| • - 'c 'T~ -r< ,rA -LtLLl t -._, -T- '•"V-. _ • C , - v g J f> - •- •'. a. !:; ' ■--1 ' . gj(^ / j\/ £ n j c A f >■_■. u> a "> r 1 a •"* t ' : T * a* r ■ v .j . ’ v.,' — 'A i 'wt_ • r- ■ :x • • ' , '_> " • a • e - ... - , _ U w W . \ . , /-S - ELLIOTT’S H/\ND-BOOK — OF — Medical, Hygienic, Pharmaceutical and Dental Journals — OF THE — UNITED STATES AND CANADA. CONTAINING FULL INFORMATION REGARDING FRE- QUENCY AND ADDRESS OF PUBLICATION, TYPE MEASUREMENT, YEAR OF FOUNDATION, CIRCULATION CLAIMED, ADVERTISING RATES, ETC., ETC. ARRANGED IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER, WITH CONVENIENT MEMO- RANDUM PAGES OPPOSITE EACH PAGE OF PRINTED MATTER—A UNIQUE AND ADVANTAGEOUS FEATURE. Price, $1.50. Edited and Published by A. R. Elliott. NEW YORK: A. R. ELLIOTT—ADVERTISING, 37 College Place. 1895. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1895, by ASHBEL R. ELLIOTT, In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. LOCKWOOO PRESS, NEW YORK- INTRODUCTION. "ffte immense strides which class journalism has made during ,, the past decade have been especially marked in the de- *. partments of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Hygiene. With over 270 journals devoted to the interest of the classes coming under these heads, and with constant accessions to the number, special advertisers find it increasingly difficult to properly estimate the value of the different mediums. It is with a view to aiding such advertisers in the selection of the most advantageous mediums that this “ Hand-Book ” has been compilgd. *. v To facilitate reference, the work has been divided into four parts representing, respectively, Medicine, Pharmacy, De'ntistry and Hygiene. The medical publications are subdivided into classes, as Regular, Homeopathic, Eclectic and Independent medi- cal journals. ‘ * * All statistical matter is arranged in alphabetical order according to the title of the periodical under the part and class to which it belongs—an arrangement which it is hoped will be appreciated by those advertisers who happen to be more familiar with the name INTRODUCTION. of a given periodical than with the location of its publishing office. A limited number of announcements have been accepted from journals of the highest class. These have been kept separate, however, from the reading matter of the “Hand-Book,” and thus do not detract in any way from its convenience as a work of reference. Useful as the book must prove in its present form, it is impossible to incorporate in a volume of moderate size all the data which must be taken into consideration in determining advertising value for any special preparation, and it is here that the special knowledge and wide experience of the publisher of this “ Hand-Book ” become of value to his clients. June 1, 1895. A. R. ELLIOTT. The circulation ratings assigned to periodicals quoted in this “Hand-Book” are printed a the statements of the individual pub- lishers and I do not hold myself responsible for their accuracy. A. R. K. CONTENTS. PAGE. MEDICAL—Regular, ... 1 Homceopathic, . . 81 Eclectic, ... 90 Independent, . . 94 PHARMACEUTICAL, . . .101 HYGIENIC, 117 DENTAL, 187 CAL. REGULAR. Alabama Medical and Surgical Age.—Monthly; page, x 5 ; subscription, $2.00; established 1888. anniston. Publisher, Jno. C. Le Grand, M.D., P. O. Box 500, Anniston, Ala. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $70.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half « 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 10.00 Albany Medical Annals.—Monthly; page, 4 >4 x subscription, $1.00 ; established 1879. Publisher, H. albany. B. Kimmey, 496 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. Circula- tion, 1,800. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half u t< . 60.00 Quartern n . . 32.00 Alienist and Neurologist.—Quarterly ; page, 4x5; subscription, $5.00; established 1880. Publisher, st. louis. C. H. Hughes, M. D., 520 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 1,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $60.00 Half « n . 35.00 Quartern « . . 20.00 2 MEDICAL—Regular. American Doctor.—Monthly; page, 4x6; sub- richmond. scription, 50c.; established 1890. Publishers, Ameri- can Doctor Publishing Co., 506 North Second Street, Richmond, Va. Circulation, 10,000. RATES—Per inch $1.00 American Gynaecological and Obstetrical Jour- new york. nal.—Monthly ; page, 4% x 7)4 ; subscription, $4.00; established 1890. Publishers, D. Appleton & Co., New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $85.00 $50.00 Half « 85.00 50.00 30.00 Quarter u 50.00 30.00 20.00 American Journal of Insanity.—Quarterly; page, Chicago. 4)4 x 8 ; subscription, $5.00 ; established 1844. Pub- lishers, Rand, McNally & Co., for Richard Dewey, M.D., 1112 Venetian Building, Chicago, 111. RATES—One page, one year, . . $50.00 Half « « . 30.00 Quartern « . . 20.00 American Journal of Obstetrics. — Monthly ; new york. page, 4)4 x 7; subscription, $5.00 ; established 1877. Publishers, Wm. Wood & Co., New York, N. Y. Circulation, 7,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $150.00 Half . 80.00 Quarter« « . . 45.00 MEMORANDA. 3 Medical Advertising.—Write for Estimates. A. Tt. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEMORANDA. 4 Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. JR. JELJLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College JPlace, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 5 American Journal of Ophthalmology.—Monthly; page, 4x 614 ; subscription, $3.50; established 1883. st. louis. Publishers, J. H. Chambers & Co., 914 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 3,000. Rates on applica- tion. American Journal of the Medical Sciences.— Monthly; page, 4 >4 x 8 ; subscription, $4.00 ; estab- Philadelphia. lished 1876. Publishers, Lea Bros. & Co., Phila- delphia, Pa. Circulation, 4,900. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $115.00 $65.00 Half « 115.00 65.00 40.00 Quarter « 65.00 40.00 28.00 American Journal of Surgery.—Quarterly; page, 4y>i x 8 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1889. Pub- Kansas city. lisher, H. E. Pearse, M.D., 531 Rialto Building, Kansas City, Mo. Circulation, 5,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $60.00 Half « « . . 35.00 Quarter«« « . . 18.00 American Medical Compend.—Monthly ; page, 4}4 x 7 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1884. Toledo. Publishers, Hadley & Hadley, 138 St. Clair Street, Toledo, Ohio. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $35.00 Half 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter « 35.00 20.00 12.00 6 MEDICAL—Regular. American Medical and Legal Exchange Bureau. weyauweqa. —Bi-monthly ; page, 4J4 x 6 ; subscription, 50c.; established 1891. Publishers, Hutchinson & Jones, Weyauwega, Wis. Circulation, 1,500. Rates on ap- plication. American Medico - Surgical Bulletin.—Semi-monih- _ NEW YORK. ’ Pa£e 5H. x 9 > subscription, $3.00 ; established 1887. Publishers, The Bulletin Publishing Co., 3 P. O. Box 2,535, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 21,000. RATES—One page, one year, 12 alternate issues, $600. Half “ “ “ “ 300. Quarter, “ “ “ 175. American Practitioner and News.—Bi-monthly; Louisville, page, 5x7; subscription, $3.00; established 1870. Publishers, John P. Morton & Co., 440 Main Street, Louisville, Ky. Circulation, 1,700. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $90.00 $50.00 Half « 90.00 50.00 30.00 Quarter«« 50.00 30.00 20.00 American Therapist. — Monthly ; page, 5x8; new york. subscription, $1.00; established 1892. Publishers, American Therapist Publishing Co., 25 Beekman Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half m u . 60.00 Quarter 44 44 . , 35.00 MEMORANDA. 7 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. K. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 8 MEMORANDA. Judicious Advertising livings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A, R, ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York, MEDICAL—Regular. 9 Annales d’Oculistique.—Monthly; page, 4% x 7%; subscription, $5.00 ; established 1838. Publishers of new york. English Edition, The Transatlantic Publishing Co., 63 Fifth Avenue, New York. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $85.00 $50.00 Half « 85.00 50.00 30.00 Quartern 50.00 30.00 20.00 Annals of Gynaecology and Paediatry.—Monthly; page, 4% x ; subscription, $3.00; established boston. 1886. Publisher, E. W. Cushing, Back Bay P. O., Boston, Mass. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $120.00 $70.00 Half 120.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 25.00 Annals of Ophthalmology and Otology.—Quar- terly ; page, 4x7; subscription, $5.00; established st. louis. 1891. Publisher, James P. Parker, M.D., 701 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. RATES—One page, one year, . . $60.00 Half « u . 36.00 Archives of Ophthalmology.—Quarterly ; page, 3x 5J4 ; subscription, $5.00 ; established 1871. new york. Publishers, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 27 West Twenty- third Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 650. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 Half « 28.00 18.00 12.00 Quarter « 15.00 10.00 7.00 10 MEDICAL—Regular. Annals of Surgery.—Monthly; page, Philadelphia, subscription, $5.00; established 1885. Publishers, University of Pennsylvania Press, 716 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $85.00 $50.00 Half u 85.00 50.00 30.00 Quarter« 50.00 30.00 20.00 Archives Of Otology.—Quarterly ; page, 3% X 5>4; new york. subscription, $4.00 ; established 1871. Publishers, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 27 West Twenty-third Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation 500. Rates on application. Archives of Pediatrics.—Monthly; page, 4>4 x 8 ; new vork. subscription, $3.00; established 1884. Publishers, Bailey & Fairchild Co., 24 Park Place, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $85.00 $50.00 Half « 85.00 50.00 30.00 Quarter « 50.00 30.00 16.00 Atlantic Medical Weekly.