U. S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS REFERENCE DEPT. CHECK LIST CIVILIAN DEFENSE SECT. D-SUB.-SECT. 5 The Library of Congress Reference Department A CHECK LIST CIVILIAN DEFENSE COLLECTION Section D - Subsection 5 CHEMICAL WARFARE - DECONTAMINATION Prepared by Charles H. Wentz Washington, D. C, Library of Congress March 1, 1943* Reproduced from type-written copy by Civilian Defense Volunteer Office - District of Columbia Library of Congress Civilian Defense Collection Cr'SMICAL WARFARE - DECOHTAIZTTAT101 Section D Subsection 5 1. Algan, ITureddin Munsi. * ... Gaz Kimyasi, zehirli gazlar ve kimyevi savas. Istanbul, Yttksek nil en- dis nehtebi riatbaasi, 1956, 549 p. > illus. TTBibliografya ' : 2d pro3.in* j-eai <> TJC-4.47.A5 2. Auld, Samuel Manson. Gas and flame in modern warfare. Hew York, G.H.Doran co., ((cl918)), 201 : . UG447.A8 '3. Bradley, Theodore F. Chemical detection of war gases for civilian defense. Chemical and engineer- ing news, Easton, Pa», July 25, 1942, p. 893-896. Selected J_ist ol references, • Photostat 4. Brooksbank, Alan, Gas, alert I A constructive criticism and exposition of civil and military defence against warfare gases. Melbourne, Rooertson & Muluens, 193- , 159 p., illus. UG447.B7 5. Bruere, Paul. Face au T-eril aero-chim.iq.ue. Paris, Editions Iledicis, 1936, 113 p., illus. UG635.FBB7 G. Bdscher, Hermann. Giftgasi Und win? Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1937, 223 p., illus. TJC447.B8 1937 7. Burn, Walter P. Chemical warfare agents; Reference and training chart. Revised ed., Oct. 1, 1941, 1 leaf. 8. Cambridge scientists’ anti-war group. The protection of the public from aerial attack; bein', a critical examination of the recommendations put forward by the Air raid precautions department oi the Home office. London, V. Gollancz, 1937, 127 v'<> UG635.G7C27 1937a Library of Congress catalog nunbers are i eluded at the end of each entry for which they are now available. Chemical Warfare 9. Camentron, Jean* Le danger aero-cliininue; quatre conferences pour les assistante3 du devoir national. Paris, Charles-Lavauzelle, 1933, GO p., 2 ed. UG447.C27 1938 10. Cameron, Donald A. Chemical warfare, New York, International pamphlets, ((cl950)), 31 p. (no.3) UG447,03 11. Canada. Federal air raid precautions committee. Air raid precautions, general information. Issued as a supplement to "’First aid to the injured.” Ottawa, E. Cloutier, 1940, 37 p.,illus. UG447.C35 12. Cocco, G. Lorenzo. La guerra chinica contro le citta. Torino, La Graflea moderns, ((1935)), 131 p.,illus. Bibliography: p. 5. UG447.C6 13. Commission Internationale o’ex; erts pour la protection des popula- tions civiles centre la guerre chinique. Rapports - Resolutions. Geneve, Conite International de la Croix-rouge, 1929, 165 p. UG447.C65 1929 14. Cot, Charles. ..oEcole pratique du secouriste specialise en asphyxies... Paris, Le Francois, 1935, 188 p., illus. ' RCG7.C76 15. Cuenat, Pierre. La guerre aero-chinique; preface de Fierro Got. Paris, Editions sociales Internationales, 1935, 152 p. TBibliograph!e” : p. 146-149. UG447.C8 16. Dautrebande, Lucien. ... Les gaz toxiques; physiologic, toxioologie, protection, therapeutique• Paris, Masson & cie., 1933, 371 p., illus. RA1245.D3 17. Denckler, Ernst. Deni; an luftschutz und die deinenl ((Berlin, Ernst Denckler-verlag, 1934)), 15 p. UG630.D43 18. Denmark. Krigsministeriet. Foreloebigt reglenent for beskyttelse nod krigsgns. Koeber.havn, Central- trykkeriet, 1928, 76 p. UG447.D4 19. Doering, Walther. ...Luftschutz und gasschutz. Breslau, Vdlkischer verlag 'T* Utt ileal, 1934, 48 p. ' UG630.D57 20. Drdgerwerk, Lilbeck. Draeger-Gaschutz in luftschutz ... Ltlbeck, li.onmissions-verlag E. G. Pahtpens, ((1934)), 261-p., illus. :,Tit eratur-ver zeichnis"f : r. 251-255. UG447.D7 1934 21. Endres, Franz Carl. La guerre des gaz, traduit de 1’aller.and par Raymond Henry. Paris, A* Michel, ((cl92S)), 251 r. UG447.S6 Chenical Warfare 22. Ettel, Viktor. Chemicka valka. V Graze, Tiskem Rrazske akcicve tiskarny, 1932, 415 p., illus. '?Literatura:!: p. 407-408. UG447.E85 23. Fairhurst, Isabel].e. liarual of-high explosives, incendiaries and poison gases. Greenfield, Mass*, {( cl942)) , 110 p. TJG447.F25 24. Farrow, Edward Sanuel. Gas warfare. New York, Dutton, ((1920)), 253 p. UG447.F3 25. Feij, G. M. Korte handleiding voor het ; ebruik van gasmashers ten dienste van den lucht- b esc he min; sdienst. 