fata(a0iic OF HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINES AND BOOKS, AND ALL ARTICLES PERTAINING TO A PHYSICIAN’S OUTFIT. Boericke & Tafel received the Only Medals awarded for Homoeopathic Medicines at the World's Exhibitions in Philadelphia in 1876, and in New Orleans in 1885, BOERICKE & TAFEL, Hi Manufacturers, Importers, and Wholesale Dealers in Homoeopathic Drugs, FOB SALE BY GENERAL DEPOT FOR HOMEOPATHIC LITERATURE. PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK, BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, PITTSBURGH, AND CHICAGO. 1889. 2 A. J. Tafee. F. L. Boericke. tr F. A. Boericke. BOERICKE & TAFEL. BOERICKE S TAPEL’S PHARMACIES ARE LOCATED AS FOLLOWS: NEW YORK. No. 145 Grand Street.—Established in 1835. No. 7 W. Forty-second Street.—Established in 1885. PHILADELPHIA. No. 1011 Arch Street.—Established in 1843. No. 1035 Walnut Street.—Established in 1852. BALTIMORE. No. 228 North Howard Street.—Established in 1869. CHICAGO. No. 36 E. Madison Street.—Established in 1872. PITTSBURGH. No. 627 Smithfield Street.—Established in 1883. WASHINGTON, D. C. No. 938 F. Street, N. W.—Established in 1884. WHOLESALE DEPOT, IMPORT AND EXPORT, No. 145 Grand Street, New York. LABORATORY AND MANUFACTORY, No. 1011 Arch Street, Philadelphia. INDEX. Acid, Boracic, 33. “ Carbolic, 35. “ Salicylic, 44. Alcohol, 33, 121. American Homeopathic Journals, 119, 120. “ “ Publications, 62-104. Apocvn, cannab. Decoction, 33, 135. Appendix, 121-140. Aqua Distillata, 33. Armadillo Voltaic, 41. Arnica Flowers, 33. “ Oil, 33, 122. “ Plaster, 44. “ Tincture, 33, 123. Barrett’s Battery, 38, 140. Barry’s Thermometer, 45. Batteries, Pocket, and others, 38, 140. Blank Tablets, 9. Boericke & Tafel’s Liebig’s Improved Food, 37, 123. Bonbons, Malt Ext., 43, 137. Books, American and British Publications, 62-104. Boracic Acid, powdered, 33. Bottles, 122. Bovinine, Bush’s, 37. Boxes, Paper Prescription, 44. “ “ Sliding, 44. Buggy Cases, 57, 59. “ “ for Tablets, 53. Burgher’s Respiration Regulator, 34. Bush’s Bovinine, 37. Bust of Hahnemann, 34. Calendula Oil, 34. “ Succus, 34, 127. “ Tincture, 34, 123. Cantharis Tincture, for external use, 45. Carbolic Acid, 35. Cases, Buargy, 57-59. “ Dollar, 37. “ Dollar and a Half, 37. “ Domestic, 51. “ Medicine, 51. “ Office, 60. Pocket 54. “ Tablet, Pocket and Buggy, 53. “ Veterinary, 61. Cerates, .35, 123. Chloride of Silver Battery, 38, 140. Coffee, Health, 124. Condensed Milk, 37, 43. Cones, Sugar, 8. Corks, 36. Cork Presses, 36. Cosmoline, 44. Cotton, Medicated, 36. Cowpox virus, 36. Cream Maltose, 43. “ Milk, 43, 137. Cup, Medicine, 124. Decoction of Apocyn. cannab., 33, 135. Diet Papers, 36. Dietetic Preparations, 37. Dilutions, 7. (Higher priced, 10, 11.) Disks or Cones, Sugar, 8. Dollar Cases, 37. Dollar and a Half Cases, 37. Domestic Cases, 51. Domestic Cases, Illustrations of, 52, 53. Domestic Tinctures, 26-28. Dosimetric Tablet Triturates, 32. Drop Measures, 37. Eclectic Preparations, 37. Electric Batteries, 38, 140. “ Cell Pocket Battery, 38. Electrotype Plates for Corks, 39. English Publications, 62-104. Envelopes, Powder, 39. External Tinctures, 45. Extract Hamamelis, 40. Faradic Battery, 38, 140. Filters, Stone, 38, 139. Flowers, Arnica, 33. Food, Liebig's Improved, 37, 123. “ Zimmerman’s, 37. “ Horlick’s, 37. “ heave’s, 37. Foreign Homoeopathic Journals, 120. “ Publications, 62-118. French Homoeopathic Publications, 116-118. “ Square Vials, 46. \ “ glass-stoppered, 46. Gate City Stqne Filters, 38, 139. German Homoeopathic Publications, 105-115. Glass Medicine Cups, 124. Globules, 39, 121,122. “ Meashre of, 40. Glycerine, 40. Graduate Measures, 39. Grape Juice, 38, 124. Gruner’s, Carl, Health Coffee, 124. Hahnemann, BustV)f, 40. “ Statuette, 40. Hamamelis and Jispulus Pile Suppositories, 40. Hamamelis Extract, 40. “ Tincture for external use, 45. Health Coffee, 124. Hick’s Thermometer, 45. Higbee’s Modified Hodge Pessary, 41. Higher priced Preparations, 10, 11. High Potencies, 8. “ “ List of, 22-25. “ Triturations,'8. “ “ List of, 31. Hints for Ordering Goods, 6. Homarus (Lobster), 139. Homeopathic Journals, American, 119, 120. “ “ Foreign, 120. “ Medicines, their Purity, 135,136. “ Publications, American and British, 62-104. Homeopathic Publications, Frehch, 116-118. “ “ German, 105-115. “ Vials, 46-50. Horlick’s Food for Infants, 37. Horn Spoons, 45. *4 Hot Water Bags, 44. Hypericum Tincture, for external usA 45. Illustrations of Domestic Cases, 52, 531 “ “ Pocket Cases, 55,56. \ “ Office Cases. 60. “ “ Veterinary Cases, 61. \ “ “ Vials, 48-50. Imported Tinctures, 28, 29. Improved American Battery, 41. 4 Instruments, Surgical and Obstetrical, 41. Introductory, 5. John A. Barrett Chloride of Silver Medical Battery, 38, 140. Journals, Homoeopathic, American, 119,120. “ “ Foreign, 120. Kamala, 41. Koysso, 41. Labels, 41. (Sample page, 42.) Lachesis, 43. Latest Publications, 62, 103, 104. Leguminose, 43. Liebig’s Improved Food, 37, 123. List of Bemedies, 12-20. Loeflund’s Preparations, 43, 137. Malt Extract Bonbons, 43, 137. “ Sterilized Cream-Milk, 43, 137. Maltose Cream, 43. Malt Ext. Bonbons, 43, 137. Measures, Drop, 37. “ Graduate, 39. “ Minim, 43. “ of Vials, 40. Medicated Pellets, 7. Medicine Cases, 51-53. “ Cups, 124. Medicines, 7. Milk, Sugar of, 45, 122. “ Sugar Tablets, 8. “ Condensed, 37-43. Minim Measures, 43. Mortars, Porcelain or Wedgewood, 43. Mother Tinctures, 7. (Higher priced, 10,11.) “ “ Tablets, 30. Neave’s Food for Infants, 37. New Preparations, 125-139. “ Remedies, 125-139. Office Cases, 60. Oil, Arnica, 33, 122. “ Calendula, 34. Paper Boxes, Prescription, 44. “ Sliding Boxes, 44. “ Vials, 44. Papers, Diet, 36. Pellets, 39, 121,122. “ Measure of, 40. “ Medicated, 7. “ Sugar of Milk, 45. Perfect Physicians’ Faradic Battery, 38, 140. Pessary, Higbee’s Modified Hodge, 41. Petrolatum, 44. Pile Suppositories, 40. Pine Pitch Ointment, 137. Plasters, 44. Plates, Electrotypes, for Marking Corks, 39. Pocket Batteries, 38. Pocket Cases, Tablet, 53. Powder Envelopes, 39. " Papers, 44. Powders, Ready-Made, 9. Preparations, New, 125-139. Higher priced, 10,11. “ Dietetic, 37. Prescription Paper Boxes, 44. Publications, American Homoeopathic, 62- 104. Publications, British Homoeopathic, 62-104. “ French, “ 116-118. “ German, “ 105-115. Purity of Homoeopathic Medicines, 135-136. Heady-Made Powders, 9. Remedies, List of, 12-20. Remedies, New, 125-139. Respiration Regulator, Burgher’s, 34. Rhus tox. Tincture, for external use, 45. Roberts’ Hot-Water Bag, 44. Ruta Tincture, for external use, 45. Salicylic Acid, 44. Santonin, 45. Scales, 45. Schuessler’s Remedies, 45. Skin Plasters, 44. Sliding Paper Boxes, 44. Smith & Shaw’s Closed Cell Pocket Battery, 38. Spoons, Horn, 45. Stanley Faradic Battery, 38. Staphysagria Tincture, for external use, 45. Succus Calendulse, 34, 127. i Sugar Disks or Cones, 8. \ “ of Milk, 45, 122. \ “ “ “ Pellets, 45. \ “ “ “ Tablets, 8. •; “ Pellets, 45. Surgeon’s Plaster, 44. Suppositories, 40. Supernal Instruments, 41. Syringes, 45. Tablet Buggy Cases, 53. Tablet Pocket Cases, 53. Tablets, Blank, 9. “ \ Sugar of Milk, 9. “ with Mother Tincture, 30. “ \ Triturates, 31. “ “ (dosimetric), 32. Tafel’s High Potencies, 8. “ Y “ List of, 22-25. Thermometers, Barry’s, Hicks and Water- town, 451 Tincture, Arnica, 33, 123. “ Calendula, 34, 123. Tinctures, Domestic, 26-28. “ Imported, 28, 29. Tincture, Mother, 7. (Higher priced, 10, 11.) “ Tablets, 30. “ Triturations, 8. Tinctures for eiternal use, 45. Triturations, 7. (Higher priced, 10, 11.) “ High, 8. “ List of, 21. “ Tablets, 31,32.. “ Tincture, 8. Tube Vials, 46. \ Unfermented Grajie Juice, 38, 124. LTrtica Urens Tincture, for external use, 45. Vaccine Virus, 45. Vaseline, 44. Veterinary Cases, 61. Vials, 46-50, 122.' \ “ French square glass-stoppered (Mush- room), 46. Vials, Second Quality, 47. “ Illustrations of, 48-50. “ Measure of, 47. “ Paper, 44. Voltaic Armadillo, 41. White Flint Glass Vials, 46. Zimmermann’s Food, 37. \ 5 INTRODUCTORY. TN presenting a new Price Current to our friends and patrons, we desire to -*• call attention to the fact that for the last ten or twelve years we have made gradual reductions in the prices of our goods whenever increased facilities for manufacture or the reduced cost of the crude materials permitted. At the present time we are enabled to announce still further reductions in the price of many of the articles furnished by us. The remedies are prepared at our laboratories iu Philadelphia, which are pre- ! sided over personally by the senior member of the firm ; from there they are distributed to the several establishments as wanted. By this arrangement our friends may rely on preparations of our well-known standard quality beiug fur- nished alike in all our branches. Our pharmacies are under the management of competent superintendents of long experience in our employ, and are devoted exclusively to the sale of homoeopathic medicines, books, and all accessories used in a physician’s prac- tice. The superintendents of our branch pharmacies, relieved from the laborious manipulations incident to the preparation of the medicines, are enabled to give their undivided attention to the filling of our patrons’ orders, which are executed with scrupulous care and promptitude. In conclusion, we beg to say that the profession may rest assured that we shall ever jealously guard the high reputation which our preparations have attained, and that, while striving to excel in quality, we furnish them at as moderate rates as are consistent with the employment of none but the best material obtainable. Our endeavors have met with hearty acknowledgment by the profession, and the generous support accorded to our establishments bears witness to our ability of giving satisfaction to our many patrons. BOERICKE & TAFEL. 6 BOERICKE & TAFEL'S PRICE CURRENT. HINTS FOR ORDERING GOODS. The prices of this list are not changed between the annual revisions if it be practicable to avoid it, yet they must occasionally be subjected to market fluctuations without notice to customers. The prices and terms of sale are invariable ; all buyers being treated exactly alike, and no inducements are given to any buyer which are not given to all, whether asked for or not. In ordering medicines please specify carefully what preparations you desire, and also the form in which they are required, whether Mother Tinctures, Trit- urations, Liquid Dilutions, or Medicated Pellets; also whether you wish them prepared according to the decimal or centesimal scale, as both are kept on hand. Preparations according to the decimal scale are distinguished from the centesimal by an “ X ” appended to the numeral on the label and cork. Do not depend upon our remembrance of some previous order. State how you wish your goods forwarded—by mail, express, or otherwise. Write the name of your town, county, or State, and your own name distinctly. If an article not enumerated in the Catalogue is desired, be particular to give a full description, and if possible the price, when there is a choice of qualities or styles. Goous sent by mail, except such articles as are advertised free, will be charged with the postage. Goods ordered to be sent by express, C. O. D. (cash on delivery), will be charged with expense of collection on all bills under five dollars. liemittances may be made by postal order and checks, by bankers’ drafts, by registered letter, or by express. All goods are carefully packed, and can be transported safely, with careful handling, to any part of the country. They become the property of the pur- chaser when they leave the store ; therefore for all delays or damages he must look to the transporters of the goods, who alone are legally responsible to their owner for their prompt and safe delivery. Goods are not iusured except by request, and then always at the expense of the purchaser. Should there be any misunderstanding on our part in putting up an order, it will afford us pleasure to correct it on receiving prompt notice of the same, as it is our desire to give entire satisfaction in every transaction. Attention to the foregoing hints will enable us to fill all orders, large or small, as satisfactorily to the purchaser as though he were personally present. BOERICKE & TAFEL. PRICES OF MEDICINES. 7 MEDICINES. MOTHER TINCTURES. Our Mother Tinctures are prepared iu accordance with the American Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. AMERICAN MOTHER TINCTURES. 1 drachm vial, . . . . $0 10 2 A 12 £ ounce “ .... 15 1 “ “ \ 25 For list see page pp. 26-28. 2 ounce vial, . . . . $0 40 4 “ “ 60 8 “ .... 1 10 16 “ “ . . . . 2 00 We can furnish glass-stoppered vials, fiom 1 oz. desired, ahii small additional \cost per vial. IMPORTED MOTHER TINCTURES. Fofl, list see pp. 28, 29. 1 drachm vial, . . . . $0\10 2 “ “ fl2 £ ounce “ .... 15 1 « « * 2 ounce vial, . . . . $0 40 4 75 8 “ “ .... 1 40 16. “ ‘‘ a/ . . . 2 50 DILUTIONS AND MEDICATED PELLETS. For list of higher priced tlngfnres, see p. TO. 1 drachm vial, C. SO 10 2 “ “ t -AT 12 b ounce “ f. v. 15 1 “ “ . r . 25 2 ounce vial, -C & J • • ?0 40 4 “ “ -C/'- ?y-) ■ • 60 \16 “ “V >/ . •" • . 1 75 TRITURATIONS. - Our triturations are prepared with re-crystallized and refined Sugar of Milk in steam triturators of our own construction, the microscope having demonstrated the superiority of machine-made over hand-made triturations. lx triturations are triturated for four hours, or as much longer as isj requisite to produce our standard degree of comminution. 1 drachm vial, . . . . $0 10 2 “ “ 12 £ ounce “ .... 15 1 “ “ 25 PRICES OF lx TRITURATIONS. 2 ounce vial, . . . V 0 $0 301 > 4 “\ “ . . . . r'-tt- 8 “ \ “ .... 1*0 16 “ \ “ 2 50 Higher priced lx triturations are mentioned on p. 10. PRICES OF TRITURATIONS FROM 2x to *©rr 1 drachm vial, . . . . SO 10 2 “ “ 12 | ounce “ .... 15 1 “ “ 25 These are triturated for two hours each on our machine \riturators. 2 ounce vial| . . $0 40- 4 “ “A.. 8 “ “ V/J'I 0 A L; W J7T 16 “ “/ l~75 Higher priced 2x and 6x triturations are mentioned on p. 10. Since over eight years we use larger sized bottles for our tritsi, in order to give full weight without having to pack as closely as formerly. \ 8 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. HIGH TRITURATIONS. 30th and 60th Decimal. For list see p. 21. As some physicians expressed a preference for remedies attenuated by tritura- tion to dilutions made with alcohol, we have run up over eighty remedies in regular order to the 30x and 60x triturations. 1 drachm vial, . . . . $0 10 2 “ “ . . . . \ . 12 ounce “ .... 15 1 “ “ . . . . . 25 2 ounce vial, . . . . $0 40 4 “ “ 75 8 “ “ .... 1 40 16 “ “ 2 50 TAFEL’S HIGH POTENCIES. These potencies were made by hand, according to the Hahnemannian centesi- mal scale, with pure re-distilled alcohol, each potency receiving twelve powerful succussive strokes. We have in stock the 200th, 500th and 1000th centesimal potencies, which are sold at the following rates: 1 drachm vial, .... $0, 15 2 “ “ \20 £ ounce “ . , . . 30 1 ounce vial, $0 45 2 “ “ 75 4 “ “ 1 25 N. B.—Prices of complete sets of these potencies put up iu neat mahogany cases furnished on application. BOERICKE & TAFEL’S TINCTURE TRITURATIONS. Having had repeated calls tor vegetable remedies in the iorm ot lritura- tions, and disliking to use dried herbs and roots of doubtful quality at best, we adopted for all tinctures from the fresh plant the following expedient: we take a given mother tincture and triturate it with sugar of milk in such proportion that the 2x, 3x, and 6x correspond exactly with the 2x, 3x, and 6x dilution ; with this difference, that for the Alcohol, Sugar of Milk is substituted. By triturating for one hour or longer, the menstruum is completely vola- tilized, and a perfectly staple powder results, fully retaining the characteristic fragrance and medicinal properties of the mother tincture used, and that in a most convenient form for administration. 1 ounce vial, . SO 25 | 2 ounce vial, . SO 40 | 4 ounce vial, . $0 60 N. B.—Larger quantities at special rates. BOERICKE & TAFEL’S SUGAR DISKS OR CONES. These are of the size and form of a split pea, forming an elegant and convenient vehicle for dispensing homoeopathic medicines. There are over eight thousand to the pound by actual count, and as each one con- stitutes a dose, when medicated, they are actually cheaper than pellets of similar size. Ever since we first put them on the market, some twenty years ago, their sale has steadily increased. Price per pound, $0 50 Teii pounds, $4 50 J)r. p. p. Johnstone’s )4. J5/' ]4iqh Potencies. (Hahnemannian Scale.) PRICE I_.IST.- \(/v ' For Globules in Vial. \ No. 1348. ]A oz. t os. # M. and under, . V $ .25 .50 .75 50 M. to C. M., . . \ .50 .75 1.00 Xiia'crxxjs itot solid. 9 PRICES OF MEDICINES. BOERICKE & TAFEL’S BLANK TABLETS. These are made of pure milk-sugar and of same shape and dimensions as the Tablet Triturates, and weigh respectively one or Uto grains each. , They have firs advantage over Sugar Pellets that they absorb liquid more readily and that they dissolve quicker in water. Besides this there are many who object to or have a prejudice against sugar pellets, and for such, physicians use by preference the as they look and taste differently. We have now perfected arrangements which enable us to furnish these tablets in any quantity at the following rate : l?000,jme grain, in p. b. box, . 30 cts. | 1,000, two grains, in p. b. box, . 40 cts. *No discount for larger quantities. BOERICKE & TAFEL’S READY-MADE POWDERS. At the suggestion of numerous patrons we have introduced a liue of Ready Made Powders of two grains each of any given trituration, excepting such as will not keep in paper. They .are put up 100 in a well secured against atmospheric influences- We furnish in this manner, besides our regular triturations and tincture triturations, also powders of milk-sugar medicated with any given potency from 1 to 30, as also with our 200th, 500th or 1000th potencies. When the great saving in time of dispensing 1'eady made powders is taken into considera- tion, it is not -surprising that they tire steadily gaining in favor with the pro- fession. A further advantage is, that these powders can be sent by mail to all parts of the U. S. at the small additional cost of 3 cts. per box. The prices, with a few stated exceptions, are as follows: 100 Two grain powders of a given trituration in a neat pasteboard box, 35 cts. sy y7 / 1000 Powders, or ten $3.00. 100 Powders of milk-sugar, medicated with any potency from 1—30, per box, 35 cts. 1000 Powders, or ten boxes, $3.00. 100 Powders of milk-sugar, medicated with a high potency from 200th to lOOOtli, 40 cts. 1000 Powders, or ten boxes, $3.50. The boxes are of the following dimensions: length, 3} in.; width, If in.; height, If in., and being labeled on both' ends they can readily be arranged on shelves or in drawers. Powders put up, ten each, in enveloped and ten envelopes in a box, are fur- nished at an extra cost of five cents per ho% Physicians ordering 5000 or more powders put up in envelopes can have their address and office hours printed thereon without extra charge. Physicians need not order 1000 powders of one remedy at a time to secure the reduction in price, but can order 100 each of ten remedies, if desired. Complete lists with prices furnished on application. N. B.