ABBEi ~S?33*AA t*:ti -^ :S"^vi: ^f^WS; 'OF itfr?. *-i SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE ! I LIBRARY. J •: 'MO./IAA1H- i ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES MEDICAL PERIODICALS TO BE USED IN THE SUBJECT-CATALOGUE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON-GENERAL'S OFFICE. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1878. REMARKS. The list of Abbreviations of Titles of Periodicals, herewith published, comprises those which it is proposed to use in the Subject Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon- General's Office. A few copies are printed at the present time, in part to obtain criticisms and sug- gestions, in part as a matter of convenience in the preparation of the mauuscript of the Catalogue for the printer. It also indicates the amount of work which has been done, up to the present time, in cataloguing original articles in medical periodical publications; and as this has been completed for all Journals and Transactions in the Library which have been found worth indexing, excepting those devoted exclusively to Chemistry, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry, it affords a fair exhibit of the resources of the Library in this class of literature. The abbreviations are prepared as far as possible in accordance with the following principles: 1. To follow the exact order of the words of the title. 2. To make them as brief as is consistent with clearness to those who are familiar with medical literature. 3. To follow strictly the orthographical usages of each language. This disposes of the question of capitalization. 4. To attain uniformity. Some exceptions to this last rule have been found expedient. An abbreviation which is quite intelligible in the body of a title is not always suitable as the first word, and the context may make an abbreviation sufficiently clear in a long title which in a short one would appear obscure. The convenience of the reader is regarded as of more importance than a rigid adherence to uniformity. The following minor details, with the list of single-letter abbreviations, will assist in the comprehension of the scheme: The article with which a title commences is invariably omitted. Prepositions and articles are omitted in English titles, but ip other languages their entire elision would lead to obscurity, and is not warranted by usage. The place of publication is not added when it forms an integral part of the title; in such cases it is given without abbreviation, except in instances of constaut recur- rence, as London, Paris, Berlin, etc., which are condensed into Lond., Par., Berl., etc., on all occasions. The reader seeking explanation of an abbreviated title will find it under its first word (article excluded) in its alphabetical place in the list, but cross-references have been added when, as in the case of Societies, the first word of the title may not be sufficiently distinctive. IV One exception has been made to the rule of strict adherence to the order of the title: La Lanecttc francaise, gazette dcs hopitaux civils et militaires, is everywhere known as the Gazette des hopitaux, and is abbreviated under the latter title. Some of the abbreviations of names of places, especially in the United States, might have been still further shortened if the Catalogue had been intended for use only in this country. But an analysis, by subjects, of the largest collection of medical periodicals in existence, is, necessarily, useful in St. Petersburg, for example, as well as in Washington, its measure of utility in any locality being the extent of the collection of medical periodical literature therein. Intelligibility to foreigners, therefore, has been regarded as a quality essential to the abbreviations in question. SINGLE-LETTER ABBREVIATIONS. a. alia, auf, aus, aux, etc d. das, degli, del, der, des, die, etc f. for, for, fur. h. het. J. Jornal, Journal. k. koniglich, koninklijke. k. k. kaiserlich-koniglich. M. Medical, Medicine, Medico, etc N. n, Neue, new, nouveau, uuova, nya, etc o. och, oder. Q. Quarterly. r. reale. S. Surgery, Surgical. b. series; e. g., l a., 2 s., etc. series. t. ter, till, tot. u. und. U. fiber. v. van, von, voor, vor. z. zur. N. s., New In the column containing the full titles of periodicals will be found bibliographical details of which corrections, where needed, are solicited. It affords an opportunity, also, of making known the deficiencies of the Library in this department at the present time. I am indebted to Dr. Robert Fletcher for much valuable assistance in the prepara- tion of this list, and in supervising its passage through the press. JOHN S. BILLINGS, Surgeon U. S. Army, in charge of Library of Surgeon-General1 s Office. War Department, Surgeon-General's Office, Washington, D. C, March 18, 1878. CORRECTIONS. Page 1. Accademia niedico-chirurgica di Ferrara. For " Estratta" read " Estratto." Page 3. "Allg. raed. Ann., Altenburg" should read "Allg. med. Ann., Altenb." Page 3. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. For " 4° " read " Folio." Page 4. Am. J. M. Sc., Phila. Full title is: "The American Journal of the Medical Sciences." Page 4. American Medical Association. Omit " Proceedings of the —." Page 4. "Am. Med. Rev., Phila." should read "Am. M. Rev., Phila." Page 9. Arch. f. Anat., Physiol, u. wissensch. Med., Leipz. For " 1859-76 " read " 1834-76." Page 12. Arch. d. Ver. f. wissensch. Heilk., Leipz. After " vols, i-iii " read " a. s." Page 13. Atti Cong. gen. d. Assoc, med. Ital. After " Congresso," in full title, read " generale." Page 13. " Bait. J. Med." should read " Bait. J. M." Page 16. Bl. f. Staatsarznk., Wien. For " Beitriige," in full title, read " Beilage." Page 19. Charite"-Ann., Berl. For " Biinde i-iii, 1874-75. 8°," read " Jahrg. 1-3, 1874-76. 3 v. 8°." Page 24. Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. For "Amtlicher Bericht " read "Amtliche Berichte." Page 32. Hasonszenvi Kozl., Bupapest. For "Bupapest" read " Budapest." Page 39. J. de sc. nie'd. de Montpel. Omit all after " Completed." Page 39. " J. de la Soc. me"d. de la N.-Orl6ans " should read " J. Soc. m6d. de la N.-Orle"ans." Page 39. " J. de la Soc. de m6d.-prat. de Montpel." should read " J. Soc. de me"d.-prat. de Montpel." Page 50. Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania. Omit " Proceedings of the —." Page 58. New Jersey Medical Society. Omit "Also, Transactions of the —." Page 59. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz. For "The New Orleans Monthly Register" read "The New Orleans Monthly Medical Register." Page 60. "N. Verhandel. d. Genootsch., etc." should read "N. Verhandel. v. h. Genootach.," etc. Page 60. New York Academy of Medicine. Omit ''Also, Proceedings of the —." Page 62. Neue (Der) Chiron, Sulzbach. Omit all after "8°." Page 70. Proc. Nat. M. Convent. Phil., 1847. For "Phil." read '• Phila." ABBREVIATIONS OF TITLES. A. Abeille med., Par. Abhandl. u. Beob. d. aerztl. Gft- sellsch. zu Minister. Abhandl. u. Beob dTGesellsch. v. Aerzten in Hamb. Abhandl. d. naturf. Gesellach. zu Halle. Abhandl. d. naturh. Gesellsch. zu Nurnb. Abhandl. Erlang. d. phys-med. Soc zu Acad. d. sc. de Montpel. Me"m. de la sect. de. med. Abeille (L') mddicale. Revue des journaux et des ouvrages do me'- decine, de chirurgie, [etc.] Paris. Vols, i-xxxiv, 1841-77. 4°. [Current.] Abhaudlungen und Beobachtungen der aerztlichen Gesellschaft zu Mil uster. 1 v., 1829. s°. Abhaudlungen uud Beobachtungen aus der Arzneygelahrtheit vou einer Gesellschaft vou Aerzten in Hamburg. 1 v., 1776. 8°. Abhaudlungen der naturfo'schenden Ge ellschaft zu Halle. Origi- ualaul'siitze ausdem Gebieteder gesammten NaturwissenschaffcHii. Halle. Bd. xi, 1. und 2. Heft; Bd. xii; Bd. xiii, 1-3. Heft, 1809- 75. 4°. [W ant all except above.] Abhand ungen der natnrhistoriscben Gesellschaft zu Niirnberg. 2te Hiilfte, 3ter Bd.; 4ter Bd., 1866-68. 8°. [Want all except above.] Abhandlungen der pbysikalisch-medicinrschen Societat zu Erlangen. 1 Bd., 1810. 4°. Academia Ca;sarea Leopoldino-Carolina naturae curiosorum. [See Acta Acad., etc. Also, Ephemerides Acad., etc. Also, Miscellanea Acad., etc.] Acaddmie impdriale demddeciue. Paris. [See Bulletin de 1'—. Also M6moires de 1'—.] Acaddnrte impdriale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. [See Mdinoues de 1'—.] Acaddmie impdriale des sciences de St. Pdtersbourg. [See Mdmoires biologiquea tirds du Bulletin physico-uiathdmatique de l'Acad., etc.] Acaddrnie nationalede mddecine. Paris. [See Bulletin de V—. Also, M6m. de 1'—.] Acaddmie royale de chirurgie. Paris. [See Mdmoires de 1'—. Also, Mdmoires sur les sujets proposes pour les prix de l'Acad., etc.] Acaddmie royale de mddecine. Paris. [See Bulletin de 1'—. Also, Mdmoires de 1'—.] Acaddmie royale de me'decine de Belgique. [See Bulletin de 1'—. Also, Compto-rendu des travaux de 1'—. Also, Mdmoires de 1'—. Also, Mdmoires des coucours et des savants strangers, publics par 1'—. Also, Mdmoires couronnds et autres publics par 1'—.] Acaddrnie royale de Prusse. [See Mdtuoires de 1'—.] Acaddmie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux-arts de Belgi- que. [See Aunuaire de 1'—. Also, Bulletins de 1'—.] Acaddrnie des s;iences. Paris. [SeeComptes-rendus hebdomadaires des stances de 1'—.] Acaddrnie des sciences et lettres de Montpellier. Mdrnoires de la section de mddeciue. Tom. i-iv, 1849-71. 4°. Acaddmie de Stanislas. [See Mdmoires de 1'—.] Academici Rheuo-Trajectinae. [See Annales Acad., etc.] Accademia fisio-medico-statistica di Milano. [See Atti dell'—.] Accademia medica di Roma. [See Atti dell'—.] Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. [See Estratta di alcune memcrie scientifiohe lette nelle ordiuarie adunanze dell'—. Also, Keudiconto delle memorie dell'—. Also, Resiconti delle adu- nanze dell'—.] 1 A T ACTA. 2 Allamorvos. Acta Acad. nat. curios. Acta Helvet. Acta med. Berolin. Acta med. Hafn. Acta med. Suecic. Acta phil.-med. Soc. Acad. Has- Biacae. Acta reg. Soc. med. Havn. Acta Soc. med. Havn. Actes Cong. med. de France, Par. Actes Soc. de med. de Biux. Actes Soc. med. d. hdp. de Par. Actes Soc. de m€d.-prat. de Montpel. Aerztl. Ber. d. k. k. allg. Kran- kenh. zu Wien. Aerztl. Cor.-Bl. f. B6hmen,Prag. Aerztl. Int.-Bl., Munchen. Aerztl. Mitth. a. Baden. Aerztl. Verelnsbl. f. Deutschl., Dread. .SJsculap. Reg., Phila. Albany J. Neurol. Alger me"d. Allamorvos, Budapest. Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. [See Memorie dell'—. Also, Rendiconti delle sessioni dell'—.] Acta physico-medica Academise Caesareae naturaj curiosorum ex- hibentia ephemerides sive observatioues historias et experimenta a celeberrimis germaniae et externarum regionum viris habita et communicatasingulari studio collecta. Norimberga3. Vols, i-ix, 1727-52. 4°. [Want vol. x, 1754.j Acta Helvetica physico-matheuoatico-botanico-medica. Basileaj. Vols, i-viii, 1751-77. 4°. Acta medicorum Berolinensium, in incrementum artis et scientia- rum collecta et digesta. Berolini. 21 vols., 1717-31. 12°. Acta medica Hafniensia. Prodromus prsevertens continuata Acta medica Hafniensia, quse per clementissima regia auspicia, ad veneianda majornm exempla, in sincera incrementa quarumcum- que fcientiarum, qua? ulto modo forum medicum spectant quo- tannis a Collegii inedici regii membris, ex suis et sociis aliorum operis publici juris hunt. Hafnise et Lipsiae. 1 v., 1775. 4°. Acta medicorum Suecicorum. Holmiae. 1 v., 1783. 12°. Acta philosophico-medica Societatis Academia.' scientiarum princi- palis (Hasi-iacae). 1 v., 1771. 4°. Acta regiae Societatis medicae Hav iensis. Havnise. Vols, i-vii, 1783-1829. 8°. [Want vo). iv.] Acta Societatis medicae Havniensis. Havnias. 2 vols., 1777-79. 8°. Act< s du Congres mddical de France, Section de mddecine. Paris. 1 v., 1846. 8°. Actes de la Socidtd de mddecine de Bruxelles. Tom. i-iv, 1806-12. 6°. Actes de la Socidtd mddicale dts hdpitaux de Paris le-6e fasc, 1850-64. 8°. Actes de la Soridtd de mddecine-pratique de Montpellier, contenant les travaux historiques de cette socidtd ; et les mdmoires des prix adjugds par elle; tirds des registres de cette socidtd. Anudes 1804-06, 1 v. 4°. Aerztliche Gesellschaft zu Miinster. [See Abhaudlungen und Beo- bachtungen der —.] Aerztliche Vereine der Rheinprovinz. [See Correspondenzblatt der —.] Aerztlicher Bericht des k. k. allgemeinen Krankenhauses zu Wien, fur die Jahre 1849; 1858; 1863-66; 1868-70. 8°. [Want all, ex- cept above.] Aerztlicher Verein zu Munchen. [See Jahrbiicher des —."] Aerztliches Correspondenzblatt fur Bohmen. Organ des Vereines deutscher Aerzte in Prag. Bd. ii, 1874 8°. [Want vols, i and iii.] Aerztliches Intelligenz-Blatt. Organ fur Bayern's staatliche und offentliche Heilkunde. MUnchen. Jahrg. i-xxiv, 1854-77. 4°. [Current. Want title-page and index for 1872.] Aerztliche Mittheilungen aus Baden. [See Mittheilungen des badi- schen aerztlichen Vereins.] Aerztlicher Verein zu Bremen. [See Biographische Skizzen verstor- bener Bremischer Aerzte und Naturforscher.] Aerztliches Vereinsblatt fur Deutschland. Organ des deutschen Aerztevereinsbundes. Dresden. Bd. i-iv, 1872-77. 4°. [Current.] ^Esculapian (The) Register. Philadelphia. 1 v., 1824. 8°. [Com- pleted.] Akademii umiejetnos'ci w Krakowie. [See Rozprawy i sprawozdania z posiedzen wydzktu matematyczno-przyrodniczego Akad., etc.] Albany Institute. [See Transactions of the —.] Albany Journal of Neurology, devoted to physiology, phrenology, medicine, and the philosophy of mesmerism. No. 1, vol. i, July, 184o. 8 . Alger mddical. Vols, i-iii, 1873-77. vol. iii.] lllamorvos. Melldkletiil a Gy6gy.1szat folyoirathoz. Budapest. [State medicine; a companion to Gv6gy;iszat (containingofficial instructions, etc.) 2 v., 1876-77. 8°. [Current,] 4°. [Current. Want No. 10, ALLG. 3 AM. GAS. Allg. Arch. d. Gsndhtspal., Han- nov. Allg. Mag. f d. Wundarzneyw., Gotting. Allg. med. Ann., Altenburg. Allg. med. Ann., Altenburg. Allg. med. Centr.-Ztg., Berl. Allg. med. Ztg., Altenb. Allg. med.-chir.Monatschr.,etc, Erlang. Allg. mil.-arztl. Ztg., "Wien. Allg. Repert. d. med.-chir. Jour. d. Ausl., Leipz. Allg. Wien. med. Ztg. Allg. Ztg. f. Chir., Munchen. Allg. Ztg. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Braun- schw. Allg. Ztschr. f. Epidemiol., Er- lang. Allg. Ztschr. f. Psychiat., etc., Berl. Aim. f. Aerzte u.Nichtarzte, Jena. Aim. d. movimento med-chir. 1876, Napoli. Am. Acad. Arts & Sc. Mem. Am. Ann. Deaf & Dumb, Hart- ford. Am. Architect, Bost. Am. Clin. Lect., N. Y. Am. Cyol. Pract. Med., Phila. Am. Gas Light J., N. Y. Allgemeiner arztlicher Verein zu Kiel. [See Bericht iiber die dritto Versammlung des Vereins baltischer Aerzte erstattet von dem —.] Allgemeiues Archiv der Gesujidheitspolizey. Hannover. 1 v., 1805- 06. 8°. [Completed.] Allgemeiues Magazin fiir die Wundarzneywissenschaft. Gottingen. [Title of v. iii of Magazin fiir die Wundarzneywissenschaft.] Allgemeine medicinische Annalen des Jabres 1800 ; als Fortsetzung der medicinischeu Nationalzeifcung fiir Deutschland und als Ein- leitung zu den allgemeinen mediciuischen Annalen des 19ten Jahrhunderts. Altenburg. 1 v., 1800. 4°. [Completed.] Allgemeine medicinische Annalen des ueunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Alteuburg. 32 vols., 1801-30. 4°. Allgemeine medicinische Ceutral-Zeitung. Berlin. Jahrg. 11-46, 1842-77. 4°. [Current. A continuatiou of Berliner medicinische Central-Zeitung.] Allgemeine mediciDiscbe Zeitung mit Beriicksichtigung des Neue- sten und Iuteressantesten der allgemeinen Naturkunde. Alteu- burg. Nos. 1-4, 1831. 4°. [Want all subsequent.] Allgemeine medicinisch-chirurgische Monatschrift, fiir Wundiirzte des Civil- und Militiirstandes. Eilaugeu. 1 Band, 1840. 8°. [Completed.] Allgemeine militiir-arztliche Zeitung. Beilage zur Wiener medizini- schen Presse. Wien. 11 v.. 1865-75. 4°. Allgemeiues Repertorium der medizinisch-chirurgischen Journali- stik des Auslandes. Leipzig. Biinde i-xiii, 1831-34. 8°. Allgemeine Wiener medizinische Zeitung. Jahrg. 1-22, 1856-77. Folio. [Current. Waut title-page of vol. for 1857, and No. 1,1866.] Allgemeine Zeitung fiir Chirurgie, innere Heilkunde und ihre Hiilfs- wissenschaften. Munchen. Baud i, 1841; iii, 1843. Imp. 4°. [Want vol. ii, 1842, and all after 1843.] Allgemeine Zeitung fiir Militair-Aerzte. Zur Forderung und Aus- bildung des militair-iirztlichen Standes, zur Besprechung seiner Interessen und zur gegenseitigen Mittheilung aus der dienstli- chenPraxis. Braunschweig. Jahrg. 1-6,1843-48. 4°. [Completed.] Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Epidemiologie. Erlangen. Band i-ii, 1874-75. Roy. 8°. [Want all after 1875.] Allgemeine Zeitschrift fiir Psychiatric und psychisch-gerichtliche Mediciu. Berlin. Biinde i-xxxiv, 1844-77. 8°. [Current. Want index to vols, viii-xiv, and to all since.] Almanachfiir Aerzte und Nichtarzte auf das Jahr 1794. Jena. 1 v. 8°. Almanacco del movimento medico-chirurgico per l'anno 1876: bio- grafico, storico, pratico. Napoli. 1 v., 1876. 12°. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Memoirs. Boston and Cambridge. Vols, i-iv, 1785-1818. 8°. American Anuals of the Deaf and Dumb. Hartford. Vols, i-xviii, 1847-61. 8°. Washington, D. C, 1868-73. American (The) Architect and Building News. A weekly journal of constructive and decorative arts. Boston. Vols, i-ii, 1876-77. Folio. American Association for the Advancement of Science. [See Pro- ceedings of the —.] American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. [See Proceedings of the—.] American Association of Instructors of the Blind. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Convention of American Instructors of the Blind. ] American Clinical Lectures (A series of). New York. Vols, i-ii, 1875- 76. 8°. American Cyclopedia of Practical Medicine and Surgery : a digest of medical literature. Philadelphia. 2 v., 1834-36. 8°. American Ethnological Society. [See Transactions of the —.] American (The) Gas Light Journal and Chemical Repertory, de- voted to the interests of illumination, heating, ventilation, sani- tary improvement, domestic economy and general science. New York. Vols, x-xiii, 1868-70. Folio. [Want Nos. 7 and 15 of vol. x; Nos. 1,7, and 8 of vol. xi; and Nos. 5 and 12 of vol. xii. Continua- tion of Mining and Petroleum Standard, and American Gas Light Journal.] AM. J. HOMCEOP. 4 AM. M. WEEKLY. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y. Am. J. Homceop. Mat. Med., Phila. Am. J. Insanity, Utica, N. Y. Am. J. M. Sc, Phila. Am. J. Micr., N. Y. Am. J. Obst., N. Y. Am. J. Ophth., N. Y. Am. J. Pharm., Phila. Am. J. Sc. & Arts, New Haven. Am. J. Syph. & Derm., N. Y. Am. Lancet, Phila. Am. M. Bi-Weekly, Louisville. Am. M. Gaz., N. Y. Am. M. Gaz. & J. Health, N. Y. Am. M. Intellig., Phila. Am. M. Libir. & Intellig., Phila. Am. M. Monthly, N. Y. Am. M. Monthly & N. Y. Rev. Am. M. & Phil. Reg., N. Y. Am. M. Recorder, Phila. Am. Med. Rev., Phila. Am- M. Times, N. Y. Am. M. Weekly, Louisville. American Gynecological Society. [See Transactions of the —.] American (The) Journr 1 of Homoeopathy. New York. 9 vols., 1846- '54. 8°. [Ws Jit No. 12, vol. ii; Nos. 9 and 10, vol. iii; No. 5, vol. iv; Nos. 1 and 2, vol. v.] American (The) Journal of Homoeopathic Materia Medica and Re- cord of Medical Science. Philadelphia. Vols, i-ix, 1867-76. 8°i [Completed.] American (The) Journal of Insanity. Utica. Vols, i-xxxiii, 1844-77. 8°. [Current.] American (The) Journal of Medical Sciences. Edited by Isaac Hays. Philadelphia. 100 v., 1827-77. 8°. [Current. Want No. for Oct., 1843.] American (The) Journal of Microscopy and Popular Science. New York. Vols, i-ii, 1875-77. 8°. [Current.] American (The) Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children. New York. Vols, i-x, 1868-77. 8°. [Current. Want index and title-page of vol. i.] American Journal of Ophthalmology. New York. Vol. i, 1862-63, and Nos. 1, 2, vol. ii, 1864. 8°. American (The) Journal of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. [See Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, for 1st series.] American (The) Journal of Science and Arts. New Haven, Conn. 69 v., 1843-77. 8°. [Current. Want all prior to Oct., 1843, being vols, i-xlv.] American (The) Journal of Syphilography and Dermatology. De- voted to the consideration and treatment of venereal and skin diseases. New York. Vols, i-v, 1870-74. 8°. [Completed.] American (The) Lancet. Philadelphia. Nos. 1-4 and 7, vol. i, 1833. [Want all others.] American Medical Association. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] American (The) Medical Bi-Weekly. Louisville. Vol. vi, 1877. 8°. [Current. Continuation of The American Medical Weekly.] American Medical Gazette. New York. [ See vols, ix-xii of The New York Medical Gazette and Journal of Health.] American (The) Medical Gazette and Journal of Health. New York. [See vols, vi-viii of The New York Medical Gazette and Journal of Health.] American (The) Medical Intelligencer. A concentrated record of medical science and literature. Philadelphia. 5 v., 1837-42. 8°. [Continued as The Medical News and Library.] American (The) Medical Library and Intelligencer. A concentrated record of medical science and literature. Edited by G. S. Patti- son and R. Dunglison. Philadelphia. Specimen-sheet. Nov., 1836. [Continued as the preceding.] American (The) Medical Monthly. New York. Vols, i-xviii 1854- 62. 8°. [Completed.] American (The) Medical Monthly and New York Review. New York. [Title of vols, xiv-xv of the preceding.] American (The) Medical and Philosophical Register ; or annals of medicine, natural history, agriculture, and the arts. New York Vols, i-iv, 1810-14. 8°. [Completed.] American (The) Medical Recorder. Philadelphia. 29. 8°. [Completed.] Vols, i-xv, 1818- Amencan (The) Medical Review and Journal of Original and Se lected Papers in Medicine and Surgery. Philadelphia. [See vols. n-iii, 1825-26, of The Medical Review aud Analectic Journal.] American (The) Medical Times. Being a weekly series [in continu- ation] of the New York Journal of Medicine. New York Vols S)1]860"64' 4°' [Want pp" 63~64 in No-4> vo1-iU tJaly27i Am|£ican (The) Medical Weekly. Louisville, Kentucky. Vols i-v lo/4-/0. 8°. [For continuation, see The American Medical Bi- Weekly.] I AM. NATURALIST. ANN. ACAD. Am. Naturalist, Salem, Mass. Am. Pract., Louisville. Am. Psych. J., Cincin. Am. Psych. J, N. Y. Am. Pub. Health Ass. Rep., N. Y. Am. Vet. Rev., N. Y. Amtl. Ber. Deutscher Naturf. u* Aerzte. An. asoc. Larrey, Mexico. An. de cien. med., Madrid. An. R. Acad, de cien. med___de la Habana. An. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid. An. Soc. espan. de hidrol. med., Madrid. An. Soc. fisiol. escolar, Madrid. An. Soc. ginec. espan., Madrid. An. Univ. de Chile, Santiago. Analekt. d. Chir., Berl. Analekt. ii. chron. Krankh., Stuttg. Analyst, Lond. Andalucfa med., Cordoba. Anderson's Q. J. M. Sc, Lond. Anfiteatro anat., Madrid. Ann. Acad. Neerl., Lugd.-Bat. American (The) Naturalist, a popular illustrated magazine of natural history. Salem, Massachusetts. Vols, i-xi, 1867-77. 8°. [Current.] American Neurological Association. [See Transactions of the—.] American Ophthalmological Society. [See Transactions of the —.] American Otological Society. [See Transactions of the—.] American Philosophical Society. [See Proceedings of the —.] American (The) Practitioner. Formerly Western Journal of Medi- rine. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Louisville, Ky. Vols, i-xvi, 1870-77. 8°. [Current.] American (The) Psychological Journal. Devoted chiefly to the elucidation of mental pathology and the medical jurisprudence of insanity. Cincinnati. 1 v., 1853. 8°. [Completed.] American (The) Psychological Journal. New York. [See vol. iii of The Psychological and Medico-Legal Journal, 1-75-70.] American Public Health Association. Reports and papers presented at the meetings of the —. New York. 3 v., 1875-77. 8°. American Veterinary Review. New York. 1 v., 1877. 8°. [Current.] AmOiche Berichte iiberdieVersammlungen D-utscher Naturforscher und Aerzte fiir die Jahre 1828-47,1849,1852,1854-60,1862-65. 20 v. 4°. Anales de la asociacion Larrey. Mexico. Tom. i-ii, 1875-76. 40, [After Dec, 1876, suspended.] Anales de ciencias mddicas. Revista nacional y extranjera de medi- cina, cirujia y ciencias auxiliares. Madrid. Alio 1-2, 1876-77. 8°. [Current.] Anales de la Real Academia de ciencias medicas, fisicas y naturales de la Habana. Revista cientiiica. Habana Vols, i-viii, 1864-72. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Anales de la Sociedad anatomica espaiiola. Madrid. Alio 1-4,1873- 77. 8°. [Current.] Anales de la Socudad espaiiola de hidrologia mddica. Madrid. Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] Anales de la Sociedad fisioldgica escolar. Madrid. Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] Anales de la Sociedad ginecol6gica espaiiola. Madrid. Vols, i-iii, 1875-77. 8°. [Cur.ent.] Anales de la Universidad de Chile. Santiago. Tom. xvii-xxxvi, 1860-70. 8°. [Want all prior to 1860 and No. for Oct., 1864.] Analekten der Chirurgie. Berlin. Biinde i-ii, 1837-39. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Analekten iiber chronische Krankheiter. Zusammengestellt zum Gebrauch fiir praktische Aerzte. Stuttgart. Biinde i-ii, 1839-40. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Analyst (The), including the Proceedings of the " Society of Public Analysts". A monthly journal of analytical chemistry. London. Vols, i-ii, 1876-77. 8°. [Current. Want Nos. 1-10 of vol. i.] Anatomisches Institutzu Rostock. [SeeUutersuchuugenausdem—.] Andalucia (La) mdd'ca. Revista mddico-quirurgica-fotogra"fica y de ciencias accesorias. Cordoba. Tom. i-ii, 1876-77. 81'. [Cur- rent.] Auderson's Quarterly Journal of the Medical Sciences. London. (Being a new series of the Quarterly Journal of Foreign Medicine and Surgery.) Vols, i-ii, 1824-25. 8°. [Want vol. iii and title- page of vol. i.] Anfiteatro (El) anat6mico espaiiol; per;6dico de mddicina, cirugia y ciencias auxiliares. Madrid. Alio 1-5, 1873-77. Folio. [Cur- rent. Want index to vol. iii, 1875.] Ann ales Academici Neerlandii. [Academia Lngduno-Batava; Academia Groningana; Athenaeum Frauequeranum; Athenaeum Amstelaedamense; Athenaeum Daventrieuse; Seminarium Tbe- olrgicurn Augustinae Confession is Amstelae.lamense.] Hagae- Cornitis et Lugduno-Batavorum. 1837-8—1871-2. ' 25 v. 4°. [Want vols, for years 1838-9 and 1839-40.] ANN. ACAD. 6 ANN. D'MYG. Ann. Acad. Rheno-Traject. Ann. Anat. & Physiol, Edinb. Ann. de l'anat. et physiol. path., Par. Ann. Brasil. de med., Rio de Jan. Ann. d. Char.-Krankenh. ... zu Berl. Ann. de Chim., Par. Ann. di chim. applic. a. med., etc., Milano. Ann. de chim et de phys, Par. Ann. de la chir., Par. Ann. d. chir. Abth. d. allg. Kran- kenh. in Hamb. Ann d. chir. Clin. a. d. Univ. zu Erlang. Ann. d. chir. Klin, an d. hoh. Schule zu Wien. Ann. clin. de Montpel. Ann. clin. d. osp. d. Pellegr. di Napoli. Ann. du Conserv. imp. d. arts et metiers, Par. Ann. de demog. internat., Par. Ann. de derm, et syph., Par. Ann. de l'elect. med., Brux. Ann. franc, et etrang. d'anat. et physiol., Par. Ann. d. Geburtsh., etc., Mannh. Ann. d. Geburtsh., etc., Winter- thur. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk., Karlsruhe. Ann. d. ges. Med., Leipz. Ann. de gynec, Par. Ann. de gynec. et ped., Brux. Ann. d'hyg., Par. Trajecti ad Rhenum. Ann. Nos. 1-3, 1850, Annales Academiae Rheno-Trajectinae. 1815-1837. 22 v. 8°. Annals of Anatomy and Physiology. Edinburgh. 1852, 1853. 8°. [Completed.] Annales del'anatomie et de la physiologic pathologiques. Paris. 8 No?, for 1842-43. 8°. [Want all others.] Annaes Brasilienses de medicina. Jornal da Academia imperial de medicina do Rio de Janeiro. Tom. xxvi-xxviii, 1874-77. H". [Current. Want all prior vols.] Annalen des Charitd-Krankenhauses und der iibrigen koniglichen medicinisch-chirurgischen Lehr und Kranken-Anstalten zu Ber- lin. 14 v., 1850-68. 8°. [Completed.] Annales de chimie, ou recueil de mdmoires concernant la chimie et les arts qui en dependent. Paris. Annali di chimica applicati alia medicina cioe alia farmacia, alia tossicologin, all'igiene, alia fisiologia, alia patalogia ed alia tera- peutica. Milano. Vols, liv-lxiii, 1872-77. 8°. [Current. Want all prior vols.] Annales de chimie et de physique. Paris. [Current.] Annales de la chirurgie f rancaise et dtrangere. Paris. 15 v., 1841- 45. b°. [Completed.] Annalen der chirurgischen Abtheilung des allgemeinen Kranken- hauses in Hamburg. Herausgegeben von J. C. G. Fricke. Biinde i-ii, 1828-33. 8°. [Completed.] Annalen des chirurgischen Clinicum auf der Universitat zu Erlan- gen, von B. N. G. Schreger. lster Jahrg., 1816. 8°. [Completed.] Annalen der chirurgischen Klinik an der hohen Schule zu Wien. 2 v., 1806-09. 8°. Annales cliniques de Montpellier. Anndes 1-5, 1853-58. 4°. Annali clinici dello ospedale dei Pellegrini di Napoli. Vols, i-iii, 1871-73. Roy. 8°. Annales du Conservatoire impdrial des artset mdtiers. Paris. Vols. i-x, 1860-77. 8°. [Current.] Annales de ddmographie internationale. Recueil trimestriel de travaux originaux et de documents statistiques., et bulletin bi- bliographique spdcial. Paris. 1877. Roy. 8J. [Current.] Annales de dermatologie et syphiligraphie. 1868-77. 8°. [Current.] Paris. Vols, i-viii, Annales de l'dlectricitd mddicale. Revue internationale de l'dlec- tricitd, du galvanisuae, de l'dlectropuucture, du magndtisme et de 1'hydrologie appliquds a la mddecine et a la chirurgie. Bruxelles. Vols, xi-xii, 1870-72; vols, xv-xvii, 1874-77. 8°. [Current. Want vols, i-x, xiii, andxiv.] Annales frangaises et dtraugeres d'anatomie et de physiologic, ap- pliqudes a la mddeciue et k l'histoire naturelle. Paris. 3 v.. 1837- 39. 8°. ' Annalen der Geburtshiilfe iiberhaupt und der Entbindungsanstalt zu Marburg insbesoudere. Mannheim. Stuck 6, oder 4tm .lahr- ganges lstes Stiick. 1813, 1 v. 8°. [Want Stuck 1-5 (1808-12).] Annalen der Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer-und Kinderkrankheiten fur die Jahre 1790-91. Winterthur. 2 v., 1793-94. 8°. Annalen fur die gesammte Heilkunde unter der Redaction der Mit- glieder der grossherzoglich badischen Sauitats-Cornmission. Karlsruhe. 1-4. Jahrg.,7 Hefte in 2 v., 1824-32. 8°. [Completed.] Annalen der gesammten Medicin als Wissenschaft und als Kunst zur Beurtheilung ihrer neuesteu Erfindungen, Theorien, Systeme- und Heilmethoden, von August Friederich Hecker. Leipzig und Berlin. Baude i-iii, 1810-11. b°. [Want vol. iv.] Annales de gyndcologie (maladies des femmes, accouchements). Paris. Vols, i-viii, 1874-77. 8°. [Current.] Annales de gyndcologie et de pddiatrique; journal spdcial d'ac- couchemeuts, et des maladies des femmes et des enfants. Brux- elles. Vols, i-i,, 1840-42. Roy. 8°. [Want all subsequent ] Anift9Qe877d'h^iHenPUbliq"e et de ra^cine Idgale. Paris. 98 v., itwy-77. 8°. [Current.] ' ANN. INST. 7 ANN. D'OCUL. Ann. Inst, med.-clin., Wirceburg. Ann. d. k. klin. Inst, am St. Jakobshosp., Leipz. Ann. d. klin.-chir. Inst. Univ. zu Breslau. Ann. de lit. med. etrang., Gand. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist, N. Y. Ann. M. Soc. County of Albany. Ann. d. mal. de l'oreille et du larynx, Par. Ann. d. mal. de la peau, etc., Par. Ann. of Med., Edinb. Ann. de med. beige, Brux. Ann. med. de la Flandre occid. Roulers. Ann. de la med. physiol., Par. Ann. di med. pubb., Roma. Ann. di med. stran., Milano. Ann. of Med. & Surg., Lond. Ann. de med. vet., Brux. Ann. med.-chir., Roma. Ann. d. med.-chir. clin. Inst, zu Gotting. Ann. med.-leg. beiges, Brux. Ann. me"d.-psych., Par. Ann. Mil. & Nav. Surg., Lond. Ann. d'obst., Par. Ann. d'ocul., Brux. Ann. d'ocul. et de gynec, Char- leroi. Annales Inslitu.i medico-clinici Wirceburgensis, redegit et observa- tionibus illustravit J. N. Thomanu. Wirceburgi. 2 v., 1799- 1801. 8°. Annalen des koniglichen klinischen Institutes am St. Jakobshospi- tale in Leipzig. 1 v., 1810-12. 8°. Annalen des kliniscb-chirurgischen Instituts auf der Universitat zu Breslau. 1 v., 1814-15. 8°. [Completed.] Gand. 19 v., 1805-14. Annales de littdrature mddicale dtrangere. b°. [Completed.] Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. Vols, i-iv, 1823-46. 8°. [Want all after No. 7, vol. iv (Aug., 1846).] Annals of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, 1806-51. With biographical sketches of deceased members by Sylvester D. Willard. Albany. 1 v., 1864. 8°. Annales des maladies de l'oreille et du larynx (otoscop'e, laryngo- scopie, rbinoscopie). Paris. Tom. i-iii, 1875-77. 8°. [Current.] Annales des maladies de la peau et de la syphilis. Paris. Tom. i-iv, 1843-52. Roy. b° [Want all subsequent.] Annals of Medicine, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine and medical philosophy. Edinburgh. 8 v., 1796-1804. 8°. [Completed.] Annales de mddecine beige et dtrangere. Bruxelles. [L'Abeille, et L'Observateur mddicHl,rduni8.] 20 v., 1836-40. Roy. 8°. [Want all prior and subsequent to above.] Annales mddicales de la Flandre occiden tale. Roulers. Vols, vi-x, 1852-60. 8°. [Want torn, v, 1851. For torn, i-iv see Annales de la Socidtd mddicale d'dmulation de la Flandre occidtntale, dtablie k Roulers.] Annales de la mddecine physiologique. Par F. J. V. Brou6sais. Paris. 26 v., 1822-34. 8°. Annali di medicina pubblica, di medicina e farmacia teorico-pratiche: giornale medico di Roma. Vols, vii-xii, 1872-77. 8°. [Current. Want all prior to vol. vii.] Annali di medicina straniera. Milano. 8 v., 1814-16. s°. [See Annali uuiversali di medicina, for continuation.] Annals (The) of Medicine and Surgery, or records of the occurring improvements and discoveries in medicine and surgery, and the immediately connected arts and sciences. London. 2 v., 1816-17. 8°. [Completed.] Annales de mddecine vdtdrinaire. Bruxelles. Ann des 23-26,1874-77. 8°. [Current. Want all prior to 1874.] . Annali medico-chirurgici, Roma. Vols, ix-xiii, 1843-46. 8°. [Want vols, i-viii, and all after Dec, 1846.] Annalen des medicinisch-chirurgischen clinischen Institutes zu Got- tingen. Erstes Stiick, 1801. 1 v. 8°. [Completed.] Annales mddico-ldgales beiges. Journal spdcial de maladies de l'encdphale et du systeme nerveux, de maladies mentales, de md- decine ldgale, de toxicologie et d'hygiene. Bruxelles. 2me anude, 1843. 4°. [Want 1st year ; also, all subsequent to above.] Annales mdclco-psychologiques. Journal de l'anatomie, de la physi- ologie et de la pathologic du systeme nerveux, destind particu- lierement a recueillir tous les documents relatifs a la science des rapports du physique et du moral, a la pathologie mentale, a la mddecine ldgale des alidnds et k la clinique des ndvroses. Paris. 56 v., 1843-77. 8°. [Current. Want pp. 349-364, Nov., 1863.] Annals of Military and Naval Surgery aud Tropical Medicine and Hygiene: being an annual retrospect embracing the experience of the medical officers of Her Majesty's armies and fleets in all parts of the world. Londou. Vol. i, 1863. 8°. Annales d'obstdtrique, des maladies des femmes et des enfa*ns. Paris. Vols, i-iii, 1842-43. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Annales d'oculistique. Bruxelles. Tom. i-lxxvii, 1838-77. 8°. [Cur- rent. Want Nos. 5-6 of vol. vi (1842), vols, xi-xii (1844), and vols. xxi-xxii (1849).] Annales d'oculistique etde gyndcologie. Charleroi. 1 v. (1838-39). 4°. [Completed.] ANN. DI OT'l'AL 8 ANTIHOMOOB Ann. di ottal., Milano. Ann. d. Phys. u. Chem , Leipz. Ann. phys.-med., Leipz. Ann. d. sc. nat., Par. Ann. Soc. d'anat. path, de Brux. Ann. Soc. d'hydrol. med. de Par. Ann. Soc. de med. d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. med. d'emulat. de la Flandre occid., Roulers. Ann. Soc. de med. de Gai:d. Ann. Soc. de med. prat, de la prov. d'Anvers. Ann. Soc. de med. de St. Etienne et de la Loire. Ann. Soc. med.-chir. de Bruges. Ann. Soc med.-chir. de Liege. Ann. Soc. nat. de med. de Lyon. Ann. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Brux. Ann. d. Staatsarznk., Tubing. Ann. d. Staatsarznk, Ziillichau. Ann. de therap., Par. Ann. univ. di med., Milano. Annalist, N. Y. Annee mdd., Caen. Annuaire Acad. roy. d. sc. de Belg, Brux. Annuaire med.-chir. d. hop. de Par. Annuaire de la syph. et d. mal. de la peau, Par. Annual Rec. of Sc. & Indust., N. Y. Annual Rep. Dis. Chest, Lond. Anthrop.-Rev., etc., Lond. Antihomoop. Arch., Hamb. Annali di ottalmologia. Milano. Anni 1-6, 1871-77. 8° [Current.] Annalen der Phvsik und Cheruie. Leipzig. Biinde xli-lx, 1837-43 ; cxlv-clx, 1872-77. 8°. [Current. Want 1824-36, 1844-71.] Annalium physico-niedicorumoder Geschichte der Natur und Kunst. Anni 1719-23. Leipzig und Budissin. 4 v. 4°. Annales des sciences naturelles, comprdnant la zoologie, la botanique, l'anatomie et la physiologic comparde des deux regnes etl'histoire des corps organisdes fossiles. Paris. 35 v. 8°. [Incomplete.] Annales de la Socidtd d'ana'oruie pathologique de Bruxelles. Sdant a l'Universitd Libre. Bulletin No. 21, 24, and 26. 1872-77. 8°. Annales de la Socidtd d'hydrologie mddicale de Paris. Comptes- rendus de sdances. Tom. i-xxii, 1854-77. 8°. Annales de la Socidtd de mddecine d'Anvers. Tom. ii-xxxvi, 1841-7."). 8°. Annales de la Socidtd mddicale d'dmulation de la Flandre occiden- tale, dtablie a Roulers. Tom. iv, 1850. 8°. [ Want torn, i-iii; also pp. 49-96 in 1850. In 1851, title became Aunales mddicales de la Flaudre occidentale.] Annales de la Socidtd de mddecine de Gand. Tom. i-liv, 1835-76. 8°. Annales de la Socidtd de mddecine pratique de la province d'Anvers. fitablie k Willebroeck. Boom et Malines. 10 torn., 1844-54. 8°. Annales dela Socidtd de mddecine de Saint-£tienne et de la Loire. St. fitienne. Tom. v, pt. 1,1872. 8°. [Want all others.] Aunales de la Socid d mddico-chirurgicale de Bruges. Tom. i- xxv, 1840-65. 8°. [Want June-Dec, 1864, and all subsequent to Jan., 1865.] Annales de la Socidtd mddico-chirurgicale r'e Lidge. Tom. xiii- xvi, 1874-77. 8°. [Current. Want vols, i-xii.] Annales de la Socidtd national de mddecine de Lyon. 2e sdrie. Tom. i-iii (1849-54). 8°. [Want all others.] Aunales de la Socidtd des sciences mddicales et natureUes de Brux- elles. Anndes 1836, 1837, 1840, 1841, 1842. 8°. Annalen der Staatsarzneikunde. Tiibingen, 1836-38; Freiburg, 1839-46. lster-1 Iter Jahrg. 8°. [Want Nos. 3, 4, of vol. xi.] Annalen der Staatsarzneykunde. Ziillichau. 1 v., 1790-91. 12°. [Completed.] Annales de thdrapeutique mddicale et chirurgicaleet de toxicologic. Paris. Tomes i-vi, 1843-49. 8° [Want all subsequent.] Annali universali di medicina, compilati dal dottore Annibale Omo- dei. Milano. 242 v., 1817-77. 8°. [Current. Want pp. 161-176 (No. 26, vol. ix), Feb., 1819.] Annalist (The); a record of practical medicine, in the city of New York. 3 v., 1846-49. 8C. [Completed.] Annde (L') mddicale. Journal de la Socidtd de mddecine de Caen et du Calvados. Caen. Anndes 1-2,1876-77. 8°. [Current.] Annuaire de 1'Acaddmie royale des sciences, des lettres et des beaux- arts de Belgique, pour 1865-76. Bruxelles. 6 v.. 12°. Annuaire mddico-chiiurgicale des h6pitaux et hospices civils de Paris, ou recueil de mdmoires et observations, par les mddecinset chirurgiens de ces dtablisseuens. Paris. 1 v., 1819. 4°. Annuaire de la syphilis et des maladies dela peau. Paris. Annde 1 1858. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] ' Annual Record of Science and Industry [for 1871,1874,18761. New York. 8°. Annual Reports on Diseases of the Chest, under the direction of Horace Dobell. London. Vols, i-ii, 1874-76. 8°. Anthropological (The) Review, and Journal of the Anthropological Society of London. Vols, i-viii, 1863-70. 8°. [Want No 28 Jan., 1870.] ' ' Anthropological Society of London. [See Memoirs of the —.] Antihomoopathisches Archiv; eine Zeitschrift in zvvangloseu Hufteu Hamburg. 3 v., 1834-38. 8°. ANZ. D. K. K. 9 ARCH. F. DERMAT. Anz. d. k. k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte In Wien. Arb. a. d. physiol. Anst. zu Leipz Arb. a. d. physiol. Lab. d.Wiirzb. Hochsch. Arch. f. d. allg. Heilk , Berl. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Arch. f. Anat, Physiol, u. wis- sensch. Med., Leipz. Arch. f. Anthrop., Braunschw. Arch, per l'antrop., Firenze. Arch, de l'art d. accouch. Strasb. Arch. f. Arznwrkngsl., Dessau. Arch. f. Augen-u. Ohrenheilk., Carlaruhe. Arch. f. Balneol., Neuwied. Arch, beiges de med. mil., Brux. Arch, beiges de therap., Mons. Arch. f. Chem. u. Meteor., Niirnb. Arch, de la cirug., Barcel. Arch. Clin. Surg., N. Y. Arch, of Dermatol., N. Y. Arch. f. Dermat. u. Syph., Prag. Anzoiger der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. [A supplement to Mediziuische Jahrbiicher von S. Strieker.] 32 Nos. in vol. for 1871; 8 Nos. in 1872; 31 Nos. in 1873 ; 28 Nos. in 1874. 8°. Arbeiten aus der physiologischen Anstalt zu Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-11, 1866-76. 8°. Arbeiteu aus dem phvsiologischen Laboratorium der Wiirzburger Hochschule. 2te-3te Lief.,93-287 pp., 1873-76. 8\ [Want lste Lief., 1872.] Archiv fiir die allgemeine Heilkuude. Herausgegeben von August Friedrich Hecker. Berlin. 2 v., 1790-92. 8°. Archiv fiir Anatomie und Entwickelnngsgeschichte. (Anat. Abthlg. des Archives fiir Anatomie und Physiologic.) Leipzig. Jahrg. 1877. 8°. [Current. Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwicke- lungsgeschichte was united with the above in 1877.] Archives d'auatomie gdndrale et de physiologic. Paris. [A supple- mentary volume to Archives gdndrales de mddecine.] Archiv fiir Anatomie und Phyaiologie. Herausgegeben von His, Braune, undE. du Bois-Reymond. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1877. bG. [Cur- rent. A continuation of Archiv fiir Anatomie, Physiologie und wisseuschaftliche Mediein.] Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Herausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. I eipzig. 6 v., 1826-32. 8°. [A continuation of Deut- sehes Archiv fiir die Physiologie.] Archiv fiir Auatomie, Physiologie und wissenscbaftlicbe Mediein. Leipzig. 44 v., 1859-76. 8°. [Continuation of Reil's, Reil & Autenrieth's, and J. F. Meckel's Archiv. Succeeded by Archiv fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Von His, Braune, und E. du Bois-Rey- mond.] Archiv fiir Authropologie : Zeitschrift fiir Naturgeschichte und Ur- geschichte des Menschen. Braunschweig. Biinde i-ix, 1866-77. 4°. [Current.] Archivio per l'autropologia e la etnologia. Orgauo della Societa Italiana di autropologia e di etnologia. Firenze. Tom. vi-vii, 1876-77. 8°. [Current. Want vols, i-v.] Archives de l'art des accouchemens, considdrd sous ses rapports anatomique, physiologique et pathologique. Recueillies dans la littdrature dtrangere. Strasbourg. Tom. i-ii, Au ix-x (1801-02). 8'-'. [Completed.] Archiv fur Arzneiwirkungslekre mit besouderer Riicksicht auf speci- fi»ches Heilverfahren. Dessau. Band i, Jahrg. 1853. 8°. [Want vol. ii.] Archiv fiir Augen- und Ohrenheilkunde. Herausgegeben in deut- scher und englischer Sprache von H. Knapp in New York und S. Moos in Heidelberg. Carlsruhe. Wiesbaden. Biinde i-vi,1869- 77. 8°. [Current. Want pp. 49-112 in No. 1, vol. ii; also vols. iii-iv. See, also, The Archives of Ophthalmology and Otology. New York.] Archiv fiir Balneologie. Neuwied. 4 v., 1862-67. 8°. Archives beiges de mddecine militaire. Bruxelles. [Title i f vols. iii-xxx, 1849-62, of Archives de mddecine militaire.] Archives beiges de therapentique. Revue mensuelle des niddica- tions. Mons. Aund-e 1-3, 1874-77. 8 . [Current.] Archiv fiir Chemie und Meteorologie. Niirnberg. (u Verbindung mit... herausgegeben von Dr. K. W. G. Kastner. 9 v., 1830- 35. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Archivio di chirurgia practicadi F. Palaseiano. [Was running title of Archivio di raemorie ed osservazioni di chirurgia practica, etc] Archivo de lacirugia. Barcelona. Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] Archives of Clinical Surgery. A monthly periodical devoted to surgery in all its special departments. New York. Vol. i, 1876-77. 8°. [Oct. 1, 1877, The Hospital Gazette, N. Y., was united with this journal, and title became The Hospital Gazette and Archives of Clinical Surgery.] Archives of Dermatology : a quarterly journal of skin and venereal diseases. New York. Vols, i-iii, 1874-77. 8°. [Current.] Archiv fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Prag. Jahrg. 1-5,1869-73. 5 v. 8. [Continued as Vierteljahresschrift fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis.] 2 A T ARCH. D. DEUTSCH. 10 ARCH. D. MED. CHIR. Arch. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., Neuwied. Arch. d. deutsch. Med.-Gesetz-, Erlang. Arch, of Electrol. & Neurol., N. Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Phar- mak., Leipz. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh., Jena. Arch. gen. de. med., Par. Arch. v. Geneesk, Amst. Arch. f. d. ges. Med., Jena. Arch. f. d. ges. Naturl., Ntirnb. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., Bonn. Arch. f. d. Gesch. d. Arzneyk., Niirnb. Arch. f. Gynaek., Berl. Arch. d. Heilk., Leipz. Arch. f. d. Holland.Beitr. z. Nat.- u. Heilk., Utrecht. Arch. Ital. per la mal. nerv., Mi- lano. Arch. f. klin. Chir., Berl. Arch. f. laegevidensk. Hist. i. Danmark, Kjpbenh. Arch. f. Magnet, u Somnamb., Strasb. Arch, of Med., Lond. Arch, de la me"d. beige, Brux. Arch. med. beiges, Brux. Arch, di med., chir. ed ig., Roma. Arch. d. Med., Chir. u. Pharm., Aarau. Archiv der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologic. Neuwied und Leipzig. Biiude i-ix, 1858-66. Also No. 1, Bd. x, 1372. 4° and 8 '. [Want all since No. 1, Bd. x.] Archiv der deutschen Mediciual-Gesetzgebung und offentlichen Gesundheitspflege fiir Aerzte, Apotheker und Beamte. Erlaugen. Jahrg. 1-3, 1857-59. 1 v. Folio. [Completed.] Archives of Electrology and Neurology: a journal of electro-thera- peutics and nervous diseases. New York. 2 v., 1874-75. 8°. [Completed.] Archiv fiir experimentelle Pathologie und Pharmakologie. Leipzig. Biinde i-vii, 1873-77. 8°. [Current.] Archiv fiir die Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer- und neugebohrner Kinder-Krankheiten. Herausgegeben von Johann Christ. Stark. Jena. 6 v., 1787-96. 8°. [Continued as Neues Archiv fur die Geburtshiilfe, etc] Archives gdndralesde mddecine. Paris. 140 v., 1823-77. 8°. [Cur- rent.] Archief voor Geneeskuude. Amsterdam. 5 v., 1841-46. 8°. [Com- pleted. In Aug., 1846, merged in Nederlandsch Lancet.] Archiv fiir die gesammte Mediein. Herausgegeben von Dr. Hein- rich Haeser. Jena. 10 v., 1840-49. 