U.S. ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY Reference Division FAT EMBOLISM A Preliminary List of References Chiefly Covering the Years 1940-1950 Compiled by Marjory Spencer WASHINGTON, D* C. 21 January 1952 Arch. I 10 1952 C.3 AftvLD FORCES Ml^: _tc*A • FAT EMBOLISM The principal sources searched to obtain the references were: Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus, Current List of Medi- cal Literature, International Abstract of Surgery to July 1959, War Medicine, Bulletin of War Medicine, Biological Abstracts to 1942, Zentralblatt fur allegemoinc Pathologic und patholo- glsche Anatomic, 1941-1950. Zentralorgan fur die gesamte Chir- urgie, 1941-1943, Sept. 1942—• Mar. 1950, Abstracts of World Medicine, 1947-1949, Abstracts of World Surgery, 194?-1942, July 1949-June 1950, the section on General Pathology and Path- ological Anatomy of Excorpta Modica, 1942-1949, the section on Internal Medicine of Excorpta Modica, 1947-June 1950 and the Subject Index (a card file supplementing the printed volumes of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon General1s Office to April I95O). The fev; annotations were intended to direct the original user of the list to statistical data and other material of spe- cific interest to him. 1. Alexander, 11. E. F. Fat embolism in penicillin therapy. Nurs. Mirror, 195O, Lond., §1: 142. 2. Applebaum, I. L. and Hewson, G. F. Pulmonary fat embolism with recovery. J. M. Soc. N. Jersey, 1941, ^2: 131-132. 3- Baronofsky, I., Mcrcndino, K. A., Bratrud, T. E. and Wangensteon, 0. H. Fate of intravenously injected fat; its role in production of ulcer. Proc. Soc. Exp. 3iol., N. Y., 1945, 52.: 231-234. ("Fat emboli may cause gastric and/or duodenal erosions or ulcers"). 4. Bay, R. 3. Fat embolism. Report of six cases. South. • M. J., 195*> 44': 499. 5. Becker, F. Zrfahrungon mit dor intravonosen Novecainanv/en- dung in dor Chirurgie. Heivet. chir. acta, 1949, 16: 312- 315. (Treatment in one case of fat embolism was without appar ont effect). 6. Binford, C. H. and Spriggs, J. 3. (Fracture of the right tibia with fat embolism to brain, lungs, kidneys, skin and conjunctivla). Am. J. Clin. Path., 1949, 1£: 3^2-392. 7. Bisgard, J. D. and Baker. C. Experimental fat embolism. Am. J. Surg., 1940, 4£: 466-472. &. Bishop, H. F. Thrombosis-embolism problem associated with hip fracture in aged. Geriatrics, 1942, 3.: 26-34. (The author has collected 17 cases of fatal pulmonary embolism— in three the embolus was fat.) 9. Biochlinger, L. Tierexperimenteller Beitrag zur Frag des HamoglobinBturzes nach Fettemboli©. IS p. Bern, 1945. 10. Bohm, F. Immobilisierung vefletzter tfctroerteile zur Prophy- laxe der Fettembolie. Mschr. Unfallh., 1943, $0i 176-124. 11. Bondy, P. K., Sheldon, W. H. and Weens, H. S. Pulmonary embolism caused by penicillin-oil-beeswax; experimental investigation, with report of nenrfatal case. Am. J. Med., 1947, I: 34-43. 12. Bortz, E. L., Kline, H. N. G« and Krausen, S. S. The treat- ment of certain toxic states by the use of a cholesterol ester sol "lipesol". Med. Rec, N. Y., 1941, 153: 151-155. (The question of fat embolism is included). 13- Bourne, G. C, & Schw«ab, R. S. Cerebral fat embolism; re- port of a case with recovery. Arch. Neur. Psychist., Chic. 1949, 62: 355-357- 14. BrUcke, H. Gibt es «ine wirksame Behandlung der Fettembolie? Klin. Med., Wien, 1947, 2: 1100. 15- BrUcke, H. Ueber die Behandlung der Fetteiiibolie, mit Sauerstoffatmung. Klin. Wschr., 1942, 21: 771-772. 