—No orders for ready made powders at above prices, are accepted for a less number than 100 of a remedy at a time. 10 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT HIGHER PRICED PREPARATIONS. Subject to Market Fluctuations. Acalypha indica, . . $0 50 t. Acidum chrysophanicum Vx, . . . 50 t. Aconitia 2x (commercial )\ ... 1 50 t. Aconitia 2x (crystallized), \ . . . 3 00 6 Aconitum cammarum, . . A. . . 50 0 Aconitum ferox, \ • 50 A) Agaricus emetieus, \. • 50 l 6 Agnus castus, \ . 50 t. Aletrin lx (Resinoid), . . . . A. 50 0 Alstonia constricta, \ 50 6 Alstonia scholaris, . ..., . . A 50 i. Ambra grisea 2x, / t /■■C V J V 25 ' 6 Anantherum muricatum, . . . . t. Anemonin 2x, . 2 y0 t. Apium virus 2x (160 poison bags to \ one ounce of sugar), .... 1 5(\ t. Apocynin lx (Resinoid), .... 50 t. Apomorphia muriatica 2x, .... 50 6 Aranea diadema, 50 t. Argentum metallicum lx, .... 1 25 6 Argentum nitricum, 50 / t. Arsenicum jodatum lx, 50 t. Arsenicum metallicum lx, .... 50 6 Arundo mauritianica, 50 6 Astacus fluviatilis, 50 6 Asterias rubens, 50 t. Atropia 2x, 50 t. Atropia sulphurica 2x, 50 t. Aurum jodatum 2x, 2 00 . Aurum metallicum precip. 2x, . . 1 50 1 t. Aurum muriaticum /K< l/vltiy 50 t. Aurum mur. natron. 2x, (/X- Ztldj 4p 6 Badiaga, 50 6 Barbus fluviatilis, <50 t. Baryta phospliorica 2x, 50 t. Bebeerin sulphur, lx, 75 t. Berberin sulphur, lx, 75 g Berberis aquifolium, ...... 50 t. Bismuthum metall. lx, 50 0 Boletus satanas, 50 6 Bufo cinereus, 75 6 Cactus grandiflorus, 50 t. Cadmium metallicum lx, .... 50 t. Caffein lx, 65 t. Caffein citrate lx, 50 6 Caladium seguinum, 50 6 Calotropis giganthea, 50 t. Cameo lx, 50 Price per Ounce Vial. 6 Cancer astacus, $0 50 6 Canchalaguaj 75 6 Cedron, £ ). 50 0 Cereus bonplantii, 50 6 Chenopodii glauci aphis, .... 50 t. Chinin. arsenic, lx, 75 t. Chinin. muriaticum lx, 65 t. Chinin. purum lx, 50 t. Chinin. sulphur, lx, 50 6 Cimex lectularius . 75 t. Cobaltum metallicum lx, ... . 50 6 Coccionella septempunctata, ... 50 t. Cocaine 2x, 50 t. Codeine lx, 2 50 t. Codeine 2x, 50 t. Cojocvnthin 2x, 75 t. Coneine lx, 2 50 0 Commocladia dentata, 50 Y? Cotyledon umbilicus, 1 00 V Cotoine 2x, 40 tACro talus horridus 3, 1 00 t,.\uprum met. precip. lx, 75 t. Cypripedin lx (Resinoid), .... 50 0 Datura arborea, 50 6 DiaSema aranea, 50 t. Digiuilia 2x 3 00 t. Digitafia 2x (commercial),NT' t. Dioscorm lx (Resino id 0 0 Dolichos 50 6 Elaterium,\ 50 t. Elaterium lx (Clutterbuck’s), . . 175 t. Elate id a 2x (Fllaterinuml . . , 2 25 t. EVW t. Eryngin lx (Resinoid), . .1... . 50 0 Eriodiction CalifiVnicuni,(. z&rlkKj 50 6 Eugenia janibos, A. 75 t. Eserine 2x, . . . \ 2 50 t. Euonvmin lx (Resinoid), .... 50 6 Franciscea, .... A 50 t. Gelsemin lx (Resinoid), \ . . . . 50 t. Gelsemium hydrochlor. 2x\. ... 2 50 t. Gelsemiumhydrochlor. 3x, A . . . 50 d. Glonoinum lx Dil., . . . . \ . . 75 t. Gossvpin lx (Resinoid), . . A. . 50 t. Graphites lx, \ . 50 0 Grindelia robusta, \. 50 6 Grindelia squarrosa, A 50 6 Gryllus domesticus, 50 PRICES OF MEDICINES. 11 t. Ilelonin lx (Resinoid), . . . . a 50 t. Hydrastinum muriaticum lx, . .J^Z/'trr t. Hydrastinum nitricum lx, .... 75 t. Hydrastinum sulphuricum lx, . .jS-5tt 8 Hydrocotyle Asiatica, 50 t. Hyosciamia 3x (crystallized), . . 1 - 00 t. Iridium 2x, 2 \() 6 Lacerta agilis, 5p t. Lachesis 3, . . CV-ySJj- i«\ 0 Macropiper methysticum, .... 50 8 Madar, 5tA 8 Mammea Americana, 50 8 Manaca, 50 8 Mandragora, 1 00 t. Manganum metallic, lx, .... 1 00 8 Mephitis putorius, 75 t. Morphium aceticum lx, 1 00 t. Morphium muriaticum lx, ... 1 00 t. Morphium purum lx, 1 40 t. Morphium sulphuricum lx, ... 1 00 t. Moschus tonquinensis, true, 2x, . . 1 50 8 Mullein oil, 1 00 t. Muscarin3x, 75 8 Myrtus communis, 75 t. Xaja tripudians 3, 1 00 t. Xarcotinum lx, 60 t. Xarcotinum acetic, lx, 60 8 Oenanthe crocata, 75 8 Oniscus asellus, . . 50 t. Osmium 2x, 3 00 t. Palladium 2x, 2 50 t. Pepsin lx, 75 t. Picrotoxin 2x, 50 t. Pilocarpin mur. 2x, ....... 1 50 8 Piper methysticum, . 50 t. Platina metallic, lx, 5 50 t. Platina metallic. 2x, * 75 ’ t t. Pulmo vulpis lx, . 75 8 Quillaja saponaria,, 50 8 Rana bufo, • . . 75 t. Selenium lx, 1 25 t. Selenium 2x, 50 t. Sepia lx, 1 00 t. Solaninum 2x, . . 2 50 ” t. Spartium sulphur. 2x, ...... 75 Jt. Stannum metallic, lx, 1 00 \ Strophantus liispidus, 50 J tXStrychnia phosphor, lx, 1 00 t. Tellurium 2x, . 1 00 t. Thein 2x, 40 t. Titanium 2x, 2 50 8 Wyeth la helenoides, 50 t. Xdpthoxylin lx IResinoid), . 50 8 Yerba,,santa, ( 50 t. Zinqum metallic, lx, 50 t. Zincum yalerianicum lx, .... 50 8 ZyzygMim j ambolanum, 50 a\)i tri/iONs. r t Trnp»mK"4j>4jp t. Barosmin lx, 1 2o t. Chimaphillin lx, 50 t. Chinin..brom. lx, 50 t. Chromium met. 2x, 90 d. Hydrogen selenide, . . . . *. . . 1 00 t. Hyosciamm (Keithjlx, .. Per -oz. § 50 —J) Loco-weed\. . • 50 l 8 Moschus, V'X A< ('.' /.(H* , . 3 00 1 /' t. Uran. nitr. la 50 t. Uran. acetic lx, 50 12 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. LIST OF REMEDIES. (See Addenda, pp. 20.) The following medicines are constantly on hand either in Mother Tinc- tures, Triturations or Dilutions. We prefix 0 (or theta) to remedies which are usually used in the form of Mother Tinctures; t. (for Trituration) to remedies in that form, and d. (Dilution) to remedies which we can only supply in Dilution. Of many remedies we can furnish both, Mother Tincture and Trituration. N. B.—In ordering Potencies, please state whether the decimal or centesi- mal preparation is wanted. If nothing special is mentioned the centesimal will be sent. We have over seven hundred remedies potentized up to the 30th, and as we retain all intermediate potencies, orders for the 12th, 15th and 24th or any other intermediate potency can promptly be filled. Triturations marked 1, 2, 3, signify the centesimal trituration or dilution, while to the decimal preparation invariably an X is added to the tfius lx, 2x, 3x, first decimal, second decimal or third decimal. The Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, etc.) have reference to the class to which the remedies belong, according to the American Homoeopathic Pharma- copoeia. Prices of remedies with an asterisk (fQ will be found on pp. 10 and 11. 0 Abelmoschus IV. 0 Abies Canadensis III. 0 Abies nigra*i^.~IY~ "u0 Abrotanum III. rtf' Acalypha indica*M^“ 0 Acidum aceticum V. t. Acidum benzoicum t. Acidum boracicum 0 Acidum bromicum V. 0 Acidum c irbolicum VI. 0 Acidum chromicum V. t. Acidum chrysophanicum* t. Acidum citricum d. Acidum fluoricum 0 Acidum formicicum V. t. Acidum gallicum d. Acidum liydrocyanicum 0 Acidum lacticum VI. t. Acidum molybdsenicum 0 Acidum muriaticum V. 0 A cidum nitricum V. 0 Acidum nitro-muriaticum V. t. Acidum oxalicum 0 Acidum phosphoricum V. t. Acidum picricum t. Acidum sa'icylicum t, Acidum succinicum 0 Acidum sulphuricum V. t. Acidum tannicum t. Acidum tartaricum t. Acidum uricum 0 Aconitum cammarum III.* 0 Aconitum ferox IV.* 0 Aconitum lycoctonum I. 0 Aconitum napellus I. 0 Aconitum radix III. t. Aconitia (alkaloid)* 0 Actsea racemosa 1II. 0 Actsea spicata III. t. Adamas t. Adelheitsquelle 0 Aescvilus glabra III. 0 Aesculus hippocastanum III. t. Aethiops mineralis 0 eynapium III. 0 Agaricuk campestris III. 0 Agaricus \emeticus III.* 0 Agaricus muscarius III. 0 Agaricus jkntherinus III. 0 Agaricus plialoides III. 0 Agave Americana III. 0 Agnus castus'III.* 0 Agrostema git a ago IV. 0 Ailanthus glandulosa III. 0 Aletris farinosa III. t. Aletrin* (Resinold) 0 Alcohol sulphurisWT. 0 Allium cepa III. \ 0 Allium sativum III. 0 Alnus rubra III. 0 Aloe soccotrina IV. 0 Alstonia constricta IV,* 0 Alstonia scbolaris IV.* 0 Althaea III. t. Alumen t. Alumina \ t. Aluminium metallicum t. Am bra grisea* J,t. Ammoniacum gummi t. Ammonium aceticum The Roman Numerals (I, II, ITT, IY, etc. 1 have reference to the class to which the remedies belong, according to the American Ho- moeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Prices of remedies with an asterisk (*) will be fuuud oil j p. lu and 11. LIST OF REMEDIES. 13 LIST OF REMEDIES—Continued. t. Ammonium benzoicum t. Ammonium bromicum t. Ammonium carbonicum ft Ammonium causticum V t. Ammonium hypophosphoricum t. Ammonium jodatum t. Ammonium muriaticum t. Ammonium phosphoricum t. Ammonium valerianicum t. Ampelopsin (Resinoid) ft Ampeiopsis quinquefolia III d. Amphisbaena vermicularis ft Amygdalae amarse ft Amyl nitrite VI. ft Anacardium orientale IV. ft Anagallis arvensis I. ft Anantherum muricatum IV.* ft Andira inermis IVT. t. Anemonin* Angelica SirV -n ILL- cortex IV. ft Angustura spuria IV. 0 Anisum stellatum IV. ft Anthemis nobilis III. ft Anthoxanthum odoratum III. d. Anthraein t. Anthracite t. Anthrakokali t. Antimonium chloridum t. Antimonium crudum t. Antimonium oxydatum t. Antimonium jodatum t. Antimonium sulphuratum auratum t. Antimonium tartaricum \ -if-;.-i,r ' & Aralia liii.-pidirr-Hdr. " ft Aralia racemosa III. ft Aranea diadema IV7.* ft Arctium lappa III. t. Argentum metallicum* d. Argentum muriaticum ft Argentum nitricum V.* ft Aristolocliia clematitis III. d. Aristolochia milhomens ft Armoracia III. YW4L ft Arnicamontana III. ft Arnica e radice IV. H-t. Arsenicum album d. Arsenicum ehloricum t. Arsenicum sulphur, flavum d. Arsenicum hydrogenisatum *t. Arsenicum iodatum* t. Arsenicum metallicum* t. Arsenicum rubrum 8 Artemisia abrotanum III. 6 Artemisia absinthum III. 6 Artemisia vulgaris III. 6 Arum Dracontium III. #~Arnm -italieucrfH: " 8 Arum maculatum I. 6 Arum triphyllum III. 8 Arundo mauritianica III.* 8 Asafoetida IV. 8 Asarum Canadensis III. 8 Asarum Europseum I. 8 Asclepias incarnata III. 6 Asclepias syriaca III. 6 Asclepias tuberosa III. 8 Asclepias vincetoxicum II. 8 Asimina triloba III. 8 Askalabotes laevis IV. 8 Asparagus officinalis III. 8 Asperula odorata III. \ 6 Asplenium scolop. IV. 6 Astacus lluviatilis IV.* \ 6 Asterias rubens IV.* 6 Athamanta oreoselinum I. p Atriplex olidum III. t\ Atropia* t.VAtropia sulphurica* t. Aurum arsenicum\ d. Aurum fulminans t. Aurum metallicum* t. Aurum muriaticum* t. Aurum muriaticum natronatum* t. Aurum sulfuratum 6 Badiaga IV'.* t. d Balsamum peruvianum VI. 6 Baptisia tinctoria III. t. Baptisin (Resinoid) 6 Barbds fiuviatilis IV.* 6 Barosma crenata IV. t. Barytat acetica t. Barytajodata t. Baryta carbonica t. Baryta caustiea t. Baryta 6 Belladonna I. 6 Belladonna e radice I. 6 Beilis perennis I. 6 Benzinum nitricum VI. 6 Benzoicum kcidum VI. t. Berberina siilph.* 6 Berberis aquifolium III* 6 Berberis vulgaris IV. t. Bismuthum metallicum* t. Bismuthum nitricum t. Bismuthum oxydatum 8 Blatta Americarm 8 Boletus laricis IV 6 Boletus pini IV. \ 8 Boletus satanas I\\* 1II. . The Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, etc.'I have reference to the class to which the remedies belong, according to the American Ho- moeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Prices of remedies With an asterisk * , will be found on Yp. 10 and 11. 14 BOER1CKE & TAFEL'S PRICE CURRENT. LIST OF REMEDIES—Continued. 8 Boracicum acidum \ t. Borax t. Bothrops lanciolatus 6 Bo vista IV. t. Boviluinum d. Brachyglottis repens 8 Branca ursina III. 8 Brayera anthelminthica IV. 8 Bromium VI. 8 Brucea antidysenterica IV. t. Brucinum 8 Bryonia alba I. 8 Buchu IV. 8 Bufo cinereus IV.* d. Bufo sahytiensis 8 Cactus grandiflorus III.* t. Cadmium metallicum* t. Cadmium sulpliuricum t. CafFein* 8 Cahinca IV. d. Cajeputum VI. 8 Caladium seguinum III.* 8 Calabar bean IV. 8 Calcarea acetica t. Calcarea arsenicosa t. Calcarea carbonica t. Calcarea caustica t. Calcarea chlorata t. Calcarea fluorica t. Calcarea hypophosphorica t. Calcarea jodata 8 Calcarea muriatica V. t. Calcarea ostrearum t. Calcarea oxalica t. Calcarea phosphorica t. Calcarea silicata t. Calcarea sulphurica t. Calcarea sulphurata t. Calcarea urica 8 Calendula officinalis I. 8 Calotropis giganthea IV.* 8 Caltha palustris I. t. Cameo* 8 Camphora VI. 8 Cancer astacus IV.* 8 Canchalagua IV.* d. Canna angustifolia 8 Cannabis indica IV. 8 Cannabis sativa III. 8 Cantharis IV. 8 Capsicum annuum IV. 8 Capsicum baccata IV. t. Carbo animalis t. Carbo piae t. Carboneum 8 Carboneum sulphuratum VI. 8 Carboneum hydrogenisatum V. 8 Carboneum oxygenisatum V. t. Carbo vegetabilis 8 Carbolicum acidum VI. 8 Carburetum sulphuris VI. 8 Carduus benedictus 111. 0 Carduus marianus IY. 0 Carica papaya Li I. / ' t. Carlsbad salz £ / t v J 0 Cascara sagrada IV. 0 Cascarilla IV. *0 CasUttfcl III. 0 Castanea vesca III. t. Castor equorum 0 Castoreum IV. 0 Caulophyllum thalictroides III. t. Caulophyllin (Kesinoid) 0 Causticum 0 Ceanotlms Americanus III—‘ 0 Cedron IV.* fi Cepa III. ' 0 Cephalantlius occ. III. \t. Cerasin (Resinoid) V Cerasus virginicus IV. ft Cereus bonplantii III.* t.'Cerium oxalicum d. Cervus Brasilicus 0 I. 0 Chelidonium majus I. 0 Chelone glabra III. 0 Chenopodium anthelminticum III. 0 Chenopodium botrys III. 6 Chenopodium olidum III. 6 Chenopodii glauci aphis IV.* 6 Chimaphila umbellata III. 6 China officinalis IV. t. Chininum yrsenicum* t. Chininum iWdrocyanicum. t. Chininum muriaticum* t. Chininum purum* t. Chininum sulphuricum* t. Chinoidin 6 Chionanthus virginica III, 0 Chloral hydrat Vi. 6 Chlorinum V. 6 Chloroform VI. \ 0 Chromicum acidum W. t. Chromium oxydatum t. Chrysolithus t. Chrysophanic acid 0 Cicuta maculata III. 0 Cicuta virosa I. 0 Cimex lectularius* 0 Cimicifuga racemosa III. 0 Cina IV. \ 0 Cinchona officinalis IV. t. Cinchoninum sulphuricum t. Cinnabaris 0 Cinnamomum IV. 0 Cistus Canadensis III. t. Citricum acidum \ 0 Citrus vulgaris III. \ 0 Clematis erecta I. \ 6 Clematis virginica III. 0 Clematis vitalba III. \ t. Cobaltum metallicuin* 0 Coca IV. A 0 Coc< ij/hella septempunctata IV.* w The Roman Numerals I, II, III, IV, etc. have reference to the class to which the remedies beloug, according to the American Ho- moeopathic Phaimacopceiu. Prices of remedies with an asterisk < * . will be found on pp. 10 and 11. LIST OF REMEDIES. 15 0 Cocculus indicus 1VV^ 0 Coccus cacti IV. N f 0 Cochlearia armoracia lit. t. Codein* 0 Coffea cruda IV. 0 Colchieum autumnale I. 0 Colchieum e semine IV. 0 Collinsonia Canadensis III. t. Collinsonin (Resinoid j t. Colocynthin* 0 Colocynthis IV. t. Colostrum 0 Commocladia deutata III.* 0 Condurango IV. t. Conein* 0 Conium maculatum I. 0 Convolvulus arvensis III. 0 Convolvulus duartinus 0 Copaiva officinalis VI. 0 Coptis trifoliata III. t. Corallium rubrum 1 t. Cornin (Resinoid) 0 Cornus circinata III. 0 Cornus florida III. 0 Cornus sericea III. 0 Corvdalis formosa III. t. Cosmolin 0 Cotyledon umbilicus III.* t. Crabro venenum 0 Crocus sativus IV. t. Crotalus horridus* d. Crotalus cascavella 0 Croton chloral VI. 0 Croton tiglium VI. 0 Cubeba officinalis lV. 0 Cucurbita pepo III. t. Cuprum aceticum t. Cuprum ammonio-sulphuricum t. Cuprum aisenicosum t. Cuprum carbonicum t. Cuprum metallicum* t. Cuprum sulphuricum •4■Qynanchum yineetoxiLum-IIIr- 0 Cyclamen Europseum I. 0 Cvpripedium pubescens III. t. Cypripedin* (Resinoid) 0 Damiana IV. j*- ¥ d. Daphne Indica trr 0 Datura arborea III.* d. Delphinus amazonicus 0 Diadema aranea IV.* 0 Dictamnus albus IV. t. Digitalinum* d. Digitoxinum 0 Digitalis purpurea I. t. Dioscorin* (Resinoid) 0 Dioscorea villosa III. 0 Dipterix odorata IV. 0 Dipsacus sylvestris III. 0 Dirca palustris III. 0 Dolichos pruriens IV.* d. Doreanthus gloriosns ThQ T?r\un Vnmo oU T TT TTf TV ole hovor LIST OF REMEDIES—Continued. 6 Doryphora decemlineata IV. 6 Drosera rotundifolia I. 6 Dryobalanops camphora VI. 6 Dulcamara I. 0 Dracontium fcetidum III. iQ. Elaps corallinus 6 Elaterium I.* d. Eleis guineensis 6 Epigea repens III. 6 Equisetum hyemale III. 6 Erechtites liieracifolius III. 6 Erigeron Canadense III. 6 Eriodendron III. t. Ergotin* 0 Eryngium aquaticum III. 0 Eryngium maritimum III. t. Eryngin* (Resinoid) 6 Eryodiction Californicum III.* 6 Erythroxylon coca IV. 6 Eucalyptus globulus III. 6 Eugenia jambos III.* 6 Euonymus atropurpureus III. 6 Euonymus Europaeus I. 0 Eupatorium aromaticum III. 6 Eupatorium perfoliatum III. 6 Eupatorium purpureum III. 6 Euphorbium IV. 6 Euphorbia amygdaloides III. 0 Euphorbia corollata III. 6 Euphorbia hypericifolia III. ■ 1* Etqiluirbia lathyria Il-E 6 Euphorbia villosa III. t, Euphorbin (Resinoid) tfvEuphrasia II. 6 Eupion VI. 0 Fagopyrum esculentum III. t. Fhgus t. Fbl tauri t. Femmi bromicum t. Ferrum aceticum t. Ferrnm carbonicum t. Ferrum jodatum t. Ferrum lacticum. t. Ferrum magneticum t. Ferrum metallicum 6 Ferrum nmriaticum VI. t. Ferrum pliosphoricum t. Ferrum pyrophosphoricum t. Ferrum suusulphuricum t. Ferrum sulphuricum 6 Filix masculjnus III. d. Fluoricum acidum 6 Formica rufa IV. ti Farfara III. \ 6 Fragaria vesca III. 6 Frasera Carolinensis III. 6 Fraxinus americana III. 6 Fucus vesiculosus III. t. Gadus morrhua \ 6 Galium aparine III. ’ t. Gallicum acidum 6 Gambogia IV. 16 BOERICKE & TA FEES PRICE CURRENT. 0 Gaultheria procumbens III. t. Gelsemin* (Resinoid) \ t. Gelsemium hydrochloricum* 6 Gelsemium nitidum III. 6 Genista tinctoria III. 6 Gentiana cruciata III. 6 Gentiana Californica III. ' 0 Gentiana lutea III. 0 Geranium robertianum III. 0 Geranium maculatum III. t. Gettysburg 6 Ginseng IV. d. Glanderin 6 Glonoinum * VI. 0 Glycerinum V. 0 Gnaphalium polycephalum III. 6 Gossypium herbaceum III. t. Gossypin* (Resinoid) 0 Granati cortex IV. t. Granatum lapis t. Graphites* 0 Gratiola officinalis I. 0 Grindelia robusta III.* 0 Grindelia squarrosa III.* (!vj'lliiiI rlnninutimn IV*— 6 Guaco IV. d. Guano australis 0 Guajacum VI. 6 Guarsea trichilioides IV. 6 Gummi gutti IV. 0 Gymnocladus Canadensis IIL 6 Hamamelis virginica III. 6 Hsematoxylon campechianum IV. t. Hecla lava 0 Hedeoma pulegioides III. d. Hedysarum ildefonsianum 0 Helianthus annuus IV. 0 Helleborus foetidus III. 0 Helleborus niger IV. 0 Helonias dioica III. t. Helonin* (Resinoid) t. Hepar sulphuris calcareum t. Hepar sulphuris kalinum 0 Hepatica triloba III. 0 Heracleum spliondilicum II. t. Hippomanes d. Hippozsenia 0 Humulus lupulus III. d. Hura Brasiliensis t. Hydrastin (Resinoid) t. Hydrastinum muriaticum* t. Hydrastinum nitricum* t. Hydrastinum sulphuricum* 0 Hydrastis Canadensis III. 0 Hydrocotyle Asiatica IV.* d. Hydrocyanicum acidum d. Hydrophobinum 0 Hydrophyllum virginicum III. 0 Hydropiper III. A >■'/<-)> /• t. Hyosciaminum* 0 Hyosciamus niger I. 6 Hypericum perforatum III. LIST OF REMEDIES—Continued. 6 Iberis amara IV. 6 Ignatia amara IV. 6 Ilex opaca III. 6 Illicium anisatum IV. *>t. Indigo d. Indium metallicum 6 Inula helenium III. 6 Iodium t. Iodoform 0 Ipecacuanha IV. t. Iridium* 6 Iris foetidissima III. 6 Iris versicolor III. _ t. Irisin . 