(He* iL^'C rlS l^bO NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE *»' TOXOPLASMOSIS A bibliography of literature 1956 - September, 1960 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Washington, D.C. November, 1960 NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE TOXOPLASMOSIS A bibliography of literature 1956 - September, 1960 Compiled by Dorothy Bocker, M. Do U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Washington, D.C. November, 1960 INTRODUCTION Toxoplasma gondii, a yro; :oir locating in endothelial tissue, was first isolated in North Africa and also in Brazil in 1909. It was not until 1940 that the first case of hu- man infection was described; since then toxoplasmosis has been called the most fre- quent parasitic infection in the world. This bibliography is designed for the use of professional workers in the fields of medicine and public health,, English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish references were se- lected from the literature, and from indexes and catalogs available in the National Library of Medicine? the period covered is 1956-September 1960. Occasional brief annotations have been added to the entries which are listed under four broad headings. DOROTHY BOCKER, MJ), Medical Officer National Library of Medicine TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I LABORATORY STUDIES 1 II ANIMAL STUDIES 3 III CLINICAL STUDIES 6 A. General 6 B. Congenital infection 8 C. Acquired infection 11 IV EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES 13 L LABORATORY STUDIES ANGEULLO B, MANDRAS A: Sull'impiego del- l'err.ogglutinazione nella diagnosi di plasmosi. Igiene Mod 52:175-81, 1959. Comparison of results of dye and hemoagglutination tests. Author prefers the latter test. BORGEN PH, BIJORNSTAD RT: On the specificity of the toxoplasma dye test. Acta Path Microbiol Scand 41:361-4, 1957. BUTLER EN: Toxoplasmosis. Monthly Bull Minist Health (Lond) 18:180-2, 1959. CARVER RK, GOLDMAN M: Staining Toxoplasma gondii with fluorescein-labeled antibody. The re- action in frozen and paraffin sections. Amer J Clin Path 32:159-64, 1959. 18 references. Technic makes identification of single organism or small groups easy. i CASCIO: G: Sulla azione inibente lo sviluppo del toxoplasma in vitro da parte dei sieri di anamali affetti da toxoplasmosi. Pediatria (Nap) 66:902-11. 1958. 14 references. CATHIE IAB: An appraisal of the diagnostic value of the serological te;-n for toxoplasmosis. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 51:104-10, 1957. 25 refer- ences. CATHIE IAB, CECIL GW: Sarcospores and toxo- plasm serology; an investigation of their alleged cross-reaction. Lancet 1:816-8, 1957. CHAPARAS SD, SCHLESINGER RW: Plaque assay of Toxoplasma on monolayers of chick embyro fibro- blasts. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 102:431-7, 1959. COOK MK: The development of a pyrimethamine - resistant line of Toxoplasma under in vitro condi- tions. Amer J Trop Med 7:400-2, 1958. COOK MK, JACOBS L: Cultivation of Toxoplasma gondii in tissue cultures of various derivations. J Parasit 44:172-82, 1958. 35 references. COOK MK, JACOBS L: In vitro investigations on the action of pyrimethamine against Topcoplasma gondii. J Parasit 44:280-8, 1958. 13 references. COONEY MK, and others: Studies on the toxo- plasmosis complement fixation with peritoneal ex- udate antigen. J Immun 81:177-80, 1958. 35 refer- ences. DASGUPTA B, KULASIRI C: Some cytochemical observations on Toxoplasma gondii. Parasitology 49:594-600, 1959. DESMONTS G: Diagnostic serologique de la toxo- plasmose. Path Biol (Par) 8:109-25, 1960. 22 refer- ences. Sabin-Feldman dye test preferred. EICHENWALD HF: The laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Ann NY Acad Sci 64:207-14, 1956. Organisms may sometimes be recovered from blood, bone marrow, cerebrospinal fluid, and biopsy material. EYLES E, COLEMAN N: The effect of metabolites on the antitoxoplasmic action of pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine. Amer J Trop Med 9:277-88, 1960. EYLES DE: Newer knowledge of the chemotherapy of toxoplasmosis. Ann NY Acad Sci 65:253-67, 1956. 96 references. Sulfonamides and sulfapy- rimidins tested; pyrimethamine most effective. FAIR JR: Stimulation of dye-test antibodies in human volunteers using heat-killed toxoplasma. Amer J Ophthal 48:322-5, 1959. FELDV1AN HA: The relationship of toxoplasma antibody activator to the serum-properdin system. Ann NY Acad Sci 66:263-7, 1956. FERRARA A, and others: Nevrassite de toxoplasma. G Mai Infstt 9:22-35, 1957. 23 references. 20 micro- phorofraphs illustrate the effect of toxoplasma on nerve tissue. FRUHLING L: Anatomie pathologique des toxo- plasmoses. Strasbourg Med 9:863-5, 1958, FULTON JD, SPOONER DF: Preliminary obser- vations on the metabolism of Toxoplasma gondii. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 51:123-4, 1957. FULTON JD, TURK JL: Direct agglutination te3t for Toxoplasma gondii. Lancet 2:1068-9, 1959. GAR IN JP; Note preliminaire de nouvelles tech- niques serologiques adaptees au diagnostic de la toxoplasmose. Path Biol (Par) 8:127-9, 1960. GIRAUD P, DUMAS N: Essai pour la mise en evidence des anticorps dans la toxoplasmose, pou- voir cytotoxique des toxoplasmes lyses. C R Acad Sci (Par) 245:1185-6, 1957. GOLDMAN M; Observations on some problems encountered in the routine performance of the dye- test for toxoplasmosis. J Clin Path 9:55-8, 1956. GOLDMAN M: Staining Toxoplasma gondii with fluorescein-labelled antibody. The reaction in smears of peritoneal exudate. J Exp Med 105: 549-56, 1957. GOLDMAN M: Staining Toxoplasma gondii with fluorescein-labelled antibody. A new serologic test for antibodies to toxoplasma based upon inhi- bition of specific staining. J Exp Med 105:557-73j 1957. GRONROSS P: Studies on toxoplasma and the serology of toxoplasmosis. Ann Med Exp Fenn 33. Suppl 11:1-113, 1956. HAHN E, AFZELIUS-ALM L: Das Verhalten der neutralisierenden und komplementbindenden Antikor- per bei der Toxoplasmose. Aerztl Wschr 12:953-6, 1957. HULDT G: The dye test and complement-fixation test in toxoplasmosis; a comparative investigation. Acta Path Microbiol Scand 43:141-56. 