€6*76 ffitlkilliii>i!',:'--.:: •:•; «tl'^i-t-i;;; p," ;■ -;*Jï:.:î:-'i-''î:,-('::^ iJij1g:iJl:Hi-i: ■vl.o. /jrmy, <-> u r cet/)- Gtmex K \ 'js Q L i br&ry f-fc ALPHABETICAL LIST 7é OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS EMPLOYED IN THE INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE UNITED STATES ARMY From Volume 1 to 21, inclusive, Second Séries (INCLUDING THOSE CURRENT AT END OF THE FlRST SERIES) JM.ENT WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1916 ,T-'C {zS-T-fJ'-3 \. lafc» G&7& U58au I3lt>i c, 2 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS EMPLOYED IN THE SECOND SERIES OF THE INDEX-CATALOGUE.* EXPLANATIONS: The abbreviations are prepared as far as possible in accordance with the fol- lowing principles: 1. To follow the exact order of the words of the title. 2. To make them as brief as is consistent with clearness to those who are familiar with médical literature. 3. To follow strictly the orthographical usages of each language. This dis- poses of the question of capitalization. 4. To attain uniformity. Some exceptions to this last rule hâve been found expédient. An abbreviation which is quite intelligible in the body of a title is not always suitable as the first word, and the context may make an abbreviation sufhciently clear in a long title which in a short one would appear obscure. The convenience of the reader is regarded as of more importance than a rigid adhérence to uniformity. The following minor détails, with the list of single-letter abbreviations, will assist in the compréhension of the scheme: The article with which a title commences is omitted. Prépositions as well as articles are entirely omitted in English titles, and in other languages when their elision would not lead to obscurity. The place of publication is not added when it forms an intégral part of the title; in such cases it is given without abbreviation, except in instances of constant récurrence, as London, Paris, Berlin, etc., which are condensed into Lond., Par., Berl., etc., on ail occasions. Nor is it added to the titles of Transactions or Joumals the places of publication of which hâve been changed from time to time, as the références in each instance furnish the locality. The reader seeking explanation of an abbreviated title will find it under its first word (article excluded) in its alphabetical place in the list. ______________________________________________________________________________ *For preceding Abbreviations of Titles, see Vol. XVI of First Séries of the Index-Catalogue. 15259°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries—16----1 [1] [2] SINGLE-LETTER ABBREVIATIONS. a. aan, alla, auf, aus, aux, etc. n. F. neue Folge. b. bei. [n. P-: n. d.] no place, no date. d. das, degli, dei, del, délia, der, des, det, die, o. och, oder, over. din, door, etc. [o. 0. u. J.] ohne Ort und Jahreszahl. E. East. p. paa, par, pel, per, pour, pri, pro. e. ein, eine, einer. Q. Quarterly. F. Folge. B. Râkke. f. for, for, fra, frân, fur. r. real, reale, reeks. g. gli, gorod (city), gorodskoï (of the city). S. Surgery, Surgical. H. Herrn. s. seines; séries—e. g., 1. s., 2. s., n. s., h. het. new séries; sul, sulla. J. Jahr, Jahres, Jahreszahl, Jornal, Journal. t. tegen, ter, till, tôt. k. kaiserlich, kôniglich, koninklijk, konink- u. und. lijke. u. uber. k. k. kaiserlich kôniglich. v. van, vid, von, voor, vor. 1. las, les, los, etc. v. p. various places. M. Médical, Medicine, Medico, etc. v. s. various sizes. m. mit. W. West. N. North. es. zu, zuid, zum, zur. n. neue, neueste, new, nouveau,nuova, nya, etc. A. A. O. D. Bull., Buffalo. Abbild. . . . d. Arznk. verd. Ge- lehrten [etc.], Augsb. Abeille méd., Par. Abeja méd. Barcel. Abeja méd., Habana. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl. Abhandl. z. Gesch. d. Med., Bresl. Abhandl. d. k. preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch., Berl. Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. sàchs. Gesellsch. d. Wissen- sch., Leipz. Abhandlungen, Magdeb. Alpha Oméga Delta Bulletin. A monthly médical and fraternal journal. Buffalo. v. 1, 1903. 8°. Abbildungen berûhmter und besonders um die Arzneikunde ver- dienter Gelehrten, nebstihren vornehmsten Lebensumstànden. Augsburg. 1 v., [1805]. 4°. Abegg(Heinrich). [See Festschr. . . . Heinrich Abegg, . . . Dan- zig-] Abeille (L') médicale. Paris, v. 1-52, 1844-95. [Continued as: Rev. prat. d. trav. de méd.] Abeja (La) médica. Revista de los diarios de medicina, cirugia, farmacia, ciencias ffsicas y naturales; trabajos académicos. Barcelona. 2. s., v. 1-6, 1847-52. 8°. Abeja (La) médica. Publicaciôn mensual ilustrada de medicina, cirujîa y ciencias auxiliares. Habana. v. 1-4, January, 1892, to June, 1895. 4°. Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Geburtshilfe und Gynaeko- logie. Hrsg. von W. Tauffer. Berlin, S. Karger. v. 1-2, 1909-13. 8°. Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medicin. 18, 1902-6. 8°. Breslau. Hft. 1- Abhandlungen der kôniglich preussischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften. Berlin. 1902-5; 1908. 4°. Abhandlungen der mathematisch-physischen Classe der kôniglich sachsischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. Leipzig v 1- 62, 1852-1913. 8°. * S Abhandlungen. Magdeburg. v. 1, 1908. 8°. Academia de ciencias médicas, ffsicas y naturales de la Habana [See An. Acad. de cien. méd. ... de la Habana.] Academia de higiene de Cataluna. Cataluna, Barcel.] [See Bol. Acad. de hig. de [3] Acad. de med. de Mexico. Hem, de ginec. Acad. roy. de Belg. Bull, de la cl. d. se, Brux. Acad. roy. de Belg. Cl. d. se. Mém. Collect. in-4°, Brux. Acad. roy. de Belg. Cl. d. se. Mém. Collect. in-8°, Brux. Acta scholse Kioto. med. univ. imp. Acta de la ses. pûb. que en 1898 celebrô la r. Acad. de med. y cirug. de Barcelona. Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong. inter- nac. de hig. y demog., Madrid. Actas y trab. d. 1er Cong. méd. nac, Habana. Academia y laboratori de ciencies médiques de Catalunya. [See An. Acad. y lab. de cien. méd. de Catalunya. Also: An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. ... de Catalunya.] Academia de medicina, Madrid. [See An. r. Acad. de med., Madrid.] Academia de medicina y cirugfa de Barcelona. [See Acta dé la ses. pûb. que en 1898 célébré la r. Acad. de med. y cirug. de Barcelona.] Academia de medicina de Mexico. Memorias de ginecologfa. Mexico. 1 v. 1899-1900. roy. 8°. See, also, Periôd. Acad. de med. [de Mexico]. Academia médico-homeopâtica de Barcelona. [See Rev. home- op., Barcel.] Academia nacional de medicina, Bogota. [See An. Acad. nac. de med., Bogota.] [See Bol. Acad. nac. [See An. de la Academia nacional de medicina de Lima. de med. de Lima.] Academia de obstetricia, ginecologfa y pediatria. Acad. de obst. [etc.], Madrid.] Académie roumaine. [See Bull. sect. scient, de l'Acad. roumaine, Bucarest.] Académie royale de Belgique. Bulletin de la classe des sciences. Bruxelles. 14 v. 1899-1913. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. Acad. roy. d. se. de Belg., Brux.] Académie royale de Belgique. Classe des sciences. Mémoires. Collectionin-4°. Bruxelles. 2. s., v. 1-4, 1904-13. 4°. [Con- tinuation of: Mém. couron. Acad. roy. d. se. [etc.] de Belg., Brux.] Académie royale de Belgique. Classe des sciences. Mémoires. Collection ïn-8°. Bruxelles. 2. s., 1-3, 1904-14. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Mém. couron. . . . Acad. roy. d. se. de Belg., Brux.] Académie royale de chirurgie, Paris. [See Rec. d. pièces... p. le prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir.] Académie royale de médecine de Belgique. [See Bull. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg.] Académie royale des sciences. [See Hist. Acad. roy. d. se, Par. Also: K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl., Bressl. Also: Mém. Acad. roy. d. se, Par. Also: Mém. de mathémat. et de phys. . . . Acad. roy. d. se, Par. Also: Philos, hist. & mem. Roy. Acad. Se Par. abr. . . . 1699 to 1720, Lond.] Académie royale des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Bordeaux. [See Actes de l'Acad. roy. d. se [etc.] de Bordeaux.] Académie des sciences et lettres de Montpellier. [See Bull. mens. de l'Acad. d. se . . . de Montpellier.] Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati. [See Tr. Acad. M. Cincin.] Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. [See J. Acad Nat. Se Phila.] Academy of Stomatology. [See Tr. Acad. Stomatol., Phila.] Accademia medico-chirurgica di Perugia. [See Ann. d. Fac. di med. e mem. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia.] Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina. [See Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent. Also: Settimana med. d. Sperimentale.] Acta Scholœ medicinalis universitatis imperialis in Kioto. Kioto. v. 1, 1916. 8°. Acta de la sesién pûblica que en 25 de junio de 1898 célébré la real Academia de medicina y cirugfa de Barcelona. Barce- lona. lv. 1898. 8°. Actas y memorias del ix. Congreso internacional de higiene y demograffa, Madrid, 1898. Madrid, v. 1-10, 1900. 8°. Actas y trabajos del 1er Congreso médico nacional. Habana, mayo 20-23 de 1905. Habana. v. 1, 1905. 8°. [4] Actes de l'Acad. roy. d. se [etc.] de Bordeaux. Actinoterapia, Napoli. Actualité méd., Par. Actualités méd - chir. ( Roth- schild), Par. Addr. . . . sect. obst. & dis. women 43. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Addr. . . . sect. otol. & laryngol. 42. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chi- cago. Addr. . . . sect. state med. 42. meet. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Aerztl. Ber. d. Riga. Stadt-Kran- kenh. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Hamb. Aerztl. Centr.-Anz., Wien. Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien, Aerztl. Festschr. z. Erôffn. d. stadt. Kaiser Friedr. Bades in Wiesb. Aerztl. Mission, Giitersloh. Aerztl. ruhe. Aerztl. Aerztl. Aerztl. Aerztl. Mitt. a. Baden, Karls- Monatschr., Leipz. Polytech., Berl. Pract., Hamb. Prax., Wiirzb. Aerztl. Hechtsk., Jena. Actes de l'Académie royale des sciences, belles-lettren et arts de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. 3.-4. trimestre, 1846. 8°. [P-- v- 1753.] Actes du premier Congrès international d'anthropologie crimi- nelle, Rome. [«See Cong. internat, d'anthrop. crim. C.-r.] Actinoterapia (L"i; rivista internazionale di terapia dei raggi, so.^tanze radioattive. Rôntgen, fototerapia Napoli. v. 1, 1915. 8°. F F Actualité (L') médicale. Sciences médicales et intérêts profes- sionnels. Paris, v. 1-25, 1889-1913; v. 26, No. 1, Januarv, 1914. S0. [Suspended.] Actualités médico-chirurgicales; conférences faites en mai et en juin 1909, recueillies et publiées par le Dr. H. de Rothschild. Paris, lv. 1911. 8°. Addresses, papers. and discussions in the section of obstetrics and diseases of women at the 43. annual meeting of the American Médical Association, June 7-10, 1892. Chicago. 1 v. 1892. 16°. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the section of otology and laryngology at the 42. annual meeting of the American Médical Association, 1891. Chicago. 1 v. 1891. 12°. Addresses, papers, and discussions in the section of state medi- cine, at the 42. meeting of the American Médical Association, 1891. Chicago. 1 v. 1891. 12°. Aerzte der Provinz Hessen-Nassau. [See Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte d. Prov. Hessen-Nassau, Frankf. a. M.] Aerztekammer der Provinz Schlesien. [See Schles. Aerzte-Cor- resp., Bresl.] Aerzte-Verein der Kreise Birnbaum, Bomst, Graetz, Meseritz, Neutomischel und Schwerin. [See Festschr. z. Jubil. d. Aérzte- Ver. d. Kreise Birnbaum, [etc.].] Aerztliche Gesellschaft fur Sexualwissenschaft und Eugenik. [«See Ztschr. f. Sexualwissensch., Bonn.] Aerztlicher Bericht des Rigaschen Stadt-Krankenhauses f tir die 10 Jahre von 1886 bis 1897. Riga. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Aerztlicher Central-Anzeiger. Hamburg. fol. v. 4-17, 1889-1902. Aerztlicher Central-Anzeiger. Wien. v. 1-11, 1889-99. fol. [Continued as: Aerztl. Centr.-Ztg., Wien.] Aerztliche Central-Zeitung. (Fruher: Aerztlicher Central-Anzei- ger.) Wien. v. 12-14. 1900-1902. fol. Aerztliche Festschrift zur Erôffnung des stàdtischen Kaiser Fried- rich Bades in Wiesbaden. Wiesbaden. 1 v. 1913. 8°. Aerztliche (Die) Mission. Blàtter zur Fôrderung der deutschen missionsàrztlichen Bestrebungen. Giitersloh. v. 1-9, 1906-14. Karlsruhe. v. 12- Aerztliche Mitteilungen aus und fur Baden. 69, 1858-1915. 8°. Aerztliche Monatschrift. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1898-1902. 8°. Aerztliche Polytechnik. Berlin. 8°. [Identical with: Illust. Monatschr. d. àrztl. Polytech.] Aerztliche (Der) Practiker. Hamburg. v. 1-10, 1888-97. 8°. [Mergedin: Praxis, Wtirzb., forming: Aerztl. Prax.] Aerztliche (Die) Praxis. Zeitschrift fur die wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Interessen des Arztes. Wurzburg. v. 11-20, 1898-1907. 4°. [Formed by consolidation of: Aerztl. Pract.\ Hamb., with: Praxis, Wùrzb. Continued as: Ztschr f àrzti Prax.] Aerztliche Rechtskunde. Zwôlf Vortràge gehalten von O Aschenborn [et al.]. Hrsg. vom. Zentralkomitee fur das àrzt- liche Fortbildungswesen in Preussen, in dessen Auftrage redigiert von R. Kutner. Jena. 1 v. 1907. b° [5] Aerztl. Reform-Ztg., Wien. Aerztl. Rundschau, Munchen. Aerztl. Sachverst.-Ztg., Berl. Aerztl. Standesztg. [etc.], Wien u. Leipz. Aerztl. Vereinsbl. f. Deutschl., Leipz. "sculap, Berl. ~isculap. Soc. Abstr. Tr., Lond. —sculap e, Par. ffisculapian, Kansas City. ZBsculapian, N. Y. Akad. Biblioth. Die Wissensch. d. 20. Jahrh. [etc.], Berl. Alabama M. J., Birmingh. Alabama M. & S. Age. Albany M. Ann. Albert Lea M. J., Albert Lea, Minn. Albright's Ofif. Pract., Phila. Album d. Nat., Haarlem. Alienist & Neurol., St. Louis. Aerztliche Reform-Zeitung. Wien. v. 4-5, 1902-3. fol. Aerztliche Rundschau. Wochenschrift ftir die gesamten Inte- ressen der Heilkunde. Mtinchen. v. 1-25, 1891-1915. 4°. Aerztliche Sachverstândigen-Zeitung. Berlin, v. 1-21, 1895- 1915. fol. Aerztliche Standeszeitung [vereinigt mit:] Die Heilkunde. Wien und Leipzig. 15.-19. Jahrgang, 1911-15. 4°. Aerztlicher Verein zu Frankfurt a. M. [See Jahresb d. ârztl. Ver. z. Frankf. a. M.] Aerztlicher Verein Halle a. S. [«See Sitzungsb. d. ârztl. Ver. Halle a. S., Munchen.] Aerztlicher Verein zu Hamburg. [«See Festschr. z. Feier d. 80- jâhr. Stiftungsf. d. ârztl. Ver. zu Hamb., Leipz.] Aerztlicher Verein Nurnberg. [See Sitzungsb. d. ârztl. Ver. Nurnb. Also: Sitz.-Protok. d. ârztl. Ver. Nurnb.] Aerztliches Vereinsblatt ftir Deutschland. Organ des deutschen Aerztevereinsbundes. Leipzig, v. 1-31, 1872-1902. 4°. JSsculap. Zeitschrift ftir Medicin, Zahnheilkunde und Phar- macie. Berlin. Nos. 1-10, 1901-2. fol. iEsculapian (The) Society. Abstract of Transactions. London. v. 4, 1889-92; v. 6, 1895-8. 8°. iEsculape. Revue mensuelle illustrée latéro-médicale. Paris. v. 1-3, 1911-13; Nos. 1-3, v. 4, 1914. fol. JSsculapian (The). A monthly journal edited and published by students of the University Médical Collège, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City, Mo. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1896. roy. 8°. JSsculapian (The). A quarterly journal of médical history, literature and art. New York City. v. 1, 1908-9. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Med. Libr. & Hist. J.] Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Minnesota. [«See Rep. Agrie Exp. Station Univ. Minn.] Akademija Umiejetnoéci [w Krakowie]. [«See Rozpr. Akad.Umiej. wydz. maternât.-przyr., Krakow. Also: Rozpr. wydz. mate- mat, -przyr. Akad. Umiej., Krakow.] Akademische Bibliothek. Die Wissenschaft des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts in gemeinverstândlicher Darstellung. Berlin. 1. s., 1906. 8°. Akushorsko-Ginekologicheskoye Obshtshestvo v Kiyevïe. [See Univ. Izvïest. [Protok. Akush.-Ginek. Obsh.], Kiyev.] Akushorsko-Ginekologicheskoye Obshtshestvo v S.-Peterburgïe. [Obstetrico-Gynecological Society of St. Petersburg.] [«See J. Akush. i Zhensk. Bollez., S.-Peterb.] Alabama Dental Association. [See Tr. Alabama Dent. Ass.] Alabama (The) Médical Journal. Birmingham, Ala. v. 12-24, 1899-1911. 8°. [Continuation of: Alabama M. & S. Age.] Alabama (The) Médical and Surgical Age. Anniston. v. 1-12, 1888-1900. 8°. [Anniston, 1888-97; Birmingham, 1888-1900. Continued as: Alabama M. J., Birmingh.] Albany Médical Annals: A journal of the Médical Society of the County of Albany. Albany, N. Y. v. 6-37, 188.5-1916. 8°. Albert Lea (The) Médical Journal. Albert Lea, Minn. Nos. 1- 10, v. 1, 1898-9. 8°. Albertoni (Pietro). [See Ricerche di biol. . . . xxv anniv. di Pietro Albertoni, Bologna.] Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universitât in Freiburg. [See Festschr. d. Albrecht-Ludwigs-Univ. in Freib. [etc.], Freib. i. Br.] Albright's Office Practitioner. Philadelphia. v. 1-9,1904-9. 8°. Album der Natuur. Haarlem. v. 1-4, 1903-4 to 1906-7. 8°. Alienist (The) and Neurologist. St. Louis, v. 1-36, 1880-1915. [6] Aliment. Rev., Jersey City. Alkaloid. Clin., Chicago. Alkoholfrage, Dresd. AlkohoUsmus. Âllatorvosi lapok, Budapest. Allg. deutsche Hebam. - Ztg., Berl. Allg. deutsche Nahr.- u. Genuss- mitt.-Kunde, Munchen. Allg. homoop. Ztg., Leipz. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. Allg. statist. Arch., Tiibing. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl. Allm. sven. Lakartidn., Stock- holm. Alte u. n. Gynaek. . . . Franz Ritter v. Winckel zur Feier . . ., Munchen. Alumni Bull. Univ. Virginia, Chariot t esville. Alumni [Rep.] Assoc. Phila. Coll. Pharm. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Rep., Chicago. Am. Acad. Railway Surg. Tr., Chicago. Alimentary (The) Review. Jersey City, N. J. v. 1, 1901-^- 12°- Alkaloidal (The) Clinie Chicago, v. 1-12, 1894-1905. 8°. [Continued as: Am. J. Clin. Med.] Alkoholfrage (Die). Vierteljahrsschrift zur Erforschung der Wirkungen des Alkohols. Dresden. v. 1-11, 1904-15. 8°. AlkohoUsmus (Der). Eine Vierteljahrsschrift zur wissenschaft- lichen Erôrterung der Alkoholfrage. Dresden; Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1900-1903; n. F., v. 1-4, 1904-7. 8°. Âllatorvosi lapok. [Veterinary leaves.] Budapest. 1906-15. fol. v. 29-38, BerUn. v. 2-22, AUgemeine deutsche Hebammen-Zeitung. 1887-1907. 4°. AUgemeine deutsche Nahrungs- und Genussmittel-Kunde. chen. v. 1, 1898. fol. [Ended.] Mun- Allgemeine homôopathische Zeitung. Leipzig. 1902. 4°. v. 1-145, 1832- Allgemeine medicinische Central-Zeitung. BerUn. v. 11-84, 1842-1915. fol. [Continuation of: Berl. Med. Centr.-Ztg.] AUgemeines statistisches Archiv. 1914. 8°. Ttibingen. v. 1-8, 1890- v. 1-59, 1856-1914; AUgemeine Wiener medicinische Zeitung Nos. 1-26, v. 60, 1915. fol. AUgemeine Zeitschrift ftir Psychiatrie und psychisch-gericht- Uche Medicin. Berlin, v. 1-72, 1844-1915. 8°. Allgemeiner deutscher Bàderverband. Balneol., Munchen.1 [«See Monatschr. f. prakt. Allgemeiner ôsterreichischer Pharmaceuten-Verein. [«See Pharm. Reformer, Wien.] Allmânna svenska Làkartidningen. Organ for Allmânna sven- ska Lâkafôreningen. Stockholm, v. 1-3, 1904-6. 8°. Alte und neue Gynaekologie. Herrn Geheimrat Professor Dr. Franz Ritter von Winckel, zur Feier seines 71. Geburtsfestes, tiberreicht von den Aerzten der kgl. gynaekologischen Uni- versitàts-PoUklinik im Reisingerianum zu Mtinchen. Hrsg. unter Mitwirkung von E. Aulhorn [et al.] von Gustav Klein. Mtinchen. 1 v. 1907. fol. Alumnse Association of the Woman's Médical Collège of Pennsyl- vania. [«See Tr. Alumnse Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn.] Alumni Association of the Cincinnati Collège of Pharmacy of Cincinnati, Ohio. [«See J. Alumni Ass. Cincin. Coll. Pharm.] Alumni Association of the Collège of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore. [«See J. Alumni Ass. Coll. Phys. & Surg., Balt.] Alumni Association of the Philadelphia Collège of Pharmacy. [«See Alumni [Rep.] Assoc. Phila. Coll. Pharm.] Alumni (The) Bulletin of the University of Virginia. PubUshed quarterly by the Faculty, University of Virginia, Charlottes- ville. Charlottesville, Va. 1894-1916. roy. 8° & 8°. Alumni Report. PubUshed monthly by the Alumni Association of the Philadelphia Collège of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. No. 1-A1, 1865-1910. 8°. American Academy of Dental Science Se, Phila.] American Academy of Medicine. J. Sociol. Med., Easton, Pa.] [«SeeTr. Am. Acad. Dent. [«See Bull. Am. Acad. M. Also: American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-laryngology [«See Tr. Ophth. Div. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.], St. Louis.] American (The) Academy of Railway Surgeons. Officiai reporta of meetings. Chicago, v. 1-3, 1894-6. 8°. American (The) Academy of Railway Surgeons. Transactions Chicago, v. 4-7, 1897-1900. 8°. [7] Am. Ann. Deaf, Wash. Am. Anthrop., Wash. Am. Chem. J., Balt. Am. Cong. Tuberc. Bull. Trans. N. Y. Am. Dent. Week., Atlanta. Am. Druggist, N. Y. Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era, Chicago. Am. Fed. Sex Hyg. Rep., N. Y. Am. Gynœc. & Obst. J., N. Y. Am. Gynee, N. Y. Am. Health, N. Haven & N. Y. Am. Homœop. [See Am. J. Surg., Q. American Annals of the Deaf, Washington, D. C. v. 31-61, 1886-1916. 8°. American Anthropological Society. [«See Mem. Am. Anthrop. & Ethn. Soc, Lancaster.] American (The) Anthropologist. PubUshed under the auspices of the Anthropological Society of Washington. Washington, D. C. v. 1-17, 1888-1915. 8°. American Association for the Advancement of Physical Educa- tion. [«See Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat. Also: Rep. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat.] American Association of Anesthetists ■ Suppl. Anesth., N. Y.] American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons. [«See Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N. Y.] American Association of Immunologists. [«See J. Immunol., Balt. & Cambridge] American Association of Médical Milk Commissions. [«See Proc. Ann. Confer. Am. Ass. Med. Milk Com.] American Association of Muséums. [See Proc. Am. Assoc. Mus.] American Association of Physicians and Surgeons. [«See Proc. Am. Ass. Phys. & Surg.] American Association of Railway Surgeons. [«See Railway Surg. J] American Association for Study and Prévention of Infant Mor- taUty. [«See Tr. Am. Ass. Study & Prev. Inf. Mortal.] American Chemical Journal. Baltimore, v. 1-50, 1879-1913. 8°. [Merged in : J. Am. Chem. Soc] American Chemical Society. [«See Anniv. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton. Also: J. Am. Chem. Soc] American CUmatological and CUnical Association. [See Tr. Am. CUmat. & CUn. Ass., Phila.] American (The) Congress of Tuberculosis. Bulletin of the trans- actions, 1901. New York. 1 v. 1902. 8°. American (The) Dental Weekly. Atlanta, Ga. v. 1,1897-8. 8°. American Druggist. New York. v. 13-64, 1884-1916. fol. [Continuation of: New Remédies, N. Y. In April, 1893. The Pharmaceutical Record merged in this journal and was added to title.] American Electrotherapeutic Association. [«See Am. J. Elec- trotherap. & Radiol. Also: Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass.] American Electro-Therapeutic and X-Ray Era. Chicago, v. 1-3,1901-3. 4°. [Continuation of: Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era. Continued as: Arch. Electrol. & Radiol., Chicago.] American Ethnological Society. [«See Mem. Am. Anthrop. & Ethn. Soc, Lancaster.] American (The) Fédération for Sex Hygiène. Report of the sex éducation sessions of the fourth International Congress on School Hygiène and of the annual meeting of the Fédération. New York. 1913. 8°. American Gastro-Enterological Association. [«See Tr. Am. Gastro- Enterol. Ass.] American (The) Gyneecological and Obstétrical Journal. New York. v. 5-19, 1894-1901. 8°. American Gynecology. New York. v. 1-3, 1902-3. 8°. American Health. The officiai organ of the American Health League. New Haven & New York. v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. American Health League. [«See Am. Health, N. Haven & N. Y.] American (The) Homœopathist. A monthly journal of médical, surgical and sanitary science. New York & Chicago, 1877-8; New York & Philadelphia, 1879-81; New York, 1882-1901. v. 1-27, 1877-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Am. Physician, Rah- way, N. J.] [8] Am. J. Anat., Balt. Am. J. Care Cripples, N. Y. Am. J. Clin. M., Chicago. Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis., St. Louis. Am. J. Dis. Child., Chicago. Am. J. Electrotherap. & Radiol., N. Y. Am. J. Gastro-Enterol., Phila. Ara. J. Insan., TJtica, N. Y. Am. J. M. Se, Phila. Am. J. Neuropathy, Phila. Am. J. Numismatics, Bost. Am. J. Nursing, Phila. Am. J. Obst., N. Y. Am. J. Ophth., St. Louis. Am. J. Orthop. Surg., Bost. Am. J. Pharm., Phila. Am. J. Physiol., Bost. Am. J. Physiol. Therap., Chi- cago. Am. J. Progr. Therap., Chicago. Am. J. Psychol. Am. J. Pub. Health N. Y. American Hospital Association. [See Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass] American Institute of Çriminal Law and Criminology. [See J- Am. Inst. . . . Criminol.] American Institute of Homœopathy. [«See J. Am. Inst. Ho- mceop., N. Y.] American Institute of Scientific Research. [«See J. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, N. Y.] American Iron and Steel Institute. [«See Month. Bull. Am. Iron& Steel Inst., N. Y.] American (The) Journal of Anatomy. Baltimore, v. 1-18, 1901-2 to 1915-16. 8°-. American Journal of Care for Cripples. PubUshed by the Fédéra- tion of Associations for Cripples. Edited by Douglas C McMur- trie. New York. v. 1-2, 1914-15. 4°. American (The) Journal of Clinical Medicine. Chicago, v. 13-22, 1906-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Alkaloid. CUn.] American Journal of Dermatology and Genito-Urinary Diseases. St. Louis, v. 1-16, 1897-1912. 8°. [Continued as: Urol. & Cutan. Rev.] American Journal of Diseases of Children. Chicago, v. 1-11, 1911-16. 8°. American Journal of Electrotherapeutics and Radiology. Officiai organ of the American Electrotherapeutic Association. New York. v. 34, 1916. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Advanc. Therap.] American Journal of Gastro-Enterology, a quarterly journal de- voted to subjects pertaining to digestion. Philadelphia. v. 1-3, 1911-12 to 1913-14; Nos. 1-2, v. 4, 1914. 8°. [Merged in: Proctologist.] American (The) Journal of Insanity. Utica, N. Y. v. 1-72, 1844 to 1915-16. 8°. American (The) Journal of the Médical Sciences. Philadelphia. v. 1-26, 1827-40; n. s., v. 1-151, 1849-1916. 8°. American (The) Journal of Neuropathy. 1911. 8°. Philadelphia. v. 1, American Journal of Numismatics and Bulletin of American Numismatic and Archaeological Societies. Boston, v. 39-48, 1904-14. 8°. American Journal of Nursing. 1901 to 1915-16. 8°. Philadelphia. v. 1-16, 1900- American (The) Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. New York. v. 1-73, 1868-1916. 8°. American (The) Journal of Ophthalmology. 1884-1916. 8°. St. Louis, v. 1-33, American (The) Journal of Orthopédie Surgery. Boston, v. 1- 14, 1903-4 to 1916-17. 8°. American (The) Journal of Pharmacy. PubUshed by authority of the Philadelphia Collège of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. 2. s., v. 1-18, 1835-52; 3. s., v. 1-18, 1853-70; 4. s., v. 1-25, 1871-95; v. 68-88, 1896-1916. 8°. American (The) Journal of Physiology. Edited for the American Physiological Society. Boston, v. 1-40, 1898-1916. 8°. American (The) Journal of Physiologie Therapeutics. v. 1-2, 1910-11. 8°. Chicago. American (The) Journal of Progressive Therapeutics. Chicago. v. 16-19, 1905-6. 8°. [Consolidation of: Am. X-Ray J. and Arch. Electrol. & Radiol.] American (The) Journal of Psychology. Baltimore; Worcester. v. 1-27, 1887-8 to 1916. 8°. American Journal of PubUc Health, continuing The Journal of the American PubUc Health Association. New York. v. 2-6, 1912-16. 8°. [9] Am. J. Pub. Hyg. Am. J. Roentgenol., Détroit. Am. J. Se, N. Haven. Am. J. Sociol., Chicago. Am. J. Surg., N. Y. Am. J. Surg. & Gyneee Am. J. Surg., Q. Suppl. Anesth., N.Y. Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc.], N. Orl. Am. J. Tubere, Détroit. Am. J. TJrol., N. Y. Am. Labor Legisl. Rev., N. Y. Am. M. Ass. Bull., Chicago. Am. M. Ass. Commem. Vol., Chicago. Am. M. Compend, Toledo. Am. M. J., St. Louis. Am. M. Month., Balt. Am. M. Quart., N. Y. Am. M. Rev., N. Y. Am. M. Temper. Quart., Battle Creek. American Journal of Public Hygiène. Boston, 1905-8; Colum- bus, O., 1909-10. v. 15-20, 1905-10. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Mass. Ass. Bds. Health. Continued as: J. Am. Pub. Health Ass.] American (The) Journal of Roentgenology. Edited by P. M. Hickey, M. D., Détroit, Mich. PubUshed by the American Roentgen Ray Society, [Détroit]. Détroit. N. s., v. 1-3, 1913-14 to 1915-16. 4°. American Journal of Science. New Haven. 3. s., v. 19-41, 1880-95; 4. s., v. 1-40, 1896-1916. 8°. American (The) Journal of Sociology. Chicago, v. 1-21,1895-6 to 1915-16. 8°. American Journal of Surgery. New York. v. 18-30, 1905-1916. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. J. Surg. & Gynœe] American Journal of Surgery and Gynaecology. Kansas City, Mo., 1892-5; St. Louis, 1896-1905. v. 3-17, 1892-1905. 8°. [Continued as: Am. J. Surg., N. Y.] American Journal of Surgery. Quarterly Supplément of Anes- thesia and Analgesia (American Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia). Officiai organ of the American Association of Anesthetists and Scottish Society of Anesthetists. New York. 1914-15. 4°. American (The) Journal of Tropical Diseases and Préventive Medicine. Officiai organ of the American Society of Tropical Medicine. New Orléans, v. 1-3, 1913-14 to 1915-16. 8°. American (The) Journal of Tuberculosis. Détroit, v. 1, 1905. 8°. American (The) Journal of Urology. [Monthly.] New York. v. 1-12, 1904-5 to 1916. 8°. American Labor Législation Review. New York. v. 1,1911. 8°. American Laryngological, Rhinological and Otological Society. [«See Tr. Am. Laryngol., Rhinol. & Otol. Soc] American Médical Association. [«See Addr. . . . sect. obst. & dis. women 43. meet. Am. M. Ass. Also: Addr. . . . sect. otol. & laryngol. 42. meet. Am. M. Ass. Also: Addr. . . . sect. state med. 42. meet. Am. M. Ass. Also: Am. M. Ass. Bull. Also: Am. M. Ass. Commem. Vol. Also: J. Am. M. Ass. Also: Papers Sect. Ophth. Am. M. Ass. Also: Tr. Ophth. Sect. Am. M. Ass. Also: Tr. sect. surg. & anat. Am. M. Ass. Also: Uveitis. Symposium [etc.].] American (The) Médical Association Bulletin. Chicago, v. 3-11,1907-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Councilor's Bulletin.] American Médical Association: Commémoration Volume. Chi- cago, 1915. 1 v. 8°. American (The) Médical Compend. Toledo, O. v. 11-39, 1895- 1913. 8°. American Médical Editors' Association. [«See J. Am. Med. Editors' Ass. Also: Proc. Am. Med. Editors' Ass., N. Y.] American (The) Médical Journal. [Eclectie] St. Louis, v. 1-44, 1873-1916. 8°. American (The) Médical Monthly. Baltimore, v. 15-22, 1897- 1904. 8°. [Continuation of: South. J. Homœop., Austin.] American (The) Médical Quarterly. A magazine of the medicine ofto-day. New York. v. 1, 1899-1900. 8°. American Médical Review. A monthly review of current méd- ical literature New York. v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Rev. of Rev.] American Médical Tempérance Association. [«See Am. M. Temper. Quart., Battle Creek. Also: Bull. Am. M. Temper. Ass., Battle Creek.] American Médical Tempérance Quarterly. Organ of the Ameri- can Médical Tempérance Association. Battle Creek, Mich. v. 1-2, 1893-5. 8°. [Continued as: Bull. Am. M. Temper. Ass., Battle Creek.] [10] Am. Med. Am. Med.-Surg. Bull., N. Y. Am. Midwife, St. Louis. Am. Month. Micr. J. Am. Naturalist. Am. Orthodont., Kansas City, Mo. Am. Phys. Educat. Rev., Bost. Am. Physician, Rahway, N. J. Am. Pract., N. Y. Am. Pract. & News, Louisville. Am. Pract. Surg. [Bryant & Buck],N.Y. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep. Am. Q. Roentgenol., Pittsburgh. Am. Red Cross Bull., Wash. Am. Red Cross Mag., Wash. American Medicine'.Philadelphia, 1901-7; Burlineton Vt., & New York, since 1908 v. 1-11, i90l-6; n s vl-11 906-16. 4°. [Old séries weekly, new séries monthly.] American Medieo-Psychological Association. [See Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., [Utica, N. Y.].] American Medico-Surgical Bulletin, New York v 6-12 1S93-8. roy. 8°. [Continued as: Merck's Arch.] American Microscopical Society. [See Proc Am Micr Soc. Also: Tr. Am. Micr. Soc] American (The) Midwife. St. Louis, v. 1-2, 1895-6. fol. American (The) Monthly Microscopical Journal Tv p 1 v 1-22 1880-1901. 8°. 1 -va ■ American National Red Cross. [«See Am. Red Cross Bull. Also: Am. Red Cross Mag. Also: Bull. Am. Nat. Red Cross, Wash.] American (The) Naturalist. A popular illustrated magazine of natural history. Salem; Boston; Philadelphia; Lancaster v 1-50, 1867-1916. 8°. American (The) Orthodontist. A journal for the promotion of orthodontia as a science and a specialty. Kansas Citv, Mo v 1-3, 1907-12. 8°. ' ' ' American Ostéopathie Association. [«See J. Am. Osteopath Ass Auburn, N. Y.] American Pharmaceutical Association. [«See J. Am. Pharm Ass Columbus.] American Physical Education Review. Boston v 1-20 1896- 1915. 8°. ' ' American (The) Physician. Rahway, N. J. v. 28-34. 1902-8 8°. [Continuation of: Am. Homœop. In 1909 merged in: Med. Counselor.] American Physiological Society. [«See Am. J. Physiol , Bost Also: Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost.] American (The) Practitioner. New York. No 3, v 46 to No 1 v. 49, March 1912, to January, 1915. 8°. [Continuation of! N. Eng. M. Month. and Ann. M. Pract. In Februarv 1915 consohdated with: Am. J. Urol.] ' j> > > American (The) Practitioner and News. Louisville Kv v 1- f' 18M6M91îi N,°S- H'V" 46' 1912- 8°- [MergeZ'inT'N. Eng. M. Month., forming: Am. Pract.] American Practice of Surgery. A complète system of the science and art of surgery, by représentative surgeons of the United States and Canada. Editors: Joseph D. Bryant and Albert H Buck. New York. v. 1-2, 1906-7. 8°. American Proctologic Society. [«See Tr. Am. Proctol Soc Alle- gheny, Pa.] ' c American Psychical Society. [See Psych. Rev., Bost.] American Public Health Association [«See Am. J. Pub. Health, JN. Y. Also: J. Am. Pub. Health Ass.] American PubUc Health Association. Report and papers pre- 1875^13 8^! gS ^ * • ' [V- P"] V-1"39 (1873 1912), American Quarterly of Roentgenology. PubUshed by the Ameri- can Roentgen Ray Society. Pittsburgh, Pa. v. 1, 1906-7 8° American (The) Red Cross Bulletin. Washington' v 7 1912- ÏTSoe4"°AT£LTtgmoU Kttsb- A&: Tr: ABÏt0n S°Cial Hysiene A^>dation, Inc. [See Soc. Hyg., [11] Am. Soc. Trop. M., [n. p.]. Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), Phila. Am. Text-Bk. Gen.-TJrin. Dis. [etc.] (Bangs & Hardaway), Phila. Am. Text-Bk. Gynee (Baldy), Phila. Am. Text-Bk. Physiol. (Howell), Phila. Am. Therapist, N. Y. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y. Am. X-Ray J. Americana, N. Y. Amtsarzt, Leipz. & Wien. An. Acad. de cien. méd. ... de la Habana. An. Acad. y lab. de cien. méd. de Catalunya. An. Acad. nac. de méd., Bogota. An. Acad. de obst. [etc.], Madrid. An. d. Cîrc. méd. argent., Buenos Aires. An. d. Inst. méd. nac, Mexico. An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. ... de Catalunya, Barcel. American Society of Biological Chemists. [«See Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Balt.] American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. [«See Tr. Am. Soc. Heat. & Ventil. Engin., N. Y.] American Society for Psychical Research. [See J. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, N. Y.] American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses. [«See Proc. . . . Am. Soc. Superintend. Train. Sch. Nurses.] American (The) Society of Tropical Medicine. Papers read before the Society and published under its auspices, [n. p.] v. 1-2, 4, 8, 9, 1904-14. 8°. [«See, also, Am. J. Trop. Dis. [etc.], N. Orl.] American (An) Text-Book of the Diseases of Children, including spécial chapters on essential surgical objects; [etc.]. Edited by Louis Starr, assisted by Thompson S. Westcott. Philadel- phia. lv. 1894. 8°. American (An) Text-Book of Genito-Urinary Diseases, Syphilis, and Diseases of the Skin. Edited by L. B. Bangs and W. A. Hardaway. Philadelphia. 1 v. 1898. 8°. American (An) Text-Book of Gynecology, Médical and Surgical, for practitioners and students. By Henry T. Byford, J. M. Baldy, [et al.]. Edited by J. M. Baldy. 2. éd. Philadelphia. lv. 1898. 8°. American (An) Text-Book of Physiology, by Henry P. Bowditch, John G. Curtis [et al.]. Edited by William H. Howell. Phila- delphia. 1. & 2. éd., 1896 to 1900-1901. 8°. American Therapeutic Society. [«See Tr. Am. Therap. Soc, N. Y.] American (The) Therapist. New York. v. 1-13, 1892-1905. 8°. American Urological Association. [«See Tr. Am. Urol. Ass.] American Veterinary Médical Association. [«See Am. Vet. Rev. Also: J. Am. Vet. M. Ass. Also: Proc. Am. Vet. M. Ass.] American Veterinary Review. Published by. the American Veterinary Médical Association. New York. v. 1-47, 1877- 1915. 8°. [Continued as: J. Am. Vet. M. Ass.] American (The) X-Ray Journal. St. Louis, Mo., 1897-1903; Chicago, 1904. v. 1-15, 1897-1904. 8°. [Merged in: Arch. Electrol. & Radiol., and continued as: Am. J. Progr. Therap.] Americana. [Formerly the American Historical Magazine.] D. I. Nelke, editor. New York. v. 9, 1914. 8°. Amtsàrzte-Kongress. [«See Offiz. Ber. u. d. Erst. Amsarzte-Kong.] Amtsarzt (Der). Zeitschrift fur ôffentliches Gesundheitswesen. Leipzig & Wien. v. 2-7, 1910-15. 8°. Anales de la Academia de ciencias médicas, fîsicas y naturales de la Habana. Revista cientifica. Habana. v. 34-49, 1897-1913. 8°. [Continuation, in October, 1897, of: An. r. Acad. de cien. méd. ... de la Habana.] Anals de l'Academia y laboratori de ciencies médiques de Cata- lunya. Barcelona. v. 6-9, 1912-15. 8°. [Continuation of: An. de med. Butll. mens, de l'Acad. ... de Catalunya.] Anales de la Academia nacional de medicina. Bogota, v. 1, 1893-1. 8°. Anales de la Academia de obstetricia, ginecologfa y pediatria. Madrid, v. 2-5, 1909-12. 8°. Anales del Circulo médico argentine Buenos Aires, v. 3-29. 1879-1906. 8°. Anales del Instituto médico nacional. Mexico, v. 1-2, 1894-8; v. 10-11, 1908-11; Nos. 5 & 6, v. 12, 1914. 8°. Anals de medecina. Butlleti mensual de l'Academia y labora- tori de ciencies médiques de Catalunya. Barcelona. v. 1-5, 1907-11. 8°. [Continued as: AnAcad.ylab.decien.med.de Catalunya.] [12] An. méd. gaditanos, Câdiz. An. de obst., ginecopat. y pe- diat., Madrid. An. de oftal., Mexico. An. r. Acad. de cien. méd. . . de la Habana. An. r. Acad. de med., Madrid. An. san. mil., Buenos Aires. An. Soc. espan. de hidrol. méd., Madrid. An. Univ. centr. de Venezuela, Caracas. Analyst, Lond. Anat. Anz., Jena. Anat. Hefte, Wiesb. Anat. Record. Ànat. Schrift., Heidelb. Anjou méd., Angers. Ann. Acad. de med. do Rio de Jan. Ann. de biol., Par. Ann. et bull. Soc. de méd. de G and. Ann. et bull. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux. Ann. di chim. Pavia. BrugnateUi, Anales médicos gaditanos. Periôdico de medicina, cirujfa. farma- cia y ciencias auxiliares. Sucesor de la Crônica oftalmologiea y de la Gaceta médica. Câdiz. v. 14-19, 1896-1902. 8°. Anales de obstetricia, ginecopatfa y pediatrfa. Madrid. v. 3-19, 1883-99. 8°. Anales de oftalmologfa. Periôdico internacional de clinica y terapéutica ocular. Mexico, v. 3-17, 1900 to 1914-15. 8°. Anales de la real Academia de ciencias médicas, fisicas y natu- rales de la Habana. Revista cientifiea. Habana. v. 1-33 1864-97. 8°. [Continued as: An. Acad. de cien. méd. . . de la Habana.] Anales de la real Academia de medicina, Madrid, v. 1-35 1879-1915. 8°. Anales de sanidad militar. Buenos Aires, v. 1-7, 1899-1905. 8° Anales de la Sociedad espanola de hidrologfa médica. Madrid v. 1-14, 1877-99. 8°. Anales de la Universidad central de Venezuela. Caracas, v. 1-5 1900-1904. 8°. [Incomplète] Analyst (The), including proceedings of the "Society of PubUc Analysts." A monthfy journal of analytical chemistry. Lon- don. v. 1-10, 1876-1915. 8°. Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. [«See Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Balt.] Anatomical Laboratory St. Louis University. [«See Papers Anat. Lab. St. Louis Univ.] Anatomischer Anzeiger. Jena. v. 1-48, 1886-1915. 8°. Anatomische Hefte. Referate und Beitrâge zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte. Erste Abteilung: Arbeiten aus ana- tomischen Instituten. Wiesbaden. 1.-50. Hft., 1891-1914. 8°. [For 2. Abteilung, see Ergebn. d. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch.] Anatomical (The) Record. Published by the Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology. Baltimore; Philadelphia. v. 1-9, 1906-7 to 1915. 8°. Anatomische Schriften von G. Azzoguidi, J. B. Paletta und J. Brugnoni, hrsg. von E. Sandifort. Aus dem Lateinischen ùber- sezt und mit Zusatzen vermehrt von Heinrich Tabor. Heidel- berg. lv. 1791. 12°. [«See Beitr. z. Morphol. Anatomisches Institut zu Erlangen. Erlang., Stuttg.] Anatomisches und zootomisches Institut der kôniglichen Uni- versitât Munster i. W. [«See Morphol. Arb. a. d. anat. u. zootom. Inst. d. k. Univ. Munster i. W., Leipz.] Anjou (L') médical. Revue mensuelle de chirurgie, médecine, gynécologie, pharmacie et matière médicale et des intérêts professionnels. Angers, v. 1-20, 1894-1913; Nos. 1-6, v. 21, 1914. 8°. Annaes da Academia de medicina do Rio de Janeiro, v. 66, 67, 70, 71, 78, 1901-15. Rio de Janeiro. 8°. Annales de biologie. Paris, v. 1, 1911. 8°. Annales et bulletin de la Société de médecine de Gand. Gand. n. s., y. 175, January, 1910, to May, 1914. 8°. [Formed by consoUdation of : Ann. Soc. de méd. de Gand, with: Bull. Soc. de méd. de Gand.] Annales et bulletin de la Société des sciences médicales et natu- relles de Bruxelles, v. 66-71, 1908-13; Nos. 1-6, v. 72, 1914. 8°. [Continuation of: Ann. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux., and: Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux., Bull.] AnnaU di chimica. ovvero raccolta di memorie sulle scienze, arti e manifatture ad essarelative diL. BrugnateUi. Pavia. v 1-3' 1790-91. 8°. [Continued, in 1793. as: Ann. di chim. e storià nat. . . . BrugnateUi, Pavia.1 [13] Ann. di chim. e di farm. Ann. de chim. et phys., Par. Ann. di chim. e storia nat. . BrugnateUi, Pavia. Ann. de chir. et d'orthop., Par. Ann. d. Clin. d. mal. ment, e nerv. d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Ann. di clin, med., Palermo. Ann. de dermat. et syph., Par. Ann. d'électrobiol. [etc.], Par. Ann. d'électrothér., Brux. Ann. di elett. med. [etc.], NapoU. Ann. d. Fac. di med., Perugia. Ann. d. Fac. di med. e. mem. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia. Ann. di farmacot. e chim., Mi- lano. Ann. di freniat. [etc.], Torino. Ann. f. d. ges. Hebammenwes., Berl. Ann. Gynœe & Pediat. Ann. de gynéc. et d'obst., Par. Ann. d'hydrol. et de cUmat. méd., Par. Ann. d'hyg., Par. Ann. d'hyg. et de méd. colon., Par. Ann. d' ig., Roma. Ann. d' ig. sper., Roma. Ann. de l'Inst. chir. de Brux. Ann. de l'Inst. Pasteur, Par. Annali di chimica e di farmacologia. Milano, 1886-93; Bologna, 1894; Milano, 1895. 4. s., v. 3-26, 1886-97. 8°. [Continuation of: Ann. di chim. med.-farm., Milano. Continued as: Ann. di farmacot. e chim.] Annales de chimie et de physique. Paris. 257 v. 1816-1902. 8°. Annali di chimica e storia naturale, ovvero raccolta di memorie sulle scienze, arti, e manifatture ad esse relative di L. Brugna- telU. Pavia. v. 4-19,1793-1802. 8°. [Continuation, in 1793, of : Ann. di chim. . . . BrugnateUi, Pavia.] Annales de chirurgie et d'orthopédie. Paris, v. 9-26 (années 10- 27), 1896-1913; Nos. 1-6, v. 27, 1914. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Ann. d'orthop. et de chir. prat., Par.] [Suspended.] Annali délia Clinica délie malattie mentali e nervose, délia r. Università di Palermo. Palermo. v. 2, 1900-1902; v. 3, 1909. 8°. Annali di cUnica médica. Palermo. v. 1-6, 1910-15. 8°. Annales de dermatologie et syphiligraphie. Paris, v. 1-10, 1868-79; 2. s., v. 1-10, 1880-89; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1890-99; 4. s., v. 1-10, 1900-1909; 5. s., v. 1-4; (Nos. 1-9) v. 5, 1910-15. 8°. Annales d'électrobiologie, d'électrothérapie et d'électrodiagnos- tic. Paris, v. 1-7, 1898-1904. 8°. [In 1903 title became: Annales d'électrobiologie et de radiologie] Bruxelles, v. 1-4, 1902-5. 8°. Annales d'électrothérapie Annali di elettricità médica e terapia fisica 1902-15. 8°. NapoU. v. 1-14, AnnaU délia Facoltà di medicina. Università di Perugia. 1901-13. Perugia. 3. s., v. 1-8, 1901-8; 4. s., v. 1-3, 1911-13. 8°. Annali délia Facoltà di medicina e memorie délia Accademia medico-chirurgica di Perugia. [Continuation of: Attierendie d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia.] Perugia. v. 10-12, 1898- 1900. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. d. Fac. di med., Perugia.] Annali di farmacoterapia e chimica. Milano. v. 27-31, 1898- 1900. 8°. [Continuation of: Ann. di chim. e di.farm., Milano. In January, 1900, "biologica" added to title. Ended.] Annali di freniatria e scienze affini, pubblicati per cura del r. Manicomio di Torino. Torino. v. 1-22, 1888-9 to 1912-13; No. 1, v. 23, March, 1913. 8°. Annalen ftir das gesamte Hebammenwesen des In- und Aus- landes. BerUn. v. 2-5, 1911-14. 8°. Annals of Gynsecology and Pediatry. Philadelphia; Boston. v. 3-21, 1890-1908; Nos. 1-6, v. 22, 1909. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. M. Pract.] Annales de gynécologie et d'obstétrique. Paris, v. 29-60, 1888-1903; 2. s., v. 1-11, 1904-15. Annales d'hydrologie et de climatologie médicales. Revue men- suelle publiée par la Société d'hydrologie médicale de Paris. Paris, v. 41-49 (2. s., v. 1-9), 1896-1904. 8°. [v. 1-40, 50 et seq., under title: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. méd. de Par.] Annales d'hygiène publique et de médecine légale. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-50, 1839-53; 2. s., v. 1-50, 1854-78; 3. s., v. 1-50, 1879- 1903; 4. s., v. 1-23, 1904-15. 8°. Annales d'hygiène et de médecine coloniales. Paris, v. 1-16, 1898-1913; Nos. 1-2, v. 17, 1914. 8°. AnnaU d' ieiene, pubblicazione mensile; fondati da A. CelU, Roma. v. 26, 1916. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Annali d' igiene sperimentale. Roma. N. s., v. 5-25,1895-1915. 8°. [Continuation of: Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma. Continued as the preceding.] Annales de l'Institut chirurgical de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, v. 1- 20, 1894-1913; Nos. 1-8, v. 21, 1914. 8°. Annales de l'Institut Pasteur. Paris, v. 1-29, 1887-1915. 8°. [U] Ann. internat, de chir. gastro- intest., Par. Ann. di Ippocrate, Milano. Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma. Ann. d. Ist. MaragUano p. la cura d. tubere [etc.], Genova. Ann. d. Ist. psichiat. d. r. Univ. di Roma. Ann. d. Lab. di med. leg. d. Univ. di Bologna, Imola. Ann. dilaringol. [etc.], Genova. Ann. M. Pract., Bost. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreiUe, du larynx [etc.], Par. Ann. d. mal. d. org. génito-urin., Par. Ann. d. mal. vén., Par. Ann. d. Manie prov. di Peru- gia. Ann. de méd., Par. Ann. de méd. et chir. inf., Par. Ann. de la méd. homœop., Par. Ann. di med. nav., Roma. Ann. de méd. phys., Anvers. Ann. de méd. vêt., Brux. Ann. méd.-chir., Dour. Ann. méd.-chir. du centre, Tours. Ann. méd.-psychol., Par. Ann. de microg., Par. Ann. Missouri Botan. Garden, Concord. N. H. Annales internationales de chirurgie gastro-intestinale Paris. v. 1-7, 1906-7 to 1913; Nos. 1-2, v. 8? 1914. 8°. AnnaU (Gli) di Ippocrate. Rivista di medicina, chirurgia, itiiene, specialità mediche, terapia, riviste itaUene ed estere. Milano. v. 1-7, 1906-7 to 1912. 8°. AnnaU dell' Istituto d' igiene sperimentale dell' Università di Roma. Roma. 7 v. 1889-94. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. d'ig. sper., Roma.] Annali dell' Istituto MaragUano per lo studio e la cura délia tu- bercolosi e di altri malattie infettive. Genova. v. 1-8, 1904- 15. 8°. Annali dell' Istituto psichiatrico délia r. Università di Roma. Roma. v. 1, 1901-2. 8°. Annali del Laboratorio di medicina légale dell' Università di Bologna. Imola. v. 1, 1900. 8°. Annali di laringologia ed otologia, rinologia e faringologia. Ge- nova. v. 1-5, 1900-1904. 8°. Annals of Médical Practice. Boston. Nos. 7-12, v. 22; Nos. 1-3, v. 23, 1909-10. [Continuation of: Ann. Gynœe & Pe- diat. Merged in: N. Eng. M. Month.] Annales des maladies de l'oreille, du larynx et des organes con- nexes. Paris, v. 9-39, 1883-1913; Nos. 1-7, v. 40, 1914. 8°. Annales des maladies des organes génito-urinaires. Paris. v. 1-29, 1882-1911. [Continued as: J. d'urol. méd. et chir., Par.] Annales des maladies vénériennes. Paris, v. 1-10, 1906-7 to 1915. 8°. Annali del Manicomio provinciale di Perugia. Perugia. v. 1-7, 1907-13. 8°. Annales de médecine; recueil mensuel de mémoires originaux et revues critiques, publié par Léon Bernard, Fernand Bezançon [et al.]. Paris, v. 1-2, 1914-15. 8°. Annales de médecine et chirurgie infantiles. Revue pratique internationale. Paris, v. 2-18, 1898-1914. 8°. [Nos. 1-8, v. 2, under title: Méd. inf.] Annales de la médecine homœopathique. Paris, v. 1-2, 1842. 8°. Annali di medicina navale. Roma. Anni 1-21,1895-1915. 8°. [Since 1901, 2 v. a year. In July, 1908, "e coloniale" added to title.] Annales de médecine physique. Organe de la Société de méde- cine physique d'Anvers. Anvers, v. 5-11,1907-13; Nos. 1-3, v. 12, 1914. 8°. [v. 1-4 under title: Ann. Soc. de méd. phys. d'Anvers.] Annales de médecine vétérinaire. 1913; Nos. 1-7, v. 63, 1914. 8°. Annales médico-chirurgicales. Bulletin officiel de la Fédéra- tion des syndicats médicaux du Hainaut. Dour. v 11-21 1903-13; Nos. 1-6, v. 22, 1914. 8°. Annales médico-chirurgicales du centre. Tours, v. 3-13, 1903- 13; Nos. 1-15, v. 14, 1914. fol. Annales médico-psychologiques. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-12, 1843-8; 2. s., v. 1-6, 1849-54; 3. s., v. 1-8, 1855-62; 4. s., v. 1-12, 1863-8; 5. s., v. 1-20, 1869-78; 6. s., v. 1-12, 1879-84; 7. s., v. 1-20, 1885-94; 8. s., v. 1-20, 1895-1904; 9. s., v. 1-14, 1905-11: 10. s., v. 1-6, 1912-15. 8°. Annales de micrographie, spécialement consacrées à la bacté- riologie, aux protophytes et aux protozoaires. Paris, v. 1-10, 1888-98. Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden. G. T. Moore, B. M. Duggar and J. R. Schramm (edit. committee). Concord, N. H. v. 1-2, 1914-15. 8°. Bruxelles, v. 1-62, 1852- [15] Ann. di nevrol. Ann. d'ocul. Ann. di odont., Roma. Ann. di oncol. speriment., To- rino. Ann. Ophth., St. Louis. .Ann. Ophth. & Otol., St. Louis. Ann. di ostet. Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis. Ann. di ottal. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem., Leipz. Ann. de physicotherap., Par. Ann. de la PoUclin. de Bordeaux. Ann. de la PoUclin. centr. de Brux. Ann. de la PoUclin. de Par. Ann. Psych. Se, Lond. Ann. d. r. Clin, psichiat. e neuro- pat, di Palermo. Ann. d. r. Ist. di clin. chir. di Roma. Ann. d. se psych., Par. Ann. d. schweiz. balncol. Ge- sellsch., Aarau. Ann. Soc. belge de chir., Brux. Ann. Soc. belge de micr., Brux. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. méd. de Par. Ann. Soc. de méd. d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. de méd. de Gand. Ann. Soc. de méd. lég. de Belg. Charleroi. Annali di nevrologia. Torino & Palermo, 1891; Napoli since 1892. v. 9-32, 1891-1914. 8°. Annales d'oculistique. Bruxelles, 1838-93; Paris since 1894. v. 1-153, 1838-1916. 8°. Annali di odontologia; periodico mensile. Roma. v. 1, 1916. 8°. Annali di oncologia sperimentale. Torino. v. 1, No. 1,1912. 4°. Annals of Ophthalmology. A journal of practical ophthalmology. St. Louis, v. 6-25,1897-1916. 8°. [Continuation, in 1897, of the ophthalmological part of : Ann. Ophth. & Otol.] Annals of Ophthalmology and Otology. St. Louis, v. 1-5, 1892-6. 8°. [Continued under titles: Ann. Ophth., St. Louis, and: Ann. Otol., Rhinol. & Laryngol., St. Louis.] Annali di ostetricia e ginecologia. MUano. 1879-87; Firenze, 1888-9; Milano (since January, 1890). v. 1-37, 1879-1915. 8°. Annals of Otology, Rhinology and Laryngology. St. Louis, Mo. v. 6-24,1897-1915. 8°. [Continuation, in 1897, of the otolog- ical part of : Ann. Ophth. & Otol.] Annali di ottalmologia. Milano, 1871-80; Pavia, since 1881. v. 1-44, 1871-1915. 8°. Annalen der Physik. Leipzig. [Title, aiter 1899, of: Annalen der Physik und Chemie.] Annalen der Physik und Chemie. Leipzig. N. F., v. 36-69, 1889-99; 4. F., v. 1-9, 1900-1902. 8°. [In 1900 title became: Annalen der Physik.] Annales de physicothérapie, électricité [etc.]. Paris. No. 1, v. 3,1903; No. 3, v. 4, 1904; No. 1, v. 5, 1905; v. 10, 1909. 8°. Annales de la Policlinique de Bordeaux, v. 1-13,1889-1901. 8°. Annales de la Policlinique centrale de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Annales de la Policlinique de Paris. Paris, v. 1-24, 1890- 1913; Nos. 1-7, v. 25, 1914. 8°. Annals (The) of Psychical Science. London. v. 5-9, 1907-12. 8°. Annali délia r. Clinica psichiatrica e neuropatologica di Palermo. Palermo. v. 1,1898-9. 8°. [«See, also, Ann. d. Clin. d. mal. ment, e nerv. d. r. Univ. di Palermo.] Annali del r. Istituto di clinica chirurgica di Roma. Roma. v. 1-4, 1908-12. 8°. Annales des sciences psychiques. Recueil d'observations et d'expériences. Paris, v. 1-25., 1891-1915. 8°. Annalen der schweizerischen balneologischen Gesellschaft. [Annales de la Société suisse de balnéologie.] Aarau. Hft. 1-4, 1905-8. 8°. Annales de la Société belge de chirurgie. Bruxelles, v. 1-8, 1893-4 to 1900. 8°. [Continued as: J. de chir. et ann. Soc. belge de chir.] Annnales de la Société belge de microscopie. Bruxelles, v. 1-27, 1874-1901. 8°. Annales de la Société d'hydrologie médicale de Paris. Comptes- rendus des séances. Paris, v. 1^0, 1854-95; v. 50-58, 1905- 13; Nos. 1-7, v. 59, 1914. 8°. [v. 41-49, 1896-1904, under title: Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat, méd., Par.] Annales et bulletin de la Société de médecine d'Anvers, v. 1-75, 1840-1913. 8°. Annales de la Société de médecine de Gand. v. 1-89, 1835- 1909. 8°. [For continuation, see Ann. et bull. Soc. de méd. de Gand.] Annales de la Société de médecine légale de Belgique, fondée en Charleroi. v. 1-20, 1889-1909. 8°. [16] Ann. Soc. de méd. phys. d'An- vers. Ann. Soc. méd.-chir. d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. méd.-chir. du Brabant, Brux. Ann. Soc. méd.-chir. de Liège. Ann. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux. Ann. d. stadt. aUg. Krankenh. zu Munchen. Ann. Surg., Phila. Ann. de therap. dermat. etsyph., Par. Ann. Trop. M. & Parasitol., Liverp. Année biol., Par. Année psychol., Par. Année sociol., Par., Anniv. Am. Chem. Soc, Easton, Pa. Anniv. (Nel xxv) di insegn. clin. d. prof. A. Riva, Parma. Annot. zool. japon., Tokyo. Annuaire Acad. roy. d. se de. Belg., Brux. Annuaire de la Haute-Marne, Chaumont. Annual Eclect. M. & S., Chi- cago. Annual rep. trans. S. Durham & Cleveland M. Soc. Annuario d. Mus. zool. d. r. Univ. di NapoU. Anomalo, NapoU. Anthrop. essays presented to E. B. Tylor . . ., Oxford. Annales de la Société de médecine phvsique d'Anvers. Anvers. v. 1-1, 1903-6. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. de méd. phys., Anvers.] Annales de la Société médico-chirurgicale d'Anvers. Anvers. v. 1-10, 1896-1905. 8°. Annales de la Société médico-chirurgicale du Brabant. Bru- xelles, v. 1-11, 1891-1901. 8°. Annales de la Société médico-chirurgicale de Liège, v. 1-46, 1862-1907. 8°. Annales de la Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, v. 1-16, 1892-1907. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Ann. et bull. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux.] Annales de la Société suisse de balnéologie. [«See Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch.] Annalen der stadtischen allgemeinen Krankenhàuser zu Mun- chen. Munchen. v. 10, 12, 13 and 15, 1896-1910. 8°. Annals of Surgery. A monthly review of surgical science and practice. St. Louis, 1885-91; Philadelphia since 1892. v. 1- 63, 1885-1916. 8°. Annales de thérapeutique dermatologique et syphiligraphique. Paris, v. 1-9, 1901-9. 8°. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. Issued by the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. Liverpool. v. 1-9, 1907-15. 8°. Année (L') biologique. Comptes rendus annuels des travaux de biologie générale. Années 1-13, 1895-1908. Paris. 9 v. 1897-1901. 8°. Année 1911. (L') psychologique, 1894-9. Paris, v. 1-17, 1894- v. 1, 1896-7; v. 3,1898-9. 8°. Easton, Année (L') sociologique. Paris. Anniversary of the American Chemical Society, 1901. Pa. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Anniversario (Nel xxv) di insegnamento clinico del prof. Alberto Riva. Parma. 1902. 8°. Annotationes zoologicse japonenses auspiciis Societatis zoologicœ tokyonensis seriatim editse. Tokyo, v. 1-8, 1897 to 1913-14. 8°. [Articles in English, German, French, or Italian.] Annuaire de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles. 1865-1906. 12°. Annuaire du Département de la Haute-Marne, pour l'an 1811, viie de l'empire de Napoléon. Chaumont. 1 v. 1811. 8°. [P., v. 1817.] Annual of Eclectic Medicine and Surgery. A yearly record of the observation, investigation, and expérience of the eclectic physi- cians of America, as reported in their papers presented at the annual meetings of the State societies, with a condensed re- port of the proceedings of those societies. Chicago, v. 1-5, 1890-4. 8°. Annual reports of the transactions of the South Durham and Cleveland Médical Society. [V. p.] 1.-3., 1873-4 to 1875-6; 5.-6., 1877-8 to 1878-9. 8°. Annuario del Museo zoologico délia r. Università di Napoli 1901-6. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1901-5. roy. 8°. Anomalo (L'). Rivista di antropologia criminale e psichiatria. Napoli. 6. s., v. 13, 1914. 8°. [Continuation of:] Anomalo (L'). Rivista mensile di antropologia e sociologia criminale, psichiatria e medicina légale. Napoli. v. 1-9, 1889-1903. 8°. Anthropological essays presented to Edward Burnett Tylor in honor of his 75th birthday, Oct. 2, 1907, by H. Balfour, A. E. Crawley [et al.], with a bibliography by Barbara W. Freire- Marreco. Oxford. 1 v. 1907. roy. 8°. [17] Anthropologie, Par. Anthropos, Salzb. Antiseptic, Edinb. & Madras. Apoth. & N. Eng. Drug., Bost. N. Y. & Phila. Apothecary,Bost.,N. Y. & Phila. Apothecary, Chicago. Apoth.-Ztg., Berl. Arb. a. d. bacteriol. Inst. d. techn. Hochsch. zu Karlsruhe. Arb. a. d. bakteriol. Lab. d. stâdt. Schlachthofes in Berl., Leipz. Arb. a. d. biol. Abth. f. Land- u. Forstwirthsch. am k. Gsndhts- amte, Berl. Arb. a. d. chir. Klin. d. k. Univ. Berl. Arb. d. chir. Univ.-Klin. Dorpat, Leipz. Arb. a. d. deutsch. psychiat. Univ.-KUn. in Prag, Berl. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. chem. Phy- siol., Bonn. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. exper. Phy- siol., Jena. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. Geburtsh. u. Gynœk. z. Feier . . . v. Cari Ruge, Berl. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek. Festschr. Otto Eng- strom . . ., Berl. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. klin. Chir., Wien & Leipz. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. path. Anat. . .. Inst. zu Tiibing., Brnschwg. Arb. a. d. hirnanat. Inst. in Zu- rich, Wiesb. 15259°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. [«See Man, Lond. Also: J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst., Lond.] Anthropological Society of Washington. [«See Am. Anthrop., Wash.] Anthropologie (L'). Paraissant tous les deux mois. Paris, v. 1-26, 1890-1915. 8°. Anthropologische Gesellschaft in Wien. [«See Sitzungsb. d. an- throp. Gesellsch. in Wien.] Anthropos. Revue internationale d'ethnologie et de linguis- tique . . . Im Auf trage der ôsterreichischen Leo-Gesellschaf t mit Unterstûtzung der deutschen Gôrres-Gesellschaft hrsg. von P. W. Schmidt. Salzburg. v. 1-9, 1906-14. 8°. Anti-Adulteration Association. [«See Health News, Lond.] Antiseptic (The). A monthly médical journal. Edinburgh & Madras, v. 1-12, 1904-15. 8°. Apothecary (The) and New England Druggist. Boston, New York & PhUadelphia. v. 15-16, 1903-4. 4°. [Continuation of: New England Druggist. Continued as: Apothecary, Bost.. N. Y. & Phila.] Apothecary (The). Boston, New York & Philadelphia. v. 1-9,1904-12. 4°. [Continuation of: Apoth. & N. Eng. Drug.] Apothecary (The), published quarterly by the School of Phar- macy of Northwestern University. Chicago, v.1-6,1891-7. 8°. Apotheker-Zeitung. Hrsg. vom deutschen Apotheker-Verein. Berlin, v. 6-8, 1891-3; v. 11-30, 1896-1915. fol. Arbeiten aus dem bacteriologischen Institut der technischen Hochschule zu Karlsruhe. Karlsruhe. v. 1-3, 1894-1903. Arbeiten aus dem bakteriologischen Laboratorium des stadtischen Schlachthofes in Berlin. Leipzig. Hft. 1-4, 1910-12. 8°. Arbeiten aus der biologischen Abtheilung fur Land- und Forst- wirthschaft am kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. Berlin, v. 1-4, 1900-1905. 4°. [Continued as: Arb. a. d. k. biol. Anst. f. Land- u. Forstwirthsch.] Arbeiten aus der chirurgischen Klinik der kôniglichen Universi- tat Berlin. Hft. 1-18, 1886-1906. 8°. Arbeiten der chirurgischen Universitàtsklinik Dorpat. Leipzig. Hft. 1 & 2, 1896-9; Hft. 4, 1900. 8°. Arbeiten aus der deutschen psychiatrischen Universitâts-Klinik in Prag. Berlin. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der chemischen Physiologie. Bonn. Hft. 3, 1906. 8°. Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der experimentellen Physiologie. Hrsg. von Hans Friedenthal. 1909-10. 2. Th. Jena. 1911. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der Geburtshulfe und Gynsekologie, zur Feier der 25jâhrigen Thâtigkeit als Assistent fur mikro- skopische und chemische Untersuchung an der Berliner Uni- versitats-Frauen-Klinik von Prof. Dr. Cari Ruge, hrsg. von A. Martin [et al.]. Redigiert von C. Gebhard. Berlin. 1 v. 1896. 4°. Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der Geburtshulfe und Gynaekologie. Festschrift gewidmet Otto Engstrôm. Berlin. 1903. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der klinischen Chirurgie. Mit Bei- tragen von Paul Albrecht [et al.]. Dem Andenken Hofrat Professor Dr. Cari Gussenbauers gewidmet von seinen dank- baren Schulern. Wien & Leipzig. 1903. 8°. Arbeiten auf dem Gebiete der pathologischen Anatomie und Bactériologie aus dem pathologisch-anatomischen Institut zu Tùbingen. Braunschweig; Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1891-1909. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem hirnanatomischen Institut in Zurich. Wies- baden. Hft. 1-9, 1905-14. 8°. —16----n [18] Arb. a. d. hygien. Inst. d. k. tier- àrztl. Hochsch. zu Berl. Arb. a. d. Inst. f. Anat. u. Phy- siol. d. Centralnervensyst. an d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. & Wien. Arb. a. d. Inst. z. Erforsch. d. Infectionskrankh. in Bern [etc.], Jena. Arb. a. d. k. biol. Anst. f. Land- u. Forstwirtsch., Berl. Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte, Berl. Arb. a. d. k. hygien. Inst. zu Dresd. Arb. a. d. k. Inst. f. exper. Therap. zu Frankf. a. M., Jena. Arb. a. d. med.-klin. Inst. d. k. Ludwig - MaximiUans - Univ. zu Munchen, Leipz. Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d.Wien. Univ., Leipz. & Wien. Arb. a. d. pâdiat. Klin. zu Leipz. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. zu Berl. z. Feier . . . Johann es Orth, Berl. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. zu Helsing- fors, Jena. Arb. a. d. path. Inst. d. Univ. Helsingfors, Berl. Arb. a. d. path.-anat. Abt. d. k. hyg. Inst. zu Posen. . . . R.Vir- chow zur Feier [etc.], Wiesb. Arb. a. d. pharmazeut. Inst. d. Univ. Berl. Arb. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Zurich. Hochsch. Arb. a. d. Priv.-Frau en kl in. v. A. Mackenrodt, Berl. Arb. a. d. psychiat. Klin. in Bresl., Leipz. Arb. a. d. psychiat. Klin. zu Wiirzburg, Jena. Arb. a. d. stadt. Krankenh. zu Frankf. a. M. Festschr. . . . Arb. a. Unna's Klin. f. in Hamb., Berl. Hautkr. Arbeiten aus dem hvgienischen Institut der kgl. tioriirztlichen Hochschule zu Berlin. Berlin. Nos. 1-15, 1904-9. » . Arbeiten aus dem Institut fur Anatomie und Physiologie des Centralnervensvstems an der Wiener Universitat. Leipzig « Wien. Hft. 1L6, 1S92-9. 8°. [Continued as: Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ.] Arbeiten aus dem Institut zur Erforschung der Infektions- krankheiten in Bern und den wissenschaftlichen Labora- torien des Schweizer Sérum- und Impf-Instituts. Jena. 1. Hft. 1908. 8°. Arbeiten aus der kaiserlichen biologischen Anstalt fur Land- und Forstwirtschaft. Berlin, v. 5, 1906. roy. 8°. [Contin- uation of: Arb. a. d. biol. Abth. f. Land- u. Forstwirthsch. am k. Gsndhtsamte] Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte. Berlin, v. 1-49, 1885-1915. 4°. Arbeiten aus dem kgl. hygienischen Instituten zu Dresden. (Konigliche Zentralstelle fur ôffentliche Gesundheitspflege und hvgienisches Institut der kôniglich sâchsischen technischen Hochschule.) Dresden. v. 1, 1903. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem kôniglichen Institut fur experimentelle Théra- pie zu Frankfurta. M. Jena. Hft. 1-5, 1905-13. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem medicinisch-klinischen Institut der k. Ludwig- Maximilians-Universitat zu Mtinchen. Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1884-99. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem neurologischen Institute (Institut fur Anatomie und Physiologie des Centralnervensystems) an der Wiener Universitat. Leipzig & Wien. Hft. 7-18, 1900-1910. 8°. [Continuation of : Arb. a. d. Inst. f. Anat. u. Physiol. d. Cen- tralnervensyst. an d. Wien. Univ.] Arbeiten aus der pâdiatrischen Klinik zu Leipzig. Leipzig. Hft. 2, 1894. 8°. [Repr. from: Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz., 1894, v. 38.] Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institut zu Berlin. Zur Feier der Vollendung der Instituts-Neubauten, hrsg. von Johannes Orth. Berlin. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institute zu Helsingfors (Finn- land). Hrsg. von E. A. Homen. Jena. 1902. 4°. Arbeiten aus dem pathologischen Institut der Universitat Hel- singfors (Finland). Berlin, v. 1, 1905. 8°. Arbeiten aus der pathologisch-anatomischen Abteilung des kô- nigl. hygienischen Instituts zu Posen. Herrn Geheimrat Pro- fessor Dr. R. Virchow zur Feier seines achtzigsten Geburts- tages gewidmet von Professor Dr. O. Lubarsch. Wiesbaden. 1 v. 1901. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem pharmazeutischen Institut der Universitat Berlin. Berlin, v. 1-5, 1904-8. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium der Zuricher Hochschule. [Zurich.] 1 v. 1898. 8°. Arbeiten aus der Privât-Frauenklinik von A. Mackenrodt. Ber- lin. Hft. 1-3, 1898. 8°. Arbeiten aus der psychiatrischen Klinik in Breslau. Leipzig. Hft. 2, 1895. 8°. Arbeiten aus der psychiatrischen Klinik zu Wiirzburg. Jena. Hft. 1-3, 1906-8. 8°. Arbeiten aus dem stàdtischen Krankenhause zu Frankfurt am Main. Festschrift der achtundsechzigsten Versammlung deut- scher Naturforscher und Aerzte gewidmet von dem Vorstand des stàdtischen Krankenhauses. Frankfurt a. M. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Arbeiten aus Dr. Unna's Klinik fur Hautkrankheiten in Ham- burg. 1895. Hrsg. von Dr. P. G. Unna. Berlin. 1892-3; 1895 to 1910-13. 8°. [19] Arb. z. lOjahr. Bestehen d. Kin- derasyls d. Stadt Berl. Arch. f. Anat., Leipz. Arch. de anat. [etc.], Lisb. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz. Arch. d'anat. micr., Par. Arch. di anat. pat., Palermo. Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg. Arch. d'anthrop. crim., Lyon & Par. Arch. per 1' antrop., Firenze. Arch. di antrop. crim. [etc.], Torino. Arch. ed atti d. Soc. ital. di chir. Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb. Arch. d. Balneoth. u. Hydroth., HaUe a. S. Arch. de biol. Arch. biol. naùk . . ., S.-Peterb. Arch. brasil. de med., Rio de Jan. Arch. brasil. de psychiat. [etc.], Rio de Jan. Arch. f. Chem. u. Mikrosk., Wien. Arch. clin, de Bordeaux. Arch. Clin. Skiagv, Lond. Arbeiten zum zehnjâhrigen Bestehen des Kinderasyls der Stadt Berlin. Heinrich Fmkelstein zugeeignet. Berlin. 1 v 1911. 8°. Archiv fur Anatomie. Anatomische Abteilung des Archives fur Anatomie und Physiologie. Leipzig. 1913-15. 8°. [Title, after 1912, of : Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch.] Archivo de anatomia e de anthropologia. Lisboa. 15. o . v. 1-3, 1912- Archiv fur Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. (Anatomi- sche Abteilung des Archives fur Anatomie und Physiologie ) Leipzig. 1877-1915. 8°. [In 1877, Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwck- lngsgesch., Leipz., united with this part. In 1913, "und Entwickelungsgeschichte" was droppea.] Archiv fur Anatomie und Physiologie. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch. Leipz.] [«See Arch. f. Anat. Also: Also: Arch. f. Physiol., Archives d'anatomie microscopique. Paris. Nos. 1-2, v. 16, 1914. 8°. v. 1-15, 1897-1913; Archivio di anatomia patologica e scienze affini. 1-2, 1905-6. 8°. Palermo. v. Braunschweig. v. 1-28, 1866-1903 Archiv fur Anthropologie. n. F., v. 1-14, 1903-15. Archives d'anthropologie criminelle, de criminologie et de psycho- logie normale et pathologique. Lyon; Paris, v. 1-29, 1886- 1914. 8°. [In 1912, "de criminologie" changed to "de méde- cine légale."] Archivio per 1' antropologia e la etnologia. Organo délia So- cietà italiana di antropologia e di etnologia. Firenze. v. 1, 1871; v. 3^4, 1873-1914. 8°. "[Want v. 2, 1872.] Archivio di antropologia criminale, psichiatria, medicina légale e scienze affini. Torino. v. 30-36, 1909-15. 8°. [Continua- tion of : Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino.] Archivio ed atti délia Società italiana di chirurgia Napoli. v. 1-25, 1882-3 to 1913. 8°. Archiv ftir Augenheilkunde. Wiesbaden. Roma; v. 8-79, 1879-1915. Archiv der Balneothérapie und Hydrothérapie. 1-2, 1897-1901. Halle a. S. v. Archivio di biologia. biol.] Firenze. [«See Sperimentale. Arch. di v. 1-28, 1880-1913; Archives de biologie. Gand; Liège & Paris Nos. 1-3, v. 29, 1914. 8°. Archiv biologicheskikh naûk izdavayemîy Imperatorskim Insti- tutom eksperimentalnoï meditsinî v S.-Peterburgïe. Archives des sciences biologiques, publiées par l'Institut impérial de médecine expérimentale à St.-Pétersbourg. v. 1-2, 4-18,1892- 1914. [In v. 1-2 Russian and French éditions were published side by side; beginning with v. 3 they are published sep- ara tely.] Archives bohèmes de médecine. [See Sborn. lek., v Praze.] [«See Sborn. klin., v Archives bohèmes de médecine clinique Praze] Archivos brasileiros de medicina. Rio de Janeiro 16. 8°. v. 1-6, 1911- Archivos brasileiros de psychiatria, neurologia e sciencias affins. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1-4, 1905-8. 8°. Archiv fur Chemie und Mikroskopie in ihrer Anwendung auf den ôffentlichen Verwaltungsdienst, und fur die einschlàgigen Gesetze, Verordnungen und Judikate. Wien. v. 7-8, 1914- 15. 8°. Archives cliniques de Bordeaux. Archives of Clinical Skiagraphy. By Sydney Rowland. Lon- don. v. 1, 1896-7. 4°. [Continued as: Arch. Roentg. Ray.] v. 1-7, 1892-8. By Sydney Rowland. [20] Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Wien & Leipz. Arch. Diagn., N. Y. Arch. de Doyen, Par. Arch. d'électrie méd. Arch. Electrol. & Radiol., Chi- cago. Arch. f. Entwcklngsmechn. d. Organ., Leipz. Arch. f. exper. u. klin. Phonet., Berl. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- makol., Leipz. Arch. di farm. e terap., Palermo. Arch. di farmacog. [etc.], Roma. Arch. di farmacol. sper., Roma. Arch. di fisiol., Firenze. Arch. f. Frauenk. u. Eugenik, Wurzb. Arch. gën. de chir., Par. Arch. gén. d. kinésithér., Par. Arch. gén. de méd., Par. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol. Arch. f. d. ges. Psychol., Leipz. Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med., Leipz. Arch. f. d. Gesch. d. Naturw. [etc.], Leipz. Arch. de ginecop., Barcel. Arch. f. Gynœk., Berl. Arch. de gynêe et de tocol., Par. Arch. f. Homoop. Arch. f. d. homoop. Heilk., Leipz. Arch. f. Hyg., Mu_chen & Berl. Arch. de hyg. e path. exotie, Lisb. Archiv fur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Wieu & Leipzig, v. 21- 122, 1889-1915. 8°. Archives (The) of Diagnosis. A quarterly journal deyoted to the stuay and the progress of diagnosis and prognosis. New York. v. 1-S, 1908-15. S0. Archives de Doyen: revue médico-chirurgicale illustrée. Paris. v. 1-2, 1910-12. S°. Archives d'électricité médicale expérimentales et cliniques. Bordeaux & Paris, v. 1-24, 1893-1916. 8°. Archives of Electrology and Radiology. Chicago, v. 4, 1904. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. Electro-Therap. & X-Ray Era. Merged in: Am. X-Ray J., and continued as: Am. J. Progr. Therap.] Archiv fur Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen. Leipzig. v. 1-41, 1894-5 to 1915. 8°. Archiv fur experimentelle und klinische Phonetik. Berlin, v. 1, 1913-14. 8°. Archiv fur experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. Leip- zig, v. 1-78, 1873-1915. 8°. Archivio di farmacologia e terapeutica. Palermo. v. 1-17,1893- 1911. 8°. Archivio di farmacognosia e scienze affini. Roma. Anni 1-5, 1912-16. 8°. Archivio di farmacologia sperimentale e science affini. Roma. v. 1-20, 1902-16. 8b. Archivio di fisiologia. Firenze. v. 1-13, 1903 to 1914-15. 8°. Archiv fur Frauenkunde und Eugenik. Wûrzburg. v. 1-2, 1914-15. 8°. Archives générales de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-7, 1907-13; Nos. 1-7, v. 8, 1914. 8°. Archives générales de kinésithérapie. (Ancienne Revue de cinésie.) Paris, v. 11-15, 1909-13; Nos. 1-2, v. 16, 1914. 8°. [Continuation of : Rev. de cinésie et d'électrothér.] Archives générales de médecine. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-30, 1823-32; 2. s., v. 1-15,1833-7; 3. s., v. 1-15,1838^2; 4. s., v. 1-32,1843- 52; 5. s., v. 1-20, 1853-62; 6. s., v. 1-30, 1863-77; 7. s., v. 1- 32, 1878-93; 8. s., v. 1-10, 1894-8; n. s., v. 1-8, 1899-1902; série hebdomadaire [8 v.], 1903-6; série "Centralblatt," 1907- 14. 8°. Archiv fur die gesamte Physiologie des Menschen und der Tiere (Pflùger's). Bonn. v. 1-162, 1868-1915. 8°. Archiv fur die gesamte Psychologie. Leipzig, v. 1-34, 1903- 15. 8°. Archiv fur Geschichte der Medizin. Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1907-8 to 1914-15. 8°. Archiv fur die Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften und der Tech- nik. Leipzig, v. 1-6, 1-908-9 to 1914-15. 8°. Archivos de ginecopatia, obstetricia y pediatrîa. Periôdico quincenal Uustrado. Barcelona. v. 7-28, 1894-1915. 8°. Archiv fur Gynsekologie. Berlin, v. 1-104, 1870-1915. 8°. Archives de gynécologie et de tocologie. Paris, v. 23,1896. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of : Arch. de tocol. et de gvnéc. Par' Ended.] 63 Archiv fur Homôopathie. Leipzig; Dresden. v. IS, 1891-9 8°. Archiv fur die homôopathische Heilkunst. Leipzig, v 1-17 1822-39. 8°. Archiv fur Hygiène. Munchen & Berlin, v. 1-84, 1883-1915. 8°. Archivos de hygiène o pathologia exoticas. Publicaçâo dirigida pela Escola de medicina tropical de Lisboa. Lisboa. v. 1-3, 1905-12. 8°. [Title changed to: Arq. de hig. e pat. exot.] [21] Arch. de l'Inst. roy. de bacté- riol. Camara Pestana, Lisb. Arch. Int. Med., Chicago. Arch. internac. de laringol., otol. [etc.], Par. Arch. internat, de chir., Gand. Arch. internat, de laryngol. [etc.], Par. Arch. internat, de méd. lé g., Brux. [etc.]. Arch. internat, de neurol., Par. Arch. internat, de pharmacod., Gand & Par. Arch. internat, de physiol.,Liège & Par. Arch. internaz. di med. e chir., NapoU. Arch. internaz. d. spee med.- chir., NapoU. Arch. ital. di anat. e di embriol., Firenze. Arch. ital. de biol. Arch. ital. di clin, med., Milano. Arch. ital. di ginee, NapoU. Arch. ital. di laringol., NapoU. Arch. ital. di med. int., Palermo. Arch. ital. di otol. [etc.]. Arch. f. Kinderh., Stuttg. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl. Arch. f. Krim.-Anthrop. u. Kri- minaUst., Leipz. Arch. lab. obshtsh. patol. p. Imp. Varshav. Univ. Arch. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Berl. Arch. lat. de med. y de biol., Ma- drid. Archives de l'Institut royal de bactériologie Camara Pestana. Lisbonne. [«See Arch. do r. Inst. bacteriol. Camara Pestana, Lisb.] Archives (The) of Internai Medicine. Chicago, v. 1-17, 1908- 16. 8°. Archivos internacionales de laringologia, otologîa, rinologia y de las enfermedades de las primeras vias respiratorias y digestivas. Paris, v. 1-2, 1890-91. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. lat. de rinol., laringol. [etc.], Barcel.] Archives internationales de chirurgie. Gand. v. 1-5, 1903-12; Nos. 1-4, v. 6, 1913-14. 8°. Archives internationales d'hygiène scolaire. [«See Internat. Arch. f. Schulhyg., Leipz.] Archives internationales de laryngologie, de rhinologie et d'otolo- gie. Paris, v. 4-36, 1891-1913; Nos. 1-3, v. 37, 1914. 8°. Archives internationales de médecine légale. Liège; Bruxelles. v. 1-4, 1910-13; Nos. 1-3, v. 5, 1914. 8°. Archives internationales de neurologie. Paris. 7. s., v. 1, Jan- uary to June, 1910; 8. s., v. 2, July to December, 1910; 9. s., v. 1-2,1911; 10. s., v. 1-2,1912; 11. s., v. 1-2,1913; 12. s., v. 1, January to June, 1914; No. 1, v. 2, July, 1914. 8°. [Continua- tion of : Arch. de neurol., Par.] Archives internationales de pharmacodynamie. Gand et Paris. v. 4-23, 1897-8 to 1913; Nos. 1-2, v. 24, 1914. 8°. [Continua- tion, in v. 4, 1897-8, of : Arch. de pharmacod., Gand et Par. In 1899 "et de thérapie" was added to title.] Archives internationales de physiologie. Liège & Paris, v. 1-13. 1904-13. 8°. Archivio internazionale di medicina e chirurgia. Napoli. v. 12- 23,1896-1907. 8°. [Continuation of : Arch. internaz. d. spee med.-chir., Napoli.] Archivio internazionale délie specialità medico-chirurgiche. Napoli. v. 7-11, 1891-5. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. internaz. di med. e chir.] Archivio italiano di anatomia e di embriologia. Firenze. v. 1- 13, 1902-3 to 1914-15. 8°. Archives italiennes de biologie. Rome; Turin et Florence; Pise. v. 1-63, 1882-1915. 8°. Archivio italiano di clinica médica. MUano. v. 32-36, 1893-7. 8°. [Continued as: Clin. med. ital.] Archivio italiano di ginecologia. Periodico bimestrale. Napoli. v. 1-17, 1898-1914. 8°. Archivii italiani di laringologia. Napoli. v. 1-35, 1881-1915. 8°. Archivio italiano di medicina interna. Palermo. v. 2-4, 1899- 1901. 8°. [Continuation of : Arch. di med. int.] Archivio italiano di otologia, rinologia e laringologia. Torino; Palermo. v. 1-27, 1893-1915. 8°. Archiv fur KinderheUkunde. Stuttgart, v. 1-64, 1890 to 1915. 8°. Archiv fur klinische Chirurgie. Berlin, v. 1-106, 1860 to 1914- 15. 8°. f Archiv fur Kriminal-Anthropologie und Kriminalistik. Leipzig. v. 1-63, 1898-9 to 1915. 8°. Archiv laboratorii obshtsheï patologii pri Imperatorskom Var- shavskom Universitetïe. [Archives of the laboratory of gênerai pathology at the Impérial Warsaw University.] Varshava. Pts. 1-3, 1893-6. 4°. Archiv fur Laryngologie und Rhinologie. Berlin, v. 1-29,1893- 1914. 8°. Archivos latinos de medicina y de biologia. Madrid, v. 1, 1903. roy. 8°. [22] Arch. lat. de rinol., laringol. [etc.], Barcel. Arch. latino-am. de pediat., Buenos Aires. Arch. f. Lichttherap. [etc.], Berl. Arch. de mal. de l'appar. di- gest. [etc.], Par. Arch. d. mal. du cœur [etc.], Par. Arch. de med., Lisb. Arch. méd. d'Angers. Arch. méd. belges, Brux. Arch. de méd. et chir. spée, Par. Arch. de méd. d. enf., Par. Arch. de méd. expér. et d'anat. path., Par. Arch. di med. int., Palermo. Arch. de méd. nav., Par. Arch. de méd. et pharm. mil., Par. Arch. de méd. et pharm. nav., Par. Arch. méd. de Toulouse. Arch. mens, d'obst. et de gynée, Par. Arch. Middlesex Hosp., Lond. Arch. f. rnikr. Anat., Bonn. Arch. néerl. d. se exactes [etc.]. Arch. de neurol., Par. Arch. Neurol. Path. Lab. Lond. County Asyl. Claybury, Lond., Arch. Neurol. & Psycho-Path., Utica. Arch. f. off .Gsndhtspng., Strassb. Arch. de oftal. hispano-am., Ma- drid. Archivos latinos (antes internacionales) de rinologia, laringologia, otologîa y de las enfermedades de las primeras vias respira- torias y aigestivas. Periédico mensual redactado en espanol, francésé italiano. Barcelona. v. 6-1 (i. 1895-1905. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Arch. de rinol., laringol., otol., Barcel.] Archivos latino-americanos de pediatria. Buenos Aires, v. 1-8, 1905-8; 1911-14. 8°. Archiv fur Lichttherapie und verwandte Gebiete. Berlin, v. 1-5, 1899-1904. 8°. Archives des maladies de l'appareil digestif et de la nutrition. Paris, v. 1-8, 1907-15. 8°. Archives des maladies du cœur, des vaisseaux et du sang. Paris. v. 1-9, 1908-16. 8°. Archivos de medicina. Lisboa. v. 1-2, 1897-8. 8°. Archives médicales d'Angers. Angers, v. 1-20, 1897-1916. 8°. Archives médicales belges. Bruxelles, v. 31-34, 1863-4; 2. s., v. 1-14, 1865-71; 3. s., v. 1^2, 1872-92; 4. s., v. 1-43, 1893- 1914; No. 1, v. 44, 1914. 8°. [Suspended.] Archives de médecine et de chirurgie spéciales, Paris, v. 1-11, 1900-1910. 8°. Archives de médecine des enfants. Paris, v. 1-19, 1898- 1916. 8°. Archives de médecine expérimentale et d'anatomie pathologique. Paris, v. 1-25, 1889-1913; Nos. 1-6, v. 26, 1914-15. 8°. Archivio di medicina interna. Palermo. v. 1, 1898; Nos. 1-2, v. 2, 1899. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. ital di med. int.] Archives de médecine navale. Paris, v. 1-100,1864-1913; Nos. 1-2, v. 101, 1914. 8° [After 1911, title is: Arch. de méd. et pharm. nav.] Archives de médecine et de pharmacie miUtaires, publiées par ordre du Ministre de la guerre. Paris, v. 1-63, 1883-1913; Nos. 1-7, v. 65, 1916. 8°. Archives de médecine et de pharmacie navales. Paris. [Title, after 1911, of : Arch. de méd. nav.] Archives médicales de Toulouse. Toulouse, v. 1-20, 1895- 1913; Nos. 1-12, v. 21, 1914. 8°. [Succeeded: Midi méd., Toulouse] Archives mensuelles d'obstétrique et de gynécologie. Paris. v. 1^4, 1912-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Obstétrique, Par.] • Archives of the Middlesex Hospital. London. v. 1-17, 1902-9; v. 19-28, 1909-13; v. 30, 1913; v. 32-33, 1913-14. 8°. Archiv fur mikroskopische Anatomie. Bonn. v. 1-87, 1865- 1915. 8°. [In v. 44 the words"und Entwickelungsgeschichte" were added to title.] Archives néerlandaises des sciences exactes et naturelles. Publiées par la Société hollandaise des sciences à Harlem. La Haye. v. 1-30, 1866-97; 2. s., v. 1-15, 1897-1910; 3. s., v. 1-3, 1911-15. 8°. [Beginning with 3. s., published in two sections: A, Sciences exactes; B,.Sciences naturelles.] Archives de neurologie. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-30, 1880-95; 2. s., v. 1-22, 1896-1906; 3. s., v. 1-2, 1907; 4. s., v. 1-2; 1908; 5. s., v. 1, January to June, 1909; 6. s., v. 2, July to December, 1909. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. internat, de neurol., Par.] Archives of Neurology from the Pathological Laboratory of the London County Asylums, Claybury, Sussex. London. v. 1-2, 1900-1903. 8°. Archives of Neurology and Psycho-Pathology. Utica, N. Y. v. 1-3,1898-1901. 8°. [Continuation of : State Hosp. Bull.] Archiv fur ôffentliche Gesundheitspflege in Elsass-Lothringen. Strassburg. v. 1-22, 1876-1903. 8°. Archivos de oftalmologfa hispano-americanos. Madrid, v. 1- 15, 1901-15. 8°. [23] Arch. di oftalmojat., Pavia. Arch. f. Ohrenh. Arch. f. Ohren-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh., Leipz. Arch. d'opht., Par. Arch. f. Ophth. Arch. Ophth., N. Y. Arch. orient, de méd. et de chir., Par. Arch. f. Orthop. [etc.], Wiesb. Arch. di ortop., Milano. Arch. di ostet. e ginee, NapoU. Arch. Otol., N. Y. Arch. di ottal. Arch. de parasitol., Par. Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], Berl. Arch. di patol. e clin, infant., NapoU. Arch. Pediat. Arch. d. Pharm. Arch. f. Pharm. og Chem., Kj0- benh. Arch. de pharmacod., Gand & Par. Arch. Philos., Psychol. [etc.], N. Y. Arch. f. phys. Med. u. med. Techn., Leipz. Arch. f. phys.-diâtet. Therap., Berl. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz., Arch. de physiol. norm. et path., Par. Arch. Physiol. Therapy, Bost. Arch. de la PoUcUn., Habana. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk., Leipz. Archivio di oftalmojatria, diretto dal Prof. Francesco Falchi. Pavia. v. 1-2, 1913-15. 8°. Archiv fur Ohrenheilkunde. Wurzburg; Leipzig, v. 1-97, 1864-1915. 8°. [After 1873 pubUshedat Leipzig. Continued as: Arch. f. Ohren-, Nasen- u. Kehlkopfh.] Archiv fur Ohren-, Nasen- und Kehlkopfheilkunde sowie die angrenzenden Gebiete. Fruheres Archiv fur Ohrenhenkunde gegrùndet 1864. Leipzig, v. 98, 1915. 8°. Archives d'ophtalmologie. Paris, v. 1-34,1880 to 1914-15. 8°. Archiv fur Ophthalmologie (Albrecht von Graefe's). BerUn; Leipzig, v. 1-89, 1854-1915. 8°. [After 1887, published at Leipzig.] Archives of Ophthalmology. New York. v. 8-45, 1879-1916. 8°. [Continuation of the ophthalmological part of: Arch. Ophth. & Otol., N. Y.] Archives orientales de médecine et de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-3, 1899-1901. 8°. Archiv fur Orthopâdie, Mechanotherapie und Unfallchirurgie. Wiesbaden. v. 1-14, 1903-15. roy. 8°. Archivio di ortopedia. Milano. v. 1-31, 1884-1914. 8°. Archivio di ostetricia e ginecologia. NapoU. v. 1-14, 1894- 1907; 2. s., v. 1, 1908. Archives of Otology. New York. v. 8-37, 1879-1908. 8°. Archivio di ottalmologia. Giornale mensile. Palermo, 1893- 1909; NapoU, 1909-15. v. 1-22, 1893-1915. 8°. Archives de parasitologie. Paris, v. 1-15,1898-1913; Nos. 1-3, v. 16, 1913-14. 8°. Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. BerUn. [«See Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.].] Archivio di patologia e clinica infantile. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. Archives (The) of Pediatrics. A monthly journal devoted to the diseases of infants and children. Jersey City, N. J., 1884; Philadelphia, 1884-91; New York, 1892-1915. v. 1-33, 1884- 1916. 8°. Archiv der Pharmacie, hrsg. vom deutschen Apotheker-Verein. Hannover, 1839-67; Halle, 1868-87; BerUn, 1888-1915. 2. Reihe, v. 17-150, 1839-72; 3. Reihe, v. 1-27, 1872-89; v. 228-253, 1890-1915. sm. 8°. Archiv for Pharmaci og Chemi. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-9,1894-1902. 8°. Archives de pharmacodynamie. Gand [et] Paris, v. 1-3,1894-7. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. internat, de pharmacod., Gand & Par.] Archives of Philosophy, Psychology, and Scientific Methods. New York. Nos. 1-8, 1905-6. 8*. Archiv fur physikalische Medizin und medizinische Technik. Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1905-13. 8°. Archiv fur physikalisch-diâtetische Thérapie in der ârztlichen Praxis. BerUn. v. 1-17, 1899-1915. 8°. Archiv fur Physiologie. (Physiologische AbteUung des Archives fur Anatomie und Physiologie.) Leipzig. 1877-1915. 8°. Archives de physiologie normale et pathologique. Paris, v. 1-5, 1868-73; 2. s., v. 1-10, 1874-82; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1883-7; 4. s., v. 1-2, 1888; 5. s., v. 1-10, 1889-98. 8°. [Continued as: J. de physiol. et de path. gén.] Archives (The) of Physiological Therapy. Boston, v. 1-4, 1905-6. roy. 8°. [Continued as: J. Inebriety.] Archivos de la PoUclfnica. Habana. v. 1-8,1892-1900. 8°. Archiv der praktischen Arzneykunst fur Aerzte, Wundarzte und Apotheker. Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1785-7. 8°. [24] Arch. f. Protistenk., Jena. Arch. prov. de chir., Par. Arch. prov. de méd., Par. Arch. di psichiat. [etc.], Torino. Arch. d. psicopat. sess. Arch. psikhiat. [etc.]. Arch. de psiquiat. y crirninol., Buenos Aires. Arch. f. Psychiat., Berl. Arch. de psychol., Genève. Arch. Psychol., N. Y. Arch. Pub. Health Lab. Univ. Manchester. Arch. do r. Inst. bacteriol. Ca- mara Pestana, Lisb. Arch. Radiol. & Electroth., Lond. Arch. f. Rassen- u. Gesellsch.- Biol., Berl. Arch. f. Rettungswes. [etc.], Berl. Arch. de rinol., laringol., otol., Barcel. Arch. Roentg. Ray, Lond. Arch. d. se biol. . . ., St.-Pétersb. Arch. per le se med., Torino. Arch. d. se méd. ... de Buca- rest, Par. Arch. se di med. vet., Torino. Arch. di se osp., Bergamo. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Cassel. Arch. scient, d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino. Archiv ftir Protistenkunde. Jena. v. 1-35, 1902-15. 8 . Archives provinciales de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-22, 1892-1913. 8°. \rchives provinciales de médecine. Paris, v. 1-2, 1899-1900. 8°. Archivio di psichiatria, antropologia criminale e scienze penali, oer servire allô studio dell' uomo alienato e delinquente. lo- rinoeRoma. v. 1-29, 1880-1908. 8°. [In 1881 title became: Archivio di psichiatria,, scienze penaU ed antropologia crimi- nale, [etc.] In 1904 title became: Archivio di psichiatria, neur'opatologia, antropologia criminale e medicina légale. Continued as: Arch. di antrop. crim. [etc.], Tonne] Archivio délie psicopatie sessuaU. Rivista quindicinale di psico- logia, psicopatologia umana e comparata di medicina légale e°di psichiatria forense. Roma; Napoli. v. 1, 1896. 8°. [Continued as: Riv. quindicin. di psicol. [etc.], Roma.] Archiv psikhiatrii, nevrologii i sudebnoï psikhopatologn. Khar- kov; Varshava; S.-Peterburg. v. 1-32, 1883-99. 8°. Archivos de psiquiatria y criminologfa. Buenos Aires, v. 2-5, 1903-6. 8°. Archiv fur Psychiatrie und Nervenkrankheiten. BerUn. v. 1-55, 1868-1914. 8°. Archives de psychologie. Genève, v. 1-15, 1902-15. 8°. Archives of Psychology. New York. v. 1, 1906-8. 8°. Archives of the Public Health Laboratory of the University of Manchester. Manchester, v. 1, 1906. 8°. Archivos do real Instituto bacteriologico Camara Pestana. Lis- bonne, v. 1-3, 1906-12. 8°. [No. 1, v. 1, also published in French. In January, 1911, "real" was dropped from title. Continued as: Arq. do Inst. bact. Camara Pestana, Lisb.] Archives of Radiology and Electrotherapy. London. v. 20, 1915-16. 4°. [Continuation of : Arch. Roentg. Ray.] Archiv fur Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Biologie, einschliesslich Rassen- und Gesellschafts-Hygiene. Berlin, v. 1-11, 1904 to 1914-15. 8°. Archiv fur Rettungswesen und erste àrztliche Hilfe. Schrift- leiter: GeorgMeyer. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1912-13 to 1914-15. 8°. Archivos de rinologia, laringologia, otologîa. Barcelona. v. 17- 26, 1906-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Arch. lat. de rinol., larin- gol. [etc.], Barcel.] Archives of the Roentgen Ray. (Formerly Archives of Skiag- raphy.) London, v. 2-19,1897 to 1914-15. 4°. [Continued as: Arch. Radiol. & Electroth.., Lond.] Archives de sciences biologiques publiées par l'Institut impérial de médecine expérimentale à St.-Pétersbourg. v. 3-18, 1895- 1914. 4°. [«See, also, Arch. biol. naùk . . ., S.-Peterb.] Archivio per le scienze mediche. Torino. v. 1-39, 1876-1915. 8°. Archives des sciences médicales. Organe de l'Institut d'anatomie et de chirurgie et de l'Institut de pathologie et de bactériologie de Bucarest. Paris, v. 1-5, 1896-1900. 8°. Archivio scientifico di medicina veterinaria. Torino. v. 11-13, 1913-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Arch. scient, d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital.] Archivio di scienza ospedaliera. Bergamo. v. 1-5,1911-15. 8°. Archiv fur Schiffs- und Tropen-Hygiene, unter besonderer Berûcksichtigung der Pathologie und Thérapie. Cassel. v 1- 19, 1897-1915. 8°. [«See, also, Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg.] Archivio scientifico délia reale Società ed Accademia veterinaria italiana, Torino. v. 1-10, 1903-12. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. se di med. vet.] [25] Arch. f. Sexualforsch., Heidelb. Arch. Skiag., Lond. Arch. de la Soc. estud. clin, de la Habana. Arch. f. soz. Hyg. [etc.], Leipz. Arch. f. soz. Hyg. u. Demog., Leipz. Arch. f. soziale Gesetzgeb. u. Statist. Arch. f. soziale Med. u. Hyg., Leipz. Arch. f. Sozialwissensch. [etc.], Tiibing. & Leipz. Arch. f. Stadthyg. [etc.], Berl. Arch. suisse d'anthrop. gén., Genève. Arch. de terap. de 1. enferm. nerv. y ment., Barcel. Arch. de tocol. et de gynée, Par. Arch. f. UnfaUheilk., Stuttg. Arch. urol. de la Clin, de Nec- ker, Par. Arch. f. Verdauungskr., Berl. Arch. f. vergleich. Ophthalmol., Leipz. Arch. vet. nauk, S.-Peterb. Arch. f. Volkswohlf., Berl. Arch. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Tierh., Berl. Arch. f. ZeUforsch., Leipz. Arch. zool., NapoU. Arch. de zool. expér. et gén. Hist. nat. [etc.], Par. Arch. de zool. expér. et gén. Notes et rev., Par. Arizona M. J., Phoenix. Archiv fur Sexualforschung. Herausgegeben im Auftrag der Internationalen Gesellschaft fur Sexualforschung, von Dr. Max Marcus. Heidelberg. v. 1, 1915. 8°. Archives of Skiagraphy. [Title, after No. 3, v. 1, of : Arch. Clin. Skiag., Lond.] Archivos de la Sociedad de estudios clinicos de la Habana. v. 5-22, 1890-92 to 1915. 8°. Archiv fur soziale Hygiène; mit besonderer Berûcksichtigung der Gewerbehygiene und Medizinalstatistik. Leipzig, v. 6-8, 1910-13. 8°. [Continuation of : Ztschr. f. soziale Med. Con- tinued as: Arch. f. soz. Hyg. u. Demog.] Archiv fur soziale Hygiène und Démographie. Leipzig, v. 9-11, 1914-15. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Archiv fur soziale Gesetzgebung und Statistik. Tubingen. v. 1- 18, 1889-1903. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. f. Sozialwissensch. [etc.].] Archiv fur soziale Medizin und Hygiène. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1904-5. 8°. [Continuation of: Monatschr. f. soziale Med. Continued as: Soziale Med. u. Hyg.] Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Sozialpolitik. Tubingen & Leipzig, v. 19-40, 1904 to 191^15. 8°. [Continuation of: Arch. f. soziale Gesetzgeb. u. Statist.] Archiv fur Stadthygiene. Amtliches Organ der Deutschen Ge- sellschaft fur Stadthygiene. Berlin, v. 1-4, 1910-13. 8°. [Continued as: Ztschr. f. Kommunal-Hyg.] Archives suisses d'anthropologie générale. Genève. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1914.' 8°. Archivos de terapéutica de las enfermedades nerviosas y men- tales. Barcelona. v. 1-6, 1903-8. 8°. Archives de tocologie et de gynécologie. Paris, v. 18-22,1891-5. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. de gynée et de tocol.] Archiv fur Unfallheilkunde, Gewerbehygiene und Gewerbe- krankheiten. Stuttgart, v. 1-3, 1896-1901. 8°. [Ended.] Archives urologiques de la Clinique de Necker, publiées par F. Legueu. Paris. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1913-14. 4°. Archiv fur Verdauungs-Krankheiten mit Einschluss der Stoff- wechselpathologie und der Diâtetik. Berlin, v. 1-21, 1895- 1915. 8°. Archiv fur vergleichende Ophthalmologie. Leipzig, v. 1-A, 1909-14. 8°. Archiv veterinarnîkh nauk, izdavayemîy pri meditsinskom De- partmentïe Ministerstva Vnutrennikh Dïel. [Archives of Vet- erinary Medicine, issued by the médical department of the Ministry of the Interior.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-11, 1871-81; v. 19-44, 1889-1914. 8°. Archiv fur Volkswohlfahrt. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1907-10. 8°. [Merged in: Soziale Praxis, forming: Soz. Prax. u. Arch. f. Volkswohlf.] Archiv fur wissenschaftliche und praktische TierheUkunde. Berlin, v. 1-41, 1875-1915. 8°. Archiv fur Zellforschung. Leipzig v. 1-14, 1908-15. 8°. Archivio zoologico. Pubblicato sotto gli auspicii délia Unione zoologica italiana. Napoli. v. 1-7, 1902-3 to 1914. 8°. Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale. Histoire natu- relle, morphologie, histologie, évolution des animaux. Paris. v. 1-10, 1872-82; 2. s., v. 1-10, 1883-92; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1893- 1902; 4. s., v. 1-10, 1903-9; 5. s., v. 1-10, 1910 to 1912-13; v. 51-54, 1912-13 to 1914-15. 8°. Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale. Notes et revue. Paris. 4. s., v. 5-10, 1906-9; 5. s., v. 1-10, 1910 to 1912-13; v. 51-54, 1912-13 to 1914. 8°. Arizona Médical Association. [«See Tr. Arizona M. Ass.] Arizona Médical Journal. Phoenix. v. 1-4, 1912-13 to 1916. 8°. Arkansas Médical Society. [«See Proc. Arkansas M. Soc] [26] Arkh. na Minist. Nar. Prosv., Soflya. Arq. de hig. e pat. exotie Arq. do Inst. bact. Camara Pestana, Lisb. Àrsberâtt. f. Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors. Art méd., Anvers. Art méd., Par. Arte med., NapoU. Arte ostet., Milano. Artz, of geneesh., Amst. Arzt, Hamb. Arzt als Erzieher, Munchen. Arzt im Hause, Berl. Ass. franc, p. l'avance, d. se C.-r., Par. Ass. franc, de chir. Proe-verb. [etc.], Par. Ass. franc, d'urol. Proe-verb., Par. Arkhiv na Ministerstvoto na Nar. Prosvïeshtehenive [Archives of the Ministrv of Public Instruction.] Sofiva. * v. 1-3, 1909- 11. 8°. Arquivos de higiene e patologia exoticas. Lisboa. y. 4, 1913. 8°. [v. 1-3, under title: Arch. de hyg. e path. exotie] Arquivos do Institut» bacteriologico Camara Pestana. Lisbonne. v. 4, 1913-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Arch. do r. Inst. bac- teriol. Camara Pestana.] Irsberattelse frân Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors for âr 1897. Hel- singfors. 1898. 8°. Art (L') médical. Bulletin de la Société des médecins de l'Hôpital Louise-Marie d'Anvers, v. 5-6, 1912-13; Nos. 1-6, v. 7, 1914. 8°. Art (L') médical. Journal de médecine générale et de médecine pratique. Paris, v. 1-115, 1855-1912. 8°. [Want v. 36-37, 1873.] Arte (L') médica. Giornale settimanale Ulustrato. Napoli. v. 1-4, 1899-1902. 8°. [Ended.] Arte (L') ostetrica. Giornale per i medici e per le levatrici. Mi- lano. v. 13-30, 1899-1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Gior. p. le levatrici.] Artz (De), of genees-heer; in aangenaame spectatoriaale vertoo- gen, op eene klaare en eenvoudige wyze leerende, wat men moet doen om gezond, lang, en gelukkig te leven. Amster- dam, v. 1-12, 1765-71. 8°. Arzt (Der). Eine medicinische Wochenschrift. Neueste Aus- gabe. Hamburg. v. 1-6, 1769. 8°. Arzt (Der) als Erzieher. Blàtter fur naturgemàsse Lebensfuh- rung in gesunden und kranken Tagen. Munchen. v. 1-11, 1905-15. fol. Arzt (Der) im Hause, ein Rathgeber fur Gesunde und Kranke. Berlin, v. 2-3, 1901-2. fol. Asamblea régional de médicos y farmacéuticos de FiUpinas. [«See Mem. y comunie de la 1. Asamblea reg. de méd. y farm. de FiUpinas.] Asociacion médica de Puerto Rico. Puerto-Rice] Asociacion médico-farmacéutica de la Isla de Cuba. Asoe méd.-farm.....de Cuba, Habana.] Asociatiuneï générale a medicilor dïn térà. [«See Bul. Asoc. gen. a med. Also: Bul. med., Bucurescï.] Association of American Médical Collèges. [See Proc. Ass. Am. M. Coll. Also: Tr. Ass. Am. M. Coll.] Association des anatomistes. [«See Compt. rend, de l'Ass. d. anat.] Association corporative des étudiants en médecine de Paris. [See Rev. de déontol. [etc.], Par.] Association française pour l'avancement des sciences. Comptes- rendus. Sessions 1-30, 1872-1901. Paris, roy. 8°. To re- place abbreviation in v. 16 [1. s.], Index-Catalogue, reading: Assoc. . . .] Association française de chirurgie. 7.-25. Congrès de chirurgie. Procès-verbaux, mémoires et discussions. Paris, v. 7-24, 1893-1912. 8°. [Continuation of: Cong. franc, de chir. Proe- verb. [etc.], Par. To replace abbreviation in v. 16 [1. s.], Index-Catalogue, reading: Assoc. . . .] Association française pour l'étude du cancer. [«See Bull, de l'Ass. franc, p. l'étude du cancer. Also Rev. du cancer, Par.] Association française d'urologie. Procès-verbaux, mémoires et discussions. Paris, v. 1-15, 1896-1911. 8°. Association of Hospital Superintendents. [«See Tr. Ass. Hosp. Superintend.] Association de l'Institut Marey. [«See Trav. Assoc. de l'Inst. Ma- rey, Par.] [«See Bol. Asoc. méd. de [«Sec Rev. [27] Ass. M. J., Lond. Assain. et salub. de l'habitat. C.-r. ... 2. Cong. internat. . . . 1906, Par. Assistance, Par. Assistance fam., Par. Assistance pub., Par. Atlanta Clinic. Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med. Atlanta M. & S. J. Atlantic M. Weekly, Providence. Association internationale des médecins-experts de compagnies d'assurances. [«See BuU. de l'Ass. internat, d. méd.-exp. de comp. d'assur., Brux.] Association internationale d'urologie. [«See Cong. de l'Ass. inter- nat, d'urol., Par.] Association of Life Insurance Présidents. [«See Proc. Ass. Life Insur. Près., N. Y.] Association Médical Journal. Edited for the Provincial Médical and Surgical Association, by J. R. Cormack. Being a new séries of: Prov. M. & S. J., Lond. 7 v., 1853-6. roy. 8°. [Want pp. 429-430, also, 717-718, 1853. Continued as: Brit. M. J., Lond.] [To replace abbreviation in v. 16 [1. s.], Index-Cata- logue, reading: Assoc. . . .] Association of Médical Librarians. [«See Bull. Ass. M. Librar., Balt.] Association médico-chirurgicale des accidents du travail. [«See Bull, méd.