al96lr NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE PULMONARY MYCOTIC INFECTIONS A bibliography of literature 1957 - April 1961 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Washington, D. C. June, 1961 ONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICI >IQ3W dO A HV II 8 II IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W dO ABVBalT IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W dO ABWall IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W dO ABVUalT IVNOIIVN 3N 3IQ3W dO ADVBall IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W dO A II V « a I 1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W dO A » V II a I 1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3I03W dO A X V II 8 I 1 IVNOIIVN 3 N I 3l 7W2D • !< I A/' i IONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATI 3I03W dO llVllll IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W dO ABVXail IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W dO A H V II8 I 1 IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3W dO A « V » 8 M IVNOIIVN 3 N I 3| A/ i IONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NAT }IQiW JO UVigil IVNOIIVN 3NI3IQ3WdOA»Vliail IVNOIIVN INI3I0IW JO HV|]lll»NOIl VN 1NI3IQ1W iO UVltll IVNOIIVN 3N IONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICI MS. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE PULMONARY MYCOTIC INFECTIONS A bibliography of literature 1957 - April 1961 Compiled by Dorothy Bocker, M. D= Medical Officer U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Washington, D. C. June, 1961 MS«a ESULEffi Arck, Col), c.a. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE WASHINGTON, D. C. PREFACE Recent articles in the medical literature indicate a growing concern with mycotic infections of the lung especially in the area of differential diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and pulmonary neoplasms. The appearance of mycotic infections after the use of antibiotics in postoperative therapy or after the prolonged use of antibiotics in the treatment of various diseases is meriting much attention, as shown in both clinical and research reports. This bibliography is a selected list of publications in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish on pulmonary mycotic infections covering the period 1957 to April 1961 and supplements a previous bibliography, Fungus Infections, covering literature of 1952 through 1958, issued by the National Library of Medicine in 1959. DOROTHY BOCKER. M0 D0 Medical Officer National Library of Medicine CONTENTS Page I. General 1 II. Actinomycosis 4 HI. Aspergillosis 5 IV. Blastomycosis 11 V. Candidiasis (Moniliasis) 13 VI. Coccidioidomycosis 16 vn. Cryptococcosis (Torulosis) 18 vnio Geotricosis 20 IX. Histoplasmosis 20 X. Maduromycosis 26 XI. Monosporosis 26 XII. Mucormycosis 26 XHIo Nocardiosis 27 XIV. Rhinosporidiosis 28 XV. Trichosporosis 28 I. GENERAL Angioli, G. and Goreck, Z. Combined use of nystatin and antituberculosis drugs in management of coexistent fungal-tuberculosis infection. Canad Med Ass J 83:1274-5, 1960. Beard, H. W„ and others. The treatment of deep mycotic infections with amphotericin B with particular reference on drug toxicity. Amer Rev Resp Dis 81:43-51, 1960. 