• c!' t.-i. vi. t>. j&U .1 no Seii'.’v ■ c*0 ___ Cg4MIBSI0N ON ACUTE RESP3DAT0RY DISEASES BEARD, J.W., SHARP, D.G., TAYLOR, A.H., McLEAH, t.WR, Jr., BEARD, J). v .TELLER, A.E, 3 DINGLE, J.B.;, Ultracontrlfugal, Chemical arid. Microscopic Identification of the Influenza Virus. South. H. j 19M>, SL 313-320. COMMISSION ON' A CUTS RESPIRATORY DISEASES; Cold Hemagglutinins in Primary Atypical Ponamonla and Other Respiratory Infections by r M. Sc., 19H, 208, 7U2-75O. v COMMISSION ON ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASES: Endemic Exudative ?he;yru: E : and Tonsillitis - Etiology and Clinical Characteristics, j.A.M.A * 19**, 125/ II63-II69. COMMISSION ON ACUTE RESPIRATOHY D3HGASES: Epidemiology of Atypical Pneumonia and Acute Respiratory Disease at Port Braga, Port/- ’ •vr's.lir* ■ Am- d> Health, 335-3*6. •COMMISSION rn ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASES; Primary Atypical Paowoor.i > Am, J. Pub, Health, 357* DINGLE, J.Ho, ABIOTETHY, T, J., BADGER, G.F.* BULB HOT., G.J., it,.,; XAXJGMIJIB, A.D., BIS5QSSGGES, JIM., WOOD, W.B.: Atypical Pneumonia, Etiology Unknown. Am. J. ggg., 39. 6?-128? 197-PoSi 269-336, ~~ DINGLE, J.H., ABSRWETHY, T.J., BADGER, O.F., OTSHNGE, G.J-, AH: LANQMIJIH- A, 33,., J.M. > WOOD, W,B,: Primary Atypical Pneumonia, Etiology Unknown. War* Mod., 19V5. 3, 2S5-248.*' ,«*«»"«» -r.ra»*wr.t> ' ' * Jfov* "• KAPLAN, M.B.: Nature and Holo of tho Lytic Factor in Heasolytie Btrsn’. . ooccal Fibrinolysis, Proc. Soc, Exper. Biol, & Med*, 19hht 57, bO-V McLEAN, X.W., Jr*, PtSARD, D„, TAYLOR, A.H., SHARP, JSKABI), JJE , A .IE, DINGLE, J*H«; IhfTueiic© of Temperature of Incubation on the Increase of Influential Virus B (Loo Strain) in the’ Cleric Aj toio Fluid of Chick Embryos, J, Lamznol., kSP 303 •; 1(3, SHARP, D.0*> *ABOL A*H*, MoISSAN; , Jr.. BEAR'D, HEART, J.E ‘ M®3 A.E., DIHOIiB, JNH*s Isolation and Char aotsr i :-;a 11on cf Virus B (Lee Strain). J, 194A, 129-133, COMMISSION on ACUTE RESPIRATORY DISEASES - (Continued) SHARP, D.G., TAYLOR, A.R., McLSAN, I.W., Jr,, HEARD, B*, HEARD, J.W., FELLIR, A.E., DINGLE, J.H. 5 Isolation and Characterization of Influenza Virus B (Lee Strain). Science, 1949, §8, 907-308* TATLOCK, H.; A Rickettsia-Like Organism Recovered from Guinea Pigs* §2£* Exper. Biol, & Med., 1944, 57, 95-99* TAYLOR, A.R.; Chemical Analysis of the Influenza Viruses A (PP.8 Strain; and B (Lee Strain) and the Swine .Influenza Virus. J* Biol* Ch©m., 1944, L5£> 675-686. “ — — ' TAYLOR, A.R., SHARP, D.G*, BEARD, D., HEARD, J.W., DII;'CLE, J.H., FELLER, A»E,; Isolation and Characterization of Influenza A Virus (HRS Strain) * J. SmoIm 1943, 4j, 261-232* TAYLOR, A*R*, SHARP, D.G., McLEAN, I.W., Jr*, BEARD, IX, BEARD. J.W., DIRGIE, J.H., FELLER, A.E*: Purification 0/1*1 Cx Cj -'OrVS- actor of tlio Swine