornlatchevski, M........920 Horrax, G...........282e Horva'th, G......... 2718 Horwitt, B. N........... 1243 Borwltt, B. N........... 1244 Horwitt, B.N............ i838 ■Horwitt, B. N.........2414 Horwitt. B. N.........2696 Horwitt, B. N.........2887 Horwitt, B. N.........3291 Horwitt, B. N.........3292 Horwitt, B. N..... . . . 3293 Hoshiko, T...........3239 Houghton, B. C.........2160 Houot, A...............1199 Houot, A...............1200 Houssay, A. B...........*023 Houssay, A. B...........2024 Houssay, B. A......1795 Houssay, B. A......1796 Houssay, B. A......1813 Houssay, B. A......1814 Houssay, B. A.........2528 Houssay, B. A.........2753 Houston, J..............1026 Houston, J. C..............lo Howard, E..............280 Howard, E...........2555 Howard, J. E.......... 326 Howard, J. E.............361 Howard, J. E.............512 Howard, J. E............693 Howard, J. E.............694 Howard, J. E..........713 Howard, J. E............787 Howard, J. E............1011 Howell, L. P..............73 Howes, E. L........1917 Howes, E. L..........3215 Howes. E. L..........3216 Howes. E. L..........3217 Howlett.J........1950 Hsieh, Kuang-Mei.......2585 Hubble, D..............1543 Huebschmann, P.......... g8 HOgin. W............3172 Hughes, W............. 758 Huidobro, F........ 2234 Huis in't Veld, L. G..... 3284 Huizenga, K. A........3030 Huizenga, K. A........3031 Hume, D. M............ ngj H"me,D. M.............1193 Hume, D. M..........2777 Humerez.J............mQ Hunt, A. D............. J47 Hunt: A. D. Jr...........842 Hunt,A.D.,Jr..........1225 Hunt,A.D.,Jr......... 2305 Hunt, H. D..............471 Hunt, H. D........1997 Bunt, B. D.......igg8 Hunt, H. D.......2000 Hurtado, F............. 8<8 Hurxthal, L. M........2826 Hutchlngs, L. M..........836 Hutchison, H. E.......... n68 Hyde, J.............2266 Hyman, C.......1879 lannaccone, A............720 Igleslas, R............. 1710 Iked»- K...........3423 Imperiale, L. E..... . 309, In«tar. s- H............813 Ingbar.S. H...... , 2176 ^l*. D- J..............327 ,n«le.D-J..............558 Ingle. D. J.............809 Ingle-Kinsell Ingle, D.J............. 610 Ingle, D.J..............611 Ingle, D.J..............621 Ingle, D. J..............420 Ingle, D. J..............1201 Ingle, D.J............. 1248 Ingle, D.J............. 1250 Ingle, D.J............. 1298 Ingle, D.J..............1345 Ingle, D.J............. 1346 Ingle, D.J............. 1347 Ingle, D.J............. 1348 Ingle, D. J............. 1349 Ingle, D. J............. 1350 Ingle, D. J............. 1351 Ingle, D.J............. 1352 Ingle, D.J.............1353 Ingle, D. J.............. 1354 Ingle, D.J.............. 1355 Ingle, D. J............. 1356 Ingle, D. J............. 1357 Ingle, D. J..............1601 Ingle, D.J.......1815 Ingle, D. J.......2001 Ingle, D.J............2002 Ingle, D. J...........2010 Ingle, D.J............2126 Ingle, D. J...........2183 Ingle, D.J............2282 Ingle. D. J...........2368 Ingle, D. J...........2415. Ingle. D. J...........2416 Ingle, D. J...........2417 Ingle, D. J...........2418 Ingle, D. J...........2419 Ingle. D. J...........2420 Ingle. D. J...........2516 Ingle, D. J...........2546 Ingle, D. J...........2754 Ingle, D. J...........2916 Ingle, D. J...........3032 Ingle, D. J...........3033 Ingram, W. R......1777 Ingram, W. R......1792 Isaacson, J. E.Jr.........1704 Ishmael, W. K...........887 Israel, E...............888 ItB, M................ 1228 ItO. M.............2421 ItS.Y................ 1291 Ivory, H. S............. 1202 Jacobl, M.................9 Jacobi, M............3424 Jacobs. FA............ 1255 Jacobs, L............2184 Jacobs, M..............1535 Jacobs. M...........2509 Jacobs, M. D.............53 Jacobs, M. D............666 Jacobs. M. D.........2508 Jacobs. M. D..........2«12 Jacobs, MO............1090 Jacobs, W...............2056 Jacobsen.A.W...........«9 Jacobsen, R. P...........1288 Jacobsohn, D..........2323 Jacobson, B...............21 Jacobson, B. M.......... 1511 Jacobus, L...........3433 Jacquet,M..............2071 Jaffe, B................1646 Jaffe, H............3250 Jaffe, H............3275 Jaffe, 1................309 Jaffe, L................1722 Jager, B. V.............557 Jager, H. V.............596 Jager, H. V. ......... . 628 Jailer, J. W............. lie Jailer, J. W.............666 Jailer, J. W.............979 Jailer, J. W..........2622 Jailer, J. W..........2755 Jailer, J. W.......... 2756 Jamar.J...............704 Janda, G. W...........2150 Jarpa, 3............... 