18 references. Blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis and histomycosis, Brednow, W. Zur Klinik der Lungenmykosen0 Med Klin 53:622-7, 1958. Candidiasis, geotrichosis and trichosporosis. Burke, R0 M. and Wier, J. A. Review of cases of nontuberculous disease originally diagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis. Amer Rev Tuberc 75:921-37, 1957,, Chapman, J0 S, Fungus diseases of the lung. Dallas Med J 45:465-71, 1959. Ciferri, R„ Manuaie di micologia medica. T» H. Pavia, Cortina, 1960. 796 p. Bibliography p. 547-724.. Das-Gupta, So N. and others. Medical mycology in India. Mycopathologia 13: 339-76, 1960o 253 references. Devota, A„ and Pessagno, A. Sulla micosi polmonare intracavitaria. Radiol Med (Tor) 44:771-84, 1958. Dickie, H. A. and Rankin, Ja Farmer's lung; an acute granulomatous inter- stitial pneumonitis occurring in agricultural workers. JAMA 167:1069-76, 19,58 Dtmner, L<, Klinisch-rontgenologische Differentialdiagnostik der Lungen- krankheiten. 2d ed. Stuttgart, Enke, 1958. 362 p. Dufault, P. Les mycoses et blastomycoses pulmonaires. Un Med Canada 89: 724-30, 1960. Actinomycosis, nocardiosis, histoplasmosis, coccidioidomy- cosis and North American blastomycosis. Field, Lo M. Amphotericin B and its use in the deep mycoses. Missouri Med 57:1135-8, 1960. 24 references. 1 Fors, B0 and Saaf, J„ Localized pulmonary mycoses0 A problem of diagnosis Report of 4 cases treated by resection Acta Chir Scand 119-212-20, 1960o Gregory, Lo Jo Pulmonary mycoses. Med Rec Houston 51:526-35, 1957c 42 references. Giu&aao, Vo and others. Sulla flora batterica e micetica nelle suppurazioni polmonari„ Arch Tisiol 14:586-603, 19590 Hamily BD Ho and others „ Bronchopulmonary mycosis: A 20 year study of siblingSo Henry Ford Hosp Med Bull 7:295-308, 1959o 18 references. Himes, Go Ec Pulmonary fungus infections, J Amer Osteopath Ass 57:724-7, 1958o 121 referenceSe Littman, Mo Lo The systemic mycoses0 Amer J Med 27s 1-3, 1959* 18 refer- ences „ Lodin, Ho Roentgen diagnosis of pulmonary mycoma0 Acta Radiol Stockh) 47: 23-8/1957. Martin, Wo J« and Nichols, Do Bo The mycoses0 Proc Mayo Clin 35:149-61, 1960o 23 referenceso Mitchell, R0 So and Taylor, RD RD The solitary circumscribed pulmonary nodule. AMA Arch Intern Med 100:780-92, 19570 53 references0 Neves, Ho and Carmo-Sousa, Lo do0 Medical and veterinary mycology in Portugal 1949-1959o Mycopathologia 13:135-52, 1960o 173 references. Newcomer, Vo D. and others. Current status of amphotericin B in the treat- ment of the systemic fungus infections0 J Chron Dis 9:353-74, 1959 „ 34 referenceso Nye, So Wo and Benson, W. Rc A group of uncommon pulmonary diseases. N Carolina Med J 22:5-11, 1961. Peabody, Jo Wo, Jrc The solitary pulmonary nodule0 Med Ann DC 26° 1-7 19570 Pierce, J<, W, Radiology of pulmonary mycosesa In: Riddell, R„ Wc and Stewart, Go To edsc Fungous diseases and their treatment„ London, Butterworth, 1958, pD 170-8o 2 Procknow, J. J0 Therapy of the systemic mycoses. J Florida Med Ass 47: 393-9, 1960o Quinlan, J( JQ and Hiltz, J. ED Farmers lung or bronchomycosis fenisecarum0 Canad Med Ass J 80:261-3, 19590 Rabin, C. Bo Roentgenology of the chest* Springfield, Illinois, Thomas, 1958. 484 p. 10 types of pulmonary mycotic infections are listed in bibliography, p. 184-1870 Riddell, R<> Wo and Clayton, Y. Mo Pulmonary mycoses occurring in Britain. Brit J Tuberc 52:34-44, 1958. 