-chir. d. accid. du travail.] Association of MiUtary Surgeons of the United States. [«See Mil. Surgeon, CarUsle, Pa.] Association of Physicians of Long Island. [«See Tr. Ass. Phy- sicians Long Island.] Associazione italiana per 1' igiene délia scuola. [«See Igiene d. scuola.] Associazione médica mantovana. [«See Boll. d. Ass. med. mantov., Mantova.] Associazione médica tridentina. [«See Boll. d. Ass. med. triden- tina, Trente Also: Boll. med. trentino.] Associazione medico-chirurgica calabrese. [«See Boll. d. Ass. med.-chir. calabrese, Catanzare] Associazione medico-chirurgica di Parma. [«See Rendie d. Ass. med.-chir. di Parma.] Associazione nazionale dei medici condotti. [«See Boll. d. Ass. naz. d. med. condotti, Milano.] Associazione nazionale dei medici ospitalieri. [«See Fracastoro.] Associazione oftalmologica italiana. [«See Rendie d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital., Pavia.] Associazione romana per la cura medico-pedagogica dei fanciulU anormali e deficienti poveri. [«See Boll. d. Ass. rom. p. la cura med.-pedagog. dei fanciuUi anormali [etc.], Roma. Also: Infanzia anormale, Milano.] Associazione sanitaria milanese. [See AttuaUtà med., Milano. Also: Boll. d. Ass. san milanese.] Assainissement et salubrité de l'habitation. Compte-rendu des travaux du deuxième Congrès international tenu à Genève du 4 au 10 septembre 1906. Paris. 1 y. 1907. 8°. [«See, also, Cong. internat, d assain. ... de l'habitat. C. r.] Assistance (L'). Bulletin officiel de la PolicUnique de Paris. v. 1-6, 1891-6. 8°. [Continued as: Assistance pub.] Assistance (L') familiale. Revue internationale bi-mensuelle. Paris, v. 11,1902. 8°. [Continuation of: Assistance pub.] Assistance (L') publique. Paris. 2. s., v. 7-10, 1897-1901. 8°. [Continuation of: Assistance, Par. Continued as: Assistance fam., Par.] Atlanta (The) CUnie Atlanta, Ga. v. 2-7,1894-7. 8°. Atlanta Journal-Record of Medicine. Atlanta, v. 1-12, 1899- 1900 to 1909-10; v. 56-62, 1910-11 to 1915-16. 8°. [Formed, in April, 1899, by union of: Atlanta M. & S. J. and South. M. Ree, Atlanta.] Atlanta Médical and Surgical Journal. Atlanta, Ga. N. s. [3.], v. 1-16, 1884-5 to 1898-9. 8°. [Merged in: South. M. Ree, forming: Atlanta Jour.-Rec. Med.] Atlantic (The) Médical Weekly. Providence, R. I. v. 3-10, 1895-8. 8°. [28] Atlas d. path. Histol. d. Nerven- syst., Berl. Atti d. Accad. med.-fis. fiorent., Firenze. Atti Accad. d. se med. e nat. in Ferrara. Atti d. Ass. med. lomb., Milano. Atti d. clin, oto-rino-laringoiat. d. r. Univ. di Roma. Atti d. Cong. d. Federaz d. soc. ital. d' ig., Palermo. Atti d. Cong. per l'ig. d. aUattam. d. prima inf., Firenze. Atti d. Cong. internaz. dei pa- tol., Torino. Atti d. Cong. internaz. di psicol., Roma. Atti d. Cong. interprov. san. d. alta ItaUa. Atti d. Cong. ital. p. 1' educaz. fis., NapoU. Atti d. 1° Cong. ital. di radiol. med., Pavia. Atti d. u. Cong. med. internaz. per gl' infortuni d. lavoro, | Roma. Atti d. Cong. med. interprov. d. Lomb. e d. Veneto. Atti d. Cong. naz. d' ig. [etc.], Torino. Atti d. Cong. naz. p. l'ig. d. aUat- tamento mercen. [etc.], Mi- lano. Atti d. Cong. naz. "Pro inf.," To- rino. Atti d. Cong. naz. . . . contro la tubere, Firenze. Atti d. Cong. naz. vet. di Torino. Atti d. Cong. pediat. ital. Atti d. Cong. peUagrol. inter- prov., Udine. Atti d. Cong. peUagrol. ital., Udine. Atti Cong. région. Ugure, Ge- nova. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di neurol., Roma. Atti d. Conveg. med. interprov. d. regione Lomb.-Veneta. Atlas der pathologischen Histologie des Nervensvstems. ïïrsg. von V. Babes, P. Blocq [et al.]. BerUn. Lfc ï-9. 1892-1903. roy. 8°. Atti délia Academia medico-fisica florentina. Firenze. 1S72^4; 1901; 1909-13. 8°. Atti délia Accademia délie scienze mediche e naturaU in Ferrara. v. 67-SS, 1894 to 1913-14. 8°. Atti délia Associazione medica lombarda. Milano. 7v. 1891-7. 8°. Atti délia cUnica oto-rino-laringoiatrica deUa r. Università di Roma. Roma. v. 1-10, 1903-12. 8°. Atti del iv. Congresso délia Federazione délie società itaUane d'igiene tenuto in Palermo dal 16 al 21 maggio 1892. [Reprint from: Boll. d. Soc. d' ig. di Palermo, vi, fase 5-7.] Palermo. 1 v., 1893. 8°. [Continuation of: Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' ig. Atti.] Atti del Congresso per l'igiene dell' allattamento e la tutela délia prima infanzia. 2., 1901. Firenze. 1 v. 1903. 8°. [«See, also, Atti d. Cong. naz. p. 1' ig. d. allattamento mercen. [etc.].] Atti del Congresso internazionale dei patologi. 1911. Torino. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Atti del Congresso internazionale di psicologia. 5., 1905. Roma. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Atti del Congresso interprovinciale sanitario dell' alta ItaUa. Mantova; Udine; Venezia. 3 v. 1903-5. 8°. Atti del Congresso italiano per 1' educazione fisica. 1., 1900. Napoli. lv. 1902. 8°. Atti del 1° Congresso itaUano di radiologia medica, Milano, 12-13- 14 ottobre 1913. Pavia, 1914. 4°. Atti del ii. Congresso médico internazionale per gl' infortuni del lavoro. Roma. v. 1 & 2. 1909. 8°. Atti del Congresso médico interprovinciale deUa Lombardia e del Veneto. 1896. Bergamo. v. 4, 1897. 8°. [«See, also, Atti d. Conveg. med. interprov. d. Lomb.-Veneta.] Atti del Congresso nazionale d' igiene, promosso dalla Società piemontese d' igiene. 1898-9. Torino; Como. 2 v. 1899- 1900. 8°. Igiene deUa prima infanzia. L' allattamento mercenario e la salute del bambino. Atti del primo Congresso nazionale per 1' igiene dell' allattamento mercenario, indetto dalla Pia istitu- zione prowidenza baliatica, tenuto in Milano nei giorni 8-10 aprile 1899. L' esposizione d'igiene infantile. Milano, aprile- maggiol899. Milano. lv. 1900. 8°. [«See, also, Atti d. Cong. per 1' ig. d. allattam. d. prima inf.] Atti del Congresso nazionale "Pro infantia." 1902. Torino 1 v. 1903. 8°. Atti del ii9 Congresso nazionale per la lotta sociale contro la tubercolosi, Firenze, 10-14 ottobre 1909. Firenze. v. 1, 1910. 8°. Atti del Congresso nazionale veterinario di Torino. 8-11 settem- bre 1898. Torino. 1 v. 1898. 8°. Atti del Congresso pediatrico itaUano. [v. p.l v. 1-2, 1891-2- v. 4-5, 1904-6; v. 7-8, 1912-14. Atti del primo Congresso pellagrologico interprovinciale. Udine. lv. 1899. 8°. Atti del Congresso pellagrologico italiano. Udine. v. 2-5,1902- 1912. 8°. Atti del Congresso médico régionale Ugure. Genova. v. 1-4, 1895-8. 8°. [«See, also, Cong. med. région, ligure. Atti.] Atti del iii. Congresso deUa Società itaUana di neurologia, 1911 Roma. v. 1, 1912. 8°. Atti del Convegno médico interprovinciale deUa regione Lom- bardo-Veneta. 1897. Vicenza. v. 5, 1898. 8°. ï«See, also, Atti d. Cong. med. interprov. d. Lomb. e d. Veneto.] [29] Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena. Atti d. r. Accad. med.-chir. di NapoU. Atti d. r. Accad. d. se med. in Palermo. Atti d. r. Ist. d' incorag. di Na- poU. Atti r. Ist. d' incorag. a. se nat. . . . di NapoU. Atti r. Ist. Veneto di se, lett. ed arti. Atti d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano. Atti e rendie d. Accad. med.- chir. di Perugia. Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginee Atti d. Soc. ital. di patol., Pavia. Atti d. Soc. ital. di se nat., Mi- lano. Atti d. Soc. ital. di storia crit. d. se med. e nat. Atti d. Soc. lomb. di se med. e biol., Milano. Atti di Soc. med. leg. in Roma. Atti d. Soc. piemont. d' ig., To- rino. Atti d. Soc. rom. di antrop., Roma. Atti d. Soc. p. g. studi d. mala- ria, Roma. AttuaUtà med., Milano. AugenheUanst. in Basel. Jah- resb. Austral. Inst. Trop. Med. Rep., Lond. Austral. J. Dent., Melbourne. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. Australas. M. Cong. Tr., Adé- laïde. Australas. M. Gaz., Sydney. Atti deUa real Accademia dei fisiocritici di Siena. Siena. 2. s., v. 3, 1868; v. 6, 1870 (Cl. d. se mor.); 2. s., v. 7, 1870 (Cl. d. se fis.). 4. s., v. 1-20, 1889-1908; 5. s., v. 1-4, 1909-12; 6. s., v. 5, 1913. 8°. Atti deUa r. Accademia medico-chirurgica di NapoU fondata nel 1818. Nuova série Napoli. v. 46-68. 1892-1914. 8°. Atti deUa r. Accademia délie scienze mediche in Palermo. Pa- lermo. 10 v. 1889-1903. 8°. Atti del reale Istituto d' incoraggiamento di Napoli. Napoli. 4. s., v. 9-11, 1896-8; 5. s., v. 1-5, 1899-1903; 6. s., v. 1, 1904. fol. Atti del reale Istituto d' incorragiamento aile science naturaU, economiche e tecnologiche di Napoli. 2. s., v. 8, pt. 2; v. 9-17, 1872-80; 3. s., v. 3-5, 1884-86. fol. [Continued as: Atti d. r. Ist. d' incorag. di Napoli.] Atti d al reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Venezia. 3. s., v. 14-17, 1868-70; 4. s., v. 1-3, 1871-4; 5. s., v. 1-8, 1874- 82; 6. s., v. 1-7, 1882-9; 7. s., v. 1-10, 1889-98; 8. s., v. 1-13, 1899-1911. 8°. Atti deUa reale Società itaUana d' igiene dal 29 dicembre 1895 ail' 8 luglio 1896. Milano. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Atti e rendiconti deUa Accademia medico-chirurgica di Perugia. v. 1-12, 1889-1900. 8°. Atti deUa Società italiana di ostetricia e ginecologia. [v. p.] v. 1-4, 1895-7; 7-10, 1900-1904; v. 17, 1912. 8°. Quarta riunione. Pavia. Milano. v. 21, Atti deUa Società italiana di patologia. lv. 1906. 8°. Atti deUa Società itaUana di scienze naturali. 1878-9. 8°. Atti délia Società italiana di storia critica délie scienze mediche e naturali. Faenza; Venezia. v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. Atti deUa Società lombarda di scienze mediche e biologiche. Milano. v. 1-4, 1912 to 1914-15. 8°. Atti deUa Società di medicina légale sede in Roma. Roma. v. 2- 6, 1909-14. 8°. Atti deUa 1895-7. Società piemontese d' igiene. Torino. v. 1-3, v. 1-15, Roma. Atti deUa Società romana di antropologia 1893-1910. 8°. Atti deUa Società per gli studi deUa malaria. Roma. v. 1-13, 1899-1912. 8°. AttuaUtà (L') medica, organo scientifico e di classe dell' Associa- zione sanitaria milanese. Milano. v. 1-5, 1912-16. 8°. Augenheilanstalt in Basel. Jahresberichte. v. 6, 1869; v. 9-12, 1872-5; v. 15-18. 1878-81; v. 21-26, 1884-9; v. 31-35, 1894-8. Basel. 1870-99. 8°. Augenklinik des Carolinischen medico-chirurgischen Instituts zu Stockholm. [«See Mitt. a. d. Augenklin. d. CaroUn. med.- chir. Inst. zu Stockholm, Jena.] Austrahan Institute of Tropical Medicme. 1911. London. 1911. 4°. Austrahan (The) 1897-8 to 1916. 8°. Austrahan (The) Médical Journal. Melbourne, v. 1-23, 1856-78; n. s., v. 1-17, 1879-95; v. 15-16, 1910-11; n. s., v. 1-3, 1911- 14. 8°. [In 1896, merged in: Intercol. Q. J. M. & S., form- ing: Intercol. M. J. Australas. Original title resumed in 1910. In 1914, merged in: Australas. M. Gaz., forming: Med. J. AustraUa.] Australasian Médical Congress. Transactions. 7.-8. sessions. 1905; 1908. Adélaïde. 1907-9. 8°. [«See, also, Intercol. M. Cong. Australas. Tr.] Australasian (The) Médical Gazette. The officiai organ of the combined Australasian branches of the British Médical Associa- tion. Sydney, v. 1-35, 1881-1914. sm. 4°. [Merged in: Austral. M. J., forming: Med. J. AustraUa.] Report for the year Journal of Dentistry. Melbourne, v. 1-20, [30] Auto-riassunti e riv. d. lav. ital. di med. int., Torino. Awisatore san., Torino. Auto-riassunti e riviste dei lavori italiani di medicina interna ed argomenti prossimiori. Torino. v. 1-12, 1903-15. 8°. Awisatore (L') sanitario, létale; amministrativo; professionale Torino. v. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. B. Babyhood, N. Y. BaciUus, Chicago. Bact. Therap., Détroit. Bahnarzt, Wien. Balneol. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. Balneol. Ztg., Berl. B armer Gold, Chicago. Bayer, ârztl. Cor.-BL, Munchen. Bayer. Med. - Beamten - Ver., Berl. Bedrock, Lond. < « Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien. Beibl. d. Mitt. d. GeseUsch. f. phys. Med., Wien. Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropenhyg., Leipz. Beihefte z. Med. KUn., Berl. & Wien. Beihefte z. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych. [etc.], Leipz. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Embryol. als Festg. Jacob Henle . . .,Bonn. Baas (Hermann). [See Zwnzg. Abhandl. z. Gesch. d. Med. Festschr. . . . Baas, Hamb. & Leipz.] Babyhood. Devoted exclusively to the care of infants and young children, and the gênerai interests of the nursery. New York. v. 1-25, 1884-1909. 8°. Bacillus (The). Officiai organ UUnois Médical Collège Summer School of Medicine. Chicago, v. 3, 1902-3. 8°. [Continued as: Illinois Médical Bulletin.] Bacterial (The) Therapist; a journal of vaccine therapy. Détroit. v. 1-5, 1912-13 to 1915-16. 8°. Bahnarzt (Der). Monatsschrift fur das gesamte Eisenbahnsani- tiitswesen. v. 8-9, 1912r13; Nos. 1-9, v. 10, 1914. fol. [Con- tinuation of: Oesterr. Eisenbahn-Sanitàtsw.] Balneologische Centralzeitung. Organ des Allgemeinen deut- schen Bâderverbandes und des Schwarzwaldbàdertags. BerUn. v. 1-8, 1900-1907. fol. [Suppl. to: Med. Woche.] Balneologische Gesellschaft in BerUn. [«See Verôffentl. d. bal- neol. Gesellsch. in Berl.] Balneologische Zeitung. Offizielles Organ des Vereines der Kur- orte und Mineralquellen-Interessenten Deutschlands, Oester- reich-Ungarns und der Schweiz. BerUn. v. 5-13, 1894^1902. fol. Banner (The) of Gold. Chicago, 111. v. 1-28, 1892-1915. fol. Bastian (Adolf). [«See Festschrift f. Adolf Bastian . . ., Berl. Bataafsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. [«See Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Bataafsche Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst.] Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. [«See Verhandel. v. h. Batav. Genootsch. v. Kunst. en Wetensch.] Battle Creek Sanitarium. (Laboratory of Hygiène.) [«See Mod. Med., Battle Creek, Mich.] Bayerisches ârztUches Correspondenzblatt. Organ zur Erôrte- rung aller den Arzt interessierenden wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Fragen. Munchen. v. 1-5, 1897-8 to 1902. fol. Bayerischer Medizinalbeamten-Verein. Oflizieller Bericht ûber die Landesversammlung. 1905-6. Berlin. 2v. 1905-6. 8°. [«See, also, Off. Ber. ii. d. Landesversamml. d. bayer. Medizinal- beamten-Ver.] Baylor University Collège of Medicine. [«See Bull. Baylor Univ Coll. M.] J Bedrock. A Quarterly Review of Scientific Thought. Acting editor, H. B. Grylls. London. v. 1-3, 1912-13 to 1914-15. 8°. Beiblatt zu den Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur innere Medicin und Kinderheilkunde in Wien. v. 7-13, 1908-14. Beiblatt der Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur physikalische Medizin. Wien. v. 1-5, 1908-12. 8°. Beihefte zum Archiv fur Schiffs- und Tropenhygiene Leinzi» v. 11-18, 1907-14. 8°. F &* Beihefte zur Medizinischen KUnik. BerUn & Wien v 3-10 1907-14. 8°. [v. 1-2 under title: Ergnzngshfte. z. Med. KUn.] Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur angewandte Psychologie und psy- chologische Sammelforschung. Leipzig. Hft. 1-10, 1911- 14. 8°. Beitrâge zur Anatomie und Embryologie als Festgabe Jacob Henle zum 4. April 1882 dargebracht von seinen Schulern. Bonn 1 v. 1882. fol. [31] Beitr. z. Anat., Physiol., Path. u. Therap. d. Ohres [etc.], Berl. Beitr. z. Anthrop. Elsass-Loth- ringens, Strassb. Beitr. z. Anthrop. u. Urgesch. Bayerns, Munchen. Beitr. z. Augenh., Hamb. & Leipz. Beitr. z. Augenh. Als Festg.... A. von Hippel, HaUe a. S. Beitr. z. Augenh. Festschr. . . . R. Forster . . ., Wiesb. Beitr. z. Augenh. Festschr. Ju- Uus Hirschberg [etc.], Leipz. Beitr. z. Augenh. Jubil. H. Prof. Schiess-Gemuseus, Basel. Beitr. z. Bauchchir., Berl. Beitr. z. Biol. d. Pfianz., Bresl. Beitr. z. Carcinomforsch., Berl. u. Wien. Beitr. z. chem. Phys. u. Path., Brnschwg. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Fest- schr. . . . Georg Lewin, Berl. Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Fest- schr. ... I. Neumann, Leipz. & Wien. Beitr. z. Erkenntn. d. Uranis- mus, Leipz. & Amst. Beitr. z. exper. Therap. Beitr. z. forens. Med., Berl. Beitr. z. Frage nach d. Bezieh. zw. klin. Verlauf. u. anat. Befund [etc.], Berl. Beitr. z. FuttermitteU. u. Stoff- wechselphysiol., Berl. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Leipz. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek. Festschr. . . . Aug. Martin, Berl. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynàk. Festschr. . . . (Fritsch), Leipz. Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynâk. Rudolf Chrobak . . . 60. Ge- burtst. [etc.], Wien. Beitrâge zur Anatomie, Physiologie, Pathologie und Thérapie des Ohres, der Nase und des Halses. BerUn. v. 1-8,1908-15. 8°. Beitrâge zur Anthropologie Elsass-Lothringens. Hrsg. von G. Schwalbe. Strassburg. Hft. 1-3, 1898-1902. 4°. Beitrâge zur Anthropologie und Urgeschichte Bayerns. Mun- chen. v. 1-16, 1877-1907. 8°. Beitrâge zur Augenheilkunde. Hrsg. von R. Deutschmann. Hamburg & Leipzig. Hft. 1.-87. (v. 1-9), 1890-1914. 8°. Beitrâge zur Augenheilkunde. Als Festgabe ihrem hochverehr- ten Lehrer dem geheimen Medicinalrath Herrn Professor Dr. A. von Hippel in Halle a. d. Saale zur Feier seines fûnfand- zwanzigjâhngenProfessoreniubilàums. Halle a. S. lv. 1899. 8°. Beitrâge zur Augenheilkunde. Festschrift zur Feier des siebzig* sten Geburtstags Herrn . . . R. Forster in Breslau gewidmet von Eduard Asmus [et al.]. Wiesbaden. 1 v. 1895. 8°. [Ergàn- zungsheftto: Arch. f. Augenh., Wiesb., 1895, xxxi.] Beitrâge zur Augenheilkunde. Festschrift JuUus Hirschberg von Schùlem und Freunden, aus Anlass seiner f ùnfundzwan- zigjâhrigen Wirksamkeit als Professor an der Universitat Ber- Un. Leipzig, lv. 1905. 8°. * Beitrâge zur Augenheilkunde. Bei Anlass des 25jâhrigen Profes- soren-Jubilâums von Herrn Professor Schiess-Gemuseus hrsg. von Karl Mellinger. Basel. 1893. 4°. Beitrâge zur Bauchchirurgie. BerUn. Neue Folge. v. 1, 1902. Beitrâge zur Biologie der Pflanzen. 1913. 8°. Breslau. v. 1-12, 1870- Beitrâge zur Carcinomforschung. Aus der i. med. Klinik (Pro.. C. von Noorden) in Wien. BerUn u. Wien, Urban & Schwar- zenberg. Hft. 1-3, 1909-11. 8°. Beitrâge zur chemischen Physiologie und Pathologie. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Biochemie. Braunschweig. v. 1-11, 1901-8. 8°. [Merged in: Biochem. Ztschr., Berl.] Beitrâge zur Dermatologie und SyphiUs. Festschrift gewidmet Georg Lewin zur Feier seines 50jàhrigen Doctoriubilâums am 5. November 1895. Berlin. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Beitrâge zur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Festschrift gewidmet Herrn Hofrath Dr. I. Neumann. Leipzig & Wien. 1 v. 1900. 8°. Beitrâge zur Erkenntniss des Uranismus. Leipzig & Amsterdam. Hft. 1, 1906. 8°. Beitrâge zur experimentellen Thérapie. Marburg; BerUn. Hft. 1-12, 1899-1912. 8°. Beitrâge zur forensischen Medizin. Hrsg. von Hans Lungwitz. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1912-14. 8°. Beitrâge zur Frage nach der Beziehung zwischen kUnischem Ver- lauf und anatomischem Befund bei Nerven- und Geisteskrank- heiten. Leipzig, v. 1, 1913. 8°. Beitrâge zur Futtermittellehre und Stoffwechselphysiologie der landwirtschafthchen Nutztiere. BerUn. Hft. 1-3, 1905-8. 8°. Beitrâge zur Geburtshilfe und Gynaekologie. Hrsg. von den Vorstànden der Universitàts-Frauenkliniken . . . unter Redak- tion von A. Hegar. Leipzig, v. 1-19, 1898-1914. 8°. Beitrâge zur Geburtshulfe und Gynaekologie. Festschrift gewid- met August Martin zur Feier seines 25jâhrigen Doctorjubilàum am 15. JuU 1895. BerUn. 1 v. 1895. 8°. [Supplément to: Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., Berl.] Beitrâge zur Geburtshilfe und Gynàkologie. Festschrift, dem Director der Kgl. Universitàts-Frauenklinik zu Bonn Herrn Geheimen Medicinalrath Professor Dr. Heinrich Fritsch bei Gelegenheit des 25jàhrigen Bestehens des Centralblatts fur Gynàkologie in Dankbarkeit und Verehrung gewidmet von seinen Schûlern. Leipzig. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Beitrâge zur Geburtshilfe und Gynàkologie. RudoH Chrobak aus Anlass seines sechzigsten Geburtstages gewidmet von seinen Schûlern und Freunden. Wien. 2 v. 1903. 8°. [32] Beitr. z. gerichtl. Med., Leipz. & Wien. Beitr. z. Hyg., Bakt. u. Infek- tionskr. (Ogata - Festschr.), Tokyo. Beitr. z. inn. Med. Festschr. d. Cong. ... in Karlsbad, Wien. Beitr. z. Kenntn. d. Tuberk., Wiesb. Beitr. z. klin. Chir., Tubing. Beitr. z. Klin. d. Infektionskr., Wurzb. Beitr. z. klin. Med. u. Chir., Wien & Leipz. Beitr. z. Elin. d. Tuberk., Wiirzb. Beitr. z. Kriegsheilk., Berl. Beitr. z. Lehre v. Stoffwechsel [etc.], Berl. Beitr. z. Morphol. . . . Erlang., Stuttg. Beitr. z. Ohrenh. Festschr. A. Lucae, Berl. Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. aUg. Path., Jena. Beitr. z. path. Anat., OttoBolUn- gerz. Feiers. 60.Geburtst___, Wiesb. Beitr. z. Path. d.Verdauungsorg. . . . med.Klin.in Kopenh.,Berl. Beitr. z. Physiol., Berl. Beitr. z. Physiol. Festschr. f. Adolf Fick . . ., Brnschwg. Beitr. z. Physiol. u. Path. Festschr. . . . L. Hermann, Stuttg., 1908. Beitr. z. Psychiat., Berl. Beitr. z. psychiat. Klin., Berl. & Wien. Beitr. z. Psychol. u. Philos., Leipz. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Fest- schr. . . . Georg Mayer, Berl. Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Fest- schr. . . . d.Versaniml.deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte . . ., Brn- schwg. Leipzig & Wien. v. 1-2, Beitrâge zur gerichtlichen Medizin 1911-14. 8°. Beitrâge zur Hygiène, Bakteriologie und Infektionskrankheiten. Festschrift zum 25jàhrigen Prof.-Jubilâum des Herrn Prof. Dr. Masanori Ogata. Tokyo. 1 v. 1910. n°. Beitrâge zur inneren Medicin. Festschrift aus Anlass des Çon- gresses fur innere Medicin in Karlsbad im April 1899. Wien. lv. 1900. 8°. Beitrâge zur Kenntniss der Tuberkulose. MittheUungen aus der Dr. Brehmer'schen Heilanstalt fur Lungenkranke in Gôrbers- dorf. Hrsg. von Félix Wolff. Wiesbaden. 1 v. 1S91. 8°. Beitrâge zur klinischen Chirurgie. Mitteilungen aus der chirur- gischen Klinik zu Tubingen. v. 2-97, 1886-1915. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Mitt. a. d. chir. KUn. zu Tubing. In v. 4, after "zu Tubingen," was added: Heidelberg, Zurich, Basel.] Beitrâge zur KUnik der Infektionskrankheiten und zur Immuni- tàtsforschung (mit Ausschluss der Tuberkulose). Wiirzburg. v. 1-3, 1912-14. 8°. Beitrâge zur kUnischen Medicin und Chirurgie. Wien & Leipzig. HfCl-21, 1893-1899. 8°. Beitrâge zur Klinik der Tuberkulose. Wiirzburg. v. 1-33, Suppl., v. 1-7, 1903-14. 8°. Beitrâge zur Kriegsheilkunde. Hrsg. vom Central-Komitee der DeutschenVereinevomRotenKreuz. BerUn. lv. 1914. 8°. Beitrâge zur Lehre vom Stoffwechsel des gesunden und kranken Menschen. BerUn. Hft. 2-3, 1894-5. 8°. Beitrâge zur Morphologie und Morphogenie.' Untersucnungen aus dem anatomischen Institut zu Erlangen. Hrsg. von Léo Gerlach. 1883. Stuttgart. 1 v. 1884. roy. 8°. Beitrâge zur Ohrenheilkunde. Festschrift gewidmet August Lucas zur Feier seines siebzigsten Geburtstages. BerUn. 1 v. 1905. 8°. Beitrâge zur pathologischen Anatomie und zur aUgemeinen Pathologie. Jena. v. 3-61,1888-1915. 8°. Beitrâge zur pathologischen Anatomie, Herrn Obermedizinalrat Professor Dr. Otto BolUnger zur Feier seines sechzigsten Geburtstages gewidmet von E. Albrecht [et al.]. Wiesbaden, 1 v. 1903. 8°. Beitrâge zur Pathologie der Verdauungsorgane. Arbeiten aus der medizinisehen KUnik in Kopenhagen. Hrsg. von Knud Faber. BerUn. v. 1, 1905. 8°. Beitrâge zur Physiologie. BerUn. v. 1, 1914. 8°. Beitrâge zur Physiologie. Festschrift fur Adolph Fick zum sieb- zigsten Geburtstage. Braunschweig. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Beitrâge zur Physiologie und Pathologie. Hrsg. von O. Weiss. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage Ludimar Hermann von seinen Schûlern gewidmet. Stuttgart.lv. 1908. 8°. Beitrâge zur Psychiatrie. Hrsg. von Mitarbeitern der AUge- meinen Zeitschrift fur Psychiatrie durch Dr. med. Roller und Dr. med. Laehr, [Herrn Dr. med. C. Flemming . . . zum 50jâhrigen Doctor-Jubilàum am 15. December 1871 . . . ge- widmet]. BerUn. 1 v. 1872. 8°. [Reprint from: AUg. Zt- schr. f. Psychiat. [etc.], Berl., 1872, xxvui.] Beitrâge zur psychiatrischen Klinik. BerUn & Wien. v. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. Beitrâge zur Psychologie und Philosophie. Hrsg. von Gôtz Mar- tius. Leipzig, v. 1, 1896-1905. 8°. Beitrâge zur wissenschaftUchen Medizin. Festschrift zur Feier seines achtzigsten Geburtstages Herrn Geheimrat Dr. Georg Mayer gewidmet. BerUn. 1 v. 1905. 8°. Beitrâge zur wissenschaftUchen Medicin. Festschrift dargebo- ten den medicinischen Theilnehmern an der lxix. Versamm- lung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte vom herzogUch braun- schweigischen Staatsministerium. Bearbeitet von Aerzten des Herzogthums Braunschweig und hrsg. im Auftrage des ge- schâftsfûhrenden und Uterarischen Ausschusses voaJRudolf Beneke. Braunschweig. 1 v. 1897. 8°. [33] Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. u. Chem. Festschr. . . . Ernst Salkowski, Berl. Belgique méd., Gand-Haarlem. Benessere, NapoU. Ber. d. deutsch. pharm. GeseU- sch., Berl. Ber. a. d. 2. geburtsh.-gynakol. KUn. in Wien. Ber. ii. d. Gsndhtsvrhltn. . . . in Nurnb. Ber. ii : v. 33, 1910. 8°. Bericht der oberhessischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und HeU- kunde. Giessen. v. 1-34, 1847-1904; n. F., v. 1-8, 1906-13. 8'. Bericht ûber den i. ôsterreichischen Med i zin er-Kongress. Wien & Leipzig. 1903. S-, Berichte und Verhandlungen des intemationalen Kongresses fur Versicherungs-Medizin. 4. Kongress, 1906. Berlin. 2 v. 1906. S3. Bericht ûber die Verhandlungen des vin. Kongresses der deut- schen dermatologischen Gesellschaft in 1902. Wien & Leipzig. 1 v. 1904. 8e. [See, also, VerhandL d. deutsch. dermat. GeseUsch.] Bericht ûber die Verhandlungen des 5. Verbandstages deutscher Bahnarzte. Nûrnberg. lv. 1902. 8°. Berichte ùber die Versammlungen der ophthalmologischen Ge- sellschaft. [v. p.] v. 10-39, 1877-1913. 8°. 15259°—VoL XXI, 2d séries—16----m [34] Ber. u. d. Veterinarw. im Ko- nigr. Sachs., Dresd. Ber. d. Wien. Stadtphysik. ii. seine Amtsthatigk., Wien. Berl. Aerzte-Corresp. BerL kUn. Wchnschr. Berl. Klinik. Berl. klin.-therap. Wchnschr. Berl. tierarztl. Wchnschr. Berl. zahnarztl. Vereinsbl. BibUog. anat., Par. & Nancy. BibUot. d. ges. med. Wissensch., Wien & Leipz. BibUot. f. Lasger, Kooenh. BibUot. Vrach., Moskva. BibUoth. contemp. de méd. et de se, Par. BibUoth. méd.-phys. du nord, Lausanne. Bijdr. t. de natuurk. Wetensch., Amst. Bi-Month. Bull. Univ. CoU. Med., Richmond. Biochem. BuU., N. Y. Biochem. Centralbl., BerL Bio-Chem. J., Liverp. Berichte ûber das Veterinàrwesen im Kônigreiclie Saratiques de Paris. Ancienne Société de médecine pratique, ondée en 1808. Paris. 3 v. 1892-4. 8°. [Continuation of : BuU. Soc. de méd. prat. de Par.] Bulletins et mémoires de la Société médicale des hôpitaux de Paris. Paris. 2. s., v. 1-20, 1864-83; 3. s., v. 1-40, 1S84- 1916. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société des médecins et naturaUstes de Jassy. v. 26-27, 1912-13. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. Soc. d. méd. et nat. de Jassy.] Bulletin et mémoires de la Société de médecine de Vaucluse. Avignon, v. 1-10, 1905-6 to 1914. 8°. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société médico-chirurgicale du nord. Lille, v. 1, 1905. 8°. [Continuation of : Bull. Soc. centr. de méd. du nord.] Bulletins et mémoires de la Société obstétricale et gynécologique de Paris, v. 1-12, 1885-96. 8°. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société de radiologie médicale de Paris. Paris, v. 1-6, 1909-14. 8°. Bulletin mensuel de l'Académie des sciences et lettres de Mont- pellier. Montpellier. 1909-15. 8°. Bulletin of the Michigan Academy of Science. Ann Arbor. v. 2, 1905. 8°. Bulletin of the Michigan Association for the Prévention and Relief of Tuberculosis. Ann Arbor. v. 2-4, 1913-15. 8°. Bulletin of the Muséum of Comparative Zoôlogy, at Harvard Collège Cambridge, v. 2-59, 1879-1915. 8°. [Want many numbers.] Bulletin of the North Carolina Board of Health. Raleigh, N. C. v. 1-29, 1886-7 to 1915. 8°. Bulletin of the New York Public Library. Astor, Lenox, and Tilden foundations. New York. v. 2-19, 1898-1915. 8°. Bulletin (The) of the Northwestern University Médical School. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1899-1901. 8°. [«See, also, Quart. Bull. Northwest. Univ. Med. Sch.] Bulletin (Le) d'oculistique Journal des praticiens. Toulouse. 3. s., v. 14-26, 1900-1912. 8°. Bulletin officiel de la Société française d'électrothérapie. Paris. v. 2-18, 1894-1910. 8°. Bulletin de l'Office international d'hygiène pubUque. Paris. v. 1-7, 1909-15. 8°. Bulletin (The) of the Ohio Hospital for Epileptics. 1896-7. Gal- lipolis, O. 1898. 8°. Bulletin of the Ontario Hospitals for the Insane, a journal de- voted to the interests of Psychiatry in Ontario. Toronto, v. 5, No. 3, 1912. 8°. Bulletin d'oto-rhino-laryngologie et de broncho-oesophagoscopie. Paris, v. 14-17, 1910-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull, de laryngol., otol. et rhinol., Par.] Bulletin of the Pan-American Union. Washington, D. C. v. 31- 41, 1911-15. 8°. Bulletin of the Pasteur Institute. Danbury, Conn. v. 5-6, 1897-8. 8°. [Continuation of: N. York Therap. Rev.] BuUetin (The) of Pharmacy. Détroit, v. 5-30, 1891-1916. 4°. Bulletin de pharmacie de Lyon. Lyon. v. 3-24,1881-1902. 8°. BuUetin of the Philadelphia Collège of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. v. 1-9, 1908-16. 8°. Bullettino deUa reale Accademia medica di Roma. Roma. v. 6-39, 1880-1913. 8°. Bulletin (The), Rochester Médical Association, Rochester, N. Y. v. 1, 1915. 8°. [44] Bull, san., Montréal. BuU. d. se med., Bologna. BuU. d. se pharmacol., Par. BuU. scient, de la France et de la Belg., Par. Bull, scient, lab. Denison Univ., GranviUe, O. BuU. sect. scient, de l'Acad. roumaine, Bucarest. BuU. du serv. de santé [etc.], Brux. BuU. du serv. de santé nul., Par. BuU. du serv. de surveiU. . . . d. denrées aliment., Brux. BuU. Soc. anat. de Par. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Brux. BuU. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par. BuU. Soc. belge de gynée et d'obst., Brux. BuU. Soc. belge de micr., Brux. BuU. Soc. belge d'otol. [etc.], Brux. BuU. Soc. belge d'otol. et de la- ryngol., Brux. BuU. Soc. centr. de méd. du nord, Lille. BuU. Soc. centr. de méd. vét., Par. BuU. Soc. de chir. de Lyon. BuU. Soc. d'études scient, sur la tubere, Par. BuU. Soc. franc, de dermat. et syph., Par. BuU. Soc. franc, d'hist. de la méd., Par. BuU. Soc. d'hyg. publ. de Bor- deaux. Bull. Soc. internat, de prophyl. [etc.], Brux. BuU. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma. Bulletin sanitaire. Publié par le Conseil d'hygiène de la pro- vince de Québec. Montréal, v. 1-15, 1901-15. 8°. BuUettino délie scienze mediche di Bologna. v. 1-12, 1829-155; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1836-41; 3. s., v. 1-24, 1842-53; 4. s., v. 1-24, 1854-65; 5. s., v. 1-24, 1866-77; 6. s., v. 1-24, 1878-89; 7. s., v. 1-11, 1890-1900; 8. s., v. 1-12, 1901-12; 9. s., v. 1-3, 1913- 15. 8°. Bulletin des sciences pharmacologiques; organe scientifique et professionnel. Paris, v. 1-23, 1899-1916. 8°. Bulletin scientifique de la France et de la Belgique. Paris, v. 19-48, 1888-1914. 8°. Bulletin of the scientific laboratories of Denison University. GranviUe, Ohio. v. 1-12, 1885-1902. 8°. Bulletin de la section scientifique de l'Académie roumaine. Bu- carest, v. 1-4, 1912-13 to 1915-16. 8°. Bulletin du service de santé et de l'hygiène publique. Bruxelles. 1893-5, 1900, 1901, 1908-13. 8°. [Current title: Bulletin de l'administration du service de santé et de l'hygiène. Bru- xelles.] Bulletin du service de santé militaire. Paris. Nos. 293-656, v. 31-63, 1882-1914. 8°. Bulletin du service de surveillance de la fabrication et du com- merce des denrées alimentaires. Bruxelles. 1902-4. 8°. Bulletins de la Société anatomique de Paris. Paris, v. 1-73, 1826-98. 8°. [Continued as: Bull, et mém. Soc. anat. de Par.] Bulletin de la Société d'anthropologie de Bruxelles. Bruxelles. v. 1-19, 1883-1901. 8°. Bulletins de la Société d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris, v. 1-6, 1860-65; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1866-77; 3. s., v. 1-12, 1878-89; 4. s., v. 1-10, 1890-99. 8°. [Continued as: Bull, et mém. Soc. d'anthrop. de Par.] Bulletin de la Société belge de gynécologie et d'obstétrique. Bruxelles, v. 1-24, 1889-90 to 1913-14. 8°. Bulletin de la Société belge de microscopie. Procès-verbaux des séances. Bruxelles, v. 1-25, 1874-99. 8°. Bulletin de la Société belge d'otologie, de laryngologie et de rhinologie. Bruxelles, v. 3-6, 1898-1901. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Bull. Soe belge d'otol. et de laryngol.] Bulletin de la Société belge d1 otologie et de laryngologie. Bru- xelles, v. 1-3, 1896-8. 8°. [Continued as: Bull. Soc. belge d'otol. [etc.].] Bulletins de la Société centrale de médecine du département du nord. Lille, 2. s., v. 1-5, 1897-1901; 3. s., v. 1-3, 1902-4. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. méd. du nord, Lille. Continued as: Bull, et mém. Soc. méd.-chir. du nord.] Bulletin de la Société centrale de médecine vétérinaire. Paris. v. 21-67, 1866-1913. 8°. Bulletin de la Société de chirurgie de Lyon. Lyon. Nos. 1-2, 1897-8; No. 1, v. 11, 1908. 8°. Bulletin de la Société d'études scientifiques sur la tuberculose. Paris. 2. s., 1911. 8°. Bulletin de la Société française de dermatologie et de syphiU- graphie. Paris, v. 1-25, 1890-1914. 8°. Bulletin de la Société française d'histoire de la médecine. Paris. v. 1-12, 1902-13; Nos. 1-6, v. 13, 1914. 8°. Bulletin de la Société d'hygiène pubUque de Bordeaux. Bor- deaux, v. 1 (1881), 1882. 8°. [«See, also, Bull, et mém. Soc. d'hyg. pub. de Bordeaux.] Bulletin de la Société internationale de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale. Bruxelles, v. 1, 1901. 8°. BuUettino deUa Società Lancisiana degli ospedali di Roma v 1-24,1880-81 to 1904. 8°. [Continued as : Boll. d. Soc. Lanci- siana d. osp. di Roma.] [45] Bull. Soc. méd. de Charleroi. BuU. d. soc. méd. ... du dép. de la Seine, Par. Bull. Soc. de méd. de Gand. Bull. Soc. Med. Hist. Chicago. BuU. Soc. méd. homœop. de France, Par. BuU. Soc. de méd. homœop. de Par. Bull. Soc. méd. d. hôp. de Lyon. BuU. Soc. méd. de l'Ile Maurice, Port Louis. BuU. Soc. de méd. ment, de Belg., Brux. BuU. Soc. d. méd. et nat. de Jassy. Bull. Soc. de mêd. vét., Par. Bull. Soc. méd. de l'Yonne. Bull. Soc. méd.-chir. de la Drôme [etc.], Valence & Par. BuU. Soc. méd.-chir. de l'Indo- Chine, Hanoï & Haïphong. BuU. Soc. d'obst. de Par. BuU. Soc. d'obst. et de gynée de Par. BuU. Soc. path. exot.. Par. BuU. Soc. de pêdiat. de Par. BuU. Soc. phUomat. de Par. BuU. Soc. port, de se nat., Lisb. BuU. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux. BuU. Soc. d. se méd. de LiUe. Bull. Soc. scient, et méd. de l'ouest, Rennes. BuU. Soc. vaudoise d. se nat., Lausanne. BuU. Tokyo Anthrop. Soc. BuU. Union pharm---Charleroi. Bulletin de la Société médicale de Charleroi. Charleroi. v. 12- 21, 1891-1900. 8°. Bulletin des sociétés médicales d'arrondissement et du Conseil général, des sociétés médicales du département de la Seine. Paris, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Bulletin de la Société de médecine de Gand. Gand. v. 1-76, 1835-1909. 8°. [For continuation, see Ann. et bull. Soc. de méd. de Gand.] Bulletin of the Society of Médical History of Chicago. Chicago. v. 1, 1911-16. 8°. Bulletin de la Société médicale homœopathique de France. Paris, v. 1-31, 1860-90. 8°. Bulletin de la Société de médecine homœopathique de Paris. Paris. 6v. 1845-8. 8°. Bulletin de la Société médicale des hôpitaux de Lyon. Lyon. v. 1-12, 1902-13; Nos. 1-5, v. 13, 1914. 8°. Bulletin de la Société médicale de l'Ile Maurice. Port Louis. No. 41, v. 5, Nov. 8, 1895. fol. Bulletin de la Société de médecine légale de France. [«See Soc. de méd. lég. de France. Bull.] Bulletin de la Société de médecine mentale de Belgique. Bru- xelles. Nos. 1-174, 1873-1914. 8°. Bulletin de la Société des médecins et naturaUstes de Jassy. v. 1-25, 1887-1911. roy. 8°. [Continued as: Bull, et mém. Soc. d. méd. et nat. de Jassy.] Bulletin de la Société de médecine vétérinaire pratique. Paris. lv. 1890. 8°. Bulletin de la Société médicale de l'Yonne. Auxerre. v. 1-54, 1860-1913. 8°. Bulletin de la Société médico-chirurgicale de la Drôme et de TArdèche Valence & Paris, v. 1-14, 1900-1913. 8°. Bulletin de la Société médico-chirurgicale de l'Indo-Chine. Hanoï & Haïphong. v. 3-4, 1912-13; Nos. 1-5, v. 5, 1914. 8°. Bulletin de la Société d'obstétrique de Paris. Paris, v. 1-14. 1898-1911. 8°. [Continued as: Bull. Soc. d'obst. et de gynée de Par.] Bulletin de la Société d'obstétrique et de gynécologie de Paris, Paris, v. 1-3, 1912-14. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par. and Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynée et de paediat. de Par.] Bulletin de la Société de pathologie exotique. Paris, v. 1-8, 1908-15. 8°. Bulletins de la Société de pédiatrie de Paris. Paris, v. 1-15, 1899-1913; Nos. 1-6, v. 16, 1914. 8°. Bulletin de la Société philomatique de Paris. 7. s., v. 1-12, 1876-7 to 1887-8; 8. s., v. 1-10, 1888-9 to 1897-8; 9. s., v. 1-10, 1898-9 to 1908-9; 10. s., v. 1-5, 1909-10 to 1913-14. 8°. Bulletin de la Société portugaise des sciences naturelles. Lis- bonne, v. 5, fase 2, 1907. 8°. Bulletin de la Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Années 24-65, 1866-1907. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. et bull. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux.] Bulletins de la Société des sciences médicales de Lfile. 1886; 1888; 1892; 1893. Lille. 1887-94. 8°. Bulletin de la Société scientifique et médicale de l'ouest. Rennes, v. 12-22, 1903-13; No. 1, v. 23, 1914. 8°. Bulletin de la Société vaudoise des sciences naturelles. Lau- sanne, v. 9-31, 1865-94; v. 33, 1897; v. 43, 1907. 8°. Bulletin (The) of the Tokyo Anthropological Society. Tokyo. Nos. 84, 85, v. 8, 1893. 8°. Bulletin de l'Union pharmaceutique de l'arrondissement judi- ciaire de Charleroi. Charleroi. v. 6-7, 1902-3. 8°. [46] BuU. Univ. N. Mexico, Albu- querque. BuU. Univ. Nebraska CoU. Med., Lincoln. BuU. Woman's Hosp., N. Y. Bulletin University of New Mexico. Biological Séries. Albu- querque. No. 1, v. 1,1906-7 ; Nos. 44, 45, 47, v. 3,1907-8. 8 . Bulletin (The) of the University of Nebraska Collège of Medi- cine Lincoln, v. 1-2, 1906-7. 8°. Bulletin (The) of the Woman's Hospital. J. Riddle Goffe, man- aging editor. New York. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1912-15. 8°. C. Caducée, Par. Cairo Se J. Caledon. M. J Calif. Eclect. M. J., Los Angeles. Calif. M. Bull., San Fran. Calif. M. J. Calif. M. & S. Reporter, Los Angeles. Calif. State J. M., San Fran. Cambridge Nat. Hist., Lond. Canad. Entomol., Lond. Canad. J. M. & S., Toronto. Canad. M. Ass. J. Canad. M. Rev., Toronto. Canad. Pharm. J., Toronto. Canad. Pract., Toronto. Canad. Pract. & Rev., Toronto. Canada Lancet, Toronto. Canada M. Ree, Montréal. Caducée (Le). Journal de chirurgie et de médecine d'armée. Paris, v. 1-15, 1901-15. fol. Cairo (The) Scientific Journal. Giza & Alexandria. Nos. 40- 98 (v. 4-8), 1910-14. 8°. Caledonian (The) Médical Journal. The journal of the Cale- donian Médical Society. Rochester, 1891-4; Glasgow since 1894. N. s., v. 1-10, 1891-1915. 8°. Caledonian Médical Society. [See Caledon. M. J.] California Academy of Sciences. [«See Proc. Calif. Acad. Se, San Fran.] California (The) Eclectic Médical Journal. Los Angeles, v. 1-9, 1908-16. 8°. [Formedby consolidation of: Calif. M. J., with: Los Angeles J. Eclect. M.] California Médical Bulletin. San Francisco, v. 1, 1905-6. 8°. California Médical Journal. Oakland; San Francisco, v. 1-39, 1880-1908. 8°. [Merged in: Los Angeles J. Eclect. M., form- ing: Calif. Eclect. M. J.] California Médical and Surgical Reporter. Los Angeles, v. 1-9, 1905-13. 8°. California State Dental Association. [«See Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass.] California State Journal of Medicine. Published Monthly by the Médical Society of the State of California. San Francisco. v. 1-14, 1902-3 to 1916. roy. 8°. California State Nurses' Association. [«See Pacific Coast J. Nurs., San Fran.] Cambridge (The) Natural History, edited by S. F. Harmer and A. E. Shipley. London. v. 2-5, 1895-6. 8°. Cambridge PhUosophical Society. [See Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc] Camden County Médical Society. [«See J. Camden Co. M. Soc, Camden, N. J.] Canadian (The) Entomologist. London [Canada], v. 41, 1909. 8°. Canadian (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Toronto, Canada, v. 1-29, 1897-1916. 8°. Canadian (The) Médical Association Journal. Montréal, v. 1-6, 1911-16. 8°. Canadian (The) Médical Review. Toronto, v. 1-8, 1895-8. 8°. [Merged in: Canad. Pract., forming: Canad. Pract. & Rev.] Canadian Pharmaceutical Journal. Toronto, v. 1-49, 1868 to 1915-16. 8°. Canadian (The) Practitioner. Toronto, v. 8-23, 1883-98. 8°. [Merged in: Canad. M. Rev., forming: Canad. Pract. & Rev.] Canadian (The) Practitioner and Review. Toronto, v. 24—41, 1899-1916. 8°. [Consolidation of: Canad. Pract. and Canad. M. Rev., Toronto.] Canadian Public Health Association. [«See Pub. Health J.] Canada (The) Lancet. Toronto, v. 3-49, 1870 to 1915-16. 8°. Canada (The) Médical Record. Montréal, v. 1-32, 1872- 1904. 8°. [47] Cancer. Internat. Monatschr. [etc.], Berl. Cannes-mêd. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Year Book. CaroUna M. J., Charlotte. Casop. cesk. lékârn., v. Praze. Casop. cesk. zvërolêk., v Trebîci. Casop. Klubu cesk. farm. v Praze. Casop. lék. cesk., v Praze. Casop. p. verej. zdravot., Praha. Casuist. med.-chir., Milano. Catching's Compend. Pract. Dent., Atlanta. Causeries techn. s. l'orthop.,Par. CeUule, Lierre & Louvain. Centr. States M. Mag., Ander- son, Ind. Centr. States M. Monit., In- dianap. Centralbl. f. aUg. Gsndhtspflg., Bonn. Centralbl. f. aUg. Path. u. path. Anat., Jena. Centralbl. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Bresl. Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Jena. Canal Zone Médical Association. [«See Proc. Canal Zone M. Assoc] Cancer. Internationale Monatsschrift, [etc.]. Berlin, v. 1-6, 1908-13; Nos. 1-7, v. 7, 1914. 4°. Cancer Research Laboratories. The Middlesex Hospital. [«See Rep. Cancer Research. Lab. Middlesex Hosp., Lond.] Cannes-médical. Organe officiel de la Société d'hygiène et de médecine et du Syndicat médical de Cannes et de 1 arrondisse- ment de Grasse. Cannes, v. 1,1903. 8°. [«See Papers Tortugas Lab. Carnegie Inst., Year Book. Washington. Carnegie Institution. Wash.] Carnegie Institution of Washington. Nos. 1-13, 1902-14. sm. 4°. Carolina (The) Médical Journal. Charlotte, N. C. v. 45-55, 1900-1907; Nos. 1-3; v. 56, 1908. 8°. . [Continuation of: North Car. M. J. In 1908, merged in: Charlotte [N. C] M. J.] Caroline Brewer Croft Cancer Commission of Harvard Médical School. [See Rep. Caroline Brewer Croft Cancer Com. Harv. M. Sch.] Carolinisches medico-chirurgisches Institut zu Stockholm. [(Si Cong. internat, d. œuvres d'as- sist. en temps de guerre, Par. Cong. internat, d. œuvres et inst. fém., Par. Cong. internat, d'opht. Cong. internat, d'otol. C.-r. Cong. internat, de physiothér. C.-r., Par. Cong. internat, de la presse méd. C.-r., Par. Cong. internat, d. se méd. à Moscou, Par. Cong. internat, de thalassothé- rap., Biarritz. Cong. internat, de la tubere, Par. Cong. d. mêd. aUénistes et de neurol. de France ... C. r. Proe-verb. [etc.]. Cong. méd. internac. de accid. d. trab. de Lieja de 1905. Apunt. y considerae, Barcel. Cong. de méd. lég., Par. Cong. med. Pan-Amer. Cong. med. région. Ugure. Atti. Cong. nat. de laiterie, Brecht. Cong. nat. de méd., Montréal. Cong. nat. périod. de gynée [etc.], Rouen. Cong. naz. ital. d. deleg. d. ord. d. med. [etc.], Roma. Cong. périod. de gynée, d'obst. et de pœdiat. Mém. et dise Congrès international des œuvres d'assistance en temps de guerre. Tenu à Paris du 20 au 24 août 1900. Rapports et comptes- rendus des séances. Paris. 1 v. 1901. 8 . Congrès international des œuvres et institutions féminines. Compte rendu des travaux, 1900. Compte rendu. Pans. 4 v. 1902. 8°. Congrès international d'ophtalmologie. Compte rendu. 9., 1899, Utrecht; 10., 1904, Lausanne. 1900-1905. 8°. Congrès international d'otologie. Comptes-rendus et mémoires. 3., Baie, 1885; 5., Florence, 1895. [v.p.] 1885-97. 8°. Congrès international de pharmacie. [«See Compt. rend. Cong. internat, de pharm., Par.] Congrès (iiie) international de physiothérapie, tenu à Paris du 29 mars au 2 avril 1910. Comptes rendus et communications. 1910. Paris, v. 3, 1911. 8°. Congrès international de la presse médicale. Compte-rendu officiel des séances. 1900. Paris, v. 1, 1901. 8°. Congrès international des sciences médicales tenu à Moscou du 19 au 26 août 1897. Paris. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Congrès international Biarritz, v. 3, 1903. de thalassothérapie. Comptes-rendus. 4 v. Congrès international de la tuberculose. 7., 1905. Paris. 1905-6. 8°. [«See, also, Tr. Internat. Cong. Tubere] Congresso internazionale di medicina. Parigi, 1900. [«See Minist. d. Mar. xiii. Cong. internaz. di med. x. Cong. internaz. d'ig. e demog. Relaz. orig. e resoe d. deleg.] Congresso internazionale dei patologi. [«See Atti d. Cong. inter- naz. d. patol., Torino.] Congresso internazionale di psicologia. [«See Atti d. Cong. in- ternaz. di psicol., Roma.] Congrès des médecins aliénistes et neurologistes de France et des pays de langue française. Comptes rendus. Procès-verbaux, mémoires et discussions, [v.p.] 5.-19., 1895-1910. 8°. Congreso médico internacional de accidentes del trabajo de Lieja de 1905. Apuntes y consideraciones. Barcelona. 1 v. 1905. 8°. Congrès de médecine légale de langue française 1911. 8°. Congreso médico Pan-Americano. Habana, 1901. 1 v. 1901. 8° Congresso médico régionale ligure. Atti. [v. p.] 1901. [«See, also, Atti Cong. région, ligure.] Congrès national de laiterie. Compte rendu. Brecht. 1902. 8°. Congrès national de médecine juin 1902. Montréal. 1 v. Paris, v. 1, Sesiones générales del 3. . . . v. 1-7, 1895- 2, tenu à Québec les 25, 26 et 27 1902. 8°. Congrès national périodique de gynécologie, d'obstétrique et de pœdiatrie Mémoires et discussions. 4. sess., avril 1904. Rouen. 1 v. 1904. 8°. [«See, also, Cong. périod. de gynée, d'obst. et de paediat.] Congresso nazionale italiano dei delegati degli ordini dei medici ed associazioni congéneri. Verbali délie sedute e relazioni. Roma. v. 1-3, 1897-9. 8°. Congrès périodique de gynécologie, d'obstétrique et de psediatrie. Mémoires et discussions. L, 1895, Bordeaux; 2., 1898, Mar- seille. 2 v. 1896-9. 8°. [«See, also, Cong. nat. périod. de gynée [etc.], Rouen.] Congrès périodique international de gynécologie et d'obstétrique. [«See Compt. rend. Cong. périod. internat, de gynée et obst.] Congreso cientffico latino-americano. [«See Prim. reun. d. Cong. cient. lat.-amer., Buenos Aires.] Congreso internacional de higiene y demografia. [«See Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong. internac. de hig. y demog., Madrid.] [57] Cong. d. Soc. freniat. ital., Reg- gio neU' Emilia. Cong. chir. de la Soc. internat. Rap., Brux. de Consular Rep., Wash. Contrib. Med. Research (Vaughan), Ann Arbor, Mich. Contrib. Path. Inst. N. Y. State Hosp., Utica. Contrib. Psychopath. Hosp., Dep. Boston State Hosp. Congreso médico nacional. [«See Actas y trab. d. 1er Cong. méd. nac. Habana.] Congress fur innere Medicin. [«See Beitr. z. inn. Med. Festschr. d. Cong. f. ... in Karlsbad.] Congresso deUa Federazione délie società italiane d' igiene. [«See Atti d. Cong. d. Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' ig., Palermo.] Congresso per 1' igiene dell' allattamento e la tutela deUa prima infanzia. [«See Atti d. Cong. per 1' ig. d. allattam. d. prima inf.] Congresso interprovinciale sanitario dell' alta ItaUa d. x. Cong. interprov. san. d. alta Italia.] [See Atti [«See Atti d. Cong. [«See Atti d. 1° Cong. Congresso italiano per 1' educazione fisica. ital. p. 1' educaz. fis.] Congresso italiano di radiologia medica. ital. di radiol. med.] Congresso médico internazionale per gl' infortuni del lavoro. [«See Atti d, ii. Cong. med. internaz. per gl' infortuni d. lavoro, Roma.] Congresso médico interprovinciale deUa Lombardia e del Veneto. [«See Atti d. Cong. med. interprov. d. Lomb. e d. Veneto.] Congresso nazionale d' igiene. [«See Atti d. Cong. naz. d' ig. [etc.]. Also: Atti d. Cong. naz. p. 1' ig. d. allattamento mer- cen. [etc.].] Congresso nazionale per la lotta sociale contro la tuberculosi. [«See Atti d. Cong. naz. . . . contro la tubere, Firenze.] Congresso nazionale veterinario. [«See Atti d. Cong. naz. vet.] Congresso pediatrico itaUano. [See Atti d. Cong. pediat. ital.] Congresso pellagrologico interprovinciale. [«See Atti di Cong. peUagrol. interprov.] Congresso pellagrologico itaUano. [See Atti d. Cong. peUagrol. ital., Udine.] Congresso deUa Società freniatrica itaUana. 1901. Reggio neU' Emilia. 8°. Congrès de la Société internationale de chirurgie. Rapports. Procès-verbaux et discussions. 1., 1905; 2., 1908. Bruxelles. 2v. 8°. Congresso deUa Società itaUana di neurologia. [«See Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di neurol., Roma.] Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. [«See Mem. Connect. Acad. Arts & Se] Conseil d'hygiène de la province de Québec. [«See Bull, san., Montréal.] Conseil d'hygiène pubUque et de salubrité du département de la Seine. [«See Compt. rend. Cons. d'hyg. pub. de la Seine, Par.] Consejosuperiordesalubridad. Repûblica de El Salvador. [«See Bol. d. Cons. sup. de salub.] Consular Reports. Commerce, manufactures, etc. Washington, D. C. v. 1-72, 1880-1906. 8°. Consultorio médico internacional. [See Eco d. Consult., Madrid.] Contributions to médical research. Dedicated to Victor Clar- ence Vaughan, by his colleagues and former students of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Michigan, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his doctorate. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1903. 4°. Contributions to médical science. [«See Ricketts (H. T.) Con- trib. to med. se] Contributions from the Pathological Institute of the New York State Hospitals. Utica. v. 1-2 (1896-7), 1898. 8°. Contributions from the Psychopathic Hospital, Department of the Boston State Hospital, Massachusetts, 1913. [Boston, 1914.] I38J Contrib. se med. H. Welch, Balt. pupils W. Contrib. Se Med. & Surg. . . . 25. anniv. founding of N. Y. Post-Grad. M. Sch. & Hosp., N. Y. Contrib. Univ. Lab. M. Bacte- riol., Copenh. Contrib. Zool. Lab. Univ. Penn., PhUa. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte d. Prov. Hessen-Nassau, Hanau. Cor.-Bl. d. aUg. ârztl. Ver. v. Thuringen. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.]. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenberg. Cor.-Bl. f. Zahnarzte, Berl. CorneU Univ. Med. CoU. Dispen- sary, N. Y. City, N. Y. Correio med. de Lisb. Correo internac. odont., Madrid. Correo odont. internac, Madrid. Corresp. méd., Madrid. Corresp. méd., Par. Corriere san., MUano. Corriere san. Bisettim., Milano. Corriere san. Settim., MUano. Country Doctor, Sparta, Tenn. County & Municip. Ree, Glasg. &Edinb. Courrier méd., Par. Contributions to the science of medicine. Dedicated by his pupils to William Henrv Welch on the 25. anniversary of his dort orale Baltimore. 1 v." 1900. roy. 8°. Contributions to the Science of Medicine and Surgery by the Faculty in célébration of the twenty-fifth anniversary. 18S2- 1907, of the founding of the New York Post-(iraduate Médical School and Hospital. New York. v. 1, 1908. roy. 8°. Contributions from the University Laboratory for Médical Bacte- riology. To celebrate the inauguration of the State Sérum Institute. Edited by Cari Jul. Salomonsen. Copenhagen. 1 v. 1902. sm. 4°. Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. No. 2, v. 1, 1895. 8°. Convegno médico interprovinciale deUa regione Lombard.- Veneta. [See Atti d. Conveg. med. interprov. d. regione Lomb.- Veneta.] Correspondenzblatt fur die Aerzte der Provinz Hessen-Nassau. Hanau. v. 1-6, 1889-1914. 8°. Correspondenz-Blatter des allgemeinen àrztlichen Vereins von Thuringen. Weimar; Leipzig, v. 1-31,1872-1902. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Kor.-Bl. [etc.].] Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropolo- gie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte Munchen; Braunschweig. v. 1-36, 1871-1905. 4°. [Issued with: Arch. f. Anthrop. Con- tinued as: Kor.-Bl. [etc.].] Correspondenz-Blatt fur schweizer Aerzte. Bern; Basel. v. 1- 46, 1871-1916. 8°. Correspondenzblatt des Vereins deutscher Aerzte in Reichenberg und Umgebung. Reichenberg. v. 12-28, 1899-1915. 8°. Correspondenz-Blatt fur Zahnarzte. BerUn. v. 1, 1871-2; v. 10- 13, 1881-1904. 8°. CorneU University Médical Collège Dispensary, New York City. Médical Report. New York. v. 1, 1905. 8°. [See, also, Pub. CorneU Univ. Med. Coll. . . . Dep. Neurol. Also: Pub. CorneU Univ. Med. Coll. Stud. Dep. Path.] Corps de santé de la réserve et de l'armée territoriale. [See Pra- ticien, Par.] Correio (O) médico de Lisboa; pubUcaçâo quinzenal de medicina, cirurgia e pharmacia. Lisboa. v. 1-25, 1871-96. 8°. Correo internacional odontolôgico y clinica dental. Revista mensual. Madrid, v. 1-5, 1896-1900. 8°. Correo odontolôgico internacional. Revista mensual. [Con- tinuation of: Correo internac. odont.] Madrid, v. 6-7, 1901-2. 8°. Correspondencia (La) médica. 1866-1905. 4°. Madrid. Nos. 31-1844 (v. 1^0), Correspondant (Le) médical. Journal médical, scientifique Ut- téraire et illustré. Paris, v. 6-21, 1900-1914. roy. 8°. Corriere sanitario. Milano. v. 4-7, 9-21,1893-6, 1898-1901. fol. [v. 8, 1897, in two parts, as: Corriere san. Bisettim., and: Corriere san. Settim. In 1911, combined with: ItaUa san., forming: Pensiero med.] Corriere sanitario. Bisettimanale d' interessi professionali. Mi- lano. v. 8, 1897. fol. [Title, in 1897, of: Corriere san., Milano. «See, also, Corriere san. Settim., Milano.] Corriere sanitario. Settimanale pratico-scientifico. Milano. v. 8, 1897. fol. [Title, in 1897, of: Corriere san., Milano. «See, also, Corriere san. Bisettim., Milano.] Country (The) Doctor. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Sparta, Tenn. v. 4-6, 1897-9. 8°. County (The) and Municipal Record. Glasgow & Edinburgh v. 1-10, 1903 to 1907-8. 4°. Courrier (Le) médical et la Réforme médicale. Paria, v. 18-52 1868-1902. 4°. ' [59] Creighton M. BuU., Omaha. Cresset, N. Y. Crim. mod., Buenos Aires. Critica med., MUano. Critique, Denver. Cron. di chir., Napoli. Cron. d. cUn. med. di Genova. Cron. d. Congreg. di carità e d. manie di Teramo. Cron. d. manie di Pavia in Vo- ghera. Cron. d. manie di Siena. Cron. d. manie di Teramo. Cron. méd., Lima. Cron. méd. mexicana, Mexico. Cron. méd.-quir. de la Habana. Cron. d. r. manie di Alessandria. Cultura pop., Barcel. Cycl. Dis. ChUd., M. & S. (Keat- ing), PhUa. Czasopismo lek., Lôdz. Czasopismo towarz. aptek., Lwôw. Credé's Archiv. [«See Arch. f. Gynaek.] Creighton (The) Médical Bulletin. Omaha, Nebr 1898-1900. 8°. v. 1-3, Cresset (The). New York. v. 1-10, 1897-8 to 1906-7. 8°. Criminalogia moderna. Revista mensual. Buenos Aires, v. 1, 1899. 8°. Critica (La) medica. MUano. v. 1-5,1911-15. fol. Critique (The). Denver, Colo. v. 4-20, 1897-1913. [Continua- tion of : Denver J. Homœop.] Crocker (George) Research Fund. [«See Studies in cancer (Crocker Research Fund), N. Y.] Cronache di chirurgia. Rivista mensUe per i medici pratici. Napoli. v. 1, 1914. 4°. Cronaca deUa clinica medica di Genova. Genova. v. 1-21,1892- 1915. 8°. Cronaca deUa Congregazione di carità e del manicomio di Teramo. Teramo. v. 9-12, 1902-6. fol. [Continuation of: Cron. d. manie di Teramo.] Cronaca del manicomio provinciale di Pavia in Voghera. Vo- ghera. v. 3-18, 1883-98. 8°. Cronaca del manicomio di Siena. Siena. v. 1-34, 1875-1908. 4°. Cronaca del manicomio di Teramo. Teramo. v. 1-8,1893-1900. fol. [Continued as: Cron. d. Congreg. di carità e d. manie di Teramo.] Crônica (La) médica. Lima. v. 1-33, 1884-1916. 8°. Crônica médica mexicana. Mexico, v. 1-17, 1897-1914. 8°. Crénica médico-quirûrgica de la Habana. v. 1-42,1875-1916. 8°. Cronaca del regio manicomio di Alessandria. Alessandria. v. 6-23, 1885-1904. 4°, Cultura (La) popular. Organq de las juntas de extension univer- sitaria de Barcelona y su distrito académico. Barcelona. v. 6, 1909. 8°. Cyclopaedia of the Diseases of Children, Médical and Surgical. The articles written especially for the work by American, Brit- ish, and Canadian authors. Edited by John M. Keating. PhUadelphia. v. 1-4, 1890-91. 8°. Czasopismo lekarskie. Miesiecznik. [Médical annals. Monthly.] Lôdz. v. 1-10, 1899-1908. 8°. [Merged in: Przegl. lek., Krakow.] Czasopismo towarzystwa aptekarskiego. [Chronicle of the Apothecaries' Association.] Lwôw. v. 5-36, 1876-1907. 8°. D. Dai Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo. Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa- Kwai Ho, Tokyo. Dai Nippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. Dandridge Vol., Cincin. Dai Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi. [Gazette of the Society of Oculistsof Japan.] Tokyo, v. 1-10, 1897-1906. 8°. Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Ho. [Journal of the Oto- Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan.] Tokyo, v. 3-12, 1897-1906. 8°. Dai Nippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Private Sanitary Society of Japan.] Tokyo. Nos. 1-22, 104- 105,116-282, 1885-1906. 8°. Dairy Commissioner of the State of New Jersey. [«See Rep. Dairy Com. N. Jersey, Trenton.] Dandridge (The) Volume. Being a séries of papers presented at various times in the meetings of the Cincinnati Research So- ciety and dedicated by it to the memory of its distinguished member, Nathaniel Pendleton Dandridge. Cincinnati. 1912. 8°. [60] Dauphiné méd., Grenoble. Défense méd., Bordeaux. Delaware State M. J., Wilming- ton. Denkschr. d. GeseUsch. f. Wis- sensch., Giessen. Denkschr. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch. Math-naturw. KLasse, Wien. Dental Brief, PhUa. Dental Cosmos, PhUa. Dental Digest, Chicago. Dental HeadUght, NashvUle. Dental Items Interest, N. Y. Dental J., Ann Arbor. Dental Office & Lab., Phila. Dental & Oral Se Mag., N. Y. Dental Pract., Toronto. Dental Pract. & Adv., Buffalo. Dental Ree, Lond. Dental Reg., Cincin. Dental Rev., Chicago. Dental Summary, Toledo. Dental & Surg. Microcosm, Pittsburgh. Dental Tribune, Chicago. Denver J. Homœop. Denver M. Times [etc.]. Dep. Commerce & Labor. Bull. Bureau Labor, Wash. DanUevski (Aleksandr) & DanUevski (VasUiy). [«See Fiziol. sbornik (Danilevski), Kharkov.] Dauphiné (Le) médical. Grenoble, v. 13-37, 1889-1913; Nos. 1-3, v. 38, 1914. 8°. Défense (La) médicale. Journal des intérêts professionnels du corps médical. Publié par le bureau du Syndicat professionnel des médecins bordelais. Bordeaux. Années 1-4, 1895-9. 8 . Delaware State Médical Journal. The officiai organ of the Dela- ware State Médical Society. WUmington, Del. v. 3-7, 1911- 16. 8°. Delaware State Médical Society. [See Delaware State M. J. Also: J. Delaware State M. Soc] Denison University. [«See Bull scient, lab. Denison Univ., Gran- viUe, O.] Denkschriften der Gesellschaft fur Wissenschaft und Kunst in Giessen. Giessen. 1. Hft. 1847. 8°. Denkschriften der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien. v. 71, 75, 77-82, 84-89, 1905-14. 4°. Dental Brief. Philadelphia. v. 2-18, 1897-8 to 1913. 8°. [Continuation of : Welch's Month.] Dental (The) Cosmos. Philadelphia. v. 1-58, 1859-1916. 8°. Dental (The) Digest. Chicago, v. 1-22, 1895-1916. 8°. Dental Faculties Association of American Universities. [«See Proc. Dent. Fac. Ass. Am. Univ.] Dental (The) Headlight. NashvUle, Tenn. v. 1-31, 1880- 1910. 8°. Dental Items of Interest. New York. v. 38, 1916. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Items Interest.] Dental (The) Journal. Published under the auspices of the Den- tal Society of the University of Michigan. Ann Arbor, Mich. v. 1-11, 1892-1902. 8°. Dental (The) Office and Laboratory. Philadelphia. v. 1-5,1868- 72; 2. s., v. 1-10, 1877-86; 3. s., v. 1-22, 1887-1908. 8° & 4°. Dental (The) and Oral Science Magazine. Devoted to profes- sional interests and the Transactions of the New York Odonto- logical Society. New York. v. 1, 1878. 8°. Dental Practice, Toronto. A monthly journal published in the interests of the dental profession in Canada and the United States. Toronto, v. 1-10, 1906-11. 8°. Dental (The) Practitioner and Advertiser. Buffalo. v. 23-29, 1892-8. 8°. Dental (The) Record. London. v. 1-27, 1881-1907. 8°. Dental (The) Register. Cincinnati, v. 20-70, 1866-1916. 8°. Dental (The) Review. Chicago, v. 1-30, 1886-1916. 8°. Dental Society of the University of Michigan. [«See Dental J., Ann Arbor.] Dental (The) Summary. A journal of practical dentistry. To- ledo. v. 22-36,1902-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Ohio Dent. J.] Dental (The) and Surgical Microcosm. A quarterly magazine devoted chiefly to the art and science of ansesthesia. Pitts- burgh, Pa. v. 1-6, 1891-7. 8°. Dental (The) Tribune. Chicago. Nos. 1-34, v. 1, Dec. 17, 1892, to Aug. 5, 1893. 8°. Denver (The) Journal of Homœopathy. Denver. v. 1-3,1894-7, 8°. [Continued as: Critique, Denver.] Denver Médical Times. Denver. v. 2-34, 1883-1915. 8°. [In 1906, "and Utah Médical Journal," in 1912, "and Nevada Medicine" added to title] Department of Commerce and Labor. Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor. Washington. Nos. 54-109, 1904-12. 8°. [Incom- plète] [61] Dep. Interior. Bureau Govt. Lab. Biol. Lab., ManUa. Dep. Neurol. Harv. M. Sch. Contrib. [etc.], Bost. Dermat. Centralbl., Berl. Dermat. izsUed. iz klin. Polo- tebnova, S.-Peterb. Dermat. Stud., Hamb. & Leipz. Dermat. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. Hamb. Dermat. Ztschr., BerL Dermatologiya, S.-Peterb. Desinfektion. Monatsschr., Berl. Détroit M. J. Deutsch - Am. Naturarzt, Chi- cago. Deutsche Aerzte-Ztg., Berl. Department of the Interior. Bureau of Government Laborato- ries. Biological Laboratory, Manila. Nos. 1-2, 4-36, 1903-6. 8 . Department of Neurology. Harvard Médical School. Contri- butions from the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Boston City Hospital, the Long Island Hospital, and the Neurological Laboratory. Boston, v. 1-5, 1912. 8°. Department of Physiology of Columbia University at the Col- lège of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. [«See Stud. Dep. Physiol. Columbia Univ., N. Y.] Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. [«See Tr. Dermat. Soc. Gr. Brit. . . ., Lond.] Dermatologisches Centralblatt. Internationale Rundschau auf dem Gebiete der Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten. Berlin. v. 1-18, 1897-8 to 1914-15. 8°. Dermatologicheskiya izlïedovaniya iz kliniki A. G. Polotebnova. [Dermatological investigations from the clinie of A. G. Polo- tebnoff.] S.-Peterburg. 1886-7. 8°. Dermatologische Studien. Hrsg. von. P. G. Unna. Hamburg & Leipzig. Hft. 1-19, 1886-1903; Bd. 20-22, 1910-12. Dermatologische Wochenschrift. Leipzig & Hamburg. v. 54-61, 1912-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat.] Dermatologische Zeitschrift. Berlin, v. 1-22, 1893-1915. 8°. Dermatologiya; yeshemïesyachnîy zhùrnal, posvyashtshonnîy kozhnîm i venericheskim zabolïevaniyam. [Dermatology; monthly journal, devoted to skin and venereal diseases.] S.- Peterburg. v. 1-3, 1913-14. 8°. Desinfektion. Monatsschrift. Berlin, v. 1-5, 1908-12. 8°. Détroit Médical Journal. Détroit, v. 1-16,1901-16. 8°. Deutsch-Amerikanische (Der) Naturarzt. Chicago, v. 1-3,1898- 1900. 8°. Deutsche Aerzte-Zeitung. Berlin. 1899-1913. roy. 8°. Deutsche anthropologische Gesellschaft. [«See Festschr. z. Ver- samml. d. deutsch. anthrop. GeseUsch., Lùbeck.] Deutsche Bahnarzte zu Baden-Baden. [«See Ber. ù. d. VerhandL d. 5. Verbandst. deutsch. Bahnarzte. Also: Protok. d. Ver- handL d. Versamml. deutsch. Bahnarzte zu Baden-Baden.] Deutsche dermatologische Gesellschaft. [«See Ber. ù. d. Ver- handL d. viii. Kong. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. Also: VerhandL d. deutsch. dermat. GeseUsch.] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urge- schichte. [«See Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.].] Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Bekâmpfung der Geschlechtskrank- heiten. [«See Flugschr. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. z. Bekiimpf. d. Geschlechtskrankh., Leipz. Also: Ztschr. z. Bekàmpf. d. Geschlechtskrankh. ] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Vôlkerkunde Ostasiens in Tokio. [«See Mitth. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Vôlkerk. Ostasiens in Tokio.] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur orthopâdische Chirurgie. [«See Ver- handL d. deutseh. Gesellsch. f. orthop. Chir. 8. Kong. 1909.] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Stadthygiene. [«See Arch. f. Stadthyg., [etc.] Also: Ztschr. f. Stadthyg.] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Urologie [Kongress in Wien 1907], [See VerhandL d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol. [Kong, in Wien 1907].] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Volksbâder. [«See Verôffentl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Volksbâder.] Deutsche Gôrres-GeseUschaft. [«See Anthropos, Salzb.] [62] Deutsche Klinik, Berl. & Wien. Deutsche klin.-therap. Wchn- Bchr., Leipz. Deutsche Krankenh., Jena. Deutsche Krankenpfl.-Ztg., Berl. Deutsche med. Presse, Berl. Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Berl. & Leipz. Deutsche Med.-Ztg., Berl. Deutsche mil. - ârztl. Ztschr., Berl. Deutsche Monatschr. f. Zahnh., Leipz. Deutsche Prax., Munchen. Deutsche Rev., Stuttg. u. Leipz. Deutsche tierârztl. Wchnschr. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg. Deutsche zahnarztl. Wchnschr., Wiesb. Deutsche zahnarztl. Ztg., Mun- chen. Deutsche (Die) Klinik am Eingange des zwanzigsten Jahrhun- derts in akademischen Vorlesungen. Berlin Wien. Festschr. f. Adolf Bastian . . ., Berl. Festschr. d. Albrecht-Ludwigs- Univ. in Freib. [etc.], Freib. i. Br. Farmatsevticheskiv Jurnal, izdavavemîv . . . S.-Petorburgskim Farmatsevticheskim Obshtshestvom. ' [Pharmaceutical Jour- nal, issued bv the St. IVtersburg Pharmaceutical Society.] S.-Peterburg. * v. 20-24. 1S98-1902. 4°. Farmacia (La) moderna. Madrid, v. 1-11, 1890-1900. roy. 8°. Farmaceuta polski; dawniej Przeglad farmaceutyczny; czaso- pismo poswiecone farmacyi, naukom z nia, zwiazek majacym, oraz sprawom zawodu. [Polish pharmacist; formerly Phar- maceutical Review; journal ctevoted to pharmacy, kindred sciences, and professional interests] Warszawa. v. 5-16, 1902-13; Nos. 1-6, v. 17, 1914. 8°. Farmaceutickâ Spolecnost v Praze a ceskych Gremii. [See Casop. cesk. lékàrn., v Praze] Farmatsevticheskiy vestnik; zhurnal vîsochaïshe utverzhdyon- navo rossiyskavo farmatsevticheskavo Ob-va vzaïmnavo vspo- moshtshestvovaniya. [Pharmaceutical messenger; journal of the Russian Pharmaceutical Society of Mutual Aid.] Moskva. v. 2-6, 1898-1902. 4°. Farmacoterapia (La). Lodi. v. 6-13, 1906-13. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Ferroterapia.] Farmatsevt, [Pharmacist.] Moskva. v. 6-10, 1898-1902. 4°. Farmatsevt; spisanie na bolgarskitïe farmatsevti. Pharmaceut; Orean des bulgarischen pharmaceutischen Vereins. Sofiya. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, Ï907. 8°. Fasciculi Malayenses; anthropological and zoological results of an expédition to Perak and the Siamese Malay States. Lon-« don. 1903. roy. 8°. Fédération of Associations for Cripples. [«See Am. J. Care Crip- ples, N. Y.] Fédérât ion britannique, continentale et générale. [See Bull, con- tinental, Genève] Fédération internationale pharmaceutique. [«See Bull. Féd. in- ternat, pharm., La Haye.] Fédération of State Médical Boards of the United States. [«See Quart. Fed. State Med. Bd. U. S., Easton, Pa.] Federazione dei sanitarii deUa città e provincia di Verona. [«See Fracastoro, Verona.] Federazione délie società itaUane d' igiene. [«See Atti d. Cong. d. Federaz. d. soc. ital. d' ig., Palermo.] Feestbundel opgedragen aan Hector Treub. Leiden. 1 v. 1912. fol. Feestbundel, Dr. Sape Talma, bij gelegenheid van zijn 25-jarig hoogleeraarschap, den 6en October 1901, aangeboden en toege- wijd door dankbare leerhngen. Haarlem. 1 v. 1901. 8°. Feldsher. S.-Peterburg. v. 1-17, 1891-1907. 8°. von Emil Abderhalden. Leipzig. Fermentforschung. Hrsg. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1914-15. Ferroterapia (La). Periodico bimestrale di medicina, chimica e farmacia applicate alla cura dei ferruginosi. Lodi. v. 1-5, 1901-5. 8°. [Continued as: Farmacoterapia.] Festnummer der Zeitschrift fur Gewerbe-Hygiene, Unfall- verhùtung (und Arbeiter-Wohlfarts-Einrichtungen. Wien. 1 v. 1904. 4°. Festschrift fur Adolf Bastian zu seinem 70. Geburtstage, 26. Juni 1896. BerUn. 1 v. 1896. roy. 8°. Festschrift der Albrecht-Ludwigs-Universitàt in Freiburg zum fùnfzigjàhrigen Regierungs-Jubilàum seiner kôniglichen Ho- heit des Grossherzogs Friedrich. Freiburg i Br. 1 v. 1902. Festschr. enthalt. Arb. u. Tu- ! Festschrift enthaltend Arbeiten tiber Tuberkulose, herausgege- berk. . . . vi. Internat. Tu- I ben anlàsslich der Tagung der vi. Intemationalen Tuberkidose- berk.-Konf. [etc.], Wien & Konferenz, Wien, September 1907, vom osterreichischen Or- Leipz. I ganisations-Komitee. Wien & Leipzig. 1 v. 1907. 8°. [69] Festschr. Leipz. Benno Schmidt Festschr. z. 40jâhr. Besteh. d. Edel'schen HeUanst. . . . zu Charlottenburg, Berl. Festschr. . . . Cari Gegenbaur, Leipz. Festschr. . . .Cari Gôschel . . . 25jahr. JubU., Tubing. Festschr. . . . Cari v. Kupffer, Jena. Festschr. z. 1. Cong. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. z. Bekâmpf. d. Ge- schlechtskrankh., Frankf. a. M. Festschr. Ed. Hagenbach-Burk- hardt, Basel u. Leipz. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. K. Au- guste Victoria-Hauses z. Be- kâmpf. d. Sâuglingssterbl., Berl. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. Kran- kenh. d. Stadt Nurnb. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. Univ.- Augenklin. in Bern. Festschr. z. Feier d. 50jahr. Besteh. d. med. GeseUsch. zu Magdeb. Festschr. z. Feier . . . v. d. phys.- med. GeseUsch. zu Wurzb. Festschr. z. Feier . . . d. Stadt- Krankenh. zu Dresd.-Fried- richstadt, Dresd. Festschr. z. Feier d. 80jâhr. Stif- tungsf. d. ârztl. Ver. zu Hamb., Leipz. Festschr. f. G. E. v. Rindfleisch [etc.], Leipz. Festschr. z. 70. Geburtst. v. Ernst Haeckel, Jena. Festschr. z. 70. Geburtst. v. Jacob Esser, Berl. Festschr. z. 60. Geburtst. Rich- ard Hertwigs, Jena. Festschr. z. 60. Geburtst. v. Robert Koch, Jena. Festschr. H. Bircher, Tubing. Festschr. . . . Hans Chiari . . . seines 25jâhr. Prof.-JubU. [etc.], Wien & Leipz. Festschrift, . . . Benno Schmidt zur Feier der Vollendung seines siebenzigsten Lebensjahres von Freunden und Schûlern gewidmet und . . . hrsg. von der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Leipzig den 3. Mârz 1896. Leipzig. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Festschrift zum 40jàhrigen Bestehen der Edel'schen Heilanstalt fur Gemuts- und Nervenkranke zu Charlottenburg 1869-1909. von Max Edel. Berlin. 1 v. 1909. 8°. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage von Cari Gegenbaur am 21. August 1896. Leipzig. 3 v. 1896-7. 4°. Festschrift Herrn Hofrat Dr. Cari Gôschel bei Gelegenheit seines 25jàhrigen Jubilàums als Oberarzt der chirurgischen Abtei- lung des allgemeinen stâtischen Krankenhauses ehrerbietigst gewidmet. Tubingen. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag von Cari von Kupffer. Jena. 2 v. 1899. fol. Festschrift zum 1. Congress der deutschen Gesellschaft zur Bekàmpfung der Geschlechts-Krankheiten, in Frankfurt a. M. Frankfurt a. M. 1 v. 1903. 8°. Festschrift Eduard Hagenbach-Burckhardt zu seinem 25jâhrigen Professoren-Jubilàum gewidmet von seinen Schûlern. Basel und Leipzig 1 v. 1897. 8°. Festschrift zur Erôffnung des Kaiserin Auguste Victoria-Hauses zur Bekàmpfung der SàugUngssterbUchkeit im Deutschen Reiche Berlin. 1 v. 1909. 8°. Festschrift zur Erôffnung des neuen Krankenhauses der Stadt Nûrnberg. Nûrnberg. 1 v. 1898. roy. 8°. Festschrift zur Erôffnung der neuen Universitâts-Augenklinik in Bern. lv. 1910. 4°. Festschrift zur Feier des fûnfzigjâhrigen Bestehens der medicini- schen Gesellschaft zuMagdeburg. Magdeburg. lv. 1898. 8° Festschrift zur Feier ihres fûnfzigjâhrigen Bestehens. Hrsg. von der physikalisch-medizinischen Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. Wûrzburg. 1 v. 1899. 4°. Festschrift zur Feier des fûnfzigjâhrigen Bestehens des Stadt- Krankenhauses zu Dresden-Friedrichstadt. Dresden. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Festschrift zur Feier des achtzigjâhrigen Stiftungsfestes des ârztlichen Vereins zu Hamburg. Leipzig. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Festschrift fur Georg Eduard von Rindfleisch. Unter Mitwir- kung ehemaliger und jetziger Assistenten, Studiengenossen, befreundeter Fachkollegen und Verwandter Rindfleischs. Hrsg. von Max Borst. Leipzig. 1 v. 1907. roy. 8°. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage von Ernst Haeckel. Hrsg von seinen Schûlern und Freunden. Jena. 1 v. 1904. fol. Festschrift zum siebzigsten Geburtstage von Jacob Esser. Ber- Un. lv. 1913. 8°. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag Richard Hertwigs (Munchen). Jena. 3 v. 1910. roy. 8°. Festschrift zum sechzigsten Geburtstage von Robert Koch. Hrs" von seinen dankbaren Schûlern. Jena. 1 v. 1903. Festschrift Herrn Dr. Heinrich Bircher, Direktor der kantonalen Krankenanstalt Aarau (Schweiz) und Chefarzt der chirurgi- schen Abteilung zu seiner 25jâhngen Amtstatigkeit uberreicht von Freunden und ehemaligen Assistenten 1887-1912. Tu- bingen. lv. 1914. 8°. Festschrift Herrn Hofrat Prof. Dr. Hans Chiari aus Anlass seines 25jàhrigen Professoren-Jubilàums gewidmet von seinen Schûlern. Veranstaltet und herausgegeben von Paul Dittrich. Wien & Leipzig. 1 v. 1908. 8°. [70J Festschr. Danzig. Heinrich Abegg Festschr. J. Rosenthal [etc.], Leipz. Festschr. z. JubU. d. Aerzte-Ver. d. Kreise Birnbaum [etc.], Jauer. Festschr. z. . . . JubU. d. GeseU- sch. pract. Aerzte zu Riga v. d. stadt. Irrenh.- u. Pfiegeanst. Rothenberg, Riga. Festschr. z. . . . Krankenh. d. Barmherzigkeit zu Kônigsb. i. Pr., Berl. Festschr. . . . Moriz Kaposi z. Prof .-JubU., Wien u. Leipz. Festschr. d. naturf. GeseUsch. in Zurich. Festschr. O. Hammarsten [etc.], Upsala & Wiesb. Festschr. . . . O. L. Heubner, zum lxx. Geburtst., Berl. Festschr. ... d.Prov.-Irren-Anst. zu Nietleben b. HaUe a. S., Leipz. Festschr. z. 40jâhr. Stiftungs- feier d. Deutsch. Hosp., N. Y. Festschr. z. lOOjâhr. Stiftungs- f eier d. med.-chir. Fried.-Wilh.- Inst., Berl. Festschr. z. Versamml. d. deut- sch. anthrop. GeseUsch., Lu- beck. Festschr. d. 70. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Dusseldorf. Festschr. d. 84. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Munster. Festschr. . . . W. von Leube gewidmet, Leipz. Festskr. tuieg. E. marck, Helsingfors. Wester- Festskr. ... Prof. Heibergs [etc.], Kristiania. Festskr. tUl. M. V. Odenius, Lund. Festschrift gewidmet ... Dr. Heinrich Abegg . . . zum 50jâhn- gen Dnctor-Jubilaeum vom àrztlichen Verein zu Danzig am 2. Juni 1898. Danzig. 1 v. 1898. 8°. Festschrift J. Rosenthal zur VoUendung seines siebzigsten Le- bensjahres gewidmet. Leipzig. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Festschrift zum 25jahrie;en Jubilâum des Aerzte-Vereins der Kreise Birnbaum, Bomst, Graetz, Meseritz, Neutomischel und Schwerin. Jauer. 1 v. 1903. 8°. Festschrift zum 75jàhrigen Jubilâum der Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga von der stàdtischen Irrenheil- und Pflege anstalt Rothenberg. Riga. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Festschrift zur Einweihung der neuerbauten Abteilung fur Frauenkrankheiten in dem unter dem Protektorat Ihrer Ma- jestàt der Kaiserin Auguste Victoria stehenden Krankenhause der Barmherzigkeit zu Kônigsberg i. Pr. bei der 50jàhrigen Jubelfeier der Anstalt am 18. Mai 1900. Berlin. 1 v. 1900. 8°. Festschrift gewidmet Moriz Kaposi zum fûnfundzwanzigjâhrigen Professorenjubilâum. In Verehrung und Dankbarkeit von Collegen und Schûlern. Ergânzungsband zum: Archiv fur Dermatologie und Syphilis. Wien & Leipzig. 1 v. 1900. 8°. Festschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich, 1746- 1896. Den Teilnehmern der in Zurich vom 2.-5. August 1896 tagenden 79. Jahresversammlung der schweizerischen natur- forschenden Gesellschaft gewidmet. In zwei Teilen. Vier- teljahrsschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. 41. Jahrg. 1896. Jubelband I-II. Zurich. 2 v. 1896. 8°. Festschrift Olof Hammarsten zu seinem fûnfundsechzigsten Ge- burtstage den 21sten August 1906 gewidmet. Upsala & Wies- baden. 1 v. 1906. roy. 8°. Festschrift D. Otto L. Heubner, zum lxx. Geburtstag gewidmet. Berlin. 1913. 8°. Festschrift anlàsslich des fûnfzigjâhrigen Bestehens der Provin- zial-Irren-Anstalt zu Nietleben bei Halle a S. von frûheren und jetzigen Aerzten der Anstalt. Leipzig. 1 v. 1897. roy. 8°. Festschrift zur vierzigjâhrigen Stiftungsfeier des Deutschen Hos- pitals. New York. 1 v. 1909. 8*. Festschrift zur lOOjàhrigen Stiftungsfeier des medizinisch-chirur- gischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Instituts. Berlin. 1 v. 1895. 4°. Festschrift zur xxviii. Versammlung der deutschen anthropolo- gischen Gesellschaft. Lûbeck, August, 1897. Lûbeck. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Festschrift der 70. Versammlung der deutschen Naturforscher und Aerzte dargeboten von den wissenschaftlichen Vereinen Dûsseldorfs. Dusseldorf. 1 v. 1898. 4°. Festschrift gewidmet den Teilnehmern der 84. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Munster i Westf. von der Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft in Munster. Munster. 1 v. 1912. 4°. Festschrift. Herrn Geheimrat Prof. Dr. Wilhelm von Leube gewidmet zur Feier seiner fûnfundzwanzigjâhrigen kUnischen Tâtigkeit in Wûrzburg; von seinen Schûlern. Leipzig. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Festskrift tillegnad Edvard Westermarck i anledning av hans femtioârsdag den 20. November 1912. Helsingfors. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Festskrift i Anledning af Professor, Doctor medicinse Hjalmar Heibergs 25 Aars Jubilseum som Professe >r ved Kristiania Uni- versitet fra forhenvœrende og nuvaerende Assistenter 24 de Mai 1895. Kristiania. lv. 1895. 8°. Festskrift tillàgnad M. V. Odenius pa hans âttiofemârsdag den 16 mars 1913. Lund. 1 v. 1913. 4°. [71] Fiftieth Anniv. Hartford M. Soc. Finska lâk.-sâUsk. handl., Hel- singfors. Fiziol. sbornik (DanUevski), Kharkov. Fizioterap. Vestnik, Odessa. Flandre méd., Gand. Flugschr. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. z. Bekâmpf. d. Geschlechts- krankh., Leipz. Forh. aUm. svens. lâk.-motet. Forh. v. Finska Lâk.-SâUsk., Helsingfors. Forh. Svens. Lâk.-SâUsk. Sam- mank. Forhandl. v. nord. Kong. f. inv. med., Stockholm. FoUa cUn. chim. et micros., Salsomaggiore. FoUa gynaee, Pavia. FoUa haematol. FoUa med., NapoU. FoUa microbiol., Delft. FoUa neuro-biol., Leipz. Fick (Adolf) [«See Beitr. z. Physiol. Festschr. f. Adolf Fick . . .] Fiftieth Anniversary of the Hartford Médical Society, founded September 15, 1846. Proceedings at the célébration, October 26, 1896, at Hartford, Connecticut. Hartford. 1 v. 1897. roy. 8°. Finsens medicinske Lysinstitut. [See Medd. f. Finsens med. Lysinst.] Finska làkaresâllskapets handUngar. Helsingfors. v. 1-58, 1841-1915. 8°. [See, also, Forh. v. Finska Lâk.-SâUsk.] First District Dental Society of the State of New York. [See Souvenir. 17. anniv. First Dist. Dent. Soc. N. Y.] Fiziko-Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo. [«See Univ. Izvïest. [Pro- tok. Fiz.-med. Obsh.], Kiyev.] Fiziko-Meditsinskoye Obshestvo v Saratovïe. [«See Protok. i Trudi Fiz.-Med. Obsh. v Saratove] Fiziologicheskiy sbornik; statyi i rabotî po biologii i eksperi- mentalnoï meditsinïe iz laboratoriy i pod redaktsiyeï Aleksan- dra Danilevskavo i VasiUya Danilevskavo. [Physiological collection; essays on biology and expérimental medicine from the laboratories of, and edited by AJexander DanUevski and VasiUy DanUevski.] Kharkov. 2 v. 1888-91. 8°. Fizioterapevticheskiy Vestnik. Yezhemïesyachnîy zhurnal hidroterapii (limanî, more, prïesnov. kup.), elektroterapii, kineziterapii (massage, gimnastika, mekhanoterapiya), fotor terapii, klimato- i dietoterapU. [Physiotherapeutic Messenger. Monthly journal of hydrotherapy (mud, sea, and fresh-water baths), electrotherapy, kinesotherapy (massage, gynastics, mechanotherapy), phototherapy, climato- and dieto- therapy.] Odessa. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1904. 8°. Flandre (La) médicale. Revue scientifique et pratique. Gand. v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8°. [Continued in No. 27, année 2, July 11, 1895, as: Belgique méd., Gand.] Flemming (C). [«See Beitr. z. Psychiat., BerL] Florida Médical Association. [See J. Florida M. Ass., Jackson- ville Also: Tr. Florida M. Ass.] Flu^schriften der deutschen Gesellschaft zur Bekàmpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten. Leipzig. Hft. 1-7, 1904-7. 8°. FôrhandUngar vid almânna svenska làkaremôtet. 1.-3., 1885-9; 9.-10., 1899-1901. Stockholm. 1885-1901. 8°. FôrhandUngar vid Finska Làkaresâllskapets almânna mote 15.-19., 1895-1903. Helsingfors. 1896-1904. 8°. [Subséquent FôrhandUngar published in: Finska làk.-sàllsk. handl.] FôrhandUngar vid Svenska Làkare-Sàllskapets Sammankomster. 1841-1913. Stockholm. 1844-1914. 8°. [Supplément to: Hygiea, Stockholm.] FôrhandUngar vid nordiska Kongressen for invàrtes medicin. 1 -2 , 1896-8. Stockholm. 1896-8. 8°. [Continued under title:' Verhandl. d. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med.] Forster (R.) [-See Beitr. z. Augenh. Festschr. . . . R. Forster . . ., Wiesb.] FoUa clinica chimica et microscopica. Salsomaggiore. v. 2-5, 1909-15. 8°. [Continuation of : Lavori e riv. di chim. e micr. clin.] Folia gynaecologica. Raccolta di lavori originaU di ostetricia e ginecologia. Pavia. v. 1-10, 1908-15. 8°. Folia hsematologica. Berlin; Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1904-9; 1. Teil (Archiv), v. 10-19; 2. Teil (Zentral-Organ), v. 9-17,1910-15. 8°. Folia medica. Napoli. v. 1,1915. 8°. Folia microbiologica. Hollàndische Beitrâge zur gesamten Mikrobiologie. Delft. v. 1-4, 1912-15. 8 . Folia neuro-biologica. Internationales Zentralorgan fur die gesamte Biologie des Nervensystems. Leipzig, v. 1-9, 1907-15. 8°. [72] FoUa serolog. [etc.], Leipz. FoUa Therap., Lond. FoUa urolog., Leipz. Folk-Lore, Lond. Food, N. Y. Food & Health [San. Ree], Lond. Foredr. og disk. p. 2den nord. kong. f. indre med., Kristiania. Forester, Wash. Forh. i d. kong. med. Selsk. i Kjo'benh. Forh. med. Selsk. i Kristiania. Forh. v. nord, kirurg. f oren. mode i Helsingfors, 1897, Stock- holm. Forh. . . . norskelœgemo'de . . ., Kristiania. Formulaire, Par. Forsch.-Ber. ii. Lebensmittel, Munchen. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Rontgen- strahlen, Hamb. Fortschr. d. Hydroth. Festschr. W. Winternitz, Wien u. Leipz. Fortschr. d. Med. Fortschr. d. off. GsndhtspfL, Frankf. a. M. Fortschr. d. Rassenk., Berl. Fortschr. d. Vet.-Hyg., Berl. Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag. Fort Wayne M. Mag. Fracastoro, Verona. France mêd., Par. Folia serologica. Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1908-11. 8°. [Continued as: Ztschr. f. Chemotherap.] Folia Therapeutica. A periodical journal relating to modem therapeutics and pharmacology for médical practitioners. London. v. 1-5, 1907-11. roy. 8°. Folia urologica. Internationales Archiv fur die Krankheiten der Harnorgane Leipzig, v. 1-9, 1907-8 to 1914. 8°. Folk-Lore. London. v. 1-26, 1890-1915. 4°. Food. New York. v. 4-5, 1893-5. 8°. [Continued as: J. Pract. M.] Food and Health. Supplément to the Sanitary Record. Lon- don. Nos. 1-63, 1897-1902. 8°. Foredrag og diskussioner paa 2den nordiske kongres for indre medicin i Kristiania den llte, 12te og 13de August 1898. Kort- fattet référât ved den n. lœgeforenings sekretariat. [Kristia- nia], 1898. 8°. [Bound with 3. & 4. Kongres.] Forester (The). A monthly magazine devoted to the care and use of forests and forest trees and to related subjeots. Wash- ington, D. C. v. 4-6, 1898-1900. 8°. Forhandlinger i det kongelige medicinske Selskab i Kj0benhavn. Kj0benhavn. 1867-8 to 1869-70. 8°. Forhandlinger i Kristiania kirurgiske Forening. [«See Kristiania kirurg. for. forh.] Forhandlinger i det medicinske Selskab i Kristiania. Kristiania- 1893-1915. 8°. [Continuation of: Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kristiania. Since 1867 bound with: Norsk Mag. f. Lsege. vidensk.] Forhandlinger ved nordisk kirurgisk forenings 3:je-4:je mode 1897-9. Stockholm. 1898-1900. 8°. [Supplément to: Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm.] Forhandlinger og foredrag paa det norske lsegemo'de 5.-8., 1893-9. Kristiania. 1893-9. 8°. [Supplément to: Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania.] Formulaire (Le). Revue des médicaments nouveaux. Paris. v. 1-17, 1886-1902. 8°. Forschungs-Berichte ûber Lebensmittel und ihre Beziehungen zur Hygiène. Munchen. v. 1-4, 1893-7. 4°. [Merged in: Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. GenussmitteL] Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Rôntgenstrahlen. Hamburg. v. 1-23, 1897-1915. roy. 8°. Fortschritte der Hydrothérapie. Festschrift zum vierzigjàhrigen Doctor jubilâum des Prof. Dr. W. Winternitz. Hrsg. von Dr. A. Strasser und Dr. B. Buxbaum. Wien und Leipzig. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Fortschritte der Medizin. BerUn; Leipzig, v. 1-32, 1883-1915. 8°. Fortschritte (Die) der ôffentlichen Gesundheitspflege. Frank- furt a. M. v. 1-5, 1892-6. 8°. Fortschritte der Rassenkunde. Berlin. No. 1, 1915. 8°. Fortschritte der Veterinâr-Hygiène. BerUn. v. l^i, 1903-6. 8°. Fort Wayne Médical Journal-Magazine Fort Wayne, Ind. v. 17-27, 1897-1907. 8°. [Consolidation, in 1897, of: J. M. Se, Fort Wayne, with: Fort Wayne M. Mag. Continued as: J. IndianaM. Ass.] Fort Wayne (The) Médical Magazine. Fort Wayne, Ind. v. 2-4, 1893-6. 8°. [Continued as preceding.] Fracastoro (II). Gazzetta medica veronese; bollettino deUa Fe- derazione dei sanitaru deUa città e provincia di Verona. Ve- rona. v. 1-12,1905-16. 8°. [Présent title: Fracastoro. Gaz- zetta medica veneta.] France médicale. Paris, v. 1-60, 1854-1913; Nos. 1-7 y 61 1914. fol. [73] Frankfurt. Ztschr. f. Path., Wiesb. Frankfurt. Ztschr. f. Path. Festschr. . . . J. C. Sencken- berg, Wiesb. Frauenarzt, BerL Frauenspit. Basel. Ber. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med., Nurnb. Fukuiken Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Fûlészet, Budapest. Fiirdô- es vizgyôgyâszat, Buda- pest. Frankfurter Zeitschrift fur Pathologie. 1907-15. 8°. Wiesbaden. v. 1-17, Frankfurter Zeitschrift fur Pathologie. Festschrift zum 200. Geburtstage von Johann Christian Senckenberg: 28. Februar 1907. Wiesbaden. v. 1, 1907. 8°. [Forms v. 1 of preceding.] Frauenarzt (Der). Berlin, v. 1-30, 1886-1915. 8°. Frauenspital Basel. Berichte. Basel. 2 Nos. 1896-8, 1899; 1 Ne, 1903. 8°. Freie Vereinigung bayrischer Vertreter der angewandten Chemie. [«See Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, BerL] Friedreich's Blâtter fur gerichtliche Medizin und SanitâtspolizeL Nûrnberg. v. 14-65, 1863-1914. 8°. Friedrich-Wilhelms-Institut. [«See Festschr. z. lOOjâlir. Stiftungs- feier d. med.-chir. Fried.-Wilh.-Inst., BerL] Fritsch (Heinrich). [«See Bêitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynàk. Fest- schr. . . . (Fritsch), Leipz.] Froriep's Notizen. [«See [in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.]: Notiz. a. d. Geb. d. Nat.- u. Heilk.] Fukuiken Igaku Kwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Society of Médical Science of Fukui District.] Fukui. No. 314,1899. 8°. Fûlészet. [Otology.] Budapest. 1902-13. fol. [Supplément to: Magyar orv. lapja, and Budapesti orv. ujsag.] Fûrdô- es vizgyôgyâszat. [Bath and water medicine] Buda- pest. 1902-14. fol [Supplément to: Magy. orv. lapja, and Budapesti orv. ujsâg.] G. Gae balneol., Madrid. Gae de Ut. de Mexico, Puebla. Gae méd., Mexico. Gae méd. de Câdiz. Gae méd. de Caracas. Gae méd. catal., Barcel. Gae méd. de Costa Rica, San José de Costa Rica. Gae méd. de Granada. Gae méd. de Mexico. Gae méd. d. Norte, BUbao. Gae méd. d. Sur, Granada. Gae méd. d. Sur de Espana, Gra- nada. Gae de med. vet., Madrid. Gae méd.-vet., Madrid. Gaceta balneolôgica. Climatologia. Hidrologia médica. Hi- giene. Madrid. Anos 1-2, 1900-1901. fol. Gacetas de literatura de Mexico. Puebla. v. 1-4, 1831. 8°. Gaceta médica. Mexico, v. 9-37, 1874^1900; 2. s., v. 1-5, 1901-5. 4°. [Continuation of, and continued as: Gae méd. de Mexico.] Gaceta médica de Câdiz. Câdiz. v. 2-4, 1894-6. 4°. Gaceta médica de Caracas. Publicaciôn quincenal. Organo de la Sociedad de médicos y cirujanos de Caracas. Caracas (Vene- zuela), v. 3-6, 1895-8. fol. Gaceta médica catalana. Barcelona. v. 4-r38, 1881-1915. 8°. Gaceta médica de Costa Rica. Revista nacional de medicina, cirugîa, farmacia é higiene. Publicaciôn mensual. Organo de la Facultad de medicina. San José de Costa Rica. v. 1-19, • 1896 to 1915-16. roy. 8°. Gaceta médica de Granada. Granada. Nos. 1-553 (v. 1-24), 1883-1906. 8°. [In No. 497, v. 22, 1904, "y^ del Sur de Espana" added to title. Continued as: Gae méd. d. Sur de Espana.] Gaceta médica de Mexico. Mexico. 1-8, 1906-13. 4°. [In 1874-1905 Mexico.] Gaceta médica del Norte. v. 1-2, 11-21, 1895-1915. fol. Gaceta médica del Sur. Granada. Nos. 716-802 (v. 31-33), 1913- 15. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Gaceta médica del Sur de Espana. Granada. Nos. 554-715 (v. 24-31), 1906-13. 8°. [Continuation of: Gae méd. de Granada. Continued as the preceding.] Gaceta de medicina veterinaria. Madrid, v. 18-24, 1894-1900. 8°. [Continuation of: Gae méd.-vet. Continued as Gae de med. zool.] Gaceta médico-veterinaria. Madrid, v. 3-17, 1880-94. 8°. v. 1-8, 1864-73; 3. s., v. under title: Gae méd., [74] Gae. de med. zool., Madrid. Gae san. de Barcel. GaiUard's M. J., N. Y. GaUlard's South. Med., Savan- nah. TaX^vôs 'Aûr/vai. GaUeria d. cUn. ostet., Scansano. Gann, Ergebn. d. Krebsforsch. in Japan, Tokyo. Garde-malade hosp., Bordeaux. Gaz. d. chn., Par. Gaz. clin., S. Paulo. Gaz. d. eaux, Par. Gaz. de gynée, Par. Gaz. hebd. de méd., Par. Gaz. hebd. d. se méd. de Bor- deaux. Gaz. d. hôp., Par. Gaz. d. hôp. de Lyon. Gaz. d. hôp. de Toulouse. Gaz. d. hosp. do Porto. Gaz. lek., Warszawa. Gaz. d. mal. infant, [etc.], Par. Gaz. med. da Bahia. Gaz. méd. belge, Brux. Gaz. méd. belge, Liège. Gaz. méd. du centre, Tours. Gaz. méd. de Liège. Gaceta de medicina zoolôtnca. Madrid, v. 25-26, 1901-2; v. 30, 1906. 8°. [Continuation of: Gae de med. vet.] Gaceta sanitaria de Barcelona. Barcelona. v. 1-22, 1888-1910. 8°. GaiUard's Médical Journal. New York. v. 28-81, 1879-1904. 8°. [Continued as: South. Med. & GaiUard's M. J.] GaiUard's Southern Medicine. Savannah, Ga. v. 82-92, 1905- 10. 8°. [Continuation of: South. Med. & GaiUard's M. J.] TaXrjuos, iarpiKOv avyypanna. 'Aârjvai. 1879-97. 8 Galicyjske Towarzystwo Weterynarske. [Veterinary Society of GaUcia.] [.See Przegl. wet., Lwôw.] GaUeria deUa clinica ostetrica. Scansano. v. 1, 1902. 8°. Galvagni (E.) [«See Clin. med. ital. p. il giubil. clin. d. E. Galva- gni, Milano.] Gann, Ergebnisse der Krebsforschung in Japan. Tokyo, v. 1-9, 1907-14. 8°. Garde-malade (La) hospitalière. Organe des Écoles de gardes- malades, système Florence Nightingale. Bordeaux. Nos. 1- 92, 1906-14. 8°. Garman (Edward). [.See Stud. philos. & psychol. . . . Garman commem., Bost. & N. Y.] Gazette des cliniques. Paris. No. 1, v. 10, 1903. 8°. Gazeta clinica. Publicaçâo medica mensal. S. Paulo. v. 2-5, 1904-7. 8°. Gazette des eaux. Paris, v. 17-57. 1874-1914. 4°. Gazette de gynécologie. Paris. Nos. 1-660 (v. 1-28), 1885-1913; Nos. 661-675 (v. 29), 1914. 8°. Gazette hebdomadaire de médecine et de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-49, 1853-1902. 4°. Gazette hebdomadaire des sciences médicales de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, v. 1-37, 1880-1916. 4°. Gazette des hôpitaux civils et militaires. Paris, v. 1-88, 1828- 1915. 4° & fol. Gazette des hôpitaux de Lyon. Lyon. v. 1-13, 1900-1912. 8°. Gazette des hôpitaux de Toulouse. Toulouse, v. 1-16, 1887- 1902. 4°. Gazeta dos hospitais do Porto. Porto. Anno 7, 1913. 8°. [Continued as: Portugal med.] Gazeta lekarska. [Médical Gazette.] Warszawa. v. 1-29, 1866- 80; 2. s., v. 1-33, 1881-1913; Nos. 1-30, v. 34, 1914. 8° & 4°. Gazette des maladies infantiles et Journal de clinique et de thérapeutique infantiles réunis; Journal de pédiatne. [Title from 1900-1904, of the fpllowing:] Gazette des maladies infantiles et d'obstétrique. Journal de pédiatrie et d'obstétrique Paris, v. 1-14, 1899-1912. fol. &4°. Gazeta medica da Bahia. Bahia. v. 1-6, 1866-73; 2. s., v. 1-7, 1876-83; 3. s., v. 1-7, 1883-90; 4. s., v. 1-7, 1890-97; v. 29-39, 1897-1908. 8°. Gazette médicale belge. Journal hebdomadaire de littérature, de critique et de nouvelles médicales. Bruxelles, v. 1-7, 1843-9. fol. [In 1850, merged in: Presse méd. belge] Gazette médicale belge. Revue scientifique et professionnelle hebdomadaire. Liège, v. 11-25,1898-9 to 1912-13; Nos. 1-44, v. 26, 1913-14. fol. [Continuation, October 6, 1898, of: Gaz. méd. de Liège] Gazette (La) médicale du centre. Revue mensuelle des travaux médicaux et des intérêts professionnels des médecins de la région. Tours, v. 8-18, 1903-13; Nos. 1-7, v. 19, 1914. 4°. Gazette médicale de Liège Liège v. 1-10, 1888-98. [Con- tinued as: Gaz. méd. belge] [75] Gaz. méd. de Nantes. Gaz. méd. d'Orient, Constant. Gaz. méd. de Par. Gaz. méd. de Picardie, Amiens. Gaz. méd. de Strasb. Gaz. de pharm., Lisb. Gaz. d. prat., LUle. Gazz. internaz. di med., NapoU. Gazz. internaz. di med. prat., NapoU. Gazz. d. manie di Macerata. Gazz. d. manie d. prov. di MUano in MombeUo. Gazz. di med. e chir., Palermo. Gazz. med. cremonese. Gazz. med. ital., Torino. Gazz. med. lomb., MUano. Gazz. med. d. Marche, Porto Civitanova. Gazz. med. di Milano. Gazz. med. di Roma. Gazz. med. sicU., Catania. Gazz. med. di Torino. Gazz. med.-farm., Bologna. Gazz. d. osp., MUano. Gazz. san., Catania. Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir. [etc.], Palermo. Gdnkschr. f. d. verstorb. Gene- ralstabsarzt d. Armée . . . v. Leuthold, Berl. Gégészet, Budapesti. Geibi Iji, Tokyo. Gazette médicale de Nantes. Nantes, v. 1-31, 1882-1913; Nos. 1-31, v. 32, 1914. 4°. Gazette médicale d'Orient. PubUée par la Société impériale de médecine de Constantinople v. 1-52, 1857-1908. 8°. Gazette médicale de Paris, v. 1-84, 1830-1913; Nos. 231-258, v. 87, 1916. 4°. Gazette médicale de Picardie. Amiens, v. 1-21, 1883-1913. 8°. Gazette médicale de Strasbourg. Strasbourg, v. 1-71, 1841- 1912. 4°. Gazeta de pharmacia. PubUcaçâo mensal de pharmacia e de chi- mica. Orgào dos interesses profissionaes da classe pharmaceu- tica. Lisboa. v. 3-12, 1885-95; v. 15, 1897-8. 8°. Gazette des praticiens. Lille. Nos. 414-476, v. 19-21, 1912-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Nord méd.] Gazzetta internazionale di medicina. Napoli. v. 6-19, 1903-16. fol. [Continuation of the following. In 1908, "chirurgia, igiene e interessi professionaU " was added to title.] Gazzetta internazionale di medicina pratica. Napoli. v. 1-5, 1899-1902. fol. [Continued as the preceding.] Gazzetta del manicomio di Macerata. Macerata. v. 3-14, 1893- 1903. fol. Gazzetta del manicomio deUa provincia di Milano in MombeUo. MombeUo. v. 1-25, 1880-1904. fol. Gazzetta di medicina e chirurgia. Palermo. v. 8-9, 1909-10. fol. [Continuation of: Gazz. sicil. di med. e chir.] Gazzetta medica cremonese. Cremona. v. 14-18, 1894-8. 8°. Gazzetta medica italiana. Torino. v. 53-65, 1902-14. fol. [Continuation of : Gazz. med. di Torino.] Gazzetta medica lombarda. Milano. v. 48-75, 1889-1916. 4°. Gazzetta medica délie Marche. Porto Civitanova. v. 1-23, 1891-1915. fol. Gazzetta medica di Milano. Milano. v. 1, 1902. 8°. Gazzetta medica di Roma. Roma. v. 1-52, 1875-1916. 4°. Gazzetta medica siciliana. Giornale pratico di medicina, chirur- gia igiene e farmacia; per medici, ufficiaU sanitari, farma- cisti. Catania. v. 2-18, 1899-1915. fol. & 8°. Gazzetta medica di Torino. Torino. v. 35-37, 1884-6; v. 42-52,' 1891-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Gazz. med. ital.] Gazzetta medica veneta. [See Fracastoro.] Gazzetta medica veronese [See Fracastoro.] Gazzetta medico-farmaceutica. Bologna. v. 1, 1899. 8°. Gazzetta degli ospedali e délie cliniche Milano. v. 1-37,1880- 1916. 8° & 4°. Gazzetta sanitaria. Rassegna coUettiva mensile di medicina générale, chirurgia, igiene e farmacia. Catania. v. 4-9, 1904-9. fol. Gazzetta siciliana di medicina e chirurgia d' igiene ed' interessi professionali. Palermo. y. 1-7, 1902-8. roy. 8°. [Contin- ued as: Gazz. di med. e chir.] Gedenk^chrift fur den verstorbenen Generalstabsarzt der Armée Dr Rudolph v. Leuthold. Hrsg. von Otto Schjernmg. Berlin. 2 v. 1906. 8°. Gegenbaur (Cari). [See Festschr---Cari Gegenbaur.] Gegenbaur's morphologisches Jahrbuch. [See Morphol. Jahrb.] Gégészet. [Laryngology.] Budapesti. 1906-14. fol. [Supplé- ment to: Budapesti orv. ujsâg.] Geibi In Geibi Igaku Kwai. [Geibi médical affairs. The Geibi Médical Socfety.] Tokyo. Nos. 32-126. 1899-1906. 8°. [76] Gelândebehandl. [etc.], Berl. Gen. BuU. Soc. N. Y. Hosp. Gen. Pract., East St. Louis. Gen. Pract., St. Louis. Geneesk. Bl. u. KUn. en Lab. v. d. prakt. Geneesk. Courant. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. België, Amst. Génie civ., Par. George Washington Univ. Bull. Wash. Georgia Eclect. M. J., Atlanta. Georgia J. M. & S., Savannah. Georgia Pract., Savannah. Gerichtl.-psychiat. Gutacht. a. d. KUn. Forel in Zurich, Stuttg. Ges. Arb. z. Immunitâtsforsch., Berl. Ges. Beitr. a. d. Geb. d. Physiol., Path. u. Therap., Berl. Gelàndebehandlung herzkmnker Kinder im Mittelgebirge; hrsg. Adolf Bickel. Berlin. 1914. 8°. General Bulletin. The Societv of the New York Hospital. New York. v. 1, No. 4, 1915. 8°. General Malarial Committee. [See Proc. Gvn. Malar. Comm., Simla.] General (The) Practitioner. A monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. East St. Louis, 111. v. 23-26, July, 1910, to July 1913. 8°. [Continuation of: St. Louis Clinique. Continued as: Lab. News.] General (The) Practitioner. Médical and surgical monthly. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1-2,1895-6. 8°. [Combined with: Tn-State M. J., forming: Tri.State M. J. & Pract.] Geneeskundige Bladen uit KUniek en Laboratorium voor de praktijk. Haarlem. v. 1-18, 1894-1915. 8°. Geneeskundige Courant voor het Koningrijk der Nederlanden. Tiel; Amsterdam, v. 1-67, 1847-1913. fol. Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor België. Antwerpen. v. 1-4, 1910-13; Nos. 1-14, v. 5, 1914. 8°. Génie (Le) civil; revue générale hebdomadaire des industries françaises et étrangères. Paris, v. 68, 1916. 8°. Genootschap ter beoefening van de heilgymnastiek in Nederland. [See Maandschr. gew. a. de heilgymn:, Arnhem.] George Washington (The) University Bulletin. Washington. v. 3-13, 1904-14. 8°. Georgia (The) Eclectic Médical Journal. Atlanta, v. 1-25, 1879-1903. 8°. Georgia (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. A monthly review of science, practice, and progress. Savannah. v. 1-11, 1897-1902. 8°. Georgia Médical Association. Augusta.l [See J. Med. Ass. Georgia, Georgia (The) Practician. A monthly review of the progress of medicine. Savannah. v. 1-4, 1905-6. 8°. Gerichtlich-psychiatrische Gutachten aus der KUnik von Herrn Professor Dr. Forel in Zurich, fur Aerzte und Juristen hrsg. von Dr. Theodor Kûlle. Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. D. Forel. Stuttgart. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Gesammelte Arbeiten zur Immunitâtsforschung. Hrsg. von P. Ehrlich. Berlin. 1 v. 1904. 8°. Gesammelte Beitrâge aus dem Gebiete der Physiologie, Patho- logie und Thérapie der Verdauung, von I. Boas und seinen Schûlern 1886-1906. Hrsg. von I. Boas. Berlin. 2 v. 1906. 8°. Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. [See Ver- handl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Also: Ver- handl. d. Tubere-Com. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte in Munchen.] Gesellschaft fur Geburtshilfe zu Leipzig. sellsch. f. Geburtsh. zu Leipz.] Gesellschaft fur Geburtshulfe und Gynàkologie. d. Gesellsch. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynàk.] Gesellschaft fur innere Medizin und Kinderheilkunde in Wien. [See Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien.] Gesellschaft fur physikalische Medizin. [See Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med., Wien.] Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zu Riga. [See Festschr. z. Jubil. d. Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu Riga v. d. stadt. Irrerih.- u. Pflegeanst. Rothenberg, Riga.] Gesellschaft fur Wissenschaft und Kunst in Giessen. [See Denkschr. d. Gesellsch. f. Wissensch.] [See Verhandl. d. Ge- [See Sitzungsb. [77] Gesunde Kinder. Gesundh. in Wort u. BUd, Berl. Gesundh.-Bl., Leipz. Gesundheit. Gesundheit, Wien. Gesundh.-Ingenieur. Gesundhtspfi. Ztschr.[ete],Linz. Ginecol. mod., Genova. Ginee e 1' ostet. prat., NapoU. Ginecologia, Firenze. Ginekologia, Warszawa. Gior. d. Ass. napol. di med. e nat. Gior. di corrisp. p. dentisti, Mi- lano. Gior. di elett. med. Gior. di farm. [etc.], Torino. Gior. di ginee e di pediat., To- rino. Gior. internaz. d. se med., Na- poU. Gior. ital. di laringol., otol. e rinol., NapoU. • Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., MUano. Gior. ital. d. se med., Pisa. Cior. p. le levatrici. Gior. d. malaria, NapoU. Gior. di med. e chir., NapoU. Gior. di med. leg. Gior. di med. mil. Gior. p. i med. periti giud. ed uff. san. [etc.], NapoU. Gesunde Kinder! Zeitschrift fur kindliche Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege, sowie fur die gesamten kôrperlichen und geisti- gen Interessen der Jugend. Hamm i. W. v. 1-3,1896-8; Ber- lin, v. 4-8, 1899-1903. 8°. [In 1900, title became: Gesunde Kinder! Gesunde Frauen!] Gesundheit (Die) in Wort und BUd. Berlin, v. 1-10, 1904-13; Nos. 1-7, v. 11, 1914. roy. 8°. Gesundheits-Blàtter. Organ fur Gesundheitspflege und Natur- heilkunde Leipzig, v. 3-9, 1892-8. roy. 8°. Gesundheit. Zeitschrift fur Land- und Stadtbauwesen. Elber- feld; Frankfurt a. M.; Leipzig, v. 1-40, 1875-1915. 4°. Gesundheit (Die). Zeitschrift fur Gesundheitspflege und Heil- reform. Wien. v. 1-4, 1898-1901. 4°. Gesundheits-Ingenieur. Munchen. v. 3-38, 1880-1915. fol. Gesundheitspflege (Die). Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Gesund- heitspflege, Wohnungsreform, Schul-und gewerbliche Hygiène, sowie Sozialpolitik. Linz. v. 1, 1904. 8°. Giard (Alfred). [See Mise biol. dédiées au prof. Alfred Giard [etc.], Par.] Ginecologia (La) moderna. Rivista italiana di ostetricia e gine- cologia e di psicologia, medicina légale e sociologia ginecolo- gica. Genova. v. 1-8, 1908-15. 8°. Ginecologia (La) e 1' ostetricia pratica. Napoli. v. 1,1898. 8°. Ginecologia (La). Rivista pratica. Firenze. v. 1-10, 1904-13; Nos. 1-18, v. 11, 1914. 8°. Ginekologia; miesiecznik poéwiecony chorobom kobiecym i polo- znictwu. [Gynecology; monthly devoted to diseases of women and obstetrics.] Warszawa. v. 1-2, 1903-5. 8°. Giornale deUa Associazione napoletana di medici e naturalist! Napoli. v. 1-15, 1889-1905. 8°. Giornale di correspondenza pei dentisti. Milano. v. 12-36, 1883-1907. 8°. Giornale di elettricità medica. Nocera Inferiore; Napoli. v. 1- 15, 1899-1914. 8°. Giornale di farmacia, di chimica e di scienze affini. Torino. v. 1-12, 1852-63; v. 25-51, 1876-1902. 8°. Giornale di ginecologia e di pediatria. Torino. v. 1-7, 1901-7. 8°. Giornale internazionale délie scienze mediche. Napoli. v. 2, 1878; n. s., v. 1-37, 1879-1915. 8°. Giornale italiano di laringologia, otologia e rinologia. Napoli. v. 1-3, 1899-1902. 8°. Giornale italiano délie malattie veneree e deUa pelle. Milano. Anni 1-50 (v. 1-56), 1866-1915. 8°. Giornale (U) italiano délie scienze mediche. Bolletino dell' Ac- cademia medica di Pisa. Pisa. v. 1-2, 1903-4. 8°. Giornale per le levatrici. Milano; Pavia. v. 1-12, 1887-98. 8°. [Continued as: Arte ostet.] Giornale deUa malaria. Napoli. v. 1-3, 1907-9. 8°. Giornale per i medici e per le levatrici. [See Arte ostet.] Giornale di medicina e chirurgia del médico pratico. Napoli. v. 2-3, 1906-7. 8°. Giornale di medicina légale. Lanciano; Pavia. v. 1-11, 1894- 1904. 8°. Giornale di medicina militare. Torino; Firenze; Roma. v. 10- 32, 1862-84; v. 56-64, 1908-16. 8°. [v. 33-55, 1885-1907, under title: Gior. med. d. r. esercito.] Giornale per i medici periti giudiziari ed ufliciali sanitari, desti- nato ad informare gli abbonati del movimento scientifico ed ufficiale in rapporte ail' esercizio pratico deUa medicina légale e dell' igiene. Napoli. v. 1-5, 1897-1901. 8°. 78 Gior. med. d. r. esercito, Roma. Gior. med. d. r. esercito [etc.], Roma. Gior. di med. vet., Torino. Gior. d. Osp. Maria Vittoria, To- rino. Gior. di psichiat. cUn. e tecn. ma- nie, Ferrara. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino. Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino. Gior. d. r. Soc. ital. d'ig., MUano. Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet., Torino. Gior. d. Soc. fiorent. d' ig., Firenze. Glasg. Hosp. Rep. Glasgow M. J. Globus, Brnschwg. Glos lek., Lwôw. Gorbersdorf. Verôffentl., Stuttg. Gôteborgs Lâk.-SâUsk. Forh. Good Health, Battle Creek. Good Health Mag., Battle Creek. Gov. Hosp. Insane. Bull., Wash. Giornale médico del regio esercito. Roma. v. 43-55, 1895- 1907. 8°. [Continued as: Gior. di med. mil.] (iiornale médico del r. esercito e délia r. marina. Roma. v. 33-42, 1885-94. 8°. [Continuation of: Gior. di med. mil. Continued as the preceding.] Giornale di medicina veterinaria. Torino. v. 5-44, 1856-95; v. 63-64, 1913-15. 8°. [Title in 1896: Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet.; title from 1897-1912: Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital.] Giornale dell' Ospedale Maria Vittoria (ginecologia, ostetricia, pediatria). Torino. v. 8-16, 1908-16. 8°. Giornale di psichiatria clinica e tecnica manicomiale Ferrara. v. 30-42, 1902-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Boll. d. manie prov. di Ferrara.] Giornale deUa reale Accademia di medicina di Torino. Torino. 2. s., v. 38-56, 1860-66; 3. s., v. 1-78, 1867-1915. 8°. Giornale deUa reale Società ed Accademia veterinaria italiana. Torino. v. 46-62, 1897-1912. 8°. [Continuation of: Gior. d. r. Soc. naz. vet. Continued as: Gior. di med. vet.] Giornale deUa reale Società italiana d' igiene. Milano. v. 5-37, 1883-1915. 8°. Giornale deUa reale Società nazionale veterinaria. Torino. v. 45,1896. 8°. [Continuation of: Gior. di med. vet. Continued as: Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital.] Giornale deUa Società fiorentina d' igiene. Firenze. v. 5-18, 1889-1902. 8°. Glasgow Hospital Reports. Glasgow, v. 1-3, 1898-1900. 8°. Glasgow (The) Médical Journal, v. 1-5, 1828-32; n. [2.] s., v. 1, 1833; n. [3.] s., v. 1-13, 1853-66; n. [4.] s., v. 1-2, 1866-8; n. [5.] s., v. 1-86, 1868-1916. 8°. Glasgow Obstétrical and Gynsecological Society. [See Tr. Glas- gow Obst. & Gynaec. Soc] Globus. Illustrierte Zeitschrift fur Lànder- und Vôlkerkunde Braunschweig. v. 68-98, 1895-1910. fol. [Continued as: Mitt. a. Justus Perthes' Geog. Anst.] Glos lekarzy; organ lekarzy Galicyi, Slaska i Bukowiny, sub- wencyonowany przez Galicyjskie izby lekarskie i przez towar- zystwo "Samopomocy lekarzy." [Voice of the Physicians; organ of the physicians of Galicia, Silesia, and Bukowma, sub- sidized by the médical institutions of Galicia and by the So- ciety of Physicians' Self-Help.] Lwôw. v. 1-12, 1903-14. fol. Gôrbersdorfer Verôffentlichungen, hrsg. von Rudolf Kobert. Stuttgart. 2 v. 1898-9. 8% Gôteborgs Làkaresâllskaps FôrhandUngar. Gôteborg. 1892- 1909. 8°. [Issued with: Hygiea, Stockholm.] Good Health. Battle Creek, Mich. v. 14-46, 1879-1911; Nos. 1-2, v. 47, 1912. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Good Health Magazine. Battle Creek, Mich. v. 47-51, 1912-16. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Government Bureau of Microbiology, Sydney. [See Rep. Gov. Bur. MicrobioL, Sydney.] Government Hospital for the Insane. Bulletin. Washington. No. 1, 1909. 8°. Government Laboratories in the Philippine Islands. [See Rep. Superintend. Govt. Laborat. Philippine IsL] von Graefe's (Albrecht) Archiv. [See Arch. f. Ophth.] Graefe's Journal. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) J. d. Chir. u. Augenh.] Graevell's Notizen. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Notiz. f. prakt. Aerzte] Grant Collège Médical Society, Bombay. [See Tr. Grant Coll. M. Soc. Bombay.] [79] Grèce méd., Syra. Green Bag, Bost. Grenzfr. d. Lit. u. Med. in Ein- zeldarsteU., Munchen. Grenzfr. d. Nerv.- u. Seelenleb., Wiesb. Grenzgeb. in d. Med. 14 Vortr. . . . d. Erôffnung d. Kaiserin Friedrich-Hauses [etc.], Jena. Groene en h. witte kruis, Mak- kum. Gruzlica, Warszawa & Lôdz. Guerra a. tubere, Catania. Gulf States J. M. & S. [etc.], MobUe. Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond. Gyak. orvos, Budapest. Gyermekgyôgyâszat, Budapest. Gyermekorvos, Budapest. Gynaecol. helvet., Genève. Gynaek. KUn., Strassb. Gynaek. Rundschau, Berl. & Wien. Gynaekologia, Budapest. Gynee catal., Barcel. Great Britain. Royal Army Médical Corps. [See J. Roy. Army Med. Corps.] Great Britain. Royal Naval Médical Service. [See J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond.] Grèce médicale. Recueil mensuel. Syra. v. 1-17, 1898-1915. 4°. Green Bag (The). An entertaining magazine for lawyers. Bos- ton, v. 13, 1901. 8°. Grenzfragen der Literatur und Medizin in Einzeldarstellungen. Munchen. Hft. 1-8, 1906-8. 8°. Grenzfragen des Nerven- und Seelenlebens. Einzel-Darstellun- gen fur Gebildete aller Stànde Wiesbaden. Nos. 1-88 (v. 1- 13), 1900-1912. 8°. Grenzgebiete in der Medizin. Vierzehn Vortrage anlâsslich der Erôffnung des Kaiserin Friedrich-Hauses fur das àrzthche Fortbildungswesen. Jena. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Griesinger's Archiv. [See Arch. f. Psychiat.] Groene (Het) en het witte kruis. Makkum. v. 1-12, 1904-5 to 1915-16. 8°. Gruzlica (Tuberculosis) ; pismo poswiecone walce z gruzlica, jako choroba; spoleczn^. [Tuberculosis; a journal devoted to the struggle with tuberculosis as a social disease] Warszawa & Lôdz. Nos. 1-8, 1909-10. 8°. Guerra alla tubercolosi. Catania. v. 1-3, 1901-3. fol. Gulf States Journal of Medicine and Surgery and Mobile Méd- ical and Surgical Journal. Mobile, v. 14-17, 1909-10. 8°. [Merged in: South. M. J., Nash ville.] Gun Igaku Kwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Society of Military Médical Science] Tokyo. Nos. 70-140, 1895-1904. 8°. Guy's Hospital Gazette. London. v. 1-7, 1872-5; n. s. v. 1-5, 1876-80; n. s. [3.], v. 3-30, 1889-1916. 4°. Guy's Hospital Reports. London. 1. s., v. 1-7, 1836-42; 2. s., v. 1-8, 1843-53; 3. s., v. 1-53, 1855-1914. 8°. Gyakorlô (A) orvos. Magyarorszâg ôsszes orvosainak tulajdonât képezô kôzponti kôzlôny. [The practicing physician; being the spécial organ of the physicians of ail Hungary.l Budapest. v. 1-11, 1890-1900. 4° & 8°. [For German éd., see Pract. Arzt, Budapest. Continued as: Orvos. lapja.] Gyermekgyôgyâszat. [Paediatry.] Budapest, v. 1-10, 1898- 1907. fol. & 8°. [Supplément to: Orvosi hetil., Budapest.] Gyermekorvos. [The children's physician.] Budapest, v. 1-12, 1903-14. 4°. [Supplément to: Budapesti orv. ujsâg.] Gynœcologia helvetica. Genève, v. 3-13, 1903-13. 8°. Gynaekologische Klinik. Hrsg. von W. A. Freund. Strassburg. v. 1, 1885. 8°. Gynaekologische Rundschau. Zentralorgan fur Geburtshilfe und Frauenkrankheiten. Berlin & Wien. v. 1-9, 1907- 15. 8°. Gynaekologia. A Budapesti kir. orvosegyesûlet gynaekologikus szakosztâlyânak hivatalos kôzlônye [The officiai gazette of the Budapest Royal Médical Union, Section of Gynaecology.] Budapest, v. 1-12, 1902-13. fol. & 8°. [Supplément to: t Orvosi hetil.] Gynâkologische Gesellschaft in Breslau. [See Verhandl. d. gy- nàkol. Gesellsch. BresL, BerL] Gynaekologische Klinik des Prof. Dr. Otto Engstrôm in Helsing- fors. [See Mitt. a. d. gynaek. Klin. d. . . . O. Engstrôm in Helsingfors, BerL] Gynecologia (La) catalana. Primera revista medica escrita en llengua catalana. Publicaciô mensual. Barcelona. v. 1, 1898-9. 8°. su Gynécologie, Par. Gyôgyâszat, Budapest. Gyôgyszerészi hetU., Budapest. Gynécologie (La). Paris, v. 1-17, 1896-1913; Nos. 1-5, v. 18, 1914. 8°. [Continuation of: N. Arch. d'obst. et de gynee See, also, Obstétrique, Par.] Gvôgvâszat. [Médical Science.] Budapest, v. 1-55, 1861-1915. 8°." Gyôgyszerészi hetilap. [Pharmaceutical Journal.] Budapest. v. 1-10, 1862-71; v. 15-54, 1876-1915. 8°. H. Habana méd. Hâlsovânnen, Stockholm. Hahneman. Advoe, Chicago. Hahneman. Inst., PhUa. Hahneman. Month., Phila. Hahnemannia, Berl. Halb. Jahrtaus. Festschr. . . Fac. med. Vindob., Wien. Halbmonatschr. f. Frauen- u. Kinderkr., Wien. Halbmonatschr. f. Haut- u. Harnkr., Wien. Hamb. med. TJeberseehefte. Handb. d. aUg. Path., Leipz. Handb. d. Anat. d. Mensch., Jena. Handb. d. Biochem. [etc.], Jena. Handb. d. ges. Therap. (Penzoldt u. Stintzing), Jena. Handb. d. Gesch. d. Med., Jena. Handb. d. Geschlechtskr., Wien u. Leipz. Handb. d. Hyg., Jena. Habana (La) médica. Revista mensual de medicina, cirugfa y ciencias auxiliares. Habana. v. 1-11, 1898-1908. fol. 70. Geburtst. v. Ernst Haeckel (Ernst). [See Festschr. z. Haeckel.] Hâlsovânnen. Tidskrift for allmân och enskild hâlsovàrd. Stockholm, v. 11-30, 1896-1915. 8°. [Continuation of: Hel- sovânnen.] Haeser's Repertorium. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Repert. f. d. ges. Med.] Hagenbach-Burckhardt (Eduard). [See Festschr. Ed. Hagen- bach-Burckhardt, Basel u. Leipz.] Hahnemannian (The) Advocate. Chicago, v. 34-41, 1895-1902. 8°. [Title, after October, 1895, of : Med. Advance.] Hahnemannian Institute. Philadelphia. v. 2-11, 1894-1904. 8°. [Continuation of: Institute, Phila.] Hahnemannian (The) Monthly. Philadelphia. v. 1-51, 1865- 1916. 8°. Hahnemannia. Volksthûmliche Blâtter gegen die Vivisektion, gegen den Impfzwang, ûber Naturheilverfahren, Volkshvgiene und ûber Homôopathie. Berlin, v. 1-38, 1858-1902. 4°. Halber (Ein) Jahrtausend. Festschrift, anlâsslich des 500jâhri- gen Bestandes der Acta Facultatis medicse Vindobonensis. Hrsg. vom Wiener medicinischen Doctorcollegium, redigiert von H. Adler. Wien. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Halbmonatsschrift fur Frauen- und Kinderkrankheiten. Wien. v. 1-2, 1904-5. 8°. [Supplément to: Med. BL, Wien.] Halbomonatsschrift fur Haut- und Harnkrankheiten. Wien. v. 1-2, 1904-5. 8°. [Supplément to: Med. BL, Wien.] Hamburgische medizinische Ueberseehefte Hamburg. No. 1, v. 1, 1914. 8°. Hamburgische Staatskrankenanstalten. [See Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. Also: Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskranken- anst.] Hammarsten (Olof). [See Festschr. O. Hammarsten [etc.], Upsala & Wiesb.] Handbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie. Hrsg. von L. Krehl und F. Marchand. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1908-13. 8°. Handbuch der Anatomie des Menschen. Hrsg. von Karl von Bar- deleben. Jena. 1896-1913. 8°. Handbuch der Biochemie des Menschen und der Tiere Jena. 5 v. 1909-13. 8°. Handbuch der gesamten Thérapie. Hrsg. von F. Penzoldt und R. Stintzing. Jena. 4. Aufl. 7 v. 1909-12. 4°. Handbuch der Geschichte der Medizin. Hrsg. von Max Neu- berger und Julius Pagel. Jena. 3 v. 1901-5. 8°. Handbuch der Geschlechtskrankheiten. Wien u. Leipzig v 1-3, 1910-13. 8°. Handbuch der Hygiène Hrsg. von Theodor Weyl. Jena 14 v. 1893-1904. 8°. [81] Handb. d. Kinderh. (Pfaundler u. Schlossmann), Leipz. Handb. d. Laryngol. u. Rhinol., Wien. Handb. d. Neurol., Berl. Handb. d. Ohrenheilk. . . . Schwartze, Leipz. Handb. d. path. Mikroorg., Jena. Handb. d. physikal. Therap., Leipz. Handb. Pract. Treat. [Musser & KeUy], PhUa. & Lond. Handb. d. prakt. Chir. (Berg- mann), Stuttg. Handb. d. Psychiat., Leipz. u. Wien. Handb. d. sozial. Med., Jena. Handb. d. spee Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena. Handb. d. spez. Chir. d. Ohres [etc.], Wiirzb. Handb. d. Techn. u. Methodik d. Immunitâtsforsch., Jena. Handb. d. Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena. Handb. d. Urol., Wien. Handb. d. vergl. u. exper. Ent- wcklngsl. d. Wirbelt., Jena. Handel. v. de Vereen. v. ho- moeop. Geneesh. in Nederl., ZwoUe. Handel. v. h. vlaamsch nat.- en geneesk. Cong. Harper Hosp. BuU., Détroit. Harvard Grad. Mag., Bost. Harvard Psychol. Stud., Bost. & N. Y. 15259°— Vol. XXI, 2d série Handbuch d. KinderheUkunde, hrsg. von M. Pfaundler und A. Schlossmann. Leipzig. 2v. 1906. 2. Aufl. 5v. 1910. 8°. [See, also, Dis. ChUdren (Pfaundler & Schlossmann), Engl. transi.] Handbuch der Laryngologie und Rhinologie. Bearbeitet von P. Bergengrûn, E. v. Bergmann [et al.]. Hrsg. vor. Paul Heymann. Wien. 3 v. in 5. 1896-1900. 8°. Handbuch der Neurologie. BerUn. v. 1, 1910. 8°. Handbuch der Ohrenheilkunde Hrsg. von Hermann Schwartze. Leipzig. 2 v. 1893. 8°. Handbuch der pathogenen Mikroorganismen. Jena. 5 v. 1902-5. 2. Aufl., 7 v., 1912-14. 8°. Handbuch der physikalischen Thérapie. Hrsg. von A. Gold- scheider und Paul Jacob. Leipzig. 4 v. 1901-2. 8°. Handbook of Practical Treatment. Edited by John H. Musser and A. O. J. Kelly. Philadelphia & London. 3 v. 1911-12. 8°. Handbuch der praktischen Chirurgie. Bearbeitet und hrsg. von Prof. Dr. E. von Bergmann, Prof. Dr. von Bruns und Prof. Dr. J. von Mikulicz. Stuttgart. 4 v., 1899-1900; 2. Aufl., 4 v., 1903; 3. Aufl., 5 v., 1907; 4. Aufl., 5 v., 1913-14. 8°. Handbuch der Psychiatrie. Hrsg. von G. Aschaffenburg. Leip- zig u. Wien, 1911-13. 8°. Handbuch der sozialen Medizin. Hrsg. von Moritz Fûrst und F. Windscheid. Jena. v. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 1903-5. 8°. Handbuch der speciellen Thérapie innerer Krankheiten. Jena. Hrsg. von F. Penzoldt und R. Stintzing. 6 v. 1894-6. 8°. [See, also, Handb. d. ges Therap. Also: Handb. d. Therap. in- nerer Krankh.] Handbuch der speziellen Chirurgie des Ohres und der oberen Luftwege Hrsg. von L. Katz; H. Preysing und F. Blumen- feld. Wûrzburg. 4 v. 1911-13. 4°. Handbuch der Technik und Methodik der Immunitàtsforschung. Unter Mitwirkung von A. Boehme [et al.] hrsg. von R. Kraus und C. Levaditi. Jena. v. 1,1907. 8°. Handbuch der Thérapie innerer Krankheit. Hrsg. von F. Pen- zoldt und R. Stintzing. 2. Aufl. Jena. v. 1-7, 1897-9. 8°. [See, also, Handb. d. spee Therap. innerer Krankh., Jena.] Handbuch der Urologie. Hrsg. von Anton von Frisch und Otto Zuckerkandl. Wien. 3 v. 1903-6. 8°. Handbuch der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwick- lungslehre der Wirbeltiere Hrsg. von O. Hertwig. Jena. Lfg. 1-30, 1901-6. 8°. Handelingen van de Vereeniging van homoeopathische Genees- heereninNederland. ZwoUe Aflev. 1-3, 1900-1902; 2. R., aflev. 2-5, 1907-11. 8°. Handelinf en van het vlaamsch natuur- en geneeskundig Congres. 1.-8., 1897-1904. [v. p.] 1898-1905. 4°. Harper Hospital Bulletin. Détroit, Mich. v. 1-16, 1890-1905. 8°. Hartford Médical Society. [See Fiftieth Anniv. Hartford M. Soc] Harvard (The) Graduâtes Magazine. Boston, v. 1-11, 1891- 1902. 8°. Harvard Médical Alumni Association. [See Bull. Harvard M. Alumni Ass., Bost.] Harvard Médical School. [See Dep. Neurol. Harv. M Sch. Contrib [etc.]. Also: Neuropath. Papers Harv. Univ. M. Sch. Also: Rep. Cancer Com. . . . Harv. M. Sch. Also: Rep. Caro- line Brewer Croft Cancer Com. Harv. M. Sch.] Harvard Psychological Studies. Boston & New York. v. 1 & 2, 1903-6; v. 4, 1915. 8°. [*2] Harvard School Trop. Med. Rep., Cambridge. Harvard Univ. BuU. Bussey Inst., Cambridge. Harvey Lect., Phila. & Lond. Health Mag., Wash. Health Messeng., Lond. Health News, Lond. Health Ree, Lond. Health-Cult.,N. Y. Heart, Lond. HeUanstalt, Leipz. Heilkunde, Wien, [etc.], Heilstâtten-Bote, Frankf. a. M. Helsovânnen. Herinneringsb. Prof. S. S. Ro- senstein, Leiden. Hifubyog. kiu Hiniokibyog. Zas- shi, Tokyo. Harvard School of Tropical Medicine. Report of first expédi- tion to South America, 1913. Cambridge. 1 v. 1915. 4 . Harvard University. Bulletin of the Bussey Institution. Cam- bridge, v. 1-3, 1874-1906. 8°. [Incomplète.] Harvey (The) Lectures. Delivered under the auspices of the Harvev Society of New York, 1905-6 to 1914-15. Philadelphia & London. 10 v. 1906-15. 8°. Harvey Society of New York. [See Harvey Lect., Phila. & Lond.] Hawan Médical Society. [See Tr. Med. Soc. Hawaii.] Hays' Journal. [See Am. J. M. Se] Health (The) Magazine for every family. Washington, Balti- more, New York, v. 3-6, 1896-8. 8°. [Continuation, in Jan- uary, 1896, of: Pop. Health Mag., Wash. & Balt. Continued as: Oméga.] Health (The) Messenger. Food and cookery. London. v. 1- 12, 1891-8. 8°. Health News. A sanitary and social monthly journal. The officiai organ of the Anti-Adulteration Association. London. No. 7, v. 11; Nos. 1-30, v. 12, 1897-8. fol. Health News, New York. [Running title of : Month. Bull. N. Y. State Dep. Health.] Health (The) Record. Formerly the Psycho-Therapeutic Jour- nal. London. v. 6-13, 1907 to March, 1915. roy. 8°. [Sus- pended.] Health-Culture. Devoted to practical hygiène New York. v. 1-11, 1894-1905. 4°. Heart. A journal for the study of the circulation. London. v. 1-6, 1909-15. 8°. Hecker's Annalen. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Lit. Ann. d. ges. Heilk.] Hegar's Beitrâge. [See Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynàk.] Heiberg (Hjalmar). [See Festskr. . . . Prof. Heibergs [etc.], Kristiania.] Heilanstalt (Die). Leipzig, v. 1-11, 1906-16. fol. Heilkunde (Die). Monatsschrift fur praktische Medicin. Wien, Leipzig und Teschen. v. 1-14, 1896-1910. roy. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Aerztl. Standesztg. [etc.], Wien & Leipz.] Heilstâtten-Bote (Der). Zeitschrift fur Volksgesundheitspflege und Krankheitsverhûtung. Frankfurt a. M. v. 1-2, 1902-3. 4°. Heller's Archiv. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Arch. f. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr.] Helsovânnen. Gôteborg; Stockholm, v. 1-10, 1886-95. 8°. [Continued as: Hâlsovânnen.] Henle (Jacob). [See Beitr. z. Anat. u. Embryol. als Festg. Jacob Henle . . ., Bonn.] Henle-Pfeuffer's Zeitschrift. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Ztschr. f. rat. Med.] Henry Phipps Institute for the study, treatment, and prévention of tuberculosis. [See Rep. Henry Phipps Inst. study . . . tuber- culosis.] Herinneringsbundel Professor S. S. Rosenstein bij gelegenheid van zijn aftreden als hoogleeraar aangeboden door dankbare leerlingen en vrienden. Leiden. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Hermann (Ludimar). [See Beitr. z. Physiol. u. Path. . . . L. Hermann, Stuttg.] Hertwig (Richard) Festschrift. tag Richard Hertwigs, Jena.] Hifubyogaku kiu Hiniokibyogaku Zasshi. [Japanische Zeit- schrift fur Dermatologie und Urologie.] Tokyo, v. 1-15 1901- 15. 8°. Festschr. [See Festschr. z. 60. Geburts- [83] Higiene, Habana. Higiene mod., Madrid. Higiene pop., Madrid. Hippocrate, Par. Hist. Acad. roy. d. se, Par. Histol. u. histopath. Arb. u. Grosshirnrinde, Jena. HoUands Mag., Haarlem. die Homeop. J. Surg. & Gynee, Chi- cago & N. Y. Homme, Par. Homme préhist., Par. Homoeop. BibUoth., ZwoUe. Homœop. Envoy. Homœop. Eye, Ear & Throat J., N. Y. Homœop. J. Obst., N. Y. Homoop. Monatsbl., Stuttg. Homœop. News, St. Louis. Homœop. Phys., PhUa. Homœop. Recorder, PhUa. Homoop. Tidsskr., Aarhus. Homoeop. Tijdschr., Amst. Homœop. World, Lond. Honvédorvos, Budapest. Higiene (La). Habana. v. 1-5, 1891-5. 4°. Higiene moderna. Revista cientîfico-popular. Madrid Anno 7, Nos. 55-56, 1907. 8°. Higiene (La) popular. Madrid, v. 1, 1896. fol. von Hippel (A.) [See Beitr. z. Augenh. Als Festg____A von Hippel.] Hippocrate. Revue mensuelle de médecine historique, patrio- tique, anecdotique. Paris. Nos. 1-14, 1898-9. 8°. Hirnanatomisches Institut in Zurich. [See Arb. a. d. hirnanat. Inst. in Zurich., Wiesb.] Hirschberg (Julius). [See Beitr. z. Augenh. Festschr. Julius Hirschberg [etc.].] Histoire de l'Académie royale des sciences. Années 1699-1723. Avec les mémoires de mathématique et de physique, pour les mêmes années. Tirez des registres de cette Académie. Paris. 26 v. 1706-25. 4°. [Années 1699-1704 are 2. ed. Another set, 112 v. (1666-1789), 1718-an II, 1794. Made up of L, 2, and 3. éd.] Histologische und histopathologische Arbeiten ûber die Gross- hirnrinde Hrsg. von Franz Nissl. Jena. v. 1-6, 1904-13. 8°. HoUands Magazyn, voorzien van aardrykskundige, historische, philosophische, geneeskundige, regtsgeleerde, godgeleerde en poetische aanmerkingen, beschryvingen, brieven, proeven, schetsen, uittreksels, vraagen, waarnemingen, enz. Haarlem. v. 1-3, 1750-[61]. 8°. Hollandse Maatschappije der Weetenschappen, te Haarlem. [See Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem.] Hol^cher's Annalen. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.): Han- nov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk.] Homéopathie (The) Journal of Surgery and Gynecology. Chicago & New York. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Homme (L'). Paris, v. 1-4, 1884-7. 8°. Homme (L') préhistorique Paris, v. 2-5, 1904-7. 8°. Homoeopathische Bibliotheek. ZwoUe No. 1, 1905. 8°. Homœopathic Envoy. Lancaster; PhUadelphia. v. 1-27, 1890- 1916. fol. Homœopathic (The) Eye, Ear and Throat Journal. New York. v. 1-16, 1895-1910. 8°. [Merged in: J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryn- gol., N. Y.] Homœopathic (The) Journal of Obstetrics, Gynaecology and Pœ- dology. New York. v. 1-26, 1879-1904. 8°. [Continued as: J. Surg., Gynee & Obst.] Homôopathische Monatsblâtter. Stuttgart, v. 1-28, 1876-1903. Homœopathic (The) News. Saint Louis, M<. 1902. 8°. v. 20-32, 1891- Homœopathic (The) Physician. Philadelphia. v. 1-19, 1881- 99. 8°. Homœopathic (The) Recorder. Philadelphia. v. 1-31, 1886- 1916. 8°. Hom0opatisk Tidsskrift. Aarhus. v. 1-7, 1896-1902. 8°. Homoeopathisch Tijdschrift. Amsterdam, v. 1-4, 1911-14. 4°. Homœopathic (The) World. London. v. 1-42, 1866-1907. 8°. Homôopathischer Verein im Grossherzogthum Baden. [See Ily- gea, Carlsruhe] Honvédorvos a hazai katonaorvosi intézmény tudomânyos éa târsadalmi érdekeinek kôzlônye A m. kir. honvédministeriam rendeleteivel. [The army surgeon; a guide for military sur- geons, and communications of interest to civflians. By order of the Ministry of War.] Budapest, v. 1-27, 1888-1914. 4°. [Supplément to: Gyôgyâszat.] 1*4] Hôp. d'enf. S-te Olga à Mosc. C.-r. Hôp. St.-Jean. Obs. méd., Brux. Hosp. Assistant, Kolhapur. Hosp. BuU. Univ. Maryland, Balt. Hosp. Life, Chicago. Hosp. News, Wash. Hosp. Nursing Mirror, Lond. Hosp.-Tid., Kjzfbenh. Hosp. World, Toronto. Hospital, Lond. Hot Springs M. J. Housing, Town-Planning [etc.], Lond. Hunterian J., Lond. Hûsszemle, Budapest. Huxley Mem. Lect. Univ. Bir- mingham. Hydriat. Jahrb., Worishofen. Hôpital civil français de Tunis. [See Bull, de l'Hôp. civ. franc. de Tunis.] Hôpital (L') d'enfants S-te Olga à Moscou. Description de l'hô- pital et comptes-rendus de son activité pendant 1887-93. Mos- cou. 1 v. 1894. 8°. Hôpital Saint-Jean. Observations médicales recueillies dans le service de M. le Dr. Destrée Bruxelles. 1 v. 1892. 8°. [See, also, Compt. rend. . . . serv. de chir. à l'hôp. St.-Jean de Bruxelles.] Hôpital Saint-Louis. [See Mus. de l'Hôp. St.-Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par.] Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift. [See Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb.j Horn's Archiv. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Arch. f. med. Erfahr.] Hospital (The) Assistant. Kolhapur (India). v. 1-11, 1906- 16. 8°. Hospital (The) Bulletin of the University of Maryland. Balti- more v. 1-11, 1906 to 1915-16. 8°. Hospital Life. A monthly magazine devoted to the interests of hospitals, sanitariums, and training schools for nurses, and ail who are identified therewith. Chicago, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Hospital News; a magazine for hospital workers. Washington, D. C. v. 1-3, 1912-13 to 1914-15. 4°. "Hospital (The)" Nursing Mirror; being the nursing section of "The Hospital" newspaper. London. 3 v. 1898-1900. 8°. Hospitalstidende. Kooenhavn. (1.-59. Aargang.) v. 1-16,1858- 73; 2. R., v. 1-9, 1874-82; 3. R., v. 1-10, 1883-92; 4. R., v. 1- 15, 1893-1907; 5. R., v. 1-9, 1908-16. fol. & 8°. Hospital (The) World. The officiai organ of the Canadian Hos- pital Association. Managing editor, W. A. Young, Toronto. Toronto, v. 5-9, 1914-16. 8°. • Hospital (The). London. v. 1-60, 1886-1916. roy. 8°. [See, also, Hosp. Nursing Mirror.] Hospital of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Philadelphia. [See Med. & Surg. Rep. Episc Hosp., Phila.] Hospitalnya Khirurgicheskaya Klinika Dyakonova. [See Ra- bot! Hosp. Khirurg. KUn. Dyakonova, Mosk.] Hot Springs (The) Médical Journal. Hot Springs, Ark. v. 1-12, 1892-1903. 8°. Housing, Town-Planning and Architecture. London. v. 1,1911. 4°. [Bound with: Loe Gov. Off.] Hoyer (Henryk). [See Ksiçga pamiatkowa . . . Hoyerowi . . ., Warszawa.] Hufeland's BibUothek. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) BibUoth. d. prakt. Heilk.] Hufeland's Journal. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wundarznk. Also: J. d. pract. Heilk.] Hufeland'sche Gesellschaft in BerUn. [See Verhandl. d. Hufe- land. Gesellsch. in Berl.l Hull Physiological Laboratory. Arch., Chicago.] [See Univ. Chicago Physiol. Hunterian (The) Journal, being the transactions of the Hunterian Society. London. 1 v. 1897-8. 8°. Hunterian Society. [See Hunterian J., Lond. Also: Tr. Hun- terian Soc, Lond.] Hûsszemle. [Méat Review.] [Supplément to: Allatorvosi la- pok.] Budapest, v. 1-10, 1906-15. fol. Huxley mémorial lectures to the University of Birmingham [1904-12.] Birmingham. 1 v. 1914. 8°. Hydriatrisches Jahrbuch. Worishofen. v. 1-2, 1900-1901. 8° [85] Hyg. BL, Amst. Hyg. BL, Berl. Hyg. d. Juden, Dresd. Hyg. mod., Par. Hyg. Rundschau, Berl. Hyg. de la viande [etc.], Êvreux. Hyg. Volksbl., Berl. & Leipz. Hygea, Carlsruhe. Hygiea, Stockholm. Hygiea, Wien & St. Petersb. Hygieia, Stuttg. Hygien. Centralbl., Leipz. Hygien. Zur- u. Reisebl., Leipz. Hygien. ZentralbL, Leipz. Hygiène, Berl. Hygiène, Par. Hygiène gén. et appUq., Par. Hygiène & Phys. Educat., Springfield, Mass. Hypnot. Mag., Chicago. Hygienische Bladen. Populair maandschrift voor praktische en toegepaste gezondheidsleer. Amsterdam, v. 1-5, 1898-1902. 8°. [Merged in: Tijdschr. v. sociale Hyg. [etc.]. See, also, Bl. v. hyg. therap.] Hygienische Blâtter. Offizielles Organ der deutschen Gesell- schaft zur Bekàmpfung des Kurpfuschertums. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1904-7. 8°. Hygiène (Die) der Juden. Im Anschluss an die Internationale Hygiène-Ausstellung Dresden 1911 hrsg. von Max Grûnwald. Dresden. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Hygiène (L') moderne Paris. 1 v. 1906. Revue mensuelle d'hygiène générale. [Continued as: Portez-vous bien!] Hygienische Rundschau. Berlin, v. 1-25, 1891-1915. 8°. Hygiène (L') de la viande et du lait. Évreux. v. 1-7, 1907-13; Nos. 1-7, v. 8, 1914. 8°. Hygienisches Volksblatt. 4°. BerUn & Leipzig, v. 3-5, 1902-4. Hygea. Zeitschrift fur Heilkunst. Hrsg. . . . von dem homôopa- thischen Vereine im Grossherzogthum Baden. Carlsruhe. v. 1-22,1834-47; n. F., v. 1; No. 1, v. 2,1848. 8°. [Place of pub- lication in last volume is spelled Karlsruhe] Hygiea. Stockholm, v. 1-75, 1839-1913. 8°. Hygiea. IUustrirte Cur- und Bade-Zeitung. Internationale Zeit- schrift fur Balneologie, Climatologie, Curorte, climatische Sta- tionen, Gesundheitspflege, Naturkunde und Reisen. Fami- Uenblatt. Wien u. St. Petersburg. v. 9-15, 1894-1900. fol. Hygieia. Stuttgart, v. 1-13, 1888-1900. 8°. [Continued as: Monatschr. f. hyg. Auf kl. u. Reform.] Hygienisches Centralblatt. VoUstândiges internationales Sam- melorgan fur das gesamte Gebiet der Hygiène Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1906-8. 8°. Hygienische Kur. u. Reiseblâtter. Ulustrierte Monatsschrift fur Bàderverkehr, Touristik, Sport und Gesundheitspflege. Leip- zig. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1904. 4°. Hygienisches Zentralblatt. Leipzig. [Title of v. 3, 1908, of: Hygien. Centralbl.] Hygiène (Die). Zentralblatt fur aile Bestrebungen der Volks- wohlfahrt, Gesundheitspflege und Technik. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1911-13; Nos. 1-16, v. 4, 1914. 4°. Hygiène (L'). Revue mensuelle illustrée. Paris. (Nos. 1-51) v. 1-6, 1910-14. 8°. Hygiène (L') générale et appliquée. Paris, v. 1-5,1906-10. 8°. Hygiène and Physical Education. Springfield, Mass. v. 1, 1909-10. 8°. Hygienisches Institut der Kgl. tieràrztlichen Hochschule zu Berlin. [See Arb. a. d. hygien. Inst. d. k. tierârztl. Hochsch. zu BerL] Hypnotic (The) Magazine, devoted to an investigation of the science of hypnotism; its uses and abuses, and its therapeutic possibilities. Chicago, v. 1-3, 1896-7. 8°. [Continued as: Journal of Médical Hypnotism.] I. 'IarpiKi) irpbobos, E? Sîipw. 'larpLKÔs /jLrjvvrœp, 'A&rjvaL. Iatros, Milano. Idan, Tokyo. 'Iarpiici) irpàobos, \xt)vlolov ireptoôiKÔv avyypâ/xfxa, tnàlbonevov vwà 'Ioj. A. fovarâvov. 'Ej< 2ûp. v. 2-20, 1897-1915. 4°. 'IdTpiKÔS fJLTIVVTUp. 'At?7Jj>ai. V. 1~14, 1901-14. fol. Iatros. Giornale di medicina pratica. Milano 5. Idan. v. 1-2, 1904- [Medical discourses.] Tokyo. Nos. 11-55,1894-9. roy. 8°. si; Idrol. e cUmat. Idroterap. prat., BieUa. Ig. d. inf., Roma. Igaku Chuwo Zasshi, Tokyo. Igiene mod., Genova. Igiene d. scuola. Iji Kwai Ho. Ogata Byô-in Osaka. Iji Shimpo, Tokyo. Iji Shinbun, Tokyo. Ikai Ji Ho, Osaka. IUinois Biol. Monog. UUnois M. BuU. UUnois M. J. IUinois M. J., De Kalb. IUinois. Rep. PeUagra Com., Springfield. ILLust. Monatschr. d. ârztl. Poly- tech. Ulust. Rundschau d. med.-chir. Techn., Bern. Imago, Leipz. & Wien. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad. Ra- botî Proped. Khirurg. KUn. . . . Oppel, S.-Peterb. Imp.Voyenno-Med. Akad. Trudî Hosp. Khir. Klin. Fyodorova, S.-Peterb. ImpartiaUté méd., Par. Idrologia e tdimatologia. Torino; Firenze v. 4-26, 1893-1915. 8°. [In 1907 "e la terapia fisica '' was added to title] Idroterapia (La) pratica. Périodir.» bimestrale di idroterapia, climatoterapia, meccanoterapia, etc. BieUa. v. 1-2, 1900- 1901. 8°. [Continued as: Riv. scient, e prat. di fisicoterap.] Igiene dell' infanzia per le famiglie e per le scuole. Roma. v. 1- 5, 1892-6. 8°. Igaku Chuwo Zasshi. [Central Médical Journal.] Tokyo, v. 1-12, 1903-15. 8°. Igiene moderna. Genova. 1-9, 1908-16. 8°. [See Atti d. Cong. naz. p. 1' ig. d. [See Psychiater, Hos- Chicago. v. [See Igiene deUa prima infanzia. allattamento mercen. [etc.].] Igiene (L") deUa scuola, rivista mensile. Organo ufficiale délia Associazione italiana per l'iç>iene deUa scuola. Genova. v. 6, 1915. 8°. Iji Kwai Ho. Ogata Byô-in Kenkiù Kwai. [Report of Médical Societv. Ogata Hospital Societv for Research.] Osaka. Nos. 56-103, 1890K19OO. 8°. Iji Shimpo. [Médical Reporter.] Tokyo. Nos. 1-103, 1893- 1901. 8°. Iji Shinbun. [Médical News.] Tokyo. Nos. 1-934, 1878- 1915. 8°. Ikai Ji Ho. [Journal of modem medicine] Osaka. Nos. 1^8, 187-296, 1893-1900. 4°. UUnois Army and Navy Médical Association. [See Rep. Proc. IUinois Army and Navy M. Ass., Springfield.] UUnois Biological Monographs. Published by the University of IUinois. Urbana. v. 1-2, 1914-15. 8°. UUnois Eastern Hospital for the Insane. pital, 111.] IUinois (The) Médical Bulletin (The Bacillus). 3-8, 1903-8. 8°. [Continuation of: Bacillus.] IUinois Médical Collège Summer School of Medicine. Bacillus, Chicago.] IUinois Médical Journal. The officiai organ of the State Médi- cal Society. Ottawa; Springfield; Chicago. N. s., v. 1-29, 1899-1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Tr. IUinois M. Soc] IUinois (The) Médical Journal. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. De Kalb, 111. v. 1, 1895-6. 8°. IUinois. Report of the PeUagra Commission. November, 1911. Springfield, 1912. 8°. IUinois State Médical Society. [See IUinois M. J. Also: Tr. IUinois M. Soc] Illustrierte Monatsschrift der ârztlichen Polytechnik. Bern, v. 4-12,1882-90; Berlin, v. 18-35, 1896-1913. 8°. [In 1891-3, formed part of: Fortschr. d. KrankenpfL; in 1894-5, formed part of, and since 1896 issued as supplément to: Ztschr. f. KrankenpfL] Illustrirte Rundschau der medicinisch - chirurgischen Technik. Internationale Vierteljahrsschrift. Bern. v. 1-2, 1898-9. 8°. Imago. Zeitschrift fur Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften. Leipzig & Wien. v. 1-4,1912-15. 8°. Imperatorskaya Voyenno-Meditsinskaya Akademiya. Rabotî Propedevticheskoï Khirurgicheskoï Kliniki prof. V. A. Oppel. [Impérial Army Médirai Academy. Papers of the Propedeu- tic Surgical Clinie of V. A. Oppel.] S.-Peterburg. 3 v 1910- 1912. 8°. Imperatorskaya Voyenno-Meditsinskaya Akademiya. Trudî Hospitalnoï Khirurgicheskoï Kliniki S. P. Fyodorova. [Im- périal Army Médical Academy. Papers of the Hospital Sur- gical CUnicof Fyodoroff.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-5,1906-11. 8°. Impartialité (L') médicale. Paris, v. 7-21, 1887-1901. 4°. [87] Imperatorskaya Akademiya Naûk. Nauk, S.-Peterb.] [See Zapiski Imp. Akad. Impfgegner, Dresd. IncurabUi, NapoU. Independ. méd., Barcel. Indépend, méd., Par. Indépend, méd. et Méd. orient., Par. Indépend, scient, et méd., Brux. Indian J. M. Research, Calcutta. Indian Lancet, Calcutta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. Indian M. Ree, Calcutta. Imperatorskaya Voyenno-Meditsinskaya Akademiya. [See Iz- vïest. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.-Peterb. Also: Otchot o dïeyateln. . . . propedevt. khirurg. klin. [etc.], S.-Peterb.] Imperatorskiy Institut Eksperimentalnoï Meditsinî v S.-Peter- burgïe [See Arch. biol. naûk . . ., S.-Peterb. Also: Arch. d. se biol. . . ., St.-Pétersb.] Imperatorskiy Kazanskiy Universitet. [See Trudi klin. nerv. bolïez. Imp. Kazan. Univ. Also: Uchen. Zapiski Imp. Kazan. Univ.] Imperatorskiy Klinicheskiy Institut Velikoï Kuyagini Yelenî Pavlovnî. [See Sbôrn. klin. rabot iz terap. otd. Imp. KUn. Inst. [etc.], S.-Peterb.] Imperatorskiy Moskovskiy Universitet. [See Trudî fak. terap. klin. Imp. Mosk..Univ. . . . vchest . . . V. D. Shervinskavo Also: Trudî fiziol. inst. Imp. Moskov. Univ. Also: Trudî Inst. Obshtsh. patol. Imp. Moskov. Univ.] Imperatorskiy Nikolayevskiy Universitet. [See Izvïest. Imp. Nikolayev. Univ., Saratov.] Imperatorskiy Novorossiyskiy Universitet. [See Trudî fak. terap. klin. Levashova pri Imp. Novoross. Univ., Odessa.] Imperatorskiy Tomskiy Universitet. [See Izvïest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ. Also: Trudî med.-khim. Lab. Imp. Tomsk. Univ.] Imperatorskiy Yarshavskiy Universitet. [See Arch. lab. obshtsh. patol. p. Imp. Varshav. Univ. Also: Rabotî v lab. Med. Fak. Imp. Varshav. Univ. Also: Varshav. Univ. Izvïest.] Imperatorskiy Yuryevskiy Umversitet. [See Uchen. zapiski Imp. Yuryev. Univ.] Imperatorskoye Kavkazskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo. [See Med Sbornik, Tirlis. Also: Trudî i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis.] Imperatorskoye Obshtshestvo Lyubiteleï Yestestvoznaniya, Antropologii i Etnografii. Zôôlogicheskoye Otdïeleniye [See Biol. J., Mosk.] Imperatorskoye Pravoslavnoye Palestinskoye Obshtshestvo. [See Pravoslav. palest. sbornik, S.-Peterb.] Impérial Malarial Conférence. [See Proc. Imp. Malar. Conf.] Impfgegner (Der). Organ der deutschen Impfzwanggegner- Vereine Hrsg vom Impfzwanggegner-Verein zu Dresden. Dresden; Linnick; Berlin, v. 1-21, 1883-1903. 4°. Incurabili (GL). v. 1-31, 1885-1916. 8°. Independencia (La) médica. Barcelona. 4°. Indépendance (L') médicale. Paris, v. 1-7, 1895-1901. fol. Indépendance (L') médicale, et la Médecine orientale (réunies). Paris, v. 16, 1912. 8°. Indépendance (L') scientifique et médicale. Bruxelles. 1901-8. 8°. [Continuation of: Org. Confrat. Méd.] Indian (The) Journal of Médical Research. Edited by the Di- rector-General, Indian Médical Service and the Sanitary Com- missioner with the Government of India. Calcutta, v. 1-3, 1913 to 1915-16. 8°. Indian (The) Lancet. (Late: The Médical Reporter ) The organ of the Médical Association of India. A fortnightly jour- nal of medicine, surgery, public health, and of gênerai médi- cal intelligence. Calcutta, v. 6-30, 1895-1907. 4°. [Con- tinuation, in No. 9, v. 6 (Nov. 1), 1895, of: Med. Reporter, Calcutta.] Indian Médical Congress. [See Tr. Indian M. Cong.] Indian (The) Médical Gazette. Calcutta, v. 1-51, 1866-1916. 4°. Indian (The) Médical Record, v. 1-36, 1890-1916. 8°. v. 1-35, 1869-1904. ISS] Indian M.-Chir. Rev., Bombay. Indiana Dent. J., Indianap. Indiana M. J. Indiana Univ. Stud., Blooming- ton. Indianapolis M. J. Infanzia anormale, MUano. Informateur d. aUén. [etc.], Par. Ingegner. san., Torino. Ingegnere igien., Torino. Init. Rep. Neurol. Lab. Phila. PolycUn., N. Y. Inouye Gankwa Dosokwai Kai Ho, Tokyo. Inst. franc, d'anthrop. Compt. rend., Par. Inst. Quart., Springfield, Hl. Indian (The) Médico-Chirurgical Review. Bombay, v. 1-1. 1893-6. 8°. Indian Territory Médical Association. [Sec Tr. Oklahoma M Ass. et Indian Terr. M. Ass., Guthrie, Okla.] Indiana (The) Dental Journal. Indianapolis. v. 1-3, 1898- 1900. 8°. Indiana (The) Médical Journal. Indianapolis. v. 1-27, 1882- 1908. 8°. [Combined with: Centr. States M. Monit., forming: Indianapolis M. J.] Indiana State Dental Association. [See Proc. Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan, Phila.] Indiana State Médical Association. [See J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne] Indiana University Studies. Bloomington. v. 8, 1910. 8°. Indianapolis Médical Journal. Indianapolis. y. 12-19, 1909-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Centr. States M. Monit., and: Indiana M. J.] Infanzia (L') anormale. BoUettino dell' Associazione romana per la cura medico-pedagogica dei fanciuUi anormali e deficienti poveri. Milano. Anni 5-8, 1911-15. 8°. [Continuation of: BoU. d. Ass. rom. p. la cura med.-pedagog. dei fanciulU anormali.] Informateur (L') des aliénistes et des neurologistes. Paris, v. 1-8,1906-13; Nos. 1-7, v. 9, 1914. 8°. Ingegneria (L') sanitaria. v. 1-15, 1890-1904. fol. Ingegnere (L') igienista. Rivista quindicinale d'ingegneria sani- taria. Torino. v. 1-3, 1900-1902. fol. Initial (An) report from the Neurological Laboratory of the Philadelphia Polyclinie New York. 1896. 8°. [Reprint from: J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y., 1896, n. s., xxi.] Inouye Gankwa Dosokwai Kai Ho. [Gazette of the Society of Alumni in Ophthalmology, of Inouye] Tokyo. Nos. 1-21, 1898-1903. 8°. Institut d'anatomie et de chirurgie de Bucarest. [See Arch. d. se méd. ... de Bucarest, Par.] Institut fur Anatomie und Physiologie des Centralnervensystems an der Wiener Universitat. [See Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ.] Institut zur Behandlung von Unfallverletzten in Breslau. [See Wissensch. Mitth. d. Inst. z. Behandl. v. Unfallverl. in BresL] Institut chirurgical de Bruxelles. [See Ann. de l'Inst. chir. de Brux.] Institut zur Erforschung der Infektionskrankheiten in Bern. [See Arb. a. d. Inst. z. Erforsch. d. Infectionskrankh. in Bern [etc.], Jena.] Institut français d'anthropologie Comptes rendus des séances. Paris. Nos. 1-5, 1911-12. 8°. Institution (The) Quarterly. Springfield, 111. v. 1-7, 1910- 16. 4°. Institut impérial de médecine expérimentale à St.-Pétersbourg. [See Arch. biol. naûk . . ., S.-Peterb. Also: Arch. d. se biol. . . ., St.-Pétersb.] Institut Pasteur. [See Ann. de l'Inst. Pasteur. Also: Bull, de l'Inst. Pasteur, Par.] Institut de pathologie et de bactériologie de Bucarest. [See Arch. d. se méd. ... de Bucarest, Par.] Institut royal de bactériologie Camara Pestana. [See Arch. de l'Inst. roy. de bactériol. Camara Pestana. A ho: Arq. do Inst. bact. Camara Pestana.] Institut sérothérapique de; l'Etat Danois. [See Communicat. de l'Inst. sérothérap. de l'Etat Danois.] [89] Inst. Solvay. Trav. de lab., Brux. Institute, PhUa. Instituteur d. aveugles, Par. IntercoUeg. M. J., Chicago. Intercolon. M. Cong. Australas. Tr. Intercolon. M. J. Australas., Melbourne. Intercolon. Q. J. M. & S. Interméd. d. biol., Par. Intermêd. d. neurol. [etc.], Par. Internat. Arch. f. Ethnog., Lei- den. Internat. Arch. f. off. Mundhyg., Strassb. Internat. Arch. f. Schulhyg., Leipz. Internat. Arch. f. Vet.-Med., Magdeb. Internat. Assoc. Med. Mus. BuU., Wash. Internat. Atlas selt. Hautkr., Hamb. u. Leipz. Internat. Beitr. z. inn. Med. (Leyden), Berl. Internat. Beitr. z. Path. u. Therap. d. Ernâhrungsstôr. [etc.], Berl. Institut Solvay. 1896-1901. 8°, Travaux de laboratoire. BruxeUes. 4 Institut de thérapeutique. [S l'Inst. de therap.] ee Univ. Ubre de Brux. Trav. de v. 1,1893-4. 8e Institute (The). Philadelphia in November, 1894, as: Hahneman! Inst., Phïïa.] Institute for Médical Research, Federated Malay States Stud. Inst. M. Research Fed. Malay States, Singapore.] Instituteur (L') des aveugles. Journal mensuel. Paris, v. 1-7. 1855-62. 8°. [Continued, [See Institution of Municipal and County Engineers Municip. & County Engin., Lond.] [See Proc. Inst. [See Arq. do Inst. bact. [See Rev. cbilena de hij., Instituto bacteriologico Camara Pestana. Camara Pestana, Lisb.] Instituto de hijiene de Santiago. Sant. de Chile.] Instituto Ligure. [See Mem. d. Inst. Ligure, Genova.] Instituto nacional de higiene de Alfonso XIII. [See Bol. d. Inst. nac. de hig. de Alfonso XIII.] Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. [See Mem. do Inst. Oswaldo Cruz.] Instituto patolôgice [See Bol. d. Inst. patol., Mexico.] Intercollegiate (The) Médical Journal. PubUshed every second month ; devoted to the study of the médical sciences. Chicago. v. 1-2, 1897-8. 8°. Intercolonial Médical Congress of Australasia. Transactions. [v. p.] 1.-6., 1887-1902. 8°. [See, also, Australas. M. Cong. Tr.] Intercolonial Médical Journal of Australasia. Melbourne, v. 1- 14, 1896-1909. 8°. [Formed by union of : Austral. M. J., Mel- bourne, with: Intercolon. Q. J. M. & S., Melbourne. Con- tinued as: Austral. M. J.] Intercolonial Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Mel- bourne, v. 1, 1894-5. 8°. [Combined with: Austral. M. 3., forming: Intercolon. M. J. Australas.] Intermédiaire (L') des biologistes. Organe international de zoo- logie, botanique, physiologie et psychologie. Paris, v. 1-2, 1897-9. 8°. Intermédiaire (L') des neurologistes et des ahénistes; organe international triUngue de neurologie; psychiatrie; psycho- physiologie. Paris, v. 1-2, 1898-9. 8°. Internationales Archiv fur Ethnographie. Leiden. v. 1-23, 1888-1915. fol. Internationales Archiv fur ôffentUche Mundhygiene. Strass- burg. Hft. 1-6, 1910-14. 8°. Internationales Archiv fur Schulhygiene. Archives interna- tionales d'hygiène scolaire. International Magazine of School Hygiène. Leipzig, v. 1-9, 1905-13. 8°. Internationales Archiv fur Veterinâr-Medizin. Magdeburg. v. 1, 1908-9. 8°. International (The) Association of Médical Muséums. Bulletins. Montréal, Canada, and Washington, D. C. Washington. Nos. 1-5, 1907-15. 8°. Internationaler Atlas seltener Hautkrankheiten. International atlas of rare skin diseases. Atlas international des maladies rares de la peau. Hamburg und Leipzig. Nos. 1-14, 1889-99. fol. Internationale B eitrâge zur inneren Medicin. Ernst von Leyden zur Feier seines 70jâhrigen Geburtstages am 20. April 1902, gewidmet von seinen Freunden und seinen Schûlern. Ber- Un. 2v. 1902. 8°. Internationale Beitrâge zur Pathologie und Thérapie der Erniih- run°ï;stôrungen, Stoffwechsel- und Verdauungskrankheiten. Berlin, v. 1^, 1909-14. 8°. roo] Internat. Centralbl. f. Anthrop., Greifswald & Stettin. Internat. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Tuberk.-Forsch., Wiirzb. Internat. Centralbl. f. d. ges. Tuberk.-Lit., Wiirzb. Internat. Centralbl. f. Laryngol., Rhinol. [etc.], Berl. Internat. Centralbl. f. Ohrenh., Leipz. Internat. CUn., PhUa. Internat. CUn. Week, N. Y. Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans., Lond. Internat, contrib. med. Ut. Fest- schr. . . . Abraham Jacobi,N.Y. Internat. Dent. J., N. Y. & PhUa. Internat. Dermat. Cong. Tr., N. Y. Internat. Hosp. Ree, Détroit. Internat. J. Orthodontia, St. Louis. Internat. J. Surg., N. Y. Internat. Kong. z. Fursorge f. Geisteskr. Off.Ber.,HaUea. S. Internat. Kong, f. Irrenpfi. Off. Ber. Internationales Centralblatt fur Anthropologie und verwandte Wissenschaften. Greifswald & Stettin. v. 7-8, 1902-3. 8°. [Continuation of: Centralbl. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Bresl. Con- tinued as: Zentralbl. f. Anthrop.] Internationales Centralblatt fur die gesamte Tuberkulose-For- schung. Wiirzburg. v. 1-9, 1906-15. 8°. Internationales Centralblatt fur die gesamte Tuberkulose-Lite- ratur. [Title of v. 1 of the preceding.] Internationales Centralblatt fur Laryngologie, Rhinologie und verwandte Wissenschaften. BerUn. v. 1-31, 1884-1915. 8°. Internationales Centralblatt fur Ohrenheilkundè. Leipzig, v. 1-5,1902-3 to 1906-7. 8°. [Continued as: Internat. Zentralbl. f. Ohrenh.] International CUnics. Philadelphia. 1.-26. séries, 1891-1916. 8°. [Four volumes in each séries; one séries annually.] International Clinie Week at the New York Polyclinic Médical School and Hospital during the International Surgical Congress, April, 1914. New York. 1 v. 1914. 8°. International Conférence on Tuberculosis. [See Internat. Tu- berk.-Konf. Ber.] International Congress of Dermatology. Officiai Transactions. 3., 1896. London. 1898. 8°. [See, also, Internat. Dermat. Cong. Tr.] International Congress on Hygiène and Demography. [See Actas y mem. d. ix. Cong. internac. de hig. y demog., Madrid. Also: Ber. û. d. internat. Kong. f. Hyg. u. Demog., Berl. Also: Cong: internat, d'hyg. et de démog. C.-r. Also: Sweden. State Med. Inst. Investig. Epid. Inf. Parai., Upsala. Also: Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. & Demog., Wash.] International Congress of Medicine. [See Cong. internat, de méd. C. r. Also: Tr. Internat. Cong. Med.] International Congress on School Hygiène. [See Am. Fed. Sex- Hyg. Rep.] International Congress on Tuberculosis. [See Tr. Internat. Cong. Tubere Also: Cong. internat, de la tubere] International contributions to médical literature. Festschrift in honor of Abraham Jacobi to commemorate the 70. anniversary of his birth, May 6, 1900. New York. 1 v. 1900. 8°. International Dental Congress. [See Tr. Fourth Internat. Dent. Cong., St. Louis. Also: Cong. dent, internat. C.-r.] International (The) Dental Journal. New York & Philadelphia. v. 10-26,1889-1905. 8°. International Dermatological Congress. Sixth. Sept. 9 to 14, 1907. Officiai transactions. New York. 2 v. 1908. 8°. [See, also, Internat. Cong. Dermat. Off. Trans.] International Homœopathic Congress. [See Tr. Internat. Ho- mœop. Cong., Lond.] International Hospital Record. A monthly journal for hospitals and alUed interests. Détroit, v. 12-18, 1909-15. fol. [For- merly: Nat. Hosp. Ree Merged in: Mod. Hosp.] International (The) Journal of Orthodontia. A monthly journal devoted to the advancement of the science of orthodontia. St. Louis, v. 1-2, 1915-16. 8°. International (The) Journal of Surgery. 1889-1915. 4°. New York. v. 2-28, Internationaler Kongress zur Fursorge fur Geisteskranke 1910 Offizieller Bericht. Halle a. S. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Internationaler Kongress fur Irrenpflege 1908 richt. Wien. 1 v. 1909. 8°. International Labour Office Lond.] International Magazine of School Hygiène. f. Schulhyg., Leipz.] Offizieller Be- 8". See Bull. Internat. Labour Office [See Internat. Arch. [91] Internat. M. Mag., PhUa. Internat, med. Rev., Berl. Internat. med.-phot. Monatschr., Leipz. Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Internat. Menatschr. z. Er- forsch. d. AlkohoUsmus [etc.], Basel. Internat. Otol. Cong. Trans. Internat, pharm. Gen. - Anz., Berl. Internat, phot. Monatschr. f. Med. [etc.], Leipz. Internat. Rev. d. ges. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrograph., Leipz. Internat. Text-Bk. Surg. (War- ren & Gould), PhUa. Internat. Therap., N. Y. Internat. Tuberk.-Konf. Ber., Berl. Internat. Zentralbl. f. Ohrenh. Internat. Ztschr. f. ârztl. Psy- choanal., Leipz. & Wien. Internat. Ztschr. f. phys.-chem. Biol., Leipz. & Berl. International Médical Congress. [See Cong. internat, de méd. C.-r. Also: Tr. Internat. Cong. Med.] International Médical Magazine. Philadelphia. v. 1-12, 1892- 1903. 8°. [Merged in: Arch. Pediat.] Internationale medicinische Revue. Organ fur praktische Aerzte. BerUn. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1907. 8°. International Medico-Legal Congress. [See Bull. Internat. Med.- Leg. Cong.] Internationale rnedizinisch-photographische Monatsschrift. Leip- zig, v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8°. [Continued as: Internat, phot. Monatschr. f. Med. [etc.], Leipz.] Internationale Monatsschrift fur Anatomie und Physiologie. Leipzig, v. 4-31, 1887-1914. 8°. Internationale Monatsschrift zur Erforschung des AlkohoUsmus und Bekàmpfung der Trinksitten. Basel. v. 14-25, 1904-15. 8°. International Ophthalmological Congress. [See Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. Versl. d. . . . Internat. Oogh. Cong. te'Utrecht. Also: Tr. Internat. Ophth. Cong., Edinb"] International Otological Congress. Transactions. 6., 1899, Lon- don; 9., 1912, Boston, [v. p.] 1900-1913. 8°. [See, also, Cong. internat, d'otol. C.-r. Also: Papers Internat. Otol. Cong.] Internationaler pharmaceutischer General-Anzeiger. BerUn. v. 9-14, 1897-1902. fol. Internationale photographische Monatsschrift fur Medizin und Naturwissenschaften. Leipzig, v. 3-7, 1896-1900. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in 1896, of: Internat, med.-phot. Monatschr. Con- tinued as: Zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. med. Photog., Rônt- gosk. [etc.], Munchen.] International Plague Conférence [See Rep. Internat. Plague Conf., Manila.] Internationale Revue der gesamten Hydrobiologie und Hydro- graphie. Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1908-14. 8°. International Surgical Congress. [See Internat. Clin. Week, N.Y.] International (The) Text-Book of Surgery, by American and Brit- ish authors. Edited by J. Collins Warren and A. Pearce Gould. Philadelphia. 2 v. 1899-1900. 8°. International Therapeutics. New York. v. 1-2, 1905-6. 8°. Internationale Tuberkulose-Konferenz. Bericht. Conférence internationale antituberculeuse. Rapport. International Conférence on Tuberculosis. Report, [v. p.] 1., 1902; 6., 1907; 7., 1908; 9., 1910; 10., 1912. Berlin. 5 v. 1903-12. 8°. [See, also, Festschr. enthalt. Arb. û. Tuberk. . . . vi. Internat. Tuberk.-Konf. [etc.], Wien & Leipz.] Internationales Zentralblatt fur Ohrenheilkunde. Leipzig, v. 6-13, 1907-8 to 1914-15. 8°. [Title, after v. 5, of: Internat. Centralbl. f. Ohrenh.] Internationale Zeitschrift fur ârztUche Psychoanalyse. Leipzig &Wien. v. 1-3, 1913-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Zentralbl. f. Psychoanal.] Internationale Zeitschrift fur physikalisch-chemische Biologie. Leipzig und BerUn. v. 1-2, 1914-15. 8°. Internationale Gesellschaft fur Sexualforschung. [See Arch. f. Sexualforsch., Heidelb.] Internationale Oogheelkundig Congres te Utrecht. [See Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. Versl. d. . . . Internat. Oogh. Cong. te Utrecht.] Internationale wissenschaftUche Lepra-Conferenz zu BerUn im October 1897. [See Mitth. u. Verhandl. d. internat. Lepra- Confer. zu BerL] Internationaler Congress gegen den AlkohoUsmus. [See Ber. û. d. internat. Cong. gegen d. AlkohoL, Leipz.] [92] Interstate M. J., St. Louis. Iowa Health BuU., Des Moines. Iowa M. J., Des Moines. Irrenfreund, HeUbr. Irrenpflege, HaUe a. S. Irrenschutz, Halle a. S. Ist. di clin. chir. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Rendie d. operaz. Ist. clin, oto-rino-laringol. di MUano. Contrib. Ist. d' ig. d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Lav. di lab., Roma. Ist. di ig. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Omaggio ... p. la lotta antitu- bere, Pisa. Internationaler Kongress fur das Rettungswesen zu Frankfurt a. M. [See Ber. û. d. I. internat. Kong. f. d. Rettungsw. 1908, BerL] Internationaler Kongress fur SâugUngsschutz. [See Ber. û. d. Internat. Kong. f. Sàuglingsschutz, BerL] Internationaler Kongress fur Thalassothérapie. [See Ber. û. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap. Also: Verhandl. d. inter- nat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap.] Internationaler Kongress fur Versicherungs-Medizin. See Ber. u. Verhandl. d. internat. Kong. f. Versicher.-Med., BerL] Internationaler Kongress fur Wohnungshygiene in Dresden. [See Ber. û. d. internat. Kong. f. Wohnungshyg. in Dresd.] Internationaler Laryngo-Rhinologen-Kongress. [See Verhandl. d. Internat. Laryngo-Rhinol. Kong.] Internationaler zahnârztlicher Kongress. BerUn, 23.-28. August 1909. [See Cong. dent, internat. C.-r.] Internationaler Zoologen-Kongress. [See Bull. vi. internat. Zool.-Kong.] Internationales Zentralblatt fur experimentelle Phonetik. [See Vox, BerL] Internationales Zentralorgan fur Blut- und Serumforschung. [For 1. Teil, see Folia haematol.; for 2. Teil, see Folia serol.J Interstate Médical Journal. St. Louis, Mo. v. 6-23, 1899-1916. 8°. [Continuation of : Tri-State M. J. & Pract.] Iowa Health Bulletin. PubUshed by the State Board of Health. Des Moines, v. 1-21, 1887-8 to 1907-8. 8°. [Incomplète] Iowa Médical Journal. The officiai organ of the Iowa State Méd- ical Society. Des Moines, v. 1-20, 1895-6 to 1913-14. 8°. Iowa State Institutions. [See Bull. Iowa Inst.] Iowa State Médical Society. [See Iowa M. J. Also: J. Iowa State M. Soc] Irrenfreund (Der). Heilbronn. v. 6-42, 1864-1902. 8°. Irrenpflege (Die). Monatsblatt zur Hebung, Belehrung und Un- terhaltung des Irrenpflegepersonals, mit besonderer Berûck- sichtigung der freien Behandlung, der kolonialen und familià- ren Krankenpflege Halle a. S. v. 1-6, 1897-1902. 8°. Irrenschutz (Der). Monatsschrift den Mitgliedern der IrrenhUfs- vereine des deutschen Sprachgebiets sowie allen Freunden der Irrensache Halle a. S. v. 1, 1901-2. 4°. Istituto di chimica farmaceutica deUa regia Università di Pisa. [See Pubb. d. Ist. di chim. farm. d. r. Univ. di Pisa.] Istituto di cUnica chirurgica deUa r. Università di Pisa. Rendi- conto cUnico-statistico délie operazioni eseguite nei periodi estivo-autumnaU 1898-1901. Pisa. 1 v. 1901. 8°. Istituto di cUnica medica deUa r. Università di Pisa. [See Lavori d. Ist. di cUn. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa.] Istituto di cUnica medica générale deUa r. Università di Padova. [See Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. di Padova.] Istituto cUnico oto-rino-laringologico di Milano. (Vedova.) H nostro contributo al xv. Congresso deUa Società itaUana di oto- rino-laringologia. (Venezia.) Milano, 1912. 4°. Istituto d' igiene deUa r. Università di Palermo. Lavori di laboratorio. Roma. v. 1-5, 1894-1901. 8°. Istituto di igiene deUa r. Università di Pisa, diretto dai Prof. Alfonso Di Vestea. Questioni del giorno. Omaggio alla città e provincia di Pisa e al comitato locale per la lotta antituber* colare. Pisa. 1 v. 1900. 8°. Istituto di igiene sperimentale deUa Università di Roma. [See Ann. d' ig. sper. Also: Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma.] Istituto MaragUano, per lo studio e la cura deUa tubercolosi e di altri malattie infettive. [See Ann. d. Ist. MaragUano p. la cura d. tubere [etc.].] [93] Ist. ortop. RizzoU. Rendie, Bo- logna. Ist. ostet.-ginee d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Rendie clin. ItaUa san., MUano. Items Interest. Izvïest. Imp. Nikolayev. Univ., Saratov. Izvïest. Imp. Tomsk. Univ. Izvïest. Imp. Voyenno - Med. Akad., S.-Peterb. Izvïest. Obsh. Astrakhan. Vrach. Izvïest. S.-Peterb. biol. lab. Istituto ortopedico RizzoU. Rendiconto clinico del biennio 1900-1901. Bologna. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico (Matemità) deUa r. Università di Palermo. Rendiconto clinico, 1901. Palermo. 1 v. 1902. 8 . Istituto ostetriceginecologico deUa r. Università di Padova. [See Rendie clin, statist. d. Ist. ostet.-ginee d Univ di Padova.] Istituto politerapeutico, Milano. [See Boll. med.-chir. d. Ist poUterap., Milano. Also: PoUterap., Milano.] Istituto psichiatrico deUa r. Università di Roma. [See Ann. d. Ist. psichiat. d. r. Univ. di Roma.] ItaUa (L') sanitaria. Tribuna dei medici condotti. Milano. v. 2-3, 1906-7. roy. 8°. [In 1911 combined with: Corriere san., forming: Pensiero med., Milano.] Items of interest. A monthly magazine of dental art, science, and Uterature. Philadelphia, 1891-5; New York since 1896! v. 13-37, 1891-1915. 8°. [Continuation, in 1891, of: Items Interest. Dent. Indep. Continued as: Dental Items Interest.] Iverskaya Obshtshina Syoster Miloserdiya Krasnavo Kresta v Moskvïe. [Iverian Society of Sisters of Mercy in Moscow.] [See Otchot o dïeyateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.], v Mosk.] I-yô I Kwai. [I-yô Médical Society.] [See Kyo-rin-no Shiori, Tokyo.] Izvïestiya Imperatorskavo Nikolayevskavo Universiteta. An- nalen der kaiserhchen Nicolaus-Universitât. Saratov. v. 1-4, 1910-13. 8°. Izvïestiya Imperatorskavo Tomskavo Universiteta. [Communi- cations of the Impérial Tomsk University.] Tomsk. v. 1-49, 1889-1913. 8°. Izvïestiya Imperatorskoï Voyenno-Meditsinskoï Akademii. [Communications of the Impérial Army Médical Academy.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-28, 1900-1914. 4° & 8°. Izvïestiya Obshtshestva Astrakhanskikh Vracheï. [Communi- cations of the Society of Astrakhan Physicians.] Astrakhan. v. 1-6, 1908-13. 8°. Izvïestiya S.-Peterburgskoï biologicheskoï laboratorii. (Bulletin du laboratoire biologique de St.-Pétersbourg.) S.-Peterburg. v. 1-10, 1896-1910. 8<\ J. J. Abnorm. Psychol., Bost. J. Acad. Nat. Se PhUa. J. d'accouch., Liège. J. Advane Therap., N. Y. J. Agrie Research, Wash. J. Akush. i Zhensk. Bolïez., Peterb. S.- Journal (The) of Abnormal Psychology. to 1915-16. 8°. Boston, v. 1-10, 1906 Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 2. s., v. 10-17, 1894-1916. fol. Journal d'accouchements et revue de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques. Liège, v. 1-34, 1880-1914; Nos. 1-31, v. 35, 1914. 4°. Journal (The) of Advanced Therapeutics. New York. v. 20-33, 1902-15. 8°. [Consolidation of: N. Y. Lancet, and: J. Electro- ther. Continued as: Am. J. Electrotherap. & Radiol.] Journal of Agricultural Research. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. PubUshed by authority of the Secretary of Agriculture. Editorial Committee, KarlR. Kellerman, Edwin W. Allen, and Charles L. Marlatt. Washington, v. 1-6, 1913- 16. 8°. Jurnal Akusherstva i Zhenskikh Bolïezneï; organ Akushersko- Ginekologicheskavo Obshtshestva v S.-Peterburgïe. [Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women; organ of the Obstetrico- Gynœcological Society in St. Petersburg.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-29, 1887-1914. 8°. m] J. AUied Dent. Soc, N. Y. J. Alumni Ass. Cincin. CoU. Pharm. Cincin. J. Alumni Ass. CoU. Phys. & Surg. Balt. J. Am. Chem. Soc. J. Am. Inst. . . . Criminol., Chi- cago. J. Am. Inst. Homœop., N. Y. J. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. J. Am. Med. Editors' Ass., N. Y. J. Am. Osteopath. Ass. J. Am. Pharm. Ass., Columbus. J. Am. Pub. Health Ass., Urbana. J. Am. Soc. Psych. Research, N. Y. J. Am. Vet. M. Ass., N. Y. J. Anat. & Physiol. J. de l'anat. et physiol. [etc.], Par. J. Animal Behavior, Albany. J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond. J. Anthrop. Soc. Bombay. J. AppUedMicr., Rochester. J. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock. J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S., Carlisle. J. Bact., Balt. J. Balneol. & Climat., Lond. J. belge d'homœop., Brux. J. Biol. Chem., N. Y. Journal (The) of the AUied Dental Societies. New York. v. 10- 11, 1915-16. 8°. Journal (The). Published quarterly by the Alumni Association of the Cincinnati Collège of Pharmacv of Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. v. 1-5, 1894-5 to JS98-9. 8°. Journal (The) of the Alumni Association of the Collège of Physi- cians and Surgeons, Baltimore. Baltimore, v. 1-18, 1898 to 1915-16. 8°. Journal of the American Chemical Society. New York; Easton, Pa. v. 1-38, 1879-1916. 8°. Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Crimi- nology. Chicago, v. 1-6, 1910-15. 8°. Journal of the American Institute of Homœopathy. New York. v. 1-8, 1909-16. 8°. Journal (The) of the American Médical Association. Chicago. v. 1-66, 1883-1916. 4°. Journal (The) of the American Médical Editors' Association. New York. v. 1-2, 1913-15. 4°. Journal of the American Ostéopathie Association. Auburn, N. Y. ; New York. v. 1-15, 1900-1902 to 1915-16. 8°. Journal (The) of the American Pharmaceutical Association. Columbus, Ohio. v. 1-5, 1912-16. 8°. Journal of the American Public Health Association. Urbana, 111. v. 1, 1911. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. J. Pub. Hyg. Con- tinued as: Am. J. Pub. Health.] Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research. Sec- tion "B" of the American Institute of Scientific Research. New York City. v. 1-6, 1907-12. 8°. Journal of the American Veterinary Médical Association. New York. v. 49, 1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. Vet. Rev.] Journal (The) of Anatomy and Physiology. London; Cambridge; Edinburgh. v. 1-50, 1866 to 1915-16. 8°. Journal de l'anatomie et de la physiologie normales et patholo- giques de l'homme et des animaux. Paris, v. 1-49, 1864- 1913; Nos. 1-4, v. 50, 1914. 8°. Journal (The) of Animal Behavior. Bimonthly. v. 1-6,1911-16. Albany, N. Y. 8°. Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London. v. 1-36, 1871-1906. 8° & roy. 8°. [Con- tinued as: J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland.] Journal (The) of the Anthropological Society of Bombay. Bom- bay, v. 1-10, 1886-1914. 8°. Journal of Applied Microscopy. Rochester, N. Y. v. 1-6, 1898- 1903. 8°. Journal (The) of the Arkansas Médical Society, v. 3-7, 1892-7; v. 8-12, 1911-12 to 1915-16. Little Rock. 8°. Journal of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States. Carlisle, Pa. v. 10-19, 1901-6. 8°. [Continuation of: Proc. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S. Continued as: Mil. Surgeon.] Journal of Bacteriology. Officiai organ of the Society of American Bacteriologists. Baltimore, v. 1, 1916. 8°. Journal (The) of Balneology and Climatology. Being the jour- nal of the British Balneological and Climatological Society. London. v. 1-13, 1897-1909. 8°. Journal belge d'homœopathie Organe des dispensaires ho- mœopathiques du pays et du Cercle homœopathique des Flan- dres. Bruxelles, v. 1-9, 1894-1902. 8°. Journal bi-mensuel d'assistance pubUque et privée, d'hygiène [etc.]. [See Assistance pub.] Journal (The) of Biological Chemistry. 1905-16. 8°. New York. v. 1-24 [95] J. Bost. Soc. M. Se J. Brit. Dent. Ass., Lond. J. Camden Co. M. Soc, Camden, N. J. J. Cancer Research. J. Ceylon Br. Brit. M. Ass., Co- lombo. J. Chem. Soc. Lond. J. de chim. phys., Genève & Par. J. de chir., Par. J. de chir. et ann. Soc. belge de chir., Brux. J. Cincin. Soc. Nat. Hist. J. de clin. méd. et chir., Par. J. de clin, et de therap. inf., Par. J. Comp. M. & Vet. Arch. J. Comp. Neurol. J. Comp. Path. & Therap., Edinb. & Lond. J. Cong. & Exh. San. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond. J. d. conn. méd. prat., Par. J. Cutan. Dis. incl. Syph., N. Y. J. Cutan. & Genito-Urin. Dis., N. Y. J. Delaware State M. Soc, WU- mington. J. Dermat. i SifiUdol., S.-Peterb. J. Econom. Entomol., Concord, N. H. J. Electrother., N. Y. J. EUsha MitcheU Se Soc. J. Exper. M., N. Y. J. Exper. Psychol. J. Exper. Zool. J. Eye, Ear & Throat Dis., Balt. Journal of the Boston Societv of Médical Sciences. [Boston.] v. 1-5, 1896-1901. 12°. [Continued as: J. Med. Research.] Journal (The) of the British Dental Association. London. v. 2- 24,1881-1903. 8°. [Continued as: Brit. Dent. J.] Journal (The) of the Camden County Médical Society. Cam- den, N. J. v. 1-9,1907-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Cancer Research. Baltimore & Cambridge, Eng. v. 1, 1916. 8°. Journal (The) of the Ceylon Branch of the British Médical Asso- ciation. Colombo, v. 1-8, 1904-11. 8°. Journal (The) of the Chemical Society of London. v. 15-84, 1862-1903. 8°. Journal de chimie physique, publié par PhiUppe-A. Guye. Ge- nève & Paris, v. 8-13, 1910-15. 8°. Journal de chirurgie Revue critique pubUée tous les mois. Paris, v. 1-13, 1908 to 1914-15. 8°. Journal de chirurgie et annales de la Société belge de chirurgie. Bruxelles, v. 1-13, 1901-13. 8°. [Continuation of: Ann. Soc. belge de chir.] Journal (The) of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. Cin- cinnati, v. 1-20, 1878-1902. 8°. Journal (Le) de clinique médicale et chirurgicale. Paris, v. 1, 1906. fol. Journal de clinique et de thérapeutique infantiles. Paris, v. 1-7, 1893-9. 8°. [Continued as: Gaz. d. mal. infant.] Journal (The) of Comparative Medicine and Veterinary Archives. Philadelphia, 1890; New York, 1891-1903. v. 11-24, 1890- 1903. 8°. Journal (The) of Comparative Neurology. Cincinnati; GranviUe, Ohio; Baltimore; Philadelphia. v. 1-25, 1891-1915. 8°. [From 1904-10, v. 14-20, "and Psychology" added to title.] Journal (The) of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics. Edinburgh & London. v. 1-28, 1888-1915. 8°. Journal of the Congress and Exhibition of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain held at Leamington, 1877. London. 1 v. 1877. 8°. Journal des connaissances médicales pratiques et de pharmacolo- gie. Paris, v. 1-66, 1833-98. 8° & 4°. Journal (The) of Cutaneous Diseases induding Syphilis. New York. v. 21-34, 1903-16. 8°. [Continued as the followmg:] Journal of Cutaneous and Genito-Urinary Diseases. New York. v. 5-20, 1887-1902. 8°. [Continued as the preceding. J Journal (The) of the Delaware State Médical Society Wilming- ton. v. 1,1909-10. 8°. [Continued as: Delaware State M. J.] Jurnal Dermatologii i SifiUdologii. S.-Peterburg. v. 1-2,1901-2. 8°. , Journal of Economie Entomology. Concord, N. H. v. 1-9, 1908-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Electro-Therapeutics New York. v. 8-19,1 1890-1901. 4°. [Continued as: J. Advane Therap.] Journal of the EUsha MitcheU Scientific Society. Raleigh & ChapelHill, N.C. v. 1-32, 1883-1916. 8°. Journal (The) of Expérimental Medicine. New York. v. 1-23, 1896-1916. 8°. Journal of Expérimental Psychology. Lancaster, Pa., & Prince- ton, N. J. v. 1,1916. 8°. Journal (The) of Expérimental Zoôlogy. Baltimore; Philadel- phia. v. 1-19, 1904-15. 8°. Journal of Eve, Ear and Throat Diseases, pubUshed quarterly by the surgical staff of the Presbytenan Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital. Baltimore, Md. v. 1-10, 1896-1905. 8 . , [96] J. Florida M. Ass., JacksonviUe. J. Frankl. Inst., PhUa. J. Genetics, Cambridge, [Eng.]. J. Homœop., PhUa. J. Hyg., Cambridge. J. Hyg., N. Y. J. d'hyg., Par. J. Immunol., Balt. & Cambridge, Eng. J. Indiana M. Ass., Fort Wayne. J. Indust. & Engin. Chem/) J. Inebriety, Bost. j J. Infect. Dis., Chicago. J. Inst. Actuaries, Lond. J. Iowa State M. Soc, Canton. J. Irish M. Ass., Dubl. J. Kansas M. Soc, Lawrence. J. Lab. & CUn. M., St. Louis. J. Laryngol., Lond. J. M. Se, Fort Wayne. J. Maine M. Ass. J. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par. J. Malay Br. Brit. M. Ass., Singapore. J. Manchester Geog. Soc. J. Marine Biol. Ass. U. King- dom, Plymouth. J. Mass. Ass. Bds. Health, Bost. J. Mat. Med. J. Mech. Surg., Bost. Journal (The) of the Florida Médical Association. PubUshed by the Florida Médical Association. JacksonviUe, Fia. v. 1-2, 1914 to 1915-16. 8°. Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. N. s. [2], v. 1-26, 1828-40; 3. s., v. 1-100, 1841- 90; whole séries, v. 131-181, 1891-1916. 8°. Journal of Genetics. Cambridge, v. 1-5, 1910-15. 8°. Journal of Homœopathics. Philadelphia. v. 1-7, 1897-8 to 1903-4. 8°. Journal (The) of Hygiène. Cambridge v. 1-15, 1901 to 1915- 16. 8°. Journal (The) of Hygiène and Herald of Health. New York. v. 43-48,1893-8. 8°. [Continued as: Oméga, N. Y.] Journal d'hygiène. Paris, v. 1-40 (Nos. 1-1421), 1875-1914. 4°. Journal (The) of Immunology. Officiai organ of the Society for Serology and Hsematology, and the American Association of Immunologists. Baltimore & Cambridge, [Eng.]. v. 1, 1916. 8°. Journal (The) of the Indiana State Médical Association. Fort Wayne, Ind. v. 1-9, 1908-16. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag.] Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. Easton, Pa. v. 3-8, 1911-16. 4°. Journal of Inebriety. Boston, v. 29-35,1907-13. 8°. [Formed by incorporation of: Arch. Physiol. Therapy, with: Quart. J. Inebr. Continued as: Quart. J. Inebr.] Journal (The) of Infectious Diseases. Chicago, v. 1-18, 1904- 16. 8°. Journal of the Institute of Actuaries. London. v. 14-49, 1867- 1915. 8°. Journal (The) of the Iowa State Médical Society. Clinton, v. 1-6, 1911-16. 8°. Journal (The) of the Irish Médical Association. Dublin, v. 1- 14, 1901-14. 8°. [Merged in: Med. Press & Cire] Journal (The) of the Kansas Médical Society. Lawrence, v. 4- 16, 1904-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Laboratory and CUnical Medicine. St. Louis. v. 1, 1915-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology. London. v. 1-31, 1887-1916. 8°. Journal of the Médical Sciences. Fort Wayne, Ind. v. 13-16, 1893-6. 8°. [Continued as: Fort Wayne M. J.-Mag.] Journal (The) of the Maine Médical Association. Portland. v. 6, 1915-16. 8°. Journal des maladies cutanées et syphUitiques. Paris, v. 1-20, 1889-1909. 8°. Journal (The) of the Malay Branch of the British Médical Asso- ciation. Singapore. N. s., Nos. 1-2, 1904^5. 8°. Journal (The) of the Manchester Geographical Society. Man- chester, v. 22, 1906. 8°. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United King- dom. Published by the association at its offices on the Citadel Hill, Plymouth. Plymouth. N. s., v. 1-11, 1889-1916. 8°. Journal of the Massachusetts Association of Boards of Health Boston, v. 1-14, 1891-1904. 8°. [Continued as- Am j' Pub. Hyg., Bost.] Journal (The) of Material Medica. New Lebanon, N Y • Terre Haute, Ind. N. s., v. 1-34, 1859-96. 8°. Journal (The) of Mechanical Surgery. Boston, Mass. v. 1 1896. [97] T. Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta. J. de méd. de Bordeaux. J. méd. de Brux. J. de méd. et chir. prat., Par. J. méd. franc., Par. J. de la méd. homœop., Par. J. de méd. int., Par. J. Med. Khim. i Farm., S.-Peterb. J. Med. Khim. i Organoterap., S.- Peterb. J. de méd. lêg. psychiat. [etc.], Par. J. de méd. de Par. J. de méd. . . . d. pays étrang., Par. J. de med. de Pernambuco. J. Med. Research, Bost. J. Med. & Se, Portland. J. Med. Soc. N. Jersey, Newark. J. de méd. vét. et de zootech., Lyon. J. Med.-Chir. CoU., PhUa. J. Ment. Path., N. Y. J. Ment. Se, Lond. J. Mich. M. Soc, Détroit. J. Micr. & Nat. Se, Lond. J. MU. Serv. Inst. U. S., Gov- ernor's Island, N. Y. H. J. Minn. M. Ass. [etc.], Minneap. Journal (The) of the Médical Association of Georgia. Augusta. v. 1-5, 1911 to 1915-16. 8°. Journal de médecine de Bordeaux. Bordeaux, v. 8-44, 1878- 1913; Nos. 1-31, v. 45, 1914. 4°. Journal médical de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, v. 8-18, 1903-13; Nos. 1-33, v. 19, 1914. 4°. Journal de médecine, chirurgie et pharmacologie. Annales. Bruxelles. [Running title on the covers of : Ann. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux.; see v. 16, 1. s., Index-Catalogue.] Journal de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques 1830-1916. 8°. Paris, v. 1-87, v. 1-7,1907-13; Nos. 1-7, Journal (Le) médical français. Paris. v. 8, 1914. 4°. Journal de la médecine homœopathique. PubUé par la Société hahnemannienne de Paris. Paris, v. 1-A, 1845-8. 8°. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, Continued as: v. 3-17, 1899-1913. Nos. Journal (The) of Médical Hypnotism. Chicago. 1898. 8°. [Continuation of: Hypnot. Mag. Suggest. Therap.] Journal de médecine interne. Paris. 1-21, v. 18, 1914. fol. Jurnal Meditsinskoï Khimii i Farmatsii. S.-Peterburg. v. 1-2, 1892-4; v. 5-6, 1898-1900. [Continued as the following:] Jurnal Meditsinskoï Khimii i Organoterapii. [Journal of Médical Chemistry and Organotherapy.] S.-Peterburg. v. 7-12, 14, 1901-8. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Journal de médecine légale psychiatrique et d'anthropologie criminelle. Paris, v. 1, 1906. 8°. Journal de médecine de Paris, v. 1-15, 1881-8; 2. s., v. 1-20, 1889-1908; années 29-34, 1909-14. 8° & fol. Journal de médecine, ou observations des plus fameux médecins, chirurgiens, et anatomistes de l'Europe, tirées des journaux des pays étrangers, et autres mémoires particuUers. Paris. 2 Nos., April and May, 1686. 12°. Jornal de medicina de Pernambuco. Pernambuco. v. 1-6, 1905-10. 4°. Journal of Médical Research. Boston, v. 6-34 (n. s., v. 1-29), 1901-16. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Bost. Soc. M. Se] Journal of Medicine and Science. Portland, Maine, v. 1-12, 1894-5 to 1905-6. 8°. Journal (The) of the Médical Society of New Jersey. [Monthly.] Newark. v. 1-13, 1904-16. 8°. Journal de médecine vétérinaire et de zootechnie. Lyon. v. 27- 64, 1876-1913; Nos. 1-7, v. 65, 1914. (3. à 4. s., v. 1-21, 1876- 96; 5. s., v. 1-18, 1897-1914.) 8°. Journal (The) of the Médico-Chirurgical Collège. Philadelphia. v. 1-5, 1900-1905. 8°. [Continued as: Med.-Chir. J., Phila.] Journal mensuel de médecine et physiologique vitaUstes. [Ad- ditional title of : Org. Confrat. méd., Brux.] Journal (The) of Mental Pathology. New York. v. 1-8, 1901-7. 8°. Journal (The) of Mental Science London. v. 4-61, 1857- 1915. 8°. Journal (The) of the Michigan State Médical Society. Détroit. v. 1-14, 1902-15. 8°. Journal (The) of Microscopy and Natural Science. London. v. 3-6, 1884-7; n. s., v. 1-3, 1888-90; 3. s., v. 1-7, 1891-7. 8°. Journal of the MiUtary Service Institution of the United States. Governor's Island, N. Y. H. v. 14-^58, 1893-1916. 8°. Journal (The) of the Minnesota State Médical Association, and The Northwestern Lancet. MinneapoUs. v. 25-31, 1905-11. 8°. [Continuation of : Northwest. Lancet. Continued as: Jour- nal Lancet.] 15259°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries- [9SJ J. Mississippi M. Ass., BUoxi. J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis. J. Morgan Co. M. Soc, Jackson- viUe, Bl. J. Morphol. J. Mycol., Wash. J. N. Eng. Water Works Ass. J. N. Mexico M. Soc, Albu- querque. J. N. York Micr. Soc. J. Nat. Dent. Ass., Huntington, Ind. J. Nat. M. Ass., Tuskegee, Ala. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., N. Y. J. de neurol., Brux. J. de neurol. et hypnol., Brux. J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat. . . . Kor- sakova, Mosk. J. Nihonbashi-ku San. Ass., To- kyo. J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk. J. Obst. & Gynœe Brit. Emp., Lond. J. Oklahoma M. Ass., Guthrie. J. Ophth. & Oto-Laryngol., Chi- cago. J. Ophth., Otol. & Laryngol. J. Orine Surg., Chicago. J. Outdoor Life, Trudeau, N. Y. J. Parasitol., Urbana, H1. J. Path. & Bacteriol. Journal (The) of the Mississippi State Médical Association. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. published by the Mississippi State Médical Association, embracing its trans- actions. Biloxi. v. 2-3, 1898-1900; v. 9; No. 1, v. 10, 1904-5. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Ree Mississippi, v. 4-8, under title: Mississippi M. Ree] Journal Missouri State Médical Association. St. Louis, v. 2-13, 1905-6 to 1916. 8°. Journal (The) of the Morgan County Médical Society. Jackson- ville, 111. v. 1-5, 1898-1902. 8°. Journal of Morphology. Boston; Lancaster; Philadelphia. v. 1-26, 1887-1915. 8°. Journal (The) of Mycology; devoted especially to the study of fungi in their relation to plant diseases. Washington. Nos. 1-94, v. 1-14, 1885-1908. 8°. Journal of the New England Water Works Association. Boston. v. 1-30, 1886-1916. 8°. Journal (The) of the New Mexico Médical Society. Albuquerque, N. Mex. v. 3-4, 1907-8 to 1908-9. 8°. [Continued as: N. Mexico M. J.] Journal of the New York Microscopical Society. New York. v. 1-16, 1885-1901; annual, 1902. 8°. Journal of the National Dental Association. Owned and pub- Ushed by the National Dental Association. Huntington, Ind. v. 2-3, 1915-16. 8°. Journal of the National Médical Association. Tuskegee, Ala. v. 1-8, 1909-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Nervous and Mental Diseases. New York. v. 1-43, 1876-1916. 8°. Journal de neurologie. Bruxelles, v. 4-16, 1899-1911. 8°. [Title after v. 3, 1898, of the following:] Journal de neurologie et d'hypnologie Bruxelles, v. 1-3, 1895-8. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Jurnal Nevropatologii i PsikhiatrU imeni S. S.Korsakova, izda- vayemîy Obshtshestvom Nevropatologov i Psikhiatrov, sosto- yashtshim pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitetïe [journal of Neuropathology and Psychiatrics in memory of S. S. Korsakoff, issued by the Society of Neuropathologists and Psy- chiatricians, at the University of Moscow.] Moskva. v. 1-13, 1901-13. 8°. Journal (The) of the Nihonbashi-ku Sanitary Association. To- kyo. Nos. 8-47, v. 1-2, 1893-9. 8°. [Japanese text.] Jurnal Obshtshestva Russkikh Vracheï v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Journal of the Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogoff's memory.] Moskva. v. 1-14, 1895-1908. 8°. [Continued as: Obshtshestvennîy Vrach.] Journal (The) of Obstetrics and Gynœcology of the British Em- pire. London. v. 1-27, 1902-15. 8°. Journal of the Oklahoma State Médical Association. Guthrie. v. 1-9, 1908-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology. Chicago. v. 1-10, 1907-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Ophthalmology, Otology and Laryngology. New York; Lancaster, Pa. v. 1-21, 1889-1915. 8°. [Sus- pended 1904-10. In 1911, Homœop. Eye, Ear & Throat J. merged in this journal.] Journal of Orificial Surgery. Chicago, v. 1-11, 1892-1901. 8°. Journal of the Outdoor Life. Trudeau, N. Y. v. 2-13, 1905- 16. 8°. Journal (The) of Parasitology. A quarterly devoted to médical zoology. Managing editor, Henry B. Ward. Urbana, 111. v. 1-2, 1914-15. 8°. Journal (The) of Pathology and Bacteriology. Edinburgh; London. v. 1-20, 1892-1915. 8°. [99] J. Peking Orient. Soc, Tsientsin. J. de pharm. J. de pharm. et chim., Par. J. d. Pharm. v. Elsass-Lothrin- gen, Strassb. J. de pharm. de Liège. J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap., Balt. J. Philos., Psychol. [etc.], Lancas- ter, Pa., & N. Y. J. Phys. Chem., Ithaca. J. Phys. Therap., Lond. J. Phys. Therapy, Chicago. J. Physiol. J. de physiol. et de path. gén., Par. J. de physiothérap., Par. J. Pract. Dietet. & Bact.- Therap., Lond. J. Pract. M., N. Y. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz. J. Prev. M. & Sociol., Toronto. t J. Prevent. M., Lond. J. & Proc. Roy. Soc. N. South Wales, Sydney. J. Psycho-Asthénies, Faribault, Minn. J. f. Psychol. u. Neurol., Leipz. J. de psychol. norm. et path., Par. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond. J. de radiol. et d'électrol., Par. J. Rontg. Soc, Lond. J. Roy. Anthrop. Inst. Gr. Brit. & Ireland, Lond. Journal de pédiatrie et d'obstétrique [See Gaz. d. mal. infant.] Journal of the Peking Oriental Society. Tsientsin. v. 3, 1895. 8 . Journal de pharmacie. Bruxelles; Anvers, v. 31-45. 1875-89: v. 53-58, 1897-1902. 8°. Journal de pharmacie et de chimie. Paris. 3. s v 1-46 1842- 64; 4. s., v. 1-30, 1865-79; 5. s., v. 1-30, 1880-94; 6. s., v. 1-30, 1895-1909; 7. s., v. 1-12, 1910-15. 8°. Journal der Pharmacie von Elsass-Lothringen. Strassbure v 15-40, 1888-1913; Nos. 1-7, v. 41, 1914. 8°. Journal de pharmacie de Liège. Revue scientifique et profes- sionnelle. Liège, v. 1-9, 1893-1902. 8°. Journal (The) of Pharmacology and Expérimental Therapeutics. Baltimore, v. 1-8, 1909-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Philosophy. Psychology and Scientific Methods. Lancaster, Pa., and New York. v. 1-13, 1904-16. 8°. Journal (The) of Physical Chemistry. Published at CorneU University. Ithaca, N. Y. v. 1-20, 1896-7 to 1916. roy. 8°. Journal (The) of Physical Therapeutics. London. v. 1-3 1900- 1902. 8°. Journal (The) of Physical Therapy. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1905-6 to 1906-7. 8°. Journal (The") of Physiology. London; Cambridge, v. 1-50 1878 to 1915-16. 8°. Journal de physiologie et de pathologie générale. Paris v 1- 16, 1899-1914. 8°. [Continuation of : Arch. de physiol. norm et path.] 8°. Journal de physiothérapie. Revue mensuelle des applications des agents physiques à la thérapeutique. Paris. Nos. 1-138 v. 1-12, 1903-14. 8°. Journal (The) of Practical Dietetics and Bacterio-Therapeutics London. v. 1-3, 1909-11. 8°, Journal of Practical Medicine. New York. v. 5-9, 1894-9. 8°. [Continuation, in No. 9, April, 1895, of: Food, N. Y.] Journal fur praktische Chemie. Leipzig. N. F., v. 5-65, 1872- 1902. 8°. Journal (The) of Préventive Medicine and Sociology (incorporat- ing Dental Practice). A monthly digest of preven ive medi- cine and health conservation. Toronto, Canada, v. 14-17, 1913-14. 8°. [Merged in: Hosp. World.] Journal (The) of Préventive Medicine. The officiai organ of the Royal Institute of PubUc Health. London. v. 13-14, 1905-6. 8°. [Continued as: J. Roy. Inst. Pub. Health.] Journal and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New South Wales. Sydney, v. 10-49, 1876-1915. 8°. Journal of Psycho-Asthenics. Devoted to the care, training, and treatment of the feeble-minded and of the epileptie Fari- bault, Minn. v. 1-19, 1896-1915. 12°. Journal fur Psychologie und Neurologie (zugleich Zeitschrift fur Hypnotismus, Band XI). Leipzig, v. 1-22, 1902-15. 8°. Journal de psychologie normale et pathologique. Paris. 1904-15. 8°. v. 1-12, Journal (The) of the Quekett Microscopical Club. London. (Nos. 1-76) v. 1-6, 1868-81; 2. s., v. 1-12, 1882-1915. 8°. Journal de radiologie et d'électrologie, revue médicale mensuelle, publiée par P. Aubourg, Béclère [et al.]. Paris, v. 1, 1914- 15. 4°. Journal (The) of the Rôntgen Society. London. v. 1-5 (Nos. 1-15), 1909-15. roy. 8°. Journal (The) of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London. v. 37-45, 1907-15. roy. 8°. [Continuation of : J. Anthrop. Inst., Lond.] [100] J. Roy. Army Med. Corps, Lond. J. Roy. Inst. Pub. Health, Lond. J. Roy. Micr. Soc, Lond. J. Roy. Nav. M. Serv., Lond. J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond. J. Roy. Statist. Soc, Lond. J. Roy. U. Service Inst., Lond. J. Russk. Obsh. Okhran. Narod. Zdrav., S.-Peterb. J. d. sages-femmes, Par. J. San. Inst., Lond. J. de la santé, Par. J. de la santé intime, Par. J. Se Med., Chicago. J. d. se méd. de Lille. J. Soc. Arts, Lond. J. Soc. Chem. Indust., Lond. J. Soc. contre l'abus du tabac, Par. J. Soc. méd.-chir. canad.-franç. de la Nouv.-Angl., LoweU. J. Soc. pharm. lusit., Lisb. J. Soc. San. & Moral Prophy- laxis, Lyons, N. Y. J. Soc. d. se med. de Lisb. J. Soc. de statist. de Par. J. Sociol. Med., Easton, Pa. J. South Car. M. Ass., Green- vUle. J. South. M. Ass., Shreveport. J. South. States, MobUe. Army Médical Corps. London. v. 1-26. Journal of the Roval 1903-16. roy. 8b. Journal of the Royal Institute of Public Health. A journal of préventive medicine London. v. 15-19, 1907-11. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Prevent. M. Continued as: J. State Med.] Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society; containins; its trans- actions and proceedinçs, with other microscopical information. London. v. 1-3, 1878-80. 2. s. (Nos. 1-229), 1881-1915. 8°. Journal of the Royal Naval Médical Service. London. v. 1-2, 1915-16. 8°. Journal of the Royal Sanitary Institute. London. v. 25-37, 1904-16. 8°. [Continuation of: J. San. Inst., Lond.] Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. London. v. 50-78, 18S7-1915. 8°. Journal of the Royal United Service Institution, Whitehall. London. v. 1-60 (Nos. 1-440), 1857-1915. 8°. Jurnal Russkavo Obshtshestva Okhraneniya Narodnavo Zdravi va. [Journal of the Russian Society for the Préservation of the Public Health.] v. 1-2, 1891-2; v. 8-23, 1898-1913. 8°. Journal des sages-femmes. Paris, v. 1—41,1873-1913; Nos. 1-14, v. 42, 1914. 8°. Journal of the Sanitary Institute. London. v. 15-24, 1894-1903. 8°. [Continued as: J. Roy. San. Inst., Lond.] Journal de la santé. "Santé publique" et " Médecine illustrée " réunis. Paris, v. 6-24, 1889-1907. 8°. Journal de la santé intime. (Supplément au "Journal de la santé.") Paris. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Journal of Scientific Medicine, Chicago, v. 1-2, 1898-1900. 8°. Journal des sciences médicales de Lille. Lille, v. 1-35, 1878- 1912; Nos. 1-3, v. 36, 1913. 8°. Journal of the Society of Arts. London. v. 28-49, 1879-1900. 8°. Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry. London. v. 24- 35, 1905-16. roy. 8°. Journal de la Société contre l'abus du tabac. Paris, v. 1-22, 1877-98. 8°. [Title of v. 1 and Nos. 1-2, v. 2, is: Bulletin de la Société contre l'abus du tabac] Journal (Le) de la Société médico-chirurgicale canadienne-fran- çaise de la Nouvelle-Angleterre. Revue mensuelle de méde- cine, de chirurgie, d'hygiène et des sciences accessoires. Le seul organe officiel de médecine publié en langue française aux Etats-Unis, paraissant le 25 de chaque mois. LoweU, Mass. No. 2, v. 1, February, 1891. 8°. Jornal da Sociedade pharmaceutica lusitana. Lisboa. v. 1-5, 1837-49; 2. s., v. 1, 1850; 7. s., v. 2-5, 1876-9; 8. s., v. 1-5, 1880-84; 9. s., v. 1-5, 1885-9; 10. s., v. 1-5, 1890-94; 11. s., v. 1-5, 1895-9; 12. s., v. 1-3, 1900-1902. 8°. Journal (The) of the Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis. Lyons, N. Y. v. 5-6, 1914-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Social Dis.] Jornal da Sociedade das sciencias medicas de Lisbon. v. 1-24, 1835-46; 2. s., v. 1-76, 1847-1912. 8°. Journal de la Société de statistique de Paris, v. 33-43, 1892- 1902. 8°. Journal (The) of Sociologie Medicine. PubUshed bi-monthly by the American Academy of Medicine. Easton, Pa. v. 17, 1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. Am. Acad. M.] Journal (The) of the South CaroUna Médical Association. Green- vUle, S. C. v. 1-12, 1905-16. 8°. Journal of the Southern Médical Association. Shreveport, La. v. 1, 1909. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Recorder.] Journal (The) of the Southern States, devoted to préventive medicine and therapeutics. Mobile, Ala. Nos. 1, 5, 6. v. 1, 1911. 8°. [101] J. State Med., Lond. J. Surg., Gynee & Obst., N. Y. J. Surg. Technol., N. Y. J. Tenn. M. Ass., NashvUle. J. Therap. & Dietet., Bost. J. Trop. M. [etc.], Lond. J. Trop. Vet. Se, Calcutta. J. Tubere, AsheviUe, N. C. J. Univ. Sydney M. Soc. J. d'urol. méd. et chir., Par. J. Vaccine Therap., Lond. J. Wash. Acad. Se, Balt. J. f. Zahnh. Jâger's Monatsbl., Stuttg. Jahrb. d. bosn.-herceg. Landes- spit. in Sarajevo, Wien. Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskranken- anst. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Leipz. Jahrb. d. Med.-Verwalt. in El- sass-Lothringen, Strassb. Jahrb. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Wien. Jahrb. f. Nat. Oekonom. u. Statist., Jena. Jahrb. d. Naturw., Freïb. i. B. Jahrb. f. orthop. Chir., Berl. Jahrb. d. pract. Med., Berl. Jahrb. f. Psychiat.,Leipz. & Wien. Journal (The) of State Medicine. The Officiai Journal of the Royal Institute of PubUc Health, a monthly international review of préventive medicine. London. v. 1-13,1892-1905; v. 20-24, 1912-16. 8°. [From Mav, 1905, to December, 1906, title was: J. Prevent. M. In 1907-11, title was: J. Roy. Inst. Pub. Health.] Journal (The) of Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics. New York. v. 27-32, 1905-10. 8°. [Continuation of : Homœop. J. Obst., N. Y.] Journal of Surgical Technology. New York. v. 1, 1900-1901. Journal of the Tennessee State Médical Association Tenn. v. 1-8, 1908 to 1915-16. 8°. Journal of Therapeutics and Diète tics. Boston. NashvUle, v. 1-8,1906-14. Journal (The) of Tropical Medicine. London. v. 1-19, 1898- 1916. 4°. [In 1907, "and Hygiène" added to title.] Journal (The) of Tropical Veterinary Science. Calcutta, v. 1-7, 1906-12. 8°. Journal (The) of Tuberculosis. A quarterly magazine devoted to the prévention and cure of tuberculosis. AsheviUe, N. C. v. 1-5, 1899-1903. 8°. Journal of the University of Sydney Médical Society. Sydney. N. s., No. 1,1908. 8°. Journal d'urologie médicale et chirurgicale. Paris, v. 1-6, 1912 to 1914-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Ann. d. mal. d. org. génito-urin.] Journal (The) of Vaccine Therapy. London. v. 1-2,1912-13. 8°. Journal of the Washington Academy of Science. Baltimore, v. 1-6, 1911-16. 8°. Journal fur Zahnheilkunde. Breslau; BerUn. v. 1-20, 1887- 1902. fol. Jacobi (Abraham). [See Internat, contrib. med. lit. Festschr. . . . Abraham Jacobi.] Jàger's (Prof. Dr. G.) Monatsblatt. Zeitschrift fur Gesundheits- pflege und Lebenslehre. Stuttgart, v. 2-21, 1882-1902. 8°. Jaffe (Max). [See Chem. u med. Untersuch. Festschr. . . . Max Jaffe, Brnschwg.] Jahrbuch des bosn.-herceg. Landesspitales in Sarajevo. Hrsg. von der Landesregierung fur Bosnien und die Hercegovina. 1894-6. Wien. 1 v. 1898. 8°. Jahrb ûcher der Hamburgischen Staatskrankenanstalten. Leip- zig à Hamburg. v. 1-17 (1889-1912), 1890-1914. 8°. [Part II of v. 5-17 identical with v. 1-14, respectively, of : Mitt. a. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst.] Jahrbuch fur KinderheUkunde und physische Erziehung. Wien; Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1857-66; n. F., v. 1-82, 1867-1915. 8°. Jahrbuch der Medicinal-Verwaltung in Elsass-Lothringen. Strassburg. v. 1-24, 1888-1911. 8°. Jahrbuch fur MiUtàr-Aerzte. Wien. v. 3-5, 1867-9; v. 7, 1872; v. 13-49, 1878-1914. 12°. Jahrbûcher fur Nationalôkonomie und Statistik. Jena. 3. F., v. 3-24, 1892-1902. 8°. Jachrbuch der Naturwissenschaften. Freiburg im Breisgau. v. 2-24, 1886-7 to 1908-9; v. 29, 1913-14. 8°. Jahrbuch fur orthopâdische Chirurgie. BerUn. v. 1-4, 1909- 12. 8°. Jahrbuch der practischen Medicin. Begrûndet von Dr. Paul Borner. Hrsg. von J. Schwalbe. v. 1-35, 1879-1913. Ber- Un, 1880-1913. 8°. Jahrbûcher fur Psychiatrie. Leipzig & Wien. v. 1-12, 1879- 1894. 8°. [Continued as the following:] [102] Jahrb. f. Psychiat. u. Neurol., Leipz. & Wien. Jahrb. d. Psychoanal., Leipz. & Wien. Jahrb. f. psychoanal. u. psy- chopath. Forsch., Leipz. & Wien. Jahrb. d. schweiz. GeseUsch. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Zurich. Jahrb. f. sex. Zwischenstufen, Leipz. Jahrb. d. Wien. k. k. Kranken- anst. Jahrb. d. wissensch. GeseUsch. f. Flugtechnik, Berl. Jahrb. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Tierz., Hannov. Jahresb. d. ârztl. Ver. zu Frankf. a. M., Munchen. Jahresb. u. Arb. d. U. chir. KUn. zu Wien, Berl. Jahresb. u. d. chir. Abt. d. Spit. in Basel. Jahresb. d. U. chir. KUn. zu Wien, Berl. & Wien. Jahresb. u. d. Fortschr. d. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch., Jena. Jahresb. u. d. Fortschr. d. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Jahresb. u. d. Fortschr. . . . d. Hyg., Brnschwg. Jahresb. d. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. Jahresb. d. k. poliklin. Inst. d. Univ. zu Berl. Jahresb. d. Kehr-Rohden'schen PrivatkUn. in Halberstadt, Guben. Jahresb. d. KUn. f. Laryngosk. a. d. Wien. Univ. Jahresb. u. d. Leistung. ... in d. Anat. u. Physiol., Berl. Jahresb. u. d. Leistung. . . . d. ges. Med., Berl. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. . . . d. MU.-San.-Wes., Berl. Jahresb. u. d. Leistung. . . . d. Ophth., Tubing. Jahresb. d. schles. GeseUsch. f. vaterl. Kult., Bresl. Jahrbûcher fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie. Leipzig à Wien, v. 13-36, 1895-1914. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Jahrbuch der Psychoanalyse. Leipzig & Wien. v. 6, 1914. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Jahrbuch fur psychoanalytische und psvchopathologische For- schungen. Leipzig & Wien. v. 1-5, 1909-13. 8°. [Con- tinued as the preceding.] Jahrbuch der schweizerischen Gesellschaft fur Schulgesundheits- pflege. Zurich, v. 1-2, 1900-1901. 8°. Jahrbuch fur sexuelle Zwischenstufen. Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1899- 1906; v. 13-15, 1913-15. 8°. [In 1909-12, title was: Vrtl- jhrsb. d. wissensch.-humanit. Kom.] Jahrbuch der Wiener k. k. Krankenanstalten. Wien & Leipzig. v. 1-8 (1892-9), 1893-1902. 8°. Jahrbuch der wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft fur Flugtechnik. BerUn. v. 1-3, 1912-14. 4°. Jahrbuch fur wissenschaftUche und praktische Tierzucht ein- schliessUch der Zûchtungsbiologie. Hannover. v. 1-8, 1905- 13. 8°. Jahrbûcher der in- und auslândischen Medizin. [See Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz.] Jahresbericht des àrztUchen Vereins zu Frankfurt a. M. Mun- chen. 2 v., 1905-6 to 1907-8; 3 v., 1911-13. 8°. [Reprint from: Munchen. med. Wchnschr.] Jahresbericht und Arbeiten der ii. chirurgischen Klinik zu Wien. 1. April 1904 bis 31. Dezember 1905. Berlin. 1 v. 1906. 8°. [See, also, Jahresb. d. U. chir. KUn. zu Wien.] Jahresbericht ûber die chirurgische Abteilung des Spitals in Basel. 1870-99. Basel. 1871-1900. 8°. Jahresbericht der n. chirurgischen Klinik zu Wien. BerUn & Wien. 1 v. 1906. 8°. [See, also, Jahresb. u. Arb. d. U. chir. KUn. zu Wien.] Jahresberichte ûber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Entwick- lungsgeschichte. Jena. N. F., v. 1-17, 1892-1913. roy. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Jahresberichte ûber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiolo- gie. Leipzig, v. 1-20, 1872-91. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Jahresbericht ûber die Fortschritte und Leistungen auf dem Gebiete der Hygiène Jahrg. 1883-1915 (1.-31.). Braun- schweig, 1884-1915. 8°. [Supplément to: Deutsche Vrtl- jschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.] Jahresberichte der Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde in Dresden. Dresden. 1848 to 1913-14. 8°. Jahresbericht des kônigUchen poUklinischen Institutes der Uni- versitat zu BerUn. Berlin. 12.-14. (1823-34), 1826-35. 12°. Jahresbericht der Kehr-Rohden'schen PrivatkUnik in Halber- stadt. Guben. 8°. Jahresbericht der Klinik fur Laryngoskopie an der Wiener Uni- versitat. 1870. Wien. 8°. Jahresbericht ûber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der Anato- mie und Physiologie. 1873^; 1877-8 to 1911. Berlin. 1874- 1912. 8°. Jahresbericht ûber die Leistungen und Fortschritte der gesamten Medizin. (Fortsetzung von Canstatt's Jahresbericht.) Berlin. Jahrg. 1-49, 1866-1914. roy. 8°. Jahresbericht ûber die Leistungen und Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete des MiUtàr-Sanitâtswesens. Jahrg. 1-39, 1873-1913 Berlin. 1874-1915. 8°. Jahresbericht ûber die Leistungen und Fortschritte im Gebiete der Ophthalmologie. Tubingen. Jahrg. 1-42 (1870-1912). 8°. Jahresberichte der schlesischen Gesellschaft fur vaterlandische Kultur. Breslau. 1858-1913. 8°. [103] Jcihresb. d. Ver. f. Naturk. zu Mannh. Jahresb. u. d. Verbreit. v. Tier- seuch. [etc.], Berl. Jahresb. u. d. Verwalt. d. Med.- Wes., d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. Jahresh. d. Ver. f. vaterl. Na- turk. in Wurttemb. Jahresk. f. arztl. FortbUd., Munchen. Jamset ji Jijibhai Hosp., Bombay. Rep. Janus. Japan. Roy. Inst. f. Infect. Dis. Endem. Krankh., Tokio, 1911. Jeffersonian, PhUa. Jel. a II. sz. belklin. s az ûj szent Jânoskôrh. fulgy. ren- del. 1903-5, Budapest. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Jena. Johns Hopkins Alumni Mag., Balt. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bull., Balt. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Rep., Balt. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Stud. in typhoid f ever, Balt. Johns Hopkins Univ. Cire, Balt. Johnston's Dent. Mise, N. Y. Jordemodern, Stockholm. Jo-san-no Shiori, Osaka. Journal-Lancet, Minneap. Juntendo Iji Konkiu Kwai Zas- shi, Tokyo. Jurist.-psychiat. Grenzfr., HaUe a. S. Jahresbericht des Vereins fur Naturkunde zu Mannheim. Mann- heim. v. 52-60, 1885-93; v. 71-72, 1904-5. 8°. Jahresbericht ûber die Verbreitung von Tierseuchen im Deut- schen Reiche Berlin, v. 1-14, 1886-98; v. 18, 1903. 8°. Jahresbericht ûber die Verwaltung des Médicinal wesens, die Krankenanstaltenund die ôffentUchenGesundheitsverhàltnisse der freien Stadt Frankfurt betreffend. Frankfurt a. M. v. 1- 47, 1857-1903. roy. 8°. Jahreshefte des Vereins fur vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wûrt- temberg. v. 9-67, 1853-1911. 8°. Munchen. Jahreskurse fur àrztliche FortbUdung. 15. 8°. v. 1-6, 1910- Jamsetji Jijibhai Hospital, Bombay. Hospital reports by the médical and professional staff of the Jamsetji Jijibhai Hospital and Grant Médical Collège. Bombay, v. 1, 1892. 8°. Janus. Archives internationales pour l'histoire de la médecine et la géographie médicale. Amsterdam; Harlem, v. 1-20, 1896-1915. 8'°. Japan. KaiserUche Universitat Kyushu Fukuoka. [See Mitt. a. d. med. Fak. d. k. Univ. Kyushu Fukuoka.] Japan. Royal Institute for Infectious Diseases. Endemische Krankheiten in Japan. Tokio. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Japanische pathologische GeseUschaft. [See Verhandl. d. jap. path. GeseUsch.] Jefferson Médical Collège Hospital. [See Pub. Lab. Jefferson Med. Coll. Hosp.] Jeffersonian (The). Philadelphia. (Nos. 51-137), v. 7-16, 1905 to 1915-16. 