ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY REFERENCE DIVISION THE STRUCTURE, COMPOSITION AND GROWTH OF BONE 1930-1953 A BIBLIOGRAPHY WASHINGTON, D.C. MARCH 1955 fiMML majrasi >*.-*w^> ✓ \ <3 V I OSSIFICATION. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1951, 232: 119_1^; z refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 195*» 45: 5793f; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 18449. In biochemical experiments in calcification of the ossifiable cartilage of the long bones of the sheep embryo only adenosine triphosphoric acid led to rapid and marked calcification. 108 Polonovski, M. and Picard, J. ACTION DES PHOSPHATES ET DES ESTERS PHOSPHORIQUES SUR LA MINERALISATION DU CARTILAGE OSSIFIABLE PAR L"ACIDE ADENOSINETRIPHOSPHORIQUE. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1952, 235: 669-670. 2 refs. Abstracted in: CHem". Abstr., 1953, 47: 10029i; Brit. Abstr., Sect. AIII, 1953, p. 471. Sections of ossifiable cartilage of the sheep embryo placed in solutions containing orthophosphates or other phos- phoric esters, showed increased minerali- zation in the presence of adenosine tri- phosphoric acid. 109 Polonovski, M., Cartier, P. and Picard, J. EFFET DU GLUCOSE ET DU GLYCOGENE SUR LA MINERALISATION IN VITRO DU CARTILAGE OS- SIFIABLE NORMAL. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1953, 237: 1287-1289. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 4085f; Brit. Abstr. M. Sc, 1954, p. 6"4"6. Experimental mineralization of sections of normal ossi- fiable cartilage of the sheep embryo dem- onstrated a marked antagonism between glycolysis and mineralization by adenosine triphosphoric acid. 110 Rizzoli, C. and Mastrobuono, M. OSSERVAZIONI ISTOCHIMICHE SULLA CARTILAGINE JALINA. Boll, Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1953, 29: 1418-1421. 4 refs. Ill Rosenthal, F. DAS HARNSXUREBINDUNGSVERMOQEN DES KNORPELS. Zschr. ges. exp. Med 1931 79: 536-537. 7 refs. Abstracted in! Chem' ATJstr., 1932, 26: 4644. 112 Rosenthal, O., Bowie, M. A. and Wagoner G THE DEHYDROGENATIC ABILITY OF BOVINE ARTICU- LAR CARTILAGE IN RELATION TO ITS AGE J Cellul. Physiol., 1942, 19: 333-340 ' 7 refs Abstracted in: Chem. AbsTr., 1942, 36: 5229$ 113 Rosenthal, 0., Bowie, M. A. and Wagoner G METABOLISM OF CARTILAGE, BOVINE WITh'par TICULAR REFERENCE TO THE EFFECTS OF AGINT J. Am. M. Ass., 1940, 115: 2114-2115. 114 Rosenthal, 0., Bowie, M. A. and Wagoner r THE NATURE OF THE DEHYDROGENATIC ABILTTv"" OF BOVINE ARTICULAR CARTILAGE J c«li»i Physiol., 1942, 19: 15-28. 20 refs Ah stracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait , 1942 T« No. 12046; Chem. Abstr., l942, 36: 25748™: 115 Rosenthal, 0., Bowie. M. A. and Wa«ron«T. * STUDIES IN THE METABOLISM OF ARTICULA* ri*_ TILAGE. I. RESPIRATION AND GLYCOLYSIS Sf CARTILAGE IN RELATION TO ITS AGE J Cellul. Physiol., 1941, 17: 221-233 ' 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr ,1941. 35: 44489. 7 CARTILAGE - CHEMISTRY AND METABOLISM (Con- tinued) 116 ♦Sebruyns, M. DE HISTOTOPOCHEMIE VAN HET GLYCO- GEN EN DE ALCALISCHE PHOSPHATASE IN HET EM- BRYONNAIRE EN JONGE KRAAKBEEN. Natuurw. Tijdschr., Ghent, 1950, 32: 110-114. Ab- stracted in: Biol. AbstrTT Bait., 1951, 25: No. 5293; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 10336e~ 117 Silber, W. UBER DIE MINERALSTOFFE DES KNORPELS. Biochem. Zschr., 1933, 257: 363- 370. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 529. 118 Sousa Pereira. A INVERSAO.DE CART.ILAGEM DE CONJUGAClO E A SUA INFLUENCIA SOBRE O TRA- BALHO DE OSSIFICACAO ENCONDRAL E SOBRE O CRESCIMENTO DO 6SSO (ESTUDO EXPERIMENTAL). Impr. med., Lisb., 1936, 2_: 393-404. French translation in: Lyon chir., 1936, 34: 513- 541. 119 Sylven, B. BIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF THE PHYSI- OLOGY OF HYALINE CARTILAGE. Acta orthop. scand., 1948, 18: 21-27. 120 Sylven, B. BIOPHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS ON LUMBAR DISKS. J. Bone Surg., 1951, 33A: 1034. An abstract. Ab- stracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 5523*. 121 Sylven, B. CARTILAGE AND CHONDROITIN SULPHATE. II. CHONDROITIN SULPHATE AND THE PHYSIOLOGI- CAL OSSIFICATION OF CARTILAGE. J. Bone Surg. 1947, 29: 973-976. 15 refs. Abstracted in: ExcerpTa med., Sect. 5, 1948, 1: No. 517. Young rats, rat embryos and one human foetus were used in this study. It was observed that in undecalcified sections of bone, stained by a metachromatic technique, the calcified portions of cartilage and bone did not show the metachromatic staining property. This finding was interpreted as indicating that the absence of the staining material was due to removal of chondroitin sulfate during conversion of cartilage ma- trix to bone matrix. 122 Sylven, B. , Paulson, S., Hirsch, C. and Snell- man, 0. BIOPHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL IN- VESTIGATIONS ON CARTILAGE AND OTHER MESEN- CHYMAL TISSUES. II. THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF BOVINE AND HUMAN NUCLEI PULPOSI. J. Bone Surg., 1951, 33A: 333-340. 31 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 3445f; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 31054. "Data on collagen and other structural sub- stances, such as chondroitin sulfate." - Chem. Abstr. 123 Tinacci, F. OSSERVAZIONI SUL METABOLISMO LIPIDICO DEL TESSUTO CARTILAGINEO. Riv. biol., 1952, 44: 253-263. 50 refs. Eng- lish summary, p. 264-265. 124 Tinacci F. and Agostini, C. SULLA STEATOSI SPERIMENTALE DELLA CARTILAGINE: IL COMPORTA- MENTO DEL GLICOGENO ENDOCELLULARE. Riv. biol., 1952, 44: 369-379. 3 pi. 24 refs English summaFy, p. 377-379. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 10735f. 125 Vinogradova, T. P. O NEKOTORYKH OSOBEN- NOSTIAKH R0STA POZVONKOV CHELOVEKA. [CER- TAIN PECULIARITIES OF GROWTH OF THE HUMAN VERTEBRAE] Arkh. pat., Moskva, 1951, 13: No. 3, 73-76. 9 refs. Results of a study on the growth and composition of the inter- vertebral discs, using 40 corpses of various ar olds. Wagoner, G., Rosenthal, 0. and Bowie, M. A. STUDIES OF THE CELL IN NORMAL AND ARTHRITIC BOVINE CARTILAGE. Am. J. M. Sc., 1941, 201: 489-495. "Histologic and metabolic studies of articular cartilage cells from young, adult and old cattle." 127 Winter, W. BEITRAGE ZUR KENNTIS DER QUANTITA- TION ZUSAMMENSETZUNG DES KNORPELGEWEBES. Biochem. Zschr., 1932, 246: 10-28. Approx. 35 refs. Abstracted inTTJhem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 3562. 128 Wlassics, T. UBER DEN ZUSSAMMEHANG DER XNDERUNG DES FETTGEHALTES DER ZELLEN DES HYALINEN KNORPELS MIT DEM ERNAHRUNGSGRAD DES INDIVIDUUMS. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1930, 22: 220-226. 5 refs. See: 19 1292 31 1359 434 1360 435 1475 1108 1501 1537 1697 1924 2792 CARTILAGE - VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS OF CARTILAGE 129 Amprino, R. DECORSO DELLE FIBRILLE COLLAGENE NELLA CARTILAGINE E SUA IMPORTANZA DAL PUNTO DI VISTA MECCANICO NELLE VARIE ETA. Monit. zool. ital., 1938, 48: Suppl., 123-127. Ab- stracted in: Biol. ATJstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 5910. The arrangement of collagen fT^ brils in the hyaline cartilage of individuals of different ages was studied by special staining and polarized light, which overcame the masking of the fibrils by chondromucoid. It was observed that in tracheal cartilage the arrangement varied little with age but pronounced modifications were noted in ar- ticular cartilage, indicating a response to stress. This seemed to agree in some re- spects with Benninghoff's theory. 130 Amprino, R. STUDI SUL SIGNIFICATO MECCANICO DELLE FIBRILLE COLLAGENE DELLA CARTILAGINE JALINA DELL'UOMO. RICERCHE DESCRITTIVE E SPERIMENTALI IN INDIVIDUI DI VARIA ETA. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1938, 28: 734-760. 33 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 9706. By a silver staining methodThe arrangement of the collagen fi- brils was studied in the costal, tracheal and articular cartilage of individuals from fetal life to maturity. The effects of mechanical stress on the structure of the cartilage was also studied. 131 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. NACHTRAG ZU DER ARBEIT «STUDI SULLE TRANSFORMAZIONI DELLE CARTILAGINI DELL'UOMO NELL'ACCRESCIMENTO E NELLA SENESCENZA». Zschr. Zellforsch., 1935, 22: 484 (addendum). 2 refs. 132 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. STUDI SULLE TRASFORMAZIONI DELLE CARTILAGINI DELL'UOMO NELL'ACCRESCIMENTO E NELLA SENESCENZA. I. CARTILAGINI JALINE. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1933, 20: 143-205. 58 refs. A study of the changes in tracheal and costal hyaline cartilage during growth and old age. 133 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. STUDI SULLE TRASFORMAZIONI DELLE CARTILAGINI DELL'UOMO NELL"ACCRESCIMENTO E NELLA SENESCENZA. PARTE II. CARTILAGINI ELASTICHE. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1934, 20: 489-522. 27 refs. Study of the elastic cartilage of the outer CARTILAGE - VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS OF CARTILAGE (Continued) ear and epiglottis during growth and in old age indicates that this cartilage is not modified by age. 134 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. STUDI SULLE TRAS- FORMAZIONI DELLE CARTILAGINI DELL'UOMO NELL'ACCRESCIMENTO E NELLA SENESCENZA. Ill CARTILAGINI FIBROSE. Zschr. Zellforsch , 1934, 21: 448-482. Bibliography: p. 481- 482. A study of the changes in the fibrous cartilage of the pubic symphysis and inter- vertebral disks from foetal life to old age. 135 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. SULLA FREQUENZA DEI PROCESSI REGRESSIVI IN ELEMENTI SCHELE- TRICI CARTILAGINEI D'INDIVIDUl DI VARIE ETA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1932, 7: 673- 677. Studies of structural changes In the elastic cartilage of the epiglottis and the outer ear at different ages from birth to old age. A progressive increase of elastic fibers was noted with age. The processes of regression were observed to begin in the epiglottis at 50 and in the cartilage of the outer ear at 30. 136 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. TRASFORMAZIONI DEL TESSUTO CARTILAGINEO DELL'UOMO IN RELAZIONE ALL'ETA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1932, 7: 539-542. Studies in struc- tural changes in the tracheal hyaline car- tilage of individuals of various ages. The increased appositional growth of tracheal cartilage in old age is designed to compen- sate for increased cartilage degeneration. 137 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. TRASFORMAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE FIBROSA DELL'UOMO NELLA SENESCENZA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 113-115. Study of structural changes in the fibrous cartilage of the intervertebral disk and pubic symphysis, with advancing age. 138 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. TRASFORMAZIONI DELLA STRUTTURA DELLA CARTILAGINE JALINA ED ELASTICA DELL'UOMO IN RELAZIONE ALL'ETA. Monit. zool. ital., 1932, 43: Suppl., 150- 154. Histologic studies of-changes in the tracheal and costal hyaline cartilage and in the elastic cartilage of the outer ear and epiglottis of individuals of various ages. It was concluded that the progressive changes are designed to lend greater resistance to the skeleton and to compensate for cartilage degeneration. 139 Castiglioni, G. and Peregalli, P. SU ALCUNE CARATTERISTISTICHE BIOLOGICHE E STRUTTURALI DELLA CARTILAGINE ARTICOLARE UMANA. Arch. ortop., Milano, 1950, 63: 36-58. 43 refs. 140 Burrell, D. J. THE VASCULARISATION OF CAR- TILAGE. J. Anat., Lond., 1934, 69: 47-61. 3 pi. 20 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 1955. See particularly, p. 58-59~for role of vas- cularization in providing nutrition of the cartilage mass and possibly osteo- blasts for the formation of new ossific centers. 142 2 Lambertini, G. SULL'EXISTENZA DI PARTICOLARI STRUTTURE NEL TESSUTO CARTILAGINEO DIM0STRATE CON L'APPLICAZIONE DEL MET0D0 VII DEL D0NAGGI0. II. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1931, 6: 742-744. 2 pi. 2 refs. 143 Putschar, W. UEBER FBTT IM KNORPEL D*JER NORMALEN UND PATHOLOGISCHEN VERHALTNISSfiN. Beitr. path. Anat., 1931, 87: 526-539. 18 refs. Studies of cartilage of various kinds from many individuals of both sexes, from fetal life to advanced age, demonstrated that fat is a normal constituant of all car- tilage cells at all ages, particularly marked in zones of proliferation, reaching a minimum after growth ends. Cartilage ground sub- stance is always normally free of fat. De- viations from these findings are pathological. 144 Ruth, E. B. A NOTE ON THE FIBRILLAR STRUCTURE OF HYALINE CARTILAGE. Anat. Rec, 1946, 96: 93-99. pi. 5 refs. Study of hyaline car- tilage from the costal cartilages and the distal epiphyses of femurs of new born in- fants. "Fibrillae are arranged in an alveolar structure, among which the lacunae of the chondrocytes are dispersed. About the lacunae, which vary in diameter and shape, there are thickened bands or envelopes of fibrillae. The alveolar fibrillae are con- tinuous peripherally with fibrous perichon- drium." 145 Schmidt, W. J. ZUR POLARISATI0NS0PTIK DES KNORPELGEWEBES. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1952, 37: 534-546. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 2123. Studies in the properties of cartilage as seen in ordinary and in polarized light, before and after tanning with sumac. Various cartilages of the lamprey and ear cartilage of cattle were used in the study. 146 ♦Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECTS OF ENDOCRINES ON AGE CHANGES IN THE EPI- PHYSEAL AND ARTICULAR CARTILAGES. Endo- crinology, 1942, 31: 410-418. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17- No 1111. — 147 ♦Zbinden, G. UBER FEINSTRUKTUR UND ALTERS- VERXNDERUNGEN DES HYALINEN KNORPELS IM ELEKTRONENMIKROSKOPISCHEN SCHNITTPRXPARAT UND BEITRAG ZUR KENNTNIS DER VERFETTUNG DER KNORPELGRUNDSUBSTANZ. Schweiz Zschr alle Path., 1953, 16: 165-189. Abstracted'in- Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 3801. See: 74 947 CELLS 148 112 952 113 1141 115 561 Amprino, R. CELLULAR INTERACTIONS IN ppt, DIFFERENTIATION. J. Embryol Fvn u £ 1953, 1: 283-285. 4 refs in ?hi«Wi' survey of the affinities between different tissues in various stages of devoid ?nt cartilage and bone are includedVel°pment> 141 Lambertini, G. NU0V0 INDAGINI SUL PARTIC0LARE APPARATO DELLE CELLULE CARTILAGINE NELL'UOMO E NEI MAMMIFERI, STUDIATO CON IL METODO SETTIM0 DEL D0NAGGI0. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1931, 6: 1072-1075. pi. 3 refs. 149 B12f4?'„?,;.»,£iLLU!£R POTENTIATION AND TIS- SUE CULTURE. Physiol. Rev., 1937, 17: 589-617. 204 refs. See particulary7 Bone and cartilage: p. 602-603. Cells (Continued) CELLS - OSTEOBLASTS 150 Burrows, H. J. THE INTERCELLULAR PRODUCT OF A PURE CULTURE OF OSTEOGENIC CELLS IN VITRO. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1933, 14: 202-209. 14 refs . 151 Craciun, E. C. LA REVERSIBILITE DU PROCESSUS CELLULARIE ET PHYSICOCHIMIQUE DE L'OSSIFICA- TION. ROLE DE L'OSTEOALLATOCYTE. Bull. Acad. med. Roumanie, 1945, 17: 29-42. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., T9~47, 41: 4550g. "An extensive review. The term osteoallato- cyte is coined to replace the terms osteoblast and osteoclast since they perform a single reversible function." - Chem. Abstr. 152 Gaillard, P. J. GESETZMASSIGKEITEN BEIM WACHSTUM VON GEWEBEKULTUREN. II. ANALYSE DER ZELLBEWEGUNG. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1936, 25: 598-613. 8 refs. Osteogenic cells from primordial os frontale of 16-day-old chick embryos were used to study cell migra- tion. Regularity in the migration of cells seemed to indicate that "there is no direct connection between the process of cell di- vision and cell migration. indirect connection is undeniable." 153 ♦Gukov, P. V. [ADSORPTION OF SUSPENSIONS BY BONE CELLS] IN: Sborn. trudov Voen. med. akad. Kirova, Leningr., 1937, p. 86-93. 154 ♦Hancox, N. M. OSTEOBLASTS, OSTEOCLASTS AND PARATHYROID EXTRACT IN VITRO. Liverpool, 1939. (Thesis-Univ.) 155 Heller, M. OCCURRENCE OF POSSIBLE SECRETORY GRANULES IN OSTEOGENIC CELLS. Anat. Rec, 1950, 106: 204. An abstract. 162 156 Heller-Steinberg, M., McLean, F. C. and Bloom, W. CELLULAR TRANSFORMATIONS IN MAMMALIAN BONES INDUCED BY PARATHYROID EXTRACT. Am. J. Anat., 1950, 87: 315-347. pi. 29 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 36836; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, T9"51, 5: No. 1168. 157 Huggins, C. THE COMPOSITION OF BONE AND THE FUNCTION OF THE BONE CELL. Physiol. Rev., 1937, 17: 119-143. Approx. 265 refs. Ab- stracted" in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937- 38, 7: No. 496. 158 Krompecher, I. and Berencsi, G. AZ EMBERI CSONTSEJTEK ALAKI KUL5NB<3Z0SEGE A CSONTFEJ- LBDES MODJA SZERINT ELKULONITVE. [MORPH- OLOGIC VARIATIONS OF HUMAN CELLS DIFFEREN- TIATED ACCORDING TO 3 TYPES OF OSSIFICATION] Magy. orv. arch., 1937, 38: 112-115. 159 Logan, R. A. THE ROLE OF OSTEOBLASTS AND OSTEOCLASTS IN OSTEOGENESIS. Am. J. Orthodont., 1942, 28: 561-566. 3 refs. 160 Sturm, K. DIE LAGE DES ISOELEKTRISCHEN PUNKTES BEI DEN OSTEOBLASTEN UND OSTEOCYTEN. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1935, 37: 595- 600. 7 refs. Aiello, L. SISTEMA OSSEO E SISTEMA RETICOLO- ENDOTELIALE. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI. Arch. ital. anat. pat., 1930, 1: 935-944. 16 refs. Vital staining with trypan blue in adult and newborn guinea pigs resulted in the blocking of certain apparently osteo- blastic cellular elements, which indicated a relationship between the reticuloendo- thelial and osseous systems. 163 Cappellin, M. CONTRIBUTE ALLA CITOLOGIA funzionAle DEGLI OSTEOBLASTI. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1948, 24: 1228- 1229. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1950, 4: No. 5090. The bones of chick embryos and of new-born chicks were studied for the presence and distri- bution of the nucleic acids in the osteo- blasts . 164 Cappellin, M. CONTRIBUTO ALL'INDAGINE CITO- CHIMICA DEGLI ACIDI NUCLEINICI NEGLI OSTEO- BLASTI. Chir. org. movim., 1949, 33: 410- 421. 58 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1950, 3: No. 4806. Peri- osteal ossification was studied in the femurs of 16-day-old chick embryos and of new-born chicks, and in the phalanges of the human finger. Determinations were made of the presence and distribution of ribonucleic and thymonucleic acids in the cytoplasm of the osteoblasts. It was found that only traces of the nucleic acids were present in the fibrocytes of the outer stratum of the periosteum, that the quantities increased as the cells differentiated into osteoblasts and that osteoblasts of epithelioid appearance con- tained very high concentrations of the acids, which decreased as the osteoblasts were transformed into osteocytes. The article contains a review of the litera- ture . 165 Cartier, P. OSSIFICATION ET RESPIRATION CEL- LULAIRE. Internat. Congr. Biochem., 1. meet., 1949, 573-574. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 8436. 166 Clavert, J. SUR LA TENEUR EN ACTDE RIBO- NUCLfilQUE DES CELLULES DE L'OS. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1950, 231: 998-999. 5 refs. 167 Dubreuil, G., Charbonnel, M. and Masse, L. LES PROCESSUS NORMAUX, ET PATHOLOGIQUES DE L'OSTEOGENESE. LE ROLE DES OSTEOBLASTES (A LA LUMIERE DES FAITS EXPERIMENTAL ET PATHOLOGIQUES). Ann. anat. path., Par., 1933, 10: 337-362. 33 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 8109. 168 Dubreuil, G., Charbonnel, M. and Masse, L. LES PROCESSUS NORMAUX ET PATHOLOGIQUES DE L'OSTEOGENESE. LES THEORIES ET LE ROLE DES OSTEOBLASTES. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1933, 10: 225-270. 4 refs. A digest in: Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1933, 59: 1028-1031. 161 Tischendorf, W. and Heckner, F. DER HAMA- TOLOGISCHE NACHWEIS VON OSTEOBLASTEN UND OSTEOKLASTEN UND IHRE BEDEUTUNG FOR DIE NORMALE KNOCHENBILDUNG UND FUR DIE ENTSTE- HUNG BOSARTIGER GESCHWULSTE IM SKELETSYSTEM. Klin. Wschr., 1950, 28: 21-24. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4: No. 2979. See: 886 909 1875 2261 2414 169 Esser, M. OSTEOBLASTEN UND OSTEOKLASTEN IN KNOCHENMARKAUSSTRICHEN. Helvet. med. acta, 1945, 12: 265-271. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1945, 75: 271. 170 Ferro-Luzzi, G. CONSIDERAZIONI ANATOMO- PATOLOGICHE E RADIOLOGICHE SUL TESSUTO GERMINATIVO DELL'OSSO, STUDIATO SECONDO LE MODERNE VEDUTE. Arch. ital. anat. pat., 1932, 3: 983-1018.- 65 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 10221. "Studies from histologic preparations of ma- CELLS - OSTEOBLASTS (Continued) 10 terial removed in operation and from radio- grams from 21 cases of fracture and osteo- myelitis, convince the author that the pro- liferating tissue of the bones is a special form of connective tissue, and that the cells may revert to typical connective tis- sue cells; osteoblasts are thus not speci- fic." - Biol. Abstr. 171 Hecht, E. PHYSIOLOGISCHE SALZLOSUNGEN IN DER GEWEBEZUCHTUNG. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1934- 1935, 22: 553-560. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 13062; Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 2985*. 172 Hill, J. C. THE CYTOLOGY AND HISTOCHEMISTRY OF OSTEOBLASTS GROWN IN VITRO. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1936, 18: 496-511. pi. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 17189. 173 Hughes, A. F. and Swann, M. M. ANAPHASE MOVE- MENTS IN THE LIVING CELL. A STUDY WITH PHASE CONTRAST AND POLARIZED LIGHT ON CHICK TISSUE CULTURES. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1948, 25: 45-70. 2 pi. 36 refs. . 174 Knake, E, LATION. BEITRAG ZUR FRAGE DER GEWEBSKORRE- Virchows Arch., 1940, 306: 88-134. 175 Krompecher, S. DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER KNOCHEN- ZELLEN UND DIE BILDUNG DER KNOCHENGRUND- SUBSTANZ BEI DER KNORPELIG UND BINDEGEWEBIG VORGEBILDETEN SOWIE DER PRIMAREN REINEN KNOCHENBILDUNG. Anat. Anz., 1934, 78: Suppl., 34-53. Vorweisung: 234-237. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 12498. 176 Maleci, 0. L'INFLUENZA DELL'ESTRATTO EM- BRIONALE A VARIA CONCENTRAZIONE SU COLTURE DI OSTEOBLASTI E FIBROBLASTI. Arch. ital. anat., 1941,45: 206-247. 24 refs. 177 Menegaux, G. and Odiette, D. INFLUENCE DE QUELQUES METAUX SUR LA FIXATION DES COMPOSES MINERAUX DANS LES CULTURES D>OSTEOBLASTES. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE BIOLOGIQUE DE L'OS- TEOSYNTHESE. Presse med., 1935, 43: 152- 155. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 33597. 178 Menegaux, G. and Odiette, D. INFLUENCE DES METAUX COUPLES SUR LA CROISSANCE DES CUL- TURES IN VITRO DE FIBROBLASTES ET D'OSTEO- BLASTES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 119: 485-487. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 59226. 179 *Neil, E. L. and Harper, H. A. ON THE ORIGIN OF OSTEOBLASTS IN THE RAT. Wasmann Col- lector, 1941, 4: 117-124. 3 pi. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 9820. 180 " /Jkland, F. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER OSTEOBLASTEN IN SCHLIFFEN UND AUSSTRICHEN. Zschr. wiss, Mikr., 1939, 56: 345-355. 181 jrtsland, F. VON LYMPHOCYT ZU KNOCHENZELLE. Acta path, microb. scand., 1940, 17: 466- 480. 34 refs. A review and discussion of the literature leads to the conclusion that osteoblasts originate from lymphocytes dur- ing one phase of their development. 183 18Ragol-skaia, F. S. K VOPROSU 0 PRO^KHOZHDENII KLETOCHNYKH ELEMENTOV, UCHASTVUlOSHCHIKH V PROTSESSE RAZRUSHENlfA I SOZIDANIIA KOST1. [ON THE QUESTION OF THE ORIGINS OF THE ttL LULAR ELEMENTS WHICH PARTICIPATE IN THE PRO- CESS OF BONE DESTRUCTION AND FORMATION] usp. sovrem. biol., 1953, 35: 464-467. 7 re*s; From experiments witlTUhite rats, il »as.^n" sidered possible that osteoblasts and osteo- clasts may originate not only from the mesen- chyme but also from the vital substance re- leased in the destruction of cells and basic substance, or in the process of osteocyte disintegration. The article contains a re- view of the pertinent Russian literature. Roche, J. and Mourgue, M. PREMIERES ETAPES DE L'OSSIFICATION DANS LES OS EMBRYONAIRES ET R6LE DE LA PHOSPHATASE. C. rend. Acad. sc. , 1942, 214: 809-811. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.7~Balt., 1945, 19: No. 21637. Studies of the first stages of-ossification in the goat, sheep and tadpole embryos, and of the role of phosphatase in the -ossification mechanism. It is suggested that the prin- cipal role of the osteoblasts is the secre- tion of enzymes: protease and phosphatase. 184 Roulet, F. STUDIEN UBER KNORPEL- UND KNOCHENBILDUNG IN GEWEBEKULTUREN. ZUGLEICH EIN BEITRAG ZUR LEHRE DER ENTSTEHUNG DER SOGENNANTEN GRUNDSUBSTANZEN. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1935, 17: 1-42. 65 refs. 185 Sundberg, R. D. and Hodgson, R. E. OSTEO- BLASTS AND OSTEOCLASTS IN SMEARS OF BONE MARROW. Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 717-718. An abstract. See: 1121 2447 1395 2523 2415 2745 2416 2901 2436 CELLS - OSTEOBLASTS - BIBLIOGRAPHY 186 Murray, M. R. and Kopech, G. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE RESEARCH IN TISSUE CULTURE, 1884 TO 1950. New York, Academic Press, 1953. v.l Bone, Osteoblasts: p. 202-205. CELLS - OSTEOCLASTS 187 Barnicot, N. A. THE SUPRAVITAL STAINING OP OSTEOCLASTS WITH NEUTRAL-RED: THEIR DIStot BUTION ON THE PARIETAL BONE OF NORMAL GROW ING MICE, AND A COMPARISON WITH THE MUTANT^ GREY-LETHAL AND HYDROCEPHALUS-3 Proc H Soc, Ser. B, Biol. Sc., Lond., 1947 lo?' 467-485. 2 pi. 24 refs. Abstracted t|t Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 18851* 188 Benoit 189 Benoit, J and Clavert, ET COMPORTEMENT DES OSTEOCLASTE^COT^i1^ OISEAUX. Arch, anat., Strasb 19*9 o!, 63-70. 13 refs. During Physiological^ experimental estrogenic osteogenesis in birds, numerous osteoclasts are formed from osteoblasts. Osteoclastic differen- tiation and activity appear to be regu- lated by the parathyroid hormone . CELLS - OSTEOCLASTS (Continued) 11 190 Bruno, G. SULLA ORIGINE, SULLA FUNZIONE E SULLA COSTITUZIONE DEGLI OSTEOCLASTI. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1937, 26: 407-423. 50 refs. 191 Bujard, E. OSTEOCLASTES ET CELLULES GEANTES. Rev. med. Suisse rom., 1946, 66: 475-482. Abstracted in: Excerpta med.,-Sect. 1, 1948, 2: No. 370. Guinea pigs and some rabbits were given subcutaneous, intramus- cular and intrasplenic innoculations of finely crushed fresh or preserved bone. All reactions were similar and indicated that osteoclasts originated from elements of the reticulo-endothelial system. Their origin is multiple since, though they come from histiocytes, i.e., mesenchymatous cells in a particular functional state, many cells can acquire this functional state. Osteoclasts and giant cells are re- garded as equivalent elements. The theories of other authors are reviewed. 192 Ch'uan, C. H. MITOCHONDRIA IN OSTEOCLASTS. Anat. Rec, 1931, 49: 397-399. pi. 6 refs. Abstracted In: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 17360. "As the mesenchymal cells, reticular cells, or osteoblasts become osteoclasts, their mitochondria increase in number. In areas of active bone development the osteoclasts contain more mitochondria than any other cells. These facts are taken to indicate that osteoclasts are not degenerating cells." - Biol. Abstr. 193 _* Dahl, B. LA THEORIE DE L'OSTEOCLASIE ET LE COMPORTEMENT DES OSTEOCLASTES VIS A VIS DU BLEU TRYPAN ET VIS A VIS DE L'IRRADIATION AUX RAYONS X. Acta path, microb. scand., 1936, Suppl. 26, 234-239. 194 Dodds, G. S. OSTEOCLASTS AND CARTILAGE RE- MOVAL IN ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION OF CER- TAIN MAMMALS. Am. J. Anat., 1932, 50: 97- 127. 5 pi. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 22218. "The distinctive power of th"e osteoclast is probably its ability to destroy calci- fied matrix, whether of cartilage or bone. This destruction is probably carried on by secretory rather than by phagocytic action." 195 *Glattli, W. DIE OSTEOKLASTENLEHRE. 44p. Bern, 1947. (Inaug.-Diss.-Univ.) 196 Gruber, G. B. BEITRXGE ZUR KENNTNIS DES STOFFWECHSELS IN GEWEBEN. Virchows Arch., 1948, 315: 218-225. 9 refs. In the hard tissues7_the role of the osteoclasts in re- sorptive processes is studied. In the lungs the mesenchymal origin of phagocytic cells of the alveolar spaces in pneumonoconiosis is discussed. 197 ___ Ham, A. W. and Gordon, S. D. NATURE OF THE SO-CALLED STRIATED BORDERS OF OSTEOCLASTS. Anat. Rec, 1952, 112: 449. An abstract. The evidence suggests that structures in- terpreted as the striated borders of osteo- clasts may be fringed borders of bone sur- faces at which resorption is occurring. 198 Hancox, N. M. MOTION PICTURE OBSERVATIONS ON OSTEOCLASTS IN VITRO. J. Physiol., Lond., 1949, 110: 205-206. pi. 5 refs. "Osteo- clasts possess a peripheral undulating mem- brane in tissue culture, and form fine cytoplasmic filaments. These facts support the hypothesis that osteoclasts are related ^ _ ----i~_.i „„, BOiic nther than to osteo- 199 Hancox, N. M. ON THE OCCURRENCE IN VITRO OF CELLS RESEMBLING OSTEOCLASTS. J. Physiol., Lond., 1946, 105: 66-71. pi. 11 refs. "In a proportion of cultures of embryonic chick bones... multinucleated giant cells wander out from the explant. These cells are considered to be osteoclasts^. . . de- rived from monocytes by fusion. In vitro, they do not become transformed into other cell types." 200 Hancox, N. M. THE OSTEOCLAST. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1949, 24: 448-471. Approx. 145 refs. Contents: Introduction.- Morphology. - Origin and fate. - Function.- Determination. - Summary. 201 Hruska, A., Jr. SULLA GENESI DEGLI OSTEO- CLASTI E SUL CARATTERE DELLO STIMOLO OSTEO- CLASTICO. Rass. odont., 1949, 30: 2-30. 1 ref. 202 *Kroon, D. B. BONE-DESTROYING FUNCTION OF OSTEOCLASTS (KOELLIKER'S "BRUSH BORDER"). Acta anat., Basel, 1954, 21: 1-18. 203 Noyes, F. B. A STUDY OF OSTEOCLASTS. Angle Orthodont., 1933, 3: 83-93. 204 Rumiantsev, A. V. and Berezkina, L. F. FUR- THER OBSERVATIONS ON TRANSFORMATION OF OS- TEOCLASTS IN VITRO; CULTIVATION OF BONE TIS- SUE OF RAT AFTER ADMINISTRATION OF PARATHO- HORMONE. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1945, 46: 168-170. 5 refs. 205 Zawisch, C. HISTORISCHKRITISCHES UND NEUES ZUR FRAGE DER OSTOKLASTEN, IHRER ENTSTEHUNG UND DER RESORPTION IM KNOCHEN. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1931, 27: 106-210. 75 refs. See: 169 2804 CELLS 182 2901 OSTEOCYTES 185 2523 2745 206 Cappellin, M. RICERCHE SUI RAPPORTI TRA CELLULE CON FUNZIONE OSTEOBLASTICS E CELLULE CON FUNZIONE ISTIOCITARIA NELLE PRIME FASI DELLO SVILUPPO EMBRIONALE. Arch. ital. anat., 1951, 56: 72-92. 35 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 90. Trypan blue was injected into the air space, allantois and under the skin of chick embryos incubated from 6 to 20 days and studies were made of the de- velopment of osteoblasts, first from mesen- chyme cells and later from histiocytes. This transformation of histiocytes into osteoblasts did not appreciably affect ossification processes. The mesenchyme was not histiocytic; histiocytes were the product of cell differentiation in various organs when organogenesis had reached a certain state of development. The defini- tion of histiocytes as "undifferentiated embryonal" cells is considered incorrect since the elements of the first stages of development are not granulopectic and granulopexia is a complex function which is developed slowly in the connective tissue. The article contains a review of the literature. 207 Lipp, W. NEUUNTERSUCHUNGEN DES KNOCHEN- GEWEBES. MORPHOLOGIE, HISTOCHEMIE UND BEEINFLUSSUNG DURCH DAS PERIPHERE, VEGE- TATIVE NERVENSYSTEM, DURCH FERMENTE UND 12 CELLS - OSTEOCYTES (Continued) HORMONE. Acta, anat., Basel, 1954, 20: 162-200. 35 refs. English and French" summaries. Detailed morphological and histochemical study of the "capsules" of the osteocyte processes in sections of human, guinea pig and hamster bone. 208 Rutishauser, E. PHYSIOPATHOLOGY OF BONE TIS- SUE: THE OSTEOCYTES AND FUNDAMENTAL SUB- STANCE. Bull. Hosp. Joint Dis., N. Y., 1951, 12: 468-490. 45 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Tbstr., 1953, 47: 728d; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No~1761. CHEMISTRY 209 Achard, J. PHYSIKOCHEMISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN AM LAMELLAREN KNOCHEN. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1935, 23: 573-588. 24 refs. 210 Ascenzi, A. ON THE EXISTENCE OF BONDS BETWEEN OSSEIN AND INORGANIC BONE FRACTION. Science, 1950, 112: 84-86. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. XEItr., 1950, 44: 9539*. 211 Cartier, P. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE BIOCHIMIQUE DE L'OSSIFICATION. lllp. Paris, 1946. (These-Paris). Approx. 125 refs. 212 Cretin, A. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE HISTOCHIMI- QUE DU SQUELETTE HUMAIN DANS SON DEVELOPPE- MENT, SA REPARATION ET SES ALTERATIONS CHRONIQUES. Strasbourg m6d., 1953, 4: 555- 567. 213 Dallemagne, M. J. LA BIOCHIMIE DE L'OSSIFI- CATION. J. radiol. electr., 1951, 32: 176- 188. Approx. 125 refs. Also in: sTetosco- pio, 1951, 1: 854-879. A critical review of the principal theories of calcification and of the chemical composition of bone salts. 214 Dallemagne, M. J. REFLEXIONS SUR LA BIOCHIMIE DE L'OS. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1952, 82: 845-848. 215 Dallemagne, M. J. and Mglon, J. NOUVELLES RECHERCHES RELATIVES AUX PROPRIETES OPTI- QUES DE L'OS: LA BIREFRINGENCE DE L'OS MINERALISE; RELATIONS ENTRE LES FRACTIONS ORGANIQUES ET INORGANIQUES DE L'OS. J. Washington Acad. Sc., 1946, 36: 181-195. 15 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 17299; Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 6103^. "The density, index of refraction and birefringence of sections of the diaphyses of ox femurs were de- termined . ... The data were submitted to mathematical analysis. It was concluded that the birefringence of fresh bones is due to that of the individual mineral cry- stals plus that due to the arrangement of these crystals, the water, and the organic material of the bones. There was no evi- dence for the existence of a combination between the organic matter and the Ca3 (P04)2." - Biol. Abstr. 216 Deakins, M. [L.] CORRELATION BETWEEN DENSITY AND ASH, ORGANIC, AND WATER CONTENTS OF CAL- CIFIED TISSUES. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. N. Y., 1941, 46: 62-64. 6 refs. 217 Follis, R. H., Jr. SOME HISTOCHEMICAL OBSER- VATIONS ON NORMAL AND DISEASED CARTILAGE AND BONE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1949,, 27-32. 7 refs. Discussion: p. 31- 32. 218 Forbes, R. M., Cooper, A. R. ™d ^^miiiv H. h! THE COMPOSITION OF THE ADULT HUMAN BODY AS DETERMINED BY CHEMICAL ANALXBio. J. Biol. Chem., 1953, 203: 359-366. lb refs. Abstracted in: TRTErit. Abstr , Aberdeen, 1954, 24: No. 622. Includes composition of tEe individual bones as well as of the entire skeleton on various bases. Data is summarized in tables. 219 Garcia, I. ESSAI D'ETUDE CHIMIQUEDURAPPORT SQUELETTE-MASSE ACTIVE DES ORGANISMS au COURS DE LA CROISSANCE ET DE DIVERSES CARENCES. 127p. Marseille, 1935. 220 Gassmann, T. BEMERKUNGEN ZUR ARBEIT VON «• ELEMENT UBER DIE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG UND BILDUNG VON KNOCHEWSTUTZSUBSTANZ. Hoppe Seyler Zschr., 1931, 201: 284. 8 refs. Abstracted: in: Nutrit. AbsTr., Aberdeen, 1931-32, 1: No. 2556; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 762. 221 Gassmann, T. UBER DEN KUNSTLICHEN AUFBAU DER KNOCHEN UND DER ZAHNE. I. MITTEILUNG: DAR- STELLUNG VON GLYKOKOLL-HEXOLSALZ BZW. GLY- KOKOLL-PHOSPHATOCALCIUMCARBONAT. Hoppe Seyler Zschr., 1930, 192: 61-69. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ATastr. , Bait., 1934, 8: No. 8239; Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 119. 222 Lorber, M. A STUDY OF THE HISTOCHEMICAL RE- ACTIONS OF THE DENTAL CEMENTUM AND ALVEOLAR BONE. Anat. Rec, 1951, 111: 129-144. 2 pi. 16 refs. Abstracted-!!!: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 31238. "Histochemical observations Have been made on human and animal material regarding the presence of lipid, acid mucopolysaccharide, alkaline glycerophosphate, calcium ions and phos- phate ions in the dental cementum and alveolar bone. There is a similar morpho- logical arrangement and... chemical com- ponents of corresponding cellular and intercellular components of cementum and alveolar bone." 223 Harek, J., Wellmann, 0. and Urbanyi, L. NEUERE BEITRAGE ZUR CHEMISCHEN ZUSAMMEN- SETZUNG GESUNDER UND RACHITISCHEN KNOCHEN. Hoppe Seyler Zschr., 1936, 240: 208-214. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1936-37, 6: No. 1940; Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 7T716. 224 Mitchell, H. H., Hamilton, T. S., Steggerda, F. R. and Bean, H. W. THE CHEMICAL COMPO- SITION OF THE ADULT HUMAN BODY AND ITS BEARING ON THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF GROWTH J Biol. Chem., 1945, 158: 625-637. 39 refs! Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945 19: No. 18222. "The chemical composition o? the body of a normal adult human, 35 years of age, has been reported, with ref- erence to moisture, ether extract, protein (N X 6.25), total ash, calcium, phosphorus and gross energy. Individual analyses of ' the skeleton, musculature, skin, and many visceral organs are reported. The data from this material have been considered in connection with requirements of calcium for growth..." 225 Pietrogrande, V. and Emanuele, L Rirvpnm, SUL QUANTITATIVO DI VITAMINA d"neLLA OsSJ NOTA PREVENTIVA. Ortop. traumat ann motore, 1952, 20: 45-51. Abstracted in- Chem. Abstr., T953, 47: 4447* in guinea pigs determinations were madeof thi vita- min D content of blood, liver, bone marrow and bone. Spongy bone was found to have the highest content. 13 CHEMISTRY (Continued) 226 Proell, F. UBER DEN CHEMISCHEN UND SUBMIKRO- SKQPISCHEN AUFBAU NORMALER UND STOFFWECHSEL- KRANKER HARTGEWEBE VON MENSCH UND TIER. Ber. Oberhess. Ges. Natur. Heilk., Naturw. Abt. (1947) 1948, 23: 86-99. 29 refs. A chemical and ultramTcroscopic study of the organic and inorganic structures of the bones and teeth of man and animals. The structure of normal tissues and the changes caused by faulty metabolism are discussed. The pertinent literature is reviewed. 227 *Roche> J. QUELQUES NOTIONS SUR LA BIOCHIMIE GENERALE DU SYSTEME OSSEUX. Medicine, Par., 1939, 20: 700-705. 228 Saito, M. [STUDIES ON CATTLE BONES; A PRE- LIMINARY REPORT. GENERAL COMPOSITION OF PIG BONES INCLUDING A NITROGEN DISTRIBUTION STUDY ON THE TOTAL PROTEINS OF PIG BONE] Rep. Inst. Sc Res. Manchoukuo, 1936, 1: 63-82. English abstract, p. 19-22. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 43813; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-38, 7: No. 1955. 229 Swanson, W. W. and lob, V. COMPOSITION OF THE FETAL SKELETON. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1936, 52: 755-756. Discussion: p. 756. 230 Swanson, W. W. and lob, V. GROWTH AND CHEMI- CAL COMPOSITION OF THE HUMAN SKELETON. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1940, 59: 107-111. 9 refs. Abstracted In: Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 59112. Study of three human fetuses. 231 Weakley, C. E., Jr. and Dustman, R. B. BI- LATERAL VARIATION IN THE WEIGHT AND COMPOSI- TION OF THE LONG BONES OF SOME EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS. J. Agr. Res., 1939, 58: 711-716. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. XTJstr., 1939, 33: 73682; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 9708. 232 ♦Weakley, C. E., Jr. and Dustman, R. B. THE COMPOSITION OF DIFFERENT SKELETAL PARTS OF EXPERIMENTAL ANIMALS. W. Virginia Agr. Exp. Sta., 1939, No. 294. 40p. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 24326; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 17803. 233 ♦Zenkevich, P. I. [ON THE FACTORS OF FORMATION OF THE LONG BONES OF THE SKELETON IN MAN. PART I. RELATION BETWEEN THE SHAPE Or THE CROSS-SECTION OF THE TIBIA AND THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY, AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BONE] Antrop. J., Moskva, 1937, No. 1, 26- 46. 32 refs. English summary. See: 157 1559 1931 2028 2883 540 1629 1965 2035 2918 1123 1894 1986 2045 1234 1902 2001 2298 1427 1922 2024 2729 CHEMISTRY - EXTRA- AND INTRACELLULAR FLUID 234 , Asakuma, S. DER PHOSPHORGEHALT DER LEBERLYMPHE VERGLICHEN MIT DEM DER BEINLYMPHE. Arb. Anat. Inst., Univ. Kyoto, ser. D, 1937, No. 6, 66-68. 1 ref. 235 Asakuma, S. ORGANISCHER UND ANORGANISCHER PHOSPHOR IN DER BEINLYMPHE. Arb. Anat. Inst. Univ. Kyoto, ser. D, 1937, No. 6, 23Burns, C. M. and Henderson, N. BONE COMPOSI- TION IN THE NEW-BORN YOUNG OF SOME SPECIES. J. Physiol., Lond., 1935, 83: Proc. 46-47. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 66397. 237 Burns, C. M. and Henderson, N. CHANGES IN GROWTH AND WATER CONTENT OF THE BONES OF NEWLY BORN PUPS AND KITTENS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1936, 30: 1202-1206. 2 refs. Ab- stracted in: Ifutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1936-37, 6: No. 3496. 238 Edelman, I. S. EXCHANGE OF WATER BETWEEN BLOOD AND TISSUES. CHARACTERISTICS OF DEUTERIUM OXIDE EQUILIBRATION IN BODY WA- TER. Am. J. Physiol., 1952, 171: 279-296. 38 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 3446^. "Our data support the view tnat the rate-determining step for water distribution is at the cell level, provided that the system is diffusion limited. The visceral cells constitute the bulk of the rapidly exchanging tis- sues, while resting skeletal muscle and bone constitute more slowly exchanging tissues." 239 Edelman, I. S., James, A. H., Baden, H. and Moore, F. D. ELECTROLYTE COMPOSITION OF BONE AND THE PENETRATION OF RADIOSODIUM AND DEUTERIUM OXIDE INTO DOG AND HUMAN BONE. J. Clin. Invest., 1954, 33: 122-131. 54 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. XEstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 15972. 240 lob, V. and Swanson, W. W. THE EXTRACELLULAR AND INTRACELLULAR WATER IN BONE AND CARTI- LAGE. J. Biol. Chem., 1938, 122: 485-490. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938. 12: No. 6426; Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 17712. CHEMISTRY - SULPHUR see also METABOLISM - SULPHUR 241 Barrnett. R. J. THE HISTOCHEMICAL DISTRIBU- TION OF PROTEIN-BOUND SULFHYDRYL GROUPS. J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 1953, 13: 905-925. 5 pi. 39 refs. Abstracted Ta: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 9470f; Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 2072. Rat tissues were studied by a new histochemical method for the distribution of protein-bound SH groups. It was observed that the SH groups were widely distributed in rat tissues, but that some tissues were clearly negative for SH. The latter tissues were "the collage- nous fibers, the matrix of bone and tra- cheal hyaline cartilage, mucus, the cortex of the distal half of hair shafts, and pos- sibly elastic tissue." 242 Bostrom, H. and Odeblad, E. AUTORADIOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS ON THE INCORPORATION OF S35- LABELED SODIUM SULFATE IN THE RABBIT FETUS. Anat. Rec, 1953, 115: 505-510. 2 pi. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 611. "The uptake of S35 varied markedly in different organs, being highest in the mucopolysaccharide-containing structures." 243 Dziewiatkowski, D. D. RADIOAUTQGRAPHIC STUDIES OF SULFATE-SULFUR (S35) METABOLISM IN THE ARTICULAR CARTILAGE AND BONE OF SUCKLING RATS. J. Exp. M., 1952, 95: 489- 496. 3 pi. 10 refs. Abstracted Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 24233; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 9699"*. 14 CHEMISTRY - SULPHUR (Continued) 244 Dziewiatkowski, D. D. RADIOAUTOGRAPHIC VIS- UALIZATION OF SULFUR-35 DISPOSITION IN THE ARTICULAR CARTILAGE AND BONE OF SUCKLING RATS FOLLOWING INJECTION OF LABELED SODIUM SULFATE. J. Exp. M., 1951, 93: 451-458. 2 pi. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 26553; Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 9151*. 245 Dziewiatkowski, D. D. SULFATE-SULFUR METAB- OLISM IN THE RAT FETUS AS INDICATED BY SUL- FUR35. j. Exp. M., 1953, 98: 119-128. 2 pi. 10 refs. Abstracted Tn: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 11416b; Brit. Abstr. M. Sc, 1954, p. 167. "Radioautographs of sections of the embryos showed that the S35 was highly con- centrated in the cartilaginous portion of the skeleton, the concentration in the humeri of 20-day-old embryos being 30 times that in the maternal sternum." 246 *Engfeldt. B., Engstrom, A. and Bostrom, H. THE LOCALIZATION OF RADIOSULFATE IN BONE TISSUE, 253. Exp. Cell Res., 1954, 6: 251- 247 Layton, L. L. THE ANABOLIC METABOLISM OF RADIOACTIVE SULFATE BY ANIMAL TISSUES IN VITRO AND IN VIVO. Cancer, Phila., 1951, 4: 198-201. 7 refs. Lateral condyle of Tibia, shaft of femur and tip of tibia were among the tissues investigated in this study. ■ 248 Singher, H. 0. and Marinelli, L. DISTRIBUTION OF RADIOACTIVE SULFUR IN THE RAT. Science, 1945, 101: 414-415. 2 refs. See: 261 672 943 CHEMISTRY OF BONE 249 VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS Almasy, F., Krupski, A. and Ulrich, H. BEI- TRAG ZUR PHYSIOLOGISCHEN CHEMIE DES CA-, P- STOFFWECHSELS BEIM JUGENDLICHEN RIND. Bull. Schweiz. Akad. med. Wiss., 1952, 8: 450-475. 36 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 70676. Based on the results of earlier Dalance experiments on Brown Swiss calves of different ages, studies were made of the de- posit of total calcium and phosphorus, of bone phosphorus and the phosphorus of soft tissues, in relation to age. It was ob- served that in normal development, periods of eratic growth of bone or soft tissue may alternate with periods of balanced growth of both. Mineralization disturbances follow a qualitatively similar pattern but with more marked and lasting results. 25Alquier J and Michaux, A. ETUDE DU RAPPORT CALCIUM PHOSPHORE DANS DIVERS TISSUS, N0TA- MENT DANS LES FEMURS DU LAPIN AU COURS DE LA CR0ISSANCE. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1937, 205: 177-178. 2 refs. A study of 2 litters of rabbits showed that the Ca P ratio of the femurs was 1.01 and 2.22 at birth. Ratios for both litters at about 60 days were nearly equal at 1.70. 25*1 Baker, S. L., Butterworth, E. C. and Langley, F. A. THE CALCIUM AND NITROGEN CONTENT OF HUMAN BONE TISSUE CLEANED BY MICRO-DISSEC- TION. Biochem. J., Lond., 1946, 40: 391- 396. 14 refs. "Tables are given showing calcium and nitrogen content of groups of samples of normal bone from (A) compact cortical bone of adult femur, (B) cancel- lous bone of adult femur, (C) adult rib, (D) infant rib, and of abnormal bone (E) in the form of sequestra composed of dead compact bone." 25Rplloni L RESISTENZA ALLA PRESSIONE DELLA DIAFISI FEMORALE NELLA SENILITA E AL TER- MINE DELL'ACCRESCIMENTO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1941, 16: 277-279. 1 ref. "The experimental sTudy shows that most oi the physical and chemical properties of bone do not change with age The greater fragility of the bones of old people must then be attributed to a lesser quantity of the component elements rather than to a qualitative difference." 253 Burns, C. M. CALCIUM SALTS OF BONE. J. Physiol., Lond., 1933, 78: Proc 1-2. refs Abstracted in: NuTrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 1857. 254 Burns, C. M. and Henderson, N. THE MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF BONE. II. THE INFLUENCE OF AGE ON THE MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF BONES FROM KITTENS AND PUPS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1936, 30: 1207-1214. 10 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 16003; Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: TT914. 255 Cartier, P. VARIATIONS DES ANIONS ORGANIOUES DE L'OS (CITRATES ET LACTATES) AU COURS DE LA CROISSANCE. C. rend. Soc biol., 1949, 143: 37-39. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ATSstr., 1949, 43: 5841a. All long bones of 15 growing rabbits, at different stages of development, were analyzed for ash, nitro- gen, phosphorus and calcium content and for citrate and lactate content in order to de- termine the possible relationship between the presence of these organic acids in bone and the degree of mineralization. It was found that variations in citrate levels were small but that the lactate content, high in the initial stages of ossification, decreased progressively with age and reached a low level in adult animals. Re- sults are summarized in a table. 256 Cartier, P. REPARTITION DES ANIONS ORGANIQUES DANS LES OS LONGS. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1949, 143: 631-632. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.7-1950, 44: 3115h; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950,"?: No. 1420. The long bones of 5 rabbits of different ages were sawed into 3 sections, diaphysis, metaphysis and epiphysis, and mineral and organic determi- nations were made for each section. It was found that the citrate content remained relatively constant in all parts of the bones at various ages but that the lactate content varied greatly in proportion to the intensity of cellular activity in osseous tissue. This was interpreted as proof of a close relationship between ossification and osteoblast respiration. The results of the experiment are given in a table. 257 Dallemagne, M. J. LA DISTRIBUTION DES ELE- MENTS MINERAUX DANS LA DIAPHYSE ET LES EPIPHYSES RADIALES ET CUBITALES DU LAPIN ADULTE. Acta biol. belg., 1941, 1: 451- 456. 4 refs. Sections from the Hiaphyses, distal epiphyses and diaphyses and from the proximal epiphyses of the radius and ulna of the adult rabbit were chemically analyzed for calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, carbon dioxide and total nitrogen content and the percentages of tricalcium phosphate, calcium 15 CHEMISTRY - VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS OF BONE (Continued) carbonate and magnesium phosphate calculated in the different sections. It was found that the tricalcium phosphate-calcium carbo- nate ratio varies with the area studied This variability is said to contradict the theory of the mass grouping of bone mineral substances in a complex calcium phospho- carbonate molecule. 258 DaiieJ2agne'^M- J- ETUDE COMPARATIVE DES ELE- MENTS MINERAUX ET DE L'AZOTE DANS LES CUBI- TUS, LES RADIUS ET LES TIBIAS DU LAPIN ADULTE. Acta biol. belg., 1941, 1: 406-409. 4 refs. Determinations were made~of the content of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, carbon dioxide and total nitrogen of mid- diaphyseal sections of the ulna, radius and tibia of adult rabbits. It was found that when calculated from the ash weight, the mineral elements were equally distributed in all the bones but that when calculated from dry bone weight there was a difference in distribution, the percentage decreasing progressively from the tibia to the radius to the ulna. Variations in the total nitro- gen content indicated that the differences observed were due solely to variations in the proportion of organic substances in the bones. 259 ♦Deakins, M. L. CHANGES IN THE COMPOSITION OF BONE WITH AGE. J. Dent. Res., 1948, 27: 758. An abstract. — 260 Dietz, A. A. DISTRIBUTION OF BONE MARROW, BONE, AND BONE-ASH IN RABBITS. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1944, 57: 60-62. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 4399. "A study of distribution of bone marrow in rabbits showed 47% of the marrow in the hind legs, 18% in the fore legs, 6% in the ribs, sternum, and clavicles, 9% in the head, and 20% in the vertebrae. The distribution of bone marrow, bone and bone- ash in the individual bones is recorded in the tables." 261 Enselme, J., Revol, L. and Trintignac, P. TENEUR EN SOUFRE DES DIAPHYSES ET DES EPI- PHYSES OSSEUSES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 131: 278-279. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 69269. "Dried defatted bones from adul"F~guinea pigs were analyzed. Femur diaphyses contained (av. values) 31.5% organic matter and 0.142%S. Femur epiphyses contained 45.1 and 0.255% respectively, humerus diaphyses 31.6 and 0.098%, and humerus epiphyses 46.5 and 0.246%." - Chem. Abstr. 262 Henschen, C. DIE KRISTALLINE STRUKTUR DES KNOCHENS IN IHREN BEZIEHUNGEN ZUR PHYSI- 0LOGIE UND PATHOLOGIE DES SKELETTES. EIN- FUHRUNGSBEISPIEL IN DIE PATHOLOGIE DES FEINBAULICHEN ZUSTANDES. (LEPTOPATHOL0GIE). Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 153-157; 182-185; 202-204; 223-225. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 29675. 26; [ess, A. F., Berliner, F. S. and Weinstock, M. AN INVESTIGATION OF THE COMPARATIVE ASH CON- TENT OF THE METAPHYSES AND SHAFTS OF BONES. J. Biol. Chem., 1931, 94: 9-19. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit."Abstr., Aberdeen, 1931-32, 1: No. 2554; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 764. 264 LE POULET; SES VARIATIONS AU COURS DES QUATRE PREMIERS MOIS. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1941, 135: 1203-1205. Chicks of the same breed, fed the same diet, were sacrificed at weekly intervals until 4 months of age and determinations made of the calcium and phosphorus content of dried sections of the diaphysis, epiphyseal cartilage and marrow of the long bones. The diaphysis was found to be composed entirely of tricalcium phos- phate. The variable calcium and phosphorus content of the epiphyseal cartilage was ex- plained by its peculiar structure in birds. The marrow had a relatively constant con- tent until the end of the second month when the appearance of medullary bone trabeculae caused the calcium and phosphorus levels to rise immediately. It is noted that while the calcium-phosphorus ratio in the diaphy- sis of chicks is 1.8, in young rats the ratio is 2., a marked species' difference. 265 MacDonald, I. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF HUMAN FOETAL SKULL BONES. Biochem. J., Lond., 1954, 57: 437-439. 14 refs. There is "an increase in the proportions of calcium and carbonate as the foetus approaches ma- turity, but no such increase in phosphorus and collagen. ... The inorganic chemical composition of growing membrane bone... may consist of a mixture of apatite, brushite and calcium carbonate or of a mixture of calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate and small amounts of other calcium salts." 266 *Mariassy, B. [CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BONES OF HORSES OF DIFFERENT AGES] Ko£l osszehas. elet ft k6rti, 1940, 29: 35-36. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., lUll, 35- 25762. —' 267 Monetti, G. COMPORTAMENTO DELLE FRAZIONI DI P ACIDOSOLUBILE NEL TESSUTO OSSEO DI ETA DIVERSE. Biochim. ter. sper., 1941, 28: 308-317. 14 refs. English, French and" German summaries. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 31684. 268 "Neal, W. M., Palmer, L. S., Eckles, C. H. and Gullickson, T. W. EFFECT OF AGE AND NUTRI- TION ON THE CALCIUM PHOSPHATE-CALCIUM CAR- BONATE RATIO IN THE BONES OF CATTLE. J. Agr. Res., 1931, 42: 115-121. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 5451; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1931-32, T7 No 892. 269 Roche, A. and Garcia, I. RECHERCHES SUR L'OS- SIFICATION. I, OSSIFICATION NORMALE ET CON- STITUTION DE RESERVES MINERALES DANS LES OS AU COURS DU DEVELOPPEMENT. Bull. Soc chim biol., Par., 1936, 18: 1014-1026. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937 11- No. 18518; Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 76484' — 270 Roche, A. and Garcia, I. VARIATIONS DU RAP- PORT: PHOSPHORE-AZOTE DE L'OS AU COURS DE LA CROISSANCE CHEZ LE RAT. C. rend. Soc. biol 1934, 116: 1029-1032. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1934-35, 4: No. 2538. 271 Leulier, A., Policard, A. and Revol, L. LA TENEUR EN CALCIUM ET EN PHOSPHORE DES DIVERS —^«c^T™r4WT«i htstologIOUES DES OS LONGS CHEZ Strobino, L. J. and Farr, L. E. THE RELATION TO AGE AND FUNCTION OF REGIONAL VARIATIONS IN NITROGEN AND ASH CONTENT OF BOVINE BONES J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 178: 599-609. 5 refs Abstracted in: Biol. ABsTr., Bait., 1950 24- No. 1867; Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43- 5844h ' —' 16 CHEMISTRY - VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS OF BONE (Continued) 272 Swanson, W. W. and lob, V. MINERAL COMPOSI- TION OF THE BONE AND CARTILAGE OF THE HUMAN FETUS. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1937, 54: 1025- 1029. 9 refs. Abstracted in: ChemT Abstr., 1938, 32: 70995; Nutrit. Abstr., 1937-38. 7: No."5031. 273 ♦Weinges, K. F., Leppelmann, H. J. and Hartl, F. UBER DEN CALCIUM-, PHOSPHAT-UND CARBONAT- GEHALT MENSCHLICHER SKELETTEILE IM ZUSAMMEN- HANG MIT FRAGEN DER KNOCHENSTRUKTUR UND IHRES UMBAUES UNTER NORMALEN UND KRANKHAFTEN BEDING- UNGEN. Klin. Wschr., 1953, 31: 1057-1059. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr . ,~T954, 48: 4076^. See 240 381 350 412 354 572 357 2263 380 2875 CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC see also METABOLISM, INORGANIC; TRACE ELEMENTS and subdivisions 274 Andreatta, C. and Forni, I. RICERCHE ROENT- GENOGRAFICHE SUL COMPONENTE MINERALI DELL'OS- SO UMANO NATURALE NON POLVERIZZATA E SULL'OS- SA DEMINERALIZZATO. Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Rendic., Class, sc. fis., 1952, 13: 14-18. 12 refs Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 6524". Roentgenograms of splinters of dry bone from a human femur before and after de- mineralization indicated conclusively that "the mineral component of natural human bone, not pulverized nor thermically treated in any way, is an apatite." A measurable line in the roentgenograms of completely demineral- ized bone suggested that, "its is not im- probable that the 15.5° line in the deminer- alized bone diagrams may be attributed to the organic substance of the bone." The article is preceded by a review of the literature. 275 Bale, W. F. A COMPARATIVE RONTGEN-RAY DIF- FRACTION STUDY OF SEVERAL NATURAL APATITES AND THE APATITE-LIKE CONSTITUENT OF BONE AND TOOTH SUBSTANCE. Am. J. Roentg., 1940, 43: 735-747. 24 refs. It is shown that the unit cells of bone, tooth enamel, den- tine, hydroxylapatite, and tricalcium phos- phate hydrate are identical within the range of experimental error. The inorganic substance of bone and tooth enamel tends to approximate the structure of hydroxylapatite. It is suggested that the carbonate present in these substances does not form an in- tegral part of the apatite lattice but is present at boundary regions. 276 Bauer, G. C. H. RATE OF BONE SALT FORMATION IN A HEALING FRACTURE DETERMINED IN RATS BY MEANS OF RADIO-CALCIUM. Acta orthop. scand., 1954, 23: 169-191. 14 refs. 277 Brasseur, H. , Dallemagne, M. J. and Melon, J. CHEMICAL NATURE OF SALTS FROM BONES AND TEETH AND OF TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE PRECIPI- TATES. Nature, Lond., 1946, 157: 453. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 40959; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1946- 47, 16: No. 1845. 278 Brasseur, H., Dallemagne, M. J.,and Melon, J. LA NATURE DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE DE L'OS Experientia, Basel, 1948, 4: 421-424. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 5060c. "X-ray patterns of bone salts and fore d of hydrated tricalcium phosphate, he- re and after ignition, indicate that bone It is not hydroxyl-apatite since it may he converted to either carbonate-apatite or oxyapatite, depending upon the loss oi bon dioxide." - Chem. Abstr. 279 ' 1 T Brasseur, H., Dallemagne, M. J. and M®1°"' *L • REMARQUES SUR LA CONSTITUTION DE L' "f^?"^" APATITE ET DE LA CHLORAPATITE DE SYNTHEbfc PAR VOIE HUMIDE. Bull. Soc sc. Liege, i»oi, 20: 447-452. 5 refs. 280 Burns, C. M. and Henderson, N. THE UINERALV CONSTITUENTS OF BONE. I. METHODS OF ANALY- SIS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1935, 29: 2385- 2395. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 25997. "Methods are de- scribed for the analysis of the Ca and phosphate of bone with an average accuracy of *1.5%, and of CO2 with an accuracy of *3%. Analysis of bone by a method which involves filtering off an ammonium phospho- molybdate precipitate, or leaching out the salt with alkaline glycerol gives phosphate figures which are too low. In 270 analyses of bone 70% of the results were such as to indicate the presence of a phosphate not tertiary Ca or Mg phosphate." 281 Burns, CM. and Henderson, N. THE SALTS OF YOUNG BONE. J. Physiol., Lond., 1934, 82: Proc, 7. "Variations in carbonate and-phos- phate content indicates that bone salts are not deposited as a compound of calcium phos- phate and carbonate, but rather as a mixture. The chemical changes in bone under different conditions cannot be deduced from the chemi- cal composition unless changes in size and modelling are also considered." 282 Cartier, P. LES CONSTITUANTS MINERAUX DES TISSUS CALCIFIES. I. LA STRUCTURE MINERALE DE L'OS, DE LA DENTINE ET DU CEMENT. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1948, 30: 65-73. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Chem.-Xbstr., 1948, 42: 7852*. Solubility studies were made of-samples of bone, dentine and cement in buffered solutions of different degrees of acidity and the solubility curves com- pared with those of alpha tricalcium phos- phate, calcium carbonate and natural car- bonate apatite (dahllite). These studies and determinations of variations in the calcium-phosphorus ratio in the different solutions indicated that the mineral com- position of the tissues studied was a simple mixture of alpha tricalcium phos- phate and calcium carbonate. 283 CaTISSn* rAT/^?*C30NSTiTUANTS MINERAUX DES TISSUS CALCIFIES. II. LA STRUCTURE MOLECU- LAIRE DU SEL DE L'OS. Bull. Soc chim biol., Par., 1948, 30: 73-81. 14 refs' Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948 42-' I!fL; Bio1- Abstr., Bait., 1949,'23?'No. 15324. From solubility studies of~a bone sample at various stages of demineraliza- tion it was concluded that while the major constituents of bone salts are alpha tri- calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate, minor quantities of other minerals are also present as calcium citrate, trimagnesium phosphate, magnesium carbonate, secondary sodium phosphate and protein-bound calcium and phosphorus. 284 Cartier, P. and Barraud, J. fiTUDE CHIMIQue ET RADIOCRISTALLOGRAPHIQUE DE LA DEMINER- ALISATION DE L'OS. J. rech. CNRS, Par., 1951, No. 16, 13-17. 15 refs. A review of the literature and discussion of current theories is followed by a summary of the author's experiments. CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC (Continued) 17 285 COMPOSITION OF BONES AND TEETH. Rev., 1949, 7: 239-242. Nutrit. 286 Coppo, M. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI SULLA COM- POSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA. III. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 310-314. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1934, 28* 64726. — 287 Coppo, M. STUDI SULLA COMPOSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA. NOTA II. L'OSSO UMANO NORMALE. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1934, 5: 237-249. 10 refs. 288 Dallemagne, M. J. CHEMICAL NATURE OF SALTS FROM BONE AND TEETH AND OF TRICALCIUM PHOS- PHATE PRECIPITATES. Nature, Lond., 1946, 157: 453. 7 refs. 289 Dallemagne, M. J. LA COMPOSITION ET LA CONSTI- TUTION DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE OSSEUSE. LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE OSSEUSE RENFERME-T-ELLE DES APATITES? Acta biol. belg., 1942, 2: 301-303. 2 refs.. From solubility studies of a mixture of phosphate and calcium car- bonate in a solution of acetic acid and from determinations of the calcium-phosphorus ratio of the undissolved residue, it was found that the least soluble substance of bone is tricalcium phosphate and that bone does not contain apatites. But it was ob- served that calcination at 900° centrigrade transforms the mixture of phosphate and cal- cium carbonate into carbonate apatite. The theories of Policard and Roche are reviewed and refuted and Dallemagne's own earlier theories are revised. chemical axis of bone, there probably exists a small percentage of hydroxyapatite and that around these two fundamental sub- stances the mass of phosphate and calcium carbonate is grouped. 293 Dallemagne, M. J. SOME RECENT FACTS ABOUT THE PROPERTIES OF TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE AND THE COMPOSITION OF THE BONE SALT. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1952, 4 .Conf., 154-168. Conference discussion: p. 166-168. 24 refs. 294 ♦Dallemagne, M. J. and Brasseur, H. LA DIF- FRACTION DES RAYONS X PAR LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE OSSEUSE. Bull. Soc. sc., Liege, 1942, 11: 451-462; 488-495. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 29779; 42969. 295 Dallemagne, M. J. and Brasseur, H. LA NATURE DU SEL PRINCIPAL DE L'OS ETUDIEE PAR LA DIF- FRACTION DES RAYONS X; UN CAS D'INTERPRETA- TION DIFFICILE. Experientia, Basel, 1947, 3: 469-471. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 2657f. 296 Dallemagne, M. J. and De Rycker, H. LA COMPO- SITION ET LA CONSTITUTION DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE OSSEUSE. L'ANALYSE THERMIQUE DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE OSSEUSE. Acta biol. belg., 1942, 2: 445-447. 3 refs. Study of the reactions of bone salts to various de- grees of temperature at different atmos- pheric pressures. This analysis is said to corroborate the conclusions of chemical and x-ray diffraction studies previously de- scribed . 290 Dallemagne, M. J. LA COMPOSITION ET LA CONSTI- TUTION DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE OSSEUSE. L'INDEPENDANCE DU PHOSPHATE TRICALCIQUE ET DU CARBONATE CALCIQUE DANS LES SELS OSSEUX NON CALCINES. Acta biol. belg., 1942, 2: 298-300. 2 refs. From studies of the calci- um solubility of various bone sections, be- fore and after calcination, in hydrochloric acid solutions of increasing strength and from determinations of the mineral content of the resulting filtrates, it was concluded that before calcination the mineral substance of bone is essentially a mixture of trical- cium phosphate and calcium carbonate but that after calcination at 900° centigrade it is essentially a carbonate phosphorus combina- tion of the carbonate apatite type. 291 ♦Dallemagne, M. J. LA NATURE CHIMIQUE DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE OSSEUSE; PREMIERS ESSAIS D'INTERPRETATION DE CERTAINSNPHENOMENES PHYSIOPATHOLOGIQUES DE L'OS A LA LUMIERE DE CES NOTIONS NOUVELLES. Liege, Gordinne, 1943. (Thdse d'Agregation de l'Enseignement Superieur.) 292 Dallemagne, M. J. QUELQUES CONSIDERATIONS D'ORDRE QUALITATIF AU SUJET DES MATIERES MINERALES DES RADIUS, DES CUBITUS ET DES TIBIAS DU LAPIN ADULTE. Acta biol. belg., 1941, 1: 409-413. 6 refs. From the re- sults of an experiment previously described in which determinations were made of the calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and carbon dioxide of mid-diaphyseal sections of the bones of adult rabbits' legs, the qualita- tive grouping of these chemical elements was studied. Exception is taken to the theory of Klement and TrOmel that bone is exclusively hydroxyapatite, but it is con- cluded that, in addition to the small quan- tity of carbonate apatite which forms the 297 Dallemagne, M. J. and MSlon, J. LA FORMATION DE BRUSHITE A PARTIR DES SELS OSSEUX OU DENTAIRES. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1945, 27: 597-599. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ATistr., 1946, 40: 61401. Experiments, in which brushite was obtained from alpha tricalcium phosphate, from bone, dental ce- ment and dentin, were considered further proof that the principal mineral component of these structures is alpha tricalcium phosphate. Brushite was not obtained from dental enamel. 298 Dallemagne, M. J. and Melon, J. LES INDICES DE REFRACTION DE L'OS, DE LA DENTINE, DU CEMENT ET DE L'EMAIL. C. rend. Soc. biol , 1944, 138: 1028-1031. 8 refs. Measurement of the indices, "led to the conclusions that enamel possesses the chemical qualities of an apatite and that, contrary to current opinion, dentine and cement have not an apatite structure but have a composition similar to that of bone, i.e., a mixture of CaC03 and tri-calcium phosphate in a combi- nation isomorphous with apatite. Calcining converts this mixture of the two salts into a phosphocarbonate combination." 299 Dallemagne, M. J. and Melon, J. LE POIDS SPECIFIQUE ET L'INDICE DE REFRACTION DE L'OS, DE L'EMAIL, DE LA DENTINE ET DU CEMENT. PRE- MIERS RfiSULTATS RELATIFS A LA DETERMINATION DE LA NATURE CHIMIQUE DES CONSTITUANTS MINERAUX DE LA DENT. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1945, 27: 85-89. 8 refs. Studies of the specific gravity and refractive index of bovine bone and teeth indicate that bone, dental cement and dentine contain a mixture of alpha tricalcium phosphate and calcium carbonate but that the principal constituant of enamel is a carbonate apatite. 18 CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC (Continued) 300 309 Dallemagne, M. J., Brasseur, H. and Me'lon, J. LA CONSTITUTION DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE DE L'OS ET LA SYNTHESE DES APATITES. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1949, 16: D138-D145. 36 refs. Abstracted in: Chem."Abstr., 1949, 43: 6716e. Objections to the theory that alpha trical- cium phosphate constitutes the main mineral substance of bone are answered by a series of x-ray diffraction studies, from which it is concluded that tricalcium phosphate really exists in the hydrated form but that, because of the instability of the compound, its prep- aration in a pure state requires specific and controlled conditions. The article is pre- ceded by a review of the literature from 1862. 301 Dallemagne, M. J., Brasseur, H. and Mglon, J. L'EXISTENCE DU PHOSPHATE TRICALCIQUE«< , [CA3 (p04)2l3-H2(OH)2. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1949, 3: 425-431. 11 refs. From x-ray diffraction studies it is concluded that alpha tricalcium phosphate is a well defined chemical substance but that the molecule is unstable in an aqueous medium. The article contains a summary of the 5 principal theor- ies in the literature. 302 Eisenberger, S., Lehrman, A. and Turner, W. D. THE BASIC CALCIUM PHOSPHATES AND RELATED SYSTEMS. SOME THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL ASPECTS. Chem. Rev., Bait., 1940, 26: 257- 296. 230 refs. — Klement, R. DIE ANORGANISCH^ SKELETSUBSIANZ IHRE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG, NATURLICHE UND KUNST LICHE BILDUNG. Naturwissenschaften 13J», 26: 145-152. 28 refs. The ^organic "£„_ sTructure is analyzed and compared J» «™ blooded and cold-blooded animals, fish ana birds. 310 Klement, R. and Tromel, G. HYDROXYLAPATIT DER HAUPTBESTANTEIL DER ANORGANISCHEN KNOCHEN- UND ZAHNSUBSTANZ. Zschr. physiol. Chem., 1932, 213: 263-269. Approx. 25 refs. Ab- stracted-^: Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27= IO37• 311 ♦Klement, R. NEUE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UB^R DIE AN- 0RGANISCHE KNOCHEN- UND ZAHNSUBSTANZ UND IHRE SYNTHESE. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 591-593. 312 Klement, R. DIE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG DER KNOCHEN- STUTZSUBSTANZ. Hoppe Seyler Zschr., 1929, 184: 132-142. 10 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 10376. 313 Klement, R. DIE ZUSAMMENSETZUNG DER KNOCHEN- STUTZSUBSTANZ UND IHRE BILDUNG. Hoppe Seyler Zschr., 1931, 196: 140-154. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 21876; Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 37TJ2. 303 Fabry, C. LA FIXATION DE CHAUX PAR LE PHOS- PHATE TRICALCIQUE EN MILIEU AQUEUX. Bio- chem. biophys. acta, Amst., 1954, 14: 401- 406. 7 refs. 304 Follis, R. H., Jr. THE INORGANIC COMPOSITION OF THE HUMAN RIB WITH AND WITHOUT MARROW ELEMENTS. J. Biol. Chem., 1952, 194: 223- 226. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 5170e. Analyses for calcium, phosphorus and carbonate were made and a series of normal values is presented. 305 Govaerts, J. ISOTOPIC EXCHANGES AND THE EXISTENCE OF TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN BONE. Nature, Lond., 1954, 174: 831-832. 11 refs. "... our results cannot support the assumption that the principal bone com- ponent is hydroxylapatite, which absorbs phosphate enough to give a calcium phos- phorus ratio of 1.94." 314 306 Greenwald, I. PHOSPHATE. Biol. Chem, THE SOLUBILITY OF CALCIUM II. THE SOLUBILITY PRODUCT. 1942, 143: 711-714. J. 307 Hendricks, S. B. and Hill, W. L. THE INORGANIC CONSTITUTION OF BONE. Science, 1942, 96: 255-257. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.,"Bait., 1943, 17: No. 8970; Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 9312. ™"In general, evidence now available would seem to indicate that bone contains a hydrated tricalcium phosphate type of com- pound instead of hydroxyapatite as widely accepted and that sodium and carbonate are essential constituents of this compound." 308 Hodge, H. C. SOME CONSIDERATIONS OF THE SOLUBILITY OF CALCIUM PHOSPHATE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1951, 3. Conf., 190-204. Conference discussion: p. 200- 204. 15 refs. Klement, R. and TrtJmel, G. ZUSAMMENSETZUNG UND BILDUNG DER ANORGANISCHEN KNOCHEN- UND ZAHNSUBSTANZ. Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 292- 294. 16 refs. Also in: Hoppe Seyler Zschr., 1932, 213: 263-269. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 530; Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 2990. ~ 315 Kuyper, A. C. THE CHEMISTRY OF BONE FORMA- TION. I. THE COMPOSITION OF PRECIPITATES FORMED FROM SALT SOLUTIONS. J. Biol. Chem, 1945, 159: 411-416. 26 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 616, 316 Kuyper, A. C. THE CHEMISTRY OF BONE FORMA- TION. II. SOME FACTORS WHICH AFFECT THE SOLUBILITY OF CALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN BLOOD SERUM. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 159: 417-424 17 refs. Abstracted in: Biol.TEstr Bait 1946, 20: No. 617; Chem. Abstr , 1945' 39. 317 Legrand, C, Barraud, J. and Cartier p ETUDE RADIOCRISTALLOGRAPHIQUE DU MELANnr PHOSPHATE TRICALCIQUE (^CARBONATE DE CAL- CIUM. C. rend. Acad, sc., 1952 234- 2624-2625. 3 refs. In an effort-^'de- termine the calcium carbonate content of bone salts, radiocrystallographic studies were made of the ^tricalcium phosphate and calcium carbonate mixture. it was found that it is not possible to detect calcium carbonate by X-ray diffraction when the content is inferior to 10% or 15% of IjL tricalcium phosphate. * °f the 318 Levinskas, G. J. SOLUBILITY STUDIES OF 2 and Ca(0H)2 pointing to the possibility that the principal component of the bone ash is a complex salt of the nature C*r{Ca3(PO4)2)6K0H)2." - Nutrit. Abstr. 327 Neuman, W. F. SOLUBILITY STUDIES WITH SYN- THETIC HYDROXYLAPATITE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1952, 4.Conf., 235-239. 3 refs. qog Neuman W F and Mulryan, B. J. THE SURFACE CHEMtSTRY OF BONEV I. RECBYSTALLIZATION. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 185: 705-712. 14 refs. Abstracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 5754i; Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 304. A~~study of the behavior of powdered rresh bone suspended in phosphate buffer. The mineral material of the bone undergoes rapid recrystallizat ion. 329 Neuman, W. F. and Neuman. M. W. THE NATURE OF THE MINERAL PHASE OF BONE. Chem. Rev., Bait., 1953, 53: 1-45. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953,"4"7: 11417e; Brit. Abstr. M. Sc, 1954, p. "2T3. 330 Neuman, W. F., Toribara, T. Y. and Mulryan, B. J. THE SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF BONE. VII. THE HYDRATION LAYER. 23p. University of Rochester,Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N. Y., 1952. (UR-230) 25 refs. A briefer report based on this study appears in: J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1953, 75: 4239-4242. "Three kinds of evidence have-Been obtained which demonstrate that the crystals of hydroxyl apatite and bone are highly hydrated: a) the water is not removed by high speed centri- fugation; b) the water layer does not contain the electrolytes of the bulk solution; and c) the crystals adsorb water vapor in ac- cordance with the Brunauer, Emett, and Teller theory. It has been shown that adult, compact shaft contains little, if any, water other than that present as water of hydra- tion. The significance of these findings is discussed." 331 Nicolaysen, R. DEN NORMALE BENDANNELSES BIOKJEMI. Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1935, 96: 855-867. 2 pi. 13 refs. 332 Pozzi, L. and Preto, E. RICERCHE SUL CON- TENUTO MINERALE DELLE OSSA DEL RATTO IN SVARIATE CONDIZIONI SPERIMENTALI. Biochim. ter. sper., 1931, 18: 397-407. 14 refs. Abstracted in: BioT7 Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 8242; Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 1667. In rats the mineral content of the hind leg bones was determined under various ex- perimental conditions: prolonged exposure to cold, sectioning of the sciatic and crural nerves, administration of irradiated ergosterol, parathormone and trypan blue. Only trypon blue increased the mineral con- tent. Under all other conditions the mineral content was reduced. 333 Prina, C. DIIDROTACHISTERINA E COMPORTAMENTO DEL CA, DEL P E DELLA FOSFATASI PLASMATICA E DEI TESSUTI. Arch, sc. med., Tor., 1952, 94: 120-129. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 3464. In rabbits a study was made of the effects of dihydrotachysterol on plasma and tissue calcium, phosphorus and phosphate. No sig- nificant changes were noted in bone mineral composition. 334 Quartaroli, A. and Fontanelli, G. SULLA STRUTTURA CHIMICA DEL FOSFATAO TRICALCICO E DEL CALCARE NELLE F0SF0RITI E NELLE OSSA. Ann. Fac agraria, Pisa, n. ser. 1942, 5: 416-434. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 2520e. 20 CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC (Continued) 335 Shear, M. J. and Kramer, B. COMPOSITION OF BONE. IX. EQUILIBRATION OF SERUM WITH DI- CALCIUM PHOSPHATE, J. Biol. Chem., 1930, 86: 677-694. 35 refs. Abstracted in: Biol, X*5str., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 6787; Chem. Abstr., 1930, 24: 4813. 336 Shear, M. J. and Offner, M. M. COMPOSITION OF BONE. XI. BINDING OF CALCIUM IONS BY SERUM. J. Biol. Chem:, 1931, 91: 291-305. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit .Tbstr ., Aberdeen, 1931-32, l: No. 452. 337 Silberstein, L. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DE LA COMPOSITION CHIMIQUE DES OS: CAS DU FEMUR DE CHEVAL. Bull. Soc chim. biol., Par., 1935, 17: 667-670. 20 refs. This report is es- sentially the same as that in: C. rend. Acad, sc, 1935, 200: 421-423. tfadhwani, T. K. EXCHANGE MECHANISM IN B0^" Current Sc., Bangalore, 1953, 22: 229-23"• Abstracted in: Brit. Abstr. M."~5c, *95*' p 340. "A process of repeated equili°r tion of bone salt with NaF does not sUP~ port the hypothesis, based on exchange r actions in vivo, that calcified tissues, particularly bones, can be divided into labile and non-labile parts." - Brit. Abstr. See: 7 421 638 11 478 870 12 479 871 13 611 876 20 619 891 894 1152 1182 1205 1223 1231 1235 1241 1363 1378 1402 1404 1406 1429 1544 1545 1888 1889 1893 1905 1940 1972 2003 2132 2387 2396 2724 2829 2896 2900 338 Silberstein, L. SUR LA COMPOSITION CHIMIQUE DES OS: CAS DU FEMUR DE CHEVAL. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1935, 200: 421-423. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1935-36, 5: No. 471; Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 2986V7 339 Steadman, L. T., Hodge, H. C. and Horn, H. W. SPECTROCHEMICAL STUDIES OF POTASSIUM IN BONE AND TOOTH SUBSTANCE. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 140: 71-76. 18 refs. "Potassium has been found spectrographically in bone, enamel, and dentin. Enamel contains about 0.3 per cent of potassium; in order of potassium con- tent, enamel iS PHOSPHATASE SYSTEM 1931, 93: 733-748. 6 refs Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1931-32, 1: No. 2485. The function of magnesium as a spe- cific activator for various tissue phospha- tases including bone was studied. 373 Klement, R. BASICHE PHOSPHATE ZWEIWERTIGER METALLE. I. BASICHE MAGNESIUMPHOSPHATE. Zschr. anorgan. allg. Chem., 1936, 228: 232-240. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1936-37, 6: No. 3499. "Experiments on the hydrolysis of MgHP04 were carried out to determine the possible state of combination of Mg in bone." - Nutrit. Abstr. 374 Orent, E. R., Kruse, H. D. and McCollum, E. V. STUDIES ON MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY IN ANIMALS. VI. CHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE BONE, WITH AS- SOCIATED BLOOD CHANGES, RESULTING FROM MAG- NESIUM DEPRIVATION. J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 106: 573-593. 38 refs. Abstracted in: BTol . Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 18358; Chem. Abstr., 1934, 28: 68159. 375 Robuschi, L. INFLUENZA DELL'ERGOSTERINA IR- RADIATA SUL CONTENUTO IN MAGNESIO DELLE OSSA. Atti Soc. med. chir. Padova, 1933, ser. 2, U: 248-254. 13 refs . 376 Robuschi, L. IL MAGNESIO NELLE OSSA DI ANIMALI TRATTATI CON ERGOSTERINA IRRADIATA. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1933, 8: 675-679. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19"34, 28: 5097. Rubegni, R. INFLUENZA DI UN TRATTAMENTO PRO- LUNGATO CON UN SALE DI MG. SULLA COMPOSI- ZIONE MINERALE DELL'OSSO. Pathologica, Genova, 1936, 28: 69-75. 38 refs Ab- stracted in: CKim. Abstr., 1936, 30: 3880*. See: 396 1971 809 2621 1193 2704 1231 2810 1285 CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC - PHOSPHORUS see also METABOLISM, INORGANIC - PHOSPHORUS 378 Adams, C. O. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TRANS- VERSE METAPHYSEAL BANDS PRODUCED IN GROWING BONES BY PHOSPHORUS INGESTION. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 39: 351-354. 7 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 467; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1938-39T 8: No. 4969. The bands of dense bone contain a normal ratio of P and Ca. The density is the result of growth arrest. 379 Antoniani, C. and Usuelli, F. SULLA COSTI- TUZIONE CHIMICA DEL FOSFATO CALICO DELLE OSSA. Profilassi, 1932, 5: 179-180. 380 Black, A. L., Kleiber, M., Smith, A. H. and Ralston, N. P. MOBILITY OF SKELETAL PHOS- PHOROUS IN A MATURE DAIRY COW AS DETERMINED WITH RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHOROUS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1953, 82: 248-252. 16 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1953. 27: No. 27652; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 60106;~N"uclear Sc. Abstr., 1953, 7: No. 13"6~4 . The "labile" phosphorous pool in The skeleton of a mature dairy cow was measured by use of P32. The pool contains about 1% of the total skeletal phosphorous, which represents a store 15 times as large as the circulating phosphorous pool of the plasma. While the "labile" phosphorous is distributed through- out the skeleton, its concentration in tra- becular bone is 3 times that in cortical bone . 381 Bonner, J. F., Jr. INFLUENCE OF AGE ON UPTAKE OF RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS BY THE SKELETON IN: PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY OF URANIUM COMPOUNDS. (Voegtlin, C. and Hodge H C eds.) New York, McGraw-Hill, 1953 ' (Na- ' tional Nuclear Energy series, Manhattan Project Technical Sect., Div 6 v 1 nt 4 p. 1970-1991). Abstracted in: Chem 'Abstr 1953, 47: 10704a . ADStr ., 382 Fontaine, M. SUR LA RELATION EXISTANT CHF7 im POISSONS MARINS ET POTAMOTOQUES ENTRE LA TENEUR EN PHOSPHORE INORGANIQUE DU SERUM FT L'OSSIFICATION DU SQUELETTE. C. rend L sc, 1932, 194: 395-396. 3 refs Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932 26' 4881 383 ' —' Hodge, H. C, Bale, W.. F. and LeFevre M T MOLECULAR CONSTITUTION OF TOOTH AND BOOT PHOSPHATES. J. Biol. Chem 1937 119 Proc, 49 An abstract. "Teeth,'bc^is commercial tricalcium phosphates and cal cium phosphates precipitated at dH 7 ,n have hydroxylapatite diffrartin„ „ ll before ignitioE. After ignijlon^mo S^r less change occurs to /a-Ca-jPnfv, ^,4.* depending on the Carp'&iS *VoHT"tA Ca:P ratio depends more on mode ofpr4cJpI- tation than on amounts of Ca and P added From electrometric titrations, the precipi- tates are either CaHP04 or have the hydro- xylapatite lattice." 23 CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC - PHOSPHORUS (Con- tinued) 384 Karaila, E. UBER DEN PHOSPHORGEHALT DER MUS- KELN UND DER KNOCHEN NORMALER UND BEI RACHITOGENISCHER DlXT GEHALTENER KANINCHEN. Skand. Arch. Physiol., Berl., 1937, 77: 48- 49 Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 32- 6301. —' 385 Kraijenhoff Sloot, W. J. A. T. and Kroon, D. B. ON THE PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS IN THE SKELETON AND IN THE SOFT PARTS OF CHICKEN EMBRYOS. Arch, neerl. physiol., 1942, 26: 239-249. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Ablstr. , 1944, 38: 59183. 386 McLean, F. C. THE ECONOMY OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM. IN: BIOLOGICAL ACTION OF THE VITAMINS; A SYMPOSIUM. (Evans, E. A., Jr., ed.) Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1942. p. 185-201. 13 refs . 387 Manery, J. F. and Bale, W. F. THE PENETRATION OF RADIOACTIVE SODIUM AND PHOSPHORUS INTO EXTRA- AND INTRACELLULAR PHASES OF TISSUES. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 132: 215-231. 24 refs. The femur of the rat is one of the tissues studied. 388 Manly, M. L. and Levy, S. R. ADSORPTION STUDIES ON ENAMEL, DENTINE AND BONE. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1939, 61: 2588-2590. 12 refs. Abstracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 1436. 389 Manly, M. L., Hodge, H. C. and Van Voorhis, S. N. DISTRIBUTION OF INGESTED PHOSPHORUS IN BONE AND TEETH OF A DOG, SHOWN BY RADIO- ACTIVE ISOTOPE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 45: 70-72. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1940-41, 10: No. 3590. "The uptake of radioactive pHos- phorus was greater in spongy than in dense diaphyseal bone when salts of the element were administered orally.... In dentine the amounts of radioactive phosphorus were constant for the various teeth, and of the same order as that present in dense dia- physeal bone. No more than traces of phosphorus were found in the enamel." 390 Monetti, G. IL FOSFORO ACIDOSOLUBILE DEL TESSUTO OSSEO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1941, 16: 725-726. 2 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 61399. 393 Rogers, H. J., Weidmann, S. M. and Jones, H. G. STUDIES ON THE SKELETAL TISSUES. III. THE RATE OF EXCHANGE OF THE INORGANIC PHOSPHATE IN DIFFERENT BONES AND PARTS OF BONES IN VARIOUS SPECIES OF MAMMAL. Biochem. J., Lond., 1953, 54: 37-42. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 27033; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 7066e. Rabbits, cats, rats and ferrets were injected with JZP as a tracer. The rate of exchange of phos- phate in the cortical bone of cats was found to be very much slower than in the same type of bone in rabbits and rats. This difference did not extend to the trabeculae of the can- cellous metaphyseal bones. The distribution of the tracer within the femoral and tibial cortical bone of rabbits showed great heterogeneity. The significance of this heterogeneity is discussed. 394 Todd, W. R. THE REMOVAL OF INORGANIC PHOS- PHORUS FROM PHOSPHATE SOLUTIONS BY RAT BONE. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1943, 1: 369-372. 5 refs . "When a phosphate buTfer is added to minced rat bone there is a rapid decrease in the inorganic phosphate content of the buffer. Under the experimental conditions described this phenomenon cannot be due to enzymatic action. The possibility of an ionic interchange is discussed." 395 Zetterstrom, R. RENEWAL OF PHOSPHATE IN BONE MINERALS. I. RENEWAL RATE OF PHOSPHATE IN RELATION TO THE SOLUBILITY OF THE BONE MINERALS. Biochim. biophys. acta, Amst., 1952, 8: 283-293. 43 refs. "The inorganic part oT bone tissue is composed of an un- known number of fractions with different solubility when acetate buffers and saturated inert ammonium sulphates are used as solvent systems. The most soluble fractions also have the most rapid rate of phosphate re- newal; one fraction seems to be nearly in ionic equilibrium with orthophosphate in plasma. The significance of these observa- tions has been discussed." See: 6 7 264 346 351 354 387 1238 1944 1973 2169 2333 2681 2861 2919 2939 2948 2965 CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC - SODIUM see also METABOLISM, INORGANIC - SODIUM 391 Neuman, W. F. and Riley, R. F. THE UPTAKE OF RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS BY THE CALCIFIED TISSUES OF NORMAL AND CHOLINE-DEFICIENT RATS. J. Biol. Chem., 1947, 168: 545-554. 13 refs. "There is an initial, rapid entrance of labeled phosphate into the bones following administration of a trace amount of the isotope. Most of this iso- topic phosphate is temporarily 'fixed' in the bones by an ionic exchange between the fluids and the apatite crystals. The mechanism of this exchange is discussed.... Severe choline deficiency in the albino rat did not alter the uptake of isotopic phos- phate by the femur to any marked degree. A mild deficiency showed no effect." 392 Percival W L., Findlay, D., Gross, J. and Leblond, C. J?! AUTOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF THE BONY TISSUES WITH RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS AND OF THE THYROID WITH RADIOACTIVE IODINE. Anat Rec, 1947, 97: 424. An abstract. 396 Dallemagne, M. J. and MSlon, J. L'ETAT CHIMI- QUE DU MAGNESIUM ET DU SODIUM DES SELS OS- SEUX. Arch, internat. physiol., 1950, 58: 188-200. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 51636. When mineralized the magnesium and sodium of bone salts were present as carbonate; when heated at 600° centigrade they were liberated; before heating they were fixed to the surface of the phosphate crystals. 397 Harrison, H. E. THE SODIUM CONTENT OF BONE AND OTHER CALCIFIED MATERIAL. J. Biol. Chem., 1937, 120: 457-462. 14 refs. The excess sodium of the bone in normal animals and those with various disorders of calci- fication is, in general, directly propor- tional to the calcium content, the ratio being 1 to 30 molecules. It is suggested that the sodium found in calcified material is part of an apatite complex similar to the sodium found in the naturally occurring fluorapatite. 24 CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC - SODIUM (Continued) 398 Hodge, H. C, Koss, W. F., Ginn, J. T. , Falkenheim, M. , Gavett, E., Fowler, R. C, Thomas, I., Bonner, J. F. and Dessauer, G. THE NATURE OF THE INSOLUBLE SODIUM OF BONE. THE ADSORPTION OF SODIUM AT FORTY DEGREES BY BONE, DENTIN, ENAMEL, AND HYDROXYAPATITE AS SHOWN BY THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 148: 321-331. 20 refs. Abstracted in: BiolTTbstr. , Bait., 1943, 17: No. 23946; Chem. Abstr., ;943, 37: """0826. — 399 Koss, W. F. and Ginn, J. T. DISTRIBUTION OF SODIUM IN THE TEETH AND BONES OF DOGS AS SHOWN BY THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE. J. Dent. Res., 1941, 20: 465-470. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 14732; Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 109297" 400 Stoll, W. R. NATURE OF SODIUM IN BONE. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1954, 13: 306. An abstract. See: 387 CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC - TRACE ELEMENTS see TRACE ELEMENTS and subdivisions 407 Preto Parvis, V. GLICOGENO E OSSIFICAZIONE IN EMBRIONI DI RATTO. Arch. 1st. biochim. ital., 1938, 10: 281-288. pi. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 21929. in rat embryos histochemicaT- studies were made of the distribution of glycogen in ossifying tissues. 408 Rogers, H. J. OBSERVATIONS ON THE ORGANIC MATRIX OF BONE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1949, 45- Proc , 24-25. Abstracted in: Excerpta Sid., Sect. 2, 1950, 3: No. 5100. See: 77 2390 80 2882 703 846 1293 CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC - CITRIC ACID 409 Beaulieu, M. M. and Dallemagne, M. J. LA CONSTANCE DU TAUX DES CITRATES DE L'OS. Arch, internat. physiol., Liege, 1951, 59: 183-190. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 2878i; Ber. ges. Physiol. 1952-53, 151: 2"9"4. CHEMISTRY, INORGANIC - VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS OF BONE see CHEMISTRY OF BONE VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC see also CHEMISTRY; METABOLISM, ORGANIC 401 Dawson, I. M. X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERN OF BONE: EVIDENCE OF REFLEXIONS DUE TO THE OR- GANIC CONSTITUENT. Nature, Lond., 1946, 157: 660-661. 8 refs. "A comparison was macfe of the diffractia patterns given by intact rachitic bone, trypsin digested bone and decalcified bone." 402 Eastoe, J. E. and Eastoe, B. THE ORGANIC CONSTITUENTS OF MAMMALIAN COMPACT BONE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1954, 57: 453-459. 36 refs . 403 ♦Hori, S., Nagao, T. and Niwa, K. CYSTINE AND TRYPTOPHAN CONTENTS OF OSSEIN. I. CYSTINE CONTENT. Kagaku, 1944, 14: 255. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950"7 44: 10750°. 4 Inoue, T. BEITRAGE ZUR KENNTNIS DER ORGANI- SCHEN BESTANDTEILE DES KNOCHENS. To'hoku J. Exp. M., 1935, 26: 433-440. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., T9"35, 29: 80812; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1935-367 5: No. 2846. 405 Ogino, T. [HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES ON THE GLY- COGEN CONTENT OF THE OSTEOCHONDRAL JUNCTION OF RAT RIBS] Sei-i-kai M. J., 1941, 60: 941-957. pi. English abstract, p. 7"""5. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 5402. 406 Ohno, K. and Nanba, T. EINFLUSS DER SUB- CUTANEN INJECTION DES OSSOPHYTS AUF DEN HEILUNGSVORGANG DER KNOCHENFRAKTUR. Kumamoto M. J., 1934, 10: 401-402. 410 Beaulieu, M. M. and Herve, A. RAYONS X ET ACIDE CITRIQUE DE L'OS. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1953, 35: 491-493. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1934, 48: 755d. 411 ♦Buffa, P. SULLA PRESENZA DI ACIDO CITRICO NELLE STRUTTURE ANIMALI CALCIFICATE. Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Rendic, Class, sc. fis 1952, 13: 417-421. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.7~1953, 47: 5518d. 412 Car,Hfr,.?. P- LES CONSTITUANTS MINERAUX DES TISSUS CALCIFIES. V. LES ANIONS ORGANIQUES DE L'OS. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par 1951, 33: 161-169. 8 refs. The long bones of rabbits and rats of various ages and of sheep embryos at different stages of de- velopment were analyzed for calcium, phos- phorus and nitrogen content and for citric and lactic acids. It was found that car- tilage is rich in lactic acid and poor in citric acid and that the citric acid level in bone tissue is constant while that of lactic acid, high in the early stages of ossification, decreases constantly until it reaches the relatively constant level of definitive bone. 413 CITRIC ACID IN BONE. (Editorial). J. Am. Ass., 1942, 120: 208. 2 refs. A short survey with particular reference to Dickens' work. 414 Day, H. G. THE RELATION OF PHYTIN TO THE CALCIFYING ACTION OF CITRATES. J. Nutrit 1940, 20: 157-168. 23 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 278. By determinations of bone ash of young rats it was shown that "a beneficial effect of citrates in ricketogenic diets does not oc- cur unless there is a high Ca:P ratio and appreciable quantities of phytin, or per- haps other phosphorus containing complexes of low biological availability." 25 CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC - CITRIC ACID (Con- tinued) 415 Dickens, F. THE CITRIC ACID CONTENT OF ANIMAL TISSUES, WITH REFERENCE TO ITS OCCURRENCE IN BONE AND TUMOUR. Biochem. J., Lond., 1941, 35: 1011-1023. 30 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 12451; Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 4180*. The citric acid content of solid-tissues of several species of animals was determined. It was found that the hard substance of bone con- tains the greatest part (70%) of the total body content. The marrow and cartilage con- tain much less. Variations in the concen- tration of citric acid in bone were reported, which would seem to indicate that the skele- ton acts as a reservoir from which citric acid can be mobilized. 416 Dixon, T. F. CITRIC ACID AND CALCIUM ME- TABOLISM. J. Bone Surg., 1951, 33B: 268- 271. 26 refs. A short review. 417 Dixon, T. F. and Perkins, H. R. CITRIC ACID AND BONE METABOLISM. Biochem. J., Lond., 1952, 52: 260-265. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 732*; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9661. "it appears that all the parts of bone ex- amined have, by comparison with other tissues, e.g., kidney or liver, citroge- nase and aconitase activities much greater than those of isocitric dehydrogenase. The mechanism for the production of a local high concentration of citric acid therefore exists in bone. ... Increasing concentra- tions of citrate inhibit the calcification of hypertrophic rat cartilage in vitro." 418 Fantl, P. and Rome, N. CALCIUM AND CITRIC ACID METABOLISM IN BONE DISEASES. Proc. R. Australas. Coll. Physicians, 1947, 2- 52-55. 15 refs. 419 Hathaway, M. L. and Meyer, F. L. CITRIC ACID AND ITS SALTS AS CALCIFYING AGENTS IN RATS. J. Nutrit., 1939, 17: 419-427. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 6398*-; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 137 No. 10945. — 420 Hennig, W., Schmahl, N. G. and Theopold, W. UBER CALCIUM-CITRONENSAURE-KOMPLEXE. Biochem. Zschr., 1951, 321: 401-409. 29 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 1582; Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 73021. 421 Klinke, K. PROBLEME DES CALCIUMSTOFFWECHSELS UND DER RACHITIS. Mschr. Kinderh., 1950, 98: 113-115. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., T550, 44: 7399a. 42Lecoq, R. ACTION DE L'ACIDE CITRIQUE SUR LES DEUX VARliTES DE RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1949, 143: 452-454. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 2611°; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 623. Young white rats with two kinds of experimental rickets were treated with citric acid. A distinct recalcification of bone lesions was observed in alkalotic rickets, but in acidotic ultraviolet- resistant rickets no effect was noted. 423 Leonards, J. R. and Free, A. H. THE CITRATE CONTENT OF THE SKELETON AS INFLUENCED BY PROLONGED FEEDING OF ACID-PRODUCING AND BASE-PRODUCING SALT. J. Biol. Chem., 1944, 155- 503-506. 11 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 2403; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 331*5*7 The citrate content of the skeleTon was not altered by prolonged feeding of sodium citrate or ammonium fluid. 424 Pin, P. and Delmas, A. RESERVES MINERALES OSSEUSES DU FOETUS HUMAIN. TENEUR EN CITRATES. C. rend. Ass. anat., 1952,, No. 69, 822-824. 3 refs. De- terminations were made of the distribution of bone citrates in the human fetus. The relatively high content was greater in the diaphysis than in the epiphysis. 425 Rominger, E. CITRIC ACID AND RICKETS. Acta paediat., Upps., 1948, 36: 336-341. 14 refs, "Vitamin D and citric acTd prevent and cure rickets both probably by formation of Ca complex salts which no longer have cationic properties." 426 Schubert, J. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ZIRCONIUM AND SODIUM CITRATE TREATMENT ON THE METABOLISM OF PLUTONIUM AND RADIOYTTRIUM. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1949, 34: 313-325. 8 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 20673. 427 Schubert, J. and White, M. R. EFFECT OF CITRATE SALTS AND OTHER CHEMICAL FACTORS ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND EXCRETION OF BERYLLIUM. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1950, 35: 854-864. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1951, 4: No. 2183. 428 Shohl, A. T. THE EFFECT OF THE ACID-BASE CON- TENT OF THE DIET UPON THE PRODUCTION AND CURE OF RICKETS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CITRATES. J. Nutrit., 1937, 14: 69-83. 22 refs. Young albino rats were-Ted diets of eight different calcium-phosphorus ratios. Ammonium chloride-ammonium carbonate mix- tures added to non-rachitogenic diets rendered them rachitogenic. Citric acid- sodium citrate mixtures added to rachito- genic diets rendered them non-rachitogenic, in certain conditions. Of the organic acids tested only the citrates and tartrates were effective in rickets prevention. 429 Steenbock, H. and Bellin, S. A. VITAMIN D AND TISSUE CITRATE. J. Biol. Chem., 1953, 205: 985-991. 25 refs. "The citrate contenTTof blood, bone, kidney, heart, and the small intestine of rats on normal or low-P rachito- genic rations was increased by physiological doses of vitamin D." It appears that the in- crease in urinary citrate is a reflection of its increased accumulation in certain tis- sues ." 430 TaUfel, K. and Krusen, F. DIE CITRONENSXURE ALS KONSTITUIERENDER BAUSTEIN DER KNOCHEN UND ZAHNE. Biochem. Zschr., 1952, 322: 368-370. 6 refs. Abstracted in: BToT. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 16397; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 7196"5. 431 Thunberg, T. OCCURRENCE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF CITRIC ACID IN THE ANIMAL ORGANISM. Physiol. Rev., 1953, 33: 1-12. 72 refs. A general review. For bone, see particularly p. 7. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 4987f, Thunberg, T. SOME INFORMATION ON THE CITRIC ACID CONTENT OF BONE SUBSTANCE. Acta physiol. scand., 1948, 15: 38-46. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1: No. 5008; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 23096. "The citrate content was higHest in compact bone and least in spongy bone. 26 CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC - CITRIC ACID (Con- tinued) Human bone contained 0.9 to 2 per cent per gram of dried fat-free substance; those of a bird (Larus ridibundus) 0.60 to 2.7 per cent; and the spines of cod, mackerel and herring, 2, 1.6 and 4.3 per cent respec- tively. The bones of frogs that had been kept in the laboratory for a year contained only about 0.3 per cent." - Excerpta med. See: 255 256 831 1813 2839 2864 2865 2866 2876 2951 CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC - COLLAGEN AND RETICULIN see COLLAGEN AND RETICULIN CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC - ENZYMES see ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS and subdivisions CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC - GLYCOPROTEINS AND MUCOPOLY- SACCHARIDES see GLYCOPROTEINS AND MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC - LIPOIDS 433 Claassen, V., Vogels, R. J. and Wdstmann, B. S. J. AN INDEPENDANT SYNTHESIS OF PHOS- PHOLIPIDS IN THE FEMUR AND TIBIA OF WHITE RATS. Nature, Lond., 1952, 169: 191-192. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1952, 22: No. 877. Experiments performed in vivo in the rat and repro- duced in vitro with bone fragments from femur and tibia show that an independent synthesis of phospholipids takes place in bone marrow. 434 Nagy, I., Savay, G. and Csillik, B. A PORCSEJTEK LIPOIDTARTALMA ts A CSONTOSODAs KOZOTTI OSSZEFUGGESROL. [CORRELATION BE- TWEEN THE LIPOID CONTENT OF CARTILAGE CELLS AND OSSIFICATION] Kfserletes orvostud., 1951, 3: 267-270. 10 refs. German trans- lation-^: Acta morph. hung., 1953, 3: 483- 487. 435 Nagy, I., Savay, G., Berek, L. and Csillik, B. VERANDERUNGEN DES FETTGEHALTES IN DEN KNORPEL- ZELLEN WAHREND DES EMBRYONALEN LEBENS. Acta morph. hung., 1951, 1: 307-312. 12 refs. 436 Newlin, H. E. and McCay, C. M. THE RELATION BETWEEN THE BONE LIPIDS OF RABBITS AND THE DIET. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 140: Proc. 97-98. An abstract. 437 Nicolosi, G. and Petrina, N. REPERTI ISTO- CHIMICI LIPOIDEI NEL CALLO OSSEO SPERI- MENTALE. Med. sper., Tor., 1948, 19: 265- 288. 49 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1949, 2: No. 3410. 438 Nordfeldt, S. THE INFLUENCE OF PHOSPHORUS, CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D3 UPON THE FAT CONTENT OF THE SKELETON IN GROWING PIGS. J. Nutrit., 1946, 31: 565-572. 13 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 16959; Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 51146. 439 Zimmermann, G. CSONTOK ZSfRTALANfTASA. [EX- TRACTION OF FAT FROM BONES] Allatorv. lap., 1935, 58: 298-299. 7 refs. CHEMISTRY, ORGANIC - VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS OF BONE see CHEMISTRY - VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS OF BONE CHONDROGENESIS 440 Baisset, A., Douste-Blazy, L., Uont*struc P., Planel, H. and Virenque, J. J-"*1"*,™ BUTION A L'ETUDE EXPERIMENTAL DE L'ACTION DES HORMONES SUR LA CROISSANCE DES OS LONGS. Sem. h3p. , Paris, 1953, 29: 63-69. 32 refs. Abstracted in: InternaTT Abstr Surg , 1953, 97- 286. Experiments on male white rats indTcated that the development of the epiphyseal cartilage is dependent upon a balance between the sex hormones and the anterior pituitary growth hormone. The article contains a review of the literature. 441 Baume, L. J. and Becks, H. THE TOPOGENESIS OF THE MANDIBULAR PERMANENT MOLARS; A ROENTGENOGRAPHIC AND HISTOLOGIC STUDY IN RHESUS MACAQUE. Oral Surg., 1953, 6: 850- 868. 40 refs. In this study of the man- dibles of a series of rhesus monkeys it was found that the ramus grows by chondrogene- sis and endochondral ossification at the condylar head, which processes in turn in- duce membranous bone formation chiefly at the posterior border. Growth of the ramus is in a posterolateral direction. The de- velopment of the germ is controlled by the differential growth of the odontogenic epithelium at distinct areas. The corre- lation in time of the ramal and dental de- velopment is noted. The study is preceded by a review of the literature. 442 Berezkina, L. F. O VOZMOZHNOSTI INDUKTSII KHRIASHCHEOBRAZOVANIIA IN VITRO. [POSSI- BILITY OF INDUCED FORMATION OF CARTILAGE IN VITRO] Izv. Akad. nauk, Moskva, ser. biol., 1943, No. 2, 67-73. 11 refs. Eng- lish summary. Small pieces of hatching chick retina were added to pure cultures of fibrocites from chick embryo heart and cul- tivated for 28 days. All elements except the pigment epithelium degenerated and an enhanced formation of fibres took place in the connective tissue. There was no sign of formation of cartilage or bone. Since there is an increased formation of fibres with the use of cartilage or fibrous con- nective tissue as well as with retina, it is concluded that neither retina nor carti- lage can induce cartilage formation in vitro in tissues not endowed with chondrogenic potency. 443 Borghese, E. INDAGINE ISTOCHIMICHE SUI1 A "SFERULA ACIDOFILA" DELLE CELLULE CARTILA- GINEE IPERTROFICHE. Boll. Soc. ital biol sper., 1953, 29: 292-293. 7 refs Ah stracted in: C"b"em. Abstr., 1954, 48: 22 2212e. 444 See: 93 143 2660 Clark, E. R. and Clark, E L MTrpr>Q™„T„ SERVATIONS ON NEW FORMATION OF £X???^C °B_ BONE IN THE LIVING MAMMAL A» CARTAILAGE AND 1942, 70: 167-200. 30 refs id I Anat-> Biol. Bait., Mwf'ie^'SSJ .^ 445 Dodds, G. S. ROW FORMATION AND OTHER tv™* OF ARRANGEMENT OF CARTILAGE CELLS Jv'SSL CHONDRAL OSSIFICATION. Anat Rec iIS 46: 385-399. 2 pi. Abstracted !n' So?' Abstr., Bait., 1931, 5: No. 25546.' These studies were made upon developing bones of dog fetuses and young puppies but compari- sons were made constantly with material from cat, pig, and man. 27 CHONDROGENESIS (Continued) 446 Elliott, H. C. STUDIES ON ARTICULAR CARTI- LAGE. I. GROWTH MECHANISMS. Am. J. Anat , 1936, 58: 127-145. 2 pi. Approx. 25 refs. The study "deals primarily with the mechanism by which articular cartilage com- pensates for normal wear due to movement in the joint; as a necessary preliminary it also deals with growth in immature sub- jects - that is, developmental as distinct from maintenance growth." 447 Fell, H. B. CHONDROGENESIS IN CULTURES OF ENDOSTEUM. Proc. R. Soc, Ser. B, Biol. Sc, Lond., 1933, 112: 417-427. 3 pi. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 6939. 448 GlUcksmann, A. STUDIES ON BONE MECHANICS IN VITRO. II. THE ROLE OF TENSION AND PRESSURE IN CHONDROGENESIS. Anat. Rec, 1939, 73: 39-54. 2 pi. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 4387. 456 Prader, A. DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER ZWISCHEN- WIRBELSCHEIBE BEIM MENSCHLICHEN KEIMLING. Acta anat., Basel, 1947, 3: 115-152. 24 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 18553. The development of the intervertebral disk is studied in serial sections of the vertebral column of the human embryo, fetus and newborn infant. Preto Parvis, V. and Roncoroni, G. CONTRIBU- T0 M0RF0L0GIC0 E ISTOCHIMICO ALLO STUDIO DELLA CONDROGENESI. Atti. Soc. ital. anat., Pavia, 1951,, 263-266. In rats of different ages morphological and histo- chemical studies were made of the processes of chondrogenesis. 458 Pritchard, J. J. A CYTOLOGICAL AND HISTOCHEMI- CAL STUDY OF BONE AND CARTILAGE FORMATION IN THE RAT. J. Anat., Lond., 1952, 86: 259-277. 4 pi. 42 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 166601; Brit. Abstr., Sect. All I, 19~53, p. 3. 449 Gromtseva, K. E. GISTOLOGICKESKIE ISSLEDO- VANIIA KHRIASHCHA. [HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF CARTILAGE] Izv. Akad. nauk. SSSR, ser. biol., Moskva, 1950, No. 4, 100-107. 6 refs. Changes in the cell elements of hyaline cartilage were studied in man during embryonic and post-natal development. 450 Ham, A. W. THE VARIABILITY OF THE PLANES OF CELL DIVISION IN THE CARTILAGE COLUMNS OF THE GROWING EPIPHYSEAL PLATE. Anat. Rec, 1931, 51: 125-133. pi. 2 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 11927. 451 Krompecher, S. DIE ENTSTEHUNGSBEDINGUNGEN DES FASERKNORPELS. Anat. Anz., 1938, 85: 229- 236. 459 Sensenig, E. C. NOTE ON THE FORMATION OF CAR- TILAGE. Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 615-619. pi. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 589; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 1143. 460 Shands, A. R., Jr. THE REGENERATION OF HYALINE CARTILAGE IN JOINTS; AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Arch. Surg., 1931, 22: 137-178. 25 refs. 46s heehan, J. F. A CYTOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE CARTILAGE CELLS OF DEVELOPING LONG BONES OF THE RAT, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE GOLGI APARATUS, MITOCHONDRIA, NEUTRAL-RED BODIES AND LIPID INCLUSIONS. J. Morph., 1948, 82: 151-199. 5 pi. Approx. 65 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 682. 452 Mattick. ZUR BIOLOGIE DES KNORPELS. Anat. Anz., 1951, 98: Suppl., 78-85. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 2132. 453 Nasonov, N. V. OBRAZOVANIE KHRIASHCHA IN VITRO Y AKSOLOTLIA. [THE FORMATION OF CARTILAGE IN VITRO IN THE AXOLOTL] C. rend. Acad, sc. SSSR, 1934, 3: 202-207. 3 refs. In Russian and English.- Connective tissue from sides of anterior part of body of 1-year-old axolotl was placed in axolotl blood plasma and an extract of axolotl cartilages from tarsus and epiphyses from fibula, tibia and femur containing a substance called chondrogene was added. Moving cells, surrounded by a more compact basic substance were observed from beginning of growth of cultures. This sub- stance joined the cells and prevented them from spreading. The basic substance became more compact and a tissue possessing char- acteristics of hyaline cartilage was formed. 454 ♦Nauch, E. T. VERSUCHE ZUR AUFKLARUNG DER ENSTEHUNGSBEDINGUNGEN FUR KNORPELGEWEBE. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1939, 47: 297-301. 462 Terada, E. A HISTOLOGIC STUDY OF THE CARTI- LAGE OF THE LOWER END OF HUMAN FEMUR IN EVERY FETAL STAGE. Jap. J. Obst., 1934, 17: 186-193. 2 pi. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 4471. 463 Wagenfeld, M. UBER DIE NEUBILDUNG VON KNORPEL- ZELLEN. Virchow's Arch., 1952, 321: 535-536. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 984. See: 492 1023 1085 1281 2416 CIRCULATORY INFLUENCE 464 Amprino, R. QUELQUES DONEES SUR L'HISTO- PHYSIOLOGIE DU TISSU OSSEUX. C. rend. Ass, anat., 1950, 37: 11-19. A study of the circulation of~the intra-osseous fluids in compact and spongy bone and their passage through the cement substance. The role of the fluids in calcification is explained. 455 Oinuma, S. ZYTOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN DER HYALINKNORPELZELLEN DES MENSCHEN. Okajimas fol. anat., 1939, 18: 307-336. pi. 68 refs. 465 Anseroff, N. J. DIE ARTERIEN DER LANGEN KNOCHEN DES MENSCHEN. Zschr. Anat. Entw. 1934, 103: 793-812. 59 refs. 28 CIRCULATORY INFLUENCE (Continued) 466 ♦Anseroff, N. J. DIE ARTERIEN DES CHLUSSEL- BEINS. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1936, 106: 271- 275. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.,"Bait., 1937, 11: No. 14729. 467 Anseroff, N. J. DIE ARTERIEN DES SKELETS DER HAND UND DES FUSSES DES MENSCHEN. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1936, H)6: 193-208. 4 refs. 468 Benassi, E. LO SVILUPPO E TROFISMO DELLO SCHELETRO DEGLI ARTI IN RAPPORTO ALLA ALLACCIATURA DEI VASI PRINCIPALI. Arch. ital. chir., 1931, 28: 49-68. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., 1932, 6: No. 17300. 469 Benda, R. and Debray, C. MODIFICATIONS LO- CALES CONSECUTIVES A DES INJECTIONS INTRA- MEDULLAIRES OSSEUSES DE SALICYLATE DE SOUDE EN SOLUTION CONCENTREE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 141-143. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 4277. 470 Bentzik, M. and Nagy, S. CONTRIBUTION TO THE BLOOD SUPPLY OF TUBULAR BONES IN EXPERIMEN- TAL ANIMALS. Acta morphol., Budap., 1951, 1: 262. The periosteal circulation of dogs, cats and rabbits was studied and found to be supplied by strong branches of the main ar- tery of the extremity; the largest periosteal artery is a branch of the arteris femoralis proximalis. Ligature of the periosteal ar- tery induced hypoxemia in the bone marrow with resulting erythrocytosis in the medullar veins and peripheral circulation. 471 Bich, A. STUDIO SPERIMENTALE SULL'INFLUENZA DELLA LEGATURA DEI VASI PROFONDI SULLA FOR- MAZIONE DEL CALLO. Arch. ital. chir., 1931, 30: 449-467. 36 refs. 472 Blair, H. C. THE ALTERNATION OF BLOOD SUPPLY AS A CAUSE FOR NORMAL CALCIFICATION OF BONE. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 67: 413-423. 26 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1938-39, 8: No. 4968. "A theory that alternating iscEemia and hyperemia maintain normal calcification of bone and aid in the healing of fractures is presented." 476 473 BLOOD-FLOW IN BONE. Lancet, Lond., 1947, l: 416. Abstracted in: Excerpta med Sect- 2, 1948, 1: No. 540. 474 Bruno, G. IL TESSUTO OSSEO. Rass. clin. sc, 1950, 26: 8-11. Translation in: Resenha clin. cient., S. Paulo, 1951, 20; 43-46. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 371. From a review of the literature and discussion of the histology and physiology of bone tissue, it is con- cluded that the constant processes of re- sorption and reconstruction of bone lamellae and the Haversian systems are closely re- lated to vascular modifications; bone re- sistance to stress is in direct proportion to bone mineralization. 475 Burdeaux, B. D., Jr. and Hutchison, W. J ETIOLOGY OF TRAUMATIC OSTEOPOROSIS, j" Bone Surg., 1953, 35A: 479-488. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1954, 8: No. 612. Cole Rous, M. CALCIFICATION, OSSIFICATION AND DECALCIFICATION. Clin. Proc, Cape Town, 1942, 1: 257-262. 50 refs. "The view that bone formation depends entirely upon the specific action of the osteoblasts can no longer be logically held in the light of evidence which has accumulated. There is general agreement amongst modern radiologists and pathologists that sclerosis of bone in- dicates a reduction, and bone atrophy an in- crease, of blood supply." 