328 Jaudon, J. C.............Ill Jaudon, J. C.............362 Jaudon, J. C............ 363 Jauregul, G. R...........612 Jauregul, G. R............663 Jauregul, G. R...........1080 Jayesuria, L. W......1929 Jayle, M. F.............248 Jayle, M. F.............999 Jeanloz, R............. 1288 Jeffrey, M. R............892 Jeffries, J. W........... 1352 Jeffries, W. M.........1585 Jeffries, W. M........ 2471 Jeffries, W. M.........2472 Jeffries. W. M.........2529 Jelfnek, M..............203 Jelfnek, M..............204 Jenkins, B. J..........2268 Jens, R.............2342 Jensen, H...............449 Jensen, H..............1027 Jensen, H............2125 Jensen, B............2126 Jessup. E. C..........3412 Jimenez Dfaz, C..........130 Jimenez Diaz, C..........137 Jonsson, B...........3018 JShsson, B...........3425 Johnson, A. D............1695 Johnson, C. W...........857 Johnson, L. G........... 713 Johnson, L. G...........942 Johnson. L. G.........2371 Johnson. L. G.........2556 Johnson. L. G.........2719 Johnson. R. E.........3097 Johnson, R. M.............42 Johnson, R. M............313 Johnson, R. M...........333 Johnson, R. B............493 Johnson, S..............1095 Johnston, B. J.........3079 Johnston, G. W.............78 Johnston, G. W...........126 Johnston, G. W...........127 Johnston, G. W...........306 Johnston, M. W...........599 Johnston, M.W.....1810 Johnstone, J. W...........661 Jona8, V................57 Jonas', V...............203 Jonis, V...............204 Jones, A. D............ 1457 Jones, B. F..............457 Jones, B. F..........2927 Jones, B. V.............364 Jones, B. V............. 664 Jones, G. E. S.........3251 Jones, I. C............ 281 Jones, I. C..............421 Jones, I. C...........2493 Jones. I. C...........2750 Jones, I. C...........2757 Jones, I. C...........2758 Jones. I. 3..............1203 Jones, I. S..............1212 Jones, M. H..........3101 Jordan, P. H..........2763 Joseph, M...........2543 Joseph, N. R............937 Joseph, H.............. 459 Joseph, S...............1026 Joseph, S............2586 Juanes, A................38 Jucker, S...............205 Judge, D.J............. 378 Julllen, J...............889 Jungmann, H.............97 Junkmann, K.............575 Jurmand, 3. H...........734 Justln-Besancon, L........728 Kabat, E. A.......1948 Kachakian, C. D......1889 Kadota, K........1999 Kahl, R............... 1656 Kaiser, K................58 Kallsen, R. A...........1107 Kalman, C...........2435 Kaltman, A. J.........3008 Kandra'c'. M..........2359 Kane, S.............2691 Kaplan, W..............1645 Kappert, A...........2289 Karady, S.......1890 Kark, R. M..........2574 Kark, R. M..........3097 Kamofsky, D. A........2008 Karp, H. W...........2623 Kasich, M...........3426 Kasman, L. P.........3175 Kass, E. H............. 613 Kass, E. H...........2176 Katsh, G. F.............276 Katsh, G. F..........3068 Katsh. G. F..........3212 Kattus, A. A.............693 Kattus, A. A..........718 Kattus, A. A. . r.......787 Kattus, A. A............1011 Katura, E............1399 Katz. B.............2483 Katz, J. ...... . 1992 Katz, L. N...........2536 Katz. L. N...........3034 Katz. L. N...........3035 Katzln, B............2436 Katzman, P. A.........3265 Kaufman, E. H.........2424 Kaufman,. J. -G.........3427 Kaufman, M. S.........2873 Kaufman, S...........3255 Kaufmann, H............834 Kaufmann, M..........1886 Kazmin, V. E........... 1264 Kazmin, V. E.........2886 Kazmin, V. E.........3382 Kazmin. V. E.........3384 Keating, F. R., Jr...........71 Keating, F. R., Jr.........251 Keating, F. R., Jr......3173 Keating, F. R., Jr.......3174 Keefer, CS............ 1435 Keele. C. A...........3088 Kehl, R................1888 Kehl, R................1705 Kehl, R................1728 Keith, N. M...........2235 Keller, A. D..........2759 Keller, A. D..........2760 Kelley, V. C..........2425 Kelley. W. H...........3438 Kellgren, J. H...........809 Kellgren, J. H...........890 Kellner, A..............1170 Kember, C. F............206 Kemmerer, A. R.........883 Kemmerer, A. R.......2567 Kendall, E. C............282 Kendall, E.C............283 Kendall, E. C............422 Kendall, E. C............633 Kendall, E. C...........878 Kendall, E. C............879 Kendall, E. C............880 Kendall, E.C...........952 Kendall, E.C...........1070 Kendall, E.C........... 1229 Kendall, E. C........... 1230 Kendall, E.C........... 1231 Kendall, E.C........... 1258 Kendall, E. C........... 1292 Kendall, E.C........... 1293 Kendall, E. C........