40 references Riera ZuhiUaga, A. and others„ Mesa redonda sobre enfermedades pulmonares no tuberculosas: particularmente micosis en la infancia* Aspectos radiograficos de algunas micosis pulmonares. Arch Venez Pueric 21:205-19, 1958. Russell, Do Eo Pulmonary mycoses. J Louisiana Med Soc 110:191-6, 1958. Savacool, Jo W. Diagnostic and screening procedures in pulmonary diseases„ Med Clin N Amer 44:1573-87. I960. Schwartz, J. and Baum, G. L. Surgical pathology of fungus diseases. AMA Arch Surg 75:44-56, 1957, 55 references„ Seabury, JD H. and Dascomb, H. E. Experience with amphotericin B for the treatment of systemic mycoses. AMA Arch Intern Med 102:960-76, 1958. Blastomycosis, cryptococcosis and histoplasmosis. Smith, D. E. and Matthews, J. H. Treatment of pulmonary mycotic infections with amphotericin B. New Engl J Med 263:782-4, 1960. Steinberg, I. Fatal fungus infection in sarcoidosis; report of two cases treated with antibiotics and cortisone0 Ann Intern Med 48:1359-72, 1958. 23 references. Sutliff, Wo Du and others. Mycotic diseases of the lung. Med Clin N Amer 43: 219-38, 1959o 50 references. Actinomycosis, North American blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, histoplasmosis, mucormycosis and nocardiosis. Takaro, T. and others. The place of excisional surgery in the treatment of pulmonary mycotic infections. Dis Chest 36:19-30, 1959. 104 references. 3 Torack, R, Mo Fungus infections associated with antibiotic and steroid therapy. Amer J Med 22:872-82, 1957. 43 references. Tosh, F. E. and Furcolow, M- L. Round up on the systemic fungus diseases. Nat Tuberc Ass Bull 46:166-8, 1959. Wolheim, E. and Braun, H„ Pilzinfektionen der Lunge mit septischem Verlauf. Deutsch Med Wschr 82:1397-9, 1957. n. ACTINOMYCOSIS Aadleighy H. S. Investigations into the role of fungi in pulmonary diseases. Mycopathologia 12:278-82, 1960. Bates, M. and Cruickshank, Go Thoracic actinomycosis. Thorax 12:99-125, 1957, Biggs, J. S. G. Actinomycosis of the liver; a report of two cases. Med J Aust 2:939-40, I960. Lung involvement in both cases. Brttckel, K. W. Zur Aktinomykose-Behandlungo Deutsch Med Wschr 83:1549- 51, 1958. Dumont, A. and others. Constatations cliniques et anatomopathologiques dans deux cas df actinomycose pulmonaire opgrgs parex6rese„ Acta Chir Belg 58: 199-214, 1959o Forster, E. and others. Un nouveau cas d9 actinomycose thoracopulmonaire traits chirurgicalement. J Franc Med Chir Thor 11:317-24, 1957. Freour, J. and others„ Un cas dT actinomycose pulmonaire gu6ri par la terra- mycine0 J Franc Med Chir Thor 13:427-33, 1959. Jepson, E. M. Thoracic actinomycosis. Brit Med J 1:1025-7, 1958. 21 refer- ences. Kempter, A. H. Tuberculosis coexistent with lung cancer and fungous disease J Mich Med Soc 58:1805-6, 1959. 4 Peabody, J. W. and Seabury, J. H. Actinomycosis and nocardiosis. J Chron Dis 5:374-403, 1957. 136 references* Riederer, J. Zur Diagnose und Behandlung der pleuropalmonaJen Aktinomykose. Aerztl Wschr 13:181-3, 1958. 35 references. Warthin, T. A. Pulmonary actinomycosis. AMA Arch Intern Med 101:239-43, 1958. Wayl, P. and others. Pulmonary ray fungus disease; clinical aspects and patho- genesis. Dis Chest 34:506-13, 1958. 