16. Carter, 3. N., Christiansen, J. N. and Prior, J. A. Fat embolism as postoperative complication of extrapleural thoracoplasty; report of 2 proved cases and 5 suspected cases. J. Thorac. Surg., 1941, 10: 641-647. 17. Cattell, Armstrong and others. Postoperative convulsions; blueness fever. Case Rep. Child. Mem. Hosp., Chicago, 1945, 4- 363-369- (Presentation of a case. Fat embolism was produced by operative manipulation of bones of the feet and ankles.) 12. Cohen, H. and Biskind, G. R. The pathologic aspects of atmospheric blast injuries in man. Arch. Path., Chic, 1946, 42: 12-34. (A study of the lesions found in 11 selected cases of atmospheric blast injuries from the files of the Army Institute of Pathology. Fat embolism was mode- ■ rate in 3 and minimal in 5 cases. The authors did not re- gard this degree of fat embolism as significant in the causation of the lesions.) 19. Conner, L. A. The heart in fat erabolism. J. Mount Sinai Hosp. N. York, 1941-42, 2: 454-452. 20. Creysscl, J. Un cas d!embolic graisseuso post-operatoire, Lyon chir., 1949, 44: 732. 21. Creyssel. J., and Feit, R. L'embolie graisseuse. Paris M£d., 1949, 22: 37S-324. 22. Davis, S, K., Gibaon, D. II. and Montgomery, J. L. Iowa Methodist Hospital clinicopathologic conference; pulmonary and cerebral fat embolism with pronounced pulmonary edema. J. Iowa M. Soc, 1950, J40: 451-457. -3~ 23- Denman, F. R., and Gragg, L. Fat embolism; a diagnostic enigma. Arch. Surg., 1942, 5£: 325-332. (Statistics and reports of 99 autopsies, seven with fat embolism sufficient to cause death and 24 instances of fat embolism of less in- tensity. ) 24. Den:v;-Brown, D. The principles of treatment of closed head injury. Bull. II. York Acad. M., 1943, 13,: 3-16. (Fat embolism is briefly referred to as "an important cause of late increase in, or appearance of coma.") 25. DeVoe, A. G. Ocular fat embolism; a clinical and pathologic report. Arch. Ophth., Chic, 1950, 4]>: 257-263. 26. Divry, p. and 3-yy, J. Un cas d1embolie graisseuso cere- bralo (plaques seniles dans le cortex). J. beige neur. psychiat., 1941-1942, 41-42: 315-323. 27. Doud, S. A., and Rovenstine, E. A. Fatal fat embolism; a case report. Anesthesiology, 1946, Jj 291-295. 22. Dunphy, J. E., and Ilfcld, F. W. Fat embolism. Am. J. Surg., 1949, 21: 737-743- 29. Du Toit, J. Traumatic fat embolism. S. Afr. M. J.. 1949, 2],: IO62-IO65. 30. Du Toit, J. Traumatic fat embolism. So. Papers M. Ass. S. Africa, 1949, 106-110. 31. Edclins, G. S., Frost, R., Steele, C. W. and Goodof, I. Oil■emboli following attempted criminal abortion; a case report. J. Maine M. Ass., 1950, 4l: 322-391. * 32. Edmondson, H. A. and Fields, I. A. Relation of calcium and lipid? to acute pancreatic necrosis; report of fifteen cases, in one of which fat embolism ocoured". Arch. Int. M., 1942, o£: 177-190. 33. Elkes, J. J., and Frazer, A. C. Fat embolism due to the action nf ci. welchii toxin. J. Physiol., Lend., 194R-46, 104: Proc, 3. 34. Evans, J. J. Cerebral fat embolism with recovery and in- volement of central retinal artery. Brit. J. Oohth., 1^40. 24: 614-616. ' 35. Fahr, E.. Ueber die Fott- und Luftembolic Virchows Arch., 1947, 514; 499-510. (Experimental treatment). 36. Fazckas, I. G. Ueber die Lo*su.ng dor Fette; :bo!ie. Zbl. allg. Path., 1939-1940, 2i: 396; 37. Fohr, A. Rontogen^Iogischo Lungenverandorungen boi der tr.auhhVGischen Fottembolio. Holvot. moo., acta, 1944, II: 5:5 5:)°» -4- 32. Fehr, A. Untersuchungen Tiber die Fettembolic 46 p. Ber- lin, 1942 39- Fehr, A. Untersuchungen tfber die Fettembolie. Beitr. klin. Chir.. 1942, 174: 25-62. (Experimental and clinical as- pects) . 