____1367 Kendall, E. C........... 1436 Kendall, E.C............1602 Kendall, E.C......1817 Kendall,E.C........... 2019 Kendall, E.C..........2259 Kendall. EC.........2494 Kendall, E. C.........2576 Kendall. E. C.........2681 Kendall. E. C.........3006 Kenigsberg. S.........3313 Kennedy, B. H.........2266 Kennedy, B. J.........2648 Kennedy, B. J.........2719 Kent, L. F..............883 Kent, L. J...........2567 Kenyon, A. T............207 Kenyon. A. T..........329 Kenyon. A. T.........3073 Kenyon, T. J.............1578 Kepi, M.............2185 Kepler, E. J...............tl Kepler, E. J..............71 Kepler, E.J..............80 Kepler, E. J..............81 Kepler, E.J..............83 Kepler, E. J..............86 Kepler, E. J.............136 Kepler, E. J.............140 Kepler, E.J.............141 Kepler, E. J.............161 Kepler, E. J.............181 Kepler, E.J.............208 Kepler, E. J.............251 Kepler, E. J............ 1500 Kepler, E. J............ 1523 Kepler, E.J.............1533 Kepler, E. J.............1544 Kepler, E. J.............1571 Kepler, E.J.............1574 Kepler, E.J............ 1575 Kepler, E. J..........2650 Kepler, E. J..........2855 Kepler, E. J..........3252 Kepler, E. J.......... 3313 Kerkln, M..............554 Kersley, G. D...........809 Kersley, CD...........891 Kersley, G. D...........892 Kessler, M...........2123 Keutmann, E. H..........148 Keutmann, E. H..........1330 Keutmann, E. H..........1554 Keutmann, E. B..........1557 Keutmann, E. B.........2262 Keyes, G. H..........2425 Khan, R. A............. 1294 Klbedl-Varga, L............98 Kiblakov, A. V.........2712 Klefer, J. H..........2651 Killian. S............3035 Killian, S. T..........3034 Kincaid, R. KV...........1736 King. H. D...........2683 King. J. T...........2674 King, N. B...........1861 King, N. B...........3315 Kinney, T. D..........2230 Kinsell, L. W..............2 Kinsell, L. W............175 KlnseU-U Kinsell, L. W............176 Kinsell, L. W.............177 Kinsell, L. W............ 614 Kinsell, L. W............615 Kinsell, L. W........... 649 Kinsell, L. W...........893 Kinsell, L. W............1559 Kinsell, L. W............1613 Kinsell, L. W..........2268 Kinsell, L. W.........3198 Kinsman. J. M.........3428 Kirketerp. P..........3429 Kirkman, H...........2682 Kirschbaum, A.........2644 Kirschbaum, A.........2645 Kirschbaum, A.........2680 Klein, D............2388 Klein, R............... 346 Klein, R............347 Klein, R...............688 Kleinberg, W............1164 Kleinberg, W..........3050 Kline, R. F...........3185 Klinge, F...............390 Klotz, 3................223 Klyne, W.............. 1270 Klyne. W............3083 Knowlton, A. 1...........116 Knowlton, A. 1...........1148 Knowlton, A. 1...........1149 Knowlton, A. 1........... 1158 Knowlton, A. 1.......... 1458 Knowlton, A. 1............1706 Knowlton, A. 1...........1712 Knowlton, A. 1.........2622 Knowlton, K.............207 Knowlton. K..........3073 Koch, F.C..............562 Koch, F. C.............991 Koch, V.N.......1930 Kochakian, CD...... . . . . 1557 Kochakian, C. D.....1891 Kochakian, C. D......1892 Kochakian, CD........2009 Kochakian, CD........3332 Kocsls, J. J.......... 876 Koechlln, B. A............1295 Kohler, V..............131 Kohler, V..............«M Kohler, V..............1°38 Kohler, V...............KM Kohler, V..............1104 Kohler, V.......1828 Kohler, V.......1931 Kohler, V...........2368 KOhler, V...........2427 KShler. V...........2428 KOhler, V...........2429 KShler. V...........2"° • 2431 KOhler, V........... Koelsche, G. A..........1°00 Koepf,G. F...............90 Koepf, G. F...........38J Koepf, G. F.............457 Koepf, G. F.............479 Koepf, O. F..........2432 Koepf, G. F..........2434 Koepf, G. F..........2927 Koepf. G. F..........3130 Koets, P...............768 Koets, P.............827 Koizumi, B..............431 Koizumi, H............ 1252 Koneff, A. A.............816 Koneff, A. A............ 617 Konzett, H............. 1143 Kopoldovi, J.............1038 Kopp, L. J..............1255 Kopp, L. J...........2446 Korenchevsky, V......... 674 Korenyi, Z..........1657 Korenyi, Z...........2333 Korenyi, Z...........3095 Koster, H...........317S Kottke, F. J..........3131 Kotz, J.............2873 Kowalewski, K..........365 Kowalewski, K...........676 Kowalewski, K..........676 Kozlow, C. P............1026 Kraft, M...............366 Krahl, M. E..........2447 Kraintz, F. W.........2483 Kramer, H. F.............16 Kranes, A................21 Krediet, G........... 665 Kreiss, R. E........ . 