5. drub. Den Kelder, Egner, (( 1939?)), 25 p. UG447.6.F4 26. Fishman, J. H. Der triegschemiscke dienst in der Roten armee... IMnclien, Verlag Dr. An gust Schrimpff, 1933, 112 p., illus, UG447.F5 27. Foulkes, Charles Howard. :,GasltT The story of the special brigade. Edinburgh and London, T7. Blackwood & sons, 1934, 361 p* Bibliography included in preface. UC447.F6 28. Fradkin, Mrs. Elvira Thekla (Lush), The air menace and the answer. Lew York, Macmillan, 1934, 331 p. Bibliogra- phy : p. 321-327, UG447.F67 29. France, Direction de 1’artillerie. ... Instruction technique sur la protection centre les gaz de combat. Paris, Imprimerie librairie nilitaire universelle, L. Fournier & cie., 1939, 148 p., illus. UG447.F68 30. Frankenberg und ludwigsderf, Helmut von. Luf t sc hut zr edit; rechtsfomen des luftschutzes in in- u i.p auslande. Leipzig, R, Noshe, 1932, 160 p. Includes bibliographies. JV35133.G3F7 1932 31. Fries, Amos Alfred, Chemical warfare. Hew York, McGraw-Hill, 1921, 445 p., illus. UG447.F7 32. General electric company. National larij works, Cleveland, The story of the Development division, Chemical warfare service. ((Cleveland, Gilman printing co., 61920)), 227 p, UG447.G4 33. Gilchrist, Parry Lorenzo, The residual effects of warfare gases. Washington, D.G., U.S. Govt, off., 1933, 2 vols. Vol.l, part I, Chlorine; part II, Mustard, Vol,2, part III, Ihosgene; part IV, Arsenical compounds, TJG447.G5 34. Graham, Betty. Gas makes dread debut in World war II : Japs hurl blistering barrage at the Chinese, Reprint, Washington daily news, Nov. 26, 1941, p. 5, illus. Chemical Warfare 35. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Air raid precautions to be taken by users of ammonia. ((London, 1940)), 4 p. UG630.G78 1940 36. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Anti-pas precautions for merchant ship-ing. London, 1935, 41 p« (Air raid precautions handbook no. 7 (1st ed.)) U9A35.G7A294 no.7 1935 37. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas precautions for merchant ship ping. London, 1956, 41 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 7 (2nd ed.)) UG655.G7A294 no.7 1936 38. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Anti-gas precautions for merchant shipping. London, 1941, 43 p. (Its Air raid precautions handbook no. 7 (3rd ed.)) UG635.G7A294 no.7 1941 39. Gt. Brit, Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas protection of babies and young children. London, 1939, 8 p. UGS35.G7A7 1939 b 40. Gt. Brit, Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas training. London, 1937, 28 p. (Air raid _ recautions memorandum no. 5 (1st ed,)) ' UG635.G7A297 no.5 1937 41. Gt. Brit, Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas training. London, July 10, 1937, 15 p. (Circular 7C1/529/42) 42. Gt. Brit. Scottish office. Anti-gas training. London, March 3, 1936, 4 p. (Circular no. 5108) UG447.R67 43. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Anti-gas training - Gas vans and gas chambers. London, Dec. 17, 1933, 6 p. (Circular 7G1,520/33) 44. Gt. Brie, Mission... Army * Introduction to the Report of the British mission appointed to visit enemy chemical factories in the occupied zone engaged in the product ion of munitions of mar in February, 1919,,. London, 1921, 10 p. (Cmd. 1137) TF73.G7 1919 45. Gt, Brit, rational health insurance joint committee. An atlas of gas poisoning . 3d ed. ... London, 1958, 15 p., x col. pi. Found also as Appendix v, Medical manual of chemical warfare, 1930 (Gt, Brit. Mar office). RAl.245.G7 1956 46. Gt, Brit. .Mr raid precautions dept. Care and repair of respirators. London, 1940, 15 p. (.fir raid precautions memorandum no, 15 (1st ed.)) UG6~5.G7A297 no,15 1940 47. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Chart of war gases. London, Hay, 1942, 6 p. Chemical Warfare 48, Gt, Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Civilian anti-pas schools. London, February 7, 11336, 3 p. (Circular 701,527/34) 49, Gt, Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Civilian duty respirators fitted with microphone attachments. London, Dec. 6, 1939, 6 p. (Circular No. 32C/193S) 50, Gt, Brit, Air raid precautions dept. Decontamination of materials. London, 1939, 69 p. (Air raid precautions handbook No, 4 (1st ed,)) UG635.G7A294 no,4 1939 51, Gt, Brit, Air raid precautions dept. Decontamination of clothing, including oilskin anti-gas clothing and equip- ment, from blister gases. London, 1939, 32 p, (Air raid trecautions hand- book no, 4A (1st ed.)) ’This handbook nay be regarded as supplementary to * A.R.P. handbook no. 4, 'Decontamination of materials’, in which it will eventually be incorporated. For this reason the handbook is provisional only," -Foot-notes* p. 2. UG635.G7A294 