M.S. ARMY MEDICAL LI3RARY Reference Division LOWER NEPHRON NEPHROSIS Selected references in English, French and German, 1940-1950) Compiled by Marjory 0. Spencer Washington, D# C» 1 February 1952 A rch. Z WJ 340 \952- C 5 4RMLD FORCES MEDICAf LIBRARY WASHINGTON, 0. C. LOWER NEPHRON NEPHROSIS The few annotations were intended to direct the original user of the list fc<9 material of specific interest to him, 1. Abbott, W. E. and Shea, P, The treatment of temporary renal insufficiency (uremia) by peritoneal lavage. Am, J« II. Sc, 1946, 211: 312-319. (Authors state that patients suffering from a toi&ic nephrosis or patients anuric following a hemo- lytic transfusion reaction or a crushing injury might be gofld canldates for such therapy.) 2. Abernethy, A, C, Wilets, A. J. and Beer, D. C. Lower ne- phron nephrosis; report of two cases treated with intrave- nous procaine. U. S. Armed Forces M. J., 1950, 1: 296-30^. (Report of 2 cases and review of the literature.; 3. Almeyda, J. Crush-syndrome. Gen Pract. Australia. 1943, 14: 226-22S. 4. Anderson, W. A» D. Renal lesions associated with hemoglobine- mla and traumatic anuria. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1943, 4£: 139-142. 5. Anderson, W. A, D. and Morrison, Df B. Pathologic changes , following injections of ferrihemate (hematin) in dogs. Arch. Path., 1942, ]£: 5#9-602. (*Ferrihemate when injected into dogs is capable of producing acute and chronic changes in the kidneys, the reticuloendothelial system and vascular system,") 6. Angevine, D. 1-1. Hemoglobinuric nephrosis. Wisconsin M. J*, 1946, 4^: 1143-1146. (In the European Theater of Operations, the author and Harm#n, "found renal lesions in 5 per cent of 3,223 routine autopsies, whereas in 1,065 cases dying as the result of enemy action, the incidence" of hemoglobinuric ne- phrosis was 15.2 per cent. This indicates a significantly higher incidence in the battle casualty group." In SO cases analyzed at Wisconsin General Hospital, "Blood transfusion accounted for the lesion in approximately 8 per cent..."). 7. Atcheson, D» W. Crush injury syndrome following prolonged tourniquet action. J. Urol., Bait., 1946, 5*6: b$-77« S. Atkins, H. T. and Grace, R. (Hemoglobinuric nephrosis.) Christ Hosp. H. Bull., Cincin., I949-I95O, ^: 36-4l. 9. Ayer, G. D. and Gauld, A. G. Uremia following blood trans- fusion; nature and significance of renal changes. Arch. Path., Chic, 1942, j£: 513-532, •>.>: ■ i-k :>/".'. I • ... \ • "', ^;';;:: i. ... i. ■.-.'. ,.•.*!■!■■ '.. .. I '■ ' , .'..• A -!• . . ' ... •, • - .1. .. .: . v.i. '■•. .) .-J.',-•>.i-; '* r ■ .'Vu-i- I .-'>.....•,"'■' '•-* •» •,.. '...•» *■■' . .. .• * V .' ■ *'' iff '. « v, .. ..I :■'•.;. ■ •■ t r, -2- 10. 11. dSlth^fS0n'u?;nB8y25r°™ «'basement chez un traumatic uu Tinorax. Union mfid., Canada, 19^7, 2&: 1302-1305. co^licf^™ ^4 Spence, H. M. Lower nephron nephrosis, a ^ S?*,10!^. a?'3«Sg^ Prostatic resection. Urol? 12' nlphrlt'RSRflf.eito^Cass2U',J' D°nnees physlologlques sur lee nepnrites de la transfusion. Presse med., 19§6, 5k: 51*7- 13. Beall D., Bywaters, S. G. h., Belsey, R. H. R. and Miles £ fe. 191-1, If MI-SH* lnJUry W"h renal ^ilSre. 3riL ^ tSiiJ'dl^fSS Knuts°n, «• ?• Extrarenal azotemia and tuDuiar disease. J. Am. i:. Ass., 19^7, j^i£: 1^1-4467 15' the^affof^rui0^^iS°n b,etween the kldney °nanges in sSDSrM««i h»BZndrome and renal injuries caused by Engl^hK Acta med. seand., 19W, 12^ 309-313- (in l6' of ?wo nl.1, *?uria nfollowing blood transfusion; report • of two eases. J. Urol., Bait., 19^7, 5g: 239-2^. ("Both had decapsulation of 1 kidney,'1 record and 1 aled"?? 17' wfUR* ^.Eto°l0g^ °f renea fail^e following crush in- (Se^en^-stu^y.f1" Bl01" »' Y" 19^ sf 89-30. 18* on^nai func^nfo!°Vf hemoflobin and related pigments riJi, r- functions of the normal and acidotic doe. Bull inf^si»nP^nS ?SS;» l9k4> & 1^-176. (MettiSmlgloMn »Mechin?in„?^^tlc dogs was followed by renal failure. th.^??i?A 3 e me*hemoglobin anuria and its relation to crush IniufLf nl"^ fa,USfe f°H°wing backwater feSer, crush injuries and hemoglobin transfusions is discussed.*) 1% fornif West! " afTgftf ggU l^gf* M f*llure' C*H- 20. Black, R. H. Resorption of haemoglobin by renal tubules in haemoglobinuria. Ann. Trop. M. PaVaslt., Liverp., 194I, 21" +}^l°?5' A#' ^JDunoan, G. y. Traumatic shock, considera- li? 401-4^9? yPeB °f inJury# Surg* Gyn* 0b^-' lISlT 22. Bock, A. V., Brockhurst, R. and others. Lower nephron ne- phrosis, Am. Practitioner, 1947-1948, 2: 3^3^ (CoST plication of sulfonamide therapy.) "" v; i ■•. I v »« -: » • * 23. Bradford, H. A. and Shaffer, J. H. Renal changes in a case of sulfadiazine anuria. J. Am. 24. Ass., 1942, 316-318. 24. Bradley, E. J. Crush injury with renal failure: recovery. Brit. M. J., 1942, 1: 294. 25. Bratton, A* B. Anuria with casts not associated with trans- fusion. Lancet., Lond., 1941, 1: 345-346. 26. Brule, M. and Pestel, M. Intoxication par les feves et hemoglobinurie, Presse med., 1943, fjl: 241-242. 27. Bueermann, 17. H. Crush injuries and the crush syndrome. Northwest If., 1943, 42: 109-110. 28. Burch, G. E. and Ray, C. T. Lower nephron syndrome. Ann. Int. M., 1949, 2i: 750-772. 29. Burnett, C. H. The clinical and therapeutic aspects of acute renal insufficiency due to lower nephron or hemo- globinuric nephrosis* Am. Practitioner, 1947-1948, g: 6-10. 30. Burnett, C. H. Lower nephron nephrosis. Bull. N. England- M. Center, 1947, £: 193-198. 31* Burnett, C. H», Shapiro, S. L, and others. Post-traumatic renal insufficiency. Surgery, 1947, g2: 994-1028. 32. Burt, R. L., Lock, P. R., Donnelly, J. F. and Wolff, W. A. Conservative therapy in lower nephron nephrosis; report of 2 cases with survival. Am. J. Obst., 1950, 60: 820-826. 