1958. HULTGARAH A, LYCKE E: The use of micro- method according to Fulton in complement fixation tests of toxoplasmosis. Acta Path Microbiol Scand 48:35-6, 1960. JACOBS L, and others; The resistance of the en- cysted form of Toxoplasma gondii. J Parasit 46: 11-21, 1960. 32 references. JACOBS L, LUNDE MN: A hemagglutination test for toxoplasmosis. J Parasit 43:308-14, 1957. 14 references. JACOBS L: Propagation, morphology and biology of toxoplasma. Ann NY Acad Sci 64:154-79, 1956. 126 references. A comprehensive survey. JIROVEC O, and others: Studien mit dem toxo- plasmintest. Zbl Bakt [Orig] 169:129-59. 1957. JIROVEC O, and others: Studien mit dem Toxo- plasmintest. Vergleich von Toxoplt'smin-Antigenen verschiedener Herkunft; Beziehungen swischen Toxo- plasmin-und Tuberkulintest; Koinzidenz der Toxo- plasmoseteste. Zbl Bakt [Orig] 175:141-58, 1959. Skin tests given to 995 persons in Czechoslovakia and 100 in Madras and Calcutta. KAUFMAN HE, and others; Strain differences of Toxoplasma gondii. J Parasit 45:189-90, 1959. KESSEL JF: Observations on the methylene blue dye test for toxoplasma. AMA Arch Ophthal 59: 861-7, 1958. KORTING HJ: Immunoelektrophoretische Unter- suchungen bei der Toxoplasmose. Zbl Bakt [Orig] 172:621-9, 1958. KULOSIRI C, DASGUPTA B: A cytochemical in- vestigation of the Sabin-Feldman phenomenon in Toxo- plasma gondii and an explanation of its mechanism on this basis. Parasitology 49:586-93, 1959. LAINSON R: Observations on the development and nature of pseudocysts and cysts of Toxoplasma gon- dii. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 52:396-407, 1958. LUDLAM GB: Laboratory diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. Proc Roy Soc Med 53:113-6, 1960. 33 references. LUDVIK J: Die Silberfibrillenstruktur bei Toxo- plasma gondii und Sarcocystis tenella. Z Parasitenk 19:311-4, 1959. Systems are similar. LUNDE MN, JACOBS L: Characteristics of the toxoplasma hemagglutination test antigen. J Immun 82:146-50, 1959. 8 references. LUNDE MN, JACOBS L: A comparison of results of hemagglutination and dye tests for toxoplasmosis in a survey of Trinidad natives. Amer J Trop Med 7:523-5, 1958. MARSHALL SC, PILLINGER R: The concentration of antigen for the complement-fixation test for toxo- plasmosis. J Clin Path 9:76-7, 1956. MARTIN LA, BESIAT P: Contribution au diagnos- tic de la toxoplasmose. Bull Soc Path Exot 51; 495-9, 1958. Review of methods. 2 O'CONNOR GR: Precipitating antibody to toxo- plasma; a follow-up study on findings in the blood and aqueous humor. Amer J Ophthal 44 (4,Pt 2): 75-85, Oct., 1957. PIEKARSKI G, and others; Zum Problem der Specifitat der Toxoplasma-Seroreaktionen; iiber die Beziehungen zwischen Toxoplasma, und Trichomonas, Antikorpern. Z Tropenmed Parasit 8:356-67, 1957. RAPPAPORT R: La toxoplasmose; generalites et examens de laboratoire. France Med 20(8):5-8 passim., Aug 1957. « REMKY H, and others: Quantitative serologische Untersuchungen bei toxoplasmoseverdachtigen Augen- Erkrankungen. Klin Mbl Augenheilk J30;794-800, 1957. 'SOURANDER P, and others: Observation on living cells infected with Toxoplasma gondii. Brit J Exp Path 41:176-8, 1960. Detroit-6 strain of cancer cells used; relation of parasite to nucleus and for- mation of cyst-like structures. THIERMANN E: Contribucion al estudio serologico de la toxoplasmosis. Reacciones de Sabin-Feldman y fijacion del complemento para la toxoplasmosis en muestras de sangre adultos aparentemento sanos. Bol Chil Parasit 13:26-9, 1958. 830 persons tested. THIERMANN E, NAQUIRA F: Contribucion al diagnostico, parasitologica de la toxoplasmosis. Demqnstracion del Toxoplasma gondii en 5 casos. Bol Chil Parasit 11:13-6, 1956. THIERMANN E, and others: Contribucion al estudio serologico de la toxoplasmosis. Reacciones de Sabin-Feldman y de fijacion del complemento para la toxoplasmosis en muestras de sangre provenientes de adultos con sifilis comprobada. Bol Chil Parasit 13;50-2, 1958. THIERMANN E, and others: Contribution to toxo- plasma serology. Toxoplasma dye test and comple- ment fixation test in 169 blood specimens from patients with Chagas infection. Bol Chil Parasit 13:52-9, 1958. VAN THIEL PH: Das Problem der Spezifizitat des Sabin-Feldman Farbtestes. Antonie Leeuwenhoek 24:113-33, 1958. Also in J Hyg Epidem (Praha) 3:16-27, 1959. VARELA G, and others: Probable existencia de la dietllamida del acido d-lisergico en la infeccion por Toxoplasma gondii. Rev Inst Salubr Enferm Trop 16:29-32. 1956. WESTPHAL A: Uber die Trennung von Toxoplasmen und Exsudatzellen. Z Tropenmed Parasit 9:217-24, 1958. WYSOCKA F: Certains aspects de recherches sur la toxoplasmose. Presse Med 66:200, 1958, Serodiagnosis. IL ANIMAL STUDIES ALOSI C, ANDRINI F: Ricerche sul comportamento delle proteine del siero di sangue in cavie infettate con toxoplasma. G Mai Infett 9:38-43, 1957. ANDRINI F, ORLANDELLA V: Trattamento della toxoplasmosi sperimentale del topina bianco con alcuni antibiotic!. G Mai Infett 9:12-9, 1957. 55 references. ARMSTRONG JA, FULTON JD: Observations on the pathology of toxoplasmosis in the cotton rat. Brit J Exp Path 40:225-31, 1959. Fluorescence micro- scopy more effective than staining methods. ARRIBAS NP, SCHLAEGEL TF Jr: Experimental toxoplasmosis in the rabbit. Natural course after intraocular infection. J Philipp Med Ass 33:106- 10, 1957. BARRON CN, SAUNDERS LZ: Ein Fall von intra- okularer Toxoplasmose beim Hund. Schweiz Arch Tierheilk 101:349-54, 1959. BENERSCHKE K, RICHART R: Spontaneous acute toxoplasmosis in a marmoset monkey. Amer J Trop Med 9:269-73, 1960. BEVERLEY JKA: Congenital transmission of toxo- plasmosis through successive generations of mice. Nature (Lond) 183:1348-9, 1959. BEVERLEY JKA, FRY BA: Sulphadimidine pyrime- thamine and dapsone in the treatment of toxoplas- mosis in mice. Brit J Pharmacol 12:189-93, 1957. 