no, 4A 1939 52, Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Decontamination of clothing, including anti-gas clothing and equipment, from persistent gases, London, 1942, 51 q, (Its Air raid precautions handbook no. 4A (2d ed,)) UG635.G7A294 no, 4A 1942 53, Gt, Brit. Ministry of home security. Decontamination of materials. London, 1942, 63 p, (Its Air raid precautions handbook no, 4 (2nd ed.)) UG635.G7A294 no, 4 1942 54, Gt, Brit, War office. Da-fence against gas. London, 1935, 83 p. UG447.G7 1935 c 55, Gt, Brit, Air raid recautions de^t. The detection and identification of war gases, London, 1939, 53 p, (1st ed.) UG447.G7 1939 b 56, Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. The detection and identification of war gases, Brooklyn, F, Y., Chemical pub- lishing co,, 1940, 53 p. "First American edition," 110*147,07 1940 c 57, Gt, Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Experiments in anti-gas protection of houses, London, Dec, 31, 1937, 7 p, (Circular 701,602/109 ) 58, Gt, Brit, Air raid precautions dept. First aid for gas casualties. London, 1936, 4-8 p« (Air raid precautions handbook no. 2 (2d ed.)) UG635.G7A294 no. 2 1936 59, Gt, Brit, Air raid precautions dept. First aid and nursing for pas casualties. London, 1938, 47 p, (Air raid precautions handbook no, 2 (3rd ed.)) UGG35.G7A294 no, 2 1938 50, Gt, Brit, Ministry of home security. First aid and nursing for gas casualties. London, 1941, 50 p, (Air raid pre- cautions handbook no, 2 (3d ed,)) Amended reprint, October, 1941, UG635.G7A294 no, 2 1941 Chemical Marfare 61. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Gas detection and identification service. London, ((1959)), 12 p. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 11 (1st ed.)) TJC-635. G7A297 no. 11 1939 62, Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Gas detection and identification service. London, ((1941)), 10 p. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 11 (2nd ed.)) UG635.G7A29? no. 11 1941 65. Gt. Brit, Air raid precautions dept. Inspection and repair of respirators and oilskin clothing. London, 1940, 10 p. (.Ar raid precautions memorandum no, 15 (2nd ed. )) UGG55.G7A297 no. 13 1940 a 64. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Inspection and repair of respirators and oilskin clothing, London, 1941, 22 p. (Its Air raid precautions memorandum no. 15 (3rd ed.)) TJG635.G7A297 no. 15 1941 65. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions de;t. Inspection of civilian res; irators held by the , ublic. London, 1940, 5 p. (Lome security circular ho.40/1940) 36. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Local storage and distribution of civilian respirators. London, July 6, 1938, 15 p. (Circular 702,445/51) 67. Gt. Brit. TJar office. Manual of treatment of gas casualties. London, 1930, 95 p. UG447.G7 1930 68. Gt. Brit. Mar office. ... Medical manual of chemical warfare, 1959 ... London, 1939, 110 p„, illus. "Appendix v. An atlas of pas poisoning. ((3d ed. )) >’ ( . 1-15 at end) ... is also published separately. (Ses_, entry 45 above.) UG447.G7 1939 69. Gt. Brit, Mar office. Medical manual of chemical "warfare, 1959, Su ; lament: Arseniuretted hydrogen poisoning. London, 1940, 7 p. UG447.G7 1939 Suppl. 70. Gt. Brit. Mar office. Medical manual of chemical warfare. London, 1940, 104 p. UG447.G7 1940 b 71. Gt. Brit. Mar office. Medical manual of chemical warfare• Amendments (no. 1). London, 1941, 12 p,, illus, UG447.G7 1940 b Amend. 72. Gt. Brit, Mar office. Medical manual of chemical warfare. Brooklyn, M. Y., Chemical publishing co., 1942, 106 p. Mev. ed. UG.447.G7 1942 73. Gt. Brit, Air raid precautions de; t. Medical treatment of gas casualties. London, 195? (re rinted 1939), 145 p, (Air raid recautions handbook no. 3 (1st ed.)) UG655.G7A294 no. 3 1939 74. Gto Brit. Air raid ; recautions dent• Chemical Warfare (74. cent.) Organisation of decontamination services. London, 1935, 11 p., illuvs. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 5 (1st ed.)) UG655.G7A297 no. 3 1936 75. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Organisation of decontamination services. London, 193G, 12 p. (Air raid pre- cautions memorandum no. 3 (2nd ed.)) UG635.G7A297 no. 5 1938 75A. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Organisation of decontamination services. London, ((1942)), 8 p. (Air raid precautions memorandum no. 3 (3rd ed.)) UG635.G7A297 no. 3 1942 70. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Porsonal protection arair.st pas. London, 1936, 100 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 1 (1st ed.)) UG635.G7A294 no. 1 1936 77. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautiohs dept. Personal protection against pas. London, 1938, 124 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no, 1 (2nd ed.)) UG635.G7A294 no. 1 1938 78. Gt. Brit. Air raid precautions dept. Requirements of civilian respirators. London, 1939, 6 p. (A.R.P. dept, circular ITo. 157/1939) " UG635.G7A296 79. Gt. Brit, Par raid precautions dept. Revised syllabus of anti-pas train in:, London, March 21, 1939, G p. (,1.R.P. dept, circular Mo. 26/1939) UG635.G7A296 80. Gt. Brit, Par raid precautions memorandum no. 1 (1st ed.). Treat- ment of casualties and decontamination of perscnnel. London, 1935, 15 p. (Par raid p recautions memorandum ho. 1 (1st ed.)) UG635.G7PJ397 no. 1 1933 81. Gt. Brit, K. M, stationer'1" off. War cases: Their nature, effects, and first aid treatment. London, Feb. 1941, 1 leaf, 82. Gt. Brit. Ministry of home security. Wearing of war respirators in the presence of ammonia. London, duly 28, 1941, 2 p. leaflet. 83. Gt, Brit, Ministry of home security. What to do about pas. London, April 1941, 2 p . leaflet. Gt, Brit, The economic leapue. Gas I London, 1941, 2 p, leaflet. (Last two entries stapled together in same folder. ) 84. Guillaume, PAbert. S’il y avait la guerre 2 Prote';eons-nous centre les at tuques aeriennes ... Guide pratique a 11 usage des snnitaires, medecins ... Paris, Viyct freres, 1936, 220 p. , Ulus. UG635.F8G8 85. Mab er, Fritz, F1tnf vortrHge aus den jahren 1920-19 3. Berlin, J. Springer, 1924, 92 p. Contents include: Dio chemie in krieqe. -Zur ; eschichte des cask-riegss. QJ)3, M2 Chemical Warfare 86. Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson. Callinicus; a defence of chemical warfare. New York, Dutton, {(cl925)), 84 p. TTG447.E3 87o Hampe, Brich, Der mensch und die pass ... Berlin-Steglitz, RSder-verlag, 1932, 110 p., illus. r,Literatur-verzeichnis;? : p. 110. HA1245.H3 86. Hanslian, Rudolph. Der chenische krieg ... Berlin, H. S. Niftier & sohn, 1937-, Vol. 1: MilitSrisober teil, 779 p., illus. 110447,1235 1937 89. Henderson, Yandell, and Howard W. Haggard. Noxious gases and the principles of respiration influencing thoir action. New York, Chemical catalog co., 1927, 220 p., illus. Bibliography at end of most of the chapters. • HA1245.II4 90. Hessel, Frederick Adam. Chemistry in warfare, its strategic importance ... and a technical appendix. New York, Hastings house, ((cl94C)), 164 p., illus. Bibliography: p. 161-164. UG447. E43 91. Hessel, Frederick Adam. Chemistry in warfare, its strategic importance. New rev, and enl. ed., with technical appendix. New York, Hastings house, {(1942)), 179 p., illus, UG447,H43 1942 92. Hungary. Honvedelmi miniszterium, Utasitas a hatosagi legoltalom gazvodelmi szolgalatanak ellatasara. Budapest, Turcsany nyomda kft., 1939, 61 p. UA929.H6A5 1939 * 93. Identification of chemical agents by odor. National capital pharmacist, Washington, D.C., Jan, 1942, vol. 3, p. 18, 94. Irish free state. Dept, of defence. Air raid precautions - Issue of respirators. Dublin, 1 leaf. (A.R.P./277) 95. Irish free state. Dept, of defence. Decontamination of materials. Dublin, ((1939)), 67 p, (Air raid precautions handbook no. 4 (1st ed.)) UG635.I 7A3 96. Irish free state. Dept, of defence. Disinfection of children’s respirators and baby anti-gas helmets. Dublin, ((1941)), 2 p, leaflet. (Air raid recautions memorandum no. 15) 11.4929.1 7A3 97. Irish free state. Dept. of defence. First aid and nursing for gas casualties, Dublin, ((1940)), 43 p. (Air raid precautions handbook no. 2) UG635.I 7A3 98. Irish free state. Dept, of defence. Personal protection against gas. Dublin, ((1940)), 124 r. (Air raid precau- tions handbook no. 1 (1st ed.)) UG635.I 7A3 Chemical Warfare 99. Italy* Direzione general© della narina mercantile, o.o Difesa delle navi mercantili dagli attachi mediants an ressivi chimici. Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello state, Libreria, 1939, 39 p. UG447.I 7 1939 100. Italy. Minister© della guerra. Istruzione per 1’addestramento e I'imjiego delle unita lanciafiamme. Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello stato, Libreria, 1939, 50 p., plates 1-T.ili, illus. UG447.I 7 1939 a’ 101. Italy. Laws, statutes, etc. ... Nome relative alia distribuzione di maschere antigas. Roma, Istituto poligrafico dello stato, Libreria, 1938, 10 p. U0-447.6.I 8 1938 102. Izard, L« 7 * ..