8°. Jeléntes a II. sz belklinika s az ûj szent Jânoskorhaz fûlgyôgy- âszati rendeléseirôl 1903-5. [Report on the II. internai clinie and on the otological arrangements of the new St. John's Hos- pital from 1903-5.] Budapest. 1906. 8°.' Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft. Jena. v. 8-55 (n. F., v. 1-46), 1874-1914. 8°. Jenner Institute of Préventive Medicine. [See Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med.] Johns Hopkins (The) Alumni Magazine. PubUshed in the in- terests of the university and the alumni. Baltimore, v. 1-4, 1912-15. 8°. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin. Baltimore, v. 1-27 (Nos. 1- 301), 1889-1916. fol. Johns Hopkins (The) Hospital Reports. Baltimore, v. 1-17, 1890-1916. roy. 8°. John3 (The) Hopkins Hospital. Studies in typhoid fever. Bal- timore, lv. 1895. 4°. Johns Hopkins Universitv Circulars. Baltimore. 1877-1915. 4° & 8°. Johns Hopkins University (Anatomical Laboratory of the). [See Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hopkins Univ., Balt.] Johnston's Dental Miscellany. New York. v. 1-8, 1874-81. 8°. Jordemodern. Mânadsskrift for barnmorskor. [The midwife. A monthly for midwives.] Stockholm, v. 16-26,1903-13. 8°. Jo-san-no Shiori. [Guide to obstetrics.] Ogata Byô-in jo-san-fu I-Kwai. [Ogata Hospital Midwives' Médical Society.] Osaka. Nos. 8^5, 1897-1900. 8°. Journal-Lancet (The\ v. 32-36, 1912-16. roy. 8°. [Continua- tion of : J. Minn. M. Ass.] "Juarez" Hospital. [See Rev. d. hosp. "Juarez," Mexico.] Juntendo Iji Kenkiu Kwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Juntendo Society for Médical Research.] Tokyo. Nos. 141^04, 1892- 1906. 8°. Juristisch-psvchiatrische Grenzfragen. Zwanglose Abhandlun- gen. Halle a. S. v. 1-9, 1903-14. 8°. [104] Juventud méd., Guatemala. Justus Perthes' Geographische Anstalt. [See Mitt. a. Justus Perthes' Geog. Anst.] Juventud (La) médica. Organo de los intereses de la sociedad del mismo nombre. Guatemala, C. A. v. 1—11, 1899-1911. rov. 8°. K. K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Proc. sect. se K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl. K. Akad. d. Wissensch. in Par. . . . Abhandl., Bressl. KatUo-Lehti, Helsingissà. Kala Azar BuU., Lond Kansas City Lancet. Kansas City M. Index. Kansas City M. Index-Lancet. Kansas City M. Ree Kansas M. J., Topeka. Kansas State Agrie CoU. Ex- per. Station BuU., Manhattan, Kan. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Pro- ceedings of the section of sciences. Amsterdam, v. 1-16, 1899-1914. 8°. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. Ver- slag van de gewone vergaderingen der wis- en natuurkundige afdeeling. Amsterdam, v. 5-23, 1896-7 to 1914-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Versl. . . . wis- en natuurk. Afd. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst.] Kônigl. (Der) Akademie der Wissenschaften in Paris, anato- mische, chymische und botanische Abhandlungen. Theile 1-9, welche die Jahre 1692-1737 in sich halten. Aus dem Franzôsischen ûbersetzt von Wolf Bal th. Adolph von Stein- wehr. Bresslau, 1749-60. 8°. [See, also, Hist. Acad. d. se, Par.] Kâtilô-Lehti. 1915. 8°. [Midwife's journal] Helsingissà. v. 1-20, 1896- Kaiser Friedrich Bad in Wiesbaden. [See Aerztl. Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. stadt. Kaiser Friedr. Bades in Wiesb.] Kaiserin Auguste Victoria-Hauses zur Bekàmpfung der Sàug- lingssterblichkeit im Deutschen Reiche. [See Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. K. Auguste Victoria-Hauses z. Bekâmpf. d. Sâug- UngssterbL] Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus fur das àrztUche Fortbildungswesen. [See Grenzgeb. in d. Med. 14 Vortr. . . . d. Erôffnung d. Kaiserin Friedrich-Hauses [etc.], Jena.] Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaften. [See Denkschr. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. [etc.], Wien.] Kaiserliche biologische Anstalt fur Land- und Forstwirtschaft. [See Arb. a. d. K. biol. Anst. f. Land- u. Forstwirtsch., Berl.] Kaiserliche Universitat zu Tokyo. [See Mitt. a. d. med. Fakult. d. k. Univ. zu Tokyo.] Kaiserliches Gesundheitsamt. [See Arb. a. d. biol. Abth. f. Land- u. Forstwirtsch. am k. Gsndhtsamte. Also: Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte. Also: Med.-statist. Mitt. a. d. k. Gsndhts- amte Also: Tuberk.-Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte.] Kala Azar Bulletin. Issued under the direction of the Honorary Managing Committee of the Sleeping Sickness Bureau. Lon- don. Nos. 1-3, 1911-12. 8°.—" Kansas City (The) Lancet. Kansas City, Mo. v. 4,1898-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Langsdale's Lancet. Continued as: Kansas City M. Index-Lancet, by union with the following:] Kansas City (The) Médical Index. Kansas City, Mo. v. 6-20, 1885-99. 8°. [In April, 1899, combined with the- preceding, forming the following:] Kansas Citv Médical Index-Lancet. Kansas City. v. 20-33, 1899-1910". 8°. [In 1907, volume variously numbered: 28, 29, 30. Formed by union of: Kansas City Lancet, with the preceding. Merged in: Med. Herald.] Kansas City (The) Médical Record. Kansas City, Mo v 1-25 1884-1908. roy. 8°. Kansas Médical Journal. Topeka. v. 1-10, 1889-98. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Monog.] Kansas State Agricultural Collège Experiment Station Bulletin 180. Technical Bulletin. Bacteriological Department Man hattan, Kansas. 1 v. 1911. 8°. [105] Moriz Kapozi z. Prof. Kathol. Vlaamsche Hoogesch. Uitbreid. te Antwerp. Kausale Therap., Hannov. Kazan. Med. J. Kenner's J. Health, LouisvUle. Kentucky M. J., LouisvUle. Kgl. norske Frederiks Univ Progr., Christiania. Kharkov. M. J. Khirurg. Arkh. Velyaminova, S.-Peterb. Kbirurgiya, Mosk. Kind [etc.], Hannov. Kinderarzt. Kindersp. in Basel. Jahresb. King Inst. Prev. Med., Madras. King's CoU. Hosp. Rep., Lond. Kaposi (Moriz). [See Festschr. JubiL, Wien & Leipz.] Kassowitz (M.). [See M. Kassowitz . . . Festschr., BerL] Katholieke Vlaamsche Hoogeschooluitbreiding te Antwerpen. Antwerpen. v. 2-3, 1901. 8°. Kausale (Die) Thérapie Zeitschrift fur kausale Behandlung der Tuberkulose und anderer Infektions-Krankheiten. Han- nover. v. 1, 1903-4. 8°. [Continued as: Ztschr. f. kausale Therap.] Kavkazskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo. [See Med. Sbornik, Tiflis.] Kazanskiy Meditsinskiy Jurnal. Organ Obshtshestva Vracheï pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitetïe. [Kazan Médi- cal Journal. Organ of the Society of Physicians of the Impérial University of Kazan.] Kazan. v. 1-13, 1901-13. 8°. Keibel (Franz). [See Man. Human Embryol. (Keibel & Mail). Phila. & Lond.] Kenner's Journal of Health. Louisville, Ky. v. 1, 1895-6. 8°. Kentucky Médical Journal. Louisville. BowUng Green. v. 2-14, 1904-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. Kentucky M. Ass.] Key (Axel). [See Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. Festbd. af Axel Key . . .] Kgl. (Det) norske Frederiks Universitet. Program for 2det semester 1896. Christiania. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Kharkov. Government. [See Vrach. Khron. Kharkovsk. gub.] Kharkovskiy Meditsinskiy Jurnal, izdavayemîy Kharkovskim Meditsinskim Obshtshestvom. [Kharkov Médical Journal, issued by the Kharkov Médical Society.] Kharkov. v. 1-17, 1906-14. 8°. , Khar- [See Pat.-anat. Kazuist. [See Sbornik trud. Khar- Kharkovskiy Universitet. kov. Univ.] Kharkovskiy Veterinarnîy Institut. kov. Vet. Inst.] Kharkovskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo. [See Kharkov. M. J. Also: Protok. zasaid. Kharkovsk. med. Obsh. Also [in 1. s., 1895, xvi]: Trudi Kharkovsk. Med. Obsh.] Kherson. Government Zemstvo. [See Syezd vrach. i predstav. . . . Khersonsk. gub. . . . 1895. Dokladî.] Khirurgicheskaya Klinika Iverskoï Obshtshinî Syoster Miloser- diya v Moskvïe. [See Otchot o dïeyateln. khirurg. klin. [etc.], v Mosk.] Khirurgicheskiy Arkhiv Velvaminova. [Velyaminoff's Surgi- cal Archives.] S.-Peterburg. v. 26-30, 1910-14. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Russk. Khir. Arkh.] Khirurgiya. [Surgery.] Moskva. v. 1-35, 1897-1914. 8°. Kind (Das). Monatsschrift fur Kinderpflege, Jugenderziehung und Frauenwohl. Hannover. v. 1, 1907. roy. 8°. Kinderarzt (Der). Berlin & Neuwied; Leipzig, v. 1-26, 1890- 1915. 8°. Kinderasyl der Stadt Berlin. [See Arb. z. lOjâhr. Bestehen d. Kinderasyls d. Stadt BerL] Kinderspital in Basel. Jahresberichte. Basel. 8°. Kinderspital Zurich und Hygieneinstitut der Universitat. [See Mitt. a. d. Kindersp. Zurich [etc.], Zurich.] King Institute of Préventive Medicine. Report on the working of the micro-biological section. Madras. 6v. 1909-14. 8°. King's Collège Hospital Reports; being the Annual Report of King's Collège Hospital and the Médical Department of King s Collège 1893-4 to 1894-5. London. v. 1-4, 1897-8. 8 . 1.-45., 1862-1907. no6] Kingston M. Quart. Kjo'benh. med. Selsk. Forh. Klin.-exper. Beitr. z. inn. Med. Festschr. JuUus Lazarus, Berl. KUn. Handb. d. Harn- u. Sexual- org., Leipz. KUn. J., Mosk. KUn. Jahrb., Berl. Klin. Lekts., S.-Peterb. KUn. Monatsbl. f. Augenh. KUn. Monogr., S.-Peterb. KUn. f. psych. u. nerv. Krankh., HaUe a. S. KUn. Vortr. a. d. Geb. d. Otol. u. Pharyngo-Rhinol., Jena. Klin.-therap. Wchnschr., Wien & Berl. Kneipp-jour., Brux. KnoU's Mitt. f. Aerzte, Lud- wigsh. Kingston Médical Quarterly. 1903. 8°. Kingston, Ont. v. 1-7, 1896-7 to Kiyevskoye Kbirurgicheskoye Obshtshestvo. [See Trudî Kiyev. Khirurg. Obsh.] Kiyevskoye Psikhia triches koye Obshtshestvo. [See Protok. Kiyev. Psikhiat. Obsh.] Kiyevskoye Sifilidologicheskoye i Dermatologicheskoye Ob- shtshestvo. [See Univ. Izvïest., Kivev. [Protok. Kiyevsk. Sifilidol. i Dermat. Obsh.].] Kj0benhavnske (Det) medicinske Selskabs Forhandlinger. 1888-9 to 1902-3. [See, also, Forh. i. d. kong. med. Selsk. i Kj0benh.] Klinik fur Laryngoskopie an der Wiener Universitat. [See Jahresb. d. KUn. f. Laryngosk. a. d. Wien. Univ.] Klinisch-experimentelle Beitrâge zur inneren Medicin. Fest- schrift JuUus Lazarus, zu seinem fûnfundzwanzigjâhrigen Ju- bilâum als Arzt am Krankenhause. Berlin. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Klinisches Handbuch der Harn- und Sexualorgane v. 1894. 8°. Leipzig. 4 [CUnical Journal.] Moskva. v. 1-6, 1899- Berlin. v. 1-26, 1889-1911. 8°. [Clinical Lectures.] S.-Peterburg. 2 v. KUnicheskiy Jurnal. 1901. 8°. KUnisches Jahrbuch. KUnicheskiy a Lektsii. 1905-6. 8°. KUnische Monatsblâtter fur Augenheilkunde. Erlangen; Ros- tock; Cassel; Stuttgart, v. 1-55, 1863-1915. 8° & roy. 8°. [After 1901, 2 v. annually. 1906-13 also numbered: n. F., v. 1-16.] KlinicheskiyaMonografii. [Clinical Monographs.] S.-Peterburg. 8 v. 1907-14. 8°. Klinik fur psychische und nervôse Krankheiten. Hrsg. von Robert Sommer. Halle a. S. v. 1-9, 1906-14. 8°. KUnische Vortrage aus dem Gebiete der Otologie und Pharyngo- Rhinologie. Jena. v. 1-5, 1895-1903. 8°. KUnisch-therapeutische Wochenschrift. Wien & BerUn. v. 5- 10, 1898-1903; v. 14-22, 1907-15. 4°. [Continuation of: Therap. Wchnschr. v. 11-13,1904-6, under title: Wien. kUn.- therap. Wchnschr.] Klub ceskych farmaceutû v Praze. [See Casop. Klubu cesk. farm. v Praze. Also: Vestnik Klubu cesk. farm. v Praze] Kneipp-journal. Organe de la médecine physiatrique Bru- xelles, v. 1-13, 1892-1904. 8°. KnoU's Mitteilungen fur Aerzte. Ludwigshafen a. Rh. v. 1-3, 1912-14. 8°. Koch (Robert). [See Festschr. z. 60. Geburtst. v. Robert Koch.] Koch's Zeitschrift. [See Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infektionskr.] KôlUker's Zeitschrift. [See Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool.] Kôlner Bûrgerhospital. [See Mitt. a. d. Kôlner Bûrgerhosp., Kôln u. Leipz.] Kôniglich bayerische biologische Versuchsstation in Munchen. [See Ber. a. d. k. bayer, biol. Versuchsstation in Munchen, Stuttg.] Kôniglich sàchsische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften. [See Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k. sàchs. Gesellsch. d. Wis- sensch., Leipz.] Kônigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gôttingen. [See Nachr. v. d. k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. zu Gôtting Gesch'iftl Mitth.] ' " KônigUche Landesanstalt fur Wasserhygiene zu Berlin-Dahlem [See Mitt. a. d. kônigl. Landesanst. f. Wasserhyg.] KônigUche Prûfungsanstalt fur Wasserversorgung und Abwâs- serbeseitigung zu Berlin. [See Mitt. a. d. k. Prûfungsanst f Wasserversorg. . . . zu BerL] [107] Kozeg. es Tôrvény. Orvos., Bu- dapest. Kozeg. es tôrvény. orvostud. szemle, Budapest. Kôzegészségiigy, Budapest. Kôzlem. a budapesti k. m. tud. egyet. 2. sz., Budapest. Kôzlem. az osszehasonl. élet- es kôrtan kôrébôl, Budapest. Kôzlem. a Tauffer V. egyet. . . . nôi klin., Budapest. Kokka Iji Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. KoUoidchem. Beihefte, Dresd. KoUoid-Ztschr., Dresd. & Leipz. Korânyi Frigyes tiszteletére, Budapest. Kor.-Bl. d. ârztl. Kreis- u. Be- zirks-Ver. im Kônigr. Sachs., Leipz. Kor.-Bl. d. aUg. arztl. Ver. v. Thuringen. Kor.-Bl.d.aUg. mecklenb. Aerzte- ver., Rostock. KônigUches Institut fur experimentelle Thérapie zu Frankfurt a. M. [.See Arb. a. d. k. Inst. f. exper. Therap. zu Frankf. a. M., Jena.] KônigUches poliklinisches Institut der Universitat zu BerUn. [6ee Jahresb. d. k. polildin. Inst. d. Univ. zu BerL] Kôzegészégûgy es Tôrvényszéki Orvostan. 8°. [Supplément to: Orvosi hetil.] Budapest. 1S76-97 Kozegeszegûgyi es tôrvényszéki orvostudomânyi szemle [Hv- gienic and medico-legal review.] [Supplément to: Budapesti orvosi ujsag.] Budapest. 1904-14. fol. Kôzegészségûgy; kûlônôs tekintettel az iskolaegészségugvre. [PubUc hygiène, especially school hvgiene] Budapest, v. 1, 1902. fol. [Supplément to: Budapesti orvosi ujsâg.] Kozlemények a budapesti k. m. tud.-egyetem 2. szâmû (Reczey Imre tanâr tanâcsos) sebészeti kUnikumârol. [Communica- tions from the Budapest Royal Magvar Scientific L'niversity's Surgical Clinie, 2. part (Emerich Reczev, aulic counsellorï.l Budapest. (1906, 1910-12), 1907, 1911-13". fol. & 8°. Kozlemények az ôsszehasonlftô élet- es kôrtan kôrébôl. [Com- munications from the province of comparative biology and pathology.] Budapest, v. 6-11, 1905-6 to 1913. 8°. Kozlemények a Tauffer Vilmos dr. egyetemi ny. r. tanàr ezetése âlatt âllo 2. sz. nôi Hinikârol. [Contributions from the second Gynsecological cUnic . . .] Budapest. 1 v. 1900. fol. Kokka Iji Kwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Medico-Legal Society.] Tokyo. Nos. 42-43, 1899. 8°. Kolloidchemische Beihefte. (Erganzungshefte zur Kolloid- Zeitschrift.) Dresden. v. 1-7, 1910-15. 8°. Kolloid-Zeitschrift. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftUche und techni- sche KoUoidchemie. Dresden & Leipzig, v. 13-17, 1913-15. 4°. [Continuation of : Ztschr. f. Chem. u. Indust. d. Kolloide] Kongelige medicinske Selskab i Kjôbenhavn. [See Forh. i. d. kong. med. Selsk. i Kj0benh.] Kongress zur Bekàmpfung der Tuberkulose als Volkskrankheit. [See Ber. û. d. Kong. z. Bekàmpf. d. Tuberk. [etc.].] Kongress der deutschen dermatologischen Gesellschaft. [See Ber. û. d. Verhandl. d. Kong. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch.] Kongress fur experimentelle Psychologie in Innsbruck. [See Ber. û. d. Kong. f. exper. Psychol., Leipz.] Kongress fur Irrenpflege. [See Internat. Kong. f. Irrenpfl. Off. Ber.] Kongress fur Thalassothérapie. [See Ber. û. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap., BerL] Koninklijke (voorhen Bataafsche) Maatschappij der Weten- schappen te Haarlem. [See Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de k. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst.] Koninklijk-Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letter- kunde en schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. [See N. Verhandel. d. eerste klasse v. h. K.-Nederl. Inst. v. Wetensch. ... te Amst.] Korânvi Frigves tiszteletére, 1901 âpriUs 28-ân. [In honor of FrigVes Korânyi, April 28, 1901.] Budapest. 1 v. 1901. fol. Korrespondenzblatt der ârztUchen Kreis- und Bezirks-Vereine im Kônigrefch Sachsen. Leipzig, v. 30-73, 1\S1-1902. 4°. [Continuation of: Cor.-Bl. [etc.].] Korrespondenz-Blâtter des allgemeinen ârztUchen Vereins von Thuringen. Weimar; Jena. v. 32-44, 1903-15. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Cor.-Bl. [etc.].] Korrespondenz-Blatt des allgemeinen mecklenburgischen Aerzte- vereins. Rostock. Nos. 151-320, 1893-1911. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Cor.-Bl. [etc.]. Continued as: Kor.-Bl. d. mecklenb. Aerztever.] [1081 Kor.-Bl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Anthrop. [etc.], Brnschwg. Kor.-Bl. d. mecklenb. Aerztever., Rostock. Koseikwan Iji Kenkyu Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo. Koshiu Iji, Tokyo. Kosmos, Leipz. Krankenpfiege, Berl. Krankh. u. Ehe, Munchen. KriegerheU, Berl. Kristiania kirurg. for. forh. Kron. lek., Warszawa. Kryt. lek., Warszawa. Ksiçga pami$tkowa . . . Hoye- rowi . . ., Warszawa. Kurber. u. Erfolge d. physik. diâtet. Heilfaktoren, Leipz. Kyo-rin-no Shiori, Tokyo. Kyoto Igakkwai Zashi. Kyoto Iji Eisei Shi. Korrespondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropolo- gie, Ethnologie und Lrgeschichte. Braunschweig. v. 37—46, 1906-15. 4°. [Issued with: Arch. f. Anthrop., Brnschwg. Continuation of: Cor.-Bl. [etc.].] Korrespondenz-Blatt des mecklenburgischen Aerztevereins- bundes. Rostock. Nos. 321-358% 1911-14. 8°. [Continua- tion of : Kor.-Bl. d. allg. mecklenb. Aerztever.] Korsakoff (S. S.) [See J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk.] Koseikwan Iji Kenkyu Kwai Zasshi. [Journal of the Koseikwan Society for Médical Research.] Tokyo, v. 2-5, 1895-8. 8°. Koshiu Iji. [Légal médical matters.] Tokyo, v. 3-4, 1899- 1900. 8°. Kosmos. Zeitschrift fur einheitliche Weltanschauung auf Grund der Entwicklungslehre in Verbindung mit Charles Darwin und Ernst Haeckel, sowie einer Reihe hervorragender Forscher auf den Gebieten des Darwinismus. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1877-8. 8°. Krankenhaus der Barmherzigkeit zu Kônigsberg i. Pr. [See Festschr. z. . . . Krankenh. d. Barmherzigkeit zu Kônigsb. i. Pr.] Krankenpfiege (Die). Monatsschrift fur die gesammten Zweige der Krankenpfiege und Krankenbehandlung in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1901-3. 8°. Krankheiten und Ehe. Darstellung der Beziehungen zwischen Gesundheits-Stôrungen und Ehegemeinschaft. Munchen. 1 v. 1904. 8°. KriegerheU. Organ der deutschen Vereine zur Pflege im Felde verwundeter und erkrankter Krieger. Berlin, v. 1-33, 1866- 1898. 8°&4°. Krîloff (V. P.) [See Sborn. v pam. V. P. Krîlova, Kharkov.] Kristiania f0dselsstiftelse. [See Medd. f. Kristiania f0dsellstift.] Kristiania kirurgiske forening. Forhandlinger. 1907-15. 8°. [Issued with: NorskMag. f. Laegevidensk.] Kronika L-karska. [Médical Chronicle.] Warszawa. v. 3-28, 1882-1907. 8°. [Merged in: Medycynai Kron. lek.] Krytyka lekarska. [Médical critic] Warszawa. v. 1-11, 1897- 1907. 8°. Ksiega parrriatkowa wspolnemi silami spisana, najzacmejszemu Mistrzowi, Professorowi Doktorowi Medycyny Henrykowi Hoyerowi dwudziestopiecioletniq, rocznicç mozolnej a uzyte- cznej praçy obchodzacemu w ofierze zlozona przez wdziecznych uczniow i przyjaciol jego, wpolwlascicieli Gazety lekarskiej w Warszawie dnia xx gudnia r. p. mdccclxxxiiij. [Mémorial book written by various contributors, dedicated to the master, Prof. Henryk Hoyer, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of his la- borious and useful career, by his grateful pupils and friends, in conjunction with Gazeta Lekarska, in Warsaw, December 25,1884.] Warszawa. lv. 1884. 4°. von Kupffer (Cari). [See Festschr. z. . . . Cari v. Kupffer.] Kurberichte ûber Erfolge der physikalisch-diâtetischen Heilfak- toren. Centralorgan fur die gesamten Interessen der Kur-, Heil-, Bade-, Massage- u. orthopàd. Anstalten und deren Per- sonal. Leipzig, v. 1-6, 1896-1902. roy. 8°. Kyo-rin-no Shiori. [Guide of Kyo-rin.] I-yô I Kwai. [I-yô Médical Society.] Tokyo, v. 5-15, 1893-1903. 8°. Kyoto Igakkwai Zashi. [Journal of Kyoto Médical Societv 1 Kyoto. Nos. 61-162, 1893-1901. 8°. Kvoto Iji Eisei Shi. [Kyoto Medico-Hygienic Record ] Kvoto No. 1-68, 1894-9. roy. 8°. J Kyushu Fukuoka Universitat. [See Mitt. a. d. med. Fak. d. k. Univ. Kyushu Fukuoka.] [109] L. Lab. batteriol. d. san. pubb. Studi [etc Ro Lab. et Mus. et CUn., Berl. Lab. News, St. Louis. Lab. scient, internat, du Mont Rosa, Turin. Lab. sper. e sez. cUn. d. patol. spee. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. L'Abruzzo san., Chieti. Laitop. khirurg. Obsh. v Mosk. Laitop. Russk. Khir., S.-Peterb. Lancet, Lond. Lancet, N. Y. Lancet-CUnie, Cincin. Langsdale's Lancet, Kansas City. Laboratoire de biologie appUquée. [See BuU. du Lab. de biol. appliquée] Laboratoire de physiologie de l'Université de Genève. [See Trav. du lab. de physiol. d. Univ. de Genève.] Laboratoire de recherches biologiques de l'Université de Madrid. [See Trav. du Lab. de recherches biol. de l'Univ. de Madrid.] Laboratorio batteriologico deUa sanità pubbUca; diretto dai Prof. B. Gosie Studi sui rapporti fra tubercolosi umana e bovina. Roma. v. 1. 1912. 4°. Laboratorio di medicina légale deU' Università di Bologna. [See Ann. d. lab. di med. leg. d. Univ. di Bologna.] Laboratorium et Muséum et CUnicum. Centralblatt fur aile Ge- biete der Muséums-, Laboratoriums-, Klinik- etc. Einrichtung. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1900-1901. roy. 8°. Laboratorium fur radiologische Diagnostik und Thérapie im k. k. allgemeinen Krankenhaus in Wien. [See Mitt. a. d. Lab. f. radiol. Diagn. u. Therap. im k. k. allg. Krankenh. in Wien, Jena.] Laboratory of Mount Hope Retreat. [See Bull. Lab. Mount Hope Retreat.] Laboratory (The) News. A laboratory guide in medicine de- voted to serology, bacteriology, pathology. St. Louis, v. 26- 27, 1913-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Gen. Pract., East St. Louis. Merged in: Med. Fortnightly.] Laboratoire scientifique international du Mont Rosa. Travaux des années 1903-7. Turin, v. 1-2,1904-7. 8°. Laboratorio sperimentale e sezione clinica deUa patologia spé- ciale medica dimostrativa, deUa r. Università di Pisa. Lavori ed osservazioni raccolte neU' anno 1896. Prof. Carlo Fedeli, direttore. Pisa. 1 v. 1897. 8°. L'Abruzzo sanitario. Chieti. v. 1, 1904. 8°. Lackawanna County Médical Society. Co. M. Soc, Scranton.] Làkaresâllskapets i Lund. Forh., Stockholm.] Lïetopis Khirurgicheskavo Obshtshestva v Moskvïe [Annals of the Surgical Society of Moscow.] v. 6-23; No. 1, v. 36; Nos. 1-2, v. 37. 8°. Moskva, 1885-1904; 1909-10. Lïetopis Russkoï Khirurgii. [Annals of Russian surgery.] S.- Peterburg. v. 1-6, 1896-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Russk. Khir. Arch.] Lakeside Hospital, Cleveland. [See Clin. & Path. Papers, Lake- side Hosp., Cleveland.] Lancaster City and County Médical Society. [See Tr. Lancaster City & Co. M. Soc] Lancet (The). London. Nos. 1-4835,1823-1916. 8°&4°. Lancet (The), with which is incorporated the Archives of Gyne- cology, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics. New York. v. 1-3,1895-7. 8°. [Continued as: N. York Lancet.] Lancet-CUnie A weekly journal of medicine and surgery. Cin- cinnati, v. 82-115, 1904-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Cincin. Lancet-CUnie 1904-7 also numbered: N. s., v. 53-58.] Lancette (La) française. Gazette des hôpitaux civils et mili- taires. [See Gaz. d. hôp., Par.] Langenbeck's Archiv. [See Arch. f. kUn. Chir.] Langenbeck's Bibliothek. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) BibUoth. f. d. Chir.] Langsdale's Lancet. A monthly médical magazine. Kansas City, Mo. v. 1-3, 1896-8. 8°. [Continued as: Kansas City Lancet.] [See Tr. Lackawanna [See Medd. f. Lâkaresâllsk. i Lund. [110] Languedoc méd.-chir., Toulouse. Laryngoscope, MarseUle & Par. Laryngoscope, St. Louis. Larynx, l'oreUle et le nez, Mar- seUle & Par. Lavori d. Cong. di med. int. Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. di Padova, MUano. Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Lavori e riv. di chim. e micr. clin., Salsomaggiore. Lavoro, Milano. Lavoro, Pavia. Lecture méd., Par. Lehigh VaUey M. Mag. Leipz. med. Monatschr. [etc.]. Leipz. pop. Ztschr. f. Homoop. Lék. rozhledy, Praha. Lek. WUenski. Leonard's IUust. M. J., Détroit. Lepra, Leipz. Leucocyte, Détroit. Languedoc (Le) médico-chirurgical. Revue bi-mensuelle de médecine et de chirurgie. Toulouse, v. 8-22, 1900-1914. 8°. Laryngologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. [See Verhandl. d. laryngol. Gesellsch. zu BerL] Laryngoscope (Le). Revue d'études médicales pratiques con- cernant le larynx, la gorge, le nez et les oreilles. Marseille & Paris, v. 1, 1908. 8°. [Continued as: Larynx, l'oreille et le nez.] Laryngoscope (The). A monthly journal devoted to diseases of the nose, throat, and ear, for gênerai practitioners and specialists. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1-26, 1896-1916. 8°. Larynx (Le), l'oreille et le nez. Revue internationale d'études médicales pratiques. Marseille & Paris, v. 2-7,1909-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Laryngoscope, Marseille & Par.] Lavori dei Congressi di medicina interna, [v. p.] v. 1-23, 1889-1914. 88. Lavori dell' Istituto di clinica medica di Padova, 1910-14. Mi- lano. v. 5, 1914. 8°. Lavori dello Istituto di clinica medica deUa r. Università di Pisa, diretto dai prof. Corrado Bernabei. 2° quadrimestre scolastico 1888. Pisa. 1888. 8°. Lavori e riviste di chimica e microscopia clinica. Salsomaggiore. v. 1, 1908-9. 8°. [Continued as: Folia clin. chim. et micros.] Lavoro (II). Rivista di igiene, fisiologia, clinica ed assistenza sociale del lavoro. Milano. v. 4-8, 1911-15. 8°. Lavoro (II). Rivista di fisiologia, clinica ed igiene del lavoro. Pavia. v. 1-3, 1902-5. 8°. Lazarus (Julius). [See Klin.-exper. Beitr. z. inn. Med. FestGchr. JuUus Lazarus.] Lecture (La) médicale. Paris, v. 1, 1899-1900. 8°. Lehigh Valley Médical Magazine. Easton, Pa. v. 1-12, 1889- 1901. 8°. Leipziger medizinische Monatsschrift. Leipzig, v. 1,1907. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Deutsche Prax., Med. Neuigk., and: Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte] Leipziger populàre Zeitschrift fur Homôopathie. Organ des Cen- tralverbandes homôopathischer Vereme Deutscnlands, des eâchsischen Landesvereines, wie der homôopathischen Vereine im Kônigreich Sachsen, in Berlin, Stettin, Bromberg, Elber- feld, Magdeburg, etc. Leipzig, v. 24-33, 1893-1902. 4°. Lékafské rozhledy. Mésfcnik pro praktické lékafe. [Médical review. Monthly for practical physicians.] Praha. v. 6-22, 1898-1915. 8°. Lekarz WUenski; miesiecznik poéwiecony medycynie ogôlnej. [The Wilna Physician; monthly devotea to gênerai medicine] Wilna. v. 1-2, 1913-14. 4°. Lékafskâ Klinika. [See Z ii lék klin., v Praze] Lékafskâ Komora pro krâlovstvf Ôeské. [See Ôasop. lék. cesk., v Praze.] Leonard's Illustrated Médical Journal. Détroit. N. s., v. 1-24, 1880-1903. fol. & 8°. Lepra. Bibliotheca intemationaUs. Leipzig, v. 1-15, 1900- 15. 8°. von Leube (Wilhelm). Festschrift. [See Festschr. . . . W. von Leube gewidmet, Leipz.] Leuckart's Centralblatt. [See Centralbl. Jena.] Leucocyte (The). PubUshed by the students of the Détroit Col- lège of Medicine. Détroit, v. 1, 6, 7, 1894-5 to 1899-1900. 4°. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], von Leuthold (Rudolph). ralstabsarzt d. Armée . . [See Gdnkschr. f. d. verstorb. Gene- . v. Leuthold, BerL] [111] Levatrice cond., Roma. Levatrice ital., Roma. Levatrice mod., Roma. Library, Lond. Library J., N. Y. Liée, viestnik, u Zagrebu. Life & Health, N. Y. Liga contra tubere en Cuba, Ha- bana. Liguria med., Genova. Lijeë. vijesnik, u Zagrebu. LijeS. vijestnik, u Zagrebu. LUly Scient. BuU., Indianap. Limousin mêd., Limoges. Liverpool M.-Chir. J. Levatrice condotta. Roma. v. 1-7,1891-8. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Levatrice (La) italiana. Rivista di ostetricia, ginecologia e pediatria. Roma. v. 8, 1899. 8°. [Continuation of the pre- ceding, and continued as the following:] Levatrice (La) moderna. Rivista di ostetricia, ginecologia, pediatria. Roma. v. 9-11,1900-1902. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Lewin (Georg). [See Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. . . . Georg Lewin, BerL] von Leyden (Ernst). [See Internat Beitr. z. inn. Med. (Leyden), BerL] L'homme préhistorique. Paris. [See Homme préhist. Also sometimes abbreviated: L'homme préhist.] Library (The). A review (quarterly). Edited by J. Y. W. Mac- AUster, in collaboration with Leopold DeUsle [etc.]. London. 1900-1916. 8°. Library (The) Journal. New York. v. 1-41, 1876-1916. 4°. Liebig's Annalen. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Ann. d. Chem.] Liecnicki viestnik. Vlastnik i izdavatelj sbor lieenika kralje- vina Hrvatske i Slavonije. [Médical messenger. Proprietor and publisher: The Society of Physicians of the Kingdoms of Croatia and Slavonia.] u Zagrebu. v. 20-27, 1898-1904. 8°. [Continued as: Lijec. vijestnik.] Lïetop. [etc.]. [See, in this list, Laitop. [etc.].] Life Assurance Médical Officers' Association. [See Proc. Life Assur. Med. Off. Ass.] Life and Health. A monthly magazine for the practical discus- sion of ail subjects pertaining to life, health, and the enjoyment of longevity. New York. v. 1-3, 1896-8. 8°. Li»a contra la tuberculosis en Cuba. Habana. v. 1-3, 1902-4. 8°. [See, also, Bol. mens, de la Liga contra la tubere en Cuba, Habana.] Ligue contre la tuberculose en Touraine. [See Bull, de la Ligue contre la tubere en Touraine.] Liguria (La) medica. Genova. v. 6-9, 1912-15. fol. Lijecnicki vijesnik. Vlasnik i izdavatelj Zbor lijecnika Kralje- vina Hrvatske i Slavonije. Oficijelni organ Drustva Zdravni- kov na Kranjskem. [Médical News. Edited and pubUshed by the Médical Society of Croatia and Slavonia. Officiai organ of the Health Association ofCarniola.] [Continuation of: Liée. viestnik, and of: Lijec. vijestnik, u Zagrebu.] u Zagrebu. v. 32-37, 1910-15. 8°. Lijecnicki viestnik. [Médical News.] u Zagrebu. v. 28-31, 1905-9. [Continued as: Lijec. vijesnik, u Zagrebu.] Lilly (The) Scientific Bulletin. IndianapoUs. 1. s., Nos. 1-6, 1912-14. 8°. Limousin (Le) médical. Limoges, v. 15-37, 1891-1913; Nos. 1-7, v. 38, 1914. 8°. Liverpool Biological Society. [See Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc] Liverpool (The) Médico-Chirurgical Journal, v. 1-35,1881-1916. Livre jubil. Brux. Livre d'or (Pozzi), Par. Van Bambeke, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. [See Ann. Trop. M. & ParasitoL, Liverp.] Livre jubilaire dédié à Charles Van Bambeke à l'occasion du 70e anniversahe de sa naissance par ses élèves et anciens élèves. Bruxelles, 1899. 8°. Livre d'or offert au Prof. S. Pozzi en souvenir de vingt années d'enseignement à l'Hôpital Broca. Pans. 1 v. 1906. 8 . Local Government Board. [See Rep. & Papers bubonic plague, R. B. Low . . . Local Gov. Bd., Lond.] [112] Local Gov. Chron., Lond. Local Gov. Off., Lond. Loire méd., St.-Étienne. Lond. Co. CouncU. Rep. med. off. health [etc.], Lond. Long Island M. J , Brooklyn. Los Angeles J. Eclect. M. Los Angeles M. J. LouisvUle J. S. & M. LouisvUle M. Month. LouisvUle Month. J. M. & S. Lucina, Bologna. Lutte antitubere, Par. Lwow. tygodn. lek. Lyon chirurg. Lyon méd. Local Government Board for Ireland. [See Rep. Local Gov. Bd. f. Ireland, DubL] Local (The) Government Chronicle and Knight's Officiai Adver- tiser. London. Nos. 734-2142, 1881-1907. fol. Local (The) Government Officer. With which is incorporated the Public Health Engineer. The officiai organ of the Na- tional Association of Local Government Officers. London. y. 1-10, 1906-12. fol. [Continued as: Surveying (The) Hous- ing World.] Loeff's Jahrbuch. [See Jahrb. f. Mil.-Aerzte] Loeffler's Centralblatt. [See Centralbl. f. Bakteriol. [etc.], Jena.] Loire médicale (La). Saint-Étienne. v. 1-32, 1882-1913; Nos. 1-7, v. 33, 1914. 8°. London County Asylum, Claybury, Sussex. [See Arch. Neurol. Path. Lab. Lond. County Asyl. Claybury, Lond.] London County Council. Annual report of the médical officer of health of the administrative county of London. London. 19 v. 1894-1913. fol. London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women. [See Mag. Lond. (Roy. Free Hosp.) School Med. f. Women, Lond.] Long Island Hospital. [See Dep. Neurol. Harv. M. Sch. Con- trib. [etc.], Bost.] Long Island Médical Journal. Brooklyn, v. 1-10,1907-16. 8°. Los Angeles (The) Journal of Eclectic Medicine. Los Angeles. v. 1-5, 1904-8. 8°. [Combined with: Calif. M. J., forming: California Eclect. M. J.] Los Angeles Médical Journal. Los Angeles, Cal. No. 7, v. 1, 1904. 8°. Louisiana State Dental Society. [See Tr. Louisiana Dent. Soc] Louisville (The) Journal of Surgery and Medicine. Officiai organ of the Louisville Surgical Society. Louisville. Nos. 19-32 (v. 5-6), 1898-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Mathews' Q. J. Rec- tal .. . Dis. Continued as: Louisville Month. J. M. & S., by consohdation with the following:] Louisville Médical Monthly. Louisville. v. 1-6, 1894-9. 8°. [Combined with the preceding, forming the following:] Louisville (The) Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Louisville. v. 6-22, 1899-1900 to 1915-16. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of the preceding with: Louisville J. S. & M.] Louisville Surgical Society. [See Louisville J. S. & M.] Lucœ (August). [See Beitr. z. Ohrenh. Festschr. A. Lucse. BerL] Luciani (Luigi). [See Ricerche di fisiol. e se affini ded. al Prof. L. Luciani . . .] Lucina. Periodico mensile di ostetricia. Bologna. v. 1-21, 1896-1916. 8°. Ludwig's Arbeiten. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) : Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz.] Lutte (La) antituberculeuse. Paris, v. 2-7,1901-6. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Œuvre antitubere] Luzerne County Médical Society. [See Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkesbarre] Lwowski tygodnik lekarski. [Lemberg Médical Weekly.] Lwôw. v. 1-8, 1906-13 ; Nos. 1-31, v. 9, 1914. 4°. Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York. [See Bull. Lying-in Hosp. N. Y.] Lyon chirurgical. Publiant le Bulletin de la Société de chi- rurgie de Lyon. [Monthly.] Lyon. v. 1-12, 1908-14. 8°. Lyon médical. Organe officiel de la Société nationale de méde- cine, de la Société des sciences médicales, de la Société médi- cale des hôpitaux, de la Société de chirurgie, du Comité médico- chirurgical des hôpitaux. Lyon. v. 1-125, 1869-1916. 8°. [113] M. M. Kassowitz . . Berl. Festschr., Maandbl. v. koudwater geneesk. v. N.- en Z.-Nederl., Haarlem. Maandbl. v. prakt. verlosk., Haarlem. Maandbl. v. d. Ver. t. de kwak- zalv., Leeuwerden. Maandbl. t. de vervalsch., Amst. Maandbl.v.ziekenverpleg., Amst. Maandschr. gew. a. de heil- gymn., Arnhem. Madras Gov. Mus. BuU. Mag. Lond. (Roy. Free Hosp.) School Med. f. Women, Lond. Mag. Med., Atlanta. Magdeburg. Festschr. . . . d. 19. Versamml. d. deutsch. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg. Magnet. Mag. f. Nied.-Teutschl. Bremen. Magy.fogâsz. szemle. A stoma- tol. [etc.], Budapest. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest. Magy. orv. lapja, Budapest. Malaria, MUano. Malaria [etc.], Roma. Malaria. Internat. Arch., Leipz. Malariologia, NapoU. 15259°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries M. Kassowitz zur Feier seines 70. Geburtstages von Schûlern, Freunden und Verehrern gewidmete Festschrift. Berlin. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Maandblad voor koudwater geneeskunde voor Noord- en Zuid- Nederland, gewijd aan de Kneipp'sche koudwatergeneeswijze. Haarlem. v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Maandblad voor praktische verloskunde, hoofdzakeUjk ten dien- ste van vroedvrouwen. Haarlem. v. 1-2, 1897-8 to 1898-9. 8°. [Continued as: Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk.] Maandblad uitgegeven door de Vereeniging tegen de kwakzal- verij. Leeuwerden. v. 4-23, 1884-1903. fol. Maandblad tegen de vervalschingen. Met een bijblad gewijd aan hygiène en industrie. Amsterdam, v. 7-32, 1890 to 1915-16. roy. 8°. [Continuation, in v. 7, 1890-91, of: Maandbl. t. de vervalsch. v. levensm. [etc.], Amst.] Maandblad voor ziekenverpleging. Amsterdam, v. 1-14, 1890 tol903^. 4°. Maandschrift gewijd aan de heilgymnastiek. Orgaan van het Genootschap ter beoefening van de heilgymnastiek in Neder- land. Arnhem. v. 1-13, 1891-1903. 8°. Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem. [See Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst.] Madras Government Muséum Bulletin. Madras. No. 4, v. 1; Nos. 2, 3, v. 2; Nos. 1-3, v. 3; Nos. 1-3, v. 4, 1896-1903. 8°. Madrid (Université de). [See Trav. du Lab. de recherches biol. de l'Univ. de Madrid.] Magazine of the London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medi- cine for Women. London. Nos. 42-61, 1909-15. 16°. Magazine (The) of Medicine. A medico-surgical literary maga- zine. Atlanta, Ga. v. 2, 1897. 8°. [Continuation, in Jan- uary, 1897, of: Moody's Mag. Med., Atlanta.] Magdeburg. Festschrift fur die Theilnehmer der 19. Versamm- lung des deutschen Vereins fur ôffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Hrsg. im Auftrage der Stadt Magdeburg. Magdeburg. 1 v. 1894. roy. 8°. MatmetistischesMagazinfûrNiederteutschland. Bremen. 1.-8. Hft., 1787-9. 12°. Magyar fogâszati szemle. A stomatologusok (fogorvosok) orszâ- gos egyesûletének hivatalos kôzlônye. Ungansche zahnàrzt- liche Revue. [Officielles Organ des ungarischen stomatolo- gischen (zahnarztlichen) Landesvereins.] Budapest, v. 1-6, 1896-7 to 1902. 8°. Magyar orvosi Archivum. [Magyar Médical Archives.] Buda- pest, v. 1-8, 1892-9. 8°. [Continued as: Orvostud. ertek. gyûjt. Magy. orv. arch.] Magyar orvosok lapja. Tudomânyos es târsadalmihetilap. [Hun- earian médical sheet. Scientific and médical society journal.] Budapest, v. 1-3, Dec. 5, 1901, toMarch 19, 1903. 4°. [Con- tinuation of : Orvos. lapja. Continued as: Budapesti orv. ujsag.J Maine Médical Association. [See J. Maine M. Ass.] Malaria (La). Rassegna mensile popolare degli studi, dei mezzi diprofilassie cura deUa malaria. Milano. v. 1-3,1901-3. ». Malaria e malattie dei paesi caldi. Roma. Anni 1-6, 1910- 15. 8°. Malaria. International Archives. Archives internationales. In- ternationales Archiv. Archivi internazionah. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1908-10. 8°. Malariologia (La). Rivista bimestrale internazionale médico- sociale con spéciale riguardo ail' igiene antimalanca scolastica. NapoU. v. 8, 1915. 8°. [Continuation of: Propaganda anti- malar.] —16----vin [1U] Malthusian, Lond. Man, Lond. Man. Human Embryol. (Keibel & MaU), Phila. & Lond. Manhattan Eye & Ear Hosp. Rep., N. Y. Manicomio, Nocera. Manicomio mod., Nocera. Manitoba & W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg. Maritime M. News, Halifax. MarseiUe méd. Maryland M. J., Balt. Maryland Psychiat. Q., Balt. Malay Branch of the British Médical Association. [See J. Malay Br. Brit. M. Ass., Singapore] Mail (Franklin P.) [See Man. Human Embrvol. (Keibel & Mail), Phila. & Lond.] Malthusian (The). A crusade against poverty. A monthly jour- nal. Organ of the Malthusian League. London. v. 9-40, 1887-1916. 4°. Malthusian (The) League. [See Malthusian, Lond.] Man. A monthly record of anthropological science. Published under the direction of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland. London. v. 1-16, 1901-16. 8°. Manual of human embryology. Edited by Franz Keibel and Franklin P. Mail. Philadelphia & London. 2 v. 1910-12. roy. 8°. Manchester Geographical Society. [See J. Manchester Geog. Soc] Mangiagalli (Luigi). [See Rac. d. scritti ostet.-ginee . . . d. Luigi MangiagalU,Pavia.] Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital Reports. New York. 1.-4., 1894-7. 8°. Manicomio (II). Archivio di psichiatria e scienze affini. Nocera. v. 1-3,1885-7; v. 17-28,1901-13. 8°. [Title, in 1888-1900, was: Manicomio mod.] Manicomio centrale maschile di S. Servolo in Venezia. [See Tav. statist. d. manie S. Servolo in Venezia.] Manicomio di Macerata. [See Gazz. d. manie di Macerata.] Manicomio (II) moderne Giornale di psichiatria. Nocera. v. 4-16, 1888-1900. 8°. [Title, in 1888-1900, of: Manicomio.] Manicomio provinciale di Ancona. [See Ann. d. manie prov. di Ancona.] Manicomio provinciale di Ferrara. [See Gior. di psichiat. clin» e tecn. manie, Ferrara.] Manicomio provinciale di Perugia. [See Ann. d. Manie prov. di Perugia.] Manila Médical Society. [See Bull. Manila Med. Soc] Manitoba (The) and West Canada Lancet. A journal of medicine, surgery, physiology, chemistry, materia medica, and scientific news, bemg the journal of the Winnipeg and Manitoba Médical Associations. Winnipeg. v. 5-6,1897-9. 8°. [Continuation of: North. Lancet, Winnipeg.] Manitoba Médical Association. [See Manitoba & W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg.] Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors. [See Arsberâtt. f. Maria Sjukhus i Helsingfors.] Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. [See J. Marine Biol. Ass. U. Kingdom.] Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl. [See Biol. Bull., Bost.] Maritime (The) Médical News. Halifax, N. S. v. 1-22, 1888- 1910. 8°. [Merged in: Canad. M. Ass. J.] Marseille médical. Marseille, v. 6-51, 1869-1914. 8°. . Martin (August). [See Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek. Festschr. . . . Aug. Martin, BerL] Maryland Médical Journal. Baltimore, v. 1-59,1877-1916. 8e. Maryland Psvchiatric Quarterly. The officiai publication of the Maryland Psychiatrie Society. Baltimore, v. 1-5, 1911 to 1915-16. 8°. Massachusetts Association of Boards of Health. [See Am. J. Pub. Hyg., Bost.] Massachusetts Collège of Pharmacy. [See Bull. Mass. Coll. Pharm., Bost.] [115] Mass. Emerg. & Hyg. Ass., Bost. Mass. Inst. Technol., Bost. Contrib. San. research lab. [etc.], Bost. Mass. M. J., Bost. Massaggio, Torino. Mathews' M. Quart., LouisvUle. Mathews' Q. J. Rectal . . . Dis., LouisvUle. Med. Aarsskr., Kj0behh. Med. Abhandl. Festschr. d. Stuttg. ârztl. Ver. Méd. d. accid. du travail, Par. Med. Adv., N. Y. Med. Advance. Med. Adviser, St. Louis. Med. Age, Détroit. Med. f. AUe, Wien. Méd. anecdot., Par. Med. Arena, Kansas City. Med. Argus, Minneap. Med. d. assie soc. infort. d. la- voro, Milano. Massachusetts Dental Society. [See Proc. Mass. Dent. Soc] Massachusetts Emergency and Hygiène Association. Six lec- tures upon school hygiène. Boston. 1 v. 1885. 12°. Massachusetts General Hospital. [See Dep. Neurol Harv M Sch. Contrib. [etc.], Bost.] Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston. Contributions from the Sanitary research laboratory and Sewage experiment station. Boston, v. 2-8, 1906-12. 8°. Massachusetts (The) Médical Journal. 1907. 8°. Boston, v. 6-27, 1886- Massachusetts State Board of Health. [See Month. Bull. Bd. Health Mass. Also: Pub. Health Bull. Mass.] Massachusetts State Hospital. [See Contrib. Psychopath. Hosp., Dep. Boston State Hosp.] Massaggio (II). Rivista pratica mensile di kinesiterapia, orto- pedia, elettroterapia, vibroterapia, idroterapia, ginnastica me- dica, ginnastica igienica, etc. Torino. v. 1-5, 1902-6. 8°. Matemità deUa r. Università di Palermo. [See Ist. ostet.-ginee d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Rendie clin.] Mathews' Médical Quarterly. Louisville, Kv. Nos. 1-12 (v. 1-3), 1894-6. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Mathews' Quarterly Journal of Rectal and Gastro-Intestinal Dis- eases. _ Louisville. Nos. 13-18 (v. 4-5), 1897-8. 8°. [Con- tinuation, in January, 1897, of: Mathews' M. Quart., Louis- ville. Continued as: Louisville J. S. & M] Mayer (Georg). [See Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. . . . Georg Mayer, BerL] Meckel's Archiv. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. Also: Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol.] Medicinsk Aarsskrift. Kjabenhavn. v. 1-10, 1888-97. 8°. Medicinische Abhandlungen. Festschrift des Stuttgarter ârzt- Uchen Vereines zur Feier seines 25jâhrigen Bestehens am 6. Mârz 1897. Stuttgart. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Médecine (La) des accidents du travail. Paris, v. 1-9,1903-11. 8°. Médical (The) Advertiser. A monthly journal devoted to the business interests of the médical profession. New York. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1899. 8°. Médical (The) Advance. [v. p., now] Batavia, 111. v. 9-34, 1880-95; v. 36-43, 1898-1905; v. 34-13, 1906-15. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Cincin. M. Advance. From December, 1896, to 1898, title was: Hahneman. Advoe New style of volume number adopted 1906.] Médical (The) Adviser. A scientific monthly médical journal. St. Louis, v. 5-6, 1900-1901. 8°. [Continuation of: St. Louis M. Gaz.] Médical (The) Age Détroit, v. 1-24, 1883-1906. 8°. [Merged in: Therap. Gaz.] Medizin (Die) fur Allé. Wien. v. 1-2, 1906-7. 8°. Médecine (La) anecdotique, historique, littéraire. Recueil à l'usage des médecins, chirurgiens et apothicaires érudits, cu- rieux et chercheurs. Paris, v. 1-4, 1901-4. 8°. Médical Arena. Kansas City, Mo. v. 2-15, 1893-1907. 8°. Médical Argus. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and col- latéral sciences. Minneapolis, Minn. v. 1-8,1890-98. roy. 8°. Medicina (La) délie assicurazioni sociali, infortuni del lavoro. Milano. v. 5-6, 1912-13. 8°. [Title in 1912-13, of: Medi- cina d. infortuni d. lav.] Médical Association of Central New York. [See Tr. M. Ass. Cen- tral N. Y.] Médical Association of Georgia. [See J. Med. Ass. Georgia, Augusta.] [116 Med. besïeda. Med. besïeda, Voronezh. Med. BibUoth. f. prakt. Aerzte, Leipz. Med. BL, Wien. Med. Brief. Med. BuU., Phila. Med. BuU.Wash. Univ., St. Louis. Med. Century. Med. Chron., Manchester. Med. CUn. Chicago. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost. Med. Consensus, Atlanta. Med. contemp., Lisb. Méd. contemp., Par. Med. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Krankenh. . . . DeutschL, Berl. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. wïirttemb. ârztl. Landesver., Stuttg. Med. Council, Phila. Med. Counselor. Med. Critic, N. Y. Med. Current, Chicago. Méd. Dauphiné, Grenoble. Med. Dial., Minneap. Médical Association of the Great er Citv of New York. [See Year Bk. M. Ass. Gr. N. York.] Médical Association of India. [See Indian Lancet, Calcutta.] Meditsinska besïeda; mïesechno populyarno spisanïe. [Médical conversation; monthlv popular journal.] Vidin; Sofiya. v. 4- 11, 1897-1907. 8°. Meditsinskaya besïeda. [Médical conversation] Voronezh. v. 1-8, 1887-94; v. 12-20, 1898-1906. 8°. Medicinische Bibliothek fur praktische Aerzte. Leipzig. Nos. 1-134, 1893-7. 8°. Wochenschrift fur die gesammte Heil- 25-38, 1902-15. 4°. [Continuation of: Medicinische Blâtter kunde. Wien. v. Wien. med. BL] Médical (The) Brief. 1873-1916. 8°. Wilson, N. G; St. Louis, Mo. v. 1-44, Médical (The) Bulletin. Philadelphia. v. 1-30, 1879-1908. 8°. [Combined with: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., forming: Month. Cycl. & M. Bull.] Médical Bulletin of Washington University. St. Louis, v. 1, 1902. 4°. [Continued as: Quart. Bull. M. Dep. Wash. Univ.] Médical Century. A semi-monthly international journal of ho- mœopathic medicine, surgery, and collatéral sciences. Chi- cago; New York; Lancaster, Pa. v. 1-22, 1893-1915. [Vol- ume for 1909 under title: J. Am. Inst. Homœop.] Médical and Chirurgical Faculty of Marvland. [See Bull. Med. à Chir. Fac. Maryland, Balt.] Médical (The) Chronicle. Manchester, v. 1-63, 1884-1916 [or v. 1-19, 1884-94; n. s., v. 1-10, 1894-9; 3. s., v. 1-4, 1899- 1901; 4. s., v. 1-29; 40, 1901-16. 8°. [In 4. séries, v. 30-39 were dropped.] Médical (The) Clinics of Chicago. [Bi-monthly.] Chicago, v. 1, 1915-16. 8°. Médical Collège of Virginia. [See Bull. M. Coll. Virg. Also: Med. Reg., Richmond.] Médical Communications of the Massachusetts Médical Societv. Boston. 1790-1913. 8°. Médical Consensus. A monthly journal of professional opinion and progress. Atlanta, Ga. v. 4-5, 1907-8. 8°. [Continua- tion of: State Bd. J. Amer.] Medicina (A) contemporanea. Lisboa. v. 1-33, 1883-1915. 4°. Médecine (La) contemporaine. Paris, v. 16-40, 1874-99. 8°. Medicinisches Correspondenzblatt fur die Krankenhâuser, Klini- ken und Polikliniken Deutschlands. Berlin, v. 1-5, 1897- 1901. fol. Medicinisches Correspondenzblatt des wûrttembergischen ârzt- Uchen Landes vereins. Stuttgart, v. 1-85, 1832-1915. 8°. [From 1832-82, "Landesvereins" was "Vereins."] Médical (The) Council. A monthly journal for the physician and surgeon, devoting spécial attention to obstetrics, diseases of women, diseases of children, and stirpiculture Philadelphia. v. 1-21, 1896-1916. 8°. Médical (The) Counselor. Chicago; Grand Rapids; Ann Arbor; Détroit, v. 1-14, 1879-89; n. s., v. 1-15, 1896-1910. 8°. Médical (The) Critic. New York. v. 1-3, 1901-3. 8°. Médical (The) Current. Chicago, v. 3-12, 1886 to March, 1896. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Era, Chicago.] Médical (Le) Dauphiné. Journal de la Société de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie de l'Isère. Grenoble. No. 1, v. 30 1906. 8°. [See, also, Dauphiné méd.] Médical (The) Dial. A monthly record of medicine and sureerv Minneapolis. v. 1-5, 1S98-1903. roy. 8°. [Merged in: North- west. Lancet.] [117] Med. Electrol. & Radiol., Lond. Med. Era, Chicago. Med. Era, St. Louis. Med. Exam., N. Y. Med. Exam. & Pract., N. Y. Med. Fortnightly, St. Louis. Med. franc., Par. Med. Free Press, Indianap. Med. d. Gegenw., Berl. Med. Herald, St. Joseph. Méd. et hyg., Brux. Méd. inf., Par. Méd. inf., Par. Med. ital., NapoU. Med. J. AustraUa, SyÛney. Med. J. Oksa, S.-Peterb. Med. J. S. Africa, Johannesb. Med. KUn., Berl. & Wien. Méd. lég. et jurisp. méd. Trav. [etc.], Par. Med. Libr., Denver. Med. Libr. & Hist. J., Brooklyn. Med. Mag., Lond. Med. mil. espan., Madrid. Médical Electrology and Radiology. London. v. 4-8, 1903-7. 8°. Médical Era. Chicago, v. 1-21, 1883-1903. 8°. [Suspended from February, 1893, to March, 1896. In April, 1896, suc- ceeded: Med. Current. Merged in: Clinique, Chicago.] Médical (The) Era. A practical médical magazine. [Continua- tion of: St. Louis M. Era.] St. Louis, v. 13-21, 1904-12. 8°. [Merged in: Med. Rev., St. Louis.] Médical (The) Examiner. New York. v. 4-9, 1894-9. 8°. [Continuation of: N. York M. Exam. Continued as the following:] Médical Examiner and Practitioner. New York. v. 10-19,1900- 1909. 4°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Médical Faculty University of Toronto. [See Post-Grad. lect. Univ. Toronto.] Médical (The) Fortnightly. St. Louis, v. 1-48, 1892-1916. 8°. [In October, 1914, "and Laboratory News" added to title.] Médecine (La) française. Le petit médecin des familles. Organe hebdomadaire de vulgarisation scientifique. Paris, v. 14-15, 1898-9. fol. [Continuation of: Petit méd. d. familles, Par.] Médical (The) Free Press. Indianapolis. v. 8-15, 1890-97. 8°. Medicin (Die) der Gegenwart. Monats-Berichte aus dem Ge- samtgebiete der Medicin fur die Praxis. Berlin, v. 1-2, 1898-9. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Woche] Médical Graduâtes' Collège, London. [See Polyclin., Lond.] Médical (The) Herald. St. Joseph, Mo. v. 10-35, 1891-1916. Médecine et hygiène. 1903-7. 8°. Revue mensuelle. Bruxelles, v. 1-5, Médecine (La) infantile. Leçons, formules, observations recueil- lies dans la pratique des hôpitaux de Paris. Paris. February, 1897, to July, 1914. 8°. [Title of No. 1 was: Pratique (La) de la médecine infantile.] Médecine (La) infantile. Revue pratique internationale. Paris. Nos. 1-8, v. 2, January to April, 1898. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. de méd. et chir. inf., Par.] Medicina (La) italiana. Napoli. v. 1-10, 1903-12. 8°. Médical Journal of AustraUa. (With which is incorporated The Australasian Médical Gazette and The Austrahan Médical Journal. ) The journal of the Austrahan branches of the British Médical Association. Sydney, v. 1-3, 1914-16. 8°. Meditsinskiy Jurnal doktora Oksa. [Médical Journal of Doctor Oks.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-8, 1898-1905. 8°. Médical (The) Journal of South Africa. Johannesburg, v. 9-11, 1913-14 to 1915-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Transvaal M. J.] Medizinische Klinik. Berlin & Wien. v. 1-11, 1904-5 to 1915. 4°. [See, also, Beihefte z. Med. Klin. Also: Ergnzngshfte. z. Med. Klin.] Médecine légale et jurisprudence médicale. Travaux, rapports, jugements, etc. Paris. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Médical Libraries. Devoted to the interests of médical libraries and bibliography. Denver, Col. v. 1-5, February, 1898, to December, 1902. 8°. Médical Library Association. [See Bull. Med. Library Ass., Balt.] Médical Library and Historical Journal. Brooklyn, v. 1-5, 1903-7. 8°. [Continued as: iEscuiapian, N. Y.] Médical (The) Magazine. London. v. 1-24, 1892-1915. 8°. Medicina (La) militar espanola. Publicaciôn mensual. Madrid. v. 2-12, 1896-1906. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. de clin., terap. y farm. Combined with: Rev. de san. mil., forming: Rev. de san mil. y Med. mil. espan.] Liisj Med. Mirror, St. Louis. Med. mod., Par. Med. mod., Porto. Med. Monog., Topeka, Kans. Med. naprïed., Sofiya. Med. Neuigk. Med. News. Med. News, Cincin. Med. de los ninos, Barcel. Med. Notes & Quer., Lancaster, Pa. Med. nuova, Roma. Med. Obozr., Mosk. Med. Officer, Lond. Méd. orient., Par. Med. Pickwick, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Med. Pioneer, Lond. Med. pract., San Fernando. Med. prat., Nicastro. Med. Press & Cire, Lond. Med. pribav. k morsk. sborniku, S.-Peterb. Med. Progress, LouisvUle. Med. Ree, N. Y. Med. Ree Mississippi, Biloxi. Med. Recorder, Shreveport, La. Med. Reform, Berl. Med. Reg., Richmond. Med. Rep. Sheppard & Enoch Pratt Hosp., Balt. Médical Mirror (Love's). St. Louis, v. 1-17. 1890-1906. 8°. [Merged in: Med. Era, St. Louis.] Médecine (La) moderne. Paris, v. 1-21, 1889-1910. 4°. Medicina moderna (A). Porto, v. 1-22, 1894-1915. fol. Médical Monographs. Topeka, Kans. v. 1, 1899. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Kansas M. J.] Meditsinski naprïedok; mïesechno, nauchno-meditsinsko i pro- fessionalno spisanie. [Médical progress; monthly scientific médical and professional magazine.] Sofiya. v. 1-3, 1900- 1902. 8°. Medizinische Neuigkeiten. Erlangen; Munchen. v. 1-48, 1851-98. roy. 8°. [Continued as supplément to: Deutsche Prax.] Médical (The) News. Philadelphia; New York. v. 40-87, 1882- 1905. roy. 8°. [Merged in: N. York M. J.] Médical (The) News. A practical journal for the gênerai practi- tioner of medicine and surgery. Cincinnati. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1914. 4°. [Continued as: Cincin. M. News.] Medicina (La) de los ninos. Barcelona. v. 1-15,1900-1914. 8°. Médical Notes and Queries. Lancaster, Pa. v. 1-7, 1905-12. v. 1-7, 1910-16. 4°. [Médical Review.] v. 1-81, 1874- Medicina nuova. Roma. Meditsinskoye Obozrïeniye 1914. 8°. Médical (The) Officer. A journal for the médical men in the government and municipal services. London. v. 5-15, 1911- 16. 8°. Médecine (La) orientale. Revue mensuelle. Paris, v. 1-15, 1897-1911. 8°. [Continued as: Indépend, méd. et Méd. orient.] Médical Pickwick. Published monthly by the Médical Pick- wick Press, Samuel M. Brickner, editor. Saranac Lake, N. Y. v. 1-2, 1915-16. 4°. Médical (The) Pioneer. London. v. 1-5, 1892-7. sm. 4°. Medicina (La) prâctica. Revista mensual de medicina, cirugfa, farmacia y defensora de los intereses profesionales de la clase médica y farmacéutica. SanFernandq. v. 4-14, 1905-15. 8°. Médico (U) pratico. BoUettino d' igiene, medicina e chirurgia. Nicastro. v. 1-6, 1903-8. roy. 8°. Médical (The) Press and Circular. London. v. 1-101, 1866- 1916. 4°. Meditsinskiya pribavleniya k morskomu sborniku, izdavayemîya pod nablyudeniyem Flota General-Shtab-Doktora. [Médical supplément to the Naval Magazine. Monthly journal issued by the Surgeon-General of the Navy.] S.-Peterburg. 1861-6; 1868-73; 1875-6; 1878; 1882-1911. 8°. [Continued as: Morsk. Vrach.] Médical (The) Progress. Louisville. Médical (The) Record. New York. Médical Record of Mississippi. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Biloxi, Miss. v. 1, 1897-8; No. 1, v. 2, April, 1898. 8°. [Continued as: J. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi.] Médical (The) Recorder. Medicine, surgery and allied sciences. Shreveport, La. v. 1-2, 1904-5. 8°. [Continued as: J. South. M. Ass.] Medizinische Reform. Wochenschrift fur soziale Medizin, Hy- giène und Medizinalstatistik. Berlin, v. 10-23, 1902-15! 4°. Médical Register. Issued monthly under the auspices of the Faculty and Society of Alumni of the Médical Collège of Vir- ginia. Richmond. v. 1-3, 1897-1900. 8°. Médical Reports of the Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hosnital Baltimore, Md. v. 1,1903. 8°. l v. 4-32, 1890-1916. 8' v. 1-89, 1866-1916. 4e [119] Med. Rep. Soc Lying-in Hosp. N. Y. Med. Reporter, Calcutta. Med. Rev., Haarlem. Med. Rev., Lond. Med. Rev., St. Louis. Med. Rev., St. Louis. Med. Rev. of Rev., N. Y. Med. Rundschau, Berl. Med. sborn., Sofiya. Med. Sbornik, Tiflis. Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. Voyenn. Hosp., Varshava. Méd. scolaire, Par. Med. secular, Madrid. Med. Sentinel, Portland, Oreg. Med. Standard, Chicago. Med. Summary, PhUa. Med. & Surg. Monit., Indianap. Med., Surg. & Path. Rep. Roy. South. Hosp., Liverp. Med. & Surg. Rep. BeUevue Hosp., N. Y. Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp. Médical Report of the Society of the Lving-in Hospital of the City of New York. New York. 2 v. 1892-6. 8°. Médical (The) Reporter. Calcutta, v. 1-6, 1S92-5. 4°. [Con- tinued as: Indian Lancet.] Medische Revue. MaandeUjksch overzicht der binnen- en buitenlandsche literatuur voor den practiseerendengeneesheer. Haarlem. v. 1-13, 1901-13. 8°. Médical (The) Review. London. v. 2-19,1899-1916. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Med. & Surg. Rev. of Rev.] Médical (The) Review. SL Louis, v. 25-32, 1892-5. roy. 8°. [Continued as: St. Louis M. Rev., which latter was continued as the following:] Médical (The) Review. Incorporating the Médical Era. [Con- tinuation of: St. Louis Médical Review.] St. Louis, v. 62- 64, 1913-15. 8°. Médical Review of Reviews. A monthly review of current méd- ical literature New York. v. 3-22, 1897-1916. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Am. M. Rev., N. Y., and Therap. Med., N. Y.] Medizinische Rundschau. Zentral-Organ fur aile deutschen Aerzte im In- und Auslande. BerUn. Nos. 1-150, 1897-1902. fol. Meditsinski sbornik; spisanïe na bolgarskitïe lïekari. [Médical magazine; journal of Bulgarian physicians.] Sofiya. v. 4-5, 1898-9. 8°. Meditsinskiy Sbornik; isdavayemîy Kavkazskim Meditsinskim Obshtshestvom. [Médical Magazine. Issued by the Médical Society of the Caucasus.] Tiflis. Nos. 1-69, 186671907. 8°. [In 1872, the word " Imperatorskim " is added to title, before "Kavkazskim."] Meditsinskiy Sbornik Varshavskavo Uyazdovskavo Voyennavo Hospitalya. [Médical Magazine of the Warsaw Uvazdov Mdi- tary Hospital.] Varshava. v. 1-17, 1888-1904. 8°. Médecine (La) scolaire. Revue mensuelle de médecine et d'hygiène scolaires. Paris, v. 1-7, 1908-14. 8°. Medicina (La) secular. Madrid, v. 1-2, 1896-7. Médical Sentinel. Portland, Oreg. v. 1-24, 1893-1916. 8°. Médical Society of City Hospital Alumni. [See Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis.] Médical Society of the County of Albany. [See Albany M. Ann.] Médical Society of the District of Columbia. [See Proc. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. Also: Wash. M. Ann.] Médical Society of Hawan. [See Tr. Med. Soc. Hawan.] Médical Society of the State of CaUfornia. [See CaUf. State J. M., San Fran.] Médical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. [See Penn. M. J., Pittsburg.] Médical Society of the State of Washington. [See Tr. M. Soc. Washington, Spokane] Médical (The) Standard. Chicago, v. 1-39, 1887-1916. 8°. [In April, 1899, N. Am. Pract. merged in this journal.] Médical (The) Summary. Philadelphia. v. 1-38,1879-1916. 8°. Médical (The) and Surgical Monitor. A practical journal for practical doctors. Indianapolis. v. 1-8, 1898-19U5 8 . [Combined with: Centr. States M. Mag., forming: Centr. States M. Monit.] Médical, Surgical and Pathological Reports of the Royal Southern Hospital. Liverpool. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Médical and Surgical Report of BeUevue and AUied Hospitals in the City of New York. New York. v. 1-5, 1904-12. 8 . Médical and Surgical Reports of the Boston City Hospital. Boston. 1.-16. s., 1870-1913. S\ [HH)| Med. & Surg. Rep. ChUd. Hosp., Bost. Med. & Surg. Rep. City Hosp. Bost. Med. & Surg. Rep. Epise Hosp., PhUa. Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y. Med. & Surg. Rep. Roosevelt Hosp., N. Y. Med. & Surg. Rep. St. Luke's Hosp., Chicago. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Cleve- land. Med. & Surg. Reporter, Phila. Med. & Surg. Rev. of Rev., Lond. Med. Temper. Rev., Lond. Med. Times, Lond. Med. Times, N. Y. Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Med. Times & Reg., PhUa. Med. Ukazatel, Mosk. Med. Visitor. Med. Volksbucherei. . . . Ab- handl., HaUe a. S. Med. Week, Par. Med. Weekbl., Amst. Med. Woche, Berl. Med. World, Lond. Med. World, PhUa. Med.-chir. Centralbl., Wien. Med.-Chir. J., PhUa. Med.-chir. Rundschau, Wien. Med.-Chir. Tr., Lond. Medd. f. Finsens med. Lysinst., K^benh. Médical and Surgical Report of the Children's Hospital, 1869-95. Boston. 1 v. 1895. 8°. Médical and Surgical Reports of the City Hospital of the City of Boston. [Title, in 3. s., 1882, of: Med. & Surg. Rep. Bost. City Hosp.] Médical and Surgical Reports of the Episcopal Hospital. Phila- delphia. v. 1-2, 1913-14. 8°. MecUcal and Surgical Report of the Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York. New York. v. 1-9, 1896-1912. 8°. Médical and Surgical Report of the Roosevelt Hospital, New York, based on the work of the years 1910-14, inclusive. New York. lv. 1915. 8°. Médical and Surgical Report of St. Luke's Hospital. Chicago. v. 1-3, 1908-11. 8°. Médical (The) and Surgical Reporter. Cleveland, Ohio. [Title of No. 1, v. 12, of : Cleveland M. & S. Reporter.] Médical (The) and Surgical Reporter. Philadelphia. v. 1-78, 1858-98. 8°. Médical (The) and Surgical "Review of Reviews." London. v. 1-2, 1898-9. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Rev., Lond.] Médical (The) Tempérance Review. . The officiai organ of the British Médical Tempérance Association. London. v. 1-5, 1898-1902. 12°. Médical (The) Times. London. v. 36-44, 1908-16. 4°. [Con- tinuation of : Med. Times & Hosp. Gaz.] Médical Times. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collatéral sciences. New York. v. 25-44, 1897-1916. roy. 8°. [Continuation, in 1897, of : N. York M. Times.] Médical (The) Times and Hospital Gazette. London. v. 21-35, 1893-1907. 4°. [Continued as: Med. Times, Lond.] Médical (The) Times and Register. Philadelphia. v. 31-41, 1896-1903. 8°. [Continuation, in January, 1896, of: Times & Reg., Phila.] Meditsinskiy Ukazatel. [Médical Index.] Moskva 1898-1900. 8°. Médical (The) Visitor. Chicago; Lansing, Mich 1905. 8°. [Merged in: Clinique, Chicago.] Medizinische Volksbucherei. Laienverstândliche Abhandlun- gen. Hrsg. von Kurt Witthauer. Halle a. S. Hft. 1-25, 1904-5. 8°. Médical (The) Week. Paris, v. 1-5,1893-7. fol. [EngUsh édi- tion of : Semaine méd.] Medisch Weekblad. Orgaan voor praktizeerende Geneeskundi- gen. Amsterdam, v. 1-22, 1894-5 to 1915-16. 4°. Medicinische (Die) Woche. Berlin, v. 1-8, 1900-1907. fol. [Continuation of : Med. d. Gegenw.] Médical (The) World. A weekly record of the world's progress in medicine, surgery, dietetics, and hygiène London. (Nos. 1-168), v. 1-4, 1897-1900. 8°. Médical World. Philadelphia. v. 1-34, 1883-1916. 8°. Medicinisch-chirurgisches Centralblatt. Wien. v. 11-38, 1876- 1903. 4°. v. 1-3, v. 1-21, 1885- Philadelphia. v. 5-7, February, \ [Continuation of: J. Med.-Chir. Médico-Chirurgical Journal 1904, to December, 1906. Coll.] Medicinisch-chirurgische Rundschau. Wien. v. 3-35, 1862-94. 8°. [Continued as: Therap. d. Gegenw.] Médico-Chirurgical Transactions. Published by the Royal Médi- cal and Chirurgical Society of London. v. 1-90,1809-1907. 8°. Meddelelser fra Finsens medicinske Lysinstitut ved Niels R Fin- sen. Kdbenhavn. No. 1T10,1899-1906. 8°. [See, also, Mitt. a. Finsens med. Lysinst. in Kopenh.] [121] Medd. f. Kristiania fp'dselsstif t. Medd. f. LâkaresâUsk. i Lund. Forh., Stockholm. Médecin. Org. de l'École méd. belge, Brux. Médecin prat., Par. Médecine scient., Par. Medicine, Détroit. Med.-krit. Bl. in Hamb. Med.-Leg. Bull., Fort Wayne. Med.-Leg. J., N. Y. Med.-naturw. Arch., Berl. & Wien. Med.-pâdagog. Monatschr.,Berl. Med.-Pharm. Critic, N. Y. Med.-statist. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsnd- htsamte, Berl. Med.-statist. Nadir., Berl. Med.-technol. J., Leipz. & Wien. Medicina d. infortuni d. lav. [etc.], Perugia. Medicus, Frederick & Wash. Medikus, Budapest. Meddelelser fra Kristiania fp'dselsstiftelse [Contributions from the Kristiania Lying-in-Foundation.] Kristiania. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Meddelanden frân Làkaresâllskapets i Lund. FôrhandUngar for arbetsâret 1900-1905. [Communications from the Médical Society of Lund; transactions for the working years 190O-1905.Î Stockholm. 5 Nos. 1901-5. 8°. Médecin (Le). Organe de l'École médicale belge. Bruxelles. v. 12-24, 1902-14. fol. Médecin (Le) praticien. Journal de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques et spéciales et d'intérêts professionnels. Paris, v. 1-10, 1905-14. fol. Médecine (La) scientifique. Recueil mensuel. Paris, v. 13-22, 1905-14. fol. Médecins de compagnies d'assurances. Rapports, procès-verbaux des séances. [See Cong. internat, d. méd. de comp. d'assur., Brux.] Medicine. Détroit, v. 1-13, 1895-1907. 8°. [Merged in: Therap. Gaz.] Medizinisch-kritische Blâtter in Hamburg. Hamburg. v. 1, 1910. 8°. Medico-Legal Bulletin. Fort Wayne, Ind. v. 1-1,1903-6. 12°. Medico-Legal (The) Journal. New York. v. 1-33,1883-1916. 8°. Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliches Archiv. BerUn & Wien. v. 1-2, 1907-10. 8°. Medizinisch-pâdagogische Monatsschrift fur die gesammte Sprachheilkunde. Berlin, v. 1-22, 1891-1912. 8°. [Contin- ued as: Vox, BerL] Medico-Pharmaceutical (The) Critic and Guide. New York. v. 4-19, 1904^16. 8°. Medizinal-statistische MittheUungen aus dem kaiserlichen Ge- sundheitsamte. (Beihefte zu den VerôffentUchungen des kai- serlichen Gesundheitsamtes.) BerUn. v. 3-18, 1896-1915. 8°. Medizinal-statistische Nachrichten. BerUn. v. 1-6, 1909-15. 8°. Medico-technologisches Journal. Centralblatt fur das Gesammt- gebiet der medicinischen Technologie. Leipzig & Wien. v. 1-3, 1905-7. 4°. [Continued as: Zentralbl. f. d. Gesamtgeb. d. Med.] Medicina (La) degU infortuni del lavoro e délie malattie profes- sionali. Perugia. v. 1-4,1908-11; v. 7, 1914. 8°. [In 1912- 13, title was: Med. d. assie soc. infort. d. lavoro.] Medicinische Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. [See Festschr. . . . Benno Schmidt, Leipz.] Medicinische Gesellschaft zu Magdeburg. [See Festschr. z. Feier d. 50. Besteh. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Magdeb.] Medicinische Gesellschaft zu Tokyo. [See Mitt. d. med. Gesell- sch. zu Tokyo. Also: Ztschr. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo.] Medicinske Selskab i Kristiania. [See Forh. med. Selsk. i Kris- tiania.] Médico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow. [See Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg.] Médico-Chirurgical Society of Montréal. [See Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montréal.] Medico-Legal Congress. [See Bull. Med.-Leg. Cong.] Medico-Legal Society. [See Tr. Med.-Leg. Soc, Lond.] Medicus (The). Frederick, Md., & Washington, D. C. v. 7-10, 1899-1902. 8°. [Continuation of: N. Am. M. Rev.] Medikus az orvosi oktatâs kôzlônye (A "Gyogyâszat" mellé- klete.) [Medicus, organ of médical information. (Supplément to: Gyogyâszat.)] Budapest. 1893-1914. 8° & 4°. [1221 Meditsina, S.-Peterb. Medizinalarch. f. d. Deutsche Reich, Berl. Medycyna, Warszawa. Medycyna i Kron. lek., War- szawa. Mém. Acad. roy. d. se, Par. d. se [etc.] de d. Ist. di Bo- Mém. Acad. roy Belg., Brux. Mem. Accad. d. se logna. Mem. Am. Anthrop. & Ethnol. Soc, Lancaster. Mém. et buU. Soc. de méd. et chir. de Bordeaux. Mem. chir. pubb. in onore Bot- tini, Palermo. Mem. e communicaz. scient. (1894-1908), Roma. Mém. et compt.-rend. Soc. d. se méd. de Lyon. Mem. y comunie de la Asamblea reg. de med. y farm. de FiU- pinas, Manila. Mem. d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital., Pavia. Mem. Connect. Acad. Arts & Se, N. Haven. Mém. couron. Acad. roy. de méd. de Belg., Brux. Mém. couron. . . . Acad. roy. d. se de Belg., Brux. Meditsina. Gazeta dlya prakticheskikh vracheï. [Medicine, Gazette for practicing physicians.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-11. 1889-99. 4°. Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo v g. Suvalkakh. [See Protok. med. Obsh. v g. Suvalk.] Medizinalarchiv fur das Deutsche Reich. Zeitschrift fur Recht- sprechung und Verwaltung auf dem Gebiete des Gesundheits- wesens. BerUn. v. 1-5, 1910-14. 8°. Medizinisch-chirurgisches Friedrich-Wilhelms Institut. [See Festschr. z. lOOjâhr. Stiftungsfeier d. med.-chir. Fried.-Wilh. Inst., BerL] Medizinische KUnik in Kopenhagen. [See Beitr. z. Path. d. Ver- dauungsorg. . . . med. KUn. in Kopenh., BerL] Medizinische Klinik zu Upsala. [See Mitt. a. d. med. Klin. zu Upsala.] Medizinische Klinik (Prof. C. von Noorden) in Wien. [See Beitr. z. Carcinomforsch., Berl. u. Wien.] Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft zu Jena. [See Sitzungsb. d. med.-naturw. Gesellsch. zu Jena.] Medizinisch-naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft in Munster. [See Festschr. d. 84. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Munster.] Medycyna. Czasopismo tygodniowe dla lekarzy praktycznych. [Medicine. Weekly chronicler of practical medicine.] War- szawa. v. 1-35, 1873-1907. 8° & 4°. [Continued as the fol- io wing:] Medycyna i Kronika lekarska. Czasopismo tygodniowe dla le- karzy praktykow. [Medicine and Médical Chronicle. A weekly journal for practicing physicians.] [Successor to: " Me- dycyna " and '' Kron. lek."] Warszawa. 43.-49. year, 1908-14. 4°. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences. Années 1666-99. Paris, v. 3-11, 1729-34. 4°. Mémoires de l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles, v. 50-53, 1891-8. 4°. Memorie dell' Accademia délie scienze dell' Istituto di Bologna. 2. s., v. 7-10, 1868-70; 3. s., v. 1-10, 1871-79; 4. s., v. 1-5, 1880-83. 4°. [Continued, in 1884, as: Mem. r. Accad. d. se d. Ist. di Bologna.] Memoirs of the American Anthropological and Ethnological So- cieties. Lancaster. v. 1, 1905. 8°. Mémoires et bulletins de la Société de médecine et de chirurgie de Bordeaux. Années 1872-1904. 33 v. 8°. [Continued as: Bull, et mém. Soc. de méd. et chir. de Bordeaux.] Memorie chirurgiche pubblicate in onore di Enrico Bottini per il xxv0 anno del suo msegnamento. Palermo. 2 v. 1903. 4°. Memorie e communicazioni scientifiche (1894-1908). Roma. 1 v. 1909. 8°. Mémoires et comptes-rendus de la Société des sciences médicales de Lyon. Lyon. v. 1-38, 1861-98. 8°. Memorias y comunicaciones de la Asamblea régional de médicos y farmacéuticos de FiUpinas. Manila. v. 1-2, 1912-14. 8°. Memorie del Congresso dell' Associazione oftalmologica itaUana. xvi., 1902. Pavia. 1 v. 1903. 8°. Memoirs of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. New Haven. Pt. 1, v. 1, 1810. 8°. Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires publiés par l'Académie royale de médecine de Belgique. Bruxelles, v. 1-21, 1870- 1913. 8°. Mémoires couronnés et autres mémoires, pubUés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique Bruxelles, v. 47-66, 1892-1904. 8°. [Continued as: Acad roy. de Belg. Cl. d. se Mém. Collect. in-8°, Brux.] [123] Mém. couron. Acad. roy. d. se. [etc.] de Belg., Brux. Mem. d. Inst. Ligure, Genova. Mem. do Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Jan. Mém. de mathémat. et de phys. . . . Acad. roy. d. se, Par. Mem. di med., MUano. Mem. Nat. Acad. Se, Wash. Mem. r. Accad. d. se d. Ist. di Bologna. Mem. r. Ist. Lomb. di se e lett. Cl. di se maternât, e nat., Mi- lano. Mem. r. Ist. Veneto di se, lett. ed arti. Mem. Soc. cient. "Antonio Al- zate," Mexico. Mém. Soc. de méd. de Nancy. Mém. Soc. d. se phys. et nat. de Bordeaux. Mémentos therap., Par. MemorabiUen, HeUbr. Memphis Lancet. Memphis M. Month. Mendel J., Lond. Merck's Arch., N. Y. Merck's Rep., N. Y. Métal Worker [etc.], N. Y. Methodist Episcop. Hosp. Ren., N. Y. Metrop. Asyl. Bd. Rep., Lond. Michigan M. News, Grand Rapids. Mémoires couronnés et mémoires des savants 'étrangers, pubUés par l'Académie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgique. Bruxelles, v. 53-62, 1893-1904. 4°. [Contin- ued as: Acad. roy. de Belg. Cl. d. se Mém. Collect. in-4°, Brux.] Memorie deU' Instituto Ligure. Genova. v. 1-3, 1806-14. 4°. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cmz. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1-5. 1909-13. 8°. Mémoires de mathématique et de physique, présentés à l'Aca- démie royale des sciences, par divers sçavans, et lus dans ses assemblées. Paris, v. 1-11, 1750-86. 4°. Memorie di medicina. Milano. v. 1-3, 1800. 8°. Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Washington, v. 1-13, 1864-5 to 1913. 4°. Memorie deUa r. Accademia délie scienze dell' Istituto di Bolo- gna. Bologna. 4. s., v. 6-10, 1884-9; 5. s., v. 1-10, 1890- 1904; 6. s., v. 1-9, 1904-12. [Continuation, in 1884, of: Mem. Accad. d. se d. Ist. di Bologna.] Memorie del reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Classe di lettere e scienze matematiche e naturali. Milano. 3. s., v. 1-21, 1865-7 to 1909-11. 8°. Memorie del reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Venezia. v. 16-26, 1869-1902. 4°. Memorias y revista de la Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate," Mexico, v. 1-33, 1887-8 to 1913-14. Mémoires de la Société de médecine de Nancy. Années 1871-2 to 1893-4. 8°. [Continued as: Soc. de méd. de Nancy. C.-r. . . . Mém.] Mémoires de la Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux, v. 5-8, 1867-72; 2. s., v. 1-5, 1873-83; 3. s., v. 1-5, 1884-90; 4. s", v. 1-5, 1891-4; 5. s., v. 1-5, 1895-1901; 6. s., v. 1-3, 1901-3. 8°. Mémentos thérapeutiques. PubUés par le Journal des prat iciens. Paris. 1 v. 1902. 8°. MemorabiUen. Heilbronn. v. 1-44, 1856-1903. fol. & 8°. Memphis (The) Lancet. Memphis. v. 1-4, 1898-1900. 8°. Memphis Médical Monthly. Memphis, Tenn. v. 8-36, 18SS- 1916. 8°. Mendel (The) Journal. London. Nos. 1-2, 1909-11. 8°. Mental Hygiène Conférence. [See Proc. Ment. Hyg. Conf., N. Y.] Merck's Archives of the Materia Medica and its uses. A journal for the practicing physician. New York. v. 1-16, 1899-1914. 8°. [Continuation of: Am. Med.-Surg. Bull.] Merck's Report. A practical journal of pharmacy, materia med- ica, and chemistry. New York. v. 4-24, 1895-1915. fol. Mercy Hospital. [See Rep. Mercy Hosp.] Métal Worker, Plumber and Steam Fitter; with which is com- bined Engineering Review. New York. v. 78-84,1912-15. 4°. Methodist (The) Episcopal Hospital Reports. New York. v. 1 (1887-97), 1898. 8°. Metropolitan Asylums' Board. Annual reports of the statistical committee and the médical superintendents of the infectious hospitals and imbécile asylums. 1.-4., 1887-90; 6.-10., 1892-5. London. 1888-96. 8°. Michigan Academy of Science. [See Bull. Mich. Acad. Se, Ann Arbor.] Michigan Association for the Prévention and Relief of Tubercu- losis. [See Bull. Mich. Assoc. Prev. & Relief Tubere, Ann Arbor.] Michigan Médical News. Grand Rapids, Mich. v. 1,1900. 8°. [1241 Michigan Month. BuU. Vital Sta- tist., Lansing. Micr. BuU., PhUa. Microg. prépar., Par. Microscope. Middlesex Hosp. J., Lond. Midi méd., Toulouse. Midland Drug. & Pharm. Rev. Midland M. J., Birmingh. Mie Eisei Zasshi. Mikrokosmos, Stuttg. Mil. gov. Porto Rico. App. . . . Epit. rep. [etc.], Wash. Mil. Surgeon. Mil.-geneesk. Tijdschr., Haarlem. MUitàrarzt, Wien. MUitœrleegen, KjpTjenh. MUitârmed. u. ârztl. Kriegswis- sensch., Wien & Leipz. MiUen. orszâg. fogorvosi cong. MUwaukee M. J. Mind. Minist. d. Interne .. . Suifatti princip. riguard. 1' ig. e la san. pubb. d. regno . . ., Roma. Michigan Monthly Bulletin of Vital Statistics. Lansing. v. 1- 18, 1898-1915. 4°. [Incomplète] Michigan State Dental Association. [Ses Proc. Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio à Michigan, Phila.] Michigan State Médical Society. [See J. Mich. M. Soc, Détroit.] Microscopical (The) Bulletin and Science News. Philadelphia. v. 2-18, 1885-1901. 8°. Micrographe (Le) préparateur. Journal de microscopie générale et de technique micrographique. Paris, v. 1-4, 1893-6. 8°. Microscope (The). Washington, D. C. v. 1-12, 1881-92; n. s., v. 1-5, 1893-7. 8°. Middlesex Hospital. [See Arch. Middlesex Hosp. Also: Rep. Cancer Research Lab., Middlesex Hosp. Also, the following:] Middlesex (The) Hospital Journal. London. v. 1-19, 1897- 1915. 8°. Middletown State Homéopathie Hospital at Middletown, N. Y. [See Rep. Middletown Homeop. Hosp., Albany.] Midi (Le) médical. Toulouse, v. 1-3, 1892-4. 4°. [Contin- ued as: Arch. méd. de Toulouse] Midland (The) Druggist and Pharmaceutical Review. Colum- bus, Ohio. v. 43-50, 1909-16. 8°. [Formed by consoUdation of: Midland Druggist, with: Pharm. Rev.] Midland (The) Médical Journal. Birmingham, v. 1-15, 1901-2 to 1916. sm. 4°. Midwive's Institute and Trained Nurses' Club. [See Nursing Notes, Lond.] Mie Esei Zasshi. [Mie Hygienic Magazine] Mie. Nos. 1-44, 1893-7; n. s., Nos. 1-9, 1898-9. 8°. Mikrokosmos. Zeitschrift fur praktische Arbeit auf dem Gebiete der Naturwissenschaften. Stuttgart, v. 6-9, 1912-15. 8°. Military government of Porto Rico, from October 18, 1898, to April 30, 1900. Appendices to the report of the military gov- ernor. Epitome of reports of : 1. The Superior Board of Health. 2. The Board of Charities. Washington, v. 1, 1901. 8°. CarUsle, Pa.; Chicago; Washington. [Continuation of: J. Ass. Mil. Surg. Haarlem. v. 1-19, 1897- 1867-1915. 4°. [Supple- MiUtary (The) Surgeon v. 20-38, 1907-16. 8e U.S.] MiUtair-geneeskundig Tijdschrift 1915. 8°. MiUtàrarzt (Der). Wien. v. 1^49, ment to: Wien. med. Wchnschr.] MiUtserlsegen. Udgivet af Militserlœgeforeningen i Kj0benhavn. [The military physician. Published by the Union of Military Physicians m Copenhagen.] Kj0benhavn. v. 1-11, 1893- 1903. 8°. [See Norsk Tidsskr. f. Wien & Leip- Militser-medicinske Selskab i Kristiania Mil.-Med., Kristiania.] Militârmedizin und ârztUche Kriegswissenschaft zig. lv. 1914. 8°. Milleniumi (A) orszâgos fogorvosi congressus (Budapest, 1896, Aug. 28-30) munkâlatai. (Verhandlungen des i. Ung. zahn- àrztUchen Congresses.) Budapest. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Milwaukee Médical Journal. MUwaukee, Wis. v. 1-19, 1893- 1911. 8°. Mind. A quarterly review of psychology and philosophy. London & Edinburgh; London & New York. v. 1-16; n. s., v. 1-25, 1876-1916. 8°. Ministero deU' Interno. Direzione générale dell' amministra- zione civile. Sui fatti principali riguardanti P igiene e la sanità pubbUca del regno dai 1. gennaio al 30 novembre 1897. Relazione al ConsigUo superiore di sanità. Roma. 1 v. 1897. roy. 8°. [125] Minist. d. Mar. xUi. Cong. in- ternaz. di med. x. Cong. in- ternaz. d' ig. e demog. Relaz. orig. e resoe d. deleg., Roma. Minist.-Bl. f. med. Unterrichts- Angelegenh., Berl. Minneap. Homœop. Mag. Mino Igakkwai Hoko. Mise biol. dédiées au prof. Al- fred Giard [etc.], Par. Mississippi M. Month. Mississippi M. Ree, Vicksburg. Missouri Sanitarian, St. Louis. Mitt. d. anthrop. GeseUsch. in Wien. Mitt. a. d. AugenkUn. d. CaroUn. med.-chir. Inst. zu Stockholm, Jena. Mitt. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. z. Bekàmpf. d. Geschlechtskr., Leipz. Mitt. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens. Mitt. a. Finsens med. Lysinst. in Kopenh. Mitt. a. d. Geb. d. Lebensmittel- unt. u. Hyg., Bern. Mitt. z. Gesch. d. Med. u. d. Na- turw., Hamb. & Leipz. Mitt. d. GeseUsch. f. d. Therap., Wien. Mitt. d. GeseUsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien. Mitt. d. GeseUsch. f. phys. Med., Wien. Mitt. a. d. Grenzgeb. d. Med. u. Chir., Jena. ges. Ministero deUa Marina, xiii. Congresso internazionale di medi- cina. x. Congresso internazionale d' igiene e demografia (Parigi, agosto 1900). Relazioni originaU e resoconti dei dele- gati. Roma. 1 v. 1901. 8°. Ministerial-Blatt fur Médicinal- und medizinische Unterrichts- Angelegenheiten. BerUn. v. 1-3, 1901-3. 8°. Minneapolis Homœopathic Magazine. MinneapoUs v. 5-11, Minnesota State Médical Association. [etc.]. Also: Journal-Lancet.] [See J. Minn. M. Ass Mino Igakkwai Hoko. [Report of the Médical Society of Mino.l Mino. No. 1, April, 1893. 8°. Miscellanées biologiques dédiées au professeur Alfred Giard à 1 occasion du XXVe anniversaire de la fondation de la Station zoologique de Wimereux 1874-1899. Paris. 1 v. 1899. fol. Mississippi (The) Médical Monthly. Meridian. v. 1-3, 1891-2 to 1895; v. 16-19, 1911-12 to 1914. 8°. Mississippi Médical Record. Vicksburg. v. 4-8, 1900-1904. 8°. [Title from 1900-1904, of: J. Mississippi M. Ass.] Mississippi State Médical Association. [See J. Mississippi M. Ass., Biloxi.] Mississippi Valley Médical Association. [See Tr. Mississippi Val- ley M. Ass.] Missouri Botanical Garden. [See Ann. Missouri Botan. Garden.] Missouri (The) Sanitarian, devoted to public health, domestic hygiène, and veterinary sanitation. Published monthly by the State Board of Health of Missouri. St. Louis, v. 1, No- vember, 1894, to October, 1895; No. 1, v. 2, November, 1895. 8°. Missouri State Médical Association. [See J. Missouri M. Ass., St. Louis.] Missouri University. [See Univ. Missouri Bull., Med. Ser., Columbia.] Mitteilung der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. v. 36- 45, 1906-15. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitth. [etc.].] Mitteilungen aus der Augenklinik des CaroUnischen medico- chirurgischen Instituts zu Stockholm. Hrsg. von J. Widmark. Jena. Hft. 1-11, 1898-1910. 8°. Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft zur Bekàmpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten. Leipzig, v. 1-13, 1902-15. 8°. Mitteilungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Vôlker- kunde Ostasiens. v. 11-15, 1908-9 to 1914-15. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Mitth. [etc.].] Mitteilungen aus Finsens medicinske Lysinstitut (Finsens medi- cinischem Lichtinstitut) in Kopenhagen. [v.p.] 1903. 8°. [See, also, Medd. f. Finsens med. Lysinst., Kgbenh.] Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Lebensmitteluntersuchung und Hygiène. Bem. v. 1-6, 1910-15. 8°. Mitteilungen zur Geschichte der Medizin und der Naturwissen- schaften. Hamburg & Leipzig, v. 1-14, 1902-15. 8°. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur die gesamte Thérapie Wien. v. 1-2, 1912-15. 8°. Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur innere Medizin und KinderheU- kunde in Wien. v. 1-13,1902-14. 8°. [See, also, Beibl. z. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. inn. Med. u. Kinderh. in Wien.] Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft fur physikalische Medizin. Wien. v. 1-5, 1908-12. 8°. [See, also, Beibl. d. Mitt. d. Gesellsch. f. phys. Med.] Mitteilungen aus den Grenzgebieten der Medizin und Chirurgie. Jena. v. 1-28, 1895-6 to 1914-15. 8°. [126] Mitt. a. d. gynaek. KUn. d. . . . O. Engstrôm in Helsingfors, Berl. Mitt. a. d.Hamb. Staatskranken- anst., Leipz. & Hamb. Mitt. a. d. Inst. f. Radiumforsch., Wien. Mitt. a. Justus Perthes' Geog. Anst., Gotha. Mitt. a. d. k. Prufungsanst. f. Wasserversorg. . . . zu Berl. Mitt. a. d. Kindersp. Zurich [etc.], Zurich. Mitt. a. d. Kôlner Biirgerhosp., Koln u. Leipz. Mitt. a. d. konigl. Landesanst. f. Wasserhyg., Berl. Mitt. a. d. Lab. f. radiol. Diagn. u. Therap. im k. k. aUg. Krankenh. in Wien, Jena. Mitt. a. d. med. Fak. d. k. Univ. Kyushu Fukuoka. Mitt. a. d. med. Fakult. d. k. Univ. zu Tokyo. Mitt. d. med. GeseUsch. zu Tokyo. Mitt. a. d. med. KUn. zu Upsala. Jena. Mitt. d. naturf. GeseUsch. in Bern. Mitt. a. Schmidt's Lab. f. Krebs- forsch., Bonn. Mitt. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steier- mark. Mitt. d. Ver. badiseh. Tierârzte. Mitt. d. Ver. schlesw.-holst. Aerzte. Mitth. d. anthrop. GeseUsch. in Wien. Mitth. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Nat.- u. Volkerk. Ostasiens. Mitth. a. d. gynaek. KUn. d. . . . O. Engstrôm in Helsingfors, Berl. Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ. Mitth. d. naturf. GeseUsch. in Bern. Mitteilungen aus der gynaekolosnschen Klinik des Prof. Dr. Otto Engstrôm in Helsingfors. Berlin, v. 7-8, 1906-11; v. 10, 1912-13. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitth. [etc.].] Mitteilungen aus den Hamburgischen Staatskrankenanstalten. Leipzig & Hamburg. v. 1-14, 1897-1914. 8°. [v. 1-13 iden- tical with Part II of v. 5-17, respectively, of: Jahrb. d. Hamb. Staatskrankenanst. ] Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur Radiumforschung. Wien. Nos. 1^8, 1911-13. 8°. Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. Gotha. v. 57-61, 1911-15. 8°. [Continuation of : Globus, Brnschwg.] Mitteilungen aus der kôniglichen Prûfunganstalt fur Wasser- versorgung und Abwàsserbeseitigung zu Berlin. Berlin. Nos. 3-16,1904-12. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt. a. d. konigl. Landes- anst. f. Wasserhyg.] Mitteilungen aus dem Kinderspital Zurich und dem Hygiène- institut der Universitat. Zurich, v. 1, 1907. 8°. Mitteilungen aus dem Kôlner Bûrgerhospital, hrsg. vom Oberarzt Prof. Dr. Bardenheuer. Kôln und Leipzig. Hft. 1-5, 1886- 90. 8°. Mitteilungen aus der kôniglichen Landesanstalt fur Wasser- hygiene zu Berlin-Dahlem. Berlin. Nos. 17-19, 1913-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitt. a. d. k. Prufungsanst. f. Wasser- versorg.] Mitteilungen aus dem Laboratorium fur radiologische ^ Diagno- stik und Thérapie im k. k. allgemeinen Krankenhaus in Wien. Jena. v. 1, Hft. 1-2, 1906-7. 8°. Mitteilungen aus der medizinischen Fakultât der kaiserUchen Universitat Kyushu Fukuoka, Japan. Kyushu Fukuoka. v. 1, 1914. 8°. Mitteilungen aus der medizinischen Fakultât der kaiserlichen Universitat zu Tokyo, v. 7-14, 1906-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitth. a. d. med. Fac. d. k.-jap. Univ.] Mitteilungen der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Tokyo. Tokyo. v. 14-29, 1899-1915. 8°. Mitteilungen aus der medizinischen Klinik zu Upsala. Von S. E. Henschen. Jena. 2 v. 1898-9. 8°. Mitteilungen der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Bern aus den Jahren 1900-1915. Bern. 15 v. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitth. [etc.].] Mitteilungen aus Dr. Schmidt's Laboratorium fur Krebsfor- schung. Bonn. 1 v. 1905. 8°. Mitteilungen des Vereines der Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz. v. 40-52, 1903-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitth. [etc.].] Mitteilungen des Vereins badischer Tierârzte. Karlsruhe. v. 5-15, 1905-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitth. [etc.].] Mitteilungen fur den Verein schleswig-holsteiner Aerzte. Kiel. N. s., v. 13-20, 1904-7 to 1911-12. 8°. [Continuation of: Mitth. [etc.].] MittheUungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. v. 1-35, 1871-1905. 8° & roy. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt. [etc.].] MittheUungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Vôlker- kunde Ostasiens. Yokohama; Tokyo, v. 1-7, 1873-6 to 1898-9. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt. [etc.].] MittheUungen aus der gynaekologischen KUnik des Prof. Dr. Otto Engstrôm in Helsingfors. BerUn. v. 1-6, 1897-1903. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt. [etc.].] MittheUungen aus der medicinischen Facultât der kaiserUch- japanischen Universitat. Tokyo, v. 1-6, 1887-1905. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt. a. d. med. Fakult. d. k. Univ. zu Tokyo.] MittheUungen der naturforschenden'Gesellschaft in Bern aus den Jahren 1869-99. Bem. 16 v. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt [etc.].] [127] Mitth. a. d. Tubing. Poliklin., Stuttg. & Leipz. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steier- mark. Mitth. d. Ver. badisch. Thier- arzte, Karlsruhe. Mitth. f. d. Ver. schlesw.-holst. Aerzte. Mitth. u. Verhandl. d. internat. Lepra-Confer. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-CoU. Mobile M. & S. J. Mod. ârztl. BibUoth., Berl. Mod. Hosp., St. Louis. Mod. M. Se, N. Y. Mod. Med., Battle Creek, Mich. Mod. Med. & Bacteriol. Rev. Mod. Tr. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., PhUa. & N. Y. Mod. Treatment (Hare), Phila. &N. Y. Mod. zooiatro. Mois méd., Par. Mois therap., Par. Molkerei-Ztg., Berl. Monaco-méd. Monatsb. . . . d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Appar., Berl. Monatsb. f. Urol., Berl. Monatsbl. f. Gsndhtspflg., Brn- schwg. Monatsbl. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Brnschwg. Monatschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gy- naek., Berl. Mittheilungen aus der Tûbinger PolikUnik. Hrsg. von Theodor vonJûrgensen. Stuttgart & Leipzig. 2. Hfte 1886-92. 8°. Mittheilungen des Vereins der Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz. v. 12-39, 1874-1902. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt. [etc.].] Mittheilungen des Vereins badischer Thieràrzte. Karlsruhe. v. 1-4, 1901-4. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt. [etc.].] Mittheilungen fur den Verein schleswig-holsteinischer Aerzte. Kiel. N. s., v. 1-12, 1892-1903. 8°. [Continued as: Mitt. [etc.].] Mit heilungen und Verhandlungen der intemationalen wissen- schaftUchen Lepra-Conferenz. L, 1897, BerUn; 2., 1909, Bergen. 4 v. 8°. [2. Conf. forms v. 11 of: Lepra, Leipz.] Mittheilungen des Wiener medicinischen Doctoren-Collegiums. Wien. v. 1-32, 1874-1906. 8°. Mobile (The) Médical and Surgical Journal. Mobile, Ala. v. 1- 13, 1902-8; Nos. 1-2, v. 14, 1909. 8°. [Continued as: Gulf States J. M. & S.] Moderne ârztUche Bibliothek, hrsg. von Ferdinand Karewski. BerUn. Hft. 1-28, 1904-6. 8°. Modem Hospital (The). A monthly journal devoted to the build- ing, equipment, and administration of hospitals, sanatoriums, and alUed institutions, and to their médical, surgical, and nurs- ing services. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1-6, 1913-16. 4°. Modem Médical Science. New York. v. 8-17, 1896-1904. 8°. [Continuation, in No. 8, v. 8, February, 1896, of: San. Era, Modem Medicine. Bulletin of the Laboratory of Hygiène, Bat- tle Creek Sanitarium. , Battle Creek, Mich. v. 8-18, 1899- 1909. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Modem Medicine and Bacteriological Review. Battle Creek, Mich. v. 3-7, 1894-8. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Modem (The) treatment of nervous and mental diseases. Edited by Wm. A. White and S. E. Jelliffe Philadelphia & New York. 2v. 1913. 8°. Modem Treatment. Edited by Hobart A. Hare. Philadelphia & New York. 2 v. 1910-11. 8°. Moderno (II) zooiatro. Torino. v. 1-13, 1890-1902. 8°. Mois (Le ) médical. Répertoire périodique de médecine, de chi- rurgie et de pharmacologie. Paris, v. 9-14, 1897-1902. 12°. Mois (Le) thérapeutique. Paris, v. 1-3, 1900-1902. 4°. Moleschott's Untersuchungen. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Untersuch. z. Naturl. d. Mensch. u. d. Thiere.] Molkerei-Zeitung. Wochenschrift fur Gewinnung, Verarbeitung und Verwertung der Milch. Berlin, v. 14-25, 1904-15. fol. Monaco-médical. Organe officiel de la Société médicale de Monaco et thérapeutique par les agents physiques réunis. Monaco, v. 4-6, 1900-1902. fol. [Continued as: Therap. p. 1. agents phys. et nat.] Monatsberichte ûber die Gesamtleistungen auf dem Gebiete der Krankheiten des Harn- und Sexual-Apparates. BerUn. v. 2- 5, 1897-1900. 8°. [Continuation of: Vierteljahresberichte ûber die Gesamtleistungen auf dem Gebiete [etc.]. Continued as the following:] Monatsberichte fur Urologie. Berlin, v. 6-11, 1901-6. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding. Combined with: Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., forming: Ztschr. f. Urol.] Monatsblatt fur Gesundheitspflege. Braunschweig. v. 35-38, 1912-15. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Monatsblatt fur ôffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Braunschweig. v. 1-34, 1878-1911. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Monatsschrift fur Geburtshulfe und Gynaekologie. BerUn. v. 1-42, 1895-1915. 8°. [128] Monatschr. f. Gsndhtspflg.,Wien. Monatschr. f. Hamkr. u. sex. Hyg., Leipz. Monatschr. f. hyg. Aufkl. u. Re- form, Stuttg. Monatschr. f. Kinderh., Leipz. & Wien. Monatsschrift fur Gesundheitspflege. Organ der osterreichischen Gesellschaft fur Gesundheitspflege. Wien. v. 16-27, 1898- 1909. 8°. [Continued as: Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. GsndhtspfL] Monatschrift fur Ilarnkrankheiten und sexuelle Hygiène Leip- zig, v. 1-5, 1904-8. 8°. Monatsschrift fur hvgienische Aufklârung und Reform. Stutt- gart, v. 14, 1900-1901. 8°. [Continuation of: Hygieia, Stuttg.] Monatsschrift fur KinderheUkunde. Leipzig & Wien. v. 1-8, 1902-9. Originale, v. 9-13; Referate, v. 9-14, 1910-15. Monatschr. f. Krim. - Pcychol. [etc.], Heidelb. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Berl. & Wien. Monatschr. f. orthop. Chir. [etc.], Berl. Monatschr. f. d. phys.-diâtet. Heilmeth. [etc.], Munchen. Monatschr. f. prakt. Balneol., Munchen. Monatschr. f. prakt. Tierh., Stuttg. Monatschr. f. prakt. Wasserh., Munchen. Monatschr. f. Psychiat. u. Neu- rol., Berl. Monatschr. f. Schul- u. soz. Hyg., Hamm. Monatschr. f. soziale Med., Jena. Monatschr. f. UnfaUheUk., Leipz. Monatsh. f. prakt. Dermat., Hamb. & Leipz. Monde dent., Par. Monde méd., Par. Monde méd., Par. Monde pharm., Par. Mondo med., NapoU. Monist, Chicago. Monit. scient., Par. Monit. therap., Par. Monitor de la farm. y de la te- rap., Madrid. Monitor méd., Lima. Monitore zool. ital. Monogr. RockefeUer Inst. M. Research, N. Y. Monatsschrift fur Kriminalpsychologie und Strafrechtsreform. Heidelberg. v. 1-11, 1904-5 to 1914-15. 8°. Monatsschrift fur Ohrenheilkunde und Laryngo-Rhinologie. BerUn und Wien. v. 1^9, 1867-1915. fol. & 8°. Monatsschrift fur orthopàdische Chirurgie und physikahsche Heilmethoden. Berlin, v. 1-8, 1901-8. 8°. Monatsschrift fur die physikalisch-diâtetischen Heilmethoden in der ârztUchen Praxis. Munchen. v. 1-2, 1909-10. 8°. [Continuation of: Bl. f. klin. Hydrotherap. Merged in: Zt- schr. f. phys. u. diàtet. Therap.] Monatsschrift fur praktische Balneologie. Offizielles Organ des allgemeinen deutschen Bâderverbandes. Munchen. v. 2-4, 1896-8. 8°. Monatsschrift fur praktische Tierheilkunde. Stuttgart, v. 1-26, 1889-1914. 8°. Monatsschrift fur praktische Wasserheilkunde und physikalische Heilmethoden. Munchen. y. 1-19, 1894-1912. 8°. [Merged in: Aerztl. Rundschau, and issued as supplément.] Monatsschrift fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie. Berlin, v. 1-38, 1897-1915. 8°. Monatsschrift fur Schul- und soziale Hygiène. Hamm (Westf.). v. 11-12, 1913-14. 8°. Monatsschrift fur soziale Medizin. Jena. v. 1, 1903-4. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. f. soziale Med. u. Hyg.] Monatsschrift fur Unfallheilkunde mit besonderer Berûcksichti- gung der Mechanotherapie und der Begutachtung Unfallver- letzter. Leipzig, v. 1-22, 1894-1915. 8°. Monatshefte fur praktische Dermatologie. Hamburg & Leipzig. v. 1-53, 1882-1911. 8°. [Continued as: Dermat. Wchnschr.] Monde (Le) dentaire. Journal des dentistes français. Paris. v. 4-10, 1890-96. 8°. Monde (Le) médical. Revue internationale de médecine et de thérapeutique. Paris, v. 9-24, 1899-1914. 8°. Monde (Le) médical (EngUsh édition). International Review of Medicine and Therapeutics. Paris, v. 22-26, 1912-16. 8°. Monde (Le) pharmaceutique. Paris, v. 4-33, 1874-1902. 4°. Mondo (II) médico. Rivista mensuale di medicina, chirurgia ed igiene. Napoli. v. 1-4, 1900-1903. 8°. Monist (The). Chicago, v. 1-26, 1890-1916. 8°. Moniteur (Le) scientifique. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-5, 1857-63; 2. s., v. 1-7, 1864-70; 3. s., v. 1-16, 1871-86; 4. s., v. 1-24, 1887- 1910; 5. s., v. 1-^, 1911-14. roy. 8°. Moniteur (Le) thérapeutique. Paris, v. 1-29, 1873-1902. 8°. Monitor CEI) de la farmacia y de la terapéutica. Revista decenal, cientifico-profesional. Madrid, v. 4-8, 1898-1902. roy. 8°. Monitor (El) médico. Lima. v. 1-12, 1885-97. sm. fol. Monitore zoologico italiano. Siena; Firenze. v. 1-26, 1890- 1915. 8°. Monographs of the Rockefeller Institute for Médical Research, New York. No. 1-6, 1911-16. 8°. [129] Monogr. Ser. Am. Ass. Conserv. Vision, N. Y. Month. BuU., Providence, R. I. Month. BuU. Am. Iron & Steel Inst., N. Y. Month. BuU. Bd. Health Mass., Bost. Month. BuU. Dep. Health City N. York. Month. BuU. Health Dep. Bost. Month. BuU. Indiana Bd. Health, Indianap. Month. BuU. N. Y. State Dep. Health, Albany. Month. BuU. Ohio State Bd. Health, Columbus. Month. Cycl. & M. BuU., PhUa. Month. Cycl. Pract. Med., PhUa. Month. Homœop. Rev., Lond. Month. Retrosp. Med. & Pharm., PhUa. Month. Weather Rev., Wash. Montpel. méd. Montréal M. J. Moody's Mag. Med., Atlanta. Morgagni. Morphol. Arb., Jena. Morphol. Arb. a. d. anat. u. zootom. Inst. d. k. Univ. Mun- ster i. W., Leipz. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz. Monograph Séries of the American Association for the Conserva- tion of Vision. New York. v. 1, 1911. 8°. Montana (State of). Bulletin of the Department of. Public Health. [See Bull. Dep. Pub. Health Montana.] Monthly (The) Bulletin. Designed to . . . présent a record of the pubUc health, mortality, and meteorology of Rhode Island. Providence, v. 1-23, 1888-9 to 1911. 8°. [Incomplète] Monthly Bulletin of the American Iron and Steel Institute. Published by the American Iron and Steel Institute. New York. v. 2-3, 1914-15. 8°. Monthly Bulletin of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts. Boston. N. s., v. 1-9, 1906-14. 8°. [Continued as: Pub. Health Bull. Mass.] Monthly Bulletin of the Department of Health of the City of New York. v. 1-6, 1911-16. 8<<. Monthly Bulletin of the Health Department of the City of Boston. Boston, v. 1, 1912. 8°. Monthly Bulletin Indiana State Board of Health. Indianapohs. v. 1-4, 1899-1902; v. 13-19, 1910-16.- 4°. Monthly Bulletin New York State Department of Health. Eugène H. Porter, Comm. of Health. Albany. N. s., v. 5-11, 1910-16. 8°. [Running title is: Health News.] Monthly Bulletin Ohio State Board of Health, Columbus. Co- lumbus. v. 1-4, 1911-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Quart. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health. Continued as: Ohio Pub. Health J.] Monthly Cyclopaedia and Médical Bulletin. PhUadelphia. v. 11-17 (n. s., 1-7), 1908-14. 8°. [Formed by consohdation of: Med. Bull., with the following:] Monthly (The) Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine and Universal Médical JournaL Philadelphia. v. 12-22 (n. s., v. 1-11), 1898-1908. 8°. [Continuation of: Univ. M. J., Phila. In 1902 "and Universal Médical Journal" dropped from title. In May, 1908, combined with: Med. Bull., forming the pre- ceding.] Monthly (The) Homœopathic Review. London. v. 1-51, 1856- 1907. 8°. [Continued as: Brit. Homœop. Rev.] Monthly Retrospect of Medicine and Pharroaey. PhUadelphia. v. 1-4, 1895-8. roy. 8°. Monthly Weather Review. United States of America. Depart- ment of Agriculture. Washington, v. 1-32; v. 38-40, 1891- 1912. 4°. [Numbers incomplète] Montpellier médical. Montpellier, v. L-50, 1858-83; 2. s., v. 1-17, 1883-91; n. s., v. 14-39, 1902-14. 8°. [In 1892-1901 title was: N. Montpel. méd.] Montréal (The) Médical Journal. Montréal, v. 17-39, 1888- 1910. 8°. [Merged in: Canad. M. Ass. J.] Moody's Magazine of Medicine. A medico-surgical Uterary maga- zine. Atlanta, Ga. v. 1, 1896. 8°. [Continued as: Mag. Med., Atlanta.] Moravskâ Komora lekarska pro Cleny Nârodnosti ceské. [See Casop. lék. cesk., v Praze] Morgagni (U). NapoU; Milano. v. 1-58, 1857-1916. 8°. [After v. 26, 1884, issued in two parts: Archivio (monthly), Rivista (every 5. day).] Morgan County Médical Society. [See J. Morgan Ce M. Soc, JacksonvUle, 111.] Morphologische Arbeiten. Hrsg. von Gustav Schwalbe. Jena. v. 1-8, 1891-8. 8°. Morphologische Arbeiten aus dem anatomischen und zootomi- schen Institut der kônigUchen Universitat Munster i. W. Leipzig, v. 1, 1905. 8°. Morphologisches Jahrbuch (Gegenbaur's). v. 1-49, 1875-1915. 15259°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries—K [130] Morsk. Vrach, S.-Peterb. Mosk. Obsh. Borbî s DIetsk. Smertn. Publ. lekts. Mouvement hyg., Brux. Mouvement méd., Par. Movimento med., Coimbra. Mt. Sinai Hosp. Rep., N. Y. Munchen. med. Abhandl. Munchen. med. Wchnschr. Munchen. tierârztl. Wchnschr. Mulford Dig., PhUa. Municip. Affaire, N. Y. Municip. Ree & San. J., Edinb. Mus. de l'Hôp. St.