2540 Krevsky, D.......1999 Krlss, J. P..............155a Kiistan, J. J...............88 Kristan, J. J..............82 Kritchevsky, T. H........ 1295 Kritchevsky, T. H.......1296 Krueger, E............. 1714 Krupp, M. A.............614 Krupp, M. A............893 Kubicek, W. G. . . ... 3131 Kuchmelster, H........2290 Kuhlman, D..........2434 Kuhn, J. F..............887 Kuizenga, M. H........493 Kuizenga, M. H.......... 1201 Kuizenga, M. H........1249 Kuizenga, M. H........J250 Kuizenga, M. B.......... 1256 Kuizenga, M. H........1297 Kuizenga, M. B......... 1298 Kuizenga, M. B......... 1349 Kuizenga, M. H......... 1353 Kuizenga, M. H.......1355 Kuizenga, M. H........ 1356 Kuizenga, M. H......1816 Kuizenga, M. H.........2010 Kuizenga. M. H........2419 Kunkel, B. G..........2284 Kupperman, H. S......... 2038 Kupperman, H. 3.........2039 Kurz,E. R. B..............16 Kuscu, T.............. 1455 Kuttner, A. G....... . . 3008 Kuzell, W. C............768 Kuzell, W. C............895 Kyle, L. H...........2761 Laat, B. M. de.......3284 Labauge, R..............197 Labbe..............2186 Labbe, R................121 Lacqueur, G. L...........618 Ladell. W. S. S........3186 Ladet, M............2189 Laff argue, P.............344 Lafoniaine, A............367 Lahlrl, S. C...........2187 Lalpply, T. C.............60 Lake, C F.............1000 Laland, 3. G............ 1300 Lambert, P. P...........209 Lambert, P. P...........960 Lambert, P. P...........961 Lambert, P. P.........2239 Lambert, P. P.........2531 Lambret, 0.............423 Lambret, 0.............1160 Lamotte-Barrillon, 8...... 1304 Landau. R. L.........3073 Landauer, W............1359 Landgrebe, F. W.......2851 Landls, E. M............1707 Landolt, R. F............325 Landolt, R. F........... 498 Landolt, R. F............499 Landry. V. E..........3444 Landsberg, M............896 Landsberg, M............897 Lang, W. R.............. 99 Lange, C.de............1194 Lange, C. de........... 1550 Langeron, L........... 1501 Langeron, L..........2240 Langeron, L..........2241 Lange-Sundermann.......2874 Langley, L. L.........3132 Langley, L. L.........3133 Langullle, M..........2168 Lapln.J. B............ 1400 Laplane, R..............172 Laqueur, H. P.........2612 Laragh, J. H...........1105 Lardon, A............. 1274 Lardon, A............. 1301 Lardon, A..............1841 Lardon, A..............1642 Largula, A. E............368 Larizza.P...............37 Larlzza, P............ 1401 Laroche, O...............61 Laroche, G...........125 Laroche, G..............330 Laroche, G.............898 Laroche, G...........2547 Larralncl, E............1078 Last. J. H...........2763 Last, J. H...........3134 Latour, H..............196 Latour, H.............. 197 Lattes, R........1917 Lattes. R............3217 Laubscher, W.........2875 Laudanl, A...........3097 Laufman, B.......1932 Laundrie, B.......1821 Law, L. W...........2269 Lawrence, G. H........2907 Lawrence, J. 3...........1124 Lawson, H. A..............12 Layani, F..............729 Lay ani, F..............899 Leaf, A.............2496 Leathem.J. B............480 Leathem, J. H...........1039 Leathem.J. H............1633 Leathem, J. H............1709 Leathem, J. H......1767 Leavltt, P...............62 Leblond, C.P............764 Lebrun, J.............. 412 Lebrun, J............nsg Lebrun, J............2239 Lebrun, J...........2531 Le Cluyse, R......1933 LeCompte, P. M.........391 Lecomte, G.............1486 Lederer, J...............13 Lederer, J.............. . 900 Leduc, J.......1951 Leduc, J.............. 2077 Leduc, J............... 2078 Lee, W. E.............. 1205 Lee, W. E............. 1206 Leger, H...............1504 Leger, J...............705 Le Goarant de Tromelln .... 2071 Lehmann, J. B...........1695 Lehotzky, P. v.........389 Lei, H. P........1803 Leln.J................1621 Leiphart. CD.........3445 Letter, L............2233 Leith, W...............705 Le Malstre, C.........2199 LeMay, M........1948 Leonard, M. F............63 Leonard, M. F...........112 Lerman, J...............29 Leroy, P..............424 Lesh, J. B..............578 Lesnlck, G............. 1535 Lesnick, G...........2509 Leupln. E...........3399 Leupln, E............2433 Leusen, 1........1806 LeVay, D........ .....872 LeVay, D..............901 LeVay, D..............902 Levedahl, B. H.....1899 Levedahl, B. H.........2296 Leven, R...............998 Lever, W............3016 Lever, W. F..........2716 Lever, W. F..........2717 Levin, L...............425 Levin, L...............1220 Levin, L............2271 Levin, L............2532 Levin., d.............. UM Levin, M. H. . ..........."71 Levine, H..............306 Levine, R..............471 Levine, R.............. 840 Levine, R........1(96 Levine, R............1997 Levine, R........1998 Levine, R........1999 Levine, R.......2000 Levine, R............220"' Levine, S............2633 Levine, 3. Z.............380 Levine, S. Z............ 867 Leviton, L. R.........J414 Levitt, M. F..........2226 Levitt, M. F..........2227 Levrat, M...........210 Levy, A...............196 Levy, B............... 1288 Levy, M. D...............92 Levy, M. 3...............83 Lewin, E...............903 Lewis, H. L.............485 Lewis, B. L.............628 Lewis, L. A..............39 Lewis, L. A..............40 Lewis, L. A..............41 Lewis, L. A.............216 Lewis, L. A.............494 Lewis, L. A. ...........no6 Lewis, L. A............ 1251 Lewis, L. A.............i520 Lowla. L. A.............1823 Lewis, L. A.............1848 Lewis, L. A...........2151 Lewis. L. A..........2914 Lewis, M. R.......... 2683 Lewis, R. A.............149 Lewis, R. A.............202 Lewis, R. A.............348 Lewis, R. A............ 347 Lewis, R. A.............382 Lewis, R. A.............457 Lewis, R. A.............668 Lewis, R. A............ 1411 L**1". R. A............ 1502 Lewis, R. A.......1774 Lewis. R. A..........2434 Lewis, R. A..........2511 Lewis, R. A..........2 524 Lewis, R. A..........2927 U,C B............. . 561 U,C H... ^............565 Li. C. H............568 Li. C. H.............577 Li. C. H..........578 Li, C. H............ 579 Li. C. H. ....... 580 Li, C. H............ 581 Li. C H........... 582 LI. C. H.............583 Ll.C H..............609 L1,C. H...............610 Li,C H...............611 Ll.C. H...............614 Li,C H...............615 Li,C. H..............619 Li,C. H..............620 L1,C. H................621 Ll.C H...............622 L1,C. H...............623 LI, C B...............893 Li, C. H...............911 LI, C. H...............1020 LI, C H...............1021 Li, C. B...............1040 Li, C. B...............1041 LI, C H...............1111 Li. C. H............1179 Li. C H............1303 Li, C. H........1820 LI, C.H........1822 Li,C. H............2002 L1,C. H.............200-1 LI,C. H............2013 LI, C. B.............2017 Li. C. H............2253 Li. C. H............'-282 Li,C. H.............2291 Li, C. H............2420 Li. C. H............2435 Li, C H............2516 Li. C. H............2533 Li. C. H............2540 Li. C H............2544 Li, C. H............2754 Li, C. H............2765 Li, C. H............2912 Li, C. H...........2916 Li. C H............3193 Li. C. H............3333 Lian, C................106 Lian.C...............211 Liang, T. Y.............629 Liang, T. Y............ 994 Lichtwitz, A.............904 Lichtwitz, A............ 1304 Lieberman, S........... 1301 Lieberman. S..........2637 Lieberman, S.........2638 Lieberman, S.........2639 Lieberman. S.........2640 Lieberman, S.........3285 Lieberman, S.........3286 Lieberman, S.........3295 Lieberman. S........3321 Lieberman. S.........1322 Lieberman, S.........3323 Llefmann, R............770 Llefmann, R............905 Liefooghe, J...........2240 Liefooghe, J..........2241 Lievre, J. A.............730 Lievre, J. A............906 Lievre, J. A.............907 Lievre, J. A.......1987 Liling, M............2580 Limmer, K. A........2709 Lindeux ................ 35 Lindsay, J. W.........3430 Linnell, W. H........... 1294 Linnell, W. H........... 1305 Lipschutz, A............1710 Lipschutz, A.............1711 Lipschutz. A..........2684 Liu, T. Y............2527 Livierato, E..........3335 Llobregat, N..............39 Lloyd, C. W..........3324 Lloyd, C. W..........3325 Lobotsky, J........3324 Lobotsky. J..........3325 Locke, W............3252 Loeb, E. N............. 1140 Loeb, E. N............. 1149 Loeb, E. N..............1458 Loeb, E.N.............1706 Loeb, E.N............. 1712 Loeb, R. F...............14 Loeb, R. F..............124 Loeb, R. F...............212 Loeb, R. F..............310 Loeb, R. F............. 650 Loeb, R. F............. 1158 Loeb, R. F.............ie83 Loeb, R. F.............1713 Loeb, R. F..............1732 Loehner, C. A.......... 1402 Logemann, W........... 1322 Lojkln, E...............1724 London, F............. 984 Long, C N. H...........345 Long, C. N. H............393 Long.C. N. H............426 Long,C. N. H............427 Long, C N. H............428 Long, C. N. H............429 Long, C N. H........... 455 Long, C N. H......... . 