—Weekly; page, 5x8; providence subscription, $3.00; established 1892. Publishers, Atlantic Medical Publishing Co., 516 Industrial Trust Company Building, Providence, R. I. Circu- lation, 2,800. 1 Year. ti Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $400.00 $225.00 $125.00 Half « 225.00 125.00 75.00 Quarter « 125.00 75.00 45.00 MEMORANDA. 11 Many dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A, Hr ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New Yorjt, 12 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising are at the command of all who consult reputable Advertising Agents. At -R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York, MEDICAL—Regular. 13 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.—Weekly; page, 7x9)4; subscription, $5.00; established 1763. boston. Publishers, Damrell & Upham, Boston, Mass. Cir- culation, 2,250. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $400.00 $225.00 $125.00 Half « 225.00 125.00 75.00 Quarter « 125.00 75.00 45.00 Braithwaite’s Retrospect. — Half yearly ; page, 4 x OX ; subscription, $2.50 ; established 1786. Pub- new york. lishers, G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 29 West Twenty-third Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . . |75.00 $40.00 Half 40.00 25.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 Brooklyn Medical Journal.— Monthly; page, 4)4 x 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1886. Brooklyn. Publishers, Medical Society of the County of Kings, 260 Hancock Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Circu- lation, 4,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $85.00 $45.00 Half m 85.00 45.00 25.00 Quarter« 45.00 25.00 15.00 Buffalo Medical and Surgical Journal.—Monthly; page, 4■% x 7)4 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established buffalo. 1845. Editors, Thomas Lothrop, M. D., and W. W. Potter, M.D., 284 Franklin Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Circulation, 1,200. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $35.00 Half « 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter a 35.00 20.00 15.00 14 MEDICAL—Regular. Bulletin of the American Academy of Medicine. easton. —Bi-monthly; page, 4x7; subscription, $3.00; established 1889. Publishers, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. Circulation, 500. 1 Year. C Months. RATES—One page, . $60.00 $40.00 Half « . 40.00 22.00 Quarter « . 22.00 12.00 California Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, san Francisco. 3J4 x 6; subscription, $1.50 ; established 1879. Pub- lishers, California Medical Journal Co., San Francisco, Cal. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $50.00 $35.00 $25.00 Half « 35.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 20.00 15.00 10.00 Canada Lancet.—Monthly ; page, 6% x ; sub- toronto. scription, $3.00; established 1868. Publishers, J. E. Bryant & Co., Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Circula- tion, 1,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half u 44 . 60.00 Quarter 44 44 . 35.00 Canada Medical Record.—Monthly; page, §y2 x 9; Montreal, subscription, $2.00; established 1872. Publishers, John Lovell & Son, 25 St. Nicholas Street, Mon- treal, Quebec. Circulation, 800. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $60.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half 40.00 25.00 20.00 Quarter » 25.00 15.00 10.00 MEMORANDA. 15 Medical Advertising.— Write for Estimates. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 16 MEMORANDA. Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. Jt. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 17 Canadian Practitioner.—Monthly; page, xlO; subscription, $2.00; established 1876. Publishers, Toronto. J. E. Bryant & Co., Limited, Toronto, Ontario. Circulation, 1,600. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $120.00 $72.00 $45.00 Half 72.00 45.00 30.00 Quarter « 45.00 30.00 18.00 Charlotte Medical Journal.— Monthly; page, 5)4x7; subscription, $2.50 ; established 1892. Pub- charlotte. lishers, Drs. Register and Montgomery, 36 South Tryon Street, Charlotte, N. C. Circulation, 3,400. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $120.00 $70.00 Half <« 120.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 30.00 Chicago Medical Recorder.— Monthly; page, 4)4 x 7)4 ; subscription, $2.00; established 1887. Chicago. Publishers, Medical Recorder Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $80.00 $45.00 Half « 80.00 45.00 25.00 Quartern 45.00 25.00 14.00 Cincinnati Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, x 7)4 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1885. Cincinnati. Publishers, Cincinnati Medical Journal Co., Court Street and Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circu- lation, 4,300. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—Half page, . $60.00 $35.00 18 MEDICAL—Regular. Clinical Review.—Monthly ; page, 4Yz x 8 ; sub- chicaqo. scription, $2.50; established 1890. Publisher, The Chicago Clinical Review Publishing Co., Chicago, 111. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $126.00 $75.00 $44.00 Half « 75.00 44.00 25.00 Quarter« 44.00 25.00 15.00 Cleveland Medical Gazette. — Monthly; page, Cleveland. 4j4x8; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1885. Pub- lisher, Cleveland Medical Gazette Co., Cleve- land, Ohio. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $45.00 Half « 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter « 85.00 20.00 15.00 Clinique.—Monthly ; page, 3% x GJ4; subscription, Chicago. $2.00 ; established 1879. Publisher, Jos. P. Cobb, 315G Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half 45.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 10.00 Colorado Climatologist and Denver Medical Denver. News.—Monthly ; page, 6J4 x 7Y\ ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1894. Publisher, Chas. S. Manly, M.D., 500 South Broadway, Denver, Col. Circula- tion, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $60.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 10.00 MEMORANDA. 19 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. It. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEMORANDA. 20 'Judicious Advertising livings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. M EDIC AL—Regular. 21 Columbus Medical Journal.—Bi-weekly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $2.00; established 1883. Pub- columbus. Usher, Columbus Medical Publishing Co., 150 East Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $80.00 $50.00 Half 90.00 50.00 35.00 Quarter « 60.00 35.00 20.00 Courier of Medicine.—Weekly; page, 5x8; sub- scription, $2.00; established 1888. Publisher, L. A. st. louis. Turnbull, M.D., St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 30,000. Rates on application. Denver Medical Times.—Monthly; page, x ; subscription, $2.00; established 1880. Publisher, Denver. Thomas H. Hawkins, A.M., M.D., 1740 Welton Street, Denver, Col. Circulation, 3,700. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . $60.00 $36.00 Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette.—Monthly ; page, 5J4 x subscription, $1.50; established 1884. new york. Publishers, Gazette Publishing Co., 1218 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 30,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $650.00 Half a tt . 350.00 Quarter« n . . 200.00 22 MEDICAL—Regular. Fort Wayne Medical Magazine.—Monthly ; page, fort wayne. 4j4 x 7>2 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1889. Editor, Albert E. Bulson, Jr., 21 Pixley Long Block, Fort Wayne, Ind. Circulation, 3,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $75.00 Half u «« . 45.00 Quarter«« «« . .25.00 Gaceta Medico-Farmaceutica.—Monthly ; page, new york. 8/4 x 9Yi ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1892. Publishers, Johnson & Johnson, 38 Platt Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 5,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $300.00 Half «« ««.. 160.00 Quarter «< «« 85.00 Gaillard’s Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, new york. 5x8; subscription, $5.00; established I860. Pub- lisher, M. E. Gaillard, New York, N. Y. Circula- tion, 3,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $120.00 Half « «... 75.00 Quarter«« <« . . 40.00 General Practitioner.—Monthly ; page, x GJ4 ; st. louis. subscription, $1.00; established 1895. Publishers Dr. R. C. Blackmer and Dr. G. M. Blech, 11 North Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $55.00 $30.00 Half « 55.00 30.00 20.00 Quarter «« 30.00 20.00 15.00 MEMORANDA. 23 Many dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 24 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising are at the command of all 1who consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. JR. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 25 Harper Hospital Bulletin.—Bi-monthly ; page, x 7; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1889. Pub- Detroit. Usher, George Duffield, M.D., Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . $50.00 $30.00 Half . 30.00 16.00 Quarter « . 16.00 10.00 Hospital Messenger.—Monthly ; page, 4J< x 8 ; subscription, $1.00; established 1885. Publishers, orange. Orange Memorial Hospital Publishing Co., 240 Main Street, Orange, N. J. Circulation, 250. RATES—One inch, one year, . . $10.00 Hot Springs Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 4Y\ x 6% ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1891. Hot springs. Publishers, Hot Springs Medical Journal Co., Hot Springs, Ark. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $125.00 $70.00 $40.00 Half <« 70.00 40.00 25.00 Quarter a 40.00 25.00 15.00 Index Medicus.—Monthly ; page, ; subscrip- tion, $10.00 ; established 1878. Publisher, Geo. S. Detroit Davis, P. O. Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 700. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $65.00 $35.00 Half 65.