-Louis. Ico- nog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par. Museumskunde, Berl. Mutter u. Kind, Wien u. Leipz. Mutterschutz, Frankf. a. M. Mycol. Centralbl., Jena. Morselli (Enrico). [See Ricerche di psichiat. . . . ded. al Enrico Morselli [etc.], Milano.] Morskoï Vrach. Yezhemïesyachnîy zhurnal izdavoyemîy ITpra- vleniyem Glavnavo Meditsinskavo Inspektora Flota. [The Naval Physician. A monthly journal issued by the Bureau of the Chief Médical Inspecter of the Fleet.) [Successor to: Med. Pribav. k Morsk. Sborniku, S.-Peterb.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-4, 1911-14. 8°. Moskovskoye Obshtshestvo Borbî s Dïetskoï Smertnostyu. [Mos- cow Society for the Struggle with the MortaUty of ChUdren.] Publichnîya lektsii. Moskva, 1911. 8°. Moskovsko-Peterburgskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo. [See Dnevnik syezda Mosk.-Peterb. Med. Obsh.] Moskovskoye Obshtshestvo Vererinarnîkh Vracheï. [See Vet. Obozr., Mosk.] Moskovskoye Odontologicheskoye Obshtshestvo. [Moscow Odon- tological Society.] [See Odont. Obozr., Mosk.] Mouvement (Le) hygiénique. Bruxelles, v. 1-23,1884-1907. 8°. Mouvement (Le) médical. Revue mensuelle des actualités médi- cales et chirurgicales. Paris, v. 1-2, 1913-14. 4°. Movimento médico. Revista quinzenal de medicina e cirurgia. Coimbra. v. 4-5, 1904-5 to 1905-6. 4°. Mount Sinai Hospital Reports, v. 1-5, 1898-1906. New York. 1899-1907. 8°. Mûller's Archiv. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Arch. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wissensch. Med.] Mûnchener Gesellschaft fur KinderheUkunde [See Verhandl. d. Munchen. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh.] Mûnchener medicinische Abhandlungen. Munchen. Hft. 1-74, 1891-8. 8°. Mûnchener medizinische Wochenschrift. Munchen. v. 33-63, 1886-1916. fol. Mûnchener tierârztliche Wochenschrift. Munchen. v. 53-66, 1909-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Wchnschr. f. Tierh. u. Vieh- zucht.] Mulford Digest (The). Devoted particularly to serum-therapy, bacterin-therapy, vaccine-therapy, immunization, and drug standardization. George M. Gould, éditer. Philadelphia. v. 1-3, 1912-15. 8°. Municipal Affairs. Issued at quarterly intervais. New York. No. 2, v. 2, June, 1898. 8°. Municipal (The) Record and Sanitary Journal. Edinburgh. v. 1, 1902-3. 8°. [Continuation of: San. Jour. Continued as: County & Municip. Ree] Musée (Le) de l'Hôpital Saint>Louis. Iconographie des maladies cutanées et syphilitiques, avec texte explicatif. Paris. Fase 1-50, 1895-7. fol. Musei di zoologia e anatomia comparata deUa r. Università di Genova. [See Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Genova.] Museo zoologico deUa r. Università di Napoli. [See Annuario ■ d. Mus. zool. d. r. Univ. di Napoli.] Muséum of Comparative Zoôlogy, at Harvard Collège. [See Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv.] Museumskunde. Zeitschrift fur Verwaltung und Technik off en t- licher und priva ter Sammlungen. BerUn. v. 1-3,1905-7. 4°. Mutter und Kind. Illustrierte Halbmonatsschrift fur Kinder- pflege, Erziehung und Frauenhygiene. Wien und Leipzig, v. 2-3, 1905-6 to 1906-7. 8°. Mutterschutz. Zeitschrift zur Reform der sexuellen Ethik. Frankfurt am Main. v. 1-3, 1905-7. 8°. [Continued as: Sex.-Problème.] Mvcologisches Centralblatt. Hrsg. von C. Wehmer. Jena. v. 1-5, 1912-14. 8°. [131] N. tT. Albany M. Herald. N. Am. J. Diagn. & Pract., St. Louis. N. Am. J. Homœop., N. Y. N. Am. M. Rev., Kansas City. N. Am. Pract., Chicago. N. Arch. d'obst. et de gynée, Par. N. cimento, Pisa. N. Eng. Druggist, Bost. N. Eng. M. Gaz., Bost. N. Eng. M. Month. N. Ercolani, Pisa. N. gior. d. più récente lett. med.- chir. d' Europa, Milano. N. Hampshire San. BuU., Con- cord. N. Hampshire San. J., Concord. N. Heilkunst. N. iconog. de la Salpêtrière, Par. N. Jersey Dent. J., E. Orange. N. med. Presse, Berl. N. médie, Brux. N. Mexico M. J., Las Vegas. N. Montpel. méd. N. Montpel. méd. Suppl. New Albany (The) Médical Herald. 36, 1893-1916. 8°. New Albany, Ind. v. 13- North American (The) Journal of Diagnosis and Practice. De- voted to the interests of the practitioner. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1-5, 1898-1902. 8°. North American (The) Journal of Homœopathy. New York. v. 2-18, 1852-70; n. s., v. 1-15, 1870-85; 3. s., v. 1-31, 1885- 1916. 8°. North American (The) Médical Review. A monthly médical magazine. Kansas City, Mo. v. 2-7, 1894-9. 8°. [Continu- ation of: Kansas & Missouri Valley M. Index. Continued as Medicus.] North American (The) Practitioner. Chicago, v. 1-11,1889-99. 8°. [Merged in: Med. Standard.] Nouvelles archives d'obstétrique et de gynécologie, v. 4-10, 1889-95. 8°. [Continued as: Gynécologie, and: Obstétrique] Nuovo (II) cimento. Pisa. 3. s., v. 21-36,1887-94; 4. s., v. 1-12, 1895-1900; 5. s., v. 1-4, 1901-2. 8°. New (The) England Druggist. Boston, v. 11-15, 1899-1903. 4°. [Continued as: Apoth. & N. Eng. Drug.] New England (The) Médical Gazette. Boston, v. 1-51, 1866- 1916. New England Médical Monthly. Danbury, Conn.; Boston, Mass. v. 1-30, 1881-1911; Nos. 1-2, v. 31, 1912. 8°. [In 1897, "The Prescription" merged in this journal, and added to title In March, 1912, merged in: Am. Pract. & News, form- ing: Am. Pract.] Nuovo (U) Ercolani. Archivio quindicinale di veterinaria e zootecnia. Pisa. v. 9-21, 1904-16. 8°. Nuovo giornale deUa più récente letteratura medico-chirurgica d' Europa. Milano. v. 1-10,1791-6. 8°. New Hampshire Sanitary Bulletin. PubUshed quarterly by the State Board of Health. Concord. v. 1-3, 1900-1911. 8°. [Continued as: Quart. Bull. State Bd. Health N. Hampshire, Concord.] New Hampshire Sanitary Journal. Concord, N. H. 1898-9. 8°. Concord, N. H. v. 1, [See Quart. Bull. State New Hampshire State Board jt Health. Bd. Health N. HampshLxe, Concord.] Neue (Die) Heilkr.ast. FamUienblatt. Berlin; Leipzig, v. 1-14, 1889-190°. fol. [To replace abbreviation: N. Heilk., printed in 1. o.] Nouvelle iconographie de la Salpêtrière, chnique des maladies du système nerveux. Paris, v. 1-27, 1888-1914. 8°. New Jersey Agricultural Collège Experiment Station. [See Rep. Biol. Dep. N. Jersey Agrie Coll. Exper. Station.] New (The) Jersey Dental Journal. PubUshed monthly by the New Jersey State Dental Society. East Orange, N. J. v. 3-5, 1914-16. 8°. Neue medicinische Presse. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1901-3. 4°. Nouveaux (Les) médicaments. Bruxelles, v. 2-4,1902-4. 4°. New Mexico (The) Médical Journal. Las Vegas, N. Mex. v. 5-15, 1909-10 to 1915-16. 8°. [Continuation of: J. N. Mexico M. Soc] New Mexico Médical Society. [See J. N. Mexico M. Soc, Albuquerque] Nouveau MontpeUier médical. MontpelUer & Paris. N. s., v. 1-13,1892-1901. 8°. [Title, from 1892-1901, of : Montpel. méd.] Nouveau Montpellier méd ical. Supplément bi-mensuel. Mon t- pellier & Paris, v. 1-7, 1892-8. [132] N. Orl. M. & S. J. N. Philosophy, Lancaster, Pa. N. progr. internaz. med.-chir., NapoU. N. rac. d' opuse scient, e filol., Venezia. N. raccogUtore med., Imola. N. recop. de monog. mexican., Mexico. N. riv. cUn.-terap., NapoU. N. scuola med. napol. N. Therap., Wien. N. traité de méd. et de therap., Par. N. Verhandel. d. eerste klasse v. h. K.-Nederl. Inst. v. Weten- sch. ... te Amst. N. York Eclect. M. & S. J., Rochester. N. York Eye & Ear Infirm. Rep. N. York Lancet. N. York M. Exam. N. York M. J. [etc.]. N. York M. Reporter. N. York M. Times. N. York PolycUn. New Orléans (The) Médical and Surgical Journal. New <)rleans. v. 1-23, 1873 to June, 1S96; v. 19-68, Julv, 1SÎMJ, to June, 1916. 8°. New (The) Philosophy. A quarterly magazine devoted to the interests of the Swedenborg Scientific Association. Lancaster & Bryn Athyn, Pa. v. 13-18, 1910-15. 8°. Nuovo (II) progresso internazionale medico-chirurgico. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1904-5. fol. Nuova raccolta d' opuscoU scientifici e filologici. Venezia. 42 v. 1755-87. 16°. [Sec, also, Rac. d' opuse scient, e filol., Venezia, in 1. s., 1895, xvi, List of Abbreviations.] Nuovo (II) raccogUtore médico. medicina e chirurgia. Imola. Rassegna coUettiva mensile di v. 1-4, 1902-5. 8°. Nueva recopilacion de monografias mexicanas y tésis inaugurales de materia médica. Mexico. 2 v. 1895-7. fol. Nuova (La) rivista clinico-terapeutica. Napoli. v. 1-17, 1898- 1914. 8°. [Continuation of: Riv. clin, e terap.] Nuova (La) scuola medica napoUtana. Napoli. Anno 10-11, 1893-94; v. 18-29, 1902-14. 8°. [Volumes for 1909 and 1910 both numbered 25.] Neue Thérapie Monatsschrift fur praktische Aerzte. Wien. v. 3-6, 1905-8. 8°. Nouveau traité de médecine et de thérapeutique. Publié en fas- cicules sous la direction de P. Brouardel et A. Gilbert. Paris. Nos. 1-12, 15, 17, 22, 24, 25, 27, 31, 39, 1905-12. 8°. Nieuwe Verhandelingen der eerste klasse van het KoninkUjk- Nederlandsche Instituut van Wetenschappen, Letterkunde en schoone Kunsten te Amsterdam. Amsterdam. St. 1, v. 5, 1834; St. 2, v. 7, 1837; St. 1, v. 8, 1839; v. 9, [n. d.]. 4°. New York City Department of Health. Health City N. York.] [See Month. Bull. Dep. New York Eclectic Médical and Surgical Journal, adapted to popular and professional reading. Rochester. Nos. 1, 4, 5, July, October, November, 1850; No. 7, January, 1851. 8°. New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Reports. New York. v. 1-11, 1894-1904. 8°. New York Homœopathic Médical Collège. [See Chironian. N. Y.] New York Lancet, with which is incorporated : The Archives of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Pediatrics. New York. v. 4-5, 1898-9; v. 21-22, 1900-1901. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Lan- cet, N. Y. Combined with: J. Electrother., N. Y., forming: J. Advane Therap.] New York Médical Association. [See N. York State J. M., N.Y.] New York (The) Médical Examiner, v. 1-3; No. 1, v. 4, April, 1891, to April, 1894. 4°. [Continued as: Med. Exam.] New York (The) Médical Journal; incorporating The Philadel- phia Médical Journal and The Médical News. A weekly re- view of medicine. New York. v. 1-103, 1865-1916. fol. New York State Médical Reporter. 1894-6. 8° Rochester, N. Y. v. 1-3, New York Médical Times. New York. v. 9-24, 1881-96. roy. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Times, N. Y.] New York Odontological Society. [See Dental & Oral Se Ma" , N. Y.] New York (The) Polyclinie New York. v. 1-12, 1893-8 roy. 8°. New York PolycUnic Médical School and Hospital. [See Inter- nat. Clin. Week, N. Y.] New York Post-Graduate Médical School and Hospital. [See Contrib. Se Med. & Surg. . . . founding of N. Y Post-Grad M. Sch. & Hosp.] [133] N. York State J. M., N. Y. N. York Therap. Rev. N. York Univ. BuU. M. Se N. Yorker med. Monatschr. N. Zealand M. J., Dunedin. N. Zealand M. J., Wellington. N. Zealand Off. Year-Book, Wel- Ungton, N. Z. Nachr. u. deutsch. Alterthumsf., Berl. Nachr. v. d. k. GeseUsch. d. Wis- sensch. zu Gôtting. Geschâftl. Mitth. Naleez. v. d. Artz, of geneesh., Amst. Narodn. zdrav., Beograd. Narodn. Zdrav., S.-Peterb. NashvUle J. M. & S. Nat. Acad. Se Biog. Mem., Wash. Nat. Ass. Prev. Consumpt. Tr. Nat. Ass. RaUway Surg. Off. Rep., Chicago. [See Proc. Conf. New York Public Library. [See Bull. N. Y. Pub. Libr.] New York State Agricultural Society. [See Tr. N. York Agric Soc, Albany.] New York State Charities Aid Association . . . Prev. Tubere, N. Y.] New York State Department of Health. [See Month. Bull. N. Y. State Dep. Health.] New York State Hospitals. [See Arch. Neurol. & Psycho-Path. Also: Contrib. Path. Inst. N. Y. State Hosp. Also: Psychiat. Bull. Also: State Hosp. Bull.] New York (The) State Journal of Medicine. Published monthly by the New York State Médical Association. New York. v. 1-16, 1901-16. - 4°. New York State Médical Association. [See N. York State J. M. Also: Tr. N. York M. Ass.] New York Surgical Society. [See Tr. N. Y. Surg. Soc] New York (The) Therapeutic Review. New York. v. 1-4, 1893-6. 8°. [Continued as: BuU. Pasteur Inst.] New York (The) University Bulletin of the Médical Sciences. New York. v. 1-2, 1901-2. 8°. New Yorker medicinische Monatsschrift. New York. v. 3-26, 1891 to 1915-16. 8°. New Zealand (The) Médical Journal. Dunedin. v. 2-9, 1888- 96. 8°. New Zealand (The) Médical Journal. WelUngton, N. Z. v. 1- 15, 1900-1901 to 1915-16. 8°. New Zealand (The) Officiai Year-Book 1897. Wellington, N. Z. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Nachrichten ûber deutsche Alterthumsforschung. Berlin, v. 1-13, 1890-1902. 8°. [Supplément to: Ztschr. f. Ethnol.] Nachrichten von der konigl. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gôttingen. Geschàftliche Mittheilungen. Gôttingen. 1894-7; 1905-14. roy. 8°. Naleezing van den Artz, of geneesheer. Amsterdam, v. 1-4, 1772-5. 8°. Narodno zdravlje; lekarske pouke narodu. Dodatek Srpskom arhivu za celokupno lekarstvo, organu Srpskog lekarskog drustva. [Public health; médical instruction for the people. Supplément to: Servian archives of ail branches of medicine; oro-an of the Servian Médical Society.] Beograd. v. 3-19, 1898-1914. 8°. Narodnoye Zdraviye. [Public Health.] S.-Peterburg. v. 2, 1901; Nos. 1-30, 32-40, v. 3, 1902. 4°. NashvUle (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. NashvUle, Tenn. v. 1-21, 1851-61; n. s., v. 1-110, 1886-1916. 8°. National Academy of Sciences. [See Proc. Nat. Acad. Se, Balt. Also: Rep. Nat. Acad. Se, Wash. Also, the following:] National Academy of Sciences. Biographical Memoirs. Wash- ington, v. 1-7, 1877-1913. 8°. National Association of Master Plumbers of the United States of America. [See Proc. Nat. Ass. Master Plumbers.] National Association for the Prévention of Consumption and other Forms of Tuberculosis. [See Tuberculosis, Lond. Also, the following:] National Association for the Prévention of Consumption and other Forms of Tuberculosis. Transactions. 2 , Edinburgh, 1910; 3., 4., & 5., London, 1911-13. 4 v. 4°. [See, also, Tuberculosis, Lond.] National (The) Association of Railway Surgeons Officiai report of the annual meetings. Chicago, 111. 5.-6., 1892-3 [Continuation of: [Off. Tr.] Nat. Ass. Railway Surg. cage] 8° Chi- [134] Nat. Ass. Study & Prev. Tubere Tr. Nat. Bd. Health Mag., N. Y. Nat. ChUd Labor Com. Proc, N. Y. Nat. Confer. Inf. Mortal. Proc, Westminster. Nat. Guard Gaz., Columbus. Nat. Hosp. Ree Nat. Hosp. & San. Ree. Nat. M. Rev., Wash. Nat. Se, Edinb. & Lond. Natur, Leipz. Naturarztl. Ztschr., Chemnitz i. S. Nature, Lond. Nature, Par. Naturopath, N. Y. Naturw. Rundschau, Brnschwg. Naturw. Wchnschr., Berl. Naturwissenschaften, Berl. National Association for the Study of Epilepsy and the Care and Treatment of Epileptics. [See Tr. Nat. Assoc. Study Epilepsy, N. Y.] National (The) Association for the Study and Prévention of Tu- berculosis. Transactions, [v.p.] 1. -11., 1905-15. 8°. National Association of United States Pension Examining Sur- geons. [SeeTr. Nat. Ass. U. S. Pension Exam. Surg., Rochest., N. Y.] National (The) Board of Health Magazine. New York. v. 9-10, 1895-6. 8°. National Child Labor Committee. Proceedings of the third annual meeting. New York. v. 3-4, 1907-8. 8°. National Confédération of State Médical Examining and Li- censing Boards. [See Tr. Nat. Confed. State M. Exam. Bds., Easton, Pa.] National Conférence on Infantile MortaUty. Report of the pro- ceedings of the National Conférence on Infantile MortaUty. Westminster. 1906; 1908. 2 v. 8°. National Conférence on PeUagra. [See Tr. Nat. Conf. on PeUagra, Columbia, S. C] National Dental Association. [See J. Nat. Dent. Ass., Hunting- ton, Ind. Also: Offie Bull. Nat. Dent. Ass., Huntington, Ind. Also: Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass.] National Guard (The) Gazette. Devoted to the interests of National Guardsmen. Columbus, O. v. 1, 1897. 8°. National (The) Hospital Record. Détroit, Mich. v. 4-11, 1900-1907. 8°. [Continuation of: Nat. Hosp. & San. Ree Continued as: Internat. Hosp. Ree] National (The ) Hospital and Sanitarium Record. Détroit, Mich. v. 1-3; No. 1, v. 4, 1897-1900. 4° & 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] National Médical Association. [See J. Nat. M. Ass., Tuskegee, Ala.] National (The) Médical Review. Washington, D. C. v. 1-11, 1892-1901. 8°. National Médical Society. [See Kokka Iji Kwai Zasshi.] National Society of Electro-Therapeutics. [See Tr. Nat. Soc. Electrother., N. Y.] Natural Science. A monthly review of scientific progress. Ed- inburgh & London. No. 85, v. 14, 1899. 8°. Natur. Zeitschrift der deutschen naturwissenschaftUchen Ge- sellschaft. Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1910-15. 8°. Naturârztliche Zeitschrift. Chemnitz i. S. v. 1-3,1890-92. 8°. [Continued as: Physiat. Rundschau.] Nature A weekly illustrated journal of science. London v. 1-96, 1869-1915. 4°. Nature (La). Paris, v. 15-30, 1886-1902. 4°. Naturforschende Gesellschaft in Zurich. [See Festschr. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Zurich.] Naturhistorischer Verein der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens. [See Sitzungsb. hrsg. v. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. WestfaL, Bonn.] Naturopath (The) and Herald of Health. Formerly The Kneirm Water Cure Monthly. New York. v. 3-10, 1902-9. 8°. NaturwissenschaftUche Rundschau. Wôçhentliche Berichte ûber die Fortschritte auf dem Gesamtgebiete der Naturwissen- schaften. Braunschweig. v. 20-22, 1905-7. 4°. [In j913 continued as: Naturwissensehaften.] NaturwissenschaftUche Wochenschrift. Berlin. F., v. 3-6), 1903-7. roy. 8°. Naturwissenschaften (Die). Berlin, v. 1-3, 191 [Continuation of: Naturw. Rundschau.] 19-22 (n. • roy. 8°. [135] Natuur en Wetensch., Gent. Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indië, Batav. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. d. Bataaf- sche Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de k. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haar- lem, Amst. Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Maat- sch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst. Nederl. Cong. v. openb. Gznd- hdsreg., Amst. Nederl. gasth. v. . . . oogUjders ... te Utrecht. Nederl. Maandschr. v. Verlosk. [etc.], Leiden. Nederl. mil, geneesk. Arch.[ete]. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk., Amst. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. Versl. d. . . . Internat. Oogh. Cong. te Utrecht, Amst. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Geneesk. De ziekenverpleg. [etc.] Ar- tikelen . . . Catalog. d. Hist.- Geneesk. Tentoonst. te Arn- hem, Amst. Nederl. Tijdschr. v. Verlosk. en Gynaee, Haarlem. Nel xxv anno d' insegn. univ. d. Prof. D. Barduzzi, Livorno. Neue Génération, Berl. Natuur en Wetenschap. Gent. v. 1, 1914. 8°. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië. v. 1—57, 1850—98. 8°. Batavia. Natuurkundige ^ erhandelmgen van de Bataafsche Maatschappij ?^oWe^nschappen te Haarlem. Amsterdam, v. 1-2, 1799- u j L" [Continued as: Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de k. Maat- sch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem, Amst.] Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de koninkUjke (voorhen Bataafsche) Maatschappij der Wetenschappen te Haarlem Amsterdam, y. 3-5,1807-9. 8°. [Continuation of: Natuurk! Verhandel. v. de Bataafsche MaatsCh. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem Amst., and continued as: Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de Maatsch d. Wetensch. të Haarlem, Amst.] Natuurkundige Verhandelingen van de Maatschappij der Weten- schappen te Haarlem. Amsterdam, v. 6, 1812. 8° [Con- tinuation of: Natuurk. Verhandel. v. de k. Maatsch. d. We- tensch. te Haarlem, Amst., and continued as: Natuurk. Ver- handel. v. de Holland. Maatsch. d. Wetensch. te Haarlem Seel.s.] Naukovo Tovaristvo imeni Shevchenka. [âevcenko-Gesell- schaft der Wissenschaften.] [See Zbirn. mat.-prir.-lïk. sekts. [etc.], Lvov. Also: Zbirn. sekts. mat.-prir.-lïk. [etc.], Lvov.] Nederlandsche centrale Vereeniging tôt bestrijding der tuber- culose. [See Tubere Org. v. de Nederl. centr. Vereen. [etc.], 'sGravenh.] Nederlandsch Congres voor GezondheidsregeUng. [See Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. en openb. gzndhdsreg., ZwoUe] Nederlandsch Congres voor openbare GezondheidsregeUng 1.-2., 1896-7. Amsterdam. 2 v. 1896-8. 8°. Nederlandsch (Het) gasthuis voor behoeftige en minvermogende oogUjders, gevestigd te Utrecht. 28.-32. jaarliksch verslag, met No. 21-32 der Wetenschappelijke bijbladen. Utrecht 1 v. 1887-91. 8°. Nederlandsch Maandschrift voor Verloskunde en Vrouwen- ziekten en voor Kindergeneeskunde Leiden. v. 1-5, 1912- 16. 8°. Nederlandsch mihtairgeneeskundig Archief van de Landmacht, Zeemacht, het Oost- en West-Indisch Léger. Utrecht; Leiden. v. 1-24, 1877-1900. 8°. Nederlandsche psychologische Vereeniging. [See Psychol. Bi- bUoth., Amst/] Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. Amsterdam. v. 1-8, 1857-64; 2. R., v. 1-52, 1865-1916. 8°. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. Verslag der Alge- meene Zittingen van het negende Internationale Oogheelkun- dig Congres te Utrecht 14-18 Augustus 1899. Amsterdam. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde. De ziekenverple- ging en de zorg Voor de openbare gezondheidin de laatste 50 jaren. Artikelen, geschreven voor den Catalogus der Histo- risch-Geneeskungdige Tentoonstelling te Arnhem Juli 1899. Amsterdam. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Verloskunde en Gynaecologie. Haarlem. v. 1-25, 1889-1915. 8°. Nederlandsche Vereeniging tôt Bevoïdering der Belangen van Verpleegsters en Yerplegers. [See Nosokomos. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Vereen. . . . v. Verpleeg.] Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Psychiatrie en Neurologie. [See Psychiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst.] Nel xxv anno d' insegnamento universitario del Prof. D. Bar- duzzi, mdccclxxxvi-mcmx. Livorno. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Neue (Die) Génération. Herausgeberin: Dr. Hélène Stocker. Publikationsorgan des Bundes fur "Mutterschutz. Berlin. v. 4-11, 1908-15. 8°. [136] Neurographs, Brooklyn. Neurol. Centralbl., Leipz. Neurol. polska, Warszawa. Neuropath. Papers, Harvard Univ. M. School, Bost. Névraxe, Louvain. Nevrol. Vestnik, Kazan. Nice-mêd. Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zas- shi, Tokyo. Nord méd., LUI e. Nord. med. Ark., Stockholm. Nord. med. Ark., S tockholm. Festbd. af Axel Key . . . Nord. Tidsskr. f. Terapi, KpTjenh. Normandie méd., Rouen. Noues Krankenhaus der Stadt Nûrnberg. [See. Festschr. z. Er- offn. d. n. Krankenh. d. Stadt Nûrnb.] Neues Privatkrankenhaus und Augenheilanstalt. [See Paracel- sus. N. Privatkrankenh. u. Augenheilanst.] Neumann (Isidor). [See Beitr. z. Dermat. u. Syph. Festschr. ... I. Neumann.] Neurocomio privato di Messina. [See Boll. d. neurocomio priv. di Messina.] Neurographs. A séries of neurological studies, cases, and notes. Brooklyn. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, 1907-15. 8°. Neurologisches Centralblatt. Leipzig, v. 1-34, 1882-1915. 8°. Neurologia polska; dwumiesiecznik poswiecony neuropatologii, psychiatrii i psychologii eksperymentalnej. [Polish neurol- ogy; abimonthly devoted to neuropjathology, psychiatrics, and expérimental psychology.] Warszawa. v. 1^, 1910-14. 8°. Neurological Laboratory, Harvard Médical School. [See Dep. Neurol. Harv. M. Sch. Contrib. [etc.], Bost.] Neurological Laboratory of the Philadelphia Polyclinic [See Init. Rep. Neurol. Lab. Phila. Polyclin., N. Y.] Neurologisches Institut an der Wiener Universitat. [See Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ.] Neuropathological Papers, 1906 and 1907, Harvard University Médical School. Boston. 1 v. 1906-7. 8°. Nevada Medicine. [See Denver M. Times [etc.].] Névraxe (Le). Recueil de neurologie normale et pathologie. PubUé par A. Van Gehuchten. Louvain. v. 1-15, 1900- 1913. 8°. Nevrologicheskiy Vestnik. Organ Obshtshestva Nevropatologov i Psikhiatrov pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universitetïe. [Neurological Courier. Organ of the Society of Neuropatholo- gists and Psychiatrists, at the Impérial University of Kazan.] Kazan. v. 1-20, 1893-1913. 8°. Nice-médical. Organe officiel de la Société de médecine et de climatologie de Nice. Nice. v. 1-26, 1876-1901. 8°. Nihonbashi-ku Sanitary Association. [See J. Nihonbashi-ku San. Ass., Tokyo.] Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi. [Gazette of the Society of OcuUsts of Japan.] Tokyo, v. 1-19, 1897-1915. 8°. von Noorden (C.) Medizinische KUnik. [See Beitr. z. Carci- nomforsch., Berl. u. Wien.] Nord (Le) médical. Lille. Nos. 1-413, v. 1-18,1894-1911. 4°. [Continued as: Gaz. d. prat.] Nordischer Kongress fur innere Medicin. [See Verhandl. d. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med. zu Kopenh., Stockholm.] Nordisk kirurgisk forening. [See Forh. v. nord, kirurg. foren. 3 : je mode i Helsingfors, Stockholm, 1897.] Nordisk Kongres for indre Medicin i Kristiania. [See Foredr. og disk. p. 2den nord. kong. f. indre med., Kristiania.] Nordiska Kongress for invârtes medicin. [See Fôrhandl. v. nord. Kong. f. inv. med., Stockholm.] Nordiskt medicinskt Arkiv. Stockholm, v. 1-22, 1862-90: n. F., v. 1-11, 1891-1900; Kirurgi, 3. F., v. 1-14, 1901-14; Inre Medicin, 3. F., v. 1-12, 1901-12. 8°. Nordiskt medicinskt Arkiv. Festband af kamrater och làrjungar tillegnadt Axel Key med anledning af hans trettiofemàriga verksamhet sâsom professor i patologisk anatomi vid Karolinska mediko-kirurgiska Institutet i Stockholm den 28 mars 1897. Stockholm. Forms v. 30 (n. F., v. 8, in 2 parts) of: Nord. med. Ark., 1897. 8°. Nordisk TidsskrUt for Terapi. K0benhavn. v. 1-12, 1902-3 to 1913-14. 8°. Normandie (La) médicale. Rouen. Années 1-30,1885-1915. 8°. [137] Norsk Mag. f. Lœgevidensk., Kristiania. Norsk Tidsskr. f. MU.-Med., Kris- tiania. North Car. M. J. Northumberland & Durham M. J. Northwest. Druggist, Minneap. Northwest. Lancet, St. Paul. Northwest Med., Seattle. Northwest. Sanitarian, Kenosha. Nosokômos. Notas méd., VaUadoUd. Note e riv. di psichiat., Pesaro. Notes on new remédies, N. Y. Nothnagel's Encycl. Pract. Med. PhUa. & Lond. Nourrisson, Par. Nouv. remèdes, Par. Novê zdravî, Praha. Novoye v Med., S.-Peterb. Now. lek., Poznan. Now. terap., Warszawa. Norsk Magazin for Lœgevidenskaben. v. 1-10, 1840-45; 2 R , v. 1-24, 1847-70; 3. R., v. 1-15, 1871-85; 4. R., v. 1-17, 1886- 1902; 5. R., v. 1-13, 1903-15. 8°. Norsk TidsskrUt for Militaermedicin. Udgivet af det MUitser- medicinske Selskab i Kristiania. Kristiania. v. 6-19. 1901- 15. 8°. Norske l8egem0de [See Forh. . . . d. 6te norske lsegem^de . . '. Kristiania.] North CaroUna Board of Health. [See Bull. N. Car. Bd. Health, Raleigh.] North CaroUna (The) Médical Journal. WUmington. v 1-44, 1878-99. 8°. [Continued as: CaroUna M. J.] North DakotaMedical Society. [See Proc. North DakotaM. Soc, Grand Forks. Also: Tr. N. Dakota M. Soc] North Dakota State Médical Association. [See Journal-Lancet, Minneap.] Northumberland (The) and Durham Médical Journal. New- castle-upon-Tyne. v. 2-22, 1894-1914. 8°. [Suspended.] Northwestern Druggist, MinneapoUs. v. 10-15, 1909-14. 4°. Northwestern Lancet. St. Paul, Minn. v. 1-25,1881-1905. 8°. [Continued as: J. Minn. M. Ass.] Northwest Medicme. Seattle, v. 1-7, 1903 to July,. 1909; n. s., v. 1-8, 1909-1916. 8°. Northwestern (The) Sanitarian. A monthly journal devoted to sanitary science and préventive medicine for the people. Kenosha, Wisconsin. v. 1-2, 1894-5. 8°. Northwestern University Médical School. [See Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. Sch. Also: Quart. Bull. Northwest. Univ. Med. Sch.] Northwestern University School of Pharmacy. [See Apothecary, Chicago.] Nosokômos. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Vereeniging tôt Bevordering der Belangen van Verpleegsters en Verplegers. Amsterdam, v. 1-16, 1900-1916. 8*. Notas médicas. Revista cientffica mensual. VaUadoUd. v. 2-4 (Nos. 13-39), 1909-11. 8°. Note e riviste di psichiatria. Diario del San Benedetto-Manico- mio provinciale di Pesaro. Pesaro. 3. s., v. 1-7, 1908-14. 8°. Notes on new remédies. New York. v. 1-15,1888-1904. 4°. Nothnagel's Encyclopedia of Practical Medicine. Philadelphia & London. 2 v. 1902. 8°. [Translation of : Spee Path. u. Therap. (Nothnagel).] Nourrisson (Le). Revue d'hygiène et de la pathologie de la première enfance. Paris, v. 1-3, 1913-15. 8°. Nouveaux (Les) remèdes. Paris, v. 1-18, 1885-1902. 8°. Nové zdravi; mësfcnfk pro pokrok ve zdravotnictvf verejném i osobnim a pro vseobecné ozdravëni. [Health News; monthly of progress in public and private hygiène, and in gênerai saluta- tion.] Praha. v. 1-2, 1913-14. 8°. Novoye v Meditsinïe. Zhurnal, posvyashtshonnîy voprosam prakticheskoï meditsinî. [What is New in Medicine. Jour- nal devoted to practical medicine.] S.-Peterburg. v. 2-8, 1908-14. 8°. Nowiny lekarskie; organ wydzialu lekarskiego towarzystwa przyjaciol nauk Poznanskiego. [Médical News; organ of the médical section of the Scientific Society of Posen.] Poznan. v. 11-26, 1899-1914. 8°. Nowiny terapeutyczne; czasopismo, poswiecone najnowszym zdobyczom terapii. [Therapeutic News; journal devoted to the most récent attainments in therapy.] Warszawa. Nos. 1-10, v. 1, 1907. 4°. [138] Nuevos remedios, Madrid. Nurse, Jamestown, N. Y. Nurses' J. Pacific Coast, San Fran. Nursing Notes, Lond. Nursing Ree, Lond. Nursing Times, Lond. Nursing World. Nuevos (Los) remedios. Periodico quincenal do terapéutica, quf- mica médica, hidrologfa y farmacologia. Madrid, v. 1-12, 1888-99. 8°. Nurse (TheL Monthly journal of practical knowledge. town, N. Y. v. 1-4, 1914-16. 8°. James- v. 1-8, Nurses' Journal of the Pacific Coast. San Francisco. 1905-12. 8°. [Continued as: Pacific Coast J. Nurs.] Nursing Notes. A practical journal for nurses. Being the jour- nal of the Workhouse Infirmary and Nursing Association and The Midwives' Institute and Trained Nurses Club. London. No. 100, v. 9, AprU, 1896. roy. 8°. Nursing (The) Record. London. v. 1-28, 1888-1902. 4°. [Continued as: Brit. J. Nursing.] Nursing (The) Times. London. v. 1-3, 1905-7. 8°. Nursing (The) World. A monthly magazine devoted to the theory and practice of modem nursing. Providence, R. I.; New York. v. 1-7, 1894-1900. 8°. O. Obozr. Psikhiat. S.-Peterb. Nevrol. [etc.], Obshtsh.-san. Obozr., S.-Peterb. Obshtshestven. Vrach, Mosk. Obozieniye Psikhiatrii, Nevrologii i Eksperimentalnoï Psikholo- gii. Yezhemïesyachnîy zhurnal posvyashtshonnîy psikhiatrii, nevrologU, nevropatologii, elektroterapii, khirurgii nervnoï sistemî, hipnotizmu, psikhologii i ugolovnoï antropologU. [Review of Psychiatrics, Neurology, and Expérimental Psy- chology. Monthly journal dedicated to psychiatrics, neurol- ogy, neuropathology, electrotherapy, surgery of the nervous svstem, hypnotism, psychology, and criminal anthropology.l S.-Peterburg. v. 1-19, 1896-1914. 8°. Obshtshestvenno - sanitarnoye Obozrïeniye; zhurnal po obshtshe- stvennoï meditsinïe i higienïe. [Public Health Review; journal of public medicine and hygiène] S.-Peterburg v 1-2, 1896-7. 4°. Obshtshestvennîy Vrach. Zhurnal Obshtshestva Russkikh vra- cheï v pamyat N. I. Pirogova izdavayemîy Pravleniyem Ob- shtshestva. [The PubUc Physician. Journal of the Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogoff's memory, pubUshed by the Directorate of the society.] Moskva. Nos. 1-4, v. 1, 1909; v. 2-5, 1911-14. 8°. [Successor to: J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova.] Obshtshestvo Astrakhanskikh Vracheï. [See Izvïest. Obsh. As- trakhan. Vrach.] Obshtshestvo Kaluzhskikh Vracheï. Kaluzh. Vrach.] Obshtshestvo Khersonskikh Vracheï. [See Protok. i Trudî Obsh. Khersonsk. Vrach.] Obshtshestvo Kieyvskikh Vracheï. [See Trudî Obsh. Kiyevsk. Vrach.] Obshtshestvo Minskikh Vracheï. [See Protok. . . . Obsh. Minsk. Vrach.] Obshtshestvo Neïropatologov i Psikhiatrov pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitetïe. [See Protok. zasïed. Obsh. Neïro- pat. i Psikhiat. p. Imp. Moskov. Univ.] Obshtshestvo Nevropatologov i Psikhiatrov pri Moskovskom Universitetïe. [See Trudî Obsh. Nevropat. i Psikhiat., Mosk.] Obshtshestvo Nevropatologov i Psikhiatrov, sostoyashtshiy pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitetïe. [See J. Nevropat. i Psikhiat. . . . Korsakova, Mosk.] Obshtshestvo Omskikh Vracheï. [See Protok. Obsh. Omsk. Vrach.] Obshtshestvo Psikhiatrov v S.-Peterburgïe. [See Protok zasïed Obsh. Psikhiat. v S.-Peterb.] [See Protok. i Trudî Obsh. [139] Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Sbornik [etc.], Mosk. Obshtshestvo Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova. Trudî . . . Syezda, S.-Peterb. Obst. Soc. Bost. Papers . . . 40. anniv., Bost. Obstetrics, N. Y. Obstétrique, Par. Occidental M. Times. Odont. BL, Berl. Odont. Obozr-, Mosk. Odontologia, Palermo. Odontologie, Par. Odonto-stomatol., NapoU. Oesterr. Aerzte-Ztg., Wien. Oesterr. arztl. Vereinsztg.,Wien. Oesterr. Chem.-Ztg., Wien. Oesterr. Eisenbahnsanitatsw., Wien. [See Protok. Obsh. Pskov. [See Russk. Khirurg. [See Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. [See Protok. Obsh. Obshtshestvo Pskovslrikh Vracheï. Vrach.] Obshtshestvo Rossiyskikh Khirurgov. Obozr., Mosk.] Obshtshestvo Russkikh Vracheï. Russk. Vrach., Mosk.] Obshtshestvo Russkikh Vracheï v Moskvïe. Russk. Vrach. v Mosk.] Obshtshestvo Russkikh Vracheï v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. Sbor- nik po obshtshesvenno-sanitarnîm i vrachebno-bîtovîm vopro- sam. [Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogoff's memory. Collection of public-sanitary and professional médical ques- tions.] Moskva. 1 v. 1909. 8°. Obshtshestvo Russkikh Vracheï v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. Trudî IX Pirogovskavo Syezda. [Society of Russian Physi- cians in Pirogoff's memory. Papers of the Ninth Congress.] S.-Peterburg. 6 v. 1904-6. 8°. Obshtshestvo Russkikh Vracheï v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [See Dnevnik Syezda Obsh. russk. vrach. v pamyat Pirogova, Kiyev. Also: J. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v. pam. Pirogova, Mosk. Also: Obshtshestven. Vrach, Mosk.] Obshtshestvo Veterinarnikh Vracheï v S. -Peterburgïe. [See Vest- nik Obshtsh. Vet., S .-Peterb. Also: Vet. feldsher, S .-Peterb.] Obshtshestvo Vrache? pri Imperatorskom Kazanskom Universi- tetïe. [See Kazan. Med. J.] Obshtshestvo Vracheï MohUevskoï gubernU. [See Protok. Obsh. \Tach. MohUev. gub.] Obstétrical Institute. [See Saisei Gakusha Iji Shimpo.] Obstétrical (The) Society of Boston. Papers read at the meeting in commémoration of the 40. anniversary of the foundation of the Society. Boston. 1 v. 1901. 8°. Obstetrics. New York. v. 1-3, 1899-1901. 8°. Obstétrique (L'). Grossesse, accouchement, suites de couches, hygiène et alimentation du nouveau-né. Paris, v. 1-16,1896- 1911. 8°. {Continuation, in 1896, of: N. Arch. d'obst. et de gynée, Par. Continued as: Arch. mens, d'obst. et de gynée See, also, Gynécologie, Par.] Occidental (The) Médical Times. Sacramento; San Francisco. v. 3-18, 1889-1904. 8°. Odontologische Blâtter. Berlin, v. 1-7, 1896-1903. 8° & fol. Odontologicheskoye Obozrïeniye; organ Moskovskavo Odontolo- gicheskavo Obshtshestva. [Odontological Review; organ of the Moscow Odontological Society.] Moskva. v. 1-4, 1899- 1902. 8°. Odontologia (L'). Rivista mensUe. Palermo. 5 v. 1876-84; 1896-7. 8° Odontologie (L') et la Revue internationale d'odontologie. Paris, v. 1-53, 1881-1915. 8°. Odonto-stomatologia (L'). BoUettino mensUe délia sezione odontoiatrica. Napoli. v. 1-6,1902-7. 8°. Oesterreichische Aerzte-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fur praktische Medizin, mit der BeUage "Soziale Rundschau." Wien. v. 8-10, 1911-13. fol. Oesterreichische àrztUche Vereins-Zeitung. Wien. v. 1-26, 1877-1902. fol. Oesterreichischer Balneologen-Congress. [See Verôffentl. d. Cen- tralverb. d. Balneolog. Oest.] Oesterreichische Chemiker-Zeitung. Zeitschrift fur Nahrungs- mittel-Untersuchung, Hygiène und Warenkunde. Wien. v. 1-5, 1898-1902. fol. Oesterreichische (Das) Eisenbahnsanitâtswesen. Frûher Zeit- schrift fur Eisenbahnhygiene. Wien. v. 6-7, 1910-11. 8 . [Continued as: Bahnarzt.] [140] Oesterr. Monatschr. f. Thierh. Oesterr. San.-Wes. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. Gsndhtspfl., Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. Stomatol., Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veterinàrk., Wien & Leipz. Oesterr.-ungar. Badeztg., Wien. Oesterr.-ungar. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Wien. Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Wien. Œuvre antitubere, Par. Œuvre méd., Par. Off. Ber. u. d. Amtsârzte-Kong., Wien. Off. Ber. d. deutsch. Med.-Beam- ten-Ver., Berl. Off. Ber. u. d. Hauptversamml. d. deutsch. Med.-Beamt.-Ver., Berl. Off. Ber. u. d. Landesversamml. d. bayer. Medizinalbeamten- Ver. (E. V.). Off. Ber. d. preuss. Med.-Beam- ten-Ver., Berl. Off. Bull. Nat. Dent. Ass., Hun- tington, Ind. Ohio Dent. J., Toledo. Oesterreichische (Jesellschaft fiir Gesundheitspflege [See Monat- schr. f. Gsndhtspflg., Wien.] Oesterreichische Leo-Gesellschaft. [See Anthropos, Salzb.] Oesterreichische Monatsschrift fur Thierheilkunde. Wien. v. 1-27, 1877-1902. 4°. Oesterreichische (Das) Sanitâtswesen. Wien. v. 1-27, 1889- 1915. 8°. Oesterreichische Vierteljahrsschrift fur Gesundheitspflege. Wien. v. 1-3, 1910-12. 8°. [Continuation of: Monatschr. f. Gsnd- htspflg., and continued as: Ztschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.] Oesterreichische ZeitschrUt fur Stomatologie. Wien. v. 3-5, 1905-7. 8°. Oesterreichische ZeitschrUt fur wissenschaftUche Veterinâr- kunde. Wien & Leipzig, v. 1-7, 1887-96. 8°. [Combined with: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed., forming: Ztschr. f. Thiermed.] Oesterreichischèr Mediziner-Kongress. [See Ber. û. d. ôsterreich. Med.-Kong.] Oesterreichisches Zentralkomitee zur Bekàmpfung der Tuberku- lose. [See Verôffentl. d. ôsterr. Zentralkom. z. Bekàmpf. d. Tuberk., Wien.] Oesterreichisch-ungarische Badezeitung. Organ fur Balneologie, Klimatologie und Hygiène Wien. v. 1-24, 1887-95. fol. Oesterreichisch-ungarisches Centralblatt fur die medizinischen Wissenschaften. Wien. v. 1-13, 1890-1902. 8°. Oesterreichisch-ungarische Vierteljahrsschrift fur Zahnheilkunde. Wien. v. 1-31, 1885-1915. 8°. Œuvre (L') antituberculeuse. Bulletin trimestriel des sanato- riums populaires et des sociétés de bienfaisance fondés en France pour la lutte contre la tuberculose et l'assistance aux tuberculeux pauvres. Paris, v. 1,1900. 8°. [Continued as: Lutte antitubere] Œuvre (L') médico-chirurgicale. Suite de monographies cli- niques sur les questions nouvelles en médecine, en chirurgie, en biologie. Paris. Nos. 1-6, 1897-8. 8°. Office international d'hygiène pubUque. [See BuU. Office inter- nat, d'hyg. pub.] Offizieller Bericht ûber den Ersten Amtsârzte-Kongress. Wien. 1909. 8°. Offizieller Bericht ûber die Hauptversammlung des deutschen Medizinalbeamten-Vereins. [See the following:] Offizieller Bericht ûber die Hauptversammlung des deutschen Medizinalbeamten-Vereins. BerUn. 2.-9., 1903-13. 8°. [Supplément to: Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte] Offizieller Bericht ûber die Landesversammlung des bayerischen Medizinalbeamten-Vereins (E. V.). Berlin. 2.-9., 1905-12. 8°. [Supplément to: Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte] Offizieller Bericht ûber die Hauptversammlung des preussischen Medizinalbeamten-Vereins zu Berlin. [See Preuss. Med.- Beamten-Ver. Off. Ber.] Officiai Bulletin of the National Dental Association. Hunting- ton, Ind. v. 1,1914. 8°. [Continued as: J. Nat. Dent. Ass.] Ogata Byô-in jo-san-fu I-Kwai. [Ogata Hospital Midwives' Médical Society.] [See Jo-san-no Shiori, Osaka.] Ogata Byô-in Kenkiu Kwai. [Ogata Hospital Society for Re- search.] [See Iji Kwai Ho. Ogata Byo-in . . ., Osaka.] Ogata (Masanori) FestschrUt [See Beitr. z. Hyg., Bakt. u. Infektionskr. (Ogata-Festschr.), Tokyo.] Ohio (The) Dental Journal. Toledo. v. 13-21, 1893-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Dental Summary.] Ohio Hospital for EpUeptics. [See Bull. Ohio Hosp. EpUept., Gallipolis.] [141] Ohio M. J., Cincin. Ohio M. J., Columbus. Ohio Pub. Health J., Columbus. Ohio San. BuU., Columbus. Ohio (The) Médical Journal. Ohrenh. d. Gegenw., Wiesb. Okayama Igaku Kwai Zasshi. Oklahoma M. J. Oklahoma M. News. Oklahoma M. News-Jour. Oklahoma San. BuU., Guthrie. Old Dominion J. M. & S., Rich- mond. Old Maryland, Balt. Cincinnati, v. 3-9,1892-8. 4°&8°. Columbus. v. 1-12, 1905- Omaha Clinie Oméga, N. Y. Onderzoek. ged. in h. physiol. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch. Onore (In) del prof. A. CeUi, To- rino. Op. pia de Ferrari Brignole Sale in Genova. Resoe clin.-sta- tist. d. osp. Ophth. KUn., Stuttg. Ophth. Ree. Ohio (The) State Médical Journal 16. 8°. Ohio Médical University. [See Phagocyte, Columbus.] Ohio (The) Public Health Journal of the Ohio State Board of Health. Edited by E. F. McCampbell, secretary and executive officer. Columbus. v. 5-6, 1915-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Month. BuU. Ohio State Bd. Health.] Ohio Sanitary Bulletin. Columbus, Ohio. v. 1-12, 1895-1908. 8°. [Continuation of: Month. San. Ree Continued as: Quart. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health.] Ohio State Board of Health. [See Month. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health. Also: Ohio Pub. Health J. Also: Quart. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health.] Ohio State Dental Society. [See Proc. Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio & Michigan, PhUa.] Ohio State Eclectic Médical Society. [See Tr. Ohio Eclect. M. Ass., Cincin.] Ohrenheilkunde (Die) der Gegenwart und ihre Grenzgebiete. Hrsg. von Otto Kôrner. Wiesbaden. Nos. 1-6,1899-1905. 8°. Okayama Igaku Kwai Zasshi. [Magazine of the Society of Médical Science of Okayama.] Okayama. Nos. 37-122, 1893-9. 8°. • , Oklahoma (The) Médical Journal. Guthrie. v. 1-9, 1893-1901. 8°. [Combined with the following, forming: Oklahoma M. News-Jour.] Oklahoma Médical News. Oklahoma City. v. 1, 1901. 8°. [Combined with the preceding, forming the following:] Oklahoma Médical News-Journal. Officiai organ of the Oklahoma Territorial Médical Association. Oklahoma. v. 10-21, Jan- uary, 1902, to July, 1913. 8°. [Continued as: Southwest J. M. à S.] Oklahoma Sanitary Bulletin. Guthrie. v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Oklahoma State Médical Association. [See J. Oklahoma M. Ass. Also: Oklahoma M. News-Jour. Also: Tr. Oklahoma M. Ass. & Indian Terr. M. Ass.] Old (The) Dominion Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Rich- mond. v. 1-22, 1902-16. 8°. Old Maryland. Devoted to the interests of the University of Maryland. Baltimore, v. 1-10, 1905-14. 8°. [Continued as: Univ. Gaz.] Omaha (The) Clinie Omaha, Nebr. v. 1-10, April, 1888, to September, 1897. 8°. [Continued as: Chicago Clinie] Oméga. A radical health magazine. New York. v. 48-50,1898- 1900. 8°. [Continuation of : J. Hyg., N. Y.] Omskoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo. [See Protok. Omsk. Med. Obsh.] Onderzoekingen gedaan in het physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechf sche Hoogeschool. Utrecht. 3. R., v. 1-11; 4. R., v. 1^; 5. R., v. 1-2, 4, 8-12, 1872-1911. 8°. Onore (In) del prof. Angelo CeUi nel 25° anno di insegnamento. Torino. 1 v. 1913. 8°. Ontario Hospitals for the Insane. [See Bull. Ontario Hosp. Insane, Toronto.] Opéra pia de Ferrari Brignole Sale in Genova. Resoconto cUnico- statistico degU ospedali S. Andréa, S. FiUppo, S. Raffaele nel- L anno 1895. Genova. 1 v. 1896. roy. 8°. Ophthalmologische (Die) KUnik. Internationales Halbmonats- blatt fur Pathologie und Thérapie der Augenkrankheiten. Stuttgart, v. 1-12, 1897-1908. 4° & 8°. Ophthalmic (The) Record. NashvUle; Chicago, v. 1-25,1891- 1916. 8°. [U2 Ophth. Rev., Lond. Ophthalmologica, Torino. Ophthalmologist, Chicago. Ophthalmology, MUwaukee. Ophthalmoscope, Lond. Optie J., N. Y. Optie J. & Rev. Optom., N. Y. Optie J. SuppL, N. Y. Oregon State Bd. Health. Bull., [Portland]. Org. Contrat, méd., Brux. Org. d.Taubst.-Anst.in Deutschl. Orig.-Mitth. a. d. ethnol. Abth. d. konigl. Museen zu Berl. Orosi, Firenze. Orr-, gëge- es fulgyôgy., Buda- pest. Orthop. et tubere chir., Par. Orvos. lapja, Budapest. Orvosi heti szemle, Budapest. Orvosi hetU., Budapest. Orvostud. értek. gyujt. Magy. orv. Arch., Budapest. Osaka Yoi Zasshi. Osnov. k izuch. mikr. anat. che- lov. i zhivotn., S.-Peterb. Ophthalmic (The) Review. London. v. 1-34, 1881-2 to 1915. 8°. Ophthalmologica. Archivio bimestrale. Torino. v. 1, 1909- 10. 8°. Ophthalmologist (The). Chicago, v. 1-7, 1900-1906. 8°. Ophthalmology. Essays, abstracts and reviews. [Quarterly.] MUwaukee; Seattle, v. 1-12, 1904-5 to 1915-16. 8°. Ophthalmoscope (The). A monthly review of current ophthal- mology. London. v. 4-14, 1906-16. 8°. Oppenheim's ZeitschrUt. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med.] Optical (The) Journal. New York. v. 1-25, 1895-6 to 1909-10. 8°. [v. 5, 1899, under title: Optie J. SuppL Continued as the following:] Optical (The) Journal and Review of Optometry. New York. v. 26-37, 1910-16. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Optical (The) Journal Supplément. Devoted to the science of optometry. A magazine for stu dents. New York. v. 5,1899. 8°. [Title, in 1899, of: Optie J.] Ordine dei medici deUa provincia di Firenze. [See Boll. d. ord. d. med. d. prov. di Firenze] Oregon State Board of Health. Bulletin. [Portland.] v. 4-7, 1910-13. 8°. Organe (L') de la Confraternité médicale. Bruxelles, v. 1-20, 1882-1901. fol. & 8°. [Continued as: Indépend, scient, et méd.] Organ der Taubstummen-Anstalten in Deutschland und den deutsch-redenden Nachbarlândern. Friedberg. v. 1^8,1855- 1902. 8°. Original-Mittheilungen aus der ethnologischen Abtheilung der kôniglichen Museen zu Berlin. Berlin. 1 v. 1885. 4°. Orléans Parish Médical Society. [See Proc. Orléans Parish M. Soc, N. OrL] Orosi (L'). Giornale di chimica, farmacia e scienze affini. Firenze. v. 1-26, 1878-1903. 8°. Orr-, gége- es f ûlgyôgyâszat. Budapest. 1903-5. fol. [Supplé- ment to: Orvosi hetil.] Orszâgos fogorvosi Congressus. [See MUlen. orszâg. fogorvosi cong.] Orth (Johannes). [See Path.-anat. Arb. . . . Joh. Orth z. . . . Prof.-JubiL, BerL] Orthopédie et tuberculose chirurgicale. Paris, v. 1, 1914. 8°. Orvosok lapja. [Physicians' sheet.] Azelott: A gyakorlô orvos. Budapest, v. 11-12,1900-1901. 4°. [Continuation of: Gyak. orvos. Continued as: Magy. orv. lapja.] Orvosi heti szemle, folyôirat gyakorlô orvosok szâmarâ. [Weekly médical review; periodical for practical physicians.] Buda- pest, v. 1-57, 1886-1914. 8°. Orvosi hetilap. Honi es kûlfôldi gyogyâszat es kôrbuvârlat kôz- lônye. [Médical weekly. Organ of domestic and foreign thera- peutic and pathological research.] Budapest, v. 1-59, 1857- 1914. 4°. Orvostudomânyi értekezések gyûjteménye. Magyar orvosi Archivum. [Collection of médical investigations. Magyar Orvosi Archivum.] Budapest. N. s., v. 1-16, 1900-1915. 8°. [Continuation of : Magy. orv. Arch.] Osaka Yoi Zasshi. [Gazette of the Associated Physicians of Osaka.] Osaka. Nos. 97-98, 1898. 8°; Osnovaniya k izucheniyu mikroskopicheskoï anatomii chelovïeka i zhivotnîkh. [Fundamental principles of microscopie anat- omy of man and animais.] S.-Peterburg. 1887-8. 8°. [143] Osnovî klin. diag. (Levin & Vîso- kovich), S.-Peterb. Osp. d. bambini in MUano. Ren- die Osp. magg. Riv. scient.-prat. d. . . . di MUano. Osp. maggiore, Milano. Osp. di Palermo. BoU. trimest. Osp. S. Antonio Abate in Fiviz- zano. Resoe clin, d. sez. chir., PontremoU. Otchot. . . DIetsk. boln. Sv. Olgi vMosk. Otchot o dïeyateln. khirurg. kUn. [etc.] v Mosk. Otchot o dïeyateln. . . . prope- devt. khirurg. klin. [etc.], S.- Peterb. Oto - rhino - laryngol. internat., Lyon. Oto-rino-laringol. espan., Madrid Our Hosp. & Char. Ulust., Lond. Outlook for Blind, Bost. [See Gior. d. Osp. Maria Vittoria, Osnovî khnicheskoi diagnostiki; dlya vracheï i studentov Pod redaktsiyei A. M. Levina i V. K. Vîsokovicha. [Principles » c™lcTal «i1*?110818; for Physicians and students. Edited by A. M. Levin and V. M. Vîsokovich.] S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1911. 8 . Ospedale dei bambini in MUano. Le malattie dei bambini nel pedocomio di MUano. Rendiconto cUnico e statistico del bienmo 1899-1901. Milano. 1 v. 1901. 8°. Ospedale (L') maggiore. Rivista scientifico-pratica dell' Ospe- dale maggiore di Milano ed Istituti sanitari annessi. MUano v. 1-7, 1906-12. 8°. [Continued as the foUowing:] Ospedale maggiore. Rivista mensUe Ulustrata di storia. [Ospe- dale maggiore di MUane] Milano. Série U, anni 1-4,1913-16. 4°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Ospedale Maria Vittoria. Torino.] Ospedale oftalmico deUa provincia di Roma. [See Boll. d. Osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma.] Ospedale (L') di Palermo. BoUettino trimestrale scientifico- pratico dei sanitari ospedalieri. Palermo. v 1-3. 1908- 10. 8°. Ospedale S. Antonio Abate in Fivizzano. Resoconto clinico deUa sezione chirurgica dai l8 giugno '91 atutto U '93 del Direttore Dr. Pozza Pietro. PontremoU. 1 v. 1894. 8°. Otchot o dïeyatelnosti sostoyashtsheï pod visochaïshem yeya Im- peratorskavo VeUchestva Gosudarîni Imperatritsî Marti Feodo- rovnî pokrovitelstvom Dïetskoï bolnitsî Sv. Olgi v Moskvïe. [Report of the St. Olga ChUdren's Hospital of Moscow, which is under the protection of Her Impérial Highness Empress Maria- Feodorovna.] 1888-98. Moskva. v. 2-3, 1889-90; v 5-6, 1893-5; v. 8-12, 1895-1900. 8°. Otchot o dïeyatelnosti khirurgicheskoï kliniki Iverskoï Ob- sh tshinî Syoster itiloserdiya v Moskvïe. [Report of the work of the surgical clinie of the Iverian Society of Sisters of Mercy in Moscow.] 1896-1900. Moskva. 2 v. 1899-1901. 8°. Otchot o dïeyatelnosti zavïeduyemoï M. S. Subbotinîm pro- pedevticheskoï khirurgicheskoï kliniki pri Imperatorskoï Vo- yenno-Meditsinskoï AkademU. [Report of the work of the propsedeutic surgical clinie directed by Subbotin, of the Im- périal Army Médical Academy.] 1890-92. S.-Peterburg, 1891-2. 8°. Otological Congress. [See Internat, (ix.) Otol. Cong. Tr., Bost. Also: Papers ix. Internat. Otol. Cong.] Otological Society of the United Kingdom. London. [See Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond.] Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Society of Japan. [See Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Ho.] Oto-rhino-laryngologie (L') internationale. Lyon. v. 1-2, 1913- 14. 8°. Oto-rino-laringologia (La) espanola. Revista mensual de enfer- medades de ofdos, nariz y garganta y obras complétas del Dr. D. José de Letamendi. Madrid, v. 1-3, 1898-1900. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. espee méd. La oto-rino-laringol. espan.] Ott (D. O.) [See Sborn. trud. po akush. i ginek posv. D. O. Ottu [etc.], S.-Peterb.] Our Hospitals and Charities IUustrated. London. v. 1-6,1904- 15. 4°. Outlook for the BUnd. A quarterly record of the progress and weUare of the blind. Boston, v. 1-9, 1907 to 1915-16. 8°. [144 P. P. & S. Plexus, Chicago. Pacific Coast Dentist [etc.], San Fran. Pacific Coast J. Homœop., San Fran. Pacific Coast J. Nurs., San Fran. Pacific Dent. Gaz., San Fran. Pacific Dent. J. Pacific M. J., San Fran. Pacific Med. - Dent. Gaz., San Fran. Pacific Ree M. & S., San Fran. Pacific Stomatol. Gaz., San Fran. Paedolog. Jaarb., Antwerp. Paludism, Simla. Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw. Pammatone, Genova. Pan-Am. S. & M. J., N. Orl. Papers Anat. Lab. Johns Hop- kins Univ., Balt. Papers Anat. Lab. St. Louis Univ. Papers Internat. Otol. Cong., Bost. Papers Sect. Ophth. Am. Med. Ass., Chicago. Papers Tortugas Lab. Carnegie Inst., Wash. P. (The) & S. Plexus. Chicago, v. 1-1, 1895-9. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Plexus.] Pacific Coast (The) Dentist and the Stomatological Gazette. A monthly periodical devoted to dental science and literature. San Francisco, v. 1-3, 1893-5. 8°. [Continued, in 1896, as: Pacific Stomatol. Gaz., San Fran.] Pacific Coast Journal of Homœopathy. Formerly CaUfornia Homœopath. San Francisco, Cal. v. 1-26, 1893-1915. 8°. [Continuation, in 1893, of: Catif. Homœop., San Fran.] Pacific (The) Coast Journal of Nursing. A monthly magazine pubUshed by the CaUfornia State Nurses' Association, Inc. San Francisco, Cal. v. 8-12, 1912-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Nurses J. Pacific Coast.] Pacific Dental Gazette, San Francisco, v. 8-14,1900-1906. 8°. [Continuation of: Pacific Stomatol. Gaz. & Pacific Med.-Dent. Gaz.] Pacific (The) Dental Journal. Tacoma, Wash. v. 1-7, 1891-7. 8°. Pacific Médical Journal. San Francisco, v. 32-59, 1889-1916. 8°. Pacific Médico-Dental Gazette. A monthly magazine of dentis- try, oral surgery, and médical miscellany. San Francisco, v. 6-7,1898-9. 8°. [Continuation, in 1898, of: Pacific Stomatol. Gaz. Continued as: Pacific Dent. Gaz.] Pacific (The) Record of Medicine and Surgery. San Francisco. v. 1-13,1887-99. roy. 8°. [Merged in: Occidental M. Times.] Pacific Stomatological Gazette. A monthly magazine devoted to dental science and Uterature. San Francisco, v. 4-5, 1896-7. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Pacific Coast Dentist [etc.]. Continued as: Pacific Med.-Dent. Gaz.] Pàdiatrische Klinik zu Leipzig. [See Arb. a. d. pâdiat. Klin. zu Leipz.] Paedologisch Jaarboek. Antwerpen. v. 3-6, 1902-6. 8°. Paludism; being the Transactions of the Committee for the Study of Malaria in India. Edited by Major S. P. James. Simla. Nos. 1-5, 1910-12. 8°. Pamietnik Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Warszawskiego. [Memoirs of Warsaw Médical Association.] Warszawa. v. 1-110, 1837- 1914. 8°. Pammatone. Periodico mensile degU spedali civili di Genova. Genova. v. 1-10, 1897-1906. 8°. Pan-American Médical Congress. [See Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong.] Pan-American (The) Surgical and Médical Journal. A Monthly Review of Surgery, Medicine, and AUied Sciences. New Orléans, La. v. 19-20, 1914-15. 4°. Pan-American Union. [See Bull. Pan-Am. Union, Wash.] Pan Russian Oto-Laryngological Congress. [See Trudî Vseross. Oto-Laringol. Syezda v S.-Peterb.] Papers from the Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Papers from Anatomical Laboratory St. Louis University. St. Louis, v. 1-3, 1904-6. 8°. Papers to be presented before the Ninth International Otological Congress, Boston, August 12-17,1912. Boston, lv. 1912. 8°. Papers to be presented before the Section on Ophthalmology of the American Médical Association, MinneapoUs, June 17-20, 1913. Chicago. 1913. 8°. Papers from the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washington, v. 1-6, 1908-14. 8°. [145] Paracelsus. N. Privatkrankenh. u.AugenheUanst. I.Ber.,Ein- siedein. Parasitology, Cambridge. Paris chirurg. Paris M. J. Paris méd. Parole. Rev. internat, de rhinol. [etc.], Par. Pat.-anat. kazuist. . . . Kharkov. Univ., Mosk. Path.-anat. Arb. ... Joh. Orth z. . . . Prof.-JubU., Berl. Pathologica, Genova. Pediatria, NapoU. Pediatrics, N. Y. & Lond. Pédiatrie prat., LUle. Pediatriya, S.-Peterb. Pel giubU. didat. d. CamUlo Boz- zolo, . . . 1879-1904. Rac. di scritti med. [etc.], Torino. Penn. Health BuU., Hanisburg. Paracelsus. Neues Privatkrankenhaus und AugenheUanstalt. I. Bericht ûber den Zeitraum vom August 1896 bis Dezember 1898. Einsiedeln. 1 v. 1899. roy. 8°. Parasitology. A supplément to the Journal of Hygiène. Cam- bridge, v. 1-8, 1908 to 1915-16. 8°. Paris chirurgical; publiant les comptes rendus de la Société des chirurgiens de Paris. Revue mensuelle. Paris, v. 1-7,1909- 15. 8?. Paris (The) Médical Journal. A monthly review of French medicine. Paris, v. 1, 1906. roy. 8°. Paris médical; la semaine du clinicien. Paris, v. 1-17, 1910- 16. roy. 8°. Parole (La). Revue internationale de rhinologie, otologie, laryn- gologie et phonétique expérimentale. Paris, v. 9-14, 1899- 1904. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. internat, de rhinol., otol. et laryngol.] Pasteur Institute, Danbury, Connecticut. [See Bull. Pasteur Inst., Danbury, Conn.] Patologoanatomicheskaya kazuistika iz nauchnîkh sovïeshtsha- niy vracheï pri patologoanatomicheskom kabinetïe Kharkov- skavo Universiteta. [Cases from the Pathological Cabinet of the University of Kharkov.] 1902-3. Moskva. 1904. 8°. Pathologica, rivista quindicinale. Genova. [See Pathologica.] Pathologisch-anatomische Arbeiten. Herrn Geh. Medicinahath Johannes Orth zur Feier seines 25jàhrigen Professoren-Jubi- làums gewidmet von den Gôttinger Assistenten, Schûlern und Freunden. Berlin. 1 v. 1903. 8°. Pathologica; rivista quindicinale. Genova. v. 1-8, 1908-9 to 1914-16. 4°. Pathological Institute of the New York State Hospitals. [See Contrib. Path. Inst. N. Y. State Hosp.] Pathological Laboratory of the London County Asylum. [See Arch. Neurol. Path. Lab. Lond. County AsyL, Claybury, Lond.] Pathological Society of Manchester. [See Tr. Path. Soc. Man- chester.] Pathologisch-anatomische AbteUung des konigl. hygienischen Instituts zu Posen. [See Arb. a. d. path.-anat. Abt. d. k. hyg. Inst. zu Posen. . . . R. Virchow zur Feier [etc.], Wiesb.] Pathologisches Institut zu BerUn. [See Arb. a. d. path. Inst. zu BerL] Pathologisches Institut der Universitat Helsingfors (Finland). [See Arb. a. d. path. Inst. zu Helsingfors, Jena. Also: Arb. a. d. path. Inst. d. Univ. Helsingfors, BerL] Pediatria (La). NapoU. v. 1-24, 1893-1916. 8°. Pediatrics. A semi-monthly journal devoted te the diseases of infants and children. New York & London. v. 1-28, 1896- 1916. 8°. Pédiatrie (La) pratique. Journal de cUnique et de thérapeutique infantiles. Lille, v. 1-11, 1903-13. sm. 4°. Pediatriya; zhurnal higienî, dietetiki i zabolïevaniy dïetskavo vozrasta.' [Pediatrics; journal of hygiène, dietetics, and dis- eases of childhood.] S.-Peterburg. v. 4-6, 1913-14. 8°. Peking Oriental Society. [See J. Peking Orient. Soc., Tsientsin.] Pel giubileo didattico del professore CamUlo Bozzolo, direttore deUa Clinica medica deU' Università di Torino. 1879-1904. Raccolta di scritti medici di colleghi e discepoU. Tormo. lv. 1904. 8°. PeUagra Commission. [See IU. Rep. PeUagra Com., Springfield.] Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. [See Rep. Penn. Dep. Agrie] Pennsylvania Health Bulletin. Harrisburg. Nos. 1-73, 1909- 15. 8°. 13259°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries—lt [146] Penn. J. Dent. Se, Lancaster, Pa. Penn. M. J. Pensiero med., Milano. Peoria M. J. Peoria M. Ree Per U xxv anno d. insegn. chir. di F. Durante n. Univ. di Ro- ma, Roma. Periôd. Acad. de med. [de Me- xico]. Pest. med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest. Petersb. med. Ztschr., St. Pe- tersb. Petit J. de méd., Par. Petit méd. d. familles, Par. Petrus Camper. Nederl. bijdr. t. de anat., Haarlem & Jena. Phagocyte, Columbus. Pharm. Arch., MUwaukee. Pharm. CentralhaUe. Pharm. Era. Pharm. J., Lond. Pharm. Ree, N. Y. Pharm. Reformer, Wien. Pharm. Rev., MUwaukee. Pharm. Rundschau, N. Y. Pennsylvania (The) Journal of Dental Science A monthly record of the proceedings of the dental societies, and of dental science in gênerai. Lancaster, Pa. v. 1-3, 1871-6. 8°. Pennsylvania (The) Médical Journal. The officiai organ of the Médical Societv of the State of Pennsylvania. Pittsburg; Athens. v. 1-19, 1897-8 to 1915-16. 8°. [Continuation, in June, 1897, of: Pittsburgh M. Rev.] Pennsylvania State Dental Society. [See Proc. Penn. Dent Soc. Also: Tr. Penn. Dent. Soc] Pensiero médico. Milano. v. 1-5, 1911-15. 4°. [Continua- tion of: Corriere san., and: ItaUa san.] Peoria Médical Journal. A practitioners' monthly. Peoria, 111. v. 1-7, 1896-1902. 8°. Peoria (The) Médical Record. Peoria, 111. Nos. 1-8, v. 1, 1896. 8°. [Merged in: Tri-State M. J.] Per il xxv anno deU' insegnamento chirurgico di Francesco Du- rante neU' Università di Roma. 28 febbraio 1898. Roma. 3v. 1898. 8°. Periodico de la Academia de medicina [de Mexico]. Mexico. 1 v. 1851-3. 8°. Pester medizinisch-chirurgische Presse. Budapest, v. 7, 1871 ; v. 14-51, 1878-1915. 4°. Petermann's MitteUungen. [See Mitt. a. Justus Perthes' Geog. Anst.] Petersburger medizinische ZeitschrUt. St. Petersburg. Nos. 1- 18, v. 38, 1913. fol. [Title, from Jan. 1 to Sept. 15, 1913, of : St. Petersb. med. Ztschr.] Petit (Le) journal de médecine. Supplément au Journal de mé- decine de Paris. Paris. No. 6, 1905. fol. Petit (Le) médecin des familles. Paris, v. 1-13, 1886-98. fol. [Merged in: Méd. franc.] Petrus Camper. Nederlandsche bijdragen tôt de anatomie. Uitgegeven door L. Bolk en C. Winkler. Haarlem & Jena. v. 1-4, 1901-6. 8°. Pettenkofer's Archiv. [See Arch. f. Hyg.] Pettenkofer's Zeitschrift. [See Ztschr. f. Biol.] Pflûger's Archiv. [See Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol.] Phagocyte (The). Devoted to the interests of the alumni and students of the Ohio Médical University. Columbus. v. 9, 1904. 8°. Pharmaceutical Archives. MUwaukee, Wis. No. 1, v. 1, 1898. 8°. Pharmaceutische CentralhaUe fur Deutschland. BerUn; Dres- den. v. 1-20, 1859-79; n. F., v. 1-23, 1880-1902. 8°. Pharmaceutical (The) Era. Détroit; New York. v. 1-49,1887- 1916. 4°. Pharmaceutical (The) Journal. London. v. 55-95 (4. s., v. 1- 41), July 6, 1895, to 1916. 4°. [Continuation of: Pharm. J. & Tr.] Pharmaceutical (The) Record. A semi-monthly journal of phar- macy, chemistry, materia medica, and the allied sciences. New York. v. 3-15,1883-93. 4°. [Titleof v. 1-2 was: Martin's Chemists' and Druggists' Bulletin. Merged in: Am. Druggist.] Pharmaceutischer Reformer. Hrsg. vom Allg. ôsterr. Pharma- ceuten-Verein. Wien. v. 2-7, 1897-1902. 4°. Pharmaceutical (The) Review. MUwaukee. v. 14-26, 1896- 1908. sm. 4°. [Continuation of the following:] Pharmaceutische Rundschau, und Zeitung fur die wissenschaft- lichen und gewerblichen Interessen der Pharmacie und ver- wandten Berufs- und Geschâftszweige in den Vereinigten Staaten. New York. v. 1-13,1883-95. roy. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] [1471 Pharm. Rundschau, Wien. Pharm. Ztg., Berl. Pharm. Ztschr. f. Russland, St. Peters. Pharmakol. u. therap. Rund- schau, Wien. PhU. Port. Séries, Chicago. PhU. Tr., Lond. Phila. M. J. Phila. Month. M. J. PhUa. Physicians' Business J. PhUa. PolycUn. Philippine J. Se, Manila. PhUos. hist. & mem. Roy. Acad. Se Par. abr____1699 to 1720, Lond. Phys. Therap. in EinzeldarsteU., Stuttg. Phys. Training, Bost. Phys.-med. Monatsh., Berl. Physiat. Rundschau, Chemnitz i. S. Physician, N. Y. Physician & Surg. Physician & Surg., Lond. Physik. gyôgyitôm., Budapest. Pharmaceutische Rundschau. Wochenschrift ftir die Interessen der Pharmacie, Chemie, Hygiène und der verwandten Fâcher W.*en- v. 24-28, i898"1^. 8°. [Continuation of: Rund- schau f. d. Interessen d. Pharm., Chem., Hyg. [etc.], Prag u. Pharmaceutische Zeitung. Berlin, v. 9-47, 1864-1902. fol. Pharmaceutische Zeitschrift fur Russland. St -Petersbure v 1-36, 1862-97. 8°. ë' Pharmakologische und therapeutische Rundschau Wien Nos 1-6, v. 1,1904. fol. [Supplément to: Wien. klin. Rundschau.] Pharmazeutisches Institut der Universitat Berlin [See Arb a d. pharmazeut. Inst. d. Univ. BerL] Philosophical Portrait Séries. Chicago. Pts. 1-2, 1898. fol. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Abridged to the end of the year 1700, 3 v.; abridged from 1700- 1720, 2 v.; abridged from 1720-33, 2 v.; abridged from 1733-50, 4 v.; v. 47-177, 1751-1886; Séries A, v. 178-213, Séries B, v. 178-205, 1887-1914. 4°. Philadelphia Academy of Surgery. [See Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg.] Philadelphia Collège of Pharmacy. [See Alumni Rep., Phila. Also: Am. J. Pharm.] Philadelphia (The) Médical Journal. Philadelphia. v. 1-11, 1898-1903. roy. 8°. [Merged in: N. York M. J.] Philadelphia (The) Monthly Médical Journal. Philadelphia v. 1, 1899. 8°. PhUadelphia Pédiatrie Society. [See Tr. Phila. Pediat. Soc, N. Y.] Philadelphia (The) Physicians' Business Journal. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1909. 8°. Philadelphia (The) Polyclinie Philadelphia. v. 1-7, 1892-8. 8°. Philadelphia Polyclinie (Neurological Laboratory of the). [See Init. Rep. Neurol. Lab. Phila. Polyclin., N. Y.] Philippine (The) Journal of Science. Manila. v. 1-10, 1906- 1915. 8°. [Section A: General Science. Section B : Médical Science. Section C: Botany. Section D: Ethnology.] Philosophical (The) history and memoirs of the Royal Academy of Science of Paris; or an abridgement of ail the papers relating to natural philosophy, which hâve been published by the members of that illustrious society, from the year 1699 to 1720. With many curious observations relating to the natural history and anatomy of animais, etc. London. 5 v. 1742. 8°. Physikalische Thérapie in Einzeldarstellungen. Hrsg. von J. Marcuse und A Strasser. Stuttgart. Nos. 1-2, 4-5, 7-9,12-18, 20, 22-24, 1906. 8°. Physical Training. A full report of the paper and discussions of the conférence held in Boston in November, 1889. Boston. 1 v. 1890. 8°. PhysikaUsch-medizinischeMonatshefte. Berlin, v. 1-2,1904-5. 8°. Physiatrische Rundschau. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftUche Na- turheilkunde und Volksgesundheitspflege. Zugleich Organ fur die collegialen und socialen Interessen der physiatrischen Aerzte. Chemnitz i. S. v. 4-6, 1897-9. 8°. [Continuation of : Naturârztl. Ztschr., Chemnitz i. S.] Physician (The). New York. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1911. 8°. Physician (The) and Surgeon. Ann Arbor & Détroit, Mich. v. 1-35,1879-1913. 8°. Physician (The) and Surgeon illustrated. A weekly review of the médical world. London. Nos. 1-30 (v. 1-2), 1900-1901. Physikai gyôgyitômodok. [Physical methodsof treatment.] Bu- dapest. 1 v. 1902. fol. [Supplément to: Magy. orv. lapja.] L14S| Physiol. . . . Uquorproblem, Bost. &N. Y. Physio-Med. Ree, Indianap. Pict. Atlas Skin Dis. & Syph. St. Louis Hosp. Pisani, Palermo. Pittsburgh M. J. Pittsburgh M. Rev. Plexus, Chicago. Pneumothorax therap., Pavia. Podrçcz. histol. ciala ludzk., War- szawa. Poitou méd., Poitiers. PoUcUn., Brux. PoUcUn., Roma. PoUt.-anthrop. Monatschr., Berl. PoUt.-anthrop. Rev., Eisenach & Leipz. Physikalisch-medizinische Gesellschaft zu Wûrzburg. [See Fest- schr. z. Feier . . . v. d. phys.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb.] Phvsiological aspects of the liquor problem. Boston & New York. 2 v. 1903. 8°. Physiological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. [See Stud. Physiol. Lab. Univ. Cambridge] Physiologische Gesellschaft zu Berlin. [See Verhandl. d. phy- siol. Gesellsch. zu BerL] Physiologisch es Institut zu Amsterdam. [See Stud. d. physiol. Inst. zu Amst., Leipz. u. Heidelb.] Physiologisches Laboratorium der Zûricher Hochschule. [See Arb. a. d. physiol. Lab. d. Zurich. Hochsch.] Physio-Medical (The) Record. (Formerly the IndianapoUs Polyclinie) Indianapolis. v. 5-10,1902-7. 8°. Physio-Medical School of Medicine. Westerville, Ohio. [See San. Med., Westerville, O.] Pictorial (A) Atlas of Skin Diseases and Syphilitic Affections in photo-Uthochromes from models in the muséum of the Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, with explanatory woodcuts and text, by Ernest Besnier [et al ]. Edited and annotated by J. J. Pringle. London; Philadelphia. Pts. 1-7,1895-7. fol. [Translation of : Mus. de l'Hôp. St. Louis. Iconog. d. mal. cutan. et syph., Par.] Pierer's Annalen. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Allg. med. Ann.] Pilcher Hospital. [See Year-Book Pilcher Hosp., Brooklyn.] Pisani (II). Gazzetta sicula di freniatria e scienze affini. Pa- lermo. 2. s., v. 1-27, 1878-1916. 8°. Pittsburgh Médical Journal. Published quarterly, Pittsburgh, Pa. Editors, J. H. Alexander, W. M. Beach [et al.]. Pitts- burgh, Pa. v. 1-2, 1913-14. 8°. Pittsburgh (The) Médical Review. Pittsburgh. v. 1-11, 1886- 97. 8 . [Continued as: Penn. M. J.] Plexus (The). 1900 to 1913. [Manual of histology of 1901. 8°. PoUterap., MUano. Monthly Magazine Chicago, v. 5-17, 1899- 8°. [Continuation of: P. & S. Plexus.] Pneumothorax (Le) thérapeutique. Pavia. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1914. 8° Podrecznik histologii ciala ludzkiego. the human body.] Warszawa. 1 v. Poitou (Le) médical. Poitiers, v. 1-29, 1886-1915. 8°. Poliambulanza di Milano. [See Boll. clin.-scient. d. PoUambul. di MUano.] Policlinique (La). Recueil semi-mensuel des travaux de la PoU- cUnique de Bruxelles. Bruxelles, v. 1-23,1892-1914. 8°. Policlinique centrale de Bruxelles. [See Ann. de la PoUclin. cent, de Brux.] PolicUnico (II). Periodico di medicina, chirurgia e igiene. Roma. Sezione medica: v. 1-23, 1893-4 to 1916. Sezione chirurgica: v. 1-23, 1893-4 to 1916. Sezione pratica: v. 7-23, 1900-1901 to 1916. 8°. [See, also, SuppL al PoUcUn.] PolicUnico générale di Torino. [See Boll. d. PoUclin., Torino. Also: Riv. iconog. d. sez. mal. nerv. d. PoUcUn. gen. di Torino.] PoUtisch-anthropologische Monatsschrift. BerUn. Nos. 6-12, v. 13; v. 14, September, 1914, to March, 1916. 8°. [Continu- ation of the following:] PoUtisch-anthropologische Revue. Monatsschrift fur das soziale und geistige Leben der Vôlker. Eisenach & Leipzig, v. 1- 12; Nos. 1-5, v. 13, Apr., 1902, to August, 1914. 8S. [Con- tinued as the preceding.] PoUterapeutico (II). Giornale fondato e pubbUcato per cura dei medici dell'Istituto poUterapeutice Milano. v. 2, 1898. 8°. [Continuation of: Boll. med.-chir. d. Ist. poUterap., Milano.] [149] Polnisch. Arch. f. biol. u. med. Wissensch., Lemberg. PolycUn., Lond. Polygen. Beitr., Berl. Pop. Health Mag., Wash. & Balt. Pop. Se Month., N. Y. Portugal med., Porto. Post. okul., Krakow. Post-Grad. BuU., MUwaukee. Post-Grad. lect. Univ. Toronto. Post-Graduate, N. Y. Pract. Arzt, Budapest. Pract. Drug. [etc.], N. Y. & PhUa. Pract. Gynee (Bovee), PhUa. & N. Y. Pract. Med., Delhi. Pract. Therap., La Grange, El. Practice, Richmond. Practitioner, Lond. Prag. med. Wchnschr. Prakt. Arzt. Prakt. Desinfekt., Berl. Prakt.Ergebn. a. d. Geb. d.Haut.- u. Geschlechtskr., Wiesb. Prakt. Ergebn. d. Geburtsh. u. Gynàk., Wiesb. Prakt. Geneesheer, Hertogen- bosch. Prakt. Vrach, S.-Peterb. Polnisches Archiv fur biologische und medizinische Wissen- schaften. Lemberg. v. 1-2,1901-5. 8°. Polychnic (The); being the Journal of the Médical Graduâtes' Collège, London. London. v. 1-20, 1899-1916. 8°. Polygenistische Beitrâge. Rassenkunde] Berlin. v. 1-87, 1872- [Supplement to: Fortschritte der No. 1, 1915. 8°. Popular (The) Health Magazine. Washington & Baltimore v. 1-3,1893-5. 8°. [Continued as: Health Mag.] Popular (The) Science Monthly. New York. 1915. 8°. [Continued as: Scient. Month.] Portugal médico (arquivos portugueses de medicina). Porto 3. s., v. 7,1915. 8°. [Continuation of: Gaz. d. hosp. do Porto.] Postep okulistyczny. [Progress of ophthalmology.] Krakow. V. 1-16, 1899-1914. 8°. Post-Graduate (The) Bulletin. A quarterly journal of surgery and medicine. MUwaukee. v. 1-2, 1905-6. 8°. Post-Graduate course of lectures. Médical Faculty, University of Toronto. Delivered Dec. 17, 18, 19, 1890. Toronto. 1 v. 1891. roy. 8°. Post-Graduate (The). The journal of the New York Post- Graduate Médical School and Hospital. New York. v. 3-30, 1887-1915. 8°. Practische (Der) Arzt. Deutsche Ausgabe des Fachblattes: A gyakorlô orvos. Budapest, v. 7-12, 1896-1901. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Orvosi lapja.] Practical Druggist and Pharmaceutical Review of Reviews. New York & Philadelphia. No. 2, v. 16, 1904. 4°. Practice (The) of Gynecology, in original contributions by Amer- ican authors. Edited by J. Wesley Bovee. Philadelphia & New York. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Practical (The) Medicine. A monthly journal for the busy prac- titioner. Delhi, v. 2-14, 1904-16. 8°. Practical Therapeutics. La Grange, 111. v. 23, 1909-10. 8°. Practice: The journal for the busy doctor. Richmond, Va. v. 1-15, 1886-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Richmond J. Pract.] Practitioner (The). A monthly journal of therapeutics. Lon- don. v. 1-96, 1868-1916. 8°. Prager medizinische Wochenschrift. v. 1-40, 1876-1915. 8° &4°. Praktische (Der) Arzt. Wetzlar; Leipzig, v. 1-55, 1860-1915. Prat. dermo-sifilopat., Roma. Prat. d. mal. d. enf., Par. Praktische (Der) Desinfektor. Un. 1909-15. sm. 4°. MonatUche MitteUungen. Ber- Praktische Ergebnisse auf dem Gebiete der Haut- und Ge- schlechtskrankheiten. Wiesbaden. v. 1-3, 1910-14. 8°. Praktische Ergebnisse der Geburtshilfe und Gynàkologie Wies- baden. v. 1-6, 1909-14. 8°. Praktizeerende (De) Geneesheer. 's Hertogenbosch. v. 1-5, 1868-73; 2. s., v. 1-5,1874-8; 3. s., v. 1-5,1879-83; 4. s., v. 1-5, 1884-8; 5. s., v. 1-5,1889-93; 6. s., v. 1-5,1894-8; 7. s., v. 1-5, 1899-1903. 8°. Prakticheskiy Vrach; yezhened. meditsinskaya gazeta, posvya- shtshonnaya naûchnîm i bîtovîm interesam vracheï-praktikov, s yezhemïesyachnîm zhurnalom " Sovremennaya khnika". [Practical Physician; weekly médical gazette, devoted to the scientific and lay interests of practicing physicians, with a monthly journal " Contemporary Clinie"] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-13, 1902-14. 8°. Pratica (La) dermo-sifilopatica. Roma. Nos. 1-5, v. 8, 1911- 12. 8°. Pratique (La) des maladies des enfants. Paris, v. 1-4, 1909- 11. 8°. [150] Prat. méd.-leg., Par. Prat. ocuUstica, Roma. Prat. ostet.-ginee, Milano. Pratica d. med., NapoU. Praticien, Par. Pratico, Firenze. Pratique jour., LUle. Pratique méd., Par. Pravoslav. palest. sbornik, S.- Peterb. Praxis, Wiirzb. Prensa méd. argentina, Buenos Aires. Presa med. rom., Bucurescï. Prescriber, Edinb. Prescription, Danbury, Conn. Presse méd., Par. Presse méd. belge, Brux. Presse oto-laryngol. belge, Brux. Presse therap., Par. Presse vét. Preuss. Med. - Beamten - Ver. Off. Ber., Berl. Preuss. Med.- u. Gesundheits- wes. 1883-1908. Festschr. . . ., Berl. Prevent. Dis., Westminst. Pratique (La) médico-légale Paris. Nos. 1-7, v. 1, January te July, 1914. s°. Pratica (La) ocuUstica. Roma. v. 10-11, 1912-13. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Boll. d. Osp. oftal. d. prov. di Roma.] Pratica (La) ostetrico-ginecologica. BoUettino bimensile. Uffi- ciale per la Società italiana fra le levatrici (sezione milanese). Milano. v. 1-2, 1898-9. fol. Pratica (La) del médico. Rivista mensile di medicina, chimrgia e scienze affini. Napoli. v. 1-15, 1900-1901 to 1914-15. 8°. Praticien (Le). Journal hebdomadaire de médecine. Paris. v. 1-18, 1878-95. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Praticien (Le) et le médecin de réserve. Organe du corps de santé de la réserve et de l'armée territoriale. Paris, v. 19-20, 1896-7. 4°. Pratico (II). Giornale quindicinale per i medici-chirurghi pra- tici, farmacisti e levatrici. Firenze. Anni i-iii, v. 1-5, 1896-9. 12°. Pratique (La) journalière. Revue mensuelle de clinique et de thérapeutique. Lille, v. 1-17, 1895-1911. 8°. Pratique (La) de la médecine infantile. Paris. [Title of No. 1, 1897, of: Méd. inf., Par.] Pratique (La) médicale. Paris, v. 1-28, 1887-1914. 8°. Pravoslavnîy palestinskiy sbornik. Izdanïe Imperatorskavo Pravoslavnavo Palestinskavo Obshtshestva. [Orthodox Pales- tinian magazine. Publication of the Impérial Greek-Orthodox Palestine Association.] S.-Peterburg. v. 9, pt. 1, 1891. 8°. Praxis (Die). ZeitschrUt fur die praktischen Aerzte in kleinen Stâdten und auf dem Lande. Wûrzburg. v. 1-2,1896-7. 8°. & roy. 8°. [Merged in: Aerztl. Prax., Wùrzb.] Prensa (La) médica argentina. Buenos Aires, v. 1, 1914. fol. Presa medicala romana. Bucurescï. v. 6-9, 1899-1903. fol. Presbyterian Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital. Baltimore, Md. [See J. Eye, Ear & Throat Dis., Balt.] Presbyterian Hospital in the City of New York. [See Med. & Surg. Rep. Presbyterian Hosp., N. Y.] Prescriber (The). A monthly journal of deaUng with therapeutics and treatment. Edinburgh. v. 3-10, 1909-16. 8°. Prescription (The) : a monthly journal devoted entirely to prac- tical therapeutics. Danbury, Conn. v. 1-7, 1891-7. 8°. [Merged in: N. Eng. M. Month.] Presse (La) médicale. Paris. Dec. 23, 1893, to 1916. fol. Presse (La) médicale belge. Bruxelles, v. 1-12,1848-60; v. 26- 66, 1873-1914. 4°. Presse (La) oto-laryngologique belge. Bruxelles, v. 1-13,1902- 14. 8°. Presse (La) thérapeutique, hygiène, clinique thérapeutique, diététique, pharmacologie, physicothérapie. Paris, v. 1-2, 1904-5. 8°. Presse (La) vétérinaire. Paris; Angers, v. 1-22, 1881-1902. 8°. Preussischer Medizinalbeamten-Verein. Offizielle Berichte uber die Hauptversammlung zu BerUn. 6.-28., 1888-1912. 8°. [Supplément to: Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte. See, also, the fol- lowing:] Preussische (Das) Medizinal- und Gesundheitswesen in den Jahren 1883-1908. Festschrift zur Feier des 25jâhrigen Be- stehens des preussischen Medizinalbeamten-Vereins. BerUn lv. 1908. 8°. Prévention (The) of disease. Transi, from the German. With an introduction by H. Timbrell Bulstrode. Westminster 1 v. 1902. 8°. [151] Prim. reun. d. Cong. cient. lat. amer., Buenos Aires. Princeton Contrib. Psychol., Princeton. Pro en contra, Baarn. Proc. Acad. Nat. Se PhUa. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts & Se, Bost. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Edu- cat. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Se Proc. Am. Ass. Mus., Charleston, S. C. Proc. Am. Ass. Phys. & Surg., Indianap. Proc. Am. Med. Editors' Ass., N. Y. Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass., [Utica, N. Y.]. Proc. Am. Micr. Soc Proc. Am. Pharm. Ass., PhUa. Proc. Am. PhU. Soc, PhUa. Proc. Am. Physiol. Soc, Bost. Proc. Am. Soc. Biol. Chemists, Balt. Proc. Am. Soc. Psych. Research. Proc. . . . Am. Soc. Superintend. Train. Sch. Nurses. Proc. Am. Vet. M. Ass., PhUa. Proc. Anat. Soc. Gr. Britain & Ireland, Lond. Proc. Ann. Confer. Am. Ass. Med. Milk Com., Cincin. Proc. Arkansas M. Soc, Little Rock. Primera réunion del Congreso cientffico latino-americano. Por îniciativa de la Sociedad cientîfica argentina Buenos Aire* 4v. 1898. 8°. ' Princeton Contributions to Psychology. Reprinted from The Psychological Review. Princeton, N. J. v. 1-2, 4, 1895-8, Privat-Frauenklinik von A. Mackenrodt. BerUn. [See Arb a d. Pnv.-Frauenklin. v. A. Mackenrodt, BerL] Private Sanitary Society of Japan. [See Dai Nippon Shiritsu Eisei Kwai Zasshi, Tokyo.] Pro en contra. Betreffende vraagstukken van algemeen belang Baam. v. 1-3, 1905-7. 8°. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of PhUadelphia. 1856-8; 1862-1915. 8°. Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Boston and Cambridge, v. 1-8, 1846-73; n. s., v. 1-51, 1873- 1915. 8°. Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education, [v. p.] v. 1-8, 1885-93. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Rep. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat.] Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the annual meetings, 1848-1910 (1.-62.). [v. p.ï 1849-1910. 8°. Proceedings of the American Associations of Muséums. Charles- ton, S. C. v. 5-7, 1911-13. 8°. Proceedings of the American Association of Physicians and Sur- geons, from October 15, 1894, to January 18,1896, including the second annual meeting. IndianapoUs, Ind. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Proceedings of the American Médical Editors' Association. New York. v. 37-39, 1906-8. 8°. [Continued as: J. Am. Med. Editors' Ass.] Proceedings of the American Medico-Psychological Association. [Utica, N. Y.] v. 1-14, 1894-1907. 8°. [Continuation of: Proc. Ass. Med. Superintend. Am. Inst. Insane.] Proceedings of the American Microscopical Society. 15.-17. an- nual meetings, 1892-4. [v.p.] 1892-3 to 1894-5. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Proc. Am. Soc. Micr. (in 1. s., 1895, xvi). Con- tinued as: Tr. Am. Micr. Soc] Proceedings of the American Pharmaceutical Association. PhU- adelphia. 1852-1911. (1.-59.) 8°. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society. PhUa- delphia. v. 1-55, 1838-1916. 8°. Proceedings of the American Physiological Society. Boston. 1898-1915. 8°. [Bound with: Am. J. Physiol., Bost.] Proceedings of the American Society of Biological Chemists. 1908-15(1.-10.). Baltimore. 8°. [Bound with : J. Biol. Chem., Balt.] Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research. Boston; New York. v. 1, 1885-9; v. 1-6, 1907-12. 8°. Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the American Society of Superintendents of Training Schools for Nurses, [v. p.] 6.-17., 1899-1911. 8°. Proceedings of the American Veterinary Médical Association. Edited by John R. Mohler. FUtieth Annual Convention, held at New York City, N. Y., Sept. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, 1913. PhUa- delphia, 1914. 8°. [Continuation of : Proc. U. S. Vet. M. Ass.] Proceedings of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland. London. 1887-1915. 8°. [Bound with: J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond.] Proceedings of the Annual Conférence of the American Associa- tion of Médical Milk Commissions. 3., 1909. Chacinnati, 1909. 8°. Proceedings of the Arkansas Médical Society. Little Rock. 24.-29. meetings, 1899-1904. 8°. [152] Proc Ass. Am. Anat. Proc. Ass. Am. M. CoU., Chicago. Proc. Ass. Life Insur. Près., N.Y. Proc. Ass. MU. Surg. U. S. Proc Calif. Acad. Se, San Fran. Proc. Cambridge PhU. Soc. Proc. Canal Zone M. Ass., Mount Hope, C. Z. Proc. Charaka Club, N. Y. Proc. Conf. . . . Prev. Tubere, N.Y. Proc. Conf. State & Prov. Bds. Health N. Am. Proc. 2. Confer. Health Off. in Mich., Lansing. Proc Confer. San. Off. N. York, Albany. Proc. Connect. M. Soc. Proc. Dent. Fac Ass. Am. Univ., PhUa. Proc. Farmers' Norm. Inst., Har- risb. Proc. Florida M. Ass. Proc. Gen. Malar. Comm., Simla. Proc. gen. meet. Lond. Zool. Soc. Proc. Imp. Malar. Conf., Simla. Proc. Incorp. Ass. Municip. & County Eng., Lond. & N. Y. Proc. Inst. Municip. & County Engin., Lond. Proc. Kansas M. Soc. Proc. Kentucky M. Soc. Proceedings of the annual sessions of the Association of American Anatomists. [v. p.] 1-14., 1888-1904. 8°. [Continued in: J. Anat.] Proceedings of the Association of American Médical Collèges. Chicago, 1915. 8°. [Continuation of : Tr. Ass. Am. M. Coll.] Proceedings of the Association of LUe Insurance Présidents. Eighth annual meeting. New York, 1914. 8°. Proceedings of the Association of MUitary Surgeons of the United States, [v. p.] 4.-9., 1894-1900. 8°. [Continued as: J. Ass. Mil. Surg. U. S.] Proceedings of the CaUfornia Academy of Sciences. San Fran- cisco. 2. s., v. 1-5, 1888-96; 3. s., Botany, v. 1-2; Geology, v. 1-2; Zoôlogy, v. 1-4, 1897-1904. 8°. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society. Cambridge, 1914-15. 8°. Proceedings of the Canal Zone Médical Association. Mount Hope, C. Z. v. 1-7, 1908 to 1914-15. 8°. Proceedings (The) of the Charaka Club. New York. v. 1-3, 1906-10. 8° Proceedings of the Conférence of the Local Cornmittees on the Prévention of Tuberculosis of the State Charities Aid Associa- tion, Albany, N. Y. New York, 1910. 8°. Proceedings of the Conférence of State and Provincial Boards of Health of North America, [v. p.] 28.-30., 1913-15. 8°. Proceedings and addresses of the second annual Conférence of the Health Officers in Michigan, held at the State Laboratory of Hygiène, State University, Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 14 and 15, 1894, under the auspices of the State Board of Health. Lansing. lv. 1894. 8°. [Supplémentto: Rep.Bd.Health, Mich.] Proceedings of the Conférence of Sanitary Officers of the State of New York. Albany. 7 v. 1907. 8°. Proceedings of the Connecticut State Médical Society, [v. p.] 1.-123., 1792-1915. 8°. Proceedings of the Dental Faculties Association of American Universities. 5.-7., 1913-15. Philadelphia, 1913-15. 8°. Proceedings of the Farmers' Annual Normal Institute and Spring Meeting of the State Board of Agriculture, compiled by A. L. Martin, director of institutes, held at Hôtel Conneaut, Expo- sition Park, Pa., May 25 to 27,1915. Harrisburg. 1 v. 1915. 8°. [Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Department of Agri- culture. Bulletin No. 267.] Proceedings of the Florida Médical Association, [v. p.] 1874- 98. 8°. [Continued as: Tr. Florida M. Ass.] Proceedings of the Third Meeting of the General Malarial Com- mittee, held at Madras, November 18,19, and 20,1912. Simla, 1913. fol. Proceedings of the gênerai meeting for scientific business of the Zoological Society of London. London. 1906-15. 8°. Proceedings of the Impérial Malarial Conférence held at Simla in October, 1909. Simla. 1 v. 1910. fol. Proceedings of the Incorporated Association of Municipal and County Engineers. London & New York. v. 17-35, 1891- 1909. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Proceedings of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. London. v. 37^1, 1910-11 to 1914-15. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Proceedings of the Intercolonial Médical Congress of Australasia. [See Australas. M. Cong. Australas. Tr.] Proceedings of the Kansas State Médical Society, [v. p.] 1893- 1900. 8°. [Continuation of : Tr. M. Soc. Kansas. Continued as: J. Kansas M. Soc] Proceedings of the Kentucky State Médical Society. [See Tr. Kentucky M. Soc] [153] Proc. Laryngol. Soc. Lond. Proc. Life Assur. Med. Off. Ass., Lond. Proc. Liverpool Biol. Soc. Proc. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. Proc. Mass. Dent. Soc, Cam- bridge. Proc. Med.-Chir. Soc. Montréal. Proc. Ment. Hyg. Conf., N. Y. Proc. N. York Path. Soc. Proc Nat. Acad. Se, Balt. Proc. Nat. Ass. Master Plumb- ers, Cincin. Proc. Nat. Confer. Char. Proc. North Dakota M. Soc, Grand Forks. Proc. Orléans Parish M. Soc, N. Orl. Proc. Path. Soc. PhUa. Proc. Penn. Dent. Soc, PhUa. Proc. PhUa. Co. M. Soc. Proc. Physiol. Soc, Lond. Proc. Psychol. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond. Proc. Roy. M. & Chir. Soc. Lond. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. Proc. Roy. Soc. Med., Lond. Proc. Scot. Micr. Soc, Lond. & Edinb. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol & Med., N.Y. Proc. Soc. Psych. Research, Lond. Proc. State Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison. Proceedings of the Laryngological Society of London. London. v. 1-8, 1893-4 to 1900-1901. 8°. Proceedings (The) of the LUe Assurance Médical Officers' Asso- ciation. London. 2 v. 1896-7. 8°. Proceedings and Transactions of the Liverpool Biological Society. Session 1886-7 to session 1914-15. Liverpool. v. 1-29, 1887- 1915. 8°. Proceedings of the Médical Society, District of Columbia. Jan. 17, 1883, to June 10, 1885. [n. p.] 1883-5. 8°. [See, also, Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb.] Proceedings of the Massachusetts Dental Society. Cambridge. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Proceedings of the MeàUco-Chirurgical Society of Montréal. Montréal. 6 v. 1882-94. 8°. Proceedings of the Mental Hygiène Conférence and Exhibit. At the Collège of the city of New York. Published by the Com- mittee on Mental Hygiène of the State Charities Aid Associa- tion. New York. 1912. 8°. Proceedings of the New York Pathological Society. New York. 1887-1900; n. s., v. 1-15, 1901-15. 8°. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Editorial Board: Arthur A. Noyés, Edwin B. WUson [étal.]. Baltimore. v. 1, 1915. 8°. Proceedings of the annual convention of the National Association of Master Plumbers of the United States of America. 3. annual meeting, Cincinnati, 1885. 8°. Proceedings of the National Conférence of Charities and Correc- tion, [v. p.] 9.-42., 1882-1915. 8°. Proceedings of the North Dakota Médical Society for 1897. Grand Forks, N. Dak. 1 v. 1898. 8°. Proceedings of the Orléans Parish Médical Society. New Or- léans. 1893-1908. 8°. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia. v. 1-3, 1860-70; n. s., v. 1-17, 1897-8 to 1914. 8°. [In 1871-96, title was: Tr. Path. Soc. Phila.] Proceedings of the Pennsylvania State Dental Society. 1897-8. Philadelphia. 2 v. 1898-9. 8°. [Continuation of : Tr. Penn. Dent. Soc] Proceedings of the Philadelphia County Médical Society. Phila- delphia. v. 1-26, 1878-1905. 8°. Proceedings of the Physiological Society. London. 1883-1915. 8°. [Issued with: J. Physiol., Lond.] Proceedings of the Psychological Society of Great Britain, 1875-9. London. 1 v. 1880. 8°. Proceedings of the Royal Médical and Clnrurgical Society of Lon- don. v 1-9,1856-82; n. s., v. 1-2,1882-8; 3.s., v. 1-10,1888- 98. 8°. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. v. 1-35, 1832- 1915. 8°. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. v. 7-75,1854-1905. Séries A, v. 76-92; Séries B, v. 76-89, 1905 to 1915-16. 8°. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine. London. v.1-9, 1907-8 to 1915-16. 8°. Proceedings of the Scottish Microscopical Society. 1889-1904. London & Edinburgh. v. 1-4, 1895-1904. 8°. Proceedings of the Society for Expérimental Biology and Medi- cine 1903^ to 1906-7. New York. v. 1-13, 1904-16. 8 . Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research. London. v. 1-28, 1882-3 to 1915-16. 8°. Proceedings of the State Histerical Society of Wisconsin at its fifty-eighth annual meeting, held October 20, 1910. Madison. 1911. 8°. [154] Proc. State San. Convent., Sac- ramento. Proc. & Ti\ Nova Scot. Inst. Nat. Se, Halifax. Proc. Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan, PhUa. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash. Proc. U. S. Vet. Med. Ass. Proc. Utah M. Soc, Sait Lake City. Proc. Wash. Acad. Se Procès célèb., Par. Proctologist, St. Louis. Proctologist [etc.], St. Louis. Proe-verb. Soc. d. se phys. et nat. de Bordeaux. Progr. Cent., N. Y. & Lond. Progr. Med., PhUa. & N. Y. Progrès dent., Par. Progrès méd., Par. Progrès méd. belge, Brux. Progrès vét., Agen. Progreso méd., Habana. Progress Med., San Fran. Progresso med., Torino. Progresso oftal., Palermo. Propaganda anti-malar., NapoU. Propaganda san., Firenze. Prophylaxis, Kansas City. Proceedings of the third annual State Sanitary Convention, held under the auspices of the CaUfornia State Board of Health in the Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. Sacramento. 1 v. 1S95. S°. Proceedings and Transactions of the Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Sciences. Halifax, v. 1-7, 1865-6 to 1887-9; n. s., v. 1-14, 1891-3 to 1914-15. 8°. Proceedings of the Tri-State Dental Meeting of the State Asso- ciations of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, held at Détroit, Michigan, June 18, 19, 20, 1895. Philadelphia. 1 v. 1895. 8°. Proceedings of the United States National Muséum. Washing- ton, v. 1-48 (1878-1915), 1879-1915. 8°. Proceedings of the United States Veterinary Médical Association. [v.p.] 1891-7. 8°. [Proceedings of First Veterinary Congress of America are contained in Proceedings of 30th annual con- vention, 1893.] [Continued as: Proc. Am. Vet. M. Ass.] Proceedings of the Utah State Médical Society. 1895-6. Sait Lake City. 1897. 8°. Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Washing- ton, v. 1-12, 1889-1910. 8°. Procès (Les) célèbres. Revue mensuelle illustrée des procès célèbres de l'année avec les plaidoiries in-extenso. Paris. v. 3-9, 1895-1902. 8°. Proctologist (The). St. Louis, v. 1-10,1907-16. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Proctologist (The) and Gastro-Enterologist. St. Louis, v. 10, 1916. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Am. J. Gastro- EnteroL, with the preceding.] Procès-verbaux des séances de la Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux. Paris & Bordeaux. Années 1894-5 to 1905-6. 8°. Progress (The) of the Century. New York & London. 1 v. 1901. 8°. Progressive Medicine. A quarterly digest of advances, discov- eries, and improvements in the médical and surgical sciences. Philadelphia & New York. [4 v. annually.] 1899-1915. 8°. Progrès (Le) dentaire. Paris, v. 1-29, 1874-1902. 8°. Progrès médical. Paris, v. 1-12, 1873-84; 2. s., v. 1-20, 1885- 94; 3. s., v. 1-24, 1895-1908; 1909 to 1914-15. fol. Progrès (Le) médical belge. Bruxelles, v. 1-16, 1899-1914. roy. 8°. Progrès vétérinaire. Journal de médecine bovine, consacré spé- cialement à la pratique médicale. Agen. v. 26-28, 1906-7. 8°. Progreso (II) médico. Habana. Afios 1-10, 1889-1900. 8°. Progress of Medicine. San Francisco.' Nos. 1-2, v. 1,1899. 8°. Progresso (II) médico. Rivista quindicinale. Torino. v. 1-5, 1902-6. fol. [Continued as: Rassegna di terap.] Progresso (II) oftalmologico. Palermo. v. 1-6, 1906 to 1910-11. S8. Propaganda (La) anti-malarica; rivista d' igiene antimalarica e bollettino délia stazione educativo-antimalarica di NapoU e Capua. NapoU. Anno 6-7, 1913-14. 8°. [Continued «as: Malarialogia.] Propaganda (La) sanitaria. Rassegna quindicinale di igiene pratica e medicina sociale. Firenze. v. 1-2, 1907-8. fol. Prophylaxis. A monthly journal devoted to the care of the body and its normal functions. Kansas City> Mo. v. 1, 1909. Protestant Episcopal Hospital. Hosp., PhUa.] [See Med. & Surg. Rep. Epise [155] Protoe med.-forense, Teruel. Protok. Kiyev. Psikhiat. Obsh. Protok. Med. Obsh. v g. Suvalk. Protok. Mosk. Ven. i Dermat. Obsh. Protok. . . . Obsh. Minsk. Vrach. Frotok. Obsh. Omsk. Vrach. Protok. Obsh. Pskov. Vrach. Protok. Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v Mosk. Protok. Obsh. Vrach. Mohilev. gub. Protok. Omsk. Med. Obsh. Protok. Russk. Khir. Obsh. Piro- gova, S.-Peterb. Protok. Russk. Sif. i Dermat. Obsh. Protok. i Trudî Fiz.-Med. Obsh. v Saratovïe. Protok. i Trudî Obsh. Arkhangel. Vrach. Protok. i Trudî Obsh. Kaluzh. Vrach. Protok. i Trudî Obsh. Khersonsk. Vrach. Protok. i Trudî Russk. Khir. Obsh. Pirogova, S.-Peterb. Protocolo medico-forense. Teruel. v. 7-15, 1905-13. 8°. Protokolî Kiyevskavo Psikhiatricheskavo Obshtshestva. [Pro- ceedings of the Kiyev Psychiatrical Society .1 Kivev v 1-2 1898-9 to 1899-1900. 8°. J ' ' ' Protokolî Meditsinskavo Obshestva v g. Suvalkakh, s prUozhe- niyern trudov, za 1894 god. [Proceedings of the Médical So- ciety of Suvalki, with appendix of memoirs, for 1894.1 Suvalki 1895. 8°. » j • Protokolî Moskovskavo Venerologicheskavo i Dermatologiche- skavo Obshtshestva. [Proceedings of the Moscow Venereal and Dermatological Society.] 1891-2:1893-9. Moskva. v. 1,1892• v. 3-8, 1895-9. 8°. [v. 4-8, with: BibUot. Vracha.] Protokolî godichnavo i ocherednîkh zasïedaniy Obshtshestva Minskikh Vracheï za 1893-4 g. [Proceedings of the annual and stated meetings of the Society of Minsk Physicians for 1893-4.] Minsk. 1 v. 1894. 8°. Protokolî Obshtshestva Omskikh Vracheï. [Proceedings of the Society of Omsk Physicians.] Omsk. v. 1-3,1883-4 to 1885-6. 8°. [Continued as: Protok. Omsk. Med. Obsh.] Protokolî Obshtshestva Pskovskikh Vracheï. [Proceedings of the Society of Pskov Physicians.] Sept. 15, 1888, to March 15, 1889. Pskov. 1888-9. 16°. Protokolî Obshtshestva Russkikh Vracheï v Moskvïe. [Proceed- ings of the Society of Russian Physicians in Moscow.] 1895; 1908-13. Moskva. 1896; 1908-13. 8°. Protokolî Obshtshestva Vracheï MohUevskoï gubernii. Pro- ceedings of the Society of Physicians of MohUev Government.] 1889-90; 1890-91. Mohilev n. D. 1890-91. 8°. [Continuation of: Protok. Obsh. MohUev. Vrach.] Protokolî Omskavo Meditsinskavo Obshtshestva. [Proceedings of the Omsk Médical Society.] 1886-7 to 1909-10. Omsk. v. 4r-27 [some volumes incomplète], 1886-93. 8°. [Continuation of: Protok. Obsh. Omsk. Vrach.] ProtokoU Russkavo Khirurgicheskavo Obshtshestva Pirogova. [Proceedings of the Russian Surgical Society of Pirogoff.] 1894-5 to 1898-9. S.-Peterburg. 1894-5 to 1900. roy. 88. Protokolî Russkavo Sifilidologicheskavo i Dermatologicheskavo Obshtshestva. [Proceedings of the Russian SyphiUdological and Dermatological Society.] v. 1-5, 1885-6 to 1889-90; v. 7, 1891-2; v. 8, 1892-3; v. 11, 1895-6; v. 12, 1896-7. S.-Peter- burg & [Moskva], 1888-97. 8°. [v. 11-12 bound with: BibUot. Vracha, 1896-7, tii-iv.] Protokolî i Trudî Fiziko-Meditsinskavo Obshtshestva v Saratovïe za 1893 i 1894 goda. [Proceedings and memoirs of the Physico- Médical Society of Saratov.] Saratov. 1895. 8°. Protokolî i Trudî Obshtshestva Arkhangelskikh Vracheï. [Pro- ceedings and papers of the Society of Arkhangelsk Physicians.] Pts. 1 & 2, 1885; pt. 1,1886; pt. 2, 1887; pts. 1 & 2, 1888; pts. 1 & 2, 1890; pts. 1 à 2, 1891; pts. 1 & 2,1892; pts. 1 & 2,1893; pt. 2,1894; pts. 1 & 2,1895; pts. 1 & 2, 1896; pt. 1, 1897; pt. 2, 1898; pts. 1 & 2, 1899; pts. 1 & 2,1900; pts. 1 & 2, 1901; pt. 2, 1902; pt. 1, 1903. Arkhangelsk, 1885-1904. 12°. Protokolî i Trudî Obshtshestva Kaluzhskikh Vracheï. [Proceed- ings and papers of the Society of Kaluga Physicians.] 1898, 1900, 1903-6 to 1910-11. Kaluga. 1899-1912. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Sborn. Protok. Obsh. Kaluzh. Vrach. Continued as: Sborn. Protok. iTrud. Obsh. Kaluzh. Vrach.] Protokolî i Trudî Obshtshestva Khersonskikh Vracheï. [Proceed- ings and memoirs of the Society of Kherson Physicians.] 1894-5; 1896-7. Kherson. v. 26, 1896; v. 28, 1898. 8°. Protokolî i Trudî Russkavo Khirurgicheskavo Obshtshestva Piro- gova. [Proceedings and memohs of the Russian Surgical Society of Pirogoff.] 1883-4; 1888-9 to 1896-7; 1899-1900; 1907-8. S.-Peterburg. v. 2,1884; v. 7-15,1889-98; v. 18,1901 ; v. 26, 1909. 8°. [In v. 26 the word "zasïedaniy" is added after "Protokolî." See, also, Trudî i Protok. Zasïed. Russk. Khirurg. Obsh. Pirogova.] [156] Protok. i Trudî Sovïeshtshat. Syezda Vrach. VLadikavkazsk. Zhel. Dor., Saratov. Protok. d. Verhandl. d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Bahnarzte zu Baden-Baden, Nurnb. Protok. zasïed. Akush. - Ginek. Obsh. v Kiyevïe. Protok. zasïed. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis. Protok. zasïed. Kharkovsk. Med. Obsh. Protok. zasïed. Obsh. Morsk. Vrach. v Kronshtadtïe. Protok. zasïed. Obsh. Neïropat. i Psikhiat. pri Imp. Moskov. Univ. Protok. zasïed. Obsh. Psikhiat. v S.-Peterb. Protok. zasïed. Russk. Antrop. Obsh. p. Imp. S.-Peterb. Univ. Providence M. J. Province méd., Lyon. Province méd., Par. Przegl. chir., Warszawa. Przegl. chir. i ginek., Warszawa. Przegl. chorôb skôr. i wen., War- szawa. Przegl. dent., Warszawa. Protokolî i Trudî Sovïeshtshatelnavo Syezda Vracheï Vladikav- kazskoï Zhelïeznoï Dorogi. [Proceedings and Papers of the Consulting Congress of the Physicians of the Vladikavkaz Rail- road.] Sararov. v. 2, 1913. 8°. [Bound with: Vestnik Zhelïeznodov. Med.] ProtokoU der Verhandlungen der Versammlung deutscher Bahn- arzte zu Baden-Baden am 23. und 24. Juni 1900. Nûrnberg. 1 v. 1900. 8°. ProtokoU zasïedaniy Akushorsko-Ginekologicheskavo Obshtshe stva v Kiyevïe. [Proceedings of the meetings of the Obstetrico- Gynecological Society of Kiyev.] 1887-95. Kiyev. v. 1-9, 1887-96. 8°. Protokolî zasïedaniy Kavkazskavo Meditsinskovo Obshtshestva. [Proceedings of meetings of the Médical Society of the Cauca- sus.l Tiflis. v. 6-13,1869-70 to 1906-7. 8°. [With v. 9,1872- 3, the word "Imperatorskavo" was added to title. Some vol- umes imperfect. Continued as: Trudî i Protok. Imp. Kav- kazsk. Med. Obsh.] Protokolp] zasïedani[y] Kharkovskavo Meditsinskavo Obshtshe- stva. [Proceedings of the meetings of the Kharkov Médical Society.] Kharkov. v. 33-34, 1893-4; v. 36-37, 1896-7. 8°. ProtokoU zasïedaniy Obshtshestva Morskikh Vracheï v Kron- shtadtïe. [Proceedings of the meetings of the Society of Naval Surgeons in Cronstadt.] 1876-7 to 1894-5; 1896-7 to 1907-8. Kronshtadt, 1877-1908. 8°. ProtokoU zasïedaniy Obshtshestva Neïropatologov i Psikhiatrov pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitetïe. [Proceedings of the meetings of the Neurologists and Psychiatricians at the University of Moscow.] 1894-8. [Moskva, 1895-9.] 8°. Protokolî zasïedaniy Obshtshestva Psikhiatrov v S.-Peterburgïe. [Proceedings of the meetings of the Society of AUenists in St. Petersburg.] 1893-8. S.-Peterburg, 1895-9. 8°. Protokolî zasïedaniy Russkavo Antropologicheskavo Obshtshe- stva pri Imperatorskom S.-Peterburgskom Universitetïe. [Pro- ceedings of the Russian Anthropological Society in connection with the Impérial University of St. Petersburg.] 1888-91. S.-Peterburg. v. 1-3, 1889-92. 8°. Providence (The) Médical Journal. 1916. 8°. Providence, v. 1-17,1900- Province (La) médicale. Lyon. v. 1-17, 1886-1902. 4°. Province médicale. Paris, v. 20-27, 1907-14. fol. Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van het Kunsten en Weten- schappen. [See Verhandel. v. h. Prov. Utrecht. Genootsch. v. h. Kunst. en Wetensch.] Provincial Board of Health of Ontario. [See San. Jour. Prov. Bd. Health Ontario.] Provincial-Irren-Anstalt zu Nietleben bei Halle a. S. [See Fest- schr. . . . d. Prov.-Irren-Anst. zu Nietleben bei Halle a. S., Leipz.] Provincial Médical and Surgical Association. [See Ass. M. J., Lond.] Przeglad chirurgie zny; pismo poéwiecone chirurgti, oftalmologUj otiatryi, laryngologU, akuszeryi, ginekologU, syfilidologu i dermatologii. [Surgical review; journal devoted to surgery, ophthalmology, otiatrics, laryngoîogy, obstetrics, gynecology, syphUidology, and dermatology.] Warszawa. v. 1-5, 1893- 1905. 8°. Przeglad chirurgiczny i ginekologiezny. [Surgical and gyneco- logical review.] Warszawa. v. 1-10, 1909-14. 