40. Fehr, A. Untersuchungen uber die Fettembolie. 46 p. Berl., 1942. Habilitationsschrlft, Zurich. 4l. Felsenreich, F. Glbt es eine wirksame Behandlung der Fett- embolie Klin. Med., VJien, 1947, 2: 730-733- 42. Felsenreich, F. Glbt es eine wirksarne 3ehandlung der Fett- embolie Klin. Med., Wien, 1942, J: 221 43. Frankland, A. W. Embolism after penicillin-oil-beeswax. J. Clin. Path., Lond., 1942, 1: 244-245. 44. Friedberg, J. Anatomische Untersuchungen des Heramuskels bei Fettembolie. Deut. ZSchr. Chir., 1942, 255: 239-242. 45. Friesen, S. R., Merendino, K. A., Baronofsky, 1. D., Mears, F. 3. and Wangensteen, 0. H. The relationship of bone trauma to the development of acute gastroduodenal lesions in experimental animals and in man; with particular refer- ence to the role of fat emboli. Surgery, 1942, 24: 134-159, 46. Fritz;, M. H. and Hogan, M. J. Fat embolization involving the human eye. Am. J. Ophth., 1942, j>l: 527~534. (includes a general pathologic report on the brain, myocardium, lungs, liver, spleen and kidney.? as well as a detailed ocular pathologic report). 47- George, E. II. and Blumgren, J. E. Massive fat embolism following fracture of the femur; report of four fatal cases with necropsy findings. U. S. Nav. M. Bull., 1946, 46: 1265-1273. (includes incidence). 42. Gerwig, W. H., jr. Traumatic fat embolis«;;. Mil. Surgeon, 1942, 20: 549-555. (Presentation of 9 cases, 2 of which recovered). 49. Gilbert, R., and Voluter, G. Morphologic radiologlque do 1'embolie graisseuso du poumon. Radiol, din., Basel, 1942, 1Z,: 227. 50. Gloggengiessor, W. Morphologicche Untersuchungen Uber Shock, Ko'llaps und Fettembolie. Med. Klin., Berl., 1949, 44: 235-232. 5*1. Gohrbandt, E. Schnelldiagnose der Fettembolie. Zbl. Chir., 1947, J2: 394-396. -5- Gollasch. Todlische Fettembolie ohne grttbere Knochenver- lietzung und Lahrnung ohne Verletzung des Ruckenmarke. Mschr. Unfallh., 1941, 42: 267-269. Gray, A. B., and Moadoff, N. Fat embolism. Permanente Found. II. Bull., Oakland, 1943, 1: 25-33. (Review of litero.ture and presentation of four cases.) Grossmann, II. E. Pulmon.ary oil ernbolis;.i. Brit. J. Radiol., 1946, 1£: 172-120. 1 Gutierrez-Mahoney, W. de. Pathogenesis ^f tr,aumatic un- consciousness; importance °f fat embolism. War Med., Chicago, 1941, 1: 216-223. Gwynne, F. J. Fat embolism. N. Zealand M. J., 1942, 4l: 212-220. Hallett, G. S., and Drennan, A. J. M. A case of fat em- bolism. Brit. M. J., 1944, 2: 150. Harman, J. W., Ragaz, F. J. The pathogenesis of experimen- tal fat embolism. Am. J. Path., 1950, 26: 55I-563; abstract, 1949, 25.: 209-210. Harter, L. Ueber Zirkulati-nsstorungen des Zentralnerven- sys'tems bei experimenteller Fett- und Luftembolie. Virchows Arch., 1947, 314: 213-225. Heaten, L. Df, Ritchey, S. J. and others. Lower nephron nephrosis and fat embolism. Bull. U. S. Army M. Dep,, 1949, 2.: 319-332. Henderson, R. G. Fat-embolism after compound froxture of tibia. L.ancet, London., 1943, 1: 297-292. Herrmann, R. Les,embolies graisseuses de la grande cir- culation. Ann. med. leg., 1942, 124-127. Hess, W. Fettembolie und Lipasen. Helvet. chir. acta, 1942, 15.: 163-129. (Experiment,al study.) Hoppe, R. and Mtlller, W. 5lembolie mit Purpura cerebri bei ©looth^rax. Tuborkul^sosrzt, 1949, IL 572-576. Hurst, E. W. and Cooke, B. T. Capillary fat-embolism in brains of sheep, pigs, and monkeys, with especial reference to demyelination and other lesions in white matter. Austral, J. Exp. Biol., 1943, 21: 141-142. Ingersoll, F. M. and Robbins, L. L. Oil embolism following hysteros.alpingography. Am. J. Obst., 1947, ^: 307-311. James, E. S. Fat embolism. Canad. M. Ass. J., 1950, 62: 542-550- -6- 62. James, E. S., and Doctor, P. A case of fat embolism. Manitoba M. Rev., 1942, 22: 34. 