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter « 35.00 20.00 14.00 26 MEDICAL—Regular. Indiana Medical Journal.— Monthly; page, Indianapolis. 5% x 8 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1870. Pub- lishers, Indiana Medical Journal Publishing Co., 18 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 3 Months. RATES—One page, . $75.00 $27.00 Half . 45.00 20.00 Quarter u . 25.00 10.00 International Journal of Surgery.—Monthly ; new york. page, 6%x8*4; subscription, $1.00; established 1887. Publishers, International Journal of Sur- gery Co., New York, N. Y. Circulation, 2(^000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $500.00 Half « « 275.00 Quarter« « 150.00 International Medical Magazine.— Monthly; Philadelphia. Page, 4>4 x 7J£ ; subscription, $3.00; established 1891. Publishers, International Medical Maga- zine Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $85.00 $50.00 Half « 85.00 50.00 30.00 Quarter a 50.00 30.00 20.00 Journal of the American Medical Association.— Chicago. Weekly ; page, x 9% ; subscription, $5.00 ; estab- lished 1883. Publisher, John B. Hamilton, 86 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 10,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $1,040.00 $540.00 $280.00 Half « 540.00 280.00 150.00 Quarter« 280.00 150.00 80.00 MEMORANDA. 27 Medical Advertising—Write for Estimates. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEMORANDA. 28 Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 29 Journal of the Arkansas Medical Society.— Monthly ; page, x ; established 1889. Pub- little rock. lishers, Arkansas Medical Society, 111 East Fifth Street, Little Rock, Ark. Circulation, GOO. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 Half 4; Hartford, subscription, $2.00 ; established 1878. Publishers, Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co., Hartford, Conn. Circulation, 800. RATES—One page, one year, . . ,$30.00 Half « . 20.00 Quarter« « . 12.00 Journal of Medicine and Science.—Monthly; Portland, page, 6x9; subscription, $1.00; established 1894. Publishers, Journal of Medicine and Science Co., Portland, Me. Rates on application. Journal of the Medical Sciences.—Monthly; page, FORT WAYNE. 4J4 x ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1881. Publishers, Journal Co., 30 East Main Street, Fort Wayne, Ind. Circulation, 2,000. Rates on applica- tion. Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases.— new york. Monthly ; page, 4J4 x 7/4 ; subscription, $3.00 ; established 1873. Publisher, Chas. Henry Brown, M.D., New York, N. Y. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $80.00 $45.00 Half u 80.00 45.00 25.00 Quarter« 45.00 25.00 14.00 MEMORANDA. 31 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. It. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, Xeir York. 32 MEMORANDA. Judicious Advertising Brings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 33 Journal of Oriflcial Surgery.—Monthly ; page, 4x5)4; subscription, $2.00; established 1891. Pub- Chicago. lisher, Francis U. Holbrook, M.D., 56 Central Music Hall, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . . $100.00 $60.00 Half 60.00 40.00 Quarter t< 40.00 25.00 Kansas Medical Journal. —Weekly; page, 5% x ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1889. topeka. Publishers, Medical Publishing Co., 723 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kan. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $250.00 $150.00 $100.00 Half « 150.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter« 100.00 60.00 35.00 Kansas City Medical Index.—Monthly; page, 4Yz x 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1879. Pub- Kansas city. lisher, H. E. Pearse, M.D., 531 Rialto Building, Kansas City, Mo. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, o o ©i 1 - $40.00 $25.00 Half 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 .... Kansas City Medical Record.—Monthly ; page, 5Y\ x 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1883. Kansas city. Publishers, Drs. Fulton and Halley, Kansas City, Mo. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $130 00 $80.00 $50.00 Half « 80.00 50.00 33.00 Quartern 45.00 33.00 21.00 34 MEDICAL—Regular. La Revista Medico-Quirurgica.—Monthly; page, new york. 6)4 x 9; subscription, $8.00 ; established 1892. Publishers, J. Shepherd Clark Co., 126 Liberty Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 1,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $500.00 Half « « . . 275.00 Quarter« « . 150.00 Lancet and Archives of Gynaecology.—Monthly ; new york. page, x 9; subscription, $2.00; established 1884. Publishers, J. B. Flint & Co., 220 William Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 10,000. RATE—One page, one year, . . $200.00 Less time, less space, pro rata. Lancet Clinic.—Weekly; page, subscrip- cincinnati. tion, $2.50; established 1858. Publisher, J. C. Cul- bertson, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circulation, 4,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $560.00 $300.00 $160.00 Half 300.00 160.00 90.00 Quarter « 160.00 90.00 50.00 Leliigli Yalley Medical Magazine.—Monthly; easton. page, 5x8; subscription, $2.00; established 1888. Publisher, Lehigh Valley Medical Association Co., 104 North Fourth Street, Easton, Pa. Circula- tion, 500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $45.00 $25.00 Half « 45.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 12.50 MEMORANDA. 35 Many dollars are toasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College dace, New York. 36 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising are at the command of all who consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 37 Leonard’s Illustrated Medical Journal.—Quar- terly; page, 9)4x14)4; subscription, 50c.; estab- Detroit. lished 1879. Publishers, Illustrated Medical Journal Co., 18 John R. Street, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 10,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « « . . 50.00 Quarter t4 « . . 30.00 Louisville Medical Monthly.—Monthly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1893. Pub- louisville. lishers, Louisville Medical Monthly Co., Louis- ville, Ky. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $125.00 $70.00 $45.00 Half « 70.00 45.00 27.00 Quarter« 45.00 27.00 15.00 L’Union Medicale du Canada.—Monthly ; page, 4 x 6)4 ; subscription, $3.00 ; established 1872. Montreal. Publisher, J. B. A. Lamarche, P. O. Box 2,040, Montreal, Quebec. Circulation, 1,150. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $60.00 $40.00 $30.00 Half 40.00 30.00 20.00 Quarter « 30.00 20.00 15.00 Maritime Medical News.—Monthly; page, 6)4 x 9; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1888. Publisher, Halifax. Geo. M. Campbell, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Circula- tion, 850. Rates on application. 38 MEDICAL—Regular. Maryland Medical Journal. — Weekly; page, Baltimore. x 8 ; subscription, $3.00 ; established 1880. Pub- lishers, Maryland Medical Journal Co., Balti- more, Md. Circulation, 2,250. 1 Year. 0 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $250.00 $150.00 $100.00 Half « 150.00 100.00 75.00 Quarter« 100.00 70.00 50.00 Massachusetts Medical Journal.—Monthly; page, boston. 5 x 7J4 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1881. Pub- lishers, Bay State Publishing Co., 12 Post Office Square, Boston, Mass. Circulation, 6,739. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $60.00 $35.00 $25.00 Half « 35.00 25.00 20.00 Third « 30.00 20.00 15.00 Quarter 25.00 15.00 10.00 Matthews’ Medical Quarterly.—Quarterly; page, louisville. 5 x ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1893. Pub- lishers, John P. Morton & Co., P. O. Box 434, Louisville, Ky. Circulation, 2,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $60.00 Half « . 35.00 Quarter« « . . 25.00 Medical Abstract.—Monthly ; page, 4% X 8 ; sub- new york. scription, $1.00 ; established 1880. Publishers, Medical Abstract Co., 79 Ann Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 6,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $36.00 Half 60.00 36.00 22.00 Quarter « 36.00 22.00 14.00 MEMORANDA. 39 Medical Advertising.— Write for Estimates. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEMORANDA. 40 Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Tlace, tie tv York. MED I CAL—Regular . 41 Medical Age.—Semi-monthly ; page, 5% x 8 ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1883. Publisher, Detroit. George S. Davis, Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circula- tion, 6,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $300.00 $165.00 $90.00 Half 165.00 90.00 45.00 Quarter « 90.00 45.00 25.00 Medical Arena.—Monthly ; page, 4X x 5% ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1891. Publisher, A. E. Kansas city. Neumeister, M.D., 1214 Main Street, Kansas City, Mo. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . $50.00 $35.00 Half . 30.00 20.00 Quarter u . 18.00 12.00 Medical ArgllS.—Monthly ; page, 6x8; subscrip- tion, $1.00 ; established 1889. Publishers, Medical Minneapolis. Argus Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Circulation, 1,200. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $125.00 $70.00 Half 125.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 25.00 Medical Brief.—Monthly ; page, X 8)4 ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1872. Publisher, J. J. st. louis. Lawrence, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 31,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 1 Month. RATES—One page, $400.00 $220.00 $40.00 Half u 220.00 124.00 24.00 Quarter « 124.00 75.00 15.00 42 MEDICAL—Regular. Medical Bulletin.—Monthly ; page, sub- philadelphia. scription, $1.00 ; established 1879. Publishers, The F. A. Davis Co., 1916 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 6,000. 1 Year. C Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $110.00 $65.00 Half « 110.00 65.00 40.00 Quarter u 65.00 40.00 22.00 Medical Current.