NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL DIVISION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Committee on Aviation Medicine BIBLIOGRAPHY ON AVIATION MEDICINE Volume II Pages 385 - 802 1946 NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL- DIVISION OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Committee on Aviation Medicine BIBLIOGRAPHY ON AVIATION MEDICINE Volume II Pages 3B5 - B02 194.6 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. ACCEIERATION 1 ! II. ACCLIMATIZATION 19 III. ADRENAL 24 IV. AIR EVACUATION 32 V. AIR SEA RESCUE 37 A. Air Sea Rescue Equipment 3B Be Life Jackets . 41 C. Life Rafts c, „ « 0 46 Do Sharks.6............... * 49 E « Water ....... eo.««o..aeo9...o......oe.a.... 50 VI. ALTITUDE $7 VII. AMBULANCE PLANES 70 VIII. ANOXIA 72 IX. BLAST... 97 X. BODY TEMPERATURE 108 XI. CARBON DIOXIDE 112 XII. CARBON MONOXIDE 118 XIII. CARDIOVASCULAR 136 A. Ballistocardiography. 147 B„ Blood Pressure e.........0•« 148 C. Blood Volume, • « 0 • 153 D. Capillary...... o... 155 E. Electrocardiography. 157 F. Ischemia 159 G. Neurocirculatory Asthenia 161 H. Schneider Index. 162 XIV. CENTRIFUGE 163 XV. CLOTHING AND BODY ARMOR 166 A, Anthropometry ..... 167 B, Body Armor, 176 C, Clothing 181 D, Clothing, Arctic 191 E, Clothing, Flying 200 F, Clothing, Heated 211 G, Clothing, Impregnated. 218 H, Clothing, Tropical,, 230 I, Doron,,.c 236 J, Footwear 238 K, Footwear, Arctic „ 24-3 L, Footwear, Heated,0. 24.7 M, Footwear, Tropical, 24.8 N, Gloves ...... 250 O, Gloves, Arctic 252 / i P, Gloves, Heated.,.,,,..,.,, 254. Q • Headwear •.,<',,,,coea,o««,c.2 56 R. Headwear, Arctic 257 S. Headwear, Tropical 259 T. Helmets......... 261 U. Insulation....c....0...„ 267 XVI. COLD STUDIES...., 271 A, Arctic Equipment 272 B. Cold 274. C. Frostbite.... 281 D, Immersion Foot, 285 XVII. COMMUNICATION 289 XVIII. CRASHES 292 XIX. DECOMPRESSION 301 XX. DECOMPRESSION CHAMBER 30$ XXI. DECOMPRESSION SICKNESS 308 XXII. DEHYDRATION 334 XXIII, DENTISTRY 337 XXIV. DIET 341 XXV. DUST* 345 XXVI. ESCAPE HATCHES c, 349 XXVII. EXPLOSIVE DECOMPRESSION 352 XXVIII. FATIGUE 354 A. Benzedrine c............. o. 364 XXIX. FIRE REPEL!ENCY, 370 XXX. FLASH BURNS . , a „ 372 XXXI. FLIGHT EQUIPMENT. 374 XXXII. FLOTATION 379 A. Aerogel, 382 XXXIII. GANGRENE 383 XXXIV. GLIDERS 384 XXXV. HEARING 38$ A. Acoustics,,..,.,,.. 388 B. Audiometric Tests.,. 390 C. Auditory Fatigue 393 D. Ear Protectors 0• 394 E. Microphone, 398 F. Noise.... * 404 G. Otitis 410 H. Speech 414 XXXVI. HEAT STUDIES 4-16 A. Desert 417 5. Heat 418 C. Humidity 431 D, Jungle 4-35 XXXVII. HELICOPTER 441 XXXVIII. INJURIES 442 A, Abdominal Injuries 443 B, Chest Injuries., 447 C, Ear Injuries 449 D, Eye Injuries..,,. 452 E, Head Injuries 454 F, Injuries of the Extremities 463 G, Intervertebral Disc 46$ XXXIX, INSULATION 467 XL. INTESTINAL GASES. 468 XLI. MOTION SICKNESS. 470 A, Hyoscine 491 * XLII, NITROGEN 494 XLIII, OXYGEN AND OXYGEN EQUIPMENT k 497 A. Closed Circuit Oxygen Equipment 498 B, Emergency Oxygen Equipment,,,,,,,...,,,,,,. $01 C. Masks 503 D, Open Oxygen Systems., $1$ E. Oximeters 522 F, Oxygen 523 G, Oxygen Equipment 532 H. Oxygen Leak Tests... 544 I. Oxygen Poisoningr ....... . 54-7 J, Oxygen Regulators... .- ........ 0 54-9 K. Oxygen Requirements.,,., • 553 L, Oxygen Reservoir Systems..a.......o.......c 555 XLIV. PARACHUTE 556 XLV, PARATROOPS 563 XLVI. PERFORMANCE TESTS••..••o«».........*oo»- 565 XLVII. PERSONNEL SELECTION 573 XLVIII. PHYSICAL FITNESS. 596 XLIX, PHYSICAL HANDICAPS,.,. 604. L. PILOT SELECTION...... 605 LI. POSTURE 620 LII. PRESSURE BREATHING.' 622 LIII. PRESSURE CABINS .. 630 LIV. PRESSURE SUIT 632 LV. PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY . 6^0 A. Fear 641 B, Flying Stress 64,3 C, Morale.......... . 64-7 D. Neurology.......cca.........o»«....oa....0. 653 Er, Neuroses,. 657 F. Postcombat Psychosis 663 G. Psychiatry,.,, 664. H, Psychotherapy. ......... 680 I, Rorschach Test 681 .S' LVI. RADAR r. 682 LVII. RADIOACTIVE '686 LVIII, RATIONS , 691 A, Arctic Rations 692 B, Bail-out Rations 694- C, Flight Rations ««. 696 D, Shipwreck Rations 697 E, Tropical Rations 699 LIX, REHABILITATION. ....... 701 A, Convalescence, 709 B0 Occupational Therapy 715 LX. RESPIRATION ,, .. 716 LXI. RESUSCITATION, ........ 725 LXII. SUNBURN 729 LXI 11. VENTILATION 732 A, Cooling 00 739 LXIV, VISION STUDIES.. e0 741 A. Blind..., 744 B. Color Vision, 74-5 C. Dazzle...<».....o.e..o...* ...... 74^ D. Depth Perception. ••»«•••».»•&••••••• 74-9 E. Fogging, '750 Fo Goggles 751 G, Infrared . *e 754 H, Lighting ., 755 I, Hight Vision...... e........ 757 J, Ophthalmology. ,. 764. K, Paint,,,,..,,, 765 L, Sensory Illusions00 766 M, Spotting 768 N, Visible Signals 769 0* Visual Acuity.,,,.,,, 77I P. Visual Devices „ 776 Q. Visual Tests 781 LXV. WATER REQUIREMENTS 737 LXVI, WOUND BALLISTICS 790 APPENDIX Reports Prepared by German Scientists at Wright Field 797 XXXV. HEARING A. Acoustics B. Audioraetric Tests C. Auditory Fatigue D. Ear Protectors E. Microphone F. Noise G. Otitis H. Speech 386 XXXV. HEARING 1* Auditory acuity of aviation cadets. B. H. Senturia War Dept*, Air Forces, Randolph Field #239 (1) - 3 May 1944 2. Auditory fatigue in Asdic operators* Min. Comm. Naval Med. Research, N.R.C.C. - January 28, 1942, Appendix R 3* Effect of wearing ear cotton upon hearing acuity* P. A* Campbell War Dept*, Air Forces, Randolph Field #10 (1) - 12 Feb. 1942 4* Evaluation of auditory conditions in Asdic cabins at sea. D* Y* Solandt and M. L* BunKer Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med, Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix L 5, Handbook for Medical Examiners* Suggested revision submitted by the Committee on Medical Problems of Civil Aviation, National Research Council. Dept* Commerce - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 July 1946) 6, Instrument controls and display - efficient human manipulation. F, C. Bartlett Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 565, Dec, 1943 7* Interviews with Hans Hartinger, Werner Knothe, Theo von Spreker, Professors at Gottingen University, Institute of Professor Rein, and with Ingeborg Schmidt* P. A* Campbell War Dept., U* S* Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 9 July 1945 8, Medical faculty of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, C* L* McCharthy War Dept*, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #92 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Aug, 1946) 9. Physical standards for selectees inducted into the United States Navy* Navy Dept., Misc, - 2 Jan* 1942 10* Possible effects of small daily doses of sulfadiazine on flying personnel. P* A* Campbell War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #293 (1) - 29 July 1944 11. R.A.A.F. activities of the Acoustic Research Laboratory, 29th August, 1944* (Hearing, acoustics, noise, speech, ear protectors, communication*) Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RAAF - FR 99 (b), 29 Aug* 1944 12. Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee’s activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945* H. E. Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar. 1946 13. Response characteristics of interphone equipment II. L. L. Beraiiek et al NDRC report - 23 June, 1942 387 Hear ini- 14. Reviews of physical standards for airmen. Appendix C. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med. Problems of Civil Aviation - undated (rac’d NRC-CMR 22 Aug. 1946) 15. Side effects of three motion sickness preventives. Birren? Stoimont and Fisher Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-278, report #1 - 26 June 1944 16. Survey of the aural health of aircrew candidates for service with the Royal Air Force. E. D. D. Dickson and G. H. Bateman FPRC Report #603 - Dec. 1944 17. Threshold of hearing for words. NDRC Report - 20 May 1944 18. Toxicity of suppressive doses of the anti-malarial drug, SN-7618. P. K. Smith et al Report #301, Malaria Board - 12 Jan. 1945 388 A. Acoustics 1. Acoustical considerations in the design of an oxygen mask. Report of Oct. 19, 1942. L, L. Beranek Filed with: Reports, Comm, Oxygen, NRC - Oct, 19, 1942 2. Acoustic performance of various ear plugs, Psycho-Acoustic Lab,, Harvard Univ, NDRC, OSRD Report '(no number)- - Aug. 1943 3. Acoustic properties of the 04 helmet with varied headphone installa- tions, J, W, Rogers and A, C, Burton Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - IB Sept, 1943, Appendix B 4. Acoustic properties of the R.C.A.F, flying helmet type 04. R, C, Smith and A, 0, Burton Report, Comm, Protective Clothing, NRCC - ACAMR #C241B/SPC #99, February 17, 1943 Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research, 22 July, 1943 - Appendix I, Report #18 5. Evaluation of auditory conditions in Asdic cabins at sea, D. Y, Solandt and M, L, Bunker Proc, Assoc. Comm. Naval Med, Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix L 6. Group test specification for miniature microphones(including throat microphones). Ministry Supply, Adv, Council Sci, Research & Tech, Develop, - AC 4610 (revised), 9 Nov, 1943 7. Group test specification for miniature telephone receivers. Ministry Supply, Adv. Council Sci, Research & Tech, Develop, - AC 4611 (revised), 9 Nov. 1943 8. Impairment of acoustic transmission due to items of Army clothing for cold-weather wear II, Shaw, Yates and Newman NDRC Report - 20 Apr, 1945 9. Measurements made of the acoustic attenuation of ” doughnut rings” for flying helmets, H,A, Robinson Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - April 8, 1943 Appendix K 10, Measurements on acoustic insulation of materials for telephone holders for flying helmets, H,A, Robinson Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research*April 18, 1943 Appendix I Acoustics 11, Modifications of constant flow oxygen mask assembly to improve acoustic efficiency. Smith, Rogers, and Goodwin Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC « 14 July 1944, Appendix N 12, Notes on future of Acoustic Testing Laboratory, N, E, Murray Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 45, 22 Dec. 1943 13, Physiological effects of ultra-sonic vibrations. War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #45 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 2 Aug, 1945) 14-t R,A,A,F, activities of the Acoustic Research Laboratory, 29th August, 1944* (Hearing, acoustics, noise, speech, ear protectors, comm- unication, ) Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RAAF - FR 99 (b), 29 Aug, 1944 15o Recommendation for the setting up of a noise and acoustic testing laboratory, J, C, Eccles Report, Comm* Armoured Vehicles, Australia - AFV 18, March 12, 1943. 390 B. Audiometric Tests 1# " Auditory screening test” with a simplified pure tone audiometer,, H„ Ee McHugh Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix I 2, Certain details of the experiments on fatigue of pitch discrimination. Partridge, Brown, and Roseblade Proc, Assoc, Comm, Naval Med, Research - 1$ May 1944, Appendix K 3, Development of suitable audiometric equipment for the investigation of aural and allied conditions in the armed forces. Hector Mortimer and Anthony Lawruk Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 7-8 Dec, 1945, Vol, 5 Appendix F 4, Development of suitable audiometric equipment for the investigation of aural trauma in the armed forces0 Hector Viortimer and Anthony lawruk Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 27 April 1945, Vol. 3, Appendix R $, Effect of rhythmic pressure variation upon auditory acuity, G, C, Knowlton War Dept0, Air Forces, ENG-49-696-52, 28 Sept, 1943 6, Fatigue and ability to pitch discrimination with reference notes of different frequencies and fatigue of pitch discrimination with signals of various loudness levels0 R, Cc Partridge and J0 F, Fletcher Proc, Assoc. Comm, Naval Med, Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix J 7, Fatigue of pitch discrimination in Asdic operators, Rs C, Partridge Proc, Assoc. Comm, Naval Med, Research - Jan. 30, 1943, Appendix S 8, Functions of loudness discrimination in submarine sonar operation, J, D, Harris Navy Dept0, Med, Research Lab., U,S, Submarine Base, New London, Conn - 5 April 1945 9# Group method for testing hearing, and its correlation with pure tone audiometry, M, E, Mounfield and J, E, Goodwin Proc, Exec., Assoc, Ccmm<, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix J 10, Interim report on hearing loss investigations March to August 1944* J, A, Sullivan and R, W, McKay Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 29 Sept, 1944, Appenidx A 391 Audiometric Tests 11, listening training aids for pre-flight and primary flight students. Steer, Hadley and Kerr Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-520(Av-274-h)(l) - 22 Sept. 1945 12, New method of testing the hearing efficiency of aviation cadets, FPRC report #532 - Mar. 1943 13, Pitch discrimination in noise. Interim report No, 1, J. D, Harris Navy Dept., Med, Research Lab., U.S. Submarine Base, New London, Conn, - 6 July 1945 14, Proceedings of the Ordnance Board No, 29,772 & Appendix, Ordnance and propellants. Measurement and effects of gun blast. Effects of blast on personnel - resultant deafness. Report on audiograms. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Weapons, MPRC, MRC - 13 Dec, 1944 15, Progress of aviation medicine in the Royal Air Force and its applica- tion to the problems of civil aviation, H, E, Whittingham FPRC Report #667 - 13 July 1946 16, Recommendations on testing of hearing in the R.A.F, Otological Sub-committee, FPRC FPRC report #532 (a) - 29 Oct, 1943 17, Relation between the audiogram at high frequencies and proficiency in sonar performance. Interim report No, 1 , J, D, Harris Navy Dept,, Med, Research Lab,, U.S. Submarine Base, New London Conn, - 4 June 1945 IS, Report of the vision and hearing tests carried out by the R.C.N, Medical Research Testing Units at Cornwallis and at Halifax, C, G, Smith Proc, Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research, NRCC - 16 Feb, 1945, Appendix E 19. Report on various types of ear defender considered for air crew use in the Royal Air Force. E, D, D, Dickson et al FPRC Report #613 - March 1945 20. Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee’s activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945. H, Ea Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar, 1946 Audiometric Tests 21, Sound levels and noise analysis in the engine room of Fairmiles, M, L. Bunker. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Mod. Research -15 May, 1944, Appendix LI, 22, Studies on the comparative efficiency of the free voice and the pure tone audiometer for routine testing of auditory acuity. Interim report No. 1, J. D. Parris. Navy Dept,, Med. Research Lab,, U. 3. Submarine Base, New London, Conn. - 6 Oct. 1945. 22, Suggested method for measuring the attenuation of sound by flying helmets. E. D. D, Dickson et al. FPRC report No. 549 - Aug., 1942. 24. Survey of auditory acuity among pilots and enlisted trainees. B. H. Senturia. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field 171(1) - 14 September, 1942, 25. Survey of the aural health of aircrew candidates for service with the Royal Air Force, E, D. D. Dickson and G. H. Bateman, FPRC Report No. 602 - Dec. 1944, 26. Testing of personnel. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Solandt, Smith, Cowan, and Dales. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research - Jan, 20, 1942, Appendix R. 27. Use of a recorded word test for the diagnosis of different types of hearing loss. C, V, Hudgins et al. NDRC Report - 20 June 1944. .393 C. Auditory Fatigue 1. Certain details of the experiments on fatigue of pitch discrimination. Partridge, Brown, and Boseblade, Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix K. 2. Deafening and fatigue due to prolonged exposure to loud noise in A. F.V*s, Ministry Supply, Adv. Council Scientific Research and Develop* - AC 6611.' 15 July, 1944. 2. Effect of exposure to airplane noise on auditory acuity. B. H, Senturia, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 205(2) - 4 Aug. 1944. 4, Effect of gunfire noise upon auditory acuity for pure tones. “ F, W. ©gden. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 215 (1) - 20 Sept. 1944. 5, Effect of training on pitch discriraination in asdic operators and fatigue of hearing in asdic operators, Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research - 7 Oct. 1942, Appendix F. 6, Fatigue among tanA personnel, A note upon the progress of investiga- t i ons. C. S. HallpiAe Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, MPRC - BPC 44/247. 26 Lay 1944. 7, Fatigue and ability to pitch discrimination with reference notes of different frequencies and fatigue of pitch discrimination with signals of various loudness levels. R. C. Partridge and J. F, Fletcher. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Nava1 Led. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix J. 8, Fatigue of pitch discrimination in Asdic operators. R. C. Partridge Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - Jan. 20, 1942, appendix S. 9, Proceedings of the Ordnance Board No, 29, 772 & Appendix. Ordnance and propellants. Measurement and effects of gun blast. Effects of blast on personnel - resultant deafness. Report on audiograms. Filed with; Reports, Coram. Weapons, MPRC, MRC - 12 Dec, 1944. 10. Report on the activities of the Associate Committee on Naval Medical Research. Proc. Exec. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research, NRCC - 16 March 1944. Appendix "a". 11. Studies on fatigue of pitch discrimination. Partridge, Fletcher and Goodwin. Proc. Assoc, Comm. Naval Med. Research, NRCC - 16 Feb. 1945, Appendix F. 12. Thirteenth report, Electro-Acoustics Sub-committee held on Friday, June 22, 1944. Ministry Supply, Adv. Council Scientific Research and Tech. Develop. - AC 66/EA47. 2 July 1944. D. Ear Protectors 1, Acoustic performance of various ear plugs. Psycho-Acoustic Lab,, Harvard Univ, NDRC, DSHD report (no number) - 23 Aug,, 1945 2, Blast protection afforded to the ear by service pattern flying helmets and by service headphones. Road Research Lab,, Dept, Scientific and Industrial Research Report, Comm, Weapons, MPRC-EPC 43/61, May, 1942 3, Comparison of the blast protection afforded to the ear by the standard naval blast helmet, by ear plugs and by service head** phones. Report, Comm, Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - RNP 43/64, Oct. 1943 4, Design of earpad, helmets and headsets for acoustic efficiency in noise. Acoustic Research Laboratory Report No, 13, N, E, Murray and A, H, Pollard Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAiiF - FR 151, 21 Nov, 1945 5, Development of ear wardens type Y-51R. W, A, Shaw NDRC Report, OSRD #5122 - 1 July 1945 6, Ear plug protection against noise and concussion of gunfire, F, W, Ogden War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #326 (1) - 18 Nov, 1944 7, Ear plugs for flying personnel, S, C. Allen War Dept,, Air Corps, Engin, Div, - ENG-M-49-695-23, December 22, 1942 8, Ear plugs for protection against noise and blast, J, G, Eccles and N. S, Murray Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia, A,F,Vt 50, 22 Nov. 1943 9, Ear plugs for protection against noise and blast - report no. 5, Addendum no, 2, N. E, Murray Report, FPRC - RAAF, FR 78(a) - 22 July 1944 10, Effect of blast from 3,7 A,A, guns on gun crews. Go Reid Report, Coram, Armoured Vehicles, NKMRC - Australia - AFV 41, 11 Nov. 1943 U. Effect of ear drum protectors on the ear during descent from simulated altitude, Bofe, Searaonds and Northcroft Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 113, undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 12 July 1945) 395 Ear Protectors 12* Evaluation of ear plug effectiveness* H. B, Peugnet War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Project 257, report #2 - 1 July 1944 13* Evaluation of ear plug effectiveness (Preliminary report). F. Wo Ogden War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #257 (1) - 12 Apr. 1944 14. Experiments with earplugs: I. Their effect on the intelligibility of speech. II. Their use as a protection against gun blast. K. D. Kryter NDRC report - OSRD #3541, 1 June 1944 15. Field trials of N.D.R.C. ear wardens. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov. 1944, Appendix I, pp. 5-6 16. Gun-fire test with A.T.L. ear plugs. J. 0. Eccles and N.E. Murray Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 37, 2 Sept. 1943 17. Investigation of ear plugs for protection against gun blast. R. H. Walpole Armored Med, Research Lab, - 5 Aug, 1944 18. Notes on future of Acoustic Testing Laboratory, N« E. Murray Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Aust£alia - AFV 45, 22 Dec. 1943 19. Proceedings of the Ordnance Board, 3 Nov, 43, No, 25,340. Effects of blast on personnel firing 17-pdr, anti-tank gun. (Previous No, 24,893) Filed with: Reports, Comm, Weapons, MPRC - 3 Nov. 1943 20. Proceedings of the Ordnance Board 29 Dec., 1943, No, 25,938. Ordnance and propellants. Measurement of effects of gun blast, Q,,F, 17-pr, A/T gun. Effects of blast on personnel. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Weapons, MPRC-29 Dec., 1943 21. Progress in physiological matters relating to Coastal Forces, Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC - RNP/43/52, undated (recTd. NRC-CMR 29 Jan, 1944) 22. Protection of hearing, E.D.D,Dickson and A.W.G.Ewing. Report FoP,R.C.#352, undated, 23. R.A.A.F. Activities of the Acoustic Research Laboratory, Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 1Q1E, 14 Dec. 1944 396 Ear Protec torg 24. R.A.A.F. activities of the Acoustic Research Laboratory, F.P.R.U. meeting. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 116(b), 10 May 1945 25. R.A.A.F. activities of the Acoustic Research Laboratory, 29th August, 1944, (Hearing, acoustics, noise, speech, ear protectors, communication,) Report, Coram. Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RAAF - FR 99 (b), 29 Aug. 1944 26. Report from A.M.D. 8 to the Associate Committee on Army Medical Research. (Review of Army medical research and development work during 1944.) D. S. MeLachern Proc, Assoc. Comm. Med. Research, NRCG - 17 March 1945, Appendix A, and p, 2 27. Report on activities of the Acoustic Testing Laboratory, 19 April 1944. Report, Comm., Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 85(c), undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 13 April 1945) 28. Report on fifth meeting of Associate Committee on Array Medical Research. George Guest and Philip Owen Misc, Canadian Report #96 - 10 Nov. 1944 29. Report on noise in Australian A.C.l cruiser tank with metal tracks, J. C, Eccles and N, E. Murray Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRG - Australia - AFV 28, 14 June 1943 30. Report on the protection of naval personnel from excessive noise, D, Y, Solandt Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research - January 30, 1943, Appendix M and p, 11 t 31. Report on various types of ear defender considered for air crew use in the Royal Air Force, E. D. D. Dickson et al FPRC Report #613 - March 1945 32. Research on ear defenders. V. 0. Knudsen and N. A, Watson NDRC report - 0SRD #536, 5 February, 1942 33. Sound levels and noise analysis in the engine room of Fairmiles. M. L, Bunker Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix M and pp. 8-9 397 Ear Protectors 34, Summary of action taken or pending in matters concerning the Royal Naval Personnel Research Committee, subsequent to thus 10th meeting on Tuesday, 14th September, 1943, H, K, Oram Report, Comm, Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - RNP/43/68, 20 0c14 1943 35, Summary of tests made on the resistance of materials and fungicides to mildew, from April to October 1944, J* T, Bonner War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAL3-696-70, 8 Dec. 1944 36, Summary report of the 16th meeting of the subcommittee on Protective Clothing, (Held in Toronto on June 8th, 1943), Proc. Assoc, Comm* Aviation Med, Research, 22 July 1943, Appendix I, Report #41 37, Survey of hearing deficit in certain Marine Corps personnel and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Y-51R Ear harden compared to the Knight-Dunbar modification thereof in protecting the ear against concussion blast, H. M, Patt et al Navy Dept,, Med, Field Research Lab,, Camp Lejeune, N, C,, M&S Research Project X-488 (Sub, No, 101), Progress Report 2-1 May 1945 38, Test of acousti-guard (ear protective device), R, K, Walpole, Jr, Armored Med, Research Lab, - 5 November 1943 39, Test of ear protective devices - silents, R, H, Walpole Armored Med, Research Lab, - 15 Oct, 1945 40, Use of ear plugs for protection against noise: medical considera- tions, Ha Howell Davis NDRC Report - 1 April 1944 398 E. Microphone 1. Articulation-test comparisons of six Signal Corps aircraft inters phones at low and high altitudes* K* D* Kryter and D. A* Ross NDRC, OSRD report #1974 - 1 Mar. 1944 2. Articulation tests on the R.C.A.F. type C2 oxygen mask* Goodwin, Smith and Rogers Proc. Exec., Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCG - 14 July 1944, Appendix M; 3. Comparative articulation tests of microphones and mask-microphone assemblies. Rogers, Goodwin and Smith Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 29 Sept. 1944, Appendix I 4. Comparison of articulation efficiency of standard R.C.A.F,, R.A.F. and UoS.A.A.Fc oxygen mask assemblies, Rogers, Smith and Goodwin Proc, Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 29 Sept. 1944, Appendix F 5. Comparison of type 39 microphone (laryngophone) and type 26 service electro magnetic microphone. D. B, Fry and G. E* Swindell, F.P.R.C. report 432 Feb,;1942. 6. Electric inter-communication for elementary type aircraft. Final report. S. Davidson FPRG report #497 7. Evaluation of Gleason gosport mouthpiece. Steer, Hadley and Kerr Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-634{Av-327-h)(1) - 18 Dec. 1945 8. Flight and laboratory tests of various microphones and noise shields for use at low altitudes. Eglin Field, Fla., and Psycho-Acoustic Lab., Harvard U. NDRC, OSRD report #1973 - 27 Dec. 1943 9. Group test specification for miniature microphones (including throat microphones)9 Ministry Supply, Adv, Council Sci. Research & Tech, Develop. - AC 4610 (revised), 9 Nov. 1943 10. Headphone harness. Physiol. Lab., A.F.V. School Report Comm. Armoured Vehicles, M.P.R.C. - EPC 74 (P.L. 10) Aug. 1, 1941. 399 Microphone 11* Information compiled from questionnaires issued with equipment for service tost in Alaska. J. E. Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-60, 8 April 1944 12. Intercommunication system for indoctrination chamber. A.P. Gagge War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-M-49-695-26, March 9, 1943 13. Laryngophones and microphones - development and trials. D. H. de Burgh F.P.R.C, report #470-a 14. Low temperature and altitude tests on type C3A* microphones. Jo W. Rogers and A. T. Stringer Proc. Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 March 1944, Appendix K 15. Manual of oxygen and intercommunication equipment, 2nd ed. (CAP 307). Sub-committee Oxygen Equipment, NRCC Report, Comm, Oxygen Equipment, NRCC - Oct, 1943 16. Medical aspects of R.A.F, polar research flights. R0 Ho Winfield FPRC Report #663 - Jan. 1946 17. Memorandum on installation and operation of equipment used in a basic voice communication course, NDRC Report, OSRD #3749 - 7 June 1944 18. Memorandum on microphones. H.A.Roblnson Comments by B.D.H.Matthews, Min. Assoc, Coram. Aviation Med, Research, Sept, 18, 1941, N.R.C.C, Appendix D. 19. Night operations. R. W. Nurse and G. E. Newell Army Operational Research Group, AORG - #165, undated (rec1 do NRC-C1.IR 8 July 1944) 20. Note on Professor S. S. Stevens* report of test of R.A.F, flying helmets type B, type 0, and tropical, with 10A/12401 phones, C. H. Brown F.P.R.C, report #452-a 21. Note on the small microphone used with the Canadian demand valve equipment. Report F.P.R.C. - #409, Nov. 1941. 400 Microphone 22. Notes on a discussion on laryngophones held at North Court, Tuesday 18th November, 1941, F.P.R.C. report 420, November 29, 1941. 23. Notes on the meeting of the Intercommunications Sub-Committee held on 17th June, 1942 at Awdry House, Kingsway, W.C.2, F.P.R.C. report #470 - June 17, 1942 24. Oxygen line safety clamps. "0. -t*. Tobias -CAM Report #311— 20 May 1944 25. Performance of communication equipment in noise. OEMcmr-658. J. P» Egan et al NDRC Report, OSRD #001 - 1 Oct. 1942 26. Preliminary list of proceedings of meetings and of reports on oxygen equipment 1940 - February, 1944. Sub-Comm. on Oxygen Equipment, MRC Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 March 1944, Appendix A 27. Preliminary production specification for cord, instrument, microphone, type C-3, RCAF ref. no. 10H/3692. RAD-85-3, issue 1„ Dept. Nat. Defence for Air, RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force - 17 February, 1942 j 28. Preliminary production specification for microphone, mask, type C-3, RCAF ref. no. 10A/3694, RAD-85-1, issue 1 Dept. Nat. Defence for Air, RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force - 17 February, 1942 29. Preliminary production specification fer plug, helmet, microphone, type C-3, RCAF. Ref. no, 10H/3696, RAD 85-5, issue 1. Dept. Nat. Defence for Air, RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force - 17 February, 1942 30. Preliminary production specification for RCAF demand oxygen assembly, ACR-52-1, issue 1 Dept. Nat. Defence for Air, RCAF Royal Canadian Air Force - 4 March, 1942 31. Preliminary production specification for socket, helmet, microphone, type C-3, RCAF• ref. no, 10H/3697, RAD-85-4, issue 1 Dept. Nat. Defence for Air, RCAF, Royal Canadian Air Force - 17 February, 1942 32. Preliminary report on current activities of the R.A.F. Physiological Laboratory, Farnborough, A. K. McIntyre Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR-101B, 14 Dec. 1944 401 Microphone 33. R.A.A.F. Activities of the Acoustic Research Labortory. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 101E, 14 Dec. 1944 34. R.A.A.F. activities of the Acoustic Research Laboratory. F.P.R.U. meeting. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 116 (b)t 10 May 1945 35. R.A.A.F. activities of the Acoustic Research Laboratory, 29th August, 1944. (Hearing, acoustics, noise, speech, ear protectors, communication.) Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RxAF - FR 99 (b), 29 Aug. 1944 36. Report on activities of the Acoustic Testing Laboratory, 19 April 1944 o Report, Coram, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 83(c), undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 13 April 1945) 37. Report on a visit to the U.S.a. and Canada, November 12th 1943 - January 4th, 1944, 0. M. Solandt Army Operational Research Group, AORG - #261, 8 Feb. 1944 38. Report on microphone position: T-30-S and T-17, Talley, Curtis aid Haagen NDRC Report, OSRD #4260 - 16 Oct. 1944 39. Report on noise in Australian A.C.l cruiser tank with metal tracks. J. C. Eccles and N. E, Murray Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 28, 14 June 1943 40. Report on proposed R.C.A.F. oxygen and W/T equipment with special reference to its interchangeability with present and proposed R.A.F. equipment, J. C. Gilson FPRC report #376 - November 20, 1941 41. Report on tests of throat microphones. F. . report #454 42. Report on the activities of the Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment, Assoc, Comm, on Aviation Med, Research, National Research Council, Canada for the fiscal year 1943-44. G, E. Hall and E. C, Black Proc. Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - 25 Feb. 1944, Appendix’ B 43. Report on the activities of the Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment, Associate Committee on Aviation Medical Research, National Research Council, Canada, for the fiscal year 1944-45 Hall, Blac£ and Smith Proc, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Mod. Research, NRCG - 4 April 1945, Appendix A Microphone 44. Report on the S. T. and C. laryngophone. F.P.R.C. report #466 45* Report on type T.20A. American laryngophone. F.P.R.C. report #466-a - July 1, 1942 46. Report on voice loudness: over aircraft radios and microphones* C. H. Talley et al NDRC Report, OSRD #4290 - 27 Oct* 1944 47* Reports on R.A.F. flying helmets, type B, type C, and tropical tested with 10A/12401 phones, April) 1942* S. S* Stevens F.P.R.C. report #452 48* Report to the Secretary for the committee’s activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945* H* E* Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar* 1946 49* Report upon noise in armoured fighting vehicles. Report, MPRC - BPC 206 and Appendices A,B,D,E,G,H 50. Response characteristics of interphone equipment II* Li L, Beranek et al NDRC report - 23 June, 1942 51. Royal Air Force type G oxygen mask • J. C. Gilson, F,P.R.'C. report 444-April 9, 1942* 52*' Shield) anti-freeze, microphone, type 0-1 Spec* RAD-65-8. Filed with: Assoc* Comm, Aviation Med* Research NRCC-Mar. 17) 1942 53*' Skin temperature of the face of subjects exposed to -40° while operating microphone T-45* War Dept*, Signal Corps, Climatic Research Unit, ENG, Memo #15 CR - 25 April 1944 54, Some factors to be considered in the design of headphones and microphones and their harness for use in tanks• Physiol. Lab*, A.F.V. School Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-EPC 127/PL 17-0ctober 27, 1941. Microphone 55, Standardisation of oxygen equipment forBritish, Canadian and U, S, aircraft - position in May, 1942, (a) 100 Canadian mask demand valve and microphone assemblies promised for Service trials in U, K. FPRC report #449(a) 56, Standardization of oxygen equipment in British, Canadian and U, S, aircraft. Oxygen, intercommunication, ard R/T equipment. Position on 5th June, 1942, FPRC report #449-g 57. Telephone headgear assembly for A,F.V, crews. Electric Acoustics Sub-committee, Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Technical Development, Ministry of Supply - January 6, 1943 58, Tests of flyers1 headgear assemblies, D. B. Dill War Dept., Air Corps, Engin, Div, - ENG-M-49-695-19B, January 11, 1943 59. Trip to Ladd Field, Fairbanks, Alaska and Elmendorf Field, Anchorages Alaska, J, E, Burns War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-49-660-39-0, 21 Feb, 1944 60. Voltage gain and power-output capability requirements for high- altitude interphone amplifiers, J. C. R, Licklider NDRC9 OSRD report #1975 - 10 March 1944 F. Noise 1. Addendum to report on deafening and fatigue due to prolonged exposure to loud noise in A.F.V.’s (AC 6611/COM 234/Ea 48)* Ministry Supply, Adv. Council Scientific Research & Tech., Develop. Comm. Communications, Subcomm. Electro-Acoustics - AC 6611(a), 19 Sept. 1944 2. Aiming, directing, controlling. German research papers from Rechlin. U. Henschke German File - Jan. 1945 3. Annual historical report of Armored Medical Research Laboratory for 1945 (revised 10 Jan. 1946). W. B. Bean Armored Med. Research Lab, - 10 Jan. 1946 4. Assessment of communication efficiency in noise. N. S. Murray Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 51, 28 Dec. 1943 5. Deafening and fatigue due to prolonged exposure to loud noise in A«F•V•s. Ministry Supply, Adv, Council Scientific Research and Tech. Develop. - AC 6611, 15 July 1944 6. Ear plugs for flying personnel. S. C. Allen War Dept., Air Corps, Engin. Div, - ENQ-M49-695-23, December 22, 1942 7* Effect of exposure to airplane noise on auditory acuity. B. H. Senturia War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field $205 (1) - 11 Dec., 1943 8% Effect of exposure to airplane noise on auditory acuity. B. H. Senturia War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, $205 (2) - 26 May 1944 9. Effect of exposure to airplane noise on auditory acuity. B. H. Senturia War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field $205(3) - 4 Aug, 1944 10. Effect of flight upon hearing acuity. P. A. Campbell War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field $5 (1) - 22 Jan. 1942 11. "Effect of flight upon hearing acuity.” Comments on F.P.R.C. 460, by Miss C, H. Brown. F.P.R.C. report $460-a, July 6, 1942 Noise 12. Effect of flight upon hearing acuity, P. A. Campbell F.P.R.C. report $460 13. Effect of gunfire noise upon auditory acuity for pure tones. F. W. Ogden War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field $315 (1) - 30 Sept. 1944 . Effects of high altitude on personnel (air craft noise and vibration). Min. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, June 6, 1941, Appendix I. N.R.C.C. 15, Effects of noise and vibration on psychomotor efficiency. Progress report, S. S. Stevens NDRC report OSRD $32 - 31 March, 1941 16. Effects of noise on psychoraotor efficiency. Noise reduction in aircraft as related to communication, annoyance and aural injury. Progress report of project II. S. S. Stevens et al NDRC report, OSRD $274 - 1 Dec., 1941 17, Electric "reaction meter" suitable for prolonged performance tests. B. Katz Report, Coram. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 62, undated (rec f d 1 Aug. 1944) 18. Electronic generation of airplane noise for use in testing and training, E.B. Newman and S.S. Stevens NDRC report, Psycho-Acoustic Lab., Harvard U. - May 25, 1943 19, Evaluation of auditory conditions in Asdic cabins at sea, D. Y. Solandt and M. L. Bunker Proc, Assoc, Comm, Naval Mod. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix L 20. Experiments concerning the indirect effects of explosives on the efficiency of soldiers, British Y/ar Office Misc, Report $195 - undated (rec’d. NRC- CMR 30 Aug, 1944) 21. Factors influencing onset and production of fatigiE in Catalina flying boat crews. Diet. Noise. Clothing. Glare, Air sickness. Morale. Benzedrine. R,H. Winfield. Report F.P.R.C. #355, Sept, 1, 1941. 22, Fatigue and flying accidents. G. 0, Williams FPRC report $492 - September, 1942 Noise 23. Final report on physiological effects of exposure to certain sounds, Hallowell Davis et al NDRC report OSRD #889 - 31 July, 1942 24* Final summary of research on the use of battle noise equipment, E, L, Hartley and D. B. Jones NDRC Report, OSRD #4391 - 12 April 1945 25. Gun-fire test with A.T.L. ear plugs, J, C, Eccles and N, E, Murray Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 37, 2 Sept. 1943 26. Measurements of noise in aircraft. H. B. Peugnet War Dept;, Air Farces, Randolph Field #296(1) - 19 Feb. 1945 27. Medical Department University of Leipzig. C. A, U, Uhle War Dept;, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcoram. Report #93 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 5 Aug* 1946) 280 Medical observations during passage on northern convoy. Abstract of report by Macdonald Critchley Report, Royal Naval Personnel Rosearch Coram. - R.N.P. 43/25, January-February, 1943 29. Memorandum on objective measurements of noise in air craft. Radio Dept,, R.A.E. F. report 420a 30. Noise in a German AFV type Pz Kw III* Ministry Supply, Adv. Council Sci, Research & Tech. Develop, - AC 5904, 22 Dec, 1943 31. Noise in armoured fighting vehicles, S. J. Barnes and A. J, Forty, Report, M.P.R.C. - EPC 206, Appendix F 32. Noise in Australian cruiser tank A.C, 1. N, Eo Murray Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, Australia - AFV 17, December, 1942 33. Noise in tanks. A.FoV. School, Lulworth Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 130/PI 18, November 3, 1941 34. Performance of communication equipment in noise. OEMcmr-658. J, P. Egan et al NDRC Report, OSRD #901 - 1 Oct. 1942 Noise 35* Phonetic characteristics of words as related to their intelligibility in aircraft-type noise. H. Me Mason NDRC Report, OSRD #4681 - 10 Feb. 1945 36. Pitch discrimination in noise. Interim report No* 1. J. D. Harris Navy Dept., Med. Research Lab., U.S* Submarine Base, New London, Conn. - 6 July 1945 37. Proceedings of the Ordnance Board No. 29,772 & Appendix. Ordnance and propellants. Measurement and effects of gun blast. Effects of blast on personnel - resultant deafness. Report on audiograms. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Weapons, MPRC, MRC - 13 Dec, 1944 38. Progress in physiological matters relating to Coastal Forces, Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC - RNP 43/52, undated (rac’d. NRC-CMR 29 Jan. 1944) 39. Protection of hearing. E.D.D.Dickson and A.W.G.Ewing® Report F.P.R.C. *#352, undated. 40. Psycho-physiology of camouflage and reconnaissance. K. H. Kekcheyev Filed with; British Admiralty - ATR trans. 248, 3 Sept. 1942 41. Recommendation for the setting up of a noise and acoustic testing laboratory. J. C. Sccles Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, Australia - AFV 18, March 12, 1943 42. Relative annoyance produced by various bands of noise. T. W. Reese and K. D. Kryter NDRC Report - 17 March 1944 43. Report on activities of the Acoustic Testing Laboratory, 19 April 1944. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 85(c), undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 13 April 1945;> 44. Report on effect of exposure to tank noise upon hearing acuity of tank crews, T. F. Hatch and R. K. Walpole Armored Force Med. Research Lab. - Jan. 20, 1943 45. Report on noise in Australian A.C.l cruiser tank with metal tracks. J. C. Ecclos and N, S. Murray Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NEMRC - Australia - AFV 28, 14 June 1943 Noise 46* Report on the protection of naval personnel from excessive noise, D. Y. Solandt Proc, Assoc, Comm, Naval Med, Research - January 30, 1943, Appendix M 47, Report upon noise in armoured fighting vehicles. Report, MPRC - EPC 206 and Appendices A,B,D,E,G,H 48, Report upon noise in armoured fighting vehicles, (Summary of EPC 206) Report, MPRC - EPC 206 a, 49, Scheme of investigation of possible inefficiency in R,A,C, personnel due to noise deafness. Report, M.P.R.C. - EPC 206, Appendix J, 50, Secret report No. 3, Psycho-motor efficiency (as measured by time for accurate gun-laying) under hot conditions, Lee, Klemm and White Report, Coram, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - EH 109, 18 Jan, 1945 51, Selection of emotionally unstable personnel by battle noise equipment, E, L. Hartley and D, B, Jones NDRC Report, OSRD #4684 - 10 Feb, 1945 52, Some factors influencing dark adaptation, B, H, C, Matthews and A, K, Luczak Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Resea? ch - FPRG 5771 June 1944 53, Sound level measurements in U, S, military airplanes, Rudmose, Beranck, Wallace, and Ericson NDRC, OSRD report #624 - 20 May, 1942 54, Sound levels and noise analysis in the engine room of Fairmiles. M, L, Bunker Proc, Assoc, Comm. Naval Med, Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix M 55, Supplementary report on injury of the inner ear produced by exposure to loud tones, OEMcrar-194, J, E, Hawkins, M, H. Lurie and H. Davis Filed with; Reports, Comm, Otolaryngology - 31 Dec., 1943 56, Survey of auditory acuity among pilots and enlisted trainees, B,H, Senturia War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field 171 (1) - 14 September 1943 57, Survey of engine and boiler room noise on vessels of the Royal Canadian Navy, Min, Comm, Naval Med, Research, Jan. 28, 1942, Appendix S, N.R.C.C. Noise 58, Temporary deafness due to gunfire. Acoustic Research Laboratory, Report No, 7, N, E, Murray and G, Reid Report, Comm, Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - 24 Jan, 1945 59, Temporary deafness following exposure to loud tones and noise, Pinal report, OEMcmr-194, Filed with: Reports, Comm, Otolaryngology, 30 Sept, 1943 G. Otitis 1, Abstract of a report on the treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media by local applications of penicillin and other drugs. E. G. Collins and K. E. A, Hughes British War Office, Mi sc. Report #152 - 13 Apr. 1944 2, Abstract of a report on the treatment of chronic suppurative otitis media by local.applications of penicillin and other drugs. E. G. Collins %nd K. E. A. Hughes British War Office, Mi sc. Report #165 - 13 Apr, 1944 3, Acute otitic barotrauma - clinical findings, mechanism and relation- ship to the pathological changes produced experimentally in the middle ears of cats by variations of pressure, Dickson, McGibbon and Campbell - Report, Coma, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 423 (U), Dec. 1943 4, Aero-otitis media in high altitude chamber flights. A.T. Lieberman War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-698-11, April 29, 1943 5, Aerotitis media in submariners. Interval report No. 1. H, L. Haines and J, D. Harris Navy Dept., Med, Research Lab,, U. S, Submarine Base, New London, Conn. - 18 Feb, 1946 6, Air evacuation - consideration of the ear am paranasal sinuses in air evacuation, E. Vv, Peterson Proc, Assoc. Comm. Army Med, Research, 26-27 Nov. 1943, Vol. IV - Appendix C, and Vol. I 7, Analysis of the results of penicillin treatment in 5,000 cases reported to the committee on chemotherapeutics and other agents. Interim report, OELIcmr-275, D. G. Anderson Report #7, Comm, Chemotherapy - 15 Nov, 1944 8, Aviation Physiologists Bulletin. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - March-April 1945 9, Aviation Physiologists Bulletin, No, 7, War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Sept. 1944 10, Continuous pressure politzerization in the prevention of altitude chamber aero-otitis media. F. W. Ogden CAM report #211 - 31 Aug,, 1943 11, Effect of blast from 3.7 A,A, guns on gun crews, G. Reid Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 41, 11 Nov, 1945 411 Otitis 12. Etiology of external otitis. B. H. Senturia War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field $349(1) - 15 Jan. 1945, 13. Evaluation of ear plug effectiveness, H. B. Peugnet War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field Project 257, report $2-1 July 1944 14. Final report on aural damage occurring in personnel engaged in diving operations (otitic barotrauma). S, G. French Report, Subcomm, Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 43/65, Nov. 1943 15. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944, Part III, The health of the Eastern Fleet, F. P. Ellis Report, Subcoimn, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(f), July 1945 16. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944, Part III, The health of the Eastern Fleet, (Tables). Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(g), July 1945 17. G, A. F, Medical Service - II, Incidence and treatment of infectious diseases. Bacteriological warfare, aviation medicine and psychiatry, S, D. Felkin War Dept., Air Farces, Misc, - 15 July 1945 18. Head measurements in cases of recurrent otitic barotrauma, FPRC Report #608 - 6 Feb, 1945 19. Incidence of otitic and sinus barotrauna among flying personnel during descent in the low-pressure chamber. A, H, Sellers and G, B, Stewart Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRGC - 13 March 1945, Appendix A^ 20. Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel. Episodes of unconsciousness, confusion, and amnesia while flying, Denis Williams Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 562, Nov, 1943 21. Lymphoid hyperplasia and prevention of otitis due to barotrauma (aerotitis) with radon. E. P, Fowler, Jr, War Dept., STO - undated (rec’d, NRC-CMR 5 May 1944) Otitis 22. Measurement of eustachian tube resistance in individuals not subject to aero-otitis media. P. A. Campbell War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #6 (1) - 25 June 1942 23. Medical consideration of WASPS. N. 0. Monserud War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 14 April 1945) 24. Modified politzerization in treatment of aero-otitis media. F.W. Ogden War Dept., Air Forces* Randolph Field #173 (1) -3 Aug. 1943 25. Penicillin in the treatment of certain diseases of the skin. Roxburgh, Christie, and Roxburgh Filed with; Report, Comm. Penicillin Clinical Trials, MRC - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 24 Apr, 1944) 26. Physiological considerations on the choice of pressures for pressure cabin military aircraft. H. L. Roxburgh FPRC Report #402{a) - 9 Jan. 1945 27. Practical guide for aviation physiologists in the use of the altitude chamber as a diagnostic aid. R. J. Greenberg War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, Misc, - 27 June 1946 28. Preliminary report of the interrogation of certain high staff officers of the Luftwaffe medical services. H. G, Armstrong et al War Dept., U. S. Strat, Air Fcrces in Europe, Misc, - 16 July 1945 29. Report for quarter, 1 July to 30 September 1943 by Adviser in Oto- Rhino-Laryngology, R. B. Lumsden British War Office, Misc. Report #177 - Oct, 1943 30. Report of the Commission on Air-borne Infections, April 15, 1946. O. H. Robertson War Dept., SCO, Army Epidemiological Board - 3 Apr. 1946 31. Review of the work of a penicillin therapeutic research unit, . R. V. Christie and L. P, Garrod Filed with: Reports, Comm. Penicillin Clinical Trials, MRC - undated (rec'd NRC-C1R 24 Apr. 1944) 32. Statistics of altitude training units. Navy Dept., Bur, Med. and Surg., Aviation Med, Div. - July 1944 to date Otitis 33. Study of the effects of vasoconstrictor solutions on altitude chamber aero-otitis media. F.W. Ogden Gill Report #170, 1 June, 1943 34. Study of the incidence of acute otitic barotrauma as a disability among 1000 aircrew cadets during a decompression test, E. D. D. Dickson et al Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRG 569, Dec. 1943 35. Study of the value of the standard decompression chamber test for otitic and sinus barotrauma, W. L. M, Turner Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRG 570, Dec, 1943 3S, Summary of a report on clinical findings observed in cases of acute otitic barotrauma and their relationship to the changes produced experimentally in cats by alteration of atmospheric pressure. J. E. G. McGibbon and A, C. P. Campbell FPRG Report #557 - Nov., 1943 37, Survey of haemolytic streptococcal infections at Camp Borden, 1943, Part II - clinical features, W. R. Feasby Proc. Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, 26-27 Nov, 1943, Vol. VI - Appendix E and Vol, I 38, Survey of the aural health of aircrew candidates for service with the Royal Air Force, E, D, D, Dickson and G. H. Bateman FPRG Report #603 - Dec, 1944 39, Technical manual for low pressure chamber operators, C. F, Gall et al Navy Dept., Bur, Med, and Surg., Aviation Med, Div. - undated (rec’d NRG-CliR 5 May 1945) 40, Tour in M.E., C.M., and N.A. by the consulting oto-rhino- laryngologist to the Army, M. L. Formby British War Office, Misc, Report #168 - Mar, 1944 41* Tubal resistance and aero-otitis media, F. W. Ogden War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, project 268, report #1 - 24 June 1944 42. Uses of penicillin in the Royal Air Force, Air Ministry, A, M, Pamphlet #186 - July 1945 H. Speech 1. Articulation testing methods, including word-lists for the testing of communication system. S, S. Stevens et al NDRC, OSRD report No. 282-1 Feb., 1942 2, Articulation testing methods II, J. P. Egan NDRG Report, OSRD No, 2802 - 1 Nov. 1944 2. Articulation tests of A-14 and XA-12 oxygen masks at sea level and at 25,000 feet. D. A. Ross et al NDRC Report - 5 June 1944 4. Articulation tests on the R,C.A,F, type C2 oxygen mask. Goodwin, Smith and Rogers Proc, Exec.., Assoc. Comm. Aviation i**ed. Research, NRCC - 14 July 1944. Appendix LI 5. Auditory sensitivity under conditions of anoxia: A study of speech intelligibility, C. P. Seitz and G. M» Smith Filed with; Reports, Coram, Oxygen and Anoxia - 29 Jan. 1942 6. Development of suitable audiometric equipment for the investigation of aural and allied conditions in the armed forces. Hector Mortimer and Anthony Lawruk Proc, Assoc. Comm. Army Med, Research, NRCC - 7-8 Dec, 1945, Vol, 5, Appendix F * 7. Indoctrination for voice communication at altitude. H. LI, Lias on NDRC Report, OSRD No. 5207 - 4 July 1945 8. Intelligibility measurement; Twelve-word tests. C. H. Ha-igen NDRC Report, OSRD No. 5414 - 4 Aug. 1945 9. Performance of communication equipment in noise. OELIcrar-658, J. P. Egan et al NDRC Report, OSRD No. 901 - 1 Oct. 1942 10, Phonetic characteristics of words as related to their intelli- gibility in aircraft-type noise. H. Mr Mason NDRC Report, OSRD No. 4681 - 10 Feb. 1945 11, R.A.A.F. activities of the Acoustic Research Laboratory, 29th August, 1944. (Hearing, acoustics, noise, speech, ear protectors, communica tion,) Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RAAF - 99 (b)„ 29 Aug. 1944 * See Also, NO. 18 415 Speech 12. Report on activities of the Acoustic Testing Laboratory, 19 April 1944. Report, Comm. plying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 85(c). undated (rec’d NRC-CMH 12 April 1945) 12, Report on training studies in voice communication: I. Can intelligibility of voice communication be increased by training in voice technique? OEMsr-820. J. F. Curtis NDRC Report, OSRD No. 2862 - 5 July 1944 14. Report on voice loudness; over aircraft radios and microphones. C. H. Talley et al NDRC Report, OSRD No. 4290 - 27 Oct. 1944 15, Speech intelligibility at high altitude in the cold under conditions which cause ice formation in the mask. Allan Hemingway War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 298(1) - 24 Aug. 1945 16. Studies of voice factors affecting the intelligibility of voice communication in noise; II. Pitch. H. M, Mason NDRC Report, OSRD No. 5412-4 Aug. 1945 17, Training studies in voice communication; III, Effects of training in articulation. H. M. Mason et al NDRC Report, OSRD No. 5461 - 20 August 1945 *18, Development and evaluation of techniques to measure speech intelligibility of flight personnel. Steer, Hadley and Kelly Navy Dept,, Naval Air Station, Pensacola* Fla, - Project X-645(1), 5 Feb. 1946 XXXVI. HEAT STUDIES A. Desert B. Heat C. Humidity D. Jungle 417 A. Desert !• Desert climate. Physiological and clinical observations® Ladell, Waterlow and Hudson Misc. Pile - Britain, undated (rec’d NRG-CMR 14 Oct. 1944) 2* Desert flying conditions at Blythe, Calif. J. A. Fawcett War Dept«, Air Corps, Material Div, - Sxp-ra-49-695~9 ~ 7/30/42 3. Effect of storage at 40° C» on the content of E-complex vitamins in components of the U.S. Army ”5 in 1" desert ration. H.G. Loeb, A. Keys, et al Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med. Nutrition - April 12, 1943 4. Notes on tropical diseases for Air Forces medical officers. Regional medical studies. General medical bulletins. War Dept., Air Forces Misc. - 21 March 1945 5. Nutritional status of enlisted men in the desert training area. R. E. Johnson et al Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report #87 (#19 to 0Q>IG) - 15 October 1943 6. Preliminary instructions for procedure when making emergency landings in the desert. (Translation) German File - 29 June 1942 7. Rates of sweat loss in the desert. Interim report #15, 0EMcmr-206* Aser Rothstein and R. E. Gosselin (Adolph) Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest. - 30 Jan. 1944 8. Report of conferences held June 6th and 9th, 1942, at headquarters Army Ground Forces in connection with the Desert Training Center program. War Dept. - miscellaneous ~ 6/6/42. 9. Report on living and working conditions among R.N* personnel in the tropics. Macdonald Critchley and H. E. Rolling Filed with: Reports, Comm. Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - 22 April 1944 10. Report on test of adequacy of K-2 ration in the desert. W« B. Bean Armored Force Med. Research Lab. - Oct. 22, 1942 U. Survival on land and sea. Navy Dept., Misc. - 1944 12. Water relations of men in the desert. Final report, 0EMcmr-206« E. F. Adolph Report #58 (abstracted), Comm. Clin. Invest. - 25 Aug. 1944 B. Heat 1. Ability to work in severe heat. R. S. Benson et al Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRG - RNP 45/205, June 1945 2. Annual historical report of Armored Medical Research laboratory for 194-5 (revised 10 Jan, 194-6). W. B. Bean Armored Med, Research Lab. - 10 Jan, 194-6 3. Atmospheric conditions in troop decks of H.M.A.T. ’’Fatoomba. ” D.H.K. Lee Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 4-0, 22 Oct. 1943 4. Atmospheric conditions in Radar room, D. H. K. Lee Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 42, 13 Nov. 1943 5. Calculation of solar radiation intensity and the solar heat load on man at the earth’s surface and aloft, W. H. Klein War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAA-695-64, 20 Feb, 1946 6. Calculation of solar radiation intensity and the solar heat on man at the earth’s surface and aloft. W. H. Klein War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAA-695-64, Addendum No. I., 17 June 1946 7. Cardiovascular adjustments of man in rest and work during exposure to dry heat. Taylor, Henschel and Keys Filed with? Reports, Comm, Clin, Invest. - April 15, 1943 8. Charts for the calculation of environmental warmth. Supplement to War Memorandum No, 17. Medical Research Council, Misc, - 1946 9. Clocks, alarm. Performance in environmental extremes. War Dept,, 0QMG, Climatic Research Lab., Report #179 - 24 April 1945 10, Comments on the prevention and treatment of the ill effects of heat. R. E. Johnson and W, H. Forbes Harvard Fatigue Lab. report #42 - 27 November 1942 11, Comparative study of the effect on men of continuous versus intermittent exposure to a tropical environment, Nello Pace Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project #X-205(2), 9 May 1945 Heat 12, Composition of sweat, ¥/ith special reference to the vitamins. OEMcmr-220, 0. Mickelsen and A, Keys Filed with; Reports, Comm, Med, Nutrition - May 13, 1943 13, Conference on adverse effects of heat. Report #61, Comm. Clin. Invest. - 3 April 1945 14. Conference on "Working Efficiency and High Temperatures", 23 October 1945. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Clothing - undated (Rec*d NRC-CMR 15 Jan. 1946) 15. Conference on working efficiency and high temperatures. Meeting of the Working Committee, 24 Oct. 1945. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Clothing - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 15 Jan. 1946) 16, Conference with personnel of the Arctic, Desert, and Tropic Information Center, Eglin Field, Florida, K. E. Penrod War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-696-29H, May 17, 1943 17. Determination of ambient air temperatures and humidities in tents and Quonset huts painted white or aluminum compared with unpainted tents and Quonset huts, B. H, Miller Navy Dept., Med, Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N, C., M&S Research Project - X-661, 11 Nov. 1945 IB, Determination of the amount of heat transmitted to the fighting compartment of tanks under field conditions. Hatch, Walpole, & Lawson Armored Med, Research Lab. - 8 March 1944 19, Determination of the optimum method for protection of tank crews against chemical warfare agents. L, W. Eichna et al Armoured Med. Research Lab, - 13 Sept. 1944 20, Development of the testing techniques and procedures utilized at the Climatic Research Laboratory, Morris, Goddard and Silver War Dept., OQMG, Climatic Research Lab. - 10 May 1946 21, Diet and fatigue in hot climates. Progress report #7, OEMcmr-220, A. Keys Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med. Nutrition, 1 September, 1943 22, Dietary protein and physical fitness in temperate and hot environments. Pitts, Consolazio, and Johnson Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report #91 (#22 to OSRD) - 1 December 1943 23, Dr. K. Buttner. (Assessment report) War Dept,, CIOS Consolidated Advance Field Team, Misc, - 6 May 1945 420 Heat 24. Effect of cool quarters on efficiency and performance of naval personnel working in hot spaces. Pace, White, Fisher and Birren Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-205, report #1 - 22 November, 1943 25. Effect of desert conditions on personnel. Armored Force Med. Research Lab., Fort Knox - Oct. 20, 1942 26. Effect of heat and humidity on troops in the Far East. British War Office, Misc. Report #247 - March 1945 27. Effect of high B Vitamin intakes on the ability of man to work in the heat. (A report to the National Research 'Oouncil)» Henschel, Taylor, Mickelsen and Keys Filed with; Reports, Comm. Clin, Invest, - March 11, 1943 28. Effect of high environmental temperatures, varied humidities, and moderate muscular work on the losses of water-soluble vitamins and of minerals in the perspiration of adult human subjects. Interim report, OEMcmr-227, H. H, Mitchell et al Filed withi Reports, Comm, Med, Nutrition, August, 1943 29. Effect of insulation of transmission and final drive upon the heat load within tanks, R. H. Walpole, Jr. and G. S. Lawson Armored Med. Research Lab. - 4 Feb, 1944 30. Effect of sodium chloride on the work performance of man during exposure to dry heat and experimental heat exhaustion. Interim report, OEMcrar-220, A. Keys et al Filed with? Reports, Comm. Med. Nutrition - 2 August, 1943 31. Effect of temperature on anoxic failure in naval personnel in altitude chamber, C. S. Houston et al Navy Dept., Naval Air Station, Miami, Fla,, Project Z-396(2) 8 Aug. 1944 32. Effect of temperature on the Waugh and Ruddick test for increased coagulability of blood, T, R, Waugh and J, H. Whittaker Proc, Assoc. Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov. 1944, Vol, 5, Appendix I, 33* Effect of tropical service upon the body-weight of soldiers, R. K, Macpherson and P, B. McGovern Report, Comm, Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - 28 Aug. 1945 34. Effects of air movement and air permeability of clothing on working men. Interim report #20, OEMcmr-351. Robinson, Gerking and Turrell Filed with? Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest, - 13 Jan, 1945 421 Heat 35. Effects of a.rmy clothing on the heat tolerance of working men. Interim report #25, OEMcmr-351. Sid Robinson- and S. D. Gerking CAM Report #433 - 5 May 1945 36. Effects of chemical warfare service clothing in hot environments. Interim report #22, OEMcmr-351. Sid Robinson and S. D, Gerking Filed with: Reports, Comm, Clin, Invest. - 15 Feb, 1945 37. Effects of heat and high humidity on pursuitmeter scores. N. H, Maclcworth Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/199. May 1945 3B. Effects of heat on skin and body temperature under low altitude ■/ flying conditions, C, A. Johnson War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-698-16, 24 July, 1943 39. Effects of hot environments on men. Interim report #12, OEMcmr-351. Robinson, Turrell and Gerking Filed with; Reports, Comm. Clothing - 14 May 1944 40. Effects of variation in environmental radiation upon the thermal exchange of working men. Interim report no. 29, OEMcmr-351. Sid Robinson and S. D. Gerking Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest. - 30 Nov, 1945 41. Energy output of guns' crews, J. A, B, Gray Report, Subcomm. Gunnery, RNPRC, IRC - RNP 45/175. Feb, 1945 42. Energy output of 16" Mk. Ill magazine crows. J, A. B. Gray et al Report, Subcomm. Gunnery, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/189. undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 23 Oct. 1945) 43. Environmental warmth and its measurement. War Memorandum No, 17, T, Bedford Medical Research Council, Misc. - 1946 44. Evaporation and loss of heat from respiratory tract at high altitudes, A. C, Burton Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #32 - 24 Oct., 1940 45. Factors influencing chloride concentration in human sweat, Johnson, Pitts and Consolazio Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report #98(#25 to CMR) - 25 Jan,, 1944 46. Final report on determination of water and salt requirements for desert operations. Nelson, Eichna, and Bean Armored Force Med. Research Lab, - May 20, 1943 HEAT 47. Final report on test of individual crew conditioning system. W. F, Ashe and W. B. Bean Armored Force Med, Research Lab. - April 27, 194-3 4-8, First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 194-4. Part I. The thermal environment. F. P. Ellis Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC,PMRC - RNP 45/202(a), July 1945 49. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Part I. The thermal environment, (Tables) Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(b), July 1945 50. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Part I, The thermal environment. (Tables) Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RHP 45/202 (c). July 1945 51. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Part II, Physiological observations on Naval personnel. F. P. Ellis Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(d), July 1945 52. First report of the nabitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Part III. The health of the Eastern Fleet, F. P, Ellis Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(f), July 1945 53. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Part III. The health of the Eastern Fleet, (Tables). Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(g). July 1945 54. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Part V. Problems of warship habitability in tropic waters. F. P. Ellis Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(i). July 1945 55. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Appendices. Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(j), undated (rec!d NRC-CMR 23 0ct, 1945) 56. Flame throwers. Studies of their effects and of defensive measures. 2nd interim report. Bourdillon, Lidwell and Lovelock Report, MPRC - BPC 43/178, February 4, 1943 Heat 57. Gastric emptying time of man at high and normal environmental temperatures, OEMcmr-220, Henschel, Taylor and Keys Report #5 (abstracted), Comm, Med, Nutrition - 16 Nov, 194-3 5B, Guide to the preservation of life at sea after shipwreck. Comm. Shipwrecked Personnel, M.R.C, War Memo #8, 19#2 59, Heat exchange by way of the respiratory tract: I, Theoretical considerations, II. Relative efficacy for conserving heat loss of the (1) Salathiel Breath Heat Exchanger, (2) A-14- rubber mask, (3) wool scarf, Spealman, Pace and White Naval Med. Research Inst,, Project X-163, 25 April 1944- 60, Heat exchanges in high altitude conditions. The effect of lowered atmospheric pressure on heat loss, A. C, Burton Misc, Canadian Report #114- - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR, 5 Mar. 194-5) 61, Heat problem in tanks. Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NKMRC - Australia - AFV undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 31 July 1944-) 62, Heat stress imposed by gas masks. Interim report #26, OEMcmr-351. Sid Robinson and 3. D. Gerking Filed with: Reports, Comm, Clin. Invest. - 8 May 194-5 63, Human factors in aircraft design, A, P. Gagge War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-695-53, 29 May 194-5 64-. Human tolerance for short exposures to heat and humidity, C, L, Taylor War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAA-695-56B, 12 Feb. 194-6 65. Improvement of ability of soldier to work in humid heat. Status report, OEMcmr-232, J. W, Conn and M. W. Johnston Filed with: Reports, Comm, Clin. Invest. - Nov, 194-5 66. Influence of speed of walking and of weight carried on the skin temperature of the feet in hot environments. S. M, Horvath et al Harvard Fatigue lab. Report #19 (O.S.R.D. Report #4-) 21 May 1942 67. Interim report on clothing tests - 23 Sept. 1942. Report, AFV Comm., Australia - AFV #8, September 23, 194-2 Heat 68, Investigation of mildew in mattresses when encased in bedding bags and exposed to tropical weather conditions - remedial measures• T. L. Duggan and C, R. Spealman Naval Med, Research Inst., project X221, report #1-2 Mar, 1944 69, Investigations on effects of heat. British War Office, D.B.R. paper No, 5, March 18, 194-3 - Misc. Report #52 70, Loss of chloride in sweat, D, H, K, Lee Report, AFV Comm., Australia - AFV #7, September 23, 1942 71, Memorandum on cutaneous diseases, 1942 British War Office, Misc, Report #92 - 19 August, 1942 72, Methods of protection against the adverse physiological effects of heat. Final report, OEMcmr-365, L, V. Heilbrunn Filed with? Reports, Comm. Clinical Invest. - 27 Dec. 194-5 73, New salt tablet for use in hot environments, Consolazio, Pecora and Pfeiffer Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-214, 13 Oct. 1944 74* No. 1 - Human climatology (provisional). Special Reports Upon Overseas Visits 194-5-6, D. H, K, Lee Report, Comm. Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - 31 Jan. 194-6 75, Note dealing with the effect of certain simulated tropical conditions on the activity of two mosquito repellents. L. A. Jachowski, Jr, and M, Pijoan Report #118, Comm. Insect Control - 1 Aug. 194-5 76, Notes on clothing for hot and cold climates. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clothing, MFRC 77, Notes on desert and sub-arctic climates. Filed with; MPRC reports - BPC 37, June 23, 1941 78, Notes on tropical and exotic diseases of naval importance. Naval Medical School - 1943 79, Nutritional standards for men in tropical climates, R. E. Johnson Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report #70 (#17 to OSRD) - 1 June 1943 80, Observations on ’’climatic" conditions in A.F.V, !s. Interim report G. Reid Report, Comm, AFV, Australia - AFV 12, November 18, 1942 425 Heat 81. Open report No, 1 - Physiological considerations in the development of tropical centers, D. H, K. Lee Report, Comm, Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - 10 Mar, 1945 82. Open report no, 5 - Variations in human reactions to hot atmospheres as functions of temperature and humidity - Preliminary report, R. K. Kacpherson and D. H. K, Lee Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 133, 7 Feb. 1946 83. Organization and functions of the climatic (physiological) research unit. H. R. Miller War Dept., Signal Corps, Climate Research Unit, Eng, Memo. #1CR, 9 September, 1943 84. Physiological adaptation of man to heat. Final report, OEMcmr-328, A. V. Bock Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 19 Nov. 1945) 85. Physiological considerations in the development of tropical centres: Open report No. 1. D, H. K, Lee Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 114. 10 March 1945 86. Physiological effects of clothing in hot atmospheres. Douglas H. K. Lee Report, Comm. AFV, Australia - AFV 11, November 10, 1942 87. Physiological effects of the environment and of clothing on men in hot climates. Final report, OEMcrar-351, Robinson, Turrell and Gerking Report #48 (abstracted), Comm. Clin. Invest, - 31 May 1944 88. Physiologically equivalent conditions of air temperature and humidity. Interim report No. 12 (revised), OEMcmr-351. Robinson, Turrell and Gerking (Sid Robinson) Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest, - 2 Nov, 1944 89. Physiological observations made on men aboard ship during a shakedown cruise in tropical waters. Pace, Consolazio and Behnke Naval Med, Research Inst. - Project X-205(3), 13 Aug. 1945 90. Physiological requirements of sealed high altitude aircraft compartments. H, G. Armstrong War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, Misc. - 19 Dec, 1935 91. Physiological studies of exposure suits in hot and cold environments, 0EMcmr-54 and 328. Griffin, Folk and Belding Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report #105 (#26 to OSRD) - 9 March 1944 426 Heat 92, Plan for investigation of the effects of hot environments upon the ?;orking efficiency and health of naval personnel. Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 44/120 undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 22 Dec, 1944) 93* Protection against heat and cold. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-11, 28 Feb. 194-5, Appendix F 94-. Protection of the eyes from light and heat, British Admiralty, Admiralty Research Lab, - ARl/R.l/83.04/0, 4. Jan, 1944 95, Rapid acclimatization to work in hot climates, OEMcmr-54. 5. Robinson et al Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report #17. (OSRD Report #2) 20 Hay 194-2, 96, Recommendations for men expected to work in the desert, the tropics and on life rafts. War Dept., Misc, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 Sept, 194-5) 97, Relation of environment to nutritional requirements, A survey of the literature, G. J. Cox Filed with: Reports, Comm, Med, Nutrition (rec’d NRG 29 March, 19A3) 98, Relation of temperature and exercise to bubble formation in rats, and in tourniquetted legs of rabbits and goats (Resume), OEMcrnr-193. E. A. Reed and L, R, Blinks CAM Report #379 - 15 Oct. 1944 99, Relations of diet and subsistence to the performance of work by men at high temperatures, especially in military operations. Final report, GEMcmr-220, A, Keys Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med, Nutrition, 7 September, 1943 100* Report on inspection of tropical radar stations, Giovanelli, Fraser and Mathieson Misc, File - Britain, 14 Nov, 1944 101, Report on inspection of tropical radar stations. R. G. Giovanelli et al. Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 101F. undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 28 April 1945) 102, Report on living and working conditions among R.N. personnel in the tropics, Macdonald Critchley and H, E, Rolling Filed with: Reports, Comm. Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - 22 April 1944 103, Report on studies of men in simulated desert heat. W, B. Bean et al Armored Force Med, Research Lab. - April 3, 1943 Heat 104. Report on temperature measurements in an experimental flight in a Stranraer at test and development station, R.C.A.F,, Rockcliffee, Ottawa, on May 16, 1941. H, C, Bazett Misc, Canadian Report #111 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR, 3 Mar. 194-5) 105. Responses of man to a hot environment, F. R. Wulsin War Dept,, OQMG - 1 Aug. 194-3 106. Responses of the human being to dry and humid heat, L, H, Newburgh CAM report #109 - January, 194-3 107. Second fitness conference, April 13, 1943 Clin. Invest, Report #15 - 13 April 1943 108. Secret report No, 2 - Effect of respirator (anti-gas) upon gun sighting performance. Fatigue Laboratory, National Health and Medical Research Council, D. H, K, Lee, C. White and G. Klemm Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 103, 29 Dec. 1944 109. Secret report No. 3, Psycho-motor efficiency (as measured by time for accurate gun-laying) under hot conditions, Lee, Klemm and White Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - PE 109, IB Jan. 1945 110. Secret Report No, 4 “ The effect of tropical service upon some physical characters of RAAF ground crew. (Second report of field investigation into the incidence of tropical fatigue). R. K. MacPherson and D. H. K, Leo Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 117, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 3 Oct. 1945) 111. Secret Report No, 5 - The effect of tropical service upon some physical characters of RNZAF ground crew, (Third report of field investigation into the incidence of tropical fatigue). R. K, MacPherson and D, H, K, Lee Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 118, 21 June 1945 112. Secret report no. 6 - Surface brightness in the humid tropics, R, K, Macpherson Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 119, 20 July 1945 113. Secret report no, 7 - Temperature of stationary aircraft in the tropics, R. K. Macpherson Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 120, 6 July 1945 Heat 114. Secret report no, 8 - The effect of tropical service upon the body-weight of soldiers. R. K. Macpherson and P, B, McGovern Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 122, 28 Aug. 194-5 115. Secret report no. 9 - Some aspects of the incidence of skin disease in R.A.A.F. ground crew, R, K. Macpherson Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 121. 25 July 194-5 116. Selection of men for physical work in hot weather, R, E, Johnson and S, Robinson Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report #57 (0SRD#16) 117. Some medical problems of the armored force and the need of facilities for investigation and research. W. P. Yant Filed with: Reports, Comm, Industrial Hygiene - 24- Oct. 194-1 118. Some physical aspects of photo-retinitis in anti-aircraft lookouts. G. H, Briggs Australian Scientific Research Liaison, Feb, 194-3 119<» Stability of drugs and supplies at various temperatures. R. G, Prentiss, Jr. War Dept., SGO, 4- August, 194-3 120, Stability of thiamin and riboflavin in meat components of U.S. Army field ration K duripg storage at 104° F, OEMcmr-27. H. Loeb and A, Keys Filed with: Reports, Comm, Med. Nutrition - undated. (Rec’d NRC 24 July, 1943) 121, Standard values for the thermal insulation of ambient air with different degrees of air movement, A, C, Burton Misc. Canadian Report #113, 16 Nov, 1944 122, Studies of men in simulated jungle (humid) heat, Eichna, Bean and Ashe Armored Med. Research Lab. - IB October 1943 123, Studies of the physiological effects of solar radiation. Interim report #11, OEMcmr-351. E, S, Turrell and Sid Robinson Filed with; Reports, Comm, Clothing - 14 May 1944 124, Study of tdr perature changes occurring in the'.shock state and the effect, of --heat and cold upon shock in animals, S, L. Warren Filed with: Reports, Comm, Shock, May 9, 1942 125, Study of the effects of taking glucose during long substained work in the heat. G, C, Pitts et al Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report #44 (OSRD Report #14) Heat 126, Summary of report upon upon A.F,V. personnel of operations in M3 medium in the humid tropics.” D. H. K, Lee Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, Australia - AFV 24, undated 127, Surface temperature measurements. A, R. Challoner and Ezer Griffiths Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 4-5/210, June 194-5 128, Tables of representative values of foods commonly used in tropical countries, (Special Report Series No, 253) B. S. Platt Medical Research Council, Misc, - 1945 129, Tank personnel comfort. Progress report, W. E. Bassett Report, AFV Comm,, Australia - AFV #6 and 6a, October 15, 1942 130, TB Med 175 (Heat stroke treatment). J. T. Larking War Dept., Army Service Forces - 20 July 1945 131, Temperature and humidity in H.M.S, Pioneer from the R.N.P.R.C, Fleet Unit, J, A. B, Gray Report, Subcomm,. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/227, Sept. 1945 132, Temperature of skin subcutaneous tissue and muscle in limbs exposed to heat, ( H. R, Miller War Dept., Signal Corps, Climatic Research Unit, Eng. Memo #24CR - 8 Dec, 1944 133, Temperature recordings in tanks. A. L, Chute British War Office - September 8, 1942; Misc. Report #18 134, Temperatures in tanks: estimates of probable thermal conditions in tanks in hot and humid climates, T, Bedford Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 42/166 135, Test for salt depletion. British War Office, Army Med, Dept, Bull. #23 - May 1943, P. 8 136* Test of heat load imposed by clothing treated to repel insects and arachnids. Final report on. S, M. Horvath and W. B, Shelley Armored Med, Research Lab. - 27 Sept. 1945 137, Test of physiological heat load of flameprocfed clothing. Fourth partial report. S, M, Horvath and W, B, Shelley Armored Med, Research Lab. - 28 Sept. 1945 430 Heat 138. Tests of the "ability to take it", J, ?/, Dunlap et al Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - February, 194-3 139. Thermal exchange of man by evaporation, convection, and radiation as functions of temperature, water vapor pressure, and wind velocity, N. A. Nelson et al Armored Med, Research Lab. - 21 Feb. 194-6 14-0, Thermal requirements for aircraft cabins. C. L, Taylor War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-695-56, 31 Aug, 194-5 141. Thermal transmission of fabrics. Review of pertinent literature, W. L, Goddard and Marvin Van Dilla War Dept., OQMG, Climatic Research Lab,, Report #45-89-A, 22 Jan, 194-6 142, Thermocouple for recording skin temperature. H. R. Miller War Dept,, Signal Corps, Climatic Research Unit, Eng. Memo #2CR - 9 August, 194-3 14-3. Trial tank air conditioning equipment. Hot room tests. D. H, K, Lee Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 39, 17 Oct. 194-3 144. Tropical and exotic diseases of naval importance. Naval Medical School - Feb, 194-5 14-5. Tropical climates and the soldier. D, H. K. Lee Report, Comm, Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - 14 June 1944 14-6. Ventilated protective clothes for tank crews. Report, Comm, Clothing, MPRC-BPC 42/84., July 11, 1942 147. Vitamin C and ability to work in hot climates, 0EMcmr-220, A. Henschel, A, Keys et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Med. Nutrition - May 15, 1943 431 C. Humidity 1. Analysis of the physiological effects of clothing in hot environments. A. C. Burton Proc. Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix T 2. wArcticizationM of H. M* ships. T. Bedford and C, G* Warner Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC - RNP 43/9, 4 Mar, 1943 3. Atmospheric conditions in Radar room. D. K. K. Lee Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 42, 13 Nov. 1943 4. Comparative study of the effect on men of continuous versus intermittent exposure to a tropical environment, Nello Pace Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project #X-205(2), 9 May 1945 5. Comparison of summer flying suits on men ?/orking in humid heat . Interim report no, 15, OHicmr-351, S. B. Gerking and Sid Robinson Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest, - 9 Oct. 1944 6. Condensation and ventilation in M.T.B.s, M.G.B.s. and M.L.s, T. Bedford and C. G. Warner Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC - RNP 43/34, 29 April 1944 7. Effect of heat and humidity on troops in the Far East. British War Office, Misc. Report #247 - March 1945 8. Effect of high environmental temperatures, varied humidities, and moderate muscular work on the losses of water-soluble vitamins and of minerals in the perspiration of adult human subjects* Interim report, OEMcmr-227, H. H. Mitchell et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Med* Nutrition, August, 1943 9. Effect of tropical service upon the body-weight of soldiers* R. K. Macpherson and P* B. McGovern Report, Comm, Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - 28 Aug. 1945 10. Effects of air movement and air permeability of clothing on working men. Interim report #20, OIMcmr-351. Robinson, Gerking and Turrell CAM Report #415 - 13 Jan, 1945 11. Effects of heat and high humidity on pursuitraeter scores, N* H. Mackworth Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/199, May 1945 432 Humidity 12* Effects of high air humidity and mould growth on pack-hoards of plywood* Iliman, Walker, and Ledingham, Proc* Assoc. Coram. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov, 1944, Vol* 5, Appendix F0 13* Effects of hot environments on men. Interim report #12, OEMcrar-351. Robinson, Turrell, and Gerking Report #49, Comm. Clin. Invest, - 14 May 1944 14* Environmental warmth and its measurement. War Memorandum No. 17* T. Bedford Medical Research Council, Misc* - 1^46 15* First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944, Appendices* Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRG, MRC - RHP 45/202( j) t undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 23 Oct* 1945) 16* Fungus test and its application to AAF equipment, J* T* Bonner War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL 3-696-70D, 30 April 1945 17, Heat stress imposed by gas masks* Interim report #26, OEMcmr-351. Sid Robinson and S. D. Gerking Report #64 (abstracted). Coram, Clin. Invest* - 8 May 1945 18, Human tolerance for short exposures to heat and humidity, C. L. Taylor War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAA-695-56B, 12 Feb, 1946 19, Investigations on particular individual variation of the altitude cramp threshold* II - The influence of atmospheric humidity on the altitude resistance of the white mouse, (Luftfahrtmedizin, vol* 7, #2/3, February, 1942). H.W* Denzer German File 20, Long-term study of acclimatization of man to the tropics, Sid Robinson Bull. Clothing - pp. 147-153; 144 Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin, Invest. - 10 May 1945 21, Measurement of relative humidity by means of a thermoelectric psychrometer and a dew-point recorder* Van Dilla, Malakos and Fitzgerald War Dept,, OQMG, Climatic Research Lab., Report #186-C - 20 Dec, 1945 22* Medical report of A.F.V. crews in action at Buna (New Guinea) During Dec. 1942 - Jan. 1943* Tank fatigue, J, McKenzie Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC, Australia - AFV 32, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 4 Jan. 1944) 433 Humidity 23, Micro-rocorder for measuring skin temperature and sweating in airplane pilots# W, Bo Miles Civil Aeronautics Adm. - December, 1943 24# Mould growth on medical stores packed in pannier field medical, Iliman, Walker and Ledingham Proco Assoc, Coram, Array Med, Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov, 1944, Appendix III 25, Open report no, 5 - Variations in human reactions to hot atmospheres as functions of temperature and humidity - Preliminary report, R, K, Macpherson and D, H, K. Lee Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 153a 7 Feb, 1946 26, Physiological effects of clothing in hot atmospheres, Douglas K, K. Lee Report, Comm, AFV, Australia - AFV 11, November 10, 1942 27, Physiological effects of ventilated suits in a Sherman tank in hot humid conditions, J. A, B, Gray and B, McArdle , Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, MPRC, MRC - BPC 44/584, Oct, 1944 28, Physiological effects of v;earing air-conditioned and other types of clothing in a tank in hot and humid conditions, J, C, D, Hutchinson and B, McArdle Report, Coram, Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 43/189, March 9, 1943, and addendum, Dec. 4, 1943 29, Physiological effects of wearing air-conditioned and other types of clothing in hot and humid conditions* Hutchinson, McArdle, and Waterlow Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 43/188, undated 30, Physiologically equivalent conditions of air temperature and humidity. Interim report No. 12 (revised), OlMcmr-351, Robinson, Turrell, and Gerking (Sid Robinson) Filed with; Reports, Coram, Clin, Invest. - 2 Nov, 1944 31, Physiological requirements of sealed high altitude aircraft compartments, H, G® Armstrong War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, Misc, - 19 Dec, 1945 32, Protection against heat and cold. War Dept®, Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-11, 28 Feb, 1945, Appendix F 33, Relationship of certain factors to the incidence of decompression sickness, J, W, Thompson et al Proc, Assoc, Coram, Aviation Med, Research, -NRCC - 26 April J.945, Appendix B Humidity 34, Report on living and working conditions among R,N. personnel in the tropics* Macdonald Critchley and H* E, Rolling Filed with: Reports, Comm, Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - 22 April 1944 55, Service in hot climates* A pamphlet for officers* Acclimatization, effects of heat, how to avoid heatstroke, man management, heatstroke centres, clothing, notes for medical officers, British War Office, Misc, Report #100 - July, 1943 36* Summary of report upon "Effect upon A,F.V,personnel of operations in M3 medium in the humid tropics," D* H* K_• Lee Report, Coram, Armoured Vehicles, Australia - AFV 24, undated 37, Summary of results thus far obtained. Interim report No, 7, OEMcnr -351, Sid Robinson Filed with; Reports, Comm, Clin, Invest, - 15 March 1944 38, Survey of the incidence of decompression sickness with reference to some constitutional and environmental variants, H, C, Swann and T. B* Rosenthal War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - undated (recfd NRC-CMR 23 Aug, 1944) 39, Temperature and humidity in H.M.S, Pioneer from the R.N,P,R,C, Fleet Unit, J,A.B. Gray Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/227, Sept, 1945 40, Temperatures in tanks; estimates of probable thermal conditions in tanks in hot and humid climates, T, Bedford Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 42/166 41, Thermal requirements for aircraft cabins• C, L, Taylor War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-695-56, 31 Aug, 1945 42, Tropicalization of medical stores, W, I. Iliman and G, A, Ledingham Proc, Assoc, Comm. Army Med, Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov, 1944, Vol. 5, Appendix E 43, UpperMimits of environmental heat and humidity tolerated by acclimatized, normal young men working in hot environments. Second pa? tial report, L. W, Eichna et al Armored Med. Research Lab, - 2 Oct, 1944 Bull. Armored Vehicles - pp, 12-13 44, Ventilation rate of sealed aircraft cabins, M. Tribus War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-54-664-143S, 12 June 1944 435 D. Jungle 1. Absorption of water and drying of fabrics in relation to jungle clothing. Lyman Fourt et al. Dept. Commerce, National Bureau of Standards - 28 Feb, 1944. 2. Action minutes of 1st meeting on jungle clothing (dated 5-8-42). W. H. McLean. War Dept., OQLG - 5 August, 1942, 2. Anopheline control in the SWPA. I. M* Mackerras. Ministry Production, Insecticide Develop, Panel - IDP(44) 204. 2 Nov., 1944. 4. Australian jungle developments. (Report on tests of latest Australian jungle boots). Australian file - August, 1942, 5. Australian jungle equipment: packboards, jungle carts, mess tins, studded boots, tropical hats. Australian file - undated. 6. Australian soldiers' complete jungle kit. Appx MAM L.H.Q, Australian Jungle Warfare Letter No. 1, Part 2, Australian file - 25 Aug. 1942. 7. Clothing, jungle, field tests. Everglades, Florida. H. M. Ferry and R. L. Woodbury War Dept., OQMG, 15 September, 1942. 8. Committee on Jungle Clothing. Meeting held 18 October, 1942 - Research and Development Branch, Military Planning Division, 0QM5 • War Dept., OQMG, Coram. Jungle Clothing - 18 Oct. 1942. 9. Committee on Jungle Clothing. Minutes of meeting held 5 November, 1942, Research and Development Branch, Military Planning Division, OQMG. War Dept., OQMG, Comm. - Jungle Clothing, 10. Committee on Jungle Clothing, Minutes of meeting held 12 October 1942, Research and Development Branch, Military Planning Division, OQLEr, War Dept., OQMG, Comm, Jungle Clothing. 11, Comparative study of the effect on men of continuous versus intermittent exposure to a tropical environment. Nello Pace. Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project No, X-205(2), 9 May 1945, Jungle 12. Comparison of growth of mildew on flying clothing materials in Panama, in a humidity cabinet (100 per cent RH, 30°C. (66°F,i), on mineral salts agar, and on pure sand with distilled water, J. T. Bonner. War Dept., *dr Forces, TSEAL 3-696-70R, £0 April 1945, Appendix I. 13. D. R. T. report no. 7. Air spray trials, Tarau Area, October 1944. Third introductory report. Trials of malaria control in South East nsia. J. R. Lambert. South East nsia Report No. 7 - 23 Nov. 1944v 14. Resign of a tent and mosquito net combination unit of light weight for use of jungle combat troops. W. N, New et al. Lied. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N. C. - Project X-289, 12 May, 1944, 15. Effect of heat and humidity on troops in the Far East* British War Office, Misc. Report No. 247 - March 1945. 16. Employment, development, and production of equipment for war against Japan, Part 8 - Clothing and miscellaneous equipment: jungle uniform, footwear, headwear, mess and other equipment. Australian file - undated. 17. Employment, development, and production of equipment for war against Japan. Part 7 - Medical: casualty evacuation; prevention of malaria; storage of equipment; items in particular demand; dropping of supplies from aircraft, Australian file - undated (rec'd NHC-GMR 15 Rec. 1945), 18. Employment, development and production of equipment for war against Japan. Part 9 - General: dropping of supplies by parachute, special ration, tentage, water transport (small craft), etc. Australian file - undated. 19. Equipment for war against Japan. Excerpt from minutes of 14th meeting ACIGS War Office with Rominion representatives. Filed with; British War Office, Misc. Report No. 76 - Extract 83 of III-I-1160, 27 August, 1943. 20. Extracts from Jungle Warfare Liaison Letter No. 4, Conditions in S. \V, Pacific, Food preparation; water; headwear; camouflage; operational rations, H. G. Edgar Australian File - Nov. 1943. 21. Extracts from the latest Australian Jungle Liaison Letters. Footwear, equipment, rations, Australian File - 16 October, 1943. Jungle 22. Fatigue in jungle operations. D, H. K. Lee Report, Coram. Array Physiological Research, NHMRC - Australia - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR, 4 July 1944), 25, Fungus test and its application to aAF equipment, J. T. Bonner War Dept., Air Forces, TSAAL 5-696-70D, 50 April 1945. 24, General medical report from India-Burma Theatre, (Jungle clothing, equipment, casualty evacuation, tropical diseases, etc.) Australian File - General, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 24 Liar. 1944). 25, Hygiene of the skin and the prevention and first aid treatment of fungus skin infection. H. L. Whitten, HQ-Mobile Force. Filed with; War Dept., SGO - 21 January, 1945. 26, Investigation of the effects of activity and environment on atabrine therapy. Final report. N. A. Nelson et al. armored Med. Research Lab., project No. 16 - 25 Dec., 1945. 27, Jap medical problems in the South and Southwest Pacific. "Know your enemy". Pacific Report No. 1-25 Dec. 1944. 28, Jungle book. Military Training Pamphlet No. 9 (India). Indian Report No. 19 - Sept, 1945, 29, Jungle clothing. Minutes of the 5rd meeting on jungle clothing on 9-9-45. War Dept., OQMG, Comm. Jungle Clothing. 50. Jungle hiker, Indian Report No. 18 - 1944, 51. Jungle malaria control for small isolated units. HQ Mobile Force, Filed with: War Dept., SGO - 4 July, 1945. 52. Jungle omnibus. Army in India Training Memorandum, Indian Report No. 20 - January, 1945, 55, Medical curriculum for combat crews. No. 5 AAF redistribution s ta t i on interv iew. War Dept., Air Forces, Mi sc. - 20 Feb. 1545, 54, Medical information on Papua, New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomons. Filed with; War Dept., SGO - undated. 438 Jungle 25. Medical services in the South Pacific area. J. M. Twhigg. New Zealand File - 16 Oct, 1942. 26. Medicine in jungle warfare. N. H. Fairley. Australian Array Report No, 45 - 26 Feh. 1S45. 27. Minutes of meeting of Medical Dept,, A. U. S., Technical Sub comm., Aug. 4, 1942, on components of individual jungle medical kit. Surg. Gen. Off,, War Dept. - August 4, 1942. 28. Minutes of the meeting of the Medical Committee on Jungle Warfare Requirements on January 21st, 1944. British War Office, Mi sc. Report No. 145 - 1 Feb. 1944, 29. New jungle kit. Navy Dept,, Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull,, Vol. Ill, No. 4 - Apr, 1946, pp. 18-19, 40, "Notes for air crew down in the jungle." Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull, No, 7 - Jan. 1945, pp, 12-14, 41, Notes of an informal meeting held in the Conference Room, 29 Hyde Park Gate, on Wednesday, June 7th, 1944, to discuss water purifica- tion methods for jungle warfare, British War Office, Misc. Report No. 182 - 7 June, 1944, 42, Notes on protection from leeches in tropical jungle. V. B. Wigglesworth. Report, Comm, Entomology, M.P.R.C. - B. P. C. 194. 42. Notes on tropical diseases for Air Forces medical officers. Regional medical studies. General medical bulletins. War Dept., Air Forces Misc. - 21 March 1945, 44. Nutritional composition by direct analysis of U. S. Array jungle ration received March 4, 1942. Ancel Keys. Filed with; Reports, Coram. Med. Nutrition - April 10, 1942. 45. Partial report on 1) test of the adequacy and ranges of use of clothing for jungle operations, 2) effects of impregnated and impervious clothing upon the efficiency of personnel. Bean, Ashe, and Eichna. Armored Med. Research Lab. - 24 November, 1942. 46. Penetration of air sprays through tropical vegetation. (Porton Report No. 2669), Phillips, Toms and Siddorn. Ministry Supply, Comm. Insecticide Application - Z 15466. 15 Jan. 1945, Appendix H. 439 Jungle 47. Personal hygiene for small isolated jungle units. HQ Mobile Force Filed with: War Dept., SGO - undated. 48. Present trends of research in the control of mosquitoes by DDT. A. King. Ministry Supply, Comm. Insecticide Applications - Z 9359. 5 Sept. 1944, 49. Questionnaire from Armored Medical Research Laboratory on problems of jungle warfare. Report, Army Ground Forces Board, SWPA, M. B, Kendrick. War Dept., Army war College - 30 March 1945. 50. S. D. Infantry Headquarters Allied Land Forces Australia, Jungle Warfare Liaison Letter Ho, 1. H. G. Edgar. Australian file - 19 August, 1943. 51. Some jungle trees and their uses, Indian Report Ho. 17 - undated (rec’d. HRC-CMR 9 March 1945). 52. Studies of men in simulated jungle (humid) heat. Eichna, Bean, and Ashe. Armored Med. Research Lab, - 18 October 1943, 53. Study of men drinking Bursoline treated water in moist heat, Horton Helson et al. Armored Med. Research Lab. - 26 May 1945. 54. Summary of report on DDT airspray trials in C. B* 1. Theatre, South East Asia Command. E, M. Rice. South East Asia Report Ho. 8 - undated (rec‘d NRC-CMR 9 April 1945). 55. Survival on land and sea. Navy Dept., Mi sc, - 1944. 56. Test of hammock, jungle, impregnated with "Preventol G-4". Bean, Eichna, and Ashe, Armored Med. Research Lab. - 26 December 1943. 57. Test to determine suitability of specially designed spray equipment for dissemination of DDT from B-25 and C-47 aircraft. V.. F. McKee War Dept., Army Air Forces Board Report Ho, 9-11 April 1945, 58. Trials of 500 lb, M. C. bombs and depth charges in the Ceylon jungle. South East Asia Report Ho* 3 - 13 Feb, 1945. 59. Tropical survival training. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull. Ho. 10 - April, 1945, pp. 27-29. Jungle 60. Types of vegetation in area of spray trials, (Porton Report No, 2660). P, a. Buxton. Ministry Supply, Comm. Insecticide Applications - Z 15468. 15 Jan. 1045, Appendix A. 61. Typical load carried by soldier in action in jungle (in addition to clothing worn)* Australian file - 16 Oct., 1945, 62. Use of DDT residue sprays and finely atomized mists for the control of mosquitoes under jungle conditions. Interim report No, 0-82, OEHcmr-M-4 551. A. H. Hadden et al (E, P, Knipling), Report No. 26 (abstracted), Comm. Trop. Diseases - 19 July, 1944. 65. Use of Grenfell or poplin cloth in lieu of H, B, T. for jungle clothing, P. Webb. War Dept., OQHG, Comm. Jungle Clothing - 16 Oct., 1945. 441 XXXVII. HELICOPTER 1. Fifth crash injury conference. E, F, DuBois and W. R. Mies Special CAM Report - 30 and 31 Oct, 194-5 2. Helicopters, Navy Dept,, Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull., Vol, III, #5 ■ May 194-6, pp, 14--19 3. Helicopters prove worth in rescue, K, W, Fling Navy Dept,, Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull. Vol. II, #3 - Nov. 194-5, pp. 43-46 442 XXXVIII. INJURIES A, Abdominal Injuries B, Chest Injuries C, Ear Injuries D, Eye Injuries E, Head Injuries F, Injuries of the Extremities G, Intervertebral Disc 443 A. Abdominal Injuries 1, Air evacuation - the problem of gas in the pleural cavity and the lumen of the bowel. E, W, Peterson, Proc, Assoc. Comm„ Army Med. Research, 26-27 Nov, 1943, Vol. IV - Appendix D, and Vol I. 2, Analysis of abdominal casualties in Canadian Advanced Surgical Units, A.A.I. A, L. Chute Royal Canadian Army Report No. 19 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 29 Nov. 1944). 3, Analysis of abdominal casualties that completed operation in Canadian Advanced surgical centres in Italy (1 Dec, 44-15 Jan. 45). J. B. Armstrong, Misc. Canadian Report No. 161 - 25 March 1945. 4, Analysis of some Naval battle casualties. Report No. 4, Conf. Missile Casualties - 15 Dec, 1944. 5, Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendices 2QA. 20B, 20C: Case histories of typical patients evacuated by air. R, Lovelace, II. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943c 6, Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendix 19B: Evacuation of casualties by air, H, E. Whittingham, R. Lovelace, II, War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943. 7, Battle casualties in tanks and armoured cars - first aid. Middle East. Report, British War Office - April 29, 1942; Misc. Report No. 9. 8, Blast injuries of the abdomen from depth charges. Preliminary report. D. R. Webster. Proc. Comm, Surgery, NRCC - October 16, 1942, Appendix E. 9, British-American-Canadian surgical mission to the U.S.S.R. Military Hospitals. Section F: Mobile field hospital for thoraco-abdominal injuries. Wilder Penfield, Proc, Comm, Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct. 1943, Vol, 2, Appendix A. 10. Casualties in tanks. Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC, Australia - AFV 25, undated. 4.44 Injuries. Abdominal 11, Comparison of the casualty rates of the 2-in. mortar and the 36-grenade. Preliminary note by S, Zuckerman et al. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, - REN 227, 14 May 194-3 (also Ministry Supply report - AC 4-131). 12, Further note on casualties among aircrew personnel directly due to enemy action on night operations. Royal Air Force - 29 Jan, 194-4-. 13. Incidence of certain disabilities in Middle East. British War Office - September 7, 1942, Misc. Report No. 17. 14. Information on the distribution of trunk wounds with reference to the protection to be expected from the proposed body armour, previously reported on in report to D, G,, A. M, S,, CRME/14755/l/M of 27 September 1942. E. T. C. Spooner, British War Office - undated; Misc, Report No. 63, DBR paper No. 7. 15* Injuries in thirty light-aircraft accidents. Medical data and crash details from field investigations of the Civil Aeronautics Board, Hugh De Haven, CM Report No. 230 - 17 Nov, 1943. 16. Inquiry into plans and present organization for evacuation of the sick and wounded by air in the United States Army Air Forces, H, H, Jasper, Proc, Assoc. Comm, Army Med, Research 26-27 Nov. 1943, Vol. IV - Appendix A, and Vol. I, 17. Mechanism of wounding by high velocity missiles, II. Microsecond X-ray studies. Interim report, OEMcmr-395. E. N, Harvey et al. Report No, 6, Comm. Missile Casualties - 15 March 1945. IB, Nature and site of injuries received in flying accidents, G, 0. Williams, FPRC Report No, 639b - June 1946. 19. Notes of the meeting of the C.A.M, - Crash Injury Conference, 27 May, 1943. Special CM Report - 27 May, 1943. 20. Observations on battle casualties including those with penetrating frounds of the abdomen, G. H, Lathe and R, A, Cleghorn, Misc, Canadian Report No. 124 - 24 Feb. 1945, 21. Observations on the effects of air blast on the central nervous system and viscera of cats and rabbits, E, L, Corey and Isidore Gersh, Naval Med. Research Inst,, Project X-219 - 24 June 1944, 445 Injuries. Abdominal 22. Official medical report on casualties due to air raids on Darwin on the 19/2/42, Australian file, HSR 4. - undated (recfd NRC-CMR 4- Nov,, 194-3). 23. Relationship of injuries to structure in survivable aircraft accidents. Hugh de Haven. CAT/; Report No, 440 - 9 July 1945. 24. Report of Consulting Surgeon to The Surgeon, NATOUSA, Appendix G; Abdominal wounds, E. D. Churchill, War Dept,, NATO - 2 July, 1943. 2$, Resuscitation of the severely wounded. A. L. Chute, Royal Canadian Army Report No, IB - October 1944. 26, Sizes of shell, mortar and bomb fragments causing wounds (Dieppe series), S. Zuckerman. Ministry Supply, Adv. Council Sci. Research & Tech. Devel, Fragmentation Pa.nel - AC 3142, SD/EP 60/lB. 163, 7 December 1942. 27, Special Incident No, 1 U. S. M41 20 lb. fragmentation bomb accident. Allan Palmer. War Dept,, ETO - 30 Sept, 1944. 28. Studies on wounds of the abdomen and thorax produced by high velocity missiles. Interim report, OEMcmr-395. Puckett, McElroy and Harvey, Report No. 9, Conf. Missile Casualties - 20 Aug, 1945. 29. Study of clinical and pathological aspects of intestinal and mesenteric lesions resulting from aircraft accidents. George Hass. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 237 (1) - 16 Mar, 1944. 30, Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eighth Air Force during June, July and August, 1944 (Figures). Allan Palmer. War Dept., ETO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945). 31. Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eighth Air Force during June, July and August 1944. (Text), Allan Palmer, War Dept., ETO - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 11 May 1945). 32, Symposium on war casualties. Pacific Fleet Med, News, Vol. 1, No. 2 - Nov. 1944. 33. Use of penicillin in the field. Proc. Assoc, Comm. Army Med, Research, NRCC - Sept, 1944> Appendix T, 41G Injuries. Abdominal 34. Use of penicillin in the R.A.F, for the period 1st January to 31st March 1944. D. C, Bodenham. Report, Comm, Penicillin Clinical Trials, MRC - PCT 4-3, undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 18 July 1944). 35. Use of penicillin in the treatment of peritonitis - an experimental study, G. P. Fauley et al. Naval Med. Research Inst,, Project X-332, report No.l - 9 June 1944» 36. Use of penicillin in treating war wounds. (instructions prepared by the Penicillin Trials Committee.) MRC War Memorandum No. 12. Report, Comm, Penicillin Trials, MRC - 1944. 37. U.S.S, Solace (AH5). Statistical report of casualties evacuated from Iwo Jima, February 24 to March 14, 1945. W. W. Hall. Navy Dept,, Bur. Med, and Surg, - 9 June 1945. 38. War surgery in Britain. R, I, Harris. Proc. Coram. Surgery. NRCC - 2 Dec, 1943, Appendix A, 39. Wounding power of small bomb and shell fragments. B. D, Burns and S, Zuckerman, Report, Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept. RC 350, October 7, 1942. 40. Your body in flight. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - 30 Sept. 1944. 447 B. Chest Injuries 1. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendices 20A. 20B. 20C: Case histories of typical patients evacuated by air. R. Lovelace, II. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 194-3, 2. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendix 19B: Evacuation of casualties by air, H. E, Whittingham, R. Lovelace, II. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-IB, May 1, 1943. 3. Battle casualties in tanks and armoured cars - first aid. Middle East. Report, British War Office - April 29, 1942; Misc. Report No. 9. 4. British-Araerican-Canadian surgical mission to the U*S.S.R. Military- Hospitals. Section F: Mobile field hospital for thoraco-abdominal injuries. Wilder Penfield. Proc. Comm, Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct. 1943, Vol. 2, Appendix A. 5. British-American-Canadian surgical mission to the U.S.S.R. Section 0: Miscellany - chest wounds. Wilder Penfield. Proc. Comm, Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct, 1943, Vol. 2, Appendix A, 6. Casualties in tanks. Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC, Australia - AFV 25, undated. 7. Further note on casualties among aircrew personnel directly due to enemy action on night operations. Royal Air Force - 29 Jan, 1944. 8. Minutes of Conference on Pulmonary Edema, Report No, 4, Comm. Medicine - 2B April 1944. 9. Observations on the effects of air blast on the central nervous system and viscera of cats and rabbits, E, L, Corey and Isidore Gersh. Naval Med, Research Inst., Project X-219 - 24 June 1944. 10. Relationship of injuries to structure in survivable aircraft accidents, Hugh de Haven, CAM Report No. 440 - 9 July 1945. 11, Report of Consulting Surgeon to The Surgeon, NATOUSA, Appendix F: Chest wounds, E. D. Churchill, War Dept., NATO - 2 July, 1943, 448 Chest Injuries 12. Report of penetrating wounds of the chest, with haemothorax. J, D. Hamilton. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Army Med. Research, NRCC - Sept. 194-4* Appendix L, 13. Report of the Subcommittee on Surgery, October 25, 1944. (Air transport of chest and head injuries). Wilder Penfield. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Med. Research. NRCC - 25 Oct, 1944, Appendix I, 14. Report on casualties in AFV’s. A. L, Chute. British War Office - Sept. 7, 1942; Misc, Report No, 16, 15* Special Incident No, 1, U, S. M41 20 lb. fragmentation bomb accident, Allan Palmer. War Dept., ETO - 30 Sept. 1944. 16. Special casualty survey carried out in the Cassino area. Allan Palmer. War Dept,, ETO - undated (rec!d NRC-CMR 15 Aug, 1944). 17. Studies on wounds of the abdomen and thorax produced by high velocity missiles. Interim report, OEMcmr-395o Puckett, McElroy and Harvey. Report No, 9, Conf, Missile Casualties - 20 Aug, 1945. IB, Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eighth Air Force during June, July and August, 1944 (Figures), Allan Palmer, War Dept., ETO - undated (rec*d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945). 19. Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eighth Air Force during June, July and August, 1944. (Text), Allan Palmer, War Dept., ETO - undated (recfd NRC-CMR 11 May, 1945). 20. MTrend of field surgery” North European front, D. C, Monro. British War Office Misc, Report No, 221 - 6 Oct. 1944. 21. Trend of forward surgery in Italy, F. A, R, Stammers. British War Office Misc, Report No. 207 - 16 July 1944. 22. War surgery in Britain. R. I. Harris. Proc, Comm, Surgery. NRCC - 2 Dec. 1943, Appendix A, 23. ?/ounding power of small bomb and shell fragments. B. D, Burns and S. Zuckerman, Report, Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept. RC 350, October 7, 1942, 440 C. Ear Injuries 1# Acoustic trauma of the organ of Corti in the guinea pig* OEMcmr-194, Lurie, Davis and Hawkins Report #2 (abstracted), Qoram. Otolaryngology - 31 March 1944 2* Acute otitic barotrauma - clinical findings, mechanism and relationship to the pathological changes produced experimentally in the middle ears of cats by variations of pressure* Dickson, MeGibbon and Campbell Report, Comm* Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 423(U), Dec* 1943 5* Blast injuries. British War Office, Army Med* Dept. Bull, No, 22 - April, 1943, pp. 1-3 4, Blast pressure conditions causing death or injury, (Excerpt from Australian and New Zealand Scientific Research Liaison Report #496 undated 14 October 1943) Item 78 of News Letter 15 to F, S. Cooper from H. P* Robertson Filed with: Ministry of Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept, - 26 October 1943 5, Blast pressures at some of the ear positions of the operators of a 3,7-in, Q.F, A,A, gun. Dept. Scientific & Indust, Research, Road Research Lab, - MQS/270/VJJ, Oct. 1943 6, Blast pressures at the ear positions of the operators of a 5,5-in* B, L, gun - 7th April, 1943, Dept, Sci, & Indus, Research, Road Research Lab, - MOS/247/VJJ - July, 1943 7, Blast pressures at the ear positions of the operators of a 40-mm, Bofors gun fitted with a flash eliminator - 5th May, 1943, Dept, Sci, & Indus, Research, Road Research Lab, - M0S/243/7JJ - July, 1943 8, Blast pressures at the ear positions of the operators of a 17-pr, anti- tank gun fitted with double-baffle service and 3G5 muzzle brakes, 21 April 1943, Dept. Scientific and Indust, Research, Road Research Lab, - M0S/241/VJJ, July 1943 9, Blast pressures at the ear positions of the operators of a 6-pr, anti-bank gun fitted with type 5800/B, muzzle brake - 19 May 1943, Dept, Scientific and Indust, Research, Road Research Lab, - MOS/244/VJJ, July 1943 10. Blast pressures at the ear positions of the operators of a 25-pr. gun fitted with a Solothurn muzzle brake - 10th February, 24th February and 24th March, 1943, Dept, Sci, & Indus. Research, Road Research Lab, - M0S/242/VJJ - July, 1943 450 Injuries, Ear 11. Blast pressures to the rear of a battery of four 25-prs, Dept. Scientific & Indust® Research, Road Research Lab, - MOS/266/YJJ, Sept. 1943 12. Continous pressure politzerization in the prevention of altitude chamber aero-otitis media. F. W. Ogden CAM report $211 - 31 Aug,, 1943 13. Danger of blast and splinter injuries in armoured vehicles attacked by grenades. Experiments at Whitechurch 23 August, 1941. S. Zuckerman and J. D, Bernal Report, Coram. Weapons, MPRC-BPC 95/WS 5, 25 Aug,, 1941 14. Effect of gunfire noise upon auditory acuity for pure tones. F. W. Ogden War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field $315 (1) - 30 Sept. 1944 15. Effect of nasal ventilation upon tubal equalizing efficiency in flying personnel, H. J. Sternstein and J, B. MacGregor Filed with: Navy Dept,, Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Fla. - undated (roc’d NRO-CMR - 22 Feb. 1944) 16. Field surgery pocket book. Memorandum based mainly on experience in the present war. British War Office, Misc. Report $169 - Jan, 1944 n 17. Field survey of air-raid casualties, November 5, 1941, S. Zuckerman Filed with; Off. Civilian Defense, Intell. & Research Unit, Yol. Med. Report $16, Enclosure I - March 22, 1943. 18. Fiat! report on aural damage occurring in personnel engaged in diving operations (otitic barotrauma), S. G* French Report, Subcomm. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RHP 43/65, Nov. 1943 19. Head measurements in cases of recurrent otitic barotrauma. FPRC Report $608 - 6 Feb. 1945 20. Incidence of otitic and sinus barotrauma among flying personnel during descent in the low-pressure chamber. A. H. Sellers and C. B. Stewart Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm* Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix A^ 21. Memorandum on training for ear clearing. Report, Subcomm. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 43/62, Sept, 1943 451 InjuriesT Ear 22# Note by Oxford Extra-mural Unit on blast pressure conditions which cause death or temporary incapacity - reference A.S.R.L.O. letter dated 15,9,43# Ministry Home Security, Research and Exper# Dept#, REN 285 - 29 Sept# 1943 23. Post-traumatic vertigo and dizziness# Interim report, OEMcmr-159, Friedman, Brenner and Denny-Brown Report #41 (abstracted) Comm. Neurosurgery - 17 July, 1944 24. Proceedings of the Ordnance Board, 3 Nov. 43, No. 25, 340# Effects of blast on personnel firing 17-pdr. anti-tank gun, (Previous No. 24,893) Filed with; Reports, Comm# Weapons, MPRC - 3 Nov, 1943 25. Rupture of the ear-drums by blast. Second report. Blake, Douglas, Krohn, and Zuckerman Report, Comm, Weapons* IvIPRC-BPC 43/179, undated 26. Rupture of the ear-drums by blast. Supplement. Filed with; Reports, Comm# Weapons, IvIPRC-BPC 148a, 22 Nov#, 1941. 27. Specimen casualty survey carried out in the Cassino area. Allan Palmer War Dept., ETO - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 15 Aug. 1944) 28o Summary of a report on clinical findings observed in cases of acute otitic barotrauma and their relationship to the changes produced experimentally in cats by alteration of atmospheric pressure, J. E. G. McGibbon and A# C. P. Campbell FPRG Report #557 - Nov., 1943 29, [Supplementary report on injury of the inner ear produced by exposure to loud tones, OEMcmr-194. J# E. Hawkins, M. H. Lurie and H. Davis Filed with; Reports, Comm# Otolaryngology - 31 Dec#, 1943 30, Temporary deafness due to gunfire* Acoustic Research Laboratory, Report No. 7o N. E» Murray and G# Reid Report, Comm. Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - 24 Jan. 1945 31, Temporary deafness following exposure to loud tones and noise. Final report, 0HviCmr-194o Report #1(abstracted), Comm# Otolaryngology, 30 Sept, 1943 452 D. Eye Injuries 1* Air-raid casualties. A survey based on an analysis of casualty data provided by air-raids in England 1940-3. Extramural Unit, Dept. Anatomy, Oxford Univ. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept., Misc. - 21 Feb, 1944 2. Anti-personnel explosive incendiary bomb incidents, (Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Norwich & Bedford). Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, - REN 175, 29 September 1942 3. Casualty rates of flying bombs at night. Ministry Home Security, Research and Exper, Dept., Misc. - 4 July 1944 4. Evaluation of evidence for injury to the eye by sunlight, H, F, Blum Naval Med, Research Inst, - Misc,, 5 June 1944 5. Eye flash injuries from welding arc. Max Trumper Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project Z-202(l), 27 March 1945 6. Factors affecting cell division in the normal and injured corneal and conjunctival epithelia. Final report, OEMcmr-336. G, K. Smelser Filed with: ReportsP Comm, Surgery - 15 June 1946 7. Memo on the risk of eye injuries in air-raids particularly in flying bomb incidents. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, REN 428, 17 Aug. 1944 8. Memorandum on eye irritation in tanks. Willard Machie Armored Force Med, Research Lab, - November 28, 1942 9. Outline of medical department duties aboard landing craft. Navy Dept., Bur. Med, and Surg. - April 1944 10, Penicillin in ophthalmology, R.a.F, cases treated between 10th December 1943 and 31st March 1944, J, G, Milner Report, Comm. Penicillin Clinical Trials, MRC - PCT 37, 31 March 1944 11, Protection of the eyes from light and heat, British Admiralty, Admiralty Research Lab, - aRL/R.1/83, 04/0, 4 Jan, 1944 12, Report for quarter, 1 July to 30 Sep. 1943 by Consultant Ophthalmologist, M,E.F. G, I, Scott British War Office, Misc. Report #173 - 21 Dec, 1943 13, Report on living and working conditions among R,N, personnel in the tropics, Macdonald Critchley and H, E. Rolling Filed Y;ith; Reports, Comm, Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - 22 April 1944 4,5.3 Injuries, Eye 14, Short summary of reports by the Extramural Unit, Department of Human Anatomy, Oxford, on casualty rates due to flying bombs. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dopt. - REN 429, 31 Aug, 1944 15, Some physical aspects of photo-retinitis in anti-aircraft lookouts, Q, H, Eriggs Australian Scientific Research Liaison, Feb, 1943 16, Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eight Air Force during June, July and August, 1944(Figures). Allan Palmer War Dept., ETC - undated (rac’d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945) 17, Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eight Air Force during June, July and August 1944. (Text), Allan Palmer War Dept,, ETO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945) 18, Ultraviolet radiation at high altitudes, H, F, Blum OSRD, Army-Navy-0SRD Vision Coram, - 12 Oct. 1944, pp, 23 19, Use of penicillin in treating war wounds, (Instructions prepared by the Penicillin Trials Committee,) MRC War Memorandum No. 12. Report, Comm, Penicillin Trials, MRC - 1944 20, Wounds caused by Bakelite fragments. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept. - B 4, 9 June 1943 454 E. Head Injuries 1, Abstracts of crash injury reports. Special CAM report - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 20 June 1944)• 2, Acute and chronic neurological, neuropsychological and neurophysiologi- cal effects of head injuries, I, Water, nitrogen and electrolyte . content of brain following cerebral concussion. Final report, OEMcmr-285. A, E, Walker, Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - 16 June 194-5. 3, Acute and chronic neurological, neuropsychological and neurophysiologi- cal effects of head injuries, II. Observations on blood flow. Final report, OEMcmr-285. A. E. Walker. Filed with: Report, Comm. Neurosurgery - 20 June 1945. 40 Acute and chronic neurological, neuropsychological and neurcphysidlogi- cal effects of head injuries. III, The reaction of the meninges to blood in the subarachnoid space. Final report, OEMcmr-285. A, E. Walker, Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - 19 June 1945. 5. Acute and chronic neurological, neuropsychological and neurophysiologi- cal effects of head injuries, IV. Posttraumatic cerebral edema. Final report, OEMcmr-285, A. E. Walker. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - 25 June 1945. 6. Acute and chronic neurologic-1, neuropsychological and neurophysiologi- cal effects of head injuries. V. Report on electroencephalographic changes following local injury to the cerebral cortex. Final report, OEMcmr-285. A, E, Walker, Filed with: Reports, Comm. Neurosurgery - 26 June 1945. 7. Air-ambulances and the air-borne patient, G. J. Hamilton, Misc. File - Britain - Jan. 1942. Bo Air evacuation - analysis of cases carried by air from eastern Canada to the Montreal Neurological Institute, Ec W, Peterson and W, V. Cone. Proc6 Assoc, Army Med, Research, 26-27 Nov. 1943, Vol. IV - Appendix B and Vol, I, 9c Air evacuation - an investigation on intracranial pressure at altitude in the human subject. Peterson, Kent, and Cone, Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, 26-27 Nov, 1943, Vol, IV - Appendix E, and Vol, I, 10, Air-raid casualties. A survey based on an analysis of casualty data provided by air-raids in England 1940-3. Extramural Unit, Dept, Anatomy, Oxford Univ, Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept., Misc. *- 21 Feb, 1944. 455 Injuries. Head 11. Analysis of first thousand cases of head injury admitted to the Military Hospital for Head Injuries, (Explanatory text to paper BIG 61), W. Ritchie Russell, Report, Brain Injuries Comm., MRC - BIG 6l-a, 12. Analysis of some Naval battle casualties. Report No. A, Conf, Missile Casualties - 15 Dec, 1944-. 13. Anti-personnel explosive incendiary bomb incidents. (Birmingham, Ytolverhampton, Walsall, Norwick & Bedford). Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept, - REN 175, 29 September 1942. 14. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendices 20A. 20B. 20C: Case histories of typical patients evacuated by air. R, Lovelace, II. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943. 15. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendix 19B: Evacuation of casualties by air, H, E, Whittingham, R. Lovelace, II, War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943. 16. Case-taking scheme in use at Oxford Military Hospital (head injuries). Report, Comm, Brain Injuries, MRC - BIG 5, undated. 17. Clinical use of tantalum in cranioplasty, W. Penfield and W. Cone, Proc. Comm, Surgery, NRCC - January 9, 194-3, Appendix M, 18. Comparison of the casualty rates of the 2-in, mortar and the 36-grenade. Preliminary note by S. Zuckerman et al. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, - REN 227, 14- May 194.3 (also Ministry Supply report - AC 43-31). 19. Crash injury notes and abstracts. Special CAM report - undated (rec!d. NRC-CMR 13 July, 1944). 20. Damage to cranial nerves resulting from head injury. Interim report, OEMcmr-159. A, P, Friedman and H. H. Merritt (D. E. Denny-Brown). Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - undated (recfd NRC-CMR, 29 July, 1944). 21. Dark adaptation, negative after images, tachistoscopic examinations, and reaction time in head injuries, OEMcmr-126. Jurgen Ruesch. Report No. 27 (abstracted). Comm. Neurosurgery - 25 Feb. 1944. 456 Injuries. Head 22, Development of reliable instruments for detecting and measuring of brain stem and basal ganglia functions following closed head injuries. Partial report, OEMcmr-148. J. G. Lynn and Charles Sheer. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - undated (rec'd. NRG-Cl® 25 May 19U). 23. Disability arising from closed head injury. Interim report, CEJ!omr-159. D. Denny-Brown, Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - undated (recfd NRC-CMR 31 August 1944). 24-. Effect of impacts on the head and back of monkeys. S. Zuckerman and A. N, Black, Research and Exp, Dept,, Min. of Home Security - R. C, 124, August, 19A0. 25. Effects of direct concussion on monkeys in underground shelters, S. Zuckerman, Research and Exp. Branch, Min. of Home Security - Ra C. 65, Dec, 1939. 26. Electronics in the investigation of head injuries, OEMcmr-148, Charles Sheer and J. G. Lynn, Report No. 17 (abstracted) Comm. Neurosurgery - 3 Jan. 1944. 27. Evaluation of pest-traumatic syndrome. Final report, OEMcmr-159, D, Denny-Brown. Report No. 61 (abstracted), Comm, Neurosurgery - 15 Nov. 1944. 28. Experimental structural alterations in the brain during and after concussion. OEMcmr-348. YJindle, Groat and Fox* Report No. 30 (abstracted), Comm. Neurosurgery - 22 April, 1944. 29. Experimental study of the prevention of meningo-cerebral adhesions. Robert Pudenz and Guy Odom, Min, Comm. Surg., NRCC - Mar. 27, 1942, Appendix D, 30. Field survey of air-raid casualties, November 5, 1941. S. Zuckerman, Filed with: Off, Civilian Defense, Intell. & Research Unit, Vol, Med. Report No, 16, Enclosure I - March 22, 1943. 31. Functional and structural changes in the monkey’s brain during and after concussion. OEMcmr-348. Groat, Windle and Magoun. Report No. 36 (abstracted), Comm. Neurosurgery - 13 June 1944. 32. Further note on casualties among aircrew personnel directly due to enemy action on night operations. Royal Air Force - 29 Jan. 1944. 457 Injuries. Head 22. German military neuropsychiatry and neurosurgery. Leo Alexander, War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report No. 90 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR, 5 Aug., 1946). 24. Glucose, insulin and adrenalin tolerance tests in head injuries, OEMcrar-126, Jurgen Ruesch and K. Li, Bowman. Report No, 5 (abstracted) Conan. Neurosurgery. 22 Oct. 1942. 25. Incidence of certain disabilities in Middle East, British War Office - September 7, 1942, Misc. Report No. 17. 26. Injuries in thirty light-aircraft accidents. Medical data and crash details from field investigations of the Civil Aeronautics Board, Hugh De Haven. One Report No, 220 - 17 Nov. 1942. 27. Injuries of the head and face sustained by R.A.F. air crews in operational and non-operational flying. Stanford Cade. F.P.R.C, report No. 476, 28. Injuries resulting from aircraft accidents, U, S, Amy Air Forces, continental U. S., for January 1944. OEMcrar-121, Aubrey Schneider. CAM report No. 202 - 14 May 1944. 29. Injuries resulting from aircraft accidents, U. S. Army Air Forces, Continental U. S,, For June 1944, OEMcrar-121. CAm. Report No. 269 - 27 Sept. 1944, 40, Injuries resulting from aircraft accidents, U. S. Army Air Forces, Continental U. S., for July 1944. OEMcrar-121, CAM Report No. 272 - 17 Oct. 1944, 41, Injuries resulting from aircraft accidents, U, S. Array Air Forces, Continental U. S., for August 1944, B, a. Schneider, Lar Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - 22 Nov. 1944. 42, Injuries resulting from aircraft accidents, U. S. Array Air Forces, Continental U. S., for September, 1944. B. A. Schneider \,ar Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - 14 Dec. 1944. 42. Intellectual deterioration from head injury. OEMcrar-159. D. Denny-Brown. Report No. 10 (abstracted) Coram, Neurosurgery - 10 Dec, 1942. 458 Injuries. Head 44, Intellectual irnpairment and head injury. OEMcrnr-159. E. LI. Cole, Report No. 9 (abstracted) Cora ., Neurosurgery - 10 Dec. 194b, 46. Investigation on the influence of experimental concussion on cerebral physiology. Final report, 0EMcmr-66. J. W, Ward and S. L. Clark. Filed with* Reports, Comm* Neurosurgery - 22 April 1946. 46. Lucite calvarium, a method for direct observation of the brain. 11. Cranial trauma and brain movement, Sheldon, Pudeaz and Restarski. Nival Lied. Research Inst. - Project X-182 (2), £8 Jan. 1946. 47. Mechanism of wounding by high velocity missiles. I. Quantitative data. Interim report, OEMcmr-295. E, N. Harvey et al. Report No. 2, Coni', Missile Casualties - 15 Dec. 1944, 46. Mechanism of wounding by high velocity missiles. II. Microsecond X-ray studies. Interim report, OEMcmr-295. E. N. Harvey et al. Report No. 6, Coram. Missile Casualties - 15 March 1945. 49, Medical faculty of the Friedrich-Schiller-Univeraity Jena. C. L. Me Charthy. War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report No. 92 - undated (rec’d NHC-CMR 5 Aug, 1946), 50, Memorandum on the rehabilitation of patients with head injuries. Symonds and Cairns. Report, Comm. Brain Injuries, MRC-B1C2, undated. 51. Memorandum on the treatment of head injuries in war. Report, Comm, Brain Injuries, MRC - BIG 2, undated. 52. Nature and site of injuries received in flying accidents. G, 0, Williams• FPRC Report No, 629b - June 1946. 5b. Neurological, neuropsychological, and neurophysiological effects of head injury. Final report, OEMcmr-285. T. J. Case et al (a* E. Walker). Filed with; Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - 26 Jan. 1944. 54, Neurological and neurophysiological effects of head injury. Final report, OEMcmr-285. Woolf, Case, and Walker (A, E, Walker), Report No, 44 (abstracted) Comm. Neurosurgery - 17 July 1944. 55. Neuropathology and neurophysiology, including electro-encephalography, in wartime Germany, Leo Alexander, War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report No. 60 20 July 1945. 459 Injuries. Head 56. Neurophysiologic • 1 effects of head injury. Final report, OEMcmr-285, A. E. Walker et al. Report No. 40 (abstracted). Coram. Neurosurgery - 15 July 1944. 57, Neurophysiological studies on experimental cerebral concussion. Final report, OEMcmr-126. R, B. Aird and L. A. Strait, Filed with; Reports, Com-.., Neurosurgery - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 6 Mar. 1946). 56. Neuropsychiatric organisations in the German Air Force. Denis Williams. FPRC Report No. 629 - June 1945. 59. Neuropsychological effects of head injuries. Final report, OEMcmr-285. W. C, Halstead (A, E. Walker). Report No. 42 (abstracted) Comm. Neurosurgery - 19 July 1944. 60. Notes of the meeting of the C.A.M. - Crash Injury Conference, 27 May, 1942. Special CAM Report - 27 May 1942. 61. Notes on battle casualties from the fighting in September 1942. Middle East. W, G. Ogilvie. British War Office - October 16, 1942; Misc. Report No. 24. 62. Observations on so-called blast cerebral-concussion. S, Zuckerraan, Report, Comm. Weapons, MPRC-BPC 14?/WS 12, 20 November 1941. 62. Official medical report on casualties due to air raids on Darwin on the 19/2/42. Australian file, HSR 4 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 4 Nov., 1942). 64. Pathogenesis of concussion. Final report, OEMcmr-285, T, J. Case et ai (A. E, Walker), Report No. 21 (abstracted). Comm, Neurosurgery - 12 Jan. 1944. 65. Physiological basis of concussion. OEMcrar-285. Walker, Kollros, and Case, Filed with; Reports, Comm. Neurosurgery - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 2 Oct. 1944). 66. Pilot’s head support. R. S. Benton. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-28, 4 Nov., 1942. 67. Post-traumatic headache and dizziness. Arthur Elvidge and Peter Lehman, Min, Comra. Surg., NRCC - Mar. 27, 1942, Appendix C. 66. Post-trauma tic mental symptoms after head injury; A statistical analysis of two hundred cases. OEMcmr-159. Alexander Adler, Report No. 52 (abstracted), Comm. Neurosurgery - 5 Oct. 1944, 4G0 Injuries, Head 69. Post-trauma tic personality change. Annual report, OEMcmr-126. X. M, Bowman. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Neurosurgery - July 1, 1943. 70. Post-trauma tic vertigo and dizziness. Interim report, OEMcmr-159, Friedman, Brenner and Denny-Brown. Report No. 41 (abstracted) Coram. Neurosurgery - 17 July 1944, 71. Pre- and post-trauma tic personality in head injuries. OEMcmr-126. Ruesch, Harris and Bowman, Report No. 14 (abstracted) Comm. Neurosurgery - £9 Nov. 1943, 72. Predisposition to psychological disorder in normal flying personnel. Denis Williams. FPHC report No, 516 - February, 1943, 73. Preliminary report on the treatment of head wounds with penicillin, Cairns, Eden, and Shores ton. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 96, Section 32 - October, 1943. 74. Preliminary report to the War Office and the Medical Research Council on investigations concerning the use of penicillin in war wounds. H. W. Florey and H, Cairns. British War Office, Misc. Report No, 96 - October, 1943. 75. Prevention of injury in aircraft crashes, J, C. G-ilson, W. K. Stewart, and 2. Pekarek. FPRC report No. 556 - Dec. 1943. 76. Proceedings of the Peripheral Nerve and Concussion Conferences under the auspices Committee on Medical Research. Report No. 66, Comm. Neurosurgery - 26 Oct. 1944. 77. Prolonged post-trauma tic syndromes following head injury. OEMcmr-126. Jurgen Ruesch and K. M. Bowman. Report No, 48 (abstracted). Coram, Neurosurgery - 1 July 1944. 78. Psychological tests for the clinical evaluation of late ’diffuse organ- ic’,, ’neurotic’, and ’normal’ reactions after closed head injury. Partial report, OEMcrar-146. Lynn, Levine, and Hewson. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Neurosurgery - undated (rec’d. NRC-CMR, 16 May, 1944). 79. Psychophysiological relations in cases with head injuries. OEMcrnr-126. Jurgen Ruesch. Report No. 34 (abstracted). Comm. Neurosurgery - 12 April 1944. 80. Relationship of injuries to structure in survivable aircraft accidents, Hugh de Haven. CAM Report No, 440 - 9 July 1945. 461 Injuries. Head 81. Relationship of intracranial pressure and presence of blood in the cerebrospinal fluid to the occurrence of headaches in patients with injuries to the head. Interim report, OAMcrar-159, a. P, Friedman and H. H. Merritt (D. Denny-Brown), Filed with; Reports, Comra, Neurosurgery - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 13 July 1944). 82. Repair of cranial defects with tantalum. An experimental study. R. H. Pudenz, USNR. Proc. Comm. Surgery, NRCC - January 9, 1943, Appendix L. 83. Report of Consulting Surgeon to The Surgeon, NATOUSA. Appendix J; Neurosurgical therapy. H. G. Schwartz, War Dept., NATO - 2 July, 1943, 84. Report of the Subcommittee on Surgery, October kb, 1944, (Air transport of chest and head injuries.) Wilder Penfieid. Proc. assoc. Comm. Med. Research. NRCC - kb Oct. 1944, Appendix I, 85. Reviews of physical standards for airmen. Appendix C. v Filed with; Reports, Comra. Med. Problems of Civil Aviation - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR kk Aug. 1946). 86. Shoulder safety harness. R. H. Follis, Jr. War Dept., Air Force, Materiel Div., ANG-M-49-698-10, March 23, 1943. 87. Sizes of shell, mortar and bomb fragments causing wounds (Dieppe series). S. ZucAirman. Ministry Supply, Adv. Council Sci. Research & Tech. Devel. Fragmentation Panel - AC 314k, SD/aP 60/ IB, 163, 7 December 194k. 88. Special Incident No, 1. U. S. M41 20 lb. fragmentation bomb accident, Allan Palmer, War Dept., ATO - 30 Sept, 1944, 89. Specimen casualty survey carried out in the Cassino area, Allan Palmar, War ATO - undated NRC-CMR 15 Aug, 1944). 90. Structural alterations in the brain in experimental concussion. OAMcrnr- 348, (Abstract). Windle, Groat and Fox. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Neurosurgery - 29 Nov, 1943. 91. Studies on headache; mechanism of chronic post-traumatic headache. Final report, OAMcrar-485. D. J, Simons and H. G. Wolff. Filed with; Reports, Coram. Neurosurgery - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 4 Jan. 1946). 462 Injuries. Head 92. Study of alterations in activity and intrinsic structure of the central nervous system in experimental cerebral concussion. Final report, OEMc rnr- 246. , W. F. Windie. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurology - 1 June 1944, 92, Study of the causes of post traumatic headache and post trauma tic psychoneurosis. Vv. D. Ross and F. L. McNaughton, Proc. Comm. Surgery, NRCC (Section on Traum. In.i. Nervous System) - 2 Dec. 1942, Appendix IV-A and Section IV, p. 2. 94. Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eighth Air Force during June, July and August, 1944 (Figures). Allan Palmer. War Dept., ETO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945). 95. Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eighth Air Force during June, July and Augus t, 1944. (Text). Allan Palmer. War Dept., ATO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945). 96. Two different types of post-trauma tic neuroses. OEMcmr-159. Alexander Adler. Report No. 22 (abstracted). Comm. Neurosurgery - 1 May, 1944, 97. Use of Rorschach technique and the Wechsler-Bellevue scale in defining chronic mental changes resulting from diffuse cerebral damage, OEMcmr-148, L. R. Hewson and K. N, Levine, Report No, 25 (abstracted). Comm, Neurosurgery - 22 May, 1944, 98. Uses of penicillin in the Royal Air Force. Air Ministry, A. M. Pamphlet No. 186 - July 1945. 99. War neuroses in North Africa. The Tunisian campaign, January - May, 1942. R, M. Grinxer and J. P. Spiegel. War Dept., NaTO - September, 1942, 100, War Surgery in Britain, R. 1. Harris. Proc. Comm. Surgery. NRCC - 2 Dec. 1942, Appendix A. 463 F, Injuries of the Extremities 1. Air-raid casualties . A survey based on an analysis of casualty data provided by air-raids in England 194.0-4.3 c Extramural Unit, Dept, Anatomy, Oxford Univ. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept., Misc.-21 Feb. 1944. 2« Analysis of some Naval battle casualties. British Admiralty - 15 December 194-3. 3. Effect of cold temperature on the digits of the hands and feet. Progress report, July and August, 194-3. War Dept., Signal Corps, Climatic Research Unit. 4-. Further note on casualties among aircrew personnel directly due to enemy action on night operations. Royal Air Force - 29 January 1944.. 5. Information on the distribution of trunk wounds with reference to the protection to be expected from the proposed body armour, previously reported on in report to D.G., A.M.S. CRME/14755/l/M of 27 September 1942. E. T.C. Spooner British War Office - undated; Misc. Report #63 6. Injuries in thirty light-aircraft accidents. Medical data and crash details from field investigations of the Civil Aeronautics Board, Hugh DeHaven CAM Report #230 - 17 November 1943. 7. Nature and site of injuries received in flying accidents. G. 0. Williams FPRC Report #639b - June 1946. 8. Notes of the meeting of the C.A.M.-Crash Injury Conference, 27 May 1943. Special CAM Report - 27 May 1943. 9. Observations on B.P.C. 12 - report on body armour. J. D. Bernal and S, Zuckerraan Filed with: Reports, Coram. Body Armour, MPRC - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Nov. 1943). 10. Official medical report on casualties due to air raids on Darwin on the 19/2/42. Australian file, HSR 4 - undated (Rec’d NRC-CMR 4 Nov., 1943). 11. Parachute injuries, W. P. Forcade War Dept., Araer. Med. Soc., ETO - 28 July 1943. 12. Prevention of injury in aircraft crashes. J. C. Gilson, Vv. K. Stewart, and Z, Pekarek FPRC report #556 - December 1943. 13. Russian treatment of frozen extremities. Proc. Comm, Surgery. NRCC (Section on Traum. In.i. Nervous System) 2 December 1943j Section IV, 4.G1 Injuries of the Extremities 14. Special Incident No, 1. U.S, M41 20' lb, fragmentation bomb accident. Allan Palmer War Dept., ETO - 30 Sept. 1944. 15. Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eighth Air Force during June, July and August, 1944 (Figures), Allan Palmer i -.War Dept.,,‘ETO - undated (Roo*d IIRC-CMR* 11.May 1945). w Us. >'■' .. * ■ _ . % ... . * 16. Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eighth Air Force during June, July and August 1944 (Text). Allan Palmer War Dept., ETO - undated (Rec’d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945). 17. U.S.S. Solace (AH5) . Statistical report of casualties evacuated from Iwo Jima, February 24 to March 14, 1945* W. W. Hall Navy Dept., Bur, Med. and Surg, - 9 June 1945. IB. Wounding power of debris. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, - RC 423. July 1944. 19. Wounding power of small bomb and shell fragments. B. D, Burns and S. Zuckerraan Report, Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, RC 350, 7 October 1942, 20, Wounds caused by Bakelite fragments. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept. * B 4, 9 June 1943. 465 G , Intervertebral Disc 1, Are the intervertebral disks compressed or displaced during positive acceleration? M, M, D, Williams et al CAM Report #255 - 18 Feb0 1944 2, Conference on results of operation for prolapsed disc held 16th December 1943. Report, Comm, Nerve Injuries, MRC-PNI 64, 6 Jan, 1944 3, Diagnosis of low back pain, G, W, Armstrong Proc, Section on Orthopaedics. Comm, Surgery. NRCC - 5 June 1944, Appendix A 4, Intervertubral discs - Workmen’s Compensation Board, Province of Man- itoba, A, Gibson Proc, Section on Orthopaedics. Comm, Surgery. NRCC - 5 June 1944, Appendix C 5, Low back pain. Summary of cases, D,R,Webster, Min, Comm, Surg,., NRCC - Mar, 27, 1942 Appendix F 6, "Neurotic back." J, P, S, Cathcart Proc, Section Traumatic Injuries Nervous System. Comm, Surgery. NRCC - 9 Dec, 1944, Appendix I-C Proc, Section Orthopaedic Surgery. Comm, Surgery. NRCC - 9 Dec, 1944 Appendix II-B 7, Observations of low back disorders. War Depto, Amer, Med, Soc., ETO - 28 July, 1943 8, Occurrence and treatment of "sciatica" arising from ruptured intervert- ebral disc in RAF and other military personnel, C.P.Symonds, Comm, Aviation Med, - report #45 9, Opinions on care of men in active service who develop- rupture of inter- vertebral disc, McKenzie, Mixter, and Cone Min* Comm, Surg., NRCC - Mar, 27, 1942, Appendix A 10, Plan for examination of patients suffering from low back pain. G, M0 Dale Proc, Section Orthopaedic Surgery. Comm, Surgery. NRCC - 9 Dec, 1944, Appendix II - A 11, Post-operative regime for cases of ruptured intervertebral disc, R.G.Love Comm, Aviation Med,, Report #45 (Suppl.#2) •irr> Intervertebra]. Disc 12, Problems relating to treatment (intervertebral disc), Proc. Section Orthopaedic Surgery, Comm, Surgery, NRCC - 9 Dec, 19Vi-. 13, Prolapsed intervertebral discs, Min, Comm, Nerve Injuries, MRC (orig.) - P.N.I, 30, June 10, 19V IV Protruded intervertebral disc, Proc, Section Traumatic Injuries Nervous System, Comm Surgery, NRCC - 9 Dec, 1944, Appendix I-A 15, Protruded intervertebral disc, (Final draft), Proc, Section Traumatic Injuries Nervous System, Comm, Surgery, NRCC - 10 Feb, 1945, Appendix 1*1 16, Report of combined meeting of the Section of Orthopedic Surgery and the Section of Neurology, NRCC, (Ruptured intervertebral disc, low back pain and sciatica,) Misc, Canadian Report #97 - 9 Dec. 1944 17, Results of surgical treatment of eciatica due to herniation of inter vertebral disc in Canadian soldiers overseas, Botterell, Keith, and Stewart Proc, Comm, Surgery, NRCC (Section on Traum, Inj. Nervous System) - 16 Mar, 1944, Appendix I-A IB, Role of the X-ray in the diagnosis of herniation of the intervert- ebral disc, A, E, Childe Proc, Section on Traum. Inj. Nervous System, Comm, Surgery, NRCC 24 Apr, 1944, Appendix A 19, Sciatica follow-up - results of operation for prolapsed intervert- ebral disc. Report, Comm, Nerve Injuries, MRC - PNI 66(a), undated (rec!d NRC-CMR, 23 Mar. 1944) 20, Summary of follow-up study on 400 cases of ruptured intervertebral disc subjected to operation. R,G,Spurline,, Comm, Aviation Med., Report #45 (Supp, #1) 21, War surgery in Britian, R, I, Harris Proc, Comm, Surgery, NRCC - 2 Dec, 1943, Appendix A 4:67 XXXIX. INSULATION 1, Appendix to report on a new instrument for the measurement of the velocity of random air movement and of the thermal insulation of the air. Burton, Macdougall and Bazett Proc. Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - 22 July 1943, Appendix I Report #1 2, Cases for bag, sleeping, mountain, standard and experimental items. Moisture disposition and thermal insulation, W. R, Christensen and A. M, Galligan War Dept., OQMG, Climatic Research Lab. Report "114 - 15 Mar. 1944 3, Cold weather trials of clothing and equipage, 1944• Wet cold area. Equipment, tents, sleeping bags, cookers, Canadian Dept,, Nat’l. Defence, Cold Weather Trials Report 1944 - Stage 2, Volume 9, undated (rec'd NRC-CMR, 9 March 1945) 4, Effect of heat reflecting walls in the barracks hut, on the comfort of occupants and on fuel consumption, A, C. Burton and C, H. Fitton Misc, Canadian Report #131 - 10 May 1945 5, First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Appendices, Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RMPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(.1), undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 23 Oct, 1945) 6, German insulated food cans, 1941 and 1943, War Dept,, OQMG, Captured Enemy Equip, Report #69 - 6 Oct, 1944 7, German wire cutters, small. German wire cutters, large (made in 1939)„ War Dept., OQMG, Captured Enemy Equip, Report #3B - 31 March 1945 8, Japanese insulated canteen cover. War Dept., OQMG, Captured Enemy Equip, Report #65 - 16 Oct. 1944* 9, Japanese insulated mess kit cover. War Dept,, OQMG, Captured Enemy Equip. Report - 26 Sept, 1944 10, Second report of the habitability mission on H.M, ships serving in the tropics, August 1944 - March 1945. E. A. Brokersha and H. E, Rolling Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/221, July 1945 11, Sleeping bags and sleeping bag pads: Measurement of thermal insulation by physical procedures, Marvin Van Dilla War Dept., OQMG, Climatic Research Lab,, Report Nos. 182, 185, 193 and 203 - 10 Oct. 1945 12, Turret ventilation. Progress report. Report, Subcomm. Gunnery, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 4.4/155, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 Jan. 1945) 468 XL. INTESTINAL GASES 1. Abdominal gas. Blair, Bates, and Fenn. CAM Report #125 - January 25, 1943. 2. Abdominal gas. Final report, OEMcrar-306. H. A. Blair. CAM Report #349 - 30 July 1944. 3. Abdominal gas. Progress report, OEMcmr - 306. Blair, Dem, and Fenn. CAM report #193 - 7 Oct., 1943. 4. Air evacuation - intestinal gas volumes at altitude, Peterson, Kent, and Ripley. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, 26-2? Nov. 1943* Vol. IV - Appendix G, and Vol. I. 5. Air evacuation - the problem of gas in the pleural cavity and the lumen of the bowel. E. W. Peterson. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, 26-2? Nov. 1943* Vol. IV - Appendix D and Vol. 1, 6* Decompression and abdominal distension. ~ Russell Waud and Ward Smith* Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #35 - undated. 7. Effectiveness of a high carbohydrate diet in raising the ceiling of men under the conditions of anoxia. Ivy, Friedemann, and Gredins. CAM Report #329 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 23 August 1944). 8. Effect of altitude on gastrointestinal motility. F. E. McDonough War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field 155(1) - 20 Sept., 1943. 9. Effect of succinylsulfathiazole on the volume of intestinal gas in normal young men. W. 0. Abbott CM report #257 - 2 Feb. 1944. 10. Effects of high altitude flight other than those due to oxygen lack; what they are and how to manage them. Preliminary report, OEMcmr- 36. Ferris, Engel, Webb, and Blankenhorn. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Decompression Sickness - 30 July 1943. 11. .Factors affecting operations at high altitude. D. J. Waghorn. FPRC report - miscellaneous file. 469 Intestinal Gases 12. Memorandum on intestinal gas, from the Subcommittee on Medical Nutrit- ion. J. S. McLester. C. A. M. report #59, 7/14/42. 13. Protective effects of preoxygenation with respect to abdominal gas pain resulting from decompression to 38,000 feet: OEMcmr-196. F. M. Henry et al. CM Report #353 - 1 Sept. 1944. 14. Roentgenograph!c observations on the amount and distribution of intestinal gas at altitude relation to abdominal symptoms. F. E. McDonough War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #193 (1) 1 Nov., 1943. 470 XLI• MOTION SICKNESS A. Hyoscine 471 XLI. MOTION SICKNESS 1. Acclimatization to swing sickness. G. W. banning. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Researcii - 25 Feb, 1944, Appendix F, 2, Adaption to flying motion by airsick; aviation.students. A. Hemingway. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, Ho. 170(4) 5 Dec., 1945. 5. Aero-medical exploitation, Germany 1945. W, F. Sheeley. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - 1 Feb, 1945 to 15 Oct. 1945, 4, Airsickness and vestibular sensitivity as related to learning to fly. G. R. Wendt. Comm. Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog. Report, Sept., 1940. 5, Air sickness causes and prevention. E. G. Reinartz. War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field Ho. 158 (1) - undated (rec’d HRC-CMR 1 Oct. 1946). 6, Airsickness during an airborne infantry maneuver. F. n. McDonough Ca*. report Ho. 102, Hovember 16, 1942. 7. AirsicKness in gliders. J. Park FPRC report Ho. 510. 8. Air sickness in Hotspur gliders (6 passengers). Reports from Airborne Forces Establishment Rignway, Report F.P.R.C. Ho, 585 (WAM88-5) undated. 9. Airsickness in military aviation. Summary report Ho. 2, War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - undated (rec’d HRC-CMR 21 Mar. 1946) 10. Airsickness in navigation training, F. E, McDonough. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Ho. 165 (1) - July 5, 1942, 11. Airsickness in the airborne infantry. F. A. McDonough report Ho. 10 5, Hoveraber 27, 1942. 12. Airsickness in the airborne infantry. F. E. McDonough War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Ho. 95 (2) - 27 Hov. 1942. 15. itir transport of casualties. (Doutsch. Mil. Arzt,. vol. 5, pp. 7-10, 1940. abstract, Luftfahrtmedizin. vol. 6, Ho, 2/5, p. 279, 1942). F. Schmidt German File, 472 Motion Sickness 14. Analysis of Dr. David B. Tyler’s experiments on motion sicxness remedies by individual boats, June 1 - December 5, 1944. Margaret Merrell. CAM Report No. 406 - Jan. 1945. 15. Analysis of the forces encountered on the simple swing in the study of motion sic.mess. A. Cipriani, Proc. Comm, Seasickness, NHCC - November 27, 1942, Appendix C. 16. Apparatus for investigating visual reactions in relation to airsickness. P. G. Livingston. F.P.K.C, report No, 462.. 17. Apparatus for measuring the onset of sweating during the development of motion sickness. Allan Hemingway. CAM Report No. 100 - November 5, 1942. 18. Attempts to find a remedy superior to hycscine for motion sickness. P. K. Smith. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 522(1) - 24 Aug. 1945. 19. Barbiturates affecting motion sickness and gastric secretions, R. L, Noble. Proc. assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, NECC - 7-6 Dec. 1945, Vol. 5, Appendix H. 20. Barbiturates and motion sickness, R. L, Nobxe. Proc. assoc. Comm. Army Med, Research, NHCC - 27 April 1945, Vol. 5, Appendix G. 21. Bibliography of airsickness and seasickness. Anonymous CAM report No. 82 - November, 1942. 22. Bibliography of airsickness and sea sickness, 1, 2. Bibliography of labyrinthine studies in relation to motion sickness. 5, List of reports of F.P.R.C. and N.R.C., Canada, in relation to motion sickness up to September, 1942. Supplement, up to September 27, 1942. CAM report No. 82 and Supplement. 25. Bibliography of aviation medicine. Supplement. Hoff, Hoff and Fulton. Special CAM Report - 1944. 24, Blood chemistry studies in motion sickness. Fields, Meakins, and McEachern Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix E 473 Motion Sickness £5. Caloric vestibular tests in relation to susceptibility to motion sick- ness, Morton, McNally, and Stuart. Proc, Conf. notion Sickness - August £8, 1941, Appendix H. 16. Changes of cerebrospinal fluid pressure during acceleration in the human (Lio t ion sic*a*,ess), Cipriani, Morton, and McEachern Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix IT. 27. Choline esterase activity in relation to airsickness. (Summary only). G, W. Manning. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix P, Report No, 9. 26. Clinical drug trials - V-l, Drug X, Vasano (Second report). Fields, Campbell, and Ptnfield. Proc. Coram. Seasickness, NRCC - November 27, 1942* Appendix E. 29. Comparison of the efficacy of motion sickness preventative. Array Development Type, seasickness remedy, R,C.N. type, ITD 0.6 mg. of hyoscine in preventing seasickness during landing craft opera- tions . D. B. Tyler. GAM Report No. 300 - 20 April, 1944. 30. Coupendiura of aviation medicine. Siegfried Ruff and Hibertus Strughold. Special CAM Report - 1942. 31. Conference and tests at the centrifuge of the Mayo Aero Medical Unit. G. L. Mai son, War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-11Y, April 24, 1943. 32. Correlation between swing sickness and air sickness. MeIntyre and Gardiner. Report, Corara. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 67, undated (rec’d NRC-O.R. 1 Aug. 1944). 33. Correlation between swing sickness and air sickness and history of motion sickness, J. Park. FPRC report No. 465 - August 24, 1942, 34. Correlation of swing sickness with airsickness, ii• j.*x. Joekes F.P.R.C. report No, 475. 35. Cortical activity in airsicx personnel. M. V.. Thorner War Dept., Randolph Field No. 169 (1) - July 24, 1943. 474 Motion Sickness 26. Cross-check comparison oi‘ swings and rocker in producing motion sick- ness. V. S. Fields and B, A. Campbell. Proc, Comm, Seasickness, NRCC - March 24, 1942, Appendix C, 27. Differences in susceptibility to motion sickness in dogs and the effect of treatment with barbiturates. R, L* Noble. Proc, Assoc. Comm. Array Med. Research, 26-27 Nov. 1942, Vol. VIII, Appendix D, and Vol. 1, 26. Drug trials with Combination A, Combination H and Vasano. W. S. Fields. Proc. Comm. Seasickness, NRCC - March 24, 1942, Appendix B. 29, Effectiveness of some motion sickness remedies in preventing airsick- ness in navigation students. P. K. Smith. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 261(2)- 18 Jan. 1945. 40. Effectiveness of some motion sickness remedies in preventing air sickness (preliminary report). P, K, Smith. War Dept., nir Forces, Randolph Field, Project 261, report No. 1, 20 June, 1944. 41. Effect of active vestibular training on motion sickness. Gibson, Manning and Kirkpatrick Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 25 Feb. 1944, Appen- dix C. 42. Effect of active vestibular training on motion sickness, (Summary only). Gibson, Manning, and Kirkpatrick. Proc. Conf, Motion Sickness, NRCC - 16 June, 1942, Appendix I. 42. Effect of anti-malarial drugs on susceptibility to motion. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 72, undated (rec’d NEC-CAR 1 Aug. 1944). 44. Effect of barbital on swing sickness. Allan Hemingway and P. K, Smith. War Dept., Randolph Field Report - 104(1), January 9, 1942, 45. Effect of benzedrine on swipg sickness. P. K. Smith War Dept,, nir Forces, Randolph Field No. 112(1) - 9 Aug. 1942. 46. Effect of cortical-inhibitory drugs and the effect of decortication in dogs susceptible to motion sickness. B. P. Babkin and M, Schachter Proc. Assoc. Coram. Naval Med, Research - 7 Oct. 1942, Appendix R. 475 Motion Sickness 47, Effect of cortical inhibitory drugs and the effect of decortication in dogs susceptible to motion sickness. B. P. Babkin. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med, Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix A. 46, Effect of environmental temperature on motion sickness. A. Hemingway, War Dept., Air Porces, Randolph Pieid, No, 170(5) - 2 Nov., 1945, 49. Effect of head position on susceptibility to motion sickness, A. K. McIntyre, Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, PPRC, RAAP - PR 86. Nov. 1945. 50. Effect of labyrinthectoray on motion sickness in animals, McNally, Stuart, and Morton. Proc, Conf. Motion Sickness - August £6, 1942, Appendix M. 51. Effect of length of time of the crouching position on the incidence of motion sickness in ship-to-shore operations, OEi.:cmr-282. D. B. Tyler. Gnn Report No. 594 - 16 Sept., 1944, 52. Effect of motion sickness preventive, army development type, and seasickness remedy, RCN type, on marksmanship. D, B. Tyler. CAM Report No. 556 - 1 April, 1944, 55, Effect of position on the incidence of swing sickness. G, W. Manning and \V, G. Stewart Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - April 18, 1945, Appendix F. 54. Effect of position on the incidence of swing sickness. Howiett. Wardill, and Brett. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research, 22 July 1945, Appendix P, Report No. 4, 55, Effect of position on the incidence of swing sickness. (Summary only). G. W. Manning and W. G. Stewart. Proc. assoc. Coimm. Aviation Med. Research, 22 July, 1945, Appendix F, Report No. 8, 56. Effect of position on the incidence of swing sickness (supplementary report). Howiett. Wardill, and Brett. Proc, Assoc. Coram. Aviation Med, Research, 22 July 1945, appendix F, Report No. 5. 57, Effect of pyridoxine hydrochloride on swing sickness, P. K. Smith. War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 555(2) - 24 August, 1945. 476 Motion Sickness 58. Effect of sodium bromide, and sodium bromide in combination with Drug in motion sick dogs. B. P. Babkin and M. Schachter. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - 7 Oct. 1943, Appendix N-4. 59. Effect of swinging on the mo til it:/ of the stomach in dogs. B. P. Babkin and M. B, Bornstein, Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med, Research - 7 Oct. 1943, Appendix N-3. 60. Effect of thiamine chloride on swing sickness. P* K. Smith War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 142(1) - 10 Aug, 1943. 61. Effect of tilting the head back on the incidence of sickness on the 4-pole swing. (Summary only.) Wo G. Stewart and G. W. Manning. Proc. assoc. Comm. Aviation Med, Research, £2 July, 1943, Appendix F, Report No, 7 (Vol. 1). 62. Effect of U. S, Army development type motion sickness preventive on swing sickness, Allan Hemingway. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 198 (1) - 6 Nov., 1943. 63. Effect of variation in the radius (frequency of maximal change in G) and the arc (quantity of maximal change in G) of the swing on the incidence of swing sickness, A, M. Fraser and G. XL Manning. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 25 Feb.,, 1944, Appendix E. 64. Effect of Vasano on swing sickness. A. Hemingway and P. K. Smith. War Dept., Randolph Field Report 110 (1), March 2, 1943. 65. Effect of V-5 on swing sickness, P. K* Smith. War Dept., Randolph Field No. 132 (1) - April 8, 1943, 66. Effects of barbiturates on experimental motion sickness in dogs. R. L. Noble. Proc, assoc. Comm, Army Med, Research, 26-27 Nov. 1943, Vol, VIII - Appendix C, and Vol, 1, 67. Effects of barbiturates on gastric function. R, L. Noble, Proc, iissoc. Coram. ,irmv Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol. Ill, appendix 1, 68. Effects of different types of motion on motion sickness in the dog. R, L. Noble. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol. Ill, Appendix D. 477 Motion Sickness 68. Effects of variation of time intervals between accelerations upon —* sickness rates. Interim report, part I, 0EMcrar-£79. Alexander, Wendt et al. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Motion Sickness - 15 April 1944, 68. Effects on swing sickness and side effects of some atropine-like b. drugs. P. A, Smith War Dept., iiir Forces, Randolph Field No. £97(1) - 19 Jan. 1945. 69. Electroencephalography in relation to motion sickness in volunteers. H. H. Jasper and G. Morton. Proc. Conf, Motion Sickness - August £8, 194£, Appendix J. 70. Emotional factor in airsickness. W. H, Fraser Reports, FPRC-RAAF (orig.) - 1R 87, Apr, 1944, 71. Evaluation of a motion sickness questionnaire in predicting susceptibil- ity to seasickness. Birren, Fisher, and Stormont. Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-£78(£), 15 Aug. 1944. 7£. Evaluation of the potentiality of bulbocapnine as a motion sickness preventive. Birren, Stormont, and Pfeiffer, Naval Med, Research Inst. - Project a-<78 (£), 16 Aug. 1944, 72. Exercise OZONE (Jan, £9th and 20th, 1944.) Sharpe, Parker, and Fields. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Airborne Tr )ops, MPRC - 5 Feb, 1944. 74, Experimental studies of motion sickness. B. P. Babkin and S, Dworkin, Proc, Conf. Motion Sickness - August £8, 1S4 £, Appendix B. 75, Experimental studies on a susceptible individual a Motion Sickness. G. Morton and D. McEachern. Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness - August £8, 194£, Appendix 0. 76, Experimental use of barbiturates in motion sickness, (Summary only). R. L. Noble. Proc, Conf, Motion Sickness, NRCC - 16 June, 1942, Appendix N, 77* Experiments on the dosage of various agents used to prevent or modify seasickness. E. A. Sellers. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix D. 78. Failure of a vertical accelerator to produce motion sickness. G. W, Manning. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - £5 Feb, 1944, Appendix H. 478 option Sickness 79. Fitness for aircrew, A psychological and physiological survey of air- crew enlistments in the Royal New Zealand Air Force. New Zealand File - Nov, 1944. 80. Further studies of effective accelerations on the simple swing, A. Cipriani Proc. Comm, Seasickness, NRCC - Jan. £9, 1942, Appendix, 81. Further studies on the prediction of susceptibility to seasickness by a motion sickness questionnaire. J. E. Birren and M. B, Fisher. Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-278{6)., 8 Oct. 1945. 82. Further therapeutic trials with belladonna alkaloids. W. S, Fields. Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness, NRCC - 16 June, 1942, Appendix L. 82. hyperventilation in flying personnel. R. F. Eushmer and D, D, Bond. War Dept., -air Forces, Randolph Field No. 162(1) - 16 Sept., 1942. 84. Improvements in design and construction of swing for testing individuals susceptible to motion sickness. Allan Hemingway. War Dept., Randolph Field Report - 84(2), February 4, 1942. 85. Incidence of airsickness in cadets during their first ten flights. Allan Hemingway and E. L. Green. War Dept., Air Farces, Randolph Field No. 170(5) - 29 Jan. 1945. 86. Incidence of swing sickness in eight categories of Army personnel. A. Hemingway. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 170 (1) - 20 July, 1942, 87. Index of reports on airsickness and seasickness, (Available Sept. 27, 1942). With supplement to November 25, 1942. • W, S, Fields, Proc. Coram. Seasickness, NRCC - November 27, 1942, Appendix G. 88. induced motion sickness in naval ratings, W. S. Fields. Proc, Conf. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942. Appendix D. 89. Influence of body position on the levels of abdominal viscera in relation to sea sickness. Donald Mainland, Min. Comm. Naval Med. Research, Jan. 26, 1942. Appendix C. NRCC. 90. Influence of physiologically effective doses of epinephrine on vestibularly induced nausea. R. M. Dorcus, Filed with: Reports, Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC, November, 1942. 479 Motion Sickness 91, Inquiry into circumstances favoring the occurrence of a series of fatal aircraft accidents attributed to an acute loss of orientation during night training missions. G. Hass. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 154(1), 50 September, 1945, 92. Interim report of investigations into airsickness in gliders, IV, Effect of repeated swinging on susceptibility to airsickness. J. W. Magladery. Report, Coram, Airborne Troops - BPC 42/56 (cj, 95. Interim report of progress on project N.M,I. (seasickness). Second interim report on same. B. P. Babkin. Min. Comm. Naval Med, Research, Jan. 28, 1942, Appendices A and B. N.R.C.C. 94. Interim report of seasickness alleviation trials (Indian troops) from G.H.Q., M.E.F., Sept. - Oct. 1945, British War Office, Misc. Report No, 101 - 20 Oct. 1945. 95. Interim report on clinical investigations into air sickness. G. L. Brown, B. McArdle, and S. W. Magladery. Report F.P.R.C. - No. 410-A. 96. Interim report on investigations into airsickness in gliders. II, III. Reports, Comm, Air Borne Troops - BPC 42/56 a, b. 97. Interim report on investigations into airsickness in gliders, V. Effect of special physical training on susceptibility to motion sickness. J. W. Magladery Report, Comm, airborne Troops, BPB 42/56 (d), 98. Interim report on the effects of certain sea sickness remedies on troops at sea. Holling, McArdle, and Trotter, Report, Comm, Airborne Troops - BPC 42/105. 99. Interrogations of German personnel interested in German aviation. K. B. Burchell et al. War Dept., U. S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 15 Aug. 1945. 100, Investigation into the chemical factors concerned in the production of motion sickness. Best, Sellers, and Stephenson. Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix A. 101. Investigation into the relationship of the electroencephalogram to motion-sickness susceptibility. D. B, Lindsley and G. R. Wendt. Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Dec. 1944, Appendix B. 480 motion Sickness 102. Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel. The psychological aspects of airsickness. C. P. Syraonds and Denis Williams. FPRC Report No. 59 2 - Sept. 1944. 102. Investigations into the prevention of sea-sickness. A summary of previous reports. H. A. Rolling and \V. R. Trotter. Report, Coram. Airborne Troops, MPHC-BPC 42/175, ABT 18, Feb. 2, 1942 104. Investigations into sea sickness. An interim report on the effects of certain remedies on military efficiency. Rolling, Trotter, and McArdle. Report, Comm. Airborne Troops - BPC 42/89, July 22, 1942. 105. Investigations into air-sickness in gliders. J. \V. Mag la deny Report, Comm, nir Borne Troops, MRC - BPC 42/56. 106. Laboratory and clinical toxicity trials of V-12. J. M. Parker. Proc. Assoc. Coram. Naval Med. Research, NRCC - 16 Feb. 1945, Appendix N. 107. Mechanical drive for the simple swing used in the study of motion sickness. A. Cipriani. Proc. Comm. Seasickness, NRCC - November 27, 1942, Appendix B. 108. Memorandum on prevention of sickness in airborne troops. Report F.P.R.C. No. 296. 109. Montreal motion sickness machine. A. Cipriani and D, McEachern. Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix P, 110. Motion sickness. H. L. Noble. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Army Med. Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov. 1944, Vol. 5, Appendix X. 111. Motion sickness among air crew personnel, A. Hemingway, War Dept., Randolph Field Report - 126 (1), March 2, 1942. 112. Motion sickness and physiological problems peculiar to parachutists and other airborne troops. Final report, OEMcrnr-282, D. Tyler. Filed with: Reports, Coram. Motion Sickness - 21 May 1946. 112. Motion sickness - animal experiments. Preliminary report V-l. Proc. Coram. Seasickness, NRCC - November 27, 1942, Appendix F-4. 481 Motion Sickness 114. Motion sickness history and results of the swing test of one hundred and seven (107) airsick: eliminees from flight training. A. Hemingway. War Dept,* Air Forces, Randolph Field 170 (2) - 7 Sept,., 1943, 115. Motion sickness in cats treated by barbiturate derivatives, R. L. Noble. Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix C. 116. Motion sickness, present status of research, A. K. McIntyre. Report, Comm. Plying Personnel Research, RAAF - PR 91. June 1944. 117. Motion sickness preventives, H. M, C, Luykx. CAM Report No. 306 - 26 April, 1944, 118. Motion sickness preventives - report No. I. H. M. C, Luykx Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med, Research *r 15 May, 1944, Appendix E. 119. Motion sickness preventives - report No. II. Proc, Assoc, Comm. Naval Med, Research - 15 May, 1944, Appendix 120. Motion sickness studies at H.M,C,S, "York", J, M, Parker, Proc. assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research, NRCC - 16 Feb, 1945, Appendix 0. 121. Motion sickness studies. Progress report. Wilder Penfield. Canadian Aviation Med, Report No. 115 (C 714). 122. Motion sickness study. Final progress report, OEMcmr-414, 1Si, J. Kerr. Special CaL Report - 12 Jan, 1945, 123. Motion sickness - therapeutic trials with humans. Progress report. Sellers, Parker, and Stephenson^ Proc. Comm. Seasickness, NRCG November 27, 1942, Appendix F. 124. Note on an unsuccessful effort to investigate the effects of tempera- ture on vestibularly induced nausea. G. R. Wendt. Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Dec. 1944, Appendix C. 125. Notes on air-sickness. F/lt. McIntyre. F.P.R.C. report No, 358-i. 126. Observation of seasickness trials off U.S. Pacific Coast. Vi,, S. Fields, Proc, Assoc. Coram, Naval Med, Research, NRCC - 16 Feb. 1945. Appendix P. 482 Motion Sickness 127, Observations on men highly susceptible to seasickness with remarks on periodic motion of ships, J, E. Birren and Li. F. Morales. Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-278(5), 17 July 1945. 128, Observations an the ability to predict syncope in subjects given nitrite on the tilt table. 0EMcrnr-20. G. C, Ram and J. L. Patterson. GAM Report No. 129 - June 8, 1942. 129, Observations on the correlation of swing sickness and seasickness. Holling, McArdle and Trotter. Report, Comm. Airborne Troops - BPC 42/110. 120, Observations on the pathology of airsickness. C, S. Hallpike and G. M. Fitzgerald. Report F.P.R.C. No. 224, July 1941. 121, Organisation of swing-testing in Initial Training Schools, Min. Comm, Motion Sickness Investigation, FPRC, RAAF - FR 48. 22 June 1942, Appendix A. 122, Overventilation in subjects during the swing test. R. F, Rushmer. War Dept., Randolph Field No. 122(1) - May 1, 1942. 122. Pharmacological studies on barbiturates used for experimental motion sickness, R. L. Noble. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, 26-27 Nov. 1942, Vol, VIII - Appendix A, and Vol, L, 124. Physiological investigation of causes and nature of motion sickness. Final report, OEMcrar-257. Philip Bard. CAM Report No, 485 - 20 Sept. 1945. 125. Possible effects of small daily doses of sulfadiazine on flying personnel, P. A, Campbell War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 292(1} - 29 July, 1944. 126. Preliminary report on the study of airsickness. Maj. P. A, Campbell. Proc. Comm. Seasickness, NRCC - Nov. 27, 1942, Appendix D-4. 127. I, Preliminary studies on the efficiency of V-12 preparations and prostigmin preparations in preventing seasickness during ship-to- shore operations. II. The effect of administration of 4 gr, of V-12 on rapid fire marksmanship. OEMcmr-282. D. B. Tyler. CAM Report No. 222 - 15 June, 1944. 483 Motion Sickness 158, Preliminary study of the effect of mild anoxia upon the incidence of swing sickness. A, M, Fraser Proc. Exec. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 March, 1944, Appendix D, 129. Preliminary therapeutic experiments. Motion sickness. W. S. Fields and W, Ponfield. Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness - August 26, 1942, Appendix F. 140. Present status of drug therapy in motion sickness. Summary of the literature. \V, H. Fraser Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 79, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 1 Aug., 1944). 141. Prevention of experimental motion sickness in animals. R. L. Noble, Proc, Cornm, Seasickness, NRCC - November 27, 1942, Appendix A. 142. Prevention of motion (air) sickness in airborne troops* I. Experience with hyoscine and motion sickness preventive. Army development type, in personnel flown in Army transport planes. D. I. Littauer and M, H. 3ruger. V/ar Dept., S.G.O. - undated (rec’d NRC.-CMR 10 Mar, 1944). 142, Prevention of motion sickness in experimental animals by treatment with VI, Summary of results to October 14, 1942, R, L. Noble. Canadian Aviation Report No. 116. 144. Production of motion sickness by swinging in the prone position. C. A. Maaske. War Dept., Air Forces, EHr-49-696-44 - June 20, 1942, 145. Psychiatric analysis of forty (40) subjects made sick by a swing. D. D. Bond, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 149(1) - 21 July, 1942. 146. Psycho-somatic approach to disabilities in S.A.A.F, flying personnel. Analysis of Central Medical Establishment Disability Boards (1.9.41 - 21.8.44). A. B. J. Plaut. South African Report No. 28 - 20 March, 1945. 147. Rabellon, hyoscyaraine, Vasano. (Further therapeutic trials and notes of side effects on the performance of ordinary tasks.) Fields, Campbell, Penfield, and Kershman, Proc, Comm. Seasickness, NRCC - March 24, 1942, Appendix A. 148. Reactions to neostigmine and apomorphine as indication of susceptibil- ity to seas ickness. Birren, Stormont and Pfeiffer. Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project X-278(4), 26 Feb. 1945. 481 Motion Sictoes 149. Reasons for washouts among student pilots in the joint air training program. J, E. Goodwin. Min. Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, Sept. 18, 1941. Appendix K, 150. Recommendation for further investigation to be carried on in solving the problem of motion sickness. W. J. McNally. Proc. Assoc, Comm. Naval Med. Research - 15 May, 1944, Appendix B. 151. Regulation barany and swing tests in navigation cadets, F, £. McDonough and M, W, Thorner. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 100 (1) - December £3, 1942. 152. Relationship of chemical structure of barbiturates to their effects on motion sickness. R. L. Noble. Proc. Assoc. Coram. Army Med. Research, 26*-27 Nov. 1943, Vol* VIII - Appendix E and Vol. I. 153. Reliability of the swing test of motion sickness, U. H, Jasper et al. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research - 7 Oct. 1943, Appendix N-2. 154. Remedies for seasickness, A further interim report, H, E, Holling and W, R. Trotter, with Appendix by F. C. McIntosh. Report, Coram, Airborne Troops, MPRC-BPC 43/171, undated. 155. Remedies for sea-sickness and air-sickness. L. J. Witts. F.P.R.C, report No. 518 - July, 1941, 156. Report from A.M.D. 8 to the Associate Committee on Army Medical Research. (Review of Army medical research and development work during 1944), D, S, McEachern Proc. Assoc. Coram. Med. Research. NRCC - 17 March 1945, Appendix A* 157. Report of Subcommittee on Seasickness. W, Penfield, Chairman. Proc. Assoc, Comm. Naval Med. Research - January 30, 1943, Appendix A. 158. Report of trials of seasickness remedies on board Canadian Array transport SS "Lady Rodney". (Halifax to St. John's, Newfoundland, and return, December 3rd to December 9th, 1943). J. M. Parker Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix F. 159. Report on a visit to coastal forces. Conditions on motor torpedo and other small boats. Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Coram., MRC - RNP 43/2. 13 Jan. 1943. 485 Motion Sickness 160. Report on sea trials with R.C.N. experimental sea sickness remedy No. 1. Parker, Fields, Sellers and Best. Proc, xissoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - 7 Oct. 1942, Appendix N-l, 161. Report on airsickness. G. E. Hall and A. H, Sellers Min. Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research NRCC - Feb. 14, 1942, Appendix J. 162. Report on correlation between swing-sickness and air-sickness. A. B. Hill. Report, Comm, Airborne Troops, MRC - BPC 42/57/aBT 6, June 5, 1942. 162. Report on problem of air sickness in parachute troops. Medical aspects of selection and training of parachute troops. R. H. Winfield. Reports, F.P.R.C. No. 277, 277A, Mch. 27, ’41. 164. Report on project mod - 14, Part II, Effects of barbiturates on experimental motion sickness including pharmacological studies. R. L. Noble, Miscellaneous Canadian Report No. 25. 165. Report on the toxicity of V-12. R. L. Noble. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research NRCC - 10-11 Nov, 1944, Vol. 5, Appendix L. 166. Report on trials of seasickness remedies conducted in the United Kingdom. J. M. Parker and W. S. Fields, Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix G. 167. Repurts of work done under the Subcommittee on Personnel Selection of the Associate Committee on Aviation Medical Research. 12 reports. Proc, Conf, Motion Sickness - august 28, 1942, Appendix R. 168. Report to tiie Secretary for Air on the committee’s activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945. H, E. Whittingham. FPRC Report No. 651 - 5 Mar, 1946. 169. Results of comparative tests of motion sickness remedies, Misc. Canadian Report No. 151 - 10 Feb. 1944. 170. Results on 500 swing tests for investigating motion sickness. Allan Hemingway, CAM report No. 101 - November 16, 1942. 171. Roentgenographic studies of gastrointestinal motility observed in swing test subjects, F. E. McDonough. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 102(2) - 15 July, 1942. 486 Motion Sickness 172. Roentgenographic studies of gastrointestinal motility observed in swing test subjects. F. E. McDonough War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 102(1) - December 21, 1942. 172:. Second approach to the problem of the effects of variation of time intervals between accelerations upon sickness rates. Interim report, part 11, OEMcmr-279. Alexander, Wendt et al. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - 17 April, 1944. 174, Side effects of three motion sickness preventives. Birren, Stormont and Fisher. Naval Med, Research Inst., Project X-278, report No* 1, 26 June 1944. 175, Some accelerometer recordings in an aircraft (Anson). B. R. Brown and J. G. Hewlett Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 July, 1945, Appendix F, Report No, 2, 176, Special conference on seasickness remedies - Boston. G. R* Wendt. Proc, Assoc. Comm. Naval Med, Research - 15 May, 1944, Appendix C. 177, Speculation on the mechanism of utricular response to stimulation in motion sickness. J. G. Hewlett and J. R, Brett. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, 22 July, 1943, Appendix F, Report No, 6. 178, Studies and experimental investigations in connection with the pre- vention and treatment of motion sickness. Final report, OEMcmr-267. E. Speigel. Piled with: Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness, 50 September, 1945. 179, Studies in motion sickness - Series B. I. Frequency of susceptibility to motion sickness among young adults. II, Air-sickness among one hundred eighty-nine airline stewardesses and its relationship to previous history of motion sickness. Ill, Airsickness among seventy-one student pilots and fifteen instructors and its relation- ship to previous history of motion sickness. G, R. Wendt and A. D. Tuttle. Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - April 1946* 180, Studies of blood gases in animals. Motion sickness. Meakins, Morton, and McEachern, Proc, Conf. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix L. 181, Studies of blood pressure, electrocardiograms, and respiratory tracings in volunteers. Motion sickness, A. Cipriani and G. Morton. Proc. Conf, Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix I. 48*? Motion Sickness 18k,. Studies of motion sickness*. VIII. Descriptions of apparatus at Wesleyan University and at the University of Rochester. Final report, OEMcmr-524. Grosser, Hill and Wendt. Filed with: Reports, Coram. Motion Sickness - undated (rac’d NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946), 185. Studies of motion sickness; IX. The prediction of airsickness and of laboratory motion sickness by means of a personal history question- naire, Final report, OEMcmr-524. Cotzin, Hill and Wendt. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 184, Studies of motion sickness: X, Experimental proof that aviation cadets tell the truth on motion sickness history questionnaire. Final re- port, OEMcmr-524. S. J, Alexander et al. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d NRC- CMR 17 April, 1946). 165. Studies of motion sickness*. XI. The test-re test reliability of a motion sickness history questionnaire. Final report, OEMcmr-524, G. R. Wendt. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 186. Studies of motion sickness; Xil, Frequency of airsickness in pilots during elementary and primary naval flight training. Final report, OEMcmr-524. G. R, Wendt. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 187. Studies of motion sickness: XIII, The effects of sickness upon rifle target shooting. Final report, OEMcmr-524. S. J. Alexander et al. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d NRC- CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 188. Studies of motion sickness: XIV. Subjective reports of the apparent path of motion on a vertical accelerator. Final report, OEMcmr-524, Co tzin, Hill and Wendt. Filed with; Reports, Coram. Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 189„ Studies of motion sickness: XV. A study of the time required to pro- duce vomiting by wave motion. Final report, OEMcmr-524, S. J. Alexander et al. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 488 Motion Sickness 190. Studies of motion sickness*. XVI, The effects upon sickness rates of waves of various frequencies but identical acceleration, S. J. Alexander et al. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 191. Studies of motion sickness: XVII, Miscellaneous data and listing of uncompleted studies. Final report, OEMcmr-524. G. R. Wendt. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 192. Studies of motion sickness; XVII. Miscellaneous data and listing of uncompleted studies. Final report, OEMcmr-524. Gr. R. Wendt. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946). 192, Study of seasickness and other forms of motion sickness. Donald McEachern. Min, Comm. Naval Med. Research, Jan. 28, 1942, Appendix F., N.R.C.C. 194, Study of the emotional factors involved in a group of thirty (SO) consecutive Navigation cadets in the process of elimination for severe airsickness. D. D. Bond. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Report No. 1S6 (1) - April 17, 194S. 195, Study of the subjective effects of small doses of benzedrine sulphate on individuals susceptible and those non-susceptible to motion sickness, including observations on psychogenic symptoms. G. R, Wendt. Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Dec. 1944, Appendix A. 196, Summary of motion sickness studies by swing testing. B. a. Campbell. Proc. Comm, Seasickness, NRCC - November 27, 1942, Appendix D. 197, Summary of reports presented to Committee on Motion Sickness on September 9, 1942. D. McEachern and Peter Lehmann, Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix Q. 198, Summary of tests conducted at Camp Borden for side effects of barbi- turates on humans. R. L. Noble. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, 26-27 Nov. 1942, Vol, VIII - Appendix B, and Vol. I. 199, Summary of the findings of the studies on motion sickness, fatigue and prolonged wakefulness. OEMcmr-282. D, B. Tyler, CAM Report No. 505 - 15 Dec. 1945. 489 Motion Sickness 200. Susceptibility of animals to induced motion sickness. G. Morton Proc. Coni'. Motion Sickness - August 28, 1S42, Appendix K* 201. Susceptibility to motion sickness in volunteers. Morton, Cipriani, and McEachern. Proc, Conf. Motion Sickness - August 26, 1942, Appendix G. 202. Swing Sickness and a history of motion sickness, (second report). Brown, Breet, and Hewlett. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med.. Research - 22 July 1942, Appendix P, Report Ho, 1. 203, Therapeutic studies on swing sickness in humans. Battista, Bornstein, and Noble, Proc. assoc. Comm. Array Med. Research, 26-27 Nov. 1942, Vol. VIII Appendix F, and Vol. 1. 204, Therapeutic tests on motion sickness induced in humans on the swing, R. L. Noble. Proc. Assoc. Coram. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol. Ill, Appendix C. 205. Therapeutic trials conducted in Montreal and Toronto. Parker, Fields, and Sellers, Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness, NRCC - 16 June, 1942, Appendix M. 206, Therapeutic trials on naval ratings susceptible to motion sickness. Parker, Seilers, and Stephenson, Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med, Research - 7 Oct. 1942, Appendix N-5. 207, Therapeutic trials with barbiturates and vasano compound. W, S. Fields. Proc. Conf. Motion Sickness, NRCC - 16 June, 1942, Appendix K. 208* Use of drugs in the treatment of airsickness, F. E. McDonough. War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field, Project 194, report No. 1, 11 July, 1944. 209. Value of simple swings in acclimatizing to airsickness. Gibson, Manning and Cohen. Proc, Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 25 Feb. 1944, Appendix G. 210. Vestibular reactions on sea sickness, C. B. Wold and G. E. Verity. Min. Comm, Naval Med. Research, Jan. 28, 1942, Appendix D., NRCC. 211. Visual problems in connection with air-sickness. B. Mayou. F.P.R.C. report No. 464. 212. V-12 toxicity studies. R. L. Noble. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov. 1944, Appendix II. 490 Motion Sickness 212. Water balance and other physiological responses of men on life rafts. Putcher, Consolazio and Pace. Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-127, Report No. 2 - 6 September, 1942, 491 A, Hyoscine 1# Attempts to find a remedy superior to hyoscine for motion sickness, P. K, Smith War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #353(1) - 24 Aug, 1945 24 Comparison of the efficacy of motion sickness preventative, Army Development Type, seasickness remedy, R.C.N. type, ND 0,6 mg. of hyoscine in preventing seasickness during landing craft operations, D, B. Tyler CAM Report #300 - 20 April 1944 3. Effect of hyoscine on motion sickness in aircraft# J. L, Lilienthal, Jr# Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-252 (Av-138-t), report #1-1 May 1944 4. Effect of hyoscine (scopolamine) on swing sickness. P.K. Smith CM report #155 - April 19, 1943 5# Effect of hyoscine (scopolamine) on swing sickness and on performance. P*K, Smith and A, Hemingway CAM Report #155, 2 March, 1943 6, Effect of oral doses of hyoscine (scopolamine) on visual efficiency, F,C. Keil, Jr* CAM Report #219 - 2 June 1943 7# Effect of U. Si Army development type motion sickness preventive on swing sickness. Allan Hemingway War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #198 (1) - 8 Nov,, 1943 8# Effects of a small dose of hyoscine upon performance. Annual report, OEMcmr-279• Alexander, Cotzin and Wendt Filed with: Reports, Comm, Motion Sickness - undated (rec*d, NRC-CMR 21 Sept# 1944) 9, Experiments on the dosage of various agents used to prevent or modify seasickness, E. A. Sellers Proc, Assoc, Comm# Naval Med, Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix D 10# Investigation into the effect of hyoscine on sweating# H. E* Rolling and W. R, Trotter Report, MPRC - addendum to EPC 43/175, ABT 18, March 1, 1943 llo Investigations into the prevention of sea-sickness, A summary of previous reports# H, E. Rolling and W. R. Trotter Report, Comm, Airborne Troops, MPRC-BPC 43/175, ABT 18, Feb, 3, 1943 492 Hyoseine 12# Motion sickness and physiological problems peculiar to parachutists and other airborne troops. Final report, OEMcmr-282, D. B. Tyler Filed with: Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - 31 May 1S46 13# Motion sickness, present status of research. A. K. McIntyre Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 91, June 1944 14. Motion sickness preventives. H. M. C. Luykx CAM Report #306 - 26 April 1944 15. Motion sickness preventives - report No. I. H. M. C. Luykx Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med* Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix E 16# Motion sickness preventives - report No. II. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med* Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix E]_ 17, Motion sickness studies at H.M.C.S. "York”, J. M. Parker Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research, NRCC - 16 Feb. 1945, Appendix 0 18, Pensacola hyoscine hydrobromide report. Navy Dept,, Coast Guard, Air Sea; Rescue Bull. #2 - July 1944, pp, 15-16 19, X# Preliminary studies on the efficacy of V-12 preparations and pro- stigmin preparations in preventing seasickness during ship-to-shore operations. II# The effect of administration of 4 gr. of V-12 on rapid fire marksmanship, OIMcmr-282, D. B. Tyler CAM Report #323 - 15 June 1944 20# Present status of drug therapy in motion sickness. Summary of the literature. W. H. Fraser Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 79, undated (rec»d NRC*-CMR 1 Aug. 1944) 21. Prevention of motion (air) sickness in airborne troops; I. Experience with hyoscine and motion sickness preventive, Army development type, in personnel flown in Army transport planes. D. I* Littauer and M. H. Eruger CAM Report #285 - March 1944 t 22. Report on sea trials with B.C.N, experimental seasickness remedy No. 1# Parker, Fields, Sellers and Best Proc, Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research - 7 Oct, 1943, Appendix N-l 23# Report on trials of seasickness remedies conducted in the United Kingdom, J. M. Parker and W. S. Fields Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix G 493 Hyoscine 24. Results of comparative tests of motionsickness remedies. Misc. Canadian Report #151 - 10 Feb. 1944 25, Side effects of three motion sickness preventives. Birren, Stormont and Fisher Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-278, report #1 - 26 June 1944 26# Special conference on seasickness remedies - Boston. G. R. Wendt Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix C 27, Therapeutic studies on swing sickness in humans. Battista, Bornstein, and Noble Proc, Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, 26-27 Nov. 1943, Vol. VIII - Appendix F 28, Therapeutic tests on motion sickness induced in humans on the swing, R. L. Noble Proc, Assoc, Comm. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol. Ill, Appendix C 29, Therapeutic trials conducted in Montreal and Toronto. Parker, Fields, and Sellers Proc. Conf# Motion Sickness, NRCC - 16 June, 1943, Appendix M 30, Therapeutic trials on naval ratings susceptible to motion sickness# Parker, Sellers, and Stephenson Proc, Assoc. Comm. Naval Med. Research - 7 Oct, 1943, Appendix N-5 31, Use of hyoscine hydrobromide for the prevention of airsickness in flexible gunnery students. P. K. Smith War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #261 (3) - 17 Dec. 1945 AWL XLII. NITROGEN 1. Arterial oxyhemoglobin saturations at critical pressure-altitudes breathing various mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen (with a note on the effect of exercise)* J. L, Lilienthal, Jr, and R, L. Riley Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-323(Av-lB4-f)(4), 12 0ct. 1944 2. Comparative study of decompression sickness under varied conditions of exercise, altitude, and denitrogenation, E, B. Ferris, Jr. et al CAM Report #363 - IB July 1944 3. Denitrogenation and incidence of decompression sickness with variation of altitude and activity; nitrogen elimination at sea level and at altitude; interrupted denitrogenation. H. B. Jones Filed with: Reports, Comm. Decompression Sickness - June 1944 4. Development of technique for measuring saturation and desaturation curves by the use of long-period radioactive argon at atmospheric pressure. Final report, OEMcmr-392, R. D, Evans et al CAM Report #347 - 15 Aug, 1944 $. Effect of denitrogenation at various altitudes on aeroembolism in cadets, J. S, Gray War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #216 (1) - 5 Jan,, 1944 6,, Effect of the protein level in the diet on resistance to cold with special reference to the gaseous exchange and the reaction of the body thermostat at low temperatures. Final report, OEMcmr-425* W, H, Long Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med, Nutrition - 1 Mar, 1946 7. Efficacy of proflight denitrogenation in the prevention of decompression sickness. Interim report, 0EMcmr-3B* Humm and Nims (Pulton) CAM Report #472 - 5 Sept. 1945 8. Elimination of nitrogen and other gases from the lungs of animals breathing oxygen, Eggleton, Elsden, and Hebb FPRC report #495 9. Handbook of respiratory data in aviation, D, Wb Bronk et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Oxygen and Anoxia - 1944 10. Improvement of ability of soldier to work in humid heat. Status report, OEMcmr-232. J. W, Conn and M, W, Johnston Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin, Invest. - Nov. 1945 49i> Nitrogen 11, Micro gas analyzer, F, G. Hall War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-4-9-696-7F, 17 Feb, 1944 12, Micro-gasometric determination of nitrogen in blood and saliva. Example of use of the method in determining the nitrogen clearance in blood and saliva during oxygen breathing. P, F, Scholander and G, A, Edwards, CAM Report #55, 5/20/42 13, Micro-gasometric estimation of the blood gases. F. J, W, Houghton and P, F, Scholander Harvard Fatigue Lab, report #52 - February 194-3 14, Nitrogen loss during injury and disease, J, Stergrad Australian Army Report #4-9 - 14- April 194-5 15, Nitrogen meter: an instrument for continuously recording the concentration of nitrogen in gas mixtures. J, C. Lilly and T, F, Anderson CAM Report #299 - 28 Feb. 1944 16, Nitrogen peroxide in fumes from arc-welding, W. A, Rawlinson Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, Australia - AFV 20, February 6, 1943 17, Physiologic effects of increased pressure, Edgar End Special CAM Report - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR - 25 May 1944) 18, Preoxygenation and the rate of nitrogen elimination with regard to decompression sickness, CEMcmr-196, H. B. Jones CAM Report #491 - Oct, 1945 19# Prevention of aeroembolism in cadets at 45,000 feet by denitrogenation, J, S, Gray and S. C. F. Mahady War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #252 (1) - 29 March 1944 20. Rate of nitrogen elimination from the lungs and its relation to individual susceptibility to decompression sickness. Interim report, 0EMcmr-36. C, D. Stevens et al CAM Report #456 - July 1945 21. Rate of nitrogen elimination from the lungs: its relation to susceptibility to decompression sickness. C. D, Stevens et al CAM Report #237 - Dec. 1943 22. Relation of temperature and exercise to bubble formation in rats, and in tourniquetted legs of rabbits and goats (Resume), OEMcmr-193. E. A, Reed and L, R. Blinks CAM Report #379 - 15 Oct. 1944 49G Nitrogen 23. Removal of gas nuclei from liquids and surfaces. OEMcmr-166, E, N. Harvey ot al CAM Report #4-07 - Nov. 1944 24. Studies of glucose tolerance and the urinary excretion of sodium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, nitrogen and 17-ketosteroids. OEMcmr-113. H, T, Ricketts et al CM Report #14$ - July 9, 1943 2$. Studies on asphyxia. I, Changes in blood acid-base balance during asphyxia and resuscitation. Grodins, Lein and Adler War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #474(1) ” 10 May 1946 26, Studies on body composition. III. The body water and nitrogen content in relation to fat content, Nello Pace and E. N, Rathbun Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project X-191, report #3, 7 Aug. 1944 27, Studies on nitrogen metabolism, V, Schenker et al Proc. Assoc, Comm, Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 April 194$, Vol. 2, Appendix A 28, Summary of advances during 1944 in the field of high altitude decompression sickness, J, F, Fulton Special CAM Report - 10 Jan, 194$ 29, Susceptibility to decompression sickness; The effects of prolonged inhalation of certain nitrogen-oxygen mixtures compared with those of exposure to pure oxygen. Interim report, OEMcmr-129. J, B, Bateman (W, M, Boothby) CAM Report #364 - Sept. 1944 30, Toxic effects of oxygen on brain metabolism and on tissue enzymes. Frank Dickens Report, Subcomm, Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 44-/146> March 1944 31, Variations of the inert gas content of the urine under increased barometric pressure and their prognostic value in the occurrence of compressed air illness. Van Der Aue, Brinton and Kellar Navy Yard, Experimental Diving Unit - Project X-476 (Sub, No, 98)(4), Sept, 194$ 497 XLIII. CKTOEK AHD OXYGES ECUIK.jE?ri' xx. Closed Circuit Oxygen Equipment, B. Emergency Oxygen Equipment C. Llasks D. Open Oxygen Systems E. Oximeters F. Oxygen G. Oxygen Equipment H. Oxygen Leak Tests I. Oxygen Po i s on i ng J. Oxygen Regulators K. Oxygen Requirements I. Oxygen Reservoir Systems 498 A. Closed Circuit Oxygen Systems 1, Critical temperatures for operation of the M. S. A. rebreather (individual model) as issued to the service, J. N. Stannard. U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’I Inst. Health, Div. Industr. Hygiene - 9 Sept,, 1942. 2. Effect of a center screen separator on performance of KOX canisters. Reynolds, Pricer, and Stannard, U, S. Public Health Service, Nat, Inst. Health, Div. Indust. Hyg. - 11 Nov. 1942, 2. Effect of breathing under positive pressure using the positive pressure rebreather bag. Erickson, Taylor, and Marbarger. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Mayo Aero Med, Unit, Series A, Report No. 4 g, 20 Mar. 1942. 4. Effect of low temperature operation of the M. S. A. rebreather of insulating or electrically heating breather tube and canister assembly, Stannard, Pugitt, and Specht. U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst. Health, Div. Industr. Hygiene - 14 Jan., 1942. 5. Efficiency of the PWB aviation oxygen recirculator. A. R. Sweeney, Jr. GAM Report No. 222 - 10 Nov. 1942. 6. Evaluation of constant flow-reservoir oxygen mask system for use in Navy transport planes. D. E. Goldman. Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-291(2), 1 Aug. 1944. 7. Further tests of experimental Navy rebreathers, J, N. Stannard and \V. J, Bowen, U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst, Health, Div. Industr. Hygiene - 12 Oct., 1942, 8. Handbook of respiratory data in aviation. D. W, Bronk et al. Filed with: Reports, Comrn. Oxygen and Anoxia - 1944. 9. Heat lability of KOX and its reaction with water vapor. C. H. Pugitt. U. S, Public Health Service, Nat. Inst. Health, Div. Indust, Hyg. ~ 18 May 1942. 1C. Inspection tests of service issue canisters for use with the Navy Rebreather. J. N. Stannard. U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst. Health, Div, Industr. Hygiene - 25 June, 1942. 499 Closed Circuit Oxygon Systems 11. Instructions for the use of the Array respirator oxygen protective equipment for one hour’s use. (Translation), War Dept., U. S, Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 27 Feb. 1946;. 12. Low temperature tests on oxygen breathing tube coupling (Navy 91SSK) placed in Navy rebreather equipment. J. N. Stannard and W. E, Pricer. U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst. Health, Div. Industr. Hygiene - 27 Sept., 1942:. 12. Manual of oxygen and intercoraraunication equipment, 2nd. ed, (CAP £07). Sub-committee Oxygen Equipment, NHCC. Report, Comm. Oxygen Equipment, NRCC - Oct. 1943, 14. Mine Safety Appliance Coe oxygen rebreather and demand equipment, Ferguson, Coles, and Kark. Misc. Canadian Aviation Report No. 72 - 25 March, 1942. 15. New method for appraising the over-all efficiency of the M.S.A- Rebreather. H. L. Jones. Navy Dept., Naval Air Station, San Diego, Cal. - 25 Sept., 1942. 16. Oxygen requirements while using the A-8B oxygen mask without the rebreather bag, H. G. Swann. War Dept., iiir Forces, TSEAL5-696-421, 20 Feb, 1945. 17. Performance tests for Cox canisters. Theo. Norris and E.- M. Russ. U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst. Health, Div. Industr. Hygiene - 19 Mar., 1945. 18. Physiological appraisal of MSA rebreather employing experimental models of pump type autovent devices:' type II and III D. TED No. UNL-2554). M. C. Shelesnyak and R. V. Whaley. Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-249, 4 Feb, 1944, 19. Recommendations re oxygen equipment. E. C. Black and J. K, W. Ferguson. Misc. Canadian Aviation Report No. 4-12 March, 1941, 20. Report on the M.S.a. oxygen rebreather and demand equipment (referred to in F.P.R.C. 446 (a) para. 1(b) I. Ferguson, Coles, and Kark. FPRC report No. 449e, 21. Report on the performance of the M.S.A. Navy type oxygen rebreathing apparatus for aircraft use. Interim report, OEMcrar-28, A. H. Chambers and S. Goldschmidt (Detlev \7. Bronk). CAM Report No. 550 - 10 Sept., 1944, 5UU Closed Circuit Oxygen Systems 22. Summary of experience of Aviation Medicine Unit with different types of canister valves and valve seats for standard Navy rebreather, oxygen supply apparatus and experimental rebreather oxygen supply apparatus, H. F. Brubach, U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst. Health, Div. Industr. Hygiene - 18 June, 1942. 23. Summary of the development of positive pressure closed circuit jacket to be used in attempting to attain as high as 50,000 feet. Vi/. M. Boothby. War Dept., Air Forces, miscellaneous - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, report Ho. 3 to Comm. Oxygen, NBC, 20 April, 1943. 24. Technical manual for low pressure chamber operators. C. F. Cell et al. Navy Dept., Bur. Med. and Suig., Aviation Med. Div. - undated (rec’d NRC-CMB, 5 May, 1945). 25* Tests on GOX canisters received from Marine Base at Quantico, Virginia. J. N. Stannard. U, S. Public Health Service, Nat. Inst. Health, Div. Indust. Ifyg. - 24 Mar. 1943. 26. Tests on oxygen generating canisters for use with the M. S. A. rebreather, J, N. Stannard and H. Specht. U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst. Health, Div. Industr, Hygiene - 6 July, 1942. 27. Tests on rinsing and performance at low temperatures of the F.V..B. recircula tor. W. A. Vvhite and B. 0. King. Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-119, report No. 1 - 29 September, 1943, 28. U. S, Navy oxygen breathing equipment. Second report. Heinz Specht and H. F. Brubach. U, S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst, Health, Div. Industr. Hygiene - 21 July, 1941, 29. U. S. Navy oxygen breathing equipment. Fourth report. Report on performance tests of MSA and FWB rebreather type oxygen supply apparatus. Stannard, Specht, and Brubach. U. S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst. Health, Div, Industr. Hygiene - 12 Jan., 1943, 30. U. S. Navy oxygen breathing equipment. Fifth report. Report on performance of an automatic venting device for the elimination of inert gases from the MSA rebreather. H. F. Brubach, U, S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst. Health, Div. Industr, Hygiene - 1 May, 1943. 501 B. Emergency Oxygen Equipment 1* Adaptation of aviator’s oxygen equipment to allow underwater escape# H. C« Bazett and B* Bidet CAM Report $284 - 10 March 1944 2# British Emergency Oxygen Set, Mk I# H. L# Burns and M. Jackson CAM Report $235 - 26 October 1943 3# Chemical evaluation of the Naval Research Laboratory chlorate candle. H. R# Catchpole and J# Rohrback Naval Med# Research Lab# - Project X-585(l), 20 Nov. 1945 4. Emergency coupling apparatus 10-87A El 30-156# (Translation) War Dept.* Mi sc* - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Eeb, 1946) 5# Emergency oxygen flow. F. C. Hall et al War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-7E, 25 May 1944 6. Emergency use of the diluter demand oxygen regulator (Pioneer) by two men. B. G. King and M. 0. Shelesnyak Naval Med. Research Inst., Project NH6-1/A11A1MRI-55, 16 March 1944 7. Improved low pressure emergency oxygen unit. Interim report, OEMcirr -26. J. T. McLaughlin and A. J. Rawson CAM Report $333 - April 1944 »i 8. Instructions for back-pack parachute Rufa 12B with bail-out oxygen system 10-6521 A-0 HAS-16D. (Translation) War Dept., Misc. - May 1944 9. Meeting of Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment of the National Research Council of Canada. W. R. Lovelace II War Dept,, Air Corps, Materiel Div. -EZP-M-49-696-20 10. Observations, experiences and recommendations related to bailing out at high altitudes. W. M. Boothby et al War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, Series A Report #1, 3 Oct. 1942 11. Oxygen sense. Air Ministry - AM Pamphlet 165, 1st edition, Jan. 1944 12. Personnel equipment problems in ETOUSA and NATOUSA. Appendix _2: Oxygen’ problems in ETOUSA. A. P. Gagge War Dept., Air Farces, ENG-49-695-34, 20 Sept. 1943, pp« 12-19 502 Emergency Oxygon Equipment 13* Personal flying equipment as used in Central and Western Pacific Areas, A# P* Gagge War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-695-52, 18 May 1945 14* Physiological criteria for the engineering and development of bail-out oxygen equipment# M. 0# Shelesnyak Naval Medical Research Inst* Project #NH6-l4ll/tMRI-44, 21 Feb# 1944 15* Physiological specifications for the design of aviation oxygen equipment* Navy Dept#, Bur# Med# and Surg., Research Div* - Jan# 1946 16* Physiological tests of the H-2 emergency oxygen cylinder, K# E* Penrod War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-71, 25 Feh, 1944 17* Portable oxygen equipment# War Dept#, Air Forces, PIF - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR, 5 Feb* 1945), pp# 4-2-5 to 4-2-6 18# Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee’s activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945* H. E* Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar, 1946 19# Study of British bail-out oxygen equipment. King, Futcher, and Pecora Naval Med. Research Inst,, Project X-216, report #1 - 11 November, 1943 20# Use of oxygen and oxygen equipment# Aero-Med# Research Lab#, Wright Field War Dept#, Air Forces, Misc# - 1 July 1943 (revised 20 Sept# 1943) 503 C. Masks 1* Account of the construction and efficiency of mask L-12 for oxygen inhalation in military aviation* Co K. Drinker KDRC report, Div. B, serial #68 - August 28, 1941 2. Acoustical considerations in the design of an oxygen mask* Report of Oct. 19, 1942. Lo L. Beranek. Riled with; Reports, Comm. Oxygen, NRC - Oct. 19, 1942 3. Articulation tests of A-14 and XA-13 oxygen masks at sea level and sfc 35,000 feet. Do A* Ross et al NDRC Report - 5 June 1944 4. Articulation tests on the R.C.A.F. type G2 oxygon mask* Goodwin, Smith and Rogers Proc. Exec*, Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 14 July 1944, Appendix M 5. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation© Appendices 14, 15, ISA. 16B; Japanese oxygen equipment. R© Lovelace, II War Dept*, Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943, pp. 42-45 6. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation© Appendices 14, 17A, 17B: Italian oxygen equipment. R. Lovelace, II War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943, pp. 42, 46-47 7* Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendices 7, 8> 9AS 9B, 9C, 10A, 10B, IOC, 1QD, 11, 12, 14: German oxygen equipment • R. Lovelace, II War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943, pp. 28-38, 42 8, Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendices 13A, 13B* 15C, 14; U.S.S.R* oxygen equipment R. Lovelace, II War Dept©, Air Forces, EKG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943, pp. 39-42 9® Bailing out above 30,000 feet. K. S. Penrod War Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Div. - JSP-M-49-696-6A, November 27, 1942 10. British H type oxygen mask, J. E. Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-39-S, 4 July 1944 11* Captured Japanese oxygen equipment. H. L. Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-447-31, 26 Aug. 1943 501 Masks 12# Cleaning and sterilization of oxygen masks0 M, M, Kennedy War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-49, 2 Sept., 1943 13, Comments on M.S.A..demand regulator model No. 3 and M.S.A. mask Type C and ancillary equipment from a physiological and operational aspect. R.A.F. Physiol. Lab, and S/Ldr, Ferguson FPRC report $489 - undated 14, Comparative face-fit of R.C.A.F. Cl and C3 oxygen masks, J. S. Hart Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm. Aviation Ivfed. Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix B 15, Comparative leak and comfort tests on C2 rubber and developmental models of felt oxygen masks at -40° F, J. S. Hart Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med, Research - 22 March 1944, Appendix L 16, Comparative leak and comfort tests on unlined and lined Cg rubber oxygen masks at -40° F. J. S, Hart Proc. Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - 22 April 1944, Appendix D 17, Comparative study of respiratory efficiency of oxygen masks at very high altitudes, E. C, Black, J. K. W. Ferguson, F. G. Banting, Report - Assoc. Coram.Aviation Research (N.R.Ci Canada), Jan. 29, 1941, 18, Comparative study of the respiratory efficiency of oxygen masks used at very high altitudes. Interim report. Black, Ferguson, and Banting Misc, Canadian Aviation Report $27 - 29 Jan., 1941 19, Comparison of articulation efficiency of standard R.C.A.F., R.A.F. and U.S.A.A.F. oxygen mask assemblies, Rogers, Smith and Goodv/in Proc, Assoc. Gomm.Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 29 Sept. 1944, Appendix F 20, Conference on oxygen masks. D. B. Dill War Dept., Air Forces, Engin. Div3 - ENG-M-49-696-32, January 27, 1943 21, Conference on the design and production of demand oxygen masks. L, D. Carlson War Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Div. - EXP-M-49-696-11F Sept. 9, 1942 5UT) Masks 22# Conferences with fabricators of the A-10 mask and its component parts for the purpose of making necessary changes in its design* War Dept*, Air Corps, Engin# Div. - ENG-M-49-695-22, December 21, 1942 23# Development of an oxygen mask and demand supply system. J.K.W, Ferguson, Nat# Research Council to act as contractor# Min. Assoc# Comm# Aviation Med. Research-Sept, 18, 1941, Appendix B 24# Distortion of the R.C.A.F. oxygen mask# 0# H# Warwick Proc# Assoc. Comm# Aviation Medc Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix J, Report #4 25# Dr# Ambroa,Director of I# G# Farben, Organic Division, Ludwigshafen. D. C# Evans and C. W# Scott War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm., Evaluation Report #52 - 5 June 1945 26. Effect of low temperatures on the action of the A-12 oxygen demand valves# L. F. Nims and R, W# Clarke CAM report #118 - January 19, 1943 27# Estimation of "critical dead space" in oxygen breathing equipment# J# N# Stannard and S# M# Russ CAM Report #238 - 1 Jan. 1944 28. Evaluation of Acushnet Process Company oxygen mask for use in transport aircraft. C, H# Fugitt and R. L, Riley Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla# - Project X-592(Av-305-f)(1), 14 June 1945 29. Evaluation of Canadian mask size template for possible use in fitting A-14 oxygen masks# Final report# C. I., Gemmill and C. H. Fugitt Navy Dept., Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla. - Project X-387(1}, 6 May 1944 30# Evaluation of certain characteristics of the type A-14 oxygen mask with baffles over the mask inlet ports# C# S# White Navy Dept#, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-584(Av-302-f)(1) - 13 Aug. 1945 31. Evaluation of constant flow-reservoir oxygen mask system for use in Navy transport planes. D# E. Goldman Naval Med. Research Inst. ** Project X—391(2), 1 Aug. 1944 32# Evaluation of methods for cleaning and sterilizing oxygen masks# T. L. Duggan Naval Med# Research Inst., Project NH6-1/A11A^®I"'61» 26 April 1944 Masks 33, Examination of experimental suspension for the MRS-1 oxygen mask. Preliminary report. B. G, King Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-348 - Nov., 1943 34, ’’Examination of three masks employed for oxygen inhalation in military aviation.” 0. K. Drinker NDRC report, Div. B, serial # 102 - November 15, 1941 35, Face-fit of Canadian oxygen masks for use with Canadian demand valves, G. F. M. Smith and E. C, Black Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 29 Sept, 1944, Appendix L 36, Face-fit of lined and unlined RCAF oxygen masks after various periods of wear, J. S. Hart Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 13 Mardh 1945, Appendix G 37, Face-fit of oxygen masks. E. C, IS!hck and J, K, W, Ferguson Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #3 - 11 June, 1941 38, Field tests of oxygen masks. J. S. Hart and A. G. Archer Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix H i 39, Final report on work carried out on rubber substitutes for oxygen masks. E. C. Black Proc, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix G 40, Freezing of type A8B B.L.B. mask. Black, McIntyre, and Eden. Misc, Canadian Aviation Report #89 - 20 May 1942 41, Freezing tests on the type A-14 demand oxygen mask, L« D, Carlson War Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-660-39-P, 18 Feb, 1944 42* Freezing tests on the A-10R and A-10A demand type oxygen masks. J. E. Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-39-R, 10 April 1944 43, Fundamental factors in the design of protective respiratory equipment. The characteristics of inspiratory and expiratory valves. Silverman, Lee, and Lee NDRC report (OSRD report #1864) - 1 October, 1943 Masks 44» Further improvements on a non-icing mask assembly for use with standard oxygen regulators* E. Black and J.K.W. Ferguson Report F.P.R.G. - #415, Appendix B, memo #2. 45. Growth of mold on oxygen masks* M* M. Kennedy War Dept*, Air Forces, ENG-49-693-55, 20 Dec. 1943 46* Handbook of respiratory data in aviation. D*.W* Bronk et al Filed with: Reports, Comm. Oxygen and Anoxia - 1944 47. Heaters for oxygen masks. Hemingway, Masland and Taylor War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #300(2) - 11 July 1944 48. Heat exchange by way of the respiratory tract: I. Theoretical considerations. II. Relative efficacy for conserving heat loss of the (1) Salathiel Breath Heat Exchanger, (2) A-14 rubber mask, (3) wool scarf. Spealman, Pace and White Naval Med. Research Inst., Project Z-163, 25 April 1944 49. I. G. Farbenindustrie, Leverkusen. 27 April 1945, M. F. Fogler War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #31 - 12 May 1945 50. Indoctrination of German fliers - use of oxygen* (Translation of German handbook) War Dept., U. S. Strat* Air Forces in Europe, Med. Intell. Bull. #21 - 5 Jan. 1945 51* Information compiled from questionnaires issued with equipment for service test in Alaska. J. E. Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-60, 8 April 1944 52, Inspiratory leakage of R.C.A.F. Types Cl, 02, and Co oxygen masks. F. B. Thomson and J. S. Hart Proc. Exec., Assoc. Coram. Aviation Med. Research - May 10, 1943, Appendix B 53, Interim report on the British oxygen mask. E, C. Black et al Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #42 - undated 54, Investigation of possible alternative materials to mica for the valve discs of oxygen mask inspiratory valves. R.A.E. technical note no. inst, 699. FPRC report, Royal Aircraft Establishment - August, 1942 Masks 55. Leakage of oxygen masks. D. R. Griffin and Sid Robinson Harvard Fatigue Lab. report #65 - 24 April 1943 56. Manual of oxygen and intercommunication equipment. 1st edition. (CAP 307.) Report, Subcomm. Oxygen Equipment, NRCC - Sept. 1942 57. Manual of oxygen and intercommunication equipment. 2nd ed. (CAP 307). Sub-committee Oxygen Equipment, NRCC Report, Comm. Oxygen Equipment, NRCC - Oct. 1943 58. Margin of safety for mask leaks with certain A-12 demand regulators used by the R.C.A.F. J. S. Hart Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix F 59. Mask designed for continuous oxygen inhalations. J. W. Thompson Canadian Aviation Report #112, October 16, 1942 60* Mask, field, pile, experimental. A study of the comfort, ease of fitting, protection against cold aid general utility of the mask, field, pile, experimental models, and comparison of them with other masks. W* R. Christensen and A. M, Galligan liar Dept., OQJvIG, Climatic Research Lab. - Report #113, 20 Oct. 1944 61. Mask, oxygen, pressure-demand. F. E. Randall War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-22-B, 20 March 1944 62. Mechanical mask freezing apparatus. H. L. Burns and Y. J. Wulff. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-39-T, 15 May 1944 63. Meeting of Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment of the National Research Council of Canada. W. R. Lovelace II War Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Div* -EXP-M-49-696-20 64. Method of introduction of oxygen into the mask from, an H-2 emergency oxygen bottle. J. T. Bonner War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-42A, 5 August, 1943 65. Miscellaneous aviation medical matters. Leo Alexander ?/ar Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Report #88 - undated (recfd NRC-CMR 18 Mar. 1946) 66. Modifications of constant flow oxygen mask assembly to improve acoustic efficiency. Smith, Rogers, and Goodwin Proc. Exec., Assoc. Coram. Aviation Med. Research NRCC - 14 July 1944, Appendix N Masks 67* Molded ruober full face oxygen mask incorporating ventilated fog proof lenses* L* D, Carlson War Dept., Air Forces, EMG-49-660-39E, May 7, 1943 68* Nasion-menton measurements on aircrew* 0* H® Warwick and A. J. Sutherland Proc. Exec., Assoc. Coram. Aviation Med. Research - 22 March 1944, Appendix F 69* New types of oxygen masks* D« B. Dill War Dept., Air Forces, Engin. Div* - ENG-M-49-695-19C, January 29, 1943 70, Operational flights in Stirling aircraft* Points of physiological interest, R. H. Winfield FPRC report #389, December 17, 1941 71, Optimum safety pressures for certain types of oxygen equipment. OSMcmr-26, G* A. Millikan and R* B* Cherry CAM Report #431 - April 1945 72, Oxygen economizer for use in adapting demand masks to free flow systems, OEMcmr-26• J. R, Pappenheimer and J.C, Lilly CAM Report #359 - August 1944 73, Oxygen mask and goggle assembly as a substitute for gas masks, J. E, Burns War Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-660-58, 1 March 1944 74, Oxygen mask, Anoxiameter for investigating blood oxygen saturation using MK, I economizer with comp, figures using HLB mask, E. A. C. Goldie, Report - F. P. R. C, #232A, Jan. 28, *41 75, Oxygen mask - development of type F. J. G. Gilson, Report - F. P. R, C. #270, Mch. 26, *41, 76, Oxygen mask face pieces. C, E. Jaynes War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-660-39K, 14 Aug., 1943 77, Oxygen mask for tracheotomy patients, W, R. Lovelace II War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAL-3-697-2III, 14 Sept. 1945 78, Oxygen mask harness. Misc, Canadian Aviation Report #87 - 7 July, 1942 Masks 79. Oxygen mask - Report on investigations in causes of unreliability im economizer mask system under extremes of cold. R. A. F. Physiological Research Unit. Report F. P. R. C. #232B, Jan* 25, *41 80. Oxygen masks recovered from enemy aircraft. L. D. Carlson War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-391, July 14, 1943 81. Performance of A8B masks equipped with devices designed to prevent freezing. A. Lein CAM Report #272 - 1 Jan. 1944 82. Performance of developmental models of C3B air-oxygen demand valves at different input pressures of oxygen. E. A. Pollard and F. E. J. Fry Proc. Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - May 10, 1943, Appendix F 83. Physiological appraisal of A-10A oxygen mask. King, Futcher, Henson, and Whaley Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-273 - 29 Dec., 1943 84. Physiological appraisal of the British oxygen mask, Type • King, Honson and Whaley Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-257 - 6 Jan,, 1944 85. Physiological appraisal of the MSA, Type E unlined experimental dxygen mask. Henson, Vftialey and King Naval Med. Research Inst., Project Z-275 - 31 Dec., 1943 86. Possible substitutes for rubber in the R, C. A. F. oxygen mask. E. C. Black and J« K, W. Ferguson. .Exec, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research - October 21, 1942, App. A-2 87. Practical method for cleaning the A-14 type oxygen mask. H. A. Smedal et al Navy Dept., U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-61, Comm, Oxygen and Anoxia, NRC - August 7, 19AJ* 11, Demand valve set to shut off at positive pressure, J. K. W. Ferguson, F.P.R.C. report No. A82 - August 22, 19A2, Open Oxygen Systems 12, Demand valve (type C3B) with automatic sylphon control of air mixer. Proc. Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - October 21, 1942, Appendix A - 2; December 3, 1942, 13, Determination of comparative oxygen economies of oxygen equipment, C. L, Gemmill and R. L, Riley, Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project #X-174 (Av-R2-7) Report No. 1 (preliminary)'- 1 Oct*, 194-3• * 14, Determination of comparative oxygen economies of oxygen equipment, J. H. Y/eatherby, Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-174 (AV-R2-7), report No. 3 - 20 March 1944. 15, Determination of comparative oxygen economies of oxygen equipment. Physiological testing of English (RAF) mask, type H, C. L. Gemmill and C. H, Fugitt, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-174 (Av-R2-7), report No, 4 - 13 Jan, 1944. 16, D-25H airplane, low pressure demand oxygen system, Charles Castellano, War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-426-23 - July 1, 1943, 17, Effect of respiratory dead space of oxygen equipment upon oxygen economy, J, YL Wilson and Jerome Dohling, War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-49-696-7D, 16 Dec,, 1943. 18, Effect of the type A-3 oxygen flow indicator installation, on oxygen consumption of Pioneer type A-12 diluter demand regulators. H, L. Burns, War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-66-52-E, 25 April 1944. 19, Effects of low temperatures on oxygen demand valves at altitude, 0EMcmr-3B, L, H. Nims and J, Tepperman, CAM Report No, I46, 4 June, 1943* 20, Emergency use of the diluter demand oxygen regulator (Pioneer) by two men, B, G. King and M. C, Shelesnyak, Naval Med, Research Inst.* Project NH6-1/A11/NMRI-55, 16 March 1944. 21, Evaluation of two mechanical leak testers for demand oxygen masks, J, T, Bonner, War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-696-54, 27 Oct,, 1943. 22, Experiments with demand valve set to flow at positive pressures. J, W, K, Ferguson, Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - February 27, 1943, Appendix F, 517 Open Oxygen Systems 23. Flight trials of the Pioneer oxygen demand valve, type A,12. Flying Personnel Research Comm, - FPRC 555. 17 Nov. 1943, 24* Flight trials on C3 demand valves. Pollard, Milne, Fry, and Kimpton. Proc. Exec., Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med, Research, NRCC *■ 14 July 1944. Appendix H. 25, Handbook of respiratory data in aviation, D, W, Bronk et al. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Oxygen and Anoxia - 1944. 26, Harmful effects of too rapid ascent in aircraft. Behnke, Feen, and Willmow, Filed with: Navy Dept,, Bureau Ships - 30 December, 1940. 27, Impairment in psychomotor performance with the Tty-pe A-13 pressure demand oxygen system at 45,600 feet simulated altitude, R, B. Loucks, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 308(1) - 9 Aug, 1944. 28,. Improvement of oxygen supply systems of military aircraft and associat- ed physiological problems. Status report, 0EMcmr-26, G. A. Millikan and A* J, Rawson, Special CAM Report - 30 April, 1946. 29* Instructions for the use of R.C.A.F, personal oxygen assemblies, E, C. Black. Proc, Exec.. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 14 July 1944. Appendix K, 30, Instrument for service testing diluter-demand oxygen equipment in aircraft: Construction, use and evaluation, R, K. Skew, Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-597(Av-307-f)(l) - 6 Nov. 1945. 31. Instrument for service testing diluter-demand oxygen equipment in aircraft: Testing procedure and maintenance of, R, K, Skew Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-597(Av-307-f)(2) - 17 Nov. 1945. 32, Investigation of personal equipment type of demand valve. Wilhelm, Findlay, Armstrong and Pollard. Report F.P.R.C. No. 413, Appendix H, 33. Italian automatic continuous flow oxygen regulators, H. L, Burns. War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-49-447-31-D, 10 Feb, 1944. 518 Open Oxygen Systems 34. Laboratory tests on production models of the type C3 demand valve. Fry, Black, Kerr, and Pollard. Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 14 July 1944. Appendix L, 35. Manual of oxygen and intercommunication equipment, 2nd ed. (CAP 307), Sub-committee Oxygen Equipment, NRCC. Report, Comm, Oxygen Equipment, NRCC - Oct. 1943. 36. Methods for testing Canadian demand valves in the field with a note on testing American A,12 demand valves. F.E.J, Fry and E. A, Pollard. Proc. Exec.. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix D, 37. Mine Safety Appliance Co, oxygen rebreather and demand equipment, Ferguson, Coles and Kark, Misc, Canadian Aviation Report No, 72 - 23 March, 1942. 3B, Modification of component parts of the opening mechanism in the C2F oxygen demand valve, F. B, Thompson, Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research - December 3, 1942, Appendix G. 39. Modifications of constant flow oxygen mask assembly to improve acoustic efficiency. Smith, Rogers, and Goodwin, Proc, Exec.. Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 1944, Appendix N. 40. Operation of oxygen demand regulators in the cold, E. S, Turrell and H. S, Belding. Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No, 58 - 30 January 1943. 41. Outline of general system and details of demand valve. J. 0, Wilhelm. Report F.P.R.C, - #413, Appendix G, 42. Oxygen breathing equipment in the Focke Wulf 190 with a report on the improved Draeger Diluter Demand Regulator incorporating a safety pressure mechanism, J, A. Mathis and B. G. King, Naval Med, Research Inst,, Misc. - 12 May, 1944. 43. Oxygen equipment. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-11, 28 Feb. 1945, Appendix H. 44* Oxygen expenditure by aircrew in combat, V. J, Wulff and Mary Bennett, War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-83C, 25 Sept. 1945. 45. Oxygen sense. Air Ministry - AH'! Pamphlet 165, 1st edition, Jan, 1944. 519 Open Oxygen Systems 4.6, Oxygen system installations; Boeing Aircraft Company, Seattle Plant, P, V. Bartlett. War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAI-3-660-53-0-1, 10 April 194.5, A7. Performance of developmental models of C3B air-oxygen demand valves at different input pressures of oxygen. E, A. Pollard and F. E, J. Fry. Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med, Research - May 10, 194.3, Appendix F, 4-8, Performance of developmental models of C3B air-oxygen demand valve at low temperature. Fry, Black, and Pollard. Proc, Exec,, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Mod, Research - May 10, 194-3* Appendix D, 4.9. Performance requirements for a reducing valve for use with an air oxygen demand valve, Ferguson, Shortreed and Fry, Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research - 25 Feb. 194-4-, Appendix I. 50, Personnel equipment problems in ET0USA and NAT0USA, Appendix 7: New German demand oxygen equipment, A. P. Gagge. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-4-9-695-34-, 20 Sept, 194-3. 51. Personnel equipment problems in ETCUSA and NAT0USA, Appendix 2: Oxygen problems in ETOUSA, A. P. Gagge. War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-4-9-695-34-, 20 Sept. 19A3. 52* Physiological testing of Baldwin Rubber Company Mask, C, L, Gemmill and C, H, Fugitt, Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-314- (Av-IBB-f), report No, 1 (final) - 5 April, 194-4-. 53* Preliminary production specification for demand valve, type C]_, ACR-52-5, issue 1, Dept, Nat. Defence for Air, RCAF. Royal Canadian Air Force - 4- March, 194-2-. 54-* Preliminary production specification for RCAF demand oxygen assembly, ACR-52-1, issue 1, Dept, Nat. Defence for Air, RCAF, Royal Canadian Air Force - 4- March, 1942, 55, Preliminary report of points of interest in aviation medicine and physiology in Belgium and France, R. H, Winfield. War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report No, 8. - 8 Jan. 194-5. Open Oxvaen Systems 56, Problem of equivalent altitude, J. K, W, Ferguson, Proc, Exec,, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research - 22 March, 1944, Appendix J, 57, P-47C airplane, low pressure oxygen demand system, Charles Castellano. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-430-21, June 28, 1943# 58, P-39 airplane, low pressure oxygen demand system, Charles Castellano, War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-430-26, July 6, 194-3. 59, Recommendations re oxygen equipment, E, C, Black and J, K. VJ, Ferguson, Misc, Canadian Aviation Report No, 4- - 12 March, 1941. 60, Reducing valves, regulators and economiser bags. Administration of oxygen to aviators, W. M. Boothby, War Dept,, Air Forces, miscellaneous - Mayo Aero Med, Unit, report No, 1 to Comm, Oxygen, NRC, 15 Jan. 1943. 61, Report of meeting of Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment, Demand valve C3B, sizing of masks, training courses, Proc. Exec., Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research - Dec. 3, 1942, Appendix B. 62, Report of meeting of Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment, Manual, demand valve C3B, rubber substitutes for masks, pressure breathing, Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - October 21, 1942, Appendix A, 63, Report on German oxygen equipment, H. L, Roxburgh, FPRC report No, 539 - 4 Aug,, 1943. 64, Report on oxygen medical set, Model No, 37 Vatra Czechoslovakian make, A, B. Christie, Jr, War Dept., SGO, Captured Med. Equip, Report No. 40 - 12 Feb. 1945. 65, Report on the M.S.A, oxygen rebreather and demand equipment (referred to in F.P.R.C. 446 (a) para, 1(b)). Ferguson, Coles, and Kark. FPRC report No, 449e, 66, Standardisation of oxygen equipment for British, Canadian and U. S, aircraft - position in May, 1942. (a) 100 Canadian mask demand valve and microphone assemblies promised for Service trials in U. K, (see Minute 232(b)), FPRC report No. 449 (a). Open Oxygen Systems 67, Status of demand valves. Ferguson, Gilson, and Matthews. F.P.R.C. report No. 483 - August 15, 194.2. 68, Studies on various types of male quick disconnects. L. D. Carlson, War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-4.9-660-55, 16 Feb, 1944, 69. Sufficiency of the British oxygen flows with the Canadian constant flow equipment, E, T, Waters and J, S, Hart, Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - October 22, 194-2, Appendix G. 70, Summary of Unit Oxygen Officers1 opinion of demand equipment. S, R. M, Reynolds, War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 80 (1) - September 22, 194-3. 71. Supplementary report on operation of oxygen demand regulators in a low pressure chamber at cold temperatures. Belding, Turrell, and Johnson, Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. 66 - 6 March, 194-3. 72. Technical manual for low pressure chamber operators. C. F, Gell et al* Navy Dept,, Bur, Med. and Surg,, Aviation Med, Div. - undated (rec‘d NRC-CMR 5 May 1945). 73« Testing of Pioneer oxygen demand regulators, type A-12. J, S. Morganstein. War Dept,, Air Corps, Materiel Div, - EXP-M-49-696-11c, 74. Tests on demand type oxygen tubing containing reclaim rubber and new cloth insert. J. S. Hart. Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - December 3, 1942# Appendix E. 75, Use of the Canadian demand valve with existing oxygen equipment of the R.A.F, From N.R.C. of Canada report. F. report No, 453. E. Oximeters 1* Accuracy of modified Millikan oximeter with (a) automatic compensation for vasomotor changes in the ear and (b) amplifier-recorder apparatus for obtaining a continuous graphic record of blood oxygen saturation, A* Hemingway and C. B. Taylor CAM report #256 - 1 Feb, 1944 2* Comparison of alveolar oxygen pressures, oximeter readings and percentage of saturation of hemoglobin, OEMcmr-129, W.M, Boothby and F.J, Robinson CAM Report #163, June, 1943 3, Design of the oximeter, warning and flight models, progress report as at 1st Sept,, 1941, Johnson Foundation, U,S,A* Report F,P.R.C,#388, 4, Further development of oximeters, warning and recording flight models * F. report 388a 5, Handbook of respiratory data in aviation. D, W, Bronk et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Oxygen and Anoxia - 1944 (Filed outside of tinder) 5, Method for the continuous analysis of alveolar air. Interim report, 0i2.Icrar-147 • Hermann Rahn et al (?/, 0, Fenn) CAM Report #476 - 20 Oct, 1945 7. Method for the determination of carbon monoxide in alveolar air, together with a correlation of values thus obtained with carboxyhsmoglobin concentrations in blood* H, I. Chinn War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #233 (1) - 5 April 1944 8. Oxygen economizer for use in adapting demand masks to free flow systems, OEMcrar-26, J, R. Pappenheimer and J. C* Lilly CAM Report #359 - August 1944 9. quantitative measurement of changes in blood content of the human ear with a modified oximeter. G, C, Ham Special CAM report - 10 June 1943 10* Quantitative measurement of changes in blood content of the human ear with a modified oximeter. 0EMcmr-20, Ham, Patterson, and Landis CAM report #188, 10 June 1943 F, Oxygen 1. Amount of oxygen required by men of various physiques performing work analogous to that done in the operation of an airplane, P, V, Karpovich War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Report #74 (1) - April 26, 1943 2. Arterial oxyhemoglobin percentages measured at and computed for altitude, V. J. Wulff War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-660-48-A, 13 Nov,, 1943 3. Arterial oxyhemoglobin saturations at critical pressure-altitudes breathing various mixtures of oxygen and nitrogen (with a note on the effect of exercise). J, L, Lilienthal, Jr. and R, L, Riley Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-323(Av-184-f) (4), 12 Oct. 1944 4. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation, R. Lovelace, II War Dept,, Air Forces, Engin, Div., ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943 Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendix 5: Oxygen inspection of the 376th and 98th groups, (Nov, 24, 1942) S.S. Sack R, Lovelace, II War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943 6, Aviation medicine and physiology, R, H, Winfield War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Repoft #99, 8 Jan. 1945 7. Cardio-vascular readjustments in anoxia and asphyxia with particular reference to the effect of oxygen administration in these conditions. Final report, G. W. Stavraky Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 29 Sept. 1944, Appendix Ci 8, Cardiovascular response to the breathing of 100$ oxygen at normal barometric pressure. Interim report, 0EMcmr-74* W. V. Whitehorn and Abraham Edelmann (F. A. Hitchcock) CAM Report #474 - 13 Sept. 1945 9. Charts, Oxygen requirements, alveolar pressures, blood oxygen determinations, hyperventilation, etc. War Dept,, Air Forces, miscellaneous - Mayo Aero Med, Unit, June 1943 10, Chronological development of symptoms in "bends" in subjects breathing pure oxygen with neurological report, Metthews and Carmichael, Report Comm, Aviation Medicine No, 22, Oct, $, 1941 Oxygen 11, Committee representing U,S. Army Air Corps, R.C.A.F., and British Aircraft Commission to correlate methods of oxygen supply. Min, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, Dec. IB, 1941, Appendix A. N.R.C.C. 12, Comparative effects of toxic doses of digitalis and of prolonged deprivation of oxygen on the electrocardiogram, heart and brain. W, M, Boothby et al War Dept,, Air Forces, miscellaneous Mayo Aero Med. Unit, special report # 2, 17 July 1942 13f Comparison of alveolar oxygen pressures, oximeter readings and percentage of saturation of hemoglobin, OEMcmr-129. W. M, Boothby and F. J, Robinson War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - Mayo Aero Med, Unit Report #2 to Comm, Oxygen, NRC, 20 April 1943 14, Comparison of vascular and extravascular bubbles following decompression from high pressure atmospheres of oxygen, helium- oxygen, argon-oxygen and air, Gersh, Hawkinson and Jenney Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project X-2B4(5), B Nov. 1944 15, Compendium of aviation medicine, Siegfried Ruff and Hubertus Strughold Special CAM Report - 1942 16, Conference with the Subcommittee on Oxygen, L, D. Carlson War Dept,, Air Corps, Materiel Div. - BXP-M-49-696-11B, Aug. 14, 1942 17, Criteria for testing oxygen supply systems, CM Report #20 - August 7, 1941 18, Demand for oxygen in the air. Burton, Macdougall, and Bazett Min, Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med, Research - 5/16/42, Appendix A 19, Derivation and certain uses of an equation relating alveolar composition to altitude, J. S. Gray War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #131 (1) - April 12, 1943 20, Determination of arterial oxygen saturations from samples of "capillary" blood, J, L, Lilienthal and R, L, Riley CAM Report #297 - 9 Feb. 1944 21, Development of oxygen carrying chemicals. NDRC report, Div, B, serial #245 - May 14, 1942 Oxygen 22, Direct method for determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions in blood, R, L, Riley Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-A50(Ar-236-f)(l) - 9 Jan. 1945 23, Direct method for determination of oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions in blood, R. L, Riley Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-450(Av-236-f)(2) - 16 July 1945 24, Effectiveness of pre-flight oxygen breathing in preventing decompression sickness, OEMcmr-196, F, M, Henry et al CAM Report #384 - 30 Oct. 1944 25, Effect of carbon monoxide hemoglobin on the oxygen dissociation curve of blood, F, J, W, Roughton and R. C, Darling CAM report #93, December, 1942 26, Effect of inhalation of high concentrations of oxygen for 24 hours upon normal men at sea level and at a simulated altitude of 18,000 feet, OEMcmr-28, J, H, Comroe, Jr, et al CAM Report #414 - 5 March 1945 27, Effect of oxygen pre-treatment on decompressed animals, with special reference to their blood haemoglobin values, J. Fegler and C. 0. Hebb FPRC report #541 - July, 1943 28, Effect of preoxygenation on resistance to aeroembolism: preoxygenation in susceptible individuals. Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola - Project X-141 - Navy Dept,, February 16, 1943 29, Effect of prolonged exposure of the eyes to pure oxygen, W. C. Gibson Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - April 18, 1943, Appendix D 30, Effect of some cortical stimulating drugs on intellectual and psychomotor performance at 18,000 feet with and without supplementary oxygen, P, K. Smith War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field Report #114 (1) “ March 20, 1943 31, Effect of varying partial pressures of oxygen and carbon monoxide on the uptake of carbon monoxide in man. With a note on the NBS analyser for alveolar CO, J, L, Lilienthal and M, B. Pine Navy Dept., Naval Air Train. Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project #X-129 (Av-R9-l), report #1 (part 1), 15 Oct. 1943 Oxygen 32, Effect of wearing heavy flying clothing on the extra oxygen consumption required for light work, A, C. Burton And G, R. Macdougall Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #2 - 10 June, 1941 33, Effect on susceptibility to decompression sickness of preflight oxygen inhalation at rest compared to oxygen inhalation during strenuous exercise. 0EMcmr-36, M, A, Blankenhorn, E, B. Ferris et al CM Report #134 - May 5, 1943 34# Effects of decreased atmospheric pressures on the oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions in the lungs, R, A, F. Physiol. Lab, FPRC report #524 - May 11, 1943 35, Effects of high altitude flight other than those due to oxygen lack: what they are and how to manage them. Preliminary report, 0EMcmr-36 Ferris, Engel, Webb, and Blankenhorn Filed with: Reports, Comm, Decompression Sickness - 30 July 1943 36, Effects of high pressure oxygen on vision. J. B, S. Haldane and H, Kalmus Report, Subcomm. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 44/112. May 1944. 37, Effects of oxygen and decompression on saliva, D, F, Mitchell War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #392 (1) - 11 June 1945 38, Effects on personnel of various concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen under conditions of submarine operations. W. V, Consolazio et al Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-349, 23 Sept, 1944 39# Experiments on oxygen utilization in flight, A. P. Gagge Report Comm, Aviation Medicine No, 18, July 13, 1941 40, Form RCAF F.28 ’’Instructions for use of personal oxygen assemblies”, E, C. Black Proc. Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - Dec* 3, 1942, Appendix D 41. Functional test procedure, low pressure oxygen system, B-17F airplane, Charles Castellano War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-425-2B - July 1, 1943 42, Handbook of respiratory data in aviation, D, W, Bronk et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Oxygen and Anoxia - 1944 43. Improvements in instrument for measuring the partial pressure of oxygen, Pauling, Wood and Sturdivant NDRC report, Div, B, serial 314 - August 8, 1942 527 Oxygen 44. Influence of oxygen at high pressure on malarial parasites. OEIvlcmr-4, in part J, W, Bean and R, J, Porter Report #A-36l, Malaria Board - 12 March 194.5 4.5. Influence of oxygen deficiency and drugs on flying link trainer. R, C. Browne Report FPRC #285 46. Investigation of oxygen supply. E, R. Gilliland NDRC report, Div, B, serial #258 - June 8, 1942 47. Investigation of oxygen supply. E. R, Gilliland NDRC report, Div. B, serial #200 - March 6, 1942 48. Manual of oxygen and intercommunication equipment, 1st edition, (CAP 307) Pfoc-, Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med, Research - 21 Oct. 1942, Appendix A 49. Manual of oxygen and intercommunication equipment. 2nd ed. (CAP 307). Sub-committee Oxygen Equipment, NRCC Proc, Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research, 10 Dec, 1943* p. 7. 50. Manufacture of oxygen by use of regenerative chemicals. Melvin Calvin NDRC report, Div, B, serial #186 - February 23, 1942 51. Memorandum on oxygen and oxygen equipment. J. 0. Wilhelm Min, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - Sept, 18 1941, Appendix C N.R.C.C. 52. Method for the continuous analysis of alveolar air. Interim report, OEMcmr-147. Hermann Rahn et al (W. 0, Fenn) CAM Report #476 - 20 Oct. 1945 53. Observations on methods of increasing resistance to oxygen poisoning and studies of accompanying changes, OEMcmr-47. A, L, Barach et al Special CAM Report (abstracted) - 30 June 1944 54. Oxygen absorbent for the Scholander quick gas analyzer. 0EMcmr-36. Stevens, Van Fossen, and Ferris CAM report #202 - 1 Nov,, 1943 55. Oxygon and air pressure at various altitudes as they influence the efficient functioning of the aviator, W, M, Boothby War Dept,, Air Forces, Miscellaneous ■* Mayo Aero Med, Unit, special report #5, 28 Aug. 1942 Oxygen 56, Oxygen; aviators1 breathing (gas) Army-Navy aeronautical specification AN-O-la dated 31 July 1943. R, 0. Turner War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-660-50-A, 10 Sept., 1943 57, Oxygen candle for generation of oxygen. Excerpt from News-Letter No, 1 to R. Adams from T. R. Hogness File with: British Admiralty - 21 May, 1942 58, Oxygen - design of independent apparatus and production of dry oxygen. Prof, Burton Minutes Comm, Aviation Med. Research (Canada) Mch, 9, *40 and Appendix B, 59, Oxygen, dry. Manufacture and use. Report, Dr. E. F, Burton Minutes Exec, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research (N, R, C, C.) Jan. 31, '41, Appendix C 60, Oxygen indoctrination and oxygen discipline of fighter pilots, D, V, Hart and W, H. Bachrach War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-40, 4 Aug. 1945 61, Oxygen intoxication in man. Brown, Downman, Macintosh and Williams Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC - RNP 44/94. 2 Mar, 1944 62, Oxygen mask, Anoxiameter for investigating blood oxygen saturation using MK, I economizer with comp, figures using BLB mask. E, A, C, Goldie Report, FPRC #232-A, January 28, 1941 63, Oxygen purity requirement for Army Air Forces oxygen generators, A, M, Cahan War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-50-G, 30 Sept,, 1943 64, Oxygen requirements as affected by physical activity and by simulated altitudes. Hall, Wilson, Bonner and Finkel War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-7C, 11 Nov, 1943 65, Oxygen requirements in flight. Aero-medical lab, Wright Field Report Comm. Aviation Medicine No. 26, Oct, 1, 1941 66, Oxygen requirements in flight, R.A.F. Physiol, Lab., Farnborough FPRC report #521 - April 19, 1943 67, Oxygen sense. Air Ministry - AM Pamphlet 165, 1st edition, Jan, 1944 529 Oxygen 68, Oxygen source for use in aircraft, B. H. C. Matthews and H. L, Roxburgh Report FPRC - #414 (WAM-982-13), Jan. 29, 1942 69• Oxygen tension of arterial blood and alveolar air in normal human subj ects, OEMcmr-28, J. H, Comroe, Jr, and R. D, Dripps, Jr, CAM Report #388 - 1 Sept, 1944 70, Performance as related to composition of alveolar air. Interim report, OEMcmr-147. A, B, Otis et al Special CM Report - 28 Nov, 1945 71, Performance comparison of oxygen and oxygen-C02 mixtures at 43,300 feet. Humm, Liberman and Nims CAM Report #335 - 18 July 1944 72, Periodic fluctuations and threshold levels in dark adaptation and the effects produced by paredrine, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and ascorbic acid. R, H, Lee et al Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-211 (2), 12 Sept, 1944 73, Personnel equipment problems in ETOUSA and NATOUSA, Appendix 2; Oxygen problems in ETOUSA, A, P, Gagge War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-695-34, 20 Sept. 1943 74, Pertaining to the effect of BZB (dextroamphetamine) and of preoxygenation plus BZB on the incidence of bends, etc, A. C. Ivy et al CAT,'! report #113 - December 23, 1942 75, Preliminary report of points of interest in aviation medicine arid physiology in Belgium and France, R. H. Winfield War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomra, Report #8 - 8 Jan/1945 76, Production of liquidaoxygen. NDRC report, Div, B, serial #59 - August 14, 1941 77, Production of oxygen by the use of a regenerative chemical, NDRC report, Div, B, serial #64, August 25, 1941 78, Rapid and simultaneous analyses of oxygen and carbon dioxide in respired air by the thermal conductivity method, OEMcmr-196. W. E. Berg CAM Report #451 - June 1945 79, Reference curves for alveolar composition and arterial oxygen saturation at various altitudes, J, S. Gray War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #290 (1) - 15 July 1944 530 Oxygen 80, Relation of pulmonary ventilation to arterial oxygen saturation. C, S, Houston and Martha Nez Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-675(l) - 15 Dec. 1945 81, Relationships in vivo between carbon monoxide, oxygen and hemoglobin in the blood of man at altitude, J, L. Lilienthal and R, L, Riley Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-409(Av-221-f)(1), 20 Aug. 1945 82, Relationships of oxygen, carbon dioxide and hemoglobin in the blood of man: Oxyhemoglobin dissociation under various physiological conditions, R, L, Riley and J, L, Lilienthal, Jr, Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-490(Av-260-f) (1) - 11 Sept. 1945 83, Renal function in man at reduced partial pressures of oxygen, 0EMcmr-3B, R. W, Clarke, I, F. Nirns et al CAM Report #138 - May 25, 1943 84, Report on "A light-weight instrument for indicating the partial pressure of oxygen in gases” to May 13, 1941. NDRC report, Div, B, serial #36 - June 6, 1941 85, Report on development of a burette for analyzing high concentrations of oxygen in gas mixtures, W, V, Consolazio and L. J. Pecora Naval Med, Research Inst,, Project NH6-1/All/NMRI-51, 27 April 1944 86, Scales of oxygen supply for the therapeutic use of oxygen in aircraft, J, K, W, Ferguson Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 April 1944, Appendix I 87, Simple oxygen moistener for use at ground level. W. C, Gibson Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - iipril 8, 1943, Appendix E 88, Studies and experimental investigations in connection with the effects of low oxygen pressure on nutritional requirements. Annual report, OEMcmr-224. C, G, King Filed with: Reports, Comm, Med, Nutrition - 1 Oct., 1943 89, Studies of positive pressure breathing. Subjective, clinical and psychological effects of breathing 100$ oxygen at a pressure of 15 mm, Hg at a simulated altitude at 42,300 feet (126 mm, Hg), A, L, Barach et al CAM Report #280 - 14 Feb. 1944 531 Oxygen 90, Use of oxygen and oxygen equipment, Aero-Med, Research Lab,, Wright Field War Dept,, Air Forces Misc, - 1 July 194-3 (revised 20 Sept, 194-3) 91, Utilization of oxygen by the brain in traumatic shock, OEMcmr-6, Alfred Blalock Report #46 (abstracted), Comm, Shock - S 1944- 92, Value of carbon dioxide in counteracting the effects of low oxygen. Gibbs, Gibbs, Lennox and Nims. Comm, Aviation Med,, Report #4-7 532 G. Oxygen Equipment 1. Adaptation of aviator’s oxygen equipment to allow underwater escape, H. C, Bazett and B, Libet CAM Report #28-4 - 10 March 1944 2. Additional tests on the SAM oxygen heater for prevention of mask freezing. Allan Hemingway Yfer Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #300(3) - 11 Nov, 1944 3. Aero-medical exploitation, Germany 1945. W. F, Sheeley War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc. - 1 Feb. 1945 to 15 Oct, 1945 4. Air Staff Post-hostilities Intelligence Requirements on German Air Force, 0, B, Schreuder et al War Dept., U, S. Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 16 Aug. 1945 5. Appraisal of the University of California (Tobias-Weitbrecht) manual resuscitator, Vollmer, Whaley and Perkins Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-486(6), 1 Aug, 1945 6. A-13A mask heater, internal, R. G, Holmes War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAA-660-95, 28 Feb, 1946 7. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendix 6; Oxygen generating unit (trailer type), R. Lovelace, II War Dept., Mr Forces, ENG-M-49-697-1B, May 1, 1943 8. C,A,P, 307, Volume II - Manual on oxygen and intercommunication equipment, (Detailed information), E, C, Black et al Proc, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 29 Sept, 1944, Appendix H 9. C.A,P, 307 2nd edition - Manual on oxygen and intercommunication equipment. J, K, W, Ferguson et al Proc, Exec.. Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - 22 April 1944, Appendix C 10, Captured German engine-driven oxygen charging apparatus, W, G. Kulesz War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-660-15-Q-l, 16 Jan, 1944 11, C-K oxygen unit, a chemical demand system, OEMcmr-26, G, A. Millikan et al CAM Report #443 - June 1945 533 Oxygen Equipment 12. Combination anti-seize and sealing compounds for use in oxygen systems. S. S, Umpleby War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-66G-59-Z, 15 May 1945 13. Comparative testing of oxygen equipment, C. L, Gemmill et al Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola - Project X-143 (Av-R2-6), 23 September, 1943 14. Comparison of oxygen equipment. Dept, of Commerce - 13 Oct, 1942 15. Compendium of aviation medicine, Siegfried Ruff and Kubertus Strughold Special CAM Report - 1942 16. Computer, oxygen supply duration, Hecht, Edwards and Jones War Dept,, Army Air Forces Board Report #7-8 Feb. 1945 17. Criteria promulgated by the Chief of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery as to physiological requirements applying to the design and testing of oxygen breathing equipment for use of naval aircraft. Filed with: Navy Dept,, Bur. Med. & Surg, - undated (rec’d - NRC 9 November 1943) 18. Determination of comparative oxygen economies of oxygen equipment, J, H, Weatherby Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, - Project Z-174 (Av-R2-7), report #3 - 20 March 1944 19* Development of oxygen equipment. Physiological criteria to be considered by engineers. W. M. Boothby War Dept., Air Forces, Miscellaneous - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, special report #3, 20 Aug. 1942 20, Development of R.C.A.F. and R.A«F, Ferry Command service oxygen equipment. Decompression chamber for testing, Min, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, June 6, 1941* Appendix A 21, Devices used in demonstrating anoxia and the use of oxygen equipment. Navy Dept., Naval Air Station, Miami, Fla, - 7 Mar, 1944 22, Directions for the use of a convenient apparatus for checking air oxygen mixtures delivered by demand valves during flight, J. W. Thompson and H, W, Smith Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 29 Sept. 1944* Appendix E 23, Dragerwerk, Lubeck, Germany. (Translation) W, R. Lovelace et al War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #85 - 13 May 1945 534 Oxygen Equipment 24. Effect of the type A-3 oxygen flow indicator installation, on oxygen consumption of Pioneer type A-12 diluter demand* regulators, H. L, Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-52-E, 25 April 1944 25# Evaluation of targets investigated and summary of information obtained pertaining to research in aviation medicine for* .the German Air Force, W, R, Lovelace and V, J, Dulff War Dept,, U, S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 4 Aug. 1945 26, Evaluation of the Aero Medical Laboratory altitude pressure bag in airplane flights, C. A, Tobias et al CAM Report #277 - 23 Feb. 1944 27, Evaluation of the altitude pressure bag, (TED No. UNL 2546) B, G, King and P, H, Futcher Naval Med, Research Inst,, Project X-303, 22 March 1944 28, Experiments on a high-economy demand-diluter-robreather oxygen supply system. Interim report, OEMcmr-26, G. A, Millikan Special report, CM - 4 October 1943 29, Flexibility of a low rubber content compound used in making accordion tube 6D/142, E, C. Black Proc. Assoc, Comm, Aviation B3ed. Research - October 22, 1942, Appendix «T 30, Flow requirements for the H-2 emergency oxygen bottle, K, E, Penrod War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-696-7A, 17 July, 1943 31, Functional characteristics of the carry-on type manual pressure breathing oxygen regulators and associated equipment. H, L, Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-52-3, 12 March 1944 32, German aircraft oxygen equipment, R, C, London and J. C, Gilson FPRC Report #644 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 31 Oct. 1945) 33, German occupation and disarmament: Aviation medical aspects in Schleswig-Holstein, W, K, Stewart and H, L. Roxburgh FPRC #627 - May 1945 34, German rescue breathing apparatus, E, D. Buie War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #4 - 11 Nov, 1944 535 Oxygen Equipment 35. G-l back pack assemblies, J, W, Green Yiar Dept,, Air Forces,ENG-49-660-48-C, 23 March 1944 36. Gunfire tests of oxygen cylinder subjected to gasoline flow, E. V, Rupp War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-49-660-14-1.-9, 9 Feb, 1944 37. Gunfire tests conducted on German oxygen cylinders made of aluminum, E, V. Rupp War Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-660-14-1-8, 15 Nov., 1943 38. Heaters for oxygen masks, Hemingway, Masland and Taylor War Dept., Air Forces, ‘Randolph Field #300(2) - 11 July 1944 39. Improvement of oxygen supply systems of military aircraft and . associated physiological problems. Status report, OEMcmr-26. G. A. Millikan and A, J, Rawson Special CAM Report - 30 April 1946 40. Indoctrination of German fliers - use of oxygen, (Translation of German handbook) War Dept,, U, S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Med, Intell. Bull, #21 - 5 Jan. 1945 41. Indoctrination of twenty-one crews of the 307th Bombardment Group. W. M, Boothby War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, Series A Report #2, 30 0ct. 1942 42. Information compiled from questionnaires issued with equipment for service test in Alaska, J. E. Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-60, 8 April 1944- 43. Inspection of generator, oxygen (gas) portable. R. 0. Turner War Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-660-50-E, 4 Dec,, 1943 44. Instructions for the use of R.C.A.F, personal oxygen assemblies. E. C. Black Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 14 July 1944. Appendix K 45. Instructions governing the altitude training porgram, B. M, Giles War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc. - 25 May 1944 46. Interrogation of combat veterans. N, E. Collias and W. H, Bachrach War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEIA-3-697-15, 17 May 1945 Oxygen Equipment 47. JAN valve standardization. P. M, Thomas War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-4.9-660-22-Y-l, April 29, 1943 4.8. Japanese chemical oxygen generator, A. M, Cahan War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-4.9-660-4.5-H, 20 Dec. 194.3 49, Leaflet for medical officers on pressure breathing oxygen equipment. FPRC Report #628, Appendix II - Aug. 1944- 50, Leaking of non-return valves in Mark IV pieces connecting high pressure oxygen. J, S, Hart and J* Shortreed Proc, Assoc, Comm.* Aviation Med, Research - October 22, 1942, Appendix F 51, Manual resuscitator, C, A, Tobias and R. Weitbrecht CAM Report #334 - 29 July 1944 52* Measurement of the dead space of breathing sets. H. B. Barlow and F, C. Macintosh Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC-RNP 44/100. April 1944 53. Mechanical behavior of the Burns pneumatic balance resuscitator. Interim report, OEMcmr-147, Fenn, Otis and Rahn Special CAM Report - 30 Sept. 1945 54. Mechanical leakage tester for pressure breathing equipment. J. T. Bonner Ylar Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-696-7H, 21 Feb, 1944 55. Mechanical tests conducted v/ith a thickened specification AN-C-86a compound; rectorseal No, 15. S. S, Umpleby War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-59-U, 10 April 1945 56, Meeting on requirements for oxygen regulators. Wright Field. October 11 & 12, 1943 A* J, Rawson Special Report, CAM - undated 57, Model B-24G airplane: oxygen system installation. P, V, Bartlett War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-49-660-8-B, 14 March 1944 58, Modification of resuscitator and inhalator, item No, 37261, A, M. Cahan War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-49-G, 27 March 1944 537 Oxygen Equipment 59. Notes on the Japanese chemical oxygen generator for aircraft. OEMcmr-26, J, R. Pappenheimer CAM Report #£27 - April 194-5 60. Optical flow meter. W. E, Hull War Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-696-£2C, 5 Jan, 1944 61. Oxygen equipment. War Dept., Air Forces, PIF - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Feb. 1945) 62. Oxygen equipment. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-11, 28 Feb. 1945, Appendix H 63. Oxygen equipment. High pressure "monitor11 valve, B, H, C, Matthews FPRC report #472 - July 15, 1942 64. Oxygen equipment. Report E. C, Black and J, K, W. Ferguson Min. Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, June 6, 1941, Appendix U, NRCC 65. Oxygen line safety clamps. C, A. Tobias CAM Report #311 - 20 May 1944 66. Oxygen safety device for bomber crews, OEMcmr-196 Tobias, Lindsay, Chalfant, and Lawrence CAM Report #322 - 19 May 1944 67. Oxygen sense. Air Ministry - AM Pamphlet 165, 1st edition, Jan. 1944 68. Oxygen system installations; Lockheed Aircraft Corporation. P. V, Bartlett War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-53-S-1, 30 April 1945 69. Oxygen transfer pump (German) E. G. Asherman War Dept., SGO, Captured Med, Equip, Report #55 - 27 April 1945 70. Oxygen treatment apparatus old type for use with troops German Army, 0, C, Raines War Dept,, SGO, Captured Med, Equip, Report #46 - 17 March 1945 71. Panel, oxygen, central warning. Benoit, Lovelace and Carlson War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-75, 11 April 1945 72. Peak rates of oxygen flow from oxygen supply systems, J, H, Weatherby and A, S, Bur£ Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-324(3) - 1 March 1945 Oxygen Equipment 73, Peak rates of oxygen flow from oxygen supply systems: description of a low intertia flowmeter, J. H. Weatherby and A, S. Burt Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-324(Av-185-f)(2) - 13 Dec. 1944 74, Peak rates of oxygen flow from oxygen supply systems: Effect of surge tanks on peak rates, Weatherby, Patterson and Burt Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-324(4) * 5 March 1945 75, Performance requirements for a reducing valve for use with an air oxygen demand valve, Ferguson, Shortreed and Fry Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research - 25 Feb, 1944, Appendix I 76, Performance tests on a vertical spring relief valve. V, J, Wulff and Ward Rice War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-61-K, 26 March 1945 77, Permissible expiratory resistance in aircraft oxygen equipment. J, H, Weatherby Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-6ll(Av-313-s)(1) - 1 Sept, 1945 78, Personnel equipment problems in ETOUSA and NATOUSA, Appendix 4: The personnel equipment officer, A. P, Gagge War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-34, 20 Sept. 1943 79, Physiological and clinical studies on man with the pneumatic balance resuscitator "Burns Model". H, I, Motley War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-49-0, 23 Aug, 1945 80, Physiological evaluation of U.S. Army Air Forces H-2 bail-out oxygen equipment, Shelesnyak, Whaley and Goldman Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project X-440* 28 Aug, 1944 81, Physiological requirements of sealed high altitude aircraft compartments. H, G. Armstrong War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, Misc, -19 Dec, 1935 82, Physiological specifications for the design of aviation oxygen equipment, Navy Dept,, Bur, Med, and Surg,, Research Div, - Jan. 1946 83, Pneumatic balance resuscitator, H. L, Burns War Dept*, Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-65-C, 27 Nov. 1944 84, Pneumatic balance resuscitator, OEMcmr-147. Herman Rahn et al CAM Report #424 - 5 March 1945 539 Oxygen Equipment 85. Portable gas flow meter. Morris Stadd War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-78C, 27 Aug. 1945 86. Portable oxygen equipment. War Dept., Air Forces, PIF - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR, 5 Feb. 1945) 87. Preliminary report of the interrogation of certain high staff officers of the Luftwaffe medical services. H, G. Armstrong et al War Dept., U. S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 16 July 1945 88. Preliminary report on current activities of the R.A.F, Physiological Laboratory, Farnborough, A. K. McIntyre Report, Coram. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR-101B. 14 Dec, 1944 89. Present oxygen equipment position in Canada and the U.S.A, FPRC report #446-a 90. Present position of oxygen equipment (excluding cylinders, etc.), in U.S.A., Canada and Great Britain. Report FPRC #341, undated 91. P/W interrogation report: P/W Richter, Joachim, War Dept., U.S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc,, - 9 Apr. 1945 92. R.A.E. Instruction Leaflet No, Inst 425. Pressure breathing equipment; instructions for modification of aircraft oxygen equipment, FPRC Report #628, Appendix I - May 1944 93. Reaction of aviation personnel at a simulated altitude of 30,000 feet to inspiratory obstruction, Dury, Garrett and Tabor Navy Dept., Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va, - Project X-6l6(Av-317-f), 16 Nov. 1945 94. Report on captured Japanese equipment. Oxygen generator and charges from type I.S.S.F, Oscar by Oxygen Section No, 1 F.P.R.U., 1st April 1944. ‘ Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RAAF - FR 85. 1 April 1944 95# Report on "Cascade oxygen system". W, F, Giauque NDRC report, Div, B, serial "201 - March 7, 1942 96, Report on Italian oxygen tank and carrying case. War Dept,, SGO, Captured Med, Equip. Report #18 - 15 Nov, 1944 97, Report on provision of oxygen equipment on ferry aircraft and on aircraft during transatlantic delivery. E. A, Pask Report FPRC #374 (WAMS7-6), undated 540 Oxygen Equipment 98. Report on proposed R.C.A.F, oxygen and W/T equipment with special reference to its interchangeability with present and proposed R.A.F* equipment. JVC* Gilson FPRC report #376 - November 20, 1941 99, Report on the activities of the Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment, Assoc, Comm, on Aviation Med, Research, National Research Council, Canada for the fiscal year 1943-44* G, E. Hall and E,"C. Black Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - 25 Feb, 1944, Appendix B 100, Report on the activities of the Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment, Associate Committee on Aviation Medical Research, National Research Council, Canada, for the fiscal year 1944-45. Hall, Black and Smith Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviatjoq Med, Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix A 101, Report on the performance of the M.S.A. Navy type oxygen rebreathing apparatus for aircraft use. Interim report, 0EMcmr-2B, A. H, Chambers and S, Goldschmidt (Detlev W, Bronk) CAM Report #350 - 10 Sept. 1944 102, Report on U.S, oxygen equipment, R.A.F, Physiol, Lab. FPRC report #461 103o Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee’s activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945. H. E, Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar, 1946 104. Requirements and design characteristics of regulators, V, J, Wulff War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-660-17-F-2, 19 Nov,, 1943 105. Results of ,50 caliber gunfire tests on aircraft type liquid oxygen converters. W, H, Kopetz War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-*6l-N, 2 June 1945 106. Review of oxygen apparatus ffrr aviation in use and development, B. H, C, Matthews FPRC report #375 - November 20, 1941 107. Simple spring-loaded expiratory valve, H, C, Bazett and A, Rawson CAM Report #289 - 21 April 1944 108. Some physiological effects of dead space and the determination of the ”critical dead space” in oxygen breathing equipment, J. N, Stannard and E. M. Russ U, S, Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst, Health, Div,, Indust, Hygiene - 20 Nov,, 1943 Oxygen Equipment 109* Standardisation of British, Canadian, and U, S, oxygen equipment. List of items of oxygen equipment (of) standardised, June, 194.2, FPRC report #449h 110. Standardisation of oxygen equipment for British Canadian and U. S. aircraft. - position in May, 1942. (a) 100 Canadian mask demand valve and microphone assemblies promised for Service trials in U. K. FPRC report #449(a) 111. Standardisation of oxygen equipment in British, Canadian and U. S. aircraft. Items now standardised, June, 1942, FPRC Report #449-f 112. Standardisation of oxygen equipment in British, Canadian & U.S, aircraft. Review of the position in March, 1942, by the British Air Commission. FPRC report #44-9 (b) 113. Standardisation of oxygen equipment in British, Canadian, and U.S, aircraft. FPRC report #449-c, #449-d 114. Standardization of oxygen equipment in British, Canadian and U. S. aircraft. Oxygen, intercommunication, and R/T equipment. Position on 5th June, 1942, (information through R.C.A.F.) FPRC report #449-g 115. Standardization or interchangeability of oxygen supply systems in Canadian, American and British aircraft. Recommendations of Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med. Research, Decc 1941* Report FPRC #411 (WAM-9S2-9) 116. Report on visit to Canada and the U. S. A. for liaison in aviation physiology. Preliminary report on oxygen equipment. Report FPRC #365 (WAM85-5), October 1941 117. Study of the ability of aviation personnel to locate defective parts of oxygen equipment (the A-12 Pioneer diluter-demand regulator and the Arl4 oxygen .mask),] , A. Dury et al Navy Dept,, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va„ - Project X-501 (Av-267-f)(1), 7 Nov. 1945 118. Study of the factual knowledge possessed by aviation personnel concerning the use of oxygen and oxygen equipment, J. B, Carroll et al Navy Dept,, Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va, - Project X-501 (Av-267-f)(2), 7 Nov. 1945 119. Sufficiency of the British oxygen flows with the Canadian constant flow equipment, E. T. Waters and J, S, Hart Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - Oct, 22, 1942, Appendix G Oxygen Equipment 120. Suitability of the Aro test unit for the testing of C3, Pioneer, and Aro demand valves at R.C.A.F, instrument repair sections. Greey, Smith, and Pollard Proc. Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 14 July 1944, Appendix J 121. Summary of all German oxygen equipment examined at the R.A.F, Physiology Laboratory during March to September 1944. H. L, Roxburgh Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 539a, 18 Oct, 1944 122. Summary of investigations on the Burns pneumatic balance resuscitator. Interim report, OEMcmr-147, W, 0, Fenn Special CAM Report - 30 Sept. 1945 123. Summary of tests made on the resistance of materials and fungicides to mildew, from April to October 1944. J, T. Bonner War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAL3-696-70, 8 Dec, 1944 124. Survey of sources of breathing oxygen conforming with Army-Navy aeronautical specification for aviators’ breathing oxygen AN-0-1A, A, M, Cahan War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-660-62, 21 April 1944 125. Technical Intelligence Summary #3. Medical Department Enemy Equipment Intelligence Service Team E.T.O.U.S.A, (Preliminary description of newly acquired items of German medical equipment.) M, J. Plishner War Dept., ETO « March 1945 % 126. Technical manual for low pressure chamber operators. C„ F. Gell et al Navy Dept., Bur, Med, and Surg,, Aviation Med, Div, - undated (rec’d NRC-GMR 5 May 1945) 127. Tests of Akerman oxygen vaporizer under simulated flight conditions, S. S, Prentiss and J, R, Pappenheimer NDRC Report - 4 May 1944 128. Tests of the A-9 mask, and other oxvgen equipment, D. B, Dill War Dept., Air Forces, EXP-54-660-20D, 12 Dec, 1941 129. Tests on oxygen rectification equipment, S. S. Prentiss NDRC report, Div. B, serial #206 - March 16, 1942 130. Transatlantic flight using the University of Toronto liquid oxygen evaporator, H, G, Smith et al Proc. Exec.. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix L 543 Oxygen Equipment 131. "Tracheal" versus "alveolar" air: a review of the methods of selecting certain physiological data bearing on the design of oxygen supply system for aviators, OEMcmr-129. J. B. Bateman and W, M, Boothby CAM report #222 - Dec,, 194-3 132. 225 cubic foot oxygen cylinders and valves. E. V. Rupp War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-57-S, 15 March 194-5 133. United States low pressure "walk around" bottle. H, L, Roxburgh FPRC report #503 134-. University of Toronto liquid oxygen unit for large aircraft. Smith, Findlay, and Kimpton Proc, Exec. Assoc. Comnu Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 14. July ?94A. Appendix I 135, Use of oxygen equipment as reported by fighter pilots, D. V. Hart and W. H. Bachrach War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3**697-41, 4- Aug. 194-5 136, Use of the type K-l low pressure oxygen gage in determining oxygen duration, V. S. Wulff War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-4-9*660-4-8, 14- August, 194-3 137, Valve heater for A-13 masks used for pressure breathing. Allan Hemingway et al War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #300 (4.) - 27 April 194-5 138, Ventilation effects induced by the pneumatic balance resuscitator, 0EMcmr-196o W. E, Berg CAM Report #4A4- - June 194-5 139, Wear tests of the R.A.F. oxygen quick disconnect - Ref. 6D/606. L, D. Sproul Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 13 March 194-5, Appendix K 14-0* Your body in flight. War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - 30 Sept, 194-4- H, Oxygen Leak Tests 1, Apparatus for leak testing of oxygen masks in the field. H, W, Smith and J, S. Hart Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 29 Sept, 1944> Appendix G 2, Calibration of one plastic pocket leak tester, E. P, Vollmer Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-312B, 15 Dec. 1944 3, Calibration of two McKesson pocket model leak testers, E, P, Vollmer Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-312C, 16 Dec, 1944 4, Calibration of two plastic pocket leak testers. E, P, Vollmer and D. E. Goldman Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-312A, 29 Nov. 1944 5, Comparative leak and comfort tests on unlined and lined C2 rubber oxygen masks at -40° F, J. S. Hart Proc, Exec.. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research - 22 April 1944, Appendix D 6, Comparison of oxygen mask leak testing methods, Lilienthal, Riley and Fugitt Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-288 (Av-l66-a) report #2-1 July 1944 7, Evaluation of leak testing methods for oxygen masks, Henson, King and Goldman Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project X-312(2), 20 June 1944 8, Evaluation of the McKesson leak testing method for oxygen masks. Henson, King and Goldman Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-312(1), 12 April 1944 9, Instrument for service testing diluter-demand oxygen equipment in aircrafts Construction, use and evaluation, R, K, Skow Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-597(Av-307-f)(l) - 6 Nov. 1945 10, Instrument for service testing diluter-demand oxygen equipment in aircrafts Testing procedure and maintenance of, R. K, Skow Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-597(Av-307-f)(2) - 17 Nov. 1945 11. Leak tests on A-10R oxygen mask with nasal modification, J. E. Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-39L, 1 Sept,, 1943 545 Oxygen Leak Tests 12. Measurement of the inspiratory leak of oxygen masks by analysis of expired air, J, S, Hart and F, B. Thompson Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix G, Report #2 13. Mechanical leak tester for demand oxygen masks, F, E, J. Fry Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 29 Sept, 1944, Appendix J 14. Method of testing for inspiratory leaks in oxygen masks at No, 1 Clinical Investigation Unit, F. E, J. Fry Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #83 - 21 May 1942 15. Modification of BUAER M-117 demand oxygen mask l&ak tester, R, K, Skow and B, E, Vaughan Navy Dept,, U, S, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla, - Project X-692(l), 15 May 1946 16* Modified "sniff11 tester for detecting mask leak, A. Lein War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #235 (1) - 9 Feb, 1944 17, Optimum safety pressures for certain types of oxygen equipment, OEMcmr-26, G, A, Millikan and R, B. Cherry CAM Report #431 - April 1945 IB, Report on aperture method of stating oxygen makk leakage, B. G, King Naval Med. Research Inst, Project #NH6-1/A11/NMRI~46, 23 Feb, 1944 19. Report on the activities of the Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment, Associate Committee on Aviation Medical Research, National Research Council, Canada, for the fiscal year 1944-45. Hall, Black and Smith Proc. Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix A 20. Study of the manner in which mask leaks change with varying negative pressures• C. H. Fugitt Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-521(l) (Av?275-f) - 29 Jan. 1945 21. Technical manual for low pressure chamber operators. C. F, Gell et al Navy Dept,, Bur, Med, and Surg,, Aviation Med, Div, - undated (rec»d NRC-CMR 5 May 1945) Oxygen Leak Tests 22, Theory for safety pressure, OEMcmr-26. G. A. Millikan .said’ J. R. Pappenheimer CAM Report #41-9 - March 194-5 23, Theory of inspiratory mask leakage, J, S, Hart Proc, Exec.. Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix A 24* Use of aromatic oils as a simple method of detecting and localizing inspiratory leaks in the A-10 mask, R, L, Masland Randolph Field Report #90 (1) - November 2, 1942 547 I. Oxygen Poisoning 1. Biochemical study of pulmonary edema of guinea pigs exposed to high oxygen atmospheres. G. E. Hawkinson and Isidore Gersh Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-192(7), 24 Sept. 1945 2. Changes in brain potentials during convulsions induced by oxygen under pressure. Isidore Gersh and Robert Cohn Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-192 (4), 50 Oct. 1944 3. Comparison of wet and dry performances at 60'* and 90*. Report VI* K, W. Donald Report, Subcomm. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - UPS 15, 6 Apr. 1943 4. Effect of breathing oxygen at atmospheric pressure on tissue oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions. H. J. Taylor Report, Subcomm. Underv/ater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/251, June 1945 5. Effects of breathing pure oxygen under pressure. Report X. K. W. Donald Report, Subcomm. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - UPS 17, 17 May 1943 6. Effects of high pressure oxygen on vision. J, B. S. Haldane and H. Kalmus Report, Subcomm. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 44/112, May 1944 7. Interim report on oxygen intoxication in animals, and the effect of drugs on sensitivity to oxygen intoxication. H. P. Marks Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC - RNP 44/101, April 1944 8. Metabolic factors in oxygen poisoning. Isidore Gersh and C. E. Wagner Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-192(3), 30 Oct, 1944 9. Note on the effect of preoxygenation in the prevention of decompression sickness. R. H. Winfield Flying Personnel Research Comm. — FPRC 542, 16 Aug. 1943 10. Oxygen intoxication in man. Brown, Downman, Macintosh, and Williams Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC — RNP 44/94, 2 March 1944 11. Oxygen poisoning. 0.E. Van Der Aue Navy Yard, Experimental Diving Unit - undated (rac’d NRC-CMR Id Sepo. 1946) 548 Oxygen Poisoning 12. Oxygen poisoning in man; Effect of cysteine hydrochloride and ammonium chloride on the time of onset of toxic symptoms* W. A. White, Jr* Naval Med* Research Inst* - Project X-436(l), 13 Aug, 1945 13* "Oxygen tension” of the cerebral cortex of cats during oxygen poisoning* Gersh, Davies and Larrabee Naval Med* Research Inst* - Project X-192{6), 7 May 1945 14. Oxygen toxicity: A review of the literature* OBMcrar-210. W* C, Stadie and B. C* Riggs Report $22 (abstracted), Comm* Clin. Invest* - 18 Oct, 1943 15* Oxygen toxicity* Final report, 0EMcmr-210* W, C, Stadie Filed with: Reports, Comm* Medicine - 31 May 1946 16. Pneumothorax and extrapulmonic emphysema in cats exposed to oxygen under pressure* Isidore Gersh Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-192(5), 30 Oct. 1944 17. Prevention of the convulsions of oxygen poisoning by means of drugs* C. C* Pfeiffer and Isidore Gersh Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-192{2), 30 Oct. 1944 18. Report on oxygen poisoning in animals including measurements on oxygen and carbon dioxide tissue gas tensions and the effect of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide on the sensitivity to oxygon intoxication, H. J. Taylor Report, Subcoram, Underwater Physiology, RNPRG, MRC - RNP 45/237, Aug* 1945 19. Syndrome of oxygen poisoning in cats* Isidore Gersh Naval Med* Research Inst, - Project X-192(l)f 30 Oct, 1944 20. Time/pressure relationship on oxygen. Report IX. K. *W.• Donald Report, Subcoram* Underwater Physiology, RNPRG, MRG - UPS 16, 3 May 1943 21. Toxic effects of oxygon on brain metabolism, and on tissue enzymes* Frank Dickens Report, Subcomm* Underwater Physiology, RNPRG, LEG « RNP 44/146, March 1944 22* Variation in the oxygen tolerance of human subjects in the wet and in the dry. K, W. Donald Report, Subcomm, Underwater Physiology, RNPRG, MRC - RNP 44/95, March 1944 J. Oxygen Regulators 1# Analysis of the operating qualities of 480 Pioneer diluter oxygen regulators, M. E. Malone Navy Dept., Naval Air 'Draining Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-600 (Av-308-f){1) - 30 June 1945 2. Appraisal of complete inspiratory obstruction as a warning of oxygen supply failure; Comparison of the A12 and the Canadian C-3'B regulator. J. H. Weatherby and A. S. Burt Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla, Project X-500 (1) - 13 Jan. 1945 3. Captured Japanese oxygen regulator used on Japanese suicide rocket planes* Robert Holmes War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-52-M, 15 July 1945 4* Combined mixing and flow regulator. OEMcmr-47. Morris Eckman and A. L. Barach CAM Report #416 - 15 Feb* 1945 5* Cylinder oxygen expenditures of A-12 regulators'* Goldman, King and Henson Naval Med. Research Inst* - Project NMRI-136, 18 July 1945 6* Demand apparatus for automatic delivery of aerosols during the inspiratory cycle. Interim report, OEMcmr-47* Morris Eckman et al, CAM Report #417 - 15 Feb. 1945 7. Diluter demand oxygon regulator, safety pressure type. W. G* Kulesz War Dept., Air Forces, TSSLA-3-660-86-A, Aug, 1945 tt 8. Dragerwerk, Lubeck, Germany. (Translation) W. R. Lovelace et al War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #85 - 13 May 1945 1 9* Effect of interrupting the oxygen supply to a regulator on breathing. H. G. Swann War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL3-696-69A, 11 Jan. 1945 10* Factor of safety of the dilutor-demand regulator estimated in terms of the neutralized mask leak. J. S, Gray War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #306(1) - 27 July 1944 11# Final report of tests on the Eclipse Pioneer Diluter-Demand Oxygen Regulator with the safety pressure attachment. Falconer Smith and H. Specht CAM Report #423 - 12 March 1945 12. Flight tests of Pioneer Bendix Diluter Demand Regulator (AN-6004-1). Mathis, King and Hollar Navy Dept., Bur. Med. and Surg., - 9 Aug. 1944, 550 Oxygen Regulators 13. Junctional characteristics of experimental A-14 manual pressure breathing diluter demand oxygen regulators. H. L. Burns War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-52-F, 1 June 1944 14. Functional characteristics of the Canadian ”C3B” demand oxygen regulator-* R. C. Van Gundy War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-52-G, 21 June 1944 15* Further data on the performance of developmental models of the C3B air- oxygen demand valve. Fry, Black and Pollard Proc. Exec.t Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 April 1944, ,Appendix S 16. Further report on the effect of safety pressure on the performance of diluter demand oxygen regulators. Specht, Marshall and Altland U* S. Public Health Service, Nat’l Inst, Health, Div. Indust. Hygiene - 14 March 1945 17, Margin of safety for mask leaks with certain A-12 demand regulators used by the R.C.A.F. J. S. Hart Proc. Exec,, Assoc. Comm.Aviation Mod. Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945 Appendix F 18. Memorandum for flight surgeons. Summary report No, 4, War Dept., Air Forces, Mi sc, - undated (recTd NRC-CMR 21 Mar, 1946) 19. Minutes of conference on diluter demand oxygen regulators with safety pressure, held 8 Aug, 1945, J, N, Stannard Navy Dept., Misc* - 1 Sept, 1945 20, Monograph for the estimation of the uptake of carbon monoxide by flying personnel breathing air or breathing through a diluter demand regulator, Nello Pace Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-417{9), 9 Aug, 1945 21. Optimum safety pressures for certain types of oxygen equipment. OEIcmr-26, G. A. Millikan and R. B. Cherry CAM Report #431 - April 1945 22, Oxygen consumption - installation of no, 80 orifice in Pioneer regulator to type A-3 blinker line. G. F. Benoit War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-17-L-2, 3 June 1944 23, Oxygen economy with pressure-breathing equipment, Wilson, Finkel, and Jordan CAM Report #331 - 5 June 1944 551 Oxygen Regulators 24, Peak rates of oxygen flow from oxygen supply systems, J. H, Weatherly and A. S, Burt Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-324 (3) - 1 March 1945 25* Performance of Pioneer Air-oxygen Demand Regulators Type A-12 after strengthening the spring used in the air inlet check valve, F. E, J. Fry and E. C. Black Proc, Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 29 Sept, 1944, Appendix D 26. Permissible expiratory resistance in aircraft equipment. J. H. Weatherly Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-611 (Av-313-s)(1) - 1 Sept. 1945 27. Preliminary report of the interrogation of certain high staff officers of the Luftwaffe medical services. H. C. Armstrong et al War Dept,, U, S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 16 July 1945 28. Q,uantitiative characteristics of the C3B demand valve* Fry, Pollard and Smith Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm., Aviation Med. Research - 22 April 1944, Appendix F 29* Reaction of aviation personnel at a simulated altitude of 30,000 feet to inspiratory obstruction. Dury, Garrett and Tabor Navy Dept., Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Va* - Project X-616(Av-317-f), 16 Nov. 1945 30, Regulator and cylinder assembly, low pressure portable oxygen (continuous flow)• D.R. Good 7/ar Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-17-M-2, 2 June 1944 31, Regulator, automatic continuous flow oxygen, D* R. Good War Dept,, Air Forces, TSSLA-3-660-68-E, 2 Aug, 1945 32, Report of tests on R.a.A.F. type 1 oxygen regulator S/N0, 285, Prescott Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 105, undated (rec'd NRG-CMR 28 April 1945) 33, Report of tests on type J158 oxygen regulators. Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 104, undated (rec'd NRC-GMR 28 April 1945) 34, Report of visit to European Theatre of Operations. H. E, Savely War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL3-697-9, 30 Nov. 1944 552 Oxygen Regulators 35. Safety pressure attachment for the Canadian demand valve. F. E. J, Fry and S. A. Pollard Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 23 Sept, 1944, Appendix K 36. Service test of pressure breathing equipment for 315th Bomb Wing (TH). S. C. Allen War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-695-1HH, 6 Aug, 1945 37. Subjective reactions and inspiratory resistances of Pioneer Diluter-Demand regulator with dilutor ’’on” in presence of failure of oxygen supply, A. J. Eorofsky and 0, V, Renaud Navy Dept,, U, S. Marine Corps - Research report #X - 405(Av-219-6)(1), 31 July 1944 38. Test of the General Electric acceleration activated air pressure regulator {P-321-14) and valve (P-321-13). Interim report, OEMcmr-199. Harold Lamport and L. P. Herrington CAM Report $484 - 1 May 1945 39. Theory for safety pressure. OEMcmr-26. G. A. Millikan and J. R* Pappenheimer CAM Report #419 - March 1945 553 K. Oxygen Requirements 1. Calculation of equivalent altitudes. J. S, Gray War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #291(1) - 19 July 1944 2* Carbon monoxide poisoning in atmospheres deficient in oxygen and ■* containing excessive carbon dioxide. Medical Research Council, Natl. Inst, for Med. Research - 16 Oct. 1944 3* Effect of decompression on human resting metabolism. OiMcrar-196, S. F. Cook CAM Report #405 - 9 Jan. 1945 4* Handbook of respiratory data in aviation. D. W. Bronk et al Filed with; Reports, Comm. Oxygen and Anoxia - 1944 5. Indoctrination of German fliers - use of oxygen. (Translation of German handbook) Vvar Dept., U. S. Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Med. Intell. Bull, #21 - 5 Jan. 1945 6. Method of determining oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production of divers using self-contained breathing apparatus. H. B. Barlow and K. W. Donald Report. Subcomm. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/179, Nov, 1944 7. Oxygen requirements as affected by physical activity and by simulated altitudes. Hall, Wilson, Bonner and Finkel CM Report #239 - 11 November 1943 8. Oxygen requirements while using the A-8B oxygen mask without the rebreather bag. K. G. Swann War Dept,, Air Fcrces, TSEAL3-696-421, 20 Feb. 1945 9. Oxygen uptake of divers. K. W. Donald and W. M. Davidson Report, Subcomm, Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/180, Nov, 1944 10. Peak rates of oxygen flow from oxygen supply systems* J. H. Weather by and A. S. Burt Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-324(3) - 1 March 1945 11. Peak rates of oxygen flow from oxygen supply systems; Frequency of simultaneous inspirations in a group of ten subjects. J, H. Weatherby and A. S. Burt Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., Project X-324(5) - 12 April 1945 Oxygen Requirements 12# Pulmonary ventilation of flyers at high altitudes* L* D* Carlson and V. J* Wulff War Dept*, Air Forces, Eng* 49-660-48-G-, 9 Oct. 1944 15* Scales of oxygen supply for the therapeutic use of oxygen in aircraft* J* K. W* Ferguson Proc. Exec*, Assoc. Comm.Aviation Ivied* Research - 22 April 1944, Appendix I 14* Study of the factual knowledge possessed by aviation personnel concerning the use of oxygen and oxygen equipment. J* B, Carroll et al Navy Dept., Naval Air Station, Norfolk, Ya. - Pro£ ct X-501 (Av-267-f)(2), 7 Nov. 1945. 555 L. Oxygen Reservoir Systems !• Adequacy of reservoir delivery oxygen systems* J. K, W. Ferguson Proc. Exec.. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research «• 22 April 1944, Appendix G 2. Clinical use of R.C.A.F. reservoir assembly 6D/147 for the administration of oxygen. H. E. Rykert Report #172, Coram. Oxygen Equipment, KRCC - 15 Oct. 1942 3. Optimum sizes of reservoirs for the breathing of oxygen. J. K. W. Ferguson Proc. Exec. , Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 April 1944, Appendix H 4, Oxygen economizer for use in adapting demand masks to free flow systems. 0EMcmr~26« J. R. Pappenheimer and J. C. Lilly CAM Report #359 - August 1944 5, Pulmonary ventilation of flyers at high altitudes. A. D. Carlson and V. J. Wulff War Dept*, Air Forces, Eng. 49-660-48-G, 9 Oct. 1944 6* Report on the activities of the Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment, Associate Committee on Aviation Medical Research, National Research Council, Canada, for the fiscal year 1944-45 Hall, Black and Smith Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix A XL1V. parachute 1, Abbreviated form of a statistical report on parachuting bases on 11,000 descents made at Ringway during November, Decemberr and! January, 194-1/2. ’ FPRC report #445(WAM-101-37) * * 2, Abstract from'Information Report concerning the Investigations and d.eyelopments of the Parachute Division of the Forschungsanstalt Graf Zeppelin, dated 14 July 194,5. Theodor Knacke . ;:.War .DeptAir Forces, TSEAA-660-99, 28 Feb, 1946, Appendix C 3, Aero-medical exploitation, Germany 1945. * W, F. Sheeley .9. ’ War Dept,, Air Forces, Wise, - 1 Feb, 1945 to„15 Oct, 1945 4, Air evacuation and*survival. War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAI-3-697-2JJJ, Appendix 32, 20'Sept, 1945* 5, Air Staff Post-hostilities Intelligence Requirements on'German Air - Force, ‘ -■ 0, B. Schreuder et al , • .* '' ; War Dept., U. S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. -16 Aug. 1945 6, Alaskan test of'"parachute equipment, H. B, Washburn, Jr, * War Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Div. - EXP-M-49-696-2C 7, Aneroid activated parachute opening device, Hallenbeck, Martin and Maison War Dept., Mr Forces, TSELA5B-696-66A, 25 Oct. 1944 B, Aviation medical problems in the European and Mediterranean theatres of operation, W, R, Lovelace, II War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA5B-697-8, 1 Nov, 1944 9# Bailing out above 30,000 feet, K, E, Penrod War Dept,, Air Corps, Materiel Div. - EXP-M-49-696-6A, November 27, 1942 10. Breathing pattern in a parachute harness, J, T, Bonner War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-7G, 19 Feb. 1944 11, Cold weather trials of clothing and equipage, 1944* Pry cold area. Equipment (a). Canadian Dept,, Nat’l, Defence, Cold Weather Trials Report 1944 “ Stage 2, Volume 9, undated (rec’d NRC-GMR, 9 March 1945) 557 Parachute 12. Comparison of different types of parachute harness with particular reference to ease of release. C. L, Gemmill et al Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla. - Project #X-292 (Av-168-u), report #1-7 March 1944 13. Comparison of shock force at opening of ripstop nylon and standard nylon parachutes, G, L, Maison and K. E, Penrod War Dept*, Air Forces, TSEAL-3-696-66I, 20 July 194$ 14. Comparison of shock force at opening of silk and nylon parachutes at various altitudes. Hall, Penrod and Maison War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-66C, $ May 1945 1$, Comparison of shock force of opening of 24 and 28 foot nylon parachutes at various altitudes, Penrod, Maison and Hall War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-66G, 22 May 1945 16. Descent times of 200-pound dummies with 28-foot silk, 28-foot nylon and 24-foot nylon parachutes, Maison, Penrod and Hall War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-66H, 30 May 1945 17. Employment, development and production of equipment for war against Japan, Part 9-General: dropping of supplies by parachute, special rations, tentage, water transport (small craft) etc, Australian file - undated 18. Evaluation of targets investigated and summary of information obtained pertaining to research in aviation medicine for the German Air Force, W. R. Lovelace and V, J. Dulff War Dept,, U, S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 4 Aug. 1945 19. Exertion required of personnel in opening A-3 chest type parachute. Martin, Maison and Peck War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAL3-696-69, 22 Dec. 1944 20. Exertion required of personnel in opening the S-l seat pack parachute, Er E, Martin War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAL-3-696-69D, 18 Sept. 1945 21. Exertion required of personnel in opening type B-8 back pack parachute, E, E, Martin War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-69C, 2 May 1945 22. Experiments with human subjects on simulated free fall with particular regard to actual parachute descents from high altitudes and observations on the incidence of aeroembolism. A, L, Barach et al CAM Report #120 - April 15, 1943 (Abstract) 558 Parachute 23. Fifth crash injury conference. E, F, DuBois and W, R. Miles Special CAM Report - 30 and 31 Oct. 194-5 24., Fractures of spine. R.A.F, pilots, rel, to Sutton harness, parachute harness, etc. R. Watson Jones. Reports FPRC #274, 274A, Mar., Apr. »4I 25, German automatic parachute opening device. W. A, Schuffler and G. L, Maison War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAA-696-97, 20 Nov, 194-5 26, German occupation and disarmament: Aviation medical aspects in Schleswig-Holstein. W. K, Stewart and H, L, Roxburgh FPRC #627 - May 1945 27, German parachute troops at Crete, C. G, G, Mackey Report FPRC #360 (WAM85-2), undated 28, German personal oxygen equipment, parachutes, Mae Wests, dinghies, clothing, cockpit lighting. Interrogation of Cberst Ing, Christensen, Chief of Technische, Luftrustung/Entxvicklung 5 - at Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, on 26th October and 1st November, 1945 J, C. Gilson and E.A.G, Goldie FPRC Report #647 - Nov. 1945 29, Improved parachute opening device. OEMcmr-196, C. A, Tobias and J, H, Lawrence CAM Report #411 - 1 Feb. 1945 30, Incidence of training injuries, British War Office Misc, Report #184 • undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 3 Aug. 1944) 31, Injuries to aircrew from the chest-type parachute. P, A, Lee FPRC Report #65Ba - May 1946 32, Injury record for planes involved in accidents, U, S, Army Air Forces, Continental U. S, for January 1944 through June_1945. B, A, Schneider War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - 1 Dec, 1945 33, Instructions, for back-pack parachute Rlifa 12B with bail-out oxygen system 10-6521 A-D HAS-16D, (Translation) War Dept., Misc, - May 1944 34, Interrogation of combat veterans, N, E, Collias and W, H. Bachrach War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-15, 17 May 1945 Parachute 35. Investigation into the causes of wastage in parachute troops, W, B, Trotter British War Office DBR paper #10 - undated: Misc, Report #64. 36. Kit, emergency, parachute type. G. E. Hall Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research, 28 Apr,, 194-1 - Appendix A 37. Limiting effect of centripetal acceleration on manfs ability to move. (An appraisal of some of the difficulties which may be encountered when attempting escape from a spinning aircraft), OEMcmr-129. Code, Wood and Lambert CAM Report #436 - May 1945 38. Lindquist-Ryan tensiometer, G, A, Hallenbeck War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-49-696-61, 8 April 1944 39. Magnitude and duration of parachute opening shocks at various altitudes and air speeds, Hallenbeck, MacCardle and Penrod War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-66, 8 July 1944 40. Medical problems of the merchant ship fighter unit (M.S.F.U.). R, H. Winfield FPRC report #468 - May 25, 1942 41. Memorandum for flight surgeons. Summary report No, 4. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 21 Mar, 1946) 42. Method of measuring and comparing the interference with movement produced by various types of: flying clothing, and the effect of parachute harness on resistance to movement, J, S, Hart Min, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research - May 16, 1942, Appendix M, 43. Miscellaneous aviation medical matters, Leo Alexander War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Report #88 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 18 Mar. 1946) 44. Net-suit, combined with parachute and safety harness. Final report, OEMcmr-143. R, W, Wilkins Special CAM Report - 8 May 1946 45. New results and problems in medical stratosphere research, H, Strughold (Luftwissen Vol, IX, No, 6, June 1942, pp. 177-181, Translated by L, J, Goodlet) FPRC report, miscellaneous 46. Note on certain medical aspects of parachute troop training in the Middle East, E. T, C. Spooner British War Office - December 20, 1942; Misc. Report #30 Parachute 47, Note on the useful life of silk parachutes used by paratroops. T* F. Johns and M, E, Hallum Filed with: FPRC, Royal Aircraft Establishment - March 1944 48, Observations, experiences and recommendations, related to bailing out at high altitudes, W, M, Boothby et al War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - Mayo Aero Med, Unit, Series A Report #1, 3 Oct, 1942 49, Parachute and mobile troop ration. Data of each component individually and the complete ration collectively, Aug. 26, 1941 Min. Comm, Med, Nutrition - August 27, 1941 - Appendix 2 50, Parachute descent and time-reserve at great heights, (Luftfahrtmedizin, vol. 6, #4, 1942) Grauer et al FPRC Miscellaneous File 51, Parachute descent from a pressure altitude of 39,750 feet (density altitude, 40,200 feet). W, Randolph Lovelace, II War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-695-1K, 9 July, 1943 52, Parachute injuries, W. P, Forcade War Dept,, inner, Med. Soc,, ETO - 28 July, 1943 53, Parachutes, War Dept., Air Forces, PIF - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Feb. 1945) 54, Parachute technique of the Aerodynamic Department of the Graf Zeppelin Research Establishment, Stuttgart/Ruit, War Dept., U. S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Feb. 1946) 55, Preliminary report of the interrogation of certain high staff officers of the Luftwaffe medical services, H, G. Armstrong et al War Dept,, U. S, Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 16 July 1945 56, Prevention of injury in aircraft crashes. J, C, Gilson, W, K, Stewart, and Z, Pekarek FPRC report #556 - Dec, 1943 57, Problem of escape by parachute in acute aerial emergencies in flying training, G, M, Hass War Dept., Air Forbes Randolph Field #417(1) - 5 Sept, 1945 58, Progress of aviation medicine in the Royal Air Force and its application to the problems of civil aviation. H, E. Whittingham FPRC Report #667 - 13 July 1946 561 Parachute 59, Psychological observations on selection and training of parachute troops, A, Kennedy British War Office - undated; Misc, Report #46 60, Pulsating parachute seat cushion, report #2. D. I. Patt War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAL-3-695-58B, 30 Oct, 194.5 61, Quick connector seat type parachute, W, E, Cowie Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - 25 Feb, 1944, Appendix J 62, Rates of free-fall and of open parachute descent from high altitudes, A, C. Burton Proc, Exec., Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 14 July im, Appendix G 63, Rations for the parachute kit, D, B, Dill War Dept,, Air Force, Materiel Div. - EXP-M-49-696-19D 64, Recent advances in research on parachutes by the Aero-Medical Section of the German Air Force. R, C, He Tripp FPRC Report #635 - July 1945 65, Report of ditching incident by U.S.A.A.F, ferry command pilot, (South Atlantic area). Navy Dept,, Emergency Rescue Equipment Section - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR - 22 Oct, 1943) * 66, Report on problem of air sickness in parachute troops. Medical aspects of selection and training of parachute troops. R. H. Winfield Reports FPRC #277, 277A, Mch. 27, *41 67, Report on the activities of the Aerodynamic Department of the Graf Zeppelin Research Establishment, H, Heinrich War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc. - 26 Feb, 1946 68, Report on the third "Crash Injury Conference," Subject; The safer cockpit. Special CM report - 15 and 16 May 1944 69, Report on the U, S. Army Alaskan test expedition, 1942. S/L P. W, Webb Filed with? Comm, Protective Clothing, NRCC - August 14, 1942 70, Report on visit to Middle East Forces, H. L, Marriott. Airborne and parachute troops. Report, M.P.R.C. - BPC 54 (WA-33-19 a), July 14, 1941 Parachute 71. Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee’s activities for the period June 194-0 to December 1945. H, E. Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar. 1946 72. Research on air sickness in parachute, glider, and other personnel. Effect of posture, clothing, food, anoxia, psychological factors. Comm. Air Sickness, F.P.R.C, orig, #410 (WAM-9B2-7), Jan, 8, 1942 73. Results of dual attempts at consecutive escape by parachute from uncontrolled two-seated training aircraft, G, M, Hass War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #328(1) - 12 Feb, 1945 74. Spring activated automatic parachute opening device, Bancera, Tobias and Lawrence CAM Report #374 - 15 Nov,. 1944 75. Standards of fitness for S.A.S, troops, (Parachute troops.) Report, MPRC - BPC 79(W-228-lrr) 76. Statement from Army Council regarding recommendations and work of M.P.R.C,: body armor, helmets, tank ventilation, respirators, night vision, flame throwers, danger from X-rays, clothing, parachute and air-borne troops. Report, M.P.R.C. - BPC 174 (W-151-2d), Dec. 1941 77. Study of factors which operate against the successful escape of occupants from aircraft, George Hass War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #249 (1) - 5 May 1944 78. Summary of activities at Forschungsanstalt Graf Zeppelin. German File - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Feb, 194-6) 79. Summary of German aviation medical research. W, R. Lovelace and V. J, Wulff War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAA-660-99, 28 Feb, 1946 XLV. PARATROOPS 1* Air evacuation and survival* War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-697-2JJJ, Appendix 32, 20 Sept. 1945 2* Arnhem; I* The landing and the bridge. British War Office, Army Bur. Current Affairs, "War" - #83, 9 Dec. 1944 3. Casualties to airborne sorties (paratroop and glider) expected from the fire of supporting guns. E. Harrison and R. J. Whitney Army Operational Research Group, AORG - #247, 15 Feb. 1945 4* Evaluation of the personal inventory for predicting success in parachute school. Go A. Setter NDRC Report, OSRD #4870 - 28 March 1945 5* German paratroop standards lowered. (Selection, training, equipment, parachutes, gliders, field rations, first aid training.) War Dept., Tactical and Tech, Trends #49 - 1 August 1944, pp, 22-24 6. Incidence of training injuries. British War Office Misc. Report #184 - undated (recTd, HRC-CMR 3 Aug. 1944) 7. Japanese parachute troop equipment. War Dept., Tactical & Tech, Trends #14 - December 17, 1942, pp. 47-48 with correction 8. Medical examination of candidates for parachute regiment A.A.C, British War Office Misc, Report #223 - 13 Nov, 1944 9. Motion dickness and physiological problems peculiar to parachutists and other airborne troops. Final report, 0i!Mcmr-282, D. B. Tyler Filed with: Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - 31 May 1946 10. Note on certain medical aspects of parachute troop training in the Middle East. E. T. 0. Spooner British War Office - December 20, 1942; Misc. Report #30 11. Paradoctors. Navy Dept., Coast Gurard, Air Sea Rescue Bull., Vol. Ill, #4 - Apr. 1046, pp. 28-29 12. Paratroops organized for rescue in arctic. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull. #2 - July 1944, p. 26 13. Rations and chemical warfare equipment used by German parachutists in Crete, War Dept., Tactical & Tech. Trends #13 - Dec. 3, 1942, p, 49 14. RCAF rescue parachute jumpers. _ Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull. Vol. II, #2, - Oct, 1945, pp. 16-19 Paratroops 15* Smoke jumpers* Navy Dept*, Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull., Vol. Ill, #4 - Apr, 1946, pp. 13-17 16, Your body in flight, War Dept*, Air Forces, Misc, - 30 Sept. 1944 XLVI. PERFORMANCE tests 1, Acute carbon monoxide poisoning and effect of mild oxygen deficiency and low CO concentration on dogs. Effect of low CO concentration on c human performance. Final report, 02Mcmr-14. S. Bellet et al Report #1 (abstracted), Comm. Indust* Med, - 1 Aug. 1943 2, Analysis of photographic records of aircraft pilot performance, M,S* Viteles and A,S, Thompson Filed with; Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - July 1944 3, Assessment of instrument flying performance: further methods for automatic recording of an aircraft’s flight path, R, B, Loucks War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #333 (2) - 11 Dec, 1945 4, Comparative trial of two attitude indicators. R, C. Browne FPRC #611(a) - April 1945 5* Comparison of preference for training with an evaluation of combat performance of pilots, Richard Trumbull and Oscar Backstorm Navy Dept., Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla,, Project Z-718(l) - 1 July 1946 Comparison of range tracking, method; tracking to a fixed hairline versus tracking to a rotating hairline, D, B* Lindsley et al NDRC Report, OSRD #3358 - 4 July 194-4 7, Compendium of. aviation medicine, Siegfried Ruff and Hubertus Strughold Special C.-M Report - 1942 B, Conference on "Working Efficiency and High Temperatures", 23 October 1945» Filed with: Reports, Coram, Clothing - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 15 Jan, 194-6 9* Contrast discrimination charts for demonstrating the effect of anoxia on vision. Final report, OEMcmr-191. Selig Hecht et al CAM Report #358 - 22 Aug, 1944 10, Design of a study of the relationships between visual measures and flight * performance, M, Sa Viteles OSRD, Array-Wavy-OSRD Vision Comm, - 10 April 1945, PP* 43,“56 11, Development of a ’Falling Hammer’ for producing.psyche.logical stress,. Jack Duel War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #285(1) - 31 July 1944 Performance Tests 12, Development of the screen interpretation test for airborne radar equipment, D, B, lindsley et al NDRC Report, OSRD #3897 - 15 July 1944 13, Development of the testing techniques and procedures utilized at the Climatic Research Laboratory, Morris, Goddard and Silver War Dept,, OOMG, Climatic Research Lab, - 10 May 194-6 14., Direction of movement of machine controls, M, A, Vince FPRC Report #637 - August 1944 15, Effective target diameter as a factor in determining difficulty of the S.A.M, Two-Hand Coordination Test, W, I', Grether War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #304(1) - 25 July 1944 16, Effect of age uprn the physical fitness rating, P, V, Karpovich War Air Forces, Randolph Field #191(2) - 11 July 1944 17, Effect of diet on altitude tolerance. Interim report, OEMcmr-47, A, L, Barach et al CAM Report #402 - 17 Jan, 1945 18, Effect of excessive intakes of certain of the water-soluble vitamins on man's resistance to cold, Aug0 *31, 1943-May 31, 1944. Final report, OEMcmr-234* H. H, Mitchell et al (R, W, Keeton and H, H, Mitchell) Report #23 (abstracted). Comm, Med, Nutrition - 1 Dec, 1944 19, Effect of seven hour exposure to a pressure altitude of 100,000 feet on psychomotor performance, F, S, Grodins War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #402 (1) - 11 June 1945 20, Effect of shape and color coding of airplane controls on speed and accuracy of performance, Joseph Weitz War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #336(1), 23 Dec, 1944 21, Effect of shape of handles and position of controls on speed and accuracy of performance when visual cures are restricted, Joseph Weitz War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #351 (1) - 29 March 1945 22, Effect of successive fasts on the ability of men to withstand fasting during hard work. Interim report, OEMcmr-27, H, L, Taylor et al (Ancel Keys) Filed with: Reports, Goram, Med, Nutrition - 29 Aug, 1944 23, Effect of sulfonamide drugs on anoxia tolerance; effects df prophylactic doses of sulfanilamide, sulfathiazole, sulfadiazine and sulfapyrazine. P, K. Smith War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #76 (1) - 23 Feb, 1943 Performance Tests 24, Effect of the shape of handles and position of controls on speed and accuracy of performance, Joseph Weitz CAM Report #325 - 12 June 1944 25, Effect on human subjtcts of the degree of ascorbic acid deficiency : . induced and of the disturbance of the metabolism of the vitamin by mild anoxia and its correlation with acid-base disturbances and 17 -ketosteroid excretion. Abstract of final report, OMcmr-236, A* C. Ivy et al CAM Report #457 - 30 June 1945 26# Effects of a small dose of hyoscine upon performance. Annual report, OEMcmr- 279# Alexander, Cotzin and Wendt Filed with: Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (rec’d, MIC-OMR 21 Sept, 1944) 27, Effects of food intake upon resistance to functional impairment during- exposure to altitude. Final report, OEMcrar-224, C. G. King CAM Report - #495 * Jan, 1946 (Summary) 28, Effects of heat and high humidity on prolonged visual search as measured by the clock test. N. H, Mackworth FPRC Report #586 (c) - Feb. 1946 29, Effects of heat and high humidity on pursuitmoter scores, N. H. Mackworth Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RHP 45/199, May 1945 30, Effects of high altitudes (decreased barometric pressure) on simple mental work, R, W. Russell , 4 , War Depto, Air Forces, Randolph Field #20 (1) - 31 March 1942 31, Electric ’’reaction meter” suitable for prolonged performance tests, B. Katz Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 62, undated (rec’d 1 Aug, 1944) 32, Evaluation of various psychological performance tests for altitude chamber research, R J3# Loucks War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #202 (1) - 17 Aug, 1944 33, Experimental studies on man with a restricted intake of the B vitamins. Part I, The borderline of deficiency. Revised ed, Ancel Keys et al Report #35, Coram. Med. Nutrition - 20 Feb. 1945 34, Experimental studies on man with a restricted intake of the B vitamins , Part XI. The results of acute deprivation of vitamins of the B complex. Interim report, OEMcrar-27• Ancel Keys et al 0 T in.. Filed with: Reports, Coram. Med, Nutrition - 8 Jan. 1945. Performance Tests 35. Experiments concerning the indirect effects of explosives on the efficiency of soldiers. British War Office Mi sc. Report #195 - undated (rec’d. NRC-CMR 30 Aig . 1944) 36. Factors in deterioration and rehabilitation. Final report, OEMcmr-413, Ancel Keys et al Filed with: Reports, Comm. Conval. and Rehab. - 15 Feb, 1946 37. First report on the Harrogate investigation (psychological tests). FPRC Report #529(P) - Nov. 1944 38. Fitness for aircrew. A psychological and physiological survey of aircrew enlistments in the Royal New Zealand Air Force. New Zealand File - Nov, 1944 39. Flexible gunnery proficiency on the gun camera mission as effected by practic< on the Sperry Spotlight Trainer (E-8, modified) and the Panoramic Gunnery Trainer, Mark II. A. W. Melton War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #321(1) - 19 Oct. 1944 40. "Fluctuations in navigator performance during operational sorties. D. D. Reid FPRC Report #615 - April 1945 41. Follow-up report on the Harrogate experiment. E. G. Chambers FPRC Report #529(s) - May 1946 42. Franks’ flying suit mark III: report on operational trials in the. second tactical air force. Cellars, Rose and Kerr Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 584 (a). undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 14 Dec. 1944) 43. Friction in manual controls with special reference to its effect on accuracy of corrective movements in conditions simulating jolting. W. E. Hick FPRC #623 - June 1945 44. Hard work on restricted B vitamins. 