8°. [Completed.] Archiv fiir die gesammte Naturlehre. In Verbindung mit mehreren - Gelehrten, herausgegeben von Dr. K. W. G. Kastner. Niirnberg. 18 v., 1824-29. 8°. [Continued as Archiv fur Chemie und Mete- orologie.] Archiv fur die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere. Bonn. Biinde i-xiv, 1868-77. 8C. [Current.] Archiv fiir die Geschichte der Arzneykunde, in ihrem ganzen Um- fange. Niirnberg. 1 v. 1790. 8°. Archiv fiir Gynaekologie. Berlin. Biinde i-xi, 1870-77. 8°. [Cur- rent. A continuation of Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskunde und Frauenkrankheiten. ] Archiv der Heilkunde. Leipzig. Bande i-xviii, 1860-77. 8°. [Cur- reut. A continuation of Archiv fiir physiologische Heilkunde.] Archiv fiir die Hollandischen Beitrage zur Natur- und Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von F. C. Donders und W. Berlin. Utrecht. Biinde i-ii, 1858-60. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Archivio Italiano per la malattie nervose, e piu particolarmente per le alienazioni mentali. Milano. Anni 1-14,1864-77. 8°. [Current.] Archiv fiir klinische Chirurgie. Herausgegeben von Dr. B. von Langeubeck. Redigirt von DD. Billroth und Gurlt. Berlin. Biinde i-xxi, 1860-77. 8°. [Current. Want No. 3, vol. ix.] Archiv for laegevidenskabens Historic i Danmark. Kjn Johann August Uozer. Hamburg. 6 v. Parts 1-10 are 2d ed., 1767-68; parts 11, 12, original issue, 1764. 8°. Asclepiade (L'), journal de mddecine, chirurgie et pharmacie. Marseille. Nos. 6-8, v. ii, 1823-24. 8°. [Want all others.] Asmodde. Revue des journaux, ouvrages de mddecine, chimie, phar- macie et sciences accesso res. Paris. 1 v., 1845-46. 4°. [Com- pleted.] Aspiracion (La) mddica, revista te6rico-clinica, eco de la clase mddi- co-escolar espaiiola. Madrid. Tom. i, 1867-68. Folio. Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. [See Dublin Medical Transac- tions, a series of papers by members of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Association Medical Journal. Edited for the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association, by J. R. Cormack. Being a new series of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal. London. ^ v. in 7 v., 1853-56. Roy. 8c. [Continued as The British Medical Journal.] Associazione medica Italiana. dell'—.] Asylum (The) Journal of Mental Science. London. Vols ii-iii 1855-57. 8° [Want vol. i, Nos. 1-14 (Nov. 15, 1853-July' 1855' For subsequent vols, see The Journal of Mental Science ] [See Atti del Congresso generale ATHENiEUM. 13 BALT. PHIL. J. Athenaeum, Jena. Atlanta M & S. J. Atti Accad. fis.-med.-statist. di Milano. Atti Accad. med. di Roma. Atti Cong. gen. d. Assoc, med. Ital. Atti r. 1st. d'incorag. a. sc. nat. ... di Napoli. Atti . . . r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. ed lett., Milano. Attir. 1st. Veneto di sc, lett. ed . arti. Aufsatze u. Beob. a. d. gerichtl. Arzneyw., Berl. Austral. M. Gaz., Melbourne. Austral. M. J., Melbourne. Avisos, Madrid. Athenaeum. Monatsschrift fiir Anthropologic, Hygiene, Moralsta- tistik, Bevolkeruugs- und Cultnrwissenschaft, Piidagogik, hohere Politik und die Lebre von den KiankheitMirsacbeu. ... Organ des legale • Directoriumsder Kaiserlichen Leop.-Carol. Akademie. Jena. Biinde i-iii, 1*75-76. 8°. [Want all subsequent to No. 6, Bd.iii.] Atlanta Medical and Surgical Journal. Atlanta, Georgia. 17 v., l-C>5-78. *-\ [Current. Suspended after Oct., 161, till March, 1-66, and after Aug., 1868, till April, 1-71.] Atti deH'Acc adeinia fisio-medico-statistica di Milano. Nuova serie. Vols, v-vii (anno 15-17, 1*59-62), anno xviii-xxvii (1863- 71), 4 v. -o. Atti dell'Accademia medica di Roma Anno 1", 1875-76. Fasc. 1. 8°. Atti del Cougresso deU'Associazione medica Italiana. 3° Cong., 1*66. 5" Cong., 1*71. Roy. 8° Atti del reale Istitnto d'incoraggiamento alle scienze naturali, eco- nomiche e tecnologiche di Napoli. Tom. viii-xii, 2a ser., 1872- 75. Folio. Atti della fondazione scieutifica Cagnola. Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze ed lettere. Milano. Tom. iii-v : No. 1, vol. vi, 1860-72. 8-\ Atti del reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Venezia. 14 v., 1868-75. 8o. Aufsatze und Beobachtungeu aus der gerichtlicheu Arzneywissen- schaft. Herausgegeben von J. Tb. Pyl. Berlin. 4 v., 1783-93. b- [Completed.] Australian (The) Medical Gazette. A jour al of medical literature and science. Melbourne. Nos. 2, 3,5, 7, 1*, 21,22, and 23 of vol. i, 1869; Nos. 25 and 29 of v^l. ii, 1870; N s. 36-47 of vol. iii, 1871. 4°. [Want all numbers uot enumerated.] Australian (The) Medical Journal. Edited under the superintend- ence of the Medical Society of Victoria. Melbourne. Vols, i-xix, 1856-74. 8°. [Want vol. iv and all subsequent to Aug., 1875.] Avisos (Los). Peri6dico quincenal de medi ina. Madrid. Tom. i, 1877. I3. [Current.] B. Baier. Ann., Sulzbach. Bait. J. Med. Bait. M. J. Bait. M. J. & Bull. Bait. M. & Phil. Lyceum. Bait. M. & Phys. Recorder. Balf>. M. & S. J. & Rev. Bait. Mon. J. of M. & S. Bait. Phil. J. & Rev. Badischer aerztlicher Verein. [See Mittheilungen des—.] Baierische Anualen fiir Abhandluugen, Erfinduugen und Beobach- tui gen aus dem Gebiete der Chirurgie, Augeuheilkunst und Ge- burtshiilfe. Sulzbach. 1 v., 1824. 8°. [Completed.] Baltimore (The) Journal of Medicine. Nos. 1-3, vol. i, 1861. *'■'. [Completed.] Baltimore (The) Medical Journal; a mouthly record of medicine and surgery. 2 v., 1870-71. 8°. [Completed. In vol. ii, title changed to the following:] Baltimore (The) Medical Journal and Bulletin. A consolidation of The Medical Bulletin with The Baltimore Medical Journal. [Title of vol. ii of the preceding.] Baltimore (The) Medical and Philosophical Lyceum. 1 v., 1811.. 8°. [Completed.] Baltimore (The) Medical and Physical Recorder. Vol. i and No. 1 of vol. ii, 1808-09. 8-. [Completed.] Baltimore (The) Medical and Surgical Journal and Review. Vols. i-ii, 1833-34. 8°. [Contiuued as North American Archives of Medical and Surgical ScieLce.] Baltimore (The) Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. 1 v., 1830-31. 8°. [Completed.] Baltimore (The) Philosophical Journal aud Review. No. 1, July, 1823. 8°. BALT. PHYS. 14 BER. Bait. Phys. & Surg. Beitr. z. Anat. u. Physiol (Eck- hard), Giessen. m Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Berl. Beitr. z. Geburtsk., Wiirzb. Beitr. z. Geburtsk. u. Gynaek., Wiirzb. Beitr. z. Gynak. u. Geburtsk., Tubing. Beitr. z. Heilk., Riga. Beitr. mecklenb. Aerzte z. Med. u. Chir., Rostock. Beitr. z. off. u. gerichtl. Arznk., Frankf. a. M. Beitr. z. physiol. u. path. Chem. u. Mikr., Berl. Beitr. z. prakt. Heilk., Leipz. Beitr. z. Reform d. San.-Wes. a. Westfalen, Ansberg. Beitr---der Sanit.-Pol., Berl. Beitr. z. theor. u. prakt. Ge- burtsh. etc., Hamb. Belmont M. J., Bridgeport, Ohio. Beob. u. Abhandl. ... v. oster. Aerzten, Wien. Beob. u. Bemerk. a. d. Geburtsh. u. gerichtl. Med., Gotting. Ber. d. Gewerbeschule zu Basel. Baltimore (The) Physician and Surgeon. Published monthly under the auspices of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, by., 1*72-76. 4-=. [Completed. Title of vol. i, 1872-/3, was: The Physician and Surgeon.] Beitriige zur Anatomie und Physiologie (Eckbard). Giessen. Biinde i-viii, 1858-77. 4°. Beitriige zur Geburtshiilfe und Gyniikologie. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe in Berlin. 4 v., 1870-76. 8°. [Consolidated with Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Frauenkrank- heiten, etc., Stuttgart, forming Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Gyniikologie, etc. Stuttgart.] Beitriige zur Geburtskuude von Franz A. Kiwisch, Ritter von Rot- terau. Wurzburg. Abtheil. 1,2, 1846, 1848, 1 v. 8°. [Con- tinued in 1853 as the following :] Beitriige zur Geburtskuude und Gynaekologie. Herausgegeben von F. W. Scanzoni. Wurzburg. Biinde i-vii, 1853-73. 8°. [A con- tinuation of the preceding. Want all subsequent.] Beitriige zur Gyniikologie und Geburtskunde von Johannes Hoist. Tubingen. 1 v., 1865-67. 8°. [Want all after No. 2,1867.] Beitrage zur Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von der Gesellschaft prac- ti-cher Aerzte zu Riga, 4 v., 1849-60. 8°. Beitrage mecklenburgischer Aerzte zur Mediein uud Chirurgie. Rostock und Schwerin. Heft 1, Band i, 1830. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] B itrage zur offentlicben uud gerichtlichen Arzneikunde. Heraus- gegeben von Th. G. A. Roose. Frankfurt a. M. 2tes Stiick, 1802. 8°. [Want Stiick 1,1798-1801.] Beitriige zur physiologischen und pathologischen Chemie und Mi- kroskopie in ihrer Anwendung auf die praktische Mediziu. Unter Mitvvirkung ...herausgegeben von Dr. Franz Simou. Berlin. 1 v., 1843-44. 8°. [Continued by J. F. Heller, in Wien, as Archiv fiir physiologische und pathologische Chemie, etc.] Beitrage zur praktischen Heilkunde, mit vorziiglicher Beriick- sichtigung der medicinischen Geographie, Topographie und Epi- demiologie. Herausgegeben von Chr. A. Clarus und J. Radius. Leipzig. 4 v., 1834-37. 8°. [Completed.] Beitrage zur Reform des Sanitiits-Wesens aus Westfalen. Ansberg. 1 v., 1849. 8° [Completed.] Beitrage zur exacten Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Sanitats-Poli- zei. Berlin. 1 v., 1860-62. h°. [Completed. A reprint, with new pagination, of Nos. 4-12, vol. ii, of Monats^chrift fiir exacte Forschung, etc.] Beitrage zur theoretischen und praktischen Geburtshiilfe und zur Kenntniss und Kur einiger Kinderkrankheiten. Hamburg. 3 v., 179*-1*08. 8°. Belmont (fhe) Medical Journal. A monthly periodical, published under the patronage of the Belmont Medical Society. Bridgeport Ohio. 2 v., 1858-60. 12°. [Completed.] Belmont Medical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Beobachtungen und Abhaudlungen aus dem Gebiete der gesamm- ten praktischen Heilkunde, von osterreichischen Aerzten. Wien ^ v'>,1', 63"65' t0m-X; N°8- 6^-68, torn v v- v % }' ,0m- X1I; N?8- 12~74> ^m. xiii; Nos. 75-77 torn. *iv; No./», torn. xv. 8°. [Want all except above] CALCUTTA. 19 CHARLESTON. Calcutta J. M. Calif. M. Gaz., San Fran. Calif. State M. J., Sacramento. Campania med., Caserta. Canad. J. M. Sc, Toronto. Canad. M. Times, Kingston. Canada Health J., Toronto. Canada Lancet, Montreal. Caiada Lancet, Toronto. Canada M. J., Montreal. Canada M. J., Montreal. Canada M. Rec, Montreal. Canada M. & S. J., Montreal. Carolina J. M., Charleston. Centralbl. f. Chir., Leipz. Centralbl. f. Gynak., Leipz. Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissensch., Berl. Centralbl. f. piakt. Augenh., Leipz. Centr.-Arch. f. d. ges. gerichtl. u. poliz. Med.-Wes., Ansbach. Centr.-Arch. f. d. ges. Staats- arznk., Regensburg. Centr.-Ztg. f. Kinderh , Berl. Charite-Ann, Berl. Charleston M. J. & Rev. Charleston M. J. & Rev., n. s. Calcutta (The) Journ il of Medicine: a monthly record of the med- ical and auxiliary sciences. [Homoeopathic] Calcutta. Vols. i-vii, 1868-74. 8°. California (The) Medical Gazette; a monthly journal of medical and surgical science. San Francisco. 2 v., 1868-70. 4°. [Com- pleted.] California (The) State Medical Journal. Sacramento. 1 v., 1856- 57. 8°. [Completed.] Campania (La) medica. Caserta. Anni 2-3, 1872-74. 2 v. 8°. [Completed. Want anno 1.] Canaiian (The) Journal of Medical Science. A monthly journal of British and foreign me lical science, criticism, and news. Toron- to. Vols, i-ii, 1876-77. 8°. [Current.] Canadian (The) Medical Times. A weekly journal of medical science, news, and politics. Kingston. Nos. 1-26, vol. i, 1873. Folio. [Completed.] Canada (The) Health Journal. Toronto. Nos. 1-5, vol. i, 1870. 8° [Completed.] Canada (The) Lancet. Montreal. Nos. 1-10, 12-22, vol. i, 1863-64. 4°. [Want No. 11 aud all subsequent to No. 22.] Canada (The) Lancet. A monthly journal of medical and surgical* science. Toronto. Vols, iii—ix, 1870-77. 8°. [Current. For vols. i-ii, see The Dominion Medical Journal.] Canada Medical Association. [See Transactions of the —.] Canada (The) Medical Journal and Monthly Record of Medical and Surgical Science. Montreal. 1 v., 1852-53. 8°. [Completed.] Canada (The) Medical Journal and Monthly Record of Medical and Surgical Science. Montreal. 8 v., 1864-72. 8°. [Completed.] Canada (The) Medical Record. A monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Montreal. 5 v., 1872-77. 8°. [Current.] Canada (Th-<) Medical and Surgical Journal. Montreal. 5 v., 1872- 77. 8°. [Current,] Canstatt's Jahresbaricht. Erlangen. [See Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der gesammten Modiciu in alien Landern.] Carolina (The) Journal of Medicine, Science, and Agriculture. Charleston, S. C. Vol. i, 1825. 8°. Caucasus, Imperial Society of. [See Protokol zasaidaneya Karkaz- skago medicheskago Obshchestva.] Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-4,1874-77. 4 v. 8°. Leipzig. Band i, 1877. 8°. [Cur- Berlin. Jahrg. Leipzig. Band, i, Centralblatt fiir Chirurgie. [Current.] Centralblatt fiir Gyniikologie rent.] Centralblatt fiir die medicinischen Wissenschaften 1-15, 1863-77. 15 v. 8°. [Current.] Centralblatt fiir praktische Augenheilkunde 1877. 8°. [Current.] Centralarchi v fur das gesammte gerichtliche und polizeiliche Medici- nalwesen. Ansbach. [Title of Biinde v-vi, 1848-49, of the follow- ing:] Central-Archiv fiir die gesammte Staatsarzneikunde. Herausge- geben vou J. B. Friedreich. Regensburg. Ausbach. Jahrg. 1-6, 1844-49. 6 v. 8°. [Completed. See preceding for title of vols. v-vi.] Central-Zeitung fiir Kinderheilkunde. Berlin. No. 1, Jahrg. 1,1877, to date. 4°. [Current.] Charitd-Annalen. Bsrlin. Biinde i-ii, 1874-75. 8°. Charleston (The) Medical Journal and Review. Edited by P. C. Gaillard and H. W.DeSaussure. Vols, iii-xv, 1848-60. 8°.'[Com- pleted. For vols, i-ii, see The Southern Journal of Medicine and Pharmacy.] Charleston (The) Medical Journal and Review. New series. Edited and published by F. Peyre Porcher and R. A. Kinloch. Vols. i-iv. 1873-77. 8°. [Completed.] CHEM. CENTRALSTELLE. 20 CLEVELAND M. GAZ. Chem. Centralstelle f. off. Gsnd- htspfl. in Dresden. Chem. Centr.-Bl, Leipz. Chem. News, Lond. Chem.-pharm. Centr.-Bl., Leipz. Chicago J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis. Chicago M. Ezam. Chicago M. J. Chicago M. J. & Ezam. Chicago M. Times. Chir. Biblioth., Gotting. Chiron, Nurnb. Cincin. J. Health. Cincin. J. M. Cincin. Lancet & Obs. Cincin. M. News. Cincin. M. News. Cincin. M. Obs. Cincin. M. Repert. Cincin. M. & S. News. Cleveland Health J. Cleveland M. Gaz. Cheraische (Die) Centralstelle fiir offentli -he Gesnndheitspflege in Dresden. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. H. Fleck. Dresden, lster- 5ter Jahresbericht, 1871-75. 5 v. Roy. 8°. Chemisches Central-Blatt. Leipzig. [Current.] Chemical (The) News. London. Chemisch-pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Leipzig. Chicago (The) Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 4 v., 1874- 77 8°. [Current.] Chicago (The) Medical Examiner. A monthly journal devoted to the educational, scientific, and practical interests of the medical profession. Vols, i-xii, 1860-71. 8°. [For continuation see The Medical Examiner. Chicago.] Chicago (The) Medical Journal. A monthly record of medicine, surgery, and collateral sciences. Vols, xv-xxxi, 1858-75. 8°. [For first 14 vols., see The North Western Medical and Surgical Journal. In Sept, 1875, consolidated with The Medical Examiner, Chicago, forming the following :] Chicago (The) Medical Journal and Examiner. Vols, xxxii-xxxv, 1875-77. 8°. [Current. See the preceding, being a consolida- tion of the same with The Medical Examiner. Chicago.] Chicago (The) Medical Times. A monthly journal devoted to the interests of eclectic medicine and surgery. 9 v., 1869-77. 8°. [Current.] China Medico-Chirurgical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Chirurgische Bibliothek von August Gottlieb Richter. Gottingen und Gotha. 15 Bd., 1771-96. 8°. [Continued as Bibliothek fur die Chirurgie. Vols, iii-xv published in Gottingen only.] Chiron. Eine der theoretischen, praktischen, literarischen und his- torischen Bearbeitung der Chirurgie gewidmete Zeitschrift. Niirn- berg und Sulzbach. 3 v., 1805-13. 8°. [Completed.] Cincinnati (The) Journal of Health, devoted to instructions in Anatomy and Physiology and the means of preserving health. Cincinnati. 1 v., 1844. 8°. Cincinnati (The) Journal of Medicine. Cincinnati, Ohio, 1866-67. Indianapolis, Ind., 1867-69. Vols, i-iv, 1866-69. 8°. [Vol. ii after No. 6: title, The Western Journal of Medicine. For con- tinuation see The American Practitioner.] Cincinnati (The) Lancet and Observer. Vols, i-xx, 1858-77. 8°. [Current. Formed by consolidation of The Cincinnati Medical Observer with The Western Lancet.] Cincinnati (The) Medical News. Vols, i-vi, 1872-77. 8°. [Cur- rent. Continuation of The Cincinnati Medical Repertory.] Cincinnati (The) Medical News. Devoted to the dissemination of truth. Vol. i, and Nos. 1-2, vol. ii, Aug. 15, 1858—Nov. 15, 1859. Folio. [Completed. Want all from Oct. I, 1857—Aug. 15, 1858. Continued as The Cincinnati Medical and Surgical News.] Cincinnati (The) Medical Observer. Vols, i-ii, 1856-57. 8°. [In Jan., 1858, united with The Western Lancet, forming The Cin- cinnati Lancet and Observer.] Cincinnati (The) Medical Repertory. Vols, i-iv, 1868-71. 8°. [For continuation see The Cincinnati Medical News.] Cincinnati (The) Medical and Surgical News. 4 v., 1860-63. 8°. [Completed. Continuation of The Cincinnati Medical News.] Cleveland (The) Health Journal. A monthly, devoted to mental and physical culture. Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] Cleveland (The) Medical Gazette: a monthly journal for the ad- vancement aud review of the medical sciences. Vols i-iii 1859- 61. 8°. TWant No. 3, vol. iii (Mch., 1861), and all after No 10 vol. iii (Oct., 1861).] ' LV> Clinical Society of London. [See Transactions of the__.] Clinico-pathological Society of Washington. [See Proceedings of OLIN. D. HOP. 21 COMPT.-REND. SOC. DE MfiD. Clin. d. hop., Par. Clin. d. hop. d. enf., Par. Clin. Lect. ... by German au- thors, Lond. Clin. Lect. & Rep. Lond. Hosp. Clin, omiop., Padova. Clinic, Cincin. Clinique, Par. Collect, acad. d. mem, etc., Di- jon. Collect, med.-phys., Amst. Columbus Rev. M. & S. Comment, clin. di Pisa. Comment, di med. e chir., Mila- no. Gommunicat. Med. Soc. Con- nect., N. Haven. Communicat. Rhode Island Med. Soc. Compend. M. Sc, Phila. Compilador me'd, Barcel. Compt.-rend. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Bruz. Compt. rend. Acad. d. sc, Par. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., Par. Compt.-rsnd. Soc. imp. de med. de Bordeauz. Compt.-rend. Soc. de med. de Lyon. Clinique (La) des hopitaux et de la ville. Paris. Tom. i-iv, 1827- 29. 4°. [Continued as La Clinique, annales de mddecine uui- verselle.] Clinique (La) des hdpitaux des enfant^, et revue rdtrospective md- dico-chirurgicale et hygienique. Paris. Anudes 1-3, 1841-44. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Clinical lectures on subjects connected with medicine, surgery aud obstetrics, by various Germau authors. Selected by permission from the series published by Richard Volkmann. London. 2 v., 1877. 8°. Clinical lectures and reports by the medical and surgical staff of the London Hospital. 4 v., 1864-68. 8°. Clinica omiopatica. Periodico rnedico meusile. Padova. Anni 1- 6,1871-77. *'. [Current.] Clinic (The). Cincinnati. 13 v., 1871-77. 4°. [Current.] Clinique (La), aunales de mddecine uuiverselle. Paris. Tom. i-iii, 1829-30. 4°. [A continuation of La Clinique des hdpitaux et de la ville. In 1831 united with Gazette mdlicale de Paris.] Collection acaddmique cornposde des mdmoires, actes, ou journaux des plus cdlebres acaddmies et socidtds littdraires dtrangeres, des exfcraits des meilleurs ouvrages pdriodiqnes, des traitds particu- liers, et des pieces fugitives les plus rares. Concernant l'histoire naturelle et la botanique, la physique expdrimenta'le et la chymie, la mddecine et l'anatomie, traduits eu fraucois et mis en ordre par une socidtd de gens de lettres. Dijon et Paris. 13 torn., 1755-79. 4°. Collectanea medico-physica, oft Hollands Jaar-Register der genees- en natuurkundige Aaumerkingen van giutsch Europe, etc., be- ginnende met het Jaar 1680. [Also for 1681-88.] 8°. Door Steph. Blankaart. Amsterdam. [Completed.] Collegeof Physicians of Philadelphia. [See Transactions of the —.] Colorado State Medical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Colorado Terr torial Medical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Columbus (The) Review of Medicine and Surgery. Nos. 1-5, vol. i. 8°. [Completed.] Commentario clinico di Pisa. Vol. i, 18/7. 8°. [Current.] Commentarii di medicina e chirurgia. Milano. Nos. 1 and 3, torn. i, 1874. 8°. [Want No. 2 and all since No. 3, vol. i.] Communications of the Medical Society of Connecticut. New Haven. No. 1, 1810. 8°. Communications of the Rhode Island Medical Society, with an ap- pendix containing the proceedings of the society from 1859 to 1877. Vols, i-viii. 8°. Philadelphia. 10 v., 1868-77. Compendium of Medical Science. 8°. [Current.] Compilador (El) mddico. Organo oficial de la Academia de, medicina y cirugfa, y eco de los hospirales civiles y militares de Barcelona. Tom. i-v, 1865-63. 8°. [After Sept. 27, 1869, merged in La In- depeudeucia mddica.] Compte-rendu des travaux de I'Acaddmie royale de mddecine de Belgique (lu dans la sdance solennelle du 21 novembre 1855). Bruxelles. S3. Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des sdances de I'Acaddniie des sciences. Paris. Tom. i-xxii, xxiv, xxix, xxx, xxxiv-xxxix, Ixx- lxxxv, 1835-77. 47 v. 4°. [Want vols, xxiii, xxv-xxviii, xxxi- xxxiii, xl-lxix.] Comptes rendus des sd mces et mdmoires de la Socidtd de biologie. Paris. 26 torn., 1849-75. 8°. [Want vol. v, 3 s., and vol. ii, 6 s.] Compte-rendu des travaux de la Socidtd impdriale de mddecine de Bordeaux. Pour l'annde 1858. 8°. (71me annde.) [Want all others.] Compte-rendu des travaux de la Socidtd de mddecine de Lyon, depuis le mois de juillet 1818, jusqu'au moia de septembre 1820; juillet 1826—aout 1828 ; Janvier 1833—juillet 1836. 8°. COMPT. REND. SOC. DE MfiD. 22 COR.-BL. D. DEUTSCHEN. Compt. rend. Soc. de med. de Nancy. Compt. rend. Soc. de med. prat., Par. Compt.-rend. Soc. med. du prem. arrond. de Par. Compt. rend. Soc. de med. ... de Toulouse. Compt. rend. Soc. d. sc. med. et nat. de Bruz. Confed. States M. & S. J., Rich- mond. Confer, internat. d. Soc. de se- cours ..., Par. Cong. gen. d'hyg. de Bruz. Cong. mdd. de toutes les nations. Cong, me'd.-chir. de France, Par. Cong, period, internat. d. sc. med. Compte-rendu. Conservatore d. Salute, Napoli. Contemp. Rev., Lond. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth., Bern. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte u. Apoth. d. Grossherz. Oldenburg. Cor.-Bl. f. d. Aerzte im Gross- herz. Meckl.-Strel., Neustre- litz. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. u. pharm. Kreis- Ver. im Konigr. Sachsen, Leipz. Cor.-Bl. d. arztl. Ver. d. Rhein- Prov., Bonn. Cor.-Bl. d. allg. arztl. Ver. v. Thiiringen, Weimar. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Anthrop., etc, Brnschwg. Compte rendu des travaux de la Socidtd de mddecine de Nancy. Ire anude, 1842-43, aud 9 Nos., 1866-76. 3 v. 8°. Compte rendu des travaux de la Socidtd de mddecine pratiquo, pendant les anndes 1827-28. Paris. 8°. Compte-rendu des travaux de la Socidtd mddicale du premier arron- dissement de Paris, pendant les anndes 1848-50. 8°. Compte rendu des travaux ^e la Socidtd de mddecine, chirurgie et pharmacie de Toulouse, depuis le 12 juin 1871 jusqu'au 12 mai 1872. 72e annde. 8°. [Want all others.] Compte rendu des travaux de la Socidtd des sciences mddicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Anndes 1826,1832. 8°. [Want all others.] Confederate States (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Richmond. 2 v., l-i64-63. 4°. [Completed.] Confdrences internationales des Socidtds de secours aux blessds mili- taires des armdas de terre et de mer tenues a Paris en 1867. 2e dd. 2 torn., 1867. 8°. Congres gdndral d'hygiene de Bruxelles. Compte rendu des sdan- ces.—Texte des rdsolutions votdes. Appendice.—Plans. 1 torn., 1852. 8°. Congres mddical de France. [Title of 2d session of Congres mddico- chirurgical de France. See, also, Actes du —.] Congres mddical de toutes les nations. Deuxieme session de 1869, a Florence. Bologne. 1 torn., 1870. 8°. [See, also, Congres pdri- odique international des sciences mddicales.] Congres mddico chirurgical de France. Paris. lre-4me session. 4 torn., 1863-73. 8°. Congres pdriodique international des sciences mddicales. Compte- rendu. Bruxelles et Paris. 3me et 4me session, 1873-75. 2 torn. 8°. [See, also, Congres mddical de toutes les nations.] Congress bayerischer Aerzte. [See Verhindlungen des —.] Connecticut State Medical Society. [See Proceedings and Commu- nications of the —.] Conservatore (II) della Salute. Repertorio popolare dell'igiene e della medicina preventive. Napoli. Anui 1-3, 1872-75. 12° and 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Contemporary (The) Review. London. Convention of American Instructors of the Blind. [See Proceedings of the—. Also, American Association of Instructors of the Blind.] Convention of Physicians of Ohio. [See Proceedings of a —.] Cork County and City Medical aud Surgical Society. [See Transac- tions of the —.] Correspondenzblatt fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. Bern. [Title of vol. ii, 1851, of Bernisches Correspoudeuzblatb fur Aerzte und Apotheker.] Correspondenzblatt fiir die Aerzte und Apotheker des Grossherzog- thums Oldenburg. Biinde i-iii, 1860-65. 8°. [Want all subse- quent.] Correspondenzblatt fiir die Aerzte im Grotsherzogthum Mecklen- burg-Strelitz. Neustrelitz. Jahrg. 1860. 10 Nos. 4°. [Want all subsequent.] Correspondenzblatt der arztlichen und pharmaceutischen Kreis- Vereine im Konigreich Sachsen. Leipzig. Bande xvi-xxi, 1875- 77. 4°. [Current. Waut vols, i-xv.] Correspondenzblatt der arztlichen Vereine in Rheinland, West- phalen und Lothringen. [Title of Nos. 13, etc., of the following:] Correspondenzblatt der arztlichen Vereine der Rhein-Provinz. Bonn. Nos. 1-18, 1867-76. 8°. [See preceding.] Correspondenz-Bliitter des allgemeinen arztlichen Vereins von Thli" ringeu. Weimar. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-6, 1872-77. 8°. [Current. Waut No. 1, vol. i; Nos. 8-12, vol. iii.] Correspondenzblatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fur Anthropologic Ethnologie und Urgeschichte. Braunschweig. 1871-77 40' [Current. Bound with Archiv fur Anthropologic.] COR.-BL. D. DEUTSCHEN. 23 DECADAS MED.-QUIR. Cor.-Bl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Psychiat., etc, Neuwied. Cor.-Bl. f. d. mittelrhein. Aerzte, Darmst. Cor.-Bl. d. Naturf.-Ver. zu Riga. Cor.-Bl. d. nied.-rhein.Ver. f. off. Gsndhtspflg., Koln. Cor.-Bl. f. schweiz. Aerzte,Basel. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. f. gemeinsch. Arb. z. Ford. d. wissensch. Heilk., Hannov. Cor.-Bl. d. Ver. nassau'scher Aerzte, Weilburg. Correio med. de Lisboa. Corresp. med., Madrid. Corresp. med. de Paris para Bolivie, etc., Par. Courrier med., Par. Croiz rouge, Bruz. Cron. med.-quir. de la Habana. Cr6n. oftal., C£diz. Customs Gaz. Med. Rep., Shang- hai. Cycl Pract. Med., Phila. Cycl. Pract. Med. (Ziemssen), N. Y. Czasopismo towarz., Lwow. Correspondenz-Blatt der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Psychiatrie und gerichtliche Psychologic. Neuwied. Berlin. Jahrg. 2-23, 1855- 77. 21 v. 4° and 8". [Waut vol. i (July-Den., 1854); also July- Dec, 1857; 1871; No. 12, v. xx (1874); and index, etc., 1874. To be continued as Central-Blatt fiir Nervenheilkunde, etc.] Correspoudenzblatt fiir die mittelrheinischen Aerzte. Organ fiir Epi- demiologic und otfeutliche Gesundheitspfiege. Darmstadt und Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-2, 1866-68. 1 v. 8°. [Continued as Zeitschrift fiir Epidemiologi , etc.] Correspoudenzblatt des Naturforscher-Vereins zu Riga. 1867,1869, 1870. 8°. [Waut all others.] Correspondenz-Blatt des niederrheiuischen Vereins fiir offentliche Gesundheitspfiege. Koln. Biinde i-vi, 1871-77. 4°. [Current,] Correspondenz-Blatt fiir schweizer Aerzte. Basel. Jahrg. 1-7, 1871-77. Roy. 8°. {Current. Want pp. 457-464 in 1872.] Correspond- nzblatt des Vereins fiir gemeinschaftliche Arbeiten zur Forderung der wissenschaftlichen Heilkunde. Hannover. Ol- denburg. Marburg. Nos. 1-65, 1 v., 1^53-63. 8°. [Completed.] Correspondenzblatt des Vereins nassau'scher Aerzte, fiir die Jahre 1856-59. Weilburg. 1 v. Roy. 8°. [Want No. 9, 1859.] Correio (O.) medico de Lisboa: publicagao quinzenal de medicina, cirurgia e pharmacia. Lisboa. Tom. i-vi, 1871-77. 4°. [Current.] Correspondencia (La) mddica; sanidad civil, fnerza de un pensami- ento. Periolieo dedicado & lasclases mddicas de Espafia. Madrid. Aiio 1-12, 1866-77. 12 v. 4°. [Current. Want Nos. 1-20 (all prior to Jan. 8, 1867).] Correspondencia medical de Paris para Bolivie, Brdsil, [and other portions of South and North America, etc.] Paris. Ano 1-2, 1873- 74. Folio. [Waut all prior to Dec, 1873, and all subsequent to above.] Courrier (Le) mddical et la rdforme mddicaie. Paris. Anndes 19- 27, 1869-77. 9 v. 4°. [Current. Want all prior.] Croix (La) rouge. Annales de l'oenvre internationale de la Croix rouge et des socidtds hnmauitaires similaires: revue d'hygiene militaire publique et privde. Bruxelles. Anndes 9-12, 1873-77, 4 v. 8°. [Current, Want years 1-8; and pp. 161-180, vol. x, 1874-75.] Crdnicamddio quinir^icadela Habana. R'.vista mensualde medi- cina, cirugia, faimacia y ciencias auxiliares. Habana. Ano 3, 1877. 8°. [Current. Want vols, i-ii.] Crdnica (La) oftnliuoldgica. Organo oficial de Instituto oftaMmico de Madrid y de la clinica ofralmoldgica de Cddiz. Aiio. 3,4,6,7, 1873-77. 8*°. [Current. Want vols, i, ii, v.] Customs Gazette. Medical Reports forwarded by the surgeons to the customs at the treaty ports iu China. Shanghai. Nos. 1-13, 1871-77. 1 v. 4°. [Current.] Cyclopaedia of Piactical Medicine; comprising treatise on the na- ture and treatment of diseases, materia medica, and therapeutics, medical jurisprudence, etc. Edited by Forbes, Tweedie, [et al.] Revised by Robley Duuglison. Philadelphia. 4 v., 1845. 8°. Cyclopaedia of the Practice of Medicine. Edited by H. von Ziems- sen. Translated by R. H. Fitz, C. P. Putnam, [et al.] A. H. Buck editor of American edition. New York. Vols. i-vii,x-xii, xv-xvi, 1874-77. 8°. Czasopismo towarzystwaaptckarskiego. Lwowie (Lemberg). Vols. v-vi, lb76-77. 8U. [Current. Waut vols, i-iv.] D. Decadas de med. y cir. prat., Madrid. Decadas med.-quir., Madrid. Decadas med.-quir. y farm , Ma- drid. Ddcadas de medicina y cirugia praticas. Madrid. [Title for vols. v-xx, 1822-28, of the following:] Ddcadas mddicoquirurgicas. Madrid. Tom. i-xx, 1821-28. 8°. [See preceding.] Ddcadas mddicoquirurgicas y farmacduticas. Madrid. [Title for vols, ii-iv, 1821, of tne preceding.] DENKSCHR. D. DEUTSCH. 24 DICT. D. SC. MfiD. Denkschr. d. deutsch. Ver. f. Heilwissensch., Berl. Denkschr. d. med.-chir. Gesell- sch. d. Kantons Zurich. Denkschr. d.Ver. deutsch. Aerz- te in Par. Detroit Lancet. Detroit M. J. Detroit Rev. Med & Pharm. Deutsche Klinik, Berl. Deutsche med.Wchnschr., Berl. Deutsche mil.-arztl.Ztschr.,Berl. Deutsche Vrtljschr. f. off. Gsnd- htspflg., Brnschwg. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Chir., Leipz. Deutsche Ztschr. f. prakt. Med., Leipz. Deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats- arznk., Erlang. Deutsche Ztschr. f. Thiermed. Leipz. Deutsches Arch. f. klin. Med., Leipz. Deutsches Arch. f. d. Physiol., Halle. Diet. d. diet. Suppl., Par. Diet, encycl. d. sc. med., Par. Diet. d. etudes med. prat., Par. Diet. d. sc. med , Par. Denkschriften des deutschen Vereins fiir Heilwissenschaft. Berlin. Biinde i-iii, 1845-47. 4°. Denkschrift der medicinisch-chirurgischen Gesellschaft des Kantons Zurich. Zur Feier des flinfzigsteu Stiftungstages, den 7. Mai 1860. 4°. Denkschrift des Vereins deutscher Aerzt« in Paris. Zur Feier des zehnjahrigen Stiftungsfestes, vou der Redactions-Commission. Paris. 1854. 4°. Detroit (The) Lancet. A monthly exponent of rational medicine. No. 1, vol. i, 1878. 8°.. [Current.] Detroit (The) Medical Journal. Published monthly under the auspices of the Detroit Medical and Library Association. New series. Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current. A consolidation of The Peninsular Journal of Medicine with the following:] Detroit (The) Review of Medicine and Pharmacy. Vols, i-xi, 1866- 76. 8°. [Completed. See preceding.] Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie. Berlin. [See Verhandlungen der —.] Deutsche Irrenarzte. [See Bericht iiber die Versammluugen Deutscher, etc.] Deutsche Klinik. Zeitung fiir Beobachtungen aus deutschen Klini- ken und Kraukenhausern. Berlin. Biinde i-xxvii, 1849-75. Folio. [Completed. Want No. 52, 1874.] Deutsche medic nische Wochenschrift. Mit Beriicksichtigung der offeutlichen Gesuudheitspflege und der Interessen des arztlichen Standes. Berlin. Jabrg. 1-3, 1875-77. 4°. [Current,] Deutsche militairiirztliche Zeitschrift. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-6,1872-77. 8°. [Current.] Deutsche Naturforscher und Aerzte. [See Amtlicher Bericht iiber die Versammlungen Deutscher, etc. Also, Tageblatt der Versamin- lungen Deutscher, etc.] Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift fiir offentliche Gesundheitspfiege. Braunschweig. Biinde i-ix, 1869-77. 8°. [Current.] Leipzig. Biinde i-viii, 1872-77. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-4, Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie. 8°. [Current.] Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir praktische Medizin. 1874-77. 4°. [Current.] Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde, mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der Strafrechtspflage in Deutschland und Oes- terreich. Erlangen. Neue Folge. Biinde i-xxix, 1853-72. 8°. [A continuation of Vereinte deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staats- arzneikunde. Wano all subsequent.] Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Thiermedicin uud vergleichende Pathologie. Leipzig. Bande i-iii, 1875-77. 8°. [Curreut.] Deutscher iirztlicher Verein zu St. Petersburg. [See Neue Abhand- lungen des —.] Deutscher Verein fiir Heilwissenschaft. Berlin. [See Denkschriften des —. J Deutsches Archiv fur klinische Mediein. Leipzig. Biinde i-xx, 1865-77. 8°. [Current.] Deutsches Archiv fiir die Physiologie. Herausgegeben von J. F. Meckel. Halle und Berlin. 8 v., 1815-23. 8°. [Completed. Continuation of [Keil's] Archiv fiir die Physiologie, and con- tinued as Archiv fiir Auatomie uud Physiologie.] Dictionnaire des dictiounaires de mddecine (Suppldment au). Rddigd sous la direction de M. Amb. Tardieu. Paris. 2 torn., 1851. 8°. Dictionnaire encyclopddique des sciences mddicales. Collabora- teurs: MM. hsdocteursArcbambault, Axenfeld, Baiilarger, [etal.] Directeur : A. Dechambre. Paris. 39 torn., 1869-77. 8°. [Want vol. xii, 1 s., aud vol. v, 2 a.] Dctionnaire des dtudes mddicales pratiques. Par MM. Amussat, Andral, Mme. Bourn, MM. Caffe, Capitaiue, [etal.] Paris. 4 torn., 1838-39. 8°. . Dictionnaire des sciences mddicales. Par une socidtd de mddecins et de chirurgiens: Adelon, Alard, Alibert, [et al.] Paris. 60 torn.. 1812-22. 8°. ' DISC. PHILA. CO. M. SOC. 25 E. TENNESSEE REC. M. & S. Disc. Phila. Co. M. Soc, Phila. Dnevnik obshch. vrach. g. Ka- zaui. Doctor, Lond. Doctor, Lond. Dominion M. J., Toronto. Dorpat. med. Ztschr. Dublin Hosp. Gaz. Dublin Hosp. Rep. Dublin J. M. & Chem. Sc. Dublin J. M. Sc Dublin M & Phys. Essays. Dublin M. Press. Dublin M. Press & Circ. Dublin M. Tr. Dublin Q. J. M. Sc Dwutygodnik med. pub., Kra- kow. Discussions before the Philadelphia County Medical Society, at the conversational meetings, from October, 1.861, to March, 1862. Edited and published by Wm. B. Atkinsou. Philadelphia. Roy. 8°. Dnevnik obshchestva vrachei g. Kazaui. [Diary of the Medical Society of Kasan.] Nos. 1-14, 1872; Nos. 1-7, 10-14, 17, 18, 20, 25-30,1873 ; Nos. 1-20, 1874. 8°. [Want all others.] Doctor (The): a medical magazine. London. Vols, i-v, 1832-37. 4°. Doctor (The). A monthly review of British and foreign medical prac- tice and literature. London. Vols, i-vii, 1871-77. 4°. [Current.] Dominion (The) Medical Journal. A monthly record of medioal and surgical science, devoted to Cauadiau and foreign medicine, literature, and news, aud the independent organ of the profession in these provinces. Toronto. Vols, i-ii, 1868-70. 8°. [Continued as The Canada Lancet.] Dorpater medicinische Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von der Dor- pater mediciuischen Gesellschaft. Dorpat. Biinde i-vi, 1870-77. 8°. [Completed.] Drake Academy of Medicine. [See Transactions of the—.] Dublin (The) Hospital Gazette: a journal for the cultivation and improvement of practical medicine and surgery. New series. Dublin. Vols, i-vii, 1854-60. Roy. 8°. [AVant 1 s. (all prior to Feb., 1854); also all subsequent to I860.] Dublin (The) Hospital Reports, and communications in medicine and surgery. Dublin. Vols, i-v, 1^18-30. 8°. Dublin (The) Journal of Medical and Chemical Science; exhibiting a comprehensive view of the latest discoveries iu medicine, sur- gery, chemistry and the collateral sciences. Dublin. Vols, i- xxviii, 1832-45. 83 [Want Nos. 48, 49,52, 53,55, 56 (Jan., March, Sept., Nov., 1840; March, May, 1841; iu vols, xvi-xix). Con- tinued as The Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science, etc. Vols, ix-xxviii title as follows:] Dublin (The) Journal of Medical Science. (New [3d] series.) Vole. liii-lxiv, 1872-77. 8°. [Current. Contiuuation of The Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Scieuce, etc. Also title for vols. ix-xxviii of the preceding. In 1875, Irish Hospital Gazette merged iu this journal.] Dublin (The) Medical and Physical Essays, comprising disserta- tions and details on medicine and surgery, with their collateral branches of science. Dubliu. 1 v., 1807. SJ. [Completed.] Dublin (The) Medical Press: a weekly journal of medicine and medical affairs. Dublin. 54 v., 1839-65 4°. [Completed. In 1865, title: The Medical Press. Dublin. In Jan., 1866, united with The Medical Circular, forming The Medical Press and Circular.] Dublin Medical Press and Circular. [Title of The Medical Press and Circular [Londou] iu vol. i, Jau.-Juue, 1866.] Dublin Medical Transactions, a series of papers by members of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's aud Queen's College of Physicians iu Ireland. Dublin. N. s., vol. i, pt. 1, 1830. 8°. [Waut all except above.] Dublin Obstetrical Society. [See Proceedings of the —.] Dublin (The) Quarterly Journal of Medical Science; consisting of original communications, reviews, retrospects, and reports, in- cluding the latest discoveries in medicine, surgery, and the col- lateral sciences. Dublin. 52 v., 1846-71. 8°. [A continuation of The Dublin Journal of Medical and Chemical Science, etc.; aud followed by the Dublin Journal of Medical Science.] Dwutygoduik medycyny publiczuej. Organ Towarzystwa lekarzy galicyjskich. Krakowie. [Bi-weekly journal Galiciau medical society.] Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] E. E. Tennessee Knozville. 4 A T Rec. M. & S., East Tennessee (The) Record of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by Frank A. Ramsey. Published under the auspices of the East Tennessee Medical Society. Knoxville (Tenn.) 1 v., 1852-53. 8\ [Completed.] EBD. CLIN. DI BOLOGNA. 20 KSTK. DI MKM. 1>. ACCAD. Ebd. clin. di Bologna. Echo med., Neuchat. Ecole de med., Par. Edinb. J. M. Sc. Edinb. M. J. Edinb. M. & S. J. Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc. Effem. d. sc. med., Milano. Emulacion, Merida. Encicl. med.-farm., Barcel. Ephem. Acad. nat. curios. Ephem. d. Heilk., Bamb. Ephem. med. de Montpel. Escholiaste med., Lisb. Escuela med., Caracas. Esculapio napol., Napoli. Esculapio, Napoli. Espaha med., Madrid. Essays & Obs. Phil. Soc Edinb. Estr. di mem. d. Accad. med. chir. di Ferrara. Ebdomadario (L') clinicodi Bologna. Anni 1H52-64. Folio. [Com- pleted. Continued as Rivista clinica di Bologna.] ficho (L') mddical. Journal suisse et etranger des sciences medi- cales, pharmaceutiques et vdtdrinaires. Organe des societes mddicales de Geneve, de Neuehatel et du canton de Vaud. Neuchatel (eu Suisse). 5 v., 1857-61. 8°. [Completed.] Kckhard (C.) [Sec Beitriige zur Anat., etc.] ficole (L') de mddecine. Journal des coins etdes cliniques. Paris. 180 Nos. (7 v.), 1H74-77. 8°. [Current,] Edinburgh (The) Journal of Medical Science, exhibiting a compen- dious view of the progressive improvements and discoveries occurring in practical medicine, practical surgery, midwifery, anatomy (human, comparative, morbid), physiology (human, comparative), pathology (human, comparative), chemistry, pharmacy, botany, materia medica, aud medical jurisprudence. Edinburgh. 3 v., 1826-27. 8°. Edinburgh (The) Medical Journal: combining the Monthly Journal of Medicine, with the Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal. Edinburgh. 45 v., 1855-77. 8°. [Current.] Edinburgh (The) Medical and Surgical Journal: exhibiting a con- cise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medi- cine, surgery, and pharmacy. Edinburgh. 82 v., 1805-55. 8°. [Vol. i is 2d edition. In July, 1855, united with The Monthly Journal of Medical Science, forming the preceding.] Edinburgh (The) Monthly Journal of Medical Science. [Is run- ning title of Nos. 1-8, vol. i, Jan.-Aug., 1841, of the London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science] Effemeridi delle scienze mediche. Milano. 20 v., 1836-41. 8°. [Want all after June, 1841.] Embryologisches Institut der k. k. Universitat in Wien. [See Mit- theilungen aus dem —.] Emulacion (La). Periodico de la Sociedad mddico-farmacdutica de Merida. Tom. i-iii, 1873-77. 8°. [Current.] Enciclopediamddico-farmaceutica. Revista cientifica y profesional. Organo oficial de la Academia mddico-farmacdutica de Barcelona. Tom. i, 1877. 4°. [Current.] Ephemerides centioiie Academia; C;esareaV Leopoldino-Carolina) naturae curiosorum. Francofurti et Lipsias. 3 v., 1712-17. 4°. Epheraeriden der Heilkunde. Bamberg und Wiirzbnrer. 8 Bd.. 1811-14. 8<-. Ephdmdrides mddicales de Montpellier. Tom. i-vi, 1826-27. 8°. [Want vols, vii-ix, 1828. Continued as Mdmorial des hopitaux du midi, et de la clinique de Montpellier.] Epidemiological Society of London. [See Transactions of the —.] Escholiaste (O) medico. Joroal dosfacultativos militares. Lisboa. Pt. of vol. iv (June. 1852—Dec, 1853), and vols, v-xix, 1854-68. 4°. [Want all prior; No. 135, Aug. 15, 1860; index for 1868; and all since 1868.] Escuela mddica. Periodico mddico-quinirgica. Caracas. Ano 1-2 1874-76. 8-. [Want all since July 1, 1876.] Esculapio napolitano; giornale di mediciua, chirurgia e farmacia. Napoli. [Title of vol. ix, etc., of the following:] Esculapio (L'). Giornale delle scienze fisico-medichc Napoli. 27 v., 1827-49. 8°. [Want all prior to March, 1827, being Giornale medico napolitano; also pp. 208-225 in vol. xvi, 1834 : also all after 1849. See, also, the preceding.] Espaila (La) mddica, Iberia mddica y crdnica de los hospitaler. Madrid. Ano 4-11,1859-66. 8 v. Folio. [Want vols, i-iii, index for vol. vii, and all subsequent to 1866.] Essays aud observations physioal and literary; read before the Philosophical Society in Edinburgh. Vols, i-ii, 1754-56- vol iii 1771. 8-. ' " ' Estratto di alcune memorie scientifiche lette nelle ordinarie adu- nanze dell'Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara nel corso degh anni 1836-39. Bologna. 1 v., 1840. 8° ESTR. D. MEM. D. ACCAD. 27 FRATERNIDAD. Estr. d. mem. d. Accad. med. chir. di Ferrara. Estudio, Puebla. Ethn. J., Lond. Evans ville M. J. Experience, Par. Expose d. trav. de la Soc. d. sc. med. de la Moselle, Metz. Extr. Rec Bost. Soc. M. Im- prove. Eyr, Christiania. Estratto delle priucipali memorie lette nelle ordinarie adunanze dell'Accademia medico-chirnrgica di Ferrara, negli anni 1853-55. 1 V., 1S5S. 8-\ Estudio (El). Publiraciou mensual de los trabajos leidos aute la Sociedad luddico-farmaccutica de Puebla. Ano 1-2, Nos. 1-19, 1875-76. 4°. [Want all subsequent.] Ethnological (The) Journal: a mouthly magazine of ethnology, phrenology, and arclueology, considered as elements of the science of races: with the applications of this scieuce to educa- tion, legislation, and social progress. Londiu. 1 v., 1848-49. 8C. [Completed.] Evansville (The) Medical Journal. A quarterly record of the medi- cal sciences. [Was running title of first signature of The Indiana Medical Journal.] Expdrience (L:), journal de mddecine et de chirurgie, publid par MM. Dezeimeris et Littrc Paris. 14 v., 1837-44. Roy.-3. [Completed.] Expose des travaux de la Socidtd des science^ mddicales du ddparte- ment de la Moselle. Metz. 30 v., 1830-69. 8". [Vol. i, title, Sommaire des travaux, etc Want pp. 105-176 of 1861; also vol. lor 1863.] Extracts from the Records of the Boston Society for Medical Im- provement. [Published iu medical journals.] 6 v., 1848-74. 8P. Evr. Et medicinsk Tidsskrift. Christiania. 11 v., 18-26-37. 8°. F. Fe"d€rat. med. beige, Compte- rendu, etc., Bruz. Feldarzt, "Wien. Filantrop. Ugebl., Kj/benh. Filiatre-sebezio, Napoli, Forh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. Sam- mank., Stockholm. Food, Water, & Air, Lond. Forh. Norske med. Selsk. i Kris- tiania. France med., Par. France med., Par. Frankf. med. Ann., Frankf. a. M. Franklin Jour., Phila. Fraternidad, San Luis Potosi. Facultd de mddecine de Paris et de la^ociete dtablie dans son sein. [See Bulletins dela —.] Fdderation mddicale beige. Compte-reudu de I'assemblde gdudrale et auunelle tenue a l'hotel de ville de Bruxelles. 1866-67. 2 v. -'. [Want all others.] Feldarzt (Der). Organ fiir wissenschaftliche uud sociale Interes- sen der Militar-irzte. Wi«m. Nos. 16-17, 1869; Nos. 6, 7, and 10, l>70; Nos. 1-8, 11, 1872; No. 1,1873; No. 1, H74 ; Nos 1-24,1875; Nos. 1-26,1876; Nos. 1-25,1877. Folio. [A supplement to Allge- meine Wiener medizinische Zeitung. Want all except above] Filantropisk Ugeblad. Kjbenhavn. No. 16, vol. i, 1877. 