8°. Przeglad chorôb skornych i wenerycznych. [Review of Skin and Venereal Diseases.] Warszawa. v. 1-8, 1906-13. 8°. Przeglad dentystyczny ; miesiecznik, posViecony chorobom ze- bow i jamy ustnej. [Dental review; monthly, devoted to dis- eases of the teeth and the oral cavity.] Warszawa v 3-5 1900-1902. 8°. [157] Przegl. farm., Warszawa. Przegl. hyg., Lwôw. Przegl. lek., Krakow. Przegl. pedyat., Krakow. Przegl. wet., Lwôw. Psiche, Firenze. Psikhiat. Gaz.. S.-Peterb. Psikho - Nevrol. Inst. Vestnik Psikhol. [etc.], S.-Peterb. Psikhoterapiya, Mosk. Psych. Rev., Bost. Psyché, Bost. Psychiat. Abhandl., Bresl. Psychiat. Bl. Psychiat. BuU., Utica. Psychiat. en Neurol. BL, Amst. Psychiat. Wchnschr., HaUe a. S. Przeglad farmaeeutyczyny; czasopismo, poswiecone farmacji i naukom z nia. zwiazek majacym, oraz sprawom zawodu. [Pharmaceutic review; journal devoted to pharmacy and kin- dred sciences, Ukewise business.] Warszawa. v 3-4, 1900- 1901. 4°. [Continued as: Farm, polski.] Przeglad hygieniczny; organ Towarzystwa Przyjaciol Zdrowia. [Hygiemc review; organ of the Society of Friends of Health 1 Lwôw. v. 1-13, 1902-14. 8°. Przeglad lekarski; organ Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Krakowskiego i Towarzaystwa Lekarzy GaUcyjskich. [etc.]. [Médical review. Organ of the Cracow and Gahcian médical societies.] Krakow v. 1-53, 1862-1914. 4°. [In 1909, Czasopismo lek. merged in this journal.] Przeglad pedyatryczny. [Pédiatrie Review.] Krakow. v. 1-6, 1908-9 to 1914. 8°. Przeglad weterynarski; organ GaUcyjskiego Towarzystwa We- terynarskiego; czasopismo poswiecone weterynaryi i hodowli. [Veterinary review; organ of the Veterinary Society of Ga- licia; journal devoted to veterinary medicine and breeding.] Lwôw. v. 13-29, 1898-1914. 8°. Psiche; rivista di studi pdcologici. 15. 8°. Firenze. Anno, 1-4, 1912- Psikhiatricheskaya Gazeta; dvukhnedïelnoye izdaniye, pos- vyashtshonnoye voprosam nevropatologn i psikhiatrii. La gazette psychiatrique; édition paraissant tous les quinze jours et consacrée aux questions de neuropathologie et de psychiatrie. S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1914. 4°. Psikho-Nevrologicheskiy Institut. Vestnik PsikhologU, Krimi- nalnoï Anthropologii i PedologU. [Psycho-Neurological Insti- tute. Messenger of Psychology, Criminal Anthropology, and Pedology.] [Continuation of : Vestnik Psikhol., Krim. Antrop.] S.-Peterburg. v. 8, 1912. 8°. Psikhoterapiya; obozrïeniye voprosov psikhicheskavo lïecheniya i prikladnoï psikhologii. [Psychotherapy; review of questions of psychotherapy and applied psychology.] Moskva. v. 1-5, 1910-14. 8°. Psychical (The) Review. A quarterly journal of psychical science and organ of the American Psychical Society. Boston, v. 1-2, 1892-3 to 1893-4. 8°. Psyché A journal of entomology, estabUshed in 1874. Editor- in-chief, C. T. Brues. Boston, v. 21-23, 1914-16. 8°. Psvchiatrische Abhandlungen. Hrsg. von Cari Wernicke. Bres- lau. Hefte 1-15, 1896-9. 8°. Psychiatrische Bladen, uitgegeven door de Nederlandsche Vereeniging voor Psychiatrie. Dordrecht; Utrecht; Amster- dam, v. 1-14, 1883-96. 8°. [Continued as: Psychiat. en Neurol. BL] Psychiatrie Bulletin of the New York State Hospitals. Utica. v. 9, 1916. 8°. [Continuation of: State Hosp. Bull., Utica.] Psychiatrische Klinik in Breslau. [See Arb. a. d. psychiat. KUn. in Bresl., Leipz.] Psychiatrische Klinik der kgl. Charité zu BerUn. [See Samml. v. gerichtl. Gutacht. a. d. psychiat. KUn. d. k. Charité zu BerL] Psychiatrische KUnik zu Wûrzburg. [See Arb. a. d. psychiat. Klin. zu Wûrzburg, Jena.] Psychiatrische en Neurologische Bladen uitgegeven door de Ne- derlandsche Vereeniging voor Psvchiatrie en Neurologie. Am- sterdam. 1897-1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Psychiat. BL] Psychiatrische WochenschrUt. Sammelblatt zur Besprechung aller Fragen des Irrenwesens und praktischen Psychiatrie einschliessUch der gerichtUchen. IrrenàrztUches Correspon- denzblatt. Halle a. S. v. 1-3, 1899-1900 to 1901-2. roy. 8°. [Continued as: Psychiat.-neurol. Wchnschr.] [158] Psychiat.-neurol. Wchnschr., Haile a. S. Psychiater, Hospital, LU. Psychoanalyt. Rev., Lancaster, Pa., & N. Y. Psychol. Arb., Leipz. Psychol. BibUoth., Amst. Psychol. BuU., N. Y. Psychol. CUn., PhUa. Psychol. Monog. Psychol. Rev. Psychol. Stud., Lond. Psychol. Studien, Leipz. Psycho-Therap. J., Lond. Psychotherapy, N. Y. Pub. Am. Statist. Ass., Bost. Pub. Clark Univ. Libr., Worces- ter. Pub. CorneU Univ. Med. CoU. ... Dep. Neurol., N. Y. Pub. CorneU Univ. Med. CoU. Stud. Dep. Path., N. Y. Pub. Health, Lond. Pub. Health, PhUa. Pub. Health BuU. Mass., Bost. Pub. Health Engin., Lond. Pub. Health J., N.Y. Pub. Health J., Toronto. Psychiatrisch-neurologische Wochenschrift. nalle v. 4-17, 1902-3 to 1915-16. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Psychiat. Wchnschr.] Psychiater (The). A journal containing a report of scientific work at the IUinois Eastern Hospital for the Insane. Hospital, UUnois. No. 1, v. 1, 1898. Psychoanalytic (The) Review. A journal devoted to an under- standing of human conduct. Edited and pubUshed by William A. White and Smith Ely Jelliffe. Lancaster, Pa. & New York. v. 1-3, 1913-16. 8°. Psychologische Arbeiten. Hrsg. von Emil KraepeUn. Leipzig. v. 1-5, 1895-1908. 8°. Psychologische Bibliotheek. Uitgegeven vanwege de Nederl. psychologische Vereeniging. Amsterdam. No. 1, [1897]. 8°. Psychological (The) BuUetin, literary section of the Psychologi- cal Review. New York. v. 1-13, 1904-16. 8°. Psychological (The) Clinie A journal for the study and treat- ment of mental retardation and déviation. Philadelphia. v. 1-10, 1907-16. 8°. Psychological Monographs. [See Psychol. Rev.] Psychological (The) Review. New York & London; Lancaster, Pa. & Baltimore; Lancaster, Pa. & Princeton, v. 1-23, 1894- 1916; Psychological Index, v. 1-21, 1894-1914; Psychological Monograph Suppléments, v. 1-20, 1895-6 to 1915-16. 8°. [See, also, Psychol. Bull.] Psychological Society of Great Britain. [See Proc. Psychol. Soc. Gr. Brit., Lond.] Psychological Studies from the Psychological Laboratory, Bed- ford Collège for Women, University of London. London. 1915. 8°. Psychologische Studien. Leipzig. N. F., v. 1-10,1905-15. 8°. Psycho-Therapeutic (The) Journal. London. v. 1-5, 1901-6. 4°. [Continued as: Health Ree] Psychotherapy. A course of reading in sound psychology, sound medicine, and sound religion. New York. v. 1-3, 1909. 8°. PubUcations of the American Statistical Association. Boston. N. s., v. 1-14, 1888-1915. % 8°. [In June, 1891, v. 2, title became: Quarterly PubUcations [etc.].] PubUcations of the Clark University Library. Worcester. v. 1-4, 1903-15. 8°. Publications of CorneU University Médical CoUege. Studies from the Department of Neurology. New York. v. 1-2,1904-7. 8°. PubUcations of CorneU University Médical CoUege. Studies from the Department of Pathology. New York. v. 1-13, 1901-13. 8°. Public Health. The officiai organ of the Society of Médical Officers of Health. London. v. 1-29, 1888 to 1915-16. 4°. PubUc Health. A quarterly journal of sanitation. PhUadel- phia. v. 1-8, 1896-1904. 8°. Public Health Bulletin. Issued monthly by the State Depart- ment of Health of Massachusetts. Boston, v. 1-3,1914-16. 8°. Public (The) Health Engineer. A weekly journal of sanitary, water, gas, and municipal engineering. London. v. 3-19, 1898-1906. fol. Public (The) Health Journal. Advocating a National Board of Health, a Cabinet Secretary of Health, and a National Examin- ing Board. New York. v. 10-15, 1896-1901. fol. & 8°. Public (The) Health Journal. The officiai organ of the Canadian Public Health Association. Toronto, v. 7, 1916. 8°. Public Health Laboratory of the University of Manchester. [See Arch. Pub. Health Lab. Univ. Manchester.] [159] Pub. Health, Mich., Lansing. Pub. Health Ree, N. Y. Pub. Health Rep., Wash. Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash. Pub. Jefferson Med. Coll. & Hosp., PhUa. Pub. Lab. Jefferson Med. CoU. Hosp., PhUa. Pub. Mass. Gen. Hosp., Bost. Pubb. d. Ist. di chim. farm. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. PugUa med., Bari. Issued for the gênerai dissémination Lansing. v. 1-8, 1906-13; 2. s., v. PubUc Health, Michigan. of sanitary knowledge. 1-3, 1913-15. 8°. PubUc Health Record. Devoted to sanitation and hygiène. Officiai organ of the Sanitary and Hygienic Society of New York.] New York. No. 1, v. 1, 1901. 8° Public Health Reports, United States PubUc Health Service. Washington, v. 28-31, 1913-16. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Public Health Reports. Treasury Department, United States Marine Hospital Service. Washington, D. C. v. 2-27, 1887- 1912. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Publications from the Jefferson Médical Collège and Hospital. [Title of v. 6, 1915, of the following:] Publications from the Laboratories of the Jefferson Médical Col- lège Hospital. Philadelphia. v. 1-6, 1904-15. 8°. PubUcations of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston. v. 1-1, 1905-13. 8°. Pubblicazione deU' Istituto di chimica farmaceutica deUa regia Università di Pisa, 1908-9. Pisa. 1909. 8°. Pugtia (La) medica. Bari. v. 1-9, 1893-1901. 8°. Q. Quaderni di psichiat., Genova. Quart. Atlas Dermat., St. Louis. Quart. BuU. M. Dep. Wash. Univ., St. Louis. Quart. BuU. Northwest. Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago. Quart. BuU. Ohio State Bd. Health, Columbus. Quart. BuU. State Bd. Health N. Hampshire, Concord. Quart. Fedv State Med. Bds. U. S., Easton, Pa. Quart. J. Exper. Physiol., Lond. Quart. J. Inebr. Quart. J. Med., Oxford. Quart. J. Micr. Se, Lond. Quart. M. J., Sheffield. Quart. Rev. Deaf-Mute Educat., Lond. Quart. Therap. Rev., Lond. Quaderni di psichiatria. Genova. v. 1-3, 1911-14; n. s., v. 1-3, 1914-16. 8°. Quarterly Atlas of Dermatology. An illustrated quarterly jour- nal of skin and venereal diseases. St. Louis, v. 1-3, 1893-6. 8°. Quarterly Bulletin Médical Department of Washington Univer- sity. v. 2-9,1903-11. St. Louis. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. BuU. Wash. Univ.] Quarterly Bulletin of the Northwestern University Médical School. Chicago, v. 3-13, 1901-12. 8°. [See, also, Bull. Northwest. Univ. M. Sch.] Quarterly Bulletin Ohio State Board of Health. Columbus. v. 1-2, 1909-10. 8°. [Continuation of: Ohio San. Bull. Con- tinued as: Month. Bull. Ohio State Bd. Health.] Quarterly Bulletin of the State Board of Health of New Hamp- shire. Concord. v. 1-4, 1912-15. 8°. [Continuation of: N. Hampshire San. Bull.] Quarterly of the Fédération of State Médical Boards of the United States. Easton, Pa. v. 1, 1913. 8°. Quarterly Journal of Expérimental Physiology. London. v. 1- 9, 1908-15. 8°. Quarterly (The) Journal of Inebriety. Hartford; Boston, v. 1-28, 1876-1906. 8°. [In 1907 consoUdated with: Arch. Physiol. Therapy, under title: J. Inebriety.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Medicine. Oxford, v. 1-9, 1907-8 to 1915-16. 8°. ; Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London. v. 1-8, 1853-60; n. s., v. 1-61, 1861-1915. 8°. Quarterly (The) Médical Journal for Yorkshire and adjoining counties. Sheffield. v. 2-11, 1893-1903. 8°. Quarterly PubUcations of the American Statistical Association. Boston. 8°. [See Pub. Am. Statist. Ass.] Quarterly Review of Deaf-Mute Education. London. v. 1-5, 1888-98. 8°. Quarterly (The) Therapeutic Review. London. v. 6-19, 1888- 1901. 4à. IKiOJ Queen's M. Canada. Quart., Kingston, Med. Fac. PubL, Queen's Univ Kingston. Queensland Geog. J., Brisbane Queen's Médical Quarterly. 1904-9. 8°. Kingston, Canada. N. s., v. 1-6, Queen's Universitv. Médical Faculty. PubUcations. Kings- ton. Nos. 1-3, 7-8, 1910-14. 8°. Queensland Geographical Journal. New séries. Including the Proceedings of the Roval Geographical Societv of Australasia, Queensland. Brisbane. v. 15-18, 1899-1903; v. 24, 1908-9; v. 26-29, 1910-14. 8°. R. R. Accad. d. fisiocrit. in Siena. Proc. verb. R. Ist. Lomb. di se e lett. Ren- die, MUano. R. Univ. di Padova. Lav. d. lab. di fisiol. Rabotî hosp. kUirurg. klin. Dya- konova, Mosk. Rabotî v lab. Med. Fak. Imp. Varshav. Univ. Rac. di scritti ostet.-ginee . d. Luigi MangiagaUi, Pavia. RaccogUtore med., ForU. Radiol. med., Torino. Radium, Par. Radium, Pittsburgh. Radium in Biol. u. Heilk., Leipz. RaUway Surg., Chicago. RaUway Surg. J., Chicago. Ramazzini, Firenze. Rap. de la Confér. internat, du nursing, Bordeaux. Rassegna di bact.-opo- e siero- terap., MUano. Reale Accademia dei fisiocritici in Sienna. Processi verbali délie adunanze Siena. [See Atti d. r. Accad. d. fisiocrit. di Siena.] Reale Instituto di cUnica chirurgica di Roma. [See Ann. d. r. Ist. di cUn. chir. d. Roma.] Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Rendiconti. Milano. 2. s., v. 1-46, 1868-1913. 8°. Reale Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico. [See Rendie clin. d. r. Ist. ostet.-ginee, Palermo.] Reale Università di Padova. Lavori del laboratorio di fisiologia. Padova. v. 1-6, 1890-96; v. 11, 1903; v. 14-15, 1910-12. 8°. Reale Università di Pisa. [See Ist. di clin. chir. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Rendie d. operaz.] Rabotî hospitalnoï khirurgicheskoï kliniki Prof. P. I. Dyakonova. [Papersfrom the hospital surgical clinie of Dyakonoff.] Moskva. v. 1-15, 1903-8. 8°. Rabotî proïzvedyonnîya v laboratoriyakh Meditsinskavo Fakul- teta Imperatorskavo Varshavskavo Universiteta. [Works per- formed in the laboratories of the Médical Department of the Impérial Warsaw University.] Varshava. Pts. 1-8, 1874-82. 8°. Raccolta di scritti ostetrico-ginecologici pel glubileo didattico del Prof. sen. Luigi MangiagaUi. Pavia. 1 v. 1906. 4°. RaccogUtore (II) médico. ForU. 4. s., v. 1-24, 1874-85; 5. s., v. 1-24, 1886-97; 6. s., v. 1-8, 1898-1901. 8°. [Continuation of: Ippocratico.] Radiologia (La) medica, rivista mensUe. Torino. v. 1-3, 1914- 16. 8°. Radium (Le). La radio-activité et les radiations, les sciences qui s'y rattachent et leurs appUcations. Paris, v. 1-11, 1904- 14. roy. 8°. Radium. A monthly journal devoted to the chemistry, physics and therapeutics of radium and radio-active substances. Pittsburgh. v. 1-6, 1913 to 1915-16. 8°. Radium in Biologie und Heilkunde. Monatsschrift fur biolo- gisch-therapeutische Forschung. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1911-13 8°. RaUway (The) Surgeon. Chicago, v. 1-10, 1894-5 to 1903-4. 4°. Railway (The) Surgical Journal. Officiai journal of the American Association of Railway Surgeons. Editer: Louis J. MitcheU Chicago, v. 17-22, 1910-11 to 1915-16. 4°. Ramazzini (II). Giornale itaUano di medicina sociale Firenze v. 1-9, 1907-15. 8°. Ramsey County Médical Society, St. Paul, Minn. [See St Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn.] Rapports de la Conférence internationale du nursing Paris juin 1907. Bordeaux. 1 v. 1907. 8°. Rassegna di bacterio-opo- e sieroterapia. Milano. v. 1-4 1903-8. [161] Rassegna di clin, e terap., Roma. Rassegna di clin., terap. Roma. [etc.], Rassegna internaz. d. med. mod., Catania. Rassegna med., Bologna. Rassegna d' ostet. e ginee, poli. Rassegna di pediat., Parma. Na- Rassegna san. di Roma. Rassegna d. se med., Modena. Rassegna di studi psichiat., Siena. Rassegna di terap., Torino. Rayons X, Par. Rassegna (La) di clinica e terapia. Roma. Fase 32-54, Feb- ruary, 1909, to December, 1910. 2 v. 8°. [Continuation of: Rassegna di terap. Continued as the following:] Rassegna (La) di clinica, terapia e scienze affini. Roma. v. 10-15, 1911-16. 8°. [Continuation of the preceding.] Rassegna internazionale deUa medicina moderna. Catania. v. 1-7, 1900-1906. fol. Rassegna (La) medica con bollettino délie speciaUtà. Bologna. v. 1-15, 1893-1907. fol. Rassegna (La) d' ostetricia e ginecologia. NapoU. v. 1-25, 1892-1916. 8°. Rassegna di pediatria; rivista mensile deUe pubbUcazioni in- torno alla medicina infantile. Parma. v. 1-4, 1910-13. 8°. Rassegna sanitaria di Roma. Roma. v. 1-14, 1903-16. fol. Rassegna (La) di scienze mediche. Modena. y. 1-11, 1886-96. 8°. [Continued as: Boll. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Modena.] Rassegna di studi psichiatrici. Siena. v. 1-5,1911-15. 8°. Rassegna (La) di terapia. Torino. Fase 1-31, July, 1906, to January, 1909. 3 v. 8°. [Continuation of: Progresso med. Continued under title: Rassegna di clin, e ter?p.] Rayons (Les) X. Annales de radiologie théorique et appUquée. Paris, v. 1, 1898. fol. Reading Pathological Society. [See Tr. Reading Path. Soc] Real Academia de medicina y cirugfa de Barcelona. [See Acta de la ses. pûb. que en 1898 celebrô la real Acad. de med. y cirug. de Barcelona.] Real Instituto bacteriologico Camara Pestana? Lisboa. [See Arch. d. r. Inst. bacteriol. Camara Pestana, Lisb.] Reale Accademia deUe scienze deU' Istituto di Bologna. [See Rendie r. Accad. d. se d. Ist. di Bologna.] Reale Accademia veterinaria itaUana. [See Arch. scient, d. r. Accad. vet. ital. Also: Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino.] Reale cUnica psichiatrica e neuropatologia di Palermo. [See Ann. d. r. chn. psichiat. e neuropat. di Palermo.] Reale Istituto d' incoraggiamento di Napoli. [See Atti d. r. Ist. d' incorag. di NapoU.] Reale Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico. Palermo. [See Rendie clin. d. r. Ist. ostet.-ginee, Palermo.] Reale Società itaUana d' igiene. [See Atti d. r. Soc. ital. d' ig., Milano.] Reale Società nazionale veterinaria. [See Gior. d. r. Soc naz. vet., Torino.] Reale Società veterinaria itaUana. [See Arch. scient, d. r. Soc. vet. ital. Also: Gior. d. r. Soc. ed Accad. vet. ital., Torino.] Reale Università di Genova. [See Boll. d. mus. di zool. [etc.], Genova. Also: CUn. dermopat. e sifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Ge- nova.] Reale Università di Padova (Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico deUa). [See Rendie cUn. statist. d. Ist. ostet.-ginee d. r. Univ. di Padova.] Reale Università di Palermo. [See Ist. d' ig. d. r. Univ. di Pa- lermo. Lav. di lab., Roma. Also: Ist. ostet.-ginee d. r. Univ. di Palermo. Rendie chn.] Reale Università di Pisa. [See Ist. di clin. chir. d. r. Univ. di Pisa Rendie d. operaz. Also: Ist. di ig. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Omaggio ... p. la lotta antitubere, Pisa. Also: Lab. sper. e sez. chn. d. patol. spee med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa. Also: Lavori d. Ist. di clin. med. d. r. Univ. di Pisa.] Reale Università di Roma. [See Clin, dermosifilopat. d. r. Univ. di Roma.] 15259°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries—16----xi [162] Real-Encycl. d. ges. HeUk. [etc.]. Ree Egypt. Gov. Sch. Med., Cairo. Ree . . . jubUé se du Prof. Le Mounier, Nancy. Ree de méd. vêt., Par. Ree d. mém. s. L étab. d'huma- nité, Par. Ree de mém. et obs. s. lliyg. et la méd. vét. mil., Par. Ree d'opht., Par. Ree d. pièces ... p. le prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Ree . . . Sound View Hosp., Stamford. Ree Symptomatol., Omaha. Ree trimest. de statist. municip. de Par. Récent Advances Physiol. & Biochem. (HU1), N. Y. Recherches clin, et therap. sur l'épUeps. [etc.], Par. Rechtsprechung u. Med.-Gesetz- geb., Berl. Red Cross Notes, N. Brunswick, N. J. Réf. Handb. Med. Se, N. Y. Reforma méd., Mexico. Refractionist, Bost. Régénération fis., Madrid. Régénération méd., Salamanca. Région, méd. - farm. vasco - na- varra, Pamplona. Regular M. Visitor, St. Louis. Reichs-Med.-Anz., Leipz. Reichs-Med.-Kal. f. Deutschl. Real-Encyclopâdie der gesammten ntilkunde: medicimsch- chirurgisches Handwôrterbuch fur praktische Aerzte. 3. Aufl., Wien & Leipzig, v. 1-23, 1893-1900; 4. Aufl., Berlin & Wien. v. 1-15, 1907-15. 8°. Records of the Egyptian Government School of Medicine. Cairo. v. 1-2, 1901-4. fol. [Continued as: Egypt. Min. Edue Ree School Med.] Recueil pubUé à l'occasion du jubilé scientifique du Professeur G. Le Mounier. Nancy. 1 v. 1913. 4°. Recueil de médecine vétérinaire. Paris, v. 1-91,1824-1915. 8°. Recueil de mémoires sur les étabUssemens d'humanité. Paris. 7v. An VII [1799]. 8°. RecueU de mémoires et observations sur l'hygiène et la médecine vétérinaires militaires. Paris. 1. s., v. 1-20, 1847-73; 2. s., v. 2-6, 1875-9; 3. s., v. 1-31, 1880-1911. 8°. Recueil d'ophtalmologie. Paris. 3. s., v. 1-33, 1879-1911. 8°. Recueil des pièces qui ont concouru pour le prix de l'Académie royale de chirurgie. Paris. 3 v. 1753-9. 4°. Records of medico-surgical practice with auxiliary blood supply; hœmatherapy, or otnerwise at Sound View Hospital. Stam- ford, Conn. Nos. 1-10, 1896-8. 8°. Record of Symptomatology. Devoted to physical diagnosis. Omaha, Nebr. v. 1, 1900. 8°. Recueil trimestriel de statistique municipale de la vUle de Paris. Paris. 8°. Récent Advances in Physiology and Bio-Chemistry. Edited by Léonard Hill. New York. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Recherches cliniques et thérapeutiques sur l'épUepsie, l'hystérie et l'idiotie. Paris, v. 1-22, 1881-1901. 8°. Rechtsprechung und Medizinal-Gesetzgebung. BeUage zur Zeit- schrift ftir Medizinal-Beamte. Berlin. 1891-1915. 8°. [Is- sued with: Zeitschrift fur Medizinal-Beamte] Red Cross. [See Am. Red Cross Bull., Wash.] Red Cross Notes. New Brunswick, N.J. v. 1-6,1897-1910. 8°. Référence (A) Handbook of the Médical Sciences. New York. 1. éd., v. 1-4, 1886-7; 2. éd., v. 1-8, 1900-1904; 3. éd., v. 1-6, 1913-16. 4°. Reforma (La) médica. Organo del cfrculo homeopâtico mexi- cano. Mexico, v. 1-5, 1875-81; n. s., v. 1-2, 1885-7. 4°. Refractionist (The). A journal of practical ophthalmology. Bos- ton, v. 1-3, 1894-7. 8°. Régénération (La) fisica. , Revista de higiene, pedagogfa, medi- cina y antropologia. Organo de los maestros y aficionados ibero-americanos. Madrid, v. 1-3, 1895-7. roy. 8°. Régénération (La) médica. Revista bimensual de ciencias médi- cas é intereses sociales, publicada por el Colegio de médicos de Salamanca. Salamanca. v. 1-4, 1895-8. 8 . Regia Università di Pisa. [See Pubb. d. Ist. di chim. farm. d. r. Univ. di Pisa.] Région (La) médico-farmacéutica vasco-navarra. Revista quin- cenal. Organo oficial del Colegio médico-farmacéutico Navarre Pamplona. v. 1, 1892; v. 4-11, 1895-1902. 8°. Regular (The) Médical Visitor. St. Louis, v. 1-6, 1900- 1905. 8°. Reichs-Medicinal-Anzeiger. Leipz. v. 14r-40, 1889-1915. 4°. Reichs-Medicinal-Kalendar fur Deutschland. BerUn; Leipzig. 1890-93; 1896-1904. 12°. Reil's Archiv. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle.] [163] Rendie d. Ass. med. - chir. di Parma. Rendie clin. d. r. Ist. ostet.-gi- nee, Palerrno. Rendie clin.-statist. d. Ist. ostet.- ginee d. r. Univ. di Padova. Rendie d. Cong. d. Ass. oftal. ital., Pavia. Rendie d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital., Pavia. Rendie r. Accad. d. se. d. Ist. di Bologna. Rendie d. sedute d. Soc. ottal. ital. Cong. gen., Pavia. Rennes méd. Rentgen. Vestnik, Odessa. Rep. Agrie Exp. Station Univ. Minn., St. Paul. Rep. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Edu- cat. Rep. Bd. Health Balt. Rep. Bd. Health Bost. Rep. Bd. Health CaUf., Sacra- mento. Rep. Bd. Health Colorado, Den- ver. Rep. Bd. Health Connect. Rep. Bd. Health Delaware, Do- ver. Rep. Bd. Health Florida, Jack- sonvUle. Rep. Bd. Health IUinois, Spring- field. Rep. Bd. Health Indiana, In- dianap. Rep. Bd. Health Iowa, Des Moines. Rep. Bd. Health Kansas, Topeka. Rendiconti deUa Associazione medico-chirurgica di Parma. v. 1-8, 1900-1907. 8°. [See, also, Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma.] Rendiconto clinico del -sessennio 1895-1900 del r. Istituto oste- trico-ginecologico. Palermo. 1 v. 1901. 8°. Rendiconto cUnico-statistico dell' Istituto ostetrico-ginecologico dellar. Università di Padova, 1893. Padova. lv. 1894. 8°. Rendiconto del Congresso deUa Associazione oftalmologica ita- Uana. [v.p.] 11.-17., 1888-1905. 5 v. 8°. Rendiconto deU' annuale Congresso deUa Società ottalmologica itaUana 1886 e 1887. Pavia. 1887-8. 8°. [Reprint from: Ann. di ottal., xv-xvi. Continuation of : Rendie d. sedute d. Soc. ottal. ital. Cong. gen., Pavia.] Rendiconto deUe sessioni deUa r. Accademia deUe scienze del- 1' Istituto di Bologna. Bologna. N. s., v. 1-16, 1896-7 to 1911-12. 8°. Rendiconto deUe sedute deUa Società ottalmologica itaUana. XI. Congresso générale dell' Associazione medica in Perugia. Riunione générale deUa Società itaUana d' ottalmologia. [1885.1 Pavia. 1886. 8°. [Reprint from: Ann. di ottal., xv. Continued as: Rendie d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital., Pavia.] Rennes médical. Rennes, v. 1-10,1905-15. 8°. Rentgenovski Vestnik. [Roentgen Gazette] Odessa. Nos. 1-3. v. 1, 1907. 8°. , Reports (Annual) of the Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Minnesota. 1896-1911. St. Paul, Minn. 8°. [Thèse bound reports include the bulletins issued by the station.] Reports of the American Association for the Advancement of Physical Education, [v. p.] 9-10, 1894-5. 8°. [Contin- uation of : Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Phys. Educat.] Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Baltimore, for the years 1857-60; 1865-6; 1868-1913. Baltimore. 1858- 1914. 8°. [Présent title is: Annual Report of the Sub-Depart- ment of Health, Department of Public Safety.] Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Boston, to the Mayor and City CouncU. 1.-42., 1872-3 to 1913. Boston. 1874-1914. 8°. Reports (Biennial and Annual) of the State Board of Health of CaUfornia. 1.-22., 1870 to 1910-12. Sacramento. 1871-1912. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Secretary of the State Board of Health of the State of Colorado to the Governor of the State. 1.-3., 1876- 80; 4., 1892-4; 9.-11., 1907-12. Denver. 1877-1912. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of the State of Con- necticut. 1.-32., 1877-8 to 1911-12. Hartford; New Haven. 1879-1913. 8°. Reports (Biennial) of the Board of Health of the State of Dela- ware. 1.-3., 1879 to 1883-4; 6.-9., 1888-9 to 1895-6; 17., 1910-12. Dover. 1881-1912. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Florida. 1.-6., 1889-90 to 1894; 10.-11., 1898-9; 21.-26., 1909-14. Jackson- ville 1890-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of UUnois. 1878- 95; 1903-4 to 1907-8. Springfield. 1879-1909. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Indiana. 1.-16., 1881-2 to 1896-7; 24.-27., 1904-5 to 1906-7; 29.-32., 1909-10 to 1912-13. Indianapolis. 1883-1914. 8°. Reports (Biennial) of the State Board of Health of the State of Iowa. l.-ll., 1880-81 to 1900-1901; 1910; 1912. Des Moines. 8°. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the State Board of Health of the State of Kansas. 1885-1912. Topeka. 1886-1913. [164] Rep. Bd. Health Kentucky. Rep. Bd. Health Louisiana, N.Orl. Rep. Bd. Health Maine, Augusta. Rep. Bd. Health Maryland, An- nap. Rep. Bd. Health Mass., Bost. Rep. Bd. Health Mich., Lansing. Rep. Bd. Health MUwaukee. Rep. Bd. Health Minn., St. Paul. Rep. Bd. Health N. Hampshire. Rep. Bd. Health N. Haven. Rep. Bd. Health N. Jersey, Tren- ton. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y. Rep. Bd. Health NashvUle. Rep. Bd. Health Ohio, Columbus. Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn., Harrisburg. Rep. Bd. Health Rhode Island, Providence. Rep. Bd. Health South Car. Rep. Bd. Health Wisconsin, Madi- son. Rep. Bd. Lunacy [etc.] Mass., Bost. Rep. Biol. Dep. N. Jersey Agrie CoU. Exper. Station. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Se, Lond. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the State Board of Health of Kentucky. 1878-9 to 1882-3; 1888-9 to 1892-3; 1895-6 te 1896-7; Ï899-1900 to 1910-11. Frankfort; Louisville. 1879- 1912. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the State of Louisiana, for the years 1846; 1849; 1850; 1856; 1860; 1866-97; 1W2-3; 1908-9. New Orléans. 1847-1909. 8°. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the State Board of Health of the State of Maine. 1.-18., 1885 to 1912-13. Augusta. 1886- 1914. 8°. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the State Board of Health of Maryland to the General Assembly of Marvland. 1874-95; 1903-12. Annapolis. 1875-1913. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts. l.-ll., 1870-79; 18.-42., 1886 to 1909-10. Boston. 1870-1910 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Michigan to the Governor of the State. 1.-41., 1873 to 1912-13. Lansing. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of MUwaukee. 3.-7., 1869-70 to 1873; 9.-31., 1875 to 1906-7. MUwaukee. 1870-1907. 8°. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the State Board of Health to the Législature 1872-1902; 1909-14. Saint Paul. 1873-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of the State of New Hampshire. 1.-18., 1881-2 to 1903-4. Concord; Manchester. 1882-1905. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of New Haven. 1.-32., 1873-1904; 34.-40., 1906-12. New Haven. 1874-1913. 8°. Reports of the Board of Health of the State of New Jersey. 1 -37., 1877-1913. Trenton. 1877-1914. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the Health Depart- ment of the City of New York. 1.-6., 1870-71 to 1875; 1889- 1914. -New York. 1871-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the Board of Health to the City Council of the City of NashvUle. 1.-4., 1874-5 to 1878; 19.-24., 1893-8; 26.-39., 1900-1913. NashvUle. 1875-1914. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of the State of Ohio. 1.-29., 1885-1914. Columbus. 1887-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health and Vital Statistics of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1.-9., 1885 to 1892-3; 18., 1901-2; 20., 1903^. Harrisburg. 1886-1905. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Rep. Com. Health Penn.] Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of the State of Rhode Island. 1.-30., 1878-1912. Providence. 1879-1913. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of South CaroUna. 1.-4., 1879-80 to 1882-3; 6.-20., 1884-5 to 1898-9; 28.-29., 1907-8; 36., 1915. [v. p.] 1880-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the State Board of Health of Wisconsin. 1.-19., 1876 to 1901-2; 1904; 1908; 1910-12. Madison. 1877-1913. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Lunacy and Charity of Massachusetts. 8.-20., 1885-6 to 1897-8. Boston. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Annual Report of State Board of Health, Lunacy, and Charity. In 1898, divided into two boards, the State Board of Insanity and the State Board of Charity.] Reports of the Biological Department of the New Jersey Agri- cultural Collège Experiment Station for the years 1893-1906: 1910. [v.p.] 1894-1911. 8°. Reports of meetings of the British Association for the Advance- ment of Science. 1.-2., 1831-2; 12.-83., 1842-1913. London. 1831-1913. 8°. [165] Rep. Bureau Animal Indust., Wash. Rep. Bureau Ethnol., Wash. Rep. Bureau Statist. Labor Mass., Bost. Rep. Cambridge anthrop. exped. T orr es Straits. Rep. Cancer Com. Harv. M. Sch., Bost. Rep. Cancer Research Lab. Mid- dlesex Hosp., Lond. Rep. CaroUne Brewer Croft Can- cer Com. Harv. M. Sch., Bost. Rep. Cincin. Hosp. Rep. City Physician, Concord, N.H. Rep. CUn. & Research Lab. St. George's Hosp., Lond. Rep. Com. Educat., Wash. Rep. Com. Health Penn., Harris- burg. Rep. Com. Labor, Wash. Rep. Connect. Hosp. Insane. Rep. Consuls U. S., Wash. Rep. Dairy Com. N. Jersey, Trenton. Rep. Dep. Health Chicago. Rep. Gov. Bur. Microbiol., Syd- ney. Rep. Gov. Hosp. Insane, Wash. Rep. Health of Birmingh. Rep. Health Dep. Cincin. Rep. Health Dep. St. Louis. Rep. Henry Phipps Inst., study . . . tuberculosis, PhUa. Rep. Immigr. Com. Abstr. Wash. Reports of the Bureau of Animal Industry. 1-28 1884 to 1910-11. Washington. 1885-1912. Reports (Annual) of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution. 1.-28., 1879-80 to 1906-7 Washington. 1880-1907. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, Massachu- setts. 1.-12., 1869-70 to 1880; 14.-37., 18'82-1906. Boston. 1870-1907. 8°. Reports of the Cambridge anthropological expédition to Torres Straits. Cambridge v. 1-4, 1901-8. 4°. Reports of the Cancer Commission of the Harvard Médical School Boston, v. 1-5, 1900-1909. 8°. Reports from the Cancer Research Laboratories: The Middlesex Hospital. London. v. 1-12, 1902-13. 8°. Reports of the Caroline Brewer Croft Cancer Commission of Har- vard Médical School. Boston. [Title of v. 3-4 of: Rep. Can- cer Com. Harv. M. Sch.] Reports (Annual) of the Cincinnati Hospital to the Mayor of Cin- cinnati. 8.-39., 1868-9 to 1899; 41.-43., -1901-4; 45.-47., 1906-8; 49., 1910. Cincinnati. 1869-1911. 8°. Reports of the City Physician, Board of Health, and Sanitary Engineer of the City of Concord, N. H., for the years 1875-7; 1879-80 to 1882; 1884; 1887-1913. Concord. 1876-1914. 8°. Reports from the Clinical and Research Laboratories St. George's Hospital. London. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Reports of the Commissioner of Education. 1870-71 to 1914-15. Washington. 1872-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Commissioner of Health of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania. 1.-7., 1905-6 to 1912. Harrisburg. 1906-13. 8°. [Continuation of: Rep. Bd. Health [etc.] Penn.] Reports (Annual) of the Commissioner of Labor. 1.-21., 1884-5 to 1906; 23., 1908. Washington. 1886-1909. 8°. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the Connecticut Hospital for the Insane, of the State of Connecticut. 1.-34., 1866-7 to 1910-12. Hartford; Middletown. 1867-1913. 8°. Reports from the consuls of the United States on the commerce, manufactures, etc., of their consular districts. Nos. 1-305, 1880-1906. Washington. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Dairy Commissioner of the State of New Jersey. 1.-12., 1886-97; 14.-15., 1898-1900. Trenton, N. J. 1886-1900. 8°. Reports (Biennial) of the Department of Health of the City of Chicago. 1895-6 to 1897-8; 1904-5 to 1910; 1912. Chicago. 1896-1912. 8°. Reports of the Government Bureau of Microbiology. 1.-3., 1909-12. 3 v. fol. Sydney. Reports (Annual) of the Government Hospital for the Insane, to the Secretary of the Interior. L, 1855-6; 3.-57., 1857-8 to 1911-12. Washington. 1856-1913. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Health of the Borough of Birmingham. 1.-36., 1873-1908. Birmingham. 1874-1909. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Health Department of Cmcinnati. 1- 41., 1867-1908. Cincinnati. 1868-1909. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Health Department of the City of St. Louis. 1.-17., 1877-8 to 1893-4; 19.-20., 1895-7; 24.-36., 1903-4 to 1912-13. St. Louis. 1878-1914. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Henry Phipps Institute, for the study, treatment, and prévention of tuberculosis. 1.-5., 1903-8. Philadelphia. 8°. [Continued as: Univ. Penn. Ann. Rep. Henry Phipps Inst.] Reports of the Immigration Commission. Abstracts of reports. Washington. 2 v. 1911. 8°. [166] Rep. Imp. Bacteriol., [Calcutta]. Rep. Insp. asyl., prisons [etc.], Prov. Ontario, Toronto. Rep. Internat.' Plague Conf. Mantia. Rep. Lab. Path. Univ. Buffalo, Med. Dep. Rep. Lab. Roy. CoU. Phys. Rep. Lake Mohonk Conf. [etc.], Albany. Rep. Local Gov. Bd., Lond. Rep. Local Gov. Bd. f. Ireland, Dubl. Rep. Malaria Com. Roy. Soc, Lond. Rep. Manchester & Salford San. Ass., Manchester. Rep. Maryland Hosp. Insane, Balt. Rep. Mass. Char. Eye & Ear In- firm., Bost. Rep. Mass. Gen. Hosp. & McLsan Hosp., Bost. Rep. Med. Off. Local Gov. Bd., Lond. Rep. Mercy Hosp., Chicago. Rep.Micro-Biol. Sect. King Inst., Madras. Rep. Middletown Homeop. Hosp., Albany. Rep. N. Car. Bd. Health, Raleigh. Rep. Nat. Acad. Se, Wash. Rep. & papers bubonic plague, R. B. Low . . . Local Gov. Bd., Lond. Rep. Path. Dep. Centr. Indiana Hosp. Insane, Indianap. Rep. Peabody Muséum, Cam- bridge. Reports (Annual) of the Impérial Bacteriologist. 1895-6 to 1906-7. [Calcutta.] 1896-1907. fol. Reports (Annual) of the Inspector of asylums, prisons, and pubUc charities for the Province of Ontario. 5.-7., 1871-2 to 1873-4; 9.-23., 1875-6 to 1889-90; 25.-26., 1891-3; 29.-42., 1895-6 to 1909. Toronto. 1873-1910. 8°. Report of the International Plague Conférence, held at Mukden, April, 1911. Manila. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Report of the Laboratory of Pathology of the University of Buf- falo, Médical Department. Nos. 1-3, 1900-1909. Buffalo. 8°. Reports from the Laboratory of the Royal Collège of Physicians, Edinburgh. v. 1-12,1889-1913. Edinburgh; London. 1889- 1914. S8. Reports of the Annual Lake Mohonk Conférence on the Indian and other Dépendent Peoples. Albany. 1911; 1913-15. 4v. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Local Government Board. 1.-29., 1871-2 to 1899-1900. London. 1872-1900. 8°. Report (Annual) of the Local Government Board for Ireland. Supplément. DubUn. 1 v. 1900-1901. 8°. Reports to the Malaria Committee of the Royal Society. London. Nos. 1-8, 1899-1903. 8°. Reports of the Committee of the Manchester and SaHord Sanitary Association. 2., 1853-4; 3., 1854-5; 5.-15., 1856-7 to 1867; 17.-18., 1869-70; 20.-38., 1872-90; 40.^2., 1892-4; 44.-45., 1896-7; 48., 1900. Manchester. 1854-1901. 8°. Reports (Annual and Biennial) of the Board of Managers of the Maryland Hospital for the Insane, near Catonsville, Baltimore County. 1843-71; 1876-7 to 1900-1901; 1903-4 to 1914-15. Baltimore. 1844-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Massachusetts Charitable Eye & Ear In- firmary. 2.-84., 1826-1909. Boston. 1827-1910. 8°. [In- complète] Reports (Annual) of the Trustées of the Massachusetts General Hospital and McLean Hospital. 10., 1823; 15., 1827-8; 16., 1828-9; 19.-20., 1832-3; 22.-96., 1835-1909; 99.-101., 1912-14. Boston. 1825-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Médical Officer of the Local Government Board for the years 1876-7 to 1908-9. London. 1878-1910. 8°. [Supplément to: Annual Reports of the Local Government Board.] Reports (Annual) of the Mercy Hospital. 1894-1904; 1906. Chicago. 1894-1906. 8°. Reports on the working of the Micro-Biological Section, King Institute. 1909-14. Madras. 1910-15. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Middletown State Homéopathie Hospital at Middletown, N. Y. 4.-39., 1873-4 to 1908-9. Albany. 1874-1910. 8°. Reports (Biennial) of the North CaroUna Board of Health. 1., 1879-80; 1.-9., 1885-1902; 11.-14., 1905-6 to 1911-12. Raleigh. 1881-1913. 8°. Reports of the National Academy of Sciences for the years 1906, 1913, 1915. Washington. 8°. Reports and papers on bubonic plague by Dr. R. Bruce Low; with an introduction by the médical officer of the Local Gov- ernment Board. London. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Reports from the Pathological Department Central Indiana Hos- pital for Insane. 1903-6; 1909-13. IndianapoUs. 3 v. 1908-14. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the trustées of the Peabody Muséum of Amer ican Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, Mass., to the- President and Fellows of Harvard Collège. 1.-34., 1866-1900. Cambridge. 1868-1901. 8°. [167] Rep. Penn. Dep. Agrie, Harrisb. Rep. Proc. IUinois Army & Navy M. Ass., Springfield. Rep. Prov. Bd. Health Ontario, Toronto. Rep. Reg.-Gen. Eng., Lond. Rep. Reg.-Gen. . . . Scotland, Edinb. Rep. San. Admin. Punjab, La- hore. Rep. San. Com. Bengal, Cal- cutta. Rep. San. Com. Bombay. Rep. San. Com. Centr. Prov., Nâgpûr. Rep. San. Com. Hyderabad. Rep. San. Com. India, Calcutta. Rep. San. Com. Madras. Rep. Sec. Agrie, Wash. Rep. See War., Wash. Rep. Sleeping Sickn. Comm.Roy. Soc, Lond. Rep. Smithson. Inst., Wash. Rep. Soc. Study Dis. ChUd., Lond. Rep. St. Lawrence State Hosp., Albany. Rep. State Bd. Health N. Y., Al- bany. Rep. State Char. Inst. Kansas, Topeka. Rep. State Com. Lunacy Penn., Harrisb. Rep. State Hosp. Insane .. . Nor- ristown, Pa. Rep. Superintend. Govt. Lab. PhiUppine Isl., Wash. Reports (Annual) of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture. 1899-1913. Harrisburg. 13 v. 1900-1914. 8°. Report of Proceedings of the IUinois Army and Navy Médical Association. Meeting held for organization, Springfield, June 26, 1890. Also: 2., 3., 5., and 6. annual meetings, 1891, 1892, 1894, and 1896. Springfield. 5 Nos. 1890-96. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Provincial Board of Health of Ontario. 1.-22., 1882-1903; 26.-33., 1907-14. Toronto. 1883-1915. 8°. [23.-25. reports published under title: San. Jour. Prov. Bd. Health Ontario.] Reports (Annual) of the Registrar-General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages in England. 1.-76., 1837-8 to 1913. London. 1839-1914. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Registrar-General on the births, deaths,. and marriages registered in Scotland. 1.-60., 1855-1914. Edinburgh. 1856-1915. 8°. Reports on the Sanitary Aôlnnnistration of the Punjab, for the years 1867-1914. Lahore. 1868-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for Bengal. 1., 1868; 3., 1870-71; 5.-18., 1872-85; 20.-46., 1887-1913. Cal- cutta. 1869-1914. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for the Govern- ment of Bombay, for the years 1864-1914. Bombay. 1865- 1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for the Central Provinces, for the years 1868-1914. Nâgpûr. 1869-1915. 8°. [After 1902 Berar is included with the Central Provinces.] Reports of the Sanitary Commissioner of the Hyderabad assigned districts for the years 1872-1902. Hyderabad. 1873-1903. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner with the Gov- ernment of India, for the years 1864-5; 1868-1903; 1906-7; 1910-13. Calcutta. 1865-1914. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner of Madras, for the years 1864-1908; 1912-13. Madras. 1865-1914. 8°. Reports of the Secretary of Agriculture. 1.-4., 1889-1902; 7., 1894-5- 9 -12., 1896-7 to 1899-1900; 18.-27., 1905-6 to 1914-15. Washington. 1890-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Secretary of War, for the years 1853-4; 1863-4 to 1902-3; 1907-8 to 1908-9; 1913-14. Washington. 1854-1914. 8°. Reports of the Sleeping Sickness Commission of the Royal So- ciety. London. Nos. 1-10,1903-10. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Régents of the Smithsonian Institution, to the Congress of the United States, for the years 1846 to 1913-14. Washington. 1850-1915. 8°. Reports of the Society for the Study of Disease in ChUdren. London. v. 1-8, 1901-8. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Reports of the managers of the St. Lawrence State Hospital. 1-28., 1887-1914. Albany. 1888-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of New York. 1-23 1880-1902; 28.-34., 1907-13. Albany. 1881-1914. 8°. [In 1901, title changed to: State Department of Health.] Reports (Biennial) of the Board of Trustées of State Charitable Institutions of the State of Kansas. 1.-13., 1876-7 to 1901-2. Topeka. 1878-1902. 8°. Reports of the State Committee on Lunacy of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 1.-22., 1882-3 to 1903-4. Harrisburg. 1884- 1904. S6. Reports (Annual) of the State Hospital for the Insane for the S. E. District of Pennsylvania, at Norristown, Pa. 1.-23., 1880 to 1901-2. Norristown. 1880-1902. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Superintendent of Government Labora- tories in the PhiUppine Islands for the years 1901-2 to 1904-O. Washington. 1906. 8°. [168] Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp., Wash. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Army, Wash. Rep. Surg.-Gen. Navy, Wash Rep. Surg.-Gen. Pub. Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv. U. S., Wash. Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus., Wash. Rep. WeUcome Research Lab., Khartoum. Repert. de med. y cirug., Bogota. Répert. de méd. internat., Par. Répert. de pharm., Par. Répert. de poUce san. vêt. et d'hyg. pub., Par. Repert. d. prakt. Med., Leipz. Répert. de therap., Par. Repr. papers se lab. Univ. Syd- ney. Anat., biol. [etc.]. Restaurador farm. Retrosp. M., Lond. Rev. de anat. patol. y clin., Me- xico. Rev. anthrop., Par. Rev. Asoc. méd. argent., Buenos Aires. Rev. Asoc. méd. - farm. ... de Cuba, Habana. Rev. balear de cien. méd., Palma de MaUorca. Rev. barcel. de enferm. de oïdo, garganta y nariz, Barcel. Rev. du cancer, Par. Rev. d. centro estud. de med., Buenos Aires. Reports (Annual) of the Supervising Surgeon-General of the Marine-Hospital Service of the United States for the years 1874-5 te 1901-2. Washington. 1876-1902. 8°. [Continued as: Rep. Surg.-Gen. Pub. Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv. U. S.] Reports of the Surgeon-General of the Army to the Secretary of War, for the fiscal years 1843-4; 1847-8; 1851-2 to 1853-4; 1861-2; 1864-5 to 1914-15. Washington. 1844-1915. 8°. Reports of the Surgeon-General of the Navy. 1882-3 to 1914-15. Washington. 1884-1915. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Surgeon-General of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Service of the United States for the years 1902-11. Washington. 1903-12. 8°. [Continuation of: Rep. Superv. Surg.-Gen. Mar. Hosp.] Reports (Annual) of the United States National Muséum, under the direction of the Smithsonian Institution, for the years 1883-4 to 1914-15. Washington. 34 v. 1885-1915. 8°. Reports of the Wellcome Research Laboratories at the Gordon Mémorial Collège, Khartoum. Khartoum. 9 v. 1904-11. roy. 8°. Repertorio de medicina y cirugfa. Bogota. Nos. 4-7, v. 7, 1915-16. 8°. Répertoire de médecine internationale. Paris, v. 1-4,1911-14. 4°. Répertoire de pharmacie et Archives de pharmacie. Paris. 3. s., v. 1-14,1889-1902. 8°. [Continuation of: Répertoire de phar- macie et Journal de chimie médicale] Répertoire (Le) de police sanitaire vétérinaire et d'hygiène pu- bUque. Paris, v. 24^30, 1908-14. 8°. Repertorium der praktischen Medizin. Monatsberichte fur prak- tische Aerzte. Leipzig, v. 1-12, 1904-15. 8°. RépertoUe de thérapeutique à l'usage des médecins praticiens. Paris, v. 3-23, 1886-1906. 8°. Reprints of papers from the science laboratori.es of the University of Sydney, 1894-5. Parti. From the departments of anatomy, biology, geology, and physiology. For private circulation only. Sydney. 1 v. 1896. 8°. Research Laboratory, Department of Health, New York City. [See Collect. Stud. Research. Lab., Dep. Health N. Y.] Restaurador (El) farmacéutico. Madrid; Barcelona. v. 3-10, 1847-54; v. 14-57, 1858-1902. 8°. Retrospect (The) of Medicine: being a half-yearly journal, con- taining a rétrospective view of every discovery and practical improvement in the médical sciences. London. v. 1-114, 1840-96. 8°. [Title of v. 1-12, 1840-45, was: Retrospect (The) of Practical Medicine and Surgery.] Revista de anatomia patolôgica y clfnicas. Periodico quincenal ilustrado. Mexico, v. 2, 1897. 8°. [Continuation, in 1897, of : Rev. quincen. de anat. patol. [etc.], Mexico.] Revue anthropologique. Paris. [Continuation of: Revue de l'École d'anthropologie] v. 21-24, 1911-14. 8°. Revista de la Asociacion médica argentina. Buenos Aires, v. 24, 1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. Soc. méd. argent.] Revista de la Asociacion médico-farmacéutica de la Isla de Cuba. Habana. v. 1-2, 1900-1902. 8°. Revista balear de ciencias médicas. Palma de MaUorca. v. 4- 28, 1888-1912. 8°. Revista barcelonesa de enfermedades de ofdo, garganta y nariz. Barcelona. No. 1, v. 1, 1905. 8°. Revue (La) du cancer; pubUée sous les auspices de l'Association française pour l'étude du cancer. Paris, v. 1-2,1910-12. 8°. Revista del centro estudiantes de medicina. Buenos Aires v 4-5, 1905-6. 8°. [169] Rev. chilena de hr;., Sant. de ChUe. Rev. de chir., Bucurestï. Rev. de chir., Bucureçti. Rev. de chir., Par. Rev. de tien. méd. de Barcel. Rev. de cinésie, Par. Rev. de cinésie et d'électrothér., Par. Rev. clin, d'androl. et de gynée, Par. Rev. clin, de Madrid. Rev. de clin., terap. y farm., Ma- drid. Rev. clin, d'urol., Par. Rev. d. construct., Rio de Ja- neiro. Rev. dent, amer., FUad. Rev. dent, mexican., Mexico. Rev. dental,"Habana. Rev. de déontol. [etc.], Par. Rev. de droit méd., Par. Rev. de l'École d'anthrop. de Par. Rev. encicl., Barcel. Rev. espan. de dermat. y sif., Madrid. Rev. espan. de electrol. y radiol. méd., Valentia. Rev. espan. de laringol. [etc.], Madrid. Rev. espan. de sif. y dermat., Madrid. Rev. espan. de urol. y dermat., Madrid. Rev. de espee méd., Madrid. Rev. espec. méd. La oto-rino- laringol. espan., Madrid. Rev. estomatol., Madrid. Rev. de la Fac. de letras y cien., Habana. Rev. FUipina de med. y farm., Mantia. Revista chilena de hijiene. PubUcada por el Instituto de hijiene de Santiago. Santiago de Chtie. v. 3-5, 1896-7 to 1899-1900. 8 . Revista de chirurgie. Bucurestï. v. 1-13, 1897-1909. 8°. Revista de chirurgie. Bucuresti. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1913. 8°. Revue de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1-50, 1881-1914. 8°. Revista de ciencias médicas de Barcelona. Barcelona v 15- 41, 1889-1915. 8°. Revue de cinésie, gymnastique médicale, massage, exercices hygiéniques. [Title of Nos. 1-4, v. 1, of: Rev. de cinésie et d'électrothér.] Revue de cinésie et d'électrothérapie Paris, v. 1-10, 1899-1908. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. gén. d. kinésitnér.] Revue cUnique d'andrologie et de gynécologie (affections des organes urinaires et génitaux). Paris, v. 4-20,1898-1915. 8°. Revista clinica de Madrid, v. 1-13, 1909-15. 8°. Revista de clfnica y de terapéutica y farmacia. Madrid, v. 7-9, 1893-6. 8°. [Continued as: Med. mil. espan.] Revue cUnique d'urologie Paris, v. 1-3, 1911-14. 8°. Revista dos constructores. Rio de Janeiro. No. 4, v. 3,1889. fol. Revista (La) dental americana. FUadelfia. v. 6-7 > 1898-9. 8°. Revista (La) dental mexicana. organo de la Sociedad dental mexicana. Mexico, v. 1-3, 1898-1900. 8°. Revista dental; pubUcaciôn mensual dedicada â la ciencia, arte y literatura dentales. Habana. v. 7, 1914. 8°. Revue de déontologie et d'intérêts professionnels médicaux. Organe mensuel de l'Association corporative des étudiants en médecine de Paris. Paris, v. 1-2, 1903-5. 8°. Revue de droit médical; droit, législation, intérêts professionnels, médecine légale. Paris, v. 1, 1912. 8°. Revue «de l'Ecole d'anthropologie de Paris. Paris, v. 9-19, 1899-1909. 8°. [Continuation, in 1899, of: Rev. mens, de l'Ecole d'anthrop. de Par.] Revista enciclopédica. Ffsica, qufmica, farmacia, higiene, antro- pologia, biologia, psicoterapia, bibliograffa, conocimientos uti- les, economfa y medicina domésticas. Barcelona. v. 1, 1898. 8°. Revista espanola de dermatologfa y sifiUografîa. Madrid, v. 7- 15, 1905-13. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. espan. de sif. y der- mat. Continued as: Rev. espan. de urol. y dermat.] Revista espanola de electrologia y radiologia médicas. Valentia. v. 1-^t, 1912-15. 8°. Revista espanola de laringologia, otologfa y rinologia. Madrid. v. 4, 1914. 8°. Revista espanola de sifiUografîa y dermatologfa. Madrid, v. 1- 6 1899-1904. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. espan. de dermat. y sif.] Revista espanola de urologia y dermatologfa. Madrid, v. 16, 1914. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. espan. de dermat. y sif.] Revista de especiaUdades médicas. Madrid, v. 7-15, 1904-15. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Revista de especiaUdades médicas. La oto-rino-laringologîa espa- nola. Madrid, v. 4-6, 1901-3. 8°. [Continuation of: Oto- rino-laringol. espan. Continued as the preceding.] Revista estomatolôgica. Madrid. Nos. 1-3, v. 1, 1894. 8°. Revista de la Facultad de letras y ciencias. Habana. v. 15. No. 2, 1912. 8°. Revista FUipina de medicina y farmacia. Manila. v. 4-7,1913- 16. 8°. [170] Rev. franc, de méd. et de chir., Par. Rev. franc, de méd. et de phar- macol., Nice. Rev. frenopat. espan., Barcel. Rev. gén. de l'antiseps. et d. fer- ments therap., Par. Rev. gén. de l'antiseps. méd. et chir., Par. Rev gén. de chn. et de therap., Par. Rev. gén. du lait, Lierre. Rev. gén. d'opht., Par. Rev. gén. de path. int., Par. Rev. gén. d. se pures et appUq., Par. Rev. de gynée et de chir. abd., Par. Rev. hebd. de laryngol. [etc.], Pai.i Rev. homeop. Barcel. Rev. homœop. belge, Brux. Rev. d. hôp. de France et de l'étrang., Par. Rev. d. hosp. "Juarez," Mexico. Rev. d'hyg., Par. Rev. d'hyg. et de méd. inf. [etc.], Par. Rev. d'hyg. therap., Par. Rev. d'hyg. et de therap. ocu- laire, Par. Rev. de l'hypnot. et psychol. physiol., Par. Rev. Ibero-Am. de cien. méd., Madrid. Rev. tilust. de polytech. méd. et chir., Par. Rev. internac. de cien. méd. y nat., Barcel. Rev. internat, d'électrothér., Par. Revue françaisi 1902-3. 4°. de médecine et de chirurgie. Paris, v. 1, Revue française de médecine et de pharmacologie Nice. v. 5- 7, 1893-5. roy. 8°. [v. 1 under title: Revue française de médecine et de pharmacie électro-homéopathique. With No. 8, v. 2, 1890, the word "pharmacologie" substituted for "phar- macie" With No. 2, v. 5, 1893, title changed to the above] Revista frenopatfa espanola. Barcelona. v. 1-12, 1903-14. 8°. Revue générale de l'antisepsie et des ferments thérapeutiques. Journal mensuel pour la vulgarisation des progrès scientifiques. Paris. Nos. 13-40, Jan. 25, 1897, to April 25, 1899. 8°. Con- tinuation of the following:] Revue générale de l'antisepsie médicale et chirurgicale. Paris. v. 2-9, 1889-96. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Revue générale de clinique et de thérapeutique. Journal des praticiens. Paris, v. 1-29, 1887-1915. 8°. Revue générale du lait. Lierre, v. 1-9, 1902-13. 8°. Revue générale d'ophtalmologie. Paris, v. 1-33,1882-1914. 8°. Revue générale de pathologie interne. Paris, v. 1-5, 1898- 1903. 8°. Revue générale des sciences pures et appliquées. Paris, v. 1-26, 1890-1915. roy. 8°. Revue de gynécologie et de chirurgie abdominale. Paris, v. 1-23, 1897-1915. 8°. Revue hebdomadaire de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie. Paris, v. 16-35, 1896-1915. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par. Continued as: Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par.] Revista homeopâtica. Organo oficial de la Academia médico- homeopâtica de Barcelona. Barcelona. v. 6-11, 1895-1900. 8°. Revue homœopathique belge, publiée par M. le Dr. Martiny, faisant suite au Journal du dispensaire Hahnemann du docteur Mouremans. Bruxelles, v. 1-25, 1874-99. 8°. Revue des hôpitaux de France et de l'étranger. Journal mensuel de clinique médicale et chirurgicale et de thérapeutique pra- tique. Paris, v. 1-9, 1899-1907. fol. Revista del Hospital "Juarez." Mexico. Nos. 1-6, v. 1, 1912. 4°. [With No. 7, 1912, continued as the following:] Revista de Hospitales. Mexico, v. 2,1912-13. 4°. [Continua- tion of the preceding.] Revue d'hygiène et de police sanitaire. Paris, v. 1-38, 1879- 1916. 8°. Revue d'hygiène et de médecine infantiles et annales de la poly- clinique H. de Rothschild. Paris, v. 1-10, 1902-11. 8°. Revue d'hygiène thérapeutique. Paris, v. 1-9, 1889-97. 8°. Revue d'hygiène et de thérapeutique oculaires. Paris, v. 2-3, 1908-9. 8°. [Continued under title: Rev. internat, d'hyg. et de therap. ocul.] Revue de l'hypnotisme et de psychologie physiologique. Paris. v. 4-23, 1889-1909. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. de psychothé- rap.] Revista Ibero-Americana de ciencias médicas. Madrid, v. 1-34, 1899-1915. 8°. Revue illustrée de polytechnique médicale et chirurgicale. Re- vue mensuelle des inventions françaises et étrangères concer- nant la médecine la chirurgie et les sciences accessoires. Paris, v. 1-13, 1888-1900. 8°. Revista international de ciencias médicas y naturales. Barce- lona. 1. ano, 1910-11. fol. Revue internationale d'électrotherapie. Paris, v. 1-14, 1890- 1904. 8°. [In v. 8 the words "et de radiothérapie" added to title] [171] Revue internationale d'électrotherapie et de radiothérapie. Paris. [Title, after v. 7, of: Revue internationale d'électro- therapie.] Rev. internat, d. falsifie Rev. internat, d'hyg. et de the- rap. ocul., Par. Rev. internat, de méd. et de chir., Par. Rev. internat, de rhinol., otol. et laryngol., Par. Rev. internat, de therap. et phar- macol., Par. Rev. internat, de therap. phys., Turin. Rev. internat, de la tubere, Par. Rev. internat, de la vaccine, Par. Rev. de laringol. [etc.], Barcel. Rev. de laryngol. [etc.], Par. Rev. lusit., Lisb. Rev. d. mal. cancer., Par. Rev. d. mal. de la nutrit., Par. Rev. méd., Louvain. Rev. méd., Mexico. Rev. méd., Par. Rev. de méd., Par. Rev. méd., Québec. Rev. méd. de l'Afrique du nord, .Alger. Rev. méd. d'Alger. Rev. méd. de Bogota. Rev. méd. du Canada, Montréal. Rev. méd. de Chile, Sant. de ChUe. Rev. de med. y cirug., Barcel. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Ma- drid. Rev. de med., ciruj. y farm., Bar- cel. [See Anthropos, Amsterdam; Paris, v. Revue internationale d'ethnologie [etc.] Salzb.] Revue internationale des falsifications. 3-21,1889-1908. 4°. Revue internationale d'hygiène et de thérapeutique oculaire. Paris. [Continuation of: Revue d'hygiène et de thérapeu- tique oculaire] v. 4-8, 1911-14. 8°. Revue internationale de médecine et de chirurgie. (Revue ana- lytique de bibliographie.) Paris, v. 7-25, 1896-1914. 4°. [Continuation, in 1896, of : Rev. internat, de méd. et de chir. prat., Par.] Revue internationale de rhinologie, otologie et laryngologie. Paris, v. 1-9, 1891-9. fol. & 8°. [Continued as: Parole. Rev. internat, de rhinol. [etc.], Par.] Revue internationale de thérapeutique et pharmacologie. Re- cueil mensuel. Paris, v. 1-7, 1893-9. 8°. Revue internationale de thérapie physique. Turin, v. 1-4, 1900-1903. 8°. [Continued as: Riv. internaz. di terap. fis., Roma.] Revue (La) internationale de la tuberculose. 1902-14. 4°. Paris. 1-25. v. 1-4,1910-14. 8°. Barcelona. v. Revue internationale de la vaccine. Paris. Revista de laringologia, otologîa y rinologia. 3-15, 1887-1900. 8°. Revue de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie. Paris. Nos. 32-51, v. 36, 1915. 8°. [Continuation of : Rev. hebd. de la- ryngol. [etc.], Par.] Revista lusitana. Archivo de estudos philologicos e ethnologicos relativos a Portugal. Lisboa. Nos. 2, 3, 4, v. 5, 1898. 8°. Revue des maladies cancéreuses, clinique, expérimentale et bibliographique. Paris, v. 1-6, 1895-1901. 8°. Revue des maladies de la nutrition. Paris. 2. s., v. 1-9, 1903- 11. 8°. Revue médicale. Louvain. v. 1-19, 1882-1902. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Rev. méd. de Louvain.] Revista médica. Mexico. 1 v. 1851. 8°. Revue (La) médicale. Paris, v. 14-24, 1905-14. fol. Rev. de médecine. Paris, v. 1-35, 1881-1915. 8°. Revue (La) médicale. Québec & Montréal. [Title of v. 1-3, 1897-1900, of: Rev. méd. du Canada.] Revue (La) médicale (médecine humaine et animale) de l'Afrique du nord (Algérie et Tunisie). Alger, v. 2-9, 1899-1906. 8 . [Continuation of: Rev. méd. et pharm. de l'Afrique du nord. With v. 5, 1902, title becomes: La revue médicale de 1 Afrique du nord.] Revue médicale d'Alger et iconographie médicale algérienne. Alger. No. 5, v. 2, 1914. 8°. Revista médica de Bogota. Bogota, v. 13-28, 1889-1908. 8°. Revue (La) médicale du Canada. Montréal y 4-8, 1900- 1905. fol. [v. 1-3 under title: Rev. med., Québec] Revista médica de Chile. Santiago de Chile. v. 1-39, 1872- 1911. 8°. Revista de medicina y cirugia. Barcelona. v 15-28, 1901-14. 8°. [Continuation of : Rev. de med., ciruj. y iarm.J Revista de medicina v cirugia prâcticas. Madrid, v. l-lOo, 1877-1915. 8°. Revista de medicina, cirujia y farmacia. Barcelona. v. 1-14, 1887-1900. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. de med. y cirug.J [172] Rev. de med. y ciruj. de la Ha- bana. Rev. de med. contemp., Madrid. Rev. méd. cubana, Habana. Rev. de med. dosimét., Madrid. Rev. méd. espan. y bol. de hig. y salub., Madrid. Rev. méd. de l'est. Rev. méd. de la Franche-Comté, Besançon. Rev. de méd. et d'hyg. trop., Par. Rev. de méd. lég., Par. Rev. de méd. lég. psychiat. [tete], Par. Rev. méd. de Louvain. Rev. méd. du Mont-Dore, Cler- m ont-F errand. Rev. méd. de Normandie, Rouen. Rev. méd. et pharm. de l'Afrique du nord, Alger. Rev. méd. de Puerto Rico, San Juan. Rev. méd. rural, Blanes (Gerona). Rev. med. de S. Paulo. Rev. méd. salmantina, Sala- manca. Rev. méd. de SeviUa. Rev. méd. de la Suisse Rom., Genève. Rev. de méd. tchèque, Prague. Rev. de med. trop., Habana. Rev. med. d. Uruguay, Monte- video. Rev. méd. de Yucatân, Mérida. Rev. méd.-chir. d. mal. d. femmes, Par. Rev. med.-cirurg. do Brazil, Rio de Jan. Rev. méd.-hidrol. espan., Madrid. Rev. méd.-quir., Quito. Rev. mens, de l'École d'anthrop. de Par. Revista de medicina y cirujfa de la Habana. 1896-1915. 8°. Habana. v. 1-20, Revista de medicina consemporânea. Madrid, v. 21-29, 1899- 1907. 8°. [Continuation of : Rev. de med. dosimét.] Revista médica cubana. Habana. v. 8-27, 1906-16. 8°. Revista de medicina dosimétrica, basada en la fisiologia y expéri- mentation clinica. Madrid, v. 1-20, 1879-98. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Rev. de med. contemp.] Revista médica espanola y boletîn de higiene y salubridad. Madrid, v. 11-16, 1910-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Rev. méd.-hidrol. espan.] Revue médicale de l'est. Nancy; Paris, v. 1-46,1874-1914. 8°. Revue médicale de la Franche-Comté. Publication mensuelle de la Société de médecine de Besançon et de Franche-Comté. Besançon, v. 1-2, 1892-3; v. 12-22, 1903-14. 8°. Revue de médecine et d'hygiène tropicales. Paris, v. 1-11, 1904-14. 8°. Revue de medicine légale et de jurisprudence médicale. Paris. v. 1-21, 1893-1914. 8°. [In 1913, title became: Revue de médecine légale] Revue de médecine légale psychiatrique et d'anthropologie cri- minelle. Paris. No. 1, v. 1, 1906. 8°. Revue médicale de Louvain. Louvain. v. 1-9, 1904-14. 8°. [Continuation of : Rev. méd., Louvain.] Revue médicale du Mont-Dore. Clermont-Ferrand. No. 1, v. 2, 1901; No. 1-2, v. 4, 1903. Revue (La ) médicale de Normandie. Rouen, v. 1-15, 1900- 15. 8°. Revue (La) médicale (médecine humaine et animale) et pharma- ceutique de l'Afrique du nord (Algérie et Tunisie). Alger. v. 1-2,1898-9. roy. 8°. [Continued as: Rev. méd. de l'Afrique du nord.] Revista (La) médica de Puerto Rico. San Juan. v. 1, 1897-8. fol. Revista médica rural. Publicaciôn cientifica y de intereses pro- fesionales. Blanes] Sborn. klin. rabot iz terap. otd. Imp. KUn. Inst. [etc.], S.-Pe- terb. Sborn. lék., v Praze. Sborn. v pam. V. P. Krîlova, Kharkov. Sborn. poUklin., v Praze. Sborn. posv. I. I. Mechnikovu [etc.], S.-Peterb. Sborn. protok. Obsh. Kaluzh. Vrach., Kaluga. Sborn. protok. i trud. Obsh. Ka- luzh. Vrach., Kaluga. Sborn. rabot po dermat. i sifiUdol. posv. xxv-Uet. vrach. dïeyat. Pavlova, S.-Peterb. Sborn. rabot v pam. I. M. Sadov- skavo, S.-Peterb. Sborn. trud. po akush. i ginek. posv. D. O. Ottu [etc.], S.-Pe- terb. Sborn. trud. Kharkovsk. Vet. Inst. Sborn. trud., posv. pam. . . . Lau- denbacha, Kiyev. Sborn. trud. vrach. dïetsk. klin. Imp. Voyenno-Med. Akad., S.- Peterb. Sborn. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved. Scalpel, Liège. Scalpel, Lond. Schles. Aerzte-Corresp., Bresl. Sbomik klinicheskikh rabot iz terapevticheskavo otdïeleniya Imperatorskavo Klinicheskavo Instituta Velikoï Knyngini Yelenî Pavlovnî. [Collection of clinical papers from the thera- peutic division of the Impérial Clinical Institute of Grand Duchess Yelena Pavlovna.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1; 3, 1908-10. 8°. Sbornik lékafsky. Archives bohèmes de médecine, v Praze. v. 9-13, 1908-12. 8°. Sbornik v pamvat Vladimira Platonovicha Krîlova. [Collection in memory of V. P. Krîloff.] Kharkov, 1907-9. 8°. Sbornik poliklinicky. Prace z ceské universitnf polikliniky za rok 1897. [Polvclinical magazine. Practice in the Bohemian Surgical Polychnic for 1897.] v Praze 1 v. 1898. 8°. Sbornik posvyashtshonnîy I. I. Mechnikovu v pamyat prebîva- niya yevo v Peterburgïe 14-26 maya 1909 g. [Collection dedi- cated to Metchnikoff in memory of his présence in St. Peters- burg, May 14-26, 1909.] S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1909. 8°. Sbomik protokolov Obshtshestva Kaluzhskikh Vracheï. [Collec- tion of Proceedings of the Society of Physicians of Kaluga.] 1893, 1895-7, 1912. Kaluga. v. 32, 1894; v. 34-36, 1896-98; v. 50, 1913. 8°. [For. v. 40^1, see following:] Sbomik protokolov i trudov Obshtshestva Kaluzhskikh Vracheï. [Collection of proceedings and papers of the Society of Kaluga Physicians.] Kaluga. v. 40-41 (1901-2). 1903. 8°. Sbornik rabot po dermatologii i sifilidologii posvyashtshonnîy dvadtsatipyatilîetiyu vrachebnoï dïeyatelnost Timofeya Pav- lovicha Pavlova. [Collection of memoirs on dermatology and syphiUdology, dedicated to the twenty-fifth anniversary of T. P. Pavloff's médical career.] S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Sbornik rabot v pamyat Ivana Mikhaïlovicha Sadovskavo i vospo- minaniy o nyom. Izdan pod redaktsiyeyu N. P. Savvaïtova. [Collection of works in memory of I. N. Sadovski and of memoirs abouthim. Edited by N. P. Sawaïtoff.] S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Sbomik trudov po akushorstvu i ginekologU, posvyashtshonnîy Dmitriyu Oskarovichu Ottu, po povodu dvadtsatipyatilïetiya yevo vrachebno dïeyatelnosti. [Collection of papers on obstetrics and gynecology, dedicated to D. O. Ott, apropos of the twenty-fifth anniversary of his médical activity.] S.-Pe- terburg. Pt. 1, 1906. 8°. Sbornik trudov Kharkovskavo Veterinarnavo Instituta. Comp- tes rendus des travaux spéciaux de l'Institut vétérinaire à Kharkoff. 1887-1914. Kharkov. v. 1-12, 1889-1914. 8°. Sbornik trudov, posvyashtshonnîy pamyati pokoïnavo professora Yu. P. Laudenbacha. [Collection of memoirs dedicated to the memory of the late Yu. P. Laudenbach.] Kiyev. 1 v. 1910. 8°. [Bound with: Univ. Izvïest., Kiyev, 1910.] Sbornik trudov vracheï dïetskoï kliniki Imperatorskoï Voyenno- Meditsinskoï Akademti. [Collection of papers of the physicians of the Pédiatrie Clinie of the Impérial Army Médical Academy.] S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Sbomik trudov vracheï S.-Peterburgskavo Rodovspomogatelnavo zavedeniya. [Collection of memoirs of the physicians of the St. Petersburg Lying-in Institute] S.-Peterburg. Nos. 1-6, 1893-8. 8°. Scalpel (Le). Liège, v. 4-67, 1851-1914. fol. [With v. 61, 1908-9, title became: Le Scalpel et Liège médical.] Scalpel (The). A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Lon- don. v. 1-5, 1896-1900. 4°. Schaudinn's Archiv. [See Arch. f. Protistenk.] Schiess-Gemuseus. [See Beitr. z. Augenh. JubU. H. Prof. Schiess-Gemuseus, Basel.] Schlesische Aerzte-Correspondenz. Organ der Aerztekammer der Provinz Schlesien. Breslau. v. 4-5, 1901-2. fol. [183] Schmidt's Jahrb. School Hyg., Lond. School of Mines Quart., N. Y. School & Soc, N. Y. & Lancas- ter, Pa. School-ChUd, Lond. Schrift. d. GeseUsch. f. psychol. Forsch., Leipz. Schulzahnpfi., Berl. Schweiz. arztl. Mitt. a Univ. Inst., Zurich. Schweiz. Arch. f. Thierh., Zurich. Schweiz. Bl. f. Gsndhtspflg., Zu- rich. Schweiz. Vrtljschr. f. Zahnh., Ba- sel & Genève. Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Chem. u. Pharm., Zurich. Schweizerhof. PrivatheUanst. f. Nerv.- u. Psych.-Kranke weibl. Geschl., Berl. Science, N. Y. & Lancaster. Schmidt (Benno). [See Festschr___Benno Schmidt.. ., Leipz.] Schmidt's (Cari Christian) Jahrbûcher der in- und auslândischen gesammten Medizin. Leipzig; Bonn. v. 1-322, 1834-1915. 8 . Dr. Schmidt's Laboratorium fur Krebsforschung. [See Mitt a Schmidt's Lab. f. Krebsforsch., Bonn.] School Hygiène; a Monthly Review for Educationists and Doctors. London. v. 1-7, 1910-16. 8°. School (The) of Mines Quarterly. New York. v. 1-36. 1879- 1915. 8°. School of Pharmacy of Northwestern University, Chicago. [See Apothecary, Chicago.] v. 1-3, School and Society. 1915-16. 8°. Garrison, N. Y. & Lancaster, Pa. School (The) Child. A Journal for Children's Care Committees and School Managers. London. v. 1, 1910. 8°. Schriften der Gesellschaft fur psychologische Forschung. Leip- zig, v. 1-3, 1891-1905. 8°. Schulzahnpflege Monatsschrift des deutschen Zentralkomitees fur Zahnpflege in den Schulen. Berlin, v. 1-4, 1910-14. 8°. Schwalbe's (G.) Jahresberichte. [See Jahresb. û. d. Fortschr. d. Anat. u. Entwcklngsgesch.] Schwalbe's (J.) Jahrbuch. [See Jahrb. d. pract. Med.] Schweizerische àrztliche Mitteilungen, aus Universitâts-Insti- tuten. Zurich, v. 1-3, 1910-12. 8°. Schweizer Sérum- und Impf-Institut. [See Arb. a. d. Inst. z. Erforsch. d. Infectionskrankh. in Bern [etc.], Jena.] Schweizerische balneologische Gesellschaft. [See Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. GeseUsch., Aarau.] Schweizerische Gesellschaft fur Schulgesundheitspflege. [See Jahrb. d. schweiz. Gesellsch. f. Schulgsndhtspflg.] Schweizerische naturforschende Gesellschaft. [See Festschr. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Zurich.] Schweizerische odontologische Gesellschaft. [See Schweiz Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Basel & Genève] Schweizerischer Apotheker-Verein. [See Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Chem. u. Pharm., Zurich.] Schweizerisches Archiv fur Thierheilkunde. Zurich, v. 1-44, 1879-1902. 8°. Schweizerische Blâtter fur Gesundheitspflege. Zurich, v. 1-22, 1886-1907. 8°. Schweizerische Vierteljahrsschrift fur Zahnheilkunde. von der schweizerischen odontologischen Gesellschaft. Basil & Genève, v. 1, 1891; v. 3, 1893; v. 8-25, 1898-1915. 8°. [German and French text. See, also, Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Basel & Genève.] Schweizerische Wochenschrift fur Chemie und Pharmacie. Organ des schweizerischen Apotheker-Vereins und des Vereins schweizerischer analytischer Chemiker. Journal suLsse de chimie et pharmacie. Organe de la Société suisse de pharmacie et de la Société suisse des chimistes analystes. Zurich, v. 30-40, 1892-1902. 8°. [Continuation, in 1892, of: Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schafihausen.] Schweizerhof. Privat-Heilanstalt fur Nerven- und Psychisch- Kranke weiblichen Geschlechts. Dritter Bericht. Fûnfzig Jahre nach seiner Grûndung, 17. Dezember 1853 bis 17. De- zemberl903. Berlin. 1 v. 1903. 4°. Science. New York and Lancaster. v. 1-23, 1880-94; n. s., v. 1-43, 1895-1916. 4°. Science Laboratories of the University of Sydney. [See Repr. papers se lab. Univ. Sydney. Anat., biol. [etc.].] [1S4J Science & Pract. Heating [etc.], N.Y. Science Progr. 20. cent., Lond. Scient. Am., N. Y. Scient. Am. SuppL, N. Y. Scient. Mem. Med. Off. India, Cal- cutta. Scient. Month., N. Y. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dub. Soc. Scient. Tr. Roy. Dub. Soc. Scientia, Bologna. Scot. M. & S. J., Edinb. Script, ophthal. min., Lips. Scuola positiva. Scuola salemit., Salerno. Sebészet, Budapest. Sebészeti adatok, Budapest. Sei-i-Kwai M. J., Tokyo. Select. Colon. M. Rep., Lond. Select, essays & monog., Lond. Semaine gynée, Par. Semaine méd., Par. Semana méd., Buenos Aires. Semanario de saude pub., Rio de Jan. Semi-Centen. Ansesthesia, Bost. Science & Practice of Heating,. Plumbing, Lighting. New York. v. 1-5, 1895-9. fol. [Issued with: San. Plumber.] Science Progress in the twentieth century. A quarterly journal of scientific thought. London. v. 1-9, 1906-7 to 1914-15. 8°. Scientific (The) American. New York. v. 14, 1858; n. s., v. 1-29, 1859-72; v. 42-61, 1880-89; v. 75-115, 1896-1916. fol. Scientific (The) American Supplément. New York. v. 11-28, 1880-89; v. 42-81, 1896-1916. fol. Scientific laboratories of Denison University. [See Bull, scient. lab. Denison Univ., GranviUe, 0.] Scientific memoirs by officers of the médical and sanitary depart- ments of the government of India. Calcutta. Pte. 1-12, 1884- 1901; n. s., Nos. 1-60, 1902-13. 4°. Scientific (The) Monthly. New York. v. 1-2, 1915-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Pop. Se. Month.] Scientific (The) Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. Dub- lin. N. s., v. 2-8, 1878-98; v. 12-14, 1909-15. 8°. Scientific (The) Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society. Dublin. 2. s., v. 1-6, 1877-98. 8°. Scientia. Rivista di scienza. Organo internazionale di sintesi scientifica [etc.]. Bologna. v. 7-19, 1910-16. 8°. [Continu- ation of : Riv. di scienza.] Scottish (The) Médical and Surgical Journal. Edinburgh. v. 1-22, 1897-1908. 8°. [Merged in: Edinb. M. J.] Scottish Microscopical Society. [See Proc. Scot. Micr. Soc] Scottish Society of Anesthetists. [See Am. J. Surg., Q. SuppL Anesth.,N. Y.] Scriptores ophthalmologici minores. Edidit Justus Radius. Lipsiœ. v. 1, 1826. 8°. Scuola (La) positiva nella giurisprudenza civile e pénale e nella vita sociale. Napoli; Roma. v. 1-26, 1891-1916. 8°. Scuola (La) salernitana. Rivista trimestrale di pratica medica e d'interessi professionali. Salerno. v. 5-10,1904-9. roy. 8°. Sebészet. [Surgery.] [Supplément to: Budapesti orvosi ujsâg.] Budapest. 1901-14. fol. Sebészeti adatok. [Surgical contributions.] Budapest. 1900. fol. Section on Gynecology of the Collège of Physicians of Philadel- phia. [See Tr. Sec. Gynee Coll. Phys. Phila.] Section fur Laryngologie und Rhinologie der 59. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte, Berlin. [See Verhandl. d. Sect. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol. [etc.], Leipz.] Sedgwick (W. T.) anniv., Bost.] [See Biol. Stud. . . . W. T. Sedgwick, 25. Sei-i-Kwai (The) Médical Journal. Tokyo, v. 1-34, 1882-1915. Sélections from Colonial Médical Reports for 1898-1901. Lon- don. 2 v. 1901-2. 8°. Selected essays and monographs. Translations and reprints from various sources. London. v. 1-2, 1897-1900. 8°. Semaine (La) gynécologique. Paris, v. 1-18, 1896-1913. fol. Semaine (La) médicale. Paris, v. 2-34, 1882-1914. fol. Semana (La) médica. Buenos Aires, v. 1-21, 1894-1914. 8°. Semanario de saude publica pela Sociedade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1, 1831. fol. Semi-Centennial (The) of Ansesthesia. October 16, 1846, October 16, 1896. Massachusetts General Hospital. Boston. ] v. 1897. 4°. Semon's Internationales Centralblatt. f. Laryngol., Rhinol. [etc.], BerL] [See Internat. Centralbl. [185] Séries Pap. Orthop. Surg., Bost. Settimana med. d. Sperimentale, Firenze. Sex.-Probleme, Frankf. a. M. Shigaku Kensan, Tokyo. Shika Kenkyukwai Geppo, To- kyo. Shika Zashi, Tokyo. Shikwa Gaku Kwai Geppo, To- kyo. Shikwagakuho, Tokyo. Shikwaigaku Sodan, Tokyo. Shizuoka Eisei Kwai Hokoku. Sibirsk. Vrach, Tomsk. Sibirsk. Vrach. Gaz., Irkutsk. Sibirsk. Vrach. Vïedom., Kras- noyarsk. Sieroterapia, Roma. Siglo méd., Madrid. Sitz.-Protok. d. acht Aerztekam. Bayerns, Munchen. Sitz. - Protok. d. aerztl. Ver. Nurnb., Munchen. Sitzungsb. d. aerztl. Ver. HaUe a. S., Munchen. Sitzungsb. d. ârztl. Ver. Mun- chen. Sitzungsb. d. aerztl. Ver. Nxirnb., Munchen. Sitzungsb. d. anthrop. GeseUsch. in Wien. Sitzungsb. d. Berl. hœmatol. Ge- seUsch., Leipz. Sitzungsb. d. GeseUsch. z. Be- ford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynâk., Berl. Sitzungsb. d. GeseUsch. f. Mor- phol. u. Physiol. in Munchen. Senckenberg (Joh. Christian). [See Frankfurt. Ztschr. f. Path.] Séries (A) of Papers Pertaining to Orthopédie Surgery. 1. séries. Boston. 1 v. 1904-5. 8°. Settimana (La) medica dello Sperimentale. Organo deUa Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina. Firenze. v. 50-53, 1896-9. 4°. [Continuation of: Lo Sperimentale. Giornale médico. Sezione clinica.] neue Folge. [See Med. Rep. Sheppard Tokyo. Nos. 1-7, Sexual-Problème der Zeitschrift "Mutterschutz Frankfurt am Main. v. 4-10, 1908-14. 8°. Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital & Enoch Pratt Hosp., Balt.] Shigaku Kensan. [The Dental Student.] v. 1,1899-1900; Nos. 1-3, v. 2,1901. 8°. Shika Kenkyukwai Geppo. [Monthly Report of the Dental Academy.] Tokyo. Nos. 25-95, 1893-8. 8°. Shika Zashi. [The Dental Journal.] Tokyo. Nos. 13-63, 1893-8. 8°. Shikwa Gaku Kwai Geppo. [Monthly of the Society of Dental Science.] Tokyo. Nos. 44-95, 1894-8. 8°. Shikwagakuho. [A monthly record of dental science.] Tokyo. v. 5-19, 1901-14. [Continuation of the following:] Shikwaigaku Sodan. [A bimonthly record of dental science] Tokyo, v. 1^, 1895-9. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Shizuoka Eisei Kwai Hokoku. [The Hygienic News of Shi- zuoka.] Shizuoka. Nos. 21-56, 1893-9. 8°. Sibirskiy Vrach; gazeta naùchnoï i obshtshestvennoï meditsinî i vrachebnavo bîta. [Siberian Physician; gazette of scientific and popular medicine and of the médical profession.] [Weekly.] Tomsk. v. 1, 1913-14. 4°. Sibirskaya Vrachebnaya Gazeta. [Siberian Médical Gazette] Irkutsk. v. 1-7, 1908-14. 4°. Sibirskiya Vrachebnîya Vïedomosti; gazeta vrachebnavo dïela v Sibiri. [Siberian Médical News.] Krasnoyarsk. v. 1-5, 1902-7. 4°. Sieroterapia (La). Rivista deUa specialità. Roma. v. 1-4, 1897-1900. 8°. Siglo (El) médico. Madrid, v. 1-62, 1854-1915. 8°. Simbirsk. Government. [See Vrach.-san. List. Simbirsk. gub.] Sitzungs-Protokolle der acht Aerztekammern Bayerns. Mun- chen. Jahrg. 1876-1910. 8°. Sitzungs-Protokolle des aerztlichen Vereins Nûrnberg. Mun- chen. Jahrg. 1884-1910. 8°. Sitzungsberichte des aerztlichen Vereins Halle a. S. Munchen. 1897-8 to 1898-9. 8°. [Continuation of : Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S. Continued as: Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S.] Sitzungsberichte des ârztUchen Vereins Munchen. Munchen. Jahrg. 1891-1910. 8°. Sitzungsberichte des aerztlichen Vereins Nûrnberg. Munchen. Jahrg. 1884-1910. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien. Wien. 1884 to 1911-12. 4°. [Bound with: Mitt. d. anthrop. Gesellsch. in Wien.] Sitzungsberichte der BerUner hsematologischen Gesellschaft. Hrsg. von A. Pappenheim und Th. Brugsch. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1909^10. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Befôrderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Jahrg. 1866-1909. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fur Geburtshulfe und Gynàko- logie zu Kôln a. Rh. Berlin. Jahrg. 1904-10. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft fur Morphologie und Physiolo- gie in Munchen. v. 1-29, 1894-1913. 8°. [1M1 Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissen- sch. Math.-naturw. CL,Wien. Sitzungsb. d.k.-bohm. GeseUsch. d. Wissensch., Prag. Sitzungsb. d. math.-phys. Cl. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Munchen. Sitzungsb. d. med.-naturw. Ge- seUsch. zu Jena. Sitzungsb. hrsg. v. naturh. Ver. d. preuss. Rheinl. u. Westfal., Bonn. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. GeseU- sch. zu Wiirzb. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu HaUe a. S., Munchen. Skandin. Arch. f. Physiol., Leipz. Skandin. Tandlâkaref. Tidskr., Kooenh. Sleeping Sick. Bureau. BuU., Lond. Smithson. Contrib. Knowl., Wash. Smithson. Mise CoUect., Wash. Sitzungsbericht der kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe Wien. v. 65- 123, 1872-1914. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der kôniglich-bôhmischen Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften. Prag. Jahrg. 1868-1904. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-phvsikalischen Classe der kôniglich-bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Mun- chen. v. 1-33, 1868-1903. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der medizinisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Ge- sellschaft zu Jena. [Supplément to: Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Naturwissenschaft.] Jena, 1914. 8°. Sitzungsberichte herausgegeben vom naturhistorischen Verein der preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens. Bonn. Jahrg. 1908-11. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der physikal.-medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wûrzburg. Wûrzburg. Jahrg. 1888-1914. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medicinischen Societàt zu Erlangen. Erlangen. v. 3-44, 1871-1912. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der Verein der Aerzte zu Halle a. S. Munchen. 1890-91 to 1894-5. 8°. [Continued as: Sitzungsb. d. aerztl. Ver. Halle a. S.] Skandinavisches Archiv fur Physiologie. Leipzig, v. 1-33, 1889-1915. 8°. Skandinaviska Tandlàkareforeningens Tidskrift. K0benhavn. v. 1-2, 1892-3. 8°. Sklifosovski (N. V.) [See Yubil. sborn. v chest . . . Sklifosov- skavo, S.-Petersb.] Sleeping Sickness Bureau. Bulletin. London. v. 1-4, 1909- 12. 8°. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge. Washington. 1853; 1856; 1858; v. 13-26, 1863-90; v. 30-32, 1895. 4°. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Washington, v. 1-4, 1862; v. 13-36, 1878-93; v. 42-43, 1901; v. 65-66, 1915. 8°. Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate" Mexico. [See Mem. Soc. tient. "Antonio Alzate," Mexico.] Sociedad dental mexicana. Mexico. [See Rev. dent, mexican., Mexico.] Sociedad farmacéutica espanola. [See Bol. farm., Barcel.] Sociedad geogrâfica de Lima. [See Bol. Soc. geog. de Lima.] Sociedad médica de los hospitales. [See Rev. méd.-quir., Quito.] Sociedad de médicos y cirujanos de Caracas. [See Gae méd. de Caracas.] Sociedade Carlos Ribeiro. [See Rev. de se nat. e sociaes, Porte] Sociedade de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. [See Semanario de saude pub., Rio de Jan.] Sociedade de medicina e cirurgia. Rio de Janeiro. [See Rev. da Soc. de med. e cirurg., Rio de Janeiro.] Società Eustachiana, Camerine [See Boll. d. Soc. Eustachiana, Camerino.] Società freniatrica italiana. [See Cong. d. Soc. freniat. ital., Reggio neU' EmUia.] Società italiana fra le levatrici (sezione milanese). [See Prat. ostet.-ginee, Milano.] Società italiana di neurologia. [See Atti d. Cong. d. Soc ital. di neurol., Roma.] Società italiana di ostetricia e ginecologia. [See Atti d. Soc. ital. di ostet. e ginee] Società italiana d' ottalmologia. Pavia. [See Rendie. d. sedute d. Soc. ottal. ital. Cong. gen., Pavia.] [187] Società italiana di patologia. [See Atti d. Soc. ital. di patol., Pavia.] Società italiana di scienze naturali. [See Atti d. Soc. ital. di se nat., MUano.] Società italiana di storia critica deUe scienze mediche e naturali. [See Atti d. Soc. ital. di storia crit. d. se med. e nat., Venezia.] Società Lancisiana degli ospedali di Roma. [See Boll. d. Soc. Lancisiana d. osp. di Roma.] Società lombarda di scienze mediche e biologiche [See Atti d. Soc. lomb. di se med. e biol., Milano.] Società medica di Parma. [See Boll. d. Soc. med. di Parma.] Società medica pisana. [See BoU. Soc. med. pisana.] Società nazionale veterinaria. [See Arch. cient. d. r. Soc. nat. vet., Torino.] Società ottalmologica itaUana. [See Rendie d. Cong. d. Soc. ottal. ital., Pavia. Also: Rendie d. sedute d. Soc. ottal. ital. Cong. gen., Pavia.] Società piemontese d' igiene. [See Atti d. Cong. naz. d'ig. Also: Atti d. Soc. piemont. d' ig., Torino.] Società per gU studi deUa malaria. [See Atti d. Soc. p. g. studi d. malaria.] Società toscana di ostetricia e ginecologia. [See Boll. d. Soc. tose di ostet. e ginee, Firenze.] Società zoologica itaUana. [See BoU. d. Soc. zool. ital.] Societas regia scientiarum Gottingensis. [See Comment. Soc. reg. scient. Gotting.] Societas zoologica tokyonensis. [See Annot. zool. japon., Tokyo.] Société anatomique de Paris. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. anat. de Par.] Société anatomo-clinique de Toulouse. [See Toulouse méd.] Société d'anthropologie de Paris. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. d'an- throp. de Par.] Société belge de chirurgie. [See Ann. Soc. belge de chir., Brux. Also: J. de chir. et ann. Soc. belge de chir.] Société belge de gynécologie et d'obstétrique [See Bull. Soc. belge de gynée et d'obst., Brux.] Société belge d'otologie et de laryngologie. [See Bull. Soc. belge d'otol. et de laryngol., Brux.] Société belge d'otologie, de laryngologie et de rhinologie. [See Bull. Soc. belge d'otol. [etc.], Brux.] Société de biologie. Paris. [See Compt. rend. Soc. de biol. Also: Cinquanten. de la Soc. de biol.] Société centrale de médecine du département du Nord. [See Bull. Soc. centr. de méd. du Nord, Lille Société de chirurgie de Bucarest. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. de chir. de Bucarest.] Société de chirurgie de Lyon. [See Bull. Soc. de chir. de Lyon. Also: Lyon chirurg. Also: Lyon méd.] Société des chirurgiens de Paris. [See Paris chirurg., Par.] Société contre l'abus du tabac. [See J. Soc. contre l'abus du tabac, Par.] Société d'Edimbourg. [See Essais et obs. de méd. de la Soc. d'Édimb.] Société d'études scientifiques sur la tuberculose. [See BuU. Soc. d'études scient, sur la tubere, Par.] Société française d'électrotherapie [See Bull. off. Soc. franc. d'électrothér., Par.] Société française d'histoire de la médecine [See Bull. Soc. franc, d'hist. de la méd., Par.] [18S Société de gynécologie, d'obstétrique et de psediatrie de Bor- deaux. [See Cong. périod. de gynée, d'obst. et de paediat. Mém. et dise] Société hahnemannienne de Paris. [See J. de la méd. homœop., Par.] Société d'hydrologie médicale de Paris. [See Ann. d'hydrol. et de climat, méd. Also: Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. méd. de Par.] Société d'hygiène et de médecine et du Syndicat médical de Cannes et de l'arrondissement de Grasse. [See Cannes-méd.] Société d'hygiène publique de Bordeaux fondée en 1881. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. d hyg. pub. de Bordeaux. Also: Bull. Soc. d'hyg. pub. de Bordeaux.] Société internationale de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale. [See Bull. Soc. internat, de prophyl. [etc.].] Société locale des médecins du département des Bouches-du- Rhône. [See Union méd. de la Provence, Marseille] Société de médecine de Besançon et de la Franche-Comté. [See Rev. méd. de la Franche-Comté, Besançon.] Société de médecine et de chirurgie de Bordeaux. [See BuU. et mém. Soc. de méd. et chir. de Bordeaux. Also: Mém. et bull. Soc. de méd. et chir. de Bordeaux.] Société de médecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie de l'Isère. [See Méd. Dauphiné, Grenoble] Société de médecine et de chirurgie pratiques de Paris. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. de méd. et chir. prat. de Par.] Société de médecine homœopathique de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. de méd. homœop. de Par.] Société de médecine légale de Belgique. [See Ann. Soc. de méd. lég. de Belg., Charleroi.] Société de médecine physique d'Anvers. [See Ann. de méd. phys., Anvers. Also: Ann. Soc. de méd. phys. d'Anvers.] Société de médecine pratique. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. de méd. et chir. prat. de Par.] Société de médecine de Vaucluse. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. méd. Vaucluse, Avignon.] Société de médecine vétérinaire pratique. [See Bull. Soc. de méd. vét. prat., Par.] Société des médecins de l'hôpital Louise-Marie d'Anvers. [See Art méd., Anvers.] Société médicale des hôpitaux de Lyon. [See Bull. Soc méd. d. hôp. de Lyon. Also: Lyon méd.] Société médicale de l'Ile Maurice. [See Bull. Soc. méd. de l'île Maurice, Port-Louis.] Société médicale de Monaco. [See Monaco-méd.] Société médicale de Québec. [See Bull. méd. de Québec] Société médico-chirurgicale d'Anvers. [See Ann. Soc. méd.- chir. d'Anvers.] Société médico-chirurgicale du Brabant. [See Ann. Soc. méd.- chir. du Brabant, Brux.] Société médico-chirurgicale canadienne-française de la Nouvelle- Angleterre. [See J. Soc. méd.-chir. canad.-franc, de la Nouv.- AngL, LoweU.] Société médico-chirurgicale de la Drôme et de l'Ardèche. [See Bull. Soc. méd.-chir. de la Drôme [etc.], Valence & Par.] Société médico-chirurgicale de l'Indo-Chine. [See Bull. Soc. méd.-chir. de l'Indo-Chine, Hanoï & Haïphong.] Société médico-chirurgicale du Nord. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. méd.-chir. du Nord, Lille.] Société médico-psychologique. [See Cinquanten. de la Soc. méd.- psychol., Par.] [189] Société nationale de médecine. Lyon. [See Lyon méd.] Société d'obstétrique et de gynécologie de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. d'obst. et de gynée de Par.] Société d'obstétrique, de gynécologie et de paediatrie de Paris. [See Compt. rend. Soc. d'obst., de gynée et de psediat. de Par.] Société d'obstétrique de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. d'obst. de Par.] Société odontologique suisse. [See Rev. trimest. suisse d'odont., Basel & Genève] Société de pathologie exotique. [See Bull. Soc. path. exot., Par.] Société de pédiatrie de Paris. [See Bull. Soc. pédiat. de Par.] Société philomatique de Bordeaux. [See Cong. périod. de gynée, d'obst. et de paediat. Mém. et dise] Société portugaise des sciences naturelles. [See Bull. Soc. port. d. se nat., Lisb. Société de radiologie médicale de Paris. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. de radiol. méd. de Par.] Société des sciences médicales de Gannat. [See Centre méd. et pharm., Gannat.] Société des sciences médicales de Lille. [See Bull. Soc. d. se méd. de Lille] Société des sciences médicales. Lyon. [See Lyon méd.] Société des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux. [See Proe-verb. Soc. d. se. phys. et nat. de Bordeaux.] Société scientifique d'hygiène alimentaire. [See Rev. Soc. scient. d'hyg. aliment, [etc.], Par.] Société scientifique et médicale de l'ouest. [See Bull. Soc. scient. et méd. de l'ouest, Rennes.] Société suisse de balnéologie [See Ann. d. schweiz. balneol. Gesellsch., Aarau.] Société suisse des chimistes analystes. Zurich. [See Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Chem. u. Pharm., Zurich.] Société suisse de pharmacie. Zurich. [See Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Chem. u. Pharm., Zurich.] Société de thérapeutique et pharmacologie. [See BuU. gén. de therap. [etc.]. Soc. de therap. . . ., Par.] Sociétés médicales du département de la Seine. [See Bull. d. soc. méd. ... du dép. de la Seine, Par.] Society of Alumni of BeUevue Hospital. [See Tr. Soc. Alumni BeUevue Hosp., N. Y.] Society of Alumni of the Médical Collège of Virginia. [See Med. Reg., Richmond.] Society of Alumni, in Ophthalmology, of Inouye. [See Inouye Gankwa Dosokwai Kai Ho.] Society of American Bacteriologists. [See J. Bact., Balt.] Society of Anœsthetists. [See Tr. Soc. Anaesth., Lond.] Society of Bohemian Dentists. [See Zub. lék., Praha.] Society of Chemical Industry. [See J. Soc. Chem. Indust., Lond.] Society of Dental Science. [See Shikwa Gaku Kwai Geppo.] Society for Expérimental Biology and Medicine. [See Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. à Med., N. Y.] Society of the Lying-in Hospital of the City of New York. [See Med. Rep. Soc. Lying-in Hosp. N. Y.] Society of Médical History of Chicago. [See Bull. Soc. Med. Hist. Chicago.] Society of the Médical Science of Fukui District. [See Fukuiken Igaku Kwai Zasshi.] Society of Médical Science of Okayama. [See Okayama Igaku Kwai Zasshi.] L190] Soc. Alumni City Hosp., N. Y. Soc. Alumni City Hosp. Tr.,N.Y. Soc. belge de dermat. et de syph. BuU., Brux. Soc. belge d'otol. . Brux. Rapp., Soc. tient. "Antonio Alzate" de Mexico. Rev. Soc. fiorent. d'ig. Atti, Firenze. Soc. franc, de prophyl. san. et mor. BuU., Par. Soc. Hyg., Balt. Soc. ital. di urol., Roma. Soc. libre pour l'étude psychol. de l'enf., Par. Soc. méd. de l'arrond. de l'Elysée. BuU. d. trav., Clermont (Oise). Soc. méd. d. Bureaux de bienfai- sance. BuU., Par. Soc. de méd. lég. de France. BuU., Par. Soc. de méd. mil. franc. BuU., Par. Soc. de méd. de Nancy. C.-r. Soc. de méd. de Nancy. C.-r. Mém. Soc. med-chir. di Bologna. Re- soe Soc. med.-chir. di Pavia. Ren- die Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux. BuU. [See Gun Igaku Kwai Society of Military Médical Science. Zasshi.] Society for Obstétrical and Gynecological Research. [See San- kwa Fujuinkwa Kenkiu Kwai Kwai.] Society of Oculists of Japan. Tokyo. [See Nippon Gankwa Gakukwai Zasshi, Tokyo.] Society of PubUc Analysts. [See Analyst, Lond.] Society of Sanitary and Moral Prophylaxis. [See J. Soc. San. & Moral Prophylaxis.] Society for Serology and Haematology. [See J. Immunol., Balt. & Cambridge.] Society for the Study of Disease in Children. [See Rep. Soc. Study Dis. Child., Lond.] Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiène [See Tr. Soc. Trop. M. & Hyg., Lond.] Society of the Alumni of the City (Charity) Hospital. New York. April 3, 1897, to April 23, 1898. 12°. [Reprint from: N. York M. J.] Society of the Alumni of City (Charity) Hospital, New York. Transactions of 1901-2. New York. 1 v. 1902. 8°. Société belge de dermatologie et de syphiligraphie Bulletin. Bruxelles, v. 1-3, 1901-3. 8°. Société belge d'otologie, de laryngologie et de rhinologie. Rap- port. Bruxelles, v. 1, 1903. 8°. Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate" de Mexico. Revista cientfficaybibliogrânca. Mexico. 1888-9 to 1903. 8°. [Bound with: Mem. Soc. tient. "Antonio Alzate," Mexico.] Societàfiorentinad'igiene. Atti deU'anno 1904. Firenze. N.B., v. 4, 1905. 8°. [Continued as: Soc. tose d' ig. Atti.] Société française de prophylaxie sanitaire et morale. Bulletin. Paris, v. 1-14, 1901-14. 8°. Social Hygiène. Published quarterly by the American Social Hygiène Association, Inc. Baltimore, v. 1-2, 1914-16. 8°. Società italiana di urologia. 1. adunanza. Roma. 1 v. 1908. Société libre pour l'étude psychologique de l'enfant. Paris, v. 13-14, 1912-14. 8°. Société médicale de l'arrondissement de l'Elysée (viiie arrondisse- ment). Bulletin des travaux de la Société pendant l'année 1893. Clermont (Oise). 1 v. 1894. 8°. Société médicale des Bureaux de bienfaisance autorisée le 31 dé- cembre 1852. Bulletin de la Société, 1893. Paris, lv. 1894. 8°. Société de médecine légale de France. Bulletin. Paris, v. 1- 18, 1869-1903; 2. s., v. 8-10, 1911-13. 8°. Société de médecine militaire française. Bulletin bi-mensuel. Paris, v. 3-8, 1909-14. 8°. Société de médecine de Nancy. Compte-rendu annuel et procès- verbaux des séances. 1897-8 to 1912-13. Nancy. 11 v. 1898-1913. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Société de médecine de Nancy. Compte-rendu annuel et procès- verbaux des séances. Mémoires de la Société. 1894-5 to •1896-7. Nancy. 3 y. 1895-8 8°. [Continuation, in 1894-5, of: Mém. Soc. de méd. de Nancy. Continued as the preced- ing.] Società medico-chirurgica di Bologna degli anni 1891; 1893-8; 1900; 1913 Società medico-chirurgica di Pavia. 1893. 8°. . Resoconto deUe adunanze Bologna. 1892-1914. 8°. Rendiconti, 1892-3. Pavia. Société royale des sciences médicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Bulletin. Bruxelles. 9 v. 1896-7 to 1911. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. et bull. Soc. roy. d. se méd. et nat. de Brux.] [191] Soc. Stat. cUmat. de Leysin. Études [etc.], Aigle & Par. Soc. tosc. d'ig. Atti, Firenze. Social Dis., N. Y. Sôôbsh. i protok. S.-Peterb. Med. Obsh. Sôôbsh. S. - Peterb. glaznoï le- cheb. Soud. lék. posud. [etc.], Praha. Sourd-muet belge, Liège. South African M. J., Cape Town. South African M. Ree, Cape Town. South. Clinie, Richmond. South. Calif. Pract., Los Angeles. South. Dent. J. South. IUinois J. M. & S., Me- tropoUs. South. J. Homeop. South. M. J., La Grange, N. C. South. M. J., NashvUle. South. M. Ree, Atlanta. South. M. & S., Chattanooga. Société de la Station climatérique de Leysin. Études sur la tuberculose (3e série). Aigle à Paris. 3. s., 1912. 8°. Società toscana d' igiene. Atti deU' anno 1905. Firenze. N. s., v. 5, 1906. 8°. [Continuation of : Soc. fiorent. d' ig. Atti.] Social Diseases. Report of progress of the movement for their prévention. New York. v. 1-4,1910-13. 8°, [Continued as: J. Soc. San. & Mor. Prophylaxis.] Sofiyskoto Meditsinsko Druzhestvo. [See Spis. na Sofiysk. Med. Druzh.] Sôôbshtsheniya i protokoli zasïedaniy S.-Peterburgskavo medi- tsinskavo Obshtshestva. [Communications and proceedings of the meetings of the St. Petersburg Médical Society.] S.-Peter- burg, v. 1-5 (1883-7), 1884-8; v. 10 (1892), 1893; v. 12-13 (1894-5), 1894-6. 1884-96. 8°. [Continued as: Protok. i sôôbsh. S.-Peterb. Med. Obsh.] Sôôbsheniya S.-Peterburgskoï glaznoï lechebnitsî. [Communi- cation from the St. Petersburg Eye Infirmary.] S.-Peterburg & Kiyev. Pts. 1-5, 1887-98. 8°. Soudnë lékafské posudky Ôeské Lékafské Fakulty. [Medico- judicial opinions of the Bohemian Médical Faculty.] Praha. 1909-10. 8°. Sound View Hospital. [See Entire Ree Med.-Surg. Pract. Sound View, Stamford, Conn. Also: Ree . . . Sound View Hosp.] Sourd-muet (Le) belge. Liège v. 1-3, 1903-6. 8°. South African (The) Médical Journal. A monthly journal de- voted to the interest of the médical profession of South Africa. Cape Town. v. 1, 1893; v. 3-6, 1895-9. 4°. South African Médical Record. Cape Town. v. 1-13, 1903-15. 4°. Southern (The) Clinie Richmond. v. 1-38, 1878-1915. 8°. Southern (The) CalUornia Practitioner. Los Angeles, v. 1-30, 1886-1915. 8°. South CaroUna Médical Association. [See J. South Car. M. Ass., Green ville] South Dakota State Médical Association. [See Journal-Lancet, Minneap.] Southern (The) Dental Journal. Atlanta; Maçon, v. 1-19,1882- 1900. 8°. [After April, 1893, title was: Southern Dental Journal and Luminary.] South Durham & Cleveland Médical Society. [See Annual rep. trans. S. Durham & Cleveland M. Soc] Southern Dental Association. [See Tr. South. Dent. Ass.] Southern (The) IUinois Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Me- tropolis, 111. v. 1-2, 1900-1902. 8°. [Merged in: St. Louis Clinique.] Southern (The) Journal of Homeopathy. Austin, Tex.; New Orléans, v. 1-15, 1885-97. [Continued as: Am. M. Month., Balt.] Southern Médical Association. [See J. South. M. Ass., Shreve- port. Also: South. M. J., NashvUle] Southern (The) Médical Journal. A monthly journal of medi- cine and allied sciences. La Grange, N. C. v. 4-7,1900-1902. 8°. Southern (The) Médical Journal. Journal of the Southern Médi- cal Association. NashvUle, Tenn. v. 1-8, 1908-15. 8°. Southern (The) Médical Record. Atlanta, v. 3-29, 1873-99. [In April, 1899, united with Atlanta M. & S. J., forming: At- lanta Jour.-Rec. Med.] Southern Medicine and Surgery. Chattanooga. v. 1-16, 1904- 11. 8°. [192] South. Med., Savannah. South. Med. & GaiUard's M. J., Savannah. South. Pract., NashvUle. Southwest. Hosp. Rep., Hous- ton, Tex. Southwest. J. M. & S., El Iteno, Okla. Southwest. M. Ree, Houston. Southwest. M. Se S. Reporter, Fort Worth. Souvenir. 17. anniv. First Dist. Dent. Soc. N. Y., Phila. Sovïeshtshat. Syezd Vrach. Sïev.- Zap. Zhel. Dor., Saratov. Sovrem. KUn., S.-Peterb. Sovrem. KUn. i Terap., S.-Peterb Sovrem. med. i hig., S.-Peterb. Sovrem. Psikhiat., Mosk. Sovrem. terap., Mosk. Sovrïem. Khig., Sofiya. Soziale Med. u. Hyg. Soziale Praxis u. Arch. f. Volks- wohlf., Berl. Spee Path. u. Therap.,... Noth- nagel, Wien. Specialista mod., MUano. Sperimentale. Arch. di biol., Fi- renze. Spis. na Sofiysk. Med. Druzh. Southern medicine. Savannah. Januarv to September, 1904. 8°. [Continuation of: Georgia J. M. & S. In October, 1904, Consolidated with: GaUlard's M. J. under the following title:] Southern Medicine and GaiUard's Médical Journal. Savannah, Ga. October, 1904, to March, 1905. 8°. [Continuation of: GaiUard's M. J., and: South. Med., and continued as: Gaillard'a South. Med.] Southern (The) Practitioner. NashvUle v. 1-37, 1879-1915. 8°. Southwestern Hospital Reporter. W. Burton Thorning, éditer. Houston, Tex. v. 1, 1915. 8°. Southwest (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. El Reno, Okla. v. 21-23, 1913-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Oklahoma M. News-Jour.] Southwestern Médical Record. Houston, Texas, v. 1-4,1896-9. 8°. Southwestern Médical and Surgical Association. [See Tr. Southw. M. & S. Ass.] Southwestern (The) Médical and Surgical Reporter. A monthly journal devoted to practical medicine and surgery. Fort Worth, Texas, v. 1-2, 1895-7. 8°. [Merged in: Texas M. News, Austin.] Souvenir. Seventeenth Anniversary of the First District Dental Society of the State of New York. Philadelphia. 1 v. 1885. 8°. Sovieshtshatelnîy Syezd Vracheï Sïevero-Zapadnîkh Zhelïez- nîkh Dorog. [Consulting Congress of the Physicians of the North-Western Railroads.] [Saratov.] v. 6, [1913]. [Sup- plément to: Vestnik Zhelïeznodov. med. i san. Saratov.] Sovremennaya Klinika. [Contemporary Clinie] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-3, 1902-1. 8°. Sovremennaya Klinika i Terapiya. [Contemporary Clinie and Therapy.] S.-Peterburg. v. 4-13, 1905-14. 8°. Yezhemïesyachniy zhurnal: Sovremennaya meditsina i higiena. [Monthly journal: Contemporary medicine and hygiène] S.- Peterburg. v. 1-3, 1896-8. 8°. Sovremennaya Psikhiatriya. [Contemporary Psychiatrics.] Moskva. v. 1-8, 1907-14. 8°. Sovremennaya terapiya; yezhemïesyachnoye obozrïeniye uspïe- khov v oblasti terapii po vsïem otraslyam meditsinî i khirurgii u nas i zagranitseï. [Contemporary treatment; monthly re- view of the progress in the field of treatment in ail fields of med- icine and surgery at home and abroad.] Moskva. 15 v. 1898-1905. 8°. Sovrïemenna Khigiena. L'hygiène contemporaine. Sofiya, v. 1-6, 1907-12. 8°. Soziale Medizin und Hygiène Hamburg und Leipzig, v. 1-6, 1906-11. 