13 references. BEVERLEY JKA, FRY BA: The treatment of ex- perimental toxoplasmosis in rabbits. Brit J Phar- macol 12:185-8, 1957. BEVERLEY JKA, WATSON WA; Ovine abortion due to toxoplasmosis. Nature (Lond) 184, Suppl 26:2041. 1959. 11 references. BIMMER E, MOHR W: Therapie-Versuche bei experimenteller Mause-Toxoplasmose. Z Tropenmed Parasit 9:225-34, 1958. BONADUCE A: Ricerche sull'azione della spira- micina nella toxoplasmosi sperimentale del topino bianco. Boll Soc Ital Biol Sper 36:57-9, 1960. BONADUCE A, ANDRINI F: Ricerche sull'azione di alcuni sulfamidici e loro associazioni e di alcuni solfonl nella toxoplasmose sperimentale del topini bianchi. G Mai Infett 9:1-11, 1957. 48 refer- ences. BONADUCE A, ANDRINI F: Ricerche sull'azione in vitro du numerose sostanze sul toxoplasma. G Mai Infett 9:35-8, 1957. BORGEN PH, BERG OA: Toxoplasma dye test in dogs in Norway. Acta Path Microbiol Scand 41:' 353-7, 1957. CAMPBELL RS, and others; Canine toxoplasmosis; the isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from a dog. J Comp Path Ther 68:96-105, 1958. CHERNIN E, WELLER TH: Further observations on the growth of Toxoplasma gondii in roller tube cultures of mouse and primate tissues. J Parasit 43:33-9, 1957. CUBONI E: L'intradermoreazione con toxoplasmina nei conigli immunizzati verso il "Toxoplasma gondii." Boll 1st Sieroter Milan 37:482-90, 1958. DEANE MP, MUSSENZWEIG RS: Observations on the diagnosis of chronic toxoplasma infection in mice. Rev Inst Med Trop Sao Paulo 1/2:119-28, 1959. Comparison of use of brain tissue and dye test in the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis. DE ROEVER-BONNET H: Experimental oral in- fection of animals with Toxoplasma gondii. Trop Geogr Med 11:162-6, 1959. DE ROEVER-BONNET H: Toxoplasmosis in slaught- er-cattle, particularly in sheep. Trop Geogr Med 9:336-8, 1957. DESMONTS G, VINK LeT; L'isolement du toxo- plasme par inoculation a 1'animal. Rev Franc Etudes Clin Biol 2:555-6, 1957. 18 references. ERICHSEN S, BORGEN PH: Histological examina- tion of the brains of dogs with positive toxoplasma dye test. Acta Path Microbiol Scand 41:358-60, 1957. EYLES DE, COLEMAN N: An evaluation of the effect of sulfones on experimental toxoplasmosis in the mouse. Antibiot Chemother (Wash) 7;577- 85, 1957. 17 references. EYLES DE, and others: The prevalence of toxo- plasmosis in wild and domesticated animals in the Memphis region. Amer J Trop Med 8:505-10, 1959. 16 references. Table summarizes findings. FANKHAUSER R: La toxoplasmose chez 1'animal. Schweiz Arch Neurol Psychiat 77:195-207, 1956. FERRARA A, and others: Su di una particolare forma di polmonite protozoaria. Osservazioni sperimentali sulla polmonite toxoplasmoscia. G Mai Infett 11:330-51, 1959. 79 references. FERRARA A, and others; Visceral injuries and experimental toxoplasmosis. Panminerva Med 1: 357-64, 1959. FIALHO SA, and others: Experimental toxoplasmic conjunctivitis in rabbits. Rio de Janeiro, Eye Clinic of the Medical School, 1956. 10 p. FINLAY P, MANWELL RD; Toxoplasma from the crow, a new natural host. Exp Parasit 5:149-53, 1956. FRENKEL JK, HITCHINGS GH: Relative reversal by vitamins (p-aminobenzoic, folic and folinic acids) of the effects of sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine on toxoplasma in mouse and man. Antibiot Chemother (Wash) 7:630-8, 1957. 24 references. GABKA J: Tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen zur Erzeugung von Phanokopten durch Toxoplasmenin- fektion. Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutionsl 34:38- 76, 1957. GABKA J: Tierexperimenteller Beitrag zur Frage der Entstehung primarer Missbildungen durch die Toxoplasmose. Zbl Allg Path 96:135-46, 1957. GAR1N JP, EYLES DE: Le traitement de la toxo- plasmose experimentale de la souris par la spira- mycine. Presse Med 66:957-8, 1958. GARNHAM PCC, LAINSON R: Sheep as a potential reservoir of toxoplasmosis for man. Lancet 2: 71-4, 1960. 10 references. Experiments with five lambs by inoculation and by mouth resulted in in- fection of those inoculated only. GIBSON CL, EYLES DE: Toxoplasma infections in animals associated with a case of human congenital toxoplasmosis. Amer J Trop Med 6:990-1000, 1957. 19 references. Case of fatal congenital toxoplasmosis. Domestic animals and mice showed positive tests. HACKER K: Beziehungen des Toxoplasmosetestes nach Sabin und Feldman zum Sarcospondienbefall bei Schaf und Rind. Munchen, 1957. 51 p. [Dissertation- Univ Munch] HARANT H, and others: Un cas de toxoplasmose pulmonaire canine. Montpellier Med 49:482-93, 1956. 52 references. HELLBRUGGE TF, and others: Klinische, mor- phologische und serologische Befunde bei der general- isierten Toxoplasmose der Ratte. Zbl Bakt [Orig] 165:495-506, 1956. HULDT G: Experimental toxoplasmosis transplacental transmission in guinea pigs. Acta Path Microbiol Scand 49:176-88, 1960. 17 references. Toxoplasmosis transmitted from mother to fetus anytime during gesta- tion. JONES FE, and others: Experimental toxoplasmosis in chickens. J Parasit 45:31-7, 1959. 12 references. "Our data also negate the hypothesis that chicken flesh itself could serve as a source of infecrionfor humans." JONES FE, and others: The prevalence of toxo- plasmosis in the domestic cat. Amer J Trop Med 820-6, 1957. 16 references. KOESTNER A: Neuropathology of ovine, porcine, bovine and feline toxoplasmosis. Columbus, 1959. (Dissertation-Ohio State Univ.) Abst. in: Disser- tation Abstracts, 20:2235-4, 1959. ■ KUNERT H, SCHMIDTKE L: Zur Frage der Dauer- ausscheidung bei Toxoplasmose. Z Tropenmed Parasit 7:87-92, 1956. LAINSON R: The demonstration of toxoplasma in animals, with particular reference to members of the mustelidae. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 51:111-7, 1957. 30 references. MEIER H, and others: Toxoplasmosis in the cat; fourteen cases. J Amer Vet Med Ass 131:395-414, 1957. 19 references. MORRIS JA, and others: Serological evidence of toxoplasmosis in animals. J Infect Dis 98:52-4, 1956. ORLANDELLA V, ANDRINI F: Ricerche sull'efficacia di alcune sostanze chimica nella toxoplasmosi speri- mentale del topino bianco. G Mai Infett 9:19-22, 1957. 32 references. PALENCIA L, and others: Ensayos terapeuticos en la toxoplasmosis experimental. Rev Inst Salubr Enferm Trop 19:7-10, 1959. POTEL K: Probleme der Zoonosenforschung. Mh Vet Med 6:191-5, 1960. 20 references. Toxoplas- mosis p. 194-5. QUATTROCCHI G, and others: L'elettrocardiogram- ma nell'infezione axcuta sperimentale da toxoplasma. G Mai Infett 9:43-51, 1957. Guinea pig experiments. RAWAL BD: Toxoplasmosis in sheep in England. Lancet 1:881-2, 1959. 11 references. RHODE R: Der Toxoplasminhauttest beim Hurid; ein diagnostisches Hilfmittel fur die Praxis. Mh Vet Med 14:594-7, 1959. 38 of 203 dogs gave posi- tive reactions. RODRIGUEZ MJD: Inmunidad en cobayos inoculados con toxoplasmas muertos. Rev Ecuat Hig 14:1-7, 1957. ROTH W, and others: Postnatale und intrauterine experimentelle Infektion des Kaninchen mit einem obgeschwa'chten Stamm von Toxoplasma gondii. Schwelz Z Allg Path 20:257-80, 1957. 23 references. RUBIN ML: Studies on toxoplasmosis. Amer J Trop Med 7:358-64, 1958. SCHM1DTKE L: Zur Ubertragung der Toxoplasmose durch Verfutterung von parasitenhaltigen Gewebe. Z Tropenmed Parasit 7:80-6, 1956. SIMITCH T, and others: Citellus citellus, animal de choix, pour l'etude biologique et l'isolement de Toxo- plasma gondii. Arch Inst Pasteur Algerie 34:93-9, 1956. SIMITCH T, and others: Contribution a la connais- sance de la virulence de Toxoplasma gondii pour Carduelis L. Arch Inst Pasteur Algerie 37:409-11, 1959. SIMITCH T, and others: Contribution a la connais- sance de la virulence de Toxoplasma gondii pour le lapin et le cobaye. Arch Inst Pasteur Algerie 36: 461-9, 1958. SMITH HC: Toxoplasmosis in a cat. J Amer Vet Med Ass 129:430-2, 1956. 25 references. SOAVE OA, LENNETTE EH: Naturally acquired toxoplasmosis in the gray squirrel, Sciurus griseus, and its bearing on laboratory diagnosis of rabies. J Lab Clin Med 53:163-6, 1959. 9 references. THIERMANN E: Ensayo del "Lederkyn" solo y asociado a la "Primaquina" en la toxoplasmosis experimental del raton. Bol Chil Parasit 13:66-9, 1958. THOMPSON SW, REED TH: Toxoplasmosis in swamp wallaby. J Amer Vet Med Ass 131:545-9, 1957. VAN DER WAAI D: Formation, growth and multi- plication of Toxoplasma gondii cysts in mouse brain Trop Geogr Med 11:345-60, 1959. 12 references. VARELA G, and others: Utilizacion del pez Lebistes reticulatus ' (guppy) en el diagnostico de la toxo- plasmosis. Rev Inst Salubr Enferm Trop 17:75-80, 1957. VERMEIL C: Limites de l'association symbiotique Toxoplasma gondii, ultravirus de la chorio-meningite lymphocytaire. Bull Soc Path Exot 49:35-9, 1956. VERMEIL C, LAVILLAUREIX J; Toxoplasmose latente et survie d'ultra-virus. C R Acad Sci (Par) 248:3236-7, 1959. Animal experiments. WEINER D: Toxoplasmosis in animals. J Amer Vet Med Ass 133:546-50, 1958. WERNER H: Zur Frage der Ubertragung von Toxo- plasma gondii auf dem Geschlechtsweg.' Z Tropen- med Parasit 11:12-22, 1960. 22 references. WILDFUHR G: Tierexperimentelle Immunitatsver- suche mit Toxoplasma gondii. Z Immunitaetsforsch 113:435-52, 1957. WILDFUHR G, and others: Das normale Eletro- pherogramm des Rattenserums und seine Veranderung durch Antigenapplikation. Acta Biol Med Germ 2: 24-38, 1959. WINTER WD Jr, FOLEY GE: Chemical and biologi- cal studies on 1,2-dihydro-s-trazines. Treatment of experimental murine toxoplasmosis, with a note of mutation. Antibiot Chemother (Wash) 6:444-9, 1956. III. CLINICAL STUDIES A. General BANG F: Reticulosemedullairefocale, son importance pour le diagnostic de la toxoplasmose et de la lym- phogranulomatose dans sa forme prolongee. Bull Ass Franc Cancer 44:60-71, 1957. BUENTELLO E: Comunicacion preliminar sobre las relaciones entre toxoplasmosis, acido lisergico y esquizofrenia. Gac Med Mex 88:709-10, 1958, CASSADAY JV: Toxoplasmic uveitis. AMA Arch Ophthal 58:259-64, 1957. CATEL W: Das klinische Bild und die Therapie der Toxoplasmose. Muenchen Med Wschr 99:973- 7, 1957. DIETZEL K: Toxoplasmose und Ohr. Arch Ohr Nas Kehlkopfheilk 171:397-400, 1958. ELIACHAR E, and others: Toxoplasmose ganglion- naire. Sem Hop Paris 33:4051-3, 1957. Case in detail; includes histologic findings in ganglion. ELLAS ML, PORSCHE T: Beitrag zum Problem der Toxoplasmose. Serologische Untersuchungen an normalen und Hirngeschadigten, sowie an Hunden. Z Klin Med 15:93-4, 1960. ETCHEVERRY R, and others: Aspectos biologicos y clinicos de la toxoplasmosis humana con especial referenda a la forma ganglionar. Rev Med Chile 87:522-40, 1959. 42 references. ETCHEVERRY R, and others: Tercer caso de toxo- plasmosis ganglionar comprobado en Chile. Bol Chil Parasit 13:32-52, 1958. 3 cases seen within a year, the third described in detail. FELDMAN HA: Human toxoplasmosis. J Chron Dis 10:488-99, 1959. FFRENCH GE: Toxoplasmosis. Canad Med Ass J 80:910-2, 1959. 33 references. Lists six types. FOERSTER HW: Pathology of granulomatous uveitis. Survey Ophthal 4, Pt 2:283-326, 1959. Toxoplasmosis included. FORBES SB: Ocular toxoplasmosis; report of cases. Amer J Ophthal 44:41-56, 1957. FORBES SB: Toxoplasmosis, congenital and acquired; ocular manifestations. J Florida Med Ass 44:227- 37, 1960. FRENKEL JK: Pathogenesis of toxoplasmosis and of infections with organisms resembling toxoplasma. Ann NY Acad Sci 64:215-51, 1956. 61 references. 