—Monthly ; page, x 7; sub- chicaqo. scription, $1.00 ; established 1884. Publishers, Drs. Dunn and Smith, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 3,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $75.00 Half u u . 40.00 Quarter « « . 25.00 Montreal Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 0x9; Montreal, subscription, $2.00; established 1872. Publishers, Montreal Medical Journal Co., Montreal, Que- bec. Circulation, 900. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . . $60.00 $35.00 Half « . . 35.00 20.00 Quarter« . . 20.00 12.00 Medical Examiner.—Monthly ; page, 7x9; sub- new york. scription, $2.00 ; established 1888. Publishers, Kittredge Co., 78 Reade Street, New York. Circu- lation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $400.00 $250.00 $130.00 Half 250.00 163.00 84.00 Quarter « 150.00 97.00 49.60 MEMORANDA. 43 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. R. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 31 College Place, New York. MEMORANDA. 44 Judicious Advertising Brings Reward. I construct Advertisements on, modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 45 Medical Fortnightly.—Semi-monthly ; page, 5>2 x 8J£ ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1888. Pub- st. louis. Ushers, The Fortnightly Press Co., St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 7,800. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $400.00 $250.00 $130.00 Half « 275.00 170.00 90.00 Quarter« 150.00 65.00 40.00 Medical Gleaner.—Monthly ; page, X ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1889. Publisher, W. Cincinnati. E. Bloeyer, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circulation, 4,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . $75.00 $45.00 Half « . 45.00 25.00 Quarter « . 25.00 15.00 Medical Herald.—Monthly ; page, 5x7; subscrip- tion, $2.00 ; established 1881. Publishers, Medical st. Joseph. Herald Co., Sixth and Charles Streets, St. Joseph, Mo. Circulation, 5,800. RATES—One page, one year, . . $200.00 Half “ « . 125.00 Quarter “ « . 75.00 Medico-Legal Journal.—Quarterly; page, 4x6; subscription, $3.00; established 1883. Publisher, NEW YOrk. Clark Bell, 57 Broadway, New York. Circulation, 2,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half u « . 60.00 Quarter« « . 30.00 46 MEDICAL—Regular. Medical Mirror.—Monthly ; page, 4% x 7% ; sub- st. louis. scription, $1.00 ; established 1889. Publisher, I. N. Love, M. D., 3642 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . . $150.00 $80.00 Half 80.00 50.00 (Quarter « 50.00 30.00 Medical Missionary Record.—Monthly; page, new york. x 7Yz ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1886. Editor, Geo. D. Donkontt, M.D., 118 East Forty- fifth Street, New York. Circulation, 2,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « « . 60.00 Quarter« « . 40.00 Medicinische Monatssclirift. — Monthly ; page, new york 4x6%; subscription, $3.00; established 1888. Pub- lishers, Medical Monthly Publishing Co., New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Mos. 3 Mos. RATES—One page , (2 cols.), $100.00 $60.00 $35.00 Half or (1 col.), 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter « or (X “ ), 35.00 20.00 15.00 Medical News.—Weekly ; page, 9% ; sub- philadelphia. scription, $4.00 ; established 1843. Publishers, Lea Bros. & Co., 710 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 7,427. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $650.00 $375.00 $210.00 Half « 375.00 210.00 120.00 Quarter« 225.00 130.00 85.00 MEMORANDA, 47 Many dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Elace, New York. 48 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising are at the command of all ivho consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. II. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 49 Medical Progress.—Monthly; page, 5x8; sub- scription, $2.00; established 1884. Publishers, louisville. Medical Progress Co., Louisville, Ky. Circula- tion, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page $200.00 $120.00 $70.00 Half 120.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 25.00 Medical and Surgical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 4l/z x 7/4 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1855. Atlanta. Publishers, The Franklin Printing and Publish- ing Co., Atlanta, Ga. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 10.00 Medical and Surgical Reporter.—Weekly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $3.00 ; established 1853. Pub- new york. lishers, Penfield Bros., Fifth Avenue and Eigh- teenth Street, New York. Circulation, 4,300. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $250.00 $150.00 $100.00 Half u 150.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter « 100.00 60.00 40.00 Medical Record.—Weekly; page, 6% x 10 ; sub- scription, $5.00 ; established 1848. Publishers, Wm. new york. Wood & Co., 45 East Tenth Street, New York. Circulation, 17,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, |1,200.00 $700.00 $375.00 Half « 700.00 385.00 200.00 Quarter a 400.00 215.00 120.00 50 MEDICAL—Regular. Medical Review.—Weekly ; page, 6)4 x 9>4 ; sub- st. louis. scription, $3.50 ; established 1864. Publishers, Medical Review Association, 914 Locust Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 10,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $550.00 $325 00 $225.00 Half » 300.00 175 00 125.00 Quarter « 200.00 125.00 75.00 Medical Sentinel.—Monthly ; page, 6x9; sub- portland. scription, $2.00 ; established 1893. Business Man- ager, Chas. A. Coe, Marquam Building, Portland, Ore. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $65.00 $40.00 Half « 65.00 40.00 25.00 Quarter 44 40.00 25.00 15.00 Medical Standard.—Monthly; page, 5x8)4 ; sub- chicago. scription, $2.00 ; established 1878. Publishers, G. P. Engelhard & Co., Dearborn and Harrison Streets, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 4,400. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. Per Issue. Per Issue. Per Issue. RATES—One page, $33.75 $36.00 $40.50 Half u 18.75 20.00 22.50 Quarter« 11.25 12.00 13.50 Medical Summary.—Monthly ; page, 5 x 834 ; sub- philadelphia. scription, $1.00 ; established 1878. Publisher, R. H. Andrews, M.U., P. O. Box 1,217, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 10,000. RATES—One page, . 1 Year. . $250.00 0 Months. $150.00 Half « . . 150.00 80.00 Quarter « 80.00 45.00 MEMORANDA. 51 Medical Advertising.— Write for Estimates. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Elace, New York. 52 MEMORANDA. Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. It. ELIAOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York, MEDIGAL—Regular. 53 Medical Yisitor.—Monthly ; page, 4% x 5J4 ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1884. Editor, T. S. Chicago. Hoyne, M.D., 1833 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 1,0007 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 10.00 Medical World.—Monthly; page, sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1883. Publisher, C. F. Philadelphia. Taylor, M.D., 1520 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 15,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $324.00 $180.00 $100.00 Half « 180.00 100.00 54.00 Quarter « 100.00 54.00 80.00 Medicine.— Monthly; page, 5x8; subscription, $2.00; established 1895. Publisher, Geo. S. Davis, DETROit P. O. Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 5,000. Rates on application. Memphis Medical Monthly.—Monthly; page, 5x8; subscription, $1,00 ; established 1880. Publisher, Memphis F. L. Sim, M.D., Memphis, Tenn. Circulation, 3,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $36.00 Half « 60.00 36.00 24.00 Quarter« 42.00 27.00 15.00 54 MEDICAL—Regular. Milwaukee Medical Journal.—Monthly; page, Milwaukee. 8x8%; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1892. Pub- lishers, Milwaukee Medical Journal Co., Milwau- kee, Wis. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $125.00 $80.00 $45.00 Half « 75.00 45.00 80.00 Quarter « 40.00 25.00 20.00 Mississippi Medical Monthly.—Monthly ; page, meridian. 4x7; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1891. Pub- lisher, N. L. Clarke, M. D., Meridian, Miss. Circu- lation, 12,000. 1 Year. C Months. RATES—One page, . . $70.00 $40.00 Half « 40.00 25.00 Quarter « 30.00 20.00 National Medical Exchange.—Monthly ; page, elkhart. 4J4 x 8 ; subscription, 50c. ; established 1889. Pub- lisher, National Medical Exchange, Elkhart, Ind. Circulation, 500. 1 Insertion. 12 Insertions. RATEvS—One inch, . . #1.00 #10.00 National Medical Review.—Monthly ; page, 5% x Washington. 7% ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1891. Pub- lisher, Chas. H. Stowell, M.U., Washington, D. C. Circulation, 2,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « « . . 60.00 Quarter« « . . 35.00 MEMORANDA. 55 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. H. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, New York,. 56 MEMORANDA. Judicious Advertising livings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New YorU. MEDICAL—Regular. 57 National Popular Review.—Monthly; page, 5x8; subscription, $2.50 ; established 1892. Publishers, Chicago. J. Harrison White & Co., 824 Schiller Building, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 6,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $120.00 $65.00 Half <4 120.00 65.00 35.00 Quarter« 65.00 35.00 20.00 New Albany Medical Herald.—Monthly ; page, 5)4x8; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1886. Pub- new albany. lishers, New Albany Medical Herald Co., New Albany, N. Y. Circulation, 10,000. 1 Y ear. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $280.00 $160.00 $90.00 Half « 160.00 90.00 60.00 Quarter « 90.00 60.00 40.00 New England Medical Gazette.—Monthly ; page, 4 x 7)4 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1805. boston. Publishers, Otis Clapp & Son, 10 Park Square, Boston, Mass. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half « 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter« 25.00 15.00 10.00 New England Medical Monthly.