8C. [Want all others.] Filiatre-sebezio (II); giornale delle scienze mediche, contenente la cliuica e la statistica deH'ospedale de Santa Maria di Loreto. Napoli. Vols, xxiv, xxvi, xxvii, xxix, July, 1842—June, 1845. 4°. [Want vols, i-xxiii, xxv, xxviii, xxx, aud all subsequent. Con- tinued, together with La Liguria medica, as La nnova Liguria medica] Florida Medical Association. [Nee Proceedings of the —.] Forhandliugar vid Svenska Lakare-Sallskapets Saiumankomster. Stockholm. 15 v.. Oct., 1841—Dec, 1874. 8\ Food, Water, and Air in relation to the public health. London. Vols, i-iii, 1871-74. 4 . [Waut No. 1, vol i.] Forhandliugar i det Norske mediciuske Selskab i Kristiania. 1866- 77. 8^. [Bound with Norsk Magazin for Lasgevidenskaben.] France (La) mddicale Paris. Anndes 8-24, 1861-77. 17 v. Folio. [Current. Want No. 39, vol. xi; Nos. 38, 70, vol. xvi. Continua- tion of the following :] France (La) mddicale et pharmaceutique. Paris. Anndes 1-7, lf-54- 60. 7 v. Folio. [Want No. 44. vol. v. Continued as the preceding.] Frankfurter medicinische Annalen fiir Aerzte, Wuudiirzte, Apothe- ker und deukeude Leser aus alien Stiinden. Frankfurt a. M. 1 Bd., 1789. > . Franklin (The) Journal, and American Mechanic's Magazine, de- voted to the useful arts, internal improvements, and general science. Philadelphia. Under the patronage of The Franklin Iustituteof the state of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia. Vols, i-iv, 18-26-27. S°. [Contiuued as The Journal of the Franklin Institute.] Fraternidad (La). Periodico de la Sociedad mddica de San Luis Potosi. Tom. i.Jau., 1874—Juue, 1875. 8°. [Waut all subsequent.] FRIEDREICH'S BL. 28 GAZ. MED. DE PAR. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med. Niirnb. Friedreich's Bl. f. gerichtl. Med. Niirnb. Friedreich's Blatter fiir gerichtliche Mediciu. Niirnberg. Biinde xiii-xxiii, Sept., 1862-72. 8J_ [a. coutiunation of Blatter fiir gerichtliche Anthropologic. Continued as the following:] Friedreich's Blatter fiir gerichtliche Mediein und Sanitiits-Polizei. Niirnberg. Biinde xxiv-xxviii, 1873-77. 8J. [Current. A con- tinuation of the preceding.] in. Gac med., Madrid. Gac med. de Lima. Gac. med. de Mexico. Gac. de sanid. mil., Madrid. Galvani, Urbino. Galveston M. J. Galveston & Texas M. J. Gaz. d. eaux, Par. Gaz. hebd. de med., Par. Gaz. d. hop., Par. Gaz. lekarska, Warszawa. Gaz. med. de 1'Algerie, Alger. Gaz. med. da Bahia. Gaz. med. de Bordeaux. Gaz. med. de Lisboa. Gaz. med. de Lyon. Gaz. med. d'Orient, Constanti- nople. Gaz. med. de Par. Gaceta medica, Repertorio de los progresos de la medicina, cirugia, farmacia y ciencias auxiliares. Madrid. 9 v., 1845-53. Folio. [In Jan., 1854, united with Boletin de medicina, cirugia y farma- cia, forming El Siglo mddico.] Gaceta mddica de Lima. Organo oficial de la Sociedad de medicina. Lima. Nos. 1-274. Aug. 15, 1856—June 15, 1868. Folio. [Want Nos. 1,2, 4, 6,7,9, 15,16, 33, 34. 37, 58. ss, 8<). 90.] Gaceta mddica de Mdxico. Peri6dico de la seccion mddica de la comisiou cientifica. Mexico. Vols, i-ix, 1864-74. Roy. 8J. [Want all others.] Gaceta (La) de sanidad militar, periodico cientifico y oficial del cuerpo de sanidad del ejdrcito espaiiol. Madrid. 3 v., 1875-77. 8°. [Current,] Galvani (II). Giornale di elettro-, idro- ed aero-terapia. Urbino. Bologna. 3 v., W3-75. 8°. [Completed.] Galveston (The) Medical Journal: a monthly record of medical science. Galveston, Texas. 5 v., 1866-71. 8°. [Want pp. 85-88 iu No. 2, vol. v. See, also, the following:] Galveston (The) and Texas Medical Journal. iii, of the preceding.] Gazette des eaux. Revue hebdomadaire. drothdrapie, bains de mer, climatologie. [See Nos. 2, 3, 4, vol. Eaux miudrales, hy- Paris. Anndes 17-20, 1874-77. 4 v. 4°. [Current. Want years 1-16.] Gazette hebdomadaire de mddecine et de chirurgie. Bulletin de l'enseignement mddical publid sous les auspices du ministere de l'instruction publique. Paris. 24 v., 1853-77. 4°. [Current.] Gazette des hopitaux civils et militaires (La Lancette francaise). [See Lancette (La) francaise.] Gazeta lekarska. Pismo tygodniowe poswiecone wszystkim gah}- ziom limiejetnosci lekarskich, farmacyi 'i weterynaryi. War- szawa. [Medical Gazette, a weekly paper devoted to all branches of medical knowledge, pharmacy, and veterinary art.] 23 v., 1-66-77. 8=. [Current. WaDt index, etc., vol. xxi.] Gazette mddicale de l'Algdric Alger. Anndes 1, 2, 1856-57; also F--22, 1873-77. 7 v. 4~\ [Current. Want years 3-17 (1858- 72); 21 (1866); also Nos. 1-4, 1877.] Gazeta medica da Bahia. 3-4 of index to vol. iii Bordeaux. Tom. 1872-77. Gazeta medica de Lisboa, Folio and S-. [Current. 124, vol. vi, Feb. 16,1858; Gazette mddicale de Lvon. Anno 1-4, 1866-70. 4 v. 4°. [Want pp. also all subsequent to above.] Gazette mddicale de Bordeaux. Recueil scientifique du sud-ouest. [Current.] 10 v., 1853-54, 1856. 1858-59, 1873-77. Want vol. iii, I855 ; vol. v, 1857 : No. Nos. 1-9, vol. vii, 1859; 1860-72.] Anndes 1-20. 1849-68. 4°. [Want in- dexes and title-pages for 1850. 1854, 1865, 1-66. In Jan., 1869, united with Journal de mddecine deLyon, forming Lyon mddical.] Gazette mddicale d'Orient. Publiee par la Socidtd impdriale de mddecine de Constantinople. Anndes 1-20, 1857-77. 20 v. 4°. [Current. Want index of vol. ii; No. 10, vol. iii: title-page and pp. 153-156, vol. viii, 1864-65; No. 12 and index and title-page, vol. xii.] Gazette mddicale de Paris; journal de mddecine et des sciences accessoires. Paris. 48 torn.. 1-30-77. 4C. [Current. Want Nos. 4, 5, aud pp. 309-312, No. 34, vol. i; No. 53, vol. ii (index, etc, for 1831); pp. 471-474 in No. 67, vol. iii, Aug. 4, 1832; No. 11 vol. ix, March 13, 1841; and No. 47, vol. xiii, Nov. 20, 1858 A continuation of Gazette de santd. La Clinique, annales de mdde- cine universelle, united with the above Jan. 1, 18:31.] GAZ. MED. DE STRASB. 29 GENEESK. BIJDR. Gaz. med. de Strasb. Gaz. med.-chir. de Toulouse. Gaz. d. med.-piat.. Par. Gaz. obst. et gynec de Par. Gaz. obst. de Par. Gaz. de sante, Par. Gazz. clin. d. sped. civ. di Paler- mo. Gazz. d. frenocomio di Reggio. Gazz. med., Milano. Gazz. med. ital feder. lomb., Milano. Gazz. med. ital. feder. tosc , Fi- renze. Gazz. med. ital. lomb., Milano. Gazz. med. ital., prov. ven., Pa- dova. Gazz. med. lomb., Milano. Gazz. med. di Milano. Gazz. med. d'oltremonti, Vene- zia. Gazz. med. d. Puglie, Bari. Gazz. med. di Roma. Gazz. med.-vet., Milano. Gazz. d. osped., Genova. Gem. deutsche Ztschr. f. Ge- burtsk., Weimar. Geneesk. Arch. v. de Zeemacht, Nieuwediep. Geneesk. Bijdr., Delft. Geneesk. Bijdr., Harlingen. Gazette mddicale de Strasbourg. Fondde par une socidte de mdde- cius etde pharmaciens. Strasbourg. Amides 1-36, 1841-77. 36 v. 4°. [Current, Want Nos. 1-3, 5, 11, 12, in 1841; No. 7, 1842; Nos. 18-22, 1870.] Gazette mddico-chirurgicale de Toulouse. Aundes 5-9, 1873-77. 5 v. 4°. [Current. Want years 1-4.] Gazette des mddecins-praticiens. Paris. Aundes 1-2,1839-40. 2 v. 4° and folio. [United in 1840 with L'Esculapc] Gazette obsfetrieale et gyndcologique de Paris. Tom. v-vi, 1876- 77. 8°. [Current. A continuation of the following:] Gazette obstdtricale de Paris et Gazette de Joulin rcunies. Journal de l'art des accouchements, des maladies des femmes et des en- fan ts. Paris. Anndes 3-4, 1874-75. 2 v. 8°. [Want all prior. Continued as the preceding.] Gazette de santd, contenant les nouvelles ddcouvertes sur les mo- yens de se bien porter, et de gudrir quand on est malade; par J. J. Gardanc Paris. Aundes 1773-80. 4 v. 4°. [Want years 1781- 1829. In 1830, continued as Gazette mddicale de Paris.] Gazzetta cliuica dello spedale civico di Palermo ; organo delle cli- nicheuniversitarie. Palermo. Nos. 1-4, vol. vi, 1874. 8°. [Want vols, i-v ; also all sime No. 4, vol. vi.] Gazzetta delle cliniche di Torino. [See L'Osservatorc] Gazzetta del frenocomio di Reggio. Reggio-Emilia. Anni 1-3, 1875-77. 8°. [Cuneut. A supplement to Rivista sperimentale di freuiatria e di medicina legale, etc.] Gazzetta medica. Milano. Tom. i, 1842. 4°. [Continued as Gaz- zetta medica di Milano.] Gazzetta medica italiana federativa loinbardia. Milano. Tom. x- xiv, 1851-55. 4°. [A continuation of Gazzetta medica lombarda, and continued as Gazzetta medica italiaua loinbardia.] Gazzetta medica italiana federativa toscana. Firenze. 7 v., 1850- 57. 4°. [Want all prior to July, 1850; Nos. 26, 27, 1850 ; Nos. 39, 44, 49, iu 1852; and No. 35,1855. A continuation of II Progresso; and continued, in 10th year, as Lo Sperimentale.] Gazzetta medica italiana lombardia. Milano. Tom. xv-xxxyii, 1856-77. 4°. [Curreut. A continuation of Gazzetta medica italiana federativa lombardia.] Gazzetta medica italiana, provincie venete. Padova. 20 v., 1858- 77. 4°. [Current. Waut index, 1865.] Gazzetta medica lombarda, Milano. Tom. vii-ix, 1848-50. 4°. [A continuation of the following, aud continued as Gazzetta medica italiana federativa lombardia.] Gazzetta medica di Milano. Tom. ii-vi, 1843-47. 4U. [Continua- tion of Gazzetta medica, Milano, and continued as the preceding.] Gazzetta medica d'oltremonti. Venezia.' [Wa- title of the uumbers composing vol. i of Giornale di medicina. Venezia.] Gazzetta medica delle Puglie di Ettore D'Urso. Bari. Auno 5, 1874. 8°. [Want all prior, being Gazzetta medica di Bari.] Gazzetta medica di Roma. Anni 1-3, 1875-77. 4°. [Curreut,] Gazzetta medico-veteiiuaria; dedicata ai progressi della medicina e della chirurgia degli animali domestici. Milano. Anni 1-7, 1871-77. 7 v. 8°. [Current. Want Nos. 5-6, 1875.] Gazzetta degli ospedali. Giornale di scienze mediche, Genova. Anno 8, 1865. 8°. [Want all others.] Gemeiusame deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskuude. Weimar. 7 v., 1826-32. so. [For continuation see Neue Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskuude.] Geneeskuudig Archief voor de Zeemacht. Nieuwediep. Jaarg. 1-4, 1872-75. 4v. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of Geneeskundig Tijdschrift voor de Zeemagt.] Geneeskundige Bijdragen. Door C. Pruys vau der Hoeveu. Delft. 3 v., 1825-30. 8°. [Completed.] Geneeskundige Bijdragen. Maaudscbrift onder Redactie van J. Meuuo Hnizinga'en W. H. L. Borgerhoff Mulder. Harlingen. No. 1, vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] GENEESK. COUKANT. 93) GER1CHTL.-MFD. ARCH. Geneesk. Courant, Tiel. Geneesk. Mag., Delft. Geneesk. Mengeling., Amst. Geneesk. Tijdschr., Rotterd. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav. Geneesk. Tijdschr. v. de Zee- magt, Gravenh. Genio med.-quir., Madrid. Gentleman's Mag., Lond. Gentleman's Mag., Lond. Georgia Blister & Critic, Atlan- ta. Georgia M. Companion, Atlan- ta. Georgia M. & S. Encycl., San- dersville. Gerichtl.-med. Arch., Celle. Geneeskundige Courant voor bet Koningrijk der Nederlanden. Tiel. Jaarg. 1-31, 1847-77. Folio. [Current, Want title pages and indexes for vols, i-xiv. 1847-60 ; title-pages for vols, xv-xxiii, 1861-69; also No. 37, vol. xix (Sept. 10), 1865, and No. 1, vol. xxiii, 1869 ; title-page and index for vol. xxiv, 1870; and title-pages for vols, xxv-xxvii, 1871-73.] Geneeskuudig Genootschap, ouder de Zinspieuk : servandis civibus. [See Handelingen van het —.] Geneeskuudig Magazijn. Delft, 1801. Hage, 1802-3. Ley den, 1803- 15. Deel 1-5,1801-15. 8 •. [Completed.] Geueeskundige Mergelingeu. Uitgegeven van wegen het Geuoot- schap : Arti sal tit ii'erse te Amsterdam. 2 v., 1818-24. 8°. [Com- pleted.] Geueeskuudig Tijdschrift, of Verzameling vau Ontleed-, Heel-. Art- zeny- en Natuurkundige Waarnemingen en niewe Ontdekkingen. Door AlbertusLentfrinck. Rotterdam. 4 v., 1767-70. 8°. [Com- pleted.] Geneeskuudig Tijdschrift voorNederlandsch Indie; uitgegeven door de Vereeniging tot Bevordering der geneeskundige Weteuschap- pen in Nederlandsch Indii:. Batavia. [Title of Tijdschrift der Vereeniging tot Bevordering der geneeskundige Wetenschappen in Nederlandsch Indie, in 1854 and 1859.] Geueeskuudig Tijdschrift voor de Zeemagt. Giaveuhageu. Jaarg. 1-9, 1862-71. 9 v. 8 . [Continued as Geneeskuudig Archief voor de Zeemacht.] General Medical Council. London. [See Minutes of the—.] Gdnio (El) mddico-quhiirgico. Periodico de ciencias mddicas con- sagrado al progreso de las mismas y bien estar de los profesores. Organo oficial de los escolares medicos, Ateneo de alumnos in- fernos y Academia mcdico-farmacdutica escolar. Madrid. Ano 21-23,1875-77. 3 v. Folio. [Current. Want all prior.] Genootschap ter Bevordering der Genees- en Heelkunde te Amster- dam. [See Verhandeliugen van het —.] Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam. [See Prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het—. Also, Nieuwe Prijs- verhaudeliugen bekroond door het —. Also, Verhandelingen der —. Also, Nieuwe Verhandelingen der —.] Genootschap ter Bevordering der Natunr-, Genees- en Heelkunde te Amsterdam. [See Werken van het —.] Gentleman's (The) Magazine or Monthly Intelligencer. Gentleman's (The) Magazine and Historical Chronicle. Georgia (The) Blister and Critic. Atlanta. Vol. i and No. 1 of vol. ii, 1854-55. 8°. [Completed. Want title-page of vol. i.] Georgia Medical Association. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Georgia (The) Medical Companion : a monthly adviser, devoted to thesciencepf medicine and surgery. Atlanta. 2 v. 1871-72. 8°. [Continued in 1873 as The Southern Medical Record.] Georgia (The) Medical and Surgical Encvclopaedia. Sandersville. 1 v., 1860. 8°. [Completed.] Gerichtlich-medicinisches Archiv vor den Assisen des Kouigreichs Hannover verhandelter Fiille. Celle. I v., 1851. 8°. [Completed.] Gesellschaft von Aerzten in Hamburg. [See Abhaudlungen und Beobachtungen aus der Arzeneygelahrtheit von einer—.] Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammteu Naturwissenschaf ten zu Marburg. [See Schriften der—. Also, Sitzungsberichte der—.] Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe in Berlin. [SeeVerhandlungen der—.] Gesellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe zu Leipzig. [Sec Mittheilungen iiber die Thiitigkeit und die Verhandlungeu der —.] Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und Heilkunde in Dresden. [See Jahres- bericht der—.] Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zu St. Petersburg. [See Vermischte Abhaudlungen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde von einer —. Also, Neue Abhandlnngen des deutschen arztlichen Vereins zu St, Petersburg.] GESCXDIIEIT. 01 GIOR. PER SERV. AI PROGR. Gesundheit, Elberfeld. Gesundheitswacht, Leipz. Gior. anal, di med., Milano. Gior. di anat., fisiol e patol d. animali, Pisa. Gior. di chir.-prat., Trento. Gior. crit. di med. anal., Milano. Gior. di farm., etc., Torino. Gior. ital. d. mal. ven., Milano. Gior. di med., Venezia. Gior. di med. anal., Milano. Gior. di med. farm, e vet. mil., Firenze. Gior. di med. mil., Roma. Gior. di med. mil., Torino. Gior. med. di Roma. Gior. di med. vet., Torino. Gior. d'oftal. ital., Torino. Gior. d. r. Accad. di med. di To- rino. Gesundheit. Zeitschrift fiir korperliches und geistiges Wohl. Elber- feld. 1 v., 1-75-76. 4°. [Want No. 3.] Uesundheitswacht, Zeitschrift fiir G< Heilkunde. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1, 1876- • undheitslehre, Natur- und '7. Folio. [Current.] Giornale analitico di medicina; o sia quida al medico nella pratica. Opera di una societa di medici italiani. Milano. [See Giornale critico di medicina analitica, vol. ix, etc., 1828, etc] Giornale di anatomia, fisiologia e patologia degli animali. Pisa. Anni 1-9, 1869-71). s v. ;--. [Want all subsequent to Xo. 5, Oct., 1876.] Giornale di chirurgia-pratica. Trento. Anni 1-5, 1825-29. 8 v. 8 . [Want all subsequent,] Giornale critico di mediciua aualitica. Composta da uua societa di medici italiani, e compilato dal dottor Giovanni Strambio. Mi- lano. 15 v., 1826 31. 8°. [A continuation of Annali della medicina fisiologic o-patalogica. Want all of Annali, etc;.; also pp. 371-3-8, vol. iv, 1826. Title of vol. viii, Giornale di medicina analitica; of vols, ix-xv, Giornale aualitica di medicina, etc.] Giornale di farmacia. di chimica e di scienze affini. Pubblicato clella Societa di farmacia di Torino. Tom. xxv-xxvi, 1876-77. - . [Current.] Giornale italiano delle malattie venere e delle malattie della pelle. Milano. Anni 1-12, 1-66-77. 1- v. 8J. [Current.] Giornale di medicina. Venezia. 13 v., 1762-76. 4°. [The Nos. composiug vol. i appeared under the title Gazzetta medica d'ol- tremonti.] Giornale di medicina analitica. Milano. [See Giornale critic) di medicina analitica, vol. viii, 1827.] Giornale di medicina, farmacia e veterinaria militare dell'esercito italiano. Firenze. [Was running title from 1867-74 of Giornale di medicina militare del corpo sanitario dell'annata italiana.] Giornale di medicina militare. Roma. Anni 23-25, 1875-77. 3 v. 8J. [Current, A continuation of the following.] Giornale di medicina militare del corpo sanitario dell'armata itali- ana. Torino. Anni 10-22, 1862-74. 13 v. 8°. [Want all prior. Continued as the preceding. From 1867-74, running title, Gior- nale di medicina, farmacia e veteriuaria militare dell'esercito italiano, and published at Firenze] Giornale medico di Roma. Anni 1-6. 1865-70. 6 v. 8°. • [Want all subsequent; also Nos. 4,6, 10-12, 1-70.J Giornale di medicina veterinaria pratica edi zootecuia della Societa reale e nazionale veterinaria. Torino. Anni 23-25, 1-74-77. 3 v. 8 . [Current. Want years 1-22. ] Gioruale d'oftalmologia italiano—Stati Sardi. Torino. Tom. i-iii, 1858-60. ^\ [Waut all subsequent.] Giornale della reale Accademia di medicina di Torino. 2-; v., 1864- 77. -J. [Current. Want all prior to 1864; also No. 1, vol. xii, 3 s., Aug. 10. 1872.] Gior.d.r.Stabil.d.folliin Aversa. Giornale del reale stabilirnentode'folli iu Aversa per l'auuo 1826. 4 . Gior. d. razze d. animali e di med. vet., Napoli. Gior. d. sc med., Torino. Gior. d. sc. med.-chir., Pavia. Gior. per serv. ai progr. d. patol.' Venezia. .Giornale delle razze degli animali ut li e di medicina veterinaria (seguito dell'Archivio clella veterioaria italiana). Napoli. 3 s., anno 3, 1-71. I v. - . [Completed. Want all prior to Jan., 1874.] Giornale delle scienze mediche. Pubblicato dalla Accademia reale medico-chii nigica di Torino. [Title, after vol. xxiv, 1-45. of Giornale delle scienze mediche della Societa medico-chirurgica di Torino.] Giornale delle scieuze niedico-chirurgiehe. Pubblicato a Parigi da al< uni medici francesi, etradatto per curadi varii medici italiaui, con numerose aggiunte risguardauti principalmeute la medicina in Italia. Pavia. 16 v., 1834-42. 8°. Giornale per servire ai progressi della patologia e della materia medica. Venezia. 7 v., 1834-37. 8°. [Want all subsequent. In July, 1-50, united with Memoriale della medicina conteniporanea, forming Giornale veneto di scieuze mediche.] GIOR. PER SERV. A. STORIA. 32 HASONSZENVI KOZL. Gior. per serv. a. storia rag. d. med., Venezia. Giornale per servire alia storia ragiouata della medicina di questo secolo. Venezia, 10 v., 17*3-95. 1 • [Want all subsequent.] Gior. d. Soc. med.-chir. di Parma, (iiornale clella Societa medico-chirurgica di Parma. 15 v., Is<)f>-15. Gior. . . . d. Soc. med.-chir. di Torino. Gior.veneto di sc. med.,Venezia. Glasgow M. Exam. Glasgow M. J. Greifswalder med. Beitr., Dan- zig. Guy's Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Guy's Hosp. Rep., Lond. Gyogyaszat, Budapest. Gyogyszereszi het., Budapest. (iiornale delle scienze mediche della Societa, medico-chirurgica di Torino. Nos. 1-2, torn, x, 1841; torn xiv-xxiv, xxvi, xxviii, 1842- 47. 8\ [Want vols, i-xiii (all prior to May, 1842, except Jan. and Feb., 1841); vols, xxv, xxvii, and all subsequent to above. After vol. xxiv, 1845, title, Giornale delle scienze mediche. Pub- blicato dalla Accademia reale medico-chirurgica di Torino.] Giornale veneto di scienze mediche. Venezia. 55 v., 1850-77. 8°. [Curreut. Waut July, Aug., 1854; Nos. 1, 2, Jan., 1855; pp. 69- 112, iu vol. xiv, 2 s., i859; also pp. 49-98, in July, 1861. A con- tinuation and consolidation of Giornale per servire ai progressi del- la patologia, etc, with Memoriale della medicina coutemporanea.] Glasgow (The) Medical Examiner: a journal of medical science, with a leader on general medical and sanitary topics, etc. Glas- gow. Vol. ii, 1869-71. 8°. [Want vol. i, 1831-32.] Glasgow (The) Medical Journal. 5 v., 1828-32; also 24 v. [2,3, 4 s.], 1853-77. 8°. [Current. Want vol. ix, 2 s., 1861-62. ] Graefe's (Albrecht von) Archiv fiir Ophthalmologic. [Sec Archiv fiir Ophthalmologic] Greifswalder medicinische Beitriige. Uuter Mitwirkung der medi- ciuischen Facultiit zu Greifswald herausgegeben von Dr. Hugo Ziemssen. Danzig. Biinde i-iii, 1863-65. 8°. [Completed.] Guy's Hospital Gazette: a students' journal of hospital uews, medi- cine, and surgery. London. 12 v., 1872-77. 4°. [Curreut.] Guy's Hospital Reports. London. 37 v., 1836-76. 8°. Gyogyaszat. Az orvostudomauy hazai ds kiilfoldi fejloddsdnek, kulonosen a gyogygyakorlatnak kozlonye. Budapest. [Medi- cine, or communications and observations to promote clinical knowledge] Vols, xvi-xvii. 8°. [Current. Want all prior to 1876; also Nos. 27-52, 1876.] Gydgyszerdszi hetilap. A gydgyszerdszeti tudomanyok fejloddsdnek s az Altalauos magyarorszagi gydgyszereszegylet szakiigyeinek kozlonye. Budapest. [The Weekly Pharmaceutist. The official organ issued by the General Magyar Pharmaceutical Association.] 1876-77. sc. [Current, Want all prior to 1876; also Nos. 16,27- 52,1876.] H. Hahnem. Hosp. Rep., N. Y. Hahneman. Month., Phila. Hamb. Mag. Hamb. Mag. d. ausl. Lit. d. ges. Heilk.... Handb. d. spec. Path. [Ziems- sen], Leipz. Handel, v. h. geneesk. Genoot- sch., Amst. Hannov. Ann. f. d. ges. Heilk. Hasonszenvi Kozl., Bupapest. New York. Vol. i, 1871. 8°. Philadelphia. 12 v., 1865-77. 8°. Hahnemann Hospital Reports. Hahuemaunian (The) Monthly. [Current.] Hamburgisches Magazin, oder gesammelte Schriften zum Unter- richt uud Vergniigen aus der Naturforschung und den angeneh- men Wissenschaften uberhaupt. Hamburg. 26 Bd., 1747-62. 8°. Hamburgisches Magaziu der ausliindischen Literatur der gesamm- ten Heilkunde und Arbeiten des iirztlichen Vereins zu Hamburg. Herausgegeben von Dr. G. H. Gerson und N. N.Julius. Biinde i- xxx, 1821-35. 8°. [Continued as Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Mediziu, etc. Want vol. xxv, 1833.] Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie uud Therapie. Bearbeitet von Drs. Geigel, Hirt, Merkel u. s. w. Herausgegeben vou H. vou Ziemssen. Leipzig. 15 Bd., 1874-77. so. Handelingen vau het geneeskuudig Genootschap onder de Zin- spreuk : servandis civibus. Amsterdam. 10 v., 1776-92. 8°. Hannoversche Annalen fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Eine Zeit- schrift. Herausgegeben von G. Ph. Holscher. Hannover. 12 Bd., 1836-47. 8 -. [Completed.] Hasonszenvi Kozlony ds Ndpszeru Egdszsdgi Tauacsadd. A Magyar Hasonszenvi Ugypartolok Tarsulatdnak Lapja. Budapest. [Ho- mceopathic Organ, a popular publication of the Magyar Homcoo- pathic Association.] Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] HEIDELB. KLIN. ANN. 33 ILL. & IND. M. & S. J. Heidelb. kiln. Ann. Hippocrates, Rotterd. Hist. Soc. roy. de med., Par. Holland. Beitr. zu d. anat. u. physiol. Wissensch., Diisseld. Homoeop. Q., Buffalo. Hosp. Gaz., N. Y. Hosp. Gaz. & Arch. Clin. Surg. N.Y. Hosp.-Medd., Kjobenh. Hosp.-Tid., Kj^beiih. Humboldt M. Arch., St Louis. Hyg. Cong, i Kjobenh. Beretn. Mod. og Forh., etc. Hyg. Medd., Kjobenh. Hygaea, Kjobenh. Hygie, Bruz. Hygie, Par. Hygiea, Stockholm. Hygieia, Amst. Heidelberger klinische Annalen. Heidelberg. 10 Bd. [With sup- plementary vol. to vol. iv.] 1825-34. 8°. [Vols, iv-x also with the title, Neue Jahrbiicher der teutschen Mediein und Chirurgie, which merged in the above in 1828. Continued as Medicinische Aunalen.] 'l7T7roK0or/7c. Magazijn toegewijd aan den geheelen Omvang van de Geneeskunde, beschouwd als Wetenschapen Kunst. Rotterdam. Deel 1-8. 8 v., 1814-28. 8°. [Completed.] Histoire de la Socidtd royale de mddecine avec les mdmoires de md- decine et de physique mddicale, tires des registrea de cette socid- td. Paris. Anuees 1776-89. 10 v. 4°. Holliiudische Beitrage zu den anatomischeu und physiologischen Wissenschaften. Diisseldorf uud Utrecht. Band i, 1846-48. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Homoeopathic (The) Quarterly. A journal devoted to the interests of pure homoeopathy. Buffalo. 2 v., 1869-70. 8°. Hospital (The) Gazette. A monthly journal of medicine and sur- gery. New York. Vol. i, 1877. 4°. [After Sept., 1877, united with The Archives of Clinical Surgery, forming the following:] Hospital (The) Gazette and Archives of Clinical Surgery. New York. 8°. [Currrent. Formed Oct., 1877, by consolidation of the preceding with The Archives of Clinical Surgery.] Hospitals-Meddelelser. Tidskrift for praktisk Laegevidenskab, udgivet af Overlaeger ved Kjr^benhavns Hospitaler og i Armeen. Kjfbeuhavn. 7 v., 1848-56. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Hospitals-Tidende. Optegnelser af practisk Laegekunst fra Ind- og Udlandet. Kjobenhavn. Aarg. 1-20, 1858-77. Folio and 8\ [Current.] Humboldt (The) Medical Archives. A monthly journal of medical science. St. Louis. 9 v., 1867-73. 8°. [Completed. After vol. ii, title: The Medical Archives. In Sept., 1869, The St. Louis Medical Reporter merged in this journal.] Hygieiniske (Den) Congres i Kjobenhavn. Beretniug om Moderue og Forhandlingerne. Insendte afhandlinger og andre meddelelser. Udstillede Sager. Kjobenhavn. 1 v., 1858. 8°. Hygieiniske Meddelelser. Kjobenhavn. 9 v. 4°. [Current. For running title see the following :] Hygieiniske Meddelelser og Betragtninger. Kjobenhavn. [Run- ning title of the preceding.] Hygaea. Et laegevidenskabeligt Tidsskrift. Kjobenhavn. 1 v., 1827. 8°. [A continuation of Nye Hygasa. In 1828 uuited with Bibliothek for Laeger.] Hygie. Bibliotheque mddicale nationale et dtrangere. Melanges critiques, historiques et philosophiques. Journal rddigd par une socidtd de mddecins beiges, et le docteur C. J. B. Comet. Bru- xelles. Tom. vi, 1829. M°. [Want all prior, except Jan.-Marcb, 1827, for which see the following:] Hygie. Recueil de mddecine, d'hygiene, d'dconomie domestique ; extraits d'ouvrages, nouvelles des sciences; mdlanges critiques, historiques et littdraires; revue gdndrale des journaux de mdde- cine, de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires; bulletin de biblio- graphie gdudrale; rddigd par le docteur C. J. B. Comet. Paris. Bruxelles. Nos. 1-3, annde 5, Jan.-March, 1827. 8°. [Want all except above. See, also, the preceding.] Hygiea. Medicinsk och pharmaceutisk Manads-skrift. Stockholm. 39 v., 1839-77. 8°. [Current. Want index to vols, xi-xxii.] Hygieia. Weekblad voor de Gezondheidsleer in Nederlaud. Am - sterdam. Jaarg. 1-2,1874-76. 1 v. Folio. [Completed.] I. Iatrike Ephem, Athens. 111. & Ind. M. & S. J., Chicago. 5 A T larpiKT] Hfyrinepic. Ei> Adrjvaic. 2 v., 1858-60. Folio. [Want all subsequent.] Illinois (The) and Indiana Medical and Surgical Journal. Chicago and Indianapolis. Vols, i-ii, 1846-48. 8°. [For first series see the following; for continuation see The Northwestern Medical and Surgical Journal.] ILLINOIS M. &. S. J. 34 IPPOCRATICO. Illinois M. & S J., Chicago. Illust. med. Ztg., Munchen. Imparziale, Firenze. Impfgegner, St.Gallen. Independ. med., Barcel. India J. M. & Phys. Sc, Calcutta. India J. M. Sc, Calcutta. Indian Ann. M. Sc, Calcutta. Indian M. Gaz., Calcutta. Indiana J. M., Indianap. Indiana J. M. & S., Madison. Indiana M. J., Evansville. Indipendente, Torino. Internat. homo op. Presse, Leipz. Iuvestigateur, jour, de l'lnst. hist., Par. Iowa M. J., Keokuk. Ippocratico, Fano. Illinois (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Chicago. Vols, i-ii, 1844-46. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Illinois State Medical Society. [See Trausactions of the —.] Illustrirte medizinische Zeitung. Munchen. 3 Bd., 1852-53. Roy. s . Imparziale (L'). Giornale degli interessi scieutifici, pratici, morali e professional! della classe medica. Firenze. Anni 1-17, 1861-77. 17 v. Roy. 8°. [Current. ] Impfgegner (Der). Zeiischrift gegen Impfung und Impfzwang. St.Gallen. Biinde i-ii, 1876-77. 8°. [Current.] Indepeudencia (La) mddica. (Antes Compilador mddico.) Revista quincenal de medicina y de farmacia. Barcelona. 9 v., 1869-77. 4°. [Current.] Iudia (The) Journal of Medical and Physical Science. Calcutta. 9 v., 1836-44. 8°. [Want all subsequent. A continuation of the folio wiug:] India (The) Journal of Medical Science. Calcutta. 2 v., 1834-35. 8°. [Continued as the preceding.] Indian (The) Annals of Medical Science, or Half-Yearly Journal of Practical Medicine and Surgery. Calcutta. 20 v., 1853-77. 8°. [Current. Want No. 3 (Oct., 1854).] Indian (The) Medical.Gazette; a monthly record of medicine, sur- gery, obstetrics, jurisprudence, and the collateral sciences, and of general medical intelligence, Indian and European. Calcutta. 12 v., 1866-77. 4°. [Current. Want Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10,11,12; also index and title-sheet, vol. ii, 1867; No. 5, vol. vi (May), 1871; index and title-sheet, vol. ix, 1874.] Indiana (The) Journal of Medicine. Indianapolis. 6 v., 1870-75. 8°. [Completed. After Sept., 1875, united with The Cincinnati Lancet and Observer.] Iudiana (The) Jourual of Medicine and Surgery. Madison. No. 1. vol. i, 1855. 8°. [Want No. 2.] Indiana (The) Medical Journal; a quarterly record of the medical sciences of the South and West. Evansville. No. 1, vol. i, 1854. 8°. [Running title of first siguature is, The Evansville Medical Jourual, etc.] Indiana State Medical Convention. [See Proceedings of the —.] Indiana State Medical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Indipendente (L'). Pubblicazione periodica sn la medicina e la chirurgia pratica, le scienze affini e gli interessi professionali del corpo medico (continuazione della Gazzetta medica di Torino) Torino. Anni 5-8, 1874-7?. 4 v. 8°. [Current. 1874 is 25th year of whole series. Want years 1-24 (all prior to 1874).] Institut fiir Physiologie und Histologie in Graz. [See Untersu- chuugen aus dem —.] International Medical Congress of Philadelphia, 1876. [See Trans- actions of the —.] International Ophthalmological Congress. [See Reports of the —.] Internationale homoopathische Presse. Leipzig. 10 Bd. 1872-77. 8°. [Completed.] Investigatenr (L'), journal de I'lnstitut historique. Paris. Tom- i-vii, 1841-47. 8°. [See Journal de I'lnstitut historique, for first series. ] Iowa (The) Medical Journal. Conducted by the faculty of the medical department of the Iowa University. Keokuk. 5 v., 1853- 69. 8°. [Completed. A eontinuation of The Western Medico- Chirurgical Journal.] Iowa State Medical and Chirurgical Society. the —. Also, Trausactions of the —.] [See Proceedings of Iowa State Medical Society. [See Trausactions of the —.] Ippocratico (L'). Giornale di medicina e chirurgia. Fano. Forh. Anni 25-36, 3 s., vols, i-xxiv, 1862-73. 8°. [Want years 1-24 (all prior to 1862); also Nos. 10,11, vol. i, 1862. After 1871 pub- lished at Forli. A continuation of Raccoglitore medico di Fano. In 1873 title became II Raccoglitore medico.] IRISH HOSP. GAZ. 35 J. CUTAN. MED. Irish Hosp. Gaz., Dubl. Irrenfreund, Heilbr. Irish Hospital Gazette. A journal for the cultivation and improve- ment of practical medicine aud surgery. Dublin. 3 v., 1873-75. [Completed. A continuation of The Dublin Hospital Gazette. On July 1,1875, merged in The Dublin Journal of Medical Scieuce.] Irish (The) Medical Journal. Dublin. [See the Journal of the Irish Medical Association.] Irrenfreund (Der). Eine psychiatrische Monatsschrift. Heilbronn. Jahrg. 0-19, 1864-77. 14 v. 8°. [Current. Want years 1-5 (1859-63); No. 12, index, and title-sheet of 1875.] J. • J. Anat. & Physiol., Lond. J. de I'anat. et de la physiol., Par. J. Anthrop , Lond. T. Anthrop. Inst., Lond. J. Anthrop. Soc. of Lond. J. Chem. Soc. of Lond. J. de chim. med., etc., Par. J. de chir. (Desault), Par. J. de chir. (Malgaigne), Par. J. d. Chir. u. Augenh., Berl. J. f. d. Chir., Geburtsh. u. ge- richtl. Arzneyk., Jena. J. compl. du diet. d. sc. med, Par. J. compl, d. sc. med, Par. J. d. conn. med. prat., Par. J. d. conn, med.-chir., Par. J. Cutan. Med., Lond. London. 11 v., 1866- Jonrnal (The) of Anatomy and Physiology. 77. 8°. [Current.] Journal de I'anatomie et de la physiologie norruales et pathologi- ques de l'homme et des animaux. Publid par Charles Robin. Paris. 13 torn., 1864-77. 8°. [Current.] Journal of Anthropology. London. 1 v., 1870-71. 8°. [Com- pleted. Continuation of The Anthropological Review, etc., and succeeded by the following:] Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ire- laud. Londou. 7 v., 1871-77. 8°. [Current. Continuation of the preceding.] Journal of the Anthropological Society of London. 8 v., 1863-71. 8°. [Bound with The Anthropological Review, and the preced- ing. Waut pp. lxxiii-lxxx (sig. "f ") in 1864.] Journal (The) of the Chemical Society of London. 18 v., 1862-77. 8°. [Curreut. Want Sept., 1862; May, 1865; Nov., 1866; May, 1871; and geueral index, 1841-72. Continuation of The Quarterly Journal of the Chemical Society of London.] Jourual de chimie mddicale, de pharmacie et de toxicologic. Paris. 39 torn., 1825-60, 1873-76. 8°. [Want 1861-72 ; also pp. 561-576 in 1854 (vol. x, 3 s.) Uuited with Rdpertoire de pharmacie, after March, 1876.] Journal de chirurgie Par M. Desault. Paris. 4 torn., 1791-92. 8°. Journal de chirurgie. Par M. Malgaigne. Paris. Anndes 1-4, 1843-46. 4 v. 8°. [In 1847 united with Journal de mddecine, rddacteur M. Beau, forming Revue mddico-chirurgicale de Paris.] Journal der Chirurgie und Angen-Heilkunde, herausgegeben von C. F. Graefe und Ph. von Walther. Berlin. 39 Bd., 1820-50. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Journal fiir die Chirurgie, Geburtshiilfe und gerichtliche Arzney- kunde. Herausgegebeu von J. Chr. Loder. Jena. 4 Bd., 1797- 1806. [Completed.] Journal compldmentaire du dictionnaire des scieuces mddicales. Paris. 44 torn., 1818-32. 8°. [Want all subsequent. With vol. xxxvii, title changed to the following:] Journal compldmentaire des sciences mddicales. Recueil eucyclo- pddique de mddecine, de clvrurgie et de pharmacie, contenaut la clinique mddico-chirurgicale des hopitaux de Paris, avec uu ex- trait de tous les journaux de mddecine qui paraissent en France et a l'dtranger. Paris. [Title of vol. xxxvii, etc., 1830, etc., of the preceding.] Journal des connaissances mddicales pratiques etde pharmacologie. Paris. Anndes 41-44, 1874-77. 4 v. 8°. [Current. Waut all prior.] Journal des connaissances mddico-cbirurgicales. Paris. Anndes 1-20, 183:1-52. 20 v. 8°. [Want pp. 277-286, Dec, 1847. For continuation, see Revue de tadrapeutiqne mddico-chirurgicale.] Journal of Cutaneous Medicine and Diseases of the Skin. A quar- terly record of dermatological science. Edited by Erasmus Wil- son. London. 4 v., 1867-71. 8°. [Completed.] J. D. ERFIND, 36 J. DE MED. J. d. Erfind., etc., Gotha. J. Frankl. Inst., Phila. J. f. Geburtsh., Frankf. a. M. T. gen. de med., chir. et pharm. Par. J. Gyneec. Soc, Bost. J. hebd. de med., Par. J. hebd. d. progr. d. sc. et inst. med., Par. J. d'hyg., Par. J. de l'lnst. hist., Par. J. Irish M. Ass., Dubl. J. f. Kinderkr., Berl. J. de med., Brux. J. de med., Par. J. de med. de Bordeaux. J. f. Med. og Chir., Kjobenh. J. de med., chir. et Pharmacol., Brux. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc,Par. J. de med., chir., pharm., etc.,Par. Journal der Erfindungen.Theorieu und Widerspriiche in der Natur- und Arzneiwisseuschaft. Herausgegeben von Freunden der Wahrheit und Freimiithigkeit. [Redigirt von Aug. Fr. Hecker.] Gotha. 13 Bd. oder 52 Stiicke, 1792-1812. 8°. [25ste8-44ste,8 Stiick, also, Nenes Journal, etc.; 45stcs-52^te8 Stiick, also, Neuestes Journal, etc.] Journal of the Franklin Institute of the State of Pennsylvania; devoted to the mechanic arts, manufactures, general science and the recording of American and other patented inventions. Phil- adelphia. 100 v., 1828-77. so. [Current. For 1 s., vols, i-iv, 1826-27, see The Franklin Journal, etc.] Journal fiif Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kinder Krankheiten. Herausgegeben von Elias von Siebold. Frankfurt am Main. 17 Bd., 1813-38. 8°. [A continuation of Lucina, After 1838 uuited with Neue Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskuude.] Journal gdndral de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou re- cueil pdriodique de la Socidtd de mddecine de Paris. Tom. xv- cxi, An xi (1802)-1830Jt 8°. [A continuation of Recueil pdri- odique de la Socidtd de mddecine de Paris, and succeeded by Transactions mddicales.] Journal (The) of the Gynaecological Society of Boston. A monthly journal devoted to the advancement of the knowledge of the diseases of women. Boston. 5 v., 1869-71. 8°. [Completed.] Journal hebdomadaire de mddecine. Paris. 8 torn., 1828-30. 8°. [Continued as Journal universel et hebdomadaire de mddecine et de chirurgie pratiques et des institutions mddicales.] Journal hebdomadaire des progres des sciences et institutions mddi- cales. Paris. 12 torn., 1834-36. 8°. [Continuation of Journal universel et hebdomadaire de mddecine et de chirurgie pratiques et des institutions mddicales, and succeeded by La Presse mddi- cale.] Journal d'hygiene. Climatologie, eaux mindrales, stations hiver- nales et maritimes, dpiddmiologie. Bulletin des conseils d'hygiene etdesalubritd. Paris. Anndes 1-2,1875-77. 2 v. 4°. [Current.] Journal de I'lnstitut historique. Paris. Anndes 1-14, torn, i-xii, 1834-40. 8°. [See L'lnvestigateur, journal de I'lnstitut histori- que, for continuation.] Jourual of the Irish Medical Association. Dublin. Nos. 1-6, 8-49, 113,116,1867-70. 4°. [Want all others. A supplement to The Medical Press and Circular. After 1869, title, The Irish Medical Journal.] Journal fiir Kinderkrankheiten. [Completed.] Berlin. Biinde i-lix, 1843-72. Journal de mddecine; publid par la Socidtd des sciences mddicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. 1 torn., 1843. 8°. [Continued as Journal de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacologic.] Journal de mddecine. Rddacteur en chef, M. Beau. Paris. 4 torn., 1843-46. 8°. [In 1847 united with Journal de Chirurgie, par M. Malgaigne, forming Revue mddico-chirurgicale de Paris.] Journal de mddecine de Bordeaux. 2 p. Anndes 1-5,1856-60. 8 v. 8°. [Want all prior, which includes Journal de mddecine pra- tique, ou recueil des travaux de la Socidtd royale de mddecine de Bordeaux, and Journal de la Socidtd royale de mddecine de Bor- deaux; also May, 1859; Dec, 1860; and all subsequent to above.] Journal for Mediein og Chirurgie. Kjobenhavn. Bind i-ix, 1833- 35. 8°. Journal de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacologie; publid par la Socidtd des sciences mddicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. 64 torn., 1844-77. 8°. [Current. Continuation of Journal de mdde- cine.] Journal de mddecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Paris. 95 torn., 1754-93. 12°. [Vols, i-vii were published as Recueil pdriodique d'observations de mddecine, chirurgie, etc.; of these, vols, i-ii are reprinted with title, Journal de mddecine, etc. Seconde Edi- tion. Continued as the following:] Journal de mddecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Par les citoyens Corvisart, Leroux et Boyer. Paris. 40 torn., 1801-17. 12° and 8°. [Want vol. xviii. Continuation of the preceding, and suc- ceeded by Nouveau journal de mddecine, chirurgie, pharmacie etc.] ' J. DE MfiD. 37 J. D'OCUL. J. de med., chir. et pharm. mil., Par. J. de med. et chir. prat., Par. J. de med. et de Toulouse. J. de med. de Lyon. J. med. de la Mayenne, Laval. J. de med. xnent., Par. J. de med. mil., Par. J. med. de la Neerl., La Haye. T. de med. de l'ouest, Nantes. J. de med. et de pharm. de 1'Al- gerie, Alger. J. de med. de Quebec. J. Med. Soc, Maine. J. de med. vet. mil., Par. J. de med. vet. et de zootech. Lyon. J. Ment. Sc, Lond. J. de microgr., Par. J. Morb. Anat., Lond. J. f. naturgem. Gsndhtspflg. u. Heilk., Cothen. J. d. Naturw. u. Med., Frankf. a. M. J. Nerv. & Ment. Dis., Chicago. J. d'ocul. et de chir., Par Journal de mddecine, de chirurgie et do pharmacie militaires. Paris. 2 torn., 1815-16. 8°. [See Recueil de mcmoires de mddecine, de chirurgie, etc., for vol. iii, etc.] Journal de mddecine et de chirurgie pratiques. A l'usage des mdde- cins praticiens. Par Lucas-Championui&re. Paris. Tom. i-xlviii, 1830-77. 80. [Current. Vol. i is 2d edition.] Journal de mddeciue et de chirurgie de Toulouse. Tom. viii-ix, 1844-46. 8°. [Want all except above ; also index, vol. ix.] Journal de mddecine de Lvon, publid par la Socidtd de mddecine. 12 torn., 1841-47. 8^. '[Want July, 1847—Dec, 1868. In Jan., 1869, united with Gazette mddicale de Lyon, forming Lyon mddi- cal.] Journal mddical de la Mayeune. Fondd et rddigd par une rdunion de mddecins, vdtdrinaires et pharmaciens. Laval. Annde 1,1873- 74. 1 v. s\ [Want all subsequent.] Journal de mddecine mentale, rdsumant au point de vue mddico- psychologique, hygidnique, thdrapeutiqueet legal, toutes les ques- tions relatives a la folie, aux ndvroses convnlsives et aux ddfectu- ositds intellectuelles et morales, a l'usage des mddecins praticiens, desdtudiauts en mddecine, des jurisconsultes, des administrateurs, et des persouues qui se consacreut a l'enseiguemeut, par M. Dela- siauve. Paris. Tom. i-x, 1861-70. 8°. [Completed.] Journal de mddecine militaire. Publid par ordre du Roi, fait et rddigd par M. De Home. Paris. 7 torn., 1782-88. 8°. Journal mddical de la Nderlande, publid par une socidtd de mddecins. La Haye. Premiere annde, 1844. 1 v. 8°. Journal de mddeciue de l'ouest. Publid par la section de mddecine de la Socidtd acaddmique de Nautes. Tom. viii-x, 1874-76. 8°. [Want all prior; also all since No. 1, 1876.] Jourual de mddeciue et de pharmacie de l'Algdric Alger. Tom. i-ii, 1876-78. 8°. [Current,] Journal de mddecine de Qudbec. Tom. i, Nos. 1-2, torn, ii, 1826-27. 8°. [Want all subsequent. Also called The Quebec Medical Journal.] Journal (The) of the Medical Society of the State of Maine. Hal- lowell. No. 1, vol. i, 1834. 8°. [All published.] Jourual de mddecine vdtdrinaire militaire. Paris. Tom. xii-xiv, 1874-77. 8°. [Want all prior; also all subsequent to May, 1877.] Journal de mddecine vdtdrinaire et de zootechnie. Lyon. 3 s., torn, i, 1876; No. 1, 1877. 8°. [Want all prior; also all others.] Journal (The) of Mental Science. London. Vols, iv-xxii, 1857-77. 8°. [Current. A continuation of The Asylum Journal of Mental Science. Want No. 55, Oct., 1865; also pp. 145-150, vol. xii, 1866-67.] Journal de micrographie. Histologic humaine et comparde.—Ana- tomie vdgdtale.—Botanique.—Zoologie.—Applications diverses du microscope.—Optique spdciale, etc., etc. Revue mensuelle des travaux francais dtrangers. Publide sous la direction du Dr. J. Pelletan. Paris. Tom. i, T877-78. 8°. [Current.] Journal of Morbid Anatomy, Ophthalmic Medicine and Pharmaceu- tical Analysis; with Medico-Botanical Transactions, communi- cated by the Medico-Botanical Society of London. 1828. 128 pp. 8°. [Completed.] Journal fiir naturgemiisse Gesundheitspfiege und Heilkunde. Cothen, 1853-54. Berlin; 1855. Jahrg. 1-3, 1853-55. 3 v. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Journal der Naturwissenschaft und Medizin. Herausgegeben von F. J. Schelver. Frankfurt a. M. Stiick 1,2, Band 1, 1810. 8°. Journal (The) of Nervous and Mental Disease. Chicago. [See The Chicago Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, vols, i-ii, n. s., 1876-77.] Journal d'oculistique et de chirurgie. Paris. Tom. i-iii, 1873-77. 8°. [Current.] Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. [See Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of the Royal Loudon Ophthalmic Hospital.] J. D'OPHTH. 38 J. PUB. HEALTH. J. d'ophth., Par. J. de pharm., Brux. J. de pharm., Par. J. de pharm. et de chim., Par. J. de pharm. e sc. access, de Lisb. J. de Pharmacol., Brux. J. f. Pharmak., Toxik. u. Therap., Berl. J. Phila. Coll. Pharm. J. de physiol. exper., Par. J. de la physiol. de l'homme, Paris. J. d. pract. Arznk. u. Wund- arznk., Jena. J. d. pract. Heilk , Berl. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz. J. f. prakt. Chem., Leipz. J. f. prakt. Heilk., Tubing. J. Psych. M., Lond. J. Psych. M., n. s., Lond. J. Psych. M., N. Y. J. Pub. Health., Lond. J. Pub.HealthA San. Rev.,Lond. Journal d'ophthalmologie. Recueil pratique de mddecine et de chirurgie oculaires. Paris. Tom. i, 1872. Roy. 8°. [Completed. See Recueil d'ophthalmologie for 2 s.] Journal de pharmacie. Bruxelles. [Current. Ruuning title is Journal de pharmacie d'Anvers.] Journal de pharmacie et des sciences accessoires. Paris. Journal de pharmacie et de chimie, contenant une revue de tons les travaux publids en France et a l'dtranger, sur les sciences physi- ques, naturelles, mddicales et industrielles, ainsi que le bulletin des travaux dela Socidtd de pharmacie de Paris. Paris. [Current.] Jornal de pharmacia e sciencias accessorias de Lisboa. [Current.] Journal de pharmacologic. Publid par la Socidtd royale des sciences mddicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. Anndes 31-33,1875-77. 3 v. 8°. [Current. Want all prior.] Journal fiir Pharmakodynamik, Toxikologie und Therapie in physi- ologischer, klinischer und forensischer Beziehung. Berlin, 1856- 57. Halle, 1858. 2 Bd., 1856-58. 8°. Journal of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy. Philadelphia. [Continued, after March, 1835, as The American Journal of Phar- macy.] Journal de physiologie expdrimeutale. Par F. Magendie. Paris. Tom. i-xi, 1821-31. 8°. [Want Nos. 3, 4, vol. xi. Vols, ii-xi, title as follows:] Journal de physiologie expdrimentale et pathologique Paris. [Ti- tle of vols, ii-xi, of the preceding.] Journal de la physiologie de l'homme et des animaux. Par E. Brown-Sdquard. Paris. Tom. i-vi, 1858-63. 8°. [Completed. Continued in 1868 as Archives de physiologie normale, etc.] Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneyknnst. Herausgegeben von C. W. Hufelaud. Jena. Berlin. 93 Biinde and 8 Supplement-Hefte, 1795-1841. 8°. lste Reihe, Bd. i-vii, Jena, 1795-99. 2te Reihe, Bd. viii-xxvii, Jena and Berlin, 1799-1808. 3te Reihe, Bd. xxviii-xxxix, Berlin, 1809-14. 4te Reihe, Bd. xl- xlvii, Berliu, 1815-18. 5te Reihe, Bd. xlviii-lvii, Berlin, 1819-23. 6te Reihe, Bd. lviii-lxxxi, Berlin, 1824-35. 