0EMcmr-27, Ancel Keys et al Report #7 (abstracted), Comm. Med. Nutrition - 3 Nov, 1943 45. Harrower - Erickson stress tolerance test. F. Misc. Canadian Report #153 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 8 Nov, 1945) 46. Impairment in psychomotor performance with the Type A-13 pressure demand oxygen system at 45,600 feet simulated altitude, R. B. Loucks War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #308(1) - 9 Aug, 1944 Performance Tests 47* Investigation of effects of a course of mepacrine on vision* W. H. R. Jeremy and R* Holt FPRC Report #578a - Oct. 1944 48. Maximum comfortable range of movement at the wrist, working against resistance* VV. E. L. Clark Report, Comm* Armoured Vehicles, MPRC - EPC 45/295, Dec, 1943 49* Methods for detection of early signs of vitamin C deficiency. Final report, OEMcmr-71, C. J. Farmer et al Report #16 (abstracted), Comm* Med. Nutrition - 25 March 1944, 50. Minutes of the Joint Conference (U*S,N.:R.N*: R.C.N.) on Selection of Underwater Sound Operators, 13 April 1944, C. W. Shilling and E. A» Sellers Proc. Assoc, Comm, Naval Med. Research - 15 May 1944, Appendix I 51. Motor performance of normal young men maintained on restricted intakes of vitamin B complex. OHvlcmr-27, Josef Brozek et al Report #40, Comm, Med, Nutrition - 20 July 1945 52. Notes on the clock test - a new approach to the study of prolonged visual perception to find the optimum length of watch for radar operators. N. H. Mackworth Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 586, May 1944 53. Performance as related to composition of alveolar air* Interim report, OEMcmr-147• A. B. Otis et al Special CAM Report - 28 Nov. 1945 54. Performance comparison of oxygen and oxygen— mixtures at 43,300 feet. Huram, Liberman, and Nims CAM Report #335 - 18 July 1944 55. Physiological work rates of the driver and loader in the tank T26ii,3 in re- lation to fatigue and efficiency of performance. Second partial report® C* L» Scott Armored Med, Research Lab, - 19 June 1945 56. Pilot experiment in shift work. R* C * Browne FPRC #514{d) - May 1945 57. Plan for investigation of the effects of hot environments upon the working efficiency and health of naval personnel. Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 44/120 undated (rac'd NRC-CMR 22 Dec. 1944) 570 Performance Tests 58. Possible effects of small daily doses of sulfadiazine on flying personnel. P. A. Campbell War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #293 (1) - 29 July 1944 59. Prediction of code learning ability. A. K. Kurtz NDRC Report, OSRD #4059 - 26 Aug. 1944 60. Proficiency of graduate basic gunners during ten successive gun camera missions. M. H. Smith, Jr., and Mason Haire War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #344(1) - 10 Jan. 1945 61. Proficiency of untrained gunners during ten successive gun camera missions. M. H. Smith and Mason Haire War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #343 (1) - 23 Feb* 1945 62. Psychological performance test for anoxia research. N. C. Traylen Report, No. 1 Flying Personnel Research Unit, FPRC, RAAF - FR 125, undated (rac'd NRC-CMR 17 Dec. 1945) 63. Psychological tests for evaluating late neurotic diffuse organic and normal reactions following head injury. 02Mcmr-148. Lynn, Levine and Hewson Report #8 (abstracted) Comm. Neurosurgery - 17 Dec. 1943 64* Psychomotor performance and arterial oxygen saturation during positive pressure breathing in an altitude chamber, OEMcmr-28. Larrabee, Modes, and Pappenheimer CAM Report #342 - 15 Aug. 1944 65* Report of an investigation into the effects of asymmetry of aircraft controls. FPRC #621 - May 1945 66. Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee1s activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945. H. F. Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar. 1946 67. Revised serial reaction time apparatus for use in appraised flying aptitude* R. A. McFarland and R. C. Channell Filed with: Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Sept. 1944 68. Revised two-hand coordination test. R. A. McFarland and R. C. Channell Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Oct. 1944 69. S.A.M, self-pacing discrimination reaction time test (CP611E). J. S. Brown War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #275 (1) - 12 July 1944 571 Performance Tests 70# Secret report No. 2 - Effect of respirator (anti-gas) upon gun sighting performance. Fatigue Laboratory, National Health and Medical Research Council. D, H. K. Lee, C, White and G. Kleram Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 102, 29 Dec# 19 44 71# Secret report No. 3. Psycho-motor efficiency (as measured by time for accurate gun-laying) under hot conditions. Lee, Klemm and White Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAaF - FR 109. 18 Jan. 1945 72; Simple procedure for warming the hands to maintain manual dexterity during exposure to extreme cold. H. R. Miller et al War Dept., Signal Corps, Climatic Research Unit, Eng, Memo $18 CR - 6 July 1944 73. Skid-slip recorder for assessing the proficiency of student pilots during routine check rides. R. B. Loucks War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field $347(1) - 23 Dec, 1944 74. SMA3 test and ability to learn to fly. A<* B. Hill and G. 0. Williams Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research -FPRC 574, March 1944 75. Standardization of a test of hand strength. M. B. Fisher and J. E, Birren Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-293(5), 16 April 1945 76. Standardization of two tests of hand-eye coordination; A two-hand complex tapping test and a rotary pursuit test, J. E« Birren and M. B. Fisher Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project Z-293(6), 24 Sept. 1945 77. Standardization of two tests of postural equilibrium: the railwalking test and the ataxiagraph. M. B. Fisher and J. S. Birren Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-293(l), 27 Oct, 1944 78. Statistical evaluation of the United States Navy Officer Qualification Test-Forms 2 and 3. D. A. Peterson NDRC Report, OSRD $3978 - 4 Aug. 1944 79. Studies of motion sickness: XIII. The effects of sickness upon rifle target shooting. Final report, OEMcmr-524* S. J. Alexander et al Filed with: Reports, Comm. Motion Sickness - undated (recfd NRC-CMR 17 Apr. 1946 80. Studies on SN-7618 at Randolph Field. (Interim report - December). Report $301, Malaria Board - 20 Dec. 1944. Performance Tests 81. Study of aptitude in learning the Japanese language. S. B. Williams et al Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N. G., M & S Research Project X-581, 19 Mar. 1946 82* Tank gunnery at moving targets: a comparison of the accuracy of aim when firing and when not firing. G. Waugh Army Operational Research Group, AORG - $193, 14 June 1944 83. Teleprinter switchboard investigation. \ R. C. Brown Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research — FPRC 514 (b), Feb, 1944 84. Teleprinter switchboard investigation: an experiment with a new break system. R. C. Browne Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 514(c), July 1944 85. Toxicity of suppressive doses of the anti-malarial drug, SN-7618. P. K. Smith et al War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field $331(1-8} - 12 Jan. 1945 Report $301, Malaria Board - 12 Jan. 1945 86. Upper limits of environmental heat and humidity tolerated by acclimatized, normal young men working in hot environments. Second partial report. JL. W, Eichna et al Armored Med. Research Lab, - 2 Oct. 1944 87. Use of Rorschach technique and the Wechsler-Bellevue scale in defining chronic mental changes resulting from diffuse cerebral damage. OEMcmr-148* L. R. Hev/son and K., N. Levine Report $35 (abstracted), Comm, Neurosurgery - 22 May 1944 88. Utilization of riboflavin and thiamine at various levels of intake and its relation to the work output of subjects of military age at ground level and at 15,000 feet altitude. Interim report, OEMcmr-373. T. E* Friedemann and A. C. Ivy Report $25(abstracted), Comm. Med, Nutrition - 31 Oct. 1944 89. Validation of physical fitness tests by evaluation of performance of subjects. H. M. Patt Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N. C., M & £ Research Project X-526, 6 Sept. 1945 90. Work at high altitude. Factors in the utilization of riboflavin and thiamin and the relation of the vitamin intake to work output at ground level and at high altitude (15,000 feet). Final report, QSMcmr-373. T. E. Friedemann and A. C. Ivy Filed with: Reports, Comm, Med. Nutrition - 30 May 1946 XLVII. PERSONNEL SELECTION 1. Aero-medical exploitation, Germany 194-5. W. F. Sheeley War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - 1 Feb, 194-5 to 15 Oct. 194.5 2. Age-height-weight standards suitable for uses in medical examinations of aircrew candidates. G, M, Morant FPRC Report #653 - Feb, 194-6 3. Air crew Allocation Centre, Brackla, A selection unit for tour expired air crew. Report describing function, procedure used and records kept. R. B, Buzzard FPRC Report #604. - Dec. 1944 4-. Airsickness in navigation training, F, E, McDonough War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #165 (1) - July 5, 194-3 5, Airsickness in the airborne infantry. F. E.McDonough CAM report #103, November 27, 194-2 6, Air Staff Post-hostilities Intelligence Requirements on German Air Force. 0. B, Schreuder et al War Dept., U.S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 16 Aug. 194-5 7, Analysis of current flight instructor selection techniques through a comparison of criterion groups of '’good11 and "poor” instructors, Richard Trumbull and W. E. Vinaeke Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-673(Av-355-a) (3) - 30 Nov. 1945 8, Analysis of 500 cases of impairment of consciousness in pilots and aircrew, A, F. Rook FPRC Report #654 - Jan. 1946 9, Analysis of methods for measuring flight instructor proficiency through student ratings. Richard Trumbull and W. E, Vinacke Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-673(Av-355-a) (1) - 10 Nov. 1945 10, Analysis of 100 Army psychiatric cases and 100 enlisted men, OEMcmr-65. Edward G. Billings et al Report #2 (abstracted), Comm. Psychiatry - 31 March 1943 Personnel Selection 11. Analysis of one thousand standard aircrew. R. K. Holcomb Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, 22 July 1943 “ Appendix D, Report #2 12. Analysis of selection factors based on E.F.T.S. Results on 1433 airmen (#2 I.T.S., courses 22-31 inclusive). F. A. L. Mathewson and G. L, Adamson Proc, Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix D, Report #5 13. Analysis of the Personal History Inventory. Kogan, Wantman and Dunlap Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Feb, 1945 14# Apparatus for investigating visual reactions in relation to airsickness. P, C# Livingston F.P.R.C. report #463 1$. Application of the NDRC personal inventory and other measures in the selection of officer candidates. Progress Report No. 4? A follow-up study of the personal preferences technique. Williams, Leavitt and Mendola Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N.C., M&S Research Project X-386 (Sub. No. 75) - 10 Jan. 1946 16, Application of the NDRC personal inventory and other measures in the selection of officer candidates. Progress Report No. 5: The use of school grades as a criterion of test validity. Leavitt, Williams and Blair Navy Dept,, Med, Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N.C., M&S Research Project X-3B6 (Sub, No. 75) - 15 Jan. 1946 17. Application of the NDRC Personal Inventory to Marine Corps officer candidates; preliminary validation. S, B. Williams and H, J. Leavitt Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab,, Camp Lejeune, N. C,, M & S Research Project X-3B6 (Sub, No. 7$) - 26 Dec. 1944 18, Application of the NDRC personal inventory to Marine Corps Officer candidates. Progress report No. 2; Further validation, Williams, Leavitt and Mendola Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab,, Camp Lejeune, N, C,, M&S Research Project X-386 (Sub. No. 75) - 27 Nov. 1945 19. Application of the NDRC personal inventory to Marine Corps officer candidates. Progress Report #3; Data on final 671 candidates. Leavitt, Williams and lipkin Navy Dept,, Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N, C., M&S Research Project X-386 - 20 Doc. 1945 Personnel Selection 20. Application of the NDRC personal inventory to Marine Corps officer candidates. Progress report No, 6: Final report and summary. Williams, Leavitt and Adler Navy Dept,, Med, Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N, C., M&S Research Project X-386, 19 Jan. 194.6 21. Aptitude tests board, South African Air Force, Report on activities, July - November, 1941. Report F.P.R.C. - #416 (WAM-9S2-15) 22. Association - motor studies in military psychiatry. Final report, Ebaugh, 01Kelly, and Bush. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Psychiatry - July, 1942 23. A.T.S. follow-up. (Personnel selection.) Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC) (43)12. 22 Feb, 1943 24. Average blackout threshold in aircrew trainees as determined by means of the centrifuge. Rose, Kerr, and Kennedy Proc, Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med, Research - February 27, 1943, Appendix L 25. Aviation medical problems in African, Indian and Chinese theatres of operation. Appendices 26A--26F, inclusive; Sample copies of .. memoranda sent, to Force .surgeons' in the Tenth AdfLForce from Headquarters. R, Lovelace, II War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-697-IB, May 1, 1943 26. Basic classification applied to aviation cadets; I, The method, W. H. Sheldon War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field Report #127 (1) - March 1, 1943 27. Behaviour of neurotic subjects in the Cambridge cockpit, D. R, Davis FPRC report #530 - May, 1943 28. Characteristics and uses of item-analysis data. H. S, Conrad NDRC Report, OSRD #4034 - 19 Aug. 1944 29. Clinical observations on selection tests carried out in the decompression chamber. D. C. Russell FPRC report #519 - February, 1943 30. Comparison of personal inventory scores with service records one year after testing, Shipley, Gray and Newbert NDRC Report, OSRD #3755 - 10 June 1944 Per so rmel Selec t ipn 31, Comparison of swings and roll-pitch rocker in the production of motion sickness. Preliminary report. W, S, Fields and B, A. Campbell Proc. Comm. Seasickness, NRCC - Jan. 29, 194-3 32, Comparison of two procedures designed to select airmen resistant to decompression sickness. Stewart, Bateman and Milne Proc, Exec. Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 March 1944, Appendix C 33, Construction and validation of an arithmetical computation test. G, A. Satter and Norman Frederiksen NDRC Report, OSRD #-4556 - 8 Jan, 1945 34-* Cornell selectee index: short form to be used at induction, at reception and during hospitalization. Questionnaire, etc. OEMcmr-211. Weider, Mittelman, Wechsler, and Wolff Filed with; Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 1 Mar, 1944-) 35. Correlation between swing sickness and air sickness, McIntyre and Gardiner Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 67, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 1 Aug. 1944) 36. Correlation between swing sickness and air sickness and history of motion sickness. J. Park FPRC Report #485 - August 24, 1942 37. Correlation of balancing tests with flying aptitude (success and failure at E.F.T.S.). G, L, Adamson et al Proc, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix D, Report #7 38. Correlation of swing sickness with air-sickness. A, M. Joekes FPRC Report #475 39. Cortical activity in airsick personnel. M. W. Thorner War Dept., Randolph Field #169 (1) - July 24, 1943 40. Development and validation of the MFRL Confidential Questionnaire, Williams, Leavitt and Blair Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab,, Camp LeJeune, N, C., M&S Research Project X-615 - 21 Dec. 1945 41. Development of a 'Falling Hammer' for producing psychological stress. Jack Buel War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #285(1) - 31 July 1944 Personnel Selection 42, Development of a group test of susceptibility to hyperventilation and its application to the neuropsychiatric screening of officer candidates, S. B. Williams and H, J, Leavitt Navy Dept,, Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N. C,, M&S Research Project X-384 (Sub, No, 73), 15 Feb. 1945 43. Development of a simplified table model of the S.A.M. multidimensional pursuit test. R. B. Loucks War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #214 (1) - 11 Dec,, 1943 44-. Development of criterion groups of "good” and "poor" flight instructors based on student ratings, Richard Trumbull and W. E, Vinaeke Navy Dept,, Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-673(Av-355-a) (2) - 20 Nov, 1945 4-5. Development of methods for assaying the neurotic potentialities of the individual casualty for the purpose of ascertaining the management of convalescence and rehabilitation and estimating prognosis. Final report, OEMcmr-211, H. G. Wolf Filed with: Reports, Comm. Neuropsychiatry - 15 Mar. 1946 4-6. Development of objective methods of evaluating personalitites of officer candidates on the basis of personal preferences, social judgments, and self-ratings. S. B, Williams and H. J, Leavitt Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, M. C., M&S Research Project X-383(Sub, No, 72) - 30 Dec, 1944 47. Development of the S.A.M, Steadiness Aiming Test, Form B, for use in the selection and classification of aircrew personnel, W, F, Grether War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #88(1) - 9 Oct. 1944 48. Directions for the selection of flying personnel. (Translation) War Dept,, U, S, Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Feb. 1946) 49. Divers’ bends, aeroembolism of aviators - report of tests to determine susceptibility of healthy young men. Suggested method of selection of aviators for high altitude operations and deep sea divers for work at great depths. Navy Dept., Misc, - 25 September, 1943 50. Down-grading for foot defects, British War Office, Army Med. Dept. Bull. No. 26 - August, 1943, pp. 7-8 51. Draft report on the possible scope of psychological work in the services. Report, Informal Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)25. 29 June 1943 Personnel Selection 52, Draft report on validation. (Personnel selection.) Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)17. 15 March 1943 53. Draft survey of the work of psychologists for the Services. Expert Comm, on the Work of Psychologists and Psychiatrists in the Services, British War Office, Misc, Report #110 - 16 Dec,, 1943 54* Effective decompression sickness classification test, and a method for evaluating its usefulness. OEMcrar-196. Henry, Cook and Lund CAM Report #421 - 24 Feb. 1945 55. Effective target diameter as a factor in determining difficulty of the S.A.M. Two-Hand Coordination Test. W, F, Grether War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #304(1) - 25 July 1944 56, Effect of distraction lights upon performance on the Mashburn serial coordination test. Nance, Buxton, and Spence Filed withs Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - April 1944 57, Effect of massing and distribution of practice on two-hand coordination test scores. Spence, Buxton and Melton Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - April 1945 58. Efficiency of the progressive Matrices test. Patrick Slater and Fraser Roberts Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)27, 25 July 1943 59. Efficiency tester - gun-laying type No, 1 and Structural details, D, H, K, Lee and G. H, Klemm Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC, Australia - AFV 30 and 30A, 12 July 1943 60, Establishment of criteria and methods for the selection of crews for night operations, L, B. Roberts and W, E, Mann Armored Med, Research Lab. - 31 May 1944 61, Evaluation of the personal inventory for predicting success in parachute school, G. A. Satter NDRC Report, OSRD #4870 - 28 March 1945 62. Exclusion levels in terms of psychological tests. J. A, F, Roberts Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)20. 27 April 1943 579 Personnel Selection 63. "Exclusion" levels. (Personnel selection tests.) A. Rodger Report, Service Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)38, 24 Aug. 1943 64.. Experiments on mental fatigue on the Silloth trainer. D. R, Davis FPRC Report #4.86 - August, 1942 65, Factors in aircrew selection. Special study of No. 5. The validity of a 10-point assessment by the navigation instructor for predicting navigator training success, C. Shagass and P, A, Christie Proc. Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix S 66, Fifth crash injury conference, E. F, DuBois and W, R, Miles Special CAM Report - 30 and 31 Oct. 1945 67, Final report in summary of research on the personal inventory and other tests, W, C. Shipley and C. H, Graham NDRC Report/ OSRD #3963 - 1 Aug. 1944 68, Final report in summary of research on the selection and training of rangefinder and radar operators, W, J, Brcgden NDRC Report, OSRD #5358 - 23 July 1945 69, Final report in summary of work on the job analysis, qualification and placement of personnel in the amphibious force, K, R. Smith NDRC Report, OSRD #5422 - 8 Aug. 1945 70, Final report in summary of work on the selection and training of cargo handling teams for combat laden vessels. F. L, Ruch NDRC Report, OSRD #5140 - 29 May 1945 71, Final report in summary of work on the selection and training of night lookouts. C. H. Wedell NDRC Report, OSRD #4342 - 15 Nov. 1944- 72, Final report in summary of work on the selection and training of stereoscopic height finder observers, W, C, Biel et al NDRC report, OSRD #3773 - 1-4 June 1944 73, Final report in summary of work on the selection and training of telephone talkers. L. A, Mallory and W, J, Temple NDRC Report, OSRD #5497 - 27 Aug. 1945 580 Personnel Selection 74. First report on the Harrogate investigation (psychological tests). FPRC Report #529(P) - Nov. 1944. 75. Fitness for aircrew, A psychological and physiological survey of aircrew enlistments in the Royal New Zealand Air Force, New Zealand File - Nov, 1944 76. Follow up of Army personnel; 1, Other Ranks, Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)5. 15 Feb, 1943 77* Follow-up of officer candidates. Memorandum by the War Office, Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)16, 9 March 1943 78. Follow-up studies. Project M-704. (Improving education of Selective Service Board personnel), OEMcmr-65. D, W. Morgan Filed with; Reports, Comm, Psychiatry - undated 79. Follow-up study of the efficiency of the Projection Eikonometer Test in predicting the performance of stereoscopic height finder observers, D. C, Beier et al NDRC Report, OSRD #4352 - 21 Nov. 1944 80. Form of responses in a word association test - comparison of good and bad officer candidates and existing officers. Report, Services Subcomm., Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)34, 13 Aug. 1943 81. Frequency of seeing at low illumination, H, K. Hartline and R. MacDonald CAM report #110 - January, 1943 82. Further studies of effective accelerations on the simple swing, A, Cipriani Proc. Comm, Seasickness, NRCO - Jan, 29, 1943, Appendix 83. Further study of the validity of the arithmetical computation test. Norman Fredericksen NDRC Report, OSRD #5302 - 3 July 1945 84. General information on the role of the Armored Medical Research Laboratory in the medical research program of the United States Army; Employment of civilian technical and professional personnel for the Armored Medical Research Laboratory, Fort Knox, Kentucky, C. L, Milburn, Jr, Armored Med. Research Lab, - 1946 85. German research on the selection and training of remote controlled bomb operators. P. M, Fitts, Jr. War Dept,, U, S. Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 30 July 1945 581 Personnel Selection 86, Group Rorschach method. Report on its relation to R.A.A.F. selection problems, Buckle, Fraser and Cook Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 65, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 1 Aug. 1944) 87, High altitude classification tests. H. E. Savely War Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Div. - EXP-M-49-698-8, October 31, 1942 88, Improved impact counter for the measurement of smoothness of coordination in the performance of psychomotor tests, R, B, Loucks War Dept,, Sch, Aviation Med., Randolph Field - 45(2), December 21, 1942 89, Improvements in design and construction of swing for testing individuals susceptible to motion sickness, Allan Hemingway War Dept., Randolph Field Report - 84 (2), February 4, ’43 90, Incidence of swing sickness in eight categories of Army personnel. A, Hemingway War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #170 (l) - 30 July, 1943 91, Index of references to physical examinations, physical examinations, physical requirements and physical standards for U.S, ktavy, U.S, Naval Reserve, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S, Marine Corps Reserve as of April 12, 1944. Navy Dept., Bur. Med• and Surg, - 12 April 1944 92, Influence of body position on the levels of abdominal viscera in relation to sea sickness. Donald Mainland. Min, Comm, Naval Mod. Research, Jan, 28, 1942, Appendix C N.R.C.C. 93, Influence of psychological disorder on efficiency in operational flying. D. D, Reid FPRC report #508 - September, 1942 94, Interim report. Personality inventory project, June 25, 1941. Walter Shipley and Carney Landis Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC 95, Interview boards, investigation of procedure, (Flying Personnel Research Committee.) R. B. Buzzard Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 5B0, May 1944 96, Investigation into the causes of wastage in parachute troops, W, B. Trotter _ British War Office, DBR paper #10 - undated| Misc, Report 64 582 Personnel Selection 97* Investigations into air-sickness in gliders, J. W, Magladory Report, Comm, Air Borne Troops, MRC - BPC 42/56 9B. Investigations into the prevention of sea-sickness. A summary of previous reports, H, E. Rolling and W, R. Trotter Report, Comm, Airborne Troops, MPRC-BPC 4-3/175, ABT 18, Feb. 3, 194-3 99, Manual for use in the selection of fire control-men (0), (Stereoscopic rangefinder operators) H, A, Imus NDRC Report, OSRD #4.050 - 22 Aug. 1944 100, Maximal tests of exercise tolerance. Interim report No, 3, OEMcmr 122, Craig Taylor Special Report, CAM - April, 194-3 101, Medical department commissioned personnel data cards. Medical department commissioned personnel change of status report. War Dept., ET0, Tech. Bull. #14- - 15 Feb. 194-5 102, Medical examination for fitness for flying. (Royal Air Force and civil), Air Ministry - April 194-0 103, Medical investigations into reasons of failure to learn to fly in the specified time, Min. RAAF FPRC - July 16, 1942, p, 4- FPRC report #358-k (British File) 104., Medical observations during passage on northern convoy. Abstract of report by Macdonald Critchley Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm. - R.N.P. 4-3/25, January-February, 194-3 105, Medical report on Exercise *Dryshod'. (Army maneuver) British War Office - September 21, 1942; Misc. Report #21 106, Memorandum in personnel selection in the R.A.F, * . E,A, Bott Report FPRC #362 (WAM87-1), undated 107, Memorandum on radio code school practices, A, K. Kurtz Filed with: NDRC, March 29, 194-3 108, Method of selection of aviation medical examiners for special assignment, P. A. Campbell War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field, #200 (1) - 6 May 1944 583 Personnel Selection 109. Minutes of a Conference on Fitness. Held at the National Research Council, Washington, D. C., December 11, 1942. Clin, Invest, Report #13 - 11 December 1942 110, Motion sickness history and results of the swing test of one hundred and seven (107) airsick eliminees from flight training. A, Hemingway War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field 170 (2) - 7 Sept., 1943 111* Motion sickness, present status of research. A. K, McIntyre Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RA/iF - FR 91. June 1944 112. National Health and Medical Research Council, (Fatigue laboratory, personnel selection.) Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RA/iF - FR - 99(c). undated (rec!d NRC-CMR 27 Oct, 1944) 113. Note regarding the nM-scoren of Penrose and Myers, OEMcmr-65. L. I. O’Kelly and D. W, Morgan Report #1 (abstracted), Comm. Psychiatry - 31 March 1943 114. Objective method for study of physiology of aeroemphysema and selection of high altitude aircrew using radioactive isotopes of inert gases. H, B. Jones et al CAM Report #81 115. Objective method for the study of the physiology of aeroemphysema and for the selection of high altitude aircrew using the radioactive isotopes of inert gases, Hamilton, Lawrence, et al Filed with: Reports, Subcomm. Decompression Sickness 116* Observations on the correlation of swing sickness and sea sickness. Rolling, McArdle and Trotter Report, Coram, Airborne Troops - BPC 42/110 117, Organisation of swing-testing in Initial Training School, Min, Comm, Motion Sickness Investigation, FFRC, RAAF - FR 48. 23 June 1943, Appendix A 118, Partial report number I on preselection tests. W, F. Ashe Armored Force Med, Research Lab. - January 20, 1943 119, Personal Aptitude Testing Committee of the German Air Force. (Translation) S, Gerathe¥;ohl War Dept,, U. S. Start. Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 27 Feb. 1946) 120, Personal factor in accidents. Indust. Health Research Board, M.R.C. - Emerg, Report #3, 1942 584 Personnel Gelnotion 12 J, Personal inventory, short form (format C): derivation and preliminary psychiatric validation, Shipley, Gray and Newbert NDPtC, DSHD report #3390 - 15 March 1944 122. Personal inventory, short form (format C): psychiatric validation on a pre-testing basis. Shipley, Gray and Newbert NDRC, OSRD report #3604, 1 May 1944 123. Personal inventory tests, Brown University, NDRC project N-113. NDRC Report - undated (rec!d NRC-CMR 16 June 1944) 124. Personality organization and anoxia tolerance. Hertzman, Orlansky and Seitz Special report, CM - undated 125. Physical defects in civilian applicants for "trainee instructor": incidence and types, C. E. Kossmann War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field 161(1) - 21 October 1943 126. Physical defects in civilian applicants for "trainee instructor": relation to flying safety. C, E. Kossmann and J. H, Tillisch War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, #161 (2) (final report) 8 May 1944 127. Post-traumatic personality change. Annual report, OEMcmr-126. K, M, Bowman Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - 1 July 1944 128. Practical aspects of the selection of men suitable for experimental and high flight for the aircraft industry. Interim report, 0EMcmr-38, E. B, Front and L, F. Nims Special CM Report - 15 Sept. 1945 129. Prediction of code learning ability. A, K. Kurtz NDRC Report, OSRD #4059 - 26 Aug. 1944 130. Prediction of failure in flying training and in operations by the brief psychiatric interview. R. D. Gillespie and D. D, Reid FPRC Report #641 - Sept. 1945 131. Predisposition to psychological disorder in normal flying personnel. Denis Williams FPRC report #516 - February 1943 132. Preliminary note on promising procedures for the assessment of temperament. F, C. Bartlett FPRC report #529(b) - May, 1943 585 Personnel Selection 133. Preliminary notes on the selection of air traffic control officers. G. C, Grindley FPRC Report #612- March 194-5 134-. Preliminary report of the interrogation of certain high staff officers of the Luftwaffe medical services, H, G. Armstrong et al War Dept,, U, S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 16 July 194-5 135. Preliminary studies in selection, Royal Canadian Air Force. E, A. Bott and G, P, Cosgrave Report FPRC #363 (WAM 87-2), undated 136. Preliminary study of physical standards in relation to success in flight training, D, R. Brimhall and Raymond Franzen Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Feb. 1944 137. Preparation of norms for the Fleet Edition of the General Classification test. D. A. Peterson NDRC Report, OSRD #4242 - 10 Oct. 1944 138. Pre-selection test for susceptibility to aero-embolism, Barnard Smaller War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-695-27, March 30, 1943 139. Preselection tests at 35,000 and 38,000 feet, J. P. Webb et al CAM Report #288 - 10 April 1944 140. Preselection tests. Final report, Arthur Freedman and Charles Kirkpatrick Armored Med, Research Lab, - 17 March 1945 141. Preselection tests. Second partial report. W, F, Ashe Armored Med. Research Lab, - 22 April 1944 142. Problems in the selection of aviators Eric Liljencrantz Report, Research Section, Bur, Aeronautics, Navy Dept,, 10/30/41 143. Procedure for selection of diving and aviation personnel resistant to decompression sickness based on tests in a low pressure chamber, Welham, Blanch and Behnke Navy Dept., Bur. Med. & Surg., Research Div. - Jan. 1944 144. Procedure for sorting the enlisted personnel qualifications cards, G. A. Satter and N, C, Kephart NDRC Report, OSRD #4689 - 22 Jan. 1945 145. Proceedings of a conference on the use of psychological methods in war time, Misc. Canadian Aviation Report - 2 October, 1939 Personnel Selection 146, Proposal for selection of candidates by combined psychiatric and psychological methods. FPRC report #523(a) - undated 147. Proposed method of expressing follow-up results with SP tests. (Handbook on test levels of acceptance). Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm* Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)43. 13 Oct. 1943 148, Proposed studies on special troops. Johnson Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report #31 149. Psychiatric experiences of the Eighth Air Force, First year of combat (July u, 1942 - July u, 1943). Hastings, Wright and Glueck War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc. - Aug, 1944 150. Psychiatry and psychology in the Luftwaffe, War Dept,, U. S, Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Med, Intell, Bull. #17 - 16 Dec. 1944 151. Psychiatry: personnel selection. British War Office, Army Med, Dept, Bull, Selections 1941 - 1942, April 1943, pp. '63-67, 152, Psychological analysis of the content of autobiographies of Marine Corps officer candidates, S, B, Williams and H. J, Leavitt Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab,, Camp Lejeune, N, C,', M & S Research Project X-3B5(Sub, no, 74), 17 Feb. 1945 153, Psychological observations on selection and training of parachute troops. A. Kennedy British War Office - undated| Misc. Report #45 154. Pulhems system of categorisation. British War Office, Army Hygiene Advisory Comm.-25 Aug, 1944- 155. P/W interrogation report: P/W Richter, Joachim, War Dept., U. S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 9 Apr. 1945 156, R.A.A.F. no. 2 supplementary report on aptitude testing, G. F, K, Naylor Royal Australian Air Force - 30 April 1944 157, Recruit selection in relation to effort syndrome. M, Aronovitch Proc. Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol, V, Appendix B 15B, Regulation barany and swing tests in navigation cadets. F, E. McDonough and M, W, Thorner War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #100 (1) - December 23, 1942 Personnel Selection 13C59. Relation of selection test scores to tank escape performance: Submarine school, Graham, Mote and Berry NDRC, OSRD report #3262 - 31 Jan, 1944 160, Relationship between classification test score and performance at air observers and elementary flying training schools, C. Shagass Free. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix J 161, Relationship between visual acuity and flying ability, Ryan Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RiLJF - FB 69, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 1 Aug. 1944) 162, Release of service data to other bodies. Report, Subcomm, Services, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC) (44)6. 30 Oct. 1944 163, Reliability and consistency of psychiatric opinions on officer quality. Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC) (4.3)35, 13 Aug. 1943 164, Reliability of chamber classification for "bends" susceptibility and the validity of the inert gas-exchange method, OEMcmr-111 & 196 F, Henry (J, Lawrence) CAM Report #176, 2 September, 1943 165, Reliability of the Decompression Subcommittee’s 90-minute preselection test, R. Grenell et al CAM Report #355 - 5 Sept, 1944 166, Reliability of the swing test of motion sickness, H. H. Jasper et al Proc, Assoc, Comm, Naval Med, Research - 7 Oct, 1943, Appendix N-2 167, Report for the year 1943 under contract no, 0EMcmr-36, F:?nal report, M, A, Blankenhorn and E, B, Ferris, Jr. Special CAM Reports 168, Report of research on selection tests at the U,S, Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut, C, H, Graham et al NDRC Report, OSRD #1770 - 28 June, 1943 169, Report of research on the personal inventory, C. H, Graham and W, C. Shipley NDRC Report - 29 June 1944 170, Report of the Pre-Selection Subcommittee of the Flying Personnel Research Committee. FPRC Report #385 - Dec. 1941 Personnel Selection 171. Report on effort syndrome project: (a) metabolic studies (b) recruit selection (c) the electrocardiogram in effort syndrome (d) psychiatric studies. Stansfield, Browne and Hoff Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med. Research, 26-27 Nov. 1943, Vol, V and Vol. I 172, Report on interrogation of PW KP.8417, Dr, Ludwig Guettner, War Dept., ETC - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 30 Aug, 1944) 173* Report on living and working conditions among R.N, personnel in the tropics. Macdonald Critchloy and H. E, Rolling Filed with: Reports, Comm, Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - 22 April 1944 174* Report on personnel selection, R.A.F. and R.C.A.F, E„ A. Bott Miscellaneous Canadian Aviation Report #127 - November, 1941 175. Report on selection, E. A, Bott Min. Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med, Research - Sept, 18, 1941, Appendix L. 176, Report on selection tests for wireless operators. G, C. Drew Report FPRC - #419 (WAM-982-18) 177, Report on survey of aircrew personnel in the Eight, Ninth, Twelfth, and Fifteenth Air Forces. J, C. Flanagan War Dept., Air Forces, Miscellaneous - 29 March 1944 178, Report on the test-retest reliability of the Admiralty Mark I adaptometer, W, S, Verplanck and D. T, Reed Navy Dept., Bur. Med, & Surg., Research Div, - undated 179. Report on the test-retest reliability of the Miles four-plaque adaptometer, W, S, Verplanck and D. T. Reed Navy Dept., Bur, Med. & Surg., Research Div, - undated 180. Report on the test-retest reliability of the Wright adaptometer, W, S. Verplanck and D, T, Reed Navy Dept., Bur. Med. and Surg,, Research Div, - undated 181. Report on the use of selective tests aboard the U.S.S, New Jersey. NDRC Report (Applied Psychology Panel) - 31 Aug,, 194-3 182, Report on visit to assault units and submarines at Taranto, E. M, Case Report, Subcomm. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 44/139. Sept, 1944 Personnel Selection 183, Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee’s activities for the period June 194.0 to December 194.5, H, E. Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar. 1946, 184-, Research - Aviation Medicine, Pilot selection tests for R.C.A.F. Prof. Bott Report Subcomm, Personnel Selection, Min, Exec,, Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med, Research, Feb, 21, 1941, Appendix A, 185 • Results from the long and short forms of the personal inventory and the general classification test. Berry, Graham and Mote NDRC Report, OSRD #3962 - 31 July 1944 186, Results obtained from testing recruits with the New London-NDRC questionnaire at the Newport Naval Training Station, Mote, Berry and Graham NDRC, OSRD report #304-0 - 6 Dec,, 194-3 187, Results on 500 swing tests for investigating motion sickness, Allan Hemingway CAM report #101 - November 16, 1942 188, Results with the Luckiesh-Mess*-Army Air Forces anoxia demonstration chart, type AAF-1 at simulated altitudes of 15,000 and 16,000 feet, A. Chapanis and R, 0. Rouse, Jr, War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG 4-9-695-12-0, 25 Sept,,! 1943 189* S.A.M. self-pacing discrimination reaction time test (CP611E), J, S. Brown War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #275 (1) - 12 July 1944- 190, Scheme for testing of temperament in the R.A.F, F. C. Bartlett FPRC report #529(e) - undated 191, School of Aviation Medicine Steadiness Test, Form B, W, F. Grether War Dept., Randolph Field Report - 95 (1), December 31, f42 192, Stanines selection and classification for air crew duty. War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - 194-6 * Number 193 deleted 590 Personnel Selection 194* Second survey trip of the Committee on Aviation Medicine. Report Comm, Aviation Med, #38 - Jan. 26, 1942* 195* Selection and c3.assification of aircrew by the Japanese, War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - 28 Feb, 194-6. 196, Selection and training of sector controllers, F. C. Bartlett FPRC report #403b - April 24, 1942 197, Selection and validation of tests for color vision: a comparison of two lantern tests for red-green deficiency, the color threshold lantern and a modification of the RCN (Royal Canadian Navy) lantern, L, S, Rowland War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field 137(4) - 21 Oct,, 1943 19Se Selection of air traffic control officers. (Second report), G. C, Grindley FPRC #612(a) - 13 June'.1945 199. Selection of Army drivers. Research and development in 1942, Note by the War Office, Report, Informal Psychological Subcoram., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)19, IB March 1943 200. Selection of emotionally unstable personnel by battle noise equipment, E, L. Hartley and D, B, Jones NDRC Report, OSRD #4684 - 10 Feb. 1945 201. Selection of filterers. Personnel selection. F. C, Bartlett FPRC report #480 202. Selection of fire controlmen (0), rangefinder and radar operators, D, C, Beier et al NDRC Report, OSRD #4861 - 26 March 1945 203. Selection of illiterate recruits for educational purposes, British War Office, Misc. Report #134 - 11 March 1944 204. Selection of men for physical work in hot weather. R, E, Johnson and S. Robinson Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report #$7 (OSRD #16) 205. Selection of sector controllers. F. C, Bartlett FPRC report #403 (c) - July, 1942 Personnel Selection 206, Selection of items for the U,S. Navy general classification test-form 2 and the U.S, Navy tests of reading and arithmetical reasoning-form 2. G. A. Satter NDRC Report, OSRD #3756 - 8 June 1944 207, Selectometer, a classification guide, E, R. Keislar et al NDRC Report, OSRD #474-6 - 24 Feb, 1945 208, Series of cases with psychological disorder examined in relation to the problem of selection of flying personnel. C, P, Symcnds Report FPRC #412-a(WAM-982-ll). 209, Sickness and age of Railway Control Staff, J. W. Whitfield FPRC Report #612(c) - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 31 Oct. 1945) 210, Signs of temperamental unsuitability in pilots under training, (Memorandum on selection by instructors), Denis Williams FPRC report #518 - March, 1943 211, Simple coordination test in selection of aviation cadets, H. M. Turk Y/ar Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #196 (1) - 16 Nov., 1943 212, Simple test of fitness of the circulation, 0EMcmr-28. I. Starr CAM Report #133 - May 1, 1943 213, Small light threshold meter. Y/, M, Rowland War Dept., Randolph Field Report - 69 (2), January 23, ’43 214, S P Bulletin 109, Personnel selection procedure used in New Entry Training Establishmentsc British Admiralty - August 1943 215, S P Bulletin 133. Follow-up data from HMS Excellent, British Admiralty - September 1943 216, S P Bulletin 146. (Value of personnel selection procedure employed in the allocation of men to air maintenance categories.) British Admiralty - May 1944 217, Special summary report on the Rorschach personality test. Memo - accompanying OSRD report - OEMcmr-224. C. P, Seitz and M, Hertzman Special Report, CAM - undated (Rec'd NRC 4 Dec,, 1943) 218, S P report ACRl on an investigation into the value of a psychologist’s interviews with ’border-line’ CY/ candidates, British Admiralty - August 1943 Personnel Selection 219. Standardization and validation of the personal inventory: psychiatric criterion, (NDRC report OEMcmr-834) Shipley, Gray and Newbert Filed ?/ith: NDRC, June 24, 1943 220. Standards of fitness for S.A.S, Troops, (Parachute troops) Report, MPRC - BPC 79(W-228-lrr) 221. Statistical evaluation of the basic classification test battery (Form I), H, S, Conrad NDRC Report, OSRD #4636 - 14 May 1945 222. Statistical evaluation of the United States Navy Officer Qualification Test-Forms 2 and 3, D, A, Peterson NDRC Report, OSRD #3978 - 4 Aug. 1944 223. Studies of certain psychiatric problems of wartime medical administration and of war medicine. Final report, OEMcmr-337. C. C, Fry Filed with Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 1$ June 1944 224. Studies of certain psychiatric problems of wartime medical administration and of war medicine. Semi-annual report, OEMcmr-337. C, C, Fry Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 1 Dec,, 1943 225. Study of decompression sickness in 25 airplane flights at 55,000 feet, OEMcrar-196, C, A, Tobias et al (J, H. Lawrence) CAM Report #319 - May 1944 226. Study of enuresis in aviation cadet applicants. M. W. Thorner War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #134 (1) - May 24, 1943 227. Study of records of aircrew personnel eliminated from flying after graduation from flying training, C, G, Grulee War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #211 (1) - 6 Dec., 1943 228. Study of the ability of normal and colour defective individuals to recognize Very signal flares and Aldis lamp signals, A, M, Crossland Canadian Aviation Report #125 - October 19, 1942 229. Summaries of reports to the Subcommittee on Personnel Selection, (35 reports). Presented by J.W. Tice Proc, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research - February 27, 1943, Appendix A Personnel Selection 230. Summary of advances during 1944 in the field of high altitude decompression sickness, J. F, Fulton Special CM Report - 10 Jan. 194-5 231. Summary of SP follow-up report 12 (Admiralty, October 1942) on the selection of air fitters and air mechanics. Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC) (43)7. 16 Feb. 194-3 232. Summary of SP follow-up report 13 (Admiralty, October, 1942) on selection tests for RDF operators. Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm., Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)8. 16 Feb, 1943 233. Summary of SP follow-up report 14 .(Admiralty, November 1942) on the reliability and validity of the progressive Matrices test. Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)9. 16 Feb, 1943 234. Swing Sickness and a history of motion sickness in relation to airsickness, (second report) Brown, Brett and Hewlett Proc, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research - 22 July, 1943, Appendix F, Report #1 235. Symposium on the psychiatric interview in officer selection, (Edited by John Rickman) British War Office, Misc, Report #146 - Apr. 1944 236. Tachycardia, initial hypertension and hypotension related to pilot success in training (E.F,T,S,). R. G, Cadhara Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix J, Report #4 237. Technical memorandum (C.D.C.) no. 2. Follow-up of W.O.S.B, cadets at O.C.T.Uo Progress report, January, 1943. Note by the War Office. Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)16. IB March 1943 236, Tenth draft monthly report by the Joint Secretaries: invaliding rates, classification, policy, etc, Philip Allen and J. Cohen Report, Services Subcomm., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)41. 28 Sept. 1943 239. Testing of Asdic personnel, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Solandt, Smith, Cowan and Dales Proc, Assoc, Comm, Naval Med, Research - Jan, 30, 1943, Appendix R 240. Test of the adequacy and range of use of winter clothing. Study of the methods for selection of men for cold weather operations. Partial report. A, Freedman and S, M, Horvath Armored Med, Research Lab,, project #1, 10 Apr, 1944 Personnel Selection 241. Tropical climates and the soldier. D. H. K. Lee Report, Comm, Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - 14 June 1944 24.2, Use of psychological tests in the selection of operations room personnel, F. C. Bartlett and G, C, Grindley Report, Informal Psychological Subcomrc,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC) (4.3)10. 17 Feb, 1943 243. Use of psychological tests in the selection of operations room personnel, F, C, Bartlett and G, C, Grindley Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43 memo #2, 25 Jan, 1943 244. Use of the Philco trainer in the training of A-scan oscilloscope operators, D, B. Lindsley et al N NDRC, OSRD report #2096 - 15 Oct., 1943 24$. Use of the somatotype in standardizing and objectifying the AREA, (adaptability rating for military aeronautics), W. H. Sheldon War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field 127(2) - 30 August 1943. 246. Validational study of oscilloscope operator tests. I, H. Anderson et al NDRC, OSRD Report #3712 - 24 April 1944. 247, Validation, Notes by the War Office, (Personnel selection). Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)6, 16 Feb. 1943. 248, Validation of officer selection tests by means of combat proficiency ratings. Progress report No, 1: The prediction of successful combat leadership, Williams, Leavitt and Blair Navy Dept,, Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N. C,, M & S Research Project No. X-620 (Sub, No, 135) IB Jan. 1946 249. Validation of officer selection tests by means of combat proficiency ratings. Progress report no. 2: Final analysis, H, J. Leavitt and N, Adler Navy Dept., Med, Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N, C., M & S Research Project X-620 - 16 May 1946 250# Validation of the preselection test for high altitude operation recommended by the United States Subcommittee on Decompression Sickness, Stewart, Bateman and Milne Misc. Canadian Aviation report #132 - 18 Aug, 1943 595 Personnel Selection 251. Wastage in wireless operations under training, G. C. Drew FPRC report #419-a (WAM-153-3) 252. Work for the services at the Psychology Departments at University College, London, and Edinburgh University, Burt and Drever Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(A3)AA. U Oct, 1943 253. Work of the Unit for Applied Psychology at Cambridge University, F. C. Bartlett Filed with; Reports, Indust. Health Research Board, MRC - 1945, App, E 254. Work undertaken for the services during the war by the National Institute of Industrial Psychology, C. B. Frisby Report, Services Subcomm., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)42, 30 Sept. 1943 596 XLVIII. PHYSICAL FITNLSS 1. Air Staff Pcst-hostilities Intelligence Requirements on German Air Force, O. B. Sclireuder et al. War Dept., U. S. Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 16 Aug. 1945, 1. Comparative study of the Behnke and the Harvard step-up tests for physical fitness, P, V. Karpovich. war Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Ho, 146(1), 5 August, 1945. 5. Comparative study of the Behnke and Harvard step-up tests for physical fitness; Farther studies of the Harvard step-up test. R. R. Ron kin. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field !To. 148 (2) - 17 Aug. 1944. 4. Correlation of reduction time of the blood with certain fundamental physiological characteristics, with special reference to physical fitness. OEMcrar-402, G. B. Ray. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Conval, and Rehab, - undated (rec’d HRC-0*R 25 May 1944). 6. Development of tests to evaluate the physical fitness of men, Eichna, Bean, and Ashe, Armored Med. Research Lab. *• 10 Mar. 1944. 6. Dietary protein and physical fitness in temperate and hot environments Pitts, Consolazio, and Johnson, Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report Ho, 91 (Ho. II to OSRD) - 1 December, 1945, 7, Effect of age upon the physical fitness rating, P. V. Karpovich. War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field Ho, 191 (1) - 11 Jan., 1944, 8. Effect of age upon the physical fitness rating. P. V. Karpovich. War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field Ho. 191(2) - 11 July 1944. 9, Effect of forward and reverse grips on chinning at various performance levels, P. V. Karpovich. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Ho. 189 (1) - 50 Dec., 1945. 10. Effect of high B Vitamin intakes on the ability of man to work in the heat, (A report to the national Research Council). Henschel, Taylor, Mickelsen, and Keys. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest. - March 11, 1945. 11, Effect of reverse and forward grips upon performance in chinning. P, V. Karpovich. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field 178(1) - 1 September 1945. 597 Physical Fitness 12. Elfect of various physical training programs upon the physical fitness of aAF personnel; Influence of selection of physical training activities upon physical fitness of personnel in the Air Technical Service Command. H. A. weiss and Arthur Kemp, ’War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 507 (5) - 1 Aug. 1945, le. Efiect oi various physical training programs upon the physical fitness ol An.F personnel; influence of section of physical training activities upon physical fitness of personnel in the Central Flying Training Command, E. R. Elbel. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 507(1) - 29 Oct. 1945. 14. Effect produced on the scores of the AAF Physical Fitness Test'by the wearing of the fatigue uniform. P. V. Karpovich, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 179(1) - 4 October 1945. 15. Eflects of a diet deficient in the Vitamin B Complex on sedentary men, e. Egana, R, E. Johnson, et al. Thorndike Memorial Lab. and Harvard Fatigue Lab, Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report Ho, 14. 16. Effects of variations in dietary protein on the physical well being of men doing manual work. Final report, OEMcmr-512. R. C. Darling et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab. report No. 115 (No. 27 to OSRD) - 10 April 1944. 17. Effects of variations in dietary protein on the physical well being of men doing manual work. Preliminary report, OEMcmr-512, R. C. Darling et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No, 78, 15 August, 1945, 18. Effects of variations in dietary protein on the physical well being of men working in hot environments. Preliminary report, OEMcrar-528. Johnson, Pitts, and Consolazio, Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. 79, 15 August, 1945. 19. Effects of variations in dietary vitamin C on the physical well being of manual workers. Final report, OEMcmr-515. R. E. Johnson et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. 125 - 26 Sept. 1944. 20. Effects of variations in dietary Vitamin C on the physical well being of men doing hard manual work. Preliminary report, OEMcmr-515. R. E. Johnson et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report No, 77, 15 August, 1945. 21. Evaluation of targets investigated and summary of information obtained pertaining to research in aviation medicine for the German Air Force. VV, R. Lovelace and V. J. Dulff. War Dept., U. S. Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Mi sc. - 4 Aug. 1945. 598 Physical Fitness 22. Experimental studies on man with a restricted intake of the B vitamins. Part I. The border-line of deficiency. Revised ed, Ancel Keys et al. Report No. 55, Comm, Med. Nutrition - 20 Feb, 1945. 25. Experimental studies on man with a restricted intake of the B vitamins. Part II, The results of acute deprivation of vitamins of the B complex. Interim report, OEMcrar-27. Ancel Keys et al. Report No. 56, Comm. Med, Nutrition - 8 Jan. 1945. 24. Experimental vitamin A deficiency in man and the ability to perform muscular exercise, Wald, Brouha, and Johnson. Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. 7 - February 1942. 25. Final report on the physical fitness of soldiers and observations 'on their clothing. Report No. 6. Forbes et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab. - Report No. 15. 26. Handbook for medical examiners, 2nd edition. Dept. Commerce - 15 Oct. 1944. 27. Hard work on restricted B vitamins. OEMcmr-27. Ancel Keys et al. Report No, 7 (abstracted), Comm. Med. Nutrition - 5 Nov. 1945, 26. Influence of height, weight and age on the step-up test. N. Pace. Navy Yard, Experimental Diving Unit - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR, 16 Sept. 1946). 29. Lactate response to exercise and its relationship to physical fitness. Report No. 4, OEMcmr-122. Frederick Crescitelli and Craig Taylor, Special report, CAM - June, 1945, 50. Maximal pack test of exercise tolerance. Interim Report No. 5,0EMcrar-l22. Craig Taylor. Special report, CAM - June, 1945, 51. Measures of exercise tolerance, Craig Taylor and Raymond Franzen. Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Feb. 1946. 52. Medical examination for fitness for flying, (Royal Air Force and civil), Air Ministry - April 1940. 55. Minutes of a Conference on Fitness. Held at the National Research Council, Washington, D, C., December 11, 1942. Clin, Invest. Report No. 15 - 11 December 1942. Physical Fitness 24. Minutes of conference on physical fitness. NEC Mi sc. - El Nov, 1944, t/5. Muscle endurance tests 01 exercise tolerance. Report No, 7, OEMcrar-122. Taylor, Brown, and Morris, Special report, CAM - June, 1942. 26, Normal responses to exercise, which might be confused with pathological changes. R, £• Johnson. Harvard fatigue Lab. report No. 49 (OSRD report No. 15) 27 Jan. 1942. 27. Observations on standard of physical fitness for service in the Eastern Theatre of Operations, War Dept., ETO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR, 24 Feb. 1945). 26. ’’Pack" test of physical fitness for hard muscular exercise Fatigue Lab, Staff. Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. 16 (O.S.R.D. Report No. 1) 12 April 1942. 29, Palmar skin resistance as a measure of physical fitness. E. R. Elbel and R. R, Ronkin. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 219(1) - 18 July 1945. 40. Physical fitness. War Dept., Air Forces, P1F - undated (rec’d NRC-CMH, 5 Feb. 1945). 41. Physical fitness achievement tests. G. 0, Williams. FPRC Report No. 620 - July 1945, 42. Physical fitness for combat duty. Harvard Fatigue Lab, report No. 48 - December, 1942. 42. Physical fitness for convalescents. P. V. Karpovich, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, No, 224 (1) - 14 June 1944. 44. Physical fitness, general health and nutritional status of 140 Gurka reinforcements, R. M, Kark. Misc. Canadian Report No. 120 - 28 Feb, 1945. 45. Physical fitness in the Arm/ Air Forces, 0. W. Harris. War Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Div. - ENG-M-49-696-28, January 2,1942. 46. Physical fitness of entering AAF personnel. R. A. Weiss. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, No. 195 (1) - 27 May 1944. 600 Physical Fitness 47. Physical fitness of soldiers for hard muscular work, Forbes et al. Harvard Fatigue Laboratory - Report No. £0 (OSHD Report No. 5). 48. Physical fitness tests for convalescents*, analysis of the pulse reactions in the red step-up test. P. V. Karpovich* War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. ££4 (£) - 1£ August 1944. 49. Physical fitness tests for convalescents; a study of convalescing rheumatic fever patients. P, V. Karpovich, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. ££4(4) - £5 Sept. 1945. 50. Physical fitness tests for convalescents; effect of exercise upon the sedimentation rate of red blood corpuscles. P, V, Karpovich, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. ££4 (5) - 4 August 1944, 51. Physical performance in relation to diet. Interim report, 0LMcmr-££0. Ancel Keys. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Med, Nutrition - undated (Recfd NRC 11 August, 1945). 5£, Physical training program for convalescing patients; pulse reaction to performing step-up exercise on benches of different heights. E. R. Eibel and E, L. Green. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. £16(4} - £5 Jan, 1945. 55. Physiological adaptation of man to heat. Final report, OEMcrar-5£8. A, V. Bock. Filed with; Reports, Comrn* Clin. Invest. - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 19 Nov. 1945). 54, Preliminary report on a physical fitness test applied to athletes, untrained civilians and soldiers. W. H, Forbes, Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. £ - 15,XI.41. 55. Preliminary report on experiments on soldiers and their clothing under different climatic conditions. Darling, Forbes et al. Filed with; Harvard Fatigue Lab-Reports No. 1, 56, Preliminary study of physical standards in relation to success in flight training. D. K. Brirahall and Raymond Franzen, Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Feb, 1944. 57. Problem of measuring physical fitness for hard work. Brouha et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab. - Report No, ££ (OSRD Report No, 7). 601 Physical Fitness 58. Problem of pilot wastage. Report F.P.R.C. - No. 417, Jan. 12, 1942. 59. Proposed studies on special troops. J oims on. Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. 21. 60. Quantitative measurement of the effectiveness of a program of mass physical training. Bingham et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab, - Report No, 21 (OSRD Report No. 6). 61. Rapid form of the Harvard Fatigue Laboratory test of physical fitness, abridged for use on large numbers of men. (Appendix to report No. 46; see also report No. 48). Harvard Fatigue Lab. report No. 47 - January, 1942. 62. Relation between bends and physical fitness. P. V. Karpovich. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, No, 192 (1) - 25 Oct. 1942. 62, Relation between breath holding tests and the endurance in running and Harvard step-up test score. P. V, Karpovich, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 272(2) - 7 Nov. 1945. 64, Relation between coordination exercises and flying ability. P. V. Karpovich. War Dept., Randolph Field Report - 86 (1), February 2, 1942. 65, Relationship between Harvard Test scores and sickness in R.C.A.F. personnel at commencement of preflying training. A. H. Sellers et al. Proc, Exec.. Assoc. Comm, Avia t ion Lied. Research, NRCC - 12 March 1945, Appendix (L. 66. Reliability of the AAF physical fitness test, P. V. Karpovich. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field 184(1) - 20 October 1942. 67. Report of findings on the G. B. Ray spectroscopic measurement of blood reduction time as an index to "physical fitness", C. J. Spear and R. A. Smith. Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-124(2), 22 March 1945. 68. Report on a tost of physical fitness for hard muscular work. A. Hemingway and A. Schweitzer, Report, MPRC-3PC 42/211, March 1942. 69, Report on living and working conditions among R. N. personnel in the tropics. Macdonald Critchley and H. E. Hollins. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - 22 April 1944. Physical Fitness 70. Report on studies of men in simulated desert heat. W, B. Bean et al. Armored Force Med. Research Lab. - April 2, 1942. 71. Report on the nutritional status of Indian Troops - 14th Army Canadian Nutritional Research Team RCAMC "G” Research A.L.F.S.E.A. Part II: Transport Unit, R.l.A.S.C. (Corps and Divisional Troops): The relationship between environment, nutrition and operational fi tness. R. M. Kark. Misc. Canadian Report No. 155 - June 1945, 72. Report on the nutritional status of I.O.Rs. - Fourteenth Army Canadian Nutritional Research Team, RCAMC, G, Research, ALFSEA. Part IV: General Review, R. M, Kark. Misc. Canadian Report No. 146 - July 1945, 72. Russian manual of the method of examination for flying duties. F.P.R.C. report 29£h. 74. Second fitness conference. April 12, 1942, Clin, Invest, Report No. 15 - 12 April 1942. 75. Selection of men for physical work in hot weather. R. E, Johnson and S. Robinson. Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. 57 (OSRD No. 16). 76. Simple test of fitness of the circulation. OEMcmr-28. I. Starr, CAM Report No. 122 - May 1, 1942, 77. Some effects of sulfathiazole and sulfadiazine on man at rest and during exercise. Darling, Porbes et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report No. 6. 78. Standardization of a test of hand strength. M. B. Fisher and J. E. Birren, Naval Med, Research Inst. - Project X-292(5), 16 April, 1945. 79. Standards of fitness for S.A.S, troops, (Parachute troops). Report, MPRC - BPC 79. 80. Step-up test to evaluate fitness for physical exertion in healthy men. Behnke, Weiham. White, Pace, Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-124, report No. 2 - 6 Dec., 1942. 81. Studies in the AAF physical fitness test: Sit-ups and leg-lifts. P. V. Karpovich. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 245 (4) - 18 Aug. 1945. Physical Fitness 82. Studies of the AAF physical fitness test: effect of secondary body movements on chinning scores, P. V. Karpovich, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 245 (2) - 14 April 1544. 82. Studies of the aaF physical fitness test; selection of a time limit for sit-ups, P. V. Karpovich. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 245 (2) - 12 July 1944. 84. Studies oi the AaF physical fitness test; training curves in chinning. Peter V. Karpovich. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 245 (1) - 14 Apr. 1944. 65. Studies of the effect of training on scores in a submaximal test of exercise tolerance. Interim Report No. 6, OEMcrar-122. Craig Taylor and Robert Morris* Special report, CAM - June, 1942. 86. Study of the RAF 40 mm. (Flack) test. £, R. Elbe!. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 272 (1) - 1 Nov. 1945. 87. Test of acceptability and adequacy of U. S. Array C, K, 10-in-l and Canadian Array Mess Tin Rations. Armored Med. Research Lab. - 22 Nov, 1944, 88. Tests of the "ability to take it". J, W. Dunlap et al. Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NEC - February, 1942. 89. Use of the reduction time of the blood as a measure of physical fitness in health and disease. Final report, 0£Mcrar-402. G. B. Ray. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Conval. and Rehab. - 27 Sept, 1944. 90. Use of the reduction time of the blood as a measure of physical fitness in health and disease. Supplementary report, OEMcmr-402, J. R. Johnson, Filed with; Reports, Comm. Conval. and Rehab. - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 29 Jan. 1946). 91. Validation of physical fitness tests by evaluation of performance of subjects. H. M. Patt. Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N. C., M & S Research Project X-526, 6 Sept. 1945. 92. Validation of physical fitness tests by means of marksmanship per- formance under conditions of acute fatigue. Partial report. White, Weihara and Williams. Navy Dept., Med. Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N, C., M & S Research Project No. X-224Uvl28c) - 19 May 1944. XLIX. PHYSICAL HANDICAPS 1. Medical examination for fitness for flying, (Royal Air Force and civil). Air Ministry - April 1940. 2. Proposed revision of the neurops/chiatrie standards of AR 40-110. I Muscle atrophy. M. W. Thorner, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 150 (1) - 16 Sept., 1945. 5, Psychological aspects of the rehabilitation of the limbless, E, Wittkower. British War Office Misc. Report No. £60 - Jan. 1944. 605 L, PILOT SELECTION 1* Abnormal electrocardiograms found in R.C.A.F. aircrew, G, W, Manning and 0, B, Stewart Min, Exec, Assoc, Gomm. Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 7/29/42, Appendix I 2, After contraction process and fatigability in pilots, W, M, Honeyman FPRC report #515 - February, 1943 3* Aircraft pilot, 5 years of research, a summary of outcomes, M, S, Viteles Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - 15 June 1945 4, Airsickness and vestibular sensitivity as related to learning to fly, G. R, Wendt. Comm. Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog, Report Sept., 1940, 5, Analysis of causes for suspension of pupils at elementary flying training schools based on type of inadequacy, W, M, Honeyman Report F. P. R. 0. #275. 6, Analysis of graphic records of pilot performance obtained by means of the R-S ride recorder. Part ll. quantitative evaluation of pilot performance on 720° power turns, Oscar Backstrom, Jr. and M. S, Viteles Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - Jan. 1946 7, Analysis of inspectors * ratings of check flights as recorded on form ACA 342Z. Leon et al Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - March 1946 8, Analysis of photographic records of aircraft pilot performance, M, S, Viteles and A. S, Thompson Filed with: Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - July 1944 9, Analysis of ratings in the preliminary phase of CAA training program, H. M. Johnson and M. L. Boots, Comm. Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog. Report Sept,, 1940, 10, Analysis of test data on 1938-39 CAA students, E. L. Kelly. Comm. Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog, Report Sept., 1940, 11, Appraisal of certain tests of pilot aptitude, C, E. Buxton and K. W, Spence Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - July 1946 12, Assessment of temperament by psychological methods in 1,000 bomber pilots at No, 7 personnel receiving centre, Harrogate. Interim report, E, G,Chambers Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 529(L), Feb, 1944 Pilot Selection 13* Assessment of temperament by psychological methods in 1000 bomber pilots at No, 7 personnel reception oontre, Harrogate. D, R, Davis Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 529(m), Feb, 1944 14, Association between ratings on specific maneuvers and success or failure in flight training of RAF cadets, Viteles, Franzen and Rogers Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - Oct. 1944 15, Comparison of preference for training with an evaluation of combat performance of pilots, Richard Trumbull and Oscar Backstrom Navy Dept,, Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-718(l) - 1 July 1946 16, Comparison of pre-selection assessments based on objective and subjective data, and on objective data only, Bradford. Hill, Report F.P.R.C. #3S5-b, Oct, 1, 1941, 17, Comparison of student pilot performance in successive check flights as measured by photographic records, Wapner, Festinger and Odbert Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - March 1946 18, Comparison of the dM and new Rudder Control Tests, CM 120B and C¥120C, and of the Single Target and Triple Target forms of the new Rudder Control Tost, A, W, Melton War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #339 (1) - 21 Dec. 1944 19, Construction of an objective work association test for assessing aircrew candidates. C, Shagass Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix M 20, Criteria of flight competence, H, A, Edgerton and R, Y, Walker, Selection & Training of Aircraft Pilots - Prog. Report Sept,, 1940, 21, Davis* analysis of relation of the electroencephalogram to flying. M, W, Thorner Army Air Force, Randolph Field Report - 94(1), Dec. 18, *42 22« Development of a scale for rating pilot competence, E, L, Kelly, Comm, Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog,. Report Sept., 1940, 23, Development of standard flights and the use of time and motion study techniques in the pilot training program, M, S, Viteles, Comm, Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog, Report, Sept,, 1940 Pilot Selection 24. Development of the C.A.A.- N,R,C. Flight Recorder. . Walter McKay- Filed with: Div. Anthropology and Psychology* NRG - Sept, 1944 25. Effective contact width as a factor in determining difficulty of the S.A.M, Complex Coordination Test, W. F, Grether War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #305(1) - 25 July 1944 26. Effect of massing and distribution of practice on rotary pursuit test scores. Spence, Buxton and Melton Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - March 1945 27. Effect of massing and distribution of practice on the S.A.M, complex coordination test. Spence, Buxton and Melton Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Dec, 1945 28. Electroencephalographic studies of aircrew: slew epidodal activity, J. E, Goodwin and G, F, M. Smith Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research - February 27, 1943, Appendix B 29. Encephalogram as means of assessing aptitude of R.A.F. cadets, .failure- to establish any correlation in 100 cases, E, D. Adrain. Report F. P, R. 0,, #282, Apr. 5, 1941 30. Enquiry into psychological disorders in flying personnel, C, P* Symonds and Dennis Williams F, P. R. C, report #421-b 31. Evaluation of instructional techniques described as effective by flight instructors. E. S, Ewart et al Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - June 1946 32. Evaluation of respiratory measures for use in pilot selection, Raymond Franzen and Louisa Blaine Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Jan. 1944 33. Evaluation of the Stevens Pursuit Meter (CM814A) as a psychomotor test for the selection of pilot trainees. J, S. Brown War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #272 (1) - 1 Oct, 1945 34. Evolution of the R.A.F. flight test for pilot selection, January 1942 to January 1943. Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)4, 15 Feb, 1943 35. Examination of night visual capacity in relation to flying. P. C, Livingston F. report #455 Pilot Selection 36* Experimental work proposed and being carried out at the New Medical School, Sydney University by F/Lts. McIntyre and Morson. Australian file - Sept* 25, 1941, 37* Extract from minutes of the IV-th meeting of the APTITUDE TESTS BOARD, South African Air Force, held at No, 75 Air School, Lyttleton, on 18. 12* 41, F. P. R. C. report #416a {in Dr, Miles* file) 38* Extract from the Russian handbook of the medical examination for fitness for flying* 1939, pages 85-92, Translation. Report F.P.R.C. #392, undated, 39, Factors in aircrew selection. Special study No, 1 , The value of the 25-point psychiatric appraisal scale and the psychiatric assessment for predicting success in pilot and navigator training, G. L# Adamson et al Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix 0 40, Factors in aircrew selection. Special study No, 2, The Link test of pilot aptitude, G, L, Adamson et al Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix P 41, Factors in aircrew selection. Special study No, 3, Sensory motor apparatus No, 3 as a test of pilot aptitude C, Shagaas and P, A, Christie Proc, Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med. Research NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix Q, 42, Factors in aircrew selection. Special study No, 4, The validity of the 10-point rating of the electroencephalogram for; predicting the training success of pilots, navigators and navigator bombers, C, Shagass and P, A. Christie Proc, Assoc, Coram, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix R 43, Final report on research project R 7-2; research project regarding classification tests in low pressure chambers, Med, Research Div„, U,-S, Naval Air Station, Pensacola C.aM Report #89 - October 30, 1942 44, Flack test in relation to success in flying training, A, V\l• Lapin Proc, Assoc, Coram. Aviation Med, Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix D, Report #8 45, Follow-up report on the Harrogate experiment, E, G, Chambers FPRC Report #529(s) - May 1946 Pilot Selection 46, Graphic registration of flight performance. R. M. Bellows. Comm. Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots ** Prog. Report, Sept., 1940. 47, Handbook for medical examiners, 2nd edition. Dept. Commerce - 15 Oct. 1944 48, Handbook for Medical Examiners. Suggested revision submitted by the Committee on Medical Problems of Civil Aviation, National Research Council. Dept. Commerce - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 July 1946) 49, Harrogate experiment; Control Column Test, The Association of assessments and personal liability of pilots to accidents, W, M. Honeyman FPRC Report #529{t) - Feb, 1946 50, High altitude indoctrination and classification program. Directive, War Dept., Air Forces, Miscell. - March 19, 1942 51, History and development of the Ohio State Flight Inventory. Part I; Early versions and basic research. H. A. Edgerton and R. Y. Walker Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - July 1945 52, Incidence of decompression illness in the classification of aviation personnel. Med. Research Div., U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola CAM report #88, September 23, 1942 53, Incidence of decompression illness in the classification of aviation personnel. Bierman, Smedal, and Gemmill. C.A.M, report #65 - 8/18/42 54, Incidence of decompression sickness on consecutive daily ascents to 35,000 feet, C. B. Stewart et al, Min. Exec. Assoc. Ooram. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC. - 7/29/42, Appendix G 55, Incidence of ear, nose and throat affections among candidates examined at R.A.F. aviation candidates medical boards. E. D. D, Dickson. Report F.P.R.C, #372, Oct. 26, 1941. 56, Indicators of emotional disturbances in flight, Richard Parmonter, Ooram, Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog. Report, Sept., 1940 57, Interim report on pre-selection tests. Developed at the Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge. F, C, Bartlett, Report F.P.R.C. #191, undated. Pilot Selection 58. Interrogation of Dr. Luxemberger, Psychiatric Dept., Medical Service of the GAF. G. C. McDonald War Dept., U. S. Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 12 June 1945 59. Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Assessment of temperament in connection with aircrew selection. Report on the psychiatric method employed. C. P. Symonds and Denis Williams Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 529 (0), July 1944 60. Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 1. A critical review of published literature. C. P. Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC report $412 (c) - January, 1942 61f Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 2, Review of reports submitted to Air Ministry since outbreak of the war, April 1942, C. P. Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC report #412 (d) - April, 1942 62, Investigation of certain aspects of color vision, J. L. Matthews Y/ar Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #168 (1) — 4 Aug. 1943 63, Investigation of the interview as a technique for selecting aircraft pilots. J. W. Dunlap and M. J. Wantman Filed with: Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - Aug, 1944 64, Lectures on temperament and personality given as a guide to testing staff. South African Air Force. Lecture 1: The diagnosis of temperament. S, Bieusheuvel FPRC Report #545 (d) - June, 1943 65, Lecture III: Chief temperament qualities analysed and defined, S® Bieusheuvel FPRC Report #545 (F) - June, 1943 66, Medical consideration of WASPS. N. 0, Monserud War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 14 April 1945) 67, Medical problems of the merchant ship fighter unit (M.S.F.U.), H. H. Winfield F.P.R.C. report #468 - May 25, 1942 68, Memorandum on pre-selection tests. Bradford Hill, Report F.P.R.C, #385-a, Aug. 14, 1941. 69, Memorandum. L, Sensory motor co-ordination, 2, Oxygen administration apparatus, R, Douglas Wright, Australian file. Pilot Selection 70. Method for reducing muscle action potentials to quantitative indices of tension foruse in air crew classification tests# R* B. Loucks War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #44 (1) - 6 Oct. 1942 71. Modification of the. Link automatic recorder for scoring performance on the Link trainer. R# C# Browne F.P.R.C, report #474 72* On the actual and potential value of biographical information as a means of predicting success in aeronautical training* H# M# Johnson et al Filed with: Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - August 1944 73# Orthoptic testing and training and flying failures# An analysis of results from No* 2 Initial Training School for courses 34 to 41# N# G-* Traylen Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, EPRC, RAAF - FR 88. undated (recf d NRC-GMR 10 Nov, 1944) 74# Partial analysis of a three-man interview technique for predicting airplane pilot success in the civilian pilot training program# Hill, Russell and Wendt Div* Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - July 1946 75# Personality, interest, and attitude inventories in the selection of civilian pilots# Thelma Hunt# Comm, Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog# Rcpcrt, Sept#, 1940 76# Personality test to avoid guessing the "right” answers in the selection of pilots# R# J. Wherry* Comm# Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog. Report, Sept., 1940. 77* Physical examination of applicants for a pilot's license. Memorandum from Dr. Paul M. Denson. Appendix D, . . x. Filed with: Reports, Comm# Med. Problems of Civil Aviation 11 Aug. 1945 78# Pilot selection tests. Report Pre-selection Subcomm., F.P.R.C. #385, Aug# 20, 1941. 79. Pilot selection t-sts used in the South African Air Force. Questionnaire: Series I. (Aptitude Tests Section, South African Air loroo iorm ) FPRC Report #545, Appendix A - Tune, 1943 80 Pilot selection tests used in the South African Air Force. Questionnaire: Series II. (Aptitude Tests Section, South African Air Force.) FPRC report #545, Appendix B - June, 1943 612 Pilot Selection 81. Pilot selection used in the South African Air Force. S. Bieusheuvel and J. Maxwell FPRC report #545 - June, 1945 82. Prediction of flying ability from the electroencephalogram by the RCAF. R. F.Schroeder Report, School Aviation Med., Randolph Field - October 24, 1942 83. Prediction of success in pilot training by a motor word association test. C. Shagass Proc. Assoc.. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRGC - 4 April 1945, Appendix N 84. Predictive value of I.T.S. assessments and class standing. J. R. Brett Proc, Assoc. Coram. Aviation Med. Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix D, Report #4 85. Preliminary experimental investigation of "Tension” as a determinant of performance in flight training. Williams, Macmillan and Jenkins Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - Jan. 1946 86. Preliminary report on the study of airsickness. Maj, P. A. Campbell CAM Report #74, August 31, 1942 87. Preliminary report on the test battery for selection of pilots in the South African Air Force. S. Bieusheuvel FPRC report #545 (a) - June, 1943 88. Pre-selection tests in the R.A.F. . F, C. Bartlett. F.P.R.C. report 429 89. Present status of the pilot aptitude test battery in the South African Air Force. S. Bieusheuvel FPRC Report #545 '(b) - June, 1943 90. Pre-validation study of pilot-selection test situations using the Canadian Link Tester, a. M. Williams and J. S. Brown War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #356 (1) - 21 Nov. 1945 Pre—validation study oi pxxuo selection test situations using the'"' link trainer«, J. S, Brown and Joseph Weitz War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #340 (1) - 24 Aug. 1945 92. - Problem of pilot wastage. Report F.P.R.C. (orig.) #417, Jan. 13, 1942. 613 Pilot Selection 93. Problems in the selection of aviators. Eric Liljencrantz, U.S.N. F. report 443. 94. Procurement of electroencephalographic tracings on 100C flying cadets for evaluating the Gibbs* technique in relation to flying ability. M. W. Thorner War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #7 (1) - 21 Sept. 1942 95. Progress report No. 2 - electroencephalographic studies on R.C.A.F. air- crew. J. S. Goodwin FPRC report #413, Appendix F - 6 Sept., 1941 96. Proposal scheme for the training, etc., of aircrews and medical officers on the effects of acceleration. Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 53, undated (rec*d NRC-CMR 1 Aug, 1944) 97# Proposed revision of the neuropsychiatric standards of AR 40-110. I Muscle atrophy. M. Wo Thorner War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #150 (1) - 16 Sept,, 1943 98# Psychiatric examination of successful pilots, James Flind FPRC Report #529(R) - June 1945 99. Psychophysiological studies: VI. The standard handwriting test, CE114A, and its validity for pilot training. M. A. Wenger War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #421 (1) - 17 Sept. 1945 •100. Qualitative study of individual and group Rorschach records in relationship to subjects* performance at I.T.S., S.F.T.S. and S,F,T*S, G. M. Stephens Proc, Assoc# Gomm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix U 101. R.A.F, pre-selection tests. Dept, of Psychology, Cambridge Univ, Report F.P.R.C. #328, undated. 102. R.A.F. pre-selection tests. Dept, of Psychology, Cambridge Univ. Report F.P.R.C.#329, June 28, 1941. 103. Recruitment, selection and training of sector controllers, F. C. Bartlett. Report F.P.R.C. #403, undated. 104# Relation between coordination exercises and flying ability, P. V. Karpovich War Dept., Randolph Field Report - 86 (1), February 2, *43 Pilot Selection 105* Relation of broken homes to success in flying training (elementary schools). H. M. Turk War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #203 (1) - 17 Nov., 1943 106. Relation of the Schneider Index to success in Flying Training H. M. Turk War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field 190(1) - 19 October 1943 1C7* Relations between pilot error and multiple aircraft accidents. George Hass War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #153 (1) - 30 July, 1943 100# Relationship between the electroencephalogram and flying ability. Thorner, Gibbs, and Gibbs. Report, F.P.R.C. - #394. 109. Relationship of aniseikonia to flying performance in 175 ceased training pilots and 50 e;xperienced pilots. Min. Exec. Assoc. Gomm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 7/29/42, Appendix Q, 110. Relationship of background and personality factors to pilot competency. E. L. Kelly. Comm, Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog, Report, Sept., 1940 111. Reliability and value of thoracic and abdominal measurements in the physical examination for flying. Kossmann, Green and White War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #243 (1) - 15 Nov. 1945 112. Repeated low pressure chamber flights as an improved procedure for high altitude classification. H. S» Wigodsky CAM report #69 - July 2, 1942 113. Report by Dr. Paul M, Denson regarding his.visit to the Medical Division of the Civil Aeronautics Administration# Appendix E# Filed with; Reports, Comm. Med. Problems of Civil Aviation - 8 Oct. 1945 114* Report from the Yale Aeromedical Research Unit, L. F, Nims and J,F. Fulton Filed with: Reports, Yale Aeromedical Research Group - 6 June! 1944 115. Report on aviation medicine activities in Canada and U.S.A. T, C. Macdonald, Report F.P.R.C, #398, undated 116. Report on C.A.A. - national testing service, (Previous flight training and flight training preferences as related to pilot screening test scores). Comm. Selection and Training of Aircraft Pilots Filed with: Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - May, 1944 117* Report on correlation between swing-sickness and air-sickness. A. B. Hill Report, Comm. Airborne Troops, MRC - EPC 42/57/ABT 8, June 5, 1942 Pilot Selection 118* Report on flicker-fusion apparatus (electronic oscilloscope) as a test of ’’altitude tolerance”. Med. Research Div., U. S. Naval Air Station, Pensacola CAM report #90 - November 10, 1942 119. Report on personnel selection, R.A.F. and R.C.A.F, E. A.. Bott Miscellaneous Canadian Aviation Report #127 - November, 1941 120. Report on the Boston-Midwest project. (Promising techniques for the selection of pilots). Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - Nov* 1945 121. Report on the selection work of the Air Crew Allocation Centre and of the Personnel Centres (Refresher) for return©! R.A.F. prisoners or war. R. B. Buzzard FPRC Report #662 - May 1946 122. Restricted category personnel recategorised after orthoptic treatment (first report). N. G. Traylen Report, No. 1 Flying Personnel Research Unit, FPRC, RAAF - , FR 110, undated (rec’d NRG-OMR 1 June 1945) 123. Resume crash injury program, (Activities, Major R. T. Crane.) OMcnr-lSl* J. C. Hinsey et al Special GAM Report - 9 July 1945 124. Reviews of physical standards for airmen. Appendix C, Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med. Problems of Civil Aviation - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 22 Aug. 1946) 125. Revised serial reaction time apparatus for use in appraised flying aptitude. R. A. McFarland and R. C. Channell Filed with: Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Sept. 1944 126* Revised two-hand coordination test, R. A. McFarland and R. C. Channell Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Oct* 1944 127. Russian manual of the method of examination for flying duties. F. report 392h 128. S.A.M. model of the hand pressure modification of the S.A.M. complex coordination test (CE104B). Joseph Weitz War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, #263 (1) - 4 May 1944 129. S.A.M. rotary pursuit tost for the classification of aviation cadets: I. .apparatus and procedures. J. S. Brown and A. W. Melton War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #125 (1) - 1 March 1943 Pilot Selection 3.38* S.A.M. rotary pursuit test, model B with and without the divided attention attachment. Brown, Melton and Buel War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #350 (1) - 5 Feh. 1946 131. S.A.M. single dimension pursuit test, models A, B, C, D, and E (CM801B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, and B-5),. J. S• Brown War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, Project 42, report #1 - 29 June 1944 132. S.A.M. two-hand coordination test for the classification of aviation cadets: I. Apparatus and procedures. Jack Buel and A. W. Melton War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #124 (1) - 11 March 1943 133. S.A.M. two-hand pursuit test, model B (CM810B). J. S. Brown War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #271 (1) - 28 July 1945 134. Scoring method and normal varieties of performance. R. C. Browne. Report F« P. R. C. #279, Apr, 4, *41, 135. Sensitivity of peripheral vision in relation to skill in landing an airplane. M, A, Tinker and W, S. Carlson Filed with; Div, Anthropology & Psychology, HRC - April, 1943 136. Size of pilots of Halifax aircraft, G, 0, Williams and G. M, Morant FPRC #617 - May 1945 137. Skid-slip recorder for assessing the proficiency of students pilots during routine check rides. R. B. Loucks War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #347(1) - 23 Dec. 1944 138. SMA3 test and ability to learn to fly, A. B. Hill and G. 0. Williams Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 574, March 1944 139. Some limitations of the electrocardiogram in the physical examination for flying. Co S. Kossmann War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #8 (1) - 15 Feb, 1942 140. Standardisation of pressure chamber descent procedure for classification of descent ear tolerance of flying personnel. P. A. Campbell F.P.R.C, report #459 617 Pilot Selection 141. Statistical comparison of the findings of the self balancing test with E*i »T,S, pilot training* C* F, Burt et al Proc, Assoc* Comm, Aviation Med* Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix D, Report #6 142* Study of fatigue” in relation to steroid hormone and urine volume output* Progress report* Gregory Pincus and Hudson Hoagland Special CAM Report - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 21 Mar, 1946) 143* Study of individual differences among flight instructors in making spot landings* Yvalker, Bennett and Ewart Div. Anthropology and Psychology, KRC - Feb, 1946 144, Study of pilot prediction accuracy at the E.F.T.S, level of various 1,T.S* selection procedures. B, F* Crocker Proc, Assoc* Comm, Aviation Med, Research, 22 July 1943 - Appendix D, Report $3 145, Study of reasons for suspension from training* Bradford Hill, Report F,P*R.C* $385-e, Oct. 27, 1941, 146, Study of some factors in the causation of flying stress, .Reid F. ? R. & report $450 147* Study of some pre-selection assessments in relation to elementary flying schools gradings entered on form 1499-B, Bradford Hill, Report F,P*R,C, $385-c, Nov* 20, 1941, 148, Study of some statistical data relating SMA3, Bradford Hill* Report F.P.R.C, $385-d, undated, 149, Study of the relation between Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory scores and "pilot error” in aircraft accidents* W. D, 0’Gorman and E. C, Kunkle War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field $477 (1) - 18 June 1946 150, Study of the value of the pseudo-isochromatic color vision test in the selection of the military pilot* M, S* White War Dept*, Air Forces, Randolph Field $12 (1) - 30 Jan, 1942 151, Study of visual and cardiovascular standards in relation to success in flight training* Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - May 1946 Pilot Selection 152* Supplemental agreement (contract Cca-23935). National Research Council to study medical problems in civil aviation medicine. Appendix A. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med. ProblenB of Civil Aviation - 27 March 1945 j-153* Suspensions at Elementary Flying Training Schools: Frequency of faults. Psychology Lab., Cambridge. Report F.P.R.C. #357, Sept. 16, 1941. 154. Swing Sickness and a history of motion sickness, (second report). Brov/n, Brett, and Hewlett Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research - 22 July 1943, Appendix F, Report #1 155* Symptoms experienced during repeated low pressure chamber flights, and their significance for high altitude classification. J. Sc Gray CAM report #71 - July 1, 1942 156. Tests for radio operators. G. C. Drew. Report F.P.R.C #336, July 22, 1941. 157. Tests for the sensitivity of peripheral vision. M. A. Tinker Comm. Selection & gaining Aircraft Pilots. - Report, Jan, 1941 158. Tests of kinesthetic sensitivity in the selection of pilots. W. L. Lepley. Comm. Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots. - Prog. Report, Sept. 1940 159. Use of automatic recording in analyzing the process of learning to fly. V/. N. Kellogg. Comm. Selection & Training Aircraft Pilots - Prog. Report, Sept. 1940 160* Validation of the bomber pilot temperament assessment experiment. D. D, Reid FPRC Report #529(u) - July 1946 161* Validation study of the Eoagland-Werthessen Target Meter (S.A.M. Electronic Pilot Pursuit Test, CM 815A) J. S. Brown War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #270 (1) - 17 Oct. 1945 162* Validity of fighter-bomber pre-selection tests. Mins., Psychological Subcomm., Coram. Psychologists and Psychiatrists —PP(SC)(43) 6th meeting, 19 Feb., 1943 163* Validity of psycho-motor test battery. S. Bieusheuvel FPRC Report #545 (c) - July, 1943 Pilot Selection 164. Validity of smoothness of control measurements obtained during performance ol the S.A.m. Two-Hand Coordination Test as a basis for selection of aircrew candidates. H. B» Loucks War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #45 (3) - 28 Feb. 1944 165. Value of the word association test in predicting success in pilot training. C. Shagass Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix K 166. Visit to No. 2 Bombing Gunnery School, Millom. G. C. Drew. Recommendations for improvement in training. Report F.P.R.C. #329, June 28, 1941. 167. Visual factors in aircrew selection. Special study No. 6B* The relation- ship of the ocular findings in the aircrew medical examination to success in pilot and navigator training. Co Shagass and P. A. Christie Proc. Assoc. Goram. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix T LI. POSTURE 1. Circulator-/ effects of the head-down position (negative G-) in normal man, and measures designed to counteract them. Final report, OEMcmr-142. Wilkins, Bradley and Friedland. Special CAM Heport - 8 May 1946. 2, Effects of abrupt deceleration on the electro-cardiogram (Lead II) in the cat in the supine position, H. D. Kingsley and R. F. Hushmcr. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 459 (1) - 21 Jan, 1946, 5. Human body size in military aircraft and personal equipment. F. E. Randall et al. War Dept., Air Forces, Mi sc, - 10 June 1946. 4. Investigation into effect of reclining posture on ability to withstand high ’g’. Note on exp. in battle, W, K, Stewart. Reports F.P.R.C. Ho. 212, 212A, Dec. 1940, 5. Man’s ability to withstand transverse acceleration when in the sitting position (preliminary report), Lambert, Wood and Baldes. CAM Heport No. 418 - 7 March 1945, 6. Motion sickness and physiological problems peculiar to parachutists and other airborne troops. Final report, OEMcmr-262. D. B. Tyler. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Motion Sickness - 21 May 1946. 7. Note on prone position in aircraft, C. A. Kerr, W. K, Stewart, and J, R. Tobin. FPRC report No. 500. 8. Notes on obtaining comfort in the prone position when forward vision is maintained for prolonged periods. Interim report, OEMcmr-288, J. P. Henry et al. Special CAM Report - 22 Jan, 1946, 9. Protection against the effects of acceleration afforded the human by assumption of the prone position. OEMcrar-129. E. J. Blades et al (W, Boothby). CAM Report No. 158, 10 July, 1942, 10, Report on progress of investigation of cardio-vascular response to posture using air of both lower limbs and simul- taneous electro-encephalography and electrocardiography. H. V. Rice and T. Felds ted. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 7-8 Dec, 1945, Vol. 6, Appendix C. Pos ture 11. Speed in aerial warfare and physiologic reaction time. Translation. Hubertus Strughold. War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAA-660-99, 28 Feb. 1946, Appendix A. 12. Studies on flying in the prone position. Interim report, OEMcmr-288 W. G. Claris et al. CAM Keport Ho. 466 - 20 Aug. 1945. 15, Study of the relation of posture to the cardiovascular system and volume of the lower extremities. H. V. Rice and E. T. Feldsted. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med, Research, HRCC - 7-8 Dec. 1945, Vol. 6, Appendix 3. 14. Study of the vascular responses to changes in posture. Progress report. H. V. Rice. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Army Mud. Research, HRCC - 7-8 Dec. 1945, Vol. 6, Appendix D. 15. Summary of German aviation medical research. V*. R. Lovelace and V. J. Wulff. War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAA-660-99, 28 Feb. 1946. 622 LII. PRESSURE BREATHim 1. Altitude tolerance when breathing oxygen and when breathing oxygen supplied under positive pressure. R. I. Lias land. 'war Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 515 (1| - 21 Aug. 1944. 2. Apparatus for the automatic recording of respiratory and ventilation rates of crew in large aircraft. M. A. Worthington. FPRC Report No, 616 - May, 1945* 5, Appraisal of intermittent pressure.Iwpeathing as a method of increasing altitude tolerance. OELicrar-47. A. L. Barach et al. CAM Report No. 599 - 14 Nov. 1944. 4, Arterial blood studies at altitudes up to 50,000 feet, breathing under positive pressure in the positive pressure jacket. Power, Taylor, and Marbarger. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, Series A, Report No. 4 e, 11 Liar. 1945. 5, Conference on pressure breathing, Misc. Canadian Report No, 152 - 20 Oct, 1945. 6, Development of a positive pressure jacket for use during positive pressure breathing, C. B. Taylor and J, P. Marbarger. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, Series A, Report No. 4, 1 Feb. 1945, 7, Effect of breathing against 50-55 ram, on the cardiac output. Erickson, Marbarger, and Taylor, War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Mayo Aero med. Unit, Series A Report No. 4c, 24 Feb. 1945. 8, Effect of continuous and of intermittent pressure breathing on ki dney func t i on. 0ELlcmr-28 8, D. R. Drury et al, CAM Report No. 501 - £7 Dec. 1945. 9, Effect of deliberate hyperventilation on the incidence of ’’intolerable” cases of bends and chokes. Burkhordt, Thometz and Ivy. CAM Report No. 458 - June, 1945. 10. Effect of positive pressure breathing at sea level on peripheral blood flow and cardiac output, W. L. Bloom et al. GAM Report No. 246 - Jan, 1944. 11, Effect of positive pressure breathing on the appearance of the retinal vessels and on the intraocular pressure in man. C. 3. Taylor and J. P. Marbarger, War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, Series A Report No. 4 b, 17 Feb, 1945. 623 Pressure Breathing 12. Effect of positive pressure breathing on the arterial blood pressure and the cerebro-spinal fluid pressure in the dog. J. P. Marbarger and C, B, Taylor. War Dept., Air Forces, Llisc. - Mayo Aero Lied. Unit, Series A Report No, 4a, 9 Feb, 1942. 12. Effect of positive pressure breathing upon the blood and cardiovascular system, S. C. F. Mahady War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 252 (1) - 2 Apr, 1944. 14. Effect of pressure breathing on decompression sickness under different altitude conditions. Interim report, OELIcrar-26. J. P. Webb et al (E. B. Ferris), CALI Report No. 265 - 20 Oct. 1944. 15. Effect of pressure breathing on the occurence of decompression sickness. Interim report, OELlcmr-28. Chester Ifyman and Nancy North-. CA1.1 Report No. 470 - 19 Sept. 1945. 16. Effect of pressure breathing upon the skin temperatures of the extremities. Interim report, OEMcrar-129. J. B. Bateman and Charles Sheard (W, M. Boothby), CAM Report No, 428 - 2 May, 1945. 17. Effect of the elastic vest on the descent and collapse rate of aviation students breathing eight inches of water positive pressure at 28,000 feet. C. B. Taylor. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 202 (1) - 28 August, 1944. 18. Effect on dogs of repeated exposures to pressure breathing and high alti tude. C. B. Taylor and G. LI. Bass. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 174 (1) - 25 Aug. 1944. 19. Effects of exercise with positive pressure breathing and anoxia. A. L. Barach et al. CALI Report No. 29 2 - 21 March, 1944, 20. Effects of positive pressure respiration at a simulated altitude of 45,000 feet. Report, 0EMcmr-47. A. L. Barach et al, CAM Report No. 199 - 2 September 1942. 21. Effects of pressure breathing on decompression sickness and circula*- tory reaction in cadets, J. S. Gray. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 248 (1) - 15 Mar, 1944, 22. Elastic vest to be used with pressure breathing equipment. C. B. Taylor. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 202 (1) - 28 Aug. 1944, Pressure Breathing 22. Estimations of the 'decrease in effective blood volume when pressure breathing at sea level. Interim report, OEMcmr-288, t J. P. Henry et al, . a-; CAM Report Ho. 452— 11 July, 1945. : 24. Evaluation of the altitude pressure bag. (TED Ho, UHL 2546), ’ B. G. King'and-P, * H. Putcher.v 1 f . . •; • . .. Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-202, 22 March 1944., 25. Evaluation of'the emergency breathing procedure (voluntary; pressure breathing). 3. G, King et al. ‘ o”-. •' : : Havl Med. Research’'Inst. - Project X-291(l), SO June 1944. 26. High altitude positive pressure-oxygen equipment.,, , ■ Grodins, Adler, and Burkhardt. Special CAM Report - undated. - ‘ e • • -■ 27. Impressions of Canadian Conference on Pressurized Breathing, held at Toronto, October 20-21, 1942; , C, F. Schmidt, Misc. Canadian Report Hom-122 - 20 Oct, 1942, Appendix, • * * -• . ! , , 1., 26, Incidence of symptoms of "bends,and-chbkes" at<47,500 feet for one hour without exercise with intermittent pressure breathing. Final report, OELlcmr-241. A. C. Ivy et aT',‘,:- • ;iil ->ir ' , ,, CALI Rejdor't’ Ho,! 270 - 6* Oct, 1944. ; • 29. Increase in blood oxygen saturation obtained at high altitude by; breathing- 100% oxygen under positive pressure. R. L. Masland and S. C. F. Mahady, War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Ho. 20,9 (1) - 8 Aug. 1944. . . . ( 20. ‘Intermittent positive pressure breathing and treatment ,qf pulmonary edema resulting from exposure to gaseous lung irritants, such as phosgene. • ,. A. M, Gahan, War Dept., Air Forces, EHG-49-660-49-4j', 19 Hov. 1942., 21. Interrogation of combat veterans. , ( , < !t_ H. E. Collias and W. H, Bachrach. War Dept0, Air Forces, TSELA-2-697-15, 17 May 1945, 22. for medical officers on pressure breathing oxygen equipment FPRC Report Ho. 628, Appendix II - Aug, 1944. •. 22. Mechanical leakage tester for pressure breathing equipment. J." T. Bonner.'; • * War Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-696-7H, 21 Feb. 1944. 24. Oxygen, economy wi th pressure-breathing equipment. . ‘Wilson, Fink£l, ‘and-Jordan. ■- * • • ;. . ; t •. War Dept., Air Forces, EHG-49-696-42D, 5 June, 1944, Pressure Breathing 25. Personnel equipment problems in ETOUSA and NATOUSA. Appendix 11t Pressure breathing*. A. P. Gagge. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-24, 20 Sept. 1942. 26. Physiological effects of high negative mask pressures during a simulated free-fall. Report No. *2, H. G. Swann. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA 2-696-68A, 8 March 1945, 27. Physiological effects of pressure breathing. W, 0. Fenn et al. report No. Ill, January, 1942. 26. Physiology of pressure breathing: A brief review of its present status. OEkcrar-47, a. L. Barach et al. Report No, 494 - Sept, 1945. 29. Physiology of pressure breathing. Final report, OEMcmr-147, Otis, Rahn and Fenn. Special CAM Report - 16 Aug. 1946. 40. Physiology of pressure breathing. Fourth report, OEMcmr-147. Hermann Rahn et al. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Oxygen and Anoxia - 10 May 1945. 41. Physiology of pressure breathing. Second report, OEMcmr-147• Chadwick, Fenn, Otis, and Rahn. CAM Report No. 249 - 1 Dec. 1942. 42. Pressure breathing. War Dept., Air Forces, PIF - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Feb, 1945), 42. Pressure breathing. D. I. Patt and S. C. Allen. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-1P, 29 Oct., 1942. 44. Pressure breathing. J. P. Marbarger. war Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-1M, 22 July, 1942. 45. Pressure breathing. Lovelace, Gagge, and Moiomut. War Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Center - EXP-M-49-695-1E, December 10, 1942, 46. Pressure breathing. Marbarger, Patt and Russell War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-1-T, 21 May 1944. 47. Pressure breathing. Norman Moiomut Yter Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Div. - EXP-M-49-695-1C, November 16, 1942. Pressure Breathing 48. Pressure breathing, Norman Molomut. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-695-1F, January £2, 1942. 49. Pressure breathing. S. C. Allen. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-695-1G, March 16, 1942. 50. Pressure breathing. S. C. Allen. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-1-I, 29 May, 1942. 51. Pressure breathing conference. S. C. Allen. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-2-695-1GG, 21 Feb. 1945. 52. Pressure breathing. (Conference held at Materiel Command, April 8, 9, 10, 1942). S. C, Allen. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-1H, April 26, 1942. 52. Pressure breathing. Indoctrination. Gagge, Robinson, and Allen. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-1-Q, 15 Nov., 1942. 54. Pressure breathing of air at simulated high altitude. A. R. Behnke et al. Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-116, Prel, rep. No. 2, 14 June, 1942. 55. Pressure breathing of ambient air at altitudes without aid of a special device. Geramill, Lilienthal and Riley, Navy Dept., Naval Air Train, Center, Pensacola, Fla. - Project X-198 (Av-R5-2), report No. 1 (preliminary), 20 Oct. 1942. 56. Pressure breathing without the aid of a special device; circulatory measurements and an evaluation of the method for service use. J. L. Lilienthal and R. L. Riley. Navy Dept., Naval Air Train. Center, Pensacola, Fla. - Project X-198 UV-R5-2), report No. 2 (final), 10 Dec. 1942. 57. Progress on arterial puncture studies at altitude breathing against positive pressure Jacket, Taylor and Marbarger, War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, Series A Report No. 4 d, 2 Mar. 1942. 58. Progress on positive pressure Jacket work. C, B. Taylor and J. P, Marbarger, War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Mayo Aero Lied. Unit, Series A Report No. 4 f, 20 Mar, 1942. Pressure Breathing 59. Protocols of experiments on pressure breathing at 47,500 ft. or above for one hour using pneumalator General Electric X-Ray Corporation, submitted by H. J. Holmquest and A. J. Kizaur as tested physiologically for high altitudes. H. F. Adler et al. Special CaM Report - £2 Jan. 1945 - 5 Feb, 1944. 60. Psychomotor performance and arterial oxygen saturation during positive pressure breathing in an altitude chamber. OEMcmr-28. Larrabee, Hodes, and Pappenheimor. CALI Report No, 54£ - 15 Aug. 1944, 61. R. A. E, instruction leaflet no. Inst. 417 on pressure bre-thing equipment. Instructions for aircrew. FPRC Report No. 6£6, Appendix III - August 1944. 62. R. a. E. Instruction Leaflet No. Inst. 425. Pressure breathing equipment; instructions for modification of aircraft oxygen equipment. FPRC Report No. 626, Appendix I - May 1944, 65, Reduction of alveolar carbon dioxide pressure during pressure breathing and its relation to hyperventilation, together with a new method of representing the effects of hyperventilation. OEMcmr-129. J. B. Bateman (w. M, Boothby). CAM Report No. 561 - Sept. 1944, 64. Report of meeting of Subcommittee on Oxygen Equipment. Manual, demand valve C5B, rubber substitutes for masxs, pressure breathing. Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm. Aviation Med. Research - October 21, 1942, Appendix A. 65. Report of studies made under contract OEMcmr-47, June 12, 1945- June 12, 1944, Final report, OEMcmr-47. A. L. Barach. Special CuM Report - Undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 24 July 1944). 66. Report on the worA of the Subcommittee on Protective Clothing, Associate Committee on Aviation Medical Research, National Research Council, Canada, for the year April 1st, 1944 to March 51st, 1945, G. E. Hall and J. A. Kitching, Proc* assoc, Comra. Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 4 April Appendix B. 67. Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee’s activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945. H. E. V.hi t tingham. FPRC Report No. 651 - 5 Mar, 1946. 68. Resuscitation and positive pressure breathing, j\, Cci hci n • War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-1, 20 July 194c. 628 Pressure Breathing 69. Resuscitator and intermittent positive pressure breathing device developed by the Aero Medical Laboratory, A. M. Cahan. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-49-D, 9 Aug., 1942. 70. Service test of pressure breathing equipment for 215th Bomb Wing (VH). S, C. Allen. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-2-695-1HH, 6 Aug. 1945, 71. Studies at altitude with an intermittent pressure breathing device (Bennett valve). Interim report, 0EMcrar-*288, D. R. Drury. CAM Report No, 292 - 1 Dec, 1944, 72. Studies of positive pressure breathing. Subjective, clinical and psychological effects of breathing 100% oxygen at a pressure of 15 mm. % at a simulated altitude at 42,200 feet (126 mg. !&,). A. L. Barach et al. GAM Report No, 260 - 14 Feb. 1944. 72, Studies on positive pressure respiration at sea level and at various simulated altitudes. Special report, 0ELIcrar-47, A. L. Barach et al. CAM report No. 150 - June 1942, 74. Study of cerebral physiology at high altitudes, M. W. Thorner. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 60 (1) - 1 March 1942, 75. Study of hyperventilation as a means of gaining altitude, Pts. I and II. L. £, Chadwick et al. CAM Report No. 204 - 22 May 1944, 76. Study of hyperventilation as a means of gaining altitude. (Parts III-VII), Interim report, OEMcmr-147. W* 0. Fenn et al. CAM Report No. 410 - Jan. 1945. 77. Theory for safety pressure. OEMcmr-26, G. A, Millkan and J. R. Pappenheimer. CAM Report No. 419 - March 1945. 78. Trials of pressure breathing apparatus at a simulated altitude of 45,000 feet. W. C. Gibson and H. W. Smith. Mi sc. Canadian Aviation Report No. 122 - 16 July 1942. 79. Value of carbon dioxide in intermittent pressure breathing. Kaufman, Nims, Nyboer, and Somberg. GAM Report No. 221 - June 1944, 629 Pressure Breathing 80, Voluntary pressure breathing of ambient atmosphere as a means of increasing the oxygen saturation of the blood. B. Commoner, Navy Dept., Bur, lied. & Surg. - Project X-196 (Av-R5-2). 19 Oct., 1942. 630 LIU, PRESSURE CABINS 1, Altitude conditioning of aircraft babins. M, B. Cooper FPRG report #244 2, Aviation medicine and physiology, R. H, Winfield War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #99, 8 Jan. 1945 3. Cabin pressurization, (Diagram) Navy Dept,, Bur. Aeronautics - 22 Jan. 194-6 4. Evaluation of targets investigated and summary of information obtained pertaining to research in aviation medicine for the German Air Force, W, R, Lovelace and V. J, Dulff War Dept., U, S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 4 Aug, 1945 5* Firing tests on pressurized airplanes, H, M, Sweeney War Dept,, Air B’crces, Eng-49-426-40, 10 Dec., 1943 6, Memorandum on physiological aspects of pressure cabin development with particular reference to whether pressures of 7-9 lb,/sq,in, or 2-J-3 are -desirable-, R.A.F, Physiol, Lab* Report FPRC #402 (WAM103-10) Nov. 25, 1941 7, Interrogation of Messerschmitt personnel on hydraulic systems and pressure cabins, (Extract) War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm., Evaluation Report #94 - 13 June 1945 8, Miscellaneous aviation medical matters. Leo Alexander War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Report #88 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 18 Mar. 1946) 9, Personnel equipment problems in ETOUSA and NATOUSA, Appendix 10: Pressure cabin operations in the United Kingdom, A, P. Gagge War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49~695-34, 20 Sept. 1943 10, Physiological considerations on the choice of pressures for pressure cabin military aircraft. H. L, Roxburgh FPRC Report #402(a) - 9 Jan, 1945 11. Physiological requirements of sealed high altitude aircraft compartments. H, G. Armstrong War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, Misc, - 19 Dec, 1935 631 Pressure Cabins 12, Position in April, 1942, of certain flying equipment. Oxygen equipment, helmets, pressure cabin aircraft, thermometers. FPRC report #423-b 13, Preliminary report of points of interest in aviation medicine and physiology in Belgium and France, R. H, Winfield War Dept,, Combined Intel3.igence Objectives Subcomm, Report #8 - 8 Jan, 194-5 14, Pressurization, ventilation and heating requirements for military and passenger type aircraft. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-11, 28 Feb. 194-5, Appendix L 15, Pressurized cabins for German high-altitude aircraft. War Dept,, U„ S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Med. Intell. Bull, #22 - 7 Jan. 194-5 16, Progress of aviation medicine in the Royal Air Force and its application to the problems of civil aviation. H. E. Whittingham FPRC Report #667 - 13 July 1946 17, Ventilation rate of sealed aircraft cabins. K. E. Penrod War Dept,, Air Forces, Eng-4-9-696-42B, 24 Dec,, 1943 18, Ventilation rate of sealed aircraft cabins, M. Tribus War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-54-664,1433, 12 June 1944 19, Your body in flight. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - 30 Sept. 1944 LIV. PRESSURE SUIT ' 1, Addendum to Wing Commander Greig’s report on tests with ’’special flying suit” carried out between June 1st and June 5th, 194-0, using Spitfire L 1090. W. R. Franks Misc, Canadian Aviation Report #10 - 8 June, 194-0 »■ 2, Aero-medical exploitation, Germany 194-5. W. F. Sheeley War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - 1 Feb, 194-5 to 15 Oct, 194-5 3. Altitude pressure suit, W, F. Dawbarn War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-660-11-0-1, 11 Oct,, 194-3 4-. Altitude tests of the partial pressure suit. James Henry and J. D, Chatham War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAA-660-100-A, 20 June 194-6 5. Analytic studies of pressure transmission factors in anti-g suits. (Air gradient suit) Herrington, Lamport and Hoff CAM Report #129 - December 10, 1942 6, Anti-blackout equipment - test of - report on. T, Ferwerda Filed with: Naval Air Station, Anacostia, D. C,, 27 April 1942 7. Anti ”g” flying suits - comparative tests of Clark and Berger models, P, F. Scholander War Dept,, Army Air Forces Board - B Nov, 1944, Report #5 8, Automatic inflation devices for testing anti-G suits. Morris Stadd War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAA-696-96, 14 Nov. 1945 9* Aviation medical problems in the European and Mediterranean theatres of operation, W. R. Lovelace, II War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA5B-697-B, 1 Nov, 1944 10, Black-out work. University of Sydney, Cotton anti-’g’ suit, Min. RAAF FPRC - July 16, 1942, pp. 3-4 FPRC report #35B-k (British File) 11, Body sizes of pursuit pilots, R, S. Benton (F. P. Randall) War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-695-32B, 20 Sept., 1943 12, Case of sudden swelling of the hands at 53,000 ft, simulated altitude. Interim report, 0EMcmr-2B8. J, P, Henry et al (D. R. Drury) CAM Report #393 - 1 Dec. 1944 Pressure Suit 13. Centrifuge test of the pneumatic lever anti-g suit, OEMcmr-199. Harold Lamport and L, P, Herrington CAM Report rf368 - 14 June 1944 1A. Comfort and accleration protection on the centrifuge of the L-12 Pneumatic Lever anti-black-out suit. Interim report, OEMcmr-199. Lamport, Clark and Herrington CAM Report #483 - 1 May 1945 15, Comparison of protection against the effects of positive acceleration afforded by the standart gradient pressure suit (G.P.S,) and a simplified single pressure suit.* Lambert, Wood, Baldes, and Code CAM Report #308 - 27 May 1944 16, Comparison of the protective value of an anti-blackout suit on subjects in an A-24 airplane and on the Mayo centrifuge. Interim report, OEMcmr-129. E, Ho Lambert (W, M, Boothby) War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - Mayo Aero Unit, Ser, B, #2 - Oct, 1945 17, Conference and tests at the centrifuge of the Mayo Aero Medical Unit. (Air gradient add hydrostatic suits) G. L, Maison War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-M-49-660-11Y, April 24, 1943 18, Demonstration of anti-blackout suit. War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-11, 28 Feb, 1945, Appendix M 19, Design for automatic control on high altitude pressure suits. H, L, Burns War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-6$-F, 15 June 1945 20, Determination of the effect of time of inflation on the G protection gained from the Clark G-4 suit. Interim report, OEMcmr-288, J, P, Henry et al (D. R. Drury) CAM Report #398 - 1 Dec. 1944 21, Determination of the most satisfactory single constant pressure with which to inflate the standard Gradient Pressure Suit. Clark, Henry and Drury CAM Report 7#366 - 1 Sept, 1944 22, Development of sub-stratosphere pressure suits in the German Air Force. V. J, Wulff and W. R, Lovelace War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-48-M, 11 Aug, 1945 23, Devices for protecting pilots from the effects of high acceleration with particular reference to trials of the Franks suit, R.A.F. Physiological Lab. FPRC report #49B, November 20, 1942 634 Pressure Suit 24. Dr&gerwerk, Lubeck, Germany. (Translation) W. R. Lovelace et al War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #85 - 13 May 1945 25. Effect of simulated altitude on the performance of the B-2 and B-3 instrument pump. OEMcmr-129. E. H. Wood CAM Report #462 - 26 May 1945 26. Effect of the type of oil separator used on the effective output of the B-2 instrument pump at simulated altitudes. OEMcmr-129. Wood, Haglund and Engstrom CAM Report #461 - 15 May 1945 27. Emergency pressure suit. J. W. Wilson War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAA-660-100, 5 May 1946 28. Environmental temperature and the cardiovascular effects of inflating a pneumatic suit (GPS). Final report, OEMcmr-339. H, W, Davenport (E.M, Landis) CAM Report #362 - 31 July 1944 29. Evaluation of anti-’g* suits. Report no. 1, G. L, Maison and C, A. Maaske War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-51A, 29 Sept., 1943 30. Evaluation of anti-g suits. Report No. 2 G. A, Hallenbeck War Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-696-51B, 12 Dec, 1943 31. Evaluation of anti-g suits. Report no. 3. G. L, Maison War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-51C, 18 April 1944 32. Evaluation of anti-g suits. Report no, 4. Maaske, Hallenbeck and Martin War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49**696-51D, 10 June 1944 33. Evaluation of anti-g suits, report #6. C, A. Maaske et al War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL3-696-51F, 16 Nov. 1944 34. Evaluation of means for reducing pilot fatigue during long fighter missions - anti-ngn suit, Irving, Scholander and Cook War Dept,, Army Air Forces Board Report #6 - 7 Dec, 1944 35. Evaluation of methods of resistance to the effects of * G1. S, Davidson FPRC Report #599 - Oct. 1944 635 Pressure Suit 36. Evaluation of targets investigated and summary of information obtained pertaining to research in aviation medicine for the German Air Force, W, R. Lovelace and V. J, Dulff War Dept,, U, S. Strat. Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - A Aug, 1945 37. Experimental pressure suit development. R.A.F, Physiological Research Unit. (Air Suit) Report FPRC #303, May 23, ’41 38. Experimental results on the amount of protection against G afforded by restricting C.A.A.G. suit to ”LRGS” plus a belt. F. S. Cotton and J. H. Tyrer Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RAAF - FR 83(A). undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 1 Nov, 1944) 39. Extract from Squadron Leader McIntyre’s U,K, report. (Suggestions to improve pressure suits). Min. Acceleration Section, No. 2 Flying Personnel Research Unit, FPRC, RAiiF - FR 102. 15 Jan. 1945, Appendix A 40. Factors influencing the efficacy of anti-g equipment at present in use. Interim report, OEMcmr-129. E. H. Wood and E. H, Lambert CAM Report #442 - 24 May 1945 41. Factors involved in the protection afforded by the pneumatic anti- blackout suits. OEMcmr-129. E, H. Wood et al CAM Report #351 - 24 Aug, 1944 42. F.F.S. with pneumatic pressurization as an anti-g device, E. H, Lambert et al CAM Report #248 - 19 Jan. 1944 43. Flight tests of anti-blackout equipment - Ryan Aeronautical Company. C, W. Terry CAM Report #441 - 25 April 1945 44. Franks’ flying suit mark III: report on operational trials in the second tactical air force. Cellars, Rose and Kerr Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 584 (a). undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 14 Dec. 1944) 45. German aircraft oxygen equipment. R. C. London and J, C. Gilson FPRC Report #644 • undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 31 Oct, 1945) ♦ 46. High ”G” manoeuvres with American anti-g units. K, V, Robertson and M, C. Cotton Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 128, Jan. 1945 47. Institut fur luftfahrtmedizin, Munich. (Assessment report)’ War Dept., CIOS, Consolidated Advance Field Team, Misc, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Feb. 1946) Pressure Suit 48. Introduction of anti-lfG” equipment into the MTO, G. A, Hallenbeck War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEIA-3-696-51N, 12 May 1945 4.9, JP-1 modification of the Clark-Cornelius Anti-G valve for use in jet propelled aircraft. G. A. Hallenbeck War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-78D, 8 Sept. 194-5 50, JP-1 pressure regulating valve for G suits in P-80 airpland, G. A, Hallenbeck War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-78E, 30 Aug. 194-5 51, JP-2 pressure regulating valve for Anti-G suits in jet propelled aircraft. G, A, Hallenbeck War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-78F, 14- Sept, 194-5 52, JP-8 pressure regulating valve for anti-g suits in jet propelled air craft. E, E, Martin War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAA-695-68, 5 Aug. 194-6 53* Note of progress of the pneumodynamic suit, (Extract from Australian Flying Personnel Research Committee report, F.R. 27, dated December 1942). (Cotton Suit) FPRC report 4-07-a 54-. Notes on the main items of research carried out since the previous committee meeting, FPRC Report #648 - 16 Nov. 194-5, Appendix A 55. Personnel equipment problems in ETOUSA and NATCUSA. Appendix 121 An immediate application for the anti-G suit, A, P. Gagge War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-695-34, 20 Sept. 194-3 56, Physiological studies on the effect of positive acceleration in cats and monkejrs. Interim report, (Hjairostatic Suit) Jasper, Cipriani, and Lotspeich Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research - October 22, 1942, Appendix R 57. Physiological tests on flying clothing for use in the tropics. J. C, D. Hutchinson FPRC #624- - May 1945 58, Points from Royal Australian Air Force Flying Personnel Research Committee (papers numbered F.R. 30-31, March, 1943). Carbon monoxide, cormunication, noise, pressure suit, red floodlighting in aircraft, searchlight dazzle, gog1 les, night vision, nutrition, glare, morale. FPRC report #358 (k) - 2, March, 1943 637 Pressure Suit 59. Preliminary report on current activities of the R.A.F. Physiological Labo ra to ry, Farnborough. A. K. McIntyre Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR-101B, 14. Dec. 1944 60. Preliminary report on K.O.P, anti-G suits, A, K, McIntyre Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 92. June 1944- 61. Present position of anti-G suits. A. K. McIntyre Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 93, June 1944* 62. Pressure exerted on the lower extremity by the latest models Berger Single Pressure Anti-g suit and Pneumatic Lever Anti-g suit, Harold Lamport and L, P. Herrington CAM Report #294 - 27 March 1944 63. Pressure suit - type BABM W. L, Dawbarn War Dept., Air Force, ENG-49-M-660-11-X, April 21, 1943 64. Progress report on flying suit to protect against pressure effects of acceleration. W, R. Franks Misc, Canadian Aviation Report - 2 Oct,, 1940 65. Progress report on work to protect personnel against the pressure effects of acceleration, W, R, Franks Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #7 - March, 1940 66. Protection afforded the human by hydrostatic as compared to pneumatic anti G devices. OEMcmr-129. Wood, Code and Baldes CAM report #207 - 12 Nov., 1943 67. Protection against the effects of acceleration afforded by pulling against a weighted control stick and the influence of this on the effectiveness of pneumatic anti-blackout suits, Lambert, Wood and Baldes CAM Report #265 - 12 Feb, 1944 68. Report on anti-g equipment, J. Tyrer and K, V. Robertson Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 95, 13 Aug, 1944 69. Report on comparative trials between C.A.A.G, and F.F, suits, S. J. Carr Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 567, 11 Feb, 1944 Pressure Suit 70, Report on development of low differential pressure suit for high altitude flying, J, D. Akerman Special CAM Report - 31 Dec, 1942 71. Report on practical flying tests carried out with nspecial flying suit” (designed by Dr. Franks) between June 1st and June 5, 1940. Spitfire L. 1090. D, D, Greig Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #9-8 June, 1940 72* Reports of the Committee on Aviation Medicine, National Research Council, on radial acceleration and its effect on the human and animal organism, (Frank Suit) C. A, Maaske War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-M-49-696-36, April 8, 1943 73. Review of methods of applying air pressure to the extremities for protection against acceleration with measurements of the effective pressures on the skin. Lamport, Hoff and CAM Report #228 - 24 Nov, 1944 74. Review of the practicability of and necessity for Anti-G devices in the R.A.F. with particular reference to the F.F.S. MK. III. Davidson, Rose and Stewart Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 584. July 1944 75. Shock suit: A fluid pressure (air pressure) suit for hunans, A working outline and instructions to accompany suit. 2nd edition. W. R, Franks and E. A. Ryan Misc, Canadian Aviation Report #137 - 15 May 1945 76. Slowing of the heart by inflation of the G-suit at 1 nG", G, G. Mackenzie and R, J, Slaughter War Dept,, Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-75A - 26 May 1945 77. Some aspect of G protection in aircraft. F, S, Cotton Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 116(g), 10 May 1945 78. Some factors in the protective mechanism of HGM suits, A, K, McIntyre Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 108, Nov, 1944 79. Studies of the Z-l (G-4) and Z-2 anti-blackout suits, and the C-C-l standard and adjustable valves used by a Navy fighter squadron on a centrifuge and in aircraft. Interim Report, OEMcmr-288, R. L, Christy and W. G. Clark CAM Report #447 - 9 June 1945 639 Pressure Suit 80. Studies on the effects of abdominal pressure bolts upon the flow and distribution of blood, E, C. Andrus et al CAM Report #21 - IB Aug, 1941 81. Studies on the influence of pneumatic leggings upon the flow and distribution of blood, (Air gradient suit) S, Scherlis and E, C. Andrus CAM Report #115-February 18, 194-3 82. Study of the role of intra-abdominal pressure in tolerance to centrifugal force, R, F. Rushmer War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #316 (l) - 9 Sept. 1944 83. Surface pressure measurements with the University of Southern California pressure suit, OEMcmr-288. Henry, Goodman and Hyman Special CAM Report - 10 May 194-6 84-. Tests made in flight with experimental suit designed to counteract ’’blackout” effects of positive accelerations. W. R, Franks, Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #8 - 14- May, 194-0 85* Tests of protection against the effects of acceleration afforded the human by the use of the latest model of the gradient pressure suit (G.P.S,) when inflated by. three different pressure arrangements. OEMcmr-129« Lamport, Hoff, Baldes, Code et al (Boothby) CAM report #187 - 25 August 194-3 86, Training and selection of aircrew for special duties, on the effects of high ”g” and the use of C.A.A.G. suit. Min. Comm, Anti-G Problems Research, FPRC, RAAF - FR 4-9 15 June 194-3, Appendix A 87, Trials of the R.A.F. anti-”g” suit, modified ”Q” harness and seat and back cushions in 2nd T.A.F. S. Davidson FPRC #622 - May 1945 88, Use of increase in weight of a mass under G to provide source of compressed air for F,F.S. (AB/BG system), W. R, Franks et al Proc, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC - 29 Sept, 1944, Appendix Bi IV. PSYCHIATRY AND NEUROLOGY A. Fear B. Flying Stress C, Morale D, Neurology E„ Neuroses F, Postcombat Psychosis G, Psychiatry H. Psychotherapy I. Rorschach Test 641 A, Fear 1, Analysis of combat nightmares? Emotional-psychologic aspects, J. M. Nagle Pacific Fleet Medical News - Vol. II, #2, Nov, 194-5, pp. 1-4- 2, Analysis of 500 cases of impairment of consciousness in pilots and aircrew, A, F, Rook FPRC Report #654- - Jan, 194-6 3, Experiments concerning the indirect effects of explosives on the efficiency of soldiers, British War Office Misc, Report #195 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 30 Aug. 1944-) 4-. Fear of German weapons. Based on a survey of enlisted men recently evacuated from North Africa, Joint study by Neuropsychiatry Branch, SGO & Research Branch, Special Serv, Div, War Dept., Army Service Forces - 1 October 194-3 5, Harrogate investigation, the relationships between the psychiatrists’ and the cockpit test grades, D. R. Davis FPRC Report #529(q) - Feb. 1945 6, Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel. Episodes of unconsciousness, confusion, and amnesia while flying, Denis Williams Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 562. Nov, 1943 7, Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section..1, A critical review of published literature, C, P. Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC report #412 (c) - January, 1942 8, Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 2, Review of reports submitted to Air Ministry since outbreak of the war, April 1942, C. P. Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC report #412 (d) - April, 1942 9, Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. The reliability of psychiatric opinion in the Royal Air Force. Bradford Hill and Denis Williams FPRC Report #601 - Oct. 1944 0, Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel by unit medical officers. C. P. Symonds and Denis Yfilliams FPRC Report #412(K) - 14 Feb. 1945 1, Mental effects of air raids and war conditions in general, Australia, Dept, Home Security, Research & Experiments Section, Technical Note #16 - June, 1943 Fear 12. Moral effect of weapons. Filed with: British War Office - undated, Misc. Report #61 13. Nature and incidence of acute emotional disturbances in torpedoed seamen of the Merchant Marine who are continuing at sea. Margolin, Kubie, Kanzer and Stone Filed with: Reports, Comm, War Neuroses - Nov. 1942 14. Psychiatric experiences of the Eighth Air Force, First year of combat (July 4> 1942 - July 4, 1943). Hastings, Wright and Glueck War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - Aug, 1944 15. Psychological effects of dive-bombing of A.A, personnel, Tobruch. Australian file - undated 16, Psychological observations on selection and training of parachute troops, A, Kennedy British War Office - undated; Misc, Report #45 17. Reasons for washouts among student pilots in the joint air training program. J, E. Goodwin Min, Assocc Comm, Aviation Med. Research - Sept, 18, 1941 > and Appendix K. 18, Report of special commission of civilian psychiatrists covering psychiatric policy and practice in the U.S. Army Medical Corps, European Theater, 20 April to 8 July 1945, War Dept., SGC - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 28 Sept. 1945) 19, Report on survey of aircrew personnel in the Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, and Fifteenth Air Forces. J. C, Flanagan War Dept,, Air Forces, Miscellaneous - 29 March 1944 20, Summary report on operational stress and the anxiety state in combat flying. Memo to Ha W, Smith from E. F. DuBois Navy Dept., Bur. Med, and Sung, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Oct. 1944) 21, War neuroses in North Africa, The Tunisian campaign, January - May, 1943 R, M, Grinker and J, P. Spiegel War Dept., NATO - September, 1943 643 B, Flying Stress 1* Analysis of 500 cases of impairment of consciousness in pilots and aircrew® A. F. Rook FPRC Report $654 - Jan. 1946 2. Analysis of neurosis precipitated by flying duties among operational aircrew under the control of the R.A.F. in Mediterranean Allied Air Force, Central Mediterranean Forces during 1944. R. N. Ironside FPRC Report #631 (revised) - July 1945 3. Clinical and statistical study of neurosis precipitated by flying duties. Table IV of the report. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 547 a, Feb. 1944 4. Conference on physiological aspects of combat fatigue. Report #63, Comm. Clin. Invest. - 3 May 1945 5. Evaluation of means for reducing pilot fatigue during long fighter missions - anti~'*g” suit. Irving, Scholander and Cook War Dept., Army Air Forces Board Report #6 - 7 Dec, 1944 6. Experiment on flying fatigue. F. C. Bartlett FPRC #126 - 18 April 1940 7o Fatigue apparatus. K.J.W. Craik FPRC #119 - March 1940 8. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Appendices. Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC', MRC — RHP 45/2Q2(J), undated (recfd NRC-CMR 23 Oct. 1945) 9. German military neuropsychiatry and neurosurgery. Leo Alexander War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #90 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Aug. 1946) 10. Harrogate investigation, the relationships between the psychiatrists’ and the cockpit test grades. D. R. Davis FPRC Report #529(q) - Feb. 1945 11. Instructions for medical officers on special accommodation of the medical services for flying personnel. C. C. Ollregge German File - 17 Nov. 1943 Flying Stress 12* Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel# Assessment of temperament in connection with aircrew selection# Report on the psychiatric method employed# C* P* Symonds and Denis Williams Report, Comm# Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 529(0), July 1944 13# Investigation of pyschological disorders in flying personnel, clini- cal and statistical study of neurosis precipitated by flying duties. C# P« Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #547 - Aug., 1943 14# Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel by unit medical officers. C.P# Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #412(K) - 14 Feb. 1945 15# Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel. Episodes of unconsciousness, confusion, and amnesia while flying# Denis Williams Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 562, Nov. 1943 16# Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. The reliability of psychiatric opinion in the Royal Air Force# Bradford Hill and Denis Williams FPRC Report #601 - Oct. 1944 17# Medical aspects of R.A.F. polar research flights# R. H# Winfield FPRC Report #663 - Jan# 1946 18. Neurotic reactions to flying duties in aircrew under the control of the R.A.F. in Mediterranean Allied Air Forces, Central Mediterra- nean Forces, January - June 1945# R# N. Ironside FPRC Report #645 - Sept. 1945 19. Note on the time of recognition of neurosis in flying personnel. Denis Williams FPRC Report #412(j) - Feb. 1944 20# Notes on the prevention of fatigue in flying personnel. v (Air Ministry Pamphlet 154.) FPRC Report #543 - June, 1943 21# Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F. Air Crew, 1943-1944. C. P# Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept. 1944 Flying Stress 22, Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F. air crew, 1943-1944, Bomber Command, C, P, Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept. 1944, Appendix A 23, Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F. Air Crew, 1943-1944, Coastal Command. C, P, Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept, 1944, Appendix B 24, Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F. Air Crew, 1943-1944, Flying Train- ing Command. C, P, Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept, 1944, Appendix C 25, Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F, Air Crew, 1943-1944, Middle East Command, C, P, Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept, 1944, Appendix D 26, Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F, Air Crew, 1943-1944, Personnel in Fighter Command, Army Co-operation Command and later A.E.A.F,, including A.D.G-. B. and 2nd T.A.F. C, P, Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept, 1944, Appendix E 27, Physiological effects of ultra-sonic vibrations. War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #45 - undated (rec’d NRC-GMR 2 Aug, 1945) 28, Probability of return to full flying of men who have broken down under the strain of operational duties, C, P, Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #561 - Nov,, 1943 29, Psychiatric experiences of the Eighth Air Force, First year * of combat (July 4, 1942 - July 4, 1943) Hastings, Wright and Glueck War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - Aug, 1944 30, Psycho—somatic approach to disabilities in S.A.A.i. flying personnel. Analysis of Central Medical Establishment Disability Boards (1,9.41 - 31,8,44). A.B.J, Plaut South African Report #28 -2© March 1945 31, Relative importance of operational hazard, inexperience and effort in tour limitation, D. D, Reid FPRC Report #640 - Aug. 1945 646 Flying Stress 32. Report on survey of aircrew personnel in the Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, and Fifteenth Air Forces. J. C. Flanagan War Dept., Air Forces, Miscellaneous - 29 March 1944 33. Role of fatigue in pilot performance. Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - May 1946 34. Statistical analysis of neurosis precipitated hy flying duties among operational air crew under the control of the R.A.F. in Mediterra- nean Allied Air Forces, Central Mediterranean Forces. FPRC Report #631 - July 1945 35. Study of some measures of the effect of operational stress on bomber crews. D« D« Reid FPRC Report #605 - Nov. 1944 36. Summary report on operational stress and the anxiety state in combat flying. Memo to H. W. Smith from E« F. DuBois Navy Dept., Bur. Med. and Surg. - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Oct. 1944) C, Morale 1. "Acute pilot's fatigue". A consideration and anal7sis. D. B. Dili and A. G. Ivy, Cam Deport No. 29 - DO October 1941. 2. Air Staff Post-hostilities Intelligence Requirements on German Air Force. 0. B. Schreuder et ai. War Dept., U. S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Mi sc. - 16 Aug. 1945, 5. Analysis of one hundred psychiatric casualties and one hundred apparently "normal" soldiers. Billings, Ebaugh, ct al. Final report. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Psychiatry - July 1941. 4, Assessment of the effects of depressing situations or substances on services personnel, N. H. Mackworth, Report, MPEG - BPG 42/129, August, 1942. 5, Combat medicine. (Description of care given combat wounded.). War Dept., ETO, "Army Talks" - Vol, II, No. 57, 15 Sept. 1944. 6, Dissemination of information to troops on embarkation in transports. Gilman and H. L. Goff. Atlantic Fleet Medical News Letter No. 0-44 - 29 Feb. 1944. 7, Draft report on the possible scope of psychological work in the services. Report, Informal. Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(45)25. 29 June 1945. 8, Effect of upbringing and education on Japanese morale. J ohn- Kelnar. British War Office Misc. Report No. 222 - Aug. 1944. 9, Experiments concerning the indirect effects of explosives on the efficiency of soldiers. British War Office Misc. Report No. 195 - undated (rec'd. NRC-CMR 50 Aug. 1944). 10. Factors influencing onset and production of fatigue in Catalina flying boat crews. Diet. Noise. Clothing. Glare. Air sickness. Morale. Benzedrine. R. H. Winfield. Report F.P.R.C. No. 555, Sept. 1, 1941. 11, Fatigue in jungle operations. D. H. K. Lee Report, Coram. Army Physiological Research, NHMRC - Australia undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 4 July 1944), Morale 12, Fear of German weapons. Based on a survey of enlisted men recently evacuated from North Africa. Joint study by Neuropsychiatry Branch, SGO & Research Branch, Special Serv. Div, War Dept., Army Service forces - 1 October 1945. IS. First reactions to battle. Filed with*. British War Office - April, 1945; Misc. Rejjort No. 57, 14. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944, Part 111. The health of the Eastern Fxeet. F, P. Ellis. Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - HTTP 45/202(f). July 1945. 15. German deserter - a £>sychological study. H. V, Dicks. British War Office, Misc. Report No, 158 - May 1944. 16. German parachute troops at Crete, C, G * G, Mac key. Report F.P.R.C. No. 560, undated, 17. German political attitudes. H. V. Dicks. British War Office Misc. Report No. £11 - Oct. 1944. 18. Interim observations on cases in advanced psychiatric wings, C. Kenton et al. British War Office, Miscell. report No. 147 - March 1944., 19. Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 1. A critical review of published literature. C. P. Syraonds and Denis Williams. FPRC report No, 41£ (c) - January, 1942. 20. Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 2, Review of reports submitted to Air Ministry since outbreak of the war, April 1942. C. P. Syraonds and Denis Williams. FPRC report No. 412 (d) - April, 1942. 21. Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel by unit medical officers, C, P. Syraonds and Denis Williams. FPRC Report No. 412 (K) - 14 Feb. 1945, 22. Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel, clinical and statistical study of neurosis precipitated by flying duties. C. P. Syraonds and Denis Williams. FPRC Report No. 547 - Aug. 1945. 25. Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel. The psychological asxjects of airsickness. C. P. Syraonds and Denis Williams. FPRC Report No. 595 - Sept. 1944. Morale 24. Medical observations during passage on northern convoy. Abstract of report by Macdonald Critchley. Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm. - R.N.P. 45/25, January-February, 1942. 25. Medical problems of the merchant ship fighter unit, (M.S.F.U.). R. H. Winfield, F.P,R.C. report No. 468 - May 25, 1942. 26. Memorandum for National Research Council on ABCA (British Array Bureau of Current Affairs). J. E. Moore, Filed with; British War Office, Misc. Report No. 81 - 5 September, 1942. 27. Memorandum for National Research Council on ABCA (British Army Bureau of Current Affairs). Amended and corrected by Lt. Col. R. A. Rusbridge, ABCA, British War Office, British War Office, Misc. Report 81-A, undated (rec’d MRC-CMR 15 Jan. 1944.). 26, Mental effects of air raids and war conditions in general, Australia, Dept, Home Security, Research & Experiments Section, Technical Note No. 16 - June, 1945, 29, Moral effect of weapons. Filed with; British War Office - undated, Misc. Report No. 61, 50, Morale problems of 5,000 returnees in the United States. War Dept., SGO - 51 Jan. 1945. 51, Place of psychology in the work of the Directorate of Biological Research. F.A.E, Crew, Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(S C1(4 5)40. 11 Sept. 1945. 52, Preparations. Notes on British Army medical preparations for D-Day. British War Office, Army Bur. Current Affairs ’'War" - No. 75, 24 June 1944, 55. Prevention of loss of manpower from psychiatric disorders. War Dept., ETO - 4 Oct, 1944, 54. Prevention of manpower loss from psychiatric disorders, (Report of a trip to North African Theatre of Operations, 17 May - 29 July 1944). J, W. Appel. War Dept., SGO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 21 Dec. 1944), 55. Prisoner of war comes home. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 161 - May 1944. Morale 26. Proceeding’s of a conference on the use of psychological methods in war time. Misc. Canadian Aviation Report No. 127 - 2 October, 1929, 17, Psychological foundations of the Wehrmacht. H. V. Dieses. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 125 - Feb, 1944. £8, Psychological observations on selection and training of parachute troops. A. Kennedy, British War Office - undated; Misc, Report No. 45. 29. Psychological questions relating to A. A. personnel, E. T. C. Spooner. British War Office - September 9, 1942; Misc. Report No, 19, 40. Questionnaire of returned soldiers from active service in Sicily, Italy, Dieppe, and Alas lea. M, W. ChepesuiA. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Voi, VI, Appendix B. 41. Rations, field. Preliminary report on the nutritional aspects of the Canadian Array winter field trials, January and February, 1944, Johnson, Consolazio, and Robinson.. Harvard Fatigue Lab. report No. 106 (No. 24 to 0QI.G) - 10 Mar, 1944, 42. Ration trials. Prince Albert - SasA. Robert KarA and J. F. McCreary. Royal Canadian Array - Report No, 11 - 15 April 1944. 42. Report of special commission of civilian psychiatrists covering psychiatric policy and practice in the U. S, Array Medical Corps, European Theater, 20 April to 6 July 1945. War Dept., SGO - undated (rec’d NRC-GMR 28 Sept., 1945). 44, Report on inspection of tropical radar stations, Giovaneili, Fraser and Mathieson. Misc. File - Britain, 14 Nov. 1944. 45* Report on inspection of tropical radar stations, R, G. Giovaneili et al. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 1Q1F. undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 26 April 1945). 46. Report on interrogation of PW KP.8417, Dr. Ludwig Guettner. Yv'ar Dept., LTO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 20 Aug. 1944). 47. Report on living and worAing conditions among R. N. personnel in the tropics, Macdonald Critchley and H, L. Holling, Filed with: Reports, Comm. Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - 22 April 1944, 651 Morale 48. Report on survey of aircrew personnel in the Eighth, ninth. Twelfth, and Fifteenth Air Forces, J. C. Flanagan. War Dept., Air Forces, Miscellaneous - 29 March 1944. 49. Report to the Director General of Army Medical Services on tour to Malta, Paiforce, India, by the Consulting Psychiatrist to the Army (December, 1944 - March, 1945), J. R. Rees. British War Office Misc. Report No. 248 - April 1945, 50. Report to the War Office on psychological aspects of the rehabilitation of repatriated prisoners of war, A. T, M, Wilson, British War Office, Misc. Report No. 124 - Feb. 1944, 51. Report to the War Office on psychological aspects of the rehabilita- tion of the limbless, E. Wi ttkower. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 125 - Jan, 1944. 52. Studies of certain psychiatric problems of war-time medical adminis- tration and of war medicine. Final report, OEMcrar-557, C. C. Fry. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Neuropsychiatry - 15 June 1944. 55. Summary of an investigation of some aspects of the V, D. problem in the Army, Wittkower, Cowan, and Sullivan, British War Office, Misc, Report No. 112 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Feb. 1944). 54, Summary of an investigation of some aspects of the V. D. problem in the British Array. (Revised). W i 11 kower, Cowan, and Sul1ivan. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 120 - Jan. 1944, 55. Summary report on operational stress and the anxiety state in combat flying. Memo to H. W, Smith from E. F. DuBois. Navy Dept., Bur. Med. and Surg. - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Oct. 1944). 56. Survivor accounts. Seaman Manning Clagett’s account and related comment, Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull. No. 1 - June 1944* pp, 12-15. 57, Test of acceptability and adequacy of U. S, Array C, K, 10-in-1 and Canadian Array Mess Tin Rations. Armored Med. Research Lab. - 22 Nov. 1944, 56. Training; training pamphlet for wounded soldiers. German File - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR - t-6 Feb, 1944), Morale- 59, War neuroses in North Africa. The Tunisian campaign, January-ilay, 1942,, R, ii, Grinker and J. P, Spiegel. War Dept., NATO - September, 1945. 60, What the soldier thinks. Digest, with charts, of a year’s research studies indicating the attitudes, prejudices and desires of American troops. Special Serv. Div., Research Branch, War Dept., Army Service Forces - December, 194£., 61, What the soldier thinks. Quarterly report, with charts, of research studies indicating the attitudes, prejudices and desires of American troops. Special Serv. Div., Research Branch, War Dept., Army Service Forces - August, 1945. 653 D. Neuriil 1. Absence 01 demonstrable injury to the central nervous system after repeated experiencing of decompression sickness. G. L. Engel et al (Biankenhorn and Ferris), CAM report Ho. £63 - 1 Liar. 1944. <£. Autonomic reactions to startle* 1. Photoelectric pie thy sinograph, LI. W. Thorncr. war Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, Ho. 135 (1) - £5 Nov., 1943. 1• Case report on a severe, delayed reaction with cerebral involvement following decompression. OEkcmr-196. Lund, Lawrence and Lawrence, Cnivi Report Ho. 396 - 15 Dec. 1944, 4. Central impairment by sympathetic reflexes by plasmochin. OEMcmr-423. G. K. Lloe and LI, H, See vers. Report No. a-568, Malaria Board - £7 Dec. 1945. 5. Clinical study of the toxicity of atabrine on the central nervous system, H. W. Newell and Theodore Lidz, Report No. 160, Malaria Board - £4 July 1944. 6. Comparison of the toxic effects of SN-7618 and SN-7373. (Antimalarials), Interim report No, 3, OEMcmr-317. Report No. 3£0, Llalaria Board - 1 Jan, 1945, 7. Compendium of aviation medicine, Siegfried Ruff and Kubertus Strughold. Special CAM Report - 194£. 8. Conference on acceleration at the Montreal Neurological Institute. C, A. Maas ice. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG—49-696-4B, 14 June, 1943. 9. Effects of some central nervous system depressing drags on intellectual and psychomotor performance at 18,000 feet with and without supplementary oxygen. P. K. Smith. War Air Forces, Randolph Field No. ££1 (1) - 6 Jan., 1944. 10. Electroencephalograms in aviation cadets giving a history of "fainting”. M. W. Thorner. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 75 (1) - ££ Aug, 194£, 11. Electroencephalographic observations of two cases of the scotoma- migraine syndrome complicating decompression sickness. G. L. Engel et al. CAM Report No. ££7 - £6 Nov. 1943. 12. Electroencephalography of naval aviators. A. Forbes and H. Davis, with a supplement: (EEG analysis of 79 selected C.A.A. subjects. - P. A. Davis). Filed with; Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - April 1943. Neurology 15. German medical schools, Stewart Duke-Elder et al. War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcoram. Report No. 84-6 Nov. 1945, 14. Handbook for medical examiners, 2nd. edition. Dept. Commerce - 15 Oct. 1944, 15. Handbook for Medical Examiners. Suggested revision submitted by the Committee on Medical Problems of Civil Aviation, National Research Council. Dept. Commerce - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 17 July 1946). 16. Handbook - "Outline of neuropsychiatry in aviation medicine." R, C. Anderson. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, No. 267 (1) - 20 June, 1944. 17. Influence of oxygen-lack on the human organism on brief exposure to high altitudes. A contribution to the question of functional capacity during flight at high altitude. Franz von Tavel. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Oxygen and Anoxia - undated (rec’ d. ’ 1TRC-CMR 5 July 1944). 18. Maintenance of homeothermy in a cold environment. H. C. Bazett, CAM report No, 197 - 20 October 1945, 19. Miscellaneous interviews on medical practice and research in Germany, McCarthy, Schlumberger and Bucky. War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report No. 75 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 25 Oct. 1945), 20. Motion sickness, present status of research. A. K. McIntyre. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 91. June, 1944, 21. Nervous system and traumatic shock. A review by H. W, Florey and M. A. Jennings. Filed with; Reports, Coram. Traumatic Shock, MRC - undated. 22. Neurogenic shock. OEMcrar-8. D, B. Phemister and R, J. Schachter. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Shock - undated, 25. Neuropsychological aspects on convalescence. Summary report - Part II* OEMcrar-177. Kenyon, Adams and Halstead, Filed with; Reports, Coram. Conval, and Rehab, - 27 Dec. 1945. 655 Neurology 24, Notes on the problem of combat fatigue with particular reference to the question of physiological response to emotional stress, Ancel Keys, Filed with; Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest. - 1 May 1945. 25, Observations on the effects of air blast on the central nervous system and viscera of cats and rabbits. E. L. Corey and Isidore Cersh, Naval lied. Research Inst., Project X-219 - £4 June 1944. 26, Occurrence and treatment of "sciatica" arising from ruptured inter- vertebral disc in RAF and other military personnel. C. P. Syraonds. Coram. Aviation Med, - report No, 45. 27, On the neurological and characterological assessment of flying fitness, (Luftfahrtmedizin, Vol. 5, No, 2, 1958/9, pp. 75-81, Translated by V, P. Akimoff.) R. Lemke. FPRC Miscellaneous File, 1956-59. 