33. Burwell, E. L., Kinney, T. D. and Finch, C. A. Renal damage following intravascular hemolysis. N. England J. !•■!., 1947* 237: 657-665. (Presentation of a case of hemoglobinuric nephrosis. Pathogenesis and therapy are discussed. "The mortality rate for hemoglobinuric nephrosis cannot be accu- rately calculated from the published cases, since a greater proportion of fatal than non-fatal cases have undoubtedly been reported.n) 34, Butt, A. J. and Birchall, R. Prevention and treatment of oliguria and anuria due to sulfonamides. J. Florida M. Ass., 1949-1950* l£: 360-366. 35. Bywaters, E. G. L» Ischaemic muscle necrosis ("crush syn- drome"). Brit. M. Bull., 1945, J: 107-110. 36. Bywaters, E. G. L, Ischaemic muscle necrosis: crushing in- Jury, traumatic edema, crush syndrome; type of injury seen in air raid casualties following burial beneath debris. J. to. M. Ass., 1944, 124: 1103-1109. 37. Bywaters, E. G. L. Renal anoxia. Lancet, Lond., 1948, 1: 301. ' •■ ' I, ; [■'• ■ > ■ y *■-"* j , ,v -4- 38. Bywaters, E. G. L. and Beall, D. Crush injuries with im- pairment of renal function. Brit. If. J., 1941, 1: 426-432. (Study of four fatal cases of crush injury observed among air raid casualties. Three of the patients received blood transfusions.) 39. Bywaters, E. G. L. and Dible, J. H. The renal lesion in traumatic anuria. J. Path. Bact., Lend., 1942, 54: 111-120. 7 Pl» ("A detailed description, based on material from 22 cases, is given of the changes seen in the kidneys after death from crushing injury"). 40. Bywaters, E. G. L. War medicine series; crushing injury. Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 643-646. 41. Bywaters, E. G. L. and Dible, J. H. Acute paralytic myo- haemoglobinuria in man. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1943, 55: 7~15« 42. Bywaters, E# G. L. and others. Discussion on the effects on the kidney of trauma to parts other than the urinary tract, including crush syndrome. Proc. Roy. Soc. H., Lond., 1941-1942, 25.: 321-339. 43. Bywaters, E. G. L., Crooke, A. C. and I-Iorris, C. J. 0. R. Limb compression in the tube shelter disaster. Lancet, Lond., 1943, 2: 373"*379* (The course of the oases presented here "was similar to that of the !crush syndrome'—ischaemic mus- cle necrosis following burial beneath debris as the result of aerial bombardment—but less severe perhaps because of the short time of compression (lj-2|j hours"). 44. Bywaters, E. G. L., Delory, G. E., Rimington, C. and Smiles, J. Hyohaemoglobin in urine of air raid casualties with crushing injury. Biochem. J. Lond., 1941, 35: Il64~ll68. 45. Caplan, A. and Dunkerley, G. 2. Traumatic anuria in miner. Lancet, Lond., 1945, 1: 1*17-148. 46. Carson, J. and Smith, G. S. Sulphapyridine anuria; a fatai case. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 2: 359-360. 47. Chapin, II. A. Isoprophl alcohol poisoning with acute renal insufficiency. J. Maine H. Ass., 1949, 40: 288-290. ("The development of acute renal insufficiengyT" lower nephron ne- phrosis") as a complication of isopropyl alcohol poisoning is describedt") 48. Chiari, H. Die pathologischc Anatomic der Kriegsverschtfttung. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1949, 2£: 946. 49. Cincinnati General Hospital. Case records. Case 145038. (Severe toxic nephrosis). Dis. Nerv. Syst., 1944, 5: 372- 377. 50. Clark, J. K#, Barker, H. C, Crosley, A. P., Jr. Evidence against renal vascular shunts in a case of lower nephron . x. r ► * -5- 51• Clinical pathologic conference; bronchiectasis; amyloidosis; tnyroiditis with lower nephron nephrosis. J. Missouri 11. Ass., 1950, 41: 609-611. 52. Cohen, S. M. Crush injuries (Letter to Editor). Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 570. 53* Collins, C. L. The crush syndrome. Permanente Found. H. Bull., 1943-1944, 2: 121-125. 54. Corcoran, A. C. and Page, I. H. Crush syndrome: Dost-trau- matic anuria. J. Am. M. Ass., 194-7, 134: 436-441. 55* Corcoran, A. C. and Page, I. H. Renal damage from ferroheme pigments, myoglobin, hemoglobin, hernatin. Texas Rep. Biol. i'M 1945, J: 528-544. 56. Corcoran, A. C. and Page, I. H. Genesis of crush syndrome. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1945, JO; 351-352. 57. Corcoran, A. C. and Page, I. H. Post-traumatic renal in- jury; summary of experimental observations. Arch. Surg., 1945, 51: 93-101. 58. Corcoran, A. C., Taylor, R* D. and Page, I. H. Acute toxic nephrosis; a clinical and laboratory study based on a case of carbon tetrachloride poisoning. J. Am. M. Ass., 1943, 123: 8I-85. 59. Creevy, C. D., Webb, E. A. A fatal hemoltyic reaction fol- lowing transurethral resection of the prostate gland. Sur- gery, 1947, 21: 56-66. 60. Crush injury and kidney function. (Editorial)• Brit. M. " J., 1941, 1: 445. 6l. Culpepper, W. S., and Findley, T. Renal decapsulation for oliguria and anuria. Am. J. M. Sc, 1947, 214: 100-108. 62. Cutter, R. L. Lower nephron nephrosis. Northwest M., 1950, 4£: 526-529. 63. Daniels, W. 3., Leonard, B. W. and Holtzman, S. Renal in- sufficiency following transfusion, report of thirteen cases. J. Am. M. Ass., 1941, 116: 1208-1215. (Seven of the 13 cases were fatal. Pathologic changes in the kidneys are discussed.) 64. Dardlnski, V. J. The pathology of anuria in an Rh-negative patient. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1945, !