6 Jaborandi d. Jacaranda caroba 6 Jalapa IV. d. Janipha maniliot t 6 Jatropha curcas IV. 6 Juglans regia III. 6 Juglans cinerea III. 6 Juncus effusus III. 6 Juniperus communis III. 6 Kali aceticum V. t. Kali arsenicosum a* t. Kali bichromicum t. Kali bromicum t. Kali carbonicum d. Kali causticum 6 Kali chloricum V. t. Kali cyanicum ? * ■ t. Kali ferrocyanicum t. Kali permanganicum 6 Kali V. t. Kali hypophosphorosum t. Kali oxalicum t. Kali phosphoricum t. Kali muliaticum t. Kali nitricum t. Kali sulpnuricum 6 Kalmia latuolia III. t. Kaolin 6 Keroselene VI. 6 Kino IV. 6 Kousso IV. 6 Kreosotum VI. 6 Laburnum III. 6 Lacerta agilis IV.* d. Lac caninum d. Lac defloratum . t. Lachesis* \ 6 Laclinantes tinctoria III. t. Lactucarium 6 Lactuca sativa I. 0 Lactuca virosa I. 6 Lainium album I. 6 Lapathum acutum III. 6 Lathyrus sativus IV. t. Lapis albus 0 Laurocerasus II. 6 Ledum palustre III. d. Lepidium bonariense The Roman Numerals 11, II, III, IV, etc.) have reference to the class to which the remedies belong, according to the American Ho- moeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Prices of remedies with an Asterisk ( will be found on pp. 10 and II. LIST OF REMEDIES. 17 LIST OF REMEDIES—Continued. 8 Leptandra virginica III. t. Leptandrin (Resinoid) 8 Lilium tigrinum III. 6 Linaria vulgaris III. 8 Linum catharticum III. t. Lithium bromicum t. Lithium carbonicum 8 Lobelia cardinalis III. 8 Lobelia coerulea III. 8 Lobelia inflata III.. _ «« fl-Lobmia longfflwm-IHv 6 Lobelia syphilitica III. 8 Lolium temulentum *- 8 'Liuuniiiuiu •"* t. Lupulin 6 Lycopersicum III. 9) t. Lycopodium clavatum 8 Lvcopus virginicus III. t. Macrotin (Resinoid) 8 Macropiper methysticum HI.* 8 Madar IV.* t. Magnesia carbonica t. Magnesia muriatica t. Magnesia phosphorica t. Magnesia sulphurica t. Magnesia usta t. Magnesium metallicum t. Magnes polus arcticus t. Magnes polus australis 8 Magnolia glauca III. 8 Marjorana III. 8 Mancinella III. t. Manganum aceticum t. Manganum carbonicum 8 Manganum muriaticum V. t. Manganum oxydatum t. Manganum metallicum* d. Mariopa 8 Marum verum I. 8 Mat6 IV. 8 Matico IV. d. Melastoma Ackermanni 8 Melilotus III. - i> TV - 8 Mentha piperita III. 6 Mentha pulegium III. 6 Menyanthes trifoliata I. 6 Menispermum Canadense III. 6 Mephitis VI.* 0 Mercurialis perennis II. t. Mercurius aceticus t. Mercurius auratus t. Mercurius bijodatus t. Mercurius bromatus t. Mercurius cyanatus t. Mercurius dulcis t. Mercurius jodatus flavus t. Mercurius jodatus ruber t. Mercurius methylenus t. Mercurius nitrosus t. Mercurius praecipitatus albus t. Mercurius praecipitatus ruber t. Mercurius protojodatus t. Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni t. Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus t. Mercurius sulphuratus niger t, Mercurius sulphuricus t. Mercurius vivus 8 Mezereum II. 8 Millefolium I. 6 Mitchella repense III. d. Mimosa humilis 8 Momordica balsamica I. t. Monobromidum camphor® 8 Monotropa uniflora III. t. Morph ium aceticum* t. Morphium muriaticum* t. Morphium purum* t. Morphium sulphuricum* t. Moschus tonquinensis* < t. Murex purpurea^jfcb— *■ 6 Muriaticum acidum Y. d. Murure Leite dr Mygale avicularia d. Mygale lasiodora ■ '' 8 Myosotis symphitifolia III. 8 Myrica cerifera III. d. Myristica sebifera- 8 Myrtus communis III.* 6 Nabalus albus III. t. Naja tripudians* 8 Naphtha YI. t. Narcotinum* t. Narcotinum aceticum* t. Natrum arsenicosum t. Natrum carbonicum t. Natrum hypophosplioricum t. Natrum muriaticum t. Natrum nitricum t. Natrum posphoricum t. Natrum sulphuricum t. Natrum sulpho-carbolicum t. Natrum salicylicum 8 Nepeta catarialll. t. Niccolum carbonicum t. Niccolum metallicum t. Niccolum sulphuricum d. Nicotinum 8 Nigella damascena IV. 8 Nitri spiritus dulcis YI. 6 Nitricum acidum V. 8 Nitro-muriaticum acidum V. t. Nitrum 8 Nucis vomicae cortex IV. 8 Nuphar luteum III. 8 Nux juglans III. 8 Nux moschata IV. ffv 8 Nux vomica IV. 8 Nymphsea odorata III. 6 Nymphtea lutea III. d. Ocimum canum d. Odonte necrosin 18 BOERICKE & TA FEES BRICE CURRENT. LIST OF REMEDIES—Continued. 6 Oleander II. t. Oleum animale aetliereiim VI. 6 Oleum cajeputi VI. t. Oleum jecoris aselli t. Oleum ligni Santali • 6 Oleum ricini communis VI. t. Olibanum 0 Oniscus asellus IV.* 0 Ononis spinosa III. 0 Opium IV. 0 Opopanax IV. 6 Opuntia vulgaris III. 6 Origanum vulgare III. 6 Orobanclie virginica III. t. Osmium* 6 Ostrya virginica III. t. Oxalicum acidum 0 Pseonia officinalis I. t. Palladium* d. Panacea arvensis t. Pancreatine t. Paraffin 6 Pareira bnva IV. 6 Paris quadrifolia I. 6 Passiflora incarnata III. 6 Pastinaca III. d. Paullinia pinnata 6 Paullinia sorbilis IV. 6 Pavia Ohio III. t. Pepsin* d. Pediculus capitis 6 Penthorum sedoides III. B"Persica - S/f Petiveria tetrandfa 'jjL- 6 Petroleum VI. 6 Petroselinum sativum I. 6 Phellandrium aquaticum IV. t. Phosphide of zinc 6 Phosphoricum acidum V. d. Phosphorus 6 Physostigma venenosa IV. 6 Phytolacca decandra III. t Phytolaccin (Resinoid) 6 Pichurim IV. t. Picricum acidum t. Pilocarpin* 6 Pilocarpus pinnatifolius IV. 6 Pimpinella saxifraga III. 6 Pinus sylvestris III. 6 Piper methysticum III.* 0 Piper nigrum IV. 6 Piantago major I. t. Platina metallica* tl. Platina muriatica V. 6 Plectranthus fructicosus III. d. Plumbago littorale t. Plumbum aceticum t. Plumbum jodatum t. Plumbum metallicum t. Plummer 0 Podophyllum peltatum III. t. Podophyllin (Resinoid) 0 Polygonum hydropiperoides III. 0 Polygonum punctatum III. 0 Pothos foetid a III. 0 Polyporus officinalis IY. 0 Polyporus pinicola IV. 0 Populus tremuloides III. 0 Propylamin V. 0 Prunus padus III. 0 Prunus Ipinosa II. d. Psorinum 0 Ptelea trifoliata III. t. Pulmo vulpis* 0 Pulmonaria vulgaris I. 0 Pulsatilla nigricans I. 0 Pulsatilla nuttalliana III. >k Punica Clm/tf 0 Pycantherium linifolium III. t. Pyrius pulvis 0 Quassia IV. 0 Quillaja saponaria IV.* 0 Kana bufo VIII* 0 Ranunculus aeris I. 0 Ranunculus bulbosus III. 0 Ranunculus flammula I. 0 Ranunculus repens 1. 0 Ranunculus sceleratus 1. flRaphanus sativus niger I. 0 Ratanhia IV. d. Besina itu^Y?'*'*'*-*-*’* A-a-. 0 Rheum IV. t. Rhbdium 0 Rhododendron chrysantum IV. 111. d RhusVlabra III. 0 Rhus mdicans III. 0 Rhus toxicodendron III. 0 Rhus venenata III. 0 Ricinus oommunis IV. 0 Robinia pseudacacia III. 0 Rosmarinus officinalis IV. 0 Rosa centilolia II. t. Rubinus lapis 0 Rudbeckia lrirta III. 0 Rumex crispns III. 0 Ruta graveolefas 1. 0 Sabadilla IV. \ 0 Sabina 111. \ 0 Saccharum officilsale IV. 0 Saccharum lactistyr. 0 Salix alba III. 0 Salix nigra III. \ 0 Salix purpurea III. y 0 Salamander IV. 0 Salvia officinalis III. 0 Sambucus nigr.i e cortiee II. 0 Sambucus nigra 1. 0 Sambucus Canadensis IIP 0 Sanguinaria Canadensis If I. t. Sanguinarin (Resinoid) \ t. Santoninum 0 Sapo domesticus IV. 0 Sarracenia purpurea III. The Roman Numerals I, IT, III, IV, etc i have reference to the class to which the remedies belong,according to the American Ho- moeopathic Pharmacopoeia. Prices of remedies with an asteiisk (*/ will be found on pp. 10 and 11 LIST OF REMEDIES. 19 6 Sarsaparilla IV. Sassafras I V*i t. Scabies 0 Seilla maritima III. 0 Scolopendra IV. 6 Scrofularia nodosa III. 6 Scuttellaria laterifolia III. t. Scuttellarin* (ResVioid) 6 Secale cornutum III. d. Sedinha 6 Sedum acre III. \ /} d. Seleniate of Soda v t. Selenium* \ 6 Sempervivum te torum III. * 6 Senecio aureus 111. 6 Senecio gracilis III. t. Senecin (Retinoid) 6 Senega IV. \ 6 Senna IV. \ ▼'t. Sepia* t. Sericum 6 Serpentaria IV. t. Silicea 0 Silphiutn lacinatum 111. 6 Sirnaruba officinalis IV. 6 Sinapis alba IV. 0 Sinapis nigra IV. t. Smaragdus. t. Solaninum* d. Solanurn arrebenta'^' 0 Solanum lycopersicum III. d. Solanurn mammosum 6 Solanum nigrum 1. d. Solanum oleraceum d. Solanum tuberosum segrotans 6 Solidago v.igaurea III. 6 Spartium scoparium III. 0 Spigelia antlielmintica 1V. 6 Spigelia Marilandica JV. d. Spiggurus Martini 0 Spiranthes III. 0 Spirea ulmaria III. d. Spondius. 0 Spongia tosta IV. 6 Squilla maritima III. t. S;annum metallicum* ~V 0 Stachysbetonica III. (J Staphysagria IV. 6 Sterculia acuminata IV. t. Stibium (Tartarus emeticus) 6 Stieta pulmonaria IV. 0 Stillingia sylvatica III. ft Stramonium IV. t. Strontiana carbonica t. Strontiana muriatica t. Strychni et ferri citras t. Strychninum t. Strychninum nitricum t. Strychninum phosphoricum* t. Succinum t. Sulphur 0 Sulphuris tinctura VI. LIST OF REMEDIES—Continued. 0 Sulpliuricum acidum V. t. Sulphur jodutum 0 Sumbul iV. t. Sycotinum 0 Symphytum officinale III. d. Syphilinum 0 Tabacum IV 6 Tamus communis I. 6 Tanacetum vulgare III. d. Tarantula Hispana '~y~ d. Tarantula Cubensis 0 Taraxacum I. t. Tartarus emeticus t. Tartaricuin acidum 6 Tax us baccata II. Tecoma e radice~flft" t. Tela aranea t. Tellurium* 8 Terebinthina VI. / 8 Teucrium marum verum I. 8 Thaspium aureum III. 8 Tlilaspi bursa pastoris III. 8 Thea Sinensis iV. t. Thein* d. Theridion curassavicum 8 Thuja occidentalis II. 8 Thymus serpyllum III. 8 Tilia Europea III. t. Tinein t. Titanium* d. Tradescantia diuretica 8 Trifolium fibrinum II. 8 Trifolium pratense III. 8 Trillium pendulum III. t. Trillin (Kesinoid) 8n III. omesticae IV. [. I. [I. I. II. . The Roman Numerals (I, II, III, IV, etc. i have reference to the class to which the remedies belong,Recording t"> the American Ho- i..oeopath.o Pharmacopoeia. Prices ot'iemedics with uu asterisk (*) will be found on typ. iO and li. 20 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. LIST OF REMEDIES—Continued. 0 Viburnum prunifolium III. 6 Vinca minor II. 0 Viola odorata III. 6 Viola tricolor III. d. Vipera redi d. Vipera torva 6 Viscum album III. d. Vulpis fel d. Vulpis hepar t. Vulpis pulmo 6 Wahoo III. =- y- 6 Wyethia belenoides III.* t. Woorari 0 Xanthium spinosum III. 6 Xanthoxyluin fraxineum III. t. Xanthoxylin* (Kesinoid)* 6 Xiphosura Americana IV. 0 Yerba santa III/ 6 Yucca III. t. Zincum aceticum 6 Zincum bromicum t. Zincum carbonicum t. Zincum hvdrocyanicum t. Zincum jodatum t. Zincum metallicnm* t. Zincum oxidatum t. Zincum phosphatum t. Zincum sulphuricum t. Zincum valerianicum* 6 Zingiber IV. 6 Ziria aiir-Aa TTT ADDENDA. 8 Aconitum uncinatum III. 8 Adonis vernalis III. t. Aloin 8 Ambrosia artemisifolia III. 8 Angelica atropurpurea III. t. Aurum jodatum* 8 Avena sativa III. t. Baryta phosphorica* t. Bebeerine sulpli.* t. Caffein citrate* 8 Cassia Marilandica III. 8 Cichorium intybus III. 8 Cirsium arvense III. 8 Citrus aurantium IV. 8 Citri succus III. g»€r»ni.v'nilgaiis lift t. Cocaine* 8 Convallaria inajalls 1VL j t. Cotoine* C tfCG t 8 Delphinium consolida IV. 8 Epiphegus Virginiana III. 8 Escoba amarga IV. t. Eserine* t. Euonymin* t. Ferrum arseniatum 8 Franciscea III.* 8 Gentiana quinqueflora III. 8 Heliotropium peruvianum III. 8 Helmintliocliorton IV. 8 Hydrangea arborescens III. d. Hydrogen selenide* 8 Juniper us Virginiana III. ( ~*~8 Lathyrus sativus(~o» cfegwfc) 8 Liriodendron tulipifera III. 8 Loco-weed 8 Malva sylvestris III. 8 Manaca III.* 8 Mandragora IV.* 8 Marnmea Americana IV.* 8 Mentha viridis III. 1/ ■ •# ■ 6 Mullein oil* t. Muscarin* 6 Nuphar advena III. 6 Onosmodium Virginic. III. 6 Oreoselinum IV. 6 Oxydendrum arboreum III. 6 Parthenium histerophorus IV. 6 Pedicularis Canadensis III. 6 Peruvian balsam IV. t. Picrotoxin* 0 Pimenta officinalis IV. Ierythrina IV. ida . avicul. III. a uvedalia IV. bum juniperum III. ho IV. iifornia III. is frangula IV. is catharticus IV. nctorium IV. Acetosella III. rrulata III. angularis IV. iria nitr. ia officinalis III. 0 iSoianum Pseudo-capsicum III. t. Spurtiuni sjflphur* 6 Stellaria media III. ' I t) Strophantus hispidrs I V.:'W-f)b| 6 SymphorieiWuis racemosus III. 6 Syzygium jambolanum IV.* 6 Terebend^5*SX-> 6 Thalictrum cornuti III. 6 Tillandsia usneVides IV. 6 Trifolium reperife III. d Triticum repens III. 6 Typha latifolia III. 6 ITlmus fulva III. 6 Viburnum Oxycoccus III. oacarajnua vjUALANDAi (concerning which see Dr. Julio F. Conver’s letter in the Recorder this month) may be had artour pharmacies in 3d decimal tab- lets, $1 00 per 1000; by mail for $1.15. Silico-Sulpho Caecite op Alumina, triturations 3d decimal upwards, 25 cts. per oz. Camphoric Acid, $1.50 per oz. \ Chromic Acid, 25 cts. per oz. Cerium Oxalate, 25 cts. per oz. \ LIST OF HIGH TRITURATIONS. 21 LIST OF BOERICKE & TAEEL’S HIGH TRITURATIONS. These are prepared on the decimal scale; we have now on hand eighty- remedies in the 30x and 60x decimal triturations. Additions are made from time to time as required. For prices see p. 8. Acidum carbolicum Acidum picricum Aconitum napellus Alumen Alumina Ambra grisea Ammonium carbonicum Antimonium crudum Apis mellifica Apium virus Argentum metallicum Argentum nitricum Arsenicum album Aurum metallicum Aurum muriaticum Baryta carbonica Bismutlium subnitricum Calcarea carbonica Calcarea fluorica Calcarea jodata Calcarea phosphorica Calcarea sulphurica Carbo vegetabilis China officinalis Chininum arsenicum Chininum sulphuricum Cinnabaris Corallium rubrum Crotalus horridus Cuprum aceticum Cuprum arsenicosum Cuprum metallicum Eserina Ferrum metallicum Ferrum phosphoricum Graphites Hepar sulphuris calcareum Ignatia Ipecacuanha Baryta jodata Kali bichromicum Kali carbonicum Kali chloricum Kali hydrojodicum Kali muriaticum Kali phosphoricum Kali sulphuricum Lac caninum Lachesis Lapis albus Lycopodium Magnesia carbonica Magnesia muriatica Magnesia phosphorica Mercurius cyanatus Mercurius jodatus flavus Mercurius jodatus ruber Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus Mercurius vivus Natrum carbonicum Natrum muriaticum Natrum phosphoricum Natrum sulphuricum Nux moschata Nux vomica Phosphorus Platina Plumbum aceticum Plumbum metallicum Sepia Silicea Spongia Stannum metallicum Sulphur Tartarus emeticus Thuja occidentalis Uranium nitricum Zincum metallicum Sulphur jodatum 22 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. LIST OF TAFEL’S 200th POTENCIES. ? * 273 Remedies. For prices, see pp. 8. Aceticum acidum Aconitum napellus Aesculus hippocastanum Aethusa cynapium Agaricus muscarius Agnus castus Allium cepa Aloe soccotrina Alumina Ambra grisea Ammonium carbonicum Ammonium muriaticum Anacardium orientalis Angustura Anthrakokali Antimonium crudum Apis mellifica Apocynum Cannabinum Aranea diadema Argentum metallicum Argentum nitricum Arnica montana Arsenicum album Arum triphyllum Asafoetida Asarum Europseum Asclepias Syriaca Atropia Aurum metallicum Badiaga Baptisia tinctoria Baryta carbonica Baryta muriatica Belladonna Benzoicum acidum Berberis vulgaris Bismuthum nitricum Boletus laricis Borax Bovista Bromium Bryonia alba Cactus grandiflorus Caladium seguinum Calcarea carbonica Calcarea fluorica Calcarea phosphorica Calcarea sulphurica Calendula officinalis Camphora Cannabis Indica Cannabis sativa Cantharis Capsicum annuum Carbo animalis Carbo vegetabilis Carbolicum acidum Caulophyllum thalictroides Causticum Cedron Chamomilla Chelidonium majus China officinalis Chininum arsenicum Chininum sulphuricum Chlorinum Cicuta virosa Cimex lectularius Cimicifuga racemosa Cina Cinnabaris Cistus Canadensis Clematis erecta Cobaltum metallicum Cocculus Indicus Coccus cacti Coffea cruda \ Colchicum autumnale Collinsonia Canadensis Colocynthis Conium maculatum Copaiva officinalis Corallium rubrum Corn us florida Crocus sativus Crotalus horridus Croton tiglium Cubeba officinalis Cuprum aceticum Cuprum metallicum Cyclamen Europseum Digitalis purpurea Dioscorea villosa Dolichos pruriens Drosera rotundifolia Dulcamara Erigeron Canadensis Eryngium aquaticum Eupatorium aromaticum Eupatorium perfoliatum Eupatorium purpureum Euphorbium Euphorbia corollata Euphrasia Ferrum aceticum Ferrum metallicum Ferrum phosphoricum Filix masculinus Fluoricum acidum Formica rufa. Gambogia Gelsemium Glanderin Glonoinum Gossypium herbaceum Graphites Guaco Guajacum Hamamelis virginica Helleborus niger Helonias dioica Hepar sulpliuris calcareum Hydrastis Canadensis Hydrocyanicum acidum Hydrophobinum Hyoscvamus niger Hypericum perforatum Ignatia amara Ipecacuanha Iridium Iris versicolor Jacaranda caroba Jalapa Jatropha curcas Jodium Juglans regia Kali bichromicum Kali bromicum Kali carbonicum Kali hydrojodicum Kali nitricum Kali muriaticum Kali permanganicum Kali phosphoricum Kali sulphuricum Kalmia latifolia Kaolin LIST OF HIGH POTENCIES. 23 LIST OF HIGH POTENCIES—Continued. Kino Kreosotum Lacticum acidum Lac caninum Lac defloratum Lachesis Lachnantes tinctoria Lactuca virosa Lapis albus Laurocerasus Ledum palustre Leptandra virginica Lilium tigrinum Lithium carbonicum Lobelia inflata Lycopodium clavatum Magnesia carbonica Magnesia muriatica Magnesia phosphorica Manganum aceticum Mephitis Mercurius jodatus flavus Mercurius jodatus ruber Mercurius praec. ruber Mercurius sol. Hahn. Mercurius sub. corr. Mercurius vivus Mezereum Millefolium Morphium aceticum Moschus Murex purpureus Muriaticum acidum Natrum carbonicum Natrum muriaticum Natrum phosphoricum Natrum sulphuricum Niccolum metallicum Nitricum acidum Nuphar lutea Nux moschata Nux vomica Culex mosca Ocimum canum Oleander Opium Osmium Oxalicum acidum Palladium Petroleum Petroselinum sativum Phosphorus Phosphoricum acidum Phytolacca decandra Picricum acidum Platina Plumbum aceticum Plumbum metallicum Podophyllum peltatum Psorinum Pulsatilla nigricans Pulsatilla nuttalliana Ranunculus bulbosus Ranunculus sceleratus Ratanhia Rheum Rhodium Rhododendron chrysant. Rhus radicans Rhus toxicodendron Rumex crispus Ruta graveolens Sabadilla Sabina Sambucus nigra Sanguinaria Canadensis Sapo domesticus Sarracenia purpurea Sarsaparilla Senecio aureus Secale cornutum Selenium Senega Senna Sepia Malendrinum Serpentaria Silicea Solanum nigrum Spigelia anthelmintica Spongia tosta Squilla marina Stannum metallicum Staphysagria Sticta pulmonaria Stillingia sylvatica Stramonium Strontiana carbonicum Sulphur Sulphuricum acidum Sulphur jodatum Symphytum officinalis Tabacum Tarantula Hispana Taraxacum Tartarus emeticus Tellurium Terebinthina Teucrium marum Theridion curassavicum Thuya occidentalis Tilia Europsea Trillium pendulum Triosteum perfoliatum Uranium nitricum Urtica urens Ustilago maydis Yaccininum Valeriana officinalis V ariolinum Veratrum album Yeratrum viride Verbascum thapsus Viola odorata Viola tricolor Xanthoxylum fraxineum Zincum metallicum Zingiber Symph oricarpus 24 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. LIST OF TAFEL’S 500th POTENCIES. 151 Remedies. —Aconitum napellus -Agaricus muscarius castus ■-Allium cepa Hopar sulnluiris cnloareyxf ptllyoscyamus n iger amara fJpecacuanha versicolor \ biehromicum >«Kali carbonicum hydrojodicum —Lacticum acidum —Lobelia inflata pMercurius jodatus HVlercurius jodatus '■’Mereurius sol. Halm. —Mercurius subl. -75 1.00 APOCYN. CANNAB. ./.A ti'lj .75 1.00 ARALIA RACEM . . . M\U“ .75 1.00 ARNICA MONT. . //U “ / -75 1.00 ARUM TRIPHYLL . Y ,/ \“fL, .75 1.00 ASAFCETIDA /./ .75 1.00 ASCLEPIAS SYR. . .If V fi_. .75 1.00 BAPTISIA 7 ’ .75 1.00 BELLADONNA . . . .Ld My .75 1.00 BERBERIS VULG. . /./ 75 1.00 BRYONIA ALBA. . . .! ■ J’TJr -Z5 1.00 *CACTUS GRAND.. i.Sk , *50 CAMPHORA . . . X*' [A 1/ l/'V CANNABISSAT \/ /.7I (1/ L»6 . CANTHARiS Y / J |.7| r /Too> CAPSICUM / /«/ V .jlViVl CAULOPHYLLUM . . . I *CEDRON f 1.25 Y1.5 o/| CHAMOMILLA .... ■L'Xr .i#/ i.oo/l CHELIDONIUM . . ,4* .75/ i.od \ CHINA OFF -YWi/'i' -75 i-°t' CICUTAVIR 7T‘ Y i.o-,r‘5pi /. 