8°. [Continuation of : Arch. f. soziale Med. u. Hyg., Leipz.] Soziale Praxis und Archiv fur Volkswohlfahrt. Berlin, v. 19- 24, 1909-14. 4°. [Formed by consolidation of: Soziale Pra- xis, and: Arch. f. Volkswohlf.] Specielle Pathologie und Thérapie, hrsg. von Hermann Noth- nagel. Wien. v. 1-24, 1894-1908. 8°. [Transi, as: Noth- nagel's Encycl. Pract. Med.] Specialista (Lo) moderne Milano. v. 1-3, 1903-5. 8°. Spedali civUi di Genova. [See Pammatone, Genova.] Sperimentale (LoL Archivio di biologia normale et patologica. (Organo dell' Accademia medico-fisica fiorentina.) FUenze. v. 50-70, 1896r1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Lo Sperimentale. Giornale médico. Sezione biologica.] Spisanïe na Sofiyskoto Meditsinsko Druzhestve [Archives of the Médical Society of Sophia.] Sofiya. v. 1-2, 1900-1902. [193] Spitalul, Bucurescï. Spravochnik [etc.], Mosk. Sputnik zdorov., S.-Peterb. Srpski grad, arh. za celok. lek., Beo- St. Barth. Hosp. J., Lond. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. St. Louis CUnique. St. Louis Cour. Med. St. Louis J. Reporter. Homœop. & CUn. St. Louis M. Era. St. Louis M. Gaz. St. Louis M. Rev. St. Louis M. & S. J. St. Luke's Hosp. N.Y. M. & S. Rep., Spitalul. Revista 1-35,1881-1915. studentilor in medicina. Bucurescï. v. Spolek ceskych zubni'ch lékafû. [Society of Bohemian Den- tists.] [See Zub. lék., Praha.] Spravochnik po obshtshestvenno-sanitarnîm i vrachebno-bîtovim voprosam. [Book of information on public sanitary and méd- ical questions.] Moskva. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Sputnik zdorovya. [Vade mecum of health.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-7, 1898-1905. 4°. S.-Peterburgskaya biologicheskaya laboratoriya. [See Izvïest. S.-Peterb. biol. lab.] S.-Peterburgskoye Rodovspomogatelnoye zavedeniye [See Sborn. trud. vrach. S.-Peterb. Rodovspom. zaved.] Srpski arhiv za celokupno lekarstvo; organ Srpskog lekarskog drustva. [Servian archives of ail branches of medicine; organ of the Servian Médical Society.] Beograd. v. 4-20, 1898- 1914. 8°. Srpsko lekarsko drustvo. [Servian Médical Srpski arh. za celok. lek., and Narod. zdrav.] St. Bartholomew's Hospital Journal. London. to 1915-16. 8°. Society.] [See v. 1-23, 1893-4 London. v. 1-49,1865- [See Rep. St. Lawrence State St. Luke's Hosp. Ree, Chicago. St. Mary's Hosp. Gaz., Lond. St. Mary's Hosp. J., Saginaw, Mich. St. Paul M. J., St. Paul, Minn. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr. 15250°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. 1913. roy. 8°. St. Lawrence State Hospital. Hosp., Albany.] St. Louis (The) Clinique. A monthly journal of clinical medi- cine and surgery. St. Louis, v. 3-23, 1889-1910. 8°. [Con- tinuation of: Med. Chips. Continued as: Gen. Practitioner- East St. Louis.] St. Louis (The) Courier of Medicine. St. Louis, v. 5-36,, 1881-1907. [v. 1-4 under title: St. Louis Courier of Medicine and Collatéral Sciences. In July, 1907, merged in: Interstate M. J.] St. Louis Journal of Homœopathy and Clinical Reporter. St. Louis, v. 1-2, 1895-6; No. 1, v. 3, 1897. 8°. [In February, 1897, continued as: Clin. Reporter.] St. Louis (The) Médical Era. St. Louis, v. 2-13, 1893-4 to 1903-1. [Continued as: Med. Era.] St. Louis Médical Gazette. St. Louis, v. 1-5, 1898-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Adviser.] St. Louis Médical Review. St. Louis, v. 33-61, 1896-1912. roy. 8°. [Continuation of: Med. Rev.] Saint Louis Médical Society. [See Weekly Bull. St. Louis M. Soc] St. Louis (The) Médical and Surgical Journal. St. Louis, v. 1-90, 1843-1906. 8°. St. Luke's Hospital Médical and Surgical Reports. New York. v. 1-3, 1909-11. 8°. St. Luke's Hospital Chicago. [See Med. & Surg. Rep. St, Luke's Hosp.] St. Luke's Hospital Record. Chicago, v. 1, 1895-6. 8°. St. Mary's Hospital Gazette. London. v. 1-21,1895-1915. 8°. St Mary's Hospital Journal. Published quarterly. Saginaw, Mich. v. 1, 1895. 8°. St. Paul (The) Médical Journal. Edited and published by the Ramsey County Médical Society. St. Paul, Minnesota, v. 1- 17,1899-1915. 8°. Saint Petersburg. [See Statist. yezhegod. S.-Peterb.] St. Petersburger medicinische WochenschrUt. St. Petersburg. v. 1-36, 1876-1911. 4°. [Continued as the following:] —16----xiii [194] St. Petersb. med. Ztschr. St. Thomas's Hosp. Gaz. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond. Stadt. Hosp. z. HL Geist in Schwab. Gmund, Tubing. State Bd. J. Amer., Wash. & At- lanta. State Hosp. BuU., Utica. Statist. yezhegod. S.-Peterb. Stenogr. Ber. ii. d. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. Sàuglings- schutz [etc.], BerL Stéthoscope, Bristol. Stomaco, NapoU. S tomatol., MUano. St. Petersburger medizinische Zeitschrift. St. Petersburg. v. 37, 1912. fol. [Continuation of Ihe preceding. Title of Nos. 1-18, v. 38, 1913, was: Petersb. med. Ztschr.] St. Thomas's (The) Hospital Gazette. London; Crovdon. v. 15- 25, 190.5-15. S°. Saint Thomas's Hospital Reports. London. v. 1, 1836; n. s., v. 1-41, 1870-1912. 8°. Stadt-Krankenhaus zu Dresden-Friedrichstadt. [See Festschr. z. Feier'. . . d. Stadt-Krankenh. zu Dresd.-Friedrichstadt.] Stadtische (Das) Hospital zum Hl. Geist in Schwab. Gmûnd; in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. Tubingen. 1 v. 1905. 8°. Stadtische Irrenheil- und Pflegeanstalt Rothenberg. [See Fest- schr. z. . . . JubU. d. Gesellsch. pract. Aerzte zu Riga v. d. stadt. Irrenh.- u. Pflegeanst. Rothenberg, Riga.] Stâdtisches Krankenhaus zu Frankfurt am Main. [See Arb. a. d. stadt. Krankenh. zu Frankf. a. M. Festschr. . . . ] Stàndige Tuberculose-Commission der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Hamburg. [See Verhandl. . . . Tubere.-Commiss. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, BerL] Starr (Louis). [See Am. Text-Bk. Dis. Child. (Starr), Phila.] State Board of Health of Maine. [See Bull. Bd. Health Maine, Augusta.] State Board of Health, Michigan. [See Teachers' San. BuU., Lansing.] State Board of Health of Missouri. [See Missouri Sanitarian, St. Louis.] State Board of Health of New Hampshire. [See N. Hampshire San. Bull., Concord.] State Board Journal of America. A monthly periodical devoted to the mutual interests of boards, students, and collèges of medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy. Washington & Atlanta. v. 1-3, 1905-7. roy. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Consensus.] State Charities Aid Association. [See Proc. Conf. . . . Prev. Tubere, N. Y. Proc. Ment. Hyg. Conf., N. Y.] State Collège of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. [See Bull. State Coll. Kentucky, Lexington.] State Hospitals Bulletin. A quarterly report of clinical and pathological work in the State hospitals (for the insane), and their Pathological Institute. Utica, N.Y. v. 1-2, 1896-7. 8. [Continued, in 1898, as: Arch. Neurol. & Psycho-Path. Prés- ent title is: Psychiat. Bull.] State Médical Association of Texas. [See Texas State J. M., Fort Worth.] State and Provincial Boards of Health of North America, 1913. [See Proc. Conf. State & Prov. Bds. Health N. Am.] State Sérum Institute. [See Contrib. Univ. Lab. M. BacterioL, Copenh.] Station climatérique de Leysin. [See Soc. Stat. climat, de Leysin. Études [etc.], Aigle & Par.] Statisticheskiy yezhegodnik S.-Peterburga. [Statistical annual of St. Petersburg.] v. 13, 1893. S.-Peterburg. 1895. 4°. Stenographischér Bericht ûber die Verhandlungen des deutschen Kongresses fur Sàuglingsschutz und der Mitgliederversamm- lung der deutschen Vereinigung fur Sàuglingsschutz am 19. Juni 1909. Berlin. 1 v. 1909. 8°. Stéthoscope (The). Bristol, v. 6-17, 1903-14. 8°. Stomaco (Lo). Periodico mensile per le malattie deUe vie dige- renti. Napoli. v. 1-21, 1895-1915. fol. Stomatelogia (La). Milano. v. 1-5, 1902-3 to 1906-7. 8°. Stomatologusok (fogorvosok) orszagos egyesûlete [Hungary.] [See Magyar fogâsz. szemle. A stomatol. [etc.], Budapest.] [195] Strahlentherapie, Berl. u. Wien. Strassb. med. Ztg. Stud. Anat. . . . Univ. Manches- ter. Stud. Bender Hyg. Lab., Albany. Stud. Dep. Path. CoU. Phys. & Surg., Columbia CoU., N. Y. Stud. Dep. Physiol. Columbia Univ., [N. Y.]. Stud. Inst. M. Research Fed. Malay States, Singapore. Stud. Morphol. Lab. Univ. Cam- bridge, Lond. & Edinb. Stud. z. Path. d. Entwcklng., Jena. ■ Stud. philos. & psychol. . . . Gar- man commem., Bost. & N. Y. Stud. d. physiol. Inst. zu Amst., Leipz. u. Heidelb. Stud. Physiol. Lab. Univ. Cam- bridge. Stud. Psychiat., N. Y. Stud. RockefeUer Inst. M. Re- search, N. Y. Stud. Roy. Victoria Hosp., Mon- tréal. Stud. in volkskracht, Haarlem. Studi di med. leg. e var. . . . onore di G. ZUno, Messina. Studi sassaresi, Sassari. Studies in cancer (Crocker Re- search Fund), N. Y. Studium, NapoU. Stylus, St. Louis. Sûddeutsche Apoth.-Ztg. Stuttg. Suggestions, Chicago. Strahlentherapie. Mitteilungen aus dem Gebiete der Behand- lung mit Rôntgenstrahlen, Licht und radioaktiven Substanzen [etc.]. Berlin u. Wien. Originale, v. 1-6, 1912-15; Referate, Strassburger medizinische Zeitung 15. 8°. Strassburg. v. 1-12, 1904- Students' Council of the Médical Department of the University of Texas. [See Univ. Med., Galveston.] Studies in Anatomy from the Anatomical Department of the Uni- versity of Manchester. Manchester, v. 3, 1906. 8°. Studies from the Bender Hygienic Laboratorv. Albanv. 1904-8. 8°. v. 1-5, Studies from the Department of Pathology of the Collège of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Columbia Collège, N. Y. Reprints. v. -1-14,1890-1914. 8°. Studies from the Department of Physiology of Columbian Uni- versity at tbe Collège of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Reprints. v. 1-6, 1898-1914. 8°. Studies from Institute for Médical Research, Federated Malay States. Singapore. Nos. 1-12, 1901-11. 8°. Studies from the Morphological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. Edited by F. M. Balfour. London & Edinburgh. Part 2, 1882. 8°. Studien zur Pathologie der Entwicklung. ■ 1913-14. 8°. Jena. v. 1, Hft. 1-3, 1. s., Nos. 1-12; 2. s., Nos. Studies in philosophy and psychology by former students of Charles Edward Garman, in commémoration of twenty-five years of service as teacher of philosophy in Amherst Collège. Boston & New York. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Studien des physiologischen Instituts zu Amsterdam. Hrsg. von A. Heynsius. Leipzig und Heidelberg. 1861. 8°. Studies from the Physiological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge. Cambridge. Part 1, 1873. 8°. Studies in Psychiatry. Forms No. 9, Nervous and Mental Disease. Monograph Séries. New York. v. 1, 1912. 8°. Studies in Psychology. [See Univ. Iowa Stud. Psychol., Iowa City.] Studies from the Rockefeller Institute for Médical Research. [Reprints.] New York. v. 1-22, 1904-15. 8°. Studies from the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montréal. Montréal. Nos. 1-3, v. 1; Nos. 1 & 3, v. 2, 1902-10. 8°. Studies in volkskracht. Haarlem. 1-12, 1903-6. 8°. Studi di medicina légale e varti. PubbUcati in onore di Giuseppe Ziino nel anniversario del suo insegnamento. Messina. 1 v. 1907. 8°. Studi sassaresi. Pubblicati per cura di alcuni professori deUa Università di Sassari. Sassari. v. 1-7, 1901-10. 8°. Studies in cancer and allied subjects; pathology conducted under the George Crocker Spécial Research Fund at Columbia Uni- versity. New York. v. 1-4, 1912-13. fol. Studium; rivista di scienza medica. Napoli. v. 2-9, 1909-16. fol. Stuttgarter àrztlicher Verein. [See Med. Abhandl. Festschr. d. Stuttg. ârztl. Ver.] Stylus (The). A record of clinical and hospital work. St. Louis. v. 1-2, 1900. 8°. [Merged in: Interstate M. J.] Sudhoff's Archiv. [See Arch. f. Gesch. d. Med.] Sûddeutsche Apotheker-Zeitung. Stuttgart, v. 36-40, 1896- 1900. fol. Suggestions. 1904. 8°. A monthly magazine. Chicago, v. 1-13, 1898- 1196] Suggestive Therap., Chicago. Suomen terveydenh.-lehti, Hel- singissà. SuppL al PoUcUn., Roma. Suppl. a. Rac. di op. med., Bo- logna. Surg. Clin., Chicago. Surg. CUn., PhUa. Surg., Gynee & Obst., Chicago. Survey. Social, Charit., Civic, N.Y. Svensk veterinârtidskr., Stock- holm. Sweden. State Med. Inst. In- vestig. Epid. Inf. Parai., Up- sala. Syezd Rossiysk. Khirurg., Mosk. Syezd vrach. i predstav. . . . Khersonsk. gub. . . . 1895. Dokladî. SyphiUs, Par. Syst. Dis. Ear, Nose, & Throat (Burnett), Phila. Syst. Dis. Eye (Norris & OUver), PhUa. Syst. Gynœe (AUbuttj, Lond. Suggestive Therapeutics. Chicago, v. 5-!i, 1898-1900. 8 . Suomen terveydenhoito lehti. Duodecim-seuran toindttama ja kustantama. [Finnish journal for sanitary science Issued bv Duodecim Publishing Companv.| Helsingissà. v. 1-2, 1889-90. 8°. [Continued as: Tervevdenhoitolehti, Helsin- Supplemento al PolicUnico. Periodico di medicina, chirurgia e igiene Roma. v. 1-6, 1895-6 to 1899-1900. fol. [Con- tinued as sezione pratica of : PoUclin.] Supplemento alla Raccolta di opère mediche moderne italiane e straniere. Bologna. v. 1-4, 1832. 8°. [Contains [a republi- cation of ] v. 1-1 of : Annali medici di storia naturale, Bologna.] Surgeon-General of the Public Health and Marine-Hospital Serv- ice of the United States. [See Rep. Surg.-Gen. Pub. Health & Mar.-Hosp. Serv. U. S.] Surgical (The) Clinie Chicago, v. 1-2, 1902-3. 8°. [In Au- gust, 1903, merged in: Alkaloid. Clin.] Surgical (The) Clinics of John B. Murphy, M. D., at Mercy Hospital, Chicago. PhUadelphia. v. l^t, 1912-15. 8°. Surgery, Gvnecology and Obstetrics. An international maga- zine Chicago, v. 1-22, 1905-16. ' Survey (The) 36, 1909-16 nions.] Svensk veterinàrtidskrift Social, Charitable, Civic. New York. v. 22- [Continuation of: Charities and the Com- Stockholm. v. 8-20, 1903-15. 8°. [See Forh. Svens. Lâk.-SâUsk. Sam- Svenska Lâkare-Sàllskap. mank.] Sweden. State Médical Institute Investigations on épidémie infantileiparalysis. Report from the State Médical Institute to the xv. International Congress on Hygiène and Demography. Upsala. 1912. 8°. Swedenborg Scientific Association. [See N. Philosophy.] [See Dnevik Syezda Syezd Obshtshestva Russkikh Vracheï Obsh. Russk. Vrach., Mosk.] Syezd po obsuzhdeniyu mïer protiv sifilisa v Rossii. [See Trudi . . . syezda po obsuzhd. mïer prot. sif. v Rossii [etc.], S.-Peterb.] Syezd Rossiyskikh Khirurgov. [Congress of Russian surgeons.] Moskva. v. 1, 1901; v. 6-13, 1907-14. 8°. Syezd Russkikh Vracheï v pamyat N. I Pirogova. [See Trudi Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk.] Svezd vracheï i predstaviteleï zemskikh i gorodskikh uprav "Khersonskoï gubernii v g. Khersonïe (10-18 oktyabrya 1895 goda). Dokladî, otchotî o zasïedaniyakh i pr. xiii. [Congress of physicians and représentatives of the zemstvos and cities of the government of Kherson (Oct. 10-18, 1895). Reports, pro- ceedings of meetings, etc.] Kherson. 2 v. 1896-7. 8°. Syndicat médical de Cannes et de l'arrondissement de Grasse. [See Cannes-méd.] Syndicat professionnel des médecins bordelais. [See Défense méd., Bordeaux.] SvphiUs (La). Revue mensuelle de médecine spéciale. Paris. v. 1-4, 1903-6. 8°. [Continued as: Ann. d. mal. vén.] System of Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat. Edited by Charles H. Bumett. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1893. 8°. System of Diseases of the Eye. By American, British, Dutch, French, German, and Spanish authors. Edited by William F. Norris and Charles A. Oliver. Philadelphia. 3 v. 1897-8. 8°. System (A) of Gynsecology. By many writers. Edited by Thomas CUfford Allbutt and W. S. Playfair. London. 1 v. 1896. (2. ed. 1 v. 1906.) 8°. [197] Syst. Gynee (Mann), PhUa. Syst. Leg. M. (HamUton & God- kinï, N. Y. Syst. Med. (AUbutt), Lond. Syst. Ophth. Op. (Woodï, Chi- cago. Syst. Pract. M. (Loomis), N. Y. & PhUa. Syst. Pract. Surg. [von Berg- mann] [et al.], N. Y. & Phila. Syst. Pract. Therap. (Hare), PhUa. Syst. Surg. (Trêves), Lond. Szemészet, Budapest. Szemészeti lapok, Budapest. Szulészet es nôgyôgy., Budapest. System of Gynecology (Mann). Philadelphia, 1887-8. v. 1-2. System (A) of Légal Medicine. By G. Allan McLane HamUton and Lawrence Godkin, with the collaboration of James F Babcock, Lewis Balch [et al.]. New York. 2 v. 1894. 8°. Sy^JS1 W ?f Medicinei by many writers. Edited by Thomas Uittord AUbutt. London. v. 1-8, 1896-9. (2 ed v 1-9 1906-11.) 8°. V ' ' * System (A) of ophthalmic opérations; edited and partly writ- ten by Casey A. Wood. Chicago. 2 v. 1911. 8°. System (A) of Practical Medicine by American authors. Edited by Alfred Lee Loomis and WilUam Gilman Thompson New York & PhUadelphia. v. 1-1, 1897-8. 8°. System (A) of Practical Surgery. By E. von Bergmann, P. von Bruns and J. von MikuUcz. New York & Philadelphia v. 1-5, 1904. 8°. [Transi, of: Handb. d. prakt. Chir. (von Bergmann).] System (A) of Practical Therapeutics. Edited by Hobart Amory Hare. Philadelphia & New York. v. 1-4 1891-7 (2. ed. v. 1-3, 1901.) 8°. System (A) of Surgery, by Charles B. Bail, Arthur E. Barker [et al.]. Edited by Frederick Trêves. London, Paris, Melbourne, Philadelphia. v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. Szemészet. [Ophthalmologist.] Budapest. 1876-1914. 4° & 8°. [Supplément to: Orvosi hetil.] Szemészeti lapok. [Ophthalmological sheets.] Budapest. 1 v. 1902-14. fol. [Supplément to: Budapesti orv. ujsag.] Szent Jânoskôrhaz. [See Jel. a U sz. belklin. s az fy szent Jano- skorh. fûlgy. rendel., Budapest.] Szulészet es nôgyôgyâszat. [Obstetrics and gynaecology.] Bu- dapest. 1902-14. fol. [Supplément to: Budapesti orv. uj- sag.] T. Tav. statist. d. manie S. Servolo in Venezia. Teachers' San. BuU., Lansing. Technol. Quart., Bost. Technol. san., Louvain. Terap. chn., Pisa. Terap. Obozr., Odessa. Talma (Sape). lem.] Tauffer (Vilmos). klin.] [See Feestbundel, Dr. Sape Talma [etc.], Haar- [See Kôzlem. a Tauffer V. egyet. nôi Tavole statistiche del manicomio centrale maschile di S. Servolo in Venezia pel quinquennio 1889-93, con uno studio sulla hatura deUa psiche umana desunto dalla condizione degli aberrati. Venezia. 1 v. 1895. 8°. Teachers' Sanitary Bulletin. Published monthly by the State Board of Health, Lansing, Mich. Lansing. v. 1-8, 1898- 1905. 8°. Technology Quarterly and Proceedings of the Society of Arts Boston, v. 1-21, 1887-1909. 8°. Technologie (La) sanitaire. Moniteur des distributions d'eau et de l'hygiène appUquée. Revue internationale bi-mensuelle. Louvain. v. 1-7, 1895-1902. 8°. Tennessee State Médical Association. [See J. Tenn. M. Ass., Nash ville.] Terapia (La) clinica. Pisa. v. 1-8, 1891-9. 8°. Terapevticheskoye Obozrîeniye; zhurnal, posvyashtshonnîy vsïem otraslyam terapii. [Therapeutic Review; a journal devoted to ail branches of treatment.] Odessa, v. 3-7, 1910-14. [198] Terap. Vestnik, S.-Peterb Terapia mod., NapoU. Terapiya, S.-Peterb. T ervey denhoitolehti, Helsin- gissà. Texas CUn., DaUas. Texas Cour.-Ree Med. Texas Dent. J., DaUas. Texas Health J., DaUas. Texas M. Gaz., Fort Worth. Texas M. J., Austin. Texas M. News. Texas M. Pract., DaUas. Texas Sanitarian, Austin. Texas State J. M., Fort Worth. Text-book Nerv. Dis. Am. Au- thors (Dercum), PhUa. Therap. p. 1. agents phys. et nat., Monaco. Therap. contemp., Par. Therap. Digest, Kansas City. Therap. Forum, N. Y. Therap. Gaz., Détroit. Therap. d. Gegenw., Berl. u. Wien. Therap. Med., N. Y. Therap. Monatsh., Berl. Terapevlicheskiy vestnik zhumala "Sovremennaya meditsina i higïena;" dvukhnedïelnoye izdaniy posvyashtshonnoyo ob- zoru uspïekhov terapii po vsïem mediko-khirurgicheskim spe- tsïalnostyam i terapevticheskoï higïetiie [Therapeutic mes- senger of the journal "Contemporary medicine and hygiène;" bi-weekly publication devoted to the review of the progress of treatment m ail medico-chirurgical specialties and therapeutic hygiène.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-5, 1898-1902. 8°. Terapia (La) moderna. Napoli. v. 1-2, 1903-4 to 1905. fol. Terapiya. Yezhemïesyachnîy zhurnal dlya prakticheskikh vra- cheï, posvyashtshonnîy vsïem otdïelam obshtsheï i chastnoï terapii i khirurgii. Die Thérapie. MonatschrUt fur all- gemeine und specielle Thérapie und Chirurgie fur praktische Aerzte. S.-Peterburg. v. 1-3, 1904-6. 8°. Terveydenhoitolehti. Duodecim-seuran toimittama ja kustan- tama. [A journal for sanitary science] Helsingissà. v. 8, 1896. 8°. [Continuation of : Suomen terveydenh.-lehti, Hel- singissà.] Texas (The) Clinie A journal devoted to clinical medicine and surgery. Dallas, v. 1, 1898-9. 8°. Texas (The) Courier-Record of Medicine. Fort Worth; Dallas. v. 1-33, 1883-1916. 8°. Texas (The) Dental Journal. A quarterly record of dental science, devoted to the interests of the profession. Dallas. v. 7-20, 1889-1902. 8°. Texas (The) Health Journal. Dallas, v. 1-9, 1888-97. 8°. [Continued as: Texas M. Pract.] Texas (The) Médical Gazette. Fort Worth, Texas, v. 1-5, 1901-5. 8°. Texas Médical Journal. Austin. v. 9-31, 1893-1916. 8°. [v. 1-8 under title: Daniel's Texas M. J.] Texas (The) Médical News. Austin; Dallas, v. 5-25, 1895-6 to 1915-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Texas Sanitarian, Austin.] Texas Médical Practitioner. A monthly magazine devoted to pré- ventive and State medicine. Dallas. No. 8, v. 9, to Ne 8, v. 10, February, 1897, to February, 1898. 8°. [Continuation of: Texas Health Journal.] Texas (The) Sanitarian. Austin. v. 1-4, 1891-5. 8°. [Contin- ued as: Texas M. News.] Texas State Journal of Medicine. Issued monthly; owned and published by the State Médical Association of Texas. Fort Worth. v. 1-12, 1905-16. roy. 8°. Text-book (A) on Nervous Diseases by American authors. Edited by F. X. Dercum. Philadelphia. 1 v. 1895. 8°. Thérapeutique (La) par les agents physiques et naturels. Mo- naco, v. 6-7, 1902-3. fol. [Continuation of: Monaco-méd.] Thérapeutique contemporaine. Recueil à l'usage des praticiens. Paris, v. 7, 1902. 8°. Therapeutic (The) Digest. A monthly review of current médical literature Kansas City, Kans. v. 1, 1898-9. 8°. Therapeutic (The) Forum. [Issued with: The American Gynae- cological and Obstétrical Journal.] New York. 1 No. 1900. 8°. Therapeutic (The) Gazette. Détroit. [Whole séries, v. 4-40.] N. s., y. 1-5, 1880-84; 3. s., v. 1-32, 1885-1916. 8°. [In 1907, Medicine and Med. Age incorporated in this journal.] Thérapie (Die) der Gegenwart. Medicinisch-chirurgische Rund- schau fur praktische Aerzte. Berlin und Wien. v. 36-56 (n. F., v. 1-4; 3. F., v. 1-17), 1895-1915. roy. 8°. [Continua- tion of: Med.-chir. Rundschau.] Therapeutic Medicine International therapeutic review New York. v. 1-5, 1907-11. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Rev of Rev.] Therapeutische Monatshefte. Berlin, v. 1-29, 1887-1915. 8°. [199] Therap. Month., PhUa. Therap. Neuheiten, Leipz. Therap. News, N. Y. Therap. Notes, Détroit. Therap. Progr., N. Y. Therap. Rathgeber, Wien. Therap. Ree, LouisvUle. Therap. Rev., PhUa. Therap. Rundschau, HaUe a. S. Therap. Soc. Tr., Lond. Therap. d. tâgl. Praxis, Leipz. Therap. Wchnâchr., Wien. Therapist, Lond. Thierarztl. Centr.-Anz., Berl. Thieràrztl. Centralbl., Wien. Thierarzt, Wetzlar. Thompson Yates Lab. Rep., Liv- erpool. Tidskr. i mil. Hâlsov., Stockholm. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stockholm. Tidsskr. f. Jordemo'dre, KjpDenh. Tidsskr. f. jordmp'dre, Kristiania. Tidsskr. f. nord, retsmed. og psy- kiat., Kristiania. Tidsskr. f. d. norske Lsegefor., Kristiania. Tidsskr. f. Sundhdspl., Konenh. Tidsskr. f. Sygepleje, Kjooenh. Tierarzt. Tijdschr. v. inland. Geneesk., Ba- tavia. Tijdschr. v. phys. therap. en hyg., Amst. Tijdschr. o. plantenziekt., Gent. Tijdschr. v. prakt. verlosk. v. 1-23, 1894-1916. v. 1-8, 1896-1903. J Therapeutic Monthly. A journal of reUable, practical, and advance information for the physician. Philadelphia v 1-2 1901-2. 4°. [Merged in: Phiïa. M. J.] ' ' ' Therapeutische Neuheiten. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1906-10. 8°. Therapeutic News. New York. v. 1-2, 1900-1901. 8°. Therapeutic Notes. Détroit, Mich. Therrpeulic Progress. New York. Theropeutischer Rathgeber. BeUage zur AerztUchen Central- Zeitung. Wien. 1 v. 1900. fol. Therapeutic (The) Record. A monthly record of the advances of therapeutics. Louisville. v. 1-12, 1905-16. 8°. Therapeutic (The) Review. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1904. 8°. Therapeutische Rundschau. Wochenschrift fur die gesamte Thérapie des praktischen Arztes. Halle a. S. v. 2-4, 1908 to 1910-11. fol. [Merged in: Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg.] Therapeutical Society Transactions. London. v. 1-5, 1903-7. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Thérapie (Die) der tàglichen Praxis. Leipzig. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Therapeutische Wochenschrift. Wien. v. 2-4, 1895-7. 8°. [Continued as: Klin.-therap. Wchnschr.] Therapist (The). A monthly journal of reUable information for the physician and chemist. London. v. 7-24,1897-1914. 8°. Thierârztlicher Central-Anzeiger. BerUn. v. 3-8, 1897-1902. fol. Thierârztliches Centralblatt. Hrsg. vom Vereine der Thierarzte in Oesterreich. Wien. v. 22-25, 1899-1902. 8°. Thierarzt (Der). Wetzlar. v. 1^2, 1862-1903. 8°. [Continued as: Tierarzt.] Thompson (The) Yates Laboratories Reports 1898-1900. Liver- pool. v. 1-7, 1900-1906. 4°. Tidskrift i militar Hâlsovârd. Stockholm, v. 26-41, 1901-16. 8°. [Continuation of the foUowing:] Tidskrift i militar Helsovàrd. Stockholm, v. 1-25, 1876-1900. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] TidsskrUt for Jordemeare Kjpnenhavn. v. 1-22, 1890-91 to 1911-12. 8°. TidsskrUt for jordmoare Kristiania. v. 10-18, 1904-12. 8°. Tidsskrift for nordisk retsmedicin og psykiatri. Kristiania. v. 1-4, 1901-4. 8°. Tidsskrift for den norske Laegeforening. (Tidsskrift for praktisk medicin, ny raîkke.) Kristiania. v. 10-36, 1890-1916. 8°. Tidsskrift for Sundhedspleje. Kp'benhavn. v. 1-9, 1889-1903. 8°. Tidsskrift for Sygepleje. Kjp'benhavn. v. 1-7, 1901-7. 8°. Tiedemann's Zeitschrift. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Ztschr. f. Physiol.] Tierarzt (Der). Wetzlar; Leipzig, v. 43-51, 1904-12. 8°. [Formerly: Thierarzt.] Tijdschrift voor inlandsche geneeskundigen. Batavia, v. 1-8, 1893-1900. 8°. Tijdschrift voor phvsische thérapie en hygiène Amsterdam. v. 4-7, 1903-6. 8°. [Continuation of: Bl. v. hyg. therap.] Tijdschrift over plantenziekten. Gent. v. 8-9, 1902-3. 8°. Tijdschrift voor praktische verloskunde, hoofdzakehjk ten dienste van vroedvrouwen. Haarlem; Amsterdam; Purme- rend. v. 3-19, 1899-1900 to 1915-16. 8°. [Continuation of: Maandbl. v. prakt. verlosk.] [200] Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. [etc.], ZwoUe. Tijdschr. v. sociale hyg. en openb. gzndhdsreg., ZwoUe. Tijdschr. v. ve earts eni jk., Utrecht. Tijdschr. v. veeartsenijk. en vee- teelt. Times & Reg., PhUa. Tokyo Iji-Shinshi. Tokyo, med. Wchnschr. Tokyo Yaku Ho. Toledo M. & S. Reporter. Tommasi, NapoU. Tôrvény es rendelet., Budapest. Toulouse méd. Tr. Acad. M. Cincin. Tr. Acad. Stomatol., PhUa. Tr. Acad. Surg. PhUa. Tr. Alabama Dent. Ass. Tr. Alumnse Ass. Woman's M. CoU. Penn., PhUa. Tr. Am. Acad. Dent. Se, PhUa. 8°. [Continuation of the veeteelt. Amsterdam ; . [Continued as the Tijdschrift voor sociale hygiène en hygienische bladen. Or- gaan v. h. Nederl. Congres vunr openbare gezondheidsregeling. ZwoUe v. 5-18, 1903-16. 8°. [In 1005, thewords "en hy- gienische bladen" were dropped. Continuation of the fol- lowing:] Tijdschrift van sociale hygiène en openbare gezonheidsregeling. Orgaan v. h. Nederl. Congres voor gezondheidsregeling. ZwoUe. v. 1-4, 1899-1902. 8°. [In 1903, Hyg. BL, Amst., merged in this journal. Continued as the preceding.] Tijdschrift voor veeartsenijkunde. Maandblad uitgegeven door de Maatschappij ter bevordering der veeartsenijkunde Utrecht. v. 28-12, 1901-15. following:] Tijdschrift voor veeartsenijkunde Utrecht. v. 10-27, 1879-1900. preceding.] Times (The) and Register. PhUadelphia. v. 20-30, 1889-95. roy. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Times & Reg.] Tokyo Anthropological Society. [See Bull. Tokyo Anthrop. Soc] Tokyo (The) Iji-Shinshi. [The Tokyo Médical Journal.] Tokyo. Nos. 444-1594, 1886-1908. 8°. Japanese text.] Tokyoer medizinische Wochenschrift. (Tôky6-Iji-Shinshi Kyo- ku.) Tokyo. Nos. 562-1940, 1889-1915. 8°. Tokyo Yaku Ho. [Tokyo Pharmaceutical Journal.] Tokyo. No. 129, 1899. fol. Toledo (The) Médical and Surgical Reporter. Toledo, Ohio. v. 1-11, 1888-98; v. 25-36, 1899-1910. 8°. [Merged in: Am. M. Compend. ] Tommasi (U). Napoli. v. 1-9, 1905-14. fol. Tomskoye Obshtshestvo Yestestvoïspitateleï. [Tomsk Society of Naturalists.] [See Trudî Tomsk. Obsh. Yestestvoïsp.] Tortugas Laboratory. [See Papers Tortugas Lab. Carnegie Inst., Wash.] Tôrvények es rendeletek. [Laws and régulations.] Budapest. No. 1, 1902. fol. [Supplément to: Magyar orv. lapja.] Toulouse médical. Organe officiel de la Société anatomo-clinique de Toulouse. Toulouse, v. 1-15, 1899-1913. 8°. Towarzystwo aptekarskie w Lwowie [See Czasopismo towarz. aptek., Lwôw.] Towarzystwo lekarskie krakowskie [See Przegl. lek., Krakow; Rocznik lek., Krakow.] Towarzystwo lekarzy galycyjskich. [See Przegl. lek., Krakow.] Towarzystwo przyjaciol nauk Poznanskie; wydzial lekarski. [See Now. lek., Poznan.] Towarzystwo przyjaciol zdrowia. [See Przegl. hyg., Lwôw.] Towarzystwo "Samopomocy lekarzy." [See Glos lek., Lwôw.] Transactions of the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati. Cin- cinnati. 1877-86; 1897. 8°. Transactions of the Academy of Stomatology. 1894-8. Phila- delphia. 1894-8. 8°. [Reprint from: Internat. Dent. J.] Transactions of the Academy of Surgery of Philadelphia. Phila- delphia. v. 1-3, 1899-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Tr. Phila. Acad. Surg.] Transactions of the Alabama Dental Association, [v. p.] 2 v. 1883; 1895. 8°. Transactions of the Alumnse Association of the Woman's Médical Collège of Pennsylvania. [Continuation of : Rep. Proc. Alum- nse Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn.] Philadelphia. v. 1-26, 1876-1901. 8°. Transactions of the American Academy of Dental Science. Dec 4, 1889, to Dec. 2, 1896. Philadelphia. 1893-7. 8°. [201] Tr. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.]. Oto-Laryngol. Sect., St. Louis. Tr. Am. Ass. Genito-Urin. Surg., N.Y. Tr. Am. Ass. Obst. & Gynee Tr. Am. Ass. Study & Prev. Inf. Mort al., Balt. Tr. Am. Climat. Ass. Tr. Am. Climat. & CUn. Ass., PhUa. Tr. Am. Dent. Ass. Tr. Am. Dermat. Ass. Tr. Am. Electrother. Ass. Tr. Am. Gastro-Enterol. Ass. Tr. Am. Gynee Soc. Tr. Am. Hosp. Ass. Tr. Am. Inst. Homœop. Tr. Am. Laryngol. Ass. Tr. Am. Laryngol., Rhinol., & Otol. Soc. Tr. Am. Micr. Soc, Buffalo. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc. Tr. Am. Orthop. Ass. Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. Tr. Am. Pédiat. Soc. Tr. Am. Proctol. Soc. Tr. Am. Roentg. Ray Soc. Tr. Am. Soc. Heat. & Ventil. Engin., N. Y. Tr. Am. Surg. Ass., PhUa. Tr. Am. Therap. Soc, N. Y. Tr. Am. Urol. Ass., Brookline. Tr. Arizona M. Ass. Tr. Arkansas M. Soc. Transactions of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology (Oto-Laryngologic Section). St. Louis. 1903; 1906-11. 8°. Transactions of the American Association of Genito-Urinary Surgeons. New York. v. 1-9, 1906-14. 8°. Transactions of the American Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. [v. p.] v. 1-27, 1888-1914. 8°. Transactions American Association for Study and Prévention of Infant MortaUty. Baltimore, v. 1-6, 1910-15. 8°. Transactions of the American Climatological Association, [v. p.] v. 1-31, 1884-1915. 8°. Transactions of the American Climatological and Clinical Associa- tion. [Title, after v. 29, of the preceding.] Transactions of the American Dental Association, [v.p.] 1860- 97. 8°. [Continued as: Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass.] Transactions of the American Dermatological Association, [v.p.] v. 1-22, 1877-98; v. 25-33, 1901-9. 8°. Transactions of the American Electro-Therapeutic Association. [v. p.] 1892-6; 1898-1900. 8°. Transactions of the American Gastro-Enterological Association. [v. p.] v. 7-16, 1904-13. 12°. Transactions of the American Gynecological Society, [v. p.] v. 1-40, 1876-1915. 8°. Transactions of the American Hospital Association, [v. p.] v. 7-12, 1905-10. 8°. Transactions of the American Institute of Homœopathy. Phila- delphia. 1844-1906. 8°. [Continued as: J. Am. Inst. Homœop.] Transactions of the American Laryngological Association, [v. p.] v. 1-36, 1879-1914. 8°. Transactions of the American Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Society. New York. 1896-1913. 8°. Transactions of the American Medico-Psychological Association. [See Proc. Am. Med.-Psychol. Ass.] Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. Buffalo. 1895-1916. 8°. [Continuation of : Proc. Am. Micr. Soc] Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society, [v. p.] 14 v. 1865-1915. 8°. Transactions of the American Orthopédie Association, [v. p.] v. 1-15, 1887-8 to 1902. 8°. Transactions of the American Otological Society, [v. p.] 13 v. 1869-1915. 8°. Transactions of the American Pédiatrie Society, [v. p.] v. 1-27 (1888-9 to 1915), 1890-1915. 8°. Transactions of the American Proctologic Society, [v. p.] v. 1, 1899; v. 10-17, 1908-15. 8°. Transactions of the American Roentgen Ray Society, [v. p.] 1902-3; 1905; 1907. 8°. Transactions of the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. New York. v. 19-21, 1913-15. 8°. Transactions of the American Surgical Association. Philadel- phia. v. 1-33, 1883-1915. 8°. Transactions of the American Therapeutic Society, [v. p.] 1900-1913. 8°. Transactions of the American Urological Association, 1907-15. Brookline, Mass. v. 1-9, 1908-15. 8°. Transactions of the Arizona Médical Association, [v. p.] 1898; 1902-4. 8°. Transactions of the Arkansas State Médical Society. [See Proc. Arkansas M. Soc] [202] Tr. Ass. Am. M. CoU., Easton, Pa. Tr. Ass. Am. Physicians. Tr. Ass. Hosp. Superintend. Tr. Ass. Physicians Long Island. Tr. Berks Co. M. Soc, Reading, Pa. Tr. Bombay M. Cong., Bombay. Tr. Brit. Cong. Tubere, Lond. Tr. Brit. Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond. Tr. Brit. Laryngol. & Rhinol. Ass. Tr. Brit. Laryngol., Rhinol., & Otol. Ass., Lond. Tr. Brit. Orthop. Soc, Birmingh. Tr. Calif. Dent. Ass. Tr. Canad. Inst., Toronto. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc. Tr. CUn. Soc. Lond. Tr. CUn. Soc. Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor. Tr. CoU. Phys. PhUa. Tr. Colorado M. Soc, Denver. Tr. Cong. Am. Phys. & Surg., N. Haven. Tr. Connect. Acad. Arts & Se, N. Haven. Tr. Connect. Dent. Ass., PhUa. Tr. Dent. Soc. N. Y. Tr. Dermat. Soc. Gr. Brit. . . ., Lond. Tr. Edinb. Obst. Soc. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. Tr. Ethn. Soc. Lond. Transactions of the Association of American Médical Collèges. [v.p.] 1897-1903. 8°. Transactions of the Association of American Physicians. PhUa- delphia. v. 1-29, 1886-1914. 8°. Transactions of the Association of Hospital Superintendents. [n. p.] v. 6-12, 1904-10. 8°. Transactions of the Association of Physicians of Long Island. [v. p.] v. 1-3, 1898-1912; v. 7, 1905-6. 8°. Transactions of the Berks County Médical Society, for the years 1896-9. Reading, Pa. 4 Nos., 1897-1900. 8°. Transactions of the Bombay Médical Congress, 1909. Bombay. 1910. 4°. Transactions of the British Congress on Tuberculosis for the Prévention of Consumption. London, July 22 to 26, 1901. London. 4 v. 1902. 8°. Transactions of the British Institute of Préventive Medicine. First séries. London. 1 v. 1897. 8°. Transactions of the British Laryngological and Rhinological Asso- ciation. London & Philadelphia. v. 1-1 (1891-4), 1892-5. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Transactions of the British Laryngological, Rhinological, and Otological Association. 7. annual summer meeting. London. 1 v. 1895. 8°. Transactions of the British Orthopsedic Society. Birmingham. 1894-8. 8°. Transactions of the California State Dental Association, [v. p.] v. 5, 1874; v. 13-32, 1882-1901. 8°. Transactions of the Canadian Institute. Toronto, v. 1-7 (1889- 90 to 1901-4), 1891-1904. 8°. Transactions of the Chicago Pathological Society. Chicago. v. 1-aO, 1894-5 to 1916. 12°. Transactions of the Clinical Society of London. v. 1-40, 1868- 1907. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Transactions of the Clinical Society of the University of Mich- igan. Ann Arbor. v. 1-6, 1909-1910 to 1914-15. 8°. Transactions of the Collège of Physicians of Philadelphia. Pt. 1, v. 1, 1793; v. 1-3, 1841-50; n. s., v. 1-4, 1850-74; 3. s., v. 1-37,1875-1915. 8°. Transactions of the Colorado State Médical Society. Denver. v. 1-11, 1871-81; v. 13-36, 1883-1906. 8°. Transactions of the Committee for the Study of Malaria in India. [See Paludism.] Transactions of the Congress of American Physicians and Sur- geons. 1.-9. triennial sessions held at Washington, D. C. New Haven, Conn. 1888-1913. 8°. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences. New Haven. v. 1-11, 1866-1903. 8°. Transactions of the Connecticut State Dental Association at its fiftieth annual convention, held at Hartford, Conn., April 21 to 23, 1914. Philadelphia. 1 v. 1914. 8°. Transactions of the Dental Society of the State of New York. [v. p.] 1869-1905; 1909. 8°. Transactions of the Dermatological Society of Great Britain and Ireland. 1894-5. London. v. 1-5, 7-10, 1894-5 to 1903-4. 8°. Transactions of the Edinburgh Obstétrical Society, v. 1-39, 1868 to 1913-14. 8°. Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of London. 1855-8; v. 1-4,1859-81; n. s., v. 1-26,1881-2 to 1907. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Transactions of the Ethnological Society of London. London. v. 1-7,1861-9. 8°. [203] Tr. Florida M. Ass. Tr. Glasgow Obst. & Gynœc Soc. Tr. Glasgow Path. Se Clin. Soc. Tr. Grant CoU. M. Soc. Bombay. Tr. Gynsee Soc. Bost. Tr. Homœop. M. Soc. N. Y. Tr. Homœop. M. Soc. Penn. Tr. Hunterian Soc, Lond. Tr. Ulinois Dent. Soc. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Tr. Indian M. Cong., Calcutta. Tr. Indiana M. Soc. Tr. Internat. Cong. Hyg. Se De- mog. Tr. Internat. Cong. Med., Lond. Tr. Internat. Cong. Tubere, Phila. Tr. Internat. Dent. Cong., PhUa. Tr. Internat. Homœop. Cong. Tr. Internat. Ophth. Cong., Edinb. Tr. Internat. San. Convent. Am. RepubUcs, Wash. Tr. Iowa M. Soc. Tr. Jenner Inst. Prevent. Med., Lond. Tr. Kentucky M. Soc. Tr. Lackawanna Co. M. Soc, S'cranton. Tr. Lancaster City Se Co. M. Soc. Transactions of the Florida Médical Association. Jackson ville lv. 1899. 8°. [Continuation of: Proc. Florida M. Ass.] Transactions of the Glasgow Obstétrical and Gynsecological So- ciety. 1896-8 to 1911-12. Glasgow. 9 v. 1898-1912. 8°. Transactions of the Glasgow Pathological and Clinical Societv Glasgow, v. 1-11, 1883-1907. 8°. Transactions of the Grant Collège Médical Societv, Bombav, 1893-1903. Bombay. 3 v. 1894-1903. 8°. Transactions of the Gynsecological Society of Boston. 1889; 1905. 8°. Transactions of the Homœopathic Médical Society of the State of New York. [v. p.] v. 1-40, 1863-1905; v. 50-59, 1908-15. 8 . Transactions of the Homœopathic Médical Society of Pennsyl- vania. [v. p.] v. 1-35, 1866-99. 8°. Transactions (The) of the Hunterian Society. London. 1868-9 to 1905-6; 1910-11 to 1913-14. 8°. [In 1868-9 to 1895-6, title was: Abstr. Tr. Hunterian Soc. See, also, Hunterian J., Lond.] Transactions of the IUinois State Dental Society. Chicago. 1881-97. 8°. Transactions of the IUinois State Médical Society, [v. p.] v. 2 5.-10., 11., 14., 17.-48., 1852-98. 8°. [Continued as: IUinois M. J.] Transactions of the First Indian Médical Congress, held at St. Xavier's Collège, Calcutta, 24th to 29th December, 1894. Cal- cutta. 1 v. 1895. 4°. Transactions of the Indiana State Médical Society, [v. p.] 1856-1902. 8°. [Continued as: J. Indiana M. Ass.] Transactions of the International Congress of Hygiène and De- mography. 7. (9.), 1891. London. 13 v. 1892-3. 15., 1912. Washington. 6 v. 1913. 8°. Transactions xviith International Congress of Medicine, London 1913. 11 v. 1913-14. 8°. Transactions of the Sixth International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington, Sept. 28 to Oct. 5, 1908. Philadelphia. 1908. 6 v. 8°. Transactions of the fourth International Dental Congress, held at St. Louis, Mo., Aug. 29 to Sept. 3, 1904. Philadelphia. 3 v. 1905. 8°. Transactions of the International Homœopathic Congress. [v. p.] 4., 5., 7., 1891-1906. 8°. Transactions of the eighth International Ophthalmological Con- gress, held in Edinburgh in 1894. Edinburgh. 1 v. 1894. 8°. Transactions of the International Sanitary Convention of the American RepubUcs. [v. p.] 1.-4., 1902-10. Washington. 1903-10. 8°. [In Nos. 3-1 "Conférence "substituted for "Con- vention".] Transactions of the Iowa State Médical Society, [v. p.] 1856-8; 1867-82; 1886-1900. 8°. [Continued as: J. Iowa State M. Soc] Transactions of the Jenner Institute of Préventive Medicme (late British Institute of Préventive Medicine). 2. s. Lon- don. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Transactions of the Kentucky Médical Society. 1851; 1852; 1856; 1870-78; n. s., v. 1-8, 1892-1900. 8°. [Continued as: Bull. Kentucky M. Ass.] Transactions of the Lackawanna County Médical Society. Scranton. v. 1-2, 1905-6. 8°. Transactions of the Lancaster City and County Médical Societv. Lancaster. 1880-82; 1885-8; 1901-2. 8°. [204] Tr. Lehigh Valley M. Ass., Eas- ton, Pa. Tr. Louisiana Dent. Soc, N. Orl. Tr. Louisiana M. Soc, N. Orl. Tr. Luzerne Co. M. Soc, Wilkes- barre. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Tr. M. Ass. Central N. Y. Tr. M. Ass. Georgia. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. Tr. M. Ass. Texas. Tr. M. Se Chir. Fac. Maryland. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. Tr. M. Soc. City Hosp. Alumni, St. Louis. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb., Wash. Tr. Med. Soc. HawaU, Honolulu. Tr. M. Soc. Lond. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car. Tr. M. Soc. N. Jersey. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. Tr. M. Soc. Penn., PhUa. Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee. Tr. M. Soc. Virg. Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg. Tr. M. Soc. Washington, Spo- kane. Tr. M. Soc. Wisconsin. Tr. Marne M. Ass., Portland. Tr. Mass. Med.-Leg. Soc. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb. Transactions of the Lehigh Vallev Médical Association. Easton, Pa. 1887-9; 1902-5; 1907-9. *8°. Transactions of the Louisiana State Dental Society. New Or- léans. 2 Nos. 1886; 1888. 8°. Transactions of the Louisiana State Médical Society. New Or- léans. 1884-1901. 8°. Transactions of the Luzerne County Médical Society. Wilkes- Barre, Pa. 1895-1912. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Association of the State of Alabama. [v. p.] 1850-55; 1869-1915. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Association of Central New York. Buffalo. 1894-1907. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Association of Georgia. [v. p.] v. 24-59, 1873-1909. 8°. [Continuation of: Tr. Georgia M. Ass. Continued as: J. M. Ass. Georgia.] Transactions of the Médical Association of the State of Missouri. [v. p.] 1850-51; 1867-69; 1872-1903. 8°. [Continued as: J: Missouri M. Ass.] Transactions of the State Médical Association of Texas. [Title, in 1901-4, of : Tr. Texas M. Ass.] Transactions of the Médical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. Baltimore. 1853, 1854, 1856, 1859, 1873-19104. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Bull. Med. & Chir. Fac. Maryland.] Transactions of the Médical Society of the State of CalUornia. [v. p.] v. 1-14, 1870-84; v. 17-31, 1887-1901. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Calif. State J. M.] Transactions of the Médical Society of City Hospital Alumni, for the year 1898. St. Louis, Mo. 1898; 1899; 1901; 1904; 1905. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Society of the District of Columbia. Washington. 1874-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Wash. M. Ann.] Transactions of the Médical Society of Hawaii, Dec. 9 and 11, 1911. Honolulu. v. 20, 1911; v. 23, 1914. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Society of London. Pts. 1 (1810) and 2 (1817), v. 1; n. s., v. 1, 1846; v. 1-2, 1861-2; 1889-90 to 1914- 15. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Society of the State of North CaroUna. [v.p.] 1855-57; 1866-84; 1886-1903. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Society of the State of New Jersey. [v. p.] 1766-1903. 8°. [Continued as: J. M. Soc. N. Jersey.] Transactions of the Médical Society of the State of New York. [v. p.] 1827-1905. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. 1850-96. 8°. [Continued as: Penn. M. J.] Transactions of the Médical Society of Tennessee, [v. p.] 1830; 1832; 1835; 1838; 1840; 1842-4; 1846; 1850; 1851; 1853; 1856; 1858; 1869; 1875-1901. 8°. [Continued as: Tr. Tenn. M. Ass.] Transactions of the Médical Society of the State of Virginia. Richmond. 1870-1906. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Society of the State of West Virginia. 1868-1902; 1905. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Society of the State of Washington. Spokane 1891; 1901. 8°. Transactions of the State Médical Society of Wisconsin. [v. p.] v. 14-36,1880-1902. 8°. [Continuation of : Wisconsin M. Soc. Continued as: Wisconsin M. J.] Transactions of the Maine Médical Association. Portland. 1866- 1905. 8°. Transactions of the Massachusetts Medico-Legal Society, [v. p.] v. 1^1, 1878-1914. 8°. Transactions of the Médico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh v. 1-3, 1824-9; n. s., v. 1-30, 1881-2 to 1910-11. 8°. [205] Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Glasg. Tr-. Med.-Leg. Soc, Lond. Tr. Mich. M. Soc. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass. Tr. Mississippi VaUey M. Ass. Tr. N. Dakota M. Soc, St. Paul, Minn. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc. Tr. N. York Acad. M. Tr. N. York Agrie Soc, Albany. Tr. N. York M. Ass. Tr. N. York Obst. Soc. Tr. N. York Odont. Soc, Phila. Tr. N. York Surg. Soc. Tr. Nat. Ass. Study EpUepsy, Mount Morris, N. Y. Tr. Nat. Ass. Study PeUagra., Columbia, S. C. Tr. Nat. Ass. U. S. Pension Ex- am. Surg., Rochest., N. Y. Tr. Nat. Conf. on PeUagra, Co- lumbia, S. C. Tr. Nat. Conf ed. State M. Exam. Bds., Easton, Pa. Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass., Phila. Tr. Nat. Soc. Electrother., N. Y. Tr. Nebraska M. Soc. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. Tr. Odont. Soc Gr. Brit., Lond. Tr Ohio Eclect. M. Ass., Cincin. Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Glasgow sions 1895-6 to 1910-11. Glasgow, v. 1-10, 1897-1911. Transactions of the Medico-Legal Societv 1913-14. London. 8°. Ses- v. 1-11, 1902-4 to Transactions of the Michigan State Médical Societv [v n 1 1859; 1867-76; 1879-1901. 8°. [Continued as: j/Mich. M. Soc] Transactions of the Mississippi State Médical Association, [v p 1 1856-93; 1910-13. 8°. [See, also, Med. Ree Mississippi: Also: J. Mississippi M. Ass. Also: Mississippi M. Ree] Transactions of the Mississippi Valley Médical Association. [v. p.] v. 1^ , 1899-1902. 8°. Transactions of the North Dakota State Médical Society for the years 1897-9. St. Paul, Minn. 3 Nos. 1898-9. 8°. Transactions of the New Hampshire Médical Society. 64.-124., 1854-1915. 8°. [v. p.] Transactions of the New York Academy of Medicine. New York. v. 1-3, 1847-71; n. s., v. 1-11, 1871-94; 1896-1901. 8°. Transactions of the New York Odontological Society. [See Dental & Oral Se Mag., N. Y.] Transactions of the New York State Agricultural Society. 1867. Albany. v. 27, 1868. 8°. Transactions of the New York State Médical Association, v. 1-16, 1884-99. New York, 1885-1900. 8°. Transactions of the New York Obstétrical Society. New York. 1876-8 to 1884-5; 1898-9; 1906-11. 8°. Transactions of the New York Odontological Society. 1874-1903. Philadelphia. 1875-1904. 8°. Transactions of the New York Surgical Society. New York. v. 1-2, 1912-13. 8°. Transactions of the National Association for the Study of Epilepsy and the Care and Treatment of Epileptics. Thirteenth Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, Mav 25th, 1914. Mount Morris, N. Y., 1915. 8°. Transactions of the National Association for the Studv of PeUagra. 1912. Columbia, S. C. 1914. 8°. [See, also, Tr. Nat. Conf. on PeUagra.] Transactions of the National Association for the Study and Pré- vention of Tuberculosis. [See Nat. Ass. Study & Prev. Tubere Tr.] Transactions of the National Association of United States Pen- sion Examining Surgeons. Rochester, N.Y. v.1-4,1903-6. 8°. Transactions of National Conférence on PeUagra, held under auspices of South CaroUna State Board of Health. 1909. Columbia, S. C. 1910. 8°. [See, also, Tr. Nat. Ass. Study PeUagra.] Transactions of the National Confédération of State Médical Ex- amining and Licensing Boards. Easton, Pa. 1897-1900. 8°. Transactions of the National Dental Association, Philadelphia. 1898-1906; 1911-12. 8°. [Continuation of : Tr. Am. Dent. Ass.] Transactions of the National Society of Electro-Therapeutics. New York. 1.-3., 1893-5. 8°. Transactions of the Nebraska State Médical Society, [v. p.] 1874-6; 1881 to 1886-7; 1891-2. 8°. Transactions of the Obstétrical Society of London. 1859-1907. London. v. 1-49,1860-1908. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Transactions of the Odontological Society of Great Britain. 1868-69 to 1906-7. London. 1869-1907. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Transactions of the Ohio State Eclectic Médical Association. Cincinnati. 1894-1905. 8°. [206] Tr. Ohio M. Soc. Tr. Oklahoma M. Ass. & Indian Terr. M. Ass., Guthrie, Okla. Tr. Ophth. Div. Am. Acad. Ophth. [etc.], St. Louis. Tr. Ophth. Sect. Am. M. Ass., [Chicago]. Tr. Ophth. Soc. U. Kingdom. Tr. Otol. Soc. U. Kingdom, Lond. Tr. Pan-Am. M. Cong., Wash. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. Tr. Path. Soc. Manchester. Tr. Path. Soc. PhUa. Tr. Penn. Dent. Soc. Tr. PhUa. Acad. Surg. Tr. PhUa. Pédiat. Soc, N. Y. Transactions of the Ohio State Médical Society. 1904. 8°. [v. p.] 1846- Tr. Reading Path. Soc. Tr. Rhode Island M. Soc, Provi- dence. Tr. Roy. Acad. M. Ireland, Dubl. Tr. Roy. Irish Acad., Dubl. Tr. Roy. Soc Edinb. Tr. Roy. Soc. Victoria, Mel- bourne. Tr. Sect. Gynee CoU. Phys. PhUa., N. Y. Tr. Sect. Surg. Se Anat. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. • Tr. Soc. Alumni BeUevue Hosp., N.Y. Tr. Soc. Aneesth., Lond. Tr. Soc. Trop. M. Se Hyg., Lond. Tr. South Car. M. Ass. Transactions of the joint session of the Oklahoma State Médical Association with the Indian Territory Médical Association. Guthrie, Okla. 1 v. 1906. 8°. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Division of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Oto-Laryngology. St. Louis. 1903; 1906-11. 8°. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Section of the American Médical Association at the 42d meeting, held at Washington, D. C, May 5-8, 1891. Chicago. 1 v. 1891. 8°. Transactions of the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. London. v. 1-35, 1880-81 to 1915. 8°. Transactions of the Otological Society of the United Kingdom. London. v. 1-8, 1899-1900 to 1906-7. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Transactions of the first Pan-American Médical Congress, held in the City of Washington, D. C, U. S. A., September 5, 6, 7, and 8, A. D. 1893. Washington. 2 v. 1895. 8°. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. v. 1-58, 1846-7 to 1906-7. London. 1848-1907. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Transactions (The) of the Pathological Society of Manchester. 1891-2. Manchester, v. 1, 1892. 8°. Transactions of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia. v. 4- 18, 1871-97. 8°. [Title from 1871-97, of: Proc. Path. Soc. PhUa.] Transactions of the Pennsylvania State Dental Society, [v. p.] 1869-74; 1876-92. 8°. [Continued as: Proc. Penn. Dent. Soc] Transactions of the Philadelphia Academy of Surgery. PhUa- delphia. v. 4-17, 1902-15. 8°. [v. 1-3, under title: Tr. Acad. Surg. Phila.] Transactions of the Philadelphia Pédiatrie Society. New York. v. 1-2, 1904-5 to 1905-6. 1905. 8°. Transactions of the Reading Pathological Society. Reading. 8°. Transactions of the Rhode Island Médical Society. Providence. 1877-1910. 8°. Transactions of the Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland, DubUn. v. 6-33,1888-1915. 8°. [Continuation of: Tr. Acad. M. Ireland.] Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. Dublin, v. 25-31, 1872-5 to 1902. 4°. Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. v. 1-50,1783 to 1914-15. 4°. Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria. Melbourne, v. 1-5, 1888-1909. 4°. [Incomplète] Transactions of the Section on Gynecology of the Collège of Physicians of PhUadelphia. New York. v. 5-8, 1899-1902. 8°. Transactions of the Section on Surgery and Anatomy of the American Médical Association. 1902. Chicago, 1 v. 1903. 8°. Transactions (The) of the Society of Alumni of BeUevue Hos- pital. 1895-6 to 1898-9. New York. 4 v. 1896-9. 8°. Transactions of the Society of Ansesthetists. London. v. 8-9, 1905-6, 1906-7. 8°. [Continued in: Proc. Roy. Soc. Med.] Transactions of the Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiène. London. v. 4-9, 1910-11 to 1915-16. 8°. Transactions of the South CaroUna Médical Association, [v. p.] 1855-7; 1870-92; 1894-6; 1899. 8°. [Continued as: J. South. Car. M. Ass.] [207] Tr. South. Dent. Ass. Tr. South Indian Branch Brit. M. Ass., Madras. Tr. South. Surg. & Gynee Ass. Tr. Southw. M. & S. Ass., El Paso, Tex. Tr. Tennessee M. Ass. Tr. Texas M. Ass., Austin. Tr. Tri-State M. Ass., Richmond, Va. Tr. Ulster M. Soc, Belfast. Tr. Vermont M. Soc. Tr. W. Virg. M. Ass., Wheeling. Tr. Wagner Free Inst. Se PhUa. Tr. Wash. Obst. Se Gynee Soc. Tr. West Kent M.-Chir. Soc, Blackheath. Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc.] Ass. Ophth. div. Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc.] Ass. Otol., laryngol. & rhinol. div. Tr. West. Surg. Ass. Tr. West. Surg. Se Gynee Ass., Lincoln. Tr. Wisconsin Acad. Se Tr. World's Columbian Dent. Cong., Chicago. Tr. Wyoming M. Soc, Denver. Trab. d. lab. de invest. biol. Univ. de Madrid. Trained Nurse [etc.], N. Y. Traité de chir. (Duplay et Re- clus), 2. éd., Par. Traité de chir. clin, et opér. (Le Dentu et Delbet), Par. Transactions (Officiai report of the) of the Southern Dental Asso- ^^•xr1?7?:71! 1f96^7- [V'P-] 1870"98- 8°- [Continued m: Tr. Nat. Dent. Ass.] Transactions of the South Indian Branch of the British Médical Association. Madras, v. 1-10,1884-1902. 8°. [Incomplète] Transactions of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological Associa- tion, [v. p.] v. 1-27, 1888-1914. 8°. Transactions of the Southwestern Médical and Surgical Associa- tion. 1914. El Paso, Tex. 1915. 4°. Transactions of the State Médical Society of Michigan \See Tr Mich. M. Soc] Transactions of the Tennessee State Médical Association, [v p ] 1902-8. 8°. [Continuation of: Tr. M. Soc. Tennessee. Con- tinued as: J. Tenn. M. Ass.] Transactions of the Texas State Médical Association. Austin 1874-8; 1880; 1884-1904. 8°. Transactions of the second annual session of the Tri-State Médical Association of the Carolinas and Virginia. Richmond 5 v 1900-1904. 8°. Transactions of the Ulster Médical Society, session 1906-7 Bel- fast, lv. 1907. 8°. [v. p.] Transactions of the Vermont State Médical Societv 1864-1904. 8°. Transactions of the West Virginia State Médical Association. [See Tr. M. Soc. W. Virg.] Transactions of the Wagner Free Institute of Science of PhUa- delphia. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1887; v. 5, 1898. roy. 8°. Transactions of the Washington Obstétrical and Gynecological Society. New York. v. 1-5, 1885-7 to 1895-9. 8°. Transactions and the thirty-seventh annual report of the West Kent Medico-Chirurgical Society, with list of officers and mem- bers. Instituted October, 1856. Blackheath. 1893. 8°. Transactions of the Ophthalmological division of the Western Ophthalmological, Otological, Laryngological and Rhinological Association. St. Louis. 2.-4. annual sessions, 1897-9. 8°. Transactions of the Western Ophthalmological, Otological, Laryn- gological, and Rhinological Association. Otological, laryngo- logical, and rhinological division. 2.-4. annual sessions. St. Louis. 1897-9. 8°. Transactions of the Western Surgical Association. 1913-14. [v. p.] v. 23-24, 1914-15. 8°. Transactions of the Western Surgical and Gynecological Asso- ciation, 1897-9; 1901. Lincoln, Nebr. v. 7-9, 11, 1898-1902. 8. Transactions of the Wesconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters. Madison, v. 1-10, 1870 to 1894-5. Transactions of the World's Columbian Dental Congress. 1893. Chicago, IUinois. 2 v. 1894. 8°. Transactions of the Wyoming State Médical Society. 1898. Den- ver, Colo. 1 v. 1899. 8°. Trabajos del laboratorio de investigaciones biologicas de la Uni- versidad de Madrid. (Continuation de la "Revista trimestral microgrâfica.") Madrid, v. l^L, 1901-6; v. 7-10, 1909-12. 8°. [Title, in 1907-8, was: Trav. du Lab. de recherches biol. de l'Univ. de Madrid.] Trained (The) Nurse and Hospital Review. New York. v. 1- 56, 1888-1916. 8°. Traité de chirurgie, publié sous la direction de Simon Duplay et Paul Reclus. 2. éd. Paris. 8 v. 1897-9. 8°. Traité de chirurgie clinique et opératoire. PubUé sous la direc- tion de A. Le Dentu et Pierre Delbet. Paris. 3 v. 1896-9. [208] Transvaal M. J., Johannesburg. Tratt. ital. di patol. e terap. med., MUano. Trav. Ass. de l'Inst. Marey, Par. Trav. de la 2. Confér. internat, p. l'étude du cancer 1910, Par. Trav. du lab. de mat. méd. de l'École sup. de pharm. de Par. Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Genève. Trav. du lab. de recherches biol. de l'Univ. de Madrid. Trav. de neurol. chir., Par. Trav. prat. d'obst. et de gynée, Par. Trav. scient. Univ. de Rennes. Treas.Dep. Pub.Health Se Mar.- Hosp. Serv. U. S. Hyg. Lab. BuU., Wash. Treatment, Lond. Tribuna med., MUano. Tribuna med., Rio de Jan. Tribuna san., MUano. Tribune méd., Par. Tribune méd. Am. éd., N. Y. Tri-State M. J., Keokuk. Tri-State M. J. Se Pract., St. Louis. Trop. Dis. BuU., Lond. Trudî fak. terap. klin. Imp. Mosk. Univ. ... v chest . . . V. D. Shervinskavo. Transvaal (The) Médical Journal. Johannesburg, v. 1-8, 1905-6 to 1912-13. 4°. [Continued as: Med. J. S. Africa.] Trattato italiano di patologia e terapia medica. Milano. Fase. 1-257,1892-1901. 8\ Traube's Beitrâge. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Beitr. z. exper. Path. u. Physiol.] Travaux de l'Association de l'Institut Marey. Paris, lv. 1905. 8°. Travaux de la deuxième Conférence internationale pour l'étude du cancer. 1910. Paris. 1 v. 1911. 8°. Travaux de l'Institut de thérapeutique (Parc Léopold), Bruxelles. [See Univ. Ubre de Brux. Trav. de l'Inst. de therap.] Travaux du laboratoire de matière médicale de l'Ecole supé- rieure de pharmacie de Paris. Paris, v. 4-5, 1906-7. 8°. Travaux du laboratoire de physiologie de l'Université de Genève. Années 1899-1900. Genève, v. 1-9, 1899-1911. 8°. Travaux du laboratoire de recherches biologiques de l'Uni- versité de Madrid. (Suite de la "Revista trimestral microgrâ- fica.") Madrid, v. 5-6, 1907-8. 8°. [See, also, Trab. d. lab. de invest. biol. Univ. de Madrid.] Travaux de neurologie chirurgicale. Revue trimestrielle. Di- rigée par A. Chipault. Paris. Années 1-6, 1895-1902. 8°. Travaux pratiques d'obstétrique et de gynécologie. Paris. 3 v. 1898-1907. 8°. Travaux scientifiques de l'Université de Rennes. Rennes. v. 1-6, 1902-7. 8°. Treasury Department. PubUc Health and Marine-Hospital Serv- ice of the United States. Hygienic Laboratory. Bulletins. Washington. Nos. 1-76, 1900-1916. 8°. Treasury Department, United States. Marine-Hospital Service. Washington, D. C. [See Pub. Health Rep. U. S. Mar. Hosp. Serv., Wash. Also: Pub. Health Rep.] Treatment. A journal of practical medicine and surgery. Lon- don. v. 1-10, 1897-1906. 8°. Tribuna (La) medica. Giornale di medicina pratica. Milano. v. 1-12,14,1895-1906,1908. fol. [In 1907, title was: Tribuna san.] Tribuna medica. Revista quinzenal de medicina e cirurgia. Rio de Janeiro, v. 1-21, 1895-1915. 8°. Tribuna (La) sanitaria. Milano. v. 1,1907. 8°. [Title, in 1907, of: Tribuna med., Milano.] Tribune (La) médicale. Paris, v. 1-48, 1867-1914. 8° & fol. Tribune (La) médicale. American édition. New York. v. 1-9, 1905-13. 8°. [Continued as: Med. Tribune, N. Y.] Tri-State Dental Meeting of the State Associations of Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan, held at Détroit, Michigan, June 18,19, 20, 1895. Philadelphia. [See Proc. Tri-State Dent. Meet. . . . Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan, Phila.] Tri-State (The) Médical Journal. Keokuk, Iowa. v. 1-3, 1893- 6. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Tri-State (The) Médical Journal and Practitioner. St. Louis, v. 4-6, 1897-9. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Gen. Pract., St. Louis, with the preceding. Continued as: Interstate M. J.] Tropical Diseases Bulletin. Issued under the direction of the Honorary Managing Committee of the Tropical Diseases Bureau. London. v. 1-7, 1912-16. 8°. Trudî fakultetskoï terapevticheskoï kliniki Imperatorskavo Mos- kovskavo Universiteta. Tom izdannîy v chest tridtsalilïetiya naùchnoï dïeyatelnosti direktora kliniki V. D. Shervinskavo. [Papers of the médical clinie of the Impérial University of Moscow. Volume issued to commemorate the thirtieth anni- versary of the scientific activity of the director of the clinie, V. D. Shervinski.] Moskva. 1904. 8°. [209] Trudî fak. terap. klin. Levashova pri Imp. Novoross. Univ., Odessa. Trudî Fiziol. Inst. Imp. Moskov. Univ. Trudî Fiziol. Lab. Imp. Moskov. Univ. Trudî Inst. obshtsh. patol. Imp. Moskov. Univ. Trudî Kharkovsk. med. Obsh. Trudî Kiyev. Khirurg. Obsh. Trudî ktin. dushevn. i nerv. bo- Uez. v S.-Peterb. Trudî klin. nerv. boUez. Imp. Ka- zan Univ. Trudî Med. - Khim. Lab. Imp. Tomsk Univ. Trudî Obsh. Dïetsk. Vrach.,Mosk. Trudî Obsh. Dïetsk. Vrach. v Mosk. Trudî Obsh. Dïetsk. Vrach. v S. Peterb. Trudî Obsh. Kiyevsk. vrach. Trudî Obsh. Nevropat. i Psikhiat., Mosk. Trudî Obsh. Patol. v S.-Peterb., Kharkov. Trudî Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v Mosk. 15259°— Vol. XXI, 2d series- Trudî fakultetskoï terapevticheskoï bliniki prof. S. V. Leva- shova pri Imperatorskom Novorossiyskom Universitetïe. [Pa- pers from Levashoff's Therapeutic Clinie of the University of Odessa.] Odessa, v. 1, 1908. 8°. Trudî Fiziologicheskavo Instituta Imperatorskavo Moskovskavo Universiteta. [Works of the physiological institute of the Impérial Moscow University.] Moskva. v. 5-6, 1896-1907. 8°. [Continuation of: Trudî fiziol. lab. Imp. Moskov. Univ.] Trudî Fiziologicheskoi LaboraterU Imperatorskavo Moskovskavo Universiteta. [Papers of the Physiological Laboratory of the Impérial University of Moscow.] Moskva. v. 1-4, 1888-93. 8 . Trudî Instituta obshtsheï patologii Imperatorskavo Moskovskavo Universiteta. [Papers of the institute of gênerai pathology of the Impérial University of Moscow.] Moskva. v. 3,1899. 8°. Trudî Kharkovskavo meditsinskavo Obshtshestva. [Works of the Médical Society of Kharkov.] 1893; 1896; 1897. Kharkov. 1893-8. 8°. Trudî Kiyevskavo Khirurgicheskavo Obshtshestva, sostoya- shtshavo pri Imperatorskom Universitetïe Sv. Yladimira. [Papers of the Kiyev Surgical Society, at the Impérial Uni- versity of Kiyev.] 1908-9 to 1910-11. [Kiyev, 1910-13.] 8°. [Bound with: Univ. Izvïest., Kiyev.] Trudî kliniki dushevnîkh i nervnîkh bolïezneï v S.-Peterburgïe. [Papers of the clinie of mental and nervous diseases in St. Pe- tersburg.] 1897. S.-Peterburg. 2 v. 1898. 8°. Trudî kliniki nervnîkh bolïezneï Imperatorskavo Kazanskavo Universiteta. [Papers of the clinie of nervous diseases of the Impérial University of Kazan.] Kazan. v. 1, 1899. 8°. Trudî Mediko-Kh i mi cheskoï LaboraterU Imperatorskavo Tom- skavo Universiteta. Arbeiten des medicinisch-chemischen Laboratoriums der kaiserlichen Universitat zu Tomsk. Tomsk. 1 v. 1903-10. 8°. Trudî Obshtshestva Dïetskikh Vracheï, sostoyashtshayo pri Im- peratorskom Moskovskom Universitetïe s prilozheniyem pro- tokolov zasïedaniy obshtshestva. [Papers of the Society of Psediatrie Physicians, in connection with the Impérial Uni- versity of Moscow, with supplément of the proceedings.] Moskva. v. 1, (1892-3); v. 2, (1893-4); v. 4 (1895-6). 1893-7. 8°. [Beginning with 1893-4, v. 2, the words ''s prilozheniyem protokolov zasïedaniy obshtshestva" were dropped.] Trudî Obshtshestva Dïetskikh Vracheï v Moskvïe. [Papers of the Society of Pédiatrie Physicians in Moscow.] Moskva. v. 2-7, 1893-9. [v. 3, 5-7, bound with: BibUot. Vracha, Mosk., 1894-9, i-vi.] Trudî Obshtshestva Dïetskikh Vracheï v S. Peterburgïe [Papers of the Society of Psediatrie Physicians in St. Petersburg.] S.- Peterburg. v. 3-10 (1888 to 1894-5), 1888-96. 8°. Trudî Obshtshestva Kiyevskikh Vracheï, s prilozheniyem pro- tokolov. [Works of the Society of Kiyev Physicians, with the addition of the Proceedings.] 1894-5. Kiyev. v. 1, 1895. 8°. Trudî Obshtshestva Nevropatologov i Psikiatrov pri Moskovskom Universitetïe. [Papers of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatricians at the University of Moscow. ] 1893-4. Moskva. lv. 1894. 8°. Trudî Obshtshestva Patologov v S.-Peterburgïe. [Papers of the Society of Pathologists of St. Petersburg.] 1910-11. Kharkov. 1912. 8°. Trudî Obshtshestva Russkikh Vracheï v Moskvïe s prUozhïniyem protokolov zasïedaniy obshtshestva. [Papers of the Society of Russian Physicians in Moscow; with supplément of the proceed- ings of the meetings of the society.] Moskva. v. 30-40,1891- 1901. 8°. —xrv [210] Trudî Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v S.- Peterb. Trudî Odessk. Otd. Russk. Obsh. Okhran. Narod. Zdrav., S.-Pe- terb. Trudî i Protok. Imp. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh., Tiflis. Trudî i Protok. zasïed. Russk. Khirurg. Obsh. Pirogova, S.- Peterb. Trudî . . . syezda po obsuzhd. mïer prot. sif. v Rossti [etc.], S.-Peterb. Trudî Syezda Ross. Terapevt., S.- Peterb. Trudî Syezda Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, Mosk. Trudî Tomsk. Obsh. Yestes- tvoïsp. Trudî Vremen. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Kharbinïe. Trudî Vseross. Oto - Laringol. Syezda v S.-Peterb. Trudî Vseross. Syezda Dïetsk. Vrach., S.-Peterb. Trudî V Syezda Obsh. Russk. Vrach. v pam. Pirogova, S.- Peterb. Tubere Org. v. de Nederl. centr. Vereen. [etc.], 's Gravenh. Tubercle, Chicago. Tubercolosi, Pavia. Tubercolosi, Roma. Tubercul. inf., Par. Trudî Obshtshestva Russkikh Vracheï v S -Peterburgïe s prilo- zheniyem protokolov zasïedaniy obshtshestva. [Papers of the Society of Russian Physicians în St. Petersburg. with supplé- ment of the proceedings of the meetings.] S.-Peterburg. v. 51, 1883-4; 2. half-year, v. 52, 1884-5; v. 53, 1886-6; v. 54, 1886-7; v. 56-58, 1888-9 to 1891-2; v. 60-64, 1893-4 to 1896-7. 8°. Trudî Odesskavo Otdïela Russkavo Obshtshestva Okhraneniva Narodnavo Zdraviya. [Papers of the Odessa section of the Russian Society for the Préservation of Public Health.] S.-Pe- terburg. Nos. 1-4, 1900-1904. 8°. Trudî i Protokolî Imperatorskavo Kavkazskavo Meditsinskavo Obshtshestva. [Papers and Proceedings of the Impérial Médical Society of the Caucasus.] [Continuation of: Protok. zasïed. Kavkazsk. Med. Obsh.] Tiflis. v. 44-51, 1907-15 8°. Trudî i ProtokoU zasïedaniy Russkavo Khirurgicheskavo Ob- shtshestva Pirogova. [Papers and proceedings of the meet- ings of the Russian Surgical Society of Pirogoff.] S.-Peter- burg. v. 19-25 (1902-3 to 1906-7), 1902-8. 8°. Trudî-vîsochaïshe razrïeshonnavo syezda po obsuzhdeniyu mïer protiv sifilisa v Rossii, bîvshavo pri Meditsinskom Departa- mentïe s 15 po 22 yanvarya 1897 goda pod predsïedatelstvom . . . L. F. Rogozina. [Transactions of the congress sanctioned by His Majesty for the considération of antisyphilitic meas- ures in Russia, which took place in the Médical Department, Jan. 15-22, 1897, under the presidency . . . of L. F. Rogozin.j S.-Peterburg. v. 1-2, 1897. 4°. Trudî Syezda Rossiyskikh Terapevtov. [Papers of the Congress of Russian Therapists.] S.-Peterburg. v. 2, 1911. 8°. Trudî Syezda Russkikh Vracheï v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Pa- pers of the Congress of Russian Physicians in Pirogoff's mem- ory.] Moskva. v. 4, 1892. 8°. 'ci e O Oy Trudî Tomskavo Obshtshestva Yestesvoïspitateleï. ■ [Memoirs of the Tomsk Society of Naturalists.] 1889-91. [Tomsk. 3 v. 1889-92.] 8°. Trudî Vremennavo Meditsinskavo Obshtshestva v Dalnem Vosto- kïe v g. Kharbinïe. [Papers of the Temporary Médical Society in the Far East in Kharbin.] Kharbin & Moskva. v. 1-2, 1904-6. 8°. Trudî Vserossiyskavo Oto-Laringolicheskavo Syezda v S.-Peter- burgïe. [Papers of the Pan Russian Oto-Laryngological Con- gress in St. Petersburg.] 1908. S.-Peterburg. lv. 1909. 8°. Trudî Vserossiyskavo Syezda Dïetskikh Vracheï. [Papers of the Pan Russian Congress of Pediatricians.] 1912. S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1913. 8°. Trudî pyatavo Syezda Obshtshestva Russkikh Vracheï v pamyat N. I. Pirogova. [Papers of the Fifth Congress of the Society of Russian Physicians in Pirogoff's Memory.] S.-Peterburg. 2 v. 1894. 8°. Tuberculose. Orgaan van de Nederlandsche centrale Vereeni- ging tôt bestrijding der tuberculose, 's Gravenhage v. 4-11, 1908-15. 8°. Tubercle (The). A monthly journal and review of tuberculosis. Chicago, v. 4-5, 1900-1901. 4°. Tubercolosi (La). Giornale italiano di studi e di lotta sociale antitubercolare. Pavia; Milano. v. 1-7, 1908-9 to 1914-15. 8°. Tubercolosi (La). Organo ufficiale del comitato ordinatore del Congresso internazionale contro la tubercolosi. Roma. No. 1, v. 1; No. 2, v. 2, 1910-11. 8°. Tuberculose (La) infantile. Revue bimestrielle. Paris, v.6-11, 1903-8. Tuberculose-Commission der Versammlung deutscher Natur- forscher und Aerzte in Munchen. [See Verhandl. d. Tubere- Comm. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte in Munchen, BerL] [211] Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis, Lond. Tuberk.-Arb. a. d. k. Gsndhts- amte, Berl. Tuberk.-Fortbild.-Kurs, Wiirzb. Tuberkulyoz, S.-Peterb. Tumori, Roma. Twentieth Cent. Pract., N. Y. Tuberculosis. Monatsschrift. Leipzig; Berlin, v. 1-14.1902-15 8°. Tuberculosis. The Journal of the National Association for the Prévention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis. London. v. 2-4, 1902 to 1906-7. 8°. Tuberkulose-Arbeiten aus dem kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamte Berlin. Hft. 1-13, 1904-12. 4°. Tuberkulose-Fortbildungskurs (Der) des Allgemeinen Kranken- hauses Hamburg-Eppendorf. Bd. U dem Eppendorfer Kranken- hause zur Feier seines 25jâhrigen Bestehens gewidmet . . . Wûrzburg. 1914. 8°. Tuberkulyoz; vïestnik po klinikïe, diagnostikïe, terapU i ob- sh tshestvennoï borbïe s burgorchatkoï. [Tuberculosis; Cou- rier on the clinie, diagnosis, treatment, and public struggle with tuberculosis.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-3, 1912-14. 8°. Tûbinger PolikUnik. [See Mitth. a. d. Tubing. Poliklin., Stuttg. & Leipz.] Tumori; archivio bimestrale fondato da G. Fichera. Roma. v. 1-4, 1911-15. 8°. Twentieth Century Practice. An international encyclopedia of modem médical science by leading authorities of Europe and America. In twenty volumes. New York. 1895-1900. 8°. 8°. Tylor (Edward Burnett). [See Anthrop. essays presented to E. B. Tylor . . ., Oxford.] U. U. S. Dep. Agrie Bureau ani- mai indust. BuU., Wash. U.S. Dep.Agrie Bureauento- mol. BuU., Wash. U. S. Dep. Agrie Farmers' buU., Wash. U. S. Dep. Agrie Off. exper. stations. BuU., Wash. U.S. War Dep. S. G. O. BuU., Wash. U. States Nav. M. BuU., Wash. Uchen. Zapiski Imp. Kazan. Univ. United States Department of Agriculture. [See Yearbook U. S. Dep. Agrie, Wash.] United States. Field Service School for Médical Officers. [See Collect. Papers. Field Serv. School Med. Off. Also: San. Field Serv. Papers.] United States National Muséum. [See Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. Also: Rep. U. S. Nat. Mus.] United States Pensioning Examining Surgeons. [See Tr. Nat. Ass. U. S. Pension Exam. Surg., Rochest., N. Y.] United States Public Health Service. [See Pub. Health Rep., Wash.] United States Veterinary Médical Association. [See Proc. U. S. Vet. Med. Ass.] United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of animal industry. Bulletin. Washington. Nos. 4-167, 1893-1913. 8°. [Incomplète] United States. Department of Agriculture. Bureau of entomol- ogy. Bulletin. Washington. Nos. 1-239, 1883-1915. 8°. [Incomplète] ' United States. Department of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin. Washington. Nos. 1-695, 1889-1916. [Incomplète.] United States. Department of Agriculture. Office of experi- mentstations. Bulletin. Washington. Nos. 1-245,1889-1912. 8°. [Incomplète] United States. Treasury Department. PubUc Health and Marine Hospital Service. [See Treas. Dep. Pub. Health, etc.] United States. War Department. Office of the Surgeon General. Bulletin. Washington. Nos. 1-9, 1912-16. 8°. United States Naval Médical Bulletin, for the information of the Médical Department of the service. Washington. No. 1, v. 1-9, 1907-15; Nos. 1-2, v. 10, 1916. 8°. Uchenîya Zapiski Imperatorskavo Kazanskavo Universiteta. [Scientific Records of the Impérial Kazan University.] Ka- zan. v. 76-81, 1909-14. 8°. [212] Uchen. Zapiski Imp. Yuryev. Univ. Uchen. Zapiski Kazan. Vet. Inst. Uchti. Khig., Sofiya. Ufficiale san., NapoU. Ugesk. f. Lœger, KjoDenh. Ungar. Beitr. z. Augenh., Leipz. u. Wien. Ungar. med. Presse, Budapest. Union mêd., Lérida. Union méd., Sant. de Chile. Union méd. du Canada, Mont- réal. Union méd. de Mexico. Union méd. du nord-est, Reims. Union méd. de la Provence, Mar- seille. Union pharm., Par. Unione med. ital., Torino. L'chenîya Zapiski Imperatorskavo Yuryevskavo Universiteta. Acta et commentationes imp. universitatis Jurievensis (olim Dorpatensis). Yuryev. v. 1-12, 1893-1904; v. 15-21, 1907-13. 8°. Uchenîya Zapiski Kazanskavo Veterinarnavo Instituta. [Scien- tific records of the Kazan Veterinary Institute] Kazan. v. 2-31, 1885-1914. 8°. UchUishtna Khigïena. [School hygiène] Sofiya. v. 3-4, 1907-8. 8°. Ufficiale (L') sanitario. Rivista d'igiene pratica e sperimentale. Napoli. v. 3-12, 1890-99. 8°. Ugeskrift for Lœger. Kj0benhavn. v. 1-77, 1839-1915. 8°. Ulster Médical Society. [See Tr. Ulster M. Soc, Belfast.] Ungarische Beitrâge zur Augenheilkunde. Unter Mitwirkung von Fachgenossen hrsg. von Wilhelm Schulek. Leipzig u. Wien. v. 1-3, 1895-1903. 8°. Ungarische medizinische Presse. Wochenschrift fur praktische Aerzte. Centralblatt zur Vermittlung der ungarischen medi- zinischen Forschung mit dem Auslande Budapest, v. 1-12, 1896-7 to 1907. fol. Ungarischer zahnârztlicher Congress. [See MUlen. orszâg. fogor- vosi Cong.] Union des femmes belges contre l'alcoolisme. [See Clairière, Brux.] Union (La) médica. organo oficial del Colegio médico-quirûrgico de Lérida. Lérida. v. 1-4, 1895-1901. 8°. Union (La) médica. Revista de la Sociedad del mismo nombre. Santiago de Chile. Nos. 10-30, 1896-8. 8°. Union (L') médicale du Canada. Montréal, v. 1-45, 1872- 1915. 8°. Union (La) médica de Mexico, v. 1-2,1856-8. 8°. Union médicale du nord-est. Reims, v. 14-38,1890-1914. 8°. Union (L') médicale de la Provence. Organe officiel de la Société locale des médecins du département des Bouches-du-Rhône Marseille, v. 1-5, 1864-8. 8°. [Continued, in 1869, as: Mar- seille méd.] Union of Military Physicians in Copenhagen. [See MiUtserlœgen, Kj0benh.] Union pharmaceutique de l'arrondissement judiciaire de Char- leroi. [See Bull. Union pharm. . . . Charleroi.] Union pharmaceutique de la Flandre orientale. [See Rev. pharm., Gand.] Union (L') pharmaceutique. Journal de la pharmacie centrale de France. Paris, v. 15^3, 1874-1902. 8°. Unione (L') medica itaUana. Periodico settimanale di medicina, chirurgia, dermosifilopatia, oftalmoiatria, ostetricia, ginecologia e pediatria. Torino. v. 1-5, 1897-1901. fol. Unione zoologica itaUana. [See Arch. zool., Napoli.] Universidad central de Venezuela. [See An. Univ. cent, de Ve- nezuela, Caracas.] Università di Bologna. [See Ann. d. Lab. di med. leg. d. Univ. di Bologna.] Università di Perugia. [See Ann. d. Fac. di med., Perugia. Also: Ann. d. Fac. di med. e mem. d. Accad. med.-chir. di Perugia.] Università di Pisa. [See Pubb. d. Ist. di chim. farm. d. r. Univ. di Pisa.] Università di Roma. [See Ann. d. Ist. d' ig. sper. d. Univ. di Roma. Also: Ann. a. Ist. psichiat. d. r. Univ. di Roma.] Università di Sassari. [See Studi sassaresi, Sassari.] [213] Univ. Calif. ley. Univ. Calif Berkeley. Pub. Path., Berke- . Pub. Physiol., Univ. ley. Calif. Pub. Zool., Berke- Universitat zu BerUn (KônigUches poliklinisches Institut der). [See Jahresb. d. k. pohklin. Inst. d. Univ. zu BerL] Universitat Wien. [See Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. a. d. Wien. Univ., Leipz. u. Wien. Also: Halb. Jahrtaus. Festschr. Fac. med. Vindobonensis.] Universitats-Augenklinik in Bern. [See Festschr. z. Eroffn. d. n. Univ.-Augenklin. in Bern.] Université de Bruxelles. [See Rev. de l'Univ. de Brux.] Université de Genève. [See Trav. du lab. de physiol. Univ. de Genève.] Université de Rennes. [See Trav. scient. Univ. de Rennes.] University of Buffalo, Médical Department. [See Rep. Lab. Path. Univ. Buffalo, Med. Dep.] University of Cambridge. [See Stud. Morphol. Lab. Univ. Cam- bridge, Lond. & Edinb. Also: Stud. Physiol. Lab. Univ. Cambridge] University Collège of Medicine [University of Virginia, Médical Department]. [See Bi-Month. Bull. Univ. Coll. Med., Rich- mond.] University Laboratory for Médical Bacteriology. [See Contrib. Univ. Lab. M. BacterioL, Copenh.] University of Liverpool. [See Bio-Chem. J., Liverp.] University of Manchester. [See Arch. Pub. Health Lab. Univ. Manchester.] University of Manchester. [See Stud. Anat. . . . Univ. Man- chester.] University of Maryland. [See Hosp. Bull. Univ. Maryland. Also: Old Maryland. Also: Univ. Gaz.] University Médical Collège, Kansas City, Mo. [See ^sculapian, Kansas City.] University of Michigan. [See Bull. Electrother. Lab. Univ. Mich.. Ann Arbor. Also: Dental J., Ann Arbor. Also: Tr. Clin. Soc Univ. Mich.] University of Minnesota. [See Rep. Agrie. Exp. Station Univ. Minn.] University of Nebraska Collège of Medicine. [See Bull. Univ. Nebraska Coll. Med., Lincoln.] University of New Mexico. [See Bull. Univ. N. Mexico, Albu- querque] University of Pennsylvania (Zoological Laboratory). [See Con- trib. Zool. Lab. Univ. Penn., Phila.] University of Sydney. [See Repr. papers se lab. Univ. Sydney. Anat., biol. [etc.].] University of Sydney Médical Society. [See J. Univ. Sydney M. Soc] University of Texas Médical Department. Galveston. [See Univ. Med., Galveston.] University of Toronto (Médical Faculty). [See Post-Grad. lect. Univ. Toronto.] University of Virginia. [See Alumni Bull. Univ. VUginia. Also: Bull. Univ. Virginia, Charlottesville] University of Wisconsin, Alumni Association. [See Wisconsin Alumni Mag.] University of CalUornia Publications. Pathology. Berkeley. v. 1-2, 1903-15. 8°. University of CalUornia Publications. Physiology. Berkeley. V 1 Nos 1-22; v. 2, Nos. 1-14; v. 3, Nos. 1-5, 8-17; v. 4, No. 16; v. 5, No. 1, 1904-15. 8°. University of California. Publications in Zoôlogy. Berkeley. Nos. 1-3, 6-8, 10, 11, 15, 17, 1915-16. . [214] Univ. Chicago. Physiol. Arch., Chicago. Univ. Colorado M. Bull., Boulder. Univ. Durham CoU. Med. Gaz., Newcastle. Univ. Gaz., Balt. Univ. Iowa. Stud. Psychol., Iowa City. Univ. Izvïest., Kiyev. Univ. Izvïest. [Protok. Akush.- Ginek. Obsh.], Kiyev. Univ. Izvïest. [Protok. Fiz.-Med. Obsh.]. Kiyev. Univ. Izvïest. [Protok. Kiyevsk. Sififidol. i Dermat. Obsh.], Ki- yev. Univ. de Leide. Ree de trav. anat.-path. du lab. Boerhaave, Leide. Univ. Ubre de Brux. Trav. de l'Inst. de therap. Univ. Lond. Francis Galton Lab. Nat. Eugenics. Treas. Human Inheritance, Lond., 1909. Univ. M. J., PhUa. Univ. M. Mag., PhUa. Univ. M. Ree, Lond. Univ. Med., Galveston. Univ. Mich. Contrib. Obst. Se Gynœe, Ann Arbor. Univ. Mich. Contrib. Path. Lab., Ann Arbor. Univ. Missouri BuU., Med. Ser., Columbia. Univ. Penn. Ann. Rep. Henry Phipps Inst., PhUa. Univ. Penn. Contrib. Lab. Neu- ropathol., PhUa. Univ. Penn. Contrib. WiUiam Pepper Lab., PhUa. University (The) of Chicago. Physiological Archives. Ilull Phvsiological Laboratory. I. Publications of the year 1895. Chicago, v. 1, 1896. 8°. Unh-ersitv (The) of Colorado Médical Bulletin. Boulder, Colo. v. 1, No. 1; v. 2, Nos. 1-3; v. 3; v. 4, No. 1; v. 7, No. 1, 1!K>4- 12. 8°. University of Durham CoUege of Medicine Gazette. Newcastle. v. 2-16, 1901-16. 4°. University (The) Gazette. Baltimore, v. 1-2, 1914 to 1915-16. [Continuation of : Old Maryland.] University of Iowa. Studies in Psychology. Iowa City. v. 2-3, 1899-1902. 8°. Universitetskiya Izvïestiya. [University Communications.] Kiyev. v. 24-32, 1884-92; v. 37-54, 1897-1914. 8°. Universitetskiya Izvïestiya. [Protokolî Akushorsko-Gineko- logicheskavo Obshtshestva v Kiyevïe] [University Communi- cations. Proceedings of the Obstetrico-Gynecological Society.] 1901-2. Kiyev. 2 v. 1903-5. 8°. Universitetskiya Izvïestiya. [Protokolî zasïedaniy Fiziko- Meditsinskavo Obshtshestva i prilozheniya k nim.] [Univer- sity Communications. Proceedings of the Physico-Médical Society and suppléments to them.] Kiyev. v. 1-4 (1897- 1902), 1899-1903. 8°. Universitetskiya Izvïestiya. [Protokolî zasïedaniy Kiyevskavo SifiUdologicheskavo i Dermatologicheskavo Obshtshestva.] [University Communications. Proceedings of the meetings of Kiyev Syphilidological and Dermatological Societv.] Kiyev. v. 1 (1900-1901), 1901-2. Université de Leide. Recueil de travaux anatomo-pathologiques du laboratoire Boerhaave, 1888-98, publié par E. Siegenbeek van Heukelom. Leide 2 v. 1899. 8°. Université libre de Bruxelles. Travaux de l'Institut de thérapeu- tique (Parc Léopold), 1899-1900. Bruxelles. 1 v. 1901. 8°. University of London. Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics. The Treasury of Human Inheritance. London. Pts. I and II. 1909. 4°. Universal (The) Médical Journal (formerly The Satellite). A monthly magazine of the progress of every branch of medicine in ail parts of the world. Philadelphia. v. 1-5, 1893-7. 8°. [Continued as: Month. Cycl. Pract. Med.] University Médical Magazine. Philadelphia. v. 1-13, 1888- 1901. 8°. [Continued as: Univ. Penn. M. Bull.] Universal (The) Médical Record. London. v. 1-8,1912-15. 8°. University (The) Médical. A monthly magazine published by the Students' Council of the Médical Department of the Univer- sity of Texas. Galveston. v. 1-6, 1895-1902. 8°. University of Michigan. Contributions, Obstetrics, and Gynse- cology. Ann Arbor. v. 1-2, 1893-1911. 8°. University of Michigan. Contributions from the Pathological Laboratory. Reprints. Ann Arbor. v. 1-5, 1896-1912. 8°. University (The) of Missouri Bulletin, Médical Séries, Columbia. v. 1, 1913. 8°. University of Pennsylvania. Annual Reports of the Henry Phipps Institute, for the study, treatment, and prévention of tuberculosis. Philadelphia. v. 6-11,1910-15. 8°. [Continua- tion of : Rep. Henry Phipps Inst., study . . . tuberculosis.] University of Pennsylvania. Contributions from the Laboratory of Neuropathology. Philadelphia. v. 1-7, 1905-14. 4°. [After 1906, title is: Contributions from the Department of Neurology and Laboratory of Neuropathology.] University of Pennsylvania. Contributions from the William Pepper Laboratory of clinical medicine. Philadelphia. v. 1- 8, 1901-14. 4°. [215] Univ. Penn. M. Bull., PhUa. Univ. Toronto Quart. Univ. Toronto Stud. Anat. s. Univ. Toronto Stud. Biol. s. Univ. Toronto Stud. Physiol. s. Univ. Toronto Stud. Psychol. s. Univ. Zurich. Festgabe. Upsala Lakaref. Forh. Urol. & Cutan. Rev., St. Louis. Urol. Se Cutan. Rev., Tech. SuppL, St. Louis. Urolog. szemle, Budapest. Urologia, Budapest. UrqueU, Leiden. Utah M. J., Denver. Uveitis. Symposium [etc.], Chi- cago. University of Pennsylvania Médical Bulletin. Philadelphia v. 14-23, 1901-11. 4°. [Continuation of : Univ. M. Mag.] University (The) of Toronto Quarterly. Toronto, v. 1-3, University of Toronto Studies. Nos. 1-2, 1900-1914. 8°. University of Toronto Studies 1 v., Nos. 1-16, 1898-1915. 8°. University of Toronto Studies. Nos. 1-9, 1900-1912. 8°. University of Toronto Studies. v. 1-2; v. 3, No. 1, 1898-1908. Anatomical séries. Toronto. Biological séries. Toronto. Physiological séries. Toronto. Psychological séries. Toronto. Universitat Zurich. Festgabe. Zurich. 1 v. 1914. 8°. Unna's (Dr.) Klinik fur Hautkrankheiten in Hamburg Arb. a. Unna's Klin. f. Hautkr. in Hamb., BerL] Upsala Làkareforenings FôrhandUngar. 95; n. F., v. 1-21, 1895-1915. 8°. [See rl.J Upsala. v. 1-30, 1865- Urologic (The) and Cutaneous Review. A monthly magazine devoted to the considération of cutaneous, venereal, and genito- urinary diseases, etc. St. Louis, Mo. v. 17-19, 1913-15; Nos. 1-5, v. 20, 1916. 4°. [Continuation of: Am. J. Dermat. & Genito-Urin. Dis.] Urologie (The) and Cutaneous Review. Technical Supplément. St. Louis, Mo. v. 1-3, 1913-15. 4°. Urologiai szemle. [Urological Review.] Budapest, v. 1-2, 1908-9. 8°. [Supplément to: Orvosi hetilap, Budapest.] Urologia. Budapest. 12 v., 1903-14. fol. [Supplément to: Budapesti Orvosi Ujsâg.] UrqueU (Der). Eine Monatschrift ftir Volkskunde. Leiden. v. 1-2, 1897-8. 8°. Ûstredni Jednota ceskych Lékarû v kral. Ceském, markrabstvi Moravském a vévodstvi Slezském. [See Casop. lék. (3esk.> v Praze] Utah Médical Journal. Officiai organ of the Utah State Médical Society. Denver. 1905-6 to 1914-15. 8°. [Issued with and merged in: Denver M. Times.] Utah State Médical Society. [See Proc. Utah M. Soc, Sait Lake City. Also: Utah M. J.] Utrechtsch Genootschap van het Kunsten en Wetenschappen. [See Verhandel. v. h. Prov. Utrecht. Genootsch. v. h. Kunst. en Wetensch., Utrecht.] Uveitis. Symposium of papers read before the Ophthalmological Section of the American Médical Association, June, 1902. Chi- cago, lv. 1902. 8°. V. Vace Inq., Lond. Vargas, Caracas. Varshav. univ. izvïest. Verdad méd.-social, Mayaguez. Vaccination (The) Inquirer and Health Review. London. v. 1- 29, 1879 to 1907-8; v. 38, 1916. 4°. Van Bambeke (Charles). [See Livre jubU. . . . Van Bambeke] Vargas; revista quincenal de ciencias médicas y farmacéuticas. Caracas, v. 5-6, 1914-15. 8°. Varshavskiya universitetskiya izvïestiya. [Wa^aw University communications.] Varshava. 17 v. 1898-1914. 8°. Varshavskiy Uyazdovskiy Voyennîy Hospital. [See Med. Sbornik Varshav. Uyazd. Voyenn. Hosp., Varshava.] Vaughan (Victor Clarence). [See Contrib. Med. Research (Vaughan), Ann Arbor, Mich.] Verdad (La) médico-social. Mayaguez, [Puerto Rico], v. 1-2, 1894-6. 8°. [216] Vereinsbl. d. pfâlz. Aerzte, Frankenthal. Verhandel. v. h. Batav. Genoot- sch. v. Kunst. en Wetensch. Verhandel. v. k. Akad. v. Weten- sch. Verhandel. v. h. Prov. Utrecht. Genootsch. v. h. Kunst. en We tensch., Utrecht. Verhandel. uitgeg. d. de HoUand. Maatsch. d. Weetensch. te Haarlem. Verhandl. d. anat. GeseUsch., Jena. Verhandl. d. BerL med. GeseU- sch. Verhandl. d. BerL ophth. GeseU- sch., Leipz. Verhandl. d. Budapest, k. Ge- seUsch. d. Aerzte, Budapest. Vereeniging van homoeopathische Geneesheeron in Nederland. [See Handel. v. de Vereen. v. homoeop. Geneesh. in Nederl., ZwoUe] Vereeniging voor Lijkverbranding. [See Ber. en mededeel. d. Vereen. v. Lijkverbrand., 's^Gravenh.] Verein der Aerzte zu Halle a. S. [See Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu Halle a. S., Munchen.] Verein badischer Thierârzte. Karlsruhe. [See Mitth. d. Ver. badisch. Thierârzte, Karlsruhe.] Verein deutscher Aerzte in Reichenberg und Umgebung. [See Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. deutsch. Aerzte in Reichenberg.] Verein deutscher Laryngologen. [See Verhandl. d. Ver. deut- scher Laryngolog.] Verein deutscher Zahnkûnstler. Breslau. [See Zahnkunst, Bresl.] Verein ftir innere Medicin zu Berlin. [See Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu BerL] Verein der Kurorte und Mineralquellen-Interessen Deutschlands, Oesterreich-Ungarns und der Schweiz. [See Balneol. Ztg., BerL] Verein ftir ôffentUche Gesundheitspflege. [See Magdeburg. Festschr. . . . d. 19. Versamml. d. deutsch. Ver. f. ôff. Gsnd- htspflg.] Verein schweizerischer analytischer Chemiker. [See Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Chem. u. Pharm., Zurich.] Verein sûddeutscher Laryngologen. [See Verhandl. d. Ver. siid- deutsch. Laryngol.] Verein der Thierârzte in Oesterreich. [SeeThierârztl. Centralbl., Wien.] Vereinigung bayrischer Vertreter der angewandten Chemie. Berlin. [See Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Genuss- mittel, BerL] Vereinigung der Lungenheilanstaltsârzte. [For Verhandlungen, see Beitr. z. KUn. d. Tuberk., Wiirzb., Supplementbànde] Vereinsblatt der pfâlzischen Aerzte. Frankenthal. v. 2-31, 1886-1915. 8°. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. 1799-1896. Batavia, v. 1-50, 1814-96. 8° & 4°. Verhandelingen der koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Amsterdam, v. 11-29, 1868-91; [n. s.], Sect. I, v. 1-11, 1892- 1913; Sect. II, v. 1-17, 1892-1913. roy. 8°. Verhandelingen van het Provinciaal Utrechtsch Genootschap van het Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Utrecht. v. 6-7, 1789- 94. 8°. Verhandelingen uitgegeeven door de Hollandse Maatschappye der Weetenschappen te Haarlem. Haarlem. v. 1-30 (in 37 v.), 1754-93. 8°. [v. lis 3. éd.; v. 2 is 2. éd.; with v. 6 the word "Hollandse" changes to "Hollandsche"] Verhandlungen der achten Jahresversammlung der deutschen Gesellschaft zur Bekàmpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten in Dresden. [Published in: Ztschr. z. Bekâmpf. d. Geschlechts- krankh., Leipz., 1911, xiii.] Verhandlungen der anatomischen Gesellschaft. Jena. 2.-28., 1888-1914. 8°. [Supplément to: Anat. Anz., with which 17- 28. are bound.] Verhandlungen der BerUner medicinischen Gesellschaft. Ber- lin, v. 1-44, 1866-7 to 1913. 8°. Verhandlungen der BerUner ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft in den Jahren 1893-1904. 1905. Leipzig. 2 v. 1905-6. 8°. Verhandlungen der Budapester kônigUchen Gesellschaft der Aerzte. Budapest. 1911. 8°. [217] Verhandl. d. Com. f. Krebsfor- sch., Berl. Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med., Wiesb. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Aerzte- tages, Leipz. Verhandl. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch. Verhandl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Chir., Berl. Verhandl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Gynàk., Leipz. Verhandl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Urol., Berl. Se Leipz. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kolonial- kong. Berl., Berl. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb. Verhandl. d. deutsch. laryngol. GeseUsch., Wiirzb. Verhandl. d. deutsch. orthop. GeseUsch., Stuttg. Verhandl. d. deutsch. otol. Ge- seUsch., Jena. Verhandl. d. deutsch. path. Ge- seUsch. Verhandl. d. deutsch- Rontg.- GeseUsch., Hamb. Verhandl. d. europ. GeseUsch. f. Orthodont., Wien. Verhandl. d. GeseUsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte, Leipz. Verhandl. d. GeseUsch. f. Ge- burtsh. zu Leipz. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. u. Gynàk. zu Leipz. Verhandl. d. gynàkol. GeseUsch. Bresl., Berl. Verhandl. d. Hufeland. GeseU- sch. in Berl. Verhandl. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap., Berl. Verhandl. d. internat. Laryngo- Rhinol.-Kong. Verhandlungen des Comités fiir Krebsforschung. Berlin. Hft. 1-2, 1900-1903. 8°. Verhandlungen des Congresses fur innere Medicin. Wiesbaden. v. 1-20,1882-1902. 8°. [Continued as: Verhandl. d. Kong, f. innere Med.] Verhandlungen des deutschen Aerztetages. 1900; 1902. 4°. Leipzig. 1898- Verhandlungen der deutschen dermatologischen Gesellschaft. [v. p.] v. 1-10, 1889-1908. 8°. [See, also, Ber. u. d. Ver- handl. d. Kong. d. deutsch. dermat. Gesellsch.] Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Chirurgie. Ber- lin, v. 1-43, 1872-1914. 8°. Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Gynàkologie. Leipzig, v. 1-15, 1886-1913. 8°. Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir orthopâdische Chirurgie, [v.p.] 8.-11. Kongress, 1909-12. Stuttgart. 4 v. 1909-12. 8°. [Continued as: Verhandl. d. deutsch. orthop. GeseUsch.] Verhandlungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Urologie. 1907- 13. Berlin & Leipzig, v. 1^, 1908-14. 1908. 8°. [Supplé- ment to: Ztschr. f. Urol.] Verhandlungen des deutschen Kolonialkongresses 1905 zu BerUn am 5., 6. und 7. Oktober. BerUn, 1906. 8°. Verhandlungen des deutschen Kongresses fur innere Medizin. Wiesbaden. v. 27-30, 1910-13. 8°. [Continuation of: Ver- handl. d. Kong. f. innere Med., Wiesb.] Verhandlungen der deutschen laryngologischen Gesellschaft. Wûrzburg. 2 v. 1905-7. 8°. Verhandlungen der deutschen orthopâdischen Gesellschaft. 12. Kongress, Berlin, 1913. Stuttgart. 1 v. 1913. 8°. [Con- tinuation of : Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. orthop. Chir.] Verhandlungen der deutschen otologischen Gesellschaft. Jena. V. 4-22, 1895-1913. 8°. Verhandlungen der deutschen pathologischen Gesellschaft. Ber- Un; Jena. v. 1-17, 1898-1914. 8°. Verhandlungen der deutschen Rôntgen-Gesellschaft. 1. u. 2. Kongresses 1905 u. 1906. Hamburg. v. 1-2,1905-6. roy. 8°. Verhandlungen der deutschen Tropen-medicinischen Gesell- schaft. 5. Tagung, 1912. [PubUshed in: Beihefte z. Arch. f. Schiffs- u. Tropen-Hyg., Leipz., 1912, xvi.] Verhandlungen der europâischen Gesellschaft fur Orthodontie. Wien. 1910-13. 8°. [Bound with: Oesterr.-ungar. Vrtlj- schr. f. Zahnh., Wien.] Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. 63.-84. Versammlungen. 1890-1912. Leipzig. 1890- 1913. 8°. [See, also, Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Gesellsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte] Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fur GeburtshUfe zu Leipzig. 1898-1905. Leipzig. 1898-1906. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft fiir GeburtshUfe und Gynàkolo- gie zu Leipzig. 1906-9. Leipzig. 1907-10. 8°. Verhandlungen der gynâkologischen Gesellschaft in Breslau. Jahrgang 1903-4. Berlin. 1 v. 1904. 8°. Verhandlungen der Hufeland'schen Gesellschaft in Berlin. 1895-6. BerUn. 1897. 8°. [See, also, Veroffentl. d. Hufe- land. Gesellsch. in BerL] Verhandlungen des iv. intemationalen Kongresses fiir Thalasso- thérapie 1908. Berlin, lv. 1909. 8°. [See, also, Ber. u. d. internat. Kong. f. Thalassotherap.] Verhandlungen des intemationalen Laryngo-Rhinologen-Kon- gresses, Wien 1908; Berlin 1911. 8°. T2181 Verhandl. d. Jahresv. d. deutsch. Ver. f. Schulgsndhtspfig.,Leipz. u. Berl. Verhandl. d. jap. path. GeseU- sch., Tokyo. Verhandl. d. Kong, f. innere Med. Verhandl. d. laryngol. GeseUsch. zu Berl. Verhandl. u. Mitth. d. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtsfig. in Magdeb. VerhanaJ. d. Munchen. Gesell- sch. f. Kinderh., Berl. Verhandl. d. naturh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb. Verhandl. d. nord. Kong. f. inn. Med., Stockholm. Verhandl. d. physiol. GeseUsch. zu B erl. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. GeseU- sch. zu Wiirzb. Verhandl. d. schweiz. naturf. Ge- seUsch. Verhandl. d. Sect. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol. [etc.], Leipz. Verhandl. d. Tubere-Comm. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte in Munchen, Berl. Verhandl. d. Ver. d. Aerzte zu HaUe a. S., Munchen. Verhandl. d. Ver. deutsch. La- ryngolog., Wiirzb. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. innere Med. zu Berl. Verhandl. d. Ver. suddeutsch. Laryngol., Wiirzb. Verhandl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Ohrenârzte in Munchen, Berl. Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Ge- seUsch. f. Kinderh. . . . deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Vermont M. Month., Burlington. Verhandlungen des v. intemationalen zahnàrztlichen Kon- gresses. [See Cong. dent, internat. C.-r.] Verhandlungen der Jahresversammlung des deutschen Vereins fiir Schulgesundheitspflege. 9., 1909; 14., 1914. [v.p.] 2 v. 1909-14. 8°. Verhandlungen der japanischen pathologischen (Jesellschaft. Tokyo, v. 1-3, 1911-13. 8°. Verhandlungen des Kongresses fiir innere Medizin. Wiesbaden. v. 21-26, 1904-9. 8°. [Continuation of : Verhandl. d. Cong. f. innere Med. Continued as: Verhandl. d. deutsch. Kong. f. innere Med.] Verhandlungen der laryngologischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin 1897, 1900, 1901, 1910. Berlin. 4 v. 1898-1911. 8°. Verhandlungen und Mittheilungen der Vereins fiir ôffentliche Gesundheitspflege in Magdeburg. 2.-29. Hft., 1874-1901. 8°. Verhandlungen der Mûnchener Gesellschaft fur KinderheUkunde, 1911. Berlin. 1912.- 8°. Verhandlungen des naturhistorisch-medizinischen Vereins zu Heidelberg. v. 2-6, 1859-72; n. F., v. 1-13, 1874-1914. 8°. Verhandlungen des nordischen Kongresses fiir innere Medicin. 3.-6., 1900-1909. Stockholm. 1901-10. 8°. [1.-2. under title: Fôrhandl. v. nord. Kong. f. inv. med.] Verhandlungen der physiologischen Gesellschaft zu BerUn. v. 34-35, 1909-10 (1910-11). 8°. Verhandlungen der physikalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wûrzburg. v. 1-10, 1850-60; n. F., v. 1^4, 1868-1915. 8°. Verhandlungen der schweizerischen naturforschenden Gesell- schaft. [v. p.] 10.-13., 1824-7; 15.-36., 1829-51; 45., 1861; 52.-56., 1868-73; 58.-85., 1874-1902. 8°. Verhandlungen der Section fiir Laryngologie und Rhinologie der 59. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte Berlin 1886. Leipzig. 1 v. 1887. fol. Verhandlungen der stâtigen Tuberculose-Commission der Ver- sammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte in Munchen, 1899-1901 (1900-1902). 8°. Verhandlungen des 5. Verbandstages deutscher Bahnarzte [See Ber. u. d. Verhandl. d. 5. Verbandst. deutsch. Bahnarzte, Nurnb.] Verhandlungen des Vereins der Aerzte zu Halle a. S. 1900-1901 to 1912-13. Munchen. 1901-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Sitzungsb. d. aerztl. Ver. Halle a. S.] Verhandlungen des Vereins deutscher Laryngologen. Wiirz- burg. 1909-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Verhandl. d. Ver. suddeutsch. Laryngol.] Verhandlungen des Vereins fiir innere Medicin zu Berlin. Jahr- gânge 8-15, 1888-9 bis 1895-6. Berlin. 8 v. 1889-96. 8°. [Reprint from: Deutsche med. Wchnschr., Leipz. u. BerL] Verhandlungen des Vereins sùddeutscher Laryngologen. Wûrz- burg. 1894-1908. 8°. [Continued as: Verhandl. d. Ver. deutsch. Laryngolog.] Verhandlungen der Versammlung deutscher Bahnarzte. [See Protok. d. Verhandl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Bahnarzte] Verhandlungen der Versammlung deutscher Ohrenârzte und Taubstummenlehrer in Munchen. 1899. Berlin. 1 v. 1900. 8°. Verhandlungen der Versammlungen der Gesellschaft fur Kinder- heUkunde auf den Versammlungen deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. 1.-30., 1883-1913. Leipzig; Wiesbaden. 1884- 1914. 8°. Vermont (The) Médical Monthlv. Burlington, Vt. v. 1-20, 1895-1914. 8°. Vermont Medicine. Published by the Vermont State Médical Society. Rutland. v. 1, 1916. 8°. [219] Veroffentl. d. balneol. GeseUsch. in Berl., Berl. & Wien. Veroffentl. d. Centralverb. d. Balneolog. Oest., Wien. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. GeseUsch. f. Volksbâder, Berl. Veroffentl. d. deutsch. Ver. f. Volks-Hyg., Munchen Se Berl. Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Marine- Sanitàtswes., Berl. Veroffentl. a. d. Geb. d. Mil.- San.-Wes., Berl. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. GeseU- sch. in Berl. Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. GeseU- sch. in Berl. Balneol. GeseU- sch. Veroffentl. a. d. Jahres-Vet.- Ber. d. beamt. Tierârzte Preuss., Berl. Veroffentl. d. k. Gsndhtsamts, Berl. Veroffentl. d. osterr. Zentral- kom. z. Bekàmpf. d. Tuberk., Wien. Veroffentl. d. R. Koch-Stift. z. Bekàmpf. d. Tuberk., Leipz. Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. Weten- sch. Wis- en natuurk. Aid., Amst. Versl. d. . . . wis- en natuurk. Afd. d. k. Akad. v. Wetensch., Amst. Vestnik, v Praze, Verôffentlichungen der balneologischen Gesellschaft in Berlin. Berlin & Wien. 30.-34., 1909-13. 8°. [Continuation of: Veroffentl. d. Hufeland. Gesellsch. in Berl. Balneol. Ge- sellsch.] Verôffentlichungen des Centralverbandes der Balneologen Oester- reichs. Bericht ûber den osterreichischen Balneologen-Con- gress. 1899-1902. Wien. 1900-1903. 8°. Verôffentlichungen der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Volksbâder. Berlin, v. 1-4, 1899-1908. 8°. Verôffentlichungen des deutschen Vereins fiir Volks-Hygiene. Munchen & Berlin. Hft. 1-4, 1902-3. 8°. Verôffentlichungen aus dem Gebiete des Marine-Sanitâtswesens. Hrsg. von der Medizinal-Abteilung des Reichs-Marine-Amts. Berlin. Hft. 1-9, 1910-14. 8°. Verôffentlichungen aus dem Gebiete des Militàr-Sanitâtswesens. Hrsg. von der Medizinal-Abteilung des kôniglich preussischen Kriegsministeriums. Berlin. Hft. 1-61, 1892-1914. 