Influenza Virus* J* Immunol., 194-4-, 43, 361-379* ■mtt -11— TAYLOR, A*B., SHARP, 5XG,, Me LEAN, I.W., Jr*, HEARD, IX, HEARD, J.W., DINGLE, J.H., FELLER, A.E* 2 Purification and Character of tho Swine Influenza Virus. Science, 194-3, 98, 5B7-5B9«- COMMISSION OK AIR-BORNE INFECTIONS HAMBURGER, M., Jr*; Studies on the Transmission of Hemolytic Strepto- coccus Infections* I* Cross Infections In Army Hospital Wards* J, Infect. Bis., 1944, 75, 78-70* HAMBURGER, M., Jr* : Studies on the Transmission of Hemolytic Strepto- coccus Infections* II* Beta Hemolytic Streptococci in the Saliva of Persons with Positive Throat CulturesJ, Infect * Bis*, 1944, 75s 71-78, . HAMBURGER, M,, Jr*, EILLiSS, C.E., HAMBURGER, V.G*, JOEKSOH, M.AS, WALLBI, J.G.: Ability of Different Types of Streptococci to Produce Scarlet Fever* J.A.M.A*, 1944, 124* 564~566* HAMBURGER* M., Jr*, PUCK, T,T. * V*G», JOMSOH, M.A* t Studios on the Transmission of Hemolytic Streptococcus Infections* lilt Hemo- lytic Streptococci In the Air* Floor Bust, and Bedclothing of Hospital Wards and Their Relation to Cross Infection* J, Infect. Bis*, 1944, T2> 79-9^* COMMISSION Olf AIH-BQRHE INFECTIONS - (Continued) HARRIS, T.N., STOSEB, J., Jr.; Air-home Cross-Infootion in th© Case of the Common Cold - A Farther Clinical. Study of the Use of Glycol Vapors for Air Sterilization. Am. J. M. Sc., 1943, 206, 631-656; H3L3LES, C.H., HAMBURGER, M., Jr.: Experience with the Slide Agglutin- ation and the Capillary Precipitin Methods for Typing Hemolytic Streptococci. J. Infect. Pia., 1944, ?J5, 265-269. LEMON, H,M.: A flowmeter for Us© in Air Sampling Procedures. Science, lew,, 99, 1*3-Wk ■ • LEMON, H.M.; A Method for Collection of Bacteria from Air and Textiles. Proc. Soo. Sxper. Biol. & Med., 1943, 54, 298-301, LEMON, H.M., WISE, H., HAMBURGER, M,, Jr.; Bacterial Content of Air in Army Barracks - Results of a Study ulth Especial Reference to the Die- P®2-elon of Bacteria by th© Air Circulation System. War Med., 1944, 6, 92-101. L00BLI, C.G., LEMON, H.M., ROBERTSON, O.E., APPEL, 1.: Eaporlaseatal Air-Borne Influenza a Infection. X. The Influence of Humidity on the Survival of Virus in the Air. Froc. Soc. Exroor, Biol. & Med., 19^3, 55, 205-206. MOULTON, S., PUCK, T.T., LEMON, H.M.: An Apparatus for determination of the Bacterial Content of Mr. Science, 1943, gL* 51-52. PUCK, T.T., ROBERTSON, O.E., LEMON, H.M.: The Bactericidal Action of Propylene Glycol Vapor on Microorganisms Suspended in Air. II. The Influence of Various Factors on the Activity of the Vapor. J. Sxper. Med., 1943, J8, 387-406. PUCK, T.T., WISE, H., ROBERTSON, O.H.: A device for Automatically Con- trolling the Concentration of Glycol Vapors In the Air. J. finer. Med.. 3.944, 80, 377-381. ROBERTSON, O.H.; Air“Born© Infection. Science, 1943, 21* 