48E Long, C. N. H............589 Long, C N. H............590 Long, C. N. H........... 628 Long, C N. H............629 Long, C N. H........... 630 Long, C. N. H...........994 Long.C. N. H.........2193 Long, C. N. K.........2370 Long, C. N. H........2436 Long, C. N. H.........2764 Long. C. N. H.........3138 Long,D. A..............706 Long, D. A............. 1306 Long, J. B............2153 Long, M. E.............284 Long, M. E..........2791 Long, W. P............. 1283 Long, W. P.............1284 Long, W. P.............1307 Longstreth, H. P........3260 Longwell, B. B...........1344 Loomis, E...........2581 Lopes Netto, J...........1117 Lopes Netto, J...........1375 Lopez Esnaurrizar, M......908 Lopez Ruiz, F...........137 Lopez Toca, R.........2279 Lorusso, G.............1079 Loube.S. D........1846 Louchard, J...........2218 Louis, L. H.............59s Louis, L. H......igio Louis, L. H.......1811 Louis, L. H.......iggi Louis, L. H.......1992 Louis, L. H..........2738 Louyot, P..............731 Louyot, P..............1042 Lovell, H. W...........689 Lovell, R. G..........717 Lowell, A............... 1158 Lowenstein, B. E.........1165 Lowenstein, B. E.........1466 Lowenstein, B. E.......2867 Lowenstein, B. E.......3249 Lowery, R. D............973 Lowrie, W. L.............64 Lowry, C. F............732 Loxton, G. E............872 Loxton, G. E............901 Loxton, C. E......... 902 Loxton. G. E..........909 Loynes, J. S..........2036 Lubschez, R............ 607 Lucadon, W. von..........481 Lucherini, T............ 213 Luclen-Levy............910 Ludden, J. B.............1714 Ludewig, S..............1221 Luetscher, J. A..........1043 Luetscher, J. A...........1628 Luetscher, J. A........1877 Luetscher, J. A......1878 Luft, R.................84 Luft, R................132 Luft, R................331 Luft, R.............583 Luft, R................721 Luft, R................911 Luft, R................1089 Luft, R................1151 Luft, R...............1152 Luft, R................1154 Luft, R............... 1534 Luft,R.................159i Luft, R................,592 Luft, R.........1888 Luft, R.............2813 Lund, A............... 1132 Lush, B................849 Lydon, F. L.......1952 Lyons. H. A..........2713 Lyster, 3. C............ 1298 McAlpine, H. T.......... 311 McAlpine, H. T........2357 McAlpine, H. T........2365 McAlpine, H. T........2371 McAlpine, H. T........3383 McAlpine, H. T........3384 McArthur, J. W......1823 Macaulay, M. H. 1.......2851 McBride, T. J...........806 MacBryde, CM...........105 MacBryde, CM..........133 MacBryde, CM..........214 MacBryde, CM..........370 MacBryde, CM..........1360 MacBryde, CM....... 2437 MacBryde, CM........3276 McCabe, G. E...........857 McCabe, M.............1693 McCawley, E. L..........1183 McCawley, E. L........1184 McClure, E.C...........957 McCracken, D.........2653 McCrory, W...........842 McCrory, W..........1225 McCrory, W...........2305 McCrory, W. W..........647 McCullagh, E. P.......... sg McCullagh, E. P...........40 McCullagh, E. P...........41 McCullagh, E. P........ 65 McCullagh, E. P..........162 McCullagh, E. P..........215 McCullagh, E. P..........216 McCullagh, E. P..........217 McCullagh, E. P......... 1530 McCullagh, E. P........1623 McDermott, W........ 2199 McDermott, W. V.......2764 Macdougall, A. 1........2606 McEwen, C...........3008 MacFarland, W. E.........430 MacFarlane, L. R. S.........76 McGavack, T. B...........197 McGavack, T. H..........108 McGavack, T. H..........134 McGavack, T. H..........yjQ McGavack, T. H..........218 McGavack, T. H..........218 McGavack, T. H........ 220 McGavack, T. H..........221 McGavack, T. H..........222 McGavack, T. H..........223 McGavack, T. H..........332 McGavack, T. H..........876 McGavack, T. H.........677 McGavack, T. H........3294 McGavack, T H........3312 MacGilpln, H............857 Mach . . ."..............913 Mach.E...............1405 Mach, R. S..............224 Mach, R. S..............274 Mach, R. S.............912 Mach. R. S............. 1403 Mach, R. 3............. 1404 Mach, R. S............. 1405 Mach, R. S....... 2588 Mclnnes, G. F...........1025 Mcintosh, H. W...........3H Mcintosh, B. W...........312 Mclntyre, W. K.......... 661 McKay, D. G......... 282g McKay, E. M......18J1 MacKay, E. M.........2386 McKee, R. W........2439 McKelvey, J. L...........135 MacKenzie, D. W......2719 McKibbin, J. M...........272 MacLachlan, E. A.........144 MacLachlan, E. A.........254 McLean, J M...........1092 MacLeod, L. D...........406 MacLeod, L. D........3043 McLetchle, N. G. B........1503 McLetchle, N. G. B.........1576 MacMlllan, R. J..........ug McNamara, B............349 McNamara, H........... 85g McNee, J. W.............54a McNee, J. W............ 54g McQuarrie, 1...........42 