69. Jefferson, N. C. and Necheles, H. Oleic acid toxicity and fat embolism. Proc Soc Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1942, 62: 242-250. 70. Karitzky, B. Die tr.ournatischc Fettembolie. Zbl. allg. Path., 1942-43, 20: 77 (Abstr.) 71. Karitzky, 3. Die tro.umatischo Fettembolie. Med. Klin., Berl., i94l, 32: 707-702. 72. Karl en, A. Todosfall an Fott- Kn^chonm. -..rkemboiie und Uramie nach "intraduralar" Per- Abrodil- Mvol'-graphic Acta chir. sc«and., 1942, §1: 497-512. 73- Keller, R. Injections vascul.aires o.ccidentel'les de lipiodol (iodized oil) survenant au cours de I'hysterosalpingogrp-phic Gynecologic, 1942, 42: 27-41. 74. Kingsbury, L. 3., and Wilkinson, A. 3. Massive fat embolism with recovery. Ann. West. M. & S., 1947, 1: 126-190. 75. Kolmcrt, F. A feu observations on fat embolism. Acta chir. scand., 1939-40, gj: 263-262, 2 pi. 76. Krucke, W. Die Fettembolie des Gehirns. Zbl. allg. Path. 1947-1942, 22.: 67. (Abstract). 77. Krucke, W. Uber die Fetteiiibolie des G-ehirns nach Flugun- fallon. Virchows Arch. 1942, 315.: 421-492. 72. Lenggenhager, K. Ueber ein Spb'tsymptom bei Fettembolie. Schweiz. med. Wschr., 1941, Jl: 3&-40. 79- Lichtenstcin, L., and Sewall, S. Pulmonary and cerebral fat embolism following intravenous administration of ether therapeutically. J. Am. M. Ass., 1942, 136: 227-222. 20. Lindsay, S. and Mo^n, H. D. Bons-marrow embolism follow- ing fracture. J. Bone Surg., 1946, 22: 377~3&0. 21. Loowenstein, A. and Foster, J. Fatty embolism of the ret- inal artery found in eyes .after enucleation and orbital exenteration. Brit. J. Ophth,, 1942, 22: 219-223. 22. Maatz, R. Die Bedeutung der Fettembolie bei der Marknage- lung nach Kuntscher. Zbl. Chir., 1943, 3^3"3^7. 23. Madsen, A. R. Behandling af tr.aumatisk, cerebral Fedtembo'li. Ugeskr. laeger, 1943, 10£: 950. 24. McGrath, E. J., and Gall, E. A. (Traumatic so-called fat embolism). Cincinnati J. M., 1947, 22: 410-420. -7- ^5- Meyer, A. and Teare, D. Cerebral fat embolism after elec- trical oonvulsion therapy. 3rit. M. J. 1945, 2: 42-44. 26. Meyer, W. W. Cholesterinkrystall- embolie kleiner Or- ganarterien und ihre Folgen. Virchows Arch., 1947, 314: 616-632. 27. Monson, E. M., and Dennis, C. Therapeutic effect of choline choloride in dogs with fat emboli produced by bone marrow curettage. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol., N. Y., 1949, 22.: 33O-332. 22. Newman, P. H. Tae clinical diagnosis of fat embolism. J. 5 3-ne Surg., 1942, 303: 290- 297. 29. Nightingale, H. J, A note on fat embolism. Brit. II. J., 1945, 2: 531. 90. Nightingale, G. S. and Meyer, A. Cerebral fat embolism as cause of death in case of schizophrenia treated v/ith triazol (azoman). J. Ment. Sc, Lend., 1940, §6^: 219-226. 91. Pfanner, W. Zur Pathogenese der Fettembolie. Beitr. klin. Chir., 1942, rQ: 292-304. 92. Porritt, A. E., Debenham, R. K. and Ross, C. C. B. L. A. surgery. Brit. M. J., 1945, 2: 377~322. (Report of surgeons in final campaign in Europe from "D-day" on. Fat embolism is included in the section on postoperative complications. Authors think that a larger proportion than 20fo survive— that the mortality in fat embolism is approximately 50^.) 