75 \ COLCHICUM XX I l .70 'i.oo COLL IN SON IA . . . . ; 6 ,y / 1.00 COLOCYNTHIS . . . 1. .75 1.00 CONDURANGO \‘ [L .75 \ 1.00 CONI U M MAC / V F /<75 1.00 COPAIVA OFF “ti7.75 1.00 LILIUM TIGR rM ‘‘ X .75 100 LOBELIA INFL. . . JVl . 75 1.00 LYCOPODIUM . . . .< . kityU. 75 1 qo LYCOPUB VIRG. . . -C/ .75 1.00 M I L L£JJ® L I U M . . . .75 1.00 MYiOioyiS SY>tf>H. « .75 1.00 . Nl«Xl/OSCK/\ Ct/‘ /r.75 1.00 O /‘I k/X .75 1.00 |OjWjM>f If} .75 1.00 VASSLPT.ORA INC. . . ./.-if .75 100 PhtP'CPH0RUS' 3* . . .75 1.00 Pj'fi J©1_ A C C A . . / .75 1.00 WODCJPHYLLUM .>rT . < .75 1.00 'PTEIlEA/rRIF. >T. . 17s 1.00 PUlSat/lLA MTG. . . X f j , C.7S 1.00 .. /* . / .75 1.00 KJlEUM . <*/?'/ .75 1.00 K.1 X .75 1.00 D /.-•'* .75 1.00 RHUSXoX .-/' * 0 .75 1.00 RUMCX CRISP I -+ 1.00 Rl/AGRAV (/ « u5 1.00 V .75 i.00 . . 7; /* / -75 100 rSA M BUCUS NIG V .75 1.00 SANGUINARIA /VI .75 1.00 SARSAPARILLA .... X ‘4 .75 100 SECALE CORN f .•« 100 SENECIO AUREUS .. . 4 .7 1.00 SENNA ‘V .75 x.oo SOLANUM NIGR “\ .75 1 00 SPIGELIA ANTH. ... “ 75 100 SPONGIA TOSTA .... “ .75 foo SQUILLA “ .75 1.00 STAPHYSAGRIA .... “ .75 r 00 STICTA PULM « .75 1 00 STRAMONIUM « .75 1 00 SYMPHYTUM “ .75 1.00 TARAXACUM ** 75 j 00 TEREBINTH “ 75 IOO TEUCRIUM M. VER. . . “ .75 1.00 THUJA OCCID tf .75 1.00 TRILLIUM PEND. ... « .75 1.00 URTICA URENS .... “ .75 1.00 USNEA BARB “ .75 1.00 USTILAGO “ .75 1.00 UVAURSI ** .75 1.00 VALERIANA “ .75 1.00 VERATR. AlB “ .75 1.00 VERATR. VIR “ .75 1.00 VIBURNUM OP “ .75 1.00 VIOLA TRICOLOR . . « .75 1.00 XANTHOXYLUM .... “ .75 1.00 Please specify “ FRASER’S ** in ordering or prcscribi VIAL CASES FOR PHYSICIAft No. 1.—*Black Morocco. Contains 12 Tube Vials, each holding Tablets. Filled with Tablets, list price, $1.00 per 1000 " Empty Vials No. 2.—Soft, Black Sealskin Leather, with Clasp. Contains 20 Tt Vials, each holding 18 Tablets. Filled with Tablets, list price, §1.00 per 1000 “ Empty Vials No. 3.—Soft, Black Seal Leather, with Clasp. Contains 40 Tt Vials, each holding 18 Tablets, in two rows. Filled with Tablets at $1.00 per 1000 “ Empty Vials No. 4.—Black Morocco. Contains 10 Bottles, each holding Tablets. \ Filled with Tablets, list price, $1.00 per 1000 “ Empty .T.. .w .... No. 5.—Soft, Black Seal Leather, with Clasp. Contains 12 Bottl each holding 40 Tablets. Filled with Tablets, list! price, $1.00 per 1000 “ Empty VialsL No. 6.—Soft, Black Sealskin Leather, with Clasp. Contains 24 Vk each holding 40 TabTpts, in two rows. Filled with Tablets, list price, $1.00 per 1000 “ Empty Vials .A, v No. 7.—Black or Russett Leather; Seamless Patent, Round Cc Contains 16 Bottles, each holding 100 Tablets. Filled with Empty Bottles.\ .. No. 8.—Black or Russett Seamless Leather, Patent, Round Corne Contains 32 Bottles, each holding 100 Tablets. Filled with Empty Bottles..; No. 9.—Dr. Hunter’s Case, Black fcr Russett Leather, Seamh Patent, Round Comers. (Contains 60 Bottles, each hoi ing 50 Tablets, also space for Instruments, &c. Filled with Empty Bottles \ ♦Case No. 1, filled with the following list of Tablets, is what our “ Emergency Case : Aconite Tr., 1 minim. Belladonna Tr., 1 minim. Digitalis Tr., 2 minims. Aloin and Belladonna Co. Ammonia Muriate Comp. Calomel, 1-10 gr. Calomel, 2 grs. Dover’s Tablets, 2 1-2 grs. Iron, Arsenic and Strycl Morphia Sulphate, 1-4 gr. Tartar Emetic, 1-50 gr. Turpeth Mineral, 2 grs. PRICES OF MEDICINES. 31 TABLET TRITURATES. MADE ACCORDING TO Dr. ROBERT M. FULLER’S METHOD. (See Medical Record, March 9th, 1878, and March 25th, 1882.) An accurate and economical mode of dispensing Medicines in a compact and readily assimilable form. These tablet triturates are one grain in weight; they are put up in a four ounce glass-stoppered bottle containing 1000 tablets and are sold with a few exceptions at §. .00 per bottle. (Smaller quantities are put up in cork-stoppered bottles. N. B.—Remedies not on this list will be furnished at short notice, but not in less quantity than loOO tablets of a kind. Per 250. Per 1000. ALOE SOCC., ix, 2X, 3x, 6x -35 $1.00 ALUMEN, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x .35 1.00 ALUMINA, ix, 2x, 3X, 6x .35 1.00 AMBRA GRISEA, 3X, 6x .35 1.00 AMMON. ARSENICOSUM, 2x, 3X, 6x .35 1.00 11 BROM., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " CARB., 2x, 3X, 6x 35 1.00 11 MUR., ix, 2x 35 i.00 11 PHOSPH., 2x, 3x, 6x . . . .35 1.00 ANTIMON. CRUD., lx, 2x, 3x, 6x . . .35 1.00 “ ARSENIC., 2x, 3X, 6x . . .35 1.00 APIS MELL., 2x, 3x, 6x ...... . .35 1.00 APOMORPH I A, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 ARGENT. MET., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 ARSENIC. ALB., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " JOD., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 ATROPIA, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 11 SULPH., 3x, 6x 35 1.00 AURUM MET..3X, 6x 35 1.00 “ MUR.,3x, 6x . .35 1.00 “ NATRON., 3x, 6x . .35 1.00 BARYTA ACET., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 11 CARB., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " JOD., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " MUR., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 BAPTISIN, 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 BERBERINUM SULPH, 2x, 3x, 6x . .35 1.00 BISMUTH. NITR., 2x,3x,6x 35 1.00 BORAX, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x 35 x.oo BRUCINUM, 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 CADMIUM SULPH., 2x, 3x, 6x ... .35 1.00 CAFFEI N, 2x, 3x, 6x, 35 1.00 " CITRATE, 2x, 3x, 6x . . .35 1.00 CALCAREA ARSEN, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . .35 1.00 “ CARB., ix, 2x, 3X, 6x . . .35 1.00 " FLUOR., ix, 2x,3x,6x,I2x .35 1.00 " JODftt2x, 3x, 6x . . . .35 1.00 " PHOSf’H., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x, I2x 35 1.00 " SILICATA, lx, 2x, 3x, 6x .35 1.00 11 SU L PH ., ix,2x, 3x,6x, I2x .35 1.00 CARBO ANIM., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " VEGETABILIS, ix, 2x, 3X, 6x .35 1.00 C AULOPH YLLIN1, ix, 2x, 3X, 6x . . .35 1.00 CHINA, ix, 2X, 3x, 6x • .35 1.00 CHININ. ARSENIC., 2x, 3x, 6x . . . .35 1.00 11 SULPH., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 CHINOIDIN, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 CINNABARIS, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 CODEIN, 3x,6x (2x, $1.25.) .35 1.00 CORALLIUM RUBR., 2x, 3x, 6x . . . .35 1.00 CUPRUM ACET., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " ARSEN 1C., 2x, 3x, 6x ... .35 1.00 " METAL., 2x, 3x, 6x . . . .35 1.00 11 SULPH., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 ERGOTINE (SQUIBBS), 2x, 3x,6x . . .35 1.00 FERRUM ACET., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . . . .35 1.00 " JOD., 2x, 3X, 6x 35 1.00 " MET., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " PHOSPH., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x, I2x .35 1.00 GRAPHITES, 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 Per 250. Per 1000. HEPAR SULPH. C., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . . $.35 *1.00 HYDRASTIN, 2x.3x.6x 35 1.00 IGNATIA AMARA, ix, 2X, 3x, 6x . . . .35 1.00 IODOFORM, 2x, 35 1.00 IPECAC., ix, 2x, 3X, 6x 35 1.00 BICHR., ix, 2x, 3X, 6x 35 1.00 !' CARB., 2x, 3X, 6x 35 1.00 l! HYDR., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 '\ MUR., 3x, 6x, I2x 35 1.00 ' PHOSPH., 3x, 6x, I2x 33 1.00 " SULPH., 3x, 6x, I2x 35 1.00 LAPIS ALBUS, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 LITHIUM BROM., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " CARB., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . . . .35 1.00 LUPUIAIN, ix, 2x, 3x 35 1.00 LYCOPODIUM, 2x, 3X, 6x 35 1.00 MAGNESIA CARB., 2x, 3x, 6x 35 1.00 “ MUR., 3x, 6x 35 1.00 " PHOSPH., 3X, 6x, 12x . . .35 1.00 MANGAN ACETIC., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . . .35 1.00 MERCUR. CYANATUS, 3x, 6X ... .35 1.00 11 ix, 2x, 3x, . .35 1.00 " JpD. FL., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x - .35 1.00 V RUBER, 2x, 3X, 6x . .35 1.00 " PRAECIP. RUBER.,2x,3x, 6\ 35 1.00 SOL. H., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . . .35 1.00 SUBL. C., 2x, 3x, 6x . .35 1.00 " VIVUS, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . . .35 1.00 MORPHIUM ACE f .,2x,3x,6x . . . .35 1.00 MORPHIUM SULaJH., 2x, 3X, 6x . . . .35 1.00 NATR. CARB., 2x',3x, 6x 35 1.00 " MUR., ix, 2x, 3x, 6x, 12x ... .35 1.00 " SULPH., 2x,\3x, 6x, 12x ... .35 1.00 NUX VOM., lx, 2x, 3X, 6x 35 1.00 OPIUM, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x\ 35 1.00 PEPSIN, 2x, 3x . . .V 35 1.00 PHOSPHORUS, 3x, 6x\ 35 1.00 PLATINA, MET., 3x, 6\ 35 1.00 PLUMB. ACET., 2x, 3x\6x 35 1.00 " MET., 2x, 3x, Ax 35 1.00 PLUMMER, ix, 2x, 3x, 6X 35 1.00 PODOPHYLLIN, ix, 2x, jx, 6x ... .35 1.00 RHEUM, lx, 2x, 3x, 6x . T\ 35 1.00 SANTONINE, ix, 2x, 3x, 61 35 1.00 SEPIA, 2x, 3x, 6x . . . 1 35 100 SILICEA, lx, 2x, 3x, 6x, 12a 35 1.00 SPONGIA, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . .\ 35 1.00 STANNUM MET., 2x,3x, 6x\. 35 1.00 STRONTIANA CARB., 2x, 3X, 6x . . .35 1.00 STRYCHNIA PHOSPH., 2X, jx, 6x . .35 1.00 " SULPH., 2x, 3x,l;6x . . .35 1.00 SULPHUR, ix, 2x, 3x, 6x . . .. . . . .35 1.00 '• JOD., 2x, 3x, 6x . \ . . . .35 1.00 TARTARUS EMET., ix, 2x, . . .35 1.00 URANIUM NITR., 2x, 3x, 6x .. \ . . .35 1.00 USTILAGO MAYDIS., ix, 2x, 3x, <6x . .35 1.00 ZINCUM MET., 2x, 3x, 6x . . . . \ . .35 1.00 “ PHOSPHORATUM (Phos- phide of Zinc), lx, 2x, 3x, 6x, 121c . .35 1.00 32 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. DOSIMETRIC TABLET TRITURATES. “An easy, economical and accurate method of dispensing medicine in a compact and palatable‘form/’ This new form of dispensing remedies, consists of a given drug or medicine triturated with purified sugar pf milk for two hours or longer until a thorough and compete corppinution andjdistribution of it has been made throughout the mixture, is*then made into a paste with varying proportions of Alcohol and water, and subsequently moulded into tablets of uniform size and weight. It will be observed, that on the evaporation of the alcohol, the crystallizing sugar of milk, which has partly dissolved in the water, acts as an effective cohe- sive without interfering with the ready solubility of the tablets in water or in the stomach. . ACID ARSEN IOUS, gr., Yb gr.,P*r 260 Pt™** Yb gr■, IE gr-, Ys gr., Yb gr-, Ys gr. $ .3» $1.00 ARSEN I AS FERRI, TJ0 gr., Yb gr., Yb gr-, Yj gr 35 i-°o ACID BENZOIC., Ye; gr , 4 gr 35 1.00 ACONITIA, Crystallized, 343 gr 90 V 3.00 “ “ t4b gr . . . . 1.25 : 4.50 “ “ x4Bgr. • • • i-75 6.00 “ Yb gr • • • • 3-°° 4^.00 ALOIN, Yb gr., 4 gr 35 V°° AMMON. MUR., Yb gr-> 4 gr., 1 gr . . .35 rioo APOMORPHIA MUR., Yb gr 75 2.50 ARSENICUM JODATUM, t4e gr .. . .35 iA> gr ... .45 1.5c*. ATROPIA SULPH., 54e gr 3S 1.00 “ “ TBB gr 45 I.5MEL, t4e gr., Yb gr., Yb gr.,Vsf) P** / tr„ Jgr 1.\J3S A-00 “ 4 gr \.r.40 / x.25 CANNABIS fND. EXTR., Yb gr . !*/ .35X 1.00 CANTH ARI DES, t4e gr., eV gr., Yb gr- -36 1°° CAPSICUM, t4e gr., Yb gr-> its gr., Yb gr., i gr., 4 gr ' ... .35 1.00 CARBO VEGET., yjE gr., Yb gr-, 4 gr. -35 1.00 CAULOPHYLLIN, Ysgr 35 1.00 “ Yb gr 35 1.00 CERIUM OXALICUM, 4 gr 40 1.25 CODEINE, Ysgr 1.75 6.00 4 gr 2.80 10.00 4 gr 5.50 20.00 Yb gr., Yb gr., sV-, Yj gr./ Yb gr., Yb gr., Yb gr., Yb gr • ■ . .35 1.00 DIGITALIA, C. P. CRYST. jjfegr. . 1.75 6.00 “ “ TBB gr. • 2.90 10.50 “ “ Y& gr. • • 5-5° J 20.00 DOVERS TABLETS, V 4 gr. Opium > / 24 gr., j I gr. Ipecac. "7f 2'5° DOVERS TABLETS, (igr. Opium } f ligr., | |gr. Ipecac. * f° 1-75 DOVERS POWDER, Yb gr-, 4 gr. . '35 1.00 ERGOTIN E (SQUI BBS), Yb gr ■, Y&gf., Ysgr 35 i .00 igr 4° 1-25 igr 45 i-5° ELATERIN C.RYST., Yb gr 3.50 12.00 “ Yb gr S-oo 18.00 GELSEMIN, Ys gr 50 1.75 Yb gr 65 2.25 igr 80 2.75 “ f i gr 1.20 4.00 M U R., Mercks, t4b gr. . 1.75 6.00 “ Yb gr- • 3-°° xi.oo GOLD METALLIC PRECIPITATED, t4b gr 75 2.50 -its gr 1.5° 5-0° Per 260. Per 1000 GOLD METALLIC PRECIPITATED, Yb gr $3-5° $i2,oo GOLD AND SODIUM CHLOR., Yb gr- .40 “ “ “ Yb gr. .45 i-5o “ “ “ A?1' .6° 2 00 50 1.75 HELLEBORE#, Yb gr 1.00 3.50 HYDRA£TIHf 35 1.00 I A gf. • ; 45 1-50 . . .75 2.50 ■ “ii nr jiffgr. . . 1.00 3.50 { I'/*' / “ e4ugr, • • 1-20 4.00 1 X “ sfa Sr• • • 1.75 6.00 V v / “ iAogr' • • 3-5° 12.00 ■ “ X “ tj gr- . . 6.25 23.00 JJNATlAytfo gr., Yb gr., Yb gr 35 1.00 JwECAC/ TJ5 gr., Yb gr., Yb gr., J gr., IRot/RED'. ’bV‘hYdr6g.,'t4e' gr.’, '3S 1'°° ,/Vb gr-. Yr gr-, E gr', 4 gr-> 1 gr- • • .35 1.00 LACTATE i gr 35 1.00 IODIDE GREEN, gr., Yb gr-, Ys gr., * gr., i gr., 4 gr., \ i gr- .35 1.00 MERCURY IODIDE GREEN, J gr. . .40 1.25 “ RED, t4b gf , Yf A gr.. Agr., Agr., $gr. . - 35 1.00 MORPHIA SULPHATE, jijjgr., gr. .35 1.00 \ “ T6gr 40 1-25 \ “ 4 gr 75 2.50 \ “ 4 gr 85 3.00 “ “ igr. . 1.25 4.00 NITRO-GLYCERINE (GLONOINE), t4b gv 35 1.00 NUX VOMICA, gr., gr., Ys gr., r5gr.,Ugr 35 1.00 PQWD-, eV gr-, Agr-, 4 gr- • -35 1.00 P L U M M E R, gr 35 1.00 PODOPHYULIN, „ Tsgr., 4g\, i gr 35 1.00 POT ASS. AR&EN ITIS, tJb gr , Yb gr-- 55 gr. • . \ 35 1.00 QUINIA BI-SULPHATE, * gr 40 “ \ J gr 60 2.00 " \ J gr 85 3.00 QUINIA SULPHATE, T*5 gr 40 1.25 " \ igr .60 2.00 “ X gr 85 3.00 SANTONIN, Ys gr., | gr 35 iTSt' 4 gr. . Jk 60 2.00 1 gr. . A - : . .85 3.00 SODIUM ARSEN I ATE, Ys gr., Ys gr., Yb gr. A 35 1 00 S PON GIA TOST A, Ye gr,, i gr 35 1.00 STRYCHNIA SULPHATE, y4B gr., Yb gr., A gr., 3)5 gr., Ys g\, Ye gr. . -35 x-oo SULPHUR y\r gr., 4 gr. . \ 35 1.00 TARTAR EMETIC, xJe gr.\Y„ gr., 55 gr-, A gr \ 35 i ® TURPETH MINERAL, Yb gr., 4 gr., 4 gr \ . . . 35 I-00 VER AT RIA SU L P H., Y® gr. . \ . . . .50 1.75 “ “ Yb gr- . A. . . .85 3.00 ZINC PHOSPHIDE, gr., Ye gr\ • • -35 100 ms CEL LA XE 0 US G 0 ODS. 33 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. ALCOHOL.—Pure. For Homoeopathic use. (See Appendix.) .87Tralles, per gallon, including bottle .... • • • $4 00 (the usual strength “ quart,-including bottle .... ./>yjp • • • 1 00 Hahnemann used) “ quart, in glass-stoppered bottles/ . . . 4 15 Tralles, per including bottle . . . . A yr >A4 50 “ quart, including bottle . . 15 “ 'quart, in glass-stoppered bottles 1 30 APOCYNUM CANNABINIJM DECOCTION. (See Appendix.) Per sixteen ounce bottle 1 00 “ eight “ 60 ' “ four ounce “ 35 AQUA DESTILLATA. We distil this water in a nickel-plated copper still. We thus obtain a mire article which will keep for a year or unchanged, if kept in a glass-stoppered bottle. Distilled ' 7water made in glass retorts lis inadmissible, as steam dissolves appre- ciable quantities of silex from the glass vessels used. Per quart, including glass-stoppered bottle 35 ✓ v. bottle. . ■ .. . .. . - v . 15 ARNICA FLOWERS, carefully selected. Per pound 75 “ quarter pound . 25 ARNICA OIL. with the olive oil. (See Appendix.) 'J' -Per pound “ four ounce vials. . , y • • 1 00 “ one ounce vial -80 * “ one dozen one ounce vtals ,3_0.Q ARNICA TINCTURE. For external use, a concentrated preparation made from the best materials. (See Appendix.) Per gallon, including bottle . 6 00 - “ quart,' “ “ . \ 1 75 ' “ pint, “ “ ..\. 1 00 “ half pint 65 “ four ounce vial \ 50 “ one dozen two ounce vials with1, directions for use 3 00 BORACIC ACID, Fine Povydeiyper ounce, . . . . 15 34 BOERICKE & TA EEL’S PRICE CURRENT. BURGHER’S RESPIRATION REGULATOR. A. Mouthpieces B. Orifice to he left open while inhaling, and closed with the finger while exhaling. C. Orifice for the escape of the expired air. As an aid to the full inflation of the lungs, the complete aeration of the blood, the expansion of the chest and the effective exercise of the respiratory muscles, the Respiration Regulator of I)r. Burgher represented full size in the wood-cut, stands unrivalled in efficacy and convenience. * Each Respirator is put up in a neat box, and is accompanied by full printed directions for its use. It can be sent by mail or express. Price tAphysiciatis $ 0 35 Per dozen 3 00 BUST OF HAHNEMANN, extra life size • \. 6 00 “ “ painted clay color, similar to Rogers’ groups.... 8 00 “ bronzed V 8 00 CALENDULA SUCCUS. Per pint A $ I 50 “ 8 ounces \ 85 50 CALENDULA TINCTURE, fresh plant tincture for external use. (See Appendix. Per gallon \ 6 00 “ quart V 1 75 “ pint \. 1 00 “ half pint \ 65 “ four ounce vial \ 50 “ one dozen two ounce vials with directions for use 3 00 Calendula Oil, per one ounce, 3*ycents ; per four ounces, "1 00 MIS CELL A NE 0US GO ODS. 35 CARBOLIC \ACID (Merck’s), in glass-stoppered bottle, per ounce $ 0 25 CARBOLIC ACID for disinfecting purposes in crystals. Pure. \ Per pound 1 00 \ / CERATES. A combination of the mother tincture of the different remedies with Petrolatum. These Cerates remain unchanged for years in any climate. \ One «ozen one ounce glass jars, 2 50 Singledar, 25 Quarter pound glass jar, screw top, 50 Half pohnd glass jar, screw top, 1 00 One pound glass jar, screw top, 1 50 The following are them names with some of their uses. Aconite, for Neuralgic Affections, Tic Douloureux, Sciatica, In- flammatory Rheumatism. for Piles. \ Apis, for Inflammations aVid Swellings of an Erysipelatous Nature. Arnica, for Sprains, Wounds, and Bruised Surfaces. Belladonna, for some varieties of Scrofulous and Erysipelatous Affections, also for Inflamed Breasts. Bryonia, for Rheumatic Affections, Pains in the Side, Pleurisy. Calendula, for open, lacerated old Ulcers, etc. Cantharis, for Chilblains, Burnss and Blisters of all kinds. 0~ Gelsemium, for Boils. \ % (graphites, excellent for Sore Nipples. Hamamelis, for Piles. \ Hydrastis, for Swellings and UlcersW a Scirrhous Nature. Iris, for Tinea Capitis. \ Ledum, for Stings and Bites of InsectsX Lycopersycum, for Boils, Carbuncles, Eelons. Lycopodium, for Old Sores and IndolentNlJlcers. Phytolacca, for Ringworms, Shingles, Praiiue Itch. Rhus tox., for Rheumatism, Vesicular Eruptions and Old Chilblains. Thuja, for Old Sores and Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Warts, Tetter. Urtica urens, for Urticaria, Salt Rheum, Burns\and Scalds where the skin is removed. \ Pine Pitch Ointment for Old Ulcers. (See AppChdix.) Any other Cerates made to order, but not less than one dozen or M ope pound at a time. \ - . \ 36 BOERICKE & %A EEL'S PRICE CURRENT. CORKS.—Fine Velvet Taper. SIZES. BOERICKE & TAFEL’s “ SUPERFINE.” These are manufactured for us to order in Europe. No. 1, per gross $0 35 No. 2, “ “ 4(P No. 3, “ “ 50 No, 4, “ “ 60 No. 5, “ « 70 No. 6, “ “ 80 No. 7, “ “ 90 No. 8, “ “ v 1 10 FINE VELVET TArER. Second qvidi'y the best found in the market in tnis country. No. 1, per gross . ... t. ... . No. 2, “ mA-J*. IS I*. No. 3, “ “ st A Z.. 3JIq. No. 5, “ “ n>A U* (to r- i'.J.S* fio. Nb. 6, « /' .- /£* JS 60. N<\7, “ “ XX.-Z-M&. 44 70- No.V “ “ ** Z -Z$ T. /?MT 85■ m B.—If nothing special is mentioneafou fcsuPErJixE c<*ks will l>Vse!ftl/ CORK-PRESSES, each \ 75 COTTON. &>sorbent Hygroscopic, per package, 15 cts.; *per .4ftfi05 Absorbent, for hospitals, in hales of 25 pounds at special rates;. ' — Borated, for dressing wounds, per'package, 25cts.; per pound .... 1 00 “ for tampons, per package \ 25 Salicylated, per package, 25 cts.; per pound . . V 1 00 Haemostatic styptic, per package \ 25 Styptic, Rohlands, per package, 25 cts.; do large . \ 50 Iodized, per package A 25 Carbqlized, per package, 25 cts.; per pound .....' 