—Monthly ; page, 5Y\ x 8 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1881. Pub- danbury. lishers, Danbury Medical Printing Co., Danbury, Conn. Circulation, 9,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $350.00 $150.00 $100.00 Half 150.00 100.00 75.00 Quarter a 100.00 75.00 50.00 58 MEDICAL—Regular. New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal.— new Orleans. Monthly ; page, \y2 x 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; estab- lished 1844. Editor, Augustus McShane, M.D., New Orleans, La. Circulation, 2,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half <« u ... 60.00 Quarter« « . 35.00 New York Medical Journal.—Weekly; page, new york. 6% x ; subscription, $5.00 ; established 1864. Publishers, D. Appleton & Co., 72 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 12,500. RATES—One page, one year, . . $700.00 Half « u . . 400.00 Quarter « « 250.00 New York Polyclinic.—Monthly; page, 0x8 new york. subscription, $2.00 ; established 1890. Publisher, Ferdinand King, M.D., 214 East Thirty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 20,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $400.00 $200.00 $150.00 Half 200.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter a 100.00 60.00 40.00 New York State Medical Reporter.—Monthly; Rochester. page, * 8 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1893. Publisher, Geo. R. Fuller, 15-27 South St. Paul Street, Rochester, N. Y. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 0 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $80.00 $45.00 Half «< 80.00 45.00 25.00 Quarter« 45.00 25.00 15.00 MEMORANDA. 59 Many dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, it7 College Place, New York, 60 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising are at the command of all who consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 61 North American Practitioner.—Monthly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1888. Pub- chicaqo. lishers, J. Harrison White Co., 824 Schiller Build- ing, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. G Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page $150.00 $85.00 $50.00 Half « 80.00 45.00 27.50 Quarter « 45.00 25.00 15.00 North Carolina Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1878. wilminqton. Editor, Robert D. Jewett, M.D., Wilmington, N. C. Circulation, 1,200. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $55.00 $30.00 Half 55.00 30.00 18.00 Quarter u 30.00 18.00 10.00 Northwestern Lancet.— Semi-monthly; page, 41/\ x 6 ; established 1870. Publishers, North- Minneapolis, western Lancet Co., 712 & 713 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis, Minn. Circulation, 2,250. 1 Year. 0 Months. RATES—One page, . . $300.00 $200.00 Half « . 200.00 125.00 Quarter u . 125.00 75.00 Occidental Medical Times.—Monthly; page, 4)4 x 7 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1886. Publish- Sacramento. er, Jas. H. Parkinson, Sacramento, Cal. Circu- lation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $80.00 $45.00 $25.00 Half 45.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 10.00 62 MEDICAL—Regular. Ohio Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 5x8; Cincinnati, subscription, $1.00 ; established 1890. Publisher, James M. French, 250 West Seventh Street, Cincin- nati, Ohio. Circulation, 4,750. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $125.00 $75.00 Half 4. 125.00 75.00 40.00 Quarter t< 75.00 40.00 25.00 Oklahoma Medical Journal.— Monthly; page, guthrie. 4x7; subscription, $1.00; established 1893. Pub- lisher, L. F. Leach, Jr., 317 West Harrison Avenue, Guthrie, Oklahoma. Circulation, 800. RATES—One page, one year, . . $40.00 Half « . . 24.00 Quarter« « . 15.00 Omaha Clinic.—Monthly ; page, 4j£ x 0J4 ; sub- omaha. scription, $2.00 ; established 1887. Publisher, Geo. Wilkinson, M.D., Karbach Building, Omaha, Neb. Circulation, 1,900. 1 Year 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $35.00 Half » 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter« 35.00 20.00 15.00 Ontario Medical Journal.—Monthly; page, 6x8; Toronto, subscription, $2.00 ; established 1892. Publishers, Ontario Medical Journal Co., 147 Cowan Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Circulation, 3,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . $100.00 $55.00 Half « 55.00 30.00 MEMORANDA. 63 Medical Advertising.—Write for Estimates. A. At. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Elace, New York. 64 MEMORANDA. Hledical Advertising advantageously placed. A- It- ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York, M E DI CAL—Regular . 65 Ophthalmic Record.—Monthly; page, x 6; sub- scription, $2.00 ; established 1890. Publisher, G. C. Cincinnati. Savage, M.D., 710 Church Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circulation, 1,000. Rates on application. Pacific Medical Journal.- Monthly ; page, 4x6; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1857. Publisher, san francisco. Winslow Anderson, M.D., San Francisco, Cal. Circulation, 4,500. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half u u . 60.00 Quarter u u . . 85.00 Pacific Record of Medicine and Surgery.— Monthly ; page, x 10 ; subscription, $2.00; estab- san francisco. lished 1885. Publisher, Chas. W. Moore, M.D., San Francisco, Cal. Circulation, 6,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $75.00 $40.00 Half « 75.00 40.00 25.00 Quarter « 40.00 25.00 15.00 Physician and Surgeon.—Monthly; page, 5x8; subscription, $2.00; established 1878. Publishers, ann arbor. The Physician and Surgeon, Ann Arbor, Mich. Circulation, 3,200. RATES—One page, one year, . . $150.00 Half « « . . 80.00 « . . 45.00 66 MEDICAL—Regular. Pittsburgh Medical Review.— Monthly; page, Pittsburgh. x 8 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1886. Pub- lishers, Adolph Koenig, M.D., and T. M. T. McKerman, M.D., 33 Ninth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Circulation, 950. 1 Year. 6 Months. 1 Month. RATES—One page, $100.00 $55.00 $10.00 Half « 55.00 30.00 6.00 Quarter « 30.00 17.00 3.50 Practical Medicine. — Monthly ; page, new york. subscription, $2.00 ; established 1889. Publishers, The Food Publishing Co., 71-73 Park Place, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 8,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $250.00 $150.00 $90.00 Half 150.00 90.00 50.00 Quarter « 90.00 50.00 80.00 Southern California Practitioner. — Monthly ; los angeles. page, 4x 6% ; subscription, $1.50; established 1885. Publishers, H. Bert Ellis, M.D., and F. D. Bul- lard, M.D., 107 North Spring Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $60.00 $35.00 $20.00 Half 35.00 20.00 10.00 Quarter « 20.00 10.00 5.00 Southern Medical Record. — Monthly ; page, Atlanta. x 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1870. Pub- lishers, Foote & Davies, Atlanta, Ga. Circulation, 2,000. RATES—One page, . 1 Year. . $56.00 . 30.00 6 Months. $30.00 Half U 18.00 Quarl ter a 18.00 12.00 MEMORANDA. 67 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. It. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 68 MEMORANDA. Judicious Advertising Brings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Rlace, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 69 Southern Practitioner.—Monthly ; page, x7; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1878. Proprietor, nashville. D. J. Roberts, M.D., Nashville, Tenn. Circulation, 3,800. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $50.00 $30.00 $20.00 Half « 30.00 20.00 12.50 Quarter « 20.00 12.50 7.50 St. Joseph Medical Journal.—Monthly; page, 4Y± x 5J4 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1893. st. Joseph. Publisher, J. A. French, M.D., 408 South Eighth Street, St. Joseph, Mo. Circulation, 2,000. Rates on application. St. Louis Medical and Surgical Journal.— Monthly ; page, x 1% ; subscription, $2.00 ; es- St. louis. tablished 1840. Publisher, Frank M. Rumbold, 620 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 3,500. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « « . . 65.00 Quarter« . . 35.00 St. Louis Medical Era.—Monthly ; page, 7 x 10 ; subscription, $1.00; established 1892. Publisher, st. louis. S. C. Martin, M.D., 523 Chestnut Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 6,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $250.00 $150.00 $100.00 Half « 150.00 100.00 75.00 Quarter« 100.00 75.00 50.00 70 M E DI CAL—Regular . Texas Courier-Record of Medicine.—Monthly ; Dallas, page, x 8 5 subscription, $1.00 ; established 1882. Publishers, Texas Medical Publishing Co., Dallas, Texas. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, |80.00 $50.00 $30.00 Half « 50.00 30.00 20.00 Quarter « 85.00 22.50 15.00 Texas Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 4 x ; austin. subscription, $2.00 ; established 1885. Publishers, Drs. Daniel and Hudson, Austin, Tex. Circula- tion, 1,005. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half u « . 60.00 Quarter« « . . 40.00 The Philadelphia Polyclinic.—Weekly; page, Philadelphia. subscription, $1.00; established 1891. Publishers, Faculty of the Philadelphia Poly- clinic, the Philadelphia Polyclinic, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $250.00 $160.00 $90.00 Half « 160.00 90.00 50.00 Quarter « 90.00 50.00 30.00 The Prescription.—Monthly ; page, sub- danbury scription, $1.00 ; established 1890. Publishers, Danbury Medical Printing Co., Danbury, Conn. Circulation, 10,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $250.00 $150.00 $100.00 Half u 150.00 100.00 75.00 Quarter« 100.00 75.00 50.00 MEMORANDA. 71 Many dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, Neiv York.. 72 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising ate at the command of all who consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 73 The Railway Surgeon.