£: 286-288. —6— o5. Darmady, E. M., Siddons, A. H. M., Corson, T. C, Langton, C. D., Vitek, Z., Badenoch, A. U. and Scott, J. C. Trau- matic uraemia. Lancet, Lond., 1944, 2i 809-812. (Report of 8 cases of uraemia following injuries caused by high explosives, 6 of which were fatal. They were observed while treating 2000 selected casualties from Northern France in a transit air evacuation hospital. The fatal cases repre- sented a third of the deaths in the hospital. In none was there a crushing injury. Sulphanilamide was given by mouth in 5-cases* All cases were transfused with group-0 blood. There was no clinical evidence of mismatched transfusion at the time* Kidneys of 4 of the fatal cases resemble those described in crush syndrome.) 66^ Daugherty, G* W. and Odel, H. M. Acute renal insufficiency: conservative management. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1949, 24: 557- 5ol. 07. Dausset, J. Lower nephron nephrosis; report of treatment of 44 patients by repeated replacement transfusions. Arch. Int. K., 1950, §5.1 416-431. 68. D§jon, M. L. A propos du syndrome de Bywaters et des ob- servations faites chez les ensevelis au cours des bombarde- rnents de Marseille. Bull. Soc. chir. Marseille, 1945, 18: 116-121. ~ 69. de Navasquez, S. Zxcretion of haemoglobin, with special reference to "transfusion" kidney, J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1940, 51: 413-425. (Study of 3 fatal cases of transfusion kidney, together with experimental investigations). 70. DSrot, M. and Canivet, J. Le syndrome de Bywaters. Paris m6d,, 1Q47, 21: 273-279- 71. de Scoville, A. Les syndromes d'ecrasement (crush syndrome). Rev. med. Liege, 1947, 2: 235-239. 72. Dieckmann, W. J. and Kramer, S. The treatment of oliguria and anuria. J. Obst. Gyn., 1940, 40: 61-69. (Includes incidence of blood transfusion mortality). 73* Douglas, J. W. B. Incidence of signs of renal injury fol- lowing prolonged burial under debris in an unselected series of 764 air raid casulties admitted to hospital. Brit. J. Urol., 1945, 11: 142-147. (These 764 casualties represent the total number admitted to hospital in twelve raids on six towns. The author feels that the data which is presented in this report "forms a fair sample on which to make an estimate of the importance of 'crush syndrome1 in relation to other air raid injuries.") 74. Duncan, G. G. Tubular nephrosis: clinical considerations. North Carolina M. J,, 1948, Q: 242-247* -7- 75* Dunn, J. s., Gillespie, M. and Niven, J. S. F. Renal le- sions in two cases of crush syndrome. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 5^9-552. 76. Effects on kidney of limb compression. (Discussion at Meeting of Section of Surgery of Royal Society of Medicine). Brit. M. J., 1941, 2: 884-885. 77* Eggleton, M. G., Richardson, K. C, Schild, H. 0., and Winton, F. R. Renal damage due to crush injury and ischae— mia of limbs of anaesthetized dog. Q. J. Exp. Physiol., Lond., 1943, 22: 89-106. 78. Eggleton, M. G. Crush kidney syndrome in the cat. Lancet, Lond., 1944, g: 208-210. 79* Eggleton, M. G., Richardson, K. C, Schild, H. 0. and Winton, F. R. Renal impairement due to crushing limbs in anaesthetized dogs. Brit. M. J., 1942, g: 392-393* 80. Enger, R. and Wendel, K-. Nierenschadigung nach Sulfapy- ridinanwendung. (Mit einem Beitrag zur Anuriebehandlung. Munch, med. Wschr., 1942, 8^: 196-198. 81. Erb, I. H., Morgan, E. M., and Farmer, A. W. Pathology of burns, pathologic picture as revealed at autopsy in series of 6l fatal cases treated at Hospital for Sic£ Children, Toronto, Canada, Ann. Surg., 1943, 11J: 234-255. (Includes renal lesions). 82. Fairley, N. H. Fate of extracorpuscular circulating haemo- globin. Brit. M. J., 1940, gi 213-217. 83. Farrier, R. and Smith, R. H. Carbon tetrachloride nephrosis. J. Am. M. Ass., 195O, 143: 965-967. 84. Fine, J., Frank, H. A. and Seligman, A. M. Treatment of acute renal failure oy peritoneal irrigation. Ann. Surg., 1946, 124: 857-878. 85. Flipse, M. E. and Flipse, M. J. Acute renal insufficiency; a review. J. Florida M. Ass., 1950, 21: 149-155. ^>6» Fox, C. L., Jr., and Ottenberg, R. Acute hemolytic anemia from sulfonamides. J. Clin. Invest., 1941, 20,: 593-602. 87* Foy, H., Altmann, A., Barnes, H. D., and Kondi, A. Anuria with special reference to renal failure in blackwater fever, incompatabile transfusions and crush injuries. Tr. Roy, Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1943, 36: 197-238. &B, Foy, K., Gluckman, J., and Kondi, A. Pigment metabolism and renal failure in acute sulphonarnide haemolysis resembling blackwater fe'rer. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1944, 21: 303-319. ■''$', •I ». • < '.f.t"-..'. .*•-." •>.'• ""•■::• -i 1 ■ • s »■' '*--. »;■. « -8- Frank, H. A., Seligman, A. M., and Fine, J. Treatment of uremia after acute renal failure by peritoneal irrigation. J. Am. M. Ass., 1946, 3JO; 703-705. French, A. J. Hypersensitivity in the pathogenesis of the histopathologic changes associated with sulfonamide chemo- therapy. Am. J. Path., 1946, 22: 679-701. (Data on 76 fatal cases investigated at the Army Institute of Pathology from 1937 until 1943. Renal lesions were found in approxi- mately one half of the cases.) French, A. J. Glomerular ischemia in lower nephron nephrosis, and in the hepatorenal syndrome. Am. J. Path., 1949, 25,: Friedberg, C. K. Congestive heart failure of renal origin; pathogenesis and treatment in 4 cases of carbon tetrachlo- ride nephrosis. Am. J. Med., 1950, 2/ 164-174. Fruchaud and Baumann. Syndrome d'insuffisance renale secon- daire des blesses des membres par eboulis, de Bywaters crush injury. Presse med., 1945, 52.: 72-73* Further cases of crush injury; collected "oy the Medical Research Council Subcommittee on Traumatic Oedema. Brit. M. J., 1941, 1: 449-451. (11 case reports.) Futcher, P. H. Renal failure complicating muscle crush in- juries. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1942, 40: 906-908. Gaberman, P. SxtranwaitE azotemia and lower nephron syn- drome. Illinois M. o., 1949, 25/ 292-298. Gaberman, P. Extra-renal azotemia, and lower nephron syn- drome. Q. Chicago M. School, 1947-1948, 2/ No« 3* ^-9- Gianascol, A. Anuria in lower nephron nephrosis, its patho- genesis and treatment. UDt Chic, 1949, 4: 114-117. Gollan, K. R., Lemberg, R., and Money, R. A. Observations upon "crush injury" syndrome and Tolkrnann's contracture associated with severe brain injury and hyperthermia. Med. J. Australia, 1945, 2: 212-214. Goodman, L. Lower nephron nephrosis following electrocon- vulsive therapy; report of 2 fatalities. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1950, li2: 130-151. Goodman, L. Lower nephron nephrosis following electric convulsion therapy; report of two fatalities. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1950, 6^; 339-3^1* Goodman, L. Lower nephron nephrosis following electrocon- vulsive therapy; report of 2 fatalities. J. Nerv. Ment. Dis., 1949, 102.: 360-363. If I' ._ -9- 103. Goodpastor, V. E., Levenson, S. M., Fagon, H. J., Lund, C. C, Taylor, C4 C. and Taylor, F. H. L. A clinical and pathological study of the kidney in patients with ther- mal burns. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1946, 82: 652-669. (A study of 47 patients. At sutopsy the kidneys in 18 of the cases showed tubular necrosis and pigment and cellular casts in the tubules.) 104. Goodyear, W. E. and 3eard, D. E- The successful treatment of acute renal failure by peritoneal Irrigation. J. Am. M. Ass., 1947, 122.: 1208-1210. I05. Goormaghtigh, N. The renal arteriolar changes in the anurlc crush syndrome. Am. J. Path., 1947, 22.: 513~529* 106. Goormaghtigh, N. Vascular and circulatory changes in renal cortex in anuric crush-syndrome. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1945, 52* 303-305. 107. Greenspan, E. M. Hyperchloremic acidosis and nephrocal- cinosls; the syndrome of pure lower nephron insufficiency. Arch. Int. M., 1949, gj:'271-291. 108. Guyer, H. B., Lauson, H. D. The syndrome of lower nephron nephrosis following hemorrhagic show. Am. J. Obst., 1950* 60: 101-108. 109. Harman, J. W. Lower nephron nephrosis. Irish J. M. Sc, 1947, 6: 400-486. (Study made of 1,065 battle casualties, 152 (l7.2 per cent) of which showed evidence of lower ne- phron nephrosis. The syndrome was considered to be a sig- nificant cause of death in 70 (6.5 per cent) and incidental in 82 (7«7 per cent). 110. Harrison, H. E., Bunting, H. and others. The pathogenesis of the renal injury produced in the dog by hemoglobin or methemoglobin. J. Exp. M., 1947, ^} 339"356. 111. Haukohl, R. S. The renal Desion of murine haemobartonellosls compared with lower nephron nephrosis. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1948, 1: 272. 112. Heaton, L. D., Ritchey, S. J. and others. (Lower nephron nephrosis and fat embolism). Bull. U. S. Army M. Dep., 1949, Q: 319-332. 113. Hellwig, C. A. Fatal anuria following sulfadiazine therapy. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, ll^: 561-563, 114. Helper, A. B. Lower nephron nephrosis. Bull. Vancouver Mf Ass., 1948-1949, 2£: 214-222. 115. Herbut. P. A. Renal changes in secondary shock. Ann. Int. M., 1946, 25: 648-662. ••lo- ll 6. Hicks, J. H. Crush syndrome and traumatic uraemia. Lan- cet, Lond., 1948, 1: 286-287. 117. Hicks, M. H., Crutchfield, A. J. and Wood, J. E., Jr. In- testinal lavage in the potassium intoxication of lower ne- phron nephrosis. Am. J. Med., 1950, 2: 57-62. 118. Hicks, M. H., Crutchfield, A. J.,and Wood, J. E. Treatment of lower nephron nephrosis by intestinal lavage. Virginia M. Month., 1950, 21: 395-400. 119. Hinds, E. and Yuile, C. L. The problem of renal failure following transfusion reactions. McGill M. J., 1944, 13: 307-312. 120. Hoffman, L L. and Grayson, R. R. Carbon tetrachloride nephrosis. Report of Patient treated conservatively. U. S. Armed Forces M. J., 1951, 2: 755-76$. 121. Hoffman, W. S., and Marshall, D. Management and clinical course of lower nephron nephrosis. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1948, 25/ 1606. (Management of 6 cases). 122. Hoffman, W. S., and Marshall, D. Management of lower ne- phron nephrosis. Proc Inst. M. Chicago, 1948-1949, 17: 264. I23. Hoffman, W. S., and Marshall, D. Management of lower ne- phron nephrosis; report of six cases. Arch. Int. M., 1949i §2.: 249-270. 124. I^olterhoff, K. Zur Therapie der Sulfonamidnephrose. L-Junch. med. Wschr., 1950, 2£: 372-376. 125. Homan, R. R. and Brown, C. E, Uremia from toxic pigment nephrosis secondary to compression of voluntary muscle; report of fatal case. U. S. Nav. M. Bull,, 1945, 45^ 156- 160. 126. Hsiung, J. C, Yu, 3. T. and Chern, J. P. Management of anuria, due to lower nephron nephrosis with special refer- ence to renal decapsulation; report of 7 cases. CJ&n. M. J., 19%, 6jj 38I-389. In English. (Report of 4 cases). 127. Iseri, T. L., 3atchelor, T. M. and others. Electrolyte and renal function studies in lower nephron nephrosis. J. Clin. Invest., 1949, 28: 790. 128. Jenkins, G. D. Lower nephron nephrosis. J. Iowa M. Soc, 19^9* 22.: 422-424. 129. Jonchere, H., Raoult, A. and Auffret, C. Un nouveou cas d'anurie prolongee apres flevre bilieuse hemoglobinurique. Constations biologlques et anatomopathologinues. Algerie med., 1948, 51: 230. • *.... -11- 130. Journe, H. Le rein la fievre bllieuse h6moglobinuriquo. Etude clinique. Conceptions hystophysiologiques et in- dications therapeutlques. Trop. Dis. Bull., Lond., 1946, 4i: 15-16. (Abstract). 131. Junet, R. Un syndrome clinique nouveau: anoxic ou toxicOr anoxie renale? Rev. mefd. Suisse rom., 1949, 62.: 143-152. 