* La guerre aero-chiraique et les populations civiles; etude historique, clinique, therapeutique et preventive. Paris, Charies-Lavauzolie & cie., 1932, 212 p., illus. "Bibliography* at end of each chapter. UG447.I 9 103. Jacobs, Morris Boris. War gases, their identification and decontamination. Hew York, Interscience publishers, 1942, 180 p. Includes bibliographies. UG447.J3 104. Jotti-Neri, Eligio. La guerra dei gas asfissianti. Milano, Edizioni 'Aurora*, ((1936)), 248' p. UG447.J6 105. Kadri, Fasan. ... Hava harbinden korunnada genel bilgiler. Ankara, Ktfyhocasi basimevi, 1935, 47 p., illus. UG447.K3 10 6. Kendal1, Jane s. Breathe freely! The truth about poison gas. Few York, London, Appleton- Century, 1938, 179 p. UG447.F45 107. Kinttof, Walter. Experiments in warfare chemistry; a book of experiments for protection against gas and air attacks. London, Massie publishing co., 1939, 144 p., illus. Includes bibliographies. UG447.K5 1939 108. Knipfer, Kurt. Luftschutz in bildern ... Berlin-SchBneberg, Landsnann-verlag, ((1935)), 80 p., illus. UG635.G-3K 55 \ 109. Konuralp, Hi lane t, and Avni Refik Bekman. ... Zehirli gazlerden korunma dersleri, Istanbul, Devlet basimevi, 1937, 58 p., illus. UG447,E65 110. Langhans, Alfred. Wehrchemie als deziraalklassifikation der feuer-, explosions-, nebel-, rauch-, giftkampf-momente. Berlin, Vorlag "Offene worteT?, ((1937)), 474 p« UG447.L3 Chemical Warfare 111. Lefebure, Victor. The riddle of the Rhine; chemical strategy in peace and war. Few York, The Chemical foundation, inc., 5th Re rirt - 1929, 202 r. UG447.L4 1929 112. Lenkin, Eilliam. Chemistry in warfare. Tex; York, Oxford book co., 1942, 21 p., illus. UC447.L44 113. Lq Vita, Eenri. Autour de la guerre chunique, comment eviter ce fleau. Paris, J. Tallandier, ((cl928)), 222 p. ;,Biblio:raphieM : p. 211-218. T3G447.L45 114. Ley, Hilly. Bombs and bombing. New York, Modern age books, ((c!941)), 124 p., illus. '’References'1 : p. 123-124. UG630.L46 115. Liepmann, Heinz. Poison in the air. Philadelphia, Lippincott, ((cl937)), 308 j *. Bibliogra- phy : p. 297-308. ' UG447.L52 116. Los Angeles (Calif.). County defense council. Auxiliary deputy school. (Session five) Protection against war gases. Revised June 1, 1942,-51 p., illus., mim. Use and care of the civilian duty gas mask. May 1942, 2 p., mini. 117. Mackintosh, James M, Hospital organisation and treatment of gas poisoning. Public health, London, Nov. 1941, vol.V, p. 31-53. Photostat 118. Maczynski, Henryk. ... Chenj a i technology a gazow i dynow bojowych. ’Jarszawa, Eojskowy insty- tut naukowo-wydawniczy, 1933, 237 p,, illus. :’Zrodia'? : leaf at end, UG447 ,M27 119. Manning, Vannoy Eartrog. ... Ear gas investigations. Advance chapter from Bulletin 178, Ear work of the Bureau of nines. Eashingtcn, Govt, print, off., 1919, 39 p. UG447 .M3 120. Massachusetts. Committee on public safety. Gas defense and decontamination. Boston, Protection division, 1941, 31 p, (handbook no. 8) UA928.M4A35 121. Meyer, Andre. Les rg;az de combat’; leur fabrication, proprietes physiques, chimiqu.es et toxicologiques, detection et analyse. 3 od. refondue. Paris, Charles-Lavauz- elle L cie., 1939, ICO p. UG447.M4 1939 122. Meyer, Julius. Die grundlagen des luftschutzes. Leipzig, S. Eirzel, 1935, 328 p., illus. UG630.M42 Chemical Warfare 123. I'tiller, Ulrich. Die chenische waffe in weltkrieg und—jetzt. Berlin, Verlap Clienie, 1935, 166 p. "Literaturverzeiclmis" ; p. 168. UG447.MB 1935 124. New Hampshire. Civilian air defense services. Handbook on pas defense and decontamination. Concord, The Concord press, 1941, 23 p. UG447.U4 125. New Mexico. State council of national defense. ((Manual, compiled by Major Joe McCabe of Mew Mexico state guard)) ((Santa Fe? 1942?)) 1 v. illus. Loose-leaf. UG447.N65 126. Paarnann, Siegfried. Chemie des waffen- und maschinenwesens. 2., neubsarb. aufl. Berlin, J. S' rinn- er, 1940, 266 p., illus. TP149.P2 1940 127. Parisot, Jacques. ... La protection centre le danger aero-chiniquo; role des infirnieres, secouristes et assistances du devoir national ... Nancy, Seelets de secours aux blesses nilitaires, 1932, 148 p. UC-630.P25 128. Pascal, Paul Victor Msnri. Fxplosifs, poudres, gaz de combats. (2. ed.) Paris, Hermann et cie., 1930, 320 p., illus. Contains bibliographies. TP270.P3 1930 129. Peres, TJerner. ... Luftschutz. Gas und bomben drohen I 24. verb. aufl. Lei_zig, ?. M. Edr- hold, 1939, 32 p., illus. UG635.G5P4 1939 130. Petzold, Hermann. Versuche zum luftschutz. Leipzig und Berlin, B. G. Teubner, 1935, 67 p., illus. "Literature : p. 68. UG630.P4 . v 131. Pickett, Francis Norman. Don’t be afraid of poison pas; hints for civilians in the event of a poison gas attack. London, Simp kin, Marshall, ((1934)), 41 p. UG4-47.P5 152. Pratt, Janes Davidson. Gas defence. London, British science guild, ((1955)), 18 p. UG447.P7 133. Prentiss, Augustin Mitchell. Chemicals in war; a treatise on chemical warfare. New York and London, McGraw-Hill, 1937, 739 p. Biblio raphy : p. 705-729. UG447.P75 134. Red Cross. Netherlands. Nederlandsche roode kruis, Norte handleiding voor hulpverleering bij gasaa-vallon... ’s-Gravenhage— Batavia, G. B. van Gcor, 1940, 32 p«, 6.druk. RC87. 