493“502. ROBERTSON, O.H.; Sterilization of Air trith Glycol Vapors. The Harley Lectures Series 38, 1942-43, 227-254. ROBERTSON, O.H., BIGG, E., FUCK, T*T. , MILLER, B.F., BAKES, Z,; Steri- lization of Air by Means of CkKmlcldal Aerosol Mists and Vapors. Publication No, 17 of The Asm-loan Association for the Advancement of xriwnwbww*, » «wan»o *■» *. mmo* Science, Aerobiology/’ Washington, D.C., 1942. COMMISSION ON AIR-BOKKB HOTCTIOIS - (Continued) ROBERTSON, O.H., HAMBURGER, M., LOOSLI, C.G., PUCK, T.T., LEMON, H.M*, WISE, E»: A, Study of the Nature and Control of Air-Borns Infections in Army Camps. 19*:L, 126, 995-999. ROBERTSON, O.H., PUCK, T.T., LEMON, H.F,, LOOSLI, C.G.: Tho Lethal Effect of Triethylene Glycol Vapor on Air-Borne Bacteria and Influenza Virus, Science. 19^3, ROBERTSON, O.H., PUCK, T.T., LCOSLI, C.G., HAMBURGER, M., LEMON, H.M., WISE, H.; A No'w Approach to the Control of Air “Borne Infection. Tr. A. Am. Physicians (in press). WISE, H., PUCK, T.T, , STRAL, H.M. i Rapid Colorimetric Method .for the Determination of Glycols in Air, J. Biol. Chem., 19*4-3, 1*0, 61-67. COMMISSION ON EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEY SMITH, C.S.: Coccidioidomycosis * M, Clin . North America, 19*!-5, 27, 700-807* COMMISSION ON HEMOLYTIC STREPTOCOCCAL INFECTIONS BOISVERT, P.L., DAWSON, M.H., SCEWffiRTKER, F.F., TRASK, J.D.; Epidemic Rheumatic Fever. Ann. Int. Med., 19*4-3* lg, 10?. BLOOMFIELD, A.L.. RANTZ, L.A.; An Outbreak of Streptococcic Septic Sore Throat in an Army Camp. J.A.M.A., 19*4-3* 121, 315-319• RANTZ, L.A,: Group A. Hemolytic Streptococcus Antibodies. Ill* A Study of the Simultaneous Infection of a Largo Number of Mon hy a Single Typo, Arch, Int. Med., l$kk, TJ, 258-2^0. SCEWENTKER, F.F.; Th© Relation between Scarlet Fever Morbidity and Streptococcus Carrier Rates. Am, J. Hyg., 2®, 207-210, SCEWENTKEH, F.P.s Survey of Hemolytic Streptococci in Certain Army Camps, Army M. Bull., 19^3* January, 9k-10k, COMMISSION OF BSFLOESZA COMMISSION OF INFLUENZA; A Clinical Evaluation of Vaccination against Influenza - Preliminary Report. J.A.M.A., 1944, 124, 982-985* 1AT0N, M.D., MEIKLSJOBN, G., van BHRICK, W.; Studies on the Etiology of Primary Atypical Pneumonia - A Filter able Agent Transmissible to Cotton Bats, Hamsters, and Chick Embryos. J. Expel1. Med.. 1944, 79 649-668. * FRANCIS, T., Jr.: Influenza, Oscular Letter No, 124, SCO. War Med,, 1942, 2, 156-138. “ FRANCIS, T., Jr.: Virus Pneumonia. Canad, Pub. Health J., 1944, 55* 49-54. ” ~ ~ “ FRANC IB, T., Jr., PEARSON, B.E., SALK, J.E., BHOi/II, P.K.: Bamunity in Human Subjects Artificially Infected with Influenza Virus Typo B. Am. J. Pub. Health, 1944, J4, 517-554. FRANCIS, T., Jr., SALK, J.l.: A Simplified Procedure for the Concen- tration and Purification of Influenza Virus. Science,, 