10 plates. FRENKEL JK, JACOBS L: Ocular toxoplasmosis; pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. AMA Arch Ophthal 59:260-79, 1958. GENTILI A: Contributo clinico alio studio della toxoplasmosi congenita ed acquisita. Riv Clin Pediat 57:197-211, 1956. One case, congenital manifesting chorioretinitis intracranial calcification and hydro- cephalons; one case, acquired chorioretinitis; only clinical sign. GUPTA DP: Pathogenesis and diagnosis of human toxoplasmosis. Indian Practit 13:101-8, 1960. 25 references. A general survey. HERVOUET F: Deux cas atypiques de toxoplasmose. Bull Soc Franc Ophthal, no 3:226-9, 1957. HERZOG A: Toxoplasmose. Med Klin 55:30-6, 1960. HOGAN MJ: Granulomatous uveitis in man and experimental animals. Survey Ophthal 4:225-82, 1959. HOGAN MJ: Ocular toxoplasmosis. Amer J Ophthal 46:467-94, 1958. 44 references. Illus. 42 of authors cases, in detail. 48 percent of 617 cases of uveitis due to toxoplasmosis. A definitive article. HOGAN MJ, and others: Recovery of toxoplasma from a human eye. AMA Arch Ophthal 60:548-54, 1958. HUNTER GW III, FRYE WW, SWARTZWELDER JC: A manual of tropical medicine. Philadelphia, Saun- ders, 1960. 892 p. Toxoplasmoses, p. 345-9; 833-5. JARPA A, NEGHME A: Toxoplasmosis humana. Bol Soc Chil Obstet Ginec 23:115-20, 1958. JUR1KKALA A: On toxoplasmosis. Acta Ophthal (Kbh) 36:580-4, 1958. General review. KABELITZ HJ: Therapie der Toxoplasmose. Muen- chen Med Wschr 101:1127-8, 1959. Therapy effective only in acute stage; early diagnosis imperative. LAPEYSSONNIE L: Toxoplasmosis et toxoplasma: Notions actuelle de pathologie de biologie et epi- demiologic. Med Trop (Marseille) 19:515-36, 1959. Clinical aspects of human toxoplasmosis. MARCHESINI L: Una malatta del giomo; toxo- plasmosis. Friuli Med 13:283-292, 1958. MOUSA AH, EL-ROOBY A: Toxoplasmosis, re- port of a case in Egypt. J Egypt Med Ass 42: 321-31, 1959. 15 references. Most of the article is concerned with a general description of the disease. PERKINS ES: The role of toxoplasma in ocular disease. Trans Ophthal Soc UK 78:123-34, 1958. Therapy of ocular toxoplasmosis. PUNTONL, VITTORIO: Microbiologia medica. Rome, Edizioni Moderne, 1959. Vol 2, 539 p. Toxoplasmosis p 881, 913-5. RINDGE ME: Toxoplasmosis. Connecticut Med J 22:773-7 passim, 1958. SABIN AB: Human toxoplasmosis with special refer- ence to intraocular Inflammation, a critical review. Amer J Ophthal 41:600-6, 1956. 24 references. SAXEN E, and others: Glandular toxoplasmosis; a report on 23 histologically diagnosed cases. Acta Path Microbiol Scand 44:319-28, 1958. 23 references. SCHMLDTKE L,MOBESTH: Beitrag zur serologischen Diagnostik der Toxoplasmose. Zbl Bakt [Orig]l79: 141-7, 1960. 11 references. 575 suspected cases given various tests; comparison of results. SICHEL D, and others: Aspects radiologiques des cal- cifications toxoplasmiques intracraniennes. Stras- bourg Med 9:865-70, 1958. STAMPFLI-GLOCKER B, MITTELHOLZER K: L'im- portance de la toxoplasmose dans l'etiologie des uveites. Ophthalmologica 135:579-84, 1958. STIGLIANI R, ZAMPI G: Per l'anatomia patologica della toxoplasmosi umana. Arch De Vecchi Anat Pat, 25:951-1001, 1957. 100 references. Case in detail. Complete review of the literature. THALHAMMER O: Die Diagnose der Toxoplasmose. Wien Med Wschr 108:499-503, 1958. WEEKERS R, and others: Formes cliniques de la chorioretinite toxoplasmique. Arch Ophthal (Par) 19:481-95, 1959. Three forms; congenital, recurrent congenital and acquired in adults. WENDE S: Die Bedeutung der Toxoplasmose fur Psychiatrie. Arch Psychiat Nervenkr 194:179^-99, 1956. 40 references. WRIGHT WH: A summary of the newer knowledge of toxoplasmosis. Amer J Clin Path 28:1-7, 1957. 35 references. B. Congenital infection AAGAARD K, MELCHIOR J: The simultaneous oc- currence of congenital toxoplasmosis and congenital myxoedema. Acta Paediat (Upps) 48:164-8, 1959. BENJAMIN B, and others: Congenital toxoplasmosis in twins. Canad Med Ass J 80:639-43, 1958. BERGAMOSCHI P: Toxoplasmosi materna e riflessi della infezione sul neonato. Minerva Pediat 12: 157-8, 1960. Six cases. BERTHOLD HH: Infantale Toxoplasmose. Med Klin 52:146-7, 1957. BEVERLEY JKA: Congenital toxoplasmosis. Proc Roy Soc Med 53:111-3, 1960. BLATTNER RJ: Glandular toxoplasmosis. J Pediat 54:388-91, 1959. BRUHL HH, and others: Sexual precocity associated with congenital toxoplasmosis. Proc Mayo Clin 33:682-6, 1958. Infant mentally retarded, blind, deaf. Post mortem findings include toxoplasmosis. CARDELLE G: Toxoplasmosis; reporte de dos casos clinicos y analisis de la literatura. Arch Med Infant (Habana) 26:1-35, 1957. CASELLATO R, PASQUALE M: La toxoplasmosi connatale; contributo clinico di 12 casi. Acta Paediat Lat 13:125-68, 1960. 88 references. CREVELD V: Toxoplasmosis congenita. RevColomb Pediat 16 (Special no):129-41, 1957. DE FEO G: Su di un caso di toxoplasmosi congenita (contributo anatomopatologico). Pediatria (Nap) 66: 814-52, 1958. 60 references. DELASCIO D: Toxoplasmose congenita; aspectos clinicos, obstetricos e experimentais. Matern Inf (S Paulo) 15:1-532, 1956. 819 references. Review of 282 reported cases. DEUTSCH AR, HORSLEY ME: Congenital toxo- plasmosis. Amer J Ophthal 43:444-8, 1957. DIETEL H: Die Toxoplasmose vom Standpunkt des Geburtshelfers aus. Zbl Gynaek 80:910-5, 1958. 8 DUBOIS M: La toxoplasmose cingenitale du nour- risson. Rev Prat (Par) 8:3679-83, 1958. 18 cases noted but not described. EICHENWALD HF: Congenital toxoplasmosis: A study of one hundred fifty cases. AMA J Dis Child 94:411-2, 1957. Acute infections caused in splen- omegaly, jaundice, hepatomegaly, anemia, chorioreti- nitis etc. ERDELYI R: The influence of toxoplasmosis on the incidence of congenital facial malformations, pre- liminary report. Plast Reconstr Surg 20:306-10, 1957. FAIR JR: Congenital toxoplasmosis; diagnostic im- portance of chorioretinitis. JAMA 168:250-3, 1958. Serologic examination of both mother and child im- portant. FAIR JR: Congenital toxoplasmosis; ocular aspects of the disease. J Med Ass Georgia 48:604-7, 1958. FAIR JR: Congenital toxoplasmosis; ocular signs of the disease in state schools for the blind. Amer J Ophthal 48:165-72, 1959. FALKINBURG LW, KAY MN: Toxoplasmosis; a congenital case with autopsy and review. Amer Practit 10:265-71, 1959. 