3.R4 135. Refet, Nuri. Muharebe pazleri yazan Biiyttk erkani harbiye sihhiye nufettisli-i ... Istanbul, Devlet mtbaasi, 1931, 55 p. UG447.R4 Chemical Waffare 136* Reynolds, R. F. 250 A. Ho Po questions answered (hi h-explosive bombs, incendiary bombs, and war cases) ,,, 4th ed. (further rev* and enl., including an appendix on stir- rup-pump drill)o London, Iordan & sons, 1942, 85 po Bibliography; p. 84—85 UG447.R48 1942 137o Richter, Wilhelm. Kampf stoffwir.kung und heilun , Leipzig, J. A. Barth, 1939, 246 p. "Schrift- tum:T : p. 226-237o ’ UG447.R5 138. Roberts, Alfred A« The poison war. London, W. Heinemarm, ((1915)), 143 p», illus. Bibliography: 1 p. at end. UG447.R6 139o Rudkin press. Nutfield, Eng. How to tell & what to do if they are gassed; simple first aid for the vic- tims of poison gas, also notes on the effects of poison gas on food, animals, houses, furniture, cars. For the use of responsible people. Little Dormers, Nut field, Surrey. Rudkin press, ((1941)), 120 p. ;fBooks to read and study™; p. 113. UG447.R77 140. Rumpf, Hans. Gasschutz; ein leitfaden f£!r den gasschutzlehrer und den gasschutznann, Berlin, E. S. Mittler & sohn, 1936, 122 p., illus. UG447.R6 1936 141. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.). Armiia. Fhimicheskoe upravlenie. Pravila pol’zovaniia protivogazon BN s maskoi. Moskva, 1935, 15 p., illus. TJG447.6.R8 1935 142. Russia (1923- U.S.S.R.). Arniia. Insgektsiia khimicheskoi podgotovki, Rukovodstvo po khimicheskoi sluzhbe RKKA. Moskva, 1927, 188 p, UG447.R85 1927 143. Russia. (1923- TJ.S.S.R,), Armiia. IQiimicheskce upravlenie. Vrenennoe nastavlenie po urotivokhimicheskoi oborone. Mosleva, 1936, 123 p, UG447.R 85 1936 144. Sartori, Mario. The war gases, chemistry and analysis. New Yor’% D. Van ITostrand, 1939, 360 p. UG447.S32 1939 145. Shearcroft, Walter Francis Fairfax. War gases, learn and live. An illustrated handbook for the gublic, the civil defence services, the home guard. London, Jordan & sons, ((1941)), 24 p. UG447.343 146. Sieur, Celestine, ... Conference du medec in general insgector Sieur. Angoulene, S. a. Imprim- erie central©, 1932, 34 p. Caption title: Conference ... sur 1’aviation et la defense aero-chimique. TJG630.S55 Chemical Warfare 147. Skibsted, Ove de Fine. .. .Kvorledes beskyttes jeg nod luftarpreb? Merle oplysninL.er navnlij veclr- oerende yersoners beskyttelse cj optraeden ved ulykkestilfaelde op under krigsforhold. Koebenhavn, P. Haase L seen, 1934, 103 p., illus. UG-630.S58 148. Stackelberg, S. de. ... Fleau aerien; la guerre aero-chinique et la defense anti-aerienne. Lausanne, Editions Croix-violette, 1932, 224 y,. incl. plates. UG630.S57 149. Stenpel, Maurits Leon van der. Lucht be scheming, de luchtoorlop en de be scheming van de bury erbevolkinp. Zwolle, La Riviere & Voorhoeve, ((1939)), 64 p., illus., 2.dr uk. UA926.3S 150. Switzerland. Service teebnique du depart orient nilitaire federal. Instruction sur le masque a paz. Berne, May 1935, 12 p. 151. Switzerland. Office federal pour la defense aerienne passive. Prescript ions sur la conservation, les soins et I’entroticn du materiel de defense aerienne passive. Berne, 1935, 23 ; . 152. Switzerland. Service technique du de artorient nilitaire federal. Rer;lemont technique pour lo masque a paz. 19 p., illus. 153. Switzerland, Department militairo federal. Lo service anti-paz. 1933, 30 p. 154. Tanon, Louis. ... La protection contro los paz do combat ... Paris, Vi pt freres, 1939, 284 p., illus. At head of title; Institut d’hygiene dc l,a Faculte do mode- cine de Paris. "Bibliographic7*; p. 63. UG447.T5 155. Thuillier, Sir Henry Fleetwood. Gas in the next war. London, G. Bios, ((1939)), 179 p. Bibliography : p. xi- xii. UG447.T5 156. Underhill, Frank Pell. The lethal war gases, physiolopy and experimental treatment; an investigation by the Section on intermediary metabolism of the Medical division of the Chem- ical warfare service ... Mow Ehvon, Yale university press, 1920, 309 p., incl. tables, diagrs., plates ... PA1245.U5 157. U, S. Bureau of navigation. Uavy dept. Favy training courses. Chemical warfare and the Naval medical officer. "Nashin-':ton, U. S. Govt, print, off., 1928, 30 p. UG447.U 85 1928 158. U« S. Cavalry school, Fort Riley, Nan. Chemical warfare, academic division, the Cavalry school, Fort Riley, Kansas. ((Ft, Riley, R. M. C. plant, 1928)), 55 p., illus. U0447.U65 1928 b 159. U, S. Chemical warfare service. Chemical warfare mid the Chemical warfare service. rMs] in"ton, D. Co, 1942. 