28, On the possible use of the redox dye pyocyanins for the acceleration of brain respiration at low oxygen tensions. J, A. Kitching, Misc. Canadian Aviation Report No. 52 - March, 1940, 29, Proposed revision of the neuropsychiatric standards of AR 40-110. I Muscle atrophy, M, u. Thorner. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No. 150 (1) - 16 Sept., 1945. 50. Recommendations for the handling of reactions following altitude chamber flights. R. L. Masland. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 217 (1) - 50 Dec., 1945, 51. Report VII. A histological examination of the spinal cord of animals rapidly decompressed to 40,000 - 50,000 ft, (See F.P.R.C. reports No. 516 and 517). Report F,P.R.C. No. 545, undated, 52. Reviews of physical standards for airman. Appendix C. Filed with; Reports, Coram. Med. Problems of Civil Aviation - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 22 Aug, 1946). 55. Study of cerebral physiology at high altitudes, M. W. Thorner. War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field No, 60 (1) - 1 March 1945, 54. Suggested modifications of MR 1-9, (entitled "Standards of Physical Examinat i on dur ing Mob i1i za t i on"). J. C. Whitehorn, Filed with; Report, Coram. Neuropsychiatry - undated. Neurology 55. Suggestions for improvement in the neurological service in the Army and on related problems. George Riddoch, Filed with; British War Office, Misc. Report Mo, 71 - 19 October, 1942. 2,6. Summary of advances during 1944 in the field of high altitude decompression sickness. J. F. Fulton. Special GAIA Report - 10 Jan. 1945, 57, Survey of chamber reactions observed and studied at the 55rd. Altitude Training Unit prior to 1 October 1945 with related clinical studies, A. F. Goggio. War Dept., Air Forces, Misc. - Dec, 1945. 58. Syndrome of oxygon poisoning in cats, Isidore Gersh. Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-192(l), 50 Oct, 1944, 657 E, Neuroses 1, Air Staff Post-hostilities Intelligence Reouirements on German Air Force. 0, B. Schreuder et al War Dept,, U, S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 16 Aug, 194-5 2, Analysis of 500 cases of impairment of consciousness in pilots and air crew. A, F. Rook FPRC Report #654 - Jan, 194-6 3, Arrangements for disposal of men with neurotic disabilities by transfer to suitable employment on discharge from certain hospitals or Neurosis Centres, C, D, Moorhead British War Office, Misc, Report, #13B - 20 May 1941 4-, British-Aiherican-Canadian surgical mission to the U.S.S.R, Hospitals for civilians and soldiers. Section L: Botkin Hospital, Wilder PenfielcT Proc, Comm, Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct, 194-3, Vol, 2, Appendix A 5. Chance for misfits. Army Med, Dept. Bull, #30, Dec. 1943 6. Conference on physiological aspects of combat fatigue. Report #63, Comm, Clin. Invest. - 3 May 1945 7. Discussion of war neuroses and their management, English army and civilian psychiatrists. R, B, Dawson Miscellaneous Reports - General (Britain) 22 March, 1941 8. Effect of heat and humidity on troops in the Far East, British War Office, Misc, Report #247 - March 1945 9. Factors contributing to disability from civilian head injury (excluding age and alcoholism). Interim report, 0EMcmr-159. D. Denny-Brown et al Report #25 (abstracted), Comm. Neurosurgery - 8 Jan. 1944 10, First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944* Part III, The health of the Eastern Fleet, F. P. Ellis Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(f). July 1945 11, First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944* Part III, The health of the Eastern Fleet, (Tables), Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(g), July 1945 12, Follow-up study of enlisted men discharged from the Army because of psychoneuroses, War Dept,, SCO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 May 1945) 658 Neuroses 13. German military neuropsychiatry and neurosurgery. Leo Alexander War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #90 • undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Aug, 194-6) 14-. Handbook - "Outline of neuropsychiatry in aviation medicine," R. Co Anderson War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field, #267 (1) - 20 June 1944 15. Immediate psychologic effects of bombing, torpedoing and submersion, A, J, Rods Atlantic Fleet Medical News Letter #0-44 - 29 Feb, 1944 16. Influence of psychological disorder on efficiency in operational flying, D. D, Reid FPRC report #508 - September, 1942 17, Investigation into psychological disorder in flying personnel: The occurence of neurosis in Royal Air Force air crew 1944 - 1945. C, P, Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC #412(L) - April 1945 18, Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. The reliability of psychiatric opinion in the Royal Air Force. Bradford Hill and Denis Williams FPRC Report #601 - Oct. 1944 19* Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 1, A critical review of published literature, C. P. Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC report #412 (c) - January, 1942 20, Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 2. Review of reports submitted to Air Ministry since outbreak of the war, April 1942, C, P, Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC report #412 (d) - April, 1942 21, Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel. Episodes of unconsciousness, confusion, and amnesia while flying. Denis Williams Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 562. Nov, 1943 22, Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel. The psychological aspects of airsickness. C, P, Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #593 - Sept. 1944 23, Method of evaluation neuro-psychiatric casualties, R. S. Schwab Pacific Fleet Medical News - Vol. I, #4., Jan, 1945 Neuroses 24. Morale problems of 5,000 returnees in the United States. War Dept,, SGO - 31 Jan, 194-5 25. Nature and incidence of acute emotional disturbances in torpedoed seamen of the Merchant Marine who are continuing at sea, Margolin, Kubie, Kanzer, and Stone Filed with: Reports, Comm, War Neuroses - Nov, 1942 26. Neuropsychiatric organisations in the German Air Force, Denis Williams FPRC Report #629 - June 194-5 27. Neuropsychiatric treatment in the combat zone. F, A, Blesse War Dept., NATO, Giro, Letter #17 - 12 June 1943 28. Neurotic reactions to flying duties in aircrew under the control of the R.A.F. in Mediterranean Allied Air Forces, Central Mediterra- nean Forces, January - June 194-5. R, N, Ironside FPRC Report #645 - Sept. 1945 29. Occurrence of neurosis in R, A, F. Air Cre?;, 1943-1944. C, P, Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept, 1944 30. Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F. air crew, 1943-1944. Bomber Command. C, P„ Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept, 1944, Appendix A 31. Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F, Air Crew, 1943-1944. Coastal Command C, P, Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept, 1944, Appendix B 32. Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F, Air Crew, 1943-1944. Flying Training Command. C. P. Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept. 1944, Appendix C 33. Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F, Air Crew, 1943-1944. Middle East Command, C. P, Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept. 1944, Appendix D 34. Occurrence of neurosis in R.A.F. Air Crew, 1943-1944. Personnel in Fighter Command, Army Co-operation Command and later A.E.A.F., including A.D.G.B. and 2nd T.A.F. C. P. Symonds FPRC Report 412(i) - Sept. 1944, Appendix E 35. Post-traumatic headache. Interim report, OEMcmr-159. Brenner, Friedman, Merritt and Denny-Brown Filed with: Reports, Comm. Neurosurgery - undated (rec»d NRC-CMR 23 June 1944) Neuroses 36. Predisposition to psychological disorder in normal flying personnel, Denis VWilliams FPRC report #516 - February, 1943 37. Psychopathologic reactions to air-craft accidents. D, D, Bond War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #183 (1) - 20 Sept., 1943 38. Psychotic and neurotic patients, their management and disposition, A. W. Kenner War Dept,, NATO, Giro, Letter #4 - 22 March 1943 39. Public mental health practices in Germany, Sterilization and execution of patients suffering from nervous or mental disease. Leo Alexander War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #89 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Aug. 1946) 40. Reflections on the problem of psychoneurosis. Interim report, OEMcmr-337. C, C, Fry and E, G, Rostow Filed with? Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 31 Oct, 1945 41* Relation of broken homes to success in flying training (elementary schools). H. M, Turk War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #203 (1) - 17 Nov,, 1943 42. Relative importance of operational hazard, inexperience and effort in tour limitation. D, D. Reid FPRC Report #640 - Aug. 1945 43. Report of research on selection tests at the U,S, Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut, C, H, Graham et al NDRC Report, OSRD #1770 - 28 June, 1943 44. Report of the Sub-Committee on compensation in the psychoneuroses. Scope of reference of the Sub-Committee, Campbell, Kubie and Solomon Filed with; Reports, Comm. Psychiatry - undated 45. Report on living and working conditions among R.N, personnel in the tropics, Macdonald Critchley and H. E, Rolling Filed with; Reports, Comm, Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC 22 April 1944 46. Report on survey of aircrew personnel in the Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, and Fifteenth Air Forces, J. C, Flanagan War Dept,, Air Forces, Miscellaneous - 29 March 1944 Neuroses 47. Report on the incidence of neurosis in England under war conditions, Aubrey Lewis Miscellaneous British file, General - Aug. 13, 1941 4,8. Report to the War Office on psychological aspects of the rehabilitation of repatriated prisoners of war. A, T, M, Wilson British War Office, Misc, Report #124. - Feb. 1944. 49* Schema of rehabilitation for neurosis and psychosis cases, as carried out at 312th Station Hosp., ETO, War Dept., ETO - undated (rec'd. URC-CMR - IB April 1944) 50, Significance of nervous diseases for the flying services and for aerial operations. H, Geyer War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - 10 Mar, 1946 51, Signs of temperamental unsuitability in pilots under training, (Memorandum on selection by instructors), Denis ?.rilliams FPRC report #518 - March, 1943 52, Statistics of out-patients at E.M.S. neurosis centres, J. Cohen Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm,, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)28, 24 July 1943 53, Study of neurocirculatory asthenia, anxiety neurosis, effort syndrome. Final report, OEMcmr-157. M. E, Cohen et al (P„D. White - Responsible Investigator) Filed with: Reports, Comm, Medicine - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 9 July 1946) 54, Study of some measures of the effect of operational stress on bomber crews, D. D, Reid FPRC Report #605 - Nov. 1944 55, Study of the emotional factors involved in a group of thirty (30) consecutive Navigation cadets in the process of elimination for severe airsickness, D, D. Bond War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field Report #136(1) - April 17, 1943 56, Study of the health and working experience of 1,000 consecutive persons boarded out of the Forces as unfit for further service. Filed with: British War Office - April 20, 19435 Misc. Report #68 57, Study on the post-discharge adjustment of psychoneurotic soldiers. J. D, Griffin and M. F, Henderson Proc, Assoc, Comm. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944? Vol. V, Appendix H Neuroses 58, Suggested rearrangements of M-R 1-9 (section XIX & XX), (respecting the neurological andipsychiatric-diseases), T. J, Putman Filed with: Reports, Comm. Neuropsychiatry - undated 59, Summary report *on operational stress and. the anxiety state in combat, flying. Memo to H. W, Smith from E. F, DuBois • : Navy Dept., Bur. Med, and Surg. - undated (rec*d NRC-CMR 27 Oct, 1944) 60, Survival hints. Wartime safety measures for merchant -marine. Navy £)ept., Emergency Rescue Equipment Section, Sept. 1943 j ,1 • *r.* A • ■ , <’ . , 61, Symposium on -war casualties, .Pacific Fleet Med, News, Vol. 1, No, 2 - Nov, 1944 62, U.S.S, Solace (AH5). Statistical report of casualties evacuated from Iwo Jima, February 24 tp March 14, 1945. W. W. Hall Navy Dept,, ,Bur, Med. and Surg, - 9 June 1945 - . 63, War neuroses in North Africa, The Tunisian campaign, Jan. - May, 1943 R, M, Grinker and J, P, Spiegel ■ * '•. War Dept,, NATO - Sept, 1943 F, Postcombat Psychosis 1. Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel by unit medical officers. C. P, Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #412(K> - 14 Feb. 1945 2. Prevention of loss of manpower from psychiatric disorders. War Dept., ETO - 4 Dct, 1944 3. Prevention of manpower loss from psychiatric disorders. (Report of a trip to North African Theatre of Operations, 17 May - 29 July 1944) J, W, Appel War Dept,, SCO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 21 Dec, 1944) 4. Psychological aspects of convalescence. Brodman, Mittelmann and Wolff Report #5, Comm, Convalescence and Rehabilitation - 15 Aug, 1944 5. Study of the post-discharge adjustment of psychoneurotic soldiers, Griffin, Henderson, and Robs Proc, Assoc. Comm. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov. 1944, Vol, 5, Appendix A ’ Psychiatry 1, ’’Acute pilot’s fatigue”, A consideration and analysis, D, B. Dill and A. C. Ivy CAM report #29 - 20 October 1941 2, Aero-medical exploitation, Germany 1945. W, F. Sheeley War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc. - 1 Feb, 1945 to 15 Oct, 1945 , 3• , Air 'evacuation and survival, " , V War, Dept.,' Air Forces, TSEAL-3-697-2JJJ,. Appendix 32, 20 Sept, 1945 4. Air evacuation of psychotic patients, W, S, Langford War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #457(1) - 2 Oct. 1945 5,,i; Air raid H, C* Webster ■ ,-Australian Scientific Research Liaison - July.7, '1942 ' ' .... \ ‘ 6, Air Staff .Post-Hostilities Intelligence Requirements on German Air Force, 0, B. Schreuder et al War Dept,, U. S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 16 Aug. 1945 7, Amnestic-confabulatory syndrome (Korsakoff psychosis) following head injury, CEMcmr-159, A, P„ Friedman and Charles Brenner Report ;f50 (abstracted), Comm, Neurosurgery - 18 Sept. 1944 8, Analysis of 100 Army psychiatric cases and 100 enlisted men. 0EMcmr-65. Edward G, Billings et al Report #2 (abstracted), Comm, Psychiatry - 31 March 1943 9, Analysis of one hundred psychiatric casualties and one hundred apparently ’’normal” soldiers. Final report. Billings, Ebaugh, et al Filed with? Reports, Comm. Psychiatry - July 1942 10, Analysis of the Personal History Inventory. Kogan, Wantman and Dunlap Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRC - Feb, 1945 11, Application of the NDRC Personal Inventory to Marine Corps officer candidates: preliminary validation, S. B, Williams and H, J, Leavitt Navy Dept,, Med, Field Research Lab,, Camp Lejeune, M.C., M & S Research Project X-386 (Sub, No, 75) 26 Dec, 1944 12, A.R.P, at mental hospitals, H. Southworth Off. Civilian Defense, Vol. Med, Report #101 - 21 August, 1943 Psychiatry 13. Association - motor studies in military psychiatry. Final report, Ebaugh, 01 Kelly and Bush Filed with; Reports, Comm, Psychiatry - July, 1942 14# Author’s summary of a report on the psychoses associated with atabrine therapy in an overseas hospital, H. S, Gaskill and Thomas Fit3-Hugh, Jr. Report #197, Malaria Board - 2 February 1944 15, Aviation - Neuropsychiatry. Data and information collected during travel in Germany 18 June - 1 July 1945. (Personnel) Carel Van der Heide War Dept,, U. S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 27 Feb. 1946) 16, Behaviour of neurotic subjects in the Cambridge cockpit, D, R, Davis FPRC report #530 - May, 1943 17, Brochure for medical officers on the recognition, prevention, and treatment of personality disorders in soldiers. Subcommittee on Clinical Psychiatry, with E, G, Billings Filed with: Reports, Comm, Psychiatry - March 14, 1941 18, Classification of psychiatric conditions. Report, Subcomm, Services, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(44) 11. 25 Oct, 1944 19, Classification of psychiatric conditions. Report, Subcomm, Services, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(44)5. 28 Sept. 1944 20, Classification of psychiatric conditions, J. Cohen and J. D, Peek Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - 29 Feb, 190- 21, Classification of psychiatric conditions under six main headings, J, Cohen Report, Services, Subcomm., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)19, 9 Dec. 1943 22, Clinical responses of schizophrenic patients to induced anoxia. William Corwin and S. M, Horvath Filed with; Reports, Comm. Neuropsychiatry, NRC (Rec’d NRC 10 May 1943) 23, Code evaluations for the recording of social-neuropsychiatric history. Report, OEMcmr-148, Filed with; Reports,'Comm. Neurosurgery - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 21 June 1944) 24, Comparison of personal inventory scores with service records one year after testing. Shipley, Gray and Newbert NDRC Report/ OSRD #3755 - 10 June 1944 Psychiatry 25. Conference on physiological aspects of combat fatigue. Report #63, Comm, Clin. Invest, - 3 May 194-5 26. Cornell selectee index: short form to be used at induction, at reception and during hospitalization. Questionnaire, etc. OEMcmr-211, Weider, Mittelman, Wechsler, and Wolff Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 1 Mar. 1944) 27. Cortical activity in airsick personnel. M, W. Thorner War Dept,, Randolph Field #169 (1) - July 24, 1943 28. Development of methods for assaying the neurotic potentialities of the individual casualty for the purpose of ascertaining the management of convalescence and rehabilitation and estimating prognosis. Final report, OEMcmr-211, H. G. Wolf Filed with: Reports, Coram, Neuropsychiatry - 15 Mar, 1946 29. Discussion of war neuroses and their management, English army and civilian psychiatrists, R. B, Dawson Miscellaneous Reports - General (Britain) 22 March, 1941 30. Draft survey of the work of psychologists for the Services, Expert Comm, on the Work of Psychologists and Psychiatrists in the Services, British War Office, Misc, Report #110 - 16 Dec, 1943 31. Early recognition and treatment of psychiatric battle casualties. British War Office, Army Med„ Dept. Bull*, Supplement #5 - April 1943 32. Effective use of psychiatric and psychological knowledge applicable in the selection of men for military service, A, H. Haggles and F, L, Wells Filed with: Reports, Comm. Neuropsychiatry - 31 July 1942 33. Effect of upbringing and education on Japanese morale, John Kelnar British TTar Office Misc, Report #222 - Aug, 1944 34. Effects of chronic intermittent anoxia in man. VIII. Psychiatric aspects. Final report, OEMcmr-113. H. T, Carmichael et al Special CAM Report - undated (rec!d NRC-CMR 30 June 1944) 35. Effects of chronic intermittent anoxia in man. Introduction, summary of results at 10,000 and 11,500 feet and conclusions, OEMcmr-113. H. T. Ricketts et al CAM Report #160 - 20 July, 1943 Psychiatry 36. Eighth draft monthly report. Section I, Army psychiatry. Section II. R.A.F. psychiatry. Report, Informal Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)26. 6 July 1943 37. Eleventh draft statistical report. Psychiatric work in the Army, Middle East. Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)45. 18 Got. 1943 38. Emotional albuminuria. J, H, Ahronheim Special Report, CAM - undated (rec’d NRC 29 Nov„, 194-3) 39. Emotional factor in airsickness, W. H, Fraser Reports, FPRC-RAiiF (orig.) - FR 87, Apr. 1944 40. Evaluation of post-traumatic syndrome. Final report, OEMcmr-159* D. Denny-Brown Report #61 (abstracted), Comm. Neurosurgery - 15 Nov, 1944 41. Experimental forward psychiatric unit, R, F, Barbour British War Office, Misc. Report, #137 - Dec, 1943 42. Experimental study of toxicity of atabrine to the human central nervous system. Report #181, Malaria Board - 24 July 1944 43* Extracts from German literature. Pervitin, Blood procurement. Gas. Eye injuries duo to airplane bombs. Discomfort from military belts. Cardiovascular effects of anoxia and acceleration. Psychic shock and crashes, F.P.R.C, report #321-c (WAM-153-1) 44* Few suggestions for medical officers regarding the early recognition, prevention and treatment of psychopathological conditions in soldiers, A. Report, Comm. Psychiatry - undated 4$. Fifth crash injury conference. E, F. DuBois and W, R, Miles Special CAM Report - 30 and 31 Oct, 1945 46, Final report in summary of research on the personal inventory and other tests. V/, C, Shipley and C, H. Graham NDRC Report, OSRD #3963 - 1 Aug. 1944 47. Five-foot shelf on aviation medicine. J. F. Fulton and E, C, Hoff CAM report #43 Psychiatry 48, Follow-up of officer candidates. Memorandum by the War Office, Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC) (43)16. 9 March 194-3 4.9, Follow-up studies. Project M-704-, (improving education of Selective Service Board personnel), OEMcmr-65. D. W, Morgan Filed with: Reports, Comm, Psychiatry - undated 50, Follow-up study of enlisted men discharged from the Army because of psychoneuroses. War Dept,, SCO - undated (rec’d KRC-CMR 5 May 194-5) 51. Further experiment in the prediction of breakdown. D, Curran and J.A.F. Roberts Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)29, 25 July 1943 52, G. A. F, Medical Service - II, Incidence and treatment of infectious diseases. Bacteriological warfare, aviation medicine and psychiatry, S, D. Felkin War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - 15 July 194-5 53. German deserter - a psychological study, H, V, Dicks British War Office, Misc. Report #158 - May 1944 54-. German military neuropsychiatry and neurosurgery, Leo Alexander War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #90 undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 Aug. 1946) 55. German political attitudes, H, V. Dicks British War Office Misc, Report #211 - Oct, 1944 56* Germany after the war: A resume with commentary, . H. V. Dicks British War Office Misc, Report #246 - Feb. 1945 57. Group Rorschach method. Report on its relation to R.A.A.F, selection problems. Buckle, Fraser and Cook Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 65, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 1 Aug. 1944) 58. Handbook - ’’Outline of neuropsychiatry in aviation medicine.” R. C, Anderson War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field, #267(1) - 20 June 1944 59. Impairment in emotional control produced both by lowering and raising the oxygen pressure in the atmosphere, A, L. Barach Special CAM report - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR - 1 Feb, 1944) Psychiatry 60, Influence on cortical activity of large doses of atabrine dihydrochloride, A, H, Hill and P. K, Smith War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, #232 (1) - 27 May 194-#- 61, Initial intelligence classification at Army induction station, H. C, Patey Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 1942 62, Interim note on nineteen men recommended for transfer to Pioneer Corps, but posted for infantry training. Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)33. 12 Aug, 1943. 63, Interim observations on cases in advanced psychiatric wings, C, Kenton et al British War Office, Miscell, report #147 - March 1944. 64-. Interim report on follow-up of '•annexure’1 cases. Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)31, 6 Aug. 1943. 65, Interrogation report: P/W Muck, Wilhelm, (NH) Sanitatsfeldwebel. W, F, Sheeley War Dept,, U, So Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 2 April 194-5. 66, Introduction to physical methods of treatment in psychiatry. William Sargant and Eliot Slater Misc, File - Britain, undated (rec*d NRC-CMR 28 Oct, 1944) 67, Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 1, A critical review of published literature, C, P, Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC report #412(c) - January, 194-2 68, Investigation into psychological disorders in flying personnel. Section 2, Review of reports submitted to Air Ministry since outbreak of the war, April 1942. C, P. Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #412(d) - April, 194-2 69, Investigation into the causes of wastage in parachute troops, W, B. Trotter British War Office, DBR paper #10 - undated; Misc, Report #64, 70, Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel by unit medical officers, C, P, Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #412 (K) - 14 Feb. 1945 71, Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel, clinical and statistical study of neurosis precipitated by flying duties, C, P, Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #547 - Aug,, 1943 670 Psychiatry 72, Lectures on temperament and personality given as a guide to testing staff, South African Air Force. Lecture I: The diagnosis of temperament, S. Bieusheuvel FPRC Report #545 (d) - June, 1943 73. Lecture III: Chief temperament qualities analysed and defined, S. Bieusheuvel FPRC Report #545 (F) - June, 1943 74* Lecture II: Interrelation of qualities S. Bieusheuvel FPRC Report #545 (E) - June, 1943 75. Manual of practice in methods suitable to the determination of marginal mental capacity of military service, F. L. Wells Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - June f42 76. Memorandum on the use and abuse of the term ’’flying stress”, C, P. Symonds Report FPRC - #412 77, Methods for detection of early signs of Vitamin C deficiency. Final report, OEMcmr-71, C, J, Farmer and A, F, Abt Report #16 (abstracted), Comm, Med, Nutrition - 25 Mar. 1944 78. Miscellaneous interviews on medical practice and research in Germany, McCarthy, Schlumberger and Bucky War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #73 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 23 Octtf 1945) 79. Motion sickness and physiological problems peculiar to parachutists and other airborne troops. Final report, OEMcmr-282. D, B, Tyler Filed with; Reports, Comm, Motion Sickness - 31 May 1946 80, Motion sickness history and results of the swing test of one hundred and seven (107) airsick eliminees from flight training. A, Hemingway War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field 170(2) - 7 Sept,, 1943 81, Nature and incidence of acute emotional disturbances in torpedoed seamen of the Merchant Marine who are continuing at sea. Margolin, Kubie, Kanzer, and Stone Filed with; Reports, Comm, War Neuroses - Nov. 1942 82, Neuropsychological aspects of convalescence. Summary report - Part II, OEMcmr-177. Kenyon, Adams and Halstead Filed with; Reports, Comm, Conval. and Rehab, - 27 Dec. 1945 Psychiatry 83. Neurotic reactions to flying duties in aircrew under the control of the R.A.F. in Mediterranean Allied Air Forces, Central Mediterra- nean Forces, January - June 19-45. R. N. Ironside FPRC Report #645 - Sept. 1945 84. Ninth draft monthly report: I, Royal Navy psychiatry. II. R.A.F, psychiatry. Ill, Psychiatry in the U.S. Army. Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - FP(SC)(A3V32. 11 Aug. 19A3 85. Note on the time of recognition of neurosis in flying personnel, Denis Williams FPRC Report #412(j) - Feb. 1944 86. Note regarding the fM-scoref of Penrose and Myers, OEMcmr-65. L, I. O’Kelly and D, W. Morgan Report #1 (abstracted), Comm, Psychiatry - 31 March 1943 87. NP problem.. Navy Dept,, Bur, Med. and Surg, - 23 June 1944 88. Objective studies of some physiologic- responses in mild chronic trench foot. Final report, M-5592. G, E, Burch et al Report #65 (abstracted), Comm, Infected Wounds and Burns - 23 Nov. 1945 89. On respiration rate during a bomber sortie. E. A. Goldie Flying Personnel Research Comm. FPRC 552. Oct, 1943 90. On the neurological and characterological assessment of flying fitness. (Luftfahrtmedizin, Vol, 3, No, 2, 193B/9, pp. 73-81, Translated by V, P, Akimoff.) R, Lemke FPRC Miscellaneous File, 1938-39 91. Personal inventory, short form (format C): derivation and preliminary psychiatric validation, Shipley, Gray and Newbert NDRC, OSRD report #3390 - 15 March 1944 92. Personal inventory, short form (format C): psychiatric validation on a pre-testing bases* Shipely, Gray and Newbert NDRC, OSRD report #3604 - 1 May 1944 93. Personality organization and anoxia tolerance, Hertmnan, Orlansky, and Seitz Special report, CAM - undated 94. Physiological effects on man of severe anoxia, William Corwin and S. M, Horvath Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry, NRC (Rec’d NRG 10 May 1943) 672 Psychiatry 95, Pilot selection used in the South African Air Force, S, Bieusheuvel and J, Maxwell FPRC report #54-5 - June, 1943 96, Prediction of failure in flying training and in operations by the brief psychiatric interview, R, D, Gillespie and D. D, Reid FPRC Report #641 - Sept, 1945 97, Predisposition to psychological disorder in normal flying personnel, Denis Williams FPRC report #516 - February, 1943 98, Preliminary note on promising procedures for the assessment of temperament, F. C, Bartlett FPRC report #529(b) - May, 1943 99* Preliminary report of the interrogation of certain high staff officers of the Luftwaffe medical services, H, G, Armstrong et al War Dept., U, S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc, - 16 July 1945 100, Prevention, recognition and treatment of acute psychiatric breakdowns in combat, S, P, Hunt Pacific Fleet Medical News - Vol, I, #9, June 1945 101, Prisoner of war comes home, British War Office, Misc, Report #161 - May 1944 102, Problem of pilot wastage. Report FPRC #417(WAM-9B2-16), Jan. 13, 1942 103, Problems of psychiatry in the E. T, 0, D. McG, Kelly War Dept,, Amer, Med, Soc,, ET0 - 28 July, 1943 104, Prognosis for a return to full flying duties after psychological r' " rdisorder, D, D, Reid FPRC Report #535 - June, 1943 105, Proposal for selection of candidates by combined psychiatric and psychological methods, FPRC report #523(a) - undated 106, Proposed plan for establishment of Occupational Therapy Centers, British War Office, Misc, Report #143 - 4 March 1944 107, Proposed research project. An analysis of 500 recent psychiatric casualties after induction into the Army, for the purpose of improving the efficiency of Selective Service Board personnel and induction center officers in the early detection and elimination of unfit recruits and selectees. National Research Council Filed with: Reports, Comm. Psychiatry - undated 673 Psychiatry 108, Psychiatric analysis of forty (40) subjects made sick by a swing, D. D, Bond War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #14.9(1) - 31 July, 194-3 109. Psychiatric aspects of effort syndrome. W, D, Ross Proc, Assoc, Comm. Army Med, Research, NRCC - 27 May 194-4, Vol, V, Appendix C 110, Psychiatric experiences of the Eighth Air Force, First year of combat (July 4, 1942 - July 4, 1943) Hastings, Wright and Glueck War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - Aug. 1944 111. Psychiatry after the war with some reference to demobilisation, R. D, Gillespie Report, Informal Psychological Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)13. 22 Feb. 1943 112, Psychiatry and psychology in the Luftwaffe, War Dept,, U. S, Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Med. Intell, Bulla #17 16 Dec. 1944 113. Psychiatry rehabilitation therapy. OEMcmr-386, T. A, Co Rennie Report #3 (abstracted), Comm, Psychiatry - 29 May 1944 114« Psychological analysis of the content of autobiographies of Marine Corps officer candidates. S, B, Williams and H, J, Leavitt Navy Dept,, Med, Field Research Lab,, Camp Lejeune, N, C,, M & S Research Project X-385(Sub, no. 74), 17 Feb, 1945 115, Psychological effects of dive-bombing of A,A, personnel, Tobruch. Australian file - undated 116, Psychological foundations of the Wehrmacht, H. V, Dicks British War Office, Misc, Report #135 - Feb, 1944 117, Psychological reactions to defeat. A discussion of probable modes of German behaviour. H, V, Dicks British War Office Misc, Report 7#254 - May 1945 118, Psychopathologic reactions to air-craft accidents, D. D, Bond War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #183 (1) - 20 Sept,, 1943 119, Public mental health practices in Germany. Sterilization and execution of patients suffering from nervous or mental disease, Leo Alexander War Dept,, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #89 - undated (rec’d NRG-OMR 5 Aug, 1946) Psychiatry 120. Reasons for washouts among student pilots in the joint air training program. J. E, Goodwin Min, Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, Sept, IB, 1941, Appendix K 121. Reflections on the problem of psychoneurosis. Interim report, OEMcmr-337, C, C, Fry and E. G, Rostow Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 31 Oct, 1945 122. Rehabilitation following experimental starvation in man. Interim report, Ancel Keys et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - 15 Jan, 1946 123. Relation of broken homes to success in flying training (elementary schools), H. M, Turk War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #203 (1) - 17 Nov., 1943 124. Relation of personality disturbances to duration of convalescence from acute respiratiory infections. Annual report, OEMcmr-508, Keeve Brodman (H, G, Wolff) Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab. - undated (recfd NRC-CMR 14 Dec. 1945) 125. Reliability and consistency of psychiatric opinions on officer quality. Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PF(SC) 13 Aug. 194-3 126. Report of a conference on psychiatry in forward areas (held at Calcutta Aug. B-10, 1944) Indian Report #15 - undated (recfd NRC-CMR 2B Dec. 1944) 127. Report of research on selection tests at the U.S, Submarine Base, New London, Connecticut, C, H, Graham et al NDRC Report, OSRD #1770 - 2B June, 1943 128. Report of research on the personal inventors'-, C. H, Graham and W, C, Shipley NDRC Report - 29 June 1944 129. Report of special commission of civilian psychiatrists covering psychiatric policy and practice in the U.S, Army Medical Corps, European Theater, 20 April to 8 July 1945. War Dept., SGO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 28 Sept, 1945) 130. Report of the Sub-Committee on compensation in the psychoneuroses. Scope of reference of the Sub-Committee, Campbell, Kubie and Solomon Filed with: Reports, Comm, Psychiatry - undated 675 Psychiatry 131, Report of visit to Luftwaffe Rest Home in Kitzbuhel and interrogation of Lt, Colonel Dr. decker, Chief Director, G, C. McDonald War Dept,, U. S. Strat, Air Forces in Europe, Misc. - 5 June 194-5 132, Report on effort syndrome project: (a) metabolic studies (b) recruit selection (c) the electrocardiogram in effort syndrome (d) psychiatric studies, Stansfield, Browne, and Hoff Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, 26-27 Nov, 194-3, Vol, V and Vol. I 133, Report on survey of aircrew personnel in the Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, and Fifteenth Air Forces, J, C, Flanagan 7/ar Dept,, Air Forces, Miscellaneous - 29 March 1944 134-. Report on the toxicity of hydraulic fluid K2/14-0, C, B. Hudson and R. Christie Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 74-, 3 Jan, 1944 135. Report to the Director General of Army Medical Services on tour to Malta, Paiforce, India, by the Consulting Psychiatrist to the Army (December, 1944 - March, 1945) Jo R, Rees British War Office Misc. Report #248 - April 1945 1360 Report to the Secretary for Air on the committee's activities for the period June 1940 to December 1945. H, E, Whittingham FPRC Report #651 - 5 Mar, 1946 137, Report to the War Office on psychological aspects of the rehabilitation of the limbless, E, Wittkower British Yfar Office, Misc, Report #12$ - Jan, 1944 138, Responses of schizophrenic patients to induced anoxia. A) Psychological responses to low oxygen, B) Physiological responses to low oxygen. Horvath and Corwin Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report #9 139* Results obtained from testing recruits with the New London-NDRC questionnaire at the Newport Naval Training Station. Mote, Berry, and Graham NDRC, OSRD report #3040 - 6 Dec., 1943 140, Resume of the various resolutions forwarded to Surgeon General and to the Selective Service System on mobilization regulations. Memo- randum from 7/, Overholser Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 17 April 1942 Psychiatry 141. Schema of rehabilitation for neurosis and psychosis cases, as carried out at 312th Station Hosp,, ETO, War Dept., ETO - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR - 18 April 1944) 142. Scheme for testing of temperament in the R*A.F, F, C. Bartlett FPRC report #529(e) - undated 143. Selectee Index: a-method for quick testing of selectees for the Armed Forces# Final report, OEMcmr-211, H. G. Wolff Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry, 31 August, 1943 144« Selection of illiterate recruits for educational purposes. British War Office, Misc, Report #134 - 11 March 1944 145# Seminars for Medical Advisory Board and Army Induction Board psychiatrists, H, S, Sullivan Filed with: Reports, Comm. Psychiatry - 23 Jan. 1941 146, Significance of nervous diseases for the flying services and for aerial operations, H, Geyer War Dept,, Air Forces, Misc, - 10 Mar. 194& 147, Signs of temperamental unsuitability in pilots under training. (Memorandum on selection by instructors), Denis Williams FPRC report #518 - March, 1943 148, Social-psychological rehabilitation of the physically handicapped. Status report, OEMcmr-513. Dembo, Ladieu and White Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - 28 Oct, 194$ 149, Some observations on homosexuality in military service. Interim report, OEMcmr-337. C. C. Fry and E. G. Rostow Filed with; Reports, Comm. Neuropsychiatry - 1 April 194$ 150, Standardization and validation of the personal inventory: psychiatric criterion, (NDRC report - OEMcmr-834) Shipley, Gray and Newbert Filed with: NDRC, June 24, 1943 151, Standard terms for diagnoses. J, H. McNinch War Dept., ETO - 29 April 1944 152, Statistics of out-patients at E.M.S, neurosis centres, J, Cohen Report, Services Subcomm,, Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)28, 24 July 1943 Psychiatry 153. Studies of certain psychiatric problems of wartime medical administration and of war medicine. Final report, OEMcmr-337. C. C. Fry Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 15 June 1944 154-. Studies of certain psychiatric problems of wartime medical administration and of war medicine. Semi-annual report, OEMcmr-337, C, C. Fry Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 1 Dec,, 194-3 155, Study of enuresis in aviation cadet applicants, M, W, Thorner War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #134- (1) - May 24-, 1943 156, Study of records of aircrew personnel eliminated from flying after graduation from flying training, C. G, Grulee War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #211 (1) - 6 Dec., 1943 157, Study of some factors in the causation of flying stress, D, D, Reid FPRC report #450 (WAM-153-6) 158, Study of the emotional factors involved in a group of thirty (30) consecutive Navigation cadets in the process of elimination for severe airsickness. D. D, Bond War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Report #136 (1) - April 17, 1943 159, Study of the value of the standard decompression chamber test for otitic and sinus barotrauma. W. L, M, Turner Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 570, Dec. 1943 160, Study on the post-discharge adjustment of psychoneurotic soldiers, J. D, Griffin and M. F, Henderson Proc. Assoc, Comm. Army Med, Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol, V, Appendix H 161, Suggested classification of psychiatric conditions. Report, Services Subcomm., Comm, Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)47,.16 Not, 1943' * . V-3 162, Suggested modifications of MR 1-9, (entitled "Standards of Physical Examination during Mobilization") J. C, Whitehorn Filed with: Reports, Comm. Neuropsychiatry - undated 163, Suggested outline for four week post graduate course for psychiatrically trained officers, F, G, Ebaugh Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 21 April 1941 678 Psychiatry 164. Suggested rearrangements of M-R 1-9 (section XIX & XX), (respecting the neurological and psychiatric diseases), T, J, Putman Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - undated 65. Suggestions for the Army officer regarding the early recognition of personality disorders in soldiers. Subcommittee on Clinical Psychiatry, with E. G, Billings, Filed with: Reports, Comm. Psychiatry - March 14-, 1941 166. Summaries of reports to the Subcommittee on Personnel Selection. (35 reports). Presented by J, W. Tice Proc. Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med, Research - February 27, 1943, Appendix A 167. Summary of an investigation of some aspects of the V. D, problem in the Army, Wittkower, Cowan and Sullivan British War Office, Misc, Report #112 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 3 Feb. 1944) 168, Summary of an investigation of some aspects of the in the British Army, (Revised) Wittkower, Cowan and Sullivan British War Office, Misc. Report #120 - Jan. 1944 169. Summary of report on second six months of Royal Air Force Hospital Matlock, Derbyshire, Report FPRC #310, April to Sept, 1940 170. Survey of air sickness - aircrew trainees. Clinical investigation. Respiratory problems, visual problems, psychoses. R.C.A.F., D.M.S. Circular orders #34 and 9. Report FPRC #335, June 17, 1941; and Dec, 12, 1940 171, Symposium on the psychiatric interviev? in officer selection, (Edited by John Rickman) British War Office, Misc. Report #148 - Apr. 1944 172, Treatment of shock in combat. N, E. Bear Pacific Fleet Medical News - Vol, II, #1, Oct, 1945 173, Use of Rorschach technique and the Wechsler-Bellevue scale in defining chronic mental changes resulting from diffuse cerebral damage, OEMcmr-148. L. R, Hewson and K, N. Levine Report #35 (abstracted), Comm, Neurosurgery - 22 May 1944 174* Use of the reduction time of the blood as a measure of physical fitness in health and disease. Final report, OEMcmr-402. G. B, Ray Filed with: Reports, Comm. Conval. and Rehab, - 27 Sept. 1944 679 Psychiatry 175. Use of the reduction time of the blood as a measure of physical fitness in health and disease. Supplementary report, OEMcmr-402, J. R. Johnson Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab. - undated (rec’d NRG-CMR 29 Jan. 194-6) 76, Use of the Wechsler-Bellevue Scale and the Substitution Test as aids in neuropsychiatric diagnosis. Final report, Part II, OEMcmr-148, I, R. Hewson Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 18 June 1946) 177, War neuroses in North Africa, The Tunisian campaign, January - May, 194-3. R. M, Grinker and J, P. Spiegel War Dept,, NATO - September, 1943 178, When specialist help is sought, British War Office, Army Med, Dept. Bull,, Suppl. #14 - May 1944 179. Year’s follow-up studies of one hundred Army psychiatric cases. Part II. Final report, OEMcmr-65. Ebaugh, Morgan and Short Filed with: Reports, Comm, Psychiatry, July 1943 180. Year’s follow-up studies of one hundred enlisted men. Part I. Final report, OEMcmr-65. Ebaugh, Morgan and Short Filed with; Reports, Comm, Psychiatry, July 1943 680 H, Psychotherapy 1. Analysis of combat nightmares: Emotional-psychologic aspects. J. M. Nagle Pacific Fleet Medical Nev/s - Vol. II, #2, Nov* 1945, pp. 1-4 2. Blast concussion syndrome. J. Wo Lyons, Jr. Pacific Fleet Medical News - Vol. I, #3, Dec. 1944, pp. 1-3 3. .Insulin for rehabilitation. H. M. Fox Pacific Report #12 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 20 June 1945) 4* Introduction to physical methods of treatment in psychiatry* William Sargant and Eliot Slater Misc. File - Britain, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 28 Oct. 1944) 5. Investigation of psychological disorders in flying personnel by unit medical officers. C. P. Symonds and Denis Williams FPRC Report #412(K) - 14 Feb. 1945 6. Miscellaneous interviews on medical practice and research in Germany. McCarthy, Schlumberger and Bucky War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #73 - undated ( rec'd NRC-CMR 23 Oct. 1945) 7. NP problem Navy Dept., Bur. Med. and Surg. - 23 June 1944 8. Prevention, recognition and treatment of acute psychiatric breakdowns in combat, S. P. Hunt Pacific Fleet Medical News - Vol. I, #9, June 1945, pp. 1-6 9. Psychiatric experiences of the Eight Air Force. First year of combat (July 4, 1942 - July 4, 1943). Hastings, Wright and Glueck War Dept., Air Forces, Misc* - Aug, 1944 10. Psychological aspects of convalescence. Brodman, Mittelmann and Wolff Report #5, Comm. Convalescence and Rehabilitation - 15 Aug, 1944 11. Report of a conference on psychiatry in forward areas (held . at Calcutta Aug. 8-10, 1944), Indian Report #15 - undated (rec»d, NRC-CMR 28 Dec. 1944) 12, Report of special commission of civilian psychiatrists covering psychiatric policy and practice in the U. S. Army Medical Corps, European Theater, 20 April to 8 July 1945, War Dept., SGO - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 28 Sept. 1945) 13, Studios in psychiatric rehabilitation of discharged service men. Final report, OEMcmr-386, T. A. C. Rennie Report #5 (abstracted), Comm. Psychiatry - 17 Oct. 1944. 681 I. Rorschach Test 1. Effects of chronic intermittent anoxia in man. VIII. Psychiatric aspects. Final report, OEMcmr-113. H, T. Carmichael et al Special CAM Report - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 30 June, 1944) 2. Group Rorschach method. Report on its relation to R.A.A.F, selection problems• Buckle, Fraser and Cook Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 6$, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 1 Aug. 1944.) 3. Modification of the Rorschach method for use as a group test, M. R. narrower-Erickson and M, E. Steiner Misc, Canadian Aviation Report #130, undated 4. Psychiatric aspects of effort syndrome, W, D. Ross Froc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol, V, Appendix C 5. Qualitative study of individual and group Rorschach records in relationship to subjects’ performance at I.T.S., E.F.T.S, and S.F.T.S, G. M. Stephens Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Pied. Research, NRCC - 4 April 1945, Appendix U 6. Special summary report on the Rorschach personality test. Memo - accompanying OSRD report - OEMcmr - 224. C, P. Seitz and Pi, Hertzman Special Report, CAP;! - undated (rec’d NRC 4 Dec,, 1943) 7. Study of personality of normal young men maintained on restricted intakes of vitamins of the B complex, OEPicmr-27, Brozek, Guetzkow and Keys (Ancel Keys) Filed with: Reports, Comm, P*!ed, Nutrition - 1 Aug, 1945 8. Study of the causes of posttraumatic headache and posttraumatic psychoneurosis. W. D. Ross and F, L. McNaughton Proc. Comm, Surgery, NRCC (Section on Traum. Inj,. Nervous System) 2 Dec. 1943, Appendix IV-A and Section IV 9. Use of certain psychological tests as an aid to the diagnosis of psychiatric disorders. J. G. Sheps Proc, Assoc. Comm. Army Med, Research, NRCC - 27 April 1945, Vol. 3, Appendix L LVI. RADAR 1* AAF Board tests use of radar with corner reflectors. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull., Yol. II, #4 - Dec. 1945, pp* 44-45 2. Apparatus for mechanical P, P, I, simulation. K. J, W. Craik FPRC #586(a) Appendix III - April 1945 3. Application instructions: Recording Unit for Trainer BC-1070-A (Master). NDRC Report - 9 Oct. 1944 4. Atmospheric conditions in Radar room. D. H. K. Lee Report, Coram, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 42, 13 Nov. 1943 5. Carlsbad Army Air Field, New Mexico, experimental psychoraotor selection test battery for radar students. Glen Finch War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #464 (1) - 24 Jan. 1946 6. Development of final achievement examinations for Navy search-radar operators. D. B. Lindsley et al. NDRC Report, OSRD #4635 - 27 Jan. 1945 7* Development of the screen interpretation test for airborne radar equipment • D. B. Lindsley et al NDRC Report, OSRD #3897 - 15 July 1944 8. Documents and equipment obtained during investigation of German x-ray and associated industries. C. B. Horsley War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report #57 - 30 July 1945 9. Effect of extraneous illumination upon detection of signals on an A-scan oscilloscope. D. B. Lindsley et al NDRC Report, OSRD #4264 - 18 Oct, 1944 10, Faulty perception caused by blank spells without signals during experiments on prolonged visual search* N* H. Mackworth FPRC #566(a) - April 1945 11. Final report in summary of research on the selection and training of rangefinder and radar operators. W. J. Brogden NDRC Report, OSRD #5358 - 23 July 1S45 683 Radar 12. Improved, indicator scale - a.S.V, equipment. John Lane Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 94« July 1944 13. Interim report on electronic storage tubes. C. A. Johnson Misc. File - Britain, 26 Oct. 1945 14. Langley Field, Virginia, experimental psychomotor selection battery for radar students. Glen Finch War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #355 (1) - 24 Jan. 1946 15. Loran (long range navigational aid). Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull., Vol. Ill, #3 - Mar. 1946, pp. 42-47 16. Low altitude radar bombing, A manual for the airbomber* A. L. Baldwin NDRC Report - 15 Oct. 1944 17. Note on visit to Psychological Laboratory, Cambridge* Report No. 518 P. A. P. Moran Australian Scientific Research Liaison - 12 Nov, 1943 18. Notes on the clock test - a new approach to the study of prolonged visual perception to find the optimum length of watch for radar operators. N. H. Mackworth Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 586, May 1944 19. Physical standards for selection of radar operators. J. L. Matthews War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #167 (1) - 20 July 1943 20. Physikalaisch - Technische Reichsanstalt. R. H. Ranger War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcoram. Report • #78 - June 1945 21. Plan for fire control research and development. F. S. Brackett Armored Med. Research Lab. - 15 Oct. 1945 22. Preparation of G.C.A, workbook and accessory training material for instruction in the operation of Ground Control Approach equipment. D. B. Lindsloy NDRC Report - 8 Nov, 1944 Radar 23. Psychological aptitudes involved in operating the AN /APS-15 radar equipment• J. S. Brown War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #329 (1) - 11 Dec, 1944 24. Radar. Navy Dept,, Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull,, Yol. Ill, #4 - Apr. 1946, pp. 1-12 25. Radar trainer and flash-reading method for operators of the plan position indicator, D. B. Lindsley et al NDRC Report, OSRD #4489 - 23 Dec. 1944 26. Radio for rescue. What we have learned from the war. E. M, Webster Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull., Yol, III, #3 - Mar, 1946, pp, 35-39 27. Report from National Standards Laboratory, 20 April 1944, Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 83(b), undated (recfd NRC-CMR 13 April 1945 28. Report from National Standards Laboratory, 31/8/44, (Visual fatigue, goggles, night vision.) Report, Coram, Flying Personnel Research, FPRC, RAAF - FR 99(a). 31 Aug, 1944 29. Report on inspection of tropical radar stations. Giovanelli, Fraser and Mathieson Misc. File - Britain, 14 Nov, 1944 30. Report on inspection of tropical radar stations. R. G. Giovanelli et al Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 10IF, undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 28 April 1945) 31. Report on the illumination of radar operations rooms and the fatigue of radar operators, Mathieson, Mercer, and Giovanelli Miscellaneous File - Britain, June 1944 32. S.A.M, check-list dial setting test, Glen Finch War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #463 (1) - 22 Jan* 1945 33. S.A.M, control sequence memory test. Glen Finch War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #461 (1) - 21 Jan, 1946 34. S 5 - Annual report to O.S.R.D. from Contract OEMcmr-21, Fine, Seligman and Goldberg Filed with: Reports, Comm, Shock - undated 37. Survival of transfused preserved human red cells as determined radioactive iron. OEMcmr-44. M. M. Strumia Report #27, Comm. Blood Subst, - 26 June 1944 38. Technique of production of radioactive inert gases, OEMcmr-196. J. G, Hamilton and C. A. Tobias CAM Report #400 - 15 Dec. 1944 Radioactive 39. Treatment of eustachian salpingitis with radon E, P. Fowler Jr, War Dept., Amer, Med. Soc., ETC - IB August 194-3 4-0. Uptake of radioactive phosphorus (P32) in rapidly regenerating tissue, and in normal tissue, in the human subject. OEMcmr-195. L. W. Kinsell Report #21 (abstracted), Comm. Infected Wounds and Burns - 28 April 194-4 41. Use of BAL containing radioactive sulphur for metabolism investiga- tions, Professor Peters report no. 94. G, H. Spray et al Ministry Supply, Subcomm. Biochemical, Chemical Board -A.9841. undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 19 Dec, 1945) 691 LVIII. RATIONS A. Arctic Rations B. Bail-out Rations C. Flight Rations D. Shipwreck Rations E. Tropical Rations 692 A, Arctic Rations 1, Cold weather operational trials of rations. Conducted at Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, Canada, January End to March 3rd, 1944, Canadian Dept,., Natfl, Defence, Cold Weather Trials Report Vol. I, undated, (rec'd NRC-CMR - 16 Feb, 1945) 2, Food intake and v/ater balance in extreme cold, Harold Speert War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-M-49-696-29B, February 9, 1943 3, Fuels, arctic for heating rations, W, R, Christensen War Dept,, OQJVIG, Climatic Research Lab,, report #84 - 30 June 1944 4, Medical aspects of R.A.F.polar research flights, R, H, Winfield FPRC Report #663 - Jan, 1946 5, Narrative report of cold weather trials of rations. Canadian Dept., Nat*l, Defence, Cold YVeather Trials Report- Vol, 2, undated, 6, Problems exposed during the Alaskan test expedition. Copy of report on flight equipment and clothing made by S/L Peter Webb of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Filed with; Reports, Comm, Protective Clothing - NRCC - October 20, 1942 7, Rations and equipage. Canadian Dept, Nat’l, Defense, Cold Weather Trials Report, 1943-44 - Stage 3, Vol. I, undated (recfd, NRC-CMR 5 Aug, 1944) 8, Rations for cold weather operations. H, Speert War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-696-29C, March 2, 1943 9, Rations for winter warfare, Ancel Keys Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med, Nutrition - March 13,1943 10, Ration trials. Prince Albert - Sask, Robert Kark and J. F. McCreary Royal Canadian Army, Report #11 - 15 April 1944 11, Report of A.M.D, 10 Research Sub-directorate of D.C.M.S, to the National Research Council, annual meeting March 20, 1944, Dk S, McICachern Proc, Assoc. Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 20 Mar, 1944, Appendix A 12, Report of Cold Weather Test Detachment Winter of 1942-1943. Vols, I and II, Various authors War Dept,, Air Forces, Miscellaneous 693 Rations. Arctic 13. Report on blocks compounded from dehydrated foods and suitable for use in compact rations. M. Ingram and 0. de Rousset-Hall Dept. Scientific & Indust. Research, Food Investigation - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 9 Feb. 1945) 14. Report on the U. S. Army Alaskan test expedition, 1942. S/L P. W. Webb Filed with: Comm. Protective Clothing, NRCG - August 14, 1942 15. Scientific and operation data; cold weather trials of rations. Canadian Dept. Nat’l Defence, Cold Weather Trials Report - Vol. 3, undated (received NRC-CMR 16 Feb. 1945) 16. 1. Test of adequacy of all combat zone rations intended for use in sub-zero climates. 2. Study of the total and specific dietary requirements for cold weather. 3. Test of adequacy of all combat zone ration intended for use in operations at high temperatures. 4. Study of total and specific dietary require- ments for operations at high temperatures. First partial report on W. B. Bean Armored Med. Research Lab. - 10 April 1944 17. U. S. Army field ration K. Caloric equivalents of cold weather supplements. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Med. Nutrition - May 14, 1942 18. Winter test trials held in Canada and Newfoundland. R. M. Kark Proc. Assoc, Comm. Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol. IV, Appendix B B. Bail-out Rations 1. Bail-out emergency equipment* H. Speert War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-696-37, 17 April 1943. 2. Bomber Command develops kit for overwater flights. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull, #4 - October 1944. p.20 3. British air/sea rescue. Navy Dept., Emergency Rescue Equipment Section - Aug. 1943. 4. Conference on the Bail-out ration, D. B. Dill War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-M-49-696-19J, 17 March 1943. 5. Conference on the bail-out ration. Anenndix I: Tin cans for bail-out ration. R. B. Melson. D. B. Dill War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-M-49-696-19J, 17 March 1943. 6. Food - Water. Timely notes on an important subject by BuMed’s Research Division. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull,, Vol, III, #2, February 1946, - pp. 37-39. 7. Kit, emergency, parachute type. G. E. Hall Proc. Exec,, Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med. Research, 28 April 1941* Appendix A. B, Personnel equipment problems in ETOUSA and NATOUSA, Appendix 8; Rations and water in the 8th Air Force, Major J. J. Smith A. P. Gagge War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-695-34* 20 Sept. 1943. 9. Progress report on nutritional studies. F. F. Tisdall Min, Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research, NRCC, 15 Feb. 1942, Appendix A, 10. Rations for the parachute kit. D. B. Dill War Dept., Air Forces, Materiel Div.-EXP-M-49-696-19D. 11. Rations, life raft. Laurence Irving War Dept,, Army Air Forces Board - 24 November 1944* Report ;f4. 12. Report of ditching incident by U.S.A.A.F. ferry command pilot, (South Atlantic area). Navy Dept., Emergency Rescue Equipment Section - undated (rec’d, NRC-CMR -22 Oct. 1943). 695 Rations, Bail-out 13. Report of meeting of Subcommittee on Protective Clothing, Specifi- cations for new RCAF equipment, emergency kits, fabrics, flying clothing and equipment, Proc. Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - 3 December 194-2, Appendix A. 14-. Tablet emergency ration for lifeboats, rafts and floats. Futcher, Consolazio, Pace, and Gerrard Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-127, report #4. - 10 Nov. 194-3. C. Flight Rations 1, Analysis of a captured Japanese aviation pilot’s ration. War Dept., OQMG, Captured Enemy Equip. Report #60 - 14 Oct. 1944 2, Comparison of U, S. Army subsistence items and Russian subsistence items. War Dept., OQMG - 27 Jan. 1945 3, Nutritional and bacteriological evaluation of the Maxson Sky Plate. Haugen, Sullivan and Duggan Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project X-l69(2), 2$ Aug, 1945 4, Nutritional research in the Royal Canadian Navy, J. Campbell et al Proc. Assoc. Comm, Naval Med. Research - 7 Oct. 1943, Appendix A 5, Nutrition and rations, Z, T. Wirtschafter War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEIA-3-696-73, 23 April 1945 6, Report on samples of concentrated foods and rations from U.S.S.R. C, M, McCay and R, E, Eakin Naval Med. Research Inst,, NH6-1/A11/NMRI-21, 27 Mar. 1944 7, Vitamin content of naval flight rations as affected by their method of cooking, R, E, Eakin and E, Gerrard Naval Med. Research Inst, - Project X-169, report #1 - 16 October, 1943. 697 D. Shipwreck Rations 1. Conference on the life raft ration. D. B. Dill vVar Dept., Air Force, Materiel Div. ENG-M-49-696-191, March 12, 1943 2. Fish juice, emergency lifeboat ration and castaway’s extra-renal water loss. Interim report OMcnr-364. A. M. Butler Filed with: Reports, Gomm, Clin. Invest. - 7 Dec., 1943 3. Food - 'water. Timely notes on an important subject by JBuMed’s Research Division. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull., Vol. Ill , $2 - Feb. 1946. pp8 37*39 4. Guide to the preservation of life at sea after shipwreck. Coram. Shipwrecked Personnel, M.R.C. War Memo #8, 1942 5. Guide to the preservation of life at sea after shipwreck, (Draft copy) Report, Coram. Shipwrecked Personnel - S.P. 35 6. Life raft ration J, M« Q,uashnock. War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-19L, June 24, 1943, 7. Life raft rations, G, W, Holt Navy Dept,, Emerg. Rescue Equipment Section - Bi-Weekly Report $8, 26 Jan. 1944. 8. Life raft rations tests report. Ancel Keys and A. F, Henschel War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field - 26 April 1944 9. Life rafts and equipment. Report of experiments carried on at Eglin Field from April 15 to 20, 1943, Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report $68 - 27 May 1943 10. Life saving in H. M. naval service. Rations, equipment, life floats. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Shipwrecked Personnel, MRC - October 16, 1942 11. Navy tablet ration developed by NMRX. Navy Dept,, Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull© $4 - Oct, 1944, pp. 18-fl9 12. Nutritional research in the Royal Canadian Navy. J, Campbell et al Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med, Research - 7 Oct. 1943, Appendix A 13. Outline of the work of the Medical Research Council Committee on the Care of Shipwrecked Personnel on water requirements and supplies* Filed with: Reports, Gomm. Shipwrecked Personnel, M.R.C, X$r Physiological aspects of survival and rescue. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull. $6 - Dec, 1944, pp, 2-4, 16-18 698 Rations, Shipwreck 15* Rations, life raft* Laurence Irving War Dept., Army Air Forces Board - 24 Nov. 1944, Report 16. Recommendations regarding "abandon ship rations"* Consolazio, Futcher and Pace Naval Med. Research Inst.,'project X-100 (general 15), report #11 - 14 May, 1943 17* Report made by Mr* Edge, Chief Officer of M* S. "Medon". Account of shipwreck and subsequent experiences. Food, water, heat, first aid* Filed with; Reports, Comm, Shipwrecked Personnel, MRC - September 28, 1942 18* Report of naval observer at trials of aircraft life raft rations end equipment conducted by Wright Field personnel at Eglin Field, Florida, April 15 through 21, 1943, P*H. Futcher Naval Med* Research Inst. - April, 1943 19* Report on nutrition, January 1942 to January 1943. J. Campbell Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Mod. Research - January 30, 1943, Appendix N* 20* Report on survivors of S.S* Rio Blanco and Pipestone County seen in the U.S* Marine Hospital, Norfolk, Virginia, Immersion foot, water, rations, vitamins, cold, J*C* v/hite* Filed with: Reports, Comm, Clin. Invest, - undated (rec’d NRG July 5, 1942) 21, Revised report by Food and Water Subcommittee* Report, Comm, Shipwrecked Personnel - S,P, 12a, 22. Studies on life raft ration, prevention of excessive water loss and rehydration of castaways. Final report, OSMcmr-364. A. M, Butler et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Medicine - 11 June 1946 23* Survivor accounts. Seaman Manning Clagett's account and related comment. Navy Dept,, Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull, #1 - June, 1944, pp, 12-13 24. Tablet emergency ration for lifeboats, rafts and floats. Futchor, Consolazio, Pace, and Gerrard Naval Med, Research Inst,, Project X-127, report #4 - 10 November, 1943 25* "Tablet life ration" for the shipwrecked, A, C, Ivy Naval Med. Research Inst., project X-100 (general 15); report #13 - 8 June 1943 699 E. TROPICAL RATIONS 1. Adequacy of the vitamin C content of modified E-ration for men working in the tropics. Johnson, Harris, and Belding Harvard Fatigue Lab. report #33 (#12 to OSRD) - 28 July 1942 2. Australian soldiers’ complete jungle kit. Appx. "A" L.H.Q. Australian Jungle Warfare Letter No. 1, Part 2. Australian file - 25 Aug. 1943 3. Committee on Jungle Clothing. Meeting held 18 October 1943 - Research and Development Branch, Military Planning Division, OQMG. War Dept,, OQMG, Comm. Jungle Clothing - 18 Oct. 1943 4. Effect of storage at 40° C. on the content of B-complex vitamins in components of the U. S. Army ”5 in 1” desert ration. H. G. Loeb, A. Keys, et al Filed with; Reports, Comm, Med Nutrition - April 12, 1943 5. Empl©yment, development and production of equipment for war against Japan. Part 9 - General: dropping of supplies by parachute, spec- ial rations, tentage, water transport (small craft) etc, Australian file - undated 6. Employment, development, and production of equipment for war against Japan. Part 7 - Medical: casualty evacuation; prevention of mal- aria; storage of equipment; items in particular demand; dropping of supplies from aircraft, Australian file - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 15 Dec. 1943) 7. Extracts from Jungle Warfare Liaison Letter No. 4. Conditions in S. W. Pacific. Food preparation; water; headware; camouflage; oper- ational rations. H. G, Edgar Australian File - Nov., 1943 8. Extracts from the latest Australian Jungle Liaison Letters. Footwear, equipment, rations. Australian File - 16 Oct* 1943 9. Jungle book. Military Training Pamphlet No. 9 (India), Indian Report #19 - Sept. 1943 10. Jungle omnibus. Army in India Training Memorandum. Indian Report #20 - January 1945 11. Medical services in the South Pacific area. J. M. Twhigg New Zealand File - 16 Oct, 1943 12. Minutes of the 60th meeting of the Army Hygiene Advisory Committee held at the Royal Army Medical College on Friday, February 18th, 1944. British War Office, Army Hygiene Advisory Comm. - 25 Aug. 1944 700 Rations, Tropical 13. Notes on a brief visit to China. Section J: British medical service, Calcutta area. Wilder Penfield Proc. Comm. Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct. 1943* Vol* 2,.Appendix B. 14. Nutritional composition by direct analysis of U. S. Army jungle ration received March 4, 1943* Ancel Keys Filed with: Reports, Comm. Med. Nutrition - April 10, 1943 1$. Nutritional status of enlisted men in the desert training area. R, E. Johnson et al Harvard Fatigue Lab. Report #87 (#19 to OQMG) - 15 October 1943 16. Operational ration (OZ ration). Australian file - undated 17. Report of conferences held June 6th and 9th, Z942, at headquarters Array Ground Forces in connection with the Desert Training Center program. War Dept. - miscellaneous - 6/6/42. 18. Report on blocks compounded from dehydrated foods and suitable for use in compact rations. M. Ingram and 0. de Rousset-Hall Dept. Scientific & Indust. Research, Food Investigation - undated (red»d NRC-CMR 9 Feb. 1945) 19. Report bn test of adequacy of K-2 ration in the desert# W. B. Bean Armored Force Med. Research Lab. - Oct. 22, 1942 20. 1. Test of adequacy of all combat zone rations intended for use in sub-zero climates. 2. Study of the total and specific dietary requirements for cold weather. 3. Test of adequacy of all combat zone ration intended for use in operations at high temperatures. 4. Study of total and specific dietary requirements for operations at high temperatures. First partial report on W. B. Bean Armored Med. Research Lab. - 10 April 1944 21. Tropical rations - Australian Military Forces. E. W. Benjamin Canadian Dept. Natfl Defence - 23 Nov. 1944 22. Typical load carried by soldier in action in jungle (in addition to clothing worn). Australian file - Oct., 1943 23. User trial establishment report No. 12. R, M. Kark Misc, Canadian Report #128 - 10 Apr. 1945 701 LIX. REHABILITATION A. Convalescence B, Occupational Therapy LIX. REHABILITATION 1, Amputations - outline of treatment as given by the British Ministry of Pensions. C. A. Bell. Proc. Coram. Surgery, NRCC - January 9, 1942, Appendix 0, 2, Arrangements for disposal of men with neurotic disabilities by transfer to suitable employment on discharge from certain hospitals or Neurosis Centres, C, D. Moorhead. British War Office, Mi sc. Report, No. 128 - 20 May 1941. 2. British-American-Canadian surgical mission to the U.S.S.R. Military Hosnitals. Section I; Hospital for lightly wounded. Wilder Penfield. Proc. Comm. Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct, 1942, Vol. 2, Appendix A, 4. Bri tish-Arnerican-Canadian surgical mission to the U.SJ5.R, Section A (2): Final interview with the People’s Commissar for Public Health. Wilder Penfield. Proc. Comm. Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct, 1942, Vol. 2, Appendix A. 5. Chance for misfits. Array Med. Dept. Bull. No. 20, Dec. 1942* pp, 6-7. 6. Current Army Council instructions relating to rehabilitation in convalescent depots, British War Office, Misc. Report No, 129 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR, 2 Apr. 1944), 7. Early activity of postoperative patients. J. H. Powers. Report No. 2, Comm* Convalescence and Rehabilitation - 15 April 1944. 8. Experience at Roehampton Hospital with amputations and prosthesis, Mr, Perkins, Chief Surgeon. Off, Civilian Defense, Vol, Med. Report No. 102 - 21 August, 1942, 9. Experimental forward psychiatric unit. R. F, Barbour. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 127 - Dec. 1942. 10. Factors in deterioration and rehabilitation. Final report, OEMcrar-412, Ancel Keys. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Conval. and Rehab. - 15 Jan. 1945. 11. Field surgery pocket book. Memorandum based mainly on experience in the present war. British War Office, Misc, Report No. 169 - Jan, 1944, 703 Rehabilllation 12, Final report on diet and fatigue, 0EMcmr-27. Ancel Keys et al. Filed with*. Reports, Coram, Lied. Nutrition - 1 June 1946, 12. Follow-up studies. Project M-704, (Improving education of Selective Service Board personnel). OEMcrar-65, D. W* Morgan. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Psychiatry - undated, 14, Follow-up study of enlisted men discharged from the Array because of psychoneuroses, War Dept., SGO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 May 1945). 15, Follow-up study on 50 rheumatic fever cases in Air Force personnel eight months after the acute attack, G. W. Manning. Proc. Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med, Research, 22 July 1942 - Appendix J, Report No. 2, 16, Friends in need. British War Office, Army Bur, Current Affairs, “Current Affairs” - No. 74, 29 July 1944. 17, German medical schools, Stewart Duke-Elder et al. War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report No. 84 - 6 Nov, 1945, 18, German military neuropsychiatry and neurosurgery. Leo Alexander. War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm. Report No, 90 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 5 Aug. 1946), 19, Germany after the wars A resume with commentary, H. V, Dicks, British War Office Misc, Report No. 246 - Feb. 1945, 20, Hernia and its surgical treatment as related to the Armed Forces. P. H. T. Thorlakson, Proc* Comm. Surgery, NRCC - January 9, 1942, Appendix J,; April 1, 1942. 21, H. M. S. "Standard" (Kieldar Camp). D. Curran. Reports, Coram. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - P, P. (42), 24 - 29 June 1942 (Informal Subcomm). 22, Interim report on follow-up of "annexure*' cases. Report, Services Subcomm., Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(421(21), 6 Aug. 1942. 22. Introduction to physical methods of treatment in psychiatry. William Sargant and Eliot Slater. Misc. File - Britain, undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 28 Oct, 1944). Behai?ill tat ion 24, Later stages of rehabilitation following experimental starvation in man. Ancel Keys et al, .Filed with: Reports, Comm. Conval. and Rehab. - 1 Aug. 1946. 25, Manual of casualty retraining,, Royal Canadian Army Report No. IS - 1944, 26, Memorandum on the rehabilitation of patients with head injuries, Symonds and Cairns. Report, Comm, Brain Injuries, MRC-B1C5, undated. 27, Mins. 62nd and final meeting Array Medical Department Consultants’ Comm. 15 June 1945. H. J, Bows ted British War Office Misc. Report No. 256 - 19 June 1945, 28, Minutes of the Fifth Conference of Command Specialists in Dermatology, held on 22nd February, 1944. British War Office, Misc, Report No. 146 - 1 March 1944, 27. Minutes of the sixth conference of command specialists in dermatology, held on 20th June 1944, in War Office, conference room (No, 115), 59 Hyde Park: Gate, London, S, W, 7. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 19i - 50 June 1944. 26. Plotting your course. Navy Dept., Bur, Med, and Surg. - 1945. 29, Post-discharge re-establishment order, Misc. Canadian Report No. 69 - 15 July 1944, 50. Post war and post invasion planning, Hamilton Southworth. Office Civilian Defense, Vol. Mod. Report No. 18 - 25 March 1945. 51. Prisoner of war comes home. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 161 - May 1944, 52. Problem of central nervous reorganization after nerve regeneration and muscle transposition; a critical review, OiiMcmr-221, R. Vi/. Sperry (P. A. Weiss). Report No. 59, Comm. Neurosurgery - Oct. 1944, 55. Prognosis for a return to full flying duties after psychological disorder. D. D. Reid. PPRC Report No. 555 - June, 1945* 54. Progress report of advisory groups of the Occupational Therapy Con- ference, National Research Council. M, B. Greene and W, C. Kahmann, Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry (Rec’d NRC 24 February, 1945). 705 Rehabi1i tation 35. Progress report on a study of the possibility of providing plastic contact lenses for certain key personnel of the Royal Canadian Navy, Shorney, MacDonald, and Best. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Lied. Research - January 30, 194 3. Appendix E, 36. Psychiatric experiences of the Eighth Air Force. First year of combat (July 4, 1942 - July 4, 1943). Hastings, Wright and Glueck. War Dept,, Air Forces, Llisc. - Aug. 1944, 37. Psychiatry rehabilitation therapy. OEMcrar-386. T. A. C. Rennie, Report No. 3 (abstracted). Comm. Psychiatry - 29 May 1944. 38. Psychiatry after the war with some reference to demobilisation, H. D. Gillespie, Report, Informal Psychological Subcoram,, Comm. Psychologists and Psychiatrists - PP(SC)(43)13, 22 Feb. 1943. 39. Psychological aspects of the rehabilitation of the limbless, E. Wittkower. British War Office Misc. Report No. 260 - Jan. 1944. 40. Psychological reactions in soldiers to the loss of vision of one eye, E. Wittkower. British War Office Misc. Report No. 259 - Feb. 1945, 41. Psychological reactions to defeat. A discussion of probable modes of German behaviour. H. V, Dicks, British War Office Misc. Report No, 254 - May 1945, 42. Psychotic and neurotic patients, their management and disposition, A, W. Kenner. War Dept., NaTO, Circ. Letter No. 4-22 March 1943. 43. Quarterly report No. 3 (July - Sept. 1943), by Adviser in Physical Medicine, M, E. F. G. D. Kersley. British War Office, Misc. Report No, 140 - 17 Sept. 1943. 44. Recent advances in peripheral nerve surgery. Frank Turnbull. Proc. Section on Traum. Inj. Nervous System. Comm. Surgery NRCG - 24 Apr. 1944, appendix A. 45. Rehabilitation after injuries to the brain and peripheral nerves. Report No. 5. J. G. White. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Brain Injuries, M. R. C. Rehabilitation 46. Rehabilitation following experimental starvation in man. Ancel Keys ct al. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Med. Nutrition - lb Jan. 1946. 47. Rehabilitation following experimental starvation in man. Interim report. Ancel Keys et al. Filed with: Reports, Comm. Conval, and Rehab. - 15 Jan. 1946. 48. Rehabilitation schemes in Britain. H. Southworth. Off. Civilian Defense, Vol, Med, Report No. 108-20 August, 1942. 49. Report of a conference on psychiatry in forward areas (held at Calcutta Aug. 8-10, 1944). Indian Report No. 15 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 28 Dec. 1944). 50* Report of A.M.D. 10 Research Sub-directorate of D.G.M.S. to the National Research Council annual meeting March 20, 1944. D. S. McEachern, Proc. Assoc. Comm, Army Med. Research, NRCC - 20 Mar. 1944, Appendix A. 51. Report on an investigation of the time for union of fractures of the shafts of the tibia and fibula, and of the femur. V;, D. Col tart. FPRC report No. 526 - April, 1942. 52. Report on survey of aircrew personnel in the Eighth, Ninth, Twelfth, and Fifteenth Air Forces. J. C. Flanagan. War Dept., Air Forces, Miscellaneous - 29 March 1944. 52. Report to the Director General of Army Medical Services on tour to Malta, Paiforce, India, by the Consulting Psychiatrist to the Array (December, 1944 - March, 1945), J. R. Rees. British War Office Misc. Report No. 248 - April 1945. 54. Report to the War Office on psychological aspects of the rehabilita- tion of repatriated prisoners of war. A. T. M. Wilson. British War Office, Misc. Report No. 124 - Feb. 1944, 55. Report to the War Office on psychological aspects of the rehabilita- tion of the limbless. E, WittKOwer, British War Office, Misc. Report No. 125 - Jan, 1944, 56. Research project on starvation and nutritional rehabilitation. Outline and present status. May 20, 1945. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval. and Rehab. - 5 June 1945. 707 Rehabilitation 57. Resolutions adopted by the Third Congress of the Council on Hospitals, People’s Commissariat of Health, U.S.S.R., regarding the application of exercise to the wounded and sick. U.S.S.H., Report No. 8 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 2 Nov. 1944), 58. Rest and convalescence program for Civil Defense workers. H. Southworth. Off. Civilian Defense* Vol. lied. Report No. 74 - 26 June, 1942, 59. Results of operations on knee joints. (D.P. & N.H,) Introductory note by Dr, Ross Millar. Proc. Comm, Surgery, NRCC - January 9, 1942, Appendix I. 60. Results of surgical treatment of sciatica due to herniation of intervertebral disc in Canadian soldiers overseas. Botterell, Keith, and Stewart. Proc. Comm. Surgery. NRCC (Section on Traum.In.1. Nervous System), - 16 Mar. 1944, Appendix I-A and Section I, 61. Review of operations for hernia in the Canadian Army Overseas 1940-42, S. VV. Schroeder (with introductory note by J, A. MacFarlane). Proc. Coram. Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct. 1942, Vol. 1, Appendix G, 62. Royal Air Force ex-prisoner of war refresher centres. Interim report. R. B. Buzzard, FPRC Report No. 624 - August 1945, 62. Schedule of graduated exercises*. Casualty retraining centres - R. C. A. M. C, Royal Canadian Array Report No. 20 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 8 Oct. 1945). 64. Schema of rehabilitation for neurosis and psychosis cases, as carried out at 212th Station Hosp., ETO. War Dept,, ETO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR - 18 April 1944). 65. Social-psychological rehabilitation of the physically handicapped. Status report, OEMcrar-512, Dembo, Ladieu, and White, Filed with; Reports, Coram, Conval. and Rehab. - 28 Oct. 1945, 66. Social survey I, Hamilton Southworth. Office Civilian Defense, Vol. Med. Report No, 25-1 May 1942. 67. Some aspects of medical research and policy in U.K., U.S.A. and Canada, A. d’A. Bellairs. South East Asia Report No, 12 - 15 Nov, 1945, 708 Rehabili tation 68. Starvation and nutritional rehabilitation. Progress report, formerly OEMcmr-27. Ancel Keys. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Med. Nutrition - 1 Mar, 1946, 69. Statistical report of Canadian Medical Procurement and Assignment Board on the rehabilitation of medical officers. (With letter to A. H. Neufeld). J. W. Willard, Canadian Dept, of Nat’l Defense - £6 May 1944. 70. Studies in psychiatric rehabilitation of discharged service men. Final report, OEMcrar-586. T. A. C. Rennie,. Report No. 5 (abstracted), Comm. Psychiatry - 17 Oct. 1944, 71. Studies of relief and rehabilitation in China. I. Snapper. UNRRA Report No, 1 - June 1942, 7£, Study of the health and working experience of 1,000 consecutive persons boarded out of the Forces as unfit for further service. Filed with;. British War Office - April £0, 1943. Misc, Report No. 68, 75, Study on the post-discharge adjustment of psychoneurotic soldiers. J. D. Griffin and M. F. Henderson. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Army Med, Research, NRCC - £7 May 1944, Vol. V, Appendix H. 74. Summary of the meeting of the Section on Traumatic Injuries of the Nervous System of the Committee on Surgery, NRCC - £6th and £7th January 1945. Letter to Dr. Weed from Cobb Pilcher. Misc. Canadian Report No. 99 - 1£ Feb, 1945, 75, Treatment of hernia in the Services. Proc. Comm. Surgery, NRCC - October 16, 194£. 76, Varicose veins cases - C.E.F, - at 51 March, 1956, Ross Millar. Proc. Comm, Surgery, NRCC - January 9, 1945, Appendix H. 77. Warblinded. Their emotional, social and occupational situation. E. Wittkower and R. C. Davenport. British War Office Misc. Report No. £61 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 18 Sept, 1945), 78, War neuroses in North Africa. The Tunisian campaign, January - May, 1943. R. M. Grinker and J. P. Spiegel. War Dept., NATO - September, 1945. 79. War surgery in Britain. R. I. Harris. Proc. Comm, Surgery. NRCC - 2 Dec. 1945, Appendix A. A. Convalescence 1. Conference on metabolic aspects of convalescence including bone and wound healing. Fourth meeting, Josiah Kacy Foundation, June 11-12, 1943. Filed with: Reports, Comm, Surgery, 11-12 June 1943 2. Conference on Nutrition in Damage and Convalescence. Proc. Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov. 1944> Vol, 2, Appendix D, 3. Construction and use of a bedside ergograph, Co Tui et al Report #3 (abstracted), Comm, Convalescence and Rehabilitation - 30 March 1944 4. Convalescence from surgical procedures, I. Studies of the circulation when lying and standing and of tremor when standing, with an evaluation of a program of exercises in bed and early rising from bed. Interim report, OEMcmr-436, Isaac Starr and R. L, Mayock (j, E, Rhoades) Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval. and Rehab, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 2$ April 1945) 5. Convalescent depot (British), T, F, Whayne Filed with: War Dept,, ETO - 11 Sept, 1943 6. Convalescence from surgical procedures. II, Studies of oxygen consumption, respiration, cardiac output, and heart rate chiefly in connection with a mild exercise test. Annual report, OEMcmr-436, Starr, Mayeck and Battles Filed with: Reports, Comm. Conval, and Rehab, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 19 June 1945) 7. Current Army Council instructions relating to rehabilitation in convalescent depots. British War Office, Misc. Report - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 3 Apr. 1944) 8. Development of methods for assaying the neurotic potentialities of the individual casualty for the purpose of ascertaining the management of convalescence and rehabilitation and estimating prognosis. Final report, OEMcmr-211, H. G, Wolf Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - 15 Mar. 1946 9. Development of methods of estimating speed of postoperative convalescence: the role of ambulation and increased caloric intake in recovery. Final report, 0EMcmr-4B4. R, W. Keeton et al Filed with: Reports, Comm. Medicine - May 1946 710 Convalescence 10. Early activity of postoperative patients, J, H, Powers Report #2, Comm, Convalescence and Rehabilitation - 15 April 1944 11, Effect of bed rest on the blood volume of normal young men, H, L, Taylor et al Report #12, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 21 April 1945) 12, Evaluation of the post-traumatic syndrome. Final report, OEMcmr-159. D. Denny-Brown and Donald Munro Filed with; Reports, Comm, Neurosurgery - July 1944 13. Factors in deterioration and rehabilitation. Final report, OEMcmr-413, Ancel Keys Filed with; Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - 15 Jan. 1945 14. Further investigations on the metabolic aspects of damage and convalescence, Browne, Schenker and Venning Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 7-8 Dec, 1945, Vol, 4, Appendix E 15. Further studies on the metabolic aspects of damage and convalescence. Browne, Schenker and Well Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov. 1944, Vol, 2, Appendix A 16, Inadequate protein and caloric intakes of patients in military hospitals; a study of contributory factors, J, A, F, Stevenson et al Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med. Research, NRCC - 10-31 Nov, 1944, Vol, 2, Appendix C, 17, Manual of casualty retraining. Royal Canadian Army Report #13 - 1944 18. Metabolic problems dealing with convalescence. Final report No. 21, OEMcmr-169, (Review of published papers) Fuller Albright Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval. and Rehab. - 1 Jan, 1946 19. Metabolic problems relating to convalescence. Final report, OEMcmr-169. Fuller Albright Report #6, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - 12 Aug, 1944 20, Methods of maintaining nitrogen equilibrium in surgical patients undergoing laparotomy and craniotomy. Interim report, OEMcmr-436, Cecilia Riegel et al Filed with: Reports, Comm. Conval, and Rehab, - 10 March 1945, 21, Minutes of a conference on amino acid metabolism. 21 July 1944, Report #8, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - undated (rec*d NRC-CMR 1 Dec. 1944) Convalescence 22, Neuropsychological aspects on convalescence. Summary report - Part II, OEMcmr-177, Kenyon, Adams and Halstead Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval. and Rehab, - 27 Dec. 194-5 23, Notes on a brief visit to China, Section L: "Military medical problems in China" by Robert McClure. Wilder Penfield Proc, Comm, Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct, 1943, Vol, 2, Appendix B 24. Nutritional aspects of convalescent care. Report #1, Comm, Convalescence and Rehabilitation - 1 Feb, 1944 25. Parenteral provision of caloric, nitrogen and electrolyte requirements. Final report, OEMcmr-478, A, M, Butler et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval. and Rehab. - 5 June 1946 26. Physical fitness for convalescents, P, V, Karpovich War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field, #224 (1) " 14 June 1944 27, Physical fitness, general health and nutritional status of 140 Gurka reinforcements. R, M, Kark Misc, Canadian Report #130 - 28 Feb, 1945 28, Physical fitness tests for convalescents; analysis of the pulse reactions in the red step-up test, P, V, Karpovich War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #224 (2) - 12 August 1944 29. Physical fitness tests for convalescents: a study of convalescing rheumatic fever patients, P. V. Karpovich War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #224(4) - 25 Sept, 1945 30, Physical fitness tests for convalescents: effect of exercise upon the sedimentation rate of red blood corpuscles, P. V, Karpovich War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #224(3) - 4 Aug, 1944 31, Physical training program for convalescent medical patients. R, A. Weiss War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #246 (1) - 13 July 1944 32. Physical training program for convalescent medical patients: Oxygen consumption during various calisthenic exercises. R. A. Weiss War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #246 (2) - 4 Nov. 1944 h 33. Physical training program for convalescent medical patients; Program for patients recovering from rheumatic fever, R. A. Weiss War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #246 (3) - 10 March 1945 Convalescence 34. Physical training program for convalescing patients; pulse reaction to performing stop-up exercise on benches of different heights, E, R. Elbel and E. Le Green War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #216(4) ~ 25 Jan, 1945 35. Prevention of protein wastage in injury and disease. Final report, OEMcmr-420, J„ P, Peters et al Filed with; Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 26 Feb. 1946) 36. Protein nutrition with special reference to surgery; sources of nitrogen loss in surgical conditions and methods of circumventing them; shortening of post-operative convalescence; pathologic physiology of hypoproteinosis. Final report, OEMcmr-326, Co Tui and A, M, Wright Filed with: Reports, Comm, Surgery, NRC - 30 Nov., 1943 37. Psychological aspects of convalescence, Brodman, Mittelmann and Wolff Report #5, Comm, Convalescence and Rehabilitation - 15 Aug, 1944 38. Recent advances in peripheral nerve surgery, Frank Turnbull Proc0 Section on Traum. ISA- Nervous System, Comm, Surgery. NRCC - 24 Apr, 1944, Appendix A 39. Relation of personality disturbances to duration of convalescence from acute respiratory infections. Annual report, OEMcmr-508, Keeve Brodman (H, G, Wolff) Filed with; Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 14 Dec. 1945) 40. Resolutions adopted by the Third Congress of the Council on Hospitals, People’s Commissariat of Health, U.S.S.R,, regarding the application of exercise to the wounded and sick. U.S.S.R. Report #8 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 3 Nov. 1944) 41. Some aspects of medical research and policy in U,K,, U.S.A, and Canada, A, d*A. Bellairs South East Asia Report #13 - 15 Nov, 1945 42. Some metabolic aspects of damage and convalescence, J. S. L, Browne et al Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol. V, Appendix E 43. Studies and experimental investigations in connection with fracture healing, wound healing and convalescence. Final report, OEMcmr-169. F, Albright Filed with; Reports, Comm. Clin, Invest,, 15 Sept, 1943 Convalescence 44, Studies in surgical convalescence. II, A preliminary study of the nitrogen loss in exudates in surgical conditions, OEMcmr-326, Co Tui and A, M, Wright Report #10 (abstracted), Comm. Conval, and Rehab, - 25 Sept, 1944 45, Studies on surgical convalescence, Co Tui et al Report #4 (abstracted) Comm, Convalescence and Rehabilitation - 25 April 1944 46, Study of fractures and associated metabolic disturbances. Final report, OEMcmr-189. J, E. Howard Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 23 July 1946) 47, Study of the diet of orthopedic patients in a ward at a U, S, naval hospital, R, A. Gortner Naval Med, Research Inst. - Project X-465(2), 22 Oct. 1945 48, Use of a mixture of pure amino acids in surgical nutrition, I, Certain pharmacological considerations. Part I of Final Report, OEMcmr-452, S, C. Yferner Filed with: Reports, Coram, Conval. and Rehab, - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 13 Mar. 1946) 49, Use of a mixture of pure amino acids in surgical nutrition, II, Effects upon nitrogen balance: including an interpretation of the nature of the loss of nitrogen after injury. Part II of Final Report, OEMcmr-452. S, C, Werner Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval. and Rehab, - undated (rec‘d NRC-CMR 13 Mar. 1946) 50, Use of a mixture of pure amino acids in surgical nutrition. Ill, Clinical results in ulcer patients undergoing partial gastrec- tomy: A comparison with a control series of untreated cases. Part III of Final Report, 0EMcmr-"452, S. C. Werner Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval. and Rehab, - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 13 Mar. 1946) 51, Use of the reduction time of the blood as a measure of physical fitness in health and disease. Final report, OEMcmr-402, G. B. Ray Filed with: Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab, - 27 Sept, 1944 52, Vitamin requirements in damage and convalescence, W, A. Andreae and M. E. F, Hunter Proc, Assoc. Comm. Army Med, Research, NRCC - 10-11 Nov, 1944, Vol, 2, Appendix B 714 Convalescence 53. War neuroses in North Africa, The Tunisian campaign, January - May, 194-3. R, M, Grinker and J. P, Spiegel War Dept., NATO - September, 1943 715 B, Occupational Therapy 1, Manual of casualty retraining. Royal Canadian Army Report #13 - 1944 2. Occupational therapy. British War Office, Misc. Report #136 - 88 Sept. 1943 3* Progress report of advisory groups of the Occupational Therapy Conference, National Research Council. M* B. Greene and W. C. Kahmann Piled with: Reports, Comm. Neuropsychiatry (Rec*d NRC 24 February 1943) 4* Proposed plan for establishment of Occupational Therapy Centers. British War Office, Misc. Report #143 - 4 March 1944 5. Quarterly report No. 3 (July - Sept. 1943), by Adviser in Physical Medicine, M.E.F. G. D. Kersley British War Office, Misc, Report #140 - 17 Sept, 1943 6. Recent advances in peripheral nerve surgery. Frank Turnbull Proc. Section on Traum. Inj. Nervous System, Comm. Surgery, NRGC - 24 Apr. 1944, Appendix A 7. Report of observations of medical service in Southwest Pacific and South Pacific Areas. C. C. Hillman War Dept,, SGO, 12 July, 1943 (Filed in safe, Room 327) 8. Report of special commission of civilian psychiatrists covering psychiatric policy and practice in the U. S. Army Medical Corps, European Theater, 20 April to 8 July 1945. War Dept., SGO - undated (rec*d NRC-CMR 28 Sppt. 1945) 9* Respecting the supply and demand in certain war connected professional and technical fields which should be included in a civilian ✓ training program. Filed withi Reports, Comm. Physical Therapy, NRC - April 10, 1943 10. Soviet Medical Chronicle - May/June, 1944, U.S.S.R. File Report #5 - undated (rec'd, NRC-CMR 25 Oct. 1944) 11. War neuroses in North Africa. The Tunisian campaign, January - May, 1943, R. M. Grinker and J. P. Spiegel War Dept., NATO - September, 1943 LX. RESPIRATION 1, Air evacuation - investigation of pneumothorax and respiratory function at altitude, E, W. Peterson et al Proc, Assoc. Comm. Army Med, Research, 26-27 Nov, 1943, Vcl, IV - Appendix H, and Vol, I 2, Air pump to simulate human breathing. F, E. J. Fry Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #88 - 7 July 194-2 3, Alveolar respiratory quotients: an experimental study of the difference between true and alveolar respiratory quotients, with a discussion of the assumptions involved in the calculation of alveolar respiratory quotients and a brief review of experimental evidence relating to these assumptions. J, B. Bateman and W, M. Bcothby CAM Report #3A1 - 14- June 194A 4-. Amount of oxygen required by men of various physiqxies performing work analogous to that done in the operation of an airplane. P. V. Karpovich War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field Reoort #74- (1) - April 26, 194-3 5, Apparatus for the automatic recording of respiratorymd ventilation rates of crew in large aircraft. M, E. Worthington FPRC Report #616 - May 19A5 6, Breath holding ability at varying altitudes. Preliminary report, OEMcmr-36, Engel, Webb and Ferris Special CAM Report - 30 Dec. 194-3 i 7, Breath holding at altitude and breath holding as a demonstration of anoxia. E. B. Brown Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla., - Project X-431(Av-228-f) (1), 5 Oct, 19UU 8, Breathing pattern in a parachute harness, J, T, Benner War Dept., Mr Forces, ENG-A9-696-7G, 19 Feb. 1944- 9» Bubble formation in animals, VI. Physiological factors: the role of circulation and respiration, CEMcmr-166. W, D. McElroy et al CAM Report #380 - Nov. 194-4- Respiration 10. Changes in circulation and respiration in anoxemia. OEMcmr-28. I. Starr and M, McMichall (Schmidt & Bronk) CM Report #165, 1 August, 1943 11. Changes in vital capacity with altitude H. S. Wigcdsky CM Report #73 - April 27, 1942 12. Charts. Oxygen requirements, alveolar pressures, blood oxygen determinations, hyperventilation, etc. War Dept., Air Forces, Miscellaneous - Mayo Aero Med. Unit, June 1943 13. "Chokes: a respiratory manifestation of aeroembolism in high altitude flying." OEMcmr-196 E. V, Bridge et al CAM Report #382 - 23 Cct, 1944 14. Circulatory and respiratory aspects of convalescence. Status report, OEMcmr-177, Wright Adams Filed with; Reports, Comm. Conval, and Rehab, - 31 Oct, 1945 15. Comparison of alveolar oxygen pressures, oximeter readings and percentage of saturation of hemoglobin, OEMcmr-129. W. M, Boothby and F. J. Robinson CAM Report #163, June, 1943 16. Compendium of aviation medicine. Siegfried Ruff and Hubertus Strughold Special CM Report - 1942 17. Convalescence from surgical procedures. II, Studies of oxygen consumption, respiration, cardiac output, and heart rate chiefly in connection with a mild exercise test. Annual report, OEMcmr-436. Starr, Mayeck and Battles Filed with; Reports, Comm, Conval, and Rehab. - undated (Rec’d NRC-CMR 19 Juno 1945) 18. Course of the apnoea curve after very long hyperventilation. (Pflugers Arch., vol. 244, 1944. Abst., Luftfahrtmedizin, vol. 7, #1, 1942) P. Herrlinger FPRC Miscellaneous File 19. Derivation and certain uses of an equation relating alveolar composition to altitude, J. S. Gray War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #131 (1) - April 12, 1943 20. Development of a group test of susceptibility to hyperventilation and its application to the neuropsychiatric screening of officer candidates. S. B. Williams and H. J, Leavitt Navy Dept., Med, Field Research Lab,, Camp Lejeune, N.C. M&S Research Project X-3B4 (Sub, No, 73), 15 Feb. 1945 Respiration 21. Development of technique for measuring saturation and desaturation curves by the use of long-period radioactive argon at atmospheric pressure. Final report, OEMcmr-392. R. D, Evans et al Special CM'- Report - 15 Aug. 1944 22. Effect of d-desoxyephedrine (pervitin) on the reduction of vital capacity at high altitudes, A. C. Ivy et al CM Report #50, 5/29/42 23. Effect of diet on altitude tolerance as indicated by measurement of the alveolar and expired gases. Interim report, OEMcm—47. A. L, Barach et al CAM Report #413 ~ 7 March 1945 24. Effect of pulmonary ventilation on the vasomotor action of adrenaline, G, W, Stavraky Misc, Canadian Aviation Report #34 " undated 25. Effect of sulfathiazole on persons subjected to conditions of simulated altitude. Peterson, Bornstein and Jasper Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med, Research, NRCC - 27 May 1944, Vol, III, Appendix B 26. Effects of altitude anoxia on the respiratory processes, OEMcmr-129. Helmholz, Bateman and Boothby CAM Report #360 - August 1944 27. Effects of carbon dioxide on respiration at various barometric pressures. Report, Comm, Flying Personnel Research - FPRC 588. Aug. 1944 28. Effects of chronic intermittent anoxia. Ill, Studies of cardiac output, pulmonary ventilation and related functions. Final Report, OEMcmr-113. Wright Adams et al Special CAM Report - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 30 June 1944) 29. Effects of morphine sulphate on the human subject exposed to simulated altitude, Peterson, Bernstein, and Jasper Proc, Assoc, Comm, Army Med. Research, NRCC - 27 May 194*4, Vol. Ill Appendix A 30. Effects of voluntary hyperventilation at sea level on cerebral blood flow, cardiac output and blood pressure. 0EMcmr-28, Kety, Schmidt and Starr CAM Report #401 - 11 Jan. 1945 31. Effects on personnel of various concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen under conditions of submarine operations. W, V. Consolazio et al Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-349, 23 Sept. 1944 719 Respiration 32, Evaluation of respiratory measures for use in pilot selection. Raymond Franzen and Louisa Blaine Div. Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - Jan. 1944 33. Experimental investigation of the effects of cold air on the air passages and lungs. Final report, 0EMcmr-3B7, A. R. Moritz and J. R. Weisiger Filed with: Reports, Comm, Medicine - 10 June 1944 34-. Experimental studies on man with a restricted intake of the B vitamins. Part II, The results of acute deprivation of vitamins of the B complex. Interim report, OEMcmr-27. Ancel Keys et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Med, Nutrition - 8 Jan. 194-5 35. Flow of air in respiration in relation to resistance to breathing, J. S. Hart Proc. Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - April 18, 194-3, Appendix H 36. Fundamental factors in the design of protective respiratory equipment. Inspiratory air flow measurements on human subjects with and without resistance. Leslie Silverman et al NDRC Report, OSRD #1222 - 4- March, 1943 37. Handbook of respiratory data in aviation. D, W. Bronk et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Oxygen and Anoxia - 1944- 38. Heat exchange by way of the respiratory tract: I, Theoretical considerations. II, Relative efficacy for conserving heat loss of the (1) Salathiel Breath Heat Exchanger, (2) A-14 rubber mask, (3) wool scarf. Spealman, Pace and White Naval Med, Research Inst,, Project X-163, 25 April 1944 39. Hyperventilation in flying personnel, R. F. Rushmer and D. D, Bond War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #162(1) - 16 Sept., 1943 40. Influence of dying gasps, yawns, and sighs on blood pressiire and blood flow. OEMcmr-318, R, A, ?/oodbury and B. E, Abreu Report #2 (abstracted), Comm. Anesthesia - 13 Sept. 1944 41. Influence of oxygen-lack on the human organism on brief exposure to high altitudes. A contribution to the question of functional capacity during flight at high altitude, Franz von Tavel Filed with: Reports, Comm, Oxygen and Anoxia - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 5 July 1944) 720 Respiration 42. Instantaneous rates at which various fractions of the inspired air are inhaled, J, S. Hart Proc. Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med. Research - 22 March 1944., Appendix H 4.3, Laboratory manual of field methods for biochemical assessment of metabolic and nutritional condition. Filed with: Reports, Harvard Fatigue Lab, - March 194-5 44-* Lung ventilation during certain simple physical exercises, P. V. Karpovich Report, School Aviation Med,, Randolph Field - Dec. 9, 1942 45. Means of measuring instantaneous rates of respiration, H. L. Roxburgh FFRC Report #528 - May 1943 46. Measurement of gaseous exchange in connection with aviation and deep sea diving by techniques employing radioactive substances, I. On the theory of blood-tissue exchanges of inert gases, R. E. Smith and M, F. Morales Naval Med. Research Inst, Project X-43, report #1-8 May 1944 47. Measurement of inspiratory and expiratory air velocities at altitude. OEMcmr-26, J. R. Pappenheimer and J, C. Iilly Report CAM #208 - 30 November 1943 48. Measurements of gaseous exchange in connection with aviation and deep sea diving by techniques employing radioactive substances. II. Circulation and inert gas exchanges at the lung. M, F. Morales and R, E. Smith Naval Med, Research Inst, project X-43, report #2 - 29 July 1944 49. Measures of exercise tolerance, Craig Taylor and Raymond Franzen Div, Anthropology and Psychologjrj NRC - Feb. 1946 50. Metabolism on long range missions. S. A, D'Angelo War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-696-75C, 10 Sept. 1945 51. Method for the continuous analysis of alveolar air. Interim report, OEMcmr-147. Hermann Rahn et al (W. 0. Fenn) CAM Report #476 - 20 Oct. 1945 52. Method for the determination of CO in alveolar air. H. I, Chinn War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field ?#233(2) - 24 April 1946 Respiration 53. Methods of artificial respiration to be used in war time according to the cause of asphyxia. Physiological basis of their choice. Prof, and Mrs. Cordier Miscellaneous Reports - General (Britain) - undated 54-* Multiple factor theory of respiratory regulation, II, Uncompensated metabolic disturbances of acid-base balance, J. S. Gray War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #386(2) - 14. Dec. 194-5 55. On respiration rate during a bomber sortie, E. A. Goldie Flying Personnel Research Comm. FPRC 552, Oct, 194-3 56. Overventilation in subjects during the swing test. R. F. Rushmer Yfer Dept., Randolph Field #133 (1) - May 1, 1943 57. Oxygen and air pressure at various altitudes as they influence the efficient functioning of the aviator, W. M, Boothby War Dept,, Air Forces, miscellaneous - Mayo Aero Med, Unit, special report #5, 28 Aug, 1942 58. Oxygen requirements as affected by physical activity and by simulated altitudes. Hall, Wilson, Bonner and Finkel War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-4.9-696-70, 11 Nov, 1943 59. Permissible expiratory resistance in aircraft oxygen equipment. J. H. Weatherby Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-6ll(Av-313-s) (1) - 1 Sept. 1945 60. Physiological requirements of sealed high altitude aircraft compartments. H. G. Armstrong War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, Misc, - 19 Dec. 1935 61. Physiological study of aviators during combat flying. Royal Navy Air Medical News letter #2 - March 1945 62. Physiology of increased intrathoracic pressure in relation to the effect of centrifugal forces (1) introduction: methods: changes in position of the diaphragm, in heart size, and in intra- abdominal pressure during increased, intrapulmonic pressure, R, F, Rushmer War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, #160 (1) - 10 Nov., 1943 722 Respiration 63. Physiology of increased intrathoracic pressure in relation to the effect on centrifugal forces: (2) arterial pressure, venous pressure, and tinger volume during increased intrapulmonic pressure. R, F. Rushmer War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field, #160 (2) - 1 Dec., 194-3 64-. Physiology of increased intrathoracic pressure in relation to the effect of centrifugal forces: (3) Two cases of circulatory failure during increased intrapulmonic pressure, R. F. Rushmer War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #160 (3) - 10 Jan,, 1944 65, Physiology of respiration. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-11, 28 Feb, 1945, Appendix C 66, Preliminary note on the respiratory disturbances during and after administration of phosgene, C. G. Douglas and D, Whitteridge Misc, File - Britain, undated (rec*d NRC-CMR 29 Aug. 1944) 67, Pulmonary ventilation of flyers, Lovelace, Carlson and Wulff War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-<49-660-50-H, 11 March 1944 68, Pulmonary ventilation of flyers at high altitudes. L, D, Carlson and V, J, Wulff War Dept., Air Forces, Eng, 49-66O-48-G, 9 Oct, 1944 69, Pump to simulate human breathing, F, E. J, Fry and J. S. Hart Proc, Assoc. Comm. Aviation Med, Research - February 27, 1943, Appendix K 70, Reduction of alveolar carbon dioxide pressure during pressure breathing and its relation to hyperventilation, together with a new method of representing the effects of hyperventilation, OEMcrar-129, J. B, Bateman (W, M, Boothby) CAM Report #381 - Sept, 1944 71, Relation of pulmonary ventilation to arterial oxygen saturation, C. S. Houston and Martha Nez Navy Dept., Naval Air Training Center, Pensacola, Fla,, Project X-675(l) - 15 Dec. 1945 72, Relationship between brain metabolism and brain function and compensation for oxygen lack by changes in other blood constituents. Final report, OEMcmr-165. W, G, Lennox et al Filed with: Reports, Comm, Neuropsychiatry - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 13 Jan., 1944) 723 Respiration 73. Relationship between various levels of COHB in the blood and the equivalent physiological altitude, G. C, Pitts and Nello Pace Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-417(3), 30 Oct, 1944 74. Report on special physiological investigation of aircraftmen. J, E, Goodwin, Min, Exec., Assoc. Comm, Aviation Med. Research - June 6, 194-1, Appendix K; Aug, 13, 1941, NRCC 75. Respiratory metabolism of pilots and crew in planes, C, L, Gemmill et al CAM Report #296 - 20 Feb. 1944 76. Respiratory quotients of expired and alveolar air at normal and reduced barometric pressures, J. K, VI, Ferguson and L. P. Dugal Proc, Exec., Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research, NRCC - 13 March 1945, Appendix E 77. Respiratory requirements for flying a Link trainer. K, E. Penrod War Dept., Air Forces, Materiel Div, EXP-M-49-696-21, 28 September, 1943 78. Respiratory resistances through oxygen masks. J. Shortreed Misc. Canadian Aviation Report #100 - 9 Sept,, 1942 79. Response of the human cardio-vascular system to acute alteration in the composition of inspired air. Keys, Staff, and Violante Special Reports, CALI - January 28, 1942 80. Shivering induced by the combined use of hyperventilation and exposure to cold atmosphere, H, R. Miller et al War Dept,, Signal Corps, Climatic Research Unit, Eng. Memo No. 11, CR - 1 March 1944 81. Shivering observed in cooled subjects following the abrupt termination of the inhalation of CO2 enriched mixtures, H. R. Miller et al War Dept., Signal Corps, Climatic Research Unit, Eng. Memo, #22 CR - 4 Nov. 1944 8>2. Some effects of raised intrapulmonary pressure on the circulation. G, R. Macdougall and H, C, Bazett Proc. Exec,, Assoc, Comm, Aviation Med, Research - 22 April 1944, Appendix B Respiration 83, Some uses of the integrating wheel in respiration studies. Interim report, OEMcmr-88. Frederick Olmsted Special CAM Report - 14 Dec, 1945 84. Studies of blood pressure, electrocardiograms, and respiratory- tracings in volunteers. Motion sickness, A. Cipriani and G. Morton Proc, Conf, Motion Sickness - August 28, 1942, Appendix I 85. Studies of respiratory ventilation of fighter pilots, K, E, Penrod War Dept., Air Corps, Materiel Div. EXP-M-49-696-25, November 10,1942 86, Study of hyperventilation as a means of gaining altitude, Pts. I and II. L, E, Chadwick et al CAM Report #304 - 22 May 1944 87. Study of hyperventilation as a means of gaining altitude, (Parts III-VIl), Interim report, OEMcmr-147. W, 0, Fenn et al CAM Report #410 - Jan, 1945 88, Survey of air sickness - aircrew trainees. Clinical investigation. Respiratory problems, visual problems, psychoses, R.C,A,F,, D.M.S, Circular orders #34 and 9. Report F.P.R.C, #335, June 17, 1941; and Dec. 12, 1940 89, Underwater respiration: The optimum respiratory pressure and the effects of immersion on pulmonary ventilation. W, D. M, Paton and A, Sand Report, Subcomm, Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/1B5, April 1945 90, Use of the respiration amplifier in combating anoxia at high altitudes. Preliminary report, T* J, Putnam and R. D, Brookes Special CAM Report - undated (rec*d NRC-CMR 14 December 1942) 91. Ventilation effects induced by the pneumatic balance resuscitator, 0EMcmr-196. W. E. Berg CAM Report #444 - June 1945 92. Voluntary ventilation capacity: Normal values and reliability of measurement. J, S, Gray and E, L. Green War Dept,, Air Forces, Randolph Field #449(1) - 4 Dec. 1945 LXI. RESUSCITATION 1. Appraisal of the University of California (Tobias-Weitbrecht) manual resuscitator, Vollmer, Whaley and Perkins Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-486(6), 1 August 1945. 2. Artificial respiration, British War Office, Army Med. Dept. Bull, #48 - June 194-5* 3. Artificial respiration: a method used by British Navy is reprinted. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull, #2 - July 1944* pp. 17-18. 4-, Conference on artificial respiration, July 7, 194-3. Philip Drinker War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-49-J, 30 April 194-3, Appendix 2. 5. Evaluation of the Burns pneumatic balance resuscitator, Vollmer, King and Peck Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-486(5) - 2 July 194-5. 6. Evaluation of the Emerson automatic positive pressure resuscitator and inhalator assembly - "Defense Model". Vollmer, King and Peck Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-486(7), 13 August 194-5. 7. Evaluation of the Heidbrink Model-70 and Army item No. 37261 positive pressure resuscitators and Kreiselman hand bellows resuscitator with field tests in collaboration with Naval Air Station, Lakehurst, New Jersey, B, G. King et al. Naval Med. Research Inst. Project X-486(2), 7 May 194-5. 8. Eve- method adopted by Coast Guard medicos for artificial respiration in addition to Schaefer. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull, #9 - March 194-5. pp. 22-25. 9. Eve method resuscitation. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull,, Vol. II, #2 - October 1945. - pp. 32-37. 10, "First aid in the Royal Navy." Hamilton Southworth Office Civilian Defense, Vol, Med, Report #41 - 18 May 1943. 11, Improved positive pressure resuscitator - inhalaton assembly designed for general Navy use (Heidbrink Stock No. 3804-0063). B. G. King et al. Naval Med, Research Inst. - Project X-486(3), 22 May 1945. 12, Influence of different forms of artificial respiration upon the pulmonary and systemic blood pressure. Interim report, 0EMcmr-318, Woodbury, Abreu and Volpitto Report #1 (abstracted). Comm, Anesthesia, 23 February 1944. Resuscitation 13. Interrogation of combat veterans, N. E, Collias and W. H. Bachrach War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-697-15, 17 May 1945. 14. Investigation of physiological problems of asphyxiation and resuscitation. Wulff, Carlson, and Lovelace War Dept., Air Forces, TSSAL-3-660-49-J, 30 April 1945. 15. Manual resuscitator. C, A. Tobias and R. Weitbrecht CAM Report #334 - 29 July 1944. 16. Mechanical behavior of the Burns pneumatic balance resuscitator. Interim report, OEMcmr-147, Fenn, Otis and Rahn Special CAM Report - 30 Sept, 1945. 17. Minutes of Conference on Pulmonary Edema, Report #4, Comm, Medicine - 28 April 1944. 18. Miscellaneous aviation medical matters. Leo Alexander War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Report #88 - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 18 March 1946). 19. Modification of resuscitator and inhalator, item No, 37261, A, M. Cahan War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-49-0, 27 March 1944. 20. Physiological and clinical studies on man with the pneumatic balance resuscitator "Burns Model". H. L. Motley War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-3-660-49-0, 23 August 1945. 21. Physiological studies on man with the Pneumatic Balance Resuscitator "Burns Model". Interim report, 0EMcmr-107 and 47. H. L. Motley et al, CAM Report #492. 22. Pneumatic balance resuscitator. H, L. Burns War Dept,, Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-65-C, 27 November 1944. 23. Pneumatic balance resuscitator, OEMcmr-147, Herman Rahn et al, CAM Report #424 - 5 March 1945. 24. Preliminary performance tests of the Bennett intermittent positive pressure resuscitator assembly. V. J. Wulff War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-49-K, 30 April 1945. 25. Problems relating to use of intermittent positive pressure in resuscitation. War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-49-J, 30 April 1945, Appendix 5. 727 Resuscitation 26, Report of accidents resulting from anoxia in aircraft, H, B. Burchell War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #206 (2) - 12 April 1944. 27, Resuscitation and positive pressure breathing, A. M, Cohan War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-1, 20 July 1943. 28, "Resuscitation and positive pressure breathing," Excerpt from Memorandum Report ENG-49-660KL. War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-49-J, 30 April 1945? Appendix 4, 29. Resuscitation, Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Medicine, 24 Jan, 1945. War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-49-J? 30 April 1945? Appendix 6* 30, Resuscitation of the severely wounded, A, L. Chute Royal Canadian Army Report #18 - October 1944. 31. Resuscitator and intermittent positive pressure breathing device developed by the Aero Medical Laboratory. A. M. Cahan War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-660-49-D, 9 August 1943. 32. Resuscitators. C. R. Glenn and N, W. White War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-49-J? 22 April 1943? Appendix 1. 33. Resuscitator submitted for test by the General Electric X-Ray Corporation, A. M. Cahan War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-660-A, 11 Sept. 1943. 34. Some tests on the characteristics and performance of a Heidbrink positive pressure resuscitator. E. P, V ollmer and B. G, King Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-486(l), 1 November 1944. 35. Studies on asphyxia. I. Changes in blood acid-base balance during asphyxia and resuscitation, Grodins, Lein and Adler War Dept., Air Forces, Randolph Field #474(1) - 10 May 1946. 36, Study of the influence of anesthesia, oxygen therapy and different forms of artificial respiration upon the pulmonary and systemic blood pressure in normal animals those with pulmonary edema. Final report, OEMcmr-318. R. Ai. Woodbury Filed with: Reports, Comm. Anesthesia - 12 July 1945. 37, Summary of investigations on the Burns pneumatic balance resuscitator. Interim report, OEMcrar-147. W, 0. Fenn Special CAM Report - 30 Sept, 1945. 728 Resuscitation 38, Table summarizing the laboratories and hospitals contacted by the Air Technical Service Command to assist in collection of physiologi- cal and clinical data. War Dept., Air Forces, TSEAL-3-660-49-J> 30 April 1945, Appendix 7. 39, Treatment of shock from prolonged exposure to cold, especially in water, Leo Alexander War Dept., Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcomm, Report #59, 10 July 1945. 40, Use of the Pneumatic Balance Resuscitator on dogs exposed to severe anoxia in the decompression chamber, OEMcmr-196, B, R,Brown CAM Report #475 - September 1945. 41, Ventilation effects induced by the pneumatic balance resuscitator, OEMcmr-196 W, E, Berg CAM Report #444 ~ June 1945. LXII. SUNBURN 1, Emergency adaptations in Melanesia, Some practical suggestions. Water, heat, food, sunburn. Filed with: Div, Anthropology and Psychology, NRG - January 11, 194-3 2, First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944# Part II. Physiological observations on Naval personnel, F. P. Ellis Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(d). July 194-5 3, Guide to the preservation of life at sea after shipwreck. Comm, Shipwrecked Personnel, MRC - War Memo #8, 1942 4-. Life rafts and equipment. Report of experiments carried on at Eglin Field from April 15 to 20, 194-3. Harvard Fatigue Lab, Report #68 - 27 May 194-3 5. Patch tests on sunburn preventive preparations, H, F. Blum Naval Med, Research Inst., Project No. X-108, suppl, to #1 - May 20, 1943 6* Preparation and appraisal of a combined sunburn preventive and emergency bum treatment ointment. Pfeiffer, Blum and Darby Naval Med, Research Inst. - Project X-108C, 14- June 194-5 7, Protective ointments against sunburn. J. H. Tillisch War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-4-9-697-4-, April 17, 1943 8, Report of naval observer at trials of aircraft life raft rations and equipment conducted by Wright Field personnel at Eglin Field, Florida, April 15 through 21, 1943. P, H, Futcher Naval Med. Research Inst. - April, 1943 9, Report on living and working conditions among R.N. personnel in the tropics. Macdonald Critchley and H. E, Rolling Filed with: Reports, Comm. Royal ,’Naval Personnel Research, MRC 22 April 1944 10, Responses of man to a hot environment. F. R. Wulsin War Dept., OQMG - 1 Aug. 1943 11, Sea dye marker harmful as sunburn preventive. Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull. #11 - May 1945, p. 25 12, Sea trials of methods of preventing sunburn of shipwrecked personnel, and information on the TWA anti-sun headgear. P, H. Futcher et al Naval Med, Research Inst,, Project X-127, report #5 - 23 Dec., 1943 730 Sunburn 13, Specifications for cream; sunburn prevention for use in (A) life raft emergency equipment, and (B) for general use, H, F, Blum Naval Medical Research Inst,, Project #NH6-l/All/X-lOB - 1 March 1944- 14.. Sunburn, Army Air Corps, D. M, Pillsbury Filed with: Reports, Comm. Medicine - September 7, 1942 15, Sunburn preventive preparations, evaluation and specifications. With addendum, H, F, Blum Naval Med, Research Inst,, Project No. X-108, Report #2 - July 27, 1943. 16, Sunburn preventives for use on the lips Blum, Richer and Pfeiffer Naval Med* Research Inst., Project X-108A - 9 Aug, 1944 17, Sunburn preventives for use on the lips. Field acceptance test. H. A, Haynes, Jr., and J, G. Fiedler Navy Dept,, Medical Field Research Lab., Camp Lejeune, N.C., M&S Research Project X-108B - 13 Nov, 1944 18, Sunburn protection; efficiency of sunburn - preventive ointments. Final report, OEMcmr-366, A, C, Giese and J. M. Fells Report #43, Comm, Clin. Invest, - 15 Feb, 1944 19, Sunburn protection; ointment bases for sunscreens. Interim report #2, OEMcmr-366* A, C, Giese and J. M, Wells Filed with; Reports, Comm, Clin. Invest, - 7 Feb, 1944 20, Sunburn protection; sunscreens. Interim report, OEMcmr-336. A. C, Giese and J, M, Wells Filed with; Reports, Comm, Clin. Invest, - 18 November 1943 21, Test of U,S, Navy sunburn ointment as a first aid treatment for burns. Interim report, OEMcmr-263* C, C. Lund and F. H. I. Taylor Report #57, Comm. Infected Wounds and Burns - 11 May 1945 22, Tests on sunburn-preventive creams. H. F. Blum Naval Med, Research Instr, project X-108 - 4 Jan,, 1944 23, Tests on sunburn preventive preparations applied to the skin, H, F. Blum Naval Med. Research Inst., Project No. X-108, Report #1 - March 31, 1943 24* U, S. Navy (Bureau of Aeronautics) air sea rescue equipment. List, Navy Dept., Coast Guard, Air Sea Rescue Bull* #3 - Aug, 1944 Sunburn 25. Water balance and other physiological responses of men on life rafts. Futcher, Consolazio and Pace Naval Med, Research Inst,, Project X-127, Report #3-6 Sept,, 194-3 LXIII. VENTILATION A. Cooling 733 LXIII. VENTILATION 1, Altitude conditioning of aircraft cabins, M. B. Cooper. F.P.R.C. report No. 244. 2. Appreciation of the physiological problems of tank wading operations. R. Mayon-White. Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 42/292, Nov., 1942, 2. "Arcticization" of H. M. ships. T. Bedford and C. G. Warner. Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Cornm., MRC - RNP 42/9. 4 Mar. 1942. 4, Atmospheric conditions in Radar room. D. H. K. Lee Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 42. 12 Nov. 1942. 5, Atmospheric conditions in troop decks of H.M.A.T, "Fatoomba." D. Lee. Report, Coram, Armoured Vehicles, NHMRC - Australia - AFV 40, 22 Oct. 1942. 6, Bacterial content of the air of H. M. ships u:ider wartime conditions. Part X, E. P. Ellis and V.. F. Raymond. Report, Subcomm, Ifabitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/220. Aug, 1945* 7, Bacterial content of the air of H. M. ships under wartime conditions. Part II. (Tables). Report, Subcorarn, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/220. Aug. 1945, 8, Comfort of tank crews in hot climates. 0. M. Solandt. Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 42/77, June 29s 1942, 9, Comments on heating and ventilation of the New Barracks at Fort Belvoir, Va. Report of inspection on February 25, 1946, to the Sub-committee on Atmospheric Control, Committee on Sanitary Engineering. C. P. Yaglow. Filed with*. Reports, Comm, Sanitary Engineering - 1 Apr. 1946, 10. Condensation and ventilation in M.T.B.s, M.G.B.s and M.L.s. T. Bedford and C. G. Warner. Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Coram,, MRC - RNP 42/24. 29 April, 1944. 11. Cooling of aircraft while on ground. A. S. Tredinnick. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, RAAF - FR 116(a). 10 May 1945. Ventilation 12. Electrical ventilation meter. Bernard Smaller. War Dept,.., Air Forces, E.LP-54-652-105, 18 May 1942. 12. Final report on ventilation of forward compartment of Churchill tanks. Report, Coram, Armoured Vehicles, LIPRC - BPC 42/112, September 1, 1942, 14. First partial report on deterraination of the amount of heat transmitted to the fighting compartment of tanks under field conditions. Hatch, Walpole, and Lawson, Armored Med, Research Lab. - 17 August, 1942. 15. First partial report on: 1) Deterraination of basic ventilation characteristics of tanks of the M-4 series, 2) Deterraination of basic ventilation characteristics of tanks of the M-5 series. T. F. Hatch and R, H. Walpole. Armored Force Lied, Research Lab. - April 26, 1942. 16. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Appendices, Report, Subcomm, Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(j). undated (rec’d NRG-CMR 22 Oct. 1945). 17. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944. Part IV. Non-atraospheric factors which influence warship habit- ability in the tropics. F. P. Ellis. Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202(h). July 1945, 18. First report of the Habitability Mission to the Eastern Fleet 1944, Part V. Problems of warship habitability in tropic waters. F. P. Ellis, Report, Sub com;;. Habitability, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/202 (i ). July 1945. 19. First report on test of venting of transmission fumes, light tanks M2 and medium tanks M2 and Ml, and fifty-second report on ordnance program No. 5464. D. C, Apps. War Dept., Ordnance Dept., Project No. 2-1-27, 27 March, 1942. 20. Habitability of gun houses. M. G. Bennett. Report, Subcomm, Gunnery, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/256. 22 Nov. 1945. 21. Heat content in ventilating air in H. M. ships. J, A. B. Gray. Report, Subcomm. Habitability, RNPRC, L1RC - RNP 45/244. Nov. 1945. 22. Heating and ventilating conditions in barracks. Report No, 2, Coram, Sanitary Engineering, NEC - 6 Dec., 1942, 735 Ventilation £2, Laboratory evaluation of insect screens in air conditioning ducts. L. a. Jachowski, Jr, and C, 2, Wilson, Naval Med, Research Inst. - Project X-265(1), £2 June 1945. £4, Living arrangements in American warships, C. E. J. Streatfeild and G. M. Weddell, Report, Subcornm. Gunnery, RNPRC, MRC - RNP 45/224. Oct. 1945. 25, Medical observations during passage on northern convoy. Abstract of report by Macdonald Critchley. Report, Royal Naval Research Comm, - R.N.P. 42/25, January-February, 1942. 26, Memorandum on tank ventilation. R. Mayon-White, AFV School, Lulworth. Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 42/174, January 19, 1942. £7. Memorandum on ventilation with collective protection in armoured fighting vehicles, C, L. Evans. Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, MPRC-BPC 1£6, October 8, 1941, 28. Observations on "climatic11 conditions in A.F.V.'s, Interim report, G, Reid. Report, Coram. AFV, Australia - AFV 1£, November 18, 194£. 29, Outline of proposed trials of air conditioning in frigates* E, A, Sellers and J. M. Parker. Proc. Assoc. Comm. Naval Med, Research, NRCC - 16 Feb. 1945, Appendix Q. 20. Partial report on ventilation requirements for gas-proofing tanks of the M-4 series. T, F. Hatch and R. H. Walpole. Armored Force Med. Research Lab, - March 1, 1942. 21. Partial report on ventilation requirements for gas-proofing the M-5 tank. Supplemental report of March £0, 1942, T. F. Hatch and R. H. Walpole, Jr. Armored Force Med. Research Lab. - Dec. £4, 194£ and March 20, 1942. 2£. Physiological observations made on men aboard ship during a shakedown cruise in tropical waters. Pace, Consolazio and Behnke, Naval Med. Research Inst. - Project X-£05(2), 12 Aug, 1945. 22. Physiological and technical problems of tank warfare. Report on Survey trip to Great Britain, Willard Machle. Report, Comm, Armored Vehicles - (42-1), July £8, 1942. 736 Ventila tion 24, Physiological characteristics of M4E6 tank; (with 76 ram gun]/. Willard Machle. Armored Lied. Research Lab, - 16 December 1942. 25, Physiological requirements of sealed high altitude aircraft compart- ments, H. G, Armstrong. War Dept., Air Porces, Wright Field, Misc. - 19 Dec. 1925* 26, Pressurization, ventilation and heating requirements for military and passenger type aircraft. War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-2-697-11, £8 Feb. 1945, Appendix L. 27, Principles of tank ventilation. Physiol. Lab., A.F.V. School, Report, Comm, Armoured Vehicles, MPRC - BPC 76/PL. 14, August 6, 1941. 28, Progress in physiological matters relating to Coastal Forces. Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Coram,> I,IRC - HTTP 42/52. undated (rec’d NRC - CLUE 29 Jan. 1944). 29, Report of an investigation of carbon monoxide concentration in the hangar space and ready room of escort aircraft carrier U.S.S. Natoraa Bay (CVE-62). Behnke, Houghten and Pace. Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-154-A - 27 Dec., 1942, 40, Report of conferences held June 6th and 9th, 1942* at headquarters Army Ground Forces in connection with the Desert Training Center program. War Dept., - miscellaneous - 6/6/42. 41, Report of ventilation tests in LST 285 at Hampton Roads, Virginia, December 2, 1942. E. W. Brown. Navy Dept., Bur. Med. and Surg., Research Div. - undated, 42, Report on a visit to coastal forces. Conditions on motor torpedo and other small boats. Report, Royal Naval Personnel Research Comm., MRC - RNP 42/2. 12 Jan, 1942, 42. Report on inspection of tropical radar stations. Giovanolli, Fraser and Mathieson. Misc, File - Britain, 14 Nov, 1944. 44, Report on inspection of tropical radar stations. R. G, Giovanelli et al. Report, Comm. Flying Personnel Research, MAP - FR 10IF. undated (rec’d NRC-CaR 28 April 1945). 45, Report on living and working conditions among R. N. personnel in the tropics. Macdonald Critchley and H. E. Helling. Filed withj Reports, Comm, Royal Naval Personnel Research, MRC - 22 April 1944. 737 Vent ilg ti on 46. Report on physiological characteristics of T22 tank. Armored Lied. Research Lab, - 5 June 1942, 47, Report on ventilation and air currents in M2 light tank. Report, Comm. AFV, Australia - AFV 2a. 46, Report on ventilation and air currents in LI2 medium tank. Report, Coram* AFV, Australia - AFV No. 2a. 49. Report on visit to assault units and submarines at Taranto, E. M. Case. Report, Subcoram. Underwater Physiology, RNPRC, IJRC - RHP 44/129. Sept, 1944, 50. Second partial report on determination of ventilation requirements for gas-proofing tanks of the M4 series. Hatch, Hollingsworth, and Walpole. Armored Force Lied. Research Lab. - June 22, 1942. 51. Second report of the habitability mission on H. M, ships serving in the tropics, August 1944 - March 1945, S. A. Brokensha and H. E. Holling, Report, Subcoram. Habitability, RNPRC, MRG - RHP 45/221. July 1945. 52. Second report on the ventilation of the Daimler armoured car Mk. I. Gray, Harkness, and Mayon-Whi te. Report, Comm. Armoured Vehicles, MPRC - BPC 42/286/pL 114, Nov. 1942. 52. Second supplementary report on ventilation of forward fighting compart- ment of Churchill tanks. Gray, Harkness, 25 Sept. 1945. 3. Final report on determination of water and salt requirements for desert operations. Nelson, Eichna, and Bean Armored Force Med. Research Lab. - 20 May 1943. 4. Interim progress report. Influence of anaesthetics on the shift of water between the blood and the tissues, and on the composition of the blood. Wesley Bourne Proc. Coram. Surgery, NRCC - 1 Oct. 1943, Vol, 1, Appendix E. 5. Investigation of physiological factors influencing water loss from the body and humidity of clothing. A. C. Goodings et al Canadian Aviation Report #114. 6. Memorandum on the water and salt requirements of troops operating in very hot climates, R, A. McCance Report, Rations Comm., MPRC - 3PC 42/15/FR26, 7. Minimal water and salt requirements in fasting men. W, V. Consolazio and N. Pace Naval Med. Research Inst., Project No. X-100, #6-7 May 1943. 8. Minimal water requirements, L. E, Newburgh Report #12, Comm.. Clin. Invest. - June, 1942, 9. Minutes of a Conference on Fitness, Held at the National Research Council, Washington, D. C., December 11, 1942. Clin. Invest, Report #13 - 11 December 1942f 10. Outline of the work of the Medical Research Council Committee on the Care of Shipwrecked Personnel on water requirements and supplies. Filed with; Reports, Comm, Shipwrecked Personnel, M.R.C. 11. Partial report on water and salt requirements for desert operations, Norton Nelson and V/. B. Bean Armored Force Med. Research Lab, - 12 November 1942. 12. Prediction of water requirements of men in the desert. Interim report No. 7, 0SMcmr-206. E, F. Adolph and A. H. Brown Filed with; Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest. - 25 May 1943. 788 Water Requirements 13. Prediction of water requirements of men in the desert. Supplement to interim report #7, 0EMcmr-206. Heald, Adolph, and Brown Filed with: Reports, Comm.Clin, Invest. - 2$ September 194-3. 14-. Recommendations for men expected to work in the desert, the tropics and on life rafts. War Dept., Misc. - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 17 Sept. 1945). 15. Report on water metabolism and thirst in desert troops. E. F. Adolph Filed with; Reports, Clin, Invest. - 22 July 194-2. 16. Requirements of water and of sodium chloride for the best performance of men working in hot climates. Johnson et al. Harvard Fatigue Lab. report #34- (OSRD report #13). 17. Requirements of water and of sodium chloride for the best performance of men working in hot climates. R. E, Johnson et al, Harvard Fatigue Lab. FPRC report #504. 18. Responses of man to a hot environment. F, R, Wulsin War Dept., OQMG - 1 August 1943. 19. Responses of the human being to dry and humid heat, L. H. Newburgh CM report #109 - January 1943. 20. Salt and water requirements for hot climates. L. H. Newburgh and M. W. Johnston Report #9, Coram. Clin. Invest., 16 Juno 1942. 21. Salt and water requirements in hot weather, Harold Speert War Dept., Air Corps, Engin, Div. - EXP-M-49-696-27, 27 Nov. 1942. 22. Salt in relation to water metabolism in the desert. Interim report no, 3. Adolph, Wolf, and Kelly Filed with; Reports, Comm, Clin. Invest. - March 1943. 23. Studies on body composition. III, The body water and nitrogen content in relation to fat content, Nello Pace and E, N, Rathbun Naval Med, Research Inst, - Project X-191, report #3, 7 Aug. 1944. 24. Summary of report on salt and water requirements to Food and Nutrition Board, National Research Council, 16 June 1944. A. B. Hastings and George Guest Report #52, Comm. Clin. Invest. - undated (recfd NRC-CMR, 14 Aug.1944). 789 Water Requirements 25. Survival time and drinking water available to castaways. Supplement to interim report #10, 0EMcrar-206. Heald, Adolph, and Brown Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest, - 1 October 194-3. 26. Survival time of men without water in the desert. Interim report No, 8, 0EMcmr-206. Adolph, Brown, Siple, Heald Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest. *- 2$ May 194-3. 27. Survival times and drinking water available to castaways. Interim report No. 10, 0EMcmr-206. Siple, Heald, Adolph, and Brown Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest, - 1 June 194-3. 28. Tropical climates and the soldier. D. H. K. Lee Australian Army Report #38 - 8 November 1944-• 29. Water and salt. W. H. Forbes and R, E, Johnson Harvard Fatigue Lab. report #67 - May 1943. 30. Water and salt requirements and heat exhaustion. Willard Machle Armored Force Med, Research Lab, - 6 February 1943. 31. Water balance and other physiological responses of men on life rafts, Futcher, Consolazio and Pace Naval Med. Research Inst., Project X-127, Report #3-6 Sept. 1943. 32. Water losses from man in the desert. Interim report no. 1, E. F, Adolph et al. Filed with; Reports, Comm. Clin, Invest, - 20 March 1943. 33. Water requirements of Air Force personnel in the desert during the hot season. Interim report #11, 0EMcrar-206. A, Rothstein and A. H, Brown (E, F, Adolph) Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin, Invest. - 15 October 1943. 34. Water relations of men in the desert. Final report, 0EMcrar-206. E, F, Adolph Filed with: Reports, Coram, Clin. Invest, - 25 August 1944. 35. Water requirements of life raft survivors. J. M. Quashnock War Dept., Air Forces, ENG-49-696-39E, 21 August 1943. 36. Water shortage in the desert. Interim report #12, OEMcmr-206, E. F. Adolph Filed with: Reports, Comm. Clin. Invest. - 20 October 1943. 37. Work in the heat as affected by intake of water, salt and glucose, 0EMcmr-328 - Pitts, Johnson, and Consolazio Report #A4 (abstracted) Comm. Clin, Invest. - 23 May 1944. 38. Work on the evaporation of water through surfaces at low pressures. G, A, Meek Misc, Canadian Aviation Report #61 - March 1940. 790 LXVI. WOUND BALLISTICS 1, Air-raid casualties. A survey based on an analysis of casualty data provided by air-raids in England 1940-3. Extramural Unit, Dept. Anatomy, Oxford Univ. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept., Misc. - 21 Feb. 1944 2, Analysis of some Naval battle casualties. Report #4, Conf. Missile Casualties - 15 Dec. 1944 3, Anti-personnel explosive incendiary bomb incidents, (Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Walsall, Norwich & Bedford). Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept. - REN 175, 29 September 1942 4, Appraisal of rapid killing power of high velocity bullets. Lamport, Ward and Schorr Report #17, Conf. Missile Casualties - 15 June 1946 5, Appraisal of the wounding power of missile fragments. OIMcmr-395, Harold Lamport (E. G, Butler and E. N. Harvey) Report #3, Conf, Missile Casualties - 15 Dec. 1944 6, Appreciation of statistical data relating to air raid casualties, collected and analysed for the Research and Experiments Department of the Ministry of Home Security by Dr. A. EradfoL* d Hill. Ministry of Home Security, Civil Defence Research Committee - RC 268, 31 October 1941 7, Assessement of anti-personnel effects in 3 lb, and 6 lb. anti-tank projectile tests carried out at Whitchurch on 9/10 July, 1942 and 22/24 July, 1942. Min. Home Security, Research and Exps. Dept, - 24 Aug., 1943 8, Ballistics of the penetration of human skin by small spheres. Interim report, OEMcmr-395. H. Grundfest et al (E. N. Harvey and E. G. Butler) Report #11, Conf. Missile Casualties - 9 July 1945 9, Blast and splinters inside vehicles with 1 inch and 1.5 armour attacked by No. 68 grenades. S. Zuckerman Reports, Comm, Weapons, MPRC-BPC/145/WSlO, 19 November 1941 10. Body armor. Analysis of splinter wounds. Letter from Dr, S. Zuckerman to Dr. J, F. Fulton, Nov, 20, 1940. Filed with: Min. of Home Security, General 11. Cased charges. XVIII. Fragmentation, VIII. Castings of different materials (mild steel, cast iron, lead and aluminium) and of different thicknesses. I. Velocities of fragments, Min Home Security, Civil Defence Research Comm. RC. 385- May, 1943 12. Cased charges. XLX. Fragmentation, IX. Casings of different materials (mild steel, cast iron, lead and aluminium) and of different thicknesses. II. Weight distribution of fragments, Min. Home Security, Civil Defence Research Comm. - 386, May, 1943 Wound Ballistics 13. Casualties from fragmentation. Mi sc. Pile - Britain - undated (rec'd# NRC-CMR 18 Aug* 1944) 14. Casualty analysis. British War Office, Misc. Report #224 - undated (rec'd NRC-CMR 15 Dec. 1944} 15. Casualty criteria and a comparison of grenade models. Marston Morse Report #8, Conf. Missile Casualties - 15 June 1945 16. Casualty effects of high explosive bombs in low level daylight raids compared with high level night raids. P. M. Blake and J. W. B. Douglas Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept. - REN 317, 21 Jan. 1944 17. Casualty rates of flying bombs at night. Ministry Home Security, Rbsearch and Exper, Dept., Misc. - 4 July 1944 18. Casualty Survey II. Hamilton Southworth Office Civilian Defense, Vol, Med. Report #29 - 14 April 1943 19. Comments on the American figure of 58 ft, lb, as an overall incapacitating energy for penetrating fragments. Extract from letter to Dr, Southworth from B. deL. Burns Filed with: Ministry Home Security, Civil Defence Research Comm. - 28 Jan, 1944 20. Comparison of the casualty rates of tie 2-in, mortar and the 36-grenade, Preliminary note by S. Zuckerman et al Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept, - REN 227, 14 May 1943 21. Comparison of the numbers of casualties caused by German bombs of different sizes. Blake, Douglas, Yates and Zuckerman Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept. - R|N 182, 26 October 1942 22. Damage to peripheral nerves by high velocity missiles without a direct •hit. Interim report, OIMcmr-395, Grundfest, Puckett and McElroy Report #13, Gonf. Missile Casualties - lo Aug, 1945 23. Danger of blast and splinter injuries in armoured vehicles attacked by grenades. Experiments at Whitechurch 23 August, 1941. S. Zuckerman and J. D. Bernal Report, Comm, Weapons, MPRC-EPC 95/WS 5, 25 Aug., 1941 Wound Ballistics 7“ 24, Design of dummy targets. Army Operational Research Group, AORG - #132, 9 Sept, 1943 25, Design of dummy targets to represent men crouching in slit trenches, A, F, Parker-Rhodes Army Operational Research Group, A0RG-#286, 12 April 1944 26, Distortion caused in limbs and gelatin by high speed missiles. Letter from R, E, Stradling, Min, Home Security Research and Exper, Dept, - January 14, 1942 27, Distribution of crater debris in clay and chalk. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, - RC 409, Feb, 1944 28, Energy, mass and velocity which is required of small missiles in order to produce a casualty. Interim report, OEvIcmr-395, J, H, McMillen and J, R, Gregg (E. N, Harvey and E, G* Butler Report #12, Conf, Missile Casualties - 6 Nov, 1945 29, Experimental study of the value of the American "Flak-suit" against fragments. Report #5, Conf, Missile Casualties - 10 Jan, 1945 30, Experimental study of the value of the American "flak suit" against fragments. Draft copy. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, - 11 Nov, 1944 31, Experimental study of the value of the American "Flak suit" against fragments. Final report. Ministry Home Security, Research Sc Exper, Dept, - RC 454, Nov, 1944 32, Experimental study of the wounding mechanism of high velocity missiles. Black, Burns and Zuckerman Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper, Dept, - RC 264, 25 May 1941 33, Experimental study of wounds made by standard U, S, Ammunition, J, B, Hickam War Dept,, Air Forces, ENG-49-697-1-1, 6 May 1944 34, Explanatory note on research concerning fragmentation of bombs and shell, with specimen tables, Marston Morse and Y/illiam Transue Filed with: War Dept,, Ordnance Dept,, Tech, Div,, Ballistics Section - undated (rec'd NRC 3 Dec, 1943) 35, Field survey of air-raid casualties, Novermber 5, 1941, S, Zuckerman Filed with; Off, Civilian Dufense, Intoll, & Research Unit, Vol. Med, Report #16, Enclosure I - March 22, 1943. Wound Baliis tics 36* Fragmentation data book for surgeons* Royal Canadian Army Report #14 - 11 July 1944 37, Fragmentation data for surgeons* Royal Canadian Army Report #12 - 12 Aug* 1944 38* Fragmentation studies in Britain* Sources, organization, and distribution of work* Letter to J* F, Fulton from S* Zuckerman Filed with; Ministry Home Security, General - 8 October 1943 39, Fragment damage from typical shells and bombs* Data end computation, Morse, Transue, and ICuebler War Dept*, Ordnance Dept., Tech, Div*, Ballistics Sect, - 6 Jan, 1944 40, Fragment damage from typical shells and bombs* Data and computations, (Third report), Marston Morse and W* R, Transue War Dept*, Ordnance Dept., Tech, Div,, Ballistics Sect, - TDBS #28, 27 May 1944 41, Interview with Major J. R, Squire, R.A.M.C,, 28 June 1944* T* R* Forbes British War Office Misc, Report #170 42, Lethal and material effects of gunfire and bombing on land targets - a record of the present state of knowledge* Army Operational Research Group, Report #179 - 20 Mar, 1944 43, Lethal and material effects of gunfire and bombing on land targets* (2nd report) G, D, Kaye Army Operational Research Group, ADRG #234, 28 May 1945 44, Lethal effect of artillery fire: trials at School of Artillery 17th-21st October, 1943. (0, B. Proc. 24, 917.) Supt., A.O.R.G. Army Operational Research Group - AORG #180, 23 Mar, 1944 45, Lethality of 3” mortar H, E, bombs, Supt, Army Oper. Research Group Army Operational Research Group - AORG 139, 3 September 1943 46, Measurement of the exposed areas of men in entrenched positions. Army Operational Research Group, Report #153 - 22 Mar, 1944 47, Mechanism of wounding by high velocity missiles, I, Quantitative data. Interim report, 0EMcmr*395, E, N, Harvey et al Report #2, Gonf, Missile Casualties - 15 Dec, 1944 48, Mechanism of wounding by high velocity missiles. II, Microsecond X-ray studies. Interim report, OEMcmr-395, E, N. Harvey et al Report #6, Comm, Missile Casualties - 15 March 1945 Wound Ballistics 49. Meeting of Committee to Consider Means of Physical Protection of Members of the Fighting Forces, October 1, 1940. Filed with: Ministry Home Security, General - undated 50. Military loss resulting from a casualty related to the days lost from active duty. Interim report, 03v!cmr-549, Harold Lamport Report #15, Conf. Missile Casualties - 25 Sept, 1945 51. Missile casualty surveys. Letter to J, F, Fulton from Hamilton Southworth Filed with: Reports, Conf. Wound Ballistics - 11 Aug, 1944 52. New casualty criterion. R. W. Gurney Report #7, Conf. Missile Casualties - 31 Oct, 1944 53* Note on air-raid casualties in the Royal Borough of Kensington during week 18.2,44 - 24.2.44, Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept* - REN 344, 6 Mar, 1944 54, Note on body armor. Report, Comm. Body Armour, MPRC - BPC 3, undated 55, Note on S.D. (1) - casualties at Wembley on 21/22,1,44, Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept, - REN 343, 9 Mar. 1944 56, Observations on B,P,C. 12 - report on body armour, J, D, Bernal and S, Zimckerman Filed with; Reports, Comm, Body Armour, MPRC - undated (rac’d NRC-CMR 27 Nov. 1943) 57, Palmer’s survey of oasuaXties. Lett.r to Hamilton Southworth from S. Zuckerman Filed with; Reports, Conf, Wound Ballistics, NRC - 9 Aug, 1944 58, Penetration of steel spheres into bone. Interim report, OlMcmr-395, H. Grundfest (E, N. Harvey and E, G, Butler) Report #10, Conf. Missile Casualties - 20 July 1945 59, Problem: casualty analysis. Report by 10 Operational Research Section, c/o Research Directorate, GHQ, Now Delhi, India, Indian Report #4 - Undated (rec’d, NRC-CMR 3 July 1944) 60, Properties of bomb fragments. Martin Schwarzschild and R, G, Sachs War Dept., Ordnance Dept, Aberdeen Provirg G’round, Report #347 - 7 April, 1943 61, Relations between anti-personnel effect and size of projectiles, Grunegerg, Powell, and Spicer Ministry Home Security, Civil Defence Research Comm, - RC 406, Dec, 1943 Wound Ballistics 62* Relationship between flak wounds and the fragments causing them in air crew personnel. Allan Palmer Report #16, Conf. Missile Casualties - 4 Mar. 1946 63. Resistance, at normal and oblique impact, of 1, 2 and 3 mm. manganese steel to 25 pr. shell fragments. B. D. Burns and P. L. Krohn Ministry Aircraft Production, Oxford Research Unit - ORU/3, 9 Oct. 1945 64. Resistance of Boron and other materials to 25 pr. shell fragments. B. D. Burns and P. L, Krohn Ministry Aircraft Production, Oxford Research Unit - ORU/41 16 Oct. 1945 65. Review of the criteria of wounding power in common use. B. D. Burns and P. L. Krohn Ministry Aircraft Production, Oxford Research Unit - ORU/2, 11 Oct.1945 66. Short summary of reports by the Extramural Unit, Department of Human Anatomy, Oxford, on casualty rates due to flying bombs. Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper. Dept, - REN 429 , 31 Aug, 1 944 67. Sizes of shell, mortar and bomb fragments causing wounds (Dieppe series), S. Sucker man Ministry Supply, Adv, Council Sci. Research & Tech. Bevel, Fragmentation Panel - AC 3142, SD/EP 60/LB. 163, 7 December 1942 63. Special Incident No. 1. U.S. M41 20 lb, fragmentation bomb accident. Allan Palmer War Dept., ETO - 30 Sept. 1944 69. Specimen casualty survey carried out in the Cassino area. Allan Palmer War Dept., ETO - undated (rac’d NRC-CMR 15 Aug. 1944) 70. Studies on the displacement of nerves and blood vessels by the temporary cavity formed in animal tissues by the passage cf high velocity missiles. Interim report, OEMcmr-395. W. 0. Puckett and W. D. MeElroy Report #14, Conf, Missile Casualties - 15 Aug, 1945 71. Studies on wounds of the abdomen and thorax produced by high velocity missiles* Interim report, OEMcmr-395, Puckett, McElroy and Harvey Report #9, Conf. Missile Casualties - 20 Aug, 1945 72. Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eight Air Force during June, July and August, 1944 (Figures). Allan Palmer War Dept., ETO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945) 73. Survey of battle casualties sustained by the Eight Air Force during June, July and August 1944. (Text). Allan Palmer War Dept., ETO - undated (rec’d NRC-CMR 11 May 1945) 60/LB. 163, 7 December 1942 fragmentation bomb accident. the Cassino area. Wo'and ballistics 74. Survival (missile casualties). Status report, OIiMcnr-549 . Harold Lamport and G. J. Gonnor Filed with ; Reports, Comm. Surgery - 31 Oct. 1945 75* U. S. research program on wound ballistics. Casualty surveys in the field* Letter to J. F* Fulton from S. Zuckerraan File with: Reports, Comm. Weapons, MPRC - 26 September 1943 76. Wound ballistics* Monthly progress report #3, OEMomr-395. E. N. Harvey and E. G. Butler Filed with; Reports, Conf. Wound Ballistics - 1 May 1944 77. Wound ballistics, I. The distribution of casualties according to the multiplicity of serious wounds. II. The frequency of casualties caused by small fragments only. Marston Morse and W* R. Transue War Dept,, Ordnance Dept., Technical Div., Ballistics Section - T.D.B.S* report #35, undated (rac'd. NRG-CMR 20 June 1944) 78* Wounding effect of 90 mm, HE shell fragmsmts, J. B. Hickam War Dept., Air Forces, Eng-49-697-7, 29 Aug* 1944 79* Wounding mechanism of high-energy projectiles, J. B. Hickam War Dept., Air Forces, TSELA-5B-697-7A, 28 Oct, 1944 80* Wounding power of flaking from armour plate. Orfordness Research Station File with: Reports, Comm. Body Armour, MPRC - Feb. 1944 81* Wounds caused by Bakelite fragments* Ministry Home Security, Research & Exper* Dept. - B 4, 9 June 1943 ADDENDIX REPORTS PREPARED BY GERMAN SCIENTISTS AT WRIGHT FIELD REPORTS PREPARED BY GERMAN SCIENTISTS AT WRIGHT FIELD 1. Aerodynamic Forces and Streamline Phenomena for Self Propelled Missiles, Kaiser William Institute for Fluid Flow Research Gottingen. ?Jar Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 600 - 13 May 194-6* 2. The Aerodynamic Development of Anti-Aircraft Rocket nWasserfallM ("Cataract"), (Die Aerodynamische Entwicklung Der Flakrakete "Wasserfall"). By Dr. Kurzweg, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 615 - 30 July 1946. 3. Aeronautical Meteorology of High Altitudes, Flugmeteorologie Grosser Hohen, By Walter Georgii, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 54-5 - 21 May 194-6, 4.. Comments on the DGAI* Report No. 134« "The Development of an Analytical Method for Investigating Parachute Stability". H, M, McCoy, War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, IRE 37 - 11 Feb, 1946. (*Daniel Guggenheim Airship Institute), 5, Contribution to the Development of Towed Flight, Franz Gross, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 357 - June 22, 1931. 6, Density Measurements in the Supersonic Wind Tunnel by Means of X-Rays and other Property Measurements Using Indirect Means, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, IRE 53-2 April 194&. 7, Effects of some Technical Innovations on the Conduct of War, Adolf Baeumker, War Dept., Air Forces, Misc, - 1941* Ba Evaluation of Density Fields at High Subsonic Velocities by Means of Optical Interference Measurements, Groth, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 608 - 13 May 1946, 9. Facts Established Through Meteorological Research of the Stratosphere, Die Meteorologischen Beobachtungstatsachen Der Stratosphare. Ludwig Weickmann, War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 465 - 21 Aug, 1946, 10. Heat Transmission of Bodies in Rapidly Flowing Gases, Dr. E. R, G. Eckert. War Dept., Air Force, Wright Field, IRE 46 - 28 February 1946, 11* High-Speed Wind Tunnels* Luigi Crocco. War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 366 - July 30, 1943. 12, Increasing the Critical Altitude of the 222 E/F. Vergrosserung Der Volldruckhohe Bei 222 E/F, Deinhardt. War Dept,, Air ForcesWright Field, TS 585 - 17 May 194-6. 13, The Individual Pneumatic Life Raft, Einmann-Schlauchboo t. War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 568 - 12 April 1946. 14, The Individual Pneumatic Life Raft FI 410201 Maintenance and Operation. Einmann-Schlauchboot FI 410201 Wartungs-Und Bedienungs-Karte. War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 569 - 14 April 1946. 15, The Infrared Automatic Target Locating Devices. Ultrarotverfahren Fur Selbstzielsuchende Cerate, Edgar Kutzscher, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 539 - 4 March 1946. 16, The Magnitudes of Boundary Layer Temperatures, Heat Transfer Coefficients and Skin Temperatures of Vertically and Obliquely Launched A4 Missiles and of the A4b Glider, Dr. Kraus and Be Herrmann. Ylar Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 603 - 1 May 1946, 17, Measurement of Temperature of Airflow with Sonic raves. M, E, Coll. War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, IRE 61 - 24 April 1946, 18, Muffling Without Power Loss in the Four-Stroke-Cycle Engine. Dr, Herbert Martin War Deptv, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 328. - August 3, 1938, 19o Notes on the Opening Shock of a Parachute, M. E. Coll/ War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, IRE 65 - 29 April 1946. 20. Physiological Basis for the Construction and Use of Stratosphere Airplanes, Physiologische Grundlagen Fur Bau Und Einsatz Von Stratospharen- flugzeugen* Theodor Benzinger. War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 467 - October 1946 21. Preliminary Investigation of the Use of Light Materials in Monocoque Constructions. Vorversuche Zur Erprobung Von Schalenbauteilen Unter Verwendung Von Leichtstoffen, Nusslein. War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 654 - 30 Aug. 1946. 22, Present Status of Manufacturing Methods for Wa-Ko (Great Circle) Ribbon Parachute Canopies. H. M. McCoy, War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, IRE 26 - 22 January 194-6* 23, Pressure Distribution Measurements at High Speed and Oblique Incidence of Flow, H Druckverteilmessungen Bei Eochgeschwindigkeit Und Schragenblasung, A. Lippisch and W, Beushausen, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 634- - 27 Aug. 1946. 24- Problems of High-Altitude Flying. Problems Des Hohenflugs, Asrnus Hansen. War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 4-59 - October 1946, 25- Proposals for the Design and Manufacture of a High Speed Ribbon Parachute, H. M, McCoy. War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, IRE 27 - 22 January 194-6, 26, Psychology of Flying. Psychologic Des Fliegens. Hans Luxenburger, War Dept.Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 596 - 10 June 194-6, 27, Radio-Technical and Atmospheric-Electric Problems of Stratosphere Research, Funktechnische Und Atmospharisch-Elektrische Problems Der Stratospharenforschung, Max Dieckrnann, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 512 - 7 February 1946, 28, Report on tfte Construction of High Altitude Aircraft, Bericht Uber Den Bau Von Hohenflugzeugen, Herbert Wagner, War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 590 25 July 1946 29, Resonance of Blade and Disc Vibrations in the Model 109-011 Jet Engine. Resonanz Von Schaufel - Und Scheibenschwingungen Am Strahltriebwerk 109 - on. Loffler. War Dept., Air Forces, Y/right Field, TS 535 - 27 February 1946, 30,, The Sensitiveness of the Human Body to Vibrations. Empfindlichkeit Des Menschen Gegen Erschutterung, H. Reiher and F. J. Meister. War Dept,, Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 616 - 16 Aug, 1946 31, Stratosphere Research. Stratospharenforschung, War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 427 - 25 June 1946. 32. Stratospheric Research, Stratospharenforschung. Walter Georgii. War Dept., Air Forces, Wright Field, TS 425 - 30 June 1946 33. The Structure and Composition of the Stratosphere, Aufbau Und Zusammensetzung Der Stratosphere, Enrich Regener. War Dept., Air Force, Wright Field, TS 509 - 28 January 1946, 34. Suggestions for a Research and Working Program in the USA for the Development of liquid Rocket Propellants and Appropriate Rocket Combustion Chambers based upon Experiences Gained in Germany. H, M, McCoy, War Dept,, Air Force, Wright Field, IRE 43 - 27 February 1946. 35. Test Stand Experiments On Vibrations ?/ith the All-Wing Airplane Model DFS 39. Standschwingungsversuche Mit Dem Nurflugelflugzeugmuster DFS 39. War Dept,, Air Force, Wright Field, TS 515.- 12 February 1946. 36. Wind-tunnel Tests to Find the Influence of Speed and Center of Gravity on the Controllability of C2/E2 of the Project "Wasserfall”. Dr. Wegner. War Dept,, Air Force, Wright Field, TS 638 - 15 July 1946.