93- Richards, H, G. H. A case of fat embolism in early child- hood. Edinburgh M. J., 1950, $L: 252-256. 94. Robb-Smith, A. H. T. Pulmonary fat-embolism. Lancet, Lond., 194l, 1: 135~l4l. (Post mortem study of 125 consecutive bombing casualties. 4l had gross pulmonary fat-embolism and in 29 it was sufficient to have been a major factor in the fatal outcome.) 95. Robb-Smith, A. H. T., Hunt, A. H. and others Discussion on fat embolism and the brain. Proc R. Soc M., Lond., 1940- 1941, 2it- 639-656. 96. Robinson, J. R. (Kankokee, 111.) Fat embolism following abdominal surgery. Am. J. Surg., 1949, J&: 401-405. (Pre- sentation of 2 cases. Etiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment are discussed.) 97- Roblec, II. A. and Moore, S. "Lipiodol" pulmonary emboli following hysterosalpingography. South. M. J., 1945, ^2« 92. Rowlands, R. A., and Wake'ley, C. P. G. Fat embolism. Lan- cet, Lond., 1941, I: 502-507. A review of the literature and presentation of three cases. -2- 99. Rurnball, C. A. Tonic fits and glycosuria due to fat-embolism. Lancet, Lond., 1949, 2: 13. 100. Russell, D. Fat embolism. J. Neur. Psychiat., Lond., 194l, n. ser., 4: 271. 101. Sandell, D. H. Fat embolism. J. R. Army M. Corps, 1943, 21: 95-97. 102. Scheinker, I. M. Formation of demyelinated plaques associ- ated v/ith cerebral fat embolism in man. Arch. Neur. Psychiat. Chic, 1943, 42.: 754-764. (A detailed histopathologic study of cerebral lesions associated v/ith fat embolism.) I03. Schonken, J. R. and Coleman, F. C. Bone marrow and fat embolism following fracture of the femur. Am. J. Surg., 1943, 6l: 126-127. 104. Schoenmackors, J. Die markiorte arterielle Luftembolie im Kaninchenversuch (Luft- Fettembolie). Virchov/s Arch., 195°; 312: 234-249. IO5. SchtJttemeycr, W. and Flach, K. Fermentbestimmung zur Diag- nose dor Fettembolie. Zbl. Chir., 1950, 25.- 542-549; also Med. Klin., Berl., 1949, 44: 1227-1222. 106. Schuttemeycr, W. and Flach, A. Neve Untersuchungsmethode zur Diagnose der Fettembolie. Chirurg., 1950, 21: 229-292, 107. Schwab, R. S., and Bourne, G, C. A case of cerebral fat embolism v/ith recovery. Electroencephalography, Montr., 1949, 1: 252. 102. Scott, J. C, Kemp, F. H, and Robb-Smith, A. H. T. Pul- monary fat embolism; clinical and radiological observations with note on sputum examination. Lancet, Lond., 1942, 1; 222-230. (Case reports of four patients who survived fat embolism.) 109. Scuderi, C. S. Fat embolism; a clinical and experimental study. Surg. Gyn. Obst. 194l, £2: 732-746. (Review and a diagnostic study), 110. Scuderi, C. S. Fat embolism; an experimental and clinicaJL study. Proc. Inst. M. Chicago, 19^0-1941, 1J: 152. Ill, Senff, A. Die Gefahren der Fettembolie bei dor Marknage- lung nach Kuntscher. Zbl. Chir., 1950, 25.: 339"347- 112. Siegmund, H. Ueber die Fettembolie nach Verlctzungen. Jahrkurs. Srztl. Fortbild., 194l, 22: 2-12. 113. Silverstein, A. and Xonzelman, F. Cerebral fat embolism, Confinia neur., Basel, 1940, 2.: I29-I56. In English. (A review of the literature v/ith the presentation of a case illustrating clinical and pathological features.) -9- 114. Spring, M. Traumatic fat embolism. Surg. Clin. N. America, 1941, 21: 543-553. II5. Stammers, F, A. R. War injuries of the extre.mities and their treatment in forward areas, Brit. J. Surg., War Surg. Suppl. 