21 references, 2 cases of actinomycosis and 2 of nocardiosis. Weil, J. and Savoie, J. C. A propos d'un cas d'actinomycose pulmonairetraite* par penicilline avec un recul de 8 ans0 J Franc Med Chir Thor 11:436-48, 1957. Wingo, C. F. and Williams, R. O. Pulmonary actinomycosis diagnosed by lung biopsy. Amer Rev Tuberc 76:660-8, 1957. Young, W. Bo Actinomycosis with involvement of the vertebral column; case report and review of the literature. Clin Radiol (Lond) 11:175-82, 1960. m. ASPERGILLOSIS Agostini, U. Aspergilloma bronchiale; studio clinico ed anatomo-istologica dopo exeresi. G Ital Tuberc 13:229-36, 1959. 25 references. Antonelli, J. and others. Aspergillome bronchique. Traitement prolonge* par la mycostatine. Gu6rison. Bull Soc Med Hop Paris 75:564-8, 1959. Atkinson, J. B. and Atkinson, G. R. Lymphosarcoma with pulmonary asper- gillosis. PennMed J 61:1373-5, 1958. Balgairies, E. and others. Aspergillomes intracavitaires chez les pneumo- coniotiques. Poumon Coeur 16:253-62, 1960. Bariety, Mo and others. Aspergillose aigue, purement pulmonaire, a forme de cancer bronchique. Bull Soc Med Hop Paris 73:397-411, 1957. 5 Belcher, J* RD and Plummer, N. So Surgery io teroochc oalmonary aispergil- losiSo Brit J Dis Chest 54:335-41, 1960o 21 references. Belli, lo and Soccia, S. Particolare aspetto di aspergillomicosi polmonare0 Minerva Med 49:144-7, 1958 c Berdnikoff, G. and others. Infection mycosique double compliquaut mi cas de leucemie lvmphoide aplastique. Canad Med Ass J 83: 370-4, I960. 23 refer- ences. Boulet? P„ and others. Aspergillome pulmonare secondaire a forme bilaterale et ectasiante0 Sem Hop Paris 34:99-101, 1958. Bruce, R„ Ao A case of pulmonary aspergillosis. Tubercle 38:203-9, 1957. Brunner, A. Das sogenannte Aspergillom. Schweiz Med Wschr 88:559-63, 1958. Buhl, K. and Stenderup, A. The occurrence of furgi in the bronchial secretion. Report of a case of localized pulmonary aspergillosis. Acta Tuberc Scand Suppl 47:55=9, 1959. Collas, R0 and Perniinou-Castaing J„ Naissance et deveJoppement d'un asper- gillome pulmonaire chez un tuberculeux fcacillifere,, Poumon Coeur 16:683-7, 1960„ Cornet, E. and others. Un cas d9aspergillome Moncbectasiant precoeement infected Poumon Coeur 13:221-30, 1957. Darke, C. So and others. Pulmonary aspergillosis; report of a case. Brit Med J 1:984-5, 1957. De Matteis, M. Alcune considerazioni su un caso di megamicetoma polmonare. G Ital Tuberc 11:81-93, 1957. 50 references. Aspergillosis infection. Donatelll, R. and others. L'aspergilloma polmonare0 Osped Maggiore 48- 64-81, I960. 43 references. Duroux, Ao and others. Aspergillomes greffes sur de vieil].es cavernes tuber- culeuses. J Franc Med Chir Thor 14:729-34, 1960o 6 Enjalbert, L„ and others. Deux cas d'aspergillose pulmonaire e*tude anatomo- pathologique. Sem Hop Paris 33:130-42, 1957. Finegold, S. M. and others. Aspergillosis. A review and report of twelve cases. Amer J Med 27:463-82, 1959. Fingerland, A. and others. Lungenaspergillome. Z Tuberk 113:284-303, 1959. Foushee, J. H. S. and Norris, F. G. Pulmonary aspergillosis. J Thor Surg 35:542-8, 1958. Galy, P. and others. Un cas dTaspergillome intracavitaire au cours d'une tuberculose pulmonaire evolutive. Lyon Med 89:283-5, 1957. Godfrey, L. B. Aspergillosis of the lung. Irish J Med Sci 381:407-11, 1957. Golebiowski, A. K. Pleural aspergillosis following resection for pulmonary tuberculosis. Tubercule 39:111-2, 1958. Gcevic, N. and Matthews, W. F. Pathologic changes in acute disseminated aspergillosis, particularly involvement of the central nervous system. Amer J Clin Path 32:536-51, 1959. 