1942, 96, 4 ■»--« " '■ ■ 1 - * 499-500. FEABCUB, T., Jr., aALK, J.K., I5EAES0H, H.E., BSOHH, ?.H.: ProteciiTS Effect of Vaccination against Induced Influenza A. Proc. Soc. Exper* Biol, & Med., 1944, 5g, 104-105, HILLEMAN, M.H., GORDON, F.B.: Immunologic Relations of the Psittacosis- Lymphograrsuloiaa Group of Viral Agents. Proc. Soo. Ixper. Biol. & Med. X9lA, 56, 159-lfil. HOPPS, H.C., M0T3LT0H, S.; Active Hypersensitivity from Inhalation of Finely Atomised Fluid Antigens. Prop. Sop. Exper. 1121'° & Med., 1945, 54, 244-245. LOOBLI, C.G.: An Apparatus for Nebulizing Liquids. Proc. Boo. Sbrper. Biol. & Mod., 1944, 5L 257-258. “ “ ~~ ~ SALK, J.S.; A Simplified Procedure for Titrating Hemggliitiimting Capacity of Influenza Virus arid the Corresponding Antibody. J. Imnunol. , 1944, 4£, 87“98. BALK, J.E., MEMKB, W.J., FRANCIS, T:, Jr.; Identification of Influenza Virus, Typo A, in Current Outbreak of Respiratory Disease. J,A»M.A» , 1944, 124, 95* - COMMISSION ON INFLUENZA - (Continued) SALK, J.E., PEAESOH, H.E., BROWN, P.N., FRANCIS, T., Jr.: Protective Effect of Vaccination against Induced Influenza B. Proc, Soc. Byper. Biol. & Med., 3.9hh, 55/106-10?. SHARP, D.G., TAYLOR, A.R., McLEAN, I.W., Jr., HEARD, D,, HEARD, J.W.j Density and Size of Influenza Virus A (PR8 Strain) in Solution. Science, I9M1, 100, 151-155. SHARP, D.G., TAYLOR, A.H., McIEAR, I.W., Jr., HEARD, D., HEARD, J,W,: Sedimentation Velocity and Electron Micrographic Studies of Influenza Viruses A (PR8 Strain) and E (Lee Strain) and the Swine Influenza Virus. J, Biol. Ch©mlstx-y, 156, 5B5-6OO, COMMISSION OK MEASLES AMD MUMPS 03SLLIS, S.S., PETERS, M. % Mumps with Pre-Sternal Edema. Bull. Johns Hopkins Eosp., V$hk, 75, 2*11-250. MARIS, B.P., RAKE, G., STOKES, J., Jr., SHAFFER, M.F., O’NEIL, G.C. i Studies on Measles. V. The Results of Chance and Planned Exposure to Unmodified Measles Virus in Children Previously Inoculated- with Egg-Passage Measles Virus, J. Pcdlat., 19*4.5, 22, 17-29. McGUBMSBS, A.C., GALL, E.A, 1 Mumps at Army Camps. War Med., 19*4, 5* 95-10*1, KEEFE, J.R., MILLER, T.G., CH0BH0CK, F.W.; Homologous Serum Jaundice - A Review of tho Literature and Report of a Case,. Am, J. M. So., 19kh. 20?, 626-658, “ . JOSES®, J.S., REUSEOLD, J.G. 2 Photosensitivity aa a Cause of Falsely Positive Cephalia--cholesterol Flocculation Tests. Science, 19kk-, O—WITIWW TUI III* 11 100, 85-85. KEEFE, J.R., STOKES, J., Jr,. REIMOLD, J.O., LOOTS, F.D.H.: Hepatitis Du© to the Injection of Homologous Blood Products in Human Volunteers, £♦ Clin. Investigation, 19**4, 25, 836-855* BMIj G. 2 Experimental Investigation of Measles. J. Pediat., 25, 576-580. STOKES, J., Jr«: The Use of Immune Bodies in the Treatment of Certain Infectious Diseases (Virus and Rickettsial Diseases) Caused by Intra- cellular Parasites. Yale