477 Coolbaugh. C. C. EFFECTS OF REDUCED BLOOD SUPPLY ON BONE. Am. J. Physiol., 1952, 169- 26-33. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 8310 A report on the changes in physical prop- erties of bone produced by reduction in blood supply. 478 Coppo, M. STUDI SULLA COMPOSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA. III. AZIONE DI PROCESSI SUP- PURATIVA DELLA STASI E DELLA NEURECTOMIA (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI). Pathologica, Genova, 1935, 27: 294-310. 479 Coppo, M. STUDI SULLA COMPOSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA. IV. AZIONE DELL'IMMOBILIZZAZIONE E DELLA ISCHEMIA. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1935, 6: 249-258. 4 refs. 480 Del Bello, N. IL BLOCCO NOVOCAINICO NEI SUOI EFFETTI, LOCALE ED A DISTANZA, SUL PROCESSO DI GUARIGIONE DELLE FRATTURE SPERIMENTALI. Ricer. pat. sper., 1947, 35: 53-76. 73 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 9551b. 481 De Lorimier, A. A. REFLEX HYPEREMIC DEOSSI- FICATIONS. Bull. Hosp. Joint Dis., N. Y. , 1951, 12: 22-37. 17 refs. This type of deossiTTcation was found in 239 out of 350 cases selected from cross-files identified as osteoporosis, infectious arthritis, frac- tures, amputations, transverse myelitis, peripheral nerve injuries, tabes dorsalis and various neoplasms. Observations are discussed. 482 De Lorimier, A. A., Minear, W. L. and Boyd, H. B. REFLEX HYPEREMIC DEOSSIFICATIONS REGIONAL TO JOINTS OF THE EXTREMITIES. Radiology, 1946, 46: 227-236. 27 refs. Discussion: p. 23B7 483 DeJ?^rneffe» R- ^ PROPOS DE LA VASCULARIZA- TION DES OS LONGS. Rev. chir. orthop , Par., 1952, 38: 64-69. This description of blood circulation in the long bones stresses the importance of the special vein systems and notes the effects of faulty circulation. Suppression of the periosteal blood supply alters the structure of compact diaphyseal bone; simultaneous suppression of the medul- lary blood supply causes the lesions of osteitis fibrosa. 484 De Marneffe, R. LES CONNAISSA~CES ACTUELLES DE LA VASCULARISATION DES OS ET LEUR INCI- DENCE SUR LA PATHOLOGIE DE CE TISSU. Rev rhumat., Par., 1953, 20: 113-119. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954 8- No 242. "... A brief review of the vascularization of bone and the degree of participation of the medullary and perios- teal systems. Emphasis is laid on the im_ portance of these anatomical facts in phy- siological conditions of blood circulation 29 CIRCULATORY INFLUENCE (Continued) in bone and in pathological conditions, such as: aseptic necrosis of the femur head, luxation of the hip, delayed union of fractures, osteomyelitis, pseudo- arthrosis, callus formation and osteo- chondritis. This importance is increased by the possibilities of modern vascular therapeutics." 485 De Marneffe, R. RECHERCHES MORPHOLOGIQUES ET EXPERIMENTALES SUR LA VASCULARISATION OS- SEUSE. Acta chir. belg., 1951, 50: 469-488- 568-599 and 681-704. 7 pi. lOlTefs. 486 De Marneffe, R. LES VAISSEAUX DES OS. In- Lacroix, P. L'OS ET LES MECANISMES DE~SA FORMATION; ETUDE MORPHOLOGIQUE. J. physiol , Par., 1951, 43: 394-399. A summary of re- search done on the'vascularization of the long bones of the rat, guinea pig and rab- bit with limited application to human anatomy. 487 Dias-Amado, L. L'IRRIGATION DE LA METAPHYSE ET DE LA DIAPHYSE DES OS LONGS. Arch. portug. sc biol., 1950-1951, 10: Suppl., 99-101. — 488 Dickinson, P. H. VENOUS STASIS AND BONE GROWTH. Exp. M. & S., Basel, 1953, 11: 49- 53. 12 refs. Venous stasis was produced surgically in puppies and studied with oscillometer and thermocouple readings, teleoroentgenograms and venograms. Results indicated that venous stasis does not pro- duce increased bone growth. 489 Ducuing, J., Marques, P., Baux, R., Pail16, J. and Voisin, R. PHYSIOLOGIE DE LA CIRCULA- TION OSSEUSE. J. radiol. electr., 1951, 32: 189-196. 17 refs. 490 Fedorov, I. I. DgR DOMINANTE MECHANISMUS IN DER GENESE DER ANDERUNGEN DES KALZIUM- UND PHOSPHORSPIEGELS IM BLUT NACH EXPERIMENTELLEN KNOCHENFRAKTUREN. Bull. biol. m€d. exp. URSS, 1940, 9: 376-379. 491 Foster, L. N., Kelly, R. P., Jr. and Watts, W. M., Jr. EXPERIMENTAL INFARCTION OF BONE AND BONE MARROW. SEQUELAE OF SEVERANCE OF THE NUTRIENT ARTERY AND STRIPPING OF PERI- OSTEUM. J. Bone Surg., 1951, 33A: 396-406. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 28008. 492 Giuliani, G. M. L'INFLUENZA DELLA VASCOLARI- ZAZIONE NELL'OSTEOGENESI CONNETTIVALE E NELLA FORMAZIONE DI CARTILAGINE CONDROGENESI; RICERCHE EXPERIMENTALI. Arch. ital. chir., 1934, 38: 645-686. 35 refs. 493 Graziadei, P. VARIAZIONI POLARIMETRICHE NEL SIERO DI SANGUE DEI FRATTURATI. Sperimentale, 1948-1949, 99: 332-335. 49Guerrisi, A. SULL'INFLUENZA DELLA LEGATURA DEI VASI VENOSI NELLA RIGENERAZIONE OSSEA. Ann. ital. chir., 1934, 13: 1388-1402. 19 refs . 495 Gukov, P. V. 0 DVIZHENII ZHIDKOSTI V PERI- VASKULIARNYKH I PERIKAPILLIARNYKH PROSTRANS- TVAKH KOSTI. [MOVEMENT OF FLUID IN THE PERICAPILLARY AND PERIVASCULAR SPACES OF THE BONES] Arch, sc. biol., Moskva, 1936, 44: 117-130. 40 refs. English summary. 496 Harris, H. A. THE VASCULAR SUPPLY OF BONE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE EPIPHYSIAL CARTILAGE. J. Anat., Lond., 1929-1930, 64: 3-4. 2 pi. 2 refs. 497 Hintzsche, E. and Schmid, M. UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN STUTZGEWEBEN. IV. WEITERE BEFUNDE UBER DIE GEFAsSKANALE IM KNORPEL. NACH UNTER- SUCHUNGEN AM ARMSKELET MENSCHLICHER EMBRYO- NEN. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1933, 32: 1-41. 22 refs. 498 ... Houang, K. LE ROLE DES ARTERES NOURRICIERES DES OS LONGS DANS LA FORMATION DU CAL ET LA CALCIFICATION DE LA CAVITE MEDULLAIRE. Presse mgd., 1934, 42: 2074-2076. 11 refs. 499 Introzzi, A. S. CONTRIBUCION AL ESTUDIO DE LA OSTEOSIS FIBROGEODICA DE dRIGEN PARA- TIRO IDEO. CONSECUENCIAS DE LA HIPEREMIA SOBRE LA ESTRUCTURA 6SEA EN LOS HIPERPARA- TIROIDEOS. Sem. med., B. Air., 1934, 41: 1641-1660. 21 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 15772. In this study of osteitis fibrosa cystica clinical and experimental studies have been made of the effect of hyperemia on bone structure in hyperparathyroidism. 500 Janes, J. M. and Elkins, E. C. THE EFFECT OF A SURGICALLY INDUCED ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA ON BONE GROWTH; REPORT OF A CASE. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1952, 27: 335-337. 4 refs. Description of a mT3-femur operation on a 6 year old girl with legs of unequal length, due to early poliomyelitis. Approximately one year after the operation the affected leg had grown 4.1cm and the other 3.5cm. However, "a great deal more observation *ill be necessary before the procedure outlined ... can be recommended ..." 501 Janes, J. M. and Musgrove, J. E. EFFECT OF ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA ON GROWTH OF BONE. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1949, 24: 405-408. 502 Janes, J. M. and Musgrove, J. E. EFFECT OF ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA ON GROWTH OF BONE. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1950, 30: 1191-1200. 3 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 15265; Excerpta med., Sect. 5, T551, 4: No. 2971. 503 Kallius, H. U. EXPERIMENTELLE. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE LYMPHGEFXSSE DER ROHRENKNOCHEN. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1932, 155: 109-124. 2 pi. 59 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 16551. 504 Key, J. A. and Walton, F. HEALING OF FRAC- TURES AND BONE DEFECTS AFTER VENOUS STASIS Arch. Surg., 1933, 27: 935-940. 3 refs. 505 Kishikawa, E. [STUDIEN UBER EINIGE LOKALE REIZE, WELCHE DAS LXNGENWACHSTUM DES LANGROHRENKNOCHENS STEIGERNl Fukuoka acta med., 1936, 29: 108-210. 16 pi. In Japanese with German Summary. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11- No. 17086. — 506 ♦Kistler, G. H. EFFECTS OF CIRCULATORY DIS- TURBANCES ON STRUCTURE AND HEALING OF BONE; INJURIES OF HEAD OF FEMUR IN YOUNG RABBITS. Arch. Surg., 1936, 33: 225-247. CIRCULATORY INFLUENCE (Continued) 30 507 Kistler, G. H. FORMATION OF BONE BY PERI- OSTEUM AFTER EXPERIMENTAL INFARCTION BY EMBOLISM OF FEMUR IN RABBITS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934, 31: 1218-1220. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 3087. 508 Kistler, G. H. SEQUENCES OF EXPERIMENTAL INFARCTION OF THE FEMUR IN RABBITS. Arch. Surg., 1934, 29: 589-611. 43 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9- No. 16086. 509 Ko, K. [BLUTVERSORGUNG DER NORMALEN LANGEN ROHRENKNOCHEN] J. Chosen M. Ass., 1940, 30: No. 3, 339-349. pi. 11 refs. German sum- mary, p. 23. 510 Ko, K. [UBER DEN HEILUNGS-MECHANISMUS DES KNOCHENBRUCHES UND DIE BRUCHHYPERXMIE BE I NORMALEN UND BEI SYMPATHEKTOMIERTEN HUNDEN] J. Chosen M. Ass., 1940, 30: No. 3, 350-354. 2 pi. 10 refs. German summary, p. 23-24. 511 Kopaczewski, W. and Pocoule, A. LACTOGELIFI- CATION SF.RIQUE ET FORMATION DES CALS OSSEUX. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1946, 140: 387-388. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.7~T947, 41: 4841d 512 ♦Kos, J. CEVNI ZASOBENI VELKYCN KOSTI HRUDNI KONCETINY. [BLOOD SUPPLY TO LONG BONES OF THE UPPER EXTREMITIES] Sborn. lgk. Praha, 1951, 53: 171-181. 513 Krompecher, I. A PRIMAER ANGIOGEN CSONTFEJ- LODES. [THE PRIMARY ANGIOGENIC OSSIFICA- TION] Magy. orv. arch., 1934, 35: 418-425. 517 514 KUhne. H. KUNSTLICHE ERWEICHUNG DES LEBENDEN KNOCHENS MIT AMMONIUMCHLORID; WIRKUNG DES NH4CL AUF DIE ORGANE. Beitr. Klin. Chir., 1952, 184: 373-381. 26 refs. Young dogs admini'sTered ammonium chloride showed in- creased serum calcium levels and increased excretion of calcium in urine. A tourniquet applied 17 hours a day on different ex- tremities provoked a local effect on the bone, caused by the too acid blood supply beneath the tourniquet. It was concluded that it is possible to soften the living bone by producing an artificial, chronic serum acidosis with ammonium chloride. A calcium poor diet during the experimental period increased the depletion of skeletal calcium reserves. Significant changes were also noted in the kidneys and other organs. The literature is reviewed. 515 Lacroix, P. LA DISPOSITION DU CANAL DE L'AR- TERE NOURRICIERE DANS LES OS LONGS. Arch. biol., Par., 1948, 59: 391-403. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4J No. 1575; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 21336. 516 Laing, P. G. and Kent, P. THE BLOOD SUPPLY OF THE FEMORAL SHAFT. J. Bone Surg., 1953, 35B: 462-466. 2 refs. The literature is reviewed and details of the blood supply of the shaft of the femur in 17 children under 1 year of age and in 10 adults are given. Findings indicated the variability of nutrient arteries; a considerable number of femora had only one main nutrient vessel supplying the shaft, and in most cases, even no major artery entered the lower third of the shaft. These findings are discussed with reference to the fate of the femoral shaft after fracture or operation. Lamas, A., Dias-Amado, L. and Costa, £ C da LA CIRCULATION DU SANG DANS L'OS • £esse med., 1946. 54: 862-863 An exp imental study of bioo-o" circulation in bone and how it differs from that in soft tissues The construction of the walls of the bone ar teries is also described. 51McMaster, P. E. and Roome, N. W. THE EFFECT OF SYMPATHECTOMY AND OF VENOUS STASIS ON BONE REPAIR. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY J. Bone Surg., 1934, 16: 365-371. 12 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., iyj°, 10: No. 889. 519 *■ Marques, A. and Bru, A. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DE LA CIRCULATION OSSEUSE A L'AIDE D'ISOTOPES RADIOACTIFS. J. beige, radiol., 1952, 35: 370-372. 520 Montanari Reggiani, M. L'IMPORTANZA DEL FAT- TORE CIRCOLATORIO SULLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO OSSEO. Arch. ital. chir., 1939, 56: 272- 302. Approx. 85 refs. 521 Orts Llorca. F. and Verge Brian, F. CONTRIBU- TION A L'ETUDE DES LYMPHATIQUES DU PERIOSTE DES OS LONGS DES MEMBRES. C. rend. Ass. anat., 1932, 27: 436-439. 7 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 5948. The course of the periosteal lymphatics of the long bones of the ex- tremities of the human fetus and newborn infant were traced by the Gerota injection me thod. 522 Oshkaderov, V. I. LIMFATICHESKIE PUTI TRUB- CHATYKH KOSTEI CHELOVEKA I DOMASHNIKH ZHIVOTNYKH. [LYMPHATIC VESSELS OF LONG BONES IN MAN AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS] Khirurgia, Moskva, 1949, 12: No. 9, 49-54. Abstracted in: Excerpta mied*. , Sect. 1, 1950, 4^ No. 1351. 523 Payton, C. G. THE POSITION OF THE NUTRIENT FORAMEN AND DIRECTION OF THE NUTRIENT CANAL IN THE LONG BONES OF THE MADDER-FED PIG. J. Anat., Lond., 1934, 68: 500-510. 18 refs. 524 Pearse, H. E., Jr. and Morton, J. J. THE IN- FLUENCE OF ALTERATIONS IN CIRCULATION ON THE REPAIR OF BONES. J. Bone Surg., 1931, 13: 68-74. 5 refs. — 525 Pearse, H. E., Jr. and Morton, J. J. THE STIMULATION OF BONE GROWTH BY VENOUS STASIS. J. Bone Surg., 1930, 12: 97-111. 31 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr , Bait., 1931, 5: No. 18461. A review of the literature is followed by a descrip- tion of experiments on dogs and the pre- sentation of clinical cases in which good results were obtained. 526 Pearse, H. E., Jr. and Morton, J. J. VENOUS STASIS ACCELERATES BONE REPAIR. Surgery, 1937, 1: 106-112. 527 Pinard, A. STRUCTURE DES VAISSEAUX DE LA DIAPHYSE DES OS LONGS CHEZ LE FOETUS HU- MAIN. Acta anat., Basel, 1952, 15: 188- 216. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 1106; Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 1,"~T953, 7: No. 292. Histologic study of the structure and vessels of the diaphysis of the long bones of the human foetus. 31 CIRCULATORY INFLUENCE (Continued) 528 Reichel, S. M. VASCULAR SYSTEM OF THE LONG BONES OF THE RAT. Surgery, 1947, 22: 146- 157. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1948, 2: No. 1423. 537 Schumacher, S. ZUR ANORDNUNG DER OLER GEFASS- KANALE IN DER DIAPHYSE LANGER ROHRENKNOCHEN DES MENSCHEN. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1935, 38: 145-160. 9 refs. 529 538 Reme, H. EXPERIMENTELLE STUDIEN UBER DEN KNOCHENUMBAU AUS VERSCHIEDENEN URSACHEN. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1953, 257: 115-188. Abstracted in: Ber. ges. Pn"y"siol., 1943, 133: 325. 60 refs. In rabbits extensive investigations showed that areas of spon- taneous collateral bone degeneration and regeneration could be related to various distant causes. These stimuli were ex- perimental hyperemia produced by nerve resection, growth and fracture. 530 Repciuc, E. DIE GEFASSKANXLE DER PROXIMALEN KNORPELIGEN FEMUREPIPHYSE UND DEREN BEZIE- HUNGEN ZUR VERKNOCHERUNG. II. BEZIEHUNGEN DER GEFASSKANALE ZUM KNORPEL. Bull. Acad. roumain., 1944, 26: 511-518. 3 pi. 11 refs. 531 Rieder, W. and Never, H. DER KALKSTOFFWECHSEL DES ISOLIERTEN UBERLEBENDEN KNOCHENS BEI VENOSER DURCHBLUTUNG. Klin. Wschr., 1932, 11: 501-502. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. 5*6str., 1932, 26:4846; Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1932-33, 2: No. 447. Servelle, [M.] STASE VEINEUSE ET CROISSANCE OSSEUSE. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1948, 132: 471-474. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect 5, 1949, 2: No. 1887. 539 S6ze, S. de and Ryckewaert, A. CALCIFICATION, DECALCIFICATION ET CIRCULATION OSSEUSE; L'INFLUENCE DES YARIATIONS DU REGIME CIRCU- LATOIRE SUR LES ECHANGES CALCIQUES DE L'OS. Rev: rhumat., Par., 1945, 12: 269-285. 540 Sobel, A. E., Rockenmacher, M. and Kramer, B. COMPOSITION OF BONE IN RELATION TO BLOOD AND DIET. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 159: 159- 171. 37 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 18206; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 466T"". 541 ♦Somogyi, E. ADATOK A LAPOS CSONTOK ERRENDS- ZERENEK VIZSGALATAHOZ. [VASCULAR SYSTEM OF FLAT BONES] Kiserletes Orvostud., 1951, 3: 250-254. 532 Rogers, W 542 M. and Gladstone, H. VASCULAR FORAMINA AND ARTERIAL SUPPLY OF THE DISTAL END OF THE FEMUR. J. Bone Surg., 1950, 32A: 867-874. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 14004; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 787. 533 Rubaschewa, A. and Priwes, M. G. BLUTVERSOR- GUNG DER LANGEN ROHRENKNOCHEN DES HUNDES. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1932, 98: 361-374. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 14448. 534 Rubaschewa, A. and Priwes, M. G. VASKULARISA- TION DER ROHRENKNOCHEN BEI AUTOTRANSPLANTATEN. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1932, 156: 299-312. 20 refs. 535 Rutishauser, E., Majno, G. and Rouiller, C. L'HALASTASIE DU TISSU OSSEUX; ETUDE DES VARIATIONS MINERALES SECONDAIRES A UN TRAU- MATISME THERMIQUE. Schewiz. Zschr. allg. Path., 1953, 16: 118-124. 8 refs. Rabbit metatarsals were exposed to a temperature of 55° C. for 3 minutes and determinations made of the calcium, phosphorus and ash con- tent in the superficial and deep portions of the diaphyseal cortex. Hypermineralization observed on the 6th day was followed by de- mineralization of the injured bone. A dif- ference was noted in the calcium content of the inner and outer layers of the cortex which suggested a difference in the sub- periosteal and subendosteal blood supply. Corresponding modifications occurred in the collateral bone. 536 Sacerdote, G. SULLE CONSEGUENZE DI INTER- RUZIONI CIRCOLATORIE E DI FRATTURE NELLE EPIFISI DI ANIMALI IN ACCRESCIMENTO. Chir, org. movim., 1931, 16: 291-305. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 1839. Sousa Pereira. A INFLUENCIA DAS PERTURBACOES DA VASCULARIZACXO SOBRE 0 CRESCIMENTO DOS OSSOS EM COMPRIMENTO; ESTUDIO EXPERIMENTAL. Impr. med., Lisb., 1936, 2: 225-232. French translation in: Rev. orthop., Par., 1938, 25: 140-154. Abstracted in: Internat. XEstr., 1938, 67: 378. "Findings in this group of experiments [with rabbits] would suggest: The vascularity of a bone must be very markedly disturbed in order to modify endochondral ossification and the growth in length of bone. ... It is assumed that the periosteum and the perichondrium play an equal rdle along with the vascularity in the growth in length of the bone* - Internat Abstr. 543 Teneff, S. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON VASCULARI- ZATION OF BONY CALLUSES. J. Internat. Coll, Surgeons, 1950, 13: 186-191. 4 refs. 544 Trueta, J. THE INFLUENCE OF THE BLOOD SUPPLY IN CONTROLLING BONE GROWTH. Bull. Hosp. Joint Dis., N. Y., 1953, 14: 147-157. 13 refs. 545 ♦Trueta. J. LA INFLUENCIA DE LA CIRCULACION EN EL CRECIMIENTO DE LOS HUESOS. Bol. Soc. argent, ortop. traumatol., 1950, 15: 114-117. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 630. 546 Trueta, J. REGENERATION OF BONE AND CARTI- LAGE. J. internat. chir., Brux., 1953, 13: 184-185. Translations in German, SpanisE7 French and Italian, p. 185-193. The impor- tance of the blood supply in the regenera- tion of bone is discussed under the follow- ing headings: 1. Regeneration caused by trauma. 2. Regeneration caused by disease. 3. Overgrowth caused by increasing the metaphyseal blood flow. 32 CIRCULATORY INFLUENCE (Continued) 547 Trueta, J. and Harrison, M. H. M. THE NORMAL VASCULAR ANATOMY OF THE FEMORAL HEAD IN ADULT MAN. J. Bone Surg., 1953, 35B: 442-461. 34 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 5918. No evidence was found to support the common belief that circula- tion within the femoral head decreases quantitatively with advancing age. 548 Vereby, K. DIE BLUTVERSORGUNG DES FEMUR- KOPFES. Anat. Anz., 1942, 93: 225-240. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 829. 549 Voss, H. DAS MENGENVERHALTNIS VON BLUTRAUM UND KNOCHENGEWEBE IN DER KOMPAKTEN SUBSTANZ MENSCHLICHER ROHRENKNOCHEN. Anat. Anz., 1931, 72: 257-261. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. X*Bstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 23349. 550 Wagoner, G. and Pendergrass, E. P. INTRINSIC CIRCULATION OF THE VERTEBRAL BODY WITH ROENT- GENOLOGIC CONSIDERATIONS. Am. J. Roentg., 1932, 27: 818-826. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 15933. 556 551 Zambelli, E. and Campi, L. LA DISTRIBUZIONE DEL FOSFORO MARCATO P32 DOPO BLOCCO DEL SISTEMA RETICOLO-ISTICOCITARIO; RICERCHE NEI TOPI ALBINI. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1953, 96: 798-815. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. X"Sstr. , 1954, 48: 4018b. See: 140 2318 715 1556 1915 2162 Clark, J. H. A STUDY OF TENDONS, BOJJES, AND OTHER FORMS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE BY MEANS OF X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERNS. Am J. Physiol., 1931, 98: 328-337 12 refs Ab stracted in: Chem7 Abstr., 1931, 25: 5683 "X-ray diagrams of bones and teeth, by tne monochromatic pinhole method, show that in- organic crystals of apatite are Present in bone oriented so as to give fiber structure in longitudinal section. There are also unoriented crystals present which are at- tributed to organic crystals of collagen, or ossein. The possible importance of crystalline collagen in bones, as one of the physico-chemical factors involved in the process of bone formation, is discussed. 557 Emiliani, P. and Bazzocchi, G. BLOCCAGGIO DEL SISTEMA RETICOLO ENDOTELIALE E CALLO OSSEO. Arch. Soc. ital. chir., 1933, 40: 690-691. 558 Engstrbm, A., Engfeldt, B. and ZetterstrOm, R. RELATION BETWEEN COLLAGEN AND MINERAL SALTS IN BONE TISSUE. Experientia, Basel, 1952, 8: 259. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 113711. In vivo studies indicated that collagen had the ability to orient mineral salts, particularly in the form of hydroxyapatites. Rat tail tendon soaked in hydroxyapatite solutions -of different ionic strength indicated that collagen also had the ability to orient minerals in vitro. 559 Filogamo, G. PRECISAZIONI SULLA DISPOSI- ZIONE E SULL'ORIENTAMENTO DELLE FIBRE COL- LAGENE DEGLI OSTEONI, NELL'UOMO. Ricer, morf., 1952, 22: 99-104. pi. 3 refs. Studies made on sections of the diaphysis of different human bones. It was found that the direction of the collagenous fi- bers generally vary only slightly and that the differences in direction are more ac- cented in the old than in the young indi- vidual . COLLAGEN AND RETICULIN - BIBLIOGRAPHY 552 Borasky, R. GUIDE TO THE LITERATURE ON COL- LAGEN. 135p. Philadelphia, Eastern Re- gional Laboratory, 1950. (U.S. Bureau of Agriculture and Industrial Chemistry. AIC-278). Covers the period 1830-1949 and includes 1008 references arranged by broad subjects. 553 Murray, M. R. and Kopech, G. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE RESEARCH IN TISSUE CULTURE 1884 TO 1950. New York, Academic Press, 1953. v.l Collagen: p. 311-313. v.2 Reticulin: p. 1394-1395. COLLAGEN AND RETICULIN OF BONE AND CARTILAGE 554 Bofill-Deulofeu, J. DIE ARGYROPHILEN FASER- STRUKTUREN IN MESENCHYMALEN GEWEBEKULTUREN VON VERSCHIEDENER HERKUNFT UND VON VER- SCHIEDENER WASHSTUMSGESCHWINDIGKEIT. Zschr, Zellforsch., 1932, 14: 744-769. 28 refs. 555 Bucher, R. and Straumann, R. DIE BEDEUTUNG DER KRISTALLINEN STRUKTUR DER KOLLAGENEN FASER FUR DIE NORMALE UND PATHOLOGISCHE KALKPRAZIPITATION. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1937, 67: 619-622. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Chem. ATSstr., 1939, 33: 29676. 560 Franceschini, M. RICERCHE POLARISCOPICHE SUL- LA DISPOZIONE DELLE FIBRE COLLAGENE NELLA CARTILAGINE DI CONJUGAZIONE E NEI CENTRI DI OSSIFIOAZIONE. Rass. biol. umana, 1946, 1: 78-83. 2 refs. A study in polarized lig"5t of the arrangement of the collagen fibrils in human epiphyseal cartilage and ossifica- tion centers. 561 Franceschini, M. SULL'ARCHITETTURA DEL COM- PONENTE COLLAGENE ED ELASTICO DELLE FIBRO- CARTILAGINI INTRAARTICOLARI DELL'UOMO NELLE VARIE ETA. Biol, lat., Milano 'l9sn 2: 877-904. 39 refs. English, French and Spanish summaries. "On 50 subjects (from 50 cm. CH foetuses to old subjects of both sexes) the author investigated in polarized light and with the Mallorv-ATian inn n___ Llory-Azan and Unna- Tanzer-Livini methods the architecture of the collagenous and elastic components of the intra-articular, 4_ _Z lation with age." fibrocartilages in re- 562 Huber, L. and Rouiller, COLLAGENES DE L'OS. ,§™™LES GRILLES (Etude au microscope ELECTRONIQUE). Experientia, Basel ian 7: 338-340. 12 refs. This electromicro' scopic study of bone collagen Indira+oH that the fibrillary periodicity is con stant at approximately 610A° and that bone thickness varies. Fibriliary collagen of normal bone is not mineralized but is sur- rounded by cement substance. This embed- ding probably occurs soon after formation of the fibrils. COLLAGEN AND RETICULIN OF BONE AND CARTILAGE (Continued) 563 ♦Kasavina, B. S. and Kuneeva, Z.I. [A BIO- CHEMICAL STUDY OF THE CONTRACTILE PROTEINS OF HUMAN AND ANIMAL SKELETAL TISSUES] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1950, 71: 713-716. 564 Lightfoot, L. H. and Coolidge, T. B. DISTRI- BUTION OF COLLAGEN IN THE GUINEA PIG. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 176: 477-484. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 1825e; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 237 No. 15426. The tissues investigated were gastrocnemius muscle, fascia and femur. 565 Martin, A. V. W. ELECTRON MICROSCOPE STUDIES OF COLLAGENOUS FIBERS IN BONE. Biochim. biophys. acta, Amst., 1953, 10: 42-48. 2 pi, 11 refs. "Collagenous fibres from adult fowl bone, unlike those from mammalian ma- terial, remain undamaged when isolated for electron microscopy by ordinary histological decalcification methods followed by me- chanical fragmentation... Bone collagen fibres thus obtained are examined in the electron microscope and compared with un- treated and 'decalcified' collagenous fibres from other sources." Rev., 1953, 566 METABOLISM OF COLLAGEN. Nutrit, 11: 82-84. A short review. 567 Neuberger, A. and Slack, H. G. [B.] THE ME- TABOLISM OF COLLAGEN FROM LIVER, BONE, SKIN AND TENDON IN THE NORMAL RAT. Biochem. J., Lond., 1953, 53: 47-52. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 3421h. Rats of different ages, injected intraperitoneally with [-4-14C] glycine, were killed at varying intervals and determinations made of the radioactivity of the dinitrophenylglycine isolated from the hydrolisate of the tissues studied. Though the results are not clear- cut, they suggest that even in adult rats, collagen fibers are continually but very slowly replaced, the turnover rates being highest for collagen from bone. This change is likely somewhat faster in young rats . 568 Neuman, R. E. THE AMINO ACID COMPOSITION OF GELATINS, COLLAGENS AND ELASTINS FROM DIF- FERENT SOURCES. Arch. Biochem., N.Y., 1949, 24: 289-298. 49 refs. "An almost complete amino acid analysis was made of 4 gelatin, 12 collagen, and 6 elastin preparations." Cattle bone was one of the sources for collagen. 569 Neuman, R. E. and Logan, M. A. THE DETERMINA- TION OF COLLAGEN AND ELASTIN IN TISSUES. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 186: 549-556. 6 refs. "The collagen content of different tissues [including bone, tibia and femur 1 of the cow, pig, and rat, and of human, guinea pig, dog, and rat skin as determined by the present method is reported." 570 ___ Perrone, J. C. and Slack, H. G. B. THE METABOLISM OF COLLAGEN FROM SKIN, BONE AND LIVER IN THE NORMAL RAT. Biochem. J., Lond., 1951, 49: Proc. 72-73. An abstract. 572 Rogers, H. J., Weidman, S. M. and Parkinson, A. STUDIES ON THE SKELETAL TISSUES. II. THE COLLAGEN CONTENT OF BONES FROM RABBITS, OXEN, AND HUMANS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1952, 50: 537-542. 16 refs. "The organic matrix in the bones of rabbits, oxen and humans consists of from 90 to 96% collagen, or collagen-like proteins. Variations in the amount of total nitrogen relative to calcium in bone's correspond to true differences in degree of calcification... The degree of calcification of mid-femur samples of human bone increases with increasing age of the subject." 573 SYMPOSIUM ON COLLAGEN. Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1948-1949, 7: 33-38. Discussion: p. 35-38. 574 ♦Wurmbach, H. MODELLVERSUCHE ZUR BILDUNG DER KOLLAGENFEINSTRUKTUR DES KNORPELS. Zool. Jahrb., 1945, 69: 251-272. See: 101 408 2381 120 962 2531 122 2201 2537 129 2339 2811 130 2380 2814 2815 2816 2817 COLLAGEN AND RETICULIN OF TISSUES OTHER THAN BONE AND CARTILAGE 575 Banfield, W. G. THE SOLUBILITY AND SWELLING OF COLLAGEN IN DILUTE ACID WITH AGE VARIA- TIONS IN MAN. Anat. Rec, 1952, 114: 157- 171. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr. Bait., 1954, 28: No. 16153. 576 Bear, R. S. THE STRUCTURE OF COLLAGEN FI- BRILS. Advance. Protein. Chem., 1952, 7: 69-160. 219 refs. 577 Bowes, J. H. and Kenten, R. H. THE AMINO- ACID COMPOSITION AND TITRATION CURVE OF COLLAGEN. Biochem. J., Lond., 1948, 43: 358-365. Approx. 60 refs. 578 Bowes, J. H. and Kenten, R. H. THE EFFECT OF ALKALIS ON COLLAGEN. Biochem. J., Lond., 1948, 43: 365-372. 25 refs. Sources of coTTagen were ox-hide, sheep skin and calf skin. 579 Bowes, J. H. and Kenten, R. H. SOME OBSER- VATIONS ON THE AMINO-ACID DISTRIBUTION OF COLLAGEN, ELASTIN AND RETICULAR TISSUE FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES. Biochem. J., Lond., 1949, 45: 281-285. 21 refs. 580 Bresler, S. E., Finogenov. P. A. and Frenkel', S. IA. 0 STROENII MAKROMOLEKULY PROKOLLAGENA, [THE STRUCTURE OF THE PROCOLLAGEN MACROMOLE- CULE] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1950, 72: 555-558. 8 refs. 581 Crick, F. H. C. A STRUCTURE FOR COLLAGEN. J. Chem. Phys., 1954, 22: 347-348. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Ab"str., 1954, 48: 7085a. 571 Randall, J. T., Fraser, R. D. B., Jackson, S. F., Martin, A. V. W. and North, A. C. T. ASPECTS OF COLLAGEN STRUCTURE. Nature, Lond., 1952, 169: 1029-1033, 23 refs. See particularly p. 1029-1030 for collagen fibres in skeletal tissues. Abstracted in: Brit. Abstr., Sect. AIII, 1953, p. 181. 582 Grassmann, W. ELECTRON OPTICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON THE STRUCTURE OF COLLAGEN THE CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF PROTEINS. (Wolstenholme, G. E. W. and Cameron, eds.) Boston, Little Brown, [1953?] 212. Discussion: p. 210-212. 3 pi. IN: M. P. , p. 195- 63 refs, 34 COLLAGEN AND RETICULIN OF TISSUES OTHER THAN BONE AND CARTILAGE (Continued) 583 •Gross, J EVALUATION OF STRUCTURAL AND CHEMI- CAL CHANGES IN CONNECTIVE TISSUE. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., 1953, 56: 674-683. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 977. 584 Gross, J. IN VITRO FIBROGENESIS OF COLLAGEN. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1952, 4.Conf., 32-57. Conference discussion: p. 47-57. 25 refs. Also published as Robert W. Lovett Memorial for the Stpdy of Crippling Disease, No. 130. Harvard Medical School. 585 ♦Highberger, J. H., Gross, J. and Schmitt, F. 0. THE INTERACTION OF MUCOPROTEIN WITH SOLUBLE COLLAGEN; AN ELECTRON MICROSCOPE STUDY. Proc Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1951, 37: 286- 291. — 586 Holmes, W. RETICULIN AND ITS RELATION TO COL- LAGEN AND BASEMENT MEMBRANES. Science Progr., Lond., 1953, 41: 116-122. 587 Irving, E. A. and Tomlin, S. G. COLLAGEN, RETICULUM AND THEIR ARGYROPHILIC PROPER- TIES. Proc. R. Soc, Ser. B, Biol. Sc., Lond., 1954, 142: 113-125. pi. 22 refs. "Silver-impregnated collagen with and with- out a hyaluronic acid matrix has been ex- amined electron microscopically with re- sults which clarify the nature of argyro- philia. The final conclusion is that there is nothing to contradict the view that mature collagen consists of closely packed reticular fibres in a modified medium." 588 Jackson, D. S. THE NATURE OF COLLAGEN-CHON- DROITIN SULPHATE LINKAGES IN TENDON. Bio- chem. J., Lond., 1954, 56: 699-703. 17 refs. 589 Jackson, D. S. and Ball, J. A SOLUBLE FORM OF RECONSTITUTED COLLAGEN. Nature, Lond., 1953, 172: 1046. 3 refs. "This suggests that cEondroitin sulphate strengthens both the transverse and end-to-end linkages in this type of reconstituted collagen, and strengthens the evidence previously pre- sented that chondroitin sulphuric acid is concerned in stabilizing the structure of tendon." 590 Kanagy, J. R. CHEMISTRY OF COLLAGEN. 26p. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Of- fice, 1947. (Circular of the National Bureau of Standards C458). 46 refs. A general outline of the physical as well as the chemical properties of collagen, in- tended specifically for the use of in- dustrial chemists. 591 Kaesberg, P. and Shurman, M. M. FURTHER EVI- DENCE CONCERNING THE PERIODIC STRUCTURE IN COLLAGEN. Biochim. biophys. acta, Amst., 1953, 11: 1-6. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Brit ATstr. M. Sc. , 1954, p. 313. 592 ♦Kulonen, E., Mathews, M. B. and Dorfman, A. STUDIES IN PROCOLLAGEN. I. SOLUBILITY. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1953, 84: 424-428. 13 refs. 593 Little, K. and Kramer, H. NATURE OF RETICU- LIN. Nature, Lond., 1952, 170: 499. The object of this histological survey was to differentiate between reticulin and colla- gen. Results "indicate that reticulin, wherever it occurs, has a membranous struc- ture. It consists of minute randomly oriented collagen-type fibrils embedded in a structureless matrix, which is probably a glucoprotein." 594 Lowry, 0. H., Gilligan, D. R. and Katersky, E. H. THE DETERMINATION OF COLLAGEN AND ELASTIN IN TISSUES, WITH RESULTS OBTAINED IN VARIOUS NORMAL TISSUES FROM DIFFERENT SPECIES. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 139: 7»b- 804. 6 refs. 595 Neuman, R. E. and Tytell, A. A. ACTION OF PROTEOLYTIC ENZYMES ON COLLAGEN. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 409-412. 8 refs. 596 ♦ Neurath, H. and Bailey, K. C, eds. PROTEINS: CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY AND METHODS. 2v. New York, The Academic Press, 1953- See particularly: Structure proteins I: v.2, pt. B. This part of volume two is now in press. 597 Opie, E. L. and Rothbard, M. B. WATER EX- CHANGE OF COLLAGENOUS TISSUE AND OF GELA- TIN. J. Exp. M., 1953, 97: 499-503. 10 refs. The water intake of" collagenous tissue (corium of the skin, tendon and tendinous fascia of muscles) and of gela- tin is similar, occurring in solutions of sodium chloride of sucrose and increasing as their density is increased. Dense col- lagenous tissue has a marked tendency to attract water and to hold it. 598 Oriekhovitch, V. N. LES PROQOLLAGENES, COM- POSITION CHIMIQUE. PROPRIETES ET ROLE BIOLOGIQUE. C. rend. Internat. Congr. Biochim., 1952, 2.Congr., [Fasc]2, p. 62. Abstract of a paper presented at the Sym- posium sur la biog€ndse des protSines. 599 ♦Oriekhovitch, V. N. LES PROCOLLAGENES, LEUR STRUCTURE CHIMIQUE ET LEUR ROLE BIOLOGIQUE, Internat. Congr. Biochem., Paris, 1952, 2: 106. 600 Pauling, L. and Corey, R. B. THE STRUCTURE OF FIBROUS PROTEINS OF THE COLLAGEN-GELATIN GROUP. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1951, 37: 272-281. 9 refs. 601 Policard, A. SUR LES STADES INFRAMICROSCOPI- QUES DU DEVELOPPEMENT DES FIBRES CONJUNC- TIVES. Bull, micr. appl., Par., 1952 2* 137-147. 26 refs. "Critical review on" the inframicroscopic processes of col- lagenous fibrillogenesis, first separately considered, then in reference to the con- nective tissue. Intervening factors in the formation and arrangement of fibrillae 602 Ramachandran, G. N. and Kartha, G. STRUCTURE OF COLLAGEN. Nature, Lond., 1954 174. 269_ 270. 5 refs. ' ---' 603 Randall, J. T. and Jackson, S. F., eds NATIIRT? AND STRUCTURE OF COLLAGEN; PAPERS PRESENTS FOR A DISCUSSION CONVENED BY THE COLLOID AND BIOPHYSICS COMMITTEE OF THE FARADAY SOCIETY AT KING'S COLLEGE, LONDON, ON 26 AND 27 MARCH 1953. 269p. New York, Academic Press lQvT Bibliography: p. 253-264. ' i~"°-J- 604 Randall, J. T., Fraser, R. d. b. and North A. C. T. THE STRUCTURE OF COLLAGEN. Proc R. Soc, Ser. B, Biol. Sc. , Lond , 1953, 141: 62-66. 6 refs. 35 COLLAGEN AND RETICULIN OF TISSUES OTHER THAN BONE AND CARTILAGE (Continued) 605 Sacerdote De Lustig, E. and Mancini, R. E ACCION DE LA DESOXICORTICOSTERONA Y CORTISONA SOBRE LA FIBRILOGENESIS EN CULTIVOS DE FIBRO- BLASTOS. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1951, 27: 149-156. 17 refs. Abstracted in: ExcerpTa med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 1753. 606 Schmitt, F. 0., Hall, C. E. and Jakus, M A ELECTRON MICROSCOPE INVESTIGATIONS OF THE STRUCTURE OF COLLAGEN. J. Cell Physiol 1942, 20: 11-33. 3 pi. 24 refs. 607 ♦Seki, M. MOLEKULARHISTOLOGISCHE STUDIEN OBER DIE ELEMENTAR- UND MIKROFIBRILLEN DES KOL- LAGEN MIT BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG DER DIPOLRICHTWIRKUNG BEI IHRER NEUBILDUNG UND ENTWICKLUNG. Arch, histol. japonicum, Okayama, 1952, 3: 465-476. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 902. 608 Stack, M. V. ESTIMATION OF COLLAGEN IN HARD TISSUES. Nature, Lond., 1950, 166- 1080- 1081. 8 refs. --- 609- Vanamee, P. and Porter, K. R. OBSERVATIONS ON SOLVATION AND RECONSTITUTION OF COLLAGEN. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1951, 10: 263. An ab- stract . 610 Wolpers, C. DIE QUERSTREIFUNG DER KOLLAGENEN BINDEGEWEBSFIBRILLE. Virchows Arch., 1944, 312: 292-302. 22 refs. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND SURFACE ACTIVITY 611 Armstrong, W. D. COMPOSITION AND CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF THE BONE SALT. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1950,, 11-31. 35 refs. A review of the main theories of the constitution of bone salt with comments on the work of Dallemagne and of Cartier. 611a Barraud, J. BIOCRISTALLOGRAPHIE DE L'OS ET DE L'OSSIFICATION. Bull. Soc. fr. Mineral. Cristallogr., 1954, 77: 786-796. Bib- liographie: p. 795-79~6~. 612 Barraud, J. and Cartier, .P. ..ETUDE RADIOCRIS- TALLOGRAPHIQUE DE LA DEMINERALIZATION DE L'OS. C. rend. Acad, sc, 1951, 232: 417- 419. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 6272d. Samples of powdered bone, defatted" and dried at 37° C. were deminer- alized in a solution of lactic acid at pH 3.5 or in a solution of hydrochloric acid and the process of demineralization studied In slow demineralization the bone reacted like a mixture of alpha tricalcium phos- phate and calcium carbonate and not like an apatite; in rapid demineralization bone re- action was similar to that of the calcium phosphate-calcium carbonate mixture and to that of synthetic apatite as well. 613 Brandenberger, E. and Schinz, H. R. DIE NATUR DER ANORGANISCHEN KNOCHENSUBSTANZ. Experientia, Basel, 1948, 4: 59-60. 8 refs. Abstracted in: NutrTt. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1948-49, 18: No. 727; Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1.: No. 5007. 614 Brandenberger, E. and Schinz. H. R. OBER DIE NATUR DER VERKALKUNG BEI MENSCH UND TIER UND DAS VERHALTEN DER ANORGANISCHEN KNOCHENSUB- STANZ IM FALLE DER HAUPTSACHLICHEN MENSCH- LICHEN KNOCHENKRANKHEITEN. Helvet. med. acta, Ser. A, 1945, 12: Suppl. 16. 63p. Approx. 130 refs. 615 Bredig, M. A. ZUR APATITSTRUKTUR DER ANOR- GANISCHEN KNOCHEN- UND ZAHNSUBSTANZ. Zschr. physiol. Chem., 1933, 216: 239-243. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1933-34, 3: No. 1858; Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 3243. 616 Caglioti, V. SULLA STRUTTURA DELLE OSSA. Atti Congr. naz. chim.,, (1935) 1936, 320-330. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 39724. 617 Clark, G. L. and Mrgudich, J. N. AN X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF RACHITIS UPON THE STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF BONE. Am. J. Physiol., 1934, 1J)8: 74-79. 10 refs. Diffraction patterns show that in the humer- us of the normal rat, the orientation of the inorganic crystals of bone is lengthwise along the bone, while in the rachitic rat this orientation disappears as a result of the breakdown of the organic cement (col- lagen) which holds the inorganic crystals in normal position. 618 Clark, S. M. and I ball, J. ORIENTATION OF APATITE CRYSTALS IN BONE. Nature, Lond., 1954, 174: 399-400. 6 refs. 619 Dallemagne, M. J. and Brasseur, H. LA COMPO- SITION ET LA CONSTITUTION DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE OSSEUSE. L'ETUDE DE LA SUBSTANCE MINERALE PAR LA MfiTHODE DE DIFFRACTION DES RAYONS X. Acta biol. belg., 1942, 2: 440- 444. 5 refs. X-ray diffraction studies indicated that the mineral substance of bone is mainly alpha tricalcium phosphate with the crystallographic properties of an apatite and that calcination causes the alpha tricalcium phosphate and the calcium carbonate of bone to combine in a carbonate apatite molecule. These studies confirm the results of chemical research previously described. 620 Dallemagne, M. J. and M61on, J. LA CALCIFICA- TION^DES LAMELLES OSSEUSES CONSTITUTIVES DU SYSTEME HAVERSIEN. .Arch, biol., Par., 1945, 56: 243-259. 7 refs. Further studies in polarized light of cross sections of the Haversian systems demonstrated that the light and dark areas observed in the sur- rounding lamellae were due to differences in crystallite arrangement rather than to dif- ferences in the degree of calcification. 621 Engstrom, A. and Finean, J. B. LOW-ANGLE X-RAY DIFFRACTION OF BONE. Nature, Lond., 1953, 171: 564. 3 refs. A study to de- termine the arrangement and dimensions of the hydroxylapatite crystallites in bone. Several orders of a fundamental spacing of about 660A were obtained, the width gave an approximate diameter of 60-80A. The long dimension was estimated to be about 3 times the width. CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND SURFACE ACTIVITY (Con- tinued) 36 622 Falkenheim, M., Neuman, W. F. and Hodge, H. C, PHOSPHATE EXCHANGE AS THE MECHANISM FOR AD- SORPTION OF THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE BY THE CALCIFIED TISSUES. J. Biol. Chem., 1947, 169: 713-722. 14 refs. Abstracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 7478*; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 194*7-48, 17: No. 4756. "The adsorption of P32 in vitro by powdered bone, dentine, enamel and synthetic hydroxy- apatite from aqueous phosphate solutions at different concentrations was measured. It is maintained that an exchange of P atoms occurs in which nearly one-fifth of the P atoms of the solid may be involved, and it is suggested that the adsorption occurs on the surface of the ultramicroscopic crystals of hydroxyapatite." - Nutrit. Abstr. 623 Falkenheim, M., Underwood, E. E. and Hodee H. C. CALCIUM EXCHANGE: THE MECHANISM OF ADSORPTION BY BONE OF CA45 j %iol Chem., 1951, 188: 805-817. 17*refs " Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 20648; Nuclear Sc Abstr., 1951 5: No. 5553. 624 Gassmann, T. DER KRISTALLAUFBAU DER KNOCHEN UND DER ZAHNE UND SEINE BEZIEHUNGEN ZUR RACHITIS UND ZUR ZAHNKARIES. 24p. Bern, K. J. Wyss, 1937. 625 Henschen, C, gtraumann, R. and Bucher, R. ERGEBNISSE RONTGENSPEKTROGRAPHISCHER UNTERSUCHUNGEN AM KNOCHEN. I. MITTEILUNG: KRYSTALLITBAN DES ANORGANISCHEN UND DES ORGANISCHEN KNOCHENS. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1932, 236: 485-514. 36 refs. 626 Hirschman, A., Sobel, A. E. and Fankuchen, I. EFFECT OF DIET ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE IN- ORGANIC CRYSTALLITES OF BONE. Anat Rec, 1948, 100: 675. 627 Hirschman, A., Sobel, A. E., Kramer, B. and Fankuchen, I. AN X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDY OF HIGH PHOSPHATE BONES. J. Biol. Chem., 1947, 171: 285-291. 3 pi. 17 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 20273; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: SOOS1. "it is concluded that CaHP04~is present in the high phosphate bones either adsorbed on the surface of the apatite crystallites or as an integral part of the apatite lattice, but not as an individual crystalline entity." 628 Hodge, H. C. and McKay, J. H. THE AVERAGE MICROHARDNESS OF APATITE. J. Dent. Res., 1937, 16: 453-461. 4 refs. 629 Hodge, H. C, Van Huysen, G., Bonner, J. F. and Van Voorhis, S. N. THE ADSORPTION OF PHOSPHATES AT FORTY DEGREES BY ENAMEL, DENTIN, BONE AND HYDROXYAPATITE AS SHOWN BY THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 138: 451-457. 12 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 36942; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941 ,~J5: No. 14890. 630 Hutchinson, G. E. MARGINALIA. Am. Scientist, 1947, 35: 117 passim. Bones and teeth: p. 136, 13*8", 140 and 141. A brief account of Dallemagne and Melon's work on the molecular structure of bone and teeth. 631 ♦Melon, J. and Dallemagne, M. J. RES"f?V?T^ RELATIVES A LA FORMATION ET A ^ STABILITE DE LA BRUSHITE; SON ROLE DANS L'°SSIF;£*- TION. Bull. Soc. chim. belg., 1947, Ell 180-207. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., i»«o, 42: 1837h. 632 Neuman, W. F. BONE AS A PROBLEM IN SURFACE CHEMISTRY Tr Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1950,, 32-72. 31 refs. This pa- per is based on work performed under con- tract with the United States Atomic Energy Commission at the University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N. Y. Four chemical properties directly related to the surfaces of bone mineral are demon- strated: isoionic and heteroionic exchange, recrystallization and lattice growth. A discussion follows the address. 633 Neuman, W. F. COLLECTED STUDIES ON HYDROXYL APATITE. 34p. University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N. Y., 1953. (UR-238). Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1953, 7: No. 5495. 634 Neuman, W. F. and Mulryan, B. J. THE EFFECT OF AGE ON RECRYSTALLIZATION OF BONE MINERAL, lOp. University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N. Y., 1952. (UR-193) 7 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1952, 6: No. 3205. 635 Neuman, W. F. and Mulryan, B. J. THE SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF BONE. IV. FURTHER DATA ON RE- CRYSTALLIZATION. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 193: 237-241. 8 refs. "The interaction between powdered bone and radiophosphate buffer was reinvestigated. The slow incor- poration of labeled phosphate by the bone mineral was found to require the presence of an aqueous phase. Apparently this slow reaction represents primarily a recrystal- lization process, rather than a simple dif- fusion of phosphate ion through the crystal lattice." 636 Neuman, W. F. and Mulryan, B. J. THE SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF BONE. VI. RECRYSTALLIZATION IN VIVO. J. Biol. Chem., 1952, 195: 843- 848 . 15 refs. "Young rats were-given radiophosphate intraperitoneally. At vary- ing time intervals thereafter, the femurs were removed, defatted, and ground. The powdered bone specimens were shaken with inert phosphate buffer. With increasing time after injection, less radiophosphate was desorbable. This was interpreted to mean a greater incorporation of radiophos- phate within the mineral crystals of bone These data support the hypothesis that the recrystallization of bone mineral occurs in vivo." 637 Neuman, W. F. and Weikel, J H Jr thit RECRYSTALLIZATION OF BONE MINERAL* 24n University of Rochester Atomic Enerev Project, Rochester, N. Y., 1954 (|jR 314^ 19 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc Xhl+l 1954, 8: No. 2319. ' At>str-. 638 ♦Quartaroli, A. and Fontanelli, G [THE CHEMI- CAL STRUCTURE OF TRICALCIUM PHOSPHATE AND OF CALCIUM CARBONATE IN PHOSPHORITES AND BONES] Ann. fac agrar. univ. Pisa, 1942, 5: 416- 435. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr T947 41: 2520e. ' — 37 CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND SURFACE ACTIVITY (Con- tinued) 639 Reed, C. I. and Reed, B. P. AN ATTEMPTED COR- RELATION OF MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF BONE WITH ANTIRACHITIC HEALING AND WITH MOLECULAR STRUCTURE AS DETERMINED BY X-RAY DIFFRACTION TECHNIQUE. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 138: 34- 41. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19"4"3", 37: 14547; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 13450. 640 Reed, C. I., Reed, B. P. and Gardner, W. U. THE INFLUENCE OF ESTROGENS ON THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF BONE AS REVEALED BY X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDIES ON THE FEMORA OF MICE. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 238-244. 4 refs. "Examination of the femora of healthy mice by x-ray diffraction technique shows that the cortices are composed of crytals of apatite oriented in patterns identical with those previously found for rats. Mice with pellets of estrone implanted subcutaneously showed a disorientation of the apatite cry- stals in the femoral cortices and in the progressive deposition of a disoriented mixture of calcium carbonate with variable amounts of apatite." 641 Reynolds, L., Hayden, H. S. and Corrigan, K. E. DIFFRACTION STUDIES ON HUMAN BONE. PRELIMI- NARY REPORT. Am. J. Roentg., 1938, 39: 286- 287. 3 refs. "Diffraction patterns of bone from Paget's disease and normal bone show an apatite structure. Diffraction patterns of bone from a case of hyperparathyroidism show a structure different from apatite." 648 Weikel, J. H., Jr. IONIC EXCHANGE AND RE- CRYSTALLIZATION OF BONE MINERAL IN VITRO. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1954, 13: 317. An ab- stract. 649 Weikel, J. H., Jr., Neuman, W. F. and Feldman, I. THE SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF BONE. VIII. ON THE MECHANISM OF IONIC EXCHANGE. 28p. University of Rochester Atomic Energy Pro- ject, Rochester, N. Y., 1954. (UR-326) 21 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1954, 8: No. 3663. 650 Wood, N. V., Jr. SPECIFIC SURFACES OF BONE, APATITE, ENAMEL AND DENTINE. Science, 1947, 105: 531-532. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 1, 1948, 2: No. 764. "The specific surface (square metres per gram) of apatite prepared by the authors, of dentine and enamel from human teeth and of glycolashed rabbit bone was determined. All were ground to an approximate particle size of 60 mesh. The specific surface of apatite was found to be dentine 2.4, of enamel 1.8, of bone ash 99.3 and of whole teeth approximately 1.59 and 1.77." - Excerpta med. See: 262 275 284 309 310 314 325 328 329 330 364 383 556 1245 2338 2339 2380 2389 2393 2690 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY 642 Roseberry, H. H., Hastings, A. B. and Morse, J. K. X-RAY ANALYSIS OF BONE AND TEETH. J. Biol. Chem., 1931, 90: 395-407. 2 pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 2982; Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 2162. "Since chemical analysis indicates that the chemical composition of untreated bone is similar to that of the mineral dahlite and since x-ray spectrograms indi- cate the similarity in the crystal structure of bone, enamel and dahlite, it is concluded that the calcium salts of bone and enamel may be represented by the formula: CaC03• HCa3(P04)o, where ft is not less than 2 nor greater than 3. No evidence is found that CaHPC>4 or CaC03 exists in bone or teeth as such." 643 Saupe, E. RONTGENSPEKTROGRAPHISCHE STRUKTUR- UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN BIOLOGISCHEN OBJEKTEN UND MENSCHLICHEN KORPERGEWEBEN. Kolloid. Zschr., 1934, 69: 357-363. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 28195. 644 Schinz, H. R. RONTGENOGRAPHISCHE FEINSTRUKTUR- UNTERSUCHUNGEN DER VERKALKUNGEN IM MENSCH- LICHEN KORPER. Radiol, clin., Basel, 1943, 12: 129-144. 645 Schmidt, W. J. UBER HOMOGENE UND SPHXRITISCHE VERKALKUNG BEI DEN VERSCHIEDENEN ARTEN DES KNOCHENGEWEBES. Naturwissenschaften, 1947, 34- 273-277. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 2, 1949, 2: 3082. 646 StUhler, R. DIE LAGERUNG DER ANORGANISCHEN KRIStAlLITE IM KNOCHEN. Naturwissenschaften 1936, 24: 523. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. XEstr., 1937, 31: 4429. 647 StUhler, R. UBER DEN FEINBAU DES KNOCHENS; EINE RONTGEN-FEINSTRUKTUR-UNTERSUCHUNG. Fortschr. Rbntgenstrahl., 1938, 57: 231- 264. Approx. 56 refs. 651 Arnold, P. W. THE NATURE OF PRECIPITATED CALCIUM PHOSPHATES. Tr. Faraday Soc, 1950, 46: 1061-1072. 21 refs. 652 Beevers, C. A. and Mclntyre, D. B. THE ATOMIC STRUCTURE OF FLUOR-APATITE AND ITS RELATION TO TOOTH AND BONE MATERIAL. Mineralog. Mag., 1946, 27: 254-257. 3 refs. .Abstracted in: Chem. XEstr., 1948, 42: 58071. 653 Brasseur, H. A. L. and Dallemagne, M.J. LA SYNTHESE DES APATITES. Bull. Soc. chim. France, 1949, 2234: D135-D137. 12 refs. 654 Buckley, H. E. GRYSTAL GROWTH. 571p. New York, Wiley, 1951. 655 Gruner, J. W. and McConnell, D. THE PROBLEM OF THE CARBONATE-APATITES. THE STRUCTURE OF FRANCOLITE. Zschr. Krist., 1937, 97: 208-215. 7 refs. 656 Hendricks, S. B. COMMENTS ON THE CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF BONE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Inter- relat., 1952, 4.Conf., 185-202. Conference discussion: p. 196-212. 15 refs. 65l endricks, S. B. and Hill, W. L. NATURE OF BONE AND PHOSPHATE ROCK. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sc. U. S., 1950, 36: 731-737. 19 refs. "The inorganic compounds of bone have a large surface on which carbonate, citrate, Mg, and Na are located. Carbonate is pre- sent on entrapped surfaces and not as con- stituent within the lattice of francolite ... that also by lattice limitation, con- tains F in excess of the fluorapatite re- quirements. Enamel is similar to franco- lite in having entrapped surfaces. The over-all composition, including lattice and surface, of bone is that of a neu- tral Ca phosphate while enamel is more basic, approximating hydroxylapatite. The compound forming the lattice of bone... might be hydroxylapatite with an excess of phosphate on the surface." 38 CRYSTALLOGRAPHY (Continued) 658 Hendricks, S. B., Hill, W. L., Jacob, K. D. and Jefferson, M. E. STRUCTURAL CHARAC- TERISTICS OF APATITE-LIKE SUBSTANCES AND COMPOSITION OF PHOSPHATE ROCK AND BONE AS DETERMINED FROM MICROSCOPICAL AND X-RAY DIFFRACTION EXAMINATIONS. Indust. Engin. Chem., 1931, 23: 1413-1418. 42 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 671. — 659 Hendricks, S. B., Jefferson, M. E. and Mosley, V. M. THE CRYSTAL STRUCTURES OF SOME NATU- RAL AND SYNTHETIC APATITE-LIKE SUBSTANCES. Zschr. Krist., 1932, 81: 352-369. 17 refs. "A study has been made of the crystal struc- tures of the compounds forming the 'apatite- group' , . . . The X-ray powder diffraction photographs of oxy-apatite, Ca10°(P°4)6 a hydrate of tricalcium phosphate, Cag(H20)2 (PO^g, and a phosphate compound of bone, Ca10(CO3)(H2O)(PO4)6 differ but slightly from those of hydroxy- and fluor-apatite. It is probable, however, that these com- pounds more closely simulate pyromorphite in structure. There are structural reasons for supposing that the hydrate of tricalcium phosphate has the composition indicated above and that the phosphate compound of bone is hydrated." 660 ♦McConnell, D. THE CRYSTAL CHEMISTRY OF CAR- BONATE APATITES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO THE COMPOSITION OF CALCIFIED TISSUES. J. Dent. Res., 1952, 31: 53-63. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 18378. 661 McConnell, D. THE NATURE OF ROCK PHOSPHATES, TEETH, AND BONES. J. Washington Acad. Sc., 1952, 42: 36-38. 15 refs. 662 Mehmel, M. UBER DIE STRUKTUR DES APATITS. I. Zschr. Krist., 1930, 75: 323-331. 10 refs. 663 ♦Mllon, J. and Dallemagne, M. J. LA BRUSHITE SYNTHETIQUE. CRITIQUE DES DONNEES CRISTAL- LOGRAPHIQUES. Ann. Soc. geol. Belg., 1945, 69: B 19. 664 ♦Mllon, J. and Dallemagne. M. J. LA FORMATION DES CRISTAUX DE PHOSPHATE DICALCIQUE HYDRATE (BRUSHITE). Bull. Soc. chim. Belg., 1946, 55: 38-51. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., T547, 41: 43961. 665 Naray-Szab6, St. THE STRUCTURE OF APATITE (CAF)CA4(P04)3. Zschr. Krist., 1930, 75: 387-398. 5 refs. — 666 Posner, A. S. and Stephenson, S. R. CRYSTAL- LOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION OF TRICALCIUM PHOS- PHATE HYDRATE. J. Dent. Res., 1952, 31: 371-382. 16 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 30215. "By use of the hydrothermaT bomb technic, cry- stals of tricalcium phosphate hydrate were grown from about 500 A to 3/4 in length. Thus accurate crystallographic evidence was obtained which, when combined with chemical data, suggested that this substance, which is similar to bone, dentin and cementum, might be hydroxy-apatite with phosphoric acid occluded in the ratio of 0.6 moles of H3PO4 to one of mole of Caio(P04)6(OH)2. - Biol. Abstr. 667 Read, W. T. DISLOCATIONS IN CRYSTALS. 228p. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1953. Verma, A. R. CRYSTAL GROWTH AND DISLOCATIONS. 182p. New York, Academic Press, 1953. ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS 66A>lbaum, H. G., Hirshfeld, A. and Sobel, A. E. CALCIFICATION. VI. ADENOSINETRIPHOSPHATE CONTENT OF PREOSSEOUS CARTILAGE. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1952, 79: 238-241. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 1332. 670 "~ . _ Albaum, H.G., Hirshfeld, A. and Sobel, A E CALCIFICATION. VIII. GLYCOLYTIC ENZYMES AND PHOSPHORYLATED INTERMEDIATES IN PRE-OSSEOUS CARTILAGE. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y. , 1952, 79: 682-686.. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.T"Balt., 1952, 26: No. 25188; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 71921. "Most of the en- zymes of glycolysis present in muscle and yeast appear to be present in epiphyseal cartilage. Several of the phosphorylated intermediates of the cycle have been identi- fied by using chromatographic procedure." 671 Baggi, G. and Amorth, G. EFFETTI DELLA SOM- MINISTRAZIONE DELLA JALURONIDASI NEI TRAPI- ANTI OSSEI (STUDIO SPERIMENTALE). Boll. Soc. med. chir. Modena, 1952, 52: 333-336. 9 refs. Abstracted in: ExcerpTa med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 2446. 672 Belanger, L. F. AUTORADIOGRAPHIC VISUALIZA- TION OF THE ENTRY AND TRANSIT OF S35 IN CARTILAGE, BONE, AND DENTINE OF YOUNG RATS AND THE EFFECT OF HYALURONIDASE IN VITRO. Canad. J. Biochem. Physiol., 1954, 32: 161- 169. 3 pi. 28 refs. The site of synthesis of sulphated substances in cartilage, bone and dentine was studied; also their fate in these tissues, their relationship with miner- alization and their histochemical nature and relative local concentration. 673 Cartier, P. BIOCHIMIE DE L'OSSIFICATION. PHOSPHORYLATION ET CALCIFICATION. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1950, 144: 331-333. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 20646. Sections of fresh metaphyseal car- tilage from the long bones of sheep embryos were placed in mineralizing solutions of different composition and the results noted. Three facts were considered impor- tant: 1) Adenosine triphosphate (ADT) played a direct role in mineralization of the pro- tein matrix. 2) The phosphatase mechanism appeared not involved in the first stage of mineralization. 3) Mineralization seemed to begin by fixation of secondary calcium phosphate which was later transformed into tricalcium phosphate. 674 Cartier, P. ETUDE DES PROTEASES DE L'OS II LES PEPTIDASES. Bull. Soc. chim. biol , Par., 1946, 28: 259-273. 20 refs. The de- medullated bones of various mammals (man, cat, calf, rabbit and rat) were extracted with a glycerol solution. The extracts con- tained a dipeptidase, and an aminopolypepti- dase but showed no properties of carboxy- polypeptidase (trypsin). 675 Cartier, P. ETUDE DES PROTEASES DE L'OS. III. ORIGINE DES PROTEASES DE L'OS. Bull Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1946, 28: 273-276! 7 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1: No. 539. The demedul- lated bones of young rabbits, rats and calves were extracted with a glycerol solu- tion and the extracts compared with ex- tracts of the bone marrow. Both extracts contained the same protease properties and the same constituants: catheptase, tryptase in small amount, aminopolypeptidase and di- peptidase . 39 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS (Continued) 676 ♦Cartier, P. MECANISME ENZYMATIQUE DE L'OS- SIFICATION. Paris, 1952. (These-Univ.) 677 Castella Bertran, E. APORTACIONES A LA ONTO- GENIA ENZIMdL(JGICA DE LAS AVES. LA FOSFO- MONOESTERASA ACIDA, FOSFOMONOESTERASE ALCA- LINA, RODANASA Y Y [Sldl CARBONICOANHIDRASA DURANTE LA INCUBACION DEL HUEVO Y DESARROLLO ULTERIOR DE LA GALINA. An. fac. vet. Madr., 1952, 4: 402-606. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 10668*. A study of the distribution of"-enzymes in the organs and skeleton of the developing chick embryo and growing hen. 678 Cobb, J. D. RELATION OF GLYCOGEN, PHOSPHORY- LASE, AND GROUND SUBSTANCE TO CALCIFICATION OF BONE. A.M.A. Arch. Path., 1953, 55: 496-502. 25 refs. Abstracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1953, 47>: 11458g; Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1954, 7: No. 275. 679 DiStefano, V. and Neuman, W. F. CALCIUM COM- PLEXES OF ATP AND ADP AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE IN CALCIFICATION IN VITRO. lOp. University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester N. Y., 1952. (UR-215). 13 refs. Shorter report in: J. Biol. Chem., 1953, 200: 759- 763. "Tracer studies using radio-calcium and ion-exchange resins have demonstrated conclusively that calcium forms relatively undissociated complex ions with ATP and ADP. It has also been shown that the phospha- tases present in rachitic bone cartilage liberate only small amounts of inorganic phosphate from ATP. These results explain the inhibitory effect of ATP on calcifica- tion in vitro." 680 Fawns, H. T. and Landells, J. W. THE APPLICA- TION OF COLLAGENASE AND HYALURONIDASE TO THE STUDY OF CARTILAGE IN HISTOLOGICAL SECTIONS. J. Physiol., Lond., 1953, 119: Proc, 5-6. 2 refs. 681 Follis, R. H., Jr. CHEMICAL DIFFERENTIATION OF CARTILAGE AND BONE. II. SULFATASE AC- TIVITY. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1951, 77: 847-849. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 1296; Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 9681a. "To test the hypothesis that depolymerization of chondroitin sulphuric acid might occur in the calcification zone, the author tried to detect a sulphatase activity in slices of costal cartilage from young children and puppies. No activity could be found in the calcification zone or in the cartilage; only the presence of blood and marrow cells caused such an activity..." - Excerpta med. 682 Follis, R. H., Jr. and Berthrong, M. HISTO- CHEMICAL STUDIES ON CARTILAGE AND BONE. I. THE NORMAL PATTERN. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1949, 85: 281-297. pi. 64 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 1831. Gutman, A. B. RELATION OF PHOSPHORYLASE AND PHOSPHATASE TO CALCIFICATION IN CARTILAGE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1946,, 20-24. 684 Gutman, A. B. and Gutman, E. B. A PHOSPHORY- LASE IN CALCIFYING CARTILAGE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 687-691. 11 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 11755; Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 13728. 685 Gutman, A. B. and Yti, T. F. A CONCEPT OF THE ROLE OF ENZYMES IN ENDOCHONDRAL CALCIFICA- TION. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1950,, 167-190. 37 refs. Studies and discussion of the relation between phos- phorylative glycogenolysis and endochondral calcification. 686 Gutman, A. B., Warrick, F. B. and Gutman, E. B. PHOSPHORYLATIVE GLYCOGENOLYSIS AND CALCIFICATION IN CARTILAGE. Science, 1942, 95: 461-462. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1942, 36: 38135. 687 Kroon, D. B. THE EFFECT OF THE HYPOFUNCTION OF THE THYROID GLAND, INDUCED BY METHYL- THIOURACIL, ON THE PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY OF SOME ORGANS AND ON THE PROCESS OF OSSIFI- CATION IN THE RAT AND IN THE GUINEA-PIG. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1949, 2: 227-248. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 12352; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 2125b. 688 Lacapere, J., Drieux, H. and Delaville, G. ETUDES HISTOLOGIQUES ET CHIMIQUES SUR LE DISQUE INTERVERTEBRAL. Presse med., 1951, 59: 1400-1403. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 3277. 689 Laskin, D. M. and Engel, M. B. METABOLISM OF BONE IN RABBIT UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF PARA- THYROID EXTRACT. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1954, 13: No. 1706. An abstract. "The resorp- TTon of bone following administration of parathyroid extract may be related to this change in the activity of the intracellular dehydrogenases." - Fed. Proc. 690 Levine, M. D. and Follis, R. H., Jr. THE LECITHINASE ACTIVITY OF FETAL CARTILAGE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1949, 1. Conf., 33-40. Conference discussion: p. 37-40. 8 refs. 691 Leynse, B. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE GLYCOLYTIC ENZYME SYSTEM OF CALCIFYING BONES. Acta physiol. pharm. neerl., 1951-1952, 2: 442-445. 4 refs. Abstracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 10088d. 692 Liebknecht, W. L. UBER DIE AUFSPALTUNG DER ADENYLPYROPHOSPHORSAURE DURCH KNOCHENPHOS- PHATASE. Biochem. Zschr., 1939, 303: 96- 100. 7 refs. 693 Lillie, R. D., Greco, J. and Laskey, A. HIS- TOCHEMICAL STUDIES WITH MALT DIASTASE: PAR- TIAL SEPARATION OF THE FRACTIONS DESTROYING CYTOPLASMIC BASOPHILIA (RIBONUCLEIC ACID) AND THE METACHROMASIA OF CARTILAGE. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 635-647. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in:-C*Hem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 8406a. 694 Loeper, M., Lesure, A. and Tonnet, J. SUR QUELQUES FERMENTS DU CARTILAGE. C. rend. Soc. biol,, 1934, 116: 116-117. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1934, 28: 5085?. — 695 Lorenzi, L. COCARBOSSILASI E /3-GLICURONIDASI NEL TESSUTO OSSEO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1952, 28: 1342-1343. 12 refs. Ab- stracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 7619n. 40 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS (Continued) 696 Lutwak-Mann, C. ENZYME SYSTEMS IN ARTICULAR CARTILAGE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1940, 34: 517-527. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Chei7 Abstr., 1940, 34: 54723; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 150. 697 Paff, G. H. and Seifter, J. THE EFFECT OF HYALURONIDASE ON BONE GROWTH IN VITRO. Anat. Rec, 1950, 106: 525-537. pi. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 272. Findings suggest that hyaluronidase may be important in the removal of hyaline cartilage in the process of endochondral bone formation. Further studies are being made to determine the availability of hyaluronidase at sites of endochondral bone formation. 698 Perkins, H. R. and Dixon, T. F. PARATHYROID AND BONE CITR0GENASE. Science, 1953, 118: 139-140. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 11419h; Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1954,"5: No. 236. A study of "the citrate content and citrogenase ac- tivity of bone in parathyroidectomized and normal rats, and in normal rats injected with parathyroid extract." 699 Polonovski, M. and Cartier, P. ETUDE DES PROTEASES DE L'OS. I. LES PROTEINASES. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1946, 28: 247-258. 23 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 3828a. In young rabbits the demedullaTed leg bones were extracted with a glycerol solution. The extract contained a proteinase with cathepsin-like properties. The properties of trypsin were also observed in the ex- tract but in lesser amount. 700 ♦Reis, J. [5-NUCLEOTIDASE] Acta biol. exp., Warsz., 1937, 11: 122-123. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., T9"38, 32: 910l4. 706 701 Robison, R. and Soames, K. M. THE POSSIBLE SIGNIFICANCE OF HEXOSEPHOSPHORIC ESTERS IN OSSIFICATION. VIII. CALCIFICATION IN VITRO. Biochem. J., Lond., 1930, 24: 1922-1926. pi, 9 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 18199. 702 Robison, R., MacLeod, M. and Rosenheim, A. H. THE POSSIBLE SIGNIFICANCE OF HEXOSEPHOSPHORIC ESTERS IN OSSIFICATION. IX. CALCIFICATION IN VITRO. Biochem. J., Lond., 1930, 24: 1927- 1941. pi. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 18285 703 Roche, J., Nguyen-Van Thoai, G. I. and Pin, P. RECHERCHES SUR L'OSSIFICATION. XIV. SUR LE ROLE EVENTUEL DE LA PHOSPHORYLASE OSSEUSE DANS L^ FORMATION D'ESTERS SERVANT DE SUB- STRAT A LA PHOSPHATASE. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1951, 33: 286-290. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 1975; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1951-52", 21: No. 3805. 704 Rutishauser, E. and Maino, G. ETUDE DES PRO- TEASES OSSEUSES ET SERIQUES. L'HYPERPARA- THYROIDISMS EXPERIMENTAL ET SES REPERCUSSIONS SUR LA MUQUEUSE GASTRIQUE ET SUR LE TAUX DES PROTEASES SERIQUES. Presse med., 1953, 61: 286-288. 17 refs. 705 Sarles, H. CINETIQUE DE L'ACTION DE LA PHOS- PHOMONOESTE'RASE ALCALINE D'OS DE FOETUS ET SPECIFICITE D'ORGANE DES PHOSPHATASES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1953, 147: 1561-1564. 4 refs. 1954, 48: 3502e. 707 Sumner, J. B. and Myrback, K., eds ENZYMES. New York, The Academic Press, 1950- See particularly: Phosphatase, v.l, pt. 1, p. 473-510; Phosphorlayses, v.l, pt. 2, p. 1014-1039. 708 Waldman, J. CALCIFICATION OF HYPERTROPHIC EPIPHYSEAL CARTILAGE IN VITRO FOLLOWING IN- ACTIVATION OF PHOSPHATASE AND OTHER ENZYMES. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 69: 262- 263. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1949, 2: No. 3627; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 11114. 709 Waldman, J. EFFECT OF INACTIVATION OF ENZYMES ON CALCIFICATION OF CARTILAGE IN VITRO. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1950,, 203-220. 9 refs. Report and discussion of experiments on sections of rat bone. 710 Zawisch, C. DIE BEEINFLUSSUNG DES KNOCHEN- WACHSTUMS DURCH FERMENTWIRKUNG. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1932, 45: 321-326. 711 Zawisch, C. BEEINFLUSSUNG DES KNOCHEN- WACHSTUMS DURCH FERMENTWIRKUNG; HISTO- LOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG VON KNOCHENBEHANDEL- TER TIERE. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch ., 1931, 26: 173-215. 3 refs. 712 Zawisch, C. UBER KNOCHENWACHSTUM UND DESSEN BEEINFLUSSUNG DURCH FERMENTWIRKUNG. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1930, 23: 169-226. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait 1932, 6: No. 21679. 713 Zawisch, C. WIRKSTOFFE UND IHRE TATIGKEIT IM AUFBAU VON KNORPEL UND KNOCHEN. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1937, 42: 595-655. Approx. 30 refs. The effects' of, 1) an osteoplastic enzyme, 2) Ketose-monophospha- tase, and 3) an adrenalin-like material were studied when injected into rabbits' Both enzymes increased bony tissue and di- minished vascularity. The adrenalin-like substance increased osteoclasis. See: 107 108 109 934 122g ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS - IN REGENERATION AND REPAIR 714 i Fiocca, S. and Rusconi, A. RICFRTm? oirtT* METACROMASIA. NOTA II. AZIONE DELLA^ALU RONIDASI SULLA EVOLUZIONE DELLE CALIO nx FRATTURA E SUL COMPORTAMENTO DELLE SOSTAN7F METACROMATICHE. Arch. chir. ortoo iJ^E 17: 219-220. 7 refs. ur*°P., 1952, 715 Greenberg, D. M. and Mohamed, M s pfffpt OF LOWERED BLOOD SUPPLY AND OT GLUcSII-1- PHOSPHATE ON HEALING OF BONE FRACTURES Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y , 1944, 57: 203-205. 10 refs. Abstracted in: BTo'l. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 4651; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 9829" 41 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS - IN REGENERATION AND REPAIR (Continued) 716 Kuwabara, G. UBER DEN STOFFWECHSEL DES KNOR- PEL UND KALLUSGEWEBES. J. Biochem., Tokyo, 1932, 16: 389-402. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 1020. "No oxidase was found eitherTn cartilage or callus tissue. Cartilage possesses a much greater dehydrogenase activity than does bone. Furthermore, the epiphyseal carti- lage of healthy rabbits has a more active dehydrogenase than that of rachitic rab- bits. ... Both the glucolytic and the dehydrogenase activity of the callus attain their highest value at the time when calci- fication is most active. Both callus tis- sue and cartilage derive energy from gluco- lysis." - Chem. Abstr. 717 Landoff, G. A. EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EF- FECTS OF THE ADMINISTRATION OF HYALURONIDASE ON THE HEALING OF FRACTURES. Acta orthop. scand., 1951, 21: 5-12. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 4419; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 27810. Hyaluronidase retarded bone repair. This retardation is thought to be due to the enzyme's inhibiting action on the deposi- tion of bone salts in callus tissue. 718 Li Voti, P. RICERCHE SULLA LOCALIZZAZIONE DELLA FOSFATASI ALCALINA "EL CALLO OSSEO. Gior. ital. chir., 1949, 5: 478-487. 70 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 2331. 719 Rutishauser, E., Majno, G. and Perrottet, E. LES PROTEASES DU TISSU,OSSEUX NORMAL ET PATH0L0GIQUE. NOTE PRELIMINAIRE. Arch. sc., Gendve, 1951, 4: 250-252. 3 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1952, 5: No. 2904. In normal and rachitic rats of various ages and in adult rabbits determina- tions were made of the protease activity in whole and fractured bones and the fracture callus. Differences were attributed to variations in the number of cells. ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS - PHOSPHATASE 720 Armstrong, A. R. and Banting, F. G. THE SITE OF FORMATION OF THE PHOSPHATASE OF SERUM. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1935, 33: 243-246. 8 refs. The data obtained in this study sup- port the contention that bone is the sole source of serum phosphatase. 723 721 Basso, R. IL COMPORTAMENTO DELLA FOSFATASI SERICA DOPO INTERVENTI 0PERAT0RI0 SULLE OSSA. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1950, V7: 165-171. 15 refs. Postoperative serum phosphatase determinations, made in 16 pa- tients at regular intervals for 30 days, showed only slight changes from preopera- tive levels. This was interpreted as in- dicating that serum phosphatase was not a measure of osteoblast activity nor of bone phosphate activity. 722 •J BSlaneer L F. DETECTION OF PHOSPHATASE AC- TIVITY IN POLARIZED LIGHT FOLLOWING GLYCERO- PHOSPHATE INCUBATION. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N Y , 1951, 77: 266-269. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No 35787 Description of method. Pre- liminary studies with this technique indi- cated that 1) phosphatase activity in growing bones and teeth is localized in areas, not necessarily of mineral deposition; 2) phos- phatase activity originates in cytoplasma cells- 3) it increases with cell differentia- Belfanti, S., Oontardi, A. and Ercoli, A. PHOSPHATASES. THE INFLUENCE OF SOME ELEC- TROLYTES ON THE PHOSPHATASES OF ANIMAL TIS- SUE. PHOSPHATASES OF THE LIVER, KIDNEY, SERUM AND BONES OF THE RABBIT. Biochem. J., Lond., 1935, 29: 517-527. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 51389; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1935-36, 5: No. 352. 724 Bischoff, G. and Loeschke, A. DIE WIRKUNG DER TOXISCHEN KOMPONENTE DES BESTRAHLTEN ERGOSTERINS (CALCINOSEFAKTORS) AUF DIE KNOCHENPHOSPHATASE. Zschr. Kinderh., 1932, 52: 349-357. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., 1932-33, 2: No. 162; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 3014. 725 Bodansky, O. THE ACCELERANT EFFECT OF «-AMINO ACIDS ON THE ACTIVITY OF BONE PHOSPHATASE. J. Biol. Chem., 1936, 114: 273-288. 33 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 48837; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1936- 37, 6: No. 1832. 726 Bodansky, O. ARE THE PHOSPHATASES OF BONE, KIDNEY, INTESTINE AND SERUM IDENTICAL? THE USE OF BILE ACIDS IN THEIR DIFFERENTIATION. J. Biol. Chem., 1937, 118: 341-362. 37 refs . 727 Bodansky, O. and Strachman, N. THE INFLUENCE OF MAGNESIUM AND COBALT ON THE INHIBITION OF PHOSPHATASES OF BONE, INTESTINE, AND OSTEOGENIC SARCOMA BY AMINO ACIDS. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 179: 81-102. 30 refs. Ab- stracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50, 19: No. 2157. 728 Bodansky, O. and Strachman, N. THE INHIBI- TORY EFFECT OF DL-ALANINE, L-GLUTAMIC ACID, L-LYSINE, AND L-HISTIDINE ON THE ACTIVITY OF INTESTINAL, BONE, AND KIDNEY PHOSPHA- TASES. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 174: 465- 476. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr. 1948, 42: 6863f; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No7"6111. 729 Borghese. E. LA FOSFATASI ALCALINA NEGLI STADI PIU PRECOCI DELL'OSSIFICAZIONE. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1952, 28: 801-803. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23: No. 3056; Brit. Abstr., Sect. AIII, 1953, p. 627. Mouse embryos of 14 to 17 days were used in this study on the behavior of alcaline phosphatase in the earliest stages of ossification of the car- tilage of the extremities and of the verte- brae. The findings are compared with those of other authors. 730 Borghese, E. LA FOSFATASI ALCALINA NELLE PRIME FASI DELL'OSSIFICAZIONE. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1953, 116: 610-625. 42 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 107. 731 Cappellin, M. AZIONE DELLE FOSFATASI OSSEE SULLA OSTEOGENESI IN VITRO. Sperimentale, 1948, 99: 133-145. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. XEstr., 1949, 43: 3050h. Femur carti- lage from chick embryos of 6 days' incuba- tion, cultured in vitro in a medium of plasma and embryo extract, developed normally but similar explants cultured in the same medium with the addition of bone phosphatase ex- tract showed retarded growth and degenera- tive changes. This inhibiting action of the enzyme is attributed to protein substances which contaminated the phosphatase, obtained by Robinson's method of extraction. 42 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS - PHOSPHATASE (Con- tinued) 732 Cappellin, M. CARTILAGINE E FOSFATASI ALCALINE, Atti Soc. med. chir. Padova, 1947, 86-91 8 refs. 733 Cappellin, M. FOSFATASI OSSEA E OSTEOGENESI IN VITRO. Boll. Soc ital. biol sper 1947, 23: 915-917. 3 refs. Abstracted'in- Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 556. 734 Cappellin, M. SUL SIGNIFICATO FUNZIONALE DELLE CELLULE CARTILAGINEE DELLA LINEA DI CONIUGAZIONE. Rass. biol. umana, 1948, 3: 35-46. 17 refs. A histological demonstra- tion of phosphatases in the cartilage cells of the epiphyseal lines in mice. 735 Cartier, P. MECANISME ENZYMATIQUE DE L'OSSI- FICATION. Exposes ann. biochim. med., Par., 1952, 14: 73-86. 6 refs,. The theories of Robison and Gutman are reviewed and the author's findings are compared with theirs. 736 Cartier, P. and Picard, J. BIOCHIMIE DE L'OSSIFICATION: ROLE DE LA PHOSPHATASE ALCALINE DANS LES PREMIERS STADES DE L'OSSIFICATION. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1951, 145: 274-276. An earlier experiment was repeated with the following changes: Sec- tions of epiphyseal cartilage were used, a very active preparation of bone phos- phatase was added to the solution and the experiment was performed at different optimium pH levels. Results confirmed the earlier findings. 737 Cloetens, R. IDENTIFICATION DE DEUX PHOS- PHATASES "ALCALINES" DANS LES ORGANES ANIMAUX. Enzymologia, Haag, 1939, 6: 46- 56. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 63666. 738 Combs, G. F.. Norris. L. C. and Heuser, G. F. THE INTERRELATIONSHIP OF MANGANESE, PHOS- PHATASE AND VITAMIN D IN BONE DEVELOPMENT. J. Nutrit., 1942, 23: 131-140. 12 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 14420; Chem. Abstr., 1942> 36: 2"3"904. — 739 Common, R. H. SERUM PHOSPHATASE IN THE DOMES- TIC FOWL. Nature, Lond., 1934, 133: 572. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. AbsTr., 1934, 28: 44358. 740 Deltour, G. H. and Villiaumey, J. ACTION DE L' ACETATE DE DEOXYCORTICOSTERONE SUR L'AC- TIVITY PHOSPHATASIQUE DE L'OS EPIPHYSAIRE DU RAT. Ann. endocr., Par., 1952, 13: 179- 181. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr Bait., 1953, 27: No. 22173; Excerpta med ," Sect. 3, 1952, 6: No. 2151 741 De Luca, G. AglONE DELLA TIROIDE SUI VALORI DELL'ATTIVITA FOSFATASICA DEL SIERO E DELLE OSSA E SULLA CALCIFICAZIONE SCHELETRICA Ormoni, 1940, 2: 203-220. 62 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941 15- No. 4120. ' —" 742 De Rienzo, A. AZIONE DELLA FOSFATASI DELLE OSSA SULL'ACIDO GLICER0F0SF0RIC0. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 1034- 1036. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 2159. 743 Dikshit, P. K. and Chitre, R. G. JTTOIES XJ EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS. THE SOURCE OF SERUM ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN RACHITIC ALBINO RATS. Indian J. M. Res., 1950, 38. *!-*»• Abstracted in: Biol. AMtr., Batt., U"">*» 26: No. 36036. Findings indicate that the b"o"ne and serum alkaline phosphatases are not identical. 744 4 DiStefano, V. SELECTED STUDIES ON THE ROLE OF BONE PHOSPHATASE IN CALCIFICATION. 98p. University of Rochester Atomic Energy Pro- ject, Rochester, N. Y., 1954. (UR-272). 85 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1954, 8: No. 972. 745 Eremin, G. P. and Kasperskaia, Z. A. VLIIANIE RAZLICHNOGO KOLICHESTVA BELKA V PITANII NA AKTIVNOST' FOSFATAZY KOSTEI U RASTUSHCHIKH ZHIVOTNYKH. [THE INFLUENCE OF PROTEIN IN- TAKE ON THE PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY IN THE, BONES OF GROWING ANIMALS1 Biokhimiia, 1950, 15: 128-133. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1950, 44: 74006. In rats on a diet deficient in protein content (casein 3.5%) bone phosphatase activity decreased 2.5 times more than in groups on diets of 18 and 35% protein content. Removal of bone marrow from the epiphysis did not alter enzyme activity but removal from the dia- physis caused a reduction in activity of the phosphatase. 746 Fabisch, W. UBER DEN PHOSPHATASEGEHALT NORMALER UND RACHITISCHER RATTENKNORPEL. Biochem. Zschr., 1932, 254: 158-169. 6 refs, The phosphatase content of cartilage of nor- mal, rachitic and irradiated ergosterol treated rats was the same. This finding op- poses the theory that low serum P in rickets may be explained on the basis of change in the phosphatase content in cartilage. 747 Fell, H. B. and Robison, R. THE DEVELOPMENT AND PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY IN VIVO AND IN VI- TRO OF THE MANDIBULAR SKELETAL TISSUE OF THE EMBRYONIC FOWL. Biochem. J., Lond., 1930, 24: 1905-1921. 3 pi. 9 refs. Ab- stracted* in: $iol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7- No. 18183; Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 3040." 748 Filippon, S. and Morgano, G. SUL COMPORTA- MENTO DELLA FOSFATASI ALCALINA NEL DIABETE SPERIMENTALE. Arch. Maragliano pat. clin., 1950, 5: 123-126. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 10376d. 749 F°iii^ ?• H" Jr- INORGANIC COMPOSITION AND PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY OF HUMAN CARTILAGE IN RELATION TO MORPHOLOGICAL DIFFERENTIATION Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 355. An ab- ' stract. ~ 750 Follis, R. H., Jr. PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY OF CARTILAGE AND PERIOSTEUM WITH VARIOUS SUB- STRATES. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1950, 87: 181-185. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Biol ABstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 22711. "Ex- tracts of costochondraT hypertrophic carti- lage and periosteum were tested quantita- tively for phosphatase activity at alkaline neutral and acid pH using various substrates No differences were found in the 2 types of tissue studied. It would appear that both cartilage and periosteum contain, in addi- tion to 'alkaline phosphatase,' an acid phosphatase acting on meta and pyrophosphate as well as an enzyme attacking depolymeriZed yeast nucleic acid most readily in the neu- tral medium." 43 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS tinued) PHOSPHATASE (Con- 751 Follis, R. H., Jr. STUDIES ON THE CHEMICAL DIFFERENTIATION OF DEVELOPING CARTILAGE AND BONE. I. GENERAL METHOD. ALKALINE PHOS- PHATASE ACTIVITY. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1949, 85: 360-369. 14 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 1981; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 1830. — 752 Gomori, G. CALCIFICATION AND PHOSPHATASE. Am. J. Path., 1943, 19: 197-209. pi. 18 refs. "CalclficaTTon of living or recently necrosed tissues seems invariably to involve phosphatase activity. On the other hand, calcification of hyaline con- nective tissue occurs without any phos- phatase action. Acid phosphatase plays no role in calcification." 753 Gould, B. S. and Shwachman, H. BONE AND TIS- SUE PHOSPHATASE IN EXPERIMENTAL SCURVY AND STUDIES ON THE SOURCE OF SERUM PHOSPHATASE. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 135: 485-491. 12 refs. Abstracted in: BToT. Abstr., Bait , 1942, 16: No. 18227. 754 Greep, R. O. , Fischer, C. J. and Morse, A. ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN ODONTOGENESIS AND OSTEOGENESIS AND ITS HISTOCHEMICAL DEMON- STRATION AFTER DEMINERALIZATION. J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1948, 36: 427-442. 15 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 4094; Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1949, *"f7 No. 1336. 755 Grugni, C. and Ferraris, R. FOSFATASI ACIDA E OSSIFICAZIONE ETEROTOPICA NELLA LINGUA DA INNES^I AUTO- E OMOPLASTICI DI MIDOLLO OS- SEO. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper.,1949 (1950), 25: 1084-1085. 4 refs. 756 Grugni, C, Prina, C. and Dragoni, G. MIDOLLO OSSEO E FOSFATASI NELLE OSSIFICAZIONI ETEROTOPICHE. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1951, 91: 487-508. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ArJstr. , 1951, 45: 8621c. 757 Gutman, A. B. and Jones, B. INHIBITION BY CYANIDE OF SERUM ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN NORMAL MAN, OBSTRUCTIVE JAUNDICE AND SKELETAL DISORDERS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 71: 572-575. 9 refs. 762 758 Gutman, A. B. and Yu, T. F. FURTHER CONSIDERA- TION OF THE EFFECTS OF BERYLLIUM SALTS ON IN VITRO CALCIFICATION OF CARTILAGE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1951, 3.Conf., 90-104. Conference discussion: p. 102-104. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 113741. 759 Hennig, W. UBER EINIGE ANDERUNGEN DER PH0S- PHAtAsEAKTIVITXT DES KNOCHENS BEI EXPERI- MENTELLER RACHITIS. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1950, 212: 105-106. Abstracted in: Excerpta med77~Sect. 2, 1951, 4: No. 5953; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 88871. 760 Hiatt, H. H. , Marks, P. A. and Shorr, E. EF- FECTS OF INHIBITORS ON CALCIUM DEPOSITION IN CARTILAGE IN VITRO. J. Biol. Chem., 1953, 204: 187-195. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., BaTt., 1954, 28: No. 13014; Brit. Abstr. M. Sc, 1954, p.~B45. 761 King, E. J. and Hall, G. E. THE PHOSPHATASE OF FETAL BONE. Canad. M. Ass. J,, 1931, 25: 44-46. 5 refs. 763 Kochakian, C. D. and Terepka, A. R. EFFECT OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT ON TISSUE ENZYMES AND SERUM AND URINARY PHOSPHORUS. Am. J. Physiol., 1951, 165: 142-148. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 6276a; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26*7 No. 17937. The kidneys, heart, adrenals and bones of rats were studied. 764 Kodama, S. and Takamatsu, H. HISTOL0GISCHE UND BIOCHEMISCHE STUDIEN UBER DIE PHOSPHA- TASE BEI AVITAMINOSEN. I. PHOSPHATASE UND IHRE BIOLOGISCHE BEDEUTUNG BEI RACHITIS. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1939, 29: 498-501. 765 Kubo, M. and Suyama, Y. UBER DIE GEWEBS- PHOSPHATASE BEI ACID0TISCHEN KNOCHEN- VERA'NDERUNGEN DER MIT SCHWEFEL GEFUTTERTEN RATTE. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1936, 26: 682- 686. 766 Kuwabara, G. EINFLUSS DES CALCIUM AUF DIE KNORPELPHOSPHATASE. J. Biochem., Toyko, 1932, 16: 403-406. 5 refs. 767 Lorch, I. J. ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE AND THE MECHANISM OF OSSIFICATION. J. Bone Surg., 1949, 31B: 94-99. 20 refs. Abstracted in: ExcerpTa"med., Sect. 2, 1949, 2: No. 5900. 768 Lorch, I. J. THE DISTRIBUTION OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN RELATION TO CALCIFICATION IN SCYLIORHINUS CANICULA. DEVELOPMENT OF THE ENDOSKELETON. Q. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1949, 90: 381-390. pi. 15 refs. Dogfish embryos of 18-115 mm. were studied histo- chemically. "Phosphatase was first noted in the chondrocytes and perichondrium at 47 mm. and in the cartilage matrix at 58 mm. Calcification occurred first in the neural plates at 58 mm. and in the skull at 74 mm. No calcification was observed in zones devoid of extracellular phospha- tase. As the intensity of calcification increased, the amount of phosphatase tended to drop. It is concluded that in elasmo- branchs, as in higher animals, extracellu- lar phosphatase is an essential precursor of calcification." 769 Kay, H. D. PHOSPHATASE IN GROWTH AND DISEASE OF BONE. Physiol. Rev., 1932, 12: 384-422. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 193*2, 26: 4648 Lorch, I.J. THE DISTRIBUTION OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN THE SKULL OF THE DEVELOPING TROUT. Q. J. Micr. Sc., Lond., 1949, 90: 183-207. 2 pi. 24 refs. "Extracellular phosphatase is always associated with ossi- fication or fibre formation. No deposition of calcium salts in the absence of phospha- tase was observed. Alkaline phosphatase is probably connected with histogenesis in general apart from its special function in calcification." 770 ♦Lorch, I.J. A HISTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN RELATION TO CALCIFICATION. 1948. (Thesis, Ph.D- Univ. Lond.) 771 Lorch, I. J. LOCALIZATION OF ALKALINE PHOS- PHATASE IN MAMMALIAN BONES. Q. J. Micr. Sc, Lond., 1947, 88: 367-381. pi. 26 refs. Abstracted Tn: Excerpta med., Sect 1, 1949, 3: No. 85. 44 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS - PHOSPHATASE (Con- tinued) 772 Low, M. B., Wilson, R. 0. and Aub, J. C PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY OF THE BONES AND KIDNEYS IN THYROTOXICOSIS. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934, 31: 447-450. 11 refs. Abstracted in: CKem. Abstr , 1934, 28: 20543. The kidneys were in- creasecTin size and the average phosphatase content per gram of tissue was slightly diminished. The phosphatase activity of the bones was the same as that of controls. 773 ♦Ludwig, K. S. VITAMIN A-MANGEL UND UBER- DOSIERUNG UND IHRE BEZIEHUNGEN ZUM GEHALT AN ALKALISCHER PHOSPHATASE DER EPIPHYSENFUGE. Internat. Zschr. Vitaminforsch., Bern, 1953, 25: 98-103. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 828g; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 10537. 774 McKelvie, A. M. and Mann, F. C. THE ROLE OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN OSTEOGENESIS AFTER TRANSPLANTATION OF BONE. Proc. Mayo Clin., 1948, 23: 449-454. 18 refs. The litera- ture is reviewed, the author's unpublished work with rabbits discussed, and the hy- pothesis advanced that alkaline phosphatase is concerned more with formation of the fibrocollagenous framework of bone than with the impregnation of this framework with calcified salts. 775 MacLeod, M. and Robison, R. THE HYDROLYSIS OF HEXOSEDIPHOSPHORIC ESTER BY BONE PHOS- PHATASE. A NEW FRUCTOSEMONOPHOSPHATE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1933, 27: 286-297. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 3957. 776 Madsen. N. B. and Tuba, J. ON THE SOURCE OF the Alkaline phosphatase in rat serum j Biol. Chem., 1952, 195: 741-750. 27 refs. Abstracted in: ChemTTbstr., 1953, 47: 10650C; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1*332, 22: No. 2184. Results of this study with ra*£s indicated that the major portion of the serum alkaline phosphatase is derived from the intestine. Bone is probably the source of that portion not supplied by the intes- tine . 777 Majno, G. and Rouiller, C. DIE ALKALISCHE PHOSPHATASE IN DER BI0L0GIE DES KNOCHEN- GEWEBES. HISTOCHEMISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN Virchows Arch., 1951, 321: 1-61. 101 refs, Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 1775; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46- ;d ~ ' —• 4586c 778 Mathies, J. C. NATURE OF ALTERATIONS IN AC- TIVITY OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN TISSUES OF HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1951, 10: 222-223. An abstract. "Previous findTngs of decreased alkaline phosphatase activity in bone and kidney and increased activity in liver following hypophysectomy with returns toward normal after treatment with anterior pituitary growth hormone" are investigated in greater detail. 779 Mathies, J. C. and Gaebler, o. H. THE EFFECT OF GROWTH HORMONE PREPARATIONS ON ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE OF THE TIBIA. Endocrinology 1949, 45: 129-134. 16 refs. Abstracted'in• Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No 9195- Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4564**f. 780 Mathies, J. C, Goodman, E. D. and Palm, L. EFFECTS OF HYPOPHYSECTOMY, GROWTH HORMONE AND THYROXINE ON PHOSPHATASES OF TIBIA, LIVER, SPLEEN, AND KIDNEYS OF RAT. Am. J. Physiol., 1952, 168: 352-365. 45 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19W, 46: 6243b; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, tb: HO. 17889. 781 Meroni, C. M. LAS FOSFATASAS; NATURALEZA, PAPEL Y DISTRIBUCION. Rev. odont., B. Air., 1953, 41: 13-16. In this review of the processei~of osteogenesis the important role of the phosphatases in the biochemical mechanisms involved in bone salts formation is stressed. The hard tissues of growing vertebrates contain phosphomonoesterase, called the bone enzyme or bone phosphatase. The characteristics and behavior of this enzyme are discussed in relation to other body chemicals and its distribution in bones and teeth described. The mechanism of bone phosphatase action is examined from the qualitative and quantitative points of view. 782 Moog, F. LOCALIZATIONS OF ALKALINE AND ACID PHOSPHATASES IN THE EARLY EMBRYOGENESIS OF THE CHICK. Biol. Bull., 1944, 86: 51-80. 34 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 16370. "The changes in phosphatase distribution in the princi- pal soft organs up to the eighth day, and the relation of alkaline phosphatase to bone deposition in the hind limb up to the eleventh day, are considered." 783 Moog, F. THE PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PHOSPHOMONOESTERASES. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc., 1946, 21: 41-59. Approx. 180 refs. Abstracted Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 16859. A review. See particulary phosphatase and calcification: normal and abnormal calci- fication, glycogen and the 'second mecha- nism' , and influence of hormones and vitamins, p. 47-50. 784 Moog, F. and Wenger, E. L. THE OCCURRENCE OF A NEUTRAL MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDE AT SITES OF HIGH ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY. Am. J. Anat., 1952, 90: 339-377. 42 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 1125. See particulary, ossifying Tissues: p. 350-354. 785 Morse, A. and Greep, R. 0. ALKALINE PHOSPHA- TASE IN THE JAW BONES AND TEETH OF THE AL- BINO RAT AS RELATED TO ABNORMAL STATES OF BODY GROWTH, MINERAL METABOLISM, AND DE- VELOPMENT. J. Dent. Res., 1952, 31: 284- 292. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Chem Abstr., 1952, 46: 5703f; Biol. Abstr , Bait., 1952, 2157 No. 24170. 786 Morse, A. and Greep, R. O. EFFECT OF ABNORMAI METABOLIC STATES UPON THE HISTOCHEMICAL DIS- TRIBUTION OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN THE TIBIA OF THE ALBINO RAT. Anat. Rec, 1951 111: 193-219. 4 pi. 24 refs. Abstracted' in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 31241; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 8~751h. 787 Motzok, I. STUDIES ON THE PLASMA PHOSPHATASE OF NORMAL AND RACHITIC CHICKS. II. RELA- TIONSHIP BETWEEN PLASMA PHOSPHATASE AND THE PHOSPHATASES OF BONE, KIDNEY, LIVER AND IN- TESTINAL MUCOSA. Biochem. J., Lond., 1950 47: 193-196. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Ex-' cerpta med., Sect. 2, 1951, 4: No. 2327; Ber. ges. Physiol., 1952, 148": 294. 45 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS tinued) PHOSPHATASE (Con- 788 Nava, G. CONTRIBUTE) AL MECCANISMO DI AZIONE DELLA VITAMINA E. MODIFICAZIONI DELLE FOS- FATASI ALCALINE DEL SANGUE E DEI TESSUTI. Arch. Maragliano pat. clin., 1949, 4: 727- 734. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1950, 3: No. 3661. 789 Nava, G. and Fiore, A. L'INFLUENZA ORMONICA TESTICOLARE SUI COMPLESSI FOSFATASICI DEL SANGUE E DEI TESSUTI. Arch, sc. med., Tor., 1949, 88: 533-538. 18 refs. 790 Neuman, W. F., DiStefano, V and Mulryan, B. J. OBSERVATIONS ON THE ROLE OF PHOSPHATASE IN CALCIFICATION. 17p. University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N. Y., 1951. (UR-162) 21 refs. 791 Neuman, W. F., DiStefano, V. and Mulryan, B. J. THE SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF BONE. III. OBSERVATIONS ON THE ROLE OF PHOSPHATASE. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 193: 227-235. 22 refs. "Experiments were performed to test the no- tion that glycero phosphate is inhibitory to calcification in the absence of active phos- phatase. It was shown that ester phosphate is strongly adsorbed by bone mineral and that such adsorbed ester inhibits the ac- cretion of additional mineral both in iso- lated inorganic systems and in calcifying slices of rachitic cartilage taken from rat tibia. The significance of these results is discussed." 792 Norris, W. P. and Cohn, S. H. THE EFFECT OF INJECTED RADIUM ON THE ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY OF BONE AND TISSUES. J. Biol. Chem., 1952, 196: 255-264. 22 refs. Ab- stracted in: cEem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 11281c; Nuclear Sc Abstr., 1952 ,*~S: No. 28. 793 Page, I. H. WIRKUNG DES NEBENSCHILDDROSEN- HORMONS AUF PHOSPHATASE. Biochem. Zschr., 1930, 223- 222-227. 30 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 21880 Injections of parathyroid hormone cause a marked diminution in the activity of bone phosphatase of rats. 794 Perkins, H. R. PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITIES OF VARIOUS REGIONS OF RABBIT BONE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1954, 57: Proc. 15-16. 3 refs. 795 Pisa, M. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA ATTIVITA FOSFA- TASICA DELLE OSSA IN SEGUIT0 A NEVRECTOMIA. Biochim. ter. sper., 1934, 21: 497-505. In rabbits sciatic and crural neurectomy resulted in demineralization and reduced phosphatase activity in the femur. 796 Policard, A., Pehu^ M., Roche, J. and Boucomont, J. REPARTITION HISTOLOGIQUE DE LA PHOSPHATASE DANS LA ZONE D'OSSI- FICATION DES OS LONGS CHEZ L'ENFANT NORMAL ET RACHITIQUE. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1931, 8: 171-175. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.7 1932, 26: 5133; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 67""No. 22305. Comparison of phosphatase content and distribution in the ossification zones of the long bones of rachitic and normal children. 797 Prina, C. and Grugni, C. LE VARIAZI0NI DELLA FOSFATASI NELLA 0SSIFICAZI0NE ETEROTOPICA. I. LA FOSFATASI ALCALINA NELL'INNESTO AUTO- PLASTICO DI MIDOLLO OSSEO NEL RENE. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1948, 24: 1314- 1315. 5 refs. Abstracted in:"Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 1152e. In rabbits and guinea pigs auTogenous transplants of bone marrow were made from the tibia to the kidney. The increased phosphatase activity, attributed to the osteogenetic action of the marrow, was manifested not only in the implant but also in the immediately adjacent renal tis- sue, which took part in the osteogenesis. 798 Robison, R. BONE PHOSPHATASE. Erg. Enzym- forsch., 1932, 1: 280-294. Approx. 50 refs. 799 Robison, R. CHEMISTRY AND METABOLISM OF COM- POUNDS OF PHOSPHORUS. Annual Rev. Biochem., 1936, 5: 181-204. 166 refs. A review. See particularly, the mechanism of calcification in animal tissues, and phosphatases: p. 194- 196. 800 Roche, J. LA PHOSPHATASE DES OS (BIOCHIMIE NORMALE ET PATHOLOGIQUE). Exposes ann. biochim. med., 1942, 3.ser., 251-269. 801 Roche4 J. LA PHOSPHATASE DES OS ET LE MECANISME GENERAL DE L'OSSIFICATION. Experientia, Basel, 1946, 2: 325-336. Approx. 75 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 16577; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1947-4*8", 17: No. 1926. 802 Roche, J. LE ROLE DES PHOSPHATASES DANS LE METABOLISME DU CALCIUM. Ann. Nutrit., Par., 1947, 1: 3-30. 147 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 5178h. Roche, J. SUR LA BIOCHIMIE g£n£rALE DES PHOSPHATASES. Helvet. chim. acta, 1946, 29: 1253-1267. 50 refs. 804 Roche, J. and Bullinger, E. RECHERCHES SUR L'OSSIFICATION. VII. LA PHOSPHATASE DU SQUELETTE (OS, DENTS, DERMATOSQUELETTE) CHEZ LES POISSONS OSSEUX OU CARTILAGINEUX. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1939, 21: 166-184. 20 refs. 805 Roche, J. and Deltour, G. H. RECHERCHES SUR L'OSSIFICATION. XIII. ROLE DE LA PHOSPHA- TASE DANS LA CALCIFICATION DES OS IN VITRO ET THEORIE "DES FIXATEURS DU CALCIUM." Tr. Soc. chim. biol., 1943, 25: 1260-1273. 18 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 897; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1946"":47, 16: No. 3209. 806 Roche, J. and Deltour, G. H. THE ROLE OF PHOSPHATASE IN THE CALCIFICATION OF BONE IN VITRO AND THE THEORY OF "CALCIUM TRAP- PING AGENTS." IN: MEDICAL RESEARCH IN FRANCE DURING THE WAR, 1939-1945. (Ham- burger, J., ed.) [English version] Paris, Flammarlon, 1947, p. 292-303. 18 refs. It is shown "that the phosphatase included in the cartilaginous tissue plays an essen- tial role in the osseous calcification en- riching 'in situ' the cells in phosphoric ions and indirectly provoking a second in- flux of calcium ions toward the same re- gions. Roche and Deltour's observations do not permit us to accept the classical theory of the 'calcium fixators' which assumes that the ossification process is due to the suc- cession of fixation of calcium then of phos- phoric acid leading to the precipitation of insoluble tricalcium phosphate." 46 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS tinued) 807 PHOSPHATASE (Con- Roche, J. and Deltour, G. SUR LE MECANISME BIOCHIMIQUE DE L'OSSIFICATION ET LE ROLE PHYSIOLOGIQUE DE LA PHOSPHATASE DES OS. C. rend. Acad, sc. , 1943, 216: 748-750. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 23734; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1945-46, 15: No. 572. 808 Roche, J. and Filippi A. ACTIVITE PHOSPHA- TASIQUE DES OS ET HORMONE PARATHYROIDIENNE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 129: 326-238. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem.TBstr. , 1939, 7067. 33 i 809 Roche, J. and Filippi, A. SUR L'ACTIVITJ? DE LA PHOSPHATASE DES OS LONGS AUX DIVERSES ETAPES DE LA CROISSANCE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1937, 125: 1064-1066. 2 refs. Ab- stracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 1989. 810 Roche, J. and Leandri, A. ETUDE QUANTITATIVE DE LA PHOSPHATASE DES OS LONGS AU COURS DE LA CROISSANCE DU RAT. C 1935, 119: 1141-1144. 3 in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29 rend. Soc. biol., refs. Abstracted 1936, 10: No. 8353; 73505. 811 Roche, J. and Martin-Poggi, R. RECHERCHES SUR L'OSSIFICATION. IX. ROLE DE LA VITAMINE C ET DE LA PHOSPHATASE DANS LA FORMATION DE LA SUBSTANCE OSSEUSE, EN PARTICULIER DANS LES CALS DE FRACTURE. Tr. Soc. chim. biol., 1941, 23: 1535-1545. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait;, 1948, 22: No. 895. Roche, J. amd Mourgue, M. RECHERCHES SUR L'OS- SIFICATION. XII. PREMIERES ETAPES DE LA CAL- CIFICATION DU SQUELETTE (OS ET DENTS) ET R6LE DE LA PHOSPHATASE DANS L'OSSIFICATION. Tr. Soc chim. biol., 1942, 24: 1186-1195. 11 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 896; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1946-477 16: No. 1961. 813 Roche, J. and Simonot, M^ T. ACTIVITE PHOS- PHATASIQUE DES OS ET MECANISME DU RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL. Enzymologia, 1942, 10: 239- 243. 17 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr Bait., 1946, 20: No. 772. 814 Roche, J., Filippi, A. and Leandri, A. RE- CHERCHES SUR L'OSSIFICATION. III^LA PHOS- PHATASE DES OS LONGS AUX DIVERSES ETAPES DE LA CROISSANCE. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1937, 19: 1314-1324. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-38, 7: No 4942. 815 Roche, J., LaromiguiSre, S. de, and Laurens A. SUR LA DIFFERENCIATION DES PHOSPHATASES ALCALINES (PHOSPHOMONOESTERASES ET PYROPHOS- PHATASES) DES DIVERS ORGANES ANIMAUX. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1943, 137: 243-244^ 5' refs. 816 Rossi, A. RICERCHE SULLA FOSFATASI DELLA OSSA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper 1933 8: 714-719. 9 refs. Abstracted in' Chem' Abstr., 1935, 29: 25576 818 Rouiller C. and Majno, G. ETUDE HISTOCHIMIQUE DE LA PHOSPHATASE ALCALINE DANS LE RACHITISME. (NOTE PRELIMINAIRE). Arch, sc., Geneve, 1951, 4: 252-253. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.7 Bait., 1952, 26: No. 34203. In y°unB rachitic rats histochemical analyses demon- strated that when resting cartilage is trans- formed into growth cartilage the amount of phosphatase present is at least as great as in normal animals, and that phosphatase dis- tribution in the endosteal and periosteal osseous tissues is not qualitatively modi- fied. 819 Sacchi, U. FOSFATASI DELL'OSSO E IRRADIAZIONE SOLARE. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1935, 10: 94-97. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1935, 29: 478l6. 820 Sacchi, U. L'INFLUENZA DELLA SIMPATECTOMIA GANGLIARE SUL CONTENUTO DELL'OSSO IN FOS- FATASI. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1935, 10: 100-103. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1935, 29: 48111. 821 Scimone, I. SUL COMPORTAMENTO DELLA FOSFATASI DEL PLASMA E DEI COMPONENTI MINERALI DELLE OSSA IN ANIMALI TRATTATI CON ESTRATTI DE FOSFATASI OSSEA. Pathologica, 1939, 31: 520-525. 13 refs. German and EnglisE- summaries. "The repeated, although transi- tory, increases of the plasma phosphatasic activity, obtained by the intravenous in- jection of aqueous bone extract, cause, if the experiment is sufficiently long, a de- crease of the bone mineral content expounding the splitting action of the ferment on the inorganic phosphorus compounds, which con- stitute in great part the bone mineral sub- stance." 822 Scoz, G. VARIAZIONI DEL POTERE FOSFATASICO DELL'OSSO, DEL RENE E DEL SANGUE NEL RACHITISMO SPERIMENTALE. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1935, 10: 823-826. 2 refs. Abstracted in: NutrTT. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1935-36, 5: No. 2729. 823 Scoz, G. and Marangoni, P. L. L'AZIONE DELLA TIROXINA SUL POTERE FOSFATASICO DELLE OSSA, NEL RATTO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper , 1934, 9: 969-971. 9 refs. Abstracted in- Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 18425 824 Scoz, G. and Marangoni, P. L. VARIAZIONI DEL POTERE FOSFATOSICO DEL SANGUE E DELL'OSSO E DEL PR0CESS0 DI OSSIFICAZIONE IN RAPPORTO CON LA VELOCITA DI ACCRESCIMENTO NORMALE E SPERIMENTALMENTE MODIFICATA. Arch, sc biol., Bologna, 1936, 22: 43-65. 25 refs Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr , 1936, 30- 83335. — 825 Scoz, G. and Marangoni, P. L. VARIAZIONI NEI PROCESSI DI OSSIFICAZIONE IN RAPPORTO CON LA VELOCITA DI ACCRESCIMENTO NORMALE E SPERI- MENTALE MODIFICATA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol sper., 1935, 10: 678-680. Abstracted in. Chem. Abstr.,"T936, 30: 76433; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 193~5*-36, 5: No. 3081. 817 Rossi, A. and De Rienzo, A. AZIONE DELL'ER- GOSTEROLO IRRADIATO SULLA FOSFATASI DELLE OSSA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1933 8: 719-722. 2 refs. Abstracted in- Chem' Abstr., 1935, 29: 25577 826 Siffert, R. S. THE ROLE OF ALKALINE PHOSPHA- TASE IN OSTEOGENESIS. J. Exp. M., 1951, 93. 415-426. 2 pi. 19 refs. Abstracted in:— Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1951-52, 21: No 2002; Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 8115b. 47 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS - PHOSPHATASE (Con- tinued) 827 Slessor, A. and Wyburn, G. M. PHOSPHATASE AND BONE FORMATION. Lancet, Lond., 1948, 254: 212-213. 4 refs. Abstracted in: CKem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 90286. In the rabbit, injections 0""*""phosphatase from long bones of foetal calves did not stimu- late bone formation. 828 Sobel, A. E., Cohen, J. and Kramer, B. PHOS- PHATASE ACTIVITY AND CALCIFICATION IN STRONTIUM RICKETS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1935, 29: 2646-2650. 11 refs. "Compara- tive deTerminations of the phosphatase ac- tivities of bones obtained from rats with strontium and those with calcium rickets were made. It was found that there was no significant difference in the phosphatase activities in similar anatomical portions of the bones from the two groups of ani- mals ." 829 Tanaka, M. UBER DEN EINFLUSS VERSCHIEDENER BEDINGUNGEN AUF DIE WIRKUNG DER PHOSPHA- TASEN IN VERSCHIEDENEN ORGANEN UND GEWEBEN. Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1935, 13: 479-510. 121 refs. Abstracted in: NutrTt". Abstr., Aberdeen, 1935-36, 5: No. 355. 830 Tanko, B. and Robison, R. THE HYDROLYSIS OF HEXOSEDIPHOSPHORIC ESTER BY BONE PHOSPHA- TASE. II. (A) THE PARTICIPATION OF PHOSPHO- HEXOKINASE; (B) THE ISOLATION OF PURE FRUC- TOSE 1-PHOSPHATE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1935, 29: 961-972. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1935, 29: 58692. 831 Theopold, W. UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR AKTIVITAT DER ALKALISCHEN PHOSPHATASE IM GEWEBE GESUNDER UND RACHITISCHER RATTEN. Mschr. Kinderh., 1951, 99: 227-231. 38 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. XBstr., 1951, 45: 8608e. 832 Whicher, C. H. and Watson, E. M. EFFECTS OF THYROTROPIC HORMONE, GONADOTROPIC FACTOR, PITUITARY GROWTH SUBSTANCE AND INSULIN UPON THE PHOSPHATASE CONTENT OF RAT FEMURS. Endocrinology, 1943, 33: 83-86. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 6268; Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 60249. 833 Wilkins, W. E., Calhoun, J. A., Pilcher, C. and Regen, E. M. THE INFLUENCE OF PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE ON THE PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY OF BONE AND KIDNEY. Am. J. Physiol., 1935, 112: 477-480. 7 refs. "Injection of an- "Eerior pituitary growth hormone into adult rats was accompanied by an increase in body, bone and kidney weights. The bones and kidneys of the injected animals showed a slightly lower phosphatase activity per unit of weight than those of the controls. It appears that renewed growth of adult rat bone is not accompanied by an increase in phosphatase activity." 834 Zetterstrom, R. and Ljunggren, M. THE ACTIVA- TION OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE FROM DIFFERENT ORGANS BY PHOSPHORYLATED VITAMIN D2. Acta chem. scand., 1951, 5: 283-290. 26 refs. In vitro, vitamin D2 activates alkaline phosphatase from the kidneys, intestines, and bones. The activation is highest for bone phosphatase. If this activation, which is obtained in vitro occurs in vivo, it may explain the changes in phosphate metabolism observed after administration of vitamin D to a rachitic animal. 835 Zorzoli, A. THE HISTOCHEMICAL LOCALIZATION OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE IN DEMINERALIZED BONES OF MICE OF DIFFERENT AGES. Anat. Rec, 1948, 102: 445-467. 4 pi. Abstracted in: Biol. Aostr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 15428; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 546TP. The appearance of enzyme always preceded the appearance of bone salts. Ossification was never ob- served in the absence of phosphatase. The quantity of phosphatase diminshed with age. 836 Zorzoli, A. and Nadel, E. M. ALKALINE PHOS- PHATASE ACTIVITY IN THE BONES OF NORMAL AND ASCORBUTIC GUINEA PIGS; A CORRELATED BIO- CHEMICAL AND HISTOCHEMICAL STUDY. J. Histo- chem. Cytochem., 1953, 1: 362-371. 18 refs, See: 18 183 372 683 703 705 707 708 1146 1147 1166 1188 1481 1904 1950 2464 2633 2792 2847 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS TION AND REPAIR 837 PHOSPHATASE IN REGENERA- Agrifoglio, E. VARIAZIONI DELLE FRAZIONI FOS- F0RI0HE ACIDOSOLUBILI NELL'EVOLUZIONE DEL CALLO DI FRATTURA SPERIMENTALE. Minerva chir., Tor., 1952, 7: 110-111. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 23256. Studies of the calluses from experimental fractures in 3 dogs showed a gradual decrease in inorganic phosphatase, and in fractions of the phosphoric esters and other more sta- ble esters, suggesting phosphorylation. These data agree with those of the in vitro study of Polonovsky and Cartier on the first phases of cartilage ossification and they are interpreted as demonstrating that Robinson's phosphatase mechanism does not occur in the first phases of callus formation nor of os- sification. 838 Blum, G. PHOSPHATASE AND THE REPAIR OF FRAC- TURES. Lancet, Lond., 1944, 2: 75-78. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 194*4, 38: 63695; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 18719; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, l9*?4-45, 14: No. 1286. 839 Botterell, E. H. and King, E. J. PHOSPHATASE IN FRACTURES. Lancet, Lond, 1935, I: 1267- 1270. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 59136. Study was made with rab- bits. ~~""The introduction of phosphatase into the site of experimental fractures produced no change in the rate or apparent quality of the calcification of the bone matrix." 840 Bourne, G. H. ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE AND VITA- MIN C DEFICIENCY IN REGENERATION OF SKULL BONES. J. Anat., Lond., 1948, 82: 81-87. 2 pi. 12 refs. Abstracted in:-Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1948-49, 18: No. 4412; Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 195*57 4: No. 5094. 841 De Leo, F. SULL'ATTIVITA DELLA FOSFATASI NEI PROCESSI OSTEOGENETICI. RICERCHE SPERIMEN- TALI. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1941, 16: 777-780. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19*36, 40: 66259. 842 De Lisi, C. INFLUENZA DELLE PARATIROIDI SUL CONTENUTO DELLA GLICEROFOSFATASI NEL CALLO OSSEO. Pathologica, Genova, 1937, 29: 428- 432. 31 refs. 48 ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS - PHOSPHATASE IN REGENERA- TION AND REPAIR (Continued) 843 ♦Fontaine, R., Chevallier, A., Mandel, P., Wiest, E. and Schuller, M. ETUDE DE L'AC- TIVITE PHOSPHATASIQUE DES OS LONGS AU COURS DES FRACTURES EXPERIMENTALES CHEZ LE CHIEN. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1948, 142: 702-704. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1949, 2: No. 1888; Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 10711. 84 Ge orge, E. M. PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY IN BLOOD SERUM, BONE, AND SOFT TISSUES FOLLOWING FRACTURE IN THE CAT. Arch. Surg., 1948, 57: 113-136. 54 refs. Abstracted in: C"Eem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 49916. 845 Haluzicky, M. LOkAlNE VYSETROVANIE AKTIVITY FOSFATAz HISTOCHEMICKOU METODOU. Bratisl. 16k. listy, 1950, 30: 340-342. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 1291. 846 IAkovleva, T. M. GLIKOGEN I SHCHELOCHNAIA FOSFATAZA KAK KHARAKTERNYE TSITOKHIMICHESKIE POKAZATELI REGENERATSIONNOI KLETKI. [GLY- COGEN AND ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE AS CHARAC- TERISTIC CYTOCHEMICAL INDICATORS OF [THE] REGENERATIVE CELLS] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1954, 89: 347-350. 11 refs. 847 Kamada, K. [ON THE CALLUS-PHOSPHATASE AND ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE HEALING PROCESS OF FRACTUREl Fukuoka acta med., 1932, 25: 207-267. 