17 references. FELDMAN HA, MILLER LT: Congepital human toxo- plasmosis. Ann NY Acad Sci 64:180-4, 1956. FINKE L: Geburtshilfliche Vorsorge bei Verdacht auf Toxoplasmose. Zbl Gynaek 80:325-30, 1958. FLAMM H: Die pranatalen Infektionen des Menschen unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von Pathogenese und Immunologie. Stuttgart, Thieme, 1959. 135 p. Congenital toxoplasmosis, p. 89-92; references, p. 128-129. GIRAUD H, and others: f Reprise evolutive d'une toxoplasmose congenitale. Arch Franc Pediat 15: 842-4, 1958. GULOTTA F, and others: Su una osservazione non comune di toxoplasmosi connatale; rilievi anatomo- patologicl ed immuno-biologici. Arch Ital Anat Istol Pat 33:315-30, 1959. HELLBRUGGE TF: Konnatale Toxoplasmose; klinische, pathologisch-anatomische, serologische und Tierexperimentelle Beobachtungen. Munchen, Bana- schewsk?, 1957. 310 p. 720 references. A com- plete but concise presentation of all phases of the subject. HOFFMANN G: Totgeburt mit Hydrops universalis durch Toxoplasmose. Zbl Allg Path 99:436-42, 1959. HOSTOMSKA L, and others: Mongolismus und latente Toxoplasmose der Mutter. Endokrinologie 34:296- 304, 1957. JACOBS L, WICZER DW: Congenital toxoplasmosis. Clin Proc Child Hosp (Wash) 15:212-9, 1959. KASER H: Beitrag zur Behandlung der Toxoplasmose im Kindesalter. Helv Paediat Acta 12:155^78, 1957. 5 cases. KELEMEN G: Toxoplasmosis and congenital deaf- ness. AMA Arch Otolaryng 68:547-61, 1958. KIMBALL AC, and others: Toxoplasma antibodies in obstetrical patients with extensive serological follow-up. J Immun 81:187-93, 1958. Positive dye- test in 90 of 272 patients. Follow up for 55 months after delivery. KIMBALL AC, and others: Toxoplasma antibodies in obstetrical patients correlated with residence, animal contact and consumption of selected foods. Amer J Hyg 71:93-119, 1960. 65 references. KLEINE HO: Toxoplasmose als Urache kongenitaler Herzfehler. Aerztl Forsch 11:373-80, 1957. KLEINE HO: Toxoplasmose als Ursache des Mon- golismus. Z Geburtsh Gynaek 147:13-27, 1956. 34 references. Three cases. KLEINE HO, WOLFRAM E: Pranatale Diagnose eines kongenitalen Herzfehlers: (Ventrikelseptum- Defekt mit totalem atrioventrikularen Herzblock) bei Toxoplasmose der Mutter. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 17:1147-51, 1957. KOCH F, WOKITTEL E: Uber hamatologische Veranderungen bei der Daraprimtherapie der Toxo- plasmose. Z Kinderheilk 82:688-96, 1959. 48 refer- ences. Five cases, four congenital, one acquired. Hemolytic pathology due to daraprim therapy. KOCH F, and others: Symptomatische Makroglobin- amie bei konnataler Toxoplasmose. Z Kinderheilk 82:44-9, 1959. LANGER H: Habituelle Aborte und Toxoplasmose. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 17:851-9, 1957. LANGER H, GEISSLER H: Nachweis von Toxo- plasmen bei Aborten und Fruhgeburten. Arch Gynaek 192:304-7, 1960. Five cases. LELONG M: Rapport sur la prophylaxie de la toxoplasmose du nouveau-ne et de la femme enceinte. Rev Hyg Med Soc 7:71-3, 1959, LELONG M: La toxoplasmose du nouveau-ne et sa prophylaxie. Sem Hop Paris 33:506-9, 1957. LELONG M, and others: Reflexions sur 7 cas de toxoplasmose congenitale. Les differents aspects cliniques de cette affection. Arch Franc Pediat 16:433-48, 1959. 16 references. LITTLE AM: Cerebral calcification and choroido- retinitis due to toxoplasmosis. NZ Med J 57: 478-9, 1958. MARINO PENSADO M: Toxoplasmosis y embarazo. Acta Pediat Esp 17:743-52, 1959. MARTIN JIMENEZ R, and others: Toxoplasmosis congenita; aislamiento del Toxoplasma gondii en Cuba; estudio clinico y experimental. Arch Med Infant (Habana) 26:172-95, 1957. MONNIER F, BAMATTER: La syndrome electro- encephalographique des embryopathies por toxoplas- mose et rubeole. Ann Paediat (Basel) 186:362-82, 1956. E E G useful in differential diagnosis in a child 6 years old or older. MONTGOMERY PD, and others: Congenital toxo- plasmosis. J din Path 11:114-8, 1958. MOROCUTTI C, VIZIOLI R: Scariche periodiche in un caso di toxoplasmosi neonatale. Riv Neurol (Nap) 27:455-61, 1957. MOROCUTTI C, and others: Contributo alio studio del fenomeni periodici in elettroencefalografia; delta periodico in un caso di encefalite de toxoplasmosi neonatale. Riv Neurol (Nap) 27:201-9, 1957. PETROVICKY O: Ein neues rontgenologisches Merkmal der kongenitalen Toxoplasmose und seine Bedeutung fur die Beurteilung der Krankheitsent- wickeilung nach der Geburt. Psychiat Neurol Med Psychol (Lpz) 8:11-3, 1956. RANFT-HAUSSLER A: Die Prognose fur die Frucht bei Toxoplasmose und Listeriose. Arch Gynaek 189:132-3, 1957. RAPPAPORT R: La toxoplasmose congenitale. France Med 20(9): 13-8, Sept 1957. RIEGER H: Toxoplasmosis congenita und Zwillings- schwangerschaft. Klin Mbl Augenheilk 134:862-71, 1959. Twins. SCHMLDTKE L: Nachweis von Toxoplasma im Frucht- wasser; vorlaufige wissenschaftliche Mitteilung. Deutsch Med Wschr 82:1342, 1957. SENECAL J, PELLEGRINO A, LARVIERE M, AG BESSY V: Toxoplasmose congenitale chez un enfant noir. Bull Soc Med Afrique Noire 4:440-4. 39 references. First case in Africa (Author says). SCHEPPARD CG: Toxoplasmosis in a newborn inf ant; case presentation. Minnesota Med 42:935-8, 1959. STILLERMAN M: Mild neonatal toxoplasmosis. AMA J Dis Child 93:563-7, 1957. Case in detail. STIRLING GA, DIXON HG: Congenital toxoplasmosis in a Jamaican child. W Indian Med J 8:124-7, 1959. Post mortem findings; pseudocysts present in brain, heart, lungs and tongue, TARBIAT, SIAVOCHE: La responsabilite de la toxo- plasmose en pediatrie. Paris, 1958. 