38 p., illus. UG447.U65 1942 Chemical Warfare 160. Li• 3, Chemical warfare service. Chemical wan are bulletin. Review of develop merits in application of chemicals bo military ex fort. Published quarterly, Washington, D. C. ( Civilian defense collection has issues for Jan., July, and Oct. 1942. Pile of ast issues, u-ovt. Pub. F. Ft., Library of Congress). 161. b. S. C hemic a], warfare service. Chemical warfare service field manual. Vol, 1, Tactics and technicue. Pre- pared under the direction of the chief of the Chemical warfare service, Wash- ington, U. S. Govt, print, off., 1923, 272 p., illus, UG447.U58 ib2. U. S. Chemical warfare service. Medical division... A comparative study of world war casualties from pas and other weapons, .reared by Gel. i., L. uilchrist, chief, Medical division, Was! ingtori. TJ. S. Govt. mint, off., i92C, 51 p, "References" : p. 51 UG447.U65 192Gc 163. I. S. Chemical warfare service. Exhibit of the chemical warfare service, United States arm T'Ta earn ton TJ s Govt, print, off., 1927, 15 : ., illus, UF773.A1G* 164. TJ, S. Chemical warfare service. Incendiary bombs. Tentative instructions. ((Washington)), 194C, office of tne chief of Che:meal warfare service, 12 ., nim. UG447.US5 2 940 165. U, S. Chemical warfare service. The story of chemical warfare. Washington, Office, chief of the Chemical warfare service, 1939, 19 p. "General bibliography on chemical warfare" : p. 16-19, UG447.U65 1939 156. TJ. S. Chemical warfare service. Fixe technique of chemical weapons. Washington, U« S. Govt. - pint, off., 1933, 101 j., illus. (Training regulations ijo. 415 - 35) UG447.U 65 1933’ 167. TJ, 3. Chemical warfare school, Edgowood arsenal, lid. Parr Mots. Decontamination, 1942, 42 p., illus. (no. 12) Instructions for using, gas identification sets. 1942, 7 p., illus. (no.4) The noncombatant gas mas’:; its use and care. 1941, 25 p., illus. (no.1C) Training guide, Gnomical warfare; questions, answers and ractical exercises. 1942, G7 X'» > illus. (no.2) .U585 16o. L. S. Ofj.ice of civilian defense. Medical division. Gas ro- toction section. Analyses of duties and training of U, S. citizens defense cor ~s for Gas defense. Washington, D. C., corrected December 1942, 20 -•■>., mim. (0 C D pub- lication 2206) 169. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Civilian defense schools. A of the courses conducted by the Chem- ical wanarc service to train instructors for civilian defense. Washington IT. S. Govt, print, off., ((1941)), 13 P. UA927.A3 1941*b 170. U. S. Office of civilian defense« A handbook for decontamination squads. Washington, D. C., U. S. Govt, print, off., 1941, 62 p., illus. UG447.U67 1941 Chemical Warfare 1.1. Jo So Office of civilian defense. Medical division. First aid in the prevention and treatment of chemical casualties. Washington, Do Co, Medical division, {(1941)), 31 j., illus. UG447.U67 1941 a 172. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Simulated mar gas identification sets approved by the Office of civilian de- fense for sale by commercial firms. Memorandum to Regional directors from James M. Landis, director, Washington, D. 0., Sept. 19, 1942, 4 p., nim. 173. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Standard school lectures—civilian protection ... Series III, Gas defense. Washington, D. C., U. S. Govt. ]rint. off., 1242, 77 p. UA927.A32 174. Mo So Office of civilian defense. Chicago metropolitan area. ,?Gas defense” test. Civilian defense series (Form B). c. 1942 by Menneth L. Heaton, 10 p., mim. 175. U. S. Signal corps replacement trainin' center, Fort Mcnmcuth,M. J. Defense against chemical attach. Fort Monmouth, The Signal cor's replacement training center, September 1942, ((40 p.)). UG447.6.U 6 1942 b 176. U. S. Mar de t. Chemical wanare agents: Reference and training chart. Issued in conjunction with IT. S. Mar dept., ''Protection against gas”. UG447.U35 1941 --77. IT. So Mar dept. ((Training publications)) Technical manuals. The gas mask. Washington, D. C,, 1941, 144 p. (TM 3-205) Military chemistry and chemical agents, Washinrton, D. C., 1940, 164 u. (TM 3-215) Treatment of casualties from chemical agents. Washington, D. C., 1941, 51 p. (Ill 8-285) U408.3.A13 178. IT. S. Mar de_t. Protection against gas. Pro ■ ared by the Mar do; artment with the assistance and advice of other federal agencies. Washington, D. 0., TJ. S. Office of civilian defense, ((1941)), 75 p., illus. UC4.