54 references. Hasche, E. and Haenselt, V. Das Aspergillom der Lunge. Z Tuberk 114:29-37, 1959. Hausmann, P. F. Pulmonary aspergilloma. J Thor Surg 35:538-41, 1958. Hinson, K. F. W. Broncho-pulmonary aspergillosis. In: Riddell, R.W. and Stewart, G. L edsc Fungous diseases and their treatment. London, Butterworth, 1958. p. 123-7, HSer, P. W. and Schweisfurth, R. Chronische Lungenaspergillose mit metastischen Aspergillusgranulomen in den parenchymals en Organen und ihre Identifizierung. Verh Deutsch Ges Path 44th Meeting Munich, 8-10 June, 1960. p. 343-6. 18 references. Hoffmann, T. Das Lungen-Aspergillonio Langenbeck Arch Klin Chir 292: 723-5, 1959o 7 Horejsi, M. and others. A syndrome resembling farmers lung in workers in- haling spores of aspergillus and penicillia molds. Thorax 15:212-7, 1960. Kelmenson, V. A„ Treatment of pulmonary aspergillosis. Dis Chest 36: 442-3, 1959. Krasnitz, Ao Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. New York J Med 57:3852-5, 1957. Larias Gouel, J. Aspergillose pulmonaire secondaire a une tuberculose lobecto- mie. Air Franc Chir 15:492-5, 1957. Lemercier, J. P. and Rouen, M. Aspergillome bronchiectasiant et aspergil- lose bronchique. J Franc Med Chir Thor 12:154-63, 1958. Le Nouene, J. and others. Aspergillomes bilateraux. J Franc Med Chir Thor 11: 274-81, 1957. 16 references. Librach, I. M. Primary pulmonary aspergillosis; report of a fatal case. Antibiot Med 4:377-80, 1957. Manning, L. K. and Robertson, L. A case of aspergillosis treated with nystatin, Brit Med J 1:345-6, 1959. Martin-Lalande, J. and Lo, J. Aspergillome bronchectasiant associe* a une tuberculose polmonaire active. Rgsultats favorables d'un traitment medical antifungique0 J Franc Med Chir Thor 40:77-81, 1957. Monod, O. and others. Das bronchuserweiternde Aspergillom. Mykosen 2- 39-50, 1959. 59 references. Monod, O. and others. L'aspergillome bronchectasiant. Sem Hop Paris 33° 3587-3602, 1957. 59 references. Morquer, R. and Enjalbert, L. Etude morfologique et physiologique d'un asper- gillus nouvellement isole* au cours d'une affection pulmonaire de Fhomme CR Acad Sci (Par) 244:1405-8, 1957. Naji, A. F. Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis. Report of two new cases review of literature and suggestions for classification. AMA Arch Path 68-282-91 1959 32 references. * ' 8 Neilson, Do Bo Pulmonary aspergillosis associated with radiation pneumonitis. Scot Med J 4:557-62, 1959. 21 referencesQ Oittimen, K. S. Das Lungen-Aspergillom. Ann Chir Gynaec Fenn 49:428-36, 1960. Oik, W. Bronchogene generalisierte aspergillose0 Zbl Allg Path 97:361-71, 1958. 84 references. Pecora? D. V. and Wilson Toll, Mo Pulmonary resection for localized asper- gillosis. New Engl J Med 263:785-7, I960. 33 references. Pepys, J. and others. Clinical and immunologic significance of Aspergillus fumigatus in the sputum. Amer Rev Resp Dis 80:167-80, 1959. Pezzuoli, G<. and others. L?aspergilloma polmonare. A proposito di 6 casi guariti mediante exeresi. Arch Chir Torace 15:621-60, 1958. 