132. Keefer, C. S. and Clarke, B. E. Clinicopathologlcal con- ference (Rhode Island Hospital) {Lower nephron nephrosis)• Rhode Island !!. J., 1947, 2J): 731-733. (Probably due to sulphonamides). 133* Keele, C. A., and Slome, D. Renal blood-flow in experi- mental "crush syndrome." Brit. J. Exp. Path., 194-5, 26: 151-159. ("The reduction in renal blood flow following release of ischaemic limbs may be, in part at least, re- sponsible for the renal tubular damage of the **crush syn- drome* type.") 134. Kerebel, R. Les nephroses post-transfuslonnelles. 36 p. Paris. Impr. Artistlque Moderne, 1940. (These- Paris). 135. Kilduffe, R. A. and DeBakcy, M. The blood bank and the technique and therapeutics of transfusions. St. Louis, Mosby, 1942. cHortality in hemolytic reactions follow- ing transfusion!, p. 493. 136. Kistner, R. W., Assail, N. S. Acute intravascular hemo- lysis and lower nephron nephrosis complicating eclampsia. Ann. Int. M., 1950, 2i: 221-227* 137. Klcltsch, W. P. Queries and minor notes. Lower nephron nephrosis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1951, 145: 774» * I38. Koslowski, L. Pathogenese und Thcrapee des posttraumatis- chen Nieronsyndroms. Chirurg., 1950, 21: 461-463. 139. Krakower, A. H., and Gerson, S. Management of lower ne- phron nephrosis following transfusion for post-partum hemorrhage. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1950, 41: 72. 140. Kranes, A., Ropes, M. and others. Lower nephron nephrosis. N. England J. M., 1949, 240: 658-662. l4l. Kugel, V. H. Management of acute toxic nephrosis. Am. J. Med., 1947, 2/ 188-205. 142. Lake, W. W. Lower nephron nephrosis. Mississippi Doctor, 1949-1950, 21: 372-377. 143. Lalich, J. J. The influence of available fluid on the pro- duction of experimental hemoglobinuric nephrosis in rabbits. J. Exp. M., Bait., 1947, gl: I57-I62. ft '..• I « • • <» I 1 ■ <-. I -12- 144. Lalich, J. J* The influence of injections of homologous hemoglobin on the kidneys of normal and dehydrated animals* J. Expi M., 1947, 86: 153-158. 145. Lalich, J. J. The pathogenesis of experimental hemoglo- binuric nephrosis in rabbits, with special reference to the late manifestations. Am. J. Path., 1949, 25: 187-193* 146. Lalich, J, J. and Angevine, D. M. Necrosis of the liver in experimental fatal hemoglobinuric nephrosis. Am. J. Path., 1949, 2$: 820. 147. Lalich, J. J. and Schwartz, S. I. The role of aciduria in the development of hemoglobinuric nephrosis in dehydrated rabbits. J. Exp. M., 1950, 22: 11-23. 148. Landsteincr, E. K. and Finch, C. A. Hemoglobinemia accom- panying transurethral resection of prostate. N. England J. M., 1947, 221: 310-312. 149. Langdon Burwell, E. and Kinney, T. D. Renal damage follow- ing intravascular hemolysis. N. England J. M., 1947, 237: 657-665. (A case of haemoglobinuric nephrosis following massive intravascular haemolysis.) 150. Lee, R. G. Traumatic anuria—case report. J. Canad. M. Serv., 1943-1944, 1} 148-149. ("The clinical picture is that of the so-called "crush syndrome", differing however from the series reported by Bywaters in that anuria occurred on the 9th day.") 151. Lewis, R. F., Gunn, J. A. and Miale, J. B. Renal failure (lower nephron nephrosis) associated with hematoma of the parturient canal. Urol. Cut, Rev., 1949, 52.: 705-710. 152. Loustalot, P. Beitrag zur Frage des Crush-Syndromes. Schwelz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80: 1045-1051. I53. Lowbeer, L. Discussion of lower nephron nephrosis. Proc. Hillcrest Mem. Hosp., 1948, £: 108-114. 154. Lower nephron nephrosis. Internat. M. Digest, 1949, 55: 302-308. 155. Lucke, B. Lower nephron nephrosis; the renal lesions of the crush syndrome, of burns, transfusions, and other con- ditions affecting the lower segments of the nephrons. Mil. Surgeon, 1946, 22: 371-396. (Investigation of 538 cases, records and material of which were received at £hfr Army Institute of Pathology. Includes incidence in battle casual- ties.) I56. Leutscher, J. A., Jr., and Blackman, S. S., Jr. Severe in- jury to kidneys and brain following sulfathiazole administra- tion; high serum sodium and chloride levels and persistent cerebral damage. Ann. Int. M., 1943, 18: 741-756. : C •> . ■ •> P. 1 r-f r -•> -13- 157. Lund, C. C, Green, R. W., Taylor, F. H. L., and Levenson, S» M. Burns, collective review. Internat. Abst. Surg., 1946, 82: 443-478. (Includes renal function and pathology of the kidney). 15c McGee, C. J, Lower nephron nephrosis; carbon tetrachloride poisoning with a report of three cases. Am. J. M. 9c, 1949* 218: 636-645. 159* McGinn, E. J., Miale, J. B. and Frye, J. W. Hemoglobinuric nephrosis in transurethral prostatic resection; treatment by peritoneal lavage. Urol. Cut. Rev., 1948, 52: 509-514. 160. McLaughlin, W, L., Holyeke, J. B. and Bowler, J. P. Oliguria following transurethral prostate resection. J. Urol., Bait., 1947, 5&: ^7-60. l6l. McManus, J. F. A. and Rutledge, G. L., Jr. Lower nephron nephrosis a misnomer for the crush kidney. Am. J, Path., 1949, 2£: 771. 162. Maegraith, 3. Blackwater fever anuria. Tr. R. Soc Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1944-1945, J8: 1-17; Discussion, 17-23. I63. Maegraith, B. G. The syndrome of renal anoxia in malaria and blackwater fever. An. Inst. ged. trop., Lisb., 1947* p. 427-439. (In English). (A review-includes pathological changes i& kidneys, pathogenesis, the physiological mechanism involved, and the significance of the theory of renal anoxia in practice). 