-47.U65 1941 179. U. S. Work projects administration. D. 0. Air raid protection bibliographical project. Library of Congress. A special Regort (prepared for the U. S. Chemical warfare service) on decon- tamination of water supplies, decontamination of materials and human skin surfaces; war gases. Washington, D. 0., Part I, October 1942; Part II, Janu- ary 1943. Copy deposited, Libary of Congress, Mar Collection. 130. Ye dder, Eaward Bright. The medical aspects of chemical warfare .., with a cha ter on the Laval med- ical aspects of chord cal warfare, by Duncan 0. Walton ... Baltimore, Millions & Milkins co., 1925, 327 p. ''References'* at end of art of the char ters. UG447.V4 181. Yo ivenol, Paul. ... La guerre des gaz, journal d'uro ambulance Z. Paris, La Renaissance du livre, ((cl919)), 276 p. UG447.Y6 Chemical Warfare 182. Voogt, Wo Jo dec Luchtbe scheming op jacht near oorlogsgassen, leidraad voor asverkenners ten plattelande, Amsterdam, N. v. D, 3. Center., 1939, 93 p. ‘'Geraadpleegde literatuurIf : p, 91* ITG447.V69 103o 'Jachtel, Curt. Chemical warfare,. Brooklyn, H. Y., Chemical publishing co,, 1941, 312 p. UG4-47 oTJ3 134. Waitt, Alder. Harry. Gas warfare, the chemical weapon, its use, and protection against it. New York, Duell, Sloan and Pearce, ((1942)), 327 p«, illus. :,Chemical warfare (table) on lining-pap-ers. UG447.TT33 185. Waitt, Alden Harry. Poison gas in this war. The Hew republic, New York, vol. 106, April 27, 1942, p. 563-565. photostat 186. Walsh, Michael J. Outline of differential diagrams of casualties resulting from ex osure to chemical warfare agents, c. 1942, 1 leaf. 107. Warthin, Aldred Scott, The medical aspects of mustard gas poisoning, St. Louis, C. V, Mosby co., 1919, 267 p., illus. Bibliography; p. 255-264. RA1247.M8W3 188. Weil, G, P. Protection de la population civile centre les gaz de combat et les bombes incendiaires, 9.ed. Bruxelles, ((Croix-rouge de Belgique)), 1940, 52 p. UG447 .W4 189. Weiss, Max. Defend yourself against fires, bombs, gases. ((Boston)), c, 1942, 47 p., illus. UG447 .w-4-3 190. Wessman, Ernst. Elementar luftskyddsldra. Stockholm, E. Wessman, ((1939)), 47 p., illus. UG630.W39 191. Wirth, Fritz, and Otto Muntsch. Die gefahren der luft und ihre bekampfung im taglichen leben ... Berlin, G. Stilke, 1933, 204 p., illus. :,Literatureverzcichnis'7 : p;. 199, UG447.W5 192. Wojnicz-Sianozecki, Zygmunt. ... Zbiorowa obrona przeciwgazowa wiekszyeh skupien ludzkich. Warszawa, Jojskowy instytut naukpwo-wydawniezy, 1932, 110 p. UG447.W6 193. Joker, Gertrud Johanna. ... Der kommende giftgaskriep;. Im auftrage der Internetionalen frauenliga fiir friedon und freiheit. Leipzig, S. Oldenburp, ((1925)), 94 p. UG447.W63 194. Wscieklica-Pollak, Marcela. ... Slownik polsko-francusko-nier.iiecko-rosyjski: Bron chemiczna. Warszawa, Chemical 'warfare (194 cont.) Wojskowy instytut naukowo-wydawniczy, 1932, 222 p. Bibliograihy p. 207-222. UG447.W8 195. Zeitschrift fur das gesamte schiess - und spren'stoffwesen. {Indexes) General-register der jahrgange 1 bis 30 (1906-1935) ... mit der sonderab- teilung "Gasschutz" ... Milne hen, Verlag der Zeitschrift ... 1938, 448 p. TT270.A1Z4 Register 1906-35 ADDENDA 196o Bebie, Jules. Manual of explosives, military pyrotechnics, and chemical warfare agents; composition, properties, uses. New York, Macmillan co., 1943, 171 p. Bibliography: p. 163-158. TP270.B37 197. Eanslian, R., and Fr. Bergendorff. Der chenische krieg; gasangriff, gasabwehr und raucherzeupung. Berlin, E.S. Mittler & sohn, 1925, 226 p. "Literaturverzeichnis" : t • 217-220. UG447.H35 198. Union of democratic control. Poison gas. London, The Union, ((1935)), 63 p«, illus. "Bibliography on chemical warfare" : p« 61-63. UG447.U43 199. United States Chemical Uarfare Association. Bulletin. !Tos. : 1-2, 4-16, 18-21. Hashing!on, D. C., 1925. "Ceased publication with no. 23." UG447.U45 200. U. S. Office of civilian defense. Medical division. First aid in the prevention and treatment of chemical casualties. Revised. Washington, D« C., Medical division, O.C.D., January 1943, 32 p,, illus. (OCD 2202-1) UG447.U67 1943 201. U. S. Signal corps replacement training center. Defense against chemical attack. Instructor’s lesson plans. Basic school. Prepared in collaboration with the Training standards and service division. Fort Monmouth, N. J., Se: tember 1942, 40 p., mim. UG447.6.U6 1942 b