2, 1942, p. 27iH290. (Includes fat embolism). 116. Strassmann, G. Intr.auterine pastes. J. Am. M. Ass., 1944, 125: 673. (Comment on Weilerstein's article). 117- Strassmann, G. Ttfdliche Fettembolie nach einfachem Oberschenkelhalsbruch durch Fall. Deut. Zschr. gerichtl. Med., 1942, 22: 122-131. 112, Struppler/f V.## Die Fettembolie. 52 p. Stuttgart, F. Enke, 19^* (Vortrage aus der praktischen Chirurgie 26. Heft, 1940). 119. Traumatic fat eQbolism. Occup. Med., 1942, 5.: 417. 120, Vance, 3. M. Intrauterine injection of lysol as an aborti- facient; report of a fatal case complicated by oil embolism and lysol poisoning. Arch. Path., Chic, 1945, 40; 395~398. 121, Vance B. M. .and Fisher, R. C, Sickle cell disease; two cases, one presenting fat embolism as fatal complication. Arch. Path.", 194l, 22: 372-326. 122. V^iuter, G. La morphologie radiologique de l1embolie graisseuse du poumon. Acta radiol., Stoch., 1949, 2i: 403- 430. 123- Waaler, E. Histological changes in the kidneys in fat-em- bolism. Acta path, micr-b. scand., 1943, 20: 329-334, pi. In English. 124. Wade, L. J. and Stevenson, L. D. Necrosis of the bone marrow with fat embolism in sickle cell anemia. Am, J. Path., 194l, 17: 47-54, 3 plates, (Includes postmortem examination). 125. Wakeley, C. P. G. Treatment of V/ar burns. Surgery, 194l, 10: 207-2^2. See particularly p, 202. (Fat embolism was found in 40 per cent of fatally burned cases.) 126. Warren, S. Fat embolism, .Am. J. Path. 1946, 22: 69-27. 4 pi. (Pathologic findings in 101 consecutive cases of fat embolism from files ->f Army Institues of Pathology, covering approximately the years 1940-1944. Includes incidence,) 127. Weber, R, J., Mullowney, J, P. and McXeo, G. W. Presenta- tion of a case (fat embolism), Cincinnati J. II., 1942, 22.: I63-17L (Clinical and pathological findings). -10- 122. Weld, C. B. and Acker, M, I, Pulmonary fat embolism, per- fringens toxin and heparin. Proc. Corn. Army M. Res. (Canada), 1945, Progress Rept. 40 (NRCC 6234), (Authors conclude that the evidence from this study does not suggest that heparin may be of value In the treatment of pulmonary fat embolism. The study is being continued especially in reference to the pathogenesis of pulmonary fat embolism). 129, Whitman, R. L. Fat embolism. Bull. Vancouver M. Ass., 1941- 1942, 12: 23-25. 130. Wile, U. J. and Schamberg, I, L. Pulmonary fat embolism following infusions via bone marrow. J. Invest. Derm., 1942, 5.: 173-177. 131. Wilson, J. V. Pathology of closed injuries of the chest. Brit, M. J., 1943, 1: 470-474. (Fat embolism is mentioned.) 132. Wilson, J. V. The pathology of traumatic injury. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1946. Fat embolism: p. 52-65. (In- cludes incidence, pathogenesis, postmortem appearances, r. clinical features and diagnosis.) 133. Wilson, J. V., and Salisbury, C. V. Fat embolism in war surgery. Brit. J. Surg., 1943-1944, 21: 324-392. (In a series of 1,000 battle casualties, the authors found 2 cases of fat embolism, six of which were fatal.) 134. Winkelman, N. W. Cerebral fat embolism; a clinicopathologic study of 2 cases. Arch. Neur. Psychiat., Chic, 1942, 42.: 57-76. 135-» Wyatt, J. P. and Khoo, p. Fat embolism in trauma. Am. J. Clin. Path., 1950, 20: 637-640. (Study to determine fre- quency and amount of intravascular fat embolism of 30 sub- jects' wh~ died following trauma—also a similar study of patients, who died suddenly from nontraumatic causes.) »RMLD fi> :.5 MEDICAI UBRKrt» WASHINGTON 0. C.