164. Maegraith, B. G. and Findlay, G. M. Oliguria in blackwater fever. Lancet, Lond., 1944, 2: 403-404. I65. Maegraith, B, G., Havard, R. 2. and Parsons, D. S. Renal syndrome of wide distribution induced possibly by renal anoxia. Lancet, Lond., 1945, 2: 293-296. (Discusses fea- tures of the syndrome, conditions in which it occurs, the mode of production and proposes "renal anoxia" as a name). 166. Maitland, A. L. I. Case of crush injury with recovery. Lancet, Lond., 1941, 2: 446-448. (Report of a case of severe renal failure,""resulting from burial for 15 hours under a bombed building). 167. Maitland, A. L. I. Crush injuries (Letter to Editor). Brit. II. J., 1941, 1; 570. J 168. Malamud, N., Haymaker, W. and Custer, R. P. Heat stroke; a olinicopathologlo study of 125 fatal oases. Mil. Sur- geon, 1946, 22: 397*^9» (Includes data on nineteen fatal cases of heat stroke In which lower nephron nephrosis was observed^. • 0;. :•;. ,>*-<;.••. „ , '•.;;•; *:; > •■••. ( r I. . . t r ■■■• l i * ... *. ..' ■■., .1. -j \ .... I - % <"•' : "•" ° i.- V /..' ;"■ .1'-- 0 i' .0 !^:.::^.'.'.';<: v .i-^.^v;o;vr -< fc<-^^ = i.^ -.. ;- i* I , .-, i; ''i k". ■'{ • .'> •■ '. ■• ::: ^v i \ •■4,' ". i f j. ... a.''' ', f'-y'.'. •1;!'.'«v" '•• "' • r': ■ ['*' 'H'i '.'./;s.v" i; 15 i.'.."»io:.;,..;-.'■■■: U ' r ■■';■■ 10 :\i} . s. :-?i.....v. c ;^; t ■-■-•'v.; J ; 'i*}\*:<>". .:■ h:\-! ■ * = -i/r.'xr """•?' %.■; •'■■; '/'.' -14- I69. Mallory, T. B. Hemoglobinuric nephrosis in traumatic shock. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1947, JJj 427-443. ("Discussion is base4 primarily on a group of 60 fatal cases of battle injury, which were clinically and pathologically studied by members of a research team... The observations on this limited group of cases are reinforced by a survey of over 200 similar cases from the files of the Fifteenth Medical General Labora- tory.") 170. Mann, W. N. and Smith, S. Haemoglobinuria following admimis** tratlon of plasmoquine. Tr. Roy. Soc, Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1943, 2i: 151-15&* (Case report. The severe renal damage v: is described and significance of observations discussed.; 171. Mantilla, A. J. Fatal hemolytic reaction following trans- fusion with incompatible fclood. Ohio U. J., 1945, 4l: 534- 535- ~ 172. Marshall, D. and Hoffman, W. S. The nature of the altered renal function in lower nephron nephrosis. J. Laborat. Clin, M., 1948, 21- 1^6*8. 173* Marshall, D. and Hoffman, W. S. The nature of the altered renal function in lower nephron nephrosis. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1949, 2!t: 31-39. 174. Martin, W. B., Coddington, F. L. and Snell, A. M. Carbon tetrachloride poisoning; a report of one case with necropsy and one nonfatal case with clinical laboratory studies. Ann. Int. M., 1946, 2£: 488-497. 175. Martineau, P. C. and Hartman, F. W. The renal lesions in extensive cutaneous burns. J. Am. M. Ass., 1947, 134: 429- 436. 176. Massachusetts General Hospital. Case records. Case 3^« Lower nephron nephrosis. Am. Practitioner, 1948, I|: 344- 348. 177. Massachusetts General Hospital. Case records. Case 34221. (Carbon tetrachloride intoxication, lower nephron nephrosis, acute central necrosis of liver). N. England J. M., 1948, 258: 776-779. 178. Masse, L., Dax, H. and Georges, J. M. Le crush syndrome en obstetrique et en gynecologic J. internat. chir., 3rux., 1950, 10: 241-253. 179. Mayon-White, R. A case of limb compression ending fatally in uraemia. Brit. M. J., 194l, 1: 434-435. (The micro- pathology resembled that of incompatible transfusion but no blood was given the patient). 180. Miller, M. The kidney In shock. Bull, Acad. M. Cleveland, 1947, 2£: 7* • \ ■' ■;■- y r • "• « .V^ ':,:',J: If!'. .• 'V ■:. -15- 181. Mohardt, J. Crush and compression injuries with uremic death. Surgery, 1942, 12: I5I-I59. (A review of the literal ture with particular reference to pathologic changes.) 182. Moloney, W. C, Stovall, S. L. and Sprong, D. H. Renal damage due to ischemic muscle necrosis. J. Am. M. Ass., 1946, 121: 1419-1420. I83. Moon, V. H. Renal deficiency associated with shock. J. Am. M. Ass., 1947, 1J4: 425-428. (Acute tubular disease or tubular nephrosis). 184. Moon, V, H. Hemoglobinuric or tubular nephrosis (acute parenchymatous nephritis). North Carolina M. J., 1948, 2: 238-242. 185. Moon, V. H. Shock, its dynamics, occurrence and manage- ment. Philadelphia, Lea and Feblger, 1942. Extrarenal uremia, p. I86-I95. 186. Moragues, V. and Wyatt, J. P. Fatal hemoglobinuric ne- phrosis following intrathecal penicillin in neurosyphilis; a case report. Am. J. Syp&, 1950, 2ii: 177-181. I87. Morison, J. E. Obstruction of the renal tubules myelomatosis and in crush injuries. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1941, 53: 403-418. 188. Muirhead, E. E* and Fromm, C. S. Severe acute renal in- sufficiency with recovery. J, Am. M. Ass., 1948, 137: 1378-1382. (Presentation of a case of lower nephron ne- phrosis. Regimen was "based on the main abnormalities of the three phases of this syndrome.") 189* Muirhead, E. E., Haley, A. E., Haberman, S. and Hill, J. M. Acute renal insufficiency due to incompatible transfusion and other causes, with particular emphasis on management. Blood, 1948, Spec Issue No. 2, IOI-I38. (A review of 18 cases of hemolytic transfusion reactions and 10 cases of acute renal insufficiency or lower nephron nephrosis. In- cludes incidence). 190. Muirhead, E. E. and Hill, J. M. The treatment of acute renal insufficiency. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1948, $Jj 445-456. (The authors believe the high mortality can be ascribed to the management used and to support this stand, they present 3 closely studies cases of severe renal insufficiency.) 