McQuarrie, I..........313 McQuarrie, 1..........333 McQuarrie, 1..........1044 McQuarrie, 1............1045 McQuarrie, I............ ngg McQuarrie, 1..........1997 McQuarrie, 1..........2127 Maculla, E.......1758 Maddaloni, F..........2686 Madden- W............. 1232 Mage.E.................jg Magne.J. . ...............g6 Magnol, R............. 1406 Magrini, A...............43 Mahoudeau, D...........75] Mahoudeau, D.......... 757 Mahoudeau, D........... ig88 Mahoudeau, D.........2180 Majo, 3. de..... m4 Majumder, D. N..........722 Majumder, D. N..........1046 Mallory, T. B.............21 Malmejac, F............3^ Maloney, M. A.........3097 Mamelok, A. E.........3418 Mamou, H............ 225 Maniel- L..............891 Mandel, L........... 892 Manges. W. E.........3415 Mann, W. A......1914 Many, A. S.......... i372 Maral, P............2196 Maranconi, B. A........3410 Marche, J..............914 Marconi, G.............482 Marconi, G.............513 Mardsen, C. W.....i878 Margen, S..............614 Margen-Nezamis ' Margen, S..............615 | Margen, 3..............893 Margen, S............. 1559 Margolin, 3. G...........151 Margolis, B. M......1988 Margulis, R. R......1915 Margulis, R. R. •.....1916 Marina, C..............130 Marine, D..............399 Mark, J............... 1141 Mark, J............... 1716 Markee, J. E.........2846 Markham, M. J........2715 Markson, D. E...........653 Markson, D. E...........915 Markson, D. E......1914 Marlow, A. A...........1107 Marmorston, J.....'. . . . 2192 Marmorston, J.........2553 Marmorston, J.........2554 Marmorston, J.........3231 Marquezy, R. A.........2188 Marquezy, R. A........2189 Marrlan, G. F...........773 Marrian, G. F.........3086 Marsden, A. T. B......1929 Marsh, J. B..........2796 Marsh, J. D..............226 Marshall, C W.......... 1288 Marshall, C. W.......... 1308 Marshall, E. K. Jr........787 MarteUi, F.............1545 Martens, S. G. R..........1717 Martensson, J.............** Martin, C. R............371 Martinet, M...........987 Martinet, M............ 1245 Martinet, M............ 1246 Martinet, M............ 1342 Martinet, M.............1690 Martinet, M............1691 Martinet. M..........3303 Martinez, C.......180/i Martinez, C.............2054 Martini, V...........2440 Martins Barbosa, J..... 3431 Marvin, B. N............502 Marx.W...............568 Marx, W...............1179 Marx, W............2013 Marx. W............2765 Mas.P................197 Maschas, H.......1923 Maschas, H...........2171 Mason, H. L...............80 Mason, H. L.............161 Mason, H. L............ 250 Mason, H. L.............252 Mason, H. L............ 623 Mason, H. L............ 633 Mason, H. L............ I309 Mason, H. L............ I316 Mason. H. L..........1500 Mason, H. L....... .....i524 Mason, H. L............1527 ..•11 1528 Mason, H. L.......... Mason, H. L.............1575 Mason, H. L.......1823 Mason, H. L.......1935 Mason, H. L..........2214 Mason, H. L..........2456 Mason, H. L..........2655 Mason, H. L..........3087 Mason, H. L..........3313 Mason, H. L..........3315 Mason, H. L..........3327 Mason, H. L..........3328 Mason, H. L..........3328 Mason, H. L..........3330 Mason, H. L..........3332 Mason, H. L..........3333 Massell, B. F..........741 Massell, B. F..........91$ Massell, B. F.........2313 Massell, B. F.........3009 Massell, B. F.........3010 Massell, B. F.........3011 Masson, G. M. C.........1718 Masson, G. M. C.........1719 Masson, G. M. C.......3219 Mathers, G..............135 Mathers, N.............1577 Mathews, K. P.........717 Mathieson, D. R..........633 Mathieson, D. R..........1621 Mathieson, D. R.....1935 Mathieu de Fossey, B........49 Mathieu de Fossey, B.......182 Mathieu de Fossey, B.......304 Matisseck, H..............15 Matta, G.............. 917 Mattar, E.........3039 Mattelni, M.............2093 Matuba, M..............315 Matuba, M..............431 Matuba, M............. 1252 Mauer, H...............1036 Mauer, H............2369 Mauriac, B.............1504 Mautz, F. R..........2487 Mautz. F. R.......... 2499 May, V................899 Mayer, M. M............1031 Maynard, E. P., Jr..........16 Maytum, C. K...........1000 Mazur, A...............2049 Means, B..............1511 Medwedewa, N...........2040 Mehrling, J. H.........3434 Meier, R...............372 Meier, R...............1624 Meiklejohn, A. P.....1953 Meisinger, M. A. P........569 Meisinger, M. A. P.......791 Melicow, M. M........ 1505 Melicow. M. M.........2631 Mellgren. J..........2766 Mellish, C. B........... I382 Mello, M. 1.............495 Mello, M. 1.............1253 Mello, M. 1............ 