1 25 COW-POX VIRUS, ten points, double charged . . . 1 00 DIET PAPERS, per hundred 1 00 MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. 37 DIETETIC PREPARATIONS. • Boericke & Tafel’s Liebig’s Improved Food for Infants, per half ) pound botftle, $0 Boericke & Tafel’s Liebig’s Improved Food for Infants, per one i bottle, (See Appendix) 60J Bush’s Bovinine, small bottle, 44 44 large “ Horlick’s Food for Infants, per large canister, ~ 7o^> 44 \44 44 “ dozen, 8 00 44 r4 44 “ small canister, 40 44 V4 44 “ dozen, 4 00 Neave’s Farinaceous Food, in canisters, 50^ Swiss Condensed Milk (Dyers), per can 25c.; per bottle, 30 > Zimmermann’s Food for Invalids and Children: Barley Oat Food, two pound can, 50 Improved Substitute for Mother’s Milk, two pound can, . . 80 Food No. 4, for Dyspepsia, two pound can, 80 Food No. 5, for Constipation, two pound can, 1 00 Any other dietetic preparations in the market furnished at manufacturers’ prices. DOLLAR CASES. Flat wrodflen cases covered with cloth, gold lettered, containing twelve vials of rhedicines in globules, with short directions for use. Per dozen, . . . $7 00 Single cases, . . . \. 75 DOLLAR AND A HALE CASES. Similar style, containing eighteen vials for medicines in globules! with short directions for use. Per dozen, \ • $10 50 Single cases, ....!.• 1 00 DROP MEASURES. Very accurate. Imported, \ $1 00 ECLECTIC PREPARATIONS (Keith* Resinoids). These we furnish at manufacturers’ prices, in quantities of not less than 1 oz. at a time. Aletrin, $2 25 Alnuin, 60 Apocynin, 2 50 Asclepin, 1 25 Baptisin, 1 00 Caulophyllin, .... 60 Cliimaphilin, .... 1 00 Chionanthin, .... 1 25 Cimicifugin, 60 Collinsonin, 2 75 Cornin, 80 Corvdalin, 2 00 Cypripedin, 1 25 Dioscorein, 1 50 Euonymin, 1 50 Eupatorin, (Perf.),V . $0 75 Eupatorin (Purp.j, \ . 1 50 Gelseinin, .... A . 2 25 Geraniin, \. 75 Gossypiin, ..... \. 2 00 Hamarnelin, .... \ 1 00 Helen in, \ 2 00 Hydrastin, \l 50 Hydrastin Muriate, . . « 75 Hydrastin Sulph., . . A 50 Irisin, . • lV)0 Juglandin, SO Leptandrin, 75 Lobelin, 2 0<\ Lycopin, . . .y. . 1,25 Macrotin, $0 60 Menisphermin, ... 1 25 Phytolaccin, 1 25 Populin, 75 Podophyllin, .... 75 Ptelein, 2 00 Bumin, 1 00 Sangninarin, 1 00 Scutellarin, 1 50 Senecin, 1 50 Stillingin, 2 00 Trilliin, 1 00 Viburnin, 1 50 Xanthoxylin, .... 1 50 38 BOERICKE & TA EEL’S BRICE CURRENT. ELECTRIC BATTERIES. All sizes and prices, furnished at manufacturers’ prices. Catalogues sent on application. STANLEY FARADIC BATTERY. This is a small but powerful Battery with the cell concealed in the handle, which makes it exceedingly portable; may be carried in the coat pocket. Price, $10.00. JOHN A. BARRETT CHLORIDE OF SILVER MEDICAL BATTERY. Dry cells ; as portable as a medicine case, and will furnish a steady current for about 720 working hours, or, in other words, will do the work of a practitioner from two to five years without the slightest change or trouble. When exhausted, the battery-box may be lifted out, returned, and a new one put in its place for thirty cents per cell, and the battery is then practi- cally a new one again. Price list: 50-cell Galvanic Battery, complete, with two sponge electrodes, two handles, plain and interrupting, two conducting cords and rheostat; dimensions 6x7x10, weight 11 lbs $65.00 32-cell Battery, with same attachments 45.00 With Faradic Battery in same case extra 20.QQ See Appendix. PERFECT PHYSICIANS’ FARADIC BATTERY. Containing two of the Barrett electron silver cells. The claims for this Battery are: Full Strength, Dry Cells, Double Secondaries, Perfect Action, Simplicity, Convenience and Finish. It is under perfect control of physician; will give a faint current or one so strong that few can stand it; gives no trouble whatever; is always ready for use by simply attaching conductors; will last for a year or more, and cells may be renewed for sixty cents each; is in an elegant mahogany case, 10x7 and 21 inches deep; as portable as a book. Price, $20.00. See Appendix. SMITH & SHAW’S CLOSED CELL POCKET BATTERIES. 2 Cell Battery $10.00 1 “ “ \ 7.50 10 per cent, discount to physicians. GATE CITY STONE FILTERS. We do not'see how there could he a better or simpler Filter than this. The jars to hold the water are made of hard, graystone ware, or genuine china. The filtering medium is a natural stone, cut into disks, and so arranged that all *he water passes through it into the lower jar perfectly pure. It is as easily cleaned as a pitcher or water-pail, and will last as long as the stone disk will. Prices: No. 5, filters 2 gallons per day $4.00 No. 6, “ 3 “ \ 5.00 No. 7, “ 5 “ “ “ i 7.50 No. 8, “ 6 “ “ “ \ 9.50 No. 9, “ 9 “ “ “ - 11.50 No. 10, “ 15 “ “ “ ’ 14.00 No. 12, “ 20 “ “ “ • 20.00 See Appendix. This list embraces the Filters made of hard graystone. Where theYjars are of china, and ,ornamented, the prices are higher, according to elaborateness of ornamentation. yGRAPE JUICE, Pure, Unfermented, preserved without boding, and without ottles to physicians free. (See Af^endix.) A. J. TAFEL. F. L. BOERICKE. F. A. BOERICKE. Business Established in 1835. Philadelphia, ion Arch Street, 188 MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. 39 ELECTROTYPE PLATES, for marking Corks. \ Set of 560 names, five plates mounted on blocks, (small pica \ type) suitable for half ounce or larger vials, per set. . . . $20 00 \ Same in smaller type on three blocks, for smaller vials .... 15 00 ENVELOPES for Powders, WHITE, BUFF, OR CANARY.* N. B-—PrWed with physician’s name and office hours, §1.00 extra per 1000. No. 3. $1.25 per 1000. No. 2. $1.15_per 1000. No. 1. $1.10 per 1000. No. 0. $1.00 per 1000. GRADUATE MEASURES—GJass. One ounce, each- . . . ...... AS 0 50 Two “ “ \ 65 Three “ “ \ 75 Four ounce, each . . . 85 Six “ “ 1 'OCT Eight “ “ 1 25 GLOBULES, or Pellets. Pure Sugar Pellets for many years were made solely by confectioners. Our pallets are made on our own premises from the purest cane sugar obtainable, for thus only can absolute surety of their freedom from foreign substances be attained. For many years we have manufacturedVll pellets sold in our pharma- cies, and we are able to guarantee Vieir absolute purity, while in price they are no higher than those mam by confectioners. All sizes pre put up either in one pound paste-board boxes, or in bulk. ' Prices from Xo. 5—Xo. 80: \ , Per pound in paste-board box . . V $ 0 30 “ ten pounds in one pound boxes \ 275 ' In quantities of from ten to fifty pouVds, put up in five pound boxes, per pound. , \ • • 25 at special rates. 40 BOERICKE & TA EEL’S PRICE CURRENT. Measure of Globules.—The number given k> any size of Globules is determined by laying ten of equal size in a line, and the number of millimetres they measure is taken as t\e number for the particular size of Globules thus measured. Foj/ex- ample: TenVf the Globules formerly called No. 4 measure about 30 millimetres, and so 'will bewailed No. 30. SCALE OF MILLIMETRES. N. B.—Pellets smaller than No. 10 are furnished at special rates,/ ijjULYCERINE, chemicallyVure, per pound .< ? “ Fine outward application, per pound -c ' 60 HAHNEMANN—Rust, extra life size, white or clay colored ... 6 00 and 8 00 Statuette,\l4 inches high .... white, 6 00; bronze, 8 00 HAMAMELIS EXTRACT. \ - Catalogues sent oi\ application. TQ.MALA (or Kameelk)—Pure, in powder, for tape-worm. Per oun\e 30 KOUSSO—Pure, in powtfier, for tape-worm. Per ounce \ 20 LABELS. XV. 1. x\.conitum nap. “\2 ACONITUM RAD. “ \ ACONITUM NAP. “ 4.\ Aconitum nap. Specimen Types Iso. 1. In book foAn, etc., 32 pages, well gummed 50 “ 2. Large typeAcapitals, in book form 50 \ “ bronze, on steel-blue paper .... 1 50 \ “ silver, /on sky-blue paper 1 50 “ 3. In sheet, 560 Aimes (392 remedies), per sheet 10 \ gummed “ 15 “ 4. Polychrests, 330 mames, 100 remedies, gummed, per sheet 5 \ ‘‘ per dozen sheets . 50 Jgr-ST" The labels in bronze and silver are very ornamental, and just the thing for fitting up doctors’ offices. \ VOLTAIC ARMADILLO. To physicians a discount of ten per cent, will be allowed from annexed rates. \ Ilper pair ''$1 per pair. Wrist Band Ankle Band Arm Band Head Band KneeBand Ladies’ Sole Tlmrh Band «aist4and Gent’s Sole Descriptive pamphlets will be sent on application to Boericke & Tafel’s Pharmacies. 42 BOERICKE & TA EEL’S PRICE CURRENT. SAMPLE PAGE OF LABEL-BOOK, No. 1. Abelmoschus Absinthium Acalypha Indica Acetic acid. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Actsea racemosa Actsea racemosa Actsea spicata Aesculus glabra Aesculus glabra Boletus laricis Boletus laricis Boletus laricis Boletus pini Boletus pini Boletus pini Borax Borax Borax Boviluin Bovista Bovista Branca ursina Bromium Bromium Bromium Brucea antidys. Bryonia alba Abelmoschus Absinthium Acalypha Indica Acetic acid. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Actsea racemosa Actsea racemosa Actsea spicata Aesculus glabra Aesculus glabra Boletus laricis Boletus laricis Boletus laricis Boletus pini Boletus pini Boletus pini Borax Borax Borax Boviluin Bovista Bovista Branca ursina Bromium Bromium Bromium Brucea antidys. Bryonia alba Abelmoschus Absinthium Acalypha Indica Acetic acid. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. ' Aconitum rad. Actsea racemosa Actsea racemosa Actsea spicata Aesculus glabra Aesculus glabra Boletus laricis Boletus laricis Boletus laricis Boletus pini Boletus pini Boletus pini Borax Borax Borax Boviluin Bovista Bovista Branca ursina Bromium Bromium Bromium Brucea antidys. Bryonia alba Abelmoschus Absinthium Acalypha Indica Acetic acid. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum nap. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Aconitum rad. Actsea racemosa Actsea racemosa Actsea spicata Aesculus glabra Aesculus glabra Boletus laricis Boletus laricis Boletus laricis Boletus pini Boletus pini Boletus pini Borax Borax Borax Boviluin Bo vista Bovista Branca ursina Bromium Bromium Bromium Brucea antidys. Bryonia alba MISCELL A NEO US GO ODS. 43 LACHESIS—Siinj Trituration. \ Per one ounce $1 00 \ /I ✓—'vA LEGUMMOSE, Liebe’s. Per two-pound can . • $1 00 LOEFLUNft’S PREPARATIONS. L—— Loeflund’a Sterilized Cream Milk.—Unsweetened, condensed, and pre- served on strictly hygienic principles without sugar or chemicals, perfectly pure, and rich inXcream. As an infants’ food, medical authorities prefer this pure milk to sweerened milk and farinaceous food, in which the presence of cane-sugar and of starchy matter easily gives rise to acidity and indigestion, . while pure milk advances the healthy development of the child, prices: * Per cano25 ; per dozenxans, M-74; PQr case, &iUi.#lozen^SJjM sc 7 < & fr* Loeflund’s Malt Extract Bonoons.—Containing over twenty-five cent, of Loeflund’s Celebrated Malt Extract; useful in loose coughs, hoarse- ness, bronchitis, phlegm (W the chest and in the throat. Prices, in elegant tin cans, per pound, emits; quarter pound, Slflcents. " See7&^?S,Dix. Loeflund’s Kinder Milch.—A new infants’ food without cane-sugar or indigestible starchy matterX Prepared from the best Bavarian mountain milk and malted wheat extract;, and condensed in yacuo. Price, per can, 50 \ (Os 0 1 ’ *■ 1 { \ ' ' 1 n Loeflund’s Cream Maltose.—An emulsified mixture of pure Alpine cream and Maltose, of agreeable raste and easy digestion and assimilation; a specific for coughs, sore throat\ pulmonary catarrh, whooping-cough; soothing instantaneously the irritation of the mucous membrane; best substitute for cod-liver oil in phthisik and all wasting diseases; most suita- ble for weakly and scrofulous children\ Price, per bottle, 65 cents. Loeflund’s Alpine Milk Biscuits powdered for children about four months’ old and up to two years). A highly effective, nourishing, bone- forming food. Price, per can, 40 cents. \ MINIM MEASURES. 60 minims or one drachm 40 “ “ 120 minims or two drachms 50 MORTARS. Porcelain or Wedgewoocl. \ inch diameter \ 1 25 ol “ “ \ 1 50 6| “ “ \ 2 25 7} “ “ \ 3 00 8 “ “ \ 3 50 44 BOERICKE & TA FEE’S PRICE CURRENT. (Actual size.) PAPER SLIDING BOXES. Per gross, with blank label for directions $ 1 00 PETROLATUM . /Similar to Cosmoliiie and Vaseline. * /No. 1. Small size . . fc 0s.^s. . . 15 No. 2. Large size bottle . . <«* . . . • • • 25 Per pound “ . ... . 50 Pomade, per large bottle 50 Adhesive Court Piasters, put up in envelopes, with ' directions for use, each 10 (l “ per dozen. • »-v • • 1 0(» Surgeon’s “ on silk, per yard /Vcrh • • 75 American Skin, “ . . . . .V 75 Holloway’s Arnica strengthening, per doz., small size 1 50 “ “ “ “ medium 2 25 “ “ “ “ large 3 00 Seabury & Johnson’s Belladonna Porous, per doz 1 50" “ “ “ “ per yard roll .... 1 00 “ “ - Porous Rubber, 1 yard roll 70 i : 4L: „ ' POCKET CASES. See page 54 and following. POWDER PAPER—Ready cut: size, 2i x 31 inches, or 2 x 3 inches. Per milie 20 “ ,ten'milles 1 75 Tliis powder paper is made especially for us, and no bleaching agents, such as chlorate of lime, etc., etc., are made use of as in other white paper; if the subtle nature of Homoeopathic Potencies is taken into consideration, the importance of above precaution will be appreciated. For obvious reasons no artificially colored papers are admissible. To physi- cians desiring a colored paper we furnish naturally colored manilla paper. Size 2x3 inches. Per milie 15 “ 10 milles 1 25 PRESCRIPTION PAPER BOXES OR PAPER TIALS—Round. Holding half drachm. Per. gross. . 60 “ one “ “ 75 “ two “ “ 1 00 ROBERTS. Rubber Hot-Water Face Bag. Price $1 00 '—Iiu U U Xhroat Bag. Price 1 50 “ Ice Bag. Price 1 50 ELM TENTS, BOUGIES, PLUGS AND TAMPONS. [Antiseptic.] ■the advantages of Slippery Mm Bark, as a dilator for the os and cervix uteri, have long been recognized by the medical profession, and several eminent specialists have for years recommended the use of elm tents whittled from the ordinary commercial bark found in retail drug stores. The only objection attending the use of these tents has been their imperfect shape, and in some cases a want of sufficient dilating power. The latter defect, no doubt, was due to the fact that, being made from thin sheets of ordinary bark, they were necessarily too small to be used to advantage where much dilation was required. As now manufactured, their advantages con- sist of their manifold sizes and shapes, the ease with which they may be introduced, and their non-iritant and demulcent properties; the lat- ter rendering them applicable in many cases where a sponge or sea-tangle tent could not bo tolerated. After being moistened they are quickly cov- ered with a mucilaginous coat, which thickens as absorption increases, protecting inflamed or ulcerated mucous surfaces, and relieving congestion. We are now prepared to furnish these tents of every desirable sha ne or size, manufactured from comnressed bark, bavins? all thn n.rlvantacroR mentioned above, together with great dilating power. Their mucilaginous coat renders them . so smooth that they require less force for in- troduction, they may more readily be made to follow a tortuous or obstructed canal than any other tent. They require no coating of oil, vasaline, or other foreign substance, their natural coating being so tenacious that it ** FOUR SlZES' Nos- *• 2, 3 and 4; same sizes as solid elm tents. cannot be wiped off, even if tightly pressed through a small opening. Where rapid dilation is required, they can be introduced in a succession of sizes, the same as Peaslee’s, Hank’s, or Simpson's Di- lators, or they may be used side by side the same as other tents. They readily absorb almost any medica- ted solution, and being readily borne by the most sensitive surface, the remedy may be kept in direct contact as long as desired. Tli/y may be perma- nently medicated without being dilated by dipping them in an alcoholic or ether solution, and after the liquid has evaporated they may be kept for use as required. * SOLID ELM TENTS, $1.00 PER DOZEN. Made in Four Sizes, Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4; Cuts same size as Tents. CURVED ELM TENTS, $2.00 PER DOZEN. HOLLOW ELM TENTS, $1.50 PER DOZ. Two Sizes, Nos. 3 & 4. 8-INCH CURVED BOUGIES, $3.00 per Doz, Made in four sizes Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4, Same sizes as Solid ElmTepts. 6-INCH STRAIGHT BOUGIES; $2.00 per Doz.; Made in four sizes, Nos. 1, 2,3 and 4. Same sizes as Solid Elm Tents. > CERVICAL ELM PLUGS OR TAMPONS, to in. oiam. Each, 25c. to 50c., net; 3 sizes. Special ones furnished of any size or length. VAGINAL ELM PLUGS, % to 1 inch diam. Each, 30c. to 60c., net; Six sizes. Special ones made to order. (OVER) THE SLIPPERY ELM TENT. [Antiseptic.] Extracts from the Proceedings of the CHICAGO GYNAECOLOGICAL SOCIETY,'*as published in the American Medical Association, April 23,1888: Dr. Henry T. Byford made the following remarks on The Slippery, Elm Tent : For quite a number of years, I have been using slippery elm tents in tile treatment of uterine disease. Within the last few weeks, I have been using some improved tents made out of the com- pressed bark. By compression, its dilating power is increased so as to recfder it useful as a substitute for tupelo, sea-tangle and compressed sponge in many cases. The characteristics of slippery elm hark is that upon being moistened, a slippery substance exudes, which acts both as a lubricant to the tent, and as a protection to the mucous membrane against that injury or abrasion which sometimes follows the use of dilators of this class. Another advantage is the rapidity of its action. The tents expand sufficiently within an hour or two for the introduction of a larger size, or two or three of the same size. This may be repeated until the desired dilatation is obtained, and since the expanded tents are both soft and slimy, with a minimum amount! of injury to the parts. A small elm tent may be introduced at the office and left for twelve or twenty-four hours and thus serve, providing it be used, once or twice a week, as a mild substitute for the intra-uterine stem in case of sterility. The patient can go home and keep quiet until she removes it by the attached string, upon the advent of severe pain, or at th£> end of twenty-four • hours. A glycerine tampon placed under the cervix is necessary in such cases to retain it in place. These tents are also available as applicators, for the exuding lime carries the drug out from them instead of into them, gradually dilutes it, and thus limits its action. As dilators and applicators in vaginitis, vaginismus, urethritis, urethral stricture, etc., they are also useful, and may be ordered any size, shape or curve desirable. Copy of letter received from E. S. Dunster, of Ann Arbor, Mich. Ann Arbor, Mich., Jan. 14,1888. Messrs. Nichoes & Shepard, Three Rivers, Mich. Gents:—1 have to-day received from you a sample box of Slippery Elm Tents, for which accept my hearty thanks. Many an hour have I spent in the past in whittling, tiling and sand-papering the hark of Slippery Elm into shape to be used as tents. I am delighted now to know that they can be obtained in such superior and perfect form of manufacture, for it is a substance that I value very highly and use largely in practice. I shall now lay aside my jack-knife and sand-paper and advise others also to obtain tents of yrfur make. Very yours, E. S. DUNSTER, M. D. For the convenience of .physicians we have put up a sample box of Elm Tents containing nine- teen assorted sizes. Each box contains: 1-4 doz. No. 1 Solid Elm Tents @ $1.00 .25 1-3 “ No. 2 “ “ “ ~ 1.00 .34 1-4 “ No. 3 “ “ “ 1.00 .25 1-4 “ No. 4 “ , “ “ 1.00 .25 1-12 “ No, 1 Curved “ “ 2.00 .17 1-12 doz. No. 2 Curved Elm Tents @ $2.0(il .16 1-12 No. 3 “ “ “ 2.00V -17 1-12 “ No. 4 “ “ 2.00 .16 1-12 “ No. 3 Hollow “ “ 1.50 .12 1-12 “ No. 4 “ “ “ 1.50 .13 Net Prices $3.00 TRADE SUPPLIED BY BOERICKE & TAFEL, Homoeopathic Pharmaceutists and Publishers v 1011 Arch St, A ' - PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS. 45 SANTONIN—PuVe. Per ounce $110 SCALES, 5 inch beam, $2.75; 61 inch, $3.25; with glass pan, $3.50; 9 inch ... 