191. Muirhead, E. D., Small, A. B., Haley, A. E. and Hill. J. M. Peritoneal irrigation for acute renal damage following in- compatible transfusion: A discussion based on three cases. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1947, 22: 988-1001. 192. Muirhead, E. E., Vanatta, J. and Grollman, A. Acute renal insufficiency; a comparison of the use of an artificial kidney, peritoneal lavage and more conservative measures in the management. Arch. Int. !r., 1949, S3: 528-538. !' •., .o;^: . .t- . w. : tj--:j .-■i";, v. .V.s;:«-a •/ V : i. A..' •»",' • * » .< > i' •■ ^■ • .u i-,(• • ■■•■ -16- 193* Murley, R. S. Acute fulminating haemolytic syndrome, fat necrosis of the U*«y and acute necrotizing nephrosis fol- lowing sulphanilamiue therapy. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1943* 80: 182-198. 194. Odel, H. M. and Ferris, D. 0. Treatment of acute renal in- sufficiency with peritoneal lavage. Proc Mayo Clin., 1947* 22: 3°5-313» (27 cases collected from the literature, in 15 of which the diagnosis indicated possible reversible renal impairment. There were eight recoveries ^53 per cent) among the 15.) 195* Odel, H. M. Acute renal failure; important objectives in conservative management. Med. Clin. N. America, 1949, 33: 1007-1025. 196. O'Donnell, W. M. Renal siderosis in hemoglobinuric nephro- pathy. Am. J. Path., 1950, 26: 899-909. ("Study of 9 fatal cases of hemoglobinuric nephrosis demonstrated that hemosiderin in the kidneys is of constant occurrence and serves as an anatomical criterion in differentiating this form of lower nephron nephrosis from that subsequent to crushing*.) 197* O'Donnell, W. M. Postabortal oliguria. J. Am. M. Ass., !949, 140: 1201-1205. ("In 3 patients who died subsequent to septic abortion the clinical and histopathologic features of lower nephron nephrosis were observed.") 198. Olson, W. H. and Necheles, H. Studies on anuria; effect of infusion fluids and diuretics on the anuria resulting from severe burns. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1947, 84: 283-291. (Ex- perimental study). 199- Ormond, J. K. and Klinger. M. E. Treatment of the"shock kidney". Arch* Surg., 1949, 52/- 398-408. 200. Parsons, C. G. Traumatic uraemia. Brit. M. J., 1945, 1: 180-182. 201. Patey, D. H. and Robertson, J. D. First-aid prophylactic treatment of the compression syndrome ("crush syndrome"). Brit. M. J., 1942, 2: 212-213. 202. Paxson, N. F. and Golub, L. J. The "crush" syndrome in ob- stetrics and gynecology. Am. J. Obst., 1949, 58: 544-547. (Review of maternal deaths in Philadelphia from Jan. 1, 1930 to Dec 31, 1946, seven of which showed the "crush sytt- drome" with lower nephron nephrosis.) 203. Peters, J. T. Oliguria and anuria due to increased in- trarenal pressure. Ann. Int. M., 1945> 23: 221-236. (States 34 diseases in which syndrome may appear7) :. i.-'.v f. >:■ < >::•. ' , v >-■-... k , c «■ . . "I # - . ... / :>t')..1' " c: ' ' ■.." i .' ■■ ■*■ -.:*■. ; ,: >:-.;.r.N;:J'" ■t ••• V' ."•'0. :'■ !;i: .( •' < ' < i '•—..! - • ^ • > -'.vi.:'■■«{■■ j ; .;.',, ■ '■ V.'' U :'.'' • :..«i.■■»..' Jv 1 ■•'»•':" -17- 204. Peters, J. T. Origin and development of a new therapy for crush injury, transfusion kidney and a certain number of other diseases. Acta med. scand., 1945, 123: 90-100. (In English). 205. Peters, H. R. Anuria following hemolytic reaction to blood transfusion; recovery following splanchnic block. Ann. Int. M., 1942, 16: 547-556. (The author states that the mortality from bloodTransfuslons has been variously quoted as 0.2 to 1 per cent. He also adds that it will probably never be possible to accurately gauge the true incidence of fatalities from blood transfusion of incompatible blood since few cases are reported for the understandable reason of the culpability involved—too, at times the clinician fails to recognize the condition and occasionally the pathologist alone makes the true diagnosis. He quotes DeGowln as reporting one recovery in seven and Bordley citing 11 deaths in 17 cases which were collected from the literature.) 206. Phillips, R. A., Dole, V. P., Hamilton, P. B., Emerson, fc Jr., and Van Slyke, D. D. Effects of acute hemorrhagic and traumatic shock on renal functions of dogs. Am. J. Physiol., 1946, 145: 314-336. 207. Price, P. B. and Rlzzoli, H- V. That strange dangerous malady—the crush syndrome. West. J. Surg. 1949, 51: 569- 575* (Experimental study. Observations on interrelated pathologic changes and on cause and effect are discussed. The aim, which was to find a new method of treatment, seems to be successful in dogs.) 208. Prien, E. L. The mechanism of renal complications in sul- fonamide therapy. N. England J. II., 1945, 232: 63-68. 209. Pugh, H. L. Posttraumatic urinary suppression—shock as a causative entity; with a review of the RH factor and report of cases. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1945, 45.: 859-873. 210. Rather, L. J. Acquired acute hemolytic anemia of unknown cause; report of case with fibrinoid arteritis, atypical pneumonia and lower nephron nephrosis. Arch. Int. M., 1948, 82: 578-587. 211. Ravid, J. M. and Chesner, C. Fatal case of hemolytic anemia and nephrotic uremia following sulfapyrldine administration. Am. J. II. Sc, 1940, 199: 38O-385. (The clinico-pathologio picture in this case report is similar to those described \ in deaths, after transfusion with incompatible blood, in blackwater fever, paroxysmal hemoglobinuria and poisoning with certain chemicals). 212. Ravin, I. S., Aronson, P. R. and Yule3, J. K. Complications of the diuretic phase of lower nephron nephrosis. N. England J. M., 1951, 244: 830-832. "•• f""!;' 1vi • ■;.*.'.—:;» r;-;:-; ,1.-0 .a. v' « vi ••■ <• ■■}. r '. I./ ' v >•" .. .' ' » -v.