8°. Verôffentlichungen der Hufelandschen Gesellschaft in Berlin. 1891-2 to 1913. Berlin. 1892-1914. 8°. Verôffentlichungen der Hufelandischen Gesellschaft in Berlin. Oeffentliche Versammlung der Balneologischen Gesellschaft. Berlin. 11.-29., 1889-1908. 8°.' [Continued as: Veroffentl. d. balneol. Gesellsch. in BerL] Verôffentlichungen aus den Jahres-Veterinâr-Berichten der beamteten Tierârzte Preussens, 1902-1908. Berlin. 1904-10. 8°. Verôffentlichungen des kaiserlichen Gesundheitsamts. Berlin. v. 1-39, 1877-1915. fol. & roy. 8°. [See, also, Med.-Statist. Mitth. a. d. k. Gsndhtsamte] Verôffentlichungen des osterreichischen Zentralkomitees zur Be- kàmpfung der Tuberkulose. Wien. Hft. 1, 1911. 8°. Verôffentlichungen der Robert Koch-Stiftung zur Bekàmpfung der Tuberkulose. Leipzig. Hft. 1-10, 1911-14. 8°. Versammlung der deutschen anthropologischen Gesellschaft. [See Festschr. z. Versamml. d. deutsch. anthrop. Gesellsch., Lûbeck.] Versammlung deutscher Bahnarzte zu Baden-Baden am 23. und 24. Juni 1900. Nûrnberg. [See Protok. d. VerhandL d. Ver- samml. deutsch. Bahnarzte zu Baden-Baden, Nurnb.] Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher und Aerzte. [See Arb. a. d. stadt. Krankenh. zu Frankf. a. M. Also: Beitr. z. wissensch. Med. Festschr. . . . Also: Festschr. d. 70. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Also: Festschr. d. 84. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Also: Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Also: Verhandl. d. Sect. f. Laryngol. u. Rhinol. Also: Verhandl. d. Versamml. d. Ge- seUsch. f. Kinderh. . . . Also: Verhandl. d. Tubere-Comm. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte.] Versammlung deutscher Ohrenârzte und Taubstummenlehrer in Munchen. Berlin. [See Verhandl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Ohrenârzte in Munchen, BerL] Versammlung des deutschen Vereins fur ôffentliche Gesundheits- pflege. [See Magdeburg. Festschr. . . . d. 19. Versamml. d. deutsch. Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg.] Verslagen van de gewone vergaderingen der wis- en natuurkun- dige Afdeeling. Koninglijke Akademie van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam. [See K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst.] Verslagen van de zittingen der wis- en natuurkundige Afdeeling van de koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Deel 1-4, 1892-3 to 1895-6. Amsterdam. 1893-6. roy. 8°. [Continued as: K. Akad. v. Wetensch. te Amst. Versl.] Vestnik. Pfiloha "Ôasopisu lékafû ceskych. " [News. Supplé- ment to: Casopis lékafù ceskych.] v Praze. v. 1-27, 1889- 1915. 8°. [220] Vestnik Balneol., KUmatol. i Fi- zioterap., Kharkov. Vestnik Dushevn. BoUezn., S.- Peterb. Vestnik IdiotU i EpUeps., S.-Pe- terb. Vestnik Khir., Mosk. Vestnik KUn. i Sudeb. Psikhiat. i Nevropatol., S.-Peterb. Vëstnîk Klubu cesk. farm. v Praze. Vestnik Kur. i Lecheb. Uchre- zhd., Kharkov. Vestnik Med., Kharkov. Vestnik Obshtsh. Hig., Sudeb. i Prakt. Med., S.-Peterb. Vestnik Obshtsh. Vet., S.-Pe- terb. Vestnik Oftalmol. Vestnik Psikhol., Krim. Antrop., S.-Peterb. Vestnik S.-Peterb. Vrach. Obsh. Vzaïmn. Pom. Vestnik po Terap. Tub., Genève. Vestnik Ushn., Gorlov. i Nosov. BoUezn., S.-Peterb. Vestnik ZheUeznodor. Med. i San., Saratov. Vet. espan., Madrid. Vet. Feldsher, S.-Peterb. Vet. J., Lond. Vet. J. Se Ann. Comp. Path., Lond. [Courier of Medicine] Kharkov. v. 1-2, Vestnik Balneologii, Klimatologii i Fizioterapii. [Messenger of Balneology, Climatology, and Physiotherapy.] Kharkov. v. 2, 1911. roy. 8°. Vestnik Dushevnîkh Bolïezneï. [Messenger of Mental Dis- eases.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-2, 1904-5. 8°. Vestnik Idiotii i Epilepsii. [Gazette of Idiocy and Epilepsy.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1903. 8°. Vestnik Khirurgii. [Courier of Surgery.] Moskva. v. 1-3,1900- 1902. 8°. Vestnik Klinicheskoï i Sudebnoï Psikhiatrii i Nevropatologii. [Messenger of Clinical and Forensic Psychiatrics and Neuro- pathology.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-13, 1883-99. 8°. Vestnik Klubu ceskych farmaceutû v Praze. [Messenger of the Club of Bohemian Pharmacists in Prague] Praha. v. 9, 1898. 8°. Vestnik Kurortov i Lechebnîkh Uchrezhdeniy. [Messenger of Watering Places and Health Resorts.] Kharkov. v. 1-5,1908- 12. 8°. Vestnik Meditsini. 1896-7. 4°. Vestnik Obshtshestvennoï Higienî, Sudebnoï i Prakticheskoï Meditsiny, izdavayemîy Meditsinskim Departamentom. [Cou- rier of Public Hygiène, Forensic and Practical Medicine, issued by the Médical Department.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-51, 1889- 1915. 8°. [Continuation of: Vestnik sudeb. med. [etc.], St. Petersb.] Vestnik Obshtshestvennoi Veterinarii. Izdavayemîy Obshtshe- stvom Veterinarnîkh Vracheï v S.-Peterburgïe [Courier of Public Veterinary Medicine. Issued by the Society of Veteri- nary Physicians of St. Petersburg.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-25, 1889-1913. 4°. Vestnik Oftalmologii. [Courier of Ophthalmology.] Kiyev, Odessa, Moskva. v. 1-31, 1884-1914. 8°. Vestnik Psikhologii, Kriminalnoï Antropologii i Hipnotizma. [Messenger of Psychology, Criminal Anthropology, and Hyp- notism.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-3, 1904-6. 8°. Vestnik S.-Peterburgskavo Vrachebnavo Obshtshestva Vzaïmnoï Pomoshtshi. [Courier of the St. Petersburg Médical Society for Mutual Aid.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-9, 1902-10. 8°. Vestnik po Terapii Tuberkulyoza. Yezhemïesyachnîy zhurnal, izdavayemîy Klimatologicheskim Obshtshestvom v Leïzenïe [Courier of the Treatment of Tuberculosis. Monthly. Issued by the Climatological Society of Leysin (Switzerland). Genève, v. 1-3, 1912-14. 4°. Vestnik Ushnîkh, Gorlovîkh i Nosovîkh Bolïezneï. [Courier of Diseases of the Ear, Throat, and Nose] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-6, 1909-14. 8°. Vestnik Zhelïeznodorozhnoï Meditsinî i Sanitarii. Yezhemïe- syachnîy zhurnal. [Courier of Railway Medicine and Sanita- tion. Monthly.] Saratov. v. 2-3, 1913-14. 8°. Veterinaria (La) espanola. Madrid. 1884-1900. fol. & 8°. v. 20-21, 1876-7; v. 28-43, Veterinarniy Feldsher; obshtshedostupnîy zhurnal dlya selskikh zhitcleï i veterinarnîkh feldsherov. No. 1, 1897. Izdaniye Obshtshestva Veterinarnîkh Vracheï v S.-Peterburgïe. g. 4., 1900. Izdaniye Rossiyskavo Veterinarnavo Obshtshestva [Veterinary Feldsher; popular journal for villagers and veter- inarians. (Ne 1, 1897. Issued by the Society of Veterinary Physicians of St. Petersburg. v. 4, 1900. Issued by the Russian Veterinary Society.)] S.-Peterburg. v. 1, 1897; v. 4-6, 1900-1902. 8°. Veterinary (The) Journal. London. v. 50-72, 1900-1916. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Veterinary (The) Journal and Annals of Comparative Pathology. London. v. 1-49, 1875-95. 8°. [Continued as the preced- ing.] [221] Vet. Mag., PhUa. Vet. Obozr., Mosk. Vet. Ree, Lond. Vet. sbirka, Sofiya. Vet. Zhizn, Mosk. Veterinarian, Lond. Vida mêd. e scient., Porto. Vida nueva, Habana. Vie internat., Brux. Virchow's Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL Virginia Health BuU., Richmond. Virginia Hosp. BuU., Richmond. Virginia M. Month., Richmond. Virginia M. Semi-Month., Rich- mond. Vita sex., Leipz. Vlaamsche genees- en heelk. bl. Amst. Se Gent. Vlagalishtshnîy metod [etc.], S. Peterb. Voco de Kurae, Lwôw. Volta Rev., Wash. Vopr. Filos. i Psikhol., Mosk. Veterinary (The) Magazine. A journal for the practitioner, and for the advancement of comparative medicine. Philadelphia. v. 1-3, 1894-6. 8°. Veterinarnoye Obozrîeniye (Revue vétérinaire); zhurnal izda- vayemîy Moskovskim Obshtshestvom Veterinarnîkh Vracheï. [Veterinary Review; Journal issued by the Moscow Society of Veterinary Physicians.] Moskva. v. 2-16, 1900-1914. 8°. Veterinary (The) Record. A weekly journal for the profession. London. v. 12-28, 1899-1916. 4°. Veterinarna sbirka; mïesechno spisanïe po veterinarnata medi- tsina i skotovudstvoto; organ na Druzhestvoto na veterinarni- tïe lïekari v Bolgariya. [Veterinary magazine; monthly jour- nal on veterinary medicine and cattle breeding; organ of the Society of Veterinary Physicians in Bulgaria.] Sofiya. v. 7-16, 1898-1907. 8°. Veterinarnaya Zhizn. [Veterinary LUe] Moskva. v. 1-9, 1907-15. 8°. Veterinarian (The); or monthly journal of veterinary science. London. v. 1-75,1828-1902. 8°. [Merged in: J. Comp. Path. & Therap.] Vida medica e scientifica. Porto, v. 1, 1914. 8°. Vida nueva. Revista mensual de higiene y ciencias sociales. Habana. v. 2, 1910; v. 7-8, 1915-16. 8°. Vie internationale (La); revue mensuelle des idées, des faits et des organismes internationaux. Bruxelles. Nos. 1-5, v. 1, 1912. roy. 8°. Virchow (Rudolf). Inst. zu Posen . [See Arb. a. d. path.-anat. Abt. d. k. hyg. . R. VUchow zu Feier, Wiesb.] Richmond. v. 1-4, 1908-12. 8°. Bulletin. [Quarterly.] Richmond, Virchow's Archiv fur pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie und fur kUnische Medicin. BerUn. v. 171-220, 1903-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Arch. f. path. Anat. [etc.], BerL] Virchow-Hirsch Jahresbericht. [See Jahresb. û. d. Leistung. ... in d. Anat. u. Physiol. Also: Jahresb. u. d. Leistung. . . . d. ges. Med.] VUginia Health Almanac [See Virginia Health Bulletin, Nos. 1-2, 1912.] Virginia Health Bulletin. Virginia (The) Hospital Va. v. 1-2, 1904-5. 4°. Virginia Médical Monthly. Richmond. v. 1-22, 1874-96. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Virginia Médical Semi-Monthly. Richmond. v. 1-21, 1896- 1916. 8°. [Continuation, April, 1896, of the preceding.] Vita sexualis. Zeitschrift zur Erkenntnis des Sexuallebens und der sexuellen Erkrankungen des Menschen. Leipzig, v. 1-2, 1895-6. roy. 8°. Vlaamsch natuur- en geneeskundig Congres. [See Handel. x.' h. vlaamsch nat.- en geneesk. Cong., Gent & Deventer.] Vlaamsche genees- en heelkundige bladen. Amsterdam à Gent. v. 1, 1902-5. 8°. Vlagalishtshnîy metod v ginekologU i akushorstvïe Po mate- rialam Imperatorskavo Klinicheskavo Povivalno-Gmekologi- cheskavo Instituta. [Vaginal method in gynecology and obstetrics. From data of the Impérial Clinical Obstetrico- Gynecological Institute] S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1910. 8°. Voco de Kuracistoj; monata organo per internacia korespondado de curacistoj en aferoj profesiaj, etikaj kaj cocial-medicinaj. Lwôw. v. 1-4, 1908-11. 8°. Volkmann's Sammlung. [See Samml. kUn. Vortr.] Volta Review; pubUshed monthly by the Volta Bureau for the increased diffusion of knowledge relating to the deaf. W asn- ington, D. C. v. 16-18, 1914-16. 8°. Voprosi Filosofii i Psikhologii. [Questions of PhUosophy and Psychology.] Moskva. v. 1-13, 1890-1902. 8°. T2221 Vopr. Nauchn. Med., Mosk. Vopr. Nerv.-Psikh. Med., Kiyev. Vopr. Psikhiat. i Nevrol., Mosk. Vortr. u. Aufs. u. Bntwcklngs- mech. d. Organ., Leipz. Vortr. u. prakt. Therap., Leipz. Vortrags-Cyclus d. psychol. Ge- seUsch. zu Breslau, Berl. Vox, Berl. Vox med., Utrecht. Voyenno-Med. J., S.-Peterb. Vrach, S.-Peterb. Vrach. Gaz., S.-Peterb. Vrach. khron. Kharkovsk. gub. Vrach. Vestnik, S.-Peterb. Vrach. Zapiski, Mosk. Vrach-Homeopat, S.-Peterb. Vrach.-san. Ust. Simbirsk. gub. Vrtljhrsb. d. wissensch.-huma- nit. Kom., Leipz. Voprosî Nauchnoï Meditsinî. [Questions of Scientific Medicine] Moskva. v. 1-2, 1913-14. S°. Voprosî Nervno - Psikhicheskoï Meditsini. Zhurnal posvya- shtshonnîy voprosam psikhiatrii, nervnoï patologii, li/iologi- cheskoï psikhologii, nervno-psikhicheskoï higienî i pr. [Ques- tions of neuro-psychic medicine. Journal devoted to quest ions of psychiatrics, nerve pathology, physiological psychology, neuro-psychic hygiène, etc.] Kiyev. v. 1-10, 1896-1905. 8°. Voprosî PsikhiatrU i NevrologU; yezhemïesyachnîy zhurnal. [Questions in Psychiatry and Neurology; monthly.] Moskva. v. 1-3, 1912-14. 8°. Vortrage und Aufsatze ûber Entwickelungsmechanik der Orga- nismen, hrsg. von WUhehn Roux. Leipzig. Hft. 1-12, 1905- 11. 8°. Vortrage ûber praktische Thérapie 14. 8°. Leipzig. 1.-5. séries, 1909- Vortrags-Cyclus der psychologischen Gesellschaft zu Breslau ùber die Entwickelung der Psychologie und verwandter Ge- biete des Wissens und des Lebens im neunzehnten Jahrhun- dert. Berlin. 4 Nos. 1900-1902. 8°. Vox. Internationales Zentralblatt fur experimentelle Phonetik. Berlin, v. 23-24, 1913-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Med.- pàdagog. Monatschr.] Vox medicomm. Orgaan tôt het behartigen van de belangen der geneesheeren in Nederland en zijne koloniën in van allen, die tôt de geneeskunde in betrekkingstaan. Utrecht. v. 6-16, 1906-16. 4°. Voyenno-Meditsinskiy Jurnal. Izdavayemîy Meditsinskim De- partamentom Voyennavo Ministerstva. [Army Médical Jour- nal. Issued by the Médical Department of the Ministry of War.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-244, 1823-1915. 8°. Vrach. Yezhenedïelnaya gazeta, posvyashtshonnaya vsïem otraslyam klinicheskoï meditsinî, obshtshestvennoï i chastnoï higïenî i voprosam vrachebnavo bîta. [The Physician. A weekly paper devoted to ail branches of clinical medicine, public and private hygiène, and questions of the médical pro- fession.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-22, 1880-1901. 4°. Vrachebnaya Gazeta. Klinicheskaya i bîtovaya gazeta dlya vra- cheï. [Médical Gazette. Gazette of the clinie and daily life for physicians.] S.-Peterburg. v. 8-21, 1900-1914. 4°. [Con- tinuation of: Ejened. jour. "Prakt. Med."] Vrachebnaya khronika Kharkovskoï gubernii. [Médical chron- icle of Kharkov Government.] Kharkov. v. 4-5, 1900-1901. 8°. Vrachebnîy Vestnik (bîvshiy "Terapevticheskiy Vestnik"). Yezhenedïelnaya gazeta posvyashtshonnaya vsïem mediko; khirurgicheskim spetsialnostyam, higienïe obshtshestvennoï i Uchnoï, a takzhe voprosam vrachebnavo bîta. [Médical Mes- senger (formerly ' ' Therapeutic Messenger " ). Weekly gazette, dedicated to ail medico-chirurgical specialties, pubUc and Per- sonal hygiène, and also problems of the condition of medi- cine] [Continuation of: Terap. Vestnik.] S.-Peterburg. v. 7-8, 1894-5. 4°. Vrachebnîya Zapiski. 9. 8°. [Médical Notes.] Moskva. v. 1-6,1894- Vrach-Homeopat. Yezhemïesyachnîy populyarniy zhurnal. [Homœopathic Physician. A monthly popular journal.] S.- Peterburg. v. 1-4, 1891-4; v. 10-12, 1900-1902. 8°. Vrachebno-sanitarîy Ustok Simbirskoï gubernii. [Medico-sani- tary gazette of the Government of Simbirsk.] Simbirsk. v. 3-6, 1898-1901. 8°. Vremennoye Meditsinskoye Obshtshestvo v Dalnem Vostokïe v g. Kharbinïe. [See Trudî Vremen. Med. Obsh. v Daln. Vost. v Kharbinïe.] Vierteljahrsberichte des wissenschaftUch-humanitâren Komitees. Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1909-10 to 1912-13; v. 15, 1915. 12°. [Title during several periods, of: Jahrb. f. sex. Zwischenstufen.] [223] Vrtljschr. u. d. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Chem. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, Berl. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl. Vrtljschr. d. naturf. GeseUsch. in Zurich. Vrtljschr. f. prakt. Pharm., Berl. Vseross. Vrach. Vestnik, Mosk. Vierteljahresschrift ûber die Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Chemie der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. Berlin, v. 1-12, 1886-1907. 8°. [Consolidated with: Forsch.-Ber. û. Lebens- mittel, forming: Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nahrungs- u. Ge- nussmittel.] Vierteljahresschrift fur gerichtUche Medicin und ôffentliches Sanitâtswesen. BerUn. N. F., v. 16-53, 1872-90; 3. F., v. 1^9, 1891-1915. 8°. Vierteljahresschrift der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Zurich. 12.-15. Jahrgang, 1867-70; 37.-60. Jahrgang, 1892-1915. 8°. Vierteljahresschrift fur praktische Pharmacie. BerUn. v. 1-3, 1904-6. 8°. Vserossiyskiy Vrachebnîy Vestnik; naùchno-meditsinskiy i vra- chebno-bîtovîy zhurnal. [Pan Russian Médical Gazette; a journal of scientific medicine and of the condition of medicine] [Monthly.] Moskva. v. 1, 1911. 4°. Vserossiyskiy Oto-LaringoUcheskiy Syezd. [See Trudî Vseross. Oto-Laringol. Syezda v S.-Peterb.] W. Wash. M. Ann. Wasser u. Abwasser [etc.], Leipz. Wchnschr. f. Therap. u. Hyg. d. Auges, Bresl. Wchnschr. f. Tierh. u. Viehzucht. Weekly BuU. St. Louis M. Soc. Weekly Drug News, N. Y. Weekly M. Rev. & J. Obst. [etc.], St. Louis. Welch's Month., PhUa. West. Canada M. J., Winnipeg. West. CUn. Recorder, Chicago. Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. [See Tr. Wagner Free Inst. Se Phila.] Warren (J. ColUns). [See Internat. Text-Bk. Surg. (Warren & Gould), PhUa.] Washington Academy of Sciences. [See Proc. Wash. Acad. Se] Washington Médical Annals. (Bi-monthly.) Journal of the Médical Society of the District of Columbia. Washington. v. 1-14, 1902-15; Nos. 1-3, v. 15, 1916. 8°. [Continuation of: Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb.] Washington University. [See Med. Bull. Wash. Univ. Also: Quart. Bull. M. Dep. Wash. Univ., St. Louis.] Wasser und Abwasser. Water and Sewage. L'eau potable et l'eau d'égout. Zentralblatt fur Wasserversorgung und Besei- tigung flûssiger und fester Abfallstoffe Leipzig, v. 1, 1909. 8°. Wochenschrift fur Thérapie und Hygiène des Auges. Breslau. v. 1-18, 1897-1915; Nos. 1-2, v. 19, 1915. fol. Wochenschrift fur Tierheilkunde und Viehzucht. Augsburg; Munchen: v. 20-52, 1876-1908. 8°. [Continued as: Mun- chen. tieràrztl. Wchnschr.] Weekly Bulletin of the St. Louis Médical Society. St. Louis. v. 3-9, 1909-15; Nos. 1-20, v. 10, 1916. roy. 8°. Weekly Drug News. A technical and commercial journal, de- voted to drug, chemical, and pharmaceutical interests. New York. Nos. 4-6, v. 5, December, 1882. fol. [Continued under title: Weekly Drug News and American Pharmacist.] Weekly (The) Médical Review and Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women. St. Louis, v. 1, 1885; Nos. 1-7, v. 2, 1886. Welch (William Henry). [See Contrib. se med. . . . pupils W. H. Welch, Balt.] Welch's Monthly Monthly magazine of dental art, science, and literature. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1896-7. 8°. [Continued as: Dental Brief.] Wellcome Research Laboratories at the Gordon Mémorial Collège, Khartoum. [See Rep. Wellcome Research Lab., Khartoum.] Western Canada Médical Journal. A monthly journal of medi- cine, surgery, and allied sciences. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Can- ada, v. 1-9, 1907-15. 8°. Western (The) CUnical Recorder. Chicago, v. 1-2, 1899-1900. 8°. [224] West. Dent. J., Kansas City. West Lond. M. J., Lond. West. M. J., Fort Scott. West. M. Rev. West. M. & S. Gaz., Denver. West. M. Se S. Reporter, St. Jo- seph, Mo. West. M. Times, Denver. West. Reserve M. J., Cleveland. West Virg. M. J., Wheeting. West Virg. M. & S. Month., Huntington. Wiadomosci farm., Warszawa. Wien. Arb. a. d. Geb. d. soz. Med., Wien Se Leipz. Wien. klin. Rundschau. Wien. klin. Wchnschr. Wien. klin.-therap. Wchnschr. Wien. KUnik. Wien. med. Bl. Wien. med. Presse. Wien. med. Wchnschr. Wien. zahnarztl. Monatschr. Wilkinson's M. Digest, Omaha. Western (The) Dental Journal. Kansas Citv. v. 1-19, 1887- 1!»05. 8°. West Kent Medico-Chirurgical Society. [See Tr. West Kent M.- Chir. Soc, Blackheath.] West London Médical Journal. PubUshed Quarterly under the auspices of the West London Medico-Chirurgical Societv. London. v. 4-20, 1899-1915; Nos. 1-2, v. 21, 1916. 8°. West London Medico-Chirurgical Society. [See West Lond. M. J. Lond.] Western Médical Journal. Fort Scott, Kansas. v. 5-13, 1894- 1901. 8°. Western Médical Review. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Lincoln; Omaha, v. 1-20, 1896-1915; Nos. 1-5, v. 21, 1916. roy. 8°. Western Médical and Surgical Gazette. Denver. v. 1, 1897-8. 8°. Western (The) Médical and Surgical Reporter. St. Joseph, Mo. v. 1-10, 1889-98. 8°. Western (The) Médical Times. Denver. v. 35, 1915-16. 8°. [Continuation of : Denver M. Times.] Western Reserve (The) Médical Journal. Cleveland. v. 1-3, 1893-6. 8°. [Continued as: Cleveland J. M.] West Virginia (The) Médical Journal. Wheeling, W. Va. v. 1-9, 1906-7 to 1914-15; Nos. 1-11, v. 10, 1915-16. 8°. West VUginia Médical and Surgical Monthly. Huntington. v. 1, 1904-5. 8°. West Virginia State Médical Association. [See Tr. W. Virg. M. Ass., Wheeling.] Western Ophthalmological, Otological, Laryngological and Rhinological Association. [See Tr. West. Ophth., Otol. [etc.] Ass. Ophth. div. Also: Tr. West Ophth., Otol. [etc.] Ass. Otol., laryngol. & rhinol. div.] Western Surgical and Gynecological Association. [See Tr. West. Surg. & Gynee Ass.] Wiadomos'ci farmaceutyczne [Pharmaceutical informer.] War- szawa. v. 3-34, 1876-1907. 8°. Wiener Arbeiten aus dem Gebiete der sozialen Medizin. Wien & Leipzig. 1. Folge, 1910. 8°. Wiener kUnische Rundschau. Wien. v. 9-28, 1895-1914; Nos. 1-34, v. 29, 1915. fol. Wiener kUnische Wochenschrift. Wien. v. 1-27, 1888-1914; Nos. 1-39, v. 28, 1915. fol. Wiener klinisch-therapeutische Wochenschrift. Wien. v. 11-13, 1904-6. fol. [Title for three years of: Klin.-therap. Wchn- schr. Text identical with: Berl. kUn.-therap. Wchnschr.] Wiener Klinik. Wien. v. 1-33, 1876-1907. 8°. Wiener medizinische Blâtter. Wien. v. 1-24, 1878-1901. fol. [Continued as: Med. BL] Wiener medizinische Presse. Wien. v. 6-48, 1865-1907. 4°. Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift. Wien. v. 1-64, 1851- 1914; Nos. 1-33, v. 65, 1915. 4°. Wiener Stadtphysikat. [See Ber. d. Wien. Stadtphysik. û. seine Amtsthâtigk. . . ., Wien.] Wiener Universitat (Institut fur Anatomie und Physiologie an der). [See Arb. a. d. neurol. Inst. Wien. Univ.] Wiener zahnàrztUche Monatsschrift. Wien. v. 1-5, 1899-1903. 8°. Wilkinson's Médical Digest A monthly médical journal devoted to medicine and surgery Omaha, v. 1-2, May, 1899, to March, 1901. 4°. [225] WUls Eye Hosp. Rep., rhtia. Wisconsin Alumni Mag., Madi- son. Wisconsin Drug. Exch., Janes- vtile. Wisconsin M. J., MUwaukee. Wisconsin M. Recorder, Janes- vtile. Wissensch. Mitth. d. Inst. z. Be- handl. v. Unf aUverl. in Bresl. Woman's M. J. Worcester State Hosp. Papers, Balt. Wiirzb. Abhandl. a. d. Gesamt- geb. d. prakt. Med. William Pepper Laboratory of Clinical Medicine. Philadelphia. [See Univ. Penn. Contrib. WilUam Pepper Lab., Phila.] Wills Eye Hospital Reports. Philadelphia. No. 1, v. 1, January, 1895. 8°. von Winckel (Franz) Ritter. [See Alte u. n. Gynaek___Franz Ritter von Winckel zur Feier . . . Munchen.] Winnipeg Médical Association. [See Manitoba & W. Canada Lancet, Winnipeg.] Winternitz (W.) [See Fortschr. d. Hydroth. Festschr. W. Win- ternitz, Wien u. Leipz.] Wisconsin (The)' Alumni Magazine. Published bv the Alumni Association of the University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. 1915. 8°. Wisconsin Druggists' Exchange. 1902. fol. Wisconsin (The) Médical Journal. 1915-16. 8°. Janesville v. 1-11, 1892- Milwaukee. v. 1-14, 1903 to Wisconsin (The) Médical Recorder. A monthly journal of med- icine and surgery. Janesville, Wis. v. 1-18, 1898-1915. 8°. Wisconsin State Histerical Society. [See Proc. State Hist. Soc. Wisconsin, Madison.] WissenschaftUche Laboratorien des Schweizer Sérum- und Impf- Instituts. [See Arb. a. d. Inst. z. Erforsch. d. Infections- krankh. in Bern [etc.], Jena.] WissenschaftUche Mittheilungen des Instituts zur Behandlung von Unfallverletzten in Breslau. Breslau. Hft. 1, 1897. roy. 8°. Wissenschaftiich-humanitâres Komitee [Vrtljhrsb. d. wis- sensch.-humanit. Kom., Leipz.] Woman's Hospital, New York. [See Bull. Woman's Hosp., N.Y.] Woman's Médical Collège of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. [See Tr. Alumnae Ass. Woman's M. Coll. Penn., Phila.] Woman's Médical Journal. Toledo; Cincinnati, v. 1-25, 1893- 1915; Nos. 1-4, v. 26, 1916. 8°. Worcester State Hospital Papers, 1912-13. Baltimore. Nos 4-19, 1912-13. 8°. Workhouse Infirmary Nursing Association. [See Nursing Notes, Lond.] World's Columbian Dental Congress. [See Tr. World's Colum- bian Dent. Cong., Chicago.] Wûrzburger Abhandlungen aus dem Gesamtgebiet der prakti- schen Medizin. Wûrzburg. v. 1-14, 1900-1914; Nos. 1-9, v. 15, 1915. 8°. Wunderlich's Archiv. [See (in List of Abbreviations, 1. s.) Arch. f. physiol. Heilk.] Wyoming State Médical Society. [See Tr. Wyoming M. Soc, Denver.] Y. Yale M. J., N. Haven. Year Book M. Ass. Gr. N. York. Year-Book PUcher Hosp., Brook- lyn. Year BookU. S. Brewers' Assoc, N.Y. Yearbook U. S. Dep. Agrie, Wash. Yale Médical Journal. New Haven. v. 1-18, 1894-1912. 8°. Year Book of the Médical Association of the Greater City of New York. New York. v. 1-3, 1901-3. 12°. Year-Book of the Pilcher Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1910-11 to 1913-14. 8°. v. 1^, New York. Year Book of the United States Brewers' Association. 1914-15. 2 v. 8°. Yearbook of the United States Department of Agriculture. Washington. 1895-6 to 1902-3; 1905-9; 1911-14. 8°. 15259°—Vol. XXI, 2d séries—K [226] YeUowFeverBur. BuU.,Liverp. Yevr. Med. Golos, Odessa. Yezhemïes. Ushn., Gorlov. i No- sov. BoUezn., S.-Peterb. Yubil. sborn. v chest . . . Sktifo- sovskavo, S.-Peterb. Yuzhno-Russk. Med. Gaz., Odes- sa. Yellow Lever Bureau. Bulletin. Liverpool. v. 1-3, 1911-15. 8°. Yevreiskiv Meditsinskiy Golos. Organ bîtovoï i klinicheskoï meditsini. [The Jewish Médical Voice. Organ of social and clinical medicine] Odessa, v. 1-4, 1908-11. 8°. Yezhemïesyachnik Ushnîkh, Gorlovîkh i Nosovikh Bolïezneï. Organ S.-Peterburgskavo Oto-Laringologicheskavo Obshtshe- stva. [Monthly of Ear, Throat, and Nose Diseases. Organ of the St. Petersburg Oto-Larvngological Societv.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-11 1906-16. Yubileïnîy sbornik v chest XL-lïetiya vrachebnoï dïeyatelnosti N. V. Sklifosovskave [Jubilee collection in honor of the fortieth anniversary of the médical career of SklifosovskL] S.-Peterburg. 1 v. 1900. 4°. Yuzhno-Russkaya Meditsinskaya Gazeta. Organ i izdaniye Ob- shtshestva Odesskikh Vracheï. [South Russian Médical Ga- zette. Organ and publication of the Society of Odessa Phvsi- cians.] Odessa, v. 1-6, 1892-7. 4°. Z. Z ii. lék. ktin., v Praze. Zacchia n. secolo xx, Bologna. Zahnarztl. Rundschau, Berl. Zahnarztl. Wchnbl., Hamb. Zahnkunst, Bresl. Zahntech. Reform, Berl. Zahntech. Rundschau, Berl. Zapiski Imp. Akad. Nauk, S.-Pe- terb. Zapiski Imp. Novoross. Univ. Med. Fak., Odessa. Zapiski Uralsk. Med. Obsh. v g. Y ekaterinburgïe. Z ii. lékafské kliniky. second médical clinie lv. 1900. 8°. Klinické prâce a sdëleni. [From the Essays and communications.] v Praze. Zâtisi, Praha. Zbirn. mat.-prir.-lïk. sekts. [etc.]., Lvov. Zbirn. Sekts. mat.-prir.-lïk. [etc.], Lvov. Zacchia nel secolo xx. BoUettino per 1' ordinamento deUe peri- zie giudiziarie e per la pratica médico légale in armonia colla medicina scientifica. Bologna. v. 1, 1901. 8°. Zahnàrztliche Rundschau. Centralblatt fur Zahnheilkunde und Zahntechnik. Berlin, v. 1-16, 1892-1907. 4°. Zahnàrztliche Vereine Berlins. [See Berl. zahnarztl. VereinsbL] Zahnârztliches Wochenblatt. Korrespondenz- und Anzeige- blatt fur das gesammte Gebiet der Zahnheilkunde. Ham- burg. v. 4-15, 1890-1901. fol. Zahnkunst (Die). Wochenschrift des Vereins deutscher Zahn- kûnstler. Breslau. v. 1-6, 1897-1902. fol. Zahntechnische (Die) Reform. Berlin, v. 1-26, 1880-1907. 8°. [After 1901, title is: Pawelz's zahntechnische Reform.] Zahntechnische Rundschau. Zentral-Organ fur die beruflichen Interessen des gesamten Zahnkûnstlerstandes. Berlin. Nos. 287-547, January, 1898, to December, 1902. fol. Zapiski Imperatorskoï Akademii Nauk. [Records of the Impé- rial Academy of Sciences.] Sanktpeterburg. v. 1-7, 1862-5. 8°. Zapiski Imperatorskavo Novorossiyskavo Universiteta Meditsin- skavo Fakulteta. [Records of the Faculty of Medicine of the Impérial University of Odessa] Odessa, Nos. 5-0, 1913. 8°. Zapiski Uralskavo Meditsinskavo Obshtshestva v g. Yekaterin- burgïe. Mémoires de la Société ouralienne de médecine à Eka- térinebourg. Perm & Yekaterinburg, 1891-3. v. 1-6, [1890- 91 to 1895-6]. 8°. Zâtisi. Casopis vënovanf zâjmum letnich sidel lâzenskych a lécebnych mist a jich hosti. [Health resorts. A journal de- voted to the interests of summer resorts, bathing places, and health resorts, and their guests.] Praha. 1 v. 1902. 4°. Zbirnik matematichno-prirodopisno-lïkarskoï sektsiï Naukovoho Tovaristva imeni Shevchenka. Sammelschrift der mathema- tisch-natunvissenschaftlich-ârztlichen Sektion der Sevcenko- Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Lemburg. [Continuation of: Zbirn. sekts. mat.-prir.-lïk. [etc.].] Lvov. v. 3-9, 1898- 1903; v. 10-12, 1905-8. 8°. Zbirnik Sektsii matematichno-prirodopisnolïkarskoï naukovoho tovaristva imeni Shevchenko. [Magazine of the section of mathematics, natural history, and medicine of the Scientific Societv in Memory of Shevchenko.] Lvov. v. 1-2, 1897. 8°. [227] Zborn. zakona i uredaba u Kne- jevini Srbiji, v Beogradu. Zdorov. Zhizn, Kharkov. Zdorov. Zhizn, S.-Peterb. Zdravî, v Praze. Zdrav! Lidu, Praha. Zdravïe, Vidin. Zdravot.-prâv. sborn., v Praze. Zdravot. vëstnîk, v Praze. Zdrowie, Warszawa. Zemsk. vrach, Chernigov. Zentralbl.f. Anthrop., Brnschwg. Zentralbl. f. BibUoth.-Wes. Zentralbl. f. Chir., Leipz. Zentralbl. f. chir. u. mech. Or- thop., Berl. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Gynaek. u. Geburtsh., Berl. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Ophth., Berl. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Physiol. u. Path. d. Stoffwechs., Berl. Se Wien. Zentralbl. f. d. ges. Therap., Wien. Zentralbl. f. d. Gesamtgeb. d. Med. [etc.], Leipz. & Wien. Zentralbl. f. Gewerbehyg., Berl. Zentralbl. f. Gynak., Leip-s. Zbor lijecnika Kraljevina Hrvatske i Slavonije. [Médical So- ciety of Croatia and Slavonia.] [See Lijec. vijesnik, u Zagrebu.] Zbornik zakona i uredaba u Knejevine Srbiji izdanich od 18 Au- gusta 1880 do 26 Juna 1881. [Collection of laws and ordinances in the principality of Servia.] v Beogradu. 1 v. 1881. 8°. Zdorovaya Zhizn; yezhenedïelnoye pribavleniye k zhurnalu "Vestnik Kurortov i Lechebnîhh Uchrezhdeniy." [Healthy Life; a weekly supplément to the journal "Messenger of Health Resorts and Sanitaria."] Kharkov. v. 1-2, 1910-11; v. 3, No. 1, 1912. 4°. Zdorovaya Zhizn. 12. 4°. [Healthy Life] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-2,1911- î. List praktického zdravotnictvf a hygieny skolnf. Oi "Ceské spolecnosti pro verejné zdravotnictvf." [Health. Zdravî. gan ' ' Ceské spolecnosti pro \ ^ Journal of practical sanitation and school hygiène Organ of the Bohemian Society for Public Sanitation.] v Praze. v. 4- 9, 1898-1903. 8°. ZdravîLidu; casopis pro zdravotnictvf. Spojenélisty: "Ôasopis pro verejné zdravotnictvf "' a "Zdravf Lidu. " [The Health of the People; a journal of hygiène. Combination of: "The Journal of Public Hygiène" and "The Health of the Peo- ple."] Praha. v. 2-6, 1909-13. 8°. Zdravïe, mïesechno populyarno-meditsinsko spisanïe. [Health; a monthly popular médical journal.] Vidin. v. 1-6,1902-7. 8°. Zdravotnicko-prâvnf sbornik. [Archives of Sanitary Jurispru dence] v Praze. v. 1, 1908. 8°. Zdravotnicky vestnik. [Hygienic gazette] v Praze. v. 10, 1898. roy. 8°. [Supplément to: Casop. lék. cesk., v Praze] Zdrowie. Miesiecznik poswiecony hygienie publicznej i pry- watnej. [Health. Monthly paper devoted to public and pri- vate hvgiene.] Warszawa. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, October to Novem- ber, 1885; v. 16-30, 1900-1914. 8°. Zemskiy vrach. [Country Physician.] Chernigov. v. 1-7,1888- 94. 4°. Zentralblatt fur Anthropologie. Braunschweig. v. 9-12, 1904-7. 8°. [Continuation of: Internat. Centralbl. f. Anthrop.] Zentralblatt fur Bibliothekswesen. Leipzig, v. 21-32, 1904-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Centralbl. f. Biblioth.-Wes.] Zentralblatt fur Chirurgie. Leipzig, v. 30-41, 1903-15. 8°. [Continuation of : Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz.] Zentralblatt fur chirurgische und mechanische Orthopàdie, ein- schliesslich der gesamten Heilgymnastik und Massage. Ber- lin, v. 1-9, 1907-15. 8°. Zentralblatt fur die gesamte Gynaekologie und Geburtshilfe sowie deren Grenzgebiete. Berlin, v. 1-5, 1913-14. 8°. Zentralblatt fur die gesamte Ophthalmologie und ihre Grenz- gebiete Berlin, v. 1, 1914; Nos. 1-4, v. 2, 1914. 8°. Zentralblatt fur die gesamte Physiologie und Pathologie des Stoffwechsels mit Einschluss der experimentellen Thérapie. Berlin & Wien. v. 7-12, 1906-11. 8°. [Continuation of: Cen- tralbl. f. Stoffwechsel- u. Verdauungskr.] Zentralblatt fur die gesamte Thérapie Wien. v. 21-32 1903- 14; Nos. 1-7, v. 33, 1915. 8°. [Continuation of: Centralbl. f. d. ges. Therap.] Zentralblatt fur das Gesamtgebiet der Medizin und ihrer Hilfs- wissenschaften. (Medico-technologisches Journal.) Wien & Leipzi"- v. 3-4, 1907-8. fol. [Continuation of: Med.-tech- nol. J.f Zentralblatt fur Gewerbehygiene mit besonderer Berûcksichti- gung der Unfallverhûtungstechnik und Unfallheilkunde Ber- lin, v. 1-2, 1913-14. 4°. Zentralblatt fur Gynàkologie Leipzig, v. 27-39, 1903-15. 8°. [Continuation of : Centralbl. f. Gynàk.] [22S1 Zentralbl. f. Herzkrankh. [etc.], Wien. Zentralbl. f. innere Med., Leipz. Zentralbl. f. Kinderh., Leipz. Zentralbl. f. d. Kneipp. HeUverf., Worishofen. Zentralbl. d. Krebskr., Leipz. Zentralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psy- chiat., Coblenz & Leipz. Zentralbl. f. norm. Anat. u. Mi- krotechn., Berl. & Wien. Zentralbl. f. norm. u. path. Anat., Berl. & Wien. Zentralbl. f. phys. Therap. u. Un- fallh., Wien & Berl. Zentralbl. f. Physiol., Leipz. & Wien. Zentralbl. f. Psychoanal., Wiesb. Zentralbl. f. Rontgenstr. [etc.], Wiesb. Zentralbl. f. Thalassotherap. [etc.], Abbazia. Ziekenh. Maandbl., Amst. Zool. Anz., Leipz. Zool. BuU., Bost. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. aUg. Zool., Jena. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. f. Anat., Jena. Zool. Jahresb., Berl. ZoophiUst, Lond. Ztschr. f. ârztl. FortbUd., Jena. Ztschr. f. d. ârztl. Prax., Berl. Zentralblatt fur Herzkrankheiten und die Erkrankungen der Gelasse. Wien. v. 1-7. 1909-15. 8°. Zentralblatt fur innere Medizin. Leipzig, v. 24-36, 1903-15. 8°. [Continuation of : Centralbl. f. innere Med.] Zentralblatt fur KinderheUkunde Leipzig, v. 13-20, 1908-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Centralbl. f. Kmderh.] Zentralblatt fur das Kneippsche Heilverfahren. Worishofen. v. 10-14, 1903-7. 8°. [Continuation of: Centralbl. f. d. Kneipp. Heilverf.] Zentralblatt der Krebskrankheiten. Leipzig. Jahrg. 6, 1906. 8°. Zentralblatt fur Nervenheilkunde und Psvchiatric Coblenz à Leipzig, v. 31-33, 1908-10. 8°. [Continuation of: Centralbl. f. Nervenh. u. Psychiat.] Zentralblatt fur normale Anatomie und Mikrotechnik. Berlin & Wien. v. 2^, 1905-7; v. 11, 1914. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Zentralblatt fur normale und pathologische Anatomie mit Ein- schluss der Mikrotechnik. BerUn & Wien. v. 1, 1904. 4°. [Continued as the preceding.] Zentralblatt fur phvsikalische Thérapie und Unfallheilkunde. Wien & BerUn. v. 1, 1904. 8°. Zentralblatt fiir Physiologie. Leipzig & Wien. v. 17-30, 1903- 15. 8°. [Continuation of : Centralbl. f. Physiol.] Zentralblatt fur Psychoanalyse. Wiesbaden. v. 1-4, 1910-14. 8°. [Continued as: Internat. Ztschr. f. ârztl. Psychoanal.] Zentralblatt fur Rôntgenstrahlen, Radium und verwandte Ge- biete. Wiesbaden. v. 1-6, 1910-15. 8°. Zentralblatt fur Thalassothérapie, Klimatologie, Balneologie und verwandte Wissenszweige Abbazia. v. 3, 1911. 8°. [After v. 3, 1911, bound with: Ztschr. f. Balneol., Klimat. [etc.], BerL] Ziegler's Beitrâge. [See Beitr. z. path. Anat. u. z. allg. Path.] Ziekenhuis (Het). Maandblad gewijd aan bouw, inrichting, geneeskundigen dienst, [etc.]. Amsterdam, v. 1-7, 191Ô- 16. fol. Ziemssen's Archiv. [See Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med.] Ziino (Giuseppe). [See Studi di med. leg. e var. . . . onore d. G. Ziino, Messina.] Zoological Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. [See Contrib. Zool. Lab. Univ. Penn., Phila.] Zoological Society of London. [See Proc. gen. meet. . . . Zool. Soc. Lond.] Zoologische Station zu Neapel. [See Zool. Jahresb., BerL] Zoologischer Anzeiger. Leipzig, v. 7—45, 1884-1914; Nos. 1-6, v. 46, 1915. 8°. Zoological Bulletin. Boston, v. 1-2, 1897-9. 8°. [Continued as: Biol. Bull.] Zoologische Jahrbûcher. Abteilung fur allgemeine Zoologie und Physiologie der Tiere. Jena. v. 30-35, 1910-15. 8°. Zoologische Jahrbûcher. Abteilung fur Anatomie und Ontogenie der Tiere. Jena. v. 19-38, 1903-14. 8°. Zoologischer Jahresbericht. Hrsg. von der zoologischen Station zu Neapel. Berlin, v. 1-23, 1884-1908. ZoophiUst and Animais'Défend er. London. v. 1-34, 1881-1914; Nos. 1-2, v. 35, 1915. 4°. Zeitschrift fur àrztliche FortbUdung. Jena. v. 1-11, 1904-14. 8°. Zeitschrift fur die àrztliche Praxis. Berlin, v. 20-21, 1907-8. 4°. [Continuation of : Aerztl. Praxis, Wiirzb.] [229] Ztschr. d. aUg. osterr. Apoth.- Ver., Wien. Ztschr. f. aUg. Physiol., Jena. Ztschr. f. anal. Chem., Wiesb. Ztschr. f. ang. Anat. [etc.], Berl. Ztschr. f. ang. Chemie, Berl. Ztschr. f. ang. Mikr., Leipz. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych. [etc.], Leipz. Ztschr. f. Assyriol. [etc.], Strassb. Ztschr. f. Augenh., Berl. Ztschr. f. d. Ausbau d. Entwck- lngslehre, Stuttg. Ztschr. f. Bahn- u. Bahnkassen- ârzte, Melsungen. Ztschr. f. Balneol.,KUmat. [etc.], Berl. Ztschr. f. d. Behandl. Schwach- sinn. u. Epilept., Dresd. Ztschr. f. Bekàmpf. d. Ge- schlechtskrankh. , Leipz. Ztschr. f. Biochem., Oldenburg. Ztschr. f. Biol., Munchen u. Leipz. Ztschr. f. biol. Techn. u. Metho- dik, Strassb. Ztschr. f. Chem. u. Indust. d. KoUoide, Dresd. Ztschr. f. Chemotherap. [etc.], Leipz. Ztschr. f. Crim.-Anthrop., Berl. Ztschr. d. deutsch. morgenlând. Gesellsch., Leipz. Ztschr. f. diâtet. u. physik. The- rap., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Eisenbahnhyg., Leipz. Se Wien. Ztschr. f. Electroth., Coblenz Se Leipz. Ztschr. f. Elektrochem. [etc.], HaUe a. S. Ztschr. f. d. Erforsch. u. Behandl. d. jugendl. Schwachsinns, Jena. Ztschr. f. Ethnol., Berl. Ztschr. f. exper. Path. u. Therap., Berl. Zeitschrift des allgemeinen osterreichischen Apotheker-Vereines. Wien. v. 6-40, 1868-1902. 8°. Zeitschrift fur allgemeine Physiologie. Jena. v. 1-16, 1902-14. Wiesbaden. v. 1-41, 1862- Zeitschrift fur analvtische Chemie. 1902. 8°. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Anatomie und Konstitutionslehre Berlin, v. 1, 1913-14. 8°. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie. BerUn. 1902. 8°. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Mikroskopie. 1895-1911. 8°. 1-15, 1888- Leipzig. v. 1-16, Zeitschrift fur angewandte Psychologie und psychologische Sam- melforschung. Leipzig, v. 1-10, 1907-15. 8°. [See, also, Beihefte z. Ztschr. f. ang. Psych. [etc.], Leipz.] Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete in Verbin- dung mit Eb. Schrader in Berlin und Anderen. Strassburg Nos. 1-2, v. 20, 1907. 8°. Zeitschrift fur AugenheUkunde Berlin, v. 1-33,1899-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur den Ausbau der Entwicklungslehre. Stuttgart. v. 1-3, 1907-9. 8°. [In 1910 merged in: Natur, Leipz.] Zeitschrift fur Bahn- und Bahnkassenàrzte. Melsungen. v 1- 10, 1915-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Balneologie, Klimatologie und Kurort-Hygiene Berlin, v. 1-7, 1908-14. 8°. Zeitschrift fur die Behandlung Schwachsinniger und Epilepti- scher. Dresden. v. 1-35, 1885-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Bekàmpfung der Geschlechtskrankheiten. Leip- zig, v. 1-15, 1903-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Biochemie. Oldenburg. v. 1-6, 1902-7. 4°. Zeitschrift fur Biologie. Munchen & Leipzig, v. 1-65, 1865- 1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur biologische Technik und Methodik. Strassburg. v. 1-3, 1908-9 to 1913-14. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Chemie und Industrie der KoUoide ("Kolloid- Zeitschrift"). Dresden. v. 1-12,1906-12. 8°. [Continuedas: Kolloid-Ztschr.] Zeitschrift fur Chemotherapie und verwandte Gebiete. Leipzig. Originale, v. 1-2, 1912-14; Referate, v. 1-3, 1912-15. 8°. [Continuation of: FoUa serolog.] Zeitschrift fur Criminal-Anthropologie, Gefàngniswissenschaft und Prostitutionswesen. Berlin, v. 1, 1897. 8°. Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft. Leip- zig, v. 2-9, 13, 23, 25, 26, 30, 31, 39 (in part), 1848-85. 8°. Zeitschrift fur diâtetische und physikalische Thérapie Leipzig. Hft, 1, v. 1-8, 1898-1905. 8°. [Continued as: Ztschr. f. phys. u. diâtet. Therap.] ZeitschrUt fur Eisenbahnhygiene. Organ fur das gesamte Eisen- bahnsanitâtswesen. Leipzig & Wien. v. 3-5, 1907-9. 8°. [Continued as: Oesterr. Eisenbahnsanitatsw.] Zeitschrift fur Electrotherapie und ârztUche Electrotechnik. Coblenz & Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1899-1907. 8°. [Continued as: Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Rontgenk. [etc.], Leipz.] Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie und angewandte physikalische Chemie. Halle a. S. v. 12-13, 1906-7. roy. 8°. ZeitschrUt fur die Erforschung und Behandlung des jugendlichen Schwachsinns auf wissenschaftlicher Grundlage Jena. v. 1-7, 1906-14. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Ethnologie. Berlin, v. 1-47,1869-1915. roy. 8°. Zeitschrift fur experimentelle Pathologie und Thérapie. Berlin. v. 1-17, 1905-15. 8°. [230] Ztschr. f. Fleisch- u. MUchhyg., Berl. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynâk., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. d. ges. deutsche . . . Hebam.-Wes., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. d. ges. exper. Med., Berl. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Neurol. u. Psy- chiat., Berl. & Leipz. Ztschr. f. Gewerbe-Hyg. [etc.], Wien. Ztschr. f. gynâk. Urol., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Heilk. Ztschr. f. Hyg. u. Infections- krankh., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Hypnot. [etc.] Ztschr. f. Immunitâtsforsch. u. exper. Therap., Jena. Ztschr. f. indukt. Abstammungs- u. Vererbungsl., Berl. Ztschr. f. Infectionskr. . . . d. Haustiere, Berl. Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bu- reau's, Berl. Ztschr. f. kausale Therap., Bre- merhaven. Ztschr. f. Kinderh., Berl. Ztschr. f. KinderpfL, Berl. Ztschr. f. Kinderschutz [etc.], Wien. Ztschr. f. klimat.Kurorte u. San., Munchen. Ztschr. f. kUn. Med., Berl. Ztschr. f. Kommunal-Hyg., Berl. Ztschr. f. Krankenanst., Leipz. Ztschr. f. KrankenpfL, Berl. Ztschr. f. Krebsforsch., Jena. Ztschr. f. KruppeUursorge, Hamb. & Leipz. Ztschr.f. Laryngol.,Rhinol.[etc.], Wurzb. Ztschr. f. med. Elektrol. u. Ront- genk. [etc.], Leipz. Ztschr. d. med. GeseUsch. zu To- kyo. Zeitschrift fur Fleisch- und Milchhygiene. Berlin, v. 1-25, 1890-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Geburtshulfe und Gynàkologie Stuttgart, v. 1- 77, 1877-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur das gesamte deutsche, ôsterreichische und schwei- zerische Hebammenwesen. Stuttgart, v. 1-2, 1909-11. 8°. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte experimentelle Medizin. Berlin, v. 1-4, 1913 to 1914-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur die gesamte Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Berlin & Leipzig. Originalien, v. 1-29, 1910-15; Referate und Ergebnisse, v. 1-10, 1910-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Gewerbe-Hvgiene, Unfall-Verhûtung und Arbei- ter-Wohlfahrts-Einrichtungen. Wien. v. 6-21,1899-1914. 4°. [See, also, Festnum. d. Ztschr. f. Gewerbe-Hyg.] 4°. Zeitschrift fiir gynâkologische Urologie. Leipzig, v. 1-4, 1908- 13. 8°. Zeitschrift fur HeUkunde. Berlin; Wien. v. 1-28, 1880-1907. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Hygiène und Infectionskrankheiten. Leipzig. v. 11-79, 1895-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Hypnotismus, Psychothérapie sowie andere psycho-physiologische und psvchopathologische Forschungen. Berlin; Leipzig, v. 1-10, 1892-1902. 8°. [Continued as: J. f. Psychol. u. Neurol.] Zeitschrift fur Immunitâtsforschung und experimentelle Théra- pie. Jena. Originale, v. 1-24, 1908-15; Referate, v. 1-10, 1909-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur induktive Abstammungs- und Vererbungslehre. Berlin, v. 1-14, 1908-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Infektionskrânkheiten, parasitâre Krankheiten und Hygiène der Haustiere. BerUn. v. 1-16, 1905-15. 8°. Zeitschrift des kôniglichen preussischen statistischen Bureau's. Berlin, v. 12, 1872; v. 19-49, 1879-1909. 4°. Zeitschrift fur kausale Thérapie. Bremerhaven. No. 1, v. 2, 1905. 8°. [Continuation of: Kausale Therap., Hannov.] Zeitschrift fur KinderheUkunde. Hrsg. von H. Finkelstein, [etc.]. Berlin. Originale, v. 1-13, 1910-15; Referate, v. 1-8, 1911-14. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Kinderpflege. Berlin, v. 1-9,1907-14. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Kinderschutz und Jugendfûrsorge. Wien. v. 1-7, 1909-15. fol. Zeitschrift fur klimatische Kurorte und Sanatorien. Munchen. v. 1-3, 1900-1902. fol. Zeitschrift fur kUnische Medicin. BerUn. v. 1-81, 1879-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Kommunal-Hygiene. Berlin, v. 5, 1914. 4°. [Continuation of: Arch. f. Stadthyg. [etc.], BerL] Zeitschrift fur Krankenanstalten. Leipzig, v. 1-10,1905-14. 4°. Zeitschrift fur Krankenpfiege. Berlin, v. 16-35,1894-1913. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Krebsforschung. In Verbindung mit dem Klini- schen Jahrbuch. Jena. v. 1-15, 1903-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Krûppelfiirsorge. Hamburg à Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1908-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Laryngologie, Rhinologie und ihre Grenzgebiete. Wûrzburg. v. 1-7, 1908-14. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir medizinische Elektrologie und Rôntgenkunde Begrûndet als ZeitschrUt fur Elektrotherapie Leipzig, v. 9-13, 1907-11. 8°. [Continuation of: Ztschr. f. Electroth.] Zeitschrift der medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Tokyo. Tokyo. v. 7-13, 1893-9. 8°. [Japanese text. Continuation, in v. 7, 1893, of: Ztschr. d. Tokio med. Gesellsch. Continued as: Mitt. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Tokyo.] [231] Ztschr. f. Med.-Beamte, Berl. Ztschr. f. MUitârârzte, Tokyo. Ztschr. f. Morphol. u. Anthrop., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. Mund- u. Kieferchir., Wiesb. Ztschr. f. Nahrungsmit.-Unter- such. u. Hyg., Wien. Ztschr. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Wien & Berl. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh. [etc.], Tokio. Ztschr. f. Ohrenh., Wiesb. Ztschr. f. ophth. Optik [etc.], Berl. Ztschr. f. orthop. Chir., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. pâdagog. Psychol. [etc.], Berl. Ztschr. f. Pathopsychol., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Pflanzenkr., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. phys. Chemie^ Leipz. Se Berl. Ztschr. f. phys. u. diâtet.Therap., Leipz. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb. Ztschr. f. prakt. Aerzte, Frankf. a. M. Ztschr. f. Psychol. u. Physiol. d. Sinnesorg. Ztschr. f. Psychoth. u. med. Psy- chol., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. ReUgionspsychol. Ztschr. f. Rontgenk. u. Radium- forsch., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Sâuglingsfursorge, Leipz. Ztschr. f. SâugUngsschutz, Berl. Ztschr. f. Samariter- u. Ret- tungsw., Leipz. Zeitschrift fur Medicinalbeamte Berlin, v. 1-28, 1888-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur MUitârârzte Hrsg. vom Sanitâtskorps. Tokyo. Nos. 1-62, 1909-16. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Morphologie und Anthropologie. Stuttgart, v. 1-19, 1899-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Mund- und Kieferchirurgie (einschliessUch Zahn- chirurgie) und Grenzgebiete. Wiesbaden. Nos. 1-2, v. 1, 1914. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Nahrungsmittel-Untersuchung und Hygiène. Wien. v. 1-12, 1887-98. 8°. Zeitschrift fur ôffentliche Gesundheitspflege. Wien & Berlin. v. 1-2, 1913-14. 8°. [Continuation of: Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. Gsndhtspflg.] Zeitschrift fur Ohrenheilkunde sowie fur Kehlkopf-, Nasen,- und Rachen-Krankheiten. Tokio, Japan. v. 1-2, 1895-6. 8°. [Continued as: Dai Nippon Ji-Bi-In-Ko-Kwa-Kwai Kwai He] Zeitschrift fur Ohrenheilkunde. Wiesbaden. v. 8-72, 1879- 1915. 8°. [In 1910, title changed to: Zeitschrift fur Ohren- heilkunde und fur die Krankheiten der Luftwege.] Zeitschrift fur ophthalmologische Optik mit Einschluss der Instrumentenkunde. Hrsg. von R. Greeff, E. H. Oppen- heimer und M. von Rohr. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1913-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur orthopâdische Chirurgie einschliessUch der Heil- gymnastik und Massage. Stuttgart, v. 1-35, 1891-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur piidagogische Psychologie, Pathologie und Hv- giene. Berlin, v. 1-16, 1899-1915. 8°. [Présent^ title is: Zeitschrift fur pâdagogische Psychologie und experimentelle Pâdagogik.] Zeitschrift fur Pathopsychologie. Leipzig, v. 1-3, 1911-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Pflanzenkrankheiten. 1915. 8°. Stuttgart, v. 1-25, 1891- Zeitschrift fur physikalische Chemie, Stôchiometrie und Ver- wandtschaftslehre. Leipzig & Berlin, v. 1-90, 1887-1915. 8°. Zeitschrift fur physikalische und diàtetische Thérapie Leipzig. v. 9-19, 1906-15. 8°. [Continuation of: Ztschr. f. diâtet. u. physik. Therap.] Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie. Strassburg. v. 1-94, 1877-1915. 8°. [After v. 20 under title: Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie] Zeitschrift fur praktische Aerzte. Frankfurt a. M. v. 5-9, 1896-1900. 8°. [Continuation, in 1896, of: Ztschr. f. ârztl. Landpraxis, Frankf. a. M. In 1901 merged in: Deutsche Prax.] Zeitschrift fur Psvchologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane- Hamburg und Leipzig, 1890-97; Leipzig, 1898-1915. v. 1^0> 1890-1906. 1. Abt.: Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, v. 41-72, 1906-15. 2. Abt.: Zeitschrift fur Sinnesorgane, v. 41-48, 1906-14. Ergânzungsband, v. 3-8, 1907-13. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Psychothérapie und medizinische Psychologie. Stuttgart, v. 1-5, 1909-13. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Religionspsychologie, Grenzfragen der Théolo- gie und Medizin. Halle a. S.; Leipzig, v. 1-6, 1907-12. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Rôntgenkunde und Radiumforschung. Leipzig. v. 12-15, 1910-13. 8°. Zeitschrift fur SâugUngsfûrsorge. Leipzig, v. 1-8, 1906-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Sàuglingsschutz. BerUn. v. 1-7, 1909-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Samariter- und Rettungswesen. Zeitung des deut- schen Samariter-Bundes. Leipzig, v. 4-8, 1898-1902; v. 18- 20, 1912-14. fol. [Continuation of: Samariter, Munchen.] [232] Ztschr. f. Schulgsndhtspflg., Hamb. & Leipz. Ztschr. f. Sexualwissensch., Bonn. Ztschr. f. Sexualwissensch., Leipz. Ztschr. f. sociale Med., Leipz. Ztschr. f. soziale Med., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Stadthyg., Berl. Ztschr. f. Tiermed., Jena. Ztschr. f. Tuberk., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Tuberk. u. Heilstât- tenw., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Untersuch. d. Nah- rungs.- u. Genussmittel, Berl. Ztschr. f. Urol., Berl. Se Leipz. Ztschr. f. urol. Chir., Berl. Ztschr. f. Versicherungsmed., Leipz. Ztschr. f. Veterinârk., Berl. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Mikr. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., Leipz. Ztschr.f .Wundarzte u. Geburtsh., FeUbach. Zub. lék., Praha. Zubovrach. Sborn., Mosk. Zubovrach. Vestnik, S.-Peterb. Zeitschrift fur Schulgesundheitspflege v. 1-27, 1888-1914. " 8°. Hamburg A' Leipzig. Zeitschrift fur Sexualwissenschaft. Internationales Zentralblatt fur die Biologie, Psychologie. Pathologie und Soziologie des Sexuallebens. Offizielles Organ der "Aerztlichen Gesellschaft fur Sexualwissenschaft und Eugenik" in Berlin, v. 1-2, 1914-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Sexualwissenschaft. Leipzig, v. 1, 1908. 8°. Zeitschrift fur sociale Medicin. Organ zur Vertretung und Fôr- derung der Gesammt-Interessen des ârztUchen Standes. Leip- zig, v. 1, 1895-6. 8°. Zeitschrift fur soziale Medizin. Medizinalstatistik, Arbeiter- versicherung, soziale Hygiène und die Grenzfragen der Medizin und Volkswirtschaft. Leipzig, v. 1-5, 1906-10. 8°. [Con- tinued as: Arch. f. soz. Hyg. [etc.], Leipz.] Zeitschrift fur Stadthygiene. Organ der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Stadthygiene. Berlin, v. 1, 1909. 8°. [Continued as: Arch. f. Stadthyg. [etc.], BerL] Zeitschrift fur Tiermedicin. Jena. v. 1-18, 1897-1914. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed. with: Oesterr. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Veterinârk.] Zeitschrift fiir Tuberkulose. Leipzig, v. 8-23, 1906-15. 8°. [Continuation of the following:] Zeitschrift fur Tuberculose und Heilstàttenwesen. Leipzig. v. 1-7, 1900-1905. roy. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Zeitschrift fur Untersuchung der Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, sowie der Gebrauchsgegenstânde Berlin, v. 1-29, 1898-1915. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of: Vrtljschr. û. d. Fortschr. a. d. Geb. d. Chem. d. Nahrungs- u. Genussmittel, BerL, with: Forsch.-Ber. û. Lebensmittel, Munchen.] Zeitschrift fur Urologie. Berlin & Leipzig, v. 1-9, 1907-15. 8°. [Formed by consolidation of : Centralbl. f. d. Krankh. d. Harn- u. Sex.-Org., with: Monatsb. f. Urol.] Zeitschrift fur urologische Chirurgie. Berlin, v. 1-3, 1913-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Versicherungsmedizin. Leipzig, v. 2-7, 1909 to 1914-15. 8°. [v. 1. published as a supplément to: Fortschr. d. Med.] Zeitschrift fur Veterinârkunde mit besonderer Berûcksichtigung der Hvgiene. Organ fur die Yeterinàre der Armée. BerUn. v. 1-36,^1889-1914. 8°. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftUche Mikroskopie und fur mikrosko- pische Technik. Braunschweig; Leipzig, v. 1-31, 1884- 1914. 8°. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftUche Zoologie. Leipzig, v. 75-114, 1903-15. 8°. Zeitschrift fur Wundarzte und Geburtshelfer. Im Auftrag des Vereins wûrttembergischer Wundarzte und Geburtshelfer. FeUbach. v. 1-66, 1848-1915. 8°. Zubnî lékafstvî; mësfcnik pro vëdecké a stavovské zâjmy ces- kych zubnich lékafû. Officielni orgân Spolku ceskych zub- nfch lékafû. [Dental Medicine; a monthly of the scientific and practical interests of the Bohemian dental physicians. Officiai organ of the Society of Bohemian Dentists.] Praha. v. 11-12, 1911-12. 8°. Zubovrachebnîy sbornik. [Dental Magazine] 1898-1900. 8°. Zubovraehebnîy Vestnik. [Dental Courier.] S.-Peterburg. v. 1-30, 1885-1914. 8°. Zurich (University of). [See Univ. Zurich. Festgabe.] [233] Zum 60. Geburtst. seiner Ex- zellenz Prof. Otto von Schjer- ning. . . . Festgabe, Berl. Zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. Elektrother. u. Radiol., Leipz. Zwangl. Abhandl. a. d. Geb. d. med. Photog.,Rôntgosk. [etc.], Munchen. Zwei Jahre chir. Tâtigk. . . . Pri- vatkUn.v. A. Krecke, Munchen. Zwnzg. Abhandl. z. Gesch. d. Med. F estschr. . . . Baas, Hamb. & Leipz. Zum 4. Oktober 1913 dem 60. Geburtstage seiner Exzellenz des Generalstabsarztes der Armée und Chefs des Sanitâtskorps Prof. Dr. Otto von Schjerning. Eine wissenschaftUche Festgabe aus den Reihen des Sanitâtsoffizierkorps. Schriftleitung Hermann Schmidt. Berlin, 1913. 8°. Zwanglose Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Elektrotherapie und Radiologie und verwandter DiszipUnen der medizinischen Elektrotechnik. Leipzig. Hft. 1-7, 1904-8. 8°. Zwanglose Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der medizinischen Photographie, Rôntgoskopie, Rôntgographie und der Licht- anwendung. Munchen. v. 8-9, 1901-3. 8°. [Continuation of: Internat, photogr. Monatschr. f. Med. [etc.], Leipz.] Zwei Jahre chirargischer Tâtigkeit 1903 und 1904. Bericht aus der chirurgischen Privatklinik von Albert Krecke. Munchen. lv. [1905.] 8°. Zwei te geburtsh ûlflich-gynâkologische Klinik in Wien. [See Ber. a. d. 2. geburtsh.-gynâkol. KUn. in Wien.] Zwanzig Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Medizin. Festschrift Hermann Baas in Worms zum 70. Geburtstage. Hamburg & Leipzig. 1 v. 1908. 8°. .. FIRST ADDITION TO THE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS of TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS IN THE TWENTY-FIRST VOLUME, SECOND SERIES OF THE INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE UNITED STATES ARMY Published m Volume I, Third Séries WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 I i v -;.:JtL, INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE UNITED STATES ARMY AUTHORS AND SUBJECTS THIRD SERIES VOL. I A-ARMY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1918 War Department, Office of the Surgeon General, Army Médical Muséum and Library, . _. . Washington, August 1, 1918. Maj. Gen. William C. Gorgas, Surgeon General, V. S. Army. General: I hâve the honor to présent herewith the first volume of the Third Séries of the Index-Catalogue of the Library of this Office. This volume includes 3,137 author titles, representing 6,089 volumes and 1,702 pamphlets, and 29,602 titles of articles in periodicals. The Library contains a total of 230,559 volumes bound and unbound, of which 196,243 are bound; and 352,523 pamphlets, in ail 583,082 items (volumes and pamphlets). Exclusive of transactions of societies, the number of current periodicals now on file in the Library is 748. The following table shows the number of titles in the Index-Catalogue, as far as published: AUTHOR TITLES. SUBJECT TITLES. Titles. Volumes. Pamphlets. Book titles. Journal articles. Portraits. 176,364 169,812 3,137 85,663 86,248 6,089 151,504 166,291 1,702 168,557 136,405 4,537 511,112 645,557 29,602 i 335 914 Third Séries, Vol. I............................... 141 349,313 178,000 319,497 309,499 1,186,271 5,390 This volume is the beginning of a new séries, which will, in ail probability, be as extensive as either the first or the second, the total number of volumes to date being 38. On account of the immense number of pamphlet reprints in the Library, which are, in effect, répétitions of articles already indexed in current periodicals, it has been decided to omit thèse pamphlet entries from the bibliographies of books and pamphlets given under the name of each author, for the reason that such reprints, when not representing a complète set of subject titles under an author's name, hâve never been given in the classical bibliographies of medicine and, under présent conditions, would tend to make the amount of printing so extensive as to be impraticable. In order to save space in printing, a number of obvious con- tractions hâve also been employed in the subject bibliographies in small type, e. g., the omission of the titles of certain articles which are either trite or a mère répétition of the title of the whole bibliography. In starting this Third Séries, a few words about the prospects of the Library of the Surgeon General's Office and the status of current periodical literature, seem appropriate. As stated in the letter of transmission prefacing volume twenty-one of the Second Séries of the Index-Catalogue, a card catalogue of the entire collection of books and pamphlets, including ail author titles in the First and Second Séries, has been started and is kept in spécial file cabinets in the Library Hall. This card catalogue, which is especially designed for public service, is now completed as far as the letter "Q," and it is expected that the whole alphabet of titles will be in rv ( ho files by December, 1918. Through the removal of the Civil War pension records of the Adjutant General's Office from the large room undernoath the Library Hall, it is believed that sufficient space will be secured for the expansion of the Library and the public use of matcrial, not before accessible on account of the contracted space in which our books and pamphlets hâve had to be kept to date. This might also be insured by the possibility of a new building for the collections in the Army Médical Muséum. If the latter alternative is not possible, the large room above mentioned may be utilized as an additional Library Hall, to contain ail the peri- odicals, bound and unbound, and to be used as a reading room for the gênerai médical public, entering the building on the same floor. The removal of thèse periodicals from the book stacks in the Hall on the second floor will give abundant additional space for the rearrangement and reclassification of the remaining books in thèse stacks and shelf room for new accessions for many years to corne. Thus a better tactical arrangement of books for public service will be estabhshed on both floors. . The collection of public documents, especially those touching ail phases ol public hygiène, has been carefully overhauled and the separate items reclassified and rearranged. This valuable material is now readily accessible for public use. The coUection of médical incunabula (fifteenth century books) has been carefuUy segregated from ail parts of the book stacks, now numbers 240 volumes and is thus accessible to students of médical history. A spécial catalogue of the same has been printed (Annals of Médical History, N. Y., 1917-18, i, 301-315). Our unique collection of portraits of médical celebrities is in process of mountmg and will be placed in spécial portfolios. Our valuable collection of médical autographs has been very materially increased by donations from Dr. A. Jacobi (New York), and will be ultimately mounted in portfolios. Our appropriation for purchasing médical literature has been doubled by Congress for the présent fiscal year (1918- 19). This places the Library in position to purchase a large amount of European médical literature which has been inaccessible to date, by reason of war conditions. The German médical literature has not been fully accessible since the beginning of 1915; only the French médical periodicals hâve been obtainable, on account of the limited édition of books and pamphlets published, and the risk of transmitting copies of thèse overseas; very little of the Slavic and Scandinavian médical litera- ture has been obtainable since the end of 1914. The médical literature of France and England has fallen off very considerably in quantity and that of Belgium is practically extinct. During the présent year, an attempt will be made to secure any récent European literature which is not now in the Library but is otherwise obtainable directly by purchase. Champe C. McCulloch, Jr., Colonel, Médical Corps, U. S. A., Librarian, S. G. O. FIRST ADDITION TO THE ALPHABETICAL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES OF MEDICAL PERIODICALS PUBLISHED IN THE TWENTY-FIRST VOLUME SECOND SERIES OF THE INDEX-CATALOGUE 6^°For explanations, see the Alphabetical List of Abbreviations of Titles, etc., in Vol. XXI, 2. s. A. Actas, memorias y comunicaciones de la tercera asamblea régional de médicos y farmacéuticos de Filipinas (celebrada en Manila del7allldefebrerodel916). Manila. 1917. 8°. Alienists and Neurologists of America. [See Proc. Alienists & Neurol. Am., Chicago.] Alumni Fédération of Columbia University. [See Columbia Alumni News. Also: Columbia Univ. Quart., N. Y.] American Anthropological Association. [-See-Mem. Am. Anthrop. Ass., Lancaster, Pa.] American Association of Instructors of the Blind. [See Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. Blind, Berkeley, Cal.] American Association for Promoting Hygiène and Public Baths. [See Proc. Am. Ass. Promot. Hyg. [etc.], Balt.] American (The) Atlas of Stereorœntgenology. Troy, N. Y. v. 1-2, 1916-17. 8°. American Breeders Magazine. Published by the American Breeders Association. [Quarterly.] Washington, D. C. v. 1-4,1910-13. 8°. fContinued as J. Hered., Wash.] American Collège of Surgeons. [See Bull. Am. Coll. Surg., Chicago.] American Dental Journal. Progressive course of practical in- struction. Chicago, v. 1-7, 1902-8. 8°. American Genetic Association. [See J. Hered., Wash.] American Instructors of the Deaf. [See Proc. Conv. Am. Instr. Deaf, Wash.] American Journal oï Physical Anthropology; published quar- terly. Washington, D. C. v. 1, 1918. 8°. American (The) Journal of Syphilis. A quarterly journal devoted to the study and prévention of syphilis. St. Louis, v. 1-2, 1917-18. 86. [1] Actas, mem. y comun. de la 3. Asambl. reg. de med. y farm. de Filipinas, Manila. Am. Atlas Stereorœntgenol., Troy, N. Y. Am. Breeders Mag., Wash. Am. Dent. J., Chicago. Am. J. Phys. Anthrop., Wash. Am. J. Syph., St. Louis. m Am. Rev. Tubere, Balt. Am. Year-Book Anesth., N. Y. An. d. Inst. mod. de clin, méd., Buenos Aires. An. scient, da Fac. de med. do Porto. An. d. zool., Santiago de Chile. Ann. Med. Hist., N. Y. Ann. paulist. de med. e cirurg., S. Paulo. Arch. di. chim. farmacog. [etc.], Borna. Art Se Archœol., Wash. Atlanta Dent. J. Atti d. Cong. internaz. di terap. fis., Borna. Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di la- ringol. [etc.]. Atti d. fond. se. Cagnola, Milano. Atti d. lab. scient. A. Mosso [etc.], Torino. Atti... r. Ist. Lomb. di se. e lett. Australas. Nurses' J., Sydney. American Médical Association. [See Tr. Sect. Genito-l'rin. Dis. Am. M. Ass., Chicago.] American Review of Tuberculosis. Journal of the National Asso- ciation for the Study and Prévention of Tuberculosis. Balti- more, v. 1, 1917-18. 8°. American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. [See J. Am. Soc. Heat. & Ventil. Engin., N. Y.] American Society of Tropical Medicine. [See Tr. Am. Soc. Trop. Med., N. Orl.] American Teachers of the Diseases of Children. [See Tr. Ass. Am. Teachers Dis. Child., N. Y.] American (The) Year-Book of Anesthesia and Analgesia. New York. v. 1, 1916. 4°. Anales del Instituto modelo de clinica médica. (Anexado â la Facultad de ciencias médicas.) Buenos Aires, v. 1, 1914. 8° Anais scientificos da Faculdade de medicina do Porto. Porto. v. 2-3,1915-16. 8°. Anales de zoologfa aplicada (agricola, médica, veterinaria). San- tiago de Chile, v. 1, 1914. 8°. Annals of Médical History. [Quarterly.] New York. v. 1, 1917- 18. 4°. Annaes paulistas de medicina e cirurgia. Sâo Paulo. v. 6-9, 1916-18. 8°. Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie. [See Schweiz. Arch. f. Neurol. u. Psychiat., Zurich.] Archivio di chimica, farmacognosia e scienze afiini. Roma. v. 7, 1918. 8°. [Continuation of : Arch. di farmacog. [etc.].] Archivio svizzero di neurologia e psichiatria. [See Schweiz. Arch. f. Neurol. u. Psychiat., Zurich.] Art and Archseology. Washington, v. 5-7, 1917-18. 4°. Asamblea régional de médicos y farmacéuticos de Filipinas. [See Actas, mem. y comun. de la 3. Asambl. reg. de med. y farm. de Filipinas.] Association of American Médical Collèges. [See Proc. Ass. Am. M. Coll.] Association of American Teachers of the Diseases of Children. [See Tr. Ass. Am. Teachers Dis. Child., N. Y.] Association of Military Dental Surgeons of the United States. [See J. Ass. Mil. Dental Surg., San Fran.] Association for the Study of the Internai Sécrétions. [See Endo- crinology, Glendale, Cal.] Atlanta Dental Journal. A quarterly journal devoted to the science of dentistry. Atlanta, Ga. v. 1, 1894. 8°. Atti del ii. Congresso internazionale di terapia fisica, 1907. Roma. 1 v. 1908. 8°. Atti del Congresso délia Società italiana di laringologia, d'otologia edi rinologia. Pavia; Siena; Venezia. v. 1-16,1892-1913. 8°. Atti délia fondazione scientifica Cagnola dalla sua istituzione in Poi, ehe abbraccia gli anni 1908-12. Milano. v. 23, 1913. 8°. [Continuation of : Atti . . . r. Ist. Lomb. di se. e lett.] Atti dei laboratorii scientifici "A. Mosso" sul Monte Rosa délia r. Univeisità di Torino. Torino. v. 3-4, 1912-14. 8°. Atti délia fondazione scientifica Cagnola. Reale Istituto Lom- barde di scienze e lettere. Milano. v. 3-22, 1860-1911. 8°. [Continued as: Attid. fond. se. Cagnola.] Australasian Nurses' Journal. Sydney, v. 13-16, 1915-18. 8°. [3] B. Biol. Lect. Wood's Holl, Bost. Bol. d. Cons. nac. de hig. Boll. d. Ist. sieroterap. milanese. Brit. J. Ophth., Lond. Budapesti K, Orvosegy. Êv- kony. Budapesti K. Orvosegy. értes. Bull. Am. Coll. Surg. Bull. Bd. Health Rhode Island, Providence. Bull. biol. de la France et de la Belgique, Par. i Bull. Cumberland Valley M. Ass. Bull. Dep. Pub. Char., N. Y. Bull. JohnRylands Libr., Lond. Bull. Mass. Comm. Ment. Dis., Bost. Bull, et mém. Soc. de méd. de Par. Bull. Nav. M. Ass. Japan, Tokyo. Bull. Oklahoma Dent. Soc, Frederick. Bull. d. schweiz. Gsndhtsamtes. Bull. Soc. zool. de France. Bull. State Bd. Health Ken- tucky, Bowling Green. Bull. Univ. Maryland School Med., Balt. [See Papers Bibliog. Soc. Bibliographical Society of America. America, Chicago.] Biological lectures delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory of Wood's Holl. Boston. 5 v. (1894-9). 1896-1900. 8°. Boletîn del Consejo nacional de higiene. Montevideo, v. 11-12, 1917-18. 8°. Bolletino dell' Istituto sieroterapico milanese. Parte sperimen- tale délia rivista "Terapia." Milano. v. 1, 1917. 8°. British Academy. [See Proc. Brit. Acad., Lond.] British (The) Journal of Ophthalmology, incorporating the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, the Ophtnalmic Re- view, and the Ophthalmoscope. London. v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. Budapesti (A) Kir. Orvosegyesûlet. Évkônye. [Budapest Royal Médical Society. Annual reports.] Budapest. 3 v. 1906-9. 8 . Budapesti (A) Kir. Orvosegyesûlet értesitôje. [Proceedings of the Budapest Royal Médical Society.] Budapest, v. 1, 1912. 8°. Bulletin American Collège of Surgeons. Published by American Collège of Surgeons. Chicago, v. 3, 1917. 8°. Bulletin of the State Board of Health of Rhode Island. Provi- dence, v. 4, 1918. 8°. Bulletin biologique de la France et de la Belgique. Fondé par Alfred Giard. Paris, v. 51, 1897. 8°. [Continuation of : Bull. scient, de la France et de la Belgique.] Bulletin of the Cumberland Valley Médical Association. Scot- land, Pa. v. 13, 1917. 16°. Bulletin (The) of the Department of Public Charities. Editorial Office, Department of Public Charities, Municipal Building, New York Citv. New York. v. 1, 1916. 8°. [Continued as: Hosp. Bull. Dep. Pub. Char., N. Y.] Bulletin of the John Rylands Library, Manchester. London. v. 2-4, 1915-17. 8°. Bulletin of the Massachusetts Commission on Mental Diseases. Boston, v. 1, 1917-18. 8°. Bulletins et mémoires de la Société de médecine de Paris, . . . (Société de médecine de Paris, médico-chirurgicale et de méde- cine et chirurgie pratique réunies). Paris, v. 1, 1913. 8°. Bulletin of the Naval Médical Association of Japan. Office: The Naval Médical Association, Navy Department, Tokyo. Tokyo. Nos. 12-13, 1915-16. 8°. Bulletin of the Oklahoma State Dental Society. [Quarterly.] Frederick, v. 7-8, 1917-18. 8°. Bulletin des schweizerischen Gesundheitsamtes. Bern. 2 v. 1917-18. 8°. Bulletin de la Société zoologique de France; reconnue d'utilité publique. Paris, v. 41, 1916. 8°. Bulletin of the State Board of Health of Kentucky. Bowling Green. v. 6, 1916. 8°. Bulletin of the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Collège of Physicians and Surgeons. Successor to the Hospital Bulletin of the University of Maryland, Baltimore Médical Collège News, and the Journal of the Alumni Association of the Collège of Physicians and Surgeons. Baltimore, v. 1-3, 1916-18. 8°. [4] c. Case & Comment, Rochester, N. Y. Chir. d. org. di movimento, Bo- logna. Clin. p. tutti, Roma. Coll. Stud. Bur. Laborat., Dep. Health, N. Y. Columbia Alumni News, N. Y. Columbia Univ. Quart., N. Y. Com. Relief Belg. Rep., Lond. Compt.-rend. confér. chir. inter- alliée p. l'étude d. plaies de guerre, Par. Confér. interalliée p. l'étude de larééduc. profess. Rapp.,Par. Confer. Soc. sud-am. de hig. [etc.]. Cong. internat, de path. comp., Par. Contrib. Embryol. (Carnegie Inst.), Wash. California State Dental Association. [See J. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran.] Carnegie Institution of Washington. [See Contrib. Embryol. (Carnegie Inst.). Also: Papers Dep. Marine Biol. Carnegie Inst. Wash.] Case and Comment. The Lawyer's Magazine. Rochester, N.Y. v. 22, 1916. 8°. Cayuga County Médical Society. [See Tr. M. Soc. County Cayuga, Auburn.] Chicago Society of Internai Medicine. [See Tr. Chicago Soc. Int. Med.] Chicago Urological Society. [See Tr. Urol. Soc. Chicago.] Chirurgia (La) degli organi di movimento. Bologna. v. 1, 1917. 8°. Clinica (La) per tutti; rivista mensile di medicina moderna. Roma, v. 1, 1917. 8°. CoUected Studies from the Bureau of Laboratories, Department of Health, City of New York. 1914-15. New York. v. 8, 1916. 8°. Columbia Alumni News, New York. Published weekly during the collège year, by the Alumni Fédération of Columbia Univer- sity. New York. v. 8-9, 1916-18. 4°. Columbia University. [See Columbia Alumni News. Also: Co- lumbia Univ. Quart. Also: Neurol. Bull., N. Y.] Columbia University Quarterly; published by the Alumni Fédér- ation of Columbia University. New York. v. 22,1918. 8°. Commission (The) for Relief in Belgium. Nov. 1, 1914, to Oct. 31, 1915. London. First annual report, 1916. 4°. Comptes-rendus de la conférence chirurgicale interalliée pour l'étude des plaies de guerre. Paris. 1918. 8°. [Also in: Arch. de méd. et pharm. mil., Par., 1917, lxviii.] Conférence chirurgicale interalliée pour l'étude des plaies de guerre. [See Compt.-rend. confér. chir. interalliée p. l'étude d. plaies de guerre, Par.] Conférence of Industrial Physicians and Surgeons. [See Proc. Conf. Indust. Phys. & Surg., Athens, Pa.] Conférence interalliée pour l'étude de la rééducation profession- nelle et des questions qui intéressent les invalides de la guerre. Du 8 au 12 mai 1917, Grand Palais, Paris. Rapports. Paris. lv. 1917. 8°. Conferencia de la Sociedad sud-americana de higiene, microbio- logia y patologfa, Buenos Aires, 17-24 de septiembre de 1916. Buenos Aires, v. 1, 1917. 8°. Congrès (Premier) international de pathologie comparée, organisé par la Société de pathologie comparée, 17-23 octobre 1912. Paris. 3v. 1912-14. 8°. Congresso internazionale di terapia fisica. internaz. di terap fis., Roma.] [See Atti d. Cong. Congresso délia Società italiana di laringologia, d'otologia e di rinologia. [See Atti d. Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.].] Consejo nacional de higiene. Montevideo. [See Bol. d. Cons. nac. de hig.] Contributions to embryologv. Publications of the Carnegie In- stitution of Washington. Washington. Nos. 1-14, 1915-16. 8°. Cumberland Valley Médical Association. [See Bull. Cumberland Valley M. Ass., Scotland, Pa.] [5] Dementia Prœcox Stud., Chi- cago. Dental Era, St. Louis. Eco cient., Ciego de Avila. Endocrinology, Glendale, Cal. Engl. - speaking Confer. Inf. Mortal. Proc. Escuela méd.-mil., Mexico. D. Dementia Prœcox Studies. Edited by Bayard Holmes. terly.] Chicago, v. 1, 1918. 8°. Dental (The) Era. St. Louis, v. 8, 1909. 8°. [Quar- E. Eco (El) cientffico; revista mensual de medicina, cirugfa y cien- cias fi'sico-qufmicas. Ciego de Avila, Cuba. v. 1, 1917. 8°. Endocrinology: The Bulletin of the Association for the Study of the Internai Sécrétions. Glendale, Cal. v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. English-speaking Conférence on Infant MortaUty. Report of the proceedings of the English-speaking Conférence on Infant Mor- taUty, held at Caxton Hall, Westminster, on August 4 and 5, 1913. London. 1 v. 1913. 12°. [Continuation of: Nat. Confer. Inf. Mortal. Proc] Escuela (La) médico-militar; revista mensual de ciencia y arte. Organo de la Sociedad de alumnos de la escuela constituciona- lista médico-militar. Mexico, v. 1, 1917. 4°. F. Faculdade de medicina do Porto. med. do Porto.] Fédération of State Médical Boards. State Med. Bds. U. S.] Fondazione scientifica Cagnola. [See Atti d. fond, se Cagnola Also: Atti . . . r. Ist. Lomb. di se e lett.] [See An.* scient, da Fac. de [See Month. Bull. Fed. G. Gann. Japan. Ztschr. f. Krebs- f or sch., Tokyo. Grâce Hosp. Bull., Détroit. Gann. Japanische Zeitschrift fur Krebsforschung. Tokyo, v. 9, 1917. 8°. Grâce (The) Hospital Bulletin. [Quarterly.] Détroit, Mich. v. 1-2, 1916-18. 8°. H. Handb. Med. Treat. [Da Costa], Phila. Harper Hosp. Bull. Holmes Anniv. Vol. Anthrop. Essays, Wash. Hosp. Bull. Dep. Pub. Char., N.Y. Handbook of Médical Treatment. Edited by John C. Da Costa, with the active co-operation of fifteen associate editors, in two volumes. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1918. 8°. Harper Hospital Bulletin. [Quarterly.] Détroit, Mich. v. 1, 1917. 8°. Holmes Anniversary Volume. Anthropological Essays. Pre- sented to William Henry Holmes in honor of his seventieth birthday, December 1, 1916, by bis friends and colaborers. Washington. 1 v. 1916. roy. 8°. The Hospital Bulletin of the Department of Public Charities. [Quarterly.] New York City. v. 1, 1917. 8°. [Continuation of: Bull. Dep. Pub. Char., N. Y.] [fi] I. Illinois Health News, Spring- field. Information, Kent, O. Diternat. Ass. M. Mus. Bull. Internat. Cong. Arts Se Se, Lond. & N. Y. Diternat. Cong. School Hyg. Tr. Iowa Bd. Health. Bull., Des Moines. Illinois Health News. Illinois State Board of Health, officiai monthly bulletin. Springfield. v. 2-3, 1916-17. 8°. Information. For patient and dent ist, a magazine for the récep- tion room table. [Monthly.] Kent, O. v. 2, 1899. 4°. Institute of Medicine of Chicago. [See Proc. Inst. Med. Chicago.] Instituto modelo de clinica médica. [See An. d. Inst. mod. de clin, méd., Buenos Aires.] International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Com- missions. [See Proc Conf. Soc Insurance, Wash. Also: Proc. Internat. Ass. Indust. Accid. Bds., Wash.] International (The) Association of Médical Muséums. Bulletin. Washington, D. C." Ann Arbor, Mich. Nos. 1-7, 1907-17. S". International Congress of Arts and Science; edited by Howard J. Rogers. London and New York. 15 v. 1906-8. 8°. International (Fourth) Congress of School Ilvgicne, Buffalo, N. V., August 25-30, 1913. Transactions. Buffalo. 5 v. 1914. 8°. Iowa State Board of Health. Bulletin. Guilford II. Sumner, editor. [Quarterly.] Des Moines, v. 2, 1917. 8° Iowa State Collège of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. [See Rep. Praet. Short Course Vet. Med., Ames, Iowa.l Istituto sieroterapia milanese] milanese. [See Boll. d. Ist. sieroterap. J. J. Am. Folk-Lore, N. Y. J. Am. Soc. Heat. & Ventil. Engin., N. Y. J. Anat., Lond. J. Applied Psychol., Worcester. J. Ass. Mil. Dental Surg., San Fran. J. Calif. Dent. Ass., San Fran. J. Educ. Psychol., Balt. J. Hered., Wash. J. Urol., Balt. Japanische pathologische Gesellschaft. [See Verhandl. d. japan. path. Gesellsch., Tokio.] Japanische Zeitschrift fur Krebsforschung. [See Gann. Japan. Ztschr. f. Krebsforsch., Tokyo.] John Rylands Library. [See Bull. John Rylands Libr.] Journal of American Folk-Lore. Lancaster, Pa., & New York. v. 30-31, 1917-18. 8°. Journal (The) ol the American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers. New York. v. 23-24, 1917-18. 8°. Journal of Anatomy (originally The Journal of Anatomy and Physiology). London. v. 51-52, 1917-18. 8°. Journal of Applied Psychology. Worcester, Mass. v. 1-2,1917-18. 8°. Journal of the Association of Military Dental Surgeons of the United States. San Francisco, v. l-23 1917-18. 8°. Journal (The) of the California State Dental Association. Pub- lished monthly under the auspices of the California State Dental Association. San Francisco, v. 2-3, 1917-18. 8°. Journal (The) of Educational Psychology, including expérimental pedagogy, child physiology and hvgiene, and educational sta- tistics. Baltimore, v. 1-9, 1910-18. 8°. Journal (The) of Heredity. A monthly publication devoted to plant breeding, animal breeding and eugenics. Organ of the American Genetic Association. Washington, 1). C. v 5-9 1914-18. 8°. [Continuation of : Am. Breeders Mai;.] Journal (The) of Urology, Expérimental, Médical, Surgical. Baltimore, v. 1, 1917. 8°. m K. Kitasato Arch. Exper. Med., Tokio. Kentucky. State Board of Health. [See Bull. State Bd. Health Kentucky, Bowling Green.] Kitasato Archives of Expérimental Medicine, Tokio. v. 1, 1917. 8°. L. Lunds lâk.-sâllsk. forh., Stock- holm. Lunds làkaresallskaps fôrhandlingar 1914-15. Stockholm. 1915. M. Malat. d. cuore, Roma. Med. Bull., Par. Med. e chir. d. med. prat., Na- poU. Med. CUn. N. Am., Phila. Med. Critic & Guide, N. Y. Med. Lisur. & Health Conserv., DaUas. Med. prat., Napoli. Méd. prat., Par. Med. Rev., Bergen. Med. & Surg., St. Louis. Mededeel. v. d. burgerl. ge- neesk. dienst in Nederl.-Indië, Batavia. Mem. Am. Anthrop. Ass., Lan- caster, Pa. Ment. Hyg., Concord, N. H. Mil. Hist. & Econ., Cambridge. Maatschappij voor diergeneeskunde in Nederland. [See Tijd- schr. v. diergeneesk., Utrecht.] Malattie (Le) del cuore. Direttore: Prof. Filiberto Mariani. [Monthly.] Roma. v. 1-2, 1916-18. 8° Marine Biological Laboratory. Wood's Holl. [See Biol. Lect. Woods' Holl, Bost.] Massachusetts Commission on Mental Diseases. [See Bull. Mass. Comm. Ment. Dis., Bost.] Médical Association of the Isthmian Canal Zone. [See Proc. M. Ass. Isthmian Canal Zone, Mount Hope.] Médical (The) Bulletin, a review of war medicine, surgery, and hygiène. Published by the American Red Cross Society. Paris, v. 1, 1917-18. 8°. Medicina e chirurgia del médico pratico. Napoli. v. 1-2,1917-18. 8°. Médical Clinics of North America. Philadelphia. v. 1, 1917-18. 8°. Médical (The) Critic and Guide. New York. v. 19-21, 1916-18. 8°. [Continuation of: Med.-Pharm. Critic] Médical Insurance and Health Conservation. M. M. Smith, man- aging editor. Dallas, v. 26-27,1916-18. 8°. [Continuation of : Texas M. News.] Médical Society of the County of Cayuga. [See Tr. M. Soc. County Cayuga, Auburn.] Medicina (La) pratica; giornale di clinica e terapia. Napoli. v. 1, 3, 1916-18. 8°. Médecine (La) pratique; journal international de clinique et de thérapeutique. Paris. No. 1, v. 23, 1916. 8°. Medicinsk Revue. Utgit av det Medicinske Selskap i Bergen. Bergen, v. 33-34, 1916-17. 8°. Medicine and Surgery. St. Louis, v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. Mededeelingen van den burgerlijken geneeskundigen dienst in Nederlandsche-Indië. Batavia, v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. . Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, Lancaster, Pa. v. 4-5, 1917-18. 8° [Continuation of : Mem. Am. Anthrop. & Ethnol. Soc] Mental Hygiène. Published quarterly by the National Committee for Mental Hygiène. Concord, N. U. v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. Michigan Academy of Science. [See Rep. Mich..Acad. Se, Lan- sing.] Militarv (The) Historian and Economist. Cambridge, Mass. v. 2, 19Î7. 8°. [8] Mil. Hosp. Comm. BuU., Ottawa. MU.-ârztl. Sachverst.-Tâtigk. Jena. Minnesota Med., St. Paul. MisceUany . . . J. M. Mackay, Liverp. Se Lond. Mississippi VaUey M. J., Louis- vUle. Month. BuU. Dep. Pub. Health Se Char. Phila. Month. Bull. Fed. State Med. Bds. U. S., Chicago. Military Hospitals Commission Bulletin. Ottawa. Nos. 1-3, 1916-17; Spécial Bulletin, April, 1916. 4°. Militararztliche (Die) Sachverstandigentàtigkeit auf dem Gebiete des Ersatzwesens und der militarischen Versorgung. Hrsg. vom Zentralkomittee fur das àrztliche Fortbildungswcsen in Preus- sen. Jena. 1 v., 1917. 8°. Minnesota Medicine. Journal of the Minnesota State Médical Association. St. Paul. v. 1, 1918. 8°. [Continuation of: J. Minn. M. Ass.] Minnesota State Médical Association. [See Minnesota Med., St. Paul.] MisceUany (A), presented to John Macdonald Mackay, LL. D., July, 1914. Liverpool and London. 1 v. 1914. 8°. Mississippi Valley Médical Journal. Journal of the Mississippi Valley Médical Association. Louisville. v. 24-25, 1917-18. [See Mississippi Valley Mississippi Valley Médical Association. M. J., Louisville] Monthly bulletin of the Department of Public Health and Chari- ties of the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. v. 1,1916. 8°. Monthly Bulletin; published monthly by the Fédération of State Médical Boards ofthe United States. Chicago, v. 4,1918. 8°. N. Nat. Eclect. M. Ass. Quart., Cincin. Nat. M. J. China, Shanghai. Nat. Serv., Garden City, N. Y. Nebraska Dent. J., Lincoln. Nebraska M. J. Neurol. BuU., N- Y. National Association for the Study and Prévention of Tuberculo- sis. [See Am. Rev. Tubere, Balt.] National Committee for Mental Hygiène. [See Ment. Hyg., N. Y.] National Conférence of Social Work. [See Proc. Nat. Conf. Social Work, Chicago.] National (The) Eclectic Médical Association Quarterly. Cincin- nati, v. 7-9, 1916-18. 8°. National League of Nursing Education. [See Proc. Nat. League Nurs. Edue, Balt.] National (The) Médical Journal of China. Shanghai, v. 1-3, 1915-17. 8°. National Service. Garden City, N. Y. v. 1-3, 1917-18. 8°. National Society for Promotion of Occupational Therapy. [See Proc. Nat. Soc. Promot. Occup. Therap., Towson, Md.] Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein fur Schleswig-Holstein. [See Schrift. d. naturw. Ver. f. Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel.] Naval Médical Association of Japan. [See Bull. Nav. M. Ass. Japan.] Nebraska Dental Journal. Lincoln, v. 5, 1917. 8°. Nebraska State Médical Journal. Omaha; Norfolk, Nebr. v. 1-3, 1916-18. 8°. Neurological Bulletin. Clinical Studies of Nervous and Mental Diseases in the Neurological Department of Columbia Univer- sity. New York. v. 1, 1918. 8°. New Jersey. Department of Health. [See Pub. Health News, Trenton.] New York. State Hospital Commission. [See State Hosp. Q., Utica.] New York City. Department of Health. [See Coll. Stud. Bur. Lab. Dep. Health. Also: Weekly Bull. Dep. Health N. Y.] New York City. Department of Public Charities. [See Bull. Dep. Pub. Char. Also: Hosp. Bull. Dep. Pub. Char., N. Y. [9] Nipiologia, NapoU. Northwest. Dent. J., Chicago. Nipiologia (La); rivista trimestrale di tutti gli studi scientifici sulla prima età con spéciale riguardo alla igiene deUa prima infanzia. NapcU. v. 1, 1-4, 1915-18. 8°. Northwestern Dental Journal; devoted to the interests of our Alumni Association and the dental profession. Chicago, v. 1-11,1903-16. 8°. O. Odontologia, Madrid. Oral Hyg., Pittsb. Odontologia (La). Redactor: Enrique Marquez Caro. Madrid. v. 26, 1917. 8°. Oklahoma State Dental Society. [See Bull. Oklahoma Dent. Soc, Frederick.] Oral Hygiène. A journal for dentists. Pittsburgh. v. 2, 1912. 12°. P. Papers Bibliog. Soc. America, Chicago. Papers Dep. Marine Biol. Car- negie Inst., Wash. Pedag. Seminary, Worcester. Pediatria espan., Madrid. Penn. Dent. J., Phila. Penn. Dent. Times, Phila. Phys.-Clin. Med., San Fran. Phys. Training, N. Y. Prensa méd., Habana. Proc. AUenists & Neurol. Am., Chicago. Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. BUnd., Berkeley, Cal. Proc. Am. Ass. Promot. Hyg. [etc.], Balt. Proc. Ass. Am. M. CoU. Proc. Brit. Acad., Lond. Pan American Scientific Congress. [See Proc. Pan Am. Scient. Cong., Wash.] Papers (The) of the Bibliographical Society of America. Chicago. v. 10-1L. 1916-17. 8°. Papers from the Department of Marine Biology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. Washington, v. 12, 1918. 8°. Pedagogical (The) Seminary, an international record of educa- tional literature, institutions and progress. Worcester, Mass. v. 1-23, 1891-1916. 8°. Pediatria (La) espanola; revista mensual de higiene, medicina y cirugia infantil. Madrid, v. 5-7, 1916-18. 8°. Penn (The) Dental Journal. Published by the undergraduates of the Department of Dentistry, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. v. 13, 1910. 8°. Pennsylvania (The) Dental Times. Supplément. Golden anni- versary souvenir. Published by the Faculty of the Pennsyl- vania Collège of Dental Surgery in the interest of the students and alumni. Philadelphia. v. 5, 1906. 8°. Peter Bent Brigham Hospital. [See Rep. Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Cambridge.] Physico-Clinical Medicine. A quarterly journal devoted to the study of the electronic reactions of Abrams and the viscéral réflexes of Abrams. San Francisco, v. 2-3, 1917-18. 8°. Physical Training, published by the Physical Directors' Society of the Young Men's Christian Association of North America. New York. v. 13-15, 1916-18. 8°. Prensa (La) médica; revista mensual de medicina y cirugia. Habana. v. 9, 1918. 4°. Proceedings of sixth annual meeting Alienists and Neurologists of America. Chicago. 1 v. 1917. 8°. Proceedings of the American Association of Instructors of the Blind. Berkeley, Cal. v. 22, 1915. 8°. Proceedings of the American Association for Promoting Hygiène and Public Baths. Baltimore, v. 5, 1916. 8°. Proceedings of the Association of American Médical Collèges, at their twenty-seventh annual meeting, held at Chicago, February 6, 1917. [Chicago.] 1 v. 1917. 8°. Proceedings of the British Academy, London, 1903-4 to 1909-10. London. 4 v. 1904-10. 8°. [10] Proc. Class Study Entomol. Dis. [etc.], Wash. Proc. Conf. Lndust. Phys. & Surg., Athens. Pa. Proc. Conf. Soc. Disurance, Wash. Proc. Conv. Am. Instr. Deaf, Wash., D. C. Proc. Inst. Med. Chicago. Proc. Diternat. Ass. Didust. Ac- cid. Bds., Wash. Proc. M. Ass. Isthmian Canal Zone, Mount Hope. Proc. Nat. Conf. Social Work, Chicago. Proc. Nat. League Nurs. Edue, Balt. Proc. Nat. Soc. Promot. Occup. Therap., Towson, Md. Proc. Pan Am. Scient. Cong., Wash. Proc. Roy. Dist. Gr. Brit., Lond. Proc. Wash. Univ. M. Soc, St. Louis. Profess. Mem. Corps Engin. U. S. Army, Wash. Psikho-Nevrol. Vestnik, Mosk. Psychobiology, Balt. Pub. Health News, Trenton. Pub. Red Cross Inst. Crippled [etc.], N. Y. Proceedings of the class formed to study the entomology of disoase, hygiène and sanitation, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology. Washington. 1918. [TypewrittcnMS*] Proceedings of the conférence of Industrial Physicians [and Sur- geons] held at Harrisburg, (1916-18). Athens. v. 1-2, 4 6, 1916-18. 4°. Proceedings of the Conférence on Social Insurance called by the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions; Washington, D. C, December 5 to 9, 1!) 16. Wash- ington, lv. 1917. 8°. Proceedings of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, held at Hartford, Conn.. June 29th to July 4, 1917. Wash- ington. 1 v. 1918. 8°. Proceedings of the Institute of Medicine of Chicago. Chicago. v. 2, 1918. 8°. Proceedings of the third annual meeting of the International Asso- ciation of Industrial Accident Boards and Commissions, held at Columbus, Ohio April 25-28, 1916. Washington. 1 v. 1917. 8°. Proceedings of the Médical Association of the Isthmian Canal Zone. Mount Hope, C. Z. v. 9, 1917. 8°. [Continuation of: Proc. Canal Zone M. Ass.] Proceedings of the National Conférence of Social Workers; at the fortv-fourth annual session held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, June 6-13, 1917. Chicago, v. 44, 1917. 8°. Broceedings of the National League of Nursing Education; 21st annual convention, held at San Francisco, Cal., June 21 to 25, 1915. Baltimore. 1 v. 1915. 8°. Proceedings of first annual meeting of National Society for Pro- motion of Occupational Therapy, held at New York, Sept. 3, J918. Towson, Md. v. 1, 1918. 8°. Proceedings of the Second Pan American Scientific Congress. Washington, D. C, 1917. 8°. Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. London. v. 19-21, 1908-17. 8°. [Continuation of: Notices Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit.] Proceedings of Washington University Médical Society, forty- eighth meeting, Feb. 11, 1918. St. Louis, v. 48. 1918. 4°. Professional Memoirs. Corps of Engineers, United States Army and Engineer Department at Large. Published bimonthly at the Engineer School, Washington Barracks, D. C. Washington. v. 10, 1918. 8°. Psikho-Nevrologicheskiy Vestnik; zhurnal psikhiatrii, nevrologii, eksperimentalnoï psikhologii, obshtshestvennoï i kriminalnoï psikhopatologii. [Psycho-Neurological Messenger; journal of psychiatry, neurology, expérimental psychology, public and criminal psyhopathology.] Moskva. 1917. 8°. Psychobiology. A journal devoted to the field common to psy- chology and the biological sciences. Baltimore, v. 1, 1917. 8°. PubUc Health News. A bulletin published monthly by the De- partment of Health of the State of New Jersey. Trenton, N. J. v. 1-2, 1916-17. 8°. Publications of the Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. New York. Ser. 1, Nos. 1-16; Ser. 2, Nos. 1-2, 1918. 4°. Q. Quaderni di med. leg., Milano. Quaderni di medicina légale. Revista mensile. Milano. v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. [11] B. Reforma méd., Lima. Rep. Mich. Acad. Se, Lansing. Rep. Peter Bent Brigham Hosp., Cambridge. Rep. Pract. Short Course Vet. Med., Ames, Iowa. Restauration maxUlo-fac.,Par. Rev. amer, de farm. [etc.], N. Y. Rev. gén de path. de guerre, Par. Rev. interaUiée . . . intéressant les mutilés de la guerre, Par. Rhode Island M. J., Provi- dence. R. corpo di truppe coloniali dell' Eritrea. [See Studi di med. trop., Bergamo.] Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men. [See Pub. Red Cross Inst. Crippled [etc.], N. Y.] Reforma (La) médica; archivos nacionales de medicina. Lima. v. 11, 1916. 4°. Report of the Michigan Academy of Science. Annual reports to the Governor of the State of Michigan for the years 1906-14. Lansing. 9 v., 1906-14. 8°. Reports of the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital for the years 1915 and 1916. Cambridge, v. 1-2, 1915-16. 8°. Report of Practitioner's Short Course in Veterinary Medicine. Iowa State Collège of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. Sept. 4-9, 1916. Ames. v. 2, 1916. 8°. Restauration (La) maxillo-faciale. Revue pratique de chirurgie et prothèse spéciales. Paris, v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8° Revista americana de farmacia y hospitales. New York. v. 23- 24, 1917-18. 4°. Revue générale de pathologie de guerre. Paris, v. 1-2, 1916- 17. 8°. Revue interalliée pour l'étude des questions intéressant les mu- tilés de la guerre. Paris, v. 1, 1918. roy. 8°. Rhode (The) Island Médical Journal. Officiai organ of the Rhode Island Médical Society. Providence, v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. Rhode Island. State Board of Health. [See Bull. Bd. Health, Rhode Island.] Royal Institution of Great Britain. [See Proc. Roy. Inst. Gr. Brit., Lond.] Royal Society of South Africa. [See Tr. Roy. Soc. S. Africa, Cape Town.] S. S. African Dist. Med. Research. Pub., Johannesb. Schrift. d. naturw. Ver. f. Schleswig-Holstein. Schweiz. Arch. f. Neurol. u. Psychiat., Zurich. Scritti med. in omaggio a A. Murri, Bologna. Shield, Lond. Saskatchewan Médical Association. [See West. M. News, Regina. South (The) African Institute for Médical Research. Publica- tions. Johannesburg. Nos. 1, 6-8, 10, 1913-17. 8°. Schriften des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins fur Schleswig- Holstein. Kiel. v. 16, 1914. 8°. Schweizer Archiv fur Neurologie und Psychiatrie. Archives suisses de neurologie et de psychiatrie. Archivio svizzero di neurologia e psichiatria. Zurich, v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. Scritti medici in omaggio a Augusto Murri xxxv anno di insegna- mento, mdccclxxvi-mcmxi. Bologna. 1 v. 1912. 8°. Shield (The). A review of moral and social hygiène. London. v. 1, 1916. 8°. Sociedad sud-americana de higiene, microbiologia e patologia. [See Conf. Soc. sud-am. de hig. [etc.], Buenos Aires.] Società italiana di laringologia, d'otologia e di rinologia. [Sec Atti di Cong. d. Soc. ital. di laringol. [etc.].] Société de médecine et chirurgie pratique. [See Bull, et mém. Soc méd. de Par.] Société de médecine de Paris. [See Bull, et mém. Soc. de méd. de Par.] [12] South Texas M. Ree, Houston. South. Hosp. Ree, Atlanta. Southwest. Med., Las Cruces. State Hosp. Q., Utica, N. Y. Stomatologist, Phila. Studi di med. trop., Bergamo. Surg. CUn. Chicago, Phila. Société de pathologie comparée. [See Cong. internat, de path. comp., Par.] Société zoologique de France. [See Bull. Soc. zool. de France, Par.] South Texas District Médical Association. [See South Texas M. Ree, Houston.] South Texas Médical Record. Successor to the Harris County Médical Bulletin. Officiai organ of the South Texas District Médical Association. [Monthly.] Houston, v. 9-12, 1916-18. 8°. Southern (The) Hospital Record. A monthly journal of hospital construction and management. Atlanta, v. 1-5, 1916-18. 8°. Southwestern Medicine. Las Cruces, New Mexico, v. 1-2, 1917- 18. 8°. [Consolidation of : Arizona M. J., N. Mexico M. J., and Bull. El Paso Co. M. Soc] State (The) Hospital Quarterly; published by the State Hospital Commission. Utica, N. Y. v. 1-3, 1915-18. 8°. Stomatologist (The). Published in the interests of the alumni of the Philadelphia Dental Collège. Philadelphia. v. 6, 1902. 8°. Studi di medicina tropicale compiuti da ufficiali medici e veteri- nari del r. Corpo di truppe coloniali dell' Eritrea. Bergamo. 1 v. 1914. 4°. Surgical (The) Clinics of Chicago. Philadelphia & London. v. 1-2, 1917-18. 8°. [Continuation of: Surgical Clinics of John B. Murphy, at Mercy Hospital, Chicago.] T. Tijdschr. v. diergeneesk., Utrecht. Tr. Am. Soc. Trop. Med., N. Orl. Tr. Ass. Am. Teachers Dis. Clnld., N. Y. Tr. Chicago Soc. Dit. Med. Tr. M. Soc. County Cayuga, Auburn. Tr. Roy. Soc. S. Africa, Cape Town. Tr. Sect. Genito-Urin. Dis. Am. M. Ass., Chicago. Tr. Urol. Soc. Chicago. Train. School, Vineland, N. J. Train. School BuU., Vineland. Trudi Syezda Russk. Yestest- voïsp., Kazan. Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde. Uitgegeven door de Maat- schappij voor diergeneeskunde in Nederland. Utrecht. v. 43-45, 1916-18. 8°. [Continuation of: Tijdschr. v. veeart- senijk.] Transactions of the American Society of Tropical Medicine. Papers read before the Society and published under its aus- pices. New Orléans, v. 10, 1916. 8°. Transactions of the Association of American Teachers of the Dis- eases of Children, eleventh annual meeting, New York City, June 4, 1917. New York. 1 v. 1917. 8°. Transactions of the Chicago Society of Internai Medicine. Chicago. v. 1-2, 1917. 8°. Transactions of the Médical Society of the County of Cayuga, for 1832. Auburn. 1832. 8°. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa, Cape Town. London. v. 6, 1917. 8°. Transactions of the section on Genito-Urinary Diseases, of the American Médical Association. Chicago v. 67, 1916. 8°. Transactions of the Chicago Urological Society for the year 1915-16. Chicago. 1916. 8°. Training (The) School, devoted to the interests of children requir- ing spécial care and training. Vineland, N. J. v. 7-12, 1910-16. 8°. Training (The) School Bulletin. Published by the Training School at Vineland, N. J. Vineland, N. J. v. 13-15, 1916-18. 8°. Trudî Syezda Russkikh Yestestvoïspîtatelei. [Papers of the Congress of Russian Naturalists.] 4th. 2 pts. [Kazan, 1873, vel subseq.] 4°. [13] U. Univ. Homœop. Obs. Univ. Penn. Lect., Phila. United States Army. Corps of Engineers. [See Profess. Mem. Corps Engin., U. S. Army, Wash.] University (The) Homœopathic Observer. Lancaster, Pa. v. 17-18, 1917-18. 8°. University of Maryland School of Medicine. [See Bull. Univ. Maryland School Med., Balt.] University of Pennsylvania. Department of Dent ist ry. [See Penn. I )ent. J. Also: Penn. Dent. Times. Also: Stomatologist Phila.] University of Pennsylvania. University lectures delivered by members of the faculty in the free public lecture course, 1913-14 to 1917-18. Philadelphia. v. 1-5, 1915-18. 8°. ' V. Verhandl. d. japan. path. Ge- seUsch., Tokio. Vermont Med., Rutland. Vestnik Tsarskoselsk. Ralona, Petrogr. Verhandlungen der japanischen pathologischen Gesellschaft. Tokio. v. 1-6, 1911-16. 8°. Vermont Medicine. Published by the Vermont State Médical Society. Rutland. v. 1-3, 1916-18. 8°. Vestnik Tsarskoselskavo Raïona. Zhurnal, posvyashtshonnîy voprosam lïecheniya, evakuatsii i prizrïeniya ranenîkh voïnov. [Messenger of the région of Tsarskoye Selo. A journal, devoted to questions of treatment, évacuation, and care of wounded warriors.] [Monthly.] Petrograd. v. 2-3, 1916-17. 8°. W. Weekly BuU. Dep. Health N. Y. West M. News, Regina. Washington Universitv Médical Society. [See Proc. Wash. Univ. M. Soc, St. Louis.]* Weekly Bulletin of the Department of Health, City of New York. New York. v. 5-7, 1916-18. 8°. Western (The) Médical News; a monthly magazine of medicine and surgery. Journal of the Saskatchewan Médical Association. Reginâ, Can. v. 8-10, 1916-18. 8°. Z. Ztschr. d. k. preuss. Landesamts, Berl. statist. Zeitschrift des kôniglich preussischen statistischen Landesamts. ! Berlin, v. 55, 1915. 4°. [Continuation of: Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bureau's, Berl.] 76399°—18---n w lit Mr I -mm 'Ï-'.'J .:Ili [;.*=;:;. '?:••• -v.:,:-, 'fiiliîi:'-. '."'i 8p- Mv ■ti My-"-** •>>{ rirl A * -n v. ■^-;:ii;.:;:l:-::!ii!:l!iii! ■'ii'PPjip-