4 pi. 67 refs. In Japanese. English abstract: p. 5-6. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 5335; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 600T. 848 Kroon, D. B. PHOSPHATASE AND THE FORMATION OF PROTEIN-CARBOHYDRATE COMPLEXES. Acta anat., Basel, 1952, 15: 317-328. 12 refs. Abstracted in: ExcerpTa med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 224. 849 Li, C. H., Kalman, C. and Evans, H. M. THE EFFECT OF THE HYPOPHYSEAL GROWTH HORMONE ON THE ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE OF RAT PLASMA. J. Biol. Chem., 1947, 169: 625-629. 10 refs. "If the influence of growth hormone on the concentration of plasma phosphatase is re- garded as indicative of the hormonal action on either bone formation or general body growth, or both, the observed counteraction of the growth and adrenocorticotrophic hor- mones in the phosphatase activity is not surprising." 850 McKeown, R. M. and Ostergren, K. I. THE PHOS- PHATASE CONTENT OF FRACTURED BONE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931, 29: 54-56. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1931-32, 1: No. 2486. 851 ♦Majno, G. and Rouiller, C. ETUDE HISTOCHIMI- QUE DE LA PHOSPHATASE ALCALINE DANS LA RE- GENERATION ET LE REMAINIEMENT DE L'OS. Arch. sc., Geneve, 1950, 3: 248-251. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 31240; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951,"5: No. 1741. 852 Roche, J. and Filippi, A. RECHERCHES SUR L'OS- SIFICATION. V. AUGMENTATION DE L'ACTIVITfi PHOSPHATASIQUE DU SQUELEXTE APRES FRACTURE D'lN OS ET BIOCHIMIE GENERALE DU SYSTEME OS- SEUX. Bull. Soc chim. biol., Par., 1938, 20: 1147-1165. 22 refs. 85£~„v^ t ,„h uov+in Poezi. R. SUR LES ROLES Roche, J. and Martin-foggi, «• ._. „ n.^o DE LA VITAMINE C ET DE ^PHOSPHATASE DANS LA FORMATION DE LA SUBSTANCE OSSEUSE AU NIVEAU DES CALS DE FRACTURE C' ™°J- ted Acad, sc, 1941, 213: 668-670 Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.,T543, 37: 3162". 85Rosin, A. UBER DAS VERHALTEN DER ALgLISCHEM PHOSPHATASE IM FRAKTURKALLUS DER RATTE Acta anat., Basel, 1952, 16. ** **;. FF Ab_ 30 refs. French and English summaries. Ab stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait ,1953^. No 16393; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 8890g. 855 Sieber, E. BEDEUTUNG DER ALKALISCHEN SERUM- PHOSPHATASEUNTERSUCHUNGEN IM VERLAUF DER KNOCHENBRUCHHEILUNG. Zbl. Chir., 195J, ni. 1583-1590. 22 refs. 856 Solerio, L. and Sabaino, D. RAPPORTI FRA FOS- FATASI OSSEA E PLASMATICA NEL DECORSO DELLE FRATTURE. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1948, 85: 37-51. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 5532^. 857 Solerio, L. and Sabaino, D. SUL COMPORTAMENTO DELL'ATTIVITA FOSFATASICA OSSEA E PLASMATICA NELLE FRATTURE IN ARTI ENERVATI. Ricer. pat. sper., 1948, 37: 157-176. 34 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 7955a, 858 Tollman, J. P., Drummond. D. H., Mclntyre, A. R. and Bisgard, J. D. TISSUE METABO- LISM AND PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY IN EARLY CALLUS. Arch. Surg., 1940, 40: 43-48. 14 refs. "There was an initial rise in tissue metabolism of the callus, followed by a fall. ...increase in phosphatase activity and calcium deposition with time. The changes in concentration of serum phospha- tase were not characteristic. A close re- lation was found between the phosphatase ac- tivity of the callus and the amount of cal- cium deposition." 859 Utsunomiya, S. and Matsuda, T. HISTOCHEMICAL STUDY ON PHOSPHATASE IN CALLUS TISSUE IN EXPERIMENTAL BONE FRACTURE. Igaku & Seibutsugaku, 1953, 26: 213-216. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19*5*3", 47: 11479a. 860 Utsunomiya, S. and Yoshimura, K. CHANGE OF ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE CONTENT IN LEUCOCYTES DURING THE FRACTURE HEALING. Igaku & Seibutsugaku, 1952, 25: 302-305. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Chem."Abstr., 1953, 47: 11478b. 861 Wilkins, W. E. and Regen, E. M. COURSE OF PHOSPHATASE ACTIVITY IN HEALING OF FRAC- TURED BONE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. y., 1935, 32: 1373-1376. 7 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. loos See: 811 2300 49 GENERAL AND REVIEW ARTICLES For a review on a specific subject, see under subject 862 Austoni, B. and Coggi, G. FOSFATASI TISSULARE E PLASMATICA E SUE VARIAZIONI PER LA INFLU- ENZA DI MODIFICATI FATTORI ORMONICO-VITA- MINICI. (CONTRIBUTE CLINICO E RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI.) Arch. ital. chir., 1934, 37: 313-340. 74 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. — Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 11166. 863 Bianco-Morales, C. P. LA FISIOPATQLOGIA DEL TEJIDO OSEO. Rev. clin. espafl., 1951, 42: 1-13. 55 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 2147^. 864 Bourne, G. H. and Kidder, G. W., eds. BIO- CHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF NUTRITION. New York, The Academic Press, 1953. See par- ticularly, Vitamin C: v.l, p. 370-471; Structural changes in vitamin deficiencies, v.2, p. 42-127; Calcium and phosphorus me- tabolism, v.2, p. 410-425. 865 Colonna, P. C, Ralston, E. L. and Frieden- berg, Z. B. RECENT ADVANCES IN BONE PHYSI- OLOGY. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1951, 31: 1531-1550. 82 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 4316. 866 CONFERENCE ON BONE AND WOUND HEALING. TRANS- ACTIONS. New York, The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. Conf. 1-3, 1942-1943. 867 CONFERENCE ON CONNECTIVE TISSUES. TRANSAC- TIONS. New York, The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. Conf. 1-5, 1950-1954. The Transactions of the fifth conference is not yet off the press. It will close the series. The Transactions contain many valuable papers. 868 CONFERENCE ON METABOLIC ASPECTS OF CONVALES- CENCE. TRANSACTIONS. New York, The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. Conf. 4-17, 1943-1948. This is a continuation of Conference on bone and wound healing. Some of the papers from the Transactions which are particularly per- tinent to this bibliography have been listed separately. 869 CONFERENCE ON METABOLIC INTERRELATIONS. TRANS- ACTIONS. New York, The Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation. Conf. 1-5, 1949-1953. The Transactions contain many valuable papers. Those important to this bibliography have been listed separately. 870 , Dallemagne, M. J. DONNEES RECENTES SUR LA NATURE ET LE METABOLISME DE L'OS. Actual. biochim., Par., 1945, No. 2. 68p. Bib- liography: p. 61-66. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 13751. Are- view of the literature on the mineral com- position of bone and the theories concern- ing its structure. 871 Dallemagne, M. J. L'OS ET LES MECANISMES DE SA FORMATION; LES PHOSPHATES DE CALCIUM, LA BIOCHIMIE DE L'OSSIFICATION ET LA COMPOSI- TION DE L'OS. J. physiol., Par., 1951, 43: 425-515. Approx. 450 refs. A comprehensive review. 872 Dallemagne, M. J. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF SUPPORT- ING TISSUE. Annual. Rev. Physiol., 1950, 12- 101-118. 242 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 24021; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: lOOSS*. A review of the literature devoted chiefly to the years 1946-1949. The structure, growth, chemistry and metabolism of bone are dis- cussed as well as the influence of dietary and hormone factors on bone. 873 Dragstedt, C. A. SOME ASPECTS OF PHYSIOLOGY OF BONE. Nebraska M. J., 1932, 17_: 93-98. 874 Duckworth, J. and Hill, R. THE STORAGE OF ELEMENTS IN THE SKELETON. Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23:1-17. 229 refs. A re- view discussing: storage of calcium and phosphorus, bone composition as a measure of bone changes, differential resorption and repair of parts of individual bones and of parts of the skeleton, medullary bone, relationships between resorption and bone repair, exchange reactions and differential changes in the amounts of calcium and phos- phorus, relationship between blood calcium and phosphorus values and changes in bone, bone changes in pregnancy and lactation, bone changes in egg production, and storage of other elements. 875 Engfeljjt, B., EngstrBm, A. and Zetterstrbm, R. BENVAVNADENS TILLVAXT,- BYGGNAD OCH REAKTIONS- SATT. NYARE ASPEKTER. Nord. med., 1953, 49: 599-603. English summary. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23: No. 4817. 876 Fankuchen, I. X-RAY STUDIES ON COMPOUNDS OF BIOCHEMICAL INTEREST. Annual Rev. Biochem., 1945, 14: 207-224. 85 refs. See particu- larly p. 219-222 for review of the litera- ture on bone. 877 Friedenberg, Z. B. RECENT ADVANCES IN BONE PHYSIOLOGY. Internat. Abstr. Surg., 1954, 98: 313-320. 72 refs. 878 Friedenberg, Z. B. RECENT CONCEPTS OF BONE PHYSIOLOGY. J. Internat. Coll. Surgeons, 1953, 20: 374-376. Brief survey of present concepTi". 879 Jolly, M. BONE, ITS NORMAL STRUCTURE, DE- VELOPMENT AND SURGICAL PATHOLOGY. A CRITICAL REVIEW. [168]l. Sydney, Australia, (Thesis-Univ.) 146 refs. Typewritten. 880 Lacroix, P. THE ORGANISATION OF BONE. Trans- lated from the amended French edition by Stewart Gilder. 235p. London, Churchill, 1951. Bibliography: p. 219-231. Reviewed in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1952, 22: No. 1463; Brit. M. J., 1951, 2: 950. 881 Leriche, R. PHYSIOLOGIE ET PATHOLOGIE DU TISSUE OSSEUX. 455p. Paris, Masson et Cie, 1939. Reviewed in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 15777. 882 McLean, F. C. CALCIFICATION AND OSSIFICATION. Growth, Phila., 1942, 6: Suppl. 83-94. 23 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1945-46, 15: No. 571. 883 McLean, F. C. PHYSIOLOGY OF BONE. Annual Rev. Physiol., 1943, 5: 79-104. 210 refs. A comprehensive review. 884 McLean, F. C. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF BONE. IN: LECTURES ON REGIONAL ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY" AND FUNDAMENTAL ORTHOPAEDIC PROBLEMS. (Thomson, J. E. M., ed.). Ann Arbor, J. W. Edwards, 1947, 110-119. A brief sur- vey devoted to the biological rather than the physical-chemical aspects of the cal- cification of bone and based chiefly on work done by Dr. McLean and his associates 0. C. 50 GENERAL AND REVIEW ARTICLES (Continued) 885 McLean, F. C. and Urist, M. R. BONE; AN INTRO- DUCTION TO THE PHYSIOLOGY OF SKELETAL TISSUE. 182p. Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1955. 899 886 McLean, F. C. and Urist, M. R. NEWER KNOW- LEDGE OF POST-FETAL OSTEOGENESIS. Bull. Hosp. Joint Dis., N. Y., 1951, 12: 431-442. 48 refs. A review discussing: morphology; origin of the bone cell; systemic factors; chemistry of calcification. 887 Murray, P. D. F. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF SUPPORTING TISSUE. Ann. Rev. Physiol., 1947, 9: 103- 118. 199 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 38516. 888 Newton, W. H. OF BONE. IN: PHYSIOLOGY. SOME ASPECTS OF THE PHYSIOLOGY EVANS' RECENT ADVANCES IN 6.ed. Phila., Blakiston, 1939, p. 1-46. 43 refs, 890 Petersen, H. DIE ORGANE DES SKELETSYSTEMS. IN: HANDBUCH DER MIKROSKOPISCHEN ANATOMIE DES MENSCHEN. (Mollendorff, W. von, ed.) Berlin, Julius Springer, 1930, 2: Teil 2, 521-678. Bibliography: p. 676-6*78. 891 Policard, A. and Roche, J. LA FORMATION DE LA SUBSTANCE OSSEUSE. ESSAI DE COORDINATION DES DONNEES HISTOL0GIQUES ET BIOCHIMIQUES. Ann. physiol., Par., 1937, 13: 645-703. Discussion: 704-712. A criTTcal review, coordinating histological and biochemical findings and the various hypotheses on the processes of bone formation. 892 RECENT ADVANCES IN THE STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE, COMPOSITION AND GROWTH OF MINERALIZED TIS- SUES. Ann. N. York Acad. Sc., (This will probably be published early in 1955 as vol. 58, article 8 of the Annals). 393 Roche, J. QUELQUES ASPECTS BIOCHIMIQUES DE L'OSSIFICATION. Ann. Soc. sc. mea. natur. Bruxelles, 1937, Nos. 3-4, 23-47. 894 Roche. J. QUELQUES PROBLEMES BIOCHIMIQUES GENERAUX POSES PAR L•OSSIFICATION. Exposes ann. biochim. mSd., 1939, 2.s€r., 237-262. 895 Ruiz Gij6n, J. LA COMPOSICl6N QUIMICA DEL HUESO Y BIOQUIMICA DE LA OSIFICAClSN. Rev, clin. espaB., 1941, 3: 89-97. 69 refs. 896 Schaffer, J. DIE STUTZGEWEBE. IN: HANDBUCH DER MIKROSKOPISCHEN ANATOMIE DES* MENSCHEN. (Mollendorff, W. von, ed.) Berlin, Julius Springer, 1930, 2: Teil 2, 1-390. An ex- haustive source to the earlier literature. References are interspersed throughout the work. 897 Schinz, H. R., Baensch, W. E., Friedl, E. and Uehlinger, E. ROENTGEN-DIAGNOSTICS. Tr. by James T. Case. 1st Am. ed. New York, Grune & Stratton, 1951. Skeleton: v. 1-2. Devoted to normal and abnormal physiology. Extensive list of references at end of each chapter. 898 Thomsen, H. PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOLOGY OF OSSEOUS TISSUE. Ugeskr. laeger, 1941, 103: 101-110. Watson Jones, R. and Roberts, R. E. CALClFl CATION, DECALCIFICATION AND OSSIFICATION. Brit. J. Radiol., n.s. 1934, 7: 321-343; 391-414. 164 refs. Also in:~Brit. J- Surg. 1934, 21: 461-499. Weidenreich, F. DAS KNOCHENGEWEBE. IN: HAND- BUCH DER MIKROSKOPISCHEN ANATOMIE DES" MENSCHEN. (Mollendorff, w. von, ed.) Ber- lin, Julius Springer, 1930, 2: Teil 2, 391- 520. Bibliography, p. 508-520. 901 Weinmann, J. P. and Sicher, H. BONE AND BONES; FUNDAMENTALS OF BONE BIOLOGY. 464p. St. Louis, Mosby, 1947. References: p. 424-453. A second edition of this work is in press. See: 82 1880 718 741 1775 1804 GLYCOPROTEINS AND MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES - BIBLIOGRAPHY 902 Murray, M R. and Kopech, G. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE RESEARCH IN TISSUE CULTURE, 1884 TO 1950. New York, Academic Press, 1953. v.l Ground substance: p. 659-662. GLYCOPROTEINS AND MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDES OF BONE AND CARTILAGE 903 Blix, G. STUDIES IN GLYCOPROTEINS. Acta physiol. scand., 1940, 1: 29-42. Ab- stracted in: Brit. Abstr., Sect. AIII, 1941, p. 367. Hyalomucoid, synovial mucin and submaxillary mucin were investigated with aid of electrophoresis and the water extracts of cartilage (nasal septum from cattle) were studied. Only a minor part of the chondroitin sulphuric acid could be ex- tracted with water alone. The author con- siders that the results clearly support the old view of MOrner that the chondroitin sulphuric acid in cartilage is partly pre- sent as alkali salt. 904 Bujard, E. GLYCOGENE ET OSSIFICATION MESEN- CHYMATEUSE. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1949, 79: 504. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr , Bait., 1951, 25: No. 1840. 905 ^Anh Wa ^^P PRIMITIVEN STUTZGEWEBE. Anat. Anz., 1953, 99: 307-312. 8 refs A review of V. PatZSlt's classification of the connective and supporting tissues is followed by a study of the mucopolysaccha- ride of bone ground substance aSd Se sug- gestion that it be included in Patzel+?= group of connective tissues. Patzelt's 906 Cadili, G. FUNZIONE DEGLI ESTERI SOIFOrxpt at, ALTO PESO MOLECOLARE NELLA FORMAzJSX Jel CALLO DI FRATTURA. Gior. ital chir ?qaq 5: 579-585. 25 refs. In diet' Vtl \ 94?' The sulphuric esters of high moW i r°le °f was studied in the formation" o? tZ V W!ight callus of the radius i „„° th? fracture these esters are importan^factors'in'ae1^ terming connective tissue ossiflability 907 y' Casuccio, C, STUDIO ISTOCHIMICO DFTTF <*n) . xhe specific activities of radio-active calcium were determined for various parts of the skeleton. It was found that the ratio of the specific activities of diaphyseal bone to that of epiphyseal bone rose continually from a value below unity to a value above unity over an interval of as long as sixty-seven days between the adminis- tration of the radio-active calcium and the death of the animals. This means that during this time no state of equilibrium was reached between different parts of the skeleton and body fluid with respect to the distribution of radio-active calcium. It was further shown that the redistribution of radio-active cal- cium in different parts of the skeleton varied with the rate of growth of these parts." 988 Bauer, G. C. H. THE IMPORTANCE OF BONE GROWTH AS A FACTOR IN THE REDISTRIBUTION OF BONE SALT. II. REDISTRIBUTION OF RADIO- ACTIVE PHOSPHORUS IN THE SKELETON OF RATS. J. Bone Surg., 1954, 36A: 381-386. 12 refs. Conclusions: "The redistribution of bone salt in different parts of the skele- ton varies with the rate of growth of these parts. Compared to skeletal growth, ionic exchange and recrystallization are of mi- nor importance in redistribution. Parts of the skeleton which differ in rate of growth can thus never reach equilibrium with re- spect to the distribution of radio-active calcium after administration of these iso- topes ." 989 Bergmann, E. UBER DAS LANGENWACHSTUM DER KNOCHEN. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1931, 233: 149-194. References, p. 193-194. 990 Bevelander, G. and Johnson, P. L. A HISTO- CHEMICAL STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF MEM- BRANE BONE. Anat. Rec, 1950, 108: 1-21. 38 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 14038; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 8743*"""; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 57 No. 508. 992 Bisgard, J. D. and Bisgard, M. E. NAL GROWTH OF LONG BONES. Arch, 991 Bick, E. M. and Copel, J. W. LONGITUDINAL GROWTH OF THE HUMAN VERTEBRA. A CONTRIBU- TION TO HUMAN OSTEOGENESIS. J. Bone Surg., 1950, 32A: 803-814. 23 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1952, 6: No. 638. L0NGITUDI- Surg., 1935, 31^: 568-578. 12 refs. 993 Blechschmidt, E. DIE FRUHEMBRYONALE STRUKTUR- ENTWICKLUNG DER GLIEDMASSEN. ENTWICKLUNG DER EXTREMITATEN BEIM MENSCHEN. TEIL III. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1950-1951, 115: 617-657. 15 refs. 994 Boeminghaus, H. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE BEEINFLUSSBARKEIT DES KNOCHENWACHSTUM UND DER KNOCHENREGENERATION. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1932-1933, 238: 684-704. Approx. 55 refs. 995 Brash, J. C. SOME PROBLEMS IN THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL MECHANICS OF BONE. Edinburgh M. J., n.s. 1934, 41: 305-319; 363-386. 44 refs. 996 Chapchal, G. and Zeldenrust, J. PROEFNEMINGEN TER HEVORDERING VAN DEN LENGTEGROEI DER LANGE PIJPBEENDEREN DOOR PRIKKELING DER GROEISCHIJVEN. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1946, 90: 249-253. 2 pi. 997 Charles, S. W. MADDER EXPERIMENTS AND THE GROWTH OF BONE. J. Anat., Lond., 1941- 1942, 76: 227. 998 Cocchi, U. VERGLEICHEND-ANATOMISCHE STUDIE ZUR FRAGE DER SKELETTREIFUNG. Fortsch. ROntgenstrahl., 1949, 72: 32-47. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 1554. 999 Cohen, J. NORMAL VARIATION OF THE COSTO- CHONDRAL JUNCTION. Arch. Path., Chic, 1948, 45: 246-258. 16 refs. 1000 Cotellessa, G. and De Maestri, A. STUDIO ANALITICO DELL'ACCRESCIMENTO DELLE OSSA LUNGHE. Minerva pediat., Tor., 1951, 3: 79- 82. 1001 Coventry, M. B., Ghormley, R. K. and Kernohan, J. W. THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISC: ITS MICRO- SCOPIC ANATOMY AND PATHOLOGY. PART I. ANATOMY, DEVELOPMENT AND PHYSIOLOGY. J. Bone Surg., 1945, 27: 105-112. 26 refs. 1002 — Cretin, A. CONTRIBUTION HISTOCHIMIQUE A L'ETUDE DE L'OSSIFICATION ET DE L'ALLONGE- MENT OSSEUX. Arch, anat., Strasb., 1952, 34: 149-156. Differentiation of bone Types, discussion of the role of the mus- cles and myoglobulin iron in early ossifi- cation and description of the growth and development of the long bones. 1003 Cuveland, E. F. de. EIN BEITRAG ZUR FRAGE DER ENTSTEHUNG DER FEMURTORQUIERUNG IM INTRA- UTERINEN LEBEN. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir , 1950, 44: 213-223. 29 refs. 1004 Danini, E. S. 0 FAKTORAKH OKOSTENENIA. [OS- SIFICATION FACTORS 1 Usp. sovrem. biol., 1946, 21: 235-248. 57 refs. The author reviews the literature and draws the fol- lowing conclusions. Cambium cells of con- nective tissue in different vertebrates may be transformed into skeletogenic cells. Such transformation may represent an atypi- cal determination process. It is caused by factors basically chemical in nature and possibly connected with chronic inflamma- tory phenomena in the area of neoformation. Mechanical impulses play a secondary role. The possibility is not ruled out that cer- tain intratissular changes such as altera- tion in tissue turgor, tension, etc. are involved. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1005 Debrunner, H. and Petri, C. STUDIEN ZUR ENTWICKLUNG DES MENSCHLICHE SKELETS. I. Allgemeine Zeile. Zschr. Orthop., 1939, 70: 25-38. 18 refs. — 1006 Depreux, F. POUSSEES ET CRISES DE CROISSANCE DE L'HUMERUS ET DU FEMUR FOETAUX. ETUDE COMPARATIVE. Bull, 1951, 2: 182-188. Soc. anthrop., Par., 1007 Dodds, G. S. THE LIFE HISTORY OF A BONE. Proc. W. Virginia Acad. Sc., (1936) 1937, 10: 39. Abstract of a review on bone growth and development. Many of the ob- servations presented have been previously published. 1008 ♦Felts, W. J. THE PRENATAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN FEMUR. 108p. Ann Arbor, 1952. (Diss.-Univ. Mich.). Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9956. 1009 Follis, R. H., Jr. and park, E. A. SOME OB- SERVATIONS ON BONE GROWTH WITH PARTICULAR RESPECT TO ZONES AND TRANSVERSE LINES OF INCREASED DENSITY IN THE METAPHYSIS. Am. J. Roentg., 1952, 68: 709-724. 21 refs. Includes both clinical and experimental observations of zones of increased density in the metaphysis during disturbance of bone formation. The analysis brings out the independence of chondrogenic and osteogenic activities from osteogenic and osteolytic functions. 1010 Fontaine, R. L'IDENTIFICATION DES OS. METHODE HISTOLOGIQUE. Union med. Canada, 1935, 64: 1214-1218. 1011 Franceschini, M ACCRESCIMENTO CORPOREO DEL FETO E NEONATO UMANO ED ATTIVITA PROLIFERA- TIVA DELLE CARTILAGINI DI CONIUGAZIONE DELLE OSSA LUNGHE DEGLI ARTI; NOTA PREVENTIVA. Minerva gin., Tor., 1953, 5: 49-51. 14 refs. It is concluded thaT "a close rela- tionship exists between the height of the seried columns of epiphyseal cartilage of the long bones..., on the one hand, and the proliferative activity, rhythm of statural growth, and elongation of the extremities on the other." 1012 Fridenshtein, A. Ya. K GISTOGENEZU OSNOVNYKH KOSTEI VISTSERAL'NOGO SKELETA MLEKOPITAIU- SHCHIKH I PTITS. [HISTOGENESIS OF THE BASIC BONES OF THE VISCERAL SKELETON OF MAMMALS AND BIRDS] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1950, 71: 159-161. 10 refs. Rat and chick embryos as well as rats and chickens were used in the experiment. A study of the peculiarities of the visceral skeleton as manifested by its basic bones was made. Findings gave evidence of a special mechanism of periostal ossification which is common to all bones of the visceral skeleton. 1013 Gardner, E. and Gray, D. J. PRENATAL DEVELOP- MENT OF THE HUMAN SHOULDER AND ACROMIOCLAVI- CULAR JOINTS. Am. J. Anat., 1953, 92: 219- 276. 9 pi. 34 refs. A study of 65 human embryos and fetuses ranging from 12 to 370mm in crown-rump length. The skeleton elements are described at the various stages of de- velopment; at 22mm, their general form resem- bles that of the adult. 1014 Geller, S. PHYSIOLOGIE DE LA CROISSANCE OSSEUSE. France mSd., 1953, 16: No. 6, 26- 32. 1015 Haines, R. W. CARTILAGE CANALS. J. Anat., Lond., 1933, 68: 45-64. 13 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 16550. 1016 _m Haines, R. W. THE EVOLUTION OF EPIPHYSES AND OF ENDOCHONDRAL BONE. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1942, 17: 267-292. 76 refs. 1017 Hansard, S. L., Comar, C. L. and Plumlee, M. P. EFFECT OF CALCIUM STATUS, MASS OF CALCIUM ADMINISTERED AND AGE ON CA-45 ME- TABOLISM IN THE RAT. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y. , 1951, 78: 455-460. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 5301. "Ca-45 introduced into the extracellular fluid is rapidly exchanged with the Ca of bone and practically all the Ca-45 originally present in the serum is recovered in the bone. At equilibrium, about 72 hours after oral ingestion, the specific activity of the bone is close to that of the serum.... The bone retains more Ca the more abundant this is in the digestive tract: the concentration of Ca-45 in the bone per unit absorbed is an index of the exchange potential of the bone. Where the bone takes up much Ca-45, the excreta contain a higher ratio of stable to radioactive Ca as a result of exchanges which have occurred in bone. Young rats absorb more Ca-45 than adults." - Excerpta med. 1018 Harris, H. A. BONE GROWTH IN HEALTH AND DIS- EASE; THE BIOLOGICAL PRINCIPLES UNDERLYING THE CLINICAL, RADIOLOGICAL, NAD HISTOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS OF PERVERSIONS OF GROWTH AND DIS- EASE IN THE SKELETON. 248p. London, Oxford University Press, 1933. Bibliography: p. 233-239. 1019 Harris, H. A. LINES OF ARRESTED GROWTH IN THE LONG BONES IN CHILDHOOD; THE CORRELA- TION OF HISTOLOGICAL AND RADIOGRAPHIC AP- PEARANCES IN CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS. Brit. J. Radiol., 1931, 4: 561-588. 1020 Hellstadius, A. AN INVESTIGATION, BY EXPERI- MENTS ON ANIMALS, OF THE ROLE PLAYED BY THE EPIPHYSIAL CARTILAGE IN LONGITUDINAL GROWTH. Acta chir. scand., 1947, 95: 156-166. pi. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med Sect 5, 1949, 2: No. 991; Biol. Abstr , Bait 1948, 22: No. 8516. "Thus longitudinal" growth~T5f diaphyses can take place without epiphyseal cartilage." 1021 Hellstadius, A. ON THE IMPORTANCE OF FDX PHYSEAL CARTILAGE TO GROWTH IN LENGTH Acta orthop. scand., 1950, 20- 84-88 ' 3 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT'Abstr ' Rait 1951, 25: No. 14029. Further evince is ' ' presented to support an earlier conclusion that longitudinal growth can occur in Ihe absence of epiphyseal cartilage. 1022 Hoff, M. LES RAIES TRANSVERSALES DES OS 50d Bourg, Berthod, 1935. (These-Lyon) ol 49 refs . H ■ 1023 Holtzer, H. AN EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL COLUMN II DIS PENSABILJTY OF THE NOTOCHORD. j[ Exp'. Zoo'l. , 1952, 121: 573-591. 35 refs. Abstracted in- ExcerpT"Tmed. , Sect. 1, 1953, 7- No 1777 A study made with Amblvstoma pUnctatum em- bryos. Observations indicate that the noto- chord is not essential for determination of the trunk pre-cartilage cells, chondrogenesis or the modeling of the vertebral arch. It is' thought that the function of the notochord is to restrict the A-P movements of the pre- cartilage ce 57 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1024 ♦Hunter, D. THE METABOLISM OF BONE. Cambridge Univ. M. Soc. Mag., 1935, 12: 115-132. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr. ,"~1936, 30: 5172. "Effects of variation in Ca, P ancTcalci- ferol intake, thyroxine, parathyroid ex- tracts and scurvy upon bone growth were followed by the madder method." - Chem. Abstr. 1025 Imber(, R. and Santamaria. PREMIERS RESULTATS EXPERIMENTAUX CONCERNANT LA PHYSIOPATHOLOGIE DE L'APPAREIL DE CROISSANCE DES OS LONGS. Bull. Soc. chir. Marseille, 1947, 20: 75-79. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 1312. 1026 Ingalls, T. H. EPIPHYSEAL GROWTH: NORMAL SEQUENCE OF EVENTS AT THE EPIPHYSEAL PLATE. Endocrinology, 1941, 29: 710-719. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 12616. A roentgenologic and his- tologic study made on the tibial epiphysis of the rat. 1027 Jasswoin, G. DE L'HISTOLOGIE COMPARATIVE DU SANG ET DU TISSU CONJONCTIF. XII. SUR L'ORIGINE DE LA SUBSTANCE FONDAMENTALE DE L'OS CHEZ LES MAMMIFERES. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1934, 30: 411-452. pi. 43 refs. 1028 Johnson, M. L. and Grant, M. P. THE HISTO- GENESIS OF THE CLAVICLE IN THE ALBINO RAT. Anat. Rec, 1932, 54: 375-387. 2 pi. 22 refs. Abstracted Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 9639. "The clavicle develops as a bone of dual origin. The first osseous material to appear is membrane bone which increases in amount and within 3 days be- comes indistinguishably fused, first, with cartilage bone forming at the sternal re- gion and then with replacement bone de- veloping at the acromial area. The clavi- cle of the 7-day rat shows growing car- tilage at both extremities, and it is clear that its development at this stage is entirely dependent upon periosteal and endochondral ossification." 1029 Kler V O OBSHCHIE ZAKONOMERNOSTI TKANEVOI DIFERENTSIROVKI I REGENERATSII KOSTI. [GENERAL RULES COVERING TISSUE DIFFERENTIA- TION AND REGENERATION OF BONE] Arch, russ. anat., 1939, 21: 299-326. 84 refs. English summary, p. 3"37. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 10512. Em- bryonic development o*F""the bone was studied in the human foetus and rabbit embryos. Post-embryonic development was studied mainly in dogs and rabbits. 1030 Korff, K von. UBER DIE WEIDENREICH'SCHE THEORIE VON ZWEI VERSHCIEDENEN BILDUNGARTEN DER KNOCHEN- UND DENTIN-GRUNDSUBSTANZ. Anat. Anz., 1930-1931, 71: 65-76. 10 refs. 1031 Kreuzer, O. UEBER WACHSTUM UND FESTIGKEIT LANGER R5HRENKNOCHEN IM LAUFE DES POST- EMBRYONALEN LEBENS; UNTERSUCHUNGEN AM OS FEMORIS VON CAVIA PORCELLUS L. Arch. Entwmech., 1932, 126: 148-184. 1032 Krompecher, I. DIE KNOCHENBILDUNG 150p. Jena, G. Fischer, 1937. 5 pi. Approx. 175 refs. 1034 Lacroix, P. EXCITATION DE LA CROISSANCE EN LONGUEUR DU TIBIA PAR DECOLLEMENT DE SON pfeRIOSTE DIAPHYSAIRE. Rev. orthop., Par., 1947, 33: 3-6. 17 refs. 1035 1033 Lacroix, P. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DE LA MALADIE EXPOSTOSANTE. SUR LA MIGRATION DES EXOSTOSES AU COURS DE LA CROISSANCE. Rev. orthop., Par., 1950, 36: 20-25. 2 refs. Lacroix, P. LE MODE DE CROISSANCE DU PERI- OS TE . Arch, biol., Par., 1948, 59: 379-390. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 1565; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 21335. 1036 Lacroix, P. ORIGINE, STRUCTURE ET VALEUR DE L'ENCOCHE D'OSSIFICATION DE RANVIER. Bull. histol. appl., Lyon, 1949, 26: 159-169. pi. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 1932. 1037 Lacroix, P. L'OS ET LES MfiCANISMES DE SA FOR- MATION; ETUDE MORPHOLOGIQUE. J. physiol., Par., 1951, 43: 385-424. Approx. 150 refs. 1038 . Lacroix, P. REMARQUES SUR LE MECANISME DE L'ALLONGEMENT DES OS. Arch, biol., Par., 1945, 56: 185-197. pi. 14 refs. 1039 Lacroix, P. LE ROLE DU CARTILAGE DE CON- JUGAISON DANS L'ALLONGEMENT DES OS. Acta orthop. scand., 1949, 18: 373-376. 3 refs. French, English and German summaries. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1950, 4: No. 1110. "Hellstadius1s observations that growth occurs from the diaphyseal stump after amputation of the lower end of the ulna have been confirmed. They are ac- counted for by growth processes which have been described previously, and they do not effect our conception of the normal func- tion of the epiphyseal cartilage, which is directly and solely responsible for the growth in length of the long bones." 1040 Lacroix, P. SUR L'EVOLUTION DE LA DIAPHYSE AU COURS DE LA CROISSANCE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1944, 138: 1026-1027. 1041 Lacjoix, P. SUR L'ORIGINE DE LA VIROLE OSSEUSE PERICHONDRALE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1944, 138: 1027-1028. 1 ref. 1042 Langenskiold, A. and Edgren, W. THE GROWTH MECHANISM OF THE EPIPHYSEAL CARTILAGE IN THE LIGHT OF EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS. Acta orthop. scand., 1949, 19: 19-24. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 947. Experimental defects were produced by X-ray irradiation in the epiphyseal cartilages of growing rabbits. These, "first localized in the metaphysis moved from there into the diaphysis. The authors see in these experiments a confir- mation of their explanation of epiphyseal growth. It is suggested that in certain layers of the growing normal epiphyseal cartilage a transverse migration of cells occurs, contributing to the longitudinal growth of the osteogenic layer of the dia- physeal periosteum." - Excerpta med. 1043 Langenski»ld, A. and Edgren, W. IMITATION OF CHONDRODYSPLASIA BY LOCALIZED ROENTGEN RAY INJURY - AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF BONE GROWTH. Acta chir. scand., 1950, 99: 353- 373. pi. 22 refs. This study confirms "Oilier's belief that the foci appearing in the disease carrying his name arise by the persistence of portions of the epiphy- seal cartilage, which are only slowly re- placed by bone." 58 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1044 Lichtwitz, A., Parlier, R., Thifiry, G. and Delaville, M. R1STOPHYSIOLOGIE DE LA CROIS- SANCE. Sem. h8p., Par., 1951, 27: 265- 268. 37 refs. Translation in:~Prensa med. argent., 1951, 38: 1475-1479. 1045 Liosner, L.AD. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE MORPHO- GENETIC ROLE OF THE SKELETON IN REGENERA- TION. III. Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1940, 9: 7-9. 1046 Liosner, L. D. ON THE MORPHOGENETIC R6LE OF THE SKELETON IN REGENERATION. IV. Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1940, 9: 215-218. 1047 Lusted, L. B., Pickering, D. E., Fisher, D. and Smyth, F. S. GROWTH AND METABOLISM IN NORMAL AND THYROID-ABLATED INFANT RHESUS MONKEYS (MACACA MDLATTA). V. RONTGENO- GRAPHIC FEATURES OF SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT IN NORMAL AND THYROID-ABLATED INFANT RHESUS MONKEYS (MACACA MULATTA). Am. J. Dis. Child., 1953, 86: 426-435. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 22081. 1048 MacGowan, T. J. B. A. OSSIFICATION OF VERTE- BRAL BODY. Lancet, Lond., 1939, 1: 258-259. 10 refs. 1049 Maj, G. OSSERVAZIONI SULL'ACCRESCIMENTO DELLA MANDIBOLA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1950, 26: 1110-1112. 2 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 2062. 1050 Massler, M. POSTNATAL GROWTH PATTERN OF THE CRANIUM AS MEASURED BY VITAL INJECTIONS OF ALIZARINE RED S. J. Dent. Res., 1944, 23: 193. An abstract. 1051 Miyashita, K. [DIE HISTOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG UEBER DEN WACHSTUM DER RIPPENKNOCHENKNORPEL- GRENZE UND DER EPIPHYSENFUGENKNORPEL DER EINIGEN WICHTIGEN EXTREMITAETENROHRENKNOCHEN DES NORMALE MEERSCHWEINSCHENS] Sei i kai M. J., 1935, 54: No. 2, 149-178. 3 pi. 17 refs. German summary, p. 1-4. 1052 Modell, W. and Noback, C. V. HISTOGENESIS OF BONE IN THE GROWING ANTLER OF THE CERVIDAE. Am. J. Anat., 1931, 49: 65-95. 4 pi. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 11935. 1053 MUller, W. UBER DIE HEMMUNG DER EPIPHYSENVER- KNOCHERUNG UNTER DEM EINFLUSS ABNORMER BELASTUNG. Arch. klin. Chir., 1930, 162: 484-488. 3 pi. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr. Bait., 1932, 6: No. 8315. 1054 Murray, P. D. F. BONES: A STUDY OF THE DE- VELOPMENT AND STRUCTURE OF THE VERTEBRATE SKELETON. 203p. Cambridge, University Press, 1936. References: p. 182-190. Reviewed in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 9655; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1936-37, 6: No. 6004. 1055 Noback, C. R. THE nEVELOPMENTAL ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN OSSEOUS SKELETON DURING THE EMBRYONIC, FETAL AND CIRCUMNATAL PERIODS. Anat. Rec, 1944, 88: 91-125. 4 pi. 53 refs. Abstracted In: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 10756. 1056 »m Noback, C. R. SOME GROSS STRUCTURAL AND QUANTITATIVE ASPECTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT^ ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN EMBRYONIC FETAL AND CIRCUMNATAL SKELETON. Anat. Rec, l943/ . 87: 29-51. 2 pi. 44 refs. Abstracted in. BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 1057. 1057 Noback, C. V. and Modell, W. DIRECT BONE FOR- MATION IN THE ANTLER TINES OF TWO OF THE AMERICAN CERVIDAE, VIRGINIA DEER (ODOCOILEUS VIRGINIANUS) AND WAPITI (CERVUS CANADENSIS) WITH AN INTRODUCTION ON THE GROSS STRUCTURE OF ANTLERS. Zoologica, N. Y., 1930, 11: 19-60. 20 refs. "Fibroblasts from th"e un- differentiated connective tissue cap lay down the ossifiable fibrillar framework while the osteoblasts from the periphery seem to complete the process of ossifica- tion. The presence of fibrils in the matrix surrounding the fibroblasts and ab- sence of cartilage during the entire pro- cess of growth leads us to conclude that the antler is a form of membranous bone." 1058 Nove-Josserand. SUR LE ROLE DES CARTILAGES DE CONJUGAISON DANS LA CROISSANCE DES OS. Lyon chir., 1936, 33: 684-688. Descrip- tions of X-rays of clinical subjects are used to support the thesis that the epi- physeal cartilage plays .no role in growth of long bones. 1059 Okada, M. and Mimura, T. ZUR PHYSIOLOGIE UND PHARMAKOLOGIE DER HARTGEWEBE. IV. MITTEILUNG: TAGES-RHYTHMUS IN DER KNOCHENLAMELLENBILDUNG. Jap. J. M. Sc, Pharm., 1940, 13: Proc. 95- 97. — 1060 Park, E. A. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON BONE GROWTH. Washington Univ. M. Alumni Q., 1950, 13: 112-121. — 1061 Payton, C. G. THE GROWTH OF THE PELVIS IN THE MADDER-FED PIG. J. Anat., Lond., 1935, 69: 326-343. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 19840, 1062 Peacock, A. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PRE-NATAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISC IN MAN. J. Anat., Lond., 1951, 85: 260-274 4 pi. 47 refs. Abstracted in7 Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 91; Biol Abstr., Bait., 1951, *25: No. 36906 ' 1063 Poletti, H. SOBRE LA DISPOSICI6N DEL RETlCULO EN LA OSIFICACION ENCONDRAL. Arch Soc biol., Montevideo, 1948-1949, 15- 2S-2q' n ief!950AbfrKCte? in: E—Pta^Sed ? sect ' 1, 1950, 4: No. 1595. In sections of the long bones of the human fetus studies were made of the distribution of silver iL!!! nated reticular fibers in L^ , ] ?reg" sification. S ln end°chondral os- 1064 Policard, A. \ PROPOS DES MECANISMES r>F t« 2SIS4frcEA^SEUSE- P-ssfmedT^ 345-348. A description of the processes^, b?^i I fr01 fetal life through late childhood directed to the clinician and th* surgeon rather than the histologist . he 1065 Policard, A L'APPAREIL DE CROISSANCE DES n<= LONGS; SES MECHANISMES A L'ETAT NORMAL ET PATHOLOGIQUE. 216p. Paris, Masson et cie 1941. Index Bibliographique: p. 205-210. ' 59 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1066 Policard, A. QUELQUES REMARQUES A PROPOS DU FONCTIONNEMENT DU CARTILAGE DE CONJUGAISON DES OS LONGS. Lyon chir., 1936, 33: 617- 625. A discussion of the role of-the epiphyseal cartilage in the growth of the long bones, addressed to surgeons. 1067 Policard, A.^ SUR LES TYPES D'OSSIFICATION AU COURS DU DEVELOPPEMENT DES OS LONGS CHEZ LES OISEAUX. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1941, 135: 963-965. In young chickens radiologi- cal and histological studies were made of the developing leg bones. Three types of ossification were studied: periosteal, endochondral and intramedullary. 1068 Pond, S. E. FLUCTUATIONS IN THE COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF BONE AND THEIR BEARING ON ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION. Anat. Rec, 1933, 57: Suppl. 64. An abstract. Ab- stractec" in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29.: 22126; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 4336. 1069 Poulhes, J. and Gay, R. ETUDE ANATOMORADIO- LOGIQUE DE L'OSSIFICATION NORMALE DE LA HANCHE DE LA NAISSANCE A 18 MOIS; D'APRES 500 OBSERVATIONS. C. rend. Ass. anat., (1950) 1951, 37: 409-417. Descriptions based on radiologic studies of the de- velopment and ossification of the infant hip, including the upper femur. 1070 Pritchard, J. J. PRINCIPLES OF GROWTH AND REPAIR IN MEMBRANE BONES. J. Anat., Lond., 1946, 80: 218. 1071 Reiter, A. DIE FRUHENTWICKLUNG DER MENSCH- LICHEN WIRBELSSULE. III. MITTEILUNG: DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER LUMBAL-SACRAL-UND COCCYGEAL- WIRBELSAULE. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1944, 113: 204-227. 30 refs. 1072 Robb, R. and Clarke, J. GROWTH OF BONE SHAFTS IN THE HUMAN FETUS. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934, 31: 634-636. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 6001. 1073 Roche, A., Roche, J. and Marcelet, Y. RE- CHERCHES SUR L'OSSIFICATION. IV. OSSIFICA- TION DES OS PLATS, ETAPES Dy QEVELOPPEMENT DU SQUELETTE ET BIOCHIMIE GENERALE DU SYS- TEME OSSEUX. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1938, 20: 705-719. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 15437; Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 7549*9". 1074 Romer, A. S. CARTILAGE AN EMBRYONIC ADAPTA- TION. Am. Natur., 1942, 76: 394-404. 11 refs. The presence of cartilage as the embryonic basis of adult bone is explained by the functional need of an expansible ma- terial whose growth processes leave surface conditions undisturbed. 1075 Ruth, E B. METAMORPHOSIS OF THE PUBIC SYMPHY- SIS. II. THE GUINEA PIG. Anat. Rec, 1936, 67: 69-79. 2 pi. 6 refs. 1076 Ruth, E. B. METAMORPHOSIS OF THE PUBIC SYMPHY- SIS. III. HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES IN THE SYM- PHYSIS OF THE PREGNANT GUINEA PIG. Anat. Rec, 1937, 67: 409-421. pi. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 1919. 1077 Ruth, E. B. A STUDY OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE MAMMALIAN PELVIS. Anat. Rec, 1932, 53: 207-225. 2 pi. 42 refs. 1078 Scaglietti, 0. A PROPOSITO DELLE STRIE DI OSSIFICAZIONE DEL COLLO FEMORALE. Chir. org. movim., 1935-1936, 20: 272; 380. 1079 Schultz, A. H. PROPORTIONS, VARIABILITY AND ASYMMETRIES OF THE LONG BONES OF THE LIMBS AND THE CLAVICLES IN MAN AND APES. Human Biol., 1937, 9: 281-328. 29 refs. 1080 ♦Selye, H. ON THE MECHANISM CONTROLLING THE GROWTH IN LENGTH OF THE LONG BONES. J. Anat., Lond., 1934, 68: 289-292. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 3752. 1081 Sensening, E. C. THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN VERTEBRAL COLUMN. Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst., 1949, 33: No. 214, 21-42. 5 pi. 46 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 864. 1082 Silfverskibld, N. UBER LANGENWACHSTUM DER KNOCHEN UND TRANSPLANTATION VON EPIPHYSEN- SCHEIBEN. Acta chir. scand., 1934, 75: 77- 104. 9 pi. 39 refs. 1083 Stettner, E. OSSIFICATIONSSTUDIEN AM HAND- SKELET. I. DIE PHYSIOLOGISCHE WELLEN- BEWEGUNG DER DIFFERENZIERUNG. DIE BEZIE- HUNG WUCHSFORM: DIFFERENZIERUNG. DIE PROG- NOSTIK DER KORPERGROSSE. DAS METAKARPALE I. Zschr. Kinderh., 1931, 51: 435-458. 14 refs. 1084 Stettner, E. OSSIFICATIONSSTUDIEN AM HAND- SKELET. II. UBER PSEUDOEPIPHYSEN DES HAND- SKELET. Zschr. Kinderh., 1931, 51: 459- 472. 12 refs. 1085 Streeter, G. L. DEVELOPMENTAL HORIZONS IN HU- MAN EMBRYOS (FOURTH ISSUE). A REVIEW OF THE HISTOGENESIS OF CARTILAGE AND BONE. Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst., 1949, 33: 149-168. 4 pi. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4_^ No. 367; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 11133. The humerus was studied-through all stages of chondrifica- tion and ossification for a more complete history of the consecutive factors in the development of the human skeleton system. 1086 ♦Studitskii, A. N. [EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS IN HISTOGENESIS OF BONE TISSUE] Arb. Inst. exp. Morphogen., Moskva, 1934, 1: 37-53. German summary. 1087 Studitskii, A. N. EXPERIMENTALANALYSE DER DIFFERENZIERUNGSFAKTOREN PRIMARER SKELETE. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1936, 24: 269-302. 56 refs . 1088 Studitskii, A. N. MEKHANIZM OBRAZOVANIIA REGNLIATSIONNYKH STRUKTUR V EMBRIONAL'NOM SKELETE. [THE MECHANISM OF THE FORMATION OF REGULATING STRUCTURES IN THE EMBRYONIC SKELETON] C. rend. Acad, sc. URSS, 1934, 3: 634-640. 5 refs. In Russian and Eng- lish. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 19676. 60 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (Continued) 1089 Studitskii, A. N. VZAIMODEISTIIA TKANEI V FORMOOBRAZOVATEL'NYKH PROTSESSAKH. [INTER- ACTION OF TISSUES IN FORMATIVE PROCESSES] Usp. sovrem. biol., 1948, 25: 429-450. 54 refs. A report of author's experiments re- lating to development of the independent bone. Processes observed in the histo- genesis of chick tubular bones were: 1) Condensation of mesenchymal cells in the area of bone formation. 2) Origin and growth of the cartilage later changing into bone. 3) Formation of the periosteal bone. 4) Penetration of blood vessels into cartilage, the dissolving of basic tissue and formation of the primary bone-marrow cavity. 1090 Theiler, K. ZUR 0SSIFIKATI0N DER WIRBEL- KORPER. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80: 1240. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 10889. 1091 Todd, T. W. THE ROENTGENOGRAPHIC APPRAISEMENT OF SKELETAL DIFFERENTIATION. Child Develop., Bait., 1930, 1: 298-310. 7 refs. 1092 Troitz,ky, W. ZUR FRAGE DER FORMBILDUNG DES SCHADELDACHES. (EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNG DER SCHADELDACHNAHTE UND DER DAMIT VERBUND- ENEN ERSCHEINUNGEN.) Zschr. Morph. Anthrop., 1932, 30: 504-534. 5 pi. 47 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 19847. 1093 Vigano, A. A PROPOSITO DELLE STRIE DI OS- SIFICAZIONE DEL COLLO FEMORALE. Chir. org. movim., 1935-1936, 21: 379. See: 57 118 183 269 270 456 500 501 502 525 527 538 545 712 907 918 919 1173 1358 1409 1420 1896 1897 1898 1947 1955 1956 2044 2332 2570 2642 2662 2663 2671 2677 2678 2813 2967 2969 212 230 462 488 505 515 542 544 915 916 1350 1357 1486 1548 1933 1946 1958 2039 2571 2592 2668 2669 2721 2798 2970 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT - VARIATIONS WITH AGE, SEX, SPECIES, PARTS AND KINDS OF BONE see also CHEMISTRY - VARIATIONS WITH AGE AND KINDS OF BONE; PHYSICAL PROPERTIES - VARIA- TIONS, AGE AND REGIONAL; STRUCTURE - VARIA- TIONS WITH AGE 1099 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA STRUTTURA DELLA CARTILAGINE E DELL'OSSO DELL'UOMO NELLE VARIE ETA. Gior . Accad. med. Torino, 1935, 98: 79-83. A discussion of the growth and development of human cartilage (hyaline, elastic, fibrous) and bone and of the effects of functional stresses upon structure at various ages. 1100 Berstein, S. A. UBER DEN NORMALEN HISTOLOGI- SCHEN AUFBAU DES SCHADELDACHES. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1933, 101: 652-678. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 1692. 1094 Walmsley, R. GROWTH OF BONE. Brit. J. Nutrit., 1952, 6: 410-415. pi. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 5944. A review devoted chiefly to growth of length and girth of a long bone. 1095 Warwick, W. T. and Wiles, P. PERIOSTEUM IN LONG BONES. 1934, 22: 169-174. 1 ref. THE GROWTH OF Brit. J. Surg., Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 3569. 1096 Wilson, C. L. EXPERIMENTAL INCREASE IN LEG LENGTH; A PRELIMINARY REPORT. Surg. Forum, 1951, p. 438-443. An increased rate of growth was obtained by setting up an electro- lytic reaction near a growing epiphyseal line in puppies. 1097 Wislocki, G. B. STUDIES ON THE GROWTH OF DEER ANTLERS. I. ON THE STRUCTURE AND HISTOGENE- SIS OF THE ANTLERS OF THE VIRGINIA DEER (ODOCOILEUS VIRGINIANUS BOREALIS). Am. J. Anat., 1942, 71: 371-410. 5 pi. 31 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 9025. "A description is presented Tn chronological order of the histogenesis and morphology of the antlers, in reference to their seasonal renewal, growth, and de- cline ." 1098 Yasvoin, G. K SRAVNITEL'NOI GISTOLOGII KROVI I SOEDINITEL'NOI TKANI. XII. O VOZNIKNOVENII 0SNOVNOGO VESHCHESTVA KOSTI U MLEKOPITAIUSH- CHIKH. [COMPARATIVE HISTOLOGY OF THE BLOOD AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE. XII. ON THE ORIGIN OF THE BASIC BONE SUBSTANCE IN MAMMALS] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1935, 37: 553-576. 41 refs . 1101 Bhaskar, S. N., Weinmann, J. P., Schour, I. and Greep, R. O. THE GROWTH PATTERN OF THE TIBIA IN NORMAL AND IA RATS. Am. J. Anat., 1950, 86: 439-477. 5 pi. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 1827; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, T*J51, 5: No. 223. 1102 Bick, E. M. THE OSTEOHISTOLOGY OF THE NORMAL HUMAN VERTEBRA: ITS RELATION TO SCOLIOSIS AND CERTAIN LESIONS INCIDENT TO GROWTH AND SENESCENCE. J. Mount Sinai Hosp., N. York, 1952, 19: 490-527. 30 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9658. 1103 Coventry, M. B., Ghormley, R. K. and Kernohan, J. W. THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISC: ITS MICRO- SCOPIC ANATOMY AND PATHOLOGY. PART II. CHANGES IN THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISC CONCOMI- TANT WITH AGE. J. Bone Surg., 1945, 27: 233-247. 10 refs. — 1104 Davenport, C. B. POSTNATAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUMAN EXTREMITIES. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc, 1944, 88: 375-455. 2 pi. Approx. 135 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 6060. Contents: Preface. - Growth in length of limbs and segments. - Change with age of percentage ratios and indices of linear dimensions. - Change with age of percentage ratios of girth. - Development of hand. - Develop- ment of the foot. - Interrelation of cer- tain dimensions. - Discussion. - Summary of conclusions. - Bibliography. The study was based on observations of several hun- dred children between the ages of birth and maturity. 61 GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT - VARIATIONS WITH AGE, SEX, SPECIES, PARTS AND KINDS OF BONE (Continued) 1105 Evans, F. G., Hayes, J. F. and Powers, J. E. "STRESSCOAT" DEFORMATION STUDIES OF THE HU- MAN FEMUR UNDER TRANSVERSE LOADING. Anat. Rec, 1953, 116: 171-187. 2 pi. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 932; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, BT No. 681. 1106 Fazzari, I. OSSERVAZIONI SULLA STRUTTURA RADIOLOGICA DELL'OSSO DELL'ANCA NELL'UOMO. Arch. ital. anat., 1941, 45: 413-439. 7 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 17419. The structure of the human hip bone is studied radiologically in relation to its static and dynamic functions and in relation to age and sex. 1107 Franceschini, M. ACCRESCIMENTO CORRELATIVO DELLE CARTILAGINI SERIATE E DELLE EPIFISI NELLE OSSA LUNGHE DEGLI ARTI DELL'UOMO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1948, 24: 215-217. Abstracted in: Biol. AbstrTT Bait., 1949, 23: No. 18854. In individuals of various ages a study has been made of the correlation between the growth of the seriate cartilages and epiphyses of the long bones and of the relation of this growth to total body growth. 1108 Hirsch, C., Paulson, S., Sylven, B. and Snellman, O. BIOPHYSICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS ON CARTILAGE AND OTHER MESEN- CHYMAL TISSUES. VI. CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMAN NUCLEI PULPOSI DURING AGING. Acta orthop. scand., 1953, 22: 175-183. 16 refs. 1109 Martin, E. DAS JUGENDLICHE MENSCHLICHE BECKEN. Anat. Anz., 1949, 97: 196-208. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 24029. 1110 Payton, C. G. THE GROWTH IN LENGTH OF THE LONG BONES IN THE MADDER-FED PIG. J. Anat,, Lond., 1932, 66: 414-425. 16 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 1698. Payton, C. G. THE GROWTH OF THE EPIPHYSES OF THE LONG BONES IN THE MADDER-FED PIG. J. Anat., Lond., 1933, 67: 371-381. 2 pi. 21 refs. Abstracted-in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 16556; Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, T933-34, 3: No. 2188. 1112 Peacock, A. OBSERVATIONS ON THE POSTNATAL STRUCTURE OF THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISC IN MAN. J. Anat., Lond., 1952, 86: 162-179. 3 pi. 52 refs. "Descriptions are given of the tissue changes taking place in the struc- tural components of the human intervertebral disc, from birth to 80 years of age." Specimens were examined macroscopically and microscopically. Roche, A and Garcia, I. CONSTANCE DU RAPPORT ENTRE LA TAILLE DU SQUELETTE ET LA MASSE AC- TIVE CHEZ LE RAT. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, 120- 160-162. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. A"b*£tr., Aberdeen, 1935-36, 5: No. 3085. 1114 Roche, A., Roche, J. and Marcelet, Y. LE SYSTEME OSSEUX UNITE PHYSIOLOGIQUE. ETAPES DE LA CROISSANCE ET DEGRE DE CALCIFICATION DES OS LONGS OU PLATS ET DES DENTS. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 128: 910-912. 3 refs. 1115 Ruth, E. B. METAMORPHIS OF THE PUBIC SYMPHY- SIS. I. THE WHITE RAT (MUS NORVEGICUS ALBINUS). Anat. Rec, 1935, 64: 1-6. pi. 8 refs. "A description of the postnatal de- velopment of the symphysis to the difinitive condition in the adult is followed by a de- scription of the old age changes." 1116 Silberberg, M and Silberberg, R. AGE CHANGES OF BONES AND JOINTS IN VARIOUS STRAINS OF MICE. Am. J. Anat., 1941, 68: 62-95. 3 pi. 22 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 10693. 1117 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. THE INFLU- ENCE OF SEX AND BREEDING ON SKELETAL AGEING OF MICE. Anat. Rec, 1945, 91: 89-105. 2 pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in:_Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 10531. 1118 Sissons, H. A. EXPERIMENTAL DETERMINATION OF RATE OF LONGITUDINAL BONE GROWTH. J. Anat., Lond., 1953, 87: 228-236. pi. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 29906. A radiological study of the epiphyseal cartilage plate of the lower end of the femur of rats and rabbits was made to determine differences in the rate of growth in the two species. The results of this study were "used in interpreting the micro- scopic structure of the growing region of the bone in each species and in determining the duration of each of the cellular proc- esses concerned in the formation and matura- tion of bone trabeculae in this situation. The relative duration of the various cellular processes..." was found to vary "from species to species, and this factor, in addition to variation in absolute growth rates" was found to be "responsible for differences in the microscopic structure of the growing re- gion in the two species." 1119 Tomlin, D. H., Henry, K. M. and Kon, S. K. AUTORADIOGRAPHIC STUDY OF GROWTH AND CALCIUM METABOLISM IN THE LONG BONES OF THE RAT. Brit. J. Nutrit., 1953, 7: 235-252. 4 pi. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 11421f; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 13591. 125 465 688 1135 1138 1140 1142 1216 1932 1957 2047 2116 HORMONAL INFLUENCE 1120 Albright, F. THE EFFECT OF HORMONES ON OSTEO- GENESIS IN MAN. Recent Progr. Hormone Res., 1947, 1: 293-353. 56 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 1644f. 1121 Albright, F. OSTEOPOROSIS. Ann. Int. M., 1947, 27: 861-882. 15 refs. The author attributes the osteoporosis of old age partly to loss of gonodal hormones and dimi- nution of the adrenal cortical "N" hormone. He discusses the normal internal dynamics of the skeleton; the factors which influence osteoblastic activity: (a) steroidal hor- mones (b) mechanical stresses and strains (c) nitrogenous building blocks; and the role an imbalance or a lack of any of these three factors plays in the production of osteoporosis. 62 HORMONAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1122 Amprino, R. LA STRUTTURA DELLE OSSA DELL'UOMO IN RELAZIONE A TURBE DELL'ACCRESCIMENTO. RICERCHE SUGLI SCHELETRI DI UN GIGANTE E DI UN NANO. Arch. ital. anat., 1943, 49: 161- 193. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 19899. Histological comparision oT~the compact bone of the long bones of a young giant and young dwarf demonstrated a deviation from the normal rate of ossification processes, more rapid in the giant, slower in the dwarf. The differences were believed due to hormonal factors. Marked analogy of structure was also noted. 1123 Bell, G. H. and Cuthbertson, D. P. THE EF- FECT OF VARIOUS HORMONES ON THE CHEMICAL AND PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BONE. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1943, 3: 302-309. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 4395; Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 20"949; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1*54*4-45, 14: No. 359. "...the most striking point aBout the present experiments... is the constancy of the physical and chemical characteristics of bone - a feature which is presumably of value from the point of view of the survival of the organism. It may be... that we shall have to give up the idea that there are bones of varying quality..." 1124 ♦Campbell, I. L. and Turner, C. W. THE RELA- TION OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM TO THE REGULA- TION OF CALCIUM METABOLISM. Montana Agr. Exp. Sta. Res. Bull., 1942, No. 352. 134p. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1945-46, 15: No. 3339. ""Hnntain* R Handel. P. and Wiest, E. ETUDE F°anatomiqSe; ?l?n&e,-histol9Gique ETBICV CHIMIQUE DE L'ACTION DE DIFFERENTES HORMONES (THYROXINE, DEOXYCORTICOSTERONE ET CORTI- SONE) SUR L-EVOLUTION DES FRACTURES EXPfiRI- MENTALES CHEZ LE CHIEN. M<5m. Acad, chir., Par., 1952, 78: 351-359. 5 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, i»oj, 7: No. 1484. 1133 Gaillard, P. J. HORMONES REGULATING GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION IN EMBRYONIC EXPLANTS. 82p. Par., Hermann, 1942. (Actual, sc. indust. No. 923). Summary of research carried out by the author and his colleagues since 1929, a part of which concerns bone. 1134 Langenskiolk, F. OM VITAMINERNAS OCH HORMON- ERNAS INFLYTANDE PA SKELETTET. Nord . med., 1939, 1: 733-738. 16 refs. German summary. 1135 Loeb, L. HORMONES AND THE PROCESS OF AGEING. Harvey Lect., Bait., 1940-1941, 36: 228-250. 34 refs. A survey. 1136 Parker, S. G. REGULATION OF LONGITUDINAL BONE GROWTH. Arch. Surg., 1949, 59: 1100-1121. 122 refs. The endocrinological aspects of bone growth are reviewed. 1137 Schnitman, S. GLANDULAS ENDOCRINAS Y HUESO Rev. odont., B. Air., 1950, 38: 114-133. 6 refs. 1125 Coryn, G. LES ENDOCRINES ET LE SQUELETTE. EXPERIMENTATION ET CLINIQUE. Ann. Soc. sc. rngd. natur. Bruxelles, 1937, Bull., 33-37. 1126 Coryn, G. ETUDE DE L'INFLUENCE DES GLANDES ENDOCRINES SUR LE SQUELETTE. Arch, inter- nat. med. exp., Liege, 1936, 11: 135-403. Bibliogr.: p. 381-403. A digest in: J. radiol. electr., 1936, 20: 123-128. 1127 Coryn, G. INTRODUCTION A L'ETUDE DES AFFEC- TIONS ENDOCRINIENNES DU SQUELETTE. Presse m6d., 1937, 45: 611-613. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 79955. 1128 Coryn, G. RECHERCHE EXPERIMENTALE SUR L'IN- FLUENCE DES GLANDES ENDOCRINES SUR L'HIS- TOLOGIE DU CARTILAGE DE CONJUGAISON. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1939, 16: 27-42. 12 refs. 1129 Cotellessa, G. and De Maestri, A. IL CONTRI- BUTO DIAFISARIO NEL PROCESSO DI ACCRESCIMENTO SCHELETRICO DOPO SOMMINISTRAZIONE DI ALCUNI PREPARATI ORMONICI. Minerva pediat., Tor., 1953, 5: 968-971. 10 refs. 1130 Eaton, J. C. THE INFLUENCE OF THE ENDOCRINES ON THE SKELETON. Glasgow M. J., 1946, 27- 93-108. 45 refs. Abstracted in: Biol.— Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 16125. 1131 Follis, R. H., Jr. THE INFLUENCE OF ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS AND HORMONES ON CARTILAGE AND BONE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1950,, 221-257. 18 refs. Report and dis- cussion of studies . 1138 ♦Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. THE EFFECT OF ENDOCRINES ON ARTICULAR TISSUE AND THEIR RELATION TO AGEING PROCESSES. Ann. Rheumat. Dis., Lond., 1949, 8: 307. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect7 3, 1951, 5: No. 605. 1139 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECTS OF HORMONES ON THE SKELETON OF MICE, GUINEA PIGS AND RATS. Endocrinology, 1941, 29: 475-482. 37 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. A*6str. , 1941, 35: 75055. The effects on cartilage and bone of* growing animals, produced by anterior pituitary preparations, thyroid, hormone, potassium iodide, parathyroid extracts and sex hormones are compared. 1140 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. INFLUENCE OF THE ENDOCRINE GLANDS ON GROWTH AND AGING OF THE SKELETON. Arch. Path., Chic, 1943, 36: 512-534. 208 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 10280. 1141 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. THE RESPONSE OF CARTILAGE AND BONE OF THE NEWBORN GUINEA PIG TO STIMULATION BY VARIOUS HORMONES (AN- TERIOR HYPOPHYSEAL EXTRACT, ESTROGEN, THY- ROXINE). Anat. Rec, 1940, 78: 549-558. 7 refs. "In the newborn guinea pig the car- tilage has the tendency to respond to various hormonal stimuli with more proliferative and less retrogressive changes than that of older animals. This is further evidence in favor of the opinion that the age of the animal on which the hormone acts plays an important role in helping to determine the mode of reaction of the cartilage to... various hor- mones ." 63 HORMONAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1142 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. DIE ROLLE DER HORMONE IM WACHSTUM UND ALTERN DES SKEL- ETTS UND IHRE BEDEUTUNG FUR DIE PATHOGENESE DER ARTHRITIS DEFORMANS. Schweiz med Wschr., 1949, 79: 127-132. 39 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25- No. 7754. — 1143 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. SOME AS- PECTS OF THE ROLE OF HORMONAL AND NUTRITIONAL FACTORS IN SKELETAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT. Growth, Phila., 1949, 13: 359-368. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 14331; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1950-5T, 20: No. 748. 1144 Simpson, M. E., Asling, C. W. and Evans, H M SOME ENDOCRINE INFLUENCES ON SKELETAL GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION. Yale J. Biol., 1950, 23: 1-27. 6 pi. 73 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 10411; Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1952, 6: No. 973. 1145 Thompson, W. 0., Heckel, N. J. and Morris, R. M. HORMONAL FACTORS INFLUENCING SKELE- TAL GROWTH. J. Clin. Invest.,1941, 20: 464. An abstract. 1146 Williams, H. L. and Watson, E. M. INFLUENCE OF HORMONES UPON PHOSPHATASE CONTENT OF RAT FEMURS. I. EFFECTS OF ADRENAL CORTICAL SUB- STANCES AND PARATHYROID EXTRACT. Endo- crinology, 1941, 29: 250-257. 25 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 75025. 1147 Williams, H. L. and Watson, E. M. INFLUENCE OF HORMONES UPON PHOSPHATASE CONTENT OF RAT FEMURS. II. EFFECTS OF SEX HORMONES, THY- ROXIN AND THYMUS EXTRACT. Endocrinology, 1941, 29: 258-261. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 75028. 1148 Wolterink, L. F. ISOTOPES IN HORMONAL AND NUTRITIONAL STUDIES IN ANIMALS. IN: CON- FERENCE ON THE USE OF ISOTOPES IN PLANT AND ANIMAL RESEARCH. Manhatan, Kan., June 1952. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Washington, D. C, 1953, p. 122-154. (TID-5098) Approx. 65 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1954, 8: No. 80. See: 146 967 HORMONAL INFLUENCE 2178 ADRENAL CORTEX 1149 Blunt, J. W., Jr., Plotz, C. M., Lattes, R. Howes, E. L., Meyer, K. and Ragan, C. EF- FECT OF CORTISONE ON EXPERIMENTAL FRACTURES IN THE RABBIT. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N.Y,, 1950, 73: 678-681. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 7435S. In rabbits receiving cortisone,-the gross healing of fracture and the absorption of the hema- toma were greatly delayed. 1150 Campbell, R. M., Sharp, G., Boyne, A. W. and Cuthbertson, D. P. CORTISONE AND THE ME- TABOLIC RESPONSE TO INJURY. Nature, Lond., 1953, 172: 158-160. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Che*m*7 Abstr., 1953, 47: 11441S. 1151 Euler, U. S. von. UBER DIE WIRKUNG KLEINER ADRENALINMENGEN AUF DEN SAUERSTOFFVERBRAUCH DES KUNSTLICH DURCHSTROMTEN HUNDEBEINS. Arch. internat. pharm. dyn., Gand, 1932, 42: 259-277. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 1400. 1152 Fiandaca, S. SULL'INFLUENZA DEGLI ORMONI CORTICALI SUL RICAMBIO MINERALE. Riv. pat. sper., 1936, 16: 407-418. 11 refs. Ab- stracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1937, 3J.: 4424. In experiments on rabbits the effects of the cortical hormones were studied in vari- ous organs including bone. It was con- cluded that the adrenal cortex exerted an important influence on body minerals, par- ticularly on the calcium and phosphorus content. 1153 Follis, R. H., Jr. EFFECT OF CORTISONE ON GROWING BONES OF THE RAT. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1951, 76: 722-724. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem.""Abstr ., 1951, 45: 6723d. 1154 Follis, R. H., Jr. EFFECT OF 17-HYDROXYCORTI- COSTERONE-21-ACETATE ON GROWING BONES OF THE RAT. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1952, 90: 337-339. pi. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 3, 1952, 6: No. 2150; Brit. Abstr., Sect. AIII, 1953, p. 180. "Skeletal lesions similar to those pro- duced by cortisone may be observed when 17- hydroxycorticosterone-21-acetate is ad- ministered to growing rats. The latter is more effective quantity for quantity than the former." 1155 Follis, R. H., Jr. NON-EFFECT OF CORTISONE ON GROWING BONES OF MICE, GUINEA PIGS AND RABBITS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y. , 1951, 78: 723-724. 4 refs. 1156 Fontaine, R., Mandel, P. and Wiest, E. UBER DIE WIRKUNG VERSCHIEDENER HORMONE (THYROXIN, DESOXYCORTICOSTERON UND CORTISON) AUF DEN VERLAUF EXPERIMENTELLER KNOCHENBRUCHE BEIM HUNDE. Medizinische, 1952, p. 899-901. pi. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 9712S. In dogs the effects of various-hormones on fracture healing were studied. 1157 Herrick, E. H., Mead, E. R., Egerton, B. W. and Hughes, J. S. SOME EFFECTS OF CORTI- SONE ON VITAMIN C-DEFICIENT GUINEA PIGS. Endocrinology, 1952, 50: 259-263. 26 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ATJstr . , 1953, 47: 3940i. The addition of cortisone to-a scorbutic diet prevented painful joints. Bone structure and testes remained almost normal but adrenal gland cells became atrophied. 1158 Ingalls, T. H. and Hayes, D. R. EPIPHYSEAL GROWTH: THE EFFECT OF REMOVAL OF THE AD- RENAL AND PITUITARY GLANDS ON THE EPIPHYSES OF GROWING RATS. Endocrinology, 1941, 29- 720-724. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem.— Abstr., 1942, 36: 5348; Biol. Abstr., Bait , 1942, 16: No. "3(348. 1159 Key, J. A., Odell, R. T. and Taylor, L. W. FAILURE OF CORTISONE TO DELAY OR TO PRE- VENT THE HEALING OF RACTURES IN RATS. J. Bone Surg., 1952, 34A: 665-675. Discus- sion: p. 675, 677. 9" refs. Cortisone did not delay the healing or alter the micro- scopic appearance of the process of repair of experimental fractures in animals. 1160 Kozdoba, A. Z. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE HEILUNG VON KNOCHENBRUCHEN BEI NEBENNIERENHYPERFUNKTION. Arch. klin. Chir., 1932, 169: 96-106. 47 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 14393; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1932- 33, 2: No. 300. 64 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) ADRENAL CORTEX (Con- 1161 Lattes, R., Blunt, J. W., Jr., Rose, H. M., Jessar, R. A., Vaillancourt, de G. and Ragan, C. LACK OF CORTISONE EFFECT IN THE EARLY STAGES OF INFLAMMATION AND REPAIR. Am. J. Path., 1953, 29: 1-19. 8 refs. 1162 Levie, L. H. and Uyldert, I. E. THE INFLUENCE OF ADRENALS ON BONE GROWTH. Acta brevia neerl., 1939, 9: 121-123. 2 pi. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 11063. 1163 Lucchese, G. L1INFLUENZA DELLE SURRENALI SULLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO OSSEO. RI- CERCHE SPERIMENTALI. Policlinico, 1934, 41: 579-592. 45 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 3457. 1164 Maassen, A. P. ADRENALS AND BONE-GROWTH. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1952, 9: 135-140. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Sbstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 27828; Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 2471. 1165 Maassen, A. P. THE EFFECT OF DESOXYCORTI- COSTERONE ACETATE (DOCA) ON BODY-GROWTH AND OSSIFICATION. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1952, 9: 291-296. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 27829; Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 256***T 1166 Mandel, P., Fontaine, R., Ebel, A. and Vogeleisen, A. ETUDE DE LA CONSTITUTION pE L'OS CHEZ LE RAT EN CROISSANCE SOUMIS A L'ACTION DE LA CORTISONE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1953, 147: 511-514. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: CTiem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 22391. 1167 Oka, H. [BEITRAGE ZUM VERHALTEN DER ENDOKRINEN ORGANE BEI KNOCHENFRAKTUR. (I. MITTEILUNG). HISTOLOGISCHE VERANDERUNG DER NEBENNIERE IM VERLAUFE DER FRAKTURHEILUNG] Okayama igakkai zassi, 1939, 51: 34-49. 2 pi. 43 refs. German summary, p. 49. 1168 Prader, A. and Maassen. A. P. DIE WIRKUNG DER ANDROGENEN HORMONE AUF DAS SKELETT; KNOCHEN- UND ZAHNENTWICKLUNG, CALCIUM, PHOSPHOR UND PHOSPHATASEN IM SERUM BEIM KONGENITALEN ADRENOGENITALEN SYNDROM. Helvet. paediat. acta, 1953, 8: 136-151. 23 refs. In this study of the effects of congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia in 19 patients, aged 1 month to 37 years, marked changes were observed in bone de- velopment while dental development was normal. This was explained by the special position of teeth as endocrine end-organs. It was also concluded that phosphorus is an index of the production of pituitary growth hormone and that estrogen and androgen in- hibit this production. 1169 Wolbach, S. B. and Maddock, C. L. CORTISONE AND MATRIX FORMATION IN EXPERIMENTAL SCORBU- TUS AND REPAIR THEREFROM. WITH CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE PATHOLOGY OF EXPERIMENTAL SCORBUTUS. A.M.A. Arch. Path., 1952, 53: 54-69. pi. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 6342. "Cortisone administra- tion neitKer accelerates nor depresses the reparative processes in scurvy in the guinea pig. The resumption of formation of inter- cellular materials is not affected in either direction as far as can be observed by histologic criteria." 1170 Wyman, L. C. and Tum-Suden C THE EFFECT 0 ADRENALECTOMY ON THE EPIP^Sf^« ,1^-346 THE RAT. Endocrinology, 1945, 36 340 J« 15 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait. 1945, 19: No. 21510. See: 605 713 HORMONAL INFLUENCE 1171 740 971 PANCREAS ISLETS ♦Hernberg, C. A. THE BONE STRUCTURE IN ALLOXAN- INDUCED DIABETES MELLITUS IN RATS. Acta med. scand., 1952, 142: 274-283. Abstracted in: Excerpta med.,"Sect. 3, 1952, 6: No. 788. 1172 Ksendzovskii, M. E. OVLIIANII VNUTRENNEI SEKRETSII NA ZAZHIVLENIE KOSTNYKH PERELOMOV. [INFLUENCE OF INTERNAL SECRETION ON KNIT- TING OF FRACTURES] Nov. khir. arkh., 1930, 86: 149-156. Abstracted in: Tsentr. med. zK. , 1931, 8: 481. Experimental study of effect of insulin, potassium and calcium on knitting of bone fractures in healthy rats. It was found: 1) That isotonic KC1 and CaCl2 solutions have no influence on osteogenesis. 2) Insulin injection has a favorable effect on fracture healing. 3) Insulin with iso- tonic CaCl2 solution injection has a better effect than injection of pure insulin. 1173 Salter, J. and Best, C. H. INSULIN AS A GROWTH HORMONE. Brit. M. J., 1953, I_I: 353-356. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Fed. Proc. Bait., 1953, 12: No. 399; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 11409b. Bypophysectomized rats were fed a constantly available diet and injected daily with slow- acting protamine zinc insulin in small, gradually increasing doses. Results showed that the animals gained 38 g. in 15 days with an average increase in body protein of 2.6 g. per rat and an average increase in the width of the epiphyseal disk of the tibia of 65%. Results indicate that insulin may stimulate growth and that decreased libera- tion of insulin may be a factor in limiting growth in the hypophysectomized animal. See: 748 832 1304 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - PARATHYROID 1174 Albright, F. and Reifenstein, E. C, Jr. THE PARATHYROID GLANDS AND METABOLIC BONE DIS- EASE; SELECTED STUDIES. 410p. Baltimore, Williams & Wllkins, 1948. Bibliography: p. 312-332. 1175 Barnicot, N. A. THE LOCAL ACTION OF THE PARATHYROID AND OTHER TISSUES ON BONE IN INTRACEREBRAL GRAFTS. J. Anat., Lond., 1948, 82: 233-248. 2 pi. 17 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 10654. Using parathyroid intra- cerebral grafts in rats, it was found that bone was eroded only in close proximity to the parathyroid tissue, indicating that parathyroid hormone does effect bone di- rectly . 1176 Barnicot, N. A. SOME DATA ON THE EFFECT OF PARATHORMONE ON THE GREY-LETHAL MOUSE. J Anat., Lond., 1945, 79: 83-91. 2 pi. l6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 12404. HORMONAL INFLUENCE - PARATHYROID (Con- tinued) 1177 Bartels, E. D. ACTION OF THE PARATHYROID HOR- MONE; A SURVEY. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1954, 15: 71-81. 61 refs. The literature on the effect of the parathyroid hormone on the kidney and the bones is reviewed. 1178 Baumann, E. J. and Sprinson, D. B. HYPER- PARATHYROIDISM PRODUCED BY DIET. Am. J. Physiol., 1939, 125: 741-746. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 7535. 1179 Becks, H., Kibrick, E. A. aid Evans, H. M. THE BONE HISTOLOGY OF ADULT MALE RATS THYRO- PARATHYROIDECTOMIZED WHEN ONE MONTH OF AGE. J. Exp. Zool., 1942, 89: 297-302. 1 pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in:""Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 14455. 1180 Bhaskar, S. N., Schour, I. and Greep, R. 0. THE CORRECTIVE EFFECT OF PARATHYROID HOR- MONE ON GENETIC ANOMALIES IN THE DENTITION AND THE TIBIA OF THE IA RAT. J. Dent. Res., 1952, 31: 257-270. 16 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 23545. — 1181 BUlbring, E. UBER DIE BEZIEHUNGEN ZWISCHEN EPITHELKORPERCHEN, CALCIUMSTOFFWECHSEL UND KNOCHENWACHSTUM. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1931, 162: 209-248. 60 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 1018. 1182 Burns, C. M. and Henderson, N. THE MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF BONE. III. THE EFFECT OF PROLONGED PARATHORMONE INJECTIONS ON THE COMPOSITION OF THE BONES OF PUPPIES WITH VARYING CALCIUM INTAKES. Biochem. J., Lond., 1946, 40: 501-507. 17 refs. Ab- stracted in: UEem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 187*; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 8482. 1183 Burrows, R. B. INFLUENCE OF PARATHYROID EX- TRACTS ON GROWING BONE. J. Elisha Mitchell Sc. Soc, 1937, 53: 225-226. An abstract. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 26002. Burrows, R. B. VARIATIONS PRODUCED IN BONES OF GROWING RATS BY PARATHYROID EXTRACTS. Am. J. Anat., 1938, 62: 237-290. 52 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 3765; Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 5~0"778. 1185 Campbell, W. W. and Tweedy, W. R. THE EFFECT OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT UPON THE DISTRIBUTION AND EXCRETION OF LABELED PHOSPHORUS. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: 104-105. An abstract. Carnes, W. H. THE DEMONSTRATION OF AN EFFECT OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT ON BONE MATRIX. Am. J. Path., 1950, 26: 736. An abstract,. "These observations indicate that (1) bone matrix may be destroyed by the action of parathyroid hormone irrespective of its mineral content, (2) the levels of-serum calcium and metastatic calcification are a function of the mineral content of the re- sorbed matrix, and (3) calcification may be induced in cartilage and osteoid matrix through its action. These facts are not consistent with the theory that the hormone acts primarily upon some mechanism that causes solution of bone mineral." 1187 Cartier, P. and Simonart, J. HORMONE PARA- THYROIDIENNE ET METABOLISME PHOSPHO-CALCIQUE. Rev. orthop., Par., 1946, 32: 160-168. 42 refs. 1188 Cera, B. and Bellini, L. RICERCHE SUL COM- PORTAMENTO DELLA GLICEROFOSFATASI DEL SIERO E DEL TESSUTO OSSEO IN ANIMALI TRATTATI CON UN FARMACO AD AZIONE IPERCALCEMIZZANTE PARATIREOSIMILE. Pathologica, Genova, 1940, 32: 410-413. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 17116; Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 14739. 1189 Cerqua. L'EFFET DE LA THYROXINE, DE LA PARA- THYROIDINE ET DE L'ERGOSTEROL SUR LA RE- GENERATION DES OS. J. Egypt. M. Ass., 1933, 16: 668-673. 1190 Chang, H. Y. GRAFTS OF PARATHYROID AND OTHER TISSUES TO BONE. Anat. Rec, 1951, 111: 23- 48. pi. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 28005; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 8*7 No. 1312. "These findings corroborate Barnicot's observation of a marked and specific local resorption of bone near the parathyroid draft." 1191 Cohn, B. N. E. KNOCHENVERANDERUNGEN NACH PARATHORMONEINVERLEIBUNG. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1934, 92: 540-551. 20 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 7260. 1192 Collip, J. B., Pugsley, L. I., Selye, H. and Thomson, D. L. OBSERVATIONS CONCERNING THE MECHANISM OF PARATHYROID HORMONE ACTION. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1934, 15: 335-336. 8 refs. In rats complete nepHrectomy was followed by parathyroid hormone injections. Histologic examination of the bones showed marked osteoclastic resorption. It was concluded that the action of the parathy- roid hormone on bone is independent of its possible direct influence on the renal threshold for phosphates. The article con- tains a discussion of pertinent theories. 1193 Coppo, M. and Molinari-Tosatti, P. OSSERVA- ZIONI SULTA DISTRIBUZIONE DEL MAGNESIO NEGLI 0RGANI DI RATTI TIROPARATIREOPRIVI E DI RATTI TRATTATI CON PARATORM0NE. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1934, 9: 36-39. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1934, 28: 51124. 1194 Cozza, F. ACTION OF MASSIVE DOSES OF PARA- THYROID HORMONE AND VITAMIN D2 ON THE BONES DURING GROWTH. Ann. Med. nav. colon., 1950, 55: 730-737. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1951, 5: No. 2158. "Young guinea- pigs were treated by doses of parathyroid hormone and vitamin D2 in various propor- tions. From these investigations it is con- cluded that the 2 substances have an inde- pendent action. These conclusions were reached after haematochemical, radiological and anatomopathological examinations." - Excerpta med. 1195 Downs, W. L. THE EFFECTS OF PARATHYROID EX- TRACT ON THE BONE LESION INDUCED BY BERYL- LIUM COMPOUNDS. 57p. University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N. Y. (UR-271) 9 pi. 51 refs. Abstracted in: Fed. Proc, Bait., 1954, 13: 350. 66 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) 1196 PARATHYROID (Con- Dragstedt, C. A. and Kearns, J. E., Jr. EX- PERIMENTAL STUDY OF BONE REPAIR: EFFECT OF THYROPARATHYROIDECTOMY AND OF THE ADMINI- STRATION OF PARATHORMONE. Arch. Surg., 1932, 24: 893-904. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 20952; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26! 514*3. "It does not appear probable that the administration of parathormone will facilitate bone repair in any case except one of parathyroid defi- ciency. Thyroid deficiency uncomplicated by parathyroid deficiency did not delay the healing of a bone defect." 1197 Eger, W. and Titze, G. DIE EPITHELKORPERCHEN, VITAMIN D UND A.T. 10 UND DIE BEZIEHUNGEN ZU DEN KNOCHEN. Klin. Wschr., 1942, 21: 859- 862. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1943-44, 13: No. 2046. "Rats, intact and parathyrolcTectomised, re- ceived doses of vitamin D or A.T. 10.... The histology of the femur metaphyses was studied. The action of vitamin D and of A.T. 10 on the bone is described as en- hanced after parathyroidectomy. The pe- culiar fact is discussed that vitamin D in physiological amounts is antagonistic to parathyroid hormone but in pathological amounts appears to reinforce it." - Nutrit. Abstr. 1198 Engel, M. B. and Catchpole, H. R. EXCRETION OF URINARY MUCOPROTEIN FOLLOWING PARATHYROID EXTRACT IN RATS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1953, 84: 336-338. 9 refs. Ab- stracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 2908a. "In a 72-hour period control rats excreted 0.35-1.92 mg. of urinary mucoprotein, de- termined as mannose-galactose standard. After injection of 1000 units of parathyroid hormone, mucoprotein excretion was 0.52- 4.52 mg. in the same period. This increase was correlated in time with a solution of bone matrix, with an increase in plasma mucoprotein, and with the appearance of mucoprotein granules in kidney tubule cells and mucoprotein-containing casts in tubules.1 - Chem. Abstr. 1199 Engel, M. B., Catchpole, H. R. and Joseph, N. R. THE EFFECT OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT ON GROUND SUBSTANCE AND CALCIUM OF BONE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1953, 5.Conf., 119-129. Conference Discussion: p. 126- 129. 152 refs. 1200 Engel, M. B., Joseph, N. R. and Catchpole, H. R. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE CALCI- FICATION AND DISSOLUTION OF BONE AND CAR- TILAGE MATRIX. Proc. Inst. M., Chicago, 1954, 20: 65-66. 1201 Engel, P. UBER DIE BEEINFLUSSUNG DER CALLUS- BILDUNG DURCH HORMONE. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1934, 242: 213-216. 35 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 20948. Parathyroid hormone injections stimulated callus formation in fractured ribs of rats. Ovosan and Prapitan had no effect. 1202 Engfeldt, B. and Hjertquist, S. 0. THE FUNC- TIONAL RELATION BETWEEN THE THYROID AND PARA- THYROIDS AND THE EFFECT OF THE THYROID ON BONE TISSUE. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1954, 15: 109-118. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 5980°. 1203 Fanconi, G. ZUR PATHOLOGIE DER PARATHY- REOIDEA UND DES KALZIUM- UND PHOSPHAT- STOFFWECHSELS. Deut. med. Wschr., 1953, 78: 85-89. A lecture on the role of the parathyroids in the regulation of calcium and phosphate metabolism in the body, in~ eluding tooth and bone. 1204 Fantl, P. and Rome, M. N. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CALCIUM AND CITRATE IN FOWLS' BLOOD. Austral. J. Sc., 1947, 10: 19. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 2346f. The view that increased blood cTtrate in hypercalcemia is derived from the bone as a result of destructive action of excess of parathormone was not confirmed by these experiments. 1205 Frugoni, P. CONTENUTO MINERALE DELL'OSSO DI RATTI IN CARENZA ED IN ECCESSO DI ORMONE PARATIROIDEO. Sperimentale, 1934, 88: 27- 36. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Chem."Abstr., 1934, 28: 5513 . In adult rats variations in the mineral content of bone were studied in thyroparathyroidectomized and normal animals given high doses of parathyroid hormone. 1206 Giangrasso, G. PARATIROIDI, VITAMINA C E FRATTURE SPERIMENTALI. II. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 525-527. 5 refs . 1207 Hoff, F. and Homann, E. ZUR FRAGE DES EIN- FLUSSES VON VITAMIN D UND EPITHELKORPER- HORMON AUF DEN KALKHAUSHALT. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1930, 74: 258-273. 34 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 708. 1208 Hummon, I. F., Jr., Patras, M. C. and Templeton, R. D. THE INFLUENCE OF THYROID FEEDING AND THYRO-PARATHYROIDECTOMY ON BONE REGENERATION. Am. J. Physiol., 1936, 116: 84. An abstract. "The results show that thyroid feeding accelerated while thyro- parathyroidectomy retarded bone regenera- tion in the standard group. In the vitamin B deficient group the thyroid fed animals showed very poor bone regeneration during their short survival period; the controls, living longer, showed better regeneration; and the thyro-parathyroidectomized animals, surviving the longest, showed the best re- generation." 1209 Ingalls, T. H., Donaldson, G. and Albright F THE LOCUS OF ACTION OF THE PARATHYROID HOR- MONE: EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES WITH PARATHYROID EXTRACT ON NORMAL AND NEPHRECTOMIZED RATS J. Clin. Invest., 1943, 22: 603-608 4 refs Parathyroid extract injections pro- duced osteitis fibrosa in nephrectomized and normal rats. Nephrectomy alone also produced bone resorption. 1210 Itoh, M. and Katagiri, s. TJBER DIE EINFIIIS«?F VON PARATHYROIDEA-HORMON UND VITAMIN-D AIIF DIE KNOCHENBRUCHHEILUNG SOWIE DIE TnL™ SEKRETORISCHEN DRUSEN. Tr Sor rTV-K 1939, 29: 552-558. Abstracted in- NuiritP" Abstr., Aberdeen, 1939-40, 9: No. 2866 1211 Itoh, M. and Suzuki, T. UBER DIE VERANDERUNGEN DER HARTGEWEBE DURCH WIEDERHOLTE INJEKTION VON PARATHYREOIDEA-HORMON. Tr Soc path jap., 1937, 27: 522-526. 67 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) PARATHYROID (Con- 1212 ♦Ivanova, S. A. INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN D AND PARATHYROID HORMONE ON THE HISTOGENETIC PROCESS OF HEALING OF BONE FRACTURE C rend. Acad. sc., URSS, 1941, 31: 714-716 In English. Abstracted in: CHem Abstr ,' 1943, 37: 9473. 1213 Jaffe, H. L. and Bodansky, A. EXPERIMENTAL FIBROUS OSTEODYSTROPHY (OSTEITIS FIBROSA) IN HYPERPARATHYROID DOGS. J. Ex. M., 1930, 52: 669-694. 2 pi. 50 refs. Ab- stracted" in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 13713. 1214 Jaffe, H. L. , Bodansky, A. and Blair, J. E RATE OF DECALCIFICATION AND THE SITES OF BONE LESIONS IN EXPERIMENTAL HYPERPARATHY- ROIDISM. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931, 28: 793-794. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1931-32, 1- No. 504. 1215x Jaffe, H. L., Bodansky, A. and Blair, J E. THE EFFECT OF PARATHORMONE AND AMMONIUM CHLORIDE ON THE BONES OF RABBITS. J Exp M., 1932, 55: 695-701. 15 refs. Ab- stracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1932-33, 2: No. 1307; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 3303." 1216 Jaffe, H. L., Bodansky, A. and Blair, J. E. THE INFLUENCE OF AGE AND OF DURATION OF TREATMENT ON THE PRODUCTION AND REPAIR OF BONE LESIONS IN EXPERIMENTAL HYPERPARA- THYROIDISM. J. Exp. M., 1932, 55: 139- 154. 3 pi. 14 refs. Abstracted" in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 5945; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 1670. "Young guinea pigs are more susceptible than adults to the ef- fects of single or repeated doses of para- thormone, as shown by bone changes. ... In young and adult guinea pigs a compensation is established during prolonged parathormone treatment, which enables them to tolerate repeated large doses..." 1217 Jaffe, H. L. , Bodansky, A. and Blair, J. E. THE SITES OF DECALCIFICATION AND OF BONE LESIONS IN EXPERIMENTAL HYPERPARATHYROIDISM. Arch. Path., Chic, 1931, 12: 715-728. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 8388. "Decalcification and reactive lesions are more prominent in experimental hyperparathyroidism in regions of normally active growth of bone and less prominent in regions of less active growth. In the latter, simple thinning of the bone is sometimes the only change observed." 1218 Jones, J. H. THE INFLUENCE OF THE REMOVAL OF THE PARATHYROID GLANDS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF RICKETS IN RATS. J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 106: 701-705. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1934-35, 4: No. 2535. 1219 Kalnins, V. and Ledina, H. DIE WIRKUNG DES EPITHELKORPERCHENHORMONS AUF ZAHNE UND KNOCHEN NORMALER UND SKORBUTISCHER MEER- SCHWEINSCHEN. Upsala lak. foren. forh., 1947, 52: 235-276. pi. 219 refs. Ab- stracted" in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1: No. 5011; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, T947-48, 17: No. 4558. 1220 Keating, F. R., Jr. THE NORMAL AND PATHOLOGIC PHYSIOLOGY OF THE PARATHYROID GLANDS. Am. J. Orthodont., 1947, 33: 129-137. 14 refs. The role of the paratHyroid gland in calcium and phosphorus metabolism and the metabolism of the bone_ arsb^urveved . 1221 Kozelka, F. L., Hart, E. B. and Bohstedt, G. GROWTH, REPRODUCTION, AND LACTATION IN THE ABSENCE OF THE PARATHYROID GLANDS. J. Biol. Chem., 1933, 100: 715-729. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 13906. "Normal bone development can occur in the absence of the parathyroid glands when vitamin D is fed." Dogs were used in this study. Ash per cent of femur, tibia, 7th rib, 12th rib and skull were de- termined . 1222 Leriche, R., Jung, A. and De Bakey, M. RE- CERCHES EXPERIMENTALES SUR LA CALCIFICATION DES TISSUS. INFLUENCE DE L'EXTRAIT PARA- THYROIDIEN SUR LA CALCIFICATION DE TRANS- PLANTS LIBRES DE CARTILAGE. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1936, 13: 551-555. 2 refs. 1223 Levi della Vida, B. COMPORTAMENTO DEI SINGOLI SEGMENTI SCHELETRICI NELL'IPERED IPO-PARA- TIROIDISMO SPERIMENTALE CONTENUTO IN CALCIO E FOSFORO. Fisiol. & med., Roma, 1935, 6: 45-64. 14 refs. 1224 Lievre, J. A. REINS ET LESIONS OSSEUSES. J. urol. med., Par., 1949, 55: 8-17. 45 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 8743f. 1225 McJunkin, F. A., Tweedy, W. R. and McNamara, E. W. EFFECT OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT AND CALCIFEROL ON THE TISSUES OF THE NEPHREC- TOMIZED RAT. Am. J. Path., 1937, 13: 325-333. pi. 16 refs. Abstracted*"in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 630. 1226 McLean, F. C. and Bloom, W. CALCIFICATION AND OSSIFICATION. MOBILIZATION OF BONE SALT BY PARATHYROID EXTRACT. Arch. Path., Chic, 1941, 32: 315-333. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 6796; Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 551T" 1227 McLean, F. C. and Bloom, W. MODE OF ACTION OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT ON BONE. Science, 1937, 85: 24. An abstract. 1228 McLean, F. C. and McCoy, R. H. CALCIFICATION IN RACHITIC CARTILAGE INDUCED BY ADMINISTRA- TION OF PHOSPHATE, AND BY PARATHYROID EX- TRACT. J. Biol. Chem., 1936, 114: Proc. 55-66. An abstract. 1229 Majno, G., Perrottet, E,,.Rutishauser, E. and SchUpbach, St LES PROTEASES OSSEUSES ET SfiRIQUES APRES INJECTION D'HORMONE PARA- THYROIDIENNE. (NOTE PRELIMINAIRE). Arch. sc. , Geneve, 1951, 4: 400-407. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 10368°. In young dogs injections oT"para- thyroid hormone resulted in bone resorption accompanied by a local increase of proteoly- tic activity. 1230 Malcolm, J., Griesbach, W. E., Bielschowsky, F. and Hall, W. H. HYPERPLASIA OF THE PARATHYROIDS ASSOCIATED WITH OSTEITIS FI- BROSA IN RATS TREATED WITH THIOURACIL AND RELATED COMPOUNDS. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1949, 30: 17-23. pi. 16 refs. Goitrogens administered to 6-8 week old rats (both sexes) caused enlargement of the para- thyroids. In 9 of 33 animals there was a concomitant generalized osteitis fibrosa. Histological findings are discussed. 68 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - PARATHYROID (Con- t inued) 1231 Marx, J. DAS VERHALTEN DES MAGNESIUMSPIEGELS BEI DER RECKLINGHAUSENSCHEN ERKRANKUNG. Arch. klin. Chir., 1935, 182: 214-219. 5 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT-Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 3759. 1232 Milne, M. D. OBSERVATIONS ON THE ACTION OF THE PARATHYROID HORMONE. Clin. Sc., Lond., 1951, 10: 471-486. 38 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 15000. "These observations are in support of a hypothesis that the predominant action of the parathyroid hormone in hypoparathy- roid states is the renal action described by Albright et al; whereas, in the normal, an action direcTTy stimulating osteoclastic resorption of bone is of greater importance.' 1233 Molinari-Tosatti, P. DISTRIBUZIONE DEL CALCIO E DEL FOSFORO NEI VARI ORGANI E TESSUTI DI RATTI IN ECCESSO ED IN CARENZA DI ORMONE PARATIROIDEO. Sperimentale, 1934, 88: 504- 526. 65 refs. French translation Tn: Arch. ital. biol., 1935, 93: 149-164. 1234 Morgan, A. F. and Samisch, Z. THE SEQUENCE AND EXTENT OF TISSUE CHANGES RESULTING FROM MODERATE DOSES OF VIOSTEROL AND PARATHYROID EXTRACT. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 108: 741- 752. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 754; Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 40523. Rats were used in this study. Trie serum, metaphyses, shafts of femurs, hearts, lungs and kidneys were examined for ash, water, fat, and, in the last case, also for calcium and phosphorus content. 1235 Morgan, A. F., Kimmel, L., Thomas, R. and Samisch, Z. THE EFFECT OF MODERATE DOSES OF VIOSTEROL AND OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT UPON BONE COMPOSITION. J. Biol. Chem., 1933, 100: Proc, 71-72. An abstract. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 1573. "It is stated that, in rats, treatment with varying doses of viosterol and parathyroid extract affected the ash content of the bone metaphyses more rapidly than that of the shaft. Calcium and phosphate retentions were decreased by in- jection of parathyroid extract." - Nutrit. Abstr. 1236 Morgan, A. F., Kimmel, L., Thomas, R. and Samisch, Z. THE EFFECTS OF MODERATE DOSES OF VIOSTEROL AND OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT UPON RATS. J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 106: 531- 544. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr,, 1934, 28: 67931. 1237 Mourgue, M. RECHERCHES BIOCHIMIQUES SUR L'AC- TION COMPAREE DE L1HORMONE PARATHYROIDIENNE ET DE LA VITAMINE D DANS LES OSSIFICATIONS DE REPARATION. J. physiol. path, gen., 1939-1940, 37: 1269-1276. 17 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 48753; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1945-46, 15: No. 2183. 123S Neufeld, A. H. and Collip, J. B. THE PRIMARY ACTION OF THE PARATHYROID HORMONE. Endo- crinology, 1942, 30: 135-141. 30 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 16527. Studies made on rats, cats and dogs, after nephrectomy or ligation of the renal vessels or ureters and injections of para- thyroid extract, led to the conclusion that the primary action of the parathyroid hor- mone is on renal phosphate excretion and phosphorus metabolism rather than on bone osteoclasts and calcium metabolism. 1239 Nitschke, A. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE ABHANG- IGKEIT DER KNOCHENBILDUNG JUNGER SAUGENDER RATTEN VON SCHILDDRUSEN- UND NEBENSCHILD- DRUSENTATIGKEIT DES MUTTERTIERES. Mschr . Kinderh., 1934, 62: 33-38. 1240 0'Donovan, D. K. THE PRIMARY SITE OF ACTION OF PARATHYROID HORMONE. Irish J. M. Sc., 1951, 6.ser., No. 306, 252-264. 32 refs. Current theories are surveyed and the view is advanced that the parathyroid hormone has a direct resorptive effect upon bone and that this action is dependent upon a self-limiting enzyme system. The results of some clinical observations and animal experiments are discussed. 1241 Parhon, C.-I., D^revici, H. and Dfirevici, M. SUR LE CALCIUM ET LE PHOSPHORE DES OS CHEZ DES CHIENS HYPERTHYROIDISMS, HYPERPARATHY- ROIDISM OU SOUMIS A CES DEUX TRAITEMENTS COMBINES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 109: 1396-1398. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 5766; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 4088*. "Hyperthyroidization of dogs by thyroid ingestion or injection of thyroxine, hyperparathyroidization by in- jection of parathormone, or both, decreased calcium of the bones. Combined treatment and thyroxine injection increased phosphorus, but injection of parathormone decreased phosphorus." - Biol. Abstr. 1242 Parhon, C.-I., Lavrenenco, N. and Stirbu, A. RECHERCHES HISTOLOGIQUES SUR LES LIPOIDES DES PARATHYROIDES CHEZ LES ANIMAUX PORTEURS DE FRACTURES EXPERIMENTALES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1932, 109: 245-246. In rabbits af- ter experimental fracture of the foreleg an increase in granulations was observed in the external parathyroids. 1243 Pazzagli, R. and Paoletti Perini, A. PARA- TIRO IDI E CALLO DI FRATTURA. Sperimentale, 1934, 88: 456-481. 50 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 21338. "In rabbits with multiple costos- tomies unilateral parathyroidectomy retarded the formation of callus, which remained fibrous for a long period. Injections of parathyroid extracts hastened the formation and ossification of callus, but non-specific protein had no appreciable effect on callus formation. Experiments were controlled by radiological and histological examination " - Biol. Abstr. 1244 Pugsley, L. I. and Selye, H. THE HISTOLOGIPAT Sxt^ l? THE B0NE RESPONSIBLE TOR TRAC- TION OF PARATHYROID HORMONE ON THE CALCIUM METABOLISM OF THE RAT. J. Physiol .^1933 ABstr llli IS^a* ^^ted in: Chem. ADstr., 1933, 27: 5394; Nutrit. Abstr ^rdeen' 1933-34, 3: No. 3291. In rats fed daily doses of parathyroid hormone a study was made of the relation between'the early and late histologic changes In She long bones and the accompanying^ changes in calcium metabolism. All changls werlfound to coincide exactly e lound 1245 Reynolds, L., Corrigan, K. E., Hayden H <5 Macy, I. G. and Hunscher, H A DIFFRAPtxAw STUDIES OF THE EFFECT OF SODIUM FLuSSe ISS PARATHORMONE UPON THE INCISORS AND TIBIAE OF RATS. Am. J. Roentg., l938, 39: 103-126 58 refs. Abstracted in: Chem—Abstr 1938 32: 2187*7; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen 19™ ^ FT No. 731. "The interest in^hirworicwas9' centered on the structural changes such as crystal structure, orientation, and parti- cle size, as affected by diets containing sodium fluoride, injection of parathormone and combinations of the two, and also a mix- ture of sodium fluoride with aluminum sul- phate ." 69 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) PARATHYROID (Con- 1246 Roche, J. and Mourgue^ M. ACTION COMPArEe DE L'HORMONE PARATHYROIDIENNE ET DE LA VITAMINE D2 §UR LA CONSOLIDATION DES FRACTURES OSSEUSES EXPERIMENTALES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 1138-1141. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 12863; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1939-40, 9: No. 247. 1247 Rumiantsev, A. V. and Berezkina, L. F. ON THE MECHANISM OF ACTION OF THE PARATHYROID HORMONE ON THE BONE TISSUE IN EXPERIMENTS IN VITRO. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1944 43: 270-272. 11 refs. Abstracted in: ' Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1944-45, 14: No 3329. — 1248 Selye, H. ACTION OF PARATHYROID HORMONE ON THE EPIPHYSEAL JUNCTION OF THE YOUNG RAT Arch. Path., Chic, 1932, 14: 60-65. 14 refs. 1249 Selye, H. MECHANISM OF PARATHYROID HORMONE ACTION. Arch. Path., Chic., 1942, 34: 625- 632. pi. 24 refs. Abstracted in-.Them. Abstr., 1943, 37: 14903. "Complete nephrectomy in~the rat does not prevent the action of the parathyroid hormone on the bones. Nephrectomy itself causes mild bone changes, probably by stimulating the produc- tion of the hormone, since these can be pre- vented by parathyroidectomy. Neither the liver nor the thyroid has any effect on the action of the parathyroid hormone." - Chem. Abstr. 1250, Selye, H. ON THE STIMULATION OF NEW BONE- FORMATION WITH PARATHYROID EXTRACT AND IR- RADIATED ERGOSTEROL. Endocrinology, 1932, 16: 547-668. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1934, 8; No. 3280. 1251 Selye, H., Mortimer, H., Thomson, D. L. and Collip, J. B. EFFECT OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT ON THE BONES OF THE HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RAT: A HISTOLOGIC STUDY. Arch. Path., Chic, 1934, 18: 878-880. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 13957; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1S34-35, 4: No. 3585. 1252 Shelling, D. H., Asher, D. E. and Jackson, D. A. CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS STUDIES. VII. THE EFFECTS OF VARIATIONS IN DOSAGE OF PARATHORMONE AND OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS IN THE DIET ON THE CONCENTRATIONS OF CALCIUM AND INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS IN THE SERUM AND ON THE HISTOLOGY AND CLINICAL COMPOSITION OF THE BONES OF RATS. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1933, 53: 348-389. 32 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1935. 9: No. 9260; Chem. Abstr., 1934, 28: 73214. 1253 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. THE EFFECTS OF PARATHYROID HORMONE AND CALCIUM GLUCONATE ON THE SKELETAL TISSUES OF MICE. Am. J. Path., 1943, 19: 839-859. 3 pi. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 604; Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 15562. "Combined administration of parathyroid hor- mone and calcium gluconate does not intensi- fy the ageing effect exerted on the growing cartilage by each substance alone." Para- thyroid hormone promotes the changes characteristic of skeletal ageing. Calcium gluconate also promotes the ageing of growing epiphyseal cartilage. Resorptive processes, however, are temporarily inhibited in both young and adult mice. 1254 Snapper, I. PARATHYROID HORMONE AND MINERAL METABOLISM. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1953, 29: 612-624. 27 refs. A review. Excess parathyroid hormone production stimulates proliferation of cancellous bone osteoclasts thereby increasing bone trabeculae erosion. This results in hypercalcemia and hyper- calciuria and in hypo- rather than hyper- phosphatemia due to the strong parathyroid hormone stimulation of phosphate excretion by the kidneys. "There is also reason to be- lieve that the spread of the decalcification of the skeleton in hyperparathyroidism may depend not only upon a negative calcium and phosphorus balance, but also upon other as yet obscure mechanisms." 1255 Striganova, A. R. VLIIANIE GORMONA 0K0L0SH- CHITOVIDNOI ZHELEZY NA BELKOVYI METABOLIZM KOSTNOI TKANI. [INFLUENCE OF PARATHYROID HORMONE ON ALBUMIN METABOLISM OF THE OSSEOUS TISSUE] Arkh. pat., Moskva, 1949, 11: No. 2, 50-56. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 1589i. Intramuscular injection of a large dose of "paratireokrin" caused a sharp increase of proteolytic activity of the osseous tissue and considerable disturbance in nitrogen metabolism equilibrium; general nitrogen content decreased while amino- nitrogen content remained normal. After re- peated "paratireokrin" injections, only proteolytic activity of bone is increased. The regular consecutive variations in pro- tein metabolism of bone after "paratireokrin" injections represent a specific reaction for injected hormone and point to the intensive processes of protein metabolism in bone. 1256 Talmage, R. V., Kraintz, F. W. and Kraintz, L. EFFECT OF PARATHYROIDS ON RADIOCALCIUM UP- TAKE AND EXCHANGE IN RAT TISSUES. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1952, 80: 553-557. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ATJstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 1008; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 10342i7" — 1257 Talmage, R. V., Lotz, W. E. and Comar, C. L. ACTION OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT ON BONE PHOS- PHORUS AND CALCIUM IN THE RAT. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1953, 84: 578-582. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 40735. 1258 Thomson, D. L. and Collip, J. B. THE PARA- THYROID GLANDS . Physiol. Rev., 1932, 12: 309-383. 543 refs. See particularly p7 339-345 for relation of the parathyroid hormone to the calcium of the skeleton. 1259 Tweedy, W. R. and Campbell, W. W. THE EFFECT OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT UPON THE DISTRIBU- TION, RETENTION, AND EXCRETION OF LABELED PHOSPHORUS. J. Biol. Chem., 1944, 154- 339-347. 16 refs. Abstracted in: NuTrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1944-45, 14: No. 2484. A study of various tissues including bone. 1260 Tweedy, W. R., Chilcote, M. E. and Patras, M. C. THE DISTRIBUTION, RETENTION, AND EXCRETION OF RADIOPHOSPHORUS FOLLOWING THYROPARATHYROIDECTOMY, OR BILATERAL NEPHRECTOMY, AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF PARATHYROID EXTRACT. J. Biol. Chem., 1947, 168: 597-610. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 5631°. 70 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) PARATHYROID (Con- 1261 Weinmann, J. P. and Schour, I. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES IN CALCIFICATION. III. THE EFFECT OF PARATHYROID HORMONE ON THE ALVEOLAR BONE AND TEETH OF THE NORMAL AND RACHITIC RAT. Am. J. Path., 1945, 21: 857-875. 4 pi. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 21920; Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 19*45-46, 15: No. 3430. 1262 Wilton, A. THE ACTION OF PARATHORMONE (COLLIP) ON BONE TISSUE. Acta paediat., Upps., 1934, 17: 72-82. 2 pi. 40 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1934-35, 4: No. 3586. "The histological changes in the ribs of guinea pigs after single injections of parathormone (20 units per 100 g.) are de- scribed. The collagen disappears along with the calcium and not subsequently as has been stated." - Nutrit. Abstr. 1263 Yanagida, H. [EFFECT OF PARATHORMONE PREPARA- TION ON POTASSIUM AND CALCIUM METABOLISM IN ALBINO RABBIT AND THE LATTERS' EFFECT ON THE HEALING OF FRACTURED BONE] Sei-i-kai M. J., 1939, 58: 895-956. 3 pi. 30 refs. Ab- stracted" in: Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 55269. 1264 Zetterstrom, R. and Engfeldt, B. RENEWAL OF BONE PHOSPHATE IN EXPERIMENTAL HYPERPARA- THYROIDISM. Nature, Lond., 1951, 168: 81- 82. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 620h; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1951-5*27 21: No. 3666. See: Baker B L and Ingle, D. J. GROWTH INHIBI- TION IN BONE AND BONE MARROW FOLLOWING SKtSmFE™ ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC (ACTH). EnJocTInology, 1948, 43: 422-429 1 pi. 17 refs Examination of the tibias of aduiTmale rats treated with ACTH in doses of 1 and 3 mg. daily for 21 days revealed retardation of chondrogenesis and osteo- genesis, and atrophy of red marrow with apparent replacement by fat <"han8es in the vertebrae were less noticeable. Varia- tions of diet did not significantly modify these results. 1270 Barbour E P and Cook, S. F. THE EFFECTS OF LOW PHOSPHORUS DIET AND HYPOPHYSECTOMY ON THE STRUCTURE OF COMPACT BONE AS SEEN WITH THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE. Anat. Rec, 1954, 118: 215-230. 13 refs. 1271 Bartter, F. C, Forbes, A. P. and Albright, P. A COMPARISON OF THE EFFECT ON BONE FORMATION OF THE HYPERADRENOCORTICISM OF CUSHING'S SYNDROME WITH THAT INDUCED BY ADRENOCORTICO- TROPIC HORMONE (ACTH). J. Clin. Endocr., 1948, 8: 592. An abstract. Data on clini- cal studies, which support the hyopthesis that ACTH causes elaboration of an adrenal cortical hormone which inhibits the produc- tion of bone matrix by osteoblasts. 1272 Becks, H. and Evans, H. H. ATLAS OF THE SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RAT (LONG-EVANS STRAIN); NORMAL AND HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED. San Francisco, American Institute of Dental Medicine, 1953. 2v. 45 refs. 154 156 189 499 641 689 698 704 763 793 808 842 908 910 1173 1364 1375 1434 1483 2128 2129 2375 2706 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - PITUITARY 1265 Albright, F. and Bartter, F. C. THE EFFECTS OF ANTERIOR PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC HORMONE (ACTH) ON BONE METABOLISM. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1950,, 258-267. 1 ref. A report on experiments which indicate that calcium loss in ACTH therapy might result from pitressin present in ACTH as a contaminant, rather than from the hormone itself. 1266 Asling, C. W., Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. DIFFERENCES IN THE RESPONSE TO GROWTH HORMONE OF THE RAT'S PROXIMAL AND DISTAL TIBIAL EPIPHYSES. Anat. Rec, 1950, 107} 399-407. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 30584; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 1*7 No. 504. 1267 Asling, C. W., Walker, D. G., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. DEATHS IN RATS SUBMITTED TO HYPOPHYSECTOMY AT AN EXTREMELY EARLY AGE AND THE SURVIVAL EFFECTED BY GROWTH HORMONE. Anat. Rec., 1952, 114: 49-65. 2 pi. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 12765. Brain growth continued while cranial growth was arrested due to the ces- sation of endochondral osteogenesis. Treat- ment with growth hormone restored normal os- teogenesis and cranial growth. 1268 Asling, C. W., Walker, D. G., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. DIFFERENCES IN THE SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT ATTAINED BY 60-DAY-OLD FEMALE RATS HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED AT AGES VARYING FROM 6 TO 28 DAYS. Anat. Rec, 1950, 106: 555- 569. pi. 11 refs. 1273 Becks, H., Asling, C. W., Collins, D. A., Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. RESPONSE TO PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE AND THYROXIN OF THE THIRD METACARPAL IN THE HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED FEMALE RAT. Anat. Rec, 1948, 101: 17-22. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 702; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 37 No. 721. Injec- tions of pituitary growth hormone, 285 to 433 days after hypophysectomy reactivated chondrogenesis and osteogenesis at the epiphyseal cartilage plate. Injections of thyroxin caused epiphyseal closure. In- jections of both hormones had a similar ef- fect . 1274 Becks, H., Asling, C. W. C. H. and Evans, H. M. PHYSECTOMIZED FEMALE RATS FOLLOWING CHRONIC TREATMENT WITH PURE PITUITARY GROWTH HOR- MONE. III. SKELETAL CHANGES: TIBIA, META- CARPAL, COSTOCHONDRAL JUNCTION AND CAUDAL VERTEBRAE. Growth, Phila., 1949, 13: 175- 189. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 6146. "The injection of pure growth hormone for 14 months in hypophysectomized rats resulted in marked growth of all skeletal dimensions studied. The length of the tibia actually exceeded normal, while the metacarpals and the cau- dal vertebrae equalled normal length. The bones also grew in breadth. All bones ex- amined histologically showed lines of ac- cretion indicating that periosteal osteo- genesis was stimulated." Simpson, M. E.,Li, THE GROWTH OF HYPO- 1275 Becks, H., Collins, D. A., Asling, C. w. Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. U THE GIGANTISM PRODUCED IN NORMAL RATS BY ' INJECTION OF THE PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE V SKELETAL CHANGES: SKULL AND DENTITION' Growth, Phila., 1948, 12: 55-67. 3 refa. ' Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 23721. 71 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - PITUITARY (Con- tinued) 1276 Becks, H., Kibrick, E. A., Marx, W. and Evans, H. M. THE EARLY EFFECT OF HYPOPHYSECTOMY AND OF IMMEDIATE GROWTH HORMONE THERAPY ON ENDOCHONDRAL BONE FORMATION. Growth, Ithaca, 1941, 5: 449-456. 6 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 12099; Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 324497" "Skeletal structures were thus maintained af- ter hypophysectomy by a dose level of growth hormone inadequate for maintaining normal body weight gains." 1277 Becks, H., Ray, R. D., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. EFFECT OF THYROXINE AND THE ANTERIOR PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE ON ENDO- CHONDRAL OSSIFICATION. SPECIES USED: THE RAT. Arch. Path., Chic, 1942, 34: 334- 357. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 4722; Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 14901. "In rats with the thyroid, para- thyroids and hypophysis removed, the growth hormone extract and thyroxine repaired the defect, which thyroxine alone failed to do." - Chem. Abstr. 1278 Becks, H., Scow, R. 0., Simpson, M. E., Asling, C. W., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. RESPONSE BY THE RAT THYRO-PARATHYROIDECTOMIZED AT BIRTH TO GROWTH HORMONE AND TO THYROXIN GIVEN SEPARATELY OR IN COMBINATION. III. SKELETAL CHANGES: TIBIA, METACARPAL, AND CAUDAL VERTEBRAE. Anat. Rec, 1950, 107: 299-317. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1951, 5: No. 104. Histologic and roentgenographic Findings showed that thyroidectomy retarded growth and dif- ferentiation, that growth hormone stimulated growth without differentiation, and that thy- roxin stimulated both growth and differentia- tion . 1279 Becks, H., Simpson, M. F. and Evans, H. M. OSSIFICATION AT THE PROXIMAL TIBIAL EPI- PHYSIS IN THE RAT. II. CHANGES IN FEMALES AT PROGRESSIVELY LONGER INTERVALS FOLLOWING HYPOPHYSECTOMY. Anat. Rec, 1945, 92: 121- 133. 3 pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 21511. 1280 Becks, H., Simpson, M. E., Evans, H. M., Ray, R. D., Li, C. H. and Asling, C. W. RESPONSE TO PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE AND THYROXIN OF THE TIBIAS OF HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS AFTER LONG POSTOPERATIVE INTERVALS. Anat. Rec, 1946, 94: 631-655. 3 pi. 7 refs. Ab- stracted* in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 17160. Osteogenic processes were re- awakened in the epiphyseal cartilage by ad- ministration of pituitary growth hormone. Thyroxine had a synergic effect on this re- sponse by the epiphyseal cartilage but an- tagonized the response by cartilage covering the head of the tibia. 1281 Becks, H., Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. EFFECTS OF ADRENOCORTICO- TROPIC HORMONE ON THE OSSEOUS SYSTEM IN NORMAL RATS. Endocrinology, 1944, 34: 305-310. 2 pi. 2 refs. Abstracted1"in: Chem: Abstr., 1944, 38: 40198; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944,~T9: No. 19103; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 194*4*^45, 14: No. 2386. Chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in the epiphyseal region of the tibia were re- tarded . 1282 Becks, H., Simpson, M. E., Marx, W., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. ANTAGONISM OF PITUITARY ADRENOCORTICOTROPIC HORMONE (ACTH) TO THE ACTION OF GROWTH HORMONE ON THE OSSEOUS SYSTEM OF HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS. Endocrinology, 1944, 34: 311-316. 2 pi. 4 refs. "Comparisons"Eave been made of the proximal epiphyseal regions of the tibias of hypophysectomized rats, when uninjected, injected with ACTH, with growth hormone or with the combination." 1283 Becks, H., Simpson, M. E., Scow, R. 0., Asling, C. W. and Evans, H. M. SKELETAL CHANGES IN RATS THYROIDECTOMIZED ON THE DAY OF BIRTH AND THE EFFECTS OF GROWTH HORMONE IN SUCH ANIMALS; TIBIA, METACARPAL AND CAU- DAL VERTEBRAE . Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 561- 575. 3 pi. 11 refs. Abstracted T57 Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 14855; Ber. ges. Physiol., 1950, Til: 77; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No."T371. Histologic examination continued measurement and roentgenographic evidence that skeletal growth and differentiation were greatly re- tarded but not completely checked by thy- roidectomy. Injections of growth hormone resulted in increased size without advance in differentiation. Belkin, R. I. VLIIANIE VESHCHESTVA ZADNEI D0LI GIP0FIZA NA REGENERATSIIU Y AKSOLOTLEI. [INFLUENCE OF THE POSTERIOR PITUITARY SUB- STANCE ON REGENERATION IN THE AXOLOTL] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1934, 2: 317-320. 5 refs. Russian and German texts. 1285 Cannavo, L. and Indovina, R. EINFLUSS DES PROLANS AUF DIE MAGNESIUMBILANZ UND AUF DEN MAGNESIUMGEHALT VERSCHIEDENER ORGANE. Biochem. Zschr., 1933, 261: 45-46 and folded tab. 5 refs. 1286 Casuccio, C, Santacroce, A. and Banfo, G. STUDIO ISTO-CHIMICO SULL'AZIONE DELL'ACTH SULL'ACCRESCIMENTO SCHELETRICO CON RIFERI- MENTI ALL'ACCRESCIMENTO MORFOLOGICO GENE- RALE. Ortop. traumat. app. motore, 1953, 21: 83-107. 36 refs. ACTH seemed to in- ETbit general growth and caused a distur- bance in chondrogenesis and osteogenesis in the epiphyseal discs. Histochemical staining showed a decrease of mucopoly- saccharides. 1287 Collins, D. A., Becks, H., Asling, C. W., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. CHANGES IN THE OSSIFICATION OF THE THIRD METACARPAL OCCURRING AT PROGRESSIVELY LONGER INTERVALS FOLLOWING HYPOPHYSECTOMY IN THE FEMALE RAT. Anat. Rec, 1948, 101: 13-16. 1 ref. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 720. "Regressive changes, starting as early as 6 days following the operation, consisted in cessation of chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, and calcification of the juxtamedullary portions of the cartilage plate. These changes culminated in marked atrophy of the plate and its complete sealing off from the marrow cavities on both sides. This cartilage plate failed to be resorbed at the usual time of epiphyseal closure, and persisted in a dormant state." 1288 Collins, D. A., Becks, H., Asling, C. W. , Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. THE GROWTH OF HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED FEMALE RATS FOLLOWING CHRONIC TREATMENT WITH PURE PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE. V. SKELETAL CHANGES: SKULL AND DENTITION. Growth, Phila., 1949, 13: 207- 220. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 6148. 72 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) PITUITARY (Con- L 289 Dandy, W. E. and Reichert, F. L. STUDIES ON EXPERIMENTAL HYPOPHYSECTOMY IN DOGS. III. SOMATIC, MENTAL AND GLANDULAR EFFECTS. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1938, 62: 122- 155. 13 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 3810. In this study made with puppTes, the rate of growth of the skull, of the right hind limb, the index of skeletal growth, the condition of epiphy- seal lines and their time of closure were determined by roentgenograms made at fre- quent intervals. Data is summarized in tables. 1290 Domm, L. V. and Bloom, W. MEDULLARY BONE FORMATION IN BABY CHICKS FOLLOWING INJEC- TION OF GONADOGEN. Anat. Rec, 1931, 81: Suppl., 91-92. An abstract. 1291 Ducommun, P. L'INFLUENCE DE L'ACTH SUR LE CARTILAGE ET LE TISSU OSSEUX DES RATS IH- MATURES. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1950, 4: 343- 350. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 4619. 1292 Ellis, S., Huble, J. and Simpson, M. E. IN- FLUENCE OF HYPOPHYSECTOMY AND GROWTH HORMONE ON CARTILAGE SULFATE METABOLISM. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1953, 84: 603-605. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 4074°. 1293 Ellis, S., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. THE EFFECT OF GROWTH HORMONE ON TIBIA GLY- COGEN CONTENT OF THE HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RAT. Endocrinology, 1953, 52: 554-558. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 830; Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 3509f. 1294 Evans, H. M., Asling, C. W., Simpson, M. E. and Becks, H. THE GROWTH OF HYPOPHYSECTO- MIZED FEMALE RATS FOLLOWING CHRONIC TREAT- MENT WITH PURE PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE. IV. SKELETAL CHANGES: DIFFERENCES IN RE- SPONSE FROM THAT OF INTACT RATS. Growth, Phila., 1949, 13: 191-205. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 6150. Study by roentgenograms. "In the growth of the hypophysectomized rats injected with growth hormone many skeletal disproportions developed, notably in the head and pelvis. In the injected intact rats, however, proportionality was maintained in the skeletal growth, almost without exception." 1295 Evans, H. M., Becks, H., Asling, C. W. and Li, C. H. DIFFERENCES IN BONES AS REGARDS THEIR RESPONSE TO THE PITUITARY GROWTH HOR- MONE. Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 739. 1296 Evans, H. M., Becks, H., Asling, C. W. . Simpson, M. E. and Li, C. H. THE GIGANTISM PRODUCED IN NORMAL RATS BY INJECTION OF THE PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE. IV. SKELETAL CHANGES: TIBIA, COSTOCHONDRAL JUNCTION, AND CAUDAL VERTEBRAE. Growth, Phila., 1948, 12: 43-54. 3 refs. Normal female rats, ap- proximately 210 days old, were used. "The outstanding fact of this experiment is that skeletal growth was still continuing, even though slowly, at the end of the 437 day period of growth hormone injection." 1297 "tARGE^S ^S^^^^Sio, ^C^2^5RAT2S-re?s?a S^al^ow^n rlis'as exemplified by growth of pelvis and tail, and increase in body weight,was nor mal!' Sowth hormone *-c*ion/PPe"5d*°hJve independent of other exocrines and to have a direct effect upon the skeleton "viscles and various organs. It was believed that other points of attack existed apart from the cartilage of the epiphyseal growth disc. 12|«„h x rovie L H and Kroon, D. B. OB- FrIERVATi6NSeONeGRSwT?-(CHONDR0TR0PHIC) HOR- MONE AND LOCALIZATION OF ITS P0INT OF AT- TACK. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1939, 1: 56-64 3 pi 30 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 6398. In hypophysecto- mized rats cessation of longitudinal bone growth and epiphyseal closure were observed especially in the tail. Administration of growth hormone failed to reverse this con- dition. When growth hormone was administer- ed before epiphyseal closure growth con- tinued normally. It was concluded that the growth defect after hypophysectomy is local- ized in the growing epiphyseal cartilage and that the point of attack of growth hormone is the proliferating cartilage. 1299 Gaillard, P. J. DIE GLANDULA HYPOPHYSIS VON KANINCHEN IN DER GEWEBEZUCHTUNG, IHRE STRUK- TURVERANDERUNGEN UND IHR EINFLUSS AUF DAS WACHSTUM VON MIT DIESEN ZUSAMMENGEZUCHTETEN KULTUREN OSTEOGENETISCHER ZELLEN. Proto- plasma, Lpz., 1937, 28: 1-17. 7 refs. 1300 Geschwind, I. I., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. THE EFFECTS OF HYPOPHYSECTOMY AND OF GROWTH HORMONE ON THE UPTAKE OF RADIOACTIVE PHOS- PHORUS BY TISSUES. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1951, 31: 168-182. The uptake of ?32 by the tibia of* the hypophysectomized rat was less than normal. When the hypophysectomized animal was maintained with growth hormone decrease in bone P32 uptake due to hypo- physec tomy was prevented. 1301 Handelsman, M. B. and Gordon, E. F. GROWTH AND BONE CHANGES IN RATS INJECTED WITH AN- TERIOR PITUITARY EXTRACT. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1930, 38: 349-362. pi. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 5613; Chem. Abstr., 1930, 24: 3282. 1302 Hsieh, K., Wang, T. and Blumenthal, H. T. EFFECT OF SOMATOTROPIN ON EMBRYONAL BONE GROWTH. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1953, 12: 392. An abstract. This experiment-deals with the tibias of chick embryos. It was found that "growth hormone produces a marked increase in mitotic activity of both the growth zones and periosteum, followed by an increase in the average cell volume of the growth zone, resulting in a thicken- ing of the latter area." There is also "an increase in total nitrogen content of bone, but no appreciable change in calcium or phosphorus content. ... results indicate an enhancement of protein synthesis in embryonal bone by growth hormone..." 1303 Jongh S E. de. GROEIHORMOON EN GROEI. Hor- moon, 1951, 15: 154-169. 23 refs. Ab- stracted in:"Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25- No. 35999. See particularly p. 156-157 Tor discussion of growth hormone and the skele- ton. 73 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) PITUITARY (Con- 1304 Jongh, S. E. de, Paesi, F. J. A. and Wieringen, G. van. THE INFLUENCE OF GROWTH HORMONE ON THE GROWTH OF THE SKELETON AND SOFT TISSUES OF THE BODY. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1950, 82: 148-154. 8 refs. Ab- stracted in:~Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 715; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 7951h. 1305 Kibrick, E. A., Becks, H., Marx, W. and Evans, H. M. THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT DOSE LEVELS OF GROWTH HORMONE ON THE TIBIA OF YOUNG HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED FEMALE RATS. Growth, Ithaca, 1941, 5: 437-447. 14 refs. Ab- stracted in: Cnem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 32447; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No~12121. 1306 Li, C. H., Evans, H. M. and Simpson, M. E. ISOLATION AND PROPERTIES OF THE ANTERIOR HYPOPHYSEAL GROWTH HORMONE. J. Biol. Chem. 1945, 159: 353-366. 26 refs. 1307 Lichtwitz, A., Parlier, R. and Thiery, G. LE MECANISME DE LA CROISSANCE DES OS LONGS. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1953, 20: 256-263. Traces the processes of growth in the epi- physeal cartilage from a series of cells to bone trabeculae. These processes, probably enzymatic, are controlled by hormones. Growth is controlled almost exclusively by somatropin, the growth hormone of the an- terior pituitary. Arrested growth depends on the sex hormones. In large doses sex hormones cause symphysis of the epiphyseal cartilage, in weak doses they promote multi- plication of pituitary eosinophil cells which produce somatropin. Thus, the same hormone is capable of retarding and pro- moting growth. 1308 Lucke, H. and Httckel, R. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR FRAGE DER WACHSTUMS- WIRKUNG VON HYPOPHYSENVORDERLAPPENEXTRAK- TEN. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1933, 169: 290-297. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 16143. 1309 Martin Cazorla, F. APORTACIONES AL.ESTUDIO DEL SISTEMA ESQUELfiTICO EN RELACION CON EL SISTEMA INCRETOR ORAL. JUICIO CRfTICO EN LA PRIMERA MITAD DEL DESARROLLO EMBRIONARIO. Actual, med., Granada, 1951, 27: 84-93. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 88. Marx W. and Reinhardt, W. O. LACK OF EFFECT OF GROWTH HORMONE ON DEPOSITION OF RADIO- STRONTIUM IN BONE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N Y 1942, 51: 112-114. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 8479; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1943-44, 13: No. 2384. In hypophysectomized rats, treated with growth hormone, the deposition of radioactive strontium in femur and mandi- ble was the same as in untreated hypophy- sectomized rats. 1311 Marx, W., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. SPECIFICITY OF THE EPIPHYSEAL CARTILAGE TEST FOR THE PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1944, 55: 250-252. 7 refs. Study of the action of the purified hypophyseal hormones, other than the growth hormone, on the epiphy- seal cartilage of the rat. 1312 Quimby, F. H., Bartlett, R. G. and Artress, J. L. EFFECTS OF HORMONE, VITAMIN, AND LIVER SUPPLEMENTS ON THE APPETITE AND GROWTH OF THE YOUNG RAT DURING RECOVERY FROM CHRONIC STARVATION. Am. J. Physiol., 1951, 166: 566- 567. 26 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 174c. "Reduced but continued bone growth occurred during chronic starvation. Althought the growth rate was increased by refceding, the femur after 60 days recovery did not attain a normal size. None of the treatments in the amounts administered pro- duced any measurable effect on the size of the skeleton. It appears that chronic starvation produces a fundamental irrever- sible change in the mechanism of bone growtt resulting in a degree of permanent skeletal dwarfing." 1313 Ray, R. D., Asling, C. W., Walker, D. G., Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SKELETON IN THYROIDECTOMIZED-HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS TREATED WITH THYROXIN, GROWTH HORMONE, AND THE COMBINATION. J. Bone Surg., 1954, 36A: 94-103. 23 refs. 1314 Ray, R. D., Evans, H. M. and Becks, H. THE EFFECT OF GROWTH HORMONE INJECTIONS ON THE 00STOCH0NDRAL JUNCTION OF THE RAT RIB. Anat. Rec, 1942, 82: 67-75. 2 pi. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 12133. 1315 Ray, R. D., Evans, H. M. and Becks, H. EFFECT OF THE PITUITARY GROWTH HORMONE ON THE EPI- PHYSEAL DISK OF THE TIBIA OF THE RAT. Am. J. Path., 1941, 17: 509-528. 3 pi. 12 refs. Abstracted*~in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 22011. 1316 Ray, R. D., Simpson, M. E., Li, C.. H., Asling, C. W. and Evans, H. M. EFFECTS OF THE PITUI- TARY GROWTH HORMONE AND OF THYROXIN ON GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SKELETON OF THE RAT THYROIDECTOMIZED AT BIRTH. Am. J. Anat., 1950, 86: 479-516. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 964; Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 3, 1951,"3: No. 767. The effects of growth hormone anH thyroxin in- jections in rats thyroparathyroidectomized at birth were studied with regard to body length, body weight, and skeletal maturation as measured roentgenographically, chemically, and histologically. 1317 Rib§iro do Valle, J. §OBRE A INFLUENCIA DO LOBO ANTERIOR DA HIPOFISE NO PROCESSO DE OSSIFICACAO ENDOCONDRAL. Rev. brasil. biol., 1944, 4: 13-26. 16 refs. English summary. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 63526. 1318 Ross, E. S. and McLean, F. C. THE INFLUENCE OF THE GROWTH-PROMOTING HORMONE OF THE AN- TERIOR LOBE OF THE PITUITARY UPON GROWTH ACTIVITY IN THE LONG BONES OF THE RAT. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 329-339. pi. 14 refs. Abstracted Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 360; Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 699""*T. 1319 Sammartino, R. ESTUDI0 HISTOLOGICO DEL PR0CES0 DE OSIFICACION EN ANIMALES HIPOFISOPRIVOS. 79p. Buenos Aires, A. L6pez, 1938. (Tests de Profesorado). 8 refs. 74 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) PITUITARY (Con- 1320 Shepanek, L. A. THE EFFECT OF ENDOCRINE SUB- STANCES (ACTH AND GROWTH HORMONE) ON EXPERI- MENTAL FRACTURE. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1953, 96: 200-204. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 16395; Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1954, B7 No. 2151. 1321 Silberberg, M. EFFECT OF CATTLE ANTERIOR PITUITARY EXTRACT ON BONE AND CARTILAGE OF THE JOINT (ACROMEGALIC ARTHROPATHIA). Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1936, 34: 333-334. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1937. 11: No. 11439; Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 83241 1322 Silberberg, M. EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CATTLE ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND ON ENDOCHONDRAL OS- SIFICATION IN YOUNG GUINEA PIGS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1935, 32: 1423-1425. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 38798. 1323 Silberberg, M. EFFECTS OF EXTRACT OF CATTLE ANT. PITUITARY ON ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION IN THYROIDECTOMIZED YOUNG GUINEA PIGS. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1936, 33: 554-558. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Sbstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 13601. 1324 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. CHANGES IN THE RIBS OF GUINEA PIGS FOLLOWING ADMINISTRA- TION OF CATTLE ANTERIOR PITUITARY EXTRACT. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1937, 36: 622- 625. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. XBstr., 1937, 31: 71123. The report deals only with the action of anterior pituitary extract on the chondro-osseous junction of the ribs of normal as well as of thyroidectomized guinea pigs. 1325 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. COMBINED EFFECTS OF AN ESTROGEN AND AN ANTERIOR HYPO- PHYSIAL EXTRACT ON THE SKELETON OF THE GROW- ING MOUSE. Arch. Path., Chic, 1945, 39: 381-387. 13 refs. "The two hormones oppose each other in their action on the growth of cartilage, but they cooperate in accelerating the age changes in the latter and in the overproduction of bone, anterior hypophysial hormone by stimulating osteoblastic bone formation and estrogen by promoting hyalini- zation of the marrow and by inhibiting the resorption of bone. Thus, the two hormones do not neutralize each other but each tends to exert its own effects on the receptor tissue. The skeletal effects of estrogen are direct ones and not mediated by the an- terior lobe of the hypophysis." 1326 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. A COMPARISON OF THE EFFECTS OF ANTERIOR PITUITARY HORMONE ON SKELETAL TISSUES OF YOUNG AND MATURE GUINEA PIGS. Am. J. Path., 1939, .15: 547- 560. pi. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 4554. 1327 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECT OF ACID EXTRACT OF CATTLE ANT. PITUITARY ON BONE REPAIR IN THYROIDECTOMIZED GUINEA PIGS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1936, 34: 108- 110. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 10930. "Thus anterior pituitary extract of cattle counteracts and overcomes the growth preventing effect on cartilage and bone of young guinea-pigs exerted by thryoidectomy and causes an ac- celerated healing tendency of the fracture and a faster consolidation of the callus. The extract evidently exerts its influence independently of the thyroid gland. There is under these conditions a parallelism be- tween the process of endochondral ossifica- tion in the epiphyseal line and the healing of the fractures by means of a callus." 1328 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. THE EFFECT OF THYROIDECTOMY AND ADMINISTRATION OF AN- TERIOR PITUITARY EXTRACT OF CATTLE ON THE GROWTH OF CARTILAGE AND BONE OF IMMATURE QUINEA PIGS. Am. J. Path., 1940, 16: 505- 524. 2 pi. 32 refs. Abstracted In: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 2149. 1329 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECTS OF PROLONGED INJECTIONS OF BOVINE ANTERIOR PITUITARY EXTRACT ON BONE AND CARTILAGE OF GUINEA PIGS. Arch. Path., Chic, 1940, 29: 355-367. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 11827. 1330 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECTS OF SYNGENESIOTRANSPLANTS AND OF EXTRACTS OF THE ANTERIOR LOBE OF THE BOVINE HYPOPHYSIS ON THE AGE CHANGES IN THE LONG BONES AND JOINTS OF MICE. Am. J. Path., 1941, 17: 189-210. 3 pi. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 1J5: No. 12311. 1331 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECTS OF THE "GROWTH HORMONE" OF THE ANTERIOR HYPOPHY- SIS (ANTUITRIN G) ON THE SKELETON OF MICE AND GUINEA PIGS. Am. J. Path., 1942, 18- 1141-1157. pi. 25 refs. Abstracted Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 8488; Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 591T2. in growing animals antuitrin G Induced temporary stimu- lation of epiphyseal cartilage proliferation, followed by a shortened growth period and premature and accelerated aging. Bone for- mation and resorption were also stimulated. In adult mice epiphyseal cartilage prolifera- tion did not occur but existing processes were accelerated. It was concluded that the action of alkaline hypophyseal extract upon bone and cartilage was essentially the same as that of the acid extracts of the bovine anterior hypophysis, previously tested 1332 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. INFLUENCE OF ACID EXTRACT OF CATTLE ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND ON BONE REPAIR IN YOUNG GUINEA PIGS Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1936, 33: 177- 179. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Biol ABstr Bait., 1937, 11: No. 5935. 1333 1334 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. INFLUENCE OF CATTLE ANTERIOR PITUITARY EXTRACT ON EN- DOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION IN YOUNG OVARIECTO- MIZED GUINEA PIGS. Proc. Soc Exp Biol N. Y., 1937, 37: 446-450. 4 refs.' Ab- " stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 54612 iyoi, J. 448-449. An abstract. 1335 Simpson, M. E., Van Dyke, D. C., Asling, C W and Evans, H. M. REGENERATION OF THE CAL- ' VARIUM IN YOUNG NORMAL AND GROWTH HORMONE TREATED HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS. Anat Rec 1953 115: 615-625. 3 pi. 3 refs. Ab- ' stractedin: Biol. Abstr., Bait , 1953 27- En' 9nQ50;»fferpta,-ed-' Sect- 3' 1954,-g: No. 209. After removal of the calvarium of young rats, regeneration was soon comDletP bone forming at the cut edges and from III' lands in the dura. it was noted that re moval of the dura with the calvarium was followed by complete lack of bony recent tion which led to the assumption that cal varium bone forms from osteoblasts left in the dura at operation. It was also observe that there was complete lack of bone repair in hypophysectomized rats not treated with growth hormone. 75 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) PITUITARY (Con- 1336 Spinelli inelli, A. and Talia, F. IP< OSEO (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI) IPOFISI E CALLO Arch, radiol. Nap., 1930, 6: 748-762. 5 pi. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7- No. 12950. -' 1337 Ulrich, F., Copp, D. H., Asling, C. W., Li, C. H. and Reinhardt, W. O. THE EFFECTS OF ACTH ON THE METABOLISM OF RADIOACTIVE CAL- CIUM IN NORMAL AND HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS. Endocrinology, 1951, 48: 245-248. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. A"bstr . , Bait., 1951, 25: No. 30614; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: I"Z70h. — 1344 Wolbach, S. B. and Maddock, C. L. VITAMIN-A ACCELERATION OF BONE GROWTH SEQUENCES IN HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS. A.M.A. Arch. Path. 1952, 53: 273-278. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.7~Balt., 1952, 26: No. 20661; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 195*57 22: No. 1825. "We conclude that the skeletal responses to ex- cessive vitamin A administration are not mediated through the pituitary gland." See: 440 778 779 780 832 833 849 1158 1251 1444 1472 1474 1493 1526 1540 2131 1338 Ulrich, F., Reinhardt, W. 0. and Li, C. H. THE EFFECTS OF HYPOPHYSEAL GROWTH HORMONE ON THE METABOLISM OF CA45 in HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS. Endocrinology, 1951, 49: 213-217. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 27907; Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, T9*51-52, 21: No. 5145. The hormone increased slightTy the deposition of Ca4"> in the bones but had no definite effect on calcium metabolism. 1339 Ulrich, F., Reinhardt, W. O. and Li, C. H. SOME ASPECTS OF THE ROLE OF PITUITARY HOR- MONES IN CALCIUM METABOLISM. I. ADRENO- CORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE. Acta endocr., Kbh. 1952, 10: 97-116. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 3880. 1340 Ulrich, F., Reinhardt, W. 0. and Li, C. H. SOME ASPECTS OF THE ROLE OF PITUITARY HOR- MONES IN CALCIUM METABOLISM. II. GROWTH HORMONE. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1952, 10: 117-127. 4 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 3831; Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 242*57 1341 Walker, D. G., Asling, C. W., Simpson, M. E., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. STRUCTURAL AL- TERATIONS IN RATS HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED AT SIX DAYS OF AGE AND THEIR CORRECTION WITH GROWTH HORMONE. Anat. Rec, 1952, 114: 19-48. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 12774. Skeletal growth was not immediately arrested after operation but showed retardation and lack of further dif- ferentiation after three weeks. Treatment with growth hormone restored growth but no further maturation was observed. Other organs and tissues were also studied. 1342 Walker, D. G., Simpson, M. E., Asling, C. W. and Evans, H. M. GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION IN THE RAT FOLLOWING HYPOPHYSECTOMY AT 6 DAYS OF AGE. Anat. Rec, 1950, 106: 539- 554. 11 refs. "Skeletal growth-of" H28 rats was reduced to a very slow rate immediately after operation, whereas skeletal growth of H6 rats continued for three weeks at a rate of 60% of normal... then continued at a very slow rate. Differentiation or maturation of the skeleton did not cease abruptly in either group..." 1343 Weisschedel, E. DIE MANGELHAFTE LEISTUNG VERSCHIEDENER INKRETORISCHER ORGANE UND DIE HEILUNG VON KNOCHENBRUCHEN. Arch. klin. Chir., 1951, 267: 187-188. HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SALIVARY GLANDS see SALIVARY GLANDS - INFLUENCE HORMONAL INFLUENCE SEX HORMONES 1345 Amante, S. and Bidone, E. AZIONE DEL DIPRO- PIONATO DI ANDROSTENDIOLO SULLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO NELLE FRATTURE SPERIMENTALI. Minerva chir., Tor., 1950, 5: 779-784. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4: No. 3071. 1346 Armstrong, W. D., Knowlton, M. and Gouze, M. INFLUENCE OF ESTRADIOL AND TESTOSTERONE PRO- PIONATES ON SKELETAL ATROPHY FROM DISUSE AND ON NORMAL BONES OF MATURE RATS. Endocrin- ology, 1945, 36: 313-322. 12 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 21521; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 41291*7" 1347 Berezkina, L. F. VLIIANIE POLOVAGO GORMONA NA REGENEROTSIIU KOSTI. [INFLUENCE OF SEX HORMONE ON BONE REGENERATION] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1948, 59: 147-150. 10 refs. An experimental study on 70 2-month- old rats (40 males and 30 females). All rats were subjected to fracture of leg and given testosterone propionate or estrone in- jection in oil solution. It was found ex- cess of hormone stimulates the knitting pro- cess of fracture only when testosterone is given to males and estrone to females. In- jection of estrone in males has no influence on bone regeneration. 1348 Bloom, M. A., Bloom, W. and McLean, F. C. THE ROLE OF ANDROGEN IN THE PRODUCTION OF MEDULLARY BONE IN PIGEONS BY THE ADMINI- STRATION OF SEX HORMONES. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: P216. An abstract. 1349 Buchwald, K. W. and Hudson, L. THE BIOCHEMI- CAL EFFECTS OF INJECTIONS OF SEX HORMONES INTO HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED RATS. Endocrinology, 1947, 41: 111-118. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 8711; Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1948, 2: No. 822. 1350 Budy, A. M., Urist, M. R. and McLean, F. C. THE EFFECT OF ESTROGENS ON THE GROWTH AP- PARATUS OF THE BONES OF IMMATURE RATS. Am. J. Path., 1952, 28: 1143-1167. 6 pi. 19 refs. Abstracted-in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9659; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 5522e. The only effect of moderate doses of estrogen upon the bones of rats is in- terference with resorption of the spongy bone in the metaphysis. Testosterone pro- pionate given alone or with estrogen pro- duced no reaction. 76 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) SEX HORMONES (Con- 1351 Common, R. H., Rutledge, W. A. and Hale, R. W. OBSERVATIONS ON THE MINERAL METABOLISM OF THE PULLETS. VIII. THE INFLUENCE OF GONADAL HORMONES ON RETENTION OF CALCIUM AND PHOS- PHORUS. J. Agr. Sc, Lond., 1948, 38: 64- 80. 4 pi. 50 refs. Androgen and oestro- gen together produced retention of Ca and P as if the birds were coming into lay. With increased retention there was not an in- crease in mechanical strength of long bones. Though ossification in bone marrow of the tibiae was apparent, the epiphyses were frequently looser than in birds receiving only one hormone or none. Fat-free long bones were less compact in spite of an in- creased rate of storage of calcium and phosphorus in the birds. 1352 Gardner, W. U. INFLUENCES OF SEX HORMONES ON BONE. RECENT RESEARCH ON OSSEOUS TISSUE. Yale Sc. Mag., 1945, 20: No. 3, 7-8, 24, 26, 28. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 10045. A review of the effects of"estrogen,* the steroid hor- mones and testerone on the bones of guinea pigs and mice. Estrogen induces medullary bone growth in mice. 1353 Gardner, W. U. MODIFICATIONS OF BONES OF ANIMALS RECEIVING SEX HORMONES. Anat. Rec, 1940, 76: Suppl., 22-23. An abstract. 1354 Gardner, W. U. and Pfeiffer, C. A. INFLUENCE OF ESTROGENS AND ANDROGENS ON THE SKELETAL SYSTEM. Physiol. Rev., 1943, 23: 139-165. 226 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 38133; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No, 4T35. 1355 Gardner, W. U. and Pfeiffer, C. A. INHIBITION OF ESTROGENIC EFFECTS ON THE SKELETON BY TESTOSTERONE. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y. , 1938, 38: 599-602. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 6421. "Testos- terone propionate inhTBits the skeletal changes (pubic resorption and hypercalcifi- cation of the skeleton) which occur when estrogens are injected over extended peri- ods." 1356 Gardner, W. U. and Pfeiffer, C. A. SEX HOR- MONES AND BONE CHANGES IN MICE. Anat. Rec., 1939, 73: Suppl. No. 2, 21. An abstract. 1357 ♦Godfrey, E. F. and Jaap, R. G. SOME EFFECTS OF SEX HORMONES ON BONE DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH IN CHICKENS. Poultry Sc., 1951, 30: 915. An abstract. 1358 Lichtwitz, A., Parlier, R. and Thiery, G. CROISSANCE ET HORMONES GfiNITALES. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1953, 20: 165-178. Experi- ments with young rats showed that small doses of the sex hormones, particularly folliculine, induced obvious and invariable changes in epiphyseal cartilage growth af- ter 7 days, characterized by multiplication of cells of the seried cartilage and the hypertrophic cartilage and lengthening of the bone trabeculae. 1359 Lichtwitz, A., Parlier, R., Thifiry, G. and Delaville, M. MECANISME DE L'ACTION DES HORMONES GENITALES SUR LE CARTILAGE DE CONJUGAISON. Sem. h8p., Par., 1951, 27: 260-265. Translation in: Prensa med. argent., 1951, 38: 1409-1414. 1360 S&SiX'DE CONJUGAISON S«j h8p. Par 19S1 27- 247-260. Translation in. Frt>u»a mid 'alien? ; 1951, 38: 1339-1351. 1361 ^ r- «nrf Mittler A. INTERRELATION- NoIhip'of-vitamin D an5 THESEX HORMONES IN SSlS In^hSsShORUS ^TABOLISM OF RATS Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y , 1948, 67 104 111 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bali ,1948, 22: No. 18003; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1948*"*49, 18: No. 390. THE Reifenstein, E. C, Jr. and Albright, F. METABOLIC EFFECTS OF STEROID HORMONES IN OS- TEOPOROSIS. J. Clin. Invest., 1947, 26: 24- 56. 26 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 54871. 1363 Wentworth, J. H., Smith, P. K. and Gardner, W U THE COMPOSITION OF BONES OF MICE RE- CEIVING ESTROGENS AND ANDROGENS. Endo- crinology, 1940, 26: 61-67. 13 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 1_5: No. 2163; Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 13724. See: 440 1307 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SEX HORMONES, FEMALE see also HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SEX HORMONES 1364 Baker, B. L. and Leek, J. H. THE RELATION- SHIP OF THE PARATHYROID GLANDS TO THE AC- TION OF ESTROGEN ON BONE. Am. J. Physiol., 1946, 147: 522-526. 13 refs. "Study of the tibias of parathyroidectomized and in- tack rats treated with large doses of alpha- estradiol dipropionate showed that 'hyper- ossification' could be induced in the ab- sence of the parathyroid glands. It was concluded that even though the hypophysis is essential to this phenomenon, the para- thyroids are unnecessary and, therefore, the secretion of a parathyrotrophic factor by the hypophysis need not be postulated." 1365 Baldini, J. T. and Zarrow, M. X. ESTROGEN AND SERUM CALCIUM LEVELS IN THE BOB WHITE QUAIL. Poultry Sc, 1952, 31: 800-804. 18 refs. "Treatment with estrogens increases the serum calcium to values as high as 140 mg. percent. In the starved bird estrogen is still able to produce a hypercalcemia indicating an action on the skeletal cal- cium as well as absorption through the gastrointestinal tract." 1366 Barnicot, N. A. THE LOCAL ACTION OF CALCI- FEROL AND OESTRADIOL ON BONE. J. Anat Lond., 1951, 85: 120-134. 42 refs. Small calciferol peTTets attached to pieces of mouse parietal bone were grafted intra- cerebrally to litter mates and a diffuse local resorption was observed after 14 d locai xcoux y «.i*^" t,^.^, „~w~-.wv. o^ n;i x*j days This was accompanied by osteoclasts and me new bone resorption. Similar experi- nts with estradiol showed no local actio some me ion 77 HORMONAL INFLUENCE (Continued) SEX HORMONES, FEMALE 1367 Barnicot, N. A. LOCAL ACTION OF CALCIFEROL AND VITAMIN A ON BONE. Nature, Lond., 1948, 162: 848-849. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr. , Bait., 1949, 23: No. 28545. Cal- ciferol, vitamin A acetate, cholesterol or estradiol was attached to small pieces of parietal bone from 16-day-old mice and the combination inserted vertically into the cerebral hemisphere of litter mates. Sub- sequent examination showed marked resorp- tion in the calciferol and vitamin A grafts but no change in the cholesterol nor es- tradiol grafts. 1368 Bauer, W. H. EFFECT OF ESTRONE ON TOOTH BUDS AND BONES IN GROWING DOGS. J. Am. Coll. Dentists, 1945, 12: 192-201. 4 pi. 11 refs. 1369 Benoit, J. ACTION DE LA FOLLICULINE SUR LE METABOLISME DU CALCIUM CHEZ LES OISEAUX EN REGIME NORMAL ET EN REGIME ACALCIQUE. Bull. Acad, med., Par., 1942, 126: 464-465. 2 refs. 1370 Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. ACTION DE LA THYROlDECTOMIE SUR L'OSSIFICATION FOLLICU- LINIQUE CHEZ LE CANARD. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1947, 141: 1256-1257. Abstracted in: Chem. AbsTFT, 1948, 42: 7853c. 1371 Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. ACTION OSTEO- GENETIQUE DIRECTE ET LOCALE DE LA FOLLICU- LINE, DEMONTREE, CHEZ LE CANARD ET LE. PIGEON, PAR SON INTRODUCTION LOCALISEE DANS UN OS LONG. C. rend. Soc. biol., (1943) 1945, 139: 728-730. 1 ref. 1377 Benoit. J., Clavert, J. and Grangaud, R. ACTION DE LA FOLLICULINE SUR LE METABO- LISME DU CALCIUM CHEZ LES OISEAUX. I. OSSIFICATION FOLLICULINIQUE. VARIATIONS QUANTITATIVES DES PRINCIPAUX CONSTITUANTS CHIMIQUES DE L'OS PROVOQUfiES CHEZ LE CAN- ARD ET LE PIGEON PAR L'HORMONE SEXUELLE FEMELLE. Tr. Soc. chim. biol., 1942, 24: 1311-1322. 14 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 24547; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 194*ff*"47, 16: No. 1964. In ducks and pigeons histocBemical studies have been made of the composition of folli- culin-induced medullary bone. 1378 Benoit, J., Grangaud, R. and Messerschmitt, J. ACTION OSTEOGEnEtIQUE ET HYPERCALCEMIANTE DU BENZOATE D'OESTRADIOL CHEZ LE CANARD DOMES- TIQUE mAle. ETUDE CHIMIQUE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1941, 135: 1596-1599. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 23744; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 5304". 1379 Benoit, J., Grangaud, R. and Sarfati, S. MODIFICATIONS OSSEUSES ENTRAINEeS CHEZ LA CANE DOMESTIQUE PAR L'ACTIVATION OVARIENNE, ELLE-MEME DECLENCHfiE PAR L'ECLAIREMENT ARTI- FICIAL. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1941, 18: 173-184. 4 pi. 6 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 19607. 1380 Benoit, J., Grangaud, R. and Sarfati, S. MODIFICATIONS SQUELETTIQUES ET SERIQUES CONSECUTIVES A L'ACTIVATION OVARIENNE D£- CLENCHEe PAR L'ECLAIREMENT ARTIFICIAL CHEZ LA CANE DOMESTIQUE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1941, 135: 1482-1485. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 49385. 137 2 Benoit, J and Clavert, J. ETUDE HISTOLOGIQUE DE L'OSSIFICATION FOLLICULINIQUE CHEZ LES OISEAUX. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1943, 20: 25-42. 4 pi. 15 refs. 1373 Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. HYPERCALCEMIE ET OSTfiOGENfiSE MEDULLAIRE FOLLICULINIQUES CHEZ LE CANARD DOMESTIQUE SOUMIS A UN REGIME ACALCIQUE. C. rend. Soc. biol., (1944) 1945, 139: 737-740. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit7~Abstr., Aberdeen, 1946-47, 16: No. 778. Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. OSTEOGE'nEsE FOL- LICULINIQUE CHEZ LES OISEAUX. INFLUENCE DES DIVERSES GLANDES ENDOCRINES. C. rend. Ass. anat., (1950) 1951, 37: 533-535. Birds were injected with the female sex hormone, which induced formation of medullary bone, and the effects of the endocrine glands on the bone formation studied: parathyroidec- tomy caused lack of mineralization, thyroid- ectomy caused lack of basic protein sub- stance, hypophysectomy seemed to inhibit thyroid secretion and adrenalectomy had lit- tle effect. Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. ROLE INDISPENSABLE DES PARATHYROlDES DANS LA CALCIFICATION DE L'OS FOLLICULINIQUE CHEZ LE CANARD DOMESTI- QUE. C. rend. Soc. biol., (1944) 1945, 139: 743-746. 2 refs. 1381 Benoit, J., Gros, G. and Clavert, J. ACTION DU DifiTHYLSTILBOESTROL CHEZ LES OISEAUX. SON ACTIVITE en injection. inactivitE de FORTES DOSES ADMINISTRfiES PER OS. Bull. Soc. biol. Alger, (1942-1944) 1944, p. 18- 19. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 38229. 1382 Benoit, J., Messerschmitt, J. and Grangaud, R. ACTION OSTfiOGfiNfiTIQUE DU BENZOATE D'OESTRA- DIOL CHEZ LE CANARD DOMESTIQUE MALE. ETUDE MORPHOLOGIQUE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1941, 135: 1593-1596. 4 refs. Abstracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 53047. jvjm, n., Domm, L. V. and CHANGES IN AVIAN BONE DUE 1383 Bloom, M. A., Bloom, W, McLean, F. C. TO INJECTED ESTROGEN AND DURING THE REPRO- DUCTIVE CYCLE. Anat. Rec, 1940, 78: Suppl. p. 143. 1384 Bloom, M. A., McLean, F. C. and Bloom, W. CALCIFICATION AND OSSIFICATION. THE FORMA- TION OF MEDULLARY BONE IN MALE AND CASTRATE PIGEONS UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF SEX HOR- MONES. Anat. Rec, 1942, 83: 99-120. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No.19886. 1385 Bremer, J. L. THE INFLUENCE OF ESTROGENS ON THE SHAPE OF LONG BONES. J. Bone Surg 1942, 24: 32-37. 13 refs. 1376 Benoit, J., Cabanes, R., Messerscbmltt, J. and Clavert, J. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE HISTOLOGIQUE DE L'OSTEogEnEsE PROVOQUEE PAR LA FOLLICULINE CHEZ LE CANARD. C. rend. Soc biol., 1942, 136: 755-756. 1 ref. 1386 Bremer, J. L. THE PNEUMATIZATION OF THE HU- MERUS IN THE COMMON FOWL AND THE ASSOCIATED ACTIVITY OF THEELIN. Anat. Rec, 1940, 77: 197-211. 2 pi. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 14838. HORMONAL INFLUENCE (Continued) SEX HORMONES, FEMALE 1387 Burrows, H. SEPARATION OF THE PUBIC BONES FOLLOWING THE ADMINISTRATION OF OESTROGENS TO MALE MICE. J. Physiol., Lond., 1935, 85- 159-161. 3 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 5913. 1388 Camus, J. L. OESTROGENES ET OSTEoGENEsE. Paris med., 1948, 38: 158-160. 13Chambon, Y. and Odier, C. EFFETS COMPARE'S DE L'ADMINISTRATION LOCALE rEpEtEE DE FOLLICU- LINE ET D'HISTAMINE SUR LA CALCIFICATION CHEZ LE CANARD. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1948, 142: 1520-1522. 4 refs. 1397 1390 Chambon, Y. and Odier, C. EFFETS DE L'AD- MINISTRATION LOCALE REPETEE DE FOLLICULINE SUR LA CALCIFICATION CHEZ LE CANARD Dfi- TECTE*S PAR MICROPHOTOMETRIE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1948, 142: 1516-1519. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: C"Eem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 5471a. 1391 Clavert, J. ACTION HYPERCALCEMIANTE ET OSTEOGENETIQUE DE LA FOLLICULINE CHEZ LE PIGEON; SES VARIATIONS. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1942, 136: 507-509. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 6645; Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 411*527 13-3 Clavert, J. ACTION OSTEOGEnEtIQUE DE LA FOLLICULINE CHEZ LE PIGEON. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1942, 136: 512-514. 7 refs. Abstracted in: BioT7~Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 6646. 1393 Clavert, J. CONTRIBUTION A L'fiTUDE DE LA FOR- MATION DES OEUFS TfiLOLEciTHIQUES DES OISEAUX. MECANISMES DE L'edification de la coquille. Bull. biol. France, 1948, 82: 289-330. 77 refs. 1394 * Clavert, J. DISPARITION, PAR L'ARRET DES IN- JECTIONS DE FDLLICULINE, DE L'OS MEDULLAIRE FORME SOUS L'ACTION DE CETTE HORMONE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1942, 136: 756-757. 1 ref. 1395 Clavert, J. ETUDE HISTOLOGIQUE DE L'INVOLU- TION DE L'OS FOLLICULINIQUE DU PIGEON. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1948, 37: 41-49. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 824. "Not only does the follicular hormone stimulate the osteo- blasts directly and locally when injected into the bone, but such action ceases when the hormone is withdrawn, and the bone al- ready deposited is destroyed. Osteoblasts thus set free from bony matrix revert to a reticulum. The possibility of transforma- tion of osteoblasts into osteoclasts is suggested." - Biol. Abstr. 1396 Clavert, J. MODIFICATIONS COMPARfiES DU SQUELETTE DE QUELQUES FEMELLES D'OISEAUX AU MOMENT DE LA PONTE. Arch, anat., Strasb., 1952, 34: 125-132. 9 refs. Studies of the pigeon, duck and chicken indicate that at the onset of ovarian activity, medullary bone is formed as a mineral reserve for calcification of the eggshell. This re- serve is particularly marked in the pigeon and duck and intense osteoclast resorption is noted during shell formation. The chick- en has less medullary bone reserve and os- teoclastic resorption is less intense during egg laying. Clavert, J. and Be LICULINE SUR LE S&itoi^M;;- §85 LES OISEAUX. IV. RETENTION DU CALCIUM ALI MENTAIRE DfiTERMINfiE CHEZ LE PIGEON FA*;hi DIPROPIONATE D'OESTRADIOL. Tr. Soc c . biol., 1942, 24: 1469-1474. 2 refs. ao- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 19*'» ££■ No. 24548. 1398 Clavert, J. and Benoit, J. ENRICHISSEMENT DU SQUELETTE EN CALCIUM, CHEZ LE PIGEON, SOUS L'ACTION DU DIPROPIONATE D'OESTRADIOL. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1942, 136: 509-511. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 41152. 1399 Clavert, J. and Benoit, J. ETUDE DE LA FOR- MATION DE L'OS FOLLICULINIQUE CHEZ LE CA- NARD PrEhYPOPHYSECTOMISE. C. rend. Ass. anat., 1949, 36: 129-134. 4 refs. 1400 j ^ Clavert, J., Cabannes, R. and Grangaud, R. ACTION OSTEOGENETIQUE DE LA FOLLICULINE CHEZ LA SOURIS. AUGMENTATION DE LA RE- SERVE CALCIQUE SEQUELETTIQUE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1945, 139: 731-732. 1401 Crepax, P. and Moggian, G. NATURA DEGLI BFFETTI ESERCITATI DALLE SOSTANZE ESTRO- GENE SUL SISTEMA OSSEO DEL RATTO ALBINO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1952, 28: 1735-1737. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 3, 1954, 8: No. 431. 1402 Dallemagne, M. J. and Mfilon, J. NATURE CHIMI- QUE DE L'OS FOLLICULINIQUE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1947, 141: 539-541. 8 refs. In pigeons folliculin-induced bone was found to have the calcium-phosphorus ratio, as well as the refractive index, of tracalcium phos- phate. It did not contain secondary calcium phosphate. 1403 Dallemagne. M. J., Govaerts, J.,and Melon, J. INFLUENCE DE LA FOLLICULINE SUR Lg METABO- LISM CALCIQUE DU PIGEON, EtUDIEe A L'AIDE DU RADIOCALCIUM. Arch, internat. physiol., 1950, 58: 157-187. 28 refs. Young adult male arid" female pigeons were injected with radiocalcium and with folliculine for vari- ous periods. The folliculine was observed to have a profound effect upon calcium metabolism throughout the organism. In bone, it was particularly manifested in the femur and least in the humerus. 1404 Dallemagne, M. J., Govaerts, J. and Sue, P. L'ORIGINE DE L'OS FOLLICULINIQUE ETUDIEE A L'AIDE DU RADIOPHOSPHORE COMME INDICATEUR. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1947, 141: 541-543. 1 ref. In pigeons radiophosphorus tracer studies were made to determine the origin of folliculin-induced bone 1405 Day, H. G. and Follis, R. H., Jr. SKELETAL CHANGES IN RATS RECEIVING ESTRADIOL BENZOATE AS INDICATED BY HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES AND DE- TERMINATIONS OF BONE ASH, SERUM CALCIUM AND PHOSPHATASE. Endocrinology, 1941, 28- 83- 93. 26 refs. Abstracted in: Biol .""Abstr Bait., 1941, 15: No. 8075; Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 149T*. "The evidence indicates that estrogen causes a decrease in normal destruction of bony trabeculae just beneath the cartilage shaft junction. There is ai_ so some increase in osteoblastic activity at the cartilage shaft junction, but not elsewhere. This change in activity in_ creases the density of the epiphyses and apparently accounts for the increase in concentration of ash in the whole bone. However, the total amount of bone is reduced owing to decreased growth in length. The skeletal changes are greater in females than in males." - Chem. Abstr. 79 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SEX HORMONES, FEMALE (Continued) 1406 -^t-^tX"-^?;*. HSetto della castrazione sul CALCIO DELLE OSSA. Ann. ostet. gin , 1934, 56: 443-455. 50 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 15762. In rabbits the ash and calcium content de- termined in the metatarsals was slightly lower after oophorectomy than before. 1407 Ely, J. 0. and Phillips, R. L. THE EFFECT OF ALPHA ESTRADIOL BENZOATE ON THE SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT OF IMMATURE RATS. Endocrinology, 1940, 27: 661-663. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 4062. Alpha estradiol benzoate in amounts suf- ficient to produce marked effects on the uteri and the ovaries and marked involution of the thymus did not increase ash content of bones or influence the ossification centers. 1408 Ettori, J., Grangaud, R., Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. ACTION DE LA FOLLICULINE SUB LE MfiTABOLISME DU CALCIUM CHEZ LES OISEAUX II. OSSIFICATION FOLLICULINIQUE ET PHfiNOM- ENES DE LA CALCIFICATION PRIMAIRE. Tr. Soc. chim. biol., 1942, 24: 1322-1328. 10 refs. In pigeons the processes of calcifi- cation were demonstrated in folliculin- induced medullary bone. The residual cal- cium-phosphorus ratio indicated that in the process of primary calcification dicalcium phosphate is the first salt deposited. This is transformed into tricalcium phos- phate during the processes of secondary calcification. 1409 Gaarenstroom, J. H. and Levie, L. H. DIS- TURBANCE OF GROWTH BY DIETHYLSTILBOESTROL AND OESTRONE. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1939, 1: 420-429. 2 pi. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 13155. 1410 Gardner, W. U. THE BREAKING STRENGTH OF FEMURS OF MICE RECEIVING ESTROGENS. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 45: 230-232. 4 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 4066. "The average breaking- strengtE of femurs of estrogen-treated mice was 2499 g. or 844 g. greater than that of untreated controls." 1411 Gardner, W. U. FURTHER STUDIES ON THE EFFECTS OF ESTROGEN ON BONE FORMATION IN MICE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1946, 12. Conf., 79-104. 1412 Gardner, W. U. INFLUENCE OF SEX AND SEX HOR- MONES ON THE BREAKING STRENGTH OF BONES OF MICE. Endocrinology, 1943, 32: 149-160. 30 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 13341. 1413 Gardner, W. U. and Clouet, D. H. INFLUENCE OF ESTROGENS UPON THE BONES OF YOUNG AND OLD MICE AND OF THYROID-DEFICIENT MICE. Anat. Rec, 1945, 91: 275. An abstract. 1414 Gardner, W. U. and Clouet, D. H. OSSEOUS PROLIFERATION IN ESTROGEN-TREATED HYPO- PHYSECTOMIZED MICE. Anat. Rec, 1944, 88: 433. An abstract. "The osseous changes in the hypophysectomized mice show that estrogen may act upon the intramedul- lary bone in as specific a manner as upon the genital tissues." 1415 Gardner, W. U. and Mahan, M. L. OSSEOUS CHANGES IN ESTROGEN-TREATED HYPOTHYROID AND LOW-PROTEIN FED MICE. Anat. Rec, 1946, 94: 462. An abstract. Neither thiourea treatment nor low-protein deit altered the response of bone to^gtrogen. 1416 Gardner, W. U. and Pfeiffer, C. A. SKELETAL CHANGES IN MICE RECEIVING ESTROGENS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 37: 678-679. 4 refs. "Endosteal bone nearly or com- pletely replaces the marrow cavities of the femurs of mice which have received estro- gen (250 I.U. or more weekly) for long peri- ods. Direct examination of the bones and X-ray photographs show that similar changes occur throughout the skeleton except in the immediate vicinity of the pubic symphysis." 1417 Govaerts, J. and Dallemagne, M. J. INFLUENCE OF FOLLICULIN ON BONE METABOLISM, STUDIED BY MEANS OF RADIOPHOSPHORUS «P. Nature, Lond., 1948, 161: 977. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1948-49, 18: No. 2193; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 8288c. 1418 „ Govaerts, J., Dallemagne, M. J. and Melon, J. RADIOCALCIUM AS AN INDICATOR IN THE STUDY OF THE ACTION OF ESTRADIOL ON CALCIUM ME- TABOLISM. Endocrinology, 1951, 48: 443- 452. 18 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 27925; Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1951,"5": No. 3871. 1419 Halvorsen, D. K. EFFECT OF STEROID HORMONES ON DENERVATED EXTREMITIES. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1949, 1 .Conf ., 172-179. 2 refs. 1420 Koneff, A. A., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. EFFECTS OF CHRONIC ADMINISTRATION OF DI- ETHYLSTILBESTROL ON THE PITUITARY AND ENDO- CRINE ORGANS OF HAMSTERS. Anat. Rec, 1946, 94: 169-195. pi. 7 refs. Abstracted in: CKem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 5968a. "The his- tological findings ...indicated decreased bone formation, rather than the increased bone formation commonly observed following estrinization in other forms, such as rat, mouse and pigeon." 1421 Landauer, W. YOLK ESTROGEN AND HUMERUS PNEU- MATIZATION IN CHICKS. Endocrinology, 1944, 34; 297-299. 3 refs. Following removal of tEe yolk sac pneumatization was present in the humerus. This finding seems to dis- prove Bremer's view that pneumatization of the humerus is under the control of yolk estrogen. 1422 Landauer, W. and Zondek, B. OBSERVATIONS ON THE STRUCTURE OF BONE IN ESTROGEN-TREATED COCKS AND DRAKES. Am. J. Path., 1944, 20: 179-204. 6 pi. 53 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 8376; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 19*34-45, 14: No. 375. 1423 Landauer, W., Pfeiffer, C. A., Gardner, W. U. and Man, E. B. HYPERCALCIFICATION, -CALCEMIA AND -LIPEMIA IN CHICKENS FOLLOWING ADMINISTRA- TION OF ESTROGENS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 41: 80-82. 9 refs. 1424 Landauer, W., Pfeiffer, C. A., Gardner, W. U. and Shaw, J. C. BLOOD SERUM AND SKELETAL CHANGES IN TWO BREEDS OF DUCKS RECEIVING ESTROGENS. Endocrinology, 1941, 28: 458- 464. 19 refs. 1425 Lippmann, E. and Dacha, U. C0MP0RTAMENT0 DELLE OSSA SOTTO L'AZIONE DELLA FOLLICOLINA. I. VARIAZIONI DEL PESO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1936, 11: 79-81. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19*3*6, 30: 60522; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-3*37 7: No. 623. HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SEX HORMONES, FEMALE (Continued) 80 1426 Lippmann, E. and Dacha, U. COMPORTAMENTO DELLE OSSA SOTTO L'AZIONE DELLA FOLLICOLINA. II. CONTENUTO IN CALCIO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1936, 11: 81-82. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19"3*6, 30: 60522; jfutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-357 7: No. 623. 14lI ppman, H. N. and Saunders, J. B. de C. M. THE NATURE OF THE HYPEROSSIFICATION OB- SERVED IN THE LONG BONES OF RATS TREATED WITH EXCESSIVE DOSES OF ESTRADIOL BENZOATE. J. Endocr., Oxf., 1944, 3: 370-383. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 63544; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1944- 4*5, 14: No. 1387. The experiments investi- gate and correlate the chemical changes with the histological changes occuring in bone after long-continued administrating of oestrogens. 1428 McKeown, R. M., Harvey, S. C. and Lumsden, R. W. BREAKING STRENGTH OF HEALING FRAC- TURED FIBULAE OF RATS. VI. OBSERVATIONS ON THE INFLUENCE OF BILATERAL OVARIECTOMY. Arch. Surg., 1933, 26: 430-442. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, §: No. 16555; Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 2485. 1429 Macola, B. A. INFLUENCIA DE LA ADMINISTRACl6N PROLONGADA DE ESTRONA SOBRE LA COMPOSICI0N QUfMICA DEL HUESO. Rev. Soc. argent, biol., 1937, 13: 105-111. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. A*Bstr., 1937, 31: 75259. 1430 Merlino, A. OSTEOGENESIS, ORMONE OVARICO E VITAMINA DELLA FECONDITA. Lattante, 1935, 6: 469-494. 7 pi. 65 refs. 1431 Pfeiffer, C. A. and Gardner, W. U. SKELETAL CHANGES AND BLOOD SERUM CALCIUM LEVEL IN PIGEONS RECEIVING ESTROGENS. Endocrinology, 1938, 23: 485-491. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 3883; Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 9228*7. 1432 Pfeiffer, C. A., Kirschbaum, A. and Gardner, W. U. RELATION OF ESTROGENS TO OSSIFICA- TION AND THE LEVELS OF SERUM CALCIUM AND LIPOID IN THE ENGLISH SPARROW, PASSER DOMESTICUS. Yale J. Biol., 1940, 13: 279-284. pi. 8 refs. AbstractedTn: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 11082; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941,"*T5: No. 8098. 1433 Riddle, O. and Rauch, V. M. ACTION OF ESTRO- GEN ON PLASMA CALCIUM AND ENDOSTEAL BONE FORMATION IN PARATHYROIDECTOMIZED PIGEONS. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 209. An abstract. 1434 Riddle, O. , Rauch, V. M. and Smith, G. C. AC- TION OF ESTROGEN ON PLASMA CALCIUM AND ENDO- STEAL BONE FORMATION IN PARATHYROIDECTOMIZED PIGEONS. Endocrinology, 1945, 36: 41-47. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 9692. 1435 Riddle, O. , Rauch, V. M. and Smith, G. C. CHANGES IN MEDULLARY BONE DURING THE REPRO- DUCTIVE CYCLE OF FEMALE PIGEONS. Anat. Rec, 1944, 90: 295-305. 11 refs. 1436 Ruiz-Gij6n, J. LA ACCION DEL DIPROPIONATO DE ESTILBENO SOBRE EL HUESO Y OTROS ORGANOS. Farm, y ter., Madr., 1943, 4: 405-413. 20 refs. Sabaino, D. and Conti, T. DIETA, ESTROGENI E FRATTURA DELLE OSSA. Arch, sc. med., Tor. , 1953, 95: 445-447. 3 refs. Two groups oi rats* were fed different diets containing casein with stilbestrol and wheat germ with stilbestrol, respectively. It was observed that large doses of stilbestrol reduced the fracture resistance of the long bones in the animals fed casein much more than in the ani- mals fed wheat germ. But it was also observed that there was a greater reduction of the Ca and P content of the bones of the animals on the wheat germ diet than of those on the casein diet. 1438 Salomon, K., Gabrio, B. W., Reinhard, E. and Silberberg, R. EFFECTS OF ESTRADIOL BENZOATE AND THEIR MODIFICATION BY BLEEDING. STUDIES ON THE SKELETON AND THE BLOOD CALCIUM OF THE COCKEREL. Arch. Path., Chic., 1947, 43: 76- 85. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ATJstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 19481; Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 5935c". 1439 Segaloff, A. and Cahill, W. M. ENDOSTEAL BONE DEPOSITION IN FEMURS OF VITAMIN D-DEFICIENT MICE TREATED WITH ESTROGEN. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1943, 54: 162-163. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 2486. "... vitamin D did not play a major role in the mechanism of endosteal bone deposition in the femurs of mice treated with estrogen." 1440 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. ACTION OF ESTROGEN ON SKELETAL TISSUES OF IMMATURE GUINEA PIGS. Arch. Path., Chic, 1939, 28: 340-360. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 4555. 1441 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. A COMPARISON OF THE SKELETAL EFFECTS OF ESTROGENIC HOR- MONE IN VITAMIN C DEPLETED YOUNG AND OLD GUINEA PIGS. Anat. Rec., 1948, 102: 141-159. pi. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1949, 2: No. 3768; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 237 No. 14787. "In young adult and old guinea pigs, administration of es- trogen counteracts the skeletal effects of vitamin C deficiency primarily by inhibition of bone resorption." 1442 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R THE DIF- FERENCE IN THE RESPONSE OF SKELETAL TISSUES TO ESTROGEN IN MICE OF VARIOUS AGES. Anat Rec, 1941, 80: 347-371. 2 pi. 5 refs Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait 1941 15: No. 23491. * 4i' 1443 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg. r fffitpt ™ PROGESTERONE ON GROWING CARTILAGE S ro2f IN IMMATURE GUINEA PIGS. Arch PatS^ Chic, 1941, 31: 85-92. 7 refs AW. + ^ in: Biol. AbsTT,, Bait.. 194^ V^'lO^. 1444 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, r effftt* n. OVARIECTOMY AND LONG CONTINUED" ADM IN fslL TION OF ANTERIOR PITUITARY FirRA?" OF CJtTI E S.TStt.rSS! S.xSS!Sfi ™3«^ 1445 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg R furthfr INVESTIGATIONS CONCERNING THE INFLUENCE of ESTROGEN ON SKELETAL TISSUES. Am J in?! 1941, 69: 295-331. 3 pi. 26 refs. Ab- "' stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait 1942 ib No. 6752. " ' ' ~: 81 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SEX HORMONES, FEMALE (Continued) 1446 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. SKELETAL EFFECTS OF ESTROGENIC HORMONE IN GROWING VITAMIN C-DEPLETED GUINEA PIGS. Am. J Path., 1948, 24: 1019-1037. 3 pi. 14 refs, Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 6663; Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1949, 57 No. 1200. 1456 Wolterink, L. F., Cornwall, R. L., Vinson, C, and Cole, L. L. EFFECT OF HORMONES ON CAL- CIUM^ ACCUMULATION IN VARIOUS TISSUES. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1953, 12: 158. An ab- stract. The femur was among the organs studied. See: 1447 Simpson, M. E., Kibrick, E. A., Becks, H. and Evans, H. M. EFFECT OF CRYSTALLINE ESTRIN IMPLANTS ON THE PROXIMAL TIBIA AND COSTO- CHONDRAL JUNCTION OF YOUNG FEMALE RATS. Endocrinology, 1942, 30: 286-294. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., 1942, 16: No. 12202; Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 1996*S~ 1448 S6s, J., Lichner, G. and Ats, M. DIE WIRKUNG DES D-VITAMINMANGELS UND DER OESTROGENEN STOFFE AUF DEN CA- UND P-GEHALT DER KNOCHEN, Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1941, 197: 271-274. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol.*TTBstr., Bait, 1943. 17: No. 4951; Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 58741. — 1449 Sutro, C. J. EFFECTS OF SUBCUTANEOUS INJEC- TION OF ESTROGEN UPON SKELETON IN IMMATURE MICE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 44: 151-154. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 15955; Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 5507?. 1450 Sutro, C. J. and Pomerantz, L. CHANGES IN OSSEOUS TISSUES OF YOUNG DOGS AFTER PRO- LONGED ADMINISTRATION OF ESTRADIOL BEN- ZOATE. Arch. Path., Chic, 1942, 33: 305- 311. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 48732. 1451 Talbot, N. B. THE EFFECT OF ESTROGEN ON THE SKELETAL AGE OF IMMATURE RATS. Endo- crinology, 1939, 25: 325-327. 5 refs. "Estradiol administered to immature rats for 7-9 days after birth causes a signifi- cant advance in the skeletal age of the fe- males, but not of the males." 1452 Talmage, R. V. HISTOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF ESTRADIOL, PROGESTERONE, AND RELAXIN ON THE SYMPHYSIS PUBIS OF THE GUINEA PIG. Anat. Rec, 1946, 96: 528. An abstract. 1453 Urist, M. R., Budy, A. M. and McLean, F. C. ENDOSTEAL-BONE FORMATION IN ESTROGEN- TREATED MICE. J. Bone Surg., 1950, 32A: 143-162. 32 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 23127; Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 9, 1950, 4: No. 4512. 1454 *Urist, M. R., Budy, A. M. and McLean, F. C. FACTORS INFLUENCING THE REACTION OF THE MAMMALIAN SKELETON TO ESTROGENS. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc., 1948,, 79-105. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 8040e. 1455 Urist, M. R. , Budy, A. M. and McLean. F. C. SPECIES DIFFERENCES IN THE REACTION OF THE MAMMALIAN SKELETON TO ESTROGENS. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 68: 324-326. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. XBstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 3940; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 4 349 640 917 1325 1343 1495 1496 1497 1516 1533 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SEX HORMONES, MALE see also HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SEX HORMONES 1457 Bergstrand, C. G. THE INFLUENCE OF TESTOS- TERONE PROPIONATE ON SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE IMMATURE RABBIT. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1950, 4h 91-101. 27 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: No. 1836. 1458 Calef, C. INFLUENZA DELL'ESTRATTO PROS- TATICO SUL CONTENUTO DEL CALCIO E DEL FOSFORO NEL SANGUE E NELLE OSSA. Arch. ital. med. sper., 1939, 4: 145-158. 48 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 82657. 1459 Calef, C. L'INFLUENZA DELL'ORMONE PROS- TATICO SULLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO OSSEO. Policlinico, 1934, 41: sez. chir., 647- 678. Approx. 85 rets. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 3424. 1460 Fox, R. P. and Kochakian, C. D. THE EFFECT OF CASTRATION AND TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE ADMINISTRATION ON THE PHOSPHORUS METABO- LISM OF THE PELVES AND FEMURS OF THE MOUSE AS DETERMINED BY RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS STUDIES. Endocrinology, 1944, 35: 210; An abstract. Also in: Fed. Proc, Bait., 1944, 3: 11. 1461 Gurgian-Cecconi, L. INFLUENZA DEGLI ORMONI SESSUALI HASCHILI SULLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO OSSEO. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI. Minerva chir., Tor., 1951, 6: 663-666. 17 refs. 1462 Hurxthal, L. M. and Hare, H. F. BONE CHANGES IN PRIMARY HYPOGONADISM. Lahey Clin. Bull., 1940, 1: No. 7, 9-12. Observations in 9 cases of primary prepuberal hypogonadism. 1463 Pomerat, G. R. and Coe, R. C. BONE GROWTH IN THE LONG-TERM CASTRATE ALBINO RAT. Endo- crinology, 1941, 29: 1015-1016. 12 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 9427. 1464 Poppe, W. R. UBER DIE EINWIRKUNG DER KASTRA- TION AUF DAS KNOCHENSYSTEM DES KANISCHENS. KUhn-Archiv, 1932, 34: Heft 3, 61-124. 92 refs . 1465 Principe, U. and Bellucci, G. AZIONE DEL PROPIONATO DI TESTOSTERONE INIETTATO IN LOCO SULLA GUARIGIONE DELLE FRATTURE; RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI. Sperimentale, 1952, 102: 266-278. 27 refs. Abstracted in: BrTt. Abstr., Sect. AIII, 1953, p. 784. In guinea pigs the favorable effect of testosterone propionate on experimental fracture healing is demonstrated in this histological study. 82 HORMONAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1466 SEX HORMONES, MALE Reiss, M., Fernandes, J. E. and Golla, Y. M. L. THE PERIPHERAL INHIBITORY INFLUENCE OF LARGE DOSES OF TESTOSTERONE ON EPIPHYSEAL CARTILA- GINOUS GROWTH. Endocrinology, 1946, 38: 65- 70. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1946, 40: 38122. "The daily injection of 4 mgm.Testosterone propionate inhibits con- siderably cartilaginous growth produced by growth hormone, on hypophysectomized rats. The results suggest a peripheral growth in- hibitory action of large doses of sex hor- mone. The bearing of these results on ex- planations of certain physiologic and patho- physiologic growth phenomena is discussed." 1467 Sainton, P., Simonnet, H. and Petrescu, J. INFLUENCE DE L'HORMONE MALE (PROPIONATE DE TESTOSTERONE) SUR LE D^VELOPPEMENT DU RAT IMPUBERE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 128: 698-700. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 75493. 1468 Scow, R. O. EFFECT OF TESTOSTERONE ON MUSCLE AND OTHER TISSUES AND ON CARCASS COMPOSITION IN HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED, THYROIDECTOMIZED, AND GONADECTOMIZED MALE RATS. Endocrinology, 1952, 51: 42-51. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. A"Fstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9429; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 1144Tb. "Testoste- rone had no appreciabTe effect on the weights of thigh muscle, heart, liver and bone, and on the carcass protein percentage in the three operated groups." 1469 Seemann, H. UBER DAS VORKOMMEN DES OSTRINS IN DEN HODEN UND SEINE WIRKUNG AUF DAS KNOCHENWACHSTUM. Endokrinologie, 1937, 18: 225-234. 20 refs. Abstracted inr Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 4767; Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 312*2*6'. 1470 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. FURTHER IN- VESTIGATIONS ON THE EFFECT OF THE MALE SEX HORMONE ON ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION. Anat. Rec, 1946, 95: 97-117. pi. 10 refs. In mature male and female mice testosterone propionate accelerated aging of the epi- physeal cartilage and castration delayed epi- physeal cartilage development. Small doses of testosterone propionate to castrate ani- mals restored growth and development of the cartilage. The resumption of growth was con- sidered due to the restitution of cartilage development and not to a direct growth- stimulating effect of the hormone. 1471 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE LONG BONES OF CASTRATE MICE UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF THYROXINE. Anat. Rec, 1947, 98: 181-191. pi. 9 refs. Ab- stracted in:~Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1948, 2: No. 1543; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: Ho. 13677. 1472 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. GROWTH PRO- CESSES IN CARTILAGE AND BONE SUBSEQUENT TO GONADECTOMY AND ADMINISTRATION OF ANTERIOR PITUITARY EXTRACT OF CATTLE IN IMMATURE MALE AND FEMALE GUINEA PIGS. Am. J. Path., 1939, 15: 55-71. 4 pi. 16 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 9373. 1473 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. RESPONSE OF CARTILAGE AND BONE OF GROWING MICE TO TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE. Arch. Path., Chic, 1941, 32: 85-95. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. A*b"str., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 6753; Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 6296*. 1474 ,)BMnn „ p Marx. W., Becks, H. and Evans, S EP £ ' EFFECT £ TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATES THE BODY WEIGHT AND SKELETAL SYSTEM OF HYPO- ph?se?tomizeS^ats. synergism with pituitary GROWTH HORMONE. Endocrinology, 19**, JO. 309-316 pl 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.,'Bait!, 1945, 19: No. 6402; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 739*27 1475 ♦Tinacci F and Agostini, C. L'AZIONE DEL PRO- PIONATO DI TESTOSTERONE SUL CONTENUTO LIPIDI- CO DEL TESSUTO CARTILAGINEO IN RELAZIONE AL FENOMENO DELL' OSSIFICAZIONE. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1953, 29: 280-282. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 263b. 1476 Turner, H. H., Lachmann, E. and Hellbaum, A. A. EFFECT OF TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE ON BONE GROWTH AND SKELETAL MATURATION OF NORMAL AND CASTRATED MALE RATS. Endocrinology, 1941, 29: 425-429. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 6764; Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 7504"*5. See: 789 1168 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - THYMUS, SPLEEN AND PINEAL BODY 1477 Asenjo, A. DER EINFLUSS DER THYMUSDRUSE AUF DIE CALLUSBILDUNG BEI FRAKTUREN. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 2037-2041. 23 refs. 1478 Eskelund, V. and Plum, C. M. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE HEALING OF FRAC- TURES. INFLUENCE OF EXTRACTS OF THYMUS AND OTHER TISSUES. Acta endocr., Kbh., 1953, 12: 171-178. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. A"Bstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 29904. Thymic tissue injected intramuscularly in rats ac- celerated the healing of fractures. Ex- tracts of lymphatic and adrenal tissue were not tested comprehensively enough to draw conclusions. Splenic tissue had no effect. 1479 Ferriani, G. LA DEGENERAZIONE CHERATINICA DELLA GHIANDOLA DELL'UROPIGIO DEL GALLUS DOMESTICUS IN RELAZIONE AL RACHITISMO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1939, 14: 122-123. 3 refs. Experiments on chicks fed a rachitogenic diet indicated a close relationship between rickets and keratini- zing degeneration of the preen gland. 1480 Ferriani, G. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI SUL RAP- PORTO FRA GHIANDOLA DELL'UROPIGIO E FENO- MENI DI RACHITISMO. Boll. Soc. ital biol sper., 1939, 14: 199-200. Further experi- ments on chicks indicate a relationship be- tween experimental rickets or developmental malformations and degeneration of the preen gland; but this gland has no causative nor curative effects on rickets. 1481 Fiaccavento, W. VARIAZIONI DELL'ATTrviTA FOSFATASICA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO IN SEGUITO A TIMECTOMIA. Ormonologia, Tor., 1952, 12: 260-267. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1954, 8: No. 609. 1482 Haas, A. and Hanke, H. THYMUS UND KNOCHEN- REGENERATION. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1936, 247: 724-727. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1936-37, 6: No. 5121. "Neither removal of the thymus gland nor injections of thymus extract (thymocrescin) appeared to have any sig- nificant effect on the production of cal- lus in rabbits after fracture." - Nutrit. Abstr. 83 HORMONAL INFLUENCE BODY (Continued) THYMUS, SPLEEN AND PINEAL 1483 Hanke, H. UBER EXPERIMENTELLE OSTEODYSTROPHIA FIBROSA. Frankf. Zschr. Path., 1935, 48: 171-201. 63 refs. In young rats the ef- fects on bone of dextrose, ammonium chloride, lead acetate and thymus extract administered separately or in combination were studied. The resulting lesions, similar to those in osteodystrophia fibrosa, were due to acido- sis and suggested that faulty mineral me- tabolism, rather than hyperparathyroidism might be responsible for this condition. 1484 Marx, J. OSTEODYSTROPHIA ES H0RM0NHATAS. Orv. hetil., 1935, 79: 1262-1264. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 1853°. "Experiments on guinea pigs-with "Thymototal" (of Labopharma at Berlin) and "Perlien" (of Richter at Budapest) proved that not only the secondary thyroid gland but also the thymus and spleen take part in the control of calcium metabolism. An in- creased calcification caused by an artifi- cial hyperfunction of secondary thyroid could not be prevented by simultaneous ad- ministration of thymus and spleen prepara- tions . Curing of osteodystrophy by means of such hormones seems to be unsuccessful." - Chem. Abstr. 1485 Messini, M. and Coppo, M. RICERCHE SUI RAP- PORTI FRA ORMONI E VITAMINE. STUDIO SUL MECCANISMO D'AZIONE DELLA VITAMINA ANTI- RACHITICA NELL'ORGANISMO COME CONTRIBUTO ALIA CONOSCENZA DELLA FISIOPATOLOGIA DEL TIMO. Arch. 1st. biochim. ital., 1935, 7: 195-232. Approx. 130 refs. Abstracted Tn: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 74149. 1486 Nozawa, H. [ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE SPLEEN FUNCTION AND THE GROWTH OF THE BONE AND THE TOOTH] Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1932, 22: 352-357. 1487 Oka, H. [BEITRAGE ZUM VERHALTEN DER ENDOKRINEN ORGANE BEI KNOCHENFRAKTUR. (II. MITTEILUNG). HISTOLOGISCHE VERANDERUNG VON ZIRBEL, PAN- KREAS, SPEICHELDRUSE UND HODEN IM VERLAUFE DER FRAKTURHEILUNG] Okayama igakki zassi, 1939, 51: 288-313. 3 pi. 154 refs. Ger- man summary, p. 312-313. 1488 /fcland, F. THYMUS UND KNOCHENBILDUNG DIE KURLOFF-KORPER ALS MARKIERUNG DER PROSPEK- TIVEN KNOCHENZELLEN. Skrifter Norsk. Videnskaps-Akad., Oslo, Mat. Naturv. Kl., 1940, No. 3. 44p. Approx. 166 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 23791. An extensive review of the literature is followed by descriptions of experiments on guinea pigs to determine the role of the thymus gland and Kurloff bodies in bone formation. 1489 Pflugfelder, O. WIRKUNGEN DER EPIPHYSEKTOMIE AUF DIE POSTEMBRYONALENTWICKLUNG VON LEBISTES RETICULATUS PETERS. Arch. Entwmech., 1953, 146: 115-136. 109 refs. The effect of the removal of the pineal body from newborn guppies (Lebistes reticulatus) is shown by changes in their further development: marked curvature of the spine due to prema- ture involution of chordal tissue and de- fective ossification (see particularly, p. 121-124); no further increase in weight; increased activity of the thyroid, anterior pituitary and the island cells and Stannius corpuscles of pronephros. 1490 Rossitto, G. "L1AZIONE DELLA TIMECTOMIA IN ANIMALI D'ESPERIMENTO ED IN FASE ACCRESCI- TIVA." NOTA II*. BIOCHIMICA: COMPORTAMENTO DEL CALCIO (CA), MAGNESIO (MG), F0SF0R0 (P) E DELLA FOSFATASI. Gior. sc. med., Venez., 1951, 6: 123-128. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 11455d. 1491 Salter, K. UBER DEN EINFLUSS EINSEITIGER ERNAHRUNG (THYMUSFUTTERUNG) AUF SKELETTMERK- MALE DER RAT. Arch. Entwmech., 1949, 143: 488-514. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 1427; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 54: No. 12137. See: 1147 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - THYROID 1492 Askanazy, M. and Rutishauser, E. DIE KNOCHEN DER BASEDOWKRANKEN. BEITRAG ZUR LATENTEN OSTEODYSTROPHIA FIBROSA. Virchows Arch., 1933, 291: 653-681. 37xefs. 1493 Asling, C. W., Becks, H., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. THE EFFECT OF THYROXIN INJEC- TIONS ON GROWTH AND EPIPHYSEAL CLOSURE OF THE THIRD METACARPAL BONE IN HYPOPHYSECTOM- IZED FEMALE RATS. Anat. Rec, 1949, 104: 255-260. 3 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT" Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 7786. 1494 Becks, H., Collins, D. A., Asling, C. W., Scow, R. 0., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATION OF THE MANDIBULAR JOINT IN THE RAT. IV. THE EFFECTS OF THY- ROIDECTOMY AT BIRTH. Oral. Surg., 1948, 1: 315-318. 6 refs. 1495 Benoit noit,„J. and Clavert, J. ACTION DE LA THYROlDE SUR LE METABOLISME CALCIQUE ET LE TISSU OSSEUX CHEZ LE CANARD DOMESTIQUE. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1948, 37: 214- 229. 30 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 815; Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 3,"T949, 3: No. 663. 1496 Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. ROLE DE LA GLANDE THYROlDE DANS L'OSTEOGEnESE FOLLICULINIQUE CHEZ LES OISEAUX. C. rend. Ass. anat. (1948) 1949, 35: 68-74. 12 refs. Ab- stracted in: Bull. Anal. CNRS, 1950, 11: pt. 2, No. 111310. Histologic studies of medullary ossification in thyroidectomized and hyperthyroid ducks indicated that thy- roxine clearly favors the formation of bone protein matrix. 1497 Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. ROLE DE LA THY- ROlDE DANS LE MECANISME DE L'ACTION HYPER- CALCE"MIANTE DE LA FOLLICULINE CHEZ LE CANARD DOMESTIQUE. C. rend. Soc biol., 1942, 136: 757. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.TT945, 39: 30517 . 1498 Brush, H. V. THE EFFECTS OF THYROXIN AND STILBESTROL ON HEALING OF FRACTURES IN THE RAT. Am. J. Anat., 1945, 76: 339-368. 3 pi. 17 refs. Abstracted Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 15961; Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 1024"5. 84 HORMONAL INFLUENCE tinued) THYROID (Con- 1499 Coryn, G. LES AFFECTIONS ENDOCRINIENNES DU SQUELETTE. LA THYROKDE. Presse med., 1938, 46: 228-231. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1938, 32: 59019. 1500 Drill, V. A. BONE CALCIUM DURING HYPERTHY- ROIDISM. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 48: 448-450. 15 refs. "Rats fed 100 mg of thyroid gland per day showed, after 25 days, an average decrease of 2.66% in the calcium content of the ash of fat- free femur. The concomitant loss in body weight of 23%, makes it unlikely that the thyroid feeding per se had a specific ef- fect on bone calcium." 1501 Dziewiatkowski, D. D. EFFECT OF THYROXINE AND THIOURACIL ON S35 DEPOSITION IN ARTICU- LAR CARTILAGE. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 189: 717-727. 24 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT" Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 27320. 1502 Eitel, H. and Lexer, E. W. SCHILDDRUSEN- TATIGKEIT UND FRAKTURHEILUNG. Arch. klin. Chir., 1936, 185: 587-598. 18 refs. 1503 Falkenheim, M. THE INFLUENCE OF GROWTH ON THE PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM OF THE MOUSE AND THE EFFECT OF THYROXINE AT VARIOUS AGES. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 138: 175-179. 14 refs. Ab- stracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1943- 44, 13: No. 431. "In the growing mouse the rate of phosphorus turnover of the tissues studied is a function of the age of the ani- mal. The decrease in the rate of phosphorus turnover with age is greatest in tibia. ... Thyroxine seems to have very little, if any, effect on the phosphorus turnover of the tis- sues of the mouse, with the exception of the tibia which in the older mice shows an in- crease in the P* to P ratio upon the ad- ministration of thyroxine." 1504 Follis, R. H., Jr. SKELETAL CHANGES ASSO- CIATED WITH HYPERTHYROIDISM. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1953, 92: 405-422. 5 pi. 40 refs. Abstracted Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 860. A histological study of the vertebral bodies from 20 cases of active hyperthyroidism. There was evi- dence in all of excess destruction in varying degrees. Osteomalacia or osteo- porosis were seen in some. 1505 Fontaine, R., Chevallier, A., Klein, M., Mandel, P., Wiest, E., Gries, A. and Voeeleisen, A. ACTION DE LA THYROXINE SUR L'EVOLUTION DES FRACTURES EXPERIMENTALES CHEZ LE CHIEN. Lyon chir., 1952, 47: 23- 36. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1952, 6: No. 7104. In adult dogs the effect of thyroxin on fracture healing is studied radiologically, histologically and biochemically. 1506 Fox, E. and Irving, J. T. THE EFFECT OF THY- ROID HORMONE ON THE OSSIFICATION OF THE FE- MUR IN XENOPUS LAEVIS TADPOLES. S. Afr. J. M. Sc, 1950, 15: 11-14. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1951, 5: No. 366. 1507 Goldfeder, A. and Wal-Balacianu, R INFLUENCE D§ L'ADMINISTRATION DE LA THIOUREE SUR LE METABOLISME DU CALCIUM ET DU PHOSPHORE. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1949, 78: 345-348. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50, 19: No. 842. 1508 Goldman, H. M. ^XPERI^NTAL HYPERTHYROIDISM IN GUINEA PIGS. Am. J 0r^°^ed in: 29: Oral Surg., 665-681 Abstr Abstr. , CfTem. Abstr., 1944, 38. 3JD1 , Bait., 1944, 18: No.TT0718. 1509 hLito H EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER REGENERATION. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1936, 247. 317-328 17 refs. "Complete removal of thy- roid tissue did not appear to influence the rate of healing of fractures in young rabbits but injection of thyroid extract in normal animals accelerated the formation and im- proved the quality of callus." Hanke, H. VITAMIN C UND SCHILDDRUSE IN IHREN BEZIEHUNGEN ZUR KNOCHENREGENERATION. Klin. Wschr., 1936, 15: 1121-1124. 7 refs. In the vitamin C deficient guinea pig, experi- mental fractures of bones did not heal. Re- moval of the thyroid gland had no effect on bone regeneration. 1511 Kozdoba, A. Z. K PROBLEME - ZAZHIVLENIE KOSTNYKH PERELOMOV I VNUTRENNIAIA SEKRETSIIA. SOOBSHCHENIE I. ZAZHIVLENIE KOSTNYKH PERELOMOV PRI EKSPERIMENTAL'NOM NARUSHENII FUNKTSII SHCHITOVIDNOI ZHELEZY. [PROBLEM OF HEALING OF BONE FRACTURES AND INTERNAL SECRETION. FIRST REPORT: HEALING OF BONE FRACTURES IN EXPERIMENTAL FUNCTIONAL DISTURBANCE OF THE THYROID GLAND] Vest. Khir., 1938, 56: 33-42. 1512 Kozdoba, A. Z. and Schtscherbina, I. A. KNOCHENHEILUNG UND SCHILDDRUSE. Mitt. Grenzgeb. Med. Chir., 1935, 44: 78-92. 56 refs . Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 528l3; Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, TU35-36, 5: No. 2870. 1513 Layani, F., Mignot, J., Champeau, M. and Aschkenasy, A. LA THYREOTOXIC0SE EX- PERIMENTALE CHRONIQUE DU COBAYE. II. LE SYSTEME OSSEUX. Ann. endocr., Par., 1947, 8: 307-317. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 16183; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 7443*"5. 1514 Leblond, C. P. and Eartly, H. AN ATTEMPT TO PRODUCE COMPLETE THYROXINE DEFICIENCY IN THE RAT. Endocrinology, 1952, 51: 26-41. 23 refs. 1515 Lyon, E. ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VITAMIN A METABOLISM AND THYROGENIC OSTEOPOROSIS AND ARTHROSIS. Gastroenterologia, Basel, 1940, 65: 51-62. 35 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1942, 36: 5216°. 1516 McDonald, M. R., Riddle, O. and Smith, G. C ACTION OF THYROXIN ON ESTROGEN-INDUCED CHANGES IN BLOOD CHEMISTRY AND ENDOSTEAL BONE. Endocrinology, 1945, 37: 23-28. 15 refs. 1517 Martin, E. and Curtet, W. THYROlDE, ARTICU- LATIONS ET SQUELETTE. Rev. rhumat., par 1949, 16: 427-437. 15 refs. English summary. Abstracted in: Excerpta med Sect. 3, 1950, 4: No. 738. 1518 18 .. Martos, J. KNOCHENVERANDERUNGEN BEI EX PERIMENTELLEM HYPERTHYREOIDISMUS UND BET BASEDOW-KRANKHEIT. Beitr. path. Anat 1938, 100: 293-308. 18 refs. Abstracted in: NutrTt. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1938-39 s No. 583. ' -: 85 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - THYROID (Con- tinued) 1519 Nielsen, H. THE BONE SYSTEM IN HYPERTHY- ROIDISM. A CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Acta med. scand., 1952, Suppl. 266, 783-796. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1952, 6: No. 2016; Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1953, 23: No. 657. 1520 Noback, C. R., Barnett, J. C. and Kupperman, H. S. THE TIME OF APPEARANCE OF OSSIFICA- TION CENTRES IN THE RAT AS INFLUENCED BY INJECTIONS OF THYROXIN, THIOURACIL, ESTRA- DIOL AND TESTOSTERONE PROPIONATE. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 49-67. pi. 22 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1950, 4: No. 581; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 26151. — 1521 Ogawa, T. and Ohnishi, Y. UEBER DEN EINFLUSS DER SCHILDDRUSE AUF DAS KNOCHENWACHSTUM BEI B-AVITAMINOSE. Fol. endocr., jap., 1931, 7: 35-36. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr , T932, 26: 4365. 1522 Patras, M. C. and Wakerlin, G. E. THYROID THERAPY AND THE SKULL BONE PATTERN OF THYRO- PARATHYROIDECTOMIZED RATS. Am. J. Physiol., 1940, 131: 129-134. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 4993; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 12334. 1523 Patras, M. C, Templeton, R. D., Ferguson, R. L. and Hummon, I. F. THE EFFECT OF THY- ROID AND CALCIUM THERAPY ON THE SKULL BONES OF THYROPARATHYROIDECTOMIZED RATS. Am. J. Physiol., 1941, 133: 617-622. 6 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 21594; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 194T"* 42, 11: No. 2227. 1524 Principe, U. ALTERAZIONI DELLO SVILUPPO SCHELETRICO IN ANIMALI TIROIDECTOMIZZATI. Arch. "Putti", 1953, 3: 172-179. 35 refs. Young rabbits were thyroidectomized and histological studies made of their femurs at various subsequent intervals. Altera- tions observed in the epiphyseal cartilages and in the epiphyseo-diaphyseal zone are described. The article is preceded by a review of the literature. 1525 Ray, R. D., Asling, C. W., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. EFFECTS OF THYROXIN INJECTIONS ON GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF THE SKELETON OF HYPOPHYSECTOMIZED FEMALE RATS. Anat. Rec, 1950, 107: 253-263. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1951, 5: No. 103. A chemical, histological and roentgenological study. 1526 Scow, R. 0., Simpson, M. E., Asling, C. W., Li, C. H. and Evans, H. M. RESPONSE BY THE RAT THYRO-PARATHYROIDECTOMIZED AT BIRTH TO GROWTH HORMONE AND TO THYROXIN GIVEN SEPA- RATELY OR IN COMBINATION. I. GENERAL GROWTH AND ORGAN CHANGES. Anat. Rec, 1949, 104: 445-463. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 12385. In un- treated controls bone age advanced 3 days (that is, to 18 days), in rats treated with thyroxin alone or with thyroxin and growth hormone bone age advanced to 40 days; in rats receiving growth hormone alone bone age advanced only 3 days. 1527 Severi, A. and Zagnoni. C. IL PROCESSO DI RIPARAZIONE DELLA FRATTURE DURANTE TRATTA- MENTO TI0URACILIC0. Acta chir. patav., 1949, 5: No. 4, CXXXII-CXL. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 1796. 1528 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. CHANGES IN THE SKELETAL TISSUES OF MICE FOLLOWING THE ADMINISTRATION OF THYROXINE. Growth, Ithaca, 1940, 4: 305-314. 9 refs. "In growing mice, administration of thyroxine accelerates first proliferation, then ossi- fication and finally resorption of the epi- physeal cartilage and the cartilage of the joints. Resorptive processes are not only accelerated but also increased and thus lead to a complete epiphyseal-diaphyseal union which does not take place in normal mice of corresponding strains at any age. In general, thyroxine accelerates and in- tensifies the age changes in the skeleton. also decreases the severity and in- cidence of certain old age changes which occur in the joints of normal mice." 1529 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECT OF POTASSIUM IODIDE ON BONE AND CARTILAGE IN THYROIDECTOMIZED IMMATURE GUINEA PIGS. Arch. Path., Chic, 1939, 28: 846-850. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 10778; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 6425. 1530 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECTS OF POTASSIUM IODIDE ON THE SKELETAL TISSUES OF GROWING MICE. Am. J. Path., 1944, 20: 329- 339. pi. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 50057; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 10279. 1531 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. THE EFFECTS OF THYROID FEEDING ON GROWTH PROCESSES AND RETROGRESSIVE CHANGES IN BONE AND CARTILAGE OF THE IMMATURE GUINEA PIG. Growth, Ithaca, 1938, 2: 327-333. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. A~bstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 9211; Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 64*24*6. 1532 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. THE GROWTH AND RETROGRESSIVE CHANGES IN CARTILAGE AND BONE OF THE GUINEA PIG PRODUCED BY POTASSIUM IODIDE. Growth, Ithaca, 1938, 2: 369-374. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 9212. 1533 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. SKELETAL CHANGES CAUSED BY THE COMBINED ADMINISTRA- TION OF THYROXIN AND ESTROGEN. Am. J. Path., 1946, 22: 1033-1045. 3 pi. 11 refs. "In growing mice, the skeletal effects of estro- gen can be modified but not prevented by simultaneous administration of thyroxin. Thyroxin partly restores both hypertrophy of cartilage and resorption of cartilage and bone which are markedly inhibited by estrogen. However, thyroxin does not counteract the sup- pression of proliferation of the cartilage and its regression caused by estrogen." 1534 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT AND DEGENERATIVE JOINT DISEASE IN MICE TREATED WITH RADIOACTIVE IODINE (I131). Am. J. Path., 1952, 28: Proc 569-570. An abstract. — 1535 Smith, E. E. and McLean, F. C. EFFECT OF HYPERTHYROIDISM UPON GROWTH AND CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BONE. Endocrinology, 1938, 23: 546-552. 21 refs. "Chemical analysis oT the bones of rats fed sufficient thyroid substance to produce severe hyperthyroidism revealed no evidence of failure of calcifi- cation in the bones of rapidly growing rats or of decalcification of the bones of older rats. ... There was cessation or marked retardation of growth at the epiphyseal junctions of the femurs and tibias of rats between 4.5 and 8 months of age after feeding toxic doses of thyroid for from 4 to 12 weeks." 86 HORMONAL INFLUENCE - THYROID (Con- tinued) 1536 Thompson, J THE INFLUENCE OF CALCIUM AND IODINE ON GROWING RATS. Endocrinology, 1933, 17- 537-549. 22 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 19839. 1537 *Tinacci, F. and Agostini, C. L'AZIONE DELLA TIROXINA SUL CONTENUTO LIPIDICO DEL TESSUTO CARTILAGINEO IN RELAZIONE AL FENOMENO DELL' ACCRESCIMENTO SCHELETRICO. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1953, 29: 282-284. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19*54, 48: 263b. 1538 Vincenti, M. L'IMPORTANZA DELLA TIROIDE NELLA GUARIGIONE DELLE FRATTURE. RICERCHE SPERI- MENTALI. Policlinico, 1943, 50: sez. prat., 78-83. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 14867. 1539 Weiss, R. M. and Noback, C. R. THE EFFECTS OF THYROXIN AND THIOURACIL ON THE TIME OF AP- PEARANCE OF OSSIFICATION CENTERS OF RAT FETUSES. Endocrinology, 1949, 45: 389-395. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 9177; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 8465C. 1540 Weisschedel, E. DIE ABHANGIGKEIT DES SKELETT- WACHSTUMS VON SCHILDDRUSE UND HYPOPHYSE. Zbl. Chir., 1947, 72: 1438-1444. 1 ref. 1541 Wolterink, L. F., Epstein, D. I. and Murray, M. EFFECT OF THIOURACIL INDUCED HYPOTHY- ROIDISM ON THE PARTITION OF RADIOACTIVE CALCIUM BETWEEN BONE AND LIVER IN NORMAL AND RACHITIC MALE RATS. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1951, 10: 148-149. An abstract. See: 687 741 772 823 824 825 933 1156 1179 1189 1202 1208 1230 1239 1241 1273 1277 1278 1280 1283 1313 1316 1323 1328 1334 1343 1370 1415 1471 1484 MARROW RELATIONSHIPS see also TISSUE EXTRACTS; TISSUE TRANSPLANTS 1542 Ascenzi, A. SULLE PROPRIETA OTTICHE DELL'OSSO UMANO NORMALE E PATOLOGICO (SIGNIFICATO DELLE ALTERAZIONI OSSEE NEL MORBO DI COOLEY). Riv. antrop., 1948-1949, 36: 97-119. 14 refs. 1543 Ferroni, M. IL QUADRO BIOCHIMICO DEL MIDOLLO OSSEO. NOTA SECONDA: LA GLICO-CLOROMIELIA DI BASE IN CONDIZIONI NORMALI E PATOLOGICHE. Arch, pat., Bologna, 1942, 22: 473-488. 1544 Guarnaschelli-Raggio, A. AZIONE DELL'ANEMIA DA SALASSO SULLA COMPOSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA. Pathologica, Genova, 1939, 31: 99-106. 33 refs. English and German sum*" maries. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr , 1939. 33: 59075. 1545 Guarnaschelli-Raggio, A. and Gaetano, M. COM- PORTAMENTO DELLA COMPOSIZIONE MINERALE DELLO SCHELETRO IN RAPPORTO ALL'INTRODUZIONE DI LIPOIDI SPLENICI INIBENTI IL MIDOLLO OSSEO. (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI). Policlinico, 1942, 49: 1-7. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 3202i. 1546 KON Holmdahl, D. E. and Ingelmark, B. E. DE« TAKT ZWISCHEN GELENKKNORPEL UND "WOCHJin- 55: MARKHbHLE. Acta Soc. med. upsal., 1»3"> __ 147-171. 14 refs. Shorter versions of this paper are published in English in: Acta orthop. scand., 1950, 20: 156-165; Acta anat Basel, 1951, 12: 341-349". Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 1101. "In all joints examined direct contacts be- tween the medullary cavities of the bones and the basal parts of the articular car- tilages have been proved. In the great majority of cases it is the calcified part of the articular cartilage that touches the medullary cavity. In some cases off- shoots of medullary cavity tissue reaching into the un-calcified articular cartilage have been found... In several cases a special arrangement of the bone in rela- tion to the point of contact has been ob- served. " 1547 Huggins, C. and Smith, K. McL. THE EFFECT OF HYPERTROPHIC CARTILAGE ON BONE MARROW GROWTH. J. Exp. M., 1938, 67: 41-48. 2 pi. 14 refs, 1548 Lacroix, P. COMMENT LE PfiRIOSTE ET LA MOELLE DES OS GRANDISSENT-ILS? Rev. orthop., Par., 1949, 35: 141-145. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 901. 1549 Lacroix, P. THE GROWTH OF THE BONE MARROW. J. Bone Surg., 1949, 31A: 776-778. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. A*Bstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 12669. "The clear zone between th"e end of the medullary cavity enlarged at a rate exactly proportional to the growth rate of the neighboring epiphyseal cartilage. The author concludes that mar- row grows by a combination of peripheral addition of new tissue and interstitial growth. It thus appears to be intermediate between bone growth, a peripheral effect, and periosteum, which is interstitial." - Biol. Abstr. 1550 Levander, G. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE ROLE OF THE BONE MARROW IN BONE REGENERA- TION. Acta chir. scand., 1939-40, 83: 545-560. pi. 10 refs. Abstracted~"Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 17630. In experiments with rabbits of different ages bone marrow was grafted into subcu- taneous soft tissues. Where bone forma- tion occurred the marrow cells were ob- served to die and it was concluded that the new bone arose from the surrounding mesenchymal tissues stimulated by the marrow graft. 1551 Molchanova, V. A. ROL' KOSTNOGO MOZGA V REGENERATSII KOSTI. [ROLE OF BONE MARROW] Vestnik khir., 1940, 60: 345-348. 2 pi. 13 refs. 1552 Piringer-Kuchinka, A. ZUR KENNTNIS DES BAU- PLANES UND DER ZELLVERMEHRUNG IM KNOCHEN- MARKGEWEBE. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1951, 63: 909-911. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 1161. The structure and processes ot cell multiplication of bone marrow were studied in frozen and stained sections of marrow from guinea pigs rabbits, dogs and humans. 15Raenotti, E. DIE TATSACHE DES ERSCHEINENS DER EPIPHYSENLINIEN DURCH DIE ERYTHROPOESE Virchow's Arch., 1930, 277: 788-803. refs Abstracted in: Biol, 1932i 6: No. 20360. 17 Abstr., Bait MARROW RELATIONSHIPS (Continued) 87 1554 Rizvash, S. I. EKSPERIMENTAL'NYE ISSLEDOVANIIA 0 VLIANII KOSTNOGO MOZGA NA ZAZHIVLENIE PER- ELOMOV. [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE MARROW INFLUENCE ON KNITTING OF THE PIPE BONE FRAC- TURES] Khirurgiia, Moskva, 1939, 4: 66-69. 1555 Rohlich, K. UBER DIE BEIZIEHUNGEN ZWISCHEN DER KNOCHENSUBSTANZ UND DER BLUTBILDUNG IM KNOCHENMARK. Zschr. mikr. anat Forsch 1941, 49: 425-464. 14 refs. 1556 Tischendorf, W. and Naumann, W. FUNKTIONELLE BEZIEHUNGEN ZWISCHEN KNOCHENMARK UND KNOCHEN. Deut. Arch. klin. Med., 1948, 193- 533-554. 44 refs. ---' 1557 Zawisch, C. LES RELATIONS DE L'HEMATO POIESE AVEC LA RESORPTION DE TISSU OSSEUX. Gaz. med. port., 1954, 7: 105-112. 20 refs. 89 169 260 346 675 797 1453 1880 2505 2514 2515 2517 MECHANICAL INFLUENCE 1558 Abramson, A. S. ATROPHY OF DISUSE. Arch. Phys. M., 1948, 29: 562-570. 44 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1949, 2: No. 1950. "Review in which the conclu- sion is reached that disuse atrophy is a decrease in size resulting from an inability to develop full function. In muscle, the production of tension by contraction pre- vents atrophy. Contraction through a full range and against a load is most effective in preventing atrophy. Denervation causes atrophy only by producing almost complete disuse. Neuronal atrophy is avoided when the ganglion cell and its axon conduct im- pulses to a functioning effector organ. In bone, atrophy is avoided by intermittent weight bearing." - Excerpta med. 1559 Almi, L. SUI FATTORI STRUTTURALI, CHIMICI E FISICI DELLA RESISTENZA MECCANICA DELL'OSSO UMANO. Arch. De Vecchi, 1940, 2: 658-678. Approx. 40 refs. 1560 Altmann, K. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER MECHANISCHE URSACHEN DER KNOCHEN- BILDUNG. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1950, 114: 457-476. 15 refs. In white rats a small bone implant was made between the tightly stretched muscles and the surface of the tibia, thus forming two wedge-shaped spaces which became filled with spongy bone. This bone formation was considered the direct re- sult of local mechanical conditions. 1561 Altmann, K. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER FRAKTURHEILUNG UNTER BESONDEREN EXPERIMENTELLEN BEDINGUNGEN. EIN BEITRAG ZUR BIOMECHANIK DER FRAKTURHEIL- UNG. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1950, 115: 52-81. 22 refs. In rats, the fibula was fractured in the middle and the site isolated from sur- rounding soft parts by encasement in a piece of macerated boiled rat femur. Bone con- solidation followed, sometimes with incorpo- ration of the casing. It is concluded that, while various factors contribute to osteo- genesis, "the basic condition for every bone formation is to be sought in exactly defina- ble mechanical causes." 1562 Amprino, R. FATTORI CHE REGOLANO IL RIMANEG- GIAMENT0 STRUTTURALE DELLE OSSA. Arch, sc. biol., Bologna, 1946, 31: 208-224. 29 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 12665. Through the processes of erosion and redeposition bone structure varies with age. The amount of erosion de- pends on the organism's demands for mineral salts, needed during growth or the building of new bone and the modification of bone form. In the deposition which succeeds erosion the mineral salts ingested with food are also fixed to the organic ground sub- stance. The gross architecture and minute structure of bone are regulated primarily by mechanical factors. The article contains a review of the literature. 1563 Amprino, R. RECHERCHES ET CONSIDERATIONS SUR LA STRUCTURE DU CARTILAGE HYALIN. Acta anat., Basel, 1948, 5: 123-146. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 18849. Critical review of recent research on the structure of hyaline car- tilage and discussion of the effects on cartilage of functional or mechanical stress. 1564 Amprino, R. RELATIONS ENTRE LA STRUCTURE ET LA PHYSIOLOGIE DE L'OS. Ann. Soc. sc. m€d. natur., Brux., 1951, 4: 209-225. pi. In this study of the relation between bone form and structure and its functions as supporting tissue and mineral reservoir, it is suggested that structural modifications are related in part to the body's need of minerals for various functions and in part to mechanical stresses exerted externally and internally upon bone. 1565 Amprino, R. VALORE FUNZIONALE DELL'ARCHIT- TURA E DELLA STRUTTURA DELLE OSSA LUNGHE DELL'UOMO. Gior. Accad. med. Torino, 1938, 101: 283-306. 1566 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DEL VALORE FUNZIONALE DELLA STRUT- TURA DELLA SOSTANZA COMPATTA DELLE OSSA. Chir. org. movim., 1935-1936, 20: 527-541. 23 refs. 1567 Amprino, R. and Cattaneo, R. IL SUBSTRATO ISTOLOGICO DELLE VARIE MODALITA DI INSER- ZIONI TENDINEE ALLE OSSA NELL'UOMO. RI- CERCHE SU INDIVIDUI DI VARIA ETA. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1937, 107: 680-705. 13 refs. 1568 ♦Anseroff, N. [J.] ARCHITEKTONIK DER LANGEN KNOCHEN IN VERBINDUNG MIT ALTER UND KONSTI- TUTION. Zschr. menschl. Vererb., 1933-1934, 18: 40-51. 14 refs. 1569 Appleton, A. B. POSTURAL DEFORMITIES AND BONE GROWTH. Lancet, Lond., 1934, 1: 451- 454. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 16923. 1570 Arandes, R. and Viladot, A. BIOMECANICA DEL CALCANEO. Med. clin., Barcel., 1953, 21: 25-34. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1954, 8: No. 4070. 1571 Bandini, T. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI SULLA IN- FLUENZA DEL CARICO FUNZIONALE SULLO SPES- SORE DELLE CARTILAGINI DI CONIUGAZIONE NEL BAMBINO. Accad. med., Tor., 1952, 67j 458- 477. 19 refs. MECHANICAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 88 1572 Baud, C. A. LA STRUCTURE FONCTIONNELLE DE L'OS ET DU CARTILAGE. Praxis, Bern, 1953, 42: 241-244. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 5946. 1573 Biebl, M. DIE STETS TYPISCHE CALLUSBILDUNG BEI DER IDEALGESTELLTEN, DRAHTGENAHTEN OBERSCHENKELSCHAFTFRAKTUR UND DAS DARAUS SICH ABLEITENDE ALLGEMEINE GESETZ VON DER FORDERNDEN BZW. HEMMENDEN WIRKUNG VON DRUCK-BZW. ZUGSPANNUNGEN AUF DIE CALLUS- BILDUNG UBERHAUPT. Arch. klin. Chir., 1939, 194: 171-227. 1574 Bisotti, P. L. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DEL VALORE DELLA CONTRAZIONE MUSCOLARE NELLA GUARIGIONE DELLE FRATTURE. Riv. pat. clin., Parma, 1949, 4: 335-345. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 3374. Casacci, A. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DELL^AZIONE DEL CARICO SULLO SVILUPPO DELLA CARTILAGINE ARTICOLARE UMANA. Arch, ortop., Milano, i»o^, 65: 8-15. 21 refs. 1585 Ceci, C O. BIOMECANICA OSEA. Arch, argent, kihes., 1949, 2: 35-39. 7 refs. From a review of pertTnent literature it is con- cluded that the morphological and struc- tural development of bone is in great part the result of pressure and traction. Trac- tion is resisted by the collagen fibrils and pressure by the calcified ground sub- stance . 1586 Cordier, G. ARCHITECTURE DE L'EXTREMITE INFERIEURE DU FEMUR ET DE L'EXTREMITE SUPERIEURE DU TIBIA (ESSAI D'EXPLICATION STRATIGRAPHIQUE). Ann. anat. path., Par., 1939, 16: 1, 165. 1575 Block, W. DIE BEDEUTUNG MECHANISCHER FAKTOREN BEI DER KNOCHENBRUCHHEILUNG. Arch. klin. Chir., 1939, 196: 557-566. 1576 Bogdaschew, N. DER ZUSAMMENHANG DER ANATOMI- SCHEN FORMEN DER METACARPAL- UND METATAR- SALKNOCHEN DER HAUSTIERE MIT DEM HISTOLOGI- SCHEN BAU UND DEN CHEMISCH-PHYSIKALISCHEN EIGENSCHAFTEN DERSELBEN. Anat. Anz., 1930, 70: 143-154. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 23325. 1577 Bogdaschew, N. FUNKTIONELLE UNTERSCHEID- UNGSMERKMALE IM ANATOMISCH-HISTOLOGISCHEN BAU DER ROHRENKNOCHEN BEI DEN HAUSTIEREN. Anat. Anz., 1935, 79: 242-258. 13 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 1845. 1578 Bressou, C. and Vladutiu, 0. SUR LA MfiCANO- GENfiSE DU CARTILAGE ARTICULAIRE FfiMORO- ROTULIEN. Bull. Acad. vet. France, 1948, 21: 261-267. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 776. 1587 Cretin, A. L'OSSIFICATION ET LA REPARATION DES OS FRACTURES. Afrique fr. chir., 1949, Nos. 3-4, 49-51. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 3708. 1588 CrStin, A. L'OSTEOGENESE REPARATRICE. Languedoc mSd., 1948, 31: 55-77. 1589 Crgtin, A. REFLEXIONS SUR L'HISTOGEnESE DU TISSU OSSEUX A LA LUMlERE DE L'ETUDE DES RETARDS DE CONSOLIDATION. Presse mSd., 1940, 48: 996-999. 1590 CrStin, A. LE TRINOME OS-MUSCLE-PEAU. Praxis, Bern, 1951, 40: 862-864. 1591 Dal Zotto, E. ARCHITETTURA DELLA SPUGNOSA DEL TARSO UMANO IN CONDIZIONI MORFO-FUNZIO- NALI ABNORMI. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1947, 23: 913-915. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Beet. 1, 1949, 3: No. 919. 1579 Bruno, G. LO SPERONE FEMORALE; SVILUPPO, COSTITUZIONE E SIGNIFICATO MECCANICO. Monit. zool. ital., 1933, 44: Suppl., 328-330. 5 refs. 1580 Bruno, G. STRUTTURA E FUNZIONE DELLE OSSA DELLA GAMBA: LA TIBIA E LA FIBULA. Chir, org. movim., 1946, 30: 298-301. 7 refs. 1581 ♦Bruno, G. STRUTTURA E RESISTENZA DELLE OSSA, Chir. org. movim., 1942-1943, 28: 430-433. 1582 *Bruno, G. SULLA ARCHITETTURA, SULLA STRUT- TURA E SULLA FUNZIONE DELLE OSSA. Chir. org. movim., 1942-1943, 28: 427-429. 1583 BU^tner, A and Rfihbein, F... EXPERIMENTELLE UBERLASTUNGSSCHADEN DES ROHRENKNOCHENS. Arch. klin. Chir., 1949, 263: 331-350. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4: No. 2632. The tibiae of anesthetized dogs were subjected to re- peated rhythmic bending and the effects of the pressure and traction stresses on the bone were studied radiologically and histo- logically. 1592 Danilova, E. I. and Sviridov, A. I. ROST I OKOSTENENIE SKELETA KONECHNOSTEI V USLOVIAKH EKSPERIMENTAL'NO IZMENENNOI NAGRUZKI. [GROWTH AND OSSIFICATION OF THE SKELETON OF EXTREMITIES UNDER EXPERIMENTALLY VARIED LOAD] Zool. zh., Moskva, 1953, 32: 780-786. 1593 Davenport, C. B. RESPONSIVE BONE. Proc. Am. Philos. Soc., 1941, 84: 65-70. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 14677. A study was made by x-rays of" the heel bone of a normal walking person; of a 20-year-old girl, who had not walked from birth; and of a girl of 20 years, who had walked until 10 years of age. It was concluded that the bone-forming cells re- spond to directive thrusts and pulls made upon normally functioning bones by forming trabeculae in adaptative positions. 1594 Debrunner, H. FORM UND FUNKTION IM KNOCHFN GEWEBE. Med. Welt., 1936, 10: 363-366 4 refs . 1595 Debrunner, [H.] VOM LEBEN DES KNOCHENS. Verh Deut. orthop. Ges., Q.935) 1936, 30.Kongr 40-69. 60 refs. 89 MECHANICAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1596 Desplas, R. and Bernard. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DE LA MALADIE DES VIBRATIONS (EXAMEN RADIOGRAPHIQUE DE 100 OUVRIERS UTILISANT LES OUTILS PNEUMATIQUES DANS LES TRAVAUX PUBLICS). Med. usine, 1949, 11: 415-417. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1951, 5: No. 2464. "Vacuolar lesions of the carpal bones were found in 40% of cases. Exostosis, epiphyseal de- calcification, deformity of the elbow- joint and the scaphoid bones were less frequently observed. Clinical symptoms were often absent." - Excerpta med. 1597 *[Dolgo-Saburov, B. A.] ROL' MYSHTS V MORFO- GENII SKELETA. (SOOBSHCHENIE 1-E). [THE ROLE OF THE MUSCLES IN THE MORPHOGENY OF THE SKELETON. (1ST COMMUNICATION).] Bull. Inst, sc Lesshaft, 1930, 16: 123-159. Ger- man summary. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 11308. 1598 Dolgo-Saburov, B. [A.] UBER EINIGE EIGENTUM- LICH KEITEN DER KNOCHENSTRUKTUR AN DEN ANHEFTUNGSSTELLEN DER SHENEN. Gegenbaurs morph. Jahrb., 1935, 75: 393-411. Literatur- verzeichnis: p. 410-4TT. 1599 Dovgiallo, N. D. DETERMINANTY FORMY NEK0T0RYKH KOSTEI SKELETA CHELOVEKA. [DETERMINANTS OF FORM IN SOME BONES OF THE HUMAN SKELETON] Arch. russ. anat., 1940, 24: 38-53. German summary, p. 125. 1600 Dovgiallo, N. D. DIE STRUKTUR DER C0MPACTA DES UNTERKIEFERS BEI NORMALEM UND REDUZIER- TEM ALVEOLARFORTSATZ. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1932, 97: 55-67. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 22219. This study showed that: "The structure of the compacta of the mandible is to be re- garded as purely functional, the haversian columns lying along the lines of force and thereby producing optimal resistance of the bone. In each new field of force, the structure of the bone is altered to follow the principle of maximal resistance." 1601 Egger, K. BEITRAG ZUR KENNTNIS DER MECHANI- SCHEN BEDINGUNGEN FUR DIE KNOCHENBRUCH- HEILUNG. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1939, 69: 298-300. 1602 J „ Eeeers, G. W. N., Shindler, T. 0. and Pomerat, C M. THE INFLUENCE OF THE CONTACT-COMPRES- SION FACTOR ON OSTEOGENESIS IN SURGICAL FRACTURES. J. Bone Surg., 1949, 31A: 693- 716 12 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med.', Sect. 9, 1950, 4: No. 3905; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, "24: No. 12668. 1603 Eggers-Lura, H. TISSUE REACTIONS OF BONE UPON MECHANICAL STRESSES. Am. J. Ortho- dont., 1952, 38: 453-459. 12 refs. Forces within the limits of tolerance will stimu- late bone if they are applied as intensi- fied normal forces. If pressure is applied to a region of bone which is normally under tension, bone resorption will follow. In- crease of pressure or tension beyond the limits of tolerance leads to resorption of bone. 1604 Ekholm, R. and Ingelmark, B. E. FUNCTIONAL THICKNESS VARIATIONS OF HUMAN ARTICULAR CARTILAGE. Acta Soc. med. upsal., 1952, 57: 39-59. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 682. 1605 Ekholm, R. and Norbttck, B. ON THE RELATION- SHIP BETWEEN ARTICULAR CHANGES AND FUNCTION. Acta orthop. scand., 1951, 21: 81-98. 36 refs. 1606 Elftman, H. SKELETAL AND MUSCULAR SYSTEMS: STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION. IN: MEDICAL PHYSICS (Glasser, 0., ed.) 1944, p. 1420-1430. 31 refs. 1607 Erdheim, J. UBER DIE UNEBENEN VERBINDUNGS- FLXCHEN DER HARTGEWEBE. Wien. med. Wschr., 1934, 84: 380-382. 2 refs. 1608 Estel, L. and Asling, C. W. AN EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH TO THE MECHANICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF BONE FORM. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1948, 6: 413-421. 3 refs. The mechanical signifi- cance of muscle attachments on skeletal features is demonstrated by flexion and supination tests of the bones of the fore- arm. 1609 Evans, F. G. THE BIOMECHANICS OF THE FEMUR. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 446-447. An abstract. "The mechanical properties of the femur and the effect of loading in different ways are discussed." 1610 Evans, F. G. METHODS OF STUDYING THE BIO- MECHANICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF BONE FORM. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1953, 11: 413-435. Abstracted in: Excerpta med. ."Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 863; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, *28: No. 10957. A review of the literature on methods and the data ob- tained through their use. 1611 Evans, F. G. STRESS AND STRAIN IN THE LONG BONES OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY. Instruct. Course Lect. Am. Acad. Orthop. Surgeons, 1952, 9: 264-271. 16 refs. Contents: General principles of stress and strain. - Behavior of the femur under various con- ditions of loading. - Experimentally pro- duced fractures of the femur. - The tensile strength of compact bone of the femur. 1612 Evans, F. G., Lissner, H. R. and Pedersen, H. E. DEFORMATION STUDIES OF THE FEMUR UNDER DYNAMIC VERTICAL LOADING. Anat. Rec, 1948, 101: 225-241. 5 pi. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1., 1949, 3: No. 650. Stresscoat tests dem- onstrated that a small load of 15.8 inch pounds of energy dynamically applied pro- duced stress patterns similar to a load of 400 to 715 pounds statically applied. 1613 Falk, G. DIE CALLUSBILDUNG UND IHRE MECHANIS- CHEN VORAUSSETZUNGEN. Arch, orthop. Unfall- chir., 1951, 44: 619-624. A discussion of the role of mechanical stimulation in frac- ture repair. Pertinent theories are re- viewed . Fehre. UBER GEHAUFTES AUFTRETEN SOG. L00SER- SCHER UMBAUZONEN. Zbl. Chir., 1949, 74: 1269-1270. A comparison of localization zones observed in nutritional deficiency osteopathy and those reported in the lit- erature in mechanical overloading injury show a marked similarity in the scapula and the pelvis, in the parasymphyseal and sacroiliac regions. MECHANICAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1615 ' Fick, H. DIE BEDEUTUNG DES EPIPHYSENKNORPELS FUR DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER SPONGIOSAARCHITEKTUR IN PROXIMALEN FEMURENDE. Gegenbaurs morph. Jahrb., 1940, 85: 115-134. Bibliography: p. 131-134. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 25134. The arrangement of the spongiosa lamellae in the proximal end of the femur is studied in relation to the epiphyseal cartilage and to the lines of stress. Variations with age are noted. 1616 Follis, R. H., Jr. EFFECT OF MECHANICAL FORCE ON THE SKELETAL LESIONS OF ACUTE SCURVY IN GUINEA PIGS. Arch. Path., Chic, 1943, 35: 579-582. 5 refs. "In scorbutic guinea pTgs a comparison was made between the hind legs, one of which had been immobilized by a plas- ter cast. At the cartilage shaft junction of this extremity there was a broad zone of calcified matrix material without bone or osteoid. No fractures or hemorrhages were seen. The marrow cells were found between the spaces of the matrical material. Thus, when stresses and strains were eliminated, the classic picture of scurvy with "Trum- merfeldzone" and "GerUstmark" failed to appear." 1617 Freeman, L. W. THE METABOLISM OF CALCIUM IN PATIENTS WITH SPINAL CORD INJURIES. Ann. Surg., 1949, 129: 177-184. 32 refs. Ab- stracted in: C*nem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 7087e. "Data on the Ca metabolism of over 700 paraplegic patients were analyzed. During recumbency, the urinary Ca was usually high, although the blood Ca was normal. About 23-25% of the patients developed urinary tract calculi. There was usually a decalcification of the long bones resulting not only from recumbency but from an ab- sence of weight-bearing on the legs." - Chem. Abstr. 1618 Freund, E. JOINT CARTILAGE UNDER INFRA- PHYSIOLOGIC, ULTRAPHYSIOLOGIC AND EUPHYSI- OLOGIC DEMANDS. Arch. Surg., 1939, 39: 596-623. 1619 Friedenberg, Z. B. and French, G. THE EFFECTS OF KNOWN COMPRESSION FORCES ON FRACTURE HEALING. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1952, 94: 743- 748. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 28346. "Experimental fractures of TEe ulna in dogs in which a compressing force of 12 to 18 pounds was applied across the fracture showed more rapid union than those with greater or lesser pressures. ... Whether or not pres- sure induces a specific osteogenetic re- sponse in healing bone tissue cannot be answered." 16^elbke, H. THE INFLUENCE OF PRESSURE AND TEN- SION ON GROWING BONE IN EXPERIMENTS WITH ANIMALS. J. Bone Surg., 1951, 33A:947-954. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 15264. 1621 Gelbke, H. TIEREXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR FRAGE DER KNOCHENBILDUNG. Arch. klin. Chir , 1950, 264: 518-521. Abstracted in: Excerpta med.7~3ect. 9, 1951, 5: No. 2450. 1622 *Girdlestone, G. R. THE RESPONSE OF BONE TO STRESS. Proc R. Soc. M., Lond., 1932, 26: pt. 1, 55-70. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 19832. 1623 „ .„ . Gleg* R E and Leblond, C. P. PRESSURE AS A POSSIBLE CAUSE OF DISSOLUTION AND REDEPOSI- TION OF BONE AND TOOTH CRYSTALS. Canad J. M. Sc., 1953, 31: 202-206. 27 refs An hypothesis base**! on the physicochemical fact that pressure increases the solubility of crystals is presented to explain pressure- induced bone resorption. This hypothesis staisfactorily accounts for otherwise inex- plicable results obtained in recent in- vestigations on the distribution and turn- over of radiophosphate in bone and tooth. 1624 GlUcksmann, A. THE ROLE OF MECHANICAL STRESSES IN BONE FORMATION IN VITRO. J. Anat., Lond., 1942, 76: 231-239. 2 pi. 9 refs. "Pressure and-tension stresses ex- erted on cartilage in vitro cause the re- orientation of the cartilage cells and lead to the disintegration of the hyaline ground substance and its replacement by a fibrillar system. Tension stresses promote bone for- mation in osteogenic tissue in vitro and determine the pattern of osseous archi- tecture. Skeletal tissue cultivated in vitro responds directly to mechanical stresses." 1625 GlUcksmann, A. STUDIES ON BONE MECHANICS IN VITRO. I. INFLUENCE OF PRESSURE ON ORIENTA- TION OF STRUCTURE. Anat. Rec, 1938, 72: 97-113. 3 pi. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 15460. "Orientated structures were produced in un- orientated bone tissue in vitro, by sub- jecting endosteal cultures to suitable pres- sure. The type of structure produced... de- pended on the degree of calcification of the tissue at the time when the pressure was applied." 1626 ♦Gottlieb, B. and Orban, B. DIE VERANDERUNGEN DER GEWEBE, BEI UBERMASSIGER BEANSPRUCHUNG DER ZAHNE. 225p. Leipzig, Georg Thieme, 1931. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait , 1934, 8: No.8608. 1627 Graumann, W. TOPOGENESE DER BINDEGEWEBS- KNOCHEN. UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN SCHADELKNOCHEN MENSCHLICHER EMBRYONEN. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1951, 116: 14-26. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 2019. 1628 Gubanov, A. G. VOZRASTNYE IZMENENIIA STRUKTURY KOSTEI V MESTAKH PRIKREPLENIIA MYSHTS I SVIAZOK; PREDVARITEL'NOE SOOBSHCHENIE [AGE CHANGES OF BONE STRUCTURE AT THE SITE OF THE ATTACHMENT OF MUSCLES AND TENDONS- PRELIMI- NARY REPORT] Tr. Saratov gosud. med. inst 1938, 2: 153-167. 1629 ^^^116 DIE fSBSE?^ KNOCHENS IN NORMALEN UND IM ZUSTAND MR BRUCHHEILUNG. II. DIE FESTIGKEIT DES HEILENDEN KNOCHENBRUCHES IN BEZIFHTTvr ™ WASSER- UND KALKT.EHALT UND DE SKnBILD Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1936, 246: 760^?f"?' ref. In dogs the resistan*5I"of » hi 7 • fracture to mechanical force if «t£h? in? relation to its water anS caicLm r« ^ i** and to its radiograph. Calcium content 1630 "SlJ' F?iNE5EN^F^Bf?^SNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE FEINEREN GEWEBLICHEN VORGAnGE BEI nrS KNOCHENTRANSFORMATION. Munch, med Js^hr 1938, 85: 1849-1851. 5 refs wscbr., 1631 Haupl, [K.] KNOCHENTRANSFORMATION Med Klin Berl., 1942, 38: 383. n' 91 MECHANICAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1632 HSupl, K. UBER DIE GESETZMASSIGKEITEN, WELCHE DIE GEWEBLICHEN VERANDERUNGEN BEI DER KNOCHEN- TRANSFORMATION BEHERRSCHEN. Zschr Anat Entw., 1942-1943, 112: 41-104. 25 refs. 1633 HSupl, K. UBER DIE GEWEBLICHEN VERANDERUNGEN BEI DER KNOCHENTRANSFORMATION. Bull. Schweiz. Akad. med. Wiss., 1950, 6: 343- 358. - 1634 Haupl, K. WELCHE GESETZMASSIGKEITEN BEHERR- SCHEN DIE GEWEBLICHEN VERANDERUNGEN BEI DER KNOCHENTRANSFORMATION? Wien. klin. Wschr , 1941, 54: 853-862. 1635 ♦Hartingsvelt, H. van. DE VORMVERANDERINGEN VAN HET BOT ALS GEVOLG VAN MECHANISCHE KRACHTWEKINGEN. Tschr. tandheelk., 1950, 57: 439-471. 1636 Hayes, J. F. DYNAMIC CROSS-BENDING STUDIES ON THE FEMUR. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 467. An abstract. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 1426. 1637 Henckel, K. O. UBER DIE FUNKTIONELLE STRUKTUR DES HYALINKNORPELS. Naturwissenschaften, 1932, 20: 557-560. 5 refs. 1644 Knese, K.-H. KINEMATIK DES KNIEGELENKES. GELENKSTUDIEN III. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1950, 115: 287-322. Literatur: p. 322. 1645 Koltze, H. STUDIE ZUR AUSZEREN FORM DER OSTEONE. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1951, 115: 584-596. 15 refs. "Parts of a 4.6 mm. long chip taken from the middle phalanx of the index of an adult were reconstructed according to the wax plate procedure. Be- sides the known longitudinal structure of the osteons there were frequent cross con- nections with all the transitions from nar- row Volkmann canals to 500-800 p . long fusions. The daughter osteons, formed by branching, were in particular intercon- nected to a very great extent. The fre- quency of the places of connection varied with the location examined. The layers near the endosteum had an exceedingly great number of circular connections. It is not possible to assign a functional classifica- tion of this network of osteons, though it is supposed to be of mechanical importance. 1646 Krahl, V. E. THE TORSION OF THE HUMERUS: ITS LOCALIZATION, CAUSE AND DURATION IN MAN. Am. J. Anat., 1947, 80: 275-319. 78 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1948, 2: No. 1293. 1638 Henckel, K. O. VERGLEICHEND-ANATOMISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE STRUKTUR DER KNOCHEN- KOMPAKTA NACH DER SPALTLINIENMETHODE. Gegenbaurs morph. Jahrb., 1931, (Teil 1) 66: 22-45. 9 refs. Comparative studies of fis- sure lines in the bones of man, the chim- panzee and the arboreal cercopithecus leads to the conslusion that there is a close re- lationship between bone structure and spe- cific functional stresses. 1639 Hrdlicka, A. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE STUDY OF THE FEMUR; THE CRISTA ASPERA AND THE PILASTER. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1934, 19: 17-37. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 1923. 1647 Krompecher, I. and Nebel, L. QUALITATIVE GESTALTUNG VON IN ENTWICKLUNG BEGRIFFENEN SKELETTEILEN UNTER EINWIRKUNG DER UMWELT. Acta morph. hung., 1951, 1: 55-66. 15 refs. Abstracted in: BulT. Anal. CNRS, 1952, 13: pt. 2, No. 108575. "The morphological development of the humerus is the result of forces acting on it in the course of embryonic and post-embryonic life." - Bull. Anal. 1648 Krompecher, S. EXPERIMENTELLE BEEINFLUSSUNG DER ART DER REGENERATIVEN KNOCHENBILDUNG DURCH MECHANISCHE EINWIRKUNG. Anat. Anz., 1936, 81: 138-148. 1640 Ingelmark, B. E. and Ekholm, R. A STUDY ON VARIATIONS IN THE THICKNESS OF ARTICULAR CARTILAGE IN ASSOCIATION WITH REST AND PERIODICAL LOAD. AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTI- GATION ON RABBITS. Upsala lak. fbren. f8rh., 1948, 53: 61-74. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 1171; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 1866. 1641 Klaauw, C. J. van der. SIZE AND POSITION OF THE FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS OF THE SKULL. A CONTRIBUTION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE ARCHI- TECTURE OF THE SKULL, BASED ON DATA IN THE LITERATURE. Arch, neerl. zool., 1952, 9: 369-560. Bibliography: p. 551-556. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 25: No. 1104. 1642 Knese, K.-H. DIE BEWEGUNGEN AUF EINER FUHRUNGSFLACHE ALS GRUNDLAGE DER GELENK- BEWEGUNGEN, DARGESTELLT AM SCHULTERGELENK. GELENKSTUDIEN I. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1950, 115: 115-161. Literatur: p. 160-161. 16Knese, K.-H. KINEMATIK DER GLIEDBEWEGUNGEN, DARGESTELLT AM HUFT- UND ELLENBOGENGELENK. GELENKSTUDIEN II. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1950, 115: 162-223. Literatur: p. 222-223. 1649 KUntscher, G. DIE BEDEUTUNG DER DARSTELLUNG DES KRAFTFLUSSES IM KNOCHEN FUR DIE CHIRURGIE. Arch. klin. Chir., 1935, 182: 489-551. Bibliography: p. 550-551. 1650 Kuntscher, G. DIE DARSTELLUNG DES KRAFT- FLUSSES IM KNOCHEN. Zbl. Chir., 1934, 61: 2130-2136. 1651 KUntscher, G. UBER DEN NACHWEIS VON SPAN- NUNGSSPETZEN AM MENSCHLICHEN KNOCHENGERUST. Gegenbaurs Morph. Jahrb., 1935, 75: 427- 444. Literatur: p. 442-444. 1652 Landoff, G. A. ETT EXPERIMENTELLT BIDRAG TILL LOSNING AV PROBLEMET OM SAMBANDET MELLAN INAKTIVITET OK "AKUT BENATROFI." PREMILINAR1 MEDDELANDE NR 2. Nord. med., 1941, 12: 3666- 3668. 1653 Langmaack, B. DIE POSTMORTALS BEEINFLUSSUNG DES WASSERGEHALTES BEIM KNIEGELENKKNORPEL. EIN EXPERIMENTELLER BEITRAG ZUM PROBLEM DER ARTHROSIS DEFORMANS. Arch. klin. Chir., 1952, 271: 496-510. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 2324. 92 MECHANICAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1654 Larsell, 0. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCAPULA FOLLOWING INTRA-UTERINE FORE LIMB AMPUTA- TION IN THE RAT. Anat. Rec, 1933, 56: 57- 68. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 3860. This study de- scribes both grossly and microscopically the effects of different degrees of muscu- lar pull on the scapula during the later part qf foetal life. The variations of mus- cular activity were produced by amputations of the fore limb in rat foetuses. The scapula of the other fore limb served as a control. 1655 Latinikowna, A. 0 BUDOWIE SUBSTANCJI GABCZASTEJ KOSCI. - UBER DIE ARCHITEKTUR DER KNOCHENSPONGIOSA. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc CI. med., (1932) 1933, p. 63-75. pi. 10 refs. 1656 Laux, G. LES ACTIONS DYNAMIQUES DES MUSCLES ET DES LIGAMENTS SUR L'ARCHITECTURE DES OS. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1930, 7: 401-413. 1657 Levi, G. M. NE0F0RMAZI0NE SPERIMENTALE DI CARTILAGINE SECONDARIA NELLA CAVIA E NEL PULCIN0. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1930, 5: 117-119. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.7 Bait., 1932, 6: No. 2199. 1658 Lucinescu, E. FUNKTIONELLE STRUKTUREN EXPERIMENTELLER HERKUNFT. Gegenbaurs morph. Jahrb., 1936, 78: 234-252. 14 refs. 1659 Maatz, R. DIE REACTION DES KNOCHENS AUF FEDERDRUCK. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1951, 44: 529-539. 9 refs. 1660 Maatz, R. DIE WUNDMECHANIK IN DER FEDER- OSTEOSYNTHESE. Zschr. Orthop., 1951, 80: 643-656. 24 refs. Next to the activating substance occurring in fracture haematomas, mechanico-functional stress plays the most significant role in the formation of cal- lus. A study of 150 cases in which a spring osteosynthesis was carried out confirms this • theory. 1661 *MacConaill, M. A. THE MOVEMENTS OF BONES AND JOINTS. II. FUNCTION OF THE MUSCULATURE. J. Bone Surg., 1949, 31B: 100-104. 1662 Machado de Sousa, 0. L'ARCHITECTURE DE LA SUBSTANCE OSSEUSE COMPACTE DE LA MANDIBULE CHEZ L'HOMME ET LES EdENTES. Rass. biol. umana, 1947, 2: 23-28. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1948, 2: No. 514. 1663 McMaster, P. E. BONE ATROPHY AND ABSORPTION. EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS. J. Bone Surg., 1937, 19: 74-83. 21 refs. 1664 Maj, G. SINGOLARE STRUTTURA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO IN "GALLUS GALLUS" ADULTO E VECCHIO. Monit. zool. ital., 1938, 48: Suppl., 140-147. 4 refs. The structure of the compact diaphy- sis of the bones of the upper and lower ex- tremities of a 9 jear old hen were examined histologically and compared with those of chickens of various ages. From modifica- tions observed it was concluded that varia- tions in bone tissue occur in response to mechanical and functional provocation. 1665 Maj, G. and Toaiari, E. OSSERVAZIONI SPERI- MENTALI SUL MECCANISMO DI RESISTENZA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO LAMELLARE COMPATTO ALLE AZIONI MECCANICHE. Chir . org. movim . , 1937, 22: 541-557. 17 refs. 1666 Martfn Lagos, F.. Zarapico, M. and Gomez, J. INFLUENCIA DE LAS ACCIONES MECANICAS DIVER- SAS SOBRE LA FORMACION DEL CALLO DE FRAC- TURA. Arch. med. exp., Madr., 1949, 12: 123-142. 8 pi. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 2329. 1667 ♦Matzen, P. F. VOM EINFLUSS MECHANISCHER EINWIRKUNGEN AUF DIE KALLUSBILDUNG. Beit. klin. Chir., 1952, 184: 147-179. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1952, 6: No. 8883. 1668 Mechanik, N. INDICES CAVI MEDULLARIS ET COM- PACTAE FEMORIS. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1928, 86: 188-203. 4 refs. 1669 Mechanik, N. UNTERSUCHUNG DER MARKHOHLE UND DER KOMPAKTEN SCHICHT DES OBERARMBEINES DES MENSCHEN UND DER HAUSTIERE. Zschr. anat. Entw., 1929, 89: 513-531. Literaturverzeich- nis: p. 530-53T. 1670 Mechanik, N. DIE VERTEILUNG DES KOMPAKTEN KNOCHENGEWEBES UND DIE DIMENSIONEN DER MARKHOHLE DER TIBIA DES MENSCHEN UND DER HAUSTIERE. Zschr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1930, 93: 198-222. 14 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 22220. 1671 Morin, F. SULL'ARCHITETTURA DELLA CARTILA- GINE ARTICOLARE NELL'UOMO. Atti Soc. ital. anat., (1947) 1948,, 310-311. 1672 Murray, P. D. F. and Selby, D. INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC FACTORS IN THE PRIMARY DEVELOP- MENT OF THE SKELETON. Arch. Entwmech., 1930, 122: 629-662. 20 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 14412. 1673 Noltemeir, H. UBER DIE ENSTEHUNG DER ANATO- MISCHEN FORM EINES KNOCHENS ^eSt zah™ arztl., Zschr., 1947, 2: 109-113. 1674 Oliveira, H. de CONTRIBUTION A LA CONNAIS- SANCE DE LA MECANO-STRUCTURE DU TIBIA HU- MAIN. Fol. anat. Univ. conimbr 19^9 7- No. 1, 1-10. '' ' -* 1675 Olivo, 0. M. CONSIDERAZIONI SUL SIGNIFICATO FUNZIONALE DEGLI OSTEONI. Boll Soc ital biol. sper., 1937, 12: 67-70 6 rers. 1676 Olivo, O. M. RISPONDENZA DELLA FUNZTnvw MECCANICA VARIA DEGLI OSTEONI CON LA^ORO DIVERSA MINUTA ARCHITETTURA Boll Soc ital. biol. sper., 1937, 12: 400-402 4 refs. — 1677 Olivo, 0. M., Maj, G. and Toaiari, E. SUL SIGNIFICATO DELLA MINUTA STRUTTURA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO COMPATTO. Bull. sc. med., Bologna, 1937, 109: 369-394. 22 refs. 93 MECHANICAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1678 Pa?oT1,i™'rY.~and R"88"-1' I- G. CONSIDERATIUNI ASUPRA LAMEI OSQASE SUBTROCHANTINIENE; PIN- TENELE FEMURAL. Cluj. med., 1935, 16: 633- 634. 2 refs. German translation in7 Anat. Anz., 1935-36, 81: 280-283. Study of the subtrochanteric osseous lamellae of the femoral crista. 1679 Pauwels, F. DIE BEDEUTUNG DER BAUPRINZIPIEN DER UNTEREN EXTREMITAt FUR DIE BEANSPRUCHUNG DES BEINSKELETTES. ZWEITER BEITRAG ZUR FUNKTIONELLEN ANATOMIE UND KAUSALEN MORPH- OLOGIE DES STUTZAPPARATES. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1950, 114: 525-538. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 161. Data is presented to show that the greatest strain on the long bones is produced by the weight of the body. The muscles and lega- ments, serving as a tensil girder, reduce this strain. 1680 Pauwels, F. DIE BEDEUTUNG DER BAUPRINZIPIEN DES STUTZ- UND BEWEGUNGSAPPARATES FUR DIE BEANSPRUCHUNG DER ROHRENKNOCHEN. ERSTER BEITRAG ZUR FUNKTIONELLEN ANATOMIE UND KAUSALEN MORPHOLOGIE DES STUTZAPPARATES. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1948, 114: 130-166. 1681 Pauwels, F. DIE BEDEUTUNG DER MUSKELKRAFTE FUR DIE REGELUNG DER BEANSPRUCHUNG DES ROHRENKNOCHENS WAHREND DER BEWEGUNG DER GLIEDER. DRITTER BEITRAG ZUR FUNKTIONELLEN ANATOMIE UND KAUSALEN MORPHOLOGIE DES STUTZAPPARATES. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1950, 115: 327-351. 1682 Pauwels, F. BEDEUTUNG UND KAUSALE ERKLARUNG DER SPONGIOSA-ARCHITEKTUR IN NEUER AUF- FASSUNG. Klin. Wschr., 1948, 26: 123-124. An abstract. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 1576. The arrangement of the lamellae in relation to the lines of tension in spongy bone is discussed. L683 Pauwels, F. BEITRAG ZUR KLARUNG DER BEANSPRU- CHUNG DES BECKENS, INSBESONDERE DER BECKEN- FUGEN. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1948, 114: 167- 180. 1684 Pauwels, F. UBER DIE BEDEUTUNG DER BAU- PRINZIPIEN DES STDTZ-UND BEWEGUNGSAPPARATES FUR DIE BEANSPRUCHUNG DER ROHRENKNOCHEN. Acta anat., Basel, 1951, 12: 207-227. 3 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 1256. Study of mechanical stresses upon the long bones: tension, pressure and flexion; and of the muscular tensions which reduce these stresses to a minimum. 1685 Pauwels, F. UBER DIE MECHANISCHE BEDEUTUNG DER GROBEREN KORTIKALISSTRUKTUR BEIM NORMALEN UND PATHOLOGISCH VERBOGENEN ROHRENKNOCHEN. Anat. Nachr., 1950, 1: 53-67. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 326. Stresscoat studies of the lines of resistance in bent leg bones indicated that adjustment of the cortex to changed stress takes place horizontally and by the deposition of bone tissue within the curve. 1686 Pedersen, H. E., Evans, F. G. and Lissner, H. R. DEFORMATION STUDIES OF THE FEMUR UNDER VARIOUS LOADINGS AND ORIENTATIONS. Anat. Ilec, 1949, 103: 159-185. pi. 10 refs. "Stresscoat7'-studies of human femora from adult male cadavers. 1687 Peitsara, H. TIEREXPERIMENTELLE RACHITSUNTER- SUCHUNGEN MIT BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIGUNG DER MUSKELTATIGKEIT. Acta paediat., 1944, 31: Suppl. 3. 244p. Bibliography: p. 236- 24*4. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 3179c. In dogs experimental studies were made on rickets and muscular exercise and on the effects of various doses of vitamin D. 1688 Piotet, G. REFLEXIONS SUR LA PHYSI0L0GIE DE LA REPARATION ET DE LA CROISSANCE DES OS. Helvet. chir. acta, 1945, 12: 614-631. 1689 Policard, A., Pehu, M. and Boucomont, J. STRUCTURE ET MECANISME DE FORMATION DE CERTAINES STRIES TRANSVERSALES OBSEBVfiES SUR LES RADIOGRAPHIES D'OS LONGS. Bull. histol. appl., Lyon, 1931, 8: 233-241. 12 refs. Autopsy studies indicated that the transverse striations seen in X-ray studies of the long bones were due to the presence of additional transverse trabeculae. These could be formed during a period of relaxation of the axial ten- sions on the bone during growth. 1690 Poos, F. and Walter, H. EXPERIMENTELLE STUDIE UBER DAS VERHALTEN DES BULBUS UND SKELET- SYSTEMS UNTER DEM EINFLUSS EINER IN RICHTUNG UND GROSSE VERAgDERTEN SCHWERKRAFT (ZENTRI- FUGALWIRKUNG) WAHREND DES WACHSTUMS. Vir- chows Arch., 1931, 671-683. 1691 Popa, G. T. and Alexandrescu, N. MECANO- STRUCTURE D'UN OS PATHOLOGIQUE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1931, 107: 390-392. 1692 Rabson, S. M UBER ANPASSUNGSVORGANGE DES KNORPEL- UND KNOCHENGEWEBES IM VERSTEIFTEN GELENK. Virchows Arch., 1933, 291: 624- 642. 20 refs. 1693 Rouviere, H. anat. path, DIRECTION DES OS LONGS. Ann. , Par., 1938, 15: 830-838. 1694 Rouvidre, H. and Cordier, G. SUR LA MORPHO- gEnESE. DES OS. FORMATION DES SAILLIES ET DES DEPRESSIONS NON ARTICULAIRES. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1935, 12: 459-463. 1695 Rutishauser, E. and Majno, G. LES LESIONS OS- SEUSES PAR SURCHARGE DANS LE SQUELETTE NOR- MAL. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1949, 79: 281- 288. 46 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 5280. After radial re- section dogs were encouraged to walk and the effects of increased stress upon the ulna were studied radiologically and histological- ly. 1696 Rutishauser, E. and Majno, Q. LESIONS OSSEUSES PAR SURCHARGE DANS LE SQUELETTE NORMAL ET PATHOLOGIQUE. Bull. Schweiz. Akad. med. Wiss., (1949) 1950, 6: 333-342. 1 ref. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 1321. 1697 Saaf, J. EFFECTS OF EXERCISE ON ADULT ARTICU- LAR CARTILAGE. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON GUINEA PIGS WITH RELEVANCE TO THE CON- TIN0US REGENERATION OF ADULT CARTILAGE. Acta orthop. scand, 1950, Suppl. 7. 86p. Approx. 100 refs. 94 MECHANICAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1698 Sa™h^ti'„A- SULL'ARCHITETTURA DEL FEMORE UMANO. Riv. antrop., 1948-1949, 36: 189- 1699 Schabadasch, A. BEITRAGE ZUR SYNTHETISCHEN ERFORSCHUNG DES MIKROAUFBAUES DES ROHREN- KNOCHENS. Morph. Jahrb., 1935, 76: 203- 258. 76 refs. 1700 Schultz, A. H. THE RELATIVE THICKNESS OF THE LONG BONES AND THE VERTEBRAE IN PRIMATES. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1953, 11: 277-311. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 1069. 1701 Severi, A. LE ALTERAZIONI DELLA TECA CRANICA PER AUMENTO DELLA PRESSIONE ENDOCRANICA. (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI.) Arch. ital. anat., 1933, 4: 135-144. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 15637. 1702 Shik, IA. L. and Grechishkin, S. V. 0 FUNKT- SIONAL'NOM STROENII GUBCHATOGO VESHCHESTVA KOSTI. [FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE SUB- STANTIA SPONGIOSA] Arch, russ. anat., 1940, 24: 175-181. 19 refs. German summary, p7 268. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 14902. "The theory of Meyer- Wolff-Roux is insufficient to explain the structure of the spongeous bone architecture. Rontgenograms from different positions of various bones showed that parallel lines of spongiosa run in a direction of the lines of force as determined by a function of one or the other set of muscles." - Biol. Abstr. 1703 *Simizu, M. [THE EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON THE KINETO-ADAPTATION OF BONES. THE EFFECT OF THE MODIFIED ACTIVITY CAUSED BY THE AMPUTA- TION OF THE RIGHT ARM ON THE GROWTH OF BONES. III. INFLUENCE UPON CURVATURE OF CLAVICULA, SCAPULA AND RADIO-ULNA BONES] Dobutsugaku Zasshi, 1943, 55: 241-246. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 20561. "In white rats bone growth was analyzed by measuring the curvature and depth length relations of the lateral margins of the clavicle, scapula and radio-ulna. The in- fluence of the lack of muscle pull on the operated side is described." - Biol. Abstr. 1704 „ . . Sladk£, F. VLIV LOKALNICH PORUCH EPIFYSARNICH NA VZRUST KOSTI. [EFFECT OF LOCAL EPIPHYSEAL DISTRUBANCE ON THE GROWTH OF BONE] Sborn. lSk., 1938, 40: 1-44. 2 pi. Approx. 235 refs. French-summary. 1705 Slijper, E. J. OVER DE DOORNUITSTEEKSELS VAN DE MENSCHELIJKE WERVELKOLOM. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1946, 90: 1298-1307. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 11762. 1706 Storck H. UBER FORM, BAU, BEANSPRUCHUNG UND LEISTUNG DES KNOCHENS. 75p. Stuttgart, Enke, 1947. 1707 Strobino, L.J, French, G. 0. and Colonna, p C. THE EFFECT OF INCREASING TENSIONS ON THE GROWTH OF EPIPHYSEAL BONE. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1952, 95: 694-700. 6 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 5025; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 16396. 1708 ThourSn, G. OM MELLANANSIKTETS ARKITEKTONISKA BYGGNAD HOS ADULT HOMO. Odont. tskr., 1947, 55: 402-442. 66 refs. 1709 ThourSn, G. OM UNDERKAKENS ARKITEKTONISKA BYGGNAD HOS ADULT HOMO. Odont. tskr., 1947, 55: 335-401. 66 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 374. 1710 Tigchendorf, F. QUANTITATIVE BEOBACHTUNGEN UBER DAS VERHALTEN DER HAVERSSCHEN LAMELLEN BEI BELASTUNG. II. MITTEILUNG: UNTERSUCH- UNGEN UBER DAS KNOCHENGEWEBE. Arch. Entwmech., 1952, 146: 1-20. 39 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 10961. 1711 Toaiari, E. RESISTENZA MECCANICA ED ELASTICITA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO STUDIATA IN RAPPORTO ALLA MINUTA STRUTTURA. Monit. zool. ital., Suppl., 1938, 48: 148-154. 2 refs. In a study of the effect-of function on bone structure, splin- ters of compact bone, taken longitudinally along the anatomical axis of the radius, ulna and olecranon of the ox and the metatarsals and metacarpals of the ox, horse and mule were subjected to progressively increased pressure until fracture. It was found that in general a relationship existed between the fracture load and the degree of elasticity. Areas generally subject to tension had a greater resistance to fracture and a higher degree of elasticity than those generally subject to pressure. It was also noted that where resistance and elasticity were greatest the collagen fibrils were arranged vertically and that in zones of less resistance the ar- rangement of the fibrils tended to be circu- lar or oblique. 1712 Todd, T. W. and Barber, C. G. THE EXTENT OF SKELETAL CHANGE AFTER AMPUTATION. J. Bone Surg., 1934, 16: 53-64. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 14735. 1713 Townsley, [W.l J. M. Sc, 1942, 6.ser., No. 201, 542. An ARCHITECTURE OF FEMUR. Irish abstract. "The author sought to demonstrate that the internal architecture and the ex- ternal form of bones are based on the me- chanical principles." 1714 Townsley, W. THE INFLUENCE OF MECHANICAL FAC- TORS ON THE DEVELOPMENT AND STRUCUTRE OF BONE. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1948, 6: 25-45. 3 pi. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 17705. "A radiological in- vestigation of the phylogenetic and onto- genetic development of the internal archi- tectural features and external form of the upper end of the femur was made. Femora from representatives of various evolutionary levels - amphibian, reptilian, and mammalian - were compared with those of fetal, adoles- cent , and adult human bones. The relation- ship of the internal structure and external form to mechanical requirements is noted " 1715 Ulutas, I. SPALTLINIEN - YARIK CI7GTtfwt Tip Fak. mecmuasi, Istanbul 1952 IV 1Q7 210. 9 refs. German summary! Abstracted" in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1 1952 fiv^ 2069 "The - Spaltlinien' are a kild of" lines which are formed on a decalcified bone bv means of a blunt-pointed needle. The author gives a survey on this subject and describes the results of his own investigation on h\, man and anthropoid mandibles. The 'Spalt linien' on the long bone are parallel to th axis of the bone, but on the mandible thev are not regular in direction." - Excerpta med. 95 MECHANICAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1716 Vigliani, F. ACCRESCIMENTO DELLE OSSA LUNGHE SPERIMENTALMENTE SOTTRATTE ALLE NORMALI SOLLECITAZIONI MECCANICHE. Atti Soc. ital anat., 1950, 59: 322-325. 2 refs. Experi- ments on young dogs indicated that absence of mechanical stress by whatever means ob- tained, artificial immobilization, enerva- tion or both combined, had a definite ef- fect upon the growth in length of the long bones. 1717 Vigliani, F. ACCRESCIMENTO IN LUNGHEZZA DI OSSA TUBULARI IN ARTI SOTTRATTI SPERIMENTAL- MENTE AL CARICO MECCANICO. Arch. "Putti" 1952, 2: 207-221. 37 refs. Experiments on young dogs indicated that relief of an ex- tremity from mechanical stress by artificial immobilization, brachial plexus nerve sec- tion or both, had no qualitative effect on bone growth processes nor on epiphyseal car- tilage structure. Qualitative effects were evident in longitudinal growth of the long bones and in thickness of epiphyseal carti- lage . 1718 Vigliani, F. INFLUENZA DELLE NORMALI SOL- LECITAZIONI MECCANICHE SULLA STRUTTURA DELLE CARTILAGINI ARTICOLARI NEL PERI0D0 POST-NATALE. Boll. Soc. ital. biol sper , 1951, 27: 1723-1725. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 320. 1719 Vigliani, F. SULLA STRUTTURA DI OSSA SOTTRATTE SPERIMENTALMENTE ALLE NORMALI SOLLECITAZIONI MECCANICHE. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1950, 26: 153-155. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 626. 1720 Villemin, F. and Simeon, A. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DE LA THE0RIE DE LA FORME F0NCTI0N- NELLE DES OS. Bordeaux chir., 1936, 7: 449-450. 3 refs. 1721 EXPERIMENTAL'NAIA ATROFIIA [EXPERIMENTAL ATROPHY OF THE Ortop. travmat., Kharkov, 84 refs. Abstracted in: med. zh., 1938, 21: 502. "Experimental study of limb atrophy on dogs from 3 months to 7 years old. All groups of muscles of forearms and shins except vas- cular new-fibers were removed. ... Trans- formation of osseous tissue originated in distal sections of limbs at 10th day and progressed, enveloping all bones of limbs. The transformation was of atrophic nature, accompanied with qualitative and quantita- tive modification of external form and in- ternal texture of bones. It developed earlier in osseous tissue of young animals. Osseous atrophy progressed without partici- pation of osteoclasts. The atrophic process appeared on the side of removed muscles. Process of transformation started in places of higher pressure of the distal sections of limb and extended later to sites of relative rest."- Tsentr. referat. med. zh. 1722 Walter C. W., Van Slyke, K. K. and Hufnagel, C THE MOBILIZATION AND DEPOSITION OF BONE CALCIUM BY ELECTROLYSIS. A PRELIMINARY RE- PORT Surgery, 1941, 10: 145-146. Ab- stracted in: Chem. AbstT., 1942, 36: 2274^. 1723 Washburne, S. L. THE EFFECT OF THE TEMPORAL MUSCLE ON THE FORM OF THE MANDIBLES. J. Dent. Res., 1947, 26: 174. An abstract. "The temporal muscle of day-old rats was removed. Four months later the animals were sacrificed. No coronoid process was present, and the mandibular neck and condyle were smaller than normal. It is concluded that the extrinsic factors acting on the bone are more important than is usually supposed." Volynskii, F. A. KOSTNOI TKANI. OSSEOUS TISSUE] 1938, 1: 3-18. Tsentr. referat, 1724 Wermel, J. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE KINETO- GENESE UND IHRE BEDEUTUNG IN DER ONTO- UND PHYLOGENETISCHEN ENTWICKLUNG. (EXPERIMENTE UND VERGLEICHUNGEN AN WIRBELTIEREXTREMITA- TEN.) I. MITTEILUNG: ALLGEMEINE EINLEIT- UNG. VERANDERUNGEN DER LANGE DER KNOCHEN. Gegenbaurs morph. Jahrb., 1934, 74: 143- 169. Approx. 27 refs. AbstracteH in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 6866. 1725 Wermel, J. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE KINETO- GENESE UND IHRE BEDEUTUNG IN DER ONTO- UND PHYLOGENETISCHEN ENTWICKLUNG. (EXPERIMENTE UND VERGLEICHUNGEN AN WIRBELTIER-EXTREMITA- TEN.) II. MITTEILUNG: VERANDERUNGEN DER DICKE UND DER MASSE DER MASSE DER KNOCHEN. Gegenbaurs morph. Jahrb., 1935, 75: 92-127. Approx. 35 refs. 1726 Wermel, J. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE KINETO- GENESE UND IHRE BEDEUTUNG IN DER ONTO- UND PHYLOGENETISCHEN ENTWICKLUNG. (EXPERIMENTE UND VERGLEICHUNGEN AN WIRBELTIER- EXTREMITA- TEN ) III. MITTEILUNG: VERANDERUNGEN DER WIDERSTANDSFAHIGKEIT DER KNOCHEN. Gegen- baurs morph. Jahrb., 1935, 75: 128-149. 4 refs . 1727 Wermel, J. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE KINETO- GENESE UND IHRE BEDEUTUNG IN DER ONTO- UND PHYLOGENETISCHEN ENTWICKLUNG. (EXPERI- MENTE UND VERGIEICHUNGEN AN WIRBELTIER- EXTREMITATEN.) IV. MITTEILUNG: LAGERVER- ANDERUNGEN DER SKELETTELEMENTE UND DAMIT VERBUNDENE VERANDERUNGEN DER KNOCHEN- UND GELENKFORM. Gegenbaurs morph. Jahrb., 1935, 75: 180-228. Approx. 30 refs. 1728 Wermel, J. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE KINETO- GENESE UND IHRE BEDEUTUNG IN DER ONTO- UND PHYLOGENETISCHEN ENTWICKLUNG. (EXPERI- MENTE UNR VERGLEICHUNGEN AN WIRBELTIER- EXTREMITATEN.) VI. MITTEILUNG: VERANDER- UNGEN DER MUSKULATUR. Gegenbaurs morph. Jahrb., 1935, 75: 452-458. 6 refs. 1729 Wilkinson, G. W and Leblond, C. P. THE DEPOSITION OF RADIOPHOSPHORUS IN FRACTURED BONES IN RATS. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1953, 97: 143-150. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 943. Rats with humerus and tibia fractured at mid-shaft were injected with p32 amj sacrificed 4 hours later. Radioautographs showed very active fixation of p32 by new bone trabeculae and Geiger counters showed increased uptake of P32 in the diaphysis and in the epiphyses of the fractured bone and even in the contra- lateral intact bone. The reconstruction of bony tissue in bones other than those frac- tured is attributed to internal bony pres- sure resulting from changes in the position and use of body and limb after fracture. 1730 Wright, R. D. FACTORS CONCERNED IN BONE STRUC- TURE. J. Anat., Lond., 1934, 69: 89-90. pi. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait 1935, 9: No. 19854. 1731 Wyss, T. DIE KRAFTFELDER IN FESTEN KORPERN. Vjschr. naturforsch. Ges. Zurich, 1948, 93: 151-186. 8 refs. French and English suFrf"" maries . See: 101 130 271 448 451 474 479 529 574 890 954 1002 1092 1099 1105 1106 1346 2237 2242 2313 2352 2361 96 METABOLISM 1732 Armstrong, W. D. BONE METABOLISM. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1944, 3: 201-207. 22 refs. A review covering: general metabolic con- sequences of fractures, factors influencing fracture healing, and disuse atrophy of the skeleton. 1733 Budy, A. M. DISTRIBUTION OF RADIOACTIVE ES- TRONE 16-C14 in MICE. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1953, 12: 306. An abstract. 1733a Hevesy, G. [C.] SKELETON METABOLISM. IN HIS: RADIOACTIVE INDICATORS; THEIR APPLICATION IN BIOCHEMISTRY, ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, AND PATH- OLOGY. New York, Interscience Publishers, 1948, p. 409-444. 74 refs. 1734 Mansfield, R. D. NORMAL BONE METABOLISM. Hosp. News, Wash., 1940, 7: No. 13, 1-10. 19 refs. A survey of current knowledge of normal bone metabolism directed to those concerned with bone diseases. 1741 Layton, .L. L., Frankel, D. R. and Scapa, S. MATERNAL SULFATE UTILIZED BY MAMMALIAN *."- BRYOS AND SUCKLING YOUNG. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1950, 28: 142-144. 6 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 561. "Sulfate from the maternal organ- ism is apparently transferred across the placental barrier and utilized by the em- bryo for tissue synthesis. It is secreted in the milk and utilized by the suckled young. The relative fixation values, ex- pressed in counts 100 mg. wet tissue, as BaS35 04 in 80 mg. BaS04 carrier, were, for embryos: entire femur, 2700; aorta, 1000; skeletal muscle, 290; heart ventricle, 80; for suckled young: condyle of tibia, 3500; shaft of tibia, 280; aorta, 35; heart ventricle, 17." - Biol. Abstr. METABOLISM, INORGANIC see also METABOLISM; TRACE ELEMENTS and subdivisions 1735 Rogers, H. J. and Weidman, S. M. METABOLISM OF ALVEOLAR BONE. Brit. Dent. J., 1951, 90: 7-10. 7 refs. Discussion: p. 10. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 28017. 1736 Stein, I. BONE METABOLISM. Surg. Clin. N. America, Philadelphia No., Dec. 1953, 1745- 1757. 12 refs. A short review discussing structure, growth, formation and normal and abnormal metabolism of bone as well as those disease factors involving defect in supply of minerals, vitamin or hormone. 1737 Todd, T. W. THE RECORD OF METABOLISM IM- PRINTED ON THE SKELETON, (CHARLES ALBERT BRACKETT LECTURE). Am. J. Orthodont., 1938, 24: 811-826. 31 refs. See: 1742 345 369 1024 1151 1265 1349 1362 2023 2787 2848 2947 METABOLISM - SULPHUR 1738 Dziewiatkowski, D. D. RATE OF EXCRETION OF RADIOACTIVE SULFUR AND ITS CONCENTRATION IN SOME TISSUES OF THE RAT AFTER INTRAPERI- TONEAL ADMINISTRATION OF LABELED SODIUM SULFATE. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 178: 197- 202. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 23200. "In contrast to the rapid Tall observed in the liver and blood, the concentration of the S35 was found to increase until about the 8th hour in bone and until about the 24th hour in bone marrow. The subsequent fall in the g35 concentration of the bone and bone marrow was also slower than that in blood, liver, and brain." 1739 ._ Dziewiatkowski, D. D. UTILIZATION OF SULFATE SULFUR IN THE RAT FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF CYS- TINE. J. Biol. Chem., 1954, 207: 181-186. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 5995i. "...s35 was found to be present to a small extent in the cystine isolated from the skin plus hair, the skeleton plus musculature, and in the internal organs." 1740 Lavton L L. QUANTITATIVE DIFFERENTIAL FIX- ATION OF SULFATE FY TISSUES MAINTAINED IN VITRO I. SULFATE FIXATION AS A FUNCTION OF AGE FOR EMBRYONIC TISSUES. Cancer, Phila., 1950 3" 725-734. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 8475b. Armstrong, W. D. and Barnum, C. P. CONCURRENT USE OF RADIOISOTOPES OF CALCIUM AND PHOS- PHORUS IN THE STUDY OF THE METABOLISM OF CALCIFIED TISSUES. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 172: 199-204. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 38561. "The up- take and retention oT~both radiocalcium and radiophosphorus by calcified tissues stand in the following decreasing order: fe- mur marrow, femur epiphysis, femur diaphy- sis, incisor tooth dentin, incisor tooth enamel, molar tooth dentin, and molar tooth enamel. Evidence has been presented that under conditions in vivo calcified tissues do not all exchange calcium and phosphorus in the same proportion." 1743 Aylward, F. N. and Blackwood, J. H. FASTING AND REALIMENTATION IN THE RUMINANT. I. THE EFFECT OF FOOD AND FASTING ON CERTAIN BLOOD CONSTITUENTS. II. CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM DURING FASTING AND DURING RE- ALIMENTATION FOLLOWED BY FASTING. Biochem. J., Lond., 1936, 30: 1819-1832. 50 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-38, 7: No. 620. 1744 Bartolomucci, E. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI SUL COMPORTAMENTO DEL CALCIO FOSFORO E DELL'AT- TIVITA FOSFATASICA NELLA DERIVAZIONE TOTALE ESTERNA DELLA BILE. Sperimentale, 1940 94: 573-582. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Chem' — Abstr., 1943, 37: 31647. "Dogs with a biliary fistula show a constant drop in the Ca and P in the blood. The drop in Ca is greatest at the beginning of the experi- ment and is followed by an increase with- out, however, attaining normalcy. The de- crease of P is progressive. The phosphatase in the plasma is increased, also that in the bones, while the Ca content of the bones de- creases." - Chem. Abstr 1745 "BETS* "s viTK^K^T^rte-l!- AND OTHER TISSUES, UNDER VARIOUS CONDI- TIONS. J. Dent. Res., 1953, 32- 168-176 19 refs. Abstracted in: Biol—Abstr Bait., 1953, 27: No. 32230; Nutrit Abstr Aberdeen, 1953, 23: No. 4790; Chem Abstr"' 1953, 47: 7059i. " ' METABOLISM, INORGANIC (Continued) 97 1746 Benjamin, H. R. THE FORMS OF THE CALCIUM AND INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS IN HUMAN AND ANIMAL SERA. II. THE NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE FILTRABLE, ADSORBABLE CALCIUM-PHOSPHORUS COMPLEX. J. Biol. Chem., 1933, 100: 57-78. 23 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1933, 27: 2480. "It is suggested that normal cal- cification of bone involves the adsorption of the calcium-phosphorus complex of the serum by cartilage in the region of the epiphyseal junction. When, as in rickets, the concentration of this complex is reduced below a certain level, adsorption, and con- sequently calcification, is retarded." 1747 Bogdonoff, M. D. , Shock, N. W. and Nichols, M. P. CALCIUM, PHOSPHORUS, NITROGEN, AND POTASSIUM BALANCE STUDIES IN THE AGED MALE. J. Geront., 1953, 8: 272-288. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., T953, 47: 11422°; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1954, *"(?: No. 799; Brit. Abstr., 1954, p. 167. "ETderly men in positive N balance required 850 mg. per day of Ca, about the same as the needs of younger men. These elderly subjects were able to retain Ca, P, N, and K, suggesting that protoplasm was being built up. Elder- ly males with osteoporosis, however, re- tained only a little Ca when large amounts were given, suggesting that some defect in osteoid formation or its calcification was present." - Brit. Abstr. 1748 Carlsson, A. ON THE MECHANISM OF THE SKELE- TAL TURNOVER OF LIME SALTS. Acta physiol. scand., 1952, 26: 200-211. Addendum, p. 211. 17 rets. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 2795. Radio- calcium was administered to rats and the uptake in the incisors studied during the next 18 hours. The process was noted to have been irreversible and no return of radiocalcium from incisors to blood was demonstrated. "The results suggested a diurnal rhythmic variation in calcium up- take" and were considered to support the view of a close relationship between the renewal of bone salt and that of bone tis- sue. The article is preceded by a review of the literature. 1749 Carlsson, A. TRACER EXPERIMENTS ON THE EF- FECT OF VITAMIN D ON THE SKELETAL METABO- LISM OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS. Acta physiol. scand., 1952, 26: 212-220. 17 refs. Abstracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 715<". A study was made with rats. Eighteen hours after administration of isotopes, the tracers indicated that up- take of lime salts was favored by vitamin D in the long bones more than in the in- cisors, although the vitamin had produced an increased ash weight of the incisors and no increase in ash weight of the bones. It was concluded that vitamin D favored the removal of lime slats from the bones. The article is preceded by a review of the literature. 1750 VERSCHIL- Claassen, V. and WSstmann, B. S. J. VERSCH] LEN TUSSEN DE OPNEMING VAN CA4t> EN P-" IN HET SKELET VAN JONGE RATEN NA INTRAVENEUZE INJECTIE. Chem. wbl.,-Amst., 1954, 50: 18- 21. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 5988*". 1751 Dallemagne, M. J. REFLEXIONS SUR LE METABO- LISME MINERAL DES TISSUS CALCIFIES. Rev. med., Liege, 1946, 1: 77-79. 1752 Davis, G. K. and Loosli, J. K. MINERAL ME- TABOLISM (ANIMAL). Annual Rev. Biochem., 1954, 23: 459-480. 248 refs. 1753 Duckworth, J. and Godden, W. THE LABILITY OF SKELETAL MAGNESIUM RESERVES. THE INFLUENCE OF RATES OF BONE GROWTH. Biochem. J., Lond., 1941, 35: 816-823. 17 refs. Ab- stracted in: C"iiem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 19989; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 6506. "The net quantity of Mg liberated from the skeleton and its apparent rate of mobiliza- tion were related to the rate of bone growth. The skeleton contained the main reserve of Mg which was highly labile. The two-phase nature of the syndrome of Mg de- ficiency was shown to be explicable on the basis of mobilization, and then cessation of mobilization, of the skeletal reserves. A mechanism for the removal and return of skeletal Mg was suggested." - Chem. Abstr. 1754 Engel, M. B., Joseph, N. R. and Catchpole, H. R. EQUILIBRIUM OF CALCIUM AND OTHER IONS IN CONNECTIVE TISSUES. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 5.Conf., 1953, 105-118. Con- ference discussion: p. 113-118. 13 refs. 1755 Ercoli, N. and Lewis, M. N. THE AGE FACTOR IN THE RESPONSE OF BONE TISSUE TO ALIZARIN DYES AND THE MECHANISM OF DYE FIXATION. Anat. Rec, 1943, 87: 67-76. 25 refs. Adult and immature white mice were used in the experiments. 1756 Falkenheim, M., Neuman, W. F. and Hodge, H. C. EXCHANGE OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS AS THE MECHANISM OF RADIOISOTOPE ADSORPTION OF BONES AND TEETH. J. Dent. Res., 1947, 26: Proc., 460. An abstract. 1757 Follis, R. H., Jr. DISEASES, PARTICULARLY OF BONE, ASSOCIATED WITH DERANGEMENTS OF CAL- CIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1953, 5.Conf., 196-244. Approx. 40 refs. 1758 Greenberg, D. M THE DYNAMICS OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHATE METABOLISM. Univ. California Pub. Physiol., 1947, 8: No. 18, 277-292. 93 refs. This review is devoted to the rela- tion of calcium and phosphate ions to bone. 1759 Greenberg, D. M. MINERAL METABOLISM, MAG- NESIUM, AND PHOSPHORUS. Annual Rev. Bio- chem., 1939, 8: 269-300. 175 refs. For bone, see particulary, p. 273-276. 1760 Hansen, I. G. and Mollgaard, H. INVESTIGA- TIONS OF THE EFFECT OF LACTIC ACID ON THE METABOLISM OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS. Acta physiol. scand., 1947, 14: 158-170. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. AbiTr., 1948, 42: 651c. "Strong lactic acid fermentation in-the in- testines of the pig effect an increase of the absorption of calcium and phosphate and by that way a superior bone formation. It further promotes health and growth of young pigs considerably." 1761 Hevesy, G. C. RATE OF RENEWAL OF THE FISH SKELETON. Acta physiol. scand., 1945, 9: 234-247. "At least 95 percent of the skeleton were found to remain unchanged during the experiment [as long as 30 days]. The rate of renewal of the fish skeleton is thus much lower than that of the mammalian skeleton." METABOLISM, INORGANIC (Continued) 98 1762 Hevesy, G. C., Levi, H. B. and Rebbe, 0 H RATE OF REJUVENATION OF THE SKELETON. Bio- chem. J., Lond., 1940, 34: 532-537. 14 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait 1940, 14: No. 16021; Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 55T53. 1763 Karcher, H. DER CALCIUM- UND PHOSPHORSTOFF- WECHSEL BEI DER NORMALEN UND GESTORTEN KNOCHENBRUCHHEILUNG SOWIE IN FRISCHEN UND KONSERVIERTEN TRANSPLANTATEN. EIN NACHWEIS MIT DEN RADIOAKTIVEN ISOTOPEN p32 und CA45. Arch. klin. Chir., 1953, 275: 1-49. 47 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1954, 24: No. 815; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 106512. — 1764 *Krupski, A., Uehlinger, E. and Almasy, F UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DEN KALZIUM-PHOSPHOR- STOFFWECHSEL UND HISTOLOGISCHE KNOCHENBE- FUNDE. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 1939, 81- 223-232. — 1765 Lacroix, P., Devis, R. and Schicks, E. DISTRI- BUTION OF RADIOPHOSPHORUS IN THE LONG BONES OF ADULT RABBITS. Experientia, Basel, 195?, 8: 113-114. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 20531; Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1952, 6: No. 3209. 1766 METABOLISM OF PHYTIN LABELED WITH P32 Nutrit. Rev., 1951, 9: 111-112. A short review. 1767 THE MOBILITY OF BONE. [AN EDITORIAL] J. Am. M. Ass., 1947, 135: 514. 3 refs. 1768 Morgan, A. F., Garrison, E. A., Householder, H., Hansen, A. M., Seberger, M. V., Waten- paugh, J. T., Felsher, A. and Long, M. L. THE EFFECT OF ACID, NEUTRAL, AND BASIC DIETS ON THE CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM OF DOGS. Univ. California Pub. Physiol., 1934, 8: No. 7, 61-106. Abstracted in: Biol. A~bstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 13705. 1769 Munro, H. N. and Cumming, M. C. NITROGEN METABOLISM AFTER FRACTURE. Nature, Lond., 1948, 161: 560-561. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1948-49, 18: No. 2123. In this study with rats it was found that nitrogen lost from the injured limb accounts for only a small part of the nitrogen excreted after fracture. 1770 Patwardhan, V. N. and Chitre, R. G. STUDIES IN CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM. II. THE EFFECT OF TOXIC DOSES OF VITAMIN D ON THE ASH., CA, AND P CONTENT OF THE BONES AND ON THE EXCRETION OF N, CA, AND P IN THE ALBINO RATS. Ind. J. M. Res., 1938, 26: 447-458 13 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 69212; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 309. 1771 Patwardhan, V. N., Chitre, R. G. and Sukhatan- kar, D. R. STUDIES IN CALCIUM AND PHOS- PHORUS METABOLISM. PART VII. THE IONIC PRO- DUCTS OF CALCIUM PHOSPHATES IN EXPERIMENTAL- LY INDUCED VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY. Ind. J. M. Res., 1945, 33: 195-202. 18 refs. 1772 Pavalnsky, R. KOSTNI ATROFIE SE ZRET^EM NA VYMENU MINERALNICH LATEK A ZIVOT KOSTI. [BONE ATROPHY WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE IO MINERAL METABOLISM AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THb BONE] Sborn. lek., 1946, 48: 344-352; 1947, 48: 353-405. 4 p. reTs. English and French summaries, p. 391-402. A review. 1773 Reinach, N., Louw, J. G. and Groenewald, J W. THE EFFECT OF BODY STORES AND OF METHOD OF SUPPLEMENTATION ON THE EFFICIENCY OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS UTILIZATION BY SHEEP. Onder- stepoort J. Vet. Res., 1952, 25: No. 4, 85- 91. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 3014. 1774 Robbins, C. L. THE EFFECT OF DINITROPHENOL ON CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM. J. Nutrit., 1935, 10: 187-191. 9 refs. Ab- stracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 13051. 1775 Schmidt, C. L. A. and Greenberg, D. M. OC- CURRENCE, TRANSPORT AND REGULATION OF CALCI- UM, MAGNESIUM AND PHOSPHORUS IN THE ANIMAL ORGANISM. Physiol. Rev., 1935, lj>: 297-434. Approx. 650 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1935-36, 5: No. 3006. See particularly p. 380-415 for calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in the skeleton and the relation of vitamins and the endocrine glands to the metabolism of these ions. 1776 Schott§, O. E. and Lamy, F. CALCIUM CONTENT IN THE NORMAL AND IN THE REGENERATING UPPER ARM OF TRITURUS VIRIDESCENS. J. Exp. Zool., 1953, 122: 97-117. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 175; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 22392. 1777 Sehra, K. B. and Ahmad, B. STUDIES ON CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM. III. HEPATIC IN- EFFICIENCY AND RICKETS. Ind. J. M. Res., 1945, 33: 115-120. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 2533. "In order to study the relationship between liver function, blood serum phosphatase and bone development, the degree of bone calci- fication in guinea pigs which were fed CCI4 to produce liver damage has been examined. It was observed that the degree of calcifi- cation was lower in animals with liver dam- age than that of normal controls. The ad- dition of oats to the diet of these animals further aggravated the decalcifying action resulting from liver damage. The role of phosphatase in the mineral metabolism of the skeleton is discussed." - Biol. Abstr. 1778 Sendroy, J., Jr. MINERAL METABOLISM. Annual Rev. Biochem., 1945, 14: 407-430. 187 refs. See particularly p. 4T5-424 for review of the literature pertaining to bone. 1779 Theiler, A Du Toit, P. J. and Malan, A. 1 STUDIES IN MINERAL METABOLISM. XXXVIII CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS IN THE NUTRITION*OF GROWING PIGS. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc 1937, 9: 127-164. 7 refs. Abstracted in- Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 50402. 1780 Toverud, K U. and Toverud, G STUDIES ON THE MINERAL METABOLISM DURING PREGNANCY AND LACTATION. II. Biochem. J., Lond., 1932 26: 1424-1434. pi. 5 refs. Abstracted in• CBem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 1038. 99 METABOLISM, INORGANIC (Continued) 1781 Tyler, C. STUDIES OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM IN RELATION TO THE CHEMICAL STRUC- TURE OF BONE. I. EXPERIMENTS WITH LAYING BIRDS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1940, 34: 202- 212. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Chem7 Abstr,, 1940, 34: 4135*; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 11913. 1782 Tyler, C. STUDIES OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM IN RELATION TO THE CHEMICAL STRUCTURE OF BONE. II. EXPERIMENTS WITH MOULTING BIRDS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1940, 34: 1427-1430. 1 ref. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 12159. "The changes in the Ca of tEe Cao^PO^o of bone and the residual Ca of the bone of two birds laying just prior to moulting and of one of the birds in moult are discussed. It is shown that these changes are sub- stantially similar to the changes taking place in birds in full lay." 1783 Watanabe, T. and Suzuki, T. M0RPH0L0GISCHE STUDIEN UBER DIE VERSCHIEDENEN EINFLUSSE AUF DEN KALKSTOFFWECHSEL DES KNOCHENS. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1933, 23: 329-331. See: 236 539 1148 1203 1220 1257 1263 1361 1417 1458 1490 1507 1590 1998 1999 2226 2228a 2241 2328 2386 2620 2740 2772 2842 2887 2964 METABOLISM, INORGANIC - CALCIUM see also METABOLISM, INORGANIC 1784 Armstrong, W. D. THE MAGNITUDE OF THE TURNOVER OF CALCIUM BETWEEN BONE AND INTERSTITIAL FLUID. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1953, 5.Conf., 46-52. Conference Discussion: p. 50-52. 1785 Armstrong, W. D., Johnson, J. A., Singer, L. Lienke, R. I. and Premer, M. L. RATES OF TRANSCAPILLARY MOVEMENT OF CALCIUM AND SODIUM AND OF CALCIUM EXCHANGE BY THE SKELE- TON. Am. J. Physiol., 1952, 171: 641-651. 21 refs. Abstracted in: ChemT"Abstr., 1953, 47: 3959n. Dogs were given radiocalcium and radiosodium and the quantities of these iso- topes present in plasma and blood estimated separately at intervals. Methods are de- scribed, and evidence is presented that calcium-binding by plasma proteins does not impede the transcapillary movement of cal- cium. The rates of this movement of calcium and sodium are calculated and the quantities of skeletal calcium and tissue sodium ex- changed up to 340 minutes are estimated. 1786 Arnold J S. IN VITRO SOLUBILITY AND ION EX- CHANGE OF IN VIVO-DEPOSITED CA-45 IN BONE. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1953, 12: 383. An ab- stract . 1787 Of Bellin, J and Laszlo, D. METABOLISM AND RE- MOVAL OF CA45 in MAN. Science, 1953, 117: 331-334. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 8200d. A single dose of Ca45ci24 was injected rapidly into the anti- cubital vein of fasting controlled patients. Blood and urine analyses were made at fre- quent intervals and stool analyses daily. It was found that the Ca45 rapidly disap- peared from the blood stream, appeared in the excreta and was deposited in bone. The rate at which these processes occur is be- lieved to vary depending on the state of bone metabolism and to be, therefore, a useful indicator of skeletal activity. When the Ca45 levels approximated equilibrium in serum and excreta, sodium salt of ethylene diamine tetracetic acid was infused intra- venously and the following increase in Ca*0 excretion was studied as an indication of the rates of skeletal demineralization. 1788 Bessey, O. A., King, C. G., Quinn, E. J. and Sherman, H. C. THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION OF CALCIUM BETWEEN THE SKELETON AND SOFT TIS- SUES. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 111: 115-118. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936. 10: No. 13021; Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 74311; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1935-36, 5: No. 2845. 1789 Bleyer, B. and Fischler, F. ZUR FRAGE DER BEEINFLUSSBARKEIT DES GESTORTEN SKELETT- MINERALSTOFFWECHSELS DURCH CA-MG-SALZE DER INOSITPHOSPHORSXURE IM VEREIN MIT BIOKATALY- TISCH WIRKSAMEN PFLANZENEXTRAKTEN. Biochem. Zschr., 1931, 239: 224-231. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Cnem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 5920. 1790 Carlsson, A. METABOLISM OF RADIOCALCIUM IN RELATION TO CALCIUM INTAKE IN YOUNG RATS. Acta pharm. tox., Kbh., 1951, 7: Suppl. 1. 74p. 52 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., 1953, 27: No. 451; Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 9646"rT Contents: Introduction.- The metEod. - The effect of Ca deprivation on the absorption and on the excretion of radiocalcium. - Effect of parenteral ad- ministration of Ca on the absorption of Ca4*5 from the digestive tract. - Absorp- tion and skeletal metabolism of radiocal- cium in relation to age and growth. - The skeletal distribution of Ca4* in rachitic rats. - Absorption and skeletal distribution of radiocalcium after oral administration of labelled calcium in varying doses. - The role of vitamin D in the absorption and skeletal distribution of radiocalcium at different levels of Ca in the diet. - Skeletal distribution of Ca45 as observed at different intervals after the admini- stration of labelled Ca. - Summary. - References. 1791 Carlsson, A., Lindqvist, M. and Magnusson, T. EXPERIMENTS WITH RADIOCALCIUM ON THE INTER- RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN VITAMIN D AND DIETARY CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS. Acta pharm. tox., Kbh., 1953, 9: 32-40. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 11380c; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 24666. "Re- sults on the uptake o"f~Ca45 in the skeleton indicated an extra-intestinal effect of vitamin D." 1792 Comar, C. L. SKELETAL METABOLISM STUDIES WITH RADIOCALCIUM. IN: THE ROLE OF ATOMIC ENERGY IN AGRICULTURAL""R"ESEARCH. PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOURTH ANNUAL OAK RIDGE SUMMER SYMPOSIUM AUGUST 25-30, 1952. (Comar, C. L. and Hood, S. L., comps.) Oak Ridge, Tenn. Technical Information Service, 1953, p. 225-329. (TID- 5115) 12 refs. 1793 Common, R. H. OBSERVATIONS ON THE MINERAL METABOLISM OF PULLETS. III. J. Agr. Sc., Lond., 1938, 28: 347-365. "The experi- ment suggests"~That pullets may use up to about one-quarter of their body calcium at the outset of laying for purposes of shell formation. The composition of the inor- ganic material of the skeleton of pullets may be modified by alterations in their mineral metabolism due to egg production on diets with and without a calcium car- bonate supplement. The nature of these modifications and their relationship to calcium metabolism during laying is dis- cussed ." 100 METABOLISM, tinued) INORGANIC - CALCIUM (Con- 1794 Common, R. H. and Hale, R. W. OBSERVATIONS ON THE MINERAL METABOLISM OF PULLETS. VI. THE MOBILIZATION OF BODY CALCIUM FOR SHELL FORMATION. J. Agr. Sc., Lond., 1941, 31: 415-437. 25 refs. "It is suggested tEat some degree of mobilization of skeletal calcium is a normal feature of shell for- mation in the fowl, the fraction of bone mineral material mobilized always having a higher Ca:P ratio than the skeleton as a whole, although the actual ratio may vary with the calcium in the diet and with the form in which the calcium is provided." 1795 Common, R. H. OBSERVATIONS ON THE MINERAL METABOLISM OF PULLETS. VII. THE CALCIUM REQUIREMENT OF THE LAYING BIRD. J. Agr. Sc, Lond., 1943, 33: 213-220. 32 refs. Contents: Retention of calcium from the food for laying birds. - Differential re- tention on day of shell formation and days of no shell formation. - Mobilization of skeletal reserves on high calcium intakes. - Practical considerations. - Summary. 1796 Conway, E. J. THE PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF INORGANIC LEVELS IN THE INTERNAL MEDIUM OF ANIMALS. Biol. Rev. Cambridge Philos. Soc, 1945, 20: 56-72. 63 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 37973. 1797 Cremer, H. D., Herr, W. and SpSth, H. ERnXH- RUNGSFAKTOREN BEI ZAHN- UND KNOCHENBILDUNG. I. CA-RESORPTION UND CA-EINLAGERUNG NACH ZUFUHR VERSCHIEDENER MIT 45CA MARKIERTER SALZE. Biochem. Zschr., 1951, 322: 212-220. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 6176; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 4078e7 1798 Fairbanks, B. W. THE RELATION BETWEEN CAL- CIUM RETENTION AND THE STORE OF CALCIUM IN THE BODY, WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE DETERMINATION OF CALCIUM REQUIREMENTS. J. Nutrit., 1936, 11: 551-572. 20 refs. 1799 Fournier, P. L'ABSORPTION DU CALCIUM CHEZ LE RAT ADULTE. III. INFLUENCE DE L'ETAT INI- TIAL DE L'ANIMAL. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1953, 236: 2537-2539. 4 refs. Two groups of adult rats were fed a Ca deficient diet for a short and a long period respectively, and then fed a diet containing 41% Ca. It was noted that the group deprived of Ca for a short time absorbed little Ca when it was made available while the second group of rats absorbed large initial quantities which soon decreased. The question is raised whether this high and quickly reduced ab- sorption of Ca indicates a rapid remineral- ization of insufficiently calcified bone. 1800 Greenberg, D. M. STUDIES IN MINERAL METABO- LISM WITH THE AID OF ARTIFICIAL RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES. VIII. TRACER EXPERIMENTS WITH RADIOACTIVE CALCIUM AND STRONTIUM ON THE MECHANISM OF VITAMIN D ACTION IN RACHITIC RATS. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 157: 99-104. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1945-46, 15: No. 238. It was demonstrated that vTtamin D promotes ab- sorption of calcium from the digestive tract and that it has a direct action on the mineralization of bone in rachitic animals. 1801 Hodge, H. C., Falkenheim, M. and Emery, E. CALCIUM EXCHANGE IN BONE USING RADIOCALCIUM IN VITRO. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1947, 6: 262. An abstract. 1802 Hodge, H. C., Underwood, E. E. and Falkenheim, M. RATES OF CALCIUM EXCHANGE IN THE SYSTEM; POWDERED BONE IN CALCIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 286. An ab- stract. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 4266. 1803 Howard, J. E. METABOLISM OF CALCIUM AND PHOS- PHORUS IN BONE. Bull. N. York Acad. M., 1951, 27: 24-41. 72 refs. 1804 Hunter, D. CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM. Lancet, Lond., 1930, 218: 897-904; 947-957 and 999-1008. 2 pi. ~TS2 refs. 1805 Jacobs, T. and Govaerts, J. L'UTILIZATION DU RADIOPHOSPHORE POUR L'ETUDE DU METAB0LISME DU CALCIUM CHEZ L'EMBRYON DE LA POULE ET LE POUSSIN. Arch, internat. physiol., Par., 1951, 59: 333-340. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1953, 47: 6508e; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 195T-52, 21: No. 5151. 1806 Lacroix, P. SUR LE METABOLISME DU CALCIUM DANS L'OS COMPACT DU CHIEN ADULTE. Bull. Acad. med. Belgique, 1953, 18: 489-495. pi. 15 refs. 1807 Landtman, B. TIEREXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNG- EN UBER DEN CALCIUM- UND PHOSPHORSTOFFWECH- SEL IN KNOCHEN MIT BESONDERER BERUCKSICHTIG- UNG DER WIRKUNG DES D-VITAMINS. Acta physiol. scand., 1944, 8: Suppl. 26. 124p. Bibliography: p. 119-121. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1945-46, 15: No. 1238; Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 9382. 1808 Leriche, R. and Jung, A. DOCUMENTS CONCERNANT L metaphysis of the growing end >epiphysis and the non-growing end>bone shaft (dia- physis). After 4 months the greatest part of the injected radioactive carbon can be found in the bone. The approximate per cent of the injected dose retained in the skeleton was 0.25 at the end of 24 hours, 0.03 at the end of 1 month, 0.02 at the end of 6 months, and 0.01 at the end of 1 year." METABOLISM, INORGANIC - PHOSPHORUS see also METABOLISM, INORGANIC 1835 Armstrong, W. D. PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM IN THE SKELETON. IN: PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM; A SYM- POSIUM ON THE ROLE OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE ME- TABOLISM OF PLANTS AND ANIMALS. (McElroy, W. D. and Glass, B., eds.) Bait., Johns Hopkins Press, 1952, 2: 698-731. Discus- sion: p. 727-731. 113 refs. 1836 Armstrong, W. D. TURNOVER OF BONE MEASURED WITH RADIOPHOSPHORUS. Fed. Proc., Bait., 1947, 6: 235. An abstract. 1837 Bernhard, K. and Brubacher, G. UBER DIE BETEILIGUNG DES WACHSENDEN UND KONSOLI- DIERTEN HIRSCHGEWEIHES AM PHOSPHATSTOFF- WECHSEL. EIN BEITRAG ZUR KENNTNIS DES GEWEIHWACHSTUMS. Hoppe Seyler Zschr., 1952, 290: 237-246. 5 refs. 1838 Caputo, V., Strom, L. and Tessarolo, G. INFLUENZA DELLA VITAMINA D SULLA DISTRI- BUZIONE SCHELETRICA DEL RADIOFOSFORO NELLE CAVIE ADULTE. Clin, ortop., Parma, 1953, 5: 69-71. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1954, 8: No. 2152. 1839 Chievitz, 0. and Hevesy, G. RADIOACTIVE IN- DICATORS IN THE STUDY OF PHOSPHORUS METABO- LISM IN RATS. Nature, Lond., 1935, 136: 754-755. Data showed that a phosphorus atom remains in the organism about two months. This result was interpreted as in- dicating that the formation of the bones is a dynamic process involving the continuous replacement of previously lost atoms. 1840 Chievitz, O. and Hevesy, G. STUDIES ON THE METABOLISM OF PHOSPHORUS IN ANIMALS. Danske Videnskab. Selsk. Biol. Meddel., 1937, 13: No. 9. 24p. Studies were made in the nor- mal, pregnant and rachitic rat of the bones, incisors, molars, liver, foeta and placenta. 1841 Claassen, V. and Wbstmann, B. S. J. THE UP- TAKE OF INJECTED RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS IN THE SKELETON OF THE GROWING WHITE RAT. I. THE UPTAKE OF INTRAVENOUSLY INJECTED 32p BY RACHITIC AND CONTROL ANIMALS DURING THE FIRST 24 HOURS. Biochim. biophys. acta, Amst., 1953, 12: 432-438. 14 refs. Ab- stracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 2214c. 1842 Cla,aISeSi V- and Wbstmann, B. S. J THE UP- It^^lr INJECTED RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS IN THE SKELETON OF THE GROWING WHITE RAT II THE EFFECT OF CALCIFEROL ON THE RAPID'uP- uAr^ 0Fof2puBY RACHITIC AND CONTROL ANI- 12^77 Jm a bi°phys- acta> Amst., 1953, ATstrTl98354, ^tU^*"™ *»: Chem! 1843 ♦Claassen, V. and Wbstmann, B S T itdtabtt r.u INJECTED RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS IN SS Sp?5 TON OF THE GROWING WHITE RAT m SetIbS LISM OF SKELETAL P32 in FxPFRTui«i; ™TABO- Hit i; £;!?: »>•**■«*... i»:'ch...-ib.tP. 1834 Angrist, A. A., Schwarz, A. W., Brodie, S. S. and Shapiro, A. J. STUDY OF EARLY PHASES OF CALCIFICATION IN BONE WITH RADIOACTIVE PHOS- PHORUS. Bull. Hosp. Joint Dis., N. Y., 1951, 12: 87-109. 36 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 751d. 1844 Claassen, V. and Wostmann, B. S. J. UPTAKF OF 32p tn THE FEMUR OF GROWING RACHITIC ANT! NORMAL RATS AS COMPARED WITH THE UPTAKE IN THE TOTAL SKELETON. Biochim. biophys act* Amst., 1953, 10: 625-626. 8 refs. Ab- stracted in: C*Eem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 70fivc 103 PHOSPHORUS (Con- METABOLISM, INORGANIC tinued) 1845 Cohn, W. E. and Greenberg, D. M. STUDIES IN MINERAL METABOLISM WITH THE AID OF ARTIFI- CIAL RADIOISOTOPES. I. ABSORPTION, DISTRI- BUTION, AND EXCRETION OF PHOSPHORUS. J. Biol. Chem., 1938, 123: 185-198. 22 refs. 1846 --- Dols, M. J. L., Jansen, B. C. P., Sizoo, G.J. and de Vries, J. PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM IN NORMAL, RACHITIC AND "TREATED" RATS. Na- ture, Lond., 1937, 139: 1068. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1937, 31: 63099. Using radioactive phosphorus isotopes as tracers, a rapid entrance of the active phosphorus into the bones was perceptible in all three groups but no significant dif- ferences in extent of the deposition of phosphorus were established. 1847 Dols, M. J. L., Jansen, B. C. P., Sizoo, G.J. and Van der Maas, G. J. DISTRIBUTION OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE LEG BONES OF CHICKENS. Nature, Lond., 1938, 142: 953-954. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1939, 33: 25619. Both radioactivity measurements and radiographs showed that P metabolism is greater in the bones of rachitic chick- ens than in those of healthy chickens and in the same bone greater in the epiphyseal than in the diaphyseal part. 1848 ♦Engfeldt, B. BIOPHYSICAL STUDIES ON BONE TISSUE. II. THE IN VITRO UPTAKE OF RADIO- ACTIVE PHOSPHATE IN NORMAL AND PAGET BONE. Acta path, microb. scand., 1953, 32: 529- 533. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 10662e; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1554, 24: No. 796. 1849 Engfeldt, B. , EngstrOm, A. and Zetterstrom, B. RENEWAL OF PHOSPHATE IN BONE MINERALS. II. RADIOAUTOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF THE RENEWAL OF PHOSPHATE IN DIFFERENT STRUCTURES OF BONE. Biochem. biophys. acta, Amst., 1952, 8: 375-380. 9 refs. "Labelled phosphate, when injected intravenously, is unevenly distributed in bone tissue. Radioauto- graphic and microradiographic examinations have shown that young Haversian systems have the highest uptake of radioactive phosphate. When a system becomes older and the amount of mineral salts approaches a maximum value the uptake of radioactive phosphate becomes very low. The main reason for the rapid initial uptake of labelled phosphate can- not be the occurrence of surface reactions throughout the whole bone tissue." 1850 Falkenheim, M. and Hodge, H. C. PHOSPHATE EXCHANGE IN BONE USING RADIOPHOSPHORUS IN VITRO. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1946, 5: 133. An abstract. 1851 Hahn, L. A., Hevesy, G. C. and Lundsgaard, E. C. THE CIRCULATION OF PHOSPHORUS IN THE BODY REVEALED BY APPLICATION OF RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS AS INDICATOR. Biochem. J., Lond., 1937, 31: 1705-1709. 5 refs. "The ratio between active and normal phosphorus was found to be highest in the kidney, in the muscles and in the liver, and lowest in the bones, especially in the diaphysis." 1852 ♦Havermann, H. and Scharpenseel, H. W. UNTER- SUCHUNGEN UBER DIE PHOSPHORAUFNAHME UND- ABLAGERUNG JUNGER SCHWEINE DURCH ETIKET- TIERUNG MIT 32p. Arch. TierernShr ., 1952, 2- 327-337. Abstracted in:, Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23: No. 3253; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 12561b. "Of the total radio-ac- tivity-6*5-84 per cent was found in the skeleton, 18-93 in the flesh, 4-48 in the intestine, 3-5 in the liver and smaller amounts in the blood, bristles, hoof, skin, brain, heart, lungs, pancreas, stomach, spleen, kidneys and bladder." - Nutrit. 1853 Hodge, H. C. and Falkenheim, M. THE ADSORP- TION OF PHOSPHATES BY ENAMEL, DENTIN, AND BONE. II. THE ADSORPTION RATES FROM CON- CENTRATED SOLUTION. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 160: 637-638. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Biol. A"Bstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 6407; Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 118*5*. 1854 Johansson, E. G. and Hodge, H. C. ADSORPTION OF PHOSPHATES BY BONE, DENTIN AND ENAMEL AF- TER PROLONGED EXPOSURE TO PHOSPHATE SOLU- TIONS AS SHOWN BY THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1944, 3: 59. An ab- stract. 1855 Johansson, E. G., Falkenheim, M. and Hodge, H. C. THE ADSORPTION OF PHOSPHATES BY ENAMEL, DENTIN, AND BONE. I. ADSORPTION TIME STUDIED BY MEANS OF THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 159 129- 134. "Powdered bone, dentin, ancPenamel adsorb marked phosphates from neutral so- lutions of sodium acid phosphate at 40°C. Increasing amounts of marked phosphate are adsorbed by each of these tissues with in- creasing exposure times (at least up to 64 hours). Up to 16 hours exposure time, the tissues adsorb phosphate in the order of bone >dentin >enamel. This order is found to be reversed at 64 hours." 1856 LeFevre, M. L. and Bale, W. F. INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM OF RAT BONES AND TEETH AS INDICATED BY THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE. J. Dent. Res., 1939, 18: 265. An abstract. 1857 Manly, M. L. and Bale, W. F. THE METABOLISM OF INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS OF RAT BONES AND TEETH AS INDICATED BY THE RADIOACTIVE ISO- TOPE. J. Biol. Chem., 1939, 129: 125-134. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 14547; Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 7364*5. 1858 Manly, R. S., Hodge, H. C. and Manly, M. L. THE RELATION OF THE PHOSPHORUS TURNOVER OF THE BLOOD TO THE MINERAL METABOLISM OF THE CALCIFIED TISSUES AS SHOWN BY RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 134: 293-299. 3 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 13093; Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 59573. 1859 Monetti, G. IL F0SF0R0 ACinoSOLUBILE DELL'- OSSO RACHTTICO. Vitaminologia, 1942, 1; 155-160. 1 ref. 1860 Percival, W. L. and Leblond, C. P. RAPID EX- CHANGE OF THE BONE SALTS IN NEWBORN RAT AS DEMONSTRATED WITH RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS. Rev. canad. biol., 1948, 7: 217-235. 4 pi. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 5978<"; Nuclear Sc Abstr., 1948, 1: NO.T058. 1861 Polonovski, M. and Cartier, P. LE PHOSPHORE DANS L'ORGANISME. Bull. Soc. sc. hyg. aliment., Par., 1951, 39: 238-248. A review of the role of phosphorus in animal life, which discusses phosphorus distribution in the tissues (including the calcified tissues) and the metabolism of the phosphates and phosphorylated derivatives. 1862 Shimotori, N. and Morgan, A. F. MECHANISM OF VITAMIN D ACTION IN DOGS SHOWN BY RADIOAC- TIVE PHOSPHORUS. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 147: 201-210. 14 refs. 104 METABOLISM, INORGANIC tinned) PHOSPHORUS (Con- 1863 Smith, A. H., Kleiber, M,, Black, A. L., Edick, M., Robinson, R. R. and Heitman, H., Jr. DISTRIBUTION OF INTRAVENOUSLY IN- JECTED RADIO-ACTIVE PHOSPHORUS (P32) AMONG SWINE TISSUES. J. Animal Sc., 1951, 10: 893-901. 5 refs. "In the younger animals, much of the administered phosphate is de- posited in the bone, leaving little to be distributed among the soft tissues. In older animals, however, little of the phos- phate is deposited in the bone, consequently more of the injected dose is available for distribution among the soft tissues. Thus, the standard specific activity of the tis- sues tends to increase with increasing age." 1864 Steenbock, H. and Bunkfeldt, R. THE EFFECT OF A VITAMIN D-FREE FAT ON THE ABSORPTION AND RETENTION OF PHOSPHORUS. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1951, 32: 309-316. 34 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 430; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 1633c. "It follows that data on calcification of bone cannot always be used as a criterion of the over-all state of P equilibrium in the animal." 1865 Taylor, T. G. P EXCHANGE IN NEW MEDULLARY BONE OF LAYING PULLETS. J. Bone Surg., 1953, 35B: 495. From proceedings and reports of Bone and Tooth Soc., Casual Communications, meeting, 21 January 1953. Pullets were fed p32 continuously for peri- ods from 14 to 27 days. After laying, each bird was killed and the specific activity of P in old (cortical) bone was found to vary between 6.7% and 15.7% of that of new (medullary) bone. In rats fed Ca45 for 14 days, the bones of one-month-old rats showed 15% exchange of Ca.of six-month rats 8% and of nine-month rats 5%. 1866 Wojta, H. BEITRAG ZUM PHOSPHORSTOFFWECHSEL IN KNOCHENTRANSPLANTATEN. EINE EXPERIMENTELLE STUDIE MIT VERWENDUNG DES RADIOAKTIVEN ISO- TOPS P32. Arch. klin. Chir., 1953, 277: 394-416. 17 refs. Abstracted in: CEem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 46756. 1867 Zambelli, E. and Campi, L. LA DISTRIBUZIONE DEL RADIOFOSFORO NELLA SOMMINISTRAZIONE INTRAPERITONEALE ED ORALE E LE VARIAZIONI METABOLICHE IN RAPPORTO ALLA DOSE RADIANTE. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1953, 96: 770-797. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 4018a. See: 551 629 988 1185 1260 1264 1300 1351 1460 1503 1749 1803 1804 1807 1977 2002 2331 2688 2689 2772 2907 2923 METABOLISM, INORGANIC - SODIUM 1868 Bauer, G. C. H. LONG TERM REDISTRIBUTION OF BONE SODIUM STUDIED IN RATS BY MEANS OF NA22 RADIO-AUTOGRAPHY. Acta orthop. scand., 1954, 23: 192-197. 10 refs. 1 QgQ ' Edelman, I. S., James, A. H. and Moore, F. D. THE LOCATION AND THE TURNOVER OF THE SODIUM OF BONE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1952, 4.Conf., 240-247. Conference discus- sion: p. 245-247. 9 refs. 1870 Miller, H. and Wilson, G. M. THE MEASUREMENT OF EXCHANGEABLE SODIUM IN MAN USING THE ISOTOPE 24NA clln s Lond:, 1953, 12: 97-111. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48; 2208b. Gastric juice, skin, muscle, spleen, rib and cerebro- spinal fluid were studied. In rib about 1/4 of the bone sodium is available for exchange. In man slightly less that 1/3 of the total exchangeable sodium is in bone. 1871 Odeblad, E. and Bostrom, H. AN AUTORADIO- GRAPHIC STUDY OF THE INCORPORATION OF SULFUR35-LABELED SODIUM SULFATE IN DIFFERENT ORGANS OF ADULT RATS AND RABBITS. Acta path, microb. scand., 1952, 31: 339-344. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr. ,"~T953, 47: 7336. See: 239 METABOLISM, ORGANIC see also METABOLISM 1872 Albright, F., Bartter, F. C, Dempsey, E. F., Forbes, A. P., Henneman, P. H. and Reifen- stein, E. C, Jr. SERUM ALBUMIN AND BONE MATRIX. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1953, 5.Conf., 277-305. Conference discus- sion: p. 302-305. 9 refs. 1873 CITRIC ACID METABOLISM IN BONE. Nutrit. Rev., 1953, 11: 118-120. The experimental literature on the role of citric acid in metabolism is reviewed and from the ob- servations made it is "concluded that the increased concentrations of citrate made available at sites of new bone formation facilitate the deposition of calcium. On the other hand, citrate may, by binding calcium, limit its availability, for deposi- tion in bone, or... in excess, may act to mobilize calcium and by this means cause dissolution of bone." 1874 Class, R. N. and Smith, A. H. THE SKELETON AS A SOURCE OF ENDOGENOUS CITRIC ACID. J. Biol. Chem., 1943, 151: 363-368. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem7~Abstr., 1944, 38: 1551^. "On the basis of studies of"~the citric acid balance and of analysis of bone of pair-fed rats... the excess citric acid excreted by the kidney after the administra- tion of sodium bicarbonate and sodium ma- late does not originate in the skeleton, but is a product of intermediary metabolism." 1875 ^^o't^Vt^F0^010 METABOLISM OF TISSUE CELLS IN VITRO. Nature, Lond., 1948, 161- i°°?A^Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1949, 2: No. 705. For cultivation in vitro of myo- and osteoblasts it was found that cystine is the most essential of the amino-acids and that arginine tryptophane, glutamine and lysine in descending order are of next importance 1876 Forbes, A. P. STUDIES ON THE RELATION OF THE SERUM ALBUMIN TO THE FORMATION OF BONE MATRIX J. Clin. Invest., ™47, 26- 1181. An abstract. —— 1877 Gomori, G. and Gulyas, E. EFFECT OF PARFNT ERALLY ADMINISTERED CITRATE ON THE RENAI EXCRETION OF CA. Proc. Soc. Exp Biol N. Y., 1944, 56: 226-228. 8 refs. "Rel peated subcutaneous injections of citrate into puppies and young rats lead to bone changes similar to those produced by large doses of parathyroid hormone." 105 METABOLISM, ORGANIC (Continued) 1878 Heinz, E., MUller, E. and Rominger, E. CITRO- NESAURE UND RACHITIS. Zschr. Kinderh., 1947, 65: 101-113. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1948-49, 18: No. 2184. A review of pertinent literature and discussion of the role of citric acid in calcium metabolism and its antirachitic action. 1879 ♦Leijnse, B. ENKELE ASPECTEN VAN DE KOOL- HYDRAATSTOFWISSELING VAN VERBENEND WEEFSEL. 85p. Utrecht, 1952. (Thesis-Rijks Univ.) Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 8917. 1880 Monaci, M. and Serneri, G. N. ISTOPATOLOGIA DELL'ACCRESCIMENTO OSSEO NELL'ACCUMULO SPERIMENTALE LIPIDICO E PROTIDICO (IN RIFERIMENTO AGLI IPOEVOLUTISMI SCHELETRICI NELLE TESAURISHOSI). Arch. De Vecchi, 1952, 18: 421-454. 61 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 3440. 1881 Tira, P. L. L'INFLUENZA DELLA IPOPROTEINEMIA SULLA OSTEOGENESI RIPARATRICE DELLE FRAT- TURE. (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI.) Arch. ortop., 1952, 65: 63-82. 71 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 7168. 1882 Van Middlesworth, L. METHIONINE METABOLISM OF HEALING BONE FRACTURES. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1953, 43: 458-462. 12 refs. Ab- stracted in: C"Eem. Abstr., 1953, 47:9468e; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23*7 No. 4632. Rats with one fractured fTBula were given intraperitoneal injections of S35 methionine, as a tracer, and the protein metabolism of both fibulae was studied 3 hours later. The protein of the fractured bones contained 3 to 5 times more S35 than the control bones, in vivo and in vitro. See: 165 924 1255 NEURAL INFLUENCES 1883 Armstrong, W. D. BONE GROWTH IN PARALYZED LIMBS. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1946, 61: 358-362. Abstracted in: J. Dent. Res., T9*46, 25: 157; Biol. Abstr., 1946, 20: No. 17628. 1884 Armstrong, W. D. SKELETAL ATROPHY FOLLOWING NERVE SECTION. Tr. Conf. Metab. Aspects Convalesc, 1945, 11 .meet., 110-133. 5 refs. 1885 Asher, L. and Dirr, C. T. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE TROPHIC INFLUENCE OF THE SYMPATHETIC ON TISSUES, ESPECIALLY ON BONE. Confinia neur., Basel, 1939, 2: 306-312. "The influence of the sympathetic on bone was investigated by ultraviolet irradiation of extremities of young rabbits with and without sympathetic innervation. On the normal side, a greater enhancement of bone growth was observed, and the contours of the bones were more even. The uneveness of the contours on the side without sympathetic suggests a tendency for less resistance. ... The facts observed offer new proofs for the trophic function of the sympathetic" 1886 Bisgard, J. D. EFFECT OF SYMPATHETIC GANGLI0- NECTOMY UPON BONE GROWTH. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1931, 29: 229-230. 4 refs. 1887 Bisgard, J. D. LONGITUDINAL BONE GROWTH; THE INFLUENCE OF SYMPATHETIC DEINNERVATION. Ann. Surg., 1933, 97: 374-380. 20 refs. 1888 Coppo, M. INVESTIGATIONS ON THE MINERAL COM- POSITION OF BONES. RESULTS, CONCLUSIONS. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Par., 1935, 50: 328-331. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 18583. "De- nervation resulted in a loss in mineral content of the bone and a diminution of the Ca and Mg. Immobilization, stasis, ischemia, and a muscle-abscess had no effect on bone composition." _ Biol. Abstr. 1889 Coppo, M. and Calamaro, S. SULL'INFLUENZA DELL'INNERVAZIONE SULLA COMPOSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA; NUOVE RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI. Sperimentale, 1942, 96: 503-513. 27 refs. 1890 Corbin, K. B. and Hensey, J. C. INFLUENCE OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM ON BONES AND JOINTS. Anat. Rec, 1939, 75: 307-317. 33 refs. "Because the structure of the skeletal parts may be maintained in a normal con- dition for over 3 years following complete denervation, we conclude that bone and joints are not supplied with nerves having a specific trophic function." 1891 Dbring, G. and Schaefer, V. UBER DEN SCHWUND DER WACHSTUMSFUGEN NACH NERVEN- UND KNOCHEN- VERLETZUNG. Deut. Zschr. Nervenh., 1947, 158: 211-233. 20 refs. 1892 Fell, W. A. THE EFFECT OF SYMPATHECTOMY ON THE SIZE OF HAVERSIAN CANALS OF CAT. J. Anat., Lond., 1949, 83: 67-68. An abstract. 1893 Ferrannini, A. AZIONE DELLA GANGLIECTOMIA SULLA COMPOSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALE. Pathologica, Genova, 1935, 27: 777-780. 21 refs. Abstracted in: C*Eem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 18513. 1894 ♦Fontaine, R., Mandel, P. and Ebel-Gries, [A.] SECTION DU SCIATIQUE ET CONSTITUTION BIO- CHIMIQUE DE L'OS; ETUDE EXPERIMENTALE. Rev. neur., Par., 1952, 87: 632-634. 1895 Gullickson, G., Kubicek, W. G. and Kottke, F. J. EFFECTS OF STIMULATION OF LUMBAR SYMPATHETIC NERVES ON LONGITUDINAL BONE GROWTH IN DOGS. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1951, 10: 56. An abstract. 1896 Holtzer, H. AN EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL COLUMN. I. RES- PONSE OF PRECARTILAGE CELLS TO SIZE VARIA- TIONS OF THE SPINAL CORD. J. Exp. Zool., 1952, 121: 121-148. 43 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9970. "That the diameter of the spinal canal is dependent upon the diameter of the spinal cord was demonstrated by altering the diameter of the latter... A critical mass of neural tissue, approximately 25% of its normal regional value, is prerequi- site to the normal modeling of the verte- brae and its processes." 1897 Holtzer, H. and Detwiler, S. R. AN EXPERI- MENTAL ANALYSIS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL COLUMN. III. INDUCTION OF SKELETO- GENOUS CELLS. J. Exp. Zool., 1953, 123: 335-369. pi. 48 refs. Abstracted Tn7 Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 824. Study made on Amblystoma punctatum. Re- sults indicate that the neural axis func- tions in the induction of the vertebral column and in establishing the somite growth centers. 106 NEURAL INFLUENCES (Continued) 1898 Hurrell, D. J. THE NERVE SUPPLY OF BONES. J. Anat., Lond., 1937, 72: 54-61. pi. 13 refs. "Nerve fibres were traced into and along the Haversian canals of adult bone and into the bone matrix. Their distribu- tion, characters and endings in the bone matrix are described. Some fibres end blindly in the bone matrix, some in close relation with the bone cells. A sugges- tion is put forward tentatively that the nerve fibres found may be the two ends of a reflex arc governing bone growth and maintenance." 1899 Key, J. A. and Moore, R. M. HEALING OF FRAC- TURES, OF DEFECTS IN BONE AND OF DEFECTS IN CARTILAGE AFTER SYMPATHECTOMY. Arch. Surg., 1933, 26: 272-279. 18 refs. 1900 Kuvatov, G. G. and Rusakov, A. V. REGENERAT- SIIA KOSTNOI TKANI PRI VYKLIUCHENII NERVNYKH TSENTROV. [OSSEOUS TISSUE REGENERATION WITH THE NERVE CENTERS CUT OFF] Arkh. biol. nauk, 1936, 42: No. 3, 49-51. 4 refs. Dogs were used in this study. 1901 McMaster, P. E. and Roome, N. W. EFFECT OF SYMPATHECTOMY ON BONE REPAIR. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 30: 123-124. 2 refs. Experiments with dogs. 1902 Mandel, P., Fontaine, R., Ebel-Gries, A. and Vogeleisen, A. ETUDE SUR LA CONSTITUTION BIOCHIMIQUE DE L'OS APRES SECTION DU NERF SCIATIQUE, CHEZ LE RAT. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1952, 146: 123-125. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr. ,""T*"52, 46: 11396a. 1903 ♦Mastromarino, A. NERVI PERIFERICI E CALLO OSSEO. Arch, ortop., Milano, 1938, 54: 572- 595. 1904 Pisa, M. LE GLICEROFOSFATASI PLASMATICHE NEI PROCESSI DI DEMINERALIZZAZIONE OSSEA DA NEVRECTOMIA. Sperimentale, 1935, 89: 76- 81. In rabbits, sciatic and cruraT-neu- rectomy which caused demineralization and decreased bone phosphatase activity were also accompanied by marked hypophospha- tasemia. 1905 Prina, C. and Grignani, L. STUDIO SULLA COM- POSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA IN DIVERSE CONDIZIONI SPERIMENTALI. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1949, 25: 1082-1084. 6 refs. In dogs after sciatic neurectomy the leg bones showed decreased calcium and ash and increased magnesium content. This change in the mineral composition could be ex- plained by functional inactivity and conse- quent circulatory disturbances. 1906 Riley, R. F., McCleary, B. and Johnson, R. E. DENERVATION ATROPHY OF BONE AND MUSCLE. AN EXAMINATION ON THE EFFECT OF CHOLINE AND SOME FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON THE METABOLISM OF PHOSPHORYLCHOLINE AND DEPOSITION OF P32 IN BONE. Am. J. Physiol., 1945, 143: 677- 686. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., 1946, 20: No. 619; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 38443. 19Schiller M A. BONE CHANGES IN THE CAT IN EXPERIMENTALLY PRODUCED INJURY TO THE PERI- PHERAL NERVES. J. Bone Surg., 1948, 30A: 469-473 23 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1949, 2: No. 5200. 1908 Simon, R. INNERVATION SYMPATHIQUE £T CROIS- SANCE . C. rend. Soc. biol., 1930, 103: ™y- 710. 1 ref. 1909 Sousa Pereira. A INFLUENCIA DA SIMPATICEOTOMIA SOBRE O CRESCIMENTO DOS OSSOS (ESTUDO EXPERI- MENTAL). Impr. m€d., Lisb., 1937, 3: 165- 167. 1910 ♦Strudel, G. L'INFLUENCE MORPHOGENE DU TUBE NERVEUX SUR LA DIFFERENCIATION DE LA C0L0NNE VERTEBRALE. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1953, 147: 132-133. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., ~ Sect. 1, 1954, 8: No. 1039. 1911 Tower, S. S. TROPHIC CONTROL OF NON-NERVOUS TISSUES BY THE NERVOUS SYSTEM: A STUDY OF MUSCLE AND BONE INNERVATED FROM AN ISOLATED AND QUIESCENT REGION OF SPINAL CORD. J. Comp. Neur., 1937, 67: 241-261. 3 pi. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 721. Under the experimental conditions of this study, bones were of nor- mal length and general configuration but deficient in thickness. Structures for attachment of muscles were particularly de- ficient. It was concluded that muscle ac- tion determines the thickness and detail but not the length or form in the postnatal development of bone. 1912 Troitskii, V. V. K VOPROSU 0 VOZDEISTVII NA TEMP RAZVITIIA KOSTNOI MOZOLI; KRATKOE SOOBSHCHENIE OB EKSPERIMENTAL'NOM ISSLEDO- VANII. [INFLUENCE OF VARIOUS STIMULATIONS OF PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM ON THE RATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF CALLUS; EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES] Ortop. travmat., Kharkov, 1940, 14: No. 4, 27-32. 1913 Winick, M. THE ANTAGONISTIC ACTION OF NERVE AND BONE IN A BALANCE OF TISSUE EXISTING IN THE LIMBS OF ADULT NEWTS DURING THE PROCESS OF REGENERATION. Anat. Rec, 1952, 113: 598. An abstract. 1914 Zazybin, N. INNERVATSIIA KHRIASHCHEVOI TKANI. [THE INNERVATION OF CARTILAGE TISSUE] Arch. russ. anat., 1931, 21: ser. B, 327-342. 19 refs. EnglisE"~sum- mary, p. 372-373. 1915 Zinn, C. J. and Griffith, J. Q. jr EFFECT OF SYMPATHECTOMY UPON BLOOD SUPPLY OF BONE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46: 311-312. 5 refs. "On the fifth dayTol- lowing lumbar sympathectomy, the blood sup- ply to the tibia in the rat is decreased. This paradoxical effect may be the result of disproportionately greater dilation of the vessels in soft tissues." 1916 Zollinger, R. EFFECT OF LUMBAR GANGLIONECTOMY UPON REPAIR OF BONE; EXPERIMENTAL STUDY Am. J. Surg., 1933, 20: 70-76. 11 refs' See: 478 841 510 857 518 1419 795 1558 820 1717 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE 1917 Armstrong, W. D. INFLUENCE OF NUTRITIONAL FACTORS ON SKELETAL ATROPHY FROM DISUSE ANT) ON NORMAL BONES OF MATURE RATS. J. Nutrit 1948, 35: 597-609. 16 refs.w Abstracted in- Chem. ABstr., 1948, 42: 5518h; Biol Abstr ' Bait., 1949, 23: No."567. 107 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE (Continued) 1918 Barnes, L. L., Sperling, G. and McCay, C. M. BONE GROWTH IN NORMAL AND RETARDED GROWTH RATS. J. Geront., 1947, 2: 240-243. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 2667e; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 2*27 No. 5797. — 1919 Bonting, S. L. THE EFFECT OF A PROLONGED IN- TAKE OF PHOSPHORIC ACID AND CITRIC ACID IN RATS. 97p. Haarlem, EnschedS, 1952. (Thesis-Amsterdam). Literature cited: p. 93- 97. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 24613.. Bone and teeth were among TEe tissues studied. 1920 ♦Bunkfeldt, R. and Steenbock, H. THE EFFECT OF DIETARY FAT ON BONE CALCIFICATION IN THE GROWING RAT. J. Nutrit., 1943, 25: 479-48a Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 21330; Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 4T081. 1921 Follis, R. H., Jr. NUTRITION AND BONE DIS- EASE. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1949, 16: 1-13. 13 refs. A brief review of the "Fundamentals of normal bone growth and a description of the changes in bones re- sulting from nutritional deficiencies. 1922 Hansen, A. E., Palmer, L. S. and Nelson, J. W. COMPOSITION OF BONE IN EXTREME OSTEOPOROSIS ASSOCIATED WITH HEPATOMA. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 43: 206-207. 5 refs. 1923 Kohman, E. F. OXALIC ACID IN FOODS AND ITS BEHAVIOR AND FATE IN THE DIET. J. Nutrit., 1939, 18: 233-246. pi. 7 refs. Ab- stracted! in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 87106; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 16459. "If to a diet of meat, peas, carrots and sweet potatoes... spinach is added to the extent of about 8% to supply 60% of the calcium, a high percentage of deaths oc- curs among rats fed between the age of 21 and 90 days. Reproduction is impossible. The bones are low in calcium and tooth structure is disorganized. Spinach not only supplies no available calcium but renders unavailable considerable of that • ?« » rats were fed lactose, sucrose and galactose equivalent to 23%-26% of their caloric in- take No change in growth was observed in controlled feeling, but lactose caused ac- celeration of bone calcification. This was inferior, however, to that obtained with cod liver oil. 1950 „ _ . Tuba J Siluch, K. A., Robinson, M. I. and Madsen N B. THE RELATIONSHIP OF DIETARY FACTORS TO RAT SERUM ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE. IV EFFECT OF DIETARY OXALATE. Canad. J. M.Sc, 1952, 30: 515-519. 27 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chim. Abstr., 1953, 47: 44471. 19Yamane, T. TUBER DIE SOGENANNTE OSTEOPATHEA ALIMENTARIA. I. DIE DURCH EINFUHRUNG VON ROHRZUCKER VERURSACHTE KNOCHENVERANDERUNG BEI JUNGEN KANINCHEN] Arch. jap. Chir., 1932, 9: 1028-1051. 2 pi. 13 refs. Ger- man summary, p. 1028-1029. NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE - FATS 1952 Booth, R. G., Henry, K. M. and Kon, S. K. A STUDY OF THE ANTI-RACHITIC EFFECT OF FAT ON RATS RECEIVING HIGH CALCIUM-LOW PHOS- PHORUS RACHITOGENIC DIETS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1942, 36: 445-455. 32 refs. 1953 Dutta, N. C. ANTIRACHITIC EFFECT OF COCONUT OIL AND ITS MODE OF ACTION ON BONE CALCIFI- CATION. Ann. Biochem. Exp. M., Calc., 1948, 8: 69-78. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 8275c. The study indi- cated that the beneficial influence of coco- nut oil on bone calcification is due chiefly to the improved absorption and retention of phosphorus. 1954 McKeown, R. M., Lindsay, M. K. , Harvey, S. C. and Lumsden, R. W. THE BREAKING STRENGTH OF HEALING FRACTURED FIBULAE OF RATS. III. OBSERVATIONS ON A HIGH FAT DIET. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 467-497. 24 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 5995; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No."~T0223. 1955 Silberberg, R. and Silberberg, M. GROWTH AND ARTICULAR CHANGES IN SLOWLY AND RAPIDLY DE- VELOPING MICE FED A HIGH-FAT DIET. Growth, Phila., 1950, 14: 213-230. 4 pi. 17 refs. Abstracted in:~Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1951, 4: No. 5192; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 10107. 1956 Silberberg, R. and Silberberg, M. SKELETAL GROWTH AND ARTICULAR CHANGES IN MICE RE- CEIVING A HIGH-FAT DIET. Am. J. Path., 1950, 26:- 113-131. 4 pi. 9 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 2614; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 2615a. 1957 Silberberg, R. and Silberberg, M. STRAIN DIFFERENCES IN SKELETAL GROWTH AND AGEING OF MICE FED A HIGH FAT DIET. Fed. proc Bait., 1950, 9: 344. An abstract. "Pos- sibly, an as yet undetermined age change in the growing cartilage may be the common de- nominator for strain and sex differences in the response to various nutritional and nor- mal stimuli." 109 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE - FATS (Continued) 1958 Silberberg, R., Opdyke, M. and Silberberg, M. SIGNIFICANCE OF CALORIC INTAKE AND SPECIFIC EFFECTS OF HIGH-FAT DIETS ON SKELETAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF MICE. Growth, Phila , 1952, 16: 127-150. 2 pi. 6 refs. Ab- stracte""* in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27- No. 5958; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 8863b.— See 436 1864 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE - MINERALS 1959 Adams, C. O. EFFECT OF INORGANIC PHOSPHORUS ON BONE GROWTH AND REPAIR. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1938, 38: 449-451. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 32: 58821; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12:~Ko. 7264. Study was made with rabbits. "There was no evi- dence, as demonstrated in roentgenograms or microscopic sections, that the feeding of inorganic P affected in any way the healing of the fractures. The tibiae of the animals fed the P did not grow long, on the average, as did the tibiae of the control groups." - Biol. Abstr. 1960 Bassett, C. F., Harris, L. E. and Wilke, C. F. EFFECT OF VARIOUS LEVELS OF CALCIUM, PHOS- PHORUS, AND VITAMIN D INTAKE ON BONE GROWTH. II. MINKS. J. Nutrit., 1951, 44: 433-442. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., "Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 3281; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1951- 52, 21: No. 3352. "In practice a nutrient allowance of 0.4 to 1.0% calcium, 0.4 to 0.8% phosphorus, and 0.82 I.U. vitamin D per g. of dry food would give satisfactory results, provided a calcium to phosphorus ratio of be- tween 0.75:1.00 and 1.7:1.0 is maintained." 1961 Bell, G. H., Cuthbertson, D. P. and Orr, J. STRENGTH AND SIZE OF BONE IN RELATION TO CALCIUM INTAKE. J. Physiol., Lond., 1941, 100: 299-317. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Ber. ges. Physiol., 1943, 133: 325; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1941-42,"TT: No. 3276. 1962 Bethke, R. M., Edgington, B. H. and Kick, C. H EFFECT OF THE CALCIUM-PHOSPHORUS RELA- TIONSHIP OF THE RATION ON GROWTH AND BONE FORMATION IN THE PIG. J. Agr. Res., 1933, 47: 331-338. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Cnem. Abstr., 1934, 28: 20446; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935,"9*: No. 1335; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 3792. In this study a histological study and ash analysis were made of portions of ribs, including the costochondral junctions, and both femurs. 1963 Bloom, C.J. SECONDARY CALCIUM PHOSPHATE PRE- VENTS AND CURES RICKETS WITHOUT VITAMIN D. 2 CALCIFICATION STUDIES. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 29: 861-863. 1964 Boelter, M. D. D. and Greenberg, D. M. SE- VERE CALCIUM DEFICIENCY IN GROWING RATS. I. SYMPTOMS AND PATHOLOGY. J. Nutrit., 1941, 21- 61-74. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1941, 35: 4067°. 1965 ,_ „ „ __ nn~i tor M D D and Greenberg, D. M. bt,- VERE CALCIUM DEFICIENCY IN GROWING RATS. II CHANGES IN CHEMICAL COMPOSITION. J. Nutrit., 1941, 21: 75-84. 13 refs. Ab- stracted in: Che*i. Abstr., 1941, 35: 40676. 1966 Brooke, R. 0., Smith, A. H. and Smith, P. K. INORGANIC SALTS IN NUTRITION. VII. CHANGE IN COMPOSITION OF BONE OF RATS ON A DIET POOR IN INORGANIC CONSTITUENTS. J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 104: 141-148. 22 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935. 9: No. 4838; Chem. Abstr., 1934, 28: 1388*"; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1934***35, 4: No. 500. 1967 Cartarr, M. S., McLean, F. C. and Urist, M. R. THE EFFECT OF THE CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS CONTENT OF THE DIET UPON THE FORMATION AND STRUCTURE OF BONE. Am. J. Path., 1950, 26: 307-331. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 6504<1. The long bones of young rats, maintained on diets of dif- ferent calcium and phosphorus content were studied and compared. It was found that "optimum" diets produced longer metaphyses, less osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity, greater trabeculae calcification and a much denser shaft than "adequate" diets and that diets enriched in calcium but not in phos- phorus resulted in the withdrawal of phos- phorus from the diet in the intestinal tract in insoluble form which was followed by various changes in the bones. The study is illustrated by tables and roentgenograms. 1968 Clarke, M. F., Bassin, A. L. and Smith, A. H. SKELETAL CHANGES IN THE RAT INDUCED BY A RA- TION EXTREMELY POOR IN INORGANIC SALTS. Am. J. Physiol., 1936, 115: 556-563. 22 refs. "Although increase in body weight ceased, the length and weight of the femur, humerus, fibula and radius continued to increase slowly. During... salt restriction the moisture of the bone increased, the ash de- creased and a marked distorttion of the A/*R ratio was established. Even after rela- tively long periods of realimentation with an adequate diet, the percent of moisture and ash and the dimensions of the bone failed to attain values normal for the age. Breaking strength appears to be more closely correlated with organic pattern as reflected in the size of the bone than with the proportion of inorganic salts." 1969 Coleman, R. D., Becks, H., Copp, D. H. and Frandsen, A. M. SKELETAL CHANGES OF SEVERE PHOSPHORUS DEFICIENCY IN THE RAT. II. SKULL, TEETH, AND MANDIBULAR JOINT. Oral. Surg., 1953, 6: 757-764. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1954, 7: No. 276; Brit. Abstr., 1954, p. 645. 1970 Copp, D. H., Chace, M. J. and Duffy, F. EF- FECTS OF SEVERE PHOSPHORUS DEFICIENCY ON THE METABOLISM AND HISTOLOGY OF BONE. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1947, 6: 245. An abstract. "These findings indicate the inhibition of growth of soft tissue and extreme deminera- lization of bone associated with severe phosphorus deficiency." 1971 Cunningham, I. J. MAGNESIUM IN ANIMAL DIETS. THE INFLUENCE OF THE LEVEL OF DIETARY MAG- NESIUM ON THE MAGNESIUM AND CALCIUM CON- TENTS OF THE BONES, THE BODIES, AND THE BLOOD SERUM OF RATS. N. Zealand J. Sc., 1933, 15: 191-198. 12 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 2745; Chem. Abstr., 1934, 28: 23957. 1972 Dallemagne, [M.] J., Derivaux, J., Liegeois, F. and Melon, J., ETUDE DU SQUELETTE DE PORCS SOUMIS A UN REGIME HYPERPHOSPHORE. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1950, 32: 250-254. 6 refs. Following diets with a Ca:P ratio of 1:5.5 to 1:7.3, subnormal mineralization was observed in irregular areas of the bones of growing pigs. 110 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE - MINERALS (Con- tinued) 1973 Day, H. G. and McCollum, E. V. MINERAL ME- TABOLISM, GROWTH, AND SYMPTOMATOLOGY OF RATS ON A DIET EXTREMELY DEFICIENT IN PHOSPHORUS J. Biol. Chem., 1939, 130: 269-283. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1939-40, 9: No. 3288. "The results show that dietary deficiency of P results in rapid depletion of skeletal P but that, until this has become very extensive, trans- fer of P from bone to soft tissues occurs despite continuous loss of P, the P trans- ferred being used, together with N, for such growth as occurs." - Nutrit. Abstr. 1974 Downs, W. G., Jr. and McKeown, R. M. HISTOL- OGY OF HEALING FRACTURES IN RATS ON DIETS LOW IN TOTAL SALT, CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 108-121. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 16549. L975 Duckworth, J., Godden, W. and Warnock, G. McM. THE EFFECT OF ACUTE MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY ON BONE FORMATION IN RATS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1940, 34: 97-108. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 44312; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No.~T0119. 1976 Euler, H. v. and Rydbom, M. UBER DEN EINFLUSS VON MAGNESIUMSALZEN AUF KNOCHENBILDUNG UND RACHITIS. I. Biochem. Zschr., 1931, 241: 14-22. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 8235; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 1012. 1977 Feaster, J. P., Shirley, R. L., McCall, J. T. and Davis, G. K. p32 DISTRIBUTION AND EX- CRETION IN RATS FED VITAMIN D-FREE AND LOW PHOSPHORUS DIETS. J. Nutrit., 1953, 51: 381-392. 11 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 10491. "... the deposition an"d* turnover of orally and intramuscularly administered p32 in the blood, liver, kidney, muscle, and femur of growing rats maintained on diets that were (1) adequate, (2) adequate but lacking in vitamin D, and (3) low in P were com- pared." 1978 Fischer, F. and Key, J. A. LOCAL ATROPHY OF BONE. III. EFFECTS OF VITAMIN D AND OF CALCIUM ON LOCAL ATROPHY, AND UNION. Arch. Surg., 1934, 29: 312-315. 14 refs. 1979 Fraser, H. F. A CHRONIC DEFICIENCY OF (1) CALCIUM, (2) VITAMIN C, AND (3) BOTH CAL- CIUM AND VITAMIN C IN MONKEYS. Pub. Health Rep., 1942, 57: 959-967. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 1521. Bones were included in this study. 1980 Gillis, M. B. FURTHER STUDIES ON THE ROLE OF POTASSIUM IN GROWTH AND BONE FORMATION. J. Nutrit., 1950, 42: 45-57. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 10120; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 10832*67 1981 Goff, O. E. and Upp, C. W. THE INFLUENCE OF ELEMENTAL SULFUR UPON CHICK GROWTH AND BONE ASH. Poultry Sc, 1940, 19: 270-280. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 73584. 1982 Green, H. H. MINERALS IN RELATION TO DISEASE OF THE LARGER DOMESTICATED ANIMALS. Empire J. Exp. Agr., 1935, 3: 363-378. 43 refs. "A brief survey of th"e dietary significance of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, iodine, fluorine, chlorine, sodium, and potassium is given with reference to diseased conditions in the animal, such as osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, osteo- fibrosis, nutritional anaemaias, and hypo- mineralaemias." 1983 Biggins, G. M. and Sheard C T??AS^T % DICALCIUM PHOSPHATE, WITHOUT VITAMIN D, ifl THE NUTRITION OF CHICKS Ana*' J^cted in! 56: 395-408. pi. 10 refs A*straSj|g ln- BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, |: No. 19829 It was concluded that "dicaTcium Ph^phate without vitamin D, is not adequate to main tain growing chicks and will not Protect againit leg weakness and other skeletal deficiencies which arise as a^result or a disturbed calcium metabolism." 1984 Howe, P. R., Wesson, L G.>Boyie, P. E ^ Woibach, S. B. LOW CALCIUM RICKETS IN THE GUINEA-PIG. Proc Soc. Exp. Bio1;* N. * • . 1940, 45: 298-301. 6 refs. "Typical rachitic changes in bones and teeth have been produced in young guinea pigs by a diet low in calcium and in vitamin D. In older animals the changes in the bones were obscured by arrested skeletal growth, but those in the teeth were constant." 1985 Irving, J. T. A COMPARISON OF THE ACTION OF VITAMIN D ON THE TEETH OF RACHITIC RATS WITH THAT OF ADDITIONAL CALCIUM OR PHOSPHORUS ADDED TO RACHITOGENIC DIETS. J. Physiol., Lond., 1946, 104: 253-265. 3pl. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 20110. Studies of the bones and teeth of young rats whose rachitogenic diets were improved by the addition of calcium or phosphorus or by administration of vitamin D. 1986 Kruse, H. D., Schmidt, M. M. and McCollum, E. V. STUDIES ON MAGNESIUM DEFICIENCY IN ANIMALS. VI. CHEMICAL CHANGES IN THE BONE, WITH ASSOCIATED BLOOD CHANGES, RESULTING FROM MAGNESIUM DEPRIVATION. J. Biol. Chem., 1934, 106: 573-593. 38 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1934-35, 4: No. 2552. 1987 Lanford, C. S. and Sherman, H. C. FURTHER STUDIES OF THE CALCIUM CONTENT OF THE BODY AS INFLUENCED BY THAT OF THE FOOD. J. Biol, Chem., 1938, 126: 381-387. 6 refs. Ab- stracted in: cHem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 697*>. 1988 Lecoq, R INFLUENCE DE L'lODE ET DE QUELQUES COMPOSES IODES MINERAUX ET ORGANIQUES SUR LES LESIONS OSSEUSES DU RACHITISME EXPERI- MENTAL. C. rend..Acad. sc., 1937, 204: 1891-1893. 2 refs. The bone lesions of young white rats with experimental rickets, produced by a rachitogenic diet, were cured when pure iodine or mineral or organic iodized compounds were added to the diet. It is suggested that the presence of iodine in a ration may be the cause of error in the estimation of its antirachitic value. 1989 Lecoq, R. LA PRODUCJION DU RACHITISME EXPFnx MENTAL EST-ELLE SPECIFIOUEMENT LIEE AU DFS* QUILIBRE PHOSPHOCALCIQUE DE LA RATION? c rend. Acad. sc., 1942, 215: 330-332. 6 Studies of white rats on various rend refs rachitogenic diets led to the conclusion that a phosphorus-calcium imbalance alone does not produce chronic experimental rickets but that it is produced rather by mineral imbalance which causes alkalosis Ill NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE tinued) MINERALS (Con- 1990 Lecoq, R. and Duffau, R. VARIATIONS DE QUELQUES CONSTITUANTS MUSCULAIRES CHEZ LE RAT PRfiALABLEMENT RACHITISE PUIS GUERI PAR ADJONCTION, A LA RATION, D'lODE OU DE DE- RIVES IODES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 128: 619-621. 5 refs. Young rats were cured of experimental rickets when minimum adequate quantities of iodine or iodine derivatives were added to their rachito- genic diets. Iodine treatment was accom- panied by a drop in muscular orthophos- phates and in total acid soluble phosphorus which returned to normal levels after cure. This is interpreted as indicating that the antirachitic action of iodine consists in provoking the transfer of inorganic phos- phorus from muscle to bone. 1991 Lecoq, R. and Gallier, R. LE PHOSPHORE EST-IL DOUE DE PROPRlfiTEs ANTIRACHITIQUES? C. rend. Soc. biol., 1934, 116: 1383-1384. 5 refs. Young white rats with experimental rickets were fed rachitogenic diets containing vari- ous amounts of phosphorated oil. At autopsy, 10 days after the start of the experiment, no effect was observed on calcification. It is suggested that the antirachitic action at- tributed to phosphorus is actually due to a particular combination of phosphorus com- pounds and not to phosphorus alone. 1992 Light, R. F. and Frey, C. N. BONE FRACTURES DUE TO LOW CALCIUM DIETS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1951, 48: 256-258. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 3906; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1*3*41-42, 11: No. 3277. 1993 Lilly, C. A. COMPARISON OF BONE ASH OF RACHITIC RATS TREATED WITH VIOSTEROL AND WITH PHOSPHATE ION. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 30: 175-176. 1994 Lilly, C. A., Peirce, C. B. and Grant, R. L. THE EFFECT OF PHOSPHATES ON THE BONES OF RACHITIC RATS. J. Nutrit., 1935, 9: 25- 35. 2 pi. 18 refs. "Rickets was~produced in white rats by a diet high in calcium and low in phosphorus. The subsequent addition of phosphates to this diet, caused x-ray, chemical, and histological evidences of healing, at least equal to that caused by the addition of irradiated ergosterol (viosterol) to the diet of another group of rats previously made rachitic in the same manner." 1995 McKay, G. F., Lalich, J. J. and Angevine, D. M. PATHOGENESIS OF BONE LESIONS IN RATS FED SWEET PEAS (LATHYRUS ODORATUS) . Fed. Proc, Bait., 1954, 13: 438. An abstract. 1996 HcKeown, R. M. Harvey, S. C. and Lumsden, R W. THE BREAKING STRENGTH OF HEALING FRACTURED FIBULAE OF RATS. V. OBSERVA- TIONS ON A LOW CALCIUM DIET. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 1011-1034. 34 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 10223. 1997 Marek, J., Wellmann, O. and Urbanyi, L.__ UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER RACHITIS UND VERWANDTE KNOCHENERKRANKUNGEN. VI. MITTEILUNG. EIN- FLUSS DES MINERALSTOFFVERHALTNISSES SOWIE DES D-VITAMINGEHALTES IM FUTTER AUF DIE AUSnOtZUNG DER MINERALSTOFFE. Deut. tierttrztl. Wschr., 1940, 48: 69-74. Ab- stracted in: Vet. Bull., Lond., 1941, 11: 1998 Marek, J., Wfillmann, 0. and Urbanyi, L. UNTER- SUCHUNGEN UBER DEN MINERALSTOFFWECHSEL DES TIERISCHEN ORGANISMUS. VIII. MITTEILUNG. BEEINFLUSSUNG DES MINERALSTOFFWECHSELS DURCH EIN VERSCHIEDENARTIG MIT KALKCARB0NAT ERGANZTES PHOSPHORARMES BZW. PHOSPHORREICHES FUTTER. Arch, wiss. prakt. Tierh., 1942, 78: 129-139. Abstracted in: Ber. ges. Physiol., 1943, 133: 177-178. 1999 Marek, J., Wellmann, O. and Urbanyi, L. UNTER- SUCHUNGEN UBER DEN MINERALSTOFFWECHSEL DES TIERKORPERS. IX. MITTEILUNG. AUSWIRKUNG MINERALSTOFFICH VERSCHIEDEN ZUSAMMENGESETZTER FUTTERMITTEL AUF DIE AUSNUTZUNG DER MINERAL- STOFFE NACH IHRER GEGENSEITIGEN VERTAUSCHUNG. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierh., 1942, 78: 140-147. 2000 Mendel, L. B., Hubbell, R. B. and Wakeman, A. J. THE INFLUENCE OF SOME COMMONLY USED SALT MIXTURES UPON GROWTH AND BONE DEVELOP- MENT OF THE ALBINO RAT. J. Nutrit., 1937, 14: 261-272. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-38, 7: No. 3504. 2001 Nakajima, T. and Sugita, T. [ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE FEED UPON BONES. I. CHEMICAL COM- PONENTS OF THE BONE OF NORMAL DEVELOPING RATS AND THE INFLUENCE OF THE FEED SUPPLE- MENTED WITH CALCIUM ON THE COMPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BONE] Jap. J. Vet. Sc., 1950, 12: 13-22. 13 refs. English summary. AbstracTed in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9037. 2002 ♦Nakajima, T., Omori, S., Otsuka, J., Nozaki, H. and Hagahata, S. [PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM IN RABBITS SUFFERING FROM SO-CALLED OSTEO- MALACIA] Bull. Nat. Inst. Agr. Sc. , Chiba, ser. G, 1953, No. 6, 37-42. English sum- mary. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1954, 24: No. 816. 2003 Owen, E. C. BONE AS A MINERAL RESERVE. Brit. J. Nutrit., 1952, 6: 415-423. 65 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 1772. A review which stresses the lability of bone calcium and phosphorus reserves. Where diets are de- ficient in calcium, phosphorus and mag- nesium, the soft tissues compete and mine- rals are lost from the adult skeleton, while the growing skeleton becomes under- mineralized. Vitamin D favors bones at the expense of soft tissues. In teeth, mine- rals are irreversibly deposited. 2004 Oya, M. [ON THE INFLUENCE OF DIET, TO WHICH CALCIUM HAS BEEN ADDED, ON THE OSTEOGENESIS OF ALBINO RATS. REPORT I] Sei i Kai M. J., 1940, 59: 661-699. 7 pi. 34 refs. English abstract, p. 1-2. 2005 POTASSIUM-PHOSPHORUS INTERRELATIONSHIP. Nutrit. Rev., 1951, 9: 104-106. 2006 Randoin, L. and Causeret, J. RECHERCHES EX- PERIMENTALES RELATIVES A L'INFLUENCE DE LA TENEUR DU REGIME ALIMENTAIRE EN PHOSPHORE, EN CALCIUM,EN MAGNESIUM ET EN VITAMINE D, SUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT OSSEUX DU RAT BLANC. Bull. Soc. sc. hyg. aliment., Par., 1945, 33: 134-143. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. A*Bstr., 1947, 41: 42036; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1946"**?7, 16: No. 4510. 112 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE - MINERALS (Con- tinued) 2007 Rogozifiski, F. and Gl6wczyfiski, Zb. O KRZYWICY DOSWIADCZALNEJ. VI. WBKYW SOLI MAGNEZOWYCH. SUR LE RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL. VI. L'INFLU- ENCE DES SELS DE MAGNESIUM. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc., Ser. B. Sc natur.(II), 1934, 197-208. pi. 7 refs. In French. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 13052. 2016 Bauer, uer, W. H. ACTION OF CYSTINE ON BONES AND TEETH OF YOUNG DOGS. J. Am. Coll. Dentists, 1946, 13: 34-37. 5 refs. Abstracted in Chem. ABstr., 1948, 42: 5116*. Both roent- genographic and microscopic examinations oi the skeleton of experimental anin,a^' + excessive amounts of cystine, failed to show differences from the control dogs. 2008 Spildo, L. S. UNDERS0GELSER OVER VAEKSTEN HOS SVIN. I. KALK- OG F0SF0RSYRE0MSAETNINGEN HOS UNGE, VOKSENDE SVIN. Ber. Fors/tfgs- laborat., Kbh., 1933, No. 151, 238p. 2 pi. 155 refs. English summary. 2009 Stewart, J. THE EFFECTS OF PHOSPHORUS DEFI- CIENT DIETS ON THE METABOLISM, BLOOD AND BONES OF SHEEP WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO CONDITIONS EXISTING IN GREAT BRITAIN. Univ. Cambridge Inst. Animal Path. Rep. Dir. 1934-1935, 4: 179-205. 13 refs. For addendum to this article see Innes, J. R. M. THE ANATOMICAL CHANGES IN THE BONES AND THEIR RELATIONSHIP TO RICKETS. 1934-1935, 4: 206-211. 2 pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 70934; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No."5311. 2010 Takahashi, S. [NEUE EXPERIMENTELLE STUDIEN UBER DIE KALKMETASTASE. II. MITTEILUNG.] Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1937, 20: 205-218. 2 pi. 12 refs. German summary, p. 510- 511. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1937-38, 7: No. 2136. 2011 Tomlinson, T. H., Jr. PATHOLOGY OF ARTIFI- CIALLY INDUCED SCURVY IN THE MONKEY - WITH AND WITHOUT CHRONIC CALCIUM DEFICIENCY. Pub. Health Rep., Wash., 1942, 57: 987-993. 2 pi. 3 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 22344. 2012 Weinmann, J. P. and Schour, I. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES IN CALCIFICATION. V. THE EFFECT OF PHOSPHATE ON THE ALVEOLAR BONE AND THE DENTAL TISSUES OF THE RACHITIC RAT. Am. J. Path., 1945, 21: 1057-1067. 2 pi. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 25093; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 19T5-46, 15: No. 3430. 2017 Conner, R. T. and Sherman, H. C. SOME AS- PECTS OF PROTEIN INTAKE IN RELATION TO GROWTH AND RATE OF CALCIFICATION. J. Biol. Chem., 1936, 115: 695-706. 11 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 15959. 2018 Conner, R. T., Kao, H. C. and Sherman, H. C. FURTHER STUDIES ON THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE PLANE OF PROTEIN INTAKE TO THE RATE OF NOR- MAL CALCIFICATION DURING GROWTH. J. Biol. Chem., 1941, 139: 835-841. 5 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 51667. "There was no consistent evidence in either sex that the increased gain in body weight resulting from the higher protein levels studied had an accelerating effect upon skeletal development as reflected in the percentage of body calcium." 2019 Conti, T. and Sabaino, D„ PROTEIDI ANIMALI E VEGETALI E COSTITUZIONE MINERALE DELLA OSSA. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1953, 95: 79- 83. 3 refs. Two groups of rats were fed protein diets of casein and wheat germ, respectively, and the effects on the long bones studied. Wheat germ favored a greater deposit of Ca, P, and CO2 in the bones than did casein and simultaneously inhibited the deposit of Mg. Casein encouraged linear growth of the tibia and femur and increased their resistance to fracture. 2020 Dasler, W. THE EFFECTS OF EXCESS TRYPTOPHAN AND EXCESS LYSINE ON THE PRODUCTION OF RICK- ETS IN THE RAT. J. Nutrit., 1950, 41: 499- 505. 8 refs. — 2013 Zucker, T F., Hall, L. and Young, M. GROWTH AND CALCIFICATION ON A DIET DEFICIENT IN PHOSPHATE BUT OTHERWISE ADEQUATE. J. Nutrit., 1941, 22: 139-151. 18 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 80297. See: 71 1181 1614 2130 370 1252 1818 2656 374 1270 1919 2896 438 1369 2025 2905 540 1397 2129 2906 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE - PROTEIN 2014 Armstrong, W. D. and Estremera, H. EFFECT OF PROTEIN DEFICIENT DIETS ON THE SKELETON OF THE MATURE RAT. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1947, 6: 235. An abstract. Aschkenasy, A., Mignot, J. and Aschkenasy-Lelu, p LES ALTERATIONS OSSEUSES DU RAT EN F0NCT- ION DE LA TENEUR DU REGIME EN PROTfilNES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1948, 142: 1378-1379. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 5097h; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50; T§: No. 843. 2021 ^^iSo. M\_D- and Porter, T. E. THE EFFECT OF KIND AND LEVEL OF PROTEIN IN THE DIET ON THE PRODUCTION OF SOFT AND SKELETAL TISSUES, J. Nutrit., 1951, 45: 29-46. 12 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46- 168f- Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No~H316 In young rats on a low calcium diet, casein favors bone formation to a greater extent than does gluten. This may be considered a direct effect of protein on bone forma- tion. 2022 Estremera, H. R. and Armstrong, W D FF- FECT OF PROTEIN INTAKE ON THE BONES OF MA- TURE RATS. J. Nutrit., 1948, 35- 611-618 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr Bait., 1949, 23: No. 475; Chem. Abstr', 1948, 42: 5519b. "Diets containing 9 6 and 4.5% protein were inadequate to support normal skeletal constitution in mature rats and interfered with the normal growth in length of the humeri of rats which were near the end of the period of skeletal growth The composition of the bone ash, however was not affected by feeding protein-deficient diets to mature rats." x 113 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE - PROTEIN (Con- tinued) 2023 Fontaine, R., Mandel, p. and Gries, A. N0U- VELLES DONNEES SUR L'EVOLUTION BIOCHIMIQUE DE LiOS AU COURS DE JEUNE PROTEiQUE PRO- LONGS CHEZ LE RAT. C. rend. Soc biol , 1950, 144: 1397-1399. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 6254e, »in rats prolonged deprivation of protein was accompanied by a parallel reduction of the protein matrix of bone and of mineral con- stituents. .. , corresponding to the pheno- menon of osteolysis." 2024 Greenberg, R. M., Barry, M. G. and Mayer, J. INFLUENCE OF THE PROTEIN LEVEL AND OF MAN- GANESE ON BONE WEIGHT, TOTAL CALCIUM CON- TENT AND PERCENTAGE CALCIUM. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1952, 11: 444-445. An abstract. 2025 Gybrgy, P., Popoviciu, G. and Sano, T. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE EXPERIMENTELLE RACHITIS. VII. MITTEILUNG. DIE WIRKUNG VON CEREALIEN UND VON KOCHSALZ AUF DIE ENTSTEHUNG DER RATTENRACHITIS. Zschr. Kinderh., 1933, 55: 442-466. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 3484. 2026 Howes, E. L. and McKeown, R. M. INFLUENCE OF A DIET RICH IN C&SEIN ON THE STRENGTH OF BONE AND THE HEALING OF FRACTURES. Arch. Surg., 1934, 29: 786-793. 9 refs. "A diet rich in casein increased the strength of bone per unit of body weight in rats and accelerated the rate of healing of frac- tures ." 2027 Kemeny, T., T6th, E., Rudas, I. and S6s, J. DIE WIRKUNG DES METHIONINMANGELS AUF DAS KNOCHENSYSTEM. Acta physiol .V hung . , 1953, 4: Suppl., 53-54. 2028 ♦Mandel, P., Fontaine, R., Ebel-Gries, A., Jacob, M. and Ostertag, M. CONSTITUTION BIOCHIMIQUE DE L'OS AU COURS DU JEUNE PROTEiQUE PROLONGfi CHEZ LE RAT. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1949, 143: 1229-1231. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 36073; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 7395a. 2029 Maun, M. E., Cahill, W. M. and Davis, R. M. MORPHOLOGIC STUDIES OF RATS DEPRIVED OF ESSENTIAL AMINO ACmS. I. PHENYLALANINE. Arch. Path., Chic, 1945, 39: 294-300. 14 refs. For description Tn changes of bones, joints and marrow, see particularly, p. 296-298. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 15743. 2030 Maun, M. E., Cahill, W. M. and Davis, R. M. MORPHOLOGIC STUDIES OF RATS DEPRIVED OF ESSENTIAL AMINO ACIDS. III. HISTIDINE. Arch. Path., Chic, 1946, 41: 25-31. 7 refs. See particulary p. 3*9" for descrip- tion of changes in bone and marrow. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 12134. 2031 ♦Nakajima, T.. Sugita, T., Watanabe, T. and Aral, K. [ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE FEED UPON BONES. VI. EFFECTS OF PROTEIN UPON BONES] Bull. Nat. Inst. Agr. Sc., Yahagi, ser. G, 1952, No. 3, 209-214. English summary. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen. 1953, 23: No. 3332. 2032 ♦Nakajima, T.. Sugita, T., Watanabe, T. and Arai, K. [ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE FEED UPON BONES. VII. EFFECT OF PROTEIN ON THE RICKET-LIKE BONE OF RATS] Bull. Nat. Inst, Agr. Sc, Yahagi, ser. G, 1952, No. 3, 215-219. English summary. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23: No. 3332. 2033 Rhoads, J. E. and Kasinskas, W. THE INFLUENCE OF HYPOPROTEINEMIA ON THE FORMATION OF CALLUS IN EXPERIMENTAL FRACTURE. Surgery, 1942, 11: 38-44. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 2300d. 2034 Sabaino, D. and Conti, T. AMINOACIDI E TESSUTO OSSEO. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1953, 4: 139- 143. 2035 Sabaino, D. and Conti, T. DIETA E TESSUTO OSSEO. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1953, 95: 433- 444. 5 refs. Groups of rats were fe"d" dif- ferent diets, each group receiving only one type of protein. "It was observed that raw casein refined from cow's milk, gluten and acrolein in the diets could determine vari- ations in the mineral composition of bone and in the degree of resistance to experi- mental fracture... Crude or refined casein favored increased bone resistance, gluten and refined casein favored P accumulation while gluten alone inhibited Mg retention in bone. Bone resistance was not strictly pro- portionate to the concentration of certain anions and cations..." 2036 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. SKELETAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IN MICE FED A HIGH PROTEIN DIET. Arch. Path., Chic, 1949, 48: 331-341. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 1672; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 8970. 2037 Van Middlesworth, L. PROTEIN METABOLISM OF FRACTURE CALLUS AND MUSCLE TRAUMA STUDIED WITH RADIOACTIVE METHIONINE. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 129. An abstract. 2038 Vivanco, F. and Jimenez Diaz, C. NUEVOS ESTUDIOS SOBRE LOS EFECTOS DE LAS PROTEINAS DE LAS LEGUMBRES (LEGUMINISMOS) EL LATIRISMO ODORATO (ODORATISMO). Rev. clin. espaH., 1951, 40: 157-163. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 9648f. See: 100 745 1415 1437 1876 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE - STARVATION 2039 Handler, P., Baylin, G. J. and Follis, R. H., Jr. THE EFFECTS OF CALORIC RESTRICTION ON SKELETAL GROWTH. J. Nutrit., 1947, 34: 677-689. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22! No. 10917; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 1638*a. "in young rats, the rate of skeletal growth was roughly proportional to the rate of general body growth when caloric restriction was the limiting growth factor." 114 NUTRITIONAL INFLUENCE tinued) STARVATION (Con- 2040 Ignatius. K. TIEREXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCH- UNGEN UBER DIE HEILUNG VON KNOCHENBRUCHEN BEI VITAMINMANGELZUSTANDEN UND BEIM HUNGER. Acta Soc. med. fenn. Duodecim, Helsinki, 1947, 23: 28-170. pi. 80 refs. Ab- stracted* in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1949, 2: No. 110. "The effect of lack of vita- mins A and B, or both, on the rate of healing of fracture was observed in grow- ing rats; that of the lack of vitamin C, in growing guinea-pigs. Both species were used in the study of the effect of under- nutrition." - Excerpta med. 2041 Kellermann, J. H. THE EFFECT OF INTERMIT- TENT STARVATION ON CALCIFICATION, FOOD UTILIZATION, AND TISSUE COMPOSITION. Onderstepoort J. Vet. Sc., 1939, 12: 319- 332. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1940-41, 10: No. 1764. 2042 Keys, A., Brozek, J., Henschel, A., Mickelsen, 0. and Taylor, H. L. THE BIOLOGY OF HUMAN STARVATION. Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1950. Bones and teeth: v. 1, p.218-232. 2043 Knorr, G. KNOCHENUNTERSUCHUNGEN BEI ALLGE- MEINER INANITION. (BEITRAG ZUR FRAGE DER "HUNGEROSTEOPATHIE".) Frankf. Zschr. Path., 1951, 62: 22-38. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1951-52, 21: No. 912; Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 37 No. 3360. 2044 Park, E. A. and Richter, C. P. TRANSVERSE LINES IN BONE: THE MECHANISM OF THEIR DE- VELOPMENT. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1953, 93: 234-248. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 13588. "The line forms because the osteoblasts keep making bone after the cartilage growth has waned.... After the recovery diet is instituted, the line thickens because the osteoblasts make new bone on the pre- existing bony incasement without delay, whereas time is required for the cartilage cells to reestablish their cycle..." 2045 Ruiz-Gij6n, J. UBER DIE CHEMISCHE ZUSAM- MENSETZUNG DER KNOCHEN BEI HUNGERZUSTANDEN. Biochem. Zschr., 1941, 308: 59-63. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36: 35261. 2046 Toverud, K. U. UNDERS0KELSER OVER NYF0DTE BARNS BENSYSTEM. Norsk, mag. laegevid., 1934, 95: 688-704. 18 refs. German trans- lation in: Zschr. Kinderh., 1934, 56: 66-80. See: 1312 1743 OSTEOGENESIS 1943 see also ENZYME RELATIONSHIPS; ENZYME RELA- TIONSHIPS - PHOSPHATASE; HORMONAL INFLUENCE - SEX HORMONES, FEMALE, and - PITUITARY; TISSUE TRANSPLANTS; VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN C, and - VITAMIN D 2047 Becks, H., Asling, C W., Collins, D. A,, Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. CHANGES WITH INCREASING AGE IN THE OSSIFICATION OF THE THIRD METACARPAL OF THE FEMALE RAT. Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 577-591. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 1138; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 37 No. 1572. 2048 Becks, H., Asling, C. W., Simpson, M.E. Evans, H. M. and Li, C. H. OSSIIICATION AT THE DISTAL END OF THE HUMERUS IN THE FEMALE RAT. Am. J. Anat., 1948, 82: 203-229 6 pi. 10 refs. Abstracted Tn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 18191; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 307; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1948-39, 18: No. 2243. 2049 Becks, H., Simpson, M. E. and Evans, H. M. OSSIFICATION AT THE PROXIMAL TIBIAL EPI- PHYSIS IN THE RAT. I. CHANGES IN FEMALES WITH INCREASING AGE. Anat. Rec, 1945, 92: 109-119. 3 pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 21752. 2050 ♦Benoit, J. and Clavert, J. SUR L'EXISTENCE DE DEUX TYPES D'OSSIFICATION NETTEMENT DISTINCTS CHEZ LES OISEAUX. J. physiol , Par., 1951, 43: 645-646. 2051 Bisgard, J. D. STUDY. Arch. refs . OSTEOGENESIS; AN EXPERIMENTAL Surg., 1935, 30: 748-776. 55 2052 ♦Borghese, E. ALCUNE OSSERVAZIONI SULLE FASI PIU PRECOCI DELL'OSSIFICAZIONE ENCONDRALE. Arch. ital. anat., 1954, 58: 388-409. 2053 Borghese, E. I LIPIDI NEL PROCESSO DI OSSI- FICAZIONE. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1936, 25: 622-654. 2 pi. 86 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 17135; Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 6703*1. 2054 Borghese, E. OBSERVATIONS CYTOLOGIQUES ET CYTOCHIMIQUES A PROPOS DE L'OSSIFICATION ENCHONDRALE. C. rend. Ass. anat., (1952) 1953, 39 .meet., 441-447. 13 refs. 2055 Camurati, C. and Tessarolo, G. STUDI SPERI- MENTALI SULLA METACROMASIA DELLA CARTILAGINE DI ACCRESCIMENTO NELLA CAVIA. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1953, 4: 91-95. 18 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1954, 8: No. 616. "During the various phases of ossification chromotrophic variations were demonstrated in the epiphyseal cartilages by means of the metachromatic reaction and various solutions of toluidine blue buffered at various pH values." - Excerpta med. 2056 Cartier, p. ETAT ACTUEL DU PROBLEME BIO- CHIMIQUE DE L'OSSIFICATION. Rev. orthop., Par., 1947, 33: 261-272. 30 refs. Ab- stracted in:~Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1: No. 1291; Ber. ges. Physiol., 1949, 137: 90. A general review and discussion. 2057 CaTIONr' C" rf'?™E BIOMETRIQUE DE L'OSSIFICA- 5?" PrJ ',u°C- bl°l., 1946, 140: 391- ?947 41 4l5lbAbS*raCted iD: ChemT-Abstr., of thP^SHnr- ,- Determinations were made at L s' nPi nC,°nStituents of rat fe»urs at ages 20 to 150 days. Mineralization »as found to increase rapidly after the 45th Sirecr-1^™8 inteiWed as indicating the direct action of sex hormones on bone for- mation . Bone phosphatase activity was greatest about the 20th day and phosphatase was considered to play only a secondary role in mineralization. Modifications in the composition of the protein matrix" due to the action of the protease system f the bone marrow and favored the fixation ^ bone salts. °n °f 15.5 OSTEOGENESIS (Continued) 2058 Cretin. A. DETAILS HISTOCHIMIQUES DE L'OS- TEOGENESE. C. rend. Ass. anat., 1937, 32: 2069 140-144. 2059 Dallemagne, M. J. LE DEPOT DES MATlERES MINfiRALES DANS L'OS EN FORMATION. Acta biol. belg., 1942, 2: 95-99. 4 refs. The periosteum of rabbit tibiae was isolated from the bone by a thin sheet of stainless steel or by a piece of bladder mucosa and the tibiae wrapped in a band of hypertro- phic periosteum which, in 20 to 30 days, formed a bony cuff. This was removed at intervals up to 90 days, and determinations were made of the total content and relative proportions of calcium, phosphorus, mag- nesium and nitrogen. The findings are enu- merated and interpretations are suggested. No difference was observed between experi- ments in which steel was used to isolate the periosteum and those in which bladder mucosa was used. 2060 Deltour, G. H. LE MECANISME BIOCHIMIQUE DE L'OSSIFICATION. Rev. rhumat., Par., 1949, 16: 362-365. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 19 50, 3: No. 2612. 2061 Derivaux, J. DONNEES ACTUELLES SUR LA BIO- CHIMIE DE L'OSSIFICATION. Ann. m6d. vet., Brux., 1948, 92: 129-146. 46 refs. 2062 Dubreuil, G., Charbonnel, [M.1 and Masse, [L.] LES PROCESSUS DE L'OSTEOGEnESE. Arch, fr. belg. chir., 1936, 35: 171-176. 2063 Fang, H. C., Yuan, Y. K. and Miltner, L. J. OSTEOGENIC POWER OF TIBIAL PERIOSTEUM. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y. , 1934, 31: 1239-1240. 1 ref. 2064 Fogliati, E. L'OSTEOGENESI NELLA CONCEZIONE MODERNA. Med. internaz.., Milano, 1948, 56: 32-42. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 599. Critical review of current theories of experimental osteogenesis. 2065 Fontaine, R. QUELQUES REFLEXIONS SUR LA BIOLOGIE DE LA GREFFE OSSEUSE. Av PROPOS DU RAPPORT DE M. LE PROF. F. ALBERT. Rapp. Cong. Soc internat. chir., 1938, 11.Congr., 1: 546-562. 7 refs. A defense of the theories of Leriche and Policard on osteo- genesis and on interosseous calcium trans- ference. The article is an answer to the criticism of Prof. F. Albert. 2066 Giuliani, G. OSSIFICAZIONE CONNETTIVALE ED OSSIFICAZIONE ENCONDRALE OTTENUTE SPERI- MENTALMENTE; RICERCHE CHIMICHE, RADIOLO- GICHE, ISTOLOGICHE. Arch. ital. chir., 1932, 31: 268-300. 18 refs. 2067 Grigorescu, I. I. OSIFICATIA IN LUMINA NOILOR CERCETARI. Spitalul, 1935, 55: 24-27. A brief survey of Western theories on ossifi- cation . 2°iAsvoin G. K SRAVNITEL'NOI GISTOLOGII KROVI I SOEDINITEL'NOI TKANI. XII. 0 VOZNIKNOVENII OSNOVNOGO VESHCHES TVA KOSTI U MLEKOPITAIU- SHCHIKH [COMPARATIVE HISTOLOGY OF BLOOD AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE. XII. ORIGIN OF THE BASIC BONE SUBSTANCE IN MAMMALS] Arch, sc. biol Moskva, 1935, 37= 553-576. 39 refs. French summary. Kiszely, G. A SZERVES SEJTEK KOZOTTI ALLOMANY JELENTOSEGE A CSONTKEPZESBEN. [IMPORTANCE OF THE INTERCELLULAR ORGANIC SUBSTANCE IN BONE FORMATION] Orvostud. kbzl., 1944, 5: 255. An abstract. 2070 KUntscher, G. NEUERE ERKENNTNISSE UBER DAS GESCHEHEN BEI DER KNOCHENBRUCHHEILUNG. Arch. klin. Chir., 1951, 267: 586-592. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1952, 5: No. 292. "The author is convinced of the existence of an osteogenetic substance, produced by living bone cells in conditions calling for new formation such as mechanical irritation, fractures, etc. Periosteum and endosteum especially react to the presence of this 'hormone1. Chemical changes (pH) stimulate the production. In fractures, treated with medullary nails, the osteo- genetic substance may leak out along the nail and give rise to the formation of the 'cap' that is often seen at its end." - Excerpta med. 2071 Lacroix, P. LES MECANISMES ELEMENTAIRES DE L'OSSIFICATION ENDOCHONDRALE. Arch, biol., Par., 1945, 56: 351-382. pi. 33 refs. 2072 Lacroix, P. ORIENTATION DES RECHERCHES RE- CENTES SUR L'OSTEOGENESE. Presse m§d., 1949, 57: 1177-1178. 2073 Lacroix, P. TENTATIVO DI INTERPRETAZIONE DELLE OSSIFICAZIONI SPERIMENTALI. Arch. ital. chir., 1949, 72: 124-130. 2074 Leriche, R. and Policard, A. POSITION AC- TUELLE DU PROBlilME DE L' OSTEOGENESE; A PRO- POS DE CRITIQUES RECENTES. Presse med., 1934, 42: 169-172. 4 refs. Current theories of the mechanism of osteogenesis: role of interstitial fluids versus osteo- blast secretion theory. 2075 McLean, F. C. OSTEOGENESIS. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1951, 3.Conf., 51-54. 12 refs . 2076 Ougaroff, A. A. BEITRAGE ZUR KENNTNIS DER ENTWICKLUNG DES ZELLFREIEN KNOCHENGEWEBES. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1931, 26: 327- 346. 8 refs. 2077 Pegullo, J. LES PHENOMENES INTIMES DE L'OS- SIFICATION. Afrique fr. chir., 1950, No. 6, 231-244. 21 refs. A review of current theories of the nature of bone and of the biochemical processes of ossification. 2078 Roche, J. and Mourgue, M. PREMIERES ETAPES DE L'OSSIFICATION ET FORMATION DU "SEL DE L'OS.' C. rend. Soc. biol., 1943, 137: 451-452. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1945-46, 15: No. 573; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 25504. 2079 Stephenson, N. R. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF BONE FOR- MATION. Univ. Toronto M. J., 1945, 22: 217- 223. 2080 Stettner, E. OSSIFICATIONSFRAGEN. Mschr. Kinderh., 1932, 52: 444-446. Aussprache: p. 445-446. 116 OSTEOGENESIS (Continued) 2081 Verne, J., Verne-Soubiran, A. and Verne, J.-M ACTION DU PLASMA DE CHIEN PORTEUR D'UNE DERIVATION BILIAIRE SUR LES PROCESSUS D'OS- SIFICATION DANS LES CULTURES IN VITRO. Bull histol. appl., Lyon, 1940, 17: 109-122. 4 pi. 4 refs. 2082 Zawisch, C. DIE FRUHE HISTOGENESE DER MENSCHLICHEN CLAVICULA. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1952, 59: 187-226. 33 refs. Russian, English and French summaries. There are three definite periods of early osteogenesis. They "are termed as endo- desmal-osteoblastic, pseudo chondroblastic and chondroblastic. They correspond to a period of primary development, growth and maturation respectively. The skeletogenic tissues of these periods, some of which hitherto unknown in man, are described." 2083 Zawisch, C. DIE VERKNOCHERUNG DER KNORPELIG VORGEBILDETEN PLATTEN KNOCHEN. Acta anat., 1953, 19: 384. An abstract. See: 4 83 158 159 165 167 168 211 316 407 441 445 458 492 507 513 676 767 774 904 911 920 1002 1012 1085 1120 1286 1323 1333 1348 1352 1488 1489 1506 1879 1975 2004 2021 2405 2406 2424 2425 2426 2694 2746 2754 2764 2765 2769 2770 2967 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES 2084 ♦Ascenzi, A< CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DELLE PROPRIETA OTTICHE DELL'OSSO UMANO NORMALE. II. SULLA BIRIFRANGENZA TOTALE. Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Rendic, Class, sc. fis., ser. 8A, 1948, 5: 100-107. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 29327. 2085 Ascenzi, A. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DELLE PROPRIETA OTTICHE DELL'OSSO UMANO NORMALE. III. SULLA BIRIFRANGENZA DI FORMA E LA BIRIFRANGENZA PROPRIA. Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Rendic., Class sc. fis., ser. 8A, 1948, 5: 171-180. 2086 Bell, G. H. BONE AS A SKELETAL STRUCTURE. Brit. J. Nutrit., 1952, 6: 405-409. 21 refs. A review concerned with "the search for the factors determining the shape of bone, and... the measurement of the physi- cal properties of bone." 2087 Bell, G. H. and Chambers, J. W. BONE STRENGTH AND ASH CONTENT OF FEMORA OF RATS ON RACHITO- GENIC DIET. Biochem. J., Lond., 1945, 39: Proc., 37. An abstract. 2088 Bell, G. H., Chambers, J. W. and Dawson, I. M. THE MECHANICAL AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF BONE IN RATS ON A RACHITOGENIC DIET. J. Physiol., Lond., 1947, 106: 286-300. 30 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 6954*; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 9083. "The results of all tests - me- chanical, chemical and X-ray - suggest that there is no disturbance of the fundamental plan of ossification in rats suffering from rickets. The weakness of the rachitic bone is sufficiently explained by the reduction in organic material relative to the organic material." 2089 Bell, G. H., Chambers, J. W. and Weir, J. fi- de V. ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF NORMAL ANU RA- CHITIC RAT FEMORA. J. Physiol., Lond., 1949, 108: Proc, 19. An abstract. 2090 Brooks, G. SUR LA MATIERE MINERALE PHOS- PHORESCENTE DES TISSUS OSSEUX DE GRENOUILLE (RANA ESCULENTA L.). C. rend. Acad. sc., 1937, 204: 1447-1448. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 58809. "The manganese plays an important role in the phosphorescence of the mineral matter of the bony tissue compared to zinc which is present in small quantity. Manganese must certainly not remain passive in the normal physiology of ossification." 2091 Dempster, W. T. and Liddicoat, R. T. COMPACT BONE AS A NON-ISOTROPIC MATERIAL. Am. J. Anat., 1952, 91: 331-362. 32 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 15971. Stiffness or modulus of elasti- city and the tensile and compressive strengths of both dry and water soaked specimens of compact bone were determined. 2092 Evans, F. G. and Lebow, M. REGIONAL DIF- FERENCES IN SOME OF THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE HUMAN FEMUR. J. Appl. Physiol., 1951, 3: 563-572. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1952, 6: No. 7096; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 24022. 2093 Evans, F. G. and Lebow, M. STRENGTH AND OTHER PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF LONG BONES OF THE IN- FERIOR EXTREMITY. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1951, 10: 41. An abstract. 2094 Evans, F. G. and Lebow, M. THE STREGTH OF HUMAN COMPACT BONE AS REVEALED BY ENGINE- ERING TECHNICS. Am. J. Surg., 1952, 83: 326-331. 12 refs. Comparative studies of the tensile strength and percentage elonga- tion were made in wet and dried sections of cadaveric compact bone of the extremities, particularly of the femur. All fibulas tested exceeded the femurs in tensile strength and energy-absorbing capacity. 2095 Evans, F. G. and Lebow, M. THE TENSILE STRENGTH OF THE COMPACTA OF THE HUMAN FEMUR, Anat. Rec, 1950, 106: 192. An abstract. 2096 Evans, F. G. and Lissner, H. R. 'STRESSCOAT1 DEFORMATION STUDIES OF THE FEMUR UNDER STA- TIC VERTICAL LOADING. Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 159-190. 27 refs. Abstracted in- Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 241. "The final spread of the cracks on the neck and upper two-thirds of the femoral shaft confirm results obtained by other methods. The experiments prove that frac- tures occur mainly by tensile strains " The bones of individuals over 60 did not support so heavy a load as the bones of younger persons. 2097 Evans, F. G., Lissner, H. R. and Pedersen H. E. 'STRESSCOAT' ANALYSIS OF THE HUMAN FEMUR. J. Michigan M. Soc, 1948, 47: 305 Time of appearance of cracks under static loading indicates the femur is a uniform strength member and that it behaves as an elastic body. The cracks appear first at sites of tension. Comparison of the "stresscoat" pattern with fractures shows that fractures occur under tension. 117 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (Continued) 2098 Evans, F. G., Pederson, H. E. and Lissner, H. R. THE ROLE OF TENSILE STRESS IN THE MECHANISM OF FEMORAL FRACTURES. J. Bone Surg., 1951, 33A: 485-501, 504. 24 refs. Discussion: p*7""501, 504. 2099 Habler, C. and Reiss, 0. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE FESTIGKEIT DES KNOCHENS IM NORMALEN UND IM ZUSTAND DER BRUCHHEILUNG. I. DIE MATERIALVERHALTNISSE NORMALER ROHRENKNOCHEN UND IHRE BEZIEHUNGEN ZUM KALK- UND WASSERGEHALT. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1936, 246: 486-493. 4 refs. In dogs bone resistance was found to vary with the shape of the individual bone, age and weight of the animal, and bone calcium and water content. 2100 Hoffmann, J. FLUORESZENZEN AN MENSCRLICHEN KNOCHENASCHEN. Biochem. Zschr., 1942, 311: 247-251. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol*; Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 348; Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 2655*5. 2101 ♦Hoshijima, S. ON THE PHOSPHORESCENCE IN HUMAN TISSUES. I. THE PROOF OF THE PHOSPHORESCENCE IN NORMAL HUMAN TISSUES AND ITS MEASUREMENT. Sc. Papers Inst. Phys. Chem. Res., Tokyo, 1933, 20: 109-113. 2 pi. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 17568; Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 2970. 2102 Koch, J. C. THE LAWS OF BONE ARCHITECTURE. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 476. An abstract. Compact human bone has an ultimate strength of (in pounds per square inch) tension 17,000, compression 14,000, shear 10,000, and torsion 7,000. 2103 Lindsay, M. K. OBSERVATIONS ON FRACTURE HEALING IN RATS. J. Bone Surg., 1934, 16: 162-167. 2 refs. 2104 Lindsay, M. K. and Howes, E. L. THE BREAKING STRENGTH OF HEALING FRACTURES. J. Bone Surg., 1931, 13: 491-501. 7 refs. 2105 Linggi, A. DIE BRUCKFESTIGKEIT DER KNOCHEN DES HUNDES. 73p. Affoltern, Weiss, 1951. (Inaug.-Diss.-Zurich). 2106 „ „ McKeown, R. M., Lindsay, M. K., Harvey, S. C. and Howes, E. L. THE BREAKING STRENGTH OF HEALING FRACTURED FIBULAE OF RATS. II. OBSERVATIONS ON A STANDARD DIET. Arch. Surg., 1932, 24: 458-491. 7 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 19562. 2107 Maj, G. and Toaiari, E. LA RESISTENZA MEC- CANICA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO LAMELLARE COMPATTO MISURATA IN VARIE DIREZIONI. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1937, 12: 83-86. 21PJ CHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HUMAN BONES. Franklin Inst., 1949, 247: 597. J. 2109 ♦Melon, J. and Dallemagne, M. J. LA BIRE- FRINGENCE DE L'OS TOTAL. Bull. Soc. sc., Liege, 1944, 13: 254-261. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.,"T948, 42: 7815h. 2110 Milch, H. PHOTO-ELASTIC STUDIES OF BONE FORMS. J. Bone Surg., 1940, 22: 621-626. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait, 1941, 15: No- 1A900. 2111 Panning, G. ZUR FRAGE DER WIDERSTANDSFAHIG- KEIT DES KNOCHENGEWEBES GEGEN GEWALTEIN- WIRKUNGEN IM LEBEN UND NACH DEM TODE. Beitr. gerichtl. Med., 1939, 15: 84-94. 58 refs. A discussion, based on the literature, of the relative resistance of bone to force in the living and the dead. 2112 RouviSre, H. DE LA RESISTANCE DES OS ET DU SlEGE DES FRACTURES DES OS LONGS PAR CAUSE INDIRECTE. Presse med., 1938, 46: 849-850. 5 refs. 2113 Schiller, A. A. and Struck, H. C. TENSILE STRENGTH OF TIBIAE OF HEALED RACHITIC AND NORMAL RATS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46: 198-200. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.. , Bait., 1941, 15: No. 10638, 2114 Schiller, A. A., Struck, H. C. and Reed, C. I. THE INFLUENCE OF RICKETS AND OF THE HEALING OF RICKETS ON THE MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF THE TIBIAE OF RATS. Am. J. Physiol., 1942, 138: 27-33. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 13232; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1943^"44, 13: No. 428. 2115 Selkov, IE. A. and Balygin, I.E. OB ELEKTRO- FIZICHESKIKH SVOISTUAKH KOSTNOI TKANI. [ELECTRO-PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE BONE TISSUE] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1939, 7: 377-379. 2 refs. French translation in: Bull. biol. m€d. exp. URSS, 1939, 7: 385- 387. 2116 Sestini, F. OSSERVAZIONI SUL COMPORTAMENTO DEL TESSUTO OSSEO AL MICROSCOPIO A LUMINES- CENZA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1947, 23: 651-653. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sict. 1, 1949, 3: No. 807. The phosphores- cence of bone in man of varying ages, of the calf and cynocephalus is studied under various conditions with the Reichert ap- paratus in Wood light. It is concluded that the phosphorescence is connected more with the organic than with the inorganic components. 2117 Sestini, F. OSSERVAZIONI SUL COMPORTAMENTO DEL TESSUTO OSSEO AL MICROSCOPIO A LUMINES- CE NZ A . Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1947, 23: 835-836. Further studies of bone phos- pHorescence. The author confirms his earlier conclusions that the greater phosphorescence is shown by the organic substance. 2118 Sestini, F. RICERCHE CON IL MICROSCOPIO DI FLUORESCENZA SUL TESSUTO OSSEO. Atti Soc. ital. anat., (L947) 1948, 9: 170-173. Studies in Wood light of the fluorescence of the bones of man, the calf and the cyno- cephalus demonstrated that the organic sub- stance of bone is the more fluorescent and that of the inorganic constituents calcium carbonate is the most fluorescent. Bone fluorescence may be modified by heat or by various orientations of the osseous con- stituents . 2119 Sestini, F. and Carere-Comes, 0. RICERCHE SULLA FLUORESCENZA DELL'OSSO UMANO IN C0N- DIZI0NI NORMALI E PATOLOGICHE. Atti Accad. fLsiocr. Siena, 1939, 11.ser., 7- 72-74. 4 refs. 2120 Steindler, A. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF BONE. Arch. Phys. Ther., 1936, 17: No. 6, 336-345. Specific gravity, elasticity and strength are discussed. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES (Continued) 118 2121 THE STRENGTH OF BONE. (Editorial). J. Am. M. Ass., 1936, 107: 132. 1 ref. With particu- lar reference to Clarke's report stating that under certain conditions the strength of bone depends more on the organic part of this tis- sue than on the degree to which the inorganic part of bone approaches normal composition. 2122 Virgin, W. J. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF THE INTER- VERTEBRAL DISC. J. Bone Surg., 1951, 33B: 607-611. 25 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT" Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 15276. 2123 Weir, J. B. de V., Bell, G. H. and Chambers, J. W. THE STRENGTH AND ELASTICITY OF BONE IN RATS ON A RACHITOGENIC DIET. J. Bone Surg., 1949, 31B: 444-451. 8 refs. See: 215 252 477 1123 1410 1412 1428 1665 1938 1948 1954 1961 1996 2026 2297 2661 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES - VARIATIONS, AGE AND REGIONAL 2124 Ingalls, N. W. OBSERVATIONS ON BONE WEIGHTS. Am. J. Anat., 1931, 48: 45-98. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 11312. "The observations recorded are based on the dry weights of all the bones of the body, either individually or in func- tional groups, from a series of 100 adult white males 19-78 years old. Although there is much variation in the behavior of dif- ferent bones, the tendency is for the weight to rise to what may be called the peak of development, decline then, and rise a second time as early age changes add to the weight, and finally subside in the atrophy of old age." - Biol. Abstr. 2125 Maj, G. OSSERVAZIONI SULLE DIFFERENZE T0P0- GRAFICHE DELLA RESISTENZA MECCANICA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO DI UNO STESSO SEGMENTO SCHELETRICO. Monit. zool. ital., 1938, 49: 139-149. 9 refs. 2126 Maj, G. RESISTENZA MECCANICA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO A DIVERSI LIVERLLI DI UNO STESSO OSSO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 413-415. 3 refs. 2127 Maj, G. STUDIO SULLE VARIAZIONI INDIVIDUALI E TOPOGRAFICHE DELLA RESISTENZA MECCANICA DEL TESSUTO OSSEO DIAFISARIO UMANO IN DI- VERSE ETA. Arch. ital. anat., 1942, 47: 612-633. 17 refs. See: 2092 2096 2099 2121 2129 Bodansky, M., Campbell, K. and Duff, V- B- NUTRITIONAL VS. ENDOCRINE FACTORS IN BON*. METABOLISM DURING PREGNANCY. Texas J. M. , 1938, 34: 339-343. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1938-39, 8: No. 4962. 2130 Ellinger, G. M., Duckworth, J., Dalgarno, A. C. and Quenouille, M. H. SKELETAL CHANGES DURING PREGNANCY AND LACTATION IN THE RAT: EFFECT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF DIETARY CALCIUM. Brit. J. Nutrit., 1952, 6: 235-253. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 5501. 2131 Erdheim, J. BIOLOGIE DER SCHWANGERSCHAFTS- ZELLEN UND IHRE BEZIEHUNG ZUM SKELET. Frankf. Zschr. Path., 1936, 49: 452-478. 22 refs. 2132 Fontana, G. SULLA COMPOSIZIONE MINERALE DELLE OSSA IN GRAVIDANZA. NOTA PREVENTIVA. Mschr. Geburtsh. Gyn., 1942, 113: 57-61. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 37036. In pregnant guinea pigs the mineral composi- tion of the femurs was determined at various intervals. Practically no change in mineral content during gestation was observed. 2133 Warnock, G. M. and Duckworth, J. CHANGES IN THE SKELETON DURING GESTATION AND LACTATION IN THE RAT. Biochem. J., Lond., 1944, 38: 220-224. 13 refs. Abstracted in: BiolT" Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 18477; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1944^*45, 14: No. 2483. See: 874 REGENERATION AND REPAIR see also HORMONAL INFLUENCE - ADRENAL CORTEX, - THYMUS, SPLEEN AND PINEAL BODY, and - THY- ROID; MECHANICAL INFLUENCE; NEURAL INFLUENCE; TISSUE TRANSPLANTS; VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN C, and - VITAMIN D 2134 Aizupet, M. P. ISSLEDOVANIE REGENERATSION- NYKH PROTSESSOV RAZVIVAIUSHCHIKHSIA KOSTEI [STUDY OF THE REGENERATIVE PROCESSES IN DE- VELOPING BONES] Bull. Acad, sc. URSS, ser biol., 1943, 332-342. 24 refs. English summary. 2135 Annersten, S. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE ALKALISIERUNG IM FRAKTURCALLUS. Arch klin Chir., 1942, 203: 122-136. 17 refs In ' young rabbits experimental studies were made of variations in the acid-base balance of the fracture callus. 2136 ♦Axhausen, W. DIE KNOCHENREGENERATION - FTN TT^SS8 Jf"ES GESCHEHEN-. ™ "fair . , 1^52, Zrt I iZko A^tracted in: Excerpta'med. , ' Sect. 9, 1952, 6: No. 7099. PREGNANCY - EFFECT ON BONE 2128 Bodansky, M. and Duff, V. B. RELATION OF PARATHYROID FUNCTION AND DIET TO THE MIN- ERAL COMPOSITION OF THE BONES OF RATS AT THE CONCLUSION OF PREGNANCY. J. Nutrit., 1941, 21: 235-242. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: 59416; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941,"15: No. 12139. 2137 Baker, S. L. THE HISTOLOGY OF CALLUS j Bone Surg., 1948, 30B: 207. An abstract. 2138 Barber, C. G. A FEW HISTOCHEMICAL CONSIDFRA TIONS RELATIVE TO BONE GROWTH AND REPAIR Arch. Surg., 1948, 57: 862-870. 19 refs Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47- 5523f. A review concerned chiefly with the healing of fractures. 119 REGENERATION AND REPAIR (Continued) 2139 Bauer, G. [C. H.] INFLUENCE OF EARLIER FRAC- TURE ON BONE-REPAIR IN RATS STUDIED BY MEANS OF RADIOCALCIUM. Acta orthop. scand., 1952, 22: 85-87. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Sb"str., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 16389. In rats, the uptake of radiocalcium in the fracture of tibia was unaffected by previous fracture of the humerus. 2140 Becker, F. KLINISCHE UND EXPERIMENTELLE UN- TERSUCHUNGEN UBER EIN BESONDERES REGENERA- TIONSVERMbGEN IN DER EPIPHYSENNARBENZONE LANGER ROHRENKNOCHEN. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1941, 254: 488-541. 66 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 13021. Clinical and experimental research on a special power of regeneration in the epiphyseal juncture zone of the long bones. 2141 Bohr, H. and Stfrensen, A. H. STUDY OF FRAC- TURE HEALING BY MEANS OF RADIOACTIVE TRA- CERS. J. Bone Surg., 1950, 32A: 567-574. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 2867f; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 1828. "Experiments with radiophos- phorus and radiocalcium administered to rats at different periods during the heal- ing of fractures, show increased activity of the bone ash from the fractured bone as compared with the ash from homologous in- tact bone of the same animal. Further in- vestigations indicate that this effect is due mostly to an increased exchange of phosphorus and calcium between the plasma and the mineral substance of the bone. Measurements of the separated epiphysis in- dicate that this process involves the whole bone and the proximal epiphysis of the tibia as well." Reports by other authors of in- creased metabolic activity involving all of the skeleton were not confirmed. 2142 Bourne, G. H. THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF PERIOSTEUM AND ENDOSTEUM IN BONE HEALING AND THE RELATIONSHIP OF VITAMIN C TO THEIR ACTIVITIES. Proc. R. Soc. M., Lond., 1944, 37: 275-279. 12 refs. Abstracted in: C*Eem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 55629; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-45, 14: No. 2303. 2143 Cavallini Francolini, C. and Carbonera, D. AZIONE DEL SIERO RETICOLO-STIMOLANTE UMANO SULLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO DI FRATTURA (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI). Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1950, 30: 195-199. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4: No. 2980. In young rabbits histological studies were made of the effects on fracture healing of a human "reticulo-stimulating" serum. 2144 Cavaye Hazen. E. and Valdes Santurio, E. R. CONTRIBUCION AL ESTUDIO BIOQUIMICO DEL HUESO Y DEL CALLO DE FRACTURA. (ESTUDIO QUIMICO COMPARATIVO ENTRE EL TRATAMIENTO DE LOS FRACTURAS POR IMMOVILIZACION ESCAYOLA Y EL METODO DE KUNTSCHER). Cir. ap. locomotor, Madr., 1948, 5: 2-17. 31 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 11419B. 2145 Charpy, P. SUR LA PRESENCE DANS LE SANG DES FRACTURES D'UNE SUBSTANCE EXCITATRICE DE LA REFECTION OSSEUSE. Sang, Par., 1938, 12: 540-541. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 29635. 2146 ♦Cretin, A. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DE L'OSSI- FICATION ET LA REPARATION DES OS FRACTURES. LES CONDITIONS PHYSICO-CHIMIQUES ET LE ROLE DU TISSU ELASTIQUE DANS LA REPARATION OSSEUSE. 130p. Paris, 1948. (Thdse - Univ., Fac. sc.) Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 3684. 2147 Dallemagne, M. J. LE CALCIUM ET LE PHOSPHORE DANS LA REGENERATION OSSEUSE. Rapp. Cong. Soc. internat. chir., 1938, 11.Congr., 1: 730-733. In rabbits, after sub-periosteal section of the ulna, comparative determina- tions were made at intervals of the calcium and phosphorus content of the new bone for- mation, the sectioned ends of the ulna and of the homologous "sympathetic" bone 2148 Dallemagne, M. J. INFLUENCE DiUNE RESECTION OSSEUSE SUR LES ELEMENTS MINERAUX DU SQUE- LETTE Dy LAPIN ADULTE. RESECTIONS OSTEO- PERIOSTEES SANS RESTAURATION OSSEUSE. Acta biol. belg., 1941, 1: 502-504. An osteo- periosteal resection was made in the mid- diaphysis of the ulna of adult rabbits after electrocoagulation of the resected and sur- rounding periosteum. No new bone formation occurred and no mineral mobilization was ob- served in any part of the skeleton. 2149 Danno, K. [EXPERIMENTELLE STUDIEN UBER DEN GASSTOFFWECHSEL BEIM KNOCHENBRUCH] Mitt. Med. Ges. Tokyo, 1938, 52: 1086-1117. 43 refs. German abstr., p. 1086. 2150 Danno, K. [KLINISCHE STUDIEN UBER DEN GAS- STOFFWECHSEL BEI KNOCHENBRUCHEN UND ANDEREN KNOCHENERKRANKUNGEN] Mitt. Med. Ges. Tokyo, 1938, 52: 1047-1085. 43 refs. German abstr., p. 1047-1048. Dick, L. THE REGENERATION OF BONE AND CARTI- LAGE. J. internat. chir., Brux., 1953, 13: 175. Translations into German, Spanish, French and Italian, p. 175-178. A short survey of the study of the growth and re- pair of bone. Normal bone is in a constant state of growth, resorption and replacement giving it the power of regeneration and re- pair. Its development from pluripotential mesenchymatous cells is affected by many factors, nutritional, hormonal, mechanical and chemical. 2152 Downs, W. G.. Jr. and McKeown, R. M. HISTOL- OGY OF HEALING FRACTURES IN RATS ON NORMAL DIETS. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 94-107. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 16549. 2153 Emiliani, P. BLOCCO DEL SISTEMA RETICOLO ENDOTELIALE E SUA VALUTAZIONE FUNZIONALE NELLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO OSSEO. Gazz. internaz. med. chir., 1939, 49- 447-463 46 refs. — 2154 Enneking. W. F. THE REPAIR OF COMPLETE FRAC- TURES OF RAT TIBIAS. Anat. Rec, 1948, 101: 515-537. 3 pi. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 4134. "It was concluded that bone arises from the osteogenic cells lining all the free sur- faces of the bone; that cartilage arises from the torn ends of the periosteum; that the periosteal and endosteal responses are of equal value; and that the fractured ends of the bone are joined by an encompassing jacket when union between them is impos- sible." 2155 Eskelund, V. and Plum, C. M. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE HEALING OF FRAC- TURES. HEALING OF RACTURES OF THE FE- MORAL DIAPHYSIS IN RATS. Acta orthop. scand., 1950, 19: 433-475. 27 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 17438. The studies suggest that IBe epithelial cells of the bladder contain a substance which promotes the healing of fractures. Extracts of liver and heterolo- gous brain tissue had no definite effect and heterologous stomach tissue no effect at all. 120 REGENERATION AND REPAIR (Continued) 2156 Fiocca, S. and Rusconi, A. RICERCHE SULLA METACROMASIA. NOTA I. IL COMPORTAMENTO DELLE SOSTANZE METACROMATICHE NELL'EVOLU- ZIONE DEL CALLO NELLE FRATTURE SPERIMENTA- LI. Arch. chir. ortop., 1952, 17- 214- 218. 21 refs. — 2157 ♦Fontaine, R.f-Chevallier, A., Mandel, P. and Wiest, E. ETUDE EXPERJMENTALE, HISTOLOGIQUE ET BIOCHIMIQUE DE LA REPARATION DES FRACTURES CHEZ LE CHIEN. Lyon chir., 1950, 45: 145- 160. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 1348. 2158 Freund, E. HISTOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DEN HEILUNGSVORGANG BEI EINGEKEILTEN SCHEN- KELHALSBRUCHEN. Arch, orthop. Unfallchir., 1930, 28: 489-520. 32 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 17304. Histologic studies of the healing processes in seven cases of impacted fracture of the human femur neck. 2159 Galakhov. E. V. NEKOTORYE DETALI OKOSTENENIIA KOSTNOI MOZOLI (EXPERIMENTAL'NOE ISSLEDO- VANIE). [SOME DETAILS OF THE CALLUS OSSIFI- CATION (EXPERIMENTAL STUDY)] Ortop. traumat., Kharkov, 1933, 7: No. 2, 49-53. 8 refs. 2160 Gelbke, H. and Egbert, G. TIEREXPERIMENTELLE STUDIE AN DER VERLETZTEN EPIPHYSENFUGE. Zschr. Orthop., 1953, 83: 201-219. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 6452. Lesions of the epiphyseal cartilage were produced on growing dogs and rabbits by chisel and saw. It was found that "most lesions healed by bone for- mation" and that "split fractures without dislocation are not followed by the arrested growth or deformities which result from larger injuries." Microscopical findings are presented. 2161 Giangrasso, G. AZIONE DELLA DIETA ACIDA E BASICA SULLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO OSSEO NELLE FRATTURE SPERIMENTALI. Riv. pat. sper., 1938, 21: 67-92. 14 refs. 2162 Giangrasso, G. SISTEMA RETICOL-ISTIOCITARIO E VITAMINA C NELLE FRATTURE SPERIMENTALI. Riv. pat. sper., 1939, 23: 1-40. 42 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. AbsTr., 1941, 35: 59474. 2163 Giannoni, G. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI SULLE MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CONCENTRAZIONE IDRO- GENIONICA NELLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO DI FRATTURA. Accad. med., Genova, 1939, 54: 125-146. 15 refs. 2164 Gre,une, h. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN tJBER 0RTLICHEN VERSCHIEBUNGEN DER AKTUELLEN REAK- TION BEI KNOCHENBRUCHEN. Deut. Zschr. Chir , 1931, 230: 324-330. 1 ref. 2165 Haldeman, K. 0. and Moore, J. M. INFLUENCE OF A LOCAL EXCESS OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS ON THE HEALING OF FRACTURES: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Arch. Surg., 1934, 29: 385-396. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 16848. "Microscopic examina- tion sHowed that in normal healing under favorable conditions a continued excess of Ca and P at the site of fracture either did not influence the rate of union or retard it. In delayed healing due to unknown causes, tricalcium phosphate appeared to favor the union. In no case did monocal- cium phosphate, dicalcium phosphate or calcium glycerophate have a favorable in- fluence." "lam, A. W. A HISTOLOGICAL STTOY OF THE EARLY PHASES OF BONE REPAIR. J. Bone Surg , 1930, 12- 827-844. 34 refs. Abstracted in. Biol. A*Bstr.#, Bait., 1932, 6: No. 8310. 2167 Ham, A W SOME HISTOPHYSIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS PECULIAR TO CALCIFIED TISSUES. J. Bone Surg , 1952, 34A: 701-728. 12 refs. The processes involved in growth and repair are illustrated and discussed. Hasche-Kltlnder, R. and Gelbke, H. TIER- VERSUCHE ZUR HISTOMECHANIK DER CALLUSBILD- UNG ALS KRITIK DER LEHRE KROMPECHERS. Arch. klin. Chir., 1952, 274: 62-87. 86 refs. Abstracted in: Internat. Abstr. Surg., 1953, 97: 284. 2169 Hellner, H. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN t)BER DIE WIRKUNG DES PHOSPHORS AUF DAS KNOCHENGEWEBE. Arch. klin. Chir., 1932, 169: 1-16. 26 refs. Abstracted in: Uutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1932-33, 2T: No. 452. "There is no evidence that phosphorus administration is of any value in promoting callus formation, but theoretically it seems to be of value wherever there is ex- cessive osseous degeneration, as in osteitis fibrosa." - Nutrit. Abstr. 2170 Hellstadius, A. STUDY ON THE FORMATION OF NEW BONE. Acta orthop. scand., 1950, 20: 89-93. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 14030. "It was shown in ani- mal experiments that bone-forming granula- tion tissue, which develops on the surface of a bone, suffers ill effects if the soft parts are held away from the bone so that they do not come into contact with the granulation tissue. As a result of this separation the non-specific granulation tissue is transformed mainly into connect- ive tissue and only to a minor degree into bone tissue." 2171 Herlyn, K. E., Haas, M, and Rinne, H. KNOCHEN- AN- UND -ABBAU UNTER DER EINWIRKUNG VON KURZWELLEN. Zbl. Chir., 1937, 64: 811-815. 2172 Heusser, H. DIE BIOLOGIE DER FRAKTURHEILUNG. Helvet. chir. acta, 1945, 12: 469-488. Approx. 50 refs. Discussion: 556-563. Ab- stracted in: Praxis, Bern, 1945, 34: 606; Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1946, 76: 6*27 2173 — Hoffmeister, W. BLUTKALKSPIEGEL BEI KNOCHEN- BRUCHEN UND -ERKRANKUNGEN. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1933, 240: 414-420. 2174 Imanaga, H., Cho, M., Kurita, I. and Nozaki, N. STUDY ON CA45 DISTRIBUTION IN FRACTURED RABBITS AFTER INJECTION OF CA45cLo. Nagoya J. M. Sc., 1952, 15: 141-145. 10 refs, Abstracted 28: No. 934; 2175 i»o^, u: iii-i^ia, ly refs in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1954 I; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47; 9459h. Imperati, L. LA CAPACITA DI ASSORBIMENTO DEL CALLO DI FRATTURA: RICERCHE SPERIMENTAIT Folia med., Nap., 1938, 24: 887-901 ni ' 9 refs. P ' 2176 Kanematsu, T. [UBER DEN EINFLUSS AUF nir HEILUNGSPROZESSE DER KNOCHENBRUCHE RFx ERH0HTER FUNKTION DER EPITHELKORPERCHFN DURCH HOMOIOGENE TRANSPRANTATION [SloTl ODER HETER0GENE EXTRAKTINJEKTION DERSFtr,™ UNTER GLEICHZEITIGER PERORALER ZUFUHR Vnv CHLORKALZIUM] Okayama igakkai zassi iq,c 47: 245-278. 5 pi. 97 refs. German «£ ' mary, p. 245-246. n su,n- 121 REGENERATION AND REPAIR (Continued) 2177 Ftoy, J. A. THE EFFECT OF A LOCAL CALCIUM DE- POT ON OSTEOGENESIS AND HEALING OF FRAC- TURES. J. Bone Surg., 1934, 16: 176-184. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 884. "Neither calcium phos- phate and carbonate in the proportions in which they occur in bone, nor bone powder, made by removing the organic matter from bone, appear to stimulate osteogensis of bone when implanted in a bone defect." 2177a Korff, K. von. DIE DEGENERATION DES KNOCHEN- BRUCHES, INSBESONDERE DIE DIFFERENZIERUNG DES LOCKEREN BINDEGEWEBES DER BRUCHSTELLE IN KNORPEL- UND KNOCHENGRUNDSUBSTANZ DES CALLUS. Virchows Arch., 1930, 276: 111-140 20 refs. --- 2178 Kotliarevskii, M. L. K VOPROSU O ISTOCHNIKAKH KAL'TSIEVYKH SOLEI INDUSHCHIKH NA POSTROIENIE KOSTNOI MOZOLI. [SOURCES OF CALCIUM SALTS IN THE CALLUS FORMATION] Sborn. nauch. rabot Samarkand, med. inst., 1947, 7: 215-218. Ab- stracted in: Sovet. med. referat. obozr., Sect. Khir., 1950, No. 5, 63. Experiment with rabbits to determine sources of the calcium and phosphorus salts participating in bone regeneration. It was found that after consumption of local resources of these salts, ions of calcium and phosphorus, under influence of endocrine glands arrive in blood and lymph streams from distal sections of body. 2179 Krompecher, S. DIE BEDEUTUNG DES KN0RPEL- CALLUS. Virchows Arch., 1939, 305: 394- 404. 2180 Kub&nyi, E. CALLUSBILDUNG UND SAUREBASEN- GLEICHGEWICHT. Arch. klin. Chir., 1930, 158: 203-213. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 6893. The formation of callus after experimental fracture was studied in relation to acid-base equilibrium. Guinea pigs and rats were used in the study. 2181 KUng, H. L. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE CALLUS- BILDUNG BEI RATTEN. Helvet. chir. acta, 1951, 18: 64-71. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1952, 6: No. 641. An histological study. 2182 ♦KUntscher, G. VIEL ODER WENIG CALLUS? Mschr. Unfalh., 1953, 56: 321-331. 2183 Kugelmass, I. N. and Berg, R. N. OSSIFICATION. I. CALLUS FORMATION AND CALCIFICATION. Am. J. Dis. Child., 1931, 41: 236-248. 3 refs. Abstracted In: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1931, 5: No. 29135; Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 2185, "Ossification is a local transformation of fibrous tissue into bone, the constituents of which are derived from the blood. Bone repair is a local rather than a systemic process, and union may therefore be induced or accelerated by local therapeutic mea- sures." 2184 Lacroix, P. OS ET CARTILAGE. J. internat. chir., Brux., 1953, 13: 179. Translations into German, English, Spanish and Italian, p. 180-183. "The mechanisms which take part in the healing of a bone lesion" are illustrated by comparing a fracture site to an intramuscular graft with lacerated periosteum, bruised marrow and bony splin- ters and observing "what happens to each... when grafted separately at different sites.1 2185 La uber, H. J., Nafziger, H. and Bersin, T. FRAKTUREN UND VITAMIN-C-HAUSHALT. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 1313-1315. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 13068. 2186 - - Leriche, R. DE L'OSTEOGENESE APRES OSTEOLYSE. DES OSTEOLYSES AVEC RECONSTRUCTION. Progr. m6d., Par., 1939, No. 8, 261-266. 2187 Loreto, C. SUL CONTENUTO IN CALCIO DEI SEG- MENTI OSSEI SEDE DI FRATTURA SPERIMENTALE. N0TA PREVENTIVA. Ann. ital. chir., 1930, 9: 1283-1289. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 13431. 2188 May, H. DIE VASKULARISATION GANZER, RE- PLANTIERTER RADII BEIM HUNDE UND IHRE BEZIEHUNG ZUR KNOCHEN- UND MARK-REGENERA- TION, ZUM WACHSTUM UND ZUM GELENKKNORPEL. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1934, 160: 30-74. 5 refs. In dogs after subpereosteal reim- plantation of the whole radius the implants were injected at intervals with a terpentine mercury solution and the vascularization and marrow regeneration studied at various stages. 2189 Meltzer, H. and Dieffenbach, E. UBER DIE ANORGANISCHEN VORgAnGE BEI DER FRAKTUR- HEILUNG. Arch. klin. Chir., 1939, 195: 18-29. 23 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 4514. 2190 Micotti, R. CONTRIBUTO ALLA QUESTIONE DEL COMPORTAMENTO DEL SISTEMA RETICOLO ENDO- TBLIALE NELLE RIPARAZIONI DELLE FRATTURE OS- SEE. (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI.) Arch, ortop., Milano, 1933, 49: 211-244. Approx. 30 refs. Abstracted in:~Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 1654. 2191 Mucci, D. GLI ELEMENTI ISTICCITARI NELLA FORMAZIONE DEL CALLO OSSEO. Chir. org. movim., 1932, 17: 498-508. 16 refs. 2192 Murray, C. R. THE MODERN CONCEPTION OF BONE FROMATION AND ITS RELATION TO SURGERY. J. Dent. Res., 1931, 11: 837-845. 2193 Nunnemacher, R. F. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE CARTILAGE PLATES IN THE LONG BONES OF THE RAT. Am. J. Anat., 1939, 65: 253-289. 5 pi. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 14998. 2194 Paes Vasconcelos, F. CONSOLIDACAO OSSEA. Bol. clin. hosp. civ. Lisboa, 1952, 16: 19- 30. 6 pi. 2 refs. English summary. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 8309. Discussion of the effect of acid-base variations on calcification and bone consolidation. Injection of an alka- line solution at the site of a fracture resulted in rapid consolidation. 2195 Paolucci, F. SUL SISTEMA RETIC0L0ISTI0CITARI0 0 DI GOLDMANN NEL CALLO OSSEO (E SULLA FUN- ZIONE FAGOCITARIA DEI MEGACARIOCITI). RI- CERCHE SPERIMENTALI. Ann. ital. chir., 1930, 9: 1012-1029. 36 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 8262. REGENERATION AND REPAIR (Continued) 122 2196 Papa, A. and Buonomo La Rossa, B IL TETRA- ETILAMMONIO NEL PROCESSO DI GUARIGIONE DELLE FRATTURE. Gior. ital. chir., 1950, 6: 611- 622. 20 refs. In rabbits with experimental fracture of the radius, a study was made of the effects of intramuscular injections of tetra-ethyl-ammonium chloride. Radiological and histological examinations showed favor- avle evolution of the callus with more rapid and better ossification. 2197 Piccoli, B. and Piscitelli, L. L'AZIONE DELL'ISOTERAPIA SUL PROCESSO DI 0STE0- GENESI. (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI). Acta chir. patav., 1951, 7: 278-296. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 1929. Subperiosteal rib resection was performed in dogs and placental tissue transplanted to, or some distance from,the resected area. In both cases osteogenesis was faster than in con- trol animals. 2198 Pincussen, L. and Neumann, B. UBER BEZIE- HUNGEN DER KNOCHENBRUCHHEILUNG ZU CHEMISCHEN VERA'nDERUNGEN IM BLUTE UND IHRE BEEINFLUS- SUNG DURCH CALCIUM-VITAMINBEHANDLUNG. Arch. klin. Chir., 1931, 165: 483-494. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 21881. During fracture healing Blood determinations at regular intervals demonstrated a shift in blood cations. In rabbits the shift was to potassium, in man to magnesium. After treatment with Pro Ossa the fluctuations decreased and improved and accelerated callus formation was ob- served in man and animal. 2199 Polezhaev, L. V. 0 ZNACHENII SKELETA PRI RE- GENERATSII KONECHNOSTEI U POZVONOCHNYKH ZHIVOTNYKH. [ROLE OF THE SKELETON IN LIMB REGENERATION IN VERTEBRATES] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1949, 69: 869-872. 9 refs. In amphibia, the role of the skeleton in re- generation of the extremities differs at various ontogenetic and phylogenetic de- velopmental stages, depending especially upon the degree of destruction of the skeleton. By experimentally increasing destruction, it is possible to obtain an atypical regeneration of the extremities in vertebrates normally incapable of such regeneration. 2200 Polezhaev, L. V. and Ramenskaia, G. P. RE- GENERATSIIA KONECHNOSTEI U ZHERLIANOK, VYZVANNAIA PRODUKTAMI GIDROLIZA KHRIASHCHA. [THE REGENERATION OF THE LIMBS IN THE B0M- BINA BOMBINA PROVOKED BY THE PRODUCTS OF CARTILAGE HYDROLYSIS] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1950, 70: 141-144. 8 refs. 2201 Policard, A, ^.SUR QUELQUES MECANISMES HISTO- LOGIQUES ElEMENTAIRES INTERVENANT DANS LA REPARATION OSSEUSE. Presse m6d., 1940, 48: 409-411. Discussion of the histological mechanisms which take part in bone repair, with special consideration of the role of collagen fibrils. 2202 Pollock, G. A.-and Ghormley, R. K. EARLY RE- PAIR OF BONE: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF CER- TAIN FACTORS. J. Bone Surg., 1941, 23: 273-279. 1 ref. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 7178. 2203 Pritchard, J. J. REPAIR OF FRACTURES OF THE PARIETAL BONE IN RATS. J. Anat., Lond., 1946, 80: 55-59. 2 pi. 5 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 12779. "Evidence suggests that new bone formation is initiated by humoral rather than mechanical stimuli in the case of the skull vault." Pritchard, J. J. STIMULATION OF NEW BONE PRODUCTION. J. Anat., ^.,1946, »U^ 235. From experiments with rats it was concluded that in early fracture repair an essential stimulus to bone regenera- tion "resides in the inflammatory exudate, after leucocytic emigration has ceased. 2205 Pritchard, J. J. and Ruzicka, A. J. AN EX- PERIMENTAL STUDY OF FRACTURE REPAIR IN LACERTA VIVIPARA. J. Anat., Lond., 1950, 84: 69. An abstract. 2206 Pritchard, J. J. and Ruzicka, A. J. COMPARI- SON OF FRACTURE REPAIR IN THE FROG, LIZARD AND RAT. J. Anat., Lond., 1950, 84: 236- 261. 5 pi. 27 refs. A histological study covering: General features of the repair process; time-course of repair and the in- fluence of temperature; the periosteal blastema; the medullary blastema; the paro- steal blastema; the organization of the haematoma; replacement of cartilage by bone; calcification; and phosphatase ac- tivity. 2207 Provenzale, L. and Pariente, R. L'USO DEL TANNIN0 NELLE ARTROPLASTICHE (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI). Policlinoco, 1950, 57: 10- 25. 29 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1951, 5: No. 2456. "The cancellous bone of dogs, after removal of the articular cartilage of the knee joint, was bathed in a solution of tannin in di- lute alcohol, with a resulting absence of ankylosis. In guinea pigs the same solu- tion was injected around experimental dia- physeal fractures with resulting absence of callus." - Excerpta med. 2208 Radasch, H. E. SENILITY OF BONE AND ITS RELA- TION TO BONE REPAIR. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1930, 51: 42-49. Contents: Types of bone. - Medul- lary index. - Bone repair and regeneration. - Femur. - Tibia. - Senility of bone in rela- tion to bone repair. 2209 Ray, R. D. and Ward, A. A., Jr. A PRELIMINARY REPORT ON STUDIES OF BASIC CALCIUM PHOSPHATE IN BONE REPLACEMENT. Surg. Forum, 1951, p. 429-434. 23 refs. "Synthetic hydroxy- apatite crystals have been used to repair surgical defects in the long bones of 3 dogs, trephine holes in the iliac wings of 12 dogs, and trephine holes in the skulls of 16 cats and 6 monkeys. The results of these studies revealed that the crystals were incorporated in the new bone and that they were also re- placed in the process of ossification, ap- parently acting as a matrix for bone forma- tion . ... Healing was not as rapid as the repair observed when the defects were filled with fresh autogenous cancellous bone chips." 2210 Roche, J. RECHERCHES BIOCHIMIQUES SUR LES REACTIONS GENERALES §U SQUELETTE APREs FRAC- TURE D'UN OS E.T UNITE PHYSIOLOGIQUE DU SYS TEME OSSEUX. J. chir., Par., 1939, 53. 737. 745. —' 2211 ill Roche, J. and Mourgue, H. RECHERCHES Etude de la construction et de la de- struction OSSEUSE. Presse med., 1951, 59: 1240-1242. 2249 Gosulow, H. UBER RESORPTIONS- UND NEUBILDUNGS- PROZESSE IM KNOCHENGEWEBE (AUF GRUND MIKROS- KOPISgHER UNTERSUCHUNGEN ENTZUNDETER WARZEN- FORTSATZE. Acta otolar., Stockh., 1935, 22: 243-269. 2250 Haggqvist, G., Wilton, A. and Orell, S. OM BENNYBILDNING OCH BENNEDBRYTNING. [NEW BONE FORMATION AND BONE DEGENERATION] Nord. med., 1944, 21: 477-487. 2251 ♦Heller, M. GROUND SUBSTANCE, BASE SALTS AND CELLULAR ACTIVITY IN BONE FORMATION AND DE- STRUCTION. Chicago, 1951. (Thesis-Ph.D- Univ.) 2252 Heller-Steinberg, M. GROUND SUBSTANCE, BONE SALTS, AND CELLULAR ACTIVITY IN BONE FORMA- TION AND DESTRUCTION. Am. J. Anat., 1951, 89: 347-379. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 31237; Excerpta med., 2253 Hertz, J. ON THE CONSTRUCTIVE AND DESTRUCTIVE PROCESSES IN THE BONES AND TEETH OF NORMAL AND SCORBUTIC ORGANISMS. Acta path, microb. scand., 1936, 13: 329-349. 14 pi. 37 refs. Abstracted in:~~Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 13865; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-38", 7: No. 367. 2254 Jaffe, H. L. THE RESORPTION OF BONE. A CON- SIDERATION OF THE UNDERLYING PROCESSES PAR- TICULARLY IN PATHOLOGIC CONDITIONS. Arch. Surg., 1930, 20: 355-385. 37 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 4117. Vascular resorption and osteo- clastic resorption are surveyed and the literature reviewed. 2255 ♦Jung, A. LES MECANISMES DE LA RESORPTION OSSEUSE. Rev. chir., Par., 1937, 75: 473- 511. 2256 Leblond, C. P., Wilkinson, G. [W.] and Robichon, J. LA FORMATION DES OS CHEZ LE RAT ETUDIEE A L'AIDE DU RADIOPHOSPHORE. Ann. ACFAS, Montreal, 1950, 16: 133. The diaphysis is described as a cylinder with two sub-epiphyseal regions, or "bulbs." Autoradiographic studies of the deposition of radiophosphorus in the long bones of rats indicated that new bone is formed on the external surfaces of the cylinder and also on the interior surface of the bulbs and that while moderate resorption occurs from the internal cylindrical surface, there is intense resorption of the external surface of the bulbs. 2257 McLean, F. C. BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOMECHANICAL ASPECTS OF THE RESORPTION OF BONE. J. Periodont., 1954, 25: 176-182. 14 refs. Discussion: p. 182. A survey of present knowledge. 2258 Marek, J., Wellmann, O. and Urbanyi, L. UBER DIE KNOCHENSALZLOSENDE WIRKUNG DES BLUT- SERUMS GESUNDER UND RHACHITISCHER FERKEL. Biochem. Zschr., 1932, 252: 131-144. 6 refs. Abstracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 5621. 2259 Meister, W. CHANGES IN HISTOLOGICAL STRUC- TURE OF LONG BONES OF BIRDS DURING THE MOULT. Anat. Rec, 1951, 111: 1-21. pi. 7 refs. Abstracted in: BrTTT Abstr., Sect. AIII, 1953, p. 410; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 28348. 2260 Mouriquand, G., Dauvergne, M. and Edel, V. OSTEOPATHIES PAR CARENCE. DECALCIFICATION "IRREVERSIBLE" DU COL FEMORAL DANS L'AVITA- MINOSE C CHRONIQUE. Presse med., 1940, 48: 268-269. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr , — 1940, 34: 55019. 2261 Muhlethaler, J. P. LA RESORPTION DE L'OS MORT ETUDIEE PAR LA METHODE DE CULTURE DES TISSUS. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1953, 38: 69- 77. 28 refs. "Histiocytes are, in tissue culture, the sole elements responsible for the resorption of pieces of dead bone. They generally form a network of fixed cells, anastomosed with one another, but in the presence of polynuclear cells, they are transformed, at least in part, into mobile mononuclear macrophages. Under experimental conditions, giant multinuclear cells have never been observed." RESORPTION AND RECONSTRUCTION (Continued) 126 2262 Pecco, R. RISERVA ALCALINA, CALCIO E FOSFORO NEL SANGUE DI ANIMALI CON COMPLETA DERIVA- ZIONE DELLA BILE. Arch. ital. chir., 1931, 28: 163-174. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. JCBstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 9727. "External cholecystostomy was performed on 4 dogs; 3 survived for 100-178 days and the 4th was killed 186 days after operation. X-ray examination showed an osseous decalcifica- tion. Blood examination showed a progres- sive acidosis, diminution of P and a normal Ca level, agreeing with the findings in hu- man and experimental rachitis." - Biol. Abstr. 2263 Perrottet, E. and Duckert, R. ASPECT CHIMI- QUE DE LA DEMINERALISATION DE L'OS. TRANS- FORMATION DE GREFFES OSSEUSES EN TISSU MUS- CULAIRE. Experientia, Basel, 1951, 7: 419- 420. 4 refs. In rabbits, autografts of bone from the skull were implanted into muscles. Calcium and phosphorus determina- tions showed initial necrosis and resorp- tion. Demineralization of the grafts oc- curred in most cases. A marked difference between the chemical composition of com- pact and spongy bone was noted in the rab- bits . 2264 Reitan, K. APPOSISJONS- OG RESORPSJONS- PROSESSENES FORL0P VED FORSKJELLIGE TYPER BENVEV. Norske tannlaegeforen. tid., 1953, 63: 161-173. 6 refs. 2265 Ruth, E. B. BONE STUDIES. II. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE HAVERSIAN-TYPE VASCULAR CHAN- NELS. Am. J. Anat., 1953, 93: 429-455. pi. 22 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 15978. The literature on de- velopment and significance of the Haversian system, comparative and human, is critically reviewed and a new interpretation is pre- sented, based upon the concept "that Haversian canals develop as a necessary result of the process of repair of circumscribed areas of resorption within the compacta, or within the more robust trabeculae of osseous tissue." The femora of young adult female albino rats were used for the experimental observations and a series of human and other mammalian femora for the comparative studies. 2266 Rutishauser, E. and Kind, H. PROBLEME DER OSTEOLYSE. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80: 182-183. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4: No. 2637. 2267 Tamura, K. UBER DIE HALISTERESE DES KNOCHENS BEI DER ACIDOSE. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1930, 20: 42. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait , T9*33, 7: No. 18568. 2268 Zawisch, C. DIE BIOLOGIE DER AUF- UND UMBAU- PROZESSE DES KNOCHENS IM LICHTE NEUERER HIS- TOLOGISCHER UND EXPERIMENTELLER ERFAHRUNGEN. Wien. klin. Wschr., 1934, 47: 801-804. See: 196 205 474 476 481 514 529 535 539 985 1355 1388 1557 1562 1603 1617 2239 1623 2712 1663 2741 1877 2133 RICKETS, EXPERIMENTAL (including manganese, beryllium, strontium and alkali rickets) see also VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D 2269 Blumberg, H. , Shelling, D. H. and Jackson, DA THE PRODUCTION OF MANGANESE RICKETS IN RATS. J. Nutrit., 1938, 16: 317-324. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1938-39, 8: No. 5001. 2270 Gorlin, R. J. BERYLLIUM RICKETS: ITS EFFECT ON THE TEETH, THE MANDIBULAR JOINT, AND THE BONES OF THE SKULL OF THE ALBINO RAT. Oral Surg., 1951, 4: 177-197 Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.,"Bait., 1951, 25: No. 23956. A histologic study. 2271 Jacobson, S. A. BONE LESIONS IN RATS PRO- DUCED BY THE SUBSTITUTION OF BERYLLIUM FOR CALCIUM IN THE DIET. Arch. Path., Chic, 1933, 15: 18-26. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Chem. A"Bstr., 1933, 27: 2714. "A calcium- free Steenbock diet with the addition of cod liver oil and beryllium carbonate pro- duces a disease anatomically indistinguish- able from rickets." 2272 Kay, H. D. BERYLLIUM RICKETS. II. THE PRE- VENTION AND CURE OF BERYLLIUM RICKETS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1934, 28: 1222-1227. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 11422. 2273 Lecoq, R. RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL OBTENU PAR SIMPLE ALCALOSE ET SANS DESEQUILIBRE PHOSPHO- CALC IQUE. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1943, 216: 503-505. 3 refs. Abstracted in: NutrTT. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1945-46, 15: No. 574. 2274 Lecoq, R. LE ROLE DE L'ALCALOSE DANS LA PRODUCTION DU RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1941, 212: 938-940. 5 refs. 2275 Lecoq, R. and Villette, H. PHOSPHORE ET RACHITISME. III. ACTION INHIBITRICE EXER- CEE SUR LA CALCIFICATION OSSEUSE DES RATS PREAlABLEMENT RACHITISES PAR QUELQUES METAUX AJOUTfiS A LA RATION SOUS FORME DE CARRONATES OU DE PHOSPHATES. J. pharm. chim., Par., 1934, 19: 201-206. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1934-35, 4: No. 501. 2276 Lecoq, R., Chauchard, P. and Mazoue1, H. LE RACHITISME DYSTROPHIQUE, OBTENU PAR ADDI- TION DE CARBONATE DE STRONTIUM AUX REGIMES RACHITIGENES CLASSIQUES, EST-IL, COMME ON LE CROIT, A LA FOIS UVIO ET VITAMINO- RESISTANT? C. rend. Soc. biol., 1943, 137: 444-445. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1945-46, 15: No. 1239 2277 — Mourgue, M. RECHERCHES BIOCHIMIQUES SUR L'OS- TEOLYSE AU COURS DU "RACHITISME AU STRON- TIUM". J. physiol. path. g6n., 1939-1940, 37: 1358-1361. 14 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 3431; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4137b. MoXJiSEaild' G-' Leulier, A. and Coeur, A. RECHERCHES SUR LA PATHOGENIE DU RACHITISME (MODIFICATIONS DU CYCLE DU CHOLESTEROL, DU POTASSIUM, DE LA MASSE SPLENIOUE ET ROLE DES ANTIFIXATEURS ET FIXATEURS DU CALCIUM DANS LE RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL.) Ann med., Par., 1938, 43: 165-186. 1 ref." 2279 Mouriquand, G., Leulier, A. and Weill, [l.1. L'AGE ET LES ANTIFIXATEURS DU CALCIUM C. rend. Acad. sc., 1932, 194: 1029-1031. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26- 3285* Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1932-33, "27 No. ' 446. "Experiments on rats show that young and pre-adult animals are markedly sensitive to the action of strontium carbonate in in- hibiting the fixation of calcium, but that adult rats no longer show'the sensitiveness on the diet used. Rickets developed in the young and pre-adult, but not in the adult animals." - Nutrit. Abstr. 127 RICKETS, EXPERIMENTAL (Continued) 2280 Mouriquand, G., Leulier, A. and Weill, L. LE RACHITISME HYPOTROPHIQUE EXPERIMENTAL. 0. rend. Acad. sc., 1932, 194: 1201-1202. Ab- stracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1932-33, 2: No. 1306. 2281 Mouriquand, G., Leulier, A., Bernheim, M. and Weill, [L.] RECHERCHES SUR LES ANTIFIXATEURS DU CALCIUM. Presse m6d., 1931, 39: 769-771. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 18902. 2282 Niederwieser, V. UBER KNORPELSTbRUNG BEI EXPERIMENTELLER ACIDOSE. Zschr. Kinderh., 1933, 54: 717-724. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 2189; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 107 No. 21255. 2283 Roche, A. and Mourgue, M. RACHITISME AU STRONTIUM ET DEMINERALISATION DES OS LONGS CHEZ LES ANIMAUX ADULTES. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 130: 1136-1138. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 11: No. 13272; Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 54529. 2284 Sobel, A. E., Cohen, J. and Kramer, B. THE NATURE OF THE INJURY TO THE CALCIFYING MECHANISM IN RICKETS DUE TO STRONTIUM. Biochem. J., Lond., 1935, 29: 2640-2645. pi. 11 refs. 2285 Sobel, A. E., Goldfarb, A. R. and Kramer, B. STUDIES OF INCURABLE RICKETS. I. RESPECTIVE ROLE OF THE LOCAL FACTOR AND VITAMIN D IN HEALING. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1934, 31: 869-870. 2286 Sobel, A. E., Goldfarb, A. R. and Kramer, B. STUDIES OF INCURABLE RICKETS. II. ROLE OF THE "LOCAL FACTOR" AND OF VIOSTEROL IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF RICKETS DUE TO BERYLLIUM. J. Biol. Chem., 1935, 108: 393-401. 10 refs. See: 2291 Takizawa, N., Kusano, N., Hirayama, J., Isll, Z., Matumoto, T. and Endo, K. [UBER DIE BEZIEHUNGEN ZWISCHEN DER INNEREN SEKRETION DER SPEICHELDRUSE DER ENTWICKLUNG UND DEM WACHSTUM DES KNOCHENS. (IV. MITTEILUNG).] Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1938, 28: 454-456. See: 1487 SKELETAL RELATIONSHIPS 2292 Amprino, R. and Sisto, L. ANALOGIES ET DIF- FERENCES DE STRUCTURE DANS LES DIFFfiRENTES REGIONS D'UN MEME OS. Acta anat., Basel, 1946, 2: 202-214. 5 refs. This study of the relationship between external shape and internal structure of the diaphysis of the human femur at various ages indicates that differences in the minute structure are not directly related to mechanical stress. 2293 ♦Bauer, H. O. K. V0LUMEN UND LANGE DER LANGEN GLIEDMASSENKNOCHEN WAHREND DES FETALEN WACHSTUM. Anthrop. Anz., 1940, 17: 77-102. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 14912. 2294 Dallemagne, M. J. ^INFLUENCE D^UNE RESECTION OSSEUSE SUR LES ELEMENTS MINERAUX DU SQUE- LETTE DU LAPIN ADULTE. RESECTIONS SOUS -PERIOSTEES EN COURS DE REPARATION. Acta biol. belg., 1941, 1: 498-501. 2 refs. A subperiosteal resection was made in the radial or ulnar diaphysis of adult rabbits and the separated periosteum placed in the cavity. Later mineral determinations of various bones indicated that the skeletal mineral mobilization provoked by the lesion did not involve the entire skeleton as sug- gested by Roche but was confined to the homologous and neighbouring bones. These phenomena were found to be constant, on one condition: the implanted section of periosteum must be capable of new bone for- mation . 58 828 1195 2883 SALIVARY GLANDS - INFLUENCE 2020 2854 2287 Ban, T., Takizawa, N., Nagao, N. and Kusano, N. UBER DIE BEZIEHUNGEN ZWISCHEN DER INNEREN SEKRETION DER SPEICHELDRUSE UND DER ENTWICK- LUNG UND DEM WACHSTUM DES KNOCHENS. I. MIT- TEILUNG. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1945, 25: 510- 511. 2288 Ichikawa, T., Kondo, S. and Arai, M. EINFLUSSE DER SPEICHELDRUSENEXSTIRPATION AUF DAS WACH- STUM DER HARTGEWEBE. (II. MITTEILUNG). Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1938, 28: 456-460. "Extir- pation of the main salivary glands of young rats caused changes in the different endo- crine glands and changes in the epiphyseal line of the long bones." 2289 Miyasaki, Y., Kondo, S. and Ichikawa, T. EIN- FLUSSE DER SPEICHELDRUSENEXSTIRPATION AUF DAS WACHSTUM DER HARTGEWEBE. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1937, 27: 551-556. 0090 Takizawa, N. and Kusano, N. UBER DIE BEZIE- HUNGEN ZWISCHEN DER INNEREN SEKRETION DER SPEICHELDRUSE UND DER ENTWICKLUNG UND DEM WACHSTUM DES KNOCHENS. III. MITTEILUNG. Tr. Soc. path. jap., J937, 27: 549-551. 2295 Enselme, J. and Trintignac, P. ACTION SUR L'OSSIFICATION GENERALE DES TRANSPLANTS OSSEUX. Lyon chir., 1939, 36: 434-436. 2296 Mourgue, M. MODIFICATIONS DE LA COMPOSITION DES OS PLATS APRfiS FRACTURE D'UN OS LONG. C. rend. Soc. biol.,1939, 131: 382-383. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 10325; Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 8"9*273. 2297 Nagura, S. SISI TYK0TU ZYURYO-TEKI HEREI NI TUITE. [INTERRELATED WEIGHT OF LONG BONES OF EXTREMITIES] Mitt. Med. Ges. Tokyo, 1932, 46: 695-720. 2298 Perrottet, E. ETUDE DES VARIATIONS DE TENEURS EN CALCIUM ET PHOSPHORE DANS DES OS NECROSES EXPERIMENTALEMENT PAR LA CHALEUR. Arch. sc, Geneve, 1951, 4: 255-259. 3 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 31242. In rabbits determinations of the ash, calcium and phosphorus content of meta- tarsals rendered necrotic by heat showed an increased percentage of the minerals. Homo- logous bones showed a "sympathetic" deminer- alization . 128 SKELETAL RELATIONSHIPS (Continued) 2299 Pesce, G. and Rulla, L. COMPORTAMENTO DEL CALLO OSSEO IN ANIMALI SOTTOPOSTI A FRATTURE RIPETUTE. Ann. ital. chir., 1951, 28: 647- 660. 21 refs. In rabbits the left radius was fractured 20 days after fracture of the right. In the second fracture, the callus was larger and the processes of regenera- tion were more active. The literature is reviewed. 2300 Roche, J. and Filippi, A. LE SYSTEME OSSEUX UNITE PHYSIOLOGIQUE. AUGMENTATION gEnErALE DE L'ACTIVITE PHOSPHATASIQUE DU SQUELETTE APRES FRACTURE D'UN OS. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1938, 129: 322-326. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 5707. 2301 Roche, J. and Mourgue, M. RECHERCHES. SUR L'OS- SIFICATION. VI. MODIFICATIONS GENERALES DE LA COMPOSITION DES OS LONGS APRES FRACTURE EX- PERIMENTALE D'UNE PIEQE SQUELETTIQUE ET UNITE PHYSIOLOGIQUE DU SYSTEME OSSEUX. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1939,21: 143-165. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 14774. "The chemical changes during re- pair were most intense about the injury but extended in lesser degree through the entire osseous system as was shown by the altera- tions in the uninjured homologue. There was first a demineralization which after about 25 days was followed by a gradual return to normal." - Biol. Abstr. 2302 Roche, J., Filippi, A. and Mourgue, M. SUR LES REACTIONS GENERALES DU SQUELETTE CONSfiCUTIVES A LA FRACTURE D'UN OS. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1938, 207: 254-257. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1939, 33: 54631. See: 852 2148 STRUCTURE 1104 2210 1729 2806 1811 2141 2303 ♦Amprino, R. and Godina, G. RICERCHE COM- PARATIVE SULLA STRUTTURA DELLE OSSA DEI VERTEBRATI. Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Rendic, Class, sc. fis., ser. 8A, 1946, 1: 648-654. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 7412; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1948, 2: No. 305. 2304 ♦Amprino, R. and Godina, G. LA STRUTTURA DELLE OSSA NEI VERTEBRATI. RICERCHE COMPARATIVE NEGLI ANFIBI E NEGLI AMNIOTI. Commentat. Pontificia acad. sc., 1947, 11: 329-462. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.,"Bait., 1951, 25: No. 5238. 2305 Benninghoff, A. and Timmer, G. J. UBER DIE KOMPAKT-ARCHITEKTUR DER GROSSEN ROHREN- KNOCHEN. Klin. Wschr., 1948, 26: 126. Also in: Aerztl. Wschr., 1948, 3: 375-380. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 503. The course of the lines of cleavage in compact bone is discussed. 2306 Bruno, G. and Ottonello, P. OSSERVAZIONI SULL'ARCHITETTURA DEL TESSUTO SPUGNOSO DELL'EPIFISI PROSSIMALE DEL FEMORE DELL'UOMO CON PARTICOLARE RIGUARDO AL COSI DETTO TRI- ANGOLO DI WARD ED ALLO SPERONE FEMORALE. Radiol, med., Milano, 1933, 20: 1201-1206. 12 refs. 2307 Crawford, G. N. C. THE EVOLUTION OF THE HAVERSIAN PATTERN IN BONE. J. Anat., Lond., 1940, 74: 284-299. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 16227. 2308 Cretin, A. and MahoJ, H. CONTRIBUTION A l>Etude du tissu elastique de l'OS. c. rend. Ass. anat., (1947) 1948, 34: 139- 141. 2309 ♦Deak, P., Tarjftn, R„ and Sandi, E. JV.CSONT szerkezeti vaitozasainak regisztralasa r8ntgenfotometriAs vizsgAlattal. [denso- graphy of changes in the structure of the BONES1 Magy. radiol., 1953, 5: 97-101. 2310 Deggeler, C. BEITRAG ZUR KENNTNIS DER ARCHI- TEKTUR DES FETALEN SCHADELS. Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1942, 111: 470-489. 13 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 24356. 2311 Fraipont, C. SUR LES CARACTERES MICROSCOPI- QUES DIFFERENTIELS DES OS CHEZ LES PRIMATES. C. rend. Acad, sc., 1933, 196: 1925. 2312 ♦Hirsch, C. and Schajowicz, F. STUDIES ON STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN THE LUMBAR ANNULUS FIBROSUS. Acta orthop. scand., 1953, 22: 184-231. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 27655. 2313 Jentschura, G. ANORDNUNG DER BAUELEMENTE DES KNOCHENS IM SCHLIFF. 35p. Charlottenb., K. & R. Hoffmann, 1941. (Inaug.-Diss.- Berlin). 19 refs. 2314 Matyas, J. and Szabd, M. DAS NAHERE VERWANDT- SCBAFTSVERBALTNIS ZWISCHEN DEM MENSCHEN UND DEN ANTHROPOIDEN AUF GRUND MIKROOSTEOLGISCHER UNTERSUCHUNGEN AUCH MIT RUCKSICHT AUF DIE FEINERE KNOCHENSTRUKTUR DER CARNIVOREN UND UNGULATEN. Zschr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1932, 97: 169-209. 17 pi. 4 refs. 2315 Mechanik, N. UNTERSUCHUNG DER KOMPAKTEN SCHICHT UND DER MARKH&LE DER FIBULA DES MENSCHEN. Zschr. ges. Anat., 1. Abt., 1932, 97: 331-355. 14 refs. 2316 Muratori, G. SULLA%ARCHITETTURA DELLA SPONGI- OSA DELL'ESTREMITA PROSSIMALE DEL FEMORE UMANO NELLE ANOMALIE DELL'ANGOLO DI IN- CLINAZIONE DEL COLLO FEMORALE. Ann. Univ. Ferrara, n.s., Sect. 1, 1953, 1: No. 4, [37]-42. 7 refs. 2317 Nedbal, M. E. STRUKTURVERSCHIEDENHEITEN IN DEN DIAPHYSEN DER KARPALEN UND TARSALEN KNOCHEN BEI ZWEI FLUGTIEREN (PTEROPUS NEOHIBERNICUS PET. UND DER ARDEA CINEREA L.). Zschr. Anat. Entw., 1932, 97: 210-250. 23 pi. 4 refs . 2318 Ohkubo, K. STUDIES IN THE PROPORTION OF THE VASCULAR SPACE AND THE BONE TISSUE IN THE COMPACT SUBSTANCE OF THE HUMAN LONG BONE Jap. J. M. Sc., 1934, 4: Anat. 411-4i5 A refs. 2319 Oliveira, H. de. NOTES SUR LA STRUCTURE DU TISSU OSSEUX. Fol. anat. Univ. conimbr., 1932, 7: No. 2, 1-5. 3 pi. 129 STRUCTURE (Continued) 2320 Piedelifevre and Clavelin. MORPHOLOGIE OSSEUSE DE L'HUMERUS. ESSAI DE RECONSTITUTION DE L'OS TYPE. Acta med. leg. social., Brux., 1948, 1: 371-381. Long French and English summaries. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 648. Theoretical reconstruction of the average human humerus based on mean measurements, with due regard for racial differences in muscle insertion. 2321 Ruth, E. B. BONE STUDIES.. I. FIBRILLAR STRUCTURE OF ADULT HUMAN BONE. Am. J. Anat., 1947, 80: 35-53. 3 pi. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 11783; Excerpta med., Sect. 9, T948, 2: No. 4221. 2322 Ruth, E. B. OBSERVATIONS ON THE COMPARATIVE HISTOMORPHOLOGY OF THE FEMUR. Anat. Rec, 1948, 100: 708. Abstract of a paper pre- sented at the American Association of Anatomists, April, 1948. "The purpose of this study is to emphasize the importance of understanding the normal histomorphology and histomorphogenesis of bones studied un- der experimental conditions, before attempt- ing to interpret results of experimental procedures on bone." Histomorphology of the femurs of the turkey, chicken, cow, pig, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, rat and rhesus monkey is discussed. 2323 Ruth, E. B. and Haury, E. W. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE MATURATION OF THE HISTOMORPHOLOGY OF HUMAN BONE. Anat. Rec, 1947, 97: 404-405. An abstract. 2324 ♦Schmidt, W. J. DER FEINBAU DER ANORGANISCHEN GRUNDMASSE DES KNOCHENGEWEBES. Ber. Oberhess. Ges. Natur. Heilk. Naturwiss. Abt., 1933, 15: 219-247. 2325 Sinelnikov, N. A. O PROSTRANSTVENNOM RASPOLOZ- HENII O STEONOV V DIAFIZE BEDRA CHELOVEKA I DRUGIKH PRIMATOV. [SPACE DISTRIBUTION OF OSTEONES IN THE DIAPHYSIS OF THE FEMUR IN MAN AND PRIMATES] Antrop. J., Moskva, 1937, No. 3, 102-116. 11 refs. English summary. There is a certain regularity in the disposition of osteones in the microanatomical structure of the diaphysis of the femur in man and other primates. They are located in the thick of compacta at angles to the longitudinal axis of the diaphysis, with two demarcation lines on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the femur with which the angles of the osteone slopes are seen to change. Some differences occur between details of osteone disposition in the human and chimpanzee femur. These ap- pear to be connected with differences in functions of the femur as an organ of loco- motion in man and monkey. 2326 ♦Sosnovskaia, E. M. NEKOTORYE DANNYE OB ELAS- TICHESKIKH VOLOKNAKH V KOSTI. [SOME DATA ON THE ELASTIC FIBRES IN BONES] Arch, russ. anat., 1936, 15: No. 2, 64-72. German sum- mary: p. 167-T*j8. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 17147. 2327 Zimmermann, AA A CSONTOK MIKVOSZKOPOS. SZERKEZETErOl. OSSZEFOGLALd ISMERTETES. [MICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF BONES] Allatorv. lap., 1938, 61: 5-6. 233 506 870 1054 1057 1122 1566 1678 1730 1967 o(\ar 2084 2085 2119 2259 STRUCTURE - AUTORADIOGRAPHIC STUDIES 2328 Amprino, R. AUTORADIOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF LABELLED CA AND P IN BONES. Experientia, Basel, 1952, 8: 20-22. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 17193; Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 195*27 5: No. 4315. Studies of ground sections of fresh bone indicated that the uptake of calcium and of phosphorus was greater in new, not yet mineralized, bone than in old bone and greater in youth than in age. The mechanism of the calcification of compact bone is discussed. 2329 ♦Amprino, R. LA CROISSANCE ET LE REMANIEMENT DES OS ETUDIES PAR L'EMPLOI DU RADIOCALCIUM. C. rend. Ass. anat., 1953, No. 74, 493-498. Abstracted in: Bull. Anal. CNRS, 1953, 14: pt. 2, No. 127621. "The degree of calcTTi- cation generally increases with age. This progressive calcification can be demonstrated by the use of calcium and phosphorus radio- active isotopes." - Bull. anal. CNRS. 2330 Amprino, R. FURTHER EXPERIMENTS ON THE FIXA- TION IN VITRO OF RADIOCALCIUM TO SECTIONS OF BONE. Experientia, Basel, 1952, 8: 380- 382. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 3355h. Ground sections of bone were given various treatments and then placed in a weak solution of radioactive calcium chloride. Autoradiographic studies of the sections showed that only complete destruction of the organic matrix resulted in appreciable modification of radiocalcium distribution. 2331 Amprino, R. IL METODO DI STUDIO AUTOGRAFICO DI SEZIONI DI OSSA TRATTATE IN VITRO CON RADIOCALCIO. Chir. org. movim., 1953, 38: 139-153. 23 refs. An autoradiographic method of studying the in vitro uptake of radioactive calcium or phosphorus by re- cently formed bone is described in detail. The method is as useful in studying secondary as primary ossification. Several studies of normal and diseased bone are illustrated and discussed. 2332 Arnold, J. S. and Webster, S. S. HAVERSIAN SYSTEM GROWTH AND FORMATION IN RABBITS. Anat. Rec, 1953, 115: 276. An abstract. In the radioautographic study made on ground tibial bone sections of 3 month old rabbits given 1 mc Ca45 intravenously, and sacri- ficed at 1 to 24 hours later, growth areas were most marked over the innermost lamellas of some Haversian systems and over the edges of resorption cavities. In animals sacri- ficed 7 or 21 days after injections, growth occurred at varying positions from the cen- tral to the peripheral area. "The number of resorption cavities in a particular area of bone was proportional to the number of Haversian systems showing Ca45 concentration. The established theory that Haversian systems are formed by the filling of resorption cavi- ties with concentric lamellas of bone is experimentally verified." 2333 Leblond, C. P., Wilkinson, G. W., Belanger, L. F. and Robichon, J. RADIO-AUTOGRAPHIC VISUALIZATION OF BONE FORMATION IN THE RAT. Am. J. Anat., 1950, 86: 289-341. pi. 33 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1951-52, 21: No. 2330; Nuclear Sc Abstr., 1951, 5: No. 3911. The deposition of bone phosphate in the tibia and humerus of newborn and adult rats was studied at various intervals after injection of radio- phosphorus . 130 STRUCTURE - AUTORADIOGRAPHIC STUDIES (Continued) See: 24 672 1830 1833 1849 2238 2241 2256 2601 2685 2708 STRUCTURE - CRYSTAL see CRYSTAL STRUCTURE AND SURFACE ACTIVITY STRUCTURE - ELECTRONMICROSCOPIC STUDIES 2334 ♦Ascenzi, A. LA STRUTTURA DELL'OSSEO UMANO OSSERVATA AL MICROSCOPIO ELETTRONICO. Rendic. 1st. sup. san., Roma, 1949, 12: 893-902. Abstracted in: Excerpta meaT, Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 56. 2335 Barbour, E. P. A STUDY OF THE STRUCTURE OF FRESH AND FOSSIL HUMAN BONE BY MEANS OF THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., 1950, 8: 315-329. pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1,1951, 5: No. 593. 2336 Kellenberger, E. and Rouiller, C. DIE KNOCHEN- STRUKTUR, UNTERSUCHT MIT DEM ELEKTRONENMIKRO- SKOP. Schweiz. Zschr. allg. Path., 1950, 1J3: 783-788. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 26: No. 34063; Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 3T No. 2634. 2337 Robinson, R. A. ELECTRON MICROGRAPHY ON BONE. Tr . Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1951, 3.Conf., 271-289. Conference discussion: p. 287- 289. 12 refs. 2342 Rouiller, C, Huber, L. and ^^^^t^'^fy LA STRUCTURE DE LA DENTINE. ETUDE COMPAKbi DE L'OS ET DE L'lVOIRE AU MICROSCOPE ELECTRONIQUE. Acta anat., Basel, 1952, lb: 16-28. 22 refs. English and German sum- maries. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 16394; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 77 No. 1299. 2343 Rouiller, C, Huber, L., Kellenberger, E. and Rutishauser, E. LA STRUCTURE LAMELLAIRE DE L'OSTJTONE. Acta anat., Basel, 1952, 14: 9- 22. 12 refs. English and German summaries. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 21688; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 77 No. 66. Study was made with optical and electron microscope, using the replica tech- nique. 2344 ♦Rutishauser, E., Huber, L., Kellenberger, E., Majno, G. and Rouiller, C. ETUDE DE LA STRUCTURE DE L'OS AU MICROSCOPE ELECTRONI- QUE. Arch, sc, Geneve, 1950, 3: 175-180. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 31244; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 3T No. 1350. 2345 Schwarz, W. and Pahlke, G. ELEKTRONENMIKROS- KOPISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN DER INTERZELLULAR- SUBSTANZ DES MENSCHLICHEN KNOCHENGEWEBES. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1953, 38: 475-487. 12 refs. See: 562 565 1270 2338 Robinson, R. A. AN ELECTRON-MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE CRYSTALLINE INORGANIC COMPONENT OF BONE AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE ORGANIC MA- TRIX. J. Bone Surg., 1952, 34A: 389-435, 476. 127 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 5974n. The components and struc- ture oT^inorganic bone crystals and bone collagen were examined and their relation to each other and to the cement substance studied. Hydroxyapatite crystals of varying size and shape, the inorganic crystals of bone, were found to lie in the cement sub- stance and not in the collagen fibers, which may serve as a nidus for crystal formation in the bone matrix. The cells of the bone matrix play an essential role in organic- inorganic relationships. The findings of this study were correlated with the data of other methods of investigation of bone crys- tals . 2339 Robinson, R. A. and Watson, M. L. COLLAGEN- CRYSTAL RELATIONSHIPS IN BONE AS SEEN IN THE ELECTRON MICROSCOPE. Anat. Rec, 1952, 114: 383-410. 8 pi. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1953, 7: No. 2947; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 15977. 2340 Robinson, R. A. and Watson, M. L. ELECTRON MICROGRAPHY OF BONE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1953, 5.Conf., 72-104. Con- ference Discussion: p. 103-104. 116 refs, 2341 ♦ Rouiller, C, Huber, L. and Rutishauser, E. LES FIBRILLES DE LA SUBSTANCE F0NDAMENTALE DU CARTILAGE HYALIN. ETUDE AU MICROSCOPE ELECTRONIQUE. (NOTE PRELIMINAIRE). Arch. sc, Geneve, 1952, 5: 215-218. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 1481. STRUCTURE - MECHANICAL INFLUENCE see MECHANICAL INFLUENCE STRUCTURE - POLARIZED AND OTHER LIGHT STUDIES 2346 Dallemagne, M. and Melon, J. LA PROPORTION DES ELEMENTS MINERAUX ET ORGANIQUES DANS LES DIFFERENTES REGIONS DU SYSTEME HAVERSIEN DE L'OS. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1944, 138: 1031-1034. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1946-47, 16: No. 607. Studies in polarized light oT cross sections of the Haversian systems demonstrated that the light and dark zones observed in the surrounding lamellae were not due to dif- ferences in calcification, since the rela- tive birefringeance was identical. 2347 Fowler, E. P. and Applebaum, E. BONE STUDIES IN ULTRA-VIOLET LIGHT. Anat. Rec, 1933, 55: 23-39. 15 refs. A method is described and data obtained by this method is pre- sented . 2348 Jaccard, R. and Grosjean, M. DIE UNTERSUCHUNG VON HARTGEWEBEN (KNOCHEN UND ZAHNEN) IM RE- FLEKTIERTEN LICHT. Deut. zahnarztl . Zschr., 1949, 4: 1234-1250. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr.7 Bait., 1950, 24: No. 15964. 2349 Sestini, [F.] OSSERVAZIONI COL MICROSCOPIO A LUMINESCENZA. (2* NOTA). OSSERVAZIONI SUL TESSUTO OSSEO. Atti Accad. fisiocr. Siena 1934, 11.ser., 2: sez. med. fis., 30. See: 129 560 561 620 131 STRUCTURE - VARIATIONS WITH AGE 2350 Amprino, R. COME SI COSTITUISCE L"ARCHITETTURA DELLA SOSTANZA SPUGNOSA DELLE EPTFISI. (RI- CERCHE SUL FEMORE DELL'UOMO NELLE VARIE ETA). Monit. zool. ital., 1938, 48: Suppl., 275- 278. pi. Studies in polarized light of frontal sections of the upper end of the fe- mur of individuals of different ages showed a great and rapid change in the arrangement of the trabeculae from the second year of life, which decreased with age. These changes were believed to depend upon mechanical stimuli, since it was observed that from the first ap- pearance of the epiphyseal nucleus the dis- tribution of the trabeculae corresponded to the lines of weight-bearing. Simultaneous modifications in the structure of the spongiosa trabeculae of the second and third order were also noted. 2351 Amprino, R. LA STRUCTURE DU TISSU OSSEUX envisagEe COMME EXPRESSION DE DIFFERENCES DANS LA VITESSE DE L'ACCROISSEMENT. Arch. biol., Par., 1947, 58: 315-330. 15 refs. Discussion of the relation between bone structure and the rate of somatic growth. Structural variations in the bones of ani- mals of different species or of the same species are attributed to difference in rates of somatic growth. 2352 Amprino, R. LA STRUTTURA DELLE OSSA DELL'UOMO SOTTRATTE ALLE SOLLECITAZIONI MECCANICHE. CONSIDERAZIONI SUL SIGNIFICATO FUNZIONALE DELLE STRUTTURE DELLA SOSTANZA COMPATTA. Roux Arch., 1938, 138: 305-322. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 9492. A study of the structure of theTTiaphyseal compact bone of the immobilized extremities of individuals of various ages. The struc- ture is qualitatively the same as that of bones under normal mechanical stress, but the processes of reconstruction are slower than in normal bone. 2353 Amprino, R. TRANSFORMATIONS HISTOLOGIQUES PENDANT L'ACCROISSEMENT ET LA REMANIEMENT DU COL DU FEMUR APRES LA NAISSANCE. C. rend. Ass. anat., 1937, 32: 19-35. Studies in polarized light with special staining methods were made of sections of the femur neck of 37 individuals from birth to old age. The progressive modifications observed in the structure and distribution of the spongiosa trabeculae and lamellae suggested a gradual reorientation of bone structure for more perfect mechanical resistance. 2354 Amprino, R. and Bairati, A. PROCESSI DI RI- COSTRUZIONE E DI RIASSORBIMENTO NELLA SOS- TANZA COMPATTA DELLE OSSA DELL'UOMO. RI- CERCHE SU CENTO SOGGETTI DALLA NASCITA SINO A TARDA ETA. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1936, 24: 439-511. Approx. 93 refs. The processes of change in the compacta of sections of the hu- man diaphysis, upper occipital squamosa, hu- merus, tibia and digital phalanx, pre-natal to old age, were studied in direct and po- larized light and with appropriate staining. Histological modifications observed are de- scribed in detail and the mechanical sig- nificance of structural changes in the com- pacta at the various ages are discussed. The article contains a review of the litera- ture . 2355 Amprino, R. and Trivellini, A. IL SIGNIFICATO FUNZl6NALE DELL'ARCHITETTURA E DELLA STRUT- TURA DEL COLLO DEL FEMORE NELLE VARIE ETA ED IN CONDIZIONI PATOLOGISCHE. Arch. ital. chir.. 1937, 4£ 1-36. -J.8 refs. 2356 scenzi, A. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DELLE PRO- PRIETA OTTICHE DELL'OSSO UMANO NORMALE. I. SULL'INDICE DI RIFRAZIONE. Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Rendic, Class, sc. fis., 1948, 4: 777-783. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 29326. 2357 Ascenzi, A. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCHES IN THE OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF HUMAN BONE. Nature, Lond., 1949, 163: 604. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta met"., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 1614; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 28381. 2358 Bader, L. and Canuto G. I CANALI DI HAVERS IN RAPPORTO ALL'ETA. Arch, antrop. crim., Tor., 1930, 50: 232-241. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 8307. 2359 Bohatirchuk, F. SOME MICRORADIOGRAPHICAL DATA ON BONE AGING. Anat. Rec, 1953, 115: 286-287. An abstract. The author believes that lack of a satisfactory method of bone examination is one of the causes of delay in the progress of this study. With micro- radiography, the necessity of preliminary decalcification and possible artefacts may be avoided. It is pointed out that in microradiographs two kinds of exostosis may be differentiated; that having the struc- ture of bone, which is pathologic and the structureless, which may be seen in normal old persons. 23&rouwer, E. OVER BEENSTRUCTUUR EN VOEDING BIJ* MENS EN DIER. Voeding, 1952, 13: 55-65. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 4913. Microscopic studies of sections of the tubular bones of man and cat- tle indicate marked differences in the struc- ture of compact bone. In cattle this struc- ture consists mainly of thin scales, laminae, of coarsely fibrous bone arranged concentri- cally around the central cavity of the shaft with some lamellae deposited on either side. In man a similar structure exists in youth but is gradually changed by continual resorp- tion and rebuilding into the structure of haversian, interstitial and basic lamellae of the adult. Mechanical influences (pressure pull, bend, torsion) are considered as fac- tors in the change. 2361 Bruno, G. itICERCHE SULLO SVILLUPO E SULLA MORFOLOGIA DELLO SPERONE FEMORALE (LAMINA FEMORALIS INTERNA) NELL'UOMO ED IN ALTRI VERTEBRATI. Arch. ital. anat., 1933, 31: 253-285. 34 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 19824. 2362 Bruno, G. UBER SENILE STRUKTURVERANDERUNGEN DER PROXIMALEN HUMERUS EPIPHYSE. Fortsch. Rbntgenstrahl., 1934, 50: 287-289. 2363 Chamberlin, G. W. METABOLIC BONE CHANGES WITH AGING. Pennsylvania, M. J., 1953, 56: 984- 985. An editorial pointing out to The phy- sician the structural changes in bone as- sociated with aging; description of the changes, their detection and treatments in senile osteoporosis, Paget's disease and degenerative joint disease are briefly dis- cussed . STRUCTURE - VARIATIONS WITH AGE (Con- tinued) 132 2364 Filogamo, G. FORMA E LUNGHEZZA DEGLI OSTEONI DELLA COMPATTA DELLE OSSA LUNGHE, NELL'UOMO. Ricer. morf., 1952, 22: 91-98. 2 pi. 4 refs. English, French" and German summaries. Complete reconstructions of Haversian sys- tems in different bones of man at different ages were carried out. It was shown: con- centric Haversian systems pass into frag- ments of debris and seldom exist as com- plete cylindrical systems; they become shorter with advancing age; at points where remodelling takes place earlier (as at points of insertion of tendons) they are very short. 2365 Filogamo, G. LA FORME ET LA TAILLE DES OSTE- ONES CHEZ QUELQUES MAMMIFERES. Arch, biol., Par., 1946, 57: 137-143. 6 refs. A study of the size and shape of the Haversian sys- tems of the compact bone of the ox, the horse and the dog at different ages. Com- parisons are made with findings in bones of man. 2366 GellSrt, A. >Z EMBERI CSONTOK t|rFOGATAR4NYAI ES POROSITAS VISZONYAI TIZ EGYEN CSONTVAZAn. A CSIGOLYAKNAK,fiS A CSONTOS GERINCOSZLOP SZAKASZAINAK TERFOGATARANYAI . [VOLUME, PRO- PORTION AND POROSITY OF THE HUMAN BONES; STUDY OF 10 SKELETONS] Magy. orv. arch., 1930, 31: 229-246. 5 refs. 2367 Orlov, M. IA. K VOPROSU O VOZRASTNYKH IZMENENIAKH GISTOSTRUKTURY BEDRA U CHELOVEKA. [AGE VARIATIONS OF HISTOSTRUCTURE OF THE FE- MUR IN MAN] Antrop. J., Moskva, 1937, No. 2, 83-101. 38 refs. 2368 Peacock, A. OBSERVATIONS ON THE POSTNATAL STRUCTURE OF THE INTERVERTEBRAL DISC IN MAN. J. Anat., Lond., 195?, 86: 162-179. 3 pi. 52 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 2277; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 277 No. 19693. 287 559 1542 1567 1615 1628 1670 2292 STRUCTURE - X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDIES 2369 Amprino, R. and Engstrom, A. RISULTATI DI UNO STUDIO SULL'ASSORBIMENTO E SULLA DIFFRAZIONE DEI RAGGI ROENTGEN DA PARTE DEL TESSUTO OS- SEO. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1950, 26: 148-151. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., SecT. 2, 1951, 4: No. 1954. X-ray-absorption and -diffraction studies of the relative concen- trations of calcium salts in treated sections of long and flat bones of various species (man, horse, dog, rabbit, fowl) at various ages. 2370 Amprino, R. and Engstrbm, A. STUDIES ON X-RAY ABSORPTION AND DIFFRACTION OF BONE TISSUE. Acta anat., Basel, 1952, 15: 1-22. 50 refs. French and German summaries. Abstracted in; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 461; Brit. Abstr., Sect. AIII, 1953, p. 133. Ground sections of compact and spongy bone of different mammals of various ages were studied and the mineral distribution, rela- tive calcium content and calcification pro- cesses analyzed. 2371 ♦Bale, W. F. X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDIES OF BONE AND TOOTH SUBSTANCE. Rochester, N. Y. (Thesis-Univ. Rochester). Unpublished. Dr. Bale's doctoral dissertation has not been published in entirety in any form. A part of it appeared in his report in the Am. J. Roentg., 1940, 43: 735-747. 2372 ♦Carlstrom, D. and Finean, J B. X-RAY DIFFRAC- TION STUDIES ON THE ULTRASTRUCTURE OF BONE. Biochim. biophys. acta, Amst., 1954, 13: 183-191. 2373 Dawson, I. M. THE INVESTIGATION OF BONE STRUCTURE BY X-RAY DIFFRACTION. Biochem. J., Lond., 1945, 39: Proc. 37. An ab- stract. Specimens of normal and rachitic bone were examined. The study indicated that the chemical constitution and the orientation of the principal constituents of bone are unaltered in rickets and that any change in bone strength is due to change in the proportion of the consti- tuents . 2374 ♦Engstrbm, A. and Amprino, R. X-RAY DIFFRAC- TION AND X-RAY ABSORPTION STUDIES OF IM- MOBILIZED BONES. Experientia, Basel, 1950, 6: 267-269. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 17473. 2375 Engstrbm, A. and Engfeldt, B. X-RAY DIFFRAC- TION STUDIES ON BONE TISSUE DURING HYPER- PARATHYROIDISM. Acta path, microb. scand., 1951, 28: 152-156. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 33384; Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 5296*"". 2376 Finean, J. B. and Engstrom, A. LOW ANGLE RE- FLECTION IN X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERNS OF BONE TISSUE. Experientia, Basel, 1954, 10: 63-64. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 23508. 2377 Finean, J. B. and Engstrbm, A. THE LOW-ANGLE SCATTER OF X-RAYS FROM BONE TISSUE. Bio- chim. biophys. acta, Amst., 1953, 11: 178- 189. 25 refs. In this study of longitudi- nal and cross-sections from intact normal human bone, "the scattering particles ap- pear to be of uniform size and to approxi- mate to rods which have a diameter of about 75A and are about 210A long. The particles appear to be well-aligned, with their long axes in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the bone and parallel to the col- lagen fibre axis. Particles from other types of normal bone seem to be of a simi- lar shape and size." 2378 Henny, G. C. and Spiegel-Adolf, M. X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDIES ON FISH BONES. Am. J. Physiol., 1945, 144: 632-636. 12 refs. Abstracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 1403, X-ray diffraction patterns o"f"~ fish bones were compared with those of bones of various mammals. 2379 Hirschman, A. and Fankuchen, I. A MICRO X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDY ON THE STRUCTURE OF IM- MATURE RAT BONE. Anat. Rec, 1949, 103: 469. 2380 Lamarque, P. ETUDE DE L'OS HUMAIN PAR LA DIF- FRACTION DES RAYONS X. C. rend. Acad sc 1943, 216: 804-805. 2 refs. Abstracted in- Chem. Abitr., 1944, 38: 46234. 2381 Lamarque, P. and Mering, J. ETUDE SUBMICRO- SCOPIQUE DE L'OS HUMAIN PAR LA DIFFRACTION DES RAYONS X. J. radiol. electr., 1942-43 25- 201-205. 5 refs. 133 STRUCTURE - X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDIES (Continued) 2382 Reed, C. I. and Reed, B. P. ALTERATIONS IN X-RAY DIFFRACTION PATTERN OF RAT TIBIA IN RICKETS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 50: 196-198. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 1528. "Dif- fractograms of normal bone shows preferred orientation in d-3.34. In rickets there is disorientation that persists even after 275 days on an antirachitic diet." - Biol. Abstr 2383 Reed, C. I. and Reed, B. P. EVIDENCE OF THE PERIPHERAL ACTION OF VITAMIN D FROM X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDIES. Am. J. Physiol., 1945, 143: 413-419. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 15847. 2384 Reed, C. I., Struck, H. C. and Reed, B. P. A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF NORMAL, RACHITIC AND HEALED RACHITIC BONE BY X-RAY DIFFRACTION TECHNIC. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1942, 1: Pt. 2, 70. An abstract. 2385 Spiegel-Adolf, M. and Henny, G. C. X-RAY DIFFRACTION STUDIES ON FISH BONES. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1945, 4: 105. An abstract. See: 20 275 383 401 556 617 619 621 626 627 639 640 641 658 659 2088 2239 2240 STRUCTURE - X-RAY MICROSCOPIC STUDIES 2386 Amprino, R. ASPETTI DEL METABOLISMO MINERALE DELLO SCHELETRO ANALIZZATI CON L'ASSORBIMENTO DEI RAGGI ROENTGEN. Arch. "Putti", 1952, 2; 173-183. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 1318.. The miner- al metabolism of sections of bone ground sub- stance is studied by a microphotographic- photometric method of x-ray absorption. The method is described. 2387 Amprino, R. RECHERCHES SUR LA DISTRIBUTION DES MINERAUX DANS LA SUBSTANCE FONDAMENTALE DE L'OS. Arch, anat., Strasb., 1952, 34: 9- 17. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 6506. X-ray absorption studies of ground sections of fresh bone from young animals were made to determine mineral con- centration during the formation of the ground substance. Primary bone attained a high de- gree of calcification during its formation and thereafter remained relatively uniform while the calcification of secondary bone differed in accordance with the periods in which it was formed. In the same bone, the calcification of primary bone was a more rapid process than that of secondary bone. 2388 Andreatta, C. and Forni, I. CONFRONTO FRA SPETTROGRAMMI DEBYE DI CARTILAGINE UMANA NATURALE, DI OSSO DEMINERALIZZATO E DI 0SS0 NATURALE. Atti Accad. naz. Lincei, Rendic, Class, sc. fis., 1953, 15: 147-149. pi. 4 refs. Abstracted in: cEem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 3514f. 2389 Becher, H., Hoegen, K. and Pfefferkorn, G. SUBLICHTMIKROSKOPISH-MORPHOLOGISCHE UNTER- SUCHUNGEN DES ANORGANISCHEN KNOCHENANTEILS. Acta anat., Basel, 1954, 20: 105-115. 8 refs. Electron-microscopic study. "The units are 10-40 mu crystals of hydroxyl- apatite. They show a lamellated structure of one or several layers which are sepa- rated from one another by small fissures. The quantity of the inorganic matter during osteogenesis increases first in the diaphy- sis. X-rays show an equal distribution of small crystals throughout the bone and larger crystals in the outermost layer only. In stereophotographs the arrangement of the hydroxylapatite crystals may be seen parallel to the white fibril. Several layers of cry- stals surround the lattice of white fibres." 2390 Clark, G. L., Bucher, C. S. and Lorenz, O. AN EXTENSION OF X-RAY RESEARCHES ON THE FINE STRUCTURES OF COLLOIDS TO NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL HUMAN TISSUES. Radiology, 1931, 17: 482-504. Discussion: p. 502- 504. "2*5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 5679. Bone and carti- lage were inducted in the tissues studied. 2391 Cohen, J. and Lacroix, P. COMPARISON OF MICRORADIOGRAPHY AND HISTOLOGIC PATTERNS IN BONE. Laborat. Invest., 1953, 2: 447- 450. 4 refs. Microradiographic "patterns of mineral distribution compared with the histologic staining pattern, showed that, in general, when the mineral concentration was high, the organic content was low, and vice versa." 2392 Engstrbm, A. and Engfeldt, B. LAMELLAR STRUC- TURE OF OSTEONS DEMONSTRATED BY MICRORADIO- GRAPHY. Experientia, Basel, 1953, 9: 19. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 6172. 2393 Konishi, S. [AN X-RAY-INTERFEROMETRIC STUDY OF THE ULTRAMICROSCOPIC STRUCTURE OF HUMAN TISSUES] Mitt. Med. Akad. Kioto, 1940, 31: 809-865. pi. 58 refs. German summary, p. 1006. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 7190. 2394 Landoff, G. A. ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE BONE SALTS ON THE RADIOGRAPH OF SO-CALLED ACUTE ATROPHY OF BONE. Acta orthop. scand., 1948, 17: 270-302. 53 refs. 2395 Poglayen, C. and Tomasi, L. SU ALCUNE PRO- PRIETA OTTICHE DIFFERENZIALI FRA TESSUTO OSSEO NORMALE E TESSUTO OSSEO NECROTICO. Arch. "Putti", 1952, 2: 190-206. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 3802. A comparative study, by polarizing microscope, of the struc- tural differences between sections of normal and necrotic bone. The article contains a review of the literature. 2396 Shirakawa, S. DAS HAUPTSALZ IM KNOCHENGEWEBE. FORMS NR. 5: UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE TRANS- MI KROSKOP ISC HE STRUKTUR DES LEBEWESENKORPERS. (Funaoka, S.) Acta Scholae med. Univ. Kioto, 1930-1931, 13: 250-259. 4 pi. 3 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 3709. See: 317 644 647 TEETH 134 2397 Bagnall, J. S. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON CARIES RE- SEARCH. Ottawa, Associate Committee on Dental Research, 1950. The sections on formation and calcification under dentin, enamel and tooth structure as well as those sections on diet and enzymes may be of par- ticular interest. 2398 [BIBLIOGRAPHY] IN: BIOCHEMICAL AND NUTRITION- AL STUDIES IN RELATION TO THE TEETH. (Arm- strong, W. D.) Annual Rev. Biochem., 1942, 11: 459-464. 161 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1942, 36j 48695. 2399 Campbell, I. R., Christian, M. R. and Widner, E., comps. CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUB- LICATIONS CONCERNING FLUORINE AND ITS COM- POUNDS IN RELATION TO MAN, ANIMALS, AND THEIR ENVIRONMENT INCLUDING EFFECTS ON PLANTS. PART I. INORGANIC FLUORINE COM- POUNDS. PART II. ORGANIC FLUORINE COM- POUNDS. Cincinnati, Kettering Laboratory of Applied Physiology, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati, 1950-1953. 2400 Leicester, H. M. BIOCHEMISTRY OF THE TEETH. 306p. St. Louis, Mosby, 1949. Chapter endings have lists of references. 2401 Leicester, H. M. THE BIOCHEMISTRY OF THE TEETH. Annual Rev. Biochem., 1953, 22: 341-349. 117 refs. 2402 Smith, F. A. and Cox, G.J. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE LITERATURE, 1936-1952 ON THE PHARMA- COLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY OF FLUORINE AND ITS COMPOUNDS, INCLUDING EFFECTS ON BONES AND TEETH. [186p.] Rochester, University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project. (UR-154 rev.) A list of 2449 references. TISSUE CULTURE see also CELLS and subdivisions 2403 Bucher, O. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE REGENE- RATIONSVORGANGE AN EXPERIMENTELL GESETZTEN KONCHENBRUCHEN IN DER KULTURE IN VITRO. Acta anat., Basel, 1952, 14: 98-107. 12 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 31205. 2404 Fell, H. B. HISTOGENESIS IN TISSUE CULTURE. IN: CYTOLOGY AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY. 2.ed. "(Bourne, G. H. , ed.) Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1952, p. 418-443. 2 pi. 154 refs. See particularly, Skeletal tissue: p. 422- 429. 2405 Fell, H. B. THE OSTEOGENIC CAPACITY IN VITRO OF PERIOSTEUM AND ENDOSTEUM ISOLATED FROM THE LIMB SKELETON OF FOWL EMBRYOS AND YOUNG CHICKS. J. Anat., Lond., 1932, 66: 157- 180 6 pi. 14 refs. AbstractecTin: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 11959. The study was made of the"~periosteum of the limb bones at different stages of develop- ment . 24Fell H B. OSTEOGENESIS IN VITRO. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1931, U: 245-252. 15 refs. 2407 Fell H. [B.] TISSUE CULTURE AND THE STUDY OF SKELETAL DEVELOPMENT. Lancet, Lond., 1935, 1: 681. 2408 Fell, H. B. and Robison, R. THE D^ELOPMENT OF THE CALCIFYING MECHANISM IN AVIAN CAKII LAGE AND OSTEOID TISSUE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1934, 28: 2243-2253. 3 pi. 9 refs■ Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 14796; Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 30126. "It is concluded that developing osteoid tissue and hypertrophic cartilage do not at once acquire the calcifying mechanism but that this mechanism is gradually developed during the course of differentiation." 2409 Fischer, A. WACHSTUM VON HYALINEM KNORPEL IN VITRO. Roux Arch., 1931-1932, 125: 203-209. 7 refs. 2410 ♦Fujii, T. and Simazaki, S. EFFECT OF IR- RADIATED ERGOSTEROL ON THE CALCIFICATION OF CHICK TISSUES IN VITRO. J. Fac. Sc., Univ. Tokyo, Sect. IV, 1943, 6: 195-205. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 16500. "Ca deposition was observed In most of the cultures receiving vitamin D, while not taking place in controls even when highly concentrated CaCl2 solution was added. Limb-buds proved to have the highest rate of calcification and it was suggested that one of the essential actions of vitamin D is a direct influence on Ca deposition." - Biol. Abstr. 2411 Gaillard, P. J. DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES IN THE COMPOSITION OF THE BODY FLUIDS IN RELATION TO GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF TISSUE CUL- TURES. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1935, 23: 145- 174. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 19659. 2412 Gaillard, P. J. GESETZMASSIGKEITEN BEIM WACHS- TUM VON GEWEBEKULTUREN. I . ANALYSE DER ZELL- TEILUNGSFREQUENZ. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1935, 24: 384-403. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 12596. A study to determine "what conHitions are responsible for changes in the number of mitotic divi- sions per 100 cells, which exist in the growth zones of strain cultures of the pri- mordial os frontale of 15 day old embryos." Conclusion: "... there is no simple direct relation between the number of mitosis per 1000 cells and the local density per unit of volume, as the lines do not run in 45o posi- tion in the graphic representation." 2413 Gaillard, P. J and Hecht, E. EIN BEITRAG ZUR VEREINFACHUNG GEWEBEZUCHTERISCHE KULTURME- DIEN. ERSATZ DER KOAGULATIONSWIRKUNG DES EM- BRYONALEXTRAKTES. Protoplasma, Lpz., 1935, 23= 1-13. 14 refs. 2414 Heinen, J. H., Jr. THE DIFFERENTIATION OF oSSic^e^ 3°-? T^sSg0ULIH5Is 0F (Thesis-Univ. Chicago). 2415 Hopkins, F. G. and Simon-Reuss, I THE EF- FECT OF HYPOXANTHINE ON THE GROWTH OF AN AVIAN TISSUE IN VITRO. Proc. R. Soc Ser. B, Biol. Sc., Lond., 1944, 132-253- 257. 10 refs. Abstracted in: BioT Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 10652 2416 Jacobson, W. and Fell, H. B. THE DEVELOP- MENTAL MECHANICS AND POTENCIES OF THE UN- DIFFERENTIATED MESENCHYME OF THE MANDIBLE, q. J. Micr. Sc., Lond., n.s., 1940-1941 82: 563-586. 5 pi. 4 refs. TISSUE CULTURE (Continued) 135 2417 Krasovskaia, 0. V. DIFERENTSIATSIIA SKELET- OGENNOI MEZENKHIMY KURINOGO EMBRIONA IN VITRO. [DIFFERENTIATION OF SKELETOGENIC MESENCHYMA OF CHICK EMBRYO IN VITRO] Arkh biol. nauk, 1934, 34: 193-208. 40 refs. German summary. ABstracted in: Biol Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 4484. 2418 *LeYi^ £~™JISSUE CULTURE STUDIES ON INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC FACTORS IN BONE DEVELOPMENT. J. internat. chir., Brux., 1953, 13- 416- 422. — 2419 Mitchell, J. R. GROWTH OF EMBRYONIC RAT BONE IN CIRCULATING MEDIUM. Anat. Rec, 1950, 106: 111-114. 4 refs. Abstracted in- Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 1469; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 23: No. 18856. 2420 Mollendorff, W. von. DAS MUTTERSTOCK VON BINDEGEWEBSKULTUREN. EIN BEITRAG ZUR FRAGE, WIE KONSTRUKTIVE FASERSYSTEME UND HARTSUB- STANZEN ENTSTEHEN. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1932, 15: 131-160. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 20958. 2421 Niven, J. S. F. THE REPAIR "IN VITRO" OF EM- BRYONIC BONES AFTER EXPERIMENTAL FRACTURE. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1931, 11: 253-258. Discussion: p. 257-258. 2422 Niven, J. S. F. THE REPAIR IN VITRO OF EMBRY- ONIC SKELETAL RUDIMENTS AFTER EXPERIMENTAL INJURY. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1931, 34: 307-324. 3 pi. 9 refs. 2423 Paff, G. H. INFLUENCE OF PH ON GROWTH OF BONE IN TISSUE CULTURE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 68: 288-293. 19 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 4158; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 8292h. "More bone was formed and more"Ca deposited at the low than at the high pH. These re- sults are strong evidence against the theory that the local factor in bone growth is a change in pH toward the alkaline region." 2427 Roulet, F. AU SUJET DE LA STRUCTURE DE LA "CAPSULE" DES CELLULES CARTILAGINEUSES. Ann anat. path., Par., 1935, 12: 439-446. 6 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 17036. A block of hyaline cartilage was stripped of the perichondrium and cultured in homologous plasma containing colonies of fibroblasts. Fibrocytic action upon the cartilage resulted in resorption of peripheral areas of the cartilage and ex- posure and development of the pre-existant pericellular fibrillary networks of the car- tilage ground substance, sometimes called "capsules". Identical phenomena were ob- served during the course of endochondral ossification. 2428 Rumiantsev, A. V. and Berezkina, L. F. DE- VELOPMENT OF BONE TISSUE IN PURE CULTURES OF OSTEOGENIC MESENCHYME IN VITRO. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1944, 45: 42-44. 5 refs. 2429 Tbro, E. BEITRAGE ZUR KAUSALEN GENESE DER KNORPEL- UND KNOCHENENTWICKLUNG. Anat. Anz. 1935, 80: 285-294. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 17090. 2430 Weil, J. T. LA CONSOLIDATION DE FRACTURES IN VITRO ET L'INFLUENCE DE L'OSSOPAN. Schweiz. Zschr. allg. Path., 1951, 14: 205-224. 35 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4: No. 3362. 2431 Willmer, E. N. and Jacoby, F. STUDIES ON THE GROWTH OF TISSUES IN VITRO. IV. ON THE MAN- NER IN WHICH GROWTH IS STIMULATED BY EXTRACTS OF EMBRYO TISSUES. J. Exp. Biol., Lond., 1936, 13: 237-248. 8 refs. 2432 ♦Zaayer, J. J. P. EMBRYONALE PIJPBEENTJES VAN DE MENS IN VITRO. 57p. 1953. (Thesis- Univ. Leyden). Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1954, 7: No. 1006. 2424 Paff, G. H. and Eksterowicz, F. C. THE SE- LECTIVE STOPPAGE OF BONE GROWTH IN TISSUE CULTURE. Anat. Rec, 1950, 108: 45-55. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 550; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 17441. Alizarin red S stops all osteogenetic activity in embryonic chick metatarsals but does not interfere with growth of cartilage and fibrous con- nective tissue. It is suggested that the blocking of the process of osteogenesis may be due to formation of a non-utilizable calcium lake within cells responsible for formation of bone. 2425 Roche, J. and Deltour, G. H. CALCIFICATION IN VITRO ET MODIFICATIONS EXPERIMENTALES DE L'AFFINITE DE L'OS POUR LES IONS POf ET CAV* . C. rend. Soc. biol., 1943, 137: 531-532. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 25175. See: 5 150 152 178 442 453 554 697 731 733 747 1133 1299 1624 1625 1658 2434 2462 2731 2732 2733 2762 TISSUE CULTURE - BIBLIOGRAPHY 2433 Murray, M. R. and Kopech, G. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE RESEARCH IN TISSUE CULTURE, 1884 TO 1950. New York, Academic Press, 1953. v.l Bone: p. 189-206. Cartilage: p. 278-283. See: 186 TISSUE TRANSPLANTS 2426 Rodova, H OBSERVATIONS ON THE INITIAL STAGES OF OSSIFICATION IN VITRO. J. Anat., Lond., 1948, 82: 175-182. 2 pi. 25 refs. Ab- stractetj in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 1667; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: 2434 Allgbwer, M. and Rosin, A. DAS PERIOSSARE GEWEBE DES NORMALEN AND FRAKTURIERTEN KNOCHENS IN DER G3WEBSKULTUR. Bull. Schewiz. Akad. med. Wiss., 1953, 9: 181- 208. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr. Bait., 1954, 28: No. 13584; Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1954, 8: No. 4007. 136 TISSUE TRANSPLANTS (Continued) 2435 Aspiz, M. E. SPOSOBY ZAMESHCHENIIA KHRIASHCHA KOST'IU U KOSTISTYKH ZYB. [THE MANNER OF REPLACEMENT OF CARTILAGE BY BONE IN THE BONY FISHES] C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1949, 68: 153-156. 7 refs. In bony fishes de- calcified bones transplanted and placed in contiguity with cartilage provokes a de- pression of chondroblastic and an increase of osteoblastic activities. Modification of nutrition provokes destruction of car- tilage, and osseous tissue is at the same time formed on its surface. Three processes of the cartilageous cells were observed: 1) Periosteal ossification with cartilaginous cells degeneration. 2) Endochondral ossifi- cation without participation of blood ves- sels and special cells. 3) The typical endochondral process of ossification ob- served in all species of vertebrates (hyoideum). 2436 Axhausen, G. 1ST DIE "KLASSISCHE OSTEO- BLASTENLEHRE" BEI DER FREIEN KNOCHENTRANS- PLANTATION UNHALTBAR GEWORDEN? Chirurg, 1951, 22: 163-166. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4_^ No. 3363. 2437 ♦Axhausen, W. BIOLOGISCHE GRUNDLAGEN DER FREIEN KNOCHENUEBERPFLANZUNG. J. internat, chir., Brux., 1953, 13: 341-349. 2444 Barnicot, N. A. THE LOCAL ACTION OF VITAMIN A ON BONE. J. Anat., Lond., 1950, 84: J74- 387. pi. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 16491; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 621*2*""; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1950~""5l, 20: No. 4878. Vitamin A acetate was attached to small pieces of parietal bone from ten-day-old mice and the combination implanted into the cerebral hemisphere of litter mates. Examination of the grafts after 7 or 14 days showed marked resorption and numerous osteoclasts, often perforation. The skeletal effects of vita- min A deficiency and overdosage are dis- cussed . 2445 Bingel, K. ORTLICHER STOFFWECHSEL UND GE- WEBSREAKTION. t)BER DIE BEEINFLUSSUNG TRANS- PLANTIERTER KNORPELSTUCKE DURCH GEWEBSFREMDE UMGEBUNG UND DURCH APPLIKATION VON SALZ- LOSUNGEN ODER ORGANEXTRAKT. Beitr. path. Anat., 1937, 99: 205-223. 66 refs. Ab- stracted in: C*Eem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 63064. 2446 Bisgard, J. D. OSSIFICATION, THE INFLUENCE OF THE MINERAL CONSTITUENTS OF BONE. Arch. Surg., 1936, 33: 926-939. 16 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 17080; Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 1867'. "Thus synthetic bone salts failed" to pro- duce bone in ossifiable tissues and did not alter the ossification of osteogenic tis- sues, while bone, regardless of its via- bility, had a favorable effect." - Biol. Abstr. 2438 A xhausen, W. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR THEORIE DER "INDUZIERTEN" KNOCHEN- NEUBILDUNG (LEVANDER). Arch. klin. Chir., 1950, 266:381-398. 40 refs. 2439 ♦Axhausen, W. KNOCHENBILDUNGSFAhIGKEIT DER FREI UBERPFLANZTEN KNOCHENHAUT. Zbl. Chir., 1952, 77: 27-36. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1952, 6: No. 8884. 2440 Axhausen, W. DIE QUELLEN DER KNOCHENNEUBILDUNG NACH FREIER KNOCHENUBERPFLANZUNG. Arch. klin. Chir., 1951, 270: 439-442. Discussion, p. 442-443. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 1335. An examination of the theories of Levander, Heinen, Hege- mann, Oberdalhoff and others on osteogenesis is followed by a description of personal experiments on adult dogs, which are inter- preted as proving the survival of bone- building cells (osteoblasts) in transplanted tissue. Transplants of isolated periosteum did not form new bone but periosteum in the presence of bone, even necrosing bone, pro- moted osteogenesis. 2441 Barbieri, D. RICERCHE SUGLI INNESTI DI MI- DOLLO OSSEO. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper, 1930, 5: 250-253. 2442 Barbieri, D. RICERCHE SUGLI INNESTI DI MI- DOLLO OSSEO. NOTA II. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1931, 6: 412-414- J ™f Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 1894. ;443 Barbieri RICERCHE SUGLI INNESTI DI MI- DOLLO OSSEO. NOTA III. Boll Soc ital. biol. sper., 1931, 6: 1065-1068. 2 refs. 2447 BONE REGENERATION. Lancet, Lond., 1952, 2: 383-385. 15 refs. A short survey devoted to: the fate of bone grafts, origin of os- teoblasts, and bone formation by induction. 2448 BrUcke, F. ZUR FRAGE DER BEDEUTUNG DES EPI- PHYSENFUGENKNORPELS FUR DAS WACHSTUM DER LANGEN ROHRENKNOCHEN. (EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNG UBER RUCKEINPFLANZUNG DES UM 180° GEDREHTEN FUGENKNORPELS.) Virchows Arch., 1931, 279: 641-670. 25 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 4363. 2449 Camitz, H., Holmgren, H. and Johansson, H. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DE LA NATURE DE LA TRANSPLANTATION OSSEUSE. Acta chir scand., 1934, 75: 1-67. 73 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 6860. Histological study of bone "Formation from homologous fragments of radii transplanted in dogs. 2450 Chidichimo, G. SULL'OSSIFICAZIONE SPERI- MENTALE DI LEMBI D'ARTERIA ELASTICA E DI OSSO OMOPLASTICI INNESTATI NEL SOTTOCUTANEO Minerva chir., Tor., 1948, 3: 52-56 Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med.,"Sect 5. 1949 2: No. 1562. ' *"""' 2451 Ciocca, E. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO ISTOTnrrnn DEI TRAPIANTI OSSEI AUTOPLASTIC? PMinftSS LAMENTO NELL'UOMO (TRAPIANTO A DISTANZA n? DUE ANNI E QUATTRO MESI) Chir oxt * 1934, 20: 129-139. 14 refs movim., 2452 Cioffi, A. SULLA IMPIOMBATURA DELLE OSSA CON MUSCOLO DI PICCIONE (CONTRIBUTO SPERIMENTALE) Rass. internaz. clin. ter., 1934, 15: 962- 974. 10 refs. " 137 TISSUE TRANSPLANTS (Continued) 2453 Copher, G. H. THE EFFECT OF URINARY BLADDER TRANSPLANTS AND EXTRACTS ON THE FORMATION OF BONE. A FURTHER EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., 1938, 56: 423-429. 3 refs. Also in: Ann. Surg., 1938, 108: 934-940. 2454 Danini, E. S. SUR QUELQUES PROPRIETES DES CELLULES CARTILAGINBUSES ET SUR LES CA- PACITES SQUELETTOGENES DU TISSU CONJONCTIF. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1937, 14: 223- 238. 39 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 10696. 2455 Danini, E. S. and Kasheverov, S. I. GISTO- LOGICHESKIE NABLIUDENIIA NAD TRANSPLANTIROVAN- NOI NADKHRIASHCHNITSEI. [HISTOLOGICAL OB- SERVATIONS OF TRANSPLANTED CARTILAGE] Biull. eksp. biol. med., 1945, 19: 22-23. 2456 De Bruyn, P. P. H. BONE FORMATION BY FRESH AND FROZEN TRANSPLANTS OF BONE, BONE MARROW AND PERIOSTEUM. Anat. Rec, 1947, 99: 641. An abstract. 2457 De Marchi, E. SUL POTERE OSTEOGENICO DELL'EPI- FISI EMBRIONALE (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI). NOTA PRIMA. Chir. org. movim., 1936, 21: 460-468. 25 refs. — 2458 De Marchi, E. SUL POTERE OSTEOGENICO DELL'EPI- FISI EMBRIONALE. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI. Chir. org. movim., 1938, 23: 310-316. 28 refs. 2459 Dolfini, G. "SUI TRAPIANTI DI MIDOLLO OSSEO IN ANIMALI ANEMIZZATI." Atti 1st. venet. sc, 1930-1931, 90: 1107-1132. 7 pi. 62 refs. 2460 Engstrom, H. and Orell, S. UBER REGENERATION RINGS UM SUBCUTANE KNOCHENIMPLANTATE. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1943, 53: 283-318. 68 refs. 2461 • Fang, H. C. and Miltner, L. J. COMPARISON OF OSTEOGENIC POWER OF PERIOSTEAL TRANSPLANTS FROM RIB AND TIBIA. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1933, 31: 386-388. 5 refs. 2462 Fell, H. B. and Canti, R. G. EXPERIMENTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT IN VITRO OF THE AVIAN KNEE- JOINT. Proc R. Soc, Ser. B, Biol. Sc. , Lond., 1934-35, 116: 316-351. 4 pi. 12 refs . 2463 Fogliati, E. STUDI SPERIMENTALI SULL'OSTEO- GENESI ETEROTOPICA. OSTEOGENESI ETEBOTOPICA DA INNESTO DI MUCOSA DELLE VIE ORINARIE. NOTA SECONDA. Chir. org. movim., 1950, 34: 132-140. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4: No. 892. In adult dogs histological studies were made of heterotopic osteogenesis induced by auto- genous urinary tract mucosa transplants. 2464 Fogliati, E. and Enria, G. STUDIO ISTOCHIMICO DEL MECCANISMO FOSFATASICO NELL'OSSIFICA- ZIONE ETEROTOPICA DA INNESTO DI EPITELIO DELLE VIE ORINARIE. Chir. org. movim., 1951, 36: 25-35. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect.* 5, 1952, 5: No. 2905. In dogs studies were made of phosphatase reaction in- duced by autogenous urinary tract mucosa transplant^ in *he musculature. 2465 Gordon, S. D. and Warren, R. F. HOMOGENOUS FETAL CARTILAGE GRAFTS TO BONE; AN EXPERI- MENTAL STUDY. Ann. Surg., 1948, 127: 90- 97. 9 refs. 2466 Grugni, C. and Prina, C. ULTERIORI RICERCHE SULL'OSSIFICAZIONE SPERIMENTALE NELLA LINGUA. Med. sper., Tor., 1952, 23: 225- 238. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 3172. 2467 Ham, A. W. and Gordon, S. THE ORIGIN OF BONE THAT FORMS IN ASSOCIATION WITH CANCELLOUS CHIPS TRANSPLANTED INTO MUSCLE. Brit. J. Plastic Surg., 1952, 5: 154-160. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 3278; Internat. Abstr., 1953, 97: 90. A study was made with 5 dogs. It was concluded that new bone is formed from the living transplanted bone cells and not by metaplasia. 2468 Hancox, N. M. OSTEOGENESIS AROUND MULTIPLE FRAGMENTS OF CHICK EMBRYO BONE GRAFTED TO DEVELOPING CHICK EMBRYO CHORIOALLANTOIS. J. Physiol., Lond., 1948, 107: 513-517. 2 pi. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. llll; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, *2_3: No. 11140. 2469 Hancox, N. M. THE SURVIVAL OF TRANSPLANTED EMBRYO BONE GRAFTED TO CHORIOALLANTOIC MEM- BRANE, AND SUBSEQUENT OSTEOGENESIS. J. Physiol., Lond., 1947, 106: 279-285. pi. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1: No. 2733; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 227 No. 9155. 2470 Bass, S. L. FURTHER OBSERVATION ON THE TRANS- PLANTATION OF THE EPIPHYSEAL CARTILAGE PLATE. Internat. Abstr. Surg., 1931, 52: 958-963. 10 refs. The epiphyseal cartilage plate loses its function of producing length growth after transplantation. 2471 Hegemann, G. UNTERSUCHUNGEN ZUR. FRAGE DER KNOCHENNEUBILDUNG DURCH EINEN ZELLFREIEN, STOFFLICHEN, SPEZIFISCH-OSTEOGENEN FAKTOR. Chirurg, 1951, 22: 25-28. 38 refs. In rabbits implants were made of fresh bone, muscle and urinary tract enclosed in fil- ter bags (some of coarse "Cellafilter") through which fluids, salts, etc. could pass but which did not permit the passage of cells. No new bone formation occurred, disproving the theory of a specific osteo- genetic substance in the implanted tissue. 2472 Hellstadius, A. "BONE CHIP" GRAFTS IN DE- FECTS IN THE LONG BONES. A STUDY ON THE TRANSPLANTATION OF BONE CHIPS FROM COMPACT AND FROM SPONGY SUBSTANCE IN DEFECTS IN THE LONG BONES AND ON THE ROLE PLAYED BY THE PERIOSTEUM AND ENDOSTEUM IN BONE GRAFTS FROM COMPACT SUBSTANCE. Acta chir. scand., 1944, 90: 317-328. 15 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 8618. In experiments with rabbits, new bone occurred more slowly with the use of spongy substance than with compact sub- stance. The retaining of periosteum and endosteum on grafts promoted formation of new bone. Matti's opinion that bone cells in the spongy grafts survive, whereas those in compact grafts do not was not confirmed. TISSUE TRANSPLANTS (Continued) 138 2473 Hellstadius, A. ON THE ABILITY OF BONE TISSUE (INCLUDING "OS NOVUM") TO SURVIVE IN PEDI- CLED BONE GRAFTS. Acta chir. scand., 1942, 86: 85-109. 4 pi. 31 refs. A study car- ried out on rabbits. New-bone formation in pedicled grafts was not more abundant than in free ones. Experiments with transplanta- tion of os novum showed that the new-formed osteoid tissue, if sufficiently young, sur- vives not only in pedicled but probably partially in free grafts. 2474 Huggins, C. B., McCarroll, H. R. and Blocksom, B. H., Jr. EXPERIMENTS ON THE THEORY OF OSTEOGENESIS. THE INFLUENCE OF LOCAL CAL- CIUM DEPOSITS ON OSSIFICATION; THE OSTEO- GENIC STIMULUS OF EPITHELIUM. Arch. Surg., 1936, 32: 915-931. 45 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 83415; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 17085. 2475 Hutchison, J. OBSERVATIONS ON BONE TRANS- PLANTS IN THE ANTERIOR CHAMBER OF THE EYE. Glasgow M. J., 1949, 30: 357-363. 9 refs. "The homotransplants do not survive but be- come sequestra. ... Autotransplants sur- vive. In the early stages there is some loss of vitality in the autotransplants, but they later revive. This revival appears to be due not only to the activity of the bone cells of the transplant but to invading host cells which become converted into and func- tion as osteoblasts." 2476 Imbert, L. RECHERCHES HISTOLOGIQUES SUR l>Evolution de la greffe osseuse. Ann. anat. path., Par., 1930, 7: 291-315. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 17312. 2483 Lacroix, P. LE DfiTERMINISME GENERAL DE L'OS- SIFICATION ENDOCHONDRALE. Bull. Acad. mea, Belgique, 1945, 10: 517-532. 4 pi. 12 refs. Abstracte<"Tin: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1948, 2: No. 371. 2484 Lacroix, P. LES GREFFES DE TISSU OSSEUX. ETUDE RISTOPHYSIOLOGIQUE. Arch, biol., Par., 1949, 60: 2-13. 35 refs. 2485 Lacroix, P. ON THE ORIGIN OF THE DIAPHYSIS. Anat. Rec, 1945, 92: 433-438. pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 869. "In rabbits, the central part oT the growth cartilage of the distal radius or of the rib has been grafted into the brain, the medullary cavity of the tibia and under the kidney capsule. Now, under these circumstances, a bony ring identical to that of the ossification groove appears around the cartilage. Consequently it may be said that the formation of the peri- chondrial ring and of the primitive dia- physis must be considered as an induction phenomenon directed by the growing carti- lage." - Biol. Abstr. 2486 Lacroix, P. ORGANIZERS AND THE GROWTH OF BONE. J. Bone Surg., 1947, 29: 292-296. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 304. 2487 Lacroix. P RECHERCHES EXPERIMENTALES SUR L'OSTEOGENESE PERIOSTIQUE. Arch, biol., Par., 1946, 57: 99-136. 41 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 8895. 2477 Imbert, R. SUR LA VIE ALTERNANTE DES TISSUS, Paris mgd., 1933, 87: 267-270. 2478 Kalambokas, A. UBER DAS VERHALTEN AUTO- PLASTISCH TRANSPLANTIERTER SPONGIOSA IM TIERVERSUCH. 67p. Wurzb., K. Triltsch, 1938. (Inaug.-Diss.-WUrzburg). 154 refs 2488 Lacroix, P. LE R&LE DU CAL CARTILAGINEUX DANS LA REPARATION DES FRACTURES. Acta chir. belg., 1953, 52: 877-883. 4 pi. 6 refs. 2489 Leriche, R. RECHERCHES EXPERIMENTALES SUR L'OSTEOGENESE. Bull. Soc. nat. chir., Par., 1934, 60: 1184-1191. 2479 Kiehn, C. L., Cebul, F., Berg, M., Gutentag, J. and Glover, D. M. A STUDY OF THE VAS- CULARIZATION OF EXPERIMENTAL BONE GRAFTS BY MEANS OF RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHORUS AND THE TRANSPARENT CHAMBER. Ann. Surg., 1952, 136: 404-411. Discussion: p. 41. pi. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 2444. 2480 Kind, H. STUDIEN ZUR FRAGE DER OSTEOLYSE. HISTOLOGISCHE. UND CHEMISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN EXPERIMENTELLEN FRAKTUREN UND TRANS- PLANTATEN. Beitr. path. Anat., 1951, 111: 283-312. 38 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1952, 5: No. 670. 2481 Kirby-Smith, H. T. BONE GROWTH STUDIES. A MINIATURE BONE FRACTURE OBSERVED MICROSCOPI- CALLY IN A TRANSPARENT CHAMBER INTRODUCED INTO THE RABBIT'S EAR. Am. J. Anat., 1933, 53: 377-402. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1934, 8; No. 16553. 2482 Lacroix, P. CONTRIBUTION A L'ETUDE DES GREFFES DE MOELLE OSSEUSE. Arch, biol., Par., 1949, 60: 15-23. 20 refs. 2490 Levander, G. BONE REPAIR CAPACITY OF THE PERIOSTEUM. Acta chir. scand., 1940, 84: 269. An abstract. 2491 Levander, G. L'INDUCTION DANS LA REGENERA- TION TISSULAIRE. Presse mSd., 1951, 59: 295-297. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 5, 1952, 5: No. 1354. Experiments are described in which bone tissue transplantation into soft parts was followed by new bone formation. Simi- lar results were also obtained by inject- ing alcoholic bone extracts into muscle. The new bone was observed to arise from undifferentiated mesenchymal tissue upon stimulation by a specific inductive sub- stance released by the graft or the bone extract. Certain solubility characteris- tics of the inductive substance indicated its possible relation to the lipoid or steroid groups. The article contains a discussion of the work of other investi- gators . 2492 Levander, G. OM BENNYBILDNINGEN VID BENTRAN<5 PLANTATION. Forh. Nord. kir. fdren., 1933, 48-52. ' 139 TISSUE TRANSPLANTS (Continued) 2493 Levander, G. OM BENREGENERATION. FORMULERING AV EN fragestAllning UR KAUSAL OSTEOGENETISK SYNPUNKT. Nord. med., 1941, 9: 843-850. 11 refs. English summary. 2494 Levander, G. ON TISSUE INDUCTION. Acta path. microb. scand., 1949, 26: 113-141. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 21302; Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 37 No. 1051. Studies in osteogenesis after b"one implantation indicated that new bone is formed from differentiation of mesenchymal tissue on implant site upon stimulation by a specific substance released from bone and marrow grafts. Confirmation of such a sub- stance is seen in the osteogenesis provoked by injection of alcoholic cell-free bone ex- tract. 2495 Levander, G. ON TISSUE INDUCTION IN POST- FOETAL OSTEOGENESIS. Exp. Cell Res., 1949, Suppl. 1, 558-559. 3 refs. From experi- ments with bone implants in soft tissue it was concluded that bone regeneration does not result from proliferation of pre-exist- ing bone cells but from the formation of an undifferentiated mesenchymal blastema and a specific diffusible substance released by the necrotic transplant. In other experi- ments, in which alcoholic extracts were prepared from bone tissue and injected into muscles, bone or cartilage formation fre- quently followed. 2496 Levander, G. A STUDY OF BONE REGENERATION. Surg. Gyn. Obst., 1938, 67: 705-714. 5 refs. From experiments with autogenous grafts and from others with injections of alcoholic extracts of bone tissue; it was concluded that new bone is formed from the mesenchymal tissue upon stimulation of this tissue by some specific substance liberated from the graft or contained in the injection extract. The article is preceded by a re- view of current theories. 2497 Levander, G. TISSUE INDUCTION. Nature, Lond., 1945, 155: 148-149. 8 refs. 2498 Levander, G. UBER DIE KNOCHENREGENERATORISCHE FAHIGKEIT DES PERIOSTS. Acta chir. scand., 1939-40, 83: 1-26. pi. 17 refs. English and FrencH-summaries. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 17629. The power of the periosteum to regenerate bone was tested in experimental subcutaneous periosteal transplants in rabbits of dif- ferent ages. It was concluded that new bone is formed only from the rich mesen- chymal layer of the periosteum of growing animals. The article contains a discussion of the literature and denies the validity of the theory of Lexer and Axhausen. 2499 Levikova, A. M. NABLIUDENIE NAD EKSPERIMEN- TAL'NYM OSTEOGENEZOM U KROLIKA. [OBSERVA- TIONS ON EXPERIMENTAL OSTEOGENESIS IN THE RABBIT] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1950, 71: 149-152. Data on experiments with trans- planted chips of tibia. Proliferation oc- curred on the 3rd day, a thickening of the periosteum on the 5th and the first car- tilaginous elements were replaced by os- seous tissue on 20th day. In all cases the transplanted chips were resorbed. 2500 Lima, C. OSSIFICACAo PERIOSTICA EXPERIMENTAL. Med. contemp. lL^0f^r 1949, 67: 317. 2501 Lorenzi, B. OSTEOGENESI DA AUTOINNESTI DI MUCOSE VIVENTI. Sperimentale, 1946, 98: 170-186. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1949, 3: No. 4083. 2502 Lorenzi, B. OSTEOGENESI SPERIMENTALE E DOTTRINE DELL'OSSIFICAZIONE. Sperimentale, 1948, 99: 17-30. 34 refs. 2503 Lorenzi, B. TENTATIVI DI OSTEOGENESI SPERI- MENTALE CON OMOINNESTI DI MUCOSE VIVENTI. Sperimentale, 1946, 98: 162-169. 6 refs. 2504 McGaw, W. H. STUDIES IN THE REPAIR OF BONE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y. , 1934, 31: 860-863. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 19714. 2505 McGaw, W. H. and Harbin, M. THE ROLE OF BONE MARROW AND ENDOSTEUM IN BONE REGENERATION: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF BONE MARROW AND ENDOSTEAL TRANSPLANTS. J. Bone Surg., 1934, 16: 816-821. 16 refs. "Experiments on 6 dogs show that bone marrow and endosteum play a very active role in the formation of callus and new bone. Free bone marrow and endosteal transplants will regenerate and bridge extra-periosteal fibular bone de- fects." 2506 Matti, H. UBER FREIE TRANSPLANTATION VON KNOCHENSPONGIOSA. Arch. klin. Chir., 1931, 168: 236-258. 15 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 9602. 2507 May, H. THE REGENERATION OF BONE TRANSPLANTS. Ann. Surg., 1937, 106: 441-453. 31 refs. Experiments with entire radii of dogs were undertaken to investigate thoroughly the establishment of the blood supply of bone transplant and to determine the relation be- tween vascularization and regeneration. It was concluded that the periosteum is the only reliable factor in regeneration when an entire bone with its medullary cavity closed, is transplanted. 2508 Migicovsky, B. B. and Nielson, A. M. BONE IMPLANTATION AS A MEANS OF STUDYING VITAMIN D ACTION. Science, 1952, 115: 354-355. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952. 26: No. 34201; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 5679n. "Previous in vitro investigations indicate that vitamin D exerts its influence on the environment from which bone receives its mineral. The present investigation tests the above observations with in vivo studies using implanted tibiae on 2-week-old rachitic and non-rachitic chicks. This im- plantation technic couli be advantageously employed in the study of the calcification mechanism." - Biol. Abstr. 2509 Mosiman, R. S. A STUDY OF BONE GROWTH. Forum, (1950) 1951, 424-427. Surg 2510 Nasonov, N. V. FORMOOBRAZOVANIE PRI VLOZHENII POD KOZHU VYCUSHENNOI REGENERATSIONNOI POCHKI U AKSOLOTLIA. [FORMATIONS PRODUCED IN THE AXOLOTL BY THE SUBCUTANEOUS INSERTION OF A DESICCATED REGENERATION BUD] Doklady Akad. nauk SSSR, 1934, 2: 325-328. English trans- lation: p. 328-33T. TISSUE TRANSPLANTS (Continued) 140 2511 Orell, S. BONE REGENERATION AND TRANSFORMA- TION IN OSTEOSYNTHESIS OF VERTEBRAE. J. internat. chir., Brux. , 1951, 1_1: 1-19. 14 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1952, 6: No. 1311. New bone formed by sub-periosteal tibial implant is used as a transplant in vertebral osteosynthesis. Histological processes, methods and results are described. 2512 Orell, S. PRINCIPLES AND EXPERIENCES AT THE IMPLANTATION OF OS PURUM, OS NOVUM AND BONE GRANULATE. Acta orthop. belg., 1952, Jj$: 162-174. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Internat. Abstr. Surg., 1953, 96: 288-289. By im- plantation in vivo in man, the author has shown that normal formation of new bone oc- curs in the interstices between bone frag- ments and that regeneration and absorption of bone is probably a surface effect. Finely divided bone seems to be the best choice for grafting because of its small interstices. Grafts firmly fixed under pressure facilitate new-bone formation. 2513 Orell, S. STUDIEN UBER KNOCHENIMPLANTATION UND KNOCHENNEUBILDUNG, IMPLANTATION VON "OS PURUM" SOWIE TRANSPLANTATION VON "OS NOVUM". Acta chir. scand., 1934, 74: Suppl. 31. 274p. pi. 171 refs. A~com- prehensive study of bone regeneration through experimental and clinical implan- tation and transplantation. The study is preceded by a review of the principal theories, 1735-1933. 2514 Passarelli, L. and Prior, C. CONTRIBUTO SPERIMENTALE ALLO STUDIO DELLA OSSIFICA- ZIONE ETEROTOPICA DELLA SURRENALI. Riv. anat. pat., 1952, 5: 532-540. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 1695. In 5 dogs bone mar- row was transplanted to the adrenals. Formation of bone trabeculae was observed near the necrosing implant in 3 of the animals. 2515 Pfeiffer, C. A. DEVELOPMENT OF BONE FROM TRANSPLANTED MARROW IN MICE. Anat. Rec, 1948, 102: 225-243. pi. 32 refs. Ab- stracte"T"in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 1198; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 18795. 2520 2516 Ray, R. D., Degge, J., Gloyd, P. and Mooney, G, BONE REGENERATION. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF BONE-GRAFTING MATERIALS. J. Bone Surg., 1952, 34A: 638-647. 29 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 3279; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 1107. 2517 Rbhlich K BILDUNG NEUER KNOCHENSUBSTANZ IN ABGETOTETEN KNOCHENTRANSPLANTATEN. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1941, 50: 132-145. 13 refs. 2518 Rbhlich, K. BLUTZELLENBILDUNG IN ABGETOTETEN KNOCHENTRANSPLANTATEN. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1941, 49: 616-625. 1 ref. 2519 Rohlich K V. UBER DIE TRANSPLANTATION PERIOST- UND MARKLOSER KNOCHENSTUCKE. Zschr. mikr. anat. Forsch., 1942, 51: 636- 653. 12 refs. Rollo, S. PERIOSTIO, MEMBRANE CONNETTIVALI E SALI DI CALCIO IN RELAZIONE ALL'OSTEOGENESI. (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI). Riv. biol., 1930, 12: Fasc. 3-6, 27-36. 14 refs. In dogs experiments to induce new bone formation by implantation of periosteal tissue alone and in combination with other substances were un- successful . 2521 Rollo, S. SULLA VOLUTA IMPORTANZA DEL CALCIO NELLA PRODUZIONE ETEROTOPICA DI OSSO E DI MIDOLLO. (RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI). Riv. biol., 1930, 12: Fasc. 3-6, 17-26. 3 refs. In dogs and rabbits experiments to induce osteogenesis by injection of an aqueous sus- pension of calcium glycerophosphate and by implantation of spongy bone were unsuccess- ful. 2522 ♦Rutishauser, E. GREFFES OSSEUSES. J. internat. chir., Brux., 1953, 13: 320-327. 2523 Sandison, J. C. A METHOD FOR THE MICROSCOPIC STUDY OF THE GROWTH OF TRANSPLANTED BONE IN THE TRANSPARENT CHAMBER OF THE RABBIT'S EAR. Anat. Rec, 1928, 40: 41-49. 2524 Silberberg, M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECTS OF ANTERIOR PITUITARY IMPLANTS AND EXTRACTS ON EPIPHYSES AND JOINTS OF IMMATURE FEMALE GUINEA PIGS. Arch. Path., Chic, 1938, 26: 1208-1225. 12 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 5646. Data from this study wouldTndicate that "...the growth of cartilage in all possibility is a direct response to the stimulation exerted by a substance which is present in the an- terior lobe of the pituitary gland rather than a regenerative process caused by de- generative changes." 2525 Slessor, A. and Wyburn, G. M. BONE FORMATION. J. Anat., Lond., 1947, 8_1: 393-394. An ab- stract. Following implantation of bone homografts in subcutaneous tissues of guinea pigs and into the flexor muscles of the hind limbs of rabbits, there was no evidence of bone formation in host tissue in either case. 2526 Steinman, C. THE HEALING OF DRILL-HOLE DEFECTS IN THE LONG BONES OF ADULT RABBITS, ESPECIAL- LY FOLLOWING THE USE OF EMBRYONIC BONE TRANS- PLANTS. Anat. Rec, 1947, 99: 427-446. 2 pi. 22 refs. Abstracted inT Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1949, 3: No. 240. 2527 ♦Studitskii, A. N. [COMPONENTS OF THE BONE- FORMING PROCESS AND CORRELATING THEM WITH EXPERIMENTAL DATA] Tr. Gistol konf Moskva, (1934) 1935, 1 .Conf . , 178-181.' 2528 ' Studitskii, A. N. EXPERIMENTAL'NYE ISSLEDO VANIIA PO GISTOCENEZU KOSTNOI TKANI- O ZNACHENII VZAIMODEISTVIIA KHRIASHCHEVOI TKANI I NADKOSTNITSY PO DANNYM KUL'TUR NA ALLANTOISE. [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON HISTO- GENESIS OF BONE TISSUE; ROLE OF THE INTe£ RELATIONSHIP OF CARTILAGINOUS TISSUE AND OF PERIOSTIUM ACCORDING TO DATA OF ALLONTOIS CULTURE] Biol. J. Moskva, 1933 i- 531- 543. 2 pi. 25 refs. German summary. 2529 Studitskii, A. N. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUN GEN UBER DIE HISTOGENESE DES KNOCHENGEWEBES II. UBER DIE BEDEUTUNG DER WECHSELWIRKUNG DES KNORPELGEWEBES UND DES PERIOSTES NACH DEN ERGEBNISSEN DER KULTUREN IN DER ALLANTOIS Zschr. Zellforsch., 1934, 20: 636-657. 28 refs . 141 TISSUE TRANSPLANTS (Continued) 2530 Studitskii, A. N. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE HISTOGENESE DES KNOCHENGEWEBES. III. UBER DIE BEDINGUNGEN DER DIFFERENZIERUNG DES KNOCHENGEWEBES DES MENSCHLICHEN EMBRYOS IN DER ALLANTOIS. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1934, 20: 658- 676. 4 refs . — 2531 *Stvdirf?iiA ^AoSL-^ EXPERIMENTAL'NYE ISSLEDO- VANIIA PO KOSTNOI TKANI. IV. 0 ZNACHENII KOLLAGENOVYKH VOLOKON V PROTSESSE OSTEOGENEZA PO DANNYM KUL'TUR NA ALLANTOISE. [EXPERI- MENTAL STUDY OF OSSEOUS TISSUE. IV. THE COLLAGENOUS FIBERS IN OSTEOGENESIS SEEN IN ALLANTOIC CULTURES] Arch. russ. anat., 1934 13; No. 1, 27-40. pi. German sum- mary: p. 188-198. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 4493. 2532 ♦Studitskii, A. N. [EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGA- TIONS ON THE HISTOGENESIS OF BONE TISSUE; COMBINED CULTURE OF SKELETOGENOUS TISSUE IN VITRO AND ON ALLANTOIS] Arb. Inst. Exp. Morphogen., Moskva, 1934, 2: 83-101. 2533 ♦ Studitskii, A. N. EXPERIMENTAL' NYE ISSLE- DOVANIIA PO GISTOGENEZU KOSTNOI TKANI. VI. 0 MEKHANIZME FORMOOBRAZOVATEL'NYKH PROTSES- SOV V EMBRIONAL'NOM SKELETE. [EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON HISTOGENESIS OF OSSEOUS TISSUES. VI. MECHANISM OF MORPHOGENESIS IN EMBRYONIC SKELETON] Arch. russ. anat., 1935, 14: No. 2, 226-250. German summary: p. 310-3T7. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 2030. 2534 Studitskii, A. N. EXPERIMENTAL'NYE ISSLEDO- VANIIA PO HISTOGENEZU KOSTNOI TKANI; O ROSTE ZACHATKOV SKELETA KURKOROTKONOZHEK NA KHORIOALLANTOISE. [EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON HISTOGENESIS OF THE OSSEOUS TISSUE ON THE GROWTH OF THE CHORIOALLANTOIC] Izv. Akad. nauk SSSR, ser. biol., 1939, 457-468. 10 refs. French summary. 2535 Studitskii, A. N. GISTOMORFOGENETICHESKIE PROTSESSY V KOSTNOI TKANI PRI DIFFERENT- SIROVKE NA KHORIOALLANTOISE V USLOVIIAKH RASTIAZHENIIA. [HISTOMORPHOLOGIC PROCESSES OF THE BONE TISSUE OSTEOGENESIS OBSERVED DURING DIFFERENTIATION ON THE CHORION AL- LANTOIS IN STRETCHING CONDITIONS] C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1948, 61: 403-405. 4 refs. Experiments demonstrating the importance of the distension factor in development of the structure of osseous tissue in the chick embryo. 2536 Studitskii, A. N. 0 POTENTSIIAKH NADKOSTNITSY PERVICHNOGO I VTORICHNOGO OKOSTENENIIA PO DANNYM KUL'TUR NA ALLANTOISE. [POTENCIES POSSESSED BY THE PERIOSTEUM OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OSSIFICATION ACCORDING TO THE DATA OBTAINED BY THE CULTIVATION OF PERIOSTEAL GRAFTS ON THE ALLANTOIS] C. rend. Acad sc. URSS, 1934, 1: 74-79. In Russian and English, Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 19673. 2537 Studitskii, A. O ZNACHENII KOLLAGENOVYKH VOLOKON V PROTSESSE OSTEOGENEZA PO DANNYM KUL'TUR NA ALLANTOISE. [THE ROLE OF COL- LAGENIC FIBRES IN THE PROCESS OF OSTEOGENE- SIS ACCORDING TO DATA OBTAINED FROM GRAFTS TRANSPLANTED ON TO THE ALLANTOIS] C. rend. Acad, sc, URSS, 1934, 3: 131-136. 2 refs. English summary. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstt^, Bait., 1936, 10: No. 1975. 2538 Studitskii, A.N. OB USLOVIIAKH DIFFERENT- SIROVKI KOSTNOI TKANI CHELOVECHESKOGO ZARO- DYSHA V KUL'TURAKH NA ALLANTOISE. ON THE CONDITIONS OF THE DIFFERENTIATION OF THE OSSEOUS TISSUE OF A HUMAN EMBRYO IN GRAFTS ON THE ALLANTOIS. C. rend. Acad. sc. URSS, 1934, 1: 267-272. In Russian and English. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 19675. Grafts of periosteum from xlfe frontal bone and the long bones and grafts of joints (the core of cartilage iso- lated from the perichondrium of the phalanx and wrapped in periosteum) were used in these experiments. Results indicate that the chick allantois is a most favorable medium for de- velopment of human osseous tissue. Chick cells were depressed. 2539 Studitskii, A. N ROL' VZAIMODEISTVIIA KHRIASHCHEVOI TKANI I NADKOSTNITSY V ENDO- CHONDRAL 'NOM PROTSESSE PODANNYM KUL'TUR NA ALLANTOISE. THE INTERACTION OF CARTILAGINOUS TISSUE AND THE PERIOSTEUM AND ITS ROLE IN THE ENDOCHONDRAL PROCESS ACCORDING TO DATA OB- TAINED FROM GRAFTS TRANSPLANTED TO THE ALLAN- TOIS. C. rend. Acad, sc., URSS, 1934, 1: 199 204. In Russian and English. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 19674. 2540 Studitskii, A. N. UBER DAS WACHSTUM DES KNOCHENGEWEBES UND PERIOSTE IN VITRO UND AUF DER ALLANTOIS. Arch, exper. Zellforsch., 1932, 13: 390-406. 12 refs. 2541 ♦Studitskii, A. N. UEBER DIE BEDINGUNGEN DER DIFFERENZIERUNG DES KNOCHENGEWEBES DES MENSCHLICHEN EMBRYOS IN DER ALLANTOIS. Zschr. Zellforsch., 1933-1934, 20: 658-676. 2542 Urist, M. R. and McLean, F. C. THE LOCAL PHYSIOLOGY OF BONE REPAIR. WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE PROCESS OF NEW BONE FORMA- TION BY INDUCTION. Am. J. Surg., 1953, 85: 444-449. 14 refs. — 2543 Urist, M. R. and McLean, F. C. OSTEOGENETIC POTENCY AND NEW-BONE FORMATION BY INDUCTION IN TRANSPLANTS TO THE ANTERIOR CHAMBER OF THE EYE. J. Bone Surg., 1952, 34A: 443- 476. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 1109; Brit. Abstr., Sect. AIII, T9~53, p. 628. The osteogenetic ac- tivity of 250 samples of various kinds of musculoskeletal tissues transferred to the anterior chamber of the eye in rats was studied. Findings seemed to indicate that new-bone formation, instead of depending solely upon either the mechanism of sur- vival and proliferation of the transplanted cells or upon that of induction of the cells of the host, may also occur through a combination of the two. The literature is reviewed. 2544 Urist, M. R. and McLean, F. C. OSTEOGENETIC POTENCY AND OSTEOGENETIC INDUCTOR SUBSTANCES OF PERIOSTEUM, BONE MARROW, BONE GRAFTS, FRACTURE CALLUS, AND HYALINE CARTILAGE TRANS- FERRED TO THE ANTERIOR CHAMBER OF THE EYE. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1951, 3.Conf., 55-89. Conference discussion: p. 80-89. 10 refs . 2545 Vainio, S. OBSERVATIONS ON THE REGENERATION OF AN AUTOGENOUS TRANSPLANT OF THE BONE. AN EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION. Acta chir. scand., 1950, 100: 86-109. 31 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect 5, 1951, 4: No. 1581; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 13980. TISSUE TRANSPLANTS (Continued) 142 2546 Wilde, C. E. STUDIES ON THE ORGANOGENESIS IN VITRO OF THE URODELE LIMB-BUD. J. Morph., 1950, 86: 73-113. 5 pi. 49 refs. Studies to determine: 1) Variations in capacity of the limb-bud primordium for self-determination with its state of de- velopment at time of explantation; 2) Time sequence of differentiation of com- ponent structures of limb-bud; 3) Relation of size of tissue mass explanted to amount of differentiation expressed in explant. 2547 Willis, R. A. THE GROWTH OF EMBRYO BONES TRANSPLANTED WHOLE IN THE RAT'S BRAIN. Proc. R. Soc, Lond., Ser. B, 1936, 120: 496-498. pi. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 14868. 2548 Zanaboni, A. and Parola, P. CONTRIBUTO ALL'OS- TEOGENESI SPERIMENTALE ETEROTOPICA MEDIANTE INNESTI DI LEMBI OMOPLASTICI DI ARTERIA ELASTICA. Osp. maggiore, Milano, 1950, 38: 107-112. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1951, 5: No. 7632 See: 97 198 447 463 534 671 755 756 797 1082 1175 1190 1222 1366 1367 1550 1763 1808 1866 2065 2244 2294 2295 2566 2730 2793 2794 TISSUE EXTRACTS 2549 Annersten, S. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE OSTEOGENESE UND DIE BIOCHEMIE DES FRACTURCALLUS. Acta chir. scand, 1940, 84: Suppl. 60. 181p. Bibliography: p. 172-Tgl. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 17293; Chem. Abstr., 1941, 35: *23866 Experiments on rabbits are "described in which osteogenesis was promoted in muscle by injection of alcohol bone extracts and other experiments in which the biochemical processes of ossification were studied in the fracture callus. The work is in two parts. Each part contains a review and dis- cussion of the pertinent literature. 2550 Annersten, S. UEBER DIE OSTEOGENESE BEI DER FRAKTURHEILUNG. Chirurg., 1941, 13: 76-82. 31 refs. On the theory that the processes of osteogenesis in fracture healing can be explained through a study of the mechanisms of bone regeneration, or of bone formation in the soft tissues, the following experi- ment was conducted: In rabbits alcohol and bone extracts were injected into muscles. Studies of the new bone or cartilage forma- tion indicated that the injected substances released a mechanism which promoted dif- ferentiation of non-specific cells. The article is preceded by a review of the literature. 2551 Axhausen, W. ZUR KNOCHENNEUBILDUNG IM MUSKEL NACH INJEKTION ALK0H0LISCHER KNOCHENEXTRAKTE, Zbl. Chir., 1951, 76: 402-404. 17 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1951, 5: No. 6842. 2552 Bertelsen, A. EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS INTO POST-FOETAL OSTEOGENESIS. Acta orthop. scand., 1944, 15: 139-181. Approx. 120 refs. In this~urvey of the literature on causal genesis of post-foetal ossification, the osteoblast and osteocyte theories, the doctrine of metaplasy and the dualistic con- ception are discussed. The author describes his own investigations, which confirm the extraction experiments of Levander and Annersten. He also notes his additional finding that marrow extracts are more con- stantly active than extracts of other bone components. 2553 ♦Bucher, 0. and Weil, J. T. L'INFLUENCE D'UN EXTRAIT OSSEUX (OSSOPAN) SUR LA CONSOLIDATION DE FRACTURES IN VITRO. Experientia, Basel, 1951, 7: 38-40. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait.,"1952, 26: No. 8850; Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 19517"5: No. 7975. 2554 Del Bello. N. OSTEOGENESI SPERIMENTALE DA INIEZIONI SOTTOPERIOSTEE DI SOSTANZE 0R- GANICHE E DI SOLUZIONE FISIOLOGICA IN ANIMALI ADULTI. Pat. sper., Tor., 1948, 37: 305-326. 75 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4: No. 2329. 2555 Del Bello, N. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI SUL COSIDETTO "CHONDRIUM NOVUM." Ann. ital. chir., 1948, 25: 111-123. 17 refs. 2556 Fogliati, E. STUDI SPERIMENTALI SULL'OSTEO- GENESI ETEROTOPICA. CONTRIBUTO ALLO STUDIO DELL'OSTEOGENESI ETEROTOPICA. OSTEOGENESI CONSECUTIVA AD INIEZIONE DI ESTRATTI ALC00L- ICI DI OSSA. NOTA PRIMA. Chir. org. movim., 1950, 34: 129-131. Abstracted in: Excerpta med.,"Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 3705. 2557 Hartley, J. and Tanz, S. S. EXPERIMENTAL OSTEOGENESIS IN RABBIT MUSCLE. A.M.A. Arch. Surg., 1951, 63: 845-851. 11 refs. "Although various extracts (50% alcohol, lipid, phospholipid, fatty acid) of bone and bone marrow of rabbits and calves pro- duced bone and/or cartilage at the site of injection into rabbit skeletal muscle, the reaction is probably nonspecific and may be the result of the irritating qualities of the material injected or its solvent." 2558 Hartley, J., Tanz, S. S. and Schneider, M OSTEOGENESIS PRODUCED BY A CHEMICAL EXTRACT OF BONE. J. Mount Sinai Hosp., N. Y , 1949, 15: 383-387. 10 refs. "Experiments are recorded which confirm previous reports that alcoholic extracts of the growing ends of post-fetal bone contain a chemical substance which, when injected into muscle, can iniate new bone information. 2559 Heinen, J. H., Jr., Dabbs, G. H. and Mason, H. A. THE EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTION OF EC- TOPIC CARTILAGE AND BONE IN THE MUSCLES OF RABBITS. J. Bone Surg., 1949, 31A: 765- 775. 20 refs. Abstracted in: C*Kem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 2859h; Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 37 No. 2349. 2560 Hellstadius, A. A STUDY OF NEW BONE FORMATION PROVOKED BY SUBPERIOSTEAL INJECTIONS OF BLOOD PLASMA, EXTRACT OF BONE MARROW, ETC • AN INVESTIGATION BY EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS' Acta chir. scand., 1947, 95: 31-53. pi. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med Sect. 5, 1949, 2: No. 990; Biol. Abstr , Bait., 1948, 22: No. 8515. TISSUE EXTRACTS (Continued) 143 2561 Hempel, J. ZUR FRAGE DER WIRKUNGSWEISE VON GEWEBSAUTOLYSATEN, INSBESONDERE VON KALLUS- AUTOLYSAT. MIT EINEM BEITRAG ZUR SPONTANEN ENTSTEHUNG VON KNOCHENZYSTEN. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1931, 231: 387-404. 40 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 1011. In guinea pigs bone and callus autolysates were injected into the articu- lar membranes, periosteum and connective tissue of the musculature and the results studied histologically. Neither new bone formation nor metaplasia of connective tissue into osseous tissue was observed, unless preceded by trauma. 2562 Henschen, C. ERZEUGUNG VON CHONDRIUM NOVUM DURCH WIEDERHOLTE SUBPERICHONDRALE EIN- SPRITZUNGEN VON KNORPELZELLENAUTOLYSAT ODER KNORPELZELLENAUFSCHWEMMUNGEN AN OHR- ODER RIPPENKNORPEL. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 929- 936. 16 refs. — 2563 Henschen, C. ERZEUGUNG VON OS NOVUM DURCH WIEDERHOLTE SUBPERIOSTALE EINSPRITZUNGEN EINER PERIOST-MARKZELLENAUFSCHWEMMUNG UNTER DAS PERIOST DER TIBIA, DER CRISTA ILEI ODER DES STERNUMS. Zbl. Chir., 1939, 66: 514- 523. 10 refs. — 2564 Hoffmeister, W. BEEINFLUSSUNG SCHLECHT- HEILENDER FRAKTUREN DURCH EIN EIWEISSFREIES EXTRACT AUS KNOCHENKEIMGEWEBE. Mttnch. med. Wschr., 1933, 80: 1055-1057. 2565 Lacroix, P. NOTE SUR LES PROPRIEtEs OSTfiO- GENES DES EXTRAITS DE TISSUS SQUELETTIQUES. Arch, anat., Strasb., 1952, 34: 249-252. 11 refs. Review of the literature, 1949- 1950. 2566 Lacroix, P. RECENT INVESTIGATIONS ON THE GROWTH OF BONE. Nature, Lond., 1945, 156: 576. On the basis of 2 experiments of car- tilage transplantation in rabbits which re- sulted in ossification and one experiment in which ossification followed injection into muscle of an alcoholic extract from the epiphyseal cartilage of a newborn rab- bit, it was concluded that an organizer exists in cartilage. 2567 Levander, G. ON THE CAUSATION OF NEW-BONE FORMATION. Acta chir. scand., 1936, 78: 217-219. Discussion: p. 218-219. 2568 Levander, G. and Willstaedt, H. ALCOHOL- SOLUBLE OSTEOGENIC SUBSTANCE FROM BONE MAR- ROW. Nature, Lond., 1946, 157: 587. 4 refs. 2569 Lindahl, O. and Orell, S. EXPERIMENTS WITH BONE EXTRACTS. Acta chir. scand., 1951, 101; 136-142. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1951, 5: No. 7977. 2570 Miszurski, B. FURTHER CONTRIBUTION TO THE INFLUENCE OF EXTRACTS FROM EMBRYOS OF DIF- FERENT AGE ON THE GROWTH OF CARTILAGE AND OSSIFICATION IN VITRO. Arch. exp. Zell- forsch., 1939, 23: 80-83. 1 ref. Ab- stracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 2715. 2571 Miszurski, B. RECHERCHES SUR L'INFLUENCE DES EXTRAITS D'EMBRYONS DE DIFFfiRENTS AGES SUR LA CROISSANCE ET LA DIFFERENCIATION DU CARTILAGE ET DE L'OS EN CULTURE. Arch. anat. micr., Par., 1939-40, 35: 223-241. pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in:~Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, JU>: No. 17946. 2572 Mondolfo, S. INVESTIGACIONES EXPERIMENTALES SOBRE LA ACELERACION DEL CALLO OSEO EN LAS FRACTURAS. Rev. ortop. traumat., B. Air., 1949, 19: 47-60. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., "Sect. 9, 1951, 5: No. 2451. "Experi- ments were carried out in 158 animals to hasten bone callus formation by means of alcoholic extract of bone, antireticulocy- totoxic serum and total embryonic extract. Experiments have failed to obtain an osteo- genic substance from bovine bones following Annersten's technique. Adult guinea pigs treated by injections of antireticular serum develop more callus than controls. Clinically sound union, however, is ob- tained in the same period of time. Total embryonic extracts also develop a hyper- trophic callus but union takes the same time as in controls." - Excerpta med. 2573 Rendano, C. SU DI UN PARTICOLARE PRINCIPIO OSTE0GENETICO CONTENUTO NELLE OSSA NORMALI. Ann. ital. chir., 1942, 21: 249-271. 16 refs. In rabbits studies were made of the experimental induction of bone in soft tis- sue by injection of alcoholic extracts. The results were essentially negative. 2574 Roth, H. EXTRAKTVERSUCHE MIT KONSERVIERTEM KNOCHENGEWEBE. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1950, 80: 1051-1053. 5 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 17443; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 195T7 5: No. 978. 2575 Schreiber, B. ULTERIORI OSSERVAZIONI SULLA INDUZIONE OSSEA NEGLI ANFIBI PER MEZZO DI ESTRATTI ALCOLICI DI OSSO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1950, 26: 526-528. 8 refs. 2576 Shkurov, B. I. GISTOLOGICHNI DANI PRO VPLYV PRODUKTIV ROZPADU TKANYN I ORGANIV NA RE- GENERATSIIU KISTKOVOI TKANYNY V UMOVAKH EKSPERYMENTU. [HISTOLOGICAL DATA ON THE EF- FECT OF THE PRODUCTS OF DEGENERATION OF TIS- SUES AND ORGANS UPON THE REGENERATION OF BONE TISSUE IN EXPERIMENTAL CONDITIONS] Eksp. med., Kharkov, 1940, No. 1, 76-87. French summary. 2577 Wachsmuth, G. EXPERIMENTELLER BEITRAG ZUM KAUSALEN PROBLEM DER OSTEOGENESE. Arch. klin. Chir., 1950, 265: 58-68. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1951, 5: No. 60. 2578 Willestaedt, H. and Levander, G. STUDIES IN OSTEOGENESIS. Acta orthop. scand., 1950, 19: 419-432. 6 refs. English, French and German summaries. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 57946. The osteogenic activity of an alcohol extract of bone was not removed by benzene or petroleum either but was precipitated by acetone. The pre- cipitate was soluble in water and insoluble in oil." - Chem. Abstr. See: 710 712 821 2453 2483 2491 2494 2495 2496 2524 TRACE ELEMENTS (ADVENTITIOUS AND NORMALLY OCCURRING) 2579 Alexander, G. V., Nusbaum, R. E. and MacDonald, N S THE BORON AND LITHIUM CONTENT OF HUMAN BONES. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 192: 489-496. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr,, 1951, 5: No. 6580; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 2158a." Spectrographic investigations were made on 116 ashed samples of bone from 33 individuals to determine the amounts of boron and lithium normally to be found in the human skeleton. Results are discussed and presented in tables. 144 TRS™Sfl(ADVENTITI0US AND NORMALLY >aa,ukkinG) (Continued) 2580 ASrTnfArfCT V Hamilto°. J- G., Axelrod-Heller MR km!/,^ f • THE LOCALIZATION OF S™ «IN ALKALINE AND RARE EARTH ELEMENTS IN THE COSTOCHONDRAL JUNCTION OF THE RAT Anat Rec, 1952, 113: 285-300. 12 refs. Ab- No^iogs in'rSI°l- Abstr-> Bait., 1953, 27: 2581 "^n01?7' £;JSa' Pe^ock, W. C. and Karnofsky, D. A. DISTRIBUTION AND EXCRETION OF RADI<> ACTIVE THALLIUM IN THE CHICK EMBRYO, RAT AND MAN. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1953, 107: 178-187. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Ber--- ges. Physiol., 1953, 161: 122. The femur, humerus, skull, sternum, rib and inter- vertebral disc were included among the various tissues studied. 2582 Braude, R., Free, A. A., Page, J. E. and Smith, E. L. THE DISTRIBUTION OF RADIO- ACTIVE COBALT IN PIGS. Brit. J. Nutrit , 1949, 3: 289-292. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 555. "The values for pancreas, liver"~and bile were lower, those for cartilage and long bone higher." 2583 Comar, C. L., Singer, L. and Davis, G. K. MOLYBDENUM METABOLISM AND INTERRELATIONSHIPS WITH COPPER AND PHOSPHORUS. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 180: 913-922. 14 refs. Abstracted in Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 3488. 2584 Copp, D. H. IMPLICATIONS OF ATOMIC ENERGY IN MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY. III. APPLICATION IN THE STUDY OF BONES AND TEETH. Oral Surg , 1950, 3: 613-621. 47 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1950, 4: No. 4200. "Af- ter a brief review of the properties of bone tissue, a description is presented of work utilizing P32, Ca45, Sr85,89,90j C14 ln the study of mineral exchange, general bone me- tabolism, parathyroid effects on bone, rickets, severe P deficiency, and specific uptake by osteogenic tissue. This is fol- lowed by a brief discussion of the deposi- tion of plutonium and fission products in bone and their elimination..." - Nuclear Sc. Abstr. 2585 Goldenberg, H. and Sobel, A. E. CALCIFICA- TION. IX. INFLUENCE OF ALKALINE EARTHS ON SURVIVAL OF THE CALCIFYING MECHANISM. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1952, 81: 695-698. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Biol .Tbstr ., Bait., 1953. 27: No. 19690; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 4502*. the influence of Ca, Sr, Mg, Ba, Be, Mn, Co and Ni were studied. 2586 Hamilton, J. G. THE METABOLISM OF THE FISSION PRODUCTS AND THE HEAVIEST ELEMENTS. Radi- ology, 1947, 49: 325-343. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1949, 2: No. 3508; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 232S. 2587"" Hevesy, G. [C. ] APPLICATION OF RADIOACTIVE INDICATORS IN BIOLOGY. Annual Rev. Bio- chem., 1940, 9: 641-662. 95 refs. See particulary, Skeleton: p. 645-646. 2588 Jolibois, P. and Hubert, C. SUR LA COMPOSI- TION CHIMIQUE DES PHOSPHATES DE CALCIUM NATURELS. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1946, 222: 569-572. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 36976. 2589 Katz, J. and Kornberg, H. A. ABSORPTION AND DEPOSITION IN THE SKELETON AND SOFT TISSUES OF THE RAT OF PLUTONIUM FED CHRONICALLY AS SOLUTIONS OF VERY LOW MASS CONCENTRATION. Hanford Atomic Products Operation, Biology Research. Annual Report, 1952. Richland, Wash., 1953, p. 78-84. 4 refs. 2590 Katz, J., Kornberg, H. A. and Parker, H. M. ABSORPTION OF PLUTONIUM FED CHRONICALLY TO RATS. I. FRACTION DEPOSITED IN SKELETON^AHU SOFT TISSUES FOLLOWING ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF SOLUTIONS OF VERY LOW MASS CONCENTRATION. 20p. Hanford Atomic Products Operation, Richland, Wash., 1953. (HW-28991) 7 refs. 2591 Kidman, B., Tutt, M. L. and Vaughan, EXCRETION OF YTTRIUM-91 IN RABBITS Lond., 1951, 167: 858. Abstracted Abstr., Balt.7~T951, 25: No. 36043 J. M. Nature, in: Biol. Sr89 Abstr.. Bait., 1951, 2a: ho. w«. *»*-- and Y91 in radioactive equilibrium were in- jected into weanling and adult rabbits, and the decay curves of their excreta were ana- lyzed. The weanlings retained 0.63% of the dose of Y9! per g. of bone, adults 0.33%; weanlings excreted 12% in urine, adults 24%. (No age difference had been reported for rats.) Differences in excretion were not correlated with dietary differences."- Biol. Abstr. 2592 Koch, W. DER NACHWEIS VON THORIUM X IN DER WACHSTUMSFUGE UND SEIN EINFLUSS AUF DAS LANGENWACHSTUM BEIM JUGENDLICHEN KANINCHEN. Zschr. Orthop., 1951, 80: 532-546. 13 refs. 2593 Koch, W. DIE VERTEILUNG VON PETEOSTHOR UND SEINER HAUPTBESTANDTEILE THORIUM X UND PLATIN IM HERANWACHSENDEN ORGANISMUS UND DER EINFLUSS VON THORIUM X AUF DAS FUGEN- WACHSTUM BEIM JUGENDLICHEN KANINCHEN. Strahlentherapie, 1951, 85: 253-289. 15 refs. Abstracted in: NucTear Sc. Abstr., 1952, 6: No. 63. 2594 Lindemann, R. EMISSIONSSPEKTROGRAPHISCHE ALUMINIUM BESTIMMUNG IN ASCHEN BIOLOGISCHER MATERIALIEN. Zschr. Physik., 1935, 95: 6- 29. 23 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1935, 29: 69163. The aluminum contents of various organs including bones of the dog are given in tabular form. 2595 Lux, H. DIE HAUFIGKEIT DER SELTENEN ERDEN IN TIERKNOCHEN. Zschr. anorg. Chem., 1938, 240: 21-30. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1938-39, 8: No. 4834; Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 215847 "X-ray spectrophotographs ... showed" the presence of Sc, V, La, Ce, Nd, Gd and Dy, the average concentration being 4 per kg. bone ash. This is approximately one-thousandth of their concentration in the earth's crust and the evidence is considered to prove that they do not occur in the lattice structure of the hydroxy-apatite of the bone." - Nutrit. Abstr. 2596 MacClure, F. J. MINERAL METABOLISM (FLUORINE AND OTHER TRACE ELEMENTS). Annual Rev. Bio- chem., 1949, 18: 335-354. 197 refs. A re- view of the literature appearing in the past five years on fluorine, boron, cobalt, man- ganese and zinc. A considerable portion of the section on manganese deals with bone. 2597 MacDonald, N. S. FIXATION OF METAL IONS RY BONE TISSUE. Fed. Proc., Bait 19V* 19. 346. An abstract. " ' — ■ 2598 MacDonald, N. S., Nusbaum, R. f »ia^«„j 0. V., Ezmirlian, F. , Spain, P mS SS2S5i D. E. THE SKELETAL DEPOSITION OF YTTRTrru ' J. Biol. Chem., 1952, 195: 837-841 refs. Abstrac- 1952, 26: No. 1952, "o? No. 5971. "It is concluded that yttrium is not a "boneseeker" of the same degree as stontium and lead." tw., 11734, i»o: 837-841 8 acted in: Biol. Abstr ' Bait '•5Hl45^TtCHlear SC" Abstr!," b»7i. It is concluded +h=+ 145 TRACE ELEMENTS (ADVENTITIOUS AND NORMALLY OCCURRING) (Continued) 2599 Nishimura, H. ZINC DEFICIENCY IN SUCKLING MICE DEPRIVED OF COLOSTRUM. J. Nutrit., 1953, 49: 79-97. 2 pi. 25 refs. Ab- stracted" in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 21628. 2600 Nusbaum, R. E., MacDonald, N. S., Alexander, G. V., Ezmirlian, F. and Spain, P. THE BORON AND LITHIUM CONTENT OF HUMAN BONES. 14p. University of California Atomic Energy Project, Los Angeles, Calif., 1951. (UCLA- 129) 23 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1951, 5: No. 3837. 2601 Rayner, B., Tutt, M. and Vaughan, J. THE DEPO- SITION OF 91Y IN RABBIT BONES. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1953, 34: 138-145. 12 refs. Ab- stracted in: C*Hem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 10649b. After a single intravenous injection of 9ly in young rabbits, chemical and autoradio- graphic studies were made of the bones. Deposition of the element was extremely rapid and concentrated in the site of active growth beneath the epiphysis and in patches in the shaft "presumably in association with the con- nective tissue around the blood vessels." New bone formed long after the original in- jection also contained traces of the radio- yttrium, believed to have been reabsorbed from the blood in the normal processes of resorption. 2602 Rutishauser, E. UBER DIE VERTEILUNG DER SCHWERMETALLE IN SKELETT. BETRACHTUNGEN UBER DAS STARKERE BEFALLENSEIN GEWISSER KNOCHEN UND KNOCHENTEILE BEI GENERALISIERTEN KNOCHENLEIDEN. (DISKUSSIONSBEMERKUNG.) Schweiz. Mschr. Zahnh., 1935, 45: 93-95. 2 refs. 2603 Rygh, O. IMPORTANCE OF TRACE ELEMENTS IN NU- TRITION. Research, Lond., 1949, 2: 340-341. 2 refs. Strontium and vanadium increase bone calcification while barium, zinc and thallium break down osseous tissue. 2604 Rygh, O. RECHERCHES SUR LES OLIGO-ElEMENTS. I. DE L'IMPORTANCE DU STRONTIUM, DU BARYUM ET DU ZINC. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1949, 31: 1052-1061. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50, 19: No. 5193; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3105a. 2605 Rygh, O. RECHERCHES SUR LES OLIGO-ElEmENTS. IT. DE L'IMPORTANCE DU THALLIUM ET DU VANADIUM, DU SILICIUM ET DU FLUOR. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1949, 31: 1403- 1407. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1950-51, 20: No. 719; Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 195T7 4: No. 1248. 2606 Rygh, O. RECHERCHES SUR LES OLIGO-ELEMENTS. III. SUR L'IMPORTANCE DU STRONTIUM, DU VANADIUM, DU BARYUM, DU THALLIUM ET DU ZINC DANS LE SC0RBUT. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1949, 31: 1408-1412. 13 refs. 2607 Schubert, J., Finkel, M. P., White, M. R. and Hirsch, G. M. PLUTONIUM AND YTTRIUM CONTENT OF THE BLOOD, LIVER, AND SKELETON OF THE RAT AT DIFFERENT TIMES AFTER INTRAVENOUS ADMINI- STRATION. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 182: 635- 642. 23 refs. 2608 Scott, K. G., Axelrod, D. J. and Hamilton, J G. THE METABOLISM OF CURIUM IN THE RAT. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 177: 325-335. 2 pi. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 14386. 2609 Scott, K. G., Axelrod, D. J., Fisher, H., Crowley, J. F. and Hamilton, J. G. THE METABOLISM OF PLUTONIUM IN RATS FOLLOWING INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTION. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 176: 283-293. 2 pi. 3 refs. "Plutonium was not found to be absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract to any ex- tent. The skeleton was the main organ of deposition of plutonium, and the degree of retention in this organ was very great. No significant differences were observed in the metabolic properties of plutonium absorbed by the body for its three valence states. Radioautographs demonstrate the deposition of plutonium in the region of the endosteum, periosteum, and the endosteal covering of the trabecular bone." 2610 Scott, K. G., Copp, D. H., Axelrod, D. J. and Hamilton, J. G. THE METABOLISM OF AMERICIUM IN THE RAT. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 175: 691- 703. 2 pi. 7 refs. Abstracted inTTJiol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 6341; Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 744*"7 2611 Sheldon, J. H. and Ramage, H. A SPECTRO- GRAPHS ANALYSIS OF HUMAN TISSUES. Biochem. J., Lond., 1931, 25: 1608-1627. 20 refs. Tissues both healTKy and diseased were ex- amined to determine if chemical elements other than those recognized as universal constituents of protoplasm were present. For cartilage, copper was found in traces in all specimens except from a full-term foetus; manganese was found in a specimen from a two-year-old female infant only; rubidium occurred in all; while a trace of lead was present in one and merest traces in four specimens. For parietal bone, copper was detected in specimens from both infant and foetus, but manganese and rubi- dium were absent. Bone from the infant contained a trace of lead. 2612 ♦Timm, F. BARIUM IN ANIMAL BONES. Deut. Zschr. gerichtl. Med., 1932, 19: 279. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 533; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 6000." 2613 White, M. R. and Schubert, J. THE ACTION OF SALTS OF ZIRCONIUM AND OTHER METALS ON PLU- TONIUM AND YTTRIUM DISTRIBUTION AND EXCRE- TION. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1952, 104: 317- 324. 14 refs. See: 426 427 727 1245 2058 2248 2402 2616 2675 2697 2707 2710 TRACE ELEMENTS - COPPER see also TRACE ELEMENTS 2614 Baxter, J. H. and Van Wyk, J. J. A BONE DIS- ORDER ASSOCIATED WITH COPPER DEFICIENCY. I. GROSS MORPHOLOGICAL, ROENTGENOLOGICAL, AND CHEMICAL OBSERVATIONS. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1953, 93: 1-24. 5 pi. 22 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 3006; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1954, 24: No. 852; Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 4656C; Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 2, 1954, 7T""No. 2051. 143 TRACE ELEMENTS - COPPER (Continued) 2615 Baxter, J. H., Van Wyk, J. J. and Follis, R. H., Jr. A BONE DISORDER ASSOCIATED WITH COPPER DEFICIENCY. II. HISTOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL STUDIES ON THE BONES. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1953, 93: 25-40. 4 pi. 11 refs. Abstracted in:~~Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1954, 7: No. 2052. "It was concluded that the b"one disorder consisted of a dif- fuse osteoporosis, with no primary dis- turbance in the calcification mechanism." 2616 Davis, G. K. THE INFLUENCE OF COPPER ON THE METABOLISM OF PHOSPHORUS AND MOLYBDENUM. IN: COPPER METABOLISM: A SYMPOSIUM ON ANI- HAL, PLANT AND SOIL RELATIONSHIPS. (McElroy, W. D. and Glass, B.) Bait., Johns Hopkins Press, 1950, p. 216-229. 6 refs. 2617 Donner, L. and Daum, S. O METABOLISMU MEDI. SDfiLENf III: uklAdAni" a vymesovAni' mEdi U POKUSNYCH ZVfRAT. [COPPER METABOLISM. III. STORAGE AND EXCRETION OF CU IN EXPERI- MENTAL ANIMALS 1 Gastroenter. bohema., 1950, 4: 243-252. 12 refs. English sum- mary. "After administration the Cu content rose chiefly in liver (average 494%), to a less extent in other tissues (blood 123%, skin 105%, spleen 55%, bones 54%, lungs and heart 51%, kidney 10%). Cu feeding in- fluenced the distribution of Fe in the rat organism. The Fe content was diminished in liver (by about 53%), but it was greatly increased in blood (1038%) and in spleen (201%). Cu seemed to mobilize Fe from its depots to blood." - Excerpta med. 2618 Tompsett, S. L. THE COPPER AND "INORGANIC" IRON CONTENTS OF HUMAN TISSUES. Biochem. J., Lond., 1935, 29: 480-486. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 51699; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 1*3*7 No. 7931. "Vertebra contains a very low concen- tration of copper which is fairly constant throughout the series. Rib on the other hand appears to contain very varied amounts of copper.... It appears possible that the bones may act as stores for copper as well as the liver.... Vertebra and rib contain fairly high concentrations of iron, and, in contrast to copper, the concentrations are almost identical in the two types of bone. Data are summarized in tables. 2622 See: 2581 2583 2611 TRACE ELEMENTS - FLUORINE 2619 Candeli, A. and Scassellati Sforzolini, G. RICERCHE SULLA FISSAZIONE DEL FLUORO DA PARTE DEI TESSUTI SCHELETRICI. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1953, 29: 1458-1460. 7 refs. 2620 Comar, C. L., Visek, W. J., Lotz, W. E. and Rust J H EFFECT OF FLUORINE ON CALCIUM METABOLISM AND BONE GROWTH IN PIGS. Am. J. Anat., 1953, 92: 361-389. pi. 15 refs. Abstracted inT"Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23: No. 4697. 22 Megirian, D. THE DEPOSITION OF FLUORIDE IN GLYCOL-ASHED BONE. 49p. University of Rochester Atomic Energy Project, Rochester, N. Y.. 1951 <'TTR_ifi»'» ss refs.' Abstracted ..wVUVE3 *.%.* nbuiuii; IiUCigJT x-avj-w— -, N. Y., 1951. (UR-168) 55 refs. Abstract* in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1951, 5: No. 4350. 2623 Neuman, W. F., Neuman, M W., Main, E. R., 0'Leary, J. and Smith, F. A. THE SURFACE CHEMISTRY OF BONE. II. FLUORIDE DEPOSITION. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 187: 655-661. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 5755b. "The mechanism of fluoride depo- sition in bone was investigated by means of isotopic exchange, ion competition, and column techniques. It was demonstrated that fluoride replaces either hydroxyl or bicarbonate ions in the surfaces of the mineral phase." 2624 Paff, G. H. and Boyd, M. J. EFFECTS OF FLUORIDE ON DEVELOPING BONES IN TISSUE CUL- TURE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1952, 79: 518-520. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 25194; Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1953, 7: No. 1007. "The ex- periment concerned calcification of carti- lage not of bone. It is concluded that NaF, at concentrations which do not disturb growth, can seriously interfere with the mineralization process. ... The authors suggest that NaF acted both by interfering with the production of phospho-pyruvate, and by the binding of calcium by fluoride." - Excerpta med. 2625 Smith, F. A., Gardner, D. E. and Hodge, H. C. AGE INCREASE IN FLUORIDE CONTENT IN HUMAN BONE. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1953, 12: No. 1212. Samples of vertebrae and rib were analyzed from 85 male and 73 female patients ranging in age from fetuses to over 90 years. Findings show a linear increase in fluoride concentration in the ash with age. The con- centration is slightly higher in the verte- brae than in the ribs. 2626 Tompsett, S. L. BONE AND TOXIC MINERALS. Brit. J. Nutrit., 1952, 6: 423-426. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 55151. This is a general article discussing the deposition of certain toxic elements in the skeleton in preference to the soft tissues. Fluorine and radioactive metals are briefly mentioned, while more attention is given to the absorption and distribution of lead in the animal body. Tables showing the measura- ble quantities of lead found in "normal" hu- man tissue and tissue of persons with a his- tory of abnormal exposure to lead are pre- sented. Data for the rib, vertebra, femur and tibia are included. 2627 VoiSfriT,"J* F-' s°gnnaes, R. F. and Bibby, B. G. STUDIES ON THE DISTRIBUTION OF RADIOACTIVE FLUORIDE IN THE BONES AND TEETH OF EXPERI- MENTAL ANIMALS . Am. J. Physiol., 1941. 132- 707-712. 8 refs. ' ±£f' See: 2399 2596 2605 2900 TRACE ELEMENTS - GALLIUM 2621 Goldenberg, H. and Sobel, A. E. CALCIFICA- TION V INFLUENCE OF FLUORIDE AND CYANIDE IONS*IN THE PRESENCE AND ABSENCE OF MAGNE- SIUM. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1951, 78- 719-723. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 14623; Excerpta ■ed., Sect. 2, 1953, f? No. 1458. 2628 Dudley, H. C. and Friedman, L. INFLUENCF of VITAMIN D ON DEPOSITION OF GALLIUM IN BOOT OF THE RAT. Science, 1952, 115: 146-147 6 refs. Abstracted in: Chem7~Abstr iq";o 46: 4625h. " °*' 147 TRACE ELEMENTS - GALLIUM (Continued) 2629 Dudley, H. C. and Maddox, G. E. DEPOSITION OF RADIO GALLIUM (GA72) in SKELETAL TIS- SUES. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1949, 96: 224- 227. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem."Abstr., 1949, 43: 75801. "Radioautographs of bones of rabBTts treated with radiogallium (Ga72) strengthen the hypothesis that Ga is a use- ful tool for the study of bone metabolism. Ga is deposited throughout the osteoid tis- sues of the rabbit and dog. It is es- pecially concentrated at the areas of greatest osteogenic activity in the young animal, i.e., the epiphyseal line." 2630 Dudley. H. C. and Marrer, H. H. METABOLISM OF GALLIUM: DEPOSITION IN AND CLEARANCE FROM BONE. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1952, 106: 129-134. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 8921; Brit. Abstr., Sect. AIII, 19*53, p. 502. 2631 Dudley, H. C, Imirie, G. W., Jr. and Istock, J. T. DEPOSTION OF RADIOGALLIUM (GA72) in PROLIFERATING TISSUES. Radiology, 1950, 55: 571-578. 9 refs. --- 2632 Dudley, H. C, Maddox, G. E. and LaRue, H. C. STUDIES OF THE METABOLISM OF GALLIUM. J. Pharm. Exp. Ther., 1949, 96: 135-138. 3 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 400. 2633 Munn, J. I. and Dudley, H. C. STUDIES OF THE METABOLISM OF GALLIUM. IV. EFFECT OF GALLIUM ON ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE AND CALCIFICATION IN VITRO. Naval Med. Res. Inst., Bethesda, Md. Research reports, 1953, 2: 1-8. 13 refs. TRACE ELEMENTS - IRON 2634 Austoni, M. E. and Greenberg, D. M. STUDIES IN IRON METABOLISM WITH THE AID OF ITS ARTI- FICIAL RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE. THE ABSORPTION, EXCRETION, AND DISTRIBUTION OF IRON IN THE RAT ON NORMAL AND IRON-DEFICIENT DIETS. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 134: 27-41. 14 refs. Bone was included among the tissues studied. 2635 Austoni, M. E., Rabinovitch, A. and Greenberg, D. M. THE IRON CONTENT OF THE TISSUES OF NORMAL, ANEMIC, AND IRON-ENRICHED RATS FREED FROM BLOOD BY VIVIPERFUSION. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 134: 17-26. 9 refs. Bone is included among th~e" tissues analyzed. Data are pre- sented in tabular form. 2636 ♦Kaneko, R. INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN A AND D ON THE CHANGES IN BONE DUE TO THE CONTINUOUS ADMINISTRATION OF INORGANIC IRONS. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1941, 34: 357-370. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr. ,"T941, 35: 80492. "The production of osseous atrophy by con- tinuous administration of inorganic irons can be prevented if a small amount of vita- min A is added to the diet. Vitamin D has no effect." - Chem. Abstr. See: 2618 TRACE ELEMENTS LEAD 2637 Barrett, F. R. STUDIES IN THE DEPOSITION OF LEAD IN BONE. II. CALCIUM-PHOSPHORUS AND LEAD-PHOSPHORUS RATIOS. Med. J. Australia, 1943, 30- 433-435. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1944, 18: No. 10138; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, l"""4*4-45, 14: No. 436. 2638 Barth, E. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DEN BLEIGE- HALT DER MENSCHLICHEN KNOCHEN. Virchows Arch., 1931, 281: 146-151. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 13025; Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 4369. 2639 ♦Behrens, B. and Baumann, A. ZUR PHARMAKOLOGIE DES BLEIS. IX. WEITERE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE VERTEILUNG DES BLEIS MIT HILFE DER METHODE DER AUTOHISTORADIOGRAPHIE. Zschr. ges. exp. med., 1933, 92: 241-250. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 16329. 2640 ♦Behrens, B. and Baumann, A. ZUR PHARMAKOLOGIE DES BLEIS. X. DIE BEZIEHUNG DER BLEIABLAGER- UNG ZUM CALCIUMSTOFFWECHSEL. Zschr. ges. exp. med., 1933, 92: 251-264. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., BalTT, 1937, 11: No. 16329. 2641 Gant, V. A. LEAD POISONING. SECTION 1. EX- POSURES TO LEAD; ITS ABSORPTION, TRANSPOR- TATION, DISTRIBUTION, AND DEPOSITION IN THE TISSUES; THE PHOTOMETRIC DITHIZONE METHOD AS AN ACCURATE MEANS OF DETERMINATION; "NOR- MAL" LEAD IN TTSSUES AND URINE; "NORMAL" VALUE IN BLOOD. Indust. M., 1938, 7: 608- 622. 48 refs. For "normal" content of bone, see particularly p. 616-620. Data is summarized in tables. 2642 ♦Hashikura, K. [THE STUDIES ON THE GROWING PROCESS OF BONE BY MEANS OF VITAL STAINING METHOD OF LEAD ACETATE] Iryo, Tokyo, 1951, 5: 1-4. English summary. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1952, 26: No. 31236. 2643 Heynold, G. [M. L.] HISTOCHEMISCHE UNTERSUCH- UNGEN UBER DIE ABHAnGIGKEIT DES NORMALEN BLEIGEHALTES MENSCHLICHER KNOCHEN VOM LEBEN- SALTER. 16p. Zeulenroda, A. Oberreuter, 1937. (Inaug.-Diss.-Leipzig). 2 pi. 12 refs . 2644 Kehoe, R. A., Thamann, F. and Cholak, J. LEAD ABSORPTION AND EXCRETION IN RELATION TO DIAGNOSIS OF LEAD POISONING. J. Indust. lyg., 1938, 15: 320-340. 11 refs, 2645 Kehoe, R. A., Thamann, F. and Cholak, J. ON THE NORMAL ABSORPTION AND EXCRETION OF LEAD. II. LEAD ABSORPTION AND LEAD EXCRETION IN MODERN AMERICAN LIFE. J. Indust. Hyg., 1933, 15: 273-288. 27 refs. 2646 Kehoe, R. A., Thamann, F. and Cholak, J. ON THE NORMAL ABSORPTION AND EXCRETION OF LEAD. III. THE SOURCES OF NORMAL LEAD ABSORPTION. J. Indust. Hyg., 1933, 15: 290-300. Approx. 75 refs. 2647 Kehoe, R. A., Thamann, F. and Cholak, J. ON THE NORMAL ABSORPTION AND EXCRETION OF LEAD. IV. LEAD ABSORPTION AND EXCRETION IN INFANTS AND CHILDREN. J. Indust. Hyg., 1938, 15: 301-305. 8 refs. 2648 Kreussler, [H. E.l M. HISTOCHEMISCHER NACHWEIS VON NORMALBLEI IM KNORPELGEWEBE DES MENSCHEN. 19p. Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1937. (Inaug.-Diss. -Leipzig). 2 pi. 37 refs. 2649 Kreussler, W. HISTOCHEMISCHER NACHWEIS VON NORMALBLEI IN GEFLUGELKNOCHEN. 16p. Lpz., A. Edelmann, 1937. (Inaug.-Diss.-Leipzig). 4 pi. 19 refs. 148 TRACE ELEMENTS - LEAD (Continued) 2650 Lynch, G. R., Slater, R. H. and Osier, T G THE DETERMINATION OF TRACES OF LEAD IN BIO- LOGICAL MATERIALS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO BONE. Analyst, Lond., 1934, 59: 787-806. A method for determining the Te"ad content of bone is described and data on the lead con- tent of fresh bone and ashed bone from indi- viduals (male and female) of various ages and occupations are tabulated. Findings of earlier authors are compared. 2651 MacDonald, N. S., Nusbaum. R. E., Ezmirlian, F., Barbera, R. C, Spam, P. and Rounds, D. E. MECHANISMS IN SKELETAL ACCUMULATION OF IONS. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1953, 43: 118-126. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 9467h. Rats were given a single injection of strontium and of lead and the metal ion content in the femurs was determined 24 hours later in order to as- certain "how the amount of metal deposited in the femurs... varied as a function of the dose administered." 2652 McLean, R., Calhoun, J. A. and Aub, J. C. MIGRATION OF INORGANIC SALTS IN BONE AS MEASURED BY RADIOACTIVE LEAD AND BY ALI- ZARIN. A.M.A. Arch. Indust. Hyg. & Occup. M., 1954, 9: 113-121. 14 refs. 2653 Morris, H. P. AGE AND THE LEAD CONTENT OF CERTAIN HUMAN BONES: A COMPILATION AND STA- TISTICAL ANALYSIS OF RECENTLY PUBLISHED DATA. J. Indust. Hyg., 1940, 22: 100-103. 5 refs. "... there is a significant in- crease with age in the lead content of four different human bones from different sub- jects, when expressed as milligrams of lead per kilogram fresh bone. This increase is less marked in the rib and vertebra than in the femur and tibia. The increase in lead per year in the femur was 0.810 mgm. per kilogram of fresh bone while for rib it was 0.060 mgm. and for vertebra, 0.044 mgm." 2654 Raab, H. and Brown, C. E. KNOCHENVERAnDERUNGEN NACH EINVERLEIBUNG VON BLEIACETAT. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1934, 94: 346-352. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 11002; Chem. Abstr., 1934, 28: 68454. 2655 Sieber, E. HISTOCHEMISCHER BLEINACHWEIS IM KNOCHEN. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1936, 181: 273-280. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11_: No. 13839. 2656 Sobel, A. E. and Burger, M. THE BIOCHEMICAL BEHAVIOR OF LEAD. II. THE INFLUENCE OF CALCIUM, PHOSPHORUS AND VITAMIN D ON LEAD IN BLOOD AND BONE AFTER WITHDRAWAL OF LEAD FROM THE DIET. 17p. Office of Naval Research, Washington, Technical Report NR 180 025, Jan. 1954. 9 refs. 2657 Tompsett, S. L. THE DISTRIBUTION OF LEAD IN HUMAN BONES. Biochem. J., Lond., 1936, 30: 345-346. 2 refs. "In a series of 19 cases, the concentrations of lead were, rib 4.0- 17.5, vertebrae 3.4-16.5, femur 18.2-108.3, tibia 15.3-96.5 mg. lead per kg. fresh bone." 2659 2658 Tompsett, S. L. and Anderson, A. B. THE LEAD CONTENT OF HUMAN TISSUES AND EXCRETA. Bio- chem. J., 1935, 29: 1851-1864. 20 refs. A method is described for estimating lead con- tent of tissues and excreta. Among the data presented are "normal" concentrations of lead in rib, vertebra and femur. Weyrauch, F. and MUller, H. DAS SOGENANNTE NORMALE BLEI IM MENSCHLICHEN K0RPER. Zschr. Hyg., 1933, 115: 216-220. 9 refs. Ab- stracted in:""C"Eem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 4568. See: 2611 2626 2698 TRACE ELEMENTS - MANGANESE see also TRACE ELEMENTS 2660 Amdur, M. 0., Norris, L. C. and Heuser, G. F. THE LIPOTROPIC ACTION OF MANGANESE. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 164: 783-784. 1 ref. At a given choline level more fat was found in the livers of rats receiving adequate man- ganese. Presence of manganese or choline in the diet also caused a reduction in the fat content of fresh bone. 2661 Amdur, M. O., Norris, L. C. and Heuser, G. F THE NEED FOR MANGANESE IN BONE DEVELOPMENT BY THE RAT. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1945, 59: 254-255. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 18200. "The length, density, breaking strength, and phosphatase content of the bones of manganese-deficient rats were lower than in pair-mates of the same weight receiving adequate manganese. There was no difference between the two groups in percentages of ash, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium in the fat-free dry bone." 2662 ♦Barnes, L. L., Sperling, G. and Maynard, L. A. BONE DEVELOPMENT IN THE ALBINO RAT ON A LOW MANGANESE DIET. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46: 562-565. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 16812; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 19"Il-42, 11: No. 1380. — 2663 Caskey, C. D., Gallup, W. D. and Norris, L. C. THE NEED FOR MANGANESE IN THE BONE DEVELOP- MENT OF THE CHICK. J. Nutrit., 1939, 17: 407-417. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Biol*: Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 9165; Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 6397ff. "... the ab- normal shortening of the bones of chicks is probably the direct effect of the upset in calcium and phosphorus metabolism re- sulting from manganese deficiency." 2664 Chornock, C. S., Guerrant, N. B. and Dutcher, R. A. EFFECT OF MANGANESE ON CALCIFICATION IN THE GROWING RAT. J. Nutrit., 1942, 23- 445-458. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Biol— Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 19732. 2665 — Ellis, G. H., Smith, S. E and Gates F M K^'f 2.F ^NGANESE DEFICIENCYIN THE RABBIT. J. Nutrit., 1947, 34: 21-31 23 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr ?94?;'4l94559Ti: N°- 10906^hem. Absir., 2666 F°RONFH* R?ooM°it0T' R; kl THE MANGANESE IN BONE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1952, 51: 598- 600. 1 ref. "Spectrographic studTes and determinations based on perlodate oxida- tions show that the manganese content of ox femur is of the order 0.27-0 51 dub, depending on the type of bone, compact"or cancellous. Irrespective of the type this corresponds to about 1.4 ppm. expressed on the ash. Most of the manganese is asso- ciated with the inorganic matrix but small proportion is bound to the'organic matrix. Little manganese, if any, ac- companies the water-soluble alkaline phos- phatase ." puos 149 TRACE ELEMENTS - MANGANESE (Continued) 2667 Gallup, W. D. and Norris, L. C. ASSIMILATION AND STORAGE OF MANGANESE IN THE DEVELOPING EMBRYO AND GROWING CHICK. Poultry Sc , 1939, 18: 99-105. 5 refs. Abstracted in- Chem. ABstr., 1939, 33: 46414. Tibiae and femurs were includedTn the analyses. 2668 Gallup, W. D. and Norris, L. C. ESSENTIALNESS OF MANGANESE FOR THE NORMAL DEVELOPMENT OF BONE. Science, 1938, 87: 18-19. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32- 1773»; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 1*27 No 2751. — 2669 Kamimura, T. THE INFLUENCE OF MANGANESE ON THE GROWTH OF BONE. J. Orient. M., Dairen, 1938, 29: 25. An abstract. In young rab- bits receiving 0.5gr.-6g. manganese per kilo daily for 75 days there was retarda- tion of bone growth, premature ossification of the cartilage of the epiphysis, and disappearance of the spongious trabecula of primary and secondary bone sooner than usual. 2670 Miller, R. C., Keith, T. B., McCarty, M. A. and Thorp, W. T. S. MANGANESE AS A POSSI- BLE FACTOR INFLUENCING THE OCCURRENCE OF LAMENESS IN PIGS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1940, 45: 50-51. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 3913. 2671 Norris, L. C, Gallup, W. D. and Caskey, C. D. THE ROLE OF MANGANESE IN BONE DEVELOPMENT. J. Nutrit., 1938, 15: Proc. 14. An ab- stract. 2672 ♦Schweitzer, C. S. THE EFFECT OF MANGANESE ON CALCIFICATION IN THE GROWING RAT IN THE PRESENCE AND ABSENCE OF VITAMIN D. 84p. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1941. (Univ. microfilms, Pub. No. 273). 2673 Skinner, J. T. , Peterson, W. H. and Steenbock, H. THE MANGANESE METABOLISM OF THE RAT. J. Biol. Chem., 1931, 90: 65-80. 20 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 988. 2674 Wachtel, L. W. , Elvehjem, C. A. and Hart, E. B. THE PHYSIOLOGY OF MANGANESE IN THE RAT. Am. J. Physiol., 1943, 140: 72-82. 24 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 4057. "... analytical determinations on manganese- deficient animals were made for the purpose of arriving at gross biochemical changes.... Blood, bone, enzymatic, metabolic, and en- docrinal studies were carried out, and the results and interpretations of these results are reported in detail." 2675 Wilgus, H. S., Jr., Norris, L. C. and Heuser, G. F. THE ROLE OF MANGANESE AND CERTAIN OTHER TRACE ELEMENTS IN THE PREVENTION OF PEROSIS. J. Nutrit., 1937, 14: 155-167. 18 refs . See: 738 2269 1935 2596 1939 2611 2024 2090 TRACE ELEMENTS - PORPHYRINS 2676 Dohne, E. E. and Kammerer, H. UNTERSUCHUNG AM KNOCHENSYSTEM JUNGER TIERE NACH INJEKTION VON VERSCHIEDENEN FLUORESCIERENDEN UND NICHT- FLUORESCIERENDEN FARBSTOFFEN. (ALS BEITRAG ZUR KLARUNG DER FRAGE, OB DIE ABLAGERUNG VERSCHIEDENER PORPHYRINE, BESONDERS AN DEN VERKALXZONEN DES KNOCHENS SIN SPEZIFISCH PHYSIOLOGISCHEN VORGANG DARSTELLT. V0RLAUF- IGE MITTEILUNG). Verh. Deut. Ges. inn. Med., 1Q33 4R- 8fi-88 7 refs. 2677 Fikentscher, R., Fink, H. and Emminger, E. UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN KNOCHEN WACHSENDER SAUGETIERE NACH INJEKTION VERSCHIEDEN- ARTIGER PORPHYRINE. VORLAUFIGE MITTEILUNG. Klin. Wschr., 1931, 10: 2036. 8 refs. 2678 Fikentscher, R., Fink, H. and Emminger, E. UNTERSUCHUNGEN AN KNOCHEN WACHSENDER SAUGETIERE NACH INJEKTION VERSCHIEDENARTI- GER PORPHYRINE. Virchows Arch., 1933, 287: 764-783. 13 refs. Abstracted in: NutriTT" Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 2092. 2679 Fink, H. and Hoerburger, W. UBER DIE OCHRONOSE DER SCHLACHTTIERE. II. ISOLIERUNG VON KRYSTALLISIERTEM UROPORPHRIN AUS DEN KNOCHEN. IDENTITATSBEWEIS MIT HILFE DER PH-FLUORES- CENZKURVEN DURCH ANALYSE. Zschr. physiol. Chem., 1931, 202: 8-22. 15 refs. 2680 Paul, K. G., Engstrom, A. and Engfeldt, B. LOCALIZATION OF PORPHYRINS IN BONE TISSUE IN A CASE OF PORPHYRIA CUTANEA TARDA. J. Clin. Path., Lond., 1953, 6: 135-139. 29 refs. "In a case of porphyrinuria cutanea tarda only uroporphyrin III has been isolated from the bone tissue. This porphyrin is microscopically localized to certain Haver- sian systems and structures where the ionic milieu is well suited for the deposition. The precise localization of the porphyrins is discussed from the point of view of bone physiology." 2681 Tanzi, B. IL RAPPORTO FOSFORO/AZOTO (P/N) E CALCIO/AZOTO (CA/N) NELLE OSSA DI RATTI EMATOPORFIRINIZZATI. AteneoParm., 1939, 11: 265-282. 17 refs. TRACE ELEMENTS - RADIUM 2682 Calhoun, J. A. and Aub, J. C. THE DEPOSITION OF RADIUM SALTS IN BONES AND THEIR RELATION TO CALCIUM METABOLISM. J. Clin. Invest., 1937, 16: 664. 2683 Hoecker, F. E. and Roofe, P. G. STRUCTURAL DIFFERENCES IN BONE MATRIX ASSOCIATED WITH METABOLIZED RADIUM. Radiology, 1949, 52: 856-865. Discussion: p. 864-865. 5 rets. The distribution of radium in certain rat bones containing metabolically deposited radium is described. 2684 Hoecker, F. E. and Roofe, P. G. STUDIES OF RADIUM IN HUMAN BONE. Radiology, 1951, 56: 89-98. 5 refs. Illustrates and describes "certain characteristic microscopic patterns of radium distribution in the matrix of hu- man bones, to correlate these with the microscopic structure of the bone..." 2685 Looney, W. B. SKELETAL ROENTGENOGRAPHIC, HISTOPATHOLOGICAL AND AUTORADIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS IN HUMANS TWENTY YEARS AFTER THE ADMINISTRATION OF RADIUM CHLORIDE. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1953, 12: No. 1297. An abstract. From the findings, "It is evident that some relation exists between radium deposition and histopathological change, however, histopathological changes were found in the absence of radium. This interrelation is complex. It is probably the end result of many intermediate fac- tors such as trauma blood supply, etc. so that when the reparative processes can no longer be maintained at a rate equal to the destructive processes permanent changes occur." 150 TRACE ELEMENTS - RADIUM (Continued) 2686 Looney, W. B. and Woodruff, L. A. INVESTIGA- TION OF RADIUM DEPOSITION IN HUMAN SKELETON BY GROSS AND DETAILED AUTORADIOGRAPHY. A.M.A. Arch. Path., 1953, 56: 1-12. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1954, 7: No. 907. 2687 Norris, W. P. and Kisieleski, W. COMPARATIVE METABOLISM OF RADIUM, STRONTIUM, AND CAL- CIUM. Sympos. Quant. Biol., 1948, 13: 164- 172. 38 refs. Discussion: p. 171-172. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 4755S. TRACE ELEMENTS - STRONTIUM see also TRACE ELEMENTS 2688 Comar, C L., Lotz, W. E. and Boyd, G. A. AUTORADIOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF CALCIUM, PHOS- PHORUS, AND STRONTIUM DISTRIBUTION UN BONE OF GROWING PIGS. Am. J. Anat., 1952, 90: 113-129. pi. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Brit. Abstr., 1953, AIII: p. 5; Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 5945. 2689 Copp, H. THE ROLE OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS IN MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY. II. USE OF RADIO- ACTIVE TRACERS IN THE STUDY OF BONES AND TEETH. Am. J. Orthodont., 1947, 33: Oral Surg., 109-115. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1948, 2: No. 5027. 2690 Hodge, H. C, Gavett, E. and Thomas, I. THE ADSORPTION OF STRONTIUM AT FORTY DEGREES BY ENAMEL,DENTIN, BONE, AND HYDROXYAPATITE AS SHOWN BY THE RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPE. J. Biol. Chem., 1946, 163: 1-6. 18 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. ABstr., Aberdeen, 1946-47, 16' No. 1983; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1946, 20: No. 15470. 2691 Hodges, R. M., MacDonald, N. S., Nusbaum, R., Stearns, R., Ezmirlian, F., Spain, P. and McArthur, C. STRONTIUM CONTENT OF HUMAN BONES. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 185: 519- 524. 12 refs. Abstracted in:**"C"Eem. Abstr. 1950, 44: 10870c; Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1951, J7 No. 2529. 2692 Jones, D. C. and Copp, D. H. THE METABOLISM OF RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM IN ADULT, YOUNG AND RACHITIC RATS. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 189: 509-514. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1951, 4: No. 5254; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 30273. Jones D C. and Copp, D. H. STUDIES OF BONE mItabolism WITH THE AID OF RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM. 14p. U. S. Atomic Energy Com- mission, Oak Ridge, Tenn., 1948. (AECD- 1962). 15 refs. 2694 lowsev J , Owen, M. and Vaughan, J. MICRO- J MDI0GRAPHS AND AUTORADIOGRAPHS OF CORTICAL BONE FROM MONKEYS INJECTED WITH 9<>SR Brit, J Exp Path., 1953, 34: 661-667. 13 refs. Findings in cortical bone of the tibia are described. 90Sr was concentrated in areas of bone growth and distributed unevenly around building sites, the highest concen- tration in these sites was assumed to have occurred when osteoblastic activity pre- dominated at the time of administration. 2695 Jowsey, J., Rayner, B. , Tutt, M. a^^a^a°' J. THE DEPOSITION OF 90SR IN RABBIT BONES FOLLOWING INTRAVENOUS INJECTION. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1954, 34: 384-391. 3 pi. 4 refs. The authors7""using an autoradio- graphic technique, studied the localization of intravenous 90Sr in the bones of rabbits. In both young (1 day old) and older ^animals (5-7 weeks) concentration occurred in areas of active growth, though in the younger group much subsequent diffuse redistribu- tion took place. In the older group the possible effect of persistent localisation on tumor production is considered." - Ibid. Survey of papers, p.(i). 2696 Kidman, B., Rayner, B., Tutt, M. L. and Vaughan, J. M. AUTORADIOGRAPHIC STUDIES OF THE DEPOSITION OF SR89 IN RABBIT BONES. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1952, 64: 453-459. 2 pi. 24 refs. Abstracted in: Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1953, 7: No. 62; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9664. "The localiza- tion of certain isotopes in areas of active bone growth, as well as their more diffuse distribution throughout mineralised bone, suggests that ionic exchanges on the sur- face of bone crystals alone will not ac- count for the uptake of these isotopes." 2697 Kidman, B., Tutt, M. L. and Vaughan, J. M. THE RETENTION AND EXCRETION OF RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM AND YTTRIUM (SR89, SR90 AND Y90) IN THE HEALTHY RABBIT. J. Path. Bact., Lond., 1950, 62: 209-227. 17 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 4271; Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1951 ,~~1: No. 5673. 2698 MacDonald, N. S., Ezmirlian, F., Spain, P. and McArthur, C. THE ULTIMATE SITE OF SKELETAL DEPOSITION OF STRONTIUM AND LEAD. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 189: 387-399. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 24028; Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 52*3*3d. "Although the evidence sheds Tittle light on the initial phases by which Sr and Pb ions are accumulated in bone, it is concluded that some, and perhaps most, of the cations ultimately become part of the crystalline structure of the bone salt. The length of time during which such ma- terial remains fixed depends upon the rate of bone resorption and reformation." 2699 MacDonald, N. S., Nusbaum, R. E., Stearns, R. , Ezmirlian, F., McArthur, C. and Spain, P THE SKELETAL DEPOSITION OF NON-RADIOACTIVE STRONTIUM. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 188: 137- Abstracted in: Excerpta 1951, 4: No. 5670; Biol. 1951, ""f5: No. 13162. 143. 19 refs. med., Sect. 2, Abstr., Bait., 2700 Pecher, C. BIOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS WITH RADIOACTIVE CALCIUM AND STRONTIUM. Proc Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46: 86-91. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit7~Abstr , Aberdeen, 1941-42, 11: No. 382. Distri- bution of the two elements in different tissues; including bone was studied 2701 Pecher, C. and Pecher, J. RADIO-CALCIUM AND RAD10-STRONTIUM METABOLISM IN PREGNANT MICE Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1941, 46- 91- 94. "It appears that part of the calcium and strontium previously fixed in the skele- ton of mice migrates to the foetus during the last days of pregnancy and to the off- spring through the milk. When radioactive strontium lactate is injected intravenously into lactating mice and cows, appreciable amounts are excreted in the milk." 151 TRACE ELEMENTS - STRONTIUM (Continued) 2702 Robison, R., Law, K. A. O'D. and Rosenheim, A. H. DEPOSITION OF STRONTIUM SALTS IN HYPERTROPHIC CARTILAGE IN VITRO. Biochem. J., Lond., 1936, 30: 66-68. 6 refs. Ab- stracted in: NutrTT. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1936- 37, 6: No. 637. 2703 Shorr, E. and Carter, A. C. THE USEFULNESS OF STRONTIUM AS AN ADJUVANT TO CALCIUM IN THE REMINERALIZATION OF THE SKELETON IN MAN. Bull. Hosp. Joint Dis., 1952, 13: 59-66. 28 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 1653; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 7281. 2704 Sobel, A. E., Goldenberg, H. and Hanok, A CALCIFICATION. IV. INFLUENCE OF STRONTIUM AND MAGNESIUM IONS ON CALCIFICATION IN VITRO. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1951, 78: 716-718. 11 refs. "The intense in- hibition of calcification in vitro by strontium ions requires the presence of magnesium ions. The injury to the calci- fying mechanism in rickets due to strontium is associated with the presence of magnesium ions. The results suggest the importance of studying the influence of various ions on the calcifying mechanism both in the pres- ence and absence of magnesium." 2705 Tutt, M., Kidman, B., Rayner, B. and Vaughan, J. THE DEPOSITION OF SR89 IN RABBIT BONES FOLLOWING INTRAVENOUS INJECTION. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1952, 33: 207-215. 12 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 9668; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46- T0410S. ~~ 2706 Tweedy, W. R. THE EFFECT OF PARATHYROID EX- TRACT ON THE DISTRIBUTION, RENTENTION, AND EXCRETION OF LABELED STRONTIUM. J. Biol. Chem., 1945, 161: 105-113. 6 refs. Ab- stracted in: CKem. Abstr., 1946, 40: 12329. 2710 Neuman, M. W. and Neuman, W. F. THE DEPOSI- TION OF URANIUM IN BONE. II. RADIOAUTO- GRAPHIC STUDIES. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 175: 711-714. 2 pi. 7 refs. "Radioauto- graphs of bone containing u233 showed this element to be deposited only in the mineral portions and to be particularly concentrated on surfaces adjacent to the circulation and in areas of calcification. Once fixed, lit- tle redistribution of uranium occurred. As the normal growth and calcification processes continued, new bone accumulated over the lines of deposition and the resorption of bone to some extent was inhibited, probably because of the insolubility of U-impregnated bone salt." 2711 Neuman, W. F., Fleming, R. W., Dounce, A. L. Carlson, A. B., O'Leary, J. and Mulryan, B. J THE DISTRIBUTION AND EXCRETION OF INJECTED URANIUM. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 173: 737- 748. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 20275; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 467Bg. 2712 Neuman, W. F., Neuman, M. W. and Mulryan, B. J. FAILURE OF NONISOTOPIC URANIUM TO INHIBIT RE- SORPTIVE PROCESSES IN RAT FEMUR. IN: PHARMA- COLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY OF URANIUM COMPOUNDS. (Voegtlin, C. and Hodge, H. C, eds.) New York, McGraw-Hill, 1953. (National Nuclear Energy series, Manhattan Project Technical Sect., Div. 6, v.l, pt. 4, p. 1958-1959. 2713 Neuman, W. F., Neuman, M. W. and Mulryan, B. J. THE DEPOSITION OF URANIUM IN BONE. I. ANIMAL STUDIES. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 175: 705-709. 7 refs. "The deposition of injected uranium in bone was found to be directly related to growth activity. Young rats, irrespective of sex, showed a greater U concentration in bone than did older animals." 2707 Van Middleton, L,, Copp, D. H. and Hamilton, J. G. UPTAKE OF PLUTONIUM, YTTRIUM AND STRONTIUM BY THE CALLUS OF HEALING FRAC- TURES. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1947, 6: 219. An abstract. 32 2606 33 2651 1310 2687 2597 2604 TRACE ELEMENTS - URANIUM 2708 Amprino, R. OBSERVATIONS ON THE FIXATION IN VITRO OF URANIUM TO SECTIONS OF BONE. Ex- perientia, Basel, 1953, 9: 291-293. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1954, 48: 1570c; Nuclear Sc. Abstr., 1953, 7: No. 59TT. Auto- radiographic studies of ground sections of bone treated with solutions of uranium and radiocalcium indicated that the distribution of both elements is essentially the same but that differences exist in the fixation of the cations, particularly in the ground sub- stance where uranium unites not only with the mineral crystals but also with the or- ganic components of the bone matrix. 2709 Hodge, H. C. THE ROLE OF EXCHANGE IN CAL- CIUM AND PHOSPHATE ADSORPTION BY THE CALCI- FIED TISSUES. Tr. Conf. Metab. Interrelat., 1949, l.Conf., 49-65. Conference discus- sion: p. 61-65. 22 refs. 2714 Neuman, W. F., Neuman, M. W., Main, E. R. and Mulryan, B. J. THE DEPOSITION OF URANIUM IN BONE. III. THE EFFECT OF DIET. J. Biol. Chem., 1948, 175: 715-719. 9 refs. "The effect of several experimental diets on the rate of mobilization of skeletal uranium in rats was tested. Alkaline and acidic diets were without effect; a rachitogenic diet increased the rate of mobilization. The half life of skeletal uranium in the rat was found to be of the order of 50-60 days." 2715 Neuman, W. F., Neuman, M. W., Main, E. R. and Mulryan, B. J. THE DEPOSITION OF URANIUM IN BONE. IV. ADSORPTION STUDIES IN VITRO. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 179: 325-333. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 23967; Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 8481c, 2716 Neuman, W. F., Neuman, M. W., Main, E. R. and Mulryan, B. J. THE DEPOSITION OF URANIUM IN BONE. V. ION EXCHANGE STUDIES. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 179: 335-340. 8 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 23968. — 2717 Neuman, W. F., Neuman, M. W., Main, E. R. and Mulryan, B. J. THE DEPOSITION OF URANIUM IN BONE. VI. ION COMPETITION STUDIES. J. Biol. Chem., 1949, 179: 341-348. 11 refs. Abstracted in: BiolT7S"bstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 23969. 152 VITAMIN INFLUENCE 2718 Hertz, J. STUDIES ON THE HEALING OF FRAC- TURES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE SIG- NIFICANCE OF THE VITAMIN CONTENT OF THE DIET. Acta path, microb. scand., 1936, Suppl. 23. 286p. 15 pi. 316 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 16027; Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 7"575' . A comprehensive review with a report of experiments with rats. 2719 Krockert, G. HISTOLOGISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG DER CALLUSBILDUNG NACH VITAMIN- UND KALKZUFUHR. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1942, 255: 409-412. 2 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1943-44, 13: No. 147. 2720 Krockert. G... LASST SICH DURCH VITAMINGABEN EINE VERSTARKTE MINERALISATION BEI DER FRAKTURREGENERATION IM RONTGENBILD BEO- BACHTEN? Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1942, 255: 398-408. Approx. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1943-44, 13: No. 147. 2721 Masmonteil, F. and Leuret, J. ROLE DES VITA- MINES DANS L'APPAREIL DE CROISSANCE. (ESSAI DE PATHOGENIE DES CHONDROSES). Bull, Soc. chir. Paris, 1946, 37: 72-77. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta mecTT, Sect. 9, 1949, 3: No. 4913. "The authors recall the three layers of epiphyseal cartilage for the development of each of which they believe a specific vitamin and special chemical ele- ments are necessary: vitamin A for the first; vitamin D, Ca and P for the second; vitamin C, with Fe and Ca, for the third. Deficiency of these leads to scurvy, ric- kets, and epiphyseal degeneration. For the transformation of hyaline in ossifying cartilage, vitamin B and Mn are necessary. ... The epiphyseal cartilage does not take an active part in bone growth but is rather a passive barrier, a 'cliff' against the push of growth coming from the shaft." - Excerpta med. 2722 Wolbach, S. B. and Bessey, 0. A. TISSUE CHANGES IN VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES. Physiol. Rev., 1942, 22: 233-289. 345 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 13684. A comprehensive review of the morphological manifestations seen in de- ficiencies of vitamins, A, C, D, E, K and "M". See: 1134 2198 2660 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN A 2723 THE ACTION OF VITAMIN A IN CALCIFICATION. South Afr. M. J., 1949, 23: 787-788. 12 refs. A short report of the views held on the action of vitamin A. 2724 Bomskov C and Seemann, G. UBER EINE WIRK- UNG DES VITAMIN A AUF DEN MINERALHAUSHALT. Zschr. ges. exp. Med., 1933, 89: 771-779. 4 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait, 1936, 10: No. 3268. 2725 Cappellin, M. and Crepax, P. AZIONE DELLA VITAMINA A IN FORTI DOSI SUL SISTEMA OSSEO DEL RATTO ALBINO. Boll. Soc ital. biol. sper., 1950, 26: 1495-1497. 8 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 9638g. Rats were given by stomach tube, daily doses of vitamin A varying between 10,000 and 50,000 IU per animal per day. Doses of 10,000 IU were tolerated but at 20,000 IU and above complications appeared, in- creasing in proportion to the dose. X-rays revealed spontaneous multiple fractures. Anatomical studies showed marked anemia of all viscera, particularly liver and kidneys, considerable enlargement of the adrenals and atrophy of the thymus. Microscopic analysis of the long bones showed, in addi- tion to copious fibrous callus formation at fracture sites, gross changes in epiphyseal cartilage, in diaphyseal bone and in bone marrow. 27 26 Collazo, J. A. and Sanchez Rodriguez, J. HYPERVITAMINOSE A. II. EXOPHTHALMUS UND SPONTANFRAKTUREN. Klin. Wschr., 1933, 12: 1768-1771. 22 refs. 2727 Copp, D. H. and Greenberg, D. M. STUDIES ON BONE FRACTURE HEALING. I. EFFECT OF VITA- MINS A AND D. J. Nutrit., 1945, 29: 261- 267. 9 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 15752; Chem. Abstr., 1945, 39: 30435. 2728 Dejust, L. H. ACTION LOCALE DES VITAMINES. ERGOSTEROL ET CAROTENE. Rev. path, comp., Par., 1934, 34: 1771-1777. 13 refs. Ab- stracted in: ""Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 45472. 2729 Emerique, L. L'AVITAMINOSE A ET LA COMPOSI- TION CHIMIQUE DE L'ANIMAL. C. rend. Acad. sc, 1934, 199: 240-242. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 9: No. 13735. 2730 Fell, H. B. THE EFFECT OF VITAMIN A ON ORGAN CULTURES OF SKELETAL AND OTHER TISSUE. Tr. Conf. Connective Tissues, 1953, , 142-184. pi. 11 refs. 2731 Fell, H. B. and Mellanby, E. THE EFFECT OF HYPERVITAMINOSIS A ON EMBRYONIC LIMB-BONES CULTIVATED IN VITRO. J. Physiol., Lond., 1952, 116: 320-349. 3 pi. 28 refs. Findings indicate that vitamin A has a direct action on embryonic bone tissue. 2732 Fell, H. B. and Mellanby, E. EFFECT OF HYPERVITAMINOSIS A ON FOETAL MOUSE BONES CULTIVATED IN VITRO; PRELIMINARY COMMUNI- CATION. Brit. M. J., 1950, 2: 535-539. 16 refs. Abstracted in; BioT Abstr Bait., 1951, 25: No. 7505; Chem. Abstr 1952, 46: 76271. " 2733 Fell, H. B. and Mellanby, E. THE EFFECT OF VITAMIN A ON SKELETAL TISSUE CULTIVATED IN VITRO. J. Physiol., Lond., 1951, 115: Proc, 4-6. 3 refs. "The evidenceTndi- cates that the vitamin A is a main con- trolling factor in the development and growth of bone, and that the concentration in the tissues necessary for the proper de- velopment in any species of animal must be within fairly narrow limits." VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN A (Continued) 153 2734 Imura, T. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE EXPERI- MENTELLE RACHITIS. Tr. Jap. Path. Soc, 1930, 20: 44-49. Various groups of young rats were fed vitamin A and vitamin D deficient diets. It was concluded that vitamin A is necessary for elongation of the bones but does not influence calcifi- cation while vitamin D does not effect elongation but is necessary for calci- fication . 2735 Irving, J. T. THE EFFECTS OF AVITAMINOSIS AND HYPERVITAMINOSIS A UPON THE INCISOR TEETH AND INCISAL ALVEOLAR BONE OF RATS. J. Physiol., Lond., 1949, 108: 92-101. pi. 19 refs. Abstracted T57 Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 23906; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 194"3"":50, 19: No. 330. Findings suggest that in bone formation, vitamin A acts solely upon the osteoblasts. Exces- sive amounts in the diet depress the action of these cells while a lack of the vitamin causes them to engage in a disorderly ac- tivity. The response of the osteoclasts in avitaminosis is secondary and is an attempt to prevent excessive bone formation, 2736 Khain-Makarova, G. A. ZNACHENIE VITAMINOV A I GRUPPY B DLIA SKELETNOGO ROSTA. Arkh. pat., Moskva, 1953, 15: No. 2, 66-72. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 8201c. "Experiments with rats showed TKat with deficiencies in ... vitamins [A, Bi and B2] in the diet there is retard- ation of endochondral growth. Excess of vitamin A causes the reverse process of acceleration of aging and dystrophy of the cartilage cells, but this vitamin does not have the specificity ascribed to it by Wolbach (J. Bone Surg., 1947) and Mellanby (J. Physiol., 1947). Deficiencies in Bi and B2 vitamins and protein starvation give the same results as A deficiency." - Chem. Abstr. 2737 Klein Obbink, H. J. and Nieman, C. HYPER- VITAMINOSIS-A. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1953, 97: 872-877. 2 pi. Approx. 25 refs, Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 9438c. 2738 ♦Kollath, W. DAS WACHSTUMSPROBLEM UND DIE FRAGE DES ZELLERSATZES IN DER VITAMIN- FORSCHUNG. VII. DAS VERSAGEN DES VITA- MINS A ALS WACHSTUMSFAKTOR UND SEINE URACHE. Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1933, 170: 285-291. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 1571. 2739 Leitner, Z. A. PATHOLOGY OF VITAMIN A DEFI- CIENCY AND ITS CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE. Brit J. Nutrit., 1951, 5: 130-142. Approx. 150 refs. See particularly p. 130-132 for skeleton. Abstracted in: Excerpta,med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 1025. 2740 Maddock, C. L. and Wolbach, S. B. NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND CALCIUM METABOLISM IN THE RACHITIC RAT GIVEN EXCESSIVE DOSES OF VITA- MIN A. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1950, 9: 337. An abstract. "The results suggest that vitamin A acts by speeding up metabolic 2741 J , „ Maddock, C. L., Wolbach, S. B. and Maddock, S. HYPERVITAMINOSIS A IN THE DOG. J. Nutrit., 1949, 39: 117-137. pi. 39 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 11872. "A litter of 5 greyhound pup- pies, 3 males and 2 females, 2 months of age, was used. ... No spontaneous fractures resulted, but X-ray studies revealed ex- cessive remodelling of long bones. The dog responds, as do other laboratory ani- mals, to excessive doses of vitamin A. This response is marked by loss of appetite, marked loss in weight..." 2742 Mellanby, E. BONE OVERGROWTH AND NERVE DE- GENERATION PRODUCED BY DEFECTIVE DIET. J. Physiol., Lond., 1939, 96: Proc. 36-37. 5 refs. 2743 Mellanby, E. NUTRITION IN RELATION TO BONE GROWTH AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Proc. R. Soc, Ser. B, Biol. Sc., Lond., 1944, 132: 28-46. 10 pi. 23 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: 30041; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 194*3-45, 14: No. 1054. 2744 Mellanby, E. SKELETAL CHANGES AFFECTING THE NERVOUS SYSTEM PRODUCED IN YOUNG DOGS BY DIETS DEFICIENT IN VITAMIN A. J. Physiol., Lond., 1941, 99: 467-486. pi. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1942, 16: No. 1146. A part of this experiment on t*He effect of skeletal changes on the ner- vous system is devoted to effects of vitamin A deficiency on bone. 2745 Mellanby, E. VITAMIN A AND BONE GROWTH: THE REVERSIBILITY OF VITAMIN A-DEFICIENCY CHANGES. J. Physiol., Lond., 1947, 105: 382-399. 8 pi. 12 refs. AbstractecTTn: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 19855; Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 318"Jc. 2746 Roasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI ACCRESCIMENTO DELLE OSSA LUNGHE NEL RATTO ALBINO IN CARENZA ACUTA SPERIMENTALE DI VITAMINA A. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1952, 3: 174-176. 8 refs. A study of the knee joint and tibia of young rats kept on a completely vitamin A-deficient diet showed reduction of thickness of the meta- physeal cartilage, irregularity and partial absence of the stratum of hypertrophic cells, reduction of osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity and marked scantness and irregu- larity of osseous trabeculae. These facts were interpreted as attesting the arrest of endochondral ossification and of the ex- change processes of bone. The article be- gins with a review of the literature. 2747 Roasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI INCROSTAZIONE DEL RATTO ALBINO IN ACCRESCIMENTO NELLA CARENZA SPERI- MENTALE ACUTA DI VITAMINA A. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1952, 3: 273-274. Structure and growth in vitamin A deficiency. 2748 Simola, P. E. UBER DIE KNOCHEN- UND ZAHN- VERANDERUNGEN BEI A- UND B-AVITAMINOSE. Biochem. Zschr., 1932, 254: 245-250. 11 refs. Abstracted in; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 20780; Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, T532-33, 2: No. 2643. 2749 Strauss, K. BEOBACHTUNGEN BEI HYPERVITAMINOSE A. Beitr. path. Anat., 1934, 94: 345-352. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. AbiTr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 11610; Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, T934-35, 4: No. 3260. 154 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN A (Continued) 2750 Van Metre, J. E., Jr. THE INFLUENCE OF HYPER- VITAMINOSIS A ON BONE GROWTH. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1947, 81: 305-311. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 21041; Excerpta med., Sect. 3, 1949, 37 No. 82. 2751 VITAMIN A AND BONE GROWTH. (Editorial). J. Am. M. Ass., 1947, 134: 1019-1020. 2 refs. A short review discussing Mellanby and Wolbach's work. 2752 Wolbach, S. B. VITAMIN-A DEFICIENCY AND EXCESS IN RELATION TO SKELETAL GROWTH. J. Bone Surg., 1947, 29: 171-192. Also in: Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 1946, 16: 118-145. 20 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 24280; Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 19487 2: No. 2812. 2753 Wolbach, S. B. and Hegsted, D. M. HYPERVITA- MINOSIS A AND THE SKELETON OF GROWING CHICKS. A.M.A. Arch. Path., 1952, 54: 30-38. 7 refs, Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 5934; Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 981. "As in mammals, hypervitaminosls A in growing chicks accelerates all histologi- cal sequences concerned in bone growth in conformity with the normal growth patterns. 2754 Wolbach, S. B. and Hegsted, D. M. HYPERVITA- MINOSIS A IN YOUNG DUCX; THE EPIPHYSEAL CARTILAGE. A.M.A. Arch. Path., 1953, J55: 47-54. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1953, 6: No. 3805; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23: No. 4150. Young ducks fed excessive doses of vitamin A in their diet for 2 to 3 weeks were then killed and their epiphyseal cartilages com- pared with those of control ducks. Many evidences of accelerated endochondral os- sification were found in the hypervitamino- sis A ducks. On the basis of earlier experi- ments, it was concluded that the response was exactly the same as that in chicks and mammals and that "the only differences are quantitative..." 2755 Wolbach, S. B. and Hegsted, D. M. VITAMIN A DEFICIENCY IN THE DUCK. SKELETAL GROWTH AND THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. A.M.A. Arch. Path., 1952, 54: 548-563. 14 refs. Ab- stracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23- No 2840; Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 4442*. 2756 Wolbach S. B. and Maddock, C. L. RESPONSE OF THE RACHITIC METAPHYSIS IN THE RAT TO EXCESSIVE ADMINISTRATION OF VITAMIN A. Fed. Proc, Bait., 1949, 8: 376. An ab- stract . See: 773 2444 1344 2636 1367 2911 1515 2008 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN B COMPLEXES 2757 BOW LEGS IN DUCKS IN NIACIN DEFICIENCY. Nutrit. Rev., 1953, 11: 173-174 A re- view of dietary experiments on ducks which Revealed that the addition of adequate ma- cin to the diet prevents bow legs. 2758 Camurati, C. and Tessarolo, G. LA MEJA- CROMASIA DELLA CARTILAGINE DI ACCRESCIMENTO NELLA AVITAMINOSI B TOTALE CRONICA. Clin. ortop., Parma, 1952, 4: 487-490. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1954, 8: No. 615. 2759 Frandsen, A. M. GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATION OF THE MANDIBULAR JOINT IN THE RAT. V. THE EFFECT OF PANTOTHENIC ACID DEFICIENCY FROM BIRTH. Oral. Surg., 1953, 6: 892-897. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Brit. Abstr. M. Sc., 1954, p. 643. "... while the marked inani- tion which accompanied this deficiency may explain retardation of chondrogenesis and osteogenesis, it is not likely to account for the striking changes seen in the later stages." 2760 Gorlin, R. J. and Levy, B. M. CHANGES IN THE MANDIBULAR JOINT AND PERIODONTIUM OF VITA- MIN B COMPLEX DEFICIENT RATS AND THE COURSE OF REPAIR. J. Dent. Res., 1951, 30: 337- 345. 3 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 36788A. 2761 Julesz, M. and Winkler-Julesz, E. Bi VITAMIN HATASA IVARERESBEN LEVD NOSTENY NYULAK Es PATKANYOK HYPOPHYSISERE ES CSONTOSODASARA. Orv. lap., 1946, 2: 582-586. 8 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 8896*; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 21811. 2762 Kieny, M. ACTION DE L'ACIDE PARA-AMINOBENZOI- QUE SUR LA CROISSANCE DU TIBIA CARTILAGINEUX D'EMBRYON DE POULET EN CULTURE IN VITRO. C. rend. Acad, sc., 1953, 236: 1920-1922. Em- bryonic chick tibias cultured in a synthetic medium of 9 amino acids showed only slight linear growth and no increase in weight. When paraaminobenzoic acid was added the tibias showed marked increase in length and weight. Although paraaminobenzoic acid alone did not promote growth it was believed to act as a catalyzer when added to the cul- ture medium. 2763 Levy, B. M. THE EFFECT OF RIBOFLAVIN DEFI- CIENCY ON THE GROWTH OF THE MANDIBULAR CONDYLE OF MICE. Oral Surg., 1949, 2: 89- 96. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1930, 44: 8434S; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 20715. 2764 Levy, B. M. and Silberberg, R. EFFECT OF RIBOFLAVIN DEFICIENCY ON ENDOCHONDRAL OSSI- FICATION OF MICE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1946, 63: 355-360. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1: No. 538; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, T947-48, 17: No. 421. 2765 Levy, B. M. and Silberberg, M. INHIBITION OF ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION IN PANTOTHENIC ACID DEFICIENCY. Proc. Soc Exp. Biol , N. Y., 1946, 63: 380-383. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1947-48, 17; No. 458. In growing mice, pantothenic acid was found essential for growth of the skeleton but in the adult mouse, deprived of pantothenic acid, no skeletal changes were observed. 2766 Luyken, R. LACTOFLAVIN-DEFICIENCY AND BONAL STRUCTURE. Arch, neerl. physiol., 1946, 28- 230-231. 2 pi. 1 ref. Abstracted in: —' Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1949, 23: No. 14434 Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 7101""". 155 VITAMIN INFLUENCE (Continued) VITAMIN B COMPLEXES 2767 McQueeney, A. J., Ashburn, L. L., Daft, F S and Faulkner, R. TISSUE CHANGES AND SODIUM BALANCE IN PANTOTHENIC ACID-DEFICIENT RATS Endocrinclogy, 1947, 41: 441-450. 32 refs! Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1949, 2: No. 1343; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 15954. Changes in the adrenals, thymus lymph nodes, bone and marrow were studied. 2768 Masella, T. INFLUENZA DELLA LATTOFLAVINA E DELLA AVITAMINOSI B2 SUL CALLO DI FRATTURA CONTRIBUTO ISTOLOGICO. Rass. internaz clin. ter., 1950, 30: 200-205. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1951, 4- No 1225. -' 2769 Nelson, M. M., Sulon, E., Becks, H. and Evans. H. M. CHRONIC RIBOFLAVIN DEFICIENCY IN THE RAT. I. OSSIFICATION IN THE PROXIMAL TIBIAL EPIPHYSIS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N Y , 1947, 66: 631-635. 9 refs. Abstracted'in- Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1: No. 5453; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 16421. "In the deficient rats the growth of the tibia was retarded and endochondral ossifi- cation was gravely impaired. Marked reduc- tion in chondrogenesis and in capillary erosion and ossification were characteris- tic... Hematopoietic tissue was replaced by fat in all animals after 144 days on the deficient diet." 2770 Nelson, M. M., Sulon, E., Becks, H., Wain- wright, W. W. and Evans, H. M. CHANGES IN ENDOCHONDRAL OSSIFICATION OF THE TIBIA AC- COMPANYING ACUTE PANTOTHENIC ACID DEFICIENCY IN YOUNG RATS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 73: 31-36. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 17723; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4552a. 2771 Neuburger, F. and Scholl, R. UBER DIE WIRKUNG VON PARENTERAL VERABREICHTEM AZETYLCHOLIN AUF QUERGESTREIFTE MUSKELN, GELENKE UND KNOCHEN. II. MITTEILUNG. Arch. exp. Path,, Lpz., 1937, 188: 64-67. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.7T939, 33: 43179. 2772 Patrick, H. and Schweitzer, G. K. THE IN- FLUENCE OF CERTAIN WATER-SOLUBLE VITAMINS ON PHOSPHORUS p32 IN BONE MINERALIZATION. Poultry Sc., 1952, 31: 750-751. 5 refs. Results from this experiment with chicks seemed to indicate that the water-soluble vitamins control the rate of exchange of phosphorus in the blood with that in the bone 2773 Roasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI ACCRESCIMENTO DELLE OSSA LUNGHE NEL RATTO ALBINO IN CARENZA ACUTA DI VITAMINA B TOTALE. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1952, 3: 172-173. 5 refs. A histological study of the superior tibial metaphyseal car- tilage of young rats maintained on a diet completely deficient in vitamin B showed "not only an arrest of osteogenesis but a profound and total subversion of endochondral ossifi- cation . This was apparent in the marked thinness of the epiphyseal cartilage, total lack of the stratum of hypertrophic cells, absence of young new-formed osseous trabecu- lae, and the extreme reduction of the osseous processes of erosion and replacement." These conditions are compared with those in vitamin A deficiency. 2774 Roasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI ACCRESCIMENTO DELLE OSSA LUNGHE NEL RATTO ALBINO IN CARENZA ACUTA SPERIMENTALE DI VITAMINA Bi. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1952, 3: 170-171. 1 ref. Young rats fed a diet completely deficient in vitamin B were injected parenterally on alternate days with all the B group fractions except B^. A study made of the knee joint and tibia of these vitamin Bi-deficient animals showed a marked arrest of activity of the epiphyseal cartilage and of the substitution processes with new-formed bone trabeculae as well as considerable undermining of the normal struc- ture. A similarity is seen between the ef- fect on the metaphyseal cartilage of vitamin Bi and B complex deficiency and hypophysect- omy. 2775 Roasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI INCROSTAZIONE DEL RATTO ALBINO IN ACCRESCIMENTO NELLA CARENZA SPERI- MENTALE ACUTA DI VITAMINA B TOTALE E Bi. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1952, 3: 275-276. 2776 Salvini, M., Feruglio, F. S. and Baruffaldi, G. LA VITAMINA PP NELLA RIPARAZIONE DELLA FRATTURA OSSEA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1948, 24: 982-984. 3 refs. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 5, 1949, 2: No. 2831; Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 3586". 2777 Scartozzi, C. AZIONE DELL'ACIDO NIC0TINIC0 (VITAMINA P.P.) SUL PROCESSO DI RIPARAZIONE DELLE FRATTURE SPERIMENTALI E SUL SISTEMA RETICOLO ISTIOCITARIO. Arch. ital. med. sper., 1940, 6: 609-628. 51 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 14486. 2778 Silberberg, M., Levy, B. M. and Younger, F. SKELETAL CHANGES IN GROWING VITAMIN B COMPLEX-DEPLETED RATS AND THE COURSE OF RE- PAIR. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 67: 185-189. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 2, 1949, 2: No. 153; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 4253d. "In growing vitamin B complex-deficient rats, there is retarda- tion and finally, cessation of growth of cartilage and bone associated with serous atrophy of the bone marrow. The male is more sensitive to the deficiency than the female. After refeeding a stock diet, skeletal growth is resumed at an intensified rate resulting in early restoration of nor- mal conditions." 2779 Silberberg, R. and Levy, B. M. SKELETAL GROWTH IN PYRIDOXINE DEFICIENT MICE. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1948, 67: 259-263. 6 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1948, 22: No. 18446; Chem. Abstr., 1948, 42: 4651e. The histological changes in the long bones associated with the arrest of skeletal growth in pyridoxine deficient mice. 2780 Solarino, G. and Rizza, V. INFLUENZA DELL'- ACIDO NICOTINICO SUL PROCESSO DI GUARIGIONE DELLE FRATTURE SPERIMENTALI. Arch. ital. med. sper., 1941, 8: 193-216. 