4 50. SCHUESSLER’S REMEDIES. Boxes containing the twelve tissue remedies l \ in either the 3d, 6tli, 12tli or 30th decimal trituration .. 3 00 Including Schuessler’s Abridged Therapeutics ...... 3 50 SPOONS (Horn) Table. Each 30 Tea, \ “ 25 GrainL “ 15 SUGAR OF MILK, best recrystallized, for J.riterations. ' Chemical tests made to examine into the purity of our Sugar of Milk, have demonstrated that it is of the required standard of purity.—STransactions of the Institute of Homceopamy of 1883. O' 1/7 Best refined, pfer pound, in pastelxjaitjkhox,.*. ..... . -60- 10 pounds, \n msteboard boxesy'Oc7 50 Coarse, for prescriptions, best refineu, per pound, . . . . . .* " ’ ’ 44 Watertown, self-registering. (Small and'large)... 1 50 44 44 \ “ “ with Yale Certificate, . . 2 00 SUGAR OF MILK PELLETS, a\i sizes, per pound, 85 SYRINGES—Home Fountain Syri\ lg0j«nd others, from .... 75 cents to 2 00 VACCINE VIRUS, PureHfrom Kine\ Per ten double-charged points, \ 1 00 tm™°r external use, _ Hamamelis, Hypericum, Rhulyox., Ruta, Staphisagria, -y iMicpJJrens. £ /, lfT-**~* < *<-» 4 ounces, ..... • • • • 50 8 ounces, \. 4 75 46 BOERICKE & TA EEL'S PRICE CURRENT. PRICES* OF HOMEOPATHIC VIALS— (See Appendix.) YIALS, Mouldeti French Square. First quality white flint glass.a, \ / rift . \ Per Gross. Per Gross. Per Doz. Ona drachm, . . . . $1 50 Cleaned and corked* $2 75 §0 25 Two\ “ .... 1 75 “ “ / 3 00 30 Half ounce, .... 2 00 “ “ / 3 00 30 - One \“ .... 2 50 “ “ , 3 50-UA35 - Two V .... 3 00 “ “J 4 25 45 - Foyr \ .... “ ‘f 5 50 55 - superfine corks. *"_x J ' *”* YIALS, Moulded, French Sqifare. With -well-ground glass s$ppm-sT'' / -jzj-4 , / \ / Half ounce, ner gross, $7 80 Per dozen, / $ 80 Ileiglit, 3J inches. — One “ \ “ 9 00 “ / 90 “4 “ Two “ \“ 10 20 “ 1 05 “ 4£ “ Four “ V 12 00 “ 1 25 “ 5§ “ / 'j v- ~ \ VIALS/TUBE. 0 our vials We made from specially selected, bright, and clean glass\free from grease or smoke. FIRST QUALITY. Extra full measure ancf uniform size. Patent Lip. Pat-Gr-oss. Per Doz. Half drachm, . . . . $\4>0 corked and cleaned/ 45 $0 15 One “ .... \«SrV “ “ /.5TI4 65 2CTl- , Two “ . . . . hV 000 20 ' Three “ .... 1 45-/*/0“ “ i,$02 85 -mZ Four “ .... 2 l. .$0 80 1250. . . $0\)0 1542. i t. .$1 00 1960. . . .$190 1045 $0 90 1336 .Z*00.$b 90 1552. . . .$1 10 2163 $2 10 1057- ✓/ .$0 90 Zfc)\ttx.3'ZS CP<< mer sizes made to order at proportionate''ra/tetL / J /(° 2 fS.B.—The above prices are for quantifWKi^egress quantitulf will be charged at somewhat higher rates. \ / & /r < < ■ • 7 These vials are not the common store vials, but are made invariably to order, of wem. selected tubes and tough, fine glass. \ /#/ , «■ , r v v . \ / / r v » . • c In the size of vials the diameter is given-first, then tne length, and the whole read as one number—for example: a Y drachm vial would measure about 9 millemetres in diameter and 35 millemWres in length, and would be numbered 935; a drachm vial would measure abo\t 14 millemetres in diameter and 45 millemetres in length, and would be numbered 1445. MEASURE OF VIALS. SCALE OF MILLEMETRES. 48 BOERICKE & TA FEUS PRICE CURRENT. PH ICES OF VIALS. 49 50 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. DOMESTIC MEDICINE CASES. 51 1EDIGINE GASES. Domestic cases. Fine Mahogany Casas, Yials standing upright, with lock and key. Number of Case. Number of Vials. Size of Vials. CasesWith Vials corked Cases Filled Suitable for the following Domestic Works. Book included. j j 1 30 1 drill. $3 04 50 Morgan’s Text Book. 5 00 2 104 66 7 00-W-12 00 Laurie and McClatchey. 17 00 -3 104 2 drms. 10 orw 18 00 66 66 66 23 00 4* 12 1256 1 ooU fy/-2 oo Any Domestic Work. 5* 18 1345 1 501; sT/-2 50 66 66 66 6* 24 1447 2 OOil fy/; 3 00 66 66 66 7* 27 938 2 504 Pr 3 50 Malan, or Morgan P. Man. 4 00 30 2 drills. 4 ou/4 uf 6 50 Morgan’s Pocket Manual. 7 00 9 40 1 drni. 3 25"/ /0-- 5 00 Any Domestic Work. —10 61 66 4 50-/ 7 00 Johnson’s Family Guide. ■ 9 00 — 11 61 2 drms. 5 00-/. W-1Q 00 66 66 12 00 73 1 drm. 5 50/ W-8 50 Hering’s Domestic. 11 00 14 84 66 5 75/., Hr- 9 oo Guernsey Family Guide. 11 50 —15 86 66 6 00-/. fa 10 00 Small “ 12 50 16 86 2 drms. 8 00-/ 7 3 00 U 2 50 4 50 5f x 31 x 11 6f x 3| x 1 30 40 750 9 2 60 7 x 31 x 11 31 45 ( 15. 1075 ) {30. 1035 1 \ 3 25 7 x 31 x If 32 45 1075 \5 00 % SO 7"0fT 7 x 31 x 11 33 48 1336-4 ' \3 50 5 50 61 x 21 x If 34 60 750 3 75 $iSD&- 76- 7 x 3f x 11 35 60 1035 3Y75 7 v9lv1i 36 60 (30. 1035 | {30. 1075 j 5 \ 0 f,2fi I X O 4 X 1 jj 7 x 3!xll 61 x 21 x li 37 75 j 15. 1075 { {60. 1035 j 6 0& 38 80 750 4 75 \ 7,75 f-50 7 x 3i x If 39 90 1035 6 00 \ 9~00 61 x 31 x If 40 102 834 6 00 \ 9 00 7 x 31 x I A HIGH POTENCY Ci^ES. 41 30*11 " 635 $ 2 00 $ 3 00 4# x 1 f x 4 42 60* 518 3 00 41 x 2 x f 43 60 3/v 635 3 50 41 x 31 x f 44 80* 630 4 00 fe 50 51 x 3 x 1 45 ioo 3'r 635 5 50 7 x 31 x 11 46 120 « 635 6 00 51 x 31 x 11 48 150 « . 635 7 50 12. 7 x 31 x 11 49* 200 y/t| 518 8 00 15 bq 6 x 31 x 1 * Upright Wooden Cases, covered with Morocco can be marked on cork onlv. f Wrapper case arranged so that % ials stand upright when can ■ied in the pocket. POCKET CASES. 55 ILLUSTRATIONS OF POGKET GASES. A Turkey Morocco Pocket Case, of 24 long half drachm vials, corked $ 2 50 Filled with Medicines. • • \ 3 75 No. 23. A Turkey Morocco Pocket Case, of 15 long on«i drachm and 30 short half drachm vials, corked V $ 3 25 Filled with Medicines \ 5 00 No\ 31. No. 82. A Turkey Morocco Pocket Case, of 45 long one drachm vials, corked $ 5 00 Filled with Medicines \ 7 00 I \ 56 BOERICKE & TAFEL'S PRICE CURRENT. No. 45. A High Potency Case, made of Turkey Morocco, with 100 quarter drachm vials, corked . \ $5 50 Filled with Medicines \ 9 00 No. 48. A High Potency Case, made of Turkey Morocco, with 150 quarter drachm vials, corked \ 7 50 Filled with Medicines \ 12 00 No. 49. An upright wooden High Potency Case, covered with Morocco. 200 vials, corked. . 8 00 Filled with Medicines, marked on cork only 15 00 BUGGY CASES. 57 BIMY BASES. VARIOUS STYLES. These cases are made of good, strong leather, such as is used in best class of travelling hags. \ No. 55YCase Shut. No. 55—Case Open. 5fo. 55.—Dimensions 11] x 7 inches; 4] inches wide. \ Contains 26 two drachm vials, No. 1658, and 96 one drachm vials, No. 1358. Between the lid and vials, on one side are loops, arranged for surgical on the other side four pouches for powder papers and envelopes. The centre flap, for vials, is station- ary, but either of the two side flaps by an ingenious arrangement, can be taken out and a book or two carried in their stead. The whole, when shut looks like an elegant traveling-bag mounted with nickel-plated castings. At option of the buyer, the centre flap can also be furnished with long six drachm vials, on one or both sides. We have these in dark leather. Price, with vials corked \ §16 00 “ filled . . . . * V 24 00 58 BOEBICKE & TA FEE’S PRICE CURRENT. No* 55(*.—Same style as No. 55, but smaller. Dimensions, 10 x 61 inches; 41 inches wide. Contains 24 vials, No. 1658, and 90 vials, No. 1358, and space for powder papers, envelopes, and instruments. Side flap arrangement same as in the other. \ \ Price, with vials corked $14 00 \ “ filled 21 00 No. 55b. —Same sWle as Nos. 55 and 55a, but smaller. Dimensions, 8x6 inches; 41 inches wide. \ 'ontains 18 vials, No. 1650, and 66 vials, No. 1350, and space for powder paperk envelopes, and instruments. Same arrangement as in the other. \ Priae, with vials corked 12 00 “A filled 17 00 No. 56—Case Shut. No. 56—Case Open. No. 5G.—Dimensions, 11 x 6.1 inches, 4 inches wide. This is a wooden case, covered with Turkey morocco, and richly mounted with German silver edges and corners. The flaps are arranged same as in No. 55 case; the centre flap is stationary, the side flaps removable, and there are similar arrangements for instruments and powder papers. We supply these in dark leather. The handles are arranged so as to avoid any strain on lock or fastenings. Price, with vials corked 17 00 “ filled . . . *. \ 24 00 N. B.—This case is covered with fine Turkey Morocco leather; it is a durable and elegant case. „ BUGGY CASES. 59 No. 56«.—This case is made of Strap Leather, i. e., stout leather such as leather straps are cut from. This “ strap leather ” is stretched over a strong frame, is very durable and will stand an unusual amount of rough usage. The di- mensions and inner arrangements are the same as of Case No. 56. We can furnish them either in natural leather color or in black. Price, with vials corked $20 00 “ “ filled 27 00 N.B.—Tlie size of vials in our Buggy Cases can he changed to suit customers, at a small increase in price. But it will take from one to two weeks to till such special orders. No. 57.—Dimensions, 11 x 61 inches, 5f inches wide. This is a strong wooden Case, covered with strap leather of natural or dark color. The lid contains a pocket for Instruments. The main body holds 9 six-drachm bottles No. 22100, and 52 three-drachm bottles No. 14100, STANDING UPRIGHT in strong wooden partitions. The side flap holds 30 one-drachm bottles No. 1445 in 2 rowTs, and a pocket for Powder Papers or Envelopes. It is fastened on the side by a strong nickel-plated Lock and 2 Hooks, and makes altogether one of the strongest and handiest Cases. Price with vials corked, $15 00 “ filled, . . . 21 00 60 BOERICKE & TA EEL’S PRICE CURRENT. PHYSICIAN’S OFFICE CASES. lio. 58 contains 150 half ounce vials. . - j " Price, corked Off “ filled 25 00 No. 58 or No. 59. No. 59.—Larger size, contains 150 one-ounce vials. _ m. Price, corked “ filled 35 00 No. f>0. Mo. 60 is a double folding Aving chest, made of solid mahogany throughout, with four large and four small draAArers; containing 12 two ounce, 231 four drachm, 77 three drachm vials, and 70 vials, No. 1033 for High Potencies. Price, corked 38 00 “ filled 75 00 VETERINARY CASES. 61 VETERINARY CASES. No. 63. No. 61 contains 24 halfi ounce vials. . I'*? Price, dnrked /*%•? '¥*?*?*. **/'. $2 50J “ filled with medicines Y -4- W No. 616 contains 24 one\ounce vials. . ' “— J I/O Price, cocked . . . . ... . ■/w,.. . . . Ly . . . . 3 00 - ’ “ finVi • • • . (: iw hw- No. 62 contains 40 half ounce vials. ' / ' ' ' * * % /. / i f 0 P]*inp pnrL'Ll * Q J3L “ fillecmvith medicines . C/>/) ' 7 No. 626 contains 40 one ounce vials. . i’* ::: affy. : m N° 63 —s * ' “ filled wit]\ medicines . 00 No. 636 contains 60 one ounce wals. . f. o, -f. Z.r Price, corked . A. . . . T>. . viZit?-?# : with rqpdicines . x . V^7r>. . . 4 15 4!P The above cut represents our new Veterinary Medicine Case, made substantially of black walnut, and of which we have two srees, viz.: Xo. 64. With 22 bottles, each holding over 100 doses, and two large bottles of Arnica and Calendula Tincture for external uVi, all labeled with full direc tions, including also an assortment of most useful instruments, as well as surgical needles and silk. Price ..... A. §15 00 £$0. 65. With 12 bottles, same as above. Price . . . . \ 9 00 A case containing a set of twelve remedies, recommended for external use, in two-ounce bottles. Price \ ■ f 50, -The same in one-ounce bottles. Price V 7*. 62 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. LATEST PUBLICATIONS. BELCHER, Dr. HENRY. On the Treatment of Some of the Important Affections of the Nervous System. Londonll878. 80 pages. Cloth, . . . . . . . $1 00 BURNET\T, Dr. J. C. Diseases of the Skin from the Organ- ismic Standpoint. London, 1886. 100 pages. Cloth, . . 75 ■ Diseases of the Spleen and their Remedies. Clinically illustrates London, 1887. 130 pages. Cloth, . . . . 1 25 CLARKE, Df. JOHN H. Iodide of Arsenicum in Organic Diseases of the Heart. London, 1884. 28 pages, . .- . 40 Revolution in Medicine. London, 1886. 88 pages. Cloth, . 60 QIbARK, Dr. A. Reproduction. London, 1887. 63 pp. Cloth, 75 CLEVELAND, Dr. C. L. Salient Materia Medica and Thera- peutics. Philadelphia, 1888. 171 pages, 12mo. Cloth, . . 1 25 DRYSDALE, Eti\ ALFRED. Wintering Abroad. London, 1887. 63 pagesy Paper, 15c. Cloth, ...... 25 FARRINGTON, Dr. E. A. Clinical Materia Medica. Edited by Clarence Bartlett, M.D., and revised by S. Lilienthal, M. D. Philadelphia, 188a 752 pages, 8vo. Cloth, $6. Half Mor., . 7 00 GUTTERIDGE, Die R. L. On Cancer. London. Paper, . 40 Curability of Consumption. London. Paper, ... 40 HAYWARD, Dr. J. W. Medical Treatment of our Time. London. Paper, . \ . . . . . . . . 40 HELMUTH, Dr. W.\T. Humanity. A Poem. New York. Bound handsomely in alligator skin. Net, . . . . . I 25 KIMBALL, Dr. SAM’L. Repertory of Gonorrhoea. Boston, 1888. 53 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . . . . . . . 1 50 KING, Dr. I. B. S. Practical Urinalysis, with Clinical Hints. Chicago. 9 Charts. Net\ ........ 50 LEAGUE TRACTS. A Series of Popular Lectures on Homoeopathy. London. No. 1-11. To be continued. Small sizes, 5c. Large sizes, 10- NEIDHARD, Dr. C. Pathogenetic and Clinical Repertory of the most Prominent Symptoms of the Head. Philadelphia, 1888. 188 pages, 8vo. ClotA . . . . . . 1 50 Odium Medicum and Homoeopathy. Edited by Dr. John H. Clarke. London. 1888. 126 pages. Paper, .... 40 PERKINS, Dr. D. C. The Homoeopathic Therapeutics of Rheumatism and Kindred Diseases. Philadelphia, 1888. 180 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . • V • • • . ■ . 1 50 PRATT, Dr. Orificial Surgery. Chicago, 1887. 139 pages. Cloth, 1 50 SCHUESSLER. Abridged Therapeutics. Founded upon His- tology and Cellular Pathology, with, an Appendix giving special directions, etc. London, 1886. pages. Cloth, . . . 1 50 Schuessler’s Twelve Tissue Remedies. Arranged and compiled /j by Dr. Wm. Boericke and Dr. A. Dewey. Philadelphia, 1888. f )„ \ 303 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . . . \ . . . . . 2 oO SOUTHWICK, Dr. G. R. Gynaecology. Boston, 1888. 408 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . . . . \ . . . . .375 WESSELHOEFT, Dr. C. How to Study Materia Medica. Boston, 1887. 27 pages, 8vo. Cloth, \. .... 35 WINTERBURN, Dr. GEORGE M. Value of Vaccination. Philadelphia, 1886. 182 pages. Cloth, 75c. \Paper, ... 50 Repertory. New York, 1886. 128 pages, feather, . . 2 50 HO mg: OP A THIC PUBLIC A TIONS. 63 *4 BOERICKE & TAFEL’S CATALOGUE HorpoBopathiG Publications. FOR ADDITIONAL NEW PUBLICATIONS, SEE PP. 103 AND 104. On all American books (with few exceptions) we allow a discount of twenty per cent, to the Profession, on all English books (these are marked London) ten per cent, from published prices. Postage invariably extra. AGAR, ALEXANDER. Physicians’ Combined Day-Book and Ledger. One entry only. No posting. Small size, . net $5 00 Large size, .......... net 8 00 ALLEN, Dr. TIMOTHY F. The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica; a Record of the Positive Effects of £Drugs upon the Healthy Human Organism. With contri- butions from Dr. Richard Hughes, of England; Dr. C. Hering, of Philadelphia; Dr. Carroll Dunham, of New York; Dr. Adolph Hliippe, of Philadelphia, and others. Philadelphia, 1879. Ten ' volumes. Price, bound in cloth, $60.00 ; in half morocco or sheep, 70 00 This is the most complete and extensive work on Materia Medica ever attempted in the history of medicine—a work to which the homoeo- pathic practitioner may turn with the certainty of finding the whole pathogenetic record of any remedy ever used in Homoeopathy, the record of which being published either in book form or in journals. “With the Volumes IX and X, now before us—Allen’s Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica—is completed, It comprises all remedies proved or applied by homoeopaths. With truly wonderful diligence everything has been carefully collated from the whole medical literature that could be put under contri- bution to Homoeopathy, thus enabling any one who wants to make a thorough study of Materia Medica, or who wishes to read up a special remedy to find what he neds and where to look for it. . . . As regards printing, paper, and general get-up, the house of Boericke & Tafel has fully upheld its old-established reputa- tion.”—From the Allgemeine Homoeopathische Zeitung. A General Symptom Register of the Homoeopathic Materia Medica. 1331 pages. Philadelphia, 1880. Large 8vo. Cloth, $12.00; half morocco or sheep, 14 00 “ The long hoped-for ‘ Index ’ has come, and now lies before us in all the glory of a comely volume of 1331 pages, beautifully printed on good, clear paper, and bound in cloth. “ Every scientific practitioner in the world will heartily thank the indefati- gable author for crowning his pharmaco-encyclopedic edifice so promptly with a workable repertorial index. The thing we are most thankful for is that the arrange- menl is strictly alphabetical. First, the part affected ; second, the sensation, conditioned or modified. No fads or fancies, theories or hypotheses. Of course, everybody has a copy of the Encyclopedia, and now everybody will get a copy of the Index. We cannot pretend to review such a work. It bears every mark of care, capability, and conscientiousness, and to hunt about for specks of dirt on such a grand picture is not the kind of work for us. The only piece of advice we offer to intending purchasers is that they ask for it bound in leather, for common cloth 64 BOERICKE & TA FEES BRICE CURRENT. binding, no matter how nice to the eye, soon begins to tear at the back, and becomes the source of endless annoyance. This applies, of course, to a work for frequent reference, and Allen’s ‘Index’ is practically a dictionary to his Encyclopedia, and as such will be used many times a day.”—From the Homoeopathic World. ALLEN, Dr. WILLIAM A. Repertory to the Symptoms of Intermittent Fever. Philadelphia. F. E. Boericke. Hah- J nemanu Publishing House. 1883. 107 pages, 16ino. Cloth, . $1 00 Leather, ........... 1 *25 ALLEN, Dr. H. C. The Therapeutics of Intermittent Fever. Philadelphia. Hahnemann Publishing House. F. E. Boericke. „ 1884. Pp. 342,8vo. Cloth, 2 75 “ Professor Allen deserves the thanks of the profession for this volume. As a true Homoeopath, he lias grappled with the task of showing that intermittent fever can always be cured, provided it is treated rigidly homoeopathically and with purely homoeopathic remedies. We cannot help admiring how thoroughly he has com- bined provings with clinical demonstrations. No physician who has had a glimpse of the book will do without it. We would be derelict in the duty to our if we did not urge them to buy it.”