J. Biol, & Mod., 19hkf l6, ’ll5-^2‘i. COMMISSION ON MEASLES ALL MUMPS - (Continued) STOKES, J., Jr., MARIS, EV. GEJLIS t 6.8.: Oh ©mice , Clinical and Immunological Studies on the Products of Human Plasma Fractionation. J. Clin. Investigation, 1944, 25, 331-540. r. STOKES, J., Jr., O’NEIL, G.C., SHAIFIR, M.F., HAKE, 0., MARIS, E.P.: Studies on Measles. IV. Results following Inoculation of Children with Egg-'Passage Measles Virus. J. Pediat., 3.943, 22, l»l6. COMMISSION ON MENINGOCOCCAL MENINGITIS KABAT, E.A., KAISER, H., SIKORSKY, E.: Preparation of the Typo Specific Ploy saccharide of the Type I Meningococcus and a Study of Its Effective- ness as an Antigen in Human Beings. J* Ixper. Mod., 1944, 80, 899-307» KUHNS, D.M., FELDMAN, H.A.: laboratory Methods Used in Determining the Value of SiLLfadiazine as a Mass Prop3iylactio against Moniagocoocio Infections. Am,. J, Pud . Health, 194,5, 33, l46l-l463. KUHNS, D.M., NELSON, C.T., FELDMAN, H.A,, ROLAND, I.: Tho Prophylactic Value of Sulfadiazine in the Control cf Monlngococcic Meningitis. J.A.M.A., 194:5, 12J, 335^339. MILLER, C.P.s A Note on the Agglutination of Meningococcus. Yale J. Biol. & Mod., 1944, 16,/519-508. MUira, C.P., BMMKOPF, W.O., IECK, E033IHS, K.W.! A Surrey, of Chronic Meningococcus Carriers In a Semi-Permanent Population. j. Infeo t. Bis., 1944, Jh. 212-224. MILLER, C.P., BECKER, H.M., SCH.A3), D., BOBBINS, M.tt.: The Effect of Heat on tho Toxic ana Antigenic Properties of Meningococcus. J, Infects Bis*.* 75, 2it8-256. MILLER, C.P., SCHAD, D.? Germicidal Action of Daylight on Meningococci in the Dried State, J. Bact., 3.944, 4?, 79-84. MILLER, C.P., SGHAD, D,; The Resistance of Meningococci to Drying. J, Bact., 1944, 47, 71-77. PEA IB, J. J. , SCHOMBACR, 35.B,: The Dynamics of Meningococcal Infections and the Effect of Chemotherapy. Am. J. 3.944, 40, 518-344* (EMISSION JK IffllNGCCOCCAL imimT£3S - (Continued) HiAXR, ticJ., SCHOEHMCH, is.B., BOUT, C.M.! Henlngococcal Carrier Studies• Am. J. Pub. Health, l$hk, jh, l48-15b. PHAIR, J.J,, SMITH, I),G,, BOOT, C.M.; The Use of Chicken Seram in the Species and Type Identification of Neisseria, Prop, «3oc» Eapsr* Biol. & Med., ISk'j,, 72-73- SCHOEKBACE, E.B.J The Menirigocoocel Carrier State. M. Arm. District of Columbia, 12, &17-120, COMMIBSIOK ON liBUROTRCI'TC VIRUS DISEASES BRAIJIY, A.E,, B/LJDERS, M, 2 Treater nt of Epidemic Seratocon^unotiTitis. 