7te (?) Reihe, Bd. lxxxii-xciii, Berlin, 1836-41. [Want No. 5, vol. lxix (Nov., 1829); also all after 1841. From vol. viii, 1799, title, also, Neues Journal, etc. From vol. xiii, 1801, title, also, as follows:] Journal der practischeu Heilkunde. Berlin. [Title of vol. xiii, 1801, etc., of the preceding.] Journal fiir praktische Chemie. Herausgegeben von Otto Liuud Erdmann und Franz Wilhelm Schweigger-Seidel. Leipzig. 30 Bd., 1834-43. 8°. [A continuation of Journal fiir technische und okonomische Chemie.] Journal fiir praktische Chemie. Herausgegeben und redigirt von Hermann Kolbe. Leipzig. Neue Folge. Biinde v-xvi, 1872-77. 8°. [Current.] Journal fiir praktische H -.ilkunde. Herausgegeben vou Fr. Oester- len. Tubiugen. 1 Bd., 1845. 8°. Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathol gy. Edited by Forbes Winslow. London. Vol-, i-xiii, 1848-60. 8°. [Continued as The Medical Critic and Psychological Jourual.] Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine and Mental Pathology. Edifrd by Lyttleton S. Forbes Winslow. London. N. s. Vols. i-iii, 1875-77. 8°. [Current,] Journal (The) of Psychological Medicine. New York. A quarterly review of diseases of the nervous system, medical jurisprudence, and anthropology. Vols, iv-vi, 1870-72. 8°. [Continuation of The Quarterly Journal of Psychological Medicine, etc. In July, 1874, publication resumed as whole No. 23, n. s. No. 1, vol. i, title, The Psychological and Medico-Legal Journal.] Journal of Public Health and Monthly Record of Sanitary Improve- ment, Published under the sanction of the Metropolitan Health- of-Towus' Association. Edited by John Sutherland in Liverpool. London. 2 v., 1847-49. Roy. 8°. Journal (The) of Public Health and Sanitary Review. London. Edited by Benj. W. Richardson. Vols, i-iv, 1855-59. 8°. [Want vols, v-viii (to end of 1863). Vols, iii-iv, title, Sanitary Review and Journal of Public Health.] J. QUEKETT MICR. CLUB. 39 JAHRB. D. GES. STAATSARZNK. J. Quekett Micr. Club, Lond. J. Roy. Lond. Ophth. Hosp. J. d. sages*femmes, Par. J. Sc. & Arts, Lond. J. d. sc. med. de Lisb. J. d. sc. med. de Louvain. J. d. sc. med. de Montpel. J. de la sect, de med. de la Soc. acad. Loire-Inf., Nantes. J. Soc. de med. et de pharm. de la Haute Vienne. J. Soc. de med. et de pharm. de l'lsere. J. de la Soc. med. de la N.-Orle- ans. J. de la Soc. de med.-prat, de Montpel. J. Soc. d. sc. m€d. de Lisb. J. Statist. Soc. Lond. J. f. techn. u. okonom. Chem., Leipz. J. de therap., Par. J. univ. et hebd. de med. et de chir.-prat., Par. J. univ. d. sc. med., Par. Jaarb. v. de k. Akad. v. Weten- sch., Amst. Jahrb. d. arztl. Ver. zu Munchen. Jahrb. d.ambulac. Klin, zu Halle. Jahrb. f. Anthrop., Leipz. Jahrb. f. Balneol, etc., Wien. Jahrb. f. Deutschl. Heilq. u. See- bader, Berl. Jahrb. d. ges. Staatsarznk., Leipz. Journal (The) of the Quekett Microscopical Club. London. Vols. i-iii, 1868-74. 8°. [Want 1st, 3d-6th reports of society.] Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. [See Ophthal- mic Hospital Reports and Journal, etc.] Journal des sages-femmes. Paris. Anndes 1-5, 1873-77. 2 v. 4°. [Current.] Journal (The) of Science and the Arts. Edited at the Royal Insti- tution of Great Britain. London. Nos. 1-5, Apr., 1*16—Apr., 1817. S-. Jornal das sciencias medicas de Lisboa, [Was title of vols, i-ii, 1835, of Jornal da Sociedade das sciencias medicas de Lisboa.] Journal des sciences mddicales de Louvain. Tom. i-ii, 1876-77. 8°. [Current.] Journal des sciences mddicales de Montpellier. 2 torn., 1834. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of Memorial des hdpitaux du midi, et de la cliuique de Montpellier.] Journal de la section de mddecine de la Socidtd academiqne du dd- partementdelaLoire-Inferieuro. Nantes. 42 torn., 1825-66. 8°. Journal de la Socidtd de mddecine de Lyon. [See Recueil des actes de la Socidtd de santd de Lyon.] Journal de la Socidtd de mddecine et de pharmacie de la Haute Vienne. Limogrs. Anndes 1-2, 1876-77. 2 v. ~°. [Current.] Journal de la Socidtd de mddecine et de pharmacie de l'lsere. Gre- noble. Anndes 1-2, 1876-78. 2 v. 8°. [Current.] Journal de la Socidtd mddicale de la Nouvelle-Orldans. Annde 1, 1839. 8°. [Completed.] [The same.] Nos. 1-4, 7-12, torn, i, 1859-60 ; also Nos. 1-8, torn, ii, 1860-61. [Want Nos. 5-6, torn, i; also all after No. 8, torn, ii.] Journal de la Socidtd de mddecine-pratique de Montpellier. Turn. i-xvi, 1840-48. 8°. [Waut all subsequent.] Jornal da Sociedade das sciencias medicas de Lisboa. 66 v., 1835-77. 8°. [Current. Vols, i-ii, title, Jornal das sciencias medicas de Lisboa.] Journal of the Statistical Society of London. Vols, xxxiv-xl, 1871- 77. 8°. [Current. Want all prior.] Journal fiir technische und okonomische Chemie. Herausgegeben von Otto Linnd Erdmann. Leipzig. 18 Bd., 1828-33. 8°. [Con- tinued as Journal fiir praktische Chemie.] Journal de thdrapeutique. Paris. Tom. i-iv, 1874-77. 8 . [Cur- rent.] Journal universel et hebdomadaire de mddecine et de chirurgie pratiques et des institutions mddicales. Paris. 13 torn., 1830-33. 8°. [Continuation of Journal hebdomadaire de mddecine, and succeeded by Journal hebdomadaire des progres des sciences et institutions mddica'es. See, also, the following :] Journal universel des sciences mddicales. Paris. Tom. i-lviii, 1816-30. 8°. [Iu 1831 joined with the preceding. ] Jaarboek van de koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, gevis- tigd te Amsterdam. 1866-75. 8°. Jahrbiicher des arztlichen Vereins zu Miincheu, 42. 4 v. 8°. [Completed.] Jahrbuoher der ambulatorischen Klinik zu Halle. 24. 8". [Want all subsequent.] Jahrbiicher fiir Anthropologie und zur Pathologie und Therapie des Irrsinns. Leipzig. 1 Bd., 1830. 8°. [Completed. A continua- tion of Zeitschrift fiir psychische Aerzte.] Jahrbuch fiir Balneologie, Hydrologie und Klimatolosrie. Wien. Jahrg. 1-7,1871-77. 7 v. 8^'. [Current.] Jahrbiicher fiir Deutschlands Heilquellen und Seebader. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-5, 1836-40. 5 v. 8°. [Completed.] Jahrbuch der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde. Herausgegeben von C. F. L. Wildberg. Leipzig. Bande i-vii, 1835-40. 8°. [A con- tinuation of Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneiwisseuschaft.J Jahrg. 1-4,1835- Biinde i-ii, 1820- JAHRB. D. HEILQ. DEUTSCHL. 40 JAHRESB. U. D. LEISTUNG. Jahrb. d.Heilq.Deutschl., Wiesb. Jahrb. d. in- u. ausl. ges. Med., Leipz. Jahrb. f. Kinderh., Wien. Jahrb. f. d. Lebens-Magnet., Leipz. Jahrb. d. Med. als Wissensch. Tubing. Jahrb. f. Mil.-Aerzte, Wien. Jahrb. d. phil.-med. Gesellsch. zu Wiirzb. Jahrb. f. Physiol, u. Path. d. erst. Kindesalt., Prag. Jahrb. f. prakt. Heilk., Tubing. Jahrb. d. Staatsarznk., Frankf. a. M. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Niirnb. Jahrb. d. Ver. f. Naturk. im Her- zogth. Nassau, Wiesb. Jahresb. ii. d. chir. Thatigk. im Coiner stadt. Biirger-Hosp. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Anat. u. Physiol., Leipz. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. ges. in- u. ausl. Med., Leipz. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. ges. Med , Erlang. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. Phar- macog., etc., Gotting. Jahresb. ii. d. Fortschr. d. phys. Wissensch. v. Berzelius, Tu- bing. Jahresb. d. Gesellsch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Dresd. Jahresb. d. k.-bohm. Gesellsch. i d. Wissensch., Prag. Jahresb. d. Landes-Med.-Coll., etc., Dresd. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. u. Fort- schr. in d. Anat. u. Physiol., Berl. Jahrbiicher der Heilquellen Deutschlands, insbesondere des Taunus. Wiesbaden. 2 Bd., 1821-22. 8°. Jahrbiicher der in- und auslandischen gesammten Mediein. Heraus- gegeben von Carl Christian Schmidt. Leipzig. 175 Bd., 1834-77. Roy. S3. [Curreut.] Jahrbuch fiir Kinderheilkunde und physische Erziehnng. Wien, 1857-66. Leipzig, 1867-77. 18 Bd., 1857-77. 8°. [Current. Want vol. viii, 1865-66. On Nov. 25, 1867, a new series com- menced.] Jahrbiicher fiir den Lebens-Magnetismus oder neues Asklapieion. AllgemeinesZeitblatt fiir die gesammte Heilkunde nach den Grund- siitzen des Mesmerismus. Leipzig. Biinde i-v, 1818-23. 8°. [Completed.] Jahrbiicher der Mediein als Wissenschaft. Tubingen. 3 Bd., 1806- 08. 8°. Jahrbuch fur Militar-Aente. Wien. 3 Bd., 1867-69. 12°. (3tes- 5tes Jahr.) [Want 1st and 2d years, 1865-66; also all subsequent to 1869.] Jahrbiicher der philosophisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurz- burg. Band i, 1828. 8°. [Want all subsequent, being Neue Jahrbiicher, etc.] Jahrbuch fiir Physiologie und Pathologie des ersten Kindesalters. Prag. Jahrg. 1, 1868. 8°. [Completed. Continued as Oester- reichisches Jahrbuch fiir Paediatrik.] Jahrbiicher fiir praktische Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von Fr. Oesterlen. Tubingen. 1 Bd., 1845. 8°. [Completed.] Jahrbuch der Staatsarzneikunde. Herausgegeben von Jobann Heinrich Kopp. Frankfurt am Main. Bande i-xi, 1808-19. 8°. Jahrbiicher der tentschen Mediein und Chirurgie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesteu und Besten aus der auslandischen medicinischen Littera- tur. Herausgegeben von Chr. Friedr. Harless. Niirnberg. Jahrg. 1, 3 Bd., 1813. 8°. [Want No. 2, vol. ii. Continued in 1819 as Neue Jahrbiicher, etc. ] Jahrbiicher des Vereins fiir Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. Wiesbaden. Jahrg. 1860-74, Bande xv-xxviii. 8°. Jahres-Bericht iiber die chirurgische Thiitigkeit im Coiner stadti- schen Biirger-Hospitale, wiihrend des Jahres 1875. Coin. 8°. Jahresberichte iiber die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie. Leipzig. 6 Bd., 1872-77. 8°. [Current,] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der gesammten in- und auslau- dischen Mediein, im Vereine mit... herausgegeben von Alexander Goeschen. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-2, 1842-44. Roy. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der gesammten Mediein in alien Landern, im Vereine mit mehreren Gelehrten herausgegeben von C. Canstatt. Erlangen. Jahrg. 1-25, 56 Bd., 1841-65. Roy. 8°. [Continued as Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte der gesammten Mediein. (Von R. Virchow.)] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der Pharmacognosie, Pharmacie und Toxicologie. Gottingen. [Neue Folge des mit Ende 1865 abgeschlossenen Canstatt'schen pharmaceutischen Jahresbe- richts.] Jahrg. 1-12, 1866-77. 8°. [Current.] Jahresbericht iiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wlssenschaften von Jacob Berzelius. Eingereicht an die schwedische Akademie der Wissenschaften den 31. Miirz 1829, etc. Aus dem Schwedi- schen iibersetzt von F. Wohler. Tubingen. Jahrg. 9-17, 1829-37, 7Bd. 8°. [Want years 1-8 (1821-28?), 1831 (11th year), 1838, and all subsequent.] Jahresberichte der Gesellschaft fiir Natur- uud Heilkunde in Dres- den, 1848; 1850-66; 1868-77. 8-. Jahresbericht der koniglich-bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wissen- schaften, ausgegeben am 12. Mai 1876. Prag. 8°. Jahresbericht des Landes-Medicinal-Collegium iiber das Medicinal- wesen im Konigreich Sachsen. Dresden und Leipzig. lster-7ter, 1867-75. 8°. Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen und Fortschritte in der Anato- mie und Physiologie. Herausgegeben von Rud. Virchow und Aug. Hirsch. Berlin. Berichte fiir die Jahre 1873-74. 8°. JAHRESB. XJ. D. LEISTUNG. 41 KENTUCKY M. RECORDER. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. u. Fort- schr. d. ges. Med., Berl. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. in d. Kriegsh., 1860-65, Wiirzb. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung. . . . d. Mil.-San.-Wes., Berl. Jahresb. ii. d. Leistung.. . . d. Ophth., Tubing. Jahresb. d. naturh. Ver. in Pas- sau. Jahresb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark, Graz. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.- Wes. d. Krankenanst. . . . d. Stadt Frankf. Jahresb. ii. d. Verwalt. d. Med.- Wes., d. off. Krankenanst. ..., Zurich. Jahresb. ii. d. wissensch. Leist. d. Doct.-Coll. d. med. Fac in Wien. Jahresh. d. Ver. f. vaterl. Naturk. in Wiirttemb., Stuttg. Jamaica Phys. J., Kingston. Janus, Breslau. Janus, Gotha. Jenaische Ann. f. Physiol, u. Med., Jena. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Med. u. Naturw., Leipz. Jenaische Ztschr. f. Naturw., Leipz. Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen uud Fortschritte der gesammten Mediein. (Fortsetzung von Canstatt's Jahresbericht.) Unter Mitwirkung . . . herausgegebeu vou Rud. Virchow unci Aug. Hirsch. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-12.20 Bd., 1866-77. Roy. 8°. [Current.] Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungen in der Kriegsheilkuude im Jahre 1860-65. Wiirzburg. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Jahresbericht iiber die Leistungeu uud Fortschritte auf dem Ge- biete des Militair-Sanitiitswesens. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-3, 1873-76. Roy. so. Jahresberichte iiber die Leistungeu uud Fortschritte im Gebiete der Ophthalmologic. Jahrg. 1-6, 1870-75. Tiibiugen, 1872-77. 8°. [Current.] Jahresbericht des naturhistorisehen Vereins in Passau. Ister-lOter, 1857-74. so. [Want 3d Report, 1859; 10th Report, 1871-74.] Jahresbericht des Vereins der Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz. Biinde i-xii, 1863-75. 8 . [For vols, v-xi, see Sitzungsberichte des —; for vol. xii, see Mittheilungen des —.] Jahresbericht iiber die Verwaltuug des Medicinalwesens, die Kran- kenanstalteu und die offentlichen Gesundheitsverhaltnisse der freien Stadt Frankfurt betreffend. Herausgegeben von dem aerztlichen Verein. Frankfurt a. M. Jahrg. 1-20, 1857-77. Roy. 8°. [Current,] Jahresbericht iiber die Verwaltuug des Medicinalweseus, die offent- lichen Krankenanstalteu und den allgemeinen Gesundheitszu- stand des Kantons Zurich im Jahr 1852, nebst Mittheilungen aus der Praxis der Aerzte und Thieriirzte, erstattet von der Di- rection der Medicinalangelegenheiten. Ziirich. 1 Bd., 1853. so. [Want all subsequent.] Jahresbericht iiber die wisseuschaftlicheu Leistungeu des Doctoren- Collegiums der medicinrschen Facultiit in Wien. Nos. 1-4, 1850- 53. 8°. Jahreshefte des Vereins fiir vaterliindische Naturkunde iu Wiirt- temberg. Stuttgart. 6th year. 1850; 8th year, 1852; No. 3, 10th year, 1854; No. 3, 12th year, 1856 ; No. 1, 13th year, 1857. 8°. Jamaica (The) Physical Journal. Kingston. Vol. i, 1834. 8°. Janus. Zeitschrift fiir Geschichte und Literatur der Mediein. Breslau. Biinde i-iii, 1846-48. 8°. [Completed. Publication resumed as the following :] Janus. Central-Magaziu fiir Geschichte und Literargeschichte der Mediein, arztliche Biographik, Epideiniographik, medicinische Geographie und Statistik. Gotha. Biinde i-ii, 1851-53. so. [A continuation of the preceding.] Jenaische Annalen fiir Physiologie und Mediein. Jena. 2 Bd., 1849-51. 8°. [Completed.] Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Mediein und Naturwissenschaft. Heraus- gegeben von der medicinisch-naturwissenscbaftlichen Gesellschaft zu Jena. Leipzig. Biinde i-vii, 1864-73. 8°. [For vol. viii, see the following :] Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaft. Leipzig. Bande viii- xi, 1874-77. 8°. [Current. For vols, i-vii, see the preceding.] K. Kansas City M. J. Kansas City M. & S. Rev. Kentucky M. Recorder, Louis- ville. Kaiseiliche Akademie der Wissensch af ten. Mathematisch-natur- wissenschaftliche Classe. Wien. [See Sitzungsbericht der—.] Kaiserlich-konigtiche Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wieu. [See Zeit- schrift der —.] Kansas City (The) Medical Jourual. Kansas City (Mo.) Vols, i- v, 1871-75. 8°. [Completed.] Kansas City (The) Medical and Surgical Review Kansas City (Mo.) 1 v., 1860. 8°. [Completed.] Kasau, Medical Society of. [See Dnevnik, etc. Also, Protokol, etc. Also, Trudi, etc. Also, Zapiski, etc.] Kentucky Medical Recorder. Louisville. [Title of vol. iii, n. s„ of The Transylvania Medical Journal.] 6* A T KIN-LK I-LETZU. 42 LANCET. Kin-Le I-Letzu, Yedo. Klin. Beitr. z. Gynaek, Breslau. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenh., Stuttg. Klin. Ztschr. f. Chir. u. Augenh., Halle. Kliniek, Utrecht. Kbnigsb. med. Jahrb. Kong. med. Selsk. Skr., Kjo- benh. Kong. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. 19. Aarh., Throndhjem. Krit. Bl. f. wissensch. u. prakt. Med., Leipz. Krit. Jahrb. z. Verbreit. ... in d. Geburtsh, Leipz. Krit. Repert. f. d. ges. Heilk, Berl. Kentucky State Medical Society. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Kin-Le I-Letzu. Yedo. .[The Modern Medical News. Edited by Stuart Eldridge, M. D. Japanese text.] Nos. 1,2, vol. i, 1874. 8 >. Klinische Beitrage zur Gynaekologie. Breslau. 1 Bd., 1862-65. S\ [Completed.] Klinische Monatsbliitter fiir Augenheilkunde. Herausgegeben von W. Zehender. Erlangen, 1863-74. Stuttgart, 1874-77. Biinde i- xv, 1863-77. 8°. [Current. Want v..]. iii, 1865.] Klinische Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgie und Augenheilkunde. Heraus- gegeben von Ernst Blasius. Halle. Band i, 1836-37. 8°. Kliniek. Tijdschrift voorwetenschappelijkeGeneeskunde. Utrecht. Deel 1-4, 1844-49. 8°. [Completed.] Koniglich-bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. [See Sitzungsberichte der —. Also, Sitzungsberichte der mathe- matisch-physikaliscben Classe der —.] Koniglich-bohmische Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften in Prag. [See Jahresbericht der —. Also, Sitzungsberichte der —.] Kooigliche Academie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. [See Physi- calische und medicinische Abhandlungeu der —.] Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Au- gust's-Universitat, [See Nachrichten von der—.] Koniglich-siichsisches statistiscbes Bureau. [See Zeitschrift des —.] Konigsberger medicinische Jahrbiicher. Herausgegeben von dem Verein fiir wisseuschaftliche Heilkunde zu Konigsberg. Biinde i-iv, 1858-64. 8°. [Want all subsequent. Vol. iv published iu Danzig.] Kongelige (Det) medicinske Selskabs Skrifter. Ny Roekke f^rste Bind indeholdende de permanente comiteers arbeider i Aarene 1846 og 1847. Kjc/ibenhavn. 4°. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. [See Jaarboek van de —. Also, Verhandelingen der —. Also, Verslagen en Mede- deelingen der —.] Kongelige (De-) Norske Videnskabers Selskabs Skrifter i det 19de Aarhundrede. Throndhjem. Vols, ii-vii, Nos. 1,2, vol. viii, 1824- 75. 4° and 8°. [Waut vol. i.] Kritische Blatter fiir wissens ■haftliche unci praktische Mediein. [Wochenschrift.] Herausgegeben von Dr. Alexander Goeschen. Leipzig. Biinde i-ii, 1866-67. 4°. [Want all subsequent.] Kritisches Jahrbuch zur Verbreitung der neuesten Jintdeckungen uud Beforderung der Aufkliirung in der Geburtshiilfe; nebst An- zeige der neuesten wichligsten Schriften dieser Wissenschaft. Herausgegeben von Franz Heinrich Martens. Leipzig. Band i, 1802. 8°. [Completed.] Kritisches Repertorium fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Herausgege- ben von Dr. Johann Nep. Rust, Berlin. 32 Bd., 1823-33. 8°. [Continued as (Casper's) Wochenschrift fiir die gesammte Heil- kunde.] L. Laitop. Khirurg. Mosk. Lancet, Lond. Lancet, Tiel. Obshch. v' Laitopise Khirurgichiskago Obshchestva v' Moskvai. [Annals of the Chirurgical Society of Moskow.] Vol. i, 1873-75. Roy. 8°. Lancet (The). A journal of British and foreign medical and chem- ical science, criticism, literature and news. London. 109 v., 182:3-77. 8° and 4°. [Current. Want pp. 1-32, vol. ix (Oct. 1, 1825).] Lancet (Het). Maandschrift voor practische Genees-, Heel- en Ver- loskunde. Tiel. 18 v., 1860-77. 8°. [Current.] Lancette (La) francaise: gazette des hopitaux civils et militaires. Paris. 48 torn., 1830-77. 4° and folio. [Current. Want vols. i-ii; Nos. 1-9, 95, 98. vol. iii; pp. 407-10, in No. 99, vol. iii, 2 s. (Aug. 17, 1841); No. 8. vol. iv; No. 153, vol. viii. See Gazette des hfipitaux civils et militaires. See, also, Introductory Remarks, in relation to this title.] LEAVENWORTH M. HERALD. 43 LOND. M. J. Leavenworth M. Herald. Leist. u. Fortschr. d. Med. in Deutsch!., Berl. Lens, Chicago. Liguria med., Genova. Litt. Ann. d. ges. Heilk., Berl. Liverpool Health of Towns' Advoc Liverpool M. & S. Rep. Liverpool & Manchester M. & S. Rep. Liverpool M.-Chir. J. Lond., Edinb. & Dubl. Phil. Mag., Lond. Lond. & Edinb. Month. J. M. Sc, Edinb. Lond. J. M. Lond. M. Exam. Lond. M. Gaz. Lond. M. J. Landes-Medicinal-Collegium im Kouigreich Sachsen. [See Jahres- bericht des —.] Leavenworth (The) Medical Herald. A monthly mirror of the med- ical sciences. Vols, i-iii, 1867-70. 8°. [Vols, iv-v, title as follows:] Leavenworth (The) Medical Herald and Jourual of Pharmacy. Vols, iv-v, 1870-72. 8°. [A continuation of the preceding, and succeeded by The Medical Herald.] Leistungen (Die) und Fortschritte der Medizin in Deutschland im Jahre 1-32. [Also years 1833-36 inclusive.] Berlin. 5 v. 8°. [Want all after 1836.] Lens (The); a quarterly jourual of microscopy and the allied natu- ral sciences; with the transactions of the State Microscopical Society of Illinois. Chicago. Vols, i-ii, 1872-73. 8°. [Com- pleted.] Library of Practical Medicine. Philadelphia. [See System of Practical Medicine (Tweedie).] Liguria (La) medica. Giornale di scienze mediche e naturali. Genova. Anni 1-15, 1856-70. 15 v. 8°. [In* 1871, united with II Filiatre-sebezio, forming La nuova Liguria medica.] Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. [»S'ee Memoirs of the —. Also, Proceedings of the —.] Litterarische Annaleu der gesammten Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von J. Fr. C. Hecker. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-8, Biinde i-xxiv, 1825-32. 8°. [Continued as Wissenschaftliche Annalen, etc.] Little Rock and Puiaski County Medical Asiociation. [See Trans- actions of the —.] Liverpool (The) Health of Towns' Advocate, published under the sanction of the Committee of the Liverpool Health of Towns' Association. Nos. 1-19, 1845-47. 8°. [Continued as Journal of Public Health and Monthly Record of Sanitary Improvement.] Liverpool (The) Medical and Surgical Reports. London. Vols, i-v, 1867-71. 8°. [In 1-73, amalgamated with The Manchester Med- ical and Surgical Reports, forming The Liverpool and Manchester Medical and Surgical Reports.] Liverpool (The) aud Manchester Medical and Surgical Reports. Manchester. Liverpool. Vols, i-iii. 1873-75. 8°. [Formed by amalgamation of The Liverpool Medical and Surgical Reports with The Manchester Medical and Surgical Reports.] Liverpool (The) Medico-Chirurgical Journal, a record of practical medicine and surgery. Liverpool. Vols, i-ii; No. 1, vol. iii, 1857-59. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] London (The), Edinburgh aud Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science. London. 3 s., vols, xxxvi, xxxvii, 1850; 4 s., vols, i-xviii, 1851-59; vols, xxix-xlvi, 1865-73. 8°. London (The) and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science. Edinburgh. Vols, i-xx, 1841-55. 8°. [Wane pp. 259, 260, 547- 556, vol. ii (in Marc a aud in June, 1842). Nos. 1-8, vol. i, Jan.-Aug., 1841, title, The Edinburgh Monthly Jourual of Medical Science. After vol. iv, 1844, title, The Monthly Jourual of Medical Science. July, 1846, The Northern Journal of Medicine merged in this journal. Vol. xx, title, The Monthly Journal of Medicine. In July, 1855, united with The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, forming The Edinburgh Medical Journal.] London (The) Hospital. [See Clinical Lectures and Reports of the—.] London Jourual of Medicine. A monthly record of the medical scieuces. London. Nos. i-xlvi, forming vols, i-iv (bound in 8 v.), 1849-52. 8°. [Completed. Incorporated with new weekly seri. s of Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal, forming Association Medical Journal.] London Medical Examiner, Monthly Review and Statistical Journal of Practical Medicine. 2 v., 1850-52. 8°. [Want all subsequent tp No. 11, vol. ii.] London (The) Medical Gazette; a weekly journal of medicine and the collateral scieuces. Ljndou. Vols, i-xlviii, 1827-51. 8°. [In 1852 united with The Medical Times, forming The Medical Times and Gazette.] London (The) Medical Jourual. Vols, i-xi, 1781-90. 8°. [See Medical Facts and Observations, for continuation.] LOND. M. & PHYS. .1. 44 MADRAS Q. J- M- S(- Lond. M. & Phys. J. Lond. M. Rec Lond. M. Reposit. Lond. M. Rev. Lond. M. Rev. & Mag. Lond. M. & S. J. Lond. M., S. & Pharm. Reposit. Lond. Student. Louisville J. M. & S. Louisville M. Gaz. Louisville M. J. Louisville M. News. Louisville M. Reporter. Louisville Rev. Lucania med., Potenza. Lucina, Leipz. Lyon med. London (The) Medical aud Physical Journal. London. \ ols. xxxui- lxix, 18ir,-33. 8-. [Want Dec. 1830 (in vol. ix, n. 8.); also pp. 145-152, vol. xiv, n. s. (Feb., 1833). A continuation of The Medi- cal and Physical Journal.] London (The) Medical Record. A review of the progress of medi- cine, surgery, obstetrics and the allied sciences. \ ols. i-v, 18/3- 77. 8°. [Current, Title of Nos. 1-6, vol. i, was The Medical Record.] London (The) Medical Repository. Monthly journal and review. 28 v., 1815-28. 8°. [Continuatiou of The London Medical, Sur- gical and Pharmaceutical Repository, etc. Continued as The Loudon Medical and Surgical Journal.] London (The) Medical Review. Vols, i-ii, 1808-09. 8\ [Want vols, iii-iv.] London (The) Medical Review. [Was title of vols, vii-viii of The London Medical Review and Magazine.] London (The) Medical Review: or monthly journal of medical and surgical science. Vols, i-iii, 1860-63. 8°. [Completed. Want No. for Jan., 1862 (in vol. ii).] London (The) Medical Review and Magazine, by a society of physi- cians and surgeons, s v., 1799-1802. 8°. [Completed. Vols. vii-viii, title, The London Medical Review.] London (The) Medical aud Surgical Journal; exhibiting a view of the improvements and discoveries in the various branches of medi- cal science. 14 v., 1828-37. 8°. [Want all after Sept., 1829, and prior to Feb. 5, 1832; also the 2 v. after April 1, 1837. A^contm- uation of The Loudon Medical Repository. Mouthly journal and review.] Loudon (The) Medical, Surgical, and Pharmaceutical Repository, monthly journal and review. 1 v., 1814. 8°. [Continued as The London Medical Repository. Monthly journal and review.] London (The) Student, Nos. 1-5, vol. i, 1868. 8°. [Want all sub- sequent.] Louisville (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Nos. 1-2, vol. i, 1838. 8°. [Completed. Jan., 1840, revived, and consolidated with The Western Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences, forming The Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery.] Louisville (The) Medical Gazette. Nos. 1-7, vol. i, 1859. 8°. [Com- pleted.] Louisville Medical Journal. Nos. 1-6, vol. i, 1860 s\ [Completed.] Louisville (The) Medical News; a weekly journal of medicine and surgery. Vols, i-iv, 1876-77. 8°. [Current.] Louisville (The) Medical Reporter; a weekly journal. Henderson, Ky. No. 1, vol. i, 1874. 8°. [No more published.] Louisville (The) Review. A bi-monthly journal of practical medi- cine and surgery. Edited by S. D. Gross and T. G. Richardson. Vol. i, 1856. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of The Western Journal of Medicine and Surgery. In Jan., 1857, united wiih The Medical Examiner, Philadelphia, forming The North American Medico-Chirurgical Review.] Lucania (La) medica. Giornale degl'interessi scientifici e profes- sional! della classe medico-lucana. Potenza. Anni 1-2, 1873-74. 2 v. 8°. [Completed. Want pp. 209-224, vol. i; also No. 10, vol. ii, Dec, 1874, last published.] Lucina. Eine Zeitschrift zur Vervollkommuung der Entbindungs- kunst. Herausgegeben von Dr. Elias von Siebold. Leipzig, 1802- 08. Marburg, 1809-11. 6 v., 1802-11. 8°. [Continued as Jonrnal fiir Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer und Kinderkrankheiten.] Lyon medical: Gazette mddicale et Journal de iu6decine, reunis. Lyon. Tom. i-xxvi, 1869-77. 8°. [Current,] JI. Madras Q. J. M. Sc. McDowell Medical Society. Evansville, Ind. [See Transactions of the —.] Madras (The) Quarterly Jourual of Medical Science. Madras. Vols. i-xi, July, 1860-67 ; 2 s., vol. i, July, 1868—Oct., 1869. 8°. [Want vol. xii(?), 1867-68; and all since Oct., 1869.] MADRAS Q. M. J. 45 MARYLAND M. & S. J. Madras Q. M. J. Mag. v. Aerzte, Leipz. Mag. f. Geburtsh., Leipz. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneik. Stendal. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arzneiw., Berl. Mag. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl. Mag. f. d. n. Entdeck. in d. ges. Naturk., Berl. Mag. f. d. path. Anat. u. Physiol., Altona. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb. Mag. f. physiol. u. klin. Ar- znmttll. u. Toxik., Leipz. Mag. f. spec Therap. u. Klin., Jena. Mag. f. d. Staatsarznk., Leipz. Mag. z. Vervollk. d. theor. u. prakt. Heilk., Frankf. a. M. Mag. f. d. Wundarzneyw., Got- ting. Maine M. Sc S. Reporter, Port- land. Manchester M. & S. Rep. Marseille med. Maryland M. J., Bait. Maryland M. Recorder, Bait. Maryland M. & S. J., Bait. Madras (The) Quarterly Medical Journal. Madras. 4 v., 1839-42. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Magazin vor Aerzte. Herausgegeben von Ernst Gotfried Baldinger. Leipzig. 2 v., 1775-78. 8°. [Continued as Neues Magazin fiir Aerzte] Magazin fiir Geburtshelfer. Herausgegeben von C. L. Schweick- hard. Leipzig und Frankfurt. 1 v., 1794. 8°. Magaziu fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde uud medizinische Polizei. Herausgegeben von K. F. Uden. Stendal. 4 v. (in 6 v.), 1782- 88. 8°. [Vols, iii-iv, title, Neues Magazin, etc., herausgegeben vou J. Th. Pyl.] Magaziu fiir die gerichtliche Arzneiwissenschaft. Herausgegeben von C. F. L. Wildberg. Berlin. 2 v., 1831-32. 8. [Continued as Jahrbuch der gesammten Staatsarzneikunde.] Magazin fiir die gesammte Heilkunde mit besouderer Riicksicht auf das Militair-Sanitats-Wesen im koniglich-preussisjhen Staate. Herausgegeben von J. N. Rust, Berlin. 66 v., 1816-48. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Magazin fiir die neuesten Entdeckungen in der gesammten Natur- kunde. [Gesellschaft naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin.] Ber- lin. 5 v., 1807-11. 4°. Magaziu fiir die pathologische Anatomie und Physiologie. Heraus- gegeben von A. F. Hecker. Altona. Heft 1, 1796. 815. Magazin fiir philosophische, medicinische und gerichtliche Seelen- kunde. Herausgegeben vou J. B. Friedreich. Wurzburg. 10 v., 1829-33. 8°. [Want all subsequent. After 1832, vols, viii-x, title, Neues Magazin, etc. Continued in 1834 as Archiv fiir Psy- chologic fiir Aerzte und Juristen.] Magazin fiir physiologische und klinische Arzneimittellehre uud Toxikologie von J. Frank. Leipzig. 4 v., 1845-54. 8°. [Want general index-vol.] Magazin fiir specielle Therapie und Klinik, nach den Grundsiitzen der Erregungstbeorie. Herausgegeben von A. F. Marcus. Jena, 2 v., 1802-06. 8°. [Vol. ii, title, Magazin fiir specielle Therapie, Klinik und Staatsarzneikunde.] Magazin fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Herausgegeben vou den Be- zirks- und Gerichts Aerzten des Konigreiches Sachsen, redigirt durch Fr. J. Siebenhaar. Leipzig. 5 v., 1842-46. 8°. [In 1847, united with Aunalen der Staatsarzneikuude, forming Vereinte deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde] Magazin zur Vervollkommnung der theoretischen und praktischen Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von Dr. Andreas Roschlaub. Frankfurt am Main. Bande i-viii, 1799-1805. Sm. 8C. [Waut all subsequent.] Magazin fiir die Wundarzneywissenschaft. Herausgegeben von J. Arnemann. Gottingen. 3 v., 1797-1803. 8°. [Vol. iii, title, Allgemeines Magaziu", etc.] Maine Medical Association. [See Records of the —. Also, Trans- actions of the —.] Maine (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Portland. 1 v. (Nos. 1-11), 1858-59. 8°. [Completed.] Manchester (The) Medical and Surgical Reports. Manchester. 2 v., 1870-71. 8°. [In 1873 amalgamated with The Liverpool Medical and Surgical Reports, forming The Liverpool and Man- chester Medical and Surgical Reports.] Manchester and Salford Sanitary Association. [See Report of the committee of the —.] Marseille medical. (Ancieuue Union mddicale de la Provence.) Organe officiel de la Soci6te de mddeciue. Marseille. Annees 10- 14, 5 v., 1873-77. 8°. [Current. Want all prior.] Maryland Medical Journal. Baltimore. Vols, i-ii, 1877-78. 8°. [Current.] Maryland (The) Medical Recorder. medical science iu general. Baltimore. Vols, i-iii, 1829-32. 8°. [Completed.] Maryland (The) Medical and Surgical Journal and Official Organ of the Medical Department of the Army and Navy of the United States. Published under the auspices of the Medical and Chirur- gical Faculty of Maryland. Baltimore. Vols, i-iii, 1840-43. 8°. [Completed.] MARYLAND A VIRG. M. J. 46 MED. CHRONIK. Maryland & Virg. M. J., Rich- mond. MSrysville M. & S. Reporter, San Fran. Mat f.d. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk., Meiningen. Med. Aehrenlese, Osnabriick. Med. Aim., Berl. Med. Ann., Heidelb. Med. Arch., St. Louis. Med. Arch., Stockholm. Med. Argos, Leipz. Med. Biblioth., Gotting. Med. Brief, Wilson, N. Car. Med. Bull., Bait. Med.u. chir. Berl. wchntl.Nachr. Med. Chron., Montreal. Med. Chronik, Wien. Maryland (The) and Virginia Medical Journal. Richmond. Vols. xiv-xvi, 1860-'il. S\ [Completed. For vols, i-xiii, see The Virginia Medical and Surgical Journal (vols, i-v); and The Vir- ginia Medical Journal, etc (vols, vi—xiii).] Marysville (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Edited and pub- lished bv Lorenzo Hubbard and H. W. Teed. San Francisco. No. 1, vol. f, 1858. 8°. Massachusetts Medical Society. [See Medical Communications of the —.] Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und praktische Heil- kunde. Herausgegeben von J. H. G. Schlegel. Jena, 1800-09. Meiningen, 1819-24. Sammlung 1-11 (in 5 v.), 1800-24. so. [Sammlung 9-11, 1819-24, also called Neue Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und praktische Heilkunde. Want all subsequent.] Medicinische Aehrenlese. Eine Zeitschrift fiir die wisseuschaftlich- practische Gesammtheilkunde. Herausgegeben vou August Droste. Osnabriick. Jahrg. 1-10, 1856-65. 3 v. so. [Com- pleted.] Medicinischer Almanach fiir die Jahre 1836-41; 1843; 1846-61; 1871; 1875-76. Berlin. 26 v. 8°. [Current. Want vols, for 1842, 1844, and 1845. Title of vol. for 1847, Sachs' medicinischer Almanach.] Medicinische Annalen, eine Zeitschrift. Herausgegeben von den Mitgliedern der grossherzoglich-badischen Sanitiits-Commission in Carlsruhe und den Vorstehern der medicinischen, chirurgi- schen und geburtshiilflichen Anstalten in Heidelberg, F. A. B. Puchelt, M. J. Chelius und F. C. Niigele. Heidelberg. 13 v., 1835-47. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of Heidelberger klinische Annalen.] Medical (The) Archives. St. Louis [With vol. iii and subse- • quently, title, The Humboldt Medical Archives.] Medicinskt Archiv. Utgifvet af lararne vid Carolinska Iustitutet i Stockholm. Vols, ii-iii, 1864-68. 8°. [Want vol. i. Vol. iii contains also Tillaggshafte, 170 pp., called No. 1, vol. iv. Con- tinued as Nordiskt medicinskt Arkiv.] Medicinischer Argos. Leipzig. Vols, i-vi, 1839-45. 8. [Title of vol. vi, Argos: Zeitschrift fiir Kritik und Anti-Kritik auf dem Gesammtgebiete der Mediein.] Medical Association of Southern Central New York. tions of the —.] Medical Association of the State of Alabama. the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Medical Association of the State of Missouri. [See Transactions of the—.] [See Transao- [See Proceedings of Medicinische Bibliothek, herausgegeben von J. F. Blumenbach. Gottingen. 3 v., 1783-95. 12°. Medical (The) Brief. A monthly journal of practical medicine, chemistry and pharmacy for physicians and druggists. Wilson, North Carolina. Saint Louis, Mo. Vols, i-v, July, 1873-77. 8°. [Current. Want Nov., 1873—Dec, 1875. After 1876, published in St. Louis, Mo.] Medical (The) Bulletin. A journal of medicine and surgery. Balti- more. Vols, i, ii, 1868-70. Folio. [Want No. 24, vol. i; Nos. 21- 24, vol. ii. Merged in The Baltimore Medical Journal in 1871.] Medicinische und chirurgische Berlinische wochentliche Nachrich- ten von D. Samuel Schaarschmidt, uebst eiuer Vorrede von D. Friedrich Hoffmannus. Jahrg. 1-3, 1738-40. Berlin, 1742. 3 v. 4°. Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Medical (The) Chrouicle; or Montreal monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Montreal. Vols, i-vi, 1853-59. 8°. [Completed.] Medicinische Chronik. Herausgegeben von Joseph Eyerel. Wien Vols, i-iii, 1793-94. so. [Want all subsequent.] Medical (The) Circular. A journal of practical medicine, surgery and therapeutics. London. [A new series, in Jan., 1864, of The Medical Circular and General Medical Advertiser.] MED. CIRC. 47 MED. ESSAYS & OBS. Med. Circ, Lond. Med. Comment., Lond. Med. communale, Seregno. Med. Communicat. Mass. M. Soc, Bost. Med. Communicat. Soc. Promot. Med. Knowl., Lond. Med. contemp., Par. Med. Convers.-Bl.. Hildburgh. Bayer. Aerzte, Med. Cor.-Bl. Erlang. Med. Cor.-Bl. d. Wiirttemb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttg. Med. Counsellor, Columbus. Med. Critic & Psych. J., Lond. Med. Denkwrdgktn., Berl. Med. eclairee, Par. Med. Eclect., N. Y. Med. Enquirer, Liverp. Med. Ephem. v. Berl. Med. Essays. Bur. M. & S.. U. S. Navy, Wash. Med. Essays & Obs. Soc. Edinb. Medical (The) Circular. A weekly journal and retrospect of medical progress. London. [Title of vols, xiv-xix of the following:] Medical (The) Circular and General Medical Advertiser : a register of the sayings and doings of the medical profession. London. Vols, i-xxvii, 1852-65. 8- and 4°. [Vol. xiv, title changed to the preceding; vol. xx, to that of the following; with vol. xxiv, Jan., 1864, a new series commenced, title, The Medical Circular. A journal of practical medicine, surgery and therapeutics. In Jan., 1866. consolidated with The [Dublin] Medical Press, form- ing The Medical Press and Circular.] Medical (The) Circular and Journal of Practical Medicine and Sur- gery. London. [Title of vol. xx-xxiii, of the preceding.] Medical Commentaries, exhibiting a concise view of the latest and most important discoveries in medicine and medical philosophy. Collected and published by Andrew Duncan. London. [Title of vol. vii, et seq., of Medical and Philosophical Commentaries.] Medicina (La) communale. Giornale popolare di scienze mediche applicate al prosperamento usico-intellettuale-morale delle molti- tudini. Organo del comitato medico del circondario di Monza. Sereguo. Anni 1-3,1863-65; anni 12-16, 1873-77. sc. [Current. Want years 4-11, 1866-72, except the following numbers: No. 55,1866; No. 65, 1867; No. 76, 1868; Nos. for Feb., 1869; Jan., March, May, Aug., Sept., Oct., 1870; Jan., Aug., Sept., Dec, 1871; and May, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., and Nov., 1872.] Medical Communications of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston. Vol. i, 1790-1808; vol ii, 1809-13; vol. iii, 1822; vol. iv, 1829; vols, v-xi, 1836-74 ; Nos. 1, 2, vol. xii, 1875. 80. Medical Communications of the Society for Promoting Medical Knowledge. London. Vols, i-ii, 1784-90. 8°. Me'decine (La) contemporaiue. Paris. Annees 16-19,1874-77. 8°. [Current. Want years 1-15. and Nos. 1-6 of year 16.] Medical Convention of Ohio. [See Proceedings of the —.] Medicinisches Conversationsblatt. Hildburghausen. Jahrg. 1-3, 1830-32. 3 v. 4' [Completed.] Erlangen. Medicinisches Correspondenz-Blatt Bayerischer Aerzte. Jahrg. 1-11,1840-50. 11 v. 8C. [Completed.] Medicinisches Correspondenzblatt des Wiirttembergischen aerztli- chen Vereins. Stuttgart. Vols, i-xlvii, 1832-77. 4°. [Current. ] Med'cal (The) Counsellor: a weekly gazette of the medical and physical sciences. Columbus, Ohio. Vols, i, ii, 1855-56. 8°. [Completed. The Ohio Medical Gazette was running title of this journal.] Medical (The) Critic and Psychological Journal. Edited by Forbes Winslow. London. Vols, i-iii, 1861-63. 8°. [Completed. A continuation- of The Journal of Psychological Medicine and Men- tal Pathology. Want general index of whole set.] Medicinische Denkwiirdigkeiten aus der Vergangenheit undGegen- wart; fiir praktische Aerzte in monatlichen Lieferungen heraus- gegeben von Dr. Albert Sachs. Berlin. 1 v., 1834. 8°. [Com- pleted.] Medecine (La) eclairee par les sciences physiques, ou journal des d6couvertes relatives aux difKrentes parties de l'art de gue"rir ; re"dige" par M. Fourcroy. Paris. Tom. i-iv, 1791-92. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Medical (The) Eclectic ; devoted to reformed medicine, general science and literature. New York. 4 v., 1873-77. 8°. [Current.] Medical (The) Enquirer: a monthlv journal and review. Liver- pool. 3 v., 1875-78. 4°. [Current.] Medicinische Ephemeriden von Berlin. Herausgegeben von Dr. L. Formey. Berlin. 1 v., 1799-1800. 12°. Medical EssayR : compiled from reports to the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery by Medical Officers of the U. S. Navy. Washington. 1 v., 1872. 8°. Medical Essays and Observations. Revised and published by a society in Edinburgh. Edinburgh. 5 v. in 6 v., 1733-44. 8°. MED. EXAM. 48 MED. JOUR. N. CAR. Med. Exam., Chicago. Med. Exam., Lond. Med. Exam., Phila. Med. Facts & Obs., Lond. Med. Gaz., N. Y. Med. Herald, Leavenworth. Med. Indep., Detroit. Med. Jahrb., Wien. Med. Jahrb., Wien. Med. Jahrb. f. d. Herzogth Nas- sau, Wiesb. Med. Jahrb. d. k. k. oster. Staa- tes, Wien. Med. Jour., Chemnitz. Med. Jour. v. Baldinger, Got- ting. Med. Jour. v. Tode, Kopenh. Med. Jour. N. Car., Raleigh. Medical (The) Examiner. A semi-monthly journal of medical science, devoted to the educational, scientific, and practical in- terests of the medical profession. Chicago. Vols, xiii-xvi, 1872- 75. 4°. [For prior vols, see The Chicago Medical Examiner. September, 1875, united with The Chicago Medical Journal, form- ing The Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner.] Medical (The) Examiner. London. 2 v., 1876-77. 4°. [Current.] Medical (The) Examiner. Philadelphia. Vols, i-vii, 1838-44, roy. 8°; vols, i-xii, n. s., 1845-56, s\ [Waut No. 23, vol. vii, Nov. 16, 1844. Iu Jan., 1857, united with The Louisville Review, forming The North American Medico-Chirurgical Review. See, also, the two following:] Medical (The) Examiner and Record of Medical Science. Phila- delphia. [Title of vols, vii, aud i-xii, n. s., of the preceding.] Medical (The) Examiner and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences. Philadelphia. [Title of vols, v-vi of The Medical Examiner, Philadelphia. Medicinische Facultiit iu Wieu. [See Jahresbericht iiber die wis- senschaftlichen Leistungen des Doctoren-Collegiums der —.] Medical Facts aud Observations. A sequel to The London Medical Journal. By Dr. Simmons. London. Vols, i-viii, 1791-lsuO. 8°. Medical (The) Gazette. A weekly review of practical medicine, surgery aud obstetrics. New York. Vols, i-vi; Nos. 1-6, vol. vii; 1867-71. 4°. [Completed.] Medicinische Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. [See Verhandlungen der —.] Medical (The) Herald. Leavenworth. Vols, vi-ix, 1872-75. 8°. [Completed with No. 4, vol. ix. A continuation of The Leaven- worth Medical Herald and Journal of Pharmacy.] Medical (The) Independent. A monthly review of medicine aud surgery, and journal of microscopical science. Detroit. [Title of Nos. 2-6, vol. ii, and Nos. 1-3, vol. iii, of the following:] Medical (The) Independent and Monthly Review of Medicine and Surgery. Detroit. 3 v., 1856-58. 8°. [In April, 1858, united with The Peninsular Journal of Medicine, etc., forming The Peninsular and Independent Medical Journal. See, also, the pre- ceding.] •Medical (The) Intelligencer. [See title-page of The Boston Medi- cal Intelligencer.] Medizinische Jahrbiicher. Herausgegeben von der K. K. Gesell- schaft der Aerzte. Redigirt von S. Strieker. Wien. Jahrg. 1- 7,1871-77. 7 v. 8°. [Current. A continuation of the following:] Medizinische Jahrbiicher. Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. Redigirt von A. Duchek, J. Klob, A. Schauen- stein. Wien. Biinde i-xx, 1861-70. 8°. [A continuation of Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte in Wien, and suc- ceeded by the preceding.] Medicinische Jahrbiicher fiir das Herzogthum Nassau. Auf Auftrag der Landes-Regierung. Herausgegeben von J. B. von Franque etal. Wiesbaden. 10 v., 1843-66. 8°. [1851-55 also under title, Mittheilungen des Vereins nassanischer Aerzte an seine Mitglieder.] Medicinische Jahrbiicher des kaiserl.konigl. 6s terreichischen Staates. Herausgegeben vou den Directoren und Professoren desStudiums der Heilkunde, an der Universitat zu Wien. 66 v., 1811-48. 8°. [Want all subsequent. See, also, Oesterreichische medicinische Wochenschrift, als Ergiinzungsblatt der medicinischen Jahr- biicher des k. k. osterreichischen Staates.] Medicinisches Journal iiber Allerhand in die Arzney wissenschaft und deren Ausiibung eiuschlagende Materien. Herausgegeben von Gottwald Schuster. Chemnitz. 2 Bd. (Theil 1-5), 1767-70. 8°. Medicinisches Journal von C. G. Baldinger. Gottingen. 9 Bd., 1784-96. 8°. [Continued as Nenes medicinisches und physi- sches Journal, etc.] Medicinisches Jourual vou D. Johaun Clemeus Tode. Kopeuha<'en uud Leipzig. 5 Bd., 1793-1804 8\ [Completed. Vols, iif-v 1798-1804, title, Mediciuisch-chiiurgisches Journal.] Medical (The) Journal of North Carolina. Published under the auspices of the State Medical Society, by Edward Warren editor Edenton, 1858-60; Raleigh, 1861. 4 v., 1858-61. «o. [Completed] MED. LIT. F. PRACT. AERZTE. 49 MED. RECORDER. Med. Lit. f. pract. Aerzte, Leipz. Med. Mag., Bost. Med. Mirror, Lond. Med. Museum, Lond. Med. Neuigk., Erlang. Med. News Sc Libr., Phila. Med. Obozrainie, Moscow. Med. Obs* Soc. Phys., Lond. Med. & Phil. Comment., Lond. Med. 8c Phys. J., Lond. Med. Press, Dubl. Med. Press & Circ. Lond. Med. Q. Rev., Lond. Med. Rec, Lond. Med. Rec , N. Y. Med. Rec. Austral., Melbourne. Med. RecPrivate M. Ass., Lond. Med. Recorder, etc., Phila. 7 A T Medicinische Literatur fiir practische Aerzte. Herausgegeben von J. C. T. Schlegel. Leipzig. Theil 1-12, in 9 v., 1781-87. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Medical (The) Magazine. Boston. 3 v., 1832-35. 