—American Homoeopath. AMERICAN HOMCEOPATHIC PHARMACOPEIA. Third edition. Thoroughly revised and augmented by Joseph T. O’Connor, M. D. Compiled and published by Boericke & *Tafel. Philadelphia, 1883. »44y pages. Half morocco, or sheep, / . . 5 00 The third edition oi this work has just been received from the binder. It has been carefully revised by Professor J. T. Q’Connor, In order to facilitate the pronunciation of the remedies, a '‘carefully prepared list of acccented syllables has been added. Dr. O’Connor has the rare faculty of clothing as dry a as a chemical process into such entertaining language, as to make its perusal and study an actual pleasure, thereby greatly aiding itSi retention in memory. f ‘‘This work is calculated to give to the pharmacist all the directions needed to enable him or the physician to prepare or obtain the exact article used by the proversof any drug. There is a demand for just such a work this, and it seems to us that it meets with the wants of the homoeopathic profession. . . . “The technical name of the drug is first given, the synonymous next, then the common name; then, if a chemical, the formula, molecula/ weight, preparation, properties, tests, and preparation, for homoeopathic uses. If it treats of a vegetable remedy, it gives the synonym, natural order, preparation, • A —The Common Diseases of Children. London, 1873. 166 pages. Cloth, . . 35 The Common Diseases of Women, including the Homoeo- pathic and General Treatment of Ailments Peculiar to Different Periods of Life. Fifth edition. 170 pages. Cloth, ... 55 The Text-Book of Modern Medicine and Surgery. London, 1884. 1,034 pages. Half morocco, . . . . 7 50 RUSH, Dr. JOHN. Veterinary Surgeon. The Hand-book to Veterinary Homoeopathy ; or, the Homoeopathic Treatment of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, and Swine. 150 pages, 18mo. Cloth, 50 RUSSELL, Dr. J. R. A Contribution to Medical Literature. London. 653 pages. Cloth, . 5 00 The Treatment of Rheumatism, Epilepsy, Asthma, and Fever, being Clinical Lectures delivered at the London Homoeo- pathic Hospital. London, 1865. 399 pages. Cloth, . . 2 65 On Digestion and the Structures and Uses of the Liver. Second edition. London. 86 pages. Paper, .... 35 Hints on Diet, with Special Reference to Homoeopathy, Third edition. London, 1863. 70 pages. Paper, ... 35 96 BOER1CKE & TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. RUSSELL, Dr. J. R. Affections of the Nervous System, including Epilepsy, etc. Second edition. London. 77 pages. Paper, . . . . . . . . . . . . SO 35 The Heart : Its Functional and Organic Diseases. Second edition. London. 77 pages. Paper, ..... 35 Pneumonia. Second edition. London. 49 pages. Paper, . 35 The Skin and its Diseases. Second edition. London. 135 pages. Paper, .......... 90 SALZER, Dr. L. Lectures on Cholera, and its Homoeopathic Treatment. Calcutta, 1883. 235 pages. Cloth, . . . 3 25 SCHAEFER, J. C. New Manual of Homoeopathic Veteri- nary Medicine. Especially Designed for the Farmer living Out of the Reach of Medical Advice. Translated from the German, by C. J. Hempel, M. D. 321 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . . . . 2 00 SCHROTER, Dr. Fr. The Homoeopathic Poultry Physi- cian ; or, Plain Directions for the Homoeopathic Treatment of the Most Common Ailments of Fowls, Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, and Pigeons. Translated from the German. New York, 1880. 92 v pages,.ds2inu_. Cloth, 50 - — -v“ ' * / SCHUSSLER, Dr. W. H. Abridged Therapeutics. Treat- ment of Disease by Biochemic Measures. The Inorganic Tissue Cell Salts or Natural Constituents of the Human Body as Remedial Agents. Twelfth edition. Philadelphia, 1886. 94 pages. 12mo. Cloth 90 SCHWABE, Dr. WILLMAR. Pharmacopoeia Homceo- pathica Polyglotta. Second edition. Cloth, . . . . 3 00 SEARLE, Dr. W. S. A New Form of Nervous Disease: Together with an Essay on Erythoxylon Coca. New York, 1881. 138 pages, l2mo. Cloth, . . . . . . • 1 00 SHARP’S Tracts on Homoeopathy, each, .... 08 Per hundred, . . . 5 00 No. 1. What is Homoeopathy ? No. 7. The Principles of Homoeopathy. No. 2. The Defense of Homoeopathy. No. 8. Controversy on No. 3. The Truth of “ No. 9. Remedies of No. 4 The Small Doses of “ No. 10. Provings of No. 5. The Difficulties of “ No. 11 Single Medicines of “ No. 6. Advantages of “ No. 12. Common-sense of SHARP’S TRACTS. Complete set of twelve numbers, . . 50 Bound, ........... 75 HOMCEOPA THIC PUBLIC A TIOXS. 97 SHARP, W. Essays on Medicine. Being an Investigation of Homoeopathy and other Medical Systems. Tenth edition. Lon- don, 1874. 809 pages. Cloth, $1 75 SHEDD and OTIS, Drs. Electropathy and Homoeopathy Combined. A New and Complete System of Therapeutics of Medical Electricity. Chicago. 131 pages. Cloth, . . . 1 00 SHIPMAN, Dr. GEORGE E. The Homoeopathic Family Guide, for the Use of Twenty-eight Principal Remedies in the Treatment of the More Simple Forms of Disease. Eighth edition. Chicago, 1873. 311 pages, 12mo. Cloth, . . . . . 2 00 SHULDHAM, Dr. E. B. The Family Homoeopathist, or Plain Directions for the Treatment of Disease. Sixth edi- tion. London. 152 pages. Cloth, ...... 35 Headaches : their Causes and Treatment. Second edition. Revised. London, 1876. 77 pages. Cloth, .... 35 Chronic Sore Throat, or Follicular Disease of the Pharynx ; Its Local and Constitutional Treatment, with a Special Chapter on Hygiene of the Voice. Second edition. London, 1881. 90 pages. Cloth, 75 Coughs and their Cure, with Special Chapters on Consump- tion and Change of Climate. London, 1878. 244 pages. Cloth, 1 60 Stammering and its Rational Treatment. With Remarks on the late Canon Kingsley’s Method of Cure. London, 1879. 72 pages. Cloth, 90 SKINNER, Dr. THOMAS. Homoeopathy in its Relation to the Diseases of Females, or Gynaecology. Third edi- tion. London, 1886. 79 pages. Cloth, ..... 75 SMALL, Dr. A. E. Manual of Homoeopathic Practice, for the use of Families and Private Individuals. Fifteenth enlarged edition. 831 pages, 8vo. Half leather, . . . . . 2 50 Manual of Homoeopathic Practice. Translated into German by C. J. Hempel, M. D. Eleventh edition. 643 pages, 8vo. Cloth, 2 50 Diseases of the Nervous System, to which is added a Trea- tise on the Diseases of the Skin, by Dr. C. E. Toothaker. 216 pages, 8vo. Cloth, 1 00 This treatise is from the pen of the distinguished author of the well- known and highly popular work entitled, Small's Domestic Practice. 98 BOERICKE & TA FEES PRICE CURRENT. It contains an elaborate description of the diseases of the nervous system, together with a full statement of the remedies which have been used with beneficial effect in the treatment of these disorders. SMALL, Dr. A. E. A Treatise on the Decline of Manhood. Its Causes, and the Best Means of Preventing their Effects and Bringing About a Restoration to Health. Chicago, 1885. Third edition.' 112 pages, 12mo. Cloth, $1 00 STAPF, Dr. E. Additions to the Materia Medica Pura. Translated by C. J. Hempel, M. D. 292 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . 1 50 This work is an appendix to Hahnemann’s Materia Medica Pura. Every remedy is accompanied with extensive and most interesting clinical remarks and a variety of cases illustrative of its therapeutical uses. STRONG, Dr. G. Modern Medicine.—Our Holiday at the Hayes. London, 1867. 93 pages. Cloth, .... 60 TARBELL, Dr. J. A. Homoeopathy Simplified, or Domestic Practice Made Easy. Containing Explicit Directions for the Treatment of Disease, the Management of Accidents, and the Pres- ervation of Health. Boston, 1879. 368 pages, 12mo. Cloth, . 1 00 The Pocket Homoeopathist and Family Guide. Boston, 1874. 62 pages, 32mo. Cloth, ....... 30 TESSIER, Dr. J. P. Clinical Researches Concerning the Homoeopathic Treatment of Asiatic Cholera. Translated by C. J. Hempel, M. D. 109 pages, 8vo. Cloth, ... 75 Clinical Remarks Concerning the Homoeopathic Treat- ment of Pneumonia, preceded by a Retrospective View of the Allopathic Materia Medica, and an Explanation of the Homoeo- pathic Law of Cure. Translated by C. J. Hempel, M. D. 131 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . 75 TESTE, Dr. A Homoeopathic Treatise on the Diseases of Children. By Alph. Teste, M. D. Translated from the French by Emma H. Cote, 1867. Fourth edition. 345 pages, 12mo. Cloth 1 50 This sterling work is by no means a new applicant for the favor- able consideration of the profession, but is known to the older physicians since many years, and would be as well known to the younger had it not been out of print for nearly eight years. However, as orders for the work were persistently received from all quarters, we concluded to resur- rect the book, as it were, and, purchasing the plates from the quondam HOMCEOPA THIC PUBLIC1 A TIONS. 99 publishers, we re-issued it iu a much improved form, i. e., well printed on excellent paper. Dr. Teste’s work is unique in that in most cases it recommends for certain affections remedies that are not usually thought of in connection therewith; but, embodying the results of an immense practical experience, they rarely fail to accomplish the desired end. THOMAS, Dr. A. R. Post-Mortem Examinations. Out of Print. THOMAS, Dr. H. External Remedies in Accidents, with an Appendix on the Uses of Camphor. Seventh edition. London, 1881. 92 pages. Cloth, 40 UNDERWOOD, Dr. B. F. A Materia Medica of Differen- tial Potency. New York, 1884. 21p,pages, 8vo. Cloth,.-' . - 2 00 The Diseases of Childhood, with Therapeutic Indica- tions. New York, 1882. 216 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . . . 2 00 VARONA, Dr. A. de. Sewer Gases. Cloth, .... 75 VERDI, Dr. T. S. Maternity ; a Popular Treatise for Young Wives and Mothers. By Tullio Suzzara Verdi, A. M., M. D., of Washington, D. C. 450 pages, 12mo. Cloth, . . 2 00 “No one needs instruction more than a young mother, and the directions given by Dr. Verdi in this work are such as I should take great pleasure in recommend- ing to all the young mothers, and some of the old ones, in the range of my prac- tice.”—George E. Shipman, M. D., Chicago, III. “Dr. Verdi’s book is replete with useful suggestions for wives and mothers, and his medical instructions for home use accord with the maxims of my best ex- perience in practice.”—John F. Gray, M. b., New York City. Mothers and Daughters : Practical Studies for the Conserva- tion of the Health of Girls. By Tullio Suzzara Verdi, A. M., M. D. 287 pages, 12mo. Cloth, 1 50 “ The people, and especially the women, need enlightening on many points connected with their physical life, and the time is fast approaching when it will no longer be thought singular or * Yankeeish ’ that a woman should be instructed in regard to her sexuality, its organs and their functions. . . . Dr. Verdi is doing a good work in writing such books, and we trust he will continue in the course he has adopted of educating the mothers and daughters The book is hand- somely presented. It is printed with good type on fine paper, and is neatly and substantially bound.”—Hahnemannian Monthly. VETERINARY HOMCEOPATHY, Comprising Rules for the General Treatment of all Domestic Animals, and a Brief Inquiry into the Distinctive Indications of Age and Soundness. London, 1851. 474 pages. Cloth, . . 3 00 VILAS, Dr. C. H. Eye Notes. Complete in 3 parts,. . . 1 50 Ear Notes. Complete in 2 parts, 1 00 Spectacles and How to Choose Them. Chicago. 157 pages. Cloth, .......... Out of Print. 100 BOERICKE d\ TAFEL’S PRICE CURRENT. VILAS, Dr. C. H. The Ophthalmoscope ; Its Theory and Practical Uses, 1882. 150 pages, 16mo. Cloth, . $1 00 Eye and Ear. An Elementary Manual. J Chicago, 1883. 233 pages, 12mo. Cloth, .... VON TAGEN. Biliary Calculi, Perineorrhaphy, Hospital Gangrene, and its Kindred Diseases. 1881. 154 pages, 8vo. Cloth, 1 25 “Yon Tagen was an industrious worker, a close observer, an able writer. The essays before us bear the marks of this. They are written in an easy, flowing, graceful style, and are full of valuable suggestions. While the essay on perineor- rhaphy is mainly of interest to the surgeon, the other essays concern the general practitioner. They are exhaustive and abound in good things. The author is especially emphatic in recommending the use of bromine in the treatment of hospital gangrene, and furnishes striking clinical evidence in support of his recom- mendation. “ The book forms a neat volume of 150 pages, and is well worthy of careful study.”—Medical Counselor. WELLS, Dr. P. P. Essays on the Treatment of Diarrhoea and Dysentery. Philadelphia, 1884. 68 pages, 24mo. Paper, 50; cloth, 60 WHEELER, Dr. C. G. Medical Chemistry. 424pages. Cloth, 3 00 WESSELHOEFT, Dr. C. The Effects of Trituration, Out of Print. The Law of Similars : Its Dosage and the Action of Atten- uated Medicines. Boston, 1883. 71 pages. Cloth, ... 50 WILDE, Dr. F. G. S. Sleeplessness: Its Treatment by Homoe- opathy, Hydropathy, and other Accessory Means. London, 1884. 92 pages. Cloth, 60 WILLIAMSON, Dr. W. Diseases of Females and Children and their Homoeopathic Treatment. Third enlarged edition. C 256 pages, This work contains a short treatise on the homoeopathic treatment of the diseases of females and children, the conduct to be observed during pregnancy, labor, and confinement, and directions for the management of new-born infants. WOLF, Dr. C. W. Apis Mellifica; or, the Poison of the Honey- , Bee considered as a Therapeutic Agent. 80 pages, ... 25 This is the most elaborate treatise upon the above drug in print; the author spared no pains in making it an excellent exponent of Apis Mellifica and its medical virtues. H OMCEOPA THIC PUBLIC A TIONS. 101 WILSON, Dr. T. P. Special Indications for Twenty-five Remedies in Intermittent Fever. By T. P. Wilson, M. D., Professor of Theory and Practice, Ophthalmic and Aural Surgery, University of Michigan. 1880. 53 pages, 12mo. Cloth, . . SO 40 This little work gives the characteristic indications in intermittent fever of twenty-five of the mostly used remedies. It is printed on heavy writing paper, and plenty of space is given to make additions. The name of the drug is printed on the back of the page containing the symptoms, in order that the student may the better exercise his memory. WINSLOW, Dr. W. H. The Human Ear and its Diseases. A Practical Treatise upon the Examination, Recognition, and Treatment of Affections of the Ear and Associate Parts, prepared for the Instruction of Students and the Guidance of Physicians. By W. H. Winslow, M. D., Ph. D., Oculist and Aurist to the Pitts- burgh Homoeopathic Hospital, etc., etc., with one hundred and thirty-eight illustrations. Philadelphia. 1881. 526 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 “ Dr. Winslow has long occupied a high position, not only as oculist and aurist, but, as a clear, forcible, and able writer. On the announcement of a treatise on his specialty, we anticipated a work of a high order of merit. We are not disappointed. Dr. Winslow’s book will at once take.rank as among the best in any school. The anatomy and physiology of the ear are clearly stated, and all the modern improve- ments in examination and local treatment given, with illustrations, where neces- sary, to make the text more clear.”—New York Medical Times. WORCESTER, Dr. S. Repertory to the Modc.lities. In their Relations to Temperature, Air, Water, Winds, Weather, and Seasons. Based mainly upon Hering’s Con- densed Materia Medica, with additions from Allen, Lippe, and Hale. Compiled and arranged by Samuel Worcester, M. D., Salem, Mass., Lecturer on Insanity and its Jurisprudence at Boston University School of Medicine, etc., etc. 1880. 160 pages, 12mo. Cloth, 1 25 “This Repertory to the Modalities is indeed a most useful undertaking,and will, without question, be a material aid to rapid and sound prescribing where there are prominent modalities. The first chapter treats of the sun and its effects, both bene- ficial and hurtful, and we see at a glance that strontium carb., anacardium, conium mac., and kali bich. are likely to be useful to patients who like basking in the sun. No doubt many of these modalities are more or less fanciful; still, a great many of them are real and of vast clinical range. “The book is nicely printed on good paper and strongly bound. It contains only 160 pages. We predict that it will meet with a steady, long-continued sale, and in the course of time be found on the tables of most of those careful and con- scientious prescribers who admit the philosophical value of (for instance) lunar aggravations, effects of thunder-storms, etc. And who, being without the priggish- ness of mere brute science, does not ?”—Homoeopathic World. 102 BOERICKE & TAFEUS PRICE CURRENT. WORCESTER, D. S. Insanity and Its Treatment. Lectures on the Treatment of Insanity and Kindred Nervous Diseases. By Samuel Worcester, M. D., Salem, Mass., Lecturer on Insanity, Nervous Diseases, and Dermatology at Boston University School of Medicine, etc., etc. 1881. 462 pages, 8vo. Cloth, . . . $3 50 “ The basis of Dr. Worcester’s work was a coarse of lectures delivered before the senior students of the Boston University School of Medicine. As now presented, with some alterations and additions, it makes a very excellent text-book for students and practitioners. Dr. Worcester has drawn very largely upon standard authorities and his own experience, which has not bfeen small. In the direction of homoeopathic treatment he has received valuable assistance from Drs. Talcott and Butler, of the New York State Insane Asylum. It is not, nor does it pretend to be, an exhaustive work ; but as a well-digested summary of our present knowl- edge of insanity we feel sure that it will give satisfaction. We cordially recommend it.”—New England Medical Gazette. YELDHAM, Dr. S. Homoeopathy in Acute Diseases. Fourth edition. London, 1867. 261 pages. Cloth, . . . 1 25 Homoeopathy in Venereal Diseases. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. London, 1888. 192 pages. Cloth, . . . 1 50 HOMCEOPATHIC PUBLICATIONS. 103 ADDITIONAL NEW PUBLICATIONS. AMEKE, WM., M.D. History of Homoeopathy. Its Origin; Its Conflict. Translated from the German by Dr. A. E. Drysdale. Edited by Dudgeon. London, 1885. 445 pages. Cloth, . . $2 80 ARNDT, Dr. A. R. System of Medicine, based upon the Law of Homoeopathy. In three volumes of over 900 pages each. Phila- delphia, 1885. Cloth, $22.50; half morocco or sheep, . . 25 50 BROWN, DYCE, M.D. The Reign of Law in Medicine. London, 1886. 64 pages, pamphlet form, ..... 35 CLARK, I. H., M.D. The Prescriber.* Dictionary of the New Therapeutics. London, 1886. Beoond edition. 207 pages. Cloth, 1 25 COOKE, Dr. N. FRANCIS. Antiseptic Medication on Deolat’s Method. Second edition. Chicago, 1885. 