—Bi-weekly; page, 6x9; subscription, $5.00 ; established 1894. Publishers, Chicago. The Railway Age and Northwestern Rail- roader, Monadnock Block, Chicago, 111. Circula- tion, 3,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $252.00 $150.00 $84.00 Half « 150.00 84.00 48.00 Quartern 84.00 48.00 27.00 Therapeutic Gazette.—Monthly ; page, subscription, $2.00 ; established 1876. Publisher, Detroit. George S. Davis, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 8,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $600.00 $325.00 $175.00 Half 325.00 175.00 100.00 Quarter « 175.00 100.00 60.00 Therapeutic Review.— Quarterly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1894. Publisher, new york. Pasteur Institute, New York City. Circulation, 10,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $150.00 Half « « . 90.00 Quartern « . . 60.00 The Trained Nurse and Hospital Review.— Monthly; page, * 8; subscription, $2.00; new york. established 1887. Publishers, Lakeside Publishing Co., 19 Barclay Street, New York, N. Y. Circula- tion, 9,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $240.00 $135.00 $71.25 Half « 144.00 81.00 42.75 Quarter« 86.40 48.60 25.65 74 Times and Register.—Weekly ; page, 4>4 x 8 ; sub- philadelphia. scription, $1.00; established 1878. Publishers, Medical Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Circu- lation, 2,250. MEDICAL—Regular. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $400.00 $225.00 $125.00 Half » 225.00 125.00 70.00 125.00 70.00 40.00 Toledo Medical and Surgical Reporter.— Toledo. Monthly; page, 5x8; subscription, $2.00; estab- lished 1880. Publishers, Toledo Medical and Surgical Reporter Co., 716 Madison Street, Toledo, Ohio. Circulation, 5,250. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $90.00 $60.00 Half « 90.00 60.00 40.00 Quarter« 60.00 40.00 30.00 Tri-State Medical Journal. — Monthly ; page, keokuk. 5% x 8% ; subscription, $1.00; established 1893. Publishers, Tri-State Medical Journal Co., Wooly Building, Keokuk, la. Circulation, 4,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $35.00 Half <« 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter« 35.00 20.00 15.00 Universal Medical Journal.— Monthly ; page, Philadelphia. * 9V* ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1889. Publishers, The F. A. Davis Co., 1914-16 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 10,133. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months RATES—One page, $250.00 $185.00 $70.00 Half 185.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 25.00 MEMORANDA. 75 Medical Advertising.— Write for Estimates. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Elace, New York. 76 MEMORANDA. Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Regular. 77 University Medical Magazine.—Monthly ; page, 4-7/8 x 8/ ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1887. Philadelphia. Publishers, University of Pennsylvania Press, 71G Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, 1200.00 $120.00 $70.00 Half 120.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 25.00 Virginia Medical Monthly.—Monthly ; page, 5x8; subscription, $3.00 ; established 1873. Pro- Richmond. prietor, Landon B. Edwards, M.D., Richmond, Va. Circulation, 2,200. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half « 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter 4 4 25.00 15.00 8.00 Western Medical Journal. — Monthly ; page, 5/\ x 8)4 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1889. fort scott. Publishers, Western Medical Journal Co., Fort Scott, Kan. Circulation, 1,800. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $60.00 $36.00 $20.00 Half « 36.00 20.00 12.00 Quarter « 20.00 12.00 7.50 Western Medical Reporter. — Monthly ; page, 6J/8 x 8)4 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1878. Detroit. Publisher, Geo. S. Davis, Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 1,200. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $65.00 $35.00 Half « 65.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter « 35.00 20.00 14.00 78 MEDICAL—Regular. Western Medical and Surgical Reporter.— st. Joseph. Monthly; page, 4x7; subscription, $1.50; estab- lished 1888. Publisher, L. L. Lowry, 318 Francis Street, St. Joseph, Mo. Circulation, 1,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $75.00 Half « <« . 40.00 Quarter« «« . . 25.00 Western Reserve Medical Journal.—Monthly; Cleveland, page, 4% x7; subscription, $1.00; established 1892. Publisher, Western Reserve University Co., 282 Prospect Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $240.00 $130.00 $70.00 Half « 130.00 70.00 43.00 Quartern 75.00 43.00 25.00 West Virginia Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Huntington. —Monthly; page, 4x6%; subscription, $1.00.; established 1894. Publishers, Drs. Hogg, Myers and Taylor, Lock Box 433, Huntington, W. Va. Circulation, 700. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $48.00 $30.00 $16.00 Half « 30.00 16.00 12.00 Quarter « 16.00 10.00 8.00 Woman’s Medical Journal. — Monthly; page, Toledo. 5J4 x 8 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1893. Pub- lishers, The Recorder Publishing Co., Toledo, Ohio. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $90.00 $50.00 Half « 90.00 50.00 30.00 Quarter« 50.00 30.00 20.00 MEMORANDA. 79 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. H. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 80 MEMORANDA. Judicious Advertising livings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Homeopathic. 81 Yale Medical Journal.—Eight issues a year ; page, 4)4 x 7 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1894. new haven. Business Manager, J. C. Bartlett, New Haven, Conn. Circulation, 600. 1 Year. 4 Issues. RATES—One page, . $35.00 $20.00 Half « . 20.00 12.00 Quarter « . 12.00 8.00 HOMEOPATHIC. American Homoeopathist.—Semi-monthly ; page, subscription, $2.00 ; established 1876. Pub- new york. lishers, A. L. Chatterton & Co., 78 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,450. RATES—One page, one year, . . $400.00 Half 44 . . 220.00 Quarter 44 a . . 125.00 Clinical Reporter.—Monthly ; page, 5x8; sub- scription, $1.00; established 1887. Publishers, st. louis. Lawson Printing Co., St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 3,800. Rates on application. 82 MEDICAL—Homeopathic. Elektro Homoeopath ische Zeitschrift. — Bi- chicaqo. monthly ; page, 4x 8 ; subscription, 50c. ; estab- lished 1885. Publisher, Wegweiser & Gesundheit, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 800. Rates on applica- tion. Hahnemannian Monthly.—Monthly ; page, 4>6 x Philadelphia. ; Subscription, $5.00 ; established 1804. Pub- lisher, W. W. Van Baum, M.D., 419 Pine Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,750. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $125.00 $75.00 $35.00 Half « 75.00 45.00 30.00 Quarter it 50.00 30.00 20.00 Homoeopathic Envoy.—-Monthly ; page, x8 ; Lancaster, subscription, 25c. ; established 1890. Publisher, E. P. Asshuty, Lancaster, Pa. Circulation, 15,000. RATES—Per agate line, . . 25 cents. Homoeopathic Journal of Obstetrics. — Bi- new york. monthly ; page, x 8 ; subscription, $4.00 ; estab- lished 1879. Publishers, A. L. Chatterton & Co., 78 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 2,400. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half •« u . . 60.00 Quarter« u 40.00 MEMORANDA. 83 Man// dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A. Jt. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 84 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising are at the command of all who consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Homeopathic. 85 Homoeopathic Magazine.—Monthly ; page, 4x6; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1892. Publishers, Minneapolis. Minneapolis Pharmacy Co., 604 Nicollet Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half « 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 10.00 Homoeopathic News.—Monthly ; page, 6% x 7J4 ; subscription, $1.00; established 1871. Publishers, ST LOuis. F. August Luytus, 306 North Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $90.00 $50.00 Half « ' 90.00 50.00 30.00 Quarter« 50.00 eo.oo 20.00 Homoeopathic Physician.—Monthly; page, 4x7; subscription, $2.50 ; established 1880. Publisher, Philadelphia. Walter M. James, M.D., Philadelphia, Pa. Circu- lation, 1,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $45.00 Half a tt . . 25.00 « . . 13.00 Homoeopathic Recorder.—Monthly ; page, 4x7; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1886. Publishers, Philadelphia. Boericke & T.afel, 1011 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $35.00 Half » 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter « 35.00 20.00 12.00 86 MEDICAL—Homeopathic. Journal of Homoeopathy. — Monthly; page, Denver. x 6)4 ; subscription, $1.00; established 1894. Publishers, Messrs. Smythe & Kehr, 600-601 Cali- fornia Building, Denver, Col. Circulation, 1,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $50.00 Half « « . . 30.00 Quarter« « . . 20.00 Journal of Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryn- newyork. gology. — Quarterly ; page, subscription, $4.00 ; established 1888. Publishers, A. L. Chat- terton & Co., 78 Maiden Lane, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 640. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « « . . 50.00 Quartern « . . 25.00 Medical Advance.—Monthly ; page, 4x6)4 ; sub- chicaqo scription, $3.00 ; established 1871. Publishers, Medical Advance Co., 0351 Stewart Avenue, Chi- cago, 111. Circulation, 1,894. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $100.00 $50.00 Half « 120.00 60.00 30.00 Quarter« 80.00 40.00 20.00 Medical Indicator.— Monthly; page, 3%x6>4; Cleveland, subscription, 50c.; established 1892. Publishers, Cleveland Medical College, 5 Rockwell Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Circulation, 2,000. Rates on application. MEMORANDA. 87 Medical Advertising.—Write for Estimates. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Elace, New York. 88 MEMORANDA. Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEDICAL—Homeopathic. 89 Medical Student.—Monthly ; page, 8 x 8J4 ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1888. Publishers, boston. Board Chosen from the Students of Boston University Medical School, Box 105, Station A, Boston, Mass. Circulation, 1,000. Rates on appli- cation. Medical Times.—Monthly ; page, 6j/2 x 10 ; sub- scription, $2.00 ; established 1871. Publishers, Drs. new york. E. Guernsey and Alfred K. Hills, 528 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 4,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $125.00 $75.00 Half « 125.00 75.00 40.00 Quarter « 75.00 40.00 25.00 North American Journal of Homceopathy.— Monthly ; page, x 8 ; subscription, $3.00 ; estab- new yQRK lished 1852. Publishers, Journal Publishing Club, Ltd., 1672 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $40.00 Half « 60.00 40.00 25.00 Quarter << 35.00 20.00 15.00 Pacific Coast Journal of Homceopathy.—Monthly; page, 5 x 7Yi ; subscription, $2.00; established 1892. San francisco. Publishers, Boericke & Reunyon, San Francisco, Cal. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter << 25.00 15.00 10.00 90 St. Louis Journal of Honneopatliy.—Monthly ; st. louis. page, 5x8; subscription, $1.00; established 1894. Publishers, Shultz Publishing Co., 105 North Sixth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 2,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $120.00 Half » « 65.00 Quarter « « 40.00 MEDICAL—Eclectic. E;cLE;crric. Alkaloidal Clinic.— Monthly; page, 5}4x8>£; Chicago, subscription, $1.00 ; established 1893. Publisher, The Abbott Alkaloidal Co., Chicago, 111. Circu- lation, 600. Rates on application. American Medical Journal. — Monthly ; page, st. louis. x 6 ; subscription, $2.00; established 1873. Pub- lisher, E. Younkin, M.D., 3035 Lucas Avenue, St Louis, Mo. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter « 25.00 15.00 12.00 MEMORANDA. 91 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. It. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. MEMORANDA. 92 Judicious Advertising livings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College l'lace, New York. MEDICAL—Eclectic. 93 Arkansas Eclectic Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 4J4 x 5% ; subscription, $1.00 ; established searcy. 1893. Publisher, W. L. Leister, M.D., Searcy, Ark. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $40.00 $24.00 $15.00 Half 24.00 15.00 8.00 Quarter « 15.00 8.00 5.00 Eclectic Medical Journal.—Monthly; page, 4J4 * 7subscription, $2.00; established 1840. Pub- Cincinnati. Ushers, John M. Scudder’s Sons, 228 Court Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Circulation, 4,410. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $125.00 $65.00 $35.00 Half 65.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter « 35.00 20.00 12.00 Eclectic Medical Journal. — Monthly ; page, 5j4x8; subscription, $1.00; established 1878. Atlanta. Publisher, C. F. Durham, Atlanta, Ga. Circulation, 1,300. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $60.00 $80.00 $15.00 Half 80.00 18.00 9.00 Quarter « 12.00 8.00 5.00 Journal of Materia Medica. — Monthly; page, ol/2 x 8 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1862. Pub- terre haute. Ushers, Journal of Materia Medica Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $36.00 Half u 60.00 36.00 20.00 Quarter “ 36.00 30.00 14.00 94 MEDICAL—Independent. Journal of Medicine and Science.— Monthly; Portland, page, 5 Y/z x9 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1894. Publishers, The Journal of Medical and Science Co., 283 Vaughan Street, Portland, Me. Circula- tion, 2,500. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « « . 60.00 Quarter« « . 40.00 INDEPENDENT. Medical F ree Press.—Monthly ; page, 4>£ x 7 ; Indianapolis, subscription, $1.00; established 1883. Publishers, Medical Free Press Publishing Co., 153 East Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $75.00 $40.00 $25.00 Half « 40.00 25.00 15.00 Quarter 4 c 25 00 15.00 10.00 Medical Gleaner.—Monthly ; page, 4y?. x 7J4 ; sub- indianapolis. scription, $1.00. Publisher, W. E. Bloyer, 515 Elm Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 4,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . . $75.00 $45.00 Half 45.00 25.00 Quarter “ 25.00 15.00 MEMORANDA. 95 Many dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 96 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising are at the command of all who consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Tlace, New York. MEDICAL—Independent. 97 Medical Times.—Monthly ; page, 5 x 6% ; subscrip- tion, $2.00; established 1870. Publisher, Finley Chicago. Ellingwood, M.D., 103 State Street, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $100.00 $60.00 $35.00 Half « 60.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter« 35.00 20.00 12.00 Medical Tribune. — Monthly ; page, 4x 7% ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1884. Publishers, NEW y0RK Medical Tribune Co., 12 Tribune Building, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, 1200.00 $120.00 $70.00 Half 120.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 25.00 Northwestern Medical Journal.—Monthly; page, 6)4x8%; subscription, $1.00; established 1874. Minneapolis. Publisher, E. N. Fishblatt, M.U., Nicollet House, Minneapolis, Minn. Circulation, 4,400. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $240.00 $130.00 $70.00 Half « 130.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 75.00 40.00 25.00 Physio-Medical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 4x7 ; subscription, $1.50; established 1875. Publisher, Indianapolis. Geo. Hasty, 35 North Ohio Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . $60.00 $86.00 Half . 36.00 20.00 Quarter « . 20.00 12.00 98 MEDICAL—Independent. Southern Clinic.—Monthly ; page, 4x7; subscrip- richmond. tion, $1.00; established 1878. Publisher, C. A. Bryce, M.D., 50G North Second Street, Richmond, Va. Circulation, 3,800. RATES—One page, one year, . . $50.00 Vox Populi.—Weekly ; page, 13T\ x 19%; subscrip- indianapolis. tion, $1.00; established 1894. Publisher, J. C. Lewis, 113% East Washington Street. Indianapolis, Ind. Circulation, 500. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . . $120.00 $75.00 Half 75.00 40.00 Quarter « 40.00 25.00 MEMORANDA. 99 Medical Advertising.—Write for Estimates. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 100 MEMORANDA. Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. 11. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Tlace, New York. Alumni Journal of the New York College of Pharmacy.—Monthly ; page, x 7Yz ; subscrip- new york. tion, $1.00; established 1894. Publishers, Alumni Association New York College of Pharmacy, 115 West Sixty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 2,000. Rates on application. Alurnui Report.—Monthly; page, ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1864. Publishers, Philadelphia. Alumni Association of the Philadelphia Col- lege of Pharmacy, 145 North Tenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,500. Rates on applica- tion. American Druggist and Pharmaceutical Rec- ord.—Semi-monthly ; page, 7 x 10 ; subscription, NEW York. $1.50; established 1871. Publishers, American Druggist Publishing Co., 37 College Place, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 13,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $864.00 $480.00 $270.00 Half 456.00 258.00 144.00 Quarter « 240.00 138.00 78.00 102 PHARMACEUTICAL. American Journal of Pharmacy.—Monthly; page, Philadelphia. x 5% ; subscription, $3.00 ; established 1828. Manager, F. Yaple, 145 North Tenth Street, Phila- delphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $90.00 $50.00 $30.00 Half 50.00 30.00 20.00 Quarter « 30.00 20.00 15.00 Buffalo Druggist.—Monthly ; page, 5}4 x 9 ; sub- buffalo scription, $1.00 ; established 1895. Publishers, Buffalo Druggist Publishing Co., 483 Washing- ton Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $300.00 $165.00 $87.00 Half u 165.00 93.00 49.00 Quarter« 93.00 56.00 30.00 Bulletin of Pharmacy.—Monthly ; page, x 7 ; Detroit, subscription, $1.00 ; established 1886. Publisher, Geo. S. Davis, Box 470, Detroit, Mich. Circulation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $300.00 $165.00 $90.00 Half » 165.00 90.00 45.00 Quarter « 90.00 45.00 25.00 California Druggist.—Monthly ; page, x ; los angeles. subscription, $1.00; established 1891. Publishers, California Druggist Publishing Co., P. O. Drawer 1236, Los Angeles, Cal. Circulation, 700. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « « . 60.00 Quarter u « . . 35.00 MEMORANDA. 103 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. It. EJjLLOTT on Medical Advertising, .'#7 College Place, New York. 104 MEMORANDA. Judicious Advertising livings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. PHARMACEUTICAL. 105 Canadian Druggist.—Monthly ; page, 8 x 10 ; sub- scription, $1.00; established 1889. Publisher, Wm. Toronto. J. I)yas, Toronto, Ontario. Circulation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . . $240.00 $125.00 Half « . . 125.00 65.00 Quarter » 70.00 40.00 Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal.—Monthly ; page, 8% x 8J4 ; subscription, $1.50; established Toronto. 1808. Publisher, E. B. Shuttleworth, 220 Sher- bourne Street, Toronto, Ontario. Circulation, 1,175. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « u . . 55.00 Quarter« << . . 30.00 Deutsche Amerikanische Apotheker Zeitnng.— Monthly ; page, 8% x 10 ; subscription, $1.00 ; NEW York. established 1879. Publishers, The Doctor Publish- ing Co., 104 John Street, New York, N. Y. Circu- lation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $300.00 $180.00 $100.00 Half « 180.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter « 100.00 60.00 85.00 Druggists Circular and Chemical Gazette.