8\ [Completed.] Medical (The) Mirror. A monthly magazine of current medical literature and news. London. Vols, i-vii, 1864-70. 8° and 4°. Medical Missionary Society in China. [See Reports of the —.] Medical (The) Museum: or a repository of cases, experiments, re- searches, and discoveries, collected at home and abroad. By gentlemen of the faculty. London. Vols, i-iii, 1763-64. 8°. Medicinische Neuigkeiten, ein Intelligenzblatt fiir praktische Aerzte. Herausgegeben von Dr. Kastner. Erlangen. Jahrg. 1-27, 1851- 77. 2? v. Roy. 8°. [Current. See, also, the following:] Medicinische Neuigkeiten fiir praktische Aerzte. Wochentliche Miftheilungen von wissenschaftlichen Neuigkeiren und allem In- teressanten aus clem Gebiete der iirztlichen Welt. Erlangen. [Title of a new series, in 1870, of the preceding.] Medical News and Library. Philadelphia. 35 v. 1843-77. 8°. [Curreut, A continuation of The American Medical Intelli- gencer.] Meditsinskoe Obozrainie, ezhemaisyachnii zhurnal. Moscow. [Med- ical Review, a monthly journal.] Vols, v, vi, 1876. 8°. [Want vols, i-iv; also Nos. for July and August, 1876.] Medical Observations and Inquiries by a Society of Physicians in London. Vols, i-vi, 1757-84. 8->. Medical and Philosophical Commentaries. By a society of physi- cians in Edinburgh. London. Vols, i-xx, 1774-95. 8°. [2d edi- tion. Vols, vii-xx, title, Medical Commentaries, etc. Collected and published by Andrew Duncan.] Medical (The) and Philosophical Register. Philadelphia. [See The Philadelphia Medical Museum.] Medical (The) and Physical Journal. London. Vols, i-xxxii, 1799- 1814. 8°. [Continued as The London Medical and Physical Journal.] Medical and Physical Recorder. [Was running title of The Balti- more Medical aud Physical Recorder.] [See Transactions of [See Transactions of Medical aud Physical Society of Bombay. the —.] Med cal and Physical Society of Calcutta. the —.] Medical (The) Press. Dublin. [Title, in 1865, of Dublin Medical Press.] Medical (The) Press and Circular, being the incorporation of the journals hitherto known as The [Dublin] Medical Press and The Medical Circular. A weekly journal of medicine aud medical affairs. Dublin, 1866-68. London, 1868-77. 24 v., 1866-77. 4°. [Current. Vol. i, Jan.-June, 1866, title, Dublin Medical Press and Circular.] Medical Quarterly Review. London. No. 1, vol. i, 1833. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Medical (The) Record. London. [Title of Nos. 1-6, vol. i, of The Londou Medical Record.] Medical (The) Record. A semi-monthly jourual of medicine aud surgery. New York. 12 v., 1866-77. 4°. [Current. Vol. x, 1875, became weekly.] Medical (The) Record of Australia. Melbourne. Vols, i-iii, 1861- 63. 4°. [After vol. iii, suspended till Feb. 27. 1875, when No. 1, vol. iv, was issued, title, Melbourne Medical Record, which see.] Medical Records and Researches, selected from the papers of a Private Medical Association. Loudon. 1st pt,, 288 pp. 1798. 8°. Medical (The) Recorder of Original Papers and Intelligence in Med- icine and Surgery. Philadelphia. [Title of vols, vii-xii of The American Medical Recorder. ] MED. REFORM. 50 MED. SILES. SAT. Med. Reform, Berl. Med. Reformbl., Leipz. Med. Reg.. & Adv., Anna, 111. Med. Reporter, Penn. W. Chester, Med. Reposit, N. Y. Med. Rev. & Analect. J., Phila. Med. sbornik, Tiflis. Med. Siles. Sat., Wratisl. Medicinische (Die) Reform. Eine Wochenschrift. Herausgegeben von Rud. Virchow und R. Lenbuscher. Berlin. Jabrg. 1-2,1848- 49. 1 v. 4°. [Completed.] Medicinisches Reformblatt fiir Sachsen. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-3, 1848-50. 3 v. 4 . [Completed.] Medical (The) Register aud Advertiser: a quarterly jourual of scien- tific and practical medicine. Anna, Illinois. Nos. 1-2, vol. i, 1875. Medical (The) Reporter. St. Louis. [See The Saint Louis Medical Reporter.] Medical (The) Reporter. A quarterly journal, published under the direction of the Chester and Delaware County Medical Societies. West Chester, Pennsylvania. Vols, i-iii, 1853-56. 8°. Medical (The) Repository. New York. Vols, i-xxiii, 1797-1824. 8C. [See, also, the two following:] Medical (The) Repository of Original Essays and Intelligence rela- tive to Physic, Surgery, Chemistry and Natural History. New York. [Title of vols, xvi-xxiii of the preceding] Medical (The) Repository and Review of American Publications on Medicine, Surgery, and the Auxiliary Branches of Philosophy. New York. [Title of .vols, iv-xv of The Medical Repository.] Medical (The) Review aud Analectic Jourual. Philadelphia. 3 v., 1824-26. 8°. [Completed. Vole, ii-iii, title. The American Medi- cal Review and Journal of Original and Selected Papers in Medi- cine and Surgery.] Meditsinskii sbornik isdavaemii Kavkaskim meditsinskim obsh- chestvom. Tiflis. [Medical Magazine, published bv the Medical Society of the Caucasus.] Nos. 1-3,6-21,1866-76." 8C. [Waat all others.] Medicorum Silesiacorum Sat,yra>,qmc variasobservati mes, casus, ex- peiimeuta, teutamina ex oinni iuedicime ambitu petita exhibent. Wratislaviaj et Lipshe. Spec, i-vi, 1736. 8°. Medical Society of Connecticut. [See Communications bf the —.] Medical Society of the County of Albany. [See Annals of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Medical Society of the County of Kiugs. Brooklyn, N. Y. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Medical Society of the District of Columbia. [See Transactions of the —.] Medical Society of King's College. London. [See Transactions of fhe —.] Medical Society of London. [See Memoirs of the —. Also, Pro- ceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Medical Society of the State of California. the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Medical Society of the State of Georgia. [S s i Medico (II) veterinario; giornale teorico-pratico della regia scuola di medicina veterinaria di Torino. 14 v., 1861-67 and 1871-77. 8 . [Current. Want all prior to 1861; also pp. 305-392 in 1867 ; 1868-70.] ' Medico-Legal Society of New York. [See Papers read before the —.] Mediziner (Der). Berliner Wochenbiatt fur iirztliche Neuigkeiten. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-3, 1846-48. 3 v. Folio. [Want all after No. 26, vol. iii (July 8, 1848).] MEDYCYNA. 53 MEM. DE SAN. D. EJERCITO. Medycyna, Warszawa. Melbourne M. Rec. Mem. Acad. imp. d. sc. de Dijon. Mem. Acad. roy. di chir., Par. Mem. Acad. roy. de med., Par. Mem. Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux. Mem. Acad. roy. de Prusse, Avignon. Mem.Acad, de Stanislas, Nancy. Mem. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bo- logna. Mem. Anthrop. Soc. Lond. Medycyna. Czasopismo tygodniowe dla lekarzy praktycznych. Warszawa. [Medicine. A weekly publication by practicing physicians.] Tom. i-ii, iv-v, 1873-77. 8°. [Current. Want vol. iii.] Melbourne Mrdical Record. Vols, iv-v, 1875 76. 4°. [Want Nos. 14-17, vol. v, and all subsequent. See The Medical Record of Australia for vols, i-iii.] Mdmoires do I'Acaddniie impdriale des sciences, arts et belles-lettres de Dijon. 2 s., torn, vi, xii-xvi (1857, 1864-70); 3 s., torn, i (1871- 73). 7 v. 1858-73. 8°. [Tom. xvi, the word impdriale dropped.] Mdmoires de I'Acaddniie royale de chirurgie. Paris. 5 v., 1743-44. 4J. Me'moires de 1'Acaddmie royale de mddecine. Paris. Tom. i-xxxi, 1828-75. 4°. -[Vol. iv, title changed to Acaddmie nationale; vol. xvii, Academic impdriale; and with vol; xxx the word impdriale dropped.] Mdmoires de I'Acaddniie royale de md lecine de Belgique. Bruxelles. Tom. i-iv, and ler fasc , torn, v, 1848-69. 4°. [Want all subse- quent.] Mdmoires de 1'Acaddmie royale de Prusse. Concernant I'anatomie ; la physiologie; la physique; la mindralogie; etc. Avignon et Paris. 9 v. iu 10 v., 1768-74. 12°. Mdmoires de 1'Acaddmie dc Stanislas. Nancy. Anndes exxii, exxiv, and exxv, 4 s., torn, iv, vi, and vii (1871, 1873-74). 3 v. 8°. [Want all others.] Memorie dell'Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Tom. vii-x, 2 s.; i-vi, 3 s., 1867-75. 4°. [Want all others.] Memoirs of the Anthropological Society of London. Vols, i-iii, Mem. biol. Acad. imp. d. sc. de St. Petersb. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. de Bordeaux. Mem. et bull. Soc. de med. et de chir. de Bordeaux. Mem. d. concours ... Acad. roy. de med. de Belg., Brux. Mem. couron. Acad. roy. de med- de Belg., Brux. Mem. Lit. & Phil. Soc. Manches- ter. Mem. M. Soc. Lond. Mem___pour les prix de l'Acad. roy. de chir., Par. Mem. r. Acad. med. de Madrid. Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. CI. di lett. e sc. mat. e nat., Milano. Mem. r. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. CI. di lett. e sc. mor. e polit., Milano. Mem. reg. 1st. Veneto di sc. lett. ed arti. Mem. de San. d. ejercito, etc., Madrid. Mdmoires biologiques tirds du bulletin physico-mathdmatique de 1'Acaddmie impdriale des sciences de St. Pdtersbourg. 5 v., 1849- 65. 8°. [Want all others.] Mdmoires et bulletins do 1* Socidtd de mddeciue de Bordeaux. 3 v., 1869-71. 8°. [Want 1872-73, if published. Continued as the following:] Mdmoires et bulletins de la Socidtd de mddeciue et de chirurgie de Bordeaux. Fasc. 1 and 2, 1874. 8°. [Waut all subsequent. A continuation of the preceding.] Mdmoires des coucours et des savants dtraugers, pnblies par l'Aca- ddmie royale de mddecine de Belgique. Bruxelles. Tom. i-vii, and fasc. 1, torn, viii, 1847-74. 4°. [Waut all others.] Mdmoires conronnds et antres mdmoires publids par I'Acaddniie royale de mddecine de Belgique. Bruxelles. Tom. i-iii, and fasc. 1-2, torn, iv, 1870-77. 8°. Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester. Vols, i-v (xxi-xxv of whole series), 1862-76. 8°. [Want all others.] Memoirs of the Medical Society of London. Instituted in the year 1773. 8 v., 1787-1805. 8°. Mdmoires sur les sujets proposds pour les prix de 1'Acaddmie royale de chirurgie. Paris. Nouvelleddition avec notes. 5 v., 1819. 8°. Memorias de la real Academia mddica de Madrid. Tom. i, 1797 ; torn, ii, 1862; parte primera, torn, iii, 1870. 4°. Memorie del reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Classe di lettere e scienze matematiche e naturali. Milano. Tom. x- xii, and Nos. 1-2, torn, xiii (torn, i-iv, 3 s.), 1865-75. 4°. [Want ' all others.] Memorie del reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. Classe di lettere e scienze mor .Ii e politiche. Milauo. Tom. x-xii (torn. i-iii, 3 s.), 1865-73. 4°. [Waut all others.] Memorie del regio Istitnto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Pt. 2-3, torn, xiv ; torn, xv; pt. 2, torn, xvi, and torn, xvii-xviii, 1869- 75. 4°. [Want all others.] Memorial de sanidad del ejercito y armada. Madrid. Ano 1-2, 1858-60. 1 v. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] MEM. SOC. D'AGRIC. 54 MIDLAND M. A S. REPORTER. Mem. Soc. d'agric,... d'Orleans. Mem. Soc. Mem. Soc. Mem. Soc. Mem. Soc. Mem. Soc. Mem. Soc. Mem. Soc. Mem. Soc. anat. espan., Madrid. d'anthrop. de Par. de chir. de Par. de med. d'Anvers. med. d'emul. de Par. de med. de Nancy. med. d'observ., Par. de med. de Strasb. Mem. Soc. med.-farm. de Toluca. Mem. Soc. de phys. et d'hist. nat. de Geneve. Mem. Soc. d. sc. de Bordeaux. Mem. Soc. d. sc. med. de Lyon. Mem. Soc. d. sc. nat. de Cher- bourg. Memor. d. hop. du midi, Par. Memor. d. med. contemp., Vene- zia. Memorabilien, Heilbr. Memphis M. Recorder. Mercurio d. sc. med., Livorno. Michigan M. News, Detroit. Michigan Univ. M. J., Ann Ar- bor. Micr. J., Lond. Midland M. 8c S. Reporter, Wor- cester. Mdmoires de la Societe d'agriculture, sciences, belles-lettres et arts d'Orldans. No. 4, torn, xi, lsiW; \,)s, 1,2, 4, torn, xii, 1869; Nos. 1,2, 4. torn, xiii, 1870-71; torn. xiv. 1872; Nos. 1,2, torn, xv, 1873; torn, xvi, 1874: torn, xvii, 1875; Nos. 1-3, torn, xviii, 1876; fasc 1, torn, xix, 1877. 8°. [2 s. of Mdmoires, etc.; 4 s., des travaux, etc, torn, xlii-xlviii. of the whole series. Want all others.] Memorias leidas en la Sociedad auatomica espaiiola. Madrid. Ani acaddmici de 1872-3—1875-6. 4 v. 8°. [Want pp. 65-68, vol. i.] Mdmoires de la Socidtd d'anthropologie de Paris. Tom. i-ii, and fasc 3-1, torn, iii, 1860-72. 8°. [Want all others.] Mdmoires de la Socidtd de chirurgie de Paris. Tom. i-vi, and fasc. 1-3, torn, vii, 1847-75. 4°. Mdmoires de la Societe de mddecine d'Anvers. 1838-39. 4°. [Waut all others.]* Mdmoires de la Socidtd mddicale d'dmulation de Paris. Tom. i-ix, 1798-1826. 8°. [Want all subsequeut.] Mdmoires de la Socidtd de mddecine de Nancy. [Title in 1871-76 of Compte-rendu des travaux de la Socidtd, etc. Want 1874-75.] Mdmoires de la Societe mddicale d'observation. Paris. 3 v., 1837- 56. S-. [Want all others.] Mdmoires de la Socid'd de mddecine de Strasbourg. Tom. i-xi, 1850-74. S-. [Want all subsequent; also title-pages for vols. v-vii.] Memorias de la i-iii, 1875-77. Tom. Sociedad mddico-farmacdutica de Toluca. 4°. [Current.] Mdmoires de la Socidtd de physique et d'histoire naturelle de Ge- neve. Tom. xix-xxii, and pt. 1, torn, xxiii, 1867-73. 4°. [Want all others.] Mdmoires de la Socidtd des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bor- deaux. Tom. v-vii, ix, x, and cahiers l-3; torn, i, 2 s., 1867-76. 8°. [Want all others.] Mdmoires et coinptes-rendns de la Socidtd des sciences mddicales de Lyon. Tom. i-x, 1861-70, aud xiv, 1874. 8°. [Want all others.] Mdmoires de la Socidtd des sciences uaturelles de Cherbourg. Tom. i-xix, 1853-75. 8°. [Title of torn, ii, ... Socidtd impdriale, etc; torn, xvi, ... Socid d nationale, etc.] Memorial des hopitaux du midi, et de la clinique de Montpellier. Paris. Tom. i-ii, 1829- il. 4°. [Completed. A continuation of fiphdmdrides md'icales de Montpellier. See Journal des sciences mddicales de Montpellier for continuation.] Memoriale della medicina contemporanea. Opera periodica men- sile, diretta dai Adolfo Benvenuti e L. Paolo Fario. Venezia. Tom. vii-xiii, 1842-45. so. [Want torn, i-vi, 1838-41, and all subsequent to abjve. Iu Jul\T, 1850, united with Giornale per servire ai progressi della patologia e della materia medica, form- ing Giornale veneto di scienze mediche.] Memorabilien aus der Praxis. Heilbronn. Jahrg. 1-22, 1856-77. 22 v. Folio and sc. [Current.] Memphis (The) Medical Recorder. Published bi-monthly by the Memphis Medical College. Memphis, Teun. Vols, i-vi, 1852-58. 8°. [Want No. ], vol. ii; Nos. 4 and 6, vol. vi.] Mercurio delle scienze mediche. Livorno. Tom. i-x, 1823-28. 8°. [For contiuuat on see Nuovo mercurio delle scienze mediche.] Michigan Medical Association. [See Proceedings of the —.] Michigan Medical News : a semi-monthly journal devoted to practi- cal medicine. Detroit. No. 1, vol. i, 1878. Roy. 8-. [Current.] Michigan (The) University Medical Journal. Conducted bv the Faculty of the Medical Department. Ann Arbor. 3 v., 1870-73 fcc. [Completed.] Microscopic (The) Journal and Structural Record for 1841-4> London. 1 v. 8°. Microscopical Society of London. [See Transactions of the —.] Midland (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter, and Topographical and Statistical Journal. Quarterly. Worcester. Vols, i-iii 1828-32. 8C. ' MIDLAND Q. J. M. SC. 55 MITTH. D. VER. D. AERZTE. Midland Q. J. M. Sc, Birming- ham. Mil.-arztl. Ztg, Wien. Militararzt, Wien. Mil.-Wchnbl., Berl. Min. Gen. Council M. Educat., Lond. Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Fran- co! Misc. Acad. nat. curios., Lips. Missouri Clin. Rec, St. Louis. Missouri M. & S. J., St. Louis. Mitth. d. aerztl. Ver. in Wien. Mitth. d. badisch. aerztl. Ver., Karlsruhe. Mitth. a. d. embryol. Inst. d. k. k. Univ. in Wien. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. ges. Heilk., Hamb. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med., etc , Kiel. Mitth. ... d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. zu Leipz. Mitth. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Bern. Mitth. a. d. Osterl., etc, zu Al- tenb. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Nied.- Oest., Wien. Midland (The) Quarterly Journal of the Medical Sciences. Bir- mingham. Vols, i-ii, 1857-58. s>. [Want all after No. 3. vol. ii.] Militiiraiztliche Zeitung. (Beilage zur Wiener Medizinal-Halle.) Wien. Jahrg. 1862-64. 4°. [After 1864, title, Allgemeine rnili- tiiiarztliche Zeitung, (Beilage zur Wiener mediziniscnen Presse).] Militararzt (Der). (Beilage zur Wiener medizinischen Wochen- schrift.) Wien. Jahrg. 1-11, 1867-77. 4°. [Current. Bound with Wiener medizinische Wochenschrift.] Militair-Wochenblatt. Berlin. Jahrg. 57-62, 1872-77. 6 v. 4°. [Current.] Minnesota State Medical Society. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] * Minutes of the General Council of Medical Education and Registra- tion of the United Kingdom; of ihe Executive Committee; and of the Branch Couucil. London. Vols, i-xii, 1858-75. 6°. Miscellanea cnriosa mcdico-pbysica Academia} nat une curiosorum sive epheweridum niedico-physicarum Germanicarum annus quartus et quiutus anni 1673 et 1674 continens celeberrimorum viroriyn turn incdicorum turn aliornm eruditorum in Germania et extra earn obseivationesmedicasphysicaschymicas. Francofurti et Lipsiaa, 1676. 4°. Miscellanea curiosa Academia} Csesareie Leopoldino-Carolina' na- tural curiosorum. Lipsia}, 1670-1705. 9 v. 4°. Mississippi State Medical Association. [See Transactions of the —.] Missouri Clinical Record; a monthly journal of medicine and sur- gery. St, Louis. Vol. i, 1874-75. 8°. [Continued as St. Louis Clinical Record.] Missouri (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Saint Louis. Vols. i-iv, 1845-48. 8°. [In Sept., 1848, merged iu The Saint Louis Medical and Surgical Journal. ] ' Mittheilungen des aerztlichen Vereiues in Wien. Baud iii, 1874-75. 8°. [Completed. Want vols, i-ii.] Mittheilungeu des badischeu aerztlichen Vereins. Karlsruhe. Jahrg. 1-29, 1847-75. 29 v. 8°. [Waut all subsequent. After 1857, title, Aerztliche Mittheilungeu aus Baden.] Mittheiluugen aus dem embryologischen Institute der k. k. Uni- versitat in Wien vou Dr. S. L. Schenk. Wien. Heft 1, 1877. 8°. Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der gesammten Heilkunde. Her- ausgegeben vou eiuer mediciuisch-chirurgischeu Gesellschaft iu Hamburg. 2 v., 1830-33. 8°. [Completed.] Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Mediein, Chirurgie und Phar- macie; iu Verbiudung mit einem Vereiue von Aerzten uud Phar- maceuten der Herzogthiimer Schleswig und Holstein herausge- geben von C. II. Pfaff. Kiel. Biinde i-ix, 1832-43. 8°. [Vols. iii-ix, published at Altona. Vols, iii-v, title, Praktische und kritische Mittheilungen, etc.; vols, vi-ix, title, C. H. Pfaff's prak- tische und kritische Mittheiluugen, etc., fortgesetzt von W. F. G. Behn, etc.] Mittheiluugen iiber die Thiitigkeit und die Verhandlungen der Ge- sellschaft fiir Geburtshiilfe zu Leipzig, im 12. Jahre ihres Beste- bens(lr66). 8°. [Separat-Abdruck aus der Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskuude und Fraueukrankheiteu. 1867. Band xxx, Heft 2 and 3.] Mittheilungen der naturforsehenden Gesellschaft iu Bern. Nos. 654-905,1869-75. 6 v. 8-\ [Want all others.] Mittheiluugen aus dem Osterlande. Gemeinschaftlich herausgege- ben vom Gewerbe-Vereine, von der naturforsehenden Gescilscbaft und dembienenwirthschaftlichen Vereine zu Altenburg. Heft 1 and 2, Band xvjii, 1867. 8°. [Want all others.] theilungen des Vereins der Aerzte in Nieder-Oesterreich. iinde ii—iii, 1876-77. 8°. [Current. Want vol. i.] Mitth Biinde Wien. Mitth. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Stei- Mittheilungen des Vereins der Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz. [Title ermark, Graz. of Jahresbericht xii (1874-75) of the same society.] Mittheilungen des Vereins nassauischer Aerzte an seine Mitglieder ; Wiesbaden, 1851-55. [See, also, Medicinische Jahrbiicher fur I das Herzogthum Nassau.] MITTH. F. D. VER. 56 MONTPEL. MED. Mitth. f. d. Ver. Schlesw.-Holst. Aerzte, Kiel. Mitth. d. Wien. med. Doct.-Coll. Mitth. d. wiirttemb. aerztl. Ver., Stuttg. Monatsbl. f. med. Statist, u offentl. Gsndhtspflg., Berl. Monatschr. f. * Geburtsk. u. Frauenkr., Berl. Monatschr. f. Med., Augenh. u. Chir., Leipz. Monatschr. f. Ohrenh., Berl. Monatschr___d. San.-Pol., Berl. Monde pharm., Par. Monit. d. hop., Par. Monit. d. sc. med. et pharm., Par. Monit. scient., Par. Monit. therap., Par. Moniteur.- J. de med., etc., Par. Month. J. M. Sc, Lond. Month. J. M., Lond. Month. M. News, Louisville. Month. Micr. J., Lond. Month. Stethoscope & M. Re- porter, Richmond. Montpel. med. Mittheilungen fiir den Verein Schleswig-Holsteinischer Aerzte. Kiel. Heft 1-4, 1866-72. 8°. [Want all others.] Mittheiluugen des Wiener medicinischen Doctoren-Collegiums. Wieu. Biinde i-iii, 1874-77. 8°. [Current, A continuation of Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fiir praktische Heilkunde.] Mittheilungeu des wiirttembergischen aerztlichen Vereins. Stutt- gart, Band i, 1833-34. 8C. [Completed.] Monatsblatt fiir medicinische Statistik und offentliche Gesund- heitspfiege. Beilage zu Goschen's Deutscher Klinik. Berlin, 1856-75. Folio. [Bouud with Deutsche Klinik. 11 Nos. in 1856; 12 Nos. in each year from 1857-74; 2 Nos. in 1875.] Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskuude und Frauenkraukheiten. Heraus- gegeben von Busch, Credd, et al. Berlin. Biinde i-xxxiv, 1853-69. s . [A continuation of Neue Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskunde, and continued as Archiv fiir Gynaekologie.] Monatsschrift fiir Mediein, Augenheilkunde und Chirurgie, heraus gegeben von Dr. F. A. v. Ammon. Leipzig. Bande i-iii, 1838-40. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of Zeitschrift fiir die Ophthal- mologie.] Monatsschrift fiir Ohrenbeilkunde. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-11, 1867-77. 11 v. Folio. [Curreut.] Monatsschrift fiir exacte Forschung auf dem Gebiete der Sanitiits- Polizei. Herausgegeben von Louis Pappenheim. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-2, 1859-62. 2 v. 8°. [Completed. Nos. 4-12, vol. ii, appear, also, under title, Beitrage zur exacten Forschung, etc., Heft 1-4.] Monde (Le) pharmaceutique. Journal des intdreti scientifiques et pratiques, moraux et professionnels du corps pharmaceutique. Parip. Anndes 4-7,1874-77. 4 v. 4°. [Current. Want years 1-3.] Moniteur (Le) des h6pitaux. Journal des progres de la mddecine et de la chirurgie pratiques. Paris. Tom. i-ix, and Nos. 1-42, torn, x, 1853-62. 4°. [Want title-page, 1857; No. 28 (March 8) aud index, 1860; title-page, index, aud No. 1, 1861; and all since Apr. 10, 1862. Suspended by decree of court, Aug. 11, 1859; con- tinued Aug. 23, 1859, as the following, forming a second series of the periodical; vol. vii being composed, in part, of vol. i, 2 s.] Moniteur (Le) des sciences mddicales et pharmaceutiques. Paris. [See the preceding, vol. vii, Aug. 23, 1859.] Moniteur (Le) scientifique. Journal des sciences pures et appli- qudes; compte-rendu des acaddmies et socidtds savantes et revue des progres accomplis dans les sciences mathdmatiques, physiques et naturelles; travaux publids a 1'dtranger ; revue des inventions nouvelles et Industrie manufacturiere des arts chimiques; journal mensuel fondd et dirigd par le Dr. Quesneville. Paris. 19 torn., 1857-77. 8°. [Current. Want 1870 and 1871.] Moniteur (Le) thdrapeutique. Recueil mensuel des mddications nouvelles. Paris. Anndes 1-4,1873-77. 4 v. 8°. [Current.] Moniteur (Le). Journal de mddeciue, de chirurgie et de thdrapeu- tique. Paris. Anndes 1-2,1876-77. 2 v. 8°. [Current.] Monthly (The) Journal of Medical Science. London and Edin- burgh. [See The London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science, vols, v-xx, 1844-55. In 1846, The Northern Journal of Medicine, merged in this journal. In July, 1855, united with Ihe Edinburgh Medical arid Surgical Journal, forming The Edinburgh Medical Journal.] Monthly (The) Journal of Medicine. London. [See The London and Edinburgh Monthly Journal of Medical Science. Vol. xx 1855.] ' Mo?tJ1/ (Jbe) ,¥edi«'?1 New8« Loui,ville, Ky. [See vols, ii and iii of The Semi-Monthly Medical News.] Monthly (The) Microscopical Journal. Transactions of the Roval Microscopical Society, and record of histological research at home and abroad. Londou. Vols, i-xviii, 1869-77. 8°. [Completed.] Monthly (The) Stethoscope and Medical Reporter. Richmond, Va Vols, i-n, 1856-57. 8°. [Completed.] ' ^oWxvSf^R 7J7°Uinal ™en8,ield^^ecine. Montpellier. rom. l-xxxix, 18o8-77. 8 . [Current.] MONTREAL M. GAZ. 57 N. ARCH. Montreal M. Gaz. Morgagni, Napoli. Morphol. Jahrb., Leipz. Moskov. med. gaz. Moskov. vratcheb. viestnik. Mouvement med., Par. Movimento, Napoli. Museum d. Heilk., Zurich. Montrea' (The) Medical Gazette ; being a monthly journal of medi- cine and the collateral sciences. Montreal. Vol. i. 1841-45. 8\ [Want all subsequent.J Morgagui (II). Opera periodica di medicina e chirurgia. Napoli. Anni 1-19, IS,-,?-??. 19 v. 8. [Current. Nothing published in 1 sr>9 or I8iil.| Moiphologisches Jahrbuch. Eine Zeits hrift fiir Auatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichtc Leipzig. Biinde i-iii, 1875-77. so. [Current.] Moscow, Annals of the Chirurgical Society of. [See Laitopise, etc.] Moskovskaya meditsiuskaya gazeta izdavaemaya obshtshestvom russkich vratchei. Moskva, [Moscow Medical Gazette] 1866- 68; W6-77. 5 v. 4°. [Current, Waut all prior to 1866; in- dexes and title-pages for 1866 and for i867; 1869-75; also, Nos 32-38, 1876.] Moskovskii vratchebnii viestuik, izdawaicmii sostoiashtchim pri Imperatorskom Moskovskom Universitete, fizikoraeditsinskim obshtshestvom. Moskva. [Medical News of Moscow, published by the Physico-Medical Society of the Imperial University of Moscow.] Vols, i-iv, 18?:^-?7. 4 . [Current. Want Nos. 16- 19, vol. iii.] Mouvement (Le) medical. Journal iuteruational de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie. Paris. Anrdes 13-15, 1875-77. 3 v. 4\ [Current. Want all prior to above] Movimento (II) medico-chirurgico. Napoli. Anni 1-9, 1869-77. 9 v. 4°. [Current. Want pp. 16-33, in No. 2, anno 6 (Feb., 1874).] Museum der Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von der helvetischen Ge- sellschaft correspondirender Aerzte uud Wuudaerzte. Zurich. Biinde i-iii, 1792-95. s\ [Want all subsequeut.] N. N. Abhandl. d. deutsch. arztl. Ver. zu St. Petersb. N. Am. Arch. M. & S. Sc, Bait. N. Am. Homceop. J., N. Y. N. Am. J. Homceop., N. Y. N. Am. M. Reporter, N. Y. N. Am. M. Sc S. J., Phila. N. Am. M.-Chir. Rev., Phila. N. Arch. v. bin.- en buitenl. Ge- neesk., Zwolle. N. Arch. f. d. Geburtsh, etc., Jena. N. Arch. d. prakt. Arznk. f. Aerzte, Leipz. 8 A T Neue Abhandlungen des deutschen arztlichen Vereins zu St. Pe- tersburg. [See Vermischte Abhandlungen aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde von einer Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte, zu St. Petersburg, 7te Sammluug.] North American Archives of Medical and Surgical Scieuce. Balti- more. Vols, i-ii, 1834-35. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of The Baltimore Medical and Surgical Journal and Review.] North American (The) Homceopathic Journal: a quarterly maga- zine of medicine and the auxiliary sciences. New York. Vol. i, 1851. 8°. [Coutiuued as the following:] North American (The) Journal of Homoeopathy. New York. 25 v., 1852-77. ho. [Current. A continuation of the preceding. Sus- pended from Nov., 1853, to Aug., 1856. After Nov., 1861, The Uuited States Journal of Homoeopathy merged in this journal.] North American (The) Medical Reporter. New York. Vol. i, W>8- 59. 8°. [Completed.] North American Medical and Surgical Journal. Philadelphia. Vols, i-xii, 1826-31. - '. [Completed.] North American (The) Medico Chirurgical Review. Edited by S. D. Gross and T. G. Richardson. Philadelphia. Vols, i-v, 1857-61. 8°. [Completed. Formed by consolidation of The Medical Ex- anrner, Philadelphia, and the Louisville Review.] Nienw Archief voor binnen- en buitenlandsche Geneeskuude in haren geheelen omvang, door Dr. I. vau Deen. Zwolle. Jaarg. 1_4; 184(;_-)1. 4 v. s°. [Want all subsequent,] Neues Archiv fiir die Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kiucler- krankheiten mit Hinsicht auf die Physiologic, Diiitetik und Chi- rurgie. Jena. Baud i, 1798-1800. s-\ [Waut all subsequent, A coutinuatiou of Stark's Archiv, etc.] Neues Archiv der praktischen Arzueykunst fiir Aerzte, Wuudiirzte uud Apotheker. vou verschiedeuen Verfassern, herausgegeben von P. F. Ph. Meckel. Leipzig. Theil 1-2, 1789-90. 2 v. s •. [Want vol. iii, 1791-95, to complete] N". BIBLIOTH. 58 N. LIGURIA MED. N. Biblioth. f. d. Chir u. Ophth., Hannov. N. Bresl. Samml. a. d. Gebiete d. Heilk., Breslau. N. Denkwrdgktn. f. Aerzte u. Ge- burtsh., Gotting. N. Diet, de med. et de chir. prat., Par. N. Eng. J. M. 8c S , Bost. N. Eng. M. Rev. 8c J., Bost. N. Eng. Q. J. M. 8c S., Bost. N. Hampshire J. M., Concord. N. Jahrb. d. teutsch. Med. u. Chir., Bonn. N. Jersey Eclect. M. 8c S. J., Newark. N. Jersey M. Reporter, Burling- ton. N. Jour, de med.. chir., pharm., Par. N. Liguria med., Genova. Neue Bibliothek fiir die ('hirurgie und Ophthalmologic Herausge- geben von C. J. M. Langenbeck. Hannover. Biinde i-iv, 1815- 28. 8°. [A continuation of Bibliothek-fiir die Chirurgie.] Neue Breslauer Stinmlungcn aus dem Gebiete der Heilkunde, her- ausgegeben von der medicinischen Section der .schlesischen Ge- sellschaft fiir vaterliindische Cultur. Breslau. I v., 1829. 8 \ Neue Denkwiirdigkeiten fiir Aerzte und Geburtslielfcr von F. B. Osiander. Gottingen. Band i, 1797. s . [Want all previous, being Medicinisch-gebnitshiilfliche Denkwiirdigkeiten ; also all subsequent.] Nouvean Dictionnaire de mddecine et de chirurgie pratiques. Rddigd par Bernutz, Bceckel, Auger, Baillv, et al. Paris. Tdm. i-xxiii, 1864-77. 8°. New England (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery and the Col- lateral Brauches of Science. Boston. Vols, i-xvi, 1812-27. 8°. [Continued as The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal. Vol. xvi, title as follows :] New England (The) Medical Review and Journal. Boston. [Title of vol. xvi of the preceding.] New England (The) Quarterly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Boston. Vol. i, 1842-43. so. New Hampshire (The) Journal of Medicine. Concord. Vols, i-viii, 1850-58. 8°. [Completed. Vols, vi-viii published at Manches- ter.] New Hampshire Medical Society. [Sec Transactions of the —.] Neue Jahrbiicher der teutschen Mediein und Chirurgie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der niedicinisch-chiiur- gischen Litteratur des Auslandes. Herausgegeben in Verbindung mit mehreren Gehhrten, von C. F. Harless. Bonn, 1819-21. Elberfeld, 1822-23. Hamm, 1824-27. Biinde i-xii, nebst 2 Sup- plement-Banden, 1819-27. 14 v. 8°. [Completed. A continu- ation of Jahrbiicher der teutschen Mediein, etc., 1813. Vols, i- vii, 1819-23, also under title, Rheinische Jahrbiicher der Mediein und Chirurgie. Vols, viii-xii, 1824-27, also under title, Rheic isch- Westphalische Jahrbiicher, etc. In 1828 merged in Heidelberger klinische Annalen.] New Jersey (The) Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal: devoted to liberal medicine, general science and literature. Newark. Vols. i-ii, and Nos. 1-2, vol. iii, 1874-76. 8°. [Suspended after Oct., 1876, till June, 1877; then resumed as The New York Eclectic Medical and Surgical Journal, No. 1, vol. iv.] New Jersey (The) Medical Reporter. A monthly journal of medical and surgical science. [Title of vol. viii of the following:] New Jersey (The) Medical Reporter, and Transactions of the New Jersey Medical Society. Burlington. Vols, 'i-viii, 1847-55. 8°. [Continued as The Medical and Surgical Reporter. See, also, the preceding.] New Jersey Medical Society. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Neues Journal der Erfindungen, Theorien und Widerspriiche in der Natur-und Arzneiwissenschaft, Gotha. [Sub-title of Journal der Erfindungen, etc., Stiick 25-44.] Nouveau Journal de mddecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc. Rddigd par MM. Bdclard, Chomel, N. Cloquet, et al. Paris. 15 v., 1818- 22. so. [Completed. A continuation of Journal de mddecine, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc., par les citoyens Corvisart, Leroux et Boyer.] Neues Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst. Jena und Berlin. . [Additional title of Journal der practischen Arzneykunde und Wundarzneykunst, von C. W. Hufeland, vol. viii, 1799.] Neues Journal der practischen Heilkunde, von C. W. Hufeland. [Additional title of Journal der practischen Heilkunde, etc.] Nuoya (La) Liguria medica. Giornale di scienze mediche, contiuu- azione della Liguria medica e del Filiatre-sebezio. Genova. Anni 16-19, 1871-74. 4 v. 8«. [Completed. See La Liguria medica, for vears 1-15.] N. LIT. NACI1R 59 N. PRIJSVERH. N. lit. Nachr. f. Aerzte, etc. Halle in Sachs. N. Mag. f. Aerzte, Leipz. N. Mag. f. d. gerichtl. Arznk. u. med. Pol., Stendal. N. Mag. f. phil., med. u. gerichtl. Seelenk., Wiirzb. N. Mat. f. d. Staatsarzneiw. u. prakt. Heilk, Meiningen. N. med. u. phys. J., Marb. N. med.-chir. Ztg., Munchen. N. Mercurio d. sc. med.,Livorno. N. nord. Arch. f. Naturk., Arz- ueyw. u. Chir., Frankf. a. O. N. Orl. J. M. N. Orl. M. J. N. Orl. M. News & Hosp. Gaz. N. Orl. M. Rec N. Orl. M. & S. J. N. Orl. M. Sc S. J., n s. N. Orl. M. Times. N. Orl. Month. M. Reg. N. pract. Tijdschr v. d. Geneesk., Gorinchem. N. Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Be- vord. d. Heelk. te Amst. Neue htterarische Nachrichten fiir Aerzte, Wuudiirzte und Natur- forscher aufs Jahr 1785 uud 1786. [Also for 1787.] Halle in Sachsen. 2 v. 8°. [Want vol. iii (1788-89).] Neu s Magazin fiir Aerzte. Leipzig. Biiude i-xx, 1779-98. 8°. [A continuation of Magazin vor Aerzte.] Neues Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzneikunde und medicinische Polizei._ Herausgegeben von J. Th.Pyl. Stendal. [Title of vols. iii-iv, 1785-88, of Magazin fiir die gerichtliche Arzntikunde und niedicini-che Polizei.] Neues M.igazin fiir philosophic he, medicinische uud gerichtliche Seelenkundc Wurzburg. [Title, of vols, viii-x, 1832-33, of Magazin fiir philosophische, etc.] Neue Materialien fiir die Staatsarzneiwissenschaft und praktische Heilkunde. Meiningen. [See Materialien fiir die Staatsarznei- wissenschaft, etc., Sammlung 9-11, 1819-24.] Neues medicinisches und physisclus Journal. Vom Geheimen Rath Baldinger zu Marburg. 3 Biinde, 1797-1802. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of Medicinisches Journal von C. G. Baldinger.] Neue medicinisch-cbirnrgische Zeitung. Miinchen. [A new series, in 1843, of Medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitung. In 1857, continued as Medicinisch-chirurgische Monatshefte] Nuovo Mercurio delle seienzo mediche. Livorno. 6 v., 1829-30. 8°. [A continuation of Mercurio delle scienze mediche. Want all subsequent.] t Neues nordisches Arch v fiir Naturknnde, Arzueywissenschaft und Chirurgie. Verfasst von ein> r Gesellschaft nordischer Gelehrten. Fiaukfurt an der Oder. Stiicke 1-2, Band i, 1807. 8°. [Want all subsequent. A continuation of Nordisches Archiv, ttc, Kopen- hagen.] New Orleans (The) Journal of Mediciue. Vols, xxi-xxiii, 1868-70. 8-'. [Completed. A consolidation of The New Orleans Medical aud Surgical Journal, with The Southern Journal of the Medical Sciences.] New Orleans (The) Medical Journal. Devoted to the cultivation of medicine and the associate sconces. Vol. i, 1844-45. s . [Con- tinued as The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal.] New Orleans (The) Medical News and Hospital Gazette. A semi- mo. thly journal. Vols, i-vii, 1854-61. 8C. [C mp eted. For continuation, see The New Orleans Medical Times. In March, 1854, The New Orleans Mouthly Register merged in this journal.] New Orleans (The) Medical Record. A semi-monthly journal of the medical sciences. Nos. 1-4, vol. i, 1866. Roy. 8°. [Completed.] New Orleans (The) Medical aud Surgical Journal. Devoted to medi- cine and the collateral sciences. Vols, ii-xx, 1845-61, and 1866-67. •8°. [For vol. i, see The New Orleans Medical Journal. Suspended with vol. xviii (May, 1861), until July, 1866, when vol. xix com- menced. Formed by consolidation of The New Orleans Medical Journal, with The Louisiana Medical and Surgical Journal, pro- jected by W. M. Carpenter and J. Harrison. Consolidated with The Southern Journal of the Medical Sciences, forming The New- Orleans Journal of Medicine.] New Orleans (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. New series. Vols. i-v, 1873-78. 8°. [Current.] New Orleans (The) Medical Times. A monthly journal. Nos. 1-3, 1861. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of The New Orleans Medical News aud Hospital Gazette] New Orleans (The) Monthly Medical Register. Nos. 1, 3, 7, 9-11, vol. l; Nos. 1,3,4,6,9,11, and 12, vol. v, Oct., 1851—Sept., 1853. 8°. [Waut all others. In March, 1854, merged in The New 1 Orleans Medical News and Hospital Gazette.] Nieuw practise h Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskuude in al haren Om vang. Goriuchem. Jaarg. 26-27, 1847-48; also Nieuwe Reeks, Jaarg. 1-6, 1849-54; also Nieuwe Serie, Jaarg. 1-2, 1855-56, 10 v. 8o. [Want all subsequent. For years 1-25, 1822-46, see Practisch : Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskuude, etc.] I Nieuwe Prijsverhaudelingen bekroond door het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam. Deel i-viii, in 4 v., 1809-38. 8°. [A continuation of Prijsverhaudelingen, etc.] N. SOITH WALLS M. GAZ. (lO N. YORK MONTH. CHRON. N. South Wales M. Gaz., Syd- ney. N. Verhandel. d. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d Heelk. te Amst. N. wissensch. Ann. d. ges- Heilk., Berl. N. York J. M. N. York J. M. & S. N. York Lancet. N. York M. Gaz. N. York M. Gaz. & J. Health. N. York M. J. N. York M. J. N. York M. Mag. N. York M. 8c Phil. J. 8c Rev. N. York M. & Phys. J. N. York M. Press. N. York M. & S. Reporter. N. York M. Times. N. York M.-Chir. Bull. N.-York. med. Monatschr. N, York Month. Chron. M. 8c S. New (The) South Wales Medical Gazette. Published under the auspices of the Association of medical officers of the volunteer force at headquarters, and edited by three of their number. Sydney. Vols, i-v, 1870-75. s. [Completed.] Nieuwe Verhandelingen van het Genootschap ter Bevordcj-ing der Heelkunde te Amsterdam. Deel i-v, in 3 v., 1808-36. s">. [A. continuation of Vtrhaudelingen der Genootschap, etc.] Neue wissenschaftliche Anualeu der gesammten Heilkunde. Berlin. Jahrg. 11, 1835, 3 Bd. so. [Completed. A continuation of Wissenschaftliche Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde] New Y7ork Academy of Medicine. [See Bulletin of the —. Also, Proceedings of the —. Also, Trausactions of the —.] New York (The) Journal of Medicis e. [Tirle of vol. i, 3 s., of the following:] New York (The) Journal of Medicine, and the Collateral Sciences. 34 v., 1843-60. 8°. [For continuation, see The American Medical Times. Vol. i, 3 s., 1856, tjie words " and the Collateral Sciences" dropped from title-page. The New York Medical Times merged iu this Journal.] New York (The) Jourual of Medicine and Surgery. Vols, i-iv, 1839- 41. 8°. [Completed.] New York (The) Lancet. Edited by James Alexauder Houston. Vols, i-ii, a>-d No. 1, vol. iii, 1842-43. so. [Want Nos. 2-4, vol. iii (Jan. 14,21, aud 28, 1843).] New York (The) Medical Gazette Vols, i-ii, 1841-42. 8. [Com- pleted.] New York (The) Medical Gazette and Journal of Health. 12 v., 1850-61. 4 and 8°. [Completed. Vols, vi-viii, title, The Amer- ican Medical Gazette and Journal of Health. Vols, ix-xii, title, The American Medical Gazette.] New York (The) Medica} Journal. Conducted by Daniel L. M. Peixotto, John R. Rhinelander and John Jas. Graves. New York. 2 v., 1830-31. 8C. [Completed.] New York (The) Medical Journal: a monthly record of medicine and the collateral sciences. Edited by Wm. A. Hammond, Ed- ward S. Dunster, Wm. T. Lusk and James B. Hunter. New York. 26 v., 1865-77. so, [Current,] New York (The) Medical Magaziue, published annually, aud edited by Valentine Mott and Henry M. Onderdonk. Vol. i [in 2 Nos.l. 1814-15. ^. New York (The) Medical and Philosophical Journal and Review. Vols, i-iii, 1809-11. 8°. New York (The) Medical aud Physical Journal. Vols, i-ix, 1822- 30. so. New York (The) Medical Press : a weekly journal of medicine, sur- gery, and the collateral sciences. Vols, i-iii, 1859-60. Roy. 8°. [Want all prior. In July, 1860, merged in The American Medical Times.] New York (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Vol. i, 1845-46 and Nos. 1-10, 12-16, is, vol. ii, 1847. 8°. [Want all others.] New York (The) Medical Times. Vols, i-v, 1851-56. 8°. [Merged in The New York Journal of Medicine.] New York Medico-Chirurgical Bulletin. pleted.] New-Yorker medicinische Monatsschrift. Jahrg. 1, 1852-53 1 v 8°. [Completed.] New York (The) Monthly Chronicle of Medicine and Sureerv Vol i, 1824-25. *°. 6 J' Ne« !°r^ (TThe) MonTthly Review of Medical Science, aud Buffalo /ti «JTinalv P^t0- L~l8,runi"ng title of Nos. 1-13, vol. xv, of The Buffalo Medical Journal.] New York Pathological Society. [See Transactions of the —.] 2 v., 1831-32. 8°. [Com- N. ZTSCHR. 61 NATUURK. TIJDSCHR. N. Ztschr. f. Geburtsk., Berl. Nachr. v. d k. Gesellsch. d. Wissensch. u. d. Georg Aug.- Univ., Gotting. Nashville J. M. & S. Nashville M. Rec. • Nashville Month. Rec. M. & Phys. Sc. Nat. Hist Rev., Lond. Nat.- en geneesk. Arch. v. Neerl. Indie, Batav. National M. J, Wash. Nature, Lond. Natuurk. Tijdschr. v. Nederl. Indie, Batav. Neue Zeitschiit'i fiir Geburtskuude. Heran^gegebe'i von Dietr. W. H. Busch, J. d'Outrep ait und F. Aug. v. Ritgen. Berlin. Biinde i-xxxiii, 1834-52. 8°. [A continuation of Gemeiusame deutsche Zeitschrift fiir Geburtskuude, and continued as Monatsschrift fiir Geburtskuude unci Frauenkraukheiten. After 1838, Jourual fiir Geburtshiilfe, Frauenzimmer- und Kinderkraukheiten united with the same ] Naehrichteii von der koniglichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften und der Georg-Augusts-Universitiit, aus den Jahren 1-'68-76. Gottingen. 8 v. s an Fhnf iauiiV f v-> h840-77. so. [Current. Want pp. 229-2.,2, vol. v., 1843; pp. 577-592, vol. xv, 1861; also, vol. for 1875.] ' Norske medicinske Selskab. [sce Forhandliugar i —.] NORTH CAR. M. J. 63 OBST. J. GR. BRIT. North Car. M. J., Raleigh. North of Eng. M. 8c S. J., Lond. North. J. M., Edinb. North. Lancet Sc Gaz., Platts- burg, N. Y. North. Ohio M. & Sc. Exam., Cleveland. Northwest. M. Sc S. J.. Chicago. Northwest. M. 8c S. J., St. Paul, Minn. Notice d. trav. Soc. roy. de med. de Bordeaux. Notiz. f. prakt. Aerzte, etc, Berl. Nov. act. Acad. nat. curios. Nova acta phys.-med. Acad. nat curios. Nye Hygaea, Kj/benh. Nye Sundh.-Tid., Kjobenh. Nyt Biblioth. f. Phys., Med. o'. CEkon., Kjobenh. North Carolina (The) Medical Journal. R«leigh. Nos. 1-2, vol. i, 1878. so. [Current, The same was also running title of The Medical Journal of North Carolina, 1858-61.] North of England (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. London and Manchester. I v., 1830-31. s~\ [Completed.] N ithern (The) Journal of Medicine. A monthly survey of the progress of medical knowledge/at home aud abroad. Edinburgh. Vols, i-iv, 1844-16. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of The Scottish and North of England Medical Gazette. Merged in The Monthly Journal of Medical Science.] Northern (The) Lancet and Gazette of Legal Medicine. Plattsbnrg, N.Y. Vols, i-xii, 1850-56. 8°. [Want No. 1, vol. i; No. 1, vol ii; No. 1, vol. iii; pp. 227-234, vol. xi (Aug., 1855), and Nos. 6,9,10, 21, 24,26, vol. xii; also, all subsequent to June, 1856. Vols iv-vi, title, Nelson's Northern Lancet, etc. Vols, vii-xii, title, Nelson's American Lancet, etc.] Northern (The) Obi > Medical and Scientific Examiner. Cleveland. Nos. 1-9, vol. i, 1848-49. 8°. [Nos. 4-9, title, The Ohio Medical Examiner, and published al Columbus.] Northwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Jourual. Chicago and Indianapolis. Vols, v-xiv, 1848-57. 8°. [For vols, i-ii, see The Illinois Medical and Surgical Journal. For vols, iii-iv, see vols. i-ii of The Illinois and Indian i Medical and Surgical Journal. For continuation, see The Chicago Medical Journal. Noithwestern (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. A medical monthly devoted to the interests of the Northwest. St. Paul, Minnesota. Vols, i-iv, 1870-74. 8°. [Completed.] Notice des travaux de la Societe royal- de mddecine de Bordeaux. Bordeaux. 1823-28. 1 v. 8°. Notizen fiir praktische Aerzte iiber die neuesten Beobachtungen in der Mediciu, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Krankheits- Behandlung zusammengestellt vou F. Graevell. Berlin. 29 v., 1849-77. 8°. [Current.] Novorum actoruni Academiae caesarcae, leopoldino-caroliuae germa- nicse natuiaa curiosorum. Tomi tricesimi quinti, seu dtcadis quartae tomi sexti. [Text german.] Dresden. 1868-70. Roy. 4°. Nova acta physico-medica Academiae cassareae leopoldino-carolina- natune curiosorum. [Text german.] Vols, ix-xvii; pt. 1, vol. xviii. 4°. Vol. ix, Erlanga;, 1818. Vols, x-xiv, Bonnae, 1820-29. Vols. xv-xviii, Vratislaviae et Bom a;, 1831-36. Nye Hygiea. Kjbenhavu. Vols, i-viii, 1823-26. so. [Continued as Hygaea.] Nye Sundhets-Tidende Kj'/beuhavn. 2 v., 1782-83. 8°. [A con- tinuation of Sundhedstidende, and followed by Sundhedsblade.] Nyt Bibliothek for Physik, Mo icin og ffikommiie Kjc'benhavn. [Title of Physicalsk, cecouomisk og medicochirurgisk Bibliothek for Danmark og Norge, from 1801-06.] o. Observador med., Mexico. Obst. J. Gr. Brit., Lond. Obst. J. Gr. Brit. Am. suppl. Oberhessische Gesellschaft fiir Natur- und H -ilkunde [See Bericht dei —.] Observador (El) mddico. Revista cientifica de la asociacion mddica Pedro Escobedo. Mdxico. Vols, i-iii, and Nos. 1-6, vol. iv, 1-69- 76. 4°. [Current,] Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland : including midwifery aud the diseases of women aud children. London. Vols, i-v, 1873-77. 8°. [Current,] Obstetrical (The) Journal of Great Britain and Ireland: including midwifery aud the diseases of women and children. With an American supplement. Philadelphia. Vols, i-v, 1873-77. 8'\ [Current] Obstetrical Society of London. [See Transactions of the —.] Odessa, Medical Society of. [See Protokoli, etc.] OESTERR. JAHRB. G4 OREGON M. J. Oesterr. Jahrb. f. Paediat,Wien. Oesterr. med. Wchnschr.,Wien. Oesterr. Vrtljschr. f. wissensch. Veterinark., Wien. Oesterr. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk., Wien. Oglethorpe M. 8c S. J.,Savannah. Ohio M. Exam., Columbus. Ohio M. Recorder, Columbus. Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin. Ohio M. Reposit., Cincin. Ohio M. & S. J, Columbus. Ohio M. Sc S. J., n. s., Columbus. Ohio M. 8c S. Reporter, Cleve- land. Onderzoek. ged. in h. phys. Lab. d. Utrecht. Hoogesch. Ophth. Beob.u. Untersuch., Bre- men. Ophth. Biblioth., Jena. Ophth. Cong, zu Briissel, 1857, Bericht, etc. Ophth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. Ophth. Rev., Lond. Oregon M. J., Salem. Oesterreichisches Jahrbuch fiir Paediatrik. Hernusgegebeu von Gottfried Ritter von Ritteishain und Maximilian Ilerz. Neue Folge de.s Jahrbuches fii ■ Physiologic und Pathologic des ersten Kindesalters. Wien. Jahrg. 1-8, 1870-77. s v. so. [Current.] Oesterreichische medicinische Wochenschrift, als Ergiinzungsblatt der medicinischen Jahrbiicher des kaiseilichen-koniglichen ocs- terreichischen Staates. Wien. 12 v., 1841-48. 8°. [Want all subsequent. See, also, Medicinische Jahrbiicher des k. k. oester- reichischen Staates.] Oesterreichische Vierteljahresschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Yeteii- niirkunde. Wien. 27 v., 1863-77. 8°. [Current, A continua- tion of Vierteljahrsschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Yeteiiiiarknnde] Oesterreichische Zeitsch ift fiir praktische Heilkunde Herausge- geben vom Doctoreu-Collegium der medicinischen Facultsit, in Wien. Jahrg. 1-19, 1855-73. 19 v. 4°. [Completed. Want index and title-page, vol. iii, 1857 ; Nos. 13 and 30 in 1858; cols. 49-56, iu No. 3. vol. ix, 1863. In Oct., 1874, continued as Mitthei- lungen des Wie- er medicinischen Doctoren-Col'eginms.] Offenbacher Verein fiir Naturknnde. [Sic Berichte iiber die Thiitig- keit des —.] Oglethorpe Medical and Surgical Journal. Savannah, Georgia. Vols, i-iii, 1858-61. 8°. [Completed.] Ohio (The) Medical Examiner. Columbus. [Title of Nos. 4-9, vol. i, of The Northern Ohio Medical and Scientific Examiner.] Ohio (The) Medical Gazette. Columbus. [Was running title of The Medical Counsellor.] Ohio (The) Medical Recorder. Columbus. Vol. i, 1876-77. 8 . [Current.] Ohio (The) Medical Repository of original aud selected essays and intelligence Cincinnati. Vol. i, 1826-27. Folio. [Completed. Merged in The Western Medical aud Physical Journal.] Ohio (The) Medical Repository. Cincinnati. Nos. 1-5, vol.i, 1835- 36. S'-\ [Want all subsequent.] Ohio (The) Medical aud Surgical Journal. Columbus. Vol,-, i-xvi, 1848-64. 8\ [Completed.] Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. New series. Columbus. Vol.-. i-ii, 1876-77. 8°. [Current.] Ohio (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. [Homoeopathic] Cleveland. Vols, i-xi, 1867-77. so. [Current,] Ohio State Medical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Onderzoeking n gedaan in bet physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. Ut ectit. Jaar 2. 1849-50; Jaar 5, 1852-53 ; Tweede Reeks, vols, i-iii, 1867-70 ; Derde Reeks, vol. i, 1871; Aflevering 1 and 3, vol. ii, 1873; Aflevering 1, vol. iii, 1874, 8°. [Want all others.] Ophthalmologische Beobachtungen und Untersnchnngen oder Bey- triige zur richtigen Kenutniss und Behaudlung der Augen im gesuuden und kranken von K. Himly. Bremen. Erstcs Stiick, Jan., 1801. 8°. [Continued as the following:] Ophthalmologische Bibliothek, herausgegeben von Dr. Karl Himly - und Dr. Joh. Adam Schmidt. Jena. Biinde i-ii, 1802-04. 8°. [Want vol. iii. A continuation of the preceding.] Ophthalmologische (Dei) Congress zu Briissel vom 13. bis 16. Septem- ber 1857. Bericht im A u ft rage des Kon. Hannov. Miuisteriums des Innern von Dr. C. Miiller und Dr. CI. Vogelsang. Hannover, 1858. 130 pp. 8°. Ophhalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Loudon. Vols, i-ix, 1857-77. so [Cur- rent. After Oct., 1860, title, The Royal Loudon Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, and Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Sur- gery.] Ophthalmic (The) Review: a quarterly journal of ophthalmic sur- gery and science. London Vols, -iii, 1s<;4_67. - . [Completed.] Oregon (The) Medical Journal. A quarterly journal of medicine aud surgery. Published by the Marion Co. Medical Society Salem. Nos. 1-4, vol. i, 1876-77. «'-. [Want all subsequent,] ' ' OREGON M. A S. REPORTER. 65 PENN. HOSP. REP. Oregon M. & S. Reporter, Sa- lem. Org. d. Centralver. f. Naturheilk. in Sachs., Chemnitz. Org. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl. Orvosi hetil., Budapest. Oss. med.-prat. e chir. di val. Clin, ital., Imola. Osservatore, Torino. Osservatore med., Palermo. Oregon (The) Medical and Surgical Reporter. Edited by E. R. Fiske aud H. Carpenter, associate editors, medical faculty Wil- lamette University. Salem. 2 v., 1869-71. 8°. [Completed.] Organ des Ceiitralvereins fiir Naturheilkunde in Sachseu. Chem- nitz. Jahrg. 1-5, 1873-77. 5 v. so. [Current.] Organ fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Herausgegeben von dem Ver- eine Rheinischer Medico-Chirurgen. Aachen, 1852-56. Berlin, 1857-62. Jahrg. 1-11,1852-62. 11 v. 8°. [Want all after No. 5, vol. xi.] Orvosi hetilap. Honi s kiilfoldi gyogyaszat ds korbuvsirlat koz- louye. [With the following supplements : 1. Kozegdszsdgiigy ds Torvenyszdki Orvostan. 2. Szemdszet.] Budapest. Vols, xx- xxi, 1876-77. 4°. [Current. Want vols, i-xix, also cols. 184- 192, in 1877.] Osservazioni medico-pratiche e ehirurgiche di valenti Clinici itali- ani. Del secolo xviii. Imola. Tom. i, 1793. 8°. Osservatore (L'). Gazzetta delle cliniche, giornale ufficiale della Societa di medicina e chirurgia di Torino. Torino. Tom. ix-xiii, 1873-77. 8°. [Current. Want vols, i-viii.] Osservatore (L') medico; giornalesiciliano. Palermo. Anni 17-20. 3 s., torn, iv-vii, 1874-77. 8°. [Current. Want all prior.] Pabellon med., Madrid. Pacific M. Sc S. J., San Fran. Pacific M. & S. J. & Press, San Fran. Pam. Lek. Warszaw. Pam. Towarz. Lek. Warszaw. Papers Med.-Leg. Soc. N. Y, Paris med. Penins. & Indep. M. J., Detroit. Penins. J. M., Ann Arbor, Mich. Penins. J. M., Detroit. Penn. Hosp. Rep. Pabellon (El) mddico; revista cientifica y profesional de medicina, cirugia y farmacia. Organo oficial de la Academia mddico-qui- riirgica espaiiola. Madrid. Tom. xiv-xv, 1874-75. Folio. [Want vols, i-xiii; also, Nos. 43 and 47, 1874; Nos. 12 and 48, 1875. In Jan., 1876 merged iu El Anfiteatro anat6mico espaiiol.] Pacific (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. San Francisco. Vols. i-ix, 1858-Feb., 1867 ; also, n. s., vols, i-x, June, 1867-77. 8°. [Cur- rent. Vol. viii, 1865-66, absorbed The San Francisco Medical Press, and title became as follows:] Pacific (The) Medical and Surgical Journal and Press. San Fran- cisco. [See vols, viii-ix, 1865-67, of the preceding.] Pamietnik Lekarski Warszawski. Warszawie. 2 v., 1828-29. 8°, [Continued in 1837 as the following:] Pamiptnic Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Warszawskiego. Warszawa. Tom. i-lxxiii, 1837-77. 8°. [Current. A continuation of the preceding.] Papers read before the Medico-Legal Society of New York from its organization. New York. First series, revised edition. 8°. Paris mddical. Mddeciue et chirurgie pratiques. Paris. Tom. i- ii, 1875-77. 8°. [Current,] Pathological Society of Dublin. [See Proceedings of the —.] Pathological Society of London. [See Transactions of the —.] Pathological Society of Philadelphia. [See Transactions of the —.] Pathologisches Institut zu Ziirich. [See Untersuchungen aus dem —.] Peninsular (The) and Independent Medical Journal. Devoted to medicine, surgery and pharmacy. Detroit, Vols, i-ii, 1858-60. 8°. [Completed. Formed by consolidation of The Medical In- dependent aud Monthly Review of Medicine and Surgery, with the following:] Peninsular (The) Journal of Medicine and the Collateral Sciences. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1853-56. Detroit, 1856-58. Vols, i-v, 1853-58. 83. [In Ajir., 1858. united with The Medical Independent and Monthly Review of Medicine aud Surgery, forming the preceding.] Peninsular (The) Journal of Medicine. Detroit. 4 v., 1873-76. 8°. [Consolidated with The Detroit Review of Medicine and Phar- macy, forming The Detroit Medical Journal.] Pennsylvania Hospital Reports. Philadelphia, Vols, i-ii, 1868-69. 9 A T PESTER MED.-CHIR. PRESSE. 66 PHYS., (ECONOM. BIBLIOTH. Pester med.-chir. Presse, Buda- pest. Pfaff s prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med., Altona. Pharm. Centralhalle, Berl. Pharm. Centr.-Bl., Leipz, Pharmacist, Chicago. Pharmacist, Chicago. Phil. Arzt, Frankf. Phil. Arzt, Frankf. a. M. Phil. Tr., Lond. Phila. J. M. & Phys. Sc. Phila. M. Museum. Phila. M. 8c Phys. J. Phila. M. Sc S. J. Phila. M. Times. Phila. Month. J. M. 8c S. Phila. Month. Mag. Phot. Rev. M. 8c S., Phila. Phys. u. med. Abhandl. d. k. Acad. d. Wissensch. zu Berl., Gotha. Phys., csconom. Biblioth., Kjo- benh. Pester niedizinisch-chirurgisc be Presse. Wochenschrift fiir die ge- sammte Heilkunde. Budapest, No. 1, Jahrg. 14,1878. 4\ [Cur- rent. Want all prior.] Pfaff's (C. H.) praktische unci kritische Mittheilungeu aus dem Gebiete der Mediein, Chirurgie und Pharmacie, fortgesetzt vou W. F. G. Behn, G. B. Giinther, et al., redigirt von J. Samson. Altona. [Title of vols, vi-ix of Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Mediein, etc., vou C. H. Pfaff.] Pharmaceutische Centralhalle fiir Deutschland. Berlin. [Current.] Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Leipzig. Pharmacist (The). Chicago. [Current. A continuation of the following:] Pharmacist (The) and Chemical Record. Published by the Chicago College of Pharmacy. Chicago. [Continued as the preceding.] Philosophische (Der) Arzt. [Motto: Non omnia discimus omnes.] Frankfurt, Hanau uud Leipzig. 4 v., 1775-77. 8°. [Completed. Vols, ii-iv published at Berlin and Leipzig.] Philosophische (Der) Arzt, Von M. A. Weikart. Fraukfurt a. M. 3 v., 1798-99. so. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of Londou. Abridged to the end of the year 1700, 3 v.; abridged from 1700- 20, 2 v.; abridged from 1720-33, 2 v.; abridged from 1733-50, 4 v.; from 1750-1860,110 v.; vols. < lix-clxvii, 1869-77,9 v. In all, 130 v. 4°. Philadelphia County Medical Society. [.See Discussions before the —.] Philadelphia (The) Journal of Medical and Physical Sciences. Supported by an association of physicians, and edited by N. Chapmau, [W. P. Dewees, J. D. Godman, and Isaac Hays.] 14 v., 1820-27. 8-. [Continued as The American Journal of the Medical Sciences.] Philadelphia (The; Medical Museum. Conducted by John Redman Coxe. 7 v., 1804-11. 8°. [Completed. A sub-division of each number, entitled Medical and Philosophical Register, is, after vol. ii, paged separately.] Philadelphia (The) Medical and Physical Journal. Collected and arranged by Benj. Smith Barton. Vols, i-iii, 1804-09. 8°. Philadelphia (The) Medical aud Surgical Journal. Edited by James Bryan. Vols, ii-vi, 1853-58. 8°. [Want vol. i; Nos. 2-15,17,22, 24, vol. ii; No. 3, vol. iii; and No. 2, vol. v.] Philadelphia (The) Medical Times. A weekly jourual of medical and surgical science. Vols, iii-vii, 1872-77. Roy. 8°. [Current. See The Medical Times, Philadelphia, for vols, i-ii.] Philadelphia (The) Monthly Journal of Medicine and Surgery. Edited by N. R. Smith. Vol. i, and Nos. 1-3, vol. ii, 1827-28. 8°. [After Feb., 1828, merged in The American Journal of the Medical Sciences.] Philadelphia (The) Mouthly Magazine or Universal Repository of Knowledge and Entertainment. Nos. 1-3, vol. ii, 1798. 8°. Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Philosophical Society in Edinburgh. [See Essays and Observations, physical and literary, read before the —.] Philosophical Society of Glasgow. [See Proceedings of the —.] Philosophisch-medicinische Gesellschaft zu Wiirzburg. [See Jahr- biicher der —.] Photographic (The) Review of Medicine and Surgery. A bi-monthly illustration of interesting cases, accompanied by notes. Phila- delphia. 2 v., 1870-72. 8°. [Completed.] Physicalische und medicinische Abhandlungen der koniglichen Acadeinie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Aus clem Lateinischen und Franzosischen ubersetzt von J. L. C. Miimler. Gotha 4 v 1781-86. 8°. ' Physicalsk, ceconomisk og medico-chirurgisk Bibliothek for Dan- mark og Norge. Kjobenhavn. Bind i-xxvii, 1794-1806. 8°-* [Want all subsequent. In 1798, title, Bibliothek for Physik, Mediein og ffikonomie. In 1801, title, Nyt Bibliothek for Physik, etc.] PHYSIAT. BL. 67 PRAKT. GENEESHEER. Physiat. Bl., Dresd. Physician 8c Pharmac, N. Y. Physician 8c Pharmac, N. Y. Physician 8c Surg., Bait. Physiol. Lab. Univ. Coll. Lond. Collected papers. Pop. Mag. Anthrop., Lond. Pop. Sc. Month., N. Y. Pop. Sc. Rev., Lond. Porvenir, Mexico. Pract. Tijdschr. v. d. Geneesk. Gorinchem. Practitioner, Lond. Prag. med. Wchnschr. Prag. med. Wchnschr. Prakt. Arzt, Wetzlar. Prakt. Geneesheer, Hertogen- bosch. Physiatrische Blatter. Vierteljahrsschrift fUr Naturheilkunde und zur Mitarbeit bei den nothigen Reformeu auf den Gebieten der Krankheitslehre (Aetiologie und Pathologie), der Heilkunde (Therapie) und der Gesnndheitscrhaltungslehre (Hygiene). Dres- den. Jahrg. 1, 1867. (P. Physician (The) and Pharmaceutist. New York. Vols, i-iii, 1868- 71. 4°. [Continued as the following:] Physiciau (The) aud Pharmacist. New York Vols, iv-x, 1871-77. 4°. [Current. Want Nos. 2 aud 4, vol. v (Nov., 1872, May, 1873); vol. vi, 1873-74. A continuation of the preceding.] Physician (The) and Surgeon. Published under the auspices of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Baltimore. [Title of vol. i, 1872-73, of The Baltimore Physician and Surgeon.] Physico-Medical Society of the State of New York. [See Transac- tions of the —.] Physikalisch-medicinische Gesellschaft in Wurzburg. [See Ver- handlungen der —. Also, Wiirzburger medicinische Zeitschrift, herausgegeben von der—.] Physikalisch-medicinische Societlit zu Erlangen. [See Abhandlun- gen der —. Also, Sitzungsberichte der —. Also, Verhandlungen der —. Also, Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen der —.] Physikalisch-okonomische Gesellschaft zu Konigsberg. [See Schrif- ten der —.] Physiological Laboratory, University College. London. Collected papers. 1874-75. 8°. Physiologisch Laboratorium der Utrechtsche Hoogeschool. [See Onderzoekingen gedaan in het —.] Physiologische Austalt zu Leipzig. [See Arbeiten aus der —.] Physiologisches Iustitut zu Breslau. [See Studien des —.] Physiologisches Laboratorium der Wiirzburger Hochschule. [See Arbeiten aus clem —.] Popular (The) Magazine of Anthropology. 8°. [Completed.] London. Vol. i, 1866. New York. 12 v., 1872-7; Popular (The) Science Monthly. [Current.] Popular (The) Science Review. A quarterly miscellany of enter- taining aud instructive articles on scientific subjects. London. 16 v., 1861-77. 8°. [Current.] Porvenir (El). Periodico de la Sociedad filoiatriea y de beneficen- cia de los alumnos de la escuela de medicina. Mdxico. Tom. v, 1873. 4°. [Want all prior and subsequent.] Practisch Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskuude in al haren Omvang, uit de nieuwste buitenlandscheTijdschriften, uit oorspronkelijke Bijdragen van nederlaudsche Geneeskundigen, en uit eigene Waarnemingen, inzonderheid ook ten dienste van jonge Artsen en van Heelmeesters ten platten Lande verzameld. Gorinchem. Jaarg. 1-25, 1822-46. 25 v. and 6 supplementary vols. 8 . [Want indexes and title-sheets for 4th suppl. vol., also for 24th year, 1845. Continued as Nieuw practisch Tijdschrift voor de Geneeskunde, etc.] Practitiouer (The). A monthly journal of therapeutics. London. 19 v., 1868-77. 8°. [Current.] Prager medicinische Facultiit. [See Sammlung gerichtsarztlicher Gutachten der—.] Prager medizinische Wochenschrift. Organ des Vereines prakti- scher Aerzte. Prag. Nos. 1-52, 1864. Imp. 4C. [Completed.] Prager medicinische Wochenschrift. Correspondenzblatt der deut- schen Aerzte Bohmens. Prag. Jahrg. 1-2, 1876-77. 8°. [Cur- rent. A continuation of Aerztliches Correspondenzblatt fiir Bob- men.] Praktische (Der) Arzt. Eine Mouatsschrift. Herausgegeben von Dr. Adolf Herr. Wetzlar. Jahrg. 1-18. 1860-77. 18 v. 8°. [Current.] Praktiserende (De) Geneesheer. 76. 8V. 8°. [Current.] Hertogenbosch. Jaarg. 1-8,1868- PRAKT. V. KRIT. MITCH. 68 PROC. CONVENT. AM. INSTR. Prakt. u. krit. Mitth. a. d. Gebiete d. Med., etc., Altona. Prakt. Landarzt, Mitau. Precis d. trav. Soc. med. de B oulogne-sur-Mer. Precis d. trav. Soc. med. de Di- jon. Precis d. trav. Soc roy. d. sc. de Nancy. Presse med., Par. Presse med. beige, Brux. Preuss. Med.-Ztg., Berl. Ztg., Berl. Prijsverh. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst. Proc. Am. Ass. Adv. Sc. Proc. Am. Ass. Cure Inebr. Proc. Am. Ass. Instr. of Blind, 1872, Bost. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc, Phila. Proc. Anthrop. 8c Ethn. Soc Lond. Proc. Ass. Med. Off. Am. Inst. for Idiotic 8c Feeble-Minded Persons. Proc. Ass. Municip. 8c San. En- gin., Lond. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, Hart- ford. Proc. Connect. M. Soc, N. Ha- ven. Proc. Convent. Am. Instr. of Blind, 1871, Indianap. 4 v., 1861-64. 4-'. [A Merged in Berliner kli- Jahrg. 1-3, 1860- Praktis die und kritische Mittheilungen aus dem Gebiete der Medi- ein, Chirurgie unci Pharmacie. Altona. [Title of vols, iii-v of Mittheilungeu aus dem Gebiete der Mediein, etc, von C. H. Pfaff.] Praktische (Der) Landarzt. Eine Wochenschrift. Mitau. 2 v., 1773-74. 8°. Prdcis des travaux de la Societe mddicale de Boulogue-sur-Mer, de- puis sa fondation an ler juin 1836 jusqu'au ler Janvier 1839. 8°. Prdcis analytiqne des travaux de la Socidte mddicale de Dijon, pour l'auudes 1833 et 1838-41. Dijon. 2 v., 1837-43. 8\ Precis des travaux de la Socidtd royale des sciences, lettres et arts de Nancy, de 1819 a 1823. Nancy. 1825. 8°. Presse (La) mddicale. Ancien journal hebdomadaire Paris. Nos. 1-66, torn, i, 1837. 4°. [Completed. Want title-page and index. A continuation of Jourual hebdomadaire des progres des sciences et institutions mddicales.] Presse (La) mddicale beige. Bruxelles. Aundes 1-12, 1S4S-60 ; also, anndes 26-29, 1873-77. 4°. [Current. Want Nos. 7, 9, vol. i (Feb. 11, 25, 1849); Nos. 1,51, vol. ii (Dec. 30, 1849, and Dec. 15, 1850): vol. iii (1851); No. 1. vol. iv (Dec 28, 1851); No. 39, vol. ix (Sept. 20, 1857); No. 28, vol. xii (July 1, I860); vols, xiii-xxv (1861-73); No. 51, vol. xxvi (Nov. 22, 1874); No. 4, vol. xxvii (Dec. 27, 1874); No. 37, vol. xxviii (Aug. 13, 1876);' No. 47, vol. xxviii (Oct. 22, 1876). Preussische Medicinal-Zeitung. Berlin. continuation of Medicinische Zeitung. nische Wochenschrift, Jan., 1865.] Preussische militariirztliche Zeitung. Berlin. 62. 3 v. 4°. Prijsverhandelingen bekroond door het Genootschap ter Bevorde- ring der Heelkunde te Amsterdam. Deel i-vi, 1791-1807. 3 v. 8°. [Continued as Nieuwe Prijsverhandelingen, etc.] Private Medical Associatiou. London. [See Medical Records and Researches, selected from the papers of a —.] Proceedings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science at the annual meetings, lst-3d, 1848-50 ; 6:h, 1851 ; 9th- lltb, 1855-57. 7 v. 8°. Proceedings of the annual meetings of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. lst-3d, 1870-72; 5th and 6th, 1874- 75. 8°. Proceedings of the first meeting of the American Association of In- structors of the Blind, August, 1872. Boston. 8°. [See, also, Proceedings of the Second Convention of American Instructors of the Blind.] Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society held at Phila- delphia, for promoting useful knowledge. Philadelphia, Vols. xi-xvi;' No. 100, vol, xvii, 1869-77. 8°. [Vol. xii wauts No. 88.] Proceedings of the Anthropological aud Ethnological Societies of London prior to the date of amalgamation. [An appendix to No. 1 of Journal of the Anthropological Iustitute of Great Britain and Ireland.] 1871. 8°. Proceedings of the Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons. Sessions: Media, June 6-8, 1876; Columbus, June 12-15, 1877. Philadel- phia, 1877. 8°. Proceedings of the Associatiou of Municipal and Sanitary Engineers and Surveyors. London and New York. Vols, i-iii, 1873-76. 8°. Proceedings of the President and Fellows of the Connecticut State Medical Society in convention, for the years 1818 and 1819 (27th and 2-th); 1824 (33d); 1830-43 (39th-52d). Hartford. S\ Proceedings of the Connecticut Medical Society at the annual con- ventions, 1844-76 (53d-85th). New Haven, 1844-76. 8 . [With ad- ditional title-pages to 1860-76, Proceedings and Medical Commu- nications of the Connecticut Medical Society, 2 s., vols, i-iv.] Proceedings of the Second Convention of American Instructors of the Blind, August, 1871. Indianapolis. 83 [Ste, also, Proceediugs of the tirst meeting of the American Association of Instructors of the Blind.] PROC. CONVENT. PHYS. 69 PROC. MICHIGAN M. ASS. Proc. Convent. Phys. Ohio, Cin- cin. Proc. Dubl. Obst. Soc. Proc Florida M. Ass. Proc. Georgia M. Ass. Proc. Indiana M. Convent., In- dianap. Proc. Iowa M. Sc Chir. Soc. Proc. Kentucky M. Soc. Proc. Lit. 8c Phil. Soc. Manches- ter. Proc M. Ass. Alabama. Proc. M. Ass. Arkansas. Proc. M. 8c Chir. Fac. Maryland, Bait. Proc. M. Convent. Ohio. Proc. M. Soc. Calif. Proc. M. Soc. County Kings, Brooklyn. Proc. M. Soc. Georgia. Proc. M. Soc. Lond. Proc. M. Soc. N. Car. Proc. M. Soc Oregon. Proc. M. Soc. Virg. Proc. M. Soc. Virg. Proc. M. Soc. Wash. Ter. Proc. M. Soc. Wisconsin. Proc. Michigan M. Ass. Convention of Physicians of Ohio. Jourual of the proceedings of a convention of physicians of Ohio, held in the city of Columbus,-on the 5th day of Jan., 1835. Cincinnati. 8°. Proceedings of the Dublin Obstetrical Society for the 34th session, 1871-72. 8°. Proceedings of the Florida Medical Association. Session of 1874-75 aud 1876-77. Charleston, S. G, 1*75. Jacksonville, Fla., 1877. 8°. Proceedings of the Georgia Medical Association, session of 1868. With constitution aud by-laws then adopted. Augusta, Ga. ^". Proceedings of the Indiana State Medical Convention. Indianapolis, 1849. S . Proceedings of the Iowa State Medical and Chirurgical Society at the 2d annual meeting, K>1. Keokuk. 8°. Proceedings of the Kentucky State Medical Society. Meeting for reorgauizitiou held at Louisville, Apr. 2 aud 3, 1867, and the 13th annual meeting, held at Danville, Apr. 7 and 8, 1»68. Cin- cinnati, 1868. 8 . Proceedings of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manches- ter. Manchester. Vols, iii-xv, 1864-76. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama at the annual meetings, 4th-8th, 1850-55. Mobile, 1851-55. 8°. Proceedings of the State Medical Association of Arkausas at Little Rock, Nov., 1870. With the constitution, by-laws, and code of ethics. Little Rock, 1871. 8°. Also, Proceedings of the Medical Associatiou of the State of Arkansas, at the aunual sessions, 2d- 6th, ]87i_75. Little Rock, 1871-75. 8°. Sketch of the Proceedings of the Medical aud Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland at the annual session in June and special session iu July, 1853. Baltimore 8°. Also, Proceedings aud reports [of the same] at its annual session iu June and special session in Septem- ber, 1854. Baltimore. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Convention of Ohio, for the years 1835, 1838,1839,1841,1842,1845-50. 8°. Proceedings of the Convention for the reorganization of the Medical Society of the State of California, and of the first annual meet- ing; together with the constitution, rules of order, and code of ethics. Incorporated Nov. 1, 1870. San Francisco. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society of the County of Kings. Medi- cal and scientific papers, reports, discussions aud notes, published monthly iu the interest of the profession of Kings County. Con- ducted by the council of the society. Brooklyn, N. Y. Vols, i-ii, 1876-77 ; No. 1, vol. iii, 1878. 8°. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Georgia. Savauuah. 2d annual meeting, 1851. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society of London. Vol. i, 1872-74. 8'J. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of North Carolina, at its first annual communication, held in Raleigh, April, 1850. 8°. Proceedings of the annual meetings of the Medical Society of the State ot Oregon. Together with the constitution aud by-laws of the society. Portland, Oregon. 2d and 3d, 1875-76. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society of Virginia, held at Richmond. Annual meetings, 29th, 1852; 30th, 1853. 8U. The organization and the proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Virginia (incorporated Jan. 14,1871). First session, held ' in Richmond, Nov. 2 and 3, 1870; to which is appended a copy of the constitution aud by-laws, aud an alphabetical register of fellows. Lynchburg, 1870. 8°. Proceedings of the Medical Society of Washington Territory at the annual sessions of 1873 and 1-74 (2d and 3d). Olympia, 1873-75. Minutes of the Proceedings of the Medical Society of the State of Wisconsin, at its aunual session held in Madisou, commencing January 30, 1856. Janesville, 1857. 8°. [Imperfect. Waut pp. 1-15.] Journal of the Proceedings of the Michigan Medical Association for the years 1849 and 1850. Jackson. Vol. i, 1850. 8°. PROC. N. JERSEY M. SOC. 70 PROV. M. A S. J. Proc. N. Jersey M. Soc. Proc. Nat. M. Convent. Phil., 1847. Proc. Nat. Quar. 8c San.Convent. Proc. Nebraska M. Soc. Proc. North-West. Ass. Med. Off. Health, Birkenhead. Proc. Path. Soc Dubl. Proc. Phil. Soc. Glasg. Proc. Roy. M. 8c Chir. Soc. Lond. Proc. San. Com. Madras. Proc. South Car. M. Ass. Proc. Texas M. Ass. Proc. Westminster M. Soc. Proc-verb. Strasb. Soc. de med. de Proc-verb. . . . Soc. nat. denied. de Marseille. Progres med., Par. Progreso med, Madrid. Protok. zasaid. Karkazsk. med. Obshch., Tiflis. Protok. zasaid. Obshch. Odes- skikh Vrach. Protok. zasaid. Obshch. Vrach. g. Kazani. Prov. M. J., Halifax. Prov. M. 8c S. J., Lond. The rise, minutes and proceedings of the New Jersey Medical Society. Established July 23, 1766. [Transactions of the society from 1766-18(10.] Newark, 1875. >°. Proceedings of the National Medical Conventions, held in New York, May, 1846, and in Philadelphia, May, 1847. Philadelphia, 1817. -o. Minutes and Proceedings of the National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. lst-4th annual meetings, is ,7-60. 2 v. 8°. [Title of first, Minutes of the Proceedings of the Quarantine Conven- tion,held atPhiladephiaby invitation of the Philadelphia Board of Health. The word "National'' does not appear until 3d meeting.] Minutes and Proceedings of the Nebraska State Medical Society, at the 1st, 2d, 4th, and 5th annual sessions, 1869, 1870, 1872, 1873. Omaha, s^, [1871 not published.] Proceedings of the North-Western Association of the Medical Offi- cers of Health, for the year 1876. Birkenhead, 1877. 8°. Proceedings of the Pathological Society of Dublin. Vol. i, sessions of 1840, to 15th Dec, 1849. Dublin, 1849. 8«. Proceedings of the Philosophical Society of Glasgow. No. 4, vol. vi: Nos. 1-2, vol. viii, 1867-70. s . Proceedings of the Royal Medical aud Chirurgical Society of London. Vols, i-vii; Nos. 1-2, vol. viii, 1856-76. 8=. Minutes of Proceedings of the Sanitary Commissioner for Madias, for months of March and April, 1877. Madras, 1877. Folio. Minutes of the Proceedings of the South Carolina Medical Associa- tion, at its annual meetings, Feb., 1849-50; together with the transactions of the board of counsellors, and the anniversary oration by Dr. J. P. Barratt. With the constitution as revised. Charleston, 1850. 8°. A ho, At the meeting convened in Charles- ton for the purpose of reorganization, May, 1869, together with the constitution as then revised. Charleston, 1869. 8°. Also, Proceedings of the same, at the annual meetings in 1852 and 1855, and at the extra meeting in Columbia, July 5, 1854. 8°. Proceedings of the Texas State Medical Association at the annual sessions of 1869-74 aud 1876. 8°. Proceedings of the Westminster Medical Society. Nos. 1-3 (session 1848-49). so. Proces-verbaux des seances de la Socidtd de mddecine de Strasbourg. Tom. i-ix, 1858-74. 8°. [With Mdmoires de la Socidtd de mdde- cine de Strasbourg, torn, iii-xi.] Proccs-veibaux des sdauces publiques tenues le 3me ddcembre 1848, 1849 et 1850, et comptes-rendus des travaux de la Socidtd nationale de mddecine de Marseille, pendant les anndes mddicales 1848-50. Marseille. s°. Progres (Le) mddical. Journal de mddecine, de chirurgie et de phar- macie. Paris. Tom. ii-v, 1874-77. 4°. [Current. Want vol. i.] Progreso (El) mddico. Revista de medicina, cirugia, farmacia, ciencias auxiliares, higiene y medicina legal. Madrid. Tom. i-ii, 1876-77. 4J. [Current.] Protokol zasaidaneya Karkazskago medicheskago Obshchestva. Tiflis. [Record of the sessions of the Imperial Medical Society of the Caucasus.] 6th-llth year; Nos. 1,3-10,13-15, 12th year, 1869-76. H'3 Protokoli zasaidauii Obshchestva Odesskikh Vrachii. Odessa. [Proceedings of the Medical Society of Odessa.] April, 1868— Dec. 16, 1872. 11 parts, 1869-73. A. Protokol zasaidaniya Obshchestva Vrachei g. Kazaui. Kasau. [Pro- ceedings of the Medical Society of Kasan.] Nos. 10, 11 13 14 1870; Nos. 5-14, 1871 ; Nos. 1-9, 13-15, 1872. 8°. Provincial (The) Medical Journal. Halifax. No. 3, vol. i, 1808. 8°. Provincial Medical and Surgical Association. London. [See Trans- actions of the —.] Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal. London. Vols, ii-xvi, 1.841-52. 8°. [Want vol. i. On Jan. 7, 185:5, a new series com- menced, with title, Associatiou Medical Journal, when London Journal of Medicine was incorporated with the same. Vols, iv-vii title as follows:] PRZEGL. LEKARS. 71 QUEBEC M. J. Przegl. lek., Krakow. Przegl. post, nauk lek., War- szawa. Psych. & Med.-Leg. J., N. Y. Psychiat. Centralbl., Wien. Pub. Health, Lond. Pub. Health Mag., Montreal. Pub. Mass. M. Soc, Bost. Pubb. d. r. 1st. di studi sup., etc., in Firenze. Sez. di med. e chir. Provincial Medical and Surgical Journal and Retrospect of the Medical Sciences. London. [Title of vols, iv-vii, 1842-44, of the preceding.] Przeglad lekarski wydawauy staraniem oddzialu nauk przyrod- niczych i lekarskich c. k. towarzystwa naukowego Krakowskiego. Krakowie. Tom. i-x ; xv-xvi; 1862-71, 1876-77. 4°. [Current. Want Nos. 15 and 47, vol, viii; also vols, xj-xiv.] Przeglad postepn nauk lekUrskich. Warszawa. Nos. 1-2, for 1874 [published in 1876]; and Nos. 1-4, for 1875 [published in 1877]. Psychological (The) and Medico-Legal Journal. A monthly review of diseases of the mind and nervous system, aud of medical juris- prudence. Conducted by William A. Hammond, assisted by T. M. B. Cross. New York. New series. Vols, i-iii, 1874-76. 8°. [Completed. Sec The Quarterly Journal of Psychological Medi- cine for first series. Vol. iii, Nov., 1875—May, 1876, title, The American Psychological Journal, quarterly, conducted by Allan McLaue Hamilton and nine others.] Psychiatrisches Centralblatt. Herausgegeben vom Vereine fiir Psychiatrie und foreusische Psychologie in Wien. Jahrg. 1-7, 1871-77. 7 v. 8°. [Current.!' Public Health : a journal of sanitary science aud progress, and of institutional, social, and general information upou subjects affect- ing the health of the community ; and the organ of the public health service. Loudon. Vols, iii-vii, 1875-77. 4°. [Completed. Want vols, i-ii, and No. 34, vol. iii.] Public Health Magazine aud Literary Review. Montreal. Vols, i-ii, 1875-77. 8°. [Ceased after June, 1877.] Publications of the Massachusetts Medical Society. Boston. Vols. i-iii, 1856-71. 8°. Pubblicazioni del R. Istituto di studi superiori pratici e di perfezio- namento in Firenze. Sezionedi medicina e chirurgia e scuola di farmacia. Firenze. Vol. i, 1876. 8°. a. Quart. J. Calcutta M. & Phys. Soc Quart. J. Chem. Soc. Lond. Quart. J. Inebr., Binghamton, N.Y. Quart. J. Micr. Sc, Lond. Quart J Psych. M., N. Y. Quart. J. Sc, Lond. Quebec M. J. Quarterly (The) Journal of the Calcutta Medical and Physical So- ciety. ' Calcutta. Nos. 1-4, vol. i, aud No. 5, vol. ii, Jan. 1,1837— Jan!! 1, 1838. 8°. [Want all subsequent. Also, index and title- page of vol. i.] Quarterly (The) Journal of the Chemical Society of London. 14 v., 1849-61. 8°. [Contined as The Journal of the Chemical Society of Londou.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Inebriety. Published under the auspices of the American Association for the Cure of Inebriates. Bing- hamton, N. Y. Vol. i.and No. 1, vol. ii, 1876-77. c°. [Current.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Microscopical Science, Londou. 25 v., 1853-77. 8°. [Current. The Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London from 1853-68 are bound with this journal.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Psychological Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence. Edited by Wm. A. Hammond. New York. Vols. i-iii, 1867-69. 8°. [Continued as the Journal of Psychological Medicine, from 1870-72. In July, 1874, publication resumed, as whole No. 23 (n. s., No. 1, vol. i), title, The Psychological aud Medico-Legal Journal.] Quarterly (The) Journal of Science. Loudon. 14 v., 1864-77. 8°. [Current. With vol.i, n. s., 1871, the words " aud Annals of Min- ing, Metallurgy, Engineering, Industrial Arts, Manufactures and Technology " were added to title] Quarantine and Sanitary Convention. [See National Quarantine and Sanitary Convention.] Quebec (The) Medical Journal. Tom. i; Nos. 1-2, torn, ii, 1826-27. 8°. [Waut all subsequent. See, also, Journal de mddecine de Qudbee] R. 1ST. LOMB. T2 it. KEC. irons, m; mi';d. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. elett. Ren- dic, Milano. R. 1st. Lomb. di sc. e lett. Ren die, CI. di lett. e sc,mor. e polit, Milano. Rac di oss. clin.-patol., Torino. Raccoglitore med, Forli. Rap. gen. Cons, d'hyg. pub. dep. de la Seine, Par. Realbiblioth. d. Heilk., Leipz. Rec. d. actes de la Sec. de sante de Lyon. Rec Maine M. Ass. Portland. Rec. de med. vet., Par, Rec. de mem., Par. Rec. de mem. de med. Par. . . mil., Rec. d'obs. de med. d. hop. mil., Par. R. Istituto di studi superiori pratici c di perfezionauiento in Fi- renze. [SeePubblicazioui del—.] Reale Accademia di medicina di Torino. [See Giornale della —.] Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lett* re. Rendiconti. Milano. Tom. i-viii, 2 s., 1868-75. 8C. Reale Istituto Lombardo di scieuze e lettere. Rendiconti. Classe di lettere e scieuze, morali e politiche Milano. Tom. i-iv, 1864- 67. so. Raccolta di osservazioni clinico-patologiche dei dottori Giambat- tista Borelli e Giovanni Gaielli. Torino. Fasc. i-iv, 1853-54. 8\ Raccoglitdre (U) medico. Giornale indirizzato al progresso della medicina e chirurgia pratica, e degli interessi morali e profi s- sionali specialmentedei medici-chirurghi condotti. Forli. Tom. i-viii, 1874-77. 8°. [Current. A continuation of L' Ipnocratic .] Rapport general sur les travaux dn Conseil d'hygiei e publique etde salubritd du departement de la Seine. Paris. 1820, 1828,1846-66. 4°. [In 1820, tide, Rapport gdndral sur les travaux du Conseil de salubritd. Iu 1828, title, Rapport du Conseil de salubritd de la ville de Paris et du departement de la Seine. From 1846-48, title, Rapports generaux des tiavaux dn Conseil de salubritd.] Rayer (P.) Archives de mddecine comparde. Paris. [See Archives de mddecine comparde, par —.] Real Academia medica de Madrid. [See Memorias de la—.] Realbibliothek der Heilkuust oder Darstellung der Fortschritte der praktischen Arzueykunst und Wundarzueykuust im 19ten Jahrhuuderte. Herausgegeben von J. K. F. Ltune und K. F. Bur- dach. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1, Baud i, 1803. 8°. Reale Istituto dMncorraggiamento alle scienze uaturali, ecouomiche e tecnologichedi Napoli. [See Atti del —.] Reale Istituto Lombardo di scienze e lettere. [See Atti della fon- dazione scientitica Caguola. Reale, etc. A /so, Memorie del—.] Reale Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. [See Atti del —.] Recueil des actes de la Socidtd de santd de Lyon, depuis Pan pre- mier jusqu'&lafiu de l'au nenf de la Republique; ou mdmoires et observations sur divers objets de chirurgie, de mddecine et d'histoire naturelle Lyon. Tom. i-ii, An VI (1798), and An X (1801). 8°. [Vol. ii, composed of 6 Nos., title, Journal de la So- cidtd de mddecine de Lyon.] Records of the Maine Medical Association at the annual meetings, llth-13tb, Portland. 1863-65. 8°. [Nothing published prior to 1863.] Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire. (Nouvelle bibliotheque mddicale, 2 s.) Paris. 47 torn., 1824-77. 8°. [Current. Want vol. iv, 1827; also vols, ii-viii, 5 s., 1865-71. Vols, iii-viii, 1826-31, title, Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire et comparde. From 1832-53, title, Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire pratique. Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire et comparde. Paris. [Title of vols. iii-viii, 1826-31, of the preceding.] Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire pratique. Paris. [Title, from 1832-53, of Recueil de mddecine vdtdrinaire] Recueil de mdmoires, ou collection de pieces acaddmiques, concer- nant la mddeciue, I'anatomie et la chirurgie, la chyune, la physique expdrimentale, la botanique et l'histoire naturelle, tirees des meilleurs sources, et mis eu ordre par feu J. Berryat. Paris. 16 v 1754-87. 4°. Recueil de mdmoires de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires, faisant suite au journal qui paraissait sous le meim; title. Rddigd sous la surveillance du conseil de santd, par Biion et Fouruier. Publid par ordre de s. exc le miuistrc secretaire d'etat au departement de la guerre. Paris. 115 torn., 1817-77. 8°. [Current, Begins with vol. iii. For vols, i-ii, 1815-16, sec Jourual de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie militaires.] Recueil d'observations de mddecine clea hopitaux militaires. Fait et rddigd par M. Richard de Hautesicrck. Paris. 2 torn.. 1766 1772. 4°. REC. D'OPHTH. 73 REP. BD. HEALTH MICH. Rec. d'ophth., Par. Rec. period. Soc. de med. de Par. Rec. period. Soc. de sante' de Par. Rec. d. trav. Comite consult. d'hyg. pub. de France, Par. Rec. de trav. Soc. med. allem. de Par. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'lndre- et-Loire, Tours. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. de Ge- neve. Rec. d. trav. Soc. med. d'obs. de Par. Rendic Accad. med.-chir. di Ferrara. Rendic. Accad. med.-chir. di Napoli. Rendic. Accad. d. sc. d. 1st. di Bologna. Rep. Bd. Health Bait. Rep. Bd. Health Bost. Rep. Bd. Health Brooklyn. Rep. Bd Health Calif. Rep. Bd. Health Chicago. Rep. Bd. Health Colorado. Rep. Bd. Health Dist. Columb. Rep. Bd. Health Georgia. Rep. Bd. Health Louisiana. Rep. Bd. Health Maryland. Rep. Bd. Health Mass. Rep. Bd. Health Mich. 10 A T Recueil d'ophthalmologie. Paris. Tom. i-iv, 1873-77. 8° TCur- fi^hJ^1? t,tle-PaSe> 1876- See Journal d'ophthalmologie for Recueil pdriodique de litteYatire medicale etrangere; ou supple- ment an Kecueil periodiqne de la Societe de mddecine de Paris. ndH';^1'' ^ VVl7-?L [A supplement to vols, i-ii of Recueil pdriodique de la Socidtd de santd de Paris.] Recueil pdriodique d'observations de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie Paris. [Title, also, of vols, i-vii, 1754-57, of Journal de mddeciue, chirurgie, pharmacie, etc] Recueil pdriodique de la Socidtd de mddecine de Paris. Tom. ii- xiv 179,-180-2. ,8". [For vol. i, see the following. Continued as Journal gdndral de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie, ou recueil pdriodique de la Socidtd de mddecine de Paris.] Recueil pdriodique de la Socidte de santd de Paris. Tom. i, 2e dd., An \ (1/J/). ho. [For vols, ii-xiv, see the preceding.] Recueil des travaux du Comitd consultatif d'hygieue publique de 1 ranee et des actes officiels de l'administratiou sanitaire. Paris. Tom. i-iv, 1872-75. 8°. Recueil de travaux his a la Socidtd mddicale allemande de Paris. 2 v., 1856 and 1865. 8°. Recueil des travaux de la Socidte medicale du departement dTndre- et-Loirc Tours. Annde 73, 1876. 8°. [Want all prior.] Recueil des travaux de la Societe medicale de Geneve. Annee 1, 1853. 8°. Recueil des travaux de la Socidtd medical" d'observation de Paris. Tom. i-ii, 1853-63 ; 2 s., torn, i-ii, 1865-70. 8°. Regia Societas medica Havniensis. [See Acta Regiie, etc. ] Regio Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti. Venezia. [See Memorie del —.] Rendiconto delle memorie dell'Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara lette nelle adunanze del 1840-1852. Bologna. Ferrara. Venezia. 8 pts. (in 2 v.) 8°. Rendiconto delle adunanze e dei lavori dell'Accademia medico- chirurgica di Napoli. Tom. i-iii, vi-ix, 1847-55. 4°. Rendiconti delle sessioni dell'Accademia delle scienze dell'Istituto di Bologna. Anno accademica 1867-68—1875-76. 9 pts. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of Baltimore to the Mayor and City Council, for the vears 1857-60,1865,1866,1868,1870-73, 1875-77. Baltimore. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Boston, to the Mayor and City Council. Boston. lst-5th, 1872-73—1876- 77. so. Report of the Board of Health of the City of Brooklyn. 1875-76. 8°. Reports (Biennial) of the State Board of Health of California. Sacramento. lst-4th, 1870-77. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Chicago, to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for the years 1867-77. Chica- go. 1874-78. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Si cretary of the State Board of Health, of the State of Colorado, to the Governor of the State. Deuver. 1st, 1876. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the District of Colum- bia to the Presideut of the United States. Washington. lst-5th, 1871-72—1875-76. so. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the State of Georgia to the Governor of the State. Atlanta. lst-2d, 1874-76. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Boaru of Health of the State of Louisiana to the General Assembly for the years 1846, 1849,1850,1856,1860, 1867,1869-75, aud 1877. New Orleans. 8°. Report (Biennial) of the State Board of Health of Maryland to the General Assembly of Maryland. Anuapolis. lst-2d, 1874-77. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts to the Legislature. Boston. lst-8th, 1869-76. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Michigan to the Governor of the State. Lansing. lst-4th, 18/3-76. 8°. 4- REP. BD. HEALTH MINN. 74 REP. SAN. COM. Rep. Bd. Health Minn. Rep. Bd. Health N. Y. Rep. Bd. Health Nashville. Rep. Bd. Health Phila. Rep. Bd. Health St. Louis. •Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sc, Lond. Rep. Internat. Ophth. Cong. Lond. 1872. Rep. Kings Co. Hosp. Brooklyn. Rep. Manchester & Salford San. Ass. Rep. Med Miss. Soc. China. Rep. Med. Off. Privy Counci1, Lond. Rep. Med. Off. Privy Council, Lond. Rep. Metrop. Bd. Health, N. Y. Rep. Roy. Soc. Tasmania. Rep. San. Admin. Brit. Burma, Rangoon. Rep. San. Admin. Punjab, La- hore. Rep. Sau. Com. Bengal, Cal- cutta. Rep. San. Com. Bombay. Rep. San. Com. Centr. Prov. (India). Rep. San. Com. Hyderabad. Rep. San. Com. India, Calcutta. Rep. San. Com. Madras. Rep. San. Com. Prov. (India). North-West. Reports (Annual) of the State Board of Health of Minnesota to the Legislature Saint Paul. 1st, 2d. aud 5th, 1872, 1873, 1876. 8 \ Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the Health Department of the Citv of New York, to the Mayor. New York. Ist-lth, 1871-74. 8°. Report (Annual) of the Board of Health to the City Council of the City of Nashville. 2d, 1875-77. 8^. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City and Port of Philadelphia, to theMayor. Philadelphia. lst-16th', 1800-75. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Board of Health of the City of Saint Louis. Ist-lOth, 1867-77. 8°. Reports of meetings of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. London. 1st, 2d, 12th, aud 40th, 1831-2, 1842, aud 1870. 8P. Report of the International Ophthalmological Congress, held in Lon- don, August, 1872. Published by a committee composed of G. Critchett, Soelberg Wells, R. Brudenell Carter aud Henry Power. The papers arranged, and the text aud translations revised by Henry Power. Londou. 1873. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Medical Superintendent of tbe Kings County Hospital, Brooklyu, to the Commissioners of Charities of Kings County, for the years 1853-54, 1859-76. Brooklyn. 8°. Report of the Committee of the Manchester aud Salford Sanitary Association; being a.summary of their proceedings for the year 1861, with appendices. Manchester. 1862. 8°. Reports of the Medical Missionary Society in China. 1838-41; 1843; 1845; 1858; 1859; 1863; 1864; 1865; 1869; 1874; 1875. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Medical Officer of the Privy Council (to the Lords of Her Majesty's most honourable Privy Council), with ap- pendix. London, lst-13th, 1858-70. 8°. Reports of the Medical Office.r of the Privy Council aud Local Gov- ernment Board. New series. London. Nos. 1-3, 1 v., 1874. 8°. Reports (Annual) of the Metropolitan Board of Health [New York City] for the years 1866-69. New York, 1867-70. 8°. Reportsof the Royal Society of Tasmauia. 1863-74. 8°. Reports (Annual) on the Sanitary Administration of British Burma, for the years 1867-75. Raugoou, 1868-77. 8°. Report on the Sanitary Administration of the Punjab, for the years 1867,1868,1870,1872,1874,1875. Lahore Folio. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for Bengal for the years 1864-65 (lst-2d), 1872-73, and 1874. Calcutta. 1865-75. Folio. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for the Government of Bombay, with appendices and returns of sickness and mortality amongst the native troops, the prisoners iu jails, and the general population of the Bombay presidency, for the years 1865-74 (2cl- 11th). Bombay. 11 v., 1866-75. Folio. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner for the Central Pro- vinces, for the years 1869-74. Niigpiir, 1870-75. Folio. Report of the Sanitary Commissioner of the Hyderabad assigned districts for the years 1872 and 1873. Hyderabad. 