79 references. Prausmttller, K. and others. Ein Fall von Aspergillus-fumigatus Pneumonie. KLinMed (Wien) 14:193-200, 1959. Procknow, J. J. and Loewen, D. F. Pulmonary aspergillosis with cavitation secondary to histoplasmosis. Amer Rev Resp Dis 82:101-11, 1960. Rodrigues, F. Lf asper gilloma, my cose des cavites broncho-pulmonaires. Contribution de 2 cas a la connaissance de la pathog6nie et du diagnostic. J Franc Med Chir Thor 13:172-92, 1959. Rothe, G. Zur Kasuistik des Lungenaspergilloms. Zbl Chir 85:1047-51, 1960. Ruyssen. A propos dfune cas dTaspergillose de suppuration broncho-pneu- monaire chez un ouvrier houilleur pneumoconiotique. Arch Mai Prof 20: 446-8, 1959. Scarinci, C. Sur Taspergillome bronchique. A propos d*une observation, Presse Med 65:547-8, 1957. 9 Scarinci, C. Sur F aspergillose primitive chronique du poumon. Action de Fiodure de potassium associe1 a la delta-cortisone. Presse Med 66:3083-5^ 1958, Schechter, F. R. and others. Pulmonary aspergillosis complicating therapy for lymphoma with reversible uric acid uremia. J Einstein Med Cent 8:153- 8? I960. Segretain, G. and Vieu, M. Formes parasitaires des aspergillus dans rasper - gillome bronchique; diagnostic biologique des aspergilloses broncho-pulmonaires. Sem Hop Paris 33: 421-31, 1957. Simonin, P. and others. Neuf observations d*aspergillome bronchectasiant. Rev Med Nancy 85:851-73, 1960. Simonin, P. and others. Sur un cas dfaspergillose broncho-pulmonaire. Sem Hop Paris 33:3586-7, 1957. Simons, C. and others. Intracavitary and intrabronchial fungus masses. Dis Chest 35:528-32, 1959. Sommariva, V. and Parodi-Guisino, U. Considerazioni sul megamicetoma bronchopolmonare. Minerva Chir 15:84-93, 1960. 23 references. Staib, F. and Alta, S. Zur Lungenaspergillose (Pneumonomycosis asper- gillina Virchow, WUrzburg 1856). Zbl Bakt [Orig] 171:322-33, 1958. 47 references. Review. Stevenson, J. G. and Reid, J. M. Broncho-Pulmonary aspergillosis; report of a case. Brit Med J 1:985-6, 1957. Tanser, A. R. Pulmonary aspergillosis„ Proc Roy Soc Med 52:145-6, 1959. Tapie, J. and others. Aspergillose broncho-pulmonaires avec alternance de bulles et de condensations parenchymateuses. J Franc Med Chir 12° 130-5 1958. Tasco, M. and Sannazari, G. L. Evoluzione di un caso di micetoma pol- monare. Minerva Med 48:4159-71, 1957. 40 references. 10 Tasco, M. and Sannazzari, G. Lo Su di un caso di aspergilloma polmonare. Minerva Med 50:3003-9, 1959„ 14 references. Toigo, A. Pulmonary aspergillosis. Amer Rev Resp Dis 81:392-6, I960. 20 references. Utz, J. P. and others. Pulmonary aspergillosis with cavitation. Iodide associated with an unusual electrolyte disturbance. lew Engl J Med 260: 264-8, 1959. 26 references„ Review of therapy. Vantrappen, G. and others. Intracavitary and intrabronchial fungus masses. Dis Chest 35:528-32, 1959. Vellios, F. and others. Bronchia] aspergillosis occurring as an intracavity fungus ban. Amer J Clin Path 27:68-75, 1957. Weiner, A. Occupational bronchial asthma in a baker due to Aspergillus; a case report. Ann Allergy 18:1004-7, I960. Wholey, M. H. Disseminated indeterminate pulmonary disease; value of lung biopsy. Minneapolis 1957. [Thesis-University of Minnesota]. 53 p. Aspergillosis and histoplasmosis. IV. BJ.ASTOMyCOSIS Abernathy, R. S. Clinical manifestations of pulmonary blastomycosis. Ann Intern Med 51:707-27, 1959. Angulo Ortega, A. Las micosis bronco-pulmonares en el departamento de anatomia patologica del Institute Nacional de Tuberculosis„ Rev Tisiol Caracas 1:101-8, 1959. Paracoccidioidomycosis (South American blasto- mycosis). Baum, G. L. and Schwarz, J. North American blastomycosis. Amer J Med Sci 238:661-83, 1959. 