= oJL'-.J.r .. . •*• : 1 ;r^ \ .ri'v'i , ,.?:-i ."X » in*'."':: 1 >•. i.-;?.n- o.' .!'- h '»■'". w :./.«■ ^I?:-: i • r. .]: iK- »; f/ ,0! i • * « • i. f' ■' ;.l* J ' 'HIT—-' —■ • ' -18- 213. Reuter, J. A. Anuria, tubulo interstitial extravasation. 1. Renal capsulotomy. Preliminary report* J. Urol., Bait,, 1947, 5£: 97-99. 214. Robertson, H. R. Crush syndrome. Canad. M. Ass.,J., 1942, 46: 116-120; correction, p. 375. ("A case of 'crush syndrome1 is reported and the clinical, laboratory, pathological and therapeutic features are discussed. Etiological possibili- ties are briefly reviewed.") 215. Robertson, H. R. and Rutherford, P. S. Peritoneal irriga- tion in the treatment of renal failure due to transfusion reaction. J. Lab. Clin. II., 1947, 22: 982-987. 216. Rosenblum, A. H. Lower nephron nephrosis. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1950, 12: 601. 217* Rystand, D. A. Fatal anuria, the nephrotic syndrome and glomerular nephritis as sequels of the dermatitis of poison oak. Am. J. M., 1948, 5: 548-560. (Report of 7 cases, one of which "was regarded primarily as one of tubular degen- eration with necrosis and anuria, not unlike the *lower ne- phron nephrosis* syndrome.") 218. S., M. S. Lower nephron nephrosis. Ann. Int. M., 1948, 22.: 561-566. 219. Scheinman, L. J. The use of pyrogens in the treatment of lower nephron nephrosis. J. Urol., Bait., 1949* 6l* IOO3- 1009. 220. Selberg, W. TSdliche Hamoglobinurip nach Verschttttung. Ueut. med., 7Jschr., 1942, 68; 561-563. 221. Shen, S. C. and Ham, T. H. Studies on destruction of red blood cells: mechanisms and complications of hemoglobinuria in patients with thermal burn$; spherocytosis and increased osmatic fragility of red blood cells. N. England J. M., 1943, 222: 701-713* 222. Shepherd, J. A. Crush or compression of limbs, with im- pairment of renal function. J. R. Nav. M. Serv., 1942, 28: 314-326. 223. Snyder, K. E. and Culbertson, J. W. Pigment nephropathy in battle casualties. Arch. Surg., 1948, 56: 651-67. (A study of 99 cases of pigment, nephropathy or lower nephron nephrosis in battle casualties). 224. Stock, R. J. Acute urinary suppression; observations in twenty-two patients, Am. J. Med., 1949, 1: 45-55. 225. Strauss, M. B. Acute renal insufficiency due to lower ne- phron nephrosis. N. England J* M., 1948, 239: 693-700. • 1 « »-■ ' i' '• ~: ' t..'. :t^. :;.«.'. ..;; ...I;r - ;■■ C A . < I " -". ft?a*i' -19- 226. Strauss, M. 3. Further data on lower nephron and mercurial nephrosis. N. England J. M., 1948, 239: 76l. 227. Stream, G« J. Peritoneal irrigation in the treatment of acute renal failure. Am. J. Obst., 1950, $%: 482-487. Discussion, p. 487-489. (Report of a case of lower nephron nephrosis). 228. Strumia, M. M. and McGraw, J. J. Blooc and plasma trans- fusions. Phila., F. A. Davis Company, 1949. Hemolytic re- actions, p. 374-388; Statistical data on transfusion reac- tions, p. 406-408. 229. Tomb, J. W. Anuria and anoxia. J. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1942, 4^: 125. 230. Tomb, J. W. Cholera and anuria. Tr. R. Soc. Trop. M. Hyg., Lond., 1942, 25* 229-234. 231, U. S. Office of Civilian Defense. Medical Division. Cruah syndrome. 0. C. D. Publication No. 2212 (Kay) 1943, p. 17-22. 232. Van Slyke, D. D. The effects of shock on the kidney. Ann, Int. M.. 1948, 28: 701-722. (Includes lower nephron ne- phrosis). 233. Walker, C. A. Crush syndrome. California West M., 1944, 61: 190-191. 234. War medicine and surgery. Compiled under the direction of the Committee on the Survey of War Medicine of the National Health and Medical Research Council. Blast in- juries and crush injuries. M. J. Australia. 1943, Suppl. 14, p. 53-56» (Includes the crush syndrome;. 235» Wattenberg, C. A. and Coleman, R. C, Sulfathiazole toxic nephrosis and kidney decapsulation. Surgery, 1943, 14: 570-573. 236. Weinstock, K. L. and Nitshe, G. A., Jr. Report of a case of lower nephron nephrosis treated by renal capsulectomy and peritoneal lavage, with recovery; a modification of the method of peritoneal lavage. J. Urol., Bait., 1948, 60: 577-580. 237. Wilner, P. R. Lower nephron nephrosis. Bull. Georgetown Univ. ::. Cent., 1949-1950* 2.- 43-45. 238. Wilson, R., Jr. and Ilangun, G. H. Acute hemolytic anemia in fertilizer workers; new industrial hazard. South M. J., 19^3* li: 212-218. (Presentation of 3 cases of acute hemolytic anemia with hemoglobinuria, probably resulting from arsine gas.) »na ► v « ■ . ..'(,' ,i ."::. * i '.■».' ■ t , '". - '■'.•-*. * J ' •".' *-/-' i ""Ct * .!. 1 ^ • J "- X • .-' '1 ■£. ^'^; iv--v ?■>.!: v: ;-,{.i\; . ^ ■ •:•.; .1 ..-. ;.:iv. . ?v\ I . '. • /' "'" '<' . ■ .i ' ■:■'.}.: v s -20- 239. Woodruff, L. M. and Firminger, H* I. Hemoglobinemia and hemoglobinuric nephrosis complicating transurethral re- section of prostate. J. Urol., 1949, 62: 168-177. 240. Wyatt, J. P.,and Goldenberg, H. Lower nephron nephrosis associated with massive adrenal infarction. Am. J. wiin. Path., 1948, 18: 653-658. 241. Yater, W. M. and Nunez, B. E. Anuria caused by transfusion reactions due to anti-Rh agglutinins in pregnant women. Re- port of two cases. Med. .^n. District of Columola, ly^, 12: 178-184, 212. 242. Young, J. Renal failure after utero-placental damage. Brit? M. J., 1942, 2: 715-718. (Toxic theory of hemo- globinuric nephrosis). 243. Yuile, C. L., Gold, M. A. and Hinds, E. G. Hemoglobin precipitation in renal tubules; a study of its causes and effects, J. Exp. M,, 1945, 8fc: 3^1-374. (Observations of an experimentally produced pathological lesion, re- sembling: that of the "transfusion kidney.") ARMLD FORCES MEDiCAi LIBRARY WASHINGTON. D C. , i'. 0 X