1873-74. Folio. Reports (Annual) of the Sa-itary Commissioner with the Govern- ment of India; with appendices and returns of sickuess and mortality among the British troops of India, aud also among the native troops and prisoners in the Bengal presidency lor the years 1868-75 (5th-12th). Calcutta, 1869-77. Folio. Reports (Aunual) of the Sanitary Commissioner of Madras ; with ap- pendices containing medical returns of the European and native troops, and prisoners in jails: also the mortuary returns of the civil population for the years 1864-74. (lst-llth.) Madras, 1865- 75. Folio. Reports (Annual) of the Sanitary Commissioner of the North-West- ern Provinces, for the years 18(58-71, 1m73. Allahabad, 1869-74. Folio. REP. ON . . . SAN. IMPROV, '75 RfiS. D. TRAV. SOC. Rep. on . . . san. improv. in In- dia, Lond. Rep. on san. meas. in India, Lond. Rep. Smithson. Inst. Rep. Superv. Surg. Mar. Hosp., Wash. Repert. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Berl. Repert. chir u. med. Abhandl. etc, Leipz. , Repert. gen. d'anat. et physiol. path., Par. Repert. f. d. ges. Med., Jena. Repert. de med. dosimet, Par. Repert. med. extrang , Madrid. Repert. med.-chir. et obst., Brux. Repert. Med.-Habanero, Ha- bana. Repert. Med. - Habanero, Ha- bana. Repert. f. d. off. u. gerichtl. Arz- neyw., Berl*. Repert. de pharm., Par. Repert. de therap. dosimet., Par. Repert. d. Thierh., Stuttg. Repertorium, Amersfooit. Res. d. trav. Soc. de med. prat. de la prov. d'Anvers. Reports on measures adopted for sanitary improvements in India; together with abstracts of sanitary reports forwarded from Ben- gal, Madras, and Bombay, for the yean 1867-73 (lst-7th). Lon- don. Vols, i-vi, 1868-74. Folio. [Continued as the following:] Reports on sanitary measures in India. Together with miscellane- ous information. London. Vols, vii-viii, 1873-74—1874-75. Folio. [A continuation of the preceding.] Reports (Aunual) of the Board of Regents of the United States Smithsonian Institution, to the Congress of the United States. Washington. 4 th-30th, 1849-76. s\ Reports (Annual) of the Supervising Surgeon of the Marine Hospital Service of the United States to the Secretary of the Treasury for the years 1871-72—1874-75. Washington, 1872-76. s°. Repertorium fiir Anatomie und Physiologie. Kritische Darstellung fremder uud Ergebnisse eigener Forschuug, vou G. Valentin. Berlin, 1836. Beru und St, Galleu, 1837-43. Biinde i-viii, 1837- 43. 8°. Repertorium chirurgbcher und medicinischer Abhandlungen fur praktische Aerzte und Wuudiirzte aus den wichtigsten und neue- sten engbscheu Zcitschriften. Leipzig. Biinde i-iii, 1792-98. 8°. [Want vol. iv, 1799-1-02] Repertoire general d'anatomie et de physiologie pathologigues, et de clinique chirurgicale, ou recueil de mdmoires et d'observations sur la chirurgie et sur I'anatomie et la physiologie considers dans les tissus sains et les tissus tnalades. Paris. Tom. i-vi, 1826-28. 40. [Want vol. vii-viii, 1829.] Repertorium fiir die gesammte M dicin. In Verbindung mit einem Vereine von Aerzten heransgegebeu von Heiurich Haeser. Jena. Biinde i-ix, 1841-44. 8°. [Completed.] Rdpertoire de medecinedosimetrique. Par le Dr. Burggraeve, avec la collaboration libre des medecins de tous les pays. Paris. Gaud (Belgique). Auudes 1-3,1872-75 : No. 1, aunde 4, 1876. 8°. [Want all subsequent. In 1871, title also Rdpertoire de thdra- peutique dosimdtrique] Repertorio mddico extrangero; periodico mensual de medicina, cirugia, veterinaria, farmacia, quimica y botauica, dedicado es- peciahnente £ los conocimientos utiles en la ciencia y el arte de curar, con aneglo a los descubrimientos modeiuos, por Don Josd De Lletor Castroverde Madrid. Tom. i-iv, 1833-34. 8°. Repertoire mddico-cbirurgical et obstetrical, ou cboix de mono- graphics, theses, mdinoires. etc., sur la mddeciue, la chirurgie et l'art des accouchements; publid sous la direction d'une socidtd de mddecins. Bruxelles. Tom. i-iv, 1836-37. 8°. Repertorio Medico-Habauero. Director J. N. Gutierrez. Redactores L. Costales, C. Launza, M. S. Chamorro, M. V. Miranda. Habana. I 2 s., Nos. 9-12, Jan. 1-Feb. 16, 1843; 3 s., Nos. 2. 4-6, 8, II, Mch. 16-Aug. 1, 1843; 4 s., Nos. 1-4, Sept. 1-Oct. 15, 1843. 4°. [Want all others; also, Boletiu cientifico, with which it was united Oct. ! 1,1843, forming the following:] Repertorio Medico-Habanero y Boletiu Cientifico. Redactado por Manuel V. Miranda y Justiuo V. Castro. Habana. Nos. 1-7, 9- | 15, torn. ii.Nov. 1,1-43—Juue 1, 1844; Nos. 1-6, torn, iii, July 1- Sept. 15, 1814. s-\ | A continuation of the preceding.] Repertorium fiir die offentliche unci gerichtliche Arzueywissen- schaft. Herausgegeben vou J. T.Pyl. Berlin. Biiude, i-iii, 1789 93. 8°. Rdpertoire de pharmacie. Paris. [Current. After March, 1876, Journal de chimie mddicale, etc., was united with this journal.] Repertoire de tbdrapeutique dosimdtrique Paris. [Title in 1874 of Repertoire de mddeciue dosimetrique.] Repertorium der Thierheilkuude Stuttgart. Jahrg. 37, aud Heft 1-2, Jal rg. 38,1876-77. 8°. [Curreut. Waut all prior.] Repertorium (Hot). Tijdschrift voor de geneeskuude iu al haren omvang. Amersfoort'. Jaarg. 1-7, 1847-54. 7 v. 4°. [Want all subsequent.] Resume' des travaux de la Socidte de mddecine pratique de la pro- vince d'Anvers, pendant le courant de l'aunde 1840-41, fait dans la seance generate du 12 juillet 1841; par le Dr. H. Van Berchem. Bruxelles, 1841. 8°. RESIC. ACCAD. MED.-CHIR. 76 REV. MED. ET PHARM. Resic Accad. med.-chir. di Fer- rara. Rev. d'anthrop., Par. Rev. de cien. med., Barcel. Rev. clin. Soc. d. museo anat.- patol. d. hosp. Juarez, Mexico. Rev. d. cours sclent, de la France, etc., Par. Rev. d. deux mondes, Par. Rev. gen. de cien. med. y de sanid. mil., Madrid. Rev. d. hop. civ. de Metz. Rev. internat. de l'electrother., etc., Brux. Rev. de litt. med., Par. Rev. med., Guadalajara. Rev. med., Rio de Jan. Rev. med. de Chile, Sant. de Chile. Rev. de med. y cirug. pract., Ma- drid. Rev. med. de Test, Nancy. Rev. med. franc, et etrang., Par. Rev. med. de Limoges. Rev. de med. et de pharm. de 1'Empire Ottoman, Constanti- nople. Rev. med., pharm. et hippiat., Liege. Rev. med. et pharm. du midi, Montpel. Resiconti delle aduuanze dell'Accademia medico-chirurgica di Ferrara. Nuova serie. Anno accademico xxxiv-xxxvi, 1861-63. Ferrara. 1861-64. 3 pts. so. Revue d'anthropologie Paris. No. 1, torn, i, 1872. s°. [Want all subsequent.] Revista de ciencias mddicas. Periodico mensnal de conocimientos mdd cos. Barcelona. Ano 1-3, 1875-77. 3 v. 8°. [Current] Revista cli .ica de la Sociedad del museo anatomo-patologico del hosp-tal Juarez. Mexico. Nos. 1-2, torn, i, 1874. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Revue des cours scieutifiqucs de la France et de l'dtranger. Phy- sique—chimie — zoologie — botanique—auatomie—phys ologie — gdologie—paldontologie—mddecine. Paris. Anndes 1-2, 1863-65. 2 v., and Nos. 39-50, 1869. 4°. [Want years 3-7 (all after Nov. 25, 1865, and prior to July, 1871, except Nos. 39-50, 1869. See La Revue scientifique de la France et de l'dtrauger, for second series.] Revue des deux mondes. Paris. 48 torn., 1870-77. 8°. Revista general de ciencias medicas y de sanidad militar. Periddico oficial de cuerpo de sanidad del ejercito. Madrid. [Title of vol. iv of Revista de sanidad militar espaiiolay extranjera, vol. iv,1867.] Revue des hopitaux civils de Metz. Journal d'oculistique, de mdde- ciue et de chirurgie pratiques, par J. B. E. Defer. Metz. Nos. 1-13, 1852-57. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Revue internationale de l'eiectrotherapie, detherapeutique mddico- chirurgicale, de pharmacie et d'hygiene, publide par H. van Hols- beek et B. Dupny. Annales de l'dlectricitd et £cho mddical rdunis. Bruxelles. [Title of vol. xv, 1874, of Annales de l'dlectricitd mddicale. Revue internationale, etc., which see for prior and suc- ceeding vols.] Revue de littdrature mddicale. Paris. Anndes 1-2, 1876-77. 2 v. 8°. [Current.] Revista (La) medica. Periodico cientifico de la Sociedad de medi- cina de Guadalajara. Tom. i, 1871-72, torn, iii, 1875—Oct., 1876. 4°. [Want vol. ii; also all subsequent.] Revista medica. Publicacao quinzenal. Redigida por estudantes de medicina. Rio de Janeiro. Anno 1-4, 1873-77. 4 v. 8°. [Cur- rent. Anno 2, sub-title, Jornal de sciencias medicas e cirurgicas. Anno 3 is vol. i, n. s., title, Revista medica do Rio de Janeiro; jornal de sciencias medicas, cirurgicas e uaturaes. Anno 4, sub- title, Orgam da Associacao medica do Rio de Janeiro.] Revista medica de Chile. Publicada bajo la redaccion de la Socie- dad medica. Santiago de Chile Tom. i-v, 1872-77. 8°. [Cur- rent.] Revista de medicina y cirugia praciicas (nacioual y extranjera). Organo oficial de la Academia medico-quirtirgiea Jerezana. Ma- drid. Ano 1, 1877. 1 v. 8°. [Current.] Revue medicale de l'est. rent.] Nancy. Tom. i-viii, 1874-77. 8°. [Cur- Revue medicale francaise etetrangere. Paris. 157 torn., 1823-77. 8°. [Current. Waut 1820-21 (as Revue medicale historique et philoso- phique); 1822; 1859; Sept. 10-Dec 31,1870; March 31, Apr. 15,Aug. 30, 1871; Jan. 1-June 30, Sept. 6, and Oct. 18, 1873; also Nos. 32 and 43, 1876. In 1831, Memorial des h6pitaux du midi, and in 1834, Transactions medicales, merged in this journal.] Revue medicale de Limoges. Annes 1-4, 1867-74. 4 v. 8°. [Com- pleted. After No. 8, vol. iii (Dec, 1869), suspended till Aug., 1872. After 1869, sub-title, Journal choisi par la Societd de mddecine et de pharmacie de la Haute-Vienue pour la publication de ses tra- vaux.] Revue de mddecine et de pharmacie de l'Empire O toman. Con- stantinople. Annde2,1876-77. 1 v. Roy.8°. [Current. Want 1st year. ] Revue mddicale, pharmaceutique et hippiatrique Lid^e. Tom i 1847-48. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Revue mddicale et pharmaceutique du midi : journal des connais- sances pratiques et des interets professionals, redige par une so- ciete de medecins et de pharmaciens de cette region. Montpellier Annee 1, and Nos. 1-2, annee 2, 1 v., 1875-76. [Want No. 18 1st year; also all subsequent to above.] REV. MED. DE TOULOUSE. 77 RICHMOND M. J. Rev. med. de Toulouse. Rev. med.-chir. de Par. Rev. med.-phot. d. hop. de Par. Rev. med.-quir., Buenos Aires. Rev. med.-quir., N.-Y. Rev. mens, de med. et de chir. Par. Rev. phot. d. hop. de Par. Rev. de sanid. mil. espan., Ma- drid. Rev. desanid. mil. y gen. de cien. med., Madrid. Rev. d. sc. med., Par. Rev. scient., Par. Rev. scient. d. med. d. armees, Par. Rev. de therap. med.-chir., Par. Rev. de therap. du midi, Montpel. Rev. d. Wien. Med.-Halle. Rhein. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir., Bonn. Rhein. Monatsch. f. prakt. Aerz- te, Koln. Rhein.-westphal. Jahrb. d. Med. u. Chir, Hamm. Richmond & Louisville M. J., Louisville. Richmond M. J. Revue medicale de Toulouse, publide par la Socidtd inn enale do md- decine, chirurgie et pharmacie. Toulouse. Tom. i-xi, 1867-77. 8°. [Current.] Revue mddico-chirurgicale de Paris, "jourual de mddecine" et "joun al de chirurgie" rdunis ; sons la direction de M. Malgaigne Paris. Tom. i-xviii, 1847-55. 8°. [Want all subsequent. Formed by union of Journal do mddecine, rdilactcur M. Beau, with Journal de chirurgie, par Malgaigne.] Revue mddieo-photographique des hopitaux de Paris. [Title of vols. v-viii of Revue photographique des bOpitaux de Paris, Jan., 1873, etc.] Revista mddico-quTurgioa. Buenos Aires. Tom. i-xi, 1864-74. 8°. [Want all since No. 18, vol. xi (Dec. 23, 1874).] Revista mddieo-ipiiriirgica y dentistica de los Sres. Wilson y Gon- zalez. Nneva-York. Nos. 1-3, torn, i, 1868. 8°. [Completed.] Revue mensuelle de'mddecine et de chirurgie. 8°. [Current.] Paris. Tom. i, 1877. Revue photographique des hopitaux de Paris. Bulletin mddical publid sous le patronage de l'administration de l'assistance pu- blique, par les docteurs Montmeja, J. Rengate et Bourneville. Paris. Anndes 1-7, and Nos. 1-6, annde 8, 1869—June, 1876. 7 v. 8°. [Want all subsequent. After 1872, title, Revue mddico-pho- tographiqne des hopitaux de Paris.] Revista d« sanidad militar espaiiola y extranjera. Madrid. Tom. i-iv, 1864-67. 8°. [Completed. Vol. iv, title, Revista general de ciencias medicas y de sanidad militar. Vol. iii, title as follows:] Revista de sanidad militar j general de ciencias medicas. Periodico oficial del cueipo de sanidad militar. Madrid. [Title of vol. iii of the preceding. ] Revue des sciences medicales en Fiance et a l'etranger. Recueil trimestrial analytique, critique et bibliographique, dirige par Georges Hayem. Paris. Tom. i-x, 1873-77. 8°. [Current.] Revue (La) scientifique de la France et de l'etranger. Revue des cours scieutifiques (2 8.). Paris. Tom. i-xiii, 1871-77. 4°. [Cur- rent. Want Nos. 1-7, vol. i; also, vol. iii, July-Dec, 1872. See Revue des cours scientifiques, etc., for first series.] Revue scientifique et administrative des medecins des armees. Paris. Nos. 138-167 (- f torn, viii-ix), 1867-78. 8°. [Current. Waut all prior; also, Nos. 147-149 aud 162, 163.] Revue de therapentique mddico-chirurgicale, publiee par le dr. A. Martin-Lauzer. (Journal des conuaissancts medico-chi urgi- cales.) Paris. Annees 1-25, 1853-77. 25 v. so [Current. Suspended from Sept. 15, 1870, till Apr. 1, 1871. A continuation of Journal des connaissances medico-chirurgical s.] Revue de thdrapeutique du midi, journal de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie pratiques. Montpellier. Tom. i-xi, 1850-57. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Revue der Wiener Medizinal-Halle Jahrbuch der gesammten praktischen Heilkunde des In- und Auslandes. Wien. Jahrg. 1-2, 1860-61. 1 v. 8°. [A supplement to Wiener Medizinal-Halle. For continuation, see Medizinisch-chirurgische Rnnr schau ] Rheiuische Jahrbiicher der Mediein uud Chirurgie. Mit Zugabe des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsteu aus der medicinisch-chirurgi- schen Literatur des Auslaudes. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. F. Harless. Boun, 1819-21. Elberfeld, 1822-23. [See vols, i-vii, 1819-23, of Neue Jahrbiicher der teutschen Mediein, etc.] Rheinische Monatsschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Koln. Biinde i-v, 1847-51. 8°. Rheinischwestphalische Jahrbiicher der Mediein uud Chirurgie. Hamm. [See vols, viii-xii, 1824-27, of Neue Jahibiicher der teut chen Mediein und Chirurgie Bonn.] Rhode Island Medical Society. [Sec Communications of the —.] Richmond (The) and Louisville Medical Journal. E. S. Gaillard. Louisville, Ky. Vols, vi-xxiv, 1868-77. 8'. [Current. A con- tinuation of the following:] Richmond (The) Medical Journal. Edited by E. S. Gaillard and W. S. McChesney. Richmond, Va. Vols, i-v, 1800-68. 8°. [Con- tinued as the preceding.] RIFORMA CLIN. 78 SAMML. V. NAT. U. MED. Riforma clin., Napoli. Riv. clin. di Bologna. Riv. sper. di freniat., Reggio- Emilia. Rocznik Ces. Krol. Towarz. Nauk. Krakow. Rom.-kais. Akad. d. Naturf. Med.- chir.- . . . Abhandl., Niirnb. Roy. Com. san. state Army in India, Lond. Rozpr. . . . wydz. matemat.- przyr. Akad. umiej. W Kra- kow. Russlands med. Ztg., St. Pe- ter sb. Riforma (La) clinica. Giornale e dizionario di medicina. Napoli. Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] Rivista clinica di Bologua. (Continnazione dell'Ebdomadario eliuico.) Bologna. Anni 4-9, and 2 s., anni 1-7, 1865-77. 13 v. 4C. [Current. A continuation of L'Ebdomadario clinico di Bologna.] Rivista sperimentale cli freniatria e di medicina legale iu relazione con l'antropologia e le scienze giuridiche e sociali. Reggio- Emilia. Anni 1-3, 1875-77. 3 v. 8°. • [Current.] Rocznik Ces. Kr61. Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego. Kra- kdw. Tom. xii, xiv, xvi, xix, xxi, 1867-68 and 1870-72. S . Romisch-kaiserliche Akademie der Naturforscher. Anserleseneme- dicinisch- chirurgisch- anatomisch- chymisch- und botanische Ab- handlungen der romisch-kaiserlichen Akademie der Naturforscher. Aus dem Lateinischen in das Deutsche iibersetzt. Niirnberg. 20 v., 1755-71. 4C. [See Medical Transac- Royal College of Physicians of London. tions, published by the —.] Royal Commission on the sanitary state of the Army in India, Lon- don. 2 v. 1863. Folio. Royal (The) London Ophthalmic Hospital Reports and Journal of Ophthalmic Medicine and Surgery. [Title, after Oct., 1860, of Ophthalmic Hospital Reports, and Journal of the Royal London Ophthalmic Hosxdtal.] Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. [See Medico- Chirurgical Transactions Published by the—. AIso, Proceed- ings of the —.] Royal Microscopical Society. London. [See The Monthly Micro- scopical Jourual.] Royal Navy. [See Statistical (A) Return of the Health of the —.] Royal Society of London. [See Philosophical Transactions of the —.] Royal Society of Tasmania. [See Reports of the—.] Rozprawy i sprawozdania z posiedzeri wydzialu materuatyczno- przyrodniczego Akademii umiejetnosci W Krakowie. Tom. i, 1874 8°. Russlands medicinische Zeitung. St. Petersburg. Jahrg. 12-17, 1855-60. 6 v. 4°. [Want all prior and subsequent] s. Salute, Genova. Salute (suppl.), Genova. Samml. gerichtsarztl. Gutacht. d. Prag. med. Fak, Samml. f. d. Heilk. d. Gemiiths- krankh., Elberfeld. Samml. klin. Vortr., Leipz. Samml. v. Nat. u. Med., etc., Leipz. Berlin. [See Medicinischer Alma- Sachs' medicinischer Almanach. nach-, etc.] Salute (La). Giornale d'igiene popolare e di altre cognizioni ntili. Genova. Anni 1-12, 1865-77. 12 V. 8°. [Current. Vol. i is 2d edition. In 1875 was added a supplement, under the following title:] * Salute (La). Giornale di scienze mediche, con speciali riviste de medicina^ chirurgia e terapeutica. Genova. Anni 1-3, 1875-77. 3 v. 8°. [Current. A supplement to the preceding.] Sammlung gerichtsarztlicher Gutachten der Prager medicinischen Fakultat. Zusammengestellt und herausgegeben in Vollmacht der Fakultat von Dr. Josef Maschka. Prag, 1853; also, 2te and 3te Folge, Prag, 1858-67; and 4te Folge. Leipzig, 1873. 4 v. 8°. Sammlungen fiir die Heilkunde der Gemiithskrankheiten. Heraus- gegeben von Maximilian Jacobi Elberfeld. Biinde i-iii, 1822-30. 12°. Sammlung klinischer Vortiiige in Verbindung mit deutschen Klini- kern herausgegeben vou Richard Volkmaun. Chirurgie, Nos. 1-35; Gyniikologie, Nos. 1-37 ; Innere Mediein, Nos. 1-39. Leip- zig, 1874-77. 8°. l Sammlung von Natur- und Mediein- wie auch hierzu gehorio-en Kunst- uud Literatur-Geschichieu. Leipzig und Budissin. 17*19- 23. 4 v. 4°. [Sub-title, Annalium physico-medicorum, odcr Geschichte der Natur und Kunst. SAN FRANCISCO M. J. 79 SCHMIDT'S JAHRB. San Francisco M. J. San Francisco M. Press. San. Jour, for Scotland, Glasg. San. Jour., Toronto. San. & M. Rep. U. S. Navy. San. Rec, Lond. San. Rep. Oudh, Lucknow. San. Rev., Lond. San.-Gesetze u. Verord., etc. Wien. Sanitarian, N. Y. Sante pub., Par. Savannah J. M. Savannah J. M., n. s. Scalpel, Liege. Schat d. Gezondh., Haarlem. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cul- tur. Abth. f. Naturw. u. Med., Breslau. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cultur. Jahresb. d. med. Sect. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Cul- tur. Phil.-hist. Abth., Breslau. Schles. Gesellsch. f. vaterl. Kul- tur, Arbeiten, etc., Breslau. Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz. San Francisco (The) Medical Journal. Devoted to medicine, sur- gery, science, literature and news. San Francisco. No. 1, vol. i, I806. 8\ [Completed.] San Francisco (The) Medical Press. Vols, i-v, 1 SjO-65. 8°. [Com- pleted. In April, 1865, consolidated with The Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal, forming The Pacific Medical and Surgical Journal and Press.] Sanitary Commissioner for Madias. [See Proceedings (Minutes of) of the —.] Sanitary (The) Journal for Scotland. Glasgow. Vol. i, 1876-77 4° [Current. Wa t No. 1 (March, 1876).] Sanitary (The) Journal. Devoted to public health. Toronto. Vols. i-ii, 1874-76. -°. [Completed.] Sanitary and Medical Reports for 1873-74, by Officers of the U. S. Navy. Prepared for publication under the direction of the Sur- geon-General of the Navy, by H. C. Nelson. Washington, 1875. Sanitary (The) Record. A jourual of public health. London. Vols. i-vii, 1874-77. 4°. [Current.] Sanitary Report for the Province of Oudh, for the 1st to 8th year. Lucknow, 1869-76. Folio. Sanitary (The) Review and Journal of Public Health. London. [Title of vols, iii-ivof The Journal of Public Health and Sanitary Review.] Sauitiits-Gesetze und Verordnungen fiir die im Reichsrathe vertre- tenen Lander uud speciell fiir Nieder-Oesterreich. Neue Folge. Band i, Jahrg. 1870-71. Wien, 1872. 8°. Sanitarian (The). A monthly journal. New York. Vols, i-v, 1873- 77. 8°. [Current.] Sante (La) publique. Hygiene et mddecine populaires. Paris. Nouvelle sdrie. Anndes 1-4, 1872-76. 1 v. Folio. [Want all piior and subsequent.] Savannah (The) Journal of Medicine. Savannah, Ga. Vols, i-iv, 1858-61. 8°. [Waut Nos. 4-5, vol. iv, Aug. ami Sept., Mil; also, all published after No. 6, Oct., 1861.] Savannah (The) Journal of Medicine. Savannah, Ga. New series. , Vol. v, 1866. 8°. Scalpel (Le); organe des intdiets ecieutifiques et professionnels de la mddecine, [etc.] Lidge. Anndes 6-29, 1853-77. 24 v. Folio. [Current. Want all prior; also, No. 22, vol. vii; No. 21, vol. viii; No. 35, vol. xiii; No. 24, vol. xv; No. 28, vol. xvi; No. 28, vol. xvii; No. 52 and index, vol. xix; No. 48, vol. xxii; No. 39, vol. xxvii (1874-75).] Schat der Gezoudheid. Een Tijdschrift voor alle Standeu, tot Be- vordering van Volkswelvaart, door Verspreiding van eeuvoudige Beginselen van Gezondheidsleer en opeubare Gezoudheidsregeling en hunueToepassiugop hetiudividueelen maatschappelijkLeveu. Haarlem, 1858-63. Amsterdam, 1864. Gorinchem, 1865-66. Jaarg. 1-9, 1858-66. 9 v. 8°. Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterliiudische Cultur. [See Neue Breslauer Sammlungeu aus dem Gebiete der Heilkuude, heraus- gegeben von der medicinischen Section der—.] Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterliiudische Cultur. Abtheilung fiir Naturwissenschaftcu uud Mediciu. Breslau. 1867-8—1872-3. 8°. Auszug aus der Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Verauderungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterliiudische Cultur. Jahres- Bericht der niedioiuisehen Section, 1838-51 ; 1856-58. 4°. Abhandlungen der schlesischen Gesellschaft fiir vaterliiudische Cultur. Philosophisch-historische Abtheilung. Breslau, 1867-8— 1873-4. 8°. Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veriiuderungou der schlesischen Ge- sellschaft fiir vaterliiudische Kultur in den Jahren 1847 und 1849. Breslau. 2 v., 1848-50. 4°. Schmidt's Jahrbiicher. Leipzig. 175 Bd., 1834-77. Boy. 8°. [Cur- rent. See, also, Jahrbiicher der iu- und auslandischen gesamm- teu Mediein.] SCIIRIFT. D. GESELLSCH. SO SITZUNGSB. D. K.-BOHM. GESELLSCH. Schrift. d. Gesellsch. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. Schrift. d. naturf. Gesellsch. in Danzig. Schrift. d. naturw. Ver. f. Schlesw. Hoist., Kiel. Schrift. d. phys.-okonom. Ge- sellsch. zu Konigsb. Schrift. d. Univ. zu Kiel. Schweiz. Cor.-Bl. f. Aerzte u. Apoth., Bern. Schweiz. Cor.-Bl. f. Mil.-, San- u. Med-Wes., Sarmenstorf. Schweiz. Monatschr. f. prakt. Med., Bern. Schweiz. Wchnschr. f. Pharm., Schaffhausen. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Bern. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Ziirich. Schweiz. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk., Ziirich. Science pour tous, Par. Scottish M. Press, Edinb. Scottish 8c North of Eng. M. Gaz., Edinb. Select. Rec. Gov., North-West. Prov. (India), Allahabad. Semi-month. M. News, Louis- ville. Siglo med., Madrid. Sitz.-Ber. d. Gesellsch. Isis in Dresd. Sitzungsb. d. Gesellsch. z. Be- ford. d. ges. Naturw. zu Marb. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. d. Wis- sensch., Wien. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Munchen. Sitzungsb. d. k.-bohm. Ge- sellsch. d. Wissensch., Prag. Schriften der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Natur- wissenschaft en zu Marburg. Biinde ix-x, 1871-73. 8°. Schriften der naturforsehenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. Biinde i- iii, 1863-75. 8°. Schriften des naturwisseuschaftl■ehen Vereins fur Schleswig-Hol- stein. Kiel. Band i, and Heft 1, Band ii, 1873-76. 8°. Schriften der physikalisch-okonoinischen Gesellschaft zu Konigs- berg. Jahrg. 1-16, 1860-75. 9 v. 4°. Schriften der Universitat zu Kiel. Aus den Jahren 1855-75 (ii- xxii). Kiel. 20 v., 1855-76. 4°. Schweizerische militariitztliche Gesellschaft. [See Schweizerisches Correspondeuz-Blatt fiir Militiir-, Sauitats-uud Medizinal-Wesen. Organ der —.] Schweizerisches Correspondenzblatt fiir Aerzte und Apotheker. Bern. [Title of vol. iii, 1852. of Bernisches Correspondenzblatt fiir Aerzte und Apotheker.] Schweizerisches Correspondenz-Blatt fiir Militar , Sauitiits- uud Medizinal-Wesen. Orgau der schweizerischen militiirarztlichen Gesellschaft. Sarmen-torf. Jahrg. 1-4, 1855-58. 4 v. 8°. Schweizerische Monatschrift fur praktische Medizin. Bern. Jahrg, 1, 3-5, 18,-)6, 1858-60. 4 v. 8°. [Want vol. ii; Nos. I, 12, vol. iv; also, all subsequent.] Schweizerische Wochenschrift fiir Pharmacie. Schaffhausen. Jahrg. 14-15,1876-77. 8°. [Current. Waut all prior.] Schweizerische Zeitschrift liir Heilkuude. Bern. Biinde i-iii, 1862- 64. 8°. [Completed.] Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Medizin, Chirurgie uud Geburts- hiilfe. Herausgegeben von den medizinisch-chiiurgischeu Kan- tonalgesellschaften von Ziirich und Bern. Ziirich. Jahrg. 1-12, 1845-56. 12 v. 8°. [Completed.] Schweizerische Zeitschrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde. Zurich. 6 v., 1834-41. 8°. [Completed.] Science (La) pour tous ; revue hebdomadaire illustrde paraissant le samedi. Astronomie, mdcanique, physique, chimie, travaux pub- lics, cheniius de fer, agriculture, expositions, hygiene, mddecine, physiologic, voyages, histoire naturelle, gdologie, socidtds sa- \ antes, miues, etc. Paris. Annees 17-22, 1872-77. 6 v. 4°. Scottish Medical Press. Edinburgh. Nos. 1, 2, Oct., 1868. 4°. [A supplemeut to The Medical Press and Circular.] Scottish (The) and North of England Medical Gazette. Edinburgh. 1 v., 1843-44. 8°. [Continued as The Northern Jourual of Med- icine.] Selections from the Records of Government, North-Western Prov- inces. Allahabad. Parts xl and xiii, n. s., vol. ii., No. 2. 1864 and 1869. Folio. Semi-monthly (The) Medical News. Louisville, Ky. Vols, i-iii, 1859-60. 8°. [Completed. Vols, ii and iii, title, The Monthly Medical News.] Siglo (El) medico. (Boletiu de medicina y Gaceta medica.) Pe- riodico oficial de la real Academia de medicina de Madrid y de la Sociedad de secorros mutuos. Madrid. Tom. i-xxiv, 1854-77. Folio. [Curreut. Want No. 552, July 31,1864. Formed by union of Boletiu de medicina, cirugia y farmacia, with La Gaceta medica.] Sitzungs-Berichte der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden. Jahrg. 18(58-75, and Nos. 1-3,1876. 8°. [Waut Nos 1-3, 186- : Nos 10-12, 1870.] Sitzuugsberichte der Gesellschaft zur Beforderung der gesammten Naturwissenschaften zu Marburg. Jahrg. 1866-75. Marburg. 8°. Sitzungsbericht der kaiseiiichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-natur wissenschaftliche Classe. Wien. Jahrg. 1872, Hefte iii-v, Band lxvi. «°. Sitzungsberichte der kociglich-bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Miinchen. 1868-70. 6 v. S\ Sitzungsberichte der koniglich-bohmischen Gesellschaft der Wis- senschaften. Prag. Jahrg. l8ti-'-76. 8 . SITZUNGSB. D. MATH.-PHYS. CL. 81 SOC. MED.-CHIR. Sitzungsb. d. math. phys. CI. d. k.-bayer. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Munchen. Sitzungsb. d. nied.-rhein. Gesell- sch. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. zu Bonn. Sitzungsb. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Sitzungsb. d. Ver. d. Aerzte in Steiermark. Smithson. Misc. Collect., Wash. Soc. med. Havn. collect. Soc. med.-chir. in Modena, Re- soc. HAT Sitzungsberichte der mathematisch-physikalischen Classe der konig- Iich-bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Miinchen. Bande i-v; Hefte 1-2, Band vi; 1871-76. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der niederrheinischen Gesellschaft fur Natur- und Heilkunde zu Bouu. 1869-71. 8°. Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medicinischen Societiit zu Brian- s'- Hefte3~5 (May, 1870-Aug., 1873); Heft 9 (Nov., 1875—Aug., 18/ /). 8°. [A continuation of Verhandlungen der physikalisch- medicinischen Societiit zn Erlaugen.] Sitzungsberichte des Vereins der Aerzte in Steiermark. Graz. [Title of Jahresberichte v-xi of the same society.] Smithsonian Institution. Miscellaneous Collections. Washington. Vol. n, 1862. 8°. [See, also, Reports (Annual) of the Board of Regents of the United States Smithsonian Institution.] Sociedad anatdmica espaiiola. [See Anales de la —. Also, Memoriaa leidas en la —.] Sociedad centro medico-farmaceutico Castellonense. [See La Union medica. Revista . . . Organo oficial de la —.] Sociedad espanola de hidrologia medica. [See Anales de la —.] Sociedad medica. Santiago de Chile. [See Revista medica de Chile. Publicada bajo la redaccion de la —.] Sociedad de medicina de Guadalajara. [See La Revista mddica. Periodico cientifico de la —.] Sociedad mddico-farmacdutica de Toluca. [See Memorias de la—.] Sociedad del museo anatomo-patoldgico del hospital Juarez. [See Revista clinica de la —.] Sociedad das sciencias mddicas de Lisboa. [See Jornal da —.] Society italiaua di antropologia e etnologia. [See Archivio per l'an- tropologia e la etnologia. Organo della —.] Society di medicina e chirurgia di Torino. [See L'Osservatore. Gazzetta delle cliuiche, giornale ufficiale della —.] Societatis medicas Havniensis collectanea. Havniae. 2 v., 1774- 75. 8°. Societa medico-chirurgica di Bologna. [See Bullettino delle scienze mediche, pubblicato per cura della —.] Society medico-chirurgica in Modena. Resoconto delle adunanze tenute nel mesi di uovembre e decembre 1875; gennaio-giugno 1876; novembre e decembre 1876; gennaio-giugno 1877. 8°. Societa medico-chirurgica di Parma. [See Giornale della —.] Society medico chirurgica di Torino. [See Giornale delle scienze mediche della —.] Societas Academia? scientiarum principalis Hassiacse [See Acta philosophico-medica —.] Societas medica Havniensis. [See Acta —.] Socidtd d'agri culture, scieuces, belles-lettres et arts d'Orldans. [See Mdmoires de la —.] Socidtd d'anatomie pathologique de Bruxelles. Sdant a l'Uuiversitd libre. [See Annales de la —.] Socidtd anatomique de Paris. [See Bulletin de la —.] Socidte d'anthropologie de Paris.* [See Bulletins de la —. Also, Memoires de la —.] Socidte de biologie. Paris. [See Comptes-rendus des seances et memoires de la —.] Societd de chirurgie de Paris. [See Bulletin de la—. AIso, Bul- letins et memoires de la —. Also, Memoires de la —.] Societe d'hydrologie medicale de Paris. [See Annales de la —.] Societe imperiale de medecine de Bordeaux. [See Compte-rendu des travaux de la —.] Societe imperiale de medecine, chirurgie et pharmacie. Toulouse. [See Revue medicale de Toulouse, publiee par la —.] Societe imperiale des naturalistes de Moscow. [See Bulletin de la —.] Societe imperiale des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg. [See Me- moires de la Societe des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg.] SOC. MED.-CHIR. 82 SOC. MED.-CHIR. Socidtd de mddecine d'Anvers. [See Annales de la —. Also, Md- moires de la —.] Societe de mddecine de Besancon. [Sec Bulletin de la —.] j Socidtd de mddeciue de Bordeaux. [See Mdmoires et bulletin de la —. Also, L'Union mddicale de la Giroude. Journal chom pour les publications de la —.] Socidtd de mddecine de Bruxelles. [See Actes de la —.] Socidtd de mddecine et de chirurgie de Bordeaux. [See Mdmoires et bulletins de la —.] Socidtd de mddecine, chirurgie et pharmacie do Toulouse. [See Compte-rendu des travaux de la —. ] Socidte de mddecine et de climatologie de Nice. See Nice-medical. Climatologie.—Mddecine pratique.—Hygiene Organe offlciel de la—.] Societe de medecine de Gaud. [See Annales de la—. Also, Bul- letin de la —.] Socidte de medecine legale de Paris. [See Bulletin de la —.] Societe de medecine de Lyon. [See Comp'e-rendu des travaux de la—. AIso, Journal de la—.] Socidtd de mddecine de Nancy. [See Compte-rendu des travaux de la —. Also, Mdmoires de la —.] Socidte de medecine de Poitiers. [See Bulletin de la —.] Societd de mddecine pratique. Paris. [See Compte-rendu des tra- vaux de la—.] Societe de medecine-pratique de Montpellier. [See Actes de la —.] Socidtd de mddecine pratique de la province d'Anvers. Etablie a Willebroeck. [See Annales de la —. Also, Rdsumd des travaux de la —.] Socidtd de medecine de Rouen. [See Union medicale de la Seine- inferienre: journal de la —.] Societe de medecine de Saiut-EHienne et de la Loire. [See Annales de la —.] Societe de mddecine de Strasbourg. [See Mdmoires de la —. Also, Proces-verbaux des seances de la —.] Socidtd medicale allemande de Paris. [See Recueil des travaux his a la —.] Socidtd mddicale d'Amiens. [See Bulletin des travaux de la —.] Socidtd mddicale de Boulogne-sur-Mer. [See Prdcis des travaux de la—.] Socidtd mddicale du ddpartement d'Indre-ct-Loire. [See Recueil des travaux de la —.] Socidtd mddicale de Dijon. [See Prdcis analytique des travaux de la —.] Socidtd mddicale d'dmulation de Paris. [See Bulletins de la —. Also, Mdmoires de la —.] Socidtd mddicale de Geneve. [See Recueil des travaux de la —.] Socidte mddicale du Haut-Rhin. [See Bulletin de la —.] Socidtd mddicale des bdpitanx de Paris. [See Actes de la —. Also, Bulletins et mdmoires de la—.] Socidtd mddicale d'observation. Paris. [Sec Mdmoires de la —. Also, Recueil des travaux de la —.] Socidtd mddicale du Panthdon de Paris. [See Bulletin de la —.] Socidtd mddicale du premier arrondissement de Paris. [See Compte- rendu des travaux de la —.] Socidtd mddicale de Reims. [See Bulletins de la —.] Societd mddicale de la Suisse-Romande. [See Bulletin de la —.] Socidtd mddicale de l'Yonne. [See Bulletin de la —.] Socidtd medico-chirurgicale de Bruges. [See Annales de la —.] Socidte mddico-chirurgicale de Lidge. [See Annales de la —.] Socidtd mddico-pratique de Paris. [See Bulletin des travaux de la —. ] SOMMAIRE D. TRAV. DE LA SOC. 83 SOUTH. M. REC. Sommaire d. trav. de la Soc. d. bc. med. de la Moselle, Metz. South. J. M. 8c Pharm., Charles- ton. South. J. M. Sc Phys. Sc, Knox- ville, Tenn. South. J. M. Sc, N. Orl. South. M. Rec, Atlanta. ! Socidtd nationale de mddecine de Lyon. [See Annales de la —.] Socidtd nationale de mddecine de Marseille. [See Proces-verbaux des seances publiques et comptes rendus des travaux de la —.] Socidtd nationale des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg. [Sec Md- moires do la Societd des sciences naturelles do Cherbourg.] Socidtd de physique etd'histoiro naturelle do Geneve [See Mdmoires do la —.] Socidte royale de mddecine Paris. [See, Histoire de la —.] Societd royale de medecine de Bordeaux. [See Notice des travaux de la —.'] Socidtd royale des sciences, lettres et arts de Nancy. [ See Prdcis des travaux de la —.] Socidtd do sante de Lyon. [Sec K'ecueil dcs actes de la —.] Socidtd de.s sciences mddicales du ddpartement de la Moselle. [See Exposd des travaux dela —. Also, Sommaire des travail xde la—.] Societd des sciences mddicales du grand-duchd de Luxembourg. [Nee Bulletin de la—.] Socidtd des sciences mddicales do Lyon. [See Mdmoires et comptes- rendus de la —.] Societd des sciences mddicales et naturelles de Bruxelles. [See Annales de la —. Also, Bulletins des sdances de la —. Also, Compte-rendu des travaux de la —. Also, Journal de mddecine ; public par la —. Also, Jourual de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacologic, publid par la —.] Socidtd des sciences naturelles de Cherbourg. la-.] fe [See Mdmoires de [Set Socidtd des sciences physiques et naturelles de Bordeaux Mdmoires de la—.] Socidtd des sciences physiques, naturelles et climatologiques d'Alger. [See Bulletiu de la —.] Socidte de therapeutique. Paris. [See Bulletins et memoires de la—.] Societe vaudoise des sciences naturelles. [See Bulletin de la —.] Societes de secours aux blesses militaires. [See Bulletin inter- national des —. Also, Conferences internationales des —.] Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chirurgical Knowledge. London. [See Transactions of a —.] Society of Physicians in London. [See Medical Observations and Inquiries by a —.] London. [See Medical Society for Promoting Medical Knowledge. Communications of the —.] Sommaire des travaux de la Societe des scieuces medicales du dd- partement de la Moselle. Metz. [See Expose des travaux, etc., vol. i.] South Carolina Medical Association. [See Proceedings of the —. Also, Transactions of the —.] Southern (The) Journal of Mediciue and Pharmacy. Charleston. Vols, i-ii, 1846-47. 8°. [For continuation, see The Charleston Medical Journal and Review.] Southern (The) Jourual of the Medical aud Physical Sciences. Nashville, 1853-54. Knoxville, 1855-57. Vols, i-vi, 185:3-57. 8°. [Completed. Want indexes for vols, iii and iv. After May, 1853, The East Tennessee Record of Medicine aud Surgery merged in this journal. In Dec. No., 1857, The East Tennessee Medical Times announced as a continuation of this journal.] Southern (The) Journal of the Medical Scieuces. New Orleans. Vols, i-ii, 1866-67. 8°. [In Jan., 1868, consolidated with The New Orleans Medical and Surgical Journal, forming The New Orleans Journal of Medicine.] Southern (The) Medical Record: a monthly journal of practical medicine. Atlanta. Vols, iii-vii, 1873-77. 8°. [Current. A continuation of The Georgia Medical Companion.] SOUTH. M. & S. J. 84 STETHOSCOPE. South. M. & S. J., Augusta. Spallanzani, Modena. Sperimentale, Firenze. Spitals-Ztg., Wien. St. Andrew's M. Grad. Ass. Tr., Lond. St. Barth. Hosp. Rep., Lond. St. George's Hosp. Rep., Lond. St. Joseph J. M. & S. St. Louis Clin. Rec. St. Louis M. Reporter. St. Louis M. & S. J. St. Louis Probe. St. Petersb. med. Wchnschr. St. Petersb. med. Ztschr. St. Thomas's Hosp. Rep., Lond. Statist. Rep. Health Navy, Lond. Statist. Return Health Roy. Navy, Lond. Stethoscope, Lond. Stethoscope, Richmond. Southern (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Augusta. Vols i, ii, 1836-38; Nos. 5. 11, 12, vol. iii, Feb., Aug., and Sept.. 1839; n. s., vols, i-xvii, 1845-61; 3 s., vol. i, 1866-67. 21 v. s \ [Completed. Want Nos. 1-4, 6-10, vol. iii, 1838-39. After end of vol. iii sus- pended till Jau., 1845, and again, at end of 1861, till May, 1866.] Spallanzani (Lo). Rivista teorico-pratica di scienze mediche e naturali. Modena. Anni 12-15, 1874-77. 4 v. 8°. [Curreut. Want all prior.] Sperimentale (Lo), ovvero giornale critico di medicina c chirurgia per servire ai bisogni dell'arte salutarc Firenze. Anni 10-29, seiie qnarta, torn, i-xl, 1858-77. 8°. [Current. A continuation of Gazzetta medica italiana federativa toscana.] Spitals-Zeitung. Wien. Nos. 2-52, 1864. 1°. [Want No. 1; also all subsequent to 1864. A supplement to Wiener medizinisch Wochenschrift.] St. Andrew's Medical Graduates Association. Transactions. Lon- don. Vols, i-vi, 1867-73. 8°. Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. London. Vols, i-xiii, 1865-77. 8J. St. Gallische naturwissenschaftliche Gesellschaft. [Sec Bericht iiber die Thiitigkeit der —.] Saint George's Hospital Reports. London. Vols, i-iv, vii, viii, 1866-76. 8\ Saint Joseph (The) Journal of Medicine and Surgery, a bi-monthly journal, devoted to the advancement of practical medicine and surgery, under the auspices and supervision of the members of the Saint Joseph Medical Society. St. Joseph, Mo. Nos. 4,5, vol. i, March., May, 1859; Nos. 1,2, 4,5, vol. ii, Sept., Nov., 1859, March., May, I860; Nos. 1-3, vol. iii, Sept., 1860—Jan., 1861. 8°. [Want all others.] Saint Louis Clinical Record, a monthly journal of medicine and surgery. Vols, ii-iv, 1875-78. 8°. [Current. A continuation of Missouri Clinical Record.] St. Louis (The) Medical Reporter. A semi-monthly record of med' icine and surgery. Vols, i-iv, 1866-69. 8°. [Merged in The" Medical Archives.] St. Louis (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Nos. 1-9, 11, 12, vol. i, 1843-44; No. 12, vol. ii, 1844-45; vols, iii-xix, 1845-61 ; also, n. s., vols, iii-xiv, 1866-77. 8°. [Curreut. Want No. 10, vol. i; Nos. 1-11. vol. ii: No. 6, vol. vi; n. s., vols, i-ii, 1864-65. In Sept., 1848, The Missouri Medical and Surgical Journal was united with this journal. Suspended after 1861. till Jan., 1864.] St. Louis (The) Probe Vol. i, 1850. 8C. [Want Nos. 1, 5 6,9,10.] St. Petersburger medicinische Wochenschrift. Jahrg. 1-2, 1876-78. 2 v. 4°. [Current.] ;t. Petersburger medicinische Zeitschrift. [Completed.] 22 v., 1861-76. Roy. 8C. Saint Thomas's Hospital Reports. London. Vol. i, 1836; also, n. s., vols, i, ii, iv-vii, 1870-76. 8°. Stauimverein fur volksverstandliche Gesundheitspfiege. [See Zeit- schrift des —.] Stark's (Johann Christ.) Archiv, etc. [See Archiv fiir die Geburts- hiilfe, Frauenzimmer- und neugebohrner Kinder-Krankheiten. Also, Neues Archiv fiir die Geburtshiilfe, etc.] State Medical Association of Arkansas. [Sec Proceedings of the —.] State Medical Society of Michigan. [See Transactions of the —.] State Microscopical Society of Illinois. [See Trausactions of the —.] Stat istical Reports on the Health of the Navy for the years 1830-43 ; 1861-75. London. 8°. Statistical (A) Return of the Health of the Royal Navy for the year 1858. London. 8J. Stethoscope (The). A quarterly review of the modern practice in consumption and chest diseases. London. Nos. 1, 2, Oct., 1862, and Jan., 1863. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Stethoscope (The). Richmond. [Title of vols, iv-v of the fol- lowing :] STETHOSCOPE & VIRG. M. GAZ. 85 TEXAS M. J. Stethoscope & Virg. M. Gaz. Richmond. Stud. d. physiol. Inst, zu Bres- lau, Leipz. Student's J. & Hosp. Gaz., Lond. Summ. d. Neuest. a. d. ges. Med. Leipz. Summ. d. Neuest. a. d. in- u. ausl. Med., Leipz. Summ. d. Neuest. u. Wissens- wiird. a. d. ges. Med., Leipz. Sundh. og Under hold, Ki0benh. Sundhdsbl., Ki0benh. Sundh.-Jour., Ki0benh. Svens. Lak.-Sallsk. n. Handl. Stockholm. Syst. Med. (Reynolds), Lond. Syst. Pract. Med. (Tweedie), Phila. Szemeszet, Budapest. I Stethoscope (The) and Virginia Medical Gazette. A monthly jour- ( nal of mediciue and th* collateral sciences. Richmond. Vols. I i-v, 1851-55. 8\ [Vols, iv-v, title as the preceding. In Jan., j 1856, united with The Virginia Medical and Surgical Journal, forming The Virginia Medical Journal.] Studien dcs physiologischen Instituts zu Breslau. Leipzig. Hefte 1-4, 1861-68.* 8°. Student's (The) Journal and Hospital Gazette: a fortnightly re- view of medicine, surgery, science, art, literature and the drama. London. Vols, i-v, 1873-77. 4°. [Current.] Sumniariuni des Neuesten aus der gcsamrnt.n Mediein. Fine sys- tematise!] geordnete Cebeisicht aller literanscheii Erschcinungeii indeiiirztlicheu Wissonschaft und Kunst. Leipzig. 12 v., J -28 31. 8 . [Continued as the following:] Sunimaiiiim des Neuesten aus der in- und ausliindiHcben Mediein. Leipzig. 9 v., 1832-34. 8 . [A continuation of the preceding, and continued as the following:] Sumniariuni des Neuesten und Wissenswiirdigsten aus der gesamm- ten Mediein zum Gchraui-he practischer Aerzte und Wundiirztc Leipzig. 27 v., 1835-43. 8^. [Completed. A continuation of the preceding.] Sundhed og Underholdning. Ved D. Johan Clemens Tode. Ki^>- benhavn. Nos. 1-24, 1786-87. 1 v. 8°. [A continuation of the following:] Sundhedsblade. Kibenhavn. [Continued as Nye Sundheds-Tidende.] Suudheds-Journal. Et iuedicinsk-dicetetisk og underboldende Ugeblad. Af D. Johan Clemens Tode. Ki^benhavn. Band i, 1794. 8°. Svenska Lakare-Siillskapets, etc. [See Forhandlingarvid —.] Svenska Lakare-Siillskapets nya Handlingar. Stockholm. Serien 2 Delen i-iii; pts. 2, 3, Delen v ; pts. 1, 2, Delen vi. 1866-75. 8°, Svenska Militarliikare-Foreuingen. [See Tidskrifti militiir Helso-. vard Utgifven af—.] System (A) of Med cine, by various authors. Edited by J. Rus- sell Reynolds. London. 4 v., 1866-77. 8°. System (A) of Practical Mediciue comprised in a series of original dissertations. Arranged aod edited by Alexander Tweedie, with American notes and additions by W. VV. Gerhard. Philadelphia. 5 v., 1840-41. 8°. [Called also Library of Practical Mediciue] Szemeszet. (Melieklet az Orvosi hetilap.) Budapest. 12 Nos., 1876-77. 4°. [Current. A supplement to Orvosi hetilap.] T. Tabib (Al), Beirut. Tagebl. d. Versamml. deutsch. Naturf. u. Aerzte. Telegrafo med., Barcel. Texas M. J., Galveston. Tabib (Al). Beirut. Nos. 1-36, 1874-77. H°. [Current.] Tageblatt der Versammlnngen deutscher Naturforscher unci Aerzte. 19th, 1841; 28th,1851; 31st, 1854; 33d, 1857; 36th, 1861; 38th, 1863 ; 39th, 1864 ; 41st, 1867 ; 43d, 1869—47th, 1874. 13 v. 4°. Telegrafo (El) medico. Peri6dico de medicina, cirugia y farmacia piiicticas. Barcelona. Tomo i, 1847. 8°. [Want all subse- quent.] Tennessee Medical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Territorial Medical Society. Denver. [See Transactions of the—.] Texas (The) Medical Journal. [Title, of No. 1, vol. iii, of The Gal- veston Medical Journal.] Texas (The) Medical Journal. A monthly jourual devoted to med- iciue, surgery and the collateral sciences. Galveston, Texas. Nos. 1-7, 10, vol. i; Nos. 2, 9, vol. ii; Nos. 1,2,4, vol. iii, vols, v- vi, 1873-77. 8°. [Current. became quarterly.] Want all others. With vol. iii TIIIERARZTL. MITTH. 86 TR. COLORADO TERR. M. SOC. Thierarztl. Mitth., Karlsruhe. Thierarzt, Wetzlar. Tidskr. f. Lak. o. Pharm., Stock- holm. Tidskr. i mil. Helsov., Stock- holm. Tijdschr. v. alg. Gezondh.-Re- gel. en geneesk. Politie, Gra- venh. Tijdschr. v. nat. Geschied. en Physiol., Amst. Tijdschr. d. Nederl. Maatsch. t. Bevord. d. Geneesk, Gra- venh. Tijdschr. d. Vereen. t. Bevord. d. geneesk. Wetensch. in Ne- derl. Indie, Batav. Tirolische (Der) Arzt, Inns- bruck. Toledo M. & S. J. Tr. Albany Inst. Tr. Am. Ethii. Soc, N. Y. Tr. Am. Gynec. Soc. Tr. Am. M. Ass. Tr. Am. Neurol. Ass. Tr. Am. Ophth. Soc Tr. Am. Otol. Soc. Tr. Ass. King's Sc Queen's Coll. Phys. Ireland. Tr. Belmont M. Soc, Bridge- port, Ohio. Tx. Canada M. Ass. Tr. China-Med.-Chir.-Soc.,Hong Kong. Tr. Clin. Soc. Lond. Tr. Coll. Phys. Phila. Tr. Colorado M. Soc. Tr. Colorado Terr. M. Soc. Texas State Medical Association. [See Proceedings of the —.] Thieriirztliche Mittheilungen. Organ des Vereins badiseher Thier- 1 v. [Want years iirztc Karlsruhe. Jahrg. 