1361 Mello, M. 1...........1362 Mellors, R. C.........2487 Melosi.E............2294 Mendive, J. R..........584 Mendive, J. R..........585 Meneghello, J.........3432 Menkin, V..............1213 Menkin, V..............1214 Melicow, M. M.........2632 Mentha, J...........2442 Menthe, J. W............775 Menzel, W..............1047 Merck (t Co., Inc.......1439 Merkin, M............. 544 Merkin, M...........2731 Merlo, P............2656 Merrill, A. J..........3200 Merritt, H. H.........2707 Meschenmoser, M........ 1506 Metzger, H.............1506 Meyer, D........1917 Meyer, K.............. 1203 Meyer, K.............. 1212 Meyer, K.............. isn Meyer, K............3215 Meyer, K............3216 Meyer, K...........3217 Meyer, R. K............1118 Meyler, L...............1385 Meystre, C............ 1312 Meystre, C.............1643 Mezzettl-Panozzl, E.......796 Michael, P...........2272 Michael, P...........3433 Michaels, G.............451 Michaels, G. D...........614 Michaels, CD...........615 Michaels, CD...........893 Mlchard, J. . . :........ 1145 Michotte, L.............918 Michotte, L.............919 Michotte, L.............920 Miescher, K............ 1312 Mlescher, K.............1643 Migeon.G..............1254 Mlgnanl.E............. 482 Mignani.E............. 513 Milanes, F...........2279 Miles, A. A.............706 Miles, A. A.............1306 Mllhorat, A. T............1605 Milhorat, A. T.........2607 Milla, E............2443 Milla. E............2534 Miller, A. M..........2444 Miller, A. T., Jr.......3187 Miller, E. S.........2517 Miller, E. S..........25i8 Miller, E. S..........2519 Miller, H. C............i669 Miller, H. C.............1720 Miller, R. A............432 Miller, R. A............ 567 Miller, R. A............ 1363 Miller de Paiva, L........651 Milliez.J...............2071 Millikan, C H........, 2706 Millot, J................66 Milne, J................1048 Mininni-Montesano, N.....3403 Mintzberg, J.......1752 Mirick, G. S..........2154 Mirick, G. 3..........2164 Miro'-Quesada C. , O. . ." . . .2687 Mirouze, J..............771 Mirouze, J..............772 Mirsky.I. A.......1846 Mlsgeld, F. J............921 Mitchell, E.R............457 Mitchell, E. R.........2927 Mlxter, G.,Jr............H98 Moehlig, R............. 1722 Moehlig, R. C.............17 Moehlig, R. C.........2608 Mpiler-Christensen. E. . . . 3051 Moffett, R. B........... 1320 Mohnike, G.............1525 Mohnike, G.......1797 Molnecourt, J..........2196 Moll, H. H..............1003 Mollard, H.......ig23 Mollard, B......... . . . 2171 Molomut, N..........306O Molomut, N..........3222 Monachlno, J. V..........1447 Monfort. J. A.........3434 Montanari, L............634 Montgomery, M. M........937 Montigel, C..........2445 Montigel, C..........2461 Montmollin, B. de........1507 Moon, H. D.............624 Moon. H. D....... . . .3190 Moore, D. H............1031 Morato Manaro, J.........1078 Morato Manaro, J........ 1490 Morato Manaro, J.........1723 Morelli, A..............922 Mores. A. Z........ . , 3435 Morgan, A. F............373 Morgan, A. F............442 Morgano, G...........3335 Morpurgo, E..........2333 Morris, C. J. 0.........2212 Morris, C J. O. R.......586 Morris, P............586 Morris, R. S.,Jr........2197 Morros Sarda, J..........433 Morse, A.............. 273 Morse, A..............984 Morton, B. F............«56 Moseley. A. J.........3200 Moses, F. E..........1882 Moszkowska. A........2767 Mote, J. R..............483 Moya.F........1845 Moya, F............27,69 Moyes, E. N..........1075 Mudge,G. B............ 116 Miller, H..............1104 Munich, W...........2369 Mule, F...............1049 Mule, F............2190 Mulinos, M..............1724 Mulinos, M. G......1758 Mullins. L. J.........2496 Munden, K...........1440 Mundy, W. L..........3207 Munson, P. L............562 Munson, P. L...........991 Munson, P. L.........2749 Munson, P. L.........2853 Muntoni. E..........3176 Muntwyler, E.........2487 Muntwyler, E.........2499 Muraz............... 1448 Murdock, H. R.........2708 Murlson, P. J........2696 Murphy, A. P..............67 Murphy, J. B..........2273 Murphy, J. B..........2274 Murphy, L....... ... 2172 Murphy, L...........2173 Murphy, R. G..............12 Muschenheim, C........2199 Mushett, C. W.........2580 Musslo Founder, J. C.....163 Myers, G. N............809 Nashat, F..............897 National Research Council. Div. of Medical Sciences. . . 1233 Nav»- G............3242 Naylor. F. L..........2853 Necheles, B.......1755 Needham, D. M........2385 Ne... t ." ^>- iWte rai'fii.'Paip Ofii