96 pages. Cloth, . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 DAKE, J. P., M.D. Therapeutic Methods. -An Outline of — Principles observed in the Art of Healing. Boston, 1886. 195 pages. Cloth, ... . . . . . . . . 2 00 ' & HUGHES. Cyclonsedia oLDrujaPathqgenesy. Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. &I/binAmes 'to London, 1885. Each number containing 192 pages, . . net. B- (To be continued). DONALDSON, S. S., M.D. A Decalogue for the Nursery. Boston, 1886. 278 pages. Cloth, 1 25 DUDLEY, PEMBERTON, M.D. The Test at the Bed- side; or, Homoeopathy in the Balance. Austin, Tex., 1886. A pamphlet of 24 pages, ........ 5 Per hundred, . . . 4 50 GATCHELL, Dr. CH. The Treatment of Cholera. Chicago, 1885. 33 pages, 25 GATCHELL, N. How to Feed the Sick. A Hand-book of Diet in Disease. Third edition. Chicago, 1885. 162 pages. Cloth, 1 25 GUERNSEY, HENRY N., M.D. Key-Notes to the Ma- teria Medica. Philadelphia, 1887. 267 Pages. Cloth, . 0 2 25 HAYNES, C. M., M.D. Elementary Principles of Electro- Therapeutics. Third edition. Chicago, 1884. 426 pages, . 2 00 HELMUTH, WM. TOD, M.D. Ovariotomy. New York, 1885. 43 pages, 8vo. Cloth, ....... 50 104 BOERICKE & TAFEES PRICE CURRENT HERING MEMORIAL. Edited by Drs. Ch. G. Raue, Calvin B. Knerr, and Ch. Moiir. Philadelphia. 364 pages. Cloth, . $3 00 This Work contains a well-executed likeness of Dr. C. Hering, as well as a view of him as sitting in his study, and is divided into three parts, viz:—Part I, Biographical Sketch; Part II, Literary Life; Part III, in Memoriam. HOUGHTON, Dr. HENRY C. Lectures on Clinical Otol- ogy. Boston, 1885. 260 pages. Cloth, 2 75 HURNDALE, J. S., M.D. Dogs in Health and Disease. London, 1886. 84 pages. Cloth, ...... 90 JOSLIN-WELLS. The Homoeopathic Treatment of Epi- demic Cholera—Therapeutics and Repertory. Philadel- phia, 1885. 96 pages, 75 MILLSPAUGH, Dr. CH. F. Repertory to Eczema. 'New York, 1885. 43 pages, 25 MITCHELL, CIFFORD, A.B., M.D. The Physician’s Manual of Simple Chemical Tests. Part I: Poisons. Part II: Constituents of Urine. Chicago, 1886. Part I, 25 cts., Part II, 30 NICHOLS, Dr. TH. Diseases of the Nares, Larynx, and Trachea in Childhood. New York, 1885. 302 pages. Cloth, 2 50 OSTROM, H. J., M.D. A Treatise on the Breast and its Surgical Diseases. Second edition. New York, 1885. 377 pages. Cloth, . . . 3 00 SCHUESSLER, Dr. W. H. The Cure of Diphtheria by Biochemic Treatment. New York, 1880. 51 pages, . . 25 SMALL, A. E., M.D. A Systematic Treatise on the Prac- tice of Medicine. Chicago, 1886. 900 pages, 8vo. H. M. . 6 50 SMITH, J. EDW., M.D. How to see with the Microscope. Second edition, illustrated. Chicago, 1885. 410 pages. Cloth, . 2 00 STERLING, Dr. CH. F. The Diseases of the Ear and their Homoeopathic Treatment, with a brief outline of the Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology. New York, 1885. 167 pages. Cloth, 1 25 VERDI, Dr. C. S. Progressive Medicine. A Scientific and Practical Treatise on Diseases of the Digestive Organs and the Complications arising therefrom. Philadelphia, 1885. 349 pages. ■ . 2 00 WILDE, Dr. F. G. STANLEY. Sleeplessness—Its Treat- ment by Homoeopathy, Hydropathy, and other Accessory Means. London. 1884. 92 pages. Cloth, 60 BURNETT, J. COMPTON, M.D. Fifty Reasons for Being a Homoeopath. London. 175 pages. Cloth, .... 90 HOM (EG PA THIC PUBLIC A TIONS. 105 List of German Homoeopathic Publications. Altschul, Dr. Systematisches Lehrbucli der theoretischen und prak- tischen Homoeopathie. Sondershausen, 1858. 372 Seiten, geb., . $2 25 Homoeopathischer Reise-Almanach. Sondershausen, 1862. 170 Seiten, geb., . . . . 1 25 Taschenworterbuch der Kinder-Krankheiten und ihre homoeopatlii- sche Behandlung mit steter Angabe der neuern einfacben Heil- mittel der pbysiologischen Schule fur Aerzte und Wundarzte bear- beitet. Prag, 1863. 200 Seiten, geb., ..... 80 Real-Lexicon fur homoeopathische Arzueimittellehre, Therapie und Arzneibereitungskunde. Nach seinen offentlicheu Vorlesungen an der Prager k. k. Universitat und uuter steter Angabe der neu- ern eiufachen Mittel der physiologischen Schule bearbeitet. Son- dershausen, 1864, geb., 3 25 Argenti, Dr. D. Homoeopathiscbe Behandlung der Kraukheiten fur augeheude Aerzte und intelligente Nichtarzte, mit einer Lebens- beschreibung Hahnemann’s. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Press- burg und Leipzig, 1876. 512 Seiten. Halb morocco, v . . 3 50 Baehr, Dr. B. Die Therapie nach den Grundsatzen der Homoeopathie. Leipzig, 1862. 2 Biinde, 1415 Seiten. Geb., halb morocco, . 11 50 Digitalis purpurea in ihren physiologischen und therapeutischen Wirkungen unter besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Digitalin, ge- kronte Preisschrift. Leipzig, 1859. 219 Seiten, . . . 1 75 Baertl, Dr. Joseph. Homoeopathiscbe Ansichten und Erfahrungen liber die Behandlung der Wechselfieber nach eigenen und Anderer Beobachtungen. Sondershausen, 1859. 144 Seiten, ... 70 Aerztliche Ansichten iiber Preservative fur Seelenstorungen und Heilung der letzteren nach den Gruudsatzen der Homoeopathie. Leipzig, 1864. 231 Seiten, gebunden, . . . . . 1 10 Bibliothek, vollstaudige, oder Real-Lexicon der gesammten theoreti- schen und praktischen Mediciu, mit Riicksichtauf die Homoeopa- thie. Leipzig, 1835-38. 5 Biinde, 4531 Seiten, gebunden (An- tiquarisch), . . . . . . . , . . 12 00 Billig, Dr. H. Diehautige Braune oder der Croup der Kinder. Ein Bei- trag zu ihrer Erkennung, nebst Anweisung, derselben bei dem ersten Auftreten nach den Grundsatzen der Homoeopathie zu be- 106 BOERICKE & TA FEE’S PRICE CURRENT. gegueu. Nebst einera Anhange liber die brandige Rachenbraune (Diphtheritis) und dereu Behandluug von Dr. C. Heinigke. Dritte verbesserte Aufiage. Leipzig, 1881. 66 Seiten, . . $0 25 Boehm, Dr. C. L. Kurze praktische Anleitung fur alle Viehbesitzer, welche iliren Hausthieren in den am haufigsten vorkommenden Er- krankungsfallen durch sorgfaltige Auffassung der sammtlichen sinnlich wahrnehmbaren Krankheitserscheinungen mit den dage- gen erprobten homoeopathischen Heilmitteln auf die einfachste, ganz naturgemiisse uud wenigst kostsjflelige Weise selbst Hiilfe leisten wollen. Leipzig. 53 Seiten, ..... 25 Bojanus, Dr. C. Die Epilepsie. Ein Beitrag zur homoeopathischen Therapie. Stuttgart, 1880. 103 Seiten, . . . . 1 00 Bolle, Dr. Populare Anleitung zur Kenntniss und Beurtheilung der Heilkunde im Allgemeinen und der Homoeopathie im Besondern. Aachen, 1866. 126 Seiten, ....... 75 Boennighausen, Dr. C. v. Die homoeopathische Behandlung des Keuchhustens in seinen verschiedenen Formen. Munster, 1860. 130 Seiten, 1 20 Die Aphorismen des Hippokrates nebst den Glossen eines Homoeo- pathen. Leipzig, 1863. 640 Seiten, gebunden, . . . 3 35 Versuch einer homoeopathischen Therapie derWechsel- und anderer Fieber, zunachst fur angehende Homoeopathiker. Zweite ver- mehrte und gauzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. 1. Theil. Die Py- rexie. Leipzig, 1864. 222 Seiten, gebunden, . . . 1 10 Brandt, Dr. J. C. F. Homoeopathischer Haus- und Selbstarzt. Eine fasslicne Anweisung, sich mittelst der Homoeopathie leicht, schnel und sicher in vorkommenden Krankheiten selbst zu helfen. 5. Auflage. Nordhausen, 1874. 151 Seiten, gebunden, . . 1 10 Die gebrauchlichsten homoeopathischen Arzneimittel, mit Angabe von deren Bereitungsart, Wirkungsdauer, Gegenmitteln uud An- wendung sowohl in Krankheiten des Menschen als in der Thier- heilkunst. Zweite verbesserte Auflage. Nordhausen, 1874. 91 Seiten, 30 Bruckner, Dr. Th. Homoeopathischer Hausarzt. Anleitung zur Selbst- behandlung nach den Grundsiitzen der Lehre Hahnemann’s mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der neuesten Literatur Nordame- rika’s. Leipzig, 1870. 225 Seiten, gebunden, ... 75 Hale’s New Remedies oder die neueren vegetablischen Arzneimit- tel Nordamerika’s und deren Anwendung in der Praxis nach den Eerfahrungen der allopathischen, eclectischeu und homoeopathi- HOM CEO PA THIC P UP LI CA TIOXS. 107 schen Aerzte (ler Vereinigten Staaten. Im Auszug deutscli bear- beitet. Leipzig, 1869. 104 Seiten, $1 10 Bruckner, Dr. Th. Die Anwendung der Vorbeugungsmittel in der Homoeopathie. Leipzig, 1873. 22 Seiten, 20 Buchner, Dr. Jos. Homoeopathische Arzneibereitungslehre. Zweite sebr vermehrte Auflage. Miinclien, 1852. 468 Seiten, gebunden, halb morocco, . 4 00 Die Cholera, deren Wesen, Yerlauf und Heilung nach den neuern wissenschaftlichen Hilfsquellen. Miinchen, 1866. 36 Seiten, . 25 Caspari, Dr. Iiomoeopathischer Haus- und Reisearzt. Ein unentbehr- liches Hiilfsbuch fur Jedermann, insbesondere fur alle Hausvater, welche auf dem Lande, entfernt von iirztlicher Hiilfe, wohnen, um sich dadurch ohne dieselbe in schnell entstandenen Krankheits- fiillen fur den ersten Augenblick selbst helfen zu konnen. Zelmte Auflage, durchgesehen und verbessert von Dr. A. Hartmann. Leipzig, 1856. 295 Seiten, gebunden, 1 00 Homoeopathischer Haus- und Reisearzt. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Frauen- und Kinderkrankheiten, sowie der Un- falle, welche sofortige Hiilfe erfordern. Elfte Auflage in zeitge- masser Bearbeitung von Dr. H. Goullom. Leipzig, 1873. 312 Seiten, gebunden, 1 30 Homoeopathisches Dispensatoriumfiir Aerzteund Apotheker. Achte Auflage neu bearbeitet von A. Marggraf. Leipzig, 1864. 108 Seiten, gebunden, . . 90 Deventer, Dr. L. Homoeopathischer Rathgeber ftir Nichtarzte. Berlin. Gebunden, . . . . . . . . .275 Homoeopathische Pharmacopoea. Zweite vermehrte und verbesserte Auflage. Berlin, 1878. 236 Seiten, gebunden, . . . 2 75 Gerhardt, Dr. A. v. Handbuch der Homoeopathie. Mit Benutzung fremder und eigener Erfahrungen nach dem neuesten Stand- punkte der Wissenschaft. Zweite Auflage. Leipzig, 1876. Ge- bunden, 3 00 Goebel, Dr. 'W. L. Homoeopathisches Kochbuch, bevorwortet von Dr. A. Lutze. Vierte Auflage. Kothen, 1872. 144 Seiten, . . 75 Goullon, Dr. H. Darstellung der Homoeopathie, vom praktischen wie vom naturphilosophischen Standpunkt, nebst einer Anleitung zur einfachsten homoeopathischen Behandlung der haufigsten Krankheiten fur junge Aerzte und gebildete Nichtarzte. Zweite mit Zusatzen vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig, 1862. 305 Seiten, gebunden, 1 30 108 BOEEICKE & TA EEL'S PRICE CURRENT. Goullon, Dr. H. Die skrophulosen Erkrankungen und die Vorziige ihrer Behandlungsweise nach den Principien und Erfahrungen der Homoeopathic, dargestellt und durch zahlreiche Beispiele geluugener Heilung begriindet. Leipzig, 1872. 251 Seiten, gebunden, . . . . . . . . . . . $1 65 Was verspricht und leistet Graphit in der homoeopathischen Praxis ? Leipzig, 1872. 113 Seiten, ....... 70 Diabetes mellitus und seine erfolgreiche Behandlung mit besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung des homoeopathischen Heilverfahrens. Leip- zig, 1872. 129 Seiten, ........ 85 Thuja occidentalis. Abendliindischer Lebensbaum. Eine mono- graphisch therapeutische Abhandlung nebst kritisclier Beleuch- tung der sogenannten Lues gonorrhoica oder Sycosis Hahne- mannis. Leipzig, 209 Seiten, . . . . . . 1 00 Das Bienengift im Dienste der Homoeopathie. Eine monographisch tberapeutishe Abhandlung. Leipzig, 1880. 88 Seiten, . . 80 Grauvogl, Dr. v. Die Grundgesetze der Physiologie, Pathologie und homoeopathischen Therapie. Niirnberg, 1860. 678 Seiten, gebun- den, 4 00 Lehrbuch der Homoeopathie. Zwei Theile in einen Band gebunden. Niirnberg, 1866. 669 Seiten, . . . . . . . 5 35 Prophylaxis gegen den Typhus recurrens (Genickkrampf). Dritte vermehrte Auflage. Niirnberg, 1865. 32 Seiten, ... 20 Gruner, Dr. C. E. Homoeopathische Pharmacopoe, im Auftrag des Centralvereins homoeopathischer Aerzte bearbeitet und zum Geb- rauchder Pharmaceuten herausgegeben. Dritte vermehrte Auf- lage. Leipzig, 1864. 240 Seiten, gebunden, . . . . 2 25 Guenther, Dr. F. A. Die Krankheiten der Erwachsenen. Ein Hiilfsbuch fiir alle Hausvater, welche die am haufigsten vorkom- meuden menschlichen Krankheiten in Abwesenheit oder Erman- gelung des Arztes schnell, sicher und wohlfeil selbst heilen Avollen. Zehnte verbesserte Auflage. Liibeck, 1873. Drei Theile in ei- nen Band gebunden. 990 Seiten, . . . . . . 4 40 DieFrauenkrankheiten (des homoeopathischen Hausfreundes dritter Theil). Yierte Auflage. 273 Seiten, gebunden, . . . 2 00 Der homoeopathische Thierarzt. Ein Hulfsbuch fiir Cavallerie-Of- fiziere, Gutsbesitzer, Oekonomen und alle Hausvater, welche die an den Hausthieren am haufigsten vorkommenden Krankheiten jry schnell, wohlfeil und sicher selbst heilen wollen. SoahaohTtie ver- / besserte Auflage. Zwei Theile in einem Band gebunden. Lan- gensalza, 1878. 478 Seiten, . . . . . . . 2 30 HOMCEOPA TRIG PUBLICA TIONS. 109 Guenther, Dr. Carl. Der kleine homoeopathische Thierarzt, oder wie kann ich meine Pferde, Kinder, Schafe, Schweine, Ziegen, Hunde schuell und billig selbst heilen ? Aus den langjahrigen Erfolgen einer grossen Praxis. Berlin, 1866. 152 Seiten, gebunden, . $0 50 Hagen, Dr. H. Medicamentahomoeopathicaet isopathica omnia ad id tempus a medicis aut examiuata aut usu recapte. Lesnae, 1861. 168 Seiten, . . . . . . . . . .110 Hahnemann, Dr. S. Reine Arzneiihittellehre. Seeks Biinde, geb. (an- tiquarisch), 12 00 Organon der Heilkunst. Mit Abdruck der Yorreden und wichtig- sten der ersten bis fiinften Auflage, neuen Bemer- kungen und einem Anhange aus Samuel Hahnemann’s Schrifteu, herausgegeben von Sanitatsrath Dr. A. Lutze. Siebente Auflage. Kothen, 1881. 286 Seiten, gebunden, 2 00 Hale, Dr. E. M. Neue amerikanische Heilmittel. Nach der dritten Auflage bearbeitet von Dr. F. G. Oehme. Leipzig, 1873. 449 Seiten, gebunden, . 3 50 Hartmann, Dr. F. Die Kinderkrankheiten und ihre Behandlung. Nach den Principien des homoeopathischen Heilsystems. Leipzig, 1852. 621 Seiten, gebunden, 4 50 Haubold, Dr. C. Homoeopathisches Repertorium der in der Ge- schlechts-Sphare des Maunes wie des Weibes vorkommenden Krankheitserscheinungen, mit Angabe des jedem einzelnen Falle entsprechenden Heilmittels. Hildburghausen, 1863. 90 Seiten, ,50 Hausmann, Dr. F. Ueber die Ursachen und Bedingungen der Krankheiten. Mit sechs Tafeln. Leipzig, 1867. 871 Seiten, ge- bunden, halb morocco, 7 00 Heinigke, Dr. C. Handbuch der homoeopathischen Arzneimittellehre. Nach den vorhandenen Quellen bearbeitet. Leipzig, 1880. 600 Seiten, gebunden, . . . 475 Die Principien der Homoeopathie nebst erlauternden pharmakologi- schen Studien fur Aerzte und Studirende der Medicin. Leipzig, 1876. 146 Seiten, 1 00 Hering, Dr. C. Amerikanische Arzneipriifungen. Gebunden, . 4 25 Homoeopathischer Hausarzt. Nach den besten homoeopathischen Werken und eigenen Erfahrungen bearbeitet, mit einer Anwei- sung zur Lebensordnungnnd zum mmni Arz- neinachweiser. Yienialmte tra*'Seiten, gebunden, ...... /. . . 2 00 Wirkungen des Schlangengiftes, zum arztlichen Gebrauch verglei- chend zusammengestellt. Allentown, 1837. Gebunden, . . 1 00 110 BOERICKE & TAFEL'S PRICE CURRENT. Hirsch, Dr. I. S. Der homoeopathische Arzt in der Kinderstube. Eiue Belehrungsschrift fur Eltern und jiingere Fachgenossen. Leip- zig, 1865. 268 Seiteu, gebuuden, $1 80 Hirschel, Dr. B. Der homoeopathische Arzneischatz in seiner Anwen- wenduug zutn Kraukeubette. Fiir Familie und Haus. Zwolfte Auflage. Leipzig, 1878. 324 Seiten, gebunden, . . . 1 40 Die Magenschmerzen, insbesonders der Magenkrampf, ihre Auffas- sung und Behaudlung naeh homoeopathischen Grundsatzen. Leip- zig, 1866. 280 Seiten, gebunden, 2 35 Compendium der Homoeopathie uach ihrem neuesten Standpunkte und Anleitung zum Studium und zur Praxis derselben. Dritte Auflage. Wien, 1864. 370 Seiten, gebunden, . . . . 3 00 Huebner’s Thierarzt. Siebente Auflage. 331 Seiten, . . 1 30 Jaeger, Prof. Dr. G. Die Neuralanalyse, insbesondere in ihrer An- wenduug auf die homoeopathischen Verdiiunungeu. Mit colorirten und einer Phototyp-Tafel. Leipzig, 1881. 67 Seiten, . . 1 50 Jahr, Dr. G. H. G. Kliuische Amveisungen zu homoeopathischer Be- handluug der Krankheiten. Eiu vollstiindiges Taschenbuch der homoeopathischen Therapie fur Aerzte und Verehrer dieser Heil- methode. Dritte Auflage. Nebst einer Einleitung, enthaltend Winke fiir die Praxis, einer charakteristik der wichtigsten Mittel und systematischer Inhaltsiibersicht. Leipzig, 1867. 529 Sei- ten, gebunden, 3 00 Leitfaden zur Ausiibung der Homoeopathie. Nebst charakteristi- schen Skizzenbildern der wichtigsten homoeopathischen Arzneimit- tel und Angabe der gebrauchten Abkiirzungen. Leipzig, 1854. 109 Seiten, 45 Die Lehren und Grundsatze der gesammten theoretischen und prak- tischen homoeopathischen Heilkunst. Gebunden, . . . 3 40 Allgemeine und specielle der Geisteskrankheiten und Seelenstorungen. Nacli homoeopathischen Grundsatzen bearbeitet und herausgegeben. Leipzig, 1855. 465 Seiten, gebunden, . 3 50 Die Venerischen Krankheiten, ihre pathologische Natur, richtige Erkenutniss und homoeopathische Behandlung. Leipzig, 1867. 449 Seiten, gebunden, 3 00 Ausfiihrlicher Symptomen-Codex der homoeopathischen Arzneimit- tellehre. Fiir den arbeitenden Handgebrauch beim Nachschla- HOMCEOPA THIC PUBLIC A TIOXS. 111 gen in der Praxis und mit besonderer Riicksicht auf scbnelle Yergleichung des Aehnlichen und gehorige Auffindung des Ein- zelnen nacli alien seinen Bestimmungen geordnet und herausgege- ben. Leipzig, 1848. Yier Biinde. 3715 Seiten, gebunden, lialb morocco, ......... $18 50 Jahr, Dr. G. H. G. Therapeutischer Leitfaden fur angehende Homoeo- pathen. Zusammenfassung eigener Beobachtuugen in eiuer mehr als vierzigjiihrigen Praxis iiber die als wahrhaft giiltig bewahrten Heilauzeigen in vorkommenden Krankheitsfallen. Nebst kri- tischen Bemerkungen und Zusiitzen aus Riickert’s klinisclien Erfahrungen. Leipzig, 1869. 382 Seiten, gebunden, . . . 2 50 Rationelle Gesundheitslehre fur Jedermann, nach dem Staude der neuesten wissenschaftlichen Forschungen und Erfahrungen. Nebst einem populiiren medicinischen Worterbuche, enthaltend die verscliiedenen schiidlichen Stotfe, Gifte und Krankheiteu, so- wie Regeln fur das richtige Yerhalten in gesunden und kranken Lebenszustiinden. Leipzig, 1870. 536 Seiten, gebunden, . . 3 00 Kafka, Dr. J. Die homoeopathische Therapie auf Grundlage der phy- siologischen Schule. Ein praktisches Handbuch ftir Aerzte, wel- che die homoeopathische Heilmethode kennen lernen und am Krankenbette versuchen wollen. Sondershausen, 1865. Zwei Biinde. 1780 Seiten, gebunden, halb morocco, . . . . 17 00 Kunz, J. A. G. Allgemeines homoeopatliisches Thierarzneibuch fur Thierarzte, Landvvirthe, und Yiehbesitzer, oder leicht fasslicher Unterricht, um die innerlichen und iiusserlichen Krankheiteu der Hausthiere zu erkennen, zu verhuten und zu heilen, nebst einer Geburtshiilfe. Nach dreissigjiihriger Erfahrung bearbeitet. Gera, 1873. 233 Seiten, gebunden, 1 50 Lehrbuch der homoeopathischen Therapie nach dem gegenwiirtigen Standpunkt der Medicin unter Benutzung der neueren homoeopa- thischen Literatur des In- und Auslandes, bearbeitet fur Aerzte und gebildete Nichtiirzte. Erste Abtheilung mit 126 anatomi- schen Abbildungen. Zweite Abtheilung mit 60 anatomischen und pathologischen Abbildungen. 1215 Seiten. In einem Band in halb momcep gebunden, / ,