— Monthly; page, 9 x 12 ; subscription, $1.50 ; estab- new york. lished 185G. Publisher, Wm. O. Allison, 72 William Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 12,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $600.00 $350.00 $198.00 Half « 380.00 190.00 114.00 Quarter« 180.00 100.00 69.00 106 PHARMACEUTICAL. Drugs, Oils and Paints.—Monthly; page, 8>4 x 10 ; Philadelphia, subscription, $2.00; established 1884. Publisher, G. B. Heckel, 1214-1220 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 3,750. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $400.00 $220.00 $120.00 Half u 225.00 122.00 65.00 Quarter« 123.00 66.00 34.00 Drug Topics.—Bi-weekly; page, 6x8; subscrip- new york. tion, $1.00 ; established 1886. Publishers, Mc- Kesson & Robbins, 91 Fulton Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $250.00 $135.00 $75.00 Half 135.00 75.00 45.00 Quarter 4 4 75.00 45.00 30.00 Formulary and Druggist’s Magazine.—Monthly; westfield. page, 4>4 x 7>2 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1883. Publisher, B. Fenner, Fenner Block, West- field, N. Y. Circulation, 4,369. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $240.00 $127.00 $67.50 Half « 134 40 71.40 37.80 Quarter« 72.00 38.50 21.00 Journal of the American Chemical Society.— easton. Monthly; page, 4x6; subscription, $5.00; estab- lished 1887. Publishers, Chemical Publishing Co., Easton, Pa. Circulation, 1,200. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half » u . . 60.00 Quarter « « . 36.00 MEMORANDA. 107 Muni) dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels . The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with care. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 108 MEMORANDA. Intelligent methods of Advertising ore at the command of all who consult reputable Advertising Agents. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. PHARMACEUTICAL. 109 Merck’s Market Report.—Semi-monthly ; page, 8J4 x 12 ; subscription, $2.00 ; established 1891. Pub- new york. lishers, Merck & Co., 71 William Street, New York. Circulation, 14,000. Rates on application. Meyer Brothers’ Druggist. — Monthly; page, 6% x 7 ; subscription, $1.00; established 1889. Pub- st. louis. lisher, C. F. G. Meyer, Fourth Street and Clark Avenue,-St. Louis, Mo. 1 Year. 6 Months. RATES—One page, . . $300.00 $160.00 Half « . 157.50 87.00 Quarter « 82.50 45.00 Montreal Pharmaceutical Journal.—Monthly; page, 7x9; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1871. Montreal. Publishers, Lyman, Sons & Co., 171 St. James Street, Montreal, Quebec. Circulation, 3,000.. RATES—One page, one year, . . $100.00 Half « « . . 60.00 Quarter« « . . 35.00 National Druggist.—Monthly; page, 6x8)4 ; sub- scription, $1.00 ; established 1870. Publishers, The st. louis. Druggist Publishing Co., 424 Odd Fellows’ Build- ing, St. Louis, Mo. Circulation, 4,500. 1 Y^ar. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, 1400.00 $220.00 $115.00 Half 220.00 124.00 65.00 Quarter « 124.00 75.00 40.00 110 PHARMACEUTICAL. New England Druggist.—Monthly ; page, 8 X 10 ; boston, subscription, $2.00 ; established 1888. Publisher, Benjamin Johnson, 3 Franklin Street, Boston, Mass. Circulation, 3,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $125.00 $75.00 Half « 125.00 75.00 38.00 Quarter « 75.00 38.00 20.00 Oil, Paint and Drug Reporter.—Weekly ; page, new york. 9x14; subscription, $4.00; established 1871. Pub- lisher, Wm. O. Allison, 72 William Street, New York. Circulation, 10,500. 1 Year. C Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $1,600.00 $925.00 $546.00 Half « 850.00 490.00 293.00 Quarter«« 450.00 250.00 170.00 Omaha Druggist.—Monthly; page, ; sub- omaha. scription, $1.00 ; established 1887. Publishers, Omaha Druggist Publishing Co., Ninth and Jack- son Streets, Omaha, Neb. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $125.00 $65.00 $35.00 Half « 65.00 35.00 20.00 Quarter« 35.00 20.00 12.00 Pacific Druggist and Physician.—Monthly; page, SAN FRANCISCO. x 5 subscription, $1.00 ; established 1890. Publishers, Pacific Druggist Publishing Co., 31G Battery Street, San Francisco, Cal. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page $175.00 $95.00 $50.00 Half « 95.00 50.00 33.00 Quarter « 50.00 30.00 18.00 MEMORANDA. 111 Medical Advertising.—Write for Estimates. A. It. EELIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. 112 MEMORANDA. Medical Advertising advantageously placed. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. PHARMACEUTICAL. 113 Pacific Drug Review.—Monthly; page, 7x 10>4 ; subscription, $1.50 ; established 1888. Publisher, Portland. H. D. Dietrich, 132 Front Street, Portland, Ore. Circulation, 1,500. 1 Year. G Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $150.00 $75.00 $40.00 Half « 75.00 40.00 25.00 Quarter « 40.00 25.00 15.00 Pharmaceutical Era.—Weekly ; page, G£4 x 10 ; subscription, $2.00; established 1882. Publishers, new york. D. O. Haynes & Co., 10G Fulton Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 10,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $1,560.00 $884.00 $468.00 Half << 858.00 486.20 257.40 Quarter « 468.00 265.20 140.40 Pharmaceutische Rundschau.—Monthly ; page, 6%. x ; subscription $2.00 ; established 1882. new york. Publisher, Ered. Hoffmann, 183 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 2,750. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $100.00 $75.00 Half «t 125.00 75.00 60.00 Quarter«« 75.00 40.00 25.00 Registered Pharmacist.—Monthly ; page, 8 x 10 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1887. Publisher, J. Chicago. M. Eaton, 334 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Cir- culation, 4,000. Rates on application. 114 PHARMACEUTICAL. Southern Drug and Paint Review.—Monthly; savannah, page, 5J4 x 10 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 188G. Publishers, Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga. Circulation, 2,500. RATES—One page, one year, . . $250.00 Half « « . 150.00 Quarter« « . 75.00 Spatula.—Monthly ; page, 5% x 7 ; subscription, boston. 50c. ; established 1894. Publishers, Spatula Pub- lishing Co., 8 Oliver Street, Boston, Mass. Circu- lation, 5,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $288.00 $153.00 $81.00 Half « 172.00 91.80 48.60 Quarter « 96.00 51.00 27.00 The Apothecary.—Quarterly; page, 4J4 x 6 ; sub- chicaqo. scription, $1.00 ; established 1891. Publishers, Northwestern University School of Pharmacy, 2421 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 1,000. Rates on application. Western Druggist.—Monthly; page, 6% X 9 ; sub- chicaqo. scription, $1.00; established 1879. Publishers, G. P. Engelhard & Co., 358 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. Circulation, 9,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $420.00 $216.00 $114.00 Half 216.00 114.00 60.00 Quarter « 114.00 60.00 35.00 MEMORANDA. 115 Persistent Advertising Pays. Consult A. It. ELLIOTT on Medical Advertising, 37 College Place, New York, 116 PHARMACEUTICAL. Wisconsin Druggists’ Exchange. — Monthly ; janesville. page, 9J4 x 11 ; subscription, 75c. ; established 1891. Publisher, E. B. Heimstreet, Janesville, Wis. Cir- culation, 1,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. Each Insertion. RATES—Per inch, $5.00 $3.00 $2.00 sJ^Jygienic.. Annals Of Hygiene.—Monthly; page, 4% *5; sub- scription, $2.00 ; established 1885. Publishers, Philadelphia. University of Pennsylvania Press, 716 Filbert Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Circulation, 2,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page. $300.00 $180.00 $100.00 Half « 180.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter»» 100.00 60.00 35.00 Babyhood.—Monthly ; page, x 7>4 ; subscrip- tion, $100 ; established 1884. Publishers, Babyhood new york. Publishing Co., 5 Beekman Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 15,600. RATES—One page, one year, . . $50.00 Half « « . . 28.00 Quarter«‘ « . . 15.00 Canada Health Journal.—Monthly ; page, 4}4 x 7/4 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1874. Pub- Toronto. lisher, E. Playter, Toronto, Canada. Circulation, 2,000. Rates on application. 118 HYGIENIC. Dietetic and Hygienic Gazette.—Monthly; page, NEW YORK. subscription, $1.50; established 1884. Publishers, Gazette Publishing Co., 1218 Broad- way, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 30,000. RATES—One page, one year, . . $650.00 Half «< « 350.00 Quarter 44 44 200.00 Dr. Foote’s Health Monthly.—Monthly ; page, new york. 5% x 7 ; subscription, 50c.; established 1875. Pub- lisher, Murray Hill Publishing Co., 129 East Twenty-eighth Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 15,000. 1 Year. C Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $357.00 $189.00 $100.00 Half « 204.00 108.00 57.00 Quarter « 117.50 62.00 82.75 Family Doctor.—Monthly ; page, 8% x 10X ; sub- paterson. scription, $1.00; established 1891. Publisher, E. Mather, M.D., Ph.D., Paterson, N. J. Circulation, 6,000. Rates on application. Good Health.—Monthly; page, x6}4; subscrip- battle creek, tion, $1.75 ; established 1865. Publisher, J. H. Kellogg, M.D., Battle Creek, Mich. Circulation, 15,000. Rates on application. MEMORANDA. 119 Judicious Advertising Brings Reward. I construct Advertisements on modern principles. A. R. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Rlace, New York. 120 MEMORANDA. Many dollars are wasted annually in injudicious channels. The experience of many years enables me to select mediums with, care. A. It. ELLIOTT, Advertising, 37 College Place, New York. HYGIENIC. 121 Hall’s Journal of Health.— Monthly; page, 4% x ; subscription, 50c. ; established 1854. new york. Publishers, Hall’s Journal of Health Publish- ing Co., 21 William Street, New York, N. Y. Cir- culation, 20,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page, $200.00 $130.00 $70.00 Half « 130.00 70.00 40.00 Quarter « 70.00 40.00 25.00 Hausdoktor.—Monthly; page, 9 x 10 ; subscription, $1.00 ; established 1889. Publishers, The Doctor new york. Publishing Co., 104 John Street, New York, N. Y. Circulation, 11,000. 1 Year. 6 Months. 3 Months. RATES—One page $300.00 $180.00 $100.00 Half « 180.00 100.00 60.00 Quarter