47 p. [Thesis Paris Universite] 20 references. THALHAMMER O: Ueber einiger Probleme der pranatalen Pathologie; diabetogene Fruchtschadigung; Toxoplasmose, Virusembryopathie. Wien Med Wschr 109:576-80, 1959. VERAS S, SCLAVUNU-ZURUKZOGLU S: Sur un cas de toxoplasmose congenitale. Arch Franc Pediat 16:919-27, 1959, 36 references. WE1SSE R: Prophylaktische Behandlung mit Sul- fonamiden bei toxoplasmoseverdachtigen Schwan- geren. Zbl Gynaek 80:1446-50, 1958. i0 ZELLWEGER HU: Die kongenitale Toxoplasma- Enzephalitis und ihre Differentialdiagnose. Deutsch MedWschr 85:173-7, 1960. Five cases. C. Acquired infection AMALRIC, BESSON: Toxoplasmose recidivante. Bull Soc Ophthal Franc 6:502-4, 1959. ATLAS A, and others: Toxoplasmosis adquirida; descripcion de dos caso. Bol Chil Parasit 14: 82-5, 1959. BATEMAN M: Toxoplasmosis simulating glandular fever in the adult. Brit Med J 2:141-2, 1957. BEVERLEY JKA, BEATTIE CP: Glandular toxoplas- mosis; a survey of 30 cases. Lancet 2:379-83, 1958. 22 references. BEVERLEY JKA, and others: Lymphadenopathy in toxoplasmosis. J Clin Path 11:119-21, 1958. 12 references. BLANC A: Toxoplasmose acquise. France Med 20 (8-9): 19-22, Aug-Sept 1957. BOBOWSKI SJ, REED WG: Toxoplasmosis in an adult, ' presenting as a space-occupying cerebral lesion. AMA Arch Path 65:460-4, 1958. BROWN J, JACOBS L: Adult toxoplasmosis; report of a case due to laboratory infection. Ann Intern Med 44:565-72, 1956. 21 references. COUDERT J, GARIN JP: La toxoplasmose acquise de l'homme. ' Rev Lyon Med 6:395-9, 1957. Ac- quired by an infant. DE TONI G: Un caso di probabile toxoplasmosi coniugale. G Mai Infett 10:317-8, 1958. ECALLE JC: La toxoplasmose acquise. Gaz Med France 64:1357-70, 1957. 114 references. Review of literature. ERIKSSON S, and others: Case of acquired toxo- plasmosis with microcyst in a lymph gland. Opusc Med (Stockh) 4:361-4, 1959. FRENKEL JK, and others: Acute toxoplasmosis; effective treatment with pyrimethamine, sulfadiazine, leucovorin, calcium, and yeast. JAMA 173:1471-6, 1960. 19 references. Accidental infection in labo- ratory worker. GIRAUD H, and others: Un cas probable de toxo- plasmose acquise. Arch Franc Pediat 14:758-60, 1957. HAFSTROM T: Toxoplasmic encephalopathy; a form of meningo-encephalomyelitis in adult toxoplasmosis. Acta Psychiat Scand 34:311-21, 1959. 23 references. HAKKILA J, and others: Pericarditis and myo- carditis caused by toxoplasma; report of a case and review of literature. Amer Heart J 55:758-65, 1958. 26 references. Case in a 54-year-old man. Diagnosis, therapy; patient recovered after five months in hospital; returned to job as a truck driver. HEMSATH FA, PINKERTON H: Disseminated cyto- megalic inclusion disease and disseminated toxo- plasmosis in an adult with myeloid metaplasia; re- port of a case. Amer J Clin Path 26:36-41, 1956. 15 references. HOOPER AD: Acquired toxoplasmosis; report of a case with autopsy findings including a review of previously reported cases. AMA Arch Ophthal 64: 1-9, 1957. JEUNE M, and others: Toxoplasmose acquise a forme ganglionnaire survenue chez trois freres et simulant une maladie des griffes de chat. Lyon Med 201:699-705, 1958. JIJON MELO A: Toxemias del embarazo. Arch Acad Equat Med 1:172-203, i960. Etiology; incidence; diagnosis, including laboratory tests; eclampsia; ther- apy. JOSEPH R, and others: Adenite mesenterique, localisation initiale probable d'une toxoplasmose ac- quise. Arch Franc Pediat 14:405-8, 1957. KABELITZ HJ: Abdominelle Symptome bei post- natal erworbener Toxoplasmose. Deutsch MedWschr 84:1379-84, 1959. 20 references. 11 KABELITZ HJ: Die erworbene Toxiplasmose. Klinische und serologische Beobachtungen bei akuten und chronischen Verlaufsformen. MuencherrMed Wschr 101:1043-7, 1959. 58 references. KABELITZ HJ: Toxoplasmose und Sternalpunktat; das cytologische und histologische Bild entzundlicher Granulome. Folia Haemat 3:197-207, 1958/1959. 44 references. KAUFMAN HE: Uveitis accompanied by a positive dye test. AMA Arch Ophthal 63:767-73, 1960. 18 references. Case report. KAYHOE DE, and others: Acquired toxoplasmosis. Observations on two parasitologically proved cases treated with pyrimethamine and triple sulfonamides. New Engl J Med 257:1247-54, 1957. 41 references. LAMY M, SELIGMANN M: toxoplasmose acquise; forme ganglionnaire de la maladie. Arch Franc Pediat 14:855-8, 1957. LEITR1TZ E: Beobachtungen an dem Krankheits- bild der chronischen toxoplasmatischen Encephalo- myelitis. Med Klin 51:340-1, 1956. Review of 168 cases occurring over a period of 10 years. MINTO A, ROBERTS FJ: The psychiatric complica- tions of toxoplasmosis. Lancet 1:1180-2, 1959. 12 references. Case of congenital toxoplasmosis with an exacerbation at an adult age. MULLER F: Beitrag zur erworbenen Augentoxo- plasmose. Graefe Arch Ophthal 161:341-61, 1959. 75 references. Review of literature animal experi- ments. Three cases, two congenital one acquired described in detail. NIEDMANN G, and others: Un caso de miocarditis cronica toxoplasmosica. Bol Chil Parasit 14:59-61, 1959. Case in detail. OTTO' H: Zur Behandlung der Erwachsenentoxo- plasmose. Z Ges Inn Med 13:289-92, 1958. PATON JPJ, and others: Glandular toxoplasmosis; a report of 3 cases. Scot Med J 3:249-51, 1958. PAULLEY JW, and others: Myocardial toxoplasmosis. Brit Heart J 18:55-64, 1956. 26 references. Four cases. RAWAL BD: Laboratory infection with toxoplasma. J Clin Path 12:59-62, 1959. REMINGTON JS, and others: Studies on chronic toxoplasmosis, the relation of infective dose to residual infection and to the possibility of congenital transmission. Amer J Ophthal 46, (5,Pt 2) 261-8, Nov 1958. REMINGTON JS, and others: Toxoplasmosis In the adult. New Engl J Med 262:180-6, 1960. 57 refer- ences. Characteristics of the parasite; stages of infection, pathogenesis. REMINGTON JS, and others: Toxoplasmosis in the adult. New Engl J Med 262:237-41, 1960. 45 refer- ences. Laboratory diagnosis, treatment, trans- mission. ROTH F, PIEKARSKI G: Uber die Lymphknoten- Toxoplasmose der Erwachsenen. Virchow Arch Path Anat 332:181-203, 1959. 62 references. Thirteen cases; histological and serum reaction diagnoses. SCHEIDEGGER S: Toxoplasmose-Erkrankung beim Erwachsenen. Schweiz Z Allg Path 20:697-702, 1957. 