148 references. Boswell, W. L. Roentgen aspects of blastomycosis. Amer J Roentgenol 81:224-30, 1959. 15 references. 11 Curtis, A. C« and others. North American blastomycosis, J Chron Dis 5: 404-29, 1957, 151 references. Gonzalez, H. Do and others„ Itaacoccidiosis y earcinoma del pulmon., Prensa Med Argent 44.468-72, 1957. Gonzalez Ochoa, A0 and Dommguez Soto, L. Blastomicosis Sudamericama; casos Mexicanos. Rev Inst Salubr Enferm Trop 17:9-104, 1957. Harrell, E. R0 and Curtis, A. Co North American blastomycosis. Amer J Med 27.750-66. 116 references. Kempter, A. Hc Tuberculosis coexistent with lung cancer and fungous disease. J Mich Med Soc 58:1805-6, 1959. Lester9 C. F. and others. Primary laryngeal blastomycosis. Review of the literature and presentation of a case. Amer J Med 24:305-9, 1958. 25 refer- ences. Mackinnon9 j0 E. and others. Quimioterapia de la blastomicosis Sudamericana. An Fac Med Montevideo 42:131-42, 1957. 25 references. Refeello, Do J. A. Some experiences with North American blastomycosis„ Indian J Derm 3:133-8, 1958. Saliva, C. Paracoccidioidomycosis; a forma cutaneo-pulmonar„ Arch Argent Tisiol 33:5-45, JanQ 1957. South American blastomycosis„ Schwartzman, R. M. and others. Transmission of North American blasto- mycosis o Possible case of transmission from dog to human. JAMA 171: 2185-9, 1959. Staab, Wo J. and Van Ordstrand, H. S. Pulmonary blastomycosis; a report of a case treated with 2-hydroxystilbamidine. Cleveland Clin Quart 25° 164-8, 1958. WaLkup, Ho E. Blastomycosis. W Virginia Med J 56:187-90, I960. Watson, S. H. and others „ Generalized North American blastomycosis, Canad Med Ass J 78°035-8, 1958. 12 Wegmann, T. and Zollinger, H. U. Tuberkuloide granulome in Mund- schleimhaut und Halslymphknoten: SUdamerikanische Blastomykose. Schweiz Med Wschr 89:1151-53, 1959. V. CANDIDIASIS (MONILIASIS) Andleigh, H. S. Investigations into the role of fungi in pulmonary diseases. Mycopathologia 12:278-82, 1960. Baum, G. L. The significance of Candida albicans in human sputum. New Engl J Med 263:70-3, 1960. Baumann, E. Ein Beitrag zur Behandlung der Candida-Mykosen der Lunge. Muenchen Med Wschr 101:1040-2, 1959. Berdnikoff, G. and others. Infection mycosique double compliquant un cas de leucemie lymphoide aplastique. Canad Med Ass J 83: 1370-4, 1960. 23 references. Blank, W. H. Extensive pulmonary Candida albicans with recovery. J Med Ass Alabama 28:117-9, 1958. Concina, E. and Volterrani, U. Su di un caso candiosi polmonare primitiva ad esordio acuto. G Mai Infett 9:421-4, 1957. Corbelli, G. and others. Casi clinici di candidosi. Minerva Med 48:3812-23, 1957. Drouhet, E. Biologie des infections a Candida. Sur les manifestations pathologiques et les conditions e*tiologiques et pathologiques de 175 cas de candidose. Sem Hop Paris 33:807-28, 1957. 198 references. Ewert, E. G. Zur Klinik und Therapie der Lungenmoniliasis. Ther Gegenw 97:332-6, 1958. 20 references„ Findlay, C. W., Jr, and Kleinfeld, G. Monilial empyema treated success- fully with intrapleural instillations of amphotericin B. J Thor Surg 38:244-7, 1959. 13 Giunchi, Go Micosi secondarie a trattamenti antibiotici con particolare riguardo alia candiosi. GMal Infett 10:53-108, 1958. 354 references. He^lig, R. and Andleigh, H. S. Bronchopulmonary moniliasis. J Indian Med Ass 30:82-7, 19580 Herpay, Z. 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