11, 187(5. 1-10 ; also, all since No. 10, 1870.] Thierarzt (Der). Wetzlar. Jahrg. 2, 1863; Jahrg. 15-16,1876-77. 8°. [Current. Want years 1, 3-14.] Tidskrift for Liikareoch Pharmaceuter. Stockholm. Bandet i-vii, 1832-38. 8°. Tidskrift i militar Helsoviird. Utgifven af Svenska Militiirliikare- Foreningen. Stockholm. Bandet ii, 1877. 8°. [Current. Want vol. i.] Tijdschrift voor algemeeneGezondheids-Regelingeu geneeskundige Politie. Gravenhage. Jaarg. 1-2,1853-54. 1 v. 1855. 8°. [Com- pleted.] Tijdschrift voor natunrlijke Geschiedenis en Physiologie. Amster- dam, 1834-36. Leiden, 1837-45. Deel 1-12, 1834-45. 12 v. 8°. [Completed.] Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Bevordering der Geneeskunst. Graveuhage, 1850-51. Arnhem, 1852-56. Jaarg. 1-4, 1850-53. Jaarg. 6-7, 1855-56. 6 v. 8°. [Waut year 5, 1854. Continued as Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor Geneeskuude.] Tijdschrift der Vereeniging tot Bevordering der geneeskundige WetenK'happen in Nederlandsch Indie. Batavia. Jaarg. 1-7, 1844-59. 7 v. 8°. [In 1854 and 1859, title was Geueeskuudig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie.] Tirolische (Der) Arzt, eine medizinische Wochenschrift fiir seine Landslcute, vou Klaudius Martin Scherer und Franz Niedermaier. Innsbruck. Jahrg. 1-2, 1791-92. 2 v. 8°. Toledo Medical and Surgical Journal. Vol. i, 1877. 8°. [Current.] Transactions of the Albany Institute for the yeafs 1830,1833,1867 ^ Albany. 8". Transactions of the American Ethnological Society. New York. Vols, i-ii, 1845-48. 8°. Trausactions of the American Gynecological Society. Vol. i, 1876. Boston, 1877. 80. Transactions of the American Medical Association. Philadelphia. Vols, i-xxviii, 1848-77. 8°. Transactions of the American Neurological Association. New York. Vol. i, 1875. 80. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. New York. 2d-llth meetings, 1865-75. 8°. [The Transactions of 1st meeting were Dot published in separate form. No meeting in 1872.] Transactions of the American Otological Society. 2d-8th annual meetings, 1869-75. 8°. [The Transactions of 1st meeting were not published in separate form.] Transactions of the Association of Fellows and Licentiates of the King's and Queen's College of Physicians in Ireland. Dublin. Vols, i-v, 1817-28. 8°. Transactions of the Belmont Medical Society, 1847-55. Bridgeport, Ohio. 2 v. 8°. b Transactions of the Canada Medical Association. Montreal. 10th annual meeting, Sept. 12 and 13, 1877. Vol. i, 1877. 8°. Transactions of the China-Medico-Chirurgical-Society for the year 1845-46. Victoria, Hong Kong. Vol. i, 1846. 8°. Transactions of the Cliuical Society of London. Vols, i-vi, viii, ix 1668-76. 8°. • ' Transactions of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. Vol. i, pt. 1, 1793; vols, i-iii, 1841-50; vols, i-iv, n. s., 1850-74 ; vols, i-ii, 3 s., 1875-7(5. 10 v. 8°. Transactions of the Colorado State Medical Society. 6th annual convention. Denver, Colorado, 1876. 80. [^ continuation of the following:] Transactions of the Colorado Territorial Medical Society at its annual sessions, lst-5th. Denver, Colorado, 1872-75. 8°. [Con- tinued as the preceding.] TR. CORK M. & S. SOC. 87 TR. M. SOC. MICH. Tr. Cork M. & S. Soc, Dubl. Tr. Drake Acad, of M., Evans- ville. Tr. Epidemiol. Soc. Lond. Tr. Georgia M. Ass. Tr. Illinois M. Soc. Tr. Indiana M. Soc. Tr. Internat. M. Cong. Tr. Iowa M. & Chir. Soc. Tr. Iowa M. Soc Tr. Kentucky M. Soc Tr. Little Rock Sc Pulaski Co. M. Ass. Tr. M. Ass. Alabama. Tr. M. Ass. Missouri. Tr. M. Ass. South. Central N. Y. Tr. M. 8c Chir. Fac Maryland. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Bombay. Tr. M. & Phys. Soc. Calcutta. Tr. M. Soc. Calif. Tr. M. Soc. County Albany. Tr. M. Soc. County Kings. Tr. M. Soc. Dist. Columb. Tr. M. Soc. Georgia. Tr. M. Soc. Kansas. Tr.M. Soc. King's Coll., Lond. Tr. M. Soc. Lond. Tr. M. Soc Mich. Transactions of the Cork County and City Medical and Surgical Society. 1861-69. Dublin, 18(56-69. H°. Transactions of the Drake Academy of Medicine. Evansville, Ind. Vol. i, 1871. S\ Transactions of the Epidemiological Society of Loudon. Instituted Aug., 1850. For the years 1855-73. London. Vols, i-ii, l<<'30(>; pt. 2, vol. iii, 1869-73.' H°. [Years I --55-58 l.onnd with The Jour- nal of Public Health and Sanitary Review. ] Transactions of the Georgia Medical Association, at the annual meet- ings. 20th-23d, 1-69-72; 28th, 1877. Savannah. Atlanta. Transactions of the Illinois Slate Medical Society, for the years 1852 (2d); 1855-60 (5th-10tIO; l-63(llrh); 1864(14tb); 1-67-71 (^th-.Mth). Chicago, H52-74. 8->. Transactions of the Indiana Statu Medical Society, at the sessions of 1856-75 (1st-25th). Indianapolis. 4 v. -. [Want 1h'>5 (15th). No regular meeting in 1862, but a called session, for transactions of which see vol. ii.] Trausactions of the International Medical Congress of Philadelphia, 1876. Edited for the congress by John Ashhurst, jr., M. D. Phil- adelphia. 1 v. 1877. 8 . Transactions (The) of the Iowa State Medical and Chirurgical So- ciety, at its sessions, 3d aud 4th, 1852-53. Burlington. 1 v., IKV1. 8°. ' - Transactions of the Annual Meetings of the Iowa State Medical So- ciety. 7th-9th, 1856-58. Also, 1867-71. Keokuk. Davenport. 3v. 1856-71. 8°. Transactions of the Kentucky State Medical Society, at its annual meetings. 1st, 1851; 2d, 1852; 5th, 1856; 14th-22d, 1-(59-77. 8°. Transactions of the Little Rock and Pulaski County Medical Asso- ciation. Little Rock (Arkansas.) 1873. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Association of the State of Alabama. 22d-24th, 1869-71; 26th-29th, 1873-76. Moutgomery, 1869-76. 8-. Transactions of the Medical Association of the State of Missouri. Vols, i-ii, 1851-52, aud from its reorganization in 1867 to the an- nual meeting, Apr. 29, 1869 (lst-3d); also (6th-8th) 1872-74; (10th) 1876. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Association of Southern Central New York. lst-15th annual meetings, 1847-61. 2 v. 8°. Transactions of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, at its annual sessions 1856, 1859,1873-77. Baltimore. 8°. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Bombay. Nos. 1-7, 1838-44; u. s., No. 8, 1862 ; No. 10, 1870. 4 v. 8°. Transactions of the Medical and Physical Society of Calcutta. Vols i-viii, 1825-42. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of California, for the years 1870-75. Sacrameuto, 1872-75. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the County of Albany, from June 10,1851, to June 14, 1870. Albany (N Y.) 1 v. 1k72* 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the Couuty of Kiugs (N. Y.) Vols, i-ii, 1858-65. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the District of Columbia. Washington, D. C. Vols, i-iv, 1874-77. 8°. Trausactions of the Medical Society of the State of Georgia, at its annual meetings, 3d-5th, 1852-54. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Kansas, for the years 1867-69. Leavenworth. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of King's College, London. Winter sessions. London. Vols, i-ii, 1856-58. 8\ Transactions of the Medical Society of London. Parts 1 and 2, vol. i, 1810-17. 8°. [Pt. 1, vol. i, also reprinted, London, 1812.] Transactions of the State Medical Society of Michigan, at the an- nual meetings, 1859, 1867-76. 8°. TR. M. SOC. N. CAR. 88 TR, SOC. IMPROV. Tr. M. Soc. N. Car. Tr M. Soc. N. Jersey. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. Tr. M. Soc. N. Y. Tr. M. Soc. Penn. Tr. M. Soc. Vermont. Tr. M. Soc. Virginia Tr. M. Soc. W. Virginia. Tr. McDowell M. Soc, Evans- ville. Tr. Maine M. Ass. Tr. Maryland Acad. Sc. & Lit. Tr. Med.-Chir. Soc. Edinb. Tr. Micr. Soc. Illinois. Tr. Micr. Soc. Lond. Tr. Minnesota M. Soc. Tr. Mississippi M. Ass. Tr. N. Hampshire M. Soc. Tr. N. York Acad, of M. Tr. N. York Path. Soc Tr. Nat. Ass. Promot. Social Sc, Lond. Tr. Nebraska M. Soc. Tr. Obst. Soc. Lond. Tr. Ohio M. Soc. Tr. Path. Soc. Lond. Tr. Path. Soc. Phila. Tr. Phila. Obst. Soc. Tr. Phys.-Med. Soc N. Y. Tr. Prov. M. 8c S. Ass., Lond. Tr. Soc. Improv. M. 8c Chir. Knowl., Lond. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of North Caro lina. Annual meetings, (ith-llth, 1855-60; 13th-2lst, 1866- 74. 83. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New Jersey, 1-59-77. Newark, N. J. s , [For 1766-1800, see Proceedings of the New Jersey Medical Society ; for 1847-54, see The New Jersey Medical R porter, aud Trausactions of the New Jersey Medical Society.] Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York. From its organization, in 1807, up to and including 1831. Albany. 1 v., 18(58. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of New York, for the years 1815,1817-21, 1825,1827-77. Albany. 44 v. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Societv of the State of Pennsylvania, for the years 1850-60, 1862-75. Philadelphia. 23 v. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Vermont for the years 18(54-70. Burlington. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Virginia. An- nual sessions, lst-8th, 1870-77. Richmond. 8°. Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of West Virginia. Instituted Aprii 10, 1867. Annual sessions, Ist-lOth, 1868-77. Transactions of the McDowell Medical Society for the year ending Nov. 4, 1874. Evansville, Ind., 1875. 8°. Transactions of the Maine Medical Association, at the annual meet- ings, 14th-25th, 1866-77. Portland, 1869-77. so. Transactions of the Maryland Academy of Science and Literature. Baltimore. Part 1, vol. i, 1837. 8°. Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh. Vol. i, 1824 ; vol. ii, 1826 ; vol. iii, 1st pt., 1828; 2d pt., 1829. 4 v. 8°. Transactions of the State Microscopical Society of Illinois, 1872- 73. 8. Transactions of the Microscopical Society of London, 1853-68. 8°. Transact ions of the Minnesota State Medical Society. Annual meet- ings for the years (1st and 2d) 1869-70; (4th-9th) 1872-77. Min- neapolis. St. Paul. 8°. Trausactions of the Mississippi State Medical Association, at the tenth annual session, held at Grenada. Jackson, Miss., 1877. 8°. Transactions of the New Hampshire Medical Society. 64th-86th anniversaries, 1854-76. Concord. 8°. [Want I860.] Trausactions of the New York Academy of Medicine. Vols, i-iii, 1847-71; n. s., vols, i-ii, 1871-76. 8°. ' Transactions of the New York Pathological Society. Vol. i, 1876. 8°. Tra> sactions of the National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. London, 1857-72. 16 v. 8°. Transactions of the Nebraska State Medical Society, at its 6th, 7th, and 8th annual meetings, 1874-76. Lincoln, Neb., 1877. 8°. Trausactions of the Obstetrical Society of London. Vols, i-xvi, 1859-74. 8°. Transactions of the Ohio State Medical Society, for the years 1846- 77. 8C. Transactions of the Pathological Society of London. Vols, i-xxiv, 1846-73. 8°. Transactions of the Pathological Society of Philadelphia. 1860-73. 8°. 4 v., Transactions of the Philadelphia Obstetrical Society. New York. Vols, i-ii, 1869-73. 8°. [Reprinted from The American Journal of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children.] Transactions of the Physico-Medical Society of the State of New York. Vol. i, 1817. 8°. Transactions of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association London. Vols, i-xix, 1832-53. y. Transactions of a Society for the Improvement of Medical and Chi- rurgical Knowledge. London. Vols, i-iii, 1793-1812. 8°. TR. SOUTH CAR. M. ASS. 89 UNION MED. DU CANADA. Tr. South Car. M. Ass. Tr. Tennessee M. Soc Tr. Territor. M. Soc , Denver. Tr. Wisconsin Acad. Sc Tr. Wisconsin M. Soc. Trans, med., Par. Transylv. J. M , Lexington, Ky. Transylv. M. J, Lexington, Ky. Trav. Conseil d'hyg. pub. de la Gironde, Bordeaux. Tiibuna med., Par. Tribune med, Par. Trudi obshch. vrach. g. Kazaui. Tubing. Bl. f. Naturw. u. Arznk. Transactious of the South Carolina Medical Associatiou, at the extra meeting in Greeuwood, July 18, 1855, and at the annual meeting in Charleston, Feb. 6, 1856. Also, annual sessions of 1870-77. Charleston, S. C. 8°. Transactions of the Tennessee Medical Society for the years 1830; 1832; 1835; 1S3S; 1840; 1842-44; 1846; 1850; 1851; 1853; 1856; 18C9; 1876. 8°. Transactions of the Territorial Medical Society at its annual sessions, 2d and 3d, 1872-73. Deuver, 1873-74. 8°. Transact ions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. 1870-72. Published by order of the legislature. Madi- son, 1872. 8°. Transactions of the Wisconsin Srate Medical Society, for the years 18(58-76, vols. ii-x. 8°. [Want vol. i.] Transactions mddicales; journal de mddeciue pratique, et de littdra- ture mddicale, dans lequel sont publids les actes de la Socidtd de mddeciue de Paris; rddigd par A. N. Gendrin. Paris. Torn, i-xiv, 1S30-33. 8°. [A continuation of Journal gdn6ral de mddecine, de chirurgie et de pharmacie. Merged in Revue mddicale francaise et dtrangere.] Transylvania (The) Journal of Medicine and the Associate Sciences. Lexington, Ky. Vols, i-xii, 1828-39. 8<-. [Completed.] Transylvania (The) Medical Journal. Lexington, 1849-50. Louis- ville, Ky., 1850-54. 5 v., 1849-54. 8°. [Vol. iii is vol. i, n. s., title, The Kentucky Medical Recorder. Want Nos. 11, 12, vol. iii, n. e.] Travaux du Conseil d'hygi5ne publique et de salubritd dn ddparte- ment de la Gironde pendant l'anndes 1849-73. Bordeaux. Tom. i-xv, 1851-74. 8°. Tribuna (La) mddica. Peri6dico meusual. Paris. Aiio 1-3, 1873-75. 2 v. 8°. [Completed. 3d year contains but 3 Nos.] Tribune (La) mddicale. Paris. Tom. vii-ix, 1874-77. 8°. [Cur- rent. Want all prior.] Trudi obshchestva vrachei g. Kazani. Parts 1-3, vol. i, and part 1, vol. ii, 1871-72. 8°. Tiibinger Blatter fur Naturwissenschaften uud Arzneikuude. Tiibiugen. Biinde i-ii, and Stiick 1, Baud iii, 1815-17. 8°. u. TJ. States J. Homceop., N. Y. U. States M. & S. J., N. Y. TJgesk. f. Laeger, Kj ;benh. TJngar. med.-chir. Presse, Pest. Union med., Castellon. Union med., Par. Union med. du Canada, Mont- real. 12 A T Uebersicht der Arbeiten und Veriinderungen der schlesischen Gesell- schaft fur vaterliiudische Kultur. [Sec Schlesische Gesellschaft fiir vaterliiudische Kultur, Arbeiten, etc.] United States (The) Journal of Hommopathv. New York. 2 v., 1860-61. 8°. [Completed. After Nov., 1861, consolidated with The North American Journal of Homoeopathy.] Uni'ed States (The) Medical and Surgical Jourual. New York. Vols, i-iii. 1831-36. 8°. [Completed. After No. 2, Sept., 1834, published at New York and Philadelphia.] Ugeskrift for Laeger. 'Kjobenhavn. 77 v., 1839-77. 8°. [Current.] Ungarische medizinisch-chirurgische Presse. Monatsschrift fur die gesammte praktische Heilkunde. Pest. Jahrg. 1,1865. 1 v. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Uniou (La) mddica. Revista cientifica, profesional y ecou6mica. Organo oficial de la Sociedad centro mddico-farmacdutico Caste- llouense, consagrada al progreso de las ciencias mddico-farraacdu- ticas, y £ la defensa de los intereses de los profesores. Castellon. Ano 2,3, 5, 6, 1873-77. 8°. [Want Nos. 1-24, 66-78, 96, and all after No. 98.] Union (L') mddicale, journal des intdrets scientifiques et pratiques, moraux et professionnels du corps mddical. Paris. 68 torn., 1847- 77. Folio and 8°. [Current.] Uuion (L') mddicale du Canada. Revue mddico-chirurgicale. Mont- rdal. Tom. i-vi, 1872-77. 6°. [Current.] UNION MED. DE LA GIRONDE. 90 VAN NOSTRAND'S. ENGIN. MAG. Union med. de la Gironde, Bor- deaux. Union med. de la Louisiane, N.- Orleans. Union med et scient. du nord- est, Reims. Union med. de la Seine-inf., Rouen. Union pharm., Par. Untersuch. a. d. anat. Inst, zu Rostock. Untersuch. a. d. Inst. f. Physiol. u. Histol. in Graz, Leipz. Untersuch. z. Naturl. d.Mensch. u. d. Thiere, Frankf. a. M. Untersuch. a. d. path. Inst, zu Zurich, Leipz. Untersuch. a. d. physiol. Lab. in Wiirzb. Upp. Canada J. M., S. 8c Phys. Sc, Toronto. Upsala Lakaref. Forh. Upsala Univ. Arsskr. Med. Union (L') mddicale de la Gironde. Journal choisi pour les publi- cations de 'a Socidid de mddecine de Bordeaux. Boideaux. An- ndes 1-8,1856-6:!. 8 v. 8°. [Want Nos. 2, 5, vol. ii; Nos. 9,10, vol. v; No. 12, vol. viii, and all subsequent.] Union (L') mddicale de la Louisiane. Revue meusuellc. Nouvelle- Orldans. Tom. i, 1852 8'. [Completed.] Union mddicale et scientifique du nord-est. Reims. Annde 1, 1877. 1 v. s^. [Current.] Uuion mddicale de la Seine-iuferieure: journal de la Societe de mddecine de Roueu. Rouen. Anndes 12-1(5, 1873-77. 5 v. 8°. [Current. Want years 1-11.] Union (L') pharmaceutique. Jourual de la pharmac'e centrale de France. Organe des iutdrets scientifiques, pratiques et moraux de la profession. Dorvault, dirocteur. Revue mddicale et d'hy- giene par Bouchardat. Paris. Anndes 15-18, 1874-77. 4 v. 8-\ [Current. Want all prior.] Universidad de Chile. Santiago. [Sec Anales de la—.] Uuiversitiit zu Kiel. [See, Schrift-n der—.] Untersuchungen aus dem anatomischeu Institut zu Rostock. Her- ausgegebeu vou Fr. Merkel. Rostock. 1874. 8°. Untersuchungen aus dem Institut fiir Physiologie nnd Histologic iu Graz. Herausgegeben von Alex. Rollett. Leipzig. Band i, 1870-73. 8°. Untersuchungen zur Naturlehre des Menschen und der Thiere. Herausgegeben von Jac Moleschott. Frankfurt a. M., 1856-59. Giessen, 1860-70. Biinde i-x, 1856-70. 8°. Untersuchungen aus dem pathologischen Iustitnt zu Zurich. zig. Hefte 1-3, 1873-75. 4°. Leip- Untersuchungen aus dem physiologischen Laboratorium in Wiirz- burg. Herausgegeben vou Albert vou Bezold [uud vou Richard Gscheidlen] Leipzig. Theil 1,2,1867-69. 1 v. 8°. Upper Canada (The) Jourual of Medical, Surgical and Physical Science. Toronto. Vols, i-iii, 1851-54. 8°. [Want No. 7, vol. i; Nos. 2, 3,5, vol. ii; Nos. 10,12, vol. iii.] Upsala Liikareforenings Forhandlingar. Vols, i-x, 1865-75; Nos. 1-8, vol. xi, 1875-76. 8°. Upsala Universitets Arsskrift. Mediciu. 1861; 1862; 1863; 1866; 1868 ; Nos. 1-2, 1869; No. 1, 1870 ; Nos. 1-2,1873. 8J. V. Van Nostrand's Engin. Mag. New York. Vols. Van Nostrand's Eclectic Engineering Magaz i-xvii, 1869-77. Roy. 8°. [Current.] Vereeniging tot Verbetering der Volksgezondheit, opgericht te Utrecht gedurende de Cholera-Epidemie in 1866. [See Verslagen van de —.] Verein der Aerzte in Nieder-Oesterreich. [See Mittheilungen des —.] Verein der Aerzte in Steiermark. [See Jahresbericht des —. Also, Mittheilungen des —. Also, Sitzungsberichte des —.] Verein badischer Thierarzte. [See f hieriirztliche Mittheiluugen. Organ des —. ] Verein deutscher Aerzte in Paris. [See Denkschrift des —.] Verein deutscher Aerzte in Prag. [See Aerztliches Correspondenz- blatt fiir Bohinen. Organ des —.] Verein fiir Naturkunde im Herzogthum Nassau. [See Jahrbiicher des —. ] Verein Pfalzischer Aerzte. [See Verhandlungen des —.] Verein fiir Psychiatrie und forensische Psychologie in Wien. [See Psychiatrisches Centralblatt. Herausgegeben vom —.] Verein Schleswig-Holsteinischer Aerzte. [See Mittheilungen fdr den —.] Verein fiir wissenschaftliche Heilkunde zu Konigsberg. [See Konigs- berger medicinische Jahrbiicher. HerauBgegeben von dem —.] VER. DEUTSCHE ZTSCHR. 91 VERSL. D. K. AKAD. Ver. deutsche Ztschr. f. d. Staats-Arznk., Freib. i. Br. Verhandel. v. h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Genees- en Heelk. te Amst. Verhandel. d. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Heelk. te Amst. Verhandel. d. k. Akad. v. We- tensch, Amst. Verhandl. d. Berl. med. Ge- sellsch. Verhandl. d. Cong, bayer. Aerzte zu Munchen. Verhandl. d. deutsch. Gesellsch. f. Chir. Verhandl. d. Gesellsch. f. Ge- burtsh. in Berl. Verhandl. d. med. Gesellsch. zu Leipz. Verhandl. d. naturf. Ver. in Briinn. Vereinigte iirztliche Gesellschaften der Schweiz. lungen der—.] [See Verhand- d. naturh. Ver. d. Rheinl. u. West- Verhandl. preuss. phal. Verhandl. d. natUrh.-med. Ver. zu Heidelb. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Ge- sellsch. in Wiirzb. Verhandl. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Verhandl. d. ver. arztl. Ge- sellsch. d. Schweiz. Verhandl. d. Ver. Pfalzischer Aerzte. Verhandl. d. Ver. f. Staatsarz- neiw. in Berl., Erlang. Verm. Abhandl. ... v. einer Ge- sellsch. pract. Aerzte zu St. Petersb. Verm. chir. Schrift., Berl. Veroffentl. d. k. deutsch. Gsnd- htsamtes, Berl. Vereinte deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staats-Arzneikunde, unter Mit- wirkung der Mitglieder der staatsarztlichen Vereine imGrossher- zogthume Baden uud Konigreiche Sachsen, herausgegeben von Schneider, Schiirmayer, Hergt, Siebeuhaar, Martini. Freiburg im Breisgau. Neue F.4ge. Biinde i-xii, 1847-52. 8°. [Formed by union of Anualeu der Staatsarzneikunde with Magazin fiir die Staatsarzneikunde. Continued iu 1853 as Deutsche Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikunde] Verhaudeliugen van het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Genees- eu Heelkunde te Amsterdam. Deel i-ii, 1841-63. 4°. Verhandelingen der Genootschap ter Bevordering der Heelkunde te Amsterdam. Deel i-viii, 1791-1805. 8°. [Continued as Nieuwe Verhaudeliugen van het Genootschap, etc.] Verhandelingen der koninklijke Akademie van Weteuschappen. Amsterdam. Deel 11-15, 1868-75. 4°. Verhandlungeu der Berliner medicinischen Gesellschaft. Bande i-v, 1866-67—1873-74; Baud vii, 1875-76. 8°. Verhaudlungeu des Congresses bayerischer Aerzte zu Miincheu, vom 2. bis 8. October 1848. Erlangen, 1848. 8°. Verhaudlungeu der deutschen Gesellschaft fiir Chirurgie. Berlin. lster-6ter Congress, 1872-77. 8°. Verhaudlungeu der Gesellschaft fur Geburtshiilfe iu Berliu. Jahrg. 1-8,1846-55; 25stes Jubilaumsheft, 1869. 8°. Verhaudlungeu der mediciuischeu Gesellschaft zu Leipzig. Band i, 1863-64. 8°. Verhaudlungeu des naturforsehenden Vereins in Briinn. Biinde i-vi, ix-xiii, 1861-75. 8 . Verhandlungeu des naturhistorischen Vereins der preussischen Rheiulaude und Westph*lens. Bonn. 27stes-28stes Jahr; 3te Folge, 7tes-8tes Jahr. 1870-71. 2 v. 8°. Verhandlungeu des uaturhistorisch-medizinischeu Vereins zu Heidel- berg. Biinde ii-vi, 1859-72; neue Folge, Hefte 1,3-5, Band i; Heft 1, Bandii; 1874-77. 8°. Verhandlungeu der physikalisch-mediciuischen Gesellschaft in Wiirzburg. Biinde i-x, 1850-60; neue Folge, Biiude i-x, 1868-76. 8°. [For years 1860-67, see Wiirzburger medicinische Zeit- schrift.] Verhandlungeu der physikalisch-medicinischen Societiit zu Erlan- gen. Heft 1-2, May, 1865—May, 1870. 8°. [Continued as Sitzungsberichte der physikalisch-medicinischen Societiit zu Er- langen.] Verhandlnngen der vereinigten arztlichen Gesellschaften der Schweiz. Ziirich. Jahrg. 1828-30. 3 v. 8°. Verhaudlungeu des Vereins Pfalzischer Aerzte fiir die Jahre 1845 (6th); 1846 (7th); 1855 (14th). 4°. Verhandlungeu des Vereins fiir Staatsarzneiwissenschaft in Berlin. Nach den Protokollen redigirt von Dr. Fr. J. Behrend. Erstes Heft. Erlangen, 1855. 8°. [All published.] Vermischte Abhandlungen ans dem Gebiete der Heilkunde von einer Gesellschaft practischer Aerzte zu St. Petersburg. Samm- lung 1-8, 1821-54. 8 v. 8°. [Waut all subsequent. 7th Samm- lung also under title, Neue Abhandlungen dcs deutschen iirzt- licheu Vereins zu St. Petersburg.] Vermischte chirurgische Schriften, herausgegeben von Johann Le- berecht Schmucker. Berliu uud Stettin. Biiude i-iii, 1776-82. 8°. Veroffentlichungen des kaiserlich deutschen Gesundheitsamtes. Berlin. Jaiug. 1, 1877. 1 v. Folio. [Current.] Versl. ... v. h. geneesk. Staats- Verelag aan deu Koning van de Bevindingen en Handelingen van toez., Gravenh. het geneeskuudig Staatstoezigt in het Jaaren 1866-72. Graven- hage, 1867-73. 7 v. 8°. [Want pp. 561-634 of 1870.] Versl. . . . d. k. Akad. v. We- Verslagen en Mededeelingen der koninklijke Akademie van Weten- tensch. Afd. Naturk., Amst. [ schappen. Afd. Natuurkunde. Amsterdam. 1866-75. 9 v. 8°. VERSL. V. D. VEREEN. 92 W. VIRG. M. STUDENT. Versl. v. d. Vereen. t. Verbet. d. Volksgzndht., Utrecht. Versuche ... a. d. clin. Anst. v. Tubing. Vet. J. 8c Ann. Comp. Path., Lond. Vetensk. - Handl. f. Lak. o. Faltsk, Stockholm. Veterinarian, Lond. Vettensk.-J. f. Lak. o. Faltsk., Stockholm. Virginia Clin. Rec, Richmond. Virginia M. J., Richmond. Virginia M. Month., Richmond. Virginia M. & S. J., Richmond. Voyenno-med. J., St. Petersb. Vrtljschr. f. Dermat., Wien. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. Med., Berl. Vrtljschr. f. gerichtl. u. off. Med., Berl. Vrtljschr. f. d. prakt. Heilk., Prag. Vrtljschr. f. Psychiat., Neu- wied. Vrtljschr. f. -wissensch. Vete- rinark., Wien. Verslagen van de Vereeniging tot Verbetering der Volksgezond- heit, opgericht te Utrecht gedurende de Cholera-Epidemie in 1866. Utrecht, i-vii, 1866-74. 3 v. 8°. Versuche fiir die praktische Heilkunde aus den clinischen Anstalten von Tiibingeu, von Prof. J. H. F. Autenrieth. TUbingeu. Band i, 1807-08. 8°. [Completed.] Veterinary (The) Jourual and Annals of Comparative Pathology. London. Vols, i-v, 1875-77. 8°. [Current.] Vetenskaps-Handlingar for Liikare och Faltskiirer. Stockholm. Tom. i-vii, 1793-1805. 8°. [See Vettenskaps-Jorual, etc.] Veterinarian (The), or monthly jourual of veterinary science. Lon- don. Vols, i-1, 1828-77. 8°. [Current.] Vettenskaps-Jorual for Liikare och Faltskiirer, utgifven af J. Ber- zelius och E. Gadclius. Stockholm. Tom. i, 1806-10. 8°. [A continuation of Vetenskaps-Handlingar for Liikare och Falt- skiirer.] Virchow's Archiv. [See Archiv fiir pathologische Anatomie, etc.] Virginia (The) Clinical Record. A monthly journal of medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. Richmond. Vols, i-iii, 1871- 74. 8°. [Completed.] Virginia (The) Medical Journal: combining The Stethoscope and Virginia Medical and Surgical Journal. Richmond. Vole, vi- xiii, 1856-59. 8°. [Waut No. 3, vol. vi. For vols, i-v, see The Virgiuia Medical and Surgical Journal; for subsequent vols., The Maryland and Virginia Medical Journal.] Virginia Medical Monthly, (Richmond). Landon B. Edwards, edi- tor. Richmond. Vols, i-iv, 1874-78. 8°. [Current.] Virgiuia (The) Medical and Surgical Journal. Richmond. Vols. i-v, 1853-55. 8°. [For continuations see The Virginia Medical Jourual; also, The Maryland and Virginia Medical Journal.] Voyenno-meditsinskii Journal. St. Petersburg. Vols, i-cxxvii, 1823-77. 8°. [Current. Want vol. lxxiii.] Vierteljahresschrift fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Neue Folge des Arckivs fiir Dermatologie und Syphilis. Wien. Jahrg. 1-4, 1874-77. 4v. 8°. [Current.] Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche Mediein und offentliches Sani- tiitswesen. Berlin. Neue Folge, Biiude xvi-xxvii, 1872-77. 8°. [Current. A continuation of the following:] Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche und offentliche Mediein. Unter Mitwirkung der koniglichen wissenschaftlichen Deputation fiir das Medicinalweseu im Ministerinm der geistlichen, Unterrichts- und Medicinal-Angelegenheiten herausgegeben von Johann Lud- wig Casper. Berlin. Biinde i-xxv, 1852-64 ; neue Folge, Biinde i-xv, 1864-71. 40 v. 8°. [A continuation of Wochenschrift fiir die gesammte Heilkunde, and continued as the preceding.] Vierteljahrsschrift fiir die praktische Heilkunde, herausgegeben von der medicinischen Fakultat in Prag. Prag. Jahrg. 1-34. Biinde i-exxxvi, 1844-77. 8°. [Current.] Vierteljahrsschrift fiir Psychiatrie in ihren Beziehungen zur Mor- phologic und Pathologie des Central-Nervensytems, der physi- ologischen Psychologie, Statistik und gerichtlichen Mediein. Her- ausgegeben von Max Leidesdorf und Thdr. Meyuert. Neuwied und Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-2, 1867-69. 2 v. 8°. Vierteljahresschrift fur wissenschaftliche Veterinarkunde. Her- ausgegeben von den Mitgliedern des Wiener k. k. Thierarznei- Institutes. Wien, 1858-62. 8 v. 8°. [Want all prior. For con- tinuation see Oesterreichische Vierteljahresschrift fiir wissen- schaftliche Veterinarkunde.] w. W Virg. M. Student, Wheeling. West Virginia (The) Medical Student: a monthly record of the progress of medicine, surgery and the allied sciences. Wheeling. Vol. i, 1875-76. 8°. [Completed.] WCHNBL. F. MED. STATIST. 93 WEST. M. & PHYS. J. Wchnbl. f. med. Statist, u. Epi demioL, Berl. Wchnbl. d. Ztschr. d. k. k. Ge sellsch. d. Aerzte in Wien. Wchnschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., Berl. Wchnschr. f. Thierh. u. Vieh- zucht, Augsburg. Wchntl. Beitr. z. med. u. chir Klin., Leipz. Wenk. en Meening. omt. ge- neesk. Staatsreg., etc., Amst. Werk. v h. Genootsch. t. Bevord. d. Nat.-, Genees- en Heelk. te Amst. West. J. M., Cincin. West. J. M. 8c Phys. Sc, Cincin. West;. J. M. & S., Louisville. West. Lancet, Cincin. West. Lancet, San Fran. West. M. Gaz , Cincin. West. M. 8c Phys. J., Cincin. j Wochenblatt fiir medizinische Statistik uud Epidemiologic. Organ j dcs deutschen Vereins fiir medizinische Statistik. Berliu. Nos. | 29-52, Jahrg. 2, July 31, 1869—Jan. 8, 1870; Jahrg. 3, Jan. 15-July 17, 1870. 1 v. 8°. ' [Want all prior aud subsequent.] Wocheublatt der Zeitschrift der k. k. < Jcsellschaft der Aerzte in Wien. Jahrg. 1-3, 1855-57; Jahrg. 7-16, 1861-70. 13 v. 8^. [Waut years 1858-60 ; Nos. 8 and 17, 1861; Nos. 12 and 33, index, and title-page, 1862: Nos. 1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 15, 18, 19, 23, 31, 33, 39, ! 40, 42, 43, and 49, 1863; Nos. 29 aud 47, 18(51; No. 44, 1865; Nos. | 4 and 10, 1866.] Wochenschrift fiir die gesammte Heilkunde. Unter der Mitredaction von M H. Romberg, A. W. v. Stosch, E. Timer, herausgegeben von J.L.Casper. Berlin. Jahrg. 1-19, 1833-51. 20 v. 8°. [A con- tinuation of Kritisches Repertorium fiirdie gesammte Heilkunde, and continued as Vierteljahrsschrift fiir gerichtliche und offeut- liche Mediein.] Wochenschrift fur Thierheilkunde und Viehzucht. Augsburg. Jahrg. 20-21, 1876-77. 2 v. 8J. [Current, Want all prior.] Wochentliche Beitrage zur medicinischen und chirurgischen Klinik mit vorziigliehor Ben ksicbtigiiugopide.nischer, endomiscber und epizootischei Krankhoiten. H.-raiH-egebcii von Johann Christian AugnstClarus und Justus Radius. Leipzig. Bande i-iii, lH.fc,-.Jl. 4 \ [Continued as Beitriige zur praktischen Heilkunde] Wenken en Meeningen orutrent goneeskmidigo Staatsregeling en algemeene Geneesktinde. Onder Medowei king van e.-nige yader- landsche Geleerden verzamcld en uitgegeven door J. I. Ilcije. Amsterdam. Deel 1-2, 1838-39. 2 v. ■■< >. [Want all subsequent.] Werkeu van het Genootschap ter Bevordering der Natuur-, (i.-nees- eu Heelkunde te Amsterdam. [Contents: 1. Blad van de S.etio voor Genees-, Heel-eu Verloskunde. 2. Maandblad voor Natuur- Weteuschappen.] Deel ii-iii, Verslag van het verhandelde in de Section 1871-2; 1872-3. Amsterdam, 1872-73 8°. Western (The) Journal of Medicine. Cincinnati. [Title, after No. 6, vol. ii, of The Cincinnati Journal of Medicine] Western (The) Journal of the Medical and Physical Sciences. Edited by Dauiel Drake. Cincinnati. Vols, ii-xii, 1828_;{8. ya. [No. 1, vol. xii, believed to be the last published. For vol. i, see The Western Medical and Physical Journal. In 1*>35, The Western Medical Gazette merged in this jourual. Jam, 1840, revived, and consolidated with The Louisville Journal of Medicine and Sur- gery, formi g the following:] Western (The) Journal of Medicine aud Surgery. Edited by Daniel Drake and Lnnsford P. Yandell. Louisvillo. 32 v., 1810-55. *-. [Completed. A consolidatiou and continuation of the preceding with The Louisville Journal of Medicine anil Surgery. Continued, May, 1856, by Drs. Gross and Richards u as the Louisvillo Re- view.] Western (The) Lancet: devoted to medical and surgical science. Cincinnati, 1842-11 and 1847-57. Lexington, Ky., 18.15-1(5. Vols. i-xviii, 1842-57. [After April, 1843, The Western and Southern Medical Recorder merged in this journal. In Jan., 1858, uuited with The Cincinnati Medical Observer, forming the Cincinnati Lancet aud Observer.J Western (The) Lancet: a monthly journal devoted to medicine, surgery, and the collateral sciences. San Francisco. Vols, i-vi, 1872-77. 8°. [Current.] Western (The) Laucet and Hospital Reporter. Cincinnati. [Title of vols, vii-xiii of The Western Lancet. Cincinnati.] i Western (The) Medical Gazette. Cincinnati. Vols, i-ii, 1832-35. j 8°. [Completed. Uuited with The Western Journal of the Medi- I cal and Physical Sciences.] W, stern (The.) Medical and Physical Journal. Original and eclectic. i Edited by Daniel Drake aud Guy W. Wright. Cincinnati. Vol L 1827-28; No. 1, vol. ii, May, 1828. 8°. [No. 1, vol. n believed to be the last published. In April, 1828, the Western Journal of The Medical and Physical Sciences was commenced by Daniel I Drake, and was subsequently represented and regarded asacon- ! tiuuat on of the above, the vol. for April, 1828-March,1829^be- | "", reckoned vol. ii of the periodical. In April, 1827, The Ohio I Medical Repository merged in the above.] WEST. M.-CHIR. J. 94 ZTSCHR. F. ANAT. West. M.-Chir. J., Keokuk. West. Q. Reporter M., S., 8c Nat. Sc, Cincin. West Riding Lun. Asy. Rep., Lond. West. & South. M. Recorder, Lexington, Ky. Westminst. Rev. Am. ed. Wien. Klinik. Wien. med. Monatschr. Wien. med. Presse. Wien. med. Wchnschr. Wien. Med.-Halle. Wissensch. Ann d. ges. Heilk., Berl. Wissench. Mitth. d. phys.-med. Soc. zu Erlang. Wiirzb. med. Ztschr. Western (The) Medico-Chirugical Journal. Keokuk, Iowa. Vols. i-ii, 1850-53; No. 1, vol. iii, Jan., 1854. 8°. [Want Nos. 7, 8, vol. ii. Continued as The Iowa Medical Journal.] Western (The) Quarterly Reporter of Medical, Surgical, and Nat- ural Science. Edited by Johu D. Goduian. Cincinnati. Vols, i- ii, 1822-23. 8°. [No. 2, vol. i , last published.] West Riding Lunatic Ayslum at Wakefield, York Co. Medical Reports. Edited by J. Crichtou Browne. Loudon. Vols, i-v, 1871-75. 8°. Western (The) and Southern Medical Recorder. Edited by James Conquest Cross. Lexington, Ky. Vol. i, 1841-42; Nos. 1-1, vol. ii, 1843. 8°. [Completed. Merged iu The Western Lancet.] Westminster Medical Society. [See Proceedings of the —.] Westminster (The) Review. Americau edition. New York. Wiener k. k. Thierarzuei-Institut. [See Vierteljahresschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Veteiinairkunde, etc] Wiener Klinik. Vortrage aus der gesauimteu praktischen Heil- kunde. Herausgegeben und redigirt vou Joh. Schnitzler. Wien. Jabrg. 1-3, 1875-77. 3 v. 8°. [Current. A monthly supple- ment to Wiener medizinische Presse.] Wiener medicinisches Doctoren-Collegium. [See Mittheilungen des —.] Wiener medizinische Monatsschrift. Herausgegeben von Georg Ernst Klctten. Wien. Nos. 1-9, Jau.-Sept., 17o9. 3 v. 8°. Wiener nedizinische Presse. (Fortsetzung der Wiener Medizinal- Halle.) Wochenschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Wien. Jahrg. 6- 18, 1865-77. 13 v. 4°. [Current. For years 1-5, see Wiener Medizinal-Halle.] Wiener mediziuische Wochenschrift. Wien. Jahrg. 1-27,1851-77. 27 v. 4°. [Current. Want No. 10, June 7,1851; No. 19, May 10, 1862; Nos. 29 and 30, April 14 aud 21, 1866; No. 43,1872; Nos. 2 and 12,1873.] Wiener Medizinal-Halle. Zeitschrift fiir praktische Aerzte. Wion. Jahrg. 1-5, 1860-64. 5 v. 4°. [Coutiuued as Wiener medizi- nische Presse.] Wisconsin State Medical Society. [See Transactions of the —.] Wissenschaftliche Annalen der gesammten Heilkunde. Berlin. Jahrg. 9-10, Biinde xxv-xxx, 1833-34. 8°. [A continuation of Litteiarische Anualeu der gesauimteu Heilkunde, and succeeded by Neue wissenschaf'iliche Annalen, etc.] Wissenschaftliche Mittheilungen der physikalisch-medicinischen Societiit zu Erlangen Hefte 1-2, Baud i, 1858-59. 8°. [No more published.] Wiirtembergischer aerztlicher Verein. [See Mittheilungen des —.] Wiirzburger medicinische Zeitschrift, herausgegeben von der physi- kalisch-medicinischen Gesellschaft. Wurzburg. Biinde i-vii, 1860-67. 8°. [See, also, Verhaudlungeu der physikalisch-medi- cinischen Gesellschaft zu Wurzburg.] z. Zapiski obshch. vrach. g. Ka- zani. Zodlacus med.-gall., Geneva. Ztschr. f. Anat. u. Entwcklngs- gesch., Leipz. Zapiski obshchestva vrachei g. Kazani. [Memoirs of the Medical Society of Kasan.] 6th year, 1873. Kasan, 1874. 8°. Zodiacus medico-gallicus, sive miscellaneorum medico-physico- rum gallicorum titnlo receus in re medica exploratorum, uno- quoque mense Parisiis latine prodeuntium annus primus scilicet MDCLXXIX. Authore Nicolao de Blegny, R. G. C. O. Accessere ejiisdem tractatus duo utilissimi; prior de herniis, posterior ob- servations circa luem veneream continens. Also for years 1680- 83. Geneva, 16-0-85. 2 v. Sm. 4°. Zeitschrift fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. Leipzig. Biinde i-ii, 1875-77. Roy. 8. [Completed. United with Archiv fiir Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte. (Anat. Abthlg. des Archives fiir Anatomie und Physiologic)] ZTSCHR. F. D. ANTHROP. 95 ZTSCHR. F. MED. Ztschr. f. d. Anthrop, Leipz. Ztschr. f. Biol.. Miinchen. Ztschr. f. Chir. v. Chir., Osterode. Ztschr. d. deutsch. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb. Ztschr. f. Epidemiol . Darmst. Ztschr. f. Erfahrngshlk, Berl. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Frauenkr. Stuttg. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. Gynak., Stuttg. Ztschr. f. Geburtsh. u. prakt. Med., Halle. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Heilk., etc. Kassel. Ztschr. f. d. ges. Med., Hamb. Ztschr. d. k.-k. Gesellsch. d. Aerzte zu Wien. Ztschr. d. k. preuss. statist. Bur., Berl. Ztschr. f. klin. Med., Breslau. Ztschr. f. d. . . . krankh. Seelen- zust., Berl. Ztschr. d. k.-sachs. statist. Bur., Dresd. Ztschr. f. Med., Chir. u. Ge- burtsh., Leipz. Zeitschrift fiir die Anthropologic In Verbindung mit Beueko [and 24 others] herausgegeben von I'Yiedr. Nassc Leipzig. Biinde | i-ii, 1823-24. 8 . [Want 1825-26. A continuation of Zeit- | schrift fiir psychischo Aerzte, and continued in 1830 ,as Jahr- I biicher fiir Anthropologic] [ Zeitschrift fiir Biologic Von Proff. L. Buhl, M. v. Petteukofer, L. Rarilkofcr, C. Voit. Miiucheii. Biinde i-xiii. 1865-77. Roy. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Chirurgen von Chirurgcn. Ostcrodo und Goslar. Vols, i-iii, 1841-46 8 . [Completed.] Zeitschrift des deutschen Chirurgen-Vereins fiir Mediein, Chirur- gie und Geburtshiilfe Magdeburg. 6 v., 1819-54. 8 . [Con- tinued as Zeitschrift fiir Mediein, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe.] ZeitscVitt fiir Epidemiologic und oH'cntlii-ho Gesundheitspfiege. Organ dcs allgemeinen arztlichen Vereins fiir Thiiringen, sowie der ar/tliehen Vereine des Mittclrheins. Neue Folgo des Corre- spondenzblatts fiir mittelrheiiiische Aerzte. Darmstadt und Leip- zig. Jahrg. 1-3, 1868-71. 3 v. n°. [Completed.] Zeitschrift fur Ei fahrungsheilkunst. He ausgeg. ben von A. Bern- hardi und F. LofHer. Berlin. Biinde i-v, 1847-52. 8 . [Con- tinued as Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Therapie.] Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Fraueukraukheiten. Uuter Mit- wirkung der Gesellschaft fiir Gynaekologie in Berlin herausge- geben vo i Eduard Martin unci Heiurich Fasbender. Stuttgart. Hefte 1-2, Band i, 1875. 8. [Want Heft 3. Consolidated with Beitriige zur Geburtshiilfe und Gyniikologie, forming Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe uud Gyniikologie] Zeitschrift fiir die Geburtshiilfe in ihrer Beziehung anf die ge- richtliche Mediein, und fiir die gerichtliche Mediein Uberhaupt von Dr. L. Mende. Gottingen. [Sub-title of vols, iv-v of Beo- bachtuugen unci Bemerknngen aus der Geburtshiilfe, etc] Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe uud Gyniikologie. UuterMitwTirkung der Gesellschaft iiir Geburtshiilfe und Gyniikologie zu Berlin, herausgegeben vou Carl Schroder, Louis Maver und Heinrich Fasbeuder. Stuttgart. Biinde i-ii, 1877-78. 8°. [Current. A consolidation of Beitrage zur Geburtshiilfe und Gyniikologie, with Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe und Lrauenkrankheiteu.] Zeitschrift fiir Geburtshiilfe uud praktische Mediein. Eine Samm- lung eigener und fremder Beobachtungeu uud Erfahrungen von Wilbelm Hermann Niemeyer. Halle. Stiick 1, Band i, 1828. 8°. [Completed.] Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Heilkunde und die Medizinal-Angele- genheiten Kurhessens. Vereinsblatt kurhessischer Aerzte und Wundarzte. Kassel. Band i, 1842-44. 8°. [Want vol. ii, 1844-47.] Zeitschrift fiir die gesammte Mediein. Mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Hospitalpraxis und ausliindische Literatur. Herausgegeben vou J. F. Dieffenbach, J. C. G. Fricke und F. W. Oppenheim. Hamburg. Jahrg. 1-15, Biinde i-xlv, 1836-50. 8°. [Completed. Want No. 1, vol. xxxix (Sept., 1848); No. 1, vol. xl (Jan., 1849). A continuation of Hamburgisches Magazin der auslandischen Literatur der gesammten Heilkuude, etc.] Zeitschrift der kaiserlich-koniglichen Gesellschaft der Aerzte zu Wien. Jahrg. 1-16, 1844-60. 20 v. 4° and 8J. [Continued as Medizinische Jahrbiicher. Zeitschrift der k. k. Gesellschaft der Aerzte] Zeitschrift des konigl. preussischen statistiochen Bureaus. Berlin. Jahrg. 12, 1872. 1 v. 4°. Zeitschrift fiir klinische Medizin. ML dem Vereiu fiir physiologische Heilkunde iu Breslau herausgegeben von Fr. Guusburg. Breslau. Jahrg. 1-10, 1850-59. 10 v. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir die Beurtheilung und Heilung der krankhaften See- lenzustiinde. In Verbindung mit ... herausgegeben von Max Jacobi uud Fr. Nasse. Berlin. 1 v. 1838. 8U. Zeitschrift dcs kouiglich-sachsischen statistischeu Bureau's. Dres- den. Jahrg. 12-21; Heft 1,2, Jahrg. 22, 1866-76. 10 v. 4°. Zeitschrift fiir Mediein, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe. Magdeburg, 1855. Magdeburg uud Leipzig, 1856-58. Leipzig, 1859-68. 14 v. 1855-68. 8°. [Completed. A continuation of Zeitschrift des deutschen Chirurgen-Vereins, etc.] ZTSCHR. F. MIKR. 96 ZTSCHR. F. WUNDARZTE. Ztschr. f. Mikr., Berl. Ztschr. f. Nat.- u. Heilk. in Un- garn, Oedenburg. Ztschr. d. nordd. Chir.-Ver., Magdeb. Ztschr. f. d. Ophth., Heidelb. Ztschr. f. d. organ. Phys., Eise- nach. Ztschr. f. Parasitenk., Jena. Ztschr. f. Physiol., Heidelb. Ztschr. f. physiol. Chem., Strassb. Ztschr. f. prakt. Heilk. u. Med.- Wes., Hannov. Ztschr. d. prakt. Med., Chir. u. Geburtsh., Munchen. Ztschr. f. prakt. Vet.-Wissen- sch., Bern. Ztschr. f. psych. Aerzte, Leipz. Ztschr. f. rat. Med., Ziirich. Ztschr. f. d. Staatsarznk., Er- lang. Ztschr. d. Stammver. f. volks- verst. Gsndhtspflg., Chemnitz. Ztschr. f. Therap. u. Pharmakod., Freib. Ztschr. f. Vet.-Wissensch., Bern. Ztschr. f. wissensch. Therap., Berl. Ztschr. f. Wundarzte u. Ge- burtsh., Stuttg. Zeitschrift fiir Mikroskopie. Organ der Gesellschaft fiir Mikro- skopie zu Berlin. Monthly. Oct., 1877. 8\ [Current.] Zeitschrift fiir Natur- und Heilkunde in Ungarn. Mit gleicher Beriicksichtigung fiir Naturforscher, SauiliLtsbeanite, Aerzte, Wuudiirzte uud Phaiinaceiiteu. Oedeuburg. Jahrg. 5-12, 1855- 61. 8 v. Imp. 4°. [Want years 1-4, and Nos. 1-26, y. ar 5.] Zeitschrift des norddentscheu Chirurgen-Vereins fiir Mediein, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe, unter Mit-Redaction von . .. heraus- gegeben von A. W. Varges. Magdeburg. 2 v. 1847-48. 8 '. [Continued as Zeitschrift des deutschen Chirurgen-Vereins fiir Mediein, Chirurgie uud Geburtshiilfe] Zeitschrift fiir die Ophthalmologic, in Verbindung mit vielon Aerz- ten herausgegeben von Friedrich August v. Amnion. [Quarterly.] Dresden, 1831-33. Heidelberg uud Leipzig, 1835-37. Biinde i-v, 1831-37. 8J. [In 1838, continued as Monatsschrift fiir Mediein, Augenheilkunde uud Chirurgie] Zeitschrift fiir die organisch^ Physik. Eisenach. Biinde i-iii, 1827- 28. 8°. [Completed.] Zeitschrift fiir Parasitenkunde. Jena. Biinde i-iv, 1869-75. 8°. Zeitschrift fiir Physiologic In Verbindung mit mehreren Gclehr. ten herausgegeben von F. Tiedemann, G. R. Treviranns und L- Ch. Treviranus. Heidelberg. Biinde i-v, 1821-35. 4°. Zeitschrift fur physiologische Chemie, unter Mitwirkuug von ... herausgegeben von F. Hoppe-Seyler. Strassburg. Nos. 4, 5, Band i, 1877. 80. [Current. Want Nos. 1-3.] Zeitschrift fiir praktische Heilkunde und Mediciualwesen, mit be- sonderem Bezng auf Hannover und die angrenzenden Lander. Haunover. Biinde i-iv, 1864-67. 8°. [Want all subsequent.] Zeitschrift der praktischen Medcin, Chirurgie und Geburtshiilfe fur Landiirzte uud Chirurgen. Herausgegeben von Franz Andreas Ott. Miiuchen. Biinde i-iii, 1831-35. 8°. [Wantall subsequent. After vol. i, title, Medicinisch-chirurgische Zeitschrift fiir Land- arzte uud Chirurgen.] Zeitschrift fiir praktische Veterinair-Wissenschaften. Bern. Jahrg. 4, 1876. 1 v. 8°. [Waut years 1-3. Continued as Zeitschrift fur Veteriuair-Wissenscliaften.] Zeitschrift fiir psychische Aerzte, in Verbindung mit ... herausge- geben von Fr. Nasse. Leipzig. Jahrg. 1-5, of 1818-22. 5 v. 8°. [Continued to 1826 as Z-itschrift fiir die Anthropologic, and in 1830 as Jahrbiicher fiir Authropologie.] Zeitschrift fiir rationelle Medizin. Herausgegeben von J. Henle und C. v. Pfeufer. Zurich, 1842-43. Heidelberg, 1844-57. Leip- zig und Heidelberg, 1857-69. 52 v. 1842-69. 8°. [Completed. Want vols, vii, viii, neue Folge, 1856-57. Vols, i, iii, vi, ix, xiii, xvi, xix,xxii,xxv, xxvii, xxx, xxxii, xxxv, of 3 s., are reprints of Bericht iibtr die Fortschritte der Anatomie und Physiologie for 1856-68.] Zeitschrift fiir die Staatsarzneikuude. Herausgegeben von Adf. Henke Erlangen. Biinde i-lxxxviii, 1821-64. Also, 47 Ergiin- zuugshefte, 1823-58. In all 118 v. 8°. [Completed.] Zeitschrift des Stammvereins fur volksverstiindliche Gesundheits- pfiege. Chemnitz. Nop. 1,2, 1878. 8°. [Current.] Zeitschrift fiir Therapie und Phannakodynainik. Freiburg. Hefte 1-5, Band i, 1844-45. 8-. [Completed.] Zeitschrift fiir Veterinair-Wissenschaften. Bern. Jahrg. 5, 1877. 1 v. 8°. [Current. A continuation of Zeitschrift fiir praktische Veterinair-Wiesenschaften.] Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Therapie. Berlin. Biinde i, iii-v, 1853-62. 8°. [Want vol. ii, and all subsequent to above. Vols. iii-v published at Eilenburg. A continuation of Zeitschrift fiir Erfahruugsheilkunst.] Zeitschrift fiir Wuudiirzte und Geburtshelfer. Im Auftrage des Vereins wiirttembergischer Wuudiirzte uud Geburtshelfer heraus- gegeben von F. Hahn, C. Heller, C. Hubbauer und B. Rocker. Stuttgart. Biinde i-xxv, 1848-72. Band xxvii, ls74. &°. [Want vol. xxvi, 1873, aud all subsequent to above] o ml* *5"^^*i"- W' 9AM h*: