ORTHOPEDIC PAPERS BY HENRY LING TAYLOR, M. D., New York. 1. Location, age, and sex in Pott's Disease of the spine. The Medical Record, August 13th, 1881. 2. Primary crural asymmetry. The Medical Record, April 26th. 1884. 3. The paralysis of Pott's Disease, and its behaviour under protective treatment. Henry Ling Taylor, M. D., and Robert W. Lovett, M. D. The Medical Record, June 19th, 1886. 4. The cure of Pott's Disease with recession of the deformity. The Medical Record, January 8th, 1887. 5. A case of Pott's Disease with an unusual deformity. Description of improved spinal apparatus. The Medical Record, November 19th, 1887. 6. A new method for overcoming adduction at the hip-joint. The New York Medical Journal, November 19th, 1887. 7. The mechanical treatment of senile coxitis. The New York Medical Journal, December 15th, 1888. 8. The prevention and treatment of crural adduction. The Medical News, March 23rd, 1889. 9. Principles and methods of examination in orthopedic practice. Maryland Medical Journal, July 20th, 1889. 10. The therapeutic value of systematic passive respiratory movements. The Medical Record, May 4th, 1889. 11. The treatment of pes equino-varus by continuous leverage. The Medical Record, March 8th, 1890. 12. The rational treatment of hip-joint disease. The Times and Register, April 26th, 1890. 13. A ready method for counter-extension at the knee. Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, October 16th, 1890. 14. The treatment of lateral curvature of the spine. The New York Medical Journal, November 15th, 1890. 15. Adjusted locomotion in the recovering stage of hip-joint disease. The New York Medical Journal, July 11th, 1891. 16. Two cases of a peculiar type of primary crural asymmetry. University Medical Magazine, October, 1891. 17. The value of mechanical treatment in old and neglected cases of Pott's Disease. The Medical News, December 5th. 1891. 18. The treatment of club-foot by continuous leverage. The New York Medical Journal, November 19th, 1892. 19. Osteitis deformans (Paget) with report of two cases. The Medical Record, January 21st, 1893. 20. Remarks on the management of suppuration, complicating tuberculous disease of the bones and joints. Annals of Surgery, April, 1893. PAPERS ON OTHER SUBJECTS. 1. A case of zoster following traumatism. The New York Medical Journal, June 14th, 1884. 2. Hygiene of reflex action. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, March, 1888. 3. American Childhood from a medical standpoint. The Popular Science Monthly, October, 1892. 4. A physiological effect of cave visiting. Science, May 12th, 1893.