58 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 1472*. — 2781 Wainwright, W. W. and Nelson, M. M. EFFECT OF ACUTE PANTOTHENIC ACID DEFICIENCY ON THE TIBIA OF YOUNG RATS. J. Dent. Res., 1946, 25: 185-186. An abstract. Abstracted in; Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1948, 1: No. 198. 15>' VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN B COMPLEXES (Continued) 2782 Walker, A. R. P. CEREALS, PHYTIC ACID, AND CALCIFICATION. Lancet, Lond., 1951, 2: 244-248. Approx. 65 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 59Oh. See: 1312 2957 1521 2969 1906 2970 2736 2748 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN C 2783 Banks, S. W. BONE CHANGES IN ACUTE AND CHRONIC SCURVY. AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. J. Bone Surg., 1943, 25: 553-565. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 23889. 2784 Bayer, G. UBER DIE CHEMISCHE UND PHYSIKA- LISCHE BESCHAFFENHEIT DER KNOCHEN BEIM EXPERIMENTELLEN SKORBUT. Beitr. path. Anat., 1931, 87: 204-208. 5 refs. Ab- stracted in: CHem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 2502. 2785 Bourne, G. H. THE EFFECT OF VITAMIN C ON THE HEALING OF WOUNDS. Proc. Nutrit. Soc, Cambr., 1946, 4: 204-216. Discussion, p. 210-216. 27 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1948, 2: No. 975. A review on human scurvey and on the soft tissues and bone in experimental scurvy. 2786 Bourne, G. H. SOME EXPERIMENTS ON THE POS- SIBLE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VITAMIN C AND CALCIFICATION. J. Physiol., Lond., 1943, 102: 319-328. 2 pi. 19 refs. Abstracted 1E7 Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No. 19310; Chem. Abstr., 1944, 38: *5*2714. 2787 Burns, J. J., Burch, H. B. and King, C. G. THE METABOLISM OF 1-Cl4-L-ASC0RBIC ACID IN GUINEA PIGS. J. Biol. Chem., 1951, 191: 501-514. 33 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1951-52, 21: No. 3543. 2788 Camurati, C. and Tessarolo, G. INFLUENZE DEL CARICO E DELLA AVITAMINOSI C SULLA CARTI- LAGINE DI ACCRESCIMENTO DELLE CAVIE. RI- CERCHE ISTOCHIMICHE. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1953, 4: 131-134. 16 refs. Findings from this histochemical study indicated that vitamin C is responsible for the carti- laginous lesions and that the suppression of the load does not modify the effects produced by avitaminosis. 2789 Camurati. C and Tessarolo, G. RICERCHE SPERIMENTALI SUL COMPORTAMENTO DELLA META- CROMASIA NELLA CARTILAGINE DI CONIUGAZIONE DELLE CAVIE IN AVITAMINOSI C ACUTA. Clin. ortop., Parma, 1952, 4: 483-486. 10 refs. 2790 Diabri, A. EFFET DE L'ACIDE 1-ASCORBIQUE SUR L'OSTEOGENESE ET LA MINERALISATION DES OS DU COBAYE NORMALE ET SCORBUTIQUE. Internat. Zschr. Vitaminforsch., Bern, 1940, 10: 210- 223 49 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 17771; Chem. Abstr., 1941 35: 5944"*. "The resorption, of bone, which takes place in experimental scurvy, is inhibited by administering ascorbic acid. Within certain limits the osteogene- sis is proportional to the intake of vita- min C. Either during their resorption or apposition, no chemical changes could be found in the composition of bones." 2791 Ferrario, C. V. LA AVITAMINOSIS C EXPERI- MENTAL EN EL COBAYO Y LAS LESIONES DEN- TALES Y DEL PARADENCIO. Rev. odont., B. Air., 1941, 29: 115-142, 206-224. Ab- stracted in:~Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1941, 15: No. 21935. In guinea pigs experi- mental studies were made of the effects of vitamin C deficiency on teeth-and alveolar bone. 2792 Follis, R. H., Jr. HISTOCHEMICAL STUDIES ON CARTILAGE AND BONE. II. ASCORBIC ACID DE- FICIENCY. Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1951, 89: 9-20. 36 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. ABstr., Aberdeen, 1951-52, 21: No. 3544. Findings suggest that the vitamin C is intimately related to the activity or for- mation of mucopolysaccharides and phospha- tase in the "Gertlstmark". Its mode of ac- tion is unknown. 2793 Giangrasso, G. ACIDO ASCORBICO E TRAPIANTI OSSEI SPERIMENTALI. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1940, 15: 987-988. 2794 Giangrasso, G. and Gangitano, L. VITAMINA C E TRAPIANTI OSSEI SPERIMENTALI. Ortop. taumat. app. motore, 1946, 14: 149-162. 59 refs . 2795 Ham, A. W. and Elliott, H. C. THE BONE AND CARTILAGE LESIONS OF PROTRACTED MODERATE SCURVY. Am. J. Path., 1938, 14: 323-336. 3 pi. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 7858. 2796 Hanke, H. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER BEEINFLUSSUNG DER KNOCHENREGENERATION DURCH VITAMIN C. Deut. Zschr. Chir., 1935, 245: 530-545. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1935-36, 5: No. 2669. "Administration of vitamin C to rabbits and guinea pigs after bone resection acceler- ated bone regeneration. Rabbits regenerated bone completely, though slowly on a vitamin C free diet and these animals showed vita- min C deposits in the liver. In guinea pigs developing scurvy on a scorbutic diet, bone regeneration was greatly retarded."- Nutrit. Abstr. 2797 Kapp, H. and Schetty, A. UBER DEN MINERAL- BESTAND VON BLUT UND KNOCHEN BEIM EXPERI- MENTELLEN MEERSCHWEINSCHENSKORBUT. Biochem. Zschr., 1937, 290: 58-61. 24 refs. Ab- stracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-38, 7: No. 366; Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 437347 2798 Klein, L. NACHWEIS UND BEDEUTUNG DES VITAMIN C BEI KNOCHEN- UND MUSKELENTWICKLUNG Anat. Anz., 1938, 87: 13-21. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12- No 15988; Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 6U5I. 2799 Kodicek, E. and Murray, P. D. F. INFLUENCE OF A PROLONGED PARTIAL DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C ON THE RECOVERY OF GUINEA PIGS FROM IN- JURY TO BONES AND MUSCLES. Nature, Lond 1943, 151: 395-396. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1943-44, 13: No. 1156. No reopening of healed fractures was observed in guinea pigs deprived of vitamin C or vitamin D. 2800 Levy, B. M. and Gorlin, R. J. THE TEMPORO- MANDIBULAR JOINT IN VITAMIN C DEFICIENCY J. Dent. Res., 1953, 32: 622-625. "The ' histologic changes in-""he mandibular con- dyle of animals maintained on vitamin C-deficient diets are described. They are consistent with those described for other bones of scorbutic animals. VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN C (Continued) 157 2801 Lexer, E. W. nER EINFLUSS DES VITAMIN C AUF DIE REAKTIVE GEFAsSFOlLE BEI DER FRAKTUR- HEILUNG. Klin. Wschr., 1939, 18: 208-209. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 4643'. "There is a decreased hyperemia of the fracture in hypovitaminosis C and the periosteal vessels are extremely fragile." - Chem. Abstr. 2802 Maclean, D. L., Sheppard, M. and McHenry, E. W. TISSUE CHANGES IN ASCORBIC ACID DE- FICIENT GUINEA-PIGS. Brit. J. Exp. Path , 1939, 20: 451-457. 4 pi. 13 refs. Ab- stracted' in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 6682. In both bones and teeth "the vitamin deficiency causes a failure in those special cells which are concerned with the formation of calcific tissue. No evidence has been secured to support the jellation theory. Characteristic changes in other tissues have not been obtained. The inanition which is coincident with the de- velopment of ascorbic acid deficiency is not responsible for any of the observed histological changes." 2803 Mouriquand, G. and Dauvergne, M. OSTEOPATHIES PAR CARENCE. EVOLUTION DES OSTEOSES ET PfiRIOSTfiOSES PAR AVITAMINOSE C CHRONIQUE. Presse med., 1938, 46: 1081-1082. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 46439. 2808 Murray, P. D. F. and Kodicek, E. SOME HISTO- LOGICAL EFFECTS OF PARTIAL DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C ON HEALING PROCESSES: THE INFLU- ENCE OF BONE REPAIR. Proc. Nutrit. Soc, Carabr., 1946, 4: 200-203. 1 ref. An ex- periment investigating the statement that deprivation of vitamin C leads to reopening of healed fractures. Experimental diets were not given guinea pigs until callus formation was well advanced. In no case did the callus reopen. 2809 Perkins, H. R. and Zilva, S. S. THE INFLUENCE OF SCURVY AND FALL IN WEIGHT IN YOUNG GUINEA PIGS ON THE ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE CONTENT OF THE SERUM AND THE ZONES OF PROVISIONAL CAL- CIFICATION. Biochem. J., Lond., 1950, 47: 306-318. 16 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1951, 4: No. 4027; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 16564. 2810 Prozorovskaia, L. L. SODERZHANIE MAGNIIA V ZUBAKH I KOSTIAKH MORSKIKH SVINOK PRI EKSPERIMENTAL'NOI TSYNGE I POSLE EE LECHENIIA. [CONTENT OF MAGNESIUM IN TEETH AND BONES IN GUINEA PIGS IN EXPERIMENTAL SCURVY AND FOLLOWING ITS THERAPY] Stomatol- ogiia, Moskva, 1954, No. 1, 20-24. In guinea pigs experimental scurvy, produced by deficiency of vitamins C and P, was ac- companied by a fall in bone and dental mag- nesium. Therapy with vitamins C and P cured the scurvy but the magnesium levels did not return to normal until after two months. 2804 Mouriquand, G., Dauvergne, M. and Edel, V. SUR L'ACTION OSTEOPHYTOGENE DU JUS DE CITRON EN TERRAIN CARENCE. (ANTIVITAMINES OU DIETOTOXIQUES?) Internat. Zschr. Vitamin- forsch., Bern, 1949, 20: 386-392. 1 ref. Also in: Rev. rhumat., Par., 1949, 16: 67- 68. "In experiments undertaken to TTlumi- nate the pathogenesis of osteoclast forma- tion, small quantities of lemon juice in the diet were found necessary for their production, when there was inadequate in- take of vitamin C." 2305 Murray, P. D. F. and Kodicek, E. BONES, MUS- CLES AND VITAMIN C. I. THE EFFECT OF A PARTIAL DEFICIENCY OF VITAMIN C ON THE RE- PAIR OF BONE AND MUSCLE IN GUINEA-PIGS. J. Anat., Lond., 1949, 83: 158-174. pi. 26 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 902; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 8958. "The healing of ex- perimental fractures of the fibula in guinea-pigs was observed in partial vitamin C deficiency." 2306 Murray, P. D. F. and Kodicek, E. BONES, MUS- CLES AND VITAMIN C. II. PARTIAL DKFICIEN- CIES OF VITAMIN C AND MID-DIAPHYSEAL THICKENINGS OF THE TIBIA AND FIBULA IN GUINEA-PIGS. J. Anat., Lond., 1949, 83: 205-223. pi. 35 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 1, 1950, 4: No. 903; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 8958. The studies were made after-fracture, or attempted fracture, of the fibula. 2 i07 Murray, P. D. F. and Kodicek, E. BONES, MUS- CLES AND VITAMIN C. III. REPAIR OF THE EF- FECTS OF TOTAL DEPRIVATION OF VITAMIN C AT THE PROXIMAL ENDS OF THE TIBIA AND FIBULA IN GUINEA-PIGS. J. Anat., Lond., 1949, 83: 285-295. pi. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Ex- cerpta med., Sect. 5, 1950, 3: No. 3071; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24": No. 8958. 2811 Querido, A. and Gaillard, P. J. THE INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN C ON THE FORMATION OF COLLAGEN BY OSTEOGENETIC EXPLANTS IN TISSUE CULTURE. Acta brevia neerl., 1939, 9: 70-72. 2 refs. 2812 Roasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI ACCRESCIMENTO DELLE OSSA LUNGHE NELLA CAVIA IN AVITAMINOSI C ACUTA SPERIMENTALE. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1952, 3: 165-166. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 5772. "Vitamin C deficiency considerably reduces the activi- ty of the epiphysial cartilage of the long bones, inhibiting their osteoblastic ac- tivity." - Excerpta med. 2813 Roasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI INCROSTAZIONE DI CAVIA IN ACCRESCIMENTO NELLA CARENZA SPERIMENTALE ACUTA DI VITAMINA C. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1952, 3: 274-275. 2814 Robertson, W. van B. CONCENTRATION OF COLLAGEN IN GUINEA PIG TISSUES IN ACUTE AND PROLONGED SCURVY. J. Biol. Chem., 1950, 187: 673-677. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1951, 25: No. 16566. 2815 Robertson, W. van B. THE EFFECT OF ASCORBIC ACID DEFICIENCY ON THE COLLAGEN CONCENTRA- TION OF NEWLY INDUCED FIBROUS TISSUE. J. Biol. Chem., 1952, 196: 403-408. 12 refs. 2816 Robertson, W. van B. INFLUENCE OF ASCORBIC ACID ON Nl5 INCORPORATION INTO COLLAGEN IN VIVO. J. Biol. Chem., 1952, 197: 495-501. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1953, 6: No. 2038; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1953, 27: No. 513. 2817 Robertson, W. van B. and Schwartz, B. ASCORBIC ACID AND THE FORMATION OF COLLAGEN. J. Biol. Chem., 1953, 201: 689-696. 19 refs. 158 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN C (Continued) 2318 Roche, J. VITAMINE C ET SYSTEME OSSEUX (OS ET DENTS). Exposes ann. biochim. mgd., 1942, 3 ser. , 18-29. 6 refs. 2819 Roche, J. and Martin-Poggi, R. RECHERCHES SUR L'OSSIFICATION. X. CARENCE EN ACIDE ASCORBI- QUE ET REPARATION DES FRACTURES EXPfiRIMEN- T\LES. Tr. Soc. chim. biol., 1941, 23: 1545- 1^55. 2 refs. 2820 Salter, w. T. and Aub, J. C. STUDIES OF CAL- CIUM AND PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM. IX. DEPO- SITION OF CALCIUM IN BONE IN HEALING SCORBU- TUS. Arch. Path., Chic, 1931, 11: 380-382. pi. 5 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 9731; Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 4920. 2821 Scoz, G., Cattaneo, C. and Gabbrielli, M. C. IL CONSUMO DI OSSIGENO, I POTERI ENZIMATICI DEL FEGATO E I POTERI FOSFATASICI DEL SANGUE E DELL'OSSO NELLA AVITAMINOSI C SPERIMENTALE. Enzymologia, Haag, 1937, 3: 29-40. Approx. 34 refs Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1937, 31: 86316. See: 2822 Shaw, J. H., Phillips, P. H. and Elvehjem, C. A. ACUTE AND CHRONIC ASCORBIC ACID DE- FICIENCIES IN THE RHESUS MONKEY. J. Nutrit. 1945, 29: 365-372. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. ABstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 18719. The study includes a description of skeletal changes. 2823 Statsmann, L. ZUR CHEMISCHEN ZUSAMMENSETZUNG SKORBUTISCHER KNOCHEN. Biochem. Zschr., 1930, 217: 395-399. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. A*Bstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 6052; Chem. Abstr., 1930, 24: 2167. 2824 ♦Terzi, M. IPO-VITAMINOSI ZIONI OSTEO-ARTICOLARI. Parma, 1950, 2: 350-361 Excerpta med., Sect. 9, C CRONICA E ALTERA- Clin. ortop., Abstracted in: 1951, 5: No. 5968. 2825 Tinacci, F. SUI RAPPORTI TRA ACIDO ASCORBICO E METABOLISMO DEI MUCOPOLISACCARIDI MESEN- CHIMALI. Arch, sc. biol., Bologna, 1952, 36: 127-134. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1952, 22: No. 2143, 2826 Trizzino, E. and Grimaldi, G. SULL'AZIONE DELLA VITAMINA C NEI PROCESSI DI GUARIGIONE DELLE FRATTURE. Arch. ital. anat. pat., 1940, 12: 502-521. 95 refs. 2827 Wersch, H. J. van. SCURVY AS A SKELETAL DIS- EASE; A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SCURVY AND RICKETS, CLINICALLY, HISTOLOGICALLY, HISTO- CHEMICALLY, BIOCHEMICALLY AND ROENTGENOLOGI- CALLY. 365p. Utrecht, Dekker & Van de Vegt, 1954. Bibliography: p. 350-365. 2828 Wolbach, S. B. VITAMIN 0 AND THE FORMATION OF INTRACELLULAR MATERIAL. N. England J. M., 1936, 215: 1158-1159. An abstract. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1937, 3_1: 62957. Cevitamic acid seems to be neces- sary for the formation of intracellular substances (white fibrous tissue, bone, cartilage and dentine) which have collagen as their bases. 753 811 836 840 853 955 964 1157 1169 1206 1219 1441 1446 1510 1616 1979 2011 2142 2162 2253 2260 2606 2915 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D (including calcium- phosphorus imbalance studies) 2829 Alquier, J., Asselin, L., Kogane, M. and Silvestre de Sacy, G. VARIATIONS DE LA COM- POSITION MINERALE DU TISSUE OS.SEUX CHEZ LE RAT NORMAL^ RACHITIQUE, ET GUERI DU RACHI- TISME EXPERIMENTAL. C. rend. Acad. sc., 1930, 190: 334-336. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr.7~T930, 24: 2173. 2830 Aquila, N. RICERCHE SUL COMPORTAMENTO DEGLI ACIDI NUCLEICI CELLULARI NEL CALLO DI FRAT- TURA. Arch. sc. med., Tor., 1952, 94: 288- 296. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 1810f. Experiments with rabbits indicated that changes in the cellular me- tabolism of the osseous callus are due to the presence of nucleic acids. After treat- ment with vitamin D greater quantities of the nucleic acids were found in the fibroplastic cells but they were not observed in the car- tilage cells. It was concluded that vita- min D accelerates fracture healing either by its effect on the fixation of calcium salts or by increasing cellular metabolism, as indicated by the presence of abundant ribo- nucleic acid in the fibroblasts and inter- stitial tissue. 2831 Bailie, J. M. and Irving, J. T. CHANGES IN THE METAPHYSIS OF THE LONG BONES DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF RICKETS. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1948, 29: 539-546. 2 pi. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50, 19: No. 844. 2832 Bauer, W. and Marble, A. STUDIES ON THE MODE OF ACTION OF IRRADIATED ERGOSTEROL. Ill THE EFFECT OF IRRADIATED ERGOSTEROL ADMINI- STRATION ON THE FORMATION OF BONE TRABECU- LAE. J. Clin. Invest., 1932, 11: 37-45. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 1642; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1932-33, 327 No. 154. "The administration of a high calcium diet to cats with calcium phosphate deficiency of the bone results in an in- crease in the number of bone trabeculae. This increase in the number of bone trabecu- lae is greater when, in addition to a high calcium diet, irradiated ergosterol is given." 2833 Baumann, R. and Pommer, A. SPATRACHITIS BEIM HUND. Wien. tier3rztl. Mschr., 1951, 38: 353-359. Abstracted in: Bull. Anal CNRS 1952, 13: pt. 2, No. 105444. X-ray and ' histological study of the modifications of bone structure in late rickets of the skele- ton of a five month old dog. 2834 Becks, H., Collins, D. A. and Axelrod, H E THE EFFECTS OF A SINGLE MASSIVE DOSE OF VITAMIN D2 (D-STOFF THERAPY) ON ORAL OR OTHER TISSUES OF YOUNG DOGS. Am. J. Orthodont., 1946, 32: 452-462. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1947, 21: No 8377; Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 3*34*2* 159 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D (Continued) 2835 Bomskov, C. and Krtlger, E. DER MAGNESIUM- GEHALT DES BLUTSERUMS BEI EXPERIMENTELLER RACHITIS UND D-HYPERVITAMINOSE. Zschr Kinderh., 1931, 52: 47-53. 29 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 3014. 2836 Boyle, P. E. and Wesson, L. G. INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN D ON THE STRUCTURE OF THE TEETH AND OF THE BONES OF RATS ON LOW CALCIUM DIETS. Arch. Path., Chic, 1943, 36: 243-252. 15 refs. Abstracted in: NutrTT. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1944-45, 14: No. 181. 2837 Bruce, H. M. and Parkes, A. S. RICKETS AND OSTEOPOROSIS IN XENOPUS LAEVIS. J. Endocr., Lond., 1950, 7: 64-81. pi. 33 refs. "The results... show that calcification in Xeno- pus is defective if vitamin D is deficient, even when there is an adequate supply of minerals in the diet. In this respect Xenopus resembles infants and puppies, but differs from smaller mammals such as rats, mice and hamsters, which, provided the cal- cium and phosphorus in the diet are well balance, apparently require extremely lit- tle, if any, vitamin D. The deformities of infantile rickets, 'knock nees, bow legs, enlargement of the epiphyses, malformations of the chest, contracted pelvis...' have their counterpart in corresponding skeletal deformities in Xenopus." 2838 Buckner, G. D., Insko, W. M., Jr., Henry, A. H. and Wachs, E. F. THE INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN D ON THE GROWTH AND OSSIFICATION OF THE STERNI, TIBIAE, FEMORA AND METATARSI OF NEW HAMPSHIRE COCKERELS. Poultry Sc., 1952, 31: 628-632. 1 ref. Vitamin D increased th"e weight, volume, length, and percentage of ash in the tibiae, femora, metatarsi, and sterni, influencing weight and volume more than length. It greatly influenced the rate of growth of bone in the keels but not the length of cartilage. 2839 Burmeister, W. UBER DEN CITRONENSAURE-GEHALT IM KNOCHEN BEI RACHITISHEILUNG. (TIEREX- PERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN.) Zschr. Kinderh., 1953, 73: 312-318. 10 refs. Ab- stracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1954, 24: No. 351. 2843 Coleman, R. D., Becks, H., Van Nouhuys, K. F. and Copp, D. H. SKELETAL CHANGES IN SEVERE PHOSPHORUS DEFICIENCY OF THE RAT. I. TIBIA, METACARPAL BONE, C0STOCH0NDRAL JUNCTION, CAUDAL VERTEBRA. Arch. Path., Chic, 1950, 50: 209-232. 1* refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., S*ct. 5, 1951, 4: No. 1577. 2844 Collazo, J. A., Rubino, P. and Varela, B. DIE ROLLE DES VITAMINS D Full DIE REGENE- RATION DES KNOCHENGEWEBES UND DIE CAL- LUSBILDUNG BEI EXPERIMENTELLEN FRAKTUREN. Arch. klin. Chir., 1930, JJj8: 214-223. 15 refs. Abstracted in: J. Bone Surg., 1930, 12: 704; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1931, 5: No."T0862. 2845 De Does, J. J., Gorter, E. and Seeder, W. A. EEN ORJECTIEVE METH0DE 0M IN VIVO HET KALK- GEHALTE VAN HET BEENSTELSEL TE BEPALEN, IN HET BIJZONDER BIJ RACHITIS. Ned. tschr. geneesk., 1933, 77: 25-31. pi. French and English summaries. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 2466. "We found by this method that during the recovery from rick- ets, there is not only an increase of the calcium amount, but also a displacement of the calcium concentration at the epiphysi- cal borderline." 2846 Dikshit, P. K. and Patwardhan, V. N. MODE OF ACTION OF VITAMIN D. ITS EFFECT ON THE CAL- CIFYING OF RACHITIC EPIPHYSES. Indian J M. Sc, 1952, 6: 107-116. Abstracted in- Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 11369b. 2847 Dikshit, P. K. and Patwardhan, V. N. STUDIES IN EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS. THE ALKALINE SERUM PHOSPHATASE IN RACHITIC ALBINO RATS. Indian J. M. Res., 1947, 35: 91-99. 20 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem.Tbstr., 1948, 42: 5109c. 2848 Dikshit, P. K. and Patwardhan, V.N. STUDIES IN EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS. THE CHANGES IN THE IONIC PRODUCTS OF CALCIUM PHOSPHATES AND THE SERUM ALKALINE PHOSPHATASE WITH THE ONSET, PROGRESS AND HEALING OF RICKETS. Indian J. M. Res., 1946, 34: 263-272. 2 pi 20 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1947-48, 17: No. 771. 2840 Causeret, J. LA VITAMINE D, FACTEUR DE REGU- LATION DU POUVOIR PHYSIOLOGIQUE DE FIXATION DU CALCIUM. C. rend. Acad, sc., 1953, 237: 104-106. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1953, 47: 12542f. 2841 Champeau, M. F. and Lecoq, R. TABLEAU HISTO- LOGIQUE DES LESIONS OSSEUSES DU RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL CHEZ LE RAT. C. rend. Soc biol., 1947, 141: 993-994. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1948-49, 18: I*. 392. 2842 Cohn, W. E. and Greenberg, D. M. STUDIES IN MINERAL METABOLISM WITH THE AID OF ARTIFICIAL RADIOACTIVE ISOTOPES. III. THE INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN D ON THE PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM OF RACHITIC RATS. J. Biol. Chem., 1939, 130; 625-634. 20 refs. "...results brought out in this work indicate that a speeding up of the organic phosphorus' metabolism through the agency of vitamin D may be an important factor in the mineralization of bone." 2849 Dodds, G. S. and Cameron, H. C. THE SO-CALLED METAPLASIA OF THE CARTILAGE. REMNANTS IN THE RACHITIC METAPHYSIS. Anat. Rec., 1935, 61: Suppl., p. 14. An abstract. 2850 Dodds, G. S. and Cameron, H. C. STUDIES ON EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS IN RATS. I. STRUC- TURAL MODIFICATIONS OF THE EPIPHYSEAL CAR- TILAGES IN THE TIBIA AND OTHER BONES. Am. J. Anat., 1934, 55: 135-160. 3 pi. 8 refs. A detailed-histological description of changes found in the bones of rats on normal and rickets-producing diets. 2851 Dodds, G. S. and Cameron, H. C. STUDIES ON EX- PERIMENTAL RICKETS IN RATS. II. THE HEALING PROCESS IN THE HEAD OF THE TIBIA AND OTHER BONES. Am. J. Path., 1938, 14: 273-296. 6 pi. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 7265. Detailed de- scription of healing process studied by hematoxylin sections, silver preparations and fr#qpent X-ray photographs. 160 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D (Continued) 2852 • Dodds, G. S. and Cameron, H. C. STUDIES ON EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS IN RATS. III. THE BE- HAVIOR AND FATE OF THE CARTILAGE REMNANTS IN THE RACHITIC METAPHYSIS. Am. J. Path., 1939, 15: 723-740. 2 pi. 10 refs. Ab- stracte**" in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 4794. 2853 Dodds, G. S. and Cameron, H. C. STUDIES ON EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS IN RATS. IV. THE RE- LATION OF RICKETS TO GROWTH, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE BONES. Am. J. Path., 1943, 19: 169-185. 27 refs. Abstracted in: BioT. Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: No. 13679. The progress of rickets and the growth of bones are traced by roentgeno- grams . 2854 Dolfini, G. and Robuschi, L. ULTERIORE CON- TRIBUTO SULL'AZIONE DELL'ERGOSTERINA IRRA- DIATA NELL'OSTEOPATIA DA STRONZIO. Atti 1st. venet. sc., 1930-1931, 90: 1087-1106. 3 pi. 21 refs. 2855 ♦Edel, V. RACHITISME CHRONIQUE EXPERIMENTAL. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1939, 131: 275-277. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1939-40, 9: No. 3290. 2856 Fernando, C. and Bruno, B. INFLUENZA DELLA LUCE SULL'AZIONE ANTIRACHITICA DEL FOSFORO. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1938, 13: 164-166. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1938-39, 8: No. 2167. 2857 Fischmann, C. F. TISSUE CULTURE EXPERIMENTS ON THE INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN D ON OSSIFICA- TION. Arch. exp. Zellforsch., 1937, 19: 211. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 193*7, 31: 86188. 2858 Follis, R. H., Jr. GLYCOGEN IN RACHITIC CAR- TILAGE AND ITS RELATION TO HEALING. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 71: 441-443. 13 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1950, 24: No. 9505; Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 80381". 2859 Freeman, S. and McLean, F. C. EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS, BLOOD AND TISSUE CHANGES IN PUP- PIES RECEIVING A DIET VERY LOW IN PHOS- PHORUS, WITH AND WITHOUT VITAMIN D. Arch. Path., Chic, 1941, 32: 387-408. 21 refs. 2860 Freund, E. BEHAVIOR OF JOINT CARTILAGE IN LATE RICKETS. CONTRIBUTION TO THE QUESTION OF ATROPHY OF CARTILAGE. Arch. Surg., 1938, 37: 470-489. 7 refs. 2861 Garcia, I. VARIATIONS DU RAPPORT: PHOSPHORE/ AZOJE (P/N) DE L'OS AU COURS DU RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL CHEZ LE RAT. C. rend. Soc. biol., 1935, nj}: 109-111. 1 ref. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 51569. 2362 Garcia-Valdecasas, F., Kapff, J. and. Salva, J. A. EFECTOS DE LA ADMINISTRACION PRO- LONGADA DE CALCIFEROL. Arch. Inst. farm. exp., Madr., 1951, 3: 82-87. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 3126f. 2863 ♦Glanzmann, E., Meier, K. and Uehlinger, E. EXPERIMENTELLE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER CALCIUM SULFAT. RACHITIS BEI RATTEN UND IHRE BEEINFLUSSUNG DURCH DEN VITAMIN-D STOSS. Zschr. Vitaminforsch., Bern, 1946, 17: 131- 142. Abstracted in- Chem. Abstr., T9"47, 41: 5932S. 2864 Glanzmann, E., Meier, K. and Walthard, B. gXPERIMENTELLE UND KLINISCHE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER VERHUTUNG UND HEILUNG DER RACHITIS DURCH ZITRONENSAURE. Zschr. Vitaminforsch., Bern, 1946, 17: 159-206. 21 refs. 2865 Gordonoff, T. and Minder, W. LE RACHITISME, LA VITAMINE D ET L'ACIDE CITRIQUE. J. physiol., Par., 1952, 44: 591-593. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1953, 23: No..1522. 2866 Gordonoff, T. and Minder, W. VERSUCHE MIT DEM CALZIUMISOTOP 45<"A AN RACHITISCHEN UND MIT ZITRONENSAURE GEHEILTEN RATTEN. Internat. Zschr. Vitaminforsch., Bern, 1951, 23: 16-21. 7 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1952, 5: No. 5819. 2867 Gordonoff, T. and Minder, W. VERSUCHE MIT DEM KALZIUMISOTOP 45ca AN RACHITISCHEN UND MIT VITAMIN D GEHEILTEN RATTEN. 2. MITTEILUNG: Internat. Zschr. Vitaminforsch., Bern, 1952, 23: 504-507. 3 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 9179b. 2868 Grauer, R. C. THE EFFECT OF VIOSTEROL ON THE PERIOSTEUM IN EXPERIMENTAL FRACTURES. Arch. Surg., 1932, 25: 1035-1054. Ab- stracted in: Biol. ATSstr . , Bait., 1934, 8: No. 9599; Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 1946. 2869 Grauer, R. C. PRODUCTION OF OSTEITIS FIBROSA WITH OVERDOSES OF VITAMIN D. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1932, 29: 466-467. 2870 Gubner, R. THE METABOLIC BACKGROUND OF RICKETS; AN INTERPRETIVE REVIEW. N. England J. M., 1937, 216: 879-887. 93 refs. Ham, A. W. and Lewis, M. D. HYPERVITAMINOSIS D RICKETS; THE ACTION OF VITAMIN D. Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1934, 15: 228-234. 16 refs. 2872 Hamilton, B. and Highman, W. J., Jr. THE CHANGES IN TOTAL CALCIUM CONTENT OF THE BONES DURING THE DEVELOPMENT OF RICKETS. J. Nutrit., 1938, 15: 177-186. 14 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1938, 12: No. 3165; Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32- 5~*504. —' 2873 Hamperl, H. DIE ANATOMISCHEN GRUNDLAGEN UND DIE ENTSTEHUNG DER SOG. QUERSCHATTEN IN DEN METAPHYSEN WACHSENDER KNOCHEN. Zschr Kinderh., 1934, 56: 324-337. 47 refs. From radiologicaT~and histological studies of the growing bones of 3 human subjects it was concluded that the observed metaphyseal striations were due to faulty ossification This was believed to result from overdosage of phosphorus, arsenic, lead, vitamin D or from congenita. 161 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D (Continued) 2874 Harrison, H. E. and Harrison, H C THE UP- TAKE OF RADIOCALCIUM BY THE SKELETON- THE EFFECT OF VITAMIN D AND CALCIUM INTAKE J Biol. Chem., 1950, 185: 857-867. 8 refs. Abstracted in: BiolTTfbstr., Bait , 1951 25: No. 7493; Chem. Abstr., 1950,'44: T5868h. Findings indicate that bone cal- cium is rapidly exchanged with body fluid calcium, that the rate of turnover of skeletal calcium is increased by admini- stration of vitamin D, and that the ex- change of calcium between skeleton and body fluids is slower in older rats. Because of the rapid exchange of calcium, the up- take of Ca45 by the bones cannot be taken as a measure of new bone formation 2875 Henry, K. M. and Kon, S. K. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CALCIUM RETENTION AND BODY STORES OF CALCIUM IN THE RAT: EFFECT OF AGE AND OF VITAMIN D. Brit. J. Nutrit., 1953, 7: 147- 159. 36 refs. Abstracted in: Chem."Abstr., 1953, 47: 7050h. A description, with de- tailed tables, of experiments with 3 groups of litter-mate male rats fed diets contain- ing different levels of Ca and P and regu- lar amounts of cod liver oil. Results showed that Ca retention decreased in all groups as the animals aged. Bone analyses indicated that the calcification rate initially depends on the calcium content of the diet but that calcification in year old rats is similar in all groups. It is suggested that before calcification is com- plete, Ca retention from a low Ca diet is influenced by the animals' body store. A second experiment, in which the various Ca and P level diets were supplemented, or not supplemented, by vitamin D is con- sidered proof that vitamin D had no effect on Ca metabolism in rats. 2876 Hurni, H. VERGLEICHENDE UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DIE ANTIRACHITISCHE WIRKSAMKEIT VON VITAMIN D UND ZITRONENSAURE AUF DIE EXPERIMENTELLE RATTENRACHITIS. Internat. Zschr. Vitamin- forsch., Bern, 1948, 20: 216-228. pi. 6 refs. 2877 Itoh, M. UBER DIE VERANDERUNGEN DER HART- GEWEBE UND INNERSEKRETORISCHEN DRlJSEN DURCH WIEDERHOLTE UBERDOSIERUNG VON VITAMIN-D. Tr. Soc. path, jap., 1938, 28: 493-499. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 21913. 2878 Jansen, B. C. P. THE NECESSITY OF VITAMIN D IN OLD AGE. Rev. med. Li"3ge, 1950, 5: 667- 669. 1 ref. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 2, 1951, 4: No. 3328. 2879 Jones, J. H. THE PRODUCTION OF HYPERCALCEMIA WITH SMALL AMOUNTS OF VITAMIN D. J. Nutrit., 1944, 28: 7-16. 15 refs. Study was with rats on-various experimental diets. Calci- um of sera was analyzed, the wrist bone ex- amined for development of rickets, and per- centage ash of the lipoid free bone of the femur determined. Data obtained support the view that vitamin D increases absorption of calcium from the intestines, and, serve to emphasize the importance of the calcium- phosphorus product of the serum in calcifi- cation . 2880 Jones, J. H. and Robson, G. M. THE EFFECT OF LARGE DOSES OF IRRADIATED ERGOSTEROL UPON THE ASH CONTENT OF THE FEMORA OF YOUNG AND ADULT RATS. J. Biol. Chem., 1931, 91: 43- 56. 10 refs. Abstracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 10548; Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 3697. "Irradiated ergosterol in extremely toxic doses has no specific ac- tion which results in actually withdrawing calcium salts from bone comparable to its ossifying action when given in therapeutic doses." 2881 Jones, J. H. and Robson, G. M. THE EFFECT OF OVERDOSES OF IRRADIATED ERGOSTEROL, AD- MINISTERED FOR APPROXIMATELY TWO MONTHS, ON THE COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF THE BONES OF RATS. Am. J. Physiol., 1933, 103: 338- 350. pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 5625; Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 2713. 2882 ♦Kanazawa, K. [FAT AT THE ENDOCHONDRAL SITE OF OSSIFICATION IN RICKETS AND OSTEOMALACIA] Mitt. path. Inst. Niigata Med. Fakultat, 1932, 25: 1-9. In German. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 54596. "In clinical cases and in experimental rickets in rab- bits, the fat in the hydrophilic zone of ossification increased as the disease be- came worse and diminished as the disease improved." - Chem. Abstr. 2883 Karshan, M. and Rosebury, T. CORRELATION OF CHEMICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CHANGES IN TEETH AND BONES ON RACHITIC AND NON-RACHITIC DIETS. J. Dent. Res.; 1933, 13: 305-310. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 3486; Chem. Abstr., 1933, 27: 5379. 2884 Kollath, W. DAS WACHSTUMSPROBLEM UND DIE FRAGE DES ZELLERSATZES IN DER VITAMINFORSCHUNG. VIII. MITTEILUNG: UBER DIE UNSPEZIFISCHEN GRUNDLAGEN DER RACHITIS UND DER RACHITISAHN- LICHEN KRANKHEITEN: KNOCHEN. (VERSUCH 25- 42). Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1933, 170: 635-665. 1 ref. 2885 Kollath, W. DAS WACHSTUMSPROBLEM UND DIE FRAGE DES ZELLERSATZES IN DER VITAMINFORSCHUNG. IX. MITTEILUNG: UBER DIE UNSPEZIFISCHEN GRUNDLAGEN DER RACHITIS UND RACHITISXHN- LICHEN KRANKHEITEN: KNORPEL. (VERSUCH 43- 46). Arch. exp. Path., Lpz., 1933, 170: 666-682. 64 refs. 2886 Kotrnetz, H. and Weiss, 0 BEEINFLUSSUNG DER CALLUSBILDUNG DURCH A.T.10. Klin. Wschr., 1937, 16: 1469-1471. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-38, 7: No. 4683. Roentgenological observations. 2887 Kraemer, V. von, Landtman, B. and Simola, P. E. IN VITRO STUDIES ON ROLE OF VITAMIN D IN METABOLISM OF CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS IN RAT BONES. Acta physiol. scand., 1940, 1: 285-298. 8 refs. 2888 Kramer, B., Shear, M. J. and Siegel, J. COM- POSITION OF BONE. X. MECHANISM OF HEALING IN EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS. Acta paediat., Upps., 1930, 11: 350-352. 2 refs. 2889 Latta, J. S. and Tristan, T. A. ALTERATIONS IN LONG BONES OF YOUNG ALBINO RATS INDUCED BY DIHYDROTACHYSTEROL (HYTAKEROL). Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1950, 75: 403-408. 13 refs. Abstracted in: NutritT Abstr., Aberdeen, 1950-51, 20: No. 4927. The histological alterations described in this report are considered the result of direct action of dihydrotachysterol causing a re- moval of calcium from bone. 2890 Lindquist, B. EFFECT OF VITAMIN D ON THE METABOLISM OF RADIOCALCIUM IN RACHITIC RATS. Acta paediat., Upps., 1952, 41: Suppl. 86. 82p. pi. Approx. 85 refs. VITAMIN T.-.FT rjKCE - VITAMIN D (Continued) 162 2891 Lund, A. i>. and Armstrong, W. D. THE EFFECT OF A LOW CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D FREE DIET ON THE STELETON AND TEETH OF ADULT RATS. J. Dent. Res., 1942, 21: 513-518. 14 refs. Abstracted in: EioTT Abstr., Bait., 1943, 17: Ho. 23949, Studies of the effect of "Hie diet on the calcium-phosphorus balance and on the composition of bones and teeth indicated that bone substance was lost from the Interior of the bone without loss from the surface and that the ainexal and or- ganic phases were proportionately decreased In the osteoporetic bone. 2892 Lund, A. P. and Armstrong, W. D. EFFECT OF LOW-CALCIUM AND VITAMIN D-DEFICIENT DIET ON BONES AND TEETH OF MATURE RATS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 50: 363-365. 3 refs.' "The average volume of the humeri of the experimental animals did not differ from that of the controls but the average density of the bones of the former animals was 10.8% less than that of the controls. 2893 McGowan, J. P. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON RICKETS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ITS OCCURRENCE IN PIGS. Brit. M. J., 1933, II_: 599-602. 25 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 6970. 2894 McLean, F. C. THE PATHOGENESIS OF RICKETS. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians, 1936, 5J.: 144-147. 6 refs. Observations "have led us to the working hypothesis that calcification oc- curs in two steps, first, formation of a colloidal complex of calcium and phosphate in the fluids of the body; and second, deposition of this substance, aided by some specific process analogous to adsorption. In typical rickets only the first of these two steps is at fault..." 2895 Malmberg. N. OCCURENCE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF EARLY PERIOSTEAL PROLIFERATION IN THE DIA- PHYSES OF PREMATURE INFANTS. Acta paediat., Upps., 1945, 32: 626-633. pi. 5 refs. The periosteal proliferation at the diaphy- sis of the long bones of the majority of prematurely born infants, which may be seen by roentgen examination at 4-6 weeks of age, are thought to be due to vitamin D defi- ciency and to be early evidence of rickets. Data are presented to support this view. 2896 Marek, J., Wellmann, O. and Urbanyi, L. CHEMISCHER AUFBAU DER KNOCHENSALZE BEI GESUNDEN UND BEI RACHITISCHEN TIEREN. Hoppe Seyler Zschr., 1934, 226: 3-17. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 28: Biol. Abstr 10: No. 18325; Chem. Abstr 1936. 61779.*"" 2897 ♦Marek, J., Wellmann, 0. and Urbanyi, L. [SUM- MARY OF THE NATURE OF RHACHITIS AND SIMILAR BONE DISEASES, WITH RESPECT TO RECENT IN- VESTIGATIONS] Acta vet. hung., 1949, 1: 47- 61. 49 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 1212b. 2898 Marek. J., Wellmann, 0. and Urbfnyi, L. tovAbbi VIZSGALATOK AZ ANG0LK0RR0L £S A CSONTLAgYNLAsROL. Allatorv. lap., 1938, 61: 75-79. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 19*38, 32: 41971. Marek, J., Wellmann, 0. and Urbanyi, L. UNTERSUCHUNGEN f*BER RACHITIS UND VERWANDTE. KN0CHENERKRANKUNGEN. III. MITTEILUNG. VER- SUCHE AN HUNDEN. Arch. wiss. prakt. Tierh., 1939 74- 421-432. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr."""Aberdeen, 1939-40, 9: No. 2856. 2900 Mascherpa, p. and Lusignani, G. AZIONE ASS0- CIATA DEL FLUORURO DI SODIO E DELLA VITAMINA D SU ALCUNI COMPONENTI CHIMICI DELLE OSSA. Boll. Soc. ital. biol. sper., 1936, 11: 720- 723. 10 refs. Abstracted in: NutriTT Abstr., Aberdeen, 1937-38, 7: No. 250. 2901 Mellanby, E. A STORY OF NUTRITIONAL RESEARCH. THE EFFECT OF SOME DIETARY FACTORS ON BONES AND THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 454p. Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1950. Refs.: p. 200-203, 437-440. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1950-51, 20: No. 3018. The author interprets the functions of "these two in- separables, vitamins A and D... First vita- min A controls, or at least influences, the activity of the osteoblasts which lay down the soft bone matrix. Vitamin D then at- tends to the calcification of this osteoid tissue, and finally vitamin A again steps in and sees that any superfluous calcified bone is removed by osteoclastic action and that the bone shape is correct." 2902 Meyer zu Hbrste, G. DIE VERKALKUNG RACHITI- SCHEN RATTENKNORPELS IN VITRO UNTER VER- SCHIEDENEN BEDINGUNGEN. Mschr. Kinderh., 1930, 48: 6-8. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932, *25: 3011. 2903 Meyer zu Hbrste, G. VERKALKUNGS VERSUCHE IN VITRO. ERSTE MITTEILUNG: DIE VERKALKUNG RACHITISCHEN RATTENKNORPELS IN EINER ANORGANISCHEN SALZLOSUNG. Jahrb. Kinderh., 1931, 131: 203-215. 38 refs. Abstracted in: BioTT Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 22275; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1931-32, 1: No. 697. 2904 Migicovsky, B. B. and Emslie, A. R. G. DE- POSITION OF RADIOACTIVE CALCIUM IN RACHITIC AND NON-RACHITIC CHICK TIBIA FROM ORAL AND INTRAMUSCULAR DOSES OF CA45. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1950, 28: 324-328. 5 refs. Ab- stracted in: C*fiem. Abstr., 1951, 45: 5780*. "Experiments on the deposition of"calcium in rachitic and nonrachitic chick tibia from oral and intramuscular doses indicate that vitamin D does not exert a direct ef- fect on the mineralization of bones of chicks." 2905 Migicovsky, B. B. and Emslie, A. R. G. IN- TERACTION OF CALCIUM, PHOSPHORUS, AND VITA- MIN D. I. INFLUENCE OF DIETARY CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS ON BODY WEIGHT AND BONE ASH OF CHICKS. Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1947 13; 175-183. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Chem Abstr., 1947, 41: 6313a; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1947-"""*8, 17: No. 3160. 2906 Migicovsky, B. B. and Emslie, A R G IN- TERACTION OF CALCIUM, PHOSPHORUS"AND VITA- MIN D. II. THE RACHITOGENIC INDEX. Arch Biochem., N. Y., 1947, 13: 185-189. 5 refs ^£rJ2te?,ia: Nutrit- ABstr., Aberdeen, 1947-48, 17: No. 3160. ' 2907 Migicovsky, B. B. and Emslie, A R G IN- TERACTION OF CALCIUM, PHOSPHORUS'AND VITA- MIN D. III. STUDY OF MODE OF ACTION OF VITAMIN D USING CA45. Arch Biochem N. Y., 1949, 20: 325-330. 5 refs. Ab- stracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1949 23: No. 18151; Nuclear Sc. Abstr'., 1949 *Z7 No. 1461. Results lead the authors ' to conclude that the effect of vitamin D on the mineralization of bone is indirect in that it prevents the solution of bone VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D (Continued) 163 2908 Migicovsky, B. B. and Nielson, A. M. CALCIUM ABSORPTION AND VITAMIN D IN THE CHICK Arch. Biochem., N. Y., 1951, 34- 105-111 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol .Tbstr. , Bait., 1952, 26: No. 8296; Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46- 11366d. ' —" 2909 Morgan, A. F RELATION OF DIET TO HEALTH J. Am. Dent. Ass., 1935, 22: 1465-1477? 28 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr Bait., 1937, JJ.: No. 631. 2910 Morgan, A. F., Axelrod, H. E. and Groody, M THE EFFECT OF A SINGLE MASSIVE DOSE OF VITAMIN D2 ON YOUNG DOGS. Am. J. Physiol., 1947, 149: 333-339. 17 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1947, 41: 51906. Remote rather than immediate effects of single massive doses of vitamin D2 were studied in this experiment. Malocclusion, pitting, ir- regular placing and poor development of the teeth were seen in all the dogs. Extensive calcification was found in lungs; moderate calcification in hearts and kidneys of all animals. 2911 Morgan, A. F., Shimotori, N. and Hendricks, J. B. PROGRESS OF HYPERVITAMINOSES D2 AND D3 AND RECOVERY IN RATS, AS AFFECTED BY DIETARY CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS AND VITAMIN A. J. Biol. Chem., 1940, 134: 761-779. 19 refs. --- 2912 Morelle, J. INFLUENCE DE LA VITAMINE D SUR LA CONSOLIDATION DES FRACTURES EXPERI- MENTALES. Rev. beige sc. med., 1933, 5: 481-530. 4 pi. 183 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1935, 9: No. 2786. 2913 Morelle, J. MUTATIONS CALCIQUES DANS LA GUfiRISON DU RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL. Rev. beige sc. m§d., 1931, 3: 874-882. 3 pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 5997. 2914 Morgareidge, K. and Manly, M. L. SIMULTANEOUS APPEARANCE OF A POSITIVE LINE TEST AND RADIOACTIVE PHOSPHATE DEPOSITION IN THE RACHITIC RAT METAPHYSIS. J. Nutrit., 1939, 18: 411-421. pi. 16 refs. Abstracted in: BTol. Abstr., Bait., 1940, 14: No. 496; Chem. Abstr., 1940, 34: 476*37 "The data show that vitamin D Has no influence on the entrance of phosphorus into the diaphyseal portion of the tibia. In the metaphysis, however, the healing produced by the vita- min... occurs concomitantly with a signifi- cant increase in the content of radioactive phosphorus." 2915 Mouriquand, G. and Edel, V. TROUBLES DE LA CALCIFICATION COMPARES DANS LE RACHITISME ET DANS LE SCORBUT. (DONNEES RADI0L0GI- QUES). Internat. Zschr. Vitaminforsch., Bern, 1949, 20: 392-399. Also in: Rev. rhumat., Par., 1949, 16: 65-67. Ab- stracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1951, 5: No. 3226; Chem. Abstr., 1949, 43: 629"5b. 2916 Muracciole, J. C. ACCION DE LA VITAMINA D2 SOBRE LA CALCIFICACION DEL DIENTE DE RATA. Rev. odont., B. Air., 1953, 41: 60-62. 3 refs. White rats were injected with high doses of .vitamin D2 for the purpose of studying the action of this vitamin on den- tal structures. Results showed a highly calcified dentine easily discernable on the growing incisors and a fine line of dentine on the molars more highly calcified near the pulp sockets. These findings were inter- preted as indicating that the deposit of cal- cium salts in the dental structure is favored by high doses of vitamin D2. 2917 Murao, S. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON THE PRO- DUCTION OF RICKETS. OCCURRENCE OF RICKETS WITH GALL0STER0L AS THE VITAMIN A SOURCE AND WITH NORMAL PHOSPHORUS AND CALCIUM CON- TENTS OF THE SALT MIXTURE. J. Biochem., Tokyo, 1936, 23: 71-90. pi. 15 refs. Ab- stracted in: PBem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 3034**. 2918 Nakajima, T., Sugita, T. and Watanabe, T. [ON THE INFLUENCE OF THE FEED UPON BONES. III. INFLUENCE OF COD-LIVER OIL ON THE COMPOSI- TION AND STRUCTURE OF THE BONES] Jap. J. Vet. Sc, 1951, 13: 183-190. pi. 14 refs. English summary. 2919 Nicolaysen, R. A NOTE ON THE CALCIUM AND PHOSPHORUS REQUIREMENTS OF RACHITIC RATS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1937, 31: 105-106. 4 refs. 2920 Nicolaysen, R. STUDIES UPON THE MODE OF AC- TION OF VITAMIN D. I. INVESTIGATIONS UPON THE PHOSPHORUS COMPOUNDS IN MUSCLES, LIVER AND KIDNEYS AS INFLUENCED BY DIFFERENT LE- VELS OF VITAMIN D AND PHOSPHORUS IN THE DIET. Biochem. J., Lond., 1936, 30: 1329- 1337. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Cnem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 83199. A study on rachi- tic rats. 2921 Nicolaysen, R. VITAMIN D AND THE BONE FORMA- TION. Acta paediat., Upps., 1939, 24: 368- 372. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., T939, 33: 58922. "Vitamin D influences the deposition of Ca and P in the bones by regulation of the absorption of these elements from the intestine only. No direct action on the chemical composition has been observed." 2922 Nicolaysen, R. and Jansen, J. VITAMIN D AND BONE FORMATION IN RATS. Acta paediat., Upps., 1939, 23: 405-433. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1939-40, 9: No. 2854. "... the degree of calcification of the bones as indicated by chemical analysis appeared to depend solely on the amounts of Ca and P absorbed and not on the presence or absence of vitamin D. Histological examina- tion of the bones, however, seemed to indi- cate that vitamin D influenced to some ex- tent the architecture of the bones." - Nutrit. Abstr. 2923 ♦Nordfeldt, S. STUDIES WITH RADIOACTIVE PHOS- PHORUS ON THE INFLUENCE OF VITAMIN D ON PHOSPHORUS METABOLISM IN YOUNG PIGS. Kgl. Lantbrukshogsk. Ann., 1949, 16: 114-126. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1949-50, 19: No. 3326. "It was shown that most of tEe p32 appeared in the bones and muscles; when vitamin D also was given, less p32 reached the muscles and liver and more reached the skeleton, while the content of p32 in the kidney, blood, faeces and urine was unaffected. Under the influence of vitamin D the femur bone was more compact." - Nutrit. Abstr. 2924 O'Brien, B. and Morgareidge, K. RADIOGRAPHIC DEMONSTRATION OF PROTECTION BY VITAMIN D AGAINST METAPHYSEAL DECALCIFICATION IN ADULT RATS ON HIGH CALCIUM-LOW PHOSPHORUS DIET J Nutrit., 1938, 16: 91-102. 5 refs. Ab- stracted in: BioT. Abstr., 1938, 12: No. 12973; Chem. Abstr., 1938, 32: 796*8*9. Adult rats fed a rachitogenic diet~for one year showed marked skeletal decalcification upon radiological and bone ash analyses. Vitamin D administered during the last 18 weeks of the experiment improved, but did not com- pletely correct this condition. VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D (Continued) 164 2925 Ortolani, M. RACHITISMO SPERIMENTALE; IN- DAGINI ISTOLOGICHE E RADIOGRAFICHE. Arch. 1st. biochim. ital., 1931, 3: 435-478. 50 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 21229. Rachitic diets pro- voked Bone lesions in white rats that were histologically very similar to those com- monly observed in human rickets. Ott, G. L. and Coombes, A. I. RICKETS IN SILVER FOX PUPS. Vet. Med., Chic, 1941, 36: 232-205. "The experimental production of rickets in silver fox pups is described, along with... the chemical analyses of the blood for serum calcium and inorganic phos- phorus content, and the total ash content of the bones." 2927 Palmer, N. amd Mottram, J. C. THE INFLUENCE OF PHYTIN AND OF FATS ON THE PRODUCTION OF RICKETS BY A CEREAL DIET. Biochem. J., Lond., 1939, 33: 512-515. "The rachitogenic action of cereals does not reside in the phytin which they contain, for the reason that the addition of phytin instead of in- creasing this action reduces the rickets. The addition of a vegetable oil free from vitamin D does not prevent the occurrence of rickets resulting from a cereal diet..." 2928 Park, 5. A. OBSERVATIONS ON THE PATHOLOGY OF RICKETS WITH PARTICULAR REFERENCE TO THE CHANGES AT THE CARTILAGE-SHAFT JUNCTIONS OF THE GROWING BONES. Harvey Lect., Bait., 1939, ser. 34, 157-213. 34 refs. Also in: Bull. N. York Acad M., 1939, 15: 495-543. Changes were studied in sections of bones of rats at various stages of rickets and of in- fants and children coming to autopsy. 2929 Patwardhan, V. N. and Sukhtankar, D. R. THE MODE OF ACTION OF VITAMIN D. Current Sc., Bangalore, 1943, 12: 79. 5 refs. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1943, 37: 57623. "Studies on experimental rickets TTn pup- pies) and clinical rickets show that the calcification at the epiphyses and the soly. products of CaHP04 are correlated. The critical values for the negative logs of the ionic products of [Cavt] X [HP04—] and [Ca+-13 X [PO4---l2 are 5.7 and 23.0 respectively. The corresponding values for rachitic children and vitamin D-defi- cient animals lie below the critical values." - Chem. Abstr. 2930 Pierce, J. A. THE REACTION OF THE EPIPHYSEAL CARTILAGE IN NORMAL AND RACHITIC RATS. J. Biol. Chem., 1938, 124: 115-124. 12 refs. Abstracted in: ChemTTbstr. , 1938, 32: 63129. "No detectable difference was observed... and no evidence... found to support the theory of local acidosis as a cause of rick- ets or local alkalosis as an explanation for the normal localization of calcification." 2931 Policard, A., Pehu, M. and Boucomont, J. RECHERCHES HISTOPATHOLOGIQUES SUR LE RACHITISME DANS LA PREMIERE ENFANCE. I. LE TISSU CHONDROIDE. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1932, 9: 73-99. 8 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 3587. "Descriptions of and physical and micro- chemical tests on cartilage show that in rickets the cells do not degenerate but increase into the zone of ossification; cartilage patterns are irregular; the matrix lacks minerals and becomes hydrated and physically more like white connective tissue." - Biol. Abstr. 2932 Policard, A., Pehu, M. and Boucomont, J. RECHERCHES HISTOPATHOLOGIQUES SUR LE RACHITISME DANS LA PREMIERE ENFANCE. II. LE TISSU OSTfiOIDE. Bull, histol. appl., Lyon, 1932, 9: 226-246. 8 refs Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 18044. Description with histological and radiological studies of the osteoid tissue of the bones in rickets in early childhood. 2933 Ramalingaswami, V., Sriramachari, S., Dikshit P. K., Tulpule, P. G. and Patwardhan, V. N. MODE OF ACTION OF VITAMIN D. HISTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF RACHITIC EPIPHYSEAL CARTILAGE DUR- ING HEALING IN ALBINO RAT. Ind. J. M. Sc., 1954, 8: 509-516. 28 refs. 2934 Roche, A. and Garcia, I. RECHERCHES SUR L'OS- SIFICATION. II. DYSTROPHIES OSSEUSES CHEZ LE RAT EN CROISSANCE. Bull. Soc. chim. biol., Par., 1936, 18: 1027-1040. pi. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1937, 11: No. 18518; Chem. Abstr., 1936, 30: 764*55. 2935 Rogozinski, F. 0 KRZYWICY DOSWIADCZALNEJ. III. WPLYW CHLORKU AMONOWEGO NA WYMIANE MINERALNA SZCZURA KRZYWICZEGO. SUR LE RACHITISME EXPERIMENTAL. III. I,'INFLUENCE DU QHLORURE D'AMMONIUM SUR LE METABOLISME MINERAL DU RAT RACHITIQUE. Bull, internat. Acad, polon. sc., Ser. B. Sc. natur. (II), 1931, 555-565. pi. 5 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1934, 8: No. 8560. In experiments on white rats rendered rachitic by Steenbock and Black's diet, it was found that addition of ammonium chloride to the diet had no beneficial effect on mineral metabolism, nor on the ash content of the femurs. These findings were established by radiographic examination, mineral balance studies and chemical analysis. 2936 Rominger, E. PHYSIOLOGIE UND PATHOLOGIE DES D-VITAMINS. Erg. Vitam. Hormonforsch., 1939, 2: 104-159. Approx. 300 refs. Ab- stracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1939- 40, 9: No. 244. 2937 Rosenheim, A. H. VARIABILITY IN THE ACTIVITY OF THE CALCIFYING MECHANISM IN THE BONES OF RACHITIC RATS. Biochem. J., Lond., 1934, 28: 708-711. pi. 3 refs. "The calcifying power of the cartilage in the bones of ra- chitic rats varies with the rate of growth of the animals over a 3 to 4 week period on a rachitogenic diet and decreases as the period on the diet is increased." 2938 Russell, W. C., Taylor, M. W. and Duncan, M. T. BONE DEVELOPMENT IN NORMAL AND RACHITIC RATS. J. Nutrit., 1939, 18: 27-33. 4 refs. Ab- stracted in: Biol."Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 16543; Chem. Abstr., 1939, 33: 87084. 2939 Schneider, H. and Steenbock, H. A LOW PHOS- PHORUS DIET AND THE RESPONSE OF RATS TO VITAMIN D2. J. Biol. Chem., 1939, 128: 159- 171. 27 refs. Calcium and phosphorus bal- ances and tissue brain) analyses by directing pho growing bone at sues in rats on 165 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D (Continued) 2940 ShSli'nA" T" 4PHYSI0L0GY AND PATHOLOGY OF VITA- MIN D. J. Am. M. Ass., 1938, 111: 614-619 It ^ois Abstrac*ed in: Chem."ABstr. , 1938, jz: »49io. a review of the literature on vitamin D and rickets. 2941 Shohl, A. T. and Wolbach. S B rtpkft«! tn Sh^o™^- THE EFFE" of^caEciuKigh PHOSPHORUS DIETS AT VARIOUS LEVELS AND RATIOS UPON THE PRODUCTION OF RICKETS AND TETANY. J. Nutrit., 1936, 11: 275-291. 22 refs. A histological study was made of bone . 2942 Shohl, A. T., Fan, C. H. and Farber, S EFFECT OF A.T. 10 (DIHYDROTACHYSTEROL) ON VARIOUS TYPES OF EXPERIMENTAL RICKETS IN RATS. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1939, 42: 529-534. 4 refs. "The effect of A.T. TO on prevention of rickets in rats differs according to the ricketogenic diet fed. Rickets caused by high-calcium-low-phos- phorus diets was not prevented by a non-toxic amount of A.T. 10 which protected rats fed low-calcium-high-phosphorus diets." 2943 Shohl, A. T., Goldblatt, H. and Brown, H. B THE PATHOLOGICAL EFFECTS UPON RATS OF EXCESS IRRADIATED ERGOSTEROL. J. Clin. Invest., 1930, 8: 505-531. 21 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1931, 5: No. 27681; Chem. Abstr., 1930, 24: 4327. The bones were studied by roentgenograms and chemical analysis. 2944 Siegel, L. , Allen, R. M. , McGuire, G. and Falk, K. G. A STUDY OF NORMAL AND RACHITIC BONE STRUCTURE BY MICROPHOTOGRAPHIC METHODS. Am. J. Path., 1939, 15: 273-278. 4 pi. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1939, 13: No. 10877. 2945 Soeur, R. DE L'EFFET DE L'ERGOSTEROL IRRADIE SUR t.i OS. Arch, internat. mfid. exp., Par., 1931, 6: 365-386. 37 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1933, 7: No. 10859; Chem. Abstr., 1931, 25: 4585. 2946 Soeur, R. ETUDE EXPERIMENTAL!! DE L'OS DANS L'INTOXICATION PAR L'ERGOSTEROL IRRADlfi. Presse mgd., 1931, 39: 1003-1005. Ab- stracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1932, 6: No. 18946. 2947 Spitzer, R. R., Maruyama, G., Michaud, L. and Phillips, P. H. THE ROLE OF VITAMIN D IN THE UTILIZATION OF PHYTIN PHOSPHORUS. J. Nutrit., 1948, 35: 185-193. 13 refs. 2948 Stolzberg, H. WOHER STAMMEN DIE BEI DER HEIL- UNG DER RACHITIS IN DAS SKELET EINGELAGERTEN KNOCHEN ERDEN? Mschr. Kinderh., 1931, 51: 205-219. 25 refs. 2949 Tempestini, 0. NUOVE RICERCHE SUGLI EFFETTI SPERIMENTALI DELLA SOMMINISTRAZIONE DI UNA ALTA DOSE DI VITAMINA D2 NEI TESSUTI DENTALI E PARADENTALI DEL RATTO. (RICERCHE SPERI- MENTALI.) Riv. ital. stomat., 1952, 7: 373- 410. 19 refs. 2950 Theiler, A. UNTERSUCHUNGEN UBER DEN BAU NORMALER UND DURCH KALZIUM- UND PHOS- PHORARME NAHRUNG VErAnDERTER RINDERKNOCHEN. Schweiz. Arch. Tierh., 1933, 75: 339-366. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1933-34, 3: No. 5082. 2951 Theopold, W. and Hennig, W. UBER CITRONENSAURE- CALCIUM-KOMPLEX-VERBINDUNGEN UND IHRE WIRKUNG AUF DIE TIERISCHE UND MENSCHLICHE RACHITIS. Mschr. Kinderh., 1950, 97: 462-468. 11 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1950, 44: 4555<". 2952 Titze, G. and Sander, E. UEBER DIE WIRKUNG DES VITAMIN D2, D3 UND AT. 10 AUF DIE KNOCHEN. Mschr. Kinderh., 1944, 94: 307- 324. 10 refs. 2953 Tufano, A. CALCEMIA E RAPPORTO "CA-P" NELLE FRATTURE SPERIMENTALI SOTTO L'AZIONE DELLA VITAMINA D2 IN DOSI "URTO". Policlinico, 1948, 55: 937-941. 12 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1952, 46: 4076b. 2954 Tulpule, P. G. and Patwardhan, V. N. MODE OF ACTION OF VITAMIN D. THE EFFECT OF VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY IN THE RAT ON ANAEROBIC GLY- COLYSIS AND PYRUVATE OXIDATION BY EPIPHYSEAL CARTILAGE. Biochem. J., Lond., 1954, 58: 61-65. 22 refs. 2955 Venar, Y. [A.] and Todd, T. W. THE EFFICACY OF VITAMIN D ADMINISTRATION IN AQUEOUS PREPA- RATION. J. Nutrit., 1934, 8: 553-568. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1935, 29: 4939; Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1936, 10: No. 20879. "The administration of aqueous prepa- rations such as Aquasterol maintains or re- stores an approximate normal histological pattern in the growth area of bones despite severe pathological disturbances induced by a mineral-deficient diet in rats. The ash content of the bones is also increased by the aqueous preparations." 2956 Venar, Y. A. and Todd, T. W. EXPERIMENTS ON THE MAINTENANCE OF MINERAL DENSITY IN THE SKELETON. J. Laborat. Clin. M., 1936, 22: 221-230. 9 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1936-37, 6: No. 4794. 2957 Warkany, J. CONGENITAL MALFORMATIONS INDUCED BY MATERNAL NUTRITIONAL DEFICIENCY. J. Pediat., S. Louis, 1944, 25: 476-480. 19 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aber- deen, 1945-46, 15: No. 202. In rats con- genital skeletaT~deformities due to a ma- ternal rachitogenic diet can be prevented by feeding the mother liver before fetal chondrogenesis begins. But if the diet still lacks vitamin D, skeletal deformities will be developed. 2958 Weinmann, J. P. and Schour, I. EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES IN CALCIFICATION. II. THE EFFECT OF A RACHITOGENIC DIET ON THE ALVEOLAR BONE OF THE WHITE RAT. Am. J. Path., 1945, 21: 833- 855. 5 pi. 15 refs. Abstracted in: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1945, 19: No. 21919; Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 194*5**;46, 15: No. 3430. 2959 Wellman, 0. FUTTERUNGSVERSUCHE UBER DIE BEDEUTUNG DES MINERALSTOFFWECHSELS, INSBE- SONDERE DER ERDALKALIEN UND PHOSPHORSAURE. Biol, gen., Wien, 1932, 8: 387-396. Ab- stracted in: Chem. Abstr., 1932, 26: 1646. 2960 Wesson, L. G. and Boyle, P. E. UTILIZATION OF CALCIUM BY RATS ON HIGH PROTEIN-LOW CALCIUM AND HIGH CARBOHYDRATE-LOW CALCIUM DIETS. EFFECT OF SUPPLEMENTARY VITAMIN D. Arch. Path., Chic, 1943, 36: 237-242. 22 refs. Abstracted in: Nutrit. Abstr., Aberdeen, 1944-45, 14: No. 181. VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN D (Continued) 166 2961 Wiskott, A. PARADOX ERSCHEINENDES VERHALTEN NORMALER TIERKNOCHEN AUF VERFUTTERUNG VON BESTRAHLTEM ERGOSTERIN. Zschr. Kinderh., 1930, 49: 79-89. 14 refs. 2962 Wollenberg, G. A. HEMMUNG DES LANGENWACHSTUMS LANGER ROHRENKNOCHEN DURCH SCHADIGUNG DER WACHSTUMSFUGE. Zschr. orthop. Chir., 1933, 59: 272-286. 2963 Zacco, M. AZIONE DELLA VITAMINA D2 SUL CON- TENUTO DI CENERI DI CALCIO E DI FOSFORO DI ALCUNI ORGANI. Biochim. ter. sper., 1943, 30: 49-58. 43 refs. Abstracted in: Chem. ABstr., 1946, 40: 31597. 2964 Zetterstrom, R. THE EFFECT OF VITAMIN D ON THE MINERAL METABOLISM OF BONE. Acta paediat., Upps., 1951, 40: 568. An ab- stract . 2965 Zetterstrom, R. UNDERSOKNINGAR OVER FOSFOROMS- ATTNINGEN HOS UNGA D-AVITAMINOTISKA RATTOR MED ANVANDANDE AV ISOTOPTEKNIK. Nord. med., 1948, 38: 1146. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Beet. 5, 1949, 2: No. 1344. See: CONGENITAL AB- 10 23 223 333 375 376 384 414 421 422 425 428 429 438 617 639 706 724 738 759 764 787 796 813 817 818 831 834 950 1188 1189 1194 1197 1207 1210 1212 1218 1225 1228 1234 1235 1236 1237 1246 1250 1261 1361 1366 1367 1439 1448 1479 1480 1485 1614 1687 1749 1770 1771 1777 1779 1791 1797 1800 1807 1824 1834 1838 1841 1842 1859 1864 1878 1949 1952 1953 1960 1963 1969 1976 1977 1978 1983 1984 1985 1988 1989 1990 1991 1993 1994 1997 2003 2007 2008 2012 2025 2031 2032 2087 2088 2114 2123 2285 2286 2382 2383 2384 2508 2512 2628 2692 2727 2728 2734 2740 TAMIN I 2743 NFLUENCE 2756 - VITAMIN E 2827 2967 Thomas, B. H. and Cheng, D. W. NORMALITIES ASSOCIATED WITH VITAMIN E MALNU- TRITION. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sc. , 1952, 59- 218-225. 45 refs. Abstracted In: Biol. Abstr., Bait., 1954, 28: No. 515. In this study of abnormalitiesfin rat fetuses of vitamin E deficient mothers it was found that the abnormalities could be controlled by varying the dose and timing of vitamin E administration during pregnancy. It was also found that even in the externally nor- mal fetus there was reduced ossification of the parietal and occipital bones and shorten- ing of all long bones with markedly reduced ossification of the digital bones. The literature is reviewed. See: 788 1430 VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN G see VITAMIN INFLUENCE COMPLEXES VITAMIN B VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN K 2968 Neukomm, S., Peguiron, L., Lerch, P. and Richard, M. REPARTITION ET^FIXATION DU SYNKAVIT HYDROSOLUBLE MARQUE PAR p32 dans LES ORGANES DU RAT A"HJLTE. Arch, internat. pharm. dyn., Gand, 1953, 93: 373-384. 10 refs. p32-tagged synkayvTte was injected intramuscularly in rats and its deposition and metabolism studied in the different organs, including bone. VITAMIN INFLUENCE - VITAMIN P AND PP 2969 Roasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI ACCRESCIMENTO DELLE OSSA LUNGHE DEL RATTO ALBINO NELLE AVITAMINOSI ACUTE SPERIMENTALI B2, B5, Bg e PP. Minerva ortop., Tor., 1952, 3: 166-169. 6 refs. Abstracted in: Excerpta med., Sect. 9, 1953, 7: No. 5771. "Vitamin B2, B5, Bg and P-P Tactor deficiency causes a delay in the growth of epiphysial cartilages, but does not produce any change in the growth in length of bone." - Excerpta med. 2970 koasenda, F. and Camurati, C. MODIFICAZIONI DELLA CARTILAGINE DI INCROSTAZIONE DEL RATTO ALBINO IN ACCRESCIMENTO NELLA CARENZA SPERI- MENTALE ACUTA DELLE VITAMINE B2, B5, Bg E PP. Minerva ortop., Tor., 195?, 3: 277-278. 2966 Bartolomucci, E. L'INFLUENZA DELLA VITAMINA E See: SUL PROCESSO DI GUARIGIONE DELLE FRATTURE. Policlinico, sez. chir., 1940, 47: 1-15. 25 2810 refs. 3 M )-i (B P TO 0) X 0) OC B P "< < » 3 k as o > > > > > > > > > M M «->. H- B- TO TO TO a tr c NSC ►1 0 p 4 p I-1 C P H- H- 01 3 M C M W Q. M Hi r+ 0) TO 3 0 fl> - pi o K- " » F > O Mo88*SSfifc^85S3SS2 3tSBS2«, SoScn£cSSM08 2 mSSmoSS Ml-" (0»3HN3IO(0 MHP'-'H'-'^H tO M MM M H tn OCO lO *© Ol ftUIW M»M »N M HH(J) H MOW » Ol * H £ CO tO W 01 o> *> S to£Soootooo)~io)00N)a\a) wooi co co o to wo o en SSS S ££M©oo"oa)toto»-Jwo*.ooto *• o o o ocn *. o oo to 00 > Ul &T » 0 p W 1* > J? > > > > > > "« ? 4 •i £1 ,0 "a "d p. P P P < c "a •d (D B H' H- M H- M M te o- Ul M <0 > > b a 3 D TO TO fl> r? «. [fi o 01 r+ „ r+ (D F° * L M to M tOtOtOtOtOtOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM to to w o» co O CO w oooo to to oo tooooooooooooooooooooooooDOoo o to o> CO COCO M{|1 CO 00*. *. <0 tO * M MH M0000t0U(0t0t0t0t0MMO0000*. to *. m tn Cn*. tOM tO O) 00 O (OH CT> (£> to *. >Ji^U 3ltDOO-40)UI OICOO lOdl^M to O M Ol M tO tO to to M 10 O to Ol N OO IB(B U CO to oo o 00 to W CO CO O) *■ OtnOOOtOMooW O to toto to to to to N - ~co to to to to CO M to to to Mr- N » " , , iUU f, tn *. *> w w M oo tf> U to 0)OWCOtocowco aiOiotn^co^cow oo o tnooooooogen OOOtnOO tnfj ^ U< oo 00 i^ 00 00 O O (*ovuq > > > > X e fD 01 t-t m 0) oq > > Br §r > > 01 01 01 01 X 9 5" """ ID 0 p 2 er 3 9 3 1 * c C-l. K ^ t* o - to to to to to to to to to to to to to to en *.*.*.*. m ^ en oco>a>0)0) Cn A. to to to to CO 00 M to m O O to M 0(0000 0) O) o o » ovoo* 10 tOtOtO Mt0lOt0tOtOtjMMMMMMM(_iMM'-''-'MMMMMMMMMMMMM to oo Oiuooi^enoo^enen*.^cocoeocotocoto(0tototo(ototototototototoM *. 0) 00t0 00cnOrf«,l0e000rfk*.2t0t0OO*i^C0c0MM<0<0«'0000000DOOOO0)OO1U CO to 0)0 to to to 00 IS OI O 00>J gg 91 Ul ilk U (0 H O oifflCO """ft ooocoooocni^co OOOO) iU M M ^ tO MtO tO M tO tO (O MtO ,*. oo to o^ooencowcocno to oo w oi *aMMMcncnto4».oo to oi to ^ ^cncncooo)>uto*' 168 Bacsich, P. 59 Barrett, F. R. 2637 Becks, H. 1969 2047 Barron, E. S. G. 30 Baden, H. 239 Barry, M. G. 2024 2048 2049 Bader, L. 2358 Bartels, E. D. 1177 2769 Baensch, W. E. 897 Barth, E. 2638 2770 Baggi, G. 671 Bartlett, R. G. 1312 2834 Bagnall, J. S. 2397 Bartolomucc i, E. 1744 2966 2843 Bailey, K. C. 596 Bartter, F. C. 1265 Beevers, C. A. 652 Bailie, J. M. 2831 1271 Behrens, B. 2639 2640 Bain, J. A. 97 1872 Bairati, A. 131 132 Baruffaldi, G. Bassett, C. F. 2776 1960 B^langer, L. F. 24 672 133 134 Bassin. A. L. 1968 722 1745 135 Basso, R. 721 136 Baud, C. A. 1572 2333 137 Belfanti, S. 723 138 Bauer, G. C. H. 276 Belkin, R. I. 1284 1099 987 1566 988 Bell, E. H. 357 2354 1868 2139 Bell, G. H. 1123 1961 Baker, B. L. 440 1269 Bauer, H. 0. K. 2293 2086 2087 1364 Bauer, W. 2832 2088 Bauer, W. H. 1368 2089 Baker, S. L. 251 2137 2016 2123 Baldini, J. T. 1365 Baumann, A. 2639 2640 Bellin, J. Bellin, S. A. 1787 429 Bale, W. F. 275 Baumann, E. J. 1178 Bellini, L. 1188 383 Baumann, R. 2833 387 Baume, L. J. 441 Belloni, L. 252 1856 Baux, R. 489 Bellucci, G. 1465 Baxter, J. H. 2614 Benassi, E. 468 1857 2615 Benda, R. 469 2371 Bayer, G. 2784 Ball, J. 589 Baylin, G. J. 2039 Benditt, E. P. 934 Balygin, I. E. 2115 Bazzocchi, G. 557 Benesch, R. 943 Ban, T. 2287 Benesch, R. E. 943 Bandini, T. 1571 Bean, H. W. 224 Benjamin, H. R. 1746 Banfield, W. G. 575 Bear, R. S. 576 Benninghoff, A. 2305 Banfo, G. 1286 Beaulien, M. M. 409 Benoit, J. 188 Banks, S. W. 2783 410 189 Banting, F. G. 720 Becher, H. 2389 349 Barber, C. G. 1712 2138 Becker, F. 2140 1369 Becks, H. 441 1370 Barbera, R. C. 2651 1371 Barbieri, D. 2441 2442 1179 1272 1372 1373 2443 1273 1274 1374 1375 Barbour, E. P. 1270 1275 1376 2335 1276 1377 Barcarini, E. 927 1277 1278 1378 1379 Barclay, R. K. 2581 1279 1380 Barnes, L. L. 1918 2662 1280 1281 1282 1381 1382 Barnett, J. C. Barnett, R. J. 1520 241 1283 1287 1288 1397 1398 1399 Barnicot, N. A. 187 1294 1408 1175 1295 1495 1176 1296 1496 1366 1305 1497 1367 1314 2050 2244 1315 Bentzik, M. 470 Barnum, C. P. Barraud, J. 1742 284 1447 1474 1493 1494 Berek, L. Berencsi, G. 435 158 317 Berezkina, L. F. 204 612 169 Berezkina, L. F. Berg, M. Berg, R. N. Bergmann, E. Bergstrand, C. G. Bergstrom, W. H. Berliner, F. S. Bernard Bernhard, K. Bernheim, M. Bersin, T. Berstein, S. A. Bertelsen, A. Berthrong, M. Bessey, 0. A. Best, C. H. Bethke, R. M. Bevelander, G. Bhaskar, S. N. Bibby, B. G. Bich, A. Bick, E. M. Bidone, E. Biebl, M. Bielschowsky, F. Bingel, K. Bischoff, G. Bisgard, J. D. Bisgard, M. E. Bisotti, P. L. Black, A. L. Blackwood, J. H. Blair, H. C. Blair, J. E. Bianco-Morales, C. P. Blechschmidt, E. Bleyer, B. Blix, G. Block, W. Blocksom, B. H., Jr. Bloom, C. J. Bloom, M. A. Bloom, W. 442 Bloom, W. 1247 1347 2428 2479 2183 989 1457 357 263 1596 Blum, G. 1837 Blumberg, H. 2281 Blumenthal, H. T. 2185 Blunt, J. W., Jr. 1100 2552 682 Bodansky, A. 1788 2722 1173 Bodansky, M. 1 1962 Bodansky, 0. 2 990 Boelter, M. D. D. 1101 1180 Boeminghaus, H. 2627 Bofill-Deulofeu, 471 991 1102 Bogdaschew, N. Bogdonoff, M. D. 1345 Bogert, L. J. 1573 Bohatirchuk, F. 1230 Bohr, H. 2445 Bohstedt, G. 724 Bomskov, C. 858 992 Bonner, J. F. 1886 1887 Bonner, J. F., Jr 2051 Bonting, S. L. 2446 Booth, R. G. 992 Borasky, R. 1574 Borghese, E. 380 1863 1743 472 1214 Bostrom, H. 1215 1216 1217 863 993 1789 903 1575 2474 1963 3 Botterell, E. H. Boucomont, J. 4 1348 1383 1384 3 Bourne, G. H. 29 30 149 156 1226 1290 1348 1383 1829 2245 838 2269 1302 923 1149 1161 1213 1214 1215 1216 1217 2128 2129 725 726 727 728 1964 1965 994 554 1576 1747 350 2359 2141 1221 2724 2835 398 629 381 1919 1952 552 443 729 730 2052 2053 2054 60 61 62 242 246 935 936 937 938 939 1871 839 796 1689 2931 2932 840 864 Bourne, G. H. 2142 2785 2786 Bowes, J. H. 577 578 579 Bowie, M. A. 63 64 112 113 114 115 126 Boyd, E. S. 65 66 67 Boyd, G. A. 2688 Boyd, H. B. 482 Boyd, M. J. 2624 Boyer, R. 81 981 Boyle, P. £. 1984 2836 2960 Boyne, A. W. 1150 Brandenberger, E. 613 Brash, J. C. 995 Brasseur, H. 277 278 279 294 295 300 301 619 Brasseur, H. A. L. 653 Braude, R. 2582 Bray, H. G. 940 Brechner, J. 2246 Bredig, M. A. 615 Bremer, J. L. 1385 1386 Bresler, S. E. 580 Bressou, C. 1578 Brodie, S. S. 1834 Brooke, R. 0. 1966 Brooks, G. 2090 Brouwer, E. 2360 Brower, T. D. 68 75 Brown, C. E. 2654 Brown, H. B. 2943 Brozek, J. 2042 Bru, A. 510 Brubacher, G. 1637 Bruce, H. M. 2837 Brticke, F. 2448 Bruno, B. 2856 Bruno, G. 190 474 1579 1580 1581 1582 2306 170 Bruno, G. Bruno, T. Brush, H. V. Brux, Buchanan, D. L. Bucher, C. S. Bucher, 0. Bucher, R. Buchwald, K. W. Buckley, H. E. Buckner, G. D. Budy, A. M. Buffa, P. Bujard, E. BUlbring, E. Bullinger, E. Bunkfeldt, R. Buonomo La Rossa, B, Burch, H. B. Burdeaux, B. D., Jr, Burger, M. Burkl, W. Burmeister, W. Burns, C. M. Burns, J. J. Burrows, H. J. Burrows, H. Burrows, R. B. Butterworth, E Biittner, A. Bywaters, E Cabanes, R. Cabannes, R. Cadili, G. Caglioti, V. Cahill, W. M. Calaraaro, S. Calef, C. Calhoun, J. A, Cameron, H. C, G. L. 2361 81 981 1498 967 358 1832 2390 2403 2553 555 625 1349 654 2838 1350 1453 1454 1733 411 191 904 1181 804 1864 1920 2196 2787 475 965 2656 905 2839 236 237 253 254 280 281 1182 2787 150 1387 1183 1184 251 1583 69 1376 1400 906 616 1439 2029 2030 1889 1458 1459 833 2652 2682 2849 2850 2851 2852 2853 Camitz, H. Campbell, D. Campbell, I. L, Campbell, I. R, Campbell, K. Campbell, R. M. Campbell, W. W, Campi, L. Camurati, C. Camus, J. L. Candeli, A. Cannavo, L. Canti, R. G. Canuto, G. Capizzi, I. Cappellin, M, Caputo, V. Carbonera, D. Carere-Comes, 0. Carlson, A. B. Carlsson, A. Carlstrom, D. Carnes, W. H. Cartarr, M. S, Carter, A. C. Cartier, P. 2449 70 1124 2399 2129 1150 1185 1259 551 1867 2055 2746 2747 2758 2773 2774 2775 2788 2789 2812 2813 2969 2970 1388 2619 368 1285 2462 2358 368 163 164 206 731 732 733 734 2725 1838 2143 2119 2711 1748 1749 1790 1791 2372 1186 1967 2703 5 6 7 107 109 165 211 255 256 282 283 284 317 369 412 612 673 674 675 676 Cartier, P. 699 735 736 1187 1861 2056 2057 Casacci, A. 1584 Caskey, C. D. 2663 2671 Castella Bertran, E. 677 Castiglioni, G. 139 Casuccio, C. 907 1286 Catchpole, H. R. 970 1198 1199 1200 1754 Cattaneo, C. 2821 Cattaneo, R. 1567 Causeret, J. 1815 2006 2840 Cavallini Francolini, C. 2143 Cavaye Hazen, E. 2144 Cebul, F. 2479 Ceci, C. 0. 1585 Cera, B. 1188 Cerqua 1189 Chace, M. J. 1970 Chamberlin, G. W. 2363 Chambers, J. W. 2087 2088 2089 2123 Chambon, Y. 1389 1390 Champeau, M. 1513 Champeau, M.-F. 950 2841 Chang, H. Y. 1190 Chapchal, G. 996 Charbonnel, M. 167 168 2062 Charles, S. W. 997 2247 Charpy, P. 2145 Chauchard, P. 2276 Ch~echan, C. 349 Cheng, D. W. 2967 Chevallier, A. 843 1505 2157 Chidichimo, G. 2450 Chievitz, 0. 1839 1840 Chiewitz, O., see Chievi tz, 0. Chilcote, M. E. 1260 Chitre, R. G. 743 1770 1771 Cho, M. 2174 Cholak, J. 2644 2645 2646 2647 Chornock, C. S. 2664 Christian, M. R. 2399 Ch'uan, C. H. 192 Chute, A. L. 362 171 Ciocca, E. Cioffi, A. Claassen, V. Claff, C. L. Claiborne, C, Clark, E. L. Clark, E. R. Clark, G. L. Clark, J. H. Clark, S. M. Clarke, J. Clarke, M. F. Class, R. N. Clavelin Clavert, J. Clemmons, J. J. Cloetens, R. Clouet, D. H. Cobb, J. D. Cocchi, U. Coe, R. C. Coeur, A. Coggi, G. Cohen, A. L, Cohen, J. Cohn, B. N. E. Cohn, S. H. Cohn, W. E. Cole, L. L. Coleman, R. D, Cole Rous, M. 2451 2452 433 1750 1841 1842 1843 1844 2223 908 444 444 617 2390 556 618 1072 1968 1874 2320 166 188 189 349 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 1377 1381 1391 1392 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1408 1495 1496 1497 2050 8 737 1413 1414 9 678 909 998 1463 2278 862 2243 2220 71 828 999 2284 2391 1191 792 1845 2842 1456 2843 476 Colla, Y. M. L. Collazo, J. A. Coleman, R. u. Collins, D. A. Collip, J. b. Colonna, P. C, Comar, C. L. Combs, G. F. Common, R. H. Conner, R. T. Contardi, A. Conti, T. Conway, E. J. Cook, S. F. Coolbaugh, C. C, Coolidge, T. B. Coombes, A. I. Cooper, A. R. Copel, J. W. Copher, G. H. Copp, D. H. Copp, H. Coppo, M, Corbella, A. Corbin, K. B. Cordier, G. Corey, R. B. Cornwall, R. L. Corrigan, K. E. 1466 Corrigan, K. E. 1245 2726 Coryn, G. 1125 2844 1126 1969 1127 1128 1273 1499 1275 1287 Costa, J. C. da 517 1288 Cotellessa, G. 1000 1494 1129 2047 Coventry, M. B. 1001 2834 1103 1192 Cox, G. J. 2402 1238 Cozza, F. 1194 1251 Craciun, E. C. 151 1258 Cramer, C. 10 865 Crawford, G. N. C. 2307 1707 Cremer, H. D. 1797 1017 Crepax, P. 1401 1257 2725 1792 2583 Crltin, A. 212 2620 1002 2688 1587 738 1588 739 1589 1590 1351 2058 1793 2146 1794 1795 2248 2017 2308 2018 Crick, F. H. C. 581 723 Crowley, J. F. 2609 1437 Csillik, B. 434 2019 435 2034 2035 Cullen, G. Cumming, M. C. 1809 1769 1796 Cunningham, I. J. 370 1270 1971 477 Curtet, W. 1517 564 Curtis, H. J. 1829 2926 Custer, R. P. 1945 218 Cuthbertson, D. P. 1123 991 1150 2453 1961 10 Cuvdland, E. F. de 1003 Dabbs, G. H. 2559 1337 Dacha, U. 1425 1969 1426 1970 Daft, F. S. 2767 2584 Dahl, B. 193 2610 Dalgarno, A. C. 2130 2692 Dallemagne. M. J. 11 2693 2707 12 2727 13 2843 213 2689 214 215 286 257 287 258 478 479 277 1193 278 1485 279 1888 288 1889 289 2227 290 291 1890 292 1586 293 1694 294 600 295 296 1456 297 641 298 299 172 Dallemagne, M. J. Dallemagne, M. Dal Zotto. E. Damboviceanu, A, Dandy, W. E. Danilova, E. I. Danini, E. S. Danno, K. Dasler, W. Daum, S. Dauvergne, M, Davenport, C. B. Davenport, C. P. Davies, R. E. Davis, G K. Davis, R. M. Dawson, I. M. Day, H. G. Day, T. D. Deak. P. Deakins, M. L. De Bakey, M. Debray, C. Debrunner, H. De Bruyn, P. P. H, De Does, J. J. Degge, J. Deggeler, C. Dejust, L. H. Delaville, G. Delaville, M. 300 Delaville, M. 301 Del Bello, N. 359 396 De Leo, F. 409 De Lisi* C. 619 620 Delluva, A. M. 631 Delmas, A. 653 De Lorimier, A. 663 664 Deltour, G. 870 Deltour, G. H. 871 872 1402 1403 1404 1417 1418 De Luca, G. 1751 De Maestri, A. 1972 2059 De Marchi, E. 2109 2147 De Marneffe, R. 2148 2294 Dempsey, E. F. 2346 1591 Dempster, W. T. Denko, C. W. 14 Depreux, F. 1289 Derevici, H. 1592 1004 Derevici, M. De Rienzo, A. 2454 2455 Derivaux, J. 2149 2150 2020 De Rycker, H. 2617 Desplas, R. 2260 Dessauer, G. 2803 Detwiler, S. R. 2804 Devis, R. 1104 de Vries, J. 1593 Dias-Amado, L. 1831 1752 Dick, L. 1977 Dickens, F. 2583 2616 Dickinson, P. H 2029 Dieffenbach. E. 2030 Diener, A. 401 2088 Dietz, A. A. Dikshit, P. K. 2373 414 1405 1973 968 Dingemanse, E. 2309 Dirr, C. T. 216 DiStefano, V. 259 1222 469 1005 1594 1595 Dixon. T. F. 2456 2845 2516 Djabri, A. 2310 2728 Dodds, G. S. 94 688 1044 1359 480 2554 2555 841 842 360 424 481 482 807 45 740 805 806 2060 2425 741 1000 1129 2457 2458 483 484 485 1872 2091 949 1006 1241 1241 742 817 1972 2061 296 1596 398 1897 1765 1846 487 517 2151 72 415 488 2189 42 260 743 2846 2847 2848 2933 1297 1885 73 679 744 790 791 416 417 698 2790 194 445 1007 2849 2850 2851 Dodds, G. S. 2852 2853 Dogliotti, V. 1406 Dohne, E. E. 2676 Dolfini, G. 2459 2854 Dolgo-Saburov, B. A. 1597 1598 Dols, M. J. L. 1846 1847 Domm, L. V. 1290 1383 Donaldson, G. 1209 Donner, L. 2617 Dorfman, A. 592 Doring, G. 1891 Dounce, A. L. 2711 Douste-Blazy, L. 440 Dovgiallo, N. D. 1599 1600 Dowgjallow, N. D., see Dovgiallo, N. D. Downs, W. G., Jr. 1974 2152 Downs, W. L. 1195 Doyle, M. D. 2021 Dragon!, G. 756 Dragstedt, C. A. 873 1196 Drieux, H. 94 688 Drill, V. A. 1500 Drummond, D. H. 858 du Boistesselin, R. 967 Dubreuil, G. 167 168 2062 Duckert, R. 2263 Duckworth, J. 371 874 1753 1975 2130 2133 Ducommun, P. 1291 Ducuing, J. 489 Dudley, H. C. 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 Duff, V. B. 2128 2129 Duffau, R. 1990 Duffy, F. 1970 Du Lac. G. 15 Duncan, M. T. 2938 Duran-Reynals. F. 969 Dustman, R. B. 231 232 Dutcher, R. A. 2664 Du Toit, P. J. 1779 Dutta, N. C. 1953 Dziewiatkowski, D. D. 243 244 245 942 943 1501 1738 1739 M M 3 3 M W w M 3 H 3 3 H- « ft P M 1 i B H- VJ H- e P - •o ft 9 c M H- W m (D M W M M M M H" M m m M M MM M M W Hi M H- p- H- H- f+ 01 01 0 3 3 3 - - rl-TO 01 P rt- ft - B m W M M W M x H- H- H- M H- 3" rt- 01 01 b a 0 ft m ft tr H' M M ft 3 M 3 a - i 9 3 TO n CL ft a i ft 1 JO ■ a TO 4 - TOTOTOTOTOro ft Q. JO. TO TO 2 SO-TOH- (D ft ft ~ ~ ft ►1 1 H 01 w 3 4 1 P!f rt- P - w w TO TO M M M a a o n ft x W W rt M O- CT P P ft ft r+ 01 M M O r* >-> !-• >->)-• M tOtOtOtOtOtOtOtO MtO MtOtOMMtO MtO H to to otoMM W oto>^cotocnocnooo>i^M *-> \^ >-> M M MM'-'^tOMMMMMM tOtOtOtO tOMMMM OOO Ul IS U toio - 3 B M rt M MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH" lOlOlOtOtOlOlOMMMMMMM Mm tOlOM tOtOtONtotOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtOtO^tOtOMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMM j**»o « * CnOCnMOWCOMtnM * * OO N^IOl Ol*OIO IOoiHOD oi otow&o> >n >■] ■"i'!*' *i oi ft »

- O M M t< M H » ■* 3 *« 3 g B ? O" P. o o o pr jri i p. - • CT «< 0) tr pfCis ft • • X o 3 O to to to to to to . J . i» E» *.*.hb.*.*.,6v^rfw O £ * <"> ^.JE mooooo*.*.o*> Mo tOtottlOMMMMMM tOMM Oto oto^coooo ^©SJooaaoocnoocooooto "OtOtOWta mfll"J*tliOI«iOOiOtJMI8*H(Bo to O O) O *> o .q O M to*o«ooootoo H" Wi W» Wi W W» W KW w w .^ i w to encooMococotoo * woo 174 Fell, H. B. 2462 Follis, R. H., Jr. 1131 Friedenberg. Z- B- 1619 2730 1153 Friedman, L. 2628 2731 1154 Fridenshtein, A. Ya. 1012 Fell, W. A. 2732 2733 1892 1155 1405 1504 Friedl, E. Frugoni, P. 897 1205 Felsher, A. 1768 1616 Fujii. T. 2410 81 Felts, W. J. 1008 1757 FUrth, 0. Ferguson, R. L. 1523 1921 981 Fernandes, J. E. 1466 2039 2615 2792 Gaarenstroom, J. H. 1409 Fernando, C. 2856 Gabbrielli, M. C. 2821 Ferrannini, A. 1893 2858 Gabrio, B. W. 1438 Ferrario, C. V. 2791 Gaebler, 0. H. 779 Ferraris, R. 755 Fontaine, M. 382 Gaetano, M. 1546 Ferriani, G. 1479 Fontaine, R. 843 Gaillard, P. J. 152 1480 1010 1132 1133 Ferro-Luzzi, G. 170 1156 1299 Ferroni, M. 351 1166 2411 1543 1505 2412 Feruglio, F. S. 2776 1894 2413 2811 Fiaccavento, W. 1481 1902 Galakhov, E. V. 2159 Fiandaca, S. 1152 2023 Fick, H. 1615 2028 Gallier, R. 1991 Fikentscher, R. 2677 2065 Gallup, W. D. 2663 2678 2157 2667 Filippi, A. 808 809 Fontana, G. 2132 2668 2671 814 Fontanelli, G. 334 Gangitano, L. 2794 852 Forbes, A. P. 638 1271 Gant, V. A. 2641 2300 2302 1872 Garcia, I. 219 Filippon, S. 748 1876 269 Filogamo, G. 559 Forbes, R. M. 218 270 2364 Fore, H. 2666 1113 2365 Forni, I. 274 2861 Findlay, D. 392 2388 2934 Finean, J. B. 621 Garcia-Valdecasas, F. 2862 2372 Foster, L. N. 491 Gardner, D. E. 2625 2376 2377 Fournier, P. Fowler, E. P. 1799 2347 Gardner, E. 82 1013 Fink, H. 2677 2678 Fowler, R. C. Fox, E. 398 1506 Gardner, W. U. 640 2679 Fox, R. P. 1460 1352 1353 1354 Finkel, M. P. 2607 Franceschini, M. 560 Finogenov, P. A. 580 561 1355 Fiocca, S. 714 1011 1356 2156 1107 1363 Fiore, A. 789 Fraipont, C. 2311 1410 Fisch, S. 1824 Franciosi, A. 351 1411 Fischer, A. 1875 Frandsen, A. M. 1969 1412 1413 2409 2759 1414 Fischer, F. 1978 Frankel, D. R. 949 1415 Fischer, C. J. 754 Franekl, D. R. 1741 1416 Fischler, F. 1789 Fraser, H. F. 1979 1423 Fischmann, C. F. Fisher, A. G. T. 2857 79 1047 Fraser, R. D. B. Free, A. A. 571 604 2582 Garrison, E. A. 1424 1431 1432 1768 Fisher, D. 423 Fisher, H. 2609 Garthwaite, B. 86 Fleming, R. W. Fogliati, E. 2711 2064 2463 Freeman, D. J. Freeman, L. W. Freeman, S. 8 1617 2859 Garzunova, G. A. Gassmann, T. 924 220 2464 French. G. 1619 221 2556 French, G. 0. 1707 361 Follis, R. H., Jr. 26 French, J. E. 934 580 1297 Gates, E. M. 624 2665 80 Frenkel', S. IA. Freud, J. Gavett. E. 398 217 1298 2690 304 681 Freund, E. 1618 2158 Gay, R. Gelbke, H. 1069 1620 682 2860 1621 2160 690 749 750 751 1009 Frey, C. N. Friedenberg, Z. B. 1992 865 Geller, S. 2168 1014 877 878 Gellert, A. Gendre, H. 2366 83 175 George. E. M. 844 Gerard, G. 17 911 Gersh, I. 912 970 Geschickter, C. F. 1816 1821 Geschwind, I. I. 1300 Ghormley, R. K. 1001 1103 2202 Giangrasso, G. 1206 2161 2793 Giannoni, G. 2163 Gilligan, D. R. 594 Gillis, M. B. 1980 Ginn, J. T. 398 399 Girdlestone, G. R. 1622 Giuliani, G. 2066 Giuliani, G. M. 492 Gladstone, H. 532 Glanzmann, E. 2863 2864 Siattli, W. 195 Glegg, R. E. 913 1623 Glock, G. E. 342 914 Glover, D. M. 2479 Gloyd, P. 2516 Glowczynski, Zb. 2007 GlUcksmann, A. 448 1624 1625 Godard, H. 915 916 917 918 919 920 Godden, W. 371 1753 1975 Godfrey, E. F. 1357 Godina, G. 2303 2304 Goff, 0. E. 1981 Goldblatt, H. 2943 Goldenberg, H. 52 2585 2621 2704 Goldfarb, A. R. 2285 2286 Goldfeder, A. 1507 Goldman, H. M. 1508 Gomez, J. 1666 Gomor i, G. 752 1877 Goodman, E. D. 780 Gordon, E. F. 1301 Gordon, S. 2467 Gordon, S. D. 197 2465 Gordonoff, T. 36 Gorlin, R. J. 2270 2760 2800 Gordonoff, T. 2865 2866 2867 Gorter, E. 2845 Gosulow, H. 2249 Gottlieb, B. 1626 Gould, B. S. 753 Gouze, M. 1346 Govaerts, J. 305 1403 1417 1805 Grangaud, R. 1377 1378 1379 1380 1382 1400 1408 Grant, M. P. 1028 Grant, R. L. 1994 Grassmann, W. 582 Grauer, R. C. 2868 2869 Graumann, W. 1627 Gray, D. J. 1013 Graziadei, P. 493 Grechishkin, S. V. 1702 Greco, J. 693 Green, H. H. 1982 Greenberg, D. M. 715 1758 1759 1775 1800 1845 1964 1965 2634 2635 2727 2842 Greenberg, R. M. 2024 Greenwald, I. 306 Greep, R. 0. 754 785 786 1101 1180 Gregory, J. E. 940 Greulich, R. C. 1830 Greune, H. 2164 Gries, A. 1505 2023 Griesbach, W. E. 1230 Griffith, .X. Q., Jr. 1915 Grignani, L. 1905 Grigorescu, I. I. 2067 Grimaldi, G. 2826 Grisham, W. 946 Groenewald, J. W. 1773 Gromtseva, K. E. 449 Groody, M. 2910 Gros, G. 1381 Grosjean, M. 2348 Gross, J. 392 583 584 585 Gruber, G. B. 196 Grugni, C. 755 756 797 2466 Gruner, J. W. 655 Guarnaschelli-Raggio, A 1544 1545 Gubanov, A. G. 1628 Gubner, R. 2870 Guerrant, N. B. 2664 Guerrisi, A. 494 Gukov, P. V. 153 495 Gullickson, G. 1895 Gullickson, T. W. 268 Gulyas, E. 1877 Gurgian-Cecconi, L. 1461 Gutentag, J. 2479 Gutman, A. 58 Gutman, A. B. 18 19 683 684 685 757 758 Gutman, E. B. 684 686 Gy8rgy, P. 352 2025 Haas, A. 1482 Haas, M. 2171 HStbler, C. 1629 2099 Hadfield, G. J. 2218 Hagahata, S. 2002 HKggqvist, G. 2250 Hahn, L. A. 1851 Haines, R. W. 1015 1016 Haldeman, K. 0. 2165 Hale, R. W. 1351 1794 Hall, C. E. 606 Hall, G. E. 762 Hall, L. 2013 Hall, W. H. 1230 Halse, T. 2213 Haluzicky, M. 845 Halvorsen, D. K. 1419 Ham., A. W. 197 450 2166 2467 2795 2871 Hamilton, B. 2872 Hamilton, J. G. 10 2580 2586 2608 2609 2610 2707 Hamilton, T. S. 224 Hamper1, H. 2873 Hancox, N. M. 154 198 199 200 2468 2469 Handelsman, M. B. 1301 Handler, P. 1943 2039 Hanke, H. 1482 1483 1509 1510 176 Hanke, H. Hanok, A. Hansard, S. L. Hansen, A. E. Hansen, A. M. Hansen, I. G. Harbin, M. Hare, H. F. Harper, H. A. Harris, H. A. Harris, L. E. Harrison, H. C. Harrison, H. E. Harrison, M. H. M. Hart, E. B. Hartingsvelt, H. van Hartl, F. Hartles, R. L. Hartley, J. Harvey, S. C. Hasche-Kllinder, R, Hashikura, K. Haslhofer, L. Hass, G. M. Hass, S. L. Hastings, A. B. Hathaway, M. L. Haury, E. W. Havermann, H. Haupl, K. Hayden, H. S. Hayes, D. R. Hayes, J. F. H§bert, C. Hecht, E. Heckel, N. J. Heckner, F. Hegemann, G. Hegsted, D. M. Heinen, J. H., Jr Heinz, E. Heitman, H., Jr. Hellbaum, A. A. Heller, M. 2796 Heller, M. 51 Heller-Steinberg, M 53 2704 Hellner, H. 1017 Hellstadius, A. 1922 1768 1760 Hempel, J. 2505 Henckel, K. 0. 1462 179 Henderson, N. 84 496 1018 1019 1960 2874 Hendricks, S. B. 397 2874 547 1221 2674 1635 Hendricks, J. B. Henneman, P. H. Hennig, W. 273 1944 2557 2558 1428 Henny, G. C. 1948 1954 Henry, A. H. 1996 Henry, K. M. 2106 2168 2642 1945 Henschel, A. 85 86 Henschen, C. 921 947 2470 Hensey, J. C. 350 Herlyn, K. E. Hernberg, C. A. 642 Herr, W. 419 Herrick, E. H. 2323 Hertz, J. 1852 1630 1631 Herve, A. 1632 Hess, A. F. 1633 1634 Heuser, G. F. 641 1245 1158 1105 Heusser, H. 1636 Hevesy, G. 2588 Hevesy, G. C. 171 2413 1145 161 Heynold, G. M. L. 2471 Hiatt, H. H. 1939 2753 2754 2755 Higbee, P. 2414 Higgins, G. M. 2559 Highberger, J. H. 1878 Highman, W. J., Jr. 1863 Hill, J. C. 1476 Hill, R. 155 Hill, W. L. 2251 156 2252 2169 1020 2170 2472 2560 2561 1637 1638 236 237 254 280 281 1182 307 656 657 658 659 2911 1872 420 759 1937 2951 2378 2385 2838 1119 1823 1952 2875 2042 262 625 2562 1890 2171 1171 1797 1157 2253 2718 410 263 738 2660 2661 2675 2172 1839 1840 1761 1762 1851 2587 2643 33 87 760 923 1983 585 2872 172 874 307 Hill, W. L. 657 Hills, G. M. 88 Hintzsche, E. Hirashima, M. Hirayama, J. Hirsch, C. 497 1946 1947 2291 106 122 1108 2312 Hirsch, G. M. 2607 Hirschman, A. 20 52 626 2379 Hirshfeld, A. 669 Hisamura, H. 922 948 Hjertquist, S. 0. 982 1202 Hodge, H. C. 21 308 339 383 389 398 622 623 628 629 1756 1801 1824 1850 1853 1854 1858 Hodges, R. M. 2625 2690 2709 2691 Hodgson, R. E. Hoecker, F. E. 185 2683 Hoegen, K. Hoerburger, W. Hoff, F. Hoff, M. 2389 2679 1207 1022 Hoffmann, J. Hoffmeister, W. 2100 2173 2564 Holmdahl, D. E. Holmgren, H. Holmes, W. Holtzer, H. 89 1546 2449 586 1023 Homann, E. Hopkins, F. G. 1896 1897 1207 2415 Hori, S. 403 Horn, H. W. 339 Horwitz, M. 2220 Hoshijima, S. 2101 Houang, K. Householder, H. Howard, J. E. 498 1768 22 26 963 177 Howard, J. E, Howe, P. R. Howes, E. L. Hrdlicka, A. Hruska, A., Jr Hsieh, K. Hubbell, R. B. Huber, L. Huble", J. Hlickel, R. Hudack, S. S. Hudson, L. Hufnagel, C. Huggins, C. Huggins, C. B. Hughes, A. F. Hughes, J. S. Hummon, I. F. Hummon, I. F., Jr, Hunscher, H. A. Hunter, D. Hurni, H. Hurrell, D. J. Hurxthal, L. M. Hutchinson, G. E. Hutchison, J. Hutchison, W. J. IAkovleva, T. M. IAsvoin, G. Iball, J. Ichikawa, T. Ignatius, K. Ikuta, A. Imanaga, H. Imbert, L. Imbert, R. Imirie, G. W., Jr, Imperati, L. Imura, T. Indovina, R. Ingalls, N. W. Ingalls, T. H. Ingelmark, B. E. Ingle, D. J. Inoue, T. Insko, W. M., Jr. Introzzi, A. S. lob, L. V., see lob, V. lob, V. Irving, E. A, Irving, J. T. 1803 1984 1149 2026 2104 2106 1639 201 1302 2000 562 2341 2342 2344 1292 1308 923 928 1349 1722 157 1547 2474 173 1157 1523 1208 1245 1024 1804 2876 140 1898 1462 630 2475 475 846 2068 618 2288 2289 2040 90 2174 2476 1025 2477 2631 2175 2734 1285 2124 1026 1158 1209 91 92 1546 1640 1604 1269 404 2838 499 229 230 240 272 587 1506 Irving, J. T. Irving, L. Istock, J. T. IsU, Z. Itoh, M. Ivanova, S. A. Jaap, R. G. Jaccard, R. Jackson, D. A. Jackson, D. S. Jackson, S. F. Jacob, K. D. Jacob, M. Jacobs, T. Jacobson, S. A. Jacobson, W. Jacoby, F. Jaffe, H. L. JaKus, M. A. James, A. H. Janecek, E. Janes, J. M. Jansen, B. C. P. Jansen, J. Jasswoin, G. Jee, W. S. S. Jefferson, M. E, Jenner, H. D. Jentschura, G. Jessar, R. A. Jimenez Diaz, C. Johansson, E. G. Johansson, H. Johnson, J. A. Johnson, K. E. Johnson, M. L. Johnson, P. L Johnson, R. E. Johnson, R. W. Jolibois, P. Jolly, M. Jones, B. Jones, D. C. Jones, H. B. Jones, H. G. Jones. J. H. 1985 Jongh, S. E. de 1303 2735 1304 2831 Joseph, N. R. 1199 1200 362 1754 2631 Jowsey, J. 2694 2291 2695 1210 1211 Julesz, M. 2761 Jung, A. 1222 2877 1808 1212 2255 1357 Kaesberg, P. 591 2348 Kalambokas, A. 2478 1252 Kallius, H. U. 503 2269 Kalman, C. 849 588 589 Kalnins, V. 1219 571 603 Kama da, K. 847 Kamimura, T. 2669 Kammerer, H. 2676 658 2028 1805 Kanagy, J. R. Kanazawa, K. 590 2882 2271 Kane, L. W. 323 2416 Kaneko, R. 2636 2431 Kao, H. C. 2018 1213 Kapff, J. 2862 1214 Kapp, H. 2797 1215 1216 Karaila, E. 384 1217 Karcher, H. 1763 2254 606 Karnofsky, D. A. 2581 Karshan, M. 23 239 2883 1869 Kartha, G. 602 326 Kasavina, B. S. 563 500 Kasheverov, S. I. 2455 501 Kasinskas, W. 2033 502 Kasperskaia, Z. A. 745 1846 Katagiri, S. 1210 1847 2878 Katersky, E. M. 594 Katz, J. 2589 2922 2590 1027 Kawamura, R. 93 348 Kay, H. D. 372 658 761 659 2272 372 2313 1161 Kearin, G. M. Kearns, J. E., Jr. 923 1196 2038 Keating, F. R., Jr. 1220 1854 Kehoe, R. A. 2644 1855 2645 2449 2646 2647 1785 Keith, T. B. 2670 348 Kellenberger, E. 2336 1028 2343 2 2344 990 Kellermann, J. H. 2041 1906 Kelly, R. P., Jr. 491 2230 Kemeny, T. 2027 Kent, P. 516 2588 879 Kenten, R. H. 577 757 578 579 10 Kernohan, J. W. 1001 2692 1103 2693 908 Kev. J. A. 504 1159 393 1899 1218 1978 2879 2177 2880 2881 Keys, A. 2042 Khain-Makarova, G. A. 2736 178 Kibrick, E. A. Kick, C. H. Kidder, G. W. Kidman, B. Kiehn, C. L. Kieny, M. Kimmel, L. Kind, H. King, C. G. King. E. J. Kirby-Smith, H. T. Kirschbavun, A. Kishikawa, E. Kisieleski, W. Kistler, G. H. Kiszely, G. Klaauw, C. J. van der Kleiber, M. Klein, L. Klein, M. Klein Obbink, H. J. Klement, R. Kler, V. 0. Klinke, K. Knake, E. Knese, K.-H. Knorr, G. Knowlton, M. Ko, K. Koch, J. C. Koch, W. Kochakian, CD, Kodama, S. Kodicek, E. Kogane, M. Kohman, E. F, Kollath, W. Koltze, H. Kon. S. K. Kondo, S, 1179 1276 1305 1447 I 1962 864 2591 2696 2697 2705 2479 2762 1235 1236 2266 2480 1788 2787 762 839 2481 1432 505 2687 506 507 2069 1641 380 1863 2798 1505 2737 309 310 311 312 313 314 363 373 1029 421 174 1642 1643 2043 1346 509 510 2102 2592 2593 763 1460 764 2799 2805 2806 2807 2808 2829 1923 2738 2884 2885 1645 1119 1823 1952 2875 2288 2289 Koneff, A. A. Konishi, S. Kopaczewski, W. Kopech, G. Korff, K. von Kornberg, H. A. Kornberg, H. L. Kos, J. Koss, W. F. Kotllarevskii, M. L. Kotrnetz, H. Kottke, F. J. Kozdoba, A. Z Kozelka, F. L. Krahl, V. E. Kraijenhoff Sloot, W. J. A. T. Kraintz, F. W. Kraintz, L. Kraemer, V. von Kramer, B. Kramer, H. Krasovskaia, 0. V. Kreussler, H. E. M, Kreussler, W. Kreuzer, 0. Krieger, C. H. Krockert, G. Krompecher, I. Krompecher, S. Kroon, D. B. Kroon. D. B. Krtiger, E. Krupski, A. Kruse, H. D. Krusen, F. Ksendzovskii, M. E, Kubanyi, E. Kubicek, W. G. Kubo, M. Kugelmass, I. N. 1420 KUhne, H. 2393 Kulonen, E. 511 Kuneeva, Z. I. 186 KUng, H. L. 553 Ktlntscher, G. 902 2433 1030 2177a 2589 Kupperman, H. S 2590 Kurita, I. 1831 Kusano, N. 512 398 Kuvatov, G. G. 399 Kuwabara, G. 2178 2886 Kuyper, A. C. 1895 1160 1511 1512 Kuzin, A. M. 1221 Lacapere, J. 1646 Lachmann, E. 385 Lacroix, P. 1256 1256 2887 335 366 540 627 828 2284 2285 2286 2888 593 2417 2648 2649 1031 706 2719 2720 158 513 1032 1647 Laing, P. G. 175 Lalich, J. J. 451 Lamarque, P. 1648 Lamas, A. 2179 202 Lambertini, G. 385 687 848 Lamy, F. 1298 Landauer, W. 2835 249 1764 Landells, J. W. 374 1986 Landoff, G. A. 430 1172 Landtman, B. 2180 1895 Lanford, C. S. 765 2183 LangenskiOld, A 514 592 563 2181 1649 1650 1651 2070 2182 1520 2174 2287 2290 1900 716 766 315 316 324 924 94 688 1476 515 880 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1548 1549 1765 1806 2071 2072 2073 2184 2391 2482 2483 2484 2485 2486 2487 2488 2565 2566 516 1995 2380 2381 517 95 141 142 1776 1421 1422 1423 1424 77 680 717 1652 2394 1807 2887 1987 1042 1043 179 LangenskiOlk, F. Langley, F. A. Langmaack, B. Laromiguiere, S. de Larsell, 0. LaRue, H. C. Laskey, A. Laskin, D. M. Laszlo, D. Latinikowna, A. Latta, J. s. Lattes, R. Lauber, H. J. Laurens, A. Laux, G. Lavrenenco, N. Law, K. A. O'D. Layani, F. Layton, L. L. Leandri, A. Leblond, C. P. Lebow, M. Lecoq, R, Ledina, H. Leek, J. H. LeFevre, M. L. Legrand, C. Lehrman, A. Leicester, H. M. Leijnse, B. Leitner, Z. A. Leonards, J. R. Leppelmann, H. J. Lerch, P. Leriche, R. 1134 251 1653 815 1654 2632 693 96 97 689 1787 1817 1655 2889 1149 1161 2185 815 1656 1242 2702 1513 247 949 983 1740 1741 810 814 24 392 913 925 1514 1623 1729 1830 1860 2256 2333 2092 2093 2094 2095 422 950 1988 1989 1990 1991 2273 2274 2275 2276 2841 1219 1364 383 1856 317 302 2400 2401 1879 2739 423 273 2968 25 881 Leriche, R. Lesure, A. Leulier, A. 1222 1808 2074 2186 2489 694 264 2278 2279 2280 Lichiier, G. Lichtwitz, A. Liddicoat, R. T. Liebknecht, W. L. Liegeois, F. Lienke, R. I. Lievre, J. A. 2281 Light, R. F. Leuret, J. 2721 Lightfoot, L. H Levander, G. 1550 2490 Lillie, R. D. 2491 Lilly, C. A. 2492 2493 Lima, C. 2494 2495 Lindahl, 0. 2496 2497 2498 Lindemann, R. 2567 2568 Lindenbaum, A. 2578 Levey, S. 951 Levi, G. 2418 Levi, G. M. 1657 Lindquist, B. Levi, H. B. 1762 Lindqvist, M. Levi della Vida, B. 1223 Lindsay, M. K. Levie, L. H. 1162 1298 1409 Levikova, A. M. 2499 Linggi, A. Levine, M. D. 26 690 Liosner, L. D. Levinskas, G. J. 318 319 Lipp, W. Lippmann, E. Levinthal, D. H. 2220 Lippman, H. N. Levy, B. M. 2760 Lipton, M. A. 2763 Lissner, H. R. 2764 2765 2778 2779 • 2800 Levy, S. R. 388 Litovitz, T. A. Lewis, M. D. 2871 Lewis, M. N. 1755 Litow, S. Lexer, E. W. 1502 Little, K. 2801 Li Voti, P. Leynse, B. 691 Ljunggren, M. Li, C. H. 849 Loeb, L. 1266 Loeper, M. 1273 Loeschke, A. 1274 Loewi, G. 1275 1278 Logan, M. A. 1316 Logan, R. A. 1337 1338 1339 1340 Long, M. L. Lontie, P. Looney, W. B 1341 1526 2048 Loosli, J. K Lorber, M. 1448 1044 1307 1358 1359 1360 2091 692 1972 1785 1809 1224 1992 564 693 1993 1994 2500 98 99 2569 2594 356 1826 1827 1828 2890 1791 1948 1954 2103 2104 2106 2105 1045 1046 207 1425 1426 1427 30 1612 1686 2096 2097 2098 1816 1821 2219 593 718 834 1135 694 724 952 27 320 321 322 323 364 569 159 1768 1810 2685 2686 1752 222 180 Lorch, I. J. Lorenz, 0. Lorenzi, B, Lorenzi, L, Loreto, C. Lotz, W. E. Louie, B. J. Louw, J. G. Low, M. B. Lowry, 0. H. Lucchese, G. Lucinescu, E. Lucke, H. Ludwig, K. S. Lumsden, R. W. Lund, A. P. Lundsgaard, E. C, Lusignani, G. Lussler, J. P. Lusted, L. B. Lutwak-Mann, C. Lux, H. Luyken, R. Lynch, G. R. Lyon, E. Maassen, A. P. Maatz, R. McArthur, C, McCall. J. T. McCarroll, H. R. McCarty. M. A. McCay, CM. McCleary, B. MacClure, F. J. McCollum. E. V. MacConaill, M. A. McConnell, D. McCoy, R. H. MacDonald, I. McDonald, M. R. MacDonald, N. S. MacDonald, R. P. McDougal, R. C . 767 768 769 770 771 2390 2501 2502 2503 695 1811 2187 1257 2620 2688 2580 1773 772 594 1163 1658 1308 773 1428 1948 1954 1996 2891 2892 1851 2900 100 1047 696 2595 2766 2650 1515 1164 1165 1168 1659 1660 2691 2698 2699 1977 2474 2670 436 1918 1906 2596 374 1925 1973 1986 101 1661 655 660 661 1228 265 1516 2579 2597 2598 2600 2651 2691 2698 2699 28 324 908 McGaw, W. H. McGowan, J. P. MacGowan, T. J. B. A, McGuire, G. Machado de Sousa, 0. McHenry, E. W. Mclntyre, A. R. Mclntyre, D. B. McJunkin, F. A. McKay, G. F. McKay, J. H. McKelvie, A. M. Mackenzie, C. G. McKeown, R. M. Maclean, D. L, McLean, F. C McLean, R. MacLeod, M. McMaster, P. E, McNamara, E. W. Macola, B. A. McQueeney, A. J. Macy, I. G. Maddock, C. L. Maddock, S. Maddox, G. E. Madsen, N. B. 2504 2505 2893 1048 2944 1662 2802 858 652 1225 1995 628 774 1925 850 1428 1948 1954 1974 1996 2026 2106 2152 2802 29 30 35 55 56 156 386 882 883 884 885 886 959 1226 1227 1228 1318 1348 1350 1383 1453 1454 1455 1535 1829 1967 2075 2231 2257 2542 2543 2544 2859 2894 2652 702 775 518 1663 1901 1225 1429 2767 1245 1169 1344 2740 2756 2741 2629 2632 776 Madsen, N. B. Magnusson, T. Mahan, M. L. Mahot, H. Main, E. R. Maj, G. Majno, G. Malan, A. I. Malcolm, J. Maleci, 0. Malm, 0. J. Malmberg, N. Malmgren, H. Man, E. B. Mancini, R. E, Mandel, P. Manery, J. F. Manly, M. L. Manly, R. S. Mann, F. C Mansfield, R. D. Mansson, B. Marangoni, P. L. Marble, A. Marcelet, Y. Marek, J. 1950 1791 1415 2308 2623 2714 2715 2716 2717 1049 1664 1677 2107 2125 2126 2127 535 704 719 777 818 851 1229 1695 1696 2344 1779 1926 1230 176 1814 2895 926 1423 605 927 971 843 1132 1156 1166 1505 1894 1902 2023 2028 2157 387 388 389 1857 1858 2914 il«58 774 1734 61 937 938 939 823 824 825 2832 1073 1114 223 325 1927 1997 1998 1999 2258 181 Marek, J. 2896 2897 2898 2899 Mariassy, B. 266 Marinelli, L. 248 Marks, P. A. 31 32 33 760 Marques, A. 519 Marques, P. 489 Martin, A. V. W. 565 571 Martin, E. 1109 1517 Martin Cazorla, F. 1309 Martin Lagos, F. 1666 Martin-Poggi, R. 811 853 2819 Martos, J. 1518 Maruyama, G. 2947 Marx, J. 1231 1484 Marx, W. 1276 1305 1310 1474 Mascherpa, P. 2900 Masella, T. 2768 Masmonteil, F. 2721 Mason, H. A. 2559 Masse, L. 167 168 2062 Massler, M. 1050 Mastrobuono, M. 110 Mastromarino, A. 1903 Mathews, M. B. 592 953 Mathies, J. C. 778 779 780 Matsuda, T. 859 Matthews, B. F. 102 954 Matti, H. 2506 Mattick. 452 Matumoto, T. 2291 Matyas, J. 2314 Matzen, P. F. 1667 Maulbetsch, A. 354 Maun, M. E. 2029 2030 Maurer, P. H. 928 May, H. 2188 2507 Mayer, F. K. 365 Mayer, J. 2024 Maymone, B. 353 Maynard, L. A. 2662 Mazoue, H. 2276 Mead, E. R. 1157 Mechanik, N. 1668 1669 1670 2315 Megirian, D. 2622 Mehmel, M. 662 Meier, K. 2863 Meister, W. 2259 Mellanby, E. 1928 2731 2732 2733 2742 2743 2744 2745 2901 Melon, J. 215 277 278 279 297 298 299 300 301 396 620 631 663 664 1402 1403 1418 1972 2109 2346 Meltzer, H. 2189 Mendel, L B. 2000 Menegaux, G. 177 178 Mering, J. 2381 Merlino, A. 1430 Meroni, CM. 781 Merritt, L. 1949 Messini, M. 1485 Messerschmitt, J. 1376 1378 1382 Meyer, A. 955 Meyer, F. L. 419 Meyer, K. 929 930 956 957 972 973 974 975 976 984 1149 Meyer, K. H. 958 Meyer, R. 1930 Meyer zu Hbrste, G. 34 2902 2903 Michaud, L. 2947 Michaux, A. 250 Mickelsen, 0. 2042 Micotti, R. 2190 Migicovsky, B. B. 2508 2904 2905 2906 2907 2908 Mignot, J. 1513 2015 Milch, H. 2110 Miller, H. 1870 Miller, R. C 2670 Miller, Z. B. 35 959 Milne, M. D. 1232 Miltner, L. J. 2063 2461 Mimura, T. 1059 Minder, W. 36 2865 2866 2867 Minear, W. L. 482 Miszurski, B. 2570 2571 Mitchell, H. H. 218 224 Mitchell, J. R. 2419 Mittler, A. 1361 Miyasaki, Y. 2289 1051 Miyazaki, T. 960 961 Modell, w. 1052 1057 Moggian, G. 1401 Mohamed, M. S. 715 Molchanova, V. A. 1551 Molinari-Tosatti, P. 1193 1233 MOllendorff, W. von 2420 Mollgaard, H. 1760 Monaci, H. 1880 Mondolfo, S. 2572 Monetti, G. 267 390 1859 Montagna, W. 103 Montanari Reggiani, M. 520 Montastruc, P. 440 Moog, F. 782 783 784 Mooney, G. 2516 Moore, F. D. 239 1869 Moore, J. M. 2165 Moore, R. M. 1899 Morelle, J. 2912 Morgan, A. F. 1234 1235 1768 1862 2909 2910 2911 Morgano, G. 748 Morgareidge, K. 2914 2924 Morgulis, S. 326 Morin, F. 1671 Morris, H. P. 2653 Morris, R. M. 1145 Morse, A. 754 785 786 Morse, J. K. 642 Mortimer, H. 1251 Morton, J. J. 524 525 526 55 55 55 p p p TO TO TO *S C P - 1 O P- 55 55 55 K P P P << TO H> p. 1 P N ft rr ° rM « -TO - o ft bc 211 W. a as « as S BE s S S 5 as c C C c e c c e i 1 1 1 113 3 i 1 1 p P P 1 3 p P P rt OOO £ SS S B £ a a. c c c "? M m M 3" O oq •< << << << o s se as n. as as as as ooo o o rt rt- 0) 0) 1 N rt- M M rt O 1 ft 3 0 X P •< P 3 * a w m P O b- M < a . as ' > iv^H^KK~. tOtOtOtOtOMM to *. *. tO *. t0H00s)(li0i000ll0305^ffiOmiU tn rr, i_i eotooo oooocooooooooo^wooco SS a> w*. oco ^wo^toMOoowowSowScoS £! £5 J"? JS J0. M 52 tototototototo 2Sm££"^F! w-J^^oooo oo ooow * O M MMO)C0 tOMMMMMMM OOCOCOGOrVi mioo oooeo *.oo w*.w {om moo w*To £ H S toNtotototototototototototo to1-1 M """ JS """ K 52 tototototototototototototototorM m to toto 2S^S^0> cr tr ft C ft Mil D. TO TO - ft ft 1 1 > , ,. rt > J? * *5 ft ft 05 M M p. 01 01 m o o . 3 3 - - W BE f_ • as a> 55 55 5? ft ft\ft a cr p 55 55 55 P P p < c C P 3 O Q3 55 55 P\ P 1 B P CT 0\ 55 55 P p S" TO p V* p. s « totototototototototot-i o owwo Smmmmm^^^S ^."o^0? ?<^0)0)ooooeo eotowco ooo^SS^S^SG^^S^SSSSS^^bi^^^KS ggg§ to to to to to to to wwenoooooo o OOO MMMMMM M w o oo o o w*. co to o OCO OtOOWOOo CO o CO O O O 01 too O » M O M Oto"g tO r— <— tO COOtO slOldOl 4 u M *. O OWCnMrn^ OOO » O *.© co °, M to 10 tO tO tO M 00 u oooooo^, COcn HUU ooto^ too atoMtoMOo ooo TO TO Hi H- p H, 3*3 0 P ft H H o o o o O H- H- (B ft ft ft ft rr ' 1 1 h B5 O P- P p WW W 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 C C C O O O O 01 01 3 N N N >< tT CT 3 P P P ft p p ft * *• pr oi C C 3 P H- H-- g g p - - « 55 ? 0 P r o o rt 55 55 55 55 55 0 O O O O 1 i 1 |_i hi O. CT O* rt- P Hi O Pt ft 3 55 55 0 £" tr « p P ■? « 55 55 55 55 55 rt 01 ft ft ft ft 0 01 O 3* 3 M M a 0 H- P 01 01 oi M B* 3 3 0 ft i 0 ** B >. 3 3 « 01 ft 1 H- H- p O ft o> - > a 01 WCO tO^M OCOoMkj MO Oqoo » O M O to to to to to to to to to m to to to to to to to to ooo owojo m ;u MOtO Sotno og o £ SI S oi o w g*> SoSS SSwwS^^^S to o w oooo ooooo *>OM ooom too*.toco w^iw^^j ^, w u; oi oi u oi to u M C O CO en to tntnCOtOfnh; *. M O tOOl M OOOCOOOMCOOCOOltOwS O O £ OO £ $ W MKt0.N,° l-'e0 lOtOtotOMMM K K r" 1 - 01 - -a ia 'a ooo 1 1 V rt rt- "O ft ft ft 11- *0 *d *0 *0 oooo T3 >o O B o p o> a < - - » P- O O rt CO- > H * o o "*■ o tO M M tO tO O O CO O M o to W O M M CO CO CO *■ w to m o a *. M M M 00 10 *. *• Om O CO *> to o o tO tO tO tO M tO M h-i tO M .. WCntOtOMMo*.WW*.*.OOOco *.*. 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P H a< HOB MtOlOMM r-'t-'r-'t->t-ihJr-it-,l.r~i M o to oo *. o co co co co co *. ooJo^oto at oootoo o*.cococomco oo«oooo £ m*-ooo oooooooocoto*5*.»o CO is sill S gs Hiss Ss 2 si g sisHSHSSSsSS^^^Soo ^HoiU oms;^ to *. to to *. oo *■ to to o o M £ M|0 MtO mkj oo *• o o to oo to w a a o o cr cr a a o o 9 CT a a o o 5" """ ft ft 0 o cr i i p- ""* cr rt rt- M 01 O - B - a o co a » a a a a a a 8 H- p. p- p. p. p. £ N N N B M n 2 N N < B ft 0. 2 o P P ft VJ ft 2 •"■ 01 1 S" H- ST i°. < » a a 93 93 90 90 a a a » p. p. p. p-tr cro o» ° 2. ° * u o. b* 9 tr ft p ,_• rt- ft P t*ft ft ft rt- 1 1 01 . i » a o- rt i ?o.° o. •< w p . w o to ^ to 00 * O CO en SoM<"?IN3h' °°wco »»o*>ooooo^^^ S! 2 ft *i "^ °- CnOO OOOOWOOO^OO O *.C0C0C0O(o *>0W MOtoOOOOOWijtOM o o co co co co ocotoooooo o ooooo o o o o o ._. o*-cococo wcoenMMMMoooooMMOOo*.*.^ eooooo ocoooow*>o *. tooocoto w*.coooq *> *■ CO -. *- co «o.cooooo ^^*M HpHPIO Hi) Hu H (O W M o w tn W*. A.^.OOoCOoIOoj^ McnW *.mom MOcn*.co*.Ooocow"2 5. Sow a a a a a a o 0 0 0 o o 01 CO CO 0 0 3 ft ni ft a Hi n CT or ■. n ft 0 e ft i ►i 1 a 0 «< 1 a V B a a o o 3 B ft ft 1 - a a o OS m sr a a 0 o TO TO 0 ft N 1 P- 01 Bv 01 9t * M O 8c*S5w88*8S* ©* S gggSwJnSSwoow^cocoggcnco 22fe|||gS|g PSSSSSSSSm-m-m-m^SSSSSSo'S©^© loSSls|s2Soo?»gS»2S2S SggSTSSg SgS^§SSEr0S So-SSSSmSSo- "SSdSSS^^S^PSSSoow^cotoMooco a a a a a a a a c c c c c c c ?! rt 01 01 01 01 10 D B* rt 01 01 0 p C_l. iv c ft 0 X P M 3 0 < P- B H Ch M P- < P P rt M ~ " " o B N rt ft W a o * > > sc ft- a a a c 90 90 » 93 a a a a a ? » a a g c M c c c c c e c B B 0 0 0 0 mi o. a cr tr cr tr CT CT 5 c B B p* pi N - p p p. p- p- p- ft P < 01 3 M p P CO M 3 3 B 3 TO 01 £ » 0. ft 3 rt O M- rt- H 0 " " B P- n B* ft* M. 1 - 01 rt a a 9090XH93 oo o o o o C rt <+ 0) CO ?1 P- 3" 3- 01 Ul 01 m tr - h- p-- M P rt- ft i a rt w w >o TD K SK - O > mm B o ae O rt tOtOlOtOMMMM tO MIOtO MtO to COCOCOtOMOOOM o o*®^ 22 S O lOK>lOOM«J.gO*. to -"ww ^g S » cotoMWW«jow*> © eooo *• o o *■ to to *. o o M tO M to o*. S *• co S en o M M .» S to o £ » o co o © *■ co o o cowwSSS §8*h SSSSSooowwwwSowSoom ^^^ m SMiiwwMOOowotoo *.*.*■*■ wwmoowooommcowm mmmm S MOO^WtoSwcoMOoS 3LwtOMOMOOtOWO*.OoOO*.*.oW*.WtO to to o o to o o to coca CO ca ca n p p p p P X < c B TO rt p ■a 3 MO •< ft a P-B ft ft- i o w oi c* a to CO oco CO p P p p P 1 1 1 B 3 3 M Mi rt rt P ft P P P rt ca rt-B O P- P 1 - 1 0 W a P- 0 CO P ft owwcocococococaco - P P Pv P PS P 3 3 3 3 B B Hi p, Q. 0. O 5 p- p- p- ft sr p co h p- o i ft N P P B M CO 2. 3* p. CO CO CQ CO CO w coco pppppp PP MMM|_ivj)_j MP- llggSlssslssisSSIss 5882s 183-sssSB SlMslislsssSoo-o-g KSSKssssssgBfc&sMggs to O «j W CO to M 0 CO en O O £ W *. cocowCGcacococococo 3" CT < * P 1 " o 2. 31 2" S p p >d >i *» "*" N N 2. O O O O O H- B-U *■ 3 * "s rt- O ft ^ - 3 P- "-1' ft <+ rt- N N rt- N N - - ft ft - - Mil *■ > tn • - - • • rt a rt CO CO CO CO "> 2. ° b* sr ti- es C c B". BS CO CO CO o o O ct ct ct B rt i ct 01 ft ft o p. i CT CT rt ft ft 1 1 CT - CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ca n o o o o 0 o o 3" CT CT CT CT CT CT CT 0 B 0 0 O 3 B B 3 B rt M p- ft ft p- 1 1 rt M rt p- P- rt - M ft>- B a a rt » P ft ft - m a b i i CO CO CO CO CO CO o o o r> CT B* CT CT 3 3 B B p. p- p. p. p. p. p. p. * fe n t, Bt P a o O CT CT CT 3 3 P- ft P rt 1 CT rt N M ft M 3 ft CT 1 =5 ft CO CO o o CT CT 3 M M O rt- 01 10 W CO CO CO CO CO CO CO oo o o o o o o ertr b> c p- c c p o ct _ p. p. ft p . ft i B - PT ri- ft CO «< 1 - - w > t-". H, ft "O O H> Hi ft « ft ft 3 P- 1 1 CO O - » ft N ft - ff 01 P ft a p p p CO p C Hi • o Mt-^tOtOtO totOtOM tott t-"M tOMMMMM MtOtOtSS^^MMtOMtOtO tO M" M HNtO H MhM M M (O *.totoo)oa)ooO)coo oKwoooo<0oooooo*.*.cowwoo»-'5yMooMuioowwoM oo*. *.oaooooMMoo»co»ooo Sooopiootooo*.woMKwoo*'*. ►-'©totototototo w m o en h o 2 © oowcntoooto*. *. *. » o o w to too *.mmommo Ooimooom 0oWOooooMto^w*.MO<0ooow^.eooooowoo otowoto©^MOMOooow*-wwoocnoto o wo*.*.ooo*.wwOtotooMOo •-■ to to m o o w o *• *> to to o m o o o mo ca ca ca ca co CT CT CT CT CT O «• P- p- P- o es i i b pf 1 M P p. - o ft ?r a a p < p , CA CQ CO CO TO CO CO CO CT CT CT ft ft ft i >o >d 3 *> P p p 3 3 1ft - & X a ae r" W CO CO CO CO ff f p- ""■ 5" ® ft ft ft ft 1-1 M p. ft P £ & B CT 1 H- o Hi p a H 3 ft 3 - TO - pi - * p. O G Ch - c, • • B .M rt B . CO CO CO CO CT CT CT CT P p P P 3 4 1 tJ - - -O p. - 1 tn Ch 0 . . O - B O " > CO CO CO CO ft ft ft ft 1 1 3 3 < 3 01 a ft ft ft i M 1 3 0 M P- P- «< ft - TO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO ftftftftft ft ftftft MMMPCP-CTOQftft >«j X CT h- Hi 1 p g 3 „ X CT H- ft O «< - < - „ "° B rt P M p ft - O 3 1 Hi 3 rt Hi » CO CO ft ft ft CT P. M ft C n «< - 3 01 03 > b a BS BE w CO M MtOMtO MtOMMM tOtOt-1 o *> owoco oooooo~ COtO *. o o o OMOMOO coo oooo to M to o to o MtOHPKPM^M MtO tOMMMtO P P MMtOtOtO tOMM Ml-l»-,l-,l-,'-'t-'MtOM M M M tO lO MtO_______"-1 "^ oo$^oo u to^oiiD »» couu o *. m o to *. w ooiwmmmmu, M»o»^MMNMNHoHgigi«*4iLiu^OH ^jooaoaw*. MMOootoocnMcnOOococo totowcoMOco Oto*.MMMMS MoowoWW*.*.*.o55p 00 W oi ow o o O 00 CO w OOO*.Otny,Mt0MWOOc0 tO to to to to oooo *.*.*.*. CO 10 M o 187 Silberberg, R. Silberstein, L. SilfverskiSld, N. Siluch, K. A. Silvestre de Sacy, G. Simazaki, S. Simeon, A. Simizu, M. Simola, P. E. Simon, R. Simonart, J. Simonnet, H. Simonot, M. T. Simon-Reuss, I. Simpson, L. Simpson, M. E. 1253 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1438 1440 1441 1442 1443 1444 1445 1446 1470 1471 1472 1473 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533 1534 1934 1955 1956 1957 1958 2036 2524 2764 2779 337 338 1082 1950 2829 2410 1720 1703 2748 2887 1908 2217 369 1187 1467 813 2415 1833 1144 1266 1267 1268 1273 1274 1275 1277 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1287 1288 1292 1293 1294 1296 1306 1311 1313 1316 Simpson, M. E. Sinelnikov, N. A. Singer, L. Singher, H. 0. Sissons, H. A. Sisto, L. Sizoo, G. J. Skipper, H. E. Skinner, J. T. Slack, H. G. B. Sladky, F. Slater, R. H. Slessor, A. Slijper, E. J. Slinger, S. J. Smith, A. H. Smith, E. E. Smith, E. L. Smith, F. A. Smith, G. C. Smith, J. Smith, K. HcL. Smith, P. K. Smith, S. "". Smyth, E. M. Smyth, F. S. Snapper, I. Snellman, 0. Soames, K. H. Sobel, A. E. 1334 1335 1341 1342 1420 1447 1474 1493 1494 1525 1526 2047 2048 2049 2325 1785 1818 1819 1820 2583 248 1118 2218 2292 1846 1847 1833 2673 567 570 1704 2650 827 2525 1705 1935 380 1863 1874 1966 1968 1535 2582 2402 2623 2625 1434 1435 1516 1949 1547 1363 1966 1936 2665 957 984 1047 1254 106 122 1108 701 20 49 50 51 52 53 366 540 626 627 669 670 828 Sobel, A. E, 965 2284 2285 2286 2585 2621 2656 2704 Soeur, R. 2945 2956 Sognnaes, R. F. 2627 Solarino, G. 2780 Solerio, L. 856 857 Somogyi. E. 541 Sontag, L. W. 54 Srfrensen, A. H. 2141 Sos, J. 1448 2027 Sosnovskaia, E. M. 2326 Sousa Pereira 118 542 1909 Spain, P. 2598 2600 2651 2691 2698 2699 SpSth, H. 1797 Sperling, G. 1918 2662 Sperling, L. 2219 Spiegel-Adolf, M. 2378 2385 Spildo, L. S. 2008 Spinelli, A. 1336 Spitzer, R. R. 2947 Sprinson, D. B. 1178 Srlramachari, S. 2933 Stacey, M. 940 Stack, M. V. 608 Stanier, J. E. 977 Statsmann, L. 2823 Steadman, L. T. 339 Stearns, R. 2691 2699 Steenbock, H. 429 706 1864 1920 2673 2939 Steggerda, F. R. 224 Stein, I. 1736 Steindler, A. 2120 Steinman, C. 2526 Stephenson, N. R. 2079 Stephenson, S. R. 666 Stettner, E. 1083 1084 2080 Stewart, J. 2009 Stirbu, A. 1242 Stoll, W. R. 400 Stolzberg, H. 2948 Storck, H. 1706 Strachman, N. 727 728 Straumann, R. 555 188 Straumann. R. Straus, R. 625 2220 Takizawa, N. Strauss, K. 2749 Talbot, N. B. Streeter, G. L. 1085 Talia, F. Striganova, A. R. 1255 Talmage, R. V Strobino, L. J. 271 1707 Tamura, K. Strom, L. 1838 Tanaka, M. Struck, H. C. 2113 2114 Tangari, C. Tanko, B. 2384 Tanz, S. S. Strudel, G. 1910 Studitskii, A. N. 1086 1087 Tanzi, B. 1088 1089 2221 Tarjan, R. 2527 Talifel, K. 2528 2529 Taylor, H. L. Studitsky, A. N., see Studitskii, A. N. StUhler, R. Sturm, K. Sue, P. Sugita, T, Sukhatankar, D. R, Sukhtankar, D. R. Sulon, E. Sumner, J. B. Sundberg, R. D. Sutro, C. J. Suyama, Y. Suzuki, T. Sviridov, A. I. Swann, M. M. Swanson, W. W. Swenson, 0. Sylven, B. Szabo, M. Takahashi, S. Takamatsu, H, Takizawa, N. 2530 2531 2532 2533 2534 2535 2536 2537 2538 2539 2540 2541 646 647 160 1404 1929 2001 2031 2032 2918 1771 2929 2769 2770 707 185 1449 1450 765 1211 1783 1592 173 229 230 240 272 2222 2223 106 119 120 121 122 926 966 1108 2314 2010 764 2287 Taylor, L. W. Taylor, M. W. Taylor, T. G. Tempestini, 0. Templeton, R. D, Teneff, S. Terada, E. Terepka, A. R. Terzi, II. Tessarolo, G. Teucq, E. Thamann, F. Theiler, A. Theopold, W. Thewlis, J. Thiery, G. Thomas, B. H. Thomas, I. Thomas, R. Thomas, R. D. Thomas, R. 0. Thompson, J. Thompson, W. ( Thomsen, H. Thomson, D. L. Thomson, D. M. Thorp, W. T. S, Thouren, G. Thunberg, T. 2290 2291 Thunberg, T. 432 Timm, F. 2612 1451 1336 Timmer, G. J. 2305 1256 Timpe, 0. 2226 1257 Tinacci, F. 123 1452 124 1475 2267 1537 829 2825 2224 830 Tira, P. L. 1881 Tischendorf. F. 1710 2557 2558 Tischendorf, W. 161 340 1556 341 Titze, G. 1197 2681 2952 2309 Toaiari, E. 1665 430 1677 1711 321 322 2107 364 Toajari, E., see Toaiari, E. 2042 Todd, T. W. 1091 1159 1712 1737 2938 2955 1865 2956 2949 Todd, W. R. 394 1208 1523 Tollman, J. P. 858 543 Tomasi, L. 2395 462 Toalin, D. H. 1119 1823 763 2824 Tomlin, S. G. 587 1838 Tomlinson, T. H., Jr. 2011 2055 Tompsett, S. L. 2618 2758 2626 2788 2657 2789 2658 2225 Tonnet, J. 694 2644 2645 Toribara, T. Y. 330 2646 T8r8, E. 2429 2647 Toth, E. 2027 1779 2950 Toverud, G. 343 1090 1780 420 Toverud, K. U. 343 831 1780 1937 2046 2951 Tower, S. S. 1911 342 1044 1307 1358 Towey, J. P. Townsley, W. 1938 1713 1714 1359 Trintignac, P. 261 1360 2295 2967 Tristan, T. A. 2889 398 Trivellini, A. 2227 2690 1235 2355 1816 Trizzino, E. 2826 1821 Troitskii, V. V. 1912 1536 Troitzky, W. 1092 1145 TrOmel, G. 310 898 314 1192 Trueta, J. 544 545 1251 1258 546 1-822 Tuba, J. 547 776 10 1950 2670 Tufano, A. 2953 2933 1708 Tulpule, P. G. 1709 2954 431 Tum-Suden, C. 1170 189 Turner, C. W. Turner, H. H. Turner, W. D, Tutt, M. Tutt, L. Tweedy, W. R, Tyler, C. Tytell, A. A, Uehlinger, E Ulrich, F, Ulrich, H. Ulutas, I. Underwood, E. E Upp, C. W. Urbanek, L. Urbanyi, L. Urist, M. R Usuelli, F. Utsunomiya, S. Uyldert, I.E. Vaillancourt, de G. Vainio, S. Valdes Santurio, E. I Vanamee, P. Van der Haas, G. J. Van Dyke, D. C. Van Huysen, G. Van Metre, J. E., Jr Van Hiddlesworth, L. 1124 1476 302 2601 2695 2705 2591 2696 2697 1185 1225 1259 1260 2706 1781 1782 595 897 1764 2863 1337 1338 1339 1340 249 1715 623 1802 1824 1981 see Urbinyi, L, 223 325 344 1927 1997 1998 1999 2258 2896 2897 2898 2899 55 56 885 886 1350 1453 1454 1455 1967 2228 2229 2230 2231 2542 2543 2544 379 859 860 1162 1161 2545 2144 609 1847 1335 629 2750 1882 2037 Van Middleton, L. Van Nouhuys, K. F. Van Slyke, K. K. Van Voorhis, S. N. Van Wyk, J. J. Varela, B. Vaughan, J. Vaughan, J. M. Venar, Y. A. Vereby, K. Verge Brian, F. Verma, A. R. Verne, J. Verne, J.-M. Verne-Soubiran, A. Vigano, A. Vigliani, F. Viladot, A. Villemin, F. Villette, H. Villiaumey, J. Vincenti, M. Vinogradova, T. Vinson, C. Virenque, J. Virgin, W. J. Visek, W. J. Vivanco, F. Vladutiu, 0. Vogeleisen, A. Vogels, R. J. Voisin, R. Volker, J. F. Volynskii. F. A. Voronin, G. N. Voss, H. Wachs, E. F. Wachsmuth, G. Wachtel, L. W. Wadhwani, T. K. Wagenfeld, M. Wagoner, G. Wainwright, W. W. Wakeman, A. J. Wakerlin, G. E. Wal-Balacianu, R. Waldman. J. 2707 2843 1722 389 629 2614 2615 2844 2601 2694 2695 2705 2591 2696 2697 2955 2956 548 521 668 2081 2081 2081 1093 1716 1717 1718 1719 1570 1720 2275 740 1538 125 1456 440 2122 2620 2038 1578 1166 1505 1902 433 489 2627 1721 2232 2233 549 2838 2577 2674 345 463 64 112 113 114 115 126 550 2234 2770 2781 2000 1522 1507 35 708 709 Waldman, J. 959 Walker, A. R. P. 2782 Walker, D. G. 1267 1268 1313 1341 1342 Wallace, W. M. 71 Walmsley, R. 1094 Walter, C. W. 1722 Walter, H. 1690 Walthard, B. 2864 Walton, F. 504 Wang, T. 1302 Ward, A. A., Jr. 2209 Warkany, J. 2957 Warnock, G. McM. 1975 Warnock, G. M. 2133 Warren, R. F. 2465 Warrick, F. B. 686 Warwick, W. T. 1095 Washburne, S. L. 1723 Watanabe, T. 1783 2031 2032 2918 Watenpaugh, J. T. 1768 Watson, E. M. 832 1146 1147 Watson, M. L. 2339 2340 Watson Jones, R. 899 Watts, W. M., Jr. 491 Weakley, C. E., Jr. 231 232 Webster, S. S. 2332 Weidenreich, F. 900 Weidman, S. 11. 355 572 1735 393 Weikel, J. H., Jr. 637 648 649 Weil, J. T. 2430 2553 Weill, L. 2279 2280 2281 Weil-Malherbe, H. 72 Weinges, K. F. 273 Weinmann, J. P. 901 1101 1261 2012 2958 Weinstock, H. 263 Weir, J. B. de V. 2089 2123 Weiss, 0. 2886 Weiss, R. M. 1539 feisschedel, E. 1343 1540 Wellmann, 0. 223 325 1927 1997 190 Wellmann, 0. Wenger, E. L. Wentworth, J. H. Wermel, J. Wersch, H. J. van Wesson, L. G. Weyrauch, F, White, F. R. White, M. R, Whicher, C. H. Widner, E. Wieringen, G. van Wiest, E. Wiest, W. G. Wilde, C. E. Wilder, W. Wiles, P. Wilgus, H. S., Jr, Wilke, C. F. Wilkins, W. E. Wilkinson, G. W. Williams, H. L, Willis, R. A. Willmer, E. N. Willstaedt, H. Wilson, C. L. Wilson, D. W. 2258 2896 2897 2898 2899 2959 784 1363 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 2235 2827 1984 2836 2960 2659 1949 427 2607 2613 832 2399 1304 843 1132 1156 1505 2157 706 2546 1 1095 2675 1960 833 861 1729 2256 2333 1146 1147 2547 2431 2568 2578 1096 360 Wilson, G. II. Wilton, A. Winick, M. Winkler-Julesz, E, Winter, W. Winters, J. C. Wiskott, A. Wislocki, G. B. Wlassics, T. A. Wlassics, T. Wojta, H. Wolbach, S. B. Wollenberg, G. A, Wolpers, C. Wolterink, L. F. Wood, D. R. Wood, N. V., Jr. Woodruff, L. A. WOstmann, B. S. J. Wright, R. D. Wurmbach, H. Wyburn, G. M. Wyman, L. C. Yamane, T. Yamaguchi, H. Wyss, T. 1870 Yanagida, H. 1263 1262 Yasvoin, G. 1098 1940 860 2250 Yeager, R. 1913 Yoshimura, K. 2761 Yoshitomi, M. 57 127 Young, M. 2013 1940 Younger, F. 2778 2961 YU, T. F. 19 1097 58 685 59 758 128 Yuan, Y. K. 2063 1866 Zaayer, J. J. P. 2432 1169 Zacco, M. 2963 1344 Zagnoni, C. 1527 1939 Zambelli, E. 551 1984 1867 2722 Zanaboni, A. 2548 2740 2741 Zarapico, M. 1666 2752 Zarrow, M. X. 1365 2753 Zawisch, C. 205 2754 2755 710 2756 1557 2828 2082 2941 2268 2962 Zawisch-Ossenitz, C., 610 see Zawisch, C. 1148 Zazybin, N. 1914 1456 Zbinden, G. 147 1541 1831 Zenkevich, P. I. 233 650 2686 Zeldenrust, J. 996 Zetterstrttm, R. 395 558 433 834 1750 875 1841 1264 1842 1849 1843 2964 1844 2965 1730 Zilva, S. S. 2809 574 Zimmermann, A. 2327 827 Zimmermann, G. 439 2525 Zinn, C. J. 1915 Zollinger, R. 1916 1170 Zondek, B. 1422 1951 Zorzoli, A. 835 836 93 Zucker, L. M. 1941 1731 Zucker, T. F. 1941 2013 ■Cl U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1955 O— 340042 ^*<^2K^>V"" >c ^."V.'V *rfili*Bi %0 »■'.- <%& „■ / im * r • ■ ■ SB ml