10 references. SUM JC: Toxoplasmosis acquisita lymphonodosa; clinical and pathological aspects. Ann NY Acad Sci 64:185-206, 1956. 54 references. Review of litera- ture. Ten cases. SUM JC, N1SSEN NI: Toxoplasmosis acquisita lym- phonodosa in a 62-year old woman; isolation of Toxo- plasma gondii from lymph node and muscle biopsies. Acta Path Microbiol Scand 43:298-304, 1958. TASHNEK AB: Toxoplasmosis in an adult. Texas J Med 54:599-601, 1958. TRAEGER J, and others: Un cas de toxoplasmose ganglionnaire acquise. Lyon Med 201:707-14, 1959. Lymphadenitis in soldier; serologic findings. UMDENSTOCK R, RAYMOND J: Toxoplasmose ac- quise de l'enfant et syndrome d'adenite aigue mesen- terique. Arch Franc Pediat 16:931-4, 1959. WAHLE H: Die erworbene Toxoplasmose. Fortschr Neurol Psychiat 26:6-48, 1958. 415 references [All but 9 antidate 1956] Review of literature. 12 c WETTLNGFELD RF, and others: Treatment of toxo- plasmosis with pyrimethamin (daraprim) and triple sulfonamide. Ann Intern Med 44:557-64, 1956. 29 references. Case, laboratory worker. IV. EPIDEMIOLOGIC STUDIES AREAN VM: Toxoplasmosis en Puerto Rico. Bol Asoc Med P Rico 49:127-44, 1957. BEATT"IE CP: Epidemiology of toxoplasmosis. Proc Roy Soc Med 53:108-10, 1960. Table 1, p. 108: Serological evidence of toxoplasmosis in man. US., Guatamala, England, Norway and Iceland. BEATTIE CP: Clinical and epidemiological aspects of toxoplasmosis. Trans Roy Soc Trop Med Hyg 51:96-103, 1957. 52 references. Review of litera- ture. Laboratory findings. BIAGI F, ALEMANY J: Intradermal reacciones con 'toxoplasma en Ixtapalpa, D.F., Mexico. Bol Med Hosp Infant (Mex) 14:125-8, 1957. I CARDELLE G, and others: Toxoplasmosis; resul- tados |de la intradermorreaccion a la toxoplasmina en diversos estados patologicos y comparacion con el dye-test. Arch Med Infant (Habana) 28:126-139, 1959. 17 references. CARDELLE G, and others: Los anticuerpos de toxo- plasma en la poblacion sana infantil de La Habana. Rev Cuba Lab Clin 13:43-4, 1959. CARDENAS VASQUEZ B: Reservorios del Toxo- plasma gondii. Rev Ecuat Hig 15:35-72, 1958. COOK L, POPE JH: Toxoplasma in Queensland. A preliminary survey of animal hosts. Aust J Exp Biol Med Sci 37:253-61, 1959. 15 references. Parasite isolated from the bandicoot, the bushtail possum, the marsupial and climbing rats, the crow, and the cat. COVELLI B-: L'intradermoreaction a la toxoplasmine dans une population normale. Acta Allerg (Kbh) 14:486-90, 1959. DAOUD KA, SCHWABE CW: Sensitivity of Lebanese and Syrians to toxoplasmin and to a similar antigen prepared from Leishmania tropica. Amer J Trop Med 9:158-61, 1960. 13 references. DER ROEVER-BONNET H: The epidemiology of toxoplasmosis. Trop Geogr Med 9:17-26, 1957. 50 references. Occurrence of toxoplasmosis in man and animals in world areas. Mass investigation in Amsterdam. EPIDEMIOLOGY of toxoplasmosis. [Leading arti- cles] Lancet 1:869, 1959. Method of transmission unknown except in congenital cases in which trans- mission is by way of the placenta. ESSBACH H: Die Toxoplasmose des Menschen. Deutsch Gesell Pathol 40:77-110, 1956. 845 refer- ences. Review of literature. FAIR JR: Congenital toxoplasmosis. Case finding using the skin test and ophthalmoscope in state schools for mentally retarded children. Amer J Ophthal 48:813-9, 1959. FANGHANEL M: Haufigkeit von Toxoplasmose und Listeriose in unserer Klinik. Zbl Gynaek 81:525-9, 1959. FELDMAN HA, MILLER LT: Serological study of toxo- plasmosis prevalence. Amer J Hyg 64:320-5, 1956. 39 references. Groups tested included Eskimos, Navahos, Icelanders, Hatians, Tahitians, Hondurans as well as groups of person from four US cities. FONTI FE: Contributo alia conoscenza della toxo- plasmosi in Sicili. Pediatria (Nap) 66:736-53, 1958. 50 references. GARVEN A: Toxoplasmosis; the diagnosis of clini- cal and latent infection in Australia. Aust Ann Med 6:141-4, 1957. GIBSON CL, COLEMAN N: The prevalence of toxo- plasma antibodies in Quatemala and Costa Rica. Amer J Trop Med 7:334-8, 1958. One thousand persons tested. GIBSON CL: Distribution of toxoplasma antibodies in comparable urban and rural groups. Public Health Rep 70:1119-23, 1956. GIBSON CL, and others: Serological response of a rural Negro population to the Sabin-Feldman cyto- plasm-modifying test for toxoplasmosis. Amer J Trop Med 5:772-83, 1956. 13 HARPER DW, and others: A survey of skin and complement fixation tests for toxoplasmosis in the' Toronto area. Canad Med Ass J 79:25-8, 1958. HAVLIK O, HUBNER J: Findings of toxoplasmosis among cats in Czechoslovakia. J Hyg Epidem (Praha) 3:450-7, 1959. HOEKENGA MT: Toxoplasmosis en Honduras. Rev Med Hondur 23:1160-5, 1955/1956. HULLAND TJ: Toxoplasmosis in Canada. J Amer Vet Med Ass 128:74-9, 1956. 47 references. JACOBS L, and others: A survey of meat samples from swine, cattle and sheep for the presence of encysted forms of toxoplasma. J Parasit 46:23-8, 1960. 26, references. JACOBS L: The interrelation of toxoplasmosis in swine, cattle, dogs and man. Public Health Rep 72:872-82, 1957. 42 references. JIROVEC O: Die Toxoplasmoseforschung in der Tschechoslowakei. Z Tropenmed Parasit 7:276-82, 1956. 17 references. KARDEVAN A, KAPP P: Untersuchungen uber das vorkommen der Toxoplasmose an Haustieren in Ungarn. Acta Microbiol Acad Sci Hung 4:237-51, 1957. KIRCHMAIR H: Toxoplasmose. Epidemiologic und connatale Erkrankung. Med Mschr 12:287-9, 1958. LOPEZ DIAZ JH: La toxoplasmosis infantil en Bogota. Rev Soc Colomb Pediat 16:495-505, 1958. MAKSTENIEKS O, VERLINDEJD: Toxoplasmosis in the Netherlands; clinical interpretation of parasitolo- gical and serological examinations and epidemiologi- cal relationships between toxoplasmosis in man and animals. Trop Geogr Med 9:213-24, 1957. MANNING JD, RELD JD: Toxoplasmosis in New Zealand; a serological survey. NZ Med J 55:441- 7, 1956. 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