121, 999-1000. CASALS, J,; jjanmologlcal Relationship© among Central Eervouo System Viruses. J. 3feper. Med., X$kh, T9, 3^1-359• Nt CASALS, J.: Neutralizing and Complement-Fixing Antibody Production and Resistance following Vaccination in Experimental Enoophalitis Infections. J. Exper. Med., 19^3, 2§, CASALS, J,, CIM2M, S.C., Jr., THOMAS. L.: Venezuelan Equine Encephalo- myelitis in Man, J. Bxper/Mod., 19k?. 77, 521-530. CASALS, J., SCHN1IDEH, H.A. t Natural Resistance and Susceptibility to Russian Spring-Suasasr Encephalitis in Mice, free» Soo. Bxper, Biol, & Med., 19**0> 201-202, CASALS, J., WEEftfER, L.T*: Close Eolation between Kust.vl*m Spring-Summer Encephalitis and Louping-Hl Viruses. Science, 97, 2k6-2U8. CASALS. J., HEBSTER, L,T, 5 Relationship of the Virus of Louping 111 in Sheep and the Virus of Russian Spring-Summer Encephalitis in Man* J. Exper. Med., 19hh} Jg, DANIELS, W.Bc , (3OTHAH, H,A. 2 Pretiblal EoTor - An Obscure Disease, J.A.M.A., 19hj}, 122. 561-565. HAMMON, W.McD,, BEEVES, ¥.C.: Laboratory Traneminsiort of Bt. Louis Encephalitis Virus by Three Genera of Mosquitoes. J. Exper» Mod., 7B3 21*1-253- C0MMIESI6R OK REHROTPOPXC VIRUS DISEASES - (Continued) 3AMM0K, W.McD,, REEVES, W.0.5 Laboratory Transmission of Western Equine Encephalomyelitis Virus by Mosquitoes of the Genera Culo:c and Cullsota. J. Exper. Med,, 19-13, T8, , HAVENS, W.P., Jr.: Infectious Hepatitis In the Middle East. J.A«M»A., 126,17-23. HATERS, W.P., Jr,, IfABD, R., DRILL, V.A., PAUL, J.R.: - Experimental Production of Hepatitis by Feeding Icterogenic Materials. Prop. Boc. Exger. Biol. & Med., I9LA, 206-208. MORGAN, I.M., OLITSKY, P.K., SCHLEB3NGffiR, R.Wi: Neutralization of Middle Fast and Lansing Strains of Policiiyoliois Virus by Human Bern, Federation Pros., 19hh, 3- OLITBKY, P.K., SCHLESIRGI®, R.W., MOFQAR, I.M.j Induced 3, 77, 359-37^ PAUL, J.R,: Susceptibility of East African Monkeys to Experimental Poliomyelitis. Yale J. Biol, &Med., 16, h61*466. PAUL, J.R., HAVERS, W.P., Jr., VAR HOOTER, C.E.: Poliomyelitis in British and American Troops In tho Middle East - Tho Isolation of the Virus from Human Paecos. British Mod. J,, 19‘ih, 1, 8^1. PHILIP, C.B., PAUL, J.R., SABIR, A.B.: Dimethyl ghthalate as a, Repel- lent in the Control of Phlebotomne (Pappatacl or Sandfly) Fever. War Med,, 19hh, 6, 27-33- REEVES, V/,C., EAJMMON, W.McD.: Feeding Hah its of the Proven end Possible Mosquito Vectors of Western Equine and St, Louis Encephalitis in the Yakima Valley, Washington. Am, J, Trop. Med,, £&, 131-13^* SA3HJ, A.B.; Studies on tho Natural. History of Poliomyelitis, J. Mt. Sinai Hoap*, 11, 183-206. SABIN, A.B., DUFFY, C.E., WARREH, J,, WARD, B., PECK, J.L., BUCHMAN, I,: The St. Louis and Japanese B Types of Epidemic Encephalitis ** Develop- ment of Honlnfoctlve Vaccines. , 3-22, SABIR, A«B. , PHILIP, C.B., PAUL, J.'A: Phlcl. olomue (Pappatacl or Sandfly) Fever, J.A.M.A., 129> 605-606) 695-699* C0M3BSI0H 01 mmOTROTIC YHYJB DISEASES - (Continued) BANDERS; M ■: LpldoE lc T,'eratocon junctlvit Jr, • dent; Monthi v, l( : :L 57, SANDERS, M,: Epidemic Keratpconjxmctlyitie ("Shipyard Conjunctivitit I. Isolation of a Virus. Arch. Qphth., 19**2, 28, 581-586. / SANDERS, M., ALEXANDER, R.C.: Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis. I. I sola- ■ tlon and Identification of a Filterable Virus. J. Expor. Mod., IS': 77, 71~96. SANDERS, M,, GULLIVER, F.D., FORCHHEIMER, L.L., ALEXANDER, R.C. 1 SpldouL- Keratoconjunctivitis - Clinical and Experimental Study of an Outbreak In New York City. J.A.M.A., 121*, 250-255* > SANDERS, M., HUANG, C.H.: Tissue Cultures for Virus Investigation;.; in the Field. Abu J. Pub, Health, 461-^66. SCHIESIKOER, R.W., MORGAN, I.M., OLITSKY, P.K.s Transmission to Eodorle of Lansing Typo Poliomyelitis Virus Originating in the Middle Fast. • Science, g8. STUCK, W.G., LOISELUS, A.Ov: The Ban Antonio Polioroyelitls Fold oil c. J.A.M.A., I9I0, 122, 855-855* WOODLAND, J.C., McDOWELL, M.M., RICHARDS, J.T.; Bullis Favor (Lon© -.tar Fever - Tick Fever) - An Endemic Disease Observed at Brooke General Hospital, Fort Sam Houston, Texes. J.A.M.A., 122, 1156-1160.. COMMISSION OB PNEUMONIA FORTH, J., deGARA, P.F.; A Granular Body Characteristic of Certain Hon- Bacterial Pneumonias of Mice. Prop. Soc. Expor. Biol. & Meo,, 19^ 56, 107*110. HacLSSOD, C.M.: Primary Atypical Pneumonia, Etiology Unknown. Amy M. Bull., I9h2, April, 51-55; War Med., 2, 330-535* TILLETT, W,S., CAMBIER, M.J., McCORMACK, J.E. J Tho Treatment of Lobar Pneumonia and Pneumococcal Empyema with Penicillin. Bull, flew York ' Acad. Med., 19M*, 20, 1^2-178. , CARLE, B.N., EEWHIPW, W.R., BRAUN W*, EATON, M.D.; Experimentr on tho Transmission of an Idterogonic Agent In Yolloif Fever Ve.cc in:: 'o Horses and Swine. J« Eaot.; , EATON, M.D., MURPHY, W.D., HANFORD, V.L.: Heterogonotlc Antibodies in Acute Hepatitis, J, gxper. Med., T9, 559-557• 5OTHS, D,M.: The Control of Endemic and Epidemic Diarrhea., South. M.J, 19*0, 26, 395^01. KUHNS, D.M., AfJEOERSOK, T.G.; A FI,y-borne Bacillary Dysentery Epidemic in a large Military Organisation, Am. J, Pub. Health> j3hh< 3b 750-755. PUSSEIX, PJ,, H0ZEB0QM, L.E., STONE, A.: Keys to the Anopholino Mosquitoes of the World. Ain, Ent, Soc. Acad. Nat. Scl. ?hy.a., 19V*>, September.- SAWYER, W.A., MEYER, K*F., EATON, M.D., BAUER, J.B., PIOTAM, P., SOaWEOTWER, F.F.; Jaundice in Army Personnel in tho He stern Region of the United States* Am. J. Hjg., 19Mt* '59j $0, 35-107* . ARMY KPUOTIOLOGICAL BOARD, - (Miscellaneous) ANONYMOUS? Scrub Typhus. Bull. tLS. Amy Med. Bent., 59--Si TOSTOITIVB MEDIC3KB SERVICE SIMMONS, J.S.: Tho Division of Preventive Medicine, Office- of The Bxu; go-: General, United States Amy. Army M. Bull., 60-68. BAYNE-JONES, S.; Board for the Investigation and Control of ' and Other Epidemic Diseases in tho Army. Army M. Bull., October, 1-22. BAYNE-JONES, S. j The Outbreak of Jaundice In the Amy